HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-14 - Orange Coast PilotSUNDAY H -BHllAAY 14 1<)8 2 Ford-YAW accord reac;Iied on jobs, costs I \ DEARBORN, Mich. tAP> - Ford Motor Co. and the United Auto Workers union reached tentative agreement Saturday on a contract intended to save the nation's No. 2 automaker hundreds o! millions of dollars while ensurtne jobs for thousands of Ford workers. Neither side could give an exact dollar estimate of the union's concessions or the number of jobl that would be saved by the tentative accord. It came aft.er 13 consecutive days of emergen cy ne1otlatlons, including a 18-hour aeasloo Friday and 11 hours work Saturday. The savinas to consumers because of reduced labor costs also were not known. Ford and UAW official& said the agreement offers company workers wide Job security tbroutb waae and benefit conceulona over 31 months a freeze on waae and cost.-of-u;In1 raises and eUmtnatlon of 10me bollday pay during the period. In return, tbey said, Ford a1reed to a ruaranteed income for bigb-senlority workers and restrictions on subcontract1n1 work to forelp and non-union COin panles. If lt la ratif1ed by the 170,000 UAW rank aod tile, the acreement would 10 Into effect immediately and expire Sept. 141 1'84. Ratitlcatton was expect.s to take about two weeks. ''\Ve bolieve the aereement reprelenta a major achievement in terms of providin& UAW members at Ford with creater Job security, .. the UAW said ln a statement. 1 ...., ......... _.. ...... extravagances for the holida~· at Le Chocolatier in Lagunn Beach. HEARTS GO OUT TO LOVED ONES -Lindsay Buwalda. 2. gets double assurance from Ki rsten and Wend~· Petersen. 13 . that she made a good c hoice among sweet I Familiar face turns up again I Big heroin bust lengthens police record of former Krishq.a leader By STEVE MARBLE Of "'9 OMIJ ,..._ SUff A $1 million heroin drug bust in tbe parking lot of the Laguna Hills Mall late last week landed a familiar Orange Coast figure in the·Newport Beach city jail. Roy Christopher Richard. the 32-year-old former president of the Hare Krishna Temple in Laguna Beach. was one of the four men arrested Thursday evening. Richard, who uses a HJndu n~e of Rashada Deva, spent SUNDAY SPECIAL time in the same jail in um when authorities first were attempting to unravel the bizarre slaying of Fountain Valley drug dealer Stephen Bo van. The former Krishna leader. at the lime, was arrested on a murder warrant but escaped prOlecution by testifying in the ON THE INSIDE COllPAaE SLOPES -Skien who are tired of waitin1 in lines at Mammoth may find June Mountain a delightful alternative. Run conditions and ac~ommodatlons are described oa Pa1eca. ~EW B USINESSES - Wanted: Customers who want to clean up or lock up. A laundry sftvlce that is 1tartln1 to •S>ln Jn Leauna Beach and a private vault operation lo Newport Center are explained on Pqe Dt. N8W BATl'LEGaOUND - Four score and seven fast foods outlets are some of the 30th ~entury lotrualoftl upon tbe ballowed croundl °' GeltYlbw'I. • Pa., t.bat are upeetUDC ~ • wbo come to re-live the CMl 'Nat era. Read about1 tbe cban,. on Pace A7. • murder trial. Richard subsequently was sentenced to 10 months ~ jail on di:u1 charges_, Newport Beach authorities came across Richard again last week when he asser tedly emerged as a central figure in a heroin ring. In addition to Richard, police arrested BiU Grant Foster, 26; William W. Shoaff, 29, and 26-year-old J effrey Cornia. Police believe all might be members of the Krishna sect, a c harge Kris hna spokesmen dispute. The $1 million drug bust. authorities explain, began in San Diego four months aeo and involved Newport police. the fede ral Drug Enforcement Administration and a state narcotics unit from San Diego. Thursday noon, police said they met the alleged drug peddlers at ,an undis closed Newport Beach restaurant where authorities bought a four ON LOCA'nON -Leonard Nlmoy ii havln• more adventures t.bui on "Star Trek." He tells of aoln1 to Janel and Peklnc to shoot TV mlnlaef\ea on PateD9. ................... ~ ... ~,.,.. .... ... ~ °' ..... ... o::· II ..... . .... ... ,, .......... .... Ilk I .. ,. ...,.. ~ .,.,.......... ~ Dt~==" ::::... .. , ........... ......... ------"'' o&tl.OtLmHnlCNll ~c:..n ' ....... ...., t'NL• gram "sample" of the China White heroin for $2,400. Police said they set up a rendezvous for that evening in the mall parking lot. At 5:30 p.m .. undercover agents assertediy purchased a quarter pound or Uie heroin from two of the men with the promise that the bulk or the pound would be delivered shortly. Police said they'd arranged to buy the Oriental heroin for $140,000 -a fraction of its street value. While the buy \\'as taking place, ofCicers said they spotted t he other two men -one assertedly Richard sitting in a car, watching the drug buy through binoculars. Within minutes, authorities said they'd rounded up all four men , finding the rema}!ling heroin in the trunk of one or lbe cars . All are being held in lieu of $250,000 ball. Arraignment is set f o r Thurs day al Harbor Municipal Court. Police said Richard and Comla claim to reside al Hare Krishna temples. )llchard, lbe former Hare Krishna Temple leader in La1una Beach, assertedly told ctetectlves he lives ln t he Krlsbna Temple in Los Angeles. Michael Grant, minister or pul>llc information for the Krishna reU1ious sect, said that's nonaeue. "He's an outcast -he wouldn't even be allowed in the tenaple," Grw aald Friday. "I believe that thla man should be behind ban for all the mischief be'• caused. "He's been a dlarrace to us." Police, thou1b, report that RJchard Jra1 spotted u recently as last week leavln& lbe Hare Krishna Temple ln Laauna Beach. lnveattcatora auert that Conta el1lln1 to Uve at the KriJhn• Ttmple in San\ Dteeo while Sboatt repone he llvet near the Sa Dleao Temple. Foster, police ••kt. lives at HEROIN LINK? -Roy C. Richard faces new drug charges m Newport Beach city jail 1377 Temple Hills Drive in Laguna. Police slid tber searched bis hou1, late Thursday. tuminl up drlap and Hare Krist\Oa literature. Police in Newport Beach f1nt developed an lnterest ln Rlcbard in 1977, after he'd servect as president of the Laauna t.eD)ple. At the time, police were 1nvesttaatlng tbe Bovaa mUl!der case, tryin• to tort out a 1.,.,. cast of characters. . Bovan, who police c®tesad had been a promtneat cocaine dealer in the Newport area. wu abut nine times ln late 1'7'1 outalde the E l Ranchito Restaurant bi Newport Beach. Police arrested 1 matntiitf Cl persons lncl\ldl~Aluuder Kullk, whO was ~~ tM day &bf the mu • 1 m a Stull. Blackhawk ln a laliof' Viejo •~inf center. Police dlscOvered more.than a pound of nearly.pure China White heroin in tbe back seat ot the ear. Durtn1 tbe 1ubaequ•nt (lee DalJG, P-.e AS) 1 UAW vice 9reaident Donald Ephlln said, "U we didn't think it was aood for the workers, we wouldn 't have reached a settlement.'· Union president Dou1laa Fraser said he could not estimate the savings to Ford, which said it lost more than St billion ln 1981. "You can't put a figure on it because yoll would have to put a lot of uaumntwtl on It, .. he said. r~ Ford'• chief ftfloU•tor, PeQ PeJtiUo, aald only that the Plit w aa worth "a SH•t deal." , Analysts wlto worked ~ft Ford's original proeo-at aald, ~ would save about $1 bllUon. ,,., talks were requested by Ford m an attempt to make it more <See AUl'O, Pase AZ) Splits emerge GOP debate? • Ill CORONADO, Calif. CAP> - Two Republican contenders for the U S. Senate s aid Saturday Congress must cut President Reagan's proposed $92 billlon deflcl\. while two other GOP candidates e ndo r sed tax proposals that could make the deficit even greater Rep. Pete McCloskey and San Diego Mayor Pele Wilson called for spending cuts to reduce the proposed record high dericit. But Reps. Barry Goldwater Jr. and Bob Dornan proposed even bigger tax cuts to stimulate the economy. The candidates clashed in two separate San Diego area panels. Those included a confusing session at the California Newspaper Publi s hers Association in which more than hall the seven announced candidates for the Senate nom ination were denied a chance to speak and one or the others briefly threatened a walkout because bls supporters were not allowed to heat the ~bate. On the deficit queation, McCio.key had the most specific proposal. He said be would cut S20 billion rrom social prosrama, including al least '4 billion from Social Security, slub $10 billion from the president's propoH(I defense budget and roll back $10 billion of the scheduled $50 billion in Reaean tax cuts in the coming year. "Social Security should not be a sacred cow," M~Closkey told the publishers. Wilson agreed cuts should n made in Social Securil particularly in what h described as "welfare" benefit! a s opposed to retiremeni benefits, which he said sbou14 not be changed. Wilson said h+ opposes any cuts in Reagan't proposed defense budget. I Goldwater, whom pol~ indicate is leadin& lb seven-candidate ftel.d, said tha rather than roll back Reapn' tax cuts to reduce tbe deficit, would speed them up and propoge more, even lhou&h that mi1ht temporarily increue the deficit. '· Acceleratln& tbe tax cuts would restore and encouraae (Bee GOP, Pate AZ> Game meet draws strategy-minded .. , By STEVE TalPOLI -°' .. ...., ........ To the tminlUated visitor, the scene seems like some sort of bizarre business confetence. People walked about the conference area a('the Anaheim Sheraton Hotel with purposeful looks and briefcases to match. . But the youthfulness of many of those involved, coupled with the fac t that some wore costumes r a nging from Co nfe derate generals to medieval wiiards to Scottish Highlanders, gave away the fact that this was something different. Not that the briefcases didn't signify business. It just happened that the business of th e day (Saturday and throughout this long weekend) is games . That 's what th e brlefcaes coatalMld. '11 Welcome to <>rceoe i.i. um year's Western Re1ionet- Strategy Game Convention • Exposition. 1• The 1,150 people who ha~ registered for the event 1t1 midday Saturday (or1ani&ers said they expect the limit Of 1,600 to be signed in by early today) are amon1 the staunchest devotees of the hobby of strategy games. ' The games range from the well-known family favorites Ot Monopoly. Scrabble an.~ backgammon to far more complex games of diplomacyt military st rate1y an~ role-playing such as Diplomac~ Kin1maker, Nuclear War anp <See STllATEGV, Pase A2> Hundreds call line ._ • after swindle raid· .I, Hundreds of Investors In-an El Toro firm that was shut down after a police raid Wednesday have phoned a special hot-line to t ell investigators of their involvement, police said. Lt. Dennis Rohn of the cc'>unty She riffs Department Saturday said that more than 400 calls were logged on Friday. the first day of the hot line's operation, and a continuous but uncounted stream or calls were received Saturday. Calls from as ra\-away as the East Coast beean reach1n1 the sheriffs department shortly after news or the raid on the Golden Eaele Investment Co. was released, officials said. At present lnveallgaton are simply recordinJl lbe names and telephone numben of callers along with the amount they claim to have invested ln the company. Rohn said. The information ii belDt Ulied to establish the exact sl•'Of t.M alleced swindle, be said. Autboritles sleaed a~out $825,000 ln c:Hh aloes with company records lft the rakl on the firm. which bad offered investors returns o• cash Investments of 10 to• percent a montb. Golden Eqle Pl"ftident Ralph McDonald u. of San Juan Capistrano, and Vice Pretidmt Davld BICCina, ''· of San Clemente1 were arreated on cbar1ea or aelllnc unre&iltered securities. ' • • Ball for the pair was s~ett milllon each, one or the bi bonds ever set in Orance on such charaes, accord1n1 to Sheriff Brad. Gates. ... Police also confiscated seveftll weapons round in the t.runk al McDonald's car, includin& an automatic rifle and a .f4 magnum handaun. 1• Rohn said several i.nvesio-1 who have called the bot·~ have questioned police actlona ljlp the matter. (' "They wanted to know lf ft bad enough evidence. They doatt believe that thl1 or1anluU. and the activity they wee• lnvol"Ved ln may have betti lllepl." be said. • Rohn said the bot liDe wUl conUnue to operate from a a .qi: to 5 p.m. dally "untll tbe c~ quit com1n1." . . . '· . ..,.._ J;:J Happy ·~ Valentine's Day NIEL MEETS GIRAFFE -This bit of byplay betweyn turned representatve or Lion Country Safari and a pooch used curbside onlookers Saturday as Laguna Beach's h annual Patriots Day Parade wound through downtown ................... 0........,,. streets. Dog and ··giraffe" eventually parted on relativel~· good terms. Everyone agreed it was a great da~· for a parade. • ime flie$ f o~ sweethearis \ . Mesa pair recalls pre-revolutionary Russia, first automobiles By CAROL MOORE Of IN !Hlly l'tlet Su" • George and Lacie Ball can remember o the t?xcitement of geUing married on a II Saturday as if it were yesterday But it was 70 years ago. "Al twilight we would walk across the n park and watch the moon make a path " across Lake Michigan , until a friendly policeman would say, 'You folks bad :> better go home,· ·' she says of their • courts hip m Chicago. "You wouldn't dare go out like that at ni~ht these days." Ball, 98, who likes lo recall his father admonishing, "Won't you EVER grow up?," grins slyly as he remembers telling his sister one Friday night that he was "going to look up Lacie." -' He traveled almost twice the 185 miles " between Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Columbus. 1 Ohio by train, livery rig and inter.urban ' cars , tracking his boardinghouse J.i sweetheart through relatives, friends and ' • her fellow seamstresses at a skirt and " shirtwaist factory. ''By the lime he found me it was late Saturday afternoon," she· continues. "We went to the court~ouse and stared through the window at a judge for so long that he rinally opened the place and issued our license. "Then we dashed to the home of a friend who had a minister waiting in the parlor." ''' They had known each other for about .• ,: two years and corresponded while he 111 traveled to Russia in 1911 to sell plow engines at country estates. "Those were , 11 no little rarms; I often wonder what ~i. happened lo those people after the • I Revolution or 1917 ... Jn. Among the souvenirs in the couple's Costa Mesa mobile home is a dish laminated with bands from cigars he fl'; smoked during the Russian hospitality. n The backside is covered with the navy blue 11 wool from her wedding suit. His overseas sales were so successful !1' that the Rumbley Machine Co. wanted him 'J' 10 to go to Tunis, Africa. When he declined saying he was about to be married, the ti boss said Lacie could go too. bn "I still didn't want to go there, but with that offer, I figured they would pay for our move together to Regina, Saskatchewan, a 'J capital of farming equiptnent back then. Tbey said I had four days to get there," f> Ball says. That's why they hurried to get married on that Saturday, an event that was feted l Fro Page A1 ......, ........ ~ ........ ·- LOVE STORY CONTINUES -Lacie and George Ball of Cost<1 Mesa rer ommend marital blis~ The~ 've tx>en wed 70 years at a 7ut.h anniversary party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Opp of Costa Mesa. As remarkable as their marriage is his recollection of car engines -"I've grown up with the automobile since they came with lwo·cylinders and a crank on the side " • Recalling a time when he drove Henry Ford from a Rumbley plant to Detroit, he adds, "He asked what I thought or the planetary transmission. I didn't know much. but I was smart enough to keep the conversation going for 35 miles." His career was in automotive sales and hers was teaching Christfan education. The Bible was open on her lap as she recounted raising three boys and having six grandchildren and six great·grandchildren. "It's a wonderful thing to be old, but it takes a lot of courage to live with it," says Mrs. Ball, 92. "We've never quarreled. Ob, once in a while we make a sarcastic snap, but some couples get in trouble when they make everything a fuss.·· And for those sweethearts getting married this weekend, he adds, "There's no secret, really. Just love the Lord and unde£Stand one another.'' ... Riley declares for third terln By f'KEDERICll SCHOEMEID.. Of .. Dell• ,. ........ Lett there ever was any quesUon about his plans, Orange County 5th Olatrlct Supervisor Thomas Riley told supporters Saturday he'll seek a third four.year terin on the county Board of Supervisors. Riley, 69, o( Newport Beach, told an estimated 250 persons attending a campalen kick.off breakfast at Alfredo's restaurant at the South Coast E>laza Hotel, Costa Mesa, that "it is no great secret that I wanted to seek this office for a third term." Riley became a county supervisor by appointfllent in 1974, followine the disappearance or then·Supervisor Ronald Caspers in a boating accident in waters of( Baja California. Riley was re·elecled to the position in 1978. In 1981, the supervisor was hospitalized twice for treatment From .Page A 1 of a chronJc asthmatic condition. Both hospital conrtnementa fueled speculation that Riley, a retired Martne Corps eeneral, might not seek re-electlon t.hia year. Nafl'¥!s of several possible candidates who were s aid to be waiting in the wings should Riley not run aeain included former Newport Beach Clty Councilman Don McGinnis and Irvine Mayor David Sills. Saturday's campaign kick·off was attended by civic and business leaders from lhe 10 communities m the Sth district Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point, San Clemente, Laguna Hills and Tustin Nomination petitions were distributed on which the Friends of Tom Ril e y campaien committee hopes to collect 1,531 signatures in lieu of paying a $382 nomination filing fee STRATEGY GAMES • • • Dungeooa and Dragons. Any alt em pt to briefly describe many or tbe games is an exercise in futility, for rule books often nan 40 to 50 pages or more of small print. But the fact that youths from early adolescence and up are among the most epthusiastic - and often the best -players should reassure those interested in becoming involved that it's not above their heads. Leaming simply takes time and intqest. Dungeons an~ Dragons appeared to be the moat popular game at the convention. lt. can be described as a game in which players take on numerous roles, bestowing upon themselves fantastic mythical powers, all in search of a treasure guarded by a drag o n . The potential adventures can be as different as the imagination itself. As the prototype of the still·emerging genre of role.playing games, D and D (as 1t is called by devotees) has drawn harsh criticism from some for its supposed fascination with sorcery, the devil and other dark arts. Historical strategy games also are big these days. Often using comp lex computer proera.aimina. tbey· simulate historical eondiUons in the period the game eovers. One, King Maker, involves a cutthroat battle between the medieval dukes of England and France as they sought control of the British throne during the War of the Roses. Convention Manage r Mark Snowdon, an official or the lOO·member, Fullerton-based Strategicon games c lub that sponsored the convention. says the games are a pastime that makes participants use their From Page A1 minds and can even give them a better perspective on history. The players agree. John Neal, a 28·year·old teacher in the San Diego school system. has been a devotee ol the World War II strategy game Squad Leader for half his lite. He said the game. and others like it that he also plays, help him to understand the thought processes or those involved in history because they are based on real past events. Daily Pilot efforts win state honors The Daily Pilot's editorial page was the winner or two awards this weekend at the California Newspaper Publishers Association's 8lst annuaJ convention in San Dieeo. Both awards came in competition against all or the state's major newspapers in a category for newspapers with circulation of more than 25,000. Awards were for work done in 1981. The Pilot won second place in the editorial cateeory for \ts editorial about a meeting between some memben of the Newport Beach City Council and representatives of the Irvine Company Just prior to the full council's approval or Irvine Company plans to e xpand Newport Center Editorial cartoonis t Tom J ohnson was named winner of a merit award. third m its class, for a cartoon poking fun at G<>v. Edmund G. Brown's handling of the medfly cr1s1s AUTO AGREEMENT • • • competitive with foreign automakers. Asked if he could say how many jobs the pact would save, Fraser said, "I can't ; there isn't any way. It depends on the economy and interest rates. It certainly enhances the worker position because it obviously strengthens Ford Motor Co." Ford has nearly SS,000 hourly workers on indefinite layoff and an additional 8,800 on temporary layoff, the result or slumping car sales and plant closings over the past three years. Ford chairman Philip Caldwell, who was in Hong Kong . released a statement calling the pact a "historic agreement.'' OP CANDIDATES RAP DEFICITS • • • wtb and expansion of the nomy," which Goldwater would do more to c!ontrol deficit than rescinding tax 'The debt itself is not ormally large," Goldwater ed, noting the total deficit als only about 2 1~ percent of rules. McCloskey objected that about 100 supporters had been denied entrance although there were 200 to 300 empty seats, and at one point be threatened to boycott the session. Convention officials replied that all candidates had been told the session was for publishers· only and that no other candidate had brought supporters. was at least partially overshadowed by a confusing squabble over who could and could not speak to the publisher's group. The publishers invited only candidates receiving 10 percent or more in a recent Field poll. That limited the presentations to Goldwater , Wilson and McCloskey. Newport Surf and Sport ' "It's A Whole Way of Life" f ~ !:J ,J-(\:'llr\ nation's gross national uct, "which ts not as high as ast years." man made the same point an earlier candidates panel G<>Jclwater did not attend. Doman was barred from king before the CNPA, an on whlch prompted him to emn the CNPA as "elitist makers." another flap over CNPA "AttO&C:041T 1HyPllat The CNPA confrontation and an earlier ont before the Ci~ Club of San Diego brought out unusually clear differences among the Republican candidates on issues raneing from U.S. involvement in El Salvador lo immigration policies. But the discussion of lssues pu~ee other candidates - Dom State Sen. John Schmitz and (o mer Lear Jet Corp. President Ted Brulnama -alao showed up at the convention, seekine a hearing too. They were aJI allowed to sit in the audience and ~ introduced. Seal Beach ' eatery robbed A lone' aunman esca~ with. an U ·yet undetermined amowit of cash in a robbery at a Jack In The Box restaurant ln Seal Beach early Saturday. Police said the man, described u a bl~k male, afe 25 to 30 about flve feet, nlne inches tad and about 170 pou11da, approach~ restaurant manafer Robert Waper u ~opened the Pact(tc Coaat Hlehway establlahment at about e:ao 1.m. Re displayed 1 chrome re¥0l¥tr. wltb a pearl handle and demanded cuh. 'F a ' - STORE #l 21GW'Martne Ave. lalbOa 1•nc1 ets-1121 ()pen Delly ' Teens give back cash By PATaJCK KENNSDV °' .. ...., .......... Nadeen Fau!Ml of Fountain Valley fl•urtd her mlasJn1 bankbook with *200 c11h waa probably aomewbere ln the houae. but ahe wu refreabin1ly 1urprlsed when two teen·a1ers telephoned and aald they'd found it on a raln·dampened 1lreet. Joanne Lapenna, 14, and Lynda Budman, 15, both sophomores at Fountain Valley High School, say they found the wallet in the middle or Talbert Avenue near MaenoUa Street on their way home. • "Al first I thoueht it was my sister's wallet," said Ms. Budman. "But then we saw it was a bankbook with $200 ln it. l knew that would buy a lot or ski trips but I never considered keeping the money. "I just put myself in that lady's shoes. I wouldn't want to lose that much money." Her friend Joanne agreed. "l couldn't have slept at night if we hadn't returned it," she said. "For ill we knew Nadeen Faubel could have been an older woman who really needed the money. Plenty of people need money more than I do.·· Ms . Faubel, a real esate agent, said the bankboo1c had been missing for five · days and she wasn't sure how it landed in the street. She said her bank is nearby. "l misplace things often so l wasn't worried about finding it. but I never drea~ it was in the street." She gave the girls balloon bouquets on Friday and mailed each a $10 check. The girls say they snow ski together. a r e volunteers at Fountain Valley Community Hospital and are on the school swim team. ~Niii ......... ~ ..... ''They remind me or the television 'Hardy Boys· except they're girls," Ms. Faubel said. "They found the money. looked up my number in the phone book and asked me lo identify the bankbook and its contents to be sure I was the rightful owner. "They solved the mystery, were honest and everything had a happy ending." VALENTINE THANkS -Nadeen Faubel sent balloon bouquets and $10 checks to two teen-agers who returned he r bank book and S200 but declined to be photographed. UCI readies for alums' visit. A s h o r t th e ater performance, art exhibit, l~cture series and basketball game wUl highll&ht a special day of events at UC Irvine for Its graduates. Alumni Day '82 will beein at 3 p.m . Saturday, Feb. 20. The program in cl udes "Gershwin Tonight ," a performance by the UCI Music Theat er Worksbop and a wine-and-cheese reception for an exhibition titled ·'Tradition ln Transition," works by Jewish woman artists. Three lectures will be offered. Biochemistry Professor Gale Granier wiU speak oo "Host Resistance to Cancer," Kendall Bailes, dean of the s chool of humanities. will di sc us s st reneth s and weaknesses of the Soviet Ullioc\ in •·Are the Ruasians 10 Feet Tall?" and chemistry lecturer' Ma r e Taagepera will probe "What Has Happened to Our 'Little Leap' Jn lbe Scten~?" Dfnn•r wltb Cbance1tor Daalel Aldrich Jr. in Mesa Court Commons wUl pt'eeede a '1:IO p.m . intercolle1late butetbell same between UCI and Utah State Univel"llly in Crawl~ Hall. Ticket• for the day art f U .50 includln1 UM 1ame or '10 without lt. More laformatJon may be obtained b1 catllnt tM UCI Alumni Offtce tt m.an. Cloudy skies Coastal 1...19~1 .. rlable wind• morn1n9 tiecomlnv -ID ....,._ • t• ta knot' •rt•r,.oon •nd evenlr'tf Westerly _,, 1 to 2 ~ ,,,.,,.nll>O lncrtrHinQ to 2 to J -atte,_ consld•r•bl• ctovdlneu lhro11911 -·, U.S. summary A rain Uorm moved onto tll• Pacific Hort-I coast S<ttuntev ...., werm, -erly •lndt crosMcl Ille Rocklft • ..,I .. • •larm off ~ Hat1erH ~ ...., ID ... " • fool .. .,_from Vlrvfnla to....., ,.,_y_ The storm llU!Nd northward oH -Allantk GOMt, dr~nv -111 toutllern Nlarylancl and the Eastem Sllore and promptlnt snow emereencv plant In at lust 10 count le, There -.._ 1n -G<..t Ukft revlon -..-1 o1 Mew Eft91•nd es -II Soutllern --_._ ln4o -.eos wltll west~ty winds QUS1"'9 '41 nH•tv 70 rnpfl In Ll•fllelton. ,,,. norttuutern part of Ille stete remained cotd, wltll • rnlddey tem1M•etv.... ol I....,_'" ot-.iow. "°' fONy, Illa Nallonel W.tllaf Service foreutls rain «'991 tfle nortllwHt -1'9111,,_111 tf9 Gtffll Ukff '""°" and -~ Slllft owr the llO<lllWm "-"of !fie c-try. Tetn-•ll .. s arouftd llw Miion M mlcloUy s.turday ,....., from 15 111 Miami. Fl.I.. to 4 "'w ......... MIM. California So11tllern Calttornle can ••PKI contlde•llllle ClolldlMH IOdeY. wllll Sl'911tly COOi« t-alUf'W Extended forecast Fair with varleble NQll c-lnHt. HIQllS In IN ca.All ...... In low 6Cls le low 70l -1owt ,,_tty !ft Ille «>o _, .... """"Ill 40s to -'°'- lows In ttw 2llJ to low*- Temperature' Al~ Ancflo<aet ..... viii• Allenta Atlante Cty lkltl-. .,,,.,......, llNT\ara 1o1 .. eoston Buffalo Cllertstn SC ~rlslnWV 0w...- Olk99C1 CIM'-1 Cl ...... .,., CohHTIM O. ... l'tWlll O.nwr °""'°"'" o.t'94t DuMfl el PHO l'a l,...,..s Hartford Hel•M Monolulu HOV\ .... ·-~'­JeOSllVlle ICens City UsVteet Liiiie !tock Lovlswllle Mempllb "''•"'' Ml ... .,.. Mpls-St. p ... •-Mlt WATIOMAI... S1 10 " 01 • )I jt • » 29 J7 f7 0 ,, IJ 00 )7 12 JO H 14 17 M 61 n u ,. 29 u °' JO • t6 " u 17 .. ,. .. JO " 11 ff 04 u 00 " . Gt ~7 a.a n .u 1S ,. n S4 d n 11 61 '° ,. ts $1 JS u 21 ,.. n d 24 • 70 u 10 u 14 41 17 iwwon_.. New Yon Okla CllY OfNN ""11 ..... "-"I• PlllAlu'lfl P1t-.Me Pu-.er. ltepld City "-Richmond $11tl.aM SHOle M ........ t SI. P·T""'" SISteNWle s.ollaM Wall\ lf1910n Wlehlta CAl...l..otlltlA ""4eV .. lev 8allartfleld S..llf'IOll4 .. , .... , BIW>ci Blythe c.1 .. 1 ... Culver City Eu,.._a l'rMftO UMfll« jO ff LonthKh M 29 LOI Al'Gltl• 4t " Merynllte )I II MoNovla )I 29 Mont.bl Ito '6 '1 Mt.Wit_, t7 17 Neecllft u ti ... ...,, ..... SJ 0 OllklMd 41 " Ontario 60 n PalmSl»r'I,... 42 JI PasMeN 41 I'-ltlwnl• st .s .... ltllfl J7 ~ ...... City 70 ... ,..,...,. lO od .. llMI •• ,. .... .._,.!ID Jt » Sell Galrlel M OS Sell Dt• sen l'ranclK• M JI 5-llla AN .. 4S S9ftt•BerMr• ., 11 Sant• -I• S4 12 Santa Monk9 SS 2J Mee"°" 1t .. ,..,..v.11ev •J SI 'nlef'Mal .. a,.,,~ U eY- ff 40 " ii Or ante Celln4y Ull •lllMC I ~IOM U to '1 today, wltll lows In IM.,.._ ... ft . .-------------------• --In ta NI ¥1111eya wMI -~ I" IN mid..., lowl «wM JO Sllflll cNM;e"' ... II In _ ... II .. H'9flt today and Mllndey • M 16, I-• •l'OWICI•. .. .,._.,, dtW1 1t1t1M M to U , i.wt ~ • SDuetwo'll -'1 """' .... 7f,lewslfl .. ~- ... r'll••n encl Calltral Cellfwftl• CMI eal*'t ~ ...,.., "'"""' ........ SMw"' ,,,. _ .. ,,.. ...... 7.-0 f.t I" tfll _. ·-, •• , In to11ther11 Slerre, itro111' -tM•IY ............ not'lll ~-­.... ..., .... ~ ......... ~ J - UlfllPl9J. What do you like aboul the Dally Pilot? What don'l you like! Call t.he number below and yout mt111•e wlll bt recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The 1ame 24-hour an1wmo1 ..nlte may be uaed to Ncord ltl· ter1 to the editor on any t.opk. lhllboa tontrtbut.on inuat include their name and telephone number for veri~atkii. No drtulatloe calla, please. • Tell ua what'• on your mllMI. ~ .. • u M S4 St 72 0 n S2 S1 .. • C2 u a " ... .. 4 ,. 47 .. .. .. a " .. '2 M M .. J1 f1 61 fl n • 61 SI 51 12 .. t f1 " 4 •s $1 SS ., 47 2t n ... .. 41 75 ,. . ,, e1 n n tia w .. . " ... 1t lld .. ,, II 71 • 7t .. " 11 ,. .. ,, 1S 0 S1 ,. ..... .. 7't .. 1t 11 " Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 Nautical museum duei . Dam Point may become Mystic, Conn. of West Coast 8.Y .fOllN NEEDHAM ................. By tbla time next year, Dana Point wlll be 1portin1 a nautical muaeum wtth a collection equal to or hrpa11ln1 anythln1 offered on the Eastern Seaboard, Tbat'1 accordil\I to buslnea•mAA Steve Cbrtstrn..,, wbo announced Friday that the picturesque Dana L11hthouae on Del Prado'• ~lneu strip will be converted to a nautical her1ta1e repository. The tt1hthouse , built by Cbriatman two yeara ago at a cost of $500,000, currently houaa the San Clemente residenl'1 four enterprlaes -an advertialn1 agency. a miniature nautical shop, a mangement firm and an art studio. He intends to retain ownership of the 4,000 1quare·foot, four-level structure and lease it to a non-profit agepcy which will run the muaeum. "I will be retiring and moving m~ business out,·· said Christman, who wears a sea captain's mustache and goatee. "The building will be leased at a very low Pate, and all aspects of the museum's operation will be non-profit." Ctrristman, 42, said planned programs and displays would be linked to programs at the Orange County Marlne Institute, located in Dana Point Harbor about 600 yards down the bluff from the lighthouse. Mystic is a mecca for New England colonial maritime history enthusiasts. "We intend lo tum Dana Point into the Mystic. Conn. of the West Coast," he said. Mystic is a mecca for New England colonial maritime history enthusiasts. "However, our emphasis will be primarily on the history of west coast shipping, dating or course from the Spanish colonial period." Christman. a aelf·described "liehtbouse keeper," 11aid the purpose of openlne a bautical museym ls to offer a complete packl1e for the ocean-living public. "What we want in Dana Point ls IOlllet.bing for everyone who lovea the sea." Christman said . ''That incl udes the 95·year·old armchair explorer and the 18,year·old scuba diver." Both undertakin1s are compatible. The institute offers From Page Al ~"-'setl"-­ SEAFARING SHOWPLACE -Steve Christman intends to f lease his lighthouse to a non-profit agenC'~ which w111 1 operate it as a nautical heritage museum the future of the marine dories and eventually workinJ environment through science, up to large ocean-going sailin while the museum will provide vessels. the history and development of Christman said items to stoc seafaring." the museum would come fro Chriatman, an avid sailor. ls a his private collection, which h director of the Dana Point called one of the most extensiv Marine Institute Fooodation. the on the West Cout, augmen fundraislng arm of lhe year-old by donations. loans from priva faclUly. collections and purchases He said joint pro1ram1 are expeeted to be offered by the Cbrlstman said the museum is museum and institute, ln currently seeking founders , addltton to the expansion of meaning a $5,000 contribution. A e~1 aailin& proerams at the leas expensive cateaory has harbor. been cTeated , an Ancien Among the orferio1s Mariner , at $99 . Al envisioned is a sbip-buildlne c o n t r I b u t i o n s a r e project. beginning with ~mall tax-deduct.able. DRUG SUSPECT RECAPTURED • • • investigation, pol.ice looked into a firm called Prasadam ·Distributors, Inc.. which Kulik and rour others had formed. One of the others, police said, was Richard. According to later testimony. it was a struggle over money a nd drugs and Prasadam's assets that led to Bovan's death. As it was told in court. the case involved the kidnapping of Kulik. his release for $100,000 in ransom and the hiring of a hit man to confront Bovan. In court, a man named Jerry Pete r Flori testified he confronted Bovan over some "bad" cocaine and later pumped nine bullets into Bovan·s chest. He said he killed Bovan In self -defense. Fiori, given a nine.year prison term. also was connected with Prasadam. Within weeks of the shooting. police were looking for Richard. They has a murder conspiracy warrant with his name of it. During their search for Richard, officer s rushed a Laguna Beach house where they thought the forme r Krishna leader was and accidentally shot a reserve sheriff's offi cer. It was the wrong house. they later learned Nearly a month after the Bovan s l aying , Ri cha rd s urrendered himself to the Newport police. While in jail , Richard requested and received a special vegetarian diet, which officers now report consisted of peanut butter sandwiches, milk and carrots. Richard remained in the Newport jail for a week before be was released, agreeing become a witness in the murde trial for the prosecution in exchange for immunity. During the murder trial, Ri chard testified that he was; one of several Prasadam figuresj who hired the man who shot' Bovan. But things didn't stop there. The murder led to a full-blown in vestigation of Prasadam, which s ubs equent courq testimony revealed was little; more than a front to launder: money made through the sale of~ narcotics. 1 R 1 c h a rd was ind i ct e d .: convicted on drug charges and~ sentenced to 10 months in jail. f And Friday, Richard was back{ in the Newport city jail, one~ again on a special vegetari diet and waiting to go to court. $ 2 ~ ~--------------------------------------...... ;--.:;'~ 11 ~~~k© r~rrm~ OF OHIO IJ"l IN 11 loath ~~ (oast· GREAT CHEESE SALE· ?tua . BUTTERNIP® ~ Butternip® is creamy. It's soft: """ .. .. With a bit of nip. Use for Qmelets and casseroles. Give sandwiches a little nip with Butternip®. , Save $1.00 Per Pound Whtie Suppllea Lall Now Thru Feb. II SI Ill Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 1•. 1982 ' •1.1&nAJ>ua ., .. .., ...... in state, bench rings · h 4Pbt a bandflfl of candJdatea ... deddecl to teat the Oran1e Cllaat polltlcal water• by cl *9l1n1ln1 ljoumbent state ._.latort or \Idles for their aeata, "coor4 n1 to e)ecUon Pllltra CU•d wtth the Oran1e CUllnty Rea••trar of Voters Offb:t. 1 1 ~U potential candidate.a for slate lelialatlve or judicial posts I were required to Ille ' dtclaratlons or Intent to seek office bys p.m. last Wednetday. If an incumbent failed to rue for re-election .. which occurred In only one race, the deadllnt ta beln1 extended for five daya, untll S p.m. Monday. Thia will be the case for Oran1e County Superior Court Office 9, In which Incumbent William Lee haa decided not to seek re-election. Election officials pointed out that a candidate 11 not bound to actually seek office arter takln1 out parers declarln1 an Intent on to run . Such candidates, they said, could simply choose not to run . Oandldates who do choose to run in county and state races, however, mwst file declaratkms or thelr cao~ldacy and nomination papers with the re1lstrar of voters. The filinl period opens Feb. lS and closes at 5 p.m. March 12. A1aln, if an Incumbent falla to file, tbt deadline wUl be extended by five days. Oran1e Coast le1(1lat1ve and judicial ca.ndldate1 who have filed papers lndJcatJri1 that they may run for office are: -STATE ASSEMBLY District 58, which Include• Seid Beach, Huntington Beach, and part of Loni Beach. Incumbent Dennis Brown. ATTERING TO THE WIND -Like most 2-year-olds. Paul ngle of Placentia can't understand why birds s hy away Deity ............. •Idle~ K-.r from the food in his hand. Instead they peck the morsels from the sand at the 22nd Street beach in Newport Beach 'l'&E MALE MAN, INC. 111111111 •n's •isc111t st1r1 THE JACKET sso.oov-. I 0 Delicious Colors .. ~c..e.r 300 ........ ltYcl CotlaW.- 5401111 __ ... Presidential Birthda y Event. .. Our , Exclusive Trench Coat Originally s7 39, Now s7 7 9_ • Classic coverage for rainy weather designed with a 7ip-out liner and all the detailing you'd expect. • In traditional tan; cotton and polyester shell ... • For sizes 6 to 14 • Also find our exclusive silk blend and woo/ crepe skirtsu~s. an exceptional value at '159 and 1169. •And silk blend jackets for Spring, ours alone ... an excellent value at 189 each. • All in Sport Coaf and Suit Collections -where we are all the things you are . ... .~ ' • - R ·Lon1 Beach , s t ands unoppoHd. Dlalrlct 69, which includes Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and Irvine. Inc um bent Nolan Frluelle, R·Costa Mesa, David Sills, Repubhcan, of Irvine, Robert Hanson, Democrat, of Costa Mesa. District 70, which includes Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, La1una Beach and San Juan Capistrano. Incumbent Mar.ten Bergeson, R Newport Beach : Linda Westfall , Democrat. of Mission Viejo -ORANGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT OFFICE 1, Incumbent Robert Banyard, of Tustin . stands unopposed. OFFICE 2, Incumbent Myron Browp. of San Clemente, stands unopposed. OFFICE 3. Incumbent Luis Cardenas, of Huntington Beach, stands unopposed. OFFICE 4, Incumbent PhilLip Cox, of Los Alamitos, stands unopposed. OFFICE 5, lncU"lllbent Thomas Crosby Jr , of Santa Ana, stands unopposed OFFICE 6, In cumbent Leonard Goldstein, of Newport Beach: William Hopkins Jr .. of Anaheim. OFFICE 7, Incumbent Robert Green, of San Clemente, stands unopposed. OFFICE 8, Incumbent James Jackman, of Orange. stands unopposed. OFFICE 9, Incumbent William Lee is not seeking re-election. William Farris, of Orange; Robert Knox , of Huntington Beach, and Joseph BariUa, of Huntington Beach OFFICE 10, Incumbent Jack Mandel. of Fullerton. stands unopposed. OFFICE II , Incumbent William Murray. of Orange. stands unopposed OFFICE 12, Incumbent Jerrold Oliver, of La Habra, stands unopposed. OFFICE 13 , Incumbent Ronald Owen. of Orange. stands unopposed. OFFICE 14, Incumbent James Perez, of Fullerton. stands unopposed OFFICE 15, Incumbent Phillip Petty, of Newport Beach . stands unopposed OFFICE 16, Incumbent Philip Schwab. or Santa Ana. stands unopposed. OFFJCE 17 , Incumbent Harmon Scoville, ol Yorba Linda, stands unopposed. OFFICE 18, Incumbent Shella Sonenshlne. of Laguna Beach, stands unopposed -CENTRAL O RA NGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL COU1tT, which serves Santa Ana, Oranie and Tustin. OFFICE 1 , Incumbent Richard Parson Jr .. of Orapfe, stands unopposed OFFICE 2. Incumbent John Smith Jr. of Irvine stands unopposed -SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT, which serves San Clemente and Laguna Beach OFFICE l , Incumbent David Carter, of Laguna Beach, stands unopposed -NO RTH ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT, which serves Anah e im , Fullerton. Buena Park and La Habra OFFICE I , Incumbent James Alfano, of Yorba Linda. stands unopposed OFFICE 2, Incumbent Linda McLaughlin. of Santa Ana, stands unopposed OFFICE 3, Incumbent John McOwen, of Balboa Island . stands unopposed OFFICE 4. Incumbent Jean Rhe1 nheimer, of Santa Ana , stands unopposed. -WF.ST ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT, which ser ves Westminster. Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley. Seal Beach and Garden Grove OFFLCE I, Incumbent Ragnar Engebretsen. of M iss1on Vie Jo, stands unopposed OFFICE 2, Incumbent Joa nne Harrold, of Newport Beach: Dan Uutcher. of Santa Ana: Ronald Nix, or Santa Ana. OFFICE 3, Incumbent Al an Mc Kone . of Fountain Valley, stands unopposed OFFI CE 4 . In cu mben t Kenneth S m 1th , of Newport Beach. stands unopposed. OFFICES. Incumbent Marvut Weeks. of Laguna Niguel. stands unopposed ~ -HABBOR M UNICIPAi# COURT, which ser ves Costa Mesa . Newport Beach and Irvine. OFFICE I , In cumbent Robert Poh:. of lrvme. Paul Robbins; of Irvine l ' Orange Cout OAtl Y Pf LOT/Sunday, February 14, 1882 American Independents drop iop . of '72 ticket J (ll By CBAaLll H. LOOI " .. ...., ........ WW UU1 Sohmlt1 thinl never endT Taldnt a footnote from tbt John 8cbmlta handbook on how to 11t your name ln the public prlnt1, the Oran11 County v1r1ton of the American Independent Party baa vowed to dlaa vow ltaell of the atate unator, who once was the party's presldenUal candidate. <Trtvta fans wlll recall that Schmitz aot a million or so votes ln 1972 when he ran for president on the American party ticket.> In registering disapproval of recent Schmitz headline grabbers about Jewish folks, American Independent Party leaders pled&ed they "will no lonaer allow his name to be UJed in AIP literature passed out ln Orange County." And Fred Barber, AIP vtce c..halrman al both the state and county levels, promised that, if Schmitz pers ists, "we'll run· somebody against him, whereve r he runs in the state." Asked why no mention was made of Schmitz references to lesbians, Barber replied: "Anybody can attack them It's a moral thing." He explained that it's all right to speak out on moral is5'1es, but it's wrong to attack a religious group All of this, of course, served as a roundabout way for the Al P to get the names of its candidates before the news media. • • • INCLUDE IN THE hue and cry against a proposed general aviation airport near San Juan Creek the loud voice of rancher, restaurateur and Democratic Party chieftain Richard O'Neill As proposed, the airport would be on a prime portion of O'Neill's Rancho Mission Viejo (not to be confus ed with the Mission Viejo Co. ·s Mission Viejo) · O'NtUl h11 let lt bt known on th• ttfth noor of the county Hall ot Admlnlatratlon ht t1n't at 111 pleued about lht ld11. Say, waan't Olck O'NelU'a ranch tht 1ltt of a recent campal1n fund-raiaer for 5th Dlatrtct Su1>1rvilor Tom Riley? You bet lt w11, bucko. • • • LOOK FOR Wilson Riles , the slate supe rintendent of public Instruc tion, lo announce next month that he'll stand for re-election During a recent trip to Orange County to make a speech , Riles said he has considered running for the U S. Senate or for governor, but has decided to stay in education He added that he Is leaning toward a re-election bid. • • • STAMP OF APPROVAL? Carl Karcher and J . Robert Fluor were co-chairmen of last Wednesday's fund-raiser for Anaheim Mayor John Seymour, a Republican candidate for the state Senate seat left vacant when John Briggs resigned late last year. A special election to replace Briggs in the 35th state Senate District is scheduled April 13 • • • TWO-TIME SADDLEBACK Board of Realtors president Don Newman has been named chairman of the Realtors for Chuck Kenney, a Re publican who wants to re present the new 43rd District in Congress. Kenney is a realtor, too • • • THE WORLD AFFAIRS Council of Orange County is learning about guns and crime Keith M. Gaffaney, president of the Na tional Rifle Associatio(I. will address the group at a dinner Wednesday at the Saddleback Inn In Santa Ana. "C ANDIDA !'S F0 .. U¥" J o hn Ga ram endi brings his gubernatorial campaign to UC Irvine. At an earlier gathering, the World Affairs Council heard from James Jardine, national chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales. The Englishman discussed the effects of stringent gun control in bis country. The NRA's Gaffaney will tell the world affairs folks how his organization plans to com bet tbe recent Morton Grove, Ill , decision to ban the sale and possessic1n or handguns in that community. Reserva tions for Wednesday 's World Affairs Council dinner can ~ made by contacting Mrs. Loa Farley, •·2514. >11110 cuaasNTLY c aUIADINO aiainlt h10 utUlty ratee, CaWornia Senate Majority 1Aadn1t John 01ramendi, D·Walnut Grove, wUJ &eU ') thod 1athered at 1 p.m. Tuelday ln Room• 1 Social Science Tower at UC Irvine, why bt it··f campallJlinl for the 1overnor-hlp. 11a1 For the queation-and·anawer period aft•Q the free "Candidate's Forum" lecture, youJb'J want to know that he serves on tht Finanot}O "\. Education, Elections and Reapportlonmellt com mitteea. lnJ • • • • FO R T H E RECOaD, AmerlcR - lndependent Party candidates aeeldn1 office this election year are: For U.S. Seoate, Tina Dietrich of San Francisco; for rovemor, Jim Griffin of Norwalk; for lieutenant 1ovem or, Houston Meyers of Alhambra; 'for secretary ot state, Al Smith of San Diego; for controller, Pat Graham of San J ose, and, for treasurer, Robe rt Charlton or Bakersfield. S huttle r e adied CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. <AP) -At'ter putting the space shuttle Columbia throup three successful mock flights, technicians sii'iit Saturday "catching up" on preparations to" roll the spaceship out to the launch pad for lta third mission next month "Saturday 1s a catch-up day. They need to finish up the last few things they need to do : before rollout . whatever they couldn't finllh • earlier in the week, .. said Kennedy Space ~ Center spokesman Rocky Raab I Workers had to finish attaching an actuator, a , 54-inch part that moves the rocket nozzle for 1 . steering, he said. Robinsons YOU'LL SAVE 500/o-60°/o AND MORE DURING OUR MARTEX.FIRST-QUALITY SOLID-COLOR COMFORTER, DUST ·RUFFLE AND SHAM SALE. ONLY AT ROBINSON'S! We've stocked up a spectacular selection So you can take advantage of our low sale price to coordinate your bedroom the way you always wanted to Our comforters are quilled with cotton/polyester percale and backed with 'nylon/Velluxll'> polyurethane for luxurious softness Then generously filled with polyester for warmth. Rich sohd colors make them easy to coordinate 1n birch coral. taupe. oxford. cordovan or slate And don't forget the matching dust ruffle and shams of cotton/polyester You won· t find them anywhere but here-however. quant1t1es are 1tm1ted to stock on hand. so hurry m•10ur selection is large. but at these prices. we expect th,yil go fast~'Rdblnson's Bedding. 54. To o rder. call toll-free 1~141 ll01 ~~"~-~----- Twin Comforter Full/Queen Comforter. King Comforter Twin/Full Dust Ruffle Queen/King Dust Ruffle Standard Sham Ong $90 $1 35 $180 $60- $90 $45 Sale $31.99 $59.99 .,. ... ...... $39.99 $13.99 • 1 I J ., I I I I ~ ·~· Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 1•. 1982 Happy .Valentine or whatever GRESHAM, Ore. CAP> -Three Gr .. bam bualneumen have dealped a ltnerlc 1re•tln1 card to help wtll·wtahera at 1 loaa for words. The all-purpose, all·occulon card rtaemblea other 1enerlc ltema that eachew fancy packaalnl in favor of apane black and white presentation. ''It •tarted as 1 tonaue·ln-cheek spoof on 1eneric products,•• said Larry Walke1', one of the co-founders. "We wanted t.o target people with a aenae of humor." The card features a checklist ol 13 endearments ran1in1 from "yours truly" t.o "in your ear." Another checklist includes some 40 occHlons. There are the traditional holidays like Christmas and ThanksJiving. And then there are some events not usually featured on greeting cards, such as Child·Is-Potly-Tralned Day , In-Law Moving Out , or Vasectomy. Walker said they purposely did not include more somber events because or the humorous nature of the cards. The idea. for the cards came up during a coffee break one day at the Gresham Outlook newspaper, where Walker, Bill DeLorme and Scott Barnes an work. They began sketching out ideas and Chimp champ cares MESA. Ariz. <AP) One played a drum in a circus Another was with Holiday on Ice And yet another was the star o( a nightclub act. Now they, and others like them . have retired to a patch of leased land on the Salt River Indian Reservation north of Mesa. Africa is where their real roots are But if thty could speak, they all might say they are qUite content to live in the desert with Paul and Jo Fritz. Without the Fritzes. th is g rou p o f 4 0 s quealing, barking. grunting chimpanzees would probably be dead With hi s s tern countenance and dark , "I don't care If you do llve together. You can't list him a1 a dependent." deep set eyes. Paul Fritz doesn't look like a softie. But Pedro, Simba, Rodney and the others know that behind the thick German accent and s1lver-Oeeked beard is one of the best things ever to happen lo a group of Pan troglodytes devl1ed the 1lo1an: "When you're cheap enou1h to 11end not much or anythlng ... " The finJt couple of sales t.o at.ores were made directly by the founders. GenertCards now h11 a dlJtrlbutlon Cards are read, violets are blue KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP> - Hard times will have little effect on soft hearts this year. predicts the greeting-card Industry Officials anticipated a 5 percent increase in the sale of 1982 Valentine's Day cards given t.o loved ones today. The annual holiday for r omantics is the No . 2 card-sending occasion in this country. Approximately 800 million Valentines are exchanged by Americans each yea r , three-quarters of them purchased by juveniles. according to Hallmark. Our Reg 3.96 Absorbenl New rreedom • Anyday· liners. 30 padc, M1e ... ·s1z .. ~r596 s4 "Th ey are ver y intelligent animals, the closest thing to humans," Fritz s aid "To see their Ii ves MieHa' T-Shirta PolyHter Pull-on P•nte Double kn11 1n classic styles w •lh w a •s l accents Miss es· snuffed out . . . " So, a little more than 10 years ago, when he was an animal trainer al the Phoenix Zoo, Fritz felt he had no choice but to adopt three chimps who had outgrown an acquaintance's circus act. At first he kept them in hi s apar t m e nt building. That didn't work , so the chimp-saving operation bas moved t.o a Tempe chicken farm, where he and his wife looked after sotne 20,000 cluckers in exchange for room to house a growing contingent of chimpanzees. As Mrs . Fritz explained, the chimp sanctuary was something many had been seekina. Across America, people wanted t.o unload cl\imps that badn 't turned out to be such great pets or had 1rown too atroni or unruly for their abow-bb careens. The Fritzes provided a U!• raft in the Arizona d•••rl for research 'lalmala whon only OdMtr altemaUve waa to .. deatroyed. The Primate toundatlon of Arltona WH Incorporated ln ' lt70. Move into summer with a 1 colorful selection of spun poty- tc::>tton tee's and a pocket full of savings• 89.99 Each Our Reg.I.II Full Figure PolyHter Pante, 8lze1 32-40, ...... $5 Men'• Or Women'• W 10-apeed BlkH Front. rear hand caliper bra~. rattrap pedal~. net work and 111 belna marketed In at least 10 states. The partners said Lhey had sold 35,000 greeting cards and 25,000 generic postcards W a Iker said tht!tr sales 11oaJ next year was for T00,000 greetina cards and 260,000 postcards. He said they faced competition from at least one other 1eneric greetine-card company. The company has been operatina out of OeLorme's garage while the three partners continue tbeir regular jobs. Barnes will soon start work full time for GeneriCards. THREE PART HARMONY Allies asked to bolster defense Construction ~ M UNICll, West Germany \AP> Defense Secretar y C aspar W Weinberger on Saturday asked NATO allies to bolster Western defenses and differed sharply with West German pleas for detente with the Soviet bloc lmagirw Your li11111l' or olllc c h<'dutl(ull> {umpo.,cd "'Ith MC hi h:c lure inh:rklr dc'>rt1n .rnd con 'tru<.t lon µ1,»lng in fll'rlcct hdl mony All I" Ofll' Pdt kag1: .:ill ror onf.> u "I Or u<,t· offly onl' .. crvlce, and bcnent from mu co111prchensl\lc t:,\ frtjoy Your pcri.onal en\llron ment c>.c1ttly a~ you dreamed II would bt! a rlld'>tcrple<c that will !ling your pr al~ for )Cars to conw Contact the Rosewo:e><1 Group ol Design and Con')lrut.tlon lor yow com1>llnwnl.:tl) bmc hurt: µ..·1 lcnc t· Weinberger said the 3 percent annual increase in defense spending agreed lo by NATO allies in 1978 was only a guideline, and h<' pointed to the planned 7 percent mcreuse in U S. defense spending this year. 11~1 IXM ~tro:cl. !>U1lt' l90 l"ll·wport fkach CA 92660 17141851 l<JJI • I ModelAXBl $244 SO I \ 50 Brown lunch Bag• Papp• l• 1 J< lo r lu,.. t PS •1i.1ny hr>u">Pt1old 1r,1>s Men'• Etonlc J09gere Light blue nylon 1oggers with sue<le leather trim Men's sizes 61• 12 Features bu1lt-1n auto· mat1c changer wrth diamond stylus lull lee· tureel stereo cassette recordef. Novefty lounger Piiiow• Cotton/polyester pnnl CO\/ er. acrylic fill Save .$288 · Model N1310 1a•· Oleg. MH•. Color-Portable TV Zenith® quality In an affordable portable for great viewing in any room. Tri-Focus picture tube. trlple- plus chassts. Auto-cont~ol color system. Lpoll• liquid Cleaner Helps gel rid of OClOl·Ccl ·JSIOQ germs 28 fl 01 Bright Chair Pada Durable polyesler I cotton I Sold In Sporting I Good• Dept. 1.97 Handy V'nyl Poncho 99e Handy Woolite • Uquid Cleans I ne washables 1n old waler 16 fl oz Save Solid Color• end Print• s5 Each Botater Pillow• Polyesler cover and lrll For the sportsperson In foul weather; water-proof, with handy hood. One size fits alt. Save. Valentines Day at Chez Lautrec means "JE T'AIME" Mdkt• Vnlcnllnt"> '>d'.)' n~ )U'I I I 0\.l 'r()(J but ~y JL I AIML t or lht' ht't1th t•i.t-mpl1fic'> tht• true1 01t'dl11119 of IOllldll<t• On 5undoy ~ ~hudry 14th tht-t heL LdUllt'l 111 Newport l~·dt h k><.olt:d on lido Island 'Will Urin!.J you JI T AIME In tht• llUl' r fl'nd1 me..sning1 r lit '>ymbol ol love will ~ q1ven to all the lddtt·' on th1'> Sprt IOI ddy A IU'>f' th.it 111 i.Jll longwye'> rt'pf~'>tnt:. dwul1011 nd Ont.' true love, J[ T AIMI Enjoy an t'llt'ntng 111 lltl' 4u11!l otmo'>pht're of f rdn<.t' in Newpon bt'arh r or lhf' hn~sl 111 nuuvt-lk· l u1:.1ne c.all Lht!l Uiulrl'< lor rt'l>el'ldl1011' toddy 17 14) 67'.J 4904 I )on I 1u'>t 'ct\' I luvc• vou "''' JI 1 AIMI , Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 Gettysburg going, going • • • l CETTYSBURO BATTLE THEATRE ,~ ................. ~. I 4 , CAFETERIA I PARKING IN REAR GETTYSBUltG, Pa . .> ( A P > W h e r tni> ... Hancock's men awaited1 '> ~ P1ckett'11 Charie. Clvll l•Jw Wur c annons areT Interspersed with plastic ,. .,, tra11h cans M~ A 307-foot steel tower 11q~ looms over the cemetery, and fast food no restaurants border the u w battlefield 1sw There's no question,10tt that Gettysburg, whereT Gen Robert E . Leebn9 s t a g e d t h e1u1t Confederacy's most A a m b r t i o u s a n d , '.>O heartbreaking battle, is o rt of the 20th century. 1u1T ··It's not wllderness..,v9 anymore," says David 1t4> Ei:.t•nhower, grandson s 0 of President Dwight D. '?G V Eisenhower , whose N farm now vaes walh lhel':>nl battlefield as a tourist 'Jl11 attraction T ·'It wa ~ a really1ub stowaway place when henO fvund it," the younger oW .,.,,_ Eisenhower comments !la WHERE'S CIVIL WAR FLAVOR? Four stor t · Cl·ntl'r <1re a letdown 111 , i:-.1tor~ "l'<·king on an oral history tape. T and st•ven fast food.s r·"s·taur·"nl" b.' \'1s1l<>1·."' h' t · th · G ... u ' ,, IS 01'1(' au t•nl1c1l\ '· ettysburg wa s FOCAL •1 FILM AT NO CHARGE 8 t1'f'l0 In f ( I.If • 0 l ~ 1;>1>1 1;> l'l'> ;14 ' q•, 36 (\ • • ! r c•lru (Ht, 1 i11m lor dt-.vPtupul(J o10t1 pt1r•l1fl!J al OU' tfHJiJi .. , 11 >N p•1 ~ ;tn.j lfl'GP1;,e ~ t ·tlrt.r ~ 11• Qt f oe a~• Cfff• •I PM'' I lrn ..JI f\O c.n:uqp '-..1..i•• ., __ _ ............ f " . . ~ :.-• •' • M ')l L'egga1• Panty HOH Sleek smooth L 'eggs• 1n regular toe or sheer Misses' or queen Size Shop at K mart 10.87 -3.00 7.87 Wall• 'n Warn II• Model hre and tO"SUlet 8.77 5-Pc. Granltewar• Set Ouallty-made cookware '>et ~ .. ·--•=--.. ----•ll._iilii.._lllllllrtlli!m---.. -... w11h ena_mel hntsh 18.94 Button.., ln•tant Camera GE••1 Steam 'n Dry Iron 25 venrs d1st11bu1e steam more elhccenlly Save Rubbern1r.i1d . . . . . . . . . -.. Aoughn9Ck'" Dl•hpan 16-ql pan ol durable plas11c. decOf colors S• '1 •1.tJ .. " ''·'' •1 '1 "·" ,,,., "·" ,. '1 62.tJ ,. " ···" 11., "·" .. ., "·" 2.11 Italian Ln agna w•lh cotec;law. roll and burier ptus dish of 1ello ' ' 2.88 Hang TuH Holder at Sewing• Rugged steel holder can be mounted on wall Ad1usts 4-PL Y BLACKWALL Fiberglaaa Belted Radial ~~; 26.97 •6.00x 12 fttue ,,l.T. us laeh KMIPMl•I Our Reg. 48.97 P155/80A13 • ~"° Treed Design M•y Vary 'Kmart~ Tires Include MounJlng •No Trade-In Required 39.97 PMPLT.14'11.m All Tlr .. Plus F.E.T. -------------~-----ina<'cessabl e It was aJ .,.. ell known battlefield but tl hadn 't been developed the way it is now · 1.9l 1.27 Jar ZHty Dill PlcklH ChO•CP of Polish dills or lo.Osher dills 46-oz f8' ·Ft Oz s.w .,..., '" ..... . .. 11 ...... ........ _.....,.. ·y . . 29.88 Mercury Vapor ump Turns on automatically at dusk. oft at dawn Comes w11h han91ng br.acket 1-lb. • C•n lnported Ham Lean. boneless cooked ham packed 1n natural 1uices for 8d<Jed flllVOf Super K Gro Plant SpikH 50 house plant food pe1 package Save K mart Snail & Slug Killer 2 ~, lb qwck ktll111g double attracting formula longer last 1ng k1ll1ng power 12.88 Ea E•ay-to-read, Attractive Ou•rtz Digital Clock• Either 12-volt or battery' operat· ed Flashing hour minute and second Save now SERVICES INCLUOE I lhtqlOC• hO<>l l>!Oll" , r.:~OfQft l 1naoect c~·~ • tel* hyOl()UW ,.,,.,.. ~ 119()0Clo .....,.. ON> 6 r'.::W:°!':.'~~-·· HPOI\ I lnte>«C motltof c~ • tnapec:11•0• -.0• '"' we()< (odCl~oQnOI coll I reoo-t on reQf l>!Qlofl\<P•-1 •I 39.88 lie mentions a housang{n subd1vis1on. a four-lane '-' highway ·The whole pluce has assumed a different l'haracter." ) n Each )ear. some I StJ million people reli ve the p1 votal lhree·day battle tf that prompted Pres ident .,11<1 Lincoln to personally ,, I 'l v1s1t this small Carming tJ111 com munil)' in southern 111 Pennsylvania. 1 b The town started to \I" mushroom after World ?iltl War 11 But not until ,, oJ l 9 6 3 • L h e b a t t l e 1 °'' centennial. was there .. 'J1• r e a I c o n c e r n t h a t ... ) r~ Gettys burg might be 11 I o s 1 n g 1 t s C i v i I W a r 1 u •J 1 flavor •'>111 F'o r ~ears , the IJL town and the National 11up Park Service have been , ·HiJ laboring over master 'f ol. plans and blueprmts yet II to be comp l e ted 1rl1 Meanwhile, planners up .. and dreamers and tU1Ji his Lory buffs ha ve•uow offered their vlews in N nearly a dozen reports, 1uo? studies and proposals 0 n e co n s u It an l~ env1 s 1one d a 19th century W1lhamsburg. Another warned of a ··voracious entrepre neurial res ponse'· to tourism that could destroy the ) town ·s reason for being Gettys burg today pt;. e!11 bodies parts. of each -:-J ~ v1s1on Ro lling fields and gaudy billboards line the app roac h roud s to Gettysburg 'The spra wling 16 ,000 acre I battld1eld contains a conspicuously modern . 'I'>•' r o u n d . r o n c r e l e • "'~' Cy c Io r u m a bu ii d i n g • ,., ,& along with 20 Cavil War era barns J •J ii Downtown, restored :11·1 19th century buildings i ,, • sit beside modern retail m 1? outlets 1111 .. The battle that killed ,.: 1 more soldiers than any 11111• o t h e r o n N o r t h , ,•1 Am erican soil has given ,., ri se to the park 1 '• cp mp I ex , with its ,.,1.,1 Visitors Center. Electric Map and Cyclorama ,1n1 r e · e n a c t m e n t o r ,1 f J Pickett's Charge , five nt•n privately owned Civil , r · W a r mu se u m s ; a hJ1,!! controversial tower that 1;.> retraces the battle. the , or Land of Little Horses ,,811 "Home of Kristina, star .,~ J of National TV", the 11·•1 P r 1 n c e or P e a c e 111 Museum: and fast food ot1w franC'h1ses too numerous P"C to C'ount 1.,,. The sight of Hardee's, •f . Elby·s. McDonald 's, rt 1 Howard Johnson's and 11ull K entucky Fried ow Chicken. all cramrped wi·> into a strap next lo the 2at1 V1s1tors Center, is a >ith shock to the visitor hn11 expecting the brick mo? sidewalks, dirt roads 1?X? and gas lamps or the 1 o 11 1860s o ? A round the square n 111-l that, in Civil War times, A served as an open air q X4' market for local l>P. farmer s. several mo~ buildings have been l'l')Ad restored •m But th~se reminders ·J oJ of the past exist amid •batl overhead utility lines, bua rooftop television °1 ~ antennas, streetside ii nu parking meters and Htt~ c o n s t a n t t r a rr i c \tr congestion. 0 "We've cot room for uh improv•menl," lnai acknowted1es Andrew j~ Larson, chairman of the t Gettysburi Plannln1 ,.. Board and operator of uo, UlW <See VJSrr. Pa1to At> om J ] ] I Al Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 Harmonizing has benefits RALEIGH, N.C. CAP) -When Larry Adltr play1 "RhaPIOdy In Blue" on hl1 harmonica, lt brln1a back • lot of memories for him1elf H well MS ror his audience. For the selr-described "granddaddy" of harmonlcM players, ll brings to mind the story of a boy who had struck out on hia own at 14 in a career that would see him become the first "mouth-organ" soloist In the world. It's a story Adler likes to tell about himself, especially when he plays the famous George Gershwin tune. Adler, then 16, was talking with well-known Paul Whiteman and Frank Trumbauer and another person whom he didn't know. He and Whiteman were discussing Adler's performance, which Whiteman had praised. when Whiteman asked ham if he could play "Rhapsody in Blue," Adler didn't know how to play the song, but he didn't want Whiteman to know 1l. Rather than admit it, Adler told Whiteman he didn't like the song. · Whiteman. as Adler tells il, then turned to the other party and said, "How do you like that , Gershwin?'' But Adler certa inly knows how to play "Rhapsody in Blue" now. The 67-year o ld m us1c1a n's career has spanned 53 years and has taken him all over the world . He has met famous personahlles running the gamut from J ack Benny to Al Capone, and he 's pl ayed with jazz musicians such as Duke Ell1nglon and Dizzy Gillespie And he has a story to go with each one, like the tame when he was a youngster playing an Chicago and this strange man asked whether he wrote his mother every day and If he went to the synagogue at least once a week. That man, Adler later discovered, was Al Capone. '<7. ~ ~ty/ll/1 < J;,111!1 U~>asl !fi<t za ('fJIYbi tl/y tizOtil~~·<y<Jtl I(} ,f("t' Ml' {jj;I/ q]kt~j~f c 1)1•1/f~ 6'ollt~ct1(J/1 .fiik /ldt/y {l/ld ,9/t {~ftk/!f1 lo/l>6r11a{!/ lc5 arid 16"' \%It' 9.11Y~f,f cf ;1/rJ/I 1 •. m a g, n 1 n South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa 957-1511 Local. county. state, national and international ev ents come to your doorstep 1· 1.111 Pi.lot in the bright , light and lively .. Tropinl fish• fresh• ~brine ~qu~rium Suppties ,. Special Feb. 13, 1982 -Feb. 19, 1982 Scatophagus rubrifons: 9.99 I am a brackish water fish frequenting the river m ouths, estuaries and coastal w aters of India, the Malay Archipelago N orthern Austrana and the Melanesian Islands. I am flat and deep bodied beautiful and fairly sociable. I am on sale ~t Aquatic Troplcals under the name "Ruby Scat" for only 9.99. - 1510 W. Beker• Co8te MeH ~ SG-1391 • Comer Harbor a Beker miili I Coit cleans your sofa for only $1 with an order for drapery or carpet cleaning. One week only!* One week only' Order Coit drapery or carpet cleaning and for only $1 more. ~01t professionals will clean your sofa, Big savings from the world s largest drapery, carpet & upholstery cleaners Coit' RADIO DISPATCHED VANS SERVING All ORANGE COU NTY eAUMUlll •COITA lllUA • H TOIO • •fUllUTOI .uaou non """"PktHlp A Dtl•..-Y· C .. C:.-'ty ..._ .. Y •" }()!, S S.O!e Col1eqe Bl SJ$.2IU • ll UITIHTOI IEACll lJ~S >Oe< "•e 142-mt, 1704 ~ Bl .'42-1211 • lUUU IUCK lc.2 Tt..d Si 11H1n 233bt B l0to fld ISS-1111 oUUA UA •'>'f f ':l"1"' ""' ~211 2'>4S E (~.A... 1JS-1131 • SOUTll OUHE CO 2• 1 1 .,.. P•at> 511-21>4 1 lm fur•,j A.e 911-5511 • lUSTl•IORUH 070 '• "" B m ... s1s Open daily 11116 PM mgg~I L.llJ ANO C A.RPET CL EAN ER S 'OFFER EXPIRES 2/20/82 Sat 1111 S P M M• Offic" & ,,_. 12'7 "°9• A•e., Cott. MHo S40-llU Coit drapery, carpet 6 uphol~tery cledn ng Cc111 Cul.I.Om made drapery Save 28% on Our Classic, Elegant Oak Parquet Tile Brought direct to you from ~;~~ri~~ift;~~ili5~~~ our own factory to ensure I b-11-,----, superb qualitY and substantial Free Valet Parking Sunday, February 14th When you shop for your Valentine Brmg )'OUr car to Mall entry between BuDock's & L Magnln Visit C.Omputer Valentine Gift C-enter CaromelCourt ' ~ SOUTH CQAST PLAZA ... __ -.... -..-...; savings. You'll enjoy its rich. i----1 pre-finished luster in living and dining rooms, dens and foyers for years to come. Tongue and groove edges ...__~:::::::::::~ mean it's easy to install yourself .-~---.-and get a professional look. REG. SAlE 42~ sac EA. WE'LL HELP voa DO-IT-YOURSELF AND SAVE! BUDGET SAVER A..OOR TILE Neutral·toned design and colors provide a subtle background for many Interiors -bath. kitchen or laundry room. 12 x u .. AClATIMPA~ ECONOMY SB.F-STICK 111.E You can have a new floor in hours and save with this easy·to·install. self·stick tile for kit· chens. baths and utility rooms. ONLY 29 ~ 12" x 12" P£BaUmU PA~ SAVE 303 0N WAU.PAPER Famo us name pre: pasted vinyl wallpaper is easy to hang. Colors and patterns fit every decorating motif. Washable. RE0.5.95·9.95 SALE 416_6~~ CUSTOM TINT WAl.l. PAINTS Over 900 decorator colors to select from. Wall and trim paints mix and match for a true custom look in any room. Ft.AT·REG. 13.99 SALE 10?2 SEJll\l-OLOSS RfO. t4.99 - SAU 12.99 GAL FREE lU.USTRA11!1> ll't81ltOC110f"f BROCH<JIU!'.8. OECORATIN<l ArtD IMSTAUATIOM ADVICE NI> USE OF SPECIAL TOOLS, PLUS FULL REF<JND ON ALL Ul'K.ISED TILE AN> Ul"tC<JT ROU..S OF WALLJ>APEl 'SANTA ANA m1 SI. Bristll St ...... s. ....... st.1 551-1324 WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA COSTA MESA 15191 Bed 322 W. 17~ 2221 HarMr BHllVI~ Street Blllmnl CMMrW..• 898-3m 547-7781 645-1126 ] u,1n9 Your Lincoln· Mero~rr reb•t• .... Now You Can Purchase a New Car with No Cash and Pay Be.low Invoice. With the car market in the turmoil 11 currently i!I, smart car-buyers can enjoy )Orne rcmark:lblc buying power. I-or , example. John)on & Son Lincoln-Mercury in Costa Mesa will )ell you a brand new 1982 Mercury Capri at or near factory invoice. When you subtract the S7SO fa c- tory rebate from the price you end up paying i.ubi.ta nually below dealer 1nvo1cc. But that\ not all! Credit worthy cu~tomer~ Can Ulle thl~ rebate 1n lteu of down payment Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 . Special Valentines Dinner & Party LIVE ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING Regular Prices -No Cover Charge Reservations Suggested SHOWTIMIS FOi MOYllS Downstairs 5:00 & 7:00 p.m. 8 ft. Screen Free Admission Free Popcorn DECISIVE BATTLEGROUND The 307.foot sll'l'I tower looming behind monument of Gcnt•ral Meade and re~tored n innon 1~ an l'Xampll• of 20th century intrus10ns on Gett~·s burg . using no out-of-pocket ca~h! A Mmtlar cai.c: exist:. with Merctlry Cougars and Zephers. Thi:. unique s11uation end., soon. Call Johmon & Son for detaib Johmon & Son Lincoln-Mercury. 2626 Harbor Boule- vard. Costa Me!>a (714) 540-56.JO. VISIT •.. <From Page A 7 > the Quality Inn. "To some degree, the v•sito1 is disappointed in downtown Gettysburg. It probably doesn't come up to his expectations." Town officials have dev1lloped a comprehensive borough plan but, according to Larson, it makes only o n e suggestion on furthering downtown restoration . another study. Nevertheless, the rash of wacrungs and advice plus a bitter court battle over the 307-foot tower that now hovers over the sce ne or Lin~lo's Gettysburg Address -have not gone unheeded The tower. with taped dialo1oe, maps and a 360-degree view of the battJefield, opened in 19'74 despite three years of state and federal litigation lo block it. Its owner, Maryland builder Thomas Ottenstein, called the rllushroom ·like structure "a classroom in the sky'• and fought a second court battle to ex em pt the facility. as ed4cational, from a local amusement tax. He lost. A Civil ~ar expert at the secon d trial contended its battle re·creation is more co nfu s ing than educational. The lower underscores the fragility or Oet!ysburg's landscape and" prompted pass age o f zoning and sign ordinances OHic1als also d es ignated a downtow n histo ric district and set up an Architectural Review Board lo enforce 1t. And private citizens founded Hi storic Gettysburg -Adams CoUJltY, an organization which helps indivi<tuals restore buildings. Two major proposals -putting utility lines underground and constructing a highway bypass around the town -are beyond the borough's control The Park Service. which has struggled for 13 years over a management plan for th e battlefield, cemetery and Eisenhower farm . is alsb in the grip of the fundiQ& crunch. Ttle)!litial draft of t.he Park Service plan. an am blUous document that projected eight million Gettysburg visiton a year. proposed a new. Visitors Center located on the new bigbwll)' bypass. But ffte bypass wasn't built, the visitor count hasn't soared, and curtebt federal attitudes do bot bode well for m a~or new expenditures. So t.he plan n ow focuses on more modest 1oelf such as removlne 1od·h\ftorlc roads, restodni-farmhouses, 1creenlng out utlll ly lines anl development with ¥.eletaUoft, and maklna arre woods and field• are in the riebt plae~ accordln1 to parll phtioner Sandra HaupbiNin. · E ' 10. vllltors tryl --to jma11ne the blOodY. r.tnY July battle are 'llftt·pre11ed to overJqok tb• 1,320 memdii-11, monuments and bUirken atrewn ~--blltllefleld. ~ . . From sea to shining sea, Republic flies you to more cities ttian any other airline. We serve more than 170 cities. Coast to coast. Canada to Mexico. That's almost twice as many cities as the next largest airline. Nobody serves you better than Republic. With con- venient schedules to more cities. Special discount fares (just a few are listed here). And our famous personal attention. That's the Republic spirit. So wherever in this big republic of ours you want to go, come aboard Republic-the airline with a small town smile and a big city style. From Burbank DENVER Nonstop HOUSTON lAS VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX Nonstop SALT lAKE CITY Nonstop From Los Angeles International EUGENE Nonstop SPOKANE Nonstop TUCSON Nonstop From Ontario, California lAS VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX Nonstop From Orange County DENVER lAS VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX Nonstop SALT lAKE CITY Nonstop TM s115 One-Woy s129 One-Woy '39 One-Woy S46 One-Woy S65 One-Woy s12a One-Woy s2s2 Round Trip s49 One-Woy s39 One-Woy s42 One-Woy $261 Round Trip 140 One-Woy s42 One-Woy 197 One-Woy Fore5 ore 1ub1ec1 to chonge ond conditions moy include odvonce purchose 'P9<•f1c doY$ of ITovel ond lenglh of stoy requtrements Discount aeots moy be ltm1ted • ' • .......... ..-......-.---- I \ ·1 I \ ~\ ... ] ~·· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, F•bruary 14, 1982 Save representation ,\bout 600 ,000 voter~ 10 Southern jCnlirornla man~· of them Oran.:e C'uasl residt'nls discovered lust Wl'ek thev have a friend In a San Francisco Penmsulu state legislator. Assemblyman Byron Sher 0-~ountain View. introduced leg1s lataon that \\ould modif\' thl' recently adopted statl' Senatl' reapportionment plan to insur(' that I 2 million voters f>00.000 others are loC'ated in Stm Mateo County \\ould not be disenfrunch1sed for a t\o\o vear period ending in 1984. · Under the reapportionment plan. odd numbers were attached to two revised districts rncluding the Orange Coast and th(' other district up San Francisco wav. Residents in the two areas no'w are represented bv state senator5 whose terms end this year Under the plan, e lections in odd numbcrl'd districts won't IX' held until 1984 . thu!> leaving voters without representation All of this b<.•cam~ disturbing to Sht•r. \\ho 1n Septemh~r abstauwcl from \'oling on the stall' Sl·nale plan Un de 1· S h e r s b 111 . t he districts would swap numbers with even numlwn•cl dist1·1t:ts so lhat ewrvone in tht• statt• would be in a districl represented b~ a ~en a tor The bill remained in limbo at week's end She1· lntroduc·ed the btll under prov1s1on!-. of a specu:tl legislative session that lx.'gan m November for n•apportionment of the state's floard of Equal1zution tJ1str1cts and resolution of the state's fiscal problems. That special MeS!iion is running parallel to a regular legislative session that b~gan .Jan 4 Thus Car. Sher has been unable to get a committee hearing on the proposal. known as AB 12X. Sher admitted he considered passage of the bill a long shot He suspects few De m ocrats a re willing to change the Senate reapp<>rt1onment plan in the two districts. particularly to benefit the heavily Republican coastal district here m Orange Count~ But credit b duC' Sh(•r for· trying to corrt.'<:t a flagrant t•lectoraJ mequit} Deficits daniaging The federal government is beginnirg its annual battle over the budget. and it is readily apparent that President Reagan faces a Congress far more skeptical about his ideas for combating economic woes than he did in 1981. Bot h R epubli ca n and Democratic lawmakers are worn ed. and for good reason. about the awesome size of the deficits t he administration projects for this fiscal year a·nd bevond In lhC' S757.6 billion spending pl an the presid ent submitted for the fiscal vear that begins Oct 1. the administration forecasts deficits totaling $273 billion over the next three years Many congressmen and economists are not buying the White House's argument that annual deficits averaging $91 billion can be managed without detriment to the econom\'. and we believe they are right · Because of their worry, many are intrigued by a deficit-reducing proposal offered by Sen Ernest Hollings. D·S.C . senior Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee Ho llings has suggested rreezmg defense spending at 1982 le\'c1s (Reagan wants a $33 b1llton increase i . s uspending Social Sccurit\' and benefit program cost or 0 hvmg increases for nm.· year and eliminating the 10 percent lax C'ut due to take eff eet Jul~· 1 Tht• plan would cut the 1983 deficit to $42 billion. Hollings da1m:-. Many Senate Republican leaders are interested in the proposal. but the White House is not We are distr essed th e administration has dismissed the idea out of hand and will not even discuss 1t seriously . The president and his advisers must face up to thl' tremendous damage the def1c1ts could mean for the econom) and study possible solutions The chief concern is that federal s hortfalls will drive up interest rates and s trangle the economic recovery Reagan says his tax a nd budget cut program will stimulate But the Federal Reserve, under Chairman Paul Volcker, is determined to clamp down on the nation's money supply to keep inflation at bay. aiming for growth between 2.5 and 5.5 percent a year. Since the supply of capital in financial markets will be limite d by this policy. there is concern that financing gigantic federal deficits will crowd pri\•ate borrowers out of the market, driving up already too-hi gh interest rates and stifling the economy And the def1c1t could go even higher t h an the president's projections Reagan 1s asking Congress to cut an additional $27 billion from domestic benefit programs. so mething Con gress will be re luctant to do in the middle of both a deep recession and an election year . Without further spending cuts and tax increases ruled o ut by Rea ga n the Congressional Budget OHice forecasts total deficits of $454 billion over the next three vcars The total federal debt now stands <it about Sl trillion The White Hous e def1c1l forecasts also depend on 1ls assumptio n s for 1nflat1on. u n e mployment and econom1C' growth But last year's growth forecast was way off the mark . 7 percent compared to the actual 1.9 percent for 1981 We hope the administration will stud v the numbers more carefull y and address the deficits issue. The Hollings proposal is not necessarily the best idea but 1t merits discussion It is time that Reagan and his advisers realize that wishful thinking wall not forestall the huge problems mammoth budget dcfidts could '<1 use P avil i o n nee d e d UC Irvine stud e nts are to decide Feb 22 whether their stude nt fees s hould be mcreased to pay for a 6,000-seal athletic pavilion proposed for the Irvine campus. The $10 million project 1s certainly an ambitious one but undoubtedly needed lo keep pace with the university 's growing athletic. 1nt ramurul and recreation programs. Stud en ti; wi II be asked whether a fee hike should be levied and. if so, whether ii should be an increase of $17, $20 or $23 per quarter Student passage of the referendum is expected. partially because the students who vote on the measure won 't feel the financial bite of the fee increase, which wouldn't be implemented • until the new pav1l1on 1s completed The fee hike could raise up to $4 million The rest or the money presumably would be raised through pri vall• donations and grants UCI officials need only look as far as the UC Davis campus to s ee a beautiful new sports pavilion built by donations , grants a nd student support without uni versity funds or taxpayer money · In fact, it might be wise for UC I officials to look at the athletic centers built by a number of universities. Through such a process of careful study. we would hope that the pavilion at UCJ would be a valuable addition to the campus In particular and the community in general. Opinions expressed '" the space above ere those of the Dally Pilot Other views ex- pressed on trlls page are those ot their authors ano artists Reader comment is 1nv11 ed Address Tne Daily Ptlot, P.O. Box iS60, Costa Mesa, CA 9'lf>26. Phor11~ (714) 641·02t ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Pv•llllMOll •~r Rf .OI Ille '"' el PO Wnl I•' St ., C .. I• .,.._ ~-· C«~ le ... l*·'*"'~c:AmJt , ........ a s 9 Thomas P. Haley Publlstier . Thomn A. Mu-,..,.lne - Editor · Barbara Krelblch Edltorl1I Page Editor' .. ·1·-n·.:r I 1_ Mideast policy 'bankrupt' W ASHlNGTON -Egyptian president Hosoi Mubarak's polite "no" to the Reagan administration's humiliating appeal for a "declaration" that would have had Egypt selling out on the Palestinian problem marks a new bottom for U.S. influence In the J(iddJe East. Mubarak's refusal had been made patently clear to Secretary of State Alexander Haig during his two highly-publicized trips to Cairo, so much so President Reagan did not press him during their arms-length talks here last week. II he had, Reagan would have been asked a question for which there ia no answer: What is the administration's Palestinian plan? Bankruptcy of Reagan's Mideast policy is now indicated by the refusal of both Is rael and Egypt to do what the U.S. beseeches. This focuses the general decline in U.S. influence and ls close to par for Reagan's track record: threats and bombast but meager action over Cuba's Intervention In Central America, fueled by Moscow, tough talk about Poland. but inability to persuade NATO allies lo come along on sanctions. • Nowhere is the decline so apparent as in the Middle East Blocked on the one hand by lsrael's refusfl to give the Palestinians the "fun autonomy" promised by Prime Mnister Menacbem Begin at Camp David, Haig turned to Mubar ak U-~peraUon. Wbat '• wanted was Mu barak's signature on a "declaration" dealing in vague terms with the autonomy Issue Haig freely conceded to Mubarak that the "decl~rat.ion" was Incomplete, but s urely it could be polished up sometime later. L ikewise with the question of mushrooming Jewish settlements on Palest1n1an land Haig suggest ed poslpoimng it, but Mubarak reminded r, .. ~ I EA -, -111-.-. -•• -.-."' e.- him that lhe late President Sadat had been hoodwinked on the settlements issue during the Camp David talks more than three years ago Mubarak and hi s aides ldt Washington with disturbing impressions about the murky prism through which their hosts view the Palestinian issue. that Arab East Jerusalem is not an important problem: that the centrality of the Palestinian issue was partly created by previous administrations Mubarak was studious in drawing a contrast between the warmth of Sadat's relationship with Reagan-Haig and his own relationship correct but arms-length His advisers were dismayed during Haig's two visits to Cairo that the secretary failed to understand, as one Mubarak intimate told us. that Sadat was "both leader and president · of Egypt, but President Mubarak ha!> not had time to prove his leadership. Sadat could risk intimacy -until ht: was assassinated. Mubarak could not So be kept his distance here and would not even consider putting his s ignature on an empty autonomy "declaration." Intimacy with Reagan , coupled with a sellout on the West Bank, could gravely undermine him with Islamic militants and other enemies at home. Mubarak's aides lert Washrngton wondering if Reagan and Haig understood. But Mubarak le ft with another 1mpress1on Despitl' his resistance to putting h1i. signature on an autonomy paper, Reagan did not use Mubarak's request for more a nd faster U.S. military aid as a pressure point. Similarly , the new St billion Egypt1an-F'rench deal for advanced Mirage aircraft <to be financed by Saudi Arabia I showed that Egypt 1s not wholly dcp<>ndent on the U S. That undercuL'> US influence, but during his talks m th£-White House Mubarak felt no displeasure The private conioensus m the Mubarak camp as he left here would not make cozy reading tn the president's morning n1•ws summary It 1s tht.tt Reagan's inability or refusal to delivt'r the ··full autonomy" pledged Sadat at Camp David s hows a fear of Israel's political power in the U.S. certain to futher cancel out American influence t&r beyond the Arab Middle East Yet R1:ugan made a deep personal impact on Mubarak an impression of decenc) and kindliness. but not of great strength and consistency. supposedly the hallmarks of Reaganism Mubarak went home to develop MulJarak1s m closer ties with the Arab and non aligned worlds. no retreat on a fair deal for the Palestanrans. a discreet new distance bet ween Cairo and Washington He knows what he "ants, hut the question grows louder Can Ronald Reagan say the same" H Ii · h · $100 hilli.on· ow to ve wit .nnnus He didn't mean to do it, it wasn't his intention but Mr Reagan bas stumbled into Keynesianism, so-called after the English economist, Lord John Maynard Keynes, whose memory tortures the reactionary right almost as painfully as the na~ed ladits displayed in Hefner's magazine. IC the noble lord were alive today he would commend Mr . Reagan for coming to Congress with a $100 billion deficit in the federal budget That is what Keynesian economists prescribe when unemployment g-rows high and the economy turns flabby. A healthy deficit makes especially good sense during this period when so many highly paid white collar people are being laid off, even while Infl ation continues to eat up buying power, albeit at diminishin~ rates, and the much talk about tax decreases are canceled out by high Social Seeurity payments. The result is that people have less money lo spend, therefore there is less demand for goods and fewer jobs for the people who make them. Supply side economics isn't going to yield up its cornucopia of prospenty unless money 1s quietly inserted into the wallets of lhe multitudes lf you are a business person why supply, why make and manufacture if you can't !iee enough people out there ,,,...,, 1-41 f ' V-ON_H_Df-fMA-1 --~7' with the wherewithal to buy? If you want supply you'd best make sure there is demand To get people working, we've got to get other people buying, and one of the ways to get money into people's pockets is to have the government spend more than it collects in laxes. That's the infamous deficit spending for which the Democratic Party has been castigated so loudJy, although Mr Ford and Mr Nixon were rather good at it too Now comes Ronald Reagan, the latest of a seemingly endless line of men who Got enough? Show gratitude In a realJstic sense, enough is always enough , or, as Mother used to say. "Enough is as good as a feast." But in the strange arithmetic of the human mind, enough is usually not enough. One of the half-dozen richest families in America, with assets closer to S2 billion than one, is involved in a joint venture embracing an Atlantic City gambling casino. What on earth can ~ l-Yl-11-Y H-Al-11___;1 ,....__;f:} J>()Ssess these people to want to possess more? And ln aucb a ahabby form of ICQU.lsltion? But, l dte them not as (l'Otesques, mer ely as an extreme example of obseasive compulsion. Almost nobody thinks he or she has "enough" In one dep artment of life or another; in tact, wb•t we looeely call ·•oeuroab" mltht be better dacrtbed as 1 deflclency dlHaae of the mind. One person rankles because he tsn 't "taJl enough." An other a'obilea because ahe ltn't "lhln enou1h'.' A lhlrd secretly amolden because he lan't "amart enoutb." Yet 1oother crtD(es btcaUM be Isn't "1Lron.1 enou1h." And almOlt all of us resent the fact that no matter how hard we wort, we areu't "rlcb enouth." Not.._Juat Ofllinary people, either. One would suppose that famous entertainers in the public eye, envied and admired by all. would be immune to this pandemic ailment. but no Their suicide rate is nearly higher than any other group's, triggered by internal dissatisfaclions. INTELLECTUAl.S and wnters. who s hould know better. suffer the same pathetic complaint. Mark Harris wants to be Saul Bellow. Hemingway wanted lo be Tolstoi and Fubert wrapped up In one. And Tolstoi himself wanted to be Q saint before he had learned to be a human being to his family. Not enough. Fame is not enough. Talent ls not enough. Honor is not enough. Power is not enough. Wealth is not enoulb. And pleasure. of course. Is never enouch; thla la why hedonists so often die young, In the hideous ees\asy of ex~a. Gompers said that the aim of organized labor was "More"; but thls seems to bt the aim or nearly everyone. Oddly, the' peopl• who are 1enuinely handicapped -the dwarfishly short, lbe 11andularly overwel1ht, the chronically frail, the perpetuall~ poor -,,em to accommodate themselves to their conditions far better than people with more advantages. What they lack is Nol, not imaiinary, and It la easter to cope with reality than with fantasy. "Grateh.tlness" la the quaUlY most wantinl here. Gr1Ulude for the 1lll or Ufe, foe being fiven what we have and beln• wbal we an. Enouab, as. my mother never knew, ls bdtn than a feaat -11til1 bl 1ln .. run for office promising a balanced budget. only lo capitulate in his turn, to grve up and tell us that receipts and expenses will not even out. When the lanes rn front of the unemployment offices grow shorter there will be time enough to reded1cate ourselve:-. to bringing income and outgo into line What we ought to be doing now 1s throwing off this conviction we've saddled ourselves with that deficits equal inflation. They don't. A hundred billion sounds like a humongously large sum, and it's more than jelly beans. but it is not big com pared to some past deficits which have not brought on inOation. If you look at the red ink in the last yea r s of Herbert Hoover 's administration , you'll see that as a percentage of either the federal budget or gross national product, President Reagan's deficit is quite small. It fi gures out to about a third of Hoover's. The Hoover deficit, as members of the grandparents' generation will bear witness. did not lead to Inflation. Prices collapsed The purchasing power of the dollar grew. It was a paradisical moment for lenders who were being repaid their loans -tf they were being repaid -in dollars that were worth 10, 20 percent or more than they were when lhe money was originally lent. Despite a massive federal deficit the country was going through a de not an m-flation. If nothing else the harrowing experience of the early '30s should dcmonstnite that there is no one-to-one ('ausality between deficits and inflation. What occurred during the Hoover debacle was that the Federal Reserve Board was diminishing the money supply. Instead of printing too OJUCb money the sin which brings in111t.ion down on our heads -tbey were gobbling up dollar bills and throwint them in a furnace. The total money supply was shrinking, thereby driving prices down and the purchasing power or lhe dollar up. So we can live with the minus $100 billion Mr. Reaeao ls writing in the national ledger as Joni as be keepe the Fed from prlnUng too much money. This the president is dolnc, but it comes hard to the Fed which prefers small budaet deficits. That allows lt to print money, foster lower lnt.erest rates end be PoP°"lar. - tt's tor elected omclalll, ~ver, to be popular. Th appointed ones ~ pald to get dead cats thrown at t.Mm. May a defunct feline ia beln1 lOlled at lbe fed Just now for the ti1ht mooey that people associate with hl1h tnl t rat rates. That's for t.be board of ao•e:raon to suffer in as 1ood a hwnor aa they can muster while we J)Oftcler whether or DOt Mr. Reagan's dellclt la tarp ~ to pull us aut of our c\U'TeD\ ecaaomle ~unk. • • 1 • ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 1', 1982 Al I Reapportion? Despairing GOP seeks reform ly CHA&.La G. BELL Or. CbaNa G. lltU U.o pro/tnoro/ pollttol ~at Cal Stott 1UUtrtoft. u':!!::r Republicans -dlmayed by tbt l\lle Supreme Court ruUu allowh\f latt year's controvtrt\al rtaPPQrtiOnment to '° lnto effect thlJ J111>e ·-have decided to jot.I Cqemon ea .... on takln1 the rtaPPOrtlooment Power away from OW' lestslitor.. lo to dotn1. the state's GOP bu abandoned lta ldltorte oppo.tUcm \o aoy iype of reaworUonment commlplan. Aod, lf the eommluion plan soea lnto law, Republicans wW ha~ allo pven away any cha.nee.of directly conbollinl tuture reapportlonmeots. Republicana -severely dama1ed by tbt artful Democratic gerryma.nderto1 of the state's legislative and congressional districts -easily qualified three June referenda challenging those apportionmenta. Under the state's con.stitutioo, when a referendum qualifies. the cballented law is suspended until voters have a chance to approve or reject it. . Tb"8, when Republicans qualified their ttf~a ln December with over 800,000 slcnaturea each, they felt confident that they could then persuade the state'• voters to reject the Democrats' aemmandert. Tbelr eonndence ~med well placed •Ince an · earl)' November Callfotnia Poll showed that 51 percent ~ tbe voters would vole ,.galnst the Democrats' plans and that 80 percent were opposed to the present system of havi~I legislators draw their own district lines every 10 years. But the state's Supreme Court. caught between two conflicting constitutional rights, ruled that while the referenda were valid the Democrats' plans would have to be used to conduct this year's electioaa. But, lf votert abould reject the Democrats' plans um June. the Legislature would have to re-do the reapportionment.. However, since Ult Leif,slature will mott likely be controlled by Democrats after thla year's elections -~OP leadera came to the reasonable conclusion that they would be gerrym~rC!d aialo. And IO they have agreed lo join Com moo Cause lo promoting an Initiative to set-up an independent reapportionment commission. Common Cause bu Joni advocat.ed the Idea ol an independent tommwlon. As Walt.er 1.elman. Executive Director of Common Cause recently observed, legislators have a "blatant confllct of interest" in drawing boundaries of the districts In which they wtU run for re· election. Traditionally . of course, the Legislature reapportions ltsetr but recently because or political deadlock, voter dissatisfaction, or legal appeal to the courts, legislatures have lost their monopoly over reapportionment. Thus, ol the 99 state legislative houses (Nebrask• only has one) apportioned at the begiMing of the 1970s, only hall were done by their owQ legi.alature. One-third or the apportionments were done by a court <slate or federal ), while the remaining 14 percent were done by some type of independent commission Using the U.S. Supreme Court's equality of population doclrioe -tbat each legislative district should have the same number of people living m it - state legislatures do a poorer job of reapportionment than do either commissions or courts. or the 24 worst apportionments - legislallve di~tricts which deviated most from the population equality guideline -a whopping 70 pe~ent were designed by their legislature. In comparison. only 17 percent of the "worst" were apportioned by a court while the r~main1ng "worst" 13 percent were the product of some commission. While neither the courts nar lndeptndent comm1111ons have bee.Q perfect, they have adhered more clOHly to the idea or population equality or course, population equably does not always mean a "fair " apportionment Democratic legislators In Callromia adhered faithfully to the goal of population equahty but managed by artfully moving district lines to gerrymander the state. And the history of some of the so called independent commissions in the few states that have tried them iJ that they often end up also arlfuUy drawing lines in favor of one party or the other or to protect incumbents. Common Cause and the GOP beheve they have constructed their commission in1tiat1ve so as lo almost preclude blatant partisan reapportionment Given the broad public critJcism or the present method of apportioning leg1slallve districts 1n Catifom1a, we may haw an opportunity to see if an independent comm1ss1on can do the Job fairl y We know the Legislature won't. Look to San Diego f o.r ~ traffic jam s~lution Tolhe Editor: · Your Feb. 7 article on traffic jams in Orange County addresses a problem with which we are all familiar. You stated, "Traffic now Wiii probably never improve in Orange County unless severe economic or political events occur.·· Of course it won't as lone as our traffic planners and decision makers insist on more freeways as a solution to the problem. Your article did shed a ray of light when the Irvine instructor suuesled - "removing 5 or 6 percent of the traffic with rapid transit." You don't need a MAILBOX computer to reach that conclusion The bureaucratic reply to that has always been that you would never get tbe atnuent Mission Viejo man out of his Mercedes. Well the man dldn't get that Mercedes by being dumb -and even a dummy reallaes t,ba& an bour between Mission Viejo and Anabeim in st.op and ro t9'ft~ is less sensible and tt000mlc than a haJf hour ride in a rail car SAN DIEGO recognized th1s need and inst.ailed the Tijuana Trolley. I have ridden in it about a ftalf dot.en limes and have never been able to gel a forward facing 5eat -meaning that it has been at least half full. (I've never setn an OCTD bus half full , but then they never post their routes or their schedules at the bus stops.) We have studied the problem to death. we have computerized it and predicted the traffic now for the year 2000 -but the only way we will solve this problem now is to get off our plush chair, as San Diego did, and put in a rail line that will remove 5 or 6 percent of the car traffic Let's get with it before these gross traffic 1ams kill our county ET BINCKLEY Planely benefiting To the F.ditor· I've read many of the conmctmg reports about the airport situation. Forget all of the surveys I'm a blue ribbon expert. I've lived three years right under the take-0rr pattern of John Wayne Airport. My research in-depth . . both felt and observed . . indicates these facts· I.My Rent. My rent rises, right along with the airplanes. In fact. it just went up another annual $50 2. The Noise. I've grown accustomed to it. I also notice that when I jog around the back bay, the horses, rabbits. owls, birds and occasional skunk seem to have adapted. 3. T.V. If I happen to get home in time for a Bob Newhart re-run, there is usually one plane which provides a bit of static for a minute . . . nothing to compare with the commercials. 4 Convenience. It's a three dollar cab rare to the airport It is a terrific advantage when I travel. 5 My Work I earn my laving an the tourist busmess Without the airport, I could worry about being laid orr And, I don 't see how we could have built the Irvine indostrial complex without a growing airport 6. My Embarrassment When l ny to places like Tampa, Orlando, Vancouver. Spokane . and other smaller towns. I'm actually embarrassed to see what we provide m this great area. 7. Property Values As a.iJ1)0rl traffic has soared. so have real estate values. Who can complain about that? 8 El Toro. The Marines . . . and other branches or the miGtary . landed here when the county was a gro11p of small towns surrounded by orange groves For historical reference, Costa Mesa wu "Goat Hill '" and Newport was "Mackeral Flats.", It boggles the mind to think they can sit back and hold up the progress of the area, merely because they were early arrivals. • I totally agree witb Richard Nunis that we should uckle all of the military establishments who are, like King Canute, commanding progress to cease and desist. When things get frustratinJt. think of Happy VaLinWash Day! By NANCY PENNEY Narq PfflMV i&.a rtridtnt of Lagtma Btoeh Do you suppose. every ciUsen knows The roref athen of our fine nation? Mtaht be be confused. that btrtbdays are used. To extend just another vacation! Georte Wubin. 'don bOm on the 15th? Or ii he only "olllerved"! Abe Uaeoln'• D&J, la nice for more play One ...,. what put CIUle beJerved! Our ........ ~ a lit ........ ''Men tilDI fS .... I" WI e17 ; Qiliiiw alM ... -man tmtbda.JI, w ,..,..rd' •• Joui64 J.a;t 7 2 2 • Billy Mitchell He was court mart1aled for thinking progressively about airplanes VANA RSDALE FRANCE Mean soul To the Editor· John Schmitz's contmued support or his statements and the fact that his major stated reason for such Is to gain name recognition in the apparent belier that this is smart politics. has solidified )he picture or an mdividual that is chronically confused According to him. if you are for the free choice of an individual to decide on abortion, then you must be homosexual and if you are Jewish then homosexual and also for the rree choice Whether or not he believes his own utterance or whether or not he sees the obvious fallacies in this reasoning (?) is not as important as the fact that he has no compunction about using anti-societal tactics in order to gain more political power. Yet, ltere is an individual who portrays himself lo the world as pure and moralistic. He believes that he is right and that bis values are the only true values. If his actions therefore result in raising anti-Semitic spectres as a substitute for open debate on the issue of abortion. then that ts O.K., because the end (by his own tactics and admissions > justifies the means. Has he not said that "the end justifies the means" in many different ways? In this quest for power and reroerution it is "smart" to set one religion against another. for what is this against the greater immorality or abortion? APPARENTLY Schmitz has little compunction against tearine at the fabrics of unity among our multi-faceted nation when to my viewpoint this national diversity has been one of our 1reat strtngths and always a source of new vitality. At this point one must ask, "How far would Schmit& 10 ln the punult of his one IS1ue?" "How rar would be carry the sentiments of 1uppre11lo11, aa epitomized by his statements and supported by fallacloua idenW\caUona?" "Who else would fall lnto hla web of clautrlcatlona for purpGMt of auppreaalon of ldeu or peraeC\IUon? •• One ol tbt ,,.at dult" ol bll kind of Umtted monllam la UM ptQtna .- emoUoal ol tbt k1nd that inab frillnd to tra1ic a piece. Hla attt•pt at ltadlnldp .. ol. dlttalft, ..... .. aocl ....al" DitVI. It ........... .. C....clllllat NtlloMtMMtlaL .... ol tM dOft ........... " .. $ with conservatism which 1s an economic philoso phy on how government waste and power 1s lo be limited and a p<>lillcal plulosophy on how government 1s to be hm1ted in its tnlrusaons mto the lives or mdaviduals John Schmitz should be soundly trounced at the polls now that he has fully revealed the mean soul that 1s h1s IRWIND HOFf'MAN Wi ll jurors meet? To the Editor· Hurrah ror Steve Mitchell's article on being a juror He related his experience well. I've served twice and, like him, I was appalled by the lack of efficiency in our judlc1al system It would be interesting to k.now if any or the acquaintances he made on the panel ever extend beyond the court house. I found . unfortunately. that we were actually just ships passmg in the night EVELYN GOMES Deposit problems To the Editor: Your recent editorial regarding the defeat in a state Senate Committee of a ball which would impose mandatory 5-cent deposits on all beverage cont ainers calls for additional comment. The issue now 1s the initiative which seeks to accomplish the SllJ\e purpose and which may appear on the November 1982 ballot. MY PIUMAJlY concern is penonal II berty. Even if the economic inaccuracies circulated by the proponents of such laws were true. there i.s no moral justUlcaUon for any law lo compel people who manufacture, sell and buy beverages to do anythlns other than be boneat and respect the rights of others. The propoHd dtpotll law would Inject one more costly bureaucratic ln~loo into all of our lives millions of times a day, every tJme • beverage container 11 boulhl, IOld, returned or otherwise handled. Further, your complaint about the money that will be apenl an this ballot Issue le lronlcally otr base for a Journal.lit. Tbe Fillt AmeDdmenl to lbt U.S. Coostllutloo ()'our Hvellbood depends on k, 1lr!) prolttU tbt rtpt of all peraons, even t bo1t dlrectly lntt.Nlted. to •pend their OW'D IDOatY to publldll pollUcal c&DCUdatel or ........ fort_..,.,.. an frtt to dW!ald our ftaudll ~ ot ..... .... DOUUeal ldiam ....... "' Ill_., u.-....... TM WUl/cu ~ _..'.' 11 also bad eco,romic~ The proposed law grrally coll,lpllcatcs recycling and would discourage the growth or existing volunteer and commercial recycling effort& Experience tn other states shows that the cost Lo the consumer of beverage!> increases dramatically under forced deposit laws obviously, due to the increased costs businesses incur and attempt lo recover from the consumer One of those increased costs as tn energy consumption connected with beverage distribution Condiuons under for<'ed deposit laws consume about twice the fuel as distribution operations where such laws do not exist In sum, it's a bad law and I will be happy to see all those so disposed spend whatever they want of their own money to defeat it DAVID P BERGLAND Snuffed lives To the Editor The Feb 6 edition or the DaHy Pilot carried three news stories of slpificll\t human d1men.sion. The first . a front page headline story, told of a three month old boy beLDg reunited ~•th has mother after being found in Mission VieJo, more than 400 m lies from his home The second. a third page story of considerably smaller size and lesser placement. told the story of 500 human fetuses found in a warehouse container m Los Angeles The infant bodies, weighing up to four pounds each, were stored m formaldehyde in separate plastic containers. labeled with women ~ namei. and dates. going back to 1979 THE THIRD. a hrth page story of bareh an inch of copy with a liny head.lane told or 1.200 .000 legal aborlton!> performed rn the United States an 1979. nearly one for every three lave births. accordmg to the federal reportmg agency The story added that legal abortions rose by about seven percent over 1978 The stor) of one infant. its mother's love and JO) an bemg reunited. is front page new!> But . the tragedy or 500 human corpses found pickled like lllboratory specimens doesn't make much news in our callous world. The story of 1,200 .000 infant Americans being destroyed by the human butchers who call themselves abortionists barely gets mentioned It 1s time for reflection. fellow c1l1zens. on the d1rect1on of our national moral condition THOMAS A FUENTES Scmti11y intrusive To the Ed1tor I feel the pillorymg of Grace Lee and her supposed eccentricity to be totally unwarranted and ap intrusion into her zealously guarded privacy. To see on the television news the headltne. "A Balboa Island woman lives 1n a pig i1 ty" was a gross exaggeration . To put the record straight, Grace Lee was a forthright person, not afraid to speak out, fully awate of life .and content to live the style sfle chose. In exposing her lo public scrutiny the city or Newport Beach vaaUy exceeded their authority BILL MAXWELL CllllYCD Dear Gloomy Gus · Wb,y ii the immlara.Uoa atrvlee lf1\AI to deport 1 leaally adopted aoa ol American partnll, and lllowblt Ole country to abound I.ft lranlua wbo ncta, riot, etc.? Wby nol clt porl all of them!!? J.C.V. 1!!!!!!1ll"~-----· .. ~~==----~ \ ~ l : . .. I I .! ~ J ] ] ] I 0 ..... Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1~ Use this handy checklist for the items vour family needs. Then bring your list to Mervyn's for extraordinary savings. Prices effective fVlonday only, February 15 . . ... D 14.99 . . Levi's Saddleman• boot jeans for men, the western styled cotton denims that fit 1ust right over boots. 28-42. Sale 14.99 D 14.99 7 .01 off! Fara-Flex• or Haggar• Magic Stretch... slacks for men are of stretch polyester. 32-40. Reg. 22.00, sale 14.99 [] 9.99 Young men's fashion jeans. Brittanie• and other top names, first quality and slightly Irregular. 28 to 36. Sale 9.99 D 25°/ooff Men's Jockey• briefs. 30-40; tees. S-M· l -Xl. Reg. 10.00-12.00, 3 pkg., 7.50·9.00 Boxers, J0-40, reg . 4.50 each. 3.37 D save 5.01 . . . . . Boys' Levi's• corduroy flares. Cotton/ polyester. 8-12 reg .. slim. Reg. 16.00 . 10.99 Students' 26-30. reg. 19.00. 13.99 [] 4.99 J • . . • .. Our own elastic leg disposable diapers in small (pkg. of 48), medium (pkg of 36). large (pkg. of 24). Sale 4.99 0 4.99 i EJ l 3.01 off little All our costume jewelry. fashion finds In goldtones or spring colors. Costume Jewelry. Reg. 2.00-15.00, 1.50 to 11 .25 ib 40°/ooff ' J l Women's casual shoes In wedge. sling, oxford. quarter strap style!>. Man-made uppers. Reg . 14.00-22.00. 8.40 to 13.20 14.99 to 18.99 Men's, boys' Nike• Impala nylon/suede joggers or canvas court shoes Men's 61/2-12. boys' 2' 2·6. Sale 14.99to18.99 4.99 Save 3.01 on clutches and handbags in plenty of the fab(ics and colors you'll want for right now."'Reg. 8.00. sale 4.99 4for 5.00 Women'• stretch brief1. bikinis. Beige. white, colors. Cuddle or Sani-Terry, one size fits 4-8. Sale 1.39 ea., 4 for 5.00 5.66to 8.66 All of our Maldenform• bras Including popular soft cup. contour, underwlre and strapless styles. Sale 5.88 to 8.86 . ' : ... • ( .·· ·"' • . . ~ . Prices effective Monday only, February 15 • Shop 9:30 to 9:30 Hun'tlngton Beach • Anaheim • Cypress • Fullerton • Tustin'• Whittier . . ~1 Looking for tho Mervyn'• 11oro noorHI you ? • Olaf our toll-free "800'' Information number U2-422·7..314-from 6 a.rn. to 11 p.m, .. .. I J Not 1hown: D 50°/ooff Junior, miHes, large 1ize sportswear. An extra 50% off clearance Items now at 1 98-17.98. Orig. 12.00-28 oo·. 3.97-8.97 'Intermediate markdowns may have been taken D 1/3 off Linen-look junior 1ize suits in spring styles. Polyester/rayon. sizes 5-13. Reg. 76.00 and 92.00. sale 50.66 and 61 .33 D 25°/ooff Famous maker junior size tops. Long, short sleeve solids, prints, more. S-M-l. Reg . 16.00 to 22.00, aale 11 .99 to 16.50 D 25°/ooff Junior size corduroy shorts in lots of sporty styles, including Ocean Pacific•. 5-13. Reg . 15.00-20.00, sale 11.25-14.99 D 9.99 6.01 off Brittani•• polos for juniort In spring brights. each with that famed flag logo. In S-M-L. Reg. 16.00, saJe t .99 D save 10.01 All mieaes' 8rlttania• jeans In sizes 8 to 16. Brrttan1aQI Jr cotton sheeting jeans In 5-13. Reg. 22.00-31 .00. sale 11.99-20.99 D 10.99 5.01 off Cashminci misses' size vees in freshest bright colors. NomelleG!> Orlon• acrylic. S-M-L Reg. 16.00. sale 10.99 D 5.99 50% off! Misses· size knits top your ne~ look in bold, clear sollds. Cotton/ polyester. S-M-l. Reg. 12 00, sale 5.99 D 19.99 large size Levi's., Bendover• pant• for women. Proportioned sizes 32-38. basic or fashion colors. Reg. 26.00, 19.99 D 2tor 5.00 50% off Santa Cruz bath towels from Cannon•. Soft cotton/polyester terry Reg. 5.00, sale 2.69 each, 2 for 5.00 D 50°/ooff Throw style fully quilted bed1pread1 in prints. florals and solids. Twin to king size. Reg. 40.00-70.00, sale 19.99·34.99 D 50°/ooff Satin acetate comforters tn reversible solids. polyester fill. Twin to queenl kJng. Reg. 30.00 to 50.00. sale 14.99 to 24.99 D 50°/ooff Soft floral broadcloth. Polyester/cotton. polyester/rayon with beige or pastel I grounds. 44-45". Reg. 2.79, 1.39 yd. D 50°/ooff Hot Wheet1• cera from Mattel•. Toys in all stores except our Fremont or Santa • Rosa stores. Reg. 1 .49, 79c H ., 2/1.49 -.... ,_., - I • ' _,...,....._. •41 VW .. r ie .. ••liii Dally Piiat SUNDAY, FEB. 14, 1982 FOR THE RECORD 85 Estancia's Gardner tops Daily. Pilot Sea View team. See story,. P.age B3 . D 0 ·UCI wants a third shot , Mulligan confident, despite, another defeat to Fresno St. Special Lo the Dally Pllo& FRESNO UC Irvine's basketball team will not have lo return here until next year. That's good news if you 're an Anteater basketball ran. But in about three weeks, there's a chance UCI will once again come face to face or man to man with the nation's No. l defensive h;am. Taking advantage of a sluggish start on the part or the Anteaters, Coach Boyd Grant's Fresno State Bulldogs scored their 19th straight victor J at Selland Arena Saturday night with a 71 58 decision over UCI. "l honestly think we can beat them." insisted UCI Coach Bill Mulligan. whose team dropped a 55·49 overtime decision to the Bulldogs last Sunday at Long Beach Arena. "l hope we get another s hot at them in three weeks (a t the PCAA tournament l " It's surprising Mulligan would wa nt to see the 18th-ranked Bulldogs again. By taking both PCAA 1tendlnge C...fwM<• W L Fresno St••t UC trvlnt Cal Slat• Fuller1on Lona 8eKh Sl•I• S.n JoM Stal• UC S.nlA BM""'• PKtltC UIAh Slel• s.t-···1c-"'""" Stete 11, UC Ir.I"" A 9 I 1 l I l 4 l 1 CAI Stele Fuller1on M, UIAll SU.le U Owwell W L JO 1 II 4 14 11 • 14 10 11 ' IJ 1 1j 4 ,, L0"9 llNc:h Stet• U , Sen JoM Stele '6 100 UC S.,,le a.t-e 19, Pec:llk M ,_.,.,o_ Pecllt< Al UC Ir.IN UC Senle 8Mt..f'e •I Fr..,,.. Slei. Cat Stal• Fuller1on •I Sen Jou St•I• ,, ... .,..o- Ul•h Slat• et L°"9 llAKh Sl•I• P CAA games fr om the Anteaters. Fresno State has improved its PCAA·leading record to 9-1. 20·2 overall The loss. meanwhile, saw the Anteaters· record dip to 7.3 In conference and 18-4 overall. "We had a horrible first five minutes.·· conceded Mulligan after the game fact, the Anteaters trimmed the Fresno State advantage to 40-39 before the Bulldogs reeled orr 11 straight points Actually, not all of the 6,530 in attendance were Bulldog rans. UCI owned 183 tickets and occupied a small corner of the Bulldogs · nightmari s h basketball headquarters. Fresno State did a number or UCJ 's top scorer. forward Kevin Magee. Magee carried a 27-point average into the game, but .the Bulldogs held him to 17 on the night. He did hall down 13 or the Anteaters' 23 rebounds. though. Meanwhile, Fresno State's Rod Hig~ins led all scorers with 21 points, while Donald Mason and Bernard Thompson chipped in 13 and 14 respectively The Bulldogs s hot an impressive 62.5 percent Crom the floor Their 66 7 shooting in the fir i.t half prevented the Anteaters Crom clawing back "We kept coming back and coming back. but there's a hmlt to how often you can do that," explained Mulli gan afterward "Since we fell behind earl}. we had to things we usually don't do. We had to gamble a lot "But then he 1GrantJ would l~t them loose and they ran. They've got great athletes," Mulligan added UC'l shot JUSt 40.9 for the gam e Following Magee's 17 points, Ben McDonald scored 14, Ke vin Fuller a dded 10 and Handy Whleldon was limited to JUSt eight points. far below h.is 15 2 average UCI hopes to get back on the v.inn1ng t rack b eginning Thursday when the Anteaters entertain Paifit• at Crawford H all o.fty ...... _.., '--~­ AtRJSORNE BARON -Fountam Valley's Ken Harter takes jumper over Ocean View's Jim L's evitch 1551 dufing Saturday night"s Sunset Lea ~ue pla~·off for thmt place al Edison Hig h Seahawks won "'ice Saturda~ and three times w1thm 24 hours tn claim th£> CIF lwrth beating Fountain Valley. 73.55 The Bulldogs jumped out to early leads of 11·3 and 18-5, the latter comlng with 12:2.5 left in the slow-moving first half. But UCI . despite a sellout crowd or 6,530 boisterous Fresno State fans , whittled away at the Bulldog lead. In NOT FORGOTTEN -Form£>r Ram quarterback Vince F crragatno visited the Irvine Sports Exchange sporting goods Delly --.... ~Mirr ston· Satu rda~ to s ign autoj'!raphs and lis t e n to well w1s hc•r:-tell him thc,"c1 like to ..,eC' him in a Ram uniform agam · Sefthawks find a way Ocean View reaches playoffs after third win in 24 hours Area fans haven, 't forgotten Vince By ROGER CARLSON Of the Delly Pllel Si.ff There's something that seems to bring out the best in Ocean Vi ew High's basketball team. Maybe it's adversity, maybe it's a matter of telling the Seahawks to win now or pack up, maybe it's racing Fountain Valley on the court. Whatever it is and maybe it's all three Coach Jim Harris' Seahawks r esponded with the ir third s traight must-win Saturday night in a s pan covering 24 hours as Fountain Valley fe ll in a convincing way. 73·55 , before 2,000 fans at Edison High. The. triumph gives Ocean View. which finis h e d in a three-way tie for third place with Huntington Beac h and Fountain Valley at 5-5 in Sunset League play. a Cl F 4·A playoffs berth in th e upcom ing eliminations Ocean View will be on the road against an opponent to be determined today when the playoff pairings are released Barring a wild card asst1nment <two or 11 third place fleams will meet to pare the field lo 32). Ocean View will be on the road Friday night. The Seahawks were supposed to be tired from defeating Hun~ Beach Friday night. then ~~Inc it again Saturday morniria (511-57), but Ocean View responded by hitting 24 of 41 from~ field (58.5 percent). Tbt Seabawk.s aren't supposed lo be able to scare a boys' club team at the free throw line. but a1al0Jt Fountain Valley tbef conlleetai on ~of 29 at the line, lncludiu the lint 18 straight. Dte teabawka are supposed to 1>e the most timid team in Harris' rqemory. but they not only played Huntiniton Beach nos~llHIOM ln a very physical stru11le1 t~ey dominated the Barona' lMtde tame to aucb an extent it affected the ability of Fountain Valley sharp-shooter Jefr Huat>es to get open for bis bombl. • Hu1bea 1cored only 10 point.a and wu never really the factor he hU to be in order for Fountal.n Valley to function. "Enthus1a!im 1s carrying us,' said Harris arterward "They're JUSt getting after 1t " .... league). got to within 47·41 late in the third period. only to see DeBrouwer steal the ball and hit a layup. followed by an inside bucket by Usevitch with four seconds left in the quarter. It was quickly a 14-point bulge in the final segment after a Ca rroll bucket ins ide and a couple more free throws by DeBrouwer and then it became a procession to the free throw line for the winners. By CURT SE EDEN Of Ille Delly ...... SIA" Bitter Ram fans. s wooning t ee na ge r s and wide eyed youngsters pushed and s hoved their way into an Irvine sporting goods store Saturday afternoon to see former Ram quarterback Vince Ferragamo. The 100 or so autograph s eekers did more than Just accept the current Montreal Alouetles quarterback 's autograph. however For a while 1t was a nip-and-tuck contest. but a Fountain Valley lead of 18-12 with 2:32 left in the first quarter evaporated quickly as as 6·4 Junior Mike Judge, 6·4 Junior Mike Carroll,· sparkplug Scott DeBrouwe r and 6·9'°'J Jim Usev1tch combined to rattle off a 15-2 spurt and with just 2:39 spent in the second period the Seahawks were up, 27·20 F ou ntain Va lley never recovered. getting no closer than rive points the rest of the way. The Barons, who had lost to Ocean View three limes <o nce in tournament play. twice in Judge finished with 20 points. a career high for him. and he added e'lght rebounds. Usevitch scored 14 points. had 10 rebounds and three blocked s hots. and Carroll (11) and DeBrouwer c 10 1 contributed d o ubl e figur e scoring . <See BARONS, Page 84) TOP EFFORT -Ocean View High 1unior forn ard ~ikc· Judge ~cored a c areer·h1 gh 20 points as O cean \'1ew c laimed t he fina l Sunset Le ague p I a~ off b t' rt h Saturda' "Are you coming back., .. "Will you play for the Rams a Rain., "They need you , believe me" lt was unanimous In between signing photographs, footballs and even casts. Ferragamo rumored to be on his way back • IS alive and well ·The terrible Angel jinx But with luck, maybe, Kirkpatrick and Tony C. can lick it once. and for, all The moment the dis patch came out of Boston about Tony C .. that damned terrible jinx came to mind again. Tony Conigliaro was in a coma following a massive heart attack and the doctors were s haking their heads in despair Tony C. thus became another victim or the grotesque tra1edy that somehow stalks the Angels basebalJ team . It reaches out for members and alumni alike. At the very moment the wire ser9ces were telling the country about Tony C . Spanky was also lying In a coma in a hospital in Orange County. Ed Kirkpatrick was involved In a truck accident and has been unconscious for several weeks. LYMAN BOSTOCK MAY have been the best ball player the An&els ever had. The story was inconalstent but -he was In an automobile ooe nlaht ln Gary' Ind .• and a craiy came alona with a gun and blasted Lyman quite beyond recall. ll was excellent testimony for those who say It ls not guns. but people, that kill people. The shooter who got Lyman Is still alive and well. The An&els were also lo Chicago when the team lol the news youn1 pitcher Dick Wantz had died suddenly of a bra.111 tumor. He had mlased the trip because• or what had been described as ordinary .SPORTS COLUMNIST I BUD TUCKER headaches. Assistant 1eneral manager Marvin Milkes assembled everyone In the lobby of the Edgewater Beach Hotel and told us about Wantz. Marvin Mllkes died of a heart attack last week in Los Angeles. Bruce Heinbechner was a baby pitcher the Antela felt had a world of promise. Heinle, a.s the guys called him, wu killed In an auto crash in Palm Springs. MIKE MILEY, the good young shortstop, was also killed in a car accident. He was back ln his home state of Louislane at the time the ball club received word. Chico Ruta, the happy Lat.ih infielder, also perished In a car craab. You remember the f\JYS pretent1q Chico with a cushion with his name on It because be spent so mucb lime on &.be bench and when he got to play two nlthta .in 1 row at Anaheim Stadium, Chico uld, "Bench me or trade me ·· Minnie Ro1as was terribly injured in an auto accident. J im Fregos1. a former teammate. is one or those who helps take care of Minnie. Jim McGlothlln. the frecklea redhead they called "the boy next door." was gone from the Angels to the Cincinnati Reds when cancer killed him at the very prime of life. Well , perhaps Tony C. and Spanky can kill the jinx. If these two guys pull through, wouldn't that remove the hex., THEY HA VE THE spunk and sense of humor. When Conigl\aro was m a terrible s lump and .totally dlacouraged one summer, he dttided to leave the club and go home to Boston. He called a press conference in the lobby of a hotel in Oakland and .1Viled all the media to attend. The thing was, It was 4 o'clock in the morning. "It was the only tlme 1 knew 1 could find you glzyS all In the hotel at the same time." Tony C. said. Ed Kirkpatrick came out or Glendora High School and into the major leaaues. He was l8 year• old when he made the Angels l'Olter as a catcher and It was because ot h11 youth thlt be was given the (SH TUCKER, Pace BS l to Anaht•1m soon politely JCC'l'Ptl'd the opin1ons or the well wishers who greeted him at the Sports Exchange store lie• also admitted t hat if he wert• to return to the National Football League, he would play onh ror thl' Rams 1-;erragamo. you might recall, lost his starting assignment as the Alucottes· quarterback when Montreal went into a long losing s treak in the 1981 Canadian Football League i.eason Th£' disenchanted Alueottes and their ow n e r Nelson Skalbama reportedly have given a Beverly Hills bus inessman authority to re present the team 1n its negot1at1ons with the Rams But bccaui.e F'e rragamo is under contra c t wi th the J\ lou ettes through 1984 . s uch neROt1ations border on tampcr1 rr,g whi c h c ould cvcntuallv result m some type of interference suit , aC'cording to Ra m s Gener al Manager Don Klosterman But six fi gure salaries and all the technicalities or negotiating a contract between the CFL and l h e NFL d Id n 't s t 0 p 'the Ferragamo fan s from e xpressing their views . "Gonna play with the Rams again?" inquired young Bret Johnson of Irvine. "I don't know yet Maybe," Ferragamo. who also lives in Irvine, responded. trying lo sound optimistic There were also fans of tall, da rk, good-looking rootbalt players. "Boy, he should be a movie star. not a football star," offered a a young girl "Yeah, what a babe," her friend added. "I just came here because you're a hunk,'' Dee Oahlgrttn of Irvine said. During his one-hour stay at the sportin& goods s tore , Ferraiamo stsned autoarapba for not only the kids, but their parents and even the co4lecUve e mployees or • nearby supermarket. t ronlcally, the photos of .CSee FERllAGAMO, Paae BS> I . j .. ' J l j i • I · 1 J . I J ... I J ] ] ] I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 ~--------------------... ~--..... ----------------------------------------------------------, 'Casual' b e t t or wins 8382,000 wager From AP dhpakbea HIALEAH , Fla. A $382,000 E wining Pie Six ticket was claimed Soturd'y from a Jan 25 Hialeah race by an attorney representmg what he called "u casual horse player · · Fort Lauderdale attorney Oomlmck Miruaci declined to name his client, who recetved a check for $305,876 minui. the track 's withholding of 20 percent for the Inte rnal Revenue Service. He described the winner us a man who lives "north of Miami," and is a businessman who doesn't gamble for a living "He's a casual horse player who like Hialeah," Miniaci said "He comes out when the Pie Six pool gets big He plans It out very carefuJJy " The lawyer said the winner doesn't want to be bothered with people hounding him tt> Invest in projects. Quote of the day Don James, U. of Washington football coach: "The key thing is to be well organized, to pay attention to details and not be sloppy and poorly disciplined. A team as a reflection or the way it is coa~hed. I've always said you couldn't blow a wh.isUe at l . 30 Saturday afternoon and all of a sudden have a disciplined football team. You've got to practice that way all week long." A~guello wins in enemy camp Alexis Arguello, ignoring the ~ chants of a hostile c rowd, stunned hometown chal lenger Bubba Busceme with a thunderous lef\ hook in t e sixth round, then followed with a brutal serieR of punches Saturday to defe11d his Wo1 Id Boxing Council lightweight c hampionship Arguello, who won the li~htweight title last June, successfully defended it Cor the third time . . . Successfully retaining his WDA light heavyweight crown was Michael Splllka, who stopped Mustara Wasajja of Uganda at 1.36 or the six round of their scheduled 15-rounder , BuckS romp toe ghth straight wtn Q•ta11 Buc:ll aer and Bri a• m WID&er1 scored 18 point.a aple('e and Mltlie)' l oluslCle added 17 Saturd1y nl.iht H lbe Mllwauke~ Butka romped to lbelr elablh atralght victory • 120·90 decllloo over the host Chlcaao Bulls . , . In other National Basketball Ass0tlatlon action, Calvta Natt scored 216 point.a to lud a well·balanced attack u Portland scored • come from -behind 128 120 victory 01r~r Detroit Mo1tt1 Ma~ rummed In 32 points und pounded the boards for 12 rebounds i.n leadmg Houston lo Its ul1ht straight triumph, a 111 104 verdict over the Wm;hington Bullets Subslitute guard Andrew Toney scored 11 strliight polnlis starting 1ucuu with the end of the third quarter, and rookie fi'ranklJn Edward• scored eight points in a 4 ~ minute span as Philadelphia topped New York, 114·107 .. Billy Knight scored 14 of h.is 22 points ln the final quarter, including the game-winmng layup with three seconds remaining, as Indiana nipped C leveland , 110·109 Klkl Vaodeweghe led a balanced Denver attack with 27 points as the Nuggets romped to a 146-129 victory over Sim Diego Adrian Oa.Uley scored 40 pomts to lead Utah to Its fourth stratght win. 120· 115 over Phoenix. Chicago. Pulfcrd get their kicks ~ Ted Bulley scored three goals, two of wh1ch T.oronto players kicked into their own net, as the Chicago Black Hawks rallied from an early three.goal deficit and defeated the Maple Leafs 6·4 in National Hockey League action Saturday night. The game marked the end of Chicago General Manager Bob Pulford's s ix.game str etch as coach in place of Coach Keith Magnuson. With Pulford in command, the Black Hawks won four games and lost two In other games. Bryan Trottier scored five goals and lied an NHL record with four m the second period as the New York Is landers whipped Philadelphia 8·2 . Ivan Boldlrev snapped a l ·I lie I ate in the second ~u1.110•0 period and Vancouver went on to score a 3·2 victory over St. Louis Don Maloney scorP.d his 13th goal of the season with oine minutes left in the game to give the New York Rangers a 3·2 victory over Hartford Steve Shutt scored two goals as streaking Montreal topped Winnipeg 7.3 . . Kevin La Vallee scored his 24th goal to lead Calgary to a 6·3 win over Boston .. Dino ClccarellJ scored twice to lead Minnesota to a 6-1 win over Detroit. North. Levi share lead In Hawa11 AAdy Norib birdied tbo 18th hole II an<l lied Wayne LeYI for the third round ltud Saturday lo the llawallaan Open Goll Toumamtnt North, w urher shot his third ea&lt1 1n two daya, •hot a third :.trai&ht 3 under par 69. Levi. 28, a notorious 1lreak pluycr who hu collected two titles an six years of tour aC'tl vity, auraed out or tht' puck with 11 no boiittY, ~ Wlder-par 67 Tom Wat•un had ll ashure ot the lop S1><>t, but couldn't hune on to it Holll• Stacy, who flrnd a sauling 6 under par 66 ID the Carat round, carded a 1 under 71 Saturday to retain a one-stroke lead an the LPGA tournament It St. J>cttrsbur1. Fla. Stacy •is one shot ahead of defending champion JoAnne Carner and Patty Rheehan headin1 Into today's flnul round of the 54 hole toumamt-nt The winner will r eceive $18,750 Denny signs pact with Indians Patcher John Denny has signed a II t hree·year COntract With the Cleveland Indian~ which his agent described as "very liberal " Denny's a1ent, Richie Bry, said, "It narrowed down to Oakland and the Indians and he decidt.'d on the Indians. It's a three-year contract with very liberal terms." ... Third baseman Hubie Broolta and center fielder Mookle Wiison, who each enjoyed standout rookie seasons for the Mets. have signed one-year pacts, the National League club announced Saturday Right hander Dick Tldrow. who posted a 3-10 record as a relief pitcher last season, signed a three-year contract with the Chicago Cubs. reportedly for $1 05 mall ion over the life of the contract. T1drow, 33, m ade $200,000 last year and expr essed dissatisfaction with the club before the Tribune Co boughHhe team Earnhardt wins prehm race Dale Earnhardt h eld off a • challenge by Jody Ridley on the final lap Saturday to wan the Goody's 300 l11te model sportsman race before a crowd or 75,00Q at Daytona International Speedway. Earnhardt and Ridley, who both will drive in today·s Daytona 500 NASCAR Grand National stock car race, dueled over the last 15 laps after pose-sitter Mike Porter gave up the lead when he pitted at the end or the l04th lap Targa, a 20-1 longshot, past tiring favorite Past Forgetting and went on to caputer the Santa Maria llandjcap before a crowd or 41 ,672 at Santa Anita Saturday Biii St raub converted a 10 pin an the 10th frame, then rolled a game-ending strike to defeat Mike Aulby, 1217-212 and win the Professional Bowlers Tour event m Florissant, Mo. . Randy Wiison, a former University of Oklahoma runner now competing for Athletic West track club, set an unofficial world best in the 880-yard event Saturday in an invatataonal track meet at Boston University • Lakerstop 'IV agenda Daytona 500, also featured By HOWARD L HANDY of_OelfY ........... Auto nclna fans w1ll get an opportuolt)' to wltneas the Daytona 500, a NASCAR Grand National stock car r11ce, from bepnnlnt to end startlna 1&t 9 this mornln1 on Channel 2. Rlcbard Petty, a namo weU·lmown \p autO racing circles, is the defendin1 champio.t and a seven·time winner of the event. Ht will be ln tM starting field for today's race aJo..-1 with all Oft* other top drivers For diversification, there's a coll•I• basketball gume -Georgia at North Carollo• <ChaMel 4, 10 a m. l. a pro game betw~en tM Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers <Channel Z, 12. 45 p.m.) I the Hawaiian Open eolf loumameat <C hannel 4, 1:30 pm .): and the Kines at Philadelphia hockey game <Channel 9, 3:50 p.m.). Of course, there's also the u!ual array of :specialty s hows including Sportsworld, Superat.ant, Wide World or Sports and the US.A vs. the Wt>rtd competition Following are the top sports events on TV tOClay. Ratings are· • • ' " excellent ; • ' • worth watchlnO: , , fair, • foroet It. '<I) 9 a .m., Channel 2 111 AUTO RACE: Daytona 500. Announcers: Ken Squier, David Hobbs, N9d Jarrett, Larry Nuber and Brock Yates. Seven·tlme winner and defending Daytona SOO champion Richard Petty is expected to 101n a field of drrvers that reads like a Who's Who in Americ.an stock car racing. Included in the field are Cale Yarborough, Donnie Allisoo, Bobby Allison. Dale Earnhardt, Buddy Baker and Benny Parsons among others. The Daytona SOO is stock car racing's biggest purse with prize money totaling S914,990 this year Benny Parsons will be on the pole after qualifying at a record 196.317 miles per hour with Harry Gant on the front row with him ~ 10 a.m., Channel 4 ./ 11 COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Georgia at Nortn Carolina Announcers: Marv Albert and Al McGuire North Carolina's No. 2 ranked Tar H~ls take on the Bulldogs in today's feature. Georgia features the play of All-American Dominique Wilk ins who is averaging better than 20 POints a game while the T~r Heels wlll have Sam Perkins and James Worthy direc.ti119 their offense as well as trying to stop Wilkins on defense. North Carolina has an 18-2 record whlle Georgia 1s struggling at 11-8 Jahhar center of attention • ID TV game today Ci) 12:45 p.m .. Channel 2 ./ I ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL. Boston at Lakers Announcers: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell Wh ich role will the Lakers' big man. assume in showdoum with the Celtics? The Boston Celtlcs could pr011ide an end to a two-game losing streak today but 1t won't be a s easy a s it was last Sunday 1n Boston when the Lakers posted a 119-113 dec1s1on Boston, with Larry Bird, is a scant half game in front of Philadelphia in the Eastern Conference Atlantic D1vis1on whrle the Lakers are a half-game behind Seattle in the Western Conference Pac1lic Division ByCURT SEEDEN Of-Dall, ...... _ INGLEWOOD -Thoughts of a Los Angeles Lakers·Boston Celtics contest immediately conjure up the makings for the great showdown between the Lakers' Magic Johnson and Celtics' Larry Bird. Antonio Friday night in which he scored just 10 points and had six rebounds -could be a man of mystery to the Celtics today. But when the lwo NBA powers square off this afternoon ( L2 . 45 ) before a sellout crowd of 17 ,505 al the Forum and a national TV audience looking on, the center attraction will be the biggest man on the court. Under a new plan devised by Laker Co1eb Pat Riley, Jabbar is supposed to concentrate on defense and leave the scorin1 to guys llke Ma1tc, forward Jamaal Wilkes and guard Norm Nixon. Thars what Jabbar tried to do Friday night against the Spurs ilnd all it got the Lakers was a loss Kare<?m Abdul-Jabbar, coming off one of has worst games or the year -a 100·94 loss to San Jabbar was also supposed to ignore the basket last Sunday against the Celtics in a nationally tele\ ased contest from Bost.on Garden That day. Surpris e : Kings t ie Bozek scores with one second left PITTSBURGH IAP > Steve Bozek scored his second goal of the game wath one second left to give the Los Angeles Kmgs a 3.3 tie with the Pittsburgh Penguins In a National Hockey League game Saturday night With about a minute remaining in the game the Kings puUed goalie Doug Keans for an ex tra attacker Pittsburgh goalie Michel Dion made several saves but failed to stop Bozek's shot. Bozek scored at 5 42 of the second pe riod to bring Los Angeles to within 3 -2 as Pjttsburgh's winless streak extended to seven games. The Kings have now gone 17 games without a win on the road, dating back lo Dec 15. The late goal was the 30th of the season for Bozek. "It seems like we always play hard enough to hand close then we manage to put on that last surge," said Bozek. "I JUSt wish some time we'd do it in the middle of the game and blow some body out · The Kings had several good scoring chances before Bozek finally scored to give them the tie "We were pressing so hard they couldn 't do much," Bozek added "ll didn't even seem like they were going for the puck that much. I think they were trying to hang on and hope that time ran out" The Peng1uins led 2· l after one period on a pair of goals by Gregg Sheppard. Doug Smith scored for Los Angeles midway through the first period. Rick Kehoe gave Pittsburgh a 3·1 lead with a power play goal al 5· 14 of the second period Acting Coach Brad Selwood s hook up the Los Angeles hneup by recalling three players from the Kings' New Haven farm team for Saturday's game Warren Holmes, Al Sams and Scott Gruhl were all in uniform a nd Holmes assisted on the first two ~oals. Mounties top occ, 9 3 -66 WALNUT Chris Beasley pumped in 29 pomts Saturday night, but at wasn't enough as host Mt. San Antonio College handed Orange Coast a 93·66 setback in South Coast Conference basketball action. The Pirates, 3·7 m conference and 12-14 overall. are still ahve for a berth ID the conference's S haughnessey Playoffs, but they'll need victories over both San Diego Mesa and Grossmont next week to do it Saturday night, Ml San Antonio shot 71 percent Crom the floor in the first half to jump out to a 44 25 advantage Tom Tebbs led the Mounties' attack with 18 points while teammate Derek Moore added 17 Beasley, who now needs just 56 points in his last two games to go over the 1,000 plateau, added 11 rebounds and three steals . Beasley would become only the second player in OCC history to reach that mark The other 1s former UCLA standout John Vallely r -----------~------, ADVERTISING • wnrren ~gned prOOJ(E'C ond µi<"XP<J • rhor e~Otns enh<j"lrens 01'<1 <oel~ I I SOc off adult ticket with ad OR>tMGE ~OUMT( • rhor ~)OJ< prt)().icr ()f !oE'N<P .,, ftv> ~ po\Slb/e hghr • thor s rorQE'led d1reoly ro rhP OIOPf'f oudlf?'l<e • ~me l><j"t media ~'~ ·~ mov '"'(> "'nr elecron1c. btllboor~ brochur~ "°'~ o•ch l)OIOI of.p.Jfd"lal.e -\lngly or ,,.... .om<>•XJrom • rhot CQ("I be offf!ded by A SMALL BUSINESS beeau5e small Minesse ~ orof~IOl'IOlly proO.iced ocM!nising or o-t affordable pnce CC1' 1 help ~ smo11 tiw~s> Give.me o coll and lei\ ~ No!\Jrolly mere's no ob119011on (71 4) 842·9032 bill Pl!"°" L---~--------------~ ~9JLU~'!'9BAMA GUN SHOW ..... ' •••• nW4 ft.a •Sat., Fe b. 13 & Sun., Feb. 14 . BUY -SELL· TRADE the 7·2 center hit 16 of 20 attempts from the field and finished with 35 points. The Lakers rallied from a big first-half deficit to stun the Celtics 119·113 m that game RiJey wu quick to defend J abbar after Friday nlght's loss to the Spurs. ..It's an area we're going to have to shore up We made a decision (about Jabbar's role) "lt's understandable that his offense is down But that·~ not what hurt us:· Riley said While J abbar figures to play a prominent role today, both .Bird and Johnson certainly won't be st anding an the wings Bard. held to JUSt 11 potnl.5 by the defense or M ichacl Cooper a week ago, figures to be looking for a httle revenge And Magic will iusl be happy to be tn the lineup, consadenng a sprained arch kept him from getting in on the fun last week While the Lakers have defeated the Celtics sax of the last seven times the two teams have played at the Forum. Los Angeles will be out to snap a modest two-game losing streak today And to make things more mteresting, they'll once again have a shot at regainin~ the lead in the Pacific Div1s1on over Seattle Vanguards triumph CLAREMONT Five Southern California College players scored in double figures Saturday night as the Vanguards scored an 81 -76 non-conference vic tor y over host Claremont College. SCC, 17-R overall, needed three clutch free throws from Rick Pluamer and two pressure charities from Dave Corsa to preserve the victory. Rick Porras led the Vanguard attack with 16 points, while teammates Plu1mer and Mike Roberts added 15 apiece Corsi chipped in 13 and Mark Roche contributed 12. The Vanguards took a 43-33 advantage at the half and then held off a Claremont rally to pick up the win on the road ~ 1 :30 p.m .• Channel 4 I I GOLF: Hawaiian Open Announcers: Don Criqui, Bruce Devlin, Jann Brodie, Charlie Jones. Bob Goalby and Jay Randolph Needing a birdie on the final hole Saturday Andy North enters today's final round at Honolulu tied with Wayne Levi for lhe lead at 9-under 217 Among the four players tied for the runner·UP spot at two slrokes back is Tom Watson. who twice had a share of the lead Saturday before lwo •ate bogeys [-) 3:50 p .m., Channel 9 ./ v' NHL HOCKEY: Kings at Philadelphia Announcers: Bob Mrfler and Nick Nickson The Krngs continue lo struggle in the Campbell Conference, Smythe 01v1s1on The Kings scored w1lh one second left to tie Pittsburgh 3-3 Saturday night but they have a long dry spell agarnst Phlladelphra OTHER TELEVISION Noon (4) SPORTSWORLD -Jo Jo Starbuck, Ken Shelley and Janet Lynn are featured in Part J of the world pro figure skating champronsh1ps, tal)e'd at Landover, Md 1 :30 p.m . (7) SUPERSTARS A stellar list of NFL Pro Bowl part1cipanls takes part 1n the fr11al men's preliminary, taped at Key Blscavne. Fla Inc luded in the group are Billy Sims. Kellen Winslow. George Rogers and Cris Collinsworth 2:30 p.m (7) U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD The United States wrestling team vs. West Germany 1n a series of matches taped at Atlantic City. N.J . 3.30 Pm C7l WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - The Grand Prrx motocross motorcycle championship, taped at Carlsbad. Also· Peggy Fleming A Special Performance, fe11ttures the skating artistry of the 1968 Olympic gold medalist during a recent tlve-week en9agement at La ke Tahoe, Nev RADIO SCC returns to NAii\ District Ill action Tuesday night when the Vanguards travel to Basketball Riverside to race Cal Baptist. The Vanguards are KLA..f ~t7~~- Boston at .Lakers, 12 :30 pm ., currently 4 6 an conference play I< PRZ ( 1150) ~~~~~~~~-~~ Good for you! Classified advertising is your best choice for help rn selling the items you no longer need It's quick and Inexpensive. .. . . . . .. .. Kings at Phlladelptua. 3.5-0 pm .• ~ .... BRAD GUESS KEN BARDSLE\' BVRONBALL CHRIS L VNCll JAC'K ERRION Gardner tops All-Sea View Errion, Sunderman tabbed By ROGER CARl..SON Of llM D•llY Pl ... Sutt · Estancia High senior guard Jerr Gardner, who led his teammates to a portion of the Sea View Lea1rne basketball championship with Corona del Mar. has been selected by the Daily Pilot the Most Valuable Player m the lea~ue. "Without ham we·re lucky to finish fourth in the league,·· says his coach, Larry Sunderman. The 5-10 playmaker. a second team All-CIF 3-A ~election as a Junior. was the catalyst to Estancia s game, averaging 9.7 assists per game, an addition to chipping in with 12 6 points a ~ame. It was Gardner's ability to kill time with the ball as time dwindles and the Eagles held a slight lead that may have been his best asset, combined with has free throw shootm~ <80 percent) Estancia and Co rona del Mar , the ('o-champion~. each picked up three spots Corona del Mar's Cbns Lynch Joining Gardner on lhe first team. Second team berths went to Estancia ·s Brian Midland and Steve Kra1ss and Corona del Mar's M 1ke Hess and flank Goebel Rounding out the first team are Costa Mesa's Ke n Bardsley. Uni ver:.ity's Brad Guess and Newport Harbor JUnaor Byron Ball Bardsley was a strong candidate for MVP with has 19 <i scoring average <tops in the league). The UC Irvine -bound standout scored 10 double figures in 50 :.1ra1ght games for Costa Mesa. going back to his :.ophomore season Ball and Guess were the only players selected from the two quintets which finished in a tie for fourth place. Also earning second team honors is Jim Pelichowsk1 , who 1s credited with a lion's share for Mesa·:. sax-game winning streak to earn the Mustangs their first Cl F playoff spot in 16 years Coach of the Year honors were shared by Sunderman and CdM Coach Jack Errion. Both finis hed 12-2 in league and both lost (our games during the entire season Estancia employed an inside attack and utilized a finely tuned zone defense, Corona del Mar attacked from the outside and went with its customary man to-man defense. All-Sea View League Player, school Ht. Cl. Avg. First Team Ken Bardsley. Costa Mesa 6-4 Sr 19.4 Brad Guess. University 6-6 Sr. 18.9 Byron Ball. Newport Harbor 6-7 Jr 15.8 Jeff Gardner. Estancia 5-10 Sr 12.6 Chris Lynch. Corona de l Mar 6-2 Sr 16.5 Second Team Brian Midland. 1.-:stancia 6-4 Sr 7 6 Jam Pchchowsk1 Costa Mesa 6-4 Sr 10 6 Hank G{)ebel , Corona del 'Mar 6-7 Sr 92 Steve Kraiss, E!-.tanc1a 6-1 Sr 10.4 M1kt· lll·ss, Corona del Ma r 6-2 Jr 84 D eese sparks UCI nine LAS VEG AS F r cs h man the sixth inning. Santa Ana College right-hander Eddie Deese, pitching transfer Darre n Kelchner put the in his first collegiate baseball game. Anteaters ahead to stay with a hurled an eight-hitter Saturday as· two-run double UC Irvine nipped the University of Kelchner went 2·for-2 and scored a New Mexico. 4·3 here. run when teammate Dave Glick The Anteaters . in 1,as Vegas to doubled him home Mike Rupp added play a double-header today against a pair of hits and the Anteaters' the Rebel s. improved their fourth RBI non-conference record to 3·2-1 with UCI returns lo action this morning the victory. when Andy B1snar and Dennis Cowan take their turns on the mound against Deese. out of Sonora High School. the Rebels went the distance. striking out four m The Anteaters have another game the process. wi th UNLV Monday before returning The Anteaters rallted from a 3-1 home to host UCLA Friday (2::.l) at deficit with a three-run outburst in Anteater Stadium .~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--1 Pittsburgh gets Edwards PITTSBURG It f AP I -Th e P1tt sbur~h Penguins have acquired veteran goaltender Gary Edwards from the St LoWI Blues in exchange tor future con · aiderattons, the Na· tloaal hockey League team Mid Saturday. Tbe 34-year -old Ed.,ard1 bas played wilb five other NHL leamJ including two sePM'* stints with St. Loula. This season, he pla1ed Jn 10 games for the ~ues. compiling a I .II fo&ll-again st av.,... and a record or l·S.l. The Penguins had be.eh looking for an experienced backup for 1oa e Michel Dion since Pa l Harrison was cl&iJQied oa waivers by the Buffalo Sabres last week. Haveeomethtn1 you want to llll T C1U1llled Ilda do i&..O.MM171 • » Lat US Do Our Total Fitness lllll fw YOU • ._... W • VoleyW • lrrhstb• • MraWca • ~ .• w...,,,,..... * W."'""'9 * Jsm.11 • S-1ee i I Pool RSJAC UHtt 't • ..... 111-4421 RMYAC ......... _ C....MeM 517-4401 Rustlers · still undefeated; Bucs roll Golden Wc~t College made it thret 1tralght without u dt!feat In the YOW\8 com munlty college buseball 1e11on. while Orange Coast opened the 1982 campallft on u succe11sful note at the Southwe11tern Tournament. BASEBALL 1982 orr on the right toot, and they did It without thu servlcu or lh•lr top returner, outfielder Kevin Sllwlnakl Saddleback wasn't so lucky, however. mainly becuuse the Gauchos fell v1cUm lo G WC's powerful bats and play doud. Saddleback countered with a seven rWl eighth inning to slice GWC's lead to 11 9 Sliwinski inJured hl!I back 11 few day• aiO and hud to s it out the Duca' opener. but he wu11 hurdly mi11sed Here's how the action went : Golden We1t 14, Saddleb9ck 9 Coach Fred Hoover'a Rustlers Jumped out to an 11-2 marlin over the host Gauchos, thanks to a grand slam hy sophomore Dan Larson in the sixth inning and a 15-hit attack Saddleback's Bob Gray duplic ated Larson's teat wlth a grand slam of his own in the Gauchos' bl& inning Earlier in the same frame, Mark Hlnkl~ cracked a solo shot occ wasted little lime in celling started. collecting three runs ln the first Inning on three straight walks, a alnale by Scott Groot and a two.run double by Rick Hopkins Lanny DeRose started for GWC but he needed relier help from Ed Clark and BeJe Mahoe to pull oul'the win. Jack Reinholtz picked up the victory with six strong innings, allowing four hits and no walks along with the unearned runs However. the Gauchos, under new coach Jim Brideweser didn't roll over Orange Coast 9, Marin 2 Coach Mike Mayne's Pirates started The Pirates continue tournament play today < 11 a m 1 against LA Harbor ad1e.lhaek ~-=--- (" ,_ ' ( ,-(' ; ( ·~' . ' - Save 1 5 200 • 120 wetta per chennel, minimum rms Into 8 ohms, 20·20,000 Hz, 0.05~ THO 499!~95 This "heavyweight'' has 1t all! Check output power at a glance " with dual-range, 12-step LED display. Exclusive Auto-Magic' fine-tunes, locks-in FM stations AM/FM LED signal strength in- dicator, separate bass, treble and midrange controls. ·'· much more! #31-3010 Video Disc Player With Remote Control ceo-1 by Rea11at1c b Save 5 100 39995 Reg. 499.95 Enjoy movies, sports and specials on low-cost discs! Connects to any TV 1n seconds. Play the sound through your TV speaker, or through your h1-fi system for dramatic theater-like effects. # 16-301 Add Th••• M•tched Components for • Complete Stereo System-Save Even More! Save s4ooeo Reg. Separate Items 1399.80 • Realistic STA-2300 Stereo Receiver • Two Mach One· Speaker Systems • LAB-440 Direct-Drive Turntable, $39.95 Cartridge, Oust Cover Space-Saving "System Seven" By Realistic Save s5oes Reg. Separate Items 279.85 • 10 wetts per chennel, minimum rm• Into 8 ohm• from 20-20,000 Hz, with no more then 0.4~ totel hmrmonlc dlstor11on • Reallstlc STA-7 Sllm-Llne AM/FM Stereo Receiver• •Two Mlnlmus'-7 Ole-Cast Metal 2-Wa y Speakers Big-system features an a small package! Receiver has special equalization swatch for deep bass even from mini speakers. Speakers each have 4" woofer and 1 " tweeter. ~;.: LAB-120 by RHllatic Magnetic Phono Cartridge 8-Track Recording Tape Save R1000EOT by R .. llstlc/Shure Half Price •30 1995 5915 • Ult!~::ht ~~ng Includes 112.tS RHllatlcJADC OLM30 MKJll M8gnetlc Cartridge Reg. 89.95 Treat your records to this precision tumtabfe. Damped cue/pause lever. &shaped tonearm tracks down to 11'2 grams. 33•/,, 45-APM. #42-2973 • Elliptical Diamond Stylus Hear what you've been missing-and prevent record wear! Tracks from 3/• to 1 'h grams. Smooth ~20.000 Hz r&- sponse for high-definition music repr<> duction. #42-2769 By Realistic Half Price 40 Minutes 2 for Reg. 1 . 99 Each 80 Minutes 2 for 289 Reg. 2.&9 &ch ~ Special-fOf'mula oxide for high out- put, low noise. Polyester base r&- sists breaks, stretching. Stock up-no limit! #44-840/841 . : ~ ·. 25' Modutar-Moduler Cont #279-35648 8 Reg. 5.95 ll 30' Cord. 4-prong jacl<, plug. #279-1261 2 99 Reg. 3.99 Deluxe Pocket AM Radio ByR•u.tlc gaa 10o/o Off Aeg.10.95 Enjoy music, news and tpOrta .nywherel JICQ for eerphone, AC ltdapW. wn.t llrlp. 112·17'3 ........ 1} Save 7995 '10 :eis Makes fjguring taxtftl easy, and gives you a permanent pnnted ,. cord. Ten-digit display, 4-key mem- ory. Peroent, dfecount and adO-on, groea profit matgln keys. 165-eM Check Your Phone Book for the aa .. ""ICU MAY VMY AT IHOMOUN. ITOl'll AHO OIALUlt 5·~~· 59!,~ ~ No lnatallatton-~ Juat Plug In and Alm Onei>leoe ayatem protects home and family 24 hours a day! Covers 20 >< 30' .,.... 149-303 : l' ,• . r ~ . .... __._ .............. ....-.. ..................... .._ _________ _,. ___________________ .....__ _____________ ~~---~-------------------·- ...... . .. _.. -.. Orange Cout DAJLV PILOT/Sunday. February 14, 1982 Werner helps OV top Oilers H unttnato n Buch Hlch'a Oilers. who s hared the Sunset Lcaaut baaketb•ll le ad with eventual champion Edilson at the midway point a nd were S-2 throu1h seven rounds. were ~llmlruated rrom CJ F 4-A playoff co n sid eration SlA turd ay rnornina. Ocean View High's Seahawks posted a 58·57 decision at Edison High when Shawn Werner drove the baseline and scored with 32 seconds left to provide the winners with a 56·53 margin. Then Werner hit two free throws with 10 seconds left to make lt 58·55 m the first of two special playoff games to determine the l eague 's third -plac e re presenlaitve in the CIF 4·A playoffs The Oilers scored with four seconds left on Bruce Ayres' baske t , but Huntington Beach had no time outs left and the Seahawks did not need to inbound the ball It was Ocean View's second victory over Huntington Beach in a span of 15 hours and it was a nose-to-nose slugfest , each team hilting 23 field goals, Ocean View commg up with one more free throw The game tu m e d Ocean View's way in t he third quarter when Huntington Beach was guilty of six turnovers and guard Billy Thompson was sent to the bench with his fourl)l foul with 1 · 54 left in the quarte r Thompson r eturned at the start of the fourth pe riod, but was hit with his r.rth personal with 2· 11 le ft after hitting a layup to pull the Oilers to within 51-49. The officials ruled offensive charging after the buc ket and Ocean View g uard Scotl DeBrouwer converted it into a free throw < 52-49 > and the Oilers never quite recovered J im Usevitch led Ocean View with 18 points, while Mike Judge 113 >. DeBrouwer (111 and We rner < 101 were also m double figures Huntington Beach had four in double figures. loo. with Ayres (161. Dane Shackleford 114 1.Jim Lane 113 1 and Thompson 1121 sharing scoring respons ibiht1e!> Dell'f ~ -~ Ue ... .,.. UP FOR TWO -Ocean View High"s D1m1tn Antonopoulos < 331 goes up for a s hot Salurda~· night. <'vading till' defense of Fountain Vallev·s Ro b Wh1k ha1r Ocean VH'" won. 73-55, to ('<lrn a C'I F 4·-A plarnff bt•rth From Page 81 BARONS WIN PLAYOFF. • • DeBrouwer also had 10 assists, s parkling al both ends or the court Fountain Valley. meanwhile. s imply couldn't slay with Ocean Vie"'. hitting 26 of 60 rrom the field <43 3 percent 1 Hughes. who entered with a 22.2 league average, made only 5 or 13 and finished his t WO year career with the Baron!> with 10 point!> The leadin g scorer a nd rebounder for the Barons was Ken Harter , who collect<'d 21 points and 20 rebounds Sop homo r c M 1 k e N t• w Iv n added 12 points. but that was about all of the Barons ' ofrens1 ve thrust "The presence of Usevitc h ms1dc. dominating the boards, really had an effect on Jeff's maneuvers,'' s aid Fountain Valley Coach Dave Brown. ··Every s hot we missed he vacuumed it in Ocean View 1s well coached. they did the things the~ had lo do and they earned ll . Harns said he felt his team·s d efcnst wa:-. more than jUSl l 'scv1tch ·our guys did a great jOb of finding him 1llughes1. · said Harns Wood, Titans roll Trojans, Bruins stop Arizona opponents •'rom Al' d11patcbe1 Guard Leon Wood iscored 2S polnt.1 Saturday nasihl, leading Cal Stolt: Fullerton to Its sixth consecutlv~ P11c1f1c Coast Athltt1c Conre rence basketball vlftory, ;,1 66 ·63 decision over visiting Utah Stale. Forwnrd Tony Neal added 14 points and grabbed a team·h1gh 11 rebounds for the Titans, who are 7 3 in PCAA play and 14·11 overall Guard Ricky Mixon had 15 points for CS Fulle rton. Forward llaakon AustefJord led Utah State, which fell to 2-8 m conference action and 4·18 overall, with 16 pomts and 14 relx>unds Guard Lance Was hmgton added 14 points and had a game·high nine assists for the Aggies. Fullerton led at hatrtime 36·33 and extended its advantage to 45·35 before Utah Slate battled back to tie the game al S3 all with seven minutes to play But a pair of Jump shots by Mixon put the Titans ahead to s tay Long Be•ch St. 57, San Jose St. 56 SAN JOSE -Freshman guard Cordell Taylor hit the front e nd or two pai~ of free throws and s tole a pass with 25 seconds remaming in overtime to seal a 57·56 Long Beach St ate victory over PCAA rival San Jose State The 49ers overcame a six-point San Jose edge late in the second hair to tie the game at the end of regulation play 51 ·51 on a jump shot by center Dino Gregory. Long .. Beach, now 8·14 overall and 4-5 in conrerence play. was led by senior guard Craig Hodges with 18 pomts UC Santa Barbara 79, Pacific 66 SANTA BARBARA Senior cente r Richard Anderson scored 24 points, grabbed 13 rebounds and had six assists, leading UC Santa Barbara to a 79-66 victory over v1s1ting Pacific Guard Mario G ames added 22 points and five assists for the Gauchos. who raised their PCAA record to 4~ and their overall mark to 9-13. Guard Wayne Davis had 15 points and seven rebounds for UCSB USC 60, Arizona 59 T UCSON Senior forward Maurice William~ hit a 16·foot jump shot with 4 19 left in overtim e for USC's only pomts of the e xtra penod, but they were e nough for the Trojans to take a 60 59 Pacifi c-JO Conference win over Arizona Junior forward fo'rank Smith missed an 8-foot baseline Jumper with one second left in overtime that could have g iven Arizona the victory Arizona's only point in overtime came on Harvy Thompson's free throw with 3 52 lert C~ter J ack Magno had hit two free throw!> with 13 seconds lert 1n regulation play to tie the game for Arizona at 58-all Freshman guard Jo n Korfas missed a 25 foot shot at the buzzer for USC that would have won the game in rel'(ulat1on UCLA 72. Arizona St. 60 TEMPE, Ariz Reser ve Darren Daye scored 17 points and UCLA came up with a strong BASKETBALL defensive effort as lhc Bru1ru. defeated Arb.on• State 72-60 m a Pac1f1t 10 Conference game The win wu:. tht• Bruins 10th straight and their ninth in a 1 ow in league play UCLA is now 9 3 UI Pac-10 action and 16 5 overall Ariwna State lost its third straight as I ht-Sun Devils fell to 3.9 in lht' Puc 10 and 8 13 ovt•rall Oregon St. 94, Oregon 51 CORVALLIS , Ort' Le:.ter Conner and Danny Evans :-.<:orcd 18 points apiece as o.,ixth·ranked Orl-'~on State npped Oregon 94-51 to take sole possess1t1n ur hrst place 1n the Pacific 10 Conference It was the most lopsided score m the 70-ycar history of the haskt>tb&ll rivalry between lhe two '>C hools Washington 53, Stanford 52 STANJo'ORD Steve Burks lls fool Jump shot with one scrnnd rl:'mainmg gave the 19th-ranked Washington Husk w:-. a 5:1 52 Pac1fit 10 victory over Stanford Stanford took a 52 51 lead with seven lert when Bnan Wl:'lch madt' two free throws Aller two timeout!>, Husk1t• guard Alvin Vaughn inbounded to Burks, who stored the winning shot Berks led a ll scorers with 19 points Virginia 56, Clemson 54 CLEMSON, S C Craig Robinson converted a rebound into a basket at the final buzze r that gave top ranked V1rg1n1a a narrow 56-54 Atlantic Coast Conference victory over Clem~on Robinson had spent much or the game on the bench after s1 multaneow.ly picking up hi s fourth personal foul and a techmcal early 1n the second half lie then redeem ed h1msclr by <;tripping a rebound from Ch:m'>on's Fred Gilham ;ind making the winning shot Indiana 73, Iowa 58 BLOOMINGTON. Ind Ted Kitchel put un an awesome displa) of offense for tht' second straight gJme and tht• Indiana lloo!>1ers romped to a 73 58 v1<·tory oo,.er fifth ranked Iowa m the Big Ten ConfercnC'c K1tc:hcl scored 33 points, mcludmg lnd1:.tna 's rirst 13 1n the second h<tlf, then led the Hoosier\ on the 14·4 spurt that gave them a 57 44 lead with 9 21 to play Rustle r wornen prevail The C;oldeo West 11oomen·s basketball team 1>c1sted 1ts third o,.1ctor~ in four outings Saturday n1ght, S('onng the hrst 18 pomL-. t•n route to a 75·41 rout of v1s1t tng Citrus The Hustlers led 111 0 aftt'r ""' mmule:-. of play heron: the subst1 tull:'.., took OVl·r Four "'omen ston·d in doulill' h~un•o., for th1.• Ruo.,tll'r!> (;oldt·n Wt•st h'lo.,to., Santa Ana Tues'1<1\ mght at 1 ao · ---- Basketball scores College -Fre...o .. , 11, UC l,...,IM SI C•I Sl•I• Fult.r1on" Ul•ll 51 ~ l°"9 -SI SI S..n .1...-SI ~ '"'' UC 5->le ..,._. "· Pe<1lk .. Soul,,.rn Celiforn•• Cott~ ••. Cl•r•monl 1' WHlll"91on U, Sl.tnlord sl 0•~ SC " 0<._ SI S.n Fr.nc:ltco IS. UC r,.., o .. oo •• 11 Oii San 0-SI " H.tW•ll '° P•DC>Hdlne ,.. Por11-M Ne• LA• llf'Qot• H)•. Pan Amertt en " S•nl• Cl••••S. St Mary • H Gon1-1'. Loy()ja Ml cs Bat<tn ti.ld IJ Lo• A~IO .,, ., CS Oom1noue1 11 111, 1 0 UC.·R••e<•IOt I• San F•en<l.co SI SI UC. O<t•" 50 Sauunento St 10 Chtto SI .. Cha""'9'1 M Cal Poly Pomo<W •1 C•I Poty-SLO 11 Ca• St ,.O,H>rlCIQe .. L A Bapt"' IC. w .. 1 , ... ,. CoH II Ou 1.-n1a1 llO. Pomon• Pll rer SS too Sonom. St .o. H•v•••<I St s• __ ... UCLA n, Aflran• St .0 use "°·""'....,.ff Ion BYU ft. Air Force 41 We~r Sl II. lkMM !>I .. Nev.-R...., t i. Nonnern Art1on• ,, MontaNl2. MOM..,. St '1 ld•l'IOll,l~SI 50 Hew MukoM, Color..,., St 61 UtEP CJ. WVo<"nil'!I )7 ....._, MIHOU'1 "·Olli-51 11 Baylor M, Ttus tech •t Houston SS, Artuln ... s 53 Teus ... H T .. u51 10 Tuas-Arllf'IQlon ... SW loul\tene ,. Tues At.M 12. Rio II TCUU,SMU.O -,,,,,,_ n. low• Iii Ml..-.a Sl, Pur-Sl 111111ah M Wlt<Ot1$ln loO Mlchl09ft OS. Hort-.1-.11 .,. Ohio SC SI Ml<N-St .. ., Oki•-un. C010t•OO" IC•M.U .,, Iii. tow• St •• IC•n .. , ... NeO<..U 43 llowtlr>Q G rMft tt E Ml<hl~n .. Cenl Ml<N9M '3 tot-•I M••QVette S2. V•rQ<lll• ff'<h 51 Mteml O "· K..,. St .o H lltlnail IO, Ollto u .a Bell SI H W M•< hl~n SJ Oki•-City IS. Butler S2 Louhvlll• •7. Cinc1nne11 SJ H•w Or-• 50. O.Y1on .e Breclley .e. llhno" St d W T•a,uSI IJ lno•,...!>I IOlo41 Horlll CMol•N SI U Norr• De,,,.. Akron 1t, Y01Jn<1Slown SI • 1 N Iowa .. USIU M Tu••• 10. C~•QhlOn u Oetrolt tl, "••••• Oh•o II toi J Wltlll"' SC U D<•'• d E • .,,,•111• 11 O<el RObl'rl• •7 New Mulco St •S S "'"'°" u toti _ .. ""o•nl• 56 Ct.tn\On \.4 W•'• Forttt 96 O..•• 11 Kenl..ckv n , •tao.me •1 Mlu tul-lil. Ftornl .. \I IOI I Georol• SI. u.u s • t ennH>H S,, 11-rl>IH H MIHh11IDC>1 St 5' Auburn •S Tulane II. SI '-"""SI APP•le<,,.., 51 t$ CH-I .. o ... -Sl. Soull1 C••Ol•N SI Mempllh S4 61. F lorlda SI llO Furm .. 102, VMI IO ~ Geor9I• Teel\ S) C....rot• Soull'l<l•n H C ·CIWflot1• t7, c;.orola SI ._, Ja~--.. RKhmondS9 M•r-l 10S. C~ll .. -·-S4 IS Auslln PH1 .. EHi CM'o!IN ... N c Wllm1"91on .. Old Oom•n10f'l t1, Navy SS Soulll Al--It. Nlcnoll• SI. SI hnnH-Te<ll '1 N C Alhevlll• " Wiiiiam £Mary M tempi• S9 Cen1l'Nry SI. Hov>IOf'I B-1•1 S.. M<H-Sl SI Lamo11r" M••o• 10, S..mfOtd 61 t n .. crw~ as, w Carolina• 1 SE L.ovl~lene n. T.nnHW. SI .. w l(enfucllv IS Mldcll• Tenn .. NE Lovlsl.,. I• H••dlr>-S1mrn0t0\ .. NW lOUtll.,,. .. Ar\; ·l1111e Ro.,' .. tH1 Geor~own .. Soulrwrn U 41 !>vr.o<uw Tt . Conne<U<u111 Penn •s O.rt,._.,..,. Oruel 11. Hol\lra U SI Pet" • .0 lorw SI L•l•l'tll• 61. Bu<kMlt WI Menllal .. n U "''"" O Bouon U /1 N..,. Ha'"l)jl\fre SS Pro•ld,.'IO 19 S.-lan H•ll 70 Vtllenove 7J St Jot>n •HY M W Vlr91n .. " I Bon•V9nlvro U A l<lt r ~. ll"'Of'I .. AUIO'I'" st. Geo•ql' W••ll•nqlon ·~ Canl\114 ~,. Cotoat• .. Coiumlll• 1' Brown Sl> Cornett ~ v ••* •• W Che1l9r SI S7 Oel•w••• !>4 Ford~m SI F•trl•*ld S. tot t N ortrt~•''"'" •~ F•'"•••O"' D1c •ln\Ot"I.., 61 GtorO'f' MaWI 14, Wt1 GrHf' B•v Har v•ro SJ Pr inc •ton ,., Cc» 1 Rot>ert Morn\ a. w_.., 10 St Fr.-.ch N y 43 l.Oy()je Md S4 Bo"on (()jl 10? Holy Cr<>" 61 SI J.,._ •13 I.A S.lle 11 R"-hl-10. Ma1wchu .. tt• '° N••Q•r• 109 Vumont 71 SIH>• n . SI F•encls. Pa 71 Community coll~ ~GM.a~-• M l SM:t:l.Or-Ca.11WI Santa Anol 13 t errttos tt lot) Groumam 11 S..... Ot~-.aSI Ml-C-er...ct "lve••lde CC II, S.n S.rnardlno IJ 5•n Ol900 CC 111. PelOmer a. Sovtl'l~tem•l Cllrv••• lot) w-.. -CoftlonM• Ant•IOIM Valley ti Catie~ of Cenvon• H Compton ... WHI LM A._, .. M Gt-le 11. U1 lr-tech 12 MOMper1< 100. Venlu•• 17 O•ne.-<1 n, r.i1•1 "'R~=oo1 --Pl•.,... O<un 111-Iii H"nllf'IQ1on Beach ~I Otean V...., ll, Fovnlatn llelloy U Women Cell ... "'"""" 54 T• UCL.A U use n . Ar•ion• se FIND YOUR NAME • 2 TICKETS WORTH $19 9 P ........... ces! Friday, Feb. 19 -:-Mo..doy. Feb. 22 THI CITY SHOPPIM~ CINTB Or-.· S_.• AM Pwy ... Cly Drt•e lest Is• TICKETS IVallable at Circus Varou• locatlona and at all Tlcketron outlet•. For more circus Information. call 17141821·7040 8 Winners In Today's Classifieds! IT'S EASY! Find your name and address in today's .. !. clJsslfied section, then call 642-5678 Ext. 272 to ctalm your tickets. Winners each Diiiy ..._. dly, '° check the ciasslfieda In the . . . rml l&lllill'••··-•2111121111 .......................... a ... a ............................... _ ...... _ ...................... __ • ____ .............. _____ ..... _ ..... _ .... _ .... ___ ........... _________ ----------a - ~ - "(_ > . NBA .. ITUIN CC*l'l lllNCI S.tlllt u-• Pot11and ~ .. ~ -I· S.11 Olet11 "•lfltot ....... W L >4 IS l4 ,. ,. '° ,. n l• " I• • ~OMolM ~H ... .NO YI ,., , .... U1 I .... so 1YI 1'0 JOV. ~11A11tonkl -II.on 0.ftYef l1 11 M6 """ Ktll .. sClly 0.11 .. 11 n UI •YI lt n U1 SYI II !1 :167 UYI 16 ll 127 UY, IS l3 lll 14 LUT•llN C<*,llllNCI llotlOfl Pflll-lptila lff•J• ...... w .... 1...., .... v .... 111111 ....... Detroit lncllMt Alltftlt Clll<t90 Cleweland AUMtlc DI•.._ lS IJ JS I( ts 'H l • n " 1' C-.alotwlu• H 1' 12 ,. ll ,. " 11 " ]1 11 • s.-..,. .• Sc ..... l"fi-110, Cltwl-109 Per11-1a, Dttrolt 120 Pll119*lptila 1 u, -York 101 Mii•-.. 120. CNc-90 Houaton 111, W""'nGCOft 10. U Utll 120, ""'-nl a 11 S 0.. .. r 1•. S... Die9o I,. TNe't"ao.m.. Baston .. ~ H .. Y-.. Pt•il-~la G-SIMa ti K-M Clly SHiii• et SM AntOftlo Dallas al -"-••• Portland al lllCHana n Mllw-..al Cle .. 1-ft COLLEGE n• 11' .... *II f90 11YI .,, ""' IU 4JI 14 410 I(\") 40' IS *''"' n• ,. Freano St. 71 , UC Irvine 58 UC lllVINI -T,_MOft •. M<OanaJO 14, Fulltr 10. Mtot<t 17, Wll•elOon I Wutt 1 Sc>lnn 2, Crowlty l, Johmon o. Taylo< o. Cl..:cloO. TOCtls 11 l•:IO SI. , •• S-0 ST. -Hl90lns ll. Th0m900ft •• atrmore 1, llndltV s. Mt'°" IJ 01w>1 t S.ul o. AmolO 2, Nl ... H 0 To1•1• JO 11·1/ " H•lttlme Fr ... no SI , :i..?t Toca•~""'" UC""'"' "· Fr ... no SI ,. h<Mletl Frtf<IO Coec:ll 8oyO Grt n1 SoCel College 81, Cleremont 79 IOCAL COLLLoe Romrt• u. Pl- IS. Pon-• It, _,,.,_ 2, Roelle 12, Corl! 1J, HoM\enn I. Tot.ls·» 11·1111 CL.AllRMOWT -He9f.iot 11, S"'91et0f\ 1•. Miia JI, c..111ns t. -Ins •. s"''°" 10, Snarr f , H9t11t< 2, lltandl I Totall. Jl •10 76. "41lftlnw. Southern Cal Coll-. •l-l3 Tottl toult Southern Ct! Coll-It. Clare"""'t II COMMUNITY COLLEGE Mt. SAC 93, Orange Co111 68 OllANOe COAST hHltV Jt. T Kronm.tdl •• G K-leldl 1. T-10, Matnl ... l. -'· 01,... .... ,. o. 11•1 ...... •. H•&Mo.. Totals: tt•u .. MT. SAN AWTOetlO -P Wln ..... 1 12, ,_ ...... ,.. 6. #lrl«e 11, T•-It. 0 Wllll- 11. A-UI a, T-r •. Wt lUr It. 8-• 1, H•l$0n t To4tll l7 lt.21 t:J H•llll-Mt SAC·, 4(.25, TOlt l ....... Or-CoHt 1• Ml ~ 1'. Foule.i ou1 TM>mt1 (Oran9t Cot1ll. Te<Mletl; ~ tOr-Coe10 South Co.at ConferenC9 , ~.o-... W L W L Fullerton 11 14IO Ml Slln Anlonto SM!taAN Grou..-1 Cerrito. ora,...coe>1 7 1 11 t 1 l 10 ' 5 11 I 12 I) 12 .. San 01-INw o • -y·1co-.. S.11ta AN fl Mt San Anlon•o S.11 Oit90 Mew •I l'ullerton Cerrit°' ti G•oumonl Mlsalon Conference C.-~· ltl•«r.ldt cc s.ddl~~ San krnardlno San 0 1-CC Soul~ P•IOmar c~ .... w L 10 I I 1 5 ~ s ~ • • I t •-Y'•O•"'" S.Cldl-k at Pt-r Saft lll«Nwdi"° •• '""" S.n l>let!ICC .. Saulhwe•l•rn HIGH SCHOOL I 20 0..-•11 W L 2• • ,. 10 •• 11 12 17 10 •• I II " u Oce•n VI-. 58. Hin. Be•ch 57 oc:eAN YllW -0.8.-er II, w ... - 10, Jud99 ll, Usevllcl\ 11, Ctrroll •· Ant.,,_,...O, Gue.t 0 Toltll n 12·1451. HUMTINGTOfl ••ACH -Tr.om-17. "''" 16, ~·· o. Sllaoi.to-o I•. Larw '" S.laya 1, Miii• 0, H•rrietn 0 lolel• 7l ti IH7 Sc.,.. .-, o..rten oo.-. v-•• ' 11 ·~,. "4unllnglan 8"cll 11 •• • lt-51 Tot•I ....,., Ocean Vi.w It, Hunllroqlon Be1c11 1/, Foultd out Tllom1aon (Hu11Unvton Beaclll T.cl\nlctl Lane ll-4untl"910ft .. tOll OcHn View 73, Fin. V•ll•y 55 OCIAM VllW -O.B_, 10 W.,.,.. I , Carroll 11 . usev11c11 u . Judt• 10, Ant-'" l. GuHI 1 Cot,., I, Zurnbo •. Berry 0, lluc-0, Wllllam• o. R-O, -O, Farts 0. T-1: lf 25-2' 73 POUNTAJN VAU.llY -Vlll•nuna t, W\ltMS tO, ...,.._. 21. -.re1 o. J ee-1. -•--•r 2, Kosty 0, Hew10ft 11, Ku«>o 1, Burt O. To4el1· 26 S-• SS ' Sc.,.." OMl\tn 0<tt11 v.._ 11 11 " n n Fou ... elft Vallrt tO t 11 1 55 lot•! to.II• Oco n View t. Fo...,tOln V•l1tyn COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOM!H Gold9n WHt 75, Citrus 41 cn•ut-Cllldt 1 • .,...,. 1>. Ecrwtnh 11. \ltl ...... t.~ IS T-1 II 1·1U 1 O._.. ftST C*'-b t, H.,.,...., t, Kri ...... lt1~le1', Pone•. Harn'°" s. l'le,,_... w, MM,._. u. rot••• ").t ,, H~.~W..t.»n 1.-..,, cllnn 12, Oold9ft wt11 u ~ I f • t .. . Ccl' .... UC lnW 4, ... •llff > -""-"'" •1 HO *-1 I 2 UC I"''"° 000 Oil 00. t 6 1 JtnU, 0.. ... 1.., (t i, ll91nt"t ltl -••-""'4. 0... -..,,..,. w 0-.. II Ol L Otl"'IOfl. 1e Olltll IUCll c;11mm1,.1uc11. l(tl<-IVCI) O....k-• UCLA•ll Calllolv~•I •ritonaS&tte~s.~·~ UC S.nt• ---· ••1. c;a Non11r1099 I, .. 1..0yota 1 I, 1911 Oi..,. $t ._. Sa<ra....moSI. 1, Uc; Rlwtrtloe 4 Conwnunhy coll-ee o....w..a1•.•···-"' GoldJtn -•I 201 001 I~ 14 IS I StOdltlMIO 100 010 070 9 t 2 0.ro•. Cl•"'-Manll (I),,,,.._ Ill anf Schull, I('""''· llry.,.I ltl 8ourOrMU "l. EHltY Ill -'""""· lwtt Ill 111 5'>199tl IGW), S<""lr IGW>, Altobtlll GWl, lrwlll ISl 311-Cwnmh>Q ISi HR La"°" IGWI Gr•M•Mlfl IGWl 2, Grev ISi, Hl"411t ISi Or .... C...11 t , -2 Mtrln 000 002 000.-2 • O Or•no-Coelt JOO 001 0. w t II J R-e, IAVllM• ltl, titl ... {t i. LMCI 111 Emttt Il l -MenM. AtlMOltr, Netti" 111 and PutlltrlCll w RtlnlllolU I l·Ol L Ro-1B HOC)loln> IOCCl Pu.Urlcll IOCCl. lll Tinoco !OCCl H•w•ll•n Open Andy Norll\ tt.4"'49 JOI Bayne Ltwl n ..._.1 J01 ,,..,Its c;_., 11 .... .._10' -y CltmPe't ., 72-70-ZO't Tom W•ti.on /0.6•70-20t S<Olt SI_. 1Mt.70-20t Ben Cr....,._ 10-11..._210 J1m Httlorll n ...... .._111 Mark LVt ••11·71 211 Ciiio ll"Ck 12 ... II-211 F0<r .. 1 ,,.,,., n 10.10-111 Tommy \l•lentf,... tt.T).10-117 Lff Elder ... n .11 212 O•n Hanoo,.on 1~71-Jll Al Gelt>erger n 1•.._ 211 Greo Powen n .... l•-112 Arnold Palmer 11 1:»t 71) Fr•nk C""""r 7'-l~t 113 Biii Kr•lrlf'I 11·11·10-JIJ WOOdy Fllzl>uOfl 70.1).10-21' O.Oroe Uurns 1• ••10--213 llN<t L-• n -111 Ru C•IO-H 11.10.n JIJ Biii A-" IHO-te-213 8ol> Pr-... n .1>-11J NIO FalOD 7:M7·11-2U Jell~,..,.,.. .. ,,.,~,u John Mehllftey """'•-21• Roc:lly ~ 11·1).70-114 Jim 8oor'Cl1 n l>-10--2u All.., Miiiar 11 10.12-214 Tom Puttar 12 1:»9-21• ~· lr ..... oe-10.70.7'-JU A-le Ul«ll 1.......,._114 Ed Sr-4 tt.1..._,11• Andy.,..,. IJ.1•11-11• Furry Zoeli.< 71 1).11)-21• Ttrrv Ol<tN n 11-n -1u Garv 1-4•11-o n 10.12-1u Mlkt AelO I• 10.71-lll Aay Floyd 1w•n-11s JolWI Sc-· •• 1).1>-flS Bn.c:e Oouglau 1 ... 11,.,_1u A-r Malllll• n .... 10-21' MaMolNro Kur...-11 .. t.1'-11t -trd TWl!ty 12 7).70-Jlt Marti Pfef I I S.71-,...._,ll 0ouv ~II 1....._7t-21t urry fMltOf\ /f.11-11-414 Jet OUllU IS.,..11-tlt Gery Koci> _,.._nt .>oiM A4eme IS..t.n-117 Mark O'MNr• 1).11-1>-111 luo Aoki /f.11·1'7-111 Gtor .. ~· n 1~1t-J11 o. .. ..,, n .1:1-,._.211 II-• C•M" n -1>11--2'11 S<ott St-7>11·12-411 ,,,... Couolft ,. 12·77-111 °"" Ilia 1>--1•1~11 NMk• _._ n 1:i.1>-211 Mlkt M«\tV 14·71-7~111 Lennie c:i ....... u n.n.13-111 Mike llr-n .71.1s.-.11t T OftY Cerda n 11.1t-21t ""''"Ha.,... 11·12 IS.-119 C,..rlie GI-1(·11·7(-11• Htle lrwln 14·721)-21' llob GilOltr II IJ.lt l10 Nllh "-<II 7Wt.7S.-t20 AIC,..rd ZOluM H 71·TS.-t20 c;.ne Litt!.-1)·1CHt--221 Jo cuoo 12 1).1t--n1 5&10 0..-y 1' 7H!>-t21 J•ll M11ci.e11 n a 1~ m V ... c. HHI""' 71 7).71-m LPGA tournament lat St ....... -.... l'I• I Ho111, Slacv .. 11 137 JoAnn• "'"'"' ti 10.1311 Pally !>Mef\eft '7 71 1a Vick• F•rvon 11... •Jt lknrly Kl•• ... ,, IJt CnrllJ__. ... 11 IJt 8el'Y KlnQ ll•t lfO COftnl• '"'"'"'' 11_.. lfO 0.bt>I• -In 7•10-ltO Jetftnriw Ktrr .--n-ltO KttllYWl>l-lfl 11·70-141 8onnl• ~· 10.11 1•1 c. ,,..,~... ••71-141 MY••V--11·71-1'1 Pam GI~,... 11·71 14) Sendra Pal-r 71.17 10 Amy AICOll IJ.10-143 n .. rew ~ 11·11 IQ NI J Smllll 10.7). 14J LY"" Stroney 12·12 IU Donne c,_,. 11·7)-IU A Rein,..,.,. 71·1l-IU Doi c;.rmaln 11·7l-IU Sandra Spurl(fl 1)..71 -1'4 Sue Footeman 6,_7S.-1'4 Donne 11 Wlllt~ 14·10 1u Jo Ann Wa.....,. IHt -10 J•nt Blalo<k 7174 10 Debbi<! Rew 11·1>--10 Nl<lrle Br-11·1._ 10 Ay••• OUmmo 73-12 10 Cindy l •ncoln 11·1• u s K•llh Rll'lller 11-14-10 Pei MfY"• 7)..12 10 Cindy Hiii 10.15-145 Aot>lft W'°'IOn 1•10-1 .. Catlly ~ 1s.11 , .. Vl<U T•oor 14·11 I .. Senora Po'll 7 .. 71-I .. e.tl\Sol-1'·11-1 .. llarwr• Barrow 11·14 1• IUlllY McNl<lll.., '1·16-1• K Posll•"""'' , .. ,, 1• Sendre Haynie ... ,._ I .. 'l'u"o -IOu<"' 1•11 1•7 0.lt Eogelino ,..... 1•1 Slwlley liemlln n.1~ u 1 LIMa K...i 1l-14-141 Ttr"rl -..,Y 1•·1). 141 Jllllv 11-ln ... ,.._ ,., ,.,., .... ,.,.._ .. , Ptftny Pulr 1•1l-M1 "'-rt ... -11·11-1 .. Jenny lM s.nt111 1•n-1• Bonnie 11ry.,,1 1•n-1• Carole Jo CMlllCWI 7•74-1• C .. llHIM ~ 1>-1t--1• JOV<e l(~I 1f.14-I• Orange Coast OAJLY PILOT/Sunday. February 1~. 1982 .. hnte Anita a.\TilllDAV't llllWL 1'I l»UlellMlay ............ _ ... , fl••naM:e.u .. ....... SM a AT,_ IVtieft<wltl U JO S 00 J 40 ClltOll• la.llel 1 10 uo O C ••., tMcCar1on1 uo Al .. 1ec•. Pwtli. ~. Nllr .... 1..-dy Orltnt, 1....,1t11,...,..,.., Ni• O..r hm Time 1 11 HCOtfO 11.t.C:I. 4 lur~ Amtll ....... llNntl Jt.• 10 fO t .e lm"'1...e ,,,_.... Cl"l"'•Yl •JO J • L ... fllY1tvn IDIHl J e AIM rec.a: Kllecllwt. OltlAm•, ""-11•1'• T••em, K""'"' lloHI, p.,. .. , Tlmt I 101/l U OAILV OCMl8LI It •I Nld \Ill )0 TMlllO llACI. One mile KlftllV IMcCerronJ AIOI-(Pl"'•Yl Venl"'lnt IS-Iner) 1100 >IO UO HO HO J IO Kl"9 Ottki\, Kt1>9t Ua-. Alto rac.O In TN Ayt, Finl Mtrlne, PeQoy't ... 1, Flrll Oerby, Llltle Siletk•• Time I,. 'OU llTN llACI. I 11 It mllff Permtal:Mllly ("4awl•YI 11 00 S 20 l 00 HHIV Hlllntlly IMcCt,,Of\l 4 40 J 00 C9llnoe IOll .. •"I J 10 Aho ·--111110 Caro·• , ..... GrtMy R .. r Hollon, Autumn GOIO, '""" Out~. O.cldtdly Ktte, Oanc:11>9 OtUQllltr. y anti• Time I .. •IS Pt'™ llACI. t• > lur'°"91 Korney IHewlty) 7t lO tt.20 1• IO U.119111"9 Ooy ITOl'ol 10 00 ) 10 Mtrl't ~ flltleruuel•l t 00 AIM> raced St• R111tt11 Run fella'°""" Roytl PIHwr·•. s. ....... ,,.,, (Oft-uell1• Jelrle1, lnort• Tlrr1t 1 16 1/S U f!llACTA l._.l INIO ti 11) 00 SlltTMllACIE.11 ltmlitt (.1ar Tow INlcC.rrOf\/ 21 20 1010 l.IO Bio" Till>\ fVtldlwk>IOI U 40 h )0 Flrer.ouw Five IOll••••ll n tO At<o r•<•d Peter .Jone1. M•ton't• \ E •cf\anoe, F•rouk. •ron A••, Celttt W•rrlo r, Bruin Counly Sl•rtltd, Grambllno, Hol•I Trw l(lnQ T lrrlt I 4J JI) SEVENTH llACIE •'I) •utlon~it K•"9•ooCourt CSlel,.r/ U.20 • 40 3 00 Arl1t0<ratk •I INlcCtrrOf\I J 40 2 tO An•wer To Musi< IA.,nun•nl l IO AIM>, • .., &.rnt A AUfl, Buffalo Hart Time. I IS JIS U IEXACTA IHI !Mid MO'° U l'ICI( SIX I~ IO.t.a 51 palO ~I .00 20 wllll 11 .. wlnnl1>9 lkk•I• <Ii•• ho< .. ,, s.i Pk • S1• '°"'°''''°" !MIO UOl 00 will\ IJI "innlno lk Ull ttour 11or-..1 ll IGHTH lllACIE I I I• moltt f trQa IOllwtrMl 0 llO 11 «) 5 00 J•m•ela ICordllroJ t .10 3.tO Track Rotlbery (0.l•llOV•W••I ) 00 AIM> rac.o Pt>! FO<'getuno r- 8•nnoc"burn N•U"• P tunder ~•PPY CUH\. Time I '1 NINTHllACIE 1•.mun T rablttn IGuerva1 • 20 J «> > 00 Smol<in' Ntll"' IP•n<fyl • 00 l tO PIHM lleOn Tlnw IH.ow••yl • 20 AIM> ractO Ml\ltt L-tt B•l9flh.,.ll Pi.1110WUf, Mtrlu11 O•ncer. llolO 01\01 .. Time I .tl S U EXACTA (1·11 P•IO ~ ~ All•-t •1,6n HollYWOOd Park IATUllbAY'I 111.MJLTS 111•• 17 ............... _...., PlllST llAC•.ON mlle Ilk•· S.no• Ridge 1carn,11e111 tao uo •• GI.., IM CK-I IS.IO 11..a Fltmlo9Al~dl 7 ... AllO ra<ed' KnlOllU -N, ,,, .... s-. a...~ .._r, s. Time 1 CDJ/1. HC<*O llACI. ON !Nie pe«e. ~y DIC IT ..... Ill 20M t.» Ut _ ...... °'* ,~, S.11 .... c-......,~> ue Al• ....,, ._.,.. _...,., ~ • Mlclwlefl Tigor, 5-'fy Otd Al, Stud ,..... Time: 2'0l l/S. U l>Atl. Y DOU~ C.,.> ,. ......... TMlaOIUWCLOM""le-e. OrySecll(~) ,. ....... Ml "'-nl• J«ll l~l Mii .... Sc•"" T.,,. ..._ CWl_.l la Aleo r-: -......, ......... "-Reel, KIWI 9wry,-.,,,. ~I. 8r-y And °':i·.;.~":/~"'4.YOCAl IUlf-. p ·~A 1).1) peid"4.JO 'OU llTH llAC•. Ont mile P« • Cro•'9flt l...,_Mrll 6 IO • 40 l IO Otlmeed IL•d,.y> 1 00 S tO Seut ... r11 Allvt""' I K-er I S 00 Aleo racced Coot Gey, &•-•• Ser-. OK'I Ruoty, I~ Marin. llnw I Sll!S. PlnH llACI.. Ont Mlle ..-e Gerry Junior IGouoretul t JO WI nl er Qu.al<e C Denni• I '-bl• GolO fCrogl\tnl AIM> raced (..apl.aln KnloM H Lord Looan Brllllent Jeckle Tim~ 1 00 I '5 U IEXACTA CS. II peld \100 00 SIXTH •ACE. Ont mile PK• A\lrld Ann (V•ll-1"91\fml 9 >O Beula Wlt<h ITeta>ar) •. .., , 20' 520 J JO J JO El Mt< H, l.O ''° HO J IO Slledy 1-4111 Donna IOunnlgenl AIM> ractO Ho E.cu .. N, Oranperti Mtyfly. Ctl•blut Tl,,,. I M 21S uo Senot llOWI u EXACTA IHI oe•O ies . .o SIVINTM lllACE Ont mllt t>«• 8 C Couf\4 llJ9M.11111l I .0 5 00 J 00 Vanl.,.11>9 Poll'll 10.nnlll 12 JO too 11me Sc!u¥• BarO!I CSl\trren I • • AIM> raced· G...,. Sr.ow. Aldan N, Otwo O.nc:er H llr-fleld N. 01,. Al- Time I SI 115 U Ell.ACTA n•l oelO U 1/ '° EIGHTH llACL 0.... mlle NU L-rO IAcllennanl •S .a l 20 • 00 &ell Of A-ILlqllthUll l 20 J 00 FIVl"O Rival (Ftrrll'!QtOftl '00 AllO rec:ed Mac>le Fritz, k C '• Ht.ell Nllcllael\ Glory, Mac-Oouoa l N 01<1•10<.,.lo. Tiger Almall1.rll O.nall, OO·Cnilo 0.1 00 Flnilhed lfllrO, dl14utllllef tnd placect ••t Time I HJ/S NINTH lllACE. One mll• Ot<• Cordon ""°""' IA<k.,,...nl ll tO 10 20 E•lreor'dlnery IO'Brltnl • 00 Siient TrNl..-t IT-Ill Alia rac:td· Sco1t11o11 Lo<lt. Wlllle, McKtnna. To-pidi Knlg"1 flm• I S1 J/S lJ lllACTA 1•21 1><1ld l lD 10 u rtCK MX l•S I, l•I o•ld '3.JIS 00 "'''" eight .. 1nn1ng lkllth lllY<t "°'"'l U Pkk tSI• con>Olatlon !Mid \SI oo """ IU wlnnlno llcketr. I four l'lorSHl TINT" llACI. 0-mllt l)t(t. lllac:lt Roeut CP•B.,.I ?t 00 IJ tO IAO Andy'I Lion (G<lulet1tl It.OD 15 :IO -dy sew IGoudr'Nul I AO Alto •teed IC.I . Klno. lndl•n Clllel. Sir Ralll, lotll' 0.Cker, Mr Pj M r1 .... 1·••!5. U IXACTA 12-11 !Nkl MJO .0 A-• 1'°71 NHL ................ Ill .. , I,~_,,.. J NY h~tl "'11-lpfW•l NY ._,..J . ....,tofd2 c., .. ,., .. ...,,°" > -reel 1, WIMI-J Cllkeeol .. Tor-• Ml-6, o.trtlt I v--.. " LAult, T ... r•O.-IClflet•I .... 11 .. llllllt, ft HY ll4Md11n et "4ertttro 0..M 81 HY 11-n. 11 w ..... ,..,. .. ~-.n llealO<I •1 fJdmOnlon, n l(l'T1~ ~~· 3 Lo. A119tie. t I I Pltl-tOll , I 0 ,..,. __, I Plll_,Ofl, SM-rd I (FtrQw.Onl, I 0), 2 Loi ........ Stnllll 11 CHol.....,I, 11 SI. J PIOiOUfYI. SN-0 9 IF••ll"-. Boutelle), lt·O\l ... ntlllH W•"'· LA, u Of $« __ ..,. • Plll•llurgl\, l(•llO• 11 I H011\am, Mac l t l•lll. I 1•, ~ ~ AR9tl<r•, 8o1•k 2' (Holme•l. S f2 Ptntnlff C,..nrtw, LA, It H•~. LA • i. GtaMm. Pl1, t ~. Price Pll, IS SS. """'---• Lo• Ang.oles, 80.lell lO I Dionne, Hardy I, It 5t Pen1111.. Lewi•. LA 6 (t, H.0"911-LA. 11 !>!, L" Pit q U Sftolt an Qllltl LOI AAQtlel 1,_llMl-.Q Pl11lbUr9" t.11.._n Go•ll•• -LOI Ano••··· Kotn\ PllUburOll. oi.n A n.• U.S. Netlon•I Indoor ,.,.....,....,, lemitCMI SI""" John Nie Eivoe .,., «>-Maver. 1 s w JOftan Kriek Oltf ll~ler Mollr•m. J •. • 1 ~' WCT t~rnement ·-·~·"'' S. .... lllMIM ...... J~ Lu1 .. ci.rc dJtf wo110 Flbak, • •. ~. Frllt llueMlllQ Clef Merk EdmonckOft M , ~ .... Women'• tournement latK ..... tCltyl s..nlfl-Slltllff M•rtln• N•,,,•tUov• d•• M•'• Lou Platt• •1 W !Urt>are Foller Ott Mime Jau..,•K. •l.2 ....... Gr•nd Pt-111 tourn•ment ,.,c.w ••. "_, ..... , SefnlflMISI""" Zoittn KUflafaky dill EOclle Olbb•. 4t.•1. •1 A•ul Ramlret dJtf Erl< Fromm,• l • I •• ~~ -· .. • D•yton• 500 Uneup Tl\t llneup lor IOdt Y't Dayton• SOO Grand Hatlonll 1100 ur race, wllll car "umbef'. tvoe Of <M •nd wtn.,.r't •wr~ QUlllYl"9-" In mc>fl I llenny p.,..,,,. No 11. Ponuac Lellllent, lt6.l11 1. Harry Genl. Ho. ll, Buk k A-I l Cale Y~. No 27, llukk R-1 •. IUOdY 8-«, No 1. llulcll Rt9'11 5. Terry~. Ho .... eulcll A-I t. Ot,.,...1 Wtflrlp, No. t I .... lck R-1 1 . .-.,AMlt«1I No•. 8uk• A-I I. J• R""1Nn, No J, 8ulck 119091. t.A..J ~He Sl,~ltCVtJeu. 11. 0 •1• IE•rnller<lt. Na U , Ferfl n.. ...... II. OawtMer<ll. HO 11, lluk • A-• u. Kyi. Plltlv. No 0 Ponlla< G••nd Prl•. 11. Rl<l Wit-. Ho ·~ Olda,..Olllle CIOllML lf Hell llonftel1, No 21 , Foro 1-r1tlro. 15 Dick ll•oo•\ No 1J Ford T-d ... Rkky A-. No J, Pontiac G••nd Prl• 17 J-S.outer. No S, Buk-A-I 11. Elllon F-..Roo.n-.. HO .. llu•o A-I " RutlY Well.Ce NO 72, Bute k A-I to Biii Elllotl, Ho t , Fo-d TllunOffbtrd 21 R1<11tn:1 Pttly No u Pontiac Greno Prh. 21. Ron BouclltrO, No H. Buteo. A-I 13. JoOy Ridley, No tO Fe><d Tllu"°"rblrd H Morgen S~rd, No ... llukk A-I 1S Toms... •• NO J I Bui(• Ae901 ,. Mtrlt Mtrt•" No 02 Bute• A-I 27 Ja. Mtlhkan No ~ Pon11ec C.rano Pria ?I BObO) ........... No .. Bu1<1o A-I Jt Oonn-.All•\Oll "''' 18 Butek A-1 JO T1~Scotl No )t Bu•\• A-I JI Gary 8alouqt1 No IS Pon11ac l~M•"' 32 LO t ~ No "· flu•" A•oa• " J O McDuffie No 10 Pon11ac C.••nO Pr•1'. lot Gooft Boch,.. No U Bui(• R-1 JS B1llle H•"'•v. No )I Buick AllQ•I i.. Lo.,.11 Cow•ll. No II, Bulo AllQtl l7 Delma,.,...,, No 0 BulO A-I ll Ro,. Srntlll. No lO PonhK C.rono Pr .. 1' Buooy "'"noton No •' · C.llrv\l•r Cordoba (() J 1mmy Munt, No 11 Buk k R•Q.tl (1 Stan Btr,...11 No ~ Bui<~ A-I •1 fomm~ G •lt Ho •• ~oro TllU...,.rlllfd Pro bowling ,.....T_ , .. ,............,,.., ,. ... , ........ 8111 Straub def Mike Aulby, 111 111 IStraull wlm '11,000, Aulby win• lt,SOOJ DtMr•~ Awlby Oof Earl An•l'lonV. ns-111, """'°"" def Tom lltlcer, tt6-lt3. Baker *' sie .. Wutlltro, 211-1'2 '""'"°"Y WI"' lt.SOO Bai.er wins \S,000. -1119•0 .. 1n1 M SOOI Thia weetl'a trout plant• LOI MIOll&.al -8it llocll CtMll. El Oor.-.O ,..,.. ullt, ... ....,. Dem, L..e LAltn, Utttt 11«11 C'"1l, "9ck Pt rll u.M, Puooin...-L•ll•, Pyram141 uu, Sell Olm .. 11_..r, Sama P:e llt•l"'Olt. •tVllllfDI Caflvlllt utoe, H- ~. $1l...,_ Lale, IAll eallllAllOINO -Sllnrwood llleMrYOlr, TH& TWO QUf\L.IT\E!S I ~"T~\VI! ~ MOST lN 5TA~TfNG CAC~ AP.Si SMOOTH -NEUU~ f\NO O&L.\CIU~.f\TION ••• NO \)ltfl'.\-\5 fl'NO NO ~U9HINO . Al.SOllo.. \T Hill-PS -ro \-(EUSP lt-'lt C.L..VbH!!.Au ,L..OW TO TH& GAOVNO ANO MOVlNO 0\.P.SCTL.'/ t:>ACK f=P.~ THa e>AL..l.. UNTIL- 1Ht'! t>OOV TU~N NATURAL.~V SWfNGS \T \NSIOli .,-HIS -rA~Gl!T l..INE • A .. W...,.... REJECTED -Arizona :-.. Dona ld .\tdlcin 1 :~;11 hlod<' 'hot :.itlempt b~ l 'SC"s :\1 aunet• William:-. du11n~ S:.i111rcl<t~ .., Pac· JO g<imt.· in Tue~on \Hm hy tlw Tro1:11h 1n 11q·rtrnw ti0 ·5~ Midwinters kick off More than 1,000 boats competing By ALMON LOCKABEY OaKy r llee -....wrtter Southern California Yachtmg Association's 53rd annual Midwinter Regatta, the largest event of its kind in the world , gol under way Saturday with upwards or 1,000 boats tn 121 classes of sailboats competing over virtually windless courses. T h e old adage about "watching a sailboat race is like watching grass grow" held true from San Diego to Ventura under hazy skies General c hairman Ja c k Sporleder fr om Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club said that the total registration would break 1.000 boats Counting crews. this would mean more than 5,000 persons participating. Biggest concentration of boats was at Alamitos Bay Yacht C lu b , Long B eac h , and California Yacht Club, Marina del Rey ABYC conducted races for 13 classes ancf eve was riding herd on l7 Six Orange County yacht clubs hosted a lurge s hare of the com pctitor~ Balboa and Bahia Corinthian yachl clubs reportt•d From Page 81 FERRAGAMO hims elf that he autographed were lahl'l e d 1980 NFC Champions when he guided t he Rams in the Super Bowl. That was the year Ferragamo threw for 3,199 ya rd s . completing 240 or 404 pass attempts. lie also threw for JO touchdowns His figures with the Alouettes last season weren't up to those standards. and certaml} not up to hi s $450,000 a year contract. Skalbania decided · · 1 really don't think I had an off year ... Ferragamo defended hims elf Saturday "ll was a Redeye wins SORC race FORT LAUDERDALE. Fla <A P l The 35 foot yacht RedPye overcame l arger competitors lo win the 360-mile Southern Ocean Racing Conference duel from St Petersburg lo Fort Lauderdale. The 81-fool Kialoa was the first to slip across the finish llne at 11 minutes after midnight Friday in the second race or the SORC series of six events . But when the computer had digested the h andicap information, Redeye, one of the smallest of 65 boat.a, was first i.n Class E and first in the SS.boat neet with a corrected time of 51 ho u rs. 42 minutes and 53 seconds. R edeye owned by Miam i sailmaker Mark Wood. finished after nearly 69 hours at ae1 and m ore than nine hours afler Kia lea. While Klal ea was first ncrosa the ftnlah llne at 12: 11 a.m . FridAu', ll was fourth in ClHR A on a corrected Ume of 59:53:55. The wlMer ln Class A was Boomerang 58 boab in eight classes . Newport llarbor a nd Lido lsle yacht clu~ conducted races for 88 boats 1n nine classes. and Dana Point Capistrano Bay yacht clubl> had 64 boats m six classes. The Midwinters has grown lo a series of small regattas in seven areas encompassed by SCY A. the governing body for sailboat racmg from San Diego to San Luis Obispo It 's a far c r y Crom two decade s ago when th e M 1d winter' were concentrated in the Lm, Angeles.Long Beach harbor complex with sailors sailing or trailering their boats from vanous pleasure boating ports This yea r ·s Midwinters involved 17 yacht clubs or the vast 75-club roster of SCYA. Wea ther conditions down through the year~ have ranged fr om wi ndl ess drifte rs to gear bustin g gales Sailors in this year's regatta are hopmg for a little of the latter by today C'l a!>ses rangl' from s m all 8 foot d1n gh1cs lo lhe big ot't.'Jn going packet:- • • • d1ffc.rcnt t'xpericnct• for me in a different ~ame I completed more than 50 percent of m y passes, but a lot of people Just highlighted my rntercept1ons." he added Fcrragamo said I hen' was a lack of a ··winnin_g attitude" on the Alouettes team a team with "some top quality American players .. But he added that the majonty of AJouetles was comprised of first year C FI. players like himself. As for the Ra ms dismal 1981 s howing , F e rrag amo said injuries d1~rupted the team's tranquility at th<.' beginning of the Sl'ason lie added that the ab~ence of Doug France. Jack Reynolds anci !-~red OryN didn't help either On his future, Ferragamo responded: "I'm not a fortune teller. As things stand right now, I still have a contract (with Montreal> ·'Any decision would have to come from the owners I don't know the legal aspects of accomplishing it ! a return to the .Rams )." Ferragamo added, ··Nelson Skalbania is in control of my future. He's the one who signed me. He's the boss." From Page 81 TUCKER • • • name ofSpanky. 1'My ordered Pablum and had hlch chairs set up tor him ln the hotel dining room and Spanky loved It. The jinx is there and ll l• terrible. Perhaps Tony C and Spanky can beat It. I tbouaht you mt1ht Uk• lo know. I tboqht you mllhl like to Join ml! Ln a prayer. ............... lllllliilliiillllllli•lllii••iili ............................................ __ ... _____________________ .............................. _.~------ - ------..-. ----- ; Orang• Coaet DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 1•, 1982 NEWPORT DATSUN WRTWAIT? WITH THE PURCHAM OFAHY NEW TRUCK AT NSWPORT DATSUNI BUY NOW AND UV.I a.n111.-...... MY-. fM2. GRAND OP/llllNG of Orange County•s Newest SUBARU DEALER Now ... the dealer that has given you 7V2 years as one of Southern Cal ifornia 's leading BMW dealers is adding the Fabulous Line of: SUBARU Comelltforow INTRODUCTORY SAIE AND SAY/I BIG $$$$i We have thetn al ... illdudincJ the New 1982 SUIARU IRA T! SUBARU INEXPEll5IVE. All> 8laJ 1~§§~~===§~~~ mSTAYllWYtlll We Still Offer What No Bank or Lease Company Can ' bpMty 1tefftcl, _, ..-.... ~.,....., ........... ... .. _. _.. ... I .... Mf'Tke tlftw ..... ./ 0.. of .... 5-ttll•d"• -· ·~ ... md ........... . ./ II .. ..._ of HM Mlddl•_;. by ... .... ._. 4lnct '° ,_ c• ........... _..i BEACH /#PORTS ALFA ROMEO • PEUGEOT • SAAB • MASERATI EXCELLENT PRICES ON ALL NEW M•ELS ••• SEE US NOW & SAVEi '7 4 PEUGEOT 504 Dlesel Burgundy exlerior {099MJO). A steal al only '74 PEUGEOT 504 Diesel. Blue exterior & low miles' (961MIG) Hurry' '7 6 PEUGEOT 504 Dlesel 4 speed trans . sunroof & moonstone exterior (~00) '7 6 PEUGEOT 504 Diesel engine w11h white exlenor (357SLU~ Don t miss 1t• '78 PEUGEOT 504 Diesel wagon Auto trans , air cond., roof rack & AM·FM stereo (7541.JCH). '77 SAAB 99GL s3"5 .. speed transm1ss1on stereo air cC>ndltlonlng & low miles• (125TWJ). . '74 BMW 2002 s4195 .. speed 1ransm1ss1on. air cond1t1on1ng and slereo (856LWC) 5459 5 In .. MINT .. cond1l1on silver and Navy blue (217UMU) '63 TRIUMPH TR3B S4M5 Wllh wire wheels and overdrive• CLASSIC' Professional restoration• • (VDR627) I . ' • FASHION SECTION OF THE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1982 Lynn Almundson become.t Mr&. Monte Pries NEXT WEEK IN STYLE I I I --'----Spring fashions for men.---+----+-----6---;.....a------+-------+---......_.._..___,.. ____ .....,__ David Hayes suits for women Orange Coaat DAILY PIL:OT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 . The • memoirs of a flower girl By NORA LEHMAN ...,"" ........ WEDDING VIGNETTES· Whenever I see a flower girl makina her wuy down un aisle I'm remln~ed ot the daughter of our household's reaction whe n s he first played that role ut lhe age or 4 or 5. Preceding all those big people down what must have. at her small stature. seemed an endless length of church ai s l e. s he got her first practice walk out of the way. and returned to the rear door lo start again. Watching the procession solemnly. she fl nail) turned to the father of the bnde. and said : "If I don't do this right I'm going to kill myself .. Then n afte r the wedding." She always was priority orie nted SHOWERTJ ME : Eve ry lime I go to a wedding s hower. and the re seem to lx· a lot of them lately. I find m yself sitting there with a s mile on my face and a touch of envy lurking in my heart That ·s only because all those lovelies these young people are collecting to start their new homes with have pausing. as she was about to bee n around mine so long launch herself on her second they're either threadbare . trip. she added. "but not ·ut · lif 1:1t·UC+t;t 43 M·f;!;I . SUNDAY,FEBRUARY14 Fashlon show in the Brass Plum department. 1 p.m. Nordstrom/South Coast Plaza. Three makeup artists from Ralph Lauren to instruct and make -over, from noon lo 5 p ~· through Feb. 20 . Bullock's/South Coast Plaza. MONDAY,FEBRUARY 15 Color cons ultant Sandi Clark from Image Works demonstrates personal color paletters from noon lo 2 p.m. Sherwin Sportswear. Bullock's/South Coast Plaza Formal showing or Bill Blass collection at 11:30 a .m . Reservations necessary. CaU 957-1511, Fashion Ofrice. Informal modeling from noon to 3 p m , Feb 16. Fine Apparel. I. M agnin/South Coast Plaza. TUESDAY,FEBRUARY16 Geri Blakely brings Adolfo's spring coll ection west and shows it from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. in the Designer Salon, through Feb. 17. Saks Fifth Avenue/South Coast Plaza. THURSDAY,FEBRUARY18 "Investment Dressing.'' includes Nordstrom's personal shoppers . computer color consultants from Image Works ; make·over . make-up demonstrations. Sponsored by Nordstrom/South Coast Plaza. Location: Fairview Homes West, 3641-C Bear St.. Santa Ana. Reservations necessary Call 833-3960. SATURDAY,FEBRUARY20 Informal modeling of California Gari fashions from 11 30 ~.m to 3 30 p.m. Designer Salon, Bullock's Wilshire/Fashi<>!I Island A· faded or the wrong color Have you noticed that nothing comes out even'' GN n ew wallpaper 1n the bathroom. go to the troubll' to match the towels a nd accessories and you can bet something's going to take a dive somewhere Either something drastic happens to the wallpaper. like peeling off the wall or. and this is ine vitable. one towel gets thrown in with bleach and another 'goes in with some item that isn't color fast .. T he same thing happens with tablecloths with the matching set or napkins . I had, several years ago. a lovely deep green linen cloth. It was custom-made for our oversize round dining-room tab l e . It had a dozen matching napkins . Now. I don't know what would happen in you r household. but I 1d like to think I'm not alone in this'. Wax dripped on the cloth and a c harmin g guc:-.t insisted on r e m ovin g the c loth immediatel~ and rushing it in to put hot water o n it. I would hav(• had to throw her to tht• floor to stop her . and s he 's ont• of the ft'\\ people I know who :-. nt•H•r been m a kilcht•n t•xeept to pass through from tht' garage One wouldn't even mention launde ring to her That took care of one spot o n the cloth The napkin:-." Well. lt•t s sec One 1s an odd s hack ~f o lt \(' gret•n obv1ousl~ "~lck•• Jher-ldan (714) 631·4111 formerly of Gory Comptons Now with Newport lack lay Halratyllat 2675 IMne Avenue NewporT -Bea ch. C ollfom10 92627 ' Personalized engraving whi le gou wait. "The only glass and crystal store you need to visit'' SOUTH COAST VILLAGE •I inadvert(•ntl) bleached. Two havt-permanent b utter stai ns fro m bl·1ng used a r o u n d g a 1· I i c b r e ad or buttered rolls. So that leaves nine Well. the table sea l s e ight comfortabl y . leaving an extra for emergencies Can I replace the three napkins·1 Oh. of (•ollrse not Ha ve yo u ever seen a matching dyelot a fter three years of use·1 Then there an• shel'ls I havt> such a mixture I can't even remember the color sche mes I bought the m for. C urre ntly . the master bedroom is done an camel and white. with a few other color touches Unfortunatel~ . those color touc hes have nothing to do with the sets of yellow. navy , beige and light blue s hee ts I have on the s helves E ach set 1s in splendid condition hale. hardy. and almost new Not one set of1hem matches or ble nds with an~·thing The result of impulse buying. obviously White·1 They'r e worn and thrcadbart'. ~·et I £and it hard to go out to replace them when I ha,·e all those perfectl~· good colored ones in the linen doset staring at me N o w . w h ~ t h e e n v y ·1 Because. in m~ da~ dn•a ms r· think it v.ould bt· lo,·cl~'. after a II t hest• ~·e;.,ar:-.. to t us t s wct•p thl' C'losl'ls C'lean and with the help nf :-.omt· wonderful profe:-:-.1onal. "tart m ·t·1 in an organized f ash1on Or. perhap:-.. a ...,hower f;ll' those who've mack 25 \cars together. a h1g~er on<• for :Jo and so on It ·s super to have a ll those elegant parties with silver anniversary presents hut. let m e point out thut •:.ilver doesn't forll' St't' F/nu~·r 9irl l'aqe C-l The bridal gown COVER: Lynn Amundson Pries wears a traditional gown of ivory satin peau de soi, fea_turing a high • neckline, sheer point d'esprit yoke at the back and front and long fitted sleeves. Delicate strands of pearls radiate from the front and back neckline, and appliques of Alencon lace intensify the candlelight color of the satin. A cathedral-length peacoc k tram is bordered in the same lace. The dress. designed by Demetrios for I lissa, is complemented by the custom-designed headpiece by Marilyn Chloe. Wedding gown and head piece are from The Bride/Newport Beach. Shoes featured from Nordstrom/South Coast Plaza. Bride's makeup by Nan Brotan/Laguna Beach. Other fashions by Laura Ashley/South Coast Plaza. and Gimone's1L1do Village, Newport Beach. Cover and fashion photos by Gary Ambrose. Pries and Herpin wedding pictures by Beth Koch. Another generation of fine taste ... Susan Carter announces the opening of her new store ... The Susan Carter store continues a family tradition of carrying fine clothing for worren of distinction . A store that stands for re- finement and eleg:mce. A tirreless look with a dash of Rorrontic in- dulgence. Opening March 1982 I 024 Ba yside Drive N ewport Beach 7 1 4~ ••• 41 .. 1 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. February 14. 1982 •It's obvious that Lynn's favorite Label spells Laura Ashley. Here she wears Cardinal red double-ruffled cotton dress with long sleeves. a ruffled neckline and tnm on the yoked top. To be worn belted or not. it has side seam pockets. Her leather pumps. worn with pale pink pantyhose. are the same tone as the dress. Here , maid - of-honor , Jo - Anna Ray. ar - 1".anges Lynn's side c urls. Both young women are in Laura AshLeys. J oAnna wears a white, 100 per cent tucked and ru/fled blouse under a maroon corduroy jumper , while Lynn's tucked front. dimpled sleeve cotton dress, with its high neck and self belt. turns her into a modern-day Gibson Girl. ------------------· Laura Ashley fashwns pictured at Joan Nev1Lle's Big Canyon home. The same dress. worn this time as a blouse and petticoat unth a soft green. off-white and rose red paisley cotto11 flannel . flounced skirt Orange County young woman of fashion Born and rea rC'd 111 :'l:e" port Beach. L~·nn had aln·ad~· ~raduated from Corona del Mar Hi~h School and ";.ss off to L'CLA by lh<' time her parents. Mary and Merle Amundson, decided to gi\'e up Ne,., port Reach for a ll·ss c r o \\ d e d a n d h 1 g h e r c I t' ,. a t 1 o n homesite m Aspen. ('olo L~·nn "IH'nl ht•r s11mml'r" and vacations t hC'r<'. hut ne\'cr realf\ s e t t I e d 1 n B ' t h e t 1 m C' s h <.' d graduatt'cl rrom . ('O\\t•gt• ('I/Ill /a1tdt' with a BA m dC's1gn the\ \\l'I e back They \H'rL' ha<"k 111-.t m t1mt• to hl•lp organize L~ nn .., rt•<·t•nt '' Nldmg to ht•1 high school <;\H'l'thearl . \lontt• Prn·.., Since· h<'r 1mm µr.1d11atton from l 'C'LA. ''her<' ...,he was a Pi BC'la Phi. she has ('Ontmu<'d ht•• ,1 1Th1tectural stud1C's. eourst.'" th.it hold ht•r 1n good s le f..I cl wit h h <' r 1 ·mp I c )\ n D 1 an l' Johnson Dc•s1gn .... .1 firm he..,t kno\\ n 101 kttcht•n dt•s1gn and arch1t t.•c.·t11r:d clet <J ii work Pre\'1ou s l'. she \\orked 1n architectural des1~n with Pac1f1c Three Mechanical Engineers While at Corona <kl \1ar. 1,, nn ''as .1ss1stant t•d1tor of the• Cd:\1 H'arhook . Ebht1de. and a chart<'r mt•mtwr nt lhC' school s chapt<.•r of 1'1wanC'll<'S '.\lo" her 'olunteer work for11"e" on sen mg as a Sunda~ ...,c.·hool tl'aeh<·r al Manne•"" Church Sh t· a n d \ 1 on t <' • " ho <· ,, ml' t o Cal1forn1a wht•n his drrd . Don;ild Pries tht• formt•r as<;1stanl gL'nt•r.il managl'r of l ht• Halt 1morl' Onol<'" heram<.• d1n•C"tnr of the '.\'la1nr 1.t•a.f.!lll' Scout mg Btll'l'.tll :-.ha r<" an inlt'n•..,l 111 Manner :-. Church. whl'l'l' he• teacht•" Biblt.· ...,tud1cs Thl'~ al•m .... ha1 <' an 1nt1•rt•:-.1 1n ..,ports \'.ot lhl' ..,~lnH' on<.·"· ho\\t'\l'I . t'\.C'l'fll as "P<'l'l a tor ... New Pro Foam Penn automatically assures perfect cur1. Can't overprocess. Special price; reg. 145 ... s32 Sam~&~· South Coast Plaza 54()..8888 L ' nn plaH•d on t ht· < 'oron.i ch•I ~l..it High S<'hool .., C l I-' '' 11111111 ).! 111111, tennis tt•am m l!li:l ill Sht· .al .... o 1.., .1 skic•r Montl• 1s a ha:-.l'l>all. ha'>kl'lhull and fis hing fan L\·nn a\.,n count... photograph' ;mrt lithograph' '"'" hobl>ll'" and 111tt·n·..,ts :\tonlt· 1s 1n !ht• p...,~·rh11log1t·al c·ounsl'1111J.! mast<.'r" program al Cal Stat<• 1-'ullt·1·1011 and t11 help I>"' thl· hillh. \\Orks ;ii Tlw !'-.lon·h.1•t•f>t'I 111 Wl•-.tcl1ff f>la 1.1 8<.•fon· thl'' \\t'll' m:11r1t·d ... ht• .ind '.\lontc put 1h1•11 11:inw .... 111 .i h111i....1ng lnttt·r~ 111 I h1• El r111 o .111·.t < >111 111 :LllllO na ffi(':-0 I hl'll.... \\ ;1-. .1 ll1111lj.! l IH' \\ 1nrwrs -.n I h1·\ II\ l ' 111 .1 lu .md 111•\\ 900 squ.111• tool <0or11l11 \ lllt'k\ -.\,tit fOI .I \ Ollllj.! l'llll(llt• Ill._( gl'tt1ng ... 1.irtC'd 111 th1• \\orld \\'<.'II 1>1: h1•.1r1tH! m11n• <1hot1l t "11 "' t·1 I hl' 't'.11 . .., I m ..,11n· Style Primrose aorde'r Elegant French Linens and Domestics for Sophisticated Entertaining. WE INVITE YOU TO SIGN OUR BRIDAL REGISTRY :'o!t~r • South Coast Plaza Lower u-vel Credit Cards 556-0854 Near Bullocks .. Love hos on elegant ring. Diamond ring creations designed to leb<ote on Important occasion of love In elegant fo~hlon A 14k gold, $3750. 8. 181< gold, S1850. C. 18k gold, $2100. Bailey Banks &·Biddle \\ mlc/ 1((-nmHwrl ft'wt•/er• \1f1C e IH J! SOUTH COAST PlAZA COSTA MESA fl<Jt love' neo1 The Co10YSel (714) 7Sl-~O Ready-to-Wear Ha"' Lei the experts ar the SFA Beauty Salon design a fabulous new style 1ust for you cut along your hair's own narural Imes 10 assure easy care Just wash and fer rr dry to fall mto place beautlfully! Our D&s1gner Hatrcut, 1ncludmg shampoo. condltloner and sty/mg. regularly 32 50 now 1ust 19 50 Also on sale. our Deluxe Salon Perm, regularly $75 now 1ust 37 50. Including cut. shampoo and sty/mg Call 540-3233 m South Coast Plaza for your appomrment, and ask for the Beauty Salo~where we are all the thmgs you are l Orenge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 Bridal' book with all . the . 8y,JODI CADENHEAD .................. What lf there was one place u bride to-be could go to flnd out everythlna he needed to know to plan h~r wedding'' That 's what Dinah Bruun Goss wondered three years ago when she began plannlna her own wedding. But the. excitement of plunnina the bli day soon turned lo a chore. explained the Los AnJ:eles woman No one km.•w the name of a reall ~· good caterer There were scores or florists and photographers listed in the phone book. Everyone hud lots of advice. but no ont.• had any answe rs That's when Mrs. Goss and Marla Schram Schwartz decided lo sit down and write their own guide for brides ··The 1981 Los Angeles Bride Gu1dt> · was so successful they updated it this year and came out with "The 1982 OranSH' County Bride Guide · • Tht book promdes a compLttt Line of bridal services offered tn Orange County along with 250 pages of helpful mformatton, • The book provides a complete line of bridal services offered in Orange Count~·. along \\ith 250 pages of helpful information. The two authors wroll' a step b~· ~tep workbook to he lp the bride arrun~e evervthing from thl' t-n~a~t·mcnt part.' to thr we<td1ng duv Such U!itdul mforrnut IOn ul\ wht•rc• to seat divoret•d parents. or how to break an engagement or keep yow maiden na1n(• 1:. included in the book. Some or the 1nformut1on found m the workbook mcludt.•b hst:. of local bakt•nt•s. flo rists. photograph<.'rs. consult ants. caterers. musicians. l'ntertamment and r ecephon halls. In addition to listing sen•1n•s. ttw hook includes varioub r eligiou:. cm.toms. M'<.1ttn~ plans for rehearsal dinn~rs and the wedding day and ideas on bndal shm.\'('rs and bachelor parties The book 1s available for $12.95 <.it Bullock's. Robinson ·:.. '.\-ta' Compun~. Walde n 's R Dall n11. and campus bookstores Soft makeup complements the bride By VIDA DEAN D•llY ,. .... 9-y allhw Shades m makeup are paling for s pring and summer. "In" colors are reminiscent of the ·sos. No. not the white or the palest of pink lipsticks that produced that anemic look Today we're into light. natural shades. We're dealing today with words like carnation. flowering peach. hyacinth and azalea It's time to re-evaluate your makeup color and to get ready for those new fashions It's a lso the time of the vear when thousands of women will add ·a wedding gown to their wardrobe creations in white. ivory and cream Th(• softes t makeup possiblt' bes t complements \he bride. savs Kevin Firth hair and makeup st~·hst at Gary Burdick Salon at the N('wporter Inn. For foundation . Firth suggest... \'ery little 1::. \'ery good a shade matching the natural :.km ton(•. and blush on the cheekbones to augment the radiant glO\\ all brides have Colors are soft rose. plum. coral or peachy pink. depending upon the coloring of the bride When Firth creates makeup for tht> bride. h(• hig hlights th(' l'~l'" But again. 1t "' a soft look Soft. '\Oft I me rs smudged shc.1dows of hrm\ n. plum l;.i n •nder ;.incl pink sometim('S with a hint of hh1c• If the bndc has chosen u new hairst \'It• to accommodate the bridal hat. veil ·or flowers. 1t is a good idea. Firth savs. to "try out .. the style at least onc·c befo~t' th(• big day Popular with brides now are French braiding and a soft roll at the neckline to enhance the Victorian-styled gowns. If the bride n eeds a perm. Ft rt h suggests the best timt• would be about two VD~ weeks lx.•fore the wedding :\special treat for the bndt.• would be a facial a ft.•\\ da.\·s before• thCott tnp down tht.• aisle. And. finall~. thl' hands must not b<' neglected. Everyone will be wanting to look al the bride's ring. It should be displayed on u soft s mooth hand with na1b painted m a soft s hade m tht• same color famil~ as the facial makeup And thert· should be mccl~ s haped nails with soft cuticles '"All bndes are bt>aut1ful · but on thr1r da' . the..,c lips from F111h will add to tht.· radiance' that comes from within • FYI To kC'l'P brusht.•s m JH•rfN·t Build your s kin vocabulary with this information from Max Factor . Collagen. A natural body protein that binds moisture to the ('ells of the various la~·crs of the skin Exfoliation The natural s loughing process of rlead skin cells. Oxygen at t0n . Putting oxygen ba('k into skin b~· mms tunzmg, st earn treatments or massage to stimulate ci rtulat ion PH Factor The natural ac:icl alkaline balancl' in skin Note pure watt.•r is neutral. a pe rfoct PU of 7 Cell Rl•newal Skin takes H to 21 da~'S to renew 1tst>lf. s loughing off dead surface tells and mo\'lng ~·oung ones to the :.ti rfoCt' ... Flower girl Frnm Pciqe c '2 lt d~s go down the garbage disposal. though. doesn 't 1t ., So how about replaoing the broken china. the crystal. or having those spoons. for~s. or knives mangled by modern conveniences straightened out before they have to be passed on to the next generation I have a whole lts t of practical suggestions for occasions like this. At least they're practical suggestions for me And 1 have s s neaking suspicion I'm not alone He avoids g-reen . blue and deep t'arth' tones A waterproof mascara prevent.s streaks from those tears of joy. For the hps. h(' forms or outlines with a shghtl~ darker shade and fills in with a pink or • '1Jeach. A little gloss fini shes off the s mile condition . according to Marque! brush makers. <;tore them upright or in a soft brush pouch To clean. soak brushes m 1ust C'nough alcohol to cover the bristles for fin• m1hutes then let them dr~· overnight The\ will be spanking clean ;.ind read\ to use in So. after \\C got all those young folk married off. why don't we all get together and plan some showers for those of us who have seen this bliss ful state through for a few more years than we sometimes' like to remember I ) During the days of the rollers and the pin curls. brides were advised to have then· hair done a da~· before thr wedding But with today's blow dr~·er'> and elt'ctnc curlers. a natural. soft hairdo can be managed on the wedding day . Firth advises the morning · How long has 1t been., Well. there are a whole group of us who married so young we were still playing with paper dolls Just you remember that~ . A Beautiful Beginning • • • Wedding I nt1itt1tions Non' 20% OFF Choose the best for your wedding from our selection of sample books We also have: Toasting Goblets Wedding Decorations to make your wedding day a memorable one gl.nglss formalwear We rent more tuxedos than anyone else in the world. MISSION VIEJO MALL 495-2490 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 751-4160 801 W . Baker (Bet. Bear & Bristol) M-F 9-6 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 12·5 Costa Mesa 979-8~70 South Cout Pta%a Mltalon Viejo Mall Weatmlnater Mall Cen1toa Be9t Pla:ra 714)761 ... 180 714) 496-2490 714) 892·8309 213)824-0291 Creative Jewelers. Inc. (714) 760-6766 .2810 E. PACIAC COAST HWY. •CORONA DEL MAR ' NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER llklatadr$-~ 7~ _.,g>, .. ~ !/'~~ ~SC .14 OAIGINAl.. DESIGNING • CUSTOM RESTYLING a Resen1NG A DHtGNEA COLLECTION OF OOl.D & PlATINUM JEWEL RV • •DIAMONDS • PEA~LS • FINE COlOAED GEMSTONES ORNfOE COON'TY MASTER CHORALf ln ltl 26th CONCERT SEASON Ot. Maurice Allard. Mutlc Director ll ~··au F' tlbl Mitt ldeludln with natlonally re1~ "ELUAH' soloist David Ford Lynn Reid Gall Dubtnbaum Richard Dastrup Sopreno Contratto tenor WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Saturday, February 27. 8 pm Santa Ana High School Auditorium 520 W. Walnut Street. Santa Ana TICKET PAlC%S ADULT t 7.!IO 5enlOtl ~ lfld STUDE./'fT 14.!JO FOi ~ "'°"""""" , .. ~°""'* BuMnn. OlflC:e oe 1714) :)J~l~J or ""''* co 1'0 Boa Jl~I ~m CA 92803 .. ...... w.-_., ... o-.a..~- WHEN IT COMES _G/ TO ( /JiuJ1MdJ WE'RE A cfYirU!e~ BEST FRIEND J. C.JJwnp~rU!~ Jeweler~ '-1[ MBE R AME RtCAt.i GEM 50C•E T t 1en NfWP()Af BLVD COSTA MESA 35 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION ® BariltAme,,card-Master Charge PHONE !>48·3.01 SAY JE TAIME VALENTINES DAY Make VALENTINES say not just ··1 LOVE YOU' but say "JE TA!ME" For the French exemplifies the true meaning of romance. On Sunday Febuary 14th the PLEASANT PEASANT in Newport Beach located at Mac Arther Square Will bring you"JE T'AIME" in the true French meaning! The symbol of LOVE will be given to all the ladies on this special day. A Rose that in all languages . represents devobon. and one ~ ........... , ....... true Jove. "JE TAIME" DON'T JUST SAY "I LOVE YOU .. SAY "JE TAIME" TWO dtn~ >ee!Jng• ..... i..ott~~ byr~ool\-~at ~ 00 PM aod on.. m 7 <~ PM 4251 Martfngllle Newport Belich (In Mac:A.rt.hur Square) Teephone (71 4) 955·2755 .. oh LA La! The French Flirt From VANITY FAIR I f I .... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 For your most important day ••• * Award winning wedding coverages 1 * Unique misty portraits ord visual fantasies * A variety of weddlng plans f0< every budget * Call f0< on o~ntment to pion with our wedding consultants The wedding party The ladies 1 from left J -Suzie Lyons. Anne AmundsOfl. JoAnna Ray . Bonnie Johnson. Valene Del Carlo and Cozy Bm1~ The gentlemen -1 from left 1 Steve ltnch. Greg May. Enc Amundson . .Jeff Pries. Cary Hwm1e.~s Hick Del Carlo ·'"" Chapel u11d Doug Garn The 1111/c-;t lad1i' Tlwt s ('/1n~t1e W1 lsu11 Now. this 1s a romantic way to leave any weddmg ceremony Joe and l.ue Allred Herp111 in an Italian uers1m1 of a houier of flowers Tiie ltalzan.~ always tt•ere romantics .~o tlw11 do t lwse t hmgs n't'll South Coast Plaza. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 149·2103 Wedding day. • • here and gone Lingerie Boutique Bv NORA LEHMAN 0.11yP .... ITYLll.,... ANOTHER BRIDE, ANOTHER GROOM : A ll the month s of preparation the details. lhl' decisions. the L'xhausl1on Tht·n vo1la the da~ I!. ht·re ;.rnd gone ll " done' It"s over' Fortunately . the memor~· lingers on And so do the pictures It seems to me that Mary and Merl(• Amundson had barel~ had time to unpack after their return from their several-year sojourn m As pen before they launched in to planning the ir daughter Lynn's wedding to her high school s weetheart. Monte Pries. And they outdid lhemsel ves A beautiful bride. elegant reception. all the myriad details tied up nicely. and on top of it all. L~·nn . who I suspect has a "whim" of iron. managed lo t a lk both her mother and future mother-in law into p roducing s ix br idesmaids· dresses for h er entourage Can you imagine the patience one has to have to produce six pale pink moire s ilk dresses with enormous puff slec\'es·• Phew' :"lo greater love Producing a wedding has lo be one of the closest things to produc ing a play Am ong the "audience" of 400 or so were Hy l a and Dick Berlea Delores and John Virtue. Mc.m l.' Wilson : the W.F Bonners (Peg Bonner was in Marv's wedding 1 Susie Kel logg : Gavin a nd Dori Herbert. Joan Neville and Jackit• and Gary Davidson Naturall~·. tl \\as a fam11~· affair with Lynn's grandmother. Ellen Cauffield a rri ving from Vista and amon g the Amundson clan planing m . George. Harold. II G and Robert To get this young lad~ off to a good s tart Diane ~yerson Suzie Lyon!.. her s 1 s l t• r A n n e a n cl < > I 1 v 1 a Mots<' h E' n b a ch t• r l' at h gave her showers. JI a vmg sct·n the ~ otm~ ont•s off m one d1n•ct1on to Hawaii for tht'ir honeymoon Mar~ and ~krle took off m the other lo Austria for some skung Tht·~ ·11 arn vt• home 1ust in time to see their eldest c·h1ld's s miling face from our cover . So welcome ho me' We 'vl' had a lot of fun while you "'ere gone. and nobod~"s been buttoned in and out of a weddmg dress more than the young Mrs Pries AND ANOTHER BRIDE, another groom · These two Californians played out their romantic dreams by picking Venice's St Mark's Cathedra l as the site for their wedding. And Lou Allred a nd Joe Herpin managed to pull it off. I'm not s ure that just anyone could make that decision and make it work. but Joe Herpin is a senior VP and executive director o f sales for lht> Joseph Garneau Co . American distributors of Bolla Wines He has therefore a little pull with the Bolla wm e people Pe rhaps that helped Several peopk from this area went along to take part m and testify to the fact that St Mark's is a lovely place for a wedding Among them. :vtarion :\1ontapert \\oho was Lu(' s ~falron of What do Henry Winkler and ' ThePrinee of Wales have in eo111111on~ r invitations by WILLIAM ERNEST BROWN STUDIO STATIONERY e minent people are known by their papers Specializing in Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, fine invitations & slatiopary South Coast Plaza Lower level on the Jewel Court 714 -540·2265 J Ho no r : Tony Mo ntapert. Barbara Aune and Beth Koch. who documented the whole thing on film . despite a broken wnst If t his reads like a non slop part~·-t1me. the parl1<.·1panb would be hard put to deny it. Listen and look Two nights before thl' wedding . lht• group practicall~ c losed Harr~"s Bar aftt•r a private dinner But the.' hardl~ got rolling. be('ause the night bt•fort• tht' wedding they started tht' even mg with a gondola pa rt~· Then followed that \\-ith a triple th reat celebration al \he Gntti Palace Hotel. First on the agenda was the upcoming wedding : the second. Tony Montapert's birthday and number three. toasts raised to Marion and Ton~ ·s second \\ eddmg anntvt'rsary Foll owing that . there wa!. a pre·nuptua l dinner at Martm1 ·s. THE WE DDING DAY: And more parties. After the wedding he ld m a .chapel beneath St. Mark's muin alt ar. it \.\as back to the Gnlli Palace Hotel for a c hampagne brunch. and then another part~· al the C1pr ianQ Hotel That was hosted b~· Marion and Tony The theme of this whole thing could be "Let ·s eat. drink and be men·.\·. for tomorrow we'll probabl ~· do.1l agmn , .. An on going festival. I \\Onder if an~one s clothes fit them when t he~· we re through Taking leave of tht·1r mcrr.'· band of followers. t'he H erpins left for Floren cl' and Portofino for their honeymoon and som e well·dC'served rest MISSION VIEJO MALL Lower level near Bullocks 495-1452 Beautiful Lingerie for the Bridai Trousseau Luxurious Silk Gowns, Designer Robes. Penoirs, Teddies, Camisoles, BeautifuJ Garter Belts, French Silk Stockings & Wedding Garters. Come in and sign our Bridal Registry Gown by SOUTH COAST PLAZA Upper Level near Bullocks 549-1225 We're ExDerts on winter warmth For....._ extra 'COidclays. tlte folowllMJ occessorlet are ..ceslitlff GC9.Jles A good pair of an.ti-fog goggles not only allow you to see while its snowing but also protects your face from the cold. ~ Mi Hens With your fingers together keeping each other warm mittens are much . warmer than gloves. Wool Hats Socks Wool and nylon thermal socks are a must. 40% of your body heat is lost when your head is not covered. L~ Underwear Silk. wool or cotton long underwear layers underneath your regular ski clothes to After Sid loot, provide extra warmth. Nothing feels better han a warm. oozy pair otf;;;;; after ski boots after a day of skiing. I ... ' .. ·~ ., ~ ~ I I ' • I • ' ~ Mrs. Dreyfuss Dreyf uss-Dovis Robin Elizaheth Dans of '.°'ll('W porl Bt•aC'h lwcLJm(• th<.· bndl' of Andre Gtlbt•rto <k Camargo On·' fos:-. of It' tn<.' and Sao Paulo. Brazil. in a' <'l'l't:•mon~· at St. .Jamt•s Episcopal C'hurch. Los .\ngl'l(•s The bnd<'. th<.• d aughter of .Jane Welc h Williams of Los Ange les and Robert lfo" (' Da ,·is of Newport A<.'iH'h . gradualt•d from Marlborough School for Girls tn Los Angt'les and Stanford l 'n1n·1 .. .,11 ~. Palo Alto She t•arnC'd a master·s dt•grt•t.• in hus 1111.•:-.s aclmm1stration at the l T l.\ Gradual<.' SC'hool of :\lana1wnwnt The groom is th<.• '\On of Kurt Dreyfuss of Sao Paulo. Brazil. and Barh..ira l>rC'~ fuss of London. England Mrs TeBerg Mr. and Mrs. Fiola Fiala-Stewart , .. / St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Los h\njteles was the selling for the marriage or Susan L. Stewart and Dale M Fiola. A dinner reception followed a t the Biltmore Hotel The bride is the daughter of Marvin Stewart of Glen Avon and Bobbie Garber of Highland. She graduated from Cerritos College with a certificate of psychiatri(' technician and is asso~lated with Metropolitan Hospital in Norwalk. The groom. an attorney. graduated from UCLA and earned a J.O. at· Northrop University. He also has a mas{~r·s degree in taxation. He maintains law offices in Downey and Newport Beach.. • _'-___ - Purnell-Minor Ja('k ie Minor. daught<.•r of !'¥1 r and Mr:-. J ack W Minor of Newpo1t Beach. lx'came the bnde of Timoth\· Purnell in a ceremony at St Andrew's Presb~'lena~ Chureh. Newport Be<.ich. The bride graduated from the t:n 1vers1t~ of Southern California where ~he was affiliat<'d with Oelta De lta Dt'lt <.1 sorortl~'. Sht• also 1s ;1 graduate• of Ma rlborough School for Girls in Los Angel<':.. Th<' groom . son of Ma~·me Purnell and tht• late :\itr C lyde Purnell. also graduated from USC wht•n• h(• was a ffiliated with Bet a Theta Pt fratern1t' Following a tnµ to Hav.a11 . th<.· nc'""'eds plan to ll\l' tn Irvine B o,~k in-Havens Sht•llv J.,n 11 ;1\l'n-. of 11\llH' and Charil·-.. .I l\odk1n .J 1 of 1 hlllh\lllt• \la t''<.·hangt•d \H•ddtnJ.! 'o\\.., in "\1•\\ port \k-.a Chn,t1an <'t•nt1·1 C'o .... t.i :\ll'-..1 \ rl'l't•pt111n "a-. h('!cl at Ch;1nlt't'la1r Hl'-.taurant 11 'int• T he h11elt• 1-. tht• ch.1ught(•r of ~anhn S\\aff1t•ld lla\'t•ns and I.arn flak llil\l'n ..... both of lrnnt• Shl• graduall'd from C'orona <kl ~br High School and Orangt' Co<1-.t C'oll<.'gt· m Costa ~t·-.;a Sh(• abo Jttendcd LT lntnt' The nev. '.\trs Bodkin ts (•mplO~C'CI h' Fa1rch1ld Sem 1conductor The groom ts the• son of :\tr and '1rs Charlt's .J Bodkin of Hunts\'tllt• Ala lie gractuated from Grisson Hig h School tn Huntsnllc and €:'arnC'ct a B.S and a :\it R r\ at lht' Univt•rsit~· of Alatnima. TusealoosLJ The IH'\\ h "<.•ds planm•cl a I np to Rreekt•nndgC' Colo Doroth~ 0 Tt•1ada of ~l'\\ port Rea<:'h bee amt• the• bndc of Oand W Tr B<•rg of '.'Jov..ito tn ..i cen•mom· at Our Lady Qtte<•n of :\ng<•ls Church.'.°':<.''' port Rc•ach · The bnde ts lht• daughl<'r of :\tr and Mrs X1mrno Teiada of '.'JC'wport Rea<:'h The brtcl<'groom. "on of Ernl'SI TeAerg of Elk Grove and Ga~ t' Tl'Aerg of Lakl'l>Ort . gr:.tduated from '.'Jovato ll1gh S<:'hool Following a skimg lrip'to L.1kt' Tahol' lhC' m•wlvwect~ plan lo liv(' tn '.'iovato Mr. and Mrs. Puleo Pule o-Ha a pa Karin Haapa of Corona de l Mar and Steven Puleo of Sacramento have exchanged vows at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Arvo Haapa of Corona del Mar. founders and retired publis hers of the Nt•wport Ensign news paper The groom·s parents arc Mr. and Mrs .. Joseph Puleo of Rescue. Both bride and groom arc graduaJ,es of Capital Bible Institute. Sacramento. The bride also graduated from Corona del Mar High S('hool and ·studied at Chico State University. The groom is a student of music at Sacramento State Unlverslt~·. Bohon-Stone Coron..i ckl :\1ar C1ingrl'g,1ttc111.d Churl'h """ I hl' -.1t<.· of t ht• weclcling of Susan < • St onl' •tncl .J a mt·:-. .J Bohan. hot h of Cornn a d (' I :\1 a r The bnde. daughter of Mr and '.\tr" Dand M . Ston<' of Corona del Mar. graduated from CoroniJ dcl !\1ar Hig h School and Chapman Colleg<'. Orangt• She 1:-. cmploy<•d b~· Deloille. H askin~ a nct Sells The grnom. son of Kath~ Berga\ of Fullerton and Jam<.•s P Bohan of Anaht•tm. gr.i<tuatC'd from tht• l 'nl\'t•rs1t y of Southt•rn California lk 1:-. \'t('l' pr<.•sidcnt of L<•t•l .and Entt•rpns<:'s T he nt•\\ I~ wed~ plan t11 II\ l' Ill ~C\\ port ReaC'h following a tnp to lla"a1i Mrs. Bodkin Mr. and \1rs. Parole Parole-Boker Newport Beach r esidents Stephani(.' Baker and Rand~· P arole have exchanged wedding vows in St .Joachim 's Church. Cost a Mesa The bride. daughter of Mr a nd Mrs Richard Brown of Newport Beach. graduated from Newport Harbor HiJ{h School and is a student at Cal State Long Beach She is e mployed b~· N~wport Thin Film Laborator~-. The bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Parole of Newport Beach. graduated from Newport Harbor High School and Is a student at USC. He Is employed b~· American Building Maintenance. The newlyweds are living in Costa Mesa following a trip to Hawaii. . ~ , Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Februar:v 14, 1812 • The slopes on June .\founfam are qe11erall11 wide and not crowded June • IS bride t9 many skiers By JOEL C. DON Of .. o.I..,,.... ..... June Mountain manager Don Rake loves to tell the story about a frustrated skier he bumped into this season. -.. He had just come down from the mountain and was angs;y because someone was s kiing down his run .·· Rake said. cracking a broad s mile. . In truth. the folks at Junl' :\lount am located just a half hour ct1·1n• north from Mammoth Mountain hkt.• to think of thl•ir ski reso11 as .. Thl' Delightful .-\ltermH1w ·· But most downhilh.'1'" han• eomt.• to kno\\ I his pristine mountain as th<.· best k<•pt ~t·<·n.•t 111 l h<:> Sil'tTa '.'lt.•rnda That reputation rlol•sn ·1 coml' urwarm·d Whil<' s kiers ar<:> waiting :to mmuk:-. or mon· on W<'ekend lift lines al :\l ammolh. ~1111 barely han• t•nough time to ~<.1\\11 at .Jww \ long wait is ahout 10 minutt.'s And once ~·ou get on lht• "lopes. '1111 n· treated to ~enrrously "ult• runs "1th a powder and packt.•d ·po'' dt.•r :-.1 11·1 act• on an uverage fl-to X-foot hase Therl··s 20 mill'" of runs with 30 percent beginner. 40 percent intermediate &rnd :30 percl•nt ach-ancl'd fum il~· mountain: It's tht.• kihd of plat'<.' wht•n• create tht• <IPmand . A long rangt• pl;111 that'" ,·nu can let the kids J?O off b~· lht.•mst•h·t's hC'en kirked ;.1 round for a num IX'r c)f ~ t•a r" 1s \\·ithoul fc>ar of them being 1·un over 11r a s ki lift hookup "1th ~l ummoth . 'w 1 ht• Stm colliding with o ther s kiNs en·r~ fh l' .Jouquin Ridge'. minut<'s .June·._ st.•asnn ruth from Tbank~!.!I\ in!! June Lake Villa~c offers a \·ariot~·. or through Eastl•r and \ht· mountain <·an makt· accommodations includin g housekeepmg. s now for ..;omt.• of its mtt·l'ml•<liall' and units with kitchens, mot&h a nd bt.>ginnin~ runs \\hen thl· m:athl'• 1,n·1 11p10 condpminiums. The village is not turning into par a fast-growing metropolis like Mammoth. It 's "'.June hus powch•r thut dnt>~n ·t cl'I tlw a little s hort on nightly enfertainment and cit.•pth of nth<'I' m ountain .... hut h;1 .... J.!oncl eateries. But the restaurants in town o([er qualit;· bc>t·auM' \\'e·n· in a prnt<.•tkd art•a:· som e or the best cooking this siae of the Inyo R<lkl· s aid "'\\'l' dnn·t /.!l'I muC'h "ind .... 11 thl• National Forest. pm\ cter la~ts for <ia~·s ·· .Jun<'. howe\'er. hus n<.'\{'r bt.'l'n known "" Th(• mountum otfrrs a :,k1 shop. l't'lllab. · a part~· town. That's .1us l finl' "1th the.• lnc·•ils ski sC'hnol "l'r\'1t\•s and a ~rac1u:11 t•<l·l~n~lh anci out-of-towners who skip tht' crowds al pt ogrum th.ct II mm t.• ,-nu lrom .J. to .1 foot other resorts for ... nme J.!Ood skiing II ~mi .... J.;1:-. in a \H't.'k l.1ft t1ckl'ts ha\'l' go1w up th•~ 1n s 1s t on a lit lit.• night lift.'. rt•mc•mlwr q•;1r as thl'' h;1n.• i.lt olht•r rt•sm·h Full d;I\ ~I am moth is not fc.tr do\\'n the• road On aclult t1ckl'h •11 l' Sl9. S9 .iO tor <'hildn·n 11n<lt•1 weekencts. ,-<m'll probabl~ met.'t l'migrani.... 12 Thl' mountain also ha~ l'l'Oll('(.'(1 nll<hH•t•k from Mammoth who've grown tired or lift ticket J>l'i c·t.'s for thrt'l' anti (l\l' <fa , lines. paC'kages R)lkl' emphas1tt.'cl that skil'r~ she.mid takl· .J11nt• :\1ount:i111 <'till ht· l'l'ilCht•cl h~ I.eking ach·antage of michH'<'k ~kii~g at .Jum• Tht• H1ghwa~· :J9;) north \n lhl· .lunt• l.i1kt• 1.oop only time you·re not movmg is when you have turnoff c ;.ihout "I' hours trom thl' 01 .ctll.!l. to stop to get on a lift. . June has seen some development m the Coast '· t·c,1·m of new condo miniums. tilthouj!h Rakl' Remcmbc.·1· .l11m· pn<lt.•s ihelr on "hort lift ' dd d lint.'" and plt•nt ' I)( nub tor "k ll'I'" ol ii II • Four do11bll'-chair lifts and a T ·har "111 take you to every corner of the mountain . which rises to 10.212 feet from a base at 7 .650 teet. At the top. you'll get to an awesome view or Mono Lake on one side and. to the south, Mammoth Mountain and the high desert near Bishop. doesn·t expect the mountain to a a~y a · lt•\'t•I:-: Su ll'l 's kl't't> thl· ,t•<·n•t ht•l\\t'l'n lh The uxut at the lift.~ 1.~ ~hort ditional lifts until the re a~r~e:_e~n~o~u~g~h~s~k~1e:.!:rs~t~o'.__...:_.:..::_.::::_..:..::_::.:_:.:...:.:_:~...:....:..:..:_-=-:....:...:...:__: ________________________ ~~ Ad\'ancecl and t.'XPl'r\ .... ktl'I'" "houldn'l hl' fooled hv .June's appa1·en1 ..,ear<'tl' of llfb .111cl ~m allei· site in enmpanson to n<•arh\ '.\1ammoth Tht.' fa<'l' of .Junl' "htch '" th<.· onh slope v1sihlt• from .Jum• l..1k<.• \'tll.tgl'. •~ one of th(' 10 steepest runs in th<· l 's If it's got wheels you'll move it faster ina Daily Pilot classified But beginn('rs will find pknl' of htmn' runs midwa~ up tht.' mountain Then'" pll·nt~ of room to k arn or fall <Imm c "h1eh oflt.•n go hand in hand> and you won't have to look over vour shoulder every five seconds for ad call 642-5678 and other speed demons . \ a friendly ad-viSO{ will help you turn your wheels into cash. Don Rak<.' no\C'<l .J111w 1" toutt•cl ...... .i Interior Buyif18 Tours takes pleasure in inviting you to_ be escorted by . a prof ess1onal interior designer to the Exclusive ·Decorator Onty· Home r or 0 f /ice J Furnishings Showrooms' You purchase.at only ten percent.above the wholesale price•: Eiample Retail -$4 .000 . y OUT Price -$2 .200. -I .j I re1ght. ta.r & delwery I SAVINGS -$1,800.! ! You buy famous-name furniture & decorator accessories off the showroom floor for immediate delivery . Custom orders, too. You make no expensive mistdkes because your Pro~ssional Designer is by your side. Space planning is available for home or office. A fabulous new buying service designed to save you money & time. It's fun! Plan a 'Tour' with a friend, spouse, secretary or business partner now! Call today for reservations, t~r cost. & detail&, .and receive your ·free Interior Planning Portfolio! • 7141643-2863 * Servi11g Orange & Los Angeles Counties •shotmJom dttCOldll• vary. from JO.SO'( off IM rtfaU prfct . .,, .. Fare Code YU The Islands. $165 one wa~ Stan db~ It's l.he chance of a lifetime to ~ave on the vacation of a life- time. Because from now until April 2-dependmg' on seat availability-United's l>lacing all rernaining Coach seats on saJe. minutes before departure. Wldebody to Hawaii Leavt' Arrhe To Honolulu 800a m II 40am -1 ()()pm 7 45pm Back Homt' 3 IOpm 10 IS pm ' 10 55pm 600am To Hiio 1155am• 3 20pm So by getting LO the airport 'htcpt Tl1t..da) \\ron•·.,,J~\ I redo early, you can take advantage Back Home 4 25prn• II 15pm of United's l lawati stand.by fare for an amazingly low $165 one . way, on selected flights. With no advance-purchase or reservation restrictions oo slow you down. Arict best of all, you'll celebrate in exclusive Royal Hawaiian style, with authentic polynesian detfcacies, tropical drinks, first-run movies and more. Just be sure to a.trive at the airport and sign up· in plenty of time to make the flight, as seats wt1l be put on sale on a first-come, ftrsi.served liasis. N?tw's the time to take advantage of our "8t-minute sale to o~ little comer of the world." For information, call your Travel Agent. Or call United at 973-2121. Partners in 'Il'avel with Westin HotelS. ' 11 , . •• •• •• 1 I · . ... ... .•. /:" . . Orange Coa•t DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, February 14', 1982 ; Virginia Slims renvtmbers how. the man of 1903· ~ssed 'his true feelings on Valentine's Day. You•ve come a long wa~ ~aby. t Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ~Ml 9 mg' 'tar:· 0. 7 mg nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. r ... \ • • llllJPilll ' ~ ~ SUNDAY,FE8RUARY14, 1982 Actress. Karen Black STOCKS 03-4 is Oack REAL ESTATE 05-6 ENTERTAINMENT 08-10 on Broadway ... DlO. .... Private Vault safe New,port Beach • ID A SAFE PLACE Beverly Farrier. manager of Newport Saf<' Place. examines one of the firm 's safe deposit boxes. So far. 280 of 1.500 planned lockers have been installed. Inset an• compan~· founders L~·nn Lewis.left.andJohnGriff. The office of the fut11re • IS here P.acTel executive $ays. advanced technology. available now Tom Faulkner talks a lot, but as business adviser for Pacific Telephone, that's what he gets paid to do. With Ma Bell for 26 years, Faulkner is optimistic about the local phone company's future apart from American Telephone & Telegraph Co .. which last month in an agreement with the . federal government announced plans to divest itself of 22 operating companies. including Pacific Telephone. While AT&T 's antitrust settlement with the Justice Department is still pending, Faulkner on a recent v1sit·to the Orange Coast from his home base in San Francisco preferred to discuss a topic with which he is more familiar the office of the future. ·'The possibilities are almost m ind·boggling. · · Faulkner said. His scenario sounds like something from George Orwell or Ray Bradbury Among his predictions: -Executives will control worldwide business operations with the touch of a button -Offices will be virtually paperless and mall wlll be transmitted electronically. -Ex~utives w1ll be able to work at home, when they want and how they want. -Work environments will be designed to meet the special needs or the future. -Machines will ""l"espond to voice commands. "The technology for many of these innovations is already here." Faulkner said. "That's why I like to talk about the office of today as well as tomorrow." Next month. Times Mirror Videotex Services will apply its new technology in an extensive rield test of its videotex system. The system will allow users to do their banking, shoppine and receive local news without having to leave their chairs, let alone homes. Faulkner's work is primarily in sales. though he prefers the word, "marketing." It's his job to persuade company executives to upgrade their telephone equipment to take advantage of new . sophis ticated tele· communications systems. "These systems are really time machines," said Faulkner, who is active in local troop activities for the Bay area Boy Scouts. "Manaeers spend 70 percent of their time communicatine, and that ti~ should be spent in the most productive and efficient way possible.·· One way to achieve that, Faulkner claims, is through teleconferencing. This allows three or more people to meet electronically between two or more locations. Executives can save the time -and expense - of traveling and yet still participate in important decision-making activities with others in various cities. If graphic or written material is needed at these meetings - agendas or reports, for instance -they can b e sent over facsimile equipment, Faulkner offered. He added that PacTel's Gemini 100 Electronic Blackboard also can be used to supplement meetings. When someone writes on the TOM FAL'LK.'Vf;R pressure·sensitlve surface of the blackboard, the writing not only appears on the board but is converted to electrical signals and transmitted over ordinary telephone lines and duplicated on a television monitor at a distant location. It's similar to the device used on the recent (Sff FUTURE, Page DZ> There's loads of wol-k to do Enterprising pair hope to clean up with new laundry service By STEVE MITCHELL O( .. DMty ........... "We pick 'em up, wash 'em up, fold 'em up and bring 'em up." That's the slogan of Hop Sing's Laundry Service in Laguna Beach, a fledgling operation barely a haJf.year old, but operated by a pair of enterprising partners who have visions of really cleaning up on the profits. That's Steve Atencio over there stuffing bed sheets into a washing ENTRIPRINEURS machine. And there's Gary Kirstine folding T-shirts. Kiratine, 31 , hu been manaaer of several Laauna Beach restaurants the put few years, includina the White House and the Coast Inn. Atencio, 21, -:orka nlahta at Safeway as a clerk, and lt'a h1a paycheck the two roommates have been llvinl on the put alx moot.ha. "Whal we make here foes rtpt back lnto the bu1lne11," aald Kirstlne, polntlna to a row ol wuhen ud dryen, au bummiAI ln \mllon. Tb• partnera betan tbelr eotef'PriM, named after tbe at1w1 houseboy OG TV'I ''looau,•• ia,l July With five akeptlcal CUl&Omen and use of their landlord's washer and dryer. Now they own or lease five dryers and three washers installed in a rented 600 square foot unit that once served as an apartment manager's residence. They figure they have "well over 100 regular customers" now, willing to part with $10 for three loads of clean wash. That price Includes pickup and delivery. washina. clrytne and folding. They've got a third employee who irons ($1.25 rr ablrt) and ln two w'eeu lbey'I collect -dry cleaning items from customers to be taken to a wholesale operation in San Clemente. And now, with all the busine11 they've drummed up, the two men are looldna for lar1er quarters. Klrstlne ftaurea tbe partner• curnntly are arouln1 about s..ooo a month, but he eatimate1 they're puttln1 out tt.500 each month for rent, utlllUH1 purchHln1 new machiDes .ad eavertll1n1. ••But tbe ~ cleanla1 bUalnea ahould turn that around,'' he speculates. That's only until they open a second Hop Sing's -probably in El Toro or Leisure World -sometime . this year. "Then we'll start all over again," he laughed. "It's a pyramid game. only we think we're guaranteed a payoff." Whal kind of people want their wash picked up and delivered? "Well," Atencio said, "there's the laundromat people wbo don't like the hassle of washing their own clothes. "Then there's the more wealthy customers who don't even -.e their own washers and dryen. "We've apolled them," be said, erinnine. "We've created a new market." Last Chrbtmas, the wub and dry duo ltled out a mark~ trick they say was very succeuf\.11. They purcbaaed more than 100 cotton commercial .. ln laundry bap and stenciled the names ol a recular customer on each bat. Tben they wrapped the bap lD • Chrlltmaa paper and penonally delivered tbem to their cultioa:Mn. Al a fHUlt of IUCb personal service, U.y say they Hldocn loM a refular customer. or that matter, they Mldom ao.. one of a matdled pair ot IOdla, a fad (~e IAVNDaY, Pase 02) Security, confidentiality· key features of new enterprise By KEITH TUBE& IMllr ............. a ..... When Lynn Lewis approached banking consultant John Griff with his idea to build a private vault in Newport Beach, Griff thoueht the 40-year.old businessman was crazy. "He really did," Lewis said, while Griff nodded in agreement. Today. the two are partners in Newport Safe Place. a private sate depository company that recently opened in Newport Center. They believe it's one of the first of its kind in Orange County. Lewis. who lives in Garden Grove. got the idea after burglars stole his $15,000 gun collection last year. His search for a secure storage facility for valuables left him frustrated. Banks that contained safe deposit boxes, he found, usually had extensive waiting lists. Besides. the boxes were too small for his particular needs lDCAl BUSINf SS and use of the boxes was restricted to regular banking ho1.1rs which weren't always con venienl. Lewis solved his problem by building bis own vault. ·'The entire building is one steel vault," Lewis said of the 2,650 square-foot building. "It's got the most sophisticated security systems available." The place is a virtual fortress. The vau~t is protected by three separate security systems. including Honeywell Inc. 's Underwriter Laboratory certified Grade AA Central Station Bur&Jar Alarm. A special card ls needed to gain entrance to the bWldlna, and two to entel' lJ:le vault. ·Tbe secoftd card is controlled by an armed guard who verifies the identity of each client and monitors a closed circuit television set. To protect aeainst lire, the vault la protected by a Halon system instead of sprinklers. Halon is a non-toxic gas that extinguishes fires without harming pigments in paintings or destroying documents. It 's s imilar to the fire-protection system used in the' Louvre in Paris. Lewis and Griff said. They plan to have an art vault operational within 90 days. At the moment , Newport Safe Place holds 280 safe deposit lockers of 1.500 planned, ranging in size from S x 10 x 24 inches to 30 x 60 x 24 inches. The partners estimate it will take about Z1 months before the boxes are fully rented. Prices range from $20 to $120 monthly. "This is a product of crime." Lewis said of his business. As the crime rate continues to rise, he expects business to increase accordingly. In fact. business already is booming across the country. The indu1try, which dates to the 19th century, has aroWit froai a dozen vaults last year to more than 50 today. By the end of 1982, that number is likely to double. To open their facllit7. Lewis and Griff raised $50(),000 by setting up a limited partnership .. There are 10 partners alto1elher, Griff said, nearly all from Newport Beach. He and Lewis plan to open a string or safe deposltoriea' nationwide using similar capital-raising measures. Their Encino vault is scheduled to open March 1. "What's great about ou~ operation," said Griff, who lives in Newport Beach, "ls that we're open 24 hours a day. "Since we're1 right across from Big Canyon Country Club, people can stop here first to pick up any valuable jewelry they wish to wear. go to the country club, and then return the items regardless of what time it is." Another advantage is the aspe.ct or confidentiality. Al· though clients are identified by photo and number. the company makes no effort to ascertain whether or not real names are being used. "Furthermore," says Lewis , "we don't know what's in the boxes, and we don't want tq know." Still, a threat of embezzlement does exist in the private safe depository business. The owners of one such depository, Swiss Vaults Inc., were found guilty a couple of .yean ago of ~ a phony robbery at their facillti in Oranee County to cover up U.. theft of Sl.1 mill.loa in clie:Qt prop,rty. Lew la belJevea bU vault and the lndmtrt at 1.,.. now have enoueh safeguards ~ quell such fears. ' ·•First tbe methodoloty IA eslabliablng ,the business 1• different," Lewia said. "We'tll actually 10 partaera-doctor11'J lawyers, all professionals -wbe have been in the area for a 1001 time. Swiss Vaults was originally for furriers, and safe deposit boxes were added later. The owners had complete control. "None of our investors has a key. I can't get in without my card, and no one has a guard key accept the guard. There are no duplicate keys, either." The company carries a SS million blanket liability policy which covers fraud, Lewis said, and another $6 million U\ coverage is expected next weelt. ,. All employees are full~ bonded. The guards, supplied b.Y Pinkerton Security Servic,, already are bonded. ., "This isn't a get·rich·quick kind ol business," Lewis said. "But it is steady, and it's g~ better every day." '· . I I ... .. ' ,. " "' ~ -----------------' I Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT/Sunday. F.Oru1ry 1 ... 1982 ,,. llllllClllTITICll c F~ are the stock marat activitie• of publiclu traded Orange Coun~ finm for the week.entkd Friday, Ftbrva.TJI 12. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. ••• • '"" I MllllCll.,T•I Ul(lfllltl ,,,__ 'J ~ leWPl\I .. Ot-\1-cJ:.1.:!:':'9&.m~:··tJ.. ''"' "'·l"I t t I llllJllT Prlooot•loo J oa.o~.oa.11 a1•111• I I IPI Pll 1TUJ .. D t 1 floool t I ..,_, tllT llC1 I II 1000 'o ········-··-··--·---·--·-· --·---·-··--·-··-~ -·-· . ____ ..__ --------..-· --···-------·------·--........... ... I II,.. •lo .. I ll\" C.r,. l =~:t!h t ...... , •••. -·u ... "· l ••• n. .... 1 ILMI IU &DO• un111 a.,;r• I lo-or !AU. llO ' ... -.__.., 10 .. -.... • II ... _, Joo\. llC " ........ ,. 1110. tlr\. I J IPl<lffoH , •. ttlD• ]1 "' Mloro. "'" ll ll<loPOdo ...... ILOI ~: :::::: 1~',..,11 "_'.LI: ]6 hoeut. lod. Ill JT tor !Nol ti•. twr JI rtrol -r.t. PAICR l: ~:~:~o~=~~n ;~:.: '1 tor lotur L. '1U' •2 Oen•,.•l hto. ODA 4) O.neral Te,..., OfCI '"I•• e~ ... .. ....,.r, .... .. ~:r::l .... - °"""'" .. _., ...... '"""'°'~ toll. Pllllort" C.oi. ..... .......... ...... Pl ...... loo ,,,_.Cop .... ~··· ......... ....... , ... ... c..u .... . INl.oho .... ,..1. 0..0111• ..,,,.Pl .. _ ::rr:=~ .... ~ ..... "' ...... Int.el .. 1f'-•t ... ....... ,. Co•l• ..... ....... lo""l"t looob """'"' .... t.a ••• ,,..., ... AM"•l• ....... & ...... Sin'-• An• lr•lri• •"•h•t• t..acuno •110I AAAheJa T\aolln .... ll'-•t.• ht•••t . lo••h• raa\ ftl04ia Mo1110Uo llM ...... Mf'I. -door• ...u., -•la• toolo "''"· 3-tl••• • i ... Ml llU"7 IJO. ·~ .... C:-rolol 1o11111,.. ... llll .. ,... -· ....... ,,. .... t.00 ·" '·" • It ,.DO t.oo 1.00 '·U . ' '· .:ti t .DO J.00 ~ 'l:U 'U; OtC '·'o :·•o .,, ....... ·" ll•IO • 69 • TS •1•10 '·" '·" OTC IQ 6.00 OtC ''·" ''·TS lllDAO f.00 t.~ ••9MO .•• ..I lllDAO .so .so OTC 11.DO 11.00 OTC .1' .15 OTC 1.00 1.00 .. _ s.so s .so OTC 11.U II.SO llllOIO 1•. I] ••.so IUllAO I.DO .fl ..... '·Tolo •• Tr••· IUD&O T.2' T.00 '-r _,"IJ ot1. IUDIO I . I} 0.1) Mt or-oeu..,r oyo. ll!IDlll I. JI I • 0 '-•· •loo. •ro. JUlll&O I. TS 1.6) 1 .. 1010 & lou Ill ).50 ).I! llool. 010.1 awtte~oo UC I.DO 1. I) "I•-•• •-t.ro IA.!PIO 1.1' 8.1' lenlrt•c OTC 10. 1' •· 1' lloolroeU• HSIAO II.~ 10.50 Coenter •r1. OTC • 61 • 66 Motor -· UI O. I) 1. 11 .a.vt•c• & loon "SI •.n •.oo Tltlt 1......... IUDAO 11.so 11.50 ~=~=~;,.' .~::nc. •.. ~:: zu; 1Ui Preo11t. OOftCP'•te IA.!DAO ti. 15 l . ,0 "l•lo-utor opo. USllO 6. IJ S.6' Co.,•tor dtoplor tor. llSl&O .6. .69 ••. , ~··' ••• 1-11-•1 -t .1 .It • f •IT-11 -11.1 0.1•! -•-10-•1 IC I .to • t-,0-11 . t.• t .01 t.• 1a.11.eo llC .Jo n .t u.31.to llC (O HI • 11.,1.&0 II ,6DO "·'" 1,00& to."' t,'11 0 .... -... tir: t.s t-Jo-11 1,1•0.oDO •.• 11-'11· 0 ' ,,,,, • • •t -Jl-80 0 :u 1!·' ::it:: •1:::n llC •.• 11.,1.t o •O.T•l llO .fl 'l·' !•JI.ti llC 0.'6 I .i ll•Jl-tO llC 1.211 '·' 1., •••• • T.9 O. IT •.t 10-)l·to tie 10.n ' • •·l•·•' llC o. "·' 11-11-to IC IO.o)I • 6-)0-t1 IC 0.11 II.I ll·ll-fO 11e 6.o, .t 11-11.eo IC 0.,, U.T 11-)1..-0 • l.t O.H JS.O S·ll•ll • &.o IO.~I • ll-J1-to • l·' O. TO 10.1 9·10-tl .1.~ :tm . t:~::: ••.• 0.11 "·'"·'•-to .10.& 1.01 '·' u.11-•o 0 10.9 '·" ).) ll·ll·IO llC 0 6f 11.) t·!0-11 ... 9 '·" 1.1 11.31.10 : u o. TO IS.O 6·11-11 llC 1.1' '-' •-10-to • z.T 1.61 '·' 11-11-•o 6. I ll·) l·IO 8., 10-11-11 T. I 1-)l·ll J. o 11.18.10 •-01.11 6-J0-81 1,049 •.•'1 IT I ,ITO U,Tll IT.S~ 6,020 ),OIT l),tll II .tN 1.S60 '' · ,,. ''·''' tt ,•01 T, JIO '· a•J ..... 9 "' ,000 •z ,6•1 10,6)1 I 1.901 10,051 •6.ot• 19. )19 11 >,0S9 6.0H, !tt 19,)U ,~u;: 11, .. , I, 1'0 ·':m .1,tU s,ltl •.'1• .l.]10 115,000 1,•n 0 ,,·~n "' 10) ) .. ··m ·T•O ,,, -" '" t,Stt H6 •,TU -•oo ~u .... 111 t ,Sl9 S.161 TSO l,ltf 1,116 . .J.no ), ))1 J, •ol "Ui: •.ns "' -901 II I .. U Oolh• V. R. OVll ' S.ftt.I At11 °'"*"•• Mo•tl ·-· °"'"""' hoept\.111 .... H. OpU ur t . 11 6.89 l&SIAO 11.,0 11 .2' ·IS.• .so ,,.I •·>l-11 • 1.1 l.'9 T. I t-30-11 l, .. S z.211• tli •~ Groot V. lloo OVlf t ,,, ,, "••lth Jftd. . .. -• ·' . • ,,, f ~ . ,,. ' .. .. •T H•llOMttoo MIU •• M•rtt•c• a."k Man .. ,_l_ ••• lllMV 50 l•rOtth. J"•· ... s 1 11i. t .. h. rru St t..a1. 111 u ~ LOil Sl Ll .. or l•ot,... ll., 50 Lt°" Co•atr1 OUa SS t..o &loolko LO C S& Luthor Mot 1.0T1141 ST -eo,... · 51 Mo .. vr, Jn. "SI. J9 tUoroe .. ac ... llUCC• 60 ... ,..... ..... 1•••MllS &1 MSJ O.t.e Corp1MJI 62 lotl-1 .... llC • 6) ln1ho ,_ H DO 6• .. i.... ... •a.• 65 ••wpo,.t Cor1t. 11111•• '' we.,,..rt C'leot 11111 '7 ........ , ,,..,.. ""' 61 ''" _,,.,. COii IWV 69 lfucle•r Mto. I .. SI 10 04•ll•• ooa Tl 0.1 .. dlul OMJI 1t '••I fle .ttl •n PSI 1) tortorord hlo ti" 1a '•"" Pao.Cor• PPAC T" ,,,.,. ltydro PSJ• l'6 Prtehr to. P'OC • 11 PrltalrOfth '1'U• 71 h dtocrop.O. • 79 '""""" 0.•1. atro 80 9'1 lnd"•'rlee J"l 8' Ao••900r C.or9 R'MC • U S.Mlor Coro. SIU ll S.••••-011 • 8• Sil loOft ,.,, St.el• IS 51 l'f•rGr-e1l I SL' • 96 lltllth lnt•l. Sit 17 So•lh w. k o• !llU 81 Su .. oro Loo. STOL' " SU•<lord Poo. '" • 90 s u o1 ...,.,... sro• 9 t !wed low. Jtte. !NO> 92 Sy1\0tteth1 ... • 9) t ... hOOlofl ""tntst• 9' T•l •fl h Co~ • • '5 T-IU• T .. t 96 Tre•1terf"e b TSK 91 n1 , .... &. nu 98 Ollr• MoUe ol • '9 01'roo1P•1Ae• OLn •oo ••l• .. h ....... 101 ,.,... lat'•• W"ltC ~ :g~ ~ ~rr· ~ • IOI vte. loo. Wlil 105 .... t.e. l•ll. ttfTI .. .,~,., ... cf\ h·•&n• .,. ...... .....,.rt .. ~.h Or•"C• lllulM tloJo LocvM RI llo !r·•lfl• LorullO RI llo .... u ....... Co•t• ..... lr•lfM llYfllll •• ····" a .. u 1ao tvll•l"\Ofl CMt.o Mooo ...... l"t-• ,., ,.,..t.oA lr•ln• Colt.a ...... ... t.o .... .. ~ .... .. Co•'-.... . h1'11110f"1. .... .. ""'~··· lfte"••• .,,.,.. .. .. .,..rl loooll "'"''AM ''""··. .. .,,.,.l ... 0 .. , .... , ... h••t ... S.fttl '"• ,,.-.tn• Leruna •• 11 • • ,,..,,,. .... '°rt a.aoh T'vllln IMn• ,.,,... lllevPOrl hach ...... S.nt.1 An• Co1u .... . •" c1 ... rit• O.r6eft Oro•• &A•lll•t• PotHir Con.• I tA••r• luuoa 1-IM•ll • lftCNl IO tro<I COr• ~ Pr4e. Pa.-ller t•NI 11l1 Sever •.,...lo•• ltl". Jtr1, Cllen _,..,. Wlt4 Jlt• .. 111: .... ,,,,. .... 9o1tl tel dl•C• kl te tnfo PrM•••lftl PW>-od' Mf•· CT .li:eMMf'I lleo. \eatr-. I .,.. Oil & a .. Oil ..... o .. Sol or leoll•& Sr•. Moel Cofl•true\ to• Goep111te.-prtnl•r• 1..-r ar ayet._. Cono,..t.e ra r•tlac:•• ••l•t.1 ru,..t \.v ... OTC .1' .11 USllO \. T5 ~. fS IUll&O II .DO 19. n llSllO I.,, l.'5 OTC • 10 • 10 11eao •.so t . TS 8Ael0 f,SO T.SO W&SllO • TS • TS HlDIO l. 25 I. ll IASllO 10.~0 10.DO U!ll&O ].00 ). I] USDAO t .SO 9.00 HSIAO l.T, 6.U "SI 12.DO 11.DO HllllO .6' .l} HSDAO • T' .69 llSIAO .81 .11 "" •o.n 11.11 HS>IO 21.SO 10.so OTC 1.J~ l.fS HSll&O • }8 • )I llTU ,.50 5 .SO -Co•ot. t op. UI T.SO T. I) ..... TolOJ>bonO ... t. HSDAO 1~. TS l,.DO ~~! i~.~=U<I Ct ro .. sm :: a ; ::: 11o1>tto •-• ur J.50 J. J8 0..1111•• toolo ' oq. nu J,.50 J•.11 llto""I•~ IUDCIO 5.DO S. 11 0111u1 •1• ·-· OTC s.oo •.so -ooootruotlH 11\'SI 9.15 6.6) Voter ..-.. 1 o-USDIO I .SO I.so Mr1 rorteot..t Pf'o<I. HSIAO It.SO 11.X ,.,.o .)ect -· eon.,.. otc •.n •.~o lr•le• *rt:•U•1 S.nteee •AJDAO 1.6J l.SO In loo C:O-Hr .,.,..,.. ... OTC • 7' . 1' i.., .... 11110 .... 1 .. 1 1ou..-.u aasiao o.6J o.o -·t loooll Oil ........ & ••• HIDllO S.1'5 5.~o o...,... Ch••l•1 & r.1100 rr. 11eao 1. •9 1 .06 tounl.Jlh h lhJ !Oo<lleol leotr. Oft: .&] .U lr•••• h l terl .. Or•"I• .,. .... AMllol• 1e....,rl-ll -~Of" ... ::!:::'114 t Coeol •t-ci: 1:::: ,u: DI I tl•l<I ...io & .... 11\'JI "·'° IJ. l l ... , Aroll.PloM .. Tlro. IAID.&0 I." 1.1'5 ... ...,.... loo"'""'? ...,.tO • t• .t• , .. ,,u ,.,...,...,.. .ua s.JI s .1'5 Oil .,.. Gu He.tO .)I .1'5 11C 10.~11 -11-11-•o . • ~ u~ ~u :::~:::~ •I0.6 • 1~ (~:;:I ,;: I t~::=~ 11e z.sz z.t 11-i1-80 llC O.ot I.) 9-)0•l 1 • 9.6 (0. )91 • ll·]l~O -t.I I . 10 9. I 9·10-11 -11 I 10.ou • l-l0-11 ~o.o o.•s •.• u.,,_.o • l .T 0.10 •. 0 ll0 )1-IO • I. T 0.11 11.S t ·lO·I• • l .S O.ll 11.f 1-)l·l l • l .O I Of 10.f )-11-ft • 1.1 •.H 1.T ll-ll ... O • 1.0 . I] Tl.l '-JO·ll 10 ) o OT • •l·)l·IO : 1~ ~: ~~ :l:; it~::~ -11.6 O. 16 ot.o •·JO·l l -11.1 10. "' T·Jl·ll ... , 0.01 • s-11-11 -'· 1 0.11 10.t )•J•-tl .u.t o.st "·' 1t-11-ao llC I .I ) &.l 11·ll·IO -8,T 0.01 6).0 9-JO.-tt • 8.o 10.101 ,.,o-eo oc o.o• . u-11.10 • J.\ 1. T• •.1 1-11-11 • •.T 1.10 ''·' )·tl·I• llC 0.09 19.• 7.31.10 llC 10.,,) l·l•·ll lit .n 1'.o -10-&1 : :J o.n 16.• o.•t l0.6 t·lO·l 1 •· 10-8• •1·1 •-80 9· lO·ll 6-10-81 11.' •-80 -1 '· T -s.• -).• . '·' 0.11 .... C.761 -J.,, •. ' • 1.6 ... -10.0 (0.011 -6.T 1.10 lit 1.11 • 1.0 •.JT • ~.) (2.)SI 7.1 11-)1-60 • 10.]l_.O .. 1 11.11-80 •.T •·)O·IO •• , )·JO·•· 1-ll-11 ••• , 0. ]0 •• , ,.,. ••• 8C O. Tl I. I f•JO-to IC 0.01 ]l.S 11·)1·10 ••.I 0.19 ti.• 10-11-to -10.9 -t· JO-to IC (0. 19) 6-JO~ll -'i1 ~:n 1::~ ,~:~:~ • 6.1 1. 11 II.I ll•Jl..-0 ac (0.1'5 I . s-11_.1 lllO '·'' f .1 T-11-tl -2.• 10.911 -11.31-to -J•.1 1. TU ::m '·"' '·'~ 18,s•• 91 l,H1 n.:rn T .tll 10, 1~0 ~, .• ,t ;t:n; '" 1s.ot5 10,\0t 10,lU lit 1,1.-11,t•! 13,071 it, Tio 1,•00 1,S6t lt) "'·"' ~1. 111 l,016 ~~:m 1•.-00 10. llT q ,on •8,6H 78•. '10 .. •.610 111,660 21, u• "·"' l.O)t T •!IT ..... 65) •.611 J,n• '·'" •9.)lt ,,,o .. IOI.SH t•.•H '·' I 16,I -~. IH 1.m -1)1 TU 119 , .. -T•6 1.11e -159 ·•'1 l.'10 .,. 712 J.•n ··~ '" ·ISi J.209 "' •.]'9 -1~ 1.zU '. ,,, 1, IS) llS -1,1'0 -16 10,11' •,6)1 11 • "090 "' ,0,100 619 .1 18• -1,01\ 79,0Tl 1,901 8,;l~ 1,)90 I, 1)1 .1,n1 Stt .-TU -~6· '.o•• -1'1 ·16T .,, '·"' 11.too ·101 :Pl -1,t'\1 1ot w.e,.roor• wm• l"t>oll• c-..1 ... •-lrelle,... u•ao I.TS 1.6) -1.0 1.01 I .\ &-Jo-ti u ,11t •.11>S IOT Woolent 011. lfl)C\. lo-rt koch -1•-l.,. M•looo lllDIO I .JI r.11111 • o.S 10.00) • 6°)0-fl n ,010 -U I l 1: r 108 W.oUo-4• Ill. V'H.l Jooto Illa looltlo' 11-:: ··~ ~·:-11~ 0·~! ~·: ::·;:·: ';:~~ m m =~:~~·~:;.,, dft :O°:!:~•.!!!;, ~~·=~~rlno -HSDIO ~:DO .:oo • ic ID:ll> : ,:,,:,, 1,11, ·t~ 111 VY11•'• Int ' W P\illertOfl &ut.o toru & &co. "SI 11.IJ 1&.7' -1.1 1.06 I .I 11-Jl·IO IT),Tll T.SOI -··--········--··-······-·-····-·-----·-·--·-·--------------... --.. -· .. -· ..... , ... _ ... ____ ,.. __ .... _ ... ____ ..... ___ ...,_ ...... _ ............................... .... It TOD ~ Llll 'IO •ICllU ... '°" SICVJITIU COIP.' llDwnrt.T 18111.rTT• •nr otllJIOI cown STOQI llPOllT" I I: ~·,!ril~~:;.:r::i•.:ro"'J ~::1i~~~-:om~o~'m r~m~~~-=-~~~·.mmnc:,i ~~r~::ln ht•n•l•• erto.-te .,.. ... lo.,....,,.. Ut• •aeuf"90J •l'MI tl•lSneu ot Ut• det.. o•Ulf'lff '" thee t.attl11, Riot\.,.. M••d on eCMJ,.C•• bell•••d t o h r•ll•llll•. •ut wch l tMN,..Of 111Cf U•llo••• .. ,.. ftO\ l'*"'•"'·••d a.r.d ••"90rt Jeo-.rlth1 1M tt\11 n..,, .. t•per •••u.1 •• l ta~t l l\J tor an7 &11iaoc1itr-aol1a Ot' \teU•l lM•• of tit!• ••LA twl t••• "*"*· ·-·• lltc M9flD1HJll I: ·------·-··-··-·-------·---·--·-------------------·--------·---..-··---·----i------------... --.. --......... _ ...... Ian would aid first buyers $ACRAMENTO (AP ) -The Late Senate Democratic J dership is working on a ·using plan that would enable &t-time home buyers to get 12 ercent mortgages. . The plan would be financed by i vestments from public and tivate pension funds. which uld get 15 percent returns. e state would make up the 3 ~rcent gap. as much as SSO i\llion a year, by eliminating te income tax deductions for acation homes. •Tbe pllln was outlined last ~ek for reporters by Jonathan I •' I f per Bowl telecast, where agrams of plays were i wtrated. ,.Faulkner descrrbed other acTel systems -the menaion PBX and lfortZIOD - belnc real time savers. Both •ve reproararnmln1 capabllity tbat, u the needs of tbe ~1l ne11 cban1e. the munkatiou 1ystema cu be aneed iMtantly. • ;For example, if an emploJM tU fromot.ed aad mov• to ' other office, lie caa pro1rua bla own pboae 11tead of waJtlnc for • epbone C!Ompany worker to euddolt.. Lewis, a consultant hired by ,.Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti, D-Los Angeles. Lewis said Roberti will take the proposal to the housing development industry this month before putting it into bill form. The plan would create a S500 million mortgage revolving ruod, which could finance 5,000-6,000 homes initially. "The California c<.nsumer is sitting on the sidewalk. starine through the housing market window and wondering If affordable housing will ever Feature pac~ages can do everything from diagnose and repair line trouble to controlllna businesses' heating and ventilating systems. ligblin1 and water. But as lmproved telecommunications assume more and more human functions, lso't there. dan1er or aacrifieing some degree of control over our environments? ttec, remember, is lest than two yeana'"'1. "I aever ttally tboufht about tbat, but I guess that's a poe1itiWt.Y.'' Faulkner H1d. "It's a tradeolr. People wlll have to deal with •UCb matt.en tbtoU1b epreaaion 1urvitJor. fold& official• of tbe ao.year·old company Hid in announctna the cloetnc. The ailll-bUIJt ln 1901 by Col GeOrae: Wllldnston Scott, Who • ICMiilMl8d ~ ScOtt Coll• tn Decatur .... stopped tikln1 .. ordert In Juuary after ...... ~ 1o • PC>lDt reaarded u unacceptable tor coatlnued operaU.. ~ 1&ld. • reappear.'· said the report written by Lewis under a $32,400 consulting contract The report said only 15 percent of Californians are able to afford the median home price or $117,500 lh1s year. Under the plan. a family could get a 12 percent mortgage if it were buying its first home, could put up a 10 percent down payment, choose a home costing no more than the median price for the area and had an i.acome of no more than 150 percent of the reliowl's median • • • legislation, or policy. People will have to oversee it." -KEITH TUBER J!romPage01 LAUNDRY. • • of life that has plagued bachelors tQT years. • ·occulonally someone will call ua and say they're mllalng a sock," Kiratine said. "But moat often they'll call back lat.et and 11y they round it ln a drawer or aomewhet'e." KiHtlne aaya there's a secret to coming up with both sockl in a pair. "When you've emptied the dryer and find you're a IOCk 1hor\, hlt the button acaln to the dr)ler spin• around once or twice," be explailled. C2laDCel are. the mw1nc 10Ck wlU appear wben the dryer door ls reopened. Nol tltat tt really mattert all the time. ··we'" found that six ovt ot 10 of our c:uatomera 1e0d ua an uneveil number of 1octa,. ot unmatched aocu to bejiD Wilb," heaald. U1 a Orange grower takes on market vol11me controlS FR£SNO (AP) -Every Monday from November to June, 1 1roup ol buslneumen meet in Loi An1eJea to decide bow many boxes of their product 1bould be sent to market. When the volume is approved. they divide the aalea amoo1 members of the lndUJtry, Thia ti ~ illesal prtco·fixin1. It ti the Navel Orange AdmlnistraUve Commlu,e, a sroup of packers and irowers, trying lo maintain order In the market for their sweet navel oran1es. Their groves repre1ent 45 percent of the fresh oranges sold In the United States each year -90 percent of those sold durina lhe winter. About 840,000 tons lut year. The system, with the bles1in1 of federal law, had operated since 1933 with little d1uenslon. ln a referendum last rail. arowers representinc 81 percent or the nation's navel orange Voves voted to keep it. But a maverick grower who majored in economics at Harvard is taking on the navel orange establishment with a crusade to rest-Ore tree enterprlse. Carl Peacoaohdo wants 1rowers and the government to drop the system that Umlts how many oranges they can sell in the United States each week based on estimates of crop si1e and demand for the fruit. He says the pro1ram costs growers millions and encourages inefficiency and overproduction . The committee's role should be limited to research and promotion, he says. . In a class.action suit filed last December in U.S. District Court in Sacramento. Pescosolido and two other erowers asked for $191 million damaees for all growers, sa)'ln1 that's bow much the system bu cost farmers since 1979 . According to Dale May of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service. the lawsuit is believed to be the first of its kind. Pescosolido outraged growers last winter when he gave undersize oranges to a food cooperative in Oakland for the cost of transportation and posed for a ma1uine photo next to a pile or oranges destined for cattle feed. He bas been glvine the cooperative more oranges this season. "By removin1 reculations, I foresee a gradual but important increase in consurrrplion in tbe domestic fresh market," he said in an interview. "Simultaneously. I think producers who are truly inefficient -who have the very smallest and lowest yields per acre -will begin to consider and in fact will begin to exit the industry." That combination eventually, would make the business more profitable for efficient family farmers, whJle offering consumers more oranges at better prices. Pescosolido says. "ft' left in place, the regulatory mechanism will perpetuate and encourage overproduction because each grower receives a pro r ata percentage of the market place," said Pescosolido, who owns !>55 acres of navels and a packing house at Exeter south of her. "Marginal subsistence is available to the entire grower sector." he said. "Market share is transferred from the efficient grower to the inefficient grower." Under the marketing order one of 48 for various fru.its, vegetables and speciaity crops - volume limits for the week are 'ecommended by the industry committee and sanctioned by the USDA. If accepted. the recommended shjpments are divided among all packers and growers in the California-Arizona orange belt according to the percentage of the total acreage each controls. The USDA usually has accepted the recommendations. but Secretary John Block has said they will be inspected more closely in the future. Last week , Block reaffirmed the adn:iinistration's support for marketing orders, saytng lhey "make 11 sign1Jicant contribution to market stability." ··we as growers need this type of regimentation to keep us from picking all our fruit at one time," Don Schroeder, chairman of Ca lifomia Citrus Mutual, said after the growers endorsed the system last fall. ()cpanfront l...ots The final 30 ocean front homesites. A walled and gated private residential community in San Cle mente. Private beach and private Swim a nd Tun nis Club. Interest only financing auailabl£! (714) 498-2830 or !213> 277-9470. -~ ........ ORANGE CRITIC -Carl p('!'>C'OSOltrlo 11r Exl'ter s hown tc s tif~tn(?. al a l. S Departml'nt of A~rkulll1n· hearing last ~ t•ar Jack Heeger, public atrairs vtce president for Sunklst Growers, said many farmers would .. glut" the market With navels each fall t-0 avoid possible losses from frost later · "That would immediately probably lower prices to consumers ... but with disastrous price levels, there probably would be a contraction or the industry and higher prices later.·· he said. Large corporations could afford to stay in business. he said, but small growers could-be knocked out. Heeger added there is no certainty retail prices would decline When the limits were removed for several weeks m 1973 at the request of the federal Cost or Living Council. wholesale prices fell but retail prices remained steady. be said. Pescosolido doesn't think everyone would flood the market at one time. sending prices below production costs . ·'Oranges have the wonderful and delightful ability to stay on the tree 3-4 months without deteriorating, .. he said He added that large corporallons control only 3 percent or the producing navel oranges in California. and two of the companies, Getty Oil and Superior Oil , have said they are leaving the business. Fred LoBue Jr . c ha i rman or the California-Arizona Citrus League, thinks marketing restrictions help workers and consumers as well as keeping prices paid to growers from fluctuating wildly .. It 1s beneficial for the consumer by offering fruit almost all year around." LoBue said ... It is good for workers. who are employed almost year a round because or the way we are selling oranges. Almost all in the orange industry want to continue on without this disruption." Pescosolido, 45, taught for a time in private schools. then ran his family's petroleum business in New England before going into the orange business after a visit to the San Joaquin Valley. SHOPPING CINTB 10% Spendable · fully sheltered + excess depreciation. 75% AAATenants · Net Net Net Leases with cost of living increases. Prime Orange County Location · Excellent ground lease. Sl,250,000 Call Doww Sl.230,000 My~ f'IJ"f. Owner. Write Classified Ad . #'943, Daily Pilot PO Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 CITY OF COSTA MESA STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES ANO PROPOSED USE OF FUNDS Stertlng a New Bualneaa Acc:cordlng lo Catlfornl• 8U9fne .. and ProfHelona Code (Sec. 17to0 to 17UO) ell .,.l'Mftl dolnt bu9'nHe u~r 1 ndtaoue na,,,. muet flle • etetement •"" tit• County c .. rk end he.. H pubtfatted THe City of Costa Mesa's objectives and proposed use of federal funds for fiscal year 1982-83 will be the following : four•tlmet In• newep..,., ..,~ the are• In which tltt buetne .. a. loc:atff. .The etetement It required bf lew end It MCeNaty lft Pf'CliteCtlftQ rour buelneee neme. Moat t.enh require• proof Of ftlng to open c:oinmet'Clet eooounte. The DAILY "LOT prowldet ...... Mng end puWICetloft Mf*'t•· We ................... ,, torme .,'41 INfftt•ft • dellt .. ,_,H to tit• Or•ftl• Countr Courthpuee. I*-._ bJ on• of our con•t1•lent offle•• or ptio.-e ttle LIGAL N~A"1WNT ...._,, 1 .. t . JJI for more '"'°"" .............. ' 1. Provide decent, 11fe housing for all segments of the community, including low and moderate income elderly. families and handicapped. 2. Prevent b.lighting influences and deterioration of housing, neigh· borhoods and community facilities. 3. Provide public services for the specialized needs of h1ndiC1pped, elderly •nd children of low income households. 4. lnw.tig1t1 ind develop new prognms which e1n 11sist the City In mtttlng iu housing needs end objectives. 6. Provide technical ind fln1nclal asslst1nce to QU11ifitd homeowne" to encourage the rehablllt11lon of existing housing units. 6. In order to 1chlew Its goals of providing tdequete services to low and moderate Income r"idenu of C.osu Meat, the City wilt retain • quallfltd staff. · The City proposes to alfocate Its federal Community Development Block Grant fundt f~r fiscal v .. r 1982'83 as follows: Administration Housh-e Progr•rm Public Service Protrtms Total s 86,000 ee&,ooo 87,000 $817,000 Rnldenti of the community ,,. Invited to subinlt their oom"*'u r191rdlnt Oolta Mall's Sbitwment of Objectlwa end Propoeed U. of Fundt for flal V91f 1882-83. Pie• tubmlt your COMmtntl by Flbtulry 21, 1112 to tht Housl~ and Community OeY'llopment Commtttff, 77 F1•r Ori•, Room 614, Oolt1 MtN, Qillfoml• 82829. t - f Orange ao.t DAILY P1lOTJ8unday, FlbnlllY 14, 1982 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS .UOTAT ... •ltCMl-M , ........ , ....... n1 ........ ,,.,., ... 1C,nw. eonot.Hf.ofT ... (llftlllllATIUOC11 lllCMA•HI .... tl•OHI t l 't 'fll. HUI HO ••Tt•lf •· ~'~ \<'I t ~ i ... . '-' ., .. I ~~= '~ i ~~"' 1 ~ ho ~: ~ "--... -"I \ .. t ------~----.---------~--...... ~ ................. .. YORK STOCKS CONTINUED S.lft - I' E "'"' Law U>I (lie ""~ Lew AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE O\IOUtlOWtlltCl.UOl fUe tO-hflHWttN,M1D•UT.•At.,IC, Hw, IOUOlt, llUOIT IJtO (IN(llOIUIU OCI OCltA .. IUllD 11"9'118 I\' ntl llA .. AlfO INITllllf ...... l.tw I' I --·-------"""'=--- '4 . "' ... , .. 'J.,. 1 -1 I> gloomy on big deficits Ma,.et Analpia Dow Jones 30 Industrials M0- Fel>.&-12-17.22 High .... Low 830.57 Closed 113.11 ::11IH M T W T F ••••••••••••••••••• • -- I lo .. Affordable homes here Seller financing can mean reasonable terms 8y ROBERT J. BRUSS DEAR BOB: On .January I we cloeed the purcbaae of our firat bome. Tbe cost WH tt4,5M wltb an $8,000 ca1b down paymeal; the seller paid tbe dotlnl costs. We took over .the old first mort111e of about 13-4,000, that seller carried back • '30,000 second mort1a1e and a SZ?,500 third mortic11e. The laterest rate on the old nnt mort1a1e la t .5 pertent and the seller's mort1a1es are at 10 percent lntereat. But we onJy have to make payments on the first and second loans ala~ lDterest accrues for 10 years on the thJrd loan. A sbarp realty a1ent helped us oe1ot1ate the asldng Price down from SI 10,000 and set up payments we can afford. -Sam and Nancy A. DEAR SAM ANO NANCY Congratulations Your s ituation shows why the current buyer's market is a great time to buy a home now with affordable seller financing at reasonable terms. It would be virtually impossible to structure such attractive terms if you were negotiating with REAL ESTATE IAllBAG a bank. S&L or mortgage broker Sellers always have been and always will be the best financing source for home buyers. Deferral won't be lo't DEAR BOB: We are having trouble selling our home due to a glut of homes for sale here. Several major employers have laid off workers wbo are trying to sell their houses so they can move to areas with jobs. But I think the home market wut Improve in a year or two. As we already boucbt another house, is there any way we can temporarily rent out our old house until the market Improves without losing tbat "residence replacement rule" tax deferral you often discuss? U the answer Is "yes," can we depreciate the house too? -HugoW. DEAR H UGO Yes. yes . The IR S Regulations for Internal Revenue Code 1034 only s pecify your old home must have been your principal residence. You need not occupy it immediately before its sale Regulation l.1034-l(c)(3) says "The mere fact that property is, or has been. rented is not determinative that such property 1s not used by the taxpayer as his principal residence." However , you mus t sell your old home within two years after buying your new hom e to qualify for tax deferral. Until recently. the two leading court decisions allowing tax deferral even though a home was rented before sale were Tnsko (29 TC 515. 1&571 and Clapham (63 TC 505, 1&751. But now the Andrews case <TC Memo 1981 ·247 > allows tax deferral even 1f the old house has been rented and de preciated before its &ale Ask your tax adviser to explain further Why lendera lose money DEAR BOB: The mort1a1e on our home la Plld down to about $46,000. Its latereat rate la 8.75 pereent. The house Is worth at least SIZS, ... so I asked the S&L lender about reftnanelai. I waa &old we could borrow up to 75 per~nt of m1rket value ($t3,750) at 16 percent Interest with • 3 point loan fee but with a "five-year call date." Wllll bad terms like that. I can see why borrowers don't refinance and lenders lose money on old loans. They 1et what they deserve. -J udith G. DEAR JUDITH l fully agree Mortgage lenders 1/re no longer in the driver's seat . Borrowers are the boss today. Your lender rould have profited by offering you a reasonable 11 percent or 12 percent interest rate on the refinancing, without that risky five-year call date. Congratulations on refusing the loan. P.S. A cheaper alternative would be to leave your first mortgage alone and instead get a new "home equity" second mortgage from a bank , S&L, finance company, credit union or mortgage broker. Your effective interest rate will probably be lower a nd the terms better than those oHered by your eurren( greedy lender. Ratio vit al DEAR BOB: For several years I've earned high yields by investing In second mortgages through a loul mortgage broker. Often be sells me existing loans at a discount, thus raising my yield to 25 or 30 percent. So far I've bad only one foreclosure which I resold at a big profit ln about four months. But I keep beartn1 about second mortgage broke rs going bankrupt. How can I avoid suffering any loss? -Allee Ann F. DEAR ALICE ANN Whether you make a direct mortgage loan. or buy an existing loan at a discount, watch the loan to value ratio The lower this ratio. the safer your loan Most professional lenders stay below 80 percent. many won't loan over 70 percent Of course, be sure lo get an independent appraisal and title ins urance on a ll loans too To illustrate, suppose a house 1s worth Sl00,000. It has an existing SSS.000 fi rst mortgage and you are offered a $25,000 second mortgage on this house The loan total 1s $80,000 which is an 80 percent loan lo value ratio. That could be a ris ky loan since the borrower only has 20 percent equity in the house. If you have to foreclose. much of this equity can be eaten up by sales commission, fix-up costs. and costs of holding (such as making first mortgage payments) until the house is sold. N e w Manhattan apart01ent offe r s contputer ter01inals March of dpDlmas SAVES BABIES PLEASE HELP FIGHT BIRTH DEFECTS NEW YORK <AP) -A new apartment proJect in Manhattan claims to be the first in the world to offe r the ultimate in built-i n appliances -a computer terminal. Residents will pay a $10 monthly fee plus 7 cents a minute for use of their terminals . A personal computer with limited capability goes for between $1.500 and $3,000. Orange CoUl O~LY PILOT/Sunday, February 1 •• 1982 Trowhr1df1t' Brue I Newport Beach businessman :· elected organization president Eugene A. Trowbridge Ir. of Newport Beach was recently installed as the 198! president of the Southern California Chapter of Certified Commercial Investment Memben, a professional organization of accredited investment realtors and realtor associates. Trowbridge has more tl\an IO yeat'S experience in real estate, s pecializing in both residential and income-pro ducing properties. His firm , Trowbridge & Assoeiates, ls bMed In Newport Beach. • Michael W. Brvel, ror more than two years a member of the Newport Beach office staff of Coldwell Banker fteal Estate Appraisal Services, has become a project mana1er in the Orange County offices of Coldwell Banker Real Estate Development Services • Chuck Ke•ney, president of Kenney Real Estate, has merged his corporation with Mission VieJo Associates. Kenney will be a full partner in MOVING UP IN REA t ESTATE the merger The merger of the two Saddleback Valley real estate firms wlU make Mis.elon Viejo Associates one of the largest COrftJ>anies in the Saddleback Valley area. The company will have some 80 agents . Kenney Is a candidate for Congress in the newly reapportioned 43rd Distnct. • Wblt Plum meT has recetved lbe Top Lister Award in both the number ot lislln1s written and closed for The Real Estaters for 19111. He works at the office at 21030 Brookhurst St. In Huntington Beach. Plummer. who managed k>p producine offices for The Real E!Katera for 10. years. lives in Huntington Beach. • Barbara Van hu Join8' John W Saunders Really i.n Huntington Beach u protlerty mana1er Responsible for all facets of Saundiiers' rental prope rties . Ms . Van's d•tu include rent collecting. bookkeeping, arrulint for repairs and renting units. She lives i.n Irvtnlf. • Tom Kerr, a former principal in the Newport Beach-based industrial commercial brokerage firm of Beck and Kerr Associates. has joined Cushman & Wakefield's sales and leasing force in Orange County. Kerr. who is a resident of Corona del Mar. is one of more than 20 new brokers who have joined Cushman & Wakefield's staff sinee June 1981. Wayne Cody has Joined he McCombs Gr a n Irvi ne-based real estate syndication 'a propert y management firm. as v) president/partnership finance. Prior to joining the McCombs Group, served as controller/chief financial officet• John S Griffith and Co. ti * I Susanne DeLucla has been appointed usis~a t vice president of Orange Coast Title Co .• San • Ana. Mrs. DeLucia Is a sales representative in'l e Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley area, and h 1 been with the company for three years. ·1 * Join Lively, now serving as secretary to • Newport Harbor Costa Mesa Board ol Realtors heading the st atewide membership of the Wom ' Council of Realtors The council is a division oft e National Association of Realtors. 1, . ·' James C. MUU1an has been promoted to v'i e president of The Koll Co., one of the West 's leadl general contractors and developers. . MiJhgan Joined Koll in 1979 as asset manas for Koll Center Newport, a 130·8CF , master-planned corporate office complex 'f_j more than l million square feet of leased om e space Plan r ej e ctions worry s mall c itie8 By The Associated Press , The state has rejected as inadequate plans 1 r low-and moderate-income housing from rub e than ISO cities and counties, an action many a~ c ities fear could bring bulldio1 in t!M r communities to a grinding halt accordin1 tQ a report In the Modesto Bee. The state Department of Hou11ln1 Community Development -wttb no public -bas told the cities and counties tbe ~ elements of their general plans are inadequate. State officials said bousiftf element.a from m small cities were rejected in an effort to.s~ officials to comply with a new law aim creating more low· and moderate-income ho · "Our objective is for local commumties' pl m eel the housin" needs or all ecooo (roues ." said Diana Meyer. manager o( Research and Policy Division of the state Hous Department. · Plans for housing from only 70 of the s tate's- ctties and counties have been approved. s~ e officials said. i J onathan Rose, president of a group of private investors that is renovating the 1984 New York World Exchange building. said computers -hke refrigerators and ovens - would be standard appliances in all S3 apartments. The com puter terminals will be hooked up to a data bank, Rose said in an interview. "That will allow residents to communicate with each other, keep files. check their banking accounts, make airline reservations, learn languages, play games or dig up information on any s ubject of their interest," he said If a buyer doesn 't want a computer, the price of an apartment -which ranges .from $127,000 to $900.000 will be reduced by $700 "But of all the people lined up for buying apartments here. nobody has turned down the computer terminals so far," he said. The terminals will be tied to The Source , a data bank in Silver Springs, Md .• that claims about 10,000 subscribers. Mike Rawl, a spokes man for The Source, said consultants would teach residents how to operate the terminals and choose one or more services from the more than 1.200 available programs. We'll take your old home and · ive _you the best view in an Clemente. The conversion. fitting Rose's concept of a living -working e n viron m e nt , will include a coin-operated photo-copying machine in the basement. a health spa on the terrace and sauna baths in the most expensive apartments. Rose said bui It-in terminals offered several advantages over personal computers. '·A centralized system is much cheaper, offers many more uses and has a much larger memory," he said. Jac k Anderson reveals in the Daily Pilat WATERFRONT ~~~~a/67~ 11% interest, (11 ~ A.eR.) Fashio nable Waterfro nt Ho mes from S700,000. With S200,000 d own, the Lu sk C ompany will fi nance the e ntire loan balance at 11%, (1l1h% A. P.R.) for 5 years. First trust d eed assumabl e wit h no prepayment pen alty. 1% loan origi- nation fee. For appoint- ment o r details please call sales off ice collect at 714/536-7584. J Trade In your old home and mo\'e up to the e xtraordinary ddtgn and exqulaik vkw• of The Pinnacle. With our guaranteed trade-1-o and other great financing programs, you wo.'t find a better buy o n the entJre Osangc Couttt)• coas t Only 6 homes remain In this Umlted cc11Uou community situated htgh abon the KM on quiet cul-de·sac street& Rtch Medlterrancu styltng, skylights, Indoor atrtums. 90Brlng cathedral celllngs. spa-like mo.Mer baths, and eo much more. ChOOM a bedroom8 or 2 bedrooms plus bonus room tn up ~~_......_ to 2,860 fllQ_uare feet. Cllmb to the top. Vt u The Pinnacle today. Starting at' 8250,000 • 30-year flxed rate loans at 12~%* • Guaranteed trade-in • Financing for h'!Yer of your current liome Models opu 11 to 6 datlJ: _ Call (714) 498-2218 or (714) 436-0146. llom-.·•Mn .. ·f"-,...,, •• , .. ," IUOtUhl" '"'. "w'"t#'~"' \he ~o•IH•" t.'Of1111l4WI •I\., rrt.."\"1l efM1 (hWMi"I C'ff\:\lh't ttlih ~" tlUh- ft.111 .. lllR ""'d•k:,t lntN1or.,.knttor&n-.rdc·•ntt"'.: •tf•h•"'C'f'ftt~tA lt•lo< -•tl"it~"'"'' 1:11,.1111"'' Kol ull '""" 1lw !M~ lk~IC" .-..-... '""'kn on------------... .._..,.. •Mttntl liilh• .... .. "'" ........ . MIMI """' '"' ""'~''"" \ dt'\TIOoP•t•t t'f(\h1M'llJ fl.-.cfAI C ,,,,._ ...... a wtloll~· own"'d ""~Idler) nfl'alt"' I nkftl ~ ...... ,, -·-~ 'I Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, February 1'4, 1982 RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED -Capistrano Royale, a new community of 78 singleJamily homes and 40 custom equestrian·oriented homesites in San Juan Capistrano, is now taking reservations Twenty-foot bridle trails weave throughout the community, which will have a grand opening later this month For more information, call 661 -7709 or visit the community between 10 a.m. and dusk at 26551 Royale Drive, San Juan Capistrano Swap to cut holiday costs A growrna number of New York City, one or " · The s u vi n gs are What 111 part of thu Americans are cuttlna sever a I ex ch u nae considerable," she said, a w a p ? 1 s a c a r vu cation costs by services which will, for but the real benefit is Included? Are there s wapping their houses a fee , put would be that you ··me el plants t.o be watered or with other families for a traders in touch with interesting people." pets to be fed? Do you home away from home each other. There are steps to want a non-smoker? A successful trade Once people aet Lake to make swapp1na Aeree, in advance. takes advance planning, involved in swapping, easier. Among them: who pays for what however You should s he said , "they make so Be s pec ific in Discuss things like s t a rt m a k i n g many friends ... it describing of your house telephone, cleaning, arrangements now for a becomes a cultural and demand s1m1lar ul1hty and newspaper summerholiday. experience ." The details about any swa.p deliverybills The t ypical house friends are more youareconsidering.Get C he ck you r swap works llke this important than the aphotographi(possible. insurance lo see if Pick a city you'd like to savings. Ask exactly where additional coverage is visit and find 8 family • Barbar a Walson , the house is located in needed, particularly If willing to trade houses manager or Travelers relation t.o local tourist you are considering You move into their Home Exchange Club. attractions What is letting someone else house. they move into ....:...1 n--c;;_.:.., ...:o:...f_De..:....:..n:...v_e;;..r....:._a::.:a::.r:...ee:..;;.,.:d:.:..__:l;:..r.:..;a.:..:n.:;.;spo!;..;;.;rt...:.:;;a::::.ti..:.o.:..;n...;l.:..;ik.:..;e;...? ___ borrow your car. yours , WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL Oii YOUR WALL Townhome community almost ready to open in Westminster You eliminate hotel or motel bills You cul food bills because you can prepare some or all of your meals in your borrowed kitchen. You get an idea of what it is really llke to live In a city instead of simply seein g the t o u r i st attractions. And you may have the use of extras lake a car or a boat You'll have Lo pass up some things, however. You don't get the fringe benefits of a hotel ; there's no breakfast In bed from room service You have to trust your home and possessions to a s tranger, and you may fee 1 uncom fort able li ving with someone else's persona l belongings. And there is no guarantee that the accommodations will live up to the description. Behind the bell Behmd the famous Seacoast slicker Behind all fhe state·ol·the art protection devices we make and 1ns1111. is Seacoast central station When an alarm goes off on your property we get the signal 1n a nearby 24·hour a-day central s1at1on ti the signal indicates lire burglary or hoodup, we call the police or lire department Nineteen townhouses will be offered by Stellrecbt Construction of Huntington Beach in Westmins ter starting next weekend. The two-story, stucco and frame homes at 23rd and Jackson in Westminster near Beach and the Garden Grove Freeway features private yards. wood-burning fireplaces anj'.! greenhouse windows, plus enclosed two-car garages. There are two 2-bedroom models and one 3-bedroom model, all with 2'h baths. Living room. dining areas and kitchens plus half baths ure downstairs in all models Bedrooms and two full baths are upstairs. Some models have open \ aulted ceihngs, all feature hardwood cabinets. built-ins and microwave oven options. All models sell near the $100,000 price range, and low down, flexible financing as available Prior to opening of the sales office, additional information can be obtained by calling 894·5704 • Prices at Sandcas tle condominiums in Newport Beach start al $169,950, and a 12~, percent financing program as offer ed by Butler Rousing Corp Sandcastle's 12-l· percent rate IS r1xed ror five year!>, and can save owners as much as $600 a month in mortj?age payments, when compared to HOUSING BRllfS today's 17 pe rcent current market rates. And to make the purchase even easier, buyers can purchase their Sandcastle home for as little as 10 percent down. In vestors should be aware that sum mer time rental rates in the Newport Beach area range between $1 ,000-$1 ,500 a week and wanter r ents vary from $600 -$800 on a comparable unit. The condominiums are available in four floor plans with up to 1,853 square feet of living space Take the San Diego Freeway to MacArthur Boulevard, proceed toward the ocean to Pacific Coast Highway. then right one short block to A voe ado and left al the development Decorated models are open Crom 11 a m. lo dusk daily. For •more inform a lion. call 673·327 l * A new financing program with interest rates as low as 121/e percent ( 13:v.i percent annual Realtors group • sponsors series CHI CAGO Whether you live an a h1gh·rise apartment, underground cave, or anything in between. people are randing new l iving ar rangements to fll their changing lifestyles Recognizing this movement, the National Association of Realtors 1s producing "Trends in Living," a syndi cated television series for broadcast beginning an April The 13 week series of half·hour programs will spotlight activities an urban, suburban, and rural areas as people stra ve to protect and improve their quality of life 'Trends in Living· will mform viewers about changing lifestyles and housing patterns." said Julio S. Laguarta. president of the National Association or Realtors and a participant in the series · What's it like to live underground? How can a dilapidated house be turned into a home? How are homebuyers and sellers using people-to-people financing to get homes for their families? Should you r community consider a farm/city exchange program? These are the kinds of questions that • .w all be answered in the half-hour , magazine-formal programs. Tom Dori ck. a New Jersey newspaper reporter and announcer, will host "Trends in Livin g ... The country 's t op real estate professionals, prominent government ofrlcials, community leaders, and homeowners and their families will be interviewed and featured in many of the programs. The series was filmed on location. in 2' states. ·'This series will be of interest to the two-thirds of the American families who already own homes, and everyone else who is concerned about where they live," Laguarta said. "The timely series is upbeat and optimistic but hard-hitting, while examining import.ant issues alfecllng property ownership. property rights, and th• way we II ve today.'' ' percentage rate> is now available at Chestnut Square In Santa Ana Prices for the Victorian style townhomes s tart al $74.990 with as little as 5 percent down. Since our central station 1s UL listed our central station customers can qualify for a sizable discount on their insurance And to increase our reach. make response time even faster and improve ett1c1ency we re computer1z1ng our station Units are presented an five single level floor plans that include a studio unit, one-bedroom and one-bath or two-bedroom, t wo bath arrangements. All feature a private balcony or deck and a long hst of quality a menities But improvements aren t new to Seacoast We ve been gelling better for 21 years And today we'1e the leaders in the security business in the harbor area with over 10,000 customers including a wide range of b•g and small 1eta11 1ndustnal and commercial establishments Model bomes and the sales office, under the direction of The Gene Barrow Company. exclusive sales agent, are open daily except Tuesday. from 10 a m. to 5 p m Take the Santa Ana Freeway to the First Street exit, drive west on First lo Main Street, then south to Chestnut Avenue Turn left on Chestnut lo the development at Orange Avenue To find out more about Seacoast cent1al station write or come by our new tac1hty at 2488 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Why do people swap? "Money 1s a prime reason in the beginmng," said Mary De Baldo of the Vacation Exchange Club Inc . of Iii\ SEACOAST 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD \I ~CURITY SYSTEMS c1141 s.2-3490 IN NEWPORT BEACH, WHERE. THERE. IS NO SHORTAGE OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES, • VILLA BALBOA GMS YOU MORE. TO COME HOME TO Nowhere else in Newport Beach are there new condominium homes offering so much value as the ones at Villa Balboa. Here you'll find more floorplans to choose from -eight elegant one and two bedroom designs, with patio or sundeck. Sophisticated contemporary architecture with the lowest cost per square foot (from Sl00.33/sq. ft.). Along with a distinguished selection of quality appointments. And exceptional harbor views (the kind you'd expect to pay at least $400,000 for). But the real beauty is our new 30-year financing with a three- year buydown to U~% (13% A.P.R.)-and no prepayment penalty! Come discover why Villa Balboa is the standard by which new homes are judged in Newport Beach. Models open 11.:a m. to 5 30 p.m. ~ ~ Closed Tue~Jay and WednesJay. ~ ~ VILLA BALBOA, 220 Nice lt1nl' Newport Beach, CA 9266J (714) 645-6459 'The Newporl Developmenl Company N~por1 Beach, CA --------------~ VILLA BALBOA THE DEFINITIVE STATEMENT OF VALUE IN NEWPORT BEACH. FROM $129,000 TO $350,000. V1l11 B•lbt•.1 "• tnruh-.m1nhtm I''"''"' m•lnlf'n•nnt h Jnnf' for you A•"-ynur t.tlb 1~·rt'r...-nt•th•f for• <nm """"llV ,.,~ 'At1nn Al ,twfl \.a.Wt t1Cturf'tnM •u~u•nt "' 1h•• •••It t'P\•y rt"\uh In un.ev.a,l.thll11y nl ~'""" o, •II ,., .... 1~w1, l'rk .... v.thJ ... hm• 4tf ruhhc:•h~·n Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 Df 80 ----~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_.;. ______ ..;_ ________________________ ___ Readers given griID outlook, too much whimsy THE DEAN'S DECEMBER. By Saul Bellow. Harper a ltow. 112 Pa1et. •ts.ts. Albert Corde la the prota1on1tt of Saul Bellow•1 absorbing new novel, "The Dean's Decen)ber." A respected newspaperman for many years, Corde gave up the prote11aon in hi• mid·40I to return t.o hla home city ot Chicago and become a university professor and then the de1tn or atudents. a most sensitive pos1hon. The ensuing 10 years, however, ao smoothly enough for him , but then Corde writes some maaazlne articles about Chicago and about the BEST SELLERS FICTION 1. "North ttnd South," John Jakes 2. "An Indecent Obsession," Colleen McCullough 3. "A Green Desire," Anton Myrer 4. "The Hotel New Hampshire," John Irv Ing 5. "Cujo," Stephen King 6. "Marco Polo, If You Can," William F . Buckley Jr. 7. "The Dean's December," Saul Bellow 8. "Noble House," James Clavell 9. "Remembrance," Danielle Steel 10. "No Time For Tears," Cynthia Freeman NON-FICTION t . "A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney," Andrew A . Rooney 2. "A Light In the Attic," Shel Silverstein 3. "Jane Fonda's Workout Book" 4. "How To Make Love to a Man,'' Alexandra Penney S. "Never-Say-Diet Book," Richard Simmons 6. "Pathfinders," Gail Sheehy 7. "Elvis," Albert Goodman 8. "Weight Watcher's 36S-Dtty Menu Cookbook" 9. "Nobody's Perfect," Hendrie Weisinger 10. "Betty Crocker's Microwave Cookbook" Courtesy of Time, the w eekly newsmagazine Super Perm Sale! You'll be lookin' good in our easy-care perms. Nova Perm ; reg . s40 now s25 ReGIS HAIRSTYLJSTS J I Is an incredible new way to save money every year .•. on purchases you make every day. All the convenience of a credit card and SAVES you MONEY! Here are some of the benefits included In your membership without any addi· tional charges: $50,000 ACCIDENT INSURANCE! ENTERTAINMENT DISCOONTSI HOlCL DISCOONTSI AUTOMOBILE DISCOONTSI GROOP LEGAL SERVICES I VACATION DISCOUNTS! CAR RENTAL SAVINGS! MEROW"fTS DISCOONTSI Your Membership Fee is ONLY $ 29. 95 ( 24. 95 for Senior Citizens) 667-0777 Mien )'Oll complete the blank printed below you wlll H ~llglble. for Membership with an uncondltlon•I Money 8-ck Ouanintee I ......................... 00000000000000000 AOOAESS-------------- CITY----------'DP---- -------61R1lltlf<TE ----0 CHECK ENCLOSED way some of Ill lnstltutlon~ are run, and controversy nares Corde is on the hot seat with both university and city officials Then, to make matteri worse, he gets lhvolved In a murder trial which further lrritat unhealed wounds and COrde is forced to aummarlie his life, decide where It has aone wrong and what to do to correct the situation Most of the novel 1s set In Bucharest, Romania, an Iron Curtain country. Corde has accompanied his wife to the European city to visit her mother. who is dying. While there, Corde's thou&hts colVtanUy return to Ctucago, and Bellow writes beautifully aa he contrasts his life in Chicaao wlth life in Bucharest. For hfe in the major large cities of the world ls one of the major themes of this book, and Nobel Prize winner Bellow obviously has thought tong about it. What he has to say, and he says it so well that It never Intrudes on the progress of his plot. is that Ufe for many in these huge urban centers is not good, that the cities contain "wounds, lesions, cancers. destructive fury. death " Something, he says, has to be done, but his outlook is as grim and unsettling as a dark. December day PhUTbomaa AP Books Editor THE RESTAURANT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE. By Dou1lu Adams. Harmony Books. 250 Pages.17.95. A writer who wants to use whimsy in his book ought to be required to get a prescription first. That way the dosage could be controlled, since a bit of whimsy goes a tong, long way. Unfortunately, Douglas Adams didn't stop by the manuscript doctor before assembling "The Restaurant, etc . "· and there's enough whimsy in his book to give even the most tolerant reader an overdose. ''Restaurant·· is a sequel to ·'The Hitchh1ker's Guide to the Galaxy," which bodes ill for the future since sequels, unfortunately, ha vc a way of begetting sequels. It concern s the adventures -or misadventures -of a group of people -the world "people" is used advisedly -as they zoom about through time and space apparently in search or the meaning or hre. Science fiction purists will shudder as they turn these pages and discover that Adams has not only included very cliche from their favorite literary genre but hu also invented a few Lovers of written humor allo wlll 1hudder. Most of the funny stuff Included herein u ra ther banal -popcorn t1u1h• comes to mlnd - althouah Adams does com e up wltb a aood one now lllld aaaJn. The talking elevator that's afraid to ao up Is one of the better funny bits u Is the titling of a magaiine "Playbelpg" so that it may Include in its prospective readenhlp all of the various life forms that populate the universe. But these Inspired touches seem to come light-years apart, and In between there's the emptiness of space itself. Phil 'nlomaa AP Books Editor TRE ARCHITECT. By Meyer Lerte. Simon & Schuster. 413 Pa1ea. $15.50. The problem with Meyer Le via 's "The Architect" is that it is fact masquerading as fiction with the result being that the fiction gets tangled and muddled in the hi story. Levin's main character is Andrew Lane, 8001 REVIEW who is apparently based on a rchitect Frank Lloyd Wright. Except Lane isn't really Wri ght. he's Lane. after all. lhs life is as close to Wright's as we'll ever see without its beang Wright's. He knows the same people, the real people, such as Clarence Darrow, Louis Sullivan and Jane Addams, and he's the founder of the Prair ie style in a Chu.· ago suburb known a s Oak Park Oak Park h as always been considered Wright's community, the most concentrated center of Wright's residential architecture in this country. And Lane has a scandalous affair that takes him to Europe and almost ruins his career. And Lane is struck by tragedy, the same kind of tragedy that befell Wright. Historical fiction is not new. But Levin turns Lane into Wright's imposter, editing the details of Wnght 's life lo suit his purpose It doesn't work because the reader is expecting Wright, thinking Wright, but as getting someone who 1s not quite the crusty individual who turned the architectural world upside down. Andrew Lane comes acrotl •• weak and aelluh, hl1 "aenlus" an accident. Levin proclatma a dMp admlr1Uon and ttffecUon for Wrlihl. With 1uch feellnt and the obvious amount of research in th1I book. Levin perhaps would have done better with a bio1r1phy rather than a b10-flct1on. M.R.Ala Auoela&ecl Pra• BLACK WIDOW. By Ch.rt1tlD1 CrJwford. Morrow. Z39 Page.. SlZ.tS. Christina Crawford, author of the beat-selling "Mommie Dearest," bu 1hown the ablllty to span a tale that wilJ hold the reader's interest. Hut her second book, a novel Utled, "Black Widow,.. misses the mark in several respects "Black Widow" is the story of Vivian Simpson. a one·llme prostitute a nd courier for an underworld figure. whose past tS hidden When she realizes that her wealthy and influenllal husband, Buck Simpson, is about to di vorce her. she plots his death Simpson 1s shot while on a hunting trip with T J .. Vivian's son from a former marrtage Although tht.• bullet was fired from a sniper's rifle, Simpson's death 1s ruled as accidental. With Simpson out or the way, Vivian then turns her attention to getting rid of her 15 year-old son, so that she can claim his share of Simpson's estate, estimated by Vivian to be worth about $19 million When T J is wrongly accused of a car then . she decides lo IC'l him remain locked up in a juvenile detention center Sim pson's daughter from his first marriage, Buckley, cares about T.J ., but she is unable to have him rt>leased into her custody because she is only 19 Buckley Is able to locate T J 's real father , Josh Marks, but he refuses to help "Black Widow .. is intended to show a child can become trapped an the legal red tape of the juvenile justice system. but T.J 's character is never rully developed. Buckley, for all her concern and efforts, is obviously the character that moves the story along Wo~t Of all IS the fairytale ending where T J 's lather returns to PeMsylvania to claim his son. Vivian, who has been busy plotting the death of the sniper, gets what she deserves. Carol Dee1an Asaoclat~ Presa Take the bus to Tahiti next year. Wouldn't it be nice oo have an extra $3i.OOO next year so you can tak~t~~am vacation you've always-wruited? Well, it's possible. Because that's how much you could save in just one year by riding the OCTD bus oo work each day. Here's how: Most of us think the main expense of operating a car is the high price of gasoline. But there are many hidden costs that quickly add up. Like depre- ciation, maintenance, insur- ance, even parking charges. In our area, that totals more than $13 per day. And that's for a car driven only 20 miles round trip to work. . The ous costs just 7 5¢ during morning and evening rush hours and 60¢ at all other times. And we offer the option of either taking one of our regular routes that cover Orange County, or our express routes specifically planned around large employment centers. (Fare on express routes is $1 .50.) Tu help make planning your trip on the bus conve- nient, we offer a free Ride Guide, which most major em- ployers have available, or you can call OCTD at 636-RIDE for a copy and a personalized route schedule that fits your specific transportation needs. And, since 75% of the Orange County population lives within 3-blocks of a bus stop, it's very convenient. So take a ride t.o work on the best bargain around oown. And have a vacation on us. Cost of operating a car for one year. Daily Round trip miles 20 30 40 50 Standard Car $3392 $3696 $3999 $4304 Compact Car $3309 $3594 $3880 $4166 Source: Runzheimer and Company, Inc. Costs are as of August l, 1981. 636·RIDE e3A '" H ri11d I ti •• I I l•.f 11•1 I" ., ·11 •1111 "'I. Iii i I lltl N , ulq "' c II •II I •t\l, r I 11 I Jl1 I 111cf ll'it. ·: ,. { I , ,, I II 1 I" • I "( itti1 ,,. •• I lot"' DH - I boJ 1urn 111Jq I J J'j 1MU<! '}I fl •1 1W n<n •l nl 11111 H 11. '1" ' J ., '1 i;1 1t-; I 1H '"'I ''I .111d '•H1f: •.'110 I 1, II fl II II 'I "•·ti 1Ji,\I'! fh "' tllltb mnrf 11. ni1 1111 I( ~ll IQ I 1 w :.c i:rn 111~ I Ii I loiq m11'.> mi.I ;iJ lt\ r>S n1 ONJ nwo indu ""It •1 181i l<jllll I ?rt I ' OrAnge Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sund•y, February 14, 1982 The unexpected can int~rrupt ego • in record album 8y MARY CAMPBELL A,. ............ W'ri ... From lhe timt! Stevie Nicka and Llnd:.~y Buckanahum joined f'lcetwood Mac, In early uns . unlll thl! group rtnished Its tour In support POP MUSIC ~ Best-sell Ing records of the week based on Cashbox magazine's nationwide survey: 1. "Centerfold," The J. Geils Band 2. "I Can't Go for That," Hall & Oates 3. "Physical," Olivia Newton-John 4. "Harden MY Heart," Quarterflash 5. "Turn Your Love Around," George Benson 6. "Waiting for a Girl Like You," Foreigner 7. "Shake It Up," The Cars 8. "The Sweetest Thing," Julee Newton 9. "Let's Groove," Earth, Wind & Fire 10. "Leather and Lace," Stevie Nicks of Ill album "T~k." an Octo~r 1980, there "You get us clo~e us you can to wh1tt'1S In hadn't bem a real vuc1tllon. your head You have to ltt the work lead you So lhoy deqided to t1&ke elaht monthR orr. ~omctame&. A P4llnter wilt paunt somethln1 he Bucktnaham suys, ''for a lonti period of r<·st and didn't expect to do It'll ch11n1e the whole to redefine our Individuality " painting He'll have to iio with It From that Ume caame solo projects Mack If • I Fleet wood's "The Visitor." recorded in Ghana. .. you re exerting your ego lota ly over the and Stevie Nlckll, "Betha Donna." Chriitlne work. the work ls probubly going to suffer .. McVle startcd a project. Gult11rlst Buckingham Fh•etwood Mac works that way, too. made his first solo album. "Law aand Order," Buckingham suys. which as why the grou1> 1:s for Asylum notorious for taking a long lime m the studio He wrote e1ghl or the 11 songs, sings ¥11 the "though we're not as bad as the Eagles. leads and most of the baakup vocals and plays all the instruments exce1>t drums and bass on "We don't have a specific formula for doing "Trouble .. things We leave ourselves open to try things (f The aJbum went to No 34 on the best-selling one person brings up an Idea, we will usually ch. arts on Jan. 9 and 16. "Trouble," the first try it. Sometimes we'll work on il a couple of days single, went to No. 8 on Jan. 23 and 30 The next s ingle will be "It was l " ··vou never know whether 1t 1s going to Mac)(. Fleetwood drummed on "Trouble" work until you hear 1t Sometimes the things and Buckingham used four seconds of his work you' 1 t> the surest wall work. don't " and made u tape loop, which r epeats When his Cath~r died in 1973, Buckingham's Buckingham did drum fills and cymbal crashes molher kept his collection of 78 rpm records Al George Hawkins played bass Christmas 1980, Buckingham felt it was time to Buckingham, who enJoys working in the listen to them , possibly to receive some studio more than being on the road, says that influences for the solo album he was about to making an album is something like painting a start wunt lo be th1otl hterul 1 wanted to put some of lhe freshness, laghtnei;s and romantic feel 1wln1 hus into u rock ·n· roll or pop aspect " cou1111r I WISTllN Best-selling country-Western records of the week: 1. "Lonely Nights," Mickey Giiiey 2. "Lord, I Hope This O.y Is Good,"' Don W iiiiams 3. "only One You," T.G. Sheppard ~-"The Sweetest Thing," Julee Newlon 5. "Watchln' Glrls Go By," Ronnie M cDowell 6. "Shine," Waylon JennlnQs 7. "Have You Ever Been Lonely," Reeves & Cline 8. "Someone could Lose A Heart Tonight," Eddie Rabbitt 9. "You're The Best Break This Old Heart Ever Had," Ed Bruce 10. "I Just Came Home to Count the Memories," John Anderson ~~~~~;::;;::;;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;~~~~==~~~:;;;;.:;;;p;1;c;tu;N!~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--~~__:·1~d~1~dn~'t~~~a~n~t~to~d~o~u~s~w~i~n!g~a~l~bu~m~.~l~d~1~d~n~·t:..._ ~~~ ~~~ • JACK NICHOLSON ... THE PORT THEATRE ti! l b:?hO THE BORDER EVERY MONDAY Al.L SEATS $2.00 • ' l'"' "' UGO TOGNAl.1.1 (Sto• o1 lo Co9" A,,. '°li.t in V•YCOMK --'11tte1tl C•1tOr II r fimn ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plus "Cousln- Couslne" tPGI 9 /(l'J!' I LlJA SI H\'/V CORONA [lf:L MAH "Diane Keaton and Albert Finney give the kind of perfo~ances that in the theatre become legendary ••• ~tt isn't a sctM in director Alan Parker's MW picturt 'Shooc the Moon' tUt I trunk rings fal~ ... ht has givm us a move about separat,ing that ii perhaps tbc most revealing American movie of the era." Pauline Kaci. THE NFW YORKFR MAGAZINE ~one of the most powerful American movies of recent years ... Tbt picture seems like • mirade ... scrceo~ Bo Goldman and director Alan Parker have produced one of the rare movies that are cencral to our cultUtt but not sentimental or tqUUe ... thc movie Is a beaudful achievemmt." David Denby. NEW YORK MAGAZINE "A . ' I movie you wont want to eave ... A brilliant. lacmltin& study of marriag~the-rocks from two filted ~ Alan Parker and Oscar winning writer Bo Goldman ... You can't diamJss it and I'll be wllina to bet you'll be haunted by the mm long after it fades to black. For petfonnanca that drain you with their vitality, sincerity and power Albert Finney and Diane Keaton can't be topped .. ~hoot tht Moon' is a towerin1 achievement:' Rex Reed. CRITIC AND SYNDICATED COLUMNIST "'The movie mainlines pure feeling from its very first Shot ... 'Shoot the Moon' sets so many emodonal cross curratta that the screen appears to tremble ... Diane Keaton has ntver demonstrated as much depch as she does here ••• Albert Finney aiva bis finest performance on 6lm. Alan Parker and Bo Go6dman take such a fresh view of a marital breakup that it's almost like watching this mattrlal on screen for the first time!' Peter Rainer. H ERALD-EXAMINER "Virtually a Oawless movie, a sustained, intense tragicomedy about marriage in contemporary America .. 1t's the most focuful screm actin1 Albert f"'mney's ever done ... Diam Keaton can lay claim to being the most vivid. talented actress at worit in American movies today ..• Few movies have capeured the day-to-day suugle• of people to live togethct' and grow together with u much bril&ance and impect!' Michael Sragow, ROLLING S.TONE MAGAZINE SHWT Y MWN METRO-OOLDWYN-MAVfR PRl:.SENTS ALBmr FINNEY DIANE KEATON IN AN ALAN PARKER FILM "SHOOT THE MOON" KAIU!N ALLEN PETER ~lLf.R · DANA HILL EXECUTlVI PRODUCERS EOOA R J SCHI:RICJ( AND STUART Mill.All WRrTTP.N BY lk> OOLDMAN PRODUCED IY ALAN MARSHALL -,r...,: • OIRECT!D BY ALAN PARKER M~Tl<X'OLO"• G.Mot.iiu.t~ ._...,... ._.,. ___ ............ -.... ---.. ·-- r • • .. STARTS FRIDAY AT SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES - . • '>1Mr1nqVINCENT PRICE·FRANK LOVf..JOY PHYLLIS KIRK CAROLYN JONES· PAUL PICt:RNI CHARLES BRONSON d.'o 1cp "o( rr .. np1~ 111 CRANE WILBUR PtMx•'d ~BRYAN FOY Oun lfd 1Yt-AriDKE DE TOTl1 IVU ....... •~Sl.IClClf'll l!--'-c.' "' '44 , .. ..,flill\...,r-.ftNll .... """ ~-•· ••., ._ .-.. _,,_ ---1 tiM..,"--tlli 11f'l~1-.....\lttt.,. ~ ...... _ .......... STARTS FRIDAY It's Valentine's Day Get someone you love and let yourself go to ... ~llAYD ...... A llmlJWl......, ........... A ._.,, MIDPllll ND: NOlJI .-A ftQa JOHN STDMD'SCAllGY llJW -..MDA LllUY --JOHN HUmll _.,.MK fl1DOfE _..._,., llCHAID Mld)C)ll&ALD -.---..!IWDI IMMST, U .C. ___ .. __ ..,... S'l'D.x -mJIAIL......, -··-·-11rl:Wl>S.MIO ,.. __ ___ _. ......... ---... .... ,,..,, ~U5Ut anm ~~ Sl1~ NOWPlAYlNQ ......... -r... ..... ~ .. llW UACl!wO.-m OI&~ 1310340 134 Hit t..-llaat ..,... .. ,wTa s.1111 C.O. OrlNI 111 .... t. UA T• 0...... ••• 1&14 sM lon HI,,., ClfHlala fMftla..Oiow ttt4141 ( lllO , ..... M:CIPTIP ~ TMll IMO~ " IE L1'E IS IT ANYWAY?""! ...... , ..,.,., ......... ........ I.:. LW "SEDUCTIOtol' 1111 -"'' -• • ...... ,.. .......... ..... l o Muooo 01 lo1e cro,.1 99•·2•00 -c _.,, -"""°" TAPS -, ... , .. ·~ .. ,. .... __ ._ Uft-..-o'!:"::!:.~--;:;:-:::::::::::. "MAKINGLOVt 1111 -°"" ------ ,. • 1 • ._ •• •• 11• "EDI' -.......... 1 lkSiiNl 1 m t •ou OOln ..... ,o. caAI" --.-....... I TOLM- ---'CANNERY ROW" -"RAIOE .. I OF THE LOST ARK' '1 tt• •• 1e11 •• ,,.,. ti:"•.•• ............ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN Foculty 0 1 Cono1ewooo 21J/5S1·9HO ,,_,.,.,... u~ ....._ __.,. l'OleA .. ON GOLDEN PONO -I YOU ooet"-,. tilAft fO N ca.tin ...,.,.._ •L•.l tt,k'•.r e .t+tl CANNERY AOW -11 •• L .. l•,9:1&.ll':• _o. ____ o., ...... °::.~..::i..""'C =-=-._ c econ -"""°" TAPS ·- ,~.._..._. ... , . ..-. LAKEWOOD CENTUf SOUTH WAlll IN k>cul'Y Al Oel Amo 213/624·9211 ·-Tll*I ..,.,.'** lllOflO • UiADI M..L.&111 'RAIDERS OF TME LOST ARK -, ... .._, ... ",. LAGUNA "EDS -u• •• . ..-. ..c:MAl1. Otff'CU.. Uf'I MC:a80ll MAKING LOVE. ,., ti• ........... . 1 ACAOllNY --eoe c-o.a •..o..,. ~ CHARIOTS OF FIRE -, ............... .. so. COAST WALK-IN Soull'I Coo1I Howoy 01 a1ooowoy 494-1514 l--n1£ F1UNCH LIEUTV4AN'T"S WOMAN '001 TW-,,. ,._,, •• ......,.. , , .. ·--' '" .. ·CANNl!RY ROW' -n.. ..... , ..... . ,,......a. ..... , .... ,_CIFIC THlATllU OlllYf·lll SWt\, MlflS S .. ,,(• IOU• 11/CIS • , ..... '"' 04'• Al HAlllOll l l\10 011111(.IN 6 OllANGE 0111\IE·IN ••• •OJ,.. '"u•o•• 'SllltMl UU P&.h*G l\l•OAU Al~·· l tlltU• IMPORTANT NOTICE' CHILOAEN UNDlA 12 fAU1 Mtr ... 1~ Wl•ftel • .-. J ~'" f,. 6 lO • S11 \w~ Mlfl ' «> ,. CJH(.$1 MIUOC) • '°"" .. CAa ""°'° ~ ~ S"tM.11' • "° ,,. (»-""°'° wrn. OrllTOo loCCQSOlll ~ ---~ !Ollllill.f 1 •AU CINf4I -..S &JD Olt All MllO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IH h •••OY t1 at Lemon S• 179·9150 ,.... ,., ... ......y.,. OOUGi.M GHOST STOAY "' ...... THE CHANGELING "" CIH( ,, SOIJNO ---~ "1Q9Ult ff •lllO .-..-. ..,.AU. .,.,,.....~-~ THI! &ODGEN S 11111 ..... 'Vl!HO .. 1111 Cllof IJ SOUND 8U( .. A PAlll BUENA PARK ORIVE ·IN l1ftCOln "'" Wet• Of •non 121·4070 &Ul .. A rAllK LINCOLN DRIVE·IN unc 01n ,.,., • .,, • ., 01 1non 121·4070 TRUE CONF£SSK>NS ,., ..... RICH AND FAMOUS 1111 Ctllrtt J1~fll0 I NO-TIONI KM ..... ~O ........ ..U.. RAIDERS OF TWE LOST ARK -...... VICTORY - -.CftAI.\ otilTal..,. UTI .MOIOM MAKING LOVE C1111 ...... HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART ONE" 4'11 iii ,., •• ,,.,1Aa~11~11~•m•n•1•-=--::::;;;;T;t?-:;-" Son Dl•OO lrwy 01 ltoo••u"' (So) THE SEDUCTION flll 962·2411 wl s• "'"''Sii 11 HI-WAY 39 ORIVE IN , . ..,.....,.,..,.. "OH OOLOtN PONO - TI4£ ELECTR.;:,..SEMAN ...J LA HA811A LA HABRA ORIVf·IN CtH( I• \OUNO .. 0<" l••O SO OI C,.,.oenG<onfl- 891·3693 ••TM.M•attl"""* ...... ~ • ON GOLDEN PONO -...... ,_., .. ,. • - -6 -• -• TWE ELECT1'1C HORSEMAN"•.,_ 17Hl62 1.>llAl\oGI ORANGE DRIVE·IN 'fOll_.. MA'ft TO Mowtf TO lMI - "CAHNl!AY ROW' l'OI ,.. .. "TWI! 0009 OF WAR 1111 ,&~ I'""'-Al' 'lli.'A"" MISSION ORIVE·IN 11~ ,,..., '1"61_, l "" "' .t, ~ H WARNER DRIVE IN Wome• ,,. .. '*••• .. ••o<" llY<I l~f·Htl "ARTHIJlll 'co11 ...... "SHARKY'S MACtilf«" 1111 ,.. .. 8USTIN LOOSE IOI MC*-.-.. "THl 8°"oa." 911 "'"' 8<>f'Ot"LIN£' !NI ·-----ltAftA UO., ./DA -VIA.If 'ANTASTICO lM OL090 ....00 NI CAlllOAO .. O~e Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 onard Nimoy has been busy man ~~~\1CK 'LOS ANGELES -Leonard Nlmoy, the ltliouc.r-atable Mr. Spoct of "Star Trek," 11 the rouihl1 carrupt Acbnt.ed ln '1Mareo Polo.·• tn Lbe now "Star TrU'' movie, the fat.e of Mr. Spod la len to the audience to determine. b•t u,.,...-ftO doubt u to that ~ Achmed ln "Marco :P~." U\e •1iht·hour NBC mlnlaerles. Achmed. a r.e1ent to kUblal Khan, dtea for hi• venaUcy. "Th• retel\l waa a Turk and tvldently a bril nt administrator. tax collector and financier." aays Nimoy. "He was alao corrupt. Hla corruptlM took many forms. but the worst was bl• collectlon of women. He had 30 or 40 wives and 300 concubines. He was assassinated, and bla as uslnation was planned as the start of a revolution that didn't come off." Marco Polo, the 13th century Venetian travel~. wrote that Achmed recruited women for his harem either by kidnapping or by forcin1 pa(ept.!s to turn over their daughters. It is one such abductlon -the girt hangs herself -that triggers AcbFed's assassinallon. .. The miniseries. set for May. follows the travels Of Marco Polo and his exploration of China in 1211-95. Ken Marshall plays the title role and the other stars include Anne Bancroft, Denholm Entott, John Gielgud, John Houseman. Burt Lancaster, Tony Lo Bianco. Ian McShane , Sada TRbompson, Tony Vogel and Joseph Wiseman. Ying uocheng, one of the leading actors .of the People's Republic of China. plays Kublai Khan. The show got off to a rocky start in Italy more tban a year ago Three actors were hired to play Marco Polo before they finally settled on Ma~hall . The cost soared past the budgeted $12 milllon as the film crew moved from Italy to Alrica to Mongolia to China. LEONARD NIMOY hehH.'l'n tnµ~ N.imoy spent five weeks in Peking filming his role as Achmed. He had just flown in from Israel. vrhere he had completed his role as the husband of Golda Meir in "Golda" for Operation Prime Time .. It was all quite an adventure," he says. "I had si>ent a month in Israel. I didn't think my role U, 'Marco Polo' was goir\g to work out. It looked Uke it was going to be a crunch between 'Golda' and 'Star Trek.' But the people for 'Golda,' 'Marco Polo' and 'Star Trek· all got together and worked out my schedule During the weeks he spent on "Star Trek" he filmed his syndicated series. "In Search Of," on Saturdays. And before leaving for Israel, bis one-man show on Vincent Van Gogh, "Vincent." was taped for ABC Cable and Magnavision Discs. "I flew from Tel Aviv to Rome to Peking. I got there on a Thursday night and started work the next morning. Then I flew from Peking to Los Angeles A studio car met me at the airport and took (Ile directly to Paramount for wardrobe and makeup for 'Star Trek ' " "Last year was probably the best year I ever had," says N1moy "All the projects were special. all the scripts were good and I worked with talented people.·' In "Golda," to be telecast in two parts in April, Ingrid Bergman plays the older Golda Meir and Judy Davis. who was in "My Brilliant Career." plays her as a young woman. Nimoy is Morris Meyerson. who stayed largely in the .TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PVllLI ACROSS "loan" 143 Blbllcal cMdllofl 76 Lyric muM name HI EJlcl1 1 Headllke 77 Provided 147 Varnish 20 Send pay- stnJCture that bue ment 6 Maran 78 Bev«ege 1~ Fence over· 33 -.... hOllOW 79 Portal p&N 35 Phlloloc>fll- 11 Fragran1 80 Interior 150 PllQ away c:.l....,...,,t wood 82 Turkish 152 Hindu 9Cfip. 37 Greetl letter 16Wll Might turee 39 Church 2 1 Large snake 13 Dad ()( lad 154 Breakfast dlgnllwy 22 Tou 85 School meet "40 lnati poet 2381nwy ~nment1 155 Attending •2Actvanta- compound 87 CMmiclll 158~ gecM.11 ~4 Wear away IUfflX mite .... Feudal 25 Behold' ea ooee by 157 Puts cargo wonc.,. "26 Cheldean boat on 48 lnaect eggs City 90 Bet 159 NC'1 neigh-48 Networtl '27 Japanese 9 1 Individual bor 50 CNmlcal mite 92 ()(oop 180 OiplllhOng eufftx _..,.. 93 Martinique. 161 TraYel 51 So. Scot position I.I 163 Palmllly 53 Befondol 29 Celebra-94 Money SI 164 At no time ssw•1em Ilona 95 Tent peg 111& Aontan treety OP· 30 ScaHI note 98 Vine fruit offlclal 58 Of the body 3 1 E!llclamatlon 100 p.,, tltlef Hl7 Wictl9d 57 Vein glory 32 w.dding 101 ProleMlons deeds 58 Hurries words t05 15th cen ,, 69 Comforted eo0rama 34 ~Ucoee English 171 Attempta dlvl9ioo go(I rebel 172~rege 62 Pledge ol 36 Unclean' 106 Hawaiian 173 lntelMgence "°"°' J-latl law dish 174 Trite 64 Alfaru 38Wed 107 Ripa 65 NOYllll1t secretly 109 Leader It DOWN Zola 40 Chemiail 110Allow 1 SF's State 66 Postpone prel1x 111 Jolson 2 Oweillng 88 God of love 41 Rope llbef 112 Golf clubs 3 llallan river 69 Summer •3 Consumes 114 Bikini part 4 POiynesian "aouvenlr" •5 British gun 115 Roman oven 71 Tlbtltan 47 MlscalCulate aultfor 5 Scarlett'• beutl •8 Encounter 116 Low caste home 73 Com breed •9 Amuses Hindu 8 Lightning 75 Legal term 52 Desertllke 117 Deteriofale bolt 79 Fully 54 Ribbon' 'WOfdl 7 Summon: • cootced Comb. lorm 121 Guides 2woro1 eo Gold bl< 56 Aun 123 Chanoe 8 "4_e1rlc 81 Pours 59 Historic 124 Trapped tnMIUf• 83 Formed period a 1250oze 9 Mlaplac.d M Sll'lef 61CelM 127 GrMl'I land 10 Pitchers IYT"bol 63 Endured 128 White.ale 11 Ctiest1 86 Old Englllh 67 Papal purcf\ues 12 O.Von Juri9cffetlon garment 1211 Thebes rtver 87 lndla 68 immediate deity 13 Song mulberry result 131 Grime ,, An Altalre 89 Kind 70 Remain In 133 Mluourl city 15 Vacation 90 Mer- 3word• 135 Reach Iii• cf\andlH 72CheeM acrou I'S Chief, In 92 Neta lover• 138 lneult Spain 94 Chy on lhe 73 Paid l'<>Cloteb)' 17 Old Oanllh erazoe alhletes 142 Brlltle coin 95Shooa 7• U1tenw'1 Comb form 18mng eea- SIE CLASSIFIED SICTION FOR ANSWERS . ( 97 Pllki notlo9 ee e.rn IOUndl 911 Bird'• beelc 100 Wrdlful 1018*- 1020WrJoY 103 Place .,_ 10.Mlx• 108~ 108 Ma: La1. 109Aecki.e onee 112 Acc:oUnt entry 113 Plenl«'• need 115 Grain god<*a 116 Appeel 118 AL'a neigh- bor 119 Al\)erlan -i>Ort 120 Yoor: Ger. 122 ic., In Berlln 123 Vedic sky terpenl 126 Wrinkle rem<>vef 128 Skidded 130 Fastened firmly 132 Make i11cie 13• Reiling: 2 WOl'dS 135 lncllne 136 -Nost« 137 Currenl 139 For .. t IPac4I 1•1 Wander• 14' Exdamatlon "5 Honey badger 148 Add chemical 1•8 Glelgud and GulnneSI 1•9 Aedac1 151 Flullef 153 Alpena 156 A Grant 158 Eel Old Eno. 182 Cereal oraln t65Slx· Rom 168 Al home 170 NA'a neigh- bo< Meriel Hemintw•Y PEMDNM.9EST CA) 12:30 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 STADIUm ~ Scrczczn Drive-In coll 639 8770 ~,..~ Revolutt0nery Cine F• Sound .. -.... '-..... " ..... __. .. o ... ,,.,_ (;6 ....... , •. ¥···"· -~ ................ .... --~~--- MAKINGLOYE IRI H11torv Of The World llAI ~·~r A!:l=tRl Oflve-ins 01*1 6: 30 NIGHTLY Under12FREEUnl-Noted MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE f!le~Mt/1 ... ,.....810-,,.,_ •OOUt ... _ _, t1' ---• ........ c.,.-- Al4 D 1!11 NltO 11 'll.MI • llCCIN't TWl>llM. Off,,.."'°"°" P'ICTUfll COOi °'Ml.I ll!O~TlON r,0 >>? n a a >>*aa= a a backaround u Miu Meir worked for the establishment or the Israeli nation and then became Its prime mlntater. ·'They were European imml1r1mt11 who met in Milwaukee," he says. "He lntrodoced her to poetry and literature and mualc. He wanted lo marry her, but she wanted to 10 lo Israel, then called Palestine. She said lf he wanted to marry her he had to 10 too. He was never comrortable there. They eventually separated but were never divorced " Much speculation has surrounded the fate of Spock in "Star Trek II," which will be released in June. Asked about rumors that the Vulcan dies or that two dlfterent endings were filmed. Nimoy answen, "What I was involved in waa some · scenes that could be interpreted in more than one way. The final interpretation is open to the audience. They could believe that Spock might come back or not. "I think the decision for the future depends on how the mm ls received and whether they want to make another film " "Marco Polo" was a joint venture of RAI (Radiotelevisione llallana> and the Procter & Gamble Co. It was written by David Buller. who wrote "Edward the King" and co-wrote "Jesus of Nazareth." Vincenzo Labella ("Jesus of Nazareth"> produced, and the director was Giuliano Montaldo. Nimoy says, "We filmed in the Summer Palace and in the Forbidden City. We have a scene in the courtyard where Kublai Khan returns after a trip. I as his regent greet him surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of Chinese soldiers dressed as Mongolian warriors It's a spectacular scene "The Italian crew brought in its own cooks and we had pasta for lunch and Chinese food for dinner, with an occasional Western meal. I brought back three sui'tcases of jade. cashmere and clothes. H you found a spectacular buy a busload of crew would go there and buy out the shop " • tOVE fflCQASSK J D WONWM lf0¥1l JM>< NICHOLSON .. ntmBORDml Cl • ,,,,_,_ ... 0,..' ... ... ..-............. . "WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY?" 1'1l ,m,r•l1.\ AIP--.::.~~ .... ..:.....,._- 91-0Mlf'\IM --... "WHOSE LIFE I ISIT PERSONAL ANYWAY?" BF~T" 11t1 .... -·-.-1111.tA '°"ut •w. "''" • "FOUlt "'llHDI ' • , ...::1.. , ..... ·- can •'NUMBER O NE PICTURE OF THE YEAR ... " Nominated for 10 Academy Awards lncludln1t: Bi.ST Pl< l\JRE -ORAMA ---" BE!tT SCREENPLAY Emcsi 11lomj>300 BEST ACTOR Hc:ntv Fonda ,,.....,. , ....... ,. ........ ..-i -- One: ohhc: Yc:ar1 10 Bc:ac. lnduJ1n11 lime1 ''~'"• l.ut/1f...,,. < """" ' I 1""111 '""' (1111/tb ( IUI V llN /l ftrt ft-I \ l /)WJJ1 '"' • MYllllllER WITHAMDRE ..._ ... ,.,_,_,.. JOHN HUltT "NIOHT CROSSING" (l'Q) .........,.,, .. 111e.111 .. .,.,. t It 8DDVHEftT __ ,_ .,... .. ., .. ,_ .. ,. __ -ownc&All "MAKINO LOVE" , .. ) Ml•-11111...,,_ PM.-.... ...... , .... "BODY HEAT" __ .,.._ ........ • "CANNERY ROW" (l'Q) -llMS'f "N1CIHT CW,81t19" .... .-c .. ••• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Ftbruary 14, 1982 Karen Black back • in 'Big Apple ' ly JAY SHARBV'M' aJo_..._ NEW YORK Karen Black wu born In the Chicaio 1uburb of Park Riqe. She's been wed three times. She played Broadway twice, in the Slxtles. Then she went to Hollywood and became a movie star. She still was there lut year when she heard from Robert Altman, who directed her In "Nashville." He'd just helmed off-Broadway's "2 By South" and had bis rlrst Broadway adventure waiting. He otrered her a role She flew here to confer with him. "After fi ve minutes," she says, "he said, 'Welcome aboard.' And when Altman gives bis word, boy, that's it. He never backs down." And that's how the tall, auburn-haired actress returns to Broadway in "Come Back to the 5 & Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean," directed by Altman. It opens this Thursday. Feb. l8. Set in a s mall, dusty Texas town, it's about the 20-years-later reunion of a James Dean fan club formed in 1955 when Dean was fllming "Giant" near that town. Miss Black, a blithe spirit with a twinkly sense of humor, co-stars with Sandy Dennis. And with Cher, the No-Last-Name pop star whose credits include a recent People magazine cover, a former marriage to Sonny Bono but no Broadway acting experience at all. Miss Black tends to play kooks, Oakes and such in her films. Not so here, she says. Her character, who's from the show's tiny town, "now is a very chic woman from New York, a rather em bittered person who still cares very much." She neglected to add that this is no ordinary chic woman. She's a transsexual, a good old boy turned high-toned girl. Altman wanted that kept secret. But the press got wind of it. In any event, it's kind of a, well, different role for Miss Black, who left New York for Hollywood shortly after "Happily Never After," a 1966 flop comedy preceded a year earlier by a flop thriller, "The Playroom," her Broadway debut. Since going West, she's made more th an 20 films, the best-known being ''Nashville," ''Easy Rider." a lavish dud called "The Great Gatsby," "Two hours of non-stop thrills." -Fee AeOO A PNWOM1 IU\.ff 1M ~"-"_..,, l.111 11.HI llOt.IUI ··--NOW PLAYING B~TPICTURE OF THE YEAR -~w T~ FUm CX1tk:a Award -Natk>DG1 lomd of lleTWw ~ward WARREN BEATTY DIANE KEATON ~~1-·1 ALL PIGHTS Ptstl!VtD :. :_:. .: Thi• wffk you can SM REDS at theN theatrea ....... -l'Glll 1911•-nlA Tw. ·~ -9tvU40110 -V-130.... ~-U4 7~U c .. ~c:umL\ llllT IMIAMI llSTI GlillT PlAZI w-191 lll~ ~COITUClmlMIC.U-.nt ••U tl&MOfl{llltuHO •OU ...,,._,_.._,,..,_.,., l~ACA0£WY M(MllU!& VOUICMO ... _,.... __ _..IO ... , . ~··"'----. KAREN BLACK ... a nt'\\ A road\\ a~ role and a big tut, "Fi ve Easy Pieces," in which she played a dim, war m-hear:ted waitress and got an Oscar nomination. All that came arter studies at Northwestern, followed by the usual lean years in New York theater and civilian work as a file clerk, receptionist, waitress and insurance investigator to pay the rent. She Uved In a cold-water Oat then, with a succe~ion of s tray cats she adopted and vice MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Tlle~-tt/ ..... 11'191.fO--ol»Ut ... -•~ttl _ ... -lllr .. '"'Q o, ..... - ® HO OHl UfOOEt 11\AOMITTI! D (Agie 11,.,.ut "'-Y ••ry "~ ..... AU. D~ ANO !Bl FIU4S RECEl\/E ntl SOL OF nif MOTIOt< PC T\Jf\£ COOE Of'-stLF REGULA TIOH II TMNTllTH ~.tlOJI IATJIUlll. 1:11,3:41 e:OO, 1:11o::.'.U + IAT. Y · MIOMCIKT versa. She auapecU that wu the low point ln her hfe ··First they turned off the telephone. Then they turned off the electricity. ~ pretty soon, thef. turned me out. But lt wu always, 'Ob, wel , som ething'a eoln1 to turn up.·•· Sure enou1h. sbe turned up ln Jotepb Papp'a "The Tempest" In Central Park, undentudied three roles ln "Take Her, She's Mine" and landed In an off·broadway musical, albeit a flop. It was called "We Civilized?". And , though you don't think of her as a sln1er , that's what she did in the s how -while it lasted She sang again ln another short· run show, "The Uncommon Denominator " But she laid low thereafter until 1975, when s he played an a mbitious count ry vocalist In Altman '• ··Nash ville · · She wrote two songs she sang in the movie, she says. She still composes, but no rock and roll : ''It's alien to me." She writes Thirties-style tunes. "Wanna hear one?" she shyly ask.a. Sure. And low in a gentle, bluesy voice somewhere between J ulie London and Billle Holiday, she ventures "It Would Be So Eas ," a ballad. Sounds good, too. -'-'"-----[jiJ .. NOW PLAYING AIWlllM UAOl• GROYl lllYt• MISSION YllJO Alllllelm On~e In Wtstblool< EctwaiCIS WoodblldQO Voeto Twon 879-91$0 530-U OI SSI 06SS 830 6990 COITA MUA OIWIGl UA CH!emas 540 0594 UA Cny Cinema 634 3911 5Arodef!1Y Award rrlomifloli.ons including: Best ActTf!SS-Meryl Streep ---~---- _. NJ.BT• i.--.. aue11 OIWICl ... Plan Foi Saoilft Cols! UA C<cy er.- SH S339 S2H747 4941 S14 •343911 CelTI MIU .,.. -Tlll£f r AM WUTMIUTIJI &lwllllb llnstol Edwilltll WoodlJt!CIOt Edwns ltlon1t1ey 111111 UA Mal 540 7444 SSI 06SS 570 1026 U30S46 fl TOllO &lwirdl ~Sit SUO DMml ClrlllQR lilall 137 0340 r....-..~ ...... ~ ............. -. .,._, .. _____ , ............................... _. .......... __ ..... _.,._ __________ ~~~ J\ UNIQUE AND PROV OCATI VE FILM. IRON IC. FUNNY, CR J\Z\'; AND MOVING -\(.'k KROLL.NIEttSWEElf. dortCICd IW LOUIS MAI.LE EXCLUSIVE ORANGE CO U ~T\' E~GAGEME~T t~Rl.-St;~. 2.-00. 4:15, 8:30 8:40. I 0-.48 edwards CINEMA CENTER HAll:~:!:~lD 979-4141 There's more to love than ... LOVE TWENTIETH tiNTURY·fOX PreM!nt~ A PRODUCTION' Of THE INDIEPROO COMPANY AN ARTf1UR HILUR FILM MAKING LOVE M ICHAE~ • !<ATE • HARRY ONTKEAN JAtl<SON HAMLIN WENDY HILL~~ and ARTHUR Hill Produced by ALLEN ADlER and DANI El MELNICK Screenplay by SAltRY ~t'lpt.ER Story by A. SCOTT BERG Directed by ARTH Ult HI lEft Music by LEONARD ltOSENMAN R ..... ..._ .. _ ........... ..---~ -::.l~lft C'OIOll I~ Dllv•I• •• ..,,..._~a....,..~ DOLPHINS. Women's Olvi.alon of \he Newport Qarbor ANta Chamber of Commerce, meetl at llfao a.m. Tu day at the Balboa Bay Club. For m lntormatlon call 844·8211. NSWMRT BEACH Christian Women's Club MMll at 11 :4~ a .m . Wednesday ln the Alrporter lna. hr more Information call M4·29Zl -80lJTH COAST Junior Women's Club meets at 7 :30 pm Tuesday In the Fountain Valley Community Center. For more information call 964·4914. DELTA PHI CHAPTER of Delta Gamma Sorority of UCI begins "Anchor Splash Week" Ill CllllllR Sunday, Feb. 21. For information on events call 673-74M. I NEWPORT HARBOR Lawn Bowling Club meets daily except Sundays ror play. For more i.Jlformation call 759-9966. EBELL CLUB of Laguna Beach holds annual rummage sale Saturday Crom 9 a.m . lo 3 p.m at the Wo~n·s. Club. 286 St. Ann's Drive, Laguna Beach. F'Or more information call 499-3596. EXECUTIVE WOMEN INTERNATIONAL of Orange County meets at 6 30 p.m. Tuesday in the Alrporter Inn of Newport Beach. For more information call 731-7711 NATIVE AMERICAN INSTITUTE meets Wednesday at 7,30 p.m. in Bowers Museum. For more iolol'mation call 894 -0191. WMY 0 0 OL.O PEOPLE KEEP L-IVING~ .._ BECMJGE IT'S OloJE O~ T~E HAR.OES'T' HAl!llTS TO BREAK MUSICAL ARTS CLUB ol Orange County meets Sunday at 4 p.m. in the home of Mr. and Mr•. Terry Clark. For more information call 640-1130. IRVINE LIONESS CLUB meets noon Sunday, Feb. 21 at Heritage Park for spaghetti dinner. For more information call 964-8696. • COSTA MESA WOMEN'S CLUB meets at 11:30 a .m. Friday in the Clubhouse, 610 W. 18th St , Co11ta Mesa. For more Information call 558-9666. · SCR IPPS COLLEGE ALUMNAE meets Friday in the Crown House Restaurant. For more information call 621-8000. LAGUNA BEACH Branch of AAUW meets Friday al 3 p.m. in Gibralter Savings of Laguna Hills For more information call 499-2721 HUNTINGTON BEACH CHAPTER or AARP meets Tuesday at 12·30 p.m . in the Murdy Recreation Center. 7000 Norma Ori ve. Huntington Beach For more information call 963 -9106 Value of exerc ise to be discusse d BENEFITS OF EXERCISE will be discussed al a lecture Spo1\5ored by Hoag Memorial Hospital al 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in Newport Beach. For more information, call 760-5831. ALCOHOLISM will be the subject or a lecture by Lau Haaning, consultant for the Family IWTHHllP Treatment Center in Laguna Beach, at 7·30 p.m. Wednesday in South Laguna . For m ore information on the discussion, co-sponsored by South Coast Medical Center, call 499·1311 , ext. 560. RED CROSS BLOODMOBILE will be at the Masonic Lodge, 212 Main St. in Seal Beach from 8:45 a .m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. You can also give blood at Harbor Reform Temple, 2100 Mar Vista in Newport Beach, Crom 9:30 a.m . to 2: 15 p. m . Saturday. For information, call 835-5381. LIVING WITH ARTHRITIS is the theme of a seven-week course offered by St. Joseph Hos pital in Orange beginning Wednesday. Cost is $30 For information, call 633-9111, ext 7477. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION of Orange County will offer a lecture titled "Respiratory Equipment in the Home'' at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Santa Ana. For information, call 835-5864. DIABETIC HEAL T H care will be discussed at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange. The lecture will be offered in English and Spanish. For information, call 634-5015. SUGAR and its effects on the recovering alcoholic is the topic of a discussion Friday at 3 p .m . in Orange. For information, call 547-6494. STRESS REDUCTION through progressive relaxation is the lbeme of a workshop at Orange Coast College beginning Friday at 7 p.m. and continuing for two additional evenings. Cost is S9. For information, call 673-2160. 1 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 Dll Taurus: Listen and obse rve B1 8YDNE't' OMARR Monday, Feb. 15 ARIES (Murc h 21-Aprll Uf): You'll be concerned with numbera, lncludln& lnventortea. royalties and aeneral accounUna Focus wlll be on financial status of other1, especially close auociate, business partner. mate. Cancer, Capricorn natives figure prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Do plenty of liste ning, observing and analyllng. Avoid attempting to force issues. Make Inquiries c-0nceming law, travel, charitable evenl.8 and entertainment specials You'll &ain more with humor now than by attempting to intimidate Watch Sagittarius ' GEMINI <May 21 ·June 20) · Basic Issues require attention. Leave flash and nair for another time -it now ls nose to grindstone, persistence, details, intricacies and reference sources Aquarius, Scorpio persons play key roles and could aid you in resolving dilemma CANCER (June 21 -July 22 ) Aura o f excitement dominates, you take gamble, declare feelings and make romantic gesture. Focus on speculation, travel, writing and inauguration of program featuring exercise and nutrition. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius natives are in picture. LEO (July 23-Aug 22> · Emphasis on domestic issues, long-standing negotiation, plans for future and blueprint for rebuilding program . You'll beautify surroundings. could purchase luxury item or art o bject and you'll make gesture of conciliallon to family member VIRGO <Aug 23-Sept 22J Good lunar aspect highlights valuable ideas, trips. intellectual curiosity and ability to be rid of s uperfluous material. You have chance now to see situations, people as they actually ex.isl instead or through haze of wishful thinking LIBRA <Sept 23-0ct. 22> · Funds which have been withheld are released. You'll have more 'RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ···•·i.t.r• s... 1922 HAllOR ILYD. COSTA MESA-54a.l 15' <IIDt1.6ttuatorg Jrr-Jrimtt (ages 4-6) I An academic readiness program wuh emphasis on lhe performing arts Ntw9art Slu.tltc I Gton.stttJatorv 11261.a. ...... '57.0211 authority. respom11b11lty and your Income potential will be heightened. Item• that had been mwlna will be located and you'll be on more solid emotional and financ ial ground SCORPIO <Oct 23 Nov 21' Cycle hJ1h. public reaponse to your efforts 1s favorable and you could be nlrtina with fame. You'll be ln contact with people who have original Ideas, who are creative and who can promote and publicize your product Aries 1s an picture SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 Dec 21): You are rid of secret fear~. doubts, you receive news which HDRDSCDPI enlightens. provides more confidence and gives you green light for special proJect Emphasis also on creat1 v1ty . inde pendence, originality and romance Walch Cancer ' CAPRICORN COec. 22-Jan 19): Favorable moon al)pec:t co10c1des with creativity. romance and wts h fulfill ment Financial picture is brighter than originally anticipated Money windfall could be "on the way " You'll locate lost articles, re establish credi b11it y and could be dea.llng with another Capricorn AQUA RIUS rJ an 20 Feb 18J Room is made for you at more t'levatcd position. Superior com mends you . } ou rece1 ve long-d istance com mun1cation wh1('h verifies views Recent prediction comes trut• and people want lo hear more conct•rning }Our opinion~. prophecies . PISCES <Feb 19 March 201 Plans which had been nebulous wall now take solid form . You become familiar with abstract pnnciples of law. You could also be concerned with import-export proc (•dun•s or licenses Look beyond the immediate> pros pects for future are brighter than might b<• 1mag1ncd Cards available At the Pilot, people make the difference . . peopl.e like these in the Circulation Departme n t • • .. I / 1ke uv>rkmy rnt h t lie pt>opl<• Tiie Pilot ha.\ 1nc11rll1' 111ork111q rn11d1tw11s and tfle hour~ I 1rorl; nre rc·ri1 con L e11w111 111r 1111.' Patricia Gonzalt"~. Costa :\1esa P atriC'ia handles subsC'ription payments b~ fl'\..ail. and feeds paid in ad\·anre subscript um information into a compttl<'r. J You ma~ ha\l' .iln·.1ch lnl'l "l'H'l\.tl of lht·-.1· pl·oph· It ... lht•11 111h 111 ..,erve \OU our n•a<il'I'" Thal .., '"'h' tht•\ n • sn 1mporl.inl Co u:. fkc atast• \OU.rt> -..o 1mportant \\'hC'lht.•r 11 .., .in"''l't tng lht· ph111H -.t·lltn).! '>ubscripttons or taking p<l~me11t:-., Wl' dept.•nd 1111 th1·w pt•opll• to lwlp kt.•t.•p nur rcadt•r!'> h.ipp' ·\nd \\llhoul them lo -.11pt·1'1..,t• th1• 7'.18 c .1rt 1t.·1 ' 1 h.rt dl·lt\l'r t lw J>tlot to :11u;s1 h11mt.·., S·l!l 1 ad,.., and 1;:! -..111 rc ·-. ;rt .di hou1·.., and in .tll k1ncb of \\t.'alht•t. tht.• cl l11rt-. ol 11111 11·1u11 ll'I .... md phot11gr.1pht.•1-., \\Ollld gn 111i...t•t.•n Finding Ji(ood pl'opll' "ho 11!..1• t IH'll' \\ol'k ma\ takl• lonJ.!t•r and l'o.,t morc. but at tlw lbth P ilot \H' k1111\\ ti ... \\orth 1t l1t.•1';111..,<• ll<'Opk du mal.t' a difft>rc•nc·t'. I /1k1• 1111 ln•1·r/11111111 11111 jll/I )°cJll llft• /J(l~ll <11/t/ l/Olll 011'11 hos.\ \\ 11/1 w1 11101111 deucll 111e., ''"'' lu11·1· 111 1>1• orga 111wd Chuck ~t>m<'t. San Juan Capistrano As ciistn<.'I muni.igl'r Cht1 <'k M1pernses 36 l'arrn.•t"!+ that delin•r on•r 1.500 papt•rs in his d1slt'tt.1! Daily Piilat I stnrll'rl lier, 11s 11 pnpt'rho11 tl1t''1" 111·1·~ e11.J <irit 1•r nru1 T11111 n 1111/ t1mi· cinrer I JllSI like 1rnrk·111q 1111 t 111 .<; fl<'U'.'lpapt•r .. :\like ..\rtlglio, Costa ~1e"ia A drivc.>r . Mike is rel.pons1blc for dt.'ll\'ertng newspap~rs to ra<'ks ont• routt' and m1s~t·cl c·ustomt.•rs. ..Where P!°Ple make the difference:' 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa 642.,.321 NEWPORT BEACH~ COSTA MESA • IRVINE • HUNTINGTON BEACH * FOUNTAIN VALLEY * LAGUNA BEACH ' . I j ~~-~------------·-~-~-• Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 ~ove or Infatuation' column very populnr DEAR ANN LANDERS: When I wu In hl&h c.bool , you prlnted 1 column advl1ln1 people on w lo diallnau!ah between love and infatuation. I Upped lt out and carried lt ln my wallet for a lon1 lmt. I rec.lved a new wallet ror Chri1tm11 a nd ould dearly love lt tr you would rerun that lurnn ao l can replace the old one that la worn nd faded. P retty please? -0 .0 . JN SIOUX ALLS.s.o. DEAa D.D.: Here It la -one of the moat ueatly reqC»H&ed columna of all: LOVE OR INFATUATION' lllfatuatJoa la ln1tant de1lre . It ls one set of aada calll111 to aaotber. Love la friendabJp that 11 cau&bl nn. It takes root and pon -one day ta time. FAMILY SW: 6.5 oz. TUBE 11° VICKS NY OU IL NIGHTTIME COLDS MEDICINE Relieves major cold symptoms. ~ ANN LAllDllS Infatuation ii marked by a fee Ila a of Insecurity. Vou are excited and eager, but not genuinely happy. T here are na11ln1 doubts, unanswered questions, little bUa and pieces about your beloved that you would Ju1t as soon not examine too closely. It ml1ht apoJI the dream. Love ls quiet uoder1tandln1 and the mature acceptance of Imperfection. It la real. It 11ve1 you strength and grows beyond yQU -to boll&er vour 2.11 belovf'd . You are warmed by h1I prne•ce, eve• whf'n ht 11 away. Mllea do no& aepara&e yn. You want him nearer. But near or f•r, you know a.e la youn and you can wait. Infatuation says, "We must 1et married r1&llt away. I can't rlak loaln1 him." Love says, "Be patient. Doll'& panic. He la yours. Plan your future wl&h conndence. '' Infatuation has an element of sexual excitement. lf you are hoaest, you wlU admit It la difficult to be ln one another'• company unle11 you are sure It wllJ end lo Intimacy. Love 11 the maturation of friendship. You m&a1t be friends before you can be lovers. Infatuation laclu confidence. When be'• away. you wonder if he's cbeat1n1. Sometimes you even check. Love meau trust. Voa ue calm, eec•rt aM uo&breaumed. He feela U1at &rut, ud K maw him evea more &rua&wonby. lalatuaUoD mlallt lead you to do tlll.8'9 y09• rearet later, but love never wUI. Love la an upper. ll mam you look up. 8 mallea you tblak up. It mallet you• better pertM than you were before. A no-nonaerue approach ,to how to dfol wUh U/.-1 moat dilflcult and moat rewardhig .arrangemmt A•• Landen' booklet. "Marriage -What to E~ct." IOlil prepare you /or better or worae ~ .,our re~•t to Ann Landers. P 0 Boz 11995, Chicago, Ill. 50811, enclo.nno 50 cents and a long, stamped, self..addre•"' envelope. SPECIAL I 13° STYLE AEROSOL HAIR SPRAY For a soft hold all day Ass't Formulas WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! 8 oz. IOOLm£ 3.19 TRONOLANE SOPPOSITORIES Fast, penetrattng, temporary relief of patn. itching , burning STAYFREE MAXI PADS REGUW, SUPER or DEOOOIWfT JERGENS LOTION-MILD SOAP BATH SIZE 4.75 OL M a!>ter Card GIANT SIZE FOOTLOCKER 30" I 11" I 12" Heavy corrugated angle binding wrth one piece corners AD PRICES PREVAIL: .. 14.95 SUNDAY, FEB. 14th THRU TUESDAY, FEB. 16th •• ™ -~ ALCOHOL IUllltG COMftOUMD 70% by Volume 16 oz. Sil( )k THE VIDEO ATARI COMPUTER SYSTEM Play exc1l1ng soph1sllcaled video games on home TV Atari • Video Computer Syslem '" comes with 1ovst1ck and pad<11e con trollers Combat Game Pro gram··cartridge TVsw1tch and AC adapter •2600 137 .95 AT ARI GAME CARTRIDGES BRACH'S Morningside CHERRIES MILK or DARK CHOCOLATE ' TICKLE ROLL-ON ANTI·PERSPIRANT DEODORANT • STREET RACER Ass I Formulas •HOME RUN • FOOTBAU 9 .95 1 49 YOUR CHOICE! U . • EA. 2 oz. Sil( 4i§lt§a VITAUS "The Pumo':.O...HOSOl .. HAIR SPRAY \4ttJlll Regul" °' S"'" Hold [!] Regular or Flavored 1.00a &ijiiij+ ~: • ¢i;:JJ PUTINUM CHIOM£ BLADES Smooth, long 1as11ng shaves •DOUlllEINll1,••111 (!lllllll!Mj~ • IUlCTOI I'•• n 1 YOUI CHOICll sac .. C>t\jii1ll CONTACT SEVERE COLD fOlllUU Extra Strength relreves your severe cold symptoms 10CAPSUW 1.69 ••• CENTRUM llUl.TMT._ MULTIMMEUL 21 essential vitamins and minerals. 30 flt[[ WITH 100 COSTA¢ m.---~-mu ~·~ ·-COLD _, FOlllllA ·-- 32oL m£ 1.39a 1.99 ~ I OL SIZE ~ ...,.:.::::.::..::....::.=.:=-~~- ":TO &M 2: sec 6.49 YOUICMOICIJ 2.DI COMSTOCK 1oc COLOl NMTS CHERRY PIE FILLING PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT ................ _. .. cllws• ..... 110, 121 • 111 ... ,..... ...... ....... 21 oz. Sill lal.l~lacll.U.. 1 'lg "°' .... llPIM .iii OIDD. Lml'ID Tm OffD ___ ___, o~ 1 r~~1 SH OP 7 DAYS A WEEK I 9:00 AM TO 9:30 PM MONDAY THRU SATUROAY • 9:00 AM TO 7 :00 PM SUNDAY OVERNGHT PHOTO ·sER . 1 \ ' .. SAVE•1·.13 a ~ ,.. . ... .. " Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. February 1•. 1982 E l l ~----------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------~ . s a •• • • ' ~ ,. STCLIFF PLAZA ANTHONY 'S SHOE SERVICE BANK OF AMERICA CHARLES BARR JEWELERS CROWN HARDWARE DICK VERNON SPORTSWEAR DR . LOU ELDER optometrist HAIRHANDLERS SALON HALLIDA Y'S MEN 'S CLOTHING HICKORY FARMS specialty food items HUMPTY DUMPTY children 's clothing JEAN DAHL designer and better sportswear LA GALLERIA elegance in f oshion MARKET BASKET t-AES AMIES TEENS NANCY DUNN ANTIQUES NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS PAPER UNLIMITED gifts and stationers SAY-ON DRUGS STOREKEEPER traditional sportswear VETA 'S INTIMATE APPAREL WESTCLIFF CLEANERS WESTCLIFF CORNERS gourmet wore and collectibles WESTCLIFF SHOES XAVIER 'S FLORIST . Quality in fashion and services with that per sonal touch 2 • a a anon a a a e o m • --• ===--- I • ' ~ ! ' I I I j I I ' • I ' \ . t I • ' < , l j J • 1 ~ \ • ' i i ' • • • : • ,. Orange Coa1t DA.IL Y PILOT/Sunday, FtbrU'lry 1'4 19&2 .... , ""' -MORt~- 1*>(.l)llZNN "Holne With PlllOOCf\lo"' l:B(%)MCMI * • \t "'S•oond Hend HHfte" ( 1tto) Robett 81911•, ht~ Hatri.. A , .... car-w111111 •«enden1 ...... up OfW fl'IO(nlng 10 find "'41t M 19 -10 • nlght-Qub ... ,r.u with llw• kid• ·PG· l:.IO Cl) MOV1E ••• ··p~" (1980) Rot>ln WllM•m•. Shell•y Ouv .. Whlle -chino I<>< hit l•lh«, Ille eplnM:h·NI· Ing Miiot vttlt• • qu.1n1 hem!M """-• M plclc• up. foundling end • ulnny 1...C'-1 'PO' OMOV1E ***\lo "la Cage AuK F01191" (1117111 Ugo loO nan!, Mich91 S.reo.MI A nightclub own. .,.. 10 ptepetW hla ,, __ Ill• IO..., few• vi.it by hit son'a ll•nce•'• lather, the mew... commlMIOne< 01 Franc.'R' 5c46 .. QfAl8TOl'HE.R ~ t.Q) II l"OA OUR TIME& ·~ D MUNC AHO THE ll'OQNWON> • °" VllAEAX LA. 0 YOUTH ANO ntE IUUD • -..£ANSWERS -~AOOM ([) IUNMY MOAH1NO Euoenla Zu ... nnan CO'Y«I Ille 80th blrthdey oellbl •· lton lcw llutlat J<Mn-Pletre R•mpal, Rey Gandoll l)laminM Ille probletn Of ml9tllk«i Identity bel- coacn. Biii Fo11er ol o.n-and 8111 Foetcw ol South CMOllna. (II DIMC1lOHI ~ 8 TOOAY'I AElJOION ntArlCAT • AOeE.ft'T 9CHUU.£A -~1 0 MIENCA: THE la:oNO CEHTVRY • NEWS 9 P\aJC PUUIE Qt AONCUl TUftlE U.8.A Ct) FllM ~TUAE ffi)MOVIE • * ·~ "The Men Wl>O Saw Tomonow·· (111811 Docu- mentary N1rreted by Orson Welles Footage of _,, he ptedlc1ed •nd dremetle r~Mttona ol hi• lit. CC>mP<lM lhll lool< 11 the 17th-century French pfly16Cien, Nlro!oget end ~IC. Michel 6e Nost<I• o.m.. known M Noatre- 0-'PO' 7100 . OOMMfT'MBIT 0 WHITNEY AHO THE "°90T • T'Of'CAT ·~ OONlAHO • DAY OIF De1COVEAY • SUNDAY MORMNO RJNNEI • YOGA FOR HEAL TH 9 INCTRUM O! 8UNDAY MASS ct) "°""" * * * \.\ 'Pert 2 Sounder". (11178) H.,old SytYeste<, Ebony Wright A rural blolCk flmlly of ahere Ct~• atruggle lo bolld a lcll004 In Loul-'enl dUt Ing the o.pr..ion 1:ao a llUNOA y MOflHIHQ Eugenia Zukermen COWlfS Ille SOit\ l>Wlhdey oe6e«>r e lton tor llu1191 J9en-P-re R•mpel. Rey G•ndoll •--*-the prot>lem ot ,.,., .. .,.. ld«ltlty bet-. coacti. B.. F<Mtler ot C*'*>n end Bii Foeter of Soufll Cerollna. D MIN80W PATCH au.t Bruc:e Jenner DUTTLEA~ • CAMPt'8 PAOF'lt..E • 1MMY SWAGGART • Mll'TEA AOGIEAS (R) ([) TV~ lOOKI AT ~ 9 8fAACH Q)THEWOAU> TOMOMOW OON..ETTO AHO SO.. A t..,._ege boy and nd tether c:luh <MW car- CllolloM leclng Ille eon OMOW •• "Ole L9ugtllng" (11180) Robtrt Benaon, Chane. Durning. A 90flgWfltlnQ cab dr!Wr 19 lllcMd by • emert monicey In proving hlmMll lnnocenl ol 1 murd., charge. 'PO' l.'00 D ON CAMPUS F••tured two Loyole prteete wl>o hew m.O. algnlllGanl documentary """9 aboul youth gang vlc>- i.nc... -~ANO ,....,. •....o.w. MG•ICNI I lLOY'O OGll VIE OV.WIUJE "A Mtin'• World (t.. Pall· ~•1' Wiiie end Pepo IHrn eboUt ltle wortd of eplrttu- lllwll "°"' tin lll6er1y lady '""'° ._ In the '*Cl"bor· lhOOd=:==-MX~ fllOVtl tHAtltEL LISTINGS . a KNXT (CBSI 0 D KNBC INBCI 1 a KTLA (l!\d) II a KABC (ABCI e 0 KFM8 ICBSI • G l(HJ TV find I 1t a KCST IA8CI l a ICTTV 11!\d I • a KCOP TV !Ind I • a KClT IPBSI • 'a ICOCE IPBSI VENDETTA Randi Oakt'!'\ pla~ '> ~• member of thC' C:Jl1forn1a ll1~h"a~ Patrol who finds l hal a forn11..'1 C'Ollt•agll(' I!'> ll'ader or U l'UI" lht'fl l"IOJ.: anO hl•I' t:a11tun· bc<"ome!'\ .1 personal vt'nclt•ll•• m ClltP:-.·· al 8 tonight 011KNBC 1 11 • • "the Ju:r Sl"Qe<" ( 111801 N4111 Diamond, Leu •-Oll1t .... A New Yortc cantor brNU with lamlty lrldltton and eet• out to find 9UCOllU .. • pop muSIC; etar . PG. (S)MOVIE • * •;, "TM St>ogun Warri- or a Grlndlze<'' ( 1118 t) Anl- melecl A powerful robot defend• E1r1h lrom conquer1no Vegen 1nvA<I· .,. •~0 OOVSIEY Q'*I JKk Z1mm9rmer1. teach« and dl•eci<>< 01 He•r111ght SCllool, en lnno- v•llve educatlonel oentllf In C•noo• Plllk, °' Nell S•ndburo. Western RIQIOflll direct or Slletll Chouk, covn..,or and CONUllMI, Amerlean Jew- iall ConwTMll• Alaha and Rlchafd Lewellen of the Behl D TOOAY'I 8LAQ( WOMAN f) ME£T1NO TIM£ Al CAl.VA/fV GJ F'AEDEAtCK K. PRICE m NA TURA1. HISTORY ~ASUHBEAM "'A LMI From Nllure" SI• GeotQe Porter illualrelM .... procees ot pl>OIOS)'T" l'-'t and neture'a use ot catalyst• (Pert I) ([) THE lAHA YES Q) KNOW YOUR 8IBl.E HO fl (I) DAYTOHA 500 C<Mlfage ol the 23rd run nino ot NASCAR'• most ptMllQlou• _,, (Mve lrom 01yton1 lnternetton•I Speedw1y Oeytone Beach, Fl1 J 0 NEWS COHFEAEHCE D VIUA Al.EGAE u ORAL. A09ER'T8 &;) SEaAME STREET (R) ~ fT 18 W1WTTEN fC1MOVIE • • Mi.1er Buod..,no e:ao D Q! MEET THE PAE.SS D IT f) DAY OIF °'8COVEffi' GJ THEWOALD TOMOAAOW 0 KEJN:TH OOPB.AHO 0 SHERRY l..EW18: MAGIC tO:OO D OJ COUEGE 8AIKET8AU a.oro1a 11 North Carolin• IJ urn.E AAaCA1.8 VAlDIT1NE'8 DAY IP£CIAl "Night "N Gales (1937). Pinch sinoer· f 111361 • Spruc1n Up f 1935t Thr• ""-In A Too ( t938). Teec~ s Beau (1935) D HEW zoo REVUE u HEfW.O ~ TAt/04 mAEXHUMeAAO fll THE LAWMAKERS ill) MAGIC Of' Oil PAINTIHO fH) VIDEO JUKEBOX ! SJ LOOK BACe< IM AMGE.A An enQ'Y Y<>unQ men (Mel- colm McOo-111 r•oe$ eg.einal M>Qety by laatuno out 11 both hit wtte and 11•• mletr- tO:aO 8 dJ 1008 APE PEOPl.ETOO a.-. John Sdlneldef - flx-lt exper1 Al Ubell, Rlch- lld Simmons, enlmel ••P«I• Jllcit and Kethy Henne " A08ERT 8CH\A.1..EA I JIEMV FALWELL OP£Ha..HO e:i) MAGIC OF Oil PAINTINO ®MOW * * * 'AM Set-Up ( 111781 LU19' Oli-11. Nino 91gn•mlnt 0.rected by lone Wertmvlle< A QfOUP of SOU1'-n 11111-try to llnd weallh end h~ In Nor111«!1 lllly OMOVIE * .,_. "PinQfletllf Grend Prix·· Anlmeted Atter his car dea!Qn la lf()jen by en ex-colleague, • brllllenl mechanic d«:ldee to bulld 1n evert betlw rec1119 mKh11'8 end compel• wflh Ille nern.ia G I 1'00 Cl) MOVIE • • • ··you"' '""81 too Young" f 11>551 ONn Mat· tin. Jwry Lewta -~ nfEATAE .. The Fl1me Tr-Of Thl- tca Saler!" len find• th•• lie cannot reetreln hl9 io,,. 10< Letlloe rry tonoer wll!Je on Ufart with IM Palmw'9 end Tiiiy (Pwt 8) 0 Cli) W~T()ff WEB< IH AIEVlrt¥ (~ {t)uow * • ''O.ys Of FIN"f' N#• rated by Vincent PriQe A look .. , ... .,.. 11 1M tNnoa On TV l TV HBO l(•nt'rnox I CW0RI NY NY IWTBSI IESPNI CShowlrrt•l'l Sc>ollrOht ICAbll' Nl'W\ Nt'twor k I lh•I th•Ml"'1 our world. trom devHt•tlno Nr1h quakM to unbellell1ble air eollllk>ne. "PO' t 1:IO 8 di TH11 WEEK WfTH DAVIO .... l.IY 8 TEMVOOU- WWTI'~ GJ ~IHTHE HOME e:i) WAU STRUT W£E< 0.f«iM Stoch On TM Fenc41? GuM1 WOifgang H Ootmlall, vrca preeldenl or Moroen Stanley and Co , Inc (RI AFTERNOOH 1i:00 0 18 SPOffTIWOAlD Wcwld Pto Figure Ska11no Champlonahlp (lrom Len do-, Md I, coveraoe ol tM Olllln<>nd Jubl!N ecll tlOn ol the MIUroee G.,,_ (from M•dlaon Squere Ge/den In N.-York Clty) ··y..,. Ago Todey· Soo., Rey Robinson KO'a Jelce uMo111 1n ,.,.., ... ,h "'"11ng D LOST IH SPACE u 8EAACH m MOVIE * • •. _. "A~porl (11170) 0..n M•rlln. &!rt Lancas- ter A anows1orm, 1 mired plene, .,, llOerly stow•w•y and •he t>omblno of• pea- ~ jet plague en all· por1 manage. m THE DUCHUI ~ DUKEIJTAEET Ain't Wa Got Fun lOUI .. l1U become 8 NYl"Q l9Q8nd I/Id ..,, emblllous young eutt>ot wlllltl to ...,,,. her ~aptly (Part t81(RIQ ~ P£A80HAl FINANCE AHO MONEY MAHAOE:MEHT ··work And I~• ($)MOVIE • * '"t Somewhere In fllne" ( 19801 Chrlslopner Reeve. Jene Seymour Ol>IMMd with the portrait ol • tllth-<.entury ect•-. a me>Oern-<ley New Yor11 pleywr!Qftl -hypnow 10 tra,... bed< on time I/Id .._,_'PG" OMOVE * * * ""PlllldlM Alley" ( tll78) S)'tY98ter Stellor'8. Armand "-t• ThrN ICllernlnO brothen lrom the H9ll'1 Kllch9n MC110n of New Ycwll City combine C'*< trlMll ol btllnS Ind brewn In their .nort1 to CrNI• 1>91ter live. '°' them..,_ PO l JMOVE * • • Oes1ry Rtde' Ao11n ( 1113111 J•mes St-ert M.,lene Ooetrlch An unatmed <Mc>uty ci.ens up • etime-plegued town and capturM the enec- ttona OI 8 IO ..... y Qambll"Q· hellholteu 12:30 D DIAE.CTIOH8 U THE BAlCTEA8 "No Peta' m PER80HA.L. F1HAHC£ AHOMOHEY MAHAOEMEHT Sl>lt\dlnQ Anc:t B~ll"O Go.i. 9 ~·12 (C)MOYIE * *'"' "Cleopetre JOO'>M (111731 htNlt• Oobton. Sl*ley Wlnte<a A k111e1 .. tr lllned t.,,.... IOlfll tor the Untted Slllet Q0\19fn- ment lllM to break up 1111 11i.oe1 druo oper111on "PG' CID 8TANOIHO AOOU ONLY "Liu An EYWtll'IQ Witt> llze MtnnelM" The 11aoe end Kr-llUl>lfSIW dlt- pleys ,_ range Of ,....,II In • C()0()9rl ~llllC8 with n-'C rllnQlno from Claulc: b1uM to Bro.d-#1y lhowlloppet't 12:46 fJ ([) NM l.AIKETBAU. Botton C.lllca •t Loe Angelee Lakws 1:00. THE MUHITEM •O~T 0 TEEHTAU< .. On Se•"' (Plr1 2) ., ADAU-1~ Two holduj) men hold 1 Qlrl hoetaoe on• root 9 WHEN THE BOAT OOMESIH "Ang4tt On HcwaebllCI< W"9n a.Ila drope _.,.. lhlnQ 10 took •fter her alck Unci. Miele. Biii o•t• jMlou• GD AMEAICAH tTOAY "TM Flnll A"*1Cerla" 1:JO 0 8 HAWAII.AN OPEN eo ..... 0-or th• llnal round of ttlla profllulonll tOIKIWlln«tl (H,.. from the Walalu Country Club. ,_ Honoluk.1, HIWlll I l '-mooft 9""' llftMTMe C-9 of ,,,. l•t of lour mtn't quelllylng rounde, c;ompelltor1 lndude loo1b1M ple.,....a 8ltly Sima, Ken.n Wlne6ow, Crl• Colllntworth i nd R~d T'>dd (from Key Bleceyne, Aa.) II MU>, WIU> war Weet 11>e1 Oordotl work to .,,.,, tM destructlofl of the American eotton lncllMtry bybol --~tn lfOtll ltlroed • ADMi-'2 w-·· llb ~ IN ~ ,......ptedrlct • AMIJICAN ITOfft ··~Anwioa"' ' I 1•(%>~ .................. (1112) Jten-ll•wl lelmonoo, ClwWt9e ~· A dWlnll\t con men rn•n•o•• to ln\IOl¥e -·· of -of rrt1ioe'• moet eaceluelw eooial lllfclM In • _ ... 01 -""' Md..,. t:OO. GM LIO.AN'l Ill.AHO One by ON the womwi ot Ille 1119"0 myal«IOUaly di..,,_ • WCMI * • • Cat.amity J- ( 11>631 Dotie Oey Mowwd Keel . .t' A wome n .,..,penovler Mt• out to "'1)1ur• ttw '-'! or W11<1 Biii Hldlok • A LOVI Cl.All: WITH L.IO IUeCAOUA On. ot Or Leo eueoaot1•'• tamoue "Low" cu.._ •I the Unlveralty of 80<.tt"-'n Callfotnle la ,...,,ecled ID WAITIHO 'Olt A MMOH ''Tiie ~ <Cl MOW • • • • 'Tff• 11e191 NM1uala Klnt111. ~le< Flrlh TtMt deuQhl., ot e poor rngllah terme r ~ ,,,. vtctlm of ,_ llmlly'I •tplt1lton1 111\d he< own bNuty A' (8)MOVl9 * * • •,; "Tiie Eleph•nl Men" ( 11180) Jonn Hurt, Anthon)' Hoplllflt A cHldl- aated phy•lcl1n tekH Under 1111 wing • t>Ofrlbly defonned man wr>0M Ille untU 11\en l\eo ~ l!*'t In ChMlp lrNll eahlblllOne PG CSJMOVIE • • • "lolll• ( 111821 Jetnee MllOtl Sue Lyo<I BaNCI Ol'I lhe ttory by VII· dtmlr N1bokov A mldd..,. IQed prOllPOr loolca to • lltenQ41 young Olrl In •n effort to llnd h•pplnMe @MOW * * ·~ "Fllt.0" (11180) Oom 0.LUIM, Anne Benctoh A portly compul~ .. ,er llnda th•t nothlnQ can dempen hll .,...,. t0r food unlN 111 latls In tow PG 2:*> 1J <Ml.UOAWI l8LAHO TM Pror-·a calculi· tlon• Indal• lh•t the ISiand la llnk l"Q D 0 U.8.A. vs. ntE WOALO IH OlYMPtC SPOA'TI The u s N811on•I C•am lacee Weal Germany 1n wr .. 111119 (from Allantl<: Cny.N J) G MOVIE • • • '.\ · Adventures 01 Sli«tock Holm8$ f 1113111 Bull Rllhbone N1oe1 Btuc:. T"-led by IM 1nlamou1 Or Mortany plan to al.., IM Crown Jewel• of EngllUld ~ WIVTING FOA A AEA80H "lenguaoe 0p11on1·· 3;«> IJ LAST Of THE Wll.O IJ MOVIE **'It "Boy. Old I Get A Wrong Numb«I" ( 1"8) Bob HC>pl. Ellle ~ A Frendl mcMe ~ becomM lnVOl\led """' • ,..,.-t•t• o0er11or • MCME * Iii I "TM Good. The Bad Anc1 TM I.Joly"' ( tl>67) Clint E.Mtwood. L• V11n CIMI Three violent. deter· mined m9" uper•tely allempt to r•tri.ve a '200.000 tr-..• • WfTH 08911E AHO Al.9Y "LOYll It • 8lnger OdetU. )Oona 0.-Devit end Ruby 0-lor en entiwtllnlnQ IOott •• IOY8 .. calet>r., ed In poetry ptOM end IOOQ i> OIF EARTH AHO MAH "Geogr~y A Wcwld Of P<M1t1b1Wt ... ·· (I) FM:£ THE NATION S:IO fl 81181HE88 JOURNAL D FM:£4AU D ~ WIDE WOALD Of' SPOATS US Grind Prl~ Motocross Motoreycltl Chlmpjonsl11p (from C•rlsbld, Celli I. Peogy Flemino -A Spe Clal Penormence ftrom .. .,..,.,, , tn Lale• Tehoe) fl) L08 AHOE1.S WEB< .. AEWW ml OIF EARTH AHO MAH "The Eer1h "4-t. Flre.~al" ([) AOHT Ma( wrY'H DAVID HOAOWITZ Q)IUGAAAAY l.EONAAO'I OOU>EN OLOV£S N9w Yotk .,. Pennaytvanl• 1!36 (%) MOYIE * • * 'Chlld"a Pley" ( 197') J-Muon. Rob- _, Pr•1on A d19111ted muter et • C1thoflc boy'• ec:hool b9comM IM llletlm of «i enonymoue m.ietec- IOf "PO l ellOU NHL~ lOI AnQ9IM Klnga va Plltl ldelptll• Ay>ers <1:00 fl INTBW'ACE 0 IUNOAY Locallon· Orcutt Rench Hortleuttural Center II) MOVIE • * • "The S •vao•' I 111521 C111111ton Haeton, S-Morrow A white man '"'"° by S.OUa lndl· "'' 19 torn -l>ls loyalll• when war b<Nlla OU1 • WAU tTA0T WES< 'DllfenM StOdts On The Flr>C9?" G~t Wolfoeno H Oemlah, vlOI prMld41nt 01 MMo•n Stanley end Co, Inc (R) G~UHMME (I) VICTORY AT MA "Rlnga Around RAbtlul" The AlllM -rounded end neutrlHHd the J.,.,_ bUllon on Rat>eul 0..W Ing their OCJnqUM1 of IM SOio- mon lllar>d• OMOWE • • i,; "The Man wno s- Tomorrow" 11111111 Doclu- mentary Nerr•t•d by Orton WellM Footage of -t• .,. predlcled and dramatic r...cr .. tlont of hl9 ~ QOmptiM Ihle looll •t the I 7th-century F renah ptlY91ClM, Mlro!oget end myttlc Mlehel dt No91rl- o.rn.. •-• Noetre-d-'PO' TUBE TOPPERS K\JXTflHOU Hn«k' II ..,,IH·..,h-1 St.tllum• u11d T.1'1.1 Sh11 t' 111 tlw wqut·I lo t hl·11· hlrn·k 1111,11·1 n1m 11· l'\\H(" fl H no 'i11111k1·\ .111d tlh' H.111tl1t fl111 t lt1•, 111t1r1 ... 1111d ..,,Ill\ Fwl1h 111 I lt1•11 1 on11•d\ l'llll'W h~IH G) ,, flfl 1:111111· Ill "\(\11 <il·t11~l· IS11111' .111tl \1 1 1'111111•\ pl.J' lt'111t•t•, \\ho 1,.'1•t 1111111• lh.111 lh1\ b.11 J,!illlH'd '"' \\ lt1•11 1111· 11111 .. lt.1111\ K "'\ X I' 8 IO :111 111 ),!:tlll/l'" •• \ .il1•11t lllt' ... llC'r dalt•lt•" I rwncb \I 11 · 1• \I 11·1· 11.i' p ,111\ lrw CHJM<M9 ** .. ,.,. Jeu ~ ( t~.01 ... Olamotld ~-­,.,_ 0ltwt9r A New York C&f\IOf l>/'Nlll wftll flmlly 11 edtllOfl end Ml• out to nnd _... •• • Pot> mw1e ,,., ·PO· ( l l LOOK Ma< IH AHGall An •oOtY yoong IT\M (Mel colm MoOowell) reoH again11 eoclety by IH hlno QI.ii ., both 1119 .... ,. 1110 Ill• mlatr- 6:00 I 'ACll THa NATIOH ITMTNK OMATUT U'Of'TI Lal>INOI • MINQUHll Mow Should We DNI With le1w1n7 011111• vic. prllldeftt Of Publl<: 8 t••llQIM RICl\atd HOI· bfooll Of wan., Judd ID PAOJtCT UHIV£ASE (fl M'A'l'H Thi 4077th turn1 up• 11c1c helicopter pilot who d<>M11°t WIMll to qull end a tw1c .. •ounded QI who doea $: • * ,_. "'Let The Balloon Go • ( 11178) ROb«l e.ttlee. J.,, l<tngabury A hencll- Cepc>ed i'OU"O boy atrug- OIM few ICOlptllllC8 u 1n ln~t and normal 11\dlvld\Mal 5!15 (l J MOVIE * • * 'OHtry Aldea Ao11n·· (111311) Jemea Stew1t1, Metlene Dletrlcil An un.,med deputy ct.Ina up a cr1,,_p1~ rown and c:.pturM the ettec;- 1 ion. of • tov.iy oem bllng-.,.,. ._,_ 5:3011 cea NlWI ONeCNlWI D O MCNEWI ml "'°"' JUUPSTAEET Jen Vocahttt" Al J.,. ,_, Ind c.,"*" McRae deimon1tr•t• the ranoe ol mooern Jen vocals encl tdi wtth host OICM Brown Jr (R)O ([) WB.OOME 8AaC. KOTTER (C)MOYE * * "Deya 0t Fury" N.,. r•led by Vincent Prloe A IOOll la Ultcen II the lhlng1 INt t,,,_,_ our WOttd, trom dewsi•Ung Nfttl- queil• to unl*leva.ble - COllleione ''PG' .MCNW * * * "TN CompelttlOn .. C 1NO) Rlcherd Of~. ~ IMllg h10 plani919 II • Sen Frenc:ltco mualc c:ornpetl11on find !hit ,,,.. r lo¥I for Ndl 0111et con- l'lic:t• wflh their ptOIMllon- .. e1nblll0na 'PG' -EVa.:;- t:OO 8 0 8 NEWS D MOYIE • * '"TM People Tl'•el Ttmt Forgot ( 11177) Patrick Wayne. Doug McClure A.n 11tty 20th· century l)Olar ••pedlllon dltcovera • myalerlous l&lend Inhabited by prlml tl\le people end pren111oric an1ma11 8) M'A'S'H News aprMd• lhr0U9l>oul Ille camp th•I 1 oe._flre It knnw-.t • 80UDO()U) ••Countdown '8 ,.. Hoel Attdy Glbt> Cohoet ~ lyfl McCoo GuMll Kim ear-. OIMa ~on­ Jom, Hllll & 0.1 ... Air S upply, Debbie Herry. S'-i• Euton, Joey Scar- bury, Ric k Sprtnglleld, Smokey Aoblneon. The ROiiing Stew-. Julee New- ton, J-t8)'10r, JO South« Eddie Rabblll, IM Unle River Bend, Kool a theG*'Q • LR AllOtM> U8 Qi) Evu.tO AT SYMPHONY 891~ Ouw1I conduct• the Boston SympfM>ny O.~­ tra In Tattlnl't Trumpet Conoerto In 0 with French vlrtU090 Meur1cie Andre, end T chllkowl!y't Sytn- phony No <I In F, Opu1 36 IR) (I) cee.we III QWIUE'8 AMQEJ..8 The Angel9 iwe hired by pollcta to 098fl 1 m-.ge pet10t In .,, etternpt to cetch • vice officer Involved In pro111tu11on endmor<Mr O!HeCNEWI HO 0 AOHT Ma< a ntAre HOU vwooo "Hollywood Hit Perlld9" • THt. JVffJlllOHI Bue"-8 Mlbeck1 a11111er o.o<ge 9 WHY IH r.-WOAl.D1 ~~ * e >.; "TM MM WllO s- Tomorrow" (1M11 Ooc:v- mentary NtrrelltO by Oreon w.... F'oo111Q8 of ...,.,.... lie pradlc:led end drarnMle -!ion• of hit -~ '"" lo()I( lit the lft~tury Frenctt phywlolwl. Mtrotoger end rnyoltlo, MICNI da No9tre· Dot.me, k l\OWll • Noetre damua 'PG' (l)MOW * 1'r Vo "Boll Voyeooe, Cl\er. ... 8r0Wft" c 11711) Mlmet· Id ~by .. ....., d9I Snoopy end Wood- 1tock follow .. Gfwln09 11Udlftt• CNrte arown. ~"·--~Mt).~ end .... °" .,, lt(tvoen ~ tour c1' Englend enclFr-•o· .. (D)'"I..,......, ~ HO (i AM~ flOR LUNCff 1:00 (I) ao MINUTU 8 00U0 HeHNIHO'S WON..O °" MAOtC Do.IQ Henning la JO'ned by Biiiy (;ry1tel Ann Jllltlll 8'"(;9 Jennar Ind the LOI Angelett Rem1 C"-INd· 11t• at hi• MllQIGel 0.Mm HOUM, -e he perlOrm• 17 INI• ot 111ua1on e o COOIAE.D Ted Is IM:ed With en emo- 1ton11 and CAI'-CrfalS II ntf HAAOY BOYS I NAHCYDA.IW MYlnAIE8 Nancy P<>MI .. • 1r1"81lno GllrnlYal member 10 get IOlne clue• to a m1111on doller ,._. theft «D 80NHY AHO CHEA • TVTANKHAMUN'I EGYPT e:i) NOVA ""Flndl"Q A VO!C9 S-r&I vlcllmt ot eevere apeech dllMIDllllHll r~1te no-they ovttrceme th~• h11nd1Gap1 t) CCIM<>VME • • "Mitt• Buodwtng Q)MOVIE • * *'' 'Tile W•y We Were 111>731 Berbr• Str .. Ulld Roben Redford A Youno c:ollege couple In the 11130& dllC:OVtW lhll their polltlcal differences are atrono 8nOUQh 10 jeOp •rdlie tllelr m1rr1iaoe f 2JMOVlE • • * "P()j)lye ( 19801 Robin Wllllema. Shelley Duvall While ... ,chino for hla lllher the ap.nech .... I · 11'\Q Milo< "11111 • QU81nl hamlet wt>er• lie pocka up• 1ounc11rno end • 111c1nny ,_.~PO" 7::30 SJ LOVE TAP£8 A c:ollec1oon Of vlOIO I~ blac:k llld ""'''•· uncut and recorded et • verrety or ~tton• -· captur•no cendld cont....ion1 ol peo- ple'• 1ee11no1 about IOve a:OO fJ ([) MOVIE * * * '"ROCky II" ( 111781 S)'lvMter Stellone. T alla Sh1•8 Aft« IOllng hta bout wtth the wor'\d champion 1n emblttoua boxer tr•lnt IOf I MCOnd Chat>Ce II tne lllle G OJCHIPS Jon melcn the capture of ,,.,.. ~ tem• car ,.......,. a ~aon.i crutade wfl9n tMy 11 ... nll lrud< 8 UNMRSEA WOALD ~JACQUE.a COUSTEAU D !ll MOVIE • * ·~ "Smoacey And Tiie 8«1<111"" ( 11177) 8ur1 Rey- nold•. Sally Field A tructt er It hired to heul • 109<! ot Coore~ to r .. u . end piCM 1 up 1 runawey bride end 1n11.1r .. 1es 1 atubborn sheriff liOf>o Ille w1y 0 0 IT 18 WAtTT9I m MOVIE TP,e OallH Cowboy C~I 11 ~111801 JOnn O.vldeon Lerlllne Stec>nen• Cl) 80UO GOLD 'Salutl To The Grammys Host Andy Gibb Conost Ma•lly•I McCoo Guosls Chr11topne. Cro ... Cryttal G1yle JON Felletano GI•· dya Kn!Qflt & the Pips Debby Boone GIOrt• Gey- n0< Jetry Reecl. Biiiy Oev>s Jr &l NOVA The Vid90 Exploelon' The pa.ti pt-I end 11.ttur• ol Amerlean lalevl- slon ate explored O m MASTEANCE THEATRE "The Fleme Tree1 0 1 Thi· "• The Orum• Of wa1·· IM lhlk• community flndt 11• way ot llfe thr••t«led by the out~ ol World Wat I (PIWI no (H)MOVIE * * • 'Fon ApeChe fhe Blon• f 1981) Paul ~ mll\ Ed>orerd • .,,., A IOUQh cop bllllM crime Ind eotrupllOn In N.- Y()t1oc City's Soufh Bton• nalQhborhood "R' (S)MOVll! * * * ,_., "The Wey W• Were" (11173) Berbra StrelMnd. Robert RedfOfd A young college couple In Ille 11130e dllCOV'W that tliW poljllcal dln.r.nc. are ttrong "'10VQh to llOP- 111dlu their marriage 0MCME • * Iii AM Night Lono" I tlll 11 0-Hect<men. Barbre Str., .. nd Al1et b91nQ 6emoted from cor. pcwate exec:uttw to c:n-. ator11 night m*"-Olf, a mlddi..IQed m1n·a tt ... a~ end valUM .,. lu•nad e-.ioO::~ roMOIRJW 9:00 0 Q) MOW! * Iii,_. "Qolno In S1y1e·· ( 111791 a.oroe Burnt. Art Camey nv. eldef1Y oen· tlemen plan • bank "*"' 10 enable them In mMll ...01 meat on their ~ SOcl.i ~ty ....,_ .. D WILD IONOOOM "PAld1tcw• Of The Meri" C'-tlfl. Ilona. wlld do09, riy.nM Md Otherl UM re<mWll•ble methoct• 10 cetch thW P'9Y (R) l ~CHO tflaHAW QueN: Acly Aolfl, Bfeftda Lae. Jimmy c N19wman, MecWl&erNn • Wle:TllU# ____ _ ~,.,. ''Th9 "-T,_ Of TIV- lla. TM DnMN Of W•'' TN T'hllia ~ fll>Ot ... ..,Of ... ~ by the °"""'* ol World Ww I CPan 7) tJ ·~ "'-A~ •• ..._ Of Humor Any friend Of Nlcllol .. NIOk,._ by't 11 A Frt.nd Of "41ne" In art Ml-Otetlon ot Rey Bradbury'• enort 11ory a 1trenger In town t..atlM • yovng boy -vllwble lweone In lflencholllo encl lM pow. Of t .... lm9glna llOn C) ClMOWI * * • ,_. '"l-vt""'O You .VW8'(t Wllllled To Know About Sex (But w ... Afraid To AM)' (18721 Woody Allen 0... WNOer A --Of comlC lllcet~ apoota 0. O•Yld Reuben t 0-1-Mltlno I><><* 1n IOd1 non to other euonlld 111 gate R' fOIMOVIE • * • * A901ng Bull llVIOJ Aot>ert 0e Nl<o Cethy Morl••ty Boxing l:Nmplon J et.1 l • Mo1111 •Plllude 101 vloleni.e bt•no• t>lm auc:'411• ;n Ille rrng bul dlM~ll hie P9t tonal M'* A (%)MOW -'Friends" ( 11>711 Sein &lry. An1<:91 Alvin• R •.so. WOAl..O ~ IUfMVAL 0 IAEATH 04' LIFE 10:0o D m NlW8 D O TOOAY'8F81 Ben end hit "*' go •her • ooctor wt>e 11 cheettno the oove<nmenl out of mllllont ot dollllt In trluelul<kll medical clM'n• -~LEY NETWOAI< NEWS fill IAEMEMBER HAAL.EM 'Towa10 FrNdom 11140 1116!t" f11r1eni'1 polll1C1 ol p.oteat end po1111ca1 loed- .,.. the ettect1 ot World War II 81><1 the c;ommun1 ry'a SOClll orowth Into tne t960e ate H8mlned !RI ill> MOVIE • * Captlin Kidd I tll4!tl CnerlM Laughton John Canedlne TM notortous pjret• OI Ille s-s... •• btOUQht 10 iuata by ,,,. trtdcery ot one of h11 own men H MOVIE •I> "Funl\OUM (19811 EllUbelll Berrl<IQ41, SvM• Mlle• Four ,..,..age" apend 1 triohllul n1ont 1n • cernrvel tunhouM lnh•blt- ed by 1 0-tecl bert.er end hrs monstrou111on R s MOV1E • * '"' ' Somewhere fn Time ( 111801 Ct>riat~ Reeve. Jene Seymour ObNUed ... 1h the portrlll ot • 111th~tury ectress 1 modern-day New York pl1yw<lghl u-hyptl()lll to lrlvel blCk In lime end mNl l>er "PG" @MOVIE • • *''°' Th41 Way We Were' ( 19731 Ber bra Strelaand Robert Redl<><d A vouno colleQil couple '" ,,,. 1930s d•IC:O.... ,,,., ll\lff polthcal d1lfcwenc:ea •r• 1trono tnOUQh 10 )llOQ· 1tdtie t....., merriege 10:30 fl (I) AUCE Ala oroantt.. • v11en- 11ne ' 01y plrty tor ~ del ..... frl«>dt GJ JE:NIY FALWEll Cl) JIMMY 8WAGOAAT fC)MOVIE • • '"' "CleOC>•l•a Jones ( 11173) Tsm&re Dobson, Shelley Winter• A karste- trelnad female IQ""I lot the United Slit• oovern. "*'' lrret to brMk up en ~llQtll druo oper111on PG 1CU5 (%) MA88AGE: THE TOUCH~LOVE The tleot 1nV01ved In 91v •no and ·-no • mQ• Hga are por1r•yed aa cou- phM demonstrate how 10 ,..... UCll atN ol llWI body 11:00 80 D ([)®JCB NEWS 1J PACESETTERS 0 WORLD VISION Eli) TOf> ~THE WORLD ConlMl•nls from tna Unu ed St•tes Greet Brrlaln end Auatralla c;ompele 1n • quit progrem 11\el I.SI• I,_ experttM In e Wide vatlefy ot klbjKtl t 1-15 8 C88 NEWS IO)M0\11£ • • 'Hopacotch ( 1980) Wall., M1lth&U. Glende JeGklO'I .11 !or"* lntem- genc:e IOlfll It aided by an old ll•me In dodQlno 111e l<GB and the CIA, who ire lryl'>Q to pr._..t him from publitN'>Q Na m41motrs "R' (%)MOVIE • • •;, Second Hind HUr11 . ( t9801 Robert Blalc• Berber• Henla A Tuaa c.,·wUh en...Oent w11t• up one rnom•no to find lhlt he Is married to • nlghlclub wlllrM.t with thr• kldl 'PO' 11::30 fl IPOAT8 FINAL IJ 700CUJ8 Could • ,_ Income tax collectlon method alaah IU.,?, a NASA of!ICl1I dl9CU-the ,_ 11>- Z* A8CNEWI m MOVIE * * • 'The Good. The Bid McS The UOIY" ( 111117) Clint Eastwood. L• Ve/\ Cleel T hr• vl()jent, de1 er mined m9" 1ep11etaly ettempt to retrieve • 1200.000 t-. ., TAI.SO#~ UNDPt!CllD "Llgll1 Angen" ttte °'""* of • g1o ... laatcwy hlr" • l)<Ml• det.ctlw 10 f1nd IN ~ who II t lMlino hie product • tNf.AK PMVlfW9 Roger Eberl encl 0- Silllcel rev1aw ··venom. "Tiie Vice Squ9cl" *"' "loot Sufi .. i= •••• "TM con_.. llon" ( 11>7") Gene HeGIC• men, Jotln Cvele A pre> feulonal wiretapper l)egltla Ill ~li<)fl IN 4"h· lea of Ille ptoftoMlon 8MO'ltl • • .. Tiit Mvntt•r•· A•...,,g••· ( tN I. Freo Gwyftne. y-D.cer1o HertMn Md Onir ... - ft"WMld rcw a _... °' rob- barlo COMmllted Oy tOC>Ot• C!Or>lllrwtM lo IOoll lllt• tflem. (RI 1IM00 MOlltl ··•·MOOern~ llH II Al1>9rt .,. .... , ~"-r,.._A._ edhot 111-'~ to ..W, becll Ille '-1 of Ille '"°"l"llll he loVlll 'R' ltM8TH9~ A.a Rodtford ~ hlrneelt ... Cll)fllll .-..men .• f)lly-cN••rlt1 end 1111 , .. egent 10 find • el•·•-·•• ~wf\011 mtUlno D MOYll • • f he Mun1111 a' Revenge · ( 11>8 t, Fred Gwynne, YllOMI o.c.rto Herman end Oranope - lratned for • -• ol rob b•rlu committed by rot>oC• c;onetrUGled to IOOll lltce t'*" (R) 8 MOVIE • • * A "" Grows In Brooklyn' 11111<1) CUii Ao()9rtson. OIAne BMar 8...cl on the~ by 8ef.. ty Smllll A Y°""9 QWI rrom 111• 1en•m•nt dlttrlct arr~ 10 melt• • 1>9tter lilt '°' hereelf then .,., oaren11 had ISJWOVIE • •;, "The Stud" (111781 JOlll Coltlnt, Otlver f ot>t- •• A waltar actvano. Na cer-by llMoplng with his l>OM'1wtl1 R -Ml>NIGH'T- 12:00 ., A CHtl.o TO .. .....,. fD THE OUCHE88 OIF DUKESTA&T •1n·1 We Got Fun" Lout .. hit beC:Ome • IMng ~ and an ambitious youno a..tt>or wantt to '"'"• h4lt DtOQ•llOhv IPan 18\tRln ICIUOVIE • * "MHaec:re At IAntrel HtOh ( 11178) Andr-Ste- ....,., Roi-I Cerrldlf\9 A cru••de tor r•••nve beQINI eher I prlllllt l~I -I 100 181 WH pujled on the quieter atuoentt by a group ot bor•O h'Oh 8Chool lrlef><la R 0t.tOVIE • * • ''°' Tr.e Eleph1111 ~en" ( 111801 John Hutt •nthOny Hopluna A 0.01: cite d phyttclen llku uneltf hll wing I horrtbly claf0r"'4ld men wnose Ute until 111«1 hid '-1 apon1 tn Cheap lreak e11hlblllon• PG" 12:45 tJ NAME Of' THE OM.IE A orouo ot rldocaia kldnei> Glenn Howlrd end demlnd thel he wit,_ lheir protMI ~ t :00 Cl) BU8INU8 JOUAHAl !Zl MOVIE a • • Ch1IO' 1 Pie(" ( t9721 James Muon. Rob- ert Pretton A dllllkld mHllf 11 8 CllhollC t>oy'1 tcl\ool becorne'I I hi v1C11m ot en enonymous melelec '°' 'PG' I 10 H MOVIE • • Frtdey fl'le 13th ' ( 111801 Balay P .. mer Adr,_ enne Kf"O Thi reopening of• aummer c:.wnp, doeed 20 v-iws eerller •lier thr" murders. •ll•ect• • vlnOic:· live klll•r who knlfH unowapecllng •---ow~ 'R 1:15 1$JMOVIE • • "'Hot T-Shlrla r 111111 Rey HOiiand Step119nte Lawlor A 1evern owner lec>no benkruplc:y dadOll to attrect meie petron1 Dy noldrno _, T .,.,,, con- lesta R 1:30 @j A8C NEWS O)NEWS ,C,MOVIE • • • • Teu 11979) Neslaas1a K1n9lli, Pehl• Flr1h lt>e dlUQhle< of a poor Englllh termer bec~ lhe Ylcttm of tier l91n4ly'' esp11•11on1 ano i-own belulv A' 1:460 AlOHE Guest George c.rtin 2: 15 8 8U8IN£l8 JOURNAL 2:30 0 MOVIE • * * • 'A901no Bull ( tll80) Aoben 0. Niro C11hy Morlerty Bo•"'O Champion Jlke Le Motte's •plrtude tor violence bring• h•m l<ICOffS In IM rino oot dlarup11 his per. eonalllle R' 2:40 l?) MOVIE ••I Oettry AldH Ao•'" ( 111311) J1mea S 1-111"1. M ll1ene Ole1rlcl\ An unar<Md de9UIY dNns up 1 crime plagued to.n end c:eipturet I he lftec. tlOns of • 1ove1y o.,,,bllnO hellhOtlMI 2:46 f) 0 N£W8 (H)M<ME * • * 'All Night long' (1981) a-Hlocilmen 8arbr1 Straleend Aher being demoted trom oor- l>O'•t• ••ecuttve to c:lleln- 11ore night manaoer. • mlddle-IQed ,,_,.. Ill• llyte end v.--.,. tum9d Ul>~·R· $:00 II TOOA Y'S N!1JQION a=-e NEW8loWCEAI • (])OOOKll ooa TO THE H08"'1' Al Coolt19 find• tM hoeplt ... tcery pl-but Qel• bV wtth IM l1elo of lllr ffWlnelj 4.G> 8 INT!N'AOI CS) WELOOMf TO MIAMI, cueAH08 Florida la doUOad wtttl pre~ Ind~~ tor Miiie who muat -IO ortpe wltto hie Cvben lier!. t- •·1sOO MCM1 •••"Fort~. TM Btona" (11181) PMll ....,.. "*" Edwllfd ,.,.,_. A tougtl oop l)ellltl Ql1tM Md O«NPtlon In New y Otk Clly'• 8outll Bron• nelQlll)OfflOOd. 'A' (l)MCMI • • ,_. ··seoond Hand HHftt" (1NO) AotMwt BWte. BarMte ...,,._ A T--~ ..,.,..,,, ..... up -ll'IClr'*'O tO !Ind lhel ...... _,....to • nlgll1dub ,,...,.... -"" 91W-. kid&. 'PO' dO Cl) WMO WAN1'9 TO• A HMO Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 -------------------------------------------------------------------------c===========::::;---------::=:::' •• iltAThe troubk with men • is • • • ~ -..... 1 URL'S i--'"" .... C*lfl ~ '" • ~-°::~ ITATSOtrCAt.t'"•tA,_ .. l ot 111 .. · TNICCMl..n'OflOllA•e 111:~l~At:1 c Mll.U'H. II Insens itive, chauvinistic, egotistical and they can't even make beds 1"!>h.l«'nt ul Nr~11ur1 lkJch L'.t P1&11t1l•d ll"J' on l"d.11u1try 13. 1911.2 Shl• \\Us,, r.·~ldt>Ol of thli. lll't•a 'tnl'l' t~ri2 llCld 11 rnl·mbt-1 uf St Ju11clllm'• l'uthoh(' l'h111 d1 Shi' Ill •Ut \I\ t•d h\ hl'I hu,bllnd tt1rhurfl mot h1•r Mu ry l'oonl'll nf Coron u ill-I J\1111, Cu . l'hilclrt·n tt1d1.11 cl ~ of Tl'lUll• Ku1 lu Ru1h'bt•t·k of Mill Vulil',. l''j . Thomu' 0 and Muun• M h11th ol t•frv. port Jlc,1ch. Ca ht ntlwr John II or N<•w1>0rt llt>.11•h Cu , 51Hlcr M11ry Ann 1-'urcl ul lll11tc11)\ uml ·1 l(rumkh1ld11•11 M ai.is of the ll1·,1111 p1•t111n Wiii bll h1•ld Ull I 111•,1l.1\ F'1•bruu1" Iii, 1'~2 .11 1 :! oo noon ot SI .111,1d11111 ' Cutholk C'hu1 t•h ln11•111w11I 't•rvlces will ht• lll'hl ill 1 tw lloly Sepukh1•1 l'1•1111.•1t•1 \ St'rvirl's unih•1 th1· <!11 tT\11111 of Baltz R1•q(t•ro11 S1111lh '" Tuthill W1•)1t1°llll <"hJJH'I Mo1 tuar) ol ('o,la ~1,.,11 \ ..... ,_.I_ ... ..,, "-,. °""'~Oft ...... 1< .. ~ ......... ..,,....,.,., .... AIW.C. ""' a .al 121n 1'1..AINTll'I' 11111.N•O MOOtll ~o•u•a.-• • OIPINOAHT: JA•OLO 64f; 11371 JOHNSO~ JACK PAlll. JOll~S(" resident of Fountu1n \'.1111•1 ('u Pa!>!>l'd a"a' 1111 ft'bruan 12 1982 I h· ".1, tht· \'1c~ Pr1•.,1dt-nt 111 1111 Far West Corpornlmn for :1!'1 y('ars. Ill' \\U:> OJ m1•mtw1 ur thl' Amrrit·;.in S11C•11·t\ 111' Lubrication Eni:mt•l'r~ <11111 .1 ml·mber of lh1.· A11H·111 ;111 Grease ln-..1111111• Ill' 1\,1' al::.o a ml'mh1.·1 111 1h1.• Tun.1 Club uf Avulon , 1'.1 ,1., \\l'll ai. Pust IH'l''>1tl1•n1 of 1 l1t' llunt1nl(ton f1,.;11•h ll.11 hur Anglers H1· ,,;.i,., .1 \1•11•1 ,1n ol World War II l nih'd ~1.111•, All For('{', hJ\111i.: wt H•d .1, n pilot and a radto 1111t•1 .11111 llr was also a 11ri1.l' l1).!ht1•1 und a light \H'lllht 1·unlt•ncl1·1 for the A11 f'nn·1· h." 1111! llt't·n a rt>::.1dt·n1 of ~oul lwrn California all h1-.. ltf1• Ill' h.111 a reputat1011 111 tlll' S11•1·I M l' t a I w<> r k 1 n g .111 d 1 h ,. Gn~asl.' lnllu'>ll tt'' ..... 1 hl' he'll in lh1• na1111n 111 1, wr\'ived h\ ht'> \\ 111.• l..1 '\..tl1 ol F'uun1a1n \ ,dJ1•1 < o1 dau ghtcr Tl'tTI ;\!111111· 111 lluntinb'lun llt•at•h ( '.1 ,11111 11randson Jt•ram' St•n1cc" "tll ht· ht•hl 1111 "'t·dnesda\ Ft•brn,11\ Ii 19111 al 5 :lllJ>;\I Jl lht• I l.111~11 I.awn :'lkmnnal l'h,1111'1 In Jil•U ()f flll\ll'l"S 1111' l.111111\ 1 l'qucsls rton.1111111.., ht• 111.1tlt· lo tbe llui.p1c•· 111 (If Jnl!• Count\ St•n ll'l'" 11nd1·1 1 h1 t1 1re.rt1nn 111 ll.1rh111 L.1wn -~lo11nl 01111• \,l11rt u,11" uf Costa \l1•,,1 !1 IO ;i:;.;,1 u :•: RA NDALi, LYMAN LEE a resident of t'nst a M l'~:t . Ca. pa ssc•d ••Wil\ on l"ebruar) J. 1982 rn a ptJm· crash over Afnc:a 111· " survived by his fath1•r John L Lee. mother Judy 1.t•t• and sister Mtt•hclle Lt·t• all of Costa Ml'sa, ('a A Mf'mon;il service "tll he held c1n Monda\ Fl.'l>ruan 15 Hlll2 at 11 tMIA.\t at Tht· Pt 1111'1' of Peace l.ulta•ran l'hun•h 2987 Mesa Vcrdt• Dnvc (';,.,.,l. Costa Mc::.a. <:.1 \\1\h f•a..,1111 Don Brentro off1c1Jt 1111o1 In heu of flo"ers lht· f.im1h requests donJt1ons 1>1· m.1111· t o a mt•m11 r1al fund es1abl1sht'cl 1n mem111' •11 R and' lo Thl' Pnn1·1· ol Pea<'e-Lullll'r.111 C'hu11 h ,inti school N eotune Societ v C•Ui6.TION llU~I~ .. T t(o 646-7431 Our literature tells the complete story of our society e. ... -...-14-c:-..- "BCI AOTHBS SMITHS' MOll'TUAJl Y 627 Main St Hunttng1on Beach 536-6539 rACIHC YllW MIMOIJAL. ,. ... Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1t1c View Drive Newport Beach 644·2700 MeCOIMICll MOITUAllES Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 76&-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAl80I LAW.._MT, OUYI Mortuary• Cerrelery Crerretory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa ~5554 f'tllCl l&OfHllS l&L. NOAOWAY MOtlTUAIY t fO Broadway Costa Mesa 6'2•9150 MLn 1Mfillt0t4 W'TH a tvrMtU. WHTCLl'P CHAf'll. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 846-9371 By NANCY HULINS A•_ ........... .,. ... .., Th., lroublc wllh men today is that lhty wear t.o much polyester. they ncvl'r m11ke ~di<, tind they crack th~1r knul'kll'S ut all tht wron11 times. likt' when Jenny l11y dying m "f.ove Story " Tht• troubll' with men 111 th~y ~I want to drive no mutter whose car it ill, and loo many of the ftt'ally N1re ones have w1vl's Or ex wives Or don't hve around twre The• trouble 1s that loo many of them don't know today is Valentme's Day. and tou many or the ones who do know II won t do anything about 1t No red rost•s No chocolate-covered cherries No nollung Thost• were among the leading t•o m plaints for this Valentine's Day. when a woman re porter asked her own kind a question they loved to answer· What's the trouble with men today? ·'They are nowhere near as sensitive to o the r s as wo men are." says psyeholog1st J oyce Brothers. author of 'What Every Woman Should Know About Men." Among the things Ms . Brothers thinks women s hould know are that men gossip more. snore more. fi ght more, C'hange their minds more. worry about tht'mscl ves more and understand themselves less than women do. "In women'!> magazines. there is a strong emphasi!> on unders tanding one's self, ont''s ehildren. one's mate Even magazines for career women tell about h o w to deal with bosses and <'o llcagues." Mi, n rotht:rM !lays. And what arc m1,1n fot uinna on wh1ll' women are busy trying lo understand lht'm betlt>1 " · P1l'tur e' of nakt><I wortH•n " :nu1t's the troubll' with nwn, she sa ys that and the fa.N that they don't m1tk e beds. Men gossip snore more, more, change minds more . more, fight their Va lene Davi~. u 28-year old married student at West V1rgm1a Uni versity in Morgantown. wouldn't mmd so much about the beds. provide<.! men brushed up on things hke grocery shopping "The trouble with men 1s they don't und ~rstand that food comes from a grocery s t ore and n ol from a refrigerator at home.·· s ht: says Liz Peltier. 38, a divorced tear hcr from Cornish. N H , says the trouble with some m en 1s that they t"an't handle a libe rated woman "In the trad1t1onal male areas. like carpentry or plumbing, there's a b1l of reluctance lo share their knowledge. I would like to be able to learn from them . but they seem to Le threatened by that " INI ...._ _ HVlllW>N. JAMii I lllAMKALl. Over the renturtts, t'ven mtn h1vt 1111n10NVi(.i04~5.0.01 anc1001t1t~"'""",.. taken noh' of the inft-riority of their .... :::,.c:;:-.~t.:.-;-;:., 1 CAA~~.._. .. ,..,,.. s pcc ie11. M ac hiav~lll <'a iled them,._ _________ .. MOT•c•• v • ._....,._.,,. ··1mur1i1teful and flekll'" ._ ___________ ,_. _,_..._....,....._. .. ... ...... -..-......... !-'our hundred Yt:8t:\ later. Sand)• Tunu uni·. ·-• ....,.. ....... ......_... Mtll•hell , u 28-year old IH:count Ji -~ c. ~tor ~ .. .---· E'Xct·ut1ve from Rockhrnd, Ma11s., c1dhs 11 ,,.._. ..... •• ~ u•. th em "~pinl'l ess. egOtl:Stical and schedule s tie ••41leacle • "'e••• ••• Ucl ,....,... ...,. .......... .. ,. , 1nsrns1t1 ve," und says men "c'm't be .. -.--..... truthful 1f 1t results in an uncomfortable h " '°" -• --..,1<• ..... • • ~a • e n·ng •"O•IMY ... ""' M.tn.t.,.., ...... .. situation " c, '° prompll' .. ,,.., nwr wrll1•11 · ' R ud c u n d em o lion a 11 y roPOftM,lt •nv,M.t,i.111..sonu .... h "r1d1'car>rv•d ," say!! Lesli" Dworkin,"'". The ninth annual $IU•t.c1-•1411<•t.,.•1con•ro• u .--" .,,.. un •OOOD> .., H .. ..-•. dltlle•I• u brokl'r for a New York printing Jungian Conrerence al 11.cer10 111medl•••-11te, ao e••• C'om11an y "I used to date a lot," she Chapman College will m•ne••. "',_ .. ""'1"· "'"°' ........ ..--............. lie.._ says Hut af11•1 a blind date wllh a take place March 13 at 1 TO THI! Ol!flHO""' ,. <lvM l.IUt<•her who thought he was a stand u~) the college's O r a n ge <omptalnt 11•• -" 111oc1 11Y 111• r plolnllfl -lnll you II '°" wttll to <.'Ollll<.', Ms . Dworkin developed "a lively campus. det•no 1111t t•....-!t, '°" ....m, wtthtn intcrc!ll u1 the arts " Lecturer and author >0 °•" •11•• '"'' •ummc>M 1' .. , • .., "" You, Ill• wltll lllh ,...,, a wrltt..I Sh<inu Grusk1n u Mount Vernon. Morton Kelsey will be re._ .... -..c-..111 v111eu y°" NY. l1flh gradl'r, thinks men 's the keynote speaker . oo .. ,,...,..,...,.,..,111 1119 ... '°'""' tPPllUtton CJf 0.. Plelnllff, -lllh problems 'ilart early Some boys are and hi s top1e will be <our1 may-·• 1~1 ~,,,., ··male-s hovin1s tics 1s1c1 pigs," she "J o urnal Keeping 1n '"" ror ,,. .. 11e111e""'"'*' in,,. Wrl'tes ··They s·ay that girls can't run as u d h d D h " romptolnt '""1'" couro '0 "11 1" urea t an Cpl 9ernhllmenl OI •OOU. tawl119 Of fast as boys and they say we are weak K elsey has written mon .. <>< ~rty or other re11e1 We ll they are Vt'rY wrong.. "Afterlife," "Caring," 't;:;~~"'s!';::,:~in,'"° That's not all m en are wrong about, u n d · · Ad v en t u r c LEE,. BR,.NCH,cterk women say They'r<> wronf(1fthey th1nk Inward," a boo k of !~:r"!~!-~"· Ginny Truslow of Saxons Rive r. Vt . journal keeping •m •• ,. ... ,,_ •• , wants the dirty ::.upper dishes all to The CG. Jung Clu b of ~;"7;,~~,':J:.,. ht•r .. elf O ran ge County will P11D11~0r-.c ... 10..,1.,P11ot Wrung 1f they think Janet Lawson uC present the conference Feb u. 11 11. Mo•<n '· 1ta 17"1 l>i.1 ylon,Oh10.wa~borntoscrubtoilets. 1n a ssoC'1alion with ,, Wrong if they think women don't C hap man College apprt•cwte the ir' Ciner quahlles tt eg1stration 1s $30 for Het"ause the• real trouble with men, club members. SJS for most ""ml'n a~ree 1s that there JUSl non me mbe rs and $20 a1 l'n't enough of lht·m for full-time students with ID l'ICTITIOUS aUSINIH H-E STATIMINT Thf' touowirtt'\CJ e>e''°"' •t• OcHn9 bu\lnf'\\ A\ FUJI S FM.~VS H,_MBVROER UH~ C.olll•rO, Hunllnoton Boacn Colllornl•.,,...., The trouble with • women is • • Registration will be at 8 a m March 13 1n II as hinger Hall, or by mall prior to Feb 26 Ca ll 894 8376 for Yo>l\11\lro Ko1 anl, '12 E Ulll StrMt Lono Bea<n Colllornla .oeos Tomiko C.IOr>A l(ot.,,I m EHi 0111 Slre..t L-Bff<ll C•lllorfll• 'IOIOS T "'' o..,.,,,...,, h conducted t>y • 09n.,•I partnef\hlp Lack logic, give m ixed s ignals on 'liber ation,' too much makeup By SCOTT KRAFT A•-l•t .. -· Wrl"" The t rouble with women today is that they wear too much makeup, they claim you never help them with the <'horcs. and when you finally volunteer to wash the dishes, they say things like · You call THAT clean?" The trouble with women 1s that they .alk lo their hou:.eplants. and too many of the Really Nice ones have husbands Or boyfriends Or don't live around he re The trouble is that loo many of them no matter how "liberated" a re s ulking becau!>c you believed them ~hen they said all thev wanted for Valenllnt"·s Day was you · Those wcrl' among the le ading eom plaints for this Vale ntine's Day, "ht'n a male reporter asked his own kind a question they loved to ans wer What's the trouble with women toda)" ··They havt' a certain deficiency in log1e Dtc-duct1ve reasoning, I think. 1s somewhat def1 c1ent m most women.' san Dr Milton Brothers, a New York endocrmolog1st There arc exeepllons. one of whom happens to be m} wife." Brothers adds, JUd1c10usly His wife 1s Joyce Brothers, author of "Whal Evt·ry Woman Should Know Abo ut Men · H1c:hard Ra bkin. psychiatrist a nd t·o author of "The Male Ordeal."' says thl· trouble ~1th some women 1s that the\ l'an't handle a liberated man .:Ill' hc:lps with the dishes. but she say.., Oon 'l do them this way. do them this w;1~ ··Look at this fork. will ya"' ·Sht• reels cro~ded .. S1~mund Freud once lamented that despite :io years of research into the fominme soul, l have not yet been able lo answer the great question What does a woman want?·· Modern Man has n 'l fared much better One problem. as some men see 1l. 1s that a woman's b1olog1cal desire to have children s a t war with her intellt..'Ctual desire to have a career ''For .all their games in the. area of equal rights, they 've t a ken on sever al of the UXJrst qualities of men ... ' , ·For all their games in the area of equal rights. they've taken on several of the worst quaht1es of men, most notably the fear of intimacy and commitment," says Jack Smith. a writer for "The Young and Th(• Restless" who li ves with his 11-year old son 1n Chi<'ago Others think a woman's desire to be treated the wav men treat each other cla!>hes with he.r desire to be treated as a woman ·some co nsider themselves career oriented . but when }OU treat them that way the) come back with Yes. but I m a woman. too. ' complains Jeff lfolyfield, 27. married. a graduate student at Ohio State "I try lo treat them as ladies all the tim e The worst they ran say 1s I'm a male chauvm1st pig but that I've got manners." Al·lor M1tkt·y Roonl'). 1n his 62nd Vl'Jr and l'1ghlh marrwge, thmks the trouble with "omN1 ,., that they try to ht• ont· of the bt1) '> Woml'n haH· forgotten or lend to forgl't how man) really truly romantic mt•n st ill adore and love a woman who 1s totally femmml' ... Rooney says. The· frustration men fl'el can begm eurl) m hfe 'The trouble with girls 1s 1f you ltke them. thl'y don't like you.· says Hretl Krablln, a fourth-grade r m Goddard, Kan Anot her or Brett's complaints 'Tht' C'Ut{· ones always mo\c awa) AristQtle once eharactenzed woman a s an 1nft.•r1or mun · Mar vin M 1lehclsQn, divor('e lawyer for the star~. thinks men '>llll treat women like seC'ond clas:;. c1t1zens Thl' problem I find 1s that women don 't stand up a nd get counted as they sho uld."' said M1tchelson , interviewed by t>honc in Zurich where he was helping the wife of a s heik stand up and be counted lJut the real trouble with women 1s o;omcthing ebc. s ays Bob Guccione, 50 year old publis her or Penthouse mJgazme. ··The trouble with women 1s th<.' men the~ have to deal with ·· UC stude nts fin ed LA JOLLA tAP 1 The Uni versity of <.:ahforma has agreed to graduate w1lhoul blemis hed records the 34 students who occupied the office of Chancellor Richard T Atkinson last Jun<' a spokesman said In return. thl' stuctents a~reed to pay $2.5 fines Jnd du 25 hours of community serv1<·e work Attitude on poverty s tudie d TU1 ~5A . Okla c A P 1 The poor are perceived as lacking monl'Y through no fault of their own and as being victims of the economic times. according to most of the school -age children POiied in a recent study The results are markt•dly different from those or a 1969 sur vey of adults which indicated most older people tended to blame poverty on a lack or ambition and resourcefulness among the poor Dr. Terr('nce S Luce. a Uni versity of Tulsa professor of education and professional studies. said he put together lhc study or students age 5 to 18 to "get some sort of handle on the beginnings of poverty perception 1n children " The 1969 survey conducted by a University of Texas sociology professor gleaned opinions from a nationwide sample of adults. No more recent fi gures on adults are available. From 1970 to 1980, Luce questioned 842 Tulsa youngsters in three ethnic and economic groups upper class whites, lower class whites and lower class blacks Upper class blacks were not included because they made up a relatively s mall sample in the Tulsa schools surveyed PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK In the study, the children were presented with photographs of average looking white. black or Indian people and were asked to pretend the people were poor. Additional spaces are now available in a newly develOPed section of Pacific View Memorial Park. Pr~need purchases qualify for discounts from S90 to S145 per grave. Discounts on crypts are 10%. Double interment in a single grave may be arranged from S820 including endowment care. ~ PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK AND MORTUARY 1 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach. Coliforrno 171 4) ~-2700 o P'ierce Brothers Company "The c hildre n gave far less accusatory reasons <than the adults)," Luce s aid. "That may be a function of the times lt could be if we asked adults the questions today. they would give the same responses as the kids." Among the youngsters. 40 percent theorized the person pictured .was poor because of unemployment, low wages. discrimination or inflation, Luce said. About 2S percent said PQVerty was "their fault some how," perhaps due lo laziness, drinking . lack of ambition and failure lo use money well • Another 25 percent said poverty was the res ult of inferior education. Luce said, a response he ~ttrlbuled in part to the fact that the questions were a!Uted in classrooms. The s mallest number -10 percent - attributed poverty to "bad luck." includlne illness or loss of property, Luce sa\d. Luce found thjl 20 percent of the studenta he talked to refused to believe a while person could be poor at all. Even some of the economically disadvantaged white youngsters •·adamantly re fused to bellcv~ whit~ people could be poor," Luce said. information Confe r ence o n e ducation A conference aimed at revitalizing educators Yo1ih0'4ro Kotanl Tl\•• U•l-1 ••• lllecl with i... County Cler• ol Oronoe County "" Ftb • I'll) IPIUSU Publll'-0 Or•"OO Coe\! 0.11., Piiot, Fttl I 14 ll. H . 1911 Ut.t1 ·rvauc 1111£ and the e duc at i 0 n f'ICTITIOUS auSINEU process will be held at NAME STATEMENT c h a pm an c 01 1 e g e . 11\f IOllOwlnQ penon• ••• Ool"Q Orange, Feb. 19 and 20, °"'1~tt~•~UAGER 111s Pl.c•ntl• beginrung at 3 p m 4•tnve. c ..... -. Col!fwni• ~21 The conference will be • ,0~v~':,~111'!'~ 'b~~'.'~~.:..O:~ jointly s ponsored by "°'" Chapman College and Ao•sr =8 1°0; I(~"::.,;,\';~ ~~~~:~·: Phi Delta Kappa , a ca11100>1•'I071& n at 1 on a I h o a or a r y ,,,.:,:;~.,:i~·;.::~,,,:~o.;~~<'•" llY society for educators . s..n Ho tt1m Tl\•S Sl•t-i WM flied wlll\ IN "9lJC l9T1C( Countv Cl••• or Ot-c ..... nty on Ftbf'u•ry ~. 1912 SUPE AIOA COtJ AT Of' C,_l.lfOAHIA COt.IHTY 01' ORANGE JOO CM< Cell"'' Dr w .. 1 S•l'lt.I jUy, Co ttTOI Pl41 NTIFF INSURAN CE BENEFIT'> INC OEfE NO,.Nt CUSTO M COMMUNl(.ATl()NS COllP J"MES F ROYO OOES ltnrOUQI\ V ln<lvSl•e su-s CANN-J6.*1 NOTICl l .,..., ,,.,,. --· T ... ,_, "'O ............. YW •"-1 y-........ _.,. -· , .. ,.,.._ •ltlllll JO .. ,, A .. ., ... 11\lerm~llen ....... If YC>u ""''"to ~.,,_ ftw .ctv-<fl ot .,, •ttorn,.,, 1n ffU\ f"n4'n•r vou tP'tould oo \O o'omcutv so ,,,., tour wrllttn r•i.pOn\4' ,f •ny-m4iy o. t1tf'd on tlrfW AVISOI U-Ila ,_ ,..,..,,._ .. 11 ll"f-_... -1411< <-no U41. t in •v•f•n<t• • "'···· ••• u•. ,._ .... _,.. .. • ..... Le• la lll'fe,....M•-•19w ..... , .. Publl....., Or-(04\1 Oatly PllOI, ~.b 1 ,. 11 JI ,.., .,..., l'IC'TITIOUS aUSINIU N-E U,_T•MeolT Tiit fotlowinQ PO''°"' ••• clofnQ Du~n•\I ., PACIFIC DESIGNS I.TO. IAOl \.HWUO Slr .. t, H11nll"91"" 11 .. (0\, Ca t1M6 C nri uopnor O Co• •on, l•ijJ Loewaro Slr"I H...,llnoton a .. cl\. Calllorn•• ~ Aente de lletlev..it . Jt••' 8 rooktlurst Hv"Unoton 8e•cl't c.111 ... ni • .,.. Tllll l>utlnM• Is <ondU<lecl by • ~··· .,.,.,..,rslllp Chr'l•IOC>l-.r 0 Col"°" Tnls 1w1emen1 w•• 111..i •1111 ,,,. Covnfy Ct•r1t ol 0••-c-ty on l'H>rvory' I.., ~· U\tf'O O--W• 'SO'•c•t•r •t conse10 de •1tu1 t un •bc>Q.ttdo M e\t• a\unto Ol'bPn• Publlw.d Or-. Col\I 0•1ty POot f'l•<tflO 1mmr01•t•mtnl• Of f'\ta F"pt> 7 14 21 11 ,., S71-G mdnf''\ \u rt-\.P~t• p\(f1ta \1 ,.htV • 1~u","o "~ ~~ ~.,~~~!~ r 0 '::~:.. PVIUC tlJTU comot111nt n~\ b~•" tt11td ov the-pl•tnlllf "90tn\I you II you wo\n I< l'ICTITIOUS aUSINISS df'ttnd '"'' ••ww1t vou mu\t ¥11rtfh1f't NAME STATEMENT • d•'f\ ••ttr 1n1\ "vmn"Ont I\ wrv" Thfl toltO••l'\9 ptf\Of't\ •rt OOi t'fO on you fli• w1tn tn., court 4) wr11ttr bY\lnf'\\ .s ro\p0nw tol,...<OmPl•1n1 Unit'\ yO~ WE ODI N(, HOTLI NE 1107 do '°· vour Of"fault ••H be •nter-ed on Sylv•nlt• (frclt F"ount•1n V•lftY app11c dt•on Of '"~ P'••f'tHt ""°" thl\ (elltorm• 9?10I cour1 m•v f'ntu • 1uoom•nt •0•1n\t Jtffrf>¥ M WP•\.\ tUJJ Sy•v•tttte ,nu tor l"f ,-pl1~t df'nwnc:M'd '" tn.-tire If Fount•tn VAllf"t' C•llfornla comCU•tnt w h1(h tOuld tp\ult in 971• Q•'""'"'1ttnt of w..tQ"\ '"' tnQ ot (arot AM Wt"•U \t•l1 SYh•"'"' mont• 0' oro~rty or ntnrr rpl•f't c 1rt le Fountain Valley. Callforn1i1 rr-qu~\tf'<J 1n ,,... tOf'nc>l•tn• .,70& D•l•d ()c lobPr l 1"90 Tl\t< bu>lntn I\ <onducle<I by on Ltt A 8rAn<n CI•'• lndlYtd\Htl JO..<• A NOf>••~ 0•1>UIY ,,...fro M Wei\\ l'llANIC A ll'OZZI 1 "" •wt...,....1 •n 1,1.., w111> ,,,. JU C-1 W•y County Clork of Ot•n90 County on '"'""· Co t16'0 J~nu•" 1, 1"'1 (1141 SM-J1SO Puhlhhtd OrAnQll' (Ot't\I Oatlv P1101 r•b U 11 78 M,.r<h I 1'1111 111~1 NIUC •TU l'ICTITIOUS aUSINIU N-E STATIMINT T II• lollo•lno Pt••on I\ 001~0 tH.Hlntt' •' ME TAPHOA 4n C H-1 S...la Ano C•ll,.,..,,I• 92101 Maur•M w ICt\I\, •11 C ,._, .,, .... Publl\,...., Or -Coell ()ally Pllof F•b I 14. 11, 2t 1911 6U .. ? l'ICTITfOUS aUSINUS H,_ME STATEMENT Tn• 1011owln9 o•r1on 1> dolno OU\lr'WI\\ 4~ PIE~AE·s NEWPOllT LIQUOR AN O DELI ''" PHlll< CoAll H191\wav -6"<11 Collt0<n•• .,..., Sonia,.,..., Calllornt• '1101 Pl•rrt Jocqun B•rloltno JH ll\h bu\ln•u " tOl'IOu<lecl bv an Wulbrook Pia<•. Cotto M•U lnOl•lduol C•tllornlo 92U• -urlnt W 1(1\1\ Tnl• bu\<neu is cono..cteo by an Tiii• .Ut-1 w~ llllHI will\ IN lnclMdual '°""'' Clerk ol Oro~ Countv °" Plerr• J Ber\oltno Fet>•u••v II f.-.:1 Tiii> ............ , we• "'"" Wiii! ,,,. l'llnM County Ctnll ol 0r•"9t Covnty on Publl\l'ttd Or-CoHI Dolly Pllol, Ftbru•'Y 4 1.-.:Z Fffl 14, 11.1'. 1'Vr<ll 1 ,.., 71._.7 PICTITIOUS auSINISS N-1 UATIMINT th• toUow tno "''°"' .,. dolnQ bu>in•UH PERllY 'S PIZZA OF HUNTINGTON BE,.CH. •50t EOl"9f• 4v•n"" H.-.11n910n 8HCI\ (olltoml• ., ... Plrra Works, In< • Celllorn .. corporallon, 1203 Setond Strut. He'"'°"' &N<11, ca111omle 'IO'J~ Thi• butlntts I• condll<l•O by • Co<t>O<Aflon Plua Work\ Inc: Atch•rO IC (hacller, Prttl<MM '"" ---· .... Iii.ct """ , .. Cou"" Cler1l ol O••noe County on JO"ll"I' 7', 1'112 1'1Ut11 Pvbll•...., Or-Coed Dally Pllol, F•ll 14, !I, 1t, ~II I ,.., TU.C l'ICTITIOUt I UtlM•H NAM• STATIM.NT TM IOll-lnQ pertollt .,. Oolno ""''""'" VAllSAO COMl",.HY LIMITl!Q. llU 1""°""'911 ~. HowPOtt lffdl. Celltorlll• ""° Ne-r E-llQll. ll R ... C•-1, H.,.por1 -..ell, C.alltomlo n..o All l!Uet-.11, U llw• C•1111 .. , ~ llMdl, c;.1 ....... 1. ~ N•UO t Olla Sll l•u l, lllS e111t•n..,.11 Wfte. Hew-1 INtll, C•llfornt• "MO Tiii• ""''""'' •• conctvc1•d lly • llml1ed ,_,,.,-"'-· ~ro SN,.11 T1'1t •..-.-n ... "'" Wnt\ IM c-•• C1eA .. o..,... c:.-ty "" "''"" PubltlheO 0--C.OHI 0.lly Piiot, F•b 1 U 11 11, I'll) U~ l'ICTITIOUS aUSINlU NAME STATIMINT The lollowlno perton• ••• Oolno °"'ti,,.\S ·~ • THE NEW OllOEA SP,.CE OE SIGNS. 1~0 Adomt Stl'MI. CO\la ~so. ca11tornt• mi. Craig W JonH , 1'63 Federal Cc>ila Mo_., c.lllor'nl• '"6!1 Oennls W Vettel!, 4U Hewpert Boul••Ard, Ht'wport he<ll, c.lllOflll• ~ Thll l>utl .... I It <On<lu<llHI lly • QOMfAI 1)8-~lp Oeml• w v.r1rn Cr"9W _,_, Tlll5 ltN"""t wot llltlCI Wiii\ lfle counh Clerk Of o •• _ c-•v ... Fe~wiry•, 191 l"llU1J Publl,_ Or-C.0.•I o.llV Pli.4, Fell 1, 14, ft, •. I* .lill 47 l'IC'tlTlOUI aUllMIU NAMalTATaMaNT Tl•• IOl-lnQ peUOflt .,.. "'Ill "'"'""'"" KENN Y'S CUSTOM WOOOWOllK, P«lfk 81\M 1-.ltl•I p.,11, 1m wtim1er ,.,..,11 ... v"u t, llOtl E. C•IAI MK6, C811tomle ~ 1(.-~y to) s. c-..- '"· ,,..., C.alllomf•"'" l"lllllpJ ~ ............ 1 ... ,,....,., C•IAI MK6. c.11tonole '7t.J7 Tllll buil""a It cOllCll.t<IH by • oene••I P91'1Mhl>IO PNll'J I(~ T1111~w•fll ... wfttl ... C-lf C""11 .. Or ..... C-y .,. ,.,.Ill,,, ,., ,. .. _,.,,,,. ....... ,.._1 1'111141 ...... Or-COHI 0.11, Pl19,, Pullll...., Or ..... C..fll 0.ty Piiie. l'ell u. > .. Jll. Marci> 1, f'9t ~ , .. I , 14, tt, ft. 11111 f>.1MI -~ -.... _...... ........... ~ ........... -..-.----------------------~--.. -------------.... ~~;:::::a~:!t==~-;o::-;·-::t----·------., ---... Hap11y V•l.,nt1ne'1 D1i11y Bob I li_A'Mou l'othe Lion I Love llappy Valentlne'a Day ~~ llappy Valentine's Day Vince LQve Q~f.1,..1.1:~.1 .. P A CLAUDIA, We Love You Hang In ther~ You are the heist Molh!, M~rky, Shannon r1.tvtn , Garth To My Sweet Rosie Who Keeps Me Cozy LUV YA Always, Johnny DEAR MUMS, Even though we live far apart, it's wonde rful to have your Love 1n m y heart I LOVEYOU~susn: FOR DAVID NASll I 'll Sin& y ou an ANTHEM"'rll wnte you a ·Song. uo you know how many years now our Love has bee n Strong" I'll Pick you a Rainbow, I'll make you My Star Just continue to be the wonder you are LOVE BETTY TO LUCKY & SASllA My 2 llllle Valentines l&Y~.DAD TO TH ERESA The Worlds BEST Mother and Wife I LOVE YOU LUCK_Y HERBERT LOVE YOU FOREVl.;R Maunce, Rhonda, Allen, Joan_ Mon Chen. Your Love 1s Here Today My Love Remain s Inf inity i:'OLK'he'. TONEY 1 Happy Valent.mes Day ' t f Love_}'.Q~ Ashley My Dearest Marge, My enlJre purpose in hfe 1s dedic ated lo ma king You happy. Love You, !Jo WINI All My Love Allen BeaulJful Man. You are lheSunshme of My Life IL U Slinker EV Like The Sunshine Warms The Sand. She Will Touch You With lier Hand Touchmg Makes You Understand THAT'STHEWAY SHE FEELS ABOUTYOt: I Lov~You. KATE To Our Spe_c1a I AUNT ELSIE We Love You Dearly llam>Y Valentine's Day From Joe, Jeanie Diane. Tom-' Dorothy Ross~ Ana Helen To The Loves Of Mf Life Joe, Diane, And om Happy Valentine's Day fLOVEYOU All M.Yl&_ve~ MOM CAROLINE LoveAfways BILLY P. llappy Valentine's Day' DADDY Love._Oae!Yn Woods Dear Rebecca YOU ARE MY V ALEHTIHE Lo..Y-L.Daddy Happy Valentine's Day Big Daddy You Will Never Know How Muc h I Love You Please Be Mine Forever' Love Punkm MOM 11 LOVE YOU' Love Your Favonte Kid Kim To The Sih-ers & Robert. LOVE YOU ALL _LOVk.KIM 0~P~u: be MY Valentine" Love TACO Your Chihuahua Friend n~xl door ~~~I~ BETTER DAY BY DAY WITH YOU ASMY VALENTINE ALL LOVE, l .J. MCMLXXXll Happ~ Valentine's Day to my Sweetie Jon. Love xour Pie.LYN FS.OR FLORENCES Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT/Sunday. February 14, 1982 . Mom and Dad we l.OV~ YOU' He our Voll'n ~·:11 OIJl~ &IJ.L Rachel To My ll I Love You Tot11lly And &ldlcsaly .Ys>Yr 's Willi Shrrua lti. J To Steve from Ola_a 11111> p~ Valentine's l>~.l'-' I l,iVVEYOV fo'QREv1;M! you and I filled with LOV t: for me and YOU To Lady Light rn1m the buefoot bo~ To the best parents m the whole world who care and lovt.' me so very much I'm very proud to have parents hke you I hope nolhmg but the best for I he three of U1> I love and core about you very much _pa nae lie LoveMyRtily TO IERNAQEfTE Happy Valentine s Ouy Lo•t.Slt •t eJARNE Happy Valentine's Day LOVE DENISE ae-My Valentine DofDare ??'•? I Love You Dave Yo1fr:.e My Teddy Bear Duke& Kay Will y9u be our VALENTI NF., Maybe. ?? Becauisl! we Love Ya ~aby' Roses are Red You 're Full of Baloney But l Love Yo u TONY Tina. Tom. Julte Happy Valentine~ Da }'' Love, Y1a Y1 a & _Auntie Ka} DIRTY Happy Valen line's Day w e· love you so much' Babsy, Fox1e, --ut~ ~ ***DAH *** Thanks for the support. patience & strength you ~ave to me m the nine rmnths or V.J>lm~ and fmall} the h1 rth of our new son He 1s the reflec lion of our love fur f'a1·h Olher' I LOVE YOU ** I H•• Roses are red I carnations are white I ove you all day..., be mine tonight To CH1dSTIE. v.1th love rrom_J_~FF LARRY B Happy Valenttne·~ Day To The Best llusband And Father In The World We Love You' Shen. Jeff. Oehbll'. And t:nt· To My L<1ver, Bei.t Friend and Husband 'JOE' Happ) Valent1nC' s Day-[ Love You So Ver)' Much. Tod;u' as Always Your \;Vife, Sharon To My '"Candy Ma n" May The Sweetnes., or Our Love La:.t Forr' t'r' Always Your · Canel) I l..:ldy" CLAY TUCK EH I LOVE VOL' TAMMY SMITH MIKE Uawy Valtntlne·a l>ay eutle 't'hankft for ~101 ~uch a Budc!Y_ U>VE_;mEL Y ICRISTIHA EOH: I HOPI YOU HA VI A HAPrY VAUMTIMl'S DAY AMO A TBllFIC I STH lllTHDA Y ! llonyCMt! s .. HaMU.••rt ~-rJJli Groovy, Stupendous, COOi , FabGear, Love's Superlative when BARBI E 's near XXXOOOALAN MY SWEETEST MARK. l love you with all m y heart and I know thut with God's help we will make 1t Yours f'ort>vt'r Teresa My One & Only Gentle Ben, Happy Valenllne'!I Day J l..ove You Babe. Your!> Always, Pud.iy Ch~ki. Ray Thank You f'or Love llapp) ll eurh Qa.)' Your.., De Robyn, I Love You Now More Than Ever Thank You For The Happiness You Have Given Me Happ\/ Anniver sary 1 l-ove lhtrry GF.ORG!o~ LOVES G LADYS ,t*~ oi~£ 1 IWuv You! love. Kim Ho8G 11re Red Th~ Rmta SANDRA do Slna Be My Vulen MOM A QUHUun burden:; !Tl(' GlVfo: VOlJR II t-:Atff to ~1un Une.)'ou Uttle l''•B.~lnJ lo.n _.. ,....., •lo'-h like concrete, 1l bur11a TOM, _.. W.., ..._., for my <'u.rioe1ty hlte lurpe11 u <"hilt.I \) W1!1hlnt( you lh1· ht•'t o n V1tl('ntinl'0 1> lh1y Jlld ~lw>tyll 13 Lon& Years Iii~(). W(' ~ Cert of --·-· I Une, 9ray tell fo'uar Sill\ both said "I DO'' I 'm ~ dra Sweet, will you h1• Trustet•s Lou, T1ar11 , H ohyn f.OV(' ('h11rlt•!> SCllOOLPOWER glad we did. ~c,usc I'm I •trSty MUmH my Valentine" You1 're all the 1ercutc"ll To Cyndi. Patty StllllnLovewlth you"! Y~oved Mag}fll b arfing I.,.( ll11pvy Vall!ntlnc'i.l>11y Wi11hmgyoulht•b1•111 on Hsppy anniversary. there be li11ht & r ~hall l .OVI' C'hurh•fl Valentml''"I l>u v JAl'llE ~~~rt Hesse i.ee forever und lo\ e D--Richard·. l.nv(•Ch11r l<•" Jill. You are a Vt!ry ~arered, CilLA forever and lhe forrvn ·-M 1 f Beaullful&SpecialGirl V10Jetsareblue. B~MVVAl.EN'l'INF lll yourheart Len llovf.'you fo1 yourrtH111I M)'l..nvt· .,, ·''' I'll Love You Alway!'! Tiua m~· ht sound l'flllY, .. 'Luy LOVE and I love you for our \\hat 1\ c; l.11nu 1 •>Us () I E You tU.. m body But I Im t• 'ou fut \\ 1ft" Your Friend Gary ut ' F'OREVER YOU fl T~'VEN I L'N Stan, -• U>veYaFQiever,"' ME PARTNER • yourbodybt•i-1 KA{r .. Y,~, wtll (or"V"r be n1u Thank you ROSEMAK Y YOU You're Everything to Martini He 04.·nny 'V.tll'lllllll! ""' d I ~v ~ T ( th ft I d LOVE Me My l':Odh•ss l.ove' , To my r.1voril(· Hwld)' unean on y alentme ' or e so ness you en MICIC Remember only f1 vt· ro R1churd !-)um vout ruvu11tt· ll•·•t Love, Patti to hfe. For lhe rrom1se I 912 more year11 till W Duy. I Bt· mm1• fon•\ 1·~ ·irl, I wii.h yuu ,1 lluppy B H . You're not ai. toutch and_~reams Uia will ~e sml'l!rely tovr Y(lu ' Luvt• l'.ll'na ~aler1t11ll'·'I Dav I lovt• WI it seerru. I know you ours dMayteach day b~ 8 Happy Valentines Day Babe lluppy VO lo !ht• f 11 I •1( riou ,1 w h11 I e Ii u 11 l' h , Lal ... lo r;our "'··tovud t•ut fl('w u ven uret.as n ow d I m I J ,. ~ ~ U)VE RON 1!1112 ,..,ITI" Dcstna M t m y rt' J m" r , ran1 t <bke a aby I & luve lllt' ' You'~ the best Ma)' this ~ring a ll Handso!r'le Jl'1 Thi• Ht•JI To l111nk I t•oultl h.1 vt You make w1 purr I TO MOM AND DAl>L We U>VE YOU the Joy, hnppmesi.. love. Fl!tate ~pt·ri.t.i1 • lived ull "'> life and loveyouK C T llE T WWOHJ'1-;op E ~URT .. LISA&KATY 1·heerandblablahl<11n To the 1'...i.tanc1.i fo • .i)(lt·,., Dl'\erkno"n "hJt t1ue WARD MY SWEET PRINCE LOfE, Patncia M fl. K ... T H E S U N Ha V I t · D that order t.ove Lovt• 8.t i. k t' t b J 11 f e J m lovt· ht•t"e1•n tw11 1w11plt "' PPY a en mes ay 1 "ve Thanks fo1 lht• ••1 t'.tt i·Jn 11ll'a11 lk•t·auM· of SHINE G RAN DMA, M O M . .., ood I " h IN M y Ll n : ALL G R EAT GRAN 0 MA LOYt L• .. , sea.sun (; u1·k in t t' vou I h;n1• tho• ~hJnn& .. ., playoff1>o We ht\I' \(Ill, aoil tht' ('Jr1n.: lhal MY LOVsfilLWAY S I LoveTHE 'EHTUC HE 'S DearMOCJCJi•: _your11w11yfa11s mukt·~ eH•1yd.iy wmth --·z · -Great messS"g"e-lf Uw Tu Murk, With Jll t.h ll\in.: Allm~;l11Ht11~·~u l'oA Wonderlulllus band ll1appyVatenllne 1> world could be ai. rom Love i Wht•fl• ,, M 'f J111l11 , 011 \ial1·11t1n1· ~ and a Great Father OaytoPappu Mooseand p_at1ble as w e WOW' Rm~''1 Lov1!,L.1ur1 1 1!.i> u11tl \I" J),, Happy Valentine'!> Day Nana Sue There would be great re UAl'l'Y < .1rol111e Love Donn~ & <;hns llne Love Tru vii. JOll'!!l.Jl Love _ LUV Jo:TI NE T>A y • 'I 1, K & J \\ill )'•IU JOlll us BC~HER Through the Happy Valt'nline's Da)' -•--.•---.-•I Tom~ b.iby du.: fot a ~v.et'lh1.•.irt dinner limes. both old and ne w. Tom. I love yQu :.o mudi S: Ma~nt: HRlTTANI r-; Wednt>,d.oy n111,ht " It'~ 1s where m y favor:> wail ~th XO Today darlin 1 s tart lie UOl'PIN "R llEfl.H t H L ..it<; 0 1uu ll'JI MOM foryou! PleaLil ''·1me "ack M) ' MO MM'' ,.,. L' H (' l.11\f• \Our . LOV"' POOH 0~ \A D t..'Ounling my lessings . . l You're the Greatest ' "'• Valentine If No t , lJlt there is you in m) tH:OU R VALfo:NTINI· i,:ir ~ Happy Valentine's Day' M .G. Thank You for 1 he life-2nd there is IOVl' 1n Jo:HI C, G H r-:c;, J 1-· Fl· lira111111\ LOVE CIUtlS Without You. I am one Merrunl!s my life and 3rd thert• 1, BABY DOLL \\Ill )ou lit• 111\ \ al1•11 TOMMY. and alone With you. we happiness in my lift' Th1nk1ng or )'011 tuw I'll always be yours. areoFOne~EdViEnJrOsV~· Terry. HaY•a ~atday. LOV EHIC' l.o\l',Jt·ff Will youbemine" --• S ltove my3rdw1fclot:. Lo• .. L~ CONNIF Johll Joe LOVEC J TOZ J ohn 0 llAPPY VA i.i';:\ 1'11'1-s S"t't't•1•lltt•Jr1 th1.•11··.., I love.liou more each JOANIE .Our-Lo~e 1s ILOVEYOUVERY HappyValenune':.Day 1 •• •'9': 4'• • DAY ;ilv.<1y,.iwarm'>p<1lln day lease be my LlkeAPokerGame MWlUCl.LHN,AONMDAl'ITALEWRAYS To a veryspecialLady LOVE,Mll\E lll)ht•urtforyuu valentine Calh,Y WeStartedAsAPAIR, Theloveofmylife T M I L<n<·you,fo'Jnha WHAT HAPPENS p S Look ·1 & 0 y TOMYLOVJ I YouGOlAFLUSH LO~EALWAYS X ·.· up1smi e .. LILI .. After tht• lovin I 'm IShowedDIAMONDS g1vemeab1,k1ss lORIAHH Youurt·mtnl'.my rei 1 wtthyou I andweendedwilh a SU·ZTHESQUID LoveDon.L1t le0011 Would that a ~ki·ktnn prl.'llYhltlt>Argc11t1n1• rm n uve FULL HOUSE llearts1 1'1owers & Lovl' & Joshua s • 1 I 1 k 1 Will )0t1U bt• 111)' valen Pawpoofka I LOVE YOU t KEN Th8nKS, l'!tusclehead pec1a vrum:e l' ill' IOJ! to I (• 11111'"' 1.o\ f' ( 'hut•k I r-:) POOPSIE JIM llvt>ruhou1~uetor.,t·.irl1•1 :!MK2 WE LOVE YOU LOVES bc.:0111as BEAU KIOOERi MA GRACE Blea<"ht•d l)f)nt·" rnrn TO \1,\H '°&.Cit.I';~!\ BURT AND KATIE, TO DADDY & MAM A pti:K'<i in .t non ... tup i;n11 ll.1pp) 10th \'al<'ntln• JEAN ANo EVERETT ror helping mt' through Sweetheart ri~nnun<·e m' Ill\ ILi '"''t·l1~t·I{ &\-\L~tt""•" Happ.}' Valentine's Day difficult. moneyless & LOVEJEFF&ROBIN mixed-up times I love .. l..o\'l'rnl··• Jl>l'arl':.t 'l1•1Q you more than you 'll fwohl.'ar1:.a:.ont· A~thettml'l(C>e.,11, MOM( thanks for lovinj! ever know , ti a p PY .ue ttmeles:. G rl'gon :\oh l.A.l' t.' rnr Yuu ~ro'v., me LOVEYOU ~ I '' LOVESHELl..Y Valentine's Day' rouhJ\1•brou.:1t .,11 LOVE. LISA OXOX ---------• 1 mut·h .lo\ 1nlt1 m\ l.111 To Our Sweetheart MARK. I Lo,·e Youmon· \-\ould You ht· m\ HappY-Valenllne's Day' I Our love z's lz'ke a fiaSwa 11 ,li,e ISo oh"··: oe Randy toda) than )'l''>\('ld;J \ \.IM~1t· nuv. &. ;ilw,1" Love.Luc11le,and8amb 1 u andsoon \-\l•n 1.11\t-, -k Sha\e lee Maunapua ' ll H 11'\I> ROSESARERED, Po er game ... plate lun<'h, red reel. LOTSOFl.0\fo. I I • \ KANSAS IS BLUE. talk story fjour road tn TO RIKKI &. I.IS\ \am, \IJ\ Th"' 14(• '11u1 l 'M ATCSF. BUT We started as a PAIR . h I I bol" . 1-'rom Dtb ('hm lksl \'all-ntllll' EH·r I v I E RT'S AT KU appmes!> er tnl!o s ~ & •t M 1 I A • Markel KEEVUM '' •• ar} ~rul~ l..O\'I' You lf:q1py u KENNYu You got a FLUSH , Jfo:fH .a heartorlo\I' valenllnl·,lht),.101• Happy Valentine's Day ' Nina. when m love f lh h 1. LOV H / h d D do I do 111 t'on~v.. ""~1'"" T11 Mnm. <ir.intlm.1 & I E YOU, STEP s owe I AMON DS I bk:~u~e~d kil>ses I luv ya! ffi) e\I !>O/'l'O . • ' <;reat (,rdndm.1 "·"'"~ -TO JEFF, nd d and dreams c·ome tru1• ·"'' lh 1 \'alt'11tin1·., 1);1\ '' l.11\1" My Perfet't Number 11 a UJe en ed Up uJi.f h pnnted here for all llJP\'" \'altont1111· ' II.I\ ( '1111n1t· LtndJ l 'nch OnAndOffTheCourt ' tosee n n1sTOl'llt.1< •t Slc•\c· <;hi·ni· ~ \1 .irk LOVE,BIGKATH I aFULLIIOUSE comm~diret-ttorou HappyBirthday I llO\t'~c>umotht•I ~11p11llu1rnlSh11th1<;\r DWICITT Our Love is I LOVE YOU! fromme l lovet.:,Art l fornylaby: rnv. H1J!ht 111111 \l ) Beaullful, because you l ..a K EN Dear Alex My lov111 ~ E •n l v.1ntK;)Our\Jl1•11tin•· lltoJrt lh,11 .l1·rky are. Happy Valentine's P, .~ heart I gave lo thee. in n forebt.•r jntf fnrt•h1·1 Jntl Cht·ruh 1h1nk:. h 1· 5 Qa.x Tita ~ June an 1933. If we .are fnrt•t>l-r l"ll'' t'r. ¥'' 1ng lovt• a V~~~~l:llsEi.°uE 1---------• ·---------blessed, we'll celebrate f : • W ·IJ • • • From I ~~~·~111te1i~ .. ~1~.''r k~o'; YOUAREl.OV EOANO our50thm 'S3 l.ovmgly, Your boby .. · -v1·rram•1a I 1 h1· II "rl hi\ ,. U)'I he -. APPRECIATED ON TO LISA TO THE IEST ~ Ila I .. \'ALENTINES DAY C"".,TILLO ., ...... s.Ll--'--I ppyVat>nlmt'"sD;n ' 'lo 11.•n Ann ll JPI" .;ollt•nmelo(Jllforyou. ~ PARENTS ~·· ._~ MOM \':Jlt'llltne' rrum '\.UllJ \ll lll'l'k lla11p~ \'alt·~ TOO 1 HappbValenhne's l>u v WeLo,eYou l'ruL 1.0,t'Hobert 11111,ll.1\ '""''"m I LOVE,JERI . L VESCOTT LOVE SCOTT YCMl'rettMtbei I &'Ott.Lance Lesltl' . . JAMIE I ' ' I compared lo all the res t Jennifer & hank To Sharon Hurkt•. rhl· SYL\ IA. Hugs And Kisses On ·----------i ·---------Will you be m y special I N y w 11 Al C:reutest Wife & \lothn Thank 'ou for \ 0 11 r ancy, ou 1 wa~s inlhc wholev.orld Special kind of f.n\I' Val~nhne's DaySweelle For my Valentine Paul, Valentme' B<-MyOneAndOnly ll.o,·i•Ynu Kill' thest' past 12 vt•;ir!\ _WVE YOU, J ERi I who puts the music· m the ebB t1d E rushes. o n I(~ Valentine Love Carl ' • Your \'all'nttnl' David,Jennafer&Kalle I my heart&lhe1oymmy 1ls MerrY way to oh I AmSo Proud OfDana H11l ,ll..1l\'e Youmort• I I O\~ l\(k. Hugs And Kisses On life Scure on The Radio Today' than anyth1n.: 1·ht• 111 • '• · 1 Valentine's Day I Love Honey Bum{>!! the VAsl shoreLint: but To Michael J ohn Mc V LOVE MOMMY tht• world Your J rt• .inti I ••IE OUR •• Lo,·e~Jen J immy. Ju.slas qwcklyhkl'a You fl.re My Pepperoni , alv.a,-,v.1lllwtht•1111h •VALEHTIMES• I fll ckerN~ name Turns On My P17.la .--------.. man for !Tl(' I.II\ I l.1111!.1 1 A PRETTY SMILE I O\'e you, Its fick ehead aNd 1, .. ,e You ', . q;-~ ;"ilJ , StcphJlllt'. 1.1n• "·" EYESTLIESAME W eke · ....., 7~ ~ TI>V1R<;1:-.1-\ • Y.h1!\kt·1' , • 1 '¥ rush Es out Pnn"ess "' A LOVELY WALK De Lt & C.:h I • fo'romtht>~ar1th ,ho1t'' 1-''rnm ,ourl.m 1r, ar a e ares. ro David from Kdllt' DA-D·THANKS L'Ott Al.L ~ /'P ~ " ISSHETOBLAME" Roses a rr red. \lolels ,. .'.h~ 1v..J' . ofNewportnt'Jt'h .. JOll:"&l'.I •• HANDLING LI FF: are blue, we're fortunatl' To The Most Wonderful THE I CE ~ R F: fl. M To all the !>hit' .11 'l"' r < > 1, A l u 1 ~. r r 11 m LIKE A Gfl.M E to huve grand parents Father And Hus band CON ~S 11• 1 ,,,,,"11"~ ,,,.11 ,,111, I 'II s hou 1t to DA\ 1 ll ' 11u 'I I ri· J tJ DEBBIE IS HER N AME as wonderful a s you ~" Bill. You fl.nd Billy C'lllOUX Clll NG ,, 11 1,,,,, 11, "' 1, ,., 11 , the whole Worlcl "1th )our 1.~ 1,, .incl 1 twn MarkRosei.Are Red Love Kare n l>a ,e . Afc All 1 Nt'cd Happy I C~ING I '•'"'" ''""'' "''''" ''" 1 Ol'iO\l'I') Thankful .. udd1·nl\ r1·Jl111· t h1:. V1oleL'>1\reHlue Oav1d,Sara Vale ntine's na" Baby 11,o\e Rem~Marnl'd ,,,,,,,,, "''"""''"'''"" thatYoumJ rn•·11 '1•· \alent1nl' m1'">l4 .tl(r 111 W ll Th 0 -Th Y J TY 11-H and sofrom ">lru"''a11 ... ~.·1ft0r ·•tl I IS IX" e l'Ur Oaddy & Debbie We IO\ 1.·1 l.A>Vt' Sue <>. OU uu .• appy "'"', ,,.,,.,., I"'""""' ' h n~ ~ ''-' ' ~ W s Ir)() .. ., I \ii l l> tl"\Cf".r...-ginnlll,.: l l)(ll.<1\L·,·(Jl e ~a} " yoo a lot' Happy \a len Rob You Are M y Lo' e a en me s ay 1 "" ''' '• '""""'" ""' and unl1l lht• r llappy Val entine's Oay t > n e · s D a Y L o" t' You Are My Lire. Love, Pam ''"'"'"''' ''' ''''1 '' 11'"" \l'I') End of t1m1• LOVE. DORE M1chelle &Chanda You Are My All Dear Ones. mutually Ii'"' Pleasesa) th.it Yuu \ \k.I I Uo not ".int lil cnn1 rnl XOXOXO BOBE RT f'O RE V ER y 0 U R S clear our need of each I '""" '''' ,., '"' ",,,, " will always bl" M.\ K ( ~.. a h "'"'' 11111/ lw 1 aren. After 6 years. I in ally SUE vu.er as once a.,a1n ere1 Treasured Valenlm1• Morg_an And Bnan W1ttl Be my Valer.lint' made 1t' So-0-0-0 I lov1• Cowboys are roug!l ana All Our Hearts, We Love llappy Anniversary . you. I love you.' t lovt• ROHHIE Cowgirls c lever Thank /I• \ftll/ SOMMY 1'11 Always Lon you I \Our hfr I onl) v. ant lo IX',, part of sh.Anni! 111 1t L<l\e Tern You. Mom And Ron Bobby you KATHE I lov•fM way God for our love forever RON, Robb, You 're number one DADDY VOtf lo••.,. Hef I'd throw away m y Wme, Cheese And Pep an my ht'art I'm proud R<Jses are red \'1olets I lo 'tt.. ""'--key too! llappy Valen pers. Baked Ch1ckrn to be your new wife are blue. sugar01c, sweet •• ·~· tine's Day I Love You' And Croissant-. Ra d Withallmylove,Oawn. &soareyou yCMt.-D'yaundasland"-D Back Or Nol Steve Reila nd. Chanda & Michelle I lo•e, tfMo way Happy Valentines Day I ADORE Y O Happy Valentine's Day DADDY I LOVE YOU you rw alwcrya ttt.re To Andy & Molly. With Happy ~~gt!f'e s Oay Be Ha_pp_\', Terry as BIG as a TRUCK I I ro •• YCMI 'c:Cllt.. lov~rom Dad T o pa s-sl v e Fr 0 m TO BILL & DOLORES A Ti ne & Bobb Y0ta're yov Scott we're more than a Jealous You're More C oup I e of R ea I lo••, touch. Ha'?f,y Valentine Than Someone Sprcial, Sweethearts. , Dear Joan: I , love you DJcme ~·Love 04, Punk!!t_ You're My S pec·ial 50. }.&ve O &_Q this Vale nlme s Day & meone~ I Love You' -- ----alwm Love. Gary Peter Broekelschen CAPTAIN VIDEO MO MY · Hugs & ln~::.es Sending A Warm Hello IAXTH: ROSES A.IE RED AND l'D IE ILUE IF YOU WEltEH'T fo'orever a nd aDa) for you es~cially tnAM Your Way On This 1willLovt'You C~SUMS~ L --. s_wia1pay c Bs.P _ L ~W~ SherylandM1chelle ll ro ... • IT'S f'EBRUARYO lc4t)~ MYVAUNTIME TRUE _LQ.ll.IAC« You Made My Dreams ForatrihebeauufulJoys and DEAR C A .. Come True I llave The HArrY we have shared and our BRUNO. # One hfo'am1ly I Love ST. VALEHTIMES special Valentlinloe Well • you know. the Big To Our I..oving Yoo Bot D~d DAY •eJOU. Question in line is will Husband & Father To Richard With Love Happy Valentine'<, Day HONEY Oon'tSay Often F.nough How Muc h I Care'' Love, Barbara u ebi you be my Valentine" Happy Valentine's Day Grandma Chris . Happy Love )'.our student. BC Mar I e n e. Ja son . HOf'IHG YOUUALWAYS IEMJNETO DEPEND OM Mom Likes T o Travel Dad Too, By Air This ls I A Valentine To Show We Care Happy Valentine's Day ' Love Cheryl, Marlt, Deb~ MrKE. LOVE ALWAYS LISA 1982 SONIA ••• Valentines from your TOir•r"" & M"" __ R~h~lle _ favorite ~ran d son !> "'"' "' JOHNILOVEYOU' Love Scotty & Michael McGUIRE·f Happy Valentine's Day Pott, Risna & Cn I in a Lov~wa_ys, MELINDA romy way, I jus t wa nt to TO GAMMY Ma}' your say HAPPY VALEN life be filled with hearts TINE'S DAY & rainbows . We love _ LO..Y.E..J.AM .l'.QllJ. J at'<>li...~rista To My Zhtwny lo y J hope you will alway~ be my Teddy Bear My Darting Tom BOB Roses Are Red You Make The Vslenllne. I LOVE YOU Violets Are Blue Good Tames Better Tunes May Seem Tough WL. KAY YOUIGIHNEYES. But We 'll See 'e m ToSimon DEAR JODEE I love you don"t ever chang_e ' LENN_\' Por ail the wonderrul Dart.. To Hunne.,, Runne\ "I lo,;e you" I Happy Valentines Da' I Lo\e,_Dr . Ch1ckens th: I Sandy. Pat loves you & I s ho u I d k n ow I. 11\ r always & forrver f'a t YIPEE! YAHOO' H11pµv Valentine~ O :t\ 1 01\l<RYLEATON ' \\'ht>e\l.•r }OU lift' 110\\ I LO\'F YOL' I. ••TR \t'YS • \nu re 1hr Bf-st Friend A <:11~ r oultl lld\e l...11\l' Alv. J}<., T,yler l .1by M) Ln' e<I ~ueen llupµ.) \'nlentlll<' s o .• y with all m' lovr. lkrtor Ladies I date, all off you make my life worthwhile. Jackie , Marilyn1...Diane1 Susan , Sbaron..1. reggy oc t'arol nay Ward ILo; Valentine's l>a \ & I LO\ e ' Oll ' SS 1 Jake & I.on Ann Ila pp\ \' .i lt>nllne<. 1>.h ' I • •I. 1-:s1.11·: • • I Al\<' You' <'hni.tuµlu·r I' Jtl1l'k & H} dO We loveyour ~uts _____ _ Love.Love Snake I ...... «.&-~~ . and Swefi.~Q.11 More Than Yesterday You ve Touched M Y Less than Tomorrow Heart In Ev~ry Way, THIS BUD'S made me sm ile every duy You'll be mtne l1ll FOR YOU the end of time To Roy Please M arrv M e ! withlove_.~a ........... ~,.......,_. T:..'7. lllbs Robert .voal S·t foKcw. LWYOO !acy Im hapvy to s.i)' ll.11ppy Valent1ne·c, llAPrY VALENTINE n nv L O\(' Sl;in IRENE · 1982 TOA WONDERFUL GROUP OF PEOPLE AT: N.~rt-Harhr ANfMIHoapitat loY•, tn.u Pola('(' I would II lt.1· to re port the hest Mom tn Newport K tt ) Housland Lo\C, J1m, 1982 LEO I r 0 u r I. II v e "' ·' s Sunshine the wo rld woulri never bt' dJ rk r..<>VF. YA, MARGE KATH You fl.re Super W1ftt Mom llap11) V<ilenttnl"' I> 1\ We f.n,e You''' l..1r <'ar l .. 11 llo.: Ir fo'raz l.ynnal'. To lhe 13C's1 Little Valf.'nlln11 I t'Ould e\'er havl' I Love You, Wayn1• J1•ffrey, To a real S\t t'et Valentine You're t he 1>es11 Love You rort\l't. Robin ~ are R~. Violets an Blue\ Happy Valen· tme's 81rthda}' fo'rom I LOVE YOU ~th ways Your Favorite Two We Happy40th1Anmversary Love You! Pe,1 and Am_,}' For your love a perfume or u rose. Would a diamond ring do fine" How about a sim,.1>le thing like ... you re a friend of mine, k love xou, R K LflZ Through Thanks for a great year B~eoo Yd ur Loving Wife Love.Donna vv-Suesan ----I'll Love You Always Best Beloved Blessings To Eddie from Lisa Be My Perpetual Happy Valentine's Valentine And Very Nice Wishes Sweet Heart ROM. '°""'• Mfclwh I love you so very much. Happy Valentine To 01111 Gt1rr11rd1 Fntnd.J To Allison McCor mick. BABY, From Guess Who? I love Lietti ,X®UDlothesh, YOU WILL ALWAYS In quiefmoments To My• Family. Happy C> valentine's 41 Day Love, Gina BE MY VALENTINE when I reflect upon the special ____ LOYlACJ things Ch ortle · With Every in my life Smile You Make A thetgiveme1oy ~e~1w1't1i?e~~~~~~ you enler my mind. , Cured The Eternal Les l Pessimist! I Love You I Forever, Nay -Orar Vinet>, RosH are : BRENT • Red. Violeta ar,. Blue Happy Valenllne 11 Day Sometime a It 'a been r LOVE YOU "°""fl But Im Still Lov· J rr,'You. Happy 3rd An ToCa~loHooeyBunny n ver1ary P l us a HaP11r\lat,.ntlne'1 Day• L fetlme more. Love Al M v Lovf' Marv R•rt.•1 A. fl'A",.n .. "'""' l 'llAlways8eYour11. G~To My M ostCarlng 1 VLY..9\Ll _ Happy~ Valentine's Day Mother!! To My Neal. __ LQVE, SNUGGLES Lo(~M(-:ry) C~~i. I love YQU honey. this Is I h .. true, tbrougti rouah Bruce, <Snuagles>. ope iiiiiiillMllll.kllieliiilllllollldliillnhllallullemrl tJ mes we will pu ll you 1now how much I through. Our love Is lAve You. because m y strong & will survive, so ~:~:act~~y~rows WE LOVE YOU pleuet;v~A~~~ HappyV.filentine's Day DON oneyl MOMMY HaJWYValenUne'aDay %t1AGln~er, (Boo-Boo> I.Jgyuou.PAM y...., v I ...: I Love My Honey! Happy BOB DARLING· '!'ft'J 1l l11un1 VaJenUne'a Day Maria. val!~\Tr!~'~;y Frciii YOW Kids ..... fl: .... om .... TO .... Stt .. o""'tiN .... e~~· -DO-,.-N_G __ 1 Love You, Booh.!. Pumldn wrm M :H LOVE Yw$hookle AND OIJi COUISI YAM1BEAR Ty·Rae, Don't worry D •DD Happy Valentlna Ian 6 about next yen: We'll A Y Gre1t LovJ you more Luve. __M_om Happy Valentines D11y 8'.i 1a r Be &r Love l\lomma Bear TlMO, TIM! Drst Bloomln' thin!( ln D!Y life. l,Qv_t._~rbara _ Kay, You Have Made My Wor ld H appy And Complete. I U>ve You M.ore Thao I Can Say. Steve, On thl! special day, Kat.le and I just want to ••Y: "We aurC' at'f 1lad. YQ~:r~, oor VaJmllne. DJid. . .. Loy1 amc _ NEALS. Happy Valentines Day There is a sadness In our hearts We lost a love last year But through our time of suf· ferlng A host of friends were near. True Valentines are loving thoughts To those whOse lives we share So now we 3end a special thanks To all who showed . they care. The flowers. notes and livlng pla nts You left upon his s tone Fill our hearta and give us peace And comfort us at home The loss Is great with Danny gone ONr God. we miss him ao But friendt, ~r thoughts were wermty felt We wanted you to know. ~!..!.~~ ~J.~.!-' ~ v you -W::kt~'i'C,~l:l~e the ....!!!!!!~1::::===::::::=::.=:::=::.L..=..~~~====-_J_~~~~~~~~~..:.-~- ------__ .._. ---- Study to probe cancer links NEW YORK (AP> The American Cancer Society says it hopes to find out whether such things as coffee, sac<'hann and birth-control pills are linked with cancer by conducting a long-term study of more than 1 million Americans -the la11gesl such study ever done. T he study. expected to cost $12 million and take at least six years, will begin Sept. 1, the cancer society announced About 85,000 cancer society volunteers are e xpected to help in the research. The research 1s aimed at finding links between cancer and s uch lifestyle and environmental factors as air and water pollution, exposure to low-level radiation. diet, drugs and job6. It wdl also provide information on whether religious, racial and geographical groups are more s usceptible to cancer than others , the cancer society said Dr Lawrence Garfinkel, the cancer society's vice president for epidemiology and statistics and its director or cancer prevention, said the risks associated with low-tar and low-nicotine cigarettes also wiU be explored . The reason for the large size or the study , he said, ts to make it possible to evaluate separately the risk of such things as air pollution and s moking. ·'We feel that some of these answers can only come from large prospective studies of this sort." Garfinkel said in an interview The cancer society said a similar study it did from 1959-1965 provided much of tbe evidence linking smoking to cancer and heart disease. T he r esear ch will be based on questionnaires given by cancer society volunteers, beginning in Sep~e~ber The participants will be questioned again in 1984, 1986 and 1988. Each participant will supply some 500 items of information by completing the questionnaire. When partic1rants die, their death records wUI be obtamed and the cause of death will be determined. That information will be correlated 1 by computer with data from the questionnaires. The results should indicate which factors in the participants' e nvironments and lifestyles may promote or mhib1t the development of cance r and other diseases The study's part1c1pants will be chosen mostly from among older Americans. Garfinkel said. A younge r group would have fewer deaths, making it more· difficult to do the study. he said. · Preliminary interpretations of the data should be avaUable in the second year of the study, according to the cancer society Silicon Valley due for tech schools SUNNYVALE CAP l "High tech" hi gh schools, apparently the nation's first to be devoted to computer know-how taught by electronics experts, will open this fall in Silicon Valley. The two high schools will draw students and faculty from the San Francisco Peninsula area known as Silicon Valley, the heart of the country's electronics industry More than 60 percent of Silicon Valley's managers live in the two districts that will run the schools. "This will be the first school of its kind It will be a model for the entire nation," said Paul Collins, superintendent of Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Unjon High School Oistnct Students will study computer hardware and s oftware, telecommun1cat1ons, semiconductors and other components of the electronics Industry. LocaJ industry will he lp shape the curriculum. designed to prepare students to enter prestigious colleges or to take Sil icon Valley job6 right after graduation. Collins said electromcs companies will have to pay part of the $2 million estimated to begin the program, as well as supplying equipment and teachers Mark Bernardi , corporate manager for training an d development at National Semiconductor. said his company 1s intrigued by t he concept. "I think the competition will be tremendous for people coming out of that school iC it develops any kind of reputaUon," Bernardi said. Complaints about irrelevant curriculum from Silicon Valley leaders helped lead to the program. Collins said. "They told me they didn't like the product we were producing in our high schools. We just don't have the instruction a nd skills the industry wants.'' Collins said. Fremont Union High School Dislrirt students in Sunnyvale will also be eligible to attend the "high tech" school, which will be located in a Cupertino elementary school that ia scheduled to c lose in June. The entering class will have 100 to 150 students. When the school's In Cull gear. the student body will number 600. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. ~cenUy proposed ·a $19 mllllon budget increase to Improve and expand math and computer science curricula In the slate. Weather freezes wine LINCOLN, Neb. <AP> -More than 7,000 bottles 61 Cbablla valued at $20,000 or more bunt In a railroad cir lnadvertenU1 abandoned for a week in subzero wf!ather. offtclals aay I ( Official • • to JOID oil lobby SACRAMENTO <APl The executtve offi cer o f thti &tale Lands ' Commlstuon is leaving has Job to lobby for the producers or h~a vy r rude oil In the S1rn J oaquin Valley. Willh&m F. Northrop, 54, of Long Beach , told the Long B eac h I n d e p e n d e n t Press-Telegram that he will retire from his s tate job this month :.and go to work f o r the Ind e p e nd e n t Oil Pro ducers Agency, based in the San J oaquin Valley The ag e n cy 's 30 members produce about 30,000 barrels a day of asphalt-lake c rude. but ext r action 1s so expensive that about 80 percent of each find 1s l eft in the ground , Northrop said "What I'm going to try to do IS persuade the governmental entities in volved with e ne r gy that there is a value to the state in redur 1ng that cost whereve r possible.·· he said. The Atlantic-Richfield 01 1 Co . h as demons trated that af hyd rogen were mixed with the heavy crude. four barrels would produce fi ve barrels of gasoline, he said I f expen s ive secondary and tertiary produ<'l1on methods now known -such as steam 1n1ect1on could be used , "the hves of those fields can be extended almost indefinitely " Northrop grew up in the oil business in Southern Califorma. In 1972 h e became a con s ultant wi t h a n Assem bly committee i n vestiga tin g oi l company practices. The c hairman or the co mmittee was Ke n Cor y , now the s tate con tro ll e r Cory 's step-father had been Northrop·s father's superv1sor at a Texaco refinery in San Pedro years earlier In 1975. Cory became state controller, which includes cha1rmans h1p o f t h e s ta te Land s Com mission Northrop followed Cory "It certainly wasn't anything pohl1cal Cory is a Democrat aAd I've been a conser vative Republican all my life." Northrop said The co mm1 ss1on manages all state-owned lands a nd waterways, inc luding ofr.shore 011 fi elds Campbell to list salt • in soup CAMDEN. N.J IAPJ -Starting next month, the Campbell Soup Co will h st t he sodium levels of its soups and broths on its labels Scott Rombach. public relations manager for the firm, said the new n utrition information would be an aid to those on salt-restricted diets He s aid the action was voluntary and s aid there was "no dir ect pressure" to change the labeling. He a dde d, h o weve r , th a t the federal Food and Drug Administration ha s advised businesses to consider doing so Al the same time the new labels appear , indicating the number of milligrams of sodium in the products, the firm also will be offering a line o f lo w -sodium soups. Rombach said. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 NO. 1 Evangehst Bill y Graham is con si dered "m ost influential" of name theologians. RANKED SIXTH The R ev Oral R oberts founrl e d medi ca l Cl'nt cr com baning mE'c11<:<1 I skills a nd pntyc>r FORCEFUL The R ev J erry Fulwt'll h t> J d s J> u I 1 t 1 <.' a I µrt.•ss ur e group. Monti Ma1ont~ Graham still tops in religious field By GEORGE W, CORNELL ............ '*' NEW YORK Evangelist Bill)' Gra ham still stands at the top of the heap as the "most influential" mdiv1dual in the field of religion as assessed by religious magazine e ditors Just as in a simllar survey four years ago, Graham was ranked No. l a nd church historian Martin R. Marty , No. 2. Ne xt cam e two newcomers, Moral Majority's Jerry Falwell, third, and Pope J ohn Paul II, fourth. Graham , 63, the '"premier e vangelis t of his generation, seems lo have gamed prest ige and moved toward the middle as a new breed of e l ectronic e vangelis t s with nghl wing connections have come on the scene," sa ys t he Christian Century The ecumenical weekly took the current and previous surveys among 26 nationally circulated Protestant and Ro'!'~" Catholic magazines, s ummarizmg their o bser vations about the 12 persons deemed ··most influential " re ligiously on Americans. The list included four Roman Catholics, two Baptis t s, two Methodists and one each Lutheran. Reformed , Pres b yterian and Brethren in Chnst. ··in recent years, Graham bas become more openly ecumenical and has begun to s peak out for such <'a uses as nuclear disarmament," s ays the summary of findings. A panelist commented: "Having learned from experience, he has developed s tatesmanlike qualities .. Besides the top four, others in order of ranking were: The Rev. William Sloane Coffin of New York's R1 vers1de Church; the Rev Oral Roberts, television evangelist; the Rev Robert Shuller, "possibility thinker" of Californ1a ·s Crystal Cathedral. Also. Catholic Archbishop J ohn R. Reach , president of US. bishops ; the Rev. Theodore Nesburgh, president of Notre Dame University ; the Rev Ronald S id er, e vange l i c al soc1al·acllvist. the Rev. Hans Kung, Swiss-born Catholic scholar. and United Methodist Bis hop James Armstrong , new president of the National Council of Churches Marty, a Lutheran. ranked second , 1s a church hi s torian a t the University of Chicago, magazine columnist, author of many books and muc h quoted commentator on the religious scen e A pane l ist chara<'te nzed him a s ··religion 's Walter Cronkite, perceptive and usually quite objective " Falwell, 4R. ranked third, a Bapltst pastor, television evangelist and founder of the political pressure group, Moral Majority. was viewed generally as influencing other groups more than his own constit uency. A "political force to be reckoned with ," panel is ts com m e nted. "I" a I well and Moral Majority seem to dictate the grounds on wt)ich the arguments over religion and politics will take place " Pope John Paul , 61, r anked fourth. "is widely regarded as having greater impact on US religion t.han Pope Paul VI berause of his travels and force of personality," the report said A panelist ~aid , "Not all agree with him. but he scLc; standards against which other rehg1ons are Judged · Co ffin , ran k e d fifth , a P resbyteri an , former Y ale Uni vers1ty chaplam and now a Manhattan pastor. 1s an outspoken advocate of nuclear disarmament, admired for preaching skill Roberts, 63. ranked sucth , a United Methodist television evangelist , founder of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa and lately of a "City of Faith" medicaJ center using both medical skills and prayer Shuller . 55, ranked seventh, is the t elevised pastor of the dazzling Cr ystal Cathedral m Garden .Grove, Ca lif , advocate of ··possibility t h1nkinR " a nd popullzer of church growth theones Roach. 47, ranked e ighth, heads U S. Catholic b1Shops and has played a leading role in s haping their growing opposition to the arms race a nd advocacy for the poor Nesburg h , 64 . r a nked n inth, r ecently was persuaded to delay retiring and stay on a nother five years al Notre Dame Formerly head of the U S C1vtl Rights Commission. he has inrtuen ced education a nd religion ' Sider, 48, ranked 10th, a Brethren m Christ theologian and leader of the social activist wing of evangelicals, call ing fo r sampler life s t yles among Chris tians and r es istance t o materialism Kung, 53, ranked 11th, a Catholic scholar who left West Germany's Tubingen University last year after the Vatican ruled him off the lheologaral faculty. now teaches at the University of Chicago Of his current big selling books, ··o n Bemg a Christian" and "Does God Exist''", a panelist observed, "It can 't be sheer promotional wizardry that turns lengthy theological themes into best sellers · · Armstrong, 57, o utspoken social activist from the Midwest, recently was elected to a three-year term as pres ident of the interdenominational National Co unril Liquor, cancer linked? Women drinke rs may be likely candidates NEW VORK <APl -Women who drin k may be 1 YJ to two times as likely to develop breast cancer as those who don't drink, according to Boston researchers who studied 4,300 women in three countries . The research also suggests that frequent drinkers had a higher risk of breast cancer than occasional drinkers and those who had given up drinking. but the evidence for this was not strong. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer strikes one in 11 American women some time during their lives. In 1982, the cancer society estimates. 112,000 new cues of the disease will appear , and it will cause more than 37 ,000 dea~. The Boston researchers studied Woman amused by water bill COLUMBUS, Ohio <AP) -When the Columbus division or waler readjusted Mary K . Hicks' quarterly bill by $13,330.99, it made her happy but not delighted. · Mrs. Hic ks retained her gooli humor after beln1 billed $1.3,415.52 for water, saytne : "I guea& if I took in laundry, It would be twice that amount. ll has to be a comput4!r error. I hope I don't have that m uch or a water leak." She tried to call lhe d.lvlsloo but t.he line was busy women 1n the United States, Canada and Is rael over four yeans. A group or 1,152 wome n with breast cancer were asked about their drinking habit s, a nd their a n s wers were compared with similar information obtained from women with other forms or cancer and from women with other diseases Whe n the wo m en with breast cancer were compared with women in the other two groups, calculations showed that drinkers or beer, wine OT liquor were an estimated 1.4 t.o 1.9 lim es as likely as teetotalers to get breast cancer. The study -conducted by the Drug Epidemiology Unit of the School of Public Health at the Boston University School of Medicine - appean in Saturday's edition or The Lancet, a British medical joumai. Ly n n R osenbere -an epidemiolo1iat with the Boston University group and one of the study's authors -said that while the study suggest.a a Unk between alcohol a n d breast cancer , it is not conclusi~. 5-bour 8wim saves 5 PERTH, Australia (AP) -Four men and a 7·Ye&N>ld boy reached an Indian Ocea.n btland a fter a five-boor awlm throueh cyclone-tolled waves, aulhoriUM sald. The men formed a protective clrcle around t.he boy after they were lotted to abandon their 21·f0\Jt boat about 10 mHee otr the wealem Australian coast I 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 INDEX ....... ....... , ...•..•........ le Place ,.., U, Call 642-5678 HOUSIS fOI SALE ltff'f•1I f\albo .. ht•nd ~:::,:.::::x l tfOft.1 .. 1 ... , r..,.. M•\• .,.... ...... II TWI• •~t..tft\•llit' HlfAl1•«'• .... I\ ., ...... l·•-· .... " u, .... Jllll• L--+4 .. 11• '''"' Mio-....\ tf'I ~:r:~:.h ~'""' •""""•'• "-"'•"'"· "'•' tt.r~~ """I\ I.,...,.. ,.,.,l"•D•tf'f ............... '411 tmmm \t' ,.., .. ••• '41r A5Wttm...C rl#f '•'• hir•'" ft•\Nf'•h ~·;'•'' • f"""{ff\ 1 ........ ',~, .. I 1M\nllf'lf t•I t'f'+f" I,..,_,,.,,,.,-'"\\ '-•I• l~·nl~l\\•I• tl~h·"""'''''.., IN~l'tetiptft l,_,,v•h••I V•o'"''' lhl· 11111 ~·· ~'"'°''' ""., tn• •·u M•iwn4n l>t-·•'' M' ''' l;.tftCr I 11 ~'"t.I (~I 11' 1 ""nh l'n+ •;uiol"ll•t"h'•" M.n, ~ t •"""' \1f4'\• "''•' t \l•lt t •• Pl•"•' H• •I t \hf; \ti tf'ltPd RENTALS ti•"'"'"' •w•"•'h~I '"'"''• .. ' "'"'n; .. hrd f~-.ii~t1i11t\1• I Al 1~11'\l\;"1 •w'"' t utiltio"Wl!VI• l "' 1<ni>F\IMN\f"' t 1,1tt-f~lllwt1it1v, I 11 l~o1 •t1n ·~ ... ,., .. \,. ~&A ... ,,. • ..,. .. 1 fll'i1itlft 41°" •tit'""'' I 11 M""' ~.,.,.,, 4 tt ... ,,. U.A..t' \f•A•I '·"" , ...... ... ".-,...1 ......... , \ .. , ........ ,. . k• o1 .. 1 l1.t'b«1t• '••'•tr ,,,, M•ht ut "t4rt-1• ""',,.., ··---"' IMv''t·•' Hr••••• 'lillf.,. Kr•"• ._ •"'"'' \I • t'l•M•I 8USINESS, INVEST MENT, flNANC£ kw''""'~~.,,.., ... , t\"1·~"'"' .. •"'4rd hhf>'llfnf>nt•~'°'I '"""'""'* " ... ,,.,, \11.nf>' i .. 1.v,,h \lu,W'\ ~ .. 1t1f'ld '4orlhlf" l Hf AHHOUNCEM£NIS, PUSONALS l LOST & FOUND .\tw'l!Nftotfn•tf'll ,., .'\ ... li"&•I '·•~ ~ U,0,1 ' t1,uM .......... ,,w.1~ "-!fl f ,.,,. ''·--· SllYIC(S EM"-OYMCNI & PllPAHTIO• v1v.; 1111 u ' J•l<f ... ".' 1..-4~ ~ .. ,.,~·d \I' t M£1CHAllDIS£ ..\Ntot...,. '~j ....... 4,,..,., ......... ~M• • \l•h'ft• ~ •• ,.., ••• J ............ .. .... ..... , h" ,,., ... •1o1r"~W'' ,,.,.,~~· ... _ ... fh-,..,t .. 1lt01<hj Jt•l'fl 1 ..... ,11"1 • "'"''"..,.'' 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"'" .,.. ... ,. :;.'~::r~ , ....... l .. 111 \oh•t •·•IW'l•f '-'rftt'••' A Ml IN<•' t.ed,ill• l •Mtt\f •""''-'" \tu-,-'""' AUTOS, N£W AUTOS, USED '""""" \.ofttlf'lf'l'\t•' \tH ,."" '(liWt!lt ~t· , .... ..,,.., ... , L.l•uu'n M.-•ru\, .... , .. " =·~,. r1Mo 1'1•-~ ~ .. , ~, ... , .. \f\!f ..... j!f• llAfi IUlt 110') luM , .... 1"11 ,..,. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 1'"' Wslliw"1 Mofice: ::;:; All rul utatt ad 1") v (' r t 11 f d I n t h I I :·~· ~paper 11 1ubject lo 1 Ow f'tdtral Pair HoUJ : , , 1111 Act of 1968 which ''" nmkes 1l 1lle&al lo 1d "' vert.ise • 1ny preference, :: hm1t1111 00 . or dis cn m1nat1on based on r1re, color. reh(100. sex, or n1111unal on g1n , or an 111miuon lD ma kl' any auch prtfrrencr hm1tat1on.1 or du cnmlnalloo II• ,,, .. i• .. ,,, .. .. '::'. nus newspa~r will not knowlnSIY arrrpt any advert1s1ng for rul esuate which 1• in v 1ola uoo oflhe I aw ·"" " ''" , .. ... ,.., ... "' 1;u ..,.. ... IDOIS: Ad'JHtlHt'I ...... dtKk .... lr odt :~:: ~ =·=;:; ::: DAILY PILOT 01.-tt :~. ~ for ttte flnt ~~.' l1tcorrtd lestrtlu ,.,,, .. ... ... , .... "' .... ~for Sole I I f • • •••••••••••••••••••••• '" ,._,.... I 002 I ' ... .. '" :·.:I .. .... ... " " ... .. ... ... . .. "'" .... ... . .., 1 \ ••••••••••••••••••••••• CCJCU: aw.er-Moff•ohd Immaculate 4 bedroom 2•, bath showplace rt'atures a ~aullful tile entry, rormal d1n1ng room. family room, wel bar ;ind a coiy fireplace Plush ca rpeting throughout Fu II) landscaped corner lot has a lar ge bubbhn~ SPA and a bnck rirep1t Owner will assist with fl.nancing St7S.OOO Call 9'19 2390 W~Trod ~odlC~ Allral11vely upgraded 3 bedroom ranch style home leaturu rustic ram1~ room with a han so me brick firepla« Professionally landscaped Cypress tree-lined rear yard has a covered bnrk pallo a.nd lot.s of frw t trees' Jusl minutes to tht' BEACH' Sl29.900 Must Stt lo apprrr1ate Ca II 9'19ZJIO Mete Woods Pe1~~~m21-, bath executive boasu rormal d ining com ror1.1ble ram1h' room, and a delJghtfufly warm fireplace Tas terull> landscaped yard has a t'Ovt'red pal10 and room :: ror a pool' Very qwet rt .,. s1dent1al area $210,000 ~HJ Call ror your appo1n1 ... , ITl.'nl 979 2390 ... ... . ,, . .. : , I . ' .. ... . ~ .. ... ... .. ... I' ... ... .... ''" , .... . , ..... a. VA Lot11 With reasonable <lo11>n owner will cons1dt'r car rying the balant'e on this 3 bedroom showplace localed near the M rsa Verde Country Club Lovely dining aru and family room T WO rireplares 21'2 baths F'reshly painted' Yard 1s profe ssio nally landscaped Beautiful' Pn~ nghl at S229.500 C'all for f10<1n t'1n1t de tails 979 2390 0..y.., 4 bedroo~~ bath dt'· bllht 1s JUSl like new• P'ormal dining room. re laung family room cnckllng hrepl1ct' Professi o nall y landscaped lot 11 loceted close lo South Coast Plaza and the hub of Orange County. $204.900 ~::: .Owner will ISSISI with the fln1ncing. Su bmit ~~Her now ! Call '" ' "' '' ' ' I°' •• ... 111 ··~ . .. •• t1,Jll 'fr\,\ .... ,.,, , .... ~ •IW t 7t-llt0 :ncn S BRISTOL SANTA ANA Tdrl1rll. HI \I I OH't ~~ 11111 ............ ... "1'>• 'fl11 ... ••• 'mt.~ Newport Beat h You 1tt the wln.oer of two tree UckelS ($19.00) value lo the C llCUS Y Ala AS l>tlMI wUI lndlcat. lout.Ion• perform.a nc. dalea To cl1im t.lckell. cell u2 su1. u t za. 1'cb11Mnlllt be claimed ti, P'tbruary tt. lllZ *** To Place your "fast Result" SerYlce Directory ad Call Now 642·1671 W.JU J Ult 1wtln1 Ill> ln • bus' MU ol )'Our own' A ..,.s way to tell people, about U It with a low ._ __ .._ __ _.. rost Claulfltd 1d Haw eamttalu to .. u· I UolUe M2-WTI (l..m.d .. doh W-t ll. -=--~--------------------................. _,_......__~---'---'-'"--......... -"---------...... -..--.-------.---' • j PETE ~BARRETT .. REALTY SI lf.J!O TaMS I EWMS!! Owoer want.I out! Super 38drm2balh home with large living/hm1ly area. Brick rlreplace North Costa Mesa bar 11n ! Call now. w.. ·----~--·------~-.....---- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, February 14, 1982 fRRDEWINDS REAL f Y LUXURIOUS CUSTOM IRICK OCEAN VIEW This dramallt' home 11> an entertainer's drum Det'orator det a 1 It'd 1n every area Center rourtyard with spa Jnd startigbL •s.ooo Ca II --a .... •. •0•111s•1·· __ , (or appl. 552.17. 4 ~~7i!m, 111 ly room, with re mashed lutt'hen In excellent I.Melli netcbborhood Available Assume 1st Trust Deed at very low interest! Beautif uJly p~pered and paneled throughout. 3 spacious bedrooms. Very quiet location Walk to sparkling pool. · THE REAL ESTATERS CALL 67J.1550 ~~~~~~1 DUPLEX One block to be<1ch. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + l • Bdrm 1 Ba, built·ms & fireplace tn each unit. 4 car garage & owner w1~: finance entire balance after a small down payment. $315,000. OCEANFRONT Like new duplex · 3 & 2 Bdrm 2 Ba each unit -on lhe sand, will take small down or trade and carry the entire balance. $695,000 best deal on the water JACOBS REALTY 675.-6670 * •UNIQUE IN CdM ANO NEWPORT IMAGtME IALIOA ISLAND 4 Bdrms. super master bdrm. lge kit on Little Island Bayview $395,000 IA YVIEW IN IA YSHOHS Finest details, gourmet kitchen, l'harmmg floor plan , all this and a bay view. $650,000 (or 1mmeduite OCt'upan cy $16~2'.:5200 1-1111GO~l!1!!Glli0111111!1u~S •,- IAY VIEW Complete rederorated "Bayside Cove" 2 BR. den penthouse A~sn pool, spa, pn beat'h j PETE ...\~·s~ f\'\ ~ A li.)..J:X: ~ ~ ACE., ~\S ().t.)~~2..) ~.M\lJ1 ~\)~\~ J~t nt0H•d 111111 111" n" II\ ltmt· lo plJO for thal I I 11\'n ltl'l Jt11u.1111 tt•d \JtJt111n tr111 For 1•\trJ "11h lh1 I ·1.1~,1r11•cl \ti, 1 J,h, wh~ not >l'll >Hffil' I lllt•\ n• l ht 1·.i""'I "J \ u( thc)!.t• 1h•ITl!I > ou don t lot111d JU,l lh1• ll1•111' ancll 111.'t'tl w11h .1 Cla~>1lt1"<I I ... .,,.,_ ,,,, ""'". . .. ,,., "'" 2919 M.wport ltrd., COfMf' lOftt ~.J7JO'"A-~TJ&..7~.J.w I PRESTIGE & PRIDE Of OWHOSHIP 4 Bdrms tn Spyglass. 2 (pll''s, spa, financing. $479,500 COMFORTAILE & WARM THROUGHOUT 3 Bdrm & den. on Balboa Island. do{'k, \'lt'W, income unit. S650,000 " Looks like model Great ______ __.assumable Try 20•, down or 6 month~ option -1111111111,•Lf!l!lll!D!l!O!!l!IW!l!ll!llN!llll-I Greatly redut'ed ror V?O mo t 1 v a t e d b u y e r ledlced Py.h '84.<XXI Debbie Frail For l Years Macnab-Irvine Really ' BARRETT ·.. REALTY ~f/ltlJ."t'-1 (114) /5"'1-01"2.."I OCl... (fo1)~-W¥7 2 outstanding Newport 642-8235. He1ghts rond~. 3 BR ., .............. _________ .._ _________ _ 2"'2 ba, lge yards & pallOS. Sl75,000 Walking MUSICIANS BEST IN BLUFFS distancetosbopping DAY SLEErERS 0'84S.4T/SUN 12-4 CRYIAllES Th<• follcl\\1ng s ht•autiful 1·1111 11n1t l27 OGL~ ST., CM : Make use or the sound homt•:. -11roofed room 1n this VIEW-VIEW E side C M house Newport Beach 3 BR . SI.:!!.~. Call Diana for 2~' ba condo For ma I details. dining ~m. plus h\•ing . Diana P1etenpol Volpe room with fireplace I Large t0X28 ba Icon) w ocean v1e~25.000 I CUSTOM NEWPORT I ,..,.._.Tlldor HOMt 1-------3 BR, family room. den. formal dining room and breakfast nook 3 fireplaces. French doors and windows thruoul Pnt'ed to sell. $395.000 For l'l.i.,Mft t'd ,\d \CTIO:'\ r all ,1 ll.111\ l'tlol \I) \ ISOH Agt 631-5661 SlllC & FINlt THE HAGUE C A T H E G D I R H E G W A C R E R 0 S L J S E I T A E R T N A E P 0 R U E K A H P C J G N I C P E Q A W 0 Y I S T R U C E H N E A E S U l G Y A H T N L E A M S V E H H H 0 A I A i T C E E ANPPDOAVTRCTLARPTH~ A E H T S L B R E E A P P U U H U 0 U R A S M 0 H 0 H A C 0 R E W D L E Z S G U H H E F E L I C W R H I R L R Y E U H T H P l A T D H L E 0 E K A T I T E L K E L C l l S A G M R H H H 0 I A H G A I E l R I H I L E H 0 R D A C T I C M T B 0 N D W L U A N J H B P· K S E J 0 8 W L S H M A R H 0 L L A H C A Y B E C H A I L L A E l P I R T E : H ti.low .,._ -.d, 119, doM> Of ~. Find udl Ind bo~ It 1n:: Pila of '-8 EurOl*ll TIMtill Ovtth - Andnw C1rn111it N~ C.-~ Nontt S. SchMniilll" Royal Na c. Hu11 ten BOICh l riple Alliwe Wllllll'I M World Coun Strlll Gnni Hollllld Tomonow: '11?7 TELL MORE PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR E SALE! Signs are great to give directions to your garage sala. .. but to let peop~ know you're having a sale, you should schedule an ad lo run 1n the Classified section ol lh1s newspaper! It's the best way lo tell people what you're selling. when and how to get to the sale Call today and let us help you word your ad DAILY PILOT CWSIFIEI IDS HOii 142-5'71 ' INCLUDE THE LAHD FIXER UPftfR :.i bdrm expandc•cl. front row \'i£•\\'. s;1;,o Oilll 2~H:; l)t11·d:1d;1 OPE~ :1 bdrm 21 ! h~1th l:t rJ.!l' t'tl<'lo.,t>d p<illOS. Sti11 .500 \pp I I LEVEL I \11.11 Ill'\\ :.! lul rm. :! li11th .-\pp't . :1 l><lrm. :!' · h.11h 1!18:! \'1-,1.1 < '.1u d.tl ,325. OOll 0 f> E \ LARGEST I LEVEL. .I h<h m l.1 m 1 m LJ;(e C'nC'lo:.(•d pat 10:-. s:!X!I mo \pp I HELEN B. DOWD REALTORS. l~C. -~ ... ~-~-! PALM SPRINGS $67.700 '9flNSUU "· l'Um Condo on <.:oH Clb Ne~ deluxe 4 Br w sep Dr A~~ume 9 S'. h t lam. rm Formald1n1ng Phone 3 20 9H4 o r l J car garage 3 (rpl 568-3113 OPEN SUN 15 15o~ RANCHO MIHA<:E MIRAMAR ~.000 SM 9~1 673·9060 2 Br h~t' ·~ pool, fee I DAVIDSON RE4LTT land. assu m a hie'• I Pho ne 320 9S H or 568-3113 ask for ARTX Sell thtnl:\ I ,1,I "II h l>.u 11 P1loc \\ Jnt Atb FOREVER VIEW! OF OCEAN & NIGHT UGHTS OPEN SPACES & PilKS IRAMD HEW TOWHHOMES Deluxe. 2 master suites. lar~e airy rooms. Great financing Country atmosphere m Costa Mesa All for the lo'" price of s 137,000 & s 189,000 HAL«' PAT IAUER AGTS. 67].7300 ~HOOSE SAT.-SUN. 1·4 2277'PACIRC IEHD Of WILSOMI MESA WEST TOWNHOMES '::!~' S©\\~µ-"ctts~ ::: lllo.4 •• CUY t. 'OIUN 0 e ......... 9" th• 6 trro .. bled -d• b.low to "'011 6 •11,.ple WOtch p,,,,, •~'•'' of ao<h '" tts J1f"l4t of 10vortt S H 0 R E P I I I I' r AGE TOE I I' I I I HAMS AT r I I' I I I THINGK I 1 I' j I j I One er~ to anolhtr. "Old you hear wh11 hlP!*'ld? Two 1 --.---6-.... , guya tried lo rob 1n1 Hmt R " Y S U Dank 11 th• Hmt time " Othlf I' I I j j . croolC "Are11'1 thtre ---- ' lo go 11ound?" J AOEBBI I I 111 I I'' I ! $.!::.,~.; ~ ..,, --... ~ I RF SIOfNTIAl RE"Al ESTArf SERVICES OP84 HOOSE 12·4 92 LIHDA ISLE Gorgeous c:ustom bayfront with pier and slip for 3 large boab 4 bdrms. libr1ry. family room $990,000 for appointm e nt and adm1ttante through security gate call 675.-7656 LUCY ROSE IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 SPECTACULU OCEAH VIEW Corona dt'I ~lar tlhl lot. or 1•x11<1n<I i.'x1stmg hom1• S.1i5.ooo ft•t· PALM SPRINGS CONOO Indian Wells Country Club. best location. 3 BR. 212 ba Owner motivated. PllVATI IUCH ACCESS Spc•ctacular remodel Cameo Highlands. $295 ,000 L H or $393,000 fee. $207,000 financing a\'all at low interest PENINSULA POINT 5 minutes to beal'hC'>. 5 BR . 5 years old. S459.000 COHDO OWMEI W/RMANCE No qualifying necessary 2 BR, 2""1 Ba. next door to the pool and spa. $119,500. ONE ILOCk TO OCEAM Cameo Shores , owner will finance S92.5.000 fee. Will also consider selling furnished 5 IDRMS, $298,000 Harbor View ll omes. 5 BR Carmel expansion. Fee land excellent financin~ available. ' 16 UNfTS At $40.000 per unit Out of state Call for further information. llG CANYOH WSI McLain 2 BR condo. $1125 mo. GEUY & CDJITA STARNES COMPANY RESl~TIAL llCAl ESfAfE SEJIVICES llACH COTIA•I Neat as a pin & in an outstanding location, ~ block to ocean, by the ..yedge, this 2 BR. 2 bath home on the peninsula is a charmer. Screened outdoor eating area + brick patio. $295,000. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 I EXEC. -GOLF ESTA TE NOW $673,000 A SUPER value! Custom golf estate home 200' fairway frontage ! 5 BR . 412 BA , formal din. rm , recreation & hobby rms. 2 frpks, fam rm. sundeck porch. pool. Panoramic views from most rooms. 3 tar gar Storage galore Call Bob Licata. 759· 1221 3 BEDROOM CUSTOM 13% PRIVATE LOAN! Own e r finant'cd no lend e r qualifying! {tutet c·ul de·sac Parquet e ntry bril'k frpl Tiled k1tl'hen Pantry. Fam1I} rm Water filter :i nd ~oftener Spa Entlo!>ed off street H \' pad Giant patio Storage shed Fruit trees and much more' 1 Just Sl69,000 ' Call Bob Licata 759· 1221 RV M~ of Newport Beach I s39t L999 --R~l .. ST!lllT!llllM•E-- HAllOK RIDGE One-of a Jund exr1t1ni.i I A s~r1al oHer on Valen noor plan designed for ltnr s Day Opn lhe. family hvtn~ Pleasant I Sunday ~10 Vienna and mv1tin1: with ~arm Cul de s ac location . ~'OOCis lots or bm·k and shows ltke a model Will shake· roor orrered al d osr i:scro~ 1n onl.' ~.000 Call Je~n RH ~tek <.:all Tim Rhone 1 ter (or appotnlmt'nl to ror details. agt 631 1266 1 Stt or12G-1263 642-5200 A SENSA TIOHAl OPPORTUNITY J Bdrm + stud10. master suite. m Harbor View Hills $450,000. UNIEUEV AILE PRICE FOR SO MUCH - 4 Bdrm. Broadmoor in Big Canyon. Pool. spa S685.000 DUPLEX OH PRIME IAYRtONT In Beacon Bay, 3 BR up & 3 BR down, this is one of the most prime spots on lhe bay Sl.250.000 PUTTING GREEM & COUNTRY KITCHEN In Harbor View Hills 4 Rd rm "'1th great decor and very large yard. Private. S459.000 NEVEi A DUU MOMENT From any window bayfront duplex overlooking the Pavilhon. 10 years new S995.000 VIEW AND PllVACY IS YOURS In Trvine Terrace. vou c:an O\ erlook the bay or swim in )·our own pool all for the price of SS35.000 CENTER COURT YARD for great entertaining, 4 Bdrm tn Harbor View Hills S49S.<XIO A PETE BARRETT ;,. REALTY ~ '"'" ... ~.1~~;· '''" ""' ' -he~· ,11 hnm1· 11 , '"" -------1 SHARP IH SHORECLIFF Just listed and read~ for ~our apprornl One of Newport 's b(•st a re as. Hum for thtS s.515,000 CLOSE IY IH COROMA HIGHLANDS - 3 Bdrm 112 bath. lots of charm. inside and out Owner will help finance Access to prrvate beach S295.000 ""' ~ 1lh II.1th 1111111 1 ·IJ"lf1t·1I \cl' \nll 11 I I l•lll h,1q "'m .. rh111j! lo •1•11 •.di ,, ln1·n1l h I 1 ·1.1"cr11•d \d \ 1'"' .ii I h-1:! !-,41;M 1'1~1\)ll· "ho n1't'fl 1'1·upl,. Thar,~ hJ l t lw IMll.Y r11 .o I StR\ 1n; nrn ~.c 1111n 1> Jll Jhnul IA YFIONT A home with the ultimate features for a luxurious life style. 60' boat slip, 3 BR. fam rm & formal dmmg. Stained glass everywhere, Jennaire. central vacuum & air cond. marble fplc , extensive security systems. bayside patio & 2nd story balcony. $1,750,000 Bobbi Ryan 752·1414 (Ul4 ) HARIOI RIDGE Beautiful "'Kensington" with panoramic view 4 BR + fam rm. Great financing. Enjoy the private & security of Newport's most desirable address $695,000 Jerry Thompson 551·8700 (UIS) HAUOI RIDGE 4 BR + loft Beautifully decorated "Kensington"' w view of l'ltV lites. Loft ideal for study or den Lovely spa in entry. 3 ca r garage, formal dining & more! $695,000 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (Ul6) FAMILY LIYIMG AT ITS HST Superb quality & splendid decor accent this 4 BR home w/private yard newly remodeled kitchen + fam rm & formal din rm w/French doors. Located in the vi ll age of Turtle Rock w /community Pools, parks & schools. $224,900 Bill Wedrrore 551-8700 (Ul7) UMIVHSITY , ••• CHA•MH Newly decorated 4 BR detached home, extra lg picturesque lot. Near schoots, parks1 pool, library & shopp&na. 2 BR aown -2 up. One Blt ma1 be med IS study or nursery. Nace assumable loan . $164,500 Lorraine Reid . 551·8700 (U18) TOTAL PAHACHE! Countrv k 1t<·hen . 0 a k cab 1 n els . s k y Ii g h t·s. b r1 ck fireplace. pool . view. 4 Bdrm . Sensational SS59,000 IJ~l()IJf ti()Mf\ REALTORS. 675·6000 2443 f HI C o••I ~llgh""•~ Coron• d.-1 M•1 WE HAVE r>7 or THt: BEST AGENTS IN TOWN Whal a Wonc.lt•rful Worlrt I• of Shc>JJPtn l: ri~hl ,11 ~l .1 k1· lh o,1 ~11 00 ~our hni:('rltp' l'\ i•n I how.l.'hold tll•m' 'ou rl' da~· 0 41 1, l'ilul• not U'lllf.: J\,J1l,1l1h• to I (.'l.i_,51rit't.I Ad' 111 111;11 , 'uox· otht·r 1 .. m1h h\ .id \OUr ad l all h~2 ~liit I H'rt1;init lht>m for .':ile and let a C.'la~ r ... \I In l IJ ,,1f11·cJ (,ii I · ·'II l(u 1 f>l2 'i4i7H . \ 1sor hdp ·' ou •r-""'!"----------------------~ .. I • PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS - · rCDXDOMINilrMS 0,... Sat/S• 12 'til dim 2600 llock S..to A,,. ••• .. Costa Mtse TruJy elegant 2 Br 212 baths for $139.500 and 2 Bdrm 2ba homes for $129.500. .............. • 10% Down wlpayments as low as $889 j>er mo • VA financing seller will take back 2nd to lower payments s.tt.. • CalfonH ltalty 546-5605 -'31-6194 CCM'tet to ltoktr GE GEORGE ELKINS CO , • U RUE FOHT AIMHllAU ltG CAHYON OPfH SUM l·S N e w L 1 s t I n 1-: H (' ll u I I r ll 11\• Upgraded Dm·<·r lin1t SmJ..tlt• Story 2 Hedroom. 2 Bath + IX.·n Bright. Ch<•crful l>c.•<·or SJ?<'<'tal Wall CovcrinJ..ts Shows Lth A Model Ownl'r Will l'arrv ~·inancm~ You An• ln\'1tcd Tei tnspeC't ~:ntcr Hy WL~t Gutc. And Check In With Guard &.>rkc. $425.000. (!) __ ......... _ .. r. Or~ COll1 DAILY PILOT/Sunday. FlbtuatY 14, 1982 .~.~~••••••~..._..,_Wt Ho.wakf'Wt ~FwWt ~.~.~-!. HM..11orw. ,..._.,_Wt "-"hrWI .._....,Wt ...._,_ .. ' al ... ~········~, •••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ;1 ...................... . •••• l1Mr.. 100 G1•rtl IOOJ 1001 •••ell 1001 IOOJ G•r• totJ I••"' -100 l1•r9 ,_. ----.... IOOJ ...................... . . -1-••........•••.....•••• ··~···················· ................................................................................................................................................................ . -ll'!'Slll-E-ST-OR•Y·PER-FE-cn•o·N-0wJ~1fr'ltl,'!1! bl~ ursM.&11 •X•C•H•A•N•C• *H"'* .ssuw1Low 9v•D1 IRVINE rraa•"E l . eq~ty in 2 ye•t oew coo· ..... ~L 11.ADE/SWAP , •t IMTlllST LM. Bur hUTIV tMNI Thi~ 2 Bdrm den tor 3 Udrm 1 h . ·1 do ro.c 3 or 4 Bdrm home ~-,~ .. • 2"I bath OWDM ma~ trade: ll> 4S boat 1 P, private foPU1lr ·s-urm fl)ath .. _. 1 Ii fiOme with Sunny b"'ht and bright and new on the 11 1 • HS I d 0 c "'"'Ir over-.ln.J Npl Htll home for ln· beacb, Utt .. (bt.ery noor~n. In Clnt •rt a or ....... 111. door tatty' !tad• I &'1' h b . I . ll Open hea med ccah n~ . 1·-;t m ~ r · t Y VlCfORIA BEACH ~ 0~ low d wn boa. J tarao bedrooma Colla Mesa. Great .,. lnlo rormal Uvln& room . market wt rick ront. side and rear s huthm;, mirrored doo~ <'tmtral air ·151·3191· ~hou&So•Sund•Y H equ1tj950oo0+ m\Br fiden,2baUll,flrep lac. 1wnableloan1nd1tlltr ~.~' dlnln& room, patios. hardwood parquet floors fo r mal d1n1n u roo,,;· : • .ho~ lanaWay on,.. led '•t•PI to and mucb morel WIJI will tailor to meet ._, famJlyroom,atont throughout. Excellent location less ,.. . e normous 1CA111aLundber1"Auoc beacll. DOOoOo equity tradt dowa l Owntr nt needs Beal buy !replace country h 00 ( M'll. d 11 wnp ar<>undµutaoby k o.:ersGardens _ 4N-Z119!.._ smoooowctortOyn· Aunt ns.1111 o r kitchen All overlooh tan 1 J>a.Ce~ rom ~ 1 ion oar un.d mul·h more• Superb decor lhruout Wllll Ada Call S4H 618 c.u' Dli.na Cappel, 111 m.'10l>. IS'19.000! 1pectacular riol and home. Reahst1~ally f n eed at $36.S.OOO this N~wport finer townhome Mu.'il be -63HB lnterealed In m71 I !~'te.r.:~e10~~e rmr,•;e! with c~mbln~hon o assumable and sold Submit on your terr~. No'°'" onl v ~ proararn, ea 1 S•llMVISTOIS lldrn:W· plua 1 den wC owner financing. $2SS,OOO! Call NAl4CY IMIHNIHO M011YAT9 Sa.Liii!! Cora Low ~~AL~t 0 0 SI O I IE L 0 W ~':ee~~ui:nJr~!~ 159·1221 (644·6636-Res.) says sell this iorgeous 3 br qualif In& po · Mil · only1219,000.0wnerwlll GORGEOUS SUNSETS DOOL-SPA town bome ! Fu mer mode I m • ~r i.,ty, dbl ca r. BeautftW4-'J!r home =.::'23'tanc101. Call .......... features (pk, spa & redwood SUl5.1.0llO. Pnnonly. w/spa t. 12'7. u aum 3 Bdrm Ct1 ltr ran1·h gatt•d fo r deck. Every br has a patio. Only (!)"·'~condo. 2 matr rinancina Priffii to aeli ~rivat·~ Views thru \\alb of Jl:lass 2 $165,000 FEE & Owner will carry 120,000DOWM• ;~;; 3~.'~~c''fi!~: today at $118 ,900. firepla<"es.familyroom.lormal dining paper. 2670 San Miguel Dr.. ~oeaut1es.3Br2Ba Diana Cappel, agt ::,~~k . a s 122 1· THE REAL ESTATE RS 'l;f •• R&IMt\X r oom. nook & more' \'1ew from Newport Beach. 759-1501 or ~~~msf~.~:/J secludl'd ms tr lllltle. sun'it.'lS. Nt>~port 752·5353. tenns. Patnck Tenore. & beyond Mini mum down i\nxious ~75-1221.Re/Mu owner. Assisted financ in~. No"' onl v SB.La DESPHATl $298,500 ! Call MAMCY IMIHNIMO. On the wate r. Pr ice slashed l)Wnr agt 759 1221 1644 6636-Res 1 $10,000 lo $214,900. ONLY 10% 7Sf.1221 644-6616 DOWN & owner will finance!! Professionally decorated with R&IM* of Newport Beach ~ wl!al you w~nl 1n !Have l>Omethmi.: 10 ~ell" Daily Pilot Class1f1eds _ <;'.l!S51fled dd!t do 11 "ell WANTED People who \\oUld like tu 1)\\ll their own home-but t•:rn't fulfill the r i n a n c i a I d o '' n p a y 111 t' n t ~ e q u 1 rem en l s ~1 L'S T ha ,. t' impeccable credit. h1storv of lon~c,·1ty & employment, f P\\ oubtanding llnantial obhgatwns. be l'apable in mcl•tmg and fulfilling STOPGAP o\\ nt•r standards • Shared T<'nann of P11tt•1111al Growth & Profit · • Copywnte Progr..im ol Equal Opportunity • Properties Loe· 1n & About t hl' Costa Mesa & In rne Areas • Prices Range Bel\H·l'n SI I0.000 to $175.000 • Pnnc1pab Need Onl) ,\ppl' CALL TODAY STOPGAP 720-0220 ·~ CONGRATULATIONS LYNNE VALENTINE ... n •· .• ~r·~ -....... ~ . . . ,. +--,. ...... # . ., , TOP SALESPERSON OF 1911 Followhtg art a ftw of htr v....-·, Day S~cial ristingl.. llG CAMYOH 5 Rue Fontaine $995,000 975,000 (newl 895.000 799.000 4 Rue Biarritz 72 Hillcrest 40 Royal St. George HAUOI RIDGE l San Sebastian 25 St. Tropez 3,900,000 925.000 CORONA DEl MAR 3709 Ocean Blvd 3.675,000 107 Milford 3,200,000 1132 Ebbtide 750.000 2515 Windover LH 498.SOO 1647 Reef View Circle 395,<n> Z716 Shell 695,000 · MIWPOIT HACH 223 Evening Star Lane 1,475,000 1133 Highland 415,000 SIAVIEW 2012 Yacht Resolute 1.AUOA ISUMD 211 & 211 'Ill Apolena 395,000 450,000 ..,_ MIWPOIT IAY 2412 Mesa Drive 2,900,000 gourmet kitchen 5'6-7035. • TURTUIOCIC * Sl,279 PH MON'fff is all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 br e xecutive det ache d ho me Featuring frml din, f mly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752· 7383. 11.50/o I ST T.D. Country charmer with cathedral open beam, wood ceilings. and hardwood floors. Only $12,900 down 5.56· 7035. * LOW I LOW IHTHEST RA TES * When you take ove r existing fi nancing on super townhome ! Featuring 2 master suites. f rplc & $137.500 price 759-1501 or 752-7373. • • 12. 90/o IMTHEST * HillOl VfEW HOME Immaculate MONACO mode l featunng 2br/den. frplc & s pa !! Low interest financing available $241,500. FEE 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Reach. 759-150 1 or 752-5353. . S 12. tOO DOWM Take over $97,000 loan al 11.5%. Hardwood floo rs. open beamed wood ceilings. A real charmer! 556-7035. • SB1ll DUPllA Tl * 121/i0 o RHAHCIHG Spacious Rahcho San Joaquin t ownhom e w / PAN ORAN I C G OLF COU RSE VIEW ! Featuring 2 br & den, wet bar, frplc. etc . . . Price slashed for quick sale & will help finance !! 2670 Sa n Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501or 752-7373. • WATERHOMT HOME • PRIVATE HACH Sensational 4 br home smack on t he water!' f eaturi ng french doors. fr pie. professiona lly decorated & private SAJli DY BEACH Only $249,000 & seller will carry AITD' 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752·5353 4-f'UX Prime rental area, $60,000 down & owner will finance at 12%. Try straight note. $224,900. 963-5671. • STIPS TO HACH • I 00/o RMAMCIHG AVAIL Gorgeous 4 br detached home l blk from ocean on FEE land. Only $299,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport. Beach. 759-1501 or 752·5353 • Sl,000 • * RNATI • On pr a nd. ne w town hom e! Featuring privacy, 2 mstr suite & den/loft overlooking liv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Mig uel Dr., Newport Beach. 759 -1501 or 752·5353. JASMINE CREBC ••rt.AH 4•• Extremely popular 3 br plan f e atur i n g m ag nif ic ent decorating, frplc, gourmet island kitchen, frml din, fmly rm & iq-bouse laundry. All this & more f <)r only $38.5,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-53.S3. NIWPOIT WCH OfflCI 2670 S. Mlpel Drht 1714175t.1501 17141752·7l7l HUNnMeTOM WCH o#RCI t0n.-. ... C7141 '6J.5'71 t7141 ,SU.70JI ~· Walker It lea 1111 htll• DIRECTORY 1.., 11111111-'f .... .,, ••,..._ ........ ,..,.'•••a ••Al .. ......_..-..~ -..,..,. .. .,..tw .... ~ ..... a I..._ a.....,., OAILT P'ILOT WANT A.H .'*-.._ ............ ._ ........ _ _.., .... _ ..... _.. ...... c-.. _It S....., .... s...,. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 IB>ROOM 313Alta Lane. Costa Mesa 675 1771 $119.900 1010 W Wilson. Costa Mesa ~~1 SI 10.000 21!18 Rural Plac<'. Cosla Mesa &16-5096 S149.000 18222 Mayapple. lrnne Su n l 4 Sun 12·4 Sun 12 S ~.s397 Monts "1131 :"' Park l'irl'. Greentrt"e. In 552·5884 Sl2~UIOO Sat Sun 12·5 I :'\lt•l<xly Ln 1Wdhrg 1 ln1n1• ti75·5511 Sl-19.CXX> Sat Sun I 5 * I HlO Rull anti ll<I : 7 t W t•.;td fl NB t;..t2 521Kl Sl44Jltltl Sat Sun I 5 3\17 Hav,·1cw. Costa M<'S<J 963-&167 S2111.000 Sat Sun t 3 • •227116 Cump;met. ~11ss1on \'1t.'JO !lti3 l.i7o7 ~.uoo Sat Sun 1 5 2 IR ~ FAM RM or DEH 1940 Wh1tt1er. Costa Mesa l>i2·7677 Sl21.lMXI Sat Sun l·S :15 OakgrCl\e. 1WdbqO In 551-m.I $186.~ 117 La Serena. RSJ. lrvme Sat Sun I 5 759-1501 SIM.00> Sat Sun 1·5 2512Santa Ana Ave llE. C M 759-1501 $137.500 4951 Hemlock. Univ. Pk. Irv. 644.9060 $179.900 2034 V1StaCaj0n l Blufrs) NB Sun 1·5 Sun 1·4 759-1221 $315.000 Sun 1·5 I Island View. Arbor La ke. Irvine 85.S-4343 $271.271 Sun 1·5 1409 Dolphme Terrace. CdM &M-63Xl ~.000 Sun 1·5 1706 Miramar. Penin Pt . Balboa 642·5200 $325.000 Sun 1·5 552 Hamilton. Costa Mesa 759 1501 Sl23.950 Sun I 5 417 Se\'ille. Balboa Penin NB 675-5314 S-115.()(X> Sun 1·5 i! \larit1ml' Dr . .la~mme Creek. CdM 1»1·!ni0 Sun t 5 1)21 Trt'monl . l'aml'o Shon•s. C:dM 1~11 9060 S.'\115.tOI S.it Sun t 4 3 IEOROOM 255!:1F Elden A\ e . Costa ~lesa li75 li71 Sl59,000 i!OOI Arnold 1Central l CM &12. 5200 S911,500 2651 Crest vie" < Bayshores > NB 64'·2282 $349,500 2675Riverside1E1Sidel C'M 645-0:n'J $135.000 3225 Clay St, Npt Beach 759-1221 $179.000 Sun I 4 Sun I 5 Sun 1·5 Sun t 4 Sun I 4 2215 Republic. Costa Mesa 546-23L3 Sl25.IXX'I Sat Sun 1·4 212 Via Eboli . Lido Isle. NB 673·7:nl S487.234 Sat Sun I 4 616 ~1an~Qld, Corona del Mar 6404521 ~5.000 Sat Sun 1·6 lt2fi E Balboa Bl 1BalPen1 NB t 524·5980 SU95.000 Sa Sun 1·5 4827 Bruce Crescent (Lido Sands> NB 6.'U-7370 $215,000 Sun 1·4 418 San Bernardino. Npt Bch 631-1266 S279.500 Sat Sun 1·5 ** 1418 W Bav. Penm Pl . NB 675-6161 s1:200.ooo Mon 1·5 •425 Glouce!ller <Cape SeriesJ CM 642-5200 $145,000 Sat Sun l 5 9 Rue Grand Vallee. Big Cyn. NB 644~ $.599.000 Sat Sun t 5 1245 Blue Gum. Newport Reh 645 9850 or 548·0581 Sat Sun 12·4 2415 Novia. BluHs. N.8 644-9060 $315.00> Sun 1 ·5 4211 OeSola Terrace. Corona del Mar 675-3411 $350.000 Sat /Sun 1·5 J IR ... FAM RM or DEM S42 Harbor Isl. Dr. <Prom Bay 1NB 759-9100 Sl.~.000 Sa 1-4/Sn 1·5 S J asmine Creek (J a11mn Ck) CdM SS2·200> $440.000 Sat /Sun l ·4 1900 Commodore Rd, Baycrest. NB 631-1476 $360,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 211 Opal, Balboa Island. NB 67~ $647.500 Sat/Sun 12 4 1515 Cumberland <Westctir() NB 540-1151 $240.000 Sat1Sun 12 4 2635 Solona Way, Laguna Bearh 494·2894 $345,000 1436 Serenad Terr, CdM Sun H 675-5511 s.'M9.SOO Sat/Sun 1·5 2113 Mirnmur, Penin. Pt .. NB 675-6161 ~000 Sat/Mon 1·5 • l<m L Glen Circle. Costa Mesa 640-9!0> $Zl9,000 Sat 12· 5 1842 Port Wntbourne, HVH. NB 758-1~1 $241,_, Fee Sat/Sun 12·$ 907 Vm Ness. Colt• Men 759-LSOl $16$.000 2el2 Redlandl <£uulde>CM 842.m S14UOO Sit/Sun l·! 2298 Rt>dlarnb. tHa<'k lia\ I is. 6.11 111.'il $259.\0> · Sat Sun 12 5 • 1472 <1<llaxv Dr . Oo\er Shrs NB 642·25!0 S739,000-fee Sat Sun l 5 267 Robuthood. Costa Mesa 675-2311 $159,950 Sun I 5 15521 Sandusky Ln , Westminster 963·67b7 S179.250 SattSun I 5 13 S.itrn\\-ood 1Villa1?e I I Irv 675 3411 Sl73.tllXI Sat Sun I 5 •21~ Via Eboli Lulu 1-;le. NB l)..W ~)(iO Sun I 5 2100 E Otean Bl Bal Pe111n. NB 6-1-1-90fi0 S795.ll00 Sdt Sun I 4 ••30CXHkeanBhd CdM t).t.j 9fMill ~5.()(~ 21-1 Amethvsl. Balboa lsl:1nd 6-14 9(W'itl . $498. ()()() Sun I 5 Sun t 5 1218 Ke' West. llrbr Vu. Cd:'-1 644 4~1U 5.179.500 Sun I 5 3182CountryClub0r, Mesa Verde 645-9777 $23.5,000 Sun l 3 5 North COH'. Woodbridge. Irvine 646-8816 $295.000 Su n l 5 * 1993 Prt Seabou me < HrbrVuHms 1 NB 759-9100 $248.000 Su n I 5 23 Mainsail IJasmnCkl Irv ~ ~l $385.000 • 900 AJepPQ St. East bluff. NB 720-0332 $313,000 Sun I 5 Sun 1 4 •452 Broadway, Costa Mesa 645-9096 S197 .500 Sun I 30.5 2045 N Greenleaf. Santa Ana 546-2313 $187. (XX) Sun 12·4 929 Helena Cr .. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $149.000 •829 Sonora. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $139.000 1721 Kings Rd. Chrrhaven. N 8 759·1501 1612 Sandl<'wood. Costa Mesa 546-2313 Sl27.9'XI 4 IEDROOM Sun 1·4 Sun I 4 Su n 1·5 Sun I 5 1541 lkt•an Blvd. Balboa Penin Pt 673-5Z70 S425.000 Sun 12 5 l2fYi Sussex Ln.' IW chffl NB 759 9100 S275.<XXJ Sun 1 5 2616South Dia mond. Santa Ana 979 mJ Sl75.000 Sun 1-4 30 31991 ~ 9 Dme Lagunu "11Ruel 496 1505 5425. 000 7 Shoot mg Star 1 Wd brdg J In 675-341 1 SL97.500 222 Coral Balboa lslanct Sun 12 5 Sun ta 675-0921 S.539.000 Sat Sun I 5 9676 Azalea. F'ountam Vullev 548-1004 S134.ooo ·sat Sun 12 5 •2828 Tabago Plac·~. Costa M<'~a 556 0197 Sl75.00l Sat Sun 11 .i 760 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle NB 67J.90Cill s.575.<XX> 41RpllaFAMRMorDe. * llY20Wh1tesails Way, CdM Sun 1 5 759-1221 $399.~ Sat Sun l S 2596 W1 llo Lil .. Costa Mesa 559-9400 s:ns. ooo •2221 Arbutus. Npt Bch 759· 1221 $298,500 8201 Seabi rd. Hunt Beach 675· l m s160.ooo 2862 Tabago I Mesa Verde > CM 642·5200 $173,750 4515 Wmdover. HVH. N.8 Sun l S Sun I 5 Sun 11·3 Sun Is 644-6200 S498.500-L.H. Sun H · 3-0 • •219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl. NB 642-8235 $2,250,000 Sun I 5 2607 Bunya. Newport Beach 642.8235 $369. 000 2933Cassia. Nwpt Beach 640·9!KX> $299. 950 14 Monterey Circ . Nwpt Bch 640-!m) $495,000 440 Mendoza Terrace, CdM 631-1266 $375.000 •2436 Holiday. Npt Beach Sun I 5 Sun l 5 Sun IS Sun 1·5 759-1221 $329,000 Sun I 5 3408 Wimbleton Way (Wimbldn Vig l CM 645-0.1>3 $2SS,000 Sun I ·4 • 1152 Kingston lWimbldn Vig l CM ~ ~.~ Sunl4 ll~ Dana <Plaut del Sol I CM MS-0.'m $219.000 Sun 10· l • • 1617 Bayside Dr, YachhmMI Cot9 Corona del Mar 644·9090 Sl.795,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 . 1807 Newport Hills Dr. KVH, N.8. 644-4910 $345,000.Fee Sat/Sun l·S 1200 Blue Gum Ln. <Dover Shor~s> NB 644-4910 $625,000 Sun l·S 14-BumingTree Road <Big Canyon I NB 644-4910 mo.ooo Sun 1·5 16231 Woodstock Ln .. Hunt. Bfach 8116ol0t0 StaS.900 Sit/Sun 1-4 1140 Sea Bhatt. Costa Mesa 552.1114 aeuoo ~t/Sun 1·5 1251 SUrfllne Way Cfbrbor Yu) CdM MHflO SG»,000 Sat/Sun l·S tDMlramar. Ptnin. P\.,N.8. mtOeO -.ooo Call M47211 FOHCl..OSUllt twO 'pt\Di Ir& homu wt~ in exceU (Ondl tirxl Great lerma Move 1n today Patrick Tenore, 11t 759-1221. $ RXEl.UPPEIS S Mu JJ ..... c..... "O"' YACA.MC•S Far below manet. For set -up r ail R irk anYUine.714/780-7212 •2779Tem Cir <Mesa Verdel CM 751·3191 $239,000 Sa/Sun /Mon 1·5 333 Poppy, Corona del Mar 675-S.m $598.500 Sat Sun l·S 210 Via San Remo. Lido Isl, NB 67J.2S56or675-»18 Sat/Sun I 5 3202 Delawar(PI., Mesa Verde, CM 545-92.58 S139,500 Sat/Sun 11 5 8201 Burnham (Hntg Crest I HB 846-1717 $2 15,000 Sun l·S 20521 Montauk Cr. Hunt ington Beach 962·9597 $227.500 Sat1Sun 10-5 • 1818 Port Manleigh, HVH, N.B. 759-ISOl $399,000-Fee Sun 12·4. 30 1033 Wh1teSa1ls. Corona del Mar 760-1756 s:'W,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr . Dover Shores. N.8. 548--5647 S420.000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 16231 Woodstock Ln., HWltington Bcb 846-1~ $164,900 Sat/Sun 11·5 17SS3Santa Monica Ctr., FntnVly 751·3191 $145.000 Sun l·S 3484 Windsor Ct.. Costa Mesa 966-1644 $265,000 Sun 1-4:30 1521 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $445,000 l.533 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $445,000 3120Llncoln, Costa Mesa Sun l·5 Sun l·S 540-11.51 $143,900 Sun 1·5 •22(2 Heather Ln., Newport Bch 9M-(8)9 $262,000 S HOROOM * •7{)1j Via Lido Nord. Lido Isle. NB Dally 675-6161 Sl.500.000 Sun 1·5 5 II pM FAM lM or DEH 1930 Port Ctielsea, Newport Beach 4!W 1840 $150,000 Sat 1 Sun 1 ·4 126 Via Lorca. Lido Isle. NB 673-7:.x> 2074 Pt 8risto1 IHVHmsl NB 673·7761 5298.000-fee * •92 Linda Isle. Newport Bch Sun l·S Sun 1·5 644-9060 $990, 000 Sun 12 4 . 30 6 ll ... FAM RM or DEH 25 Bodega nay, Spyglass Hill . NB 759-0737 $575,000 Sat/Sun 12·5: 30 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE .. IACHElOI • IOOScholz Pl~za •205. Versa illes 673-7:nl S!tT.900 Sun H 2 IB>ROOM 2600 Block Santa Ana Ave. CM 631 6l!W Sl29.500 Sat Sun 11 5 •JOO Cagney Ln . 11101. \'ersa1lles 673 7n> $127.000 Su n I ·4 •25 Canyon Island Big Cyn. NB 673 7:1Xl S265 ()XI Sun H 30 2277 Pac1f1c Me . Costa Mesa 673 7:nl Sl37.000 Sal1Sun 1-4 -l t I 12 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675 5511 S295 000 Sat Sun 1·5 2277 Pacific Ave . Costa Mesa 673-7:.x> SIR9.000 Sat Sun t 4 2415 Nov1a, BluHs. N B 644.9060 $315,000 36 Elden. Costa Mesa SS7 4579 $117 .500 •2067 Vista del Oro <Bluffs 1 NB 759·9100 S235.000 2512SantaAna llF'. E Side CM Sun 1·5 Sun I 4 Sun l 5 673-8550 SLJ.5.000 Sun I 30 5 1118 Sandi Ln , Costa Mesa 54/l 2313 Sl24,900 Sun t 5 2 la plus FAM RM or DEH 756Tust1n Ave .. ~ewport Beach 768 !W38 Sl85.000 Sun 12 30-5 * 19Curl Dr. Jasmine Creek. Cd M 640 1515 t 728-5151 Sat Sun 11 ·4 lO Crest Circle. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $165.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •503 Avenida Campana. Blurrs, N.B. 673-7:.x> $395,000 Sun l·S 2 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek. CdM 644·9060 Sun 1·5 501 Sl. Andrews. Nwpl Hts. N.B. 673-7:.x> Sal/Sun 1-4 J IEOROOM 559 Vista f1ora <Bluffs l N 8 673-8550 S242.700 Sun 12 30.4 30 411 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-5511 S335.000 Sat Sun 1 5 8 Banma Crt. < Nwpt Crest ) NB 673· 7:.x> Sun l 5 14 Landfall Crt. ( Nwpt Crest> NB 673-7:.x> Sun l·S TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE J la ... FAM RM or DIM • 3 Rue Fonfainebleau I Bit Cyn) NB 759·9100 $425,000 Su.n 1·5 HOUSE FOR LEASE l M fll!I FAM IM or DIH 4S4Gavi0la <EtBlurf) NR 847-8>10 SlJSO.l..'ie Sun 12 30.4 30 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 -.oow • 700 µdo Park Dr •ll. Can Vlt(, N 8 m1• 162.soo . Sun •·• • ... ---....--..--· ....... ··-·· . •• $ 3 a S.J o !2 ~ r llO ~ 1·5 PM -um HM P1US •• ., .... ..._.....,.a, .... .._ _. t 1111•11• lfddl nt ti• ~ ......... IHI fft. Clriltw •a;' 11. '1M400. IOf !It !tu•1 CUFF HAVEN DUPLEX + POOL Clt•r•ltt 2 ltt4r••• ll••t wll• =e.,._, ...... ,.... ... " plun. 0. ..... let. w.r ...................... ,.....s.... a.c1111a ledlllcta .. s12a.ooo. 1tl1 Clff Dr. PDINSUU PT. BY BEACH Dt~tM I 00 fut .,._ M.ct.. 2 ........ ,... _, 4tcll ......... :;;;.:a.~.::,.1um~ ~~ ~ HARBOR RllMiE-RENCH MANOR aao ~ YllW ct!.i· 0c .. _. ~ ~·::.. 5,;ro-,._,-:. rttldHce. ForMal llo•t wltll 4 M•a1 1, ~ • ._......, roo9. I I •• ~ rOOM -__ .,... .. ,.., llllh wtttl flrtplact, ._.ell ... _..,........., .. ..1c111to. for ... ,.tkllls -..o ............ bnt ......_ of tMs Lo-. XIV M.or i.o... s2.200.ooo fu. 631-1400. ll Mu I . COUNTRY ElEGANCE-tJTTLE IS. C..._, et.ci-c• & ••"Y decor.tor --'Iv • tr.a l btd. llolM wHtl ttricll ... )a ftwclt doors. Aho OM bed + ....... Oii ~-• ., • ..,. to •• .,. $575,000. 673-6900. ll.ll. M .. mfllu,W.IL BALBOA IS. ADORABLE * * lricll. ..._ & ....... tllis l Mel ........ ....,. locaHaa. u ••• It ... w.y I is or Y°" c-. llllM • ..w c.,. Cod..,._ ... IKllldld Ill~· S" Klis ........ at 204 TOf!L SllS.000 '31-1400. IMMACIUTE i FRESH BAL IS. 0.. of .... bHt pric.d ...... °" ... ........ .... .. ~ SpoHtts 2 Mel + brick Pllf6o. SJtS,000. 67l-6tOO. I 17 MeriltAft. NlW NEWPORT CONDOS Owt11r 1¥ ...,._, tM price °" Ht $50,000!" Y• c.. tab .t...tOC)I of fMI llllf*" OflPOrlwlHY to OWtl qHlity ....... bay -btocl Stop by -IH ..._ .. _... at 21~1~ 5t. off l•lboo ... d. PriC1 f~ooo. ........... larcJtt' ... MOit i.o..1 wttta 160 ~ roof cpdtM -l-c• ....-JK.•lf-1400. FRONT RIM-UNOBSTRUCTED VU P,1 ism I ........ ~ fthft lbt .,_.., 7 S to fr011to9t, 2 legal loh Hd F? Jc YEW of OCt9I -.d ftffy. lorty Htwpcl!Ff ~ wlMI tM c .... ~•of bJ90M ..,. -wood moo~.~~= ... d..CdM. BAYFRONT-fEE LanJt ..t tpociom witll forot•ft' VIEW __.pc.lit cWt.. TwCMtory 5 a...1• .... ""° -.d f;HIM'J. Ast ..... lo• of $900,000. 1.550.000 FH. 0Wlltf" wll a~. 631-1400. 124 W. lay .A!!:. YOONG BALBOA OCEANFRONT ~ dKorahd t1tcltl•• t.o• ~J:.9;' old . Secl•cltcl Hcl _.., Mite wtttl 1po, flrtpl•ct Hd VIEW. Fo•r total a...oo-,.. gr'Ht eflltrteblll' _..as .. ..t Olllf. 411 ar.tth io.s. S7 5,000. n 1.1400. 11u E.1411boa ... d. NF# ESTATE-TEHtlS COURT! c ............. hodl adchl1 flWOJ "-tllt crowck. W dote to • A ..._.. lcn1r'1.c&:aclM °" I.II ecttt wltlt co-19 ,a1toral VIEW of oc--. 111111 •d al9M ll9M1. T ot•I 1tcmity, prl•acy Clltd Mrftlity. Ult ....., traditfOltal .... INI J lt•tft Offwl ............ fWIMcl ..... ,_. be.._. iltduit.9 1,000 Mt-ft. ................ ,..wlMIMo .. ..., wllt ..... ,.., ..., room. ._. ,.... lodllr' -....... t.rdH roo9, .... c ... -otlMr .... for ... catufwiiHthiqf Y Mr OWft "4jtll .. loa ltldtd -Mctcl ~ comi w-. .... 0•111vatloll...., ,_.a~· •ltwla9, call for dttnllt aad H .. pa• ti 11t. S2.IOO,OOO. 67l-6900. UDO ISLE CLASSIC T~ 1 a sa dMd md dlconle.4 2-shM'y ............... ,_ ...... o,... .,.... ... ...., ...... wlttl2p9Hot .., ................ Ste.t4 ...... _. .,.. ......._ O'# t..ce wtMi low cHll dow" p•y•Ht. 1445,000. 631-1400. -SlfEll YU--OWIO ANAll. ~ ..................... ... ~•Htlf•I dtcer m.y dtcontor • I =-== 1111ary .. tMt l tiN..... ~ ...... ..... --+ =""",...... ...... ,., .,,.._ .... , ....... ,...+ ~ UMCMSnoMAat YrlW 1AM I IA tRONT CLO SI-UPI ·~...._.sn1.ooo. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC llAl (STAT£ ~ It~ ....... !\,.._..._ ... ~ W C_. tf.o¥ JIS Mtotw Aw .....,.., IHth .._ llland .,.... wtll ..... w. , ._...,.,Wt ....n,.,.w. , ....... ,.,w. . , ......... w. .... ~~~ ....... ~~~~.~.~ ....... ~.~~ ... •!_•.lj ••••••••••••••••••••••• t•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••u• oo · 'tt la II 1002 1191 • •• ,.. 1002 ~ 1002 ........ 1002 ~ 1002 ~ .......... ! ... ~~~~ .......... ! ... ! ... !!! .................................... "' .... -······················ .............................................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'~tcTll>· ------------· 9'140/o LOAM IUILDllS: l~YfllW LJqijd partntr «) eom . PIMNSULA HOMIS ~ ~ lldlcedlt~lOO Cl.~=I ~~.:.C:l'f,r~~: 'ete cuatom Newport 21 I 3 MIRAMAR 0...... SA TlrMOM 1-5 rv~WNll SC>a~ tiflevel rondot !t ovtr M''' Lr~ J~w arh ,i;-UMDI Remodeled. decorated 3 bdrm, a bath'. ~l(Pnctisi!{'OO ::r .. ~tld~~nl a::rp ~r~;. 7~~~A 2oJC Tre~ncJor-1:0"\1!~ mstr bdrm. ocean view, $425,000. _ _ MOflthly Pay men 12~ llrilh P.Urctwt. Juat • l'W5,000 th•~ Ca 1 r SOU11IPORTMODEL rew left from f7UOO '7J.to60 760-7211'Zan_yll~ 14 II W. I A Y O'IH MOM 1·5 ' 6br.):,4~·,,~1':a': n W::X.:~1~~t1g@ West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, Call_<!wner759·0737 -- remodeled 3 bdrm 3 bnth $1200 000 llG CANYON IROADMOOR SELL idle Items with a Have something yo~ DA VIDS ON REALTY ' ' ' · HIW BCLUSIVf $750,000 Daily Piiot Clusified unl to sell' t'lass1f1ed Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm, 4 Fantastic Plan 4. 4 Bedrms, Family Ad. ¥fldoitwell 642·$678 ~eitema -~2 5678 bdnn, 3 bath. 3700 sq rt. $1,385,000. Rm w lrireplace, Formal Dining Rm, 21,., Baths. Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & window coverings. New marble entry Lovely pool & spa . Spacious yard UDO ISLI HOMIS . 7ot YIA UDO MOID SAT/SUN 1-5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec rm .. beam ceilings, $420,000. LINDA tSU IAYNOMTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! CAIMATIOM COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdnn. 4 bai , 2 boat slips Sl.900,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3.l l ~uy\•d · Dr"' '• S ')/'.· o lol NEWIM THE BLUFFS Newly remodeled top lo bottom, thu 2 bedroom townhouse 1s a hostess's dream. Open, spacious and pnvate. with family room. wel·bar and two patios Large assm 'bl loan Owner will help.1 Call to see. H Rosen , berg 7lie-122 l a .. ToStrttcll Well maintained family home In pride or ownership arH 3 Bdrm I 2 Ba family room . lrg lot Owner will be very helfful with financing Fu I price Sl50,000 751"3191 VIEW TOWNHOMES Master suites View or Orean & Night lights Quiet Area Parks, open , SEI.L idle 1tl'm~ with a,. spaces $137 .000. Xlnl Dail) Pilot l'la:.s1r1ed F"in Hal or Pal Agts Ad; 642 567~ _15l·~...J73·1300 11. \ltB<>H H •·:.\LT\' COIONA DB. MAI DUPUX Just listed ! Super location 2 blocks from shopping. Smaller duplex with great fi x up potential. 2 bdrm. house and 1 bdrm apartment O\'er the garage The best duplex buy in town at $289,500. Owner will finance with just 25', down ILUffS CONDO Large 4 bdrm "C" Plan priced to sell at S299,SOO L.H terrific terms! Only to<~ down to a 121'2'1< 30 rear fixed rate loan Shellered enclosed patio overlooks the attractive swi mming pool. Spacious living room has slump stone fireplace. Large kitchen with eating area. OCEAN & IA Y VIEWS Only one of its kind ' Large home site in prime Corona de! Mar location Ocean and bay ne" s Large enough to accommodate up to 4 homes or I spectacular estate 75r·; financing available Sl.950,000 LAND SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO What a spot for a horse ranch! Gently sloping S.S acre parcels with a view from Saddleback to the ocean. Secluded in an ar ea of luxury homes and only minutes from town. Owner will finance or exchange $695.000. SAN IBNAIDIMO 1-J Highly \'isibility apartment site on Hi ghland Ave. near the cross town fwy. 7.3 acres approved for condos and surrounded by development. Out of state owner says "Sell!" Asking $2,100.000. ISi.A VMIOS 1228 acre island loca led in the middle of some of the finest fiihing grounds in the world. Spectacular de velopment potential with generous tax incentives from the Republic of Panama. $5,000,000. INVESTMENTS SHOPPIHG CIMTll Comer of West 19th St and Maple in Costa Mesa. Cfean strip center 100% occupied. Offered with exceptional owner financing. $477,000 L.H. CC>t8BCIAL IUUlfG On Marine Ave .• Balboa Island. 1003 occupied with 3 apartments and popular Mione's Restaurant. Asking $498,000' with altra<'live terms. ' Elaborate sernnly s~"ih'm 14 IUIMIMG THI ROAD OPet SUH 1-5 BIG CANYON CUSTOM ocmMG GOlf COURSE VIEW Elegance & dignity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion located on the 8th gr~n of golf course. Top quality craftsma nship thruout with rinest wood s, abundance of imported marble, crown moldings, 61 ~ baths, air cond .. 3 wet bats + more. Luxurious mstr suite pl us 4 other bedrms Wllh pm ate baths. banquet size DR. ram rm and billiard rm Call for appl to see or a l'olor brochure $2.150 ,000 1nl'lud1ng the land Finannng a\ •.1ilabh· Will <·ons1cl1·1 srlling full y I 11rn1:-.ht•cl HEWL Y LISTED "VERSA.IL.I.ES" Spectacular Dea ne H o m es "Versailles'' located on largest lot of all Deane Homes. Beautiful go lf cour se v iew' Professio nall y landscaped yard Private park-like I setting Lovely lge pool and spa. I Attractive gazebo Gated front courtyard entry with fountain Marble foyer with gl ittering l'handeller 4 Bdrms, Den. Formal Din Rm 41 z Ba. $95/" 000 including the lanci HAllOR VU HlllS IROADMOOtt V ACAHT-SH AHY TIME view of ocean. ba~ & Pa' ihon hghh 4 Br. 212 Ba. Family Room. 2 Fpks. Community Pool & Parks Ideal family home. Priced to sell $420.000 including land. nr S330.txl0 Leasehold Only $665 per yr ground rent until 1991 Owner" ill help finance 1251 SURRJHE WAY SAT/SUM 1-5 DECOIATOR'S MASTERPIECE Elegance best dcstr1bes this near new 4 Bdrm & Fam Rm Library with fireplace Spacious entry Formal dining. Huge kitchen w/abundance of counter space Gourmet's delight Bright . cheerfu l C ami!~ room w fireplace. Heated pool & spa $625,000 including land Dover Shores 1200 ILUE GUM LAME OPEN SUH 1-5 HAllOR VIEW -HUGE YARD Quiet. park like selling 179· "1de rear yard Rm for paddle tennis and pool Great for orchard. Picture~que cul de sac· street 3 Bdrms Fam Rm S3i9.500 Incl. the land. See now 12 18 ICEY WEST OPEN SUM 1·5 2 Story o.a.1 -G ... crtty Reduced 4 Bdrms 2 Ba 1n upper. 2 Bdrm"> lower. 2 Fireplan•.., Some ocean \It.''-' Owner earn T D of $220.000 at 13', Ht,; low prict S25t,500 WESLEY H. TA YLOll CO., REALTORS 21 11 Se111 Jooquin Hilb Rood NEWPORT CENTBl, H.1. 644·49 I 0 ll ESLEY N ~YLOR CO REAL TORS since W4 ~I GREAT ASSUMAILE RMAHCIHG Prime Harbor \'lt'w Homt•s loC'alion. ·I bdrms. f am rm . 312 ha Ideal guest or t~nager s prt\'ate suite Prl\·ate spa. Community pool SHur1ty svstem. 5345.000 inl'lucitn_e the land SS2 .000 dn O\\ner help finance Vacant. See anytime. 1107 MIWPOIT HILLS D._ SUM 1·5 WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 2111 San J~ Hiiis Rood NEWPORT CENTER H.I . 644-49 10 OPEN SAT /SUN 12-4 211 Opi, Balloa Isl. NEW CLASSIC COUNTIY TUDOR Uns~e<l quality, superbly de· signed with the touch of Old World charm. Featuring solid oak floors finest oak cabinets, vaulted beamed ceiJlngs, river rock fireplace end extensive use of beveled leaded glass. Three bedrooms, includln1 private maater s_uue.1. 3 baths. family room. formal alnln1 room plus 'ti · p1ulve roof deck. Excellent liliDdJocatiaa. t&47 ,aoom.-4000 . 675 -3411 CORONA Oil MAil DUrLU ! 2 yrs. new, Owner built duplex. "owners unit'' has 3 Bdrms. 3 baths, 3 sundeck~. skylights. beamed ceiling~ & 3 ear garage Both units have wood burning fireplaces. Owner will ass1sl $398,500. ' AHOl'HER CORONA DB. MAil DUPLEX! In a most desirable area and it has a pool. Only $325.000. FOil IUILDHS! R·2 Corona del Mar level lot south of Pacific Coast Highw ay. Great location ready for single family residence, duplex. or condos $230,000 . A Mlbtldiary of JoM D. Ltttk & S°" 2515 Eost Coost Hl9hway CoroM del M0tr RCTaylorCo 640-9900 NlWPORT BEACH AREA '°"•DOWN OI LIASI OPTIOM this lovely 4 BR 3 BA Tradewinds M'odel ! Sales price reduced to $495,000 for fast sale. excellent financing available. Immediate occupancy Call for financing details. IMPICCAIU From this rare Delmar model 3 BR. 2 ba with formal dr & fam room. fabulous mountain and city light views Motivated seller will assist with financing . Offered at $549,000. WHAT A VllW From this magnificent 3 BR . FR. 211'2 BA Casablanca model in the Crest phase of Harbor Ridge . Offered at $625,000 with Low interest assumable financing. YOU CAN STOP NOW This beautiful 4 BR 3 BA home has it all magnificent view. parquet noors, large custom designed family room,/lus exceptional assumable financing. All this coul be yours for onJy $299,950. Call now for further information on this fabulous new listing. HA.DOI llDM llDUCID S 140,000 Enjoy the spectacul ar view from this 4 Bd Lautremonl Model home. Professionally decorated and landscaped. Now priced at $729,500 COSTA MESA AREA SIA IWFH Just listed 3 BR. Cam rm , 2"'2 ba tastefully decorated family home with Dramatic pool & spa complex. Offered at $229,000. HUNTINGTON ~ARBOUR LD TO INTllT AIM7 We have the perfect setting with 3 comfortable bedrooms open & flowing floor plan, secluded pool & spa and efegant decor. Offered at $389,500 with good financing. HUNTINGTON BEACH STA.1111 IMYISTMIMT Choice 2BR condo with new carpets, pool and great assumable financing. Priced to sell at only $108,850. Call now ! SANTA ANA AREA NIAi S. COAST Pl.AJA Super tri-level condo with 3 comfortable BRs and owner financing. Priced at $122.900. TIYKDOWM on this close to all 2 BR, 2 ba condo. Amulng at $73,<n>. Hurry! OMA POINT 121,0H Moves you in to this lovely 2 BR. 2 ba with oe-ean v1ew. Reduced for quick sale to Sut,950. Try lease optioo! Of ....... c. :i ft•klfL l 11 ...... :;J)J OP1M HOUSH l·S C....eo.dot "°".., , .. , •trlM. utltedrel ctlll•9i, W..t ldtdie9&. ...-.. So. of Hwy lecalt. Fro..t •It l ldna. SlJS,000.Reer_,.2 Id"" $295,000 or b11y both for $605,000. 411-4111/J Dahla.CdM. MoLHtehold Wonie1 ~ hal btH , .. no•ated mtd i1 fbtd for 25 ~ T otaly ,.... .-wed lrviM Terrect 3 ... l ....... w/fet1'1 i lr roo•. 049 .500. 1 416 S.. ... TftTOCt WoodbridC)t ~--, 2 Ir lodtcJa .... WdllY ....-c1. tilt u),.Y & • •lrroud ...... 1. Good •a. 1•1Mble I st TD & OWC a bd. Very ..ti•ahci Sl4t,OOO. 4 Melody Lii ~SaytW! ........ .,/llt•tk for crciom IM11CJ + CJHlt qtra & tpa. ~ ia ••HY way. 4 lclr111, library & family ,,.._ How of· fered at $591.000. l llPoppy . COLE CW NEWPORT REALTORS Z5 IS I . c-t Mw,. c ....... NI.., 1575·5511 •OCEAN VIEW* GREAT TERMS! Excellent low \nterest fUlancing' The ulumale, romantic charmer ' En · JOY 2 beautif ul r1replaces. Fre nrh doors, and hardwood floors. Wood deck over- looks atream and ocean vtew! Pnv1te Bflda. Only $34.5,000 In Corooa del Mar. call 673-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS GUITHIS ONE Only 11 9r, for SI00.000 assumable loans buys a gourmet kitrh , sur· founded by a 3 Bdrm house. lrg lot. RV ac ces.s, no qualify mg S25K dov.n~ Sl050 P&I mo ITl)\e5 rou in. Don't de lay. ral Diana toda> Diana P1et:I Volpe SPACIOUS TOWMMOMf! The best in VISilon'Vie· ,a. Have that open fttl· mg in lhis larce 3 Bdrm 3 bath home lncludu wet.bar. nreplt. French doors and much .more . Great terms av1ilable, call Cordttalls. 646-7111 THE REAL ESTATERS Owiwr c.:a:; Try SI0,,000 doWll & TA)(~ OVE R PAYMENTS Lease /opt or 1hated tqutly 2 Br 21>1 condo S119.900 Ask for Pat. 67j-1771 ..... I ... 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &fer part J mon&l1 paymut on Balboa bland property. Low down or trade ..... :? ....... 675-21 ' By owner 3\AJ br. : be. all remod Copptt plwnb, lath fl platter. pt0,000. m.~ . - lWO-STOIY 4 bd rm , ,..., -baths, breakf.aat rm, ti~Jla~. n.ny utra1. 153t,OOI m eora1 <>Pen s.t &11 I $, w"ll aa1 appt1. ~J~l Or111g1 Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 14, 1982 n ............................................................................................. ~:.':':.~ ....... : ~.~~ ....... j.~:.":':.~ ....... .I.~.~.~ ....... ~:~!!.~.~ ....... , ~:~:.~.5:!:. ...... . ~~ ..... ~~~~ ~.~~~ ... !!!~ c.... ................... ; .... !~.~~ •.• ... " ... -.• ... ' ..... • .. 111 ••• 1.0.•.o. ln'ti.t 1044 LogMRaleach 1041 ~~~~.~ ... !~.6.~~~~.~ ... !~.6.' !~:~~~~ ... !~.~~!!~.~~~ ... !~.~~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MAV1COND028r 281 4br 3ba nr. bch llS$K DISHIAn WYFINAHCIMG •OC&ANVJt:W• AtlllOUSIOYCf ~~ ....... AlTU~H'fl on ocean ID KU1el. Full' m: dn. owe 11200 mo Woodbridce-3Br jba, 1 A 2 bdrm condo with NI au. I sh Cl r f s Udo lslaocf By Ownt!t JSfOIY furn lnrtntalpoot,pro Ca.nyou S rma.3 ~~J>ymnu 962·1227& yr new Lowdown H roomroroutduortntt'r Townhouat t. .. ra~~t Spacious 38R, 211A DOVER SHORES + lni>dtm apt. operated Luiuriou1 batha, bll family room. 9113-«1!1 ......... loa N _,. t t I G l I t MocM S2Ql,OOO Ownt!1 Hom.-<> n SS, l..ot nrbayt,$315,000.W/blln SlU.0001..owdnw/AITD larp yardwllhpalluln ~JOYGOOD HEALTll .... llll '""' ut ,:..~tn~,0~f.~wn~•fti 4939411 lnl'ludH Arch1lcl"l '• fabWOul lln1nrl111 Save at 1.2~\% Chane• or a a l>rimuectlon of Cost• the wboltt yur lhro1.1&h SUCCESS REALTY lur" Ulumablc loan at WSE OPTIOH pl1n1 for add 111onal a Wetlrne to own Hawaii M'es• for $165,000! This Fa.nt11llc SOL VISTA 549·7~1 less tban c\lrttnt tlllt'M Bedroom & Bonua IMllALTY 1 1 r de 0 ~ 0 t spaciOOB 2 story beauty pool home . No qualify Owner •;t'.' submit 1111 MoMrch S..MMlt Hoom Plus Owner·~ • JI,, .. l .. -01 Owner/A"' T T1 hit a hi.I&• hvtn( room Ina. Only $136,000. Bkr f ~'o DO'Wu ...1r~ ... 11 ,"w' 2Ut. 288 Twnhle. $6,000 IJl6l Rolls Royce Silver .. -• _.. -• '-'--with mu11ve used brick _848_-0708_ ~ y~~ 11 ~autsrully """'U _, dwn. 1700 mo rent, I yr Cloud II Ovtr $360 000 in COUMTIY a..LtSH fireplace ' Auumable DESPERATE OWNER up&r•iled 3 Bd 2 811 sal COl.Sfi ROYAL option at 1i7s,ooo Apply Auumablt l.oa~ at ..... Puh •• I 007 DOPLEX 4Br + 2Bt, 1 loan avallabl~ at tat~ mull sell thli 5 bdrm family detach('fl home. Spectacu aar v lew or rent to pur<'hase pr1re 12 "'• ':{ . $ 56 0 ' 0 0 0 . ... ••••••••••••••• .. ••• yrnew.Good111umable Calltoaet,54011&1 Lusk built Se11clltr with Asklnt $13-4,900. Call waves bm1kinM on the AMuimble IS0.000 loun 714·~1623 'lnMnlru1e fin&.l\cln&.'188,000. 708ai ..__ r II di p sand from this 3 bdrm at 10~.~4 +paper Op<'n PIMMSULAPOIMT 709\1 orchid. Call ~us~oo:0r~~(,1ul·d: ~~ameron, aat "°"J'with 13tu~1fara~ 15. 31372 Abantto fS'FIOMSAND IYOWNB 851 ·9135 ror appl isacprivacy.Ownerswill· on arge o u11l 49J.1941Bkr Two21Jcfrw/~eanvus Beautiful 3 Hclr m. 3 bath. extra wide lot on c:alaxy Dr1v~ Dining roo~ • (amily room, 2 t·ar l(arage. patio . Vll'w of Bi:lck Uuy, fashion Is land & mountain~ POOL & SPA $739.000 . Ownt.'r mol1' attd & will help firi ance LOUIS HQSON, UR. 671~1464 2S'l'ORVH01JSE Qwner/blrr. - _ carry. Country Club near homes pnced from Laraest l.inks 1•01nt Golf & new decor Creal 4Jbdnnl""'SE2Vt baM2 frplc vt............~"'-•C O'liiulft 1w1l Submit' 1 ~·~!~1S1 -::'p·~~ :1v1~ Course hon~ Opt!tl S111t pjlnc7'cn 1P2211t1r1Rck1!enore, ~~,.....-..,........,.._.............,. l vv FRO SAND y,,._ -9U•-act A1k1'n1 S25 .500 8'-r & ""n Allsu1nlllilt! 13r, a -e ... u . Solar poo /1p1, 4 · rm 1 ns .-~ a home Listed It s not as 1~ 000 cash S4z.5 000 --~. Orean view on 500 Sam Ari ' ism~· ~orte large nor as prett) but It (~·r 496 150S r~111t ....... View Hilt A~:i~O:: lst J 75~1·;!56W~h l nSa~lt·Sun onpoollhlsho4 rm. e~ced Ull Ss'!.?1",lllSgTcl~aPnP3Eldrm SALE BY OWNER hfias exceS291lenooot uwnH ool) Sc>11c1ous family Home Ownttfmancmr IVlll ....... 1 e 1 s ~on a qwel cu .,..... .. 2 b S 1JW1r111g s. Many extras-Lge fee lot REDUCED$SO,OOO de-sactnEasl.SideCosta mwarmearthtmtones r ··\afford " In OC~FIONT LGILtFontt 1055 Fleubleterms$48S.OOO A.5KJNG$42S.OOO IU'\J .. HOUSE Mesa A beaullful yard No qualify mg Fruit Grt>enlree Many up Best pnrecf for orean ....................... Bkr67S-44!M 548-1300 """" with a covered pallo and trees too' Just 1122,900 eradecl reatures Lo(• on front Ln Llli:unu ' Thi:. ' OPIN SUN t 2..5 FIOM TH~ t• "'CH r 1 th Bkr 8C8 0709 cul de sac Selllng tor -lllll!llm!lllll!lll!ll!lll!!l!!l-•I t.5'fOCEA.N BCVD CA al ro1y irep acTeb1n e PH~ -$128,900 assumable bdrm & ram ii) room PAIKWOOD 673 SZlO 3 bdrm1• I~• a, street to 1v1ng room ere ts ~TIGE 1100 Ii C 11 ho~ overlooks ramed ESTATES . · alley ot. in m1lhon more' Assumable 4 Bdrm, 2''Jba, ram rm . mancing a 552 58S'I Wh1sketv Co\ e &. hJ~ 4 Br 2,, Ba lMert irule dollar neil(hborhood loan and an anxious dmnn.2cargar Pncedl C>t~HOUSE magn1 1cent view' ZISOSq ~·t Perun Pt borne 2 Br. 2'-1 $350,000 seller Only Sl69 900 to sell' $164,900 Ownr SAT1SUN 12-S OwnHs mo l 1\'llI1'11 Ul"l'TER THAN be, den. Mint cond. new . ~ I Call979 5370 . finan avail w125''i dn 4031 N Park C1rele l $795,000 MODEL ~~IJi~~d:r~:~g •• RI EFRIS A Call app owr a11t <nrGulver Walnut) . HASF:VERYTlllNG ~A LLSTATE 846-llMO 934 8392 SB.LER SLASHES 'tl(r~r t'ul di' ~111~s1re1•1 escrow &. will finance •• ......., L '"' -I] l!JoJ0 :l.-. ... oci•'-~ Sun & Sail I I C'luh ~15,000. Owner 1 Agt ES IAI E Seller w/finance 20'X dn PRICE 16000 ' $210.\XXI with $160,000 DISTRESS SALE Rrand nev. 3 Br 3 Ba 1 n Np( Hgts beaullfully ap pointed P rll•ed w a ~ below market Sl79,000 Jeannt Salter, .igl ~5314 ..... ~.,....-~ ~ REALTORS 4 BR. ram rm. game rm , Only S129,j)O for this J 41 i;n c.,1•-leoch 1011 .....,,,,,..,.. •981"•0 •"'CN\DOWN • S2U.OOO 8201 Burnham BdrllevelSmokeTree l i.a.~eo."'91'-., Nopointsorquahfy1n11 By owner. Oceanfront. ....................... ......, """" , "" ....,.,., Eileen .. a.Kt 846 !717 townhome wlcentr .ur. _..._, .. 11.~· 770 0347 " home 4 Br + 2 rentals ~ :0w~:a~: PJ;' ~l:::~ MOYE IM HOW! pvt patio, dbl gar. fr~k, • Owner A.:ent Seller will <'arry T I) OCEANVIEW Pnncon!l'.~3·7023Bkr Complete the purchase dw~~~g:~ei~sl rr?~· 17141494-1177 ~cems.ooo CalJ .Paul leklw Mlrt &>riu later We will work with Don't dela>'. L'all Diana 4BR. 2BA Home Pool & I ~ ;j.;1n · 646 84 2 0 r 0wn<'r must sen! Sweep Mesa Verde Ho• your cash & bud11ct 4 today At Main Inch Spa s 1 o, ooo U own ~~yg ~.&3~ay v,ise:fiwacl:-10ouvs ~~l~r 3Jric/ 2 +boB~s. Br 2 Ba house SI 16,900 Diana Pict.enpul Volpe This pnrrlcs~ lrm1ll11n Owner l'ar11 f\J lnnC'l· I S«YRISE COM DO JUST LI ST E D ' Ba C<ill now ! Bnckell R ~: 55!1-!MOO uverlookin1: Main &•al h 5$tm3, 581 li234 ON THE BAY fRllN·r HOME +"• ACRE fami ly rm. c M fee M I c r 0 . p r 0 r 96().5402 has 2 bdrm~ for 11nh . . , I Located on prestigious land Only S375,000 Landscaped. French ll'/floASSUMAILf $220,\XXI C'Jll uwnt'r JljMitMOnVltjo 10671 v.11h unbeht ... 1bh• ~1ew Camino Capistrano, this Doors Ice Maker, 2 4S4.SIJ8 •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• $475,UOO Bo al ~1 1 µ · "-'lc's. $235 ooo Own er Newly redecorated I!"( · Owner (){>,perutl' • a\ a1lablt '"'."' ue pro""'rt" with a ''" c t ... L c 1 2 bd t I --. ,... " Anxious Will Help with I e u iv" 111 a ues a P "' ... OR "'MIC rm ron< o on..: term pnvate gate 1nrludes 4BR 2b r I • "'" "" r I pl1DSforexpans1on Sel· Flnancini. 3182 Country a. am1 Y rm. WHrTEWATU VIEW in.inctnl( .ii ow intere~t ting is secluded and _ Cl ub Drive 645·9777 ~~ ~~1 2~~n~na~ ~~r· DYNAMIC I J br. ram rm. 2•7 11.i. ~~e11~a1l C'.ill owrn•r OHELEFT Onl) Peninsula Point 0t·eanfronl Just ~ach. no sidewalk $795.000 or I mak<'ofr seller will aid buyer with Meto I 024 Owner Brkr, Open Sun Take ove~ 13 1,,.. loan ' Woodbridm Ho.. nev. crplS & drps 1\~ 1303 lo put down •••••••••••••••••••••• 1·3 _ I v.it.h$40000down ' 1 SellersoUer-lv:mel> or sumable $98.000 b l di Mrwportt.och 1069 1 3-8812 OWNERWILLFIN I POOL/SPAHOME OPENSATSU'lllOS rinancinR allernatnes I 104•, for s.tle b\ ... •••••••••••••••••••• Low mt rate. no uallr : 4Bll zBA in Mesa del 2n21 Montauk Circle ,. Gorgeous 3 Br 2•, ba ov.ner S219,000 3 BR 3 H.i home in 00 I Cqt 3 Byd Mar Call for Details Cal. I Jam 979 5370 or ho~ with.numerous up· D)'67~S320 ev 75!1 120b Ray~hon• JlJtt>d tom Ll.OgQ mg, yr oan u e 962 9$7 grades Cul.de sac st mun•t> II.is 2 ~unn> I~• Ba, approx 1850 sq THEADAIAMCO. -JUStstepstothe lake or' STOIYIOOICHARM patios wnd owner •.ib1.n n. conveniently l~ated U $49..8S47•• -EA ft'red It S295 000 OPEN ODea s.tedav I ·S "' finance $349 SOii 'near NB shopping llOOSESunday ISatS J62$"HILLCRESTDR Opt'nSunda\1 5 ~.---=--......... -M-1022 SJ31.!KIO Call qw ck·Peg Sl~~~~urt•}EBdr 5'ECIAL North Cove I 3BR 2BA near beo1ch 2&1 Crr.,l\·iew 67S-f676 675-1444 $19.000 I CONDO Balcon~. ocean \It!~ guarded gate ;.ub terranea n park ing ele.:ant clubhou'e &. 1o m Mullan Rt>,tlt) S40-2960 ask for Lon C..-_.. ,. Da~ron. agt 559-9400 Gaaebo w /Hot Tllb Wayrp Stewart. Agt tkean & Suo~et \'1 ew ~ Agt 6"' 2282 ....................... approx 1 > ar. qwet cul 4Br 2ba. wa1k to beach 64&-8816 Oak cabmeu. & rloof\ TAKE YOUR PICK de-sac. ranyon 'u. $160,000 Italian Ill!' v.oodt•n IN>Ji DOWN Sl 21.000. Ownr agt 675-1771 WOODlllDGf blinds & PRIVAl' DOVER §HORES leGHODtion priv·10 j 642.7677 O.HMLah AITDlow mt $345 1100 4 Rr Den f'ormal Din 4 Br 3 Ba E"xe(' hnml' 3 "f duplexes Call l 3 BR. upgraded. E Side 28R,&Den 28A. 0cfGffio..tlRCOfnt ing Room . 2 t"11epl.&\'l'~. t:Jlt'd courtyard <lhl parre I :ashis 759·12211 FllEIDOM HOUSE horre Great loan, great PANORAMIC l'nrre N Laguna llui:P 3 <·ar garagt' t large frplc, n<'wl~ redl'l' in or more elai · I 3 Br I Ba large yard terms, seller anxious Lakefront View 28 R 2 BA dinl' rm Hobby Room Pool \1zed i.ide & out 1or: 3\\Uma ~ .. ooo ... 641·0763.,Agt. Agl Ca 11 54S 8320 pr 0 r es~ i 0 n a 11 y frpl,' wetbar'. & 2 Ni ,·~ I lot, beaut landscaped ble loan S'l75,000 $1'.!00 e.~~wkn~--Landscaped Beach & Rarhelon Ownt'r ' Owner will d&~1:.l at perrro 752-2550 l A REPOSS~ION sharp 2 Tennis Club Good financing S89S.OOO I fi.nancing Only S420,000 MIWOMDOLLAR 3bdnn.2bath,rrplc,dbl story.pool.$143.000 9'1 F1nanc1n11 Owner or ArrRAtS...,.Sl 75M O!>enSat •Sunl4 30 OLDCDM $5\JOO 19rage, A I con d ~540-7739 feredat$297000552·8362 3BR2BA.f~beal·h 30CJ ltobmson Rf'altor Just ~O!~!e~ from C OCHU•~MTERR y s~l~n~~~ne; will as IOIOW. WILSOM ~-1042 WOODIRIDGEMEW yar~.AskmgSl&l.500 541•5647 Newport Cent<'r . )et -· R OPEN SUN. 12-4 •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm and den. highly Hi• McConnack RE I .... ~ORT HGTS reels l 1 kc count r) It's lrue-$5000 is the op Roy McCo,.., ltr. 2 br beamed ceihng. re BEST BUY Tran I dad up I! r 3 de d pr i re 494_7551 .,.;nr-$450,000 assuma bit' .it tiClCl or buy now This 3 541°7729 ;rodeled. Large, valua Isle! Pnmt' loc 3Br 3ba Sl98,Wl 17'. cln Sini:le I Gated dnvl'. 'erluded s Wi": Ov.ner w1llin1< to Bdr fami~ rm + 3 Bai--------ble R2 lot Can build 2 OWC at 14r~ tnt Bkr story , fully shuttc•rt·d. Bdr l\omr + ~eparate exchforumqueprol>(!rt) ~.lb lobeach.on •MISAYllDf• rmreunits Idealforre· _IomGoUler6469200 fireplace. atrium. nr I mother 1nlaw qtr!I Nf'wport.LagunaAreas comer lot. w/mioi vu WJTHPOOLANDSPA tired couple Owner will lnm 1044 poolandtenms Sls&.950> Terms Rbt Panoramic iAhlle water I ~fin~f!i'.~n~fo c!o': fr.~~13 .~~;ms~.~ M~~l3l689-4384. OM,S •• l.Oy90$i]M0·,·5c;o,··,;;l;i * *H0552T O&lOTUB IN I Milliken, agt 631· 1266 ~~~~ r~m ser":;;' tr::°'be I dn Ask1n1? S2•0.000 OPEN THIS WEEK END I/ believed' $&50 000 Call sum rm p) ml pp Agt T 0 s ELL ' L a r g e ..... ~ ltus J' Bdrm -~I ~l) ATRIUM 646 3916 ror brochure 1~1~ b e aut 1 r u I home . ~ ' H.irbor \'1ev. Hom1•, 4 1 · Ea l d I d <a~ ~muke Trtt town Omt' All offers no~ "'"1n•• .. OHTHf br. •lew xlnt < r lot ~!!!!~~~!J MEW CONDO H DH ll~ ~A cu 642·W ' w P'1 patio. dbl d<' cepted Ov.~r"" m0• ~;g GOLF COURSE $00,000 494 1840 ~enl 631-5137 ::a: --gt__ tached gar, t-entr air. out of state Luxun 2 Br S STEALS ~ Y 0 By owner two 2bdrm OWMB decorator color-. and + den. 2 Ba home Im Now IS the time to IO\l''t A ~~~ ~cr.!'r~' I houses on l lol Asuma RMANCIMG warm hrehghts Neer t mac Woodbridge m Counll') Club hv1ng I "NEW" CdM CSTM ble 11~ Isl TD OWC Lovely I story 3Br 2ba pool. 5 pa· .ten n 15 l ~I AskingSl86.000 We ha' e s e'e r a I cxean & ba) \U, 4 Bdr ~~~~~~~~~ BLT 2300 sq I\ Wik lo 42nd Aslung s12s.ooo home + family rm &. S135~ Don l delay [g marvelous propi'rt1e' w bonus rm. pool. spa + bdl. 3Br, 3"'2Ba, circular wtth 25.000 dwn 20th & cozy fireplace. spac r' c~J a~a today 1 1 ~i ~ldbrldge I surround•nR lhe pre f !118.,11\~~lv A~~~~t I slalrway, skybtes. grdn Porrona 640 7464 ar yard. jac Des1reable -a •ete V-0 ~ D .. I sllioous El Niguel C'oun Won't last PATRI<:K OCEANFRONT LUTOl\ windows As king -F.asts1deCostaMesa rn:alg try Club Pnces r.in~t' DIS,IKKI MESA YEIDE all d<'S1gned for family 551.3000 from Condos at $137 .500 TENORE. ain 7s9 1221. , ..• 1!.,HbeEtCLIFfr• OPEN Sat Sun I 6 For sale b)· owntr As I C 11 J h BR l t ....,.-a""' w.een opp\ • " 1 n g a o n 19211 flarranra Pl.."•·''"",. to <'UStom 4 t'~ 3 e~ 1 and Narcissus. this de 616 Mangold SUIT1.' VA S67.000 at 10'' Campbell for showing at S659,000 \\e also ha\ t> sirable proper1~ sits in 640-4521 637 8778 2 bdrm Mesa Verde con ROGBS REALTY _ Uni•en~ Porta sorre view. lob .iv.i1l11ble 1 the heart or evervthing ~~ Jii~e~~~ ~~~a~3e80 675-2] II * * LAK£f RQ NT ~~~/ ~~;:'s : ~:,h~~11~: dre;.':;c~ot~ebw+~e'~~ff I and enJOys spel·tarnlar 'NOTICE! 315 & Jl5\.~ Larkspur 1s for salt> & any reasona ble offer will be 1•on siden:d. Buyer respons1 hie for f1nanc1n1? Jaeanne Salter. agt 7~1221 HOME frrewa\,'s Open Houst> toward the fulun· w 11 h Canal front Newpofl views of the harbor n ly •VA 11 112% * "-P-l-A 1026 Shore,. 4 Br Oen lq~hts anll r o('k v 3BR +112ba , 76K at =:': •• ':':'••••••••••••• Onwe of a kind 1mml' ~~°:"o!i.J::7 \1ay ;fpph' :~~1f~~~.~~ fin ..innni: S!S!nl down Owner1<atl coastline Tht' hea1•h $856p111w poss S5500dn . ~S,OOODOW... n.~~rbrh1da~cmnlovct'adlu1'.unt (Jl4)495_9444 l'ar.f'' Mus1·,._.11 • ~Jk•· below boa~Ls protectell pnnonly Bkr6673863 " d vw11.. • , lntht'h1llsofTurtlerotk oHl'r'Tenni~.pool.'>'Jlk ' t1cfr µnnb and exol1l I B and conv den con o and 1s anxious 10 ~<'ll 3 H1 t fam rm up I lo beach A~t·nt 1;.ii; llHI nll·k fonruit1ons Plan' CUSTOM E.SfDE ~Iva!:~ :i~.90~ 1~~ (Uj)S297.Wl ~radl'll, Plan B S.1-17 .500 THE OLD or 645 2805 appmv<>d for a 3 stol) BAOCIAY HOME ~~ w .. .ah Id Agent9198866 1 G""'YM R"' ho me SI 'ISO ooo TRY 10%DOWN yr fixed 14'"1'1 loan ' ~i H\l\tu r CJC IDEAL "SHL"IUllAIN 'TA \\~H 1\T'PRIVATE 15 AC., 6447<Y.!O Ownr bldr has spared QWC.Ownr,63 1-6 666 Re.it1u 1.._.VESTME.._.T I SHE "'usr:D TO BF · PARK • -no expen.~e in this new. ,._.Valley I 034 SSI 3000 • .... .... And neither 15 thi~ nide 2 ms tr Bdr s, each L. ~ue country English ....................... ! 8 P · or starter home ror th<' Dana p01·nt duplex an w own Ba, 10• .~ as 1ngO ho W ... ua Int arranca '"'>·'"'"" I O I S 26 900 1 COUMTIY ENGLISH 3 Ba me 3000 sq IY 0 ".,.. small film1ly 2 bdrm 2 early Calironua dl"S11(n sum oan n ) I . ..u ... 11 OUPLEX-4Br + 2Br, I fl or luxury hvmg w 'loo 4 bdnn. 2 ba large yard OHL y $4400 DN ha Wind~or Model In I Unique 2 story arch1tec John. agl 631 1266 yr new Good assumable many amenities to hsl $S,IXXl dn. Great rinanc buys you an 1mmac 2 Th <' Terra r e Con\ e tu~afhea\'V ma sonn &. ---- Assumable financing, Aslung $315.000 For pvt mg $134.500 Bd, A C condo w att ru<'ntly close to shopping wood s asii w indo·v. !>I How Is h tiw to..._ $398,000 709 & 709''2 show ing call Gl en 548·1~ gar Askmgssil.900 for ' a nd ~rhools Priced rcatureTwo2bdrm un -1 Orchid. Call 851 9135ror Hellwarth. agt 559·9400 tin<l what ,1111 w .int ir ~howmg, call Pell belov. market ror qwl·k 11 s w HAR ow on o Oii Udo Isle befon Hw II' alipptiiili. Owneililiiiiiiiir:iii/biiiik~r --.i Ua1I~ l'1lul I ·1a~,1r1t-d' ron . agt 559.9400 ~alt> $129,000 1 [k .fHOl i p f.~s\ i: ~ .-w lovfr'Oftt ho• ::. of the worid flwds C4M a...r Dpb •-:...-104... I WALLS & largi' ~unn' Sl.4~.<m t>as~ l<'rm~ • wilh fillancina ..... ._. .. kitchens Extenor IS 10 ~·dock. ftt )Im pie 3 BR 2ba or 2+gud\ in AU THIS IH ••••••••••••••••••••••• need of minor rt'11a1r I 524 5980 /ll . ~x , Pr A..~, ~ UJUOO ownen unit also 2 br a E I (currently being tl'mlt!d rental colla0 e All 1n MESA y D tOJ But we beheH' w1tht NEWPORT HGTS " f'or S12A,500 Living rm •· I I R sharpcond w excel loca 2Sxl7 rt. Dining L I Ix JO ., utl e paint & e how I MOVE IGHT IN lge 2nd TD Best buy 1n Bdrm. la.• Ba HORSE 0,.-A DI f some or tht amenities $195 OOO tion. Owner will carry (\ .Eat IO kitchen + 3 a ~NAB grease, }OU II h;ne "A Pnvacy & seclusion are I townroronlyl280,000 A&_ent sss.6516 I~ f'ERENT COLOR " at you'll love 1n th1g 3 Bdr *~ LOOftt* c.11644-72 I I REALTY 't513 CAMPU,J)a·fRVINE the low orrered price of home w spa, towenn~ See t.hts 4 bdrm 3,, bath COLLEGE PK 3BR Sl79,000 fo'OR TERMS trees. Hoom for ex beautiful Porto rino /Jn NIGEL !JlllLEY & ASSUCIAlES I ~r. a~ s~':>°I~ Ai~,o~~r • .._ .... __ . LOIJllllG leoch I 041 CALLMISS. 10 RE p11ns1on Sellers have mxleJ in Harbor View r ~ . u . ....................... N ALTY rmved AMume l~on of Separate mother·in·law ~ wil2 D~siiuo":i~~/r DRUM HOME IM TUR'nE ROCK Up SALE IY OWMER 9855. Cst Hwy, Laguna SllO.<M!IJ 11 10.ar.t . Call to qrtrs, almost n<'w cpl'g. rytng.SUS.OOO grades ever ywhere, beautiful Im maculat 1 e 3 her 2ba 17141_49""0711 see.Diana ,agt.6311%86 closetopool $3!9.SOO WANTED: 2-3BR in W=H T_.._C custom brick jacuzzi overlooking ocean v ew ome 2'new custom OCt!an vu Sullll Colif R_...... Shorcliffs. Old CdM , Bal • •1'!": 0 • h'll f T I Features Large deck, homes. 4 Br's 41~ Ra, 4Mn · .. _,, Isle. Fee only PP Re~to 644-4910 I s o urt e Rock. Carpets & oak paneled den As f' R 1521 1533 Tah1t1 546=HC!l___6.l.l..:llt 644-lOO. •BR Pool Home in Mesa draperies are decorator perfect. sumable loan and seller ~ ooo Agt 497 5454 NEW LISTING FULL OCEAN VIEW Verde Lrg Corner Lot Located across from comm . pool rtnancinR S319.000 Call ·... ,, ___ ... ____ 1 •JA.5MINECREEK• Brreuway 2CarGar+ &spa onquiet cul-de·sacst.OWC evesorwknds 4972766 l..olJl-aHiC)llltl 10521 Gl"SHC>t Present1nR Harbor OWNIAGT FINANCED ~~:::;~·Pl~~:eT~l~ lg 2nd. $3.54,000 Pat Aden 855-4343 A steal ' Sparkling 3 bd. 2 °•••••••••••••••••11 •• 2 1 ot s 1 n c 1 n n er> Ridge's rinrst .. Jodelle" ~l51511·728-5151 C.11 ror Appl 10 see. ba condo, frfl· beam OCEAHFttOHT Village Going bustne~s rmdel This home offer.; 09 o1 H ce1I . pat10. e garage, LEASE /orTIOM Ow'Dfrs rehnng Owner luxury and romtort ror SS1.000T 0!£~M ~! Su5; 11 4~~ p~~=~ RARE OffBUMG The view never pool, clubhouse Owner 4 Bdr. pVf' comm onl} will carry Isl TD Can 1i41 the arnuent 3 BR 21) ba. "rwa to Se II at SI 75 ooo stops from this highly upgraded carry loan 1159,000 Peg $3500/mo trade Ownr purchased w 11 h or formal dining rm. and a tRYINITllUCI w tAssuma ble Loans Woodside in prestigio us iated Al~Rllr, 494·7S78 _ Hi61-0IB3 without mvcotory panoramic view or all or 2bdr. + Conv den. r-ralton' w1thA"'s Arbor Lake. T h1's 3 BR + om e Fantullc buy• North ---Newport and the blue l~. mr lot, pool + -=r-a:_ -end 3 bd, 2 ba, lge llv . Get GREEN cash pacific Your mqwnes ape, immed. occup. 1536 a..ctct $7000 sets on the lake. Mirrored dining frpl, brkfst area + guest for WHITE elephants are welcome S795.000 Serenade Terrau . As· 4 BA--+ pool ow ner & living room walls, wet bar in quarwrs. Walk to beach. w1lh a Class1r1ed Ad Holstein Realtv 1ume ul1t101 Unan. lraosferr~. wlll help den & wallpaper thruout. Auume loan. Owner __ Call642-S678 CAU.DANBIBB' 1274.000. owe. 955--0073 w/flnan. hep: .~~!nRlc~r· •• S:.7_97 ... s7oo8. 1_ .. ocll I 0 .. 1 t~toH 640-7665 OUlca s•LI Ukenewhome1 Lgp1t10 Fantastic financing. $349 ,900 IUJCI• ~ ....... ~ --r-.. 3 BR~-B1:0ce~ aide of rm+48r $148,900 Al Gilda Fisher 855·4343 ...................... . hwy. Reaiooable terms. '-'1!le Rllr9 768'2971 ~ . f7S.1561 LOW DOWN OPIM SUNDAY I I owe at 11%, 3Br, 1-.e •. 23 -.ratntalJ DJ. Largest 11 add-<>n. rrplc, grut home In Jumlne Creek loc. Assume $103K loan xtra tae fam rm, formal at 143 $128.SOO. By dlnin&, 3 BR 2.,, ba ~r.~708.h. •.500. '$5 000 DOWN-38drm, , new roof Ar cpt. ual 1tll ! Call now 50-lJCl s 117,500 Nnrt,...., o.-•• .. JJl6 ....... wiwnw11 lt'uBllDI MUm CHICI 1HI PllCI Lowest priced Jefferson model in Woodbridge Estates. Ready to move into. Spotless & professionally decorated two BR, den and a spectacular backyard w /wood deck. pagoda & spa. Assume $117J...OO in loans. Prlc:ed at $178,\MI Mary Welsh 855-4343 IOW.anl'Jl.!OW,wmllmlll LUVJIA a:a.&a Allol& omo. ~k 88aol PIM1 • .A.Uo1& -me i.cuna awa. CA Sl8e8a ('714) ..... l I A PIN1'HOUSE IN 1HI SKY ·~-~~=~:'"'· o..of.A.-W View H-of Wlillt .. ....... City Uc)hh M ~World • 3 Bedrooms • Solar beating • 3 Baths • Two fireplaces • Family room • Cu,,tom Built SPA Of Fam At S4tl.OOO Ip& It. ~" HARIOR RIDGE CUSTOM Elegant Country ~;state on 211 arrcs in most presti~ious g\ltcd t'ommunlty Over 6000 s f of quality has ~v('ry anwn1ty for forma l und family livi n g & entert.aimng ln<'ludes sparklin ~ pool. 1acuz7.1, sauna , sp<>rts court. game tm & maid's qrtrs . Luxurious master wmi£ + 4 other b e drooms. ea . w /pvt bath. $2,000,000. l ILUFfS Very pm .1te upg r:.idt'<I t·ontlo, 2 bdrm pill'> loft, 3 bath!'\ \\1th 'It'" o f ba} and beat·h J r>allO'> 101 t•nll'rtaining OWJwr \l'n fll'x1hlc on t<•rrn-. OCUM VIEW I ~', 1nter<.·~t • '""unwhlc loan The rno~t b<.•uut1lul \ll'\\ J \\><Jll!'i }OU m lh1s 3 bdrm rel n •at Dl•t or<1 te d in the f1m•.,t tasll' Prt<·t•cl ,11 $270,000 BIG C.ANYOM Mt L<tin Gret-nlJrit·r s 1>l1t·ll'vel C'ondo with i,:olf co ur -.e view Poo l sµa ll•nn1s "l'l'lll'tt.\ As.,umable Imm 1\sking SW:<i.11<10 HU YEM OH LIDO You II lo\ l' th1-, s1><wwus ly rtmodclcd 3 bedroom hom l' on an t•xtra wide lot Sunn) patio & J,1(11111'' Only io··; do" n OW(.'' ' $50 uoo under appraisal DOYEi SHORES EXEC.HOME Mf.'d style l'ourtyard rool.dllCUZZI, OVt!rlookl> I ba} alaxy Dr f urmal 1 D1n1ng Rm . 2 frplc·' S7J9. <XXl r ee 6-tz.25 IO fi.16 411411 5"CTACULAI Harbor Ridge Condo with 3 bdrms. den. ocean t.. bn} views Man}. man) upgrades Ca II to ~ee 111 Coventry, N B SS95 .00 0 Broker 64(}7W! W \._T At'TIO~" Cla!t~1h-d Ad~ &12 5'i7K HARIOR RJDGE :'\\\an t '' Inrlllll! C.1,a Bb 1ll'.1 "1th 'p1·<·t.1< ul:11 'it·\\ of 1x·c .. 111 a111t 1·11 \ hi•hf, :i BH f.1111 11\ room .c nd f n 1 m .ti <1 111111 i.: Ci ..1 t c d c·c11irl.\ .mt 1'1111'\ .111d 'f1.1 ( ll'lom l',1 tth1ont• d i 1·ur l h roug houl (;I t•:t l ,1-.-,um.il1ll' I IJl~llll'lfl g s:,;:i,1rn lklh 1'.11 td1 Ii11 li:?OO NEW SPYGLASS MANSION Over 6000 sq rt of elegance and warmth fill this quality custom , high on hill in prest1g1ous Spyglass. Feature~ include 5 bedrooms. library. family room. 512 baths. magruftcent pool & s pa and private elevator EnJOY ~pectacular views, magmflcent cab1m•try and leaded f?lass throu~hout Shown by appointm ent to those who are truly t he discriminatmi? Offered al $2,500.000 RCTaylorCo ()40. 9900 a~ SD.LO rlJST SEU! SACRIRCE! ~· ba~ronl w/docks & beach. 6 bedroom home. $475"000 DOWN & SELLER WILL CAl\RY BALANCE AT 6% INTEREST ONLY 2 YEARS! $1,100.000 land Included. ' I .- ' Ora• Cout DAILY Pfl.OT/Sunday, F,tbruaty 1~. ttea ..._.,..,.... "-"IWW. IOlllrM•.. o..raHt•t... Miiitt"'4u.W.cl ..._.U.hu11Aw4-j"'-"U1fw11•1 ,......_.,...,..,,,, cwt:1 th ,.. ...... ,... ... ..., ••••••••••••••••••••••• .................................................................. ,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• U&fril:*1~ J411 :, ••••••••••••••••••••• M•:•cr••• 106' S...AM IOIO ..... ,,,.,.rtir HOO th .... Dtwt, C... .. M .. 1222 ............. JHO ............. '" l21l ... .,.rt1t4d l26t ......... 2.b·d·········d· ......... ,. ... J1'9 ••••'•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••.;••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••• ~~ J400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ''""-r.••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• .. ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut rm toa o. ••••'•••••••••••••••••• M. ... De,,. No Qllat. 5 Bd 2 1ty. AlftlYAWY ........ •••••••••••••••l.4lObrJ\o\b f SBlbtoocean..EltaantZ Nll\lt!COU.ntryClub,hll· Ba11bal9Z8r furn or prime S.C Plan loe Want 1omethln111ra VenilDti llllcllo Pen· Loaded. SltLOOO dwn PA1MSPllM6S 4!e Ji 1• 17 rm, Br. familY Rm' Den unow a Br z Ba lah lnfurn. larp llY. rm ~ waterra111 . 1trt1m1. apeelal 111 a Z Br dlouM Oon.do. Hl&b 11 IYt". PIP i. Nelson T• Slllellw m ·r&r,.way lofon lleaut n, 2 "t;u.!U:O rplc, S'IO Mo. Pliaah crpll. 2'it view condo 011 aolt ht suarded 11te, ateii-1p1, !ool. SIOO /mo Townhol.-:. completely HMablt loan. Only ~ Dtwtb4·pl~s . 12 IDlf coune Dltcoul'lt fo; ..0.Hl4 **n· Be. c.dar • alaaa, 1un fa.llWay All amenlUH .• to bay. To July S7SO (714~80~115·0540 fllm'""5 •o. 780-1117 • CalUlm t'!QUA&JAM• uunuJ.!~ eac u.nt e 5e1.a· · deelt, dbl car pry • unlwn S'19S 1\1111 213 /t?S ·SlOl or La~e 28•R lBA up £ oor .twJ llOO.yalk + eurclle rib ~•et. tndoted v · 11r11e, fully malnt 1181-7~ aft~llll·5fiZ. 213197-0488. __ W......, . £ean + Mltf v4w. j w:.~yd. Ast. UMM2, ~ tr.r:lfio9:\~; °"'"~~ 2110 3 bdrm, 2 ba nw. ~o~~~.n at a...;~ --lJH 1N:Jl J:t~~r:· J1~1 • face Re~ ~:c;J!!Jz~t .. ~~ ........ Br. I 81. Condo In S151,IOO. Biii Grundy, .. !•••••••••••••••••••• tri>tc:. 2 car iara1e (no 3Br~th ara1e Child It •••••••••u•••u••••••• 759-1221 6'2-0'750 /rm.+ utJl.6'2·38.17 ..... l.a.d 3101 Newport Crtlt. TennlJ OlllrRttl•.. Rltr.rrMlll. OctANSlDE unfu rn doo>.M . anll ok Nso/mo LAKEF~ESThto~,3 -bd ' b .................... .. =pa. '2•.ooo. Call ·~ ...................... 5= g:,oo:&~c~"0 re!~o.,!:~ h~:t:.: Bl"fa, 3 bdrm, 2 bath. 5.16-• ::"t!t :0c~~ ~~:ri: 4NeW:O~· Jreata c!~:oc WIX 1ma1 l ~J;'1!~. f.,:! -.... .. 1~term1.TSL • llOO 5 548.5163 & river views pool, tennis ,~ car,S8r2~ba,encgardbl, Feb._lll_J!t25.1M·1800.~ Many features. Sl.000 Allnctlo condo. CaJ.l_'1S.Sl3Z. "'""""~.M2·180S. Nonhooaat Co do ~· 1ar11e t850. Frplc, beaut patio rrc>.C.U&31-04e0 Modem aecurity build •••••••••l••••••••••••••••H•••••5Uoit,C.M.Bar1alnleaa n · __ f7(Xl/m>. Rosemary G. 1111&...._Vltlo 3267 w N -in1. Ocean Ylew I Yearly · Extremely am uVACANT•• 12144 freedom adlt than 10 yn old P31000 llll 7»7soe. aft 8 M Ji1m1neC k Pl s ~ ............. •••••••••• · Npt. r beach. 2br bedroom ' convertible efficiency unlurn for 48R 2\ltBA I'' park walll to 1upCrmkt OWC . ' ~3313. ...,_ .. !thee / an · 3 HOMES FOR RENT houle. frplc, patio, yrly d J y I nwturefemal 8751022 , • am rm. be 9Go A.,. 557.9390 or ...., • ....,< r.• 57•4 = -· ....,.._l s1.,. , am rm., 2 bdrm condo. new ept, 3 Bdrma 18'75 Fenced 1750/mo + sec. dep. den. A ulta on Y ear 1 ---Pool, 2 frplc'a, Ternu g ••· _,6N,., _,. -C..tv ueenoe t & some O(ean dJ1ll frld&. pool, tennlt, ardl &a a Kids It ~lSl. leue, $800 month ..... , .... J107 Open 0 a i I y 2 24 2 • IMYISTOI SPeclAL 320 cm -118Ahea in view, suoo. handball, clbhu No ~ werC:~ "545.2000 Rea.It«. 831 7300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Htather Lane. $262.000 .• ~ Alntnam w/room, Xlnt cond SBr ZBa at· Almonds. 202 Acres pdl. ~ lat. l11t SZOO ~t nofee · ·I 16 CAN Y 0 N OCIA.HRONT Alto 3BR. 2BA. Pool. acrou 1treet frorn lacbed 2• ear' iario Bare. S'l~.000 Sell or Vlllaae home Juat off ~ 1•1m '-' -·--COHDO 2 Bdnn 2 Ba nr South b h Sl92,500. Owner/All btadl.tllOOO.SeeatHun· central air & beat' Trade Brokera Octan, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Mlwportltecla l2't 3 Br. full aoll course Coast 'p11u 'S600 mo 2 bdrm. 2 at• Dr# tlnatonN by1 Seda Park, 165 000 SSl 000 lit wui Welcome 552·184 5. decorator fresh, frplc. 2 LWI orTIOM •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Vlew tennis pool spa _Adultonlv us_ ·l!fl pa.lilt ' earpet Vurly ikBOWA Pl'estilious beach area. wtk to waler, 3Br, 3Ba, aunroom, gourmet kit. xlnt IJ lot. OPEN HOUSE 1265BLUEGUM SAT/SUN 12·4 ,\&l. M5-91SO or S411·058 l ~.!iJJ!';lisf£if c r own moulding , handcarved frplc. shut· ten, brass appts, etc. 2 br. 2 ba, lull see. 10'. '1-rm. anil. Lselopt $283.250. ~S.1120 2111'71 Hew8 an . Space take ·s5 000 down 7S2-763.1 caraaraa,.S1600 J..4-llDIM HarborRld&eleaae,4Qr. lease. 513o0 644.7424 .,,_ le&KS765 Call Linda or no. . or Cl II m'1G • SAVESS3.000 H FIOM 14000 3 Ba, D.R . FR . study, Bkr 2 bdrm and den Newport Art...._67s.1~--- 1737·Nll8. IUMITS I NorthSanote10County ~uma<IJcAtM 554'516 =up1raded.fabvu, The Bhtrs IZvely 3 Br Beach Condo Near Nu2&3BR.2BA yearly 2 bdrm. 1 bath. new • 3 Acre Horse Raneh/ t:A-1.,,.,.L' 3 br. 1'4 ba. i;nced yd. aate.1.poolltennil. + fam rm. 2..., Ba. with Hoag Hoapital 189S mo Frpk. bit.ins, aar, park carpet &r drapes . 7.IX1GIOSS Lemon Grove. Wilb ~'"K.f""eM~ micro.$575, lll, last+ /rm 60borDovie laree walled in patio ~vailatooceM64131 iog Close to bay£. Beautiful adult parll:. Hsgb demand rental 4.BR. 2.BA Home . Close ~ 673-81'9~ $100. 213·515 4078 dys' ~·1221 ___ Non·smoker preferrei SO. COAST AIU ocean Brtr61S.49lt , ~· cer~nl. "'s.:86112 ~~~sis:x:O~, toHURROceany, 11~ DotFteeu wAays __,,11 ,. __ at_ ,._,. 71Hl21·3141 eva llG CA.HYOH No pets. S9SO mo 2 Br. l Ba. A1C. pool. rec Lovely 3 Br 2 Ba. yrly ...... e new 71 .. y11ne, .... · · e gt .-·"""' ·-,.., ..,_ HOuE FOR RENT ,.._ 11'1.-" ,.___ 731-5331 fac1l . s•c a ates. no lease. l blk from beaeh. 12140wilh10s2Scabana 103 and owner will 'rat·5.3t2 ne.~ .. ""....,,....__ --·---~ " new cpt'& Louted 1 blk r ar ry . Fu 11 pr lee ' -Srmll 3 br home ln old 3 Bdrm 1700 Fenced 3 ~ 2..., . Ba Pool Ocean view 3 Br Condo ~ ~ P r 968 36S2 ~Imo Act 67J..S410 from beaeh. 534 ,soo. $240,000Call 9'19·S370 t'rn lrcMCHtt. CdM, frplc, yard, dble yard ' iarage Kids & JatuUJ & Tennis Newly Annual lease, pool. ten To ...... a•• BAY FRONT CONDO Lg 2 l 3 / 9 l 9 • 2 9 7 7 0 r ~ -· Bnd1e Beam R~etk ..&!r l1ootmo. 979-l&."8 pets welcome MS 2000 dee V1canU1 .2001Mo • nis.~ent Mr. Clark a.t.•.e..ct 3525 28r. 28a, see bldJi. S87S 714 • ~eyes LLSTATE ~~~:1'!i~~anA~::S·s2 :oJJasmine.2bdrm.den. mt nofee. ::=H.T~~fto ~-days, 64S·3370 ........................ rm Avail now A Itson Obie wide 2 br, 2 ba, al· GoodT Sl""" 000 . l:t.'• ba. S900 lease no 3Brdll condo. Sea Spray --* * * ly 67s.6775 ~ve 5 StarJark For REAL!Of\s -' <:mm.003 ...... 6'4·'190 P'.:3~ th~n;::h~!:!: PRIVATE PARK IEACOM IA f MriMI Chaves ~ 2 bcb. 2 bo details.S411-87 SHARP! 3 BR. den. fplc, pool,jac. U@led tennis. 2Br28a,S62S 2 Br 2 Ba home 'on the 2236 Conttnental Ave 811t ins. fireplace . 2 Br. & sunroom NB. fJ/4o/o ...... '--• r:Uo, gar l950 mo. lsl. cl~ gas & wtr pd 3Br21,AJ Ba S'100 bay w/exciting views or Colt.a Mesa Adults rerommended. largepalio&porch. PP fi:J1Y usumable. Nwpt '"'°"" 2700 ast. sec dep .. agt lmmed occupancy. SMO Smlpetmaybe LSlands and main chan· You are the winner or no pet.s S62S Located 213/335-581M. . _ Bf~O~~~~:~·ooo io .. A~·;:; .. ;:~·;:~t;;~ 7~~ __ __ rm. Yrly lse ~-4661 831·1*· JQ.l!n~ ne I. Com or tennis, two tree tickets <Sl9 00) m & Balboa. SJ,\'8842 S Star park in Laguna CUteW Rancho Cal. 123 Int. CodaMeH 3224 Exec3brahowhomew1 beaches&. docks. Be valuelDlhe IBR View o( Bay & SbslT/sUN ii-S ~~~~2br. 2ba, ~;J,~~J:~c~~~~~~: ~i:° Xlnt invest. ...... 0.(;i•;;•u•n cJ~rtm1:J1)~14 2 alD~~~~O~ms, 2 =ti~°' only 12000 pr ~~!~~~~~ ~~· ~ ul & Last IYOWHH IMdiProperty 1350 213·~·5950 f••••io THILUCKYFIW ......_ baths , ~lreplaced loc.'atJon &performance 67S.7617YearlyRental SpedtlClller ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 OOOf 01( Rent in Costa Mesa's tt.rll&i • eoreeous view Pier an dates 1BR Quiet Location SO ttuporttto..Wlffl ONA.1.AMITOSIAY OCIAMSIDE . sq. t. country NEWEST t d 20 w 1242 sliJ, $3000permo .AYail To claim tickets. call Yrds lo Bch Stove. C.....,""-c.. Wini 4 BOAT SLIPS ForStM?LC.llhr I =~~:~y:·~i:t~tr: Townhome t1LtAGE w:i:;;;;~:-e·r~·;J;;;r F .1. n64c2.:~!7m8·:·t't!~1a12.2..2d Fridge Single Adult C...._ Lovely colonial home, -sail. Gtut Invest 360 deg. studio wood COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 2bdrm, 2ba, frplc. wet· ,...,.... ...., ..... $350 Yr ly Le a se We haYe spared no ex 3500 sq.n w/separate menl&Terms.1.2M . deckin&. spa, xint tu 2\o'J Ba 1~1800sq. f\. of bar. dbl gar. slip avail, BAYSHORES by February 19. 1982 67S.3148_ pense in this newly re· maids qtrs. 16'15.000 & 1151~ Mr. Rossi adYaola&es & terms pure luxury. Garages, p • ll o $1 Io O 1 mo ~~ C:t;11~e~~lh la~.~ _ __! * * Small. new 1 br bay apt, modeled 3BR. 2BA ownerw/fmanee.Ctll "'31.000. Ranch Acres l hydro·tubl in master Jll!l.67~7171 ssso utils pd 129 home All new gourmet lettwPthnoll Reahy1 7S8·31SO swte, d1!"1ng rooms • .,.... 3244 ~/J. c:~f~~r .. P~t lfl twlllhF•u'Wi11Md Ed&ewater l~~ kltch & lam rm solid . 2ij~.4911S wood bum111g fireplaces. be .. ~·'kl\ I oo••••••••••••••••••••• h I oak cabinet! wlhalian John Read Realty t.111.... I m1cro·wave oYens. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bhtr Condo 4 bdrm. 3 aclL •~ mo yr Y· Small bac e or. $337 tile. tnneh doors & Wtn· I 213-433·9901 bcti.p 2100 pnvate patios & yards Tlmhome. new 3 br. 3 ba. baths $1200 month ~= Rhy, Ann Peters lallo9 lllmd 3706 yearl). ut1ls paid, ~ dows; thruout Prof ,. __ 1_. ---•••••n•••••••••••••••• Gardener provided. pa~. Ja~ P~911!,°°I. 6'4 260'1 t;;;~·ia"t;e•j9•r•ib;•N; bk>ct from ocean 201 E. l~aped Ir& comer -· .. -.,.....,. ....... ,.,.,,.,_,. Want• tu shelter'. Sell I Ele&ant liv1111 ooly 15 ~--~ Canal f'ront. Newport UQ.USIVE mar'-ets. bay view Balboa Blvd 675·9562· lot. RV access 1259.ooo : ,.,....., 160 myl 12ytarnewtnplex nunutes from Fuh1on UmYers1ty Park, 3BR, Shotts.4 Br+ Lease or IAYSIDECO'YE frplc~shortterm oryrly 7S2..s2S with a combination of '••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 4-f'LU "' exchange eqwty for ' bland, 7 minutes lO S.C 2BA. S8SO + Sec Alli optlon to buy SlSOO mo Rare+ beaut Columbia No pets $77S y rly Large 2 Br I Ba low interest assum I CH l~OXG~ condoor"Owner Af\er7 Piasa or O.C.A1rport Amenlles 673 4141 or Tenn11. pool. walk to model.fulldeck +water Owner673-8821 S'1SOrmo Refnge meld. 1oans•ownerfmancing . . . Pride owners 1p. 7 O l.14·7~0734 _ Just e.at of Ne~ort llS7-2040~-beach Agent 646 1044 01 \iew Lge 2 BR + den. Nopeu Savage Wiide & 2291 REDLANDS. N B H1&h vmbillty. C-3 Cap. rate. Large 1st TD. * * * Blvd. It so. of San Diego 2 Br + den condo on San I &&S-2805 fpk, vaulted clgs 2 car 1bdrm avail March Isl Co [75-0606 NEAR BACK BAY · Ocean view 120 tl fron· assu ma b I e 9 7 S~ Frwy. Startin& at S900 a Joaq_wn aolf course Lo 1 d 1 thru June 19th Call 6.11·1&51 631·50671 t.ate Use existing build· Owner will carry D.IMShffl month. 631·5439, 2473 Avail Mar 1 eves llGCA.HYOMLSE gar ver ecor or 8J3.!Q57 (eves). 673-alOO Coro.o~Mw ll22 CourtesyloBr"~ in&ol4000sq rt.orbuil.d balancewith303down. SOSMlrigold-Oranae Ave., Costa 7•"""'1 2BR McLain Condo. ll'l>st d15cnminating 1 <JeaAM) ••••••••••••••••••••••• "''" O I Lar . Ii Corona Del Mar _......., level. Sl800 mo lse. Agt ST.,... TO OCEAN M l :;;;;:;;;;;;;= 10.000sq. n. wner w1l geuruts,qua tycon· Mesa_._ ---Sll2Spermo Call Gerry j60-86l7 lalloa,..... 707 ...,.. os cany 171S.OOO. 631·7300, stn.ic:lion. Private pool You are the winner or 1300 & 1325 Cottage / DILUXE COMDO 673-7781or7t!O-J39J 3 charming tn old Corona . .. / •4 Realtor access. Priced to sell. two free tickets ($19 00) 0 1 B . 1 bdnn in spacious loft. EASTBLUFF. very up · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 2 Ba. frplc. ocean "' ..., · won't last. Call John valuetothe up ex, 1 r. 1 with greenhouse window, graded 3 BR. fam rm. Bachelor yearly Ulll tn view from dec)t 1515 C..e.,._d, HI "'-k 01• 9393 ~ICUS " .. al'!. S saW\a & fenced yard No 'd 1 • llG CA.HYON 2'-'> ba. $1350 mo Lse c'd 27th St ~ Wt:'C'l'rTJFf' 1240000 , ... uDES-T ..... er • ..--·-•• ""4c.21Jt47_1-167_!_.Ev_es. enc patlo,centra air, .x>tmo Call Anthony ~'"" • • AW" a. asses will indicate r---fpc. Ass'n pool, spa. ten Lu it u rl o us l hr e e M~b 847-6010 675-93$1 days 642·5157. eves & Lovely 3 Bdrm plus SHOPPING CENTER LAC.UNA IEA.CH location&performance lU ZIA nis. Near Northwood bedrooms Two baths. 3 Br 21r'! Ba Wal\: to CostoMeH 3724 wknds6.11-6630 family room. located In 34,000sq n rentable 7 \o'J OCEAN 'YJEW 4.f'lai dates NewlY rm~ld No Pets. Shopping Center ssso formal dining room. beach + tennis. pool & -·••••••••••••••••••••• Cute 2BR-lBA Fr pit ~fu~\i!io~sl~es~~!':~. acres. Out of town ltO/oDOWH To claim tickets, call New Bil Ins w1DW, perll'l>+~dep +SIO Richlydecoratedinmut spa $9001mo Cl!ll CASADEORO 1 good area . SSOO ~---raJll(iousandwill owner.Sl,800.000Terms Take over existing 642·5678, ext 272 Frpk,etc LrgPvtyrd credit check Roded tones 3000 sq rt. DeloresTSLPropert1e~ Al.LUTILITIESPAID mo )'early Brkr help with the financing ~~ loans, 1200 sq.ft 3 B by February 19, 1982 rro Isl + Dep Avail 2 br condo. 11 . ., ba. Wood bedroom 3 car garage ""''"' (714) 846·3278, (213 1 R nckel'lmuslbeclauned 723 C.enter Street S'12S ~·S7~,~1·6611A_gt. I Jacuzzi orr master 642:!603. 1 67~12 For an appointment lo c~1...I =" plus 3 legal units in M I 646-"'.,.., b d II d 12050 month Yearly •BIGCANYON• Compare before you DELUXE 3 Br 2'1 Ba _. blocks to the beach UOS,000 C I P zoned 4 Br 3 Ba . hse. frplc. ~s.59·881...,9793080 I Realtor Gotrcourse $1200 j' features. Pool. BBQ S1B51mo 7591301, art 5 iiiARI ~for•• ol7wo•o separate building 3 • * • ar ......,_ n ge. a upgra es. lease Call 631 7300. 38R, 3BA , View or rent Custom design Block rrom beach ••••••••••••••••••••••• Price just reduced duplex 2 bdrm each fenced yard No pets TUrtle Rock 4 br, Zl t ba ~~~ _ cov 'rd garage. sur 644.2579,64().6175 NORTHLONGBEACH $66,000 for rast sale Over11zed lot. 2 blks to l S7801mo + dep Agt det.home Walktopark,I POOLHOME 2 BR 2ba condo 24 hr! rounded with plush ---- . c.oun~l(:f~1},,s1ales Seller wants action Call hospital £. other 1en 'I I 6'2·5722___ poo:1 & tennLS Gardener JBR Fm home Bk Bay security Lge pool. spa landscapmg No pets S5SO mo 2 Br, l Ba. bltns. -=======::I New lbr, 3 ba Condo JOHN TUCKER facilities Xlnt potenual MESA YEIDE mcl SlOOOtmo A va1l Sl.200 roo CallSuu.nne S'1S0'mo 7~·4114 Ext 1 Br furn from S46S ~I. ne~I~ deNraled 'MMW. J Hr 2 ,.. Lwc'1 Decorator 714-134-tlU Good rood Reurement 3 B d 2 b th I Mar 1 975-4622. evs & 675 3445 a'"'t 322 wkdys , or 493·625S 366 W Wilson. 642 1971 1 ature a t.s. o pets uv• ... ~ ..., 21~ ... ~Lf756 comm S'I0,000 eqwty rm • a · wll:ndsSS2 41.36 ~'-ev iwknds -79>-1199 CM> each wut close to Mkt xtras -~• OWC at 13~ or exchanae fireplace. d11hwasher. --BR-h Super Harbor Ocean Vu ------~ •-oct. 3740 Bskt. Wall sum FromSl7S,OOO f 0 C t fenced yard With 2 story. 4 . 3 bat 3BR 2ba Sll8Smo 239 IHarbor View Homes ·--,•-So HWY 2BR.1BA. Pvt mer/WU1ter rent iJW.847·7066 -IHVISTOIS 1~f.)'1Z7·'l57lrope r Y gardener S77S mo Ph w F.R saso mo f'1rst & ~ean Vu 67S.2967 I Carmel 3 BR. Family ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~tr. Pal.JO. encl pkng, CANAL FRONT, pnce s c Pina. 3BR 2BA. 15. 4 · . Cos M ~2574 last +~deposit Mac rm SllSOmo. 760-06417 H.l.'1 FfHEST q11et, Mature adu1ts on· reducedtoS259,SOO 4 Br sum ll l'l, S60K Isl. imltsm la es!kl 3brbouseonR2lotinold --nablrvineRealty Mark ------Sparu.shEstateLiving' ly Ref Req 675·3446. 3 Ba. Owner rinancing. OWC2nd Subm1llerms. Bdnnownenunit T e CdM . suitable for I Lo•tfvHom! Hll'llOl'l551·1'100 I THllLUFfS I H.'borVltwHom llta...Uul park-like sur 644<»9'7 --walklDbeach. S10Ul9M-1988 ~rraneing.Apprrd· dlC)lex.exchforinrome 3bdrm:~ ba. water. Woodbndge2story.3BR Ooestory,twobedroom. Super4Br2~'1Ba Just round1ngs Terraced eo.taMeto 3124 o...u....L. Jr C , O'lri-------~t000e Y 4 years o property or lots or ' prdener tncluded. $795 2...., ba din rm mod I two bal.h condo. End un· redl>corated. close to pool Sunken au bbq nmJV rwg .... Huntington Beacb-4Br. _,.,, .YalueZIOKM 9791658 2c!1Jldok~644-2TI.8 -kltch ~le. A;c ' yard it Gorgeous ereenbelt I pool & .park Sl3SO mo .. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 140-IZOI 1...,Ba twnhse, S92.500 WSI( IWTY lciean 2 Br 1 Ba duples. Highzy.~graded . mbrsp Covered p~tio w 1th 1nclud1ng gardener ~ppa;~111~~ 5fo:~~ar!in~s I I II. 2 IL 311. DOQCSIDE I .E. ~~~~~:~anal 675-3411 ~ I enclsd _gar ,J>rivate U>pool.lalte S896 wkda skybehtandindoor/oul· 640-l63S. Separate dining area Newly decor Gas pd 2 Dm Ula ••••••••••••••••••••••• yard NO PETS $485 & 213-829-7983 213 990 1760 door carpet Adults only I SHJI' eutt Jbr near w a I k 1 n r 10 5 et ~. encl gar d washer 38r.21,A,Ba,lrgf1m1ly o.lnn/ Sidebysi3e.Bu •::eor Ho.es,_...lhed $495548-6680__ Woodbndg;'°condo.2 br. $925 month Yearly! bch.frplc,pdS32S homelike kitchen &'pool, bbq Adults. no rm, in.tr swle. 209 29th lWtt S. 1100 both. Huge low ~l. loans •••••••••••••••••••• ••• Westside. 2 Br I Ba end unit. encl patio. lease. Broker, 631·7300 1 OC·RENTALS J.M:._3314 cabinets Walk to Hunt pets 642·5073 St. $290._000. Quail Place ••••••••••••••••••••••• ID like over. Try 20 or C:O.-~Mw 1122 avail. .ssso. Garage, avail Mar 1 $585. 1~ mgtonC.enler IHSTA.MTIM! rties.752·19~ H.B 4 PLEX 2S3 down Asking ••••••••••••••••••••••• yard.Kidsok.641·0763_ 8J3.9186/833-7010Tern -.AM 3210 t8drm·rum.S48S S37S mo 1 Br 1 Ba OWNER READY... ~~:c:::1~h o~fy 0'C~es~ ~.ooo ea. Prin only ~~~l2Brn2obad~agr~. 4 Br, 3 Ba condo. many DEE'RnEI..D 3 BR. 2"2 Pi l ndA.YFI,. ONT I ••• H.OME·roiiitiN·.;-·· N p •• Adults only, enclsd to hear all orrers This 3 low · Co · I p ..... Ag!.. S49·1366 ~'th> A·.,. 673 1181 amenities $800 Dys Ba. twnhme. AIC, 2 car er a s lJ> for arge 3 Bdrm 1750 Fenced 0 e..., garage. washer hook· up. Bdrm 2 Ba Npl B"h Lido en pnce. mGp. sa e ~ 673-3335 · eves645·2439 o .. r. patio S'1SO mo A"' I boat Fu rnuhed s I xd •. . Utilities Free' sma II yard Ca II for Sands home has' 8 re ~~ MZ-5763 _r.!K_ -11 UNIT SOlTllfOFHIGHWAY • 7i.'1234 . .... bedrooms rive baths yar .. garage. Kids & rrodeled kitchen, open l_,ropeny 2000 3brhouse.niceyard NrSo CoastPlaia 3br.2 ---dining room and den' pet.s welcome. S4S·2000 LAQUINTAHERMOSA ~'!MGMT 642·l603 beam ce11lng1. and is ••••••••••••••••••••••• APAITMnay .!?4Marigold. 7~0907 ~r~~~tin~~re~~~;d UNTA.LS Tennis courts and 4ent,noree... _ 16211 Parkside Ln. I blll · --st.eii& IDlhe beach Ask H.B.4-PLEX,3br.2...,ba Ut ~ •---a. 1140 2 car 'gar 5775 ggz 2br.lba S'100 beaches Short term or 4 Br. 2 Ba Dining rm. W of8each.3blks S or Spac10US2Br.1Ba.S39S ing pnce S21S,OOO Drop owner's unit, frplc COMPLEX ·--,•---Ca 64o.6140 2br,2ba $900 years lease S5SOO I 2000 sq rt. Newly re· Edinger 3 Br, 1"'2 Ba M2S. Laun· by flllZ1 Bruce Crescent. Super tax benefits. 2 yrs .. ••··~··•••••••••••••••• mation 2+Fam. Rm. 2ba $1250 rmnth Broiler. 631 7300. , decorated SlSO Imo 1 .. 7.5441 dry f!s..eool. S411·~ Su °"· OnlY $39.000 dn By V«ed "most beautiful !Aolting ror resp person 4 bdrm. 3 ba, 2000 sq rt 3br2b1Cosla Mes• $1250 ~ s.6-6249 I 'I.' Ri~Y 1·4PM PCH & ~Phil a 972-9300. apartment complex tn to rent nice 1 Br house. I condo Tennis pool etc 3br 2ba Lag Bch $1000 • -&..JI-•odi l7 41 IMMB) OCQNC Y! 'UNITS 8w'bank by Chamber of mi from beach. Pool. Nr Back Bay: Many ex-t.e'Ra110rRJty833-8600 DO'YB SHOIES SOlllLAgillla 3216 ...................... , $400/mo 2 Br. 1 Ba. UDO ISLE BARGAIN! S287.000 BURR WHITE REAL TOR , INC. 67S-46l0 107' ••••••••••••••••••••••• llACH LIVING 2 bdrm. 2 ba unit VILLA GRANADA San Clemente S18S,000 Owner saleowner f UW>cing (208) 2'3-7889. or (714) 411-~12 slii1-C~thw 1071 ..... . .•..•.....•..•. ';:'kStwttr 2 BRl borne in area with latt Pool. rec fa cll •nil . only $108,000 ~.,~··' .,1. East.siJ! Costa Mesa. Commerce Annual sauna, JIC $400/mo tras ms mo. Call Bob -Nr ~ 4 bdrm & ram ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lwtury studio. spa, TV. Adults. pool. beamed Good incoatt Cood gross rents are $332,040. -~ _ 67~ &..plo.._. l241 rm home 1n quiet.? Br l'Olldo. Spectacular maid service phones 1 ce1bng, laundry room terms Price $6-0S.OOO Price is $3,000.<!00 <tss Mlwpotfltedt 3169 s arious ZBR with ....................... secluded Westclitr ocean view ~lose to suswt 499-222'7 ·1 No pets No last mo Calif d t.a"ls gn:J55). OwMrw1U carry •••••••••n•••••••••••• ~vale PaUo $485/mo OCEA.MFIOMT Grove Formal dtn rm . beach & shopp111g. S700. --mrt or more e 1R· Jong term .w!tb 25~ 1036 Mission Dr •A MOllLIHOMES library w1br1ck fplc, 497-4067, 97S..CSS7 wkdys. Maaport•odl 376'1 TSLMGMT 642·1603 R~~TE s down. ~II ~dliam Cole UDOIA.YFIONT 951-$773 lit mi al~ bch. 24 hr huge ram kitchen. Pool sz:m. • ............... ! ....... 3 Br. Condo pr s c 32 U 2 YRS OLD ~~ <~~e~~ <114 I 2 bedroom and den 2 ' ......... ,_..101.1 leC\lrity. of coves & &ws:ipa. S2.~T~ Co Wut......,. 32tl Plaza. SA Pool. spa. HUNTlNGTONBEACH . ., bath. prlYate patio ~m;V"f"i " J'O(b, 2Br. adll.s only. "" •r"!"'! • .. •••••••••••••••••••••• &ara&e S'JSO S2,472K F/P $312,000 dn. *Cote Realty A va1l1ble through JA.S IDIM only·nodop, Ho choose ~ ~4-4910 HOME POR RENT ' ~3232or641·1460 1 au to beach "Pnde" & Investment 6130 82 Sl,700 month FIOM $4000 ~1~ to SIOOO <7141 3 Br.study. 3 Ba. lg., 3 Bdrm. S62S. Penced I PALM MESA APTS 125% tax shelter lsl yr Broker. 631 7300 ~16 _ BALBOA BAY CLUB yard & garage. Kids & 1561 Mesa Dr Cajl Phil a 972·9300. 640-Sn7 VIEW PROM EVEJtY 2BR. lYJBA, rrptc. View, I or 2 year sub lease. pet.a welcome. 545-2000. 2 Br unfurn. $425 INCOME PROPERTY SPECIALIST I Select from multiple un· its. Terms available lo slAt your needs. • CWTfW1Jl ut: 714 64HY763 292S College A \'e Costa Mesa CA, RM New C.rpet. Older Cot S2.300imo. • unrurn or Agent, no fee. Adults only. Ctll btwn Loh for W. 2 20G • Ca N 2b 21 b Ji d e. Mo. 675·0349 partially rum , beaut 9-4 ~9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~n~n ew r. , a ~8n5g• For lease 2 bdrm 2ba bay front & view. 2 ~or ""·.;..;.::;...;;.,:;;;;,;_ ___ _ Harbor Ridge, S partner ~~{~·67slt;sl · Lovely La&una 'Beach l>8lt'Ol\ys,2,700sf.2park U.t.•.e..ct 3300 Beaut 2bdrm condo. wanted to build custom I OME • home with washer / mg. newly dee, Unit ...................... prime S.C. Plaza loc. home. 7S9-0481. WITH VllW Nr S.C Plaza. 2brllba. dryer swimming pool 11314J. 1mmed. occupao· Waterfront CdM 2bdrm. Water( alls. atreams. Ventura Keys luxury lot adults only sec. condo. ete Partially furn 1925 cy. U>ntact Gary. leas· 2ba lux apts. Both space Specious studios. one spa. pool . HOO/ mo . with unsurpassed view Elegant fuml!hings In· Pools, spas. No pets. 111," 494-3980 · Ing office. 9-4 Mon-f'ri avail. Adults pref No and two bedroom aoart (714)67S.90ltj 675-~. of Channel. Spare 6S' cludlnl piano, pool ta· . S40-0107 1151-8355 . only,6'5-5000 Ext 161. pets. Agl: 673·5170 ; ments FURNISHED boat. Owner may help ble, Cine antiques. New Nortlll~CM i:s.ee.:."'t.:. g~~a 23 ::; BAYFRONT. CONDO·Lg Q4177. and UNFUAf'ilSHED . finance . Please call Inez luxury carpet 3 bdnn, 2 full ba. fenced garage. Ocean & Canyon 2Br. 2Ba{ sec bldg. S87~ llG CAHYOH Oakwood also offers D-656-9236 $4,000 mo yard and gar. S62S mo Yiew. No pets. $1095/mo. DX>. Ava I now Adlts on· 3 bdrm, 2\lt ba. pool and •All Ullltli.t Paid a.1 Cost. Maso 8411--'518 ~911l._ _ -~-SI err a M g m t Co 1 6'75-6'17S. ltMis. aecuri ty. Sll 00 'lmmedltte 303 Down owner will -Eastaide 3 Bdr 11~ Ba . Ml-1.324. Newport Crest. close to mo 78CH813 0ccuPt!'CY ~~~.'B'~td~[ u~ft~: ~!~ 3,.8~i ':o~d~mN~~: enc I back ya rd • 3BR. 2BA. Parital Ocean ~~ t~te;:,istif~u~~ry~ CdM 2 bdrm. 2 ba. den, 'SI MIHlon In Aaking $150,000 Bkr ' locatfoo. A . 760·961!_ ~=l,Cls OK S'100. ~w ~~~· Close to lrUb cmptr, $950 mo. frplc, gar, 175!kr mo Aecf'Mtlon SPACIOUS I Br. Cathedral ceilin11. walk in closet. dishwasher. fif"t1>1ace.gar11e.pool ' laundr y facility S4SO/rm MW BaySt 64'-9UJ ~ M~a del Mar. 4BR, 2BA. 2 bdnn •"""'. No ste..... Poulble lae/opt to buy 7a).8.341 wk s. eves -And Much More• ......... LL-Ho.el•fwwl~ '"" _,., .... 673·7300 or 541 3216 For a moolh 0< 1 11te ------'--;:i.._ ZlOG ....................... Washer & Dryer. THE ocean Yiew 905 Temple ea 1 ,_ da•id 3400 lllTle Modelsopenoe1ty HEED HfLP? •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• C.-.. Mw 3222 ADRIAN CO. 549-8S47 Terrace 494-0154 -Westtliff. $tiarp 11 3Br, ......... ••••••••••••• 91mto6om Aduttsonty . Helpyourselrtoa Small Trtr Pk in Colla ....................... a..."-YrOOl9 2Br.bouffwlth 1araae 3 quitt st, b11 trees, ll ocean view.% BR. 2 nooets Heaping selectionor aresa. 34,250 aq ft . R-4 LctJ BR 2'it Ba wlpallo + 381f. 2BJI. Bit Ins. blo~k~ from bueh SHS/mo . 6411·6719, Ba . furn beaut .. "-............... Qualified Hopeful5 prop. Under 111 IQ n. L& Ii prdtMr. Sl.050 mo. "i>lc. epll. drps , Pool. Avail. 1mmed. $750/mo. 1131-2177 microwave. overlooking VIII""""" 1ntheDAJLY PILOT dn. FAtate carry bar. MC>G10· 7 w/ arvc. frdnr, wtr pd, 4'1-1.IS2. ~altifUI 3 bdrm, 2~ ba pool area. 11500 q.io Garden Aplrtments REL.PWA NTED ADS BU. 2BR . lBA. Fr p le . Dl>MS-a!I ..... )252 townbome with Ocean LH/ovt. 673-1300 or Newpor1 Belch/No S41·7125 Beamed Cel11na• Brandnew2Brcondoon •••• .. •••••••••••••••• view. 2 flrtplaeu. 541-1218C.rol a . • 2200 Loh for 59. f:,_~· Old C411. $»$. Elden Sl. • 2ba townhol.llt, encloled 2 car f 1ra1e U PER VACA T 10 N 8r.1 ~~')' S41·1447 din rm, frpk, a/c. pool. Blt·ln1, oeutraj w /w RATE Exclusive Indian (114) 64~1104 I ~IC'l&lar ocean ' city lnumeulale 4 br, 3 ba, jac.Ad·:' pello,~aar ~r opor mo. 1 ·9203 Weill Condo, pool, 1p1. ~ .......... ,So llpta view from every Exec. home 3 Crplc. ...11 OD .•• 25 /mo. ~·T. MATS colf, tenn.11, prof a.. ,_ ... ...,., ._.., . room. Larp 2 Br. (rpk, mutt rtnt. iJ,075/rno. 714 117 . & lW.1~ amli! rm corated. 28r. alp• &. 1700 16th St many 1meoltl11 . Avail. now. (905) OCliNFIOMT avalJ:l/J,iblllto"NHH' Wknd /wlt1y /month1y J..Ocweitt16llll $1ll0/mo. Call Anthony "7.-0 or (714) WF-8800 Lra 4 ea; .,vt comm.. Pm, chlJd OK. JOOO+ "" ratea. (114) 549· lHO (7Ml 14S113 days 8'2-1751, evea • WB Dana Dr1", Cotta ~. poo etc avail. I'\. $\500/mo . M•1 iO !M,p, (71') 51Ml30 .a.ai~. Meta. 0.Ptlon p oulble -. . DtMa. •st Ca.it11•I•• 211dnnbloc.:1Ht11o o'cferpan'~· 11 ~ Mee clean 2 Br. 1 Ba. SUOO I mo . 0 • n tr Ill· U.fwilli'9td 342 .. encJtd ~araae. 7ard , l• · Ja.mlne .750/ ... 0 ..... ,.. • -.. .. ................... . . '" . new,,..., ca • ..., •. ,~o A'T BEACH·"SHORES" l . PfU. ~ + 1ec11rlt1. M!Wl!!I' 4Br fam rm + ~bloc.II to bch, abr, Iba ~aop, hollM D. din nn heeted pool, nt" • + ~rm, f'J:c, b~ -~ lo i* ._ i\i to bell, t-= Maw .-n ¥tew I Bt.1~ I:• frN>. 5-07 ~-1!®At't185 *'*eCJ:.dl ~· •.Olndo: Gar.~1112 OCR~~ lltP11 > -.:J:;..m:r 1'"6=~~--- ~::l:V. .... -•· M11t~ ~n .,... 7 911 'l1le flltM draw 1n the nrt. llr • -. ·~ a.111......... W& •. a Da.llY PUot frtili •' '° .._ • Gk: a 'W Ack c.u Te>-1 H ae'. TH·IHI, OCEANFRONT 1 br till ~~===~~!:!.­a. u , lurn·USO, UD· Jurn·UOO .,lldya tvH/•ltndt Ot~ Coat DAILY PILOT/Sund , February t4, 1982 W_.. 46H •a... IOll .. 1•11•• 1100 &~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Rllpou. prof. wo ... u • • * ,._MANT7 f'Ollld l11Dlcloo. m1!./ cl11lre1 aarut apt.I ...... 11 .. 1,_, • \JlfdHA1'CV I.a.It. ldntil ' HtU C! MllH or 1m1l Jill&atraJ1111rUne TanHO .Lm!_"'==t:.---to r l ln Nwpt Hu.n&hutoo Buth ABORTION round . blrycle, boJ '• Udo area Have rafa Vou are tM winner ol • &IRTHCONTROL ~lack Crulur Vlr AtnlLs•~ JAf hiulhUl!tln; lf8f&11fs...... ~-4000 ...... S... 4300 Of71.911AR_ 0-E C d I l~~,_to•~~ta 1$lt001 24Hr .... U. flChut•kial"CbteMt• Plua. ,..,.•••••••••Mnn••• n•n•••••••••• .. ••••• ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• r.•••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... A • orona ' v .. ..., ~ 547.9495 .,. --C..-.MtM Hl41llut11i4•ltedl lU Ml.-911t .... lH Rm w l F £lctohtfumNBip1 fl5Thq ft 11 00per Muma CllCUSVAl6AI w · ~ w tUS! FOUND Splla mix ••••.0 •••••••••••••••••1•••••••••n•u•••••••• •"•'••••••••••••••••• Ind '"~v tntliita 1fnct w/bonett tmplyd Mir eq fl 3t1S 0 Blrcb NB ~J!ff 1 P .... willlndlca1e ~nl 0 ,;• s Cocker mix, Stat =ic:.._ 18 • All hnllahed' U11rurn 1·2·3 L.ute 18R. UUI od Spot p,.7 ~ E/ald• c M Non amkrkpool/Jac/ttc Aim1'541,.5Cm. ' · locat.iOn fld!l'rformance 1 ·• 1110 at.._, .A fotdtblrt Ttmtr. Weith • r npll Bdrm. A_9h Gym, leu. Q\jtt $4.SO 2421 E R.cfa Mf.Gllaft 8 30 ~ iml33-1030 a.tee •••••u••••••• CorlS. Cockapoo. Doxie, aopeta Pool. bbq Jactml, S"a11na, pool, ethStMUUl For Ktnl/Unfurn T 0 Wlfciffl To claim Ucteu. call flSYCHtC I Great Dane. Dobie mil. • nclad A:ra•u tennh, volleytiall, ~c. lorlbra~ 1 ml Nftport&eh,htyhome. := 2 BR'a ... ,,.· w 142·5171, ut 272 _.*al:I~........._ H1.11kb lrvloe Animal J ••1 • .. .. __ ..... II ' I .. r no &..: .... ----. ... ........ mu•• ... cla1'--d .... '"'1'",M•~, .~ntlal u ,,. __ -n•ar7 .......... . ...,.;:;:;;:..:...:l1¥1=..·=:-.:.... --et-·J:.:i room rom beach. 0 pet• very p room W/pallo. 'SG1mo lJ 'laat ~ VHK llQ--·""' .... rn w ...... .. .,. ... ... MIMDICOMfOIT · · 1 No111mk:r._poo.S3l·1215 541-te&s ""' S...ft A 1 O,.'"ar-.itir 5001 byFebruarylt,t882 yra exp Lie. Appl Found Fem Collie , Li:iii BR . down $6$0. 28R . 28A. Mint DELUXE SPACIOUS M/P Room with priv bl .wtozoocfsq n val i ............. ......... • • • &316511 brwn1wbt1blll Vic wfpatlo fl yard, up Cond Nr Och. But UDO 2Br.28a frykai Furnlahed home szn FJM2$.~1hare 38R2.BA bleforLeut , Coata Mua Laun 2nd TD to St milJ 11 WUllamTelllAll ' Newland/McFadden. w/bllcony A Cllhedral Area No Peu. 833·330'7, Ira paUo. Adlta 11000. mo + '~ utll. Brent hat. 1 blk from Bch. r Cati wr·t · Colr dry SllK 1ro1a per mo. qualify. Downey Sav· • u• •• • • • • • • • • Weslmlnlter 892-7'~ c.'fllilla. hl>lc, d/w, pool, eu.p_ -!!._.~. _ ~1 ~.875-&!\eil --.. or more n Jrf'(Uil on rr ~l·07e.3 A eot -lnaa Mr McQaurrle Found: Shepherd Colht ~Lrar port. No peta. DILUllZH. I IA Lee lBr+den. VrlY ~. Furn CM HM . 1210 Mlrmmte want.eel to 8br ·t Cote Realty •·~-SCUll-l.ETS Mlx, Nina. Bill & Gold 8ClWU only. S46S & up. nrbch newtfrpk, patio, 1Jt/lut+l300 aerurity. 6'.5-Q or Call Answer 4bdrm duplex N IL I' & Investment ~~,...,.._ lut'tll(IS Vic. Hllhland Bch m>llula..549-2"•1. encl aar. dahwaher, Adltf, pool, encl au. ~-'300_ _ Avail. March l•t. 640-5777 Col'OOI del Mar. bu'&;y ~ft M8.f173....f*>~ 2a... a Ba l450/mo. New. •~lie alarm, balcony, DA.Fpts.~L Wortlna fem, 25.35 apllt 646-2225 well ut. operators Pmoo Ooatet Rl£WARD, Lost. Ml e ly redfforatod. Adulll. A~ S4&5 before Qepe to beach. 2 Br, 1~ level condo nr Hoaa ,Share my 3 BR 2 sty hme, 9.i!l'r location. attrac AatJ11n1 Knl~ht black ahort haired cat Obhwuher, alc, II& a, 8PM 44114--Ba, f~. Immaculate Hoapltal prlvtteaea NB, nr beach, tennis. rri•Loc..... live decor. room to ~mGK8:~~S 2111 vie Wetlmloater: wlttrpald.&lcony,car HUMTIM6TON cood.~.f13·2SO'l..Ag\ ~.S2SG+utlllst.last ~__:r6Mll()1 631-3618 Larae Office Spacr :;w Aniuou• seller. OffkeW~ On6crook to another Montt.V11taS48..&«~- port, pool, panr room, GAIDIHS sg:1ous 3 BR 2 Ba, fpk, _-<M6l Shr 2BR. 2BA. Apt. CM. Corona del Mar. .ooo Lot.ns to $250,000. erm• ~"Old hear what hap 1.olt. 2112 v1c OC Asrpt. elevator. Ca I a ft er Spacious Apta Bachelor Ju, ear, SU> 9\att 2 BR in N o On the WI Student 1250 + It) •f1S.95l0• '(,f<>Uma de/ Ala:i lo 3 ~ant~l!et~ 6~ if Two auya tried Cldn Retrvr, I yr, Ml no llAM Casa Granada. ' 1 Br. From S350/mo 87S.9080a elJ!__ bch. w/~an view. ~ EI e c Nun Sm k r Ql t J_·_. we . ve 1 ra ea the same baak al clr.t ar1s to Dax 496-89$4 919-1911 Clpse lo c a. & San 2Br 2ba ocean YU, frplc, yrs + $400/mo yrly '7~ IOU llVIMl ..J;."•71~"'4> I c;ff1able r~ ~our loan tbe ume Ume .. Other Found. Fm Lab mix, bile QU1ETADULTSover3S, Ole~ Frwy Baltomes, Versailles. Pool $800, Cootactlohn~-3853 MIF 3 BR Park ~ 9UOM;5 Ce ~i (~141 crook "'Aren't there &bm1pots00 Cllff Dr unfum 1 Br lower S340 f:~· n:unA~u~~~· call!IM-lSU Eaa t Cost a M ts a Newport Twnl\se Pool 2400l~su.r~ aq 67J-H1!J~ Ca pal al G :oupri g: ENOUCH BANKS to &o NB2i12 Btu collar 8tautl landacatinl No 00 1 He 11 , 8 0 111 lc6oo lay CIMb Pl.easant Room L11ht spa tmms Vu b11ck I\ deluxe olfice ISOO ,q JM1 !. CoMC ttwr .. Cdfll Cahfom11 real estate lll'O\md7" 114&83 ~-4284 = LEEWAR APTS Chlca/Ht1!._846-1323 Studlopooo. 631·6000 Kitchen Pr1111le1es BaJ Jan7S9·0048 I\ warehouse broker abo acting as a Lolt&Fo.d SJOO found Lg Jel blk rat Fullertoa .. 631 0397 EXTRA NICE 2 bdrm, 1 2BR. lBA, frplc, gar, Nr Yard 5411 5998 MS,!, to sh1r{38br Dur lex C....t.n to Inn CUSTOM ENORAVINC lender. ..••••••••••••••••••••• fnendly, near 18l!I &. 4S...3bo ba nrbch Yd Uhl Pd Bch.34tbSl SSOOYrly Nwpt Bch, house pnv, wvmo Aval am j71i)151 .. 760 SIGNCOMPANV Anaheim St '~ tM Condo. 1700 sq ft Spa $510$2216 661-WS non-smkr, furn. SJOO mo ired _!U-5015 _ __ Work out of your own Mor' T,_t 6422142 &:l· Wulis, 1 blk from 2 Br Iba, nr Hunl Hrbr $725 mo 3 Br 2 Ba -631 7215 Shr 2BR, llftBA apt Lag ICOU CEMTll home Small spare req o:r:t!"" 50J5 FOUND ADS ,.,...... 5350 ack bay Sl.000 mo ~cl gar,.fcl patio, no Duplex, upper, Newpot1 ._&ICNS'd 4050 Bch S350 + uul El ~IT fanb&r~~:~~~I ~~b~!n~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Sil-a& ~:'° J.~lilast + ~::;;:. b~f~llY-~~~~ ~~~;,. .. i.~d·>'··:;J;; MIF to 54=·~;21 , ba pr~~f.'~1o::C1!~ttrn~~ bevel plus 1nv 8 mo All~~af:state ARE FREE AMcllltis Mauoqe AYALMOW Clll Chilaren&pels. 80 years, large attrac house on beach, NB secretarial. recep. old w/est accts 111vestmentss10ctl949. Calf ()pen2.4hrsadaf Laree 1 Br car port. • •JEW• • TSL MGflrIT _ 642 1603 live private roo, m, ex ~ lmmed_. 631.2270 tJorust, telephone ans & SS49• sells new ror c--i.a.&... 1-: 7 days a week pool & laundry Adult, " 11 ~ rrore Ofcs from $06 j.'!950 6'2·4019 ..,..__.,"' '4~5671 69 Gorgeous &iris tu nopets $39S+S265de •WlllSAS• HEWPOITCIEST ceptiooa Y nice area, Resp female 25·35 to mo On-call ores S165 2-dTD pamper you Jacurn, Polll. 931 W 19th St Adltorientedapt Luxury3bdrm,211 bath pnvatehome.979·96S8 sha.replush2bdrm,2b~. mo . TH~HEAD EXECUTIVE SUITE U"2171 5411t•u11 Sauna.Local.saawellas 2 Bed NB do $375 1 t I ANO SECRETARIAL ll!'.'!~ _ __ _ ~'!! lllt'Ml_.•D! se.<M92. room condo Wet bar. Crpk , HDhil. Mohll 4100 con · + "u 1 QU ,\RTE S C 0 M BUSINES.5 Available in WIDOW H S f s .... _ tour is t s Ba n ll ESidecoiybachelorapl 2blks fromocean pool tennis Custom ••••••••••••••••••••••• after 5 and weeknds PANIES :Aproress1onal A SU or Lost. Grey and white Americard . Ma s ter • w/fncd patio. $37S Util padd!etenniscts crpts', drps, wallpaper, SL\UllCMOTa 64.S~7 _ environment <71 41 ~;;r1a~~& ~~rael~~1J i~·~0~;edft°c~:ck.1~~ male cat f)-1 Feb 5 v1c Charge. Amencan Ex pd.631-4320.Agt. balro~~e~~~kyard ~::a.~ Eves & WkJyre.ntalJnowl avail ~F ch~rr~g 2 Br ~1-0681 full Perfect for pro-Penalty. Dennisson As ~-Crest SI LB press , Diners all ntEVlCTORIAN· New allutili>dexceplelec ---· $105 & ~p Coor TV rona e ar guest Laguna Bch 500 sq ft feMionalwomantowork soc.~3-7311 welcome. 714 /~5·3433 ly deror. 2 Br w /gar . No ts 2bdnn, 2ba, frpk, pool. 2 Phones in room 2274 house w /frplc. $300 + $350. 333 3rd St reel on her own in a situation Lall Doxie. blk & brwn, 2112 llarbor Bl. M new crpu & drapes, bit Allanta-Oef:ware HB pvt patios, ground Newport Bl vd CM andy7fl.0-8233_ _ 213-:Bl-2347 j which has proven sue MES> CASH7 Park Green Dr. Curona -------- . tl Ad I C II <?l4>SJ6-$4400 level S650 + dep 124~ 646-7445_ Prof. Women seeks re----cess Ca ll PRT As Tru.st Deed money de I Mar Ch 1 Id I:...&...' v· k'' =~~·5PMu&.4J~ Rutland Rd , WI On the beach. hotel liredLadytoliveinCdM HlllltldtLHH I soc1ates,IOAM 3PMon av~1lable 2nd _ or 3rd heartbro!eo 760·8728 UHM IC 1$ 667 .. G.'Victona $470 ;»!783~1-4985_ rooms, k1tchen~te & home with son & dogs. Brook.hurst . Garfield. ly <714 > 962 8311 or TD sonrestdenllalorin· IEW .. ao1. •lSCOIT5* MAllMllS WALi \iersrulles ~pac 2 br, 2 bath. S290 +S290 secun Rent neg o ti 8 b I e I approx 500 sq n all or w r1 t e 18 98 8 Mt come properties We -BACK & BETTER EA.5TSIDE Ltg 2 & 3 Br Townhouse ba, frpk , sec gate, ty de os it 2306 W 67~1 p;irt. 9"1< i>c;r sq fl Cpt. I Demeter. t"ou n ta in handle a full range of LOST Blue and gold 11iAN EVER' ~ llRS .1 Br. lrgyard 220 ~~rt~t~~ ~~~d E'/.f: c:lubhse_ $7~)_557-1997 Ocean~ront , Nnport Resp F 2S yrs pref to shr wmdow r'enng 1nrl d l Vallet. CA m~ rmrtgage coverage at ~l~~1~ &ia ~~~l El~~~ 669.0207 ColtaMesaSt S4IO mo Huntingt on Hrbr 2 bdrm deluxe, yearly ~a£!!_6734154 I n1ce2BrCoodow 'same. noo-s~4~~~7 '----....£ j \'efY competitive rates Ave Cos la Me s a t Outcall> l br, l ba apt Jae, poul. en K 840·6807 Pen f150rno. 7J0-4816 lntHo.• 4175 64.S-91B2 • u 1 T Offic OpporhNty 5015 714 -760 1551 ask for 646-1322 -------• 963-7600,640-7814 Chtldr 0 I across from sand Bal CM $250 1"°l t 1 --_ ..... ...._... Courtes} to Brokers carport o'looking tennis 2br 2ba in 4 plex $475 S400 Cl BR ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 eves --R7 wo 11 ff " ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stt>veor Duane PAllOT IEW ARD ! Palm Psychic Readin1ts crts full RC So Coast '4 d hk up. p.n pa110: furn 'ea~k \ b .h p~rt lrowa'a G.-H.. Pool Hm Br/Ba $275. 5 tna o Tl" S310 16 Blks from beach 2 SlO 500 BUYS ·1sK TD-Lost Sat feb 6 v1c Park Past, present, future · enclsd gar 645 9494 · 1 0 r 0 Sr Ct ·..,.&SS 622 Fu r n A v a 1 I N o me 1 u m 0 1 c ' houses $96,500 5750 rent · · ' advisor Plaza aru No pets S47S , 2bd 2b f pets I adlt. l 1-ar space tuns 1 1 Dnnk /Drues 545 SlOS Sec rel aria I s pac e 9,"l't hnant'ing ln\lest 30'1 discount. S244 mo 8 West Apls 1n In 1ne 7 1 4 8 7 1 5 1 2 0 ~-n 631~ Teri 1 le~'1tar\~sh as ne,. lnq 120J&tl!_ ~~ Yoc.aHoel...+m 4250 AJ'ter 5PM _ ava.Jlable bkr (71 41 439 7658 yrs ~7091 I Green w black beak . 21.3 00. l258. Lie I Dee 968 6608 WATtlfRONT ....................... Pvt 2nd Orf LR b I 848 3392 433 5199 •f1XED RATE 2nd TO red. green & )'ellow All Readin°s. P\"t & Con BEAUTIFUL2 Br 2 Ba OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br urn · r. •FUiiy Amortiud 8.13-9410al\ 5~·6753 "' Mesa VerdelJOOsqft 1"9t 3144 WITHDOCl Avail Winter Weekly ba. nl""· ~1· sauna. •~rtlcll• I •l'\lllyA.\sumable Lost Man's Bulo\a fidential fplc , lndry . d1shwshr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~eat nice~ .BaBr ~llBa Monlhlt 6737873 Jae, .. c1,.M7. 9r13.3 405 1295 FtifS.....,ice lm~.t!~~~v~~e •No Pre-Payment Walch. 30 years uld. SINGLES enclosed garage ~75 I BR Condo on Creek spa in ms r · in lllC UL · 51· ' PTf office apou Penalty keep ake also G uld Compiling 3 hsl of ehgi 310iGio er 6453144 1· Pool, tennis , a c k1lch . frplr . d~I rar PalmSpnngs area I Mon Lido Isle, Rmiba, clean, • L.la..... ,,___ $495 Firm needs working Ask for Ski 546-0283 o. s h. II ble s 1nglei. in 0 C -=~=&"-' Adults no pets Like garage, + 2 add1t1onal terey CCI rondo 3 BR 2 ~wwa'""" capital for new h1 - --~ rung wit sma semi Casual get to-.:ethers 2bdnn, lba w /yrd, $475 new ~ E\•S 673 5003 off-st spaces $1300 , Ba. furn w atrium qwet, M IF. non smkr • lrmcll offlct $90 volu~ h1 profit pro· precious stone. in or Successful. allrartl\e Olildrenok;al.solbdrm.1 M:!-5406 ' J.1.PropMcan. Coif. tennis Dally. SJSOrro + ulll 67S·9449. MD Jec"ls H1 interest Amnmc-llh/ around Santa Ana ~Send photo, bnef MlO wlyrd & gar 11_ 67~6173 675-6670 Wttklf & monthly rates 67~2800 -CdJ75~~408 payback or equity pos1 Ptn0a•1/ Courthouse, 2 8 82 descnpt1on PO B 11076 545-'Tn --r-leocll 1148 --ava1 714 S58 8001 Roommate to shr, M '!' lion Active part1c1pa· Lost&Fomd REWARD CallS469927 CM92627 ~BR OW WI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~EISAILLES 9SPM,askforMark O\•er 35 , mature . PnmeNewpot18each of llonPo1s1ble Call Philip••••••••••••••••••••••• Lost Jet black male ~-Plsh rgs Pool. OCEAHFIONT $475. gate guard, pool. No. Tahoe C-0ndo, 4 Br s employed , liberal fibe1ce. ~efwlly Cremoll dMeledk, atS48-68567PM 11PM ._a.c._llh 5100 Siamese Blue sequin •PIOFESCORTS• Patio, BBQ !st & Dep. Most e,lega~t apartment sp;i. GleM 642-$316, 8111 min lo Northstar $400 494-6216 auti u 8 ar I ••••••••••••••••••••••• collar ""Kiki Boy" Lost llAM 4AM 64.5-000l bulldin~ tn Laguna 63.!:~ _ wk.TomM7.1668 M 28dr, lblh apt. $200 ~ -l1rY..e-..t •SPlllTIIAL from car 17th/Tustin Mon F'r1 840 ~31 ieach.Finestlocat1onin Beaut upgraded !bdrm --rm tst&last&sec dep DwrlMwptFwv I W..ted 5020 ..,_..,.1~* CM RiWARD.noques Man 40-60 allr. enJoys Mesa Verde. 2 br, new town Breathtakin1t condo, vt tremendous Mammoth 3 bdrm condo Non-smoker Stephen aft Pn~ate offi~e. S~are ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.81.5 S~EI C "'!' R I !!on.s 645-~12.646-3255 L f W ed b crpt, drps. paint Quiet views All bit-ins, heated amenit1u S5SO mo &-St101mght 6PM751·4739 p t II Corp w 1!6~alntd const , ammo ea . ~·ound , whit• m1x•d Je ant '>' pretly area Cul -de s11r No pool s bt o d 499 SJ04 open space ar ia Y ~ ts ... f San Clemente 492·7296 r .. ~ lady Jacobs, Gen Del · u ,.arage, 752-2319 ys . 540-7576 furn Tel Ans S350 mo UC 5"" lll rwy "'·It li "'Husky" 5 mo ' Costa La Be h 9~ pet1. S47 5 498 1936. elevator Lease only eves. Large 81g Bear rabin, _._., 641.1391 ndgu. bldn1ts Ana. !"..u c ------MesaAtta pa ar · 1 966-1~ eG & up 330 Cit ff Dr pool Lbl. color t v. 2 forl.... 4150 ~ Stadium Must re tool & Have something to sell' 545~27 f'lnd v.hllt )Ou ,. ant 1n 2bdrm. tba , bit ins. '494~. s.c:.e-..t. 3176 frpl cs , Sleeps 14 •••••••••••••••••••••••Office space on busy exj>and Ltt,S35·777SX9 gass1f1~_a_ds__@.!t~I -Dail) P1lot Cla!ls1f1ed~ b t l VIEW. one bdrm block ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~16 Large sm&le garage on Newport Blvd Approx a cony, gar. no pe s. tobea"h ... <limo ' SAMQ.EMEMTI --Iris Corona del Mar tlO sq fl $440/mo '" .:-. iC. • •• • •. • 6 •. • • ••• • • • • • • •• • •. ~9857 ·~ 4291 ' 4~70 Golf course/hill view. 2 ..... to S... 000 1 SIOOm> 760-9751 cldll utJl.s 2450 Newport t• • • Nsc!! 2 Br Apt. New Lrg 2BR lBA ()( V bedroom apt Built·las, ••••••••••••••••••••••• G Ssol lh 2864 1 Blvd. Costa Mesa Stt • • paint. new drapes, G Wlk t T nB ~· carpets, drapes , 2 Pro( Sh.r 2BR. 2BA CdM Laaras.'11 C tf'f~ SP M ~Jer -8-DAY WEEK SPECIAL • carpet S42S mo 1st + ar, 0 wn r enclosed carporu laun-Hse I Blk fr Bch f Pref e a a er · • set. 83Z 1766 s55o 114 HI g h Dr dry fac11Jly Two adults SSS.5311 675 9619 Eves 9S7 Z740 IUS'HlSS ADDHSS • ' -Br -Ba d 1 499-S022 No.-.. ~molease NB f < 1 II h 1 ,...,._I__.. ... 4400 Answrring & ma il • 8Day1 • 3Llnet • 8Dollart 2 l~ con o. poo. u.... rt•---L "'•6t A 'l'bi d t I pro ma ew1 s r ge ~ -service conference laundry.pallo,babyOK. --,or---\3.Ja e imme 11 e} Harbor View home ....................... , Ad oc A • • DOpets.$:500 Mgr, Diane ••••••••••••••••••••••• Owner l._7l41642-0l38 w adult 30+ $375 1617 Westcltt. N 8. Want I room J irport Its easy lo place your 8-Day Week Classified by mail and If M2·1602. Marguerite p•H NEWPORT 2Br1118a,garage.laun 7fbQI02 f1nanc1al Inst. 70005 r jlOO mo 714 Ml ·lJ.42 • • St0-3666 Ml\ dry, blk to beach. South La1tuna Ocean , tst.lloor A eat~l~ Newport Beach ne:ar costs JUSt S8 -that S Oflly a dollar a day' To Qualify for lh1s • Bachelor Apt Adult only APARTMENTS ~-mo 974-7225 I Si<le °' H.1ghway Gattd EXECUTIVE ~Hfl':r ~~e!\~ e special ofter you musf be a non-commercia l user o ffering S275/mo. Avail now NICE 2 BEDROOM Area. Pool, Pvt En 1 SUITES pie p;irking. well ,;,1 '" e merchandise fo r sale up to S800 per ad and the price must e 919--899'1 COUNTRY CLUI apartment with '1ew or trance. Bath. S29~. + rN tamed bldg Vicky days be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e 2 ~l ba garage S475 LIVING IN lheblgout course. hillt' ~~1 Must be Eempl. ha ve 1 HBIT AGE 7 14 64 5 48 00 · 'v t> 5 • needs eight days s elling time or iust one N•"r Coast Plaza, 1st pu tc enois cour s "'15 4994722 \ltl> 71 4 673 3112 leave • • ..... NEWPORT behind property. 2 PLAZA · and dep 818 Jennifer Ln IEACH encl<?sed carports. all * * • New luxury office space 11Ys.sage • • 631 OC>60 b11ltms. laundry tac1hty '·A. H•1Htot1 1n 1r v1ne·s busiest ._...sR...tal 4450] Use one word 1n each box About 4 w ords make one • Large 2 br, I ba. new All adult community on In 4 untl rrodern spantsh 434 Elmhurst l't'llter' Easy Frwy 8C· ••••••••••••••••••••••• • classified line of type Minimum ad IS 3 lines Please or1 n l paint & drape~. dish the Back Bay Spl'I' style b1alding 2 adults I Costa Mesa cess Avail now ' Call SWreorOHlce 1350sq ft washer, gar, Ind!) fa r. tacular Spa! 1 swim only No children. or pets You are the winner of for details Mesa Verde Area • plainly • $4501n¥>:!45·98M. mgr rrung pools. 8 ighted ten pleas $450 per month two free! llrkeL' 1$19 001 551·1231 640.4230 ~-4123 • 28 2 Ba T h ru.s courts, bike trail~. Available F ebruary valuetothe · ·· -1 • r------------------------------, r own ou~e. no Ca 11 ow rte r I 7 14 l I CIRCUS V _. • ..._ "'S •DllUXE OFFICES* C:O...rcl~ • pets. $455/mo 675 8074 putt 'n K II r e e n 642-0138 P ill-dw"' "'"·om I room lo 1•00 sq ......., 4475 • I orS27-7408 Ba C'helors. I and 2 asses w in 1cate n .. 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWBREEDAPTS bedrooms apartments. Ad!Vt Studio StoH· location&performanl·e I\ f)-om SI 15asq ft o jC·l Propert) 2 Br 1 Ba • I • CH , 1 and townhouses from re(rig. ulll 5245 mo dates lease requ1 red. AdJ house in high traffic • BA from S350 frp c. SS40to $1000~r month ~move in 492 0180 To claim tickets call A1rporter Inn 2172 Du· ol w •• d C t ' • I l'et' room . pocJI, ,·acu221 . OnJ At . pont CallAM 8333223 area es..,1 e os a I am ree 2 br. near oce an 1642 -5678. ext 272 ·--·-· -M-a Tarnf1c for Anti • ,gu & water paid SanJoaqwnH11lsRoad S375 & I Tide be 1 d "" ~ • Adults. no pets 393 17141644.1900 mo lst as~ mo I els must c aime I 7TH STIEn que Shop. Accounting I • Hamilton, CM 00-4411 ?'«)FEE' Apt & Condo 332 f)\cino Ln. s c See I by Ftbruary 19.1982 COSTA MESA mice. Law Office. etc • I APT MANAGER rentals Villa Rentals _Mana_g__er tn Aj>l t C I -• • * 2 or 3 room office swtes. Xlnt parkui~: Will dis • • ...... mi.ret1r-' couple for 675-'912Broker Adult slu_d1 0. stove Sharemce3bdrmhouse AC.plentyofprkg Ut1I cussremodeinglo,wt I """ oeu refng. Ul!ls $245 mo Vllth 2 studenh $200 incl Avail now. Call Approx 900 sq ft ex • I • 16 unit romplex in C M "25at0~·1~492·Q!~ S4ll-846Sor642 6477 Realonom1cs 675 6700 cl ud in g l he y ard • Maintenanceexp reQ OHTHEIAY ! ....,..slled -S500 mo 548 5442 • 11 I 549.-0433 One of a kind luxury Adult rnpons1ble person 600 sq fl Mesa Verde nG.S629 I I • apts 2 bdrm. 1 bath apt Olt ~ 3900 to shr pvt ocean canyon area • ,_,_. 3126 located directl)' across •••••••••••••••••••••• vu home. Lag Bch S4S-4lZ3 Offkeor I I • ....................... from~ Reuben E Lee Wifflwtt ff A.ts S350 mo Eves 497·6072 8 -Y FRO .... T le..ty s-. • I I )harp 3 br very lrg Just remodeled with FUm & unlurri T bdrm IOlarming N B h.se met I A 1"'111 near Costa Mesa Post • t':.'!ic~nci~ e~~' l~H new carpeting. drapes, apt _All ut1I pd All bdrm bath. gar. lndry. Pnme olfice_!!!._1003. <!f!ce~ mo 5411 5804 e I I & Malaga. S49S 130-ssoo kitchen cabinets & ap-~ru~es.~_i)619 ph. util. pool. tennis. •c.o.ta Mesa, 250 sq n 3400 sq ft w 6 ofrices. 3 • I • or642-9761 pllances This upstairs too. 4000 non smkr, $375 mo sijte Sl151mo Util.s in baths. air cond ·Jark I Publish my ad for 8 days starting • wul includes a firepla ce, 631-4958 Id 779 W 19th Sl w c t • ........_ .. leecll 3140 mirrored bdrm closet l:t·g.;;·e;;~hM~~;i~~~ 'i>ror ri1r over 30 to ~189'l8 ~mo 6!~~-esa • 11 Classi"fi"cation e un••••••••••••••••••• doors & a spacious deck 985 No. Pacific Coast shar e 2 Br. 2 Ba 2+~5m1 .. polli'ls1"t.bGa.asS3pd75 overlooking lhe bay Hwy. Laguna Beach. Newport Beach Condo DANA POINT's ~stllocll. ltdistrial ....... 4500 • I N • ..,, a.. Slll>Ormnlh Utihties in Oailyi, Weeki". Kitchen s29• inclds ut1ls 21Xl'w500'at7C1mc a ••••••••••••••••••••••• ame • Nr Beach Bl & Mc Fad t'ludtd For appt call .1 b'-LoJ • " Ulll. &Janitor. 975·11~ N.B., JnS Birch. 8860 sq, I ~1.:xpoepetspoom-lsi"d• a.(751P4M)720 2473. Mon.Fri ~t~~-5294 w winter ~7332· err.Cl(! space for rent. 385 ft. or less. MIA zone. SO< •• I Address • .,., .. ~ xtra sq. ft second rtoor per sq . rt. Agent large 2br. 2 ba, bltns. Balboa Inn. S90 & up ScMAL.-o Prestigious Weslchff S(l-5032. ---J Cit z· pk • chwhr lli'I miles beach. weekly. Kitchennette, ():ean Side of'Hlghway area Sl.OOsq. n. ~edical Industrial bldg, 6000 sq • I y IP I .one _____ _ AdultS. nope~. $500mo. Hll'lllnclon hoch 3840 ocean rro11t. 675-8740 Guard Gated Area Pool, _BIA". Call MS-6501 __ IL w/sprinklers, trg rear Ch k M Q I d 0 • 535-1362, -••••••••••••••••••••••• Balboa Inn $90 & up Pvt Ditrance. Pvt Bath. !'A overllead door & fenced • I ec or . . enc ose weeklfi. Kilchennelle. $295 + Utll Must be ~Mo-Prlviteofflce/ adjoining paved park • I Ch d t • Kennebunkport ? Isn't that the horse that won The Triple Crown in 72? ~TD ~ ocean ront. 675-874Q._ Em p I, hay e r efs parting/kitcbenetle spc ing. Comer of Redhill & • I arge my a 0 • ,Pvt ent. no smoking or 499-4722 Eves 1.8600 Main St.Hunt Bch Pa u I a r 1 n o . C M drinking, M over 40 Dally Jantr. All utll pd ~9671 • I 0 ,.... # Exp • @Si mo ~0637_ _ 2 nm ava1J. $225 + utils. Avail now ' (714 )8411 3133 J.m300> sq ft by Npt I · Working rem .. 2S·40. I.Ai 1260 w/own bath Nr · . . fwy ' 405 fwy. From • I II • blkbcb,NB .. unfum .. 18eachaiAdama Pref •HUNTINGTON $504 Mr O 'Keere • IO # Exp • llll'l·smkt $215. 675 1708 ~er woman or col BEACH• 851-811211 II yoite not ue ...+io for ...+ioll K~ aft 4 ..!!&!J• I 960 1874 ves L • • ~don'tfeelbod-you'renoiolone · · a_. --e IOIOS/fWh lndustrialPark Unltsror • ------------------------------,. ~J......1. I ..l. PVT. ENT I BA . For Shr lrg IUl home wlpror • •3Prlva~Olflcta lease. l500, ~· 3000 & • r·-----··· WE 'LL' PAY THE POSTAGE --------------• K.,,.'1""' .. poit 11 one o 14 ai11W1CtNely qi.let~ ~ go prof penon 1st, Jaat fl dep • •2Stafr Areas 3'100 sq. fl un11.s Avail t cifferenl opC7fment f\oorplons OI $eowind Vloge DOCMmkr, refs, $22S m mo. •M19 • • Wet bar i>r .lmmed. OCt'Upancy • I I t • on!Uttqonlleoch.SeowindVtloqe 11or1W1 CM.64MS02 Fshr38rapt Avail Feb Available now-1st F1oor Ofhce "·warehouse I 111 I NO POSTAGE I of IOI~ ~sondwld prof~llOt!Ci plorwWIQ. RM. S2U + Sec. Lndry 20 CM area. Pr1 ce call (7H)Ml·3133 space with carpeta. • 1 NE CESSARY : • Thtklf'dofottemonyoudewve Fae. 5 H.s's fr Sand. ne&otlable No last or drapes & wet-bars : IF MAILED I • A,,..fectblerd ofro1veoncHvrq-LaveMessaae.ffS-8205 646-$413 MIWPOITIUCH 36<·38• a aq fl Call • 1 1 l\Klted inof<>"11tWllhbabb5nqbooh ond~e~ Room for Rent ln Oce~D view . on the AIRPORT: Custom of· ~Mon·Frl.t-5. • &' IN TH[ Q • pords. cooled by natll'OI oceo11 tnem Add 10 8tautlful Irvine Hoine beach. Rttp m/fahr Bal ~:' ~~.~r. sq ft . COMST. CllCU .2 UNITED STA HS ~ , • t1o1ems c°""'~poo1,.oicxuu1 ~ ~\_:~~'d Couple. -~~~in:'~a~r~tM. MuUanBltr.540-2* ~tl.~~n':1~~!: •• t BUSINESS REPLY LABEL " e 0 (~ locOlion Ma ihoppng ond :J-~ ~ > --"---ord you've IYlf 0 ploce_ onycN ~. f75.me-tamorpm ~ asphalt COY• rntST CLASS 'flU1UTlilO I) cosu #u .. CALl,OltHIA ::: • ; I .... ,_,,._" r nybul*por1 M/F to 1br houae la exec I yard. • ~ ;c ~c:!o;!enond~~ =Qat!:'~f~p:i: ~Jlllll :!t~.e~,~I, . up an C'Tn~l~Ar •• ~ POSTA()(Wlllll(PA()8YA~CSS£E i •• ~ ap>111·-~'-l40lOO wi~~;~,~ I 8 WsX f I : ~!f!:$f e ; o1"1"g1:lcyo1~,1t ~1'1"aY Ptllot i e . ~ VI~ v•. <*le1U1lartetlate111y. I .. S.toApprtdat.el" • U J •• ~~ MOncl AD dleat1 •~retfttd wtth ,... 4110 • 1• lo• 1aeo ; ~ how Dally Pilot Cl = ~ Nftreoca. • t • ' IS56&~~~~8toc!\CA' ~ :_~~::1~1~~~ o;;::i~.•· ~~ • 1 1 :.~:.~.~~Al2121 ! • fd\lhtScii~~dto.d0118todllo 1 and impact! Our adt. ·~ ofl• to all at• NOflle-.. • 1 I • -.:hliila it.i""" Oii Mcl'odd.1 to S.-Wt are proud lo ·~ dlma •Mid•"'"' ...._,.._ _. Ollll. ~....,.for 1 ~~·~cW,IOAM~cW. :J:. mulU. MNOIT Ml-Int ·~-· Qt.•=-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • l l ..,........ e........._ a.-w.,.._. ... 19• ' u · H•.,_ Hl••dt-., ......,... ~~ ...................... , ~;;;;;;4 'i~W::c.;.t·ci.-:::;.·· rusro'9·ra•swull· .... ci;;;~v;~~··· ·····.twoN.\ii.:i••u• ··u;;.rv.iNE'SHoi4!'' ··s.rAAmc0~croi\s0' Wallpaper rootrartor ,, ra N 'p~ g 1 p~'d Sleam lt1etu.pllota. lnUrion, bart, mat nll". Mowtn1. edi!na. r1kln1. PROMPT PR1~t t:ST SERVICE REFS MOVlNOCOMPANY ~P~I ~!~~~~f • ~ren-Q'llo ' mountuolt llbnrl11, eabneu. aweeplna Fret AJ.MOST l'h!RV Own ~-05lOrv1 Fut•Ca,.rul Lowut •1 ... *>1Ui. euar moldlntc eallmatea '45 0'72 or REPAIR NEEDl!O TopQuallty·JRtai R.lltt Rat.a Law Allow1 MIC IR",.._., t:t'~• In my home Sl\lmpoo l aieam dHn Rd• ~ llU-5111 DAV 41 T Pl'tf bachtlor home a Ylt• _w:nns_673 ow !&"pert walkover1n~ In· Jta Meta area. Color briabttbtra wht Dl•rtee C:\.ISl'OM GARDENING ~ _C.trpentry-Tlle JllUf'9-8!0'f MOVING rail Stuvin1 aallallOn Reaa P en H · C!1ltJ 1Cf min bieuh ••••••ttt.............. R ld'l/Comm'I Plumb RooflnJ Rtmod 'MfF. BROOM SQUAD Student.a, low rates all CMsultant Aaai1nmen1 I t iLiiiilltcr Hall. Uv/dln. rmt SU ; CUSTu• dnJ>trlu In C1n • ~ll.JU3 ~~eo-Jm'_w1111$388700 Quality Relia~le week, frte I'll 991 3360 ~HISIO t..oo••t.7.~.\ ... ,........ &VJ room ST.50; couch D!Y home. by St. C1t1aen1 TIIEGRASSHOPPER Europran Craft.Iman tiou..learunt 673 3121 or~lm l'lmhrfl...&r ~++ t"or a I you nftG to know sur. cb.r p. Guar ellm alnt rera L_Je Hll OT Complete lawn ma1nt BM'• Home Im prov C11Uly'1 Home Strvlt·rs ,....... ••••••O,,!•;f;;; •••• , •••• ;;1 .. r.~~ •••••••••••••• aboutbank.~tcl:,ull petodor.crptrepatr. fabrica Yru est lndo()rplant•eet:iaUat andMaln!.1180~lllft 2 CornMete Houseclf'lln .;;;;;~1 ............... PLASTER PATCHING ••SIYUGHTS•• n4/'3}·lll 2 ts yrs :"9· Do work ~ l,lymi ic~l HOMEIMPROVEMENT In&. s,6429675 F\nen•mtln1thy Richard Resll.K'cos lnl/UI :SO All Sftu Installed ........ ~elf.~~· 53Shl-Ol2!__ ~ Lands<'lpinJ·Yd Clnups Tiie noon Fencln& Pteterentlal Care of )'Our &nor l.ic. rna 13 yrs or .Y"· Neat Paul 5-4~ 29?7 Great rn~L631 92$S ......... E .. 0......... no Steam/No ampoo ;;1.~;; ............ T... Tree trim· Expert munt Plwnbmg . All a mall Poaseuloos & Home hap~ r111 <'WllOmt'rs Neat P•~hea 'tut urea ,.. M•J:o~H..,,MME~TS stalnSperlali~F!:~ ORVWALL/ACOliU~ IC Jim8Sl·OlJ9__ j<>bl.~ne!J!. 879·226S Exp & Refs 642.3299 Th# ®. _ 631 441!> frttnt. f1J·l4Jf ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ir. _mi. Frtt etl. _1_ ~· Yfl ;f'P· ~lly l' d' Mowin,&. $10 $15. $20 Ray . s Handy ma n ~ . c.-,~ ,. •• , ·rrLE INSTALLED AddlllonsltRemod.eUng c.,.t/U ..... htrw JMU 532M49 Hauling / bump1ngJI Service roof repairs. ou' 51CL••M1 G 25 )'l'I exp Li e.. 1. :;;: .................... AllKmdsGuaranteec1 7 M ........ ,l,!-;;;;.-.1 ..... Btdric.al ~1!':2° 1~·9904. 9SS·009:> painting & c:urpentry. IS ~ 1 ... 'I~ 2 11t'r11 Bonded. ln.s. Refs C r Draina cleared from SlO Reta John 8i0·92J_ ....-.. New Yr s S""Cial ! Crpl •••••••••••••••••••••••• 'k ""'ell""r. 6'6·4336 g>_, 51·7"'N~9'1 ' i>x.,..rt 963 0911 Dick Plumbltn1g Re· pt ir• '"-'om Cerami·<' Ttl• ~ uphol clea~g.Scotch ELtt'TRICIAN priced ROTOTILLING .... ~HOMEREPAIRS Exp'd Ho uaekeeper l'~S~ll My prlcu Fr~est llHfs.420033 f;;~ptserv Ftt:eejt Acct flac --.1.~CTON ~.Freust.912-88:}!1 tight, free h \lmate on VEGETABLE &Improvement avaJI now, 3 )'rt ex~I ure small! CdM. NB An.ASPLUMBING& rf11~~k61Sl408 u•••••• .. r• .. ••••••••• Lie J3d89'2 ?70.6M4 c.-.t/C:0.Ct9h larporamall jobs. GARDENS Reu. Ref. low rates, xlnt refs Ca Exj1'!!._Ron613-64JI HEATING REPAIR 2S Vra Ekp Frff ~I P/RQlrliea-Fin Stmta · · --••••••••••••••••••••••• Li II~ 873·~9 Soil Pr~p MB 84~ Fr~esl Tom ~S 0704 Maria at 642·4723 NELSONS PAINTING REPLACE 645 1688 Reuonable Work Guar ~pl.Set-up's.~~ ~COMSTI. TIIOMPSON'S UC'DELECTRICIAN Mow111g edging, trim SR CITIZEN DISC i.:.. Tu lnt E~ ~~id/Comm ,.._,.,, M-•.. John 492 l382 usto omes. fr am· CONCRETE CONSTR ~ual. work Reas rates mm~ twice month!>. SMALL LGE REPAIRS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Acooatic ceilings Rtfs .•• :r..".: ••• :-;;.~ •••••• TrM Sertice ~ ~ ~l:'°ude~t tren~h ~™ _ eees 631 S072Tom P> leanuJL966·1363 Freeestunales ~ ~27 EXPER PREPARER ll <''d Freeest 837 2631 PROP~•n ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··~~•.•!.!..••••••••••••••• ' 5~ ~s pa 10 RES. ID CONCRETE+ TOP QUALITY Garden Main Ru1d ci.itry-Hm rpri1 drwl I Enrolled lo _pract1ce L J a PAINTING ......... ~'":uruy 1'r'l'I" Tnrrung. clean ups, ALlb"TA'fE PAVING covers • · -SportcOurta Lie. 374067 Electncal work al Comm lndust Clean-pntn g, rn ti i r, up· before the IRS Quality QUALITY REAS ~Aw.,_11::1"'9 Monlhy ~rvice frtt e~I 0~1C!•ting Stnif.lnfcs C.,.•11 Bob~1·1966LIM7·7~' I Reas rates S31 50SS '11'~ & Tree Tnm Free yrdwrlc re as Jl"rr). at reu rosl 549 2418 La_m..69-9383 an. 6 Or1111~t' Co ~rf':i I~ )'rs &48 7556 Tony's Tree u~~mm L~e: I ....................... Custom Concrete re I ElectlicourSpec1alty1 &it 6411096 955 3395 FEDERATED INT EXT PAINTING t'llll(' t'Ol't' Call fol rnru I Sen1~ - c. 1 -lal!!l!! F1NE FlNISH WORK rrove old & replace with Clean quick de~nda JAPANESF. I nrome Tax Service Quality work. Rus and rates Need unsightly trees re Drivew.aya).Parkin& Lot Remodeling/Doors hung new Local refs 64S·8Sl2 ble We do a~· size JOb GARDEN ER HmlllNJ 631 4871 for appt Fr~ ~t Stev• c•7 •""I HU Ill rro'ed' Pence .... yard re Repairs ;:iealcoallng Randy720-_l~Cdt.;! _ -•6ll • RE•"ONAB'"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~'"' ~..,.. """' r· l S&SAspbalt OIAJhPROFFSSIONAL ClllldCort -. I . ~ ..,r, DUMP JOBS jMmlMll BOGDANOV PAINTING RefWIMllg C!JOSlrlll'llOn ree t!6 Lic631-4199 Ca rpentry + Boat ....................... RESID1COMML.IND ErttF8l 9687~89 &SmallMovlngJobs ....... 1 ............... 16 yrsOCTopguahl) ....................... E.rrue!IQ.~ docks Childcare Full Time 31 yrs ex~ Do my own GeMral Senktt I Call MIKE646 1391 I BRICKW ORK Sma 11 Neat Sl lk 334950 JI> Horn Refinishing Trwt Deeda ~!'.~.............. 25yrs &4S.374!_ Monday hiday MyCM wort Lied Al64g.8126 ....................... ClEA.HUPYOU•ACT Jobs , Newporl, 'cosla 645-03891839·111116 ~~~~ll~~~t-~b ..................... .. AGG RES.51VELEGAL •uu Home S1S:0162 AoorCo¥trt.c) TreeTrim&Removal TODAY ' Yard1garage Mesa Irvine Refs (JUALITV INT EXT J·g~~r~;e~~o;~res ~talion Law of Tired of Plain Walls' In ----· --••••••••••••••••••••••• Home Repairs cln-up ett· l ton tru<'k 67S 3ds Lac'd Rers. tree esl ltmr>~/Repalr uu ncea.2'hn ~8422 crease the Value & caea.ilMJSertlces Cafl>el & Linoleum For 700-91115or673·9043 ~ S3i·t~•hru MasonryourSpemilty' ••6461067 •• ....................... Harold t' MrG rath Esq ....._ .. .,. Beauty of Your Home ••••••••••••••••••••.••• Home· Van t Motor GraclRg Oe~rmlition·Grading Clean Ql.ll<'k, dependa Quality Pig. Low w1nte1 COMMEICIAL 851 1771 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '!\'i~h The Richness of PEP. GIRLS cleaning !Jome 847 4S95 ave ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ttansp()rt Asphalt. con· · ble We do any size job rat.es in dfect Honest. J IMOUSTllAL Tllloriftg ~d Wood:.J96,6961_ &el'Vlce. Homes·Oftices For the best ll le & TRACTOR. idea I for crete & tree removal •631 ·2345• reliable. 848 5648 AEMODEUMG• ••••••••••••••••••••••• T::-a~l&~~ ~~o Lanunat~ Oebtnets ~· ~·Oli63 __ -linoleum floonn\, c,all small access areas. 48" Soil prep Q plant in~ EXPERT BRICK AND PAINTER NEED~ Turn lost or unused Reading & related skills wrty 7~·50071752·0892 W~Sltin~or Formica Co.trodon, GMef"ol Greg o!675·4394 k' f' re wide Kubota sk1ploader ()peral~ f'QWP Comm l Masonry Small Jobs & WORK! 30 yrs t'XP int ~pal'I' inlo a workable Credentialed. exp. car· -· G Urut.s.&&s-6S21/~9-168.5 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ~l'Qlld ourwor -· P>ltr lns'd &42·S006 &'Res1d 1.642·7638 repairs Ftpl<' facings ext Acousueee1lings area rooms divided. mg Spemilmng grades .,!_~~·aPOt oLulSr HholNm" or c.u. sto~ .. CafJ:iintry B-l Additions, remodels• furWhin RefWatl'--............. , ~neral ha-uhng & mov Reid SSI ~. 760-7074 Oa\ IS Painti11& 847·5186 drywall. drop ~e1hng~ & I thr4 644 7779 """v'"~ v " J ( home im~rovement -.. -r T k Lnm 1·artli'n.t""I<> 1·om -.JL...t....wci.-.i.. ... bus' R<ck 675 0344 ay . orm1ca . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing ree wor . gar ,---:... ,L, ., .... _ ....---., 1De$S. 1 · Tile) 642·8809 or Call windows, oors. patios. •SPECl"L* Cafl>entry -Masonr} l'lean up Free e~I ~OSCPiMASONRY ..,.... •• '"7 plelion Call rom or Jetr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Answer Ad •620 al driveways , re "' Roofing •Plumbmg 714-842·4597 ' ConcreteL1<'.m~ ••••••••••••••••••••,••• at6612913or4933886 'Letthe.Sunshme ln' ~~~·;;;-.loo•••••••••• 642.0JO"' 2A hrs. ~umbio~ Lie ::'Yr~h~~~e~~n~,~~fl)e~ Drywall Stucco Tile -1 20 yrs Free est S~0914 18.'i~~A~E:u~:Nrfof·J~b Roofiitg I .Call Sunsh1dne W~~.!1~:-c3 Babr.il ourCMhomes I Cabinets Counter tons ~Q~--Touc Of Class In Re~del_ J_,B.646·~~ STARVINGBnckMason toosmallorloolarge ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clearu~g.Lhtl o'""'"°"t ' . ').. c • . ••••••••••••••••••••••• k B k bl k "" R LESS ""' mont I\; lSCOUn yr ~up.anytime Doors. vreenhouse wm· JMlldaSnt""5 teners. 711 W 17th St GeneralMa~tenant'e Wanta REALLY CLEAN Offdawor n r . or Free~t Tonx898·2728 REPAI RS r\) .. <M• ~ -642-11482,646·:>759 dows. F1n1 s h work F'reedesfgn"freeesl 11A2,.C.M 6421712 Repairs& Dkoraling HOUSE' Call Gingham or stone PfillOsL pla~ WALLPAPER Shmglei.. flat 3,0 Jr!> -B-ab-y~s=il~t~in~g-Mon Fri 754-4420 Room addiflons, tenant •Qualtlt_• RI!}' 640-Sl44 Girl Free est 00-5123 lt'rs Any sn~edoo 100 II o\ll lunds Free esl up Frtt est 770 27 Newborn to 2 yrs 6 lo Ca rpentry Work & improvement . In HOMEIMPROVEMENT ROBIN'SCLEANING localrefs 645 12 Sll roll Lie 3J09tl6 lluberRoo!ingalltype~ 5 ll. CM. 642·2995 Repair No Job Too surance work. decks TREES REPAIR-PLUM BING Service 8 thorough!) Mo'fiMJ Norm 64S.0880 I New recover decki. l wlll careforyourmfont Small tree Est pallos Topped mo ed clean Heating, carpenlr>:. cleanhouse S40~®7 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllEPAPERHANGER u c •411802 ~.9734 3_18 mos. FT PT. m> &>b ~6297 771Hl007Lic313174 la .... ~eren;v 151 34761 elec. llle F'ree est No -iiii ri •ABC MOVING Exp Prof ,qualil)'..,,ork Mr#Dortlooflita CMbomes.111880 Custom spa derks . REMODELADDONS I ~L . ,l!>bl00small645-28JI I IMMACULATE prol low rates Quick . Fr l Sl S474281 "Quoft1i R riuiff> patios. Ft doors L1c'd & Carpenky L1c'd K&D Land.scape M :11nt Repairs . pa Inti n g. a.... S.,..lcu c11'1'iul service SS2 0410 eees -eve F'lne Ho.iies~ ~r 010. To placr your message befon: the readmg pubh<' phone ~~ lh~~a;:~101~~h~p~ JoblorR1C'k979·3218 ZSj>rs _kwin~ 2719 R~dH;~°:i~ ~e~n~p cai;rentry Chnsllan. re· Homes6J91ss0ffam •A·I MOVIMG• Pa~~~gL1J'a~nting ROOF LEAK'"".,-, red d S563098 People..,,honeedpeople Get GREEN cash c I llabe89?-9262 Top Quali\y Special Freeest Janis5520231 (.'ou11nght&N1n Dally Pilot t1ass1fied 642 5678 Len 1 lthould al .... ayi. <"heC"k the for WHITE elephdnls G<'f~eu~1 ~ ~rtt ~:U1rng JACl< OF ALL TRADES Homr cleaning de~nda care m handling 25 > r~ ified Ads. your one Roof1ni: Babysittme· my home· 1 Semce Directory in thf' "'Ith a Classified Ad for ~able itf'ms Call day or night. ble, honest Cleaned to 1 exp Compttitive ratelt ~~illj_center _ f)-~ F.bl 586-5292 ~11 idlf' items ~~~ l~cl~C ~ 4 yrs, DAIL y PIL9T Call 642·5678 ~•ch.tel 64.s.6734 •Jack 875·3014~ sa!JSf!ctton. SS4·«S4 Noovert11ne 730 1353 642 5678 Penottob 5350 .H..,Wonted 7100HefpW..e.d l 00 HtfpW•t~ 7100 ~.~~ ••••• ~!.~~ ~~~~ ..... !!.~~1 ~.~~~ ..... ~!~ ~~~::! ..... !!~~ ~.~~ ..... ~!.~~! ~.~~ ..... ~!!~ ••••••••••••••••••• •••. I••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••• • ••• •••••••••••• LIV F: IN t.. n l' ml' urn MAKE A IUCIC I Kenny Grass I Anllque Restoration B IYSITTE Banking I looldifffMlt9/ Cleaning Lady ~thlet 11• 1c 0 M P U T E R Extra Earnings. need 3 bered younl( IJd} for I ST AIT HEIE Please call your mlt•r i Part Tune Ma le Helper A LOAM SEC'Y c~ Club Ladies Spa 4 lO ,IOGIAM pe<J{lle who haH 10 I~ h~hl housekeepini: LO\ The Los Angeles Tlml'' 7tY1-462-48351Loveyou I Antique Buffing & Mature.lovuigr,'.r.onto Expenenre m rroces~ F o r Nwpt D l'h Monthruf'ri S4 to~tart l AHA.LYSTtoSJJIC Oex1blehoursperweek ely holTll' Rca~onable lh lookin~ for ~e ll -G Look F kestorauon 2 F'ulldays. care f0!;o2 ~hil rin :/'i' 111g l'Ollvent1ona & con I Restaurant Call forap S.Sl'42I lnlernat1onal l eader Canearnup toS75·SIOO,a ~ala!) Cdll Mr Rutnni groomed. enthus1a~tlc FUn roup IOI: or 642794.5 rox ho rs " } strurl1on loans pre poinlment. 646·0201. ask CIJtricol/~pr I seeks h1,hly qu:ihf1ed weekdependmg.onllmf' ~mmgs,6401776 I people to earn up to Add1t1onal Gals To A1TENDANT Live m I m.ge_me ~-17 rerred Contact Jen for Mgr orboOkkeeper TO ll50 General ~Hire 111ruv1dua ror ke} pos1 For romplele informa 0 Da.1' $40-S5()per da) fora few Share Weekday Saihng. or 2 ~nths Assist dis rufer 7!>4-8801 t: O.E. 1 skills and the knowledge I hon with rapidly ex lion Call549 7942 • , L AH ~' houri> work as p lime out o r Ne wp or t abled prof woman OrangeCoastSa\1ngs N •oor•:ErE~ d of book.keepmg wlllland pandmg firm Xlnt op Female Cafeteria. part ¥a•tnlgs/ndL~anAs;~ salt·s rep Hours are 714·552·.!209 ~23S7 or 551 3442 17~Adams, CM . ert"'por ear ad 1 key position with lead po11un1ly ror degref'd llrn'. permanent pos1 &~'\rheekn a de,~~m~. I from 4pm !!pm & train Desperate need or a ' 'e •smi: ai:enry nee s ing firm Bt>ntlev llaves pcN011 ..,,. minimum 4 lion no v.eekends Call al ' · ( inj! will he pro\ 1ded ~enerous mo llelar\. A.TTEHTIOH: exper Bookkeeper & • · • ·I• 7 O vr.. ex11r Bentle) Ha )es 67J.M-O:!after6 F:'t'~ and pt'r~u.:t,l\l' pn~un You r l'arntngs as a Hankmi;: Must be ablr lo handle " s s 0 l ·• · · ,. ' I l' ' p e r 1 t• n l' 1 r1 1 n I be riend,.911964 7880 · bookkee m thru T 8 Brookhollov. L>r • 114 and Assoc· I 5 7 O Full lime sall'~J.ll'l ,on lelt' hnnP ro I lef'l ion T1rn>i. ~al<" rep v.11 Amb1t1ous boys .ind R D t (> ~ d p R S.\ S49262S Personnel Urookhollov. Dr •114i l for C'ountn f'renrh es I m b.1'>edllllJl!U.tranteed fJft'IOMll MrYiCH 5360 girls 10 13 years old. lo TELLE u IPS In <' u (' ;,en1res 100·, fret'' SA 549 ~ Personne SlON! Lamb~ I) I I) II or ·.a J f\ I()' houri) Y,Jge or S3 so + ••••••••••••••••••••••• work one or two even A Pi A R bilhnfj?. etthe 1 sernccs100'", free 644 EBiK> own~ura!l' "ilh t"' gt>nerou~ comm1ss1ons HOW ABOUT A in gs a week gelling iportumtvii. now f'ULL TIM I:: App )In person ors) C Cl k r b \ Pt•nl'nt't' <. Jll Sm<.'t' this ·~ a ne"' pro ne11>spaper subscn p· a"atl ble with the Posluonava1lablem our A,d1 ert1'11ng t6Ji lLUUCAL i:delaberlOAoM GPs~; Hardw~ 1147f>6060 gram opportunities for V AlltfTIHE lions Transportation Laguna '.Beach Branch South Coa5l Plata offlcr \\estcllrr Dr ~Slf' 212 \1on f'n Karen 640 01 40 Laguna Beach rl! II MaintuGMe ad1 ancemenl are eio. CALL and constant adult or Co~ Federal Sa\ Expenenre prtfrrred JOIN THE Time Retail Salf'~ f.w Janitor \lo dntt'd for cl'llf'nl Call nov. for THESWEETHEARTS ~upen1S1on pro11ded 111gs ror an md1\1dual 1 Contact K c11h~ Am aOORREiPER· I Pref Coast Hard,.are fa!>hion l~lanrl Rt-toi l rmrf' anformauon abQu1 2 4 H RSEREVSICCE U R T Call J to 5 JOPM ask for with at least 6 12 months burgiey S40 4066 "~CO~u... "MT LEADER CRT OPE.1.UOR 497-4400 Slore f:\p , .. , FOE lhls grm opporturuly Andrea, 642 4321 ext 1n either TELLER or "' "'"' Grov.111g electronics dis HOTB. Call Dd\\ 644 5070 · • Call Mon ~"r1 95i-2361. OUTCALL ONL\' 343 NE \\' Ac c 0 r ~ T CALIFORNIA Rea estate evelopmenl Yo.i11 filtd ttw ch-.c• lrabutor !leeks jilOOd -~ext 1204 714 641 1522 OPERATJOSS We "ill F1 rm re q u1 res In ~r roh U io • o I l)put to train. for on hne F'ront office ~r~onnl'I I '-t·ll thing.' fai.t with {);uly 1822l1NPTBL\D 1 ... IYS~ consider mdl\1du.ils f[D[DIL dl11dual with at least I w!.oA. H-ttt-romputer S)""lem Xlnt !'>eedf'd at lu x ur~ I l'llOIWantAdi . :1ass1r1~Ads &a25678 COSTA MESA ,,_ "rlOllll ,,..1th 1·2 )ears l(f'neral UUt Vear bookkeeping ex· '"' --opp()rlunities & rom Laguna ~a,·h ,llotel -ASK ABOUT TllE ~~~r 1nnttdedour h50:;:,Y~0~~ olrlce ot. rash handhnl? I ScrYiilm & Lo• penence Position in SalK, a N-pany benefiLS Call Els11 Contact Rick t,lliott VALENTINES DAY """ expene'*e for this part lllSTo~Center Dr clude5 respons1b1hties •L .......... L........L..-i. ele<-S56 3880 4974477 I for 18 mo old boy ,._ u 92626 I a both construC' ._ ~ SPECIAL 892 8155 a rt 6 ca 11 llm.> position Lite l} P ...... ta mesa, m\o vin,. I trottlc1 dlstrib.tlo1t I MC VISAACCPT 6421677 angisal50reqwred Equ~~roy~~nity ~nna~e~o:ier~~co~~~ ~We urre.tly ha•~ I D...WAulst.t A&l§fet;fXNfftk to f,,,.tf 5450 BABYSIITIN<i Oarhng Our congenial j;!roup en 111g Please forward re ~ for career I expenenced Nf'v.port J'Sl\r PT Car 645 5123 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ~s old nds spec·1al JO~ excellent salane~1 I ~Ull'lf' to ~ ~ ift "'-I Heach Offl<'I' 4 day Housttleaners Full lime 'AGuidetothe Sk1Areas someonetof11lh1smorn and workinj? en11ron j lootCICHPER TRAM MELL CRU Wl lW9CISof. week F:\cell ent 1or partllme Stan 1m of Southern California' UlR hrs 8 JO 12 noon menl. for 1mmed1ate F llll'i.' for '8 LJ\4 CO · belwflt s 1 med Own tr:i~orta 1s now available for Feb 22 lhru Feb 26 Our consaderat1on, plea!te firm Mm 2 \'r' expr I 17941 rurh Hd I r t I CI .. , fi.46-41168 •hon Tgpj$ 67S • Sl.95. Studebaker, Box home or poss )O urs cootactC1relyGret'n I Respforrompu.1erh11l l lrvine.CA92714 :1~'c/1 i on~~t o~Al.SECRETARY 1 HOUSEIElf'ER 8872, Fountain Valle~. CdM area 673·7757 111g. aC'C15 rer pay· post 1 I P exix•r Are you look in!( , day week 50 m 1 • CA927~. Babysitter needed for COAST FEDERAL I thrutnal bal~n<'e Send lootCICEErER •WortftcMis.P.non for a re~ardmi: <·11reer :,hild<"are Nea~ bub 2 days per week. my S"VIMGS resume w sal~ry re p time Work al homr • 'oppty w1thxlntpolenl1al Co rona del M ur &1wloyw!n?,! holl'll.' m Turtlf'rol·k 2 F li~) 497·3363 I qLDreme~ls l~ f.elch~tt ., Call Answer Act ~3!111. You. win not only H · for per..onal gr?wlh & 711 760-9422 Prepcrati-. oldtwinsRJ;ll7fi5 Lee&\anG~mHt 1"17 24hrs642•JOO pert•nce e xcellent rc1·ogn1t1on' Our 1 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• EqualOpJ>Ortumtv I Wt"stl'l1fr Or •20.4. ., I wtli tefttlot b.t rmdern prn1tess1ve ofr HOUSBEEPERS I Schook a. ~·llml! amthtnl! .... 1\h .1 Employer M r II V Newport Be a<·h {A I lootCICEEPH CJ"01 ..... wlK° rtcei;e 0 I Sttk~ your expertist• to The Sea<"liff ~<Ml. 161ll l•lnlctioft 7005 DJ1h Pilot Cl.i"1f1c~I \d , 9266(1 Bu~y ini.uranre C'om .... I <'omphment a highly So Csl Hy,\ L B I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1' .1.s1mpk m<itll'r , ,.,1111,.1, 5fi7ll pany has opening for iowtd COMpe1tsat o• motivated & s killed 4949717 · '3190/WIC JU.'lrall6-12Sti711 ~\'antAdHelp 6~~.lliill Wanti\d~ . -rut paced pf'rson lo1011d attr oct l •t team Xlnl benefit Hol1unch ~r.r "Chns handle a<"counts paya butflh 1•ch9•. package. incl med ms. ~w°'l:G~1' 1 tian Preschool 1!#·~23 ble, bank deposits & I "-•H co for .... +.percentage or prodUC' I a gun a . 3st' Eu I ........... w~ 7 075 8A"ICJ'4, a gene> state me ots •dlote l•t•r•ltw hon Sl600 if qualified TlPtmer RCoet&JI Haleds xp • ---Paid company benefits __ ,........__.._ N B ()46.7922 e ast ar "'are I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Attractive sala ry com ~ 497-4403 E)iglisbHousekeeper More Tern·tory mensurale with l'lt· 0...-0fcMcv. INSURA.11/CE Exper acct Willi references st'eks • penence Call Sally 17 141641-1150 I Ellthus beftlcient & or assistant for com live-in s1t uat1on in 5499923 .£In ,,. kpg exp 4 day mercial lines ..,, maJor Orange Co with no M p t• I HA ILTO...a wk Pd vaC' & hohda)s b k r small children no-0347 0 re ro m 0 I 0 ns. CASHIEl/SALES M ..... c M S46 3000 NB ~ aer:grt\ ·~i;: rri" Young married man HOUSEWARE DEPT. Electro Sales I Denust menSurate"' eltper. for would like odd Jobs eves \l.•tl11.,,,,11 •. ill\ 11 111~~ .. .., wnw ,\ 1,.111~ th.11 ··111pl11y' 11\\H" P"'I''' • .111 f\ill time Ap~)' Croy,·n I 1170 ........___• St. ,..__....._ ·ID" . an ~pl ca 11 f 7 14 I & wkends Can do a \' " J 1 H rd 31 E Coast .--~ r. fll1111M•lt 111<1ft• Ir• l(ll Wlh1"~ ... , .. , .. tun11 lrnm t .11!fol'IM lo "M1t.11~1 Y\ ,,. 111111 tNI a ware. eo...a.-... ~-Energetic ex:rr d A'!SIS I 644 . ~vanety .~'loChaev"~!maasnk f' k ~1 I l"\n •1n•111 Hv.v.CdM .... ,..__, tanl naed• for bus.·· r __ _.. I RCTaylorCo 640-9900 REAL ESTATE PROFESSIOfW.S IF: YOU WANT to work m a plus h, well-located office with a g roup of highly m otivated professionals YOU desire the c hance to grow with a rapidly expanding, progressive multi-office company YOU deserve to eam the highest possible s p lits a nd still receive fantastic company tools YO U crave s pecialized. personal tra1n1o g and management assistance 972 ~ ~ ... ~ ... M .. ~1·" I "'1 "1"'"1•111 ''111 '" ~' t•\lf'l'll<M1'1 '•""'' ..... '. • ~-CA.. 92626 .. ~ • ~ ~ Bill CATERING Serv1re practice . ary f Babysitting ne..,,•born tn k $4 hr f'ull EqualOpportunll> exper legal sec\' in CA LL ME NOW 1n abso lute · ''1'1"" 111 n 11 "'' needs rood prep S46-Sl70 Ask for Toni I lmml' ialf' openin~ or I four yrs F \' f.CRETARY wor er~AM I JOPM Employer F..acrow Home loan o rapidly expandmg .pn· confidence Brookhursl & t:ll1\ lime.. penence Part time lo sllg1ous Npt Bch law 964.Qll2 -\~. i.•1·11 ·' "''rd.ti'\ "h" ... \111\ '" "" 1~•rl 111 ""' l'\I ''"'It l'rupql\ Lon s Ki tchen. 3077 start ~jhr850·1201 I r1rm Mu st be sell Nurses Aid wants day \1.11111i.:•·11w111ll1\1"''"11111111 ln"1r~·p.11111w111 \roumu•ttv1..-;o.;-;,.p111.11HI Harbor Blv~. SA G\R\GI-: SAL~: ad:, m ho starter Mag Card II ex work as rompan1on. h.1w i.:••1<1'h,.rtl•1111.hk1ll' 1,..0() 1n.i11..-m,11" ·'' ·111t1.-c1111111111111 •111<111 skill~.m 979-0147 tor a_pJl 1 th1· nail~ Pilot hr1111: Peop{t;t's ~.~~ ~erople per. Real &late back GL&et BMEMAM MO-ffOO cballfeurl care of elder· .11-.1 r1•quirt"<I Rl'.11 F~ldl•· li.11 kicm111Kl would lw 1 ... 1111111 Have some th 1n g you happv re,ult~ To plJC'l' DAILY PILOT ground helpful. Salary ly. Loca references wanl to sell' Classified ~our drav.1n1: r;irrl. SERVICEDIRF.CTORY open Ca ll Hi .Ida . 5'9-0113 111 "'''WIK•r1 11.·,H ti , .111 fur an appomllwnt 111 ~top bv fur .111 111ll'l'Vlt'" ads do 11 well. 642·51!7_8 ~Oil\' 1).12 ~78 todll) • Is all ~ooJt, 1115-00.4 __ _ Offices in Newport Bea ch , Palm Springs & Rancho Mir age Companion/Driver, 3 hrs \11m<l.1\'·FrKl<1)'. 'H~>-·l IXI Ted Emmona, 16'f7 MacMhur Blvd , "4ewpor1 LEGAL SECRETARY daily. Hskpg. wknds. ~ach. C'.A 92660. (714) 55H-Si40. Laguna Hills. Recent \ RCTaylorCo N.B. a rea. 673 6477 Calif probate ex· PhYllis _ TF.U.ERS perience necessary Ex Xlnt typist needs work, 1 1 11 ... 1., lw· 1111r1 ol "'" cellent typing & S /H b k \\,. 1~1\t· 1111!'11111'(' tor ··~11··r11•111 t'I " t'rs w'"' "'11111 skills req'd Call Mrs word processing ac k 11 •11Ht !11• 11lwhl\ 1.. • · 640-9900 ground Belly. evs 1111101.llM' ~'""'h '•111 m11'1 '""'' IM~k m.ilh '1' Winslow for appt . 646-9104 1 urn111111111 .11t-""II"'''" 0111 • ll'l•wllf"' 837 1060 ~ 1 ad y set' ks In 1 .. , ... 1.1 ·~·I ~IM I .. 11 lttr Jll aill••nlnt••nl "' ''"" II\ ( .. 1 ·"~ 1111t·r'lllt"' Area Supervisors, Unit Managers, -------------------....... ~~~mei:ik:~ ~~~~.~ \lu 1el.w·~ml.I~ 'liWI 11•1 Kay Dall.'). 3141 ~ llAI ('out llW) .. ( urorui deol Assistant Managers ling) gourmet <"ook, \tu.CA11262S,(714)fii'3·9240 free to travel rf'f h t t M.araSM.al74 111 lhintin.,>trlfl llc•.1d1 1 .1111111" an apptlllltmt1ll "' '"~' ,. '" •'" 1111•1'\•'\\ JOUmeyman Pllnter \1ttlldar fl'llldy 1100 rn1 Vldle Frttdman. 309 "3.ln ~ .. lfuntln«fon see ks f I T work ~ach. CA 97648. (7141 536-8811. Bruab /roll s pray mtGl ~!~ ..... ?!.~~ ACCOUMTIMG ~rt ct,~ PrQPer ty lhnaaement Firm niMde Rtttptl.onilt/ Ac OOWILinl Clerk. Phonea. Typiq, 40 WP M. Daily lfailklfta, Detailed Ar OOWtta Radlv1blt . '900 rn>. Call 851·9%7'1 a.tore \1.:1' uflt'f a 1 omprt>f'tl'o~· l'll'lll'ht• p.l<'k.ll(t wturh 11i. lull"' Jll t'llll'l""''l.' ,1virtg~ plan t'd1JcatM11111I l't'llnbur'lerllt'lll .111 t>111pluv.•• ro·ti·rr.11 111(1•nt1vr JlfOl(rllm and f'fllpltty~ b,)nlo1111 pmik1w~ Promotions from wlthln. They come with the Territory. The Good Earth IS 11\j! new8lt multl-urit ooer&tlng dlYISIOn or the General Milt. Restaurant Group With 5 units cunently under OOl'ISt""1IOll. thca luf( servioe restaurant conoapc llaS already put into o-r a tllllonWtde e~ program whictl wlll eJ1C1te eny food WV10e ITllN09' Of area supermor Our a.pension will tlke 111 from a bile of 7 oompeny owned units today to well <Nflf 100 In II* • "°" atlOtt yMf1 Company owned restaurants .,, curr.ntly °'*' 1n Calfloml1. U11h and Phoenix Thott jOWng us wi~ an above 1V9f9 oompenNtfon l*kaot plut unpr~ promotion QPPOl'tunltl• If you hM • history of •labll ~ In IOOd MN\cl ITllfll09menl and ,,. frae lo t ~ t11n11 to advance your ca<eer. ther1 rushy<Mrt1umtllong With your lllllfY hlatOl'f and a btlef ltlttl' of lntrodUctlon to. Richard J Maolio, the Good earth, Po. Box ea. M#tland, f'loridl 327S1 l>orl1 Oii~. w. Wiil be lnttMMWIO In Y<NI area very aoon Regional \ Personnel Manage The Good Earth. 1 dtv1a100 ot the Genefat M1Ut Aflllurant Group, has launched 1n 1ggress1ve national t•pansion program As such. we need 1n e>q>erienced 1n<11111clua110 loll tt1e poa1llon of Wntem Regional Ptrsonnet Manaoer located In San Diego Reporting 10 th• eotporate 01rec:t0f of Ptrwnnt•. th11 1nd1vlclua1'1 primary reapons1b1hty will cncludt heavy ernptruis on recruiting quahhtd restaurant managtts fOf a 11'\ulO·Sll'tt artt TrawM will bt required The 1ucOt11tUI candidate muat have a con-oe dtgrM. at l•tl 1-2 years of pertonnel/recruilrnenl e11perlenc. cliractly wilhln a eorpor•• environment and be open to futUl't 1'910CI· tlon tor further oar•r &dVanctl'll«lt It you .,. klWttttd, Pleat Mh your r .. umt atoog with • bfitf iea.r of Introduction to lhe tOllOwing lddrtN. Onty tl\09l 1ncludlno their .. ,.~ _hlttort will be conticltftd tN Good Elntl. AlcNrd J Maglio. -p O Box ea. Mllttand, Floflda 32751 M Equet ~ AfftrrnltM Action ltnptoyet Ml'/H/11 the gooq earth. U,. 1!!!! youth t'OUDlellnf rlrm bu ~ fOr a.s sharp uama mature J)fOl>le to motfvate ambitious »U)T olds. Ca.D 2-Spm ' ~ext. 14.S. Aek for Aodrea. 'Newspaper .Carriirs for toutes in HUntin~ ~h, Fourrt,ain Valley & Newport Beach CALL CIRCULATION .lliJRiit 842-4321 I • \ SJJ. 31' Unillte Sr. brand new 1'70f{P Ctut. Loran C, Pohrla VHf' Newport Yatbt Ex clw>&•· f7S.SJOO. ~HFDIUATS ~HD *Sf7,SOO. ' flt Oefe~·type an cabin, Tnw. T-itin dtl, VH1''. RDF, D/F t.otally de corated dlt demo. our 4Pcks. Newport Yacht ~ch 6'1~1800 __ _ '71 ?YUH fiiYLINEfi .. VLttoria" fiy bndge, VHF radio, bait lank. depth finder. outrluers. 3Samp gen , AM ar FM 8 tnclr stereo w1tb trailer ,_ Call ~2M3 Will sell balance of IO&ll 1125.808 :J7' Sllvertoo S/F, 1980. Twin dsl, generator, co mm lie Fish equipped. Newport Yacht Exchange 67~1800 Have Boat. need slip Will trade pnvileges ~-5'37 OwMt-Socriflu JI fl Pacemaker l967 Newport moonng 2 dble Staterooms. Wiii ftn or trade Wonderful oppt'y ll4 968 9922 33' Trawler, fg, diesel. 542.000. 080 642 1234 r..t.rw_.... 2A fl Searay SD 1m macu.late Ideal for fas lung or cn.umg an cl N 8 Slap Sl31 per mo + eqw- ty Op Days 557-9327 or ~ 31 ft Calfoni• Cu.st Sports Fish '73 Cummsnes diesels all eq11pmenl for private or chartered fis h1n g parties. Monthly pay S7~ at 9.75'l Asking $89.500 Skipper Yacht 673·5200 -- \9M Classlr Chris Craft wttrlr S3SOO 751· 1242 ~1732 - - - S77,000 34' unlrute lllllO, twin 270H.P Crus. 1en .. AC. aucrowave, 2 stations Newport Yat'bl Ex· ~~.67>1800 ~/ 9050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• YACH'rl4G CONSULTANTS Oiarter Power & Sall Npt Sch. 67~2960 "YOW' Ytar Round Oi~er Servi~" ... Sall 9060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WESTSAIL 32' 14 Factory boat. J cyl volvo dsl Loaded. 2 boat owner wants action and wUI accept any sensible olfer. At our dock. Ern1t< Minne y Bk r 7141548-4192 216 ft sloop. trailer Grut tile air, 11tras, S7SOO Eves 997-4129 _ Laser 1113672 No mast mrnao ll30-Cml da __ SACllACl '33 ft Rhoades wood sloop S7SOO Dick Da 827·4480. ns Grant 1131-7516 •WEI Yellow twh1le. like brand new, stored tn side Rate bet. clam cleaps Steve 675-6660 Leave musa e ___ _ 24' Greenwich Sloop, wlttaller. 3 sails, motor & gear, good cond. S&SOO c:aur7~m1. '41 ,.,...,.,. ••• Great Recllcffoe '71. Great Gve-iboaril. Muat see. 1115.000. Tmm. Sea Properties ., 873-2810 ~~RTSLIP ~. Otan wlh VHF· RDF-'· Auto Pilot-depth finder and lots more equip- ment. Priced lo sell at S1U50 Skipper Y acbts • fD.$200 Clutina ZS im. 71,i Hon· da 0/8, VHF. binged m11t, fiud keel, rol.ler furling , nt'ellent 000.2~-1714_ '1::.,9'AI to10 ~ ......................... Yamaha IT, orr road. never raced. MI NT' $800. Firm 960 0785, 963-1.801, .Eve '811 Suzuki 2S(1l'S 400 m I Helmet incl 11000 080 m.950I after epm '80 Y amaba 400 6 months old. 1950 Ml. SJOOO f irm $9-79158 '80 Suiuki G5750. 4Cyl 16 Valve ~g. Only 1400 MI. In Xlnt Cond. New Helmet lncl'd Call after &PM. ~·11638 '78 Hond a CXSOO. xlnl running cond. Sl200 642·6587 ·~ Yamaha 650 maxim xlnt cond S,400 mi Sl700 DESPERATEM 0001 '78 Suzuki. RM 125. off road b11te. Xlnl cond. ~. OBO. 646-2528 Mator-Homa.S./ .... /Stonlp '160 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21· Explorer. 440 Dodge mtr. generator. 25.000 mi. Sps 4, clean, ready to roll. Many xtras 1114 l 642-321.S T,......T,..tf tt70 ....................... ll' Golden falcon fully self contained, xlnt cand. . 646-9528 .-s.mc •. , ... & Acuuerift 9400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTIMT'IOH ..... ro~rlt'!v ER .fits MG's, '11· '81 Never used. 175 llfuta631-1'197 Ive msa 4ic0ii6 FOR PARTS ONLY A.lloabeU for sbortbed QIEAP 538·9132 mw1.on WITH USID PAITS I mportecl c~ parts IMPORT Alm> SUPPLY 101 N. Mancbtlter AMbelm 71e.tl00 Ul'B BODY WORK' _, to ~ otr your .~1132 73COUllU FOR PARTS ONL Y Also shell for short bed CHEAP 536·9832 '57 •••••••••••••••••••••• ·70 ~.ton Ford Van body. Sd_ trans. tires nds eng ~ 546-6481 WotW.ttd 9590 • •••••••••••••••••••••• WINHDYOUI GOODUSIDCAI! A nythtng considered: 1977 lhru 1980 #l ll!Or~-~ COSTA MESA 91945.00 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS ALAHMAGMOM POMnlC/SUIAIU · -~ llar6or Blvd. COSTA MESA 549-4300 549-1457 WEIUY a.EAHCAIS AND TRUCKS CONNRL CHEVROLET ,,.. 11 1• l11 h ' r,; \ \1 ! . S46-I 200 NMMflUYR Top dollars for Sports Can. Bup, Campen. 110,Audl's AatforU/CMGR JIMMAllMO YOUlSWA•BC im1 Beacb Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH _.Qltt WIMl9 YOUIDOTIC lllmsHCAll MOO ELS IH STOCK HOW! Clatck 01r •••d ttlectlM of DIM01 ••d QUALITY Pll ·OWHID AUTOMOl&JS • Wll .......... ~ ... ••L CGll or C"OfM 111 TODAY! UllS • SBYICI WSIMG SADDLES ACK IMW H40Z MAffUllfT1 PICWY. MISSION YllJO Avery Pllwy off 1·5 831-2040 49S..C949 Oosed Sundays '77 RAT 124 SPIDEi 5 spd. stueo cass mag.s. rack. beautiful dk · bl~.1.J-0wner. well kepi (1~0) $4795 '77 FtAT 124 SPIDEi Racing green with tan mtenor. S spd, stereo cass. mags, mint cond <lACP577 1 $4995 '71 FtAT IBTOHEXl/.9 4 spd with the finest sttteo caw . only 28.953 1 owner m i le s C'lmUOUl $4295 '79 RAT IBTOHE x I /9 I ~ spd, stereo cass . f rlassil' &nld beauty C270YlfVl $5495 w ...... w ...... n.sai..esta Lowestl'rictd Acltt .. So. C.lf. All Vehicles Guaranteed i IT'S A VALENTINE I MADE FOR THE LITTLE RED-HAIRED GIRL ..• I WANT VOU TO LOOK IT OVER ••. YOU 60T THAT Rl6MT .... WAIT A MINUTE •• WMAT'5 nus ON THE BACK? NANCY 5iuGGo- 1'M our- GO IN AND WAl-r ~ 1:11, SLUGGO HI, NANCY--- I HAVE A SURPRISE .. . FOR YOU SUNDAY, fllWA•Y 14, 1'11 · II CINU BECAUSE I WA5 SO NERVOUS WHEN I WAS MAKING IT .•. I WANT TO BE SURE I DIDN'T WRITE SOMETHING STVPID •. I DON'T KNOW... I TMtNK YOU'LL I WAS SO NERVOUS.. PR08A6LY WANT I CAN'T REMEMBER... TO CMAN6E THIS .. 2-111' WHILE I'M WAITING, MAYBE I'LL DO SOME CHORES FOR NANCY .......... ················ ···"······· ..... YIUR lllllDWI llllY PIPll WELL, IT LOOKS FINE TO ME, CMARLIE BROWN •• YOU DREW A NICE HEART, AND YOU WROTE, ''MAPPV VALENTINE'S DAY 11 AND YOU SIGNED IT VERV NICELY ••• By Ernie Bushmiller A~, I KNOW ONE THAT'LL PLEASE __,,.~~ HER I CAUGHT YOUR DOG AND GAVE HER A BATH , ........................................ __ ~ ..... ---------------.-.........:-~~-~----------------~-~ : l DENNIS THE MENACE He wou1-o ~e IF He WA9 AL-IVS. ARIE Y9U C.AJ.UNG Gea:<GE WP$Hl~TON A L.IAR? GARFIELD® VOO KNOW, VOU'RE A VE.RV LUCKV CAT, G'ARFIELt:> . -YOO MAVE vou~ ... TEPt:>Y BEAR I. YA 9AID Hf: 1t>L.P1 Sn::>RIES. . " . . .. VOt.J HAVE. JUSI ABOUI EVERV"T~ING A CAI COULD WAN1 VOU HAVE. YOUR DOC':f -fH.A;i;;~ OF A u:GfaND. :t.T f'AAY NOT 6ETRU6. '-'1.JDGE PARKER WFF s s 22 s sscr ,,,,,., ..... 55? •••• ' ew , f 5 ¢""-§ ¢ H THEY'RE 601NC:> TO REPLACE HER ON AVA&.ANCHE! _ _., by Jim Davis YOU MAVE. YOUR SANCTUM 6ANCTOROM AND VOU a..4AV£ ME, YOUR LOVINC:1" COMPANION . - . . .. ~ . . © 1982 United F'°eature Svndteate. Inc. ; <l <J <l MOON MULLINS SHE: LOVE$ ME: ,AND IHINKS' I 1M IHE ~RE,ATEST ... SHE: L.OVES ME Nor AND OUGHTA HAVE ~t;f< liE,At> f:XAMINED ... SHE l.-OVES ME:NOTP.P DOCTOR SMOCK NO,.. wHeN · YOU KNOW "T"HE! MAN ••• ~~& G,.. -~ 2 2 GE=TTIN<:J A ~~!1 S~COND -~-_OPINION! e Lemont -________ _.. ... , _.. _____________ "'----_....,,,_..__ __ ~-·-- ~----__,, __ ._.. ____________________ ............. ......._ -w- ID e L. e y• - ~ ·~)u=i~ mi,.i"Uit~ .... ' ~·M GLAD 'IOU UKE. IT.' 2 -14 l ..... ? ________________________ c--.--w.-~~~ • I t<)s rt • r ... . . l : • tAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES! n.n are It IMlt atx differ· lltc:et In *•wfnt detalla Mtwelll toJ .,... ......... p1Mb. How platy an you find them? ~ • .....,. wtttl tMM Mlow. • 6u~••w"•H>ll009 9 ~\1100, l l ... ••ll!P•t ~"Diii t 6u1n1w $! 1••eH c ,.M0.,9\1 ••• •.-Pt"°'IS l 6u1n ,w •1 d•) t :u >ua,.1110 • . . • . I . . • .... '. MICHAEL ,G-IVE. IHATIO L-1%-Z.IE- SHE HAD lT ~ ... FIRST~ \ OON'I LIKe. .. ee1NS-A NAG-, HoNEy .... r WtruBrr[l@ ® -------by Hal Kaufman------- • CRAZY lftlL.e.1 TJke the ,,,._, pronounced t h In tfMMlth. Add the letters pronounced tlV In .... .,, "" ttt myrrh. 9ht In plltht, lew In view, pn In Pntt11nonl• •nd .. In te•. wtuit H vtn-letter word will you Mvt spelled? P.S.1 It's aom.thlng ttt.t's btst when It's good • ILUSIVI VllH Unter1mblt caplt1llr· M words to rntort MMe to "'''poem: tfWOf'dt*fdUt• bty tM RHaAT. ne Mert mltht ftncttttt •••c1 lut wordt met au• mer IHDA dtpert, And tt1vt •ut empty RAt. • tittle M id -•nd YRTULNld- Cln dHPtr YOJ lm-ptrt, 11\ln hosts of OOWRS "IN ch rpch tht OAHE, But ~ff CQHUT the AHETR. I.IN<! .,.,,..,I ....... "'°'°"' 'Aol ·.t.1n11 ·~1• 'IP•'q .• ,.,, ....... ••• ..ep.<0 u1 IP-'OM .. -1•1.,\t P"'"tlll e Love Letteral Wh.\f "ght letter• can be used to 0 ttmpou 1 Vtlentll'lf •sago to a glrl named Ellen? lvtup? HowtboutU RA &UT L N. • Think Posltivtl l ll!!J!n.te the Mtt tlvt to find retntnct : NR IOGMAAT~ICVEE. <St1rt with N 1nd creu out every ether letter.) e English Lesson! Which English king 11ught school? Edward the Professor. Which English king used magic? WI II lam the Conjurer. Which ll~h k Ing madt jelly? Alfred t~ Gr ape. ROPE TRICK! Wh.at un you draw to complete this time- ly dot picture? To find out, insert lines 1 to 2, J, etc. HEART THROlt M4I ftM telltwt"I colors ne.tly to this V1len- tlne'1 O.y actne1 1-11tt1. 1-Lt. blue. >-Yellow. 4-Lt. brown. s-Fltsh tones. 6-Dtl. purple. 7-Dll. brown. t-Ok. blue. ' < .,. • SPELLBl~Dl!R SCORE 10 pofMt tor 4111"0 all the lttters In the word btlow t• form two complett wor4'1: SUPERNAL . . --. --. THEN scort 2 polnta tlch ftr ell words of four i.tttrs or more . found among tht ltttera. Try to tat9 1t ltlat It ,.1nta. .,.,d ·••ns ·w••O.V• .. q"'°d GRUMBLE, MUMBLE GROMBLe ... ~l!llllllil .. ?lllllillllliili?lilliii? .... s-...-n•sPllills-'_..._. ......... M • ..._., •• ,__..._..-.;.....-......._..!;, ......... :.....:.---~_.;..::.~ ...... --------- GORDO WHJ:-AJ A 'l.EA!<JJ ~ LOAJ(?:J/NCJ T#E}./ A PIAIE 1 0 0 AAJO J..OVE5 THAT soA~ A/VO 1-0VIES il-IAT DA/CT 0 0 ~· .. " ·o ... 0 ·.a 0 ~o 0 SHOE W£\.L 11~ VAlE~fttaE~ OA'I Atltl t'M ~£Rf. 1°0 !,A'l tN M" ~VUIA~ lAlA'4 'f~Af... l t Gus Arriola WHEAi 'IOU WISH TO MAKE A THEE OR mou A THINE, WILL ~CE TO F=ILL YOUR. T/el!:Mf'/_ING lllEAICT/' W~V CANi WE. UVE. IN A NlCE, WA~ CL1"4A\E? 9UT,COMETo 11-llNKOF lT ... Ml~ ~\VING MEI<£. PE6t<::J,4.J A VALE:AITIAJE r • .· by MacNelly IT~ A NICE CLIMATE, ~ IT5 INTERESTING-. I R~LL'( ENJOY SEEING lME. SEASONS CAANGE TO SUMMER. -. 0 0 0 0 f .. FebruatY ,,, 1982 Daily Pilat TH Em YOURSELF Sendfle~.art•~to "AS< l'anwy~641Lemgtor\A,,.. NewYOlll.NY 10022 We II PllY SS'°' PUOhSlleO QueSllOnl> Sorry. we can'I answer Otnef1 FOR DREW LEWIS. Secretary of Trans- portation Why le It that new can are eomedm• eold with MrioU9 cWecta and haw to be r.caDed? -E.R., OdeMa, y._. • Frequently, the reason why the indus· try has to recall cars after they are sold Is because some kinds of car problems de- velop after the car has been In use for some time. These kinds of problems are not detected during the presale In.spec· Lewis: gearing up for auto safety. tlon of the car because they do not crop up until later. Owing my tenure I expect to vigorously enforce the motor vehicle safety laws and oversee vehicle recalls. Traditionally, most automobUe·recall campaigns have been conducted volun- tarily by the automobile industry. While vehlde·recaU campaigns always relate to safety problems, often the problems are not life-threatening. FOR .JOANNE WOODWARD. actress. director, PBS TV's Come Along With Me Since thtl wa your Int dme dhcdng a 1V epedal. did your hU9band. Paul Nftlman. gJw you much help? -S.B., Pueblo, Colo. • He helped with technical aspeas, getting me to think about camera angles and different ways to shoot scenes. And when a ghost voa was needed. he pitched in. His credit re.ads: "Voice of Hughie -P.L. Newman." FOR DR. ZION YU, acupuncturist I know ac:upuncture ~ pllln. but cm It make~ look younger? -H.L, ~ Calif. • Yes. It has been known In China for centuries as "rejuvenation treatment." h is painless and leaves no ~rs. It firms the skin, fills out the hollows and Im· proves facial color by increasing blood circulation. The rejuvenation method Is augmented by genera.I acu- puncture. FOR POUY HOWDAY. actres.s Now that your ........ Flo, 11 canceW, will~ mum to the CMt of Allee? -L.E .• Fort Smith, M . • No. To return to Allee would be a step backward in my career. As soon as I made that decision I was of- fered a wonderful role in The Shady Fii/i Kidnapping, which was the premier program on public television's new weekly drama series, American Playhouse. I took a g,amb~ and It paid off. FROM THE .. ASK'" EDITOR COf..JPtES: A guest at the recent nup- tiaJs of Kelly CoUlm (Bo 0era•a sister) to Mile McGt11 reports it didn't ~te a .. 10" in terms of opulence. She tells us the bride wore an inexpensive dress. the pair exchanged rings which together cost $150 and the reception was held at the home of Kelly's mother .... On the other hand. Ringo Stan and Barbara Bech. married several months ago. turned up at a party with matching diamond ear· Bos sister: Nupdals not a "10." rings. . .In the wake of the Llz Taylor- John Warner split, a friend of the two leaks this tidbit: Liz can't resist her old films on TV and wanted John to watch, too, something he didn't relish By the time the late show was over, it was almost time for his alarm to ring -at 6: 15 A.M .... As Susan Flannery. star of Dallas. was draining spaghetti she was cooking for a special dinner (~I was trying very hard to lmpresf). the whole lot slid down the garbage disposal. Susan wanted to sUde down wtth it ("There went my dinner"). but her maid fished out the pasta ("It got stuck halfway") and rinsed rt off saying. "They·u never know the difference." ... ROMANCE: Dorothy Greene-Pepper. author of Hate Poems for £x. Lovers. or How to Break Up Laughing, and a palm!St who has studied the hands of thousands of "mate-able" men and \ women . offers Valentine's Day tips on what hands reveal about love· If he keeps holding yow hand long after the inibal clasp. don't let Taylor him go: Protective men are hard to come by .... A man who holds your hand for everyone to see Is proud, a braggart or just loves you so much he wants everyone to know .... Does he hold your hand under the table? Yes? He loves seaets, is shy -or could be married and hopes tO explain you away as a mere ac· qualntance .... Beware of the person who drops your hand each time a friend comes up to say hello. That means you'll always play second fiddle In her/his life .... If a woman holds a man's hand so long it brifl9.' on perspiration and finger cramps. watch out. This woman will never let you out of her sight. and you'll have to make excuses for your absences .... The date that removes her beau's hand before he's finished shaking it is the one who will never let that man finish a sentence .•... A firm handclasp indicates tenacity in love and other matters. PRO o.vld R.odMnberg. cxeeulive dnttor. Fortune Society I• Mlf-Mlp ~P for a-offenders) PRO AflD con CON RepnMntadw Gng <Annan (R ·N y ). 1f we expect prisoners who return to society (99 percent do) to be less alienated, then we must Include them In our sodahzatton process. The smalt amount allowed for Social Security might be the stabil- tztng factor for released prisoners. Ahd this 15 money which he or she has peid for through past employment. The goal _.,ouJd be to lasen ahnallon and abne, not find new ways to punish and perpetuate hostility. Should wnvfcts wntinue To & Allowed to Draw Social Security Benefits? ~ ........ ..,~~ ........... , ........................ 11111 ............... """-,...., ..... Ml~ lloll., ... -.11.Y 1lltt ., _,Sit Ir .......... member. Select Committee on Aging It costs the Amerlcan people from $15,000 to S25,000 a year to keep a convicted criminal In jail. It's ludicrous to pay their room and board and, with Social Securtty payments. give them ctgarette money on top of that. Ive submit- ted a blll that would suspend the benefits of con- Vkted f e.lona a.s long as ~ are behind bars. This bUJ wouki save the Social ~ system over $100 mUJion over the next 20 years . 0 ttG 'AMI~~-All r1g1111 reMMCI. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 4 mg "111;· 0.4 mg nicoune av. I* cig11ene by FTC method. The Softet Side of Haid-Soiled ffiickey Spillane Critics have nailed his Mike Hammer novels as not much to chew on. Now SpUlane, the self.proclaimed "Bubble Gum Champ of American Uterature,,. is writing for a juvenile jury. By this time, Spillane had blown town. The Sl.000 advance for Jury provided the down payment for a piece of farmland outside Newburgh. N Y.. 50 miles north of New York City. Spillane, who'd capt21ined the swim team at Fort Hays Kansas Smte College, bulh a home. getting the walls up and a roof on before winter's. first snow. ~ . ~t training ground for a writer. ~You dkin "t have time to play au- thor," recalls Spillane. '1f you wanted to make a llvtng, you had to crank them out. Let an the author-types knock me. They'd have gone broke in that game." But as fun as it was. Spillane had a wife now, nicknamed Baby. a soft-eyed brunette from Mississippi. A war bride. "And we were going to have kids. We weren't going to have them in the dty. All cities are sinkholes. I knew it even then." He kept a hot hand on his type- writer during those years. Hls motto: "Inspiration ls the urgent need for money!" Bv 1952 there were seven Mike Harnmer books, including My Gun Is Qufclc, ~ &g KID and Kiss Me Deadly. All of them were listed among the 10 lll08t-translated books in the world. Curtfy, he told a TV host: "Jules Verne. Tolstoy -that other Russian -they're lucky I didn't write three more." When Ernest Heming- way commented that "Mickey Spil- lane's still a comic~ writer," Spil- lane remari<ed, "Hemingway who?" SplJJane with daughter Kathy and author Gerrity. All the ldds /iue nearby and uisit often. It took him short of two weeks to change a proposed comic-book Meanwhile. Spillane and Baby counted the children as they arrived: Kathy, Wmd, Michael. CaroUne (now 32. 31. 26 and 24. respectively) But by then the sing&e-lane dirt road o ut front of his property was two-lane peved. and tract-style homes were aowding up shoulder to shoulder nearby. By Dave Gerrity m lckey Spillane peers, squinting, out over the salt marsh behind his Mwrells Inlet. S.C .. home and shakes his head. "Progress," he growls, "has caught up with me again." Lately, the once-quiet seacoast he thought would remain unspoiled has become cluttered with condominiums, and Spillane, 63. feels his privacy being threatened. ~rve been looking at land In Wesr Florida. Stone crabs in the backyard and a place to put my boet. The side- walks get haWed In at 9 P.M." He nods, reflecting. ~1 think It's time to do another buy-me-a-house book." he says. But the books that everybody's all- ttme ~-guy myslli!ry writer ls tum· Ing out lately have taken some people by surprtse. They're literally kids' stuff: The Doy the· Seo Ro~d Bock and, just out this month. ~ Ship That Never ~. both mystery books for children age 9 to 14. How come everyone's ading &0 surprised. though? Writing for young people is how It aD began for Splllane. Douc G.rrlt)I. a doN jrtvid of Hlck-v SplllaM. 18 a jrnlance ~ 111ho ~11tmdv wm..1 on lportl topla. . • • l"AMILY WEEICIX. l"Wu_., ,._ ttl2 "I got my start doing stories for kids - comic books." he explains. "'I've never denied those comics. In fact, I brag about them every chance I get. I'm 1he Bubble Gum Champ of Amer- ican literature. But remember. there's a lot of bubble gum sold." h was 1946 when Spillane, just out of the Army, returned to Brooklyn. N.Y.. and, with some hiends, con- verted an old store.front into a comic· book factory. They packaged the complete product on the premises, then Just sent it o ut to the printers. There was Brue Bolt. Human Torch. Sub-Mariner and Captain America. A detective hero named Mike Danger into private eye Mike Hammer, the hard-boded detective of I. the Jury who plugged a dame in the gut with a .45 -she'd kllled his friend -and told her. "It was ea.Sy." Mickey Spillane remembers, "My buddy. Joe Gill. used to read the pages as they came off the typewriter. ·~ to this junk, willya?' he'd say. "Sptllane grins. '"Everybody agreed It would never sell. You know what they say about lasa 1aughs7' Though panned by attics, the book was a huge success. To date. six and a half millkln copies have been sold. ' "Progress!" Spillane had been to Myrtle Bach as a judge for a Miss South Carolina beauty contest and had ~n Murrells fnlet Ashing boats. Quiet nights. Long sun-filled days for the kids to grow up in . And another dirt road. "I bought this house from out in the mid.die of the road. Never even look- ed inside. We packed up the kkil and ICOlll1nued on pcv-6} hom: ·-nat Na. ... -som.body fl .. ztdq \a tbmtll#> a~ vr t..ry llld.. "E~ and wa a' want eo.dllasb tt.n. • ~OU'te .;#, JolbJ ~ we1 )llt..:k out by the .. blN lftd llOinonow. .,_ ti'8Y w tbM wen ~ wa1 W the ~ up ....... n., r...t oat bllUll wonted .,,. that. ~ .. wmt llOUlld .---. ~ .....-.. rn lhlt ~ hlld to ttm ra9, .._., .... di....._ Wt.nthly...-.,tiilrblindslndW -..., ............ _fad ...... ol ........ ..... In .... orW/ .._.ti.,~ ... w the black lhedow al -....... a-.. .. Wlbled wld IOUnCh.. &lh ..... ·---~~· ·-....... -....................... ,. ..... ..... Hurts and f1o...en. Happy SL Valentine's Day! WhUe folks swap Valentines (a custom dating back to an ancient Roman festival when boys drew girls' names from a "loue um"), we've got some speaa1 treats In store for~ First, The Children s Story. . but not just for children. coming up Thursday. Feb. 18. on the MMobil Showcase Network" (check local listings for 1lfne and channel). Actually, it's a chWlng aduh tale. based on a book by James Clavell. author of Sh6gun. Set in a future America conquered by an anonymous "them:· the story unfolds during a stngle classroom penod. as a pretty teacher harrow- ingly subverts the belief of her second graders In God country and family. It's gripplng drama Love llt ea. Nat. tum to your local PBS station on Sundlly. F.t>. 2L for a cauu de tcandal t1* rocud Engl.and. The e:xcltement'• on I Remember Ndaoft. • bu-part~ Theatre" biography of Eqlancl'• ......-naiueJ bcro. Lord Nmon'• a6in-onshoft and off-are vividly brought to .. through the recollections of his wife; the husband ol Lady Hamiltoo. who w.s Ndlion's milba.; the aiphlin of Ndeoft'e flagship. HMS Vlcb:iry: 8Dll • young oedia•p seaman who partkiplllcd ln the battle of Trafa.Jgu. -. "' --. ·-,'!') \. \ "Don't woste your ammunition. He's In looe with M~ Theatre " Zeety ....,aa. MMAsterpieu Theatre" next turns to a different sor1 of love In a different age in Looe In A Cold Cllmau. It's a cool. witty t.Ut of England's madcap high society In the 1930s. based on the Nancy Mitford best seller. and It begins March ·28. Flickers follows on May 23 with an emuaAng look at a lnMdlng ftlm sales- man's rapid rise from "gags to riches'' In the pioneering days of British cinema. The MMasterpiece Theatrt" season wraps up with Pride & /'rejucfrce. Disraeli, and Testament of Youth-three okl fai.uttes thm brought raws from crttJcs. RMI We. Have you lat~ onto our cU&aent. rul-llfe PBS olcr- lng yet? There are ltlU eight more segments ol Lfe on Earth. altc mc.t COfttpkte aory an /l"-d al 11/e on ow pfaJtet. on Tuadays (check local 1.1st1ngs for time Md etlltion~ faM1ng famed n11ural hlltortan D....td Attm- borough. the Mobil~funded .a1a Is • ~ _ __ labor ol low that took three year. ol filming to tract two b6lloa r:t of~ On na:t Tuadl!V'• cp69ocle. you'll follow Attm-bOiOU9i\ • tnlls t& aodc codoc:anUl-a fllh though& to be mind for milhons of years that crawla OD Olpper-like fins and bean ltw young. And '/OU'll be fuctn.ated by frogs that grow protective l1dn owr egsas c.med on thar Neb. It'• anotha Valntlne treat to you In• televttk>n seMori ftlled with goodlet. It'•• fact The WMobll Showcase Network" presentation of James Clavell's The Chlld~ s Story-but not }wt for chlldrrn will be shown without any commen:lal messages. Mobir MICKllY ... I .... (contfrl.-1 from ~ ., • $pl/lanes llglditr side: books for ldd.s and ads for lo<0t bftr. left Newburgh." Jn the 60's the nwriage broke up. Spillane shrugs. making no salient comments. No excuses. "Who ever knows exactly why? Mistakes are made Looking back doesn ·t change things·· In 1965 he married an aspiring ac· tress/ singer. Sherri Malinou . Though they're stlU married. they currently live apart. -She despises ii here. She loves the gli11e:r and shine of Los Angeles." His mouth twlSt.S. "The In- let's too smaU for her but getting too big for me all the time lately." After a hiatus from writing books in the late SO's. SpUlane wrote sporadi- aiUy through the 60's and ?O's, creat· ing several new heroes "U there was something I wanted to buy but didn't want to go into the bank account for it." There were new-car books A new-boat book. Books to support the kids and his new wife. There has been no aumbling of Mickey Spillane's financial base. His 24 books have had worldwide sales of over 150 m1lbon copies. That's for· tunate. beQuse he spends plenty of money for beet to entertain people who drop by to say hello ... A lot less nowadays as MiUer Brewing keeps me well supplled." An extra bonus for his appearances in the popular Miller Ute beer TV commercials. In the late 1970's there WM another hiatus from writing. and only the Lite commercials kept SpUlane In the pubUc eye. He has nothing but ad- miration for the other famous names -such as Rodney Oangerl\eld, Dick Butku. and Boog Powell -who have a1to plugged Ute ... All those guys are gre.at to be Wfth. £very one ol them. All of ut amate""1 doing a whale of a job .. profask>nal actors ... And Miss Lee Meredith -the be.autlfut blonde who ha$ alto en- dorsed Ute. "Yeah. don't forget Lee.·· He grins. "Neuer forget Lee.·· The most recent writing hiatus Is definttety over now. "I've got three more kids' books planned in the series. When the klds grow up. l1l have a buih·in audience for the okl reprints and for anything new I write." The books have been a special challenge. "( honestly never would have returned to a young market If a.n editor from a book company hadn't told me that kind of stuff Wal something r couldn "t do successfully." Maybe Spillane has told him ebout last laughs. too. "ft's no blg deal. I'm a pro. I alway• have been. U Shakespeare were sell- ing big today, rd write like Shakespeare." Last year. Kevin Dobson played Mike Hammer to near perfection in a TV movie, and another Hammer caper with Spillane himself writing the script ls In the talking stage. Crime fiction's tough old practl· tioner is also promising another Mike Hammer shoot'em·up novel. "f've got this great ending already written. rd tell it to you but maybe you'd swipe ll. Ah. what's the difference? I'd only think up another one that would be L~ " u.::ner. A new Mike Hammer. Out front of Spillane's house, workers are lnstad· log water and sewer Unes. A front-end loader growls. belching black smoke, There is talk of paving th8 dirt road M loves. Progress has found him again. Another buy-a-house book for that gorgeous piece of property on tht' Florida Gulf Coast? Mld<ey Spillane btlngs hls eyeJ back, not wanting to leave hl5 Inlet Thtre are memories here but •• n. .. Maybe," huays. .:I How Safe Is Donot Blood? The 3 pm::ient solution: 97 percent of Ammcons never donate b-lood By Lesly Berge< R c:cording to Robert Hubbell, di- rector of communications at the American Blood Commis- sion in Arlington, Va., over 95 percent of all people who reach age 72 will need some type of blood byproducts. blood components or blood transfusion during their Uves. fortU.nateJy. the quality of donated blood used in transfusions today is veiy ~-But as recently as 10 years ago there were certain safety hazards. According to Dr. Dennis Donohue, director of the division of blood and blood products at the Bureau of 8iologlcs in Rockville, Md .• patients Ii/ere sometimes transfused with ln- oompatible blood -that Is, blood that was incorrectly typed or was meant to be given to someone else. There was also some difficulty with blood being contiimlnated by Infection-causing bacteria. However. thanks to Improvements th current lnboratory procedures, doc- tors' tnaeased familiarity with the transfusion process and the handling of an blood tn sterile corrta1ners. these problems are almost nonexistent to- day, Dr. Donohue says. The most prevalent and serious risk that remains 11"1 the transfusion process ls the possible transmission of hepatitis vtrus. "For seven out of 100 people who rec.elve blood. hepatitis.ls a risk." says Dr. Donohue. "But this risk has been substantially lessened because of the Improved testing for two of the three strains of hepatitis." He adds that of the people who may develop hepatitis through blood transfusion. only a small percentage will become 111. Additionally, there Is some op- tlm~m about furth~ improving the testing procedures for hepatitis . meanwhile, professionals In the blood-banking com- munity agree that the most Important advance In the safety of the blood-transfusion pro- cess c.an be attrbut.ed to the increase In the amount of blood provided by volunteer donors rather than by donors who are paid for their blood. Paid donors have been found to be more likely carriers of hepatitis virus. Unfortunately, only 3 percent of the population donates blood. and more volunteers are desperately neeckd. But as safe as the blood from donors today ts, a patient's own blood is still the best bet. uldeaUy, a patient's own blood ts the safest of aU." says Dr. James Funkhouser. director of Diag- nostic Laboratories at Miami Valley Hospital In Dayton , Ohio. In tnstanc.es where a person Is scheduled to under- go surgery. that penon can some- times arrange to supply his or her own blood three weeks In advance. It wQJ then be stored and used later for fW1 the operation. 111:.:.1 Ad119rtlM-I Special Offer BUY ONE-GET ONE FREE! Buy the c:a1tplete Cal1•1·1et1M'alive BICENllNNIAl COIN COLLECl10N and receiw FREE an additional Bicentennial Dollarl N 0# for the MJrt 15 dcrY'5 only, the Numitmatic Collecton Guild will tend you obsoMely FREE a beautiful, uncirculoted Bicent..WOI Eile.ihower Dollar with ead1 Commemai o~ tive Coin set arder.d. Electroplated with 24K gold it is mounted in o handsome gift cme. Don't miss out an this special offer. The U.S. Minf stopped production of oil commen101ati¥e coins ofter 1976so this may be 'fOAJI lent ~ to own this ~fiatnt 8Qn9enniol collection. Authorized by an oc1 of Congresi for OUt" fint 200 years, this historic collection is both a unique investment oppor- tunity and a lifwtime g;ft to be passed down from genen>tion to generation. All C:0.1w1~ative coins~ mode by the U.S. Mint hcwe SIA>stontioUy increased ., vale• rna7 are now valued at hundreds of dollan and con be found in col'9ctions only. W. ha¥e o ""°" number of lets that a.. stiff cwotlabM in bright unciralloNd cooditia.i. ECJd, is beautifully d~ in a dus1..proof Presentation cme on a royal blue ~· The dollar t.m.fts the Liberty Bell and moon loni:ting on one sfde and our 3"41h pretident, Gerwol Eiw1hower an If. ohr; the holf~lor pictures fltMlocWphia\ lndependeoce Holl with John f. K.nr.ty on the ,.....,... side. The R.tolutionory Onmmet Boy and tt. Etemol Flame of f 1 eedoiu Or. on one side of the quaner with George Washington on tt. other. Each coin is electropioted with 241( gold. Orders will be filled on a fint come, first shipped basis until our limi1ed supply is sold. w. guarantee 0 full rwfund within 15 clays if not defighNd. Numismofic Collecton Guild, deolen in gold and &it¥. bullion and ran! coins for~ 30 ,.an, is o member of the Retail Coin O.Olen Auoc:iotian and the Amencon Numismatic As1oc:iot1on. ,------------------------------------------------~---, NUMJSMATIC COUEC10RS GUILD, INC. Dept. FWW-22 35 West 35th Street, New Yortc, N.Y. 10001 rTOI NO. 10'11 Pt.ow tend the com tet(s) ch.deed below. (l1m1t 5 wt\ per cuuomer.) Eoch wt is accomponied by o 2.CK gold-plm.d Bic:.ntefW'iol E~ Oollor. Encl<>ted is o 0 chedc, [,money on::6w. in ... amount of$ __ , New v~• nuidents pl.cue odd soles toll. 0 1 Coin Set S19. 9.5 phn SI 50 pp.. CHAl6l MY·~ YlSA C AMHtWI ElPtiSS lwldl.. ms. :::J MASTft CAii> = DfffEl'5 C!.UI 0 2 Com Sen $36.00 plu. S2.00 p.p.. ClfDIT CAD NO. EXP. DATE ....... . o ~~~i~sw~::ns5.00p.p.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I hndl., ins. So¥e $17.25 SIGllATUI[ . . • . • • • . NAME ......•......••••..•.. · •• · • • • · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · • · · • • · ADORESS . • ...• , • . • . • • . . . . . . . . . • • . • . • . . . . . . ............... . cm ............................ SWE .....•.. ZIP ..•....•...•••••.. Al Orders """*' All ...... ~ef9d IM"'9d L--·••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •uu INAME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IADOAESS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-APt~~~ I Would You Like A Norman Rockwell Collector's Edition Mug For $4? As pan of an adverus1ng pro- gram comzniss1oned by Test Corporation of America. we will send a Norman Rodwell Collec10r's Edition Mug to any reader of this publication who responds to this notice by mid- night March 20th for the sum of S4 plus s I shappina and hand-- liq. There as no further finan- cial obliption. These ma&S future Norman Rockwell's famed family"s four seasons scenes in glowing colors on a back&round of highest quality pure white porcelain. Each JO. ounce mug is h1ghhgh~ with 2 2-brat JOid tnmmina on rirru and handles. Please 111dic:ate choice of design fnlim: Spring"s Young Love. Summer Carni- val, Fall School Days. or Win- ter Momin& when you make your request Or, you may purch&S4' the complete edition of au four for a special price of S 13. ptus SI shippma Ind band- lins. You save Sti over tM md1vtdual price. These collec- t0r's mugs are a beautiful way IO serve favorite beverqes and mak.t valued gifts. This prosr-am 1s beina conducted simuhane- • ously in other publications. If you see it in more than one please let us know u this in- formation is important to us. Should you wish tO return your Norman Rockwell mugs. re- funds will be promptly made. There will be a Strict limit of three sets (or 12 collector edi- uon mugs) per address. No requests will be accepted past midnight March 20th Any checks postmarked later will be returned uncashed. Please enclose this original nottce with your requesL Send appropri- ate sum together with your name and address to: Tat Corporation of America. Mug Advertiaina Ptoaram. Dept. •NR-8300. 390 P-lk.e Road, Hunnnadoa Valley. Panmyl· van1a 19006. ..... .,._, ___ ti~- The Competitive Urge: What It Is and How to Use It Well Buoyed by o love of working and wfnnlng, Mary T. Meagher oompetes swimmingly. By ffiory Long At 5 A.M. on a winter day, Mary T. Meagher ls pulling on a bath· Ing suit. getting ready to go to work. Soon she w1ll plunge into chlorinated water and begin the first of the many miles of daily practice which have hetped make her one of the fast- est and strongest swimmers in the world. Meagher, 17. world record-holder In the women's butterfly. is a com· petttor -perhaps a consummate competitor. Jn love with her work, spurred by challenge, challenged by pain. she has continued for three years to surpass her own remarkable achievements. Competition. Ifs In the human blood. And Americans have always been particularly keen on sharpening their rivalrous urges to a fine edge. Though publicly most people claim that what's important is the spint of the game. many of us secretly subscribe to the motto o( the legen- dary football coach Vince Lombardi: "Winning isn't everything. it's the only thing." A few hours after Mary Meagher leaves her Louisville. Ky., home, her sister Maureen. 18. awakens An especially talented dancer. Maureen performed until recently with a profes- sional ballet company -and even danced with Baryshnikov. Like Mary, she put In long. sometimes grueling. hours. and strove competttively to do Mary Long IS o /rttloncr wrlter who o/ren ~,_u on psydlologtcol ropb 10 • FAMILY WllXU', "~ 14, 1"' her best -to be the best if that were possible But. always. she felt there was more lo life than dancing When she finished high school and was given the chance to begin a career as a professional dancer, Maureen deod- ed instead to do what she really wanted to do· go to college. Now a freshman in coDege, she snll takes dance classes but is preparing for a business career. and she also makes time for sports and a social life. Admitting that, by nature, she is highly competitive. she also says she is happUy learning more about becoming what scientists call a "cooperative" creature. the type of person who enjoys pursuing and sharing Interests as much as he or she likes competing. Exactly when a chUd decides wheth- er or not to embark on the competitive "fast track~ of life still isn't known . But rt st.arts early. "Youngsters are ab-eady on a track of competition or. on the other hand, o( cooperation. by age 9 or 10."" seys Dr. Ralph Spiga. a behavioral re- searcher In Elmwood Park. DI . Some re.seatch projects raise dis- turbing questions about highly com· petitlve Individuals. Stanford Univer sity psychologist Carl Thoresen 's and San Francisco cardiologist Meyer Frledrmin 's research In 1959 on har ried corporate executives made '"Type A" behavior -characterized by impa- tience, aggression and competitive drive -a national buzz word. Since then. a number of medic:al research- ers have found conclusive evidence that Type A Individuals are prone to a variety of ha.Ith ~: For In- stance. they experience more than twice as many heart attacks as their cooperative ("Type B") counterparts. "Underlying the competitive be· havior of the Type A 1s an elemental distrust, a fear that the good things in life are in short supply, .. says Thore· sen. "Another's success Is their loss." Probing interviews by Thoresen also reveal that a majority of Type A's re- call childhood feelings of frustrated competition for k>ve and approval. But competition can be very healthy emotionally, if we do it prop· erly, insists Dr Harvey L. Ruben, a Yale clinical psychologlSt and the author of Competing (Lippincott & CroweU) We must. however. guard against competing in ways that cause problems Ruben points out that the present-day pressure on kids to be the biggest. the best and the mOSt invinci- ble is absolutely unhealthy The key is reahzmg that competition 1S not just a fight for love and glory - nor a fight to the death. It can be a way of testing and bettenng ourselves. learning new skills and achieving in- ner sansfactlon But for th15 to hap- pen, we need to focus on the playing. rather than JUst the winning It's also important to learn when and when not to compete. According to Ruben. there are three steps to suc- cessful competitive behavior. l ) A.es. the aituatlon carefully: Measure the costs and benefits to you of any competition. 2) Know your own strengths and play by your own rules: ln other words. everyone should do what he or she does best Pick the right arenM to compete in. and avoid the wrong ones Many of us pursue careers, rela- tionships, arguments. wrestling matches. whatever, that au but guar- antee we11 lose. We do it because somebody else -a parent. a teacher. a boss -has convinced us it's the only game In town. It is this unwill- ingness to walk away. to play our own games rather than those others pre- sent to us, that creates unhappiness. 3) Set reasonable goall: If you're always setting goals that are too high, you're going to undermine yourself. and you're not going to win Another point to keep in mind: Ac- cording to Ruben. the common com- ponents of most people's competitive goals are the need to feel esteemed and the need to experience a sense of belonging. Sometimes in our quest for these. we mlStakenly compete for superficial signs of success, such as money. fancy clothes and comer of· fices. But ultimately they are not satisfactory substitutes for the good feelings we seek. Mary Meagher's secret Is to thoroughly en)oy the process of swim- ming and c.ompeting even whl!e she FAMILY WEEKLY, F9C>NAtY 14, 1112 a I I excels at winning. "The best thing of all." she says. "is just working. Giving it your aU. day after day, in workouts. and then at the end achieving your goals or just doing the best you possibly can There's JUst nothing bet- ter " Her sister Maureen has also learned to focus on the prQCess rather than the end resuh. to thoroughly en- joy personal challenges. It is th1S kind of competition -competing with self. or "autocomping," as Ruben calls it - that many psychologists regard as the healthiest form of competition. rawi Nobody loses. l&J Seven com~lete stores all in one complete catalog! Aldens, Amenca's most convenient shopping malJ, 6rings you more than ever before. Get a FREE S5 Gift Certtftcate when you order Aldens new spring cat~. Now you get more shopping ple8BUl'8 than you've ever gotten from a catalog before. Better eelectlool Jwd like a specialty store. aach ..t'lllia.r--: .. FREE $5 I catalog section offers a complete Une of merchandJse ift tifi I ln its special area. So you get 8 broader variety es well I -,. . G. Cer .. cate as a greater number of c hoices ln each category. --~· with your new catal«>x I BJgaer 8880l'tment! Choose from our largest I I I ti Ald Mall ha 47 IVY\ It I CAU.1-800-435-5000 toll free. (lo 111Jool11 r.Kll ll004i!f2-t12001 I se ec on ever. ens now s over .uuu em1:1. I Phone 24 hours e de}. 1 deys a we .. k end chari1tt s1 for I each with a money-back guarantee. poetaito 11nd bendllnR to vour Vise or Me11t11r<.:erd More low prices! Every Item In every store IR prlc:ed I OR MAIL to Aldoni.. Po. Boie 7747. Chlce110. IL uooao I to glve you the best value for your dollar. Including I Bncloao St for puste110 end h11ndllnl! I famous brand n.emes for less. I ~~SS l Order J01D' copy today. I CITY STATE ZIP I Id I (We'll MOd the next ma)or ...&.. I a e n s I cetetog1r 1upplyrun11out.) ~ emer1ca • rTlOllt conven.ent ehopping mall L ______________________ J ~--1-1.ReaD----~ Outdoor Sporting Specialties Free s . cf~ Fuity illustmed. Fmures quality apparel and footwear for men. WOlfteft and children: fishine. llitl· in&. Qf1Pi1111nd canoeina cear. f Of 70 yws L l. Be.1n has offered pnctiell Ind functional meftNndise at rmonable prim. Our clottlin1 Ind footwe. is ruaect enou&h to withstand active outdoor use. yet llractivety styted and mortable tcr casual wear Many ftonls are of our own manufacture. All fully iuaa1teed. = SUD F1II CATALOG Name _________________ _ Address __________ . _______ _ City tate _ ___.l1p, ____ _ LL~ Inc.. 6801 Cuco St., Freeport. ME 04033 For uydiiq 1ba1 Stieb or Squab. Uw i11 ~.aboporcat. ~. ._rust, dmm and lubriam. h really work& Does Yout Child Need Counseling? By Roberta Plutzlk C~Wck~~ otd adage goes. But the trauma.a many children experience today - such as perental d.lvorce and remamage, frequent reloca- tion , day care by a proces- *>n of surrogateS, family ftnandal burdens and com- petition In 5Chool -can take on enocn~ toll. The rault? Dl9dpiine protMms, with- drawal from parents, fre - quent dilp&ays of anger, night tenon, bedwetting, anxiety, fear Of separation from parents and d•presslon, which Is often expressed In the form d hyperdvity. Today, help for children who expairla these dlf- ficuhies Is widely available from psychiatrists, psy- c ho loglsts and social workers , who counsel children and even Infants. A therapist can provide neutral ground and an open ear to help a chlld wad< through a crisis his pamtts may not be ~ to handle. In some cases he or she can help a child • modify and ~ ln- appropliate behavtor. But the decision to enroD 11 chlld In therapy is understandably dlf8c:uk for perents. 1ll8Y may not be sure whether their chlld Is just "going through a pha9e" or has a serlous problem . There are gWdebnes for concerned parents, however. Dr. Murray Ko&in, a child psychiatr1st In pnvate practk:e tn New Yori< City, suggests parents ask themselves these que:sdons: • Aze my chlJd's problems appcoprta\18 or lnappcopiate to his age? For tnltanoe, oc- casional tempe:r tmrtrums at 21/2 are nonnal; at 4, these tantrums ere cau. for 10me worry. • Has my child developed to II certain level and then reverted to a more Infantile siage? For instzlnc.e. has he become k:lAet trained and then begun to wet his pants ~again? • ls my child's worrlsome behavior occasiona.I or con- stant? For Instance' is he troubled by rughtmares once or twice a month, or every night? • ls ttteJe an obvious c:t>n· flW that would heJp explain a behavk>r change -such llS II new teacher? Parents often fear that to consult a thereplst Is to edmtt to havtng made chlld-reising ml.stakes f0t which they will be severely criticized. "Most parents ere very proud when It comes to raising children."' says Dr. Sirgay Sanger. a child psychlatrtst who directs the Parent-Child Center at New York Oty's St. Luke's Hospital. "They wrongly beliew they automatically should know how to raise childlen In a very com- plicated society without needing help." How can 11 therapist help a chlld , who has little or no language fluency? "What the child therapist does is to use pley to ftnd out what's on the child's mind and to help the chlld resolve It," explains Dr. Lawnma? Seher. a child psydUatrist affiliated with Massachusetts General Hos- pital In Boston. "For In- stance. using dolls. children can play out little scenarios and make up sbies that have agntftcance In tbetr own lives " Once perwnts have made the oommltment to ftnd pro- Jaetonal help f()f their child. chooltng a psychlatrtst, psy- chologllt or acx:ial wodcer can be en arduous task. "The degree does not necasarily guarantee the quality of care, .. says Dr. Setter. '1'he Important thing Is to know the background of a spedfic therapist before selecting him or her. For references, see a family physician ftnt." The cost ol therapy ranges from $20 to S25 an hour for 11 soda.I woricer to as high as $100 an hour for 11 psychia· bist. Once II therapist has been chosen, the parents need a way to explain to the child who the therapist Is and what he or she will be doing. "The perents shouki tell the child the ei>solute truth in lan- guage the child can under- stand," Dr. Kofldn advtses. "There should never be any deception, never the ex- planation that 1 am going to teke you to see a nice friend "mine.'" Perents must be patient while therapy Is going on. At the start of therapy, there Is usually some Immediate Im- provement In a child's behavior because he ar she gets a sense of relief from taJk1ng to 10meOOe new ebout a problem. Often, perents get too encouraged by the Improvement and think that the problem hes dissipated . Generally, however. real Improvement ts achieved over several months -or, for vety serious problems, several years of therapy. No matter how careful parents are In their cho6ce of spedlllist, there can be false starts. '1f the therapy doesn't make lerl9e to the parents, they should always coosu}t someone else," urges Dr. Seiter. ~ It's Catnlval Time In New Orie.ans Yea , It'• the time of year for frivolity and joyful, light-hearted meny-maldng. Join u. in the true Mardi Gra. aplrlt. By ffiQtllyn Hansen 0 n Tuesday, Feb. 23 it wUI be Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the time of the famed Masquerade BaU. It is indeed a high-spirited festival in New Orleans and in many places around our country. Vem Lanegrasse is a native of Lou- isiana and a graduate of Loyola Uni- versity in New Orleans. An accom- plished cook. he now lives in Los Angeles. Vem hosts the popular syndicated TV series The Hollywood Chef. He also contributes food features to varied newspapers and magazines. Recently, I was at a dinner at Vern's Los Angeles home where he pre- pared a complete and authentic Mardi Gras dinner for 10 people. You may wish to reproduce selections from this true Creole menu at home. "Creole cooking Is a combination of Spanish and French with the herbs and spices of the Indies and Africa," says Vem. "It is one of the most distinctly American cuisines "I prefer serving champagne throughout the meal as it is a festive time and champagne is a festive beverage." Steaming hot cups of New Orleans- style coffee and chicory served in delicate demitasse cups close the meal, along with the Bread Pudding With Whiskey Sauce. Recipes follow . BAKED CHICKEN JAMBALAYA 1 (S-lb.) brofJcr-frycr chlcbn, ad ... I cup llftllfted all-purpc>M llour ~cup~oll 1 cup uncoobd -'*• rice 2 llrk dowa. ---1 ...._ Clll6oo, cbapped 2 W-'11111 aom" 1rt.W. oil 1 CM (l fb.) whole tomatoee "" cup mec.d pusley Y, cup chopped whofe .-een oNoN JY, MM11awull o..h FNDd red P'llPCf ~ t ' I Oft ~ Wedi pt1'I* 2 t HJ' D Dill llO powd9 4. Add rice to skillet. Heat, stirring until rice Is golden. 5. Add garlic. onion and 2 tabkspoons vegetable oil. cooking and stlmng unnl garlic and onion a.re Ump 6. Add tomatoes, parsley and green onions. Season sauee with salt. red and bieck pepper. Stir In file powder. spoon over chicken Cover 7. &Ice In preheated 3500f oven for 1 hour ilnd 15 minutes or unnl nee IS cooked Mom 4 servings BREAD PUDDING NEW ORLEANS STYU: WITH WHISKEY SAUCE 1 loaf Frmcb !>Ned 2 qts. low_,.t mllk .... laipe...- 2 ~vanilla atBc:t IA lb. uneelted butter, ..tied 1 y, aipe ct.rt& ....... WhleUy s.uce. redpe toUows 1. Soak French bread In milk. crush with hands until well mbced and crumbled. 2. Beat eggs In separate bowl: graduillly add sugar. vilnllla and raisins. stir well 3. Pow butter into boaom of Iha.Dow 3-qt. baking pan. 4. Add egg mixture to bread-milk combination and blend together until bread is completely soaked. Pow into baking pan. allowing butter to rise to the top. 5. Bake ilt 325°F for 1 hour or until pudding Is firm and slightly golden. Let cool. 6. When ready to serve. cut into cubes. place In individual dessert dishes. cover with WhisMey Sauce. 7. The dessert could be passed under ii broiler and MNed piping hoc with the S11uce bubbly. Maka 8 wrvlngt WHISKEY SAUCE 1,4 lb. &lllAhJld baaer I cup eugar 'i4 cup bo0tn9 ... I 'II ~ cup whi.by 1. In top of double boller. cream butter and sugar together. Beat In bolling water 2. Cook, stin1ng constantly over hot water until sugar Is dtuolved . 1. Coer chicken with flour by placing In a paper bag with flour MMOned to tasta with salt. red end blade pepper. 2. Heet 1/4 cup wigetable oil In large lkJllet; brown chld<en ligtidy on al skies. 3. Place chicken In greased 2·qt. cauetole. 3. Bat egg end pour Into mixture slowly. sdrrtng continually IO that egg doesn't cwdle. Sc!r for 2 to 3 minutes. L«t cool: add whlsby. Sauce must be saved warm. 111 Moka '2 cupe 10: THE COUNTRY STORE. Deot. u PO Box 103. Wiiiow Qrwe, "M 19090 "-RU1H meh Fk*d 1'lrt P9n(1) r.~ 1191ow: 0 1*11.15+11.IO PIH 0 3tlf111.•+12.M PIH 1UY llOllE, Uvt llOREI 0 0 2 fw m .M+S1.U PIH 4 '°' SZl.•+l2.• P&H EndaMd .. my c:t'9dl Of mane, Ofdtlr, medl out to ~ lkri". b • ..,.., ol ... ____ _ OR iny Grdlr II for 111.IO ot more Ind I ..... to CHARGE •tornr O YIM o ~ Acct No !lip.,.. ___ _ NAME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDADI~-----------~ CITY STATl_ZJp __ _ ...__............... ,.,.,. Clilr --........ M 19* ---------------------------- ********************** The Most Important New United States Stamp Issue In Years! CJlie OITicialG/Jirds and Flowers of Our Fifty Sta~ Ak. Jolvi H. Jot«!.b 's s 1e.ut StMu ~t-tt, U.S.A. If 345 ~CIAL '11\8'1' DAY CW 1981/S FIRST DAY COVERS OF TIIlS LANDMARK ST AMP ISSUE CAN BE RESERVED NOW JM U.S. PosuJ ~#Ms Ct>tl&m.d wlMJ ~ 10 I# U,, J*Ja1Jic ft/IOll of lb. duat/1: llM 1n1/JfYUd,,,l#J issw;,, 1982 of 50 WUJ ""•/" ~g II# offiria/ Birtl aad FloW# of 1""1 of 11.. j(} S1111.a thal _. II/' OM1' prowl Natioti. This isslU l#Jfls utrS to IH °'"of tl>e tllOSI IHmltiflll 11..d ;,,,por141'1 WMIS ;,, U.S. pos141 bistory. This is the first time th1tt the ~autiful, official Birds and Flowers of every one of the Fifty Stares wiJJ have appnrcd ia a single U.S. postage stamp issue. It also marics only the second time in history that a single U.S. stamp issue has consisted of 50 different stamps (~ first such issue was quickly snapped up by asrure coJl«tors). These rwo facts alone, without any consickruion of the beauty of the stamps the~lvcs, seem destined to make State Birds and Flowers onr of the most highly· coveted U.S. stamp issues of all time. first Day Covers of This lss~ Can Be Reserved Now In conjunction wirh this outstanding new issue, rhc Postal Commemorative Society has arranged ro have a series of fifty ~utifuJ, full<olor Covers postmarked by U.S. postal aurhomies wnh the official o~ay-ooly fim Day of Issue postmark of each of these new Sure Birds and Flowm stamps. This postmark forever insures the limited-edirion status of this remarkable State Birds and Flowers Firsr Day Cover collection. The collection of betiutiful First Day C0'1ers for this important United Stares issue can be raerved now. Fifty Works of An by OM of America's Foremost Wildlife Aniats Each of the fifty first Day Covers in rhis collection fnrurcs a privarely-commissioncd original work of an ckpict~ the Soate's official Bird and flower. These are fa1thfuJly portrayed in full color by Chuck Rip~r. one of America's foremost wildlJfe artist.I. The precise strokes of his brush ckpict the rich, red plumage of Ohio's CardinaJ set against irs Red Carnation ... New York's rep] Eastern Bluebird ac· ~nted against irs royal Rosc ... every nuance of oo~r, shading and derail. caprurcd by this su~rb amst. Each llnd every state bird and flower Sttms alive ... authenrk to the minutest derail ... the plumage, the beak, the tail of each bird ... thc graceful grttn ln•cs and cklicate blossoms of each flower ... a breath· tiling pageant of Narure's own masterpieces. An imprcssivc musallTl-quality portfolio of the finest A~rion wildlife an. the State Birds and flowers Firsr Day Covers are truly a collection to be enjoyed now and passed on to furure generations in your family. &.J, ~ 11.;J./ Naiw" '--'-· """1• IO dbjl.y "-.,u;,. U>l/«tio#. Convenient Acquisition Plan The Birds and flowers of Our Fifty States First Day CQvers -available at a price of just S2.50 ~rCover (plus 2~< shipping and handling) -will be sent to subscribers at the convenient rate of s.even monthly shipments of six Covers each (plus an elsttth and final sh ipment of eight Covers). Shifments will begin 8· 12 weeks after the first Day o Issue of rhe new stamps. You can ~serve TM Officul Bffl/1 •"" Flow"1 of 0Mr Fifty S111i.1 Fir11 D11y Co1111r ColJ11c1io" by simply complerins and mailing the attached Sub- scription Reservation. Prompc: Actioo R«ommended This edition will be forever limited by the number of complete ~ of Covers officially postmarked with rhe one-day-onJy First Day of Issue postmark of the new Sta~ Birds and Flowers stamps. Narurally, such First Day Covers are available only in strictly limited quantities. If you want to obtain a set at the original issue pri« for your own family, you must act MW. To avoid disappointment, r6l11'1J JOlff ,_ lfftl•tio" 1oJ.y.' r-------------------------.. ···-··-~--------------------Sub9cription Rnervation OSt I I t_ ~OlfJclalCfJirds and Flowers a Our FJty ~~ Dlly~CoUoctiott Postal Commemorative Society 47 Richards Avenue Norwalk, Conn. 0685 7 Please return by March 31. 1982 Please rncrve ___ collcction(s) of the Birds and Fk>wcrs of Our Fifty States First Day Covers, which will be sent to me at the rare of six Covers ~r month (with my cighrh shipment to contain eight Covers) beginning8 to 12 wttks after the official First Day of Issue of the ncw U.S. State Birds and Flowers stamps. I understand that t~ price of e.ich Cover 1s jusr S.250 (plus .?~c shipping and handling) and rhar a deluxe collector's album will be sent ru me .11 no .iddiuon.il <harge I rlffd send no money now Bill me prior w my first month's shipment I understand rhis sub~npuon m.ir be canceled by either pJrr} ,u any time I prefer w havt-my Covers .. ...-,~'"'"' 0 lJnaddrcs~. ur 0 Personalized as shown below• Mr . Mrs. Miss------------------------------ Addrcss--------------------------------- Crty ___________________ Staie ________ Zip ___ _ 0 J\s J convenierxe. I prefer ro hJvc each monrh's sh1pmcm chJrged, JI the time of shipment, to my O MastciClrd O VISA Crrd11 urd No !'111tn.uurc --------------------------------- •y11ur Covers will ht-prrsoruliz('d .inJ ~cnt hi the .1ddr~s ,hown unle\< you provide other rnfurmauon -............... ~----~~---~--.---.,. .... ----------------------~....,....___.... .. •••• J 99% tdr free. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Tha~ Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. UllCOIM'S DtlEAIE Even if Abraham Uncoln had avoided John Wilkes Booth. he would have died within six months of natural causes, anyway. So con· tends Dr. Harold Schwartz. a California internist who says Lin- coln suffered from a llttte--known . but surpnslngly common. ailment called Marfan Syndrome. This heredirary condition causes elongation· of the skeletal system and can be found In extremdy tall. thin penons wth espedally long legs. arms and ftngers. It can lad 10 vision problems and. most omi· nousfy. heart failure. Accorolng to Schwartz. a former professor at U.S .C. who has studied Marian Syndrome for 25 yean. there is evidence of the tlln~ throughout Uncoln's lineage. And as late as March 1865. a month before he was assas.sl· nated. Lincoln's writings show that he complained of cold arms and legs. fatigue. pain and a pulsation In his foot. all signs of a heart defect associated with Marian Syndrome. WASTE NOT, WANT NOT Even though we were somehow not among the chosen (an oversight, ob- viously). there are no hard feelings So here. listed alphabetically. are 198l's 10 Most Watchable Men as selected by Man Watchers. Inc. In Los Angeles: o..1 1981 HetSman Trophy s winner. Marcus Allen. ; General Hospitals Stuart l Damon. f Richard Dreyfuss. J James Gamer. Andy Gibb. Fnink Gifford. Gregory (Trapper John, M.D.) Harrison. Paul Newman Boxer Ken Norton. Tom (Magnum. PI) Selleck. the only repeater from 1980. ''Despite what men thmk. women could care Here's one 1V show President Reagan should put on his Mmust-watch" list. This week (check local listings) PBS airs Star Spangled Spenders. an IJluminating, albeit somewhat biased. look at Government was1e and ineffl· c:iency. Over the course of an hour (during which the Federal Government wUI spend S325 million). syndicated columnist Donald Lambro outlines how Government reg· ulations cosi the rypical Amerlcan family of four $1.800 annually. He reveals numerous bureaucradc Inanities. ex· plaining how the cost of each McDonald's Big Mac gets hiked by 10 cents thanks to 41 .000 regulations. from how salty the pickles are to how slowly the ketchup po~ --------------------...,. less about bulging mus- J i LADY CWIES THE 111.UD The secret to curing lonellnes.s may stmply be to spend more. time with women. This is true for both sexes. report ~ers at the University of Rochester. About 100 male and female college seniors were asked to keep track of all their social tntenlctlons for two weeks. The ftndtngs· The more time the students spent with women. the less likely they were to be lonely, as judged from questtons about the companionship they felt and the number of friends th9y had. MWomen In general are warmer. more empathettc and mon? interated In dmcu.ang personal problems than men." explains psychology professor Ladd Wheeler. And relationships with them thu.s display ~er intimacy. selt-dl!dosure end pleasantness. he adds. cles.'' Man Watchers's president Suzy MaUe!y told us. "They're lool<ing for a sense of humor. that twinkle in his eye, good posture. senstttvtty and the abllity to communicate.·· Of our 50 states, only 13 produced more energy - coal, oil. natural gas. nuclear and hydroelectric -than they used In 1979 (the last year with complete data). Ac- cording to research at West Virginia Univ~. the United States on the whole consumed 78 quadJi1Jion B.T.U.'s of energy. while producing only about 65 quadrillion We had to Import the rest. Of aU states, Texas showed the greatest surplus between energy produced' and energy consumed. followed by Louisiana. Kentucky, Arl<an.sas , Wyoming, West. Virginia, Oklahoma. New Mexico. Mon - tana. North Dakota. Kansas. Utzlh and Colorado. The state With the greatest energy deficit was New York. followed by California. Ohio, Mich;gan, Illinois. Florida. New G Q Jersey, Indiana. Geor- .,.c,.: gia. North Caro-_/ ~tlrw"" ~a and Wiscon· MVULID: HOW TO LOOK lllART It seems two lttde dots can go a long way. Mer studying 30 journals In psy· chology, education and literary critidsm. J. T. Dtllon concluded that If you use a colon in the t!rle of your ar· · tide. readers will think you scholarly. As reported recentfy In Sdena '82, Dtllon explained that to be considered highbrow. authors should write tides with no fewer than 15 words. includJng a short clause before the colon and a longer "post-colonic'• one. The title of DIDon's paper on the subject - "The Emezgence of the C.olon: An Emptric.al Cor- relate of Scho&arshlp ... BIR111DAYS (Sun.-Thurs.. Aquanus: rest, Plsoes) Sundev - Hugh Downs 61; Florence Henderson 48. Monday - Harvey Korman 55; Jane Seymour 31. ,....._ - Sonny Bono 47: John Mc- Enroe 23. ~ - Hal Holbrook 57; Jim Brown 46. Thundlly - Yoko Ono 49; John Tra- volta 28; George Kennedy 56. Frid8v -Lee Marvtn 58. Saturday -Sidney Poitier 58; Sandy Duncan 36: Jennifer O'Neill 33. ffAMIL'I' WntCl.'1'1 l'eCINtty ,.._ Illa • lt r- i .... MAIL THIS ORDER BLANK TODAY! •••• , 1llllClfllA• llJll CO•Uf, o.,t_ J.3 I : ll50 .... rt ........... lllcl. 4l5$0 : I ~....,!!~_ ...... ~ MIOll i.r &IJriltC :=:t IM:lllltt 111 I I ~~ _..._ lill wllldl I 1111 emltled. All I'-.-, J'Wf' 110 I I FAUi. T QUAM#T[[. I I I I Ill. I I ,.lllT !Wiii( MISS I I MIS. I MS. :AOOatlS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I CITY STAlt ZJP I ..... CAT. ... ITD *'" 200 C.01• ...,.. (lO fOf' Sl.M • 20 for n.15> to! er..,1111 Sid-. (4 for Sl.!10 • I for '2.'51 20I Cronwtc~ (I for SI.ft • 12 for $3.ts> rn ltaftclne stnwkrrJ iMMt. $2.M (2 lot S5.7Sl Jll 2-T-,_,lac ~. SUI (2 lor $7.7S) n2 U llOMl II ~ ••ltty · 1:21.H ) 400 ,_. 401 lluchllallerla 407 llltWy 4QZ cn...CIO<Y llOl(J, -Ecll'9• NrJ 12 lo< $21"" 410 FGfb-llli-.r to< '$71 ~50. 40S Tltfllll1 40I c:n1111>1111 II.In AllJ I for S$.IS. 411 Cll11119r 1-..NI """--~UIAMC!I tor SUI 421 MollllJ- 404 c111.-1 .. ..._. m ts no...nnc Sllrvlla, 14.M (JD lot $9 751 I ..., ... wittow f1tU 11 °'*' rr• i., "-'11 n 103 .,....,,_ -$2., UCll 704 foMcll ,,.. (My > lor Sl.2'5. 715 "'"' Clleny ,,_ MY I for U~tSI llS 10.l'l«e h9fl,.... """'""· SS.M lOO 1'1'1 .. 1 Had&• ""'" 125 lot $3.91 • 50 for S1.7S) >OJ ~~ l'llptar& (1111• 5 '"' s 1.95) lllJ ~•Y",.,,_.111 9t< ~ 2 I04 J-""· IJpf1tllt lot SL S) Jll Slnolt ,,..., 12.91 (2 for '5.75) lll llt'O"IH (I lo< S Ut • ll for $3.IS) llS ~""'°"· n .M (2 lot U .75) m Pllrplt 1.ttl ,._ fret. $4.N 12 lot St.IS) 2.04 Ctwplfta "''°' (I for Sl.!50 • IZ for n .tS) IOl Dllllllaa (t lot SIM · 12 tor Sl.151 714 llutbtnfu <2 lot ».M . 4 lor S7 75) 707 Strawbtmft 120 lor U .tl • 40 lor $s.75) 100 Gl-.loolus C40 for $1 9S • ID for SJ.75) t24 c1-11s Y1111. nta (2 lor s1.1s1 S29 Miniature Row "enll. ~td $2.ta a.ell m Mlnl1tvr• 1to11 PlalltJ, Ytl'°"' (2,for U .75) 10I Asporalfl (10 for $1.M · 20 for UIS) >4S CarolMI Sllnlb, SI M (2 for U.Ul 700 Gr•M•. concont SI., .. ch 701 "-t. Red C.UWba (IMIJ J or ,5.75, 702 ~. Wlllta 111.tpre •flY ' foe $ 0.95) tu C'""•C lll)rtlo (20 t0< SLM • 40 lot SJ.IS) I '~· · CIMt Hlblaeua II onlltr 111alted 117 Aprll 25 '"I' l'Wt«• OttllldS If Otdff tllta!s $7.00 ••I ..._ (11111 ' ,.,_, o.ni.a> II ont« totab $10.00 ' IHI Oulla l vlllt (plld 6 AnelllofttJ ""' e l'McoO O<'dlld•l II onler totai. $14.00 • .._,&•lul (plus 12 OUlta llllbs, I ~. all4 I ~-<MllldJI If llfMr toUt. $11.00 I I 0 RMI~• _ ....... pt11t $1.50 IOMnh mM. ' poet.111 •lld """'""'" 11110 -111110. a 1111 on 111~11 ... ~ '"'' Sl.50 POtl· ... .... ..... "' ' "°~"'· ,..,,,. • I I I I • c.tll ...... tlfl!Cll crMlt u 7" wlllll .. "llillef .... (refit c.tnl llUMlor. Md ...irat1o11 ate . :0 MHteteard 0 VIM 0 Amtllceft CllH'ltl I .... TtTM. ' car a o Cl 0 0 0 t 0 0 '·" :eni.1tCerft_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-• t EJ:p. Oltt ------~ ---· ----· · --· ---------------------· · ·' BEGONIAS -I for st 99 Drib, shady spots become 1 ~11,. showplace of lar1e colorful bloollls ... uw:1edibly lush. incredibly beautiful' !!Iese bloom1na size tubers flower P'O. fusely pract1e1lly •II Wl!lmtr Iona. Q,an even be arown 1n pots to decorlte pOrch or patio. You ltt mixed <:a.mel· Ila and Carnation type in intensely >r1lhJnl colors as 1nilacle red. white. oranae, yellow, pi ... etc " DAHLIAS 6 for 11.98 CREEPING PHLOX 6 for only '1.50 Mlclllpo OWMrf 1row• ,_,..,.Lii (l'lllOI .... tat.I) '°"" IM 1roulld •Ill! I ,_,_Ill 1111 el ..,.,,,_ loll.Ip ,.....,. frwty -· ""1q •It• ••Uta of 1•1. colorfel "'-s. TraaafonM OrMI 1ru1 or rotk llrcle.. llltO I n>tfla& ... Of .:OIO< tlltt ,.,,.,_ '°"' tntlrt 11"41~. tioo.s YUf after Jt;ar. Elsy To Grow -Priced To Sell I BLUEBERRIES-2 for S].98 Yes. now you un pick l\lftt blueberries nCflt 111 your own ywd. Jtrsey wariety p1oduces nu. merous 111pehke clusters of powdery blue, firm, sweet luscious berries Freeze 'em, ut 'em Irish with te•ul or 1te c1tam. or IMM pits )'OCl0ll love 'eml M1d1i11n nursery sraw--2 req1med tor t1oss-poll1n1tt0n. Oon't let in· other season sltde by wttltout tnjOylns freUI blueberries! Ordtr yours today. . . . "\' -. _,_ • L 'f l ,( ' ' 'L I.'. ~~~3' -. ... l J ..• ~ ' .. : STRAWBERRIES 20 Plants for s2. 98 lftr1 '"" '"· lltt 1,.,, 1uoc1 stt1wtlforlt1 "'\It lltt ""°"tlH•llttlftf 11111 Ir FOV'U ""'" t•uttd tow• tail• -to lrts~ ''"" OttrtH ltOfl'I ,.Wt O"n p1tcl\ ftO• I\ Ille tllftt SUN.IS( Ot KOii( :I •lflft) 11 lvlll lblt 8t1r IOul>Olnt y1tld ol flftft 0.trlU w1tn In• Hehl '"" color Will bloom 1ur 1rtu ,,., "'"'°"' reotaAClnc. CREEPING MYRTLE · 20 fo r SJ. 98 l'lttlY btue Pt•t•I• ki. ''°'"" ''"' Oll I d-1 UrMt Of "''"' ""''"'" fo-""'' Tllnw -lft dt ft tt lllldt .... turtd pl1nt d•••· llOflS M ntl mlnotl GRAPES • s1. 98 CHOICE Of vu1ma Wt offer 3 top vwlttitt at barpln prices! ~d. Whitt lfla1111, Of Rtd Cat.bi . . . 111 Midripll 11.tl'ltty arown 110111 c:uttin11 from prowen, fltavy-bt1tln1 vineyards. Order l vi• tldl, 2 •Inn tldl, or mil your ordtr IS ~ plase. Glilranteed to bar, wlllft mature tldl vine will ,,... bountiful dusten of lutclous arapnt J GLADIOLUS CLEMATIS VINE S).98 Stutdy ••ll'dly tll,..111 ta· OtodH 10!0 l!IOUU""' ol clutttl1 Of to .. ly •IOlt\ ""1!1t blool!tt ..... ' ........ to frost c11 .. 1K "1111\, ffl!Ct Of trOOf wltll -fl •1C'Of. Jt0mll'I \'l rtlly. In 2"1 . 001, IUl tt llltH btooma Of stu•nlftt WllWIJ ttlt•rt •l141 brut~•ll'i•& ctlor PURPLE LEAF PLUM TREE -s4. 98 Onp. sh1mmerin1 smolly pufl)le foltaee of Purple lraf Plum (Prunus · fhundtrcloud'l. 1s brultrtakin1 from sp11n11 all the "'Y tllroup fall! P1ospers in ilmost any SOil 2().JO tt uP'i&11t lrte has be1ut1lully pro portloMI! branches. Very h.tndsome and showy, 18-24~ tall MINIATURE ROSE PLANTS s2. 98 !'ow. lflllllf\llJ. M1nlttuff •0M1 t an ~ tN1d1 to ltl1 OOlt tnd bunt Into Dloom ""'oo" wot~ """' OOll·s•lt ro1u u colorful. tOft tlld dtl· !Ult ti latl f O\lldoot •ul1t1H C .. bt trlM P~ll\od ~ to W•°'6ooo OOHI or ''"""''' f•rdtM w111 roottd 2i-, · poc 1111 ota•11 11su 1 11111111 and 11t 101 ••POii••• You• CltOltt OI ftil Ot yt llow -... co11pon I ASPARAGUS 10 Plants s1. 98 One ol the easiest arown. most delicious. most nutritious vea• llblts1 Parldist variety ~' l11ar trnder lips with truly delec. table flavor Once es- tlblishtd. this onsinal plantinc ..-111 wpcity you with delicious fresh as p1ni111s lor years and yu11. llon't miss out! CARDINAL SHRUB· st 98 urae. btautiflrllY PtOPCl'tiont4 alllllb. Wtl· 111a t•hs its nld111mt '""" tht h1tt10111 d9ep rose color ti dtc:ofltts YfNf lafldSCaot wlttl In May and June. Crows ttPidly, fills out with Iona. 1r1eefully 11clled b<anches. Mry bt cut bad tS desired. UM n SCfMA, to border a fence, or to soften cotntrs Added bonus -attl'ICts ~lllJl>ird•' Thty ftut on the nect11 from tlMi lar1e tubullf flowers. A he1lthy 1s.24• 1111 EREE ~.-~ .. [; ...... ,~ -..... .., . . l . featuring Our Best Landscapin1 Values for Home Gartle1ersl . ,. v • . ' . .. • -~.. ..... -• -,iii : ·-•. ' ., 4... ... ' . . . " - r ' ~ ;ii:" ... ~·· ,,. 1'-. ·f..t-0.a...4 ..... "¥::;· •'·~ FINAL MONEY -SAVING OFFER FOR SPRING PLANTING! APPLE TREES s2.9s ·:~.c; YO<l'll love lllt wllolnomt tHll ot tf'ttM fftlltd ,,,,. •ht• or ,.., '"° rtllo. u un1 •POIU '"" IOI Id ft\11t, (ttlO lftd )V•ty ti t IOW low PflO' Cff 1tf11d llUl!lly tOOleO Htd· hn&• mttutt to 1tatld1rd orch.,d 1IM Onc:t mt· twrt, J041'11 t•l07 crop ar llf CIOP, JU< t lttr JU< CHERRY TREES s2.9S sw•n ""o SllOLIHG Rt<oanlno n tht :I twfft COIMM«il l CUit). $ •tt t ''"-P<Od\ICh I• tlkt"41AllCt ot °''' ,.., '""' lW•<r ch1tt11s ••th the on 1no .. ''"" tethlll Ctrtlhlld !IHI· tnr rooted .atdllnu 1111twn 1nlo tn outS1tlldlftl 0'11t• men111 luuu1w1 1111rtnt pin• Chtrry Olouoms MCI! "''"' ...... tddlld *"'' PEACH TREES s2.9s ILlllTA \IAlllTY :~".:::·~·~~.,~~~~"·~.::. SOOll tdorn lht OrM<hH ll'ln CO!M !lit ••I tulCJ COi Otn pUClle• tMI ... IO rood for t1Un1. u1111ln1 pit>, flt. Theu well rooted trtlltd tree• mal11tt to 11111darct or- chard •Ill A •ttJ dtPtlldlblt 1ro1ftr •114 • "must" for '°"' home ottharo of Mtural fn11t. FREE UlJIEll wmt• ft.LOW IPICIAl l ... S WITllOlf P"A COST ", ... lltll ... 11 ntwn1• SlllHS II llCllWll IY APlllL JI! 1-n.K.J' T•U 1t•••Olhftlllrotil l•1I. "'-Ml ...... , *'"' bl._. Hh t'°9tt\ .. cf't ~l , ' tcf0" I ttOst Of' SttAlltON f"l•Ct1ttv1 \yti•<w• lcf'* t1f\il St~ ft 111rlllb l•'I' ~•f\f't "'°°"'' lt1ti1l1hil COlof :-swur YOC• OAA#C.f 1~·••••1,r. .. , co,. .. ,~, "' •• •o t••t ,,..,,,.,, or ,..,. ... , , .. Mfy , ........ """"• .............. ~ .... ·'t , ... , ....... ,,Hit. l-llO OS•C• OOC.'#000 '°""'' Uoio•·lt r1 WIHI• ,,., "C f .... t •I 0.0 rM \OIHOH~I •t•M:lllU ''' • ••"hr .. ~. 1-0(UfllA !0.Wll•I Vtt•fl1n ~· It ~r­ f k1•t'' •rt ""''' C:' •1M•t> '" 1Uurt1i,• ''"'"'" er ea11t0u1 <Cl 0' Any 3 Fruit Trees f'or Only $8.25, Any 6 For Just $15.951 )-a\ISM HGfi9(f$UC:kl( flOAf'N:f &..flHU "~ tt~ft v.,o~t a-10 tt '1'1w• ~ It to .,.. , ... " ... "'"''" l-GOULlfffl ilt,.._..,C"l'""t tt..,.wWlut EVER&. REE NS 6 O~ ~:; '~t ssa c-INMtioll offer of s ,...1,, ... ,.11 ... 10 E•trl'""'· I to 3 ,.., Oki pl1ntl•1 stock. •wntry 110,.• from .. .., O< c11tli11t._ 6 to U llldlts tall whtcfl 11 dnirlblt 1111 for thl• eny !Int tfln\llltnllns YOU GO All 10 CvtllCRttNS -3 COlOIW>O ILUE s""ucc fl'lctl "'"""''· 7 llOllWAV SP'WllCC !Plett Allllll I PflTHll IUlllP'tl """'""'' Clti-oll "•lltnllll). Z AMlll ICAN All901VITAl (Th.11 °"Mlt•Ullol. 2 AUmlAll Piii[ 11'1...s N11r1) Sa•• 1i1o...., on ,.,.,, "'"''"" foundltiOll pi.on"'· ClleO • .,.,_ alld 111 tllut 10 ""'''""' tor IPflfll plantJn1 only l5 ta Olll)' 60t ttt'll. 50 FEET FllE PRIVET HEDIE·S4.ll buzi11t Valle -Lm lbl 10f A FMtl 25 rooted, ctrtlfltd healthy pllnts It makt 50 feet of neat. cll'eaay llldce ... Int tllan l~ • fodt! We ship tllt specie. best fM Yollr climate -Llrustr\lm slnett-sls or lmllrtnst. Privet srows quickly Into deftSI com- pact lltdp with &Iii~ """ ...,., • • • landlupet your property beautifully! Hllhly decorltiw,-plMrt 2 ft. IPM't f« fomlll pl'Ottctivt llfd&t. At this low pr!U, you can affonhll JOI! need. ltush '°"' order ~. LOMBARDY POPLARS 49¢ ea. CIMI-I flt ... UM> H1rdy, fast srowln&. the lflCf· ful well·shaped C4lumner lom· bardy PoPlar IPo1111lus n11ra lt11. lul. Is uluable both IS orne. mental ind low ~t servicublt trtt. Use for linina llfteS, c:or· ners. screen, wlndbruk. Tluivts 1tmost 1nywti1re, easy erowina In 1lmost any soll. Mlturts at helstits to 70 ft Ptantina stoct Is IMlrstry arown from hardwood cuttinas. lfevtr tr1nspl1nted. Yours to pl1nt II this low prict1 M.fn-One . . . Provides Complete llndscape! Thrill to the splendor of flowering shrubs, bloomina bushes, aor· 1eoos aarden plants. spectacular trees, vines . . 111 1t the lowest cost imaainlble Todly INil coupon for this 1muln1 b1r111n olftr With the Wee91111 Willow you Rtt FllEE of tilt• cost for m11hn1 your Ofder 11rly, you 1et 16 healthy, hardy YllOfOUS plants Our finest pl1ntin1 stock . •II for only $4.98 less th&n 31c eadtl lt'IHllS llffsca,e t1 Perftctly 11111ea• cattn. n.,.,, s1m 1 All lllla lot Dflly S4.Mf Unlleltn -*• boil trut htlY n rlcty In 1111 Ctrthlly ,ltnU4 ltltctlU h lndtd to htletlb ... ""'"' ., .......... ~ .......... . Oii!« In I ,.riec:tly llolHCecf lllefld or 10•1-• aiton, atiNa. alld llltl tflll *"sct,.I tM' • IWrllt ''""°' Into a llJMMl•1 GAllO(ll Of COUii Yt1 11111 tfttlrt I S.pltet "'°""'"' 11 JOV,. for D'ftl)' S4 911 FAMOUS "NO FAULf' GUARANTEE SMOKE TIU ~ 7 If \l'l~"'t fHJ I H,.-t •~ Mil 11!1 • ~ tfllPllGll tol11ft tftd rtiH1l !'I PiwlOlt Hl110 l -*(JC(U 1Wt trlt UC'tdi -•Htt t\ t.0,1·~ t 10 H '"'"O 11.it t\ 1htH """" ~U\t'. O' tMt 11'"' Ho•~'' 1 WMllC V,.O SO-nu "''•t t•o ll''' ...,,,., ........ l(ff•l't•f1 l-t40'tlUUC•U "'"'( Ut11 u11 .,._~•..c:t ,__, tttM S-ttl Kf'At•d ... It• ... ,, c•.-au to t•'to• Ct"'°' rtt1 •o •h ttt l -l'UttC l'1•lA "-"' '"""'"'1111, """f11tu t~I tt ""-* til't..0 U I Ct!"tlli1 Olal'\I "ttf'I •PIH• ll'fftl fli'rlllll liOltCI\ Ill Ch1lottrt. 1-IOISflMlA fof"•r1"'•• u rif't ... tl floo,..111 I 11 fMt 111rt.e ••tft 101dt'I ~ Htlt *'I'll fnt••ilt ,,.,~ toht(t till ''*'' 1-11£0IUO IHI •(t'f< t U11t.otfl_.,, irft1flrlh .. •o u ""'•ft.• flO..-tr Chit'•'' ce.tt 1.-<if'N-''*·"« 1-JJ1.Wl• ftUPt( Ac:f'f WC( .. 1~'111"'"" fHt ,,..,,.c.. •"'"' to 120 tt u•~" a.or• ''"" ..... "'"'' ••11tt ..... 1-KYOflAfltClA , ' l"W,.ftlH ..... '<W .. tl t ''tlliflttM11 tMn 10 ,ov •11 ..,.,_. tom ft, 11 .. 11'1 1,,to I ltH llJ flll••~l'tl 11~ f11rte•~· '4.-t w"'t1t •to••' c • .,,,~, """ .... ., ............ . FREE! ~ .. =-: .:'i~~ ~:-:: --,, '"' U.Ml.lft All 15 "••h for ••11 Sf.HI EVERGREEN JAPANESE YEW S,,IMlll& SI 98 er U,.-iPt • l1worll1 OI DfOltHIONI ~"Cl· K'Jltrl Thrlwn 111 tlnlO>l ••~ 1011 allCI lfl llltdJ 100!1001 w11.,. Olftfl "trlfUOI M POO<IJ Mal<Jlaln tl>olr '°"" rich ,,_ COior all ,.., IO~nct lfflPt drftS IOP ,our le"Clt.t'IP4 I I to-COii. UIUlllJ ftlrd loJtl t11d hleh ..,1c , °"'' "' -,..., choice of ut· Each Item in this J.1111e sale is Haclly as ldvertlstd ... vi1orous and healthy, -t•Utd f0< eesy ldt11t1flcation, well p1c:Md for prompt arrival in &ood condition. The •V•fll'ttns, shrubs, htd&es, and trees 1re nuu. err arown from Hid Of cuftl~. rooted, ctrtlfl•d ht1Jthy '" stilt or or11llf. Evtrlf"llS lrt 1·3 ytm old. 6-12 lndlts tall, check tor &rowth ability In utrtmtly hot SOllffltl'n cllmllts. Trns. sllr\Cs, and lledsu are f-2 yaa old, alreldy 1·2' tell, ntvtr trlflll)lanltd. If riot s,tts- rttd on 1rrl••I. you flllY return within 15 deys fOf full refund. includ- lna •ftJ pottllt JOI! sent. Any plant thet dotsll't flOil•lsh Ind thrln we wltl repl1e1 free (3 ytlf limit). Clip coupon and mall today! Co t I "'' 111 12.98 _.. .. _,,_ = .. "'""" •ISM or Spfudln&I tltMt •lllb -... .,,. •••••• tt 1$•20 fttl lltlll!t. ftliatt ..... ---· w:-""' .-...i11a. "''" ..... ,,: ::.r.=. '°' ·,.c vNta 11dt111 ctllt fftellctllJ '"-... ""· I' I t t rllll Offer For Spring Plalltiag ... Onler Direct-By-Mad Ami Save! FEATURING THE TOP SELLERS FROM OUR SPRING PLANTING CATALOG AT LOW MONEY-SAVING PRICES! HANGING S RAWBERRY BASKO -12.98 Aluzift& llOrticultvr1I senutioft II<~ nu111trous dusters of fltlll,, juicy btmes. indoon ! Yes. you cafl plcl ltltnl ri~t off the ¥Int end enjoy frWI strawbtmes Ir.- doors! But thlt'a not all. The lus1Tous ridl arttn foliJ1t and the delicate Wllite blossoms, COlllrnttd aplnst the COIOf · ful Netrt red bt"its, makt tllis the MOSt lttrlttlw of Ill indoor plenters. You 1et thret hardy, nerbeafin& traili111 strlW- betry plants. IFreprla dlilotnsls, Kobe Ill complete with hln&ina basbl It's Ill-In-one . • . foliac•. flowers and fruit! COWt.m WITII HAMIQ IASUT 4 for onlr '1.91 Ruqed llld carefree, spr11ds raplcly In sun Of shade. The lusll, semi.Wrlfffll foll•&• erupts In massl¥t clusters of fiery red blooms ml~summer to $e9tmbef. Eay.crowi,.. setlSlhOMI in rock Pf*ns, ''tnMAlle spots", slocln. borden. Wdy .,..., tllltre 1rass WOft'I 1row. Hiidy, Mldlipn nursery 1rown, plant &-12· 1p1rt. Bloom y•• 1fter yur without ,..,unc. Send today. Glint balls of flamln& colOf to sat your llllCbclpe et>lml TMM h¥dy Michlaan nwsery 1rown root division peremllls come to you 111 111 1ssor1ment of vivid, aor&eous colOfs ... reds. ytllows, piris. Piii· pits, bronze, etc .. ts available. Normally dewlop to bushll lmket sire. udl pl1m drenched with masses of 1.z· blooms. Gu1r111teed lo bloom this "''°"· Will continue to bloom ri&ht up unti I frost Al-ht-Ole 6rolttd CMr F1owen All Summer i.e. cw. Out£• Tbe Most Plisist&nt Wiids .•• &en in Paar SoR! CROWIMTCH • 6 for '2.SO SeftSltloNI flowerftle arouod CO¥tr QUlclly trlM- torms steep slopes, Nnb, troubltsOIN wttdy areas Into 1 thlcl mat -of lecy ll'ffn foll• smothered wlltt hundreds of delicate plnll and white blooms Hardy, N intenance frM, di- seast and dro41Pt rtsistlllt. Blooms scwelds year after ye• witllout rep ifll. Plant 3 It. apart. Hel!IS stop 1 slon and w1"'91ib. Prospers In Pfob-lem 1ren where nothlnc else Im a dlancel Miii in J10Ur Ofdlr tDdly! TM Most l"Pfmiwe and StMMc flf Al Orullleldlls! 2-TONE FLOWERING DOGWOOD '3.98 Oflt of the most °'"'"""''I of 11wn trees, now better than ever since horticulturists l11n 111tted the Ph* Floweri111 llld While Flowerinc onto °"' root stoct. The br1ndlts flowe< in 5'N'lnt. some w1th pl'* blooms, some with wllite -tilt effect is 11>-solutely stunnina! 1·2 ti. trees, 11- rudy 1·2· Yt•s old. Ideal size! ----.-- r r L . ECSTASY Ovr finest bridal Mt. 2 ct. c.nter stone ond 9 1moller on .. -oll brllllont Gem. flrn. Totol S.cb. In exqul· 11te white 1' Kt-Gold Elec· trot>lote Mounting. No. lMI Wh.M... si. • ., Gemflre'1 Fln"t Fashion Ring Guarcl and Solltalre AMA•IS A rodlont 112 corot Gem· fire 10Utolre In modern Tiffany mounting ond beoutlful guard ring with 18 groduoted Couttterle lt Diomonds to enhoMe ih lovellneH. All hand-Mt In 14Kt-GE Mounli"91. Mo.INtWh.M ... 11t.tS .... wt Tel.M•t• Ht.ts , ...... (tte.Yy OoW ll•d•oplete) lp•dwl Low Pllcw On Counterfeit Dlm1aon• lrr· ..... Yar4 Th9 smaller the better -thot'• the word. Thia fi,,., ovol-loop, beautiful chain sportd• with bril- liant little fake tewe's Mt In tiny sllwfy or golden cups gMno the underatat.d look you wont. Aery eountwfelt diamonds OYOiloble In chalnaof 16·, u · and 36. ter.gtt•. Weot single or by the yotd. We expect a fost Mllout on theM chalna ot .~ low prket. Order Today I Ola.I wmt COUNTaflll .......... smu~.,...,..,., 1m1vo1l.,a• J111tit·o.1 .... . ., ......... _ HBW01Wl1R1 s1•w•...,..••• ........ ........ ...., ... ... ., ... ........ ......... 1. IMPORTANT Hlllrl MOW YOU CAN nu. Y04111 OIMPJal COUN1WUT INAMC*IDI Alll NOT CMIAP COITUMI JlwaaY. We Want You To w .. r Th ... Distinguished G8111flre COunterfitlt DIG11t0ncl Rings A. Count the focett. Gemflre atone. oll have 51 focet~u1t like e11pemlY• dlornond• prepored by dlomond cutten. I . b omlne your •t-In o dimly I~-:: room. It 1hould tp0rili. Ilk• In doyl19ht. Ir•,,_ sporkle even In the moonllgtit. C. Study your ring vnder o powe rlul mognlfylng glo11 to loo6t for flows. Gemflre •t-have clorlty -ore flowi.uly perlect. No 1pedi1I No blemf1he1 I No crock1 I •I09•Mn •NO ..... •NO O-.•AnoN •. I IMPRISS A beoutttul .olllolre beovty thot i1 "lu•t right'" for every occo1lon. leoutifully H t in 1.-Ct-GE Mounting. No. 6309 lct. Yel.Mtg. t t... No. 63303ct. Wh.Mtg. No. 6310 let. Wh.Mtg. t t.4' No. 6331 3ct. Yel.Mtg. No. 6004 :kt. Yel.Mtg. nlM No. 6311 okt. Yel.Mtg No. 6005 2ct. Wh.Mtg. nlM No. 6312 4cl. Wh.Mtg. No. 6313 5c:t. Wh.Mtg ..... tit.ff tU.tJ t U .tS .,.,., nt.tS PRINCE A honchome trio of 3 Gemilre ••-Mt In o l4Kt-GE mounting. Totol Wt.,...., d$. 61 17 Yel. Mtg. 14Kt·Gf n .. tl 6320Wh.Mtg. 14Kt-Gf n•.tt 0. Gemflre •'-• ore 10 hard you con octuolly 1crotch your 1,,11101 In glou with them I PrOYe II to yourMH. .......... ~,. Aew IJ/f.,,.,,. 0.lall OUEIN A 1tunnlng 1 ct. Round Gemfire with 4 fiery aide stone•. Totol WI. 2 'It eta. 61 u Yel.Mtg. UKl-Gf n•.tS 6115 Wh.Mtg. 14Kt-GE 116.tS EMPEROR A handaomely d<Hlgned mounting with o •tuMlng 3 ct. Gemflre. 61ZZ Yel.Mtg. 14Kt·Gf t1 .. tS 6123Wh.Mtg. 14Kt-GE t1•.tS 511 INSIDI FOR MORI INFORMATION ABOUT GEMflRIS -ALSO EASY-TO-USE ORDER llLANK FAMILY WEEKLY. Feo<uary U . 1982 I> WE OVERSTOCKED ON THESE POPULAR RINGS-YOU SAVE 40% REGINA bqulslte Morqulse-thope Gemlire Coun· .. rlelt Diamond Cul with S8 aporilling focets 10< mo•1m11m br1llionc• Hond set In superbly-styled, 4·prong Tlffony mounting. l '1, corot. ITEM NO. 6121 Wh.Mtg. 14Kt-GE TAIWAN NOW ONLY $11.95 Th11 la o big, 011ol, trontlucent jade Ml In o handsome ontique·I*. open bock mounting. A GENUINE JADE STONE. People will notice when you weor thla rfr19I Pa.to~prepold. ITEM NO 5050 Yel.Mtg -14 Kt·GE ANNI NOW ONLY $8.35 He<e's o pretty rainbow for your finger! Thr" '-•Iv. tronalllC9flt 11mulot.d opola with twinkling plnllr" of light donclr19 throughout. Hand Ml In scalloped antique· l*mountlr19. ITEM NO. 3123 Yel Mtg. -14 Kt-GE BIAURIGAID NOW ONLY $le95 A hol\dtomely·crofted I0·1tone ch11ter ring. Ho• dl1tlnctlve block ond gold1tone mounting. A 1tondout ring. Order now. Guorol\te.d. ITEM NO. 6201 Yel.Mtg.-1.utt-Gf CZARINA NOW ONLY $11.95 What a tr'ecisure t Thla el990n1 cocktail ""9 hoe two fiery Gemllre Counterfeit Dlomond1. I'> ct. eoc:h, set in clou ic mounting•. You'll get Iota of compliment• on thia one. ITEM NO. 6300Wh.Mtg. -141U·GE NOW ONLY CALUMn $7e75 Thia diatlngulshed ring hos a 111, ct. Gem· fire Counterfeit Oiomond accented by 6 fiery 11d. atone•. The attractive contem. ponary mountlr19 hot a high poll1h flnlah. Fully guorotlte.d and potl'poid. ITEM NO. 6214 Yel.Mtg.-1"Kt-GE GEMINI NOW ONLY $7.75 A tawny Tiger Eye with shimmerir19 bonds of golden light dortlr19 through the ailky 1tone. Graceful llC>f'ent1ne setting. What o fee ling of mystery when you weor the spirited Tiger Eye! ITEM NO. 2071 Yel.Mtg.-14Kt-GE BLUE CHIP NOW ONLY $7e95 A knockout of o rlr19I Blue Chip hot a big, honda-counterlelt IOpphire In a sophl1tlcoted 1ot1n.flnlth tettir19. Sapphire It the blrth1ton• 10< September and It 119. nlflff wl1dom In mon. l'TW N0.3103 Wh. Mtg -l4Kt·GE FULLY GUARANTEED BY CROWN GALLERIES, BLOOMINGTON, llllN -~ FAMIL'I' WUt<LY Febniart "· ~ I • * & W .... Plcfu,_ luftl~Cllftfwla All DRI ... dlil w..a _, '"'"9 ..... ....,_ .. ehow .. IMMu~. wit-~-. .... ,-. ....... ,... ~-'-• hanco. oftd,.,.. e1 .._ ,.... ... ,, ,..... w. ...-rou ...-cW ......... 1n .,_,-•· n.., wa ._, • ....._. "°.,._then!.,_, tudle thenl -lll9'r °""" fMl1tll Mt GM fw ......... •II~ or t-t .. • WOii~ _ .._._.,. r-. loolf~.,....-~Cllll' tel _.,,... EMI It r-ct...to .... ,_,. ..._._. .... ~ . IABINOI ....... "--.,. --. ,..,,,... ......... WOf1tl 100 ""*" ..... r-... ctewr .......... Rnit~-........ ""'-•Mueh.!Jf\ .. ,,1•1•·&1~~Cllll'hlel"*"lf,.ou ~ ....... .._. ~ '-prtma. TM • _. flO. Not~ ....... COf' '-" .._. ~ c:iounw. dlftet_. ~It_,•,...,.. ... Olld co.W _.. A dcaullng Gemflre atkkpln 0< pendant wlll odd ~i. on ony .,..,. tfoM ._ lllf I 11¥e,.., onee. Y .. now ,.ou cmt own o dowft .-.wt-• -mr • "--· .-. MM_.,.uf OCCCMlon. eompi.te the~ with "'rlngt. Eoch lt.m la o ,.._ ~ ...... ""4111~ '-prime. ..,...._for 1\111 yo. two I I 'It corot Gomflro In Tlffony mounting with plotlnum-look flnlah. Low .._. __ .... o ... n•t IMn Mllllonal,_ Ne.6060s11Qp1n .......................... • .......... •us rT ... .,.. \ No. 6052 l'endont ..........•........................ S 4. 9S MMlit low Quolty. n.. ~' ......_ .. .,.. not Weer'Oaow""'MI IM a •· '°""' _.,....., ,..,.., No. 6050 ri.rced fo"'l"9' ...........•................ I 9.90 ch9aph* ... 1N,cn~cutc1nd...,_.li¥-"IW TV..,,......,.. .... __. ...... ,....,.._. No.6051Non-rlerced Eorrlngt ........................ S 9.90 cniittNMn 1n .._ - -• noNnll .__.., whh .... _......,, r.u.=. ot•••• 11 ...., ._. No. 6053 l'endont a r 1ercoct Eomng s.r ................. 112.95 5e f_..., They ON hand Mt in ....., 1«t-Gf (Ookl their ...... In e.... '-i end__,~-No. 6058 Pendont I Non.l'l•rcod Earring Set ............ Sl2.95 Eleclt'oplo•). b, _._ aehlw. n_, ...._ llb o ,...._Now.;., ... cell.._._ _..,<e»aflllid ~ No. 6061 StlQpln, l'endont, rlercodEorrlngS.t ......... SIS.95 11..GOQita IOlid lliutcoet,.ou ... .,__t:I0,00. _...,•au •oftd ........ yo.r.._.I No. 6062Stkllpin, 1'.ndont, Non-1'19t'Cod EorriJ19S.I ..... $15.95 t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~--.....;--~~~~~-~~ .... --------------------------------------GLOSSARY OF TERMS Wltlt Our Ovoront.. : C80WNOAunta POll'ACM CARAT (CT)-m-ure of -lght for o dlomond-how.,,•r. G9m-You Toke No al•b. 1 DhWeft ef ,._.,,.,.,IM. NIPAM> flrn ond Dlomonl .. t Of'9 glv9" opproalmol• corot volu•• boaod on I ~. •· tm alH (not w•l9ht). A 1-<.c>rot Gemflro or Olomonil• ia opproxlmot•ly If ol the 9nd of 30 doyt you~ not com· : 1117 leet o.11..._. A.-ue ©ltlt P\ANnlON, INC. tti.1ome1IHoto 1-coroldlomond. pletely totitlled, return by IHSU~ED 1 .......,..,_.., lll....._t17t1 GOlD ELECTROPLATE (GE)-thla mounting utn korot gold (•ithor MAIL for pvrchoM pm. refund. At ony : ==;:=::::::;:w;n=;===========::::::;:=== whit• or y•llow( lhot la electrkolly bonded to tM m01Jnting ofter it time, °' for ony reoton. ond In ony con· 1 OTY. ltZI DllCltl"'10N COIT 11 formed ond dfflgnoted "gold •lectroplot•... dltlon you moy return your t.w.lry by While Mounll"9-Wh. Mtg. Y•llow Mounllng-Y•I Mtg. 14Kt-Gold Electr lote-14Kt·GE How to Find Your Rlft9 Size 1. Cut o a trip of ~& 2. Wr09 the atrip oround 3·1ncti.1 lonv of'd 1/4 the fineer thot l1 to Inch wide. · MAM weor tti. rlJ19. Tti.n ploc• o dot on the atrip wti.r• It m-ts rti. .nd. 3. l'loc• tti. dot on tti. 1trlp of PGP9" ot .. ,.. .. on 1ti. rlJ19 guide. Tti. m.mb.r ot the •nd of the ttrlo la vour ring 1IH . A o 1 2 , • s • ., a • to 11 12 ,, 14 I RING GUIDE I. I , I. I. I. I. I.LI, L I. L I. LI INSll~EDMAll for FRU tOf!locomenl. 1/1 ... MW11 .. o.nm ..al'ftlllJ'f'ft a GAU o.1yn.-t--•11..., CATALINA --.'IW lllJow. ...._ tNe ,., el ........ n,.r.,-. ~ .............. ·~ ....... •ti:" ....... A ,..i fl I Woe ltS.. Now•P.50. No. SCMS (1-41Ct-OI Vol. Mtg.) __J-~----''------------.1..--~ 1m.-. ......... ts.Wl'l'S. ... l•a ,, .............. 1nc:1 .... •·-----: ...... __________________ ~ I I AIMreM·---~--------------t : City ___________________ _ : , .... Zip _____ _