HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-15 - Orange Coast Pilot' ' I . I •••••• IUllil CUil Ylll Hlllllll llllY PIPll . ' Howling storm sinkS oil -rig; -84 feared dead ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland <AP > -One of the world's• largest oil rigs sank today in a howling North Atlantic s torm off the coast. of Newfoundland and 84 workers aboard were missing and reared dead. Rescue planes and s hips battled poor visibility in rain and snow in a search for any survivors. The rig operator, Pontiff • talks in Nigeria IBADAN, Nigeria (AP> Pope John Paul 11. s pea king today at this nation's largest university, told stude nts and educators not to lose sight of spiritual values while pursuing research and development. E conomi c pr ogress, th e pontiff said in his homily at Mass, "is not enough to free man from the many conditions and situations of incompleteness that beset his penion•llty and his Lire in society." His message, on the fourth day or his West Africa tour. was at the University of Ibadan, in this city 95 miles north of Lagos. Meanwhil e , s eve ra l explanations were given today for the cancellation of a meeting that had been scheduled Sunday in the northern state of Kaduna between Moslem leaders and the pope -attempting to improve relations between Christianity and Islam. Nigerian sources, who asked n o t to be id e ntified, san:J sectarian differences prevented the Moslems from agreeing on how to present Moslem Nigena to the pope. The Vatican. in a statement released today. said the Moslems' decision not to appear was "independent of the holy father." T he pope ha d pla nned to deliver a speech Sunday to religious leaders at the State House in Kaduna stressing such common aspects of the two religion s a s oppos ition to abortion, respect for human rights and belief in one God. But after addressing at least 500,000 swaying, hand·clapping people at an open-air Mass, the pontiff's appearance at the State House was canceled and, he made his second speech il\Stead lo two Mosle m prov incial governors in a crowded airport waiting room. After reading his speech, the pope presented two pontifical (See POPE, Page .\2) Mobil Oil Can ada Ltd .. said bodies were spotted in the water w h ere th e rig h ad been operating 175 nautical miles east of St. John's. The men had been ordered to aba ndo n the r i g wh e n it developed a lS·degree list after a night·long beating in gale wind s and s now. Mobil said. About nine hours later. Mobil issued a s tateme nt that the Ocean Ranger had gone down. Two lifeboats were sighted by search aircraft one capsized and the other stern·down in the waler. A partia lly inflated liferaft also was seen. rescue authorities said. There r e portedl y wer e s urvival suits on the rig for all those aboard. Officials said they ...., ..... ""99 .. CMftll ~ GOOEY FUN Tim Clohessy. IO. of Laguna Re ach. does n·t appear to mind a gooey face. He figured it was worth it for flavorful pie eaten during Sunday·s pie·eatin g contest sponsored by life~uards and pet rcsp<msibility organizations as patt of Ute• art <'Olon~"s Wintl'r F estival. The event was held at the art f't.•stival grounds on Laguna Canyon Ro<.1d. First Lady begins trek Will focus on ~rsonal campaign against drug. abuse WASHINGTON (AP> -Nancy Reagan is venturing on a rare trip without her husband that will shift. the spoUighl from her free clothes and expensive china and focus it on her campaign a1ainst drug abuse. One of Mrs. Reagan's staff aides , who asked not to be Identified, said the first lady wants to draw attention to the oblem of drug abuse a nd s "the publicity that results I make a lot or people across the country aware of It." However, the aide was careful to aay Mrs. Reagan is not ndonin1 any or the part.kular project.a she visits. White House aides have expreaaed concern that Mrs. Rea1an·1 1pendin1 habits have rwelved more publicity than her hlterest in dru1 abuse treatment aad (Oller srandparents -her two pet I~.!'· Mn. planned vialta to f drug treatment centers today in Tampa and St. Peters burg. Fla. Sh e is to be in Dallas on Tuesday. The journey was preceded by an unusual briefing for reporters accompanying the firs t lady, complete with a mm about one of the drug programs s he is visiting. Mrs . Reagan ofte n h as expressed concern about the nation's drug proble m, but has limited her active involvement to glv\Jlg a few speeches and viitlting a rew treatment centers. The president's wife has bla1qed the . dru1 problem partially on permissive parent.a. Yet, ahe alto baa acknowledted that •he believes her two srown c hildren "probably •moiled marijuana al on.e lime or another." Mra. Reagan'• aides 11.id today's trip la \he flr1t In a series as ahe Jletl mere dMlil1 , involved in the a nti·drug crusade. "Mrs. Reagan is not an expert in the field of drug abuse,•· said one aide. "She doesn't seek to endorse. s he seeks to support. She s upports the conce pt of parents' groups and s he's looking and lis tening a nd learning just like everybody else and hopes to increase . . . the understanding and the concern for the problem in the hopes that the experts wlll find solutions." Her first stop was the Pinellas Park Elementary School in St. Petersburg, wher,e she was sltlln1 lJJ on a drug prevenUon proaram 'lilmed at fifth 1raders. In the evenln1, she was to attend a Uar9e·bour meettn1 ol parents ad adolescenta who are 1oln1 tbrou1h a treatment pro1ram ~alled Straipt Inc. She wa1 particularly lmprllled wttta tbia proaram, an ClleNANLT, .... AI) pro bably could h ave ke pt a wearer alive for about a n hour. but it was not known if the workers had time to put them on. A sea r c h and resc u e s po kes m an in Halifax s aid waves as high as 40 reel made it Impossible to retrie ve bodies a lthough tugs in the area could see them floating. Factory blaze hurts 2 Fire broke out in a Santa Ana e l ec tr'ica l plating company today. causing minor injuries to two people and resulting in an unknown amou nt or contaminated water entering the city's sewe r syste m. Fire depa rtment officials said the blaze caused an estimated $40,000 damage to the facilities of National Technology Co. at 220 W, Central Ave. The fire was .......... ._. before dawn t.odQ. Suffering from s moke inhalation were a Santa Ana firefighter and an unidentified person belie ved t o be an employee of the firm, which is involved in the plating of metals for e lectrical circuit boards. A fire department spokesman said this morning a hazardous material cleanup company has diked oCf storm drains in the area and is cleaning up water contaminated with chemicals that drained from the building. The spokesman said a vat containing plating acids was involved in the fire. Fire officials believe some chemically contaminated water leaked into the sewer system. The am o unt is unknown. however. Officials said workers at the county's sewage treatment facilities have been a lerted so they can take precautionary action to neutralize or filter out the contaminated water. Firefighters were called to the scene at about 4 a .m . today by ef,O ployees who first tried to douse the names themselves. Twenty.five firefighte rs had the blaze under control within a half hour, spokesmen said. V.S. planes sale angers Begin JERUSALEM (AP) -Prime Minister Menachim Begin said today th e s al e o r U .S . anU·aircraft missiles and F·16 fighter planes to Jordan would violate a pledge by President Reagan to preserve Is rael's military advantage over Arab states. He asked the Knesset , Israel's 120-member parliament, to pass a resolution condemning the proposal by U.S . Defense Secretary ·caapar Weinberger. Opposition leader Shimon Peres said his Labor Party, except for a f e w lefl·wlng members, planned to support the resolution In voting later today. Two search und rescue he li copters arc al the s ite along with an airplane. Two boats were in the area searching for survivors and another service vessel was heading to the Ocean Ranger site from other oil rigs working in the a rea. Two othcr boats en route from St. J ohn's were cxpc('ted to arrive by evening. BOOKED L os .\ngt.•ll":- Ra m s quurterb<.1<.·k Dan P astorini was bookt.•d i n ~ewpor1 BeaC'h Sund<.1~· on s u s p1 r 1o n of clrunkt•n c!ri \'ing I le "a:. n•lt'ast•d t•arl.v tod;i~· on hail Ram booked on driving charge in NB Lo s An ge l es Ram s quarterback Dan Pas torini posted Sl .500 bail early today a nd was released from Newport Beach Jail , w h ere he was booked late Sunday night on sus picion of drunken driving. Pastor ini. 32. was s topped about 11 p.m . Sunday by a Newport Beach police officer at Brookhursl Street and Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach. s aid Lt. Gary Petersen of t h e Newport Beac h Poli ce Department. He said the arresting officer saw Pastorinl's Porsche streak past Prospect Street in Newport Beach on the coast highway at 95 to 100 mph. Pas torini failed a roadside sobriety test a nd was booked into jail, he said . The quarterback. who joined the professional football team last fall , li ves in Newport Beach. according to the police arrest report. It was not the first time Pastorini has m ade headlines for his driving. In December 1980, Paslorini, then a reserve fo r the Oakland R aid e r s. s uffered a c ut m outh and bruised nose after his car hit a tree in Alameda, which is near Oakland. Police said the a ccident was due to '"excessive speed." Mudslide buri.es highway worker SEA'ITLE, Wash. (AP> -A weekend of torrential rains coupled wllh unae11onable warm weather unleashed Oooda, avalmhel and mudllidea tbat closed road• a nd burled a hl1bway worker, ottaciala said. Flood wamlnp were poeted loday for lbe Snoqualmie, S•ohoml1h , No•k1aclr , Sttllapamtab, Slrrlroml1b, Chehalis and upper CO wlitz Rlvers in western Washiniton and for Han1mi1l Creek In Spokane County. Floods and snowslldes closed a number ol other roads Sunday u more than 4 inches of rain fell in places. Yalrlma set• Valentine's Day reeord temsferature of 62, bnaklna the mark of 80 set In llM. The c<>mpany suid there was no indication of whether any of t hose aboard s urvived the s inking or the uttcm pts to escape in lifeboats . A s pokesman fo r t h e rig owners Ocean Drilling and Exploration Drilling Co of New Orleans. La . said t hat of the R4 p e ople o n th e ri g 10 ISee RIG , Page A21 Deputy wounds intruder By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tlle Dally .. , ... St.ilH Police were trying today to piece together details of a weekend shooting m which a Los An geles County Sheriff's deput) fatally wounded one of three people allegedly trying to break in to his Huntington Beach hom e. Huntington Beach police Lt Merle Schneblin s aid the dead man la a 21.year·old transient who had li ved most recently in Anaheim He said the man's name was b eing withheld pe nding notificat io n of hh family The incident occurred al 6 a m . Sunda¥ al the Gumm Drive residence of Richard Orosco, 32. a JO-year veteran of the Sheriff's office currently assigned to the Norwalk station. reports show. Orosco told officers he and his wife were awakened by thf' sound of two men removing glass rrom a bedroom windo~ and attempting to c rawl inside. The depu\y instructed hi s wife to call police while he took a 38·cala be r revolver from a closet. Orosco told officers. The deputy told police he confronted the two men in the back yard and ordered them to halt I Wh en the men refused lo 9\0P and pointed dark objects that appeared to be guns , Orosco fired three shots al them . he told police. The two continued to flee until one ('Ollapsed on the sidewalk while the other entered a car waiting in front of the home. thl deputy told police Orosco held one man and a woma n in t h e car unti : H untingt on Be a c h p oli ce arrived. The dead man was struck by a single bullet entering his up~r back. Lt Schneblin said. The two others arrested b) police ure Henry Santiago. 25. and Patricia Leonard, 26, each residin~ at ·the s ame Anaheim address. Thl' two were in Huntington Beach Jai l today on s us picion of murder and burglary. Bail was (See DEPUTY, Page A2) ORlllil CDAIT llATHIR Chance of measur able rain 10 percent or less t hr o ugh Tue s d a y . Considerable c loudiness . Tonight's lows 52 to 58. Tuesday's highs 62 at b e,a c hes • 6 8 i n I a n d . (Details Page A3). '118111 TlllY Th e R ev . Terry Cole· Wh ittake r . former Or.ange Coast College homecoming que~. is pack· ing them in bl Son ~go wiih her love of life sermott1. Slo,.., 1 photo P.afe Al, 11111 .. ·u • • • • • • OrMgeeo.tOAILY PILOT/Monday, February 16, 1982 ·~-----~~--~------..... --------------------------------------------------------...;.----------------------------------....:------~ 1 Co1*gar mauIS hOy ~ 9; shot to death . From PageA1 POPE ••• medals then waited, vl1lbly embarruted, for the cuttomary response of thanks. It never came, and he boarded hi• plane for the nt1ht back to La1oa. PlTTIBUIOH tAP) -A 13().pound coqar lhal lore at U.. neck and faceef • O·year·okl beJ w•• apOOked .., a nol1y crowd that eaeh.ed tM .ormally docile animal, oMeWI Mid. Tiii• b.. e.t, U1 jaw1 1Ull loolltd Oft U.. )IDlilth, WH SMl to deatb by UI atr-dul)' polie91l• afler owner Bob Steele tried uaaiaeeellfully to pry U.a moutl'I ;r.:.• Saturday durln1 the burp Auto Show. J ame1 Seals of auburban Upfer St. Clair underwent ftr19'>' to repair dama1e to an ~•l'Y ta1Un1 blood to the brain. Tfte youlb, who received •uneroua llitchet to close cut.a on ldl face and neck, wu in ~ JUST PASSING THROUGH And\' Mie rs and son Urrw. 18 y. m onths. of Newport Beach wonder if th<.' rins of offshon• 1t1 ble condition at Alle1heny General Hospital today. aald Dotothy Packer, a nuraln1 supervisor. "The cougar Just pounced on the kld, tot him by the neck," said Donald R o man . a concession st•nd operator at the show. "You could see the blood. ·Jt was terrible." · The couaar, named Tom-Tom, wH one of several cat.a beinl uaed u a promotional 1lmmlck for Lincoln-Mercury autos durln& the show. It was known for its peaceful diapo11illon. '•I've personaUy played with this cat, with my bare bands. n waa juat one of those weird thinH. a Crejk occurrence. vis itors at 48th Street b<.'long to a pod of porpoist'" or California Gra~ wh ~ilcs l'lll'l'l'nth· mi,eratinlo! to '.\kx1t·n We're very upset," 11ld Donald Bishop, mana1er ot the lhow, whlch wH aponsored by the Pltt1bur1h Automobile Trade Aaaociall0n. The boy . who went to the 1how with his family, spent moet of Sunday sleeping, Mrs. Packer said. "Monday wm be a day" for talking about what happened, s he sai d . ''l think h e remembers. But he doe1n't want to talk about It. He hasn't been very talkative." Seals was running with another boy at the convention center as Steele was brin1ing the leashed animal into a crowded s how area, said Michael Reilly, a spokesman for the auto show. The cougar suddenly paunced on Seals. Steele "had bis hands inside the cat's mouth trying to pry open the jaws. but he wasn't able to do it," reilly said . "The cat wouldn't release the child but he wasn't able to bite down any further. either." Police Sgt. Arthur Banze, an off-duty officer attending the show. s hot the cougar in the shoulder after Steele rolled out or the way. Steele wasn't hurt. "If people hadn't gathered around and kicked the animal, I could have handled it ... could have gollen him to let go. They only made him more excited." said Steele, who operates Bob Steele Animal Productions of Lessburg, Fla. "It was my only accident ever. He was my best cat. loo ... "Just like a house cat. if you spook the cat. it's going to react," Reilly said. A government spokesman aald rivalry amon1 three Moslem ' sects prevented a1r•ment on a delegaUon to meet the pope. But Catholic leaden said the failure of the reli1ioua represe,ttatlve1 to ·appear was a 1etback for Vatican efforts to weave better ties with Islam, "You can't aolve ln one day problems of so many centuries. W~ have to keep tryin&, .. said the Most Rev. James Dempsey of Providence, R.I .. the bishop of Sorkoto, whose Nl1erlan diocese is 90 percent MOAlem. For 16 yea~. since the Second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church has been trying to relegate to his tory the Crusades and the slave raids in which the two religious ' membe r s slaughtered each another as an act of faith. After the creation of a Secretarial for Non-Christians, Pope Paul VI braved a cool reception in Moslem Turkey and went to predominantly Moslem Indonesia. where he addressed 50,000 Moslems, Christiana and · Buddhists. Official Mos lem-Christian meetings. however, have often dissolved into bitter disputes. Five years ago, the Vatican had to disavow an Arab-language communique issued at a Tripoli Catholic-Moslem meeting which condemned lsrael and Zionism too s harply for its taste. Since then. few meetings have been held. From Page Al RIG ••• Custody case reversal eyed Dawn Stader. 25, a trainer who was with the cal , was arrested by l)Olice after she allegedly swore at Banie and kicked him in the groin when he shot the animal, police said. She was charged with aggravated assault, terroristic threats , disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. police said. J ohn Paul II pursued the goal or rapprochement b y al so traveling to Turkey and telling Moslem leaders in Kenya in 1980 h e would ·'do everything possible to develop the spiritual bonds between Christians and Moslems." 'Americans and 25 Canadians 'were employees o&.the owners. Lawyer for lesbian mother to ask judge to reconsider In the Philippines last year, he called the Moslems his brothers and at a meeting with 60 Islamic representatives urged them to work with the predominantly Catholic central government of lighting for the independence or the southern Philippines. ' Compan y public relations 11Hicer Al Spindler said the rem ainder of the crew were 1A;e rv ice hands em ployed by . .,ub-contracling firms. Most would be NewfoundlaDders. , Mobil's statement said that •'·air-sea rescue ha1 been unable •to locate the Ocean Ranger. but the site has been identified by 1 l"le l icopter through the rig's • .inchor buoys and water-rider buoys." This equipntent would have ueen attached to the rig itself >'.and would pinpoint the drill site. .', Spindler •.aa'd tbe Oce•a "Ranger ha~ Wen drilling •ff ~ewfoundland for about 1"'2 · >'ears and in the pr~enl location since November. · · The severe wuater storm hit .the area late Sunday and strong . winds continued to lash eastern ;Newfoundland todav. 1 A Mobil spokesman said two other rigs. the •sedco-706 and ~apata Ugland. Wf're drilling in · -lhe vicinity oi.ttwi Ocean Ranger J nd were safe. Mobil said t here was no 'possibility or what it described as a blowout of the well. known as J -24, which the Ocean Ranger had been drillioe. , .: The rig •as bu i It by ,:M itsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. in Hiroshftna. Japan. and ,"l aunched in 1976. -' The world's wOTst loss of life ;n an oil-rig disaster occurred ""t1arch 27. 198&, 200 miles ofr 'I o r w a y . T h.e A l e x a n d e r :Kielland rig capsiied, taking 123 · ieople to thefr deaths in the ,. orth Sea. ' Semi-submersible rigs are 1s e d where water d e pths ire vent firm fastening of legs on he sea bottom as is done in ha llower area 'where jack-up ig s are u se d . The emi-submersibles float partly inderwater. e A1 • • et at $250,000 each. L t . Sc hn e bl i n sai d nvestigators are attempliag to letermine a motive for the reak-in. He saJdJt.ems rouad ln· he trio's car contained Oroseo's· ddresa. "We've fOUMt no indication hey had allif kef with tbe eputy," he ·said. "So far we on 't know why they bad his ddress. 1benl is no Indication hey knew him'I" Tbe Los An1eles lawyer for a lesbian mother or four says she will ask an Orange County Superior Court judge to reconsider his ruling which strips the woman or custody of her 5-year-old son. In a ruling Wednesday. Judae James L. Smith said he wu l"antine physical custody ol the child to tbe father, a nuor Corporation employee. because the motber is livin1 in a holnosexual ttlationshlp. Attorney Lavra Goldin, wbo represents Penelope Woodakle of Looi Beach. said abe will * Pwnps probed at nuke plants BURLINGTON. Vt. <AP> - Fede ral officia l s are investigating allegations that nuclear plant pumps, including some used in emergency core cooling systems, may fail under str ess due to faulty and sloppy manufacture. The Nuclear Regul ator y Commission has s tarted an inves tigation into a wide range or charges lodged by five former employees of the Hayward Tyler Pump Co. here. The a llegations include charges the company failed to follow procedures oullin~ in quality assurance and quality control manuals and that bolt holes were misaligned on seismic supports for the pumps. The former employees, one or whem was fired. further claim tn notarized affidavits that the e x is t e n ce o r imp e rf ect workmanship s uch as bent shafts and mlsdrilled holes was covered up in part by forged paperwork. Key Biscayne sharks seen MIAMI CAP> -The warm shallow waters off Key Biscayne appear aafe from sharks. but a swimming ban re mains in force because about 300 sharks were sighted offshore Saturday.· officials said. About 5,000 people who nocked to the Key Biscayne beaches were told swimming was ofr ll m its Sunday. Dade County and Coast Guard helicopters scanned the coast for sharks. The Coast Guard reported six sharks were spotted offshore in the momin1, but all had apparently left. the area by afternoon. c, ......... ,.,.....11~ Alt ... J s Ftst•• '°'4n'I • I Judge Smith first to reconsider hi s ru lin g , and if that 's unsuccessful. then appeal to the Fourth District Court of Appeals in San Bernardino. Smith ruled that while both parents were equally qualified to rai se the c hild, Miss Woodside's homosexuality was a factor against her. The Judge did approve joint custody of the boy, allowing the mother to see her son tentatively on alternate weekends and for extended periods during the s ummer. The rest ol the time bowewr. the child will live with his father , Leason Leeds of Lakewood, who had been given temporary custody last October when be learned bis former wife was involved in a ho~osexual relationship. • Miss Goldin said that Smith's ruling this week "c learly recognized" that her client had been "a good and cap able parent". and that the only reason he was giving physical custody to the f ath e r was because of her relationship with another woman. The attorney claimed that the ruling reflected a fear of the homosexual relationship. Miss Woodside has four children in all. She has been Grove woman found dead after blaze A 11.year-old Garden Grove woman was found dead t<>Pay ln h e r mobile h o m e after firefighters from Garden Grove and Anaheim extinguished a blaze that gutted her coach. A police department spokesman identified the victim as Flora Westner. whose body was round in the kitchen area of her mobile home. Firefighters responded to the blaze shortly after midnight at the Golden Crest Mobile Home Park on Katella Avenue. Cause of the blaze is unknown. The police spokesman also said the cause of Miss Westner's death is under investigation. Firefighters deliver baby CUTLER (AP> -Two Tulare County firefighters worked fast and furiously be fore dawn today, but they weren't putting out a fire. Engineer Ronnie Johnson and volvnteer Mark Willia were called to ualst a Cutler woman who wu livinl birtb and didn't have time lo get to the bolpital. They helped deliver a baby girl and reported that the unldentl(ied mother and child were doing fine after bein1 taken to Alta Hospital In Dinuba. ' Peace forum held BERLIN <AP> -About 5,000 mostly young E11t Germana marked the anniversary ot the allied bombing in Dresden In lt45 by holdin1 a peace forwn challeftllnl the poUcles ol the Commwmt 1ovemment, repor1a reachln1 West ~rlln 11ld. ti ma rried three times. Three of he r children. ranging in age from 14 to a year old. live with her at home. Miss Goldin said it was difflc•lt to speculate o n the basis or her appeal. She said the co ur ts h ave rule d that homoselluality in itself Is not the equivalent of parental unfitness and could not be the sole basis for a cbange of custody. Attorneys for both Miss Woodside and Leeds introduced the testimony of psychologists to prove that the 5-year-old would be beUer off with ~m. Smith determined that both parents were accertable but that the emotiona question related to a homosexual affair weighed against the mother. Clerks mourn store's death ' NEW ORLEANS <AP) Clerks dressed in mourning whispered goodbyes to their customers as the cash registers rang for the last time at Maison Blanc he, a Ca nal Street landmark for generations. ·'This is one or lhe worst things that could happen to us because Maison Blanche has been here forever," Polyxene J . . Dave lamented. "I'm 75 years old, and my mother bought my school shoes here." The or nat e. turn - of -the-ce ntury depa rtment stor e was closed for good Saturday . Goudchaux Department Stores of Baton Rouge had bought up Maison Blanche. but will operate only its three suburban branches. Steele's son, Michael. 25, was c harged witp obstructing an officer in lhe line or duty and d isord erly conduct, om cers said. The S.year-old cougar was one of 11 cats being used during the five-day show as a promotional gimmick, Reilly said. Before Sat urda y. th e eve nt 's next·to-last day. all the animals h a d be e n c hained to Lincoln-Mercury autos or other equipment at the event, he said. \ None of the animals was used rouowm. tbe maulin1 Sunday . In Detroit. a spokesman for the Lincoln-Mercury Division of Ford Motor Co. said Sunday the automaker had nothin~ to do with sponsoring tbe animals' a ppearance at the show. ··1rs a long-standing tradition to allow the local association to a rrange the entertainment," said 0 . William Day. public r e l atio n s mana ger f or Lincoln-Mercury. which has n amed some or its models after big cats and uses them in its advertising. Rollout slated for Columbia CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. <AP> Only last-minute checks rem a ined for s pace s huttle technicians on the eve or lhe Columbia's 31h-mile rollout to the launch pad for its third mission into space. At 2 a.m . PST Tuesday. the shuttle Is scheduled to be rolled out of the hu ge Vehicle Assembly Building to its launch site. The launch of the world's first reusable s pacecraft is scheduled for March 22. From Page A1 NANCY. • • aide said, because it does not use government money. it is drug free. it is one of the few p r og r a m s des igne d f o r adolescents. it accepts only children who have backlns from their families and most or its participants are not from court referrals The program often lasts a year and costs between SJ ,000 and $2.500. It uses many of the same principles as Alcoholics Anonymous. After spending the night in Tampa. Mrs. Reagan flies to Dallas to meet with the Texans' War on Drugs. a group of 17 prominent civic leaders which has been instrumental in getting the state to pass controversial law s o utl awing dru g paraphernalia aod providing stiff prison terms for drug p~shers The first lady also will visit a parent group de di cated to removing dru gs fr o m Richardson, a s uburb of Dallas. Amtrak derailed HOLYOKE , Mass. (AP> Eight passenger cars and two engines of Amtrak's Montrealer went off the tracks in western Massachusetts because of a s plit rail. causing a seven-hour delay for the 150 passengers. officials said. ompany's SALE • .. cwa; ': ... ...,, We se in the midlt of what it shaping up to be one of the best •Id .. .,,,. ever and MIWf ert .. C • •• •• h• the merchandise end eervice to make yout"I even better. ..... .. Roee6gnol D;riiftt K' SM Mer.co Dynamic Ralchle Fiecher Ko Fteeh Geze Tyrolia M8'Mr ... --------------~~~--~ ~ . --:':-11'~ ... _ .. _......_ .............. _ ... ' ... _ .... - -...._ .. -.. --• " • - Her message • is upbeat Rev. Terry's Religious Science packs 'em in SAN DIEGO <AP > - Cuahloned comfortably In the downtown California Theater, which 1 etor1 s ha r e on weekdays, the con1recation hardly noticed the shout in all the upbeat exuberance: • • Ritht on, Rev, Terry, ri1ht on! '' A vivacious blonde, the Rev. Terry Cole·Whlttaker was up there eithortlng her followers to live Ure to the fullest. "Be alive," called out the former Orange Coast resident, but with no beseeching, no talk or the devil or hell or failure ln life. . In the five years stnce Mrs . California of 1968 arrived with h er m essage, mo ving from motivational sp eaking to a ministry of her own with the La Jolla Churc h o r Re ligious Science, the cong regation has grown from 50 to "possibly 4,000 -we're still unsure of that." In two c r owd e d S unday sess ions. abo ut 2,500 is an average turnout. They could be Baptists or Presbyterians, of all ages and degrees of wealth. The goal is ··a worldwide television ministry in the next four years ." says t he Rev. Terry, as she li kes to be called. "Alread y , we se ll a ud io cassettes wo rldwide through subscription and we're start ing to produ~e video cassettes so I can be with them in the video. "Australia probably will be the first, then any and all other countries that will allow us to go in there." Th e t h rice -m a r rie d , thri ce -di vorce d T e rry Cole -Whitta ke r was p a id a re ported salary or $89,608 in 1979, including a 60 percent commission on classes which she conducts and royalties on tape sale of spoken messages. The salary from her church today, she says. is about $60,000 and ·•certainly" ra r a bove what any other minjster in San Diego makes. In addition. she s aid in an inter view s he m a kes that much again with the non-profit Terry Cole Whittaker Ministries and half-hour T V classes seen by a reported 200.000 listeners in the Los An geles area. San Diego and by cable from P alm Springs and Bishop. Calif.. to El Paso. Texas. "We plan to be in Seattle and . ............ EXUBERANT Till' Bl'' Tt•rn· Colt· \\'hilt ;i kl'r. nrH'l' an Orangl' Coust rl'sidl•nt a nd l1>rnw1' ·.\1 1·~ l'al1lnn11 a . gin·s upbeat Sl'l'mon at I.a .Jolla ('1111r<·h ol lfrll g111u~ Sc1t'l1t'l'. wh iC'h has t·ongrt'gation of l.OtKI San Francisco by J une, .. she says. Almost 80.000 copies were sold of her fi rst book. "What You Think of Me is None or You r Business." Another book is in the works. She li ves with her 19-ycar·old d au g hter Becky. soon to be m a r ried . their par rot a nd dachshund Oscar in a plush La Jolla house worth seve ral hundred thousand dollars. She drives a 1979 white Cadillac with red interior. The lifestyle befits the career successes of Terry Reich, born i n 1940 in Los Angeles, ho m ecom ing queen of Orange Coast College. onetime light opera singer who tbt~d to EST and other self-motivations after placing third an the 1968 Mrs. America contest H er hu s band s were b an k e r-investment counselor J ohn Cole. fathe r of he r two daughters. John Whittaker, a radio station account executive, and Michael Peterson , a former football player in the Canadian Football League. In addition to five years of minis terial training in t he nited Chu r ch o f Religious Science in Los Angeles, .. , have done actualization, Burkla nd Rus iness !;chool. transactional analys is . tran sce nd e ntal med itation. Gestalt ... I turn ups ide uown a couple of times a day in my ne w a nli-gravitY. machine. I do wha tever I feel 1ntuit1vely drawn to." s he recounted in a recent inter view. Religious Science teaches that people harm themselves through am pro per thinking. But its glamorous preac her in San Diego disputes the claim by som e t hat its orient ation is selfishness .. , n each of us is the a bility to li ve a full, rich, rewarding life," she s ays. "That's what our min is t r y is a bout -love , compassion and being it all, not missing out in life." Drizzle possible Temperatures Coastal AtlNlny Albuque Cl\ance of m••,vr•ble r•1n 10 Atn11r1Ho oerctnl or IHS lhrou9n Tuud•y Ancnor- HI Lo 1"<11 lO • C.onslOer•e c._lnus Asllevltte Co.st•t I-S2, lnt<lfld SI C.o.Sl•I Allenle 111911 '2, lnl-... W•ter SS All•ntc Ctv Elsew~. \mall <r•lt .Ov1S«y to B•ltimore .-. .. ,. Nicolo hl•nd for ou•IY 81rml1191Wn "°'111Wflt winds tS lo 30 knoh •ii" '" Bivn•rck to •·foot seas Otllerwlu . 119111 Bohe varltble winds tllrou911 tonig ht e~ton HUOI south lo southwest e lo 11 Brown\Vtle knot~ Wute<-ly •-II 2 to J feet Butl•to M1d·mOrl'l•ftQ dri11lf' 1n northern Ch•rhlnSC .,... (.Nrtstn WV ci..venne Us ~k~ . . summary Cln<1nnah Ctew•l•ncl It w•' ••rm •nd r•1ny "" tn.t P•c fl le Nortnwt\t Northern C•llfornl• •nd the 1ntermount•1n rt9lon , w f t h \now In h tQher eltwatlOl\S, LIOfll snow fltll In ll>e H"ern Gr tat Leke s region and tn• northun Aoo•l•clMan~ sno-rs •nd • few thUndertJ-•'S _,.. rOQOrtto from ultern Tuu in1o Loulslen•. and In 1111 F lorlde Kt.,.s. 011\er -lions o4 IM country 11.0 mostly wnny Miits Toele'f'S forecHI <•lls for r•ln or -rs In Ille Peclfk N0<111west. lhe norl!Mrn lnt•rmounllln r~lon •ncl NOrtMrn C.tlfornl• L1911t snow ls predicted In tltt northe rn Grut u ku region •ncl nor1PM'rn M9kw, with r••" from the southern Grut Likes into New E119lancl end,,,.,_" K•tt•red from the central Gulf Cout lo Floride. Ttmpt,.lures .round l.M nation •I mld·d•v Sundev ,....,.., from• 1-of 10 In He.re end Cutbtnk, Mont . to • hlOfl of t1 lft Fon M.,.rs, Fl• Extemled forecast SOUTHE~N CALIFORNIA ANO COASTAL ANO MOUNTAI N AREAS -Verlell>lt cl-lness •ncl lelrty ••r"' .. _ .. vrH OccHlon•llY windy 11'1 -1•1~ Highs In the co.st•I end vettty -••In •-•to low 70•. LOWS mHllY d 10 H . Mountain r--1 llf9M 4S to SS encl lows In lhe 20und JOs COlll'nbu\ Oa ... Ft Wtn O.nvttr Des MOIM\ Detroit O..lulll El P•so FairlNlnll\ Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaotts JKkst1vlle Junuu Kans cnv Lu lleoa• Llttle Rock Louiwitte Memohl• M 1•mf MlhOUllff Mols·SI P NHllvllle NewOrlNM New Yon. NOrf04k Ollta C1ly Om.alWI Orlando PlllladllNt p,_ni. Pittsbur9'1 Ptl-.Me Piiand, Off Reno RlcllmOnd Seit....-. Su ttle St Lo.ii• StP·Ttmpa StSteMttle Sclok•ne TulH Wuhl"Qtn Wlclllta •• 2S n l> 1S ·I SI 17 •• 31 » n 0 ,. flO 11 JI 10 .. 3' 3• 20 12 so lO 21 se • SI 17 SS I() 29 " •l 70 i. u n 11 •l 11 Ml •S ., 2• l1 2• u 10 •• lO • ... 01 3• I• H '3 ,. 71 S? 48 OS ,., 1• n >e 2) s 0 19 •3 .. S• 29 S7 21 CALIFORNIA Awt• Vallt• .. JI 8a1tu·\t1•IO II ~ 8ttr\tOw 11 Buumnnt o2 .. 8•9 B•ar S2 >• B•slloi> flO C•t•h,,. •• SJ Cutvtr Cll• '1 ~ Eu~~• ~ H I II Fresno •I 41 01 Uncultr &S SS Lono St.ten OS ~ LOS Aft9tl._ Ml s• M.trv1.v111e o• se Monrov•• •l ., MonlttM-llo !>I S7 Monte••• t>• se " Mt Wll\Orl II u Neec11es II " N••Porl ~·<" bl S6 Cur•tao f'rHoo<1 Gu1H1•••1.or• Gu-IOUP" HdvAnA l(lngstOll Montego a.., MU•ll•n lwVrlOA Me••<O City MOnlerrev No .... u ~n Juan St Thoma• T~U<lg.lll>o' T rtn1dotd Ver•< ruz C•IQarY Eomonlon Montr~~I o .... .. ( .... ,,. CANADA 116 n II ., .. so n 01 I] H n ,, 11 SI " .. ,, 46 01 10 .. 19 10 .CM ,, 12 u 70 10 .... .. ·l " 1 71 3 S4 19 IS U 37 20 l3 70 1• Oakt•no t>I S1 )) 011••• Reo•,,. Toronto 13 s 71 1 2' 11 SB 27 SI 3' J9 7S SS 7S •1 31 " 25 11 .. 40 21 12 28 •• 21 30 1 SI S4 40 SI 46 OS S3 ,. St 3' OS Sl so .. SI l1 11 41 19 -4 .... °' St " .. 2' • , tt Ont•rio w. " Palm Sorino• /1 s2 Paso Poll••• t>& st R••rr\1<1f •7 •O 01 Vanc.ouvtr W 1nn1Pl"Q .. " 13 1 R•d Bluff S• •• II ----------Redwood C•IY •3 se 7 t i<ocra..-10 •• SI JI Salinn •1 SI Ticks S.n 8•rnar<1lno '1 46 TODAY Slln Gabriel 70 U S.11 Francisco 1• SS S.n Jose .. •7 Stcono llfOI! .3' St<ond IOw .0 •:Uo m 2.7 1:71 om t.J TUUOAY S.nte.... &I SI S.nta BartMre '• S3 Santa Merl• U St S_,,t• Mon1U .S S6 Stock ton &• s • T-Velley O 40 r,..,..,,., ,. so Torr•n<• 61 SS l'AN AMERICAN Acapulco .. n B•rl>MIOs Bermuda Boool• 10 .. .. U CM n n First lllClll 3:31 • m 4.l Finl•-11:2• e.m. 1.0 s .. cond ll•Qh •: 17 0 m. 2.• Secono tow 9 S4 om 1.• Sun sets S J7 om . rl~ r....,...,. •31•m. Moon rh~t TutSOay t 04 •.m . Mis ti .... m. R epay ordered SAN DIEGO (AP> - Tiit Air ouatlly Manaoeme111 ••. -~ • Billy W. Es py, president District or~kl• 9000 •Ir quetlly fO< of Local 127 or the S.11, • .,...,_ in ti. South coa't etr INI'~ '. ••• llilliiiiil•~•~ .. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-!-• D I e go Co u n t y a n d ~.,¥~ AOMO etsltMd Po11u11on Municipal Employees sc-•ni , ... PSI re11,. of ~ '°' U n i o n • h a s b e e n ell re9IC111s: tM San Gell>rlel·~ • • ed d i velltys, "San "•rnando-'4!nt• Clarlle Jn ·a Sentenc lO 20 ays n v•ll•u. Rl-s1c1e-s.n ... ,,.,.,.dlno county jail and ordered trta, h"" -1ew one.ts, Int-h ' ore"" c ... ntv •Ml 111e <oe•tet, lhecll to r e pay $300 to as mttr ilJottu ... ••nnl111 . union. ::i:.•·EI ... , etld ... ._ La~• ~"::Mol'llc• E s p y • 5 8 • w a s AOMO ••lll'llls .,. as follows· !'!~ .. -·~,\ convlcled of grand then ..... ~llO; lll!llNllMUI for Mntltl... ,.. ...._,.._..ft 'J f ' f d f ev•r•-· ...... -IWllMWft, out-· , .. .,.. •ncr ... ..,._, .. ,,-"-owrt benefit dances and union , •• ,, •. t0 t·100; u111\ee 11111u1 ~ o union un s r om ~~---~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ halladvert~ing slgns. / .., ....... ._, ........... ' We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message 'ft'ill be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on a.ny topic. Mailbox contributors must Include • their' name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. . ' Cringe Coast l "LY PILOT/Monday, Fobruery 15, 1982 s Deficits maybe difficult WASHIN GTON (AP > - Republlcans and Democrats who greeted President Reagan's budaet with cries of horror are beginning t o c onced e the diffic ulty of choppina the administration'f r ecord deficit forecuu for 1982 and 1983. Contreas could s p end a rancorous election-year session debating defense spe nding, Social Security reductions and changes In the president's cherished three-year tax cut - only to see deficits that still approach $90 billion or $100 billion. Se ve ral congressiona l aides say their bosses are likely to give up, go home for an election campaign and return afterwards for a nother try at passing a budget. Almost everyone agrees the de ficits are t oo big . House Republican Leader Bob Michel of Illinois said conservatives feel they've been "pole·a xed." The problem m ay be even worse ft e~ub li ca n s a n d Democr ats ahke say Reagan's official deficit forecasts of $98.6 billion in 1982 and $19.5 billion in 1983 a re b ased o n f au lty assumptions a bout the economy. One GO P senator estimates Reagan understated the deficits by $5 billion to $10 billion. De m ocrats say the gap will be even bigger. In addition . t he president's fi gures assume Cong ress will approve S56 billion in s pending cuts and other savings. some of wh ic h a lread y have b een rejected . Without Reagan's proposals. the defi cit would be more than $150 billion next year. "He <Reagan I ca n 't create these ki nds or budget cuts with this type of Con gress."· Sen. Paul Laxalt. R-Nev .. conceded l ast week i n a s p eech in Chicago. .. I find tha t only one-fifth of the .president's p roposals are realisiica lly obtainable from this Congress ... said Sen. Ernest Hollings , D·S.C. S e n . Rud y Bo s c hwit z . R·Minn .. · last week issued his own budget proposal forecasting a $90 billion deficit next year. only $1.5 billion less than the oresident's. But Boschwitz wo uld hold spending growth to 3 pe rcent a year in the future and increase tax collections by the same amount to produee • allth l surplus in 1986, when Reagan forecasts a S66 billion deficit. A variation of Bosc hwitz' plan eventually may prove attractive to m embers of Congress who feel they need lo s how the financial markets and the country that they at least.have a plan for balancing the budget H o l11ng ·s b ig-r e d uct ion proposal to eliminate next July's tax cut and Socia l Security cost-of·living increases for a yea r . defer the 1983 tax cut and freeze the defense budget are t e mptin g . but a pp ea r unattainable. E l imin ating o ne yea r 's cost-of-living increase for Social Securit y wo uld cut the 1983 defic it by $1 5 billion to $1 7 billion. But the proposal seems s o f a r f e t c h e d t h at th e Congressiona l Budget Office didn't even mention it in its book of several hundred pages on budget cutting options. Re a gan <l oesn t wa n t t o cha nge Social Security while a commission studies it and R ep u blicans a r c unlikely to m ake such a move without the pres 1d e nt ·s h elp. 1 ........... ON THE ELLIPSE -1-;,,,.1, 11 .\lm.H'\'ll <tlHI "on .\lark. 2. enjoy a d :I\ ul ""-1111 1.! 1111 tilt· 1-!l'lllllHb t1f th<.· Wush in )!lon :\l onu'nwnt TIH· dil\ 111' \\ illl\'I' run. ~JHl llSll l'l'cl hy thl' '\;at 1on:il 1>:111--~l'l 'll'l' 11wlt11h·tl ,, ""'"'" -.<·ulptun• t onl l'Sl a~ \\ l'll .1-. ('I'll"" 1'1111111 I\ °'"llflt! Maureen campaign splits Reagans M 0 N T J-: R t·: ' I ,, J> 1 Maureen lkagan.., Irish temper fl ares \dn·nl'\l'r ... oml•onc suggest:-:-he 1s riding on her fath er ·-. l'llattall s 1n her cu m p<ugn for t hi.' I· S Sen all'. or that she ma) drop out of tht' race. But those QUl"•ll11n-. corn1· up al{ain and ag,J1n "' th•· tall. forC(•ful 41 .\ car·old rlaughl\'I' of Pres1dt'nt Rl·agan c·n'>s t•roc;sc.., California seck111g supporl f111 the Junt• 8 Rt·puhll<'an pnma1' Todav she IS u rltstanl fourth in poll; of tht· '>i.'' t•n \\a~ ra1 t· led by Re p n a r r \ Goldwater Jr: t.o s ucceed re t irin g Republican U.S Sen S I ll u vaka .... a She. 1s nc•xt to I a s l 1 n fund -ra 1s111 J.! \\ j t h I ll S l llf AGAN S3.438 in thl· h;rnk lor J 1•1 tmary campaign in .,.,h1t·h thr•·t rt\ .11-. have aln·a<h 1 :11-.l·d lwt \.\('l'll • $5()(),()()() and $.I rtlllllllll I ;1c•h llt"r (':tncl1rla t•\ ha'> "Pitt Hlf' Reagan fJmil) I lw 1m·-.1clt•n1 ·-. brother .'.':t•ll 1<1 .. -..!.1n -..I\" h1• C' a n · t l h 1 n I.. " I ,, " 1 '11 I-! I 1· qualifH·at111n hi.., 1111·1 ,. h .1-. to ht· a senal111 .• rnd h1• '' ..,,., \ tr1i.. ..... c:a m p;111.!n 1·0 •·h.111111.111 1111 1111\' of her t'l\,1b. S ,111 lllt'g11 \hl\or Pelc W1b11n "I don I look \\II II I'" 111 on kids riding on llw1r fJlh1·r ' coalla1ls. ~t·1I lfr.1g.1n -.J1d la:-.t month. tmng1ng tht· lamil) "!Jul out in pulJlu: The (lfl's1d\•n1 "J) s ht• ts neutral. t'llJn).! >J l•llll.! pohn of avoid 1 n g (' n d fll 'l' ml' n t.., in contesttod Hepublwan prim.tries. \\h i le ~)<, Rcag.1n " mother. actress .J.111t· \\'\man '" om• of the lar~l'"' C'<111tnh11111r~ 111 her d a u g h l t• 1· · s I 1 n u n c· 1 u I I y -.t rugglan~ campaign A for mer act ress and talk sho1o1. hostess who now heads a company developing export markets for American firms, M !. Reagan is a d y n amic , an1mat<.'<i speaker who stirs up C'rcrnds with campaign speeches n·m 1nascent both in style and l'Ollll'Ot of her father's. ·our goal t is l that by the end of the 1980s. we aren 't going t.o ha' t· a "elf arc program in this t·ounlr~. wl•re going to ha ve a j11h program, .. she says. "We 11<.·<.•d public service jobs for '' 1.:lfart· grants. job training, 111· I\' a t c c n t er p ris e zones . l'' (•rything we . can do to break the cycle or dependency t hat lids government has foisted on the :\mcrican people "T his as our destiny ... and it ma)· be our only chance. This ma' be the last mome nt that the ·\nlL·ncan people are willing to -.,1('nf1c<.·. to build the kind of polilical and economic system ''.: m usl have to s urvive in this decade and the next .. But whale Ms . Re a gan f 11 rC'efully endorses her father's l'<'nnom1 C' and tore1gn policies Jnci ht!> "ne" federalism" plan 111 turn fl'dcral social programs ba l'k to I ht· states and local govcrnml'nts. she is decidedly to hrs left on some social iss ues. She is an outspoken advocate of thl' Equa l Ri g ht s /\mendmcnt. a c ha mpion or abortion rights and a proponent of gun control. putting her at odds with not only her father. but also t he con s ervative lc;;idcrship of the California Hcpubhcan Party She notes s he has been active in Republican politics for 22 ~ C':Hs joinil}g the GOP three vcars before her fathe r s witched regist rati o n fro m the Dl'mocratic t o R e publican purl 1es spirry top-sidcz.r with nzgist<mzd anti-slip aola . a fB.voritR.. fbr eo.iliTIS or s tf0Zt 'Mldr, · ~ glV.dt with CO"dumys arrla bla2tzr or ehOrts and a knit shirt. CID~G7oo·CID~@ 44 fb.shion Island• Newport. Beach•1J416"4·5010 JOOI ~stwood Blud..·~stwood VU1Qee•2J.1/419-7727 .Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, Feburary 15. 1982 · Saivador slayings of civilians soar· SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador (AP> -Eac h side In El Salvador'• civil war blames the ether for the soarln1 civilian death toll, and everybody's elalm• are suspect. But one thln1 la certain -a lot of ,1vlllana are dylna . The naUonal auard says those lt klll• are leftist 1uerrlllas or \heir collaborators, and the rest are murdered by the rebels. The auerrlllas say most or the elvUlan dead a r e Innocent b ysta n der s murd e red l ndiicrlm lnatel y b y th e 1ovem ment 's security forces or rt1ht·wing death squads. O ne apparentl y n e utra l source, a relief agency worker who travels to refugee camps throughout the country, said the 1uerrillas are more selective in their killing. ''They know w h o t heir enem ies are," he said. "The army often isn't sure." Last month, President Reagan certified to the U.S. Congress that President Jose Napoleon Duarte's junta was improving the government's huma n rights record. The certification was required .t>Y law to clear the way -Jor $55 million in military and economic aid to the junta. Critics dis puted the State Depar tme nt 's c l a im t h a t violence in El Salvador is on a downward trend. Re p. Gerry Studds, D·Mass ., s aid the administration was trying to "shrug awa y " reports of murders and other atrocities by tbe junta's troops . The U.S. branch of Amnesty International said "the pattern or a bduction, torture and murder " in El Salvador is unchanged. As members of Congress de bated the administration's plans to increase s upport for the junta, it for the first t ime officially charged a group or its soldier s with som e of the estimated 32,000 civilian deaths since the October 1979 coup launched the current warfare. But the dead were Americans, not Salvadorans. A sergeant, a corporal and four privates were brought in handcuffs before a judge in the small town of Zacatecoluca and charged with the murder 14 months ago of four American women, R o m a n Ca tho lic missionaries. Duarte gave a detailed account of the killing in a televised speech, but the judge 1111 llllYlll said it could be three months before he decides whether the evide nce was s urrlclent to warrant a trial. The death toll figures In the brutal conflict, where bodies are l eft on the road s ide · or In clandestine cemeteries , are as muc h In dis pute as who Is responsible for the killing. The State Department said the U.S. Embassy reported 6,116 violent deaths in El Salvador last year. The repo rt noted , however, that some church sources suggest the death toll might be twice as high. Monsignor Arturo Rivera y Damas, the lead e r of the hierarchy, said earlie r that 11 , 723 civilians were killed In the first 11 months of 1981 , and most of them were non-com batant peasants. T h e El Salvad or Human Rights Commission. which reties on guerrilla accounts as well, as the loca l press and personal t estimo ny, recorde d 16,276 violerlt .civilian deaths last year. The U.S. Embassy says its count was based on newspaper reports only. The governmen t issues no civilian casualty figures. The national guard has said it had 2, 100 casualties last year, including 350 killed in the first six months. It gave no total for its dead in the las t half of the year. Recent reports or two alleged m assac res demons trate the information war accompanying the killing. Last month. the guerrillas took American correspondents to visit the northern hamlet of El Mozote. They filed reports that the army had killed at least 733 civil i ans t h ere i n a n anti .guerrilla s weep i n December. The U.S. Em bassy disputed t he reports. s aying its own i n vestigation ha d found no evidence or system atic killing and that no more than 300 people had lived in El Mozote. Duarte complained he was losing "a pr opagan da war " in · the American press. L ast week. the Def ense Mi nistry said guerril las murdered at least 150 civilians ·in another northern town, Nieva Tr inidad. • FIRST HOOKUP T\\O Crnted Stall'!'> Air Dore(• McOonnl'll Dou~las KC·IOS join up for the f1r~t time in aerial l'<.•fueling tes t missions over Southern California A total of l3 ('ontart-. ,.~ ....... 1 hookup~1 were made. with l'<H:h of the huge tanke rs lrunsfrrnn~ fuel to thl• Olht.•r a1rtrall Nuclear pane l's safety goal critiC<i~ed WASHINGTON <AP) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has proposed a safety goal for the nation 's nuc lear power plant s th a t o n e N R C co mmi ss io n e r c r iticized because he said it accepts 13 ,000 deaths during the next 30 to 40 years. But three other NRC members said the fatality fi gure cited by com missioner Peter Bradford was misleading. Thl' t'Urllrovt•rsv arnst• a!'> th1· ~Ill' rnack publ1<: the drnrt of l.I prulJOM'<J :-.art•ty goal ordered hy a prc:-.1dt·11lrn I corn m 1ss 1un in the \\akl' of Thr<•P Mil l· Island , Uw 1979 at.•«1dcnl that wu:-. the wor:-.t 1r1 tht· history of Lhc nation's l'OmmcrC'ial 11owcr plant~ It 1i, the first t1mt• 'wt• vc ever tried to define ho" saft• 1s safe." -.aid Dr Forn•:-.l Hl•mal'k. head or tht' '1R« off1<"t· of policy l'\ aluat11111 :0-.111h·;,ath'> havt· t•vcr lwc·n a1trib11t1·d to u commercial nuc·ll'ar pow<.'r pl1:1nt accident Tht.· propo:-.al dot·s not use the rq~u1 t· of 1:1.000 acce ptable 1kalhs. nnr docs it detail how th;1l numb<:r waij arrived at. Bra dford . 1n com m en t s attadw<I to th<.' proposal, said it ·c·nnta1ns an 1mplic1t maximum thco re t1t·al acceptable c·onscqucncc from nuclear powc1 plant accidents of some 13.000 deaths over the life of the 150 plants . li e said at was ··a s a d mistake" for that number not to be included in the draft, though he cautioned that "one must approach this calculation warily for several reasons.'' Nun zio Palla dino, N RC chairman, and NRC members John Ah earne and Thomas Roberts all said Bradford's comment was "misleading." School childre n unable to afford lunch DENVER <A P > -Three million children throughout the country most of them from lower· and mod erate·income families have stopped buying school lunches because federal food subsidies have been cut. a ccording lo a study by a school·food industry group. Schools have increased their p r i ces a nd tightene d th e eligibility requirem ents for free a nd reduced ·price lunches be c au se o f R eagan administration budget cuts that went into effect in September. The study by l>an Wisotzkey, c hairman of the Amcracan School Food St•rv1ces Assoc1atum, showed that 1,100 s t• h o o I s w 1 t h a t o t a I t•nrollml'llt or :un,ooo have !>l oppe d offp r1n ~ lunrhcs hl'l'aUM' of redllC'<'d fodcrnl food :-.11bs1d1es Tht• Dl'nvca· hast•d assocwtion 1s an in<lu:-.tr) lobbying group of :.1dmin1strators of'f(lod s<'rv1ce programs or thl· :1 million d11ldren who ha\'t.' ... toppt.>d huy1ng lunches, nearly 630.000 arc from families presents with incomes between $10,000 and $15.UOO a year. the study :-.aid . and most of the others arc from families with incomes just slightl~ ovt.·r SJ5.000 Students' parl'nt:-. report their earnings on. their applications for the school lunch program. Thl· l; S Department of Agriculturl' r.eports t hat an a \'CragC' of 2fi 4 million children r eceived lunches under the National Sch<XJI Lunch Program in the first quarter of 1981. Hcscarchers don't know why ea ch ()( the remaining children dropped out o r the lunch programs. But Wisotzkey said that most were unable to afford the a vcragc price of $5 a week for school lunches S tud ies b y th e U .S . Dep artment of Agric ulture confirmed the findings, said USDA s pokesman Geor ge Braley in Washin1?ton. "Some children are not eating they· re spending their lunch period on the school playground ins tead or the cafeteria," Wisotzke...:y:..._.s_a_id_. ______ _ lONITE 10:00 p.m. LIVE FROM .THE ,. J ... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 15. 1982 s River compr omise r e ache d • • Rafter s, water project proponents in agreement • BACK FIRE ~khsa Camphdl. -L a nd hl•r falhl•r. .Jack Campbl•ll. don't IN lhl·ir spir its J.(l'l dampt•nt•<I h.'· urwxpt•clc:'<I spra.'· . Al'Wi...,.... "h1lc launC'hing a to~ rorkt•t at En.•rgn•t•n Park in ('~'lfft•ss City sells museum, leases it SACRAMENTO <AP > - R a tters and water project propoaenta have reached what a n auemblyman calla a "compro mise of historic lmportance" on the use of water l n t h e aouth fork of the American River. Aaaembl ymen N o rfT\an · Waters, D·Plymouth. a nd Howard Berman , D ·Los Anplea, sald that ul)der the a1reement water wlll not be dl verted from the river for power produ ctio n a nd consumption uses on weekends and holidays between April 15 and J une 30, when rafters use a 15·mile stretch of the river. That prohibition will not apply in dry years. however. ·It'· ; ... THE DRL'S "'--·MIATING ...., .... efH••lf"t St l•r ''If\\· 'i•t.-t(• ,..., ... .,,.,,, ,., 'fl)U, 00f'lt !(:i6H ~teitf' ~.,~I"°"" Au•;t1 coau waa641·1289 ... ..__ MIHIOH viuo495·0401 1_,c.-c._.,.. II .. °'"91> ''l' .i A••rt '••r I ., Wate r s. wh o c alled the agreement u "compromise <>f historic Importance." said that stretch ot rtver Is the second most heuvlly used white-water area In the country. three limes as hei.vlly used as lho Grund Canyon of the Colorado. Waters said the compromise will allow construction to start on the South Fork American River SOf'AR Project in about six months. foc1llt1cs and returned to the Soulh Jo'ork. The project will de velop 470 m illion kilowalt. houre. or electricity per yea~ almost ru. much as the prol)06e4 Aubum Dam ; and provide 30,00fi1 acre fl-c l of water for lh4' Pl accrvill • area. :i The com promise also includefll a d ea l wit h r esidents or Georgetown , who had filed fofJ water rights on the lower SoulHi i''ork. >. The prOJect will divert water Under the compromise, ther~ from several South Fork will ht.• u 2Cl-year moratorium o._, tributaries into lunncls lo a new development of the lower river:. larger reservoir in the canyon to exct>pl thut Georgetown wit~ the south. havt' <'ertain exclu sive rights t(), The water will then be look ut the development of this dropped through hydroelectric '\lretch '4 The Change Starts When You Do... '- The Time To Start Is Now... · ~ The Place Is "Powers"! Cha~ It All! : ~"'d'"'.t .,. "''Otove f"4t ••v ~ '"' • ~(:t'>f •""" •~ J lo ot~•s Wft • m.ii.i.t Intl ~ t' Jt' E;., •~fvn ewt'f'IP't"W•e y()ufOf oPl>Otl~""· A I I , ..... ~ ta 'l)lf<l 10 "l(lOI 498 ~ll(j "ffC!I IN ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY, ORANGE John RObertPowers ~t - -~ll o~ C0"4E IN TOO ... Y ______ 1e SENIOR CITIZENS $1.00 Hearing Test~ Set For Newport Beach F.LECTHO~I(' H F.ARI ~G 'f.ESTS will ht> g i\'t>n at ~ewport Bt>a<'h Hearing Aid <.'<•nl t>r Mon., Feb. 15, Tues., Fe b. 16 , Wed., Fe b. 17 ~ :\.)1. to 5 l'.'.\1 . ... , .. ., .. , .~ 1; OAKLAND <APJ The city of Oakland has sold its museum and leased it back in a move that netted it $22 million and cr eated a tax s helter for the buyer. museum. the city signe~ a JO-year lease for the building. The buyer, Oakart Associates Ltd .. is a partnership of wealthy individuals that a ppa r ently plans to use the building's depreciation as a tax writeoff under provisions of the 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act. over the next fi ve years. The city. meanwhile. has used the promissory note to sell more than $20 million in bonds. Hearing tes ts will be conducted by a Hea ring Aid Sp<-e1alist . who is licensed by the California State Board of Medical Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispen sC'r ,,~ ;. ... .?. Oakland o Hic ia ls used a transaction called "leveraged leasing " to ra ise money for acquisitions and the restoration of the Oakland Municipal Auditorium without giving up control of the museum or its artifacts . After selling the Oakart put up $1.l million for the museum and gave the city a promissory note for the rest or the money. Oakart will pay an additional $5 million to the city The city has the option to buy back the museum after 30 years but has fi rst right of refusal s hould Oakart want to sell it before then. Oakart may want to sell the museum when it has outlived its usefulness as a tax shelter in 15 years, according to John Flores, assistant to the city man ager . Vote driv e for Hispanics set SACRAMENTO <AP > -Hispanic groups and the s tate Senate 's Democratic leader ar e launching a campaign to wake up California's political "sleeping giant" -900,000 unregistered Hispanic voters. The drive is designed to "maximize.the Power base of the Chicano community" by registering at least 100,000 persons immediately and encouraging more His panics to vote, Armando Navarro. director of .. Project Vote." said at a news conference last week. Navarro said His panics now make up 20 percent of California's population and. with half their numbe r under age 21, will double that percentage in a decade. Navarro sat alongside Senate Presid ent Pro T ern DavAd Roberti. D-Los Angeles . who sponsored {he state Senate reapportionment plan that Navarro fought bitterly as executive director of Califomios for Fair Representation. The Californios group. which Democratic leaders claimed was a front for. Republicans. contended the Senate plan would hurt Hispanics' chances .to increase their number in the Senate while protecting Anglo Democrats Thal issue is now in federal court Though the registration effort is nonpartisan. he said, "almost 90 percent of all His panics, when they register in Cali fornia, register as Democrats. There is no better pool of registered voters." He also said Senate Democratic leaders are "committed to the election of a His panic" in an open Senate district in Orange County. Navarro said the registration campaign is planning for a $332,000 budget. The voting rate am on g Hispanics has historically been low. but some ballot issues this year have the potential for stirring up interest in the Hispanic community. They include a heated Democratic Senate primary in East Los Angeles between Sen. Alex Garcia and Assemblyman Art Tor res, t he November confirmation campaign of Supr~me Court Justice Cruz Reynoso. and the possible campaign for governor of former Health and Welfare Secretary Mario Obledo. I( 'If you don't want to drink - That's our business COSTA MESA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Call 642-2734 Alcoholism Recove,.Y Services · 301 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ~pproved for Medkare I • Sales and Special Purchases in - the Men's Store ... During Our Presidential Birthda y Event! •Shown: the wool serie navy blazer-a special purchase at 149.90 each. Fully lined, with two buttons, center vent, straight flap pockets. For regulars, shorts, longs. • Also: three-piece suits-specially priced at 12"19 each. Wool and polyester. • And pure wool gabardine slacks-a special purchase at 55. 90. Belt loops and quarter-top pockets. Wa ist sizes 30 to 40. • Cotton khaki chinos, regularly 135, now 124. • Windbreakers, regularly 47.50; now 34.90. Tan, grey, blade, wine, blueberry cotton and nylon. S to XL. • Velours kimonos-regularly '55; now 39.90. Navy, light blue, camel, red, green or wine, of er triacetate and nylon. • In the Men's Store- where we are all the things you are. Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding is Wf'lcome to a test emploiying the latest electronic equipment which will determine his or her particular lt1s!>. You will see a modern hearing aid so tiny it fi ts tot ally within the ear NF:WPOHT BEAC'll llEAHl:\G Al l> C E:\TEH moo West Coast lligh"a~· :\('\\port Hrach 6..J6-H266 CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO AVOID WAITING -South (Oist Plaza, JJJJ Bristol St~ Cos ta Mf!w.C~ Mond.iy through Friday from 10 am to 9-_1<1 pm; 'i.>turd.1y '111 b pm. \1mday 11 noon to S pm. ·~. 'l "'"· ·" ·~ . •' 1; '· .. . Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT/Monday, February 15, 1982 Election calendar designed to baffle Everyone s hould have som e s ympathy, particularly this year. ror t he people who sta ff the l candidates' filing desk a t the Orange County Regis t rar o f Voters office in Santa Ana. and I the candidates t he mselves. J One look at the .. e lectio n I calendar" the listing of d ates by which candidates must take c,e rtam actio ns to comply with state e lection laws a lmost is enough to c hill a nyone ·s political as pir ations . Some d a t es appl ~· to t hose seeking j udicia l o r legisla tive posts. s uch as positions in the state Assembly or Senate . Ot he r d a t e s a p p 1 ~· t o t h o s e i n I nonpa rtisan r ace's. s uch as thos4:' 1 for seats on the count~' Boa rd or 1Sup e r vi so r s In th e I j u d i c i a I I e g i s I a t i v~ races . a t pote ntial candidate m us t declare : his intentio n to run for office '!before actuall~· filing nominatio n papers a nd dec l a rin g hi s :candidacy. This is not t he case. !howe ver . .fo r candid a t es i n I nonpa rtisan ra~es . This year . a confusing set of c irc ums t a nces was made even m ore b a ffling b y litigatio n in vo l v in g pl a n s for r ea ppo rtio ning' the s t a t e 's A sse m b l y . Se n ate a nd co n g r ess i o n a l di s tri c t s . Candidates for legislative a nd congressional seats couldn't pick up certain petitions as in the past because the state Suprem e Court ha dn't acted on whether the new dist ricts would be used in June prima ry elections. Alas. it wa s learned J an . 28 . they will be. Severa l other dates had to be changed because of the judicja l int e r ve n tio n . i nt o th e reapportionme nt issue . None of this is the fa ult of t he local. e lection officials or the c andidates . As often is the <:a se . most of the confusion .was dealt upon us b~· the lawm a ker s in S a cramento ,·ou know. the peo ple we elect a nd then pay to k eep governm e nt o perating smoothl~· !Work force solution I I 1 The Reagan adm inistration !p la n to furlo ug h certain fed eral !worke rs during the re m ainde r of it he fiscal year on ba la nce doe~ !seem to ha ve .some m erit • Details of the p lan are bein g tcompleted. but it was a nnounced !tha t certain emplovees will ht> !asked to take up to i2 m a ndatory lurloug h d ays without pa~· ~beginning in April. With the ba llooning gro"1h of he feder a l governme nt the pa st r our decad es. We suspect that WC' P.' ay not be the firs t to suggest ~hat t he a b sen ce of th cs<.· ~mployees probu bly won't e vt•n lbe not iced . f Still. the mo\'e ts bound to :result in som e• fi nancial saving~ :to a n alread~· ovcrswollen fed eral lfe ficit. : And. surpris ingl~-. the initial l·e action o f som e o f th e ~mployees a ffect e d h as be<.'n mor e or less pos itive They fel'I that having a job ·Wtth periodic tur loughs is bcttc•r thun no job al \i II. ' In addition. it appe<Jrs that ~om<.• of the C'hil'fs will l>e on the" \ lis t. too. In m a ny cases. the wOTkers arl' laid off while t hl· c hiefs sta,· and continue to d ra\\ their big pay .. In this c·ase . it seems that som e o fficials of t h e Federal Aviatio n Adminis tratio n 1 not towe r con~rollers 1. the OffiC'c o f P e r sonnel "Managem e nt a nd thl' Cens us Bureau m a k ing m or<.• than $40.000 a year will be getting the furlough slips too. If t h e p lan works. other fede ra l agencies may be added to t he number o f partic ipants . And there's no reason wh\' the idea has to stop there: State a nd local gov~rnments and even pri\'ale indus try could consid<.·r it. The auto industr\', for one . com es to mind. · Comme nte d one official who s tands to lose more than Sl.800 b" the furloughs : ··w e don·t like it. But we 'll accept it if that ·s what it takes to get t he preside nt's progra m s going .·· ='lot an enthus ias tic rea ction . but. in t hese troubled times. a realistiC' nnl' ~ heartless policy ' ; Sam uel Willett 1sn·1 a kid b n ym o re . He's 26 years old . i Whe n h e was adopted b\ b avid a nd Ruth Willett in hi·s 'al ive L iberia 10 ~·cars ago. owever . Sam was a teen·ager in is for mative ,·cars. Sam was· an orphan . being aised in his vill age by a cousin e came to work as a housebov or the Willetts. who were ser ving s tint with the Peace Corps in ibe ria . T he couple. who now li ve in a n Juan Capistrano . fell in love ith l he soft-s po ke n boy who leaned their house and played ith the couple 's three childre n. T hey adopted S a m . and four ear s later starte d m a king pl uns o return to the U.S. I The re were pro ble m s a nd t he t a mily cam e back to America. leaving Sam behind until the\' could work something out. · • It took two ,·ears. but Sam <Jrrivcd in t he l 'nite d States late in 1980 on a ~tud<.•nt \'Isa. Th<.' House Subcommittee on I mmi grati o n o r dere d him de ported to Liberia J ul~· 5. but t h e effor(s o f R ep. Ro be rt B a d h a m h ave resulted in a hearing on the individ ual case before that. The de porta tion was based on a d ecade s-old provision in the fe d era l I mmigra t ion and Naturalization Ac t t ha t sa,·s Sam . at 16. was too old to be cons idered an a dopted child. The s ubcommittee s hould m a ke an exception in the Willett case. Sam has li ved with the fam il\' for near!\· 10 vears a nd is an integral part or their life . To send him back to Liberia. with no possibility of returning. would not only be unfair. but incredibly crue l. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily 'Pilot. Other views ex- pressid on tnis page' are' those of thei r authors arid artists. Reader comment is lnvit-' d. Address The Dally Pi lot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714 ) 42-021. • M. Boyd/ Bible eater Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II was ought to be a bit daft, because hen ill, be ate p11es ol the Bible. It'• aid he ate the entire Book of Klnp, n fact, just before he died in 1913. m, be bad a certain leadenblp uaUty. Menellk II wu the fellow ho reunited the Ethiopian empire llhin lta modem borders after ita everal centuries of dlvl11on in Uttle ln1doms. Also, Menellk II, you may all, WU the man wbo IO m1ICb ked electric chain that he boulht hree even befor e E_thiopia bad leetrtclt)'. moat chickens have ORANGE COAST'. D1i'1Pilai A. You must have heard about the Can ad ian ·report that claims 70 percent of the cbJckens develop arteriosclerosis in the heart. If true, little matter. Most chickens aren't permitted to Jive lon1 enou1h to warrant treatment. Some scalp specialists clalm any effective mouthwash alao makes a good anti-dandruff lotion. Q .. Where'd the first 1ucar cane come from? A. New Guinea, It's believed. From there to India. Then westward. Both the words "su1ar" and "candy" come from langua1e1 of Jndta. Thomas P. H•l•Y Publisher Tllemn A. Mllrpltlne Editor B•rtNra Krtlblch Edltorlat Pate Editor Civil defense plan fallacies Can you picture the confusion which wo uld be c r eat e d if 20 m illio n Californians suddenly fled from their schools, their jobs and their homes in a m ad dash for the hills? Not even Milton, who conceived Pande monium in Pa radise Lost , had an imagination vivid enough to describe s uch a scene. Yet this is the essence of the •·new" civil defense plan adopted by President Reagan which could cost up to $10 billion in the next five years. Much of the money would be pumped into buil di n g and s t oc kpil i n g "a nti-radiation" s he lters in "safe " are a s outs ide of the m etropolitan "target" zones. IF THE PRESIDENT, a Californian. didn't realize the Impracticality of such a plan his Secretary of Defense. Cas par We inbe rger, s hould hav• quic kly pointed out the fallacies in the thinking that evacuation would avoid disaster in the event of a nuclear attack. For Weinberger is a San Franciscan who knows well the traffic congestion which occurs daily in his city as more than 100,000 commuters exit from their work over the two bridges and one highway which provide egress. During the peak hours of 4 to 6 p.m. more than 25,000 jam the Golden Gate Bridie while 50,000 stand bumper to bumper ttOSSink the Bay Bridge and more than 30,000 move slowly down the Peninsula on the Bayshore highway. Th'°se ar~ people who are properly prepared for their trips and know exactly where they are going and what routes to follow. But Lr suddenly some morning along about 11 o'clock the whole city was told to evacuate it would be utter chaos as· som e 750,000 residents and per haps another 50.000 tourists s welled the normal peak in a wild panic to escape. These would b e people tot ally unprepared for s uch an event and with only the vaguest notions as lo where they would be going. Tens of t housands wo u l d b e w ith o ut the ir o wn ; . IARL WATIRS transportation. Tens of thousands more would not have their cars tanked for s uch a trip. Weinberger knows what happens on the bridge when just one car runs out of gas. T he problems in evacuating San Francisco are not much greater than those of the state's other major urban centers. Lying along the coast their onl y di r ect ion must be east. For Los An geles. San Diego and most other places there are only four or fi ve main routes to the hinterlands. And even if by some magk the population could be evacuated, where would they go and what would they do for housing. food and medical care when they got there'? Weinberger knows well the absurdity of the plan for it isn't new at all. He was a member of the OallfornJa Legislature when the state Senate, after long and careful study, issued a re port acidly critical of a similar plan proposed by federal Civil Defe nse back in the fifties. Jn fact it was the California Senate which from the start of the postwar civil defense programs kept some semblance of rationality in such programs as far as this state was con cerned a nd lempcred the thin ki ng of fed eral planners. fo'or. under the supervision of Sen. George Hatfie ld , the Senate created and maintained a watchdog committee over California civil defense programs. REJECTING CD'S initial plans for bomb shelters in everyone's backyard it pointed out such a plan was both economically unfeasible a nd materially 1mposs1ble an a s t a t e which was s training its resources lo build homes and schools and roadways for its ra pidly expand ing po pulation. It concluded that instead of civil defense planning the hest policy would be lo devot e st s e ffort s t o di s a s ter preparedness. This. the committee said, would enable the state to do that which was possible lo meet any unexpected disaster, natural or manmade. T he same committee reacted strongly to the federal agency when, in the mid-fifties. st switched lo the evacuation ideas. Finding their notions about quick evacuations unacceptable to the states, they turned to planning to relocating key industries away from the target zones. This plan went down the drain whe n it finall y dawned upon the planners th<il all they would be doing is creating new target areas . Today's increased population and hous ing shor tages make such plans even less acceptable . If George Was hington ·s theory for Ame rican defense stall holds. tbat security lies in a strong military, President Reagan is right in insisting in a m ilitary buildup if that is needed. But Americans will ne ver wm a war by running away and burying themselves in the ground. The on ly way to avoid a nuclear disaster is to make sure it won't happen. Why doesn't Congress level with us? In the middle of the mght on Dec. 16, 1981 . too late to go out a nd buy something really nice like a battleship, Congress voted itself a little Christmas gift. For JO years there had ~n a $3,000 limit on what membe rs of Congress could deduct for living expenses while they were'in Washington. T hal night Congress passed a new bill that means most congressmen won't be paying any laxes at all because they'll be able to deduct j ust about every penny they s pend in Washington. I WISH I belonged to some group like that. I 'd love to vote on my own salary and decide on my own lax deductions. That's what I'd call good working conditions. Congress has a lways been very re luc t a nt to vole itse lf a s a lary increase, but it always makes il up lo Itself in other ways. Beginning with their 1981 taxes , congre ssmen can handle their deductions. one or ttlree ways. l . They can take a tax deduction or $75 for every day of the year, including weekends, except when Congress is recessed for more than Tive days. That doesn't happen often. For 1981. they'll be able to take the $75 for 241 days. That's a deduction of $18.075 right there. That's a nice way to start filling out your tax return 2. They can take a ded uction of $50 a day and in addition they can deduct all Inte r est and tax payments on the mort gages of their Washi ngton homes. 3. Or members of Congress can I~'' -.1-DY-RO-ON-IY _ __.~ de duct a ll their Was hington living expenses that have anything to do with t heir being congressmen. They can deduct meals. rent, insurance, furniture and taxis. If they send a shirt lo the laundry or take a dress to the cleaners. they can deduct that as a business expense. Sen. Willia m Proxmire of Wisconsin has endeared himself to other members of Congress again by complaining that the bill is a ripoff for the average taxpayer . Arts sho old share profits C01ttrory ()pinion$: . -In a rational society, such pc>pu.lar works of 'entertainme nt aa novels , musicals and so on, which eam beyond a certain amount, would be assessed a min 111111 percent11e of profits, the funds going to support the 11erlous arts , In museums, dramatic groups and other non·proflt ventures. -One o r the moa t dangerous dtvtsiona we can make ln our Dves 11 to reaard "lhlnldn1" and "fe.Un1"' as opposites, to fall to 'reeolni&e that they are wholly interwoveni' that we think wlt.h our feelings and feel wlth our minds as much as the otb'r way around. -Incompetent phyalcians (and surgeons) seem '° do just as well as their more competent colleagues. both in terms of numbers of patients and size of in come ; it is apparen~Jy not what he does, but what the patient perceives, that inspires confidence -which Is not too far removed from the spell cast by the witch doctor. -ll seems historically inevitable that the leaders of a new cause represent both the best and t he worst of the cause : those who have joined for the worthiest and leaat selllsh mottves, and th ose who attach themselves for reasons ol rage and resentment and the exercise of power for its own sake. -In 1800, the per capita income in developed countrin was thrw times -that of underdeveloped countries; in· 1914, lt waa seven limes 1r11ter; currently, the cltlaen of • developed ~allon haa 12 times the income of a person in an underdeveloped one -and we expect to hall t.he sprHd of revo1utlons b)' rhetoric 1bout "freedom.'' Sen Tt·d Stevens of Alaska. on the other hand. is for the bill because he tried to gel a salary raise for Congress and at failed 1 met Sen. Stevens at a di nner several years ago. He said he liked my writing. so naturally I like his ideas. The least I ean do in exchange for his kind words is to fi gure out a way to support him on this. First. you have to remember that Sen. Stevens tried lo do it the right way. He tried to get members of Congress an honest raise If the me mbers hadn't been chicken, they'd have given it to thems<'lves. They deserve it and they ought to have had the nerve to say so and vote for their raise. A CONGRESSMAN now m a kes $60,662 50 a year . It's not a s mall s a la r y, but whe n you look al the astronomical amounts of money being paM:I baseball players, doctors. lawyers, corporate cxecuti ves and people who do little pieces on tele vi sion. it's sadly little. Congressmen.are important, even if some of them are idiots. Reggie J ackson's going to be paid at least $700,000 a year. Is he worth more th a n 1 1 t i m es a s mu c h a s a congressman? Rawleigh Warner Jr. or the Mobil Corp. made $4.3 million in 1980. Is he worth 70 times as much as a congressman? Jackie Sherrill, .the football coach of Texas A&M, is going to be paid $287,000 a year . Wouldn't you just know, though, that Congress would find a way lo do the r ight thing the wrong way? Why does il try to neak around us? Does it think we won't noU ce? Why doesn't it do what it ought. to do, vote itself a 1ood, big, healthy raise and then pay taxes just the way the rest of us do? Why do publlcatlom run a pletun of the writer wtth an artkl•T SomeUllMI It's best not to know what they look Hke. DISCOURAOSD .-Miii-:... ~ -. .. , ..... CIHMUl'aANGIL.I ''MCICN .... llri' Angela'' I .,.. wtft9 lttADOW TMm&ISdONI • HAWAII llWMI "The OdO-Lot Caper" l••r81MPORT ••llUCMFT a. .... AllC..wa .c .... MCME * • • 'h "BrNk1t Morant" (1MO) Edward Wood'#atd, Jade Thomplon. Austr~ -QOnlCtlpled to fight on England'• lldl In the Boar Ww decldl to light the Boer guen•u on their own trerma. 'PG' l:IO. WILCOME BACK. KOTTIR • ICCET NiweeEAT: CAUflOIMA ~ AEPOllff Guaatt: U.S. Sanalor Alan Ct-ton and a LA Tltnet '9PC>f1•. ...... IMPORT Cl>QJIE#I Ill MNEY MLUA CB> WHAT ON IART'H? Of'IOfl • Wlllla tallll an enter1alnlng IOOll at man lfld "" WOtld. 1• 1 c:ee NEW8 .CNIWI HAPf'Y DAYS AGAIN Rldlil, Pot• and RWpfl go Into mus baby·tllUng to rllll money lor 11c11111 Ito a ~=game. YOU A8KID FOA IT M"A"ft"H Chatfea' french horn ptK• tlclng ~'-Hawlleye and B.J. to go on t blth atrllle. I ..roe<sr8 WILD ~EASY 00S11f·EtlHm" GuHll. 4-and Glotla St-art. (RIO • DD<CAVl'TT au.1: J-MacGregor Burn a. Cl) TIC TN; DOUOH l1I INTERTA.NmfT TOMGHT An Interview with Sytveater Stallone. al THE MUPtlETS Gu.t: Rita Motano (C)MOVll I I I "The P-O'd It Courag•" ( 11163) Dirk Bogardl, Marla PlflChy. A World War II Brllllh otllcar. Chari.. Coward, repealed· 1y outwltt Iha Mula whO .....,.. lo hOld him 11 a .,., pt'-'er. (HJ llOXING 00World Wellerwe1g111 Championship" Bruce finch vs. S119" Rey Leon· ard In 1 IMI. ts.round bot.It lrom Centennial Coll-.m In Reno. Nevada. CD}MOVll •• 'h "Snowball bpt .... (11172) Oean Jonae .• Nancy Olaon. A New Yotll eccountant tra\1111 _, to the Rodllll In In attempt to modlrrMn the dllapldal· ed lid raeort he Wlerlled. 'G' (%)MOYE • ** "Stavlaky" (111721 Jean-Paul Belmondo, CMrlll Boyar A charming con ma.n rnanagea lo Involve membl<a ol some ol Ftanoe"a moat ••clullv• LEARNING PENMANSHIP fo~tt\' Gor don. who taugh t penmans hip ti1 Johnny Carson in e lementary school. looks at his writing toda~· in .. Johnn~· Goes Home." a 9()-minute special on at 9:30 tonight on KNBC 14 >. See rcluted story on A8. aoc:lll cl<clll In • -Ill ol ~and bid ..... 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN FNtured: an axplortllon 01 ex«cisrn In Slit, Colorldo: an lntidl view ol lhl rod< QfOU.P, Journey l alFAMILYF£UO LAVERNE & 8HIALEY &COMPANY While lry1ng lo meet Troy Donahue on a movie 111. the gil'lt .,. mlstallan for atunl worT*>. 8 EYE ONL.A. fealurad· a report on woman whO ride IOUped· I.IP molO'cyclel. 8 Visit 10 I therapy M$11on: t too« at tlilvtalon commarclal1: 1 tour of Rodeo 0.1.e • CELaNTY IUU.an • M•A•&•H While an antertliM< doll I lhOw from 1n lm~ovlled 11age In lhe compound, the comedy 8'\d drama of the doc1ort' livea go on. I TIC T At; DOUGH MACHEll / L.EHAEA REPORT Ci)GMAT P£AFOAMAHCE.8 ··Brldelhlad Revlllted: A Blow Upon A Brul11" Setlaltlan, u!ling Chtttes01 money IO buy ilk:ohol. drunkenly di1rup11 Iha Marehmaln°1 New y_.·, Clllbf'allon. (Part 5) 0 Cl> P.M. MA4AZM 0 YOU AlkED FOA IT (I) LAfF.A.. THON MIO 8 Cl) MR. MENJH D al LITTLE HOUSE ON ntEPfWAIE Almanzo ,s lett paralyzed alter being llllld by • llrolle while trying to get In hit crops during t hall· ltotm. (Part 1)0 • MOYIE I * "Macon Coullty Uni" f 11174) JeaM ano Alan Vint, Max Baar. A county Sheriff ....,., revenge on two "°""" 1'.-S lor the dleth of hi• wife . 8 9 THAT'S INCMDel.E fMlured: JoM Dlvfdton llr~ to a revolving doOf wllill hllchelt are thrown at him; SlamlM """11 thll -• auccasslul- 1)' separated. fJ COUEOE loAIKET'ML1. "P•c 10 · Arlzon• ~u1te "' Southern C•lllornl• • P.M. MAGAZINE A blhlnd·t .... aoanes looll et balebtll'a moal charfta. bll playet. Ron cay of the Dodgett; a German wom- an wf'IO travelled to Kansas to find tn A,,,...lc&n hut· bind: Marla Shriver on the Ml of "Gr-II", Chll Tell mall• atrudll dough • IOUOGOLD "Countdown '8 t" HOit: Al'<dy Otbb. Collos1; Mef1, lyn Mc:Coo. G11Mta; Kirn CarMt, Ollvl1 Newton· John, HaN & Oetea. Air Supply, Debbie Harry. ~ Euton, Joey Scar· bury, Rick Sprln9lilld, Smolley Roblnton. Thi Rolling St-. Julee Mew· ton, Jamel Tl)'lor, J.O. Souther. Eddie Rabbitt. the Utile River Band, Kool 'the Gang. • .OMAT PEJIFOAMAHCE8 "Bridllheed Aevlalted: A Blow Upon A BrulM" (I) NATIONAl NW.I CW THE 1911 91G L»F OF:r Thi bell ,_ comldilnt ,,. llatuted • thl region- al winner• of the 81g Lan , Off compel• tgalnat -another DMOVll • • • * "'Resurrection" (11180) Ellan Buratyn, Sam Shapero AHlt I Mar ..... llJIO acclOlnl, I woman linda thal .ne ha• the ablll- l'f to Mal others but " pet• MCUted ~ of hit refulll to c:Wm a divine lnllutncl. 'PG' 8:30 8 (I) ....VAT£ ....,..... • ALL .. THE FAMILY When Archie la mugged, hi end• Uf> on trill I« hlv· Ing an illegel welC>Ofl In hit po11111lon. GD MAHSTEN / 9EETHOV!N Leonard Bernstein ano the Vlannt PNlharmonlc per. l«m the 00Lanor1 Over· 111<1"' and Symphony No. 4 In B Flat Mtjor. Opus 60. CB>~ * • • * "Raging Bull" ( 1980) Roblr1 DI Niro, C.lhy MO'lar'ly 9oxlng champion Ja1<1 La Mott•"• 1ptilu<11 for vlol1nc1 bflngs him~ In the ring l>Y1 disropll hit per. tonallik 'R' ... (I) ....... " 0.. Sidney Fr-*1 ltlid- lel the lffect of P'-• on Iha camp peraonnet on the eve of an enemy otlan- llve. 8 (11 MOW I I I ""Thi Jarll\ ( 19711) Steve Mwtln. Bernadette Pelert, A ctlronlc tcr-up mall• mlillont on a Wl8lrd Invention only to loll It all in conturnlf damage 1U1t1 ·~ BEETHOVIH Leonard 9ern1111n ano lhe Vienna Ptlilhltmonoc per. fotm the "Lanora Over· ture00 llld Symphony No. 4 In B Aal Major. ()put 60 (C)MOW! 1CHANNEL LISTINGS * ** "Thi 01her Sidi OI The Mountain -Part II" 1 tll78) Merilyn HllMlt. Timothy Boltom1. for1- champlon aldar, Jiii Kln- mont. rendered t quadrl- pllglc by • 'flglc eccicNnl. wraetlll with Mii-doubt wt.... t new IOve antert her Ula. 9 KNXT tCBSI 8 KNBC (NBC! e KTLA (Ind.) e KABC (ABC) • KFMB tCBSI 11J KHJ· TV (Ind.) e KCST fA9CI 'e KTTV (Ind.) '• KCOP-TV (Ind.) ,e KCET IPBSI • KOCE I P8SJ OJ On·TV CZl Z·TV tJil HBO fe> IC1nema•I CJ) (WORJ NV., N.Y i!1) IWTBSI IESPNI (I) tShow11me I • Spotlight • (Cable News Network 1 • (O)MOVtE * ** "A" Night Long" 111181) Gene Hacllmt n, Barbara Streisand. Alter being demoted lrom cor· porat• executlVe lo Chaln- •t«• night manager, a mldctt.aged 1Mn°a Hfe. •l'fle and v.--.,. tumid ~'R' You don't have to be crazy to live here • ... but it helps .• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 15, 1982 ••• "8..i Wiiiiam" (IMO) 81111 Wa1er11on, Jenny ~ A ... ..., IMMll ~lerld ...... '* 100· an educetloti 1n IN U 8 , an £ngllth gift Mokl9 a roetly f Ol'llanCe wltfl I rakllfl 8ool*Mll t';IO. Cll HOWSOAl.LI CMtley ttlllt J-Into ~'(Ing him to LM VtgM lor a OOGtcw't ton· 11entlon at which Or. W•lherby II acheduled to = JIC1tMNeo.I ..,.. JoMny c.r1on retumt lo hit hometown of Ncwfolll. ....,...., to l*'liclp9t• In I CleM reunion Ind lllend I football Ol"fl9 on hie &eth ~-• IHOCK CW TMa NEW "The View from Th• Edg•" Aobart Hugh .. HplorH th• romantic lnlC)IJIM In art, concenttll· Ing on 1xpr1Mionlttn and Ille art ol Van Gogh. Soutinl, di Kooniog and O'K ...... (A) (l)MOYll * * * * "Raging BuH" (IMO) Robert 0. Nlto, Cllhy Mofletty. Boj&lr\g ch~ Jelle La Motta'• aptltud• tor vlot•nca .,,.,. him -In the ring bu1 dilrupl9 hit per. 10na1 Iii•, 'A' 10:00 8 Cl) LOU GMNT The plight ol uplOlted rel· UQM1 II btought lo the T rib'• attanUon """" II hit• I Vleln-pfwtO- i~· ••• NIWI ~ .. MIENCANNfT Naturellll Bob Kuhn IJlplainl hll apeel .. need to dr-llld paint wild CtMIWM.Q 0 LOMTTA LYNN ....aAL. The "Flt1t lady ot Coun· try" llnga "Coal Min«'• Olught1t," "One'• On The Wt'f" and other 11111 In t pettormanc. t-i>ed llY• tt Harrah's In Reno. to-;ao·~ NETWOMNIWI • TONY IAOWN'I JOUlllNAL "The Prllldlnt And Bltc:tl Amerlc•" Pre1ld1nt R11g1n dlacutH• hi• effort• to bridge the G1C1 "'-hit admlnll1r111on and the nation'• blacll cltl· z.en1. Ii> PROA..U .. ~ART Ntturallll Bob Kuhn explains hit specl1I need to df9W and pllnt wild etMturM.Q (a>MOVIE I I "High Country'' (1981) Timothy Boltom8, Linda Purl An aec;aped convlc:1 and hi• hllldlclpped glfl- lrland flll to the moun- tain• "PG" 10:36(%)MOVll * • * "Popeye·· ( tHOI Robin Wl!Nams. Shelley OV\111. While -chlng 10' his lather, the apinach ... t· Ing llllot vlallt I quaint hamlet whir• he plclll up a foundling and a .a1nny Ulll'-t.'PG" u••••<1>oa .... ! IATUN>AY NeQHT KOJA!< • ntE J!fnA80H8 • MNFON> AND 80H • OD<CAVl'TT ID IEOIH WITH G0008YE "Mirr«, MKr« On The W .... A women ftghlt lhe dept'enion ahe ,.... IOI· towing. r~ matlactO- ,.,,., by mMlltlng flgur• lillllng (t)MOVtE I •'A "Thi Frltc:o Kid" I 111791 Gane Wildlt. Harri. ton Ford. A Polish rlbbl fln<11 himMll lnYO!Ved In wlld frontier mltldven- 111<• with a daring bani< robber when hi trtvelt to San Francltc0 to take over t .-congregelion "PG" ®MOW • • •'h '"Scanner•" (11181) Jannlfar O'Neill, Pltrlck McGoohtn A lethal confllc t 1rt111 ~ two ttnlll groupt of people wh<>H 1xtr1ordl· nary paychlo power• lndudl Iha ability IO kMI tlllpalhlcallv 'A' OMOVll • • ~ 00Btcll Ro1d1" 11981) Sally F"llld. Tommy L• Jon.. A llo<*er and a down-on-hit-luck boxer mMI and hM<I WM1 In -ch ol t ,_Hie 'R" 11:IO 8 Cl> OUINCY TUBE TOPPERS . KNBC 9 8 •00 "Litllt> llOUl)C on the Prairie." Almanzo ls lcrt purulyzcd art(!r ha vlng u stroke whit tryin~ to ~{·t his crops In. KABC fl 9 .00 M art i n In ti m l sudventur·es young mun . KNBC It 9 :30 "The .Jt•rk " Stt•vc• c o rru• rl y a ho u t t h l' or a krminully ~tup1d . "Johnny Goes llome " Johnny Carson r4.!turns to his horn('town of Norfolk. Neb .. to partic·1µuh• in u C'luss reunion. S('c photo ut ldt KNXT 8 10:00 ··Lou Grant.·· Ttw Trib hires a Victnaml1:-.c photogl'aphcr D a THE IUT CW CAMON Ou.ta. AN McGraw. Pit Boone, Phll Donahue (R) 8 0 A8CNIWI NIGHTuHl I M.l .. THEF ..... Y LOW. AMEAICAN ~ • ICCET NEWUPT: ~ OONGM8ttONAL MPORT ID CAPTIONED A8C NlWI 11M(l)MCME • * !h ''Back Ro1d1" 11911) Sally Field, Tommy &.. J-A hOOlllt and .. down-on-hit-luck boier "'"' and hied -II In -Ch oft new 1111 "R" . ~Ml>NGHT- 12:00. IHA NA NA G-t: G1otl1 Gaynor G O MOYIE • • 'h ··v11ant1ne" ( 1111111 JKk Alblrtton. Mary Mtt· lln An lldar·ly couple dlclde to Ignore aoc111y'1 tltndarda and live 1111 their ownway (R) II MOYIE • • • . 'Thi Arnl>Yllherl .. ( 111671 Dian Mtttln. s.tlll Bltger. Malt Helm II aant to Mexico to find an ••P9'· lnlantat llylng -.cer and retf1eve it tfom the~. • M*.E DOI ICM 41 Cohoat: Bobby Vinton. G-11: Alp Taylor. Kr .... kin. • LOY£. AMENCAH STY\..E e.....:A:THi -=oC> CINTURY 12:ao 8 QI LA ff NIGHT WfTH DAVID~ Ouaet: comedian Frtnlclyn Ajeye. I GINIAUTRY M>El lllOENT NE1WOAf( NlWI (%)MOVIE * * * "StaYllky'' ( 111721 Jean-P aul Belmondo, Chartel Boyer A Charming con mlft m&n•Qa9 10 lnvol\la members of 1otn1 of Franoe'• moll IMClualYI aoclll dfclll In a -111 ol -end bid dMla 1t.••<I) CQI.., A -.... Mr phjlan-.,.. _.......,_heed of the lamily-owned butl>- -IR) 1t-M THE LAST AWAll08 IHOW O.vl<I Steinberg holll an lrrlVlfant parody ol t-- villd awarda lhowt 1:008 MOW • • 00M8'\ From Muaic Mountain" ( 111381 G- Au lry. Smtlly Burnette ~ Autry Md his ll<hlll· 1c;11 111 out to trap a gang ot ttodl awlndlars oper • • ting In • small mining town • TUAHA80VT ., MOW • • "'Bart LaRue"s The Ark Ot Noah00 I1976) Docu- menttry Phyalc•I 1v1- 0lf>OI conc.rnlng lhl 1a11- l8f'C8 of the great lhlp ol blbllcaJ Hlgend 11 exa- mined (C)MOW * * ·~ "Portnoy' I Corn- pltln1" ( 11172) Richard Benjamin, Karan BlllOll 8aMd °" thl novel by Philip Roth A young J-· llh boy recoun11 hit otten hllarloua end amoroua edvantur11 to his p1ychl1- 1r111. 0 LIVE fAOM THE COMEDY STORE 1 :20 (S) MOVE • • * 'A 00Don1 Flor And Her Two Hu11>and1" ( 11178) Sonia 8'aga. Jose w1111.,: A YOll"ll Bfavltan woman'• ' boring tecond marriage II anllvenec:t by 1h1 1nlv11 of her hr SI hu1bancf a paa- Slonate ghost 'R" 1:30 0 ENTERTAINMENT TOHfOHT AA 1n1ar..-With Syl\fllte< Stlllone laNEWS 1:45 (Rj MOVIE * * •., ··Eecepe From Alea· 1raz·· ( 1979) Clint Eut· wooo. Paluck McGOOhan A hardened convict. retur"ld lltlf hlS nrs1 escape lrorn "the ROdt." plans lo bre•k OUI ag11ri. 'PG' 2:000 HEWS 0MOVtE • • • "Popeye.. ( 1111101 Robin Williama. Shelley OulttN Whlll Marching lor hl1 lllher. the aplnadl ... I· Ing sailor 11l1h1 a quaint hamlet ~· hi pick• up a loundti.ng Ind a 9lllnny -•hllrt ·pa· ::!~HEWS •••• "The La•• Show"" 111177) Art c.tney, Lily Tomlin. A MUOned prl- 11111 eye encounters blac!<· mall Ind murdlt whlrl he ~out of reclremanl to tocate 1 cat belonging 10 an offbeat !email c:lllnl 2:45 CC) MOVIE * * I "The PMaWOrd la Courage'" ( 11163) Olrll Bogardl. Malla Perlehy A WOtld War II 9rhlth onic.r. Cha<lae Coward, res>eated· ly outwits I.hi Nazis whO l ltlfTIPI lo l>Old him • I ~~ uoe MOVIE .... ..,,. ... "' ........ ~" (1970) T~ Sterne>. Ao08r1 Vaughn 3:30 (J) MOYIE • •'JI "Snowball hpreu" 111172) Dean Jona. Nancy Olson A New Yor- accountant tra•ell -• 10 the Rockie. In an allernpt to rno<l9'nlz1 '"' <l~ac>idll· ed lkl rllOrl he W-iled "G' 3:40 CB I KNS KAISTOf'FEMOH AHO ANHEMVAAAY Two of pop-country's hol· test stars perl0tm 1 med- ley of their grNtMI hlta. plus an Everly Brothers <luet ol "'Lei II Ba Me " 4:000 MOV1E • • • •n ··so1d1ar 0 1 Orange·· j 19711) Edwar<I JOHN DARLING YOU'R E KIOC/ING! A NEWS S EI WITH LITTLE 001...L~ 'THAT LOOK LI Ke U5 ~ There's more to love than ... Fo1, lkltM ~ fll OielMI .... M I Dutc:fl 111"-llty '° ... ...,.. , ... ~ wtlel'I war btMilt out In Euf<ll)e 'PO" .-ll)MOYll * * * "S-Wlllltrn" 1 tlllO) Satn w11.,1ton, .i.nny AGUiiar Aft., her N .... ln llOyftltnd IN-her IOt an ec:tueeuon In the V S • an Englilh girt begin• I roelly romanoe wllh 1 ralllth Scoteman •:atUD MOYll * * 'h "Carny" ( 111101 Jodie Foatar, Otty 8uaey, An advanturou1 YOUflO _.,, jolrM a cernlvtt troupe and '"'"' at>out the hidden emotlona and fruetretlona b«llnd the 9Url-~ of lhl perlotmart. 'R' 4; ... ct) MOY!( • • "& fingers Of Oealh" 111173) Lo Lllh. Wang Ping A young Chlnete kung lu lludanl mulart hi• wt to becOl'N • !Meling ••1*1 and nallonal cl\amplon Ttw•da11'• Da11t l•e "'""'f'• 1:00 (H} * * * ""The ldolmak· ., .. (1980) RIV S lwlley, Tovllh Ftildlhuh. A manl· pulallve manager -v11- loul ploys 10 catapult '""'° tl&f'l-,IQWI Into pop IMng· 1"Q 11a1dom ·PG· Cl) I *I "Mogambo" (Ill~) Ctark Gable. Avt Gardner Whan t planll· llon ovar-11111 In love with lhe wll1 ol "' engl- ,_, conlllcl1 erlM 0••• ""AnEnemyOI Thi People" ( 1977) S1ev1 McOuNn. Charles Ourn- lng. Baled on lbaan's play The cit11an1 ol • small t-n 11111 applau<I thin petMCUll I local pflyaicltn I« declaring the local hot aprlngt un1111 due to pol· 1u11on. ·G· .00 CC) * * '" "'ShOOI The Sun ~ .. lt980) Clvltlophlr Walken, Mlr(IOI Kidder In 18341, lour dlapar1t1 mta- lill ~ an Old map IO -Cit 'IOt burlld golO ·PG· 9-.30., * • "W811 01 The Divide" ( 11133) John Wwyna, Gabby Hayes A cowboy 1111 out to avenge hll 11111er·1 murder and llnd hit brother who hit ~ mlulng I« many 10:00 lB)!· •• ~ '"Thi Way We Were"' jt97:Jr -Barbra Strelland, Robert Redl0td A young cofllgl couple In the 111308 ditcOYlf that their political OlfferanoM ara strong anougn 1ci jeop- ardize !hair marriage (~I* I "Popeye·· (19llO) Robin W1tham1. Shelley Ouv1M While searching IOt nts lllhar. lhe aplnaoh-eat- inO ullor vl1Hs a qu11n1 hamlet -· hi plclls up a rounoi.ng tnd t si.1nny •-!heart. 'PG' 0 • • •'It "BrHlcer M«anl" ( 19llO) EOWlrd Woodward. JICll Thomt>- -· Aullraliianl CONCtlp\· eel 10 llgl>t on £nellnd' • Sidi In the SOI< War decide 10 hghl lhe 80« guarlll1s on their own terms "PG" 10:30 (_CJ * 'JI 000laty Of A Teen· Age HllcMlllar" (11179) Dlcll Vtn Patten. Cll11kln1 Tilton A young girl's Iii. It end1nger1<1 when she acoac>ll a ride 11om • "'"'Ill' 12::00 G * * "Dull At Thi Alo Grande" ( 11184) S11n Flynn. Danillll de Miil When his ,.,,,., Is mUI• dere<I by I ~ Mexl· can polittco, • man plOIS ra1afftllon ttallled by • blaulllul girl lln<I • group ol die-hard rablll e • • '" 00Harry In Your Pock11·· (1973) Jamea Cot>Yrn, Mtehael Sarrazln A IMM OI prol1•'a 191 plelljtHll•ll dev .. .,1 ........... tadllll, ... .. they ... up and ""°9 ICOtW °' vtctllN. . ···~·.,,... Mec:ombet A,..,. ( 1'47) Otegoty """· lllOl>eft P~. tMad on IN .... ,., ~ l&N&C .......... . Murder "'*-I Mfllri In Alriea'1 llon country (8) • 1 +"~"(IMO) ~ Robin w---. 8Mlfy °""911. wtlll ~tor I ,. tatllet, tfle ~· Ing Miiot .... • quaint hamlet where he piQI I UC1 I IOUftdliflg and I aklMy """91hMrt, 'PG' ••••• "Alaurfeo- llon" (IMO) OM ~. Sam SMpwd. Afler I,_ fatal 9'110 acddant, .a wom- an flndl that Illa hM thl ablllly 10 Mal ott:ltl 11111 " ~--of'* refuMI to ~ a divine Influence. 'PG' (%) ••• ''Ollid'• "'8(' ( 111721 J.-..._, Aoe>- art Pr ... on. A dltlilled mast« 11 a Caltlollc b0(1 ICl>OOI beCOl'illl the \llctlm of an anonymoua ma691ac- '°'·'PG' 12:30 CC} • * * + "Sayonara" ( 1957) Merton Brend«>. Aid Buttone. All Ametlcan jet tee hal a poignant elfs with the ttar parl0tmer of 11 latnld ....,_. ecttno compAl''f. 1:00 Cl) ••• "Mog,lmbo" (1954) Cllt1I Gable, .Ava Getdnet. Whan a plMta- llon OYlt-, ... In loll9 with the wlla ot an angl· ,_. conlllctt arile. t:00 (Jj} * * ~ "Paplllon •• (11173) Steve ~. Oust.In Hoffman. A p9ltr of Oevll'a lll1nd convtc;ta l99fld lhll< ·-planning their etc:ape. CZ)* I * "Pe>peye" 11MO) Robin W~liams, Shelley OuvaN. While -dllng lot Ilia lalhar, the apl~· Ing tallot vilJll • quaint ~where he plcllt.up I loundllnQ an<I • altlnny IWMlheart 'PG' &1l0 •••• 00Battll S.-th The Eatth.. 111161) Kerwin M•"--· v~ Vantw., The Ch"-P'9P"• to 11 tacll AIMrlca by tunnel• Ing through Eatth and pladng nudNt ...,,,. under major U.S . ctt!M. (C) •• ~ .. Duncan'• Wotld"" !111711) 1..arry TObl· 11. Don Morrll. A young bOy whO to... "*"els 1ncoun1er1 o bat1cl11 when dMling with humen• .. he lnvestlg&t• the cauae ol an uploalon ,_ 1 natur• mu..,,.,. ·G' Ill II* "Popeye" (1MO) Robin Williams, Shelley Duvall. While NlrChlng lor his lather. the aplnach ... I· Ing SlllOr v\5'11 • quaonl hamlet wri.e hi plcill up • foundling and a Ullnny IWMlhlart "PG' 3:30 •• ·~ ""Snowball Eitprau·· ftll72) Dean Jones. Nancy Olson. A New York accountant tra- Yllt -· 10 '"' RocllllS in an 1ttemp1 to modernize ttle ~...., .... ,_, ._..........,.,·o· •:00 Cl) • • • ··s1.,,..y" jt972) .lean·Paul 8elmon- . do, Charles Boyer. A charming con man mar>· agea lo lnYolve membltt of aome ol Frll'Ce'I mo.t exc:lu91ve llOcial circlet In a --of IClft\I and bad Ollis. 4:30 CC) * * * 'h "'The Cal And The Canary.. { 111311) Ek)b Hope, Paulette Goddard. In order to eo111c1 their ln'-llarlCB. a lamlly mull spend lhe night In • haunt- e<l hOuH S:OO g • • 00Whtl1 Water Sam·• Keith Laraen. A mountain man ,,..,... the ""'°'1"-t With hit hullly -Ching I« the l»'MI white water route south. 'G" by Armstrong & Batluk LtC EN5 1N6 IS REAL-LY WHERE He MONEY 15 IN NEWS T1ESE f».YS.' · .... • Orange Coaat DAil Y PILOT/Monday, February 15, 1112 . Catrson's at ho~e in snUtll Nebraska town lk1:0 aontENB£aG ,,_._. .......... NEW YORK -In hl1 • )'t.,.. as crown prlncf of lat~ nl&ht TV, Johnny Carson '• "Toni1ht" fhow bas emanated from New York City and •ollywood. Arter from 1 clole readln1 of the r1tln11 and ·aome leas·than·H tlllled NBC stations, that Carson'• popularity may be sllppln1. But tonl1ht '1 90-minute show In prime time renects why he's touched 1 chord with viewers. not why that harmony may be loein1 It's tune. Just look •l the way Johnny interacts with ordinary folks (rom his hometown. It .sure looks like this hla houle, the old movie theater where h e worked aa an uaber and dreamed Hollywood d reams , the bicycle shop and local barber. There la a dance celebratln1 the reunion of his 1raduaUn1 class, the Cius of 19'3. father once owned. "The car doe1n't aeem to have the pickup It seemed to ba ve In ltO . T hen a1aln, neither do I." In 1 very enca1ln1 1e1ment, Canon meeta hi• best boyhood friends in an old schoolroom. They're all protes1lonal people, and Uke Carson, they made lood outside of Norfolk. Carson is very much one of them. his old houae with youn1 Wayne Kumm Jr., the son of the c urrent oc c upants . Their rapport la enaaaing, sparkln1 Cars on 's recollect.ions a nd Kumm's reflections of how It la now. lntef'8peraed ls some wonderfuf foota1e of Carson, the youna boy and then the teen-ager. He's seen doing magic tricks , playing basketball , and alchin1 tonl1ht's NBC ,peclal, "Johnny Goes \Come," It's evident that ~arson's reaJ roots and appeal are more in the iblddle of the two coasts. : Watch the faces. Good •tdwestem stock, they ~II the story of Carson's durability as a eerformer who both mirrors and molds America's mainstream thinking. It takes a rare charm to stay on TV for 3) years and not wear out one 's welcome, althou«h there are si1ns multi m lllionai re Is ------------------------------- The most warm hearted moments come when Carson tours shoveling snow. "The c ban1 e1 reflected in Norfolk are all across America," ca'rson· s ays ln his low-key monolo1ue as h e starts th e 1939 Chrysler Royal h is sincerely happy to be .. -------------------. back home. The show airs at 9:30 tonight on KNBC (4 J. "Johnny Goes Home" i s a nostalgic, senlimf!ntal voyage to Norfolk , Neb., where Carson grew up. His return includes visits to NOW PUYING ' ........ IAMU -...... I ...... ftlJI Starring VI NCINT PRICI · f'RAN K LOvt:JO't' PHYWSKIRK CAROLYN JONES · PN.ll P1C?:RNI CHARLES BRONSON as 1!P xrttnptay 1>yCRANt: WILBUR ~~BRYAN fCJf ~ Dirtett<t 1>y ANDRE Dt: TOTI1 1, u4 • 111 llWA"-no•_,,.,.-.. '"' P ... G.l~~.~~!':.:...J •wt._•,~-=-~=~o ~ N.,QWf fl.h_lhY At AW~x' <!fr:domes Mllfiel Hemin,way PE--N.9EST IRI 12:30 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 rn~.: I ~PCJrE . c ,,. .. _ ----mmat~tlOMc-.::::1 lHE_.R IRI 3:10 7:30 Whol8 Life Is h Any CAI 1:005:20 9:40 2~1':01 ~~~ocu.=,,,,. . Qnly ..... LOW IRI HlttOfy Of tM Wofld llRI ~· _ ...... AlllNlm Orwt411 Wtsttwook EdWards Woodbrldg\ Vi1io Twll 179-llSO 530 4401 551-0855 130·1190 COITA MIU GU.a UA CNINs 5•0·0594 UA Clly Cinema 634-3911 !Hf P(llP lHf/\IHf EVERY MONDAY Al.L SEATS 12.00_ uGoTOGNAUI (S .. , el \e c ... ""' .....,., In ORANGE COUNTY' PREMIERE plu• ''Cousln- Couslne" (PG) "WTCMllHll ' .. ... .............. "" ... Ind~ Best Actreu-Meryl Streep _. fUlUllT• llfu Plaza fo• 5H·S'3t 525 4147 COITAWU ...,. Edwlldl llKl(Jj ldwaids WoodOJIOge 540 1 H4 bS 1 06SS ll ,_ Edwalds ~ »1 suo --MGlll~..._ --- ~llAQ -Soutll c-t UA City ClnllN 494 IS14 634 >t1 t .-ran,._ wu~n• Edwalds Monlt11Y 111111 UA Mil ~10 1026 lt3 0546 -Or11191 .... 637 0340 •BARGAIN MATINEES• Mond•Y thru Saturday All PerformencH before 5:00 PM (~ lpeclll l ... lllllllltl IN HlllQyt) 1' ~1 .. AI ,. A.I• Muoelo 01 loaecron1 LA MIRADA WALK IN •••·2.00 ,• T -... ,.-, .......... ~--­"SEDUCTION" 1111 -"''· -•----·· ... ---.-...u ... --"MA.KINO LOVE" flt ................. --··- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN ,,..,.....,... .. ----"ON OOLMN ~"'"' ......... k ... ,., .... -c~ ---"TA""-11:-. ........... .. LAl<EWOOO C UHE~ SOUTH WAl• IN kxUlty Al Del Nrto 21S/6M-9211 -c.~ ---"T.,. .. _ IUl.,1:11.-•tl.-_°"_,..........._..,,__ ..... -..... --... --°""··-----"REOS''-tut,-.-.OU_.,IU .. TO•- TO<M- "CANNERY ROW" -, .. ,a:.11. .. 1e11.•• fOClllf\t 01 ConcttewOOd 211/Hl·tllO '°"'_., ...... '°.°"""' TO<M- "CANNERY ROW" -• .. ~.•-.uo.••1.-_Oo_,........_..,,__ °:C.o-, ... _..,_--c.::-.:::- 1 ·;~~~r: __ .... ,._ "MAKINO LOVE" 1111 UM, 1: ... .., •• UI, -· .,. ,_,___ .J ·--·--'RAIMRI Of' THE LOST Alt.It" 1 ACADellY ....,,,_ -----"CHAltlOTS Of' NE°' "' , .... ~ae.tt-tl I tAlt-.-.-.1.-.-t _ A f., 1J"°t A SO . COAST WAU<-IN So11lh Coo11 Hiwoy OI tfOO<IWO'f •M-1514 -~ ...... T0.-1'01.#9-.. "CANNERY ROW" ... ,,,.._..,_ -·---·-·· ,.._.,.,.. "THE FRENCH LIEUTE.NANrS WOMAN" Ill! n11--. ..... --"''-'"'- •ti11 ,.,. '"""' .... 7:JD 11,, ,.,. 7:15 , .... \tli't -··" tMrOllTANT NOTICE! CMllOREM UMOER 12 fRH! Ml<Mf .... WW-... 11Mo 111 6.lD • S•I S.o Mtlt 6:00 Ptl Oof-11 Sllllle • l'OIA Alli CAii IW:llO IS l'OJll ~ 111 NO AM CAii MlllO WITlt QllT'OI M:CUSOllt l'OSITOI --.G AM l'DllT..U 1•.U CINf." ~ 1311 ON .. MlllO A.NA.Hi~ ANAHEIM DRIV(·IN I-fl ot le-SI _ .. , ........... _ "GHOST STOflY" 1111 -"THE CHAHOnlNG" 1111 ____ 179-__ t _l _IO ___ _,... ___ c:~!'-~~ ---_,.,. _ ---"TRUE CONF£SSIOHS" 1111 ___ __.. ___ "THE .ODGEN S" 1111 ...... "VENOW'1111 C:llll " M)\jtt() @I • ... .A ~A 'II BUENA PARK DRIVE IN lllteoln A•o -•' ol lllO" 121...070 '°I I t ...... A, ~ A, "11 LINCOLN ORIV(·IN ....... ' LA HABRA , • •t ~ -"RICH ANO FAMOUS" toll ·----IUMllM.L.111 'IUl0£RS OF THE LOST ARK -... .,. "l/ICTORY" - -..oomtLUI llAft-- "Mo\KIHQ LOVE" 1111 ..... ''HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART ONE" llll -.. ~----"GHOST STORY" llll -"THE SEDUCTION" 1!11 .. ...._.,.,.. .. ___ _ ''ON 00&.DPt '°"°~ ... --• -· .._.,. 1 - -"llt« ll.ICTRIC NORSUIAN" -171-1162 ... ORA NGE 1•1.>1\.1 '"' _...., ....... _ .. LMI_ "CANNP'IROW"INt -"llt« DOOi °' ....... ' . MISSION ·, •1\I 1N . . • ~ ..... ""° ... , •so0ooco11o9e .... 7022 ''AlllT'MUR11 t111t -......... .,~ .. ~ "eulTWt LOC>er' ... ---· "TMI-""' -.. ~ ..... 111111111111 - MONDA,)', FEBRUARY 15, 1982 CAVALCADE STOCKS COMI CS Lakers battle Boston to the wire be/ ore losing . Sports. BS. So you want to he a c~unty firefighter . . . The written test was the first hurdle . ll narrowed the field of 1.160 a pplicants for coun~y firefighter Jo.bs to 354 who got 84 percent or be tte r on the exam . They proceeded to the physical agility test. If the good pay and 24 hours on, 24,..bours off duty appeal W you, practice these exercises: -Raise a ladder by rope 35 feet and lower it. Take 100 feet of hose 1 about 60 pounds worth I and climb up a ladder truck for five floors. -Hoisl a 21'2-inc h hose. pulling hand over hand. to top of fi ve-story building, then lower hose. . Pick up a 150-pound dummy and drag it do" n 10 flights of stairs. Pick up a sledgehammer and hit a railroad tie 30 times, swinging overhead every time Figure to be wearing a turnout coa t , boots a nd a 40-pound bre athing tan k with mask throughout which may leave you huffing and puffing li ke a steam engine. On.· by the wa~ . you must fi nish in seven minutes or you fail. QUICK .... COUNTS -Fred Popkl' drugs 1 50-po~~d 'bod~" down 10 nights of ~tui rs to ~imulatl' fifth floor rt>Srue '8NAL TllT -Hit railroad Ue 30 ~'inging slcdgl' hammer overhe11d ' •' ·' : I j . j "\ ) I I I j I I .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 15, 1982 •ANN I.ANDERS .. •ERMA IOMBECK •HOROSCOPE CRANK PHONE AMONG LAST Elden Hathaway, (ormer owner of Bryant Pond. uses one of antiquated telephones in the remote village of western Maine. The Public Utilities Comm_~ssion recently held a hear ing -~ ......... to liste n to testimo nv from concerned r esidents whethe r the crank phones should be replaced with modern phones. The village is among the la st in the countr~· to use the cr.ank phone. Aries could win contest Aquarius finds what seemed out of reach available Tuesday, Feb. 16 ARIES c March 2°1-April 191: Activity replaces do ldrums: you communicate. w rite. m ake travel plans a nd s tudy patterns of other nations. cult ures. Gemini. Sagittarius individuals play ke~· roles. You'll rece ive favorable replies to recent inquiries. You could win a contest. flMA IOMIKI AT WIT'S END Fashion ads leave her cold As a native Midwesterner. I am a lwavs amused by the ads for winter styles th.at appear in slick m agazines. I saw one the othe r da~· that pictured a young wom a n with 35 pounds of hair in flight. Her coat fl a pped open to reveal a matching skirt that reached mid-calf and accentuated her crushed velour boots. Her cute leather driving gloves dangled from her pockets. She was s miling. The headline over the picture read , "MEET WINTER HEAD-ON! THINK CRUISE! .. THERE WAS NO DOUBT in my mind the entire ad agency shot this after a five-martini lunch. Let's talk winter. To begin with. no one in his right mind smiles in the winter. lf God had wanted us .. to smile when the chill factor reaches 45 below. He would have given us lips long enough to cover our gums . I As for ''THINK CRUISE... the onl~· reason the people on the Love Boat a re able to s usta in the mselves during the Alaska trip is because of their overactive sex lives. The winter styles in the Midwest. to my knowle d ge. ha ve never b een photographed. Hairs that freeze in your nose and drip are not a pretty sight. Imagine . if you wi ll. that th e temperature is 9 degrees below zero. The car has gone into deep sleep and will not awaken until spring . The milk freezes between the time the milkman takes it from the truck and puts it in your hands. The windows are covered with frost. The dog. who has kidneys the size ot lentils. refuses to go out and pretends he is dead. And for the first lime in 15 years everyone stays in the kitchen at the end of the meal. Let's talk winte r fashions. FOR BEDTIME: The layered look. Pajama bottoms from the Goodwill bag. topped by a long-sleeved flannel gown and cardtaan sweater without buttons. Purple and gold knee socks with hot-water·botUe soles. Costume for Taking Garbage lo Garbage Cans: White boots with Mets pictured on side. army fati1ue jacket from hall closet, afghan worn casually over bead and race and two mismated socks from washer worn on hands. FOr Thoee Special At·Home Evenings b)' the nre: Thermal underwear. topped by Jeans. turtleneck aweater and Windbreaker. set off by neece·Uned balls or fur on the feet and a do& on the lap. All of tllll II topped off by a aid mask and a body , sack zipped to the chin. Now we 're talkln1 winter! ·. • BY SIDNEY OMARA TAURUS I April 20-May 20 .l : B~· reading fine print. you save money and gain definite a dva ntage. Information that had been withheld becomes available you 'll revise. review a nd re build as result. Secr et financ ia l maneuver is pa rt of unusual scenario. GEMINI 1May 21.June 20 1: Do some private detective work. Be aware of legfl l rights. permissions . Member of oppos ite sex seeks a more permanent arrangement. Vi rgo. Sagittarius and a nother Gemini figure prominently. Read between lines. get ~·our own message across. CANCER c June 2 1 -Jul~· 22>: Focus on home base. remodeling. redecorating. furniture arrangement and diplomatic approach lo m oney q uestion affecting family member. Lunar emphasis on basic chores. employment. people who depend upon you and pets . LEO 1July 23-Aug.· 22 1: Keep in tune with recent resolutions. especially those concerning e nte rtainment. extravagance and affairs of heart. Scenario highlights cha nge. travel. a variety of sensations. speculative ventures a nd games of chance. VIRGO <Aug . 23·Sept. 22 1: Practical m atters dominate. especially in connection w ith mortgage pay m e nts. h o m e improvements. investments and pressur es of added responsibilities. Older familv member commands att ention. deserving o'r otherwise. LIBRA cSept. 23-0ct. 22 1: Project can be completed : key is to be selective . to keep open m ind and to give full rein to intellectua l curios ity. Populari ty increases. you can win friends a nd influence people. Aries. Leo a nd a nother Libra fi gure prominentl~·. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 211: Ne w con tac t could r es u It in profitable ente rprise. Accept fresh concepts . be willing to pioneer a project and emphasize independence of thought. action . Member of opposite sex fi gures prominently. Leo. Aquarius persons play key roles. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22 ·Dec. 211: Obstacles ar.e re moved. circumstances turn in your favor a nd you make excellent u se o f correct timing. Focus on personality. direct appeals. unique appa rel and the building of a nest egg. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19 1: Activity indicated ln connection with club. special group. organization. Good news received from one confined to home or hospital. Highlight versatility. nexibilit~· and ability to communicate views in dynamic f ashton. AQUARIUS <Jan. 20-Feb. 181: What seemed out or reach will now become available. Lunar emphasis on hopes. wishes, friendships and romantic liaisons. Spice is added to life. morale is boosted • and money comes from· surprise source. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 >: You 1et reaulta by aoina to the top -penoas in authority will Ilsten and act in manner favorable to your best interesta. Know it and act accordin1ly. Gemini. Vlr10. Sa1ittartus natives rt1ure prominently. Promotion due. \.-. I Reader misses point I on kids'· behavior DEAR ANN LANDERS: You must h ate children. Several weeks ago you printed a letter and agreed with the writer t))at youngsters do not belong in beauty shops . A few days later you ran a letter about what a nuisance children are in restaurants. Just las t week l heard the manager of a supermarket say he wished he could keep a ll children under 12 out of his store. He said the~ e at the fruit. knock over the merchandise and run in the aisles. Nobody wants kids. What are mothers supposed to do'! Keep them in the attic until they are old enough to vote'! deep indentations in the carpet from where the sofa, piano and two heavy chairs have been standing for several years. I have seen some of those children who were ne ver taken anyplace when they were young Mtd they are like wild animals. It's not their fault. Ann. They have neve r had the experience of being out in public. You. of all people should encourage tolerance and patie nce. -ALEXANDRIA. LA .. COMPLA1N1' . Is it possible to get rid or those indentations. or am I stuck for life'' CO LOR ME BLUE DEAR BLUE: The question you asked IS out of my llne, but I happened to have that same problem a while back and this is how we solved it: Place a damp cloth on the dented art-a. DEAR ALEX: You missed the point completely. Those "wild animals" aren't wild because they have never been out before. Some of them have been out plenty. They are wild because no one took the time and expended the energy to teach them how to behave prope rly at home or anywhere else. Set the steam Iron for medium and bold It over the spot for about five mm•&es - DON'T press, Just bold It so the dent gets the steam. Take a brush ud work on the dent untU it dJ.1appears. <You mlglat have to repeat this procedure two or three times, depending on the stubbornness of the dent, but eventually you'll succeed.) Read the next lettf'r and hopefully ~·ou will learn something. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Honestly. som e of ~·our r eaders are exasperating ~ How do you stand it ., For example . the mother who was mad at you because of ~· o u r s t a n d o n t a k i n g h e II i o n s t o restaurants . Anri Lander!i d1.'icw•!ie.'1 teen-age drmkwq - its m11ths. its realities. uam the facts by readm9 ·· Brxize and Ym1 -fnr Teen-0un01 Only." by Ann Landers. Send SO cents and a lung .. 'le/f-addres.•wd. stamped erwPlnpe t11 .-\1111 Landers. P.O. Bor 11995. Chicago Ill 60611. ...... No one objects to a well -behaved child in a restaurant. It is the sole responsibility or the parents lo see that their children co nd u c l · the m selves pro perly. M y g randchildren could be taken out lo eat at a very early age because they were not allowed to run around. They sat quiety and caus ed no problem s. People often came by the table and commented to their parents on how well-behaved the ~·oungslers were. By PHIL lNTEALANDI of Laguna.Beach I say if your child is boss in the house. he is sure to be a terror in a restaurant. and it's not fair to other patrons who pay for a quiet and restful dinner. FOR THE RECORD IN ARKANSAS DEAR ARK: You'rt> on target. Thank ~·ou on behalf of the world's restaurant ownf'rs. waiters and waitresses and patrons ~ho f'njo~· a quif'~ mf'al. f • .~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: This may be out o f your line. but 1 have a lot of confide nce in ~·our ability lo get the· right a nswer no matter what the problem. I want to c hange my living room furn iture around. but there are several • ~~~-- "I've played wlth her. I recoenize the lob." GOif ii 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: •&MU ~71 <>A95 •tO'lZ The bidding hu proceeded: Eut s..tl W•t Nenll INT P ... P ... DW. , ... ' What do you bid now? A. -Had partner doubled in the immediate seat, you would have been delighted to pus for penaltie1. In the balancing seat, however, partner'• double only pro- ml1e1 a near openinr bid, which makea playlnr for penaltiea . a bit cloae - e•pecially since partner's opening lead might coat a trick or a tempo. Bid two 1pades. Q.!-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: •74 ~A&•• <>Ta •&t6 The biddiq bu proeeeded: NwdlEMt a..&llWeet ... , .. ·~ .. I NT P .. ? What do you bid now? A. -Since putner wu not foreed to bid over the in· t.erferente, hie voluntary ac· lion 1hould it.ow a better than milllmum 'OpelUq bid. You have a uaehal hanc1, and what you do neat 1houJd be preclleated oa wlaat 7ou know of put.Hr'• bklcliq i.awta. lf he 11 a timjcl eoul, t.ake the p ..... ure on IUm b7 Juapins t.o three DO &nllPI UM .. U a...,.. .......... ,... ... Lwonotnmpno.w .. ..m. cient. ...,_......., nlMrdlt, .. ~~Mid: ·-·-Olt•-ftl ............ ,... ..... . N.-IMI ...... ... I <> P~ INT P- l. ,_ ' What do 7ou bid now? A. -Your mediocre band bu 1uddenl7 turned t.o gold! You have a superb fit for partner'• second suit and a key card in hia primary suit. Unfortunately, you have no cue-bid available t.o show 7our strength. Therefore, we suggest a jump to five 1padea. Partner s hould realize that the only thing that could have brought you • t.o ur. .. a fit for both hi• suit.a, but no out.aide control. Q.4-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: •Alt'7 ~a om •A&Jl6 The biddidg bu proceeded: Nwdl EMt S.-.. w.-. I ~ R-1• P .. ·~ ,_ ' What dO you bid now? A.-With two acea and a kinf, JOU have a very pod hand for partner deapiw the fact that 70u have oal7 two low cards in lUa auit. On thia auction, he 1urel7 bu a loq, nearl,y aoUd bean IWL Su eauot be naled out-laclMcl, it mtpt depend ..., - panqer'1 diamond holdlq. Cue-Wei tU. ...... and the• bid four lilMna at JOU!' neat tarn. Tldl w0J Uert1 paftaW of,,.... .... illtentt •lade plapoilltiaf 1our clla· ... .... h••· U-AI lou&la, YU ....... ,..MW: •••Utlo.-•&• ftl ........ "IHI.Ii N ... IMI ...... ... •• '-10 ... INT,_ t Wiid .. ,._ MIA __, A.-We would not fault you greaUy if you simply bid three no trump. buL that mlgbt DOl be the right 1pot or even tbe right level! If part· ner bu a long club auit, or even a lour-card heart suit that he decided not t.o men· tion, you could make a llam i.n any of three 1uit1 on a 1hand where tbree no trump mig)Jt be defeated. We would try three hearts, t.o see what re1ponae that evoke• from partner. · Q.t-As Sou"th, vulneraWe, you hold: •ASS <:?Al. 71 <> llQ4 •Qlt The bidding hu proeeeded: S..tlt W..t Nwdi £ut 1• P .. I <> P .. INT P .. a• PUI ' What do you bid now? A.-Tbia problem ia aimilar t.o the lut, and we would not bid tbl'ff no trump for limilar NUODI. lnatead, "9 would pinpoint our 1treqth with a bid of thrH hearta. • Reapoader bu 1hown an un- bela....t i.aod and there 18 the polUbdftJ daat JOU UYe ODl,y oee .,... .topper and do DOl laave Din• runniq tricb. Putner'• neat bid wW elartf>' tile 8'tUtioD. '· .. ,. .. • Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sal'es ... no matter what you call. them, the id.ea is the same f-TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH. When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need .a little extra cash, h~ve a garage sale! So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing it! It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 10 steps will make it simple. Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your II sale. Weekends are usually good, but many successful sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or commun~ty events. Have your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any single day. What to sell. Everything! That is,-everything you haven't used in the • last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. Look everywhere, and list eV91Ylhing. Fwwiture. This is your main attraction and your best source of income. Be.sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price · furniture Jow enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for compartsons~ but high enough so you can come down a little when ~omeone shows interest. RockinQ chairs, chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. AllH.-1. Smaller antiques should be grouped, and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are very popular - display them well. ClothincJ. Make sure clothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid's things by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices ar~ a-+ on clothes e~t for unusual items, which should be tagged with an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn by Mae West)." Appliances. These wi II sell for a fair price only if they work. No one will take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested, or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets turned ori etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold "as is". PlaMs. These usually go fast, but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper, Maggie~ and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. .Write your ad. ·Here is a suggested ad: "Garage Sale -desks, II Bentwood rocking chair, toys, infants' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many gadgets, lots of unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 a.m. to 6 p·.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual items. Be as specific as possible. Give directions if . needed. Dbn 't use abbreviations -many people won't ' · bother to decipher them CAUTION: Don't advertise anything you don't really have. Every item in the ad must be on hand at the start of the sale. , Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 15, 1912 Where to advertise. Place your ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The • Daily Pilot is re1ad by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntirgton Beach and Fountain Valley -guaranteeing you wide exposure. And w ith the Pilot, you're not paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or Anah~im. Plan to n.m your ad 3 times or more, and start it a few days before the sale so bargain hunters can have plenty of notice. Make a sign. To help make your sale successful, make a few signs • from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good sign size is 14" x 22". Placing your sign. The morning of the sale, but not before, place your • signs. Be sure and add your addre~s and any directional arrows. Th is should -be bone about a half hou~ before the sale starts. Place your sign where it can be seen. from both sides,of the street by passeng cars and pedestrians. CAUTION: Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town's planning department or clerk. Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work well, or you can use masking tape. However ·you mark them, make prices low. Garage sales are for bargain hunters. Remember, whatever you can't sell you'll have to drag back in the house and store again for another year. Serv i~g refreshments. This doesn't have to cost much, and creates a friendly • atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts, or the kids could go in business for the day, with a lemonade stand. Display. Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or • boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don't cause people to bend over unless you can't help it. Use one table as a desk where you can see everything and take money. Use only·one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed "cashier" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who can help answer questions, relief for lunch, etc. ·check your neighbOrJ anCI friends. II see if any want to join your sale. This wtll give ~u someone to share expenses with and incre-Interest in your sale. If others join you, be sure to lncludethia in your ad (example: "three-family sale,'' ''nelghbO~od sale"). Group sales are a lot more fun, too. . ~ ~ ~ < s ~ i ~ • :c. l .. j .. " .. .; j ! •J , j ,. 4 f ., ' , ! . . ' ' \ . ... , Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 15, 1112 ..-------- T•E mG GIOat;E by Virgil Partch (VIP) F-'RllL" · Cl•Ctl "~Ids are fat babies with no clothes on. Angels wear white bathrobes and circle hats." -. c .. _,_ .............. by Brad Anderson ·' "Has anybody seen my winter hat and sheepskin coat?" ACAOSS 1 L.lncl*I '· .. 4A~ ? • • Welller'9d 14 a... 1a•one ,. ..... ..... 17 Dognwllc 19Mdln1 20Allllllll 21 EdintM9h ...... .. 22P'-d " 23ldllor'• word MO.- ~ ..... ..., i'I 21"--.. .., ..... 310ne-- ~ !I .... ,,.,. 3a--.... •C.... •C-....d ... ..... ",.. .... ....... •a.a 1111 I f'/Olll ... •• <Mr: Pref. 50Aliln .... 51 -Y .. 52 Fiber 54 Pertodl 51PNM eo Alllfl colfl 11 Stiff 12 Slfty lluld 84Stlnd-M MOfllllMd 17Mounc.ln poall ..... ·-'r ... 70bl-r 71La-- DOWN -·#'Ii "I hate Mondays." DEN~IS THE MEN"CE Hank Ketchum f . l l by Harold Le Ooux ORJNKING MAY eE A !'>Y¥PTOM! I DON'T THINK IT'!> ~Mflle PRC>et.E,..! ,...__ by Jim Davis rr'5 NOT MV FAUL1" VOU LEFT TME CiMLIC. CME.£5€ ou-r '-*-'T NIGMT by Ferd & Tom Johnson MY STAflS, 1 su~e GOT HIM AT TJ.4E J?l~ITT TIME THIS TIME ~ W"'EFl~1FlE MYCJt'EPIT 1 C/l.flPS? . ' , PUNIJTI ME«e'S TME WOCU> FAMOUS ATTOIMIY ~ MIS IJJAV TO lHi COURT MOUSE ... YOU PROMISED ME A ~NCY LUNCt-4--- AND YOU GAVE ME ,.-----"' .JUST TWO PANCAKES GORDO VQJ~ AE'I!' .»;WJ.N~­ lA'fELJ~!!>/ L)!I ~.em~~ AICE AMc:lva T1'll ~; Ll/:-a ~ ~~n=­ aACJ< :Z-15 II LET JUSTICE 8E PONE TM~ THE MeMHS F'AU ! " I WANT SOMETHING THAT WILL STICK TO MY Rl0S • by Tom K. Ryan AIHIS Sl:Ml-AWJAL R~R·POCKV Re&A'T'TA by Tom Batiuk t'l:Nk \' WINKEa•E"N Dear Band Alumni, In these difficult economic times, we find that we must increasing- ly tqrn to our bani famiJy for economic support. Why not consider, for example, setting a.side for the band ... those dollars that would otherwise be frit- tered 8Yf8N on ~ like children's mediN\l DR.8MIOCK see ! 1)-tA -r New •w1-u-reR i-HAN WHl"T"e!" &L.l!!ACH ReAL.&..Y WO"KS.' " ex~? ~ . i l ·IS by Kevin Fagan l'« c.o1' 'fO ~'fof l.U\I\~ M'f It.lift~ ~~ ~r t&1C"41. by George Lemont ' i l BIRD-WATCHER Mirhuel Cooper of thl' t akers was ~n charge or stopping Boston·s Larrv Bird and did hold him "to 12 Points. althoug~ Bird's threr·t><>int t>lay with 19· seco n ds remainin~ Sunday was dcrisin'. another ga~e . Celtics win return matchup over Lakers before national TV. audience ~ By cuaT 8EEDEN ..... ...., ........... INGLEWOOD -When you have the Loa Anceles Laken and Bolton Celtics to1ether on lhe same court, who needs the rest of the NBA? Meetlna for the second time In a week. the Lakers and the Celtics, ba n1ed their heads to1ether at the Forum Sunday afternoon, both with the memory ol a Laker•' 1UM13 victory in Boston still en1raved on their minds. Players from both teams will tell you the outcome of Sunday's encounter is Just another 1•me in • season that runs more than six months. And for thole who like to think or a Laker·Celtlc m atchup for th~ NBA championship, Sunday's double dose or Showtlme should have them licking their chops. But if you're one of the principals Involved on the court, Sunday's game was another battle of minds and another clash of bodies with. yes, just a dash or revenge s purring the Celtics. T hat revenae resulted In Bolton'• 108·103 victory before a sellout crowd or 17 .so~ and gave the Celtics a split of their two·game aeries with the Laken. It also made the Lakers winless In their lo t three 1ames. The last lime that happened to them wu ln late ltlO when Ch1cago, San Ole10 and Golden State slapped defeats on them. "That's three games in a row now," ... l..aker reserve 1uard Eddie .Jorda n pe rceptively pointed out. "But we have a game Tuesday night (agalnst Paclfic Division-leading Seattle) and that's what we have to be concerned about now.'' Still, the Lakers, and particularly J o rdan , had to be j us t a lad disheartened wilh the way the Celtics picked up the victory Sunday afternoon. With Boston holding on to a 104-103 lead. their star Larry Bird, stlOed all day by the Lakers' Michael Cooper, converted a controversial three·point play with 19 seconds remaining to put the Celtics up by four. "We ran a play ror me on the three·polnl play and t knew I was 1olng to aet lhe shot. Somebody tripped me and t dld.n'l know whether the rer was goin1 to call travelln1. because I didn't think he saw It," Bird recounted afterward. If It's traveling, the Lakers have the ball with 19 secondl left, down by one. It was not, a national television audience a nd a disappointed Laker c rowd learned. traveling. "This was a game that was hotly contested but not an artistic success." noted Boston Coach Bill Fitch. "Both teams played well in spurts. The Laker's a nd C.eltlcs always play each other hard." Added Laker Coach Pat Riley: "It was a classic game or two great teams playing. It came down to the wire. to a few crucial plays . This week and this game ... it was just not our luck to get the calls.·· · "I hate to see the game end like that," added Jordan, who, despite being one or the sm alle1t men on the t'ourt, played a bl& role for the Laken Sunday "Everybody's effort just went down the drain." J ordan played 11 minutes of the first halt and was 3 for a from the rield, flnh1 hlna the first 24 minutes with elthl points . J11cluded was a steal and a basket with three aecondl left In th~ first quarter to 1ive Los Angeles 11.t first lead of the day. 25·24 . J ordan then duplicated that feat al the end of the third quarter wi~h an 18 ·footer al the buzzer to 1lve the Lakers u 79.74 adva nta1e with 12 minutes remaining in the 1ame. Ile finished the night with 14 point five assists and three rebounds. Mean while, t he Lakers' Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Celtics'Larry Parish provided one of the better matchups of the day, but it d idn't m akh the duel between Bird and Cooper . Last Sunday. Cooper beld Bird to Just I 1 points. This Sunday. tbe 6·9 Celtic (See I.AKERS, Pa1e M > Valenzuela i could miss 1 '82 season Midwinter entry lis~ takes dip By ALMON LOCKABEV Ot .. DMIY ...... IWI LOS ANGELES <AP> _:. The agent fot Fernando Valenzuela says the 1981 Cy Young Award winner will sit out the 1982 baseball season if the Los Angeles Dodgers ren ew the leflhander's contract without his signature. For the first time in several years the Southern California Midwinter Regatta d ropped below the 1,000 entry mark as skippers and crNs of 890 boats braved light winds. fog and threatening skies in the 53rd edition of the world's la rgest winter regatta. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 15, 1982 BS As a second-year player. Valenzuela , who a lso was selected National League Rookie of the Year in 1981 , is not eligible for either free agency or arbitration. • Sixteen of the 17 host clubs wound up the action Sunday. Los Angeles Yacht Club continued th e regatta toda y with competition for four classes of International Offshore Rule h a ndicap yach ts and two one·design classes, the Cal·40 and 6-meter classes. Hall of Fallle holds inductions tonight Seven from county to be. added THE DODGERS are entitled to renew his contract without his signature and can cut his salary 20 percent. Players must be renewed between Mareh 1 and 10. "Whatever the deadline ls," sai d To n y DeMar co, Valenzuela's agent, '"ir we haVf:n'l round the a nswer to our needs, we'll know what to do. When somebody bas you by lhe neck and is choking you, you do what you have to do to survive." It is believed that DeMarci Is. seeking an estimated SI million a year for Valenzuela, 21 , the first player ever to win a Cy Young Award and be named rookie of the year in the same lea son . The Dod gers are b e lieved to be o ffe ring somewhere around $350,000 to $400,000. Valenzuela was paid $42,500 last year. "l'M GOING to give the Dodgers a chance to show they are what I think they are, a great or ganizatio n ,'· said De Marco. "lf they show me at some point rve been a foolish optimist, we'll do other things ... We'll go to the wire." Levi feels very fit after golf win HONOLULU <AP> -Wayne Levi's victory in the Hawaiian Op en put him in a different, much more pleasant category on the pro golf tour. · · I t w a s a v e r y • ·v e r y important victory for me," Levi said after he'd outlasted a host of would-be challengers with a 2-un~r-par 70 Sunday, good enougtl for a I-stroke triumph. There are at least three major benefits. first, h e's n o tonier s ubject to the rigors of the Monday morning qua lifying rounds, the 18·hole shootout ·non-exempt player s must survive just to gain a spot in lhe tournament field. Second, "there's another berth in the Masters," Levi said. And third, there's a spot awaiting him In the Tournament of Champions at La Costa, "an absolutely great tournament for the pros," Levi said. Levi, 28, captured his third Individual title in a six.year career with a 277 total, 11 strokes unde r par on the W'alalae Country Club course .. E ntries fell s hort of the anticipated turnout a i_ local clubs .. Newport Harbor Yacht Club and Lido Isle Yacht Club provided action for 108 boats in seven classes; Balboa and Bahia Cor inthian Yacht Club hosted 58 boats in six classes, and Dana Point and Capistrano Bay Yacht Club sent 64 boats in six classes to the starting lines. As usual, Alamitos Bay Yacht Club at Long Beach provided lhe major portion of the competition with races for 135 boats in ei1ht tlaues, most of them small. hish·perlormance boats. Second largest concentration of boats was in the Marina del Rey area where California Yacht Club and Del Rey Yacht Club joined forces to host 107 boats in 12 classes. Surprisingly, only three of lhe six Olympic· classes s howed up for the competition . Absent were the 470s, Flying Dutchman and Finn classes. There were good representations of the Star and Soling Classes at California Yacht Club. Corona del Mar's Dan Gurney and Huntington Beach's Shirley Ba bashoff are a m ong seven athletes and coaches who will be inducted into the Orange County sports Hall of Fame tonight at the Anaheim Convention Center. Gurney. the long-time auto racing driver who now builds lndi a n apol is..:ty p e rac in g machines for a Ii ving, was selected for his prowess behind the wheel. Babas hoff . a n Oly mp ic competitor in 1972 and again in 1976 when she won two gold and five s ilver medals. is '° former member of the Mission Viejo Nadadores swim team. Others to be Inducted Into the Hall or Fame along with' this duo a re Cathy Rigby Mason of gymnastics fame : Brig Owens, Bob Hamblin Eddie West and . Arky Vaughn. 'The latter two are being inducted posthumously. WHO'S GOT IT? Boston·s l.<1rr~· Bird ha:-.1 ..;t;irtll'd exprl'ssion as bull flies loosl' clunng Sund a~·~ :'\ H.\ gaml' <•t the Forum. Kure<.'m Abdul·J ahbar of lht• Lakl•rs look:- on with inw'rest. Cl'ltir!\ a\'enge<I loss t hl' pn•\·iot1s Wl'l'k t~ Los :\n~cll•S. winnin)! u 108·tO:J dl•t·ision Mission Bay Yacht Club at San Diego was a host club for t h e f i rs t ti m e t h i s y e' a r , providing races for three classes or sailboards which are being considered as a seventh Olympic class for 1984. The Midwinters tradltionally kicks orr a new yachting season <See MIDWINTER, Page 88> In addition lo the seven Hall of Fame inductees. the program wlll also honor 22 county sports personaliti es a s Sports Headliners of the Year. Included on this list are Kevin Magee, a basketball player at UC Irvine a nd a n All·Am e ric an last season; Wayne Carlander. an All-CI F selectfon at Ocean View High now starting as a freshman. al USC: Mike Vanderburg of Orange Coast College and Mike Sodders of Arizona State and formerly of O r ange Coas t College in baseball. Curt Arons of Saddleback College in football; Antony Em erson of Corona del Mar Edison, ~agles home Friday But the other seven area high schools open CIF playoffs on the road ay ROGER CARLSON ot•DlltyH9llWf I Nine Orange Coast area high school basketball teams are entered in the CI F playoffs, which begin Friday a fte r a s mattering or wild card ga m es Wednesday, but only two -Sunset League champion Edison a nd Sea View League .co·champion Esta~cia -have drawn home assignments. The rest are on the road, including Sea View League co-champion Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa in the 3-A eliminations and Marina , Ocean View and Mater Del In 4·A circles. Also earning berths in the small schools divisi~e Woodbridge High (Irvine> and Libert rlstian <Huntlngton Beach). Edlao 's top-ranked Chargers have cSrawn the No. 1 seed in the 4·A division and will host Mira Costa, which finished CIF First Roud Games Friday (7:M p.m.) 4·A Mira Costa at Edison Marina at Beverly Hills Ocean View at Esperanza Mater Dei at Millikan 3-A Ca ntwell at Estancia Corona del Mar at Santiago Costa Mesa at Dominguez Small Schools Woodbridge at Boys Re public Liberty Christian at Newbridge third in the Ocean League to champion Inglewood and runner·up Beverly Hills. Estancia's 20-4 Eaales await Cantwell Hi gh's Cardinals, a 12·12 team out or the • Mission League -which just happens to include No. l seeded St. Bernard. Here's a look at each of the opponents area teams will be faced with Friday: Mira Cosla (11-7) at EdllOlt <ZZ·Zl - Mira Costa banks o n the s trong rebounding of 6-6 Pat Chance and 6·4 Mitch Wasden, but the blue chip is 6·3 Jerome Wiley and the catalyst is 5-8 point guard Jason Cerofeci. The Mustangs were in the Fountain Valley Invitational, but didn't fare well in December, dropping a 62-61 game to Santa Ana Valley in lhe conso lati on championship game. Maria• (14-t> at Beverly IUlls 01·1> - The Normans of Beverly Hills are small, but get a big scoring touch from 6-0 Bobby Kay (22.S average) and soUd playmakin" <See PIA YOFFS, PaJe M > ChiJiig, Popovich earn tOp Sunset Let:'llue honor$ B7 aooEa CAaUON .. ...., ... -Bdlloa Hip'• Char1en awept to the Suaaet Lea1ue champiGMhtp wWI a ~·tame bul1e over tbelr nearest rl•al and tbe Dally Pilot's All·Sanaet Lea1M bulletball 1electlenl reflect tbe domllMltm. Richard Chane, EdiHn's lhree·year tlal'tM' md All·Clf' 4·A ael~ u a alo ..... tbe par.Se wttll MOil · His rcboundinl and inside scoring ablllty, coupled With 20-fool range, gave Edison the nexlbiliL.Y to attack any defense with !Cl~l effeet.lveneu. Two athel' ~ players ,amed fi rst team laurels and another made second team. . Rick DlBemardo. wbo 11u1de a name for hlrnMlf ln Notball u an AU·CIF llneMckm' _. • scholarsblp to Notre Damt, .. mllo I ........ fearltarter tor EdtlClll •m tbe boardl; alon1 wltla a 111 l IOft aouela with ra•lt .... , r..t. D•Btraardo averlflld . a JUll • a team with tour__..,... Gouble flpra. DIBeraardo'1 te81nmate ln the backcourt galnin1 first team notoriety ls J eff Stephens, who alo61 with IMODd team selection lla rlt Goudie. 1ave Edison the kind of t.etuce which mllde . it difficult to overlaecl on. Stephens avera ... 11.1 polnta a 1ame and ·played both ends of the eourt with Alfectivene11, aloa1 ,.Ith~ abUity. fto-.pdin1 out tbe ftnt team are Fo'4Mllln Valle1'1 Jeff HulMlt tM Baroni' 1harp-1hool•IJ.:~ltb a 11.0 IC!Orbtc ........ '°" .. -........ Md Ot••• View's , tower, •·•" Jim UMYlteh. Hu,._ av.-.,ed onr • PlfC-' for two r•an .au. Fountain ValleJ • wu ' the heart and soul of the Barons' team. As Hu1hes went. Fountain Valley went aod he was the subjed of evel"J' conc:9lvallle defense. • Utevltcl\. with an 18. 7 a cortn1 av•r1P. ••also the core ol his team's atrenllb. A reserve when he tailed oa ·the rrmma tum, Uaevitth wu ulted to aaaum• lite auJor role .of napoHlbU1t1 tbl1 1ear after the · ~uUGD of Wa)'M Carlander ud be ~llCl¥!1 b; lttdlnt hit temnmlll• -tM Clf' 4·A playoff au tht leape•a No.llMID. Tbe No. I team -Marina Hljll'1 Vlk .... -failed to pt • player on Ute <leeSU.ST,PaseM• High In tennis: Jim Doehring of Sadd leback College· in t'1'ack; Steve Scott, a former UC Irvine star. and current UCI student Greg Louganis in track and diving; and Bruce Penhall in motorcycle racing. Among the coaches to be honored are Jack Errion or Coron a del Mar and Ke n Swcarin~cn o f Saddlebal'k Coll ege. Los Angeles Dodger Manager Tommy Lasorda will receive a special Lifetime Achievement Award. Al s o among those to be honored are Gary Carter. the All-star game catcher for the Nation al League fr om the Mo ntrea l Expos and Pat Mcinally. a punter with the Super Bowl XVI Cincinnati Bengals. Magee averaged 27.5 points and 12.4 rebounds per game while shooting 67.1 percent from th~ field for UCl last season. He also starred-.on the \J.S. World Cup team in me s ummer. This year. for the first time. ga llery scats are being sold to the general publip for S3. These t1t•kets entitle the bearer to sit in thc stands above the main floor of the basketball arena where the dinner will be held and view the proceedings. Special entertainment will get under way al 7 with the awards ceremony beginning at 8. These tickets wi ll be avajlable al the door tonight. Kings good for what ails Flyers PH I LA DELPHIA (AP > Wh e n ever the Philadelphia Flyers need to shake a streak of mediocre hockey. they like to see the Los Angeles Kings. home or away. "Los Angeles has always had a tough lime playing against us .·· offered Philade lphia's Brian Propp, who sco'red two goals as the Flyers beat the Kings 6-4 in a National Hock..ey League game Sunday night.. The win extended the Fly~es· unbeaten string over the Ki s t o 30 s t raight gam es. L s Angeles is 0-25-S again t Philadelphia -since 1974. "The Flyers " game pl was to move the puck In agal us and take advanta1e of mistakes," lamented the Kin Dave Taylor. "They play type of game we'd like to pla . and they did lt tonight." ' In a season that has seen Kines give up more 10al1 th anyone elJe In the NHL -al 1 with 1olnl 11 1tral1bt 1ames the road without a win Phllachlphla'a awarmlnl off: overwhelmed LOI An1ele1. "We had to rebevnd aft lo1in1 (l·I to the blander > Saturday ni1bt," t ai Pb.Uadelphla CoMh Pn "We could bave 1lli n farther by IOlnl the wroq w tonl1ht. We were able to • IOOCI att.ack.'' I I . I Orange eo.t DAIL V PtLOT/MQnday. February 15, 1112 ~~~------.....-----~ ,;,,.------------.....-,...--------~ Leonard predicts KO in title defense ' From AP db1 patches RENO Sugaf• Ray Leonard, m predicting he'll win by a knockout, Mghts Bruce Finch tonight in his first · d e f e n se or th e undi s put e d welterweight championship. Leonard gained sole possession of the title by stopping Thomas Hearns in the 14th round last Sept. 16 at Las Vegas, the scene or many title fiahts over lhe past several years. But t his m ountain gambling resort hasn't had a c ha mpions hip fight since J ack Johnson knocked out Jim J effries in the 15th round in d e f ense o f th e heavyweight c hampionship July 4, 1910. Tonight's fi g ht at the 6,700-sea t Cent e n oial Coliseum w111 be • televised l•ONHD live by Hom e Box Office. a ca ble TV company, at a bout 7: lfi p.m. It will be the second match between the two men. Leonard outpointed Finch in a three·round amateur bout in 1973, the year Finch turned pro. "He just beat me,'' said Finch. "He was the better man. But I'm a much better fighter than I was when I was an amateur ... Quote of the day Defe nsive tackle J oe Greene, who r e ti r e d after 13 seasons with t he Pitts burgh Steelers : "I came here as a boy. I leave here as a man. I tend to think or this ti me as gradu'ation .. Islanders two wins short of mark Clark G illies, Bryan Trottier, ~- Brent Sutter a nd Mike Bossy scored ' two goals each as the New York Isla nders routed Hartford 9·1 Sunday m the National Hockey League The triumph was New Yor k's 12th straight. leaving it just two short of the league mark. set by Boston in the 1929·30 season . . Elsewhere. a wrist s hot by Dave Lumley with 1 :35 remaining gave Ed monton a 2·2 tie with Boston in a game in which Wayne G r e t zk y could ma n age o nl y an assist ... Andre Dore a nd Mike Rogers scored goals in the final 112 m inutes of the second period. starting the New York Rangers on their w<1 y to a 5·2 victory over visiting Quebec ... Rookie Aaron 8roten's seventh goal of the year broke a 3·3 lie and gave Colorado a 5.3 victory over Was hin gton. POPOVICH CHANG From Page 85 Johnson near perfect fo; &uck• M•rqufl Jolluoa scored • su11on hlilh !M> points. connectin1 on 13 ot 14 ishot1 from the fleld, l2._lead the Mllwuukue Bucks lo a Jid·fffOu,, or Cl(•vclund I n th~~ut onal o ilakc tball AuocJ ulion . R¥du y e v lctoty was M l l wuuket1's nth tr•~tlit ; the loss. Clcvchrnd's fifth In 11 row ~·. Elllewhere, Mark Olbfrdla& s red ~ polrws and reserve\ c~cr Dlft·Cora18f addtd a se son hlllh 2~ points and 12 re unds To lead San Antonio a l 14·94 victory over Scutllt·. which lost its third s t r a ig ht ga m e o n th e road . . Julius l':rvln1 a,nd Andn-w Toney score d 26 points a picct.• us Philadelphia pulled uwuy in the nna l two minutes lo bcal New York. JOMNION 117-105 .. J ay Vi n cent poured in 10 or Dallas' 14 points to lead the Mavericks to u 111-109 win over New Jersey .. Purvis Shot notched a game-high 24 points as Golden State held off a fourth-quarter rally to beat Kansas City, 103·93 ... Johnny Davis scored 25 points and Billy Knight and Tom Owe ns had 19 apiece in lndiana·s 107·91 triumph over Portland Dodgers win exhibition from USC . Wi t h F e rnando V a le nz ue la Ill working a hitless Cirst inning, the Los Angeles Dodgers went on to de reat the University or Southern Cali fornia, 7·3, in the Dod gers' annual open house and workout before a n estima t ed 35 ,000 fans a t Dodg e r St adium .. James Worthy scored 19 pojnts a nd led second-ranked North Carolina to a 66·57 col l ege ba s k etball v i c t ory over Georgia ... Hollis Stacy canned a two-root putt ·on the final hole to stave off an onrushing Patty Sheehan and win the LPGA tourna ment in St. Petersburg, F'la. this weekend by one stroke ... Michael Clayton of Australi a shot a 4-under-par 68 to win the V1ctor1 a Upen in Melbourne for his first victory since joining the pro tour lust fall. Lee Trevino faltered on t he final round and finished fou r strokes back. at ~-under 285 . . J erry Hilecher 'of Encinitas defeated Bobby Stocker of Santa Ana. 21-7. 20-21. 11·2 in the championship match or t he Hacquetball Classic at Los Caballeros Racquet and Health Club in Fountain Valley Television. radio Followinq are the too c;oortc; PvPntc; on TV ton1qht Ratinqc; are : • • • • excellent worth watchinq •• fair ; • forqet it ~ 8 p.m .. Channel 9 "' ' ' COLLEGE BASKETBALL: USC d i Ar110na State Announcers: Tom Kellv and PetP NPwPll The Trojans escaoed Arizona Saturdav niqht with an overtime victorv and will be Irving to remain 1n the hunt in the Pacific-10. Arizona State ic; cominq off a 72·60 loss to UCLA The Trofans who teatUT'e Ocean View Hoqh gradualP Wavne Carlander . won an earlier meetina at thP Soortc; A r ena. b4·57 Basketball KDA V 11580) RADIO USC at Arizona State 7 o m DletEllN4•DO SUNSET LEAGUE TEAM NAMED. • • first team and picked up only one spot on the second team <Rick Smith I. Steve Popovich took a band of unheralded players and molded them around Smith to stun the rest or the league wi th a 6·4 finish. twice knocking off Ocean View. Chargers No. I Edison High's Cha rgers finish the 1981·82 regular season right where they began -at t he top or the Orange County prep basketball r a nkings a fter rolling up a 22·2 overall record. Edison. along with all of Lhe ranked teams, next prepares for the Cl F playoffs. whic h begin Friday and culminate at the Long Beach Arena Mar. 6. Daily Pilot's Top 10 Orange County Prep Basketball . Pos. Team l. E dison 2. Ocean View 3. Estancia 4. Corona del Mar 5. Marina 6. Ser vile (final) 7. Capistra no Valley 8. Brea-Olinda 9. Costa Mesa 10. (tie> San Clemente La Habra Record 22·2 16-10 20·4 17-4 14 ·9 15·9 15·8 23.3 15·8 19·7 18-6 Zillgitt and Wright insunncr .1srnts .1nd brokrr$ I Contractors: J.nsurance c'ost!I rising'.' Contact us for competLtlVe quote11 for t.l11blllt'. Equipment. Propt•rt~ a nd Work~r•' C'omperuu1llon ln&ur11ncc. We c11n also handle )OUr bondlna need J9JI Mic~ Bs*&d ~ 9rldl Ca 92W'I l7Wt~I~~ Pic:kt:cl to finish no higher t han fourth. Manna wa~ the h1g s urprise and much <Jf the Vikings' succc!>!-h<tS to be credited toward th~ bench F'or 1t. Popo\'ich is the runaway choice for Coach or the Year honors . A l:.o ear ning second tea·m berths a r e H untington Beac h's im pressive junior. Billy Thompson . Fountain Valley's inside m uscles·. Ke n Hart er. and Scott De Brouwer. whose girted playmaking and long range s hooting kept Ocean 1 View alive and into the Cl F playoffs. Thompson averaged 12.6 points a game and was the catalyst to a 5·2 start: Harter averuged 11.6 points a game: and De Brouwer scored al a 10.0 clio Player, school All-Sunset League First Team Richard Chang. Edison Rick DiBernardo. Edison .J im Uscvitch. Ocean View J eff Hughes. Fountain Valley .Jeff Stephens. Edison Second Team Ken Hurter. Fountain Valley Rick Smith. Marina Hilly Thompso.n . Huntington Beach Mark Goudge. Edison 5cott Dcnrouwer. Ocean View Ill. Cl. 6·6 Sr 6·4 Sr 6·9t 2 Sr. 6•3 Sr. 6·2 Sr. 6-4 Sr. 6·5 Sr. fi .1 J r. 6·2 Sr. 5·10 Sr Kuhn says he w~n't r esign Avg. 18.6 13.6 18.7 21.0 12.6 11 .6 14 .6 12.6 13.5 10.0 NEW YORK IA P > -Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn said Sunday he will not resign despite pressure from a number of major lea gue owners who could pose a thrcatlo his job. IMIOU.NOW c ................ ,,... Lelw ....... ~ RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN GOLF COURSE o •• .FREE tESSONS with ~ . PURCHASE OF '20°0 DISCOUNT . RANGE CAR~ • FrotnP-oe85 .....,.....ERS ••• ~ PLAYOFFS TO BEGI~ • • lnlahed with t~n you J>nl take 11 •htlts au· daY.'l an.,. c ect just fur tline.• - Yf:at ha na a lot. '-1-~ "All y long l~as havin o fi ght th ugh Coo r and VI I got by him, aom ne else wO a lways there," Bird s aid. "So had a hard time getting gOOd s hots." The day wasn't a total loss for Bird , however . Besides hitting the cllochlng three -point play. he collected nine assis ts and nine re bounds. • · 1 decided that If the points cam e. it would be a bonus," Bird added. Cedric Maxwell actually led all scorers on the floor with 27 points. followed by 22 from Parrish Mean while. r eserve swing ma n M.L . Carr, p a t ientl y wailed until late in the third quarter to get some playing lime. lie hit 4 of 6 shots over the final 14 points. and was actually the d ifference in the game. "My game is like a catalyst. T hey put m e on Magic and it's, always a run jo b to play against a guy like that.'' noted Carr "Any lime you go against Los Angeles. you know you're going against one or the better teams in the lea~e " "It was a great win for them . just like last Sunday was a great win for us," added Magic . "1¥1 ay't>e il ·s a sign of thmgs to come. Hul we just have to put this one behind us and think <1bout Tucsdav." T u e s d a y· d o e s b e c o m e 1m por t a nt. consideri ng the Lakers' oppone nt. Seattle. which has a lso lost its last two games, s til l h o lds a h a lf-game advantage over the Lakers with a 34· 16 record. o~c seeks plaroff 8 Area commun ity college basketball teams enter the final week or conference play this week. and Orange Coast College races the biggest cha llenge. needing two victories if the Pirates hope to advance to the Sou t h Coast Confe r e n ce's Shaugtinessy playoffs. TU•SD4Y ...,._,,·ca1 c .. ••-• Golde" WKI " CyorHs. 7•30 pm WIDNllDAY ...,.c.attc .. .._. Groumonl tl0r'"91'COHl,130pm Mlt ... C...fer-• S..CICll-~ al Paiom.r, J·:JOp m 'fllDAY ~·Col CalttereoKe LoS Aft9el•CCatGo4-Wttl, 7:JOpm UTU•DAY ~C..ferelK• SoulhWttt..-n at S-• .. baeti, 7:30 pm fro m 5· 10 j unio r g uurd Robert 1Co1rntryman, who a vor ugcs 9. polnte 1ancJ.i.Q. 1111ist11 per gamo Otean w <ll·lO> at F.oerHH (28·4). The thing I here isn't the poncnl. It's e pulr\ngs for Ocean w. If ihr S hawks can dl11posc or erun1.11 . od an• they'll be the host te ainst o. 2 seed Crespi c 21·2 I lhc followln 1esdav. The All s must contend with the 6·914.i height of Jim Usevitch and the rronl line Of 6·4 Dave Carroll and 6·4 M ikc .Judge with a quintet that ha~ no one over· 6·2. Matt>r Del (14·9) at Millikan (20·:t>. Bill Odell's Rums don 't show a lot of height , bul there wu~ cnouii:h talent to go 8·2 in lhe Moore League, good enough for a s hare or the league cham1>ionship with Lakewood 123·2) and Long Beach Pol\ 121 5) Cantwell 112·12) at Estancia <20·4> - Estancia isn't considered a hig team but Cantwell is much smaller with 6·0 senior 1'ony Vi llalobos and 6·0 junior Tony Gardea the leading score rs with 17.5 a nd 13.6 averages. rci..1>ectivcly. Rounding out the anticipated starting liocup for Cantwell. which Is enJo.rmg its best record in 20 years, arc 6· l sophomore center Chris Ra ngel. 5-8 gu ard Chr is Lopez and 5· 10 forn ard M ickcy Perez. CdM (17·4> at Santiago 07·6> - Charles Lewis, 3·5·11 senior guard. is Santiago's top threat wilh a 19.4 scoring average, on a team which includC's 5·6 sophomore guard Rich MC'lgoza . who averages 6.7 assists per game , Hill Waggoner . <1 6·5 senior center. 1s the leading rebounder at 11.5 per. while Curt 'ondon 16-41 and J err Pace <6-0 for ward 1 round out the starters. Cos ta Mes a ( 15·8 > at Doming ue z < 11·7) -Mesa's first appearance in the Cir ph1)11ffs in 16 years fi nds the Mustangs up against tw<H1me All CIF' point. ~uard T (.'rry Carr. who is averaging 15 7 points. 5 3 rt•bounds <1nd IO assists per game. Woodbridge ( 13·9> at Boys Republic I 13·7) -Th(• Pinon Le<1gue champs havt.' an 1mpos1ng lmeuµ. led by fi-8 !>cnior Rich<ird Finlc~. 6·0 guard Jeff Law and 6·4 Juniors Jame!) Johnson •md Darren Sulh\•an. AUison breezes DAYTONA BEACH. Fla 1AP1 B<>bby All ison. frustrated in last year's Daytona 500 when he ran out of gas late in the race, ran away with Sunday's cras h -mar k ed 24 th e ditio n o f N AS(..' AH 's most prest1~1ous event. T he 44 -ye<1r -o l d d r iver fro m Hucytowri. Ala .. took the lead for good 38 laps from the end or the race at Daytona Internationa l Speedway when Cale Ya rborough, who had led briefly, made his final scheduled pit stop ••A 11\AYO~H ....... .-...... ,,. ,.... --Cit-••• .. ,..,..,.. CMll• ••121 ""'wr:'""··':•t lllWWC-..1 .. a ... m.21 I.•~ 1•111 ...__ llN I ...... v.,..ern...-o. .... 19,.,,, .. (IS.t i Vt,llum 0.1 llt •U ot Keltll• (11·111 I s.111• MM1ca 111 •1 •• c-11 .. llHI ·-· It 111 ti l ..... weed CIM I 4 1 .. ,..,.,, Cit SI at SI ,,.,... lotco (J0.41 Mftlt Oii 11 .. 'I et MHllUlo C,..)I ICtMffY I .. ti fl ltolllr19 Mlll1 t••·JI Matllll C 14 ti •I lovtrly Miii' <1•·•• $erro Cl).111 tiPoMOene 11 .. 11 lekewood CU·Jt ac ll•hop Monlgonwry llH I Vtnlurt Cll _.t •I $1 4111'-V 11 ... , LB POlv 01 SI ti ~lml \/ellfY 111·Sl e>c.N View 11 .. 101 •I E.,..,.,.,. l»O Crt".,'' V•lley II• 101 fl Crt\91 ctMJ C" ).4 "UVOl'l'i w1r.c_,._,..,.,.,,,:•1 81•1• Cl .. 111 0I HH Wilson os-101 l'int ...... Cl'rl., 1:•l LOS AmlQO\ fl~IJI .i SI 8trftorO 121-21 Aedlal\~ 119 11 ti Mortr10 Vallty 116·11 C•ll• Meu I U II •• Domino....,, , ... ,, Burr~i t 10 10) •I w .. 1 Covin• .. ... C•M 117 •) •t s,on11090 tl7·t l B••tr or HH Wlhon •I CanYOI\ 11).101 AubtdO<'" 111 I I al PomoN t l .. SI Fonl•rw " 111 •I lhv Poly 110-SI W•rr•n fl) 11 ti HOOfft lf1 11 Horii\ A•• t» JI et Cltrt mOl\t fl .. ,, Foolf\111 llHl •I u Oulnl• llHI Cal\l-11 t 17 171 ti EtltMY t10-•t Lynwood 11711 •t Bouo Tec11 (17 11 SA Valley tU 111 •t lOl Altos t21 ~I Alt• LO""" t lHI •1 PAim Sprll\QS (II Si Hortt Vt\ta llS 101 et San Goroonlo !?S.01 CIF 1·4 "UTOl'l'S Wll• c.ar41•-IWM., 1:•1 S•" Cl.,,...,t., ( 1• 71 et F .. llenon 11•·•1 S<llurr llU I ti Ho'111•1ew llS.101 C•nvon Sauou\ 111 ti) at Arro10 Gr•no. 11•11 An•f\elm 11~111 •t ,._., Ct ... I 1'1"1 ...... tl'tl., 7:•1 Y"C••°"' 110.UI at t.• Sefne tU •ll C"ntr•I 11•" at l(epoet tl .. 101 S.n Cl.,me<>tP O< Fullt'1on al u Mirac:l<1 (17·61 • Sil••rw1 t 11· 101 Al N09'le\ C 11 .. 1 6ellllowet 110-lll OI AIQl!ettl (JO.JI DM• Holh tu., •I Sonor• (1 .. IJ G erey ti 11 1 •1 ~•n Bernuellno 110 10 Scnutr or Nor1hv1•w •• BurroUQh,, R1dc;itcrt\t lie SI Arroyo <ir•noe 0< C.nyon, Sauous •1 6ru-Ol111<10 11)..31 Palo V.,de ttS 101 at Monleloor t 11·111 """''" tl-IJI •t Arroyo C 1• II MontttwllO ltl ti) al C•olJtrel>O V•llo lls.tl Poone.-or An-Im at U Hall<• 118 61 Ante•-Vetlty 11•-•1 at San luli Obt\PO t-1 woom ... 11• IOI •I ll\Clt0 11w1 Gantt,.. 111111 OI Victor Valley fll·SI CIF 1·4 .. UTOl'l'S Wll4C,olf'41•-CWM., 7:•f Lutrier&n tu .71 •I B•ldwln Par-113,. C•l•Oa"Mt• 111 101 .ti l(er" Valley (9 131 M•rSh•ll 11'.MI et Soutn l'0'4MMnt IU IOI 8ttl Jpfl I ti 101 ti AO\OmOl\d ''~'" H•llo I ta SI at Yucca Vallo C II ti I Finl ·-ll'ri., 1·•1 81\hOO ~ ti U I at Soni• Ctor• 111·•1 <See CIF. Page 88> DISTlllllnCll IOWOI. ... --CIDMll One of the best on-time records going That's style. Fares that save you money every day on every flight. That's style. t oo. AirCal. We do more than get you there. We get you there in style! SftN fRftNCISCO SflN JOS£ OflKUIND RENO PIK>EN1X SJ9 . J9 J9 42 42 FRESNO J6 , UIS V!CiftS llO S65 65 65 65 611 55 59 •LowCal fares reQu1re advance purchase Seats are limited and other restrictions apply • ·. Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 15, 1982 ·scoREBOARD NBA WUT•aN CON,•••NC• PMlfkOI ...... • L ~t. o• s .. t11• M " ... L4111•" :u 17 ·"' .... Pof'tl•ncl 2t 21 .S71 Slot GolcltnSt.tt 21 n .5SI .-... ,._,,1. ,. n Set 1 Sat\ Dleoo u ,. ~01v1.-.no 10 ~lllorllo :n 17 .us toro 21 22 .Ul 5 Otnwr ,. 23 .131 • Ul•ll .. ,. ,., 1• 0.llH 1• J.l .n1 •• K•l'IMt Clly ,. M .no 1•11> •AST•aN CON,IEa•NCIE AllMlk Dl.W. 8oslOll ,. 1l ,,,, Pflll edl lpl>ie ,. u .no .... Ntw J t rMy 25 2• ·* 12 WHllll'IQIGrl 14 u .... 12 New York 23 n ."2 14\ot C:-elOIYIMM Mll••vl<ee ,. 14 no Ottroll n n .4'1 14Vt lfllflene tt n .411 141'1 Allente " 2t .404 ""' ChlceQO " JI •• 17 Clevtlelld 11 ,. 210 15 ._..,.,k_ '°''°")GI,~ 103 Phll-P,le 111. New York 10S Golden Sl .. t 103, K...,, .. Clly U Sen Alllolllo 114, s .. mt t4 O•llH 111, New JerMY IOt Inell-107, "°'11-tl Mllw.., .... IU Cle .. l .. cl ti T.._'10-Denver •• Ut~ .,...y~ St•lll• .. UMft O•llH et New York HCMlllorl .. Ottroll Pllotnl• ti Chl<-00 KenMlClty •I Otftver WHllll'llllOft .. Por'tl- All•nla at S-. Oit90 Celttcs 108, L•kers 103 aOSTON -8 1rcl 12. M .. w•ll 21. Porllll n. An:llibekl 11, Ford 2. M<Hole •. Htncl«son 7, R-y •.Corr' Tot•l1· 41 ?J·:M IOI. LOS ANG•LH -J-.,on 1', Wllk9' 2', Abchll.J-r 21, C-r '· NlaOft •• Jordon 14, Mc"-'· ~nc1seer99r o. Totals· 412t·• t03. k-IW~ 8ollOll 24 2t Z2 M-IOI Loa A11991ts u n n 24-103 ThrM•pcNlll 9001 Archl.,.kl. FCM.Oltcl oul Hixon. Tolol toUls -lkKlon 2J. Los A~n A 11.505 COl.LEGE How too 20 f.,ed H-IN TOP f-ty lffml If' Tiit Auoclolled ""'' <Oflete llnbt.,.11 lloll lertc111111-k. I Ylrtll'llo 12 .. 11 beat Nor1h CorollN State 1'-•; liHI ClemlOrl 5'-S... 1. Nor111 Carolin• 120·21 beol Maryloncl st-5'; beat Georgia ... S7. > 0.Poul 122·11 i.01 Evan1vll1t ~-; bHI Loyal•. 111 ....... 4 Ml-I 121-11 beel Konsos 4NI; ... 0111-... s .... ....,. 5. Iowa 111·>1 be•t Horth-slern 62 .. ,; lcKl lo Inell ..... 7).51. • o,.._ 540• Ila.JI beat Ctlllorftlo S1·SO; -°"90f\ ... SI. 1. Tulsa 111->I bta l 111111011 Stele 1 .... 1. OT; beat Cre'911ton ~. I . Arkant H (11·SI beat TtaH Cllrlll'-7 .... ; -lo a.,ior S..U. OT; IOll lo ........ 5S-Sl ' MlNIHllU 117·0 ..... WIK-11'1 11..0; -,.,__ 5>-52. 10. A.-.0 llMI loll lo Loulslono Slot• 7:Me; -lo KenllKllY 12 .. i. II. WHIVlf't111i. C21·11 •el D-'0-7'; bHI 54. lloM-ur• ~- 12 K .... ueky 111 .. I -MiHilllOoi ~:.llNIAi-.mon .. 2. ll lcl•llo 121·21 beat Wt btr Slate 71 .. 2; bffl l-Slett 11·!0 14 Mtmpllll s.... 111-4 I beat ee11 Sta• 1,_..; bNt FIOrNSt Sta• •2..0. IS Ka nsu Slate, c 11.51 lost lo Oalollom. ,._51, beel •-•St••-· t•. Woke Forest (17·51 beot c 1em-. •4·7•; btol Oullt ... 71. 11 Sen FrencllCo 121·•1 be•I SI Mary" n.n; beel S. Dh9o l~. 2 OT 11 Fresno Stolt UD-21 be•I LOf>t BHcll St.te ~; ..... UC ........ 11·• 19. Woshln91on llHlJo,St to Collfornl• '4·SO; -SI~ S3-S2. 20. G..,...-,. 120-51 beol Syrocuw '6-1•.-~u . .._... COLLEGE STANDINGS .Padftc.10 Conference Cellf. s-- O ....... SQle WHhl1'1910ft UCLA use ............ st. .. COlltornlo 0A9ol'I ArllOfMI 54ete ~­Ari,_ ....,_.rcllN s.n P'renclKo S...I• Clora Pertlollcl Gonto .. St. MarY't S...Ole9D Loyola WCAC w L W L 11 I II ) It 2 ti 4 ' ' " ' • , 14 6 IS14 11 511111 > ' • I) J ' • u 211 11' 211 '" c-t. W L ' 0 1 , 5 ' 5 • ' ' 2 7 2 1 I I s--w L " . 21 • 14 • 11 • ,,. . 10 12 • 12 l " WHtem AtNetlc Conference Cellf ...... W L W L WYOml"I 10 2 11 6 S4lft oi.., M• I 2 11 S ...... u • 2 1• s TtHl-1!1 '"-1 4 1• 1 8rl.,._ v--. • 5 14 10 -Mella 4 1 ti II Ulall 4 1 t 14 COloflHlo M .. e 2 IQ 1 IS Air P'Of'Ce 1 tr 6 ,1 Soutttwnl Conference Cellf. s.a-w L W L Arlltl'llO' • 4 11 s T .. HA&M I 4 U 1 eaylor 1 s u • TCU I 5 U 10 .......... 1 5 " • THH • • I• • THH T.Y, • I 14 ' Alce • I IJ n WU • I 12 • 11 Big Ten Conference c-t. --w L W L •-a 10 2 " , MlllNtoto , t ) 11 4 lllcllene I 4 14 1 llllnoh 1 5 14 1 OllloStele 1 5 t• I Purci.., • • ' 12 Ml<11'9al'I S4et• 5 1 10 12 Mic~ 4 I S 1S Hortll-em l ' 1 14 WiKOlltil'I I It 4 1• Big Eight Conference Cellf ...... W L W L MlsM41f'I 10 I 21 1 Kol'IMS 54alt 1 l 11 S OlllollOmo • 4 u 1 ........... ' 5 " • Olllo ....... 54ett s S ta t KallMS 4 6 ll ' •-• St .. t 2 I 1 14 C*r-2 • 10 1J SoutheHtem Conference c-t, 's.a .. W t. W L T.,.NS-It J 16 • Kentucky 10 4 11 ' L~U 10 4 U I Alot>amo t s 11 s Mlulullll)l 1 • IJ t Geor9le 1 1 13 t Auburn S ' 11 11 Vo-rblll s ' 12 10 Mlulu lllf'I SW.• l 11 1 u FlorlclO 2 12 5 11 Atlantic CoHt Conference c.M. s.a .. W L W L Vlr9lnl• ' I 24 I Mortll CorOfiM I 2 20 2 Welle F_,. 1 3 11 S Hort!) C-IN S S 11 6 Maryl-4 • 14 • 0v11e 11 tu CltmlOrl l I 11 10 Geor9lo Tedi 2 ' I IJ Big Stly Conference c.M. s--w L W L ... _ NevOcl•A-Moll\IN Bolte Slat• Moftt...,.SC.e W.ber Stole lcl-51* NOr1M,.,, Ari- 10 I 21 2 • l 17 s 7 J 14 • 5•1112 • 10 u 1 ll 11 • ll 10 • , 11 Community collea• 1tat1 OOU>t!fl WIEST TIMI G Ph. A119. "•"°" 21 4tS 11.J ._.. v 415 "·' O.vlt t6 m 12.s ~~~ ·:! ~~ . ·~:; Ev.,,,. rt U 15 •.2 Oun..m 21 111 S.6 Myles 21 110 5.2 Martino 1 I •.o Aevlt • 1' l .1 •••clley • • 2.0 McGee J 4 1.J O•ANO• COAST C1M 41 0 "-· 8Htl•y 16 ff7 G. KrOMlekll 26 21• a.ldwln " .. Tllomat 16 147 T. Kr.......... l6 116 C•I-14 • NanlOn IS )I H•llan 19 2• Matllleu 17 24 Olm•l...,lt ' • IAOOt.AllACK C~ltl Tur-ner Ooclclt Wlsnie-1 Doyle Mltc ... 11 Hiii Rekl FllS<lltt Bry•nl GrounCI Retcl G Ph. 2• ... ' 114 ,. , .. 26 JIS 11 lt.l 11 1,. " 112 2) " 11 ll ,, .. 2 J:J ~ • • I I 'f ,, !xhlbltton ~7.USCJ A119. t>.O 10.7 ..o u 4.1 u 2.0 1.4 1.4 0 4 A119. "·' 12. 12.l 12..1 10.J u 4.5 .).• l.2 1..S I. use oao t0t c>-J 1 1 0ootten 1t1 113 1-7 14 I HeHIOP. C.mKk l•I, Mtlsttf ISi .... Ce<cllll'll; Velenrwlo, R-1 C21. -m, Siewert (41, N'-fuer ISi, Oror <•I. Wlllte 111 oncl Zouro t . HR-M-90f'Nry CUSCI 2, CK Cllllll IUSCI, R-.lcu ILAI. ,.l,~~-.a:. UC,,,,._,, UNLV • UC lrvlne 001 I02 on-t 10 0 UNLV OIO IMO 010-6 1 S e11nor, _,.., 161, .,_ m - Btrl'lercl; Plnt•r. LOftGm•n (II -OtS.1141L w-arens 11 .. 1. L-~. HR-Ho.,_... !UCll.Gedles CUCH. HCONOcaAMa UClnW11,UNt.Y4 UC lrvlne OSI 002 101-11 ll I UHL V 010 002 Ole>-4 I 4 Cowuo, Colllnve 171 end Rupp; ~~~~~Ii' ...'J10eT.::~J!!11~yl~~ w -c o .... 11 17·01 L -HOPP•• S-Colllnte. 18 Cumml119s IUCI I, R-!UCll. HA -CunuT1l119t CUCll. Connunlly coffeee ..,.. ... l.A9. '•LA--· Oro .... C .. st Oil 221 000-t 12 4 LA Horw ooo m oao-. 10 s Ke1109e, R-er 161 Ol'ld Tlnoce; Pulku-. "'"-1 c•>. St~ 1•1 -PolltrlOO\, Cerrltr 161. W-ICell .... L-PulUllOt 28-PolltrMll (LAH) erowl'I IOCCl~~lr (LAHI, aro...i :~g: HR-rlcll IOCCI, ~11 U.S. National Indoor Cot ....... . Si ..... , ... . Joll•n Krlell dlf. J-McEnroe, 6·l , >·•· ... 11Cr1911 wins MO.MIDI. o.M91 ...... Kevin Cutren·Sleve Otnlon cltl Mc Enrot·~er Fl-lflO, 1 .. , 4"6, .. , WCT tourn•m•nt i.t ak.._, Ya.) SI ..... ,. ... JOM·Lull Clerc dll Friu Buef\111119, >·• ... > • ._,., .. 3 CCltrc •Int '100,000; &uellnl119 wins M0,000). Women's tourn•ment CM"-Cltyl ~, .... M•rllno N•vr•lllove cltC. 8or1Nr• Poller, •·2, •·2 INevrolllove wln1 l22,000; Polltf wll'll ll 1,000). Grand Prb lourn•ment I.et c.roc-. v--w.1 ~,. ... A•ul Remlre1 cltl. Zoll..., Kul\oruy, 4 ••• 1 ..... , D•vtona 500 Resulll of Sullcl•Y'• OaylOl'I• SOO Grand NellonOI sloO cor roct, with IYIM ol cor, •-compi.1tc1 encl winner's .,,.,.r.="' In mp!>• I. AllllOrl, Buick A ... I. 200, 1U."1 2. Cale Yorborou9". Sulek Reva•. 200. 3. JM Autlm...,, Buk l A ... I. 200. 4, Terry ~It. Sulek R ... I, ltt. s. e m e111o11. Forc1 '""-rt.In!.'"-•. ROii 11ouc.11ore1. euk k R ... 1. 1" 1. HorryG.,t, Sulek R ... I. HI. I. 9ucldy .... .,. Buick A ... I, 1"- 9. Joel' Akllty, Ford Tlluncltrblrcl, '"· 10 AIW Smith. -.tloc GrallCI Prix, .... 11. Gory ltolouQI\. '-lee LeM•ns. .... 12. Jim Slluler. Buick A ... I, 1'3 U J 0 McOullle, Ponll•c Gr•llcl Prl1, It). 14. L-IC-1, 8ulcll R ... 1.1'1. u . Buooy Arrln9lo11, Cl\roler cor....,.,.,,, ••· Tommy G•le. P'orcl Tlluncltrblrcl, llS. 11. Jimmy 1;1e.,,, 8vlck R ... 1. 11S. It Ak a WHSOll, Otlhmabllt Cwtlft1'. 1112 H. -.. II SllepMrcl, Bulek R ... I, .. .. 20 Dorrell Wollrlp, 8ulek R ... I. ISi. 21. A.J Foy1, O~lt CutloH, 14S. n. TemSflw•. e111e11 R ... 1.1<W. t3. Kylt Pwlty, ftorlllec GrollCI Pr111, Ill. l. 2.4. o ... -c11, Sulek A~. UI. u. Nell eor-n, Ford T....,...rlll•CI. 104. ,., 8-y P-. PMloc LtMon~ IOJ 21. Rlc...,rcl Pelly. Pontloc Gr•"" Prix, 104. lt. Elliott Forbet-Roblnton, 8uk ll Rt9tl 101 n . T'9N Scion, eulo A ... 1. 11 >O. M9'11 Martin, Buick R-1. 15 31. SI., 11¥rett. Bulek A ... I. U 32. 80bbyW-•k. Bulca A ... I.,. l3. OelrMC-orl. tluka Revel. u :M. OOllM AllllOn, Sulek R ... I. U JS. Rld1y lh>clld, Ponlloc Gr•llcl Prl•. 51 26 . OOle £ern ll•rCll, Fo rd Tnu,...,rblrCI, '4. J1. Rwy Walloc•. Buick A ... I. 40 ll. Ok a ...-i. Foret T~blrcl, 24. 3'. 81111tH-y. 8ukk R ....... 40. JM Mlllia...,, Poftlloc Grencl Prix, l . 41. Lok• Speed, 811kli R••· >. o . Gf'Off lloCllnt. eulo Reva 1. > S.nl• Anita IUNOAY'S ll•IULTS ......... ,u... -· ---· ,..ST •ACIE. One mile. Wontat .. IV ..... IWl•I 12.60 5,IO • 10 Em••lftotk IPlncoyl 6.00 •.IO .....,..el,.. ISillillel 6.IO AllO rectcl: s.N-. Ruff-•y, Alll'llH Le rk, areuy Kl'lov•. Co19pe11er. Prof-Gr-. Mike Jul»ilff Time: t:M. • S•COMO aACa. 1 1116 mllfl Lord Aelvecelt (Pincoyl IJ.40 S.20 J.JO An,,,.. IMc:C.ron) 4,00 2,IO P'etMllout MYllk IAsmusMnl 2.IO Also reetcl: Reconfirm, Crystal Drot»1. 5'T1u191.-s oo1c1. eener Wltfl A99, Fr• Duly. Tl,,,.: 1:'21/S. SJ DAILY OOUaL• CHI .. ICI •t0.10. TMlaO aAC•. • lur!01'191. ~ie'•I ........ (McHo,._I •.20 • 20 J.10 Love S.-ICMtoMclol 6.00 4.20 , Cham,... COunt-IM<Corrorol s.oo --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alto r eced: T11e1 Don 11, 811c11 Sorl119, L.owCy • .,_, w111s111,,. Low. Royol Wllldtform, I'm Ttl'I N All•ll, ROcll..,1 Down, Jenny P'octor, Ro1111le '1 8uy, Tl,..e : l:IOllS. ,~aTN aAC•. •lot llH'IOllQ\ Frltky Purd\Ose ICHl-J >•.20 1',20 10,10 K•nul 10t.---.yel 7.00 4.IO Suptlorll .. IS!t»illel 6.40 Alto rectcl c;,,.l"oeur. PellflQrove, T ... --. Se-.nt11 Dw•rl, Airline, ice P'low, Cller Corl'I, Over n oe Cre&I, Acqul1lllOll. Time; 1: 1' 115. "nM llAC•. 1 1/16 mitt\ EH TOH (Mc:C.renl • 20 , .. 2.IO E•rly Setll« (Toro) •• 60 S.IO Mlaltr Wlldtr !Howle,) , J.40 Alto rectd: 5"ecl a u1, No1•bl• A••. Cll•IHrlll. You119 Driver, Brllllenl Double, Metlltf' war nor. Tl,,,.: 1·0 1/5 U IXACTA (I-ti paiCI l107.SO. SIXTM aAC•.t 'h '"''-'· OllCltr Hitler 5.00 J _20 2 .O 10.1.......,,.1 , 00 l.20 2.611 H•PPY 8rlclt CGutrra) J.20 1.llO Pr-PotlllOn IV•ltnrutlel 1.40 Also r.cecl: Home Lui. KIPPY. Huwe, Envoy's v11to. Tl,,,.: I 14 J/S SIEY•NTH aACa. 1\"o mil .. on turf un.rkl-IGuerr•> U 00 s.oo J 40 Gonral" IM<Cerronl 3.10 1.40 Y•ll-Morm.•-CM<H•rQutl l 10 AllO roctcl: Al,..ay1 e.11, Ptllro•, Pl•••• Lew, O.re You. Soros Tl,,,.: 1·50 U I XACTA 11-11 .. ICI lfUO. U PICK SUI I•· 12· 10·1·2·1 I pelCI ll,)11.00 *"" 152 •111111"9 lk bll Cllvt llorMS). U PIO SI• COlltOlallOll POICI lU IO •illl 2,511 willnl"9 lkktll ltour hor\ell. EIGHTH at.e•. l'o mil .. Score T_,ly Four IV•ltfl~OI i. ao 1.60 J IOI s..c>tr ~ CP1nc•Y1 l.60 2 .0 HIGll C-MI IM<COrrorol J 40 AllO roctcl: Kl119 Go Go, '""'" Wlllrl, Tehlllon Kl119 T ,,,,. • 1 ·47 4/S NINTH llACI. One milt HHrt Beal c O.lohouueye J 11.00 •.oo >.IO An Heir About Him IG .. rrol 12.20 S.00 Otc-cl IPoncoyl J Ill Alw rocec1· Lo11, Lover. P leret'l OrHm. e.tten Pocket, c.c>taln Orient, Prior Approval, Mo1Kh< Couf"I, Mew'• PopP• Bore. Tlmt: 1:l5 415 U IXACM 1~41 paiCI '311 SO. !':lle~t ... ,"4 Hollywood p.,k SUNO'lil.Y'S aHUL TS CDN .. rr..._...._~I "UT llACIE. One mite pace Ambroelle !Vol._,...,_., 1•.IO 1.20 5.00 Rich Olrtel H CC ........ l IJ.40 10 •• AVOI lltUCIOI ll 00 AllO ractc1· Ne .. r 8etltf N, Roy~ SIQMI, GI..,_~. Windy ROll9t N. Carello Kiel, Slw CM,,,,.,, Tanoo Oulll Time: 2.02 115 SE COMO RACE. One milt pace. Deep W-(Hymon) , 10 IO UO\ J.00 Olm...,le _, '°"""°'' J.40 UO Runk Sett! IG<UllclYI , .. Alto ra ced· Jame\ Rhylllm, Pocleroto, Juli A Smoolllle, K1119111 8rl~ N, Corubt Comm.ncl . Time: 2:00 2/5. SJ DAILY OOUM.• 14-101119k1 \ft.to. TMlaO llACI. 0... mile PO<t. S.mlnot• Clllet (Vell...,cli,,.,.....I t.40 S.20 J.10 Anonlu I l•H•tfl 7 IO S .0 C••uic LH 1~1 5 10 AllO rectcl 8oul>cl For Glory A, Eo n 0 v. My Direct KniQlll, Ne .. r9l .. uP. EHIW-PYlnct, A40P4 8oy Time· 2·01 US U IX.ACTA 110.11 POlcl ll10.00, ,ouaTH at.ea. One mlle PO<• J•mes -IK-.rl • 40 4,00 2.IO Sn.o<k Pock ICrawforcll J.20 2.IO Atocl\ For Tl\t Slty CA .. cl\lorcll • 20 Alto rectcl TorroCI 8Hu. Finton H. Victor O\a•le\. Garry A'' Time 2 01 215. Trr~:.r~~,. 0... mlle ooc• IACl•mtl 11.IO S.00 4 10 KlllG' Nugget (,,._I 'UO > 10 Fresly .._, lllortontl 5,00 Alto roctcl· D•-Mlclleil•. lrllll F .... l'I, AnCl\IS Hounel, -y Moll. Time: 2:00l/5. U IEXACTA 1 .. 31 ...,cll141.00. SIV•NTM RACIE. One milt Poet. Tiie Tllllly .,_ llC-erl l . .O 2 40 1.40 El ...... Roy S IOouclrt..,1 7 .40 UO Llemo IC>tjomerl UO Also r •<•cl: D••••I Son. Sol• R~·-, 11'--.Th'" Fl,_,.. Lillle 8rett "'er, 5-.,. •• ,Y Pete, Amater. AllwellnH Monlerey, Printmaker. .......,y ~.Jibe Ho Tl,,,.: 1: '""· H IX ACTA IH I paid Mi.op. IEIOHTM •ACE. Ont "'lie POU 8el C/l.lmp IOoudrt..,I 4 00 2 40 J.20 OtWTloncl c 0.-...1 l .. 7.40 C...~ L.ene CBlcklorcll 2.IO AllO •octet: eye e.,. Vietor. Marqull. Tlmt: l:S7 l/S. NINTM at.Cl. One mlle poee. Wollert CTocld Ill 21.IO 1.00 5.60 Almel0t ,,.,,,.,_.,I 4.00 2.IO Wlnlarlo CSl .. 1111 • l .20 Allo raced: Kol•rt Cllolle119t, RteCM.Onl N, -Acllol A. Scotcll Double, -eA1119 Time· I " U EXACTA 11·21 palCI t!OS.00. Camel.Where· a man belongs. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarma Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • 8 mg. "11(', 0.8 mg. nicomt IV. per cigartltl by nc method. '2 PICK MX 1).7+J.+ll Hkl ll,S01 IO wltll IJ wlml"I llcktlt 111 .. llorMtl U PIO Sia contOIMIOn POICI Jlt.IO wllll Jlt •lnl'lll'lt llcktlt (lour horltfl. U PIO fir :r~:. '='·~·~111.:::. ':!:!' sc:r .. ch or IWO l'lorlH, 1-llC•et<llofl TENTH aAC•. One mlle pace. Kon• CoHI CMeneenll U,IO •.OO 4,40 Er••nlk ccrawt-1 6,00 >.20 S.1'1 Mario IKutbl«I 2.60 Alto roctcl: ¥u ltl Hanover, L•Y•I Le4{ Hid>I-9yrcl N, Teet Henery. Coo II M.n. Tl,,,.: l:tt . Y•XACTA t•tl palcl,IS0.90. Allt-e:7.11t. .._ .. ll•n()pen , ............ W•Yllt Levi, lSl,500 12*'1·10 217 ScoU Slmpt0n, US, too 70..t.7a..t 211 Clllp llt<ll, UJ,100 12*11"" 27' 11tn Cr-. lll.41 10.12-10-no S.Oy c;1.....,..1, lll,OJ •1.n ,10.11 2t0 Andy Nortll, ••>.AD •W ..... 1l-2t0 Jim 8oorOI, 110,IJJ 1"11·10..1 HI Nick Foldo, l!0, 133 1k1·1>-.. HI eruuLlet:rM,,10,IJJ ,,.........,_,., 0.11 H•llGorson, W.17S 1S-...11-10-21l JOlll'I Ma!Wft,, "·"0 12*1-ta Rocky 'f"""-"·"o 11·7>-70-6'-21l Jell S.ncltr's. "·"O .... 72-7).70 11J Al Oelberwr. '61!10 72·1 .. 6'o11-21l Forrest Feder. 10,•IO 12·70.70.71 2IJ Eel S-, M,711 •t-7 .. .,_10 .. eruct Oouqlou, M,711 14-1:1......, ., Urry NelSOll, M.712 1 .. 11 .• 71 ... _,.. Grt9 Powe", M.712 12-74·72-2 .. Jim Nellorcl. M,112 1kt-•t-n-,.. Ch•rles Coocl,, M.112 ,, .. ,_....1S-11S Terry O;.N, lU ,. IMl·12·70-21S Pe••'"''"'~··· n,,,. 10.10.1 .. 11 ns lob PrObM. U,I,. .... 7N).12 11S George Geclle, u ,t,. 7).70.7 .... -?IS Arnold Palmtr. U.154 71-7).llt-12 HS Frtcl Coup-., U ,9"' 74.72.72 .. 7 21S Tom Wal-. U,IS4 70-4t-7o.76 ?IS Tom P~.u.a,. 12.1,....11 m Garv H•llber4o l t,tn 7J.10.12·11 216 Ml-t Atlcl, •1,177 14·10.11-11-1 .. ,All.,. Miiier. ll.117 12-10.72-12 216 Aottr Malll>le. l l.117 17 .. t-70.70 216 8111 A09f"· l t.ln 1~1 ..... 1>-216 Sco11 s1.,, tt,tn 1~11-n ... -• 8ob Gllcltr, ll.171 7HJ.1M6 216 Merk Lye, ll,171 ••·1"11·15 ,.. Re, Floyd, •t,>31 lkt-13-72-211 J-Scllr-. l1,J:J1 •t-7).73-12 1t7 Gor y koc,11, ll.J:Jt 7 ..... 7o.71 2t1 IMO AOlll, ll.JJI l .. 71-7J.70 1t7 Au C•ldwell, ll,J:JI 11·70.12°74-2'7 Mark Hayes, ll,>31 7N2·7~ .. -H7 Tommy Voltnllne. ll,J:JI •t-13-10.75 217 Oou9 C.,.,.,..11, ltn 1-.72.72 2t1 -•rc1 '*'"Y· ,.,.,.. 1i.13-10on 1'I Mark Pfeil, •en 1~11-10.12-m Merk O'Mffro, 192' 1H1·7J.11-2tl Geo•9• ···""· •tn ,. .... 10.1' 2• Lee Elder,"" •t-1J.11·1'-1M Ronnie Bl«k. 17.. , ... ._. .. ,, 2" Andy lleon, l1.. 1).70.11·75-.nt Maaolllro KU<-. '7" 11 .... 1 .. n-2" Aottr Celvln. "" 7).7).71-12 2" WOOcly Fll%lluQll, l7M 10.7).10.7' 2M H•I• Irwin, u.. 74-72·7J.10 "' o.ve ..,.,, •m n-1>-12·1>-no Mlh Holl-, lm 72-7).7J.72-2'0 CllAtlle GI-. '11' 74-11.1 .. 11-"' Vlc:tOf'l•n Open ... ................... , Mk-I OoYton IAsl •7·12·7--ltl 8ob5'1ia-1Asl •t-71-71-7) "' ~ Tre"""° IUSAI 7Mf.1J.74 n s Jerry A-Miii ICnl 11-7o.71·7J-21S Gro ... rn Mo,,,, IASI 1J.71-70.11 tts G•rry Merrie~ CAii 14-14·10-el * 1..., Stanley CASI ... 7J.71·7J ,_ VOUQllOn Some" CAii 71-10.71-76 2tl Grtt Normtft IAtl 7).12 .... 7S 211 Trevor M<Oonolcl IAsl 11 ..... 11-12 2tl r=.: e~=-~·,A,, 1~~t~i;~ : AIU Bonnlllglon CHZ.) ... ,,.1 .. 1>-m Ar1 Ruswtl IUSAI 10.1 .. n.11 ,.. Bob Show (AS) 72*7 .. 15 2" Terry G•le CAI) 1J.1J..13-11 HO S ill oun11 1Asl "'""·7S.7' n1 Peter Head!-CAll 11.1 .. 10.1• 2'1 l•n Bohr°Flnc11 CAii 11·11·12•10 2'1 AOQe• s~ '"'' 1 .. 1~n.•• i.1 LPGA tournament (MM.,_,-,.., ... 1 Hollls Stoey. llt,7SO .._11 .. 7 104 P•llY ~. '12.l'C) •1·11 .. 1-JOS JOA-Cor'Mr, 51,150 ... 10-10 JOI c c11 .. 11o11111er. '6,2so ... n... 20t Amy AlcGtl, ... .., 73-10-6e-2 I I K•llly WMwr111. M.Ml 11·10.10 211 Dot Germoln, U,400 11·7W. 212 S.. F.....,._, U ,400 ... ,~ 212 Ool'lne ~. P.400 11·7U.-712 9et1y Kl,., '3,400 11 .... n -112 Debbie Auteln, U.400 70.7o.12 212 A Rtll'lllordl, U .400 11·1,_.. 2U 8ollll1e u .. r. U,«IO 10-71-12-21> Ay•ko Okomol, U.«IO 7).12 ... -21> Jt.,M1 .. Kerr,"·"' ... n .74-214 Vkkl Fff90ll .... "3 11 ..... 7}-,214 , C•llly 5Mr1c. •U7S 7~71 ... -21S s.nclro Sllwk ll, Sl,67S 7>-71-11-215 Myra v .. "-· Sl.'75 11·71-7J-21S Kellil RlllM<, ll,ll1 7H4-7t-2i. Vullo MorlQuell, '1.l32 1 .. 11 ... -21• Therese Het111'1. ll .lJ7 71-12·1>-21• P•I BrOcllty, ll,l32 ... ,,_,. 21• Connie Clllll«nl. ll,l32 11 .... ,. 1" 80ft11le .,..,.,,, 11.oso l .. n.... 111 K•lhy Potl-. l1.Q!O 74·12-71-217 SonClro Ho~•. ll.OSO .... ,.71 111 Cll'ICly Hiii, ll,OSO 70.7H2 -211 NHl. CAMP .. LLCOMP9••Nca EClmonton Cal9ory Vancou- ICI .. • Coloraclo Mln11ttol• SI Louil CllkeQO Wl1111l1199 Toronto Detroit SMyt!Mvrriro, OA Ptl 3' IJ II no ut I) 21 u •> 234 254 u 20 ,. 12 201 • n 1S >O ,, t1I 271 ., IJ,. ' '" ,.2 u ...,..ltOlvlllelt 13 " " 242 ,.. u ,, 21 s 2>1 24> u 21 11 10 tu 2.. n 20 ,, 11 214 247 ,, 16 2' 13 n• M2 4S t• JO 11 I" 241 0 WALH CON,a •ENCi P*kllDlvk• HY lsl•ncltrt l7 IJ 6 266 117 10 Pllll•delplll• l1 11 , 232 "' •1 NY A•llCJtr\ 21 11 ' 211 21' t.l Pllllt>urQlll 21 21 10 216 ,... 52 w .. hlft91an 1• SJ ' 220 20 41 Nlolllrt•I Boll on Bullo lo Horllorcl AMMIDI ....... J] 11 12 ,., "3 ,. n •• • 2" "' n >O ,, ' 220 111 " "2• " ,. 2• ... S-Y'tSc;- Pllll-1plll ... Ki<llt • NY 111-1 '·Hartford I Color-s. WOllllllQton 3 Hew York AenQtr\ s. Outbe< 1 80\10111. Eclmonlan 2 T ...... 1G-MIMftol• •I Toronto V•ncou""r •• Cllk- Alce;!~ ~':J: 4 LOt Anoeles 2 I I • Pftlleclelolll• 1 4 I ""'-.... I, Pllll-IP,I•, FIOcll/Mrl U , (Pr-. AllllOrll. •·SS 1. LOt A,,..le,, Simmer t tDlol'lne. Horclyl. 14:1t > Lo\ AnvelH. t'.:~i:i;;,,''i.!i:'.' ~~·:~' L;w~~~: 1:54; Holmgren, Pftl, 13: .... s.c--.... 4f PllllMelplllo, PY-J4 IFIO(kllaf"I. All IOf\l, ·41 5. LOt Alletlft. DfflNle J7 CSlmmer), . S. •· Pflfl.-.plll•, SlnlMlo 1 CSlltler>. s·J'. 7, PllllOcltlPlll•. Pr- u IFlocahorl. Alllsonl, 11:'6. 1. PlllloclelPlll•. Wiison 10 IHollmeyer, Sllllerl. tl ·SO. """'"le• Korob, LA, 0 3', We{I~ ~. 6,14; Pr-. Piii. 7 U , Kerr, PN, 1>131; Cocllrent. Pfll, 11· u . 80ft•r. I.A, 17,14. Tiii .. ,... .... •• Pllil_I.,...., Flock ... rt 27 I Pr-. AlltlOnl, 6.1. 10, Los A1199let. T oylor JO IDIOllM, l(oreb). 11:01 P•nellle• Murplly, LA, S:O , Bon•r. LA, m•lo,.-• miK-1. 7: .. ; Sm1111, LA. mlno,.m•Jor-m luo11c1ucc, 7:4t; Lewlt, LA, mlKOllclu<I, 1 41. 8ottk, LA. moJo•·cloublt-mlsconClu<I, ., .... Murphy, LA. mlsconclucl, 7·41 . Cocllrane. Piii. clouble minor, 7 ... , Marlll, Pftl, m.1or·mltc-uc1, 7: .. . SIUler. Pftl, mo)or·doutll•ml~ollclv<I, 7 !41 , Ad •ms. Pii i , major • c1oubl e ·mllC011<1uc I, 7 41; Kerr. Piii, misc:Ollclu<I, 7; .. ; Alll-., Piii, t Jt; -K. LA, 14:12; -....,..,, Piii. 14.12; LA bench ......... by Ho119sl-11, 17: 11; -........... Phi, 11·11. Shol1on9001 Los A1199les 10.~10.2J Pllllodlllll'lt• io.10.1 ..... Go•lln Los An9e1u . Kea11• Plll1-lolll0, SI Croix. A 17,U7 Weekend tr•nHctlon1 USE8ALL "-0.Lt .... CHICAGO WHITE SOX -s1ontc1 Tony Bernarorcl, ~•• Mo<k•nln ...,41 SI••• Olllerd, lnloelcltrs. end o ... Al<hucls. '•l<lwr CLEVELAND INOIANS Sl9"tc1 JOllll C>Mlly, pil<I'~·. 10 • lhr-ye•r contract OE1'A01T TIGERS Sl911ec1 Jerry Turner, outflelder. HEW YORK YANKEES Sl9necl Tommy Jolln, Pl9'11tr. lo • mulllyeor conlrecl NelleMIU.... CHICAGO CUBS Sl9119<1 0 10 l lclro•. pitcher lo • lh•U·Yt•f corotrocl. NEW YORK METS s~ Hubie 11.-1. tllinl ............ Mookoe WllSOll. -.1e1dlr; -8rel Goff, P•t<ller, 10 -yeer~l'OCll. HOClllY ...._ ..... YU..- PITTS8URGH PENGUI NS - AceulrH Gory Enorc11. 90tll•, on ••lveo ,,.... .... SI. LOUii 8 1UH. COLLIEGIE FORT LEWIS Announced Cl\t rul9110llOl'I OI Joy McNlll. MOcl ,...,..,. .. coacll l I I ~' I· 1' :i : I 11 p l: ' I •• • '. '~ •I ' . ' ' · I 11 i l 1 : ' I· t • i ! I ~ I: I '. •• I , I ~ J : , ' n I I I I : I' •• • • I I l I q : j I ' ' i B I ' I ! t! t I :j J • J ,I I . ! • • • f I I ti Ii I ' l -:.J OrMQ• Cout DAILY '81.0T/Monday, f'•burary 15, 1M2 omPto.t85 I MIDWINTER REG~TT A • • • Ja Southern CalUornia. The leaaon wtll atart ln earnut nexl ~eekend when Loa An1elea Y•cht Club lnlllalea lta 1982 elfahore raclnt naaon wlth the Atound Catallna II land race ; Urst ol a 11lx race aerles for the Whitn ey Troph y for hlternatlona l Olfahore Rule boats, the Los Angeles Times Trophy for 1 P e rform a nee llandicap Raclng Fleet, the Ltttle Whilney Trophy for the Midaet Ocean Racing Class, and tbe Todd Pacific Trophy for the Sm all Boat Ocean Racin g Association. t.on1 Reach Yacht. Club 1tarl1 a new season or match racina next weekend wlth the Ooufla1 C up competitio n or lntercolle1late sailors. Thl11 wUI be fo llowed in March by the world-ta mous Conareulonal Cup Series which drawa top matc h racina c r ews from throuahout the U .s.. Canada. Europe and AustraJla .. Raclnlt ClaH yachts 11tartln1 later this month. CHULA VISTA -Oran1• Co11t Colle1e·1 baaeball &eam waa set to play fo r the c h 1&m plo n s hlp o f the Southwestern Tournament at 2 o'clock this afternoon a1aln11t the h ost team after a n impressive win ove r Loa Anaeles Harbor Sunday. LAS-VEGAS -ll'a been a profitable trip to thia 1amblln1 ' mecea IO far for the UC Irvine baseball team. * * * Yachts In the Orange County area used the Midwinters as a tune up for the Ahmanson and Dickson Series, and the Corkell Trophy series for Midget Ocean * * * Thia year'• M\dwlntera alao waa the ltickolf ror a new aeries for youth sailors. Sabol sailors competlna for the North Yrrophy raced at NHVC. Leaders in the Southern C1tlllomia Youth Yacht Racin1 Assoclali°" ln the Sabot Class are J .J . Gobeil, Huntln1ton Ha rbour Yacht Club;· Paul Noring. HHYC; Megin Tineler, Lido Is le Yacht Cl ub; Jim Otis, Alamitos Bay Yacht Club and Mike Sentovich, ABYC. The Pirates broke on top or the always tough Seahawks 6-0 in the rourth innln1 before settling for a 9·6 decision. Deslenated hitter Darren Puskarich had a hot . day at the plate, going 3·fOr·5, including a soJo homer ·in the second inning lo open the scoring. ' The Anteaters. who beat the University of New Mexico here Saturday, 4·3, doubled up on the University of Nevada·Laa Ve1aa Sunday, winnlna 9-6 and 11-4. UCJ now takes a 4·3·1 overall record Into today's single eame against lhe Rebels. Irvine capitalized on some shoddy fielding by its host to score the decidine three runs in the eighth inning or the opener. Four UNLV errors helped tum Midwinter results ( ..... ....i. ~ . c•--.u'-"I • liTCHE~n cm I. Cyr ..... ,, AoolnSOfl, HHVC; 2. S•<Onel , Oout 5herw00d, SSVC; 3. t, Porter/MeHn, NHYC: 4. 11911, ~ WlliltM•. &Ye. • $HIELOS Ill I lrllh Li\_U, •rvon Htncll, uc1SA. 2. J un, Ootdon ~. UCISA ,JAHTAHA·10 1111 I. Bruker, Oe<IQ TNlit, eve : 2. Wiidfire, Al<ll tt.rrls. Cor YC; 3, L-Y Tunes, Morry PeltltOll, NHYC; 4. Femlly .,\Id. Relph R~lm, e c vc . ISLANDEA·30 ISi -I Sympho11y, i om, Moore, ssvc. 1. P.J Su , Hortman/Smith, llCYC SORO 1141 -I, Hugle Too. Jim 111 .... nl, 8YC; 2 Pe~<l<IOUS, Jim Mine. vve ; l. Genn•. Gene Ver99, Mtve. .fAAOEWINDS.40 (SI -I. Fret llijn. Robert Miiier, NHVC. 2. lt~hide, K•nnv Kuhn, C•PO eve ..._...._ .......... 1•-...,1c1MMJI LASER A 171 I. C fttrlu lucklngllem, NHYC, l . Chrh Clleu<lller. HHVC. LASER 8 CJI t Ktth1e Martlfl, eve. SAILBOARD Ill 1 8111 Martin, MHVC. NAPLES SABOT A llll -t. J.J Gobeli, HHVC; 2 Ptul Moring, HHYC; '3. i....... Normen, BCYC; 4 ~~ TlnQIW, LIV(, S. Jim Oii\, NAPLES SABOT B 1131 -I Eric proul, eve: '· Jetl KIM\, HHYC: 3 l);t<Y Hughn, SOYC; 4 Julie ttorm•n. eevc. , NAPLES SABOT C 1131 -I. D4H'lt ~-<k, A8YC; l O.Ollrey Smith, YC; 3 AllitOll Grten, A8YC. 4. eyne lltttl. MBYC NAPLES SABOT Ovot 40 Clll 1 Oeolr Tingler. LI VC, 2 Benny 0 '8ryen, SOVC, J Ptltr Gales, AIYC: 4. Jffn Bum" OVC; S. ClllC MelhlH, A8YC. • ,. o... ...... ~--., CM-...,H'-1 PHAF·A 1101 -I Fenltly, Wlttord Hffltt, BCYC, 1 c.lll0tnia Geld, Freel O'Cortnt t, OWVC; 3 .-.no Ieng Mex-I, Tom AdemW>n, c.oevc. 'PHRF·8 1121 I. MICkint <. Wtt JllOmpW>n, c:-eve , l. Velkyrie, •111 Murrey, Ctp o e v e . J Wre<kleM, A.G KttdonQ, C.po BVC, 4. Peppennlnt Petty, Rol19r Aitldorf, eve PHRF< 1141 I A~ II, Glenn AMCI, SSYC; 2. Ctalre de Lune, Paul ,.,.,,... DPYC; J. Flredrill, Mike 1'Hrdon, '-8VC: 4 No Y No, Cherlf' 8er911, DPVC. ~HAF C.-s.Hnnel<erl (17) I. ~•lOli, Howtro P ... , c-e ve. 2 C.4NIQO, Eel --·~ BVC. CATALIN4-27 110) I DaybrHk, .,. G•1 ... c-eve . 2 Ouest. ..... rV Mkr.le/GooCllnQ, VVC, l. Funny FHlln'. Pet• Me-. Capo 'l'C. e APRt·2S (Ill I Aw•c. Bob fl'orO, OVC; 1 Flapj•<k. R ick q_rchard. Ctpo BYC, J Fresll Sllttfflecl, Froley/ Seider. DPVC; • 0.•ltrs eholo, Sl•ve Slelner. L8VC. <:a1...,...01111rr I 1"1 ....... UclM-1 SANTA CRUZ·ll Ill 1. S•ll $haller. Bob Boyes, An• YC; l . l'lpua. 8 111 Foster, PMVC: 3. lillolol>. Jemie o.woi1e. e cvc. SOl I HG 111 -I No nernt. Gt\lon Or ll t , BY C , 2 F a (l<Y , SCoUIHaywerel, NHVC, 3 Wlt•rel. JIM JerntS, SIYC ~ERIT·25 Ctl I Double Trovt>te, M~rlin/Frleelmln, WYC , 1 From Page 86 CIF ... Moonlle-. Aon WallKkl, KHVC; 3. COROHAOO-UB ctl I. $tevt HIQll H-. Toriy ,,_ .... SBVAC. L•neton, SFVC, 2. l•n Gtrelel, THU H 0 EA 8 1 A 0 IS I -1, PVSA, 3. Willlern Ven Cle-... ABVC . Slunendo.11, Ollv., M<Ce,.n, C'l:CLOHE Cll 1 TIM Br•ro. SBVAC; 2. Mystlek, FA Jennln9s, SI Ive: 2. Lewis Mcl(ff, WYC; J. WVC. Teel Brellerg, Sl IYC. STAR 111) -I Tr.~llos, Jonn leel~ll OrlS<oll, SOVC, 2 WlldwHl, 8111 CM -.tt.4<1-1 Gerrerel, SIVC, 3 Chimp, Ken eATALIHA·30 C., I On The Yount. eve, • V4H'I GOQI\, Vint• Wey, Al *''°"· OPve. 2 Schenlle Brun, SOVC. 8roue, O.W KM!lmolt, Hevy VC. INTERNATIONAL CONTENDER CATALINA-27 1121 I OJel•, 111 1. Dulh T,.p, Wayne Cllrl• .,.. -Atdmefl, SI ave. 2. Oot<he51er, WYC. l Book 3, Jeu CebOltr, hrller/V09t, LAYC, J AtklnJOn, sccv c ~, e et, Hors! l(ortl, SI BYC: •. PC "I I Flrsl Fklcllt, Hiiyard Valkyrie, Olu(k lllordllft, SI 8YC . Brown, SMVC. 2 Eclipse, Curlis e ATALIHA·2S !'I I The,. WOOcl,, CBYC. Pucllc, Chu<ll c.w. SI ave . 2 n.. H0 81E·ll l•I I M•gl<i•11. Genle,WeKT'hompiofl,SIBYC. AObblt H•lne•. sovc. 1 c r .. h, eATALINA·n "" I GVP5Y. W•hlW•<O. DPVC. Aon TllomM, St BVC, 1 Love Is, OLSON·lO 1201 I Boolie Boy, JHk ArmilltO, Fr esno YC; J G t r y Swensen, An• Y C • 1. Amerlcen Flyer, Erk Cortlty, FrMno Shlllel•gll, Wlnlrocte/Kaslner, 8VC, YC, 4, Chlpp01l ... Bob Anlel, SI 3 Stam~, R•y Jereckl. t..t.YC: •. 8YC; S. lmpulM, Jot AdlO<k, SI WllO H•re, Aobln•onl llnlh1<um, 8YC. S 8 Y R C , S M r 0 N A , SANTANA·2S Ill I Soler Wlncl, Myricll1Elclr.O/L•Y-ll. MBYC Steve La~. Navy YC; 2 Fe'11val, MO Re 111 -I Pe9HUl, Chris Petrick C>Ylom, vvc Lee/Joh•nn• Slln•On. CYC. l SANTANA·23 ISi I lrtr Aetll>ll, Gamin, Paul GerMn, CVC, J Triple Peter 8r41911, Nevy YC; 2 No-· Crown, Mll~ll A•v. NHVC Alen Lewis. Nev-SC JR. SIDNEY SABOT Ill) -I. ~lle9M<ll Kenny Redler, OAVC, 2 Brien 171 ...... l <l•Uffl W•rd, WYC; 3. D••ld Berger, TOANAOO (Ill I. Arrow, OAYC.4.0ereltOHltey,CYC Merllnet/St•M•n, C8VC; 2. SA SIDNEY SABOT IU I Marti Pu"'911ln Eeter, lruc;t -Aoot>lt Welnber9er, POYC 1 Slelney H•rvey, C8YC, l Leely Je nica. 811nder, WYC HauMr/Ot-. CBYC, 4 At1nt>ow, lli"I "...._ P•ul -Mllrk 8uu •<O, Alcllmond (l5-tl, S<IHMU YC PHRF·A (7} I Le ... pe, J t ck MERCURY 1111 I DIO Clark, Ttlum, KHYC, l Tribute, Jim MPVC, l Bill Keller, MPYC, J. Pu Feueruetn, DAYC. J Collonttll. Davis, SI FYC Pele Be<hlOI, PMYC )·O·S 111 I How•rel Hemlln, PHAF·8 Ill I Stroker, Don NHYC, 1 Don Ayre•. NHYC. Tallm•n. KHYC. l Gr•Hl'tO~r. KITE ISi I Tom WelSh, CBYC, AObin Mtr11n. KHVC , l Scrumlnt 1 Aly ll0pll1ns, (8 YC Flu , Oon Boe<her, KHYC DART l" 1 Alo Kortott, PHAF< 171 I l-cna-. CBVC. l . .H•n R-H•. PMA V•n HeeilBr-. WYC 1 S.lw. NACAA s, 1111 I AOQer s.no .. Pete H•~n. KHVC MBVC. 1 H•rdy/Htrte<ll, sesc ; 3 COLUMBIA CHALLENGER l•I -Brien T~s. M8YC I. Oebbler, Tom Martino, KHVC; 2 CAL·20A 1171 I R•mbun<tiOUS v111.v111. John Greiner. KHVC. 11, cowie/Mennlnt. c evc . 2 Brhk MOORE·2• (71 I. Ruby, Frank II. Peul Merrill, A8YC, J Wiid V•utllln, WYC: l S.11 Sheller, ~ter Crezy, Guy OorMI, CBYC, 4 G•""'r Slewert,SBVRC. 111 8 111 Johnson, C BYC , S "--II Es<hOll'lle, John Elh\, A8YC (Cl -..S.•ct-1 CAL·208 ISi -I Crluv. C.rol CATALINA·» C'I I ChentevJ.e, C-. C8 VC; 2. Lovt 11, Freel WooCl5, Steve DIMlft. L8VC 1 8111lo 8AoolM, LIYC. Mike c ,_in, LBYC; J, Quest. Do'\ FIREBALL 131 I Steve Smith, Reeve, LSF. hltnCI S.11 Club. SAHTANA·lS Ill I Ntplimt. Turner/UMl<eY.S8YAC UWf~l'- CAL·79 141 I SuMhine, o....... c.s-.sct .. -1 Humpllrev. CBYC • PHAF·A 1111 I Siio .... ChU<k CAL·U 111 1 C•llb.,,, Jim Cook . L8Ye l Sneeker, 8 Robinson, WCYC 1 Llpo, Bob Oont ldW>n, LBYC. l T.,..._., ~ Chrllline, l BYC, 3 Outet wom.,,, Ollon, LBYC, 4 Hot FIHh, Dan Teo Kr-.-. LBYC CltPP. ABYC HEWPOAT·lO t•I Vlr•Hn, PHAF·8 1141 I Albbit, Pete Shirley H•relle, ABVC. 1. Wonely, Don Htmbrl<k, l 8YC; l lnviclul, HU9f\ Michaelis. ABVC l•Mson, LBYC. l A-M•. Oon HEW YOAK·llo (II 1. C-,_ Zinn, CBVC; 4 Hurrle-Gulcll, L'-. Ed Her1, KHYC, l lnwnlty. Sle.,. J-. CBYC AusterofOmol...ndro. NHYC PHAF< '"I ' Tomer•. °""' __ .. , tnd Tom Jor9tnHn. LAVe: 1 l lJS-,1<1•""1 SomMOtt, ROQe< 810emelle, A8YC. J·1• 1:111 1 $mollin J, Don Trask, l Hautlut Ledy, Q.\!110,.. lunCI, St FVC, 1 No neme, eollltonlAllen, L8YC; 4. At•a .. ,,\&uO Trelter. ABYC; l. Grut Wlllle Pumpkin, LBVC, s. Sc01Gh MIU, Don A-rwn. Re5111101Rusw11. ABVC; • Pocket eve Roc k ti, Fr•n <" M in n i \/ PHRF·O 1141 I VKlor, Riel< SOYCl 8YC; S Attd Atln, Ken Miii,, LBVC, 1 SHeelltr, Roel Keldi119, S8VC. Dt ilbY. A8YC. J Mel<ll Point, IHTERNATIONAL·U 1111 1. l ut>ton Horn ... HHYC,. Jen Too. Horror Show, ""'" 81tke, AIChmonCI Cilll lmrtt, LSF YC; 1 Platt< Pi ..... Tom Edwtrds, PHAF (non sc>1nnekerl l•I -I. C ljl Sal · O Too Muell. JOf\I\ Orl\11.el, LSF, 2 • · llng Ub, 3 Mosc:hief, Jack Ro,intnte. Gii Dt•ictson, lSF Wtlll, A8YC; 4, Mike'' Bott, Wondolie<k/Mt!OMy. Al<hmonCI YC; MIMIM .. , S I'm Sure Gleel, D•vlO Gellup, 11•-. lcl•-1 Encln•I VC ~SEA·.A CJ91 I CIW<k Quffn, LI00.14A 1111 I I.OU 8rOCMo\, v .... VC; l. _, -..... CSUL8, M8YC 1 Cllerlte Cummin9s. 3 JOl>n Kost«k•. SI FVe, 4. Gen A8YC. J. Ch<ll R .. I>. HHVC, • lH, MBVC, s BrU<t Ectwarm, SI ChuO Co-. ABYC, S 8111 M<Corel FVC. eve • LIGHTNING 171 I JOl!n Green. L100·148 1111 I 8111 Moore M8YC : 1. Al Poinclelfltr, MBYC A8YC. l P•ul Aumen11. ABYC, ," THISTLE 1101 1 Mike Gillum, Tony Fallon. ABVC Follom Lake YC. 7 8ruct GOSH. SNIPE 1,.1 I M.lrk Folkm"n M8VC. 3 RonSm•lll. P•IOAltoYC KHYC. l Mark AO-d\, SDVC. 3' VICTORY Ill ' am CIO<Y• Cr•11 Mtrt1n, SOY(.. • DiC k MBVC, 1.JlmAKllLM8YC. S<limldf. A;8YC S Jtll Lenll•rt. SAILBOARD IVAU·IA (1') -I ~eve Mike Dunmire, Ven YC; 2 w- CORONA~ISA 11•1 I 8f!<lny Grtlwm. SI eve . 3. CllU<k Gello, iflaJO Aotilftt Cit.Ill .. TeN~h•Pl S<hwegler. August• sc. 2 l(en LYC. WIK.;. o.n Not'lll, $OVC1 (IS-SI Green, ABVC; l 010 Otlst. KHYC; SAILBOARD IVRU·18 1111 -I Perrls lMl!at S.nOim•'ll ... 1 • Teel Stoker, A8YC. s. J•mH Brien AM\, SCAA, 1. John Heyes. 1 laldwln Park or Lulllerefl el Holder, WitsU•• VC. SCAA; 3, MichMI Boldrkk, SCAA. Chml..-120-•I ,---------------.;..__---------! Kern Vtllev or C•l•t>uu at AMorperti 120-21 0..arte 11~11 •I Mlraifttte ( IS-11 Aquinas, .... , •I V•ll•y Ch< ( 1 .. 7) Trone (11-11) ti 8"""1nt 111-61 1~~rl~r 11·121 •t SI. Joseph South Palllden• or M•r•h•ll 11 8111\o9111~1 0tMr1 111-71 al Alo Me .. (U-tl St. Monie• I IU) et Ctrpinterte ( .. ,, lllosemond 0t Bell·Jttf et ,. Ptlms 1a.p1 flloy•I O•k 11 .. s, •t L• Canttda CIWI Avletlon 11•11 el Notre D•me, '"'" CIJ.IOI Yuc:ce Vetley Of Ntll•• at Whlllitr C1lt (11-1) CH' SMALL KNOOU PLA YOl'l'S WIN c..i..-. c-. 7:•1 I c-..1str•M Vellev Chr 117·11 •I "'""'' L-rMI ll>-71 o\emp ~II 11~1 al El Peto Rob~(! .... ) ftnf-llUI et lncllant Hiii• (M-101 l'lne .............. 7:•> jliiles.cte Ill-., et C-io Ul·ll 'remple Cllr (1._SI ti SlltnClon (1141 \.6Mtty C1lr. 117·" at NewbrlC19t Cf'.:41 .l!>•Hrl Sun IU ·•I at Shermen llldl•n Cl.S-41 J•tghts LutllerMI Of C.po Valley dlW. at c.--(1 .. 11 'flntrldtll Prett (IJ.t) •t Coe1t Ull .... 111 .. I l.utll•r•11, Ore nt• (11·111 at """Im 11 ... J a1 PHO 0. ,.oblH or e am• ...... nllell ~tel Ptt11 CU·91 L'nti.td OW. (Ml et Me1octy1ene1 ,.,, ·llRdl.,. Hiiis W lrtftt.-1 •t 0-' "11'9Y CINI 'tllencl Cllr. u .... 1 et 1111o Hondo ..... ltJ.tOI "f••••r., .. llJ·•I at Ion Sask in the lavish hospitality of the fabulous Orient/ Massages given by sensuot.J s beauti ful girl .... Cor,1e ;,, TODA YI 714 7- Coostrudion ~ available at I leritage Bank. OP•N TB• 00 PRIC•S AT 8 M66 ca aa 1 · D(J [][] 2/0x6/8xl 3/4]=fREMCH DOORS 2/4x6/8x I l/4 , . reg . 2/6x6/8xl l/4 127.60 2 /8x6 /8x I l/4 reg. 3 /Ox6 /8x I l/4===1--131.10 RAISED PANEL DOORS 2-8x6-8x I l/4}-reg. 3-0x6-8x I l/4 112.50 RAISED PANEL DOORS 2-8x6-8x I l/4} reg . 3-0x6-8x I l/4 l21 .15 2·6x6-8z I l/4} reg 2-8x6-8xl l/4 184.-;5 3-0x6-8x I l/4 12 DIAMOND CLEAR GLASS 3-0x6-8x I l/4:J-1 ~75 12 DIAMOND AMIER GLASS 2-sx6-sx 1 l/4 2 r~a5 2-6x6-8x I l/4} 3-0x6-8x I l/4 M2601-0PIH FOXWOOD 2/6x6/8xll/4]-reg. 3 /Ox6 /8x I l/4 169.95 M26011 Le1d1d St••d ..... The INS~RTS reg. 232.00 reg. 109.00 C)ality makes a lmting first m· .-.15ion s lhe tide •fter Lai Ve111 had taken • M lead into the frame. • The Anteaters put 11me one away with back·to·baek home ·runs by Steve Hayworth and Ralph Gedlea ln the top or the • ninth. In the nightcap, junior R9n ·Cum minas wu the hilting standout, going 3·for -3 with a double and homer. Meanwhile, UC I received six strong Innings or pitehing from Fountain Valley High product De nnis Cowan . while Cory Colllnge went the final three innings to eam the save. s LE: LE s SA E SALE SALE ALE LE ..... k(t>-71 ....,.tclolr ~ (IHI el lie .f'lne c,.m ALL YllTICAL HAIM DOU.LAS NI • MO llJICTS. ALL lat 9UAUTY 411Vtr V•llf'f (11•JI .. Hesper!• ,,.,, . ...,.. ~·1-ce (11 .. 1 lft ..... CNlllA•IMllMI 21&Jl,.ar A-1Ytntry Ill Ull H ...... Area NO DEALER SALES• SUBJECT TO' STOCK ON HANO J -----..-.--.. -~,~ ... ---.................... ~.-.. Monday, February 15, 1982 , Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification '8050 ad . .....t.Forw. •.•................... , ....................... . Tt Place Yllf U, C1h ........ 1002 ••• ,.. 1002 ..•............•...•.•. ··············-········ 642·5678 llUSlS FOi SALE t..4Nr•I llot .... 1,1 .... ... ,.__.. ,,, ftl~to\i>I• l •Pl'-".,., It•·.-#~ t f.#Ufl•Ch'l ,h1 I Dlltil \1..-,. U•i'• l\Hm UT1-.u ••ttiHtt••n \ .. nr, l!~~M•W\ Kt.,,h ........ Ki .. ,h 1,.. ............ lAIM• \11"""4 )11''4ilft \ ....... ~~r..'" .. !::.:" ~-Jv•lti' • ..,. .. u .. nu '4N• An .. i--........ h }.ou1h I ••v.tttt ._,,lnHnl\hr .\ltfhil,. llltf'IW"' '!'it41 .. Wlmm i\(f'f'4!1tt k• ~kt A~rt~M"' ff# '-'W ttt .. hl;ty"Qt,iit-r1\ tlw'-t_..,p,~n' t.f'f'l'Wlf'f\ l..-t1h ( f'\~ '•1"\fl•f'• 1.J ,.,.,#1' t aftdwn111Mvl'Wt"' '•I• ·~W\t'' l IUl\ '•'4' ''°"'""''"hr \lu\1d h~o""' "'''~'" lftdu-.t11i11ll'r~11\ ,, ... ,. .. ,.1 .. \tubtlf lln't1 11h '''"" ~luuhtn 1..-~ rt H..-1.n 'IT•n•t t •1 l'r'-1' '""'"''"'"'' ,.,.,.; . ._. .. "•" ,.,,.., M.11111 -.,.."\ • -'•1' (1rwu· .. Kt.!• .. ,,_.'" t 11• 9\..tftt.r k.-.1 ~'lit4t "•M"1 HNTALS '"""""' •u1111"'hftd lk.tw"·"' l nh.on1 .. h,'\I '""'""'"' •·urtt .;, l nf t ondo"1Huun1"' • vrn l t.iftiLion11111un1 ... l nl 1 t141.,{hvit,i~ "'''" '""'""°"''' l n1 INp,I"'""."'" lauvtt-"•' "' A .... ,•"'" A.Pi"'\ ftfwtn .\lih ... , .. ,. ..... """"'' M~111n ' t1t~r1I Uott-f\ \11••·'" '·ut""tl9'.., ... .. """"""""' w. ....... 1 ... \ .,.-'""" H~1.1"' k-'M•t"' htM"'" 1,.,., .... flM' th•nt Ufrlu• H•M•I IW"'t~"' Ht·n1•• tAd"""•' H,Ahl 'lwu.-Nf'ftl•" ... ntnt "•"'4 MtM•h EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,.......,., Motlct: All real estate ad· 1,, • v e r t i s e d i n l h I s ""' newspaper is subject to :=r: the Federal Fair Hous· ,,,., Ing Act of 1968 which :::.~ makes it illegal to ad-11... vertise "any preference, 11'" II mitalion. or dis. criminatloo based on ·~" race. color. religion, :;;: sex. or national origin, '~" or an Intention to make ::~ any such preference. '"" limitation. <>r dis :::: rnmination. ·· ·"'''' ;~:; This newspaper will not ,.,, knowinJIY accept any i~:: advertising ror reol ..... estate which is in viola· ~: t,!onoll~law. ~::1-------- PINNSULA HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm1.3 bath. mstr bdrm with ocean view "25,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1.200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 bath., 3700 sq.ft. $1,385.000. UDO lsU HOMIS • PrimP T.iclo Nord bavf,;-ont. 5 bdrm, 5 . 'bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat sl1ps $1,500,000 . Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings. $420.000. UNDA ISU IAYRIOMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm . 5 bath. playroom, dark rm . den. Sl.350.000 ! CAINATIOM COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. • BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ~,~~' e,,J y\1cJ• ()1 "'' ".,. b f, l ') t1b l 1°'9 0 1.-H Py.ti For l '"" 2 outstanding Newport Heights condos 3 BR. 212 ba, lge ya rds & patios. Sl7S.OOO, Walking distance to shopping OPIH SAT /SUN I z.4 327 OGL.I ST., CM YllW-VllW Newport Beach 3 BR. 2'' ba condo. fQrma I dining room. plus living room with rireplace. Large 10X28 balcony wtocean view. $225,000. lllOIS: .4dYtrfiten ~~ -.Wu.d ... lrock "" daily .ct report tr• !t;: ,....._~.TN t~: DAIL y PILOT..... PALM SPRINGS $67 ,700 I I CUSTOM u•wro1T ~:: lellty for tlM first I FUm. Condo on Golf Clb ON THI W .4 Tll • Freeda T.d:r Hom ""' i11correct iuertlo11 Dr Assume 9 5r, 1st I m down · seller will I J BR. family room, den, 631°5661 WANTED: :;:: -'f. Phone 320·9544 or carry IMYi AITO al 12,.: formal d1mng room and :;.;: 568-3113. 14 bdrm. 211 baths, plus breakfast nook 3 "'" i1• --------I RAN CH 0 MIR AG 1-: much rrore. INCLUDES! fireplaces. French doors ""' S84.950 LAND' $335,000 and wmdows thruout. :f:: Ho.et for Solt 2 Br. hse w pool. fee lalMNI lay,.,.,, Priced to sell. $395,000. '"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• land. assumo ble s? I.._., Agt :;:: Ge.rd 1002 Phone 320·9544 o r •675-7060. :~:: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~3113 ask for ARTX. :t:; ,. • $19,000 ..... FHALOAH IUSINESS. INYESJ. Only Sll.000 down , as· MENT fl · Stun! 189,000 FHA loan. RCTaylorCo Liquid partner to com- plete <'Ullom Newport Beach home. , NANCE 15i..,r;. $1310 PITI Sharp :t~:::;:::~':.!i ~'" 3 Bdrm, hardwood floor 1 ..... ,.,. .. ,.,, ..... ,, ·:;;·;home in a s uper tt~::·1~r ... ~:·•...i ~.... neighborhood. Price on· =-~~::~s. ~ f i.itii Arww~ '""""'"' c. ., "* ..... ,.. ,°' .... ,, 1....i' r,..nd Vrrw.llftll1ti :1on.1 r1 .... T"r•u•I SERmES """ ......... ~, £MP\01MENT & rtlrUATION vhool .. 1,...uw1"""' Jott~.M~I 11.1~11~ .. ..., \I l t MERCHANDISE AM~v.11 r\~l•ftot­Aw.01111 iw..t.. "'9..,,. \l•t..n .. I• ( • ..,.., ... ' • ~V11•" • ,,, l •h lq• t)...-ht ,...., t\irNhif .. lt.,Hf''°4ilf ""'''" Ut,,.,.Wf'tu'd 4,,.'1~ J .. ,.ttn l.1\nt1•., \l1tdti""'' MIW",ll•n-·"'"" M • ......-.. 11 • .,..,.w .. 'A .. nu d \hh H•l ln .. lr\U'llit'"'"' lllftitr t vrn ' t \f~I~ ..... Pl•fW" 6 ...... " !¥-••"' "•· ~."t-• ~JJhf\tC1t..--_.11 ....... M••1thn1t•M Mtr ;':T..c1.a 111•1"'-C .. ,t"", IOATS & MARINE tOUtrMENT ~Art41 f4o•tlti \l•ll'M 'w'fHt r ft!ut"' \111r..,.,_ t Wiit ""-'"' ..... ' fto~· "'"' f ~.,, .. , ~ .. '-41 ..,.Nh MIP' Oor ~ ... .............. , .... ....,.111 '9flfal'r THNSrGRTAllON AOr1.11 ( 11n1p.-r' "If' K11n1 Mn1r•'" t ,., .. Mt.tMh llon1""' \fM;w 4 H ....... "-'""''"' \fUfut Uft1 .. ~h k• ,.~ ft»ltff<io ,,.,, .. , luttn" \ t•hh ""'""f\fj ,. 1•,t•'I AUTMllLE "-""*"'' ... AnlM41ik• 'IA•'H" ""If"•'""'\ ' i. .. 1 ...... ".-lift.. H•U • U••l • ......... ,.hl'f' Jhfltl."I '""• \"4ul...-4f\IH .. \w1t.-.••nhi1I AUTOS. IMromo ....... ..,,., Al'• Mumo •• ,.,,. \W\llA U1 "ht Kll• ~.r U4hWjl n .. 1411 .,.,,, 1~ ... 1-J ... .w. , ....... . til11rt111MnHt1fl1.t ....... Wt1t•lit·'f""' ..... lit." •""'4 r ...... IW .. 1\lt 1 ......... M..,;••11 ti•i4l,H11\••' Mo\1t 1'wi.1h .... h.ltlit :~~~ .. ;:~; MES.4 VEIDE "'" 411 & POOL/SP .4 tt~: Outstanding value 1n .,.., this tri-level home on 11'' cul·de·sac. Oversu:ed lot. fam ily room ""' w frplc Owner will as- stsl with financing A great buy at $239.000. 75l:.3191 rt'6 ~ui.t .111• '?ROIATE" COSTA MESA :~; A fantastic 4 Bdrm. 2 :;~ ~a0;:1fi~~:::!1i:1~l:. =~ ~~~1rr;~f ic~~':p1~;~~· ••" financing available. :~·.: Price only $149.900. Call .,;. fo r more de t a 1 Is ::: ~~13 § fitt§\j1 ::: YllWTOWMHOMIS :: Master suites. View of Ocean & Night lights. Q\let Area. Parks, open spaces. $137 .000 X Int ·•ll" Fin. Hal or Pal Agts = 751 ·9905, 673· 7300 ..... :: .wt::., :: Starter condo! Super private and quiet. 2 Bdrm 2 bath. 1 story ::~: near schools and shofi· m: ~:: ~~s~ft:t~!n~ ~:';"~ Call~. 546-2313 ..... ~ .. fi . ... THE REAL ESTATERS 91/40/oLOAH .._ed SI 00,000 SPYGLASS IYOWMEI FUil Price $575.000 ""' Monthly Payment S2999 :'.:: SOU'lliPORTMODEL '·"' 6br14•-2ba.4100sqn :.:: 25 Bodega Bay .,,,, CalJ OV!J\er 751t-07J7 ·:~t:•-------­•1;1.. .,;,; ~;!;~ ..... !f;.ti ...... ~~ . , ... 1,; .. 11;,;, .. -:., .,.,., .~,; ...... tt~.J If;'._.. !lt4u WHITHB BUYING - 6 40-9900 WHAT A NEW From this magniri«ent 3 BR . Flt. 21 :.? BA Casablanl'a m0<lel 111 tlw Crest phasl' of H<1rbor H 1d ~e . Ofrered al $625.000 with L ow . interest Hssumable finanting. RCTaylorCo 6 40-9900 FilULOUS OCEAN VIEW Plus Ci ts Li ghts Exclusi \'l' Ne wport Hrar h Stlyg la ss Ocautirul Capchorn ~lodcl \\' Four Bedrooms Bit•~ Familv Room Court~·arcl \\' Pool & Spa One 01 The Most Terrifie \'iews In All Of Spyglass $750.000 759-9100 •2c_,..,.,.... ... .,.,.,. c..- LUXURY PENTHOUSE ON WATER Wtrior is riCJht o.t of Ardlhdwal Dic)Ht ..ct~ *-fie qfflity li¥"'9 ..... ..-. Spocion 2 bed. + deft with tedudi•t lllOSttr wite with finplact. lrou. leaded C)lcn1 & ..... occtlth. loaf sip crtailaba.. Thk 11 °"" for tht di1c1 ic•lafiMJ. $725,000. 63 I 0 1400 WATERFRONT HOMES.1Nr REAL £STATF 14"' IA. ( ... ,, .... , N""'po11 l\o>"' h Ul-1400 11~ M•11n.• Aw A.tlNM l>!.tnd 67Ut00 Pete Barrett Re presents "DO IT NOW!" Fiil.AND! Tremendous profit lo share! Call Bkr· 714/ 7_60-7292 anyt1 me. •ST9'5 TO llACH 109/ofim•c~A•ail Gorgeous 4 Bretached hon.-I blk from ocean on FEE land Only $299,000. 2670San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 759-1501or752· 7373. Walker & lee ABRI f state -~9 h COLDWeu BANl(C!RO ,....SULA OCEAMFIOHT "EARLY BALBOAN"" 4 BR 2 Bath shake with on site parking for 3 cars An "entertaining" front porch with fanta stic ocean & Catalina views Pnced lo sell al $575.000 644-9060 WAUTO THlllACH! Corona del Mar duplex 1n most desirable area wilh a pool Only $325.000. Ot•a,..t, Cele ), Rn brra. 175-5511,/ LUXUIY DUPLEX SO.OF HWY Two spacious 3 Br 2 Ba + den unit•. Upper has mini vu Qf ocean. Laun· dry spacf in each unit. M;acmt to lrvtne Ter-race. Md.500 COLIOP..W'°"f MAI.TOM HUl.C....M"'' c..__.._ 811-lltt --~---- G Rto•rOftOt: "".'" of the 1.,.., te•omblod -d• be- low IO for,.. I°"' M"'Pt. -d> I. 14 U X HEE I I 12 I I I I PHN U C I I I r I 1 THE REAL ESTATERS ........ Wt • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1024_,.. '"' .............................................. * timA VIOi * · 11. ... DOWM Wl11f POOL AND SPA l Bhnd tGOY dta coedo !iplcioua 3 Bdrm. 2 b1. w/pool and 1pa. Mlal Beawtul area. $15,000 ~an view! SIOUOO. IO dn. Asking $240,000 ~r fixed 14~~ loaa! SID/mo pymt. PP. Aat. o.w.c. 0wnr, a1.- .... -F-t• Y., I OJ4 MIW COMDO SO DH ...................... . ent. ui.s~il IY OW. ..... -.. vaDI·-4 bdrm, 2 ba larce yard. ~ 15.000 cln. Great finsnc-for sale by owner. As· in&. $134,500 SUrtlf VA. 157,000 at JO~. S.·190t 2 bdrm Mesa Verde con· do. $99,000. 751 ·2380 tktAl-•IHdl 1040 $ RXEl.UPPEIS $ 15~~J_~y~ _!!le~SBL'· ~;c;v·ooootii:Ai:fti l2 mlh • C.... * VA 111/JO/o * lbt whole year lhrou&h . "O'"V.4CAMCllS 3BR+l'i1ba. 76K at Fantastic SOL VIS.TA Far below market. For Bl6pitl w/poss ~ dn, pool home. No qualify· set ·up call Rick prinoc:ily~_kr667·3863 ing. Only $136,000. Bkr an me. 71417so.7292 COLLEGE PK 3BA =848-07=.::::09:.....------ D-..&u HOUSE Nr.allscbools.A C.Gar SHOW STOPPER ... lll5Al""I Dr Opnr. Nu Roof. ~riding clean.3 Bdrm WITH CHAIM! 183.000 in assumable an warm ~~h lln tones. You'll love it here! loans w/42 on. No qua Ii· No quahfy1ng. Fruit E)iglish tudor style. lov· fying. $125.000. trees too! Just $122,900. el~ tree· lined ~treet, Wttlev M. T~ Co. Bkr._,_.~IMll,,,.·..::.ffl:.:09=----- pnde ol ownership and Realton 64H910 1•1v,.1a1 .. ir.S.UM .. 11.l an usu ma ble loan of -~ T 1• -,. S74 000 at low interest 4BR Pool Home 1n Mesa Newly redecorated ex- rate. FUii price on this 31 Verde. Lrg Corner Lot ttutive in La ,Cuesta. Bdrm 2 bath doll house Brttuway. 2car Gar + 4BR 2ba. family rm. is$10UOO. Call 646·7171 Much More! Drive By. frplc, frml dining rm., 2ml!Tabago Place Then bonwi rm. 2~ car gar. r~~l'-,a~·~-Call for Appl to See. T~e over 13...,~ loan -----: .. --_-957·0959. Open House withS40,000down. .. ~!i!l!~!l!!!!!!·~~tl Sat/Sun lHPM. Prieed OPEN SAT/SUN 10·5 to Sel I at S 17 5 000 ~I Montauk Circle. llll!lllFl!!l"1!!11!11!1!!1111m._ ...... W/Assumable Loans call Jim 979 5370 or SHOPPING CIMTll ~rah<>!! ~1th Agts. 962-958'7 Comer of West 19th St. and Maple in Costa SS,OOO DOWN ·JBdrm . lrYm 1044 Mesa. Clean strip center 2Ba. new roof & cpl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 100':? occupied. Offered Must sell! Call now DESPllATI ! with exceptional owner 545-1,241 -Woodbridge 3Br 2ba . 1 financing $477,000 L.H. M ES A V E R D E 4 yr new. Low down · as-' bedroom 2 bath tri-level sume loans. Need fast .......__M_O_T _E_C_, J 1· I I I . : My wife 11 worried 1t>ou1 Iler bro1her He lfves wilh ua and ,,.., gone on 1 roungtt s111ke. I ..-------....,padlocked my -. B UD NNl I home offers you approx· sale. imately 2100 square feel SUCCESS REALTY cl comfort. f or ma I din MS-7991 ing room. entertaining fanuly room. and an an-WOOOlllKE tique fireplace. Terms O. tt.t Ub are negotiable and seller 2BR. & Den:-iBA. will help with financtng. PANORAMIC ~I-ls-I' -l~l -1 0 c_ .... lht n..cuo _.., . • • . . by l41.ft9 ....... -.--d .__..__...._.....__.__,__, ,.... -lop ,,_ tfOp No 3 beto-$187,500. Call for an ap Lakefront View pointment. 979.2390 P r o f e s s i o n a I I y -------' T~J&l.....mJ.TOIS La ndscaped. Beach & -· Tennis Cl ub. Good THE PllCE Financing. Owner or· IS llGHT! feud at S297 .ooo 552-8362 6 ~~·~1~N~~~[ 1"'m I I I I I I I 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SCRAM-LETS A111wtrs itl Clauificaliom 510Ct .. .,_~.pa~pFIF,_mo_n"')-1' on th.is 4 Bdrm. fenced in WOOOll--.1 ... IW- Wrap Into Tiis! I. Tiiis wrtpdress nlM "*J- t.111111 11111plt-flttlftl, awlllC, tllCI wheft It's flRdlled, sltp It oft the -.., IOd Oii ID '811! No ... ~·OJI"' lllt Pnllllcl Plltn 912t Mims Sim a. 10, 12. 14. 16. 11. 20. Sitt 12 (Ml J4) .... 2' J"d$ 60<111Ch flbrlc. ... pool home on a qwei cul· - " payment on Ba I boa de-sac Ill Eastsidl' Costa 2 bdrm and den, h1fhly lsl1nd properly. Low Mesa. A beautiful yard upgrade,,.d . Pr. ce down or trade. with a rovered pallo and Slll8.000. 17 " dn. Single • ._,.,ty, lltr. I ii oozy fireplace in the story, fully s~uttered . 675-ll,6 living room. Therl' 15 fireplace. a.trium. nr mort! Assumt1ble poolandtennis By owner-31,<,r br. 2 ba . loan and an anxious 552--0660 all remod. Copper seller. Only $169.900 """~'-' Coiy 2 bdrm .2 ba. frplr, plumb. lath & plaster Call 979-5370 1;;,;!;:;. .. !!.~~ ~ LLSTA TE near shops, schools. freeways Open House Mon 1-5 18222 Mayapple Irvine 644-un ,,.., Psmal! TAKE YOUR ,ICIC 100/oDOWH 3 prime duplexes. Call I Darrell Pash. 759-1221 for rm re details. I ! . COUMJIY IMGUSH OUPLEX-48r + 2Br. I yr new. Good assumable Assumable financing, $398.000. 709 & 709 11 Orch.id. can 851 ·9135 for I a.PPt~er1bkr ' I $5,000 DOWN I I IYOWMEI I llV1NE TBIACE 2bdr. + Conv. den. 1 l'•ba, cnr lot. pool + spa, immed. occup. 1536 Serenade Terrace. As-sume existing finan. ~41000. owe. ~3. 7548 Add thlt eatr•~ toucl1 with blliy's name Oil this Mitt Knit this p11dtal. PfettJ pram • I c:..a.n.r&• 3 w.rb~~+1~st in owner's unit . also 2 Bdrm Rental Collage. 1 All In sharp condition I wiexcellenl location. Owner will carry lge 2nd T. D Best b11y in town for only 128(),000. CALL 644-7211 suit 111 lwo colors of synthetic COUMTIY ~USH WMted. lhtn add bllly's 11amt DUPLEX B B 1n 1 th11d colol P.nem IS.I -4 r + 2 r • 1 yr new. Good assumable 11p.lront pram surt and flood to Ci In ....,., I• 1218 th uianc ig, ........ 000. 709 & " mon sues_ 709~ Orchid. Call SUS lot uch pattern Add 8S1 ·9l35 for appt. ~· uch patttrn lot poslJCt Ownertbllr. 1nd htndl1n1. Se•• It: ~Dlht -·-• · ...... . MtN 1024 Neeclltcfeft 0.,.. 105 .... ••••••••••••••••••• oa11y,... I IV ACCESS .. IU ... a..... .. G~at tamer io(ation in , ... llY 11111 P'9t .... Meaa •1 llar. 4 Bdrm, ...... If, hllln ...... hmlly room . new -lta ......,. a.i. J ; kitchen a:rtiances. lov. l!el .nns IM!dt. 170 Desi ely yn . Full price flCilets. doh, qllllb, lllOlt! llC,000. 751-3191 kftll, Cioci..t, c-.. SI.~ 11 CWT ml JUI tlCll •111111•c~..i• ~···· -T"' ., . REALTORS . REP05.5ESSION sharp 2 story, pool. $143.000. gr; dn. A&t,.~·7739 _ IOIOW. WILSON OPEN SUN 12·4 2 br. beamed ceiling. re rrodeled. Large, va lua· ble R2 lot. Can bwld 2 rmre wiits. Ideal for re tired couple. Owner will finance. (2131689·4384. (714 )~·2901 LS.DE con AGE 2 Bdrm 2 Ba . nu crpt, patio rover & garage Assume exislin~ fmanr ang and 0WC With Small down . Full pri ce SUS.500. OWNEI FIMAMCING LDvely l story 3Br 2ba hon.-+ family rm & cozy fireplace. spar. re- a.r yard. jac. Ot!s1reoble F.astside Costa Mesa all designed for family living. Call John Campbell for showing I06aSIWTY '71-JJI I cXMMSt PANORAMIC VIEW isn't the only outstand· ang feature you get with this 4 bdrm. 2 ba. Mac· Tavish in Turtle R~k Highlands. Lavishly up· graesed. PRIVATE SPA located on cul·de-sac street. Call today for an appoi ntment. $385,000. Exceptional financing being offered. "" a..,..lteda 1041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .4Lot ForA. UHlt I acre + bldg site. gent ly sloping parcel short dist~ from tennis & beach. Ownr has In· eluded plans for custom villa. S175,000 Spl'C· llt'Ular views~ Mls.510N REALTY . -~·~1'731 TILL.AUE I Beaut. 3 Bdrm condo wlp\1 spa. Cannot bt' d14>1icated for Sl59.000 WllYOWMEI Immaculate 3 Br 2bii ocean view home Features: Large deck. oak paneled den As· sumable loan ind seller finlll<'ing 1319.000 Call eves or wk~s 497 2"166 At M-. ltec8' 675-1771 ! This priceless location overlooking Main Beach has 2 bdrms for only l220.~. Call owner at 4N.al38 1lw Ca!>h•:-1 tlr,.~ 111 th1• I \\\.,.1 ~I J);11h 1'11111 t h:-.,1fi1~1 \•I c .111 To cl.1~ t1.i2 51iiM 1044 .,.. 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ........... . \oh•• Ailts. •• UTOS,IS£D J.~ ~ ... J SELLING If you are ready fdr a change 00 IT! C(\11 on Pete Barrett and his assot'iates to helt> ~·ou solve your housing wanls . Ready for something l ur l-(cr ror yo ur increai;crl family '~ House too lar~c for your decreased family? Now 1s the time~ Money and financin~ are a\•ailable prices arc doWn NOW. Don't wait. changes are underway . :: :zL i:...-....:-: ................ -0::--c::-·4--1 ,...,.. •• l'l~\"t~"l\ =1..":.!3.-~ ~=~·= l:r.t*.:..'U:-~-=.-zr .... .-oMHOUSI 3 Br. l Bl. larie 11rd ~~ ., ... '41·0713, Ast. ........... .......... \lit ...... t..-Mt,,, ' .......... ........... t .. H..,(tl ....... ··-·· ..... , ..... ......... 1 .. 1 , ... ~·~~t. .... ......... .... _k .. _ ,,,_. ........ ,_.,, ... , , ... . .. lh jl lftl- t.•IU ~,. .. .. , .. ~ .. IW!• 'K- ftltllY.., DAl.YPl.OT IOATMAIT , ..... ,... .. a1642-5671 -;Ji l'---------------· ~u. ..... 9'1! ..., ... : '"'1)1 ft,; -. ... -..i .... •1 NOTICI "°"' Oail~· Pilot (.'1111111· lfilod ~dil di1111la)· lh\'ir nNlal(l'I with ltlfibilllY lftd lmpat1? Our ad11. .., II\' proud to 1111)'. re· "ly •tt multi Phone llG>5118. 1 64Z·5200 PAYMENTS. :.1ii":imi-Luse/opt or shared Wiii! IMll 1 .. , FiM Ille equity. 2 Br 2bl COftdo, .....,. 11 9" lllW $PllM- $1JUOO. Alli for Pat. SlllllCI NTIHll CATMOQ. 675-177 I ~.:';.:t "W1 e = llO -c.m. .91. ............. ;:g:..9=',,,, :e ... .. ... .. ....... =~ ....... 1$1,...... .... lft'= ==-3 bdrm. z bath. frpk. dbl llMlllllll...... 1 ••rau. A· I cond . 111-M fl. , I I sµt.-. Owner will a1· 11...._....... 111t la llNM'i1a. • ,,~~-·~::·· hl\"l' a 1C'f'\'ic'\• lt1 om·r ur Liia..... . •GDdltolfll. tl11t'l' an 11d 1111-I• tht Dalh· Piiot u-ntd Sfti ..... ...... ..,. WOOll•MI PATto Hoe. W 11k to pool It tennis from this 1p1cious, 1ir condiUoned 4 BR hOme .• f)ajoy view of Saddleback Mlnl. Fam rm + IU5h atrium . Take OYer hllh ~umable loans . No au111fyin•. J192,SOO Annt 'ntmey 55l-8'7CX> ( 19) Orange Cout DAILY PfLOT/Mondaf, ,ebruary 15, 1112 LINCOLN GALLERY More than 100 photographs of Lincoln are on hand al Lincoln Memorial l niversity's library and AP ......... museum in Harrogate. Tenn. In addition. more than 250.000 items. from canes to case papers. are housed there. Dane says 'Dallas' leftUt p/,ot TV series blasted as 'malicious slander' on U.S. life COPENHAGEN , Denmark <AP ) -Is that dastardly J . R. Ewing part of a left-wing campaign to slander U.S . socie t y? A Dani s h parliamentarian wouldn't be surprised. television channels. · · 1 would not be surprised if It turned out that 'Dallas' was planned by a circle or leftist Intellectuals in Hollywood as a socialist s lander campaign offering a completely distorted portrayal or U.S. society," he said. "This series ser ves to reinfo r ce the idea that capitalis ts behave as dirty dogs." Erhard Jacobsen of the Center Democrats got up in Parliament and declared that the hit TV series "Dallas " is "a malicious slander of American family life -s ubversive propaganda produced by leftists." Some 2.5 million Danes -hair the country's population -have followed the CBS series about the doings of the wealthy Ewing family since it began here in December 1980. Critics have derided the pr:me-time soap opera. and there was a public row over the decision to screen it in the first place. Said John Simes, a spokesman for Lorimar Productions, which produces "Dallas:" "I don't know how to answer that kind or charge. May be be hasn 't reali~ yet that ·Dallas' is a lot or fun to watch and that we're putting the world on." Jacobsen founder of Active His statement injected life into a rather dull general debate on objectivity and ba lance in the programming of Denmark's publicly controlled radio and Lis tene rs and Viewers , a watchdog g r oup to guard again s t "c reeping leftis t infiltration" or Danish electronic media -elaborated to newsmen on his theory. Lonely land heals wounds Desolate badlands erase polio victim's bitterness TRO'ITERS, N.D. <AP> -Something in the desolate, often brutal badlands or western North Dakota has erased most or Leonard Hall's bitterness -much like the relentless wind that shapes and reshapes the lonely buttes around him. The 62-year·old Hall, his round pleasant face creasing in smile or anger as he tells his story. is the lone r esident of Trotters. ll's the only settlement -two buildings -along a tortuous 90-mile. gravel-gumbo road that serpentines through an unspoiled land of cattle, coulees and coyotes. Burned SF club to be· rebuilt SAN FRAN C I SCO (AP l The e legant Concordi a ·Argonaut C lub, ravaged by a five·alarm fi re. will be rebuilt. directors have decided. Clu b Pres id e nt Marvin Nathan said a structural engineer will s urvey the his toric four-story building to see if the fire that gutted the top l wo floors will prevent renovation. Ten firefighters were trapped when a portion Of the 74·year·Old club's burning roof collapsed. All were rescued. but fi ve s urrered c uts, rAClftC VlfW ..., •• Al,AH ~tery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOll...ac MOITUA•ltS la<iuna Beach 494-9415 laQuna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 ~ LAW~MT. 01.IVI Mortuary • Ce~ terv Cremetorv .; 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa 540-5554 ..-c:1 •onms .... OADWAY WOtn'UAIY 1 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 -IALTl-.. Otf ....ne I TVnlL&. WllTCUflf CHA,. 427 E f7th St COttaMesa e..M37f Pmel..OT'tml IMllMI' MOITU.AIY WMaln St ""'tJnaton leach ..... ' A brui s es a n d s moke inhalation. Article s o f incorporation for the Co n co rdia , which started as a club for bachelors and merged with the Argonaut social club in the 1920s . were s igned in 1854. The club had several locations in 1890 before settling at 1142 Van Ness Ave . Fire f ig ht ~rs eJrp loded d y n a mite under the building to halt a wall of flames in the wake of the 1906 earthquake. ., .... NOTICI 0, PUaLIC MIAIOMO TO CONSIDIR TM• ORAMTINO 0' A VARIMICI ANOT ... AOOl"TIOHM A COM~IAfK• OATll ANO A~AL 'lltOM OllOAL 01' P•RMIT TO ONaATI CASIE NO. 17M NOTICE IS HEiilE8Y GIVEN INt Ille Soutll Co••I Ai r Ou•llty Man-I OIJlrkl HeMl"9 ...,., Wiii llOlcl. pYtllk 11ffrl119 •I •:JO •.m. on Tllu'1d.ty, Nlo1'1:11 II. '*· In ""' Orano-c-ty lkMtnl 01 Sucler•tto", CllamHn, 10 Cl•k C•nltr PlaL•. S...ta AN, CMl'°"'I•. to <-Ider IN 9r..,tl"9 of • •atl-•. ~Ion of a (.ompll-, -.., -•I lrom tlle Cl•nl•I of permlu to oper•I• 2 unlm•Ko model I0,000 ro.I strltlen el ORANGE COUNTY STRIPING SERVICE, 1 ... 1 CMtlr11<tlOft Wey EHi, '"'"'°· Cellfornl•, <Uf'rffltly OllffM!fte WI vloleelell ol Ruin tta -~2 ol Ille Soutll C-t Air Ouellty M•11•te"'911t 0 .. trl~\ lllllH end 1te911l•ti.tis. Rule 20j requlru • permit to OP•••I• •11d re4111lre1 -Mloll HI ec<..,._,• wllfl -Ifie. <""'"'-...... -It. ,. ...... , c:e11tr•I• Olftlu lon• of ort•nl< 1Ntfrl81. A COP't Of "'9 RlltlOll It .......... Mr ln-tloll .. tM lftl«., Ille "-Ille ._.. , ........ ll .. , ... °""'· Ill ........ ~: .......... _ oer1u. '"' ... ..,, ....._A-. (.....,., ..... ,.... --· .... ., etteftd .... ....,. .. lfll or-"* ·~ •I Ille lleMtRt. It Is ,...,.,, •• tllel ---IWlsM-*"l-te• _.,.....,.." ............... ...., ..... OATIZO: ~Y4, twt ..... c .... AlrOll9tlt\o ......,_t °'*'c.1 ....... ...,. ........ ~ c ..... .... ....... Or ... c:.-Del .. :~ , .. ,,,,,. The nearest town Is Beach, 35 miles to the south. Alexander is SS miles to the north. It's in Trotters that Leonard Hall. a polio victim at the age or 17 months, has found something. "It gets very quiet. Look at that )ligh blue sky, the south wind. I enjoy it," he says. His tone changes. "I grew up the bard way. If you haven't worn my shoes, you don't know what I've been through." . He tells or his early life in Ancho, N.M .. and or the abuse caused by his crippled legs. "There was rough treatment I got as a child," he says. "Cltildren can be cruel . . . . People teased. I was always trying to keep up. J had a resentment or people. "I grew up fighting." he says. "I thought it was my only revenge for what had happened." But for 31 years now -half his lifetime -he's lived in western North Dakota. Along the way, he began looking at people differently. Perhaps it's the solitude, or the neighborliness or an occasional rancher stopping by. Hall doesn't know. "I can't put my finger on the time and place when I changed my mind about people ... be says. "But .... my determination and, I suppose, the change in my attitude toward people. has helped me through this life. "I like people now." The diminutive. graying Hall -in western shirt and blue jeans -is postmaster for 25 ranch families The furthest is 28 miles away, ·•and that's a long way in the winter." he says. Across the room from the post office in the one-story wooden building are a few shelves and a counter ror food and candy. Hall lives in a single room in the back. The gasoline pump out front is the only refueling point between Beach and Alexander. Trotters' other building. tbe United Brethren Church. is across the road. The post office was opened in 1903. Before that, homest.eaders took turns making trips with horses to Wibaux, Mont .. to pick up their mail. EventuaJly, the home or Lee Trotter ~ame the community mailbox. Arter a succe11ion or locations, the present post olfice and store was built In 1927. Hall, whose father ranched in the area, arrived in North Dakota in 1950. "I soon found out ranching was not for a fellow with polio, .. he says, so on July 1, 1956 , he became the Trotters postmaster. • "The first half ol your life, you're more or less wandering in the dark anyway," Hall says. ''There was no phone when I first came here. The Isolation -until you get used to it -1eta to people. I got used to it b)' iponn1 it. Yoa keep your mind occupied on thinp around you. "Truth/uJI)', I really ertjoy it, especially at night. It gets very quiet. Once in awhUe I'll hear a coyote, or a pack or coyotes t.a1kln1 toe.ch other." Winter blisaards always threate11. "When I pt blocked in, and I know by lookin1 out the ~ that the atmo1phere isn't flt tor man or beut, I Just console myself with what's tot to be done and let ll 10 at that,'· he 1ays. "And I've had the determlnaUon, maybe not to turn the world upside down, but to do what I could. "I'm not complalnln1 or bra11lna. Just stating facts." ....,,.,.vau.av c-...nwnM. .......,., Mr. •114 ••· '"'"tt11 Oe11n•r•, , ......... v-.. .•. Mr. •1141 Mrt, Delle141 Wet-lflt, .._..,......._II,_.,, Mr, e11• Mn. 0•1111h flre11k, ....., ..... e-11. ....,. .......... Mr . efll Mrt. er11 t • WJ11t, ......... ::;.r."· .. Mr. •11• M••· 1te1111e111 l e11, II II~-9-to, ...,. Mr. -Mn. .. PNllMt, ,...,._. ... Yellty,flrt ......... *• elll 11*t.. Tlllftles Wlllle1111, , ....... \l.....,,tlr,, Mr. •11• Mrt. treelley Nye, ... I Ill I a..cft, le\'. .......,,, Mr. •11C1 Mu. Poter Certler, MlllltlfltlM9-ll.tlrl ,_,, Mf' ..... Mrs Atw OMrwlw, INIM, al#I, kr, •11• Mro, Tllomu Spl11•. Hlltll ........ Aolcll, 91rt. Mr ..... Mrs. 00111111 Elletson, .._.......,. ....... y. Mr, e114I Mrs. D11nc en 11011. ............... eoedl, "" ,_.,J Mt, •n• Mra. lt•111 Montenu, ,._, .... v ...... 911'1. .......... ~ J-~1 ..... lrvlne, ..,, ,,_,, Mr. •11• M". M•r .. Moo11ey, ~I ....... 9Mctl, lloy. ,_.,. #W, encl Mn. 8NU llutwll, lrvlrte. .. '1. Mr. •nel Mrs. 5t•v•n Pow•"· Hutlti......, ~. olrl. Mr. eno Mn. John Wor' Int , WHtml....-, t lfl. ,_.,, Mr. encl Mn. P ... 1 Chllfl, f'ount•lll V .. leY.boot. Mr. •n41 Mrs4 T•rry Mo1umo.r, Hllftll""°'1 ~. 9lr1 ,_.,, Mr. •nel Mra. SHiii Mo1umoer, fl'-lfl Volley, tlrl, ~· Mr. •lld Mrs, E"9MOO -nellole. F~•ln Vtlley, Doy twin!.. J-.11 Mr. •lld M,.., Terry Pennin9t0ft, H1111t1"91M 9Nc:ll, 9ltl, Mr. ~ """ p..,1 "•Y. F-1<1 Voftey,tftl Mr ...... Mn. lll<Mrd Pry-ch. F-lllVettey,boy ,_.,12 Mr, encl Mn. p..,1 El\.....,, Irvine, olrt. Mr. end Mrt Cll•rlet Hurt•Oo. W•st111l11Atf, boy. ,_.,u Mr. •nO Mr\. O•nlel lledow. Fou11t•ln v.i1ey, boy J_.,14 Mr. •nel Mrs Arnold Acoua. Wflbtll-.9lr1. L11ls A...., •nd S.ndr• l •ltr•n. w.stm~. lloy Mr. •nel Mrs. Tl•omu Felom•n, Cost• Mele, 91rt. '-"'' Mr. e110 M,., Cl•• .. 8 r •nlfl, "-".....,. IMcll, 9lrl Mr .• ,,. Mn. ~,..nee lurOIO, ,~In VMleY, ofrl. ,_, .. Mr. enel Mrs. Floyd Wllll•m\, Hulltl"""'18"dt, boY Mr. •M Mia. Oouo••' ~romer, H1111tl ....... he<ll, 9lrl. ,_,17 Mr, •nd Mrs. J•met aoyc11er. ............. 9ektt • ..,. Mt. -Mn. Rkll Y etes. HUft0f1910t\ a.di,..,. J_, .. Mr . •11• Mri. Te11y G•rcl•, .._........ 8Mct\, boy. llM. •lld ~. ~ HOii, H""11 ....... ---·-~-Mr •• ,.. Mn. Wllll•m Sllofne r. l"-111 V .. ley, boy. Lit• S<ll,..<e,...it. WHtml11!.ler. boy. .1-.11 Mr. e 11C1 Mn, Wllll•m W•slo, -*"'-· ..... Mr. •Ill Mn. E.....,. KeylOr, C•t" IMW,9lr1. Mr. •llCI Mrs. l(ennelll C•ml>bell. F ....... lft ..., .... ,. llOY. .1-.n Mr . •nel Mn . M•rk 8yrne, H11111l""°" a..dl, 9irl ,_,,u Mr. •11• Mrs. Cherin Huone1, IMltl ....... 8N<I\, tioy. J_,M Ml. -~. Gory Nffl. Hlllltlnoiefl 9oedl, t lrl . Mr. -Mn. Wllfter ~-. lr•IM, "°"· Mr . eno Mrs. Timothy MU•<. H ..... 1.....,. 9Mcll, boy. ,_.,n Mr •no IMrs . Jelln Alfonso. Wt>tmll!Mw, o1r1. Mr •no Mrt. Juom• Fulcher. H11lltl""°'18Mdl. boy, J_.,lt Mr. •11• Mrs J emo Johnson. HUlllJ,,..... llNOI. boy S<ott Ore<• encl April A•h•ortll, Hllllt ........ llH<ll. boy Mr. •llCI Mtl. W•ll•• Hiii, Cost• -... ,111. Mr ..... Mn. P .. r1<11 W•ll«•. Costa MeWI, t lrt. ,,_.,. Mr. •llCI Mr1. IC-.111 P•terson, CosleMn41,llo¥ J_,,. Mr. encl Mr-I Ml<llMI Oort, Coste MtM.11r1. Mr. •llCI Mn. Joe S•nOov•I, """' ........ 9Md\, girt. Mr ..... Mn. 0.-Smltll, F-t•lfl V•lley,llofy. Mr. •llCI 11*t.. Dunc•n C••Y<roft, 1"4Mlt•lll v--,, 9lrl. .,_.,,. Mr. •llCI Mn. 1(-tll O•lllf)erlt, Hllllllf191on llMOt, boy Mr. •llCI Mn. H•I Pust. Hllfttl"910ft 8Hdt,01r1. -- '*· .... Mt'\ CW1 ........ ~ .......... ~, . Mr, •114 Mn. Sl•••n R•11Nll, W.tlMI ....... etrl Mt, oftll *"-~ C .. r\, ~ -..Cll,laey Mr. •llCI Mn o ... , •• C•tltOf'I, ....... ,, 9Mol, tlO¥ Mr • .,.. ~ OWiet.,._ aoy41, c .. te IMM,iltl J-.M Mr. e11C1 Mrt. Je•I Po•••· Hllllt~ IM<JI, My Mr .... Ml't Pwl T-, , .. ._ ..... ltl ~..,.,,, Mr. •nd Mr,, Rl<hllrd OOFt1nll, H1111tl"91C111 llMtll, flrl Mr elld Mra Ml<llH I fl'e9an, H1111tl"91C111 llN(ll, Olr1 Mr. ellel M". P•trl< ·~-ntr, utuN llH<ll, boY Mr. tnd Mrt. Nk llolos l•outwrd, l'-t•ln V .. leY. olfl Mr. •nd MU Ver11011 l(ertwn, H1111tl"91C1118HCll, llOy ,_.," Mr. •nd Mn Oe•l<I l(elly. lrvlfl•, tlrl Ml'. •lld Mrt Mtrl• Sp•rtow, 1"-'•111 V•ll•y, oJrl Mr. •NI Mn Grevory Penclle1on, ce1te-.11o, Mr. end Mr\ 8rten Chapm•n, Gor011• Cltl Mir, bOy Mr. end Mrt. Mlcl!HI Havlle11, H1111tinttC111 8Hch, Olrl J_,lt Mr. eno Mrs Nu Ill Sele m, Huntl11f1C111 &H<h, glr1 Mr .• ,,., "'" LOUii Floro, Cost. Mew, boy Mr, ancl Mn. Wllll•m 8ouwma. NewPOr1 llN<ll. Qlrl Mr. enc1 Mrt °""91os ••-II, Snl• ., to 50% lff Sprl119 Preview Fulil1• Arriving hi~ wltll Savlnp of 20% I • "PCJllYE" AHO "IRIOGETI'E IMDOT' ,ANTS , • IUfft8) llOUSES • PEASANTS«lln • BATHING suen 0 THE ROMANTIC LOOK • KHIOWtS-AU. COLORS • MSONIB. DESIGHEI 'Mn • WAOONG SHORT$ • TAlOIED JACKETS ~ • GOLD ACaNTED aOUSES 17'0 I. I 7tt. ST. COST.A MIS.A 64M7JI BUTTONS & BOWS BOUTIQUE M-f 10-7 SAT. I 0.6 i..c.w ..... ~ ....... c...... ..... ,.c ......... .... e.111oa •st~.01r1 ljiiiiijj;ijijijijijijiijiijiir.~~~~~~~~~~~! Mr. •nel Mn RoMrt M•nl•, r W.llmlllst«, bOy JM..eryJt Mr. •nO Mn llk llarO CAlm,,._11, Irvine, boy TAILO RING ALTERATION<, F-01< M[N X. WOMEN Mr •11C1 M,. Tllto Smell. H11ntl"91on llH<h. bOy Mr . anel Mr' Br11ce Henson, Fountain V•ll•y, t>oy ,u ~IJU f',AJA 1l11 ~l • Mr. ancl Mr,, OonolO Gr090, Cale MeW,9lrl li:>•N lr•rl t_,, ~ .Jt ·~\•' Mr . •no Mrs Fr•nl Spur11y, U911ft• N19ue!, 9frl Mr and _, lloberl l'trouMW>, Irvine. Olrl Mr. -Mn. R-. D•-t. Cf"f"·l1Mt FOUllt.lin V .. k'Y. boY MOTICa 0, TllU$TIEl'S SALi .._.,,, T.5.-'sH-.D/._.I Mr. •NI Mr'-OevlO ~. G•te On Mar~ll 4, '"'· al 10 00 am , Mew, boY eu c I( EVE RECONVE v ,.NC E Mr. end Mrt. Mi9Uel 1..-r. Coll• COMPANY, • C•lilornt• corpo<•ll"'1. -... 9lrl H duly ...,.,.nu•O lr\l<IH '"'cle' and Mr. and Mr• John HuDD•rd, ""''u•nl to Deed ol Trust CS.IH J..w Irvine. Doy 4, "ti rOKoroeo June II. 1911, n Mr . .,,., Mn -rk -n lrvlM. Instr No 1111' In -u10.. - llOy 141, ol Otto<••• lh«>rel> on 11\e ottlct of Miu Collel't• Hundley, HU11lln9t0<1 Ill• County RtcordH ol Oran9e Buell, 9lr1 County, Stalt ol C.alolornta, WILL JM-y U SELL Al PUBLIC. 4UCTION TO Mr •ncl Mr\ Mlcl\ .. tl Hunlt r. HIGHEST BID DE R FO R CASH Hunllnqton a.Kh, boy IPO•Dlt al ''"'' of Wit tn l•wlul Mr. and Mn Ray.-Hu-ro, money ol the Unotl'd s1 .. tttl at lllf Cosl•Meu.bo"t fron1 oul'IC'" •ntr•nce ot "'• Mr eno Mrs Curlh Shanu, Conllnenf•I Home Lc>an D\llldlng at £3-C H11nt11\9ton llffcll, boy Sou1h Euclid, An-Im. CA '290? all J_.., U rlO"'· llllt and Interest conv•vtO to Mr •ncl M•• S.mmy G•rci•. -now held by •t """'"' .. Id 0.0 ol CorOM Oii Mer, "'1 T"'" in t~ pr-nv .. ,.,.,.., in wid J_,., M Cou11ty ...., StoOle OM<rl...., a~ Parcel Mr. and Mrs D••ld S •nty, 1 Unit No lu•-•ndde.crlbedln WHtmlftlle< • 9111 Ille (ondOmlnturn Pl•n r.c:ord.O in Mr. •ncl Mn. Wllllem GOclwin. Boo• 11374. P•9t isn of Olf1<••I Newll')r1 IH<ll. Doy recoro' P•r<et 1 An uncl•vlcMG t /14th J--r U 1ntere\I •• • i-1 1n common tn tlle Mr -Mn '"" c.rter • lnlllf. fee lnterKI tn -to tlle common •rt• Doy of LOI 'of Tr«1 No .. ,. •• W<h ttrm Mr. •ncl -•· J.,,. .. Wllllemi, 11 oetlneo In tM Article entllled Huntl,....,., IH<ll. Doy · Mr. •nd ""'" Mklleel M<CIUng, "Oellnlt~" of "" Otclar•1tC111 ol o.11• Polf'lt, olrt Co• t n •nt • C ono Ill on• •no Mr. •ncl Mr\ Mt<Mtl Cte•wr. RHlrl<tton\ rKordeel 1n -11•1. CAI•~. olrl :-,,.9:n~~~n~~~!r~~";~~I·~~ IOUTHGOASTMIDf~LCIMTIER NO<l••<lu\lve ea-no tor ullhtiH . J...,, J • < < e s \ ~ 1 n o r e s ' , • 9 r # ' \ • Mr. •NIMr\. JIWMSO'Mo••. D ..... ~n<rO•c.llDW\I, dtelna~ • ..._, - Point, boY !or ol,,.r P'I'-' •II H °"',.."in Ille J_.,6 Artlcle ol flle ~<•eratton tntltled Mr. •no Mrs Malcolm t( "Ea .. .....,., .. M<Ootlelcl. L..eQl;nt h.cll, Doy. EXECUTED BY HARRY N J-"f 11 8 R 0 0 M A l L A "' 0 I 0 A M Mr •ncl Mn. T-• Clleslo, 8ROOMALL -Nl•Nlwtft ~ lleecll, boy. T h t urett •ddr•" •no orl\er J--r It common dPs'9f\alton If .,,.., of t11t Mr end Mrs warren W•Y"• 1••• PrOHrly de-\< rit>•O •l>ove 1s CINI_,,.__ 8Hcl>, Doy PV•POr1tCI to DI! S c ... roto" Irvine. C4 J--r 12 '111S Mr •• ,,., Mn. Wllllatn Hudlon, San Tiit Uncler\'9'1fd Tr~t .. dlKl••ms J...,. Cepillr-. 9lrl any ll•t>llln. tor •ny 1ncorrK1""' ol J_., 14 Ille "..et -H• -othtr common Mr •nd Mn. Oevid on. S.. J ... n 0.\!0n•llon, ii any, ·-lltrtln Ceplftr.,,.,, 9lr1 S.id Wit wtll DI! ,,,_, Dul wol-1 J....,_, 1S coven•nt or ••rr•nty, ••Pre\\ or Mr. encl Mo Ru•wll Chee•. S.n lmolleo. r~'""'" 11111. POUeulon. or CIHnen .. , Doy. •n<11mb<anu•. 10 IMY tllf rtm•lnl119 .,_., 11 prl11<k>al """ of the notHI -u•H Mr. -Mn. Arthur GonHlt>, by Wlcl 0.0 o1 T"'1it. wtlll l11te-.st L...-Nlvwf, t lrl. Uwreon, •• Pr'O••""" In wlo noltlsl. ,_., 11 .t<l••ncn. If .,.,, under Ille term• of Mr. •no ~rs. Gle11 Sw•n1on, wild a-of Tru", '"'· cn••oe• •ncl l...,...• NIQolel, boy. upe11~ of t"' Trv>lff ano of 111t J_., 12 truth< rfflfcl bv wt•d Deed of T r~I Mr. encl Mn. Poul Weeftlt, ......,. Tiit tot•I •mount 01 tn• unP••O k•<ll, 9lr1 IMllMU of Ille OOll°'"hon tMureo Dy J-V U Ille P•O~y to DI! \Old ano ru-.•ble M r. eno Mrs Merl Mullloen ... 11m.tl•d <O\I \ ••P•nso •nd C ... istr-8Hc.ll, olrl. •d••n<t\ al lhf tlmf o1 ti\~ lnlto•I Mr •"" Mn Al•n St.PC>. LA9UN 1>Ubllc•1tOt1 ol IM Nohu of S.le " IH<ll,boy W.~•t .,_., 14 Tiie -ft<I••• uncler .. 1c1 0..0 of M r and Mrs D••• Jofiln\on# T ru\t f\fr•tofor• ea:ecut•d •nd L~un• &..ti!, bOY d<Pllvtrfd to 11\e und<Pni9Md • written J-V U DeCl•r•lton of O.l•ull ancl Oem...o Mt. •nd Mn . Bill Fk-11"9. San for S•lt, •r>d • wrltlfn Nolle• ol Jwn Cac>l\I•-. Doy Dtl•ull •ncl Elt<ll"'1 to Stll Tiit J--r 21 und•r,.9ne<1 Ulll~d ..,id Notke of Mr. •ncl Mn G4!0'911 Con .. rw Ill, Default •nd Ele<tlon to Stll lo De NOTICE 01' INTIWTIOll TO LIAS• PR~ltTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IMC Ill• FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICTn .. dlf<lerH IN fofl .. lftt: Th• DutlOln9• end P••P•rty, •ac lu\lvt o f Ill• W•re11e11111e, Tr•n•POrtallon Freettr s1 ....... M.tl11t•Nn<·• -QoerMlons t«lllttel •ncl !orly i>efllinO !.Cl«ft NI«• le t!Wt nor111 fence. olfttf'wl• --ft th• 01\lrlct F•<Jllllt\, Wiii 1191 .. ....Ot'd lrom Ille -•of eoec.it._ fl/I • IHM Dy Ille ll<Ynl 1111tll e_.........., June JO, 1m for O~lrkt _....._. fM bUlkllfl9'l <ClllMll of -~ of appro1lm•t••• 12,SOO ~ IMt •nO one reloc alablt bull•l110 of .tP1>r01i,.,,..ely 7.1IO ._,. .... Tioe Par111n9 ltclllltt>, .. <111•1 .. ol ,,. Ol>trl<I Ftctlltlt\ -for1y _. .... >e>•<•• .Oi«ffll to 1,... nor111 tffl<e, -<On\ld•r•d lo be ln<IUO•O 111 tlle minimum bid price Tiie ••lstlnt M>llD411 Ol•moncl,, •Ol•<ent to t"9 P•OtMrly IO<altd ., lllt <orMr .. T •llMrt •NI Nt wl•no Strffts, ere under -r•le •9'..,,,...I -.,.. c0<1•ld•rt0 to Ille Ktiw Clllrlfte ,,. term ol INW or any e.-.1--... •no ... "°' a 1>11<1 ol , ... ,......,.... .. lnl•nl toLHM Tne 8oMO o1 Tr'\nl-r-• lt•U the fac i lities lec.ted •t •I Ll911t'-LMW, c:-et T...,, •nO Nowl-Stree1&, FOlllltelll Valley, unOer Ille term\ ano c-itloM ....... ,,, tllt Resolutlo'1 of Ille aoero. Re\OlullOn N-r .,..., Tllo mtftlmum ~IY -pay. mentUI, lor ttw term of tf\e le•wl'I. ,,,.." not DI! less ,...,. '.50 per sq.,.,.. fool. The minimum montflly •••M o•ymen11,1 for su--1 perlMs mo be .Olustflll Dy "'9 C-Prlu 1-. annu.t _, ... ~­ •I Ille Hid Of Ille lffw _...Cu. A -urtty ~t I• ,...irec1 te 9 ,_.. for Doti! bullcllfl9l Pr'lot lo O<C-'1'. No commlnlon .,,.., be pe1e1 ..,, llUnMO r••I •••aw btOker Ill tll!J rev•ra. -fNre \NII be"° ~loll from •ny ,,_, In o.termlnfng -"''"'",_..Die -S••l•O propouh to lo•u H'-Pl"OtMr'lyltesl m~ Dt recetv.O by'"" O•l•O•leo officer .ol the FoU11t•ln V•ll•y S<nool 0 1\lrl<I EOu<•llo11 Ce11ter. 1n10 .,_, Strfft. P:-.111 V•llo. C.tltforni•, '270I. no later'""" 1 OOP m onM<1rcn1, 1m B•fore acctplln9 any written p-a1,, •~ Cleff911ted offker lllell ctll lor oral Dod01"9 Any __, wllo ,,., ntr•1-• MA>m•llH • wrltt.ft '*I m•y 141bmil "" 0,.1 blcl tt<"""'9 by •I lent llve perce11t Ille hlt~t written blcl. nw 11~1 ,.,...,,..,._ bidder !or •Kh f«lllty to be •-Sll•ll be 'IQulreo to e~ute ,,. ,.,.., of ..... ~h formM·M• ............ been •PO<O""' by 1111• &o.rCI. Tllo -ro ol Trull~ INlll m-int determl,,.tlon u to Wlletller to ltUf Hid foKllltle• Wtlllln 10 deYS •fl•• rt<elpl o1 Did• lnfor,.,,..hon con<ernl"'J tlle e>r-4 .nc>uld ~ .-""wo to JoKk ~ .... Autstenf Superlnlenoont °' ti!• O<Plegalecl offt<•r. M~ J••n _....,y, Purcl\Htf19 4911nt. Fountain V .. l&Y Sc nool 0 1\lrlct 11110 Oak St , Fountain Vall•y Callforni•. '270I, 171010~1 O•lt0 ntlnl.,y •. '"' J"""''D w...i Cltrlt Of lt1t 8-o Publl\he<I Or•rioe Co.ut Delly Piiot, Foo. I , IS. n. ,.., ..a L..,,... S..Cll, Doy ruorded In !he county Wiie•• ti.. ru1 Mr. •net Mn Kk> Jonnson, ~-prOC>frtY il loc•led T-Jtu Cleme'1 .. , Oirl OATEDJ.,....ry 17, t"1 NOTICE 0, TRUSTll:'SSALI 8 U C IC E Y E T.S. Me. JMt MIHIOM COMMUNITY "°'"'ITAL RE CONVEYANCE CO On FtbN.lry 14. '"'·at 10.00 • m .. Oec ...... r U U. S E..clkl. A L L S T A T E T II U S T 0 E E 0 Mr. -Mn Tod Sc>Mll" 0...• ,.,..._.m,CA'7807 SERVICES, INC u °"'Y ._.,_ Point. boy 71 4'"1·703? Tru!.IH undrr end llU'llUOlll to DftCI of Mr. •nd Mrs. RoDut Sl•l<UD. BY OellCli. Bon Trull rtcoro.11 StPltmber JO. ·-· M .. ....,..~l,boY-PIJbllstwd Or.-. Co.1st O•llY Piiot. Inst No U071, In -U767, _ , .. Dec:~ lt FtD 11, 11, 1S, lte 517.C of Olfklel ll~ord'\ In Ille oftk e .. t .. Mr -Mrt Fr-Ii.co Jlmlntl. Count y qecorclH ol a.-.,... c-.t'f . o. .... Polftt. Doy St•le of Calllorni• euc111 .. •Y Dec:~ 17 OONAlO GABRIELE WILL Sl!:LL AT Mr. end Mrt. Jome> llM<ll, s... fillllC •Tl£ PUllLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Juon COPIW-. bOy Bl ODER FOR CASH Ci>e.,.ble .. ,._ ~ 21 NS.'111t ol .... 1n l...,.ul ,,_Y of IN U"*" MOM ... llllOlllAL~ITAL Mr. -Mn Lonnie Jtfl~lfl,, ~ SUPIRIOlt C:OUllT 0, THI 5TATI Stetul at ltw front tfllr...u • "'9 ... ... naa1AM Ju.nc.Mtr-.01•1 Ol'CALl~HIA Or•no-County c-i-.,.. Ch•k ,_1 Dec:...,..r2' 'ert!M,_., .. 0r.,... Centtr Drive Wot. Sent• Ane. Mt. llnd ,;;:t;;,.,,., Edw.,O,, Mr.•nclMr1.GatyKnoa.S.,.Juon 1•ClvkC ....... Orl,,.Wftl C•llfor11la •II rl9'1l, title Mf IMWftl Ceoli.treno, Doy. S.llU ..... CA tt1t1 '""""'eel to --NICI tty It -O.•llO-,tl<I Ca Oec...-er• Pl•lntllf• CHEVRON U.S A. INC ... "''" °""of Trvst Ill IN ... ~ Mr •.... ~ . .-~. i. Mr. •nd Mri Ge«oe Irwin, Irvine. C•llforni• <Of'PO'atloll n O.tenelellU: 'ltutttO In ,.,., County •llCI M• .. Meu,flrl r -t tlrl. FLEX PAVING • ENGINEllllNG, clei.crlbeelft· Mr . ...,. Mn. M9rte I.Hiie, ..... • Mr. •ncl Mn. Fr•O Jeleh<lll•n, I NC , •n Ariton• <Orporetlon, t..ol IJ HI &lk• G ol Trkt Ne.,.., 111 •:.:"!':..MO. Sllreel Sllrtltll•, 1·;,,~·:!' "'"· Att-Mll<llell. S.'1 llOIEllT J SNYDER. THE OHIO Ille City of Cost• Mew, CCMlllty .. lr¥1110,,.WI ~· (.ASUAI. TY INSURANCE COMPANY, Or•1190, Sl•t• of C•llfornle, .. -,_ t Cletnef\te, 9'rl. •n Olllo <orpor•tlon. DOES t 1"""'911 m•p ru-In ~ 1', P9tH U - Mr ...... ~r.111 WlllMry, .,_.,I 2S, lnc:lu .. -. tt Of Ml1<e11..-,, ""'--lft "'° effke IMI• AM,_._ Mr. -Ml't Anllur YSIH , !>Mt• C r o I•· Comp I a I 11 a n I 0 HI 0 of Ille <9"'1Y r-r ol s.ci <°""'f, Mr. •rrf.,..Mn. Welter S••rlllg, Polnt.t lr1 CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, Tiie "'••I eddrni. •nO etfler ,._..1n VolleY. Olrl _,_,., J • corooralton ., Cross-0.feno.nu: common OHl9f'•tlon, If ..,y, ., -Mr -Mr n.om.. C Mr. •ncl Mt\. Perry Edwe<O•, S•n Fl.EX PAVING • ENGINEERING.' rul p roperty dU<rlt>e4 •bow• IJ · '· ...,.,...,, Juoll(eplllr-.boy. INC. .. an Ariton• corporetlon.I purPOrteo to be U1 Flower, Cat• C_.•MeM,lloy I( ,_,.,. 110 8EllTJ .SNYDER Mewi.C .. lfonll• Mr •• ,,. Mn. "'1 M•seol•lll, Mr ...... "'" IC_,,, Cler'• s... SUMMC*SON 51ECOHD llle ""°"'lgnecl r rvst .. Cllt<leltM H-l"IMft 9Mcll, 9111 Ju.en C..,;.lr-. boy flM.e•Mn.-., ,,_,..,, C•te AMIMDIDCllOU-COMPUUNT ..,. lleblllty for ""' IMON«1,_H ell Me•. tlrl Mr oncl ~~,:., Brem-II, CAH NUMatER: ~Ille """' ~' - -<-Mr ...... Mn."°"" Hlllll, lllltln, ·-..._. NOTICll v ......... -..... Tiie C1eSl9Nlfon., 11 ... , • .,,_,, ..... ,11. ..... Irv .... ,....... c .. rt _, .......... ,.. • S.ICI .... Wiii be ,,,.,.., llut ...... -· J~t ................ __ ,_,, #Ir • ..,.. '*'· MklllMi Glllflll•ll, ,_ ...._ _,..,. ...._.,.. coven•11t or w•rr-y, • ._..... w Mr. -'*'· J9f>ll Stetlewtca, 1..-..n ...,.., .....,. • 4Mn. R ... -tmpfteel,,....,.... tftte, -totlllltl. Of t""'9, flrl Mr.:.: #ft.~ Mur9h-, S... .... If • ~ •• I • -~1 ~ ~ull'lllr-:._ M<t.._-....T-~-dlOf°tl" .... Mr . ..,. Mr'I J-~ C.to J1111n C._...r_, bOY '°" ..... 0 -~ ·-.... <•"' -••-... .... ·--.,..,. JMMiy• •ttorney "'tfl~ metter, you.....,.. trvst1<..-ttyuldO...olT,...,• Mt, lllO M". ltlcller• Rls .. , Mr. enel Mr\. 8ruce Wllltlnt , '° promplly •O ll\et yo-.r 'Wrl"°"' INIY lllt-....,._ "-....... 1, HuM""'9119Ndl,_,. lrwlfte,flrl. re-w.lfony,m•ybellleclOfttllftt. tttl •t u """'' ,., ••-" ,_,, 1t AVISOI u .... lie tNI ......... I ....,_Ill MIO ..... Ill .-n ~-'-t 1' ............. ...,Ullllr•tH.• My•--ofll ....... ........ Mr .... Mr• J9fl Mr -Mrs. Oellt•H ,...,,.II, ......... -... tH. Tiie ••flci.ry ~ MIO 0... " ~e.dl.-,.., ....... NewOOn9Mdl,elrt. ....,.. ........... le......._ Trust ll•••lofore tO<lll .. e111 Mr ..... .,,, MICllHI "MCI• ,_,.. ........ Ollllv•reCllOt .. ~·--...... ......... "" Mr, -Mn. T,..,y AM<nt. 5ell SI UJteclelneuell<ltM •1<-lo P.<ler .. loll .. oef _ _.. ~- air, -Mrt TllOMM H•r'llllle J~C:4:"'--:'olloy.l"oMtf 1.....-wt 1111 • ..,._..,est• -'cl, .... rte Sot., -•Wilt.I "°'IC• .. oee.it ,,,,._,ti" , ' H..Wt~ e+n ,.. · lleorlo lmmHl•t.mente. • •tt• e11e1 Eltc1ltll 1e s.tt n.. **'usu ~ n -·· 111 ~ Merila, ti lie\' c .. seo1 said Nelke ol o.t.wft .... ._, -"'"'.._ H .... c. .. -------------1 • .._,,....._,...,.,_ .. ..,,_, IM<tloll • 5111 to 9 rte.,... i. - ..... ..., I TO THE 01.,1.HOANT: A cl•lf COUlll'I' -· Ille rNI ,r9"f1\t It Mf ..... Mn. llltcllenl c ...... .,,; comPl•l11t i!H '"" flled •Y , ... l•Uted. '"'""· _, '411r l'IK" '4•'""" •IMt .,..., 11 YOll wllll to o. .. : J_., n, 1• •. -Mn._,.., .. ,.,., "'~ .......... lewWM, you Mllll.......... Af1'UelfNllO...--.. C..• ~"" flDI AL&. Of YOUI • ... , _,., ""' -" _..., ""· Mr ....... ,.. •• .. rt •"•· ..-.... ,TH .--S .,. "_,· " .. .,. "", ~ • ""'"'-...... T,.... II•~·-: liladl. .. ,. .._ ,_ Nt11911te • t11t <~ U"'"' -,.l'llllll Aw Men-K Mr. -Mn. Cllertet • .,..,, .. •· .,_ ..... "will w.....,.. • AlllMrl-~ ... , ....... ..,. -'ICtl"" 9f N ........... _.Wt ~llMl ... Or ... Ceillo.n.fllll\ :-:.:,. c.n ...., ....... ,..,._. ............ , ... tt,.. .. --... -,...., .. ,. .................. .. .......... • ,,...., ,_, ..... t. wtlkll < .... _ .... t--------~~~~·', Mf', -... jllllCllMI lilffl, flttllefl-t ot ...... ltlllft9 .. ......... "*' "" _,.., • ,,...., .... ,.. ... -..,ti ...,.._D ...... , ......... . •r .... Mn. ltllQll Liiie, ATI DJ-M, "'1. lllMLl ........ llPI LS•A. HANC;N, •• -..... llillld:iRt ----. ~ .. ---.. 11 =--r. ...,,_.....,l(U.....,., I -r.· ==--i:::·........ ····!:~'' McPMULtM a ~~ . ,...... =::~~ ·---...:.-...... ONli9I c.... Deily Pttee ·'·'"·"·'-- ······- Or1nge Cout DAIL Y PILOJ/Mond1y, F1bru1ry 15, f982 a ' bed Estate-the Coritplete Orange Coast Market Place "-ttPwWt a..r1tt1•... C*erlHtlst• 1-----11111~ -Uollool•~ "f lw•-·~ .. lwolt-r"• ~--4HI ...... ;;; ... ·~·;;;· ·~ .. · .. ·.;.;.;; ......... .::;·;;;~·:,;"'iiioc:;·;;::~ .... i~i~· ;;.; ............ 1i4 ;;:· .. .;·ia;;:~· ... 126, ....... W .... 1741 ;;:;:;;:; .. • ... ;;~ ... " .. ;;;.·····;; .;;:;~;·: .. :; .. ~,;;· ••••u~n•••\f•~•,•••u m 1100 •u•••••u•••;J••••••••o••u•••••••••••••••• u••o•••••••••••••••• .... r. .... •0 •••••••• ••u•u••••••••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••• .... ••••••••••••••••••• Fae 5 lh 'a fr Sanri N t<'M;, tlf s'~" • iz~·;;-;~;::d~·~· .. :ail M ()Ml OP 2 Br+ den condo on San ~~ Ht.bor/Ocun Vu LWl':2' l lud11o, sp~, TV, QUIET ADULTS ovtr M OCl.AM NOMT L#1vt Mnu&e m 820S Tow'n~:uu L:r~:h~ put. walk to 1u~rmkt THILUCIY NW io111.u11nMaolr rourae. Cktan2vu.'Ji~mo. 239 Vl5wll~-.~ P on.a. unlu.m 1 Br. lower. suo' MOit elii1nt apartment Low-...... ---• Modfl a ooo Ownl'r 118,9l.'IO AICl. ~19380 or Rent lft coata -liieu ·a val u I. tv u Beautl la.ndscaplna No bulldlnl In 1..1 y un• ,. 4839411 . 1182•1811111 ••gruruy NEWEST 1ted 20 7SU9 1 Weatt'Uff Sharp lg 3Rr. ... ........ 376' l)N, LEEWARD AP'J'S Beach. P1ntttlout ontn (k Side ot h W '"'"' Townhome ~It.LACE 1\.lr1lt Rock 4 br, 2Yi ba quiet It, bla trees, ....................... Dlllf\allerton,631·039'7. town 8reathl•11 1"il Gu~~G1tedA~: P:li. &.-........ 1015 2 bdrm. I bath. new CA1181EJ COMYUNITY.Z•3Br. det.home.Walktopark. SUS/mo. 8'8·6789 OCEAN FRONT2 &481" vlewa.Allblt·int.hetled P\t F.ntr1tnce.PvtBath carpd ' drapu . V u.J'L 21<i 8'.16CJO.ll00aq ft ot oool "tfftllls. Gardener 631-2177 Avail. Wlnttr. Weekly/ 4~3., pool. •ubt 111ra1e. rm + Util Mu t be •11n1mi-•l 8eautUul adult park, cted ''moat beiutiful " !>Utt iuxury. Ga~1ces, Incl. SIOOO/n'IC>. Avail e!aiiffulibdrm, 2V. ba Monthly.111·7113. ~;;,!~la. f\1:·,~~ tlevator. WH• only Empl, have r th low•pace rent.NU4t2 =~~ ~ohmplex In hydro·tvbl In master Mar. t. '75-4622: ev5" towobomt wltb Ocea n Want aomethll\I xtra back biy. Sl,OOO mo. _,'up. DI Cliff Dr. •4'22Evtt. ISTATH C n Y ambt'r of aulte illnln& rooms, wtndsm.-4138_ view. 2 fireplaces, Sj)tci•I In • 2 Kr . ~l·2t* 4tt.a3 --------4 Br.2'• Ra . ~· A~ntream wtroom, ommerce. Annual woodbumln11flrepl1ces, Woodbrld&e condo, 2 br,, encloMd 2 car f"'ll'· To~housei. completeb' VIEW, one bdrm, block Rm W/pvt ent., kit. & 2150Sq.Ft across st reet rro m ~r~n~.~.=(~xo5 micr o-wave ovens, end unit, encl. patio, I Bit-Ina, neutra , w/w tumlJll!S.Mo.760-9117 AVAIL.MOW tobeach.~mo lndry prlv, Utll1 ind llETTER TllAN :rt·~· ~e a~Hu:· gross). Owner will carrv Private patlol &; yards. avail. Mar. 1. ~. t]!tln&llOOmo. 758·9203 OCEANFRONT l br till Large l Br. ear.port, 494,5570 Pref. F. E/1ide C.M. MODEL. 21~71°"Ne~lan~~ s::ce long term with 25.~ qardener provide d. .83.1-.J!!&f833-7010Terri_ Newoceu view 2~ 8-15, rurn ·SS50, un pool & laundry. Adult, Lr& 28R. IBA. Oen Vu, R«s.N8·836fllft,:.6;30. llA~ F.VERVTtllNG 110, H. R. or c •II down Call Wiiiiam Cote Elegant living only IS ·DEERFID..D 3 BR 21'1 . Ba Condo· Gar 845 .21812 furo ·SSO O w k dy11 no pets. S39S + $265 de Gar., Wik to Twl\/8ch. NcWl)Ort Bch.2sty homt'. Cul·dtll1cstrec:t. 1737.9466. or Phil Wills •t m41 minutes from F11hlon Ba twnh me A/C 2car &s4e.5IOO ' • · 833·3743 , eves/wknds potlt. 931 W. 19th. St. S6SO. 114 High Dr. very tie room w/patio Sun ltS<til II Club 640-sm. <Brokerl ~:•nd. 7 m~~es1to S.C. ga; patio s7so m~ All\ <keanlron~ 2 bdrm. 2 ba. 73"421 $411-0492, •5al2 Nonamkr. $300. 831-7215 1210.~~11~~;s1so.ooo L~e40'!:i~h ;J:2Ssckl~!~:: *Cote Realty ,u::•,:!t o·r ·~c~;:i 759:1234 . . S850 mo. March thru ... F.Slduoty ~achelor ap~. Me ,.,. ..... -lHt MtF Room with pnv ba No Bl d •. rs o'I' -June 673-6928 l4•1•s• w/fncd patio. S37S Ut1l ....................... L'·rnished ho-· '""7S . pointsorquallfym11 new cpl'g. Located I blk & tnv~tment v ·•so. o an 1eao 1 .... ,ALS --· · 1llfwlhlatd ~ 631-4320. Agt rv """ -770.0347 from beach. $34 ,500. 640-5777 tTwy Startin& al '800 a 2 br, Iba $700 BTPL 2Br. ZBa. den. dbl ....................... nu: VICTORIAN: New· Piii NEWPOIT mo + i, utll Brent OwnertAgenl 213 919 ·2977 or month 631 ·5439, 2473 2br.2b1t SflOO gar. (rplc. wlk to bch ...... _._... 3106. ly dttor 2 Br W/"lr , c--YCLUI 646-464! 7141960-"'"'3eves Orange Ave . Costa 2tFam. Rm.Zba SJ"· .. " S9SO mo 730 S"45 -• " VV"•" "urn cu JIM 1210 -" Mesa. 3br 2ba Co6ta Mesa s12SO . . " ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• new crptJ & dra~s. bit· UYIMG r66at35 •;r Call An1v.er 48R, 2BA Home Pool & Spa SI0,000 Down .. 0-.11er Carry Balance. , 586-6773, 581·6234 ~ ... -.,. leocll I 069 ~ ...................... . E NEWPORT HG TS > Gated dnve, secluded 5 £ Rdr home + separotte • mother-inlay.' qtrs ._ Sl86.9SO. Terms. Rbt • Milliken, agt 631-1266 Pr.,.,ty 1350 LohfarW. 2200 !lbr.2bau11BchSIOOO ealS:~~:_ 2 .lr rum or IV~1rpayrtlel•,~!.'~ amopt. ins, patio. Adults. Call Bachelors 1&2bedroom •611 SU-4300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••··~··••••••••••• JU. ZIA. Le Raisor Rlty 833-8600 ~-·""~ u "' IY ~ _,., belwetn l·SPM. 636-4120 apU le to 'nhouses OMALAMITOSIA.Y "!~~~t~I~ ~~~t~: Newly rmdtd. No Pets ~urn. ~~e hv rm. 24 C.11673-S~. ~"G':,Yict_.o..ria 1470 f"om~SlOOO 644 1900 Nwpt. t'\ house pm . WITH 4 BOAT SLI PS ~.759-0481. New Bit ins w/OW . &..gi..IHdi U41 gua gate. stepi Yearly . Extremely sm EASTSIDE NO "EE' Apt •-Condo nonsm 63r.,_u7m2l~S300 mo Lo I ~1c. etc. Lrg f\1 yrd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• to bay To July S7SO •((i'ci•ncy r r .--"' " ,.e )' colonial home. ., -. -; -D--__. • '" · .. " un urn or I Br. lrg yard. 220 rentals. Villa Rentals 3500 sq ft ""separate I''~ __...-., 723 ~nttr Street $725 OCIAMFIOMT ~~~~~.·SIO l or ~turt!ein,alt67H022 Qxosta MesaSt.$410 mo 67S-4912Broker I0091&to.rd 4050 =:r.:,'~a~:~c~I & ••••••••••••••••••~~~~ :!~.~ts.t.~P Avail MOllUHOMES N:,..'PlTerrace 2 br. z ba. W..P..-. ll07 !16.1-?600.~7814 Large IBR Ut1I pd Spot A•,;,i,~;~~;y·L~d~ .. :;J;,• ltrJ ,.....,._ P'ALM SPllMGS 4 Br 3 Ba Ilse . frplc. ~~l~ ro~ ~~o~sh& end unit, S6SO mo Jim ••••••••••••••••••••••• I br. I ba ,apt. jat•, ~1: less _Qwet $450 2421 J.o; 80 years. large attrac 2 .•311.4""'• 222' fairA•ay lot on beaul renced yard. No pets. rocks, 2Br. adllS only, 759-1221, i;u.0750 OCIANNOMT <'arport o look I.fig t~nnis 16th St 64H718 uve private room ex • """ fl80 2 bdrm 2 bath new crt.s. full sec. So Coast · 11 , · , John Read Realty golf rourse. Discount (or Imo. + dep. Agt only·no dogs, Ho t•hoose 4 bdrm 3 ba ex l'l' . • • Plau area. No iiets. 147s Soac. I or 2 br apt~. I rn1 cepuona > n1t'e area, 213.433.9901 rash, 548·2188 evs 642-S722 from S6SO to $1000 l714) Newport' Crest Condo c;:mt & raiyet .Yearly un ( u r 0 . Ca 11 Te r 1. lrom beach Nn pets pnvate home 979·9656 u•s V 4~:1116 Many features. Sl.000 e11Se fl~ Call Linda or 673-9360 631·8228 642.2357 ~ u-.a-t.. ,. I 00 c-rcial o.tof~ ""'A RDI rm.Call631·0460 Art,6'75-7060 =: o ........,......_ "' ,, ..a. 1600 Pr-m .,550 3 Bdrm 2 bath 2BR.1128A.frplr.View. N BR BEAl.Tl'IFUL 2 Br.2Ba El.UXE SPACIO US ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1oplllJ+1 • f' I 'd· h h ' New Ca ...... l. Older Cot· W Npt. Nr •beach. 2br u 2 & 3 : 2BA yearly ..... a V•rde llOOsq fl UDO 2 Br 2 Ba frph' & ... •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• irep ace, 1s was .er, .,... "-I<' bit ms oar park '""'" "' 1 1 SEA.1.AH MOT& &otlfQJAL fen ced yard With tage.S815 Mo.675·0349 house.frplr.pat10.yrlv ~·., .. ,., . . fplc, lndry, dishwshr. rg patio Adts s1000 WklYrentals nowavaiL Canal Front. Nev.•port MEWPOIT HA.CH * * ft gardt•ner. S'l7S1mo Ph For lease 2 bd~m. 2 ba. S750/mo. + set· dep in1t Close to bay & enclosed garage. 1575. 67S·~. $105 & up Color TV Shores. 4 Br Den., High visibility. C-3. IJOWN PAYMENT 545-2!>74 Lovely La,una Beath 54.s.t3117 ocean. Brkr67 S. 4912' 3100Ginger.64S·3144. Steps to beach 2 Br.~•, Phones in room 2274 ~r:~~~·~ir~e~1;~~ f::e~nu~~:·~i~~n~·bf~~d-7Xgross! 15 houses. all 3 bd&.:>~~tt~later. ~~~; ~i1~m~n~5~1'. 11 G tJ.:o' ON B1~!s~'1:1~rare ~~ld're~b:k:wal~~~"t>J:;;. !'~d.'~.6~~~7c~~le ~~~rt Blvd CM offer! Tenn1S, pool, walk engof4000 sq. ft. or build run as apt complex. gardener incl uded. $79S. etc, partially furn. S92S 3 B r 11 , Ir , Adulls recommended, SH O w iyrd & ~a r Spurious 3 BR 2 Ba . fplr. On the beach, hole I to beach. Agent 646-1044 10,IXXl ~ ft. Owner will Positive cash flow Call 2 h'ld -" rm.494·3980 . r. u i i:o lluuri.~ no pets. $625 Located ~7300 decks )tar S850 rooms. kitchenette & 'orcf""ai'ls r 1 .""· 644·2718 view, tenn s. pou . s11a. """'"•-Balboa 67• 8842 · · 3 9060• ~645-2800. ('arry 15.000 631-7300, ' "' L.argewood&glass3 8r I· $1300 1'447424 ""''"' ,, Spa<' lBR J..)W WI 67 · agenl bath S290 +S290seruri- Reallor [g~ldhrldge Clea_n 2 Br. 1 Ba. duplex, 21, Ba. rum. rm. 2 r ar I J:rse ' IBR View of Bay & ClalelS. Plsh rJ,tS Pool. 2Br 2ba. ocean vu. frplc. ty deposit 2306 W. $STEAL$ , ________ _. endsd gar,' pri vale garage. 0..•ean &Canyon I , • ~ean $500 1st & Last Putio, BBQ. Isl & Dep Versailles Pool $800. Oceanfront. Newporl •-low Ma..a.et•. Ruley . yard. NO PETS S411S & view No pets SI09S1mo. Ocean view ~ Rr C ond.11 I Dep ll955-1S s Beach 673·4154 A if°EAI.. BE': TY . PALMDISBT -$495548-6680 Sierr a Mgmt Co. A~ual'1ease, pool~~tn 67S7617Yearly Rental 64S·~I ra 1 SHOPPIMGCIMTH :.Sl·:WOO Westside 2 Br I Ba 641·1324 ms Agent Mr Clark Q Mesa Verde. 2. br. ne"'I lolaooloyCWt RestHo.s 4175 ocean & bay vu. 4 Bdr J4 IXXl r bl 1!r.9 Rarr1nn """'·'"in.. I SSSO G I · 642 3850 day:., 645 3371 lBR wet Location 50 crpt. drps. painl Quiel StudioSIOOO 631 6000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• wbonusrm.pool.spa + · sq 0trenta,e.7 •·1 ------~'ad K dsok 64 a.:-i~e. 3BR.2BA.Panta10rean e\es. I ~rds to Bch Sto\l', area Cul-dl'Sat· No •~'tG H• I'll)' hies. Ass ume acres ut o town 1Ctn1~ )ar • · I· 1 V1ev.• House Close to Fridge S1n1?le Adult pets s.ns ~!18 l!l36. S72S mo 3 Br 2 Ba Sr--Citzens "*l? ... 6221 ll.78t; Only $399.900 owner.Sl.800.000Terms 320 Acres. 118 Acres in 4 Br. 3 Ba rondo. many Brh.499-1460 3 B R~l~~~~V~~~: ntl $350 Yrl) LeaH 960-1465 Duplex, upper, New•port °"" Won't last. PATRIC!\ 17141 846·3278 . 12 13 ) Almonds. 202 Acres amenities $800 Dys 2 bdrm S800 No steps Golf ours Sl2UU 67S3148 2bdrm , Iba . bll ins . Shores area Enrlsd Vec.aKOlll..tab 4150 TENORE. agt 759 1221 .. ~9M2 Bare 5750.000 Sell or 67J.333S, e'•es64S-2.U9 I ocean viev. 905 Temple 1 846-S~ e Sma II barhelor. S337 bakony, gar, no pets. gara~e. balcony Submit ••••••••••••••••••••••• 700-8702 'CCMldowlitll•••/Towa Trade Brok ersNrSo CAlaslPlaza3br.2 Terrart'.494·0154 2 8R 2b d 24 h bearly. ut1l11 paid.•, S450.64S.9857.5484291 onrhildren&pet5 0CEANfRONT2&4 Br. i.o..tforHft 170( :.~~me S52 864S . ~·,.!,al1~b·ridc1kn(.e'nl~ved)~md 2b81r housk e,withgabrageh.3 serunt}~L~~i!i1. spa' o~lbokfaromBl,ocdea6n7.2!'9~!2: Nice 2 Br Apt Nev. TSLMGMT 642·1603 Avail Winter. Weekly ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----'.'" · ' · or s rom ear $750 mo 754·4114 Exl '.(" " ""· paint. new drape:.. HEWPOITCIEST Monthly 673--"' 787 =3 ·'----NORTHLONG BEACll llmdlft.~ 2 t"ar gar. S77S 992 Avail immed S750 mo 322 wkdys 493625, 520025 rarpet. S42S mo bl + Luxury 3bdrm.21,bath PalmSpnnitsarea lMon· V1rfnia GroYH ' 2700 Camallon.640-6140 497•18Sz. ev wknds · ur • Lari:c 2 Br 1 Ra rondo Wet bar. frplr. le.rey CC1 condo3 BR 2 Country C ub Estates ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 bdrm, 3 ba, 2000. sq rt $750 mo. ttefril(e inc Id see. 832·1766. pool. tennis Custom Bal furn. w /atrium . UDOISlE New3br.3baCondo 10 Ac r es avocados t'OOdo.Tennis,pool,etr L.olJl-I ....... 1251 llarbor View H_!>mes Nopets Savai:eW1lde& 2 Brl'2 8al·ondn,pool. rrpts. drps. wallpaper. Go ff tennis. Dally , I YFIO Luxury Decorator Rancho Cal 12,: Int Nr Bark Bay Many ex-••••••••••••••••••••••• Carmel 3 BR. F am11) I eo. 67>6606 lawldry. patio. baby OK , etc. 5895 mo Eves & Wtoek y & monthly rates A MT I Extras Sl6S,OOO Xlnt invest tras. ms mo Call Bob 2~rm. 2ba tow.nhouse. rm.$1150mo 760·0607 I nopets.$500.Mgr.Diane Wkn~673·S820 nail 714 SS8-8001 $1 ,000LOOO I F'romS175.000 557.3288 67s.4277 ~m rm.~rplr.ai t·.pool. SHH'rutelbrnear Cor'OIMldtlM• 1122 642·1602 . Maqeuerite 9·5PM,askforMark. Charming 2 udrm plus (714) 847-7066 · JUt'. patio. gar dr opnr brh frpk,pel S325 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~3666 2bdrm. 2ba. frplr. pool. 2 M h 3 bd d den,2bath,pierapd shp SC.Plaza.3a~28A,•ds FALL.11001( VIEW FRUM EVF:RY Adults only. 1725 mo OC·RENTALs 750.3314 !:ITEP TO<.X:EAN Most Large 2 br. 1 ba. new rivt. patios . ground ammot rm cpn ° to acco~date 40 boel sum II 1'1. $60K Isl, 3,000 sq.ft. count ry RM 1714)675·7171. i ~harn~ml? in old <:-Orona, paint & drapes. dbh eve! $650 + dep 1242 S&-SllO 4ni:/~ North side. f or an ap OWC2nd.Submilterms estate on 4 s acre New 2br, 2\.'1ba condo, NiguelCounlryClub.lux· 2 Br 2 Ba frplr. orean wa.,her. gar. lndry fat-. Rutland Hd . "I · poln~ment losee th1sex $10IK.9S4·l!l88 avocado grove -Upstairs micr o, s pa , S8SO . unous 2 Br. 2 Ba lake 5-foA.M 3210 view fr om derk S450 64 9884 1=-i.1783;551 ·498S Large Big Bear cabin, elusive properly. call•H I"' Be h4B 360 deg. studio, wood 541"'4~~;675·1781. view t•ondo on ico lr •••H•0Mfro·1ift°Er•t·f .. S800rm. Call Anthony imo. 5 .. mgr. Versailles spat· 2 br. 2 pool tbl. color II . 2 ~llSI untn,,.on ac . r. decking. spa. xlnl tax Nr S.C Plala, 2brilba, fairway. All amenities 3 Bdrm S7SO Fenced days 642·5~57, ""es & 2Br 28a.Townhouse.no ba. frpk , s er 1oeate. frplcs. SIHps 14 ~~~ t~~~~~~ 5j!~~°2t advantages & terms. adu.lts on ly ser. rondo. 91115 unfurn. $795 furn yard & garage. Kids & wknds63l·li630 peLS. 545s mo 675·8074 clubhse $750 557 1997 5450016 131,r; Call9796519 1437.000. Ranch Arres Pools. spas. No pets. 661·7566,art S661·S642 pets wekome 5452000 Cule 2BR IRA f"rpk, ~~~7:::.EEDAPTS 2 bdrm deluxe, yearly .... to Shan 000 .~lfsl.)'~·31SQ ~. 540-01071851 ·8355 AT BEACH· "SHOR ES" Agent, no fee ~~ o d>•eaar rel~.' J ~ ~ ~ RACH. from $350 f'rpk. apcross from sand Bal ••••••••••••••••••••••• •--------o.lt1H/ 1100 -TilllR' N~CM newer 4Br. ram rm + 4 Br 2 Ba Dining rm. 67H912 -rec: room, pool. J·uum. en S750mo 730·4816 Prof Shr 2BR. 28A CdM CWts Sale &di• P 2100 3 bdrm Hull ba fen red din rm. heated pool. ne"' 2000 sq ft Newly re '. & t rl I W Tll llw I Blk fr Bch F Pref fltlllOLl.SIOYCE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• d 'd $625 spa. Wik to bc:h, tennis. decorated. s750 mo I DELUX~: 3 Br 2•, Ru i:as wa er pa• A FIOMT SSll-~11,675-9619E"es ·--:1.• HERITAGE REALTORS Lido Island. By Owner. H.B.4-PLEX Want a tax shelter? Sell ~gJrn gar. mo saWlas Inside guarded m6423 546·6249 Rlot•k from beu-h Adults. no pets 393 WITHDOCI NBprof malew11lshrl1?e Spacious 3BR . 2RA Near beach 8)', ov..ner myJ /l2yearnewtnplex gale romm. $1100 mo w' I I Slll5 mo 759-1301, aft 5 llamiltoo,CM.6"SHll Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba Harbor \'1 ev.1 home Home . On S6. Loi Principals onl) Cash or exchange equity for F.asts1de 3 Bdr 111 Ba . l2l3I 796.9683 dys . or ....._..,. l291 6442S78,li40617S APT MANAGF.R w spa in mstr Ba. bit m 14 adull 30+ S375 Includes ~rrhitert's lowerspnre.Comp.sale eondoor?Owner Alter7 enc I. bark ).' a rd .' 491>5030eves. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IS>50mo 2 Br I Bu bltns Sem1-ret1red couple for k1trh . frpk. dbl car 760-0802 plans fo r addlljonal S22S.OOO 842·S763Greg 71'!_:760-0734 chtldrentpets OK $700 HOME FOR RE_NT pool. newly. decorated· 16 unit romplex in(' M garage. t 2 add1t1onal South LaJ?una Orean Bed room & Bonu s SIOS 000 C 'p ion e d 540-36166 Agt . IMuioa Vitio 31671 3 Bdrm $625 F enre~ Malure adulti. No pets I Maintenance ell.p req o(f.st spaces $1300 Side o( f11ohv.a)' Gated Room. Plus Own"r'' ~IT l.,'"'CH d 1' 2 bd h • ....................... yard & 1t3rage Kids & A"'-7'"" 1199 t9 61 · 549-0433 J.I P M " 1961 Rolls Royce Silver Lg Seashore dplx . Ove~iz.ed lot. 2 blks t~ + 381( 2BA:, Bil ins. j 3 Bdrms. S67S Fenced Agent oo(ee ' 1So llWY 2BH. tBA. p,, . 675-0!73 1>7S-6670 lranrt', Rath. $295. + " • ,_n.-v ~ up ex_ rm ear L..m .-.ayroo• I llOMES roR RENT I pets welcome ~5 2000 e,., "" ~ · rop qn. Area. Pool. P\'t En Cloud 11 Over $360.0001n partial ocn \'lev. Approx hosp.•l:al & other gen I f'rplr, rpts. drps, Pool., ya rm & j!arages_ Kids & I • Dltr, Patio, encl pkn~. Poillt 1126 1 Btaut upj?raded I bdrm Util Must be empl, ha' e Assumable Loans 31 S&.000 d11.11 Take o"er far1liues. Xlnt Pott'nllal w srvr. grdnr. wtr pd, pets. . welcome 545.2000 . .._... ,...,.IMd or q1.1et. Mature actulls on· .............. : .. :•.... rondo. v. treme ndoui. refs 499-4722 E' es I 2 3• '1 . SS 6 0. 0 0 0 h i g h b a I I o a n Good cond. Retirement ..xi rro 645-4089 Agent, no fee. U.fw ilhlatd llOt ly Ref Req fi7S 3446. Sharp 3 br H'r) 1 rg amen1t ies SS50 mo Prof ~ r over 30 10 71~1623 ~r bkr.851-11070 comm. $70,000 equity Brand 2 B d •••••••••••••••••••••• 644·W97 I duplex , blt·ins. enrl gar 7S2·2319 dys S40 75i6 share 2 Br 2 Ba OWC at 13'; or exchange new r cnn 11 on ltedl U'9 CdM 2 bdrm, 2 ba. dc•n Small child ok Nr PCH e\'es Hmt.orVi•wHllh -..Property 2000 for O.C. propert y EldenSt 1•••••••·~··•••••••••••• frplr.gar.S750permo CostaMesa 1114 &Malaga S49S 7306S90 Newport Beach Condo Spac1ousFam1ly l!ome ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1710927.3578 548-1447 llarbor R1dgelease.4 Br. 760-834lwknds,e\'es ••••••••••••••••••••••• or642-11'76l S.C .... llh 3176 S29S 1nrlds ut1ls Manyextras-Lgefee 101 H.B. 4 PLEX. 3 br. 21t ba 3 i;~eon R2 lot in old Immaculate 4 br. 3 ba. 3 Ba. D.R .. ,F.R . ~tudy. C All ~ 1 I II. 2 II. l II. )W~• leocll 3140 ....................... ~73.12. F1ex.ibletermsS48S,OOO owner's unit, frplc Cd M. sui tabl e for Exel". home . 3 frplc. hll(hly upl(raded,fahv.u. -=• -Newly decor. Gus pd· 1•••••';7.••••••••••••••• SAMC&.EMIMTE ---------Bkr 61.S:<M94 548· 1300 Super tax benefits. 2 yrs duplex. exrh. for income mu.st, rent Sl.075 / mo. guard gate, pool 1tenn1s, Fw lilhect 340( e. nd gar d w a 5 her. 2 bdrm, I ''l ba. 1375 Golf t'OUr.le hill vie"'. 2 s..19t a.-- Slf ,OOO :;;.~1.1.~·~2~;~y property or lots or . Avail now 18051 $3200.mo. Bob or Dovie s·1rrE:a .. v·AcA·TrtiN pool, bbq Adults. no t S37Sdeposil Gas pd bedroom apt Built ins. Oc:eanSideoHhghway <..'ONIXFBalcony. ocean Value 2.SOKM 979·1658 997'8600 or 171~) 997:8600 Koop. agt 759·1221 RATE Exclusive Ind ian pet!, 642·5073 Nr Beach Bl & Mr fad -l'a rpe ts · drapes · 2 Guard G:lled Area. Pool. Vl ·e·"', guarded gate. •ub 32 U · 2 YRS OLD 111.i Dana Dnve, Costa •"--C ..... YON w II c· d I • . den. llO""lS 393.4394 en<'losed ra~rts. laun· 1 P\'t Entrance P\'t Bath .. ., HUNTINGTON BEACll Mesa -"'" e s on °· poo · spa INST AMT IM1 -·-= 'd r Ii lerranean parkinl!. S2.472K F Ps:ll2.ooodn. Rfttah O..GoffCoun• ~olf, tennis. prof de $375 roo . 1 Br ·1 Ba Deluxe poolside xlra Nr)' 3 [' iso woa~,ult~ &?95 t l 'til Must be elegant dubhouse & lm1 tobeach "Pnde" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~l~~ea:a:a::. !a~d. 3 Bdrms 21~ Ba Pool r?rated 2Rr, sips 6 1 Adults only. endsd large 2br. 2 .ba . bltns. A~:i%~ie imn':!~1ac1~~t. Empl. ha1e refs gym. Mu I Ian Realty 125'1 tax shelter 1st vr tto..s ~ new paint & carpel No Jarum & Tennis Newly \\ knd wk ly mo nth ly ~ara)!e. washer hook up, dswhr. 1'2 miles beach Ow1wr t714 l642 01311 ) 499.4722 Eves 54().2960 ask for_ Lori Call Phil, agt, 972.9300: ••••••••••••••••••••••• pets SS2S t .1 de<· Vacant s1 .2<Kl Mo rates 1714 l 549 1931 'l,Tlll 11 ya rci l'a 11 for Adults. no pets SSOOmo I · LMM 0Dtiot1 .......... leocll 3140 z,.w ·Orange, ~~~~;• ~: w~ N T lor Co wkdys, 1714 ) 586·4130 a~t SJ&.8362 2 Br 1'2E~a. 11uraiee. laun 2 rms avail. $225 + utils. 4 Br. 3 Ba E'l<ec home. INCOME ;·~~.................. SotlJ.2778. Realtors • flt/ 644·49l0 C 11damil1-1 · MG MT 642· 1603 Fcrrushed & Un furn 1 2·3 I ~ ·n! 1 ~.'7'ksb e al' h · !60a hll .~wAndambasth.1, Nrr d d dbl PROPERTY UJUO<lng for resp. person ~fwAislwd 1425 Sparous2 B I Ba $395 Bdrm Apts . Gym. . ""c "' re gale rourtyu r · to rent nice 1 Br house. I Lg 4rm bungalow. pet ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 B: 11, B/·1425 Laun Jaruu1. Sauna. pool.' NICE 2 BED R 0 0 M \'Otmger woman or rol· ~'l!r&~~~lio"~e::sr~~~ SPECIALIST mi. from bearh. Pool.I OCUl1Rlpaid.TLSODAYS39S IA.Y OMT Beaut. 2bdrm rondo. dl'}'iac: pool 548 .9556 I lennis. volleyball.' apartment with view of l legegal 9607874e\'es ble loan 127s.ooo Sl300 sauna, jar 1400 mo · _EN'tA _ 7S0-33l4 2 story. 4 + bdrms. 2 prime S.C. Plaza lor ., basketball, game room i the 'olf rourse. hills. Shr lri: lux home v. prof ~?·752.2550 ~~~e~~ !'!.~\\'a"~feun· 968-9046 OC-RENTALS baths. fl re~la<'e . waterfalls. streams. l..aOCCPMCY! Hunt.Brh 846-0619. ; pubhr tennis courts person Isl. last & dep suityourneeds to ..,;..,t•ocll 1169! 'tCL\tl.1·Sb 14 r's S200to12000 gorgeous view ierand spa. pool. $800 mo $400 mo 2 Br I Ba lssso.' 2BR. 2BA. Mi~t l behind property , 21 S26Smo 966-11479 N.:a~f/f:~~~ho~!:af~: ••••!';;•••••••••••••••• ,..,.,. 7days si;s;s.1000~rmo.Avail. (7~4__l673-9019;67~0S40. Adults. pool. beamed Cond Nr Sch Best l en~l~ed carports. oll 1 F ~hr3Brapt A\ailFeb j -Choiceeastside2br ~ . I. ceihn~. laundry room Area No Pets. 833-3307. blillins, laundry far1hl) 20 CM area Prir e ~~u; u ~~r~I" vi:;~~:. ~1 LiOIAf-M+ w frplc, pels ok. S48S WUTCLlff No pets No last mo. 1 542.1339 1 m4 unit !flOdem span1sh negotiable :-;0 last or "'" oc;_-REN"tALS 750.3314 .,,_ . rent I style b1.1ld1ng 2 adults I dep 646·S4l3 s paci ous rooms. 2 bedroom and den 2 L.At'eplionally neat ron TSL MGMT 642-1603 , DB.UXE211\l IA. only NorhildrenorpelS ~ f h h dubhouse.tennisrourts. COJ~htlJ-1\"IJI'(. bath, private pat10. l ..... •leecll JJ40 do. Ground le,·el • 3 Br Condo nr SC nrbrlt.new frp c.patio.1 pleas $450 per month • to s r ouse in pvt. beach. close tolf 1/ Available thr oug h ....................... Spariotls twobedrooms Plaza S A Pool 5 ·a encl. ur. dshwsher .. Available February Laguna N•J?uel. a'ail schools&yourownboat 71~&11 0763 630182.SJ.700.month 38r21JJ ba.encgardbl, Tw_obaths. Private gara~S750 · p . srmkealarm.balrony.:Call ov.ner t 714 t 2 1S,nonsmkr495·0909 slip at your bark door 2925 rnllel(l'AH· Broker.631-7300. Frplr. beaut patio. Bhlf Condo. 4 bdrm. 3 pat~ Lovely grounds & sA.3232 6411460 Adults S46S before I 6420131! ror Rent ljnfurn Tv.o Now 1s the time to t' t v c• $700/mo Rosemary G. --. ..... Sl200month pool. Adult complex or · 8PM ooil-4614 a"'• 2 BR's v.• gar no purchase. Pnced from o:. a · oes:i. "'' 964-4633 -"D ,, .. 2607 F.asy walk to shone and I Beaut 2bdrm condo, ' · 2 b r · n e 3 r 0 n• an · k~· Utv>J l t •-t' t Sl,000.000. Call now for ~:....-banks S670 m"ii'nth pnme S.C. Plaza lor HUM TIM GT ON S375 mo. 1st & las~ mo ~":"16'5 mo. 5 .. as · appt. lo see. 960·0614 . Bi'~ren 2 bdrm condo. new r~l. canal Front, Newport Yearly lease. Broker. Waterfalls. streams, GARDENS l.12 Encmo Ln. S ( See APPLE VAUEY drps. fridg, pool , tennis, Shores. 4 Br + Lease or 631·7~. spa. pool $800/ mo. cMc1·ous Apls. BaAhelor Manager in Apl •C A . T irL...--EXEC E OMI handball. ·clbhse. No ~·on to buy Sl500/mo. 7 90 .,,... ' d I d .. _.....,.. ..... ~ ........ 1 t I l 1200 ( 141673: 19,675·0S40. & I Br. f"om S350 mo. Au t Stu IO. SlO\e. Near new 4-plex 2 WITH VIEW ,,.....,. --' s · 35 nnis. pool, walk to Clos" lo G.G. & San rern11. uuls S24S mo bdrm 2 bath each Un'.1 -"""'-· 768-7_633 ..... ach. .. o .. nt ,,,.,..1n.4 or Lar11e 28R 3BA UP· "' ....... 9 0 80 DUA.MCA.STU OMLIDO This new 3 bdrm jewel has all the features or a million dollar home Detailed rraflsmo nship used throughout. Too imny amenities to men lion. Priced right ' $6000Do .. Vm11nes Sludio Pen Ulouse Condo. H111h as sumable loan Only 9 ,900Ca11Jim 179>5'70 or 962·9S97 u VACANT .. 481. 2118A. F'1m rm. Pool. 2 frpk 's, Terms Open Da lly . 2242 tlt'ather Li ne 1262.000 AIM> 3BR. 28A. P1>nl Sl92.500 Owner All i. 9$.S.Olll» -· . Clfll*-1071 , .•..•....•........•... t ft"'=·l~rt!I w0111lt. Pool, ~c racll IVISI •only llOl,000. ~,T,.iu ·fJ••t tOlllf'tllln« you • Wiit' to wll ! CIHtlfttd .. dD It wll Ca ll !e'f,-..n. · ~_., uc "'""' """' "" graded In Newpo t Te ...,.....,_B .. U Diego f"wy. Balconies. ....., rmve·m, 4 2· I with fireplace, enclosed Elegant furnishings in· 3 br. 1~4 ba, fenced yd, 645-~_. R' f . r ri· ~-u n r I • patio. garage. 9:i;.r: Isl. eluding piano. pool ta· micro. S67S. Isl. la~t + race. ec ar., Jacun . • .• ..,w pa '<?5· l°'{ s, J1trurns, Af twwollh '-""*d Pos cash rlow. Now ble. fine anti'ques. Ne·" SIOO. 213·575·4078 dys : 116 CAMYOM LSE BO/mo:_:+-_uli.l..:.642·3917 A.PAITMBITS tennis l~undry far_ or u..twMslwd ltOO .. 2BR MMLa1'n Co d o..at'fl d 4901 Heil . Bo lsa $159,SOO. Bill Grundy, 1 t 714-~l-~141evs " n o. ""' u 1 u gar en apts. • ..................... . Rlt~675·6161 uxurycarpe HOMEFORRENT Sll25permo.Call0erry VIUilALIC5A. Patios/decks. Spa. heat Qhlca/H~ll~846:1323. SEAWl.._D 5 Unit, C.M. Bargain less $4,000 mo 3 Bdrm. 1700. Fenced __ 57J..TI§l or 7so. i~97 All r a cl i v e rond o . paid. Adults. no pets. 2 Br I ba. nr Hunt. Hrbr. " than 10 yrs old. 1238,000 6~~4Slll yard & garage. Kids & Modem security build· i:1~/J1~5on 631 .~ ~l~i:~11:ia\~0st n~ VILLAGE owe pets welcome. S4S-2000. ing. Ocean view . 'I ~s~,~·3889 New 1&2 bdrm luxury 645-2075 548·S763 Ha.Ms U.fwW.a..d Agent.J!O fee_. _ Lux u r Io u s t b r e e bedroom & ronvertible PINEBLUFF A PTS. ---~ apts 1n 14 plans I Rd rm Ex 3b h ho bedrooms. Two baths. den Adults only. Yearly 2 Br 2 Ba No pets rrom 1490. 2 bdrm from IMYESTOISPECIAL ••••••••••••••••••••••• ec: rs ow me w t Formal dining room. lease, S800 month I Patio. ''1ew. frplr . • •MtW• • $570. Townhouse from Xlnt cond, 3Br. 2Ba. at· Cor'OIMl .. M .. 3222 gar~lo,SPAS600 Richlydec:oratedinmut· ReaJtor.631·7~. Jacuzzi, gar . gas stove, $640 + pools. tennis. tached 2 car g1ra1te. ••• .. ••••••••••••••••!• ~:!\ _ALS 750-33l4 ed to 3000 (l ~..:..6!Jl·610'7 •WlllSAS• waterfalls. Ponds' Gas central air & heat 1fe 3 ': 2\IJ ~;,{,patio t-..W• Jacu~::· off ms~stei-z Bdrm, 2 Ba . nr South 3BR2ba. no pets Close to Ad~~3~apt for cooking & healing E ,000. $51.000 1st. Will ~o·~~-mo. t'9t11r JJ42 bedroom. 3 car garage. Coast Plaza S600 mo. schools & rrwy $49S + 2blksfrom ocean paid. f'rom San Diel(o take S5,000 d own 2BR l BA F 1 ....................... 12050 month Yearly Adult onlr .54S-_12.41 ~..:_Av1i!now.S40-224S paddlelenniscts Frwy dm·e No rth on 673-76.'ll • · r p c • Waterfroot Broadmoor leue. Call 631·7300. S'IVNNING 1 8 balconiesorhkyard Beach to McFadden ••~s ~!rpoamrt.edOldCCediMlin.f..5 • .' 2bdrm, 21>1, fn?lc. wet· Realtor. 2n~a handc dedn NewpoN rt Ba ga--'--n aaptrae~2 r,.,2 carports then Weston McF'adden ""'' """ . ._..,, bar, dbl gar, slip avail. uc: c on o. ear · '"" .. · to Suw1nd Viii""" 7.t x•1CHOSS 73>-1280 patio. Sll OO /mo . Hoaiffolpil11.1885mo l'!t' area. S43S 10 W allutil~exceptder 17141893-5199 .. ,. .. lhgh demand rtnlal Soec.tacularocean a. city Q l4 5.:.71Jl. POOLHOME AvaOatonceM&-4131 1.&h St. opets area. Assume existing &gbts . , SBR Fm home Bk Bay so co•irT 1•u E.stde rourplex, ) Br I I Atlant1·Delaware. H B Wltftd•" .... financing of $150.000 al ;:w rom every 3244 SUOO/mo Call Suunne • ,_ A ""' 1 Bl, w/lrg sunderk. 11ar <7l4l W.S4400 f\im ' unfum f bdrm 101 and owner will ::!":i·>' ~g~!~i/i'?~· ............... •••••••• 675'>44S•&!'~'--2Br.IBa,A/C,pool,re<' w/laundry hookup apt All ut1I pd . All car ry . full pr1rt Sl3JO/mo. Call Anthony Twnhome.new 3 br,3ba, farll., sec. gates. no Adults. no ~ts. SSOO. M•llt8SWALI arvrnltits 946-0619 l240,000C1119°""s:r70. days 842-5757, eves' peUO, 1•r. Part, pool. -a~ ~.P .. 91!8-38S2 752-mG ug2'3Br.Townhouse •-4000 A ~63}.6630 Ja~51moLG-~$7 ,.,. 't: - LLSTATE 1: ... 1:..-k.- 0 -..-rh· ...... r-. 3 ba Unlvmlty Park. UR Onutory,two room, .. twlla""wl*d 1~1BRGardfnApt. Apartme~ts.Frok.Ent:1 ....... -... •••••••••••• I,. • """' • "" ..., 2BA ll50 + •·c All hwo ba. lh condo. F.nd un· ....................... .. C~rpets. Bit In Gar. ~atios le 'Yrd. Nr l.quna Beach Motor Inn. + lrgfam rm., frpk. bit· Amentles 873:7;141 or I It. OorlfOUI greenbelt ........... J706 O!R. fo'r1dge. 1370. Gas Huntinton Hr br 88$ No Pmhc t:oi!it REALTORS ' ina. Sl3SO/mo. 675·0704 IS7·:1MOA · 1 Covered patio with ·-.. ••••••••••••••••• !C!·_,Nr Bua & Shops. °"~ K.940'6807. Hwy. 1.al(un11 IJut'h ly~'!!_SS.. ----I lkyUpt Ind Indoor/OU\• Lcmly tarp 3Br lbl. Nr ...... • 2br 2ba In 4 ple1. 1475. Daily. W~kly, K1h'hC"n •~•~• La 3 br. 2\.'t b1, tam. rm. O&UXI CONDO door carpet. Adults only. market a. bO v lew, Bllt'llelor '1 Br. Apts. All w-d hll·up, prv patio, 11vail1blt. I.ow w1nh•r f\illy usumable. Nwpt cfen. din. rm, frplc, t bdrm 161peclous loft, $125 month. Yearly rrp1c,1horttermoryrly, tdult,nopeU. Pool. bbq f.Mlad.11r.645·t494 . ratn.494-~ Hat• lri·plex. S2SO.OOO, p.ttlo. 2 bib to ocean. gre.enhouu wtndow, 1 1eaae.Broktr,PM300. No peu. 1775/yrly. & entlsd 1ar111tes 12bdrm.2bl.fmhasnew. Balboa Inn , S90 & up BVCO. INC. 8'$·22.SI 11_125.640-1484 enc d petio, mitr•I air, 1 Owner81M8Zl sa/mo. &JJ,2278 J encl pr '* wttkly. Kltrhenn('llt' ciu Walk to lkll 4·Plu. s.n.u -3 t>f tiOme 1n· old ~· Alt'n pool,'(:,· l•n-! P.! 1bciimi9an Marth tit ARIM COMfOIT I Qle . lll·MOI OlUll rront 81$·874U . Belmont ·H•iahts I CcUI f11>k . yard, dble ;.:;,::;rc!'~~rh•=I IAT~ thru Jllat 11th. Call L-trl• t BR down....... Jl44 Rllbo1 Inn S90" up 117& 000 01'C t1~ On. ft!· mo. ,.,,.1e51 Plf'lllD + ll50dep, + 110 I Pier and ltip or larp ._<~al: '71·900 wljt~tlo ' yard, up _ .................. Wf'fllly KltrhHnt'llt'. 213-"25'50 2 Br. frpk, patio, nr credit chec k .' Rod boat. Funl111td ala ..i.l!!fl!!!l. •/1lelc.'ollJ • t'ltlwdral tlRCondooaCfftk ~•fl"Ollt.m·8'40 OCIAMSlll ....._ lllalld 6 oetal. •M.ltl-tlllAf, bedrooms, nve bati.s, .... , t p fl 1717 "'91D1. h'ple, d/w, pool, Pool. tennl1. 1 /c. Pvt.•· "° 1mollin1 or 9 t c:..ew .,P-lnM.MO-Un. li'C'Clll9-.J'-.. Wood ~-room aid dn. C%: ............... :'.'•ni~. No ptta, Alhdla, ao .-.t•. Liiie drinlt.::Wvtr 40 "1t 1!fJ. ~at lafflt-SHAllP! I BR,._, rplc, brt4~ .!!J. 1tiradn: ..:.::::. :.::~•ca: 7iml'll· UUI ... •ttarta.il:.n~ ... ::se:a Eva.,,_ ... , llllt• _.,T.,..,UM. f::.'P1· ..... lit. ........ Jtlrl IHH. HHO c · -· -----· ··-= ..... IMO.'' 1 r.Raeei j:i.:'t ••• .. •It. WnAda..lte ea.am .............. i.lt Ml·Jrrl Qy11f1111Adt,J011r~'='1~~lllli'fr:J. ta i .. tr~~g_-:r.e_ IOOMMA.TE FIMDRS Oldest & largest aitenl'Y I All rbent.s screened with photos & references Credits· Cosmbpohtan Good Morning Ame ma. "T'heTomorrow Sho" •12 off• lo all nt'" clients wt.> need a plure NEWPORT 641·119t M rmmte wanted lo shr 4bdrm duplex r-; R A\'llil Marc h bl &16--Z'ZZ Share m~ 3 BR 2 ~ty hme. NR, nr beat·h. tenni~ ~ 768-6380. 631 36111 Shr 28R. l12B1\ apt I.alt lkh S350 t utll 4!17 36511 Malt 111 25 114 ~th St ~K 673 2li() I. 6 7 3 31163 Miolture fo' 11hr • :.am1• rum 3 br. z hJ Cd~I ~. $300 fot m:i :.h•r hr Arm•t<"rha 1m 151;1 Rt•11p fcma It• u JS t•1 i.h.rt' plush 2 hdrm. 2 ha NR 11ind41 s:n~ ~ 11 ulll 11r1 .. r $ 11nct "'\•1•k nib ~\lfl.'IT Rt'!lp lo' 2S ''nl pr\'!. to ~hr nt1'\' 2hr <.1on1k1 111 :.;u~·. l'M 12$0 t 11 util 84.\ 992 ('\'tll Pool llm Kr ft.I rm !o' u r n A ,. 1t I I N ti Dnak.f>ru.i• $0 51~ MtrSrM Pvt 2lnd fir fun. L k • w. be, ftift. pool, ....... 1ef .C.ll.1'1r.•.• 11r1-..111~m. ~· ~ CalllG·~ • ~~~~ S@rvlr.-Directory Rt prt'ientatlve 64J.5671, ... 321 Or1ngt Co11t DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, F1buruy 15. 1jll2 S..lc• ..... , ..... , w.... ...~--. w...;. ,,..,... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;;1.~;;-•••••••••••• !••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kl!hy111t1111j1, my hqn't', Wr <'arf!t'rp\ C:lt11nt1r1.1 ORYWAl.1,/At'OUS'rl ' 1 CUS'l'OM HAKU1':NING M!llCW)' Cal])fntry·Tllt liol'ne cle111lng depend11 S'J'ARVINU ACTOR~ QUAUTV bot luoehe... o 4 y rt. Str11111 clean' upbol~ 14 Yl'H1q> "'uU}1 li<''cl & R1:tld'l/C1>mm 'I Ptum~Roofin& Ke mod bk>1 honett. Clflll ntd to MO VI NC COMPANY PaperlnatPaln.tlng M I", 54$ IOSU<' M Tn.lek n'kl ullt unll IJ111urt'd S32 SMO <:In UP' 8113 3$17, x 43 SlUt<co.Ol)'WI U 5.1811100 u u11ranion 6544454 ··~1 ' Cartful l.OWt'Sl .'f,..t'41t J1n1 SS% 0231 ••••••••••••••••••••• RO(n' 1,t;AK ! "• • ., • '' l:ourtn#hl 'Sun Roottn• ~'rNf'~I 5118 ~ le j -'c Work &Ull M~ n ut a.ctrlctll 111t:GRASSllOPPt:R Euf'OOt'1an Cr11'lsma'n l.ORRAINE'SllOME Ratti Law Allows MIC Wallpapt'r conlt1rtor ' ...... '!::?. ........... ~ampoo& Jh•om dt•un ....................... <om1)lt1t•hll4nmamt Uen-'lilornt'lmpruv SEllVIC~ R•~FS. Vw.1.1e11n~ 673·~ PamtlnR Lit'3282400C t• A' tllt t'or all )ou nt<1'<1 to know C-Olor bn11htc•n1·r~. wht U.t: ·rntCIAN pm•ed , Indoor plunt pel'lallst and Maint. !164 5231llft.2 <>wntrans. 962 OS!Of'vll MOVING call S1airvin11 23 yrs. Gary Oompf ...... ••••••••••••••••• uhout b11nkru11tc•y, l'llll 1·rpts 10 ,min hl1.1urh nM,ht. rr111• t•)\lmatl' 1>n Oomlnll'll42 41151 llOMF: IMPltUVl'~M ti;NT 'l'Clil Quuhtyillellll Rutes StU(lentl, l1>w rall:a 1111 494 4386 BUOOE'l' RAn :s1t.k 'd 114'~ fH62 llall, !Jv din rms, Sl~1• lur1.~or •!,lllf 11 Job~ l.undm 1pln11 Yd <'lnupi. Ttl(' noo111 •''1ncin11 f>rer ba~helor homes wt'ek. Crt~ est 991 3360 ~pen wallcuvcrinai in l.ow min Sml jobs OK 1111..,, S~Og ~~ Sb~'r t:i~~l IJr •ll6621 Gl3OOS!l 1 ·r'rt<t•tnm t:icJ)('rt ma Int Plumbini All 1m11ll 12131439 8907 1>r~ 1977 t11ll1t100 R.as prkta •"rft'Hl Jn' 6'l 758l ....................... pet'odor (;tpl ri·i>utr lJC'Ot:LfX~rRll'IAN J1mll510129 jobs 28.)tst•icp 9192265 'ntt.:RROOMSQUAO p....._ Consultant As111&nment S.Wilt/AlhNHcNI• t'INt.: llC>M t: IS yl's t'XJI Do work ~ul work ltl'a~ nllt'~ Muwmg, SIOL ,1.5 . S20 It a )'' & 11 1111 d .Y m a n QuuUty Rellablt> •••••;•'••••••••••••••• $818Se() ••••••••••••••••••••••• AdldMi'til0<'ll1~>&V f1;lt~r~c;!:·1~n" ITl.)'Self Rl'rN. 631 Ollll • t't' t:o.t. tl11 ~2Tl>m lluultn 11 ' >um pin 11 . St•rv!t'e roof rcpain1. llolL~eei .. 11111011 fi7:i 31~1 l''lne puinlin~ by Hlch•rd /I.,.... INOUSTRIALS•;w1NO " '"' , .. NoStl'llm rNo Shumpou 'J'Ofl OUALI I Y SIS $i!() 1M l/904 . 1155 00\IS 111nntlnll & carµt•nlry IS ('uthy'i1 llome Servlet'~ SI. nor. L.tc, in~ 13 yra of •••.••t••••••••••••••••• &CUTJ'ING0Ch1bnt• • ,. Sl•in Sll('ciali t t'ui.t t.:lc'<'\nc•al ~ork ot Murk )nH•xper 646 4!l:16 l'omplete lloust•l'lr:rn ,hllppy loul l'U.~tomen p~n:R f'ATClllNG Prtttst1matn ~ 000 dry Frrt>e t K3915112 R~a) ratt>~ 531 ~~ Mol4 1n11. ed111n.i. trim llOMERt:rAIRS mg Rers,642 1M11~ fhal\(Jou 8314410 Rest\IC'.'cos lnl/ul 30 ~,..,_ r-t/U-"-'-..._ ~.1~-tm•our S!k!dalt>'. mlni.; Tw1rt monthl)'. 1 &lmpn1H•mrnt l'rcferenUal CaJeof your C.to.P...,.. yrs Neat PaulS4S2977 O:/:t!! ............ .. _..,..,.,.L COMTillAC~· -r ,.._. •... , Ul'an; 3u1ck. dt>renda ~Cleanup 900 136-1 Rea~ RC'C Possessions & llornt> 25 yrs 1:xp i:ie:·4d3941. Neatp1tches &tcxtur1:~ ••SICYUGHTS•• 1.Jt\ ~349892 no l\SM 0"N;~·.y;r9·5~;.::1!·~;;t• bit'."'<> 011~ltl' Joli. liorden M uln Res Id •'ret! t.~t. rom 1145.0704 Exp & Rl·fs f.4!? 3m. ltonded. ln:s Refs. Color Frtt al tU·I 09 All Sliu 1nsl11 lll'd UJ hol cit~ ntnJI S('1>tc h •li3l 5' <.:omm rndust Clean ' SR Cl'l'IZl':N DISC 645 4259 expert. 963.0911 Oiek Grut l'nres, 631·9255 M•HAll COMSTR I d f l' I '2 M39 IH:.51U (;0 1\1 M'I, IND I uvi. & Trct' Tnm fo'r1•c SMAU..11.(ifo: HF:PAIRS a.....~ T I'm Small My prir<'S Custonlliom\•s. 1ru m i:uar ectst 97 :.iu yrs ex~ l>o my""" I-lit 6411000 fi)-eeesllmatt's $48 ~27 -u .ire small' CdM. NB •••••••••••••••••••••• Tiit tni:. rt>mo1M l''ren<'h C.W..t/COMnt• work I.Jc d Al S-1611126 JAl'ANE.~E t-1 ...... llm rprti, drwl, ··~xi··::.•R·.·,·,·,:~·.·1::R··"~R·•• f.xj>'d Ron 673 6477 Drains cleared Crom SIO •••T••1·1.·E~·1•N•s•rr•A••1•.L•~.ov•••• doon., ~II) lll(hti. & p11110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·"'' ., " a:. \r ,. r. Plumbing Rt'p1in1 • "' rovers 1141131i.'12 TllO~t PSON'S RoorCo•tri1tca G,Al~D•;NP,R P11tni:. rntl Cx UIJ , l':nrulled to pruclll·e NF:LSONS PAINTING J!ee t_._M&M 6429033 AllK1nd11Gu11r:anleed t'UNCltt-:'rt:CONSTll ••••••••••••••i •••••••• Ht.ASONARLF. yrllwrk . rt•u~, .I rrry' bC'forc the IJlS Qu11llly lntlP.xt llesid/Comm ATI.A.S PLUMBING & Hcfs John 840 9217 ~ Coi,Mllt•r I.Jr •:.l3:113 642 11"'42 Carpet & l.inoh•um ~·nr ~)'c•c t:tlt !Hill 7!11,1!1 9~ 33!15 al r11115 (.'&.jl 549 24 Iii At'tlusllr ceilings Refs. ;i, T 1 ··~~·.·~··•••••••··~·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• llL:SIO ''ONC:RL:Tf' llolll(l . \'an & Mot or r-----1 c:--•lcts ......_ L'L'D"'RATL'I) lu"d Free est 837 2"37 HEATll'fG REPAIR Custom Ceramic 1 e ~·ATE PAV IN.. flNE l-'INISllWORI\ r..: " r ••• lk1me847459S O.nt• _,._.,. ._.., re. L r. NG REPLACE 64S·l6811 Prompt en f'ree est SeaJroating StnpinL! Rtt'l'odel 11 Door huniit Silort rourb l.tc 3740fi7 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnrome Tax Servll't' l •. J B PAINT! Chock 675-1408 Repairs Comm. Re!>fct Rand 1f20 l260CdM lbb8.Sll961\1147701K ~01 th1• bC'~t lt le & Tn~·Tnmll.ltt>mo va l OllMPJOBS 631·41171forappt. QUAl,ITY HE AS M•19e•..t 2.5 VrsExp F'rtt F..st Lie. ll:.17362 S4S·Sl8l Y · I hnoh•um floonn11. 1·Jll I lfomr 1tepulri1 &Small Movin!( Jobb Larry G4S·9:11J urt. 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:JlAR•PROFESSlONAI. CMldCo... t:n•11 G75 4St14 Wt•ri· 7609005Uf673 9043 Call MtU :ll4G 1:u11 Mcnollly IN'M~~XTPAINTING PIO,YTY ReasoJn! .. ~e492W?.."!·2G oar OrivewuysJ.Park1ngLot Ca rvent ry • Ro at ••••••••••••••••••:•••• proud of our ~ork ' ,.___.__ •••••••'••••••••••••••• Quaht k R . "'u' ....., Repairs,.1:1eakoalin~ docks <.:h1ld1·arl'. Full 1 tml' • ---:e SH ICK WOllK Sma 11 y wor ea:.. MAMAGEMEMT S&:>Asphalt 2S)ri. 64S3i.i9 Munda}' f'r1da~ M~t'M fvnimlnR•flltlshift9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Q.EAHUPYOUl.ACT Jobii, N1·~11ort . <.:o:.ta t)-et>est SteveM74281 OranJteCo area 15yrs T'"Ser-fic• L1r 631·4199 ••••• I llome Sllb •••••••••••••••••••••••TH/\CTOH. ideal fo.~ TODAY ' Yard guragr Mc,u. Jn1nc Rerll llOCDANOV PAINTI NG \•x penen<·e C;ill for1nfo f,.;:T~~·1~g~•;1~~~·~~;~ 14."'--Tired of Plain \\ alb., In 642 Oltil *SPECIAL• ,1n;1ll art'l'i.:. arras, '\II ctn op, ell' I ton trul'k 675 3175 16 }!'lo O.C Top qua lity :md ratt.'S. Monthy sc•rvlce free t.st. .:;:;::.'.-. ............. neasc t hr, \'alU l' & ~Set-YicH /\ny t'ha1r hdand slnppc1I ~~rKlun~~11 J.ikJ~\:dt>t' ~.GJl·l993 124 hrs I Musonry ourSpe(0Hllt y1 Nca~~Ji~·,~9~ fU-tlU 646·7SS6 Tony's Tree AGCRESSIVE LEGAL Beaulv of 'our llnmt• ••••••••••••••••••••••• or rt·~lull . Sl9 75 A ik'rmht111n Cratlin)l Clean, qwck. d1:pl'11da .&.L../R-lr Service Repr<'Sentation Lu14 of With 'Tht• llk hne" of PEP G IH l.S l'lt>a 111n ll Tout·h Of t'la lllo In Tran.~pon Ab phalt. 1·011 hie Wc tlo an) ,1tt• Joli QUALITY INT t:XT ••••• :::':? ••• ~';;...... Need unsightly trees re-f!~Z4 hrs 545 8422 SolJd Wood 196 ~61 i.errn·c llome' OH1t<'' h•ners 711 W 17th St Hc.dytfta11 t•rrtt• & trcl· rcmtn al •631 2345• Llt'd Rers fo'rf'e est rmved~ Fence. yard re· I.am n· 1 '<I L'ab nets Apll. 5'111 0663 •A2 (' M l~i! 7712 •••~••••••••••••••••••• Sntl prep & plnnllnl! t:XPERT l:I Kll'I\ AN D ••646 1067 • • C~BCl.Al ..._H•• \\'oodSk1~'or F~rm;ta Controct G I IGcrdrftincJ 1 l ~l"Pl("1r" 1,~l,ti.hnr~ Oprratt'd eqwp l'omm·tl t,luallty Ptg Low wmter -~~STll.AL ~~:.J.~i3 Free est ·;;.:c;~·;OUR·c~i.. lJruts.6456521 5-19·16115 ......... ~~ .. ~:~... ....................... flt')~~lr Stu~~~ l~~l' ~.ll~std'l .r..t~7G311 I ~!~~~l'Y·t~~~.1'.r1~~?~1(~ M~ IO efrecl Honest. Turn~tD~l~~~sed T--&ft-.L. Instead of wax 40 mo C:ustom Cu rpl'ntr~ Uy JM I Sntems TREES H\•11111del J B 6'16 9990 (,1 ncral hauhnl( '°' u1111 ltl.'f~ 551·4SM, 7fi0 7074 rl'hable. 84.8·5648 I spare into a workable .!!':.~•••••••••••• W1JYJ S?·S007 7Sz·0892 "Ja)'' l t'orm tl'3., &. l"tectl~l{n frel't'~l Tupprd n•n10\1•d, !'lt••in l C:mcral MdlOlt'nam•l• I :'l~u~r~e ~·~~~1• ~~~ l.A~~CP MASONHY !'AtN;rt::RNF:l-;Ds ~rea rooms dlVldl'd. DELINQU ENT~ PROF POLISHI NG Tile I 642 8!IO!l or (a II Room add111on~. h•nJnl u~, lawn reno\ 751 3-176 HepJtri. &. Dc•roralml( I 114 M2 4~ I oorrelt.' I.tr. in' \\ORI\ 30 yri. t'XP. int dry.,.•1111. drop ce1hnl(s & Jud1e1al f'oreclosurt s Serv1ceat yourhomeor An~~er \d ~620 JI 1mprcH1·1111•nt. in l\&OLand'l'J!X!l\IJint •{~Jhty •HJ}6405 144 ~l~r. t'r1:<·1:~t !>31)0911 t!XI Arouslle'l'Clhnl(s. tnm l'a!}>l;ntry·tu com Harold F McGralhEsq ~mess Rick 675·03H I ~-4~, ii ,hr~ suranl't' 10 urk , dt'l'k'>, lll-sid Comm l'lran uµ I tlml E IM PHOVEM t:NT 'Housedea1tiltcJ Mo•iftcJ Uuvis. Pa mt Ing 847 5186 ple~1on c.all Tom or,Jerf 1151-1771 ......_16Wa.. Cabinets. tnuntl'r to1r... l)(lllO.'> 1 1.t llau hnu ~411 :!illl!I Ht:PAlll 1'1.lfMBING ••.~•••••·~··•••·~··~···'·•••••••••••••••••••••• PaptnfM) at661·2!113or493·3811h T~ _, .... ""'f Doors.Grt:rnhou:.ewin 7708067 I H'31:1171 ° · \\,111t a ltt.Al.l.\\(Lf.ANI · (. (' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----. ••••••••••••••••••••••• dows. Ftni!.h 14 tH k • • · ·s (;Jrdrn1n)l l'on1pl llt>al llll(, carpt'nlr),. lllll 'SE'l'alldini:ham •All< M P·.1 ~' t.xf.' · Lt<.: PAP!'.:RllANGER RoofiltcJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Babysit, our CM homes. I 754-442U HtM~H>f.l. i\llll ON. dcan up & rrt'l' haohni.: dt-.'. Ille ~'ree t·~t '\o ('irl 1-'rt'l'l' 1 1.45 ~l 2.'J vrol . lo~ rat~' Qu11 I.. lkinded & gua r No Job••••••••••••••••••••••• Readin)l & related skills yr&up.anyl1me •. &< Jl'J)<'lllr~ Lu· ti rorus.ibll'ill'm~ .)Obtoosmall 64S 2811 I •• ~ • : • l'ard ulWr\l('l' s:i2 04 10 Ulosmall ortoolarge REPAIRS FOR LESS Credentialed. t xp, car 642.11482 646-S7S9 C: a r pe 111 r ~ \\ 0 r k ~ 25~ rs Ir" 111 !>48 til9 \lu·ha('l 64S 673-1 JACK OF \I L TllAIH'S l~OBIN Sl L ~.,\l'\IM. ... I MOVluG l fo'r <t• est Tony 898·2728 Shingles. flat 30 yrs I Ing. Specializing grades B --' , Repair :-lo Joi> Tuu • 'i • I d' ' .. l'<'n•1rt! J thorou11hl\ I *A• " * ' exp 1-'ret! est 770 2725 I th 4 644 7779 abys1t1 1ng Mon F r 1 Small Pm • F.<.t Custom Woodworll111g liardt•111n11 \\ a111t•1I I I a I ay or n11thl . dean houst• 540 oli!i7 Top Quahty Spet·1al WALL PA PEit . · · r · · Newborn to 2 yrs. 6 Ill ~b 11;r.1 fi2!Yil ••••••••••••••••••••••• \l•l14tnJ! l'd1!1ni.:. raktni.:, •Ja(·k 67S :1014• t'Url' 111 handhni.: 25 ) rs All kmds frl't! c•st llubcr Roor1n1?·llll tyves. wi...w C~ 5-~.-CM 642 2995 Cus tom •pu ,1 e·1. k ~ CUSTOM 111\IWW OOll 1 , "1• t> r> 111.: ~· r"' 1• rtEASONABl,fo~ .IMM"'CULTTE 1 l'"P t'omix•tittH' rates I Sii roll. Lie 3309116 New recover-decks ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lie d. childcare., lov1nl! pallos. ~'r •door~ Lir'cl lntt•non.. li,1r~. mi111tl1·'· l''llmJh'' Ii 15 Ui2 or l'HO~I PT FR EE EST A "" ;\onH·rt111l1· 730 1353 Norm &IS 0880 l.lr •411802 S48 9734 ··1.ct the Sonshint' In" rare & rompanion!>htp. Johnor llll·k 979 32111 ~~b·' l1t::.l·~u,1'' J hin i•l • 1~ S'i:rr Al.\IOST E\'EK Y CleaRMG S~•ius 11,t\l 'onw 1h1 n i: , 11u I THE PAP EH HANG ER Newport RoofMa Call Sunshine Windo~ Cenc~ yd SS&~ llef!> &16 0092 multlini: t'IJ~~1h1~l \1h. '""' uni· II t:l'AIH N f:F:U EO llomc-s 67s"!li~ OHin•b ! ".1111 to "·11 ·· r1 .. ,,,rrl·<l l'rof quahl.\' work "Qoa1ity Roof mg IT>r CleanmJt. Ltd. 5411·8853 \\'ant Ads Ca 11612 !lliil4 ~·II 1dl,• lll'lll' td:! ;i1;~" I 1 ,1cop shoppini: t't'nt1•r l>A \ t.: &15·4757 .ub <lo 11 ""II ti IC! 51i711 f'rce est Stt•vl'S47·4281 f'in~ Ho~s." 64S·OI04 20": Month I}' Disco!-Jn l rt•eshnent ; l~t & fowtd 5 300 He4p W..t.d 71 OC fHetp W..t.d 7100 ~.::= ..... !!~Help W..ted 7100 Wante-d 5020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••• ••••• • •• •••••• ••• •••• • •• •• • •• •• , A CCOUMTIMG CA.SHIEi/SA.LES Dtwtal 14.sskt.t l'orp .,. 16 putnttf ron:.I 1 l.0'1 M Jll ,, Bu lo\"' HOUSEWilE DEPT rxpe nenced, Newport µrodul'L~ t iM•d 111 (rw\ \\att·h. 30 H•ar~ ullt .1 CLERK , . l' • Be al·h Office 4 day I hnd 'l'S bldn1:s Anj klll·p~ak• .lli.11 1;01c1 Nt•wport Heat•h I rop..•r t\ill lime. Appl)., ~own we ek E x <' e 11 e n t Sl.l(tfu~; ~1u,1 n· to<ol & Hin.: ~•U 'mJ ll i.em1' l) Manal(l'mcnt Firm 1 ll~dware.311Y/ t. (oast tx>nef1ts l'\l'dnd 1.e..., 113.'l i7i5 ~!I prt'l'tuu' ~10111•. in ur rlt't'(b He<~puon1s1 At· ll~y. CdM . . 646·48611 Red Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place I I Extra Eammgs. need 3 people who have 10·15 flexible hours per week Can earn up to S75·SIOO a week depending on time rOC' complete informa .1rountl ~.tnla Ana munlingClerk Phone::..,CA TER ING St•ntt'l' .... to SIMn ooolentols to Shar~ HOO Ofiice Rentol 4400 lusiness Rental 4450 Money to loon 5025 Courlhou,l', 2 8 11 2 I ~:v•kn~. 40DWPMI doa~ly n t' l'kd b r Os o dh p ~/ lpl ~~A~r~r.;o~E~k~:g ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,....................... ft E",\RD Cati 516 992i I ""'n 1ng. ~l31 ~ il l' \\Or ers 4 r r u ( d Female careteria. par Roommate to shr. M Pvt 2nd fir fu rn I. It , hr. ~·,1r<' nr,.OHku'l'\ l:t5U !(ll II put tl'rD tol> $1 111111 S l'l REW. ... •01 l'OUn~ IRI l!8Sct:19v!b7I~-$90r o I tL• me,. SKA M hi 30 r3l~717 ,~;Jl(~ ~iu.a;,~r~f :~:i~~ ttlOll!me. 'nopewr~kneenndts. poCasli lion Ca II 5411· 7942 O\ e r 35 , ma l u re . bu. mee. ~ml, :.Junti. MEWPORTCEHTER '' c:.a t•rt '1 rl'J 1111•11 ~ ownl') • d\ """ nv <.:;i I " ,.... nr<' on s tll' 1•n I r I h & ""' "mplO)l'd. l1b fir~1 Ja~ .. r '.I • r '05 roJ9• &c-1t ......... Offic· !14511:!:1 111.:s )tr \ld)aurrtl' LI) 'T Hlue .ind l!Olrl :-loon F.OE llurbor Bhd . s" I or persona growl 673-4403 aftt'.!_6_Evei. " " .. .. ·' ~ ""',, '""'"'"' .. ~~Oi \I Jl'ot "" l'arr o1 \'11· 979'0747for ap11'l recognition ' Our 494-_ ~16 incl ulll i5l 8133 ~c-,._rc,·at I Antiq ue Re:.LOrallon r rmdern prog""sive of~ f'u ll·t1me sales,erson. -.. .........,... \'1ri:in1a Pl dnd F:hlt•n T ~ I II I hi ,.., ' h M 2Bdr, lbth apt S200•Roommall• 10 ~hr \I 5()> to 20l 1 n ,\\ .ttlJ Rental' 44751 11 \ ,. (.' 0 , 1 J '.\I e•., a 1 Part 1me .la e c per Cleaning Lad} At etll· set'ks ynur expert ise to for Country renc rm.lst&lnst&se<' drp ovt'r 35 . mJ t ur i· I h1t•ror1 ...... tM' ,••••••••••••••••••••••• 14.portwftts; I 1;.11;1322 1 Ant1qoe Buf f1nl( & Club Ladies Spa 4·10 eomphment a highly Store. Lambs n' Ivy . Non·srmkcr Stephen art employed . lib..rJI I ('all Wm r l'olt' t'l ('ropNh 2 Br I Ba Rtsi*9KH: llt'lotOr3l1on.2•·u11da ys Mon thruF-n $410 slart motl\ated & skilled 644.al90_ 6PM 7St4739 494-6216 rurrnort'tnforma t1on huui. .. tn hll!h traff11· 1__.....a_., Lo~t Jet bla('k ma le 1 6427945 ~14421 tea m Xlnt benefit .... ~- "' ,-.trl'J of \\ e<,i-1d1· t'u~lJ ...... un Siamese Blue sequin APT MAN AC F:R C'ouner Clerk for bus) P3l'kage, incl med ins. nwrvw-"' ...,.to st.an 4300 M 28dr lblh apt ~oo *Cote Rea lty \((..,,, Tt-rnf11for 1\n11 Officeltli~s. rnll:ir "K1k1 Boy" Lost Semi reured ('ouple, ror med lab. IOt\~I 6PM +. perrentageoCproduc· ~~n~et~Sa~es ~~IP ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 rm. tst &. last & bl'I' dt•p ~ lnn.,tmt-nl quo• Sho11 \1·1·uitn11n.: 1,-,.,n., lo S2S~:t:M.lll e~'."' I f~om ~a~ 17th Tust1 ~ 16 umt complex in C M Mon ~'r1 Karen 640 0140 ' lion Sl600 if qualified Pref Coast Hardware. Pro( Shr 28R 2BA Cd M Non·smoker Stephrn art I Offtt·l'. t..114 Of!1t·t•. l'lt' 111 :I ~t>Jr~ Ca II lt>'•tt 1f l M Rf.\\ ARD. no qocs· Maintenance t!XP req N H. 640-1922 , 4403 Hse I Blk fr Sch. F Prcf 6PM7Sl·4i39 • 640-5777 '\llll µatl.11ti: \\Ill dt~ 1 14(' h;t\e the lw~I rall'S 1 uons w,.5212. 646 3255 I 549 , ... 33 ft--"-' Ofc M-497· «O E-' . • t ·I . J\Utlabll' for )tlllr loan ' I "" ca OPERA • --'T • ...,.,.5311,675·9619 ~ves 111,,rtnwHc tni.: tn'u.•I I rail \I r Nelson 1714 1 HE.\\ARD. Lo~t. ~t ~t> ATTENDANT l.tH''" I <.;rowingelectromrs d1s Ertthus , effic1en1 & or HOT&. NB.prof .malew1ll shr ll(l' for "9f 4 350 L.' l • 'j>Pn>~ ~IO ''I fl 1\ 9660i55 C.imbrtdl!t' bl111·k s.hort 1hJ1r~d l':JI or 2 rmntru. Ai.H~t dis tnbutor seekl. i:ood gan ~ bkpg exp 4 da) fi)-ont office personnel Harbor V ie ~ home •••••••••••••••••••••••j n•mt ocat1~ \ "u1l1nl! t he \Jrt! l'J it-al G roup J 2 11 \'tc. \\C<;tm•n~trr 1 Jbled prof woman I wk Pd\'at' &holtda)~ Seeded at lox u l') "' ad u 11 30 + s 37 5 Large s1nglr j.!ara)lt' on l:.;rge Off H·e Spat c ~ 1tlll mu ~I ll S 11 -I L" i"r 1 1 1 I Monte VLSta S4ll 6443 .... 2357 or .. 1 3442 t~pi, 1 LO train for on line C M 546-30<!2 L;iguna Be ach Hole I I C I I 'I <.oroo.i del Mar I 7711 ..,.,.. a 1 orni.i rcJ e' a l' . .,..., • ~ t'()mputer system Xlnl. C 1 ct R' k Ell 011 . 760-Ql0.2 ns orona c e ·' :ir ~ "'""' hn•krr "l·.··1 Jl1tl1" .i.· J Lost, 2 12 Vil' OC' A1rpt.' t •· '"-Ii.st on a ic I -~too ~60 9751 •615 !15JO• • ~ ... ... .. npportoni 1es "' <'Om ~· 4!n 77 South Laguna 0<'can "' rm ' · ' Office or lc•nlil'r 1 C:l!tn Retrvr. I )r. ~I I 1111 14.TTEHTIOH· panybcnefits Call F:ls:i. Ortho-IDA 44 Side or Highway G atl•d Garage ~ month ~1i4 •---S •-t'lr. an-' to Dax 4:1f> llll~'I I b b • d 55&3880 Ertergellc exper'd A~sts HOUSHEIPER Area. Pool. P\'t En LaSalle Call arll'r6P~1 Due to maJnr C'\1JJn,11•n -... , crourt Am 111ous ny' an d d r b tranAe. Bath. 529 •. + 957 ?7-IO often:inl E.XEl'l'Tl\t: llt'Jr l'O!>la Ml''·' l'o'I Mort~s,Tn1tt 11-'tlWld Pm l.Jbn1t\ hlk ;tirlslOlJH'ar.nld 10 tan~nec e or us) 5 day weeNk . sohme ~ ~ Ito\\ l'C ono.• of the ttfu't'SMKlmn ~!>Iii~ ~ 5035 & bm ~vob on t'hff Dr .,.Of1t one 1ir 114 u e'H'n-praull'e rh1 ldr are e ar us l.Jlll.Moslbeempl.ha\I! OfficeRefttal 4400 nldt'stN>t.1hlt,hl'fl tl97i• i1m "1ft ... 11 urru·t~ .. J,·······················I ~R2 IZ fllll\UllJr I Ill).!~ a 141•ek j:ctlintt BOOKKEErER S46 5170Askfor Tom Cor ona d e l M .ir rers .. 499-4722 F:H'S 1······················· prnf l'\l'l 'utlt• l'llm h.Hlb. Jll nine!' park SattlttMt Co I &lli lltB3 Sil! ~21!1 lll'IOSIJ<&per i.ubst•rt p I "'time for N u La14 714.76().9422 Prof. M F O\Cr 30 lo 1617 Westrhrr. N H \\'!tnl pll'X('S h.1~ offtc('~ for 1111:. \\' ro,t.1 Me'a I 1\ll l)pt'S or :ta1 <'Stall' t'mmd I.).! Jt•I hlk 1'.lt.I lion~ Trans portation firm Mtn 2 )'rlo expr DRIVEi HOUSEIESJYS s hare 2 Br 2 Bu hnan(·wl tni.I 71100' r h•:isc nr mu tn ~no SL'i60mt1 i;1~1 :l.'>4ilt • tmt'Stment~smtl' t94!1 fnendh. neJr ISth &1 Jnd ron~lant adult Resp Cor computer bill Forllle. loealdchvenes. Tiie Seaclirr Motel. 1661 Newport Bearh Condo l.5lfloorAgent ~1503:! f'rom q9s 10 S.1311 . • ~·-.i-..· \na h eim si ~ l'\l ~openision pro\lded . tnll.arrts rer pa).post tulltune.Mon·f'n Gd So Cst Hwy. L 8 !L9_1~nrlds u11 ls EXECUTIV•E Senite' inti He1·1·11 ltdatriolRttttol 4500 ~ ... 1 ._.,111 ~Zi t:! l'all3 to5301'~t .askfor l thru tnalbalant·e Send dmini: rerord Master 494.9717 ....,. """ 110n1s1. :.ccrr t:irtJI 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••••i 2ndt'Ds \ndrra. 642 4321. ext re~ume w salary re· BllJt'pnnt. 234 F1~cher. SUITES Word l'roc.·v~'mi:. Phoh> ~ II · :ms llH l'h Kllf.O "I 642·2171 545·0611 PenoMfs 5350 I 34:1 q11rements lo f'eldsott. CM !>4()..9373 Ho.Mwens G~t UL ...... Ckean Side of lfil!hway Guard Gated Area Pool. ~t Erttranre Pvt Bath S295 + Uhl Mui;t bl' Empl . h ave reri. 400-4722 Eves IN l~1py1ng. Computer Al' I fl or le·)<~ :ltlA rnnl'. ~ WIDOW II \S SSS f ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lee & VanGemert 1617 Laguna Beach Full HEllTA.GE l1luntmi: rC'll:X Mail~, 11n ..;~.4 ft Ai.:1•111 Tll':. RE F1:011 n,, tc~'~ AtlantisMassane B ... BYSITT~ West ctirr Dr •204. ~rrow llome loan ex· Tlrr.-Retail Sales Exi: 't ,, s r \I l' ' 5-11 S(""' -~ A U'l Ntwport Bearh c A penenA4 Pan I t r Co H d PL.AU "es ~t'I:<' <' '· ' I p l'u\'n•tl11C'ht•rk '\o open24hl" 1da' "' •me o Pre ast ar 14are Ilic~ IUXUI'} oHtce spa1c \elephon• ''"'~l'r!nl! 'lnd1L,lnJI hldl! 1'1~1 ~.•1 l't•nJh~ l>l'nn1~'"" \, 7da)'J 14~·ck Stttt'r n~l'<l S da)S per 92660 stan SS hrBS().1201 497-4403 - tn Ir\ ine' bu,1e'1 fJrihlll'' 111d l 1111 fl 14 spnnkll'I"' lri:r1.1r .,.,.. fii:li311 't))i (iurl(eou~ i:1 rb 111 f ('{'k ·~our ho'::~ sit ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l't?nter' ~:.i,~ 1"r l4~ at fPr\•nu• rm. full l.1l<hl'n. O\t'lttead dr•1r ,\ h n1 l'tl inmper •ou J ai·u//t or I !f!O o O) •• • <.l'SS ,\,:ul """' t':tll l J.tn1lun.1l,u11h111.•,,frl't' .11tJ111n1111? JM\1·11 p.1rk NEEDCA.SH? :-,;iunJ l..(i{.,,b;i,14 t•ll .i~i ~~2~~5;, a fl I\ t·al l . e ror dcta1ls ptki:. 2-lhri tl:t) M't'" 1111? rom .. rorf11·1fh1ll K.,'lru't lh•t•tf OlOOl'\ t our1,1~ ll J nk l>t2 l6io 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL 551 •1231 640•4230 1 11°<1':'' IA11.11t•tll41lh111 2 l'.1ul.1r 1no t' \I ,l\Jtl.ibll• 2nd or Jnt \mnii:.1r;I. \I J'll'r Haby\lttl'r needed for e • e 2rmsava1I S22S + ut1 ls. mm of 0(. \11p11rl .11 •l!l!lli.I fll,onn•"dt·nt1Jlnr111 l'hJrl(t' \menran E~ 2 da~s P<'r 14l!ek. m~ e 8Days • 3Lines • I Dollars e $260 14 own bath :\ r •DElUXE OFflCES • J 11 n 1 t 1 u n .I .1 m 1· o :.o1 !>IJ rt '" ""' rnnw properlll'' \\ 1• JI r l'" o 1n 1. r., J 11 home m Tortleroe·k 2 ) r e Bearh & Adams Pref 1-'rom l roomtol400~4 1 h11no" ~'·'• \rlhur '"' & 1vs r14~ From hJndlc .1 fu ll r.mf!r of ~•·il'onx• i l4 645313.11 oldl14'111s.!!:p l76.\ • il'>t'dW IO olaCPyour8·DayWee~Class1loedbyma11 ino•I e younger woman or ml n f'rom SI IS a sq fl ~ o HI\ d!o ( "" "'111l'."' . ·11· SS O 4 M r 1) · I\ ,. ,. r 1· rm rt 1tag<· COVl' r a 1(1• a I I 2112 llarbor Bl CM I "'IYSITTER I e lD'>l'> '"'' SB -I hal s only a dollar a day' To Qua loly lor 1 hos l~cjlal. 960·7874 eves leasc 'l'eq111 red AdJ l'i"'~ front L>mc M .l\~11 HSI ~.lit 'l'I')' t·oml)l't1llH' rall'lo I "" e '>ti(>('•dl oller you mosl tie a 11on·commerc1al user ollerong e Sitt lrg lux home w pror AtlllOMl'r Inn 2172 Du Ma<·Arthur 1\1\tl Suill' tndus1nal Park l'mts for l'iiurtl''<) 10 Rroken. Linda & y· k'' Maturr. lnvin~ person 101 e rr!f>r h,t•'O•~C for sale oo lo SBOO per ad and the orice mo!.I e person Isl. last & dep ponl.C.illAM 833·3223 211 , ~1'14pnrt ll1·a1h 1 ..... ~ I'"'' l!lllO. 31100 & il4 ilm 15!11 J,k for IC IS l'ure for 2 ('h1ldren. ap T 714 ;52 ilill Tri•·~ ,...,.. """ -.Ce\eorDoJne ESCORTS 1 prnx JO hrs ~k M ~ e bi o your ad ne COSI stays the same whelner yoor ad e t~r~r~~:9vail fcb 17TH STREET IF2310or :?777711 ~~1~:0:d u~:.1~;11~~~1~.~I • f'IXf:D KATUnd TO 1 H~C'K & nt:rr::H lnme homr 552 1763 e ('(J'.> <'•Qlll days selhroq t•me or 1ust 011e e 20. CM a rea Pr•<'l' COSTA.fMf ESA. KOLlCEHTER I Offtt'c & w,1rt•houi.t•1 ·~'111> Aroort1zt>d ·I Til1\N t-:VF:R ' 24 llllSI Ranking e Use u11e word ,,, each ..,..~ At>out 4 worcJs maLe Ol'e e 2or 3room o 1cc su1tes I MEWPORT '"ai·e with i·;trJH'I~. .•t\11lyAs~umahle 1 669.0207 LOA.HSEC'Y "" " negotiable No lasl or ' c plnnt}' or prk0 l't1I F: .. • " p p 1 .,_ e c1a:.(•'•eJ 1o11e 01 ly"" M1111mum ad 1• 3 1ones Please or•llt e !!eP·~·S413 " . ~ .... Elegant .Xl'l' SUlll'lo Ill cl rapes &. ~ l'I bJ ri. •'11 re J ) Ill(' n ( Outrulll c,,penrnce 1n rrocess I "" ~ ml.'! Avail.now lall _ pre~lli:wu' IOl' ln1 I ;u;· 38 J ,q rt l'.111 Penalt) mg ronvenl1on11 & con I e oiaortl; e M F to shr house in Realonom1rs 67~6100 1 ~erret:iri.tl reap fi42446.l, \1on Pri KS AskforSkip.5460283 I slrur tion loans pre e Laguna Nifuel. avail 600 SQ rt )tl'~a \l'rdt! hunu;t, tel<•phonc J O!-&1 101>0 sq fl ntr11•1• '"'IAllllOWtCttntnts/ l Palm Psyt•h1c Rt':idtnj?S (erred Conta1·t Jen 1 •• r -----------------------------.., • Y lS.:. nonsm r 4~~0909 area rm re Of l':. from $4~6 wa reh<>UH'. C'Ll rpl'lc1J. PenotlWIAs/ Past, pr<•scnl. ruturc mffr 754·8801 E O E I For Rent1Unfurn Two 545 4123 mo On rail ofrs Slfi5 0 heud door rr" v 1'11"1' lost & FoWtd advi~OI I Orange Coast Sa\ IOj!S • I • a~.2 BR's w gar ,no BAYFRO.._.T mo Tiff. ll F:.\I> ~675625j · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 11 1!7 1 Sl20 . 17~Adams,C M e I e kids. $400 mo Isl & last 1""'11 Qt; ART t: RS C 0 \I li.Moultcewftts 5100 213 00-I 32S8 Lie I 541H~ 1 Pnme orrtt'e 673·1003 PA:'\I f.S \prof P~s1onal Rentals Wonted 4600 ....................... All Readm~s. p, t & l'on j ft J ing l e 1 •. Costa Mesa. 250 ~q ft en\• ron mr nl Ii 111 ··.·••••••••••••••••••••1 SPIRITUAL f1dent1al e I • ll!R!llll!O!lll!~M-M_.A __ T!!'ll'!E~ swte $175 mo Cttl:, in 11.'il·oc.lll t;ARAGt:. Cnrona ct<'I • I •PROFESCOltTS• I Tlll[R e I cld 779 W 19th St Lagun·1 Br h 500 s<1 fl ~lararea I lt~D M~• llAM·4AM e Oldest t'ra~~,sagen<'y s.si-8008 5350 • 33J7 3rd Strert Call 575 1636 ~~ ~le~~~~·~~2~~: Mun fi)-1 iuo.!l431 f1JLL TIM E • l • All cllents screened with ~ & 572 sq n SI 00 pt'r 213 393-2J4 ~s/l1t•est/ I t\111) Ile Kenn) Grass Position availablr in our •• I e ~os & reftrences sq ft .. 3975 R1rch . N H u._. I h l I Pica.~ call your sister I South <;:oast Plaza omce I C I' " t541 5032 """"' c eose AIMllKe PREGHAHT? 707·462·483.S 1 l.O\'e you Eicpenence prefer red. e ts: osmopo 1tan . gen • Hrookhurst , Garfield , ••••••••••••••••••••••• PREGNANCY' . Contact Kathy Am e I I Good Morning America. DANA POINT's bes t IOl'. .ipprox 500 sq ft. all, or .._., TESTING Man 40 60 atlr. enJO)'S burgey S404006 • I •• TheTormrrow Sbow 200' toSOO' at 7& incl all p:irt ~ per sq ri Cpt.1 Opportwlity 5005 ABORTION I.ire Wanted by pretty 1 e • •., orr • to a l I new Util & janitor 97S-1120 ~indow covenng inrl ti. j ••••••••••••••••••••••• BIRTI I CONTROL lady. Jacobs. Gen Dell CAlJfO~IA • I Publish my ad for 8 d ays starting e rllents who need a pl are (Xfice space for rent 31\5 non ~rmker cost a ~t e., a Lau n 24 H Http Lilt• Laguna Beach, 926Sl 1 e I ..wrc>IT 641·1 Hf sq rt sHnnd rioor 714 963 5647 I <111 s11K l(nl'.~ pcr mo 547 9495 fatPo!w!!!~ FEDER l 1 • 1 Class1f1ca11on • ---------1 Prestiginus We~l<'hff TwoOffices , &U-07Gl,Agrnt Won~n·sr~·ntcr.1125 E l'rtponm.... e I Name • Mtrmmte wanted to shr area $1 00 ~q rt Mel11e·al 5275 sma II offict:. !Jlll I F:X Et' UT IV F. SL' IT ~: lith St 11110 t:ast s A •••••••••••••••• • •••• •• S..IRas & Lo• e I e 4bdrm d uplex N B Bldg Call 64S 6501 me d 1 u m 11 r r i rt' AND Sl::CHF:TA llli\L · · ScMok& 1115 To~Center Dr I Ad dress Avail Mar r h I i.I St'cr ela rial s pace1 lll.iSINESS A\a1lablem •••••••••••••• IMtnlctiCMI 7005 Costa Mesa.92626 •I • 646-222.S $25S Mo-PnvateoHice a\a1lable l r \'1ne Cu r renll ) PSYCHIC & •••••••••••••••••••••• Equal ()p~rtunity e 1 City Z1p ___ Pho ne e shartmy3 BR 2sty hme. parking1k1tchenettespc 8411 3392 operat1n1t and almosl ~Rffdlft91 $31 .90/WK Emp oyer e 1 Checkor M O enc losed O e NB, nr beach, tennis. 18600 Mam St llunt Bch. Prime Newport &-ach of full. Perfert for pro Pvt & confidentiul. 25 Hot lunch. <!.M Chris· I • $350. 768·6380; 631·36 18 Daily Janlr All olil pd rice. Newly remc1tMrd frssional womon lo work yrs ex p. Lic• Appl tian Preschool. 646·5423 looW&Hpillg/ •. 1 Charge my ad to e Shr 2BR.1',BAaptLal? Avajl now'(7l418483133 beautiful Cllll Ma rk onherown ina s1tual!on 631·5588 Cltrtl Bt'h. S350 + util. ~ 14lurh has proven ~ur William Tell:1 All ! W..tH. 1075 F 0 r N w P t B l' h I• I O -i!P 1$ Exp I e cess Ca 11. P RT As • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • Ca I f I I • 49'1·36S8 • 11 ll N T I N G T 0 N ~ & M-t fwy sociates. tOAM 3PM on En11lish Houstkeeper Rcstaur:anl I or ap· • I ~ I Male 18·25 B£ACfl• rriV':ltc• ofilFe. Sllar1• ly. 1714 1 962·8311 or "'DIU l[JS With references seeks polntmcnt, &46·020l. ask e I 0 ~ # Exp I e 114:1JthSt NR. IOIOSteFWtt open itp:1c1• P1.Hti11lly write ' 18 988 Ml .lWUUW"L llvc·ln situation in ror Mar.orboQkkeeper. • M1tu~:·~~~~~3·:6:a me .. 3 rri:".~~~~r~r~as ~139;'1 Ans $350 mo. e:,~:.1~;·9J'~u n t a l n F,x!~'~!h -~~n~~ucT~n.~7~~~~ p ~~~~home :· r=:-.::::-.-w-E-:LL-PAY-rHEPOSTAG E-.:.::.:-.::.::1 1 •• fun'I 3 br. 2 ba C'dM Avai lable 00:.~sl;~O:~ Office spar .. on busy ........... t:omet Unbind Young ma rrttd man Call Answer Ad "398. e ' 11111 NO PO~TAGl : llonY. S300 for master br call m •lfMll 3133 Newport 81\'d Approx Ou ._.., 5015 ICEBOX would Uke odd jobseves 34hrs, &42:4300. e • ,.11 m u , : t &mll'ltt r b11.673·1S6l 4llO sq, ft. S440/mo. In· .. :JT.' •• ::J ......... ! My wire is worriedabout ~.r~ekteynd~j· ~aa:dvd~a~ IOOH•ll I• ! '' MAillO : e Re11p re ma le 2S·3S 10 MEWPORT llACH clds uUls 2A50 Ntwport -sTOl~r .i. •TMll her brother He lives ' 8 1 sun M c com J ·~ 1 "I n e ... ·-plush z bdrm. 2 ba. AI RPORT C11•tom of Blvd • "--\11 Mesa. S<>e '""5 -.. h d h · "0 jobs. 9'72·9525 eves: ask usy n r e v'-111 o !>"II~ " ...,.., ~ ,.,, """ N 8. Busl u s Strvlce w. us an t' :I " neon ror lkll. pany has opening or 1 o • e Nfl <'Ondo. S77dS + '' .. utdil Ora, 800 lo 1800 sq fl Manager. f'lrm needs wor kinic a hunf(er llllCrEI IC'BeO.X I Bab""1tu·na n'"wborn le r11t·paced person to1 • .~ BUSINESS REPL y LABEL ~ 0 1fler S an wte.n 9 Frotn90'per 9rf. IUSMSS.ADOHSS l'&pl'al tor new hi· ~locktdm)' . .,. " .. hlftdle accounts P.•Y•· e _ > 60-0loS7 .MullanRltl.~·2960. An11werl n" Ii mall volume /h1·profit pro·1 f o u r y r s . f'.V ble, bank dtpos1ts & ""''"•\\•1• .. 11 .. 0•11()\u .. n•1• .. •0<1~·· : e 0 -"r 25 yrspr r toshr " JeC't 9 HI int4'r est1 HW.UD! Brookhurst & Elli s aaency s tate me nts. • ! ; • 'WRlf" • ~ c · serviced conre ren <'t' Loil: Grey and white *.fltt2_ _ Paid tOmJ>any benefits e f "0$1-ol """' 111 ,.<' B· 4W"t w1 r C':2'tso + ~:,.~m· execuplan =m:.~l4~.ii.~rt ~~i~~~.eq&~~1li°ri~J nwo lekcatc Fr1tFSebt SLvBi(' Nunes Aid •H&t daJ MtrMtlw~ .. ,ary f'Olft• ... c 01111y"""Co11Pilatt01ityPllot I"' • olMl• h ,,_ bl II Ph 11 roo •· ru · · work al rompanlon, men1uratt with U · • e -en s •AMtwC..C..t.. Ntwporl deac nur ..-.poss1 e. a Pl .. CM05 o ,._. H1n. Br/Ba. 1275. f'-llHnitt/culfom Hoac Holp 1000 sq ft.. ll$41-8156 7PM·llPM. _ ~'f!,":!l t~!Te~e!'::~~ f:t•nct. Call Sally: t ~ e ran Avail . No om •"-It *'Ond floorofflctt,am· y d • PAllOTllWAIDl ....... _. --•· -. I I • DrtP/DNI•· 545.5105 tt ,_ epace. pit parlllnc. well m1ln· OU on t n('('(I u i.tun to tat: Sat 'tbhlt fark _.__, -•--fhlll•lfled .\chc arl• thct t loa 1MO ~1"• .. s::.~:1 .. ~ bldl VlckJ days "ilrtw fa~I" when )OU West Apl1 In lrvlne. eorn..uon10rtvtr, J hn Ml!W\'f to 1a i.tat·t·l•Sshal t UO W. lly It 1 • ~ 114 /US .. 4100, ev u pla<'ean ldinlhe Dally Grffft w/blatlt bull. dall7. Rallpt. wkld1 . .-ra11eor y11rchak•!lt'•e Cottl ...... CAIHH e PW ... l ;ou ••ant tn ·-·· 714 1173·1112, luu .,,lot Want Ada! Call red, ll'ffD 6 7ellow. N.B. area. IU·UT a bl'tttr wa~tott'llmore • l}l!IJPl,lat<.~lfltdl ~l!Ml-· _ now _642·S67~--NIOafYW·mL_ .1.!qlll ! t -~ ............................. : \ r e&.m No work e'<p e r . neceuar)'. bill muKI . ha\'t 10 key by klllch. Some light ltCOURUng berilgrocmd OI' fl .. Se'll would be a plus. Thl5 position is in the in1ur1111tt <»pt. " fine Newport But• Co. orrerlnf excellent buenu ' startlni 11lary of $700, c.11 T_.y: .. ,,,.... SICllTAIY ()pfrations 1ervice1 of important companv nttds individual with dll'taf11.ne 1yfin1 know du. L g ht barlc1rouad o k . Slartinc sa1ary "°° up. Call Tuelday: lkt72.0l0t IUSIMISS DIYILOPM9fT OMC• New bank seeks ex p e r ienced individual Mthm banks business development area. Excellent o pporlll'D ity. Call Tuesday. c.ry: t1J.Ol0t LOAM MMMTS New division ol oot or state ba nk s eeks experienced indMduals with ability to originate package & negotiate major 2nd trust dteds. Mortgage bank or PPB Co . ba c It g round preferred. Excellent benefits potential ' starting salary Sl.000 + comm lu ion .• Ca II Tuesday: C.-ry: '72.f JO I SICllTAIY Belutif..,..beac.4h lotatld blnll seeks ex~ co mmercial• In s tallment loin aeeretary to wotll i1 smell braftth, Compeny offers excelletit benefits 'irowth potetllill. c.u Ttllllda,•: c.;,: m.t11 I M111a1• terulein Si wded for buly N. B. of· MaxVll fit"e. Nnllor1 eertlfkate Needed. plA .-. ort I ,...._.,Ml...,, . 15 to 25--.,... week. =~UITO .eveninp and pouibly -Saturday. ExperieMe In Yarhb,J.131 ad buildin1 or paae Pl , Colla Ilea nakeup desinllle. AbHi· * MODaS •MO.S ly to wort fat alld H · Girtl Deeded part time curately ....-J>retlUN to boat pa rties aa necessary. Salary de· m-im pends oa espertence. · The DailY. POot ii aa MOOMUellTIHl7 equal oP'portunity Tw1I yeur extra hours employer. Women and illlo H.8 . ...ell$ minorillu are n · Namy, a1e 3MO, English ~..:rt.~.&... at Pff•ry &all(uage. Own fromcounier. Ii *ive 111&o. Won lam· · 4pm, Mon·Fri. No :!f c..t homework or cooking PW eseept for IDlmed. care JJO • .., St. ,ma1Na1 to 6tmo. old c-. ...._CA. bllbJ. SAiary .n. Ref'•i-.-----~lllf 11«. Call .. -6005; after RECEPTIONIST / lml~illt Z call•tal. -Ty PIS T . C . II . ..._,~ chiropradic olc, lnMnl UV&IN. 600 smoker, SSWPll. 10 key bJ tourh. wlcda~ PM 5-7, Wknds Call for appt, t .. Pll. 7.7 PM.~ work ~•;=...o..mo~------1 N . ~ST WSlnl Opportunity + with fut MUISIS AIOI gl'OWillJ Cmand al plan· Exper'd, all shifts. ning firm i11 Newport Oonv. Hoap. Nwpt. Bch. Beach. Need IOmtOM Brin& your smile & join with good appearance, 111! Free mjr. med:, den-typing & general office taJ " Ufe las. Call Mrs. stills. Start immed. Call Slooe: 64HIM4. 640-4482 btwn l-3pm. The festest draw in the Selhng ~nyUung . with a West. . .a Daily Pilot Daily _Pilot Classified Ad ClaMilied Ad 642-5678 !S a simple matter .. ----·~ · Lustcall64€567~8~.~-••••••••••••••• • • . • • .... Tl Of'MMa • • M<!l~r route in Prjfil~. ~ewport • Beach area. Low miles; ap-e proximately 350 customers. • • Weekday hours 2:30-5:30pm. e Sat & Sun. 5am-7am. Minimum e amOlUlt or collecting. For de· e • tails call Bruce Carty or e e 'Foster Ouellet at 642-4321. e •••••••••••••• ~· .... -........ ------------·-..._._----·~ l'"()N"4fi l 'riH''C" ! • ... .o4~ Z JC :!11118 l1;11 IM1r Kh·d t '11>l.1 :\( .. , •• :..10-03:111 WllUY USEDCARS &TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR ... APPIAJlii\L Ci>rm~r-DeLlllo tsn~VD. HUNTINGTON BEACH M7-60l7or or t712 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 15. 1982 MODILS tM STOCI ..OWl Chd eu t••tl ......._efHNO. ••ti tUALITY Pll ·OWNIO ~ .... ............. .. 'I l ~.c..a. TOOAYI SALIS • •Y1C1 LIAa. SADDLEIACK IMW 114a........,.. NW'f. .. lllOM YllJO ~*Y Pkwy on 1.5 111-IMO ~­aosec1 Sundays • ATLAS CHRYSLa..._ YMOUTH 2929 Hubor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 5-46-1934. 3 blocks. sooth of San Diego Freeway olf Harbor Blvd. Complete1 1body shop. Sales. Service Pans. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday . • HACH IWOUS 848 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel. 752·0900. Call us. we're the specialists lor Alla Romeo. Peugeot, Seal> & MaMratl . • THEODOIEIOllNSFOtlD Modefn sales, service. parts. body, paint & tire depts. Compet1tiw rates on lease & dalily rentals 2060 Harbor BIYd .. Costa Mesa. 842·0010 or S40-8211. JOHNSON & SON UMCOLH MBCUIY 2829 Harbor Blvd .• Costa MeN. Tel. ~5630. 57 Years of triendly family service -Orange County's old"t I.in~ coin-Mercury dealership. SOUTH COAST DOMI 2• Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel.~. RV MNlce tpeeiallata, ~.u1tom van converlions. NIWPOIT MO.TS 3100 W. Coaat Highway, Newport e .. oh. Tel. M2·t405/S40-1764. The Ferran~. .. ,. \ COMMftl CHEVROLET .... • 1 •• ' r-I I \~ ' ~4&-I 200 ..... u .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,..... tf 40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '11 C1prl . 'lnecll tu ('fflfnt, AM/F CHHttt w/eq Gd trana. It/JO 68d Mul l tell SUO u.c... tf 41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7t Lincoln Vtruilles Ul)lt blue Xlnl cond. ~631·1345""645·4010 - ......... tf 12 ·~~···················· Ill Mutta.na. T· Top Ork Blue. Xlnt <And 13700 Or Best Call Eves, ~N3 ·es Ford ll111tan1. Ru11 Wtll SL800 or Reas or . ]!J. 752·2820 art SP M '66 Must. ronvtrl . 289 ai&o, xlnt rond. 1st l3SOO ~e1,__MS~ a. • ..-. ttH ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Old's CutlHS Good Cond Ster eo SIOOO Must Sell! 475-2279 '79 Old's Cutlass All Xtraa + Snrf. CHERRY CAR ! 15700 0 80 -~963-9400 '7JDehloy• Xlnt rond. Owner 1 ~rhaaj_rJ1035. ~-8039 Piiio tt57 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Pinto Runabout Lo Lo MJ 4 Sl>d, Air, Stereo, Tape. Full Pwr PP. 67J.!l9!.:..P2·~1 '74 Pinto, new paint. clean in & out Sl800 Warren S36 9968, §!LZJlll_ --_.. ........ tt60 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Tl Arrow GT. 5 spd, air. AM1FM. $2495. 1135-23231631-2'7 SO B n a'! '74 Dusttr. 6 ryl. stk. Am1FM Stereo tape. New eng, clutch. in· lttior, vin lop. receipts avail 21 mpg. Sl850 -~ ....................... 'Tl Thunderbird. beaut. oond. AJI xtras. s.noo. !!2·«il2 - MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • MEWPC>n DA TSUM 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. ,\t the triangle ol Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Vic· torla Station. Sain, Service. Leasing & Parts. Fl•t d• oounts to the public. • . NAIHS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. ~9100. Orange County's Largest Cad illac dealer. Sales. Service. Leas· mg • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICIC.fl'ONl1AC-MA%DA Sales • Servioe • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills 837·2400 • CHICIC IVHSON POltSCHl-AUDl-VW 415 E. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only dealership In Orange County with theM thrH great makes under one roof! • ALAN MAGNOM ftOMl'IAC-SUIAIU 2480 Hart>or Blvd.. Costa MeM. Tel. 54M300. Sal .. ,. S.Vlce, Leeslng .• "Mr. Goodwreneh." 0 HOUSI 0. IWOln'S MIK•B•ll.> ............ LIMllilt 92 Manch .. ter Blvd .. &.na Pertl (on Santa Ane F,...9Y). Take BHch Blvd, offremp -Sharp rlght on Manchester. ow. MER-CEDll (213 or 714) 137.2333 • • IOI LONGPRE roMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd .. Westminster. Tel. 892-6651 Orange County's oldest, and largest Pontiac dealership Sales. Service, Parts. • SAIL CHIVIOLn 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach °'Qrry'• .......... ~ ,.., .. SALES HOURS: Mon ·Fri. ~7. Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10.4 494·1131 546-9967 COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Hart>or Blvd , Costa Mesa Tel 540.6410 Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mlle 'so 405 • SUNSn FORD, IMC. . (Home of Wiiiie the Whale~ s.440 Garden Grove Blvd .. Westminster Tel 636-4010 • • SANT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Sar\ta Ana. Tel 558·781 1. Your- Or1glna1 Dedicated Oaisun Dealer • MllACLI MAZDA We'w movedl Our new location ii 1425 Baker Street, eo.ta Meet Tel. ~5-3334. Stop by & visit our bf'and new lhOwroom and ... why we're the 11 Mazda dealer 1n Southern Callforoia. Sales, Service, Parts and Leasing . • AMAH8M MAZDA '-cw,O.C. ....... ~ ... ,.,.. '-"* "-C..." eo1 S. Anehelm Blvd .. Anaheim 966-1820. Juat north of Senta An1 Frwy. on Antlhelm &Nd. Cell us first! "WE ARE HARO TO FINO-eUT WORTH ITI" • SADDUIACllMW~AltU ...-02 Margueri te Pkwy .. AV91Y Pkwy. eJtit Wit offer what no bank or leaM compeny can· t EJCpertly sc.tted. moat mod•n aervice & PlrtS dept : 2. One of the Southland'• most experienced .._ & leaalng st9"; 3 Elimination of the mt Odle,,,. n by IMalng dMler dt'9Ct. 131·2040 4 .... DGM LEASING. IMC . 730 w. 19th St , Costa Mesa 642·19« You're m fore surprise at DGM Leasing • CONNELL CHIVaOUT .2128 Hart>or Blvd .. Costa Mela. Ov9f 20 years serving Orange County! s.1 ... INsing, MtVloe. Cell 5'46·1200; tpeelal parts line: 546·9400: body shop line: 754-0WO. • IOY CA9'VM IOU.S IOYCMMW / 1540 JambOtH Road. Newport Beech. fJ40.e444. Sal ... Service, Patts And L ... ing. COMSIDll IT SOLOI UMd cera •e 1n derNnd and Mil quic:kly when ldllertiHCI 'In cleaalfi«S. To place your privlrte ~ed. a.II s.lty L• •Ma-M71. FOR FURifHER INFORMATIO.N, OR ro· BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT R~~ 642-56781 • • M () N [l A Y f-l: Bf H J A H Y I ·, 1 '1 il. , . .. • • • • • -•tliUI •Y PINI UH AN<,f l OUN' ( L AL II (1H NIA 2~ CE NTS ·uoWling storin sinks oil rig; 84 feared dead ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland (AP> -One of the world's: largest oil rigs sank today in a . howling North AUanUc storm off I the coast of Newfoundland and 84 workers aboard were missing and feared dead. Rescue plan es and ships battled poor visibility in rain and snow in a search for any survivors. The rig operator , Mo b il Oil Canada Ltd., sal4 bodies were spotted in the water w h ere the rig had been operating 175 nautical miles east of St. John's. The men had been ordered to aba ndon the rig whe n it developed a 15-degree list after a night·long beating in gale winds and snow, Mobil said. About nine hours later. Mobil PERFECT CONDITIONS Ke rmit the Frog hitched a ridE> on '.'Jorth Laguna Comm unit~· Association's entry in Laguna Mrs. Reagan opens anti-drug crusade WASHJNGTON !AP> Nancy Reagan is venturing on a rare trip without her husband that will shift the spotlight from her· free i:lothes and expensive china and focus it on her campaign against drug abuse. One of Mrs . Reagan's staJf aides , who asked not to be identified, said the fi rst lady wants to draw attention lo the problem of drug abuse a nd hopes "the publicity that results will make a lot of people across the country aware of it ... However, the aide was careful to say Mrs. Reagan is not endorsing any of the particular projects s he visits. White House aides have expr essed concern that Mrs. Reagan's spending habits have received more publicity than her interest in drug abuse treatment and foster grandparents -her two pet projects. . Mrs. Reagan planned visits to drug treatment centers today in Tampa and St. Petersburg, Fla. She is t o be i n Dallas on Tuesday. The journey was preceded by an unusual briefing for reporters accompa nying the first lady. complete with a film about one or the drug progra ms she is visiting. M r .:s . Reagan o fte n h as expressed concern a bout the lllllil l:lllT 1111111 Chance of m easurable rain 10 percent or less through Tuesday . Considerable cloudiness. Tonight's lows 52 to 58. Tuesday's highs 62 at beaches, 68 inland . C Details Page A3 >. l•llTlllY Crn11 o/i.*"" boat• brawd light wind•. /og .ond Uar.at.,.., •kif• du""9 Ow SJr d M•d.oinfer RegoUo. Re.wt• .cart on Hoge 85. t ' nation's drug probiem, but has limited her active involvement to giving a few speeches and vis iting a few treatment centers. The presid ent 's wife has b lamed t he d r ug proble m partially on permissive parents. Yet, she also has acknowledged that she believes her two grown c hildren "probably smoked m arijuan a at o ne t im e o r another." Mrs. Reagan's a ides said today's trip is the first in a series as she gets more deeply i nvo lved 'in the a nti-drug crusade. "Mrs. Reagan is not an expert in the field of drug abuse," said one aide. "She doesn't seek to endorse, she seeks to support. She supports the concept of parents ' groups and s he's looking and listening and learning just like everybody else and hopes to increase . . . the understanding and the concern for the problem in the hopes that the experts will find solutions ." Her first stop was the Pinellas Park Elementary School in St. Petersburg, where s he was sitting in on a drug prevention program aimed at fifth graders. lo the evening , she was to attend a three-hour meeting of parents and adolescents who are goi ng t hrough a treatment program called Straight Inc. She was particularly impressed with this pro&ram, an aide said, because It does not use government money, it is drug free, it is one of the few programs designe d for adolescents, it accepts only children who have t>acking from their families and most of its partlcipants are not rrom court referrals. The program often lasts a year and costs between Sl,000 and $2.SOO., lt uses many ot the same principles as Alcoholics Anonymous. After spending the ni1ht ln Tampa, Mrs. Rea1an files to Dallas to meet with the Texans' War on Dnap, a 1roup of 17 promlneat civic leaders wbich ha• ... lmtrwneetal la pWq the atate to pus ton&roVentat laws outla•IDI dru1 parapllenaalla and provldta1 stiff prlton lerm1 for dru1 pushers. Tb• ftnt llldy also will vllll a parent f roup dedicated to remo• n1 dru1s from RleU..C., a IUIMn'tt of DalJM. f, # issued a s tatem ent that the Ocean Ranger had gone down. Two lifeboats were sighted by search aircraft -one capaized and the other stern-down in the ,..ater. A partially inflated Hreraft also was seen, rescue authorities said. There r eporte dly we r e survival suits on t he rig for all those aboard. Officials said they probably could have kept a wearer alive for about an hour. but It was not known if the workers had time lo put them on. A search and r esc u e s pokesman in Halifax said waves as high as 40 feet made It impossible to retrieve bodies although tugs in the area could see them floating. DMly ...... ,...."ca..-~ ' Beach's 16th annua l Patriot's Da~· Parade '.'Jinct~· l'nlries 'amused the spectators. 1 Prizes listed on Pai!t.' l·tJ 1 BOOKED Los A ngt•les Ra m s quarterba<:k Dan Pas torini was booked in Nt.•wport Beach Sunda,· on s u s µicion o f clrun'ken dri\'inj! Ram booked on driving charge in NB Los Ange l es R a ms quarterback Dan Pastorini posted $1,500 bail early today and was released from Newport Beach Jail, where he was booked late Sunday night on suspicion of drunken driving. Pastorini', 32, was stopped about 11 p.m. Sunday by a Newport Beach police officer at Brookhurst Street and Pacific Coast Highway In Huntinston Beach, said Lt. Gary Petersen ol the Newport Beach P olice Department. He said the arresting officer saw Pastorini's Porsche streak past Prospect Street in Newport Beach on the coast hilhwaY. at 95 to 100 mph. Blaze hits Santa Ana Dietal f ir01 Fire broke out in a Santa Ana e lectrical plating company today. causing minor injuries to two people and resulting in an unknown amou nt of contaminated water entering the city's sewer system. Fire department officials said the blaze caused an estimated $40,000 damage to the facilities of National Technology Co. at 220 W. Central Ave. The fire was ~xti!lguished before dawn today. Sufrer ing fr om s mok e inha lation were a Santa An a firefighter and an unidentified per son believed to be an employee of the firm, which is involved in the plating of metals for electrical circu{t boards. A fire department spokesman said this morning a hazardous material cleanup company has diked off storm drains in the area and is cleaning up water contam inated with c hemicals that drained from the building. The spokesman said a vat containing plating acids was involved in the fire. F ire officials believe some chemically contaminated water leaked into the sewer system. The amount is unk nown , however. Oflicials said workers at the county's sewa ge treatment facilities have been alerted so they ~an take precautionary action to neutralize or filter out the contaminated waler. Firefi1hlers ..,. ealled to lite scene at a;J 4 a.at. today by employees o first tried to douse the na s themselves. Twenty-fl 1 flrefl1hters had the blaze under control within a half hour, spokesmen said. Two sear c h a nd r escue helicopters are at the site along with an airplane. Two boats were in the area searching for survivors and another service vessel was heading lo the Ocean Ranger site from other oil rigs working in the area. Two other boats en route from St. J ohn's were expected to arrive by evening. The company said there was no Indication of whether any of t hose aboard s urvived the sinking or the attempts to escape in lifeboats. A spokes m a n for the rig owners -Ocean Drilling and Exploration Drilling Co. of New Orleans , La .. -said that of the 114 p eople o n the rig 10 <See RIG, Paie AZ> Police probe shooting ·at deputy's home By PHIL SNEIDER MAN Of .. INity l"I• , .... Police were trying today to piece together de tails of a weekend shooting in which a Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy fatally wounded one of three people allegedly trying to break in lo his Huntington Beach home. Huntington Beach police Lt. Merle Schneblin said the dead man Is a 21-year-old transient who had lived most recently in Anaheim. He said the man's name was bei n g w ithhe ld pending notification of his family. The incident occurred at 6 a.m. Sunday at the Gu mm Drive residence of Richard Orosco, 32. a IO-year veteran of the Sheriff's office currently assigned to the Norwalk station. reports show. Orosco told officers he and his wife were awakened by the sound of two men removing glass frem a bedroom window and attempting to crawl inside. The <!eputy instructed his wife to call police while he took a .38 -caliber re volver from a closet. Orosco told officers. T he deputy told police he confronted the two men in the back yard and ordered them to halt. When the men refused to stop and pointed dark objects that appeared to be guns. Orosco fired three shots at them . he told police. The two continued to flee until one collapsed on the sidewalk while the other entered a car waiting in front of the home, the deputy told police. Orosco held one man and a woman i n t h e ca r until Huntington Bea c h police arrived. The dead man was struck by a single bullet entering his upper back, U . Schneblin said. The two others arrested bv (See DEPUTY, Paie AZ> ...., """"* ...... ~ SMOKE EATER A Costa Mesa fireman leaves the entrance to the Deja Vu nightclub during a blaze that gutted the builtling today. Investigators are combing the charred interior to determine the cause or the fire. Pastorini fajled a roadside sobriety test and was booked into Jail, he said. The quarterback, who joined the f.rofesslonal football team last all, lives ln Newport Beach. according to the. police arrest Fire guts Mesa bistro report. · It was not the first time Pastorini has made headlines for his drtvtn1. In December t•. Putorlni then a reserve for tbe Oakland lhldera1· suffered a cut mouth aaa bnalHll noH after his car hit a tree In Almeda, which la near Oakland. ' Police said the accident waa due to "eRelli" 1peed." Coeta Mesa firemen battled a stubborn blue that sutted the interior ot the Deja Vu nitbtclub lbi1 mornln1 as score• of 1pectaton watched. The 'fire broke out In tbe nithtelub at 23115 Newport Blvd. at about I : 15 a .m. and within momenta black 1moke l'OM into the leaden lki•. Police SI\. R.J . Bell Hi4 inH1~ton were 1Hkln1 a man wttMtla aald tMJ ~ saw runnbll from the one-llor'J m1ht club Just momenta after 1moke was seen comlnl from tbe front and rear doon ot the buUdln1. I Firemen, wearln1 breaUUn• apparlltua &nd wieldin1 axa1 chopped holes in the roof ana rear door to 1ain acceu to the blaae. Deana Gilpin. wbo Hid ahl ii the muapr of tM al1hlelub, was la teen a1 •be watelled flrem• bettlln1 lbe fire lnlkle the concrete llructure. ' She said the owners 1peat more than SZS0 ,000 ln remodeUn1 the 6,4GO-aqare-foot bulldinl Just two yean alO. ·'It had new carpettnc - ever)'lhln1," she IObblll. , Tom EIHa, co-o..., of tbl Deja Vu, arrlVed at &be llllbt· club parkln1 lot a .. o•l IO" .minutes aft.-Ute ftn UDIU. clitea&IW, .... AI) ' ' ,.. U.auls ~y,· 9; shot to death From PegeA1 DEPUTY. • • ~ " , unsucceufulb to pry llt mouua Ol'•D Satut••1 durin1 tb• PltltMtl\ Aato Show. JamH .. ala or auburbao U••• It. Clair under•Hl .... 17 • ,..,... dama1e to an artery t.aldnl blood to the braln. Tbe youtl\, who received numerous ltit.claea to close cult on h• rece and n.ck, wM ln ontiff addresses if(eria11:· students. IBAl>AH', Ni1eria <AP> -sectarim d.iffenncea preftftled Paul JI, 1pea1d9c tbe M.a.IDI from .. ""*"' °" a.• this natloft's lar..-bow to ,,..t lloalem N'8eria l•~. told students and to the pope. Tbe Vatican, ln a ue-. aat to Ion si&hl ot statement released today. teld r1 ... , . .aue& while p.urauinl the Moalems' decision aot to ~development. appear was "independent of tbe Eoonomie pro1resa, the holy father."' tiff uld in hit bea)ily at The pope bad planned lo us, "ii DOt enouah to free deliver a speeeh Sunday to an from the many conditions religious leaders at the State aituat.iens of incompleteness House in Kaduna stressint such at beset his pel10fl&llty and co~ ~on aspects of .t~e two Jiis life in society." rel1g~ons as oppos 1t1on to His message, oo the fourth a.bort1on, respe_ct for human Gay of his West Africa tour, was rights and belier m o~e God. at the University or Ibadan, in But after ~ddressmg at le~t this city ~iles north of Lagos. 500,000 swaying, h~nd·clappmg Police seb.ed an armed man at people at an open-aar Mass, the ·Lagos' National Stadium shortly pontiffs appearance at the State before Pope John Paul II House was canceled and be celebrat~ Mass there Friday, made his second speech ~ead &the News Arency or Nigeria said to t WO ~oslem prov1~clal •oday. gov,e.rnors m a crowded airport It also said three peopte, one waiting room: . with a loaded ptstol were After reading his speech, the arrested at Kaduna 's 'au-port pope presented two pontifical Sunday shortly after the pope medals then waited , vlstbly left after a trip to northern embar~assed, for the customary ...Nigeria. response of thanks. It never •· . came, and be boarded his plane ,; M e a n w h 1 I e , s e v e r a I for the night back to Lagos. explanations were given today 'for the cancellation of a me«in1 ihat had been scheduled Sunday in the northem state of Kaduna between Moslem leaders and the J\M>pe -attempting to improve it-elations between Christianity 1and Islam. ~ Nigerian 90urces, who asked not to be ide ntified . sa"1 o\14... A government spokesman said rivalry among three Moslem sects prevented agreement on a delegation to meet tbe pope. But Catholic leaders said the failure of the religious representatives to appear was a setback for Vatican efforts to weave better ties with Islam. atable condition at Alle1heny General Hospital today, said Dorothy Packer, a nursing supervisor.1 "The couaar just pounced on the kid . got him by the neck," said Dona ld R oma n , a concession stand operator at the show. "You could see the blood. ll was terrible." 1 The cougar, named Tom-Tom, was one or several cats beint used u a promotional gimmick for IJincoln-Merc ury autos durlng the show. H was known for its peaceful disposition. "I've personally played with this cat, with my bare hands. It was just one of those weird thincs, a freak occurrence. AP ....... AND THE BAND PLAYED ON Pope John Paul II salutes band conductor outside Kaduna Cathedral in '.'ligeria. The Pope C'elebrated an open air mass Sunda~· at th<' ra<'e track We're very ul)Mt,'' aald Donald Bishop, mana1er or the show, which was sponsored by the Pittsburgh Automobile Trade Anoclatioo. The boy, who went to the show with his family, spent most ot Sunday sleeping, Mrs. Packer 11aid. "Monday will be a day" for talkin& about what happened, s he said . "l think h e remembers. But he doesn't want to talk about it. He hasn't been very talkative." Seals was runntn1 with another boy at the convention center as Steele was brin&in1 the leashed animal into a crowded s how area, said Michael Reilly, a spokesman for the auto show. The cou1ar suddenly_ oounced on Seals. Steele "had his bands wide the cat's mouth trying to pry open the jaws, ·but be wasn't able to do it," reilly said. '"The cat wouldn't release the child but he waan't able to bite down any further, either." Police Sgt. Arthur Banze, an off-duty officer attending the show, shot the cougar in the shoulder after Steele rolled out of the way. Steele wasn't hurt. ''If people hadn't gathered around and kicked the animal, I could have han41led it . . . could have gotten him to let go. They only made him more excited," said Steele, who operates Bob Steele Animal Productions of Lessburg, Fla. "It was my only accident ever. He was my best cat, too." "Just like a house cal, if you spook the cat, it's going to react," Reilly said. Dawn Stader, 25, a trainer who was with the cat, was arrested by police after she allegedly swore at Banze and ki cked him in the groin when he shot the animal, police said. She was charged with aggravated assault, terroristic threats. disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, police said. Steele's son, Michael, 25, was charged with obstructing an officer in the line of duty and disorderly conduct, officers said. police are Henry SanUaao. 25, and Patricia Leonard, 2', each residing at the same Aaahelm addre11s. The two were In Hunt1neton. Beach Jail today on suspicion ot murder and buralary. Ball wu set at $250,000 each. Lt. Schneblin said inveatiaaton are attemptin• to determine a motive for the break-lo. He said llema found In· the trio's car contained Oro1co's address. "We've found no Indication they had any beef with the deputy," he said. "SO far we don't know why they had his address. There ls no indication they knew him." From PageA1 BISTRO. • • Police and fire illvesticators were combine the charred Interior late this morntn1 in an . effort to determine the cause ot the blaze. Final rites slated for FV executive Funeral services for Fountain Valley business executive Jack· Paul Johnson, who died of cancer Friday, are scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel in Costa Mesa. John son, 59, was vice president i n c harge of marketing for the Los Angeles-based FarBest Corp. for the last 20 yea rs. He was em ployed by the firm. which manufactures greases and oil lubricants. for the past 35 years. Born in Portland , Ore., Johnson was an avid sportsman who enjoyed fishlng, golfing and boxing. He was a one-time contender for the Air Force li&htwelght boxing crown. ' from BB die in weekend .air crftshes The 6-year-old cougar was one of 11 cats being used during the five-day show as a promotional gimmick, Reilly said. Before Saturday , the event 's next-to-last day, all the animals had been chained to Lincoln-Mercury autos or other equipment at the event, he said. None of the animals was used following the mauling Sunday. A World War II Air Force veteran, Johnson served both as a pilot and radio operator. Re was past president or the Huntington Harbour Anglers association and a member or the Tuna Club of Avalon. ~ ''' T w o H u n tin gt o n Be a c h !residents are among eight *°pie who lost their li ves in five ~1r ct-ashes over tbe•weetend in 0liorU1em California as rain and high winds buffeted the area. ~uthoritles repoMed. ·' .... w1 Fo.ar liibt airplanes and a logglnl helicopter crashed tn 1'tormy weather, authorities ~ported~ ), Pilot Douglas Scott Jr., 48, and passenger· Jeanne Catherine Inlay, 42, both of Huntlngtoo Beach, were kmed about 4:30 p.m . Saturday in the crash of a San Jose-bound Rockwell Commander 112, in tbe Loa Bano. area near P~heeo Pass lllout 40 miles south or Modesto in the San Joaquin Valley. according to The Associated Press. The crash was one or three light planes that fell within 25 miles of each other in the Los Banos area, authorities said. A fourth crash involved a light pla ne that s lammed into a hillside about 25 miles north of San Francisco. A logging helicopter c rashed in a forest about 165 miles northeast of the city in the fifth crash of the weekend. '"It was raining all day ~ay <in the Los Banos area J but last night it was real misty," Sgt. Bill Blake or Merced County Sheriff's office said Sunday . night. "It was probably a lot worse up in those hills." All the accidents are under investigation by the Na lion al Transportation Safety Board the Federal Aviation Administration. Officials could not immediately determine the cau~es of the crashes. In Detroit, a spokesman for the Lincoln-Mercury Di vision of Ford Motor Co. said Sunday the automaker bad nothin~ to do with sponsoring the animals" appearance at the show His profe.ssional associations included the American Society of Lubrication Engineers and the American Grease Institute. Johnson is survived by his wire. LeNelle; daughter Terri Moore, of Huntington Beach; and a grandson, Jeramy. \ Pendleton f.rom Page A 1 JUG ... Women suspects ringlellders? "It's a long-standing tradition to allow the local association to arrange the entertainment." said 0 . William Day. public relations manag er f o r Lincoln-Mercury . which has named some of its models after big cats and uses them in its advertisin~. schedules auction A public auction will be held at Camp Pendleton Tuesday 16 at 9 a.m. in buildlng 2241 at the base. Americans and 25 Canadiaos '9'ere employees of the oWfters. 1•\ICompany public relations officer Al Spindler said the Hmainder of the crew were ftrvice hands employed by s ub-contracting firms . Most .ould be Newfoundlanders. Of four burglary suspects arrested Friday inside a Woodbridge jewelry store in' Irvine. the three women apparently were the ringleaders and the man was merely their "muscle," an investigator said today. Suspects arrested al Janine's J ewelry Store, 463() Barranca, identified themselves as Carolyn Stewart. 22. Francis Benze. 22. '· Mobil's statement said that ~'8ir-sea rescue has been unable • locate the Ocean Rahger but tlae site has been tdenWied by helicopter throug!t the rig'~ .-nchor buoys and water-rider IM.loys." TbJs equipment would have tteeo .uached to the rig itself ~hd would pinpoint the drill site. :> Spindle.-said the Ocun Raager hH been driUln1 on fll ewfoundland tor about 1 Ya .years ud ln the praent location since NOYember. Storm in N·orthwest wreaks havoc Tbc severe winter storm riit the area late Su'"'-r md at.ron1 winds continued to lash east.em Wfoundl•nd &od-.v. A Mobil spokesman said two her ri1,11 the Sedco-706 and apata U&land , were dri1Un1 in e vicinity of the Ocean Ranger nd were safe. Mobfl aald theH was no ssibllity or what it described s a bk>wOUt of the wen. known s J .24, which tM Ocean Ranter ad been drilling. The rla was built by itaubltbl Heavy Industries td. ia HiroM.lma, Japan, and heel ln 11'16. The world's worst 1ou of Ure an oU-ria disut.er occurred arch n , 1980, 200 miles off orway . The Alexander lelland ril capsi-takifte 1218 pie to tbefr de.U.• In tbe ortb Sea. By The ~lated Press A st orm in the Pacific Northwest today unleashed floods . avalanche• and mudslides and blocked roads and '"8-ied a highway worker, and o.e wellther service warned that many ri•ers were st.ill on the rile. In Idaho, more than a foot of wet snow blocked state Highway 21 between Idaho City and Stanley during the night and snowplowa were unable to clear the road. The .South Fork ·of the Coeur d'Alene River in northem Idaho was Oooding at Enaville and some residents cars and trailers to hi r ground. The Na · Weather Service said heavy snow oo the 1round was coottibutiQI to the floodtnc. · ·'The new falling rain hu no place to nm off, causllll1 f1oodlAI problems,·• Yid l.-Colla oldie weather semce m Idaho. Jn Wuhinatoa. flood warnfnas were posted tcfday for tbe Snoqualmie , Snobomlab, Nooksack, Slilla1uaml1la, Skykomilb, Oteh&Ht and ..,er Cowlita Rivera in we~n. Cl&-, ......... "......,.. ....................... . ...... .:. .......... . . -4' ..::-4't' ._ -' ~-:t:"'t: ----:4""1-: .__ -1 •J.-. --. . --c>J .. ) ... _., -. _:i;:. __., • -# -· --~~-.\.. -· . --_ --' :I - Washington and for Hangman Creek in Spokane County. Floods and snowslides closed a number of other roads Sunday as more than 4 inches of rain fell in places. Yakima set a Valentine's Day record temperature of 62, breaking the mark of 60 set in 1924. Missing and presumed dead was Bobby Johnson, a state highwa y crewman who ~as operating a dirt moving mac hine at a muds lide on Highway l2 south of Elma when a second slide surged into the area. Washington Departme nt of Transportation crews dug through the mudslide Sunday, but could not find Johnson or his machine. said Grays .Harbor County Sheriff D e nnis Morrisette. The highway, which connects Elma and Chehalis, will be closed several dis, officials said. McCleary, 20 es west of Olympia, got 4.8 hes of rain in 24 hours, Bellin1ham got 2~ inches and Olympia received 2 inches. Roll.out alated for Columbia CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. <AP> -Only lat-minute checks remained for apace shuttle webnlclana on the eve of the Columbla's 3~·mlle roUout to tbe launch pad for it1 third 111tllion into apace. At 2 a.m. PST Tuesday, the tbutUe is scheduled to be rolled out of the h•I• Vehicle A11embly Bulldm1 to ltt launcb tlte. 11'9 laUMh ol the world's first reusable spacecraft ii acbeduled for llareb 22 . • Evita Cardln, 27. and Anthony Johnson, 25. All told police they are from Hollywood. However, Lt. Bob Lennert said today the foursome carried no identification and their names are being double-checked. The four were arrested at 4: 33 p. m . after the suspicious store owner tripped his silent robbery alarm. Lennert alleged that the female suspects were trying to distract the owner while the man used a file to loosen the glass tops or display cases. The women, then, were to lift jewelry from the cases when the owner wasn't looking, he said. Lennert said s imilar-type burglaries have been reported recently in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Copter lands in vacant lot A private he licopter being . used by the Mission Viejo Co. security department made an e me r gency landing in Irvine Saturday after its tail rotor malfunctioned. p6lice said tC;day. Nobody was injured when the helicopter landed at 12:56 p.m. at a vacant lot on the northeast corner of the intersection of Mi c helson Drive and Von Karman Avenue. Among the 195 items to be o ff ered will b e dental e quipment , s leeping bags, generator s, vehicles. tents, folding cots and office machines . Ot h e r items include refrigerators, guitars. fishing k it s. ammo boxes , food pre paration e quipment , ponchos, pneumatic mattresses and personal gear . The items are currently on display for inspection from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily except weekends and holidays. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. on the day of the auction. Bidders must be present. Mailed bids won't be accepted. For more information, call Sonia Johnson at 725-4331. ompany's SALE • .. 11cW1 q's 1 '..tyt We .. in the midlt of what 18 lhaping up to be one of the best lld .. .,.,. ever Md ... .,,,. 81 C 11• •J h• the merchandiM Md service to make yours even better. · ..... .... ~nol D;riiftt KZ SMM•.co Dyrwnic Alllchle Flecher Ko Flad'I .......... IJWW.cfu . "'*''"'' ra:.c~'· 631·3210 Geza Tyrolla M.,._r • I I A~W.,...... M~AITAL BLISS Actress Ma risa Berenson and law\'er Richard Golub cele brate just afte r their wt•dding at ~ew York·s Ol~·mpic Towe rs Sundav. · 'Hog wild' eater gets p ayoff He m ay h ave gotten nowhere near the record. but John ·Blakesley's marathon s paghetti munch won him a trip for two to New York·s Little Italy d istrict. Blakesley out-ate m ore than 100 other contestants Sunday in a competition o rganized jointly by a London pizzeria aptly A Los Angeles man has become a big winner on tonight's Sugar Ray Leonard title fight in Reno even before the first ' punch has been thrown. J ack Greenberg, 32. who won a $202 ,468 jac kpot Former President Jimmy Carter mad e a brier appearance at country singer Tom T. Hall's home to plug f ellow Democrat Jim Sasser's bid for re·election to the U.S . Sena t e from Tennessee. The reception was followed b y a $125 p er.perso n named Fatso's and the · Standard. t h e B r itis h c apital 's a ft er noon news paper. "Some people have said I ea t like a pig. Well . it certainly paid off this time," s aid a j ubila nt Blakes ley after consuming 100 yards of spaghetti in one minute and 31 seconds . Saturday. told Cal Neva Club officials he 'd never been to Reno before. "lie said he has always visited Las Vegas:· said club s pokesman Nor m Nielson. "But he decided to come lo Reno just for the fight." Valentine ·s Day dinner-dance at the Opryland Ho•el in Nashville. Carter, his wife. Ros alynn, and Tennessee·s Democratic leaders joined Hall and has wire, Dixie, in greeting more than 1,000 people at the S500·per-couple reception for Sasser. - . An lnJuey toroed MlkW l ar11nl1&0Y to oa._,11 at ltllt two of bll Hhtdultd Ian hanolHo performaMll wlth the Amtrlcan lalltt Th11ter, tht company 1111. "I a m 1 1p1cl1lly dl; '\ppolnttd llnCt I WU not ablt to dance htrt lut 11a1on and 1lnc1 San Francllco hu 1lw1y1 been one of my favorite cltlt1," Baryshnikov 11ld. Former President Rlebard Nlxoa and hi.a wife. Pat, are spending a week in the Montego Bay resort area in Jamaica on the Carlbbe1m nation's northern coast. In a brief airport interview, Nixon said he and hls wife were In Jamaica "for relaxation and to enjoy the water and the beaches." Nixon said he has no plans to meet with Prime Minister Edward Seaga during his stay. Actress Shelley Winters wa s relea se d from Presbyte rian Hospital in Dallas after a two.day st.ay for treatment or the flu. The 60-year-old two-time Oscar winner had canceled performances Thursday ard Friday at a Dallas dinner theater. where s he has been • s tarring in rlfeil Simon's comedy, "The Gingerbread Lady." The object of one 's affection on Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a person, as proved by a number of actors, comedians and other ente rtainers who showed up in Santa Monica to help The Fund for Animals. ln an all-star variety show titfea ··S-tars ·n· Hearts," such celebrities as Comedian Lily Tom lin and actor Herve Vi llechalze from TV 's .. Fantasy Island," devoted their time and talent Sunday to a fundraiser designed to save animals from be ing inhumanely t r e ated i n medical laboratories. Actress Charlene Tilton and Texas country singer Johnny Lee we re married in a private Lake Tahoe ceremony, a spokesman for the couple said. Miss Tilton, 23, plays Lucy Ewing in the prime-time potboiler .. Dallas," while Lee, 35, recently rose to the top or country music charts by declaring t hat he was "Looking for Love" in all the wrong places. Driz zle possible Coasta l Ch•nc~ of m••sur•b•t r11n 90 oerun1 or IH\ 11\rouQn T u••O•y Consider able cloud•neu Co.1stal I-S2. Inland S8 Co.ul•I 11191> &2, ll\lancl 68 Water SS Ett.ewtwre. \'"411 crafl 60Y•\orv to '"",. Nicor•' t\l•nd tor gustv no<lhw~I winds IS IO JO ~noh .. ,,,, •• to •·foot ittt\ 0 1nerw1nv•. ti9ht v•rl•ble wlrtd\ lrHOuQn toru9ht ••cept south to Wuthw'"'"' A to 1a knoh Wule<lv \w•ll 1 10 3 feel M id morn11WJ ari11lf 1n north~rn ., .. V .S. summary Rain .,.d .,,.111•11~ snow 1>ro11Qh1 0000 w•ming~ to th•''"'' vellevi of WHlllft91on al\CI ld•no tOd•Y ., r•1n tell •1on9 the central Gulf Coa•1 ancl In SOUIMm FIOrlda Ski.s _... llf'M••llv rair o'er IM remainder of 1M nahon Snow..,.. loreu\t lor '"" nor11Mrn Grut 1.•es -nor1""rn M.lone "llh rain from tlle Mll.l1hern c;,.at I.Ake. Into New E"91and. hmperetu,., lodav were ••e>e<led to be In IN 60s al\CI 70\ from the SOU1Mrl\ llatf of the All•ntK Cool across tlle towe< M•H•H•ppi \/alley, the soulltern Roc,io, 1ne Inland Soulllwesl -SovtlM!rn C•lltomia. RudlnQs In the 20s Ancl :JOs were ••i>ecleo from tne norther" Pl•ln' and , ... UC>Pt• MIHIHIPP• V•lley ec:rou tlle Great IAk.H ano Maifte EIMwh~•. tlte lorecut celled for ttmperalu,.s In 1he 40\ ancl SOs. Temperatures around 11\e Nlion early -y ral\09d 1,..,m 13 l>el-In Houlton. "'-lne 10 76 In tCev wes1, "a. California Orlui. and fOQ -r• on lap for Southern C•lllwnla lllrOIJ9ll Tuesday, Temperatures Albany Atbuqu• Amarillo Ancho<- ASM¥ill~ Atlanta Allanlc Ctv Balhmore 81rm1nq1>m 81\marc' Bo•s~ Boston Brown\vll~ Bulla lo Cnarhln SC Char1S1n W'Y Cheyennt Chlcaoo Clnclnn•tl Cleveland COlumb'3 Oal·FIWlh Denver OesMolnH Oelroll Outulh El Paso F•lrbanks H•rtlord Helen• Honolulu Hou" on lndnaplls Jaeksn•lle tC•ns City LasV~S L1ttt• Roc k Louli.vllle Memphis Ml•ml Mllw•ukee MolJ.Sl.P Na~v11i. NewOr'le-Ntw York NorlolJ• Oki• Cllv Om all• Orlando Pllllad~a PhOenlx Pltlsburoll Ptl•nd.fM Piiand, Ore Reno S•lt L•ke HI Lo l"o JO 10 61 17 n 39 1S • 10 41 " •7 ., JO ., ,. "° " JI " •7 )'I •• J• 11 17 s• )I n 01 sa •• SI u SS 38 36 ).< 0 JA " JS 39 )7 u so 60 JS ,, JS 37 lO ,. 1' •• S3 • -11 3• ,. SI )6 ,. ., S• S1 0. H JS 10 so 0 39 u ., S• ., l tO S1 )I So ,, IS ,. 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Matatlan II S7 Merida '1 .. n Mettlco Cllv 1t .. .01 Monterrey 70 <I NHNU 7' 70 ,CM S.n Ju.., 73 St.T~ 72 Te9UCl9"IP9 63 Trinidad 10 .10 VerAC..-UJ 11 .. with ll9hl sllowtrs a strong -c.i .. ,., Edrnoftdon Montreal ottawa U I 11 ·12 21 10 u 11 21 ... 1t 2A ..... 22 ·I poulDlllly In mount.lnareu ..,,.-------------------- ™ NatloNll weather Servke wld .f ' .. ,lliiiii;lllii-.-----------• winds of U lo JS mjlll would c1ec ... ,.. Hl9hS T-y -Id rH Cb 70 In tonl9"t. • Ulf llPIRT LAK A191", 62 to 10 In co.111a1 ., .. , a nd valleys end the sos 111 Ille " .. , ... T...- 1/etK- Wlnftlpev -untalM, lo<Keters wild. • ;;: E xtended foreca1t SOUTHllllN CALIFORNIA ANO COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AllEAS -Varlllbl• cl-IMSS and talr1y warm lemperal11rH. Oc:catlonally windy In -•.in' Hlgll' In Ille ~el -fflley _, '" low'°' lo low 70s. LOwl mostly 0 lo SS. -..n1e111 -1 1119111 <S to SJ -lowS ll\l .. JOtandJOs • .......... .,., , ......... r ~ ...... II V0U 00 tlOI t Y!111t jlllOer ii.-6 )0 P"' U il DelOfa I 11"' .,.., l'Oltf cooy '"'" oe """9rea ......, .... lu:-t., If r: «1111 ftQI =I~ c:;:r_,W:.,"'..wC: -- ,_.,.. A ... M .. H t-J 2 ' ' 1 1·2 M M 14 ·-...... felr ,.,, ..... ---..... ..... ..... - .. _ ... ,,..... ff ,. SJ SJ SS SS S7 S7 S7 JI ,,, -11 HIOh: 6: t7 p,m . 1. ... 11:1• a.m.; ...it cll-1141ft: Tide• TODAY SKIM 111G11 <: 1J p.m U SKtftCI low 1:21 ._m. J.J TUHM Y l'lnl lllah J:Jl e.m. 4.J l"l"t low It :t4 e.m. 1,0 Second hi"' 6: 17 p.m. 2.t Se'4Hld low t :S4 p.m. , .. lun Mts J:J1 11.m., rl-r......., •:f1 a.m. Mooft ri.t T-., 1 :o. a.m .. Mia 11:ua.m. We're Listening... 1 What do you like about the Daily Pilot? Wh•t don't you like? Call the number below and your mesaa1e .will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor . The same 24·hour alWwerilll aenice may bt ued to record let· ters to the editor on any tCJpic. Mallbox contrtbuton mutt lnelude their name and telephone number for verification. No tirculaUon ~ calls. please. , Tell us what's on your mind. OrangeCoMt DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 15, 1982 H/F Her mesSage upbeat • IS Rev. Terry's Religious Science packs 'em in SAN DIEGO <AP> - Cu1hioned comfortably in the downtown Calllornla Theater, which actor• share on weekdays, the con1regatlon hardly noticed the shout in all the upbeat exuberance: • · Rl1ht on . Rev. Terry. right on!·' A vtvacious blonde, the Rev. Terry Cole-Whittaker was up there exhorting her followers to live life to the fullest. "Be alive," called out the former Orange Coast resident, but with no beseeching, no talk of the devil or hell or failure In life. In the fi ve years since Mrs. California of 1968 arrived with her message, moving from m otivational speaking lo a ministry of her own with the La J o lla Churc h of Re ligious Science, the congregation has grown from SO to "possibly 4,000 -we're still unsure of that." In two c rowde d Sunday s essions. about 2.500 ls an average turnout. They could be Baptists or Presbyterians, of all ages and degrees of wea lth. The goal Is "a worldwide television.ministry in the next four years," s a ys the Rev. Terry. as she likes lo be called. "Already , we s ell audio cassettes worldwide through subscription and we're starting to produce video cassettes so I can be with them in the video. .. Australia probably will be the first, then any and all other countries that will allow us to go in there." The thrice -marri ed . thrice -divor ced Terr y Cole-Whittaker was pa id a reported sala ry or $89,608 in 1979, including a 60 percent com mission on classes which s he conducts and royalties on tape s ale or spoken messages. The salary from her church today, she says, is about $60,000 and "certainly" far above what any other minister in San Diego makes. In addition, s he said in a n interview s he ma kes that much again with the non-profit Terry .COie Whittaker Ministries and hall-hour TV classes seen by a reported 200,000 listeners in the Los Angeles area. San Diego and by cable from Palm Springs and Bishop, Calif .. to El Paso, Texas. "We plan to be in Seattle and San Francisco by June," she says. Almost 80,000 copies were sold of her first book , "What You Think of Me is None or Your Business." Another book ls in the works. She lives with her 19-year-old daughter Becky, soon to be ma r ried. t heir parrot and dachshund Oscar in a plush La Jolla house worth several hundred thousand dollars. She drives a 1979 white Cadillac with red interior: The lifestyle befits the career successes of Terry Reich, born in 1940 in Los Angeles, homecoming queen of Orange Coast College, onetim e light opera singer who turned to EST and other self-motivations after placing third in the 1968 Mrs. America contest. H e r hu s band s were banker-investment counselor John Cole, father of her two daughters: John Whittaker , a radio station account executive, and Michael Petenon, a former football player in the Canadian Football LeaRue . Religious Science teaches that people harm themselves through improper thinkin g . But its glamorous preacher in San Diego disputes the claim by some that its orientation is selfishness. I AP ....... EX UBERANT The Re,· Tt•rr,· Cole Whittaker. once an Orange Coast resident and former ~rs . California. gi\'t's upbeat SC'rmon al La J oll a Church of Rt•ligious Scien<.'e. wbit·h has C'ongrcgation of -1 .000. Maureen campaign splits Reagans MONTEREY I APJ Ma ureen Reagan's Irish temper fl a r es whe n eve r someone suggests she is r iding on her fath e r 's coattails in her campaign for the U.S. Senate, or that she may drop out or the race. But those questions come up again and again as the tall. forcerul 41 -year·old daughter of President Reagan criss-crosses Californi a seeking support for the June 8 Republican primarv. Today she is a d istant fourth in polls of the seven-way race led by Rep. B a r r y Goldwater Jr. t o s u cceed r e tirin g R e publican U.S. Sen. S.J. Hay akawa She is next to la s t in fund -raisin g W i t h j U S l a!EAGAN $3,438 in the bank for a primary campaign in which t hree rivals have already raised between $500,000 and SJ million each. Her candidacy has split the Reagan family . The president's brother. Neil Reagan. says he ca n 't thi nk o f a s ingle qualification his niece has to be a senator, and he is ser ving as campaign co-chairm an for one of her rivals. San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. .. l don't look with favor on kids riding on their fa ther·s coattails," Neil Reagan said last month, bringing the family spat out in public. The president says he is neutral, citing a long policy of Gas leak halted ATHENS . Ga . <AP > Evacuated residents began returning to their homes today as crews finished pumping up 40 ,000 gallons or gasoline that leaked through a faulty valve at a storage tank. orri cials said. avo iding e ndo r sem e nts in contested Rep•blican primaries: while Ms. Reagan 's mother .• actress J ane Wyman, is one ol the largest contributors to ~ daught er ·s fin ancially struggling campaign. A former actress a nd talk show hostess who now heads a company deve loping expol't markets for American firms, Ms . Reagan is a dynamic, animated speaker who stirs up crowds with campaign speeches reminiscent both In style and content -of her father's. ··our goal <is I that by the end of the l~. we aren't going to have a welfare program in this country; we're going to have a job program." she says. "We need public service jobs for welfare grants. job training, private e nterprise zories . everything we can do to breaJt the cycle of dependency that this government ~as foisted on the American pebple. ·'This is our destiny . . . and it m ay be our only chance. This may be the last moment that the American people are willing to sacrifice, to build the kind ol political and economic system we must have to survive in I.his decade and the next." But whil e M s . Reagan forcefully endorses her father's economic anc1 lore1gn po11c1es and his "new federalism" plan to tum federal social programs back to t he states and local governments, she is decidedly to his left on some social issues . She is an outspoken advocate of the Equal Right s Ame ndme nt, a champion of abortion rights and a proponent or gun control, putting her at odds with not only her father. but a lso the con servative le adership of the California Republican Party. She notes she has been active in Republican politics for 2Z years -joining the GOP three years before her rather switched regi s tration from the Democratic to R e publican parties. spz.rry top-sida.r with ~is~ anti-slip~. ' @)(go.~·@)~~ 44 Aullion l•land • Newporr s.adl•71418M-5070 1001 MaCWood Blud.•-.uood v-..•IJ:W79-7727 1., H/F Orange Co11t OAJLY PILOT/Monday. Feburary 15, 1882 rnmu~rnrn Burning fre i g hte r explosion hurts 3 KALAMA, Wash. (AP> -A burnln1 wheat frel1hter as Ions .. two football fields was rocked today by an explosion that Injured at least three Coast Guard fire fighters, orrtcials Hid. One man was serious ly injured In the explosion, which blew out a hatch , said Coast Guard Petty Officer Ed Moreth tn Seattle. Several other firefighters, who h ad been battling the blaze tbrou1h the night, were "stunned" by flying debris, said Kalama Fire d ispatcher Art Godfrey. Ambul ances were summoned . The 600-foot Protector Alpha, registered in Ceylon, caught fire Sunday night. R ebel Syrian city still closed DAMASCUS <AP l The rebellious northwestern city or Hama remained sealed off from the outside world today amid reports of continued fi ghting there between Syrian troops and d ieha rd Mo s lem fundamentalists entrenc hed in caves and ancient catacombs. Th e government h ad announced plans to r eopen the city to traffic and trad e Sunday. two days after it claimed troops had c r ushed a r e bellion by M oslem Br o th er h oo d extremists. R eagan rep o rtedly backs CIA plan WAS HI NGTON (A P 1 President Reagan has approved a CIA plan to use covert action by friendly governme nts to w ea k e n a ll ege d Cuba n involvement in Nicaragua. the Was hington P os t says. The pres ident , a sked a bout the report. refused to comment. The $19 million program includes "promoting action by friendly forei gn governments d esig n e d t o di s rupt Cuban-Nicaraguan s upply lines or arms to guerrilla forces In El Salvador," T he Post reported Sunday . Poles p rotest niartial law WARSAW (AP) Hundreds ot Po les in Poznan, the scene of the bloody "bread and freedom" riots 26 years ago, s taged a weekend demonstration on the second monthly anniversary of the imposition of martial law. PAP . the oHicial news agency. said 194 demonstrators were arr ested Saturday in the city in west central Poland. and 162 wer e "puni s h e d "' by mi s d e m eanor co urts . Reagan seeks budget backing W AS HI NGTON !AP 1 President Reagan is calling on R e publlean legislato rs t o dem ons trate "h e r oism and states mans hip"' by sticking with hi s emba ttl ed budge t r eco mmendati o n s, but apparently is leaving the door ajar for Congress to initiate some ehanges. Ho use Republican leade rs. meanwhile . are making overtures to Democratic leade rs r<1 thcr than the group of conscr vati vc Democ rats they worked '' ith last vear in search or a budget 1ha t Congress and the president can agree on. Envoys sent to Middle East WASHI NGTON <AP> The R e a gan a d mini stration is dispatching two special e nvoys to the Middle Ea!:>t in hopes they ca n s hore u p t h e s h a k y cease-fire in Lebanon and make prog ress in d e adloc k e d negotiations over P alestinian self-rule The envoys arc Philip Habib. who m ediated the Le banese cease-fir e las t s ummer and Richard Fairbanks. Hooded men kill tJ .S. missionary GUATEMALA CITY (AP> An Am e rican Ca th o l ic missionary who left Nlcaraaua because he opposed the lef\lst government has been murdered In Guatemala , the 15th church worker kidnapped or murde red in this Central American nation. No one claimed responsibility for the killing Saturday or Brother James Al/red Miller, 37. of Custer, Wis. Church and human rights groups blame most of the political violence In Guatemala on ultra-rightist supporte rs of the m ilitary government. But another m issionary who worked with Miller in Nicaragua s aid he asked for a transfer a rte r the 1979 Sandi nis t a r e vol ut1on installed a leftist government "He was not in agreement with what the Sandinistas were doing ,"' s aid the brother. who requested anonymity. National 1>0lice s aid Mill er , k nown locall y a s B rother Santiago, was s hot to death by several "heavily armed men" as he was repairing a window at the school for poor Indians wh e re h e t aug ht in llue huetenan go , 165 m iles northwest of Guatemala City. "He was working outside the Indian ('enter when he was shot by four men wearing hoods." said the LaSalle Order. or which he was a mem ber. Witnesses s aid the killers escaped in a car . ··The murder . brings to 15 t he number of priests a nd religious me mbers of religious orders who have been kidnapped or murdered in Guatemala ... the statement said. Another Ame rican Catholic f'l)1ff810nary, the ttev. Stanley Rother, from Oklohomu, was kille d lust July 28 at Santiago At itlun, 108 mllcs west or Ouutemalu City. 'fhe poli ce arrf'ste<.l three suspects, saying they killed the priest wh~ he c nu"hl them robbing the lU•rlsh house • M Iller wus a mem her of the St Paul, Minn , province of the C hris tian Bro thers , wh ich o uts ide the United States Is called the LaSalle Oeder after its founder, St. J ohn Baptist de la Salle. Miiler's body was to be Clown today to St. Paul tor a memorial s ervice Tuesday night. Fune ral services are scheduled Thursday Jn Stevens Point Wis near Custer LIKE A MILKY WAY \\'h;1t 1 ... lw111g C'alh·d Olll' of tlw ··greal<.'sl cast ... 111 -.110" liu:-.111l·-. ... h1 -.ton ;1lll'IHil-d ;1 .)' • h1111 r ::i:.!·mlll1on l)l'nl'fll lor thl' .\t'l111 " Fund of \mt·1 u ·.1 Sund;I\ at ~l un h.111:111 T lw;1tt·r 111 ~t'\\ \"111 k CH' .\m1111g till' l't°ll'h rtlH'" ":111·.b!.ng ILJ dtn .,. . ........._ ~I us tl'al llall Rm·kt.'l t l'S "a ... a forml'r Or~inge · ( 'ou nt.'· n •sidt·nt. Di:rnl· Kl·aton. Thar:-. her hl·I" l'l'll c;l'lll' Kl'lk~· and .J i mm~ Stewar1 al It-I\ Thl• :1ttl'l.'":-. at ll'nded Oran)!t• C11;1..,t ( 'olll•ge tn Cost;i ~h·:-.a llt·r pan·nt:-. lin· 1n ( 'ornn;i ch:I \J at' Justice's pay offs to professor told • in book PHI LADELPHIA <APJ Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, who wanted to appear apoli tical while ser ving on the bench. secretly paid more Lhan $50,000 to a H arvar d law p rofessor to furthe r his own public policy ideas. according to a new book. Brandeis. a m illionaire. paid the monev into a special "joint endeavors for the public good'" fund from t916 to 1938 The m o n ey wa s u se d h y th e n -pr o f esso r Felix Frankfu rter. who beca me a Supreme Court justice himself in 1~39 . to arrange for publicallon of Brandeis· views in un s igned law Journal und political period it ab a1 ticl<•s '"Th(' rund \\as dcs1gn<'d lo free Brandeis from the s hackles ·or remaining non pol1lital on the benc h· <1 nd to IH'rmll h im to cngagt· fret·l~ 10 pol1t 1c·al afrai rs . \\ rott• Brucl' !\ Mu rph~. an ass1sti.lnl puhhctil s t• i c n 1· c p r u f l' s s u r a l Penns) lvania Statt· l 'rH\ ~stl) '.\f urphy s tud1t•<l 300 mostly unpublished letters t he two men c•xc hangcd. and \\rote about the fmdrn2s in a tx10k titled . ·Thi.' B r a n r1 l' 1 ,., ;· r a n k f u r t c r ('onnt•l'l1on Tht• S!.'c ret Polit1c<1I 1\t'\ i vitu .. •s or Two Supreme Court .Ju<,ticcs ·· The book is to be published this month by Oxford l'n1 vcrs1t) Pn•ss. · We mus t no\\ realize that snml· of the 1ust1 ct's 1n the past ha \'C IX'.C'n (•xlrc mcly active in p ol 1lt<'" \\h1lc th e p ublic 111 411ntamt'<t the mvth that the t•ourl \\as like a "munastery.'" '.\l u r p h ~ s a 1 d Sunday 1 n a ll·lt•phone 1ntcn·1ew M urphy d esc ribed Frankfurlt•r a s a n agent for n rande1-.. makinc contc.ict with ------ presents co n g rcss1ona I delegations, government offi cials and others who could he lp enact Brandeis ' pol1c1es. ··This is one part of a 23-year ca mpaign mas term inde d , s up ervised and ca r e fully orc hestrated by Justice Louis Brc.inde is to create an Am erican socil'ty as he believed it should he ('rcated,"' Murphy said. . The fin ancial ;igreemenl lasted until 1939. when Bra ndeis retired from the high court. That '>amt· year. President Frankl in R ooseve lt app oi nt e d f rankfurter to another seat on thl' Suprem~ Court TON .ITE 10:00 p .. m. .""' r LI VE FROM. THE GAnnmrt1 m'JMJ~;arc0>111~ v ·~ ~" . Bunco squad pr_obes club LOS ANGELES <AP> -What was bllled as the city's "firs t private club for professional women" Is accused of failina to pay Its creditors and staff, and is under Investigation by the police bunco·forgery squad, an official said. The Wilshire Club, still unopened after its public relations blitz more than a year ago, also r eportedly owes $10,000 to a H o u ston businesswoman. Sissy Farenthold, attorney for businesswoman Dorothy Duke, said her client gave the money to the Wils hire Club in a 90·day, money.back guarantee proposal to start a • woman's club in Ho uston, the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner reported in Sunday's editions. The bunco·forgery unit is looking Into four separate complaints that the club issued checks without suWcient funds to back them up, said police Lt. Charles Kline. "The only thing I can tell you is that at the time they issued the checks, bank records indicate they didn't have sufficient funds ," he said. Gypsy moth eggs found in Santa Barbara area SANTA BARBARA <APJ -The dangerous gypsy molh has been found in a wealthy suburb of Santa Barbara, a nd county officials are considering aerial and ground s praying to get rid of the pest that can defoliate many kinds of trees and shrubs. An egg cluster containing about 1,000 gypsy moth eggs was found m an oak tree in the neighboring suburb of Montecito. The infestation was found by a biologist who was using a specially trained dog to track down the gypsy moth. Specialists of the Santa Barbara County Agriculture Commissioner's office said it was the first time s uch an infestation has been found in the county. The gypsy moth, in particular. infests suburban home tracts in California. Authorities said 11 million acres of forests elsewhere in the U.S. have been defoliated by the pest. Carrier returns home with f aniilies, goods ALAMEDA <AP) -The world's first nuclear power aircraft carrier looked a bit like the world's largest moving van as it steamed home to San Francisco Bay after three years of overhaul at Puget Sound. Nearly 3,000 people we re aboard the 1, 123-foot-long USS Enterprise Saturday as it docked at Alameda Naval Air Station -along with 952 cars, 17 dogs. 15 cats. two parakeets. a rabbit and a guinea pig. The civilian paraphernalia was allowed as a cost-cutting way for the Navy to get the crew members, their families and possessions from Bremerton. Wash .. to Alameda. Reagan repute rapped by defeated candidate LONG BEACH <AP> -President Reagan's reputation as a tax cutter and budget s lasher belies a record in office that has seen growth in both taxes and bureaucracy, one of the men who lost to hjm in the 1980 election has charged. The outburst came from Ed Clark, the Libertarian Party candidate who was a distant fourth in what was widely seen as a three-way race. Clark was s peaking at the Libertarians' 10th annual state convention Saturday. He said that Reagan has upped the defense budget by S33 billion and allowed Social Security revenues to rise. while also increas ing the budgets for the Occupatio nal Safety and Health Admini s trati o n and F ood and Dru g Ad m inistration. Federal cutbacks hurt center for disabled BERKELEY 'AP J -The Center for Independent Living, a world-renowned facility for the disabled. has been dealt severe financial blows by cuts in federal assistance and may have to close some of its offices. center offi cials say. "We 're in serious financial trouble." executive direct.or Greg Sanders said Sunday. The center's staff has been sliced in half and its annual budget reduced by 60 percent from mid-1980 when it had a staff of 200 and a yearly budget of $2.5 million. Sanders said. Last week. the center was served an eviction notice on some of the office space it rents . The center missed $2,870 in rent payments the last two months, Sanders said. but will pay back the rent even if it must move 20 employees out of the offices so that it won't lose credibility. -I .'If you don't want to drink- .. That's our business COSTA MESA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Call 642-2734 Atcohol(sm Recovery Services 1 301 Victoria Street Costa Meu, CA 92627 ~pprovect for Medkare ............ RARE BIRTH .Just minutes old. the first Mhorr guzelle born in thl· Western Hcmispher(' faces inspection from its mothttr ut th<· San Diego l'..oo. The Mhorr ~azl•lle is thl• most t•ndangen·cl or all antelo1x.· Spl•ries. North st8te braCes for high wind, rain 1 I I !.J 8y The A.l1M>ClatPd Pre88 No relief is in sight todtay for Northern Californrnns who endured a weekend or s teady showers blamed for contributing to rive futal air crushes, triggeri"lg minor mudslidei. and caus ing d ozens o f truff1c accidents The Nutional Weather Service said the W<1rm, steady s howers that fell over the weekend would give way today to a stronger s torm brewing off the Oregon coast The 1atcs t storm system was forecast to bring heavy rain and gusty winds to northwest California by early today. ev~ntually moving into the Bay area and dumping up to four inches of rain before easing off Hy I ult• Sunduy. ro1nfnll Wtaled trom more than two inches In parts of no1•thwest Callfornil.I lo as much as one inch uround the Bay area. · 'l'hrc~· ll ~hl alrpll.lnes crashed~ within ~ milci; or <~ac h other In a Y hilly urcu about 65 miles southeast of Sall l"rundsco during the weekend rain and fog. Another light plane s lamml·d rnto a hillside about 25"; miles north of San F'runcisco, and a ··· logging hclicor>tcr crushed in a f~rcst • • ubout 165 miles northeast of the city. • 1 l'he weekend nun~ closed a portion •' of ll1 ghwuv I near Stinson Beach in • ' Marin County for a bout an hour Sunday, and hi ghway crews were ~'~ dis patched to l'lear away a minor ' 1 gravtl S(l(JC on US 101 north of the ' Golden Gate Bridgl' ·'· ...-~~~~~~~~~~~~ W ornan angered by colllputer goof 1 ·It ·.J-THE EARL'S l'lC-CHOIATINQ .................... ~· l# 1t/6,~ ~-•ll'<lf ,.....,. 'StilfT'\ •• '1441, °'"""'"' tC-4•5tot,.-...,.,, •t:Nt "'•-'' The Change Starts When You Do .. , .•• The Time To Start Is Now ... The Place Is "Powers"! Chanoe It All! Ot•-ml«• "t "'''"'•e ,,,. ••11ou oOO" 'HI •nd "PIX"'' IO Olt ~·• Wo • "'~'e 1n.. "'""98 E .. y •"CJ fun .,.en P<tPAt<! "'°" IO< c.wonunir; AH Cld\M\ la•iOfllO 10 you• 1196 and n<HIO$ IN ORANGE COUNTY '. ·' 3 TOWN & COUNTRY, ORANGE •,• PALO ALTO (AP) -Borrowing the words of Mark Twain. Violet Lange says reports of her death have been greatly exaggerated . "f don't like being called dead', .. said the . 71 -year-old Palo Alto woman. who has been declared dead for seven months by a Social Security computer. "I guess I'm just walking around to save funeral expenses." CO$TAllll(IA841-1289 IUllO-- llllHION v1uo495-04C)1 J922 C•-C-wo,.. fl eA OW,..,,,_, el A•ety llt••r ) John RObei122Powers IL-~~==~~~~~~~_..:.~~~~~~~~C~AL~L~OA~C~O~M~E:•N~TO~O~A:V~~~...!.._'\ Mrs. Lange is not a mused by the computer 's decision. Her Social Security payments were stopped and her Medicare funds were cut off. Three months after the checks stopped. the supposedly late Mrs. Lange walked into the local Social Security offi ce with her driver's license and birth certificate in hand. The foul up was corrected and Mrs. Lange was resurrected In the com puter's memory bank. But she is still dead as far as Medicare 's com put er is conce rned . Although her Social Security checks include an Sil monthly deduction for Medicare payments. she has n't received a Medicare payment since July. A worker at the Palo Alto Social Security office. who declined to give her name. speculated a wrong number had been punched into the computers. "It happens once in a while, not very often," she said. Sa/es and Special Purchases in the Mens Store ... During Our Presidential Birthday Event! • Shown: the wool serge navy blazer-a special purchase at 149. 90 each. Fully lined, with two buttons, center vent, straight flap pockets. For regulars, shorts, longs. •Also: three-piece suits-specially priced at 1219 each. Wool and polyester. •And pure wool gabardine slacks-a special purchase at 55.90. Belt loops and quarter-top pockets. Waist sizes JO to 40. • Cotton khaki chinos, regularly '35, now 124. • Windbreakers, regularly 47.50; now 34.90. Tan, grey, black, w ine, blueberry cotton and nylon. S to XL. • Velours kimonos-regularly '55; 'now 39.90. Navy, iight blue, camel, red, green or wine, of triacetate and nylon. • In the Mens Store- where we are all the things you are. '') .-----------------------------------------. SENIOR CITIZENS $1.00 Hearing Test~ Set For Newport Beach ELECTHONIC llEARl~G TESTS will ht> g ivt>n at ~ewport Beach Hearing Aid C€'nter Mon., Fe b. 15, Tues., Fe b. 16, Wed., Feb. 17 9 A.)I. to 5 P.)I. Hearin~ tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid Specialist. who is licensed by the Ca lifornia State Board of Medic.:a l Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser . Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding 1s welcome to a test emploiying the l atest electronic equipment which will determine his or her particular loss. You will see a modrrn hearing aid so tiny it fits totally within the ear. NEWPORT HEAC'lf llEARl~G AID CE~TEH u;oo West Coast llig hwa .' ~rwpol't Beach 646-8266 ,. .. .. ., 1!• lo 1• l M J ,, ,; ._ __ c_AL_L_F_o_R_A_N_AP_P_o _1N_T_M_E_N_T_T_o _A_v_o_m_w_A_1T_1_N_c __ .. 1-.: • ! :1 ••I f ;. . ·, ... outh Coast Plaza. JJJJ Brtsto( Street, Costa Mew.OP«l Monday thNUBh Frida y from 10 am to 9:10 pm; Saturd.y 'ti/ 6 pm: Sunday 11 noon to 5 pm . • t