HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-18 - Orange Coast Pilot: • • • • * * * YOUR HIMITllWN DAllY PAPll ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Fraud suspect behind bars Repayment to investors ordered; judge increases bai l back to $2 million By DAVID KUTZMANN OI tlM Dally ~llel Slafl Golden Eagle Investment Co president Ralph McDonald wa: back in Orange County Jai today after a municipal cour judge told him he could eithe1 pay off investors he is accuse< of swindling or try to post nev bail of $2 million. McDonald. who along wilt Golden Eagle vice presideni David Biggins pleaded innocent Lo fraud and ~rand theft charges, was taken into custody at th e co n c l u sio n of Wednesday's bail hearing in South Orange County Municipal Court. Judge David Carter, after two days of proceedings, reinstated $2. million bail agains t Mc Donald which ha d been reduced lo $250,000 on Monday by another judge. In a separate action, Judge Carter reduced bail on Biggins from S2 million to $25,000 A 1m:li minary hearing dale of Feb. 26 ulso was set for the two men, who face multiple felony counts in connection with the o pe ration of El Tor o based Golden Eagle In ves t igators claim that Mc Donald, as sole proprietor of Go ld e n E ag l e , was the m astermind of an in vestment swindle described a~ the largest in Orange County history De fense lawyers. however, ma int a in that all Mc Uonald 1s potentially guilty of 1s technical securities law violations and not fraud In Wcdnesday·s le ngthy, com pf1 cated h ea ring before Judge Carte r , M&Donald admitted he possessed more than srn million in cash, funds he indi ca t ed the Internal Revenue Service was not fully aware of Quesl1oned by prosecutor Tom Buck. he said the assets were in <Set> BAI L, Page A2> $3 million Cyanide poisoner . East Coast _asAtes~d ---r•Witf n 0 fa --e·ar------pe~ted-b.y- .. t0-.E dis<>n--·-----__ p ----·--·---Fatn,-s·l-e-e-t- Delly ..... S9ft - REMEMBERED Marge and Norman Conger of Huntington Beach hold a picture of their son. Paul, killed in a traffic accident after achieving E agle Scout rank despite sC\"ere health pt'Oble m s A m e morial to Paul is nca rin~ completion. Memorial to cite HB scout's courage By PWL SNEIDER MAN Ot tlM Deity ~IMI Sufi Keeping pace with his Boy Scout buddies was a difficult , often frustrating challenge for P aul Conger , who had de bilitating kidney problems. Yet in mastering the physical trials required to become an Eagle Scout, t he Huntington Beach youth demonstrated a refusal to let his affliction limit his enJoyment of life P a ul 's t r iumph was s hort·lived. In September, 1979, al age 18, he died in a tramc acrfdent when a motorist ran a stop sign and struck his family's pickup broadside. Now, 212 years late r , a pe rmanent me morial to P aul Conger is nearing completion at the Lost Valley Reservation in San Diego County, near Wa rner Hot Springs. T h e tribute is ~n outdoor c hapel cons lructe'd largely through donations from Ralph Clock, president o f Clock Construction Company of Irvine, and his employees. Additional construction help is coming from Huntington Beach Boy Scout Troop I. to which Paul once belon~ed. Clock. who is a vice president or the Orange County Boy Scout Council. learned of the project wb1le accompanying an Irvine troop to camp al Lost Valley la5l ~um mer "I volunteered to have our company do an estimate and get a hst of materials required for the chapel," Clock said "Then I discussed it with our people and we decided lo make 1t a JOint venture of the company and its employees." Clock paid several employees while they cons truc ted the chapel They did further work on their own lime. he s aid. A basic A-frame structure has been completed. H will house the chapel's altar Troop l Scouts are planning to build a wall and seating for the chapel Scouting officials are hoping for a Memoria l Day dedication ceremony at Lost Valley, which is the Orange County Council's campgrounds. The chapel will serve as a permanent reminder of Paul Conger's dedication to scouting and his courage in battling continuing medical problems. Born with only one kidney and that one defective , Paul coped wi th infeetion, surgery. pain and· general weakness throughout his life By JOHN NEEDHAM Of, ... CMlly ~ ... s- T he California Coastal Commission has orde red the ow n ers of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station to pa y SJ million for park improvements and dedicate an additional four ac r es t o Carlsbad Slate Park. Meeting in Santa Barbua Tuesday, the commission -voted 9 ·1 to r e quire Southe rn Ca lifornia Edison Co. to pay the SJ m illion for the development of 200 new campsites al San Onofre State Park. San Diego Gas & Electric Co., ( co·owner of the San Onofre power station> was ordered to transfer ownership of company ow ned land located next lo Carlsbad State Park. The beach property 1s adjacent to an oil a nd gas fired power plant, operated by the utility. M el N utter . Coas tal Commission vice chairman, said today in Santa Barbara that Tuesday's action ser ves to replace the more than two acres of beach lost to public use because of a chain link fence put up n ext to the San Onofre nuclear facility. ~ Nutter said the major· f the commission held that utility co mpani es ignor. the conditions of a 1974 ermit allowing the construction of two new nuclear generating plants at the site. He said the utilities had agreed to a s tipulation that public access be allowed to all beach areas near the plants. However, recently s igns have been posted and a f ence constructed limitinJZ access. Edison s pokes ma n Dave Barron said the public's access to the area was being restricted under U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission mandate. · Herbert Barclay Baetz, the 57 -year-old Newport Beach chemist co n v i c t e d o f firs t -d egree murder in the cyanide poisoning death or his 87 -yea r -o ld m o th e r , is a "s hattered" man who has no plans . lo appeal the judgment, his attorney says. After the verdict was read Wednesday, Baetz ''leaned over . .. and said. 'I did not murder my mother, but I am wlllin1 to live with the verdict'," defense attorney Stuart Grant said The nine-woman, three-man JUry deliberated onl y one day before finding Baetz guilty of first-degree murder. the verdict sought by the prosecution, in the de ath of Janette Baetz, with whom he lived at a Balboa PeninsuJa residence. The elderly woman died Sept. 10 after consuming an orange juice drink laced '4-ilh lethaJ potassium cyanide Baetz testified during the trial before Orange County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey that he was complyin g with his <See CHEMI ST, Page A.2> D•Hy~llelSlafl- GUll TY Herb1;;•rt Hare· la~· Baetz h a!-. heen c·om ·icll'd in t hC' 1>01sonmg cie:.ith of his 87 ·) t'C.U'·ol<I mot ht>r ~~~~~~~~ Fund for 01urdered shop worker grOws By RICHARD GREEN OI "'9 Deity ~lel S .. fl ' Individuals and organizations throughout Orange County have donated more than $2 ,500 to a fund for the family of a s~in Irvine doughnut shop employ . "It really renews your faith human nature," said William Ackman, an lrvine businessman w h o i s orga nizing th e f11od -raising drive for the widow a nd five children of Pedro Alfaro. "A lot of the donations are SS and $10 ones. "ln one day, people put $144 , mostly in one·dollar bills. in a manila e n ve l o p e at t h e Winchell 's Donut House," said Ackm an , who owns the Irvine Eye Care Shop in Camino Plaza, the shopping center at Walnut A venue and Jeffrey Road where Winchell's is located. Alfaro was shot and killed early last Thursday in the shop, 5408 Walnut Ave., during what police said was a robbery. The robber escaped into the night <See GIVE. PaJP:e A2) Grades changed for star f oothall player o.ee,,... ......... FOOT.ALL PROBE - Former Edison High School football star Kerwin Bell's name has turned up in pro'-e ef possible irregularities .in :school 's football program ..... ' . ,.,...... , A~terations reportedly helped Edison student gain college entrance • By PATRICK KENNEDY OI-.~ ...... ..,.. Football player Kerwin Bell had grades in two classes improved three months after he graduated from Edison Hilb · Sch<?ql so he would qualify for a football scholarship to Kansas University. Officials of the Huntlngto6 Beach Union High School District have described the grade changes as "unusual" because they occurred so long after eraduatlon and involved extra work instead of makeup work on unfinished usl,-nmenta. District officials aay the lfade changes will be probed durin1 upcominc bea.rtnp in&.o allesed impropri«.ties at Ed.laon. The hearinp also will look at char1u ttlat Edison coacbu have recruited football playen from other achocQ. A s tale -appointed admlniltrative law Judte hired by district officials will conduct the closed hearings, which are to begin April 1.- The i n ves tigatio n wa s s ponsored by an anonymous High School and played at Edison durin1 his senior year. District officials say English teacher Linda Carpenter and Am e rican Studies instructor Barry Leigh accepted extra ''I imagineli adLines -'grades keep star out of co l letter making the alle1atioJ1.S. The letter was mailed in November to officials of the C alifornia Interscholastic Federation (CJ F ), d istrict officials and news media. CIF officials, wbo ordered the invesUiation, and dl1t r lct ofrlcials say the hearinp were lartely t rit1ered by the a lle1atJons that Bell'• 1rades were chan1ed improperly. Bell wq a ruonilll back on Edlaon't 1979 ClF Bll Five Champlon1bip team. He bad tranaferred from · St. rrancls , work e and uP(raded his to qualify hi scholarship. Au1ust 1980 rks in order for the Frank "Jake" Abbott, district superintendent. says teachers have the rtlht to cbaa1e 1rades for various reasons but that Bell'• cban1e1 are unusual because they occurred three months after he craduated. Abbott says lfrade chan1ee u1ually occur wltbln a few weeu after a aemester ed and usually involve a atudent'1 c_ompletln1 uuflnl1btd cla11 assignments or a te acher 's finding an error in previous grade computations . He says he may propose that the school board adopt strict guidelines on grade changing but he said he won't "make a public ~value judgment" on the Bell case untli the hearings are completed. English instructor -Carpenter says she switched Be ll's grade from a "0 '' to a "C." American Studies instructor Leigh, who also coacbes the v ars ity bas k e tball tea in . says he cha nged Bell's grade from a "8 " to an ''A." Both say Hell did extra work in late AUl\JSt ol 1980 to earn the improved grades. ~ut Ms . Carpenter •ys she has "mbed feeunp" atJc>ut bow the 1rade cban1e was ~andle<I . She aa.ya lhe was on vacation 14 Oret(On ln late Auiust when <Set G&IDDEa. Pat• AJ) & By The Associated Press Rain, sleet and snow pelted the mid·Atlantic Coast today. dumping up to 5 inches of snow on eastern Mayland and 7 inches on central Pennsylvania. Two people died on icy roads. Public schools were closed in at least nine Maryland counties and classes were delayed as much as Lwo ho urs in fi ve others. The National Weather Ser vice posted travel advisories throughout mos t of Maryland and Delaware. a nd poli ce reported a ras h of minor acc1denls In Pennsylvania, where ice and s now g lazed highways, p o l ice r e po rt ed th at a 45 year.old Jamestown m an died of head injuries today when tus car s kidded off a ro ad and struck a tree A tru c k dri ve r from Tonawan da . NY . d ied Wednesday evening after his tractor trailer rig s kidded on Interstate 79 in Muddy Creek Towns hip. Pa., police s aid. Po lice said the driver was "thrown from the cab and pinned under the truck. Philadelphia and surrounding counties received 1 to 3 inches of s now, forecasters said. In Virginia, two cars of an Amtrak train hit a mudslide and derailed south of Charlottesville at 6 40 a m , but there were no injuries Meanwhile. rain and driule blanketed the Carolinas. Fog and drizzle cove r e d the Te nne ssee and Ohio valleys while showers hit the eastern central Plains a nd wes tern mid·Miss1ss1ppi Valley freezing drizzle and light s now were reported over the uppe r Mississip pi Va lley S h o w e r s and a f e w thunders ho we r s fell o ve r Arkan sas and n o rthern Louisiana. De lay requested WASHINGTON <AP ) A bipartisa n coalition of 19 sena tors 1s urging President Reagan to delay any action in selling f ighter p lanes and anti-aircraft missiles to Jordan ORlllil CDIST 11111111 · Mostly fair with gusty winds at limes. Lows tonig ht in 50s. H ighs Fridays 68 along coast , 75 Inland. (Details Page A3 ). 'INSIDE TODY Remmi~ tM da111 o/ /ru air . at IM service station? It 'll soo n bt vintage Americmaa. ~e eage All 11011 •-.....a 9J "-Mo.... ... ==. ~ ..... u C...• Cl C-9 Cl .......... c. ...,... a te ....... ., .. ......,... .. .... ... ., ' '1.1 ~ 'o> l'} • .,A,tt 1:,31 - ) 1 i'i,:~1 SUN· QptAFT The Solar Challenger is on "'rtf display at the Anaheim Convention Center for ·.;.,an electronics show. The Challenger made ,.,~~~aviation histo ry last year when it flew for seven hours. powe red only by the sunlight striking 16.128 solar <.'<.'lls on the toµ und s id('S of the wing. .•I I•• • .. "<'" <t!!l, "'' •ec1 lbtJl:V'~~ • .;.~d;: &:Oing off the -end' u~·"' , • tt i :FAA releases transcript of World runway skid t ~.~, .. ~~~ . ; rt v • .: BOSTON CAP) Following Republic 70. Had anybody land advises braking action as. ah, ~,·",'are' excerpts from recorded lately'! rai rly nil in his words on .r 'cohveTsations between air 7.12:36 -LC (the air traffic Charlie traffic controllers and pilots or controll er . des ignated Local 7:33:20 World 30 : Tower, commercial airliners Jan. 23, Control North Posilion ): World 13. ah . 30 heavy when World Airways Fligb\ 30, Arfirmative. sir. We had, ah, approaching, a~ the outer a DC·lO, slid off a runway and sever al landings. Braking marker. Ah. the final approach into Boston Harbor at Lo~an action, however , reported poor fix . over International Airport. to nil by a heavy DC·8 7 33 26 LC: World 30 he~vy, The Federal Aviation 7 12.42 Piedmont 352:0K. Boston Tower. Good evening, Administration released the 7 28:50 -LC: Northwest 42. s ar You're · clear~d to land transcript Wednesday . The See some, ah flame, ah, from runway one-five-right. The wind transcript shows lhe . time of the rear of your aircraft. A is eight zero al three. .. .1:•transmission, the speaker and 7·33:33 World 30: World_ 30 , · K.idn·ap victims f~eed Shiite Moslems 'unhappy' over job intervie_ws in Le~non BEIRUT, Lebanon <AP> S h 11 t e M o s I e m 1 u n m ~ n. deac rlbed H dlsaruntled job' appllcants ~i4nf.11ped a U.S. oil executive and two Lebanese on t he coastal blthway in southern Lebanon today, but coworkers said •U three were released unharmed about seven hours later. American Emba ss f' spokesman John Reid said he too bad been told by their employer the three had been freed and would soon be brought to the Lebanese capital. He had no other details. Sun, wind to prevail • m county W ar~. sunny weather with gusting wind is in store for Orange County Friday and Saturday, according to the National Weather Service. A weather service spokesman said as of 9 a.m. today no travel advisories had been issued because of strong Santa Ana Wind conditions in canyon and desert areas. However. he said motorists driving campe rs or pulling trailers on Interstate 15 to l.as Vegas should use caution. In termittent wind gus ts prompted the tower crew at Orange County's John Wayne Airport to reverse the landing pattern for incom ing flights today Passen ger pl a nes during normal operation approach and land from the north. Flights were directed to land from the south today . D~. Samira All Ahmed, wife or "Th Y told me • while 110 .. Ghuleb Ali Ahmed. the Lebanese~· that aJJ three inen are In aood gen era I man acer of the shape. They were treated well ln American.owned Mediterranean captivity and are now beln1 Refinery Company or Maedreeo, provided with an t'Scort to come said frlcnd1 called her from home In Beirut," Mrs. Ali southern Lebanon to report that Ahmed said at the Beirut bcr kidnapped husband, his U.S. headquartera of Medreco. employer, Thomus E. Anderson, ...... and their Lebanese driver were £mployees who handled uie te l ex and telephone freed com munications that involved 'Anderson, 58, or New York negotiations for the release of <:Hy, is the managing director of Anderson, Ali Ahmed and the Callex Lebanon a nd vice driver suld the kidnappers president of Medrt!CO He ha.s belonged t.o no specific political been in Lebanon for lhrt!e .vears. party or militia In Lebanon Watt def ends Oil policy at Anaheim BY FRl';DERICK SCH()EMEIO. "We have nev er had an cfu11t OallY "*' "'" energy crisis in America Interior Secretary James Watt We have had a government says the goal of the Reagan crisis," the secretary said administration is "to be the He promised, despite contrary steward for America •· predictions from his critics. that To that end, the controversial government would not employ a cabinet officer told an-An;1heim ··m e at ax ·· approach in audience Tuesday 11ighl, the developing resources on public administration is promoting lands. "It will be in an orderly poli cies aimed at developing way. through time . so we can natural reso urces "for b e n e r1t from th e natura l American and Am ericans " resources we have .. Watt's address, in which he at Walt m aintained that his times sounded more like a interior department inherited minister than a government vast problems at the conclusion administrator. dre w u standing o f the a dminis trat i on of ovation from more lhan 600 President Carter. "There was people a ttending u $125-per too much air poltutaon too person funct -raiser for Rep. much water pollution our W 1 I I 1 a m D a n n c m e Ye r . parks were deteriorating .our R-FuUerton. a Watt enthusiast rish and wildlife reruges were Themes ancludlflg "spiritual deteriorating." Steps are being freedom" and "God's plan" taken. he said , to r estore punctuated his remarks at the ·exis ting national park facilities Anaheim Marriott Hotel ·and wildlife refuges He did not Watt used the occa sion to ·address air and water pollution. defend administration policies t.:arlier Tuesday, Watt toured • •1 '•l'tthe conversation. ~ , , c, IV ~ l ,J ?fl heavy 1s cleared to land one five ... _,1,..~ _ -~--" v T u---_,-v -riifit-___ ..,..~ · · ---~ ,..Jr 6:54:05 p.m . CC <Ground h Cleareq ~ 36:32 -World 30· World's • ..I.~s-1.or ~v And Saturday during the day are expected to be in the mid to upper-·70s, according to-ttre- weather service. Nighttime lows are expected to be in the 50s both days and tonight. ..a.uned...W ;nc.reasi.ng.._neJroleum area&..<(!!&~~ of +he• BtH\t-a-- production from U.S sources. Barbara coast that are being "We have enough energy in cQ..n;}Jgered Cor_a.il..d.culing.-W.a .Control ): Northwes t , ah , eavy 1.S going off the end . · ·u H fotti"'Ht1E.: ~a., (a designati6n-· to 1 ,,.,,~,J.,, ""J-7-.le~L~~-Worlct's ~h1rty .,. ,·.for 8 wide-body_ jet). Can I have 1-UHU heavy Ah , orr t~e ena, Sir, or :,.., ;fl braking action report on, ab are you able to right turn at the •A J "• trunway) one-five right please. couple or flameQuls there (a end. ,, ; ~~\ 6:54~11 Northwest 43: Ah fair minor problem)., 7 36:46 LC: World 30 heavy ti ','to •poo;. Northwe s t , 'ah . 7 :29:02 -LC : Northwest 42. Confirm yourolled offtheend. t .,:i -. forty-three heavy. You copy? I don't see anything 7 37 .05 LC · World 30 heavy, ~,,,. 11 < 7:'90~42 -Del(a 920: Charlie now, but I did see a couple of, ground ~wer. t•:i ' (a taxiway) and the inner and, ah, names from the rear of your 7 · 37: 16 LC. World 30 he~vy. ,, ' ah, if nobody else told you -ai rcraft. World 30 heavy, tower Confirm f they probably have -it's poor 7:29:10 -Northwest 42: Y-es, you ~oiled off the end of runway .. ,;•,(O nil out there on the braking. that was.a compressor stall and, one.five. »d :: 1 7:00:47 -GC : OK. Thank you. ah, braking is , ah. poor there ~" •".J 7,:..l?i 3~ -Republi c 70 : andwehadtogoall thewayto I ~1· .,•.; the end. 'trl 7 :29 :17 -LC · All right V.S. readies ..... From Page A 1 :r:t :' 1'::.:GlVE Northwest 42, and. ah, right tum proseCUt ;0 1lS at the end or inbound on Charlie • ' ., taxiway. Contact, ah, ground one·twenty point nine. Clearing a nd , ah, you said it was ~·l ••• ,: · 'with less than $100 Police say .ni • they have little to go on in the • ), • case. ·;~ ,., Money collected in the • 11 'fund-raising drive is placed in a ~ ' trust fund Ackman helped set up !l!J •at Merit Savings and Loan in "" Camino Plaza. ;;·io ' Ackman said he started trying to belp the family at the urging of his wife. Holly ~~1 "The shooting bothered her so 1 t 'l ·much that she couldn't sleep ;.if , Thursday night," .tie said. "She •. was• up at 2 a.m. We figured we ;•il ,had to do something. It hit so M~ .. Close to home." 1.in -Th& biggest donation so far · that has been made to the trust fund came from the Winchell 's . Donut Co., which gave $1.000 to .. r~ the fund. A $150 donation was n& ·-made by the Irvine Police ''-" Officers Associations. Officers ::><··•frequent 'the Winchell's shop, the "~ ' 'only ~ll·night doughnut shop in .RIJ 'town. ' compressor problem. 7:29:28 -Northwest 42: Ah, yes. It was compressor stall. It was still in reverse at slow speed and we're trying to get stopped and. ah, stalled. 7:31 :01 -Northwest 294 · Ground. !l{orthwest 294 Ah. your braking action 1s fairly nil here on. ah, Charlie. 7·31:09 GC · Roger. 7 31 10 GC Northwest 42. Your company just inbound 5 rne n arrested LOS ANGELES <AP> -Five men .have been arrested for investigation in a series of armed robberies executed by wh a t police describe as a · 'commando·type" team that attacked with militar y precision From Page A1 WASHINGTON <AP ) After the R~aga n administration's g r ace period on draft registration expires on Feb. 28, says Attorney General William French Smith, "Lhere certainly will be hundreds " of prosecutions of young men who fall to comply. Smith was questioned by reporters Wednesday a bout \he administration's plans on prosecuting the estimated 800.000 young men who have not reg1 ~te red . "We are in the business or enforcing the laws and we are going lo enfo rce this one." Smith responded. He said he did not (hink it would be necessary to prosecute all r egis tratio n evaders "because I think when it is understood that we are serious about doing something that the num ber of people who will w11lfully refuse to comply will dramatJcally s hrink " '~1v Across Walnut Avenue from Camino Plaza is the Arbor ShoRping Center, where Gene Tibtiat, part .owner of Arbor Villaee Barber Shop, s ays all the money his barbers make on GRIDDER PROBED. • • ,_ .~ ' . I I March 14 will go to the Aliaro f u l'l.d . lie · s c a 11 i n g t h e rund·raising event a cut·a·thon. , ' I I I I!! I "I saw Mrs. Alfaro on the television news silting on her J couch with her fi ve children and it just di,d something to me and I wanted {o help," Tibbit said He added that he's trying to • organize a series or fund·raising events in Arbor Shopping Center , it• addition to the cut·a·thon. ·· Mrs. Alfaro is sCheduled to ., m au ~pearance-Friday at :1 Merit":5amgs and Loan, 5392 1 Walnut Ave., where she will be : pres'ented with a check for the :: money in the trust fund. •l ·, Aetman said he expects there , ,:, to be about $3.000 in the fund by I l ~ Friday: · counselor Mark Orlando called her and said Bell needed a "B" grade in her class to qualify for the football scholarship to attend Kansas University. She says Edison Principal Philip Gross telephoned later and said he would "stand by any decision I made " "I just felt that no teacher sho uld ever be put in that position," Ms. Carpenter said. "These things should have been taken care or in June, not a week before the un iversity term started. ''There was no direct pressure to change the grade," she said. ··Hut there was a definite sense of urgency. I didn't have time to consider my decision. Il was a choice or elther change the grade or not." She said she finally decided 11. !~!~q,OO<" MAIN OflPtC8 D1wne...,ll..C-MeM,cA. ............... , ... CMl9 llllfte. G"'I ... I g' ~rt N. Weed p Thomas A Murph1ne ,_ I :.· L. Kay Schultz ~ =~~··-, Michael P. Harvey ~ ~~Vi N. Goddard Jr. ~ow. .. ~-,~,~=,· ........ °"°' .. Chertes H. L.oos ....._.....,, • I • that Bell was a "victim of circumstance" because he'd been told by counselors during his final semester that he had enough c redits to go to a university. "!just imagined the headlines 'English Teacher Keeps Star Out of College,· she recalled. I never dreamed that two years later it would be just t.he opposite." Ms . Carpenter says Bell turned in two assignments - one a makeup project and the other an extra assignm ent -to her sister in Huntington Beach. She says her sister called ~er In Oregon and read and described Bell's work. Ms. Carpenter says s h e then authorized raising the grade to a "C,'' but not any higher. 1 She says counselor Orlando then apparently approa~hes,t Instructor Leigh. Leigh HY'I be had Bell do extra assignmeDt.s and then upgraded him from' a ''B" to an "A" qualifylng the athlete fo~holarship. "l still have mixed fedlnp be cau ~e he was s uch an important figure ,'' Ms . Carpenter says of Bell. "Some ol the teachers (at Edison) an angry that I chanaed the 1ude because they feel the athletic department ts ahown favorit.lam. "Kerwin earned lhe 1rade; I 'm aure be did the ( .. lra) work. But I don't know H 1dmln1atral0rl would have called me t.n Oreion lf It had just been John Q. Studeol wbo needtd the change " • · 1mtl!'l<1ca to meero"Ur'"rle~easior ·--r ater told reporters that areas hundreds a nd hundreds or underfcderaljurisdictionwillbe years." Watt said opened ror drilling From Page A1 From Page A 1 CHEMIST BAIL ORDERED • • • • • • mother's request, "Barclay. just put me away," when he gave her the drink. Deputy Di s trict Attorney Patrtck Geary praised the jury ror "correctly determining what had happened in this case." Geary presented witnesses during the trial who testified that Baetz and his mother often argued. One witness said he overheard Baetz once call Mrs. Baetz a "damned old woman" who "should be dead." Sentencing was ·scheduled for March 26. Geary said he will ask t hat Baetz be glven the maximum first·degree murder sentence, 25 years to life 1n state prison. Baetz would be eligible for parole after 17 years Plug pulled on utilities ca~h and kept in more than one loc<1t1on So the I RS would not learn those locations and size of the money wh ich be longs to investors, Carter held a special closed hearing an has chambers where Mc Donald repreatedly told him the whereabouts of the fund~ Still , the ru11 scope of the San Juan Capistrano man's troubled r1nancial empire r e mained something of a mystery. During hi s appearance on the witness stand Tuesday. he said tt.e ru11 worth of his assets -one a nd the same with Golden Eagle's becaus~ the firm was not incorp<>rated was more than $60 million, nearly all of it 1n cash On Wednesday. he retracted t hal statement ·admitting only th at he possessed more than $10 malhon inc.ash Huck . a deputy district attornev said financial records seized ·i~ a raid last week on OAKHURST <A P 1 When Golden Eagle's ofrices showed their utility bill nearly tripled in that the firm had amassed more two monlbs. Ed and Marty than $11 million in investments Burckhard were so indignant over a six month period · that they handed m their meter Subtractmg $2.4 m1lhon prud to Pacific Gas & Electric 10 commissions to salesmen and They now play cribbage by the the $850.000 seized by sheriff's light of a propane lamp and investigators in their raid , Buck d e p e nd on a moto r home said , would leave about $8 generator for l'efr1geration and million unaccounted for. clothes washing. The wher eabouts of those runds occupied much of Carter's attention lie made it clear to McDonald, whose hearing was viewed once again by a standing.room-only crowd of investors and salesmen in Laguna Niguel. that bail would oo lowered again if he could come up with the money to pay off investors Another alternative the judge gave him was lo deposit SS million in collater al in a trust ., account through his attorneys to make good on the investments Staring directly at McDonald. Carter told him, ··rr you can perform <come up with the money J. lhe whole world will kn ow very shortly ... The Judge said bail of $2 m1ll1on was not unrealistic af the representations made by Mc Donald in Carter 's chambers on the Wlereabouts of the money were true Carter said it shouldn't lake any longer than a day or two to retrieve the funds , the location or which remained secret. SeveraJ investors who testified Wednesday s aid they gave their money to McDonald when his salesmen promised to pay them interest payments on short·term loans of between 10 and 20 percent a month. No evidence of s uch investments has been found . rr=:::============;::::::::::::::========:;~-~~~ Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary in Space! The Omega Speedmaster-Official Watch of NASA. Since 1962 when NASA selected it as the official watch of the space program. the Omega Speedmaster Profes.5ional Chronograph has been worn on all manned flights and on the moon-SO times in space. Now. it's being worn on the space shuttle Columbia. It's the one chronograph even space technology can't Improve upon. Imagine what It can do on earth for you. Stainless steel chronograph and tachometer: water-resistant to 100 feet. $550. SLAV.ICK'S flne,,....,.Slnc• 1917 Whm cht besr surprises begin: ,.....,,. IM'ld (714) ~, 3llO. H4lwpoft INctl ~ CrMtw LCf Angeles• Sin °'9gO • LM ~ • .-- • _ ... _ ---_..,.------~-----___ -=~-------:' ---------~ T he 1tru11 te over lbe n Umated sac> mllllon eatate left by Sally 8&Hford, the m a d am who bec ame 1 Sausalito mayor, grew more tanaled as the total of her purported wills rose to alx. ·'Sall y bid a v e r y con voluted life, and God bleaa her, 1he left a very convoluted will." said San F rancisco attorney MelvlD Be lll, whose client , Jollo David Owea, ls contestlna a wlll slped by Ms. Stanford last July. E AA $ays Santiago Canyon, Chi@ Hills. not. adaptable -. A .......... T h at will di s inherited Owen , M s. Sta nfo rd's adopt.ed son, and left most of h er estate to her friend , EllHbeUa PtPlllps. Owen's lawyers prduced a 1977 will that left most of the estate to him. T he famed lax-c ulli ng legis lation embr aced by presid e n tial c a n did ate llonald Reagaa in 1980 -and since largely en a cted by Congress -has always been known as the Kemp-Roth bill. Sen. WUUam lloth, R-Del., has been waging a long , one-man campaign to get p e opl e t o c a l l i t the Roth-Kemp bill instead. To no avail. Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., see ms ass ured of front billing as long as the legislation is discussed . By F&EDEaJCK SCllOEMEHL o1 .. ....., ......... Two Oran te Co unty sites und e r co ns id eration for a realonal airport are s imply "not adaptable" to such \&le because of air tr affic conaestion that already extsu In Or an1e County skies. That conclusion is con tained ln a lette r frorn t he F ederal Aviation Administra t ion to Ma rk Pisano, executive direct.or or the So uthe rn Ca llfor nla Association of Governments, one or t wo agen c ie s s t u d yin g p ot e ntial sites for a new Southern California airPort. The FAA concluded that sites In Santiago Can yon c ast or Orange and Chino Hills north of Yorba Linda would conflict with airs pace paUerns for existing airports, such as John Wayne Airport and the Marirae Corps Air Station, El Toro. "In summary or this informal review, it appe ars that while so m e of the Santiago s ite restrictions could be r·emedied, neither site is adaptahle to the presen t a ir tr aft ic syste m w it h out u ser d e l a ys, in c onve n ie nt r e routes and restrictions," according Lo the FAA letter. T h os e s ugg ested d e lays , reroutings and restric tions, according to the letter. "may not be acceptable a lternalivf!(S) to all concerned." • CHINO ~ • llt~.>RO SAHTltloQO 81TE oa11,,. .... ~ REJECTED -Proposed r egional airport s ites in the Santiago Canyon and Chino H i lls (d ots ) h a ve bee n r e jected by the f'AA The Santiago site iu flawed. the FAA said. due to hills in the vic inity that wo uld have be lowered, and potential airspace conflicts with ''virtually ... all a rrivals/departu re s" from airports in Ontario. Ri verside , Chino, Santa Ana (John Wayne) a nd Long Beach. ·'The a i r s pa c f!·air way alignments that wou Id have to b e a ccomplis hed to mak•e appro aches feas ible a re s o d is rupti ve to all olhe•r airports m the area \bat Lbe r.ci~ maJ* cban .. 1 are not coeild•tf'd acceptable from an effectlw airspace mana1ement PD1lt.loo," the FAA 1ald. The FAA said the Cldpo llDt arrival routes would M 1utdliet t o m ost of th• air traffic const rti.Dta ideallll-4 for a. Santlaao Canyon aft.e. Del'&rturel to the welt wcM.lld be in coallict wltb anivall to Loa Anselea alld wllb Jn a ltitude airway optratlo.na • between the Lona Beech, Loi Angeles and Ontario areas, tt.e FAA said . Bruce Neat.ande, cbal.nnan cl t he Orange Count1 Bolll'd of S upe rvisors, said wec111 .. aay that the letter cooflrml Mi Put beliefs that s ub1tanUal air conflicts would be posed by the Santiaeo site. Santiago has bee n u nder intens e scrutiny from both SCAG and a "blue ribbon" puel a ppointed by s uperviao ra last year to investigat e potential locatiQDS for a relional ·~· Nestande said SanUaco and Chino Hills should be dropped from further consideration. Any new airport needed by 2000, he said , should be located i n Camp P e ndleton , the sprawling Marine Corps bue in no r t b S a n D ie go County. Nestande said. EYES ON TEXAS -1'\' aC'lrcss Morgan Fairchild. a Texas nat ive. stands a longside a statue of forme r House Spe aker Sa m Ray burn on Capitol Hi ll in Washington. He was born in 1882 and served I 7 yea r s as speaker Lee Majors l e ts ex--wife have lwuse So when Roth was looking for a House co-sponsor for a bill designed to increase the interes t yield of s avings bonds, he found the perfect co mpanio n : a H o u se member sure not to upstage him in the way that Kemp did. Or, at leas t not so anybody would notice. With co-sponsor Re p. Toby Roth, R-Wis ., Sen . Roth iss u e d a ne ws r e l ease County 'los's'es' mou.nting Actor Lee Majors says he is going let ex-wife Farrah Fawcett have the S2.5 million ho use t hey s ha red whi le m ar ried and whic h they have be~n fighting over in court. ··w e met. We had a nice s l atin g : .. Rot h-Roth bill c'o upl e of ho ur s talk , would make savings bonds Supervisors write off $57 ,700 worth of inventory _ ,._M.ajQli.....ilJ.m.tr.J!esl..U:w:q_ d inner with Miss Fawcett and others at L e Se rre res t a ur a nt a nd t o ld KN BC-T V the couple had been reminiscin~. Gray Davis, form er chief or staff for Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., saad he'll seek Assemblyman Howard L . Be rm an's seat instead of challeng in g Assembly m an He r s cbe l R os e a tbal t o succeed retiring state Sen. Alan Sieroty, a ll Los Angeles Democrats reviewed 14 years of a nice com petitive... It's sort of difficult lo im agine relationship," Majors s aid. that a ll those t y pe writers. "It came about that maybe I The owner of New York's projectors. calculators, adding took some pressur.e off the fa m ed Sardi's r estaura nt m achines. dictating equ\pment Judge because I made · the waded into icy Central Park a nd the like -which co!;t•more decisioJ:LJA give ,h.s;;.e,_r _t..,h..,e;;.__...,L..;i.>k~~a-womaA..wag._-1---Ulan.JllJ.9.Q_.=....m,x~twoJW.x, house. nea rly drowned t rying to were "lost" by Orange County '·She deser ves it ,·· he save two brothers who had government agencies added ... She's a nice lady, fallen through thin ice. But that is officially what a nd I st ill love her very Vincent Sardi, 66, was h a p pe ned after the Or a nge much.·· bicycling in his business suit Count y Board of Super visors w h e n he s aw Barb a r a this week wrote off mo re than 60 R un n i ng in S i e r o t y·s west-side district would "pit m e against a nu ~ber of people who've been friends and close colleia.gues over the past seven yea rs," Davis said. Berman, D-Los Angeles, is expected to run for Congnss. Varuhagen fl ailing about in ''lost '' ite m s f r om cou nty the water. Sardi found some inventory rolls. rope and waded into the The items which n nge from water. $12.350 worth of u ns pecified "I kept flipping the rope to morgue equipment to a $314 sofa her ," he said. were reported los t during a After pulling her out. he recent county inventory by the r ode on to M8rnha ttan'a She riff-Coroner's Department theater district. where he an d t he Hum an Ser vices downed a few brandies at his Agency. rest aurant to warm up. Many of the items repor-ILed as locate the gea r. be in g "los t " actually were L e_.)N i s ack n o wledged , stolen or still are in serv ace and ho wever, that the r e ported j ust cannot be locat e•d , said losses are much h ighe r than Steve Lewis, chief deput y of lbe normal. _s) r a n ..&.. .e..~~-Q...µ_..D-~ ---rf~'"'11nw_l'61_--4 Aud1tor-Controller s Offr.ce. . . h be l l .-.a • Le wi s s aid t hat u nless procedures are strictly followed in reporting the theft o f an item. su ~ as on~ of the mo re than 20 ty pewriters reported. missing, th.e items must be li~;teA on the inventory as lost. 1.'hat would account for many of: the items, h e said. He added t hat :ctuditors had s pent about 300 hOl'1rs looking for lost equipment in 1addition to the ti m e s pent b y "'ach agency's p e r sonnel in :.A tte m pting to items mig t exp a noeu, in part, by the fact that the hiebest losses wer e r eported by the Human Services Agency, which a l so was t h e co unty gover nment 's largest agency, until it was divided into two offices -Health Care and So ci al Servi c es -last November. In l.ight of the losses , bia de p artme nt is revi ewio1 inventory control proeedures, a lready considered 1trln1eet, tie said . Warm days Cable deregulation ~tudied by county Lewis said some of lbe items may have bet!n sold as surplus and the sale was not properly r ecorded. And , the re a re the odd-ball cases. like the one of the thrtt co u c h e s t hat were t o b e t r ans ferred from one county o f f i c e to a noth e r . They "inadvertently" were picked up by the Salvation Arm y, Lewis said. Coastal. \ Mostly llQhl ••rl3bt• w l"o' tt\rouoh ton1Qh1 Aflf!rnoon w ino' WU I 10 11«11\-sl I 10 II k"4lh wllh I 10 3 fool w lM "'a"fl California Mo1tly fair 11tlu In Soulher" Celllor"I• fl'lrouQll Friday. StlQl'ltty wer-r Frl<ley. (M11<e of llOl"UIMt\ winch to U mpf\ bY , ... _.., below <anVOM '" Ore 11oe Coutlty Hlt l'll tocle y erHI Frlcley 1Slo lS. L-. 0 10 S4 111telld ..,., .. yw <.,. u :-t _.,.,1.., winch In Uft't'IWI .... , U·U ml)l'I HltM 111 -105 -tow 11)1 LOW\ O to SO. Nortlleny wl-»-JS m Clll ti tl,,,_s Ill mOUl'ltaflll. Hl9htl S4 to ... L-• In ao.101-• I No rtl'let ll d•"''• <•II e •p•ct llOf'l!Hltly w!Mt U-U ....... HIOl'll tooav ., to 7a, low\ •01 le '°' Sout .... 11 ...U Cati e •-1 llfOM 10 to •• -. 111 -.. Mloolt S ..,_ warm.r ''*"'· NertMnl eolCI CM>trel Calttornle Wiii be lelr -y. F .. Ill lfltelWI u lln• l\IOM --lllllO hours ltehl llkely In ~.~ coeJt aftd Ill llOrtNrll _. ..... ,,lcley ,_ le .... , Ill ll0'1flerll .-Mellll lftear s.• -· .., ......... .., .......... 4 Smog The Air Que llty M1naoeme"I OIUrl<I lo"te~ OOOC1 air quallly tor •II ••e .. 10< lod•v TM POiiutant St•ncl•ro In~• ..... HP<'< led to be JO 11111\e San FernanclO ano S.nl• Clarll• Vellevs, 5e 1n the San G•l>r••I •ncl ~ ....... •net O '" all oti-ant•• 1114' AQMO ••id E x tended HO•• "'\ o ••• •' c.-- Albu<lu~ Anc:l\or- Aitwv1lle-Allen la All•nlc Ctv B•lltmore Bormtnohm Blsmar<- Botse Bo.ton Butt•IO Cl\arlslnSC Cl\arlstn WV Chev•nne Cllk1911 Clnclnn-11 Clevelalld Cotumbus Oal·FtwWlll Denver Des Moine• Detroit NATION 60 )6 03 .I) 61 '° 69 SI J1 ,. ., 41 u ,. 41 II so ,. 30 u 11 ,, 71 60 60 ... '° u J7 n JI )6 J7 )1 " . St 40 Houston '"""•Piii Jeo.:wwlle o<an.Clly LH Vt91S Lillie Ro<lr. Loul\vllle Mempllls Miami Mllwauk.ee Mpls St P "•"'•Ille Mew Ori...,. ... w YO<~ Otlte Cltv Oma Ila Pllll•dpllla Plloenl• PllltburQll P11and, Me P11alld,O... Aap+o City Reno Al<llrn- Seit L•b S.attle SI Louis St p.r.,,,... StSteM- 5"1L•ne Tucson WHl\lllotn Wl<lllla ll .. ,, ,, '° " ,. u .. 46 H 41 •• .., ,, 41 II tS ,, ,. J1 ,. SI 41 ,. ,, 0 n •t • ,. n u JO 11 ,. ,. ,, ,. " M '° S7 D u " .. 31 .. M SI 46 ,, ,. ,. u ,. 10 so ., 71 u 0 n " u El Peto FalrMnks Har110fd Htl ... o HoftOhllU St 11 U D ll 27 70 Q ·1' ..J2 )J • n v ., ., CAU~MIA Aptlle Val,_., u Cl ..... ,, ... .,, ., ... •M"St-7S ,. ._,,.,_. .. ID ----- L-.;;?:illllliiiili-•--.UR_f _ll_PD __ 8T ____ · i ... llMCll ...... ~-t s. II ta flollOfllU , Newpcw\ 7 s.n o-.. Cout1ty a Owl ... for ,rldeYI Lltt .. <llMf9. ... .... • • > s ............... AWW -· .. ' t "' I J IW ' t .. 2 t w We're Listening ••• B'9BHr Bishop BlytM Cat•llna eur•~· FrHno Lancut•r Lono Beac1> LosA"9tlft Marys.Ille Monrovt. Moni.llellO Monterey Ml.WU-. Needles NeWPOr1 8Mcl\ o..,,_ OfttarlO Palm SPf'ln9i PeMdenl Paso lto«l!fl Rlve"ldo Red Bluff RedWood City Sacra...- s.11nas San Bernwdl,... S...Gabr .. I s...o,.. S.11 Fr-!Ko SanJOM S.nl•AN S.nta BarbMr• -S-a Cnot 5-llta Meftk• Sk<k'°" Tafl09Va419y T,,.,.,.,el Ton- Y11<1'141 CANADA , ........ !dmonlOft MontrH I Ottawa .. .,. AM•IUCAN .. ,.,.... S«lftuM ...... (Wile .. o..Nlal«• ~ .... Haw-Kl,..._.. ............... Ma1etlafl ....... What do you Ilk• about tM Dally Pilot? Whet don't you like? Call lhe number below and your mettate will be recorded. transcri~ and delivered to the approprta(e editor. T.._, same 24·hour an1wertna.aervlct may be uaed to record let· terl to the editor on any top&c. Mailbox contributor• must include thelr name and telephone number ror nllncatton. No circulation o ils. please. Tell us what's on your mind. ~ ... t 2 .. St 6S ., .. 19 61 7) 10 S1 61 ,. •> ... 11 •• 12 ., u ... u ... 61 6S 7J .. St .. .. 11 ., 1t 61 41 ., 61 IS •• 40 16 .. ... 1J .. .. ... ... • .. ts 77 t J u JJ Sl 5e S3 47 SI 43 ., S1 SS S4 SI Q S4 ,. u 61 " SI ... S4 '° " ... ... " S3 ff S2 S7 S2 ... ,, S4 • l.S 61 S4 Sl 2t 07 01 Oi 10 ... ,. 71 .. 1t ,, 11 .. " ,. E i ght c able tel evisio n fran c h i se o p e r a t ors i n unin corporated portio ns of Orange County could have their service rates deregulated under guidelines adQl>ted this week by the county Board of Supervisors. The guidelines. developed by lhe county Gene ral Ser vices Agency, enumera te conditions unde r which a cable operator ~ould apply for deregulation and ~ell out t he formula under w hich a ca ble der egulation might be granted. I n o rder t o apply fo r deregulatiorl, the franch ise must pro vid e r e ason a bl e public access to commun ity service , channels and studio production facilities, according to a report provided to s upe rvisors. Also. guidelin e~ concerning the resolution of cons umer complaints m ust be met by the oper ator as well as s ubmission of a plan and timetable aimed at i nt e r -conne c tin g community access channels or the various cable systems. 0 n, c e c a b I e f r a n c h i s e oper ators have met the basic a pplication re q u ire ments. a de regulation application will be conHidered. r1 e r e gu l a tion w l 11 occ ur itu'to m atically if any cable op•erator challenges another for it !'. s ubscribers b~ p r oviding cc.m pet ing ser vice in a given ar·ea, accordiniz to the plan. Al so s p e lle d o ut in t he r: u id e Ii n es i s h ow cab I e o perators could adjust rates, t>nce deregulated , especially in a r e a s of the coun t y where norm al broadcast reception is poor In other action, supervisors approved: -Creation of a n Orange County Developme nt Agency. which would be authorized to se ll u p lo $50 m i llio n in lax-exempt revenue bonds for the construction of subsidized housing for the poor . Final a pproval is s.c heduled durin1 next week's board meetini. -Consolidation of a spedal primary election for the vacant 35th state Senate District seat with April 13 muni ci pal elections. The district includes F ullerton, La Habra, Placentia, Orange. Villa Par k and Yorba Linda. The seat was ~ned w h en Sen . Jo hn Bri g1s . R-F ullerton , resigned. I ~ RO LEX THE CONCEPT OF ENDURANCE, THE FACES OF INTEQRITY Rolex DateJust. self-winding chro. • nometer. stainless steel and 14kt. gold Oyster case. Jubilee braoelet. Rolex Lady-Date. self-winding with stainless steel and 14k t. gold Oyster case. Jubilee bracelet. Both models guaranteed pressure- proof down to 165 feet. RAFF j~Jrj-.. 32 FASHltON ISLAND NEWPORT Bf:ACH..t.....~~LIF ... (7140 "4+'N4U 'I S Orange Co .. t Oi"LY PILOT/Thursday, February 18, 1982 . . ·-.... l ·to~kman .: Reagari. budget not 'the l ast word' ASHINGTON <AP) -certainspi;ritofconciliationand 1•t director David A. yielding on both sides" in the ekman , aignallln1 the budaetproueu. lbtllty ol compromise on . The pr1?s ldent' s budge t ldent Rea1an'a proposed director did not indicate any et, aald tt' le time for the easing of the administration's atlon and the Conlfesa refusal to aceept chances In its 'let uide the oratory . . . defense budget or in the l81< cub roll up our sleeves and look Congress approved last year. he hard, practical choices Stockman faced an often re ua." hostile audience as he defended ockman told the House R e a g a n · s b u d g e t .d a e t Com m i t t e e on recommenda1tions. JlHday t hat the bud1et Rep. David R. Obey, D·Wis., SQ submitted l1lat week, accused Stockman of not having lu predicted $757.8 billion "leveled" with Congress last D41Ddlln.1 and a deficit of $91.5 year.· n, wu not "the laat word or "l don't have any questions final, complete solution." for you beCause, very frankly, I uae Democratic leader Jim wouldn't believe any answers ht ot Texu, who sits on the you gavt? me," Obey said. mitt.ee, told Stockman that, Earlier, Stockman said .. _.s..::ear=.~tbe=r.::.e..:i:.a .::•:..;n:=:eed==--"f:.::o::.r..:a=--__.::C::.::o:.::n:a:..res=u would still be facing the record deficit projections included in Reagan's budtiet proPoaal even lf the president's spending plan had not been adopted last year. Re p. James R'. Jones, D·Okla., the committee chairman , clear thia week, aayln1, "I have thorouahly exam lned the administration's proposals and, althouih I wleh they could work. I have concluded they cannot." The president's f757.6 billion budget for fiscal 1983, which There spirit of is a . need "for concil.iation. '' a certain opened the day-long hearing by charging that the administration knew last year "its program would not produce the results the administration claimed . . . But, for public consumption, the adm inisf.ration reprogrammed its computer.·• Jon~ had made his ·feelings starts Oct. 1, forecasts a record deficit of $98.6 billion for the current year, followed by a $91.5 billion shortfall next year. Those deficit predictions from 11 president who promised a balanced budget have broupt election-year howls of anguish from congressional Democrats and Republicans alike. Jones aald today; "Thia ad mlnietratlon'a deficits are both unbelievable and not believable. That ls why we queaUon thil bud1et's honesty." Rep. Delbert L. Latta of Ohio, the ranklnl Republican on the panel, said be was "shocked" by tbe deficit projections in the preaJdent's bud1et. Nevertheless, he defended the administration aaatnat char1ea that it was to blame for the current economic slump, aaying, •'This current recession . . . began last July. The program of the president dldn 't become effective until October.'' Stockman acknowledged that t h e a d m i n..i' s t r a t i o n · s recommendations &Te "undoubtedly the most difficult budget ever presented to the Con1ress of the United States ... But he argued that changes In the economic outlook. includlni recession, hither t han anticipated interest rates nnd a more rapid than expected decline in inflation, have fed the large projected deficits In the president's program. Stockman said the naUo.n's present budget problems are the result of the economy and not the administration's policies. He said that since all budget and economic forei:asters had uniformly underestimated the economy's current condition, deficits would be no different even if Congress had adopted alternative spending cuts and tax reductions proposed last year by House Democrats . Anti-death penalty . - campaign begins LONDON CAP> -Amnesty Nobel Peace Prize, said it hopes International has launched a its publicity campaign will worldwide campaign against prompt tens of thousands of capital punishment in the United letters to U.S. legislators and States, where almost 1,000 newspapers in the 3S states that people are under sentence of still have death penalty statutes death. on the books. The London-based human In 1976. the U.S. Supreme rights organization conceded Court ruled that the death that only four Americans have penalty "does not violate the been executed since 1967 -Constitution·' and may be compared with 700 Iranians put imposed in states whose laws before firing squads in the past permit capital punishment. year, according to Amnesty's Amnesty said there were "at statistics. least" 924 Americans under But it noted the United States death sentences in 28 stales at is out of line ~ith. i.ts West~rn the end of 1981 -the highest · \,. -~__,,...__u~opean. Jllliu.l.n.Jta..un.t-..-~bei:...in ... JJ.,$~.~~r¥. lA lMl-i ,~ capital purushment at all. an average of four Americans .... ·-._ GOY LIZA -Entertainer Liza Minnelli relaxes with feet as she talks with an unidentified woman during a break in rehearsals at New York's Radio City Music Hall. / urope 's concern o ver Salv ador grows LONDON CAP> -Concern is growing in Western Europe that Pr~ident Reagan's policy on El S1l ador may be taking t.he UQ ed St.ates on 'the same road t t tha led to Vietnam. t F w commentators feel the eJectfons March 28 for a COIJStituent assembly in the Central American nation will 1; fairly resolve the issues while violence on the left and right eotltin~. NATO ally Norway told U.S. Ambassador Mark Austad it WO&Jld not accept the invitation from President Jose Napoleon 1, Du•rte's junta to send observers to ~e election. Deputy Foreign Ills.later Eivinn Berg said a credible election is not possible. Leo Tindemans of Belgium, the current chairman o f the 10-nation Common Mairket's council of foreign minister.s, told reporters the United States has not convinced the European public it is doing enough to stop violence by the junta's force'I. Tindemans, who will dis1'!uss El Salvador among other w ·ues when he ·visits Washington Ulis week, said European public opinion feels the United States is not ·'strong enough'' with lll.le junta. The Dutch Parliament by an overwhelming vote adopted .~ resolution Tuesday opposintt U.S. military intervention "in whatever form," proPosing 11 U .N. peacekeeping force to stop• the fighting and calling for a dialogue between the junta and Visit Garrett ~s the leftist guerrillas. "Things are going badly," the independent Times of London . wrote, " ... and there are grounds for fear ing that by becoming more involved, the United States may be repeating the mis takes made in Vietnam. "It is simply not ~sible to present a regime ~such a murderous record as democratic," the Times said. "And next month's elections will not alter that fact, because it is not possible to hold fair and open elections in an atmosphere of repression like that in El Salvador today." The conservative London Evening Standa rd said : "It makes no Bense for the U.S. Administration to talk about Fine Leather Furniture For Home or ,Office Savings 25%to50% L ounge Chai rs, Wi ng Chairs, Sof as, Re cli ner s,· Executiv e Office Swivel Chair s a 11~ Oc casional Cha i rs W ide cho•i ce of leather colors H.J. Garrett fine leather furniture since 1963 'y . H.J1.GAl\~Elf f U ~Nl~RE HOURI: Mon. tttru Thute. 10 1.m. to IP•"'· '"· 10 1.m. to t p,m, ..... 10 .m. to l :IO p.m. Soviet-inspired repression in Poland so long as it involves itself so heavily in the equally violent confiict in El Salvador." France's Socialist government stands by its statement Jllst August recognizing 'the Farabundo Marti National Li be ration F ront. the leftist guerrilla coalition fighting the junta. as "tepresentative political forces." The statement said the Front should have a role in a negotiated settlement. Even without execution, were condemned to death each "Living under a death sentence week. is in itself cruel," Amnesty said Surveys show most of those irt a statement launching the condemned "come from the campaign." ranks of the poor and Amnesty, winner of the 1977 unemployed," Amnesty said. Of Reagan to unveil Caribbean aid plan WASHINGTON CAP ) - President Reagan is set to unveil an economic developmen~ program for the Caribbean basin including direct U.S. economic aid of $300 million to $350 million but emphasiiing self-help over the long haul. administration sources said. Reagan will emphasize trade and investment in the region, and ask that most barriers to imports from Caribbean countries be removed when he outlines his program next week before the Organization of American States, the sources, who requested anonymity. said. The Baltimore Sun reported Wednesday th.at Reagan will propose lifting all tariffs except those on textiles . This controversial proposal would give Caribbean and CenJ.ral American countries a larger share of t he U.S. m arltel, particularly for agricultural goods. The administration has tried to stem the growth of Marxism in the region, where the gap between the wealthy and the poor masses is large. The administration's concern is now trained largely on El Salvador and the u .s ... backed government's struggle against foes from the left and right. While some military advisers have been sent there, and U.S. aid boosted , there is considerable res istance in Congress and among Wes t European allies to accelerating American involvement in the country. The Reagan economic program seeks to alleviate the economic and social pressures by pro moting ca pitalist development throughout the area. at Mr. EWot'a: South Cout Plua 557-6080 - ... ... • .. ----::.--. -~ -. - --------~-=1 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT fhur!lday Ff'bruury 18 198~ PU(: to review electric rates approval SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The s tal e Publi c Uti liti es Com mission has agreed to review the structure of electric rat~s approved as part of a controversial $909 million increase granted on Dec. 30 to Pacific Gas & Electric Co. The P UC. under fire from Utilities newspaper ads urged SACRAMENTO (AP) Sen. Joseph Montoya, chairman of tht! Senate Energy a nd Public Utilities Committee , h as suggested in letters to California utilities that they advertise in a Bak e r s fi e ld H ispa ni c ne wliillaper, the Sacramento Union'lnls reported . Montoya , D·Whitlier , said Wednesda y he saw nothing wrong with it In letters dated Feb. 8 to the Pacifi c Gas & Electric Co ., Southe rn California Ettison, Pacific Telephone and other 11til1t1es, Montoya reminded them of his interest in "policies relating to e mployment and promotional opportunities for Hispanics ... .. Also of concern," he said, ··1s the question of public utility advertising 1n His pani c newspapers. The newspaper I bring to your attentlO'l today is ·El Mex1calo . · a bilingual His panic own ed newspaper headquartered in Bakersfield " • consumers who saw bills soar as a result of the harsh winter aod a string of rate boos ts, also approved o n Tuesday an immediate break for owners of a ll-electric homes a nd a separate $100 million reduction in electric rates. which PG&E had requested. The c ut , e ff ec tive immediately, stemmed from the large amount of hydroelectri6> po we r available a fte r the winter's heavy precipitation. The action, which PG&E wanted to begin April l , will mean a cut of a bout 86 cents in the monthly bill of a customer using SOO kilowatts of electricity. The commission also ordered PG&E to restore immediately a low interest and zero-interest l oa n program for home conservation work, which the company eliminated last week. PUC Pres ident John Bryson labe led the utility's suspension of the conservation loans a "c lear and rtagrant violation of the commission 's order " establis hing the program. All rulin gs a re effective Immediately. Ex cep t f or owners o f all-e lectric homes, PG&E c ustome rs can e xpect little relief, PUC officials indicated. The commission ordered an immediate c hange in how electricity is billed for those customers Under the change, all-electric home owners will be a 11 owed a n add i lion al 500 kilowatt hours a month before a third level, or tier. of pricing takes effect. The three-tier policy permils relatively low prices for the first tier , with increasing prices for the second and third tiers, in effect rewarding conservation and punis hing excess use Prior to the Dec. 30 deeision, all-electric home owners were allowed 1,200 kilowatt hours of power at second tier pricing But the commission reduced that to 300 kilowatt hours, causing a s urge in e lectric bills and complaints Under Tuesday's action. the second tier pricing was raised to 800 kilowatt hours Sylvia Siegel of Toward Utility Rate Reform , a con s umer activist group, said , "l am delighted at the modification of the rates. Our s uggestion that they be phased in gradually was welcomed." Ailing lion f oulirig up zoo FOLSOM CAP) -Public sympathy for an ailing lion has turned Folsom Zoo into a smelly chicken coop and Simba, sickl y King of the Beasts, into a finicky eater who wants his chickens plucked before dinner. many chickens she didn't know what to do with them . "We've got chickens all over the place," she said in exasperation. "People keep bringing them in. I guess I s houldn't complain, because I started the whole thing, but, God. they stink." Simba doesn't look sick. But al 13 his kidneys are failing, and vete rinarians suggested a year ago that his daily diet be changed from 20 pounds of horsemeat to poultry. which is easier to digest. The vets said Sim ba should get the whole fryer, feathers and all , to help bis digestion. However , the new diet posed a problem. ··we were supposed to gi~ him eight whole fryers a day." said zookeeper Terry Jenkins, who runs the small zoo in this community a few miles northeast of Sacramento almost s ingle-handedly ··But for a while we couldn't afford that many.'' So the zoo asked for donations. And that posed another problem. Before long, Ms. Jenkins had so And there's another problem -this one with the 375-pound Simba. "We used to just knock the chickens in the head and throw them in," she s aid "Now he refuses to eat them with the feathers on He wants them prepared like you get them in lhe store. all plucked and cleaned " ...... But there is a bright side In add1t1on to tht• hordes of chickens scattered around the zoo in pens. crates and coo~. the zoo is getting a lot of financial help from animal-lovers in the area "The money is vitally needed," Ms . Jenkin!> said. "The publicity is really nice But please tell people we don't need any more live chickens " i -'p SHARK HUNTER ON TRIAL r 1:1\ I' I· ....... l. leil\ (.'S court afte 1n1· l11,d It•·'' '' h.11~,.., 111 1·.11·1,ing loaded 12-gaug nat10ll\\ld" .ii'· r ,,, ''"'V 1 • '1ul hunt He appeared in t·o11r1 I 11• .. , , 1 r 1 ti , ... • 'Pl't·t ed to start · !IO da'" !'>oh111 g1111 :11111 '. , . ' 11 '"' lt.111d.,?11n 111 \lonlerey las J Dt·et·mli1 1 d111 11 1"1 , "'"', ... h.11 I-Fiss·-~-g-a:--i-:-n--:i.-· · ----- --r'tl------------.... -----~-------------------------,_t -·~--·-·---• .,.___..__ ·------·------------·-.-·--· ... --·---1 ~---·-,..- .. (, ~ Whirlpool Undercounter Dishwasher w..IC:•4to4 S Cyctn 10pc1cJ111 inocltt ft.Cutt• nclu11vt lrwht· door 1llverweN betkf1 plut porcclaln-kd 1ub. 4-<olof front pefttl pedL end mott. Buy Now! Offer Ends April 3, 1982 --·---·ol ..... w.cu &~P!.1100 8 i,, sl°° m 9" x 11" SANDPAPER rtt~11~ ( l4 Sc9tcll MOUNTING TAPE 175 5 Look what 'iiiIU PUTIY KNIFE s100 m1U ~ HALOR BLADE SCRAPER s1 ~ ·~ ~ fO '~· ~ s100 ~ Q FIJUl• & SLIP JOINT PLIERS Will '.' 1u ... 1 ~ '~~ .... ~.~ •®+*' DOOR STOPS ..... ~ ~ ~ .. 't 3 $100 for I SECURITY SASH LOCK IOI lA"'il"'. DROP CLOTH !U ), I O"I ~ ~, .. I il :> •11t' b£1 • if ~lo .111,.1 ... '"") 1191\ ·!o. ·' IU!i'\ ... 014' uu"" ' • ·- ""SALE Of ) ., "EX PfilUENCED " FURS Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Thursday, February 18, 1982 . - () I\ A J r •Qfl•t• v i '"' mo11 IQPUlous lulS Ol (\ IJ . VV • ~oftn ori t v ono "' 1ne mov•EH 010 Co~egidor monument dedicated at battle site \/\I now llttt1• 101 vovr selec 1ion WI DlfY YOU TO OWJtllH'TIA Tt -I THI .. W Ot4S flOM T-USALU So. Coast PICllO Hot.I 6 66 Anton llvd. Coda Mesa. CA. The 1Mt••I ..-Ctlon ol IYat,1rr '"" •• hn• .,,., ehown. lnch1dlnt Mtloner h1r1 end ONE b F A KINo IS"tCiel1. 1tnsg1r1e 1>uy1n9 a hne fur 3f('llf' lor under s200.oo. or'",.,..... 1ack111 that was oniy worn oncf' or l w1t.e 01 ,, mir1~ coal that was a p1•1e or• ,1 1 v 9111f'away "'how l 11ey re 1111 here tor t'>ll• .. e1ec110n riow II you 1<no1w •ws ~' 11 Cd• ''"Y ,, tamlly hP1ffO« Hl -'>t a hrlC.t )I) OI IS vClhJf' NPvP• t>elO•P nt've• ay..i n will .. o n1an~ •Aluaote lurs be oller<-<1 .11 ">UCll 11d1<.u•OU< 1 nee! 11 nrak~ ..en~ ll Ouy a tine ren1a1 or unctarmeo lu• Son e lur'> labeled usea have on1y t>een t11eo on worr1 lt'SS 1na11 ''T"•~t tu,, rr~ nPw ~tock r rr$1 c.on1e '"~' <.erveo b.J!.•'. A c,n1a11 l<!DoS•I wth 11010 yOUI t<1 1away 12 noon to 6 pm .'If you don't want to drink - That's our business CORREGIDOR. Philippines <AP> Battle weary Col. George M. Jones walked up to Gen. Douglas MacArth\Ar and said. "Sir, I present to you th~ fortress Corre1tdor." Aller commendina the troops, MacArthur looked around and told Jones: "I see the old flagpole still stands . H~ve }'Our troops hoist the colors to 1tr'Peak and let no enemy ever haul them down." The words were uttered in 1945, exactly two weeks arter the colonel led 2,065 men of his 503rd Parac;hutc Infantry ReJiment on a perilous drop onto Correg1dor, which the Japanese had occupied s ince May 1942. The words are now etched on a small marble monument that J ones and more than 30 or his former soldiers un veiled this week to mark the 37th anniversary of that daring Fe b 16 assault ·'The way we came in today is quite different from t he way we cam e in 1945." said J ones. "If I had a FEATUla•: Roffee. Bogner, C-B. Demetre, Head, Sefac, Hot Gear, Mother Karen• tlnd MORE YOUCA#'T BEAT THAT/ c hoice, I'd have come aa we did today, but we had a job to do " The reumon was held on lh1s tiny. tadpole-s haped island or granite guarding the entrance to Manila Bay. A Philippine navy band played "The Magnificent Seven," a bugler sounded taps 1rnd a Philippine m arine honor guard fired a rirle salute during the simple cere monies, al.so attended by U.S. Embassy and Clark Air Base officials and about a dozen Filipino friends. More than 4 ,500 Japanese were killed in the Corregidor assault. Hundreds more were buried in caves which either they blew up or were blown up by Jones' men. In contrast, J ones' "rock rorce" including a battalion of Gls and other s maller supporting units that were landed amphibiously -s uffered a little more than 200 dead and 1,022 wounded. "This shows it's good to do the im ossible, or what some eo le SKIS ALL SKI l'TWMS ON SAU .SAVE 20-40% SAVE ON Rossignol SM Rossignol FP Rossignol CMV K-2 510 K-2 610 WAS '285.00 270.00 260.00 245.00 250.00 Olin Mk VI SL 290.00 Olin Mk IV Comp 280.00 Pre 1200 265.00 BOOTS · IOW '215.00 1•.00 1•.00 149.00 189.00 119.00 210.00 199.00 COSTA MESA -~--~--~ ... ~ .... --MEMORIAL HOSPITAL •:J#-~'-~=~l~~1-1 i ! ~~ ! ~00.!'~ !l:.. _ -~ All Nordica Boots Save · Arrt:ange BOOts ·-save All Salomon Boots Save 30'1. 20 30'1. Call 642-2734 Alcoholism Recovery Services 301 Victoria Street Costa M esa, CA 92627 Approved f or Medicar e Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. OBIE SPORTS LTD CORDIA DEL IAR 2831 Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar, CA 875-9700 IRVllE 4708 Barranca Parkway Irvine. CA 552-5252 think 1s i mpossible ," J ones. a 70·year-old retired general living m Tucson, Ariz., said m an interview· with The Associated Press To retake Corregidor -whic h blocked supplies MacArthur's forces needed to complete the liberation or the Philippines from three years or Japanese occ upati o n t h e paratroopers jumped from C·47 tra nsports al an altltute of 450.500 reel. T he drop zones wer e so s mall and so littered with rocks , splintered trees, scrap iron and the rubble or born b·blasted buildings that many of them died or were wounded in the jump. Some were hit by J apanese s ni.pers. The wreckage had been left on the once impregnable for tress -il had more than 30 batteries totaling more than 130 heavy guns -by more than 3,000 tons or bombs dropped by American planes in three weeks of daily runs "It your chult~ didn't open, you simply didn't have time to pull your rese r ve open because or the low altitude," said Jones. adding "I knew tl was gomai to be a rough one ... W e estimate d M number o r casaulties. It could be 10 percent and as hi(lh as 50 percent." It turned out to be 13 percent. Sewage 8pill8 into Lake Tahoe SOUTH LAKE TAHOE <AP> Abput four mill ion gallons o r partially treated sewage m ixed with storm water was diverted into Lake Tahoe when a sewage plant reached its capacity. ofhc1als said. The spill occurred Monday nlght during a raging rainstorm whic h me lted portions of the deep Sierra Nevada snowpack. The sewage was diverted into Heavenly Creek, wh1ch flows directly Into the lake. UJ'A/HlnGTOn·s BIRTHDAY ST AaTS FH. 11 Ladies SPortswear Fro m 3911-999 Lingerie-Robes-Slaps-Gow ns and Sleepwear 40%-50% Reductions. Ladies· Blouses 1h of Sale Price Men's Wear-Shirts-Pants and Sport Coats-Sweaters NAS1'1CALLY l.IDUCID DE PA~TMENT STOft~ --------- I I I 6 NEWPORT IOULEY AID COST A MESA • Orange Coast OAJL Y PILOTfTh urtday, February 18, 1982 -"'A1 TV ad not for them ~ Or•.nt1• Co••t V~ College Majorettes can't.appear in commercial FIGHTER Assembly Speaker Willie Brown , a veteran p o lit ical in ·fi g ht e r . de m onstrates some fi g hting s tances while chatting with col l eag u es i n Sacramento. FAIRMONT, W. Va. (AP) -When Fairmont Wesl High School 's m ajorelte corps said "Bud," the school board replied "No!" J ohn T e nnant , princ ipal of l'~alrmont West, said that the school's majorettes won't be allowed to participate irra beer commercial. The majorettes, who danced to the "When You Say Bud" tune of Budweiser beer commercials at Saturday 's West Virginia University basketball game, were invited to appear al lhe Philadelphia 76ers game Feb. 21 in Philadelphia. The Marion County school board said there was nothing wrong with the majorettes performing at the professional basketball game. But the board rejected, 3·2, a motion to al- low the group's performance to be film ed for possible use in an An· heuser-Busch Co. commercial. Tennant s aid the commercia l invitation came after the squad's adviser asked Anheuser-Busch for permission to use its copyrighted song last fall. The company said yes. and laler asked Ir It could film lhe majorettes dolna tt~e nymber. • T e nnant said all lhe young women's parents had signed consent forms for them to appear in any commercial that might result. He said the school was not promised any money or other gifts by the brewing company. But an anonymous telephone call to lhe school board caused some problems. Tennant said. At the board meeting, several members spoke out against the proposal. "I don't want our kids representing a beer company. even 1( they are not going to be identified," said board mem ber Harold Duvall Nancy Serdich, another member, said participation an the commercial might contradict the county's new policy on controlled substances. Rodney J arrett disagreed with fe llow board members "I can't see a problem," he said, "Wh en yo u take you r kids to Busch Gardens, you're not thinking about what company built it." R•OllT•R NOWll Cle•M• be9rn aoonl HOW TO MOIJTI" -Reglel•• by mall or In INlflOfl at tr.. OCC Communlly S.1Vlc9 Ottic. (OCC Aomln BldO ), 1101 F•lNl.W Roed. Cott• MHa, Ca 92926-0l:ZO No ,..,,flOn• regl•tr•llon. OFFICE HOURS •• m • 7 pm Mon-Frti. • 111 • 1~ noon Sal ,,. lfttOfwlellon, lctlMuMe • ,_: --- COLL•G• FOR KIDS CLASSES Sr AR r THIS WEEKI R.-cil1ttali0<! wlfl be avallabl•'On lh<I clay ol 'lau II" t IPllC. evaltaDle batlt OltH" In lfla /ol/Owin9 ., ... OANCI ' Dl'AMA l'U'"TllY CAl.UQMl'HY AllT ANIMAi. CAlll "'INCH '1TNHI TYli'INQ PANllH MIMI WAHll ~O T\111119UNO IWIMlllllNO YOGA WlllTING MOYIMINT l'IANO lllAOINQ ""OTOQMl'HY QUITAll llGHLA ... UAGI ADULT MINI-COURSES Age 16 & Over C/usu m the following .,.,,: l'HOTOOMl'HY •OITATIOH TIMI MANAOUHNT 'llllONAI.. LAW CAl.UQMl'HY ... rt.llY MAKINO HUMAN IHUALITY ,AINTIMG COIN COLLI CTINO ITA ... D OLA .. "'l'NTllY 518·5880 YOGA HMOOUDtHO AMA TUM llAOIO IWIMMlllQ ftLOIM WOODWOMINO FINAL WEEKI 5 0% Off & More Everything -Must Go! .;GR --+-+-+-,-OPENING "t Free Drawinl!! OFFICE, STORE FIXTURES , EVERYTHING s Piece Bedroom a8t All M!ttresses 112 prlee Recliners reg.$349to$499 Now 14B•to 199• ~· ~OFA& NOW ~. NOW 109a LUVESEAT--a99"--fi99"QA?~~'TS 3 199'° BUNK BEDS 99" 270tt SOLID OAK J3A11 170" TWIN MA'IT. SET 69• ., ;ocKTAJLTABLE v l699' ~PC. 8r 1495 3 PC. SECT. 599" loooe sTu~1EN~~ESK 4A11 189" CHEST BED 8r "" . 8PECl.U. I UY D . CUSTOM DRAPERIES-SA VE 3CMK MINI BLINDS-CARPETING ,kll f,_ c•t. _ .. ~ ... -. Wiii _. w llMt •"Y -.1 . BROOKS HOME 'URNISHINGS (714) 531-5450 . -·--4-1------" ton- We're Closing Our --w esrctiff -·f3faza --to-c·arron ··------,,..-... • Forever! ' • ALL SALES FINAL • .. .. JUlln lnhl Wntclff P'lala Tow11 & Cowttry-O,_. ULTRA LIGHTS: 4 mg. "1ar". 0.4 l'(lg. nicoune. LIGHTS: 11 mg. "tar". 0.9 mg. rncotme. av per c1gare11e. FTC Repon OE_C. '81; KING, 15 mg. "tar".1.1 mg. nicoune av. per c1gare1te by FTC method. I \ i Orange Cout DAIL y PILOTIT'hurlday, FtbrUlfY 11, 1 M2 I B of A economist predicts •t----~===i ' prime will peak near 18 % IHOPf ... CINTm l0'111 Spendable · fully s h e ltered + e x cess depreciation 757r AAATenants -Net Net Net Leases with cost or living Increases. Prime Orange County Location Excellent ground lease SI ,2IO,OOO C.... Da. s 1.uo.000 ,,,,.,.. La. <>--Write Ad #943, Daily Pilot PO Box 1560. t.:osta Mesa. CA 92627 "ICTITIOUI aUMNeh ..... ,,., .. '" TM tonow1,.. --1 .,. dt4"f ~H: COTA ptt09EATIES, LIMITED, 17'0'I Miy Pen Bhld., Sulla lot, tf lM, C•llforn .. t77U M eo Properll••. • """"•d Perl,..rtlllp , 17"7 S.y P•n. Bl•d., s..lle IOt, Irvine, c:.ltfonllo '711• WEM Pro,,.rll••. • llmlled ..-rtnersllitl, JOO HerVI Tustin A.-... S..lle 101, S..... AM. C•llfonlle '110S Tllll boniness I• <Oftdll<IM by • llmlled pert~. Mal~ CMr'les V. Mlf\eylO, PRESENTING FREE BUYERS SEMINAR • • • ./ How to buy without lender qualifications. ./ How to buy with little or no money down. ./ The lfasics of buy/sell agreements. ./ The benefits of co-ownership. ./ Plus much, much more. • Date:· Saturday, Feb. 2 0 Localloc It I l 1 lroell ..... t. H•llnP.hocll n..r. 1e9tlr.,._ t:JO AM. S.ss• er: I OAM-12:30. LWhd .... ~ ... ••t, call aow for ,..MrfcrHo.tt. 962-5585 WHIN A,_I CHILD .. IN TOO SICK FOR SCHOOL? Each <'h1ld has his own· pattern or Illness There should be no ahsolute rules . but the usually heulthy child should stay 1home I 1 if feveris h: 2J If -sy mpt oms such 1u heod~ches, drows ancSb , runn> nose, n<tused . diarrhea are suHicientl) severe to be disablin~. 31 tr he 1s likely to d1stu1 b others m the class. 4 J 1r it 1s 1mpos .. 1ble, due lo his ailment, for him to profit from school There 1s no r eason . except for rare med1c«1I contra indications. for u child fo be 1n school without 1mm1rnolog1c-al p r o t e c: 11 o n r r o m t h t· av1uluhll' Va('('IOCS. YOUR DOCTOH CAN P llONF: US when you neetl a med1c1ne P1rk up you r prescr1pt1on 1r shopping nearby, or we will d~lt ver promptly without extra chari:e. r.AUUDOP'HAltMACY """ Dehery n1......-1...t .......,.. ..... 642-ISIO Thl1 =:-::-lllff wllll IN ~--------------------------·1 County Cle111 of Of•-c -1, on r------------1--------------j------------=---I J-ryJ6,lta AttODal~ KaNOA~ a .......... ,..,.. A Pr ata ' I Law c.,..'" 4:M"IC' ............ ----S....ltl lfew'9rt9Mc:ll,CAn..t 17141 1SHS """" Publl-Or-c-1 Dell~ Pllol, J_..,. 2e. Fet>. a, 11, 11, 1'92 ,,._., l'lrtlTIOUS 8USINliSS NAMI STATEMENT The fottowlno IN•IOnl ••t business a . L .. w PARTNERSHIP II, no Ntwpotl Ctnur Otlvt, Newpo•I BHCll, CAt2MO IER IC A WITTE NBE RG, no Nt•Port Ctnltr Drive, Newport BH Cll, CAtHtll c RONALD LIVINGSTON, no Newport Center Dri ve. New port 8H <ll. CA'2MO S ANORA LIV INGSTON, 110 frrifewpo rt C~nter Orlvt , Newport Buell. CA t2WO CLAUOETTE SHAW. c7 H.erbOr A~. N-1 8NCll, CA~ Tllll bu•IMU h tondut ltd l)y • _ ...... ,,,....Sl'llp Eric A Wlltan ... ,e Tiii• SI.et-I WH llled wllll Ille Covnly Cler~ of 0.•noe C-IY on Fet>. I, 1'92 MAZIAOW, -··· LAWA•NCli CUNlllllllGMAM & OIOUt, INC. o...c-...,-...w..1• intc__...,._ .... LMA""'"'9,CA_, "lntll ll'Wllt,_, Or-. CoHI Oally Pilot. f.O •• 11. 11. u. lta ,...,., l'ICTITIOUS 8USINliU NAMa STATliMliNT The 1011owh19 1Nr10n• ua doino Duslnnses: THIE SHOWPLACE SOUTM, lOzt Pullm.en Slrael. Co>t• Me••. Celllornla .,.,. SHOWPLACE INOUSTAIES. INC .... C..llloml• COfPOtellon Tllh bu•lnen h conducted by • c orpoullon SHOWPLACE INOVSTAIES, -te'ff'JMMll•-.e•• -•ouaou~au Ill.it.Ma STATIMaNT Ill.it.Ml STATIMINT Tiie lollowlne pe•M>fl• •rt dolne Tll• lollowlne perM>f11 .ere dolne 1>utlneu n tiuslneu .. ,. HEWPOAT NIGH T LI F E SCAAHTOM LE A SI N G LI MOUSINE SERVICE, .i1 JOlll ASSOCIATES,"'-' J.ev• AOMI, Corl• ~treet. H-1 &Nell, CA t26'J MeM, c .. 11om1. f2'J6 TEO.• K COOK, JIU L.el'•yalle Cherlff 0. Scr.,,IOm, n.s J•va Avtl>IH, ~ 8Ncll. CA t26'ol Aoect. Cosio~. C.elllor11la '2416 MARY AHNE MtCOAMICK Hai.n c . S<•onlom, , .. , Java COOK, ,.,. L•l'•Y•ll• AVtl\Ut. AMCl,Coil•Mfto.Celltornron.lt HewPOr111MCll, CA t2MJ Tlllt -'ntu Is tonduc led by .., Tlllt ""'lntt1 11 cona11<1ad Dy • unln<orpar-.d •-lot...., olt.er tllat1 -••I pe..-nl\lp • P•rtntnlllp. T..,K C-0-lftO S<rentom MMy AN9 C-Tlllt Sl.e1-1 was filed wllll tllt Tiiis >l.e-wa 111.., •1111 .,,_ C°"nly Clerti of Oret>Oe County on County c 1en.o10r-c-1yon J.,, J..,u•ry 11, 1"2 i.. "'' .. l.116C l'lrlDI Publl-0r-. Coe'1 O.elly Pl...,, Publl-Or-Coett Ot41y Pllell, J en 11, Fat> <. 11. II, l'f:> ._ .J-,.,,,.. •.1t.1t.t"'1 ·-------------- ... l'ICTITIOUS 8USINliSS NAME STATEMENT T"• •ooow1n9 ~'"°"' •r f' d6'n9 bUi.l~H.ei L A W P ARTNERSHIP , 170 Ht•oott C•f"t•r Or•v• Hf'wport 8 eecll. CA .,MO EAIC A WlfTEN8EAG. 110 ,,.twport C•nter Drive Newport 8MCll. CA .,MO C RONALD UlllNGSTOM, 110 Ne •POtl Canl•r Otl ve, Newport 8 N <ll. CA '7'60 SANORA LIVI NGSTON. 120 Htwport Center Drive, Newport 8 N Ch, CA t?WO Tiii• butl"4'n I• conducted bJ • eener.el pertMrSl'ltp Eric .t. Wlllenoero Tiii• slat-I wu filed •101 lllt County Cltrh ol Oranee County on Feb I, 1"2 MAZIROW, l'ORER, LAWlllENCli, CUNNl-.OHAM& GIOIEN, INj:. OM C-..,Y l"lau, S..ltt 1• W-nC-wyPorttl.esl LM A ....... CA_, l'ltnlt Publl•NO Or""Olf Coesl Dally Plto1. l'tb '·I I, ll, ts. 1912 S7CM1 ~ICTITIOUI 8UMllllU ........ ". , ..... , Th• fOllOWlllO per.-~ .,. del ... WllMUM' NEWPORT PETAOLEUM FUND tH, L TO, 161 """'°" L..ene, S..lte 11t, Tllflln, c:.llfoml• - Pel H. Cocllr.,,, S40> Av.,..I•• Pol mer, Of .... C,,elllonll• .,_.. M. H ()oOard, "ll H191><1111, Sent. AN. C .. tfornl• Thl1 buSlnttt I• c~cled by • llmlled _,net'Sl'llp PMH. Cochnn Tiiis ,....,._ wa filed wl"' - Covnly Cle•-of o..,. Go.inrr .., , __ 'l' "· lta JA(Ktotf, KIDD•a a IUCICUlllO, ... .. 1.,... .. _.c-~ .. S.IU4 .._.._.,eo ...... P...,I_ Or ... Coe-1 Dally Pllol, , .... 21, ,,_ •• 11, 11, ,.., ,,..._ PIH•~ By 'EPF ADLER OftlltlNlty .......... Chamber of Commerce. The prime lntere1t rate 1hould lncb lta way upward for the next six weeks and peak ito mewhere under 18 pe rcent, the Bank of America'!\ senior economist has predicted ln callln1 for tncreatu .. '<i coordlnaUon between the country's monetary and fiscal polirlea, Thor pointed out the two have been "one area of tremendou.8 unccF\uinly. ·' But Eric Thor Jr., vice presldtint and senior economist for the nation's largest bank. said bis predictions are based on a best-case scenario. He said the two Important economic policies, which have been at odds. need to be put In better balance. He said a key fac tor In forecasting the near-term nuctuaUons in the prime rate depends o n what Congress does about the Reatan administration's proposed budget deficits and how the 'rederal Reserve Board reacts to that action. Following an increase ln the money supply. many banks Wednesday raised their prime Interest rate. that charged their most favored customers for borrowing runds. one-half perC'ent to Federul Reserve Chairman Puul Volcker, a1i:n~ng lo keep a lid on the money supply, has been critical or the proposed deficits, projected to average $91 billion annually for the next three years Volcker fears financing the red ink could push up interest rates. 17 percent Turning lo California's economy and how the state has rared in I.he current recession, Thor noted that It has been 10 years since the state has been touched by an economic contraction. Thor's remarks luncheon Wednesday were mad e following a with the Orange County Thor said approximately 100,000-120,000 oew Jobs would be created in California in 1982 in sptte of the national economic slow.down e1<. •'h StonHI> lO JIY> IO ""' SWrlSI J\lo , • .., UPS AND DOWNS IJ IJl&t SlrawCI n 24' • II 11Vt SulMlru )0.,., 3S tl/1 10 SuperEI '''• "" JIW. J1 Syktt ' 1'"' ;is •• ,,," TDK I l1Vt XI~ NEW YORK tAPI Ille tollo••ne 1111 1'1/• ""' TIME OC IVt IV> .,._, N 0-..• IN Counte• 11'1' llW. l •mP•• XI XI._.. 110<'1 -..,.,,.,.h 111•1 nave ~ UP U.,., SS T .,,dm t U"<t U 1 ... m<KI -down llW m~I IMl!otd on 4~ 4:~ ~:fcu:: ;:h m~ ro;u~~. (NnQt reQe•dlm ol vo4umt •"• '"' Ten•nl • W h II No _ .. 111n lradlnQ O.low '1 ••• Incl ,,,,., 19~ TuA8 t ttV. 19.V. uded Htl -pa<tenl-tl••n9H •rt tiw 2SV..1S•l'J Tlpre•y ·~ "~ dlfftteAU l)e-n IN P••·~ tlo\lno ~ ~i~ ~~1,~ I .r.1. J~ bid Price •nd Wf<J ' •• ,, bul PFIC<I 1111, 11111, 't rlcoPd """ ,;...., 16 lt \o't TysonFo ll ISV. t.v. p. UnMcGll JO ~ Sol SS US Ent •v. 6 N-SldLoelc ""' U I • "5h.el<t NL•~ UPS L.e'1 .ctwot Pt l n~ u v. us Sur 11 11•1, ! 311<. J?YJ US Ttek 11-., ·u ' 1 ~ Up U I J I;, Up lO 0 n v. l1\• UVa8Sl'I J}I ... >"' l 17 II Uth Ello • '"'° a ~::l. 1'• t'h Up 11.f 1 V. UP U ) <V. •'lo UpPen P 11"'° 12'" S 11\/o 1n. VealR -S1 • hle<n' SymOTt WI OmnlA,n GllmSv VulP \0 Mlct'Oft Enr81 • • '-UP 14 J 11'1 11. Up UJ JV, c V•tNll ' JO•,. JO.,., I -ao Vanous t it. '"-I ,.,._ •. Up tt l l'-" Up II S 11V. 29 VtlctO I<'• U\<t I: XM-~~I r• ;l<o 11 11 ' '•Up 1'1 •' > "' Up 10.• 1"" 19 V.eN8~ 11 .... 1111. IJ '° ao .... WlllEn• ""' 12·~ 1> ""'-BoHISL 1"' • '• Up 10 S t•• • 11 t Up to 1 II I Up 10 0 t~ 104. Weldtrn >'• t i... tt 11 11•1> WC>ffp 14' > 74 ... IS CmpOev 0.tSv w1 C line • OlbrellB HoHICp CIC Fn ' 0.lmtd Roll lie TmplE Roll\1111 Clloprt ' PwCarw II • I Up 10 0 •'• \o Up 100 ~ JI WHold 3':\'. ao• ... ~ 11 WMorC 20'11 ~. 17 JI..-'• Up 100 1•'-I 1 UP t • ...., 10 w1...,o , "' 1 JO•;. " I ..... 19 WOIYAlu .... .... 19 ll\• • 11• Up e.t 1000.. "'" Wornat ~ • 10 IJ U'-W-LOI JI JI ... 11 11'. 1 Up 'I II I', Up • 1 •O•t • '• Uo •S •v. lll.\lo WrleMW IOI"' I~ 11 4"• ~ ZlonUt l 7~ 14~. 71 S'-I Up • s 33'" 1" n O NOi -'c.ebla 14 1'• \iri. Up 't I.. • ... UP 'J MUTUAL FUND HEW YORK IAP I Golen II 1e NL IE.ell JO 20 NL Inv Mii e St t 1" ~.,r1o'-n.',°'~ ~ t a1v1n 8uOock · Mooe• " !O "'IO 1 O!> r.. 1 •1 1 ,. , ~ ....,p._. by 8ullO 14 en IS l1 Mun 8d S ae NL Inv Slk II SO "en lllt N.etlon.el Anacl· C•ndn • 71 1)) l'ldel U 14 NL Inv S.I 6 Jt • 6S atlon of S«utll .. s Olvld 1 SI 2 1C Gvt S« e U NL Inv Ver 1 80 I 411 0.•lart, Inc . ••• Hlln< • ,, 10.St Mii"'° '" NL Inv Re'11 J 1" l u Ille prlcfl •I wlllcll Montll L'1 9 <2 HI Yid t 11 NL h lel 16 CH NL l ... M -urlllfl NI WS t '5 • )J LI Mun 1 OI NL Ivy Fd t 33 NL covld --.. T•F•• 7 u I.OJ Putlll\ • t2 NL J P Gr1h 10 'O II •s ~11~ ~: ~~n~: .rn :t ~~;~ ,rn ~t ~: .. ::!c0 ~~ '"~ ~~:~~. pl:..,..... ~~:i.~o :~ l~ IJN~ Flo~~'·' "'~ NL Jo;:~·nt~~ IJ 11 WI .. , Clltttnut 37 .. NL lndu•I J.... NL Grwtll 'JO 10 II Able "ti NL ColOnl•I F.....m ln<om 6.63 NL us Glfl 1 91 •• , AcO"n I' 77 1' NL Fund 10 00 10 •l F\t lnv"1orl· Tu Ea I .• e.S1 AOV tJ S7 NL Grw111 1 01 1 7a 8nd AP 13,01 14.03 l(eufl"n '9 NL Afuture 12.• NL HI Yid • o. 6 •1 011co e.n t.se K•m1Nr Funcll AIM F-. ln<om ~,. • XI Gtw111 1 "4 • .. tncom t .tS 1 ,, CvYld II t? 17 1' Opln a 11 t 1J lncom 6 04 4 60 Grow t.49 10 l4 EOM>n "., 12 21 To Mo II ,. "" NetRft S.10 •.JJ HI Yid ··°' • ., HIYld .... 1S Colu Giii IS c.1 NL Ooln •. n .... lnllFd """ 12 " Alf>"• I' ltla NL Cwllh A8 IOI 111 Tu Ea •II 7l4 Murt 8 6.13 • . .u A 81'11\T 10.n " 77 Cwllll co I SJ I.., ... WIEQ 7 u l.JJ °"'" " .. 12 11 Arna•lc ... F.....,., Comp 8d • 11 I'° ... Woll IJ.llo NL Sul"m 1•.01 11 so A Bol LCM • " Comp Fd .... t .)I l'nd Giii '" • .. Tech 10.• "1" Arncp '.. • ... Conconl "JO NL F-n 0.0.. Toi RI " 21 17.H A Mull 10•7 11 04 C-ll<ut Gani' Grwtll 7 oS NL"···-Iii.el$ Bond 10 ... II 'O l'ufld I~ 11_,. ln<om 12 21 NL CUI Bl 12.17 1).'4 FO Inv 7 67 I• ln<om S .. 6 14 Mu1.e1 __w., t.01 Cu1 92 IS .. 17 U Grwtll t ,60 10 4t Mun 8d S 13 t .ao ~ 17 S1 NL Cul IM 4.n 7 CO lnc;om 1" • " ,..,, Inv 11 00 II so ,.,..,,,,,, ~· CIH Kl ··" 7" l(A 7" e.s.i Can1tel G I) n NL AGE 3 Gt ).lJ Cu• 1(2 S.SI • 01 H ,._n • U 7 H ( ... I MUI • 11 NL ONTC 12.T.I IJ 13 Cin SI l<.77 I• IC Wiii Ml I 00 7 U Cit• Cao IJ 01 14 IJ Grw111 1 10 1 70 Cus SJ 6.'7 7 07 A-• <>-••. Oei.we-. Group O.tlon s... • 10 C1n ~ 4 tS S " Cop 8d s ..... 14 Decal n 1' l).)a Ulllt • SI 4.. 11\le#nt C.00 ..,, Ertlrp 11.U IJ 11 Oe .. w 14 to It 21 ln<om · t U I 7S TuFr• HI Yid e.1t e.lt 0.lcll • 2< 6., US Gov ._,., ._,. 6.11 6.'4 Mun II ll.• "-OS h ,,,.. S D S.. C•plt 1.J.S 7 t2 M•u 11.4' 11 SO 'V•nlr 1&.11 10.4.J Della •CH t.. EQUll S.03 S "1 L .. lngton Grp Cm1t• 10.'7 "" Olt Cop .,...veil, T•aFr S IO ._CM Cp Ldt t" 11 04 Eacll 12.52 NL OodC• 8 1 21 ,.. NL Funct• Inc • Gotdld l t» NL Fd Am •.n 10 ,. OodC• SI 11 •2 NL Cmru 1" • .0 GN¥.A •. ., NL Gr-, n... NL Ona Bur IJ a NL Incl Tr """Vall Gr-1.. NL Hftbt •fl 10.al Onylus Grp Piiot I •S t 31 Rull le.. NL Pec:e ,, ,. J6... A llnd IUQ NL GT Poe IS 27 NL TaF 01 1.00 NL Ptovld l.71 4 01 Orayf IJ..S IUJ Gelt Op IJ... NL Llfldnr 13.01 NL A Ollll'd .. ,. 7.41 Levee , ....... GE S&S 1•.. NL L09mf1 s.,~ A He•llO ,., NL H Hine •. " NL GE SS LO .... NL Copll ll.IO NL A llll&tno 4.G s 11 Spl Inc • ,, NL Gen * t .13 NL Mui IJ.JS NL A lnvu t f.46 NL Tu Ea 1.7S NL Grth Ind It.CH NL Lord Abban A lllv In f.21 NL Tl\rd C 4.. NL GrdPkA I) 07 ta 21 Allllld 123 7.IO AmMed ... .a NL Eotl Git\ 7 ... l .fl Hemllton 8nd db I.SO • ,, A NIGllt l.O J.7) hfona .... ....i· " HOA 'J2 '7' Dav GI 16.61 II. IS A Ntlnc ,._.. 14.14 .. 1.en .,. 1 o Grwlll 7 • I" tncom 2 ... J to .t.mwey s.'5 S 11 Foun e.tt NL ln<om S."2 t.'7 Lui,,.,.,, 8<0; ArcllGvt f, 1t NL GrW111 16 S1 11.11 Herl Giii t 20 NL Fund 10.n 11 12 A•• H.........,,,: tncom J.'O •,10 Hert Ltv ..,....,.., lrtcom 7.12 1.11 F nd • 1.n '·"' 5100 10 01 10.7• H•"'ld 15'.19 NL Munl S,64 '·" S'""i om >.as, 4.11 Ebent.ecll ~. Hor Mon 1931 NL US Gov 7,43 e.12 00 I. I .... CllOm e.eo •.62 IHA HtY e.cn e 60 Mess Flnancl: BLC Gt IJ,lil "·.. EnQAI 10.14 II.It ISi Gr-: MIT 10.03 10.11 8LC Inc 11 ... U,10 Survey 12.'1 1J.S. GtWlh Su S" MIG 101'S 11 27 8ebf Inc I.XI NL Ellun Tr 16.t:J, lncom J 17 l.• MIO "·00 IS.°' &•bl Inv 11.S2 NL Ellurt t k 7.G . • Trtl 511 L7' • " MCO "'° '·" B.eci. CNn<llr· lnoutu 17.. NL 11\d.iltry •. I) NL MFO • ,. 10 a7 HIYld 1.60 •.n Evrorn 11 1J NL 1n1t rceplte1. MF8 10 fl 11.0 HIMun 11,0l ll.60 "'"' 8 G 1111 14 so lnCep • ... • •• MMB 1.en I )7 HOe< ll.01 U.02 l'ecletattd.Fi;;;ooF HI Yid 11 SO 12.17 MFH S fl •OJ T uFre 1.00 NL Am l..dr e '1 ,.., 11\llel t .7' 10.lt 1nTr8 • '4 10.t1 TuM ,, .... U.• E.cll 1s'n NL HIRtl •'3 1.Jl M•lllert 17,1' NL 8oac G"' IO&S NL HI lcm .... 10_.7 TuE• 7.'1 1.14 Merrill Lynell toe ~Ill It.~ NL ()ptn 11:t1 12 Jt I"' '""" •·• •.u llask t 'O 10.St ,J',,l"°;f;. NL ... nTF' t .6" IO.I "' Incite I.JI NL Capll IS.M II.OS 101 Fd t • NL T• "" ,_., NL lnvQuol L• e,77 EQu 8d L.O • 17 ........ c. . us 0"1 6.'7 NL Inv ... t.as .... , HI In< •. ~ 7.2• IPI Inc • t,, 10..M "'*Illy 0-· In .. ....., o"""'' HI Oft 01 '·" C-•· ' A1Mt U (M Nt IDS IM I.ID l... lrttTrm •-M t,JJ ......... 1t.7• NL ._ s" H 10$ Oft U 2 ,... L!Met • n •m ::,• [':!.., 9J!.W.n COfl!ln «IA NL I OS Grt 11-" 12... MunHY 1M 1.H C~ t . .,· NL Goftflf t.•I NL 10$ HIV >01 UI Munlll\ S 71•07 c .. 11 5 11'21 NL OllnyFd u s .. IDS HO ..... 7.02 PacFd 10'11 II .. · __ ..... •o inc "42 HL ~S.h:!f oo uo,_.s,cv t.n io.11 H 16 Heme MtnSIFn =~ .... ;y~ A•pA>tl CPA( CnlnoTr Pethfdr SunO w1 SnlteH.i SpecSyst O<elolA 0 ScenOo Fon.r h lecrO' TtWICl8• Wt,tTr un T rton ' McOmld AW CplA Ep>tO Wll1I"'" CmpVtct Clilll "" F'11..0 9 GnEAQ\o J '• Up •I J •,., Up • 1 OOWM$ La>I ,, , , .. JO, J• .. , 1 , 1 , 1 1 ,,, ' .~. , .. t\t. .. , 'IO 12 n ,, ' ,., , .. z .. , .. )I ---'""' Ptt 1 Ott re 1 ., 0 11 11 • 111 Ott tJ ~ '• OH IJS '" Oft 11 I ,,. Ott " ' '• Ott 11 1 •1. Off 1l ' •1,, Ot1 11 I •1. Ott 1' 1 Oft 10.• '' Ott 10 s ... ()ft 10 . 1>-. Oft 101 .. Ott 10 > 10 Ott 100 11, OU • • ,._ Off •l '• Off '1 ,, °" • 1 ... Off 9 1 ... Oft .. 1·• Ott I 7 '• Ott 1 7 Off L 7 Mid AM s ... " '""°"' , ., NL I o..... . 0 s OI MMkOpt 17 14 NL Intl 10 J1 NL PrOQ•\ •SS 7 16 MSB Fd 16 11 NL H Et• I) te NL SIFrm GI un.ove•I Mui 8en • cs 10 ll N Ho•tt 11 H NL SIFtm 81 -···· Mii' I'..,_ Pflm• I 00 NL SISl•••I 1,.. Fund 7 'IO e S. Ta F,.. I " NL E •Cll st •t NL Grwln S Jll S ll Pro Servi<.. F~dl JI JI NL N•l8d en t 'O MedT ll '11 NL lnvHI ~ .. IS OJ Mutual of OmafW F11nd I 18 NL Sl•adm~ ~-Am•r ... NL 111com • .. NL Am 11\d l In NL Grwtll a S1 •et Pru SIP • S~ 10 44 Anoe 1• NL lncom 7 et t •• Puln•m FIR'O\ In•••• I )7 NL Ta Fr• t J7 t 10 Conv 11 IO 11 '0 Ocoan ~ 66 NL Mui Sllr JI S1 NL lnl EQ IS I) 16 ~ "'n AOO" Fd\ =:~·i!,. ~.~ :t g~~ ·: !; ;~ ~~ ~=~·~ g ~ ~t N•I Incl II 1' NL HI Yid IJ 1t I< 1• SloO 1' 116 NL Net S.cu•llle• lncom ~" 189 SlnSpl • 70 Nl Bolan t.l6 10 JI ln•ot 11• 8.. StnTt S 'lJ NL 8ond 30? J JI Opln II to 12 'IO tr.ellnv SH 607 Grwtll I 14 ' n T •• EA n II 16 60 •••I Giii 10.81 Nl Preld SM 6.0I V•\lo •1 se IJ 7S unGrtl\ unev111 ln<om S 1l 4 '3 llOYfO 11 C71 17 04 T •• MOO 13 <O UM Stock t t? 9 67 Ou•wr n l6 NL I mpGlb 71 01 T:t": • :-:; ~ ~ ==~~; ~: ~H;;::: ~· 1u: .rn F•lrtld •SI 7 It taco S..Cu• I! 'n' C.ep ten 9 10 E\.lft F-EQull t • NL ,,,,, Inv I 17 NL Eoull 17 S4 19 12 G•wlh IJ 11 NL Trov Eq 10 IJ 11 07 Grwtll 17 13 IJ •s I nco • 17 NL T ...,, Fd II ,, l>IL ln<om • °' • t3 tP1ut ln .... 1 T •n( GI 10 JI NL R•I Eq 17 19 1e 7' Copll IJ M IC SJ TwnC S4!l 11 .. Nl T1aEa "' ,. G••lll 10aJI0'7TwnCUI •••• , ..... , ...... ,.. 5-1 n )' NL USAA GI 9.. NL EnteY -VOii udder Funcb USAA Int •OS NL Gu•rd -ell Com SI 11 U NL Uftl A<cu S SO NL ~!:.T.t "'.::~!'u p,:::, ~:: :t ~~::~~....:. 17 NL p.,.,.. .-V•ll '"" Fd •• .. NL Accm 1 14 7 •• Scll•t> 14 cJ NL MM8 6 U NL llond <SO 4 '2 wt Gt 17 Of NL Si>e<I 0 U NL lnlGlh IJ" IC >6 W1 In< • n NL T•Fre .. NL Con Inc • C2 IO JO Hk lWll• lt tl NL ~Utlty F-Ftduc n o1 1•11 ,..~ :~~~ rn ~t roi::, rn ! ;~ r::c~~ ·::; ·: :t No••Fd u .. l>IL ~lnVHI '., • .. Munl s JI S.4.J HY Vtnl • se I " Ultt• • .. I 01 S<IEno • ?I 1.91 """"" '.. NL IKled F-V•no II JS 12 ... 0-~ 9.. NL Am 5111 4 ti NL Uld Svu 4 11 NL One :in!~ ~d NL ~~~~ d:..! NL V~~LIN1~~ NL ~. U.,ISll 8ro.eo fl710S9 Fund ""NL 0-.. 7 OS 7 10 Hal Inv S.. S 89 lncom S '1 NL Hl Yid 1t.J7 11 SS U C•P •,. 1 J1 L•• Gt IC SJ NL Inc 8~ 1 C2 • " Un In< 10.JO " It Spl Sii 10.• NL Oo111 tt "1 ,, Ml nt lnel Grouct If •no S.noon Specl u ... 11·1, ll•l•n , .. 1 se lncom tJO 10 I• T• Fre 5 ti NL Bond Sao Seo lnvesl • '6 7 Cit AIM 1J '9 IS 1t Com S IJ .. U .IM LtYrge ,.,,. NL Tll"• , .. e.70 G•wtn 10.>3 11 1'I C•pE I 43... NL OTC Sec n IS u" Sequoia 24" NL EVGtll s 10 •.2J P.et.el" <M I. I I I • nlty ... II 21 SJ E \/ TH unavall P .. Wld •.s. NL SheerMH\ F-0 8\1 I 11... NL P•nn Sq 100 NL Af.ort 11 t1 12 S4 Ovtr f 0 IS NL PtMMu 267 NL HYld IS fllt •I Ea8sf S7." NL Plllla I JI • 01 ln<om IS 11 16 ~ E•Fd I 10.71 NL ...._nla C..... MMull 10 4S 11 OC' FldE I 35 JO NL 8.elen l tJ t O NwOlr 12 .. IJ Sol !>cl'ld I 4100 NL Grwtll .... t 71 S ... tm 0 •.Jt NL Si>«I 12 10 ll U HIYld I 43 9 Qt Sltrr.e GI 10 11 NL •njjyanl G~: Stock • n ... SIOI"• "-· IG8nd 1.~ NL Pllj!rlm c;,,, C•pll 7 11 111 HIYBd 7... NL P llO Fd II 1a 12.. ln<o • U t 10 Wndtr •.~ NL Mee c • •1 s" lnvttt 11 '7 11 I~ W•llSI G "" I.SS Mao In t.IO 7 U Ttu11 I JO t 07 Waln Eq 21 01 NL >lonfft Finl· Vanl 4 Sol I IS WIK In< ).12 NL 8ond 1 it t SO I E41f 12 7S 11 " Wood Sir""-"' Fund 14'.77 11 71 8 l~Gr 7 IO e 11 deV99 0 • NL II Inc " 17 "J2 n In IJ .. " " HNW 11.at NL Pl..-Inv lt.71 NL 111"1 t JI 10 M P int 11 02 NL PllQrtll U.0 NL WlrtllK )" 4 JI NL -No -J Plllrna II '5 NL .... In l•.IS " .. IMlet. c-..1 1>rtct I'-. St•le ...... Grp 1-P'"IWI NY o.-11.n__!! com 54 0 1 s °' ~·· -PIU llTa I ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT!T'huraday, February 18, 1982 s ' . ' l!•D B--------- Seccuity Pacific National Bank has signed an agreement to purchase RMJ Securities Corp., a s mall but influential Wall Street brokerage. The bank did not release the price or other details.,of. tt>~ planned ta~ver ... Japanese-based Btidgest.one Tire Co. of America Inc. bas aireed in principle to buy a Nashvillf lrµck tir.e ~18.\lt from Firestone Tlre alHI llubber Co. tor $S2 m1lllon, a Bridges tone spokesman said. No immediate errect on the 1,000 workforce is expected.: 111111111 9;, AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS ,,.W YOIU( 0 \Alli -'°'left ,.,. T..-.....; ""'4 < ..... c.....,.. wlltj flri.av·• .,-tc•. ·~1~yN., ... IS,off .. ,11. .._.. tMf, l trtY ot., "'3.1S, oft U.JO, Melll&M • -l,t .,_, N .. M74,7J, oft f.l.H. I ....... 100 Ctwft, .... roy N v U1US, ... ~ .... *"<•. OM!k•l'Wef. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( tAPI Fell 11 rooev '" •tS 471 , .. s 1' as NEW Y()ttl( tA•I l'etl 11 METALS Prev dlly ~ ta m 1'°3 ' , . IAS """"· ~Ts . "' m m 4 • NEW YORI( tAPI -~ "°"terrou• mete I O•i<ft 100.Y Ce'"' 71" 10 cent\ • pound, U 5 de\llnetlOlls u .. ,.,,, (eflb • poun<I lltoc CJ (-.pound, .... ¥.,..., Tiii l 7 4121 l!llnll1 Wft• c_I .. lb A .. m ..... 1•71 <Ml\ e -d, H Y _.,, '315 00.,.. llHk j>lali-UM 00 troy 01 , N 'Y SILVER H•na•" H~tnMI. "·•10 oer troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS ey Ti..._.. ... ""-• Sei.ctld -Id oolO Pf'k n 1_,, L...-.; MOmlnofl•lntU7S 9D.111>M.1S ~: _,_ ll•lnt UH 00, oft l l JS f'erlt: U71.'M, oft 10 7S ' ' 'rM41fw\: SV. .... oft U.Of lltriclll: I..-Ii.I~ U7l.•, off ti 00 b10 U1• 00 e11o.eo MeMy & ... ,.,,, .. , !only O.My __ , ' U74.00, Oftll 1' I • ........,.., lanly oenv _.,.., W• .. •, ott Sl.U • • ......,.,., lllftlY t•llv ...,.., ••~ Utt1',tifftUI. SYMBOLS I t .: "·· Orange COMt DAl'9 Y PtLOT/Thurad•Y1 Febru•ry 18. 1882 Referendum approach not the best solution Although the Banning Ranch develo{>ment project in Newport Beach ts sUll very much up In the air. residents from that side of town already are st11rting to talk about a refettendum. That seems inte resting for several reasons . For starters. the Newport City Council c ul a c l ear compromise in reaching its tentative decision last week to allow residential. office and industrial construction on the West Newport Ranc h. adjacent to Costa Mesa's city limits. Owners of the land. Beeco Ltd., had asked permission to build up to 730,000 square feet of o ffi ce and i ndu s tri a l co n s truc tion . The council. though , informally c ut that fi gure down to a maximum of 400.000 square feet. Critics of the Ranch project. som e being the s ar'ne people now talking about a r eferendum, had asked for eve n less office buildin·g and no industrial construction. The critics. us ing the name the West Newport Legislative Alllance, had urge d that Beeco be asked to build more homes but at a less dense ratio than 11 per acre. The counc il agreed to permit more homes but stuck to the 11 per acre ratio. We 're not saying that the council necessarily reached the ideal compromise if there is such a thing. But the truth is. lt wa s a compromise. best illustrated by the fact that both sides left the council m eeting less than happy. The referendum talk seems at best premature. ' We expect that because the last city referendum drive on Newport Center was successful some residents now view this as the best course to take when their point of view is not followed 100 percent. We disagree. A referendum is probably the worst and most disruptive road to go down. Com promise is t he best solution and that's what the City Council appears to be working toward. Rules need balance Huntington Beach officials are considering a mobile home con version ordinance to protect tenants fro m being evicted without compensation. Until recently. the proposal was supported by tenants in the -t'i~-\9-mobil e-ho~rks-; and had no visible opposition. But park owners now have s t e pped fo r ward with their attorneys and compla ined that th e proposed ordinance is too cos tl y a n d po ss ibly unconstitutional because of rent freeze provisions . Basically , the o rdin a n ce requires that park owners pay total relocation costs for evicted tenants . It also mandates that tenants be given a year's notice of eviction and that rents <.'an't be raised in that lime. If there a ren't vacancies. or if a mobile home is too old to be moved or accepted in a nother park. landlords mus t purchas~ I h e coach f rom the evicted tenant. the proposal st ates. City officials say it costs up to $3.000 to reloc ate a single m o bile home and that used -mob1le homes in parks range in value from $20.000 to SS0.000. At present. c ity officials are finis hing a s tudy o n various aspects o f t h e proposed ordinance. including the a verage age and economic groupings of the 3,384 m obile ho m e park tenants and the number of coach vacancies in surrounding a reas. The report wi ll be helpful to officials w h o s hould fairl v balance the concerns or mobile home tenants . who have formed lobbying groups, with equitable t reatment for the propert~ owners. the park landlords. Stude nts seek control They may be young. but UC Irvine's student leaders aren't so ft in n egotiat io n s wit h administrators over a proposed d o nation o f S4 mill io n for cons tr uction of a $10 million student events center. Me mbers of the s tudent council said last week they'd only donate t he $4 million if the university grants them majority control of a governing board to over see design and use or the structure. Patterned after a similar building at UC Santa Barbara. the center wou Id ho use the intercollegiate bas ket ball team a long with intramural and special activities. At UCSB . the students have two seals on the five -seat advisory committee. even though they paid about three-quarters of the $6 million construction cost. They also ha\le a constitution. however. that sets recreation and intramurals as top priority events . At Irvine. student leaders say the ir strings attached to t heir funds are the only way to ensure they'll have the center available for their own uses. including . . concerts and iectures. Al UCS B. f or ex ampl e. eve n thoug h intercollegiate sports wer e to ha ve s econd bill in g, an intramurals official s aid t hat as a practical matter. the compelitiv~ sports teams get equal access because they need set times to play and practice. UCl's students make strong points in defe nse of t h e i r demands. But in resisting the proposal. Chancellor Danie l Aldrich J r. a lso m akes sense. He says to commit lo a specific constitution before funding is assured is premature . He is correct. Aldrich also says students can have majority control if they pay a majority or the mone~·. That seems a bit simplistic. If a rich community m e mber donates $6 m illion. does the universit ,. yield control to him'? · We would rather see students and administrators taking more lime to think through a more logical system -perhaps one in which students get ha lf the votes to make sure one side alwavs compromises just a touch when there are differences Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on tnis page are tnose ot tne1r autnors and artists. Reader comment.is 1nv1t· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Pt\ooe 17 1•1 ·6'2·4321. L.M. Boyd/Impatience inherited? la impaUence an inherited trait? Soviet 1cient1sta 1u11nt u much. One team of researchers there atudied ppaies at sreat lenitb and concluded t h e moa t common denominator amonf lbelr character traita wu Impatience. Repeatedly, they attack projects wltb !DttllH entbuaiaam. then abandon them. T heae scholars concluded the tendency was .. eneUc. From .Barryt.own, N.Y., comes tbe report that the Rev. Sun Myunt OR.ANGE COAST llilyPilat Moon ol tbe UnificaUon Ch\U'ch aendl each ol bis seven children t.o school in seven separate cbauffered limousines. Cheapest way to soundproof a room ls t.o stick e11 cartooa t.o tbe wall with rubber cement. One llVlnf apeclet durbul the lut 100 million yean ha• been fbe brutal boH ol more of tbe earth•a surface than any other Uvtna thlq. Can you name lt? The shark. T"OINI P . Haley Pu bit sher -----=---m -. ~f I Doomed poet defies Castro WASHING TON -lo a tyranny, it falls to the lonely genius and hero to stand up to the oppression. Some are honored by the world, like Russia's Andre i Sakharo v and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, But others dare to defy the tyrants without acclaim. Such a moral giant is Armando Valladares who, at 44, has spent nearly half his life in Cuban prisons. He suffers rrom chronic asthma and has been confined to a wheelchair for eight years. He gets no medical help. HIS CRIME: He's a poet of eloquence '.Jnd passion who bad the courage to speak out against Fidel Castro in the early days or the Cuban revolution. Twice in past year s, ·1 have reported on Valladares' valiant efforts to be heard through his prison walls. Now he has managed to s muggle anothe r mP.ssage to the outside world. He has earned tne right to have it published. How Valladares sneaked his words, uncensored, past the prison guards is a story in itself. The courier was Ramon Ramudo, a Spaniard now living in Stoc kholm. He s pent 10 months in prison at Combinado del Este on charges of espionage and smuggling contraband into Cuba. Valladares s lipped Ramudo three le tte rs. Denied writing pape r , the ingenious poet wrote the letters on mar gins tom from the official Castro newspaper. Granma. When Ramudo was released from pr ison, he brought the letters with him concealed in his dirty clothes Once JICI Al Bf Riii outside the prison walls, he drained the contents of a toothpaste tube and hid the Valladares letters inside. Copies of them were recently delivered to my reporter, Rafael Poveda. The poet was only 23 when the communists locked him in jail. He has been subjected -to p h ysi-cal a.nd psychological torture . His paralysis resulted from a hunger strike in 1974 1 But his s pirit is unquenchabJe: he 1 r em ain:-. defiant "I don't think I wi ll leave lhe prison a l ive," he writes. But he adds matter-of.factly: "I am an idealist , so this fact does nol bother me . I know there are plans to kill me Now they are wailing for my health to worsen so <m y de<ith 1 would seem an accident " Although rci.1gned to the ultimate h o pel ess n ess o f h i s s ituat ion Valladares s hows that his courage ha~ only bt.-<:n tempered by his ordeal "The more they reduce the physical s pace in wh1<:h I am confined," he wntes. "the morl' m) soul'i. ho rizons are expanded. The morl.! lhC'y increase the repression anc1 torture , the stronge r m y spirit he('OffiC:-i Then. with the poettt imagery that explain:-. why Cast r o fears his t.•luquenCl'. Valladarl.!s declares "The cc1mmuni:-it:-i forget that a diamond, the stronge:-it of all precwu::. stones. is made from a humhle 1.11ece of CoCll under great pres:-iun.· i\nd 1>0 1:-i m y body. when fa c 1 n g t h 1· 1 r J t t ac k s m a d e o f diamonds · {'ASTRO nt\S reJected e ntreaties from human rights organizations and hi"J{h l ' S. nrrtc1als to get thl'-sl ~ cr ippl e d poet free Las t year: Val l ;.,idarcs · wi f e pers uaded a ('Ongrei.:.wm.11 delegation v1s1t1n~ Cuba to ask lht.• d1ctc1tor point blank about her hushand C1:1:-ilro never s aid exactly why he 1ns1s ts 1111 k••<.•ping 'the unconquerable poet 1n pn:-ion But the r e ason is ohv1o u:-i To Fidel Castro. a free spirit like Armdndo \'alladarcs 1s dangerous Car inspections pay safety divid e nd To the Editor· H the promise of federal dollars can generate e xpa n sive governme nt programs like annual s mog inspedions on cars, then I would like to propose· t ha t the stat e institute safet y ins pections or automobiles to run concurrent with the smog inspection. As a resident or Pennsylvania, I was subjected to vehicle inspections twice a MAILBOX year and considered it a nuisance. But, after picking up m y car from one of the authorized inspection stations, l felt comfortable knowing that I had at least 20,000 miles of tread on my tires, that m y brakes were good, and lbat the station had fixed my brake lights -in other words, my car was relatively safe lo drive on the road . Now that I'm a California resident, m y good intentions concerning m y balding re'llr tires fail to propel me to m y neighborhood tire store for all the usual excuses. Those conscientious people who rl\,aintain their cars in the proper rasbion make the highways safer for the rest of us who need a little prodding from government t~ get the job done. TERRI NOVAK What airpo rt? To the Editor: What airport? I have to ag'tee with Ray Dyer (your paper 12/2/81 ) and PSA Airline, that the name of an airport s ho uld r e la te to its geographical location instead of a movie s tar. Orange County Airport ought to be the continued proper name or this very i mportant airport. If the Board of Supervisors would do something constructive, like building or openin1 another airport or two in Orange County. I am s ure that John Wayne would han been thrilled t.o lend his name t.o one of them, since the present airport was but a nuisance to him anyway. Still more approprta~ would be to name the new park between Corona del Mar and Lasuna Beach after our '•western hero.·· Mr. Dyer alao mentioned the name of the real aviation btro of Oranae County, Mr. Glenn Martin. J s u11eat colleetlnl bl1torical memorabilia about Olton Martin and dlaplaylna It at a proper Dlace ln the Oran,re County Termlnal buildlnt. I could help with t.b1a proi.c:t. The Board ol Supervtaon pulled a fa1t one on Oran1e County Airport. Let'a correct thla ln John Wayne ttyle. Tell them to shape up! LARS DE JOUNOE Excua e in/lated To the EcUt.or: Ye1tAtrct.y we received In the mall the renewal noUce on our H{ely depoaJt box. Al the amount shown a..e ..... u compared to tbe 114 we bed pUd laa 1ear we were 1ure that there bad '*"' a mllttte. On quesUonin1 the blnk, we - were told. with a shrug of Lhe shoulders. "inflation .. How can anyone say "inflation" .. This is simply a case of gouging. People today are afraid to keep their valuables in their homes for fear of being robbed What do we do .now -accept this highway robbery? MRS. XlMENOTEJADA Waste disp osal To the Editor: I would like to respond to your Jan 22 ed itorial, "Bill defeat costly " Over seven billion cans and bottles are thrown away annually in California over 13,000 a minute. With over half of California landfill sites closing by 1985, something has to be done soon lo help alleviate the solid ,yaste disposal problem. CONTAINER deposit legislation has been successful in drastically reducing litter and solid waste in each of the s ix.... s t a t es in which it h as been implemented. In California. there would be a savin g of over $2 million in litter pick·up costs, and $20-$79 million in solid waste disposal costs. T here would be a s ubstantial savings in energy and natural resources if the initiative were en~cted, and, perhaps most importantly, there would be a net increase of over 4,700 jobs . Californians Against Waste <C.A.W. >. the principal proponent of the Can and Bottle Recycling Initiative, believes that the initiative is the first step in successfully combating the solid waste disposal problem in California. LISA MONTANG C.A.W staff Tax travesty To the Editor: I am appalled at the lack of attention given to the huge number of well-to-do people who pay no income taxes, while many who earn just enough to pay rent · in a run·down apartment and buy food and 1as. pay a chunk out of their paychecks each week. Le1islator s . economists and the general public discuss endless ideas on how to help the poor and low m iddle c lass <upper middle t oo. for that matter), whUe making no mention of this unfair t.ax travesty. Anyone lMng well should have to pay something at income tax time. There should be a minlmum lncome tax. J . JOHNSON White f eathe r To the Mt.or: Wb1 tw lb• Newport City Council meellnf of Feb. 8 been called a dlaalter? II lt btc:ause the word ls IMP'al OUl tbM SD million ln new and imp.,,,,., IU'eeta .. hkh would by-pus . ~ Ltt•n II-r-• •• .. le-TM'""' M <.,..._ ltt• '-"."' ...... .-..... I-h , ___ ~"·" .. - ---ti' I ... will .. ·-~t AJL-n -""' <!Mt ~ ....... , .... .-r-..,. -""" .. 9'1t!IMM ell ~t II iilfflUellt fH-II ....,_ '-ff'\' ;111 M4 .. ,.., .... Latter•_, ................ ~ •I'll• ----"""'"' ...... ,.,,,...,..,"""" .. ti•"' let . -··~ .... ,..,..... Coa:.t H1ghw<1) in Corona del Mar has been rejected'' Or because Sl 5 million 1n annual taxes from improvements to be built in :-.:E.-wport Center have been turned down"' Certainly. lhe I r vane Company asked l<1 be relieved or their commitmellts because of attacks by complaining leaseholders. no-growthers and others who would tell landowners how to use their property Is s uch opposition adf'.'quat(' exc use for four of the elected council memb<>rs to evade a public vote on the item for which some 7,000 had pet 1t1on€.'d for n•sc1ss1on or the right to vote'' ONF. roUNCIL ml'mber thought not. Sh€.' charged that the petitioners had distorted facts and used deceitful ta c tics t o obtain s ignatures. a well known fact Three of thl' four council members who agrC'ed to the rescission will be up for re-election in November. One indicated she was afraid the city would be too disrupted if the vote was left to the citizenry I 'm g lad the white feather was unpopular in 1941 German or Japanese arc tough languages to learn LYMAN S. FAULKNER Ill-informed? To the Editor. I find it interes ting t hat certain s pokes men for tt1e Irvine ompany ques tion whether the Committee of 4000 is a party lo n laws uit filed against the Irvine Company by a g r oup of residential leaseholders Perhaps Doug Neff. treasurer of the Irvine Company. could clarify the matter for them Mr. Neff recently addressed a group of appraisers in Downey and in his opening remarks stated . "It is good to be here in Downey, I just left Newport Beach and learned that the Irvine Company was being sued by the Commltt~ of 4000." Mr Neff apparenttr knows something the s pokesmen don t -or is be, !.00, ill -informed? Also, we re it not for the contributions or many or the pro.growth citizens within the Committee of 4000, l am confident Newport Beach would not <be the great and s pirited community lt ls today. Once a1aln, the Irvine Company, spokesmen should learn the fact.a. JAN PASALEVICH lllllYIH , The wa:; the states are 1creamln1 about tbe cutbacks ln federal funds you'd think the fWlds dldn't com• rrem Ute states. O.J. . .._, .. ~_ ........ "',.._.. .... . ---.~ ............ _,, ...... .,.. ... . ........ ..._, ... Delt• ........ .. ........... p . . . • ~~ ... .., - -·~...:1 ---~-------~ ~~-... -~--,:o___ ___ _ Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfThuraday, February t8. t982 All Now air join~ vanishing gas statio_. freebies .. ln Hollywood , there 11 a pbraae known u "Hllln1 air." To state that a CallCorni• aent or wrtter can "sell alr" is the motl Impressive lbiJl8 you can say about him. Whaal It m~aans is this : A man who c11n "1"11 air" c•n 10 to a studio with an Idea In hla bead and nothing written down on paper -and get a big money commitment for It. To receive, H Y. *50.000 for a three-paae story outline Is no big deal ln HollywOod but ii you can go in and 1et $50,000 for "air" -for Ju&t talldna about your Idea -then you a re, Indeed, ln the big leagues. I BRING THIS up because of a man I talked to the other afternoon. He bas nothing lo do with the movie Industry 1 and yet the Hollywood barons woula love h.im instinctively. He has done lite r a lly what they are only doing figuratively -made millions of dollars by selling air. "I don't know why no one else thought it up before ," he said. His name is Dave Bo bert, a nd h e is president of a company called Air -Vend Inc .. with offices in Eden Prairie, Minn. "It was a relatively simple idea." The idea was that the day of free air for your car 's tires at service stations was over. 'RUFFELL'S UftHOL STER Y ............ ..ct •• I t2Z HAH Olt I LVD. COSTA MISA -541·1 IH ,~·'-' ~;.;;;:. ...., Wet._ H••tt"'9 ~' l ,,,. .... ~··~i.c:• '"'""'" s,,..,,. at "'""' O. " 1( .. 'S?iJt• ~..,.", •t~ "'''"~ COSY& ..... 641-1289 •ut--••ss'°" Ytt..io495-0401 ~c. ....... c ...... ~ ,•••flt °""°,,..., ••••• ,., .... ., ) Whalawatch Cruises WEEKDAYS 10 M1 WEEKENDS 9·30 AM & 1 ..30 PM Leaving From lhe MLa PMILllll Adults SR. Children SS . 17 14 1673-5245 NOTICI INVITING a1os atOITIMNO.UI NOTICE IS HEAEBY GIVEN IMI Mat.cl ~Is wltl be r.celYe<I by IN City °' C..ta MHA. to wit T,_ Clly COUll<ll, P 0 Bo• 1100. Cotta MeM, c.tlfoml• mi.. on .., _,.. tN hour "' 11 00 a m on l 11Un4..,. Merell •. ttlJ II sllall be the • ,.._,ltllllty"' --to dellw r 1111 bid to tl'a City Clen's Offk • b't .,.. _, -lime Bids w lll be PV'91<1y _..., -r•ect a lOVCI a t II :oo a.m • or ft -,,.... .. tier as practice~ on TllurMlay, Mar<ll '· 1"2, In ti. Councll Cl\aMOtn , City Hall, 71 Fair Ori"•· Cotta Me.a. California mlt, tor Ille lurnlsNn9 ol ONECO EACH 1"2 MODEL TAVCK WITH SPECIAL BODY AddH!Mal M1s of t,.,. tOKlfk atla•u may be olllelned at the Oflkt of m. Purcllaslft9 AQent at n Fair Drive. Cotta MeN, Calllomla. Bids shOulCI be rttur~ IO .. llttentlon of , .... City Cieri!, wttlllfl Mid 11,,.. llmll, In • sealed ..... 1ope, Identified on Illa outside wltll ll'a aid Item Humber anO Ille D-"'9 Oat.. Each bid sllall tOKllY .. ell encl eve ry ll•m •• HI lortll '" 1111 speclflutlona. Arty -all .. cepUons to tM NMClfk.ilons ....... , be CIHrly 1tatect lft ._ bid, •"II !allure to Mt lortll any ,....., In Ille tOKlfk etlons sllall be ~ for rei-ttlOll Of Ille bid. E•Cll bid shall .. , l'Ortll the IYll llamas -~ .. of all oe<'"'" af>d 1Nrtlft lra""1M In the ..,_, If Illa bid Is l>y • c"'-•tkln, sl8te IN 11am .. "' the offl<en ....., can 119ft .., ..,.......-.. .,.,.... ...... c~•tkln •"4 .,,.....,_ .._. that\ -offl<~ m Ysl slf n. If Ille bid h b y a twlf1Mr1Np or 8 jolM veftt"'9, Sta .. IM n•,.,,.I .... ...,,_of all oefltral 1Nr1fltrs -....,. --.. If OM ltld .. r 11 • -Pffprl•torslllp or .,..,,,., entity IMI _, .......... "°'*'a fk1ttlewl ~ .... ltlf -II lte lft '"' f'NI -of the bidder with •-..-loft_.,.._.,,. "OBA ltl•e flctltlew Ml"le)"; pro•IOH, -....... ~--"­..... 11111au tllor• h • c .. rrent , .. , ........ """ "" Or .... Couftly "•t•r41er. In ~ el c.-..,-.u.M, lft<llHll .. -8' .. ~ S.CrNry, T,.._,Mll~1 T1'9 City ~II of "-City of ~la ..__ .. ,..,....,,..IKltlftY ..... 1 .... OATIO~ tt, ltlt. "'* ...... 0r .... (;•st D ... ,, Pllel, , .... , .. ,. 71MJ PtCTITIOUI BUM••ll ...... ITAT•MtUIT Tllo lallewlflt "'Mfl It fflllt _..... .. ! COllUltl IM09 IMO,-, IW Now"rt ...._.,.,,., C•lo ...... ~ .... Al~ V•MI, U» Oerfell f'Y<• ..... AN:, Gel*"'"8 "* Tiiis ...._ ,, ~-.., .. ........... ; ,....y_ 1"11111 ........ _ ....... .. c;-cy 0..-., Or .... c.-., • ,..,_.,..,,.. ·--.......... Qr .. c...i o.tty ,, .. ~ , .. tS. ~ .. " "·... ,..._ .. --·-- For reneratlons , Americans were used to pulllnc up for traa. srabbln1 the red rubber hole, a nd pumpln1 their Urea to the correct lnnauon. ·'That ldea was o ut·Of·d•Lc," s aid Bobert, 34. "Nothing Is free anymore. Not even air." Bobe rl wttnt lnto the business of manufacturing s mull, self-contained IOI GRllll e lectric alr pumps and the n marketing thos e pumps to ser vice stations, especially the new no-frills , pump-it-yourself ~ervlce stations. The air pumps are coin operated. For a quarter, you get five minuln worth of air . "The y 'r e moneyma kers tor the stations that use them," be said. "We estimate that our average air pumper brings in between $80 and Sl50 a month, although some of them bring in as much as $400 a month." B o be rt said that it is n ice t o remember things such as free air at gas stations as part of vintage Americana. but th&&t 'is 1111 It hs nostalgia. "Basically, lbo. e d1y1 have fallen by the wayside," he s aJd. "Thole are like the duy1 when a service station ·attendant would vacuum the lnslde of your car for tree, and .ilve you a road map for free. Gone. A memory." H £ SAID HIS company wlll do an estimated $2 mllllon In bu1lneu in Ul82 and that, between Air.Vend and several competitors. the number of service stations that providt: free air is declining every month. "About half of th~ servtce stations in the l'Ountry still have free air." he s aid. ·• 8 ut the trend is clear." . He said that when a service station s witches from free air to coin-operated air machines, customers are usuall y angry and frustrated at first. "They'll stand there and curse at the machine," he said. "They'll just look at it and refuse to use it. The first month or so, the machine wiU take in very little money. But then gradually people will give in and start using it, and before long they've almost forgotten that they ever got air for free." He said fighting the air-for-sale trend is a losing proposition for customers. "Oh. if they want to find free air bad enough. they'll find it," he said. "But wh at's the use'! They'll burn up a buck and·a·ha lf s worth of 1u drivinc around looking for a free t11r pump, when they could have used ours ror a q uarter " Whe n l asked tum if service station owners weren't fl)'lni ln the fact of custome r loyalty by lnstalltne the pay air rnuchlnes, he said that was a faulty assumption. "You don't 41et your tires pumped up out or loyulty any more than you get your gas tank filled out of loyalty," he said. "Wh en you 're out of gas you gtmer ally go t.o the nearest service station. and when your tires are low you go lo the nearest service station. "When you have a soft tire, you don't drive back acro.$S Lown to go to good old fo'red's service station just because you like Fred. You pull up to the nearest station, because you don't want to ruin that $100 radial tire And these days, Quotes ··M y f a th er wa s a gr e a t conservationist . . . but the Reagan administration is und'oing steps that my father's administration took 40 to 50 years ago. And the threat to Social Security concerns me very serious ly." Franklla ~lano Roosevelt Jr. when you 1cl a scrvace, you pay for It." Dobert Sitld that customer reslltance wor ries him not at all. · - "I REMF.MB•;a wtl.,n Hershey bars we re a nickel tn tbe candy machines, and then they went to a dime," he said. "I said that I 'd ne ver buy Ol'\e. But of course J did. Now they're 30 ~ntl, andl pretty soon they'll be so cent..s. People1 get used lo inflation." But charging hig h e r prlceis ror established services ls not Bobert's bus iness. His enterprise is based onl,; ch arging money for things that no one\ ever thought to cha rge for before. :. T hus , his n ext pro duct will be .t coin-operated locks on the balhroom1 doors of service stations . "There's no reason why you should be able to drive up Lo a service station and"' use the bathroom for free,.. he said. "With these locks. you'll have to drop a ' com in the slot before you get into the , bathroom " 1 And in the parched Southwest. ~e ls e xpe rimenting with m achines th11t ~~W~~'>e dnnking water for 10 cents a , "I'm not kidding about any of this ," he said. "My parents told me that I had to be joking when l nrst came up with , t hese ideas. But it's no joke. U you want s om ething these days. you pay fo r it." steps to a success ul garage sa e. .. Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales ... no matter what -you call them, the id.ea is the same -TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER --~t~~D IN_J.Q.£A~ '!!'b!fl~u ge~ ~~~fig~!.!_ng your way into a cro~de_d _:,,, attic or garage, or when you need a httle extra cash, have a garage salef So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing it! It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 10-steps will make it simple. 1 Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your • sale. Weekends are usually good. but.many successful sales have been held in the evening. just after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper; and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers awl\)'. such as fairs or community events. Have your sale"'1tn at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any single day Z What to sell. Everythin I That is, everything you haven't used in the • last year.~ an item has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. Look everywhere. and list everything. fwlHtwe. This is your main attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price · furniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for comparisons), but high enough so you can come down a little when someone shows interest. RockinQ chairs, chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. ~·· Smaller antiques should be grouped, and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are very popular - display them well. ClothilHJ-Make sure clothing is clean, and mark the price way down Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid's things by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a_. on clothes except for unusual items. which shol,lld be tagged with an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn by M• West~" AppliCMcea. These will sell for a fair price only if they work. No one will take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested. or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets turned on etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold "as is". fltanh. These usually go fast. but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper. Maggie). and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. ] Write your acL Here is a suggested ad: ''Garage Sale -desks, Bentwood recking chair, toys, Infants' clothing, 1922 • Victrola IYT original cabinet. many gadgets. lots of unusual Items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet. Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to flat unuaual items. Be aa epeclf le aa pouible. Give direct ions If • needed. Don't uM abbreviations-many people won't bother to decipher them. CAUTION: Don't advertl~• anything you don't realty have. Evefy Item in the ad must be on hand at :he start of the sale: . D> W. Bey St, Cotta Meta, CA. Open 8-6:30 Mc;>nday thra. Friday, Saturday 8·noon. 4 Where to advertise. Place your ad where it will be seen by people who live In the area -most people shop close to home. The • Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport ·Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine. Huntington ~ach and Fountain Valley -guaranteeing you wide exposure. And with the Pilot, you're not paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 times or more. and start 1t a few days before the sale so bargain h1.mters can have plenty of notice. 5 Make a sign. To help make your sale successful, make a few's1gns • from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good sign size ts 14" x 22". 6 Placing your sign. The morning of the sale. but not before, place your signs. Be sure and add your address and any • directional arrows. This should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your sign where 1t can be seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION: Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and d~ration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town's planning department or clerk. 1 Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work well. or you can use masking tape. However you mark them. make prices low. Garage sales are for barQain hunters. Remember, whatever you can't sell you II have to drag back in the house and store again for another year. 8 Serving refreshments. This doesn't have to cost much, and creates a friendly • atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts. or the kids could go in business for the day, with a lemonade stand. 9 Display_ . Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or • bo~r95 ~as $helv4" between two c~lrs. Don't cause people to bend over unless you can't help it. Use one table as a desk where you can see everything and take money. Use only one ea.sh box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone la appointed "cast\ler" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who can help answer questions, relief for lunch. etc. Check your ne19"1on and friends. •see If any want to join your sale. This will give you someone to ah,re expen-.s wtth and tnqreaae lntereat In your sale. If others Join you. be sure to Include thla In your ad (exams;tle: "three-t1mlty sale," "neighborhood sale"~ Group sales are a tot more fun, too. I •I r I • Ala Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, February 18, 19tl2 'S bips 'aid women's role . ... RALf.lGH , N.C <Al'> EUeen Putton has round a soap box for wome!f s rlgl\ts In the world or SOlll> operas. Mlss Fulton. th.-blond star of "As the World Turn11," says :.he believes .~,,the soaps urc r.,flcctlng changes In wom en's roles Jo'or example, she said, there are m ore remale doctors, lawyers and other professionals on television Viewe rs can thunk Miss Fulton that Lisa, the woman she portrays, has a profession. "I said, ·can't Lisa do something besides chase men.,· So they let her go into fashion and use a little brain. She's no w a bus inesswoman and doina rather well," M lss Fulton Hid. _Mlss Fulton uys the chanae has ~en applauded by fans . "They used lo hale her <Lisa)." Miss Fulton said. "They don't hate her any more. They .like her becauae she is spunky. 1 get u lot more mall from m en too. I guess they like spunky women too " Miss Fulton, an Asheville native, 1tppeared al a celebration to mark the 162nd birthday of suffragist Susan B. Anthony. The celebration was s ponsored by various women's rights groups to raise funds and demonstrate s upport for the Equal Rights Amendment SEES HELP Eileen Fulton. star of .. As the World Turns." says soap operas on TV promote women's rights. Dog good for board. and r,oom Will leaves $10 ,000 for, new owner to pay bills GROSSE POI NTE . M ich. (AP> Adolph is one German s hepherd who won't eat his new owner out of house and home He comes with a SI0,000 trust fund to pay his bills H is new ma:.ter , an unideoa ned secretary at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Ind., will get Adolph us soon as a Wayne County probate judge appr.oves the plan spe lled out In the will of the dog's Corm er owner. Patricia Roney Mrs. Roney, 62. who h ved in this nrtlu<•nt Detroit suhur b. d~ .I 110 I and ll'ft a will th at provuh•cl Slll.000 tu t•an· for the do~ Ttw 1 \'OH1111d1·r o f thl· estate ;11111 am· rnont•\ lt•fl ovcr from Adolph", ·,ru,I \l.OUld R<1 to Nntl l' I )Jfl\1• at·1·m 1l111.: lo lhl' Wiil Ttw Ill v<·ar old s1•1•rt•lary m t he Ulll\l'f'>1ty's offltl' of studl!llt affu irs had u lot of t•om pct1t1<>n to ad<1pl A<il1lph . a1·1·ording lo ltr1a11 lkl"our c'\(•<·11t11r of Mrs. Roncv·, (•,tatt· I g111 fuur very long letters, .. Od'our said. "We had perhaPt 200 phone calls. Some Indicated they would take lhe do(I without the monl'y In fact, the majority felt that way " Adolph's new owner won't rece1 ve &ny of the m oney dir ect l y, DeFour said . According Lo law, the money mu s t be i nv es ted and a dm1n1 i.l e red by a • court appointed trustee DeFour said the university has agreed to adminis ter the fund 11 FEBRUARY CARPET SALE ' Through Feb. 22nd ~~,.!!.~ .£~i;pw!.! 646-4838 968-8180 ~oil YOu-SA Vi n.s"O' ., 1.101N wmGHT WATCm• as.on na rr I 11 PAY ONLY s7.so TO JOIN AND THEN ONLY" wuau:r, NO CONTllACT8:.J Na7 _, M ••-wk• &"J' at._ ....... , • ... _____ _ r:=i------~ I •OR A FRIEND SA VE s7.50 I 1 ·iPAYom.;·;;;;:;~jO-iN 1 AND THEN ONLY M WU KLY; NO CONTllACT8 I MAJ' -M ••MaH wlU• ••7 atto.r 1 ._.__,, D" n.:... 11 I ._ ______ ... Vall• la Aru 10 aa17. ·--11499 For Clas• Information Call: ................... 124.15 83S·SSOS 51 .................. 164.95 NtUC NOTICE l'UIUC MOOCE ~ICTITIOUS a USINESS "ICTITIOUS •UJINEH NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Tiie lollowlno Ptr•on Is e101no Tiit tollowlno perso,. I• Clolnv butlneu u : DultlMn •• GREGORY~ ASSOCIATES. 1112 LO N C H A IS TO PH ER ·s S.E. Bristo! St ...... Suitt 201, S.ntt LETTERPRESS, Hll·E Wut AM. Callfomla '1707. Mac Artllur Boul••arCI. !WM• Ana. Greoory Pe111 WlnoerCI, JIOU Ct lllornltt270f WlndcllllCI LaN, Hunth>oton Beach, lon Cllrhlopller Hu10,. 115' Callfomla m.. B1yport Way Newport B~tcl\, Tlll1 ~!>HJ IS C-ll<led by t n CalllOrftla "1...o lndlvlclual. Tiii~ """'""' II ConClll<ltCI ...., t n ~ P Wl"OfrCI ar>Cllwkluat fre Tllll '11*'-t was llltel wilt\ IM '-"" HHlon tangle I booster Clble C01111ly Clerk ol Ounoe Cou,.ly on Thi\ '"'"""'"' wa\ 111te1 with IM Ja,,...rv 2'. 1t12: c.ounty cie~ o1 Or•~ Coun•v on J.,. Stan your e ngine even 1f your ,,.,... "· tm. I battery Is dead. wllh the help ol Publllflef Or.,.. c oeS1 O•llv Piiot, PubllsNCI 0r.,. Coe>t Dally P11o1, 8 11 copper booster cables with J41ft. ,., Feb. 4, II, 11. ,.., .. 7.., Jan. ?I, Feb.'· 11, ... ,.., U1-l'l. _____ ..._ ___ ....__1 -----------vinyl clamps #7128 Reg '4 99 r.JC tlOCE PUllC tlOCE ~ICTITIOUS a UJINHS FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAMa STATIEMlNT NAME STATIMENT Tiit lollowl1t111 pe<M>n\ are dol"9 The lollow1no ~''°"' are C1oln9 bull,,tUH Dus•nuu• BAKERSFIELD INVESTORS, B & 11 STEEL COMPANY. 1»1 JJl71 La ~. Suite 303. U.OU,.. Casllllan On•e Hunl1n9ton BeiKll. CA Hlll1, CaHto<nlt t26SJ . '2M6 J .R.IEVANS COMPANIES,INC., B & A ENGI N EER IN G t Ca lltor11la corporttlo". 12171 Lt COMPit.NY INC , a Ct lllor11lt Cadena, S111te 303, Laou"t Hll,., corporation, 1361 c .. 11111n Drive, Calllornla '1653 Hunlinqbl BN<ll. Cit..,._.. DSL SERVICE COMPAN Y• I Tiii\ bus1neu I\ conClucltCI by a Calllornla corpo,..llon, l100 Brh101 corPC><•I'°" StrMI, COIU-. Ct lllo<nla ffU• Blo ll EAQlrwer1nv Co. Inc Tiii• bUllnen " conelucl•CI by • ae.,..,., EOIOwiu . o-Mral ~P Pr..-s-1 l>Sl,SERVICE COMPANY Thll >ltlenwnl wt\ flied with IM Ti--P. Lynell. Count~ CleMI ol Or1n91 Cou n1v on v• Prftldofll Feb 1. 1"7 'Tlllt .........,t was tl ltO with Ille F1U211 Ca11nty Clttll of Ora~ CO<l"1Y Or\ Publi•ht<I Ora~ Co"'I D•lly Piiot, ,e&rvery J6, ,. • Feb.•. II. II U , 1'1, ~.Hl •Y A. L..,.-.n -----·----------' ...... , .. ~ -I# _,..c: :::,~~..., ___ ..--__ ,,_,"~--......,.. llon't be dejected 11t 1 deflector c:..-..~m1" FICTITIOUU UllNISS The Oeflec1..Q AJr Deflector with ~llJ* NAME STATIMI NT ""4111 Ol'll'9I GMsl Dally Pt!Ol, Tiie tollowlno P•r•on •• dolno dual filte r protecll plan11 from ~.11. ,....,,, 11, 1'12 111.a bu11neuas • dralt1, keepa warm !11 lower. #52. SUBURBAN WOODl.ANOS L TO , Reg. 2.29 111. 18600 Main Street. Su lie 110. Hunllnotofl BaKll, Callfornla t1'4t. _.,.,6 Aober1 M. Sforlllll, CEO For t,_ ~ICTITIOUS aUSINISS Genertt Par1ner, Sunwl Sflon. ltK.,l MAM11 fTATIMI NT a CalllornN _, .. 1 ... !MOO ~In Tiit .....,lflO -'°"' ••• Cloln Str .. 1. Sullt 110, -l"91ofo e..11. _._ • California~ ------ I N .:Soco M PUBLtS.41,N Tiiis bllslneU ,, COnCl\Kttd by ·@ ~;~ CjOMl"ANY, 1t141 Slerrt Marla. P•irl,....INP !I' '/71• 1"11M CAtt1tS ,._,M.Smltll lllllijl'Wll,_... .. STANLIEY £. SIEGEL, M.D , Tiii• st.ti-I IHtCI will!,,,. County -.. Me41ul C..-POfatlon, a Celllornlt ~.:,"' ot Or--oe County on FabNery 1, ,., ....... <--"'°"· 1000 w ~ .... v.us~= ~~~IN, 1000 w. L Pvbt1sNC1 <>renot c oe1t Dallv Piiot, Gl'dd v.u.or.,..,CA'*" '"···~· 11,u. '* sn~. t e' Tllll WSIMU II <-<ltd by ..-r•I....,. ...... ll!ln'Y.....,111 149 Glidden's FAMOUS Latex Wal Paint I , a•• ~9 , ,, J ,p.' ~·-~ L 1'1 ·~ ~ 4 BB wood b11k1t 1ntiqu1 br111 finish Bra&!> pa1ntt!<l 111i1s11 1199 21 11.1) #718 keep cinders in the f !replace This IS as beau11lul as 11 1s useful Accenls your den with antique brass deta11 4 fold 1•13 1888 make it a hobbie to do it right 491s Reg 2'4 95 1 1•llon ••per tenk 1pr•yer ldHI tor 1praylng tree•. 1nrub1, garden , weed1 and Indoor ahruba. Adju1t1bla 1pray noule. #F103. Reg. 4.18. 2•• Oremel Moto Tool 1•11tt> ove1 30 Famous talex flat wan paint from Ghdden Beau11tul flat lln1sh Scrubs clean. stays color last Easy w ater clean up the great gobbler The Badger disposal 1s tSE squall· ly made garbage disposer w11h 2995 trouble tree operation #39·1010 Reg 42 55 mildew away Do you believe In m iracles? Spray away mlldew and dis- courage 11 from relurning 16 oz. Reg 3.39 SANTA ANA ~ ~an 0 1•90 F • -t c • MillMY L ...... M.0. , MtllkatC:.... .. ~ S....E.$19991. ~ March of <fpDlmes HOURS: WEEKDAYS I to I • SATUIDAY AND SUNDAY 9 to 6 f lllt ............. WU llltel with trw C:.-ty C'"1t .. Ofllftl9 C-y ......... SAVES BABIES PLEASE HELP FIGHT BIRTH DEFECTIJ ,,... tNCt COo<l_,.,IO II> 1 .. -- •••• Prl••• ...... ,. , ••. 21, 1 llZ All Siie 1tem11re Subject to S tock on Hand. All PhotOgrapl'llc, Typooraphlcel. Cltflea l and P rinting Errora ue Subject to CorrecUon • 2666 HARBOR BLVD. IN COSTA MESA PHONE (714) 546-7080 . • " • J 1 'I •• , 1 !• • ll 1 ~ l. t. ,. 1' ........ ' Dental x-rays . may become , thing of past I PHILADELPHIA CAP> -thermograms to detect breast 1 1 De ntists some d ay may put. cancer by placing the patient in llway their X-ray machines and a cool room and taking a picture find cavities with Infrared with the heal-sensitive camera. cameras. which can measure T he same technique is used lo the heat put out by a cavity, a rtnd cold spots that can tip off professor says. . the location of clogged veins. "The res~lts of our pilot s~u.dy There are not enough bacteria show uneqwvocally that cavities in a cavity for it to be the heat are h ot s p o t s.·· Steven source,Betterman said.lnstead, Batte rm a n , a p rofessor of he believes the bacteria changes bioengineering, .said of ~is study the temperature of the tooth's at the ~ n 1 v er s 1 t Y o f en amel and the underlying ·Pennsylvania. dentin by increasing the flow of Betterman said that infrared blood to the inflamed tooth . . sensors, which detect heal, can Although he simply read the find cavi~ie.s that ~re hidden temperature of teeth. Batterman bene.ath fllhngs, which .X-rays s uggested finding ca.v1ties .by can ~ do . But he said the having the dental patient drink techniques he has been able to cold water with the dentist dev.e~op do no~ detect s.mall recording the speed and manner cavities and refined machinery m which the teeth heal up. made especially for dentistry ··what I c n v is i o n is a would have to be developed. special.purpose instrument for "'Everybody .knows th ~t when dentistry," he said. with a small you have a cavity and drink cold microprocessor to receive the water or hot tea, you feel it ,'" infrared signal installed above Batterman said. the camera. That led him to investigate The dentist would compare the l whether temperatures in a tooth signal wit h a previous one from might have some relation to the patient in a method similar whether a cavity was present. to readi n g a n e l ectro The wide uses of infrared cardiogram. Batterm an said. cameras today include the Balterrrian said infrared making of thermograms. which cameras also may be able to llllJPUat THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1982 CAVALCADE TELEVISION MOVIES .' 62 86 87-8 ' . ------------------- can show the loss of heat from a ~elect ~ll m dis eases a nd OFF Otf"'ICE E;ighl motor·<·~eh.• ruc·mg l'nlhus ia:-.h g 1111 h o ~.~_e .. ..Q o c Lo_ r_s u_s L Uill.ame!ijow~. -.-~ --....... ~~-therr-b~~~ tiw s-hrrt nf 1'UC'<'-Ort"the rnrnf frn7.'f'li-f''o-rt7::tkt"-- Wllshington 's hair pricetag $1 million LOS ANGELES CAP ) A Se attle man hopes to found a business on a wisp of hair from a distant relative -President George Washington. The lock of hair. purportedly cut from the presidential head for a gift, is preser ved in a gold locket or breast pin surrounded by 13 tiny gold sta rs and pearls J im Washington 1s asking Sl million for the locket. which is bein g offered fo r sale by Investment Matchmakers Inc. of Los Angeles. "He won't get a m1ll1on dollars. But .. I think he could get between a half-million and three-quarters of a million dolla rs:· said Mike Greenwald, vice preside'nt of Investment Matchmakers. which speciali zes in uniqu e i nve s tm ent opportunities. In June 1793. Washington had a lock of his hair cut. put in 1.he locket and presented it to his aid e -de -ca mp , Col. J o hn Trumbull, Greenwald said. Trumbull, who later became famous for his paintings of Revolutionary War scenes, died · in 1843, willing the locket lo ttis ph ysician , Dr. Jam es A. Was hington. a first cousin of the president. It was passed down through the famil y lo Jim Washington , who says he is a fifth cousin of the nat1on·s Revolutionary War leader ·'The onl y reason I 'm interested in se lling it is so l coul d form an ins ura nce business:· Washington told The Associated Press "I plan to call it W a s hingto n Ge neral Insurance Co ... Washington said the hair 1s "'kind of brownish with red highlights ·· The case for the tear-shaped locket 1s made of leather a nd wood from "Old I ron s ide s,'" the fri gate "Con s ti tution .. The locket measures 11 2 inches by one inch. he said The inscription on th~/ case reads "Hair of Wa shmgton given to J . Trum bu ll . J une 1793." "lt"s fully authenticated 1n history books and in a number of probate wills of Co lon e l Trumbull, which we have a copy of." G rt'Cnwald said SPECTATOR PROTECTION \\'l',1nng a "'no\\ moh1ll0 m.1:-.k a :-.pl'clator 1:-. proll'<"lt•d from cold whlll' \\ all·h111J.,! moton·,·cll' raN·:-. at Fox L<1kt• Strong winds and :-no" hroughi the nwrc-un In ~I ckgn·<'" during tht• da~ 'r ~1<·1·" In the old days , there was .no such thing ,as alligators on shirts .. Read Erma Bombeck. on . P,age 82. . '/ 0 D .,..~ 1n F o ' l.akl-. 111 ILin·r" 11wt·t d11nng lht· \\ intt•r for thl' ~fmt'nl !1 IC'<'"fb f\ng SP,;c • ._ BIKING THE ICE Robert Jiu ml•I of l 0 h1c·ago :-.kids a little on his motorC'n·ll' a:-ht• rounds a I urn clunng rat'c B1kt•rs pound shl'l'l nit•l:d "l'l't'\'" 11110 th · 1 tin•:--tor tr:1t'l1on on th<' ... 1tppl'I'\ l("l' VICTORY FLAG -Jerry Westhouse gets checkered victory flag from Paul Rembas for winning his race at Fox Lake , Westhouse is national champion of his division COLD WOAK Oan Schmitt. organizer or the Mineola Ice Racing Series. works on his motorcycle during li ght snow. Fox Lake is northwest of Chica~o \ .. I I ,. I I .. " Orange Coatt DAILY PILOTffhureday, February 18, 1982 - •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE Patient's request tries worker's patience DEAR ANN LANDERS: I work for a dedicated physician who has office hours s ix_ days a week. Something happened rec~tly. and I would like to know if 1 am wronc to think the doctor s hould have protected me whic h he did not do. A patient <I 'll call her Mrs. Kvetcherl is h ere ever y two weeks with one complaint or another. If s he has no specific problems, s he'll come for tests. 1 On Thursday this woman was on the examining table whe n s he remembered that s he forgot to put money in the parking m eter. She asked if I would mind "attending to it. .. The rain was coming down in buckets, and I thought it was a heck of a th ing to ask even in good 'weather. I stood waiting for the doctor to say, ··Sorry, s he can ·t leave," but he remained silent. so I felt obligated to .comply with her request. ' The more I think about it the m adde r I get. Am I wrong to feel l was imposed on·' I have said nothing to the doctor about m y anger . Should l '' CHICAGO ERRAND GIRL IN DEAR E.G.: The doctor should han taken you off the hook by saying, "Sorry. the nurse cu't leave this office." By all means, tell hJm how you feel. Bottled rage can do a lot of damage. He should be told that you were surprised and disappointed tbat be let you down. DEAR ANN LANDERS: This is not a co mpla int. lt is mer ely a comme nt to help your readers understand what it is like to ma intain a pleasant relationship with very old parents. My in·laws. both 90 . are in reasonably good health. We go lo see them often, bring them to our place to dinner and take them out to eat. There are endless complaints about the way the car rides. the quality of the food. the service. the price of doctors and medicine, how rude young people are. how rotten TV has become. how terrible the music on the radio is. how trashy the ads in the magazines are. how junky .,..~ HIGH WATER Foreman Carl Mothersell southern Sa('rl.lmento Count\· where runoff leaves his farmhousl' near Thornton in from recl•nt rainstorms has fl(>Oded the a rea. ·symbol signals success You probably know my nephew c.. E veryon e does . H e·s the o nl y sixth-grade r in North America who does' not have a n alli gator on the pocket of his shirt. The kid stands out like a sore thumb . . . on the days he has the courage to go to sc hool. It's a sha m e . too The only thing that stands between him and unlimited s uccess and po pula rity is t hat lousv alligator symbol on his s hirt pocket. His m other says $36 is too much to spend for a shirt fo r a boy who is growing He h as offered to stop growing. I TRIED TO EXPLAIN to him the qther day that when his mother and I we nt to school, there was no peer pressure to ~ear designe r labels . Everyone wore white shirts a nd plain slacks. This fascin ated bim. of Laguna.Beach '' i.. . . • EIMA 80M8ECI ATWIT'S END .. You mean there were no labeb on them" .. he asked l told him. ··once I found a piece of pape?sewn in lht' seam!'. of m~· slacks that • read. ·inspected b~· No 57" ·· ··w as ln s p cctor 57 so m eo n e important"!'. ··Only if the legs of !ht· slacks didn·t match,·· I s aid. ··Why did people hide behind seams'' Wha t were they ashamed of" .. .. They weren 't ashamed of anything. People just didn •t go public:· .. Are you telling m e k ids s howed up for class without so much as a polo player on their s hirts·•· I nodded .. The next thing you'll tell me:· he said . ··is that your license plates didn't s pell a nything.·· .. They didn't spell a nything:· I said. "I DON'T UNDERSTAND you peo ple," he said ... Why would you wear c lothes that no one knew how much you paid for them?" His m other interrupted. ··we didn ·t nee d to go around looking like walking billboards for designers. Clothes with other people·s names on them are a sign of insecurity. Whe n you wear them it means you do not have enough faith in yourself to be a ccepted, so you flaunt names on your clothes to impress people. Do you see an , alligator going around with your face on hJs chest? or course not! It's babyis h and It's immature... • I said to his mother, "What does G m ean on your handbag.?" "It means, 'Get oul of here or cough up 136'! .. Teaching kids o lesson Is always n big ll'ls take. ' newspapers have become. etc. They ta lk on a nd o n about things that happened 60 years ago. We have heard it all a milUon times. We love the m deal'ly and will continue to do what we c an to make their lives pleasant, but it does wear us out. EXERCIS ING PATI ENCE IN MISSOURI DEAR EXERCISING: You sound like fine folks. I hope your kJd.s wUI be as patient with you when you are 90. DEAR ANN LANDERS: You seem to g ive advice on every kind of problem Can you help me with this one" A ver y close friend is complete!~· lacking in social g r aces. She ti,.s a m aster's degree in business. so she as no mo ron. When Miss MBA.ente rtains. she ser ves beer In wine glasses: doesn·t seem to know the differen(•e between a steak knife a nd a fruit knife: uses table napkins when s he s hould use rocktail napkins and her table manne rs are atrocious . . ' The woma n is de lig htful comp<tny. but these glaring flaws regarding social a m enities a re a source of continuing embarrass m en t. An y s uggestions·• BLUSHING IN MELVILLE.N Y DEAR BLUS HING : Yes. Love her anyway. There are worse things than the wrong glasses, knives and napkins -for instance, socially correct bores. Whar ·s prudish" Whars O.K" If 11011 aren·t sure. you need .'i1>111e help ll"s arxnlable m the booklet ··Neckmg and Petting -What Are the L1m1ts"·· M01/ your request to Ann Landers. P .O Box 11995. Chicago. Jll. 6061 I . enclosrng 50 cents and u lunq . stamped . self-addressed envelope Lihrit burden lifted Friday, February 19 HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA ARIES <March 21-April 191· Focus on values. prestige. ability to locate needed m aterial. F'am1l v differences can be settled budget 1s in volved but resolution o f dilemma is at h and Domes tic adjustment as on a~enda and the re is discussion concerning possibility of major purchase TAURUS (.'\pril 20-M a~· 20 J: By looking beyond the immediate . sense of perception is heighte ned and you gain peek a t future . Focus on communicatio ns. publis hing and a m ore r lear definition of terms . Som e or your wi s hes will be fulfilled. but not in manner originally anticipate d. com banes bus inc!-.S and pleas ure. You locate m iss1p_g it e m ~. contact people important lo'your future and ~·ou receive d ocument wh i('h clarifies aims. polities. SAGITTARIUS 1 :-.Jov 22·De(' 21 l: Gain indicated through writteh word Express feelings. communicate idea s and create a working form at Focus o n income potential. special sales l.lnd purchases. pa~· ments and collections GEMINI t Mav 21 .Junt· 20i : Focus on m oney. respons ibility. re lationships a nd special comm endation from colleague or superior. You unearth factual materia l w hic h event ually aids an completing assignment Accent on "research. possible partnership and basic policies. CAPRICORN 'Dec. 22·J an 19 1: Homt- environment becomes more harmon ious Lunar cycle continues high you·11 be al right place a t right time. Ci rcumstances turn in vour fa vor . ,·our efforts are apprec1att?d <.1nd will b(' re,,arded CANCER 1 June 2 1-Julr 22 J Avoid p re m ature s tarts con.tractual o ?>- ligations s hould be fulfilled You·11 have opportunat~· to rearh more people. but delays are µart of scenario Emphas is on legal m atte rs . c lose assor1at1ons. AQUARIUS <Jan 20 Ft•h 18 1 Terms ''ill be defined . ~·ou ·11 ~t'l' places a nd people as they are. not merl·I~· as you wish t hey might exist You·11 have ac<."'ess to privileged information. LEO 1July 23·Aug 221 . What had been a routine tas k could no" represent challenge a nd provide outlet for creativity. You 'll be stimulated by new contact. by c hance for a dded' independence or thought. action. PISCES 1 Feb 19-Marc·h 201 Be aware of subtle nuances. secrt'l signals and clues which enable vou to verifr beliefs. Lunar e mphasis on romance, hO.j)('S . was hes and ability to win friends and infl uence people VIRGO (Aug . 2:.l·S(•pt 22 1 Follow POT SHOTS through on hunch, imprint style. make personal appeara nC'CS <.1nd check re ntals. leases and sales possibilities. Lunar accent on change. trave l. variet~· and accolac~es ret·eived from young persons. BY A,SHLEIGH BRILLIANT IT1S POSSl&LE TO LIBRA 1Sept. 23 ·0ct. 22 >. Burden is removed. social acti vit v accelerates and you have o pportunity to 'see situation in its entirety Take care to protert property. to ins ure securitv and to establish line of IE)( PRESS AVERY STRONG; OPINION credit · SCORPIO I Oct 23 Nm· 21 1. Stud v Libra message for valuable hint. Short trip BY NOT VOT"ING AT ALL . ·GORIN ON BRIDGE . BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH + A6432 <:::> AK2 0 764 •n WEST EAST • Q875 + 10 <:::>9815 C::>70 O Q5 0 JlOU ••Tt •tttt854 ·SOUTH +&.U ~QJJO OA&U •AQJ The blddinr: .._. Weet N~Eut IWT P ... I • P ... I o P ... 4NT P ... INT ,P ... P .. r ... Openlftr lead: Nine of <:::>. Prhacea1 Nadine de Llcbttn•l•ln or1anlle1 eome of Europe'• moet pr••tlrtoua brldp tournament.a. One tend• to forpt that, u Mme. Nadlne AMua4er. 1ht wae a pillar of womtn't ie.ma In 1'ranoa. At a r.eent \ouraa• mHt In Tuai.a. 1ht 1howed that 1ht had loet UUlt of hu uru. The popular contract wu six spadea, which wa1 u1ually defeated when declarer wa1 unable to handle the bad trump break. The Princeu and her partner reached 1ix no trump after a Stayman in- quiry and a quantitative raile in no trump. W eat led a bean, won In dummy. Declarer realiaed that, before tacklla1 apecte.. 1he DMded lo . Dow bow ma!l1 ttkkt tht dub 1wt would yitld, 10 at trick two 1be led a dub lo tbt queen. When that btld, 1he U1mned that she had three dub trick• and, therefore, would need only four tricb from the 1pade 1uit to briar her total to twelve. At trick three. therefore, 1h• continued with the klft1 of 1p&de1, notlns the fall of the ten at htr rtrht. Now wu the Umt for a ufety plf.1. Declarer led the jack of 1pade1 and, whtn Wt•t eovered wltb th quMn, he wu allowed to wln tU trick. 0.CW.r W&I DOW a .. u.red of fov apadt t.ricb ud. with eantul Under. tbt wu able to unblock the Din• of apadea and cross to dum· my'• high heart to cash the 1pade1 and finesse again in clubs to make her 1lam. It a. eaay to go wrong in the play of the hand. To iJ. lu1trate: tome declarers won • the (int trick in dummy and immtdiately led 1 1pade to the jack. They could now make four 1pade tricb. but bee&uM of the 4-1 break in that 111lt tbtre wu oaly one enu1 to tbt table, eo the club nn.... co111d not be taken twice. Therefore, tboH decw.n endtd up with only eleven ulw. Or, if declarer wiu tht aeeond 1pade, 1he e&n Mt up but can't enjoy a fourth 1padt trick. I I r I I I ' " -P. Advertisem ent Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfrhursday, February 18, 1982 .. - There's loads of work to do Enterpris in g pair hope to clean up with new laundry service By STEVE MITC'HELl. 0( -o.lly ....... -. .. 'Wt> 111<·k \•m u1>. wush cm up, fold 'cm up arid br1111( 'cm up " Thul''> tht• i.loi;:un of llop Sing's L..1u11d1 y St•rvacc an Lui:una Beach. u rled"'lmi.: lll't-rulion bu rely a half YNtr ol<I , but o per11lcd· by u pair of entt.'rpr 1sing partners who hllve vlsion11 of really cleaninic up on the profits Karstine. 31 , hus been manager of M•veral Lu~una B(•arh restaurants the past few years. including lbe Whale lloWJe amd the Coast Inn. Atenr10. 21, work• nights at Safeway as a clerk, end l\'s has paycheck the two roommates have been living on the pa!\t six months. • "What we make here goes right back into the bus iness," said Kfrstine. pointing to a row or washers and dryers. l\ll humming in unison The partn ers b e gan their enterprise, named after the C:hanese houseboy Of" TV's .. Bonanza," last July With five lkeptical cuatomers and us'e or their landlord's washer and dryer. Now they own or lease five dryers and three washers installed in a rented 600 square foot unit that once iwrved as on opartment manager's rc1udence They figure they have ·•well over 100 regular customers" now, willing to purl with $10 for three loads of clt'un wash. Th1lt price includes pickup and delivery, washing, drying and folding What k lJld of people want their wuh picked up and delivered? "Well," Atencio s aid, .. there's the laundromat people who don't like the hassle of washing their own clothes "Then there's the more wealthy customers who don't even use their own washers und dryers. "We·v._. spoiled them ." he ukS, grinnlnai "Wt"ve created • new market." Lust Christmas. the wash and dry duo tried out u market1n1 trick they suy was very ~urcessful They purchased more than 100 cotton commercial s11e laundry bap and 1ter>c1led the names of e re1dlar rustomer on t'ach bag Then they wrapped the bags in C:hr1stmui. pupcr a nd personally delivered them to their customers As a result of s urh personal .service, they suy they seldom lose a regular CU..'itome r U N Pottery Shack Mikasa Place Setting Sale up to DAILY J, NOON TO 4:00 P."'· . CLOIB CJ MONDAYS "' llC'OIJPON·-- f'REE Co11••l•aclo11 dda OnJpft" I . FIGURE ANALYSIS $100 I • COLOR & CO-ORDINATING • ACCESSOAIZING ''alue I . WARDROBE PLANNING ·~ I No 21 Lumberyard Plaza 494-23n I i 384 Forest Ave .. L~guna Beach 962-1498!1 1 Jpri llolrtw•· IJnlqew BoNdqaw . " ( 11.1u.1 IJ~ h/tt11J.ul I 1,1,,"' ~ h11•1 ~1e.I IN THE OLD HISTORICAL LUMBERYARD 31<4 .. ORESl /\Vl'NUE LAGUNA BEACH. CALIFORNIA ·1 El.t.PllONl'.!:1· (714) 49+9491 or 7Sz.llSS8 DMty-~ .... CLEAN 'EM UP Garv Kirstine fol ds some clothl'~ while ht~ purtnl'r. Steve Atencio. prepares to wash a nother loud Thcy·vc got a third employee who irons ($1 25 per shirt 1 and in two wt'C'k!> thl'y· 11 collect -dry cleaning 1km!> from t•ustomcrs to be taken to a wholes ale operation in San Cle mente And now. with all the business they·vc drummed up. the two men are looking for larger quarters. Ki rs tine figures the partners currently are grossing about $4 .000 a month . but he estimates they·re putting out $4,500 each month for rent . utilities. purchasing new machines and advertising. "But the dry cleaning business should turn that around.·· he speculates That ·s only until they o pe n a second Hop Sing·s 11l'Obably in El Toro or Leisure World sometime this year "Then wc·11 start all over again:· he laughed. "It's a pyramid game. onl y we think wc·re guaranteed a payoff ·· For that matter. they seldom lo;-e one of a matched pair of socks. a fart of life that ha s plagued bachelors for years . "Occasionally som eone wi ll call us and say they·re missing a sock." Kirstine said "But most often they·11 call bar k later and say they found it 10 a drawer :>r somewhere ·· Kirstine says there's a secret to coming up with both socks in a pair. "When you 've emptied the dryer and find you're a sock s hort. rut lhe button again so the dry.er spins around once or twice," he explained. Chances are. the missing sock will appear when th~yer door 1s reopened Not that 1t really matters all the time "We·ve found that six out of 10 of our c ustomers send us an uneven number of socks, or unmatched socks to begin with." he said 30% Off 5 piece place setting, 1 ea .. Dinner:. Salad, Soup. Cup & Saucer Tango -Black & Violet ust 49.9s 3885 Pottery Shack Pnce Black Pearl -Solid Black List 34.95 2695 Pottery Shack Pnce Black Tea -Solid Black List 35.75 231s Pottery Shack Price -. . /,. ··-'\ " ' ST ART 1982 WITH OUR RESOLUTION AND BOOK I NEVER PAY RETAIL 1982 SECOND IDIJION The only comprehensive guide to Discount Shopping in Orange County ' by Sue Lee llCI Starr Phillips 251 stores in 31 cities IAelMl-on119910I0..'1'P11oC.S... Jllfl 10 1~1 16.50 plus $1 .15 postage, tax, and handling charge. $7 .65 ••'·-------------------·· I Pleate send me ....... copies oft NEVER PAY RETAIL. I I 1 Encloaed 1s a check for S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I Name .................... . . .....• · . · ·· ·· ·· · · · · I ,1 I I Add.,.. ..... :· .....................•••.•...•••..•.•. I , 1 ~'!t~ ·atieek· ~b.e· ic> 1 ·NeveR· f>Al~ErAiL end ·,n•ii fo I I 369 ~· 17th St., Ste. 163A; CS6800, Co1te M-., Ce I L 92627 -------------------~ I . ' ' ~ I • I y, • ~ . ~ ... 9 . ~' ·~>:.J• "' .·~ f ·.'. '\ ~-....... ,.. . -.. • . -) ·. ~,.,.. ( .. ,. ........ _ \~· ..;: , ---/ Margaux -Ivory & Rust List 39.95 31 so Pottery Shack Pnce Berkshire Hand-cut Full-lead Crysial Goblet. Wine List 18.95 11 95 Pottery Shack Price ../ , ' ) EI ega nee...._~_-___ Midnight SALE ENOS MARCH 19 Pottt-ry Plu• M{1 ti. Much Morp" S1nr P 19 lb-Qvpr 100 Oprn S1ock 01nnerw<1rt.> P•tte!rnt 8rid•I Rl'Rlstrv • C.tft Wrap • Wt.> Ship to All Statf 1 21 2 S. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach (714) 494-1141 Open daily 9 a m. to 9 p.m. .... I • ' I ~ . •' I • I I ! i 'I ' I I . ' I • I . I .. I I ' I • : I I 1 . ,. -~ . , '• ... -'"~~ --:__ -~ - ------- --"'.'.' ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ = =-----~ -' -- Orange COMt DAILY PtLOT/Thul'9day, February 18, 1982 f'tenftOUI ..,.. .... .._11'Aft•MT TM .......... _.. •• ,. ..... ....... , Ct l AAA AOMINllTAATION UAVICH C.0,A. 1.i lll'INltON AOMINllTAATIC* .. AVIC .. CO., • N. c..t Hwy, ...._ L. l.-.,-~. CA ... I. l 'l'•••o1n1c lll'LAHHINO COAlll'OAATION, e Ctlll•r11le C•-..--N. c.tt Hwy., t..lle L. l ....-a-c11,c aw.s1. Tlllt ~-· II C~lff •Y t C•-••· •~11< ,.._,,,.e.,. ,,_O,IC,_r ~ f lllt • ...,._, wa ION wllll Ille COVl\IY Clerll of O<e11 .. Cou11tr .,, ........... .. ..... Pallllll > lll''*lllllM Or ..... Coetl Deity lll'llM, ------------t F'41, 4, II, !I. U, IW ...... f'ICTITIOUI •UMMIU ll&AMI ITATW .... NT TM ......... ,._ It ...... 11<1~ ...... I 6 KA'l'tE UllHOLSTllllY, 11 .. ~i._C:-.Mete,CA'262,. WllllMI H. Oremlk .. "31 l(lrtl...._ LM.~,CA-1'. Tllll ...,._. It ctllCNC-.., .,, Mlv...._ WllllMn H. Gremlk ll Tllll ......_, WA Ill.CS wllll ... C-ty Cter'll of Or..,._ C-IY °" '44!.t ,1m . f'ICTITtoUI •UMM•U MAMll ITATSWMT TM ... _..._ ...,._, .,. Clol119 llull-•= NtEW"°"T llllTltOl.llUM FUND IH I, LTD., let ,......,. L.ene, SUlte 112, T..-lfl, Callfonlle .... Pet H. Cecllre11, Ma Av.,,141e Pet-, Or.,.., c.tlNmle '*' M. H. OeOerd, 9'11 Hl911cllfl, SMIA AM, CalNanlle Tt.11 ~-It cotldu<IH llY I llmlted ,..11.,1111p, MH.CoclWM Tllll ......,_. -lllM wl .. h c-tT ctertv fl/I 0r.,... c-My .,. J_,.,IS,Hm. 'ACllt091,ICtoee•& aucau .. -~c;...., ....... #'4M ...... ._.._CA .... NMffU PICTITIOUI eUllN•H M.,_.ITAT ..... MT Tll• ... IOWl119 -""'' are doln9 "*·'-"' JIANNINI HAWKES LEGAL H•VICES, 2>441 Vie c-.i11, P.O. 9N ... Tr-...C. CellVOfl, CA "671. JEANNINE HAWKES, 1>641 Vie C•d•r111J, 11.0 . l ox 61, Tr•lnico CMy.,., CA ftl1t. Tlllt llullllftl Is <-..Ct.cl .-, an llldlvlduel. _ .... H ...... Tlllt ......._, WA tiled with IN Cov11ly Clerll of 0<•1199 County ...,, F'9b.1,IW. T .... llOTIC• OP T•USTIR'I SALE T.S. lkC•ll• 0.. ¥¥di IO, 1.a, et 10:00 e.m .. T•USTOllS SECURITY SERVICE, a Calllornl• corporation, •s duly e~-T,...... ..-end ovrsuan1 '° o...i of Tnat ...c:Of'Wd July 2, "" H l111L Nlo. .ioz, In bOOk 1412t, -ne1 of Otfklel Rec:wcK In the otflc• of tll• (OUlllY lte<ord•rt Of Ore119• Cow11ty, Mete of c.tlfornl•, .. ecuNd by Glll!GOR'I' NEIL JOHNSON and ROXANNE L. JOHNSON WILL SELL AT PUILIC AUCTI~ TO HIGHEST l lDDE• FOR CA~ (~Y•• at 11,... of ule 111 tewf\11 money of IM Unlled si. .. 1> et IN -''°"' entrence to 111e or.,... c-ty court-. 100 Ch•k Clftter Orlw Wetl,. Sant• AM. c.Htomle, ell r19M, !Ille -lnt•'9S1 Pl.._ c011Vey.CS 10 --1'leld by It u-. ..... i.... Or ... (...e Delly Piiot, H id 0-of Tl'll$1 Ill 11'te -rty J.,,. U. ,.... '· II, II. 1W '""" t llueled In u ld County •nd Sia le clff<, I bed ... LOI "of Trect 9322, City of lrvlM, County of Or-. SUlte of C•llton\I• as per tnilCI rec:orded In Book 412, PICTITtoUI •UM•lll ,...., 23-2' lnclutlvo of MIKellaneout "AMII ITAT•MaNT ~ es r.cormd In -offk• of It-. Tll• l•llowl11e "rsen Is doln9 County Recorder of w ld County. Wllnou .. : Tiie stre•I add•U\ and otller SPENCl!llt CAllllETS, 1tlt e..ct. commot1 c1Ki9n•tlon, If any, of e.. C~,.!..~e",.."°· II, H....U""°" e..11, r••I property de"rlbed •bov• h -""~ purport..i to be I Urbino, 1rvlne. lyre11 Oevld ~. n tt e..ct. CellforllY. ~.:. "· H-"'-" ...... TIM undlt'lltnod ,,..,., ... diS<lalms Tiiis llWNU Is C-..C1ecl .-, .,, :: :,1:!;'Z-.~:"~"!:.~~~:~ lrldlvlduel. dHl ..... tlon It My,~ lie N in. __ -T1lh ~Dc.vl4Jcleftc.r SAlll wle wlll lie rnem, but wltl\OU ---":'" WiM~ • ..._ ~ • ..,ror w•rr•n•v~ ••pres' or COUlllY Clerk Of 0r ..... COllnly ... lmpll9CI, ~ 1111•, -SHSlon, or J-ry •• ltll. 9flCUMbrMC" ln<hlcllnt ..... Cllar119S P,tl• -... __ OI ttw Tn.ist .. •nd 111e ""bllu.d 0r.,.. Coest Delly PllM, trusts c.-by N ici o..dol Trust, to J Oll, 2t, Fib. 4, 11, 11, IW ,.._., "" Ille ,.melnlne prlnclp.1 sums of NMHM FICTITIOUS eUSINllH NAMll ITAT•MRNT Tll• tollowl"9 penot1s are dol119 llolSIMUat' FAii WEST DATA SYSTEMS, A DIVISION OF DATA LAW CO .• 1n.1 F1tct..1rv1ne, omu D AT A LAW CO llOWA DOMESTIC),,_ S, Alt.,. Way, S..lle A,tE,,.-,~IOllt DATA L.AWCO. WllllemJ E99ff1, PrHIOeft1 Tlllt .._,, WA fllecl wltll .,_ County Clef11 of O<-Coumy .,. Ille nole to<ured by sekl O..d of Trust to wit: $65,cm.ao wltt\ lnterHI u..._ lrom _,., 1, n11 •1 11 percent per •nnum es provlcMd In w ld note plUs u llm•tld cMts and any aclVancu ot Sl,569.14 wllll lntenn1. TM !Mnefk lery u-. wl<I 0.0 ot Trust lluetolore e .. cute<I e nd o.tlve,..., IO 1.,. unden19ned a written Oocler•tlon of dtfaull and Oem- for Sale, •nd a wr1tlen Notice of Default end Ele<llon lo Sell Tl\e und.,11_.i caused ui<I Notice of ~II -lllkilGll to Soll to bO AConlie<I In .. c-. when IM rH!I ••o•erly Is tocetoo. Sele w111 be conduct.CS by Newsp•~r Suwlce lureeu, as -..m for trusL Dete: ~ 2, 1"2 Trvslor\ Se<.,..lty Service,' Feb S, 1"1 l"lllPt e CMlfornla <orPo<•l- Publl-Or-Coest Deity Pfl... Shi~:;';!'~:; fft. ''· 11, "· llMrc.I\ •• 1"2 • .,..., lll'ubll"*' Or-c~ Oelly PllOI, Feb. 11, 11. U , 1"1 ~- MN..a2 NOTICE OF DEATH OF NS-91532 JANICE KATHERINE NOTICE OF DEATH OF RICHARDS AND OF PAUL HECT 0 R P E T I T I 0 N T 0 MESSENIE, AKA PAUL ADMINISTER ESTATE H . M ESSENIE , AKA NO. A112150. PAUL MESSENIE AND T o a ll h eirs.OF PETITION TO benef iciaries, creditor s ADMINISTER ESTATE and contingent creditors of· NO. A·112076. Janice Ka t he r i n e To all hei r s. Richards and per sons who ben eficiaries. creditors m a y be o t her w ise and contingent credi!ors of Inter est ed in the w ill Paul Hector Messen1e and and/orestate. per sons who may be A petition has been filed ot.herwise interested in the b y Securi t y P acific will an<y~estate: . National Bank in t he A pet1t1on has been filed Superior Court of Orange by Susan B_. Messenie in County requesting that t he Superior Court of Security Pacific National Orange County requesting Bank be appointed as that Susan B. Messenie be personal representative to appoin ted as P!'!r sonal admi nister t he estate of r e P resen t a t • v e t o J a n l c e K a t h e r i n e administer t he estate of R ic hard s (under t he Pa ul Hector M essenie, I n d e p e nd e n t New po rt Beach , CA Administration of Estates (under the Independent Act). The petition Is set for Administration of Estates hearing In Dept. No. 3 at Act). The petition is set for 700 Civic Center Dr i ve, hearing in Dept. No. 3_ at West, In the City of Santa 700 Civic Center Drive Ana, California on March Wes_t1 Santa Ana. CA 92702 10, 1982at9:30a.m . on March 3, 1982 at 9:30 I F YOU OBJECT to the a.m . granting of the petition, IF YOU OBJECT to the you should either appear granting of the petition, at the hearing and state you should either appear your abject ions or flle at the hear ing and state written objections with the your objections or file court before the hearing. w ritten objections w it h the Your appearance may be court before the hearing. In per son or by your Your appearance may be attorney. In p erson or by your I F Y 0 U A R E A attor ney. CREDIT O R o r a I F YO U ARE A contingent creditor of the C R E D I T O R o r a dec eased, you must file contingent creditor of the your claim with the court deceased, you must fi le or prese nt It t o the your claim with the court "rsonal representative or present i t t o the 1ppolnted by the court personal r epresentative within four motiths from ppolnted by t he court the date of first Issuance within four months f rom of letters as provided In the date of f ir st issuance S.Ction 700 of the Probate of letters as provided in Code of Callfornla. The Section 700 of the Probate time for flllng claims wlll Code of Cellfornla. The not expire prior to four time for flllll9 claim s w ill monttis from the data of not e>eplre prior to four the hffrill9 notfc~ above. months from the date of YOU MAY E.XAMINE the hearl09 noticed above. tM file kept by the court. YOU MAY EXAMINE · If you are Interested In the the fife kept by the court. est ate1 you may file a If you are Interested In the requn1 with the court to state you may f i le a recelv. spe(lat notice of request with the court to the Inventory of estate receive special notice of assets •nd of the petitions, th• Inventory of estate accounts and reports assets and of the petitions, 11nerllled In Wtlon 1200 ccounts and reports J1f tM C.llfornla Probate rlbld ·In Sectkln 1200 °'*· the CaHfomie PrObate Nntl...-, a 1a11cllar•; . in & a.-1te111,·, De•alG L . ereefte, ys d I.aw, st Ueney 1t Law, 901 at11 ...... , • s.Me er Drift, .... HI, LM .AlltelH, CA 9Mca, CA '2MO, am,• '""· f1MJ .. r•. Ptll ..... , "°" ........ , ... c-.......... Orenge Coast f11111, .._, t , 12, 11,. Uy Piiie, Feb. U, 12, 11, • ••t-•t . !61NI .. I NO DEALER RAl.£81 AD STARTS THURS. IX 12 SAllTA All SCREEI DOOR ln Belg• or White 30''. 32'', 36'' 2397 #4 PINE Add a ec,..n door to your place now and when the warm weather comH you won't roa1t. A•allable in beige or wbde. Don't be pinln' away for ebelvH. come on In and gel 1ome. All you need to do 11 elap on a coat of paint or 1tain and bitch a couple of bracket• to the wa ll. SEITRY lllJOR SAFE s~u REBATE IN THE MAIL FROM SENTRY. DETAILS IN STORE. Herring a lafe le like hcrring extra inawcmce. (She waa only OD inlUraJlCle a!tm•1 daughter. but 111.ked her policy.) 147'!" BEMCO DIDOOR OR OUTDOOR LIGHT COlf'OlOLS Got one of theH on the front perch (1 would call It a porch but It' 1 not big enough). Outdoor huna on at dullk and ofJ at dc;nrn automatically. ___ 1 4" EIDOU FAUCET wlTB POP-UP ""'· 2777 I'll bet tbla le the kind ol faucet• you'd flndon the USS EnterprlH on Star Trek. Am I rlght, Spock? (AfflrmatlH.Capatin.) YIYA ROTARY DIAL PRONE BROWNI EARTHTOHE 1497 Why pay i.nt to Ma S.11 when you get a phone for lble price? Phone billa are high enough. right? Limited Quanuu ... Comee with a matcbJng i.mo•able eaucer eo 1pot can ha,.. a drink after the plant ha• one. \ f RUBBERMAID CERAMIC DESIGN PLDTERS 6" 1 •• 8" 2 1 • 10"3" 1r 4" HIRSH SAW TABLE U 39!s! c 1 ... you a 20" x 27" work 1urlac• and ~ly bold1 yowclrcular aaw. router. or llClbi. aaw. Eaay to a1Hmble. BLACK 81 DECKER ~~~ BENCBTOP WORJ[MlfE Uncle Freddle lan't a1 much help 01 tbe workmate but be 10"1 to come vi alt m• in my workahop. He aay1 nothing le lmpo11ible (be'• been doin · It for yean.) Come on in and order aome of tb11. It com•• ln wbJte or brown enameled aluminum. Prtc:e1 are for normal inatallaUoo on l"ffldenttal property. Oownapouta are extra. CUSTOM llST ILLi:D RAllf t GUiiER 1.za.., t•n. •· I 57 LIN. FT.' ......... n sen 1&a. I 7 7 LIN. FT. CLOSE-OUT .,, ... ) I •' ..... . TREES If' PLANTS N' STUFF All tbe 1hlff you nMd for your gczrden and at good price1r.too. Thialaacloee-out. folk1. eodoa'tdawdle(hey. don't naah the people). IW~ 139 nnr • YlliETllLE .. .. . . .. ........ .... .. . .. ... .. ........ PACI un. 1111 mr i •9 Cllfll.............................................................. EA. =..':.~~ .. ~ .. 3 .!! .. nur 5 99 6 79 WI& IWW. ............................................. . .... ,.. • •• (Pea. Pbaa. RectarlDea) ................................. . - LIN. FT.· BLACK 81 DECKER 5" BENCH GRlllDE~ 24!!. The Orange CoWlty Tranall Diitrict UHi tbeH oo tbeoldbenches. You. howe .. r.canuMit to grind. poli1h. or clean in the workshop. MURRAY BICYCLE CLEARANCE IN CARTONS OR OFF THE FLOOR AS IS. We're pedalling bikH rlgbt out the door. Thl1 l1 a clo1e-oul all thH• blkH are going in carton• or off th• floor 01 le. #l-S21X52 16" BOYS' SIDEWALK #1-523 16" GIRLS' SIDEWALK #5137 20" GIRLS' HIGH RISE #5636 20" BOYS' TRX #5320 20" BOYS' BMX 55•7 . •. ., 74'' 89 • ., #5430 20" BOYS' DELUXE BMX X-20 #6476 26" MEN'S 10 SPEED 79•7 TWO GILLOI JZll.EA! 4~ 11°" flowera. got eome of th.tt.t ' in the front yard and Heryb$)dy ' walb b,cmd crdmiNe them. They add good color and aren't mucb work. Tbeware our own mowen .... byoeeoltbeblgg&M. (WMalMaylaga moww. be •me to get ooe that1l lat ro-wllelor,.a:n ... wlll tbat get .. lD t!'cMablet) 9'1 •• \J .r.i ..,.. ?'4 .--..,~---..-:~·-... ~ .... ~ --: -~ ... --~--------~4---:.----~ ""-'--" ---..... _ ---. ----------- K-LUX LIGBTDIG PAIELS FOR SUSPENDED cm mes ·1 aa 2 X 4 PANEL For euapended celling• (I once got euapended from acbool. that la. Pop waa mad but my Engllah teacher wen thrilled.) MASKlllG TAPE . !s.. o/•" x 60 YDS. 39t ~] f I" x 60 YDS. 49t IVs'' x 60 YDS. 79t r x eo ros. 99c U you don't find the aln you need here (the heck with you). we ain't got u. ~s 10 x 25 ·~, 3 MIL DROP CLOTH .,. · .... ; .... . , .. . ., BLACK OR CLEAR 199 Thia one can be uaed for more than Juat a paint drop. ya know (ya don't?). UH It to coYer outdoor furniture or your boat or motorcycle. DP SUPERSTAR BISntBALL BACKBOARD 15~~40 DP 3-PC. PRO ADJUSTABLE BICDOARD POST 49!!2 -= ' Backboard la v."x31"x'8" and doe• not ·: • include net or goal. Post la eaay to install. t t ., Doea not include backboard. net or goal. BDDlll SUPER liREEI Mab a mountain lD the backyard for ekilng practlC9. tlMtn later on rou can rake It Cll'OWld cmd etamplt la tor a beautlful 9l'HD lawn. lm,IJJGli'S liROllDLCll 2~~·"· AN..._ .. eame people that ..a.t1aec....i?Jllopeaot. ....._ o good plaatlllg m.bc b t.M Jard or gardn. Orange Cout DAILY PILOTfThuraday, February 18, 1982 TODIY QRIS TIE 247tb BIBTBDI Y OF OPEii II TIE U.S.A. · · .4 <. 4/ KWIKSET BEL AIR ENTRY LOCK \ Polished Brass Finish Thla laa beauty lock, Uta right ln where you bad the old one or if it' ea flnt tlme lnatallation. there are 1lmple lnatructlona and a cutting template . ·e #4008 DEADBOLT LOCKS In Polished Brass Finish 5 77 4X8 ~... 777 ~ 7115 " 4X8 SDIGLE CYLDIDER DOUBLE CYLllDER 11~! 15! ... 7 Throw on the deadbolt before you leave the hou1e. Margo.] don't want no 1trangen comin' ln to rob my piggybcmk. What'• rtronger than plywood and conatnactlon grade? (Aw. beck. you knew the Cllllwer. J gotta com• up with better rtddlH.) MAHOGANY 2 7M •-"=::i....._ DllUA 2.- Loob 9NC1t OD the ou.a. ol cablnet1 but it' 1 too good for the ...-..o1F10..•adog .... 80 bett9' th1ak ot n• .. hhfelM • BIRCH 33M ASH 3SM 37 .. EYEREIDY ENERGIZER BAnERIES TheM are ta long lasting gup. U you don't lllre to ch~k on th• batteriH lo th• flClahllght or wbatenr, th••• are the ODel. C.D.AA,AAA .... TWIN PAX ~ • 9 VOLT SINGLE PAK PU SHELL FIRE DD ICE ALL SEISOI MOTOR OD. 10W/40WT. 83~T. Buy S quart1 of oil and receln a ll.50rebat• t;i · " : the mail from Shell. Coupon and detail• are ln • 1 the dlaplay at the atore1. • • CBIEMllN Miii AMBER .~ ... DBIYlllli . Lllillt m .. 'J77 --~: . .. ., . Maybe I'm old fa1tiloned but when l think of ., • driving llght1 J alway• get a picture of a Model . 'A'Ford.(J1myageahowlng?) ' JIMIBCB ·· ··,. -.. TUISllDSIOI 11.Ullr F ... ITl' ....... Dn " TUISlllSlm IULll ...... tmlllmEI . ' YOUR 79t·~:.: CHOICE QT. Don"t let the tranamiHiOD fluid get too )oWor you may find out thcrt you 'II become ahlftleu so get It ln gear. KRICO 4·PIECE VINYL FLOOR MAT SET Hey. thin i• a pretty good deal. You get each mcrt for a little more than a buck. Jn clear, black or beige. 4•• 9999·=. #GS-209 v, HP DEL~· , : SCREW DRIVP ;.: ~ .. 138 88~··. #GS-BIO . NORMAL INSTALLATION Of OUR UN1('•. 1 YEAR FULL WARRANTY -,-:' -- No more pain or 1trai.o. just open the garage door with th• touch of a button . )il~ • BUDGE ····· SEAT covEU:. TEIAS TWEED . i.. 2 DOOR SPUT B~CJ 4 DOOR SOLID BACIC . ' YOUR CH<?JC~~·. ILLISOll Bllil BACK SEIT 'cusilOIS Park Lane or Chenille l thlnk I'll eay a\l.mpln' nlce llh comfof1able and goodlooldng. In black/ gray. bro-.rn/tan. or blue/ bhae'..cept '- CbMillle-whJch comH lD comboe ol black1 broWiD OJ' blue. ' I I >#o .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT{Thuraday. February 18, 1982 1111 1<'>11 \ \ ·-EVBH-uo1•• NIW9 OHAM.11'1 AMGl'L.I I n41~ IHAOOW n41&0C40NI E·~~ wcnar~ 94AYte>I' "Mered .,.... Of Con-...... ,_ .. I == .., .... ntmMANWHO UMIDllAM Henly Fonda natrat• Ille edwnlutM of I female ;rv..;;· ••14 "Sphlna" (1981) Fr.-~I&.~­ Anne Down. A Ill~ blKk INlfttet entlqultlM ring attmmpll to 1top "" Egyptotogltt from dlacov- ering the ~11 of• ~ •lllUI Mle WU pennmeo to .tew. •PO' WO. WILCOME 8A()t(. KOTT'ER • KCET NEWllM!AT: CAUFOfNA OONGAa8IONAl ...a.IT l ..... NJIORT ..... UllNlY MeU.IR '*I CMNEWI NBCNEWI i HAl'Pt'DAYS AGAIN /lacNIW9 \'OU A8f<S> "°" IT arA•a·H Cot. P~ IMrn• that MQ- allwl report• regarding him •nd I lle 4077th h•ve ruehed Seoul I JOKBfS Will> OVEl'EMY G .... t: Van John9on (RIO CD DICK CAV£TT Cl) TIC TAC DOUOH a anaTAMllENT TONl8HT On tocetlon for 1"8 lllmlng of "Q,....11:· QITHeMUPP£fl GUM!: Paul Wl"l•ms (C)MOVE * * * ''TM Pa....,ord It Ooorage" ( 1963) Dirk • llogar<lll, Marl• PerlGhy. A World War II Brltleh oftk:M, Chatlll Coward, r.-ted· 1y outwit• the Nana wt>O •tternpt \o hold him u • watprilO<*' (D)WCME *~ "Eyee Of A Stranget" 1111111 L11u<et1 T-. Jen- nlflf Jaeon Leigh "" lnqulaltlff TV repot~lf llUlllt••rn.dmanr~ bll fof • -*of rape- -DM.Welen. 'R' CJ) IHOWTME LOOK.I AT 1•t Thi -atorlll. people end _,. ot 19111 ar• i.t&H9d In this Y9"~ ,....,, 7: 11 (%) MCME * * * "Popeye" ( t980) Robin WMll•mt. Shelley Ouvmll. Whtie -Ching for ,. lather, lhe ~·­Ing Mllcw vltllS a quaint ......... wMr• "' plcltl up • louncllng and • llllnny -tl>eart. 'PG' 7:to 8 I ON Tl4E TOWN Fu tured: the cut ol the old "L•"' 11 To II.aver" TV tlhow; a tMfllPY th•t 911empt.e to r..cr .. 11 tile bll1ft IJlperience I al FAMILY FEJ0 LAVERNE & a.41Al.EY &90MPNg I CHANNEL LISTINGS 0 KNXT ICBSI D KNBC CNBCI e 1<.TLA llnd I e 1<.ABC l ABCI 0 KF¥B ICE\SI 0 l<HJ TV llnd I Iii) KCST t ABCI 8' KTTV (Ind I II) KCOP"TV (Ind I &J KCET CPBSI • KOCE CPBSI BROTHERLY Officer "Cowboy" Renko atte mpts to re·est a blish ties wit h his sist er when he tries to arrange a fa mily barbecue on ''Hlll Street Bl ues" at 10 tonight on KNBC t4 1. • IYIOHL.A. ~': • Witt lo • 9Ghool fOf ~ ~ ni.: • prollla °' ,,... IMatlc; pert two of the rep0<1 on dfeam~ D CE rm IUU8EYI • M0 A•t •H Dally bombing ,_. the hoepllAll by en INpt Notti\ K-pllol ~ ll>e IMdlng tplcialor 990'1 al the 4077th. I TIC TAC OOOGH MACNEIL / LEHRER MPORT " ::-MAGAZJNE di YOU A8KB> "°" IT (8)00Hl4W AU'ORT9 l"RE88fT8 "The Sm"1 Buy Show" Tlpm on quality. uf.iy end , uYlng rnoNy wNr1 buying ~. fooel pr-., WOOd .. _ and ..,._ around tepe ~ are pt~. l.:00. Cl) ~. P.1. Magnum 19 hlted by a ~ card pleyer to be her ~d during. ~tall• poller oer-. D 8'AlllE. The ta.ctlers 00 out on Slrtile during ,.,_,..., tor a IChOOI proeloe11on of Othello D MOW: •• 'A "MMR Dog &u." ( 19781 Gragg He nry, Qecwge Kennedy. A young men committed to • Pft9on farm on t rumped-up ch91ges of hit-and-run find• 1 brutal entmy in the redned< °""'-Of the camp. 8 0 MOAKAHO ...,., MOttl --.tHet. ~ tlc:ateel home computer named Miit that ~ en rnatant tyrant and talc• Morie, Mindy and Mllrth hoetage. GMOW * * '-' "A Man c.llecl Sledge" (1971) Jame. o.m.r. llenN9 w-.... gunman Wloots .. of ..... OOflOrts to prveect hie fOf • n-In gold. but ... "" without ""~-• THECMLD .. n IT<>fWY - A llOty by 4-a.wl .,_,,. hOw ~ IOglc and cNtm CM .._, youno. YUIMr ... mlnda. -~ The atort. of uw.. cou- 1)119 rlllidlng In H_. In 1114 1 at• lolowed ~ pri- or to end OUring the attadl on P..t Harbor; "19' Olelctnaon. Robert w.,,., Dennie W-and L_...,, Ann W.,,...en Mer. (Patt 3) • THIS OlO HOUK Bob VII• lnalllUI a .,,_ In the mute< bl<lroom •nd Honn Abratn ahOWI how to conllruc1 leltehen ~-- i, 8NlAK PAMeWI Roger Ebert and Gene Slekel review "Night 0 On TV z z,rv H HBO C 1C1ntm" •I t tWORo NY NY 11 1WTBS1 l tESPN I S IS/\owt1me) 0 Spot1191>1 8 f(cJDIP New~ Nf'twor~ I Cro191ng," •'Making love" end "Penonal e.1 .. ®MOVIE * * "The EY!Ctore" ( t970) Vic Morrow, Jenic a HMS* Two YounQ pecl9le move Into • hOuM with IM notorlout reput•tlon of C8U9lng the dNth• ot any· one daring to llve Ill«• 'PG' (S)wow * * • '"' "The W•y We Were" ( 1973) B.,b,. Streltand. Robert Redford A yaung cOlllge couple In the 1930s dlac:c>"*1 that their polltk:at dllftftn<lel er• strong enough to Jeop· 11dtz.e thllf marriage. 9MOVIE * * * "Ag1tha" ( 1879) Dultln Hoffman, v.-... Redgrave. In London In 192t. a.n A""'1Can -· Pec>er rl(>Orler meet• and become• ltwo~ with 1..-nect m)'9i.ty writer Aee- tha Chrtt UI , wllO has Mitt ,_ unflllthlul hutO.nd. 'PG' e:ao • o 9080M 8UODES Kip and Henry klll o" Hiidy ""'*' • fofelgn handyman falls hOpeleealy In '°"' with her. 0 • P.M.. MAOAlJHE MMl Paul Ryen, the John· If'/ Cat.on of c.b1e TV. • proflle ol Tony GeatY •• Luke on "Gener9' Hospl· ,., .. : Joen &nbery lntro- dUCl9 • camel. Or wuco on cllolclng -gencies 9 IHEAX PAEvtEW8 Roger Eber1 and Gene Sl1kel review "Night Crouing.'' "Mltlllng Love" and "Peraonal Beat .. CID PORTIWT8 IN PASTn.8 "Innocence In Prollle" (Q)MOVIE * • * "Battlegr,ound" ( 1949) Ven Johneon. John Hodlak. ""'-ICM .oldlerl of the 10111 Airborne OM- aion ~ In Che French c;amcMllgn end .,. Bame ol thl8ulg9.. .... , Cl) ...,.,. UM*8 tlti#PWT •1ftP111QC8w..._• Nt ....... ,.........thl buldlnO ... Mr. Dnn- ~· --llllloft -.,.., ........... ..,.,... .. ~of­ Dr--9~Q eBIMMIY~ Woto lllld Her"9 tlftng In • "*' ...., cMlned ,.,.... to •--to~-"' COldtlol• end the loet of .. ~" dlMlnO Olpc)ell.Q 1 .-w ...... 8ttOat CW TWI NEW "Th• View From Th• Edge" Rot>erl HughH e•plore• the romantic lmpultl In an . concentr•t· Ing on .. prualonlam 1nd the en of Van Gogh, Soutlne, <Ill Koonlng and O'Keeffe (R) Ii) MASTI:APIECE n.EATM "Tiie Fl•me Tr-Ot Thi· ka: The Drums Of War" The Thik• conunun<ty llnd1 II• -y of Nie thr•lened by 1111 outbrMll of WO<td Wat I (Pllrl 7)Q (C)MOVIE *•"Return ~I" t: 16 CI) MOVIE * * * "OH try RldH Ag •ln" ( 1939) J•mH St-911, Mar'lenl Oletrid1 All una,,ned deputy dean• up a onm.pllgued town and cac>flK• the aftee. Ilona ol I lov9ly gatnl>lfnO· hallhoel .. t:IO I al 0--.eE A 8AEAK 9 TAXI Tor1y and AleJ1'1 doubi. ~ w1th ....,, ocwoeoi- MOCMM II a Potfl ,_...,_ I enl le IM...,lll)led by Ille "'Noel g4 """ Mil A.IN •• ....._.Q Ql)MOYll t•• "FOti ~.TM 9ronx" (1M 11 "*" ._... mM. (dWard A.-A ~ OOc> Dfl'* cr'ltN I end -"""''°" In N.-y Of1I cnv·' South Btonx ' ~.'R' '°*'li~mur ILU9 The ~-lltllef of • public:~ l9 r-...a on • • ltcllnlc•tlty •nd Ot909 Gardnar w1n1 tlMl ettection. of • ,_ men I .... NEW8 0 20/IO ,AWL TY TOWEM a .... ,. ""4 '"" 1>eCome contvMd by Ballll'• •t•t• of nervou• 1"1910n and 1 CtN of mlat•ll"' ld.ntny. ~.,,~ "S..l*O. ..... 9MOVIE • * "Ttiq I• EMI" ( 18811 Oocumentety Fiim foot-cie end dr9mltlc rt-ctullona ,,. uMd 10 ten the llOty of EMt Prealey'• me and car-'PO' 10'.30 • tHDEPfHOEHT NETWORK NEWS • 8UTTEAf\JE8 Leon.,d IUll Ria 10 spend hie blnh<lty wtlh him '9 Tl4E LAWMAKEM Correspondent• Linda Wertheimer and Cokle Rober1a join P1ul Duke lor en up-10-the-mlnule sum- mery of Congren1on11 .at lvl I lee (C)MOVIE • * * ·~ "The Wild Child" ( 1970) Jeao-Pletre Cargol. Fraoc:Ols Trulf•v1 An 18th· ~•ury phy•lclan •tlempls to cMllH • 12-year-old boy found llvlng wlld In the l orMla Of Franc;e. (D)MOVIE * * * "Mol al Hell'' ( 1980) Rory Cdloun, Paul l..JMe. F.,,,,., Smith -hl9 bedtrMC!1 mot91 to pro- cure end l•llen the cheap but high qoeltty meet he ~· lor his 11usage l>ulinMI 'R' L.Aff.A.THON A comedian hOs1 end tour COMIC cont111anta who compete •g•lnat one 9n0tr-.,, hllhHed In lhtS UllQ4lntored CQf'l\edy game Show 11:009D8Cll9Qf NEWS 9 IATUN>AYNIGHT 0 KOJAK • ntE JEFFEMON8 .8ANFON)AK)80N al DD< CAVITT If) INSIDE WAIHIHOTOH (S)MOVIE * • "Galax Ina" ( 1980) OO<othy Straiten, Aw.ry Scht91blr. A robot ls made In the Image ol a beautiful women wllO dOlln'I h•ve eny human feelings 'R' (I)MOVIE ..... "Blue COii., .. c 1978) Richard Pryor, Harvey Kettel Th<M fniltr•ted Detroit 11110 !Ktary work· ... tum to c:nm.. bt1nglng them Into m«• confllc1 end ~tlal danoer than they-oounlecl on. 'R' 11:11•(1) OWCY °'*'Cy in-tiget• • "1)'5- Wba toxin th•I <*IMd ~In ln 9U10- ~ accidlnt victim and ~delec1M (RI U IBTONIOHT Hoi t Johnny C•raon Gueett' Roctney Oengl<· lleld, B.B. King, Mimi Ken- '*'>' •@ A8CNEW9 NIOKTUHE • AU.INTHEFAMILY Mika ah•mes Archoe onto being • 01ooc:1 donor. 1>u1 Archie lnalata on knowing wflo the t>lood wUI be Qolng 10 • LOVE. AMENCAN 8TY\..E "The Bed" P•ul and Corle 1 gel • rul D.,g.in Ol'I a new bid • KCET NEW88EAT: CAUFOAHIA CONQAE8SIONAL fllEPORT • CAPT10NED A8C NEWS CB)MOVIE * * * "All Night LORQ" (1981) Gene HaOlcmen. S.rbra Strelund Aflet being o.motld from OOf· por•t~ axac.rtlYI to ctlaln- flore night "'AN9". a mlddi.-agec:t mmn'a Nle- •'Y" and •-'~ •r• lurne<I upmlde-down 'R' 1TUBE TOPPERS KTTV. 8:00 "The ChjJdren·~ Story .. The !>lory shows how deceptive logic a nd charm can suhv~rl young minds. See story below. KA BC fl 9:00 "Harney Miller " WoJO and Har ris bring in a man who chained himself to a fence lo protest loss of his apartment clctrning deposit KABC fl 9:30 "T axi "Tony and Alvx double date with l win models KN BC 8 10:00 "Hill Street Blue~ " T he s uspected killer of a public d efender is released on a technicality SC'c photo al left. OMOYll * * "My 8tooCly Vtiton- Une" (1911) Pit.II Kelman. LOtt H..... A smell town becomM a -ol l«tof <luring I'*' """"' VIM-11ne'• Dey dance 'R' 1~· SHANANA au.ta. The Kln09ton Trio •@ YIOAt A -wtlO It ~etly In IO.... with OW\ MUQUW• adee u a ma.n to rnurdet Olln'a Qir1ftllln<lt (A) • MOYll • • '4 "Hell On Frisco Bay" I t955) Alll\ L•dd, Edw.,d G. Ro«>lnaon • MIKE 00001.M Cohost· Sl\eeky GrMnl Gueete· Robetl Goul•I. June Terry, Murillo & u11-. ti) LOVE. AMEAICAN STYLE S) FOCUI ~SOCIETY (C)MOVIE * * • "Th9 Changeling'' ( 19801 George c Scott, Trllll Ven Oe•ete A wld· owed mu11c proteuor r11nt1 an old hOUM 11\11 APPMB to be haunted by a r..U... spirit wtth • 60- yeer~ acote to aetti. 'R' 12:30 D Cit LA TE NIGHT WITH ' DAVID LETTEN.tAH Gu111· comedian Tony Cllllon • MOVIE *'"' "Jungi. Goddasa" ( 1949) Wanda McKay, George~ • IHOl.PENDEHT NETWOMNEWS Cl) 8HOWTWootE LOOK.a AT 1tl1 The -storlM. people and ........ OI 19a1 lft futured In thl• year-41R4 review. 12l40 9 Cl) UCMIUAH AND WIFE The McMttlmn1· v•utlon In Scotland la marred by the QUMtlonlble tulclde Of Mac'• uncle. (RI 1l00. MOVll **•'4 "Home 0 1 The Brave" ( 11M9) Frank. Love. Joy. J-Edw11rd1 Our· Ing World War II. • black GI with • ~ handl- 0-0 tulfer• ment9' tOtment at Ille hands Of hit white comf'adee • MOVIE • • ... "SubrMrlf>e eom. menel" (18511 W9anl Hot· dllrl. Herq Ollloft. ClD UP TO NCI# ./ The ...... _.., ldeM end ----patO-dllld In • --ol c:ornlc: altetm. 0..aaclHOW Aimed highlights of I he 1978 ··wing. 0-Afnetl. ca" tour by PllUI M<:Cart· ney And Wlng9 lnclude9 per1onnancet of "Maybe rm ArnAZ*I." "Joel" and "Y•welt)I" u well u 1 ._ light "'°'"' (I)MOW • * • "Which Wly It Up?" ( 1917) Richard Pryor, Loneitte McKlll A MX· 1t•rved fruit plcktr It ct1J9ht on • comic crossfire bet-his union and the mob, end • hypoc:rttlCal pretcr-find• hN•en In • ladiet' choir 1:108 MOYll * * •J, "Moon Of The WOif" ( 18721 OIYld J1111-. Bat· bite R..ah A -ewolt • ...,, havoc 1n • 111nt11 lown by ripping II• VICClmt to lhred9. 0 NEWS 1:30. BfT'ERTAINMl!NT TOHIOHT On IOc:atlon '°' the !liming Ol"Gr-11 " Cll'HEWI (J)M~ .. NEW HAYIN A blhlnd·I,,...__ IOoll II I alcen II • Show pr-c>M • 1or "' eroa0wtiy Oet>Yt 1:90 MOVIE ndtr In The PlnM" c 10481 Gtorge RN VH, Oenlte OarG<tl A glfl la torn bet-n two men and one ot them I• rid> 2:00!= • • "Maaucre At Central High" ( 1978) Andrew S1e- -.n1. Robetl Carradh,. A crua•d• for revenge ~· •Iler • prank. that _,, too far wu pulled on the quieter st..o.<ita by • group of bored high· ll<:hool lriet1da. 'R' MOYIE * • "Friday Tiie 13th" ( 1980) Ball'/ P91rY*', Adri- enne King The reoc>enlng of • eummer camp, doted 20 .,,.er• --alter ,,,, .. mureler9. •ti• acts • vtndic:· 11111 killer who llnllH una.;spectlng teen-agers 'R' 2:tll8 NEWS 2:30. MOVIE *'"'"Terror In The Jungle" ( 19681 Robert Burns. Fawn Sl!Ylf A )Ungle -ch par- ly 11 organaed 10 teKh a young pl-crUh survivor before he Is caplured by ClflRlbaJI :tM llJ MOVIE • • •· ·•sw .. t w 1'1tam" ( 1980) Sam W•taraton, Jenny Agutllf After "« 11..,..1n boyfriend ........ her , lor en leluc:atlon In the U.S • "' Engllell girt beglN 1 roctty romll/ICI with I rlllllth Scotsman 2:40 1 NEWS 2:A6 MOYIE • t • "Pura..ed" ( 1947) TarH• Wright, Robert M itchum An orph•n attempts to •""'Cl' his f111her'• murder upon teKNng mllMOOCI ... MOYW • • MA llHner Of Wife And DMth" (1975) Rod Taylor, Tom !Kale• A 11ma1n1me hoodlum II mur· !Sered ""*' ,.,. blcomM ln¥Olved tn •big-tome g.,,,. ~operation aMOMOW * * * "JN O<>Qa Of War" (1980) Chrll1opl\er Wlllll· en, Tom Berenger. Aller being tor'l\lred •nd depo(l- 1<1 by an Al"°9n dictator,• ~ rotu1ns to lead ....... o1utlon 'R' S:1oe MOVIE ** "Terror At Midnight" (1955) Scott Brady, Joan Vohs A pOlk*nan's girl- friend o.comes the Vlellrn of a.n llCIO<llon plot 3:30~MOVIE • * I 'I\ "Every1nlng You JOHN DARLING LOOK! OUR NEWS DOLLS ACTUAL-LY COM E WITH A NEW5CONTAOL VAN! ~ Wellted To ~ About ... (But Wwe AlralO To AMY' (11721 Wood')' Allen, 0-Wiider A-* of COMIC ~ tpOOf9 Or ~ ~·· o.t..-ilno bOOll In llddl> tlon 10 otlMlf -1ed ,.,_ 5)~ * i. "Up fllv.er'' t tHO) ~ • ._ A Y'O'l"9 otoneer b •come• o~ with revenoe an er Iv. wit. la k lllecl by • local l•nd beron who ,_.. Ille 9'ICC9M •• <B> MOVll * * * "FOfl ~. Thoe Bron•" ( 19111 Plllll ,..__ m:an, EdW111d A-. A tough cop battlM crime and conuptlon In ,......, Y Ofk City' t South Bror1 x l\elollborOOOd. 'R' 4' 16 CZ) MOYll • • ~ "Second H•nd Hearl•" (11101 Robert ....... 8at'*9 Hanle A T-car-w..,, 111...oant ••• up one ~no to find that he le married 10 • nightclub w•ltr... wflh lh<M kid• 'PO' 4:M. YOYNM TO THI 90TTOM O' ~MA "Blow-Up" 4:-41. MA~ flF.D. Friday'• Daytimr :ffot·le• 5;00 (C) *••')>"The Wiid Child" ( 19701 J1an-Pler11 CergOI, Fr1111Co11t Tru"iwl An 16th-Century pnyalelan 1111mpta to cMtlte • 12· ye.,-otd boy found lMng wild In the toreate of Fr•nce 0 * 'h "Entllf TIWI Dr•· gon" ( 19731 Btuce lM, John Saxon. 11:30 rS) • * * "Mogwnbo·· (t954) Clark Gabi.. A•• Gardner Whlfl a pl•nt .. lion over-lalle In love witn the wll• of an ano'· '-· oonlllcls lriM . l.:00 (%) • • • "St•vt•ky" ( 1972) Jlln·PIUI Belmon- do, Ch•rlff Boyer &.-30 ~) • • * '"' "P"1 2 Soun- der" C t976) Harold s.,,._. ter. EbOny Wright A rwll blmck famlly of ahate- C•DPI*• llruggie 10 build a IChOOI 111 Louollan• dur • l_!!j!the ~. 7:00 CJt) •*~"Zulu O-." (1979) Bun uncH ter. Petet 0 l OOle 0 * ••.. Agathe" t 10101 Dustin Hoffrnmn, V•neua Redgr-'" London In 1926, In Arnerlean _. PAI*' rfll)Or1er ~II Ind oecomes involved with 19med myslery -118' Ag•· tn1 Chrostle. who 1>u i.n her unfaithful h111band ·pa· 8:00 CS) * * * "That Forsyta Woman" I 1050) Errol Flynn, Greer G•reon e.sed on • novel by John Galsworthy A member ol a 11ald Vlctorlen f""llY 1>1com11 sc •ndaloualy llllracred to he< niece's nanoe 8:30 CC) * * 'h "Cleopatra Jon11" ( 1973) Tamar• Dobson, ~ Wlnler'9 A 11••1 .. ltMned t.mAl9 agent IOf t:lle """*' s- ~t '"" 10 br .... up a.n illegal drug oe>er•· lion ·PG· 9:00 D ••·'Thia'' EM•" (1981) Oocument•ry Fiim loot9g1 end dramatic •• crMlionl are uMd to tell tne story of EMa Prllley'• kfeand~ 'PG' •.30 ti) *'-' "Pal9 Of The sad· <Ii." ( 1938) John Weyne, Ray CorrlQtn A OOWboy encounters • pretty '"""' agent on an ~ mission to lnYMtlg•te the Illegal tren19()11 of • dan· geroua ctiemlcat being cemouflmged u Mii 10:00 CC)•• . .., "Seven Women ( t966) Anne Bencroh , Sue Lyon Women with vllfylng backgrounds •nd poll· hons 1nte<r .. at1 In • Ch•· n.. ""-'Ori 9CllflOOI QI)**~ "8QfWN"(IN1) k iri ~. '--""I· AN'te Down (I) * • * * "fllmiolno .... (1NO) ~ o. Niro, Cathy Mofl1111y loJClnO dlernplorl Jllc• I.JI Mott11'• aptitude for vlolance bt"'Ot him euoo.. In fhe ring OUt diefuPll 1111 I*• tOl\el-. 'A' ~-•• "f he AelUfl'I'' (t911) Jan MlehMI Vln- C*\t, c~ Shtlpher<I Two ptOple who had • QoM enooufl.., with 1111 ~ aptoeet•h H children ,,.. .. , It'll 9'iene' Imminent retutn 11:ao (C) • • * '"ttMI Other S~ Of Tiie Mountain •• Pat1 II" ( 10781 M•rMyn HalMCI. Timothy BollOnll . tllOO D * * 14 "Pardnet•" I 19581 ONt1 Mattln, Jerry l .,... A rancto loramen end • ple)'l>Oy 1)11 tllelt .... -0.in.1 c:rooti• wno .,. •llempllng to awlnelle -'""' prop«ty • • • ~ "M)'9tlflow Mon11e;1" Petet ara ..... "°"" this atory of the Abo<nlnable Snowmen, 81g Fool, and Iha LOCh Nel$ Monat• • * • * "The bplotl\11 0-ltlon" (1981) Pally McCorm•ck. Wiiham Shatner When • high achoo4 teac:twlt •• auapenel- ed for e1a11roorn dlacu$- 1Nons of sea, his atudente rally IO hll def'enM and force a C1uc111 c;onfronte· lion With llChool boll.rd O"i· CtalS CID • • • "The T.n11> Monlh" (1979) Carol 8ur· nell, Klllh Mllchell A mid· dle-agec:t, dovoreed woman becomes pregnant and decides to 11.eep Ille b•by. fl )** "Thia It EMt " ( t98t) Oocumentent. 12:30 Q * * "HI WI< The Slayer" (1981) J•ck Pllltncill. John Terry An adYerllUfOUI yaung man entl91.1 the mid of • t>and ol watrlofs to tlgllt hia M uncle, the e>vetlotd wt>O kllled his latr-1111<1 11 hOIOlng en abO-IOt ren- ~. t:OO Cl) t e * "Th•I Forsyte Wom•n' I t950) Errol Flynn, Greer Garson 1:30 (C) • * '"' "C*>l)atra Jone•" ( 19731 Tamara Ooo9on, S'*iey Wlnt.,. i:OO * * e 'It ' The W•y We Wat•" ( 1973) Barbra Streisand, Rober1 Redford A young college couple In the J930a d•9C0\19t that their polllleaJ differences ••• strong enoug.h lo J90P· .,dla lhltr marrlaoe l.l.) • • • "Tf\e Competi- tion" ( 1980) RIC/\lld Drey· lull, Amy lrvlno Two ptan· ISIS .. a S•n Fr arlCISCO music competition find that their love lor each otl\et conlllets wllh '"'" prot•ulonat amb1t1ons 'PG' 2!30 0 • • 't 'Poncheli" Grand Pro, Animated 3:00 0 * • • "Cover Gort" C t9·U ) Rota Hayworlh, 0.ne Kelly Music l>y Jerome Kern A choru5 girl achieves~ When sne blComM a moOe4 C) * * *'~ P"1 2 Soun- det" ( t976) H•rold Sytwts· ter Ebony Wught 3:30 t &) • '" Up Rover I 1980) Morgan St...ens 4:00 0 • • • · An Enemy Of Thi P~ (1977) Steve McO._.,, Ch•rles Durn- ing. Based on Ibsen s play 4: 111 [Z) • • ''> Mad Mai(' ( 1980) Met Gibson, Joanne S•mu.. tn •n Austr•N• of 11\e not-100-dostenl future the lt1ends and lamlly or a lop nighway purs.uot pooce- m•n t>ecome 1n1 targets ol sadostoc motorcycle oang R' 11:30 C) • • '> Seven Women" c t9661 Anne Bancron. Sue Lyon by Armstrong & Batiuk ' . 'Children's Story' examines values Second graders' understanding, strength of convictions tested Ni:W YORK IAP I -It's 9 a.m. Do you know where your children's minds are ? Through nefar ious twisting of wo rds, she undercuts their former teachers for never having explained the meaning be hind the Pled ge of Allegiance. Continuing her indoctrination, she says it's not right that fl ags are placed above people and cuts it up for everyone to have a piece. Enthusiastically, the kids then tOM the flagpole out the window. Berlin Wall. the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban missi·le crisis. Clavell's then 6-year-old daughter <Miss Rossi was mindlessly repeating the nag pledge, without any understanding, when he realized how vulnerable her mind was. He then wrote bis original "Children's Story," which appeared in t he "Ladies Home Journal" in 1963. WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL Oii YOUR WALL That's the essential question raised toni&bl ln "The Children's Story." a 30-mmute program written, produced and directed by author J ames Clavell. about our children's values and how tirmly rooted they ar e again.st assault. Host Pet.er Ustinov introduces the piece, which will be seen in most of the country on the syndic ated Mobil Showcase Network, by sayin1 the settlaa may be aa "close as your nei1bborbood." The lime? "They've just ~uared 'US." From there, Clavell spins a provocative tale, ahowin1 how eUlly such Americ an values as country, religion and family can be erased from our children's minds. A clasa ol seco.cl traders anxioutl)' awaba ..,_ bell on the first school dQ of the new Ol"Chr. At ~iaely t a.m., the new teacber <Michaela Ross. Ctavell'a 1ctteu daughter> enten. The unnamed teacher ls ctr.sed in 11' oUv. uniform wltb a red pln. Ml11 Ron' character apeaks awMUJ, bat lbere'a an lnUmldalJn1 edl• In her voice. Sbe wlDI 1 measure ol the students' confidence by already knowlna tbe l r names , then 1y1tem1llcally aeu out to separate tbem trom every value they thoulttt wu valuable. Behind the guise of full disclosure, she solicits all questions, but answers none : "We're aU one world now," she says, adding that school is for erasin1 wrong thoughts. By emphas iz ing we akness o r sbort·run mistakes of parents and old teachers, she manipulates the kids' minds. They begin to doubl belief In God, prayer and , even, their parents. It's now 9:25. Total brain-washln1 lime: 25 minutes. "The Children's Story" WQnders if Impressionable iJecond graders could , readily relinquish the values of their parents and society. ll st.rikes at the heart o' OW' values, •txamlntn1 the strenltb o' their found1Uons. . ls there real und•rt taodlnl behind our convictions and prayers? Can our educa~lonal lnstltqtlon• do mon to maintain the next generalJoo'a beliefs? Should lhey t Who controls our children's 111tnda? The idea for "fte CbUdnn1a ~·· came to Clavell 20 yean •to. durin1 lhe helaht ol the Eut-Weat tension over tbe I ls ClaveU. the author of "Shogun," advocatin g more fun,da m entalist teaching in the schools? "I'm just a storyteller ," he says. "It's not up to me to tell you what you see out of this work." He rb Schme rtz . Mo bil 's vice president ror public affairs. is backing the project because "this is a piece or television that's not passive." He adds tha t lt advocates no ''particular ideology.'' "The Children's Story" wUI be seen In 38 of the top 50 markets. Normally, Mobil Showcase 1ets better clearance. But this ls Mobil's first 30-mlnute broadcast, and It's harder to sell short ·fonn programming. Mobil says no station objected to the show's content. Mobll Sbowcu t will bo televised wttbout commtttlals for t.be nrst llme. Scbmerta says the content la too Important ror tnterruptlona. Sure. but an oil spon1or'1 1ubtle mesa-.e nut to • proiram about mind controf m(t!\t hive allowed viewen to make an ulif1attertn1 connecUon. I Behind the bell Behmd the famous Seacoast sticker Behind ' all the state-ol·lhe art protection devices we make and mstall, •s Seacoast central station When an alarm goas oll on your property, we get the signal 1n a nearby, 24·hour-a-day central station If the signal indicates lore, burglary or hoodup, w e c.11 the police or lire department. Since our central atallon is UL lis t ed . o ur c en tra l station customers can qu.allfy for a sizable d lacount on their Insurance. And to Increase our reach, ma\e reeponse time even raeter and Improve effici ency w e 're • .computerizing our station. But lmprovementa aren·t f'l9W to Seacoaat. We've been gelling better for 21 years. And tOday we're th9 leaders In the security business In the harbor area with over 10,000 customers lncludlng a wide range of big and small retell, tndustrlal and commarclal H labllal'lments. To find out more about S..coast central station write or come by our new racllity at 2488 .._pon Blvd .. Costa Mesa. lii\SEACOi\ST 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD \I ~RITY SYSTEMS C7t41 &42·3490 - ) ' t .. . :: ~ .. .. ~ ·: -, ) ~ -:__ - --~---~~-.-~--= ----= --- • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thursday, February 18. 1982 'South Pacific' still an .enchanted evening at Sebastian's ! By TO•'nTU .................. Be lt ever ao famlllar . lher.'• no mualcal like ··South Paclnc." T hlrty·lwo years after the Rod1era and Hammerateln adaptation of J a mes Mlchener'a wartime atorles became one of Broadway's bluest hlta. "South Pacific" ls atlll pacldn1 them ln, as evidenced by 6Sunday night's SRO audience at Seba."ltlan's West Inner Playhouse. lffHi.f~ emllt O.lecqwe . LI. J--" CAl4lle LutMr allll• , . alooOy Mary ••.. I.let Cep1e111 llrecllett H•ftrl • u .. c1111w ........ 0-.... ,........, . ........... ~. • .............. 0...111 ..v..-..,...1y~ ;, ..... 5-llae*re I. .•. " • ... TlPtW...,_. And deservedly so. · ··since J ohn Spindler 's revival of this 1111•11-Wtlme-honored modern 'c I ass I c ra d I a t es freshness and vitality. ....... Stewpot . ....... -. . ,. ........... . Nunes • . • ................ l(-4f!IM_. • ......•••• Joofof~ .............. ~ .............. W!lllllt!!IO.UW . .... Oerr e--. o.¥M e111 ... .HI/wt Oii-Leu•• W-. Meleftle lacll.,., TIN,.., ..... It's an appeahng show with more emphasls on character than most musicals ol its genre. ParticuJarly Impressive la Liaa Cutler in the starring role of Nellie Forbush, the Arkansas-born Navy nurse who flips over a suave French -- THf ~r)Q' IHF ATRF JACK NICHOLSON IN ' • •1, t,11 THE BORDER UGo TOGNAlll I ' I A VNIV(llV.4 llKO Pl(lVll( (\tw al le c.,. Au1 follet") r • "' ORANGE COUNTY1 PREMIERE plUa I "Cousln- Couslne" <PG> • 1,-...'•···' f(H1 1 •.f\Sfl M AH You don't have to be crazy to live here . . . but It helps. -1Di"n G.· -· MGM!Untoa...,_ ~. °"""~ ......... ~-"" Mfottl'W''*". NOW PLAYING It thfte specially Ml«tMI thutrm MU OtWIGl lltN PWa Ori!IQe M;iM S29 S339 637 OHO n '°'"' OllAllGf EdW11ds Saocllebaek Orange Dt1ve I~ S81 5880 SSS 7022 COITl MESA OllAllGf EdwllOS ~ UA Cify CIMma Clnltf 979 4141 634 3911 lllYM WlSTMllSTEll Edwards WOOOO.IOQe UA Twon Cinemu SS1 06SS 898 t ?43 lMUU IUC.. .-----.. South Coast I ::::-..=. 1 494 ISH · · N~W/OAl~Y ATINE At A Six Cine omes 0..pm&n &c Santa Ana Fwy H .50 'til 3:00 Unless Noted 11-.TIOlt• ff:'I t~ 8; 30 No Puses No Econ. S.111 Mauel H•m tngwa}' PERSONA&. BEST (R) 12:30 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 I 1-.TIOfl. Ktru~s 7:4~ 10:10 U# i I ~ell* 7:Jltll-... ._, .... ~TIC>lte~ 1ME 9DllOER IR I 3:10 7:30 WhoM Lrfe Is It Any(RI 1 :00 5:20 9:40 n s ;a'i5 , , , RU c••n ~IPGI 2: : 17:15 conomy at•"9 ur Only STRDIUffi ~ Scrqqn Orivcz-ln call 6l9 8770 ~ ~ Aevolvtoon1ry Cine-ft Sound ··-"'"'-' .... " rO., ..... ~-u ,... .,.. .......... , ........ ~ .. _ ....... llojlll .... .... ....... ,. ... ..,,. ... MMCINO LOVE IRI History Of The World llRI -~·mn =:=IRI I ~ir. Alto Pla¥1"9 ~ '~' Mofpn~~_c.!!.•ld ~IAI BODY 8i SOULIRI Driv.-int ()pen 9:30 NIOHfLV Undlf12~AEEUni..Noted There's more to love than ... LOVE MON.-THURS. 6:00. 8:15. 10:15 "Diane Keaton and Albert Fmney give the kind of performances that in the theatre become legendary ;.. Theft lm't a .,.. In Aector Alm Wa MW picmre 'Shoot .die Moon' dlllt I dmk rmp tllle be baa pwa •a movie aboat ..,. ..... dlllt la patlllpl die mOll m r ' • A-.te• movie C'I die d ,_.. ~THE NEW YORKER MAGAZINE "A movie you won't want to leave ... A bi" ... IM:alldaa Ibid)'~ IW'HEll _.. -rocb from two lleed A"ectar Alm hiker wt 0... ...... ..._Bo CJolclnwa ... You can't cllmu It md l'I be .... to bet you'I be ....... by die ... llftier It ..... to blllck. For pafor"• .,. dlllt .-. ,_ wlda .. .....,,, •11 itt, wt,.,.... M9lrt Finner .... Dime ~ -'t be toppec1 •• $11oot die Mooe' la I tow•~ 8Cllk~ ........ came AND SYNDICATED COLUMNIST SH<IIT t M<l>N STARTS T-OMORAOW .. COlll.U ........... -er.a Plali EdWatcts C4MN c.ntei vi.io Tw111 Cinedoml 5211·53311 1179·4141 130"61190 • &34-2653 COIJAMUA I £dw11ds Sootl'I Coast Plaza (1 U) S46 2711 I .,,._.ACCmD,Oll t14•nMOAOllllM Clanlauon owner ua the bombl of World War II urat around them. Mias CuUer throws btnt lf full throttle into the role, and bu vocaliaJn1 °" auch showcue numbers as "I'm Gonna Wub T)t_. Man Rl&}tt OUt of My Hair" and "Wonderful Guy" la excellent. Darrell Sandeen. boastin1 the atroncest voice of the company, Is well caat u her older and more worJdly wiae swain. Randal SaWlders brin11 a touch ol brittle humor to hi.a role of the Martne lieutenant who, like Nellie. cannot leave his prejudices behind . Any production of "South Pacific" can rise or fall on the strength of lta I.;uther Blllla, and Howard Goodwin Is outstandin& as the comical, wheeling and dealing Seabee. Verdon Ashlly Simpkins make• a fine Bloody Mary. despite the absence of excess avoirdupois usually identlfled NOW PLAYING AUltllM GAllOIN UOll l•YI• MIUGlllUO Al\Jlltlm Onve-ln W~lbrOOll Edwatcls Woocbrdge Vie111 T w11 879 9850 S30 4401 COITAMIU SS t 06SS 830 6990 INWIG( UA Cinemas S40 059• UA City Ctntm1 634 391 t --..... ~ _°"_........,__ ....... _ .,.,._ ..., ....... _ .... _ __ ....... ----· .;~~:'!~":~ ~-·;~?!;;.C '°"_.. ..... '° .. _ ----'°""'----"CANNERY AOW" -"AAIDERI Of' THE LOST Af'K .. 1 1t:a.Ul.liM.1*-..... • .... ---·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN ,, __ ... ___ _ "OH GOLDIN fl'OHO" -•t:•.1:11+1.!•ra.1•1•• 'oeuHy ot Cof'ldlewooo 211/H1·9HO '°"~ ..... '° .. °""' '°""'-· "CANNfAY Aow·· -........ .,....,.. ... _ _Oo_.,.__.., .... ""' -c. ..n _..,,, ""'"* .-:~~=.~ .. -=::: ... ~ · .. o:i---c =--=- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAik IN LAGUNA "AIDS" -tt:11.-=-.-- -OlfT1lUll U'l'IMOl-"MAKING LOVE" tal • ..--.a: ............. . ,.~ ......... ,..,.. __ .,. ..... _ "CHARIOTS CW l'lRE" t"l ,.&. .... ,1;,,,.,91··· so COAST WALK ·IN Soulll Coo1t H1woy c:rt ttooowoy 494-1514 -~IO& ... TO MCllM'f .., ..... -.. "CANNU'Y AOW' -._ ........... __ .,..,,,., ... ·-no.. "THE ,,_EMCH LIEUTENAHT'I WOMAN" II'! ..., -.. , \ ~· 7 JO 1 ... 1 1S ,.._, ''"',,. .._,. IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllORIN UNOlR 12 FRH! kffO• 1no W11~ Mtn ,._,Ill Fu 6 JO• Stl S•1t ""' 6:00 ,. ClOlf..#1 S0UM0 • 'l1llJll A# CM llAOCJ IS ~ ~ II< fl() A# CAii llAOO ~ IGNfTOI ACC(SSCJllf l'OS/TOr --Ml llQllTMU 1•AU Clllf-" OIWf.e«S ll:IO Oii All ~ ANAHlll\lt ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ••••WOV 91 OI lemon $1 179·9110 ...e .. ,... ... .......... GHOST STOfly·· 1111 ..... "THE CHANGELING" !Ill Ctllll " 500.I llO ----------r--------------.--. THE 8000EN s·· tal ...... ·vtNOlil· 1111 Ctllf F1 500.llOO ------··TAUi CONRSSIOHS" ta1 ...... 'AICH AND FAMOUS" 1111 Clllt"~ OlllNA PAii~ BUENA PARK DR IVE IN . ..,_.-,..,.. ---AU.IJI 'AAIDEAS OF THE LOST AAK",... ltncOln "" W••I OI &l'IOll 121-4070 fL.;f f'!lfA PA.Qt\ LINCOLN ORIVE·IN h,,cofn A•• "'•"' Of .i:nott I 121-4010 et.lllf !tm"N ~ Son Dlt90 rrwy OI -hu11t (Jo) ...... ··vtCToAv··-__ l_ .......... __ "MAKINO LOVE. 11t1 ..... "HISTOAY OF TME WOALO ,.AATONE"111 -"'"----··QHOST STORY" tat ...... "TME SEDUCTION·· 1111 ••2·2At1 CIWf .,. .,.,llO 1Nfti'l ___ °"'_'f_,;_~_,_;3_0I_' -,._.,..,.. . "ON GOlDE.N l'OND" -I .._.. I 'THE ELECTAIC HOftSEMAN" IN# Cfllf ·JI SOUllO , A uAg.,,. LA HABRA DlllVI IN -c. ~ .,_..,,,..,,._ "TAl'S"--"MODERN ,.R08l.EMS" ,.... ,...,_llOMI u----"ON OOLDIN l'OftO" '"' -·-•-• ..... -a•• -"TWI ILICTAIC ~MAN" -ln·1M2 - ......... •' ORANGE DRIVE IN -~ .......... _.,,.."""_ "CANNl~ROW'' ,,_ .. TM DOGS OC' WA"'· 1111 .. .. ., ... MISSION ORIVI IN . . p .._.,.._w,~ 1 • " ' & w A p N [ Q [)111 v f IN W-A .. _.of .... ~11¥0 M7.Jltl SO•lv °'"" ,,.,., a uete Co•~ 551·7022 " ··•11-rm:·· Ill "IHAAftY'I lllACHeNa" • -"8USTtN' l.OOll" 1111 with her character. Suu n Za1ulrre l1charmln111 the Polynesian beauty Llat, and Taylor Haye• makes o atrong, bristly command.lASo/fker. Bill Wooc'lburn'a adaptable S.1and aettlna l• both attract.ive and runcllonal. allowtnc for apeedy scene chances which keep the production •~lnC smoothly. , Peter Her&' three-piece orchestra keeps up !>. snapp.y tempo, amplifying production numb4.1"' such u "Tbue'a Nothing Uke a Dame" •Dd.,. "H~ner Bun ." Eye-pleasing technical effecta ~ make Lbe Ball HaJ ae1ment a visual treat. You've prob•bly seen "Soutll Paclflc" half·doaen tlm•• ln various sufaes. but th6 sparlrlinl venlon at Sebastian's, 140 Ave. Plco ltr San Clemente, la worth a return visit. It Pl.ar• "I through Aprll 11 •very night but Monday. • . t ' . i l ! ! . .. Orenge Co11t DAIL V PIL9Tffhijrsd1y, February 18, 1982 .l'ICTITIOUI auStMHI • MAMll STAT•M•MT 1T11e lollowlrtll perso11 It doln11 llll1lnetses: ~r MCO 'PROPERTIES. 11802 Slly ~.rll a1vd.; Suite IOt, lrvlno, ..,11orni. '2114 t Cllerlet v. Mlholo, 11902 Sh rll a1v• .• Su Ito IOt. I rvl"•· .llomt. '2714 . Tlllt IMKIMH ts conctu<tO<I lly • ~tect~. OIWln V MlllAylO Tiiis st.Wnwnt w•s llled •II" ttlo "'Y Cleril OI Or•"llO County on ,..,... ry 3'. 1"2. .,lt.MDALL& IUMOT'oet ,.... · ru.c ... ... MM.,._a-., ..... , ... ~...a.c1,_ 0H1rn-zm ""''"'' Pubtt.-Or-CM .. O•llY Pllol. J81\.1t, Fett. 4, II. II, 1"2 07_., LAS VEGAS, Nev. <AP) A movie trade. organization has honored actor Clint Eastwood as its "Star of the Decade ... Exhibitors West, which runs ShoWest, a western state association o r concessionaires and theater equipment representatives, also honored Chuck Norris as "Action Star of the Year" and Rich Little as "Entertainer of the Year." 8'/z • tall 11 .98 This ancient "computer" 1s beautlfully cralled of hard· woods with metal corner detail COTTON KITCHEN TOWELS From India Thirsty towels have woven In colors. 1.88 5"x9,/." ..------~ COTTON JALDAR DURRY PLACEMAT From India Heavy woven cotton forms stripe and diamond patterns in daullng, assorted White with Natural. Blue, Green or Red 18" )( 27" color combinations. ~__,,i'111fi~1!!,_ ___ -1 1.99 12" )( 18" WHITE EARTHENWARE BATHTUB SOAP DISH From Taiwan BAMBOO TRAYS rntCLASSIC J ·D noRROR MOVlf or ALL TIMf. I' a"lA fUlllllTOll LAWU IUCM OllH Ol &r.l ~'" r u• Sout~ tA.\1 1a t.• .. c, ... .,.,,., S79 H39 \7~ 47H •9• 1\IA bl" )911 COSTA MU A lllWllll WlSTMlllSTlll ! o-~·o' 8' '"' l do •"' wuv01. "1'I" UA I.I•' ~~O /4U SSI 06~~ 891 O\•b lL TOllO fg,...,o, ~D.K• sat S880 OlllllOl °'"'""° ¥• bl/ 0340 SPARKLING CLEAR GLASSWARE FROM CHAMPAGNE TO SHERBET From Mexico and Australia TULIP CHAMPAGNE ~-_.,, e•;,. tall 8 oz. 2.99 --- COOLERS '3'J!ll~:::::. 5'11° & 6" tall 12 oz. & 16 oz. .89 each .... ._~~-- ON THE ROCKS .c· tall 12 oz. ~ .89 SHERBET .c 'I•" dla. 1.99 ELEPHANT BEAN FAMILY WITH 12 ELEPHANTS From India ~Q\~ A bitty, bitty bean holds 12 --,,... of the tiniest elephants -~ / and has a carved bone " ' elephant stopper The whole bean and elephant Is •;, • long. . .20 each "family" or 6 tam1lles for 1.00 7" long 1.99 8 SIZES 12· to 11W>" dla All approx 1 • deep 1.19 to 1.89 BAMBOO WASTE BASKET 10" dla. 10· deep 2.59 HARDWOOD SEATERY From Romania and China Handsome, versatile chairs for desk, dining, gaming or slide show. Teak & Black with molded teak Walnut Finish with stenciled ply eeat. ply .. at. ,29.99 Natural or Walnut Flnlah 19.99 Natural Wood & Chromg Folding 24.88 HARDWOOD l CANVAS FOLDING CHAIRS From Singapore DIRECTOR'S Natural flnlah wood with brown, black or orange ..canvaa. SAHARA 29.99 FOLDING a.PANEL BAMIOO MATCHSTICK ICA!EN From Taiwan To divide a room or wo111 11 a portable dreselng room. Natural flnlah wood with brown canv11 or walnut , flnleh wood with beige canv11. 8' tall 11• panel width 52" total width --. 29.99 DIRECT~ ACROSS FROM SOUTH COAST PLAZA SLIGHTLY MST OF BRISTOL AT 1313 IUNFLOWH (TAt(E IRISTOL EXfT Off 406 FREEWAY) YllA • MAITEl CMMll MO Tll.9ltlMf Ol IMll 011101 • A•flll Fl& PAIOOtfl TALL HEXAGON STANDS 8 'I•" to 13'11" wide 25%. tall 8.85 28" tall 13.05 30" tall 17.35 OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK . MOM. TO FRI. 10 A.M.-1 P .M. llT. 10 A.M.-1 P.M. IUI. 12 IOON-5 P.M. IN RQ!UUCE $!;© ~rRIEND 2FQR$l2. We've cooked up a number of new <lishes with chc same special care we put into our famous crepes. But what makes the ones you ee here cruly irresbtible i~ rhe pecial pri ce. C hoose any two and you can enjoy a delic ious feast for jusc $12. Bue chis price won't be around too long. So drop by soon. We can't wait co have you over for dinner. LON OON BRO! L Slice.;:, uln1Jrtll.1tl'1.l 'tl".1k torf't'J "'1th hur~unJy Wtnl' -..ILICl'. BREAST OF CHICKEN CACCIATORE S.iull-l.'.J 1n ,1 -.<1v11r\ 111111.1111 '"llll' w11h onion<., lx,11 fll'ppcr~ a11J Wtnl·. Sl·rvcd u vcr .1 ~eJ llf l1ngurn1. BEEF BOURGUIGNON CREPE ANL RATATOUILLE CREPE Uni.' filleJ with tcnJcr h~:d .inJ pc.irl 11n111m in a frc-.h mushroom sauce. Th\.' othl'r with .1 Eur. 1pc.m hlcnJ uf w~~:tahlcs. ')(luth Cn,1-.c Pl,u ,1. hl:rnccn Bull1.ck\ anJ NnrJ,1r11m\ (71 4) 556-1225 O r\.'n J.111\ fr11m 11 AM Bre,1 Mall P.L4} 990-43.13 l)lkr gmJ Jftt'r 5 PM MODEL 5212-504 L.E .D. Digital SNOOZ-ALARM £ Clock 4.97 MODEL 7299--047 . • EASY READER • clock with dial design for viewing ease • 0.6H L.E.O. display • Unique upright design • Convenient front setting controls • Repeat alarm f11ture • Height 31/4H -Width 4w 9.87 MODEL 8511-002-012 • V•rtable timing turns llghta on/off automatically 1t different times • EHy-to-set dial • Slmulatea a llved·ln 6.47 TIMEX® FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES .. noco LA Cl(llEGA (21J) 831 4487 ROCO COITA MHA (Tl4)9l9-26(j() 3535 5 LA CIENEGA BLVD LOS ANGELFS 900•6 JOJO HARBOR etvo COSTA MESA 92626 ROCO .. NUYI (213) 786-6863 noco w l>ffGO (11') 262·2'1, t<l9'° RAYMER STREET VAN NUYS 91405 5'Tt1& EUCLID SAN DIEOO 921()5 ROCO rAIAOf!IA (213) '49-8620 FlOCO w HfllWllllltO (71') 888·418r Jt!l E COLORADO BLVD PASADENA q11or 5705 MT VERNON AVE SANBERNAROINO ROCD UlllMOI (2•31 860-lll r 92410 11525 SOUTH STREET CERRITOS 90701 STORE HbURS WEEK DAYS 11:• AM• t:tl '111 • LA CllMGA • W ~MO &All IMHO ITOMI 1t:• llOOI • t:ll NI • l:afllTOI •COSTA MllA • rAIAOIM MOW IMI ITIIMI IATUROAYI • AU ITOMI 10• 111•1:• NI SUNDAYS • AU ITOMI 1t.tl AM• l• NI AU lt1IMI ClOllJI WIOICIOAYI OPEN TO ~oeo ......... ON\.Y I • I _J ... .. " •• 1 jl 11 '' •1l Tl l I I Illy Piiat ClASSlfllD C6 T HURSDAY, Fee. 18, 1982 COMI CS cs Giddings new Harbor football coach Ex-college, pro coach says he 'll use wide open passing.attack ~ aOGEa CARLSON he has 23 years of coaching experience Giddings was an assistant wilh the going lo think you're back in the '40s," .. ....,,......., A product or South Pasadena High. he San Francisco 49ers from 1968-73, then says Giddings, alluding to a potential Mike Giddings, a veteran of high played under Couch Pappy Waldorf at went the World FootbaU League route single wmg. schoo l, college a nd professional the University of California berore lwQ for two seasons with the Hawaiians "I love Red Sanders·style blocking, coaching, has been selected aa Newport years in the Marine Corps. ' before returning to the NFL for one but my offensive philosophy is lo use Jla rbor High's footbaU coach. replacing His rirst coac bing job was a l year with Denver in 1976. the ofrense that fits the players. Hank Cochrane, who resigned recently Monrovia High where his sophomore "I decided at that time that my son .. Defense, that's dirrerent. Players after a two.year tour. M'k in t h f t Giddinas , who pp e rates a pro ( t e) was go g o ave our years a must fit the defense and I believe you e • I use . a lot of shotgun t h e same sch 0 0 I ,.. says the have to be able to play man·tO·man personnel scouting service for six much·travelled Giddings. pass defense. J National Football League teams, lakes and if I ever get a kid that over in the role of a walk-on coach, but So, Giddings continued to mold his "You have to pressure, to force things the fact that the areat m'""'rity of his can run and pass you 're scouting service, which he began while on defense, and I like the even defense • "'I" at Denver and cauehl on as a walk-on (four-man fr'ont). It allows you lo personal work is done in August, · t th· k ' ba k · ~ J and F b · hi th going 0 Zn YOU re C for Newport Harbor s sophomore learn, change, even with a little flex (Dallas anuary e ruary glves m e wb1'cb he has coached the past three style )·" opportunity to coach the Sailors in the in the '40's.' fa ll. years. Giddings' one year as a head coach on "High school kids," says Giddings. "I teams of 1957 and .58 compiled an The 1981 sophomores were 10.0 and the high school level <Monrovia. 19591 love it. I grew up on Balboa Island and overall record or 17.0, then his varsity of t he current group or seniors, who featured a team -wli lch constantly I've reached a stage where I've asked 1959 went ll·l , losing ii\ the CIF finals to finished 1·9 in 1981 on the varsity and challenged the opponent with what myself, 'what am I going to do with my San Diego High School. were winless as freshmen, were 5-5 seemed to be an ll·m an line. the time ?' From there it was one year as head under Giddings as sophomores. corners and backers nearly on the line ''It's a m atter of community coach· at Glend ale College (7·2), then "To win at Newport Harbor you're or scrimmage, with a safety only 3·4 involvement and an ideal situation to five years as an assistant to John going lo hctve to throw the .ball," says yards back. work with kids. And, it doesn 't interfere McKay at USC , two years as head Giddings "Our kids are more inclined A resident or New port Shores, with my business life." coach at the University of Utah (the to enjoy that type of game. Giddings and wife Donna have three Giddings' record includes ·a varied Utes were 5-5 and 5·6), then the pro .. I use a lot of shotgun and if I ever children -Vicki, Jacqui and Mike, the SAILOR'S CHOICE Mike -Ciildings Is Newport Harbor High"s new rootb~ coach _ and successful coaching career. At 48, ranks. get a kid that can run and pass you 're youngest at 19 Hol01es won't sit idly by NEW YORK (AP > -As e 1' p-e ~ l e d . t h e G e r r y Cooney·Larry Holmes World Boxing Council heavyweight champions hip fight, originally sc he duled for March 15 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Nev .. has been postponed until June 11 because or lorn muscle fibres in the challenger's left shoulder. But promoter Don King said that Holmes won't sit back. waiting for Cooney's injury to heal. "He will have an interim fight-1'+ Kwg satd._ .tH:e'a a f'ig hting champion a nd will continue in that vein." KING MENTIONED Jimmy Young, Randy "Tex" Cobb or Larry Frazier as p ossible opponents for Holmes, who left Las Vegas Wednesday to return home lo Easton, Pa. Cobb, however. is recovering from a broken arm and is unlikely to be available for a March or April tlate against Holmes. Cooney's inJury was diagnosed by Or . John Bergfeld of the Cleveland Clinic as ''a partial tear and weakness in the muscle fibres in the back part or his left shoulder."' Cooney described the injury. suffered durin g a s parring session last month, as "very painful . . . a sharp pain and weakness.'' The 'Undefe ated challenger said he was nol concerned about the three.month delay, dulling his ring skills. "I WANT TO BE in lhe best shape I can be on June 11 and when the final bell rings, I'll be champion," he said. 'Tm very confident. Bergfeld and Dr. Jeffrey Minkoff, Cooney's personal physican . s aid that the challenger could continue with his roadwork but that he would not do any vigorous sparring for the next lwQ weeks. Treatment for the injury. will involve stretching -exercises and anti-inflammatory medication, Ber1Jeld said. •'The treatment will be ongoing and will vary as he responds," Bergfeld said. "He , will gradually Increase his training and if he responds as expected, he will be ready to fight JWle 11." alf:!ilento sAm· he' had tre81t.ed othe r boxers with similar injuries. "The prognosla is 1ood," be said . "l!rought alon• ~ly . ~ chance ol relnjuty l! minimal." After injuring 1111f sh:?der. Cooney laid off lfar ri for about two weeks b« wit he resumed wo rk , the pain persist e d . Bergfeld said returning sparrtng might have caused "some aggravation or the injury but no further dama1e." Cooney said he was sorry that the fi&ht . for which each filbter bas been auaranteed s10 mllllon, would not be held as origipally acheduled. "I reet very hurt thal the ~illl •oa't take place rn llarcb,'' he uld ... r was tratnrnc ha'rd, lootlq forward to March. If all I waa lookln1 for wu the money, we 1& be a.. ..,,, ~ most I t t1Un1 ts that J be ln the belt shape so I can win \be.title." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~- Anteaters' goal;. Win final four 'By JOHN SEVANO Of U.. 0811y "NI StMt As UC Irvine approaches the home stretch of its current PCAA basketball season, Coach Bill Mulligan's goals a re fairly sim ple. "I'll use the same approach l have for the past 22 games," said Mulligan as his Anteaters prepared to host Pacific tonight (7 30 ) at Crawford Hall. "I really think the big thing for us is to win our next four games (the final four of the regular season). ·'Getting ready for the < PCAA post·season) tournament isn't as important for us as getting 22 wins.'' Of course, what Mulligan is eyeing is a possible NCAA bid , and he fee ls 22 victor ies combined with a second-place finish in the PCAA standings Just might do the trick. Naturall y, the Tigers. tonight's opponent, nor Utah State, or Cal State Fullerton or UC Santa Barbara IUCI's other re maining opponents) don't figure lo be very cooperative. The Tigers only lost by a 71·64 count in their first meeting with the Anteaters this year. That was more than three weeks ago, howeve r , a nd mu c h ha s happened since. r current season: and is being replaced by assistant Tom O'Neill. Indeed , the Tigers C3·7 in conference, 7-15 overall I are apparently having t heir share of internal problems . That doesn't mean they aren't without sufficient weapons. The Tigers should start 6·7 Mall On radio tonight KWVE (108 FM) at 7:30 Waldron and 6·6 Laurence Held at fo rward, 6·8 Steve Howard at center an d 6 ·1 John Le idenheimer cServite High gr ad ) and 6·5 Andy Rodgers al guard W a ldron . with his 2 1 4 conference average, will probably draw most of lhe attention from the Anteaters "I'd like to gel our running game going again, and I'd lilte lo get ahead ." commented Mull igan . a ft e r playing toe-for.toe, stride·fOr·stride with San Jose State and Fresno Stale the past 10 days. The Anteaters <7·3, 18·4), will go with 6·8 Kevin Magee al the post , 6-1 Kevin Fuller and 6·5 Randy Whieldon al guard , and 6·8 Ben McDonald and 6-7 Rain er Wulf al ro rward . Forward Bob Thornton, a 6·8 forward who started two games last week, and 6·6 Mark Spinn figure to see first action ofr the bench. PLAYOFF BOUND Costa Mesa High's Mustangs are at Domingue7. High in Compton Friday night fo r a first round CIF' 3-A game. the first appearancl' in the playoffs for thl• Mustangs in 16 Yl'ars . Dave Palmblade t34 I. .John Strayer (55J and All·Sca View League s tar K en ·aardsley (44 1 pace Cost a Mesa. whic h has won s ix strai~ht games Guard Jeff Andrade. an Ocean View High product , was s u s pended by Coach. Dick Fichtner Feb. 2 for criticizing his team's style or play. He is currently a non·playing member of the squad. And on Tuesday of this week, Fichtner announ ced his resignation at the end of the "It would be nice to have two easy games this week," added Mulligan. "We could use 'em. But ·you neve r know when they're going to happen." Cakewalk for Edison? Don't believe it Mira Costa coach says his team deserved better shot than going. against No. 1-ranked Chargers By ROGER CARLSON Ol IM o.I ........ Staff Edison High's Chargers. with a 22·2 record and the No. l ranking in lhe Cl F 4·A, is lop.seeded in the upcoming basketball playorfs. which begin Friday evening with 80 games. covering five divisions. All are scheduled to begin at 7:30. A cakewalk for the Chargers in the first round? Nol quite, and if Edison Coach Barry Leigh isn't upset with the pairings, Mira Costa High Coach Jim Nielsen certainly is . "Frankly I'm very surprised," said Nielsen. ''I called the CIF and asked for 'an explanation but all they would say was 'that's Uie way it 18. • "We've lost nine sames, but eljhl of tboee were lo teams which made lhe playofi.s and we were ln a slump when my cuard broke his wrist and (Mitch> Wasden burt his back. But the la.st three weeks everyone is back." Another who Is ups et with tbe pairings is Crespi High Coach Jamie Castellanos. whose Celts are on a 16·1ame winning streak and are seeded No. 2 in the 4·A pairln1s. But the ramificaUoos won't surface until the second round next Tuesday asaumlng Crespi and "Ocean Vlew win Friday. JU1ht now It's Frtday•a camet1 which are ln the limelight and here's a loot at eacb d. the games involvtns Orance Coast area teams : lllrll COllll tit EdMft lllra ea.ta enten wttb 6-3 Jerome WUey and point guard JalOll ~ted U.e cat.aljtts. L e lOM MAIUtlS Wiley averages 22 points and 14 rebounds a game and teammate Pat Chance (6-5) has scored 15 points and taken 12 rebounds a game in helping Mira Cost.a to a 16·9 record. "Wiley's an excellent player and so Is Cerofeci, I think you 'll be impressed with him. "Hopefull y we 'll try t o play man·to-man, but we may have lo &one right awa.y against Edison. l'm clad for the presltige of/laying Edison, there'll be a good crow • but I felt we deserved a better shot than going against No. 1. "l don't consider my team the No. 32 team in the playoffs." Leilh says hiJ team is ready and that 5-11 Junior Jeff WubiDst.on. a transfer from HunlJnaton Beach who became elilible durln1 the second half ol Sunset Lea1ue play, ma,y see conatderable acUon. The real of the Supaet Lea«Ut cha mpions lncfuae 6·6 Richard Chant. 6·4 Rick DiBernardo and guards J eff Stephens and Mark Goudge, each an a I I· league select.ion . Chang is the league's MVP. The other forward spot has been manned by 6-4 Pete Binaski, sometimes 6·4 Darren Moore and now, perhaps Washington. Oce•n View •t E1per•n111 When t he sm oke c le ared after Saturday's twin victories in the Sunset League playoffs for the third place representative In the 4·A playoffs, Ocean View Coach J i m Harris predicted he would be matched up with t he Azle cs, the Em pi re League champions. "Somehow il was meant for ua to play the Empire Leacue," aaya Harris. ··After leavina the Empire Leaeu~1 everyone has been sayinc we wowa have walked away·wilb lt. "I don't know if that's true or not, we'll find out Friday. Esperanu (30-4) is better than indicated as I check around. They really do a good Job. They're disciplined, work for the good shot and play whatever defense ls necessary.'' Neverlbeless, the A1tecs must conrront Oeeu View'• overpowerin1 height advantaae with a lineup which consists of f.1 Tom lAiMberc. l-0 Dave Blanchard, 6-o Paul Moralea, 1-2 Dave Bainter and 8·2 Joey Qdom1. Ocean View countert .tltb &-t~ Jim Uaevtt.ch, M JWliort lllk• Juqe and Dave Carroll •nd lwo ouutandhll guards -Scott DeBrouwer and Shatm Werner. .. Usevitch has scored al a 20.0 clip for the season and DeBrouwer possesses excellent range. M•rlne et Beverty Hiiis The Vikings or Marina Sunset League Coach of the Year Steve Popovich take their no-name offense to the unique confines of Beverly Hills (a pool is unde rneath the playing floor). M arlna likes lo e mploy a aone defense, especially against a team like Beverly Hills, which employs a very small team (two at 6·2, 6·0 guard Bobby Kay and a pair of 5·11 junior guards). But Beverly Hills has a reputation for shooting the lights out at home against zones. and it's not just Kay from outside. Paul White (6·2) and J eff James (5·11 ) are averaging lS.O and 14.4 points a game. while guard Robert Countryman averages 9.1 points and 9 assists per game. The Vikea counter Beverly HUia' 16-8 record with a 14·9 mark of thetr own, whlcb included a second place flniah ln the Sunset IAague. led by au.1eaaue selection Rick Smith, a W Hnk>r. Smith averaced 14.6 ln leap, and alon1 wtUl ruarcta Scott Fllipek (15.0 ), aod JobD Berry < ll .~> and Al\dy Khaasm• U0.2) In tho front Une. the Yikes olfer very UtUt ehaoce for an opponent to 1ana up on anyone. "We'll lry to keep the 1ame at the tempo we llke (alowtr)." says Popovtcb. •·We've 1ot some thinll~ we <See Cll', Pate ti> I Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Thurtdey. February 18, 1 982 Grossmont seals Bucs' playoff fate Grossmont escapes with 62-60 victory; Saddleback stops Palomar, SB-45 Orao1e Coatt Collea wa-s elimlnatcd..__from poat·HUon play Wedn"1da~~1ht as Groumonl escaped from the Pintea' 1Ym wlth " S2·60 win in South Cout Conlere~ Grosamoot • 62-60 lead. wu set up when a half court trap totted an Oranee Coast turnover near ce nter court. - The outcome was ln doubt even arter lhe llnal buuer had aounded. After Grossmont missed the front of a one·and-one trff throw 1ltuaUOn, Chris Beasley grabbed the rebound ror the Ptnates and drt1w a foul. The Pirates were not In the bonus, however , so Beas ley was unable to go lo the free throw line to attempt to send the game Into overtime. 1 commuo.lty colle1e ba1ketball acUon. The Plrates needed a win lo rem aln in conte ntion for a LONG YEAA Tandy GUiis' Orange Coast Pirat es w er e e I i m i n a t e.d Cr o m POS l ·Seaso n p l a y Wednesday night. • Shuughnessy playoff berth but Grossmont dissolved Oranee Coast's playoff hopes by coming from behind late ln the second half and holding on in the final minutes. Orange Coast led throughout the rlrst half and much of the second but Grossmont rallied to lie it, then took the lead on an uncontested layup by La rry White. The basket , which gave Beasley had a game -Jllgh 216 points. despite picking up his fourth foul with 18 ::.> to play. The performance makes the 6·1 s wingman the No. 2 1 Landry has strategy against teen drinking From AP dispatches [i] AUSTI.N._,1'e xas -Dallas Cowboys Coac h Tom Landry ••• Wednesday lent his name to a campaign against alcohol abuse among young people, and said he hoped the program would coO nle r a cozy relations hip between professional sports and beer companies. The program, sponsored by the Texas Commission on Alcoholism. Is a statewide m edia campaign designed to discourage drinking and drivfog by teen-agers and to encourage adults to "set a good example." Landry conceded tha t beer companies provide a major part or advertising revenue ror televised professional football and use athletes prominently in many commercials . "They do glamorize it -you're not living with gusto and au the rest unless you have a beer ." Landry said ... We hope this will stem 'that t o s ome extent, but the pressures are tremendous." • . Quote of the day Texas basketball coach A~ Lemons com menting on players trying to make their opponents angry and get them out or t he ir norma l gam e through verb.ii taunting : "That kind or stuff is going fo · backfire a lot of times. There are lots of players who play bette r when they're angry. l do n't think it's too wise tQ make the _other guy mad -eve r wonder why a cowboy riding herd s ings soft, quiet cowboy songs to the cattle instead or rock n· roll ., .. North Caroli na dumps Wake Forest James Worthy and Sam Perkiu m co mbined for 40 points, while Michael Jordan added 13 as ;econd-ranked North Carolina raced put No. 14 Wake Forest, 69-51 Wednesday night in the Atlantic Coast Conference. North Carolina, which suffered a loss in its first meeting with Wake Forest, climbed to 17-2 overall and 9-2 in the ACC. From Page C1 Sabres earn rare w in in Chicago GU Perreault fli pped in a lO·foot ~ s hot midway through the rina l period ' to lift the Buffalo Sabres to a 3·2 National Hockey League victory over Chicago Wednesday night. Perreault's goal. his 23rd this season~ gave. .BuUalo its fi rst triumph in Chicago since Dec. 13, 1978 . . Toronto defenseman Bob Manno's shot from the blue line slid along the ice. through a crowd and past Detroit goaltender Bob Sauve at 7:57 of the third period to give the Maple Leafs a 3-3 lie with the Red Wings . . . Mark Pavelich and Ron Duguay scored two goals apiece to lead the New York Rangers lo a 5·3 win in Pittsburgh, pushing the Penguins· winless streak to nine games Wa yne Gretzky scored two goals and added three assists as Edmonton battled back from a 2-0 deficit to s wamp Minnesota . 7-4 . Ivan Hllnka scored twice and Moe Lemay completed his five.game NHL trial with a goal and two assists as Vancouver stopped Boston , 6-3 Bulls fire coach. then lose Coac h Jerry Sloane of the struJgling Chicago Bulls was fired Wednesday, and taking over was General Manage r Rod Thorn. The Bulls then went out and lost a 115-105 decision to New Jersey, as Ray WUUama scored 32 p0ints for the Nets . . . ~rge Gervla, leading scorer in the NBA, hit a season-high 49 points as San Antonio posted a 1.26-112 win over Detroit ... Eddie Jolt.JuMm scored 35 points to pace Atlanta to a 117·109 victory over Utah ... Guard Ernie Gnutfeld poured in 10 of his 18 points in the fourth quarter as Kansas City topped Phoenix, 110-107 . . . Brtaa Wlaters scored six points in a 17-0 fourth-quarter surge that propelled Milwaukee to a 104-93 triumph over Indiana for the Bucks 10th straight victory . . . Moses Malone tallied 44 points and grabbed 16 rebounds, leading Hous ton to a 110-102 success over Cleveland . . . JuUus Ervtag had 26 points and triggered a third-period rally a s Philadelphia ran its winning streak to seven with a surprisingly tough 114-109 win over Dallas . . . Hitting the 10,000-polnt mark of his NBA career in the opening seconds of the game, World Free totaled 30 points to lead Golden State to a 121-105 victory over Boston. alt.time •corer lo Oran1e Coast ·hlatory with 970 potni.. He'll have an opportunity to break the 1,000 p0inl barrier next Wednesday when the Pirates wrap up their season at San Otego Mesa. 'I'urner as the G au hoa beat Palomar, 58-~ to avence a &ou tn the (lrst round of conference play. Beasley, forced to play tentatively moat of tho second hall. had only three rebounds but Jeff Thomas picked up aome of the s laeJc for Coach Tandy Gillis with 10 rebound4. Gre g Krohnfe ldt bols tered the' Pir ates' scoring attack with 14 point.3 whil e Mike WhitmarUi l e d G rossmont scorers with 22. Tumer h.lt on 13 of 18 shoUI from the floor and was the aame's leadlnc scorer. The win makes Saddltback 9·2 In conference play and locka the Gauchos into second place unless league·leading Riverside gets upset Saturday. In Mission Conference action. Saddle back College Coach Bill Brummel got 27 points from George D av id Wi s ni e w s k i wa s Saddleback's leading rebounder with l l and contributed eighl points while 6-10 center Rick Doyle had eleht points despite picking up his fourth foul with 15:05 to play. GETS REVENGE Saddle b ack Coac h Bill Brummel got a I il t le revenge o ver P~lomar Wednesday ! an 5845 win 1 ----------i Gll•VIH MAIU'll• ICOl,a Harper. Pirates come to terms Former Angel Brlaa Harper, who hit .350 with 28 home runs and a league-leading 192 hits for Salt Lake City last season, agreed to terms tor the 1982 season with Pittsburgh Wednesday. The Pirates acquired Harper from the Angels ln exchange for shortstop Tim Foll during thf winter baseball meetings in December . . . Outfielder Dave Winfield and new team captain Graig Netllet headed a group of nine players who reported to camp Wednesday as the New York Y ankees conducted their first full s quad workouts ... Nestor Cbylak, an AmericU> League umpire for nearly 25 years, was found dead in his home Wednesday. Chylak. who waa 59, a pparently died of a heart attack , family fr iends s aid ... The Chicago Cubs have reached an agreement with first baseman Bill Buckner to modify his contrlcl, Ge neral Manager Dallas Green announced. No terms of the contract were announced. Kolb announces his retirement Cente r Jon Ko~lb retire d .- Wednesday after 13 seasons as a · Pittsburgh Steelers mainstay, but he will remain with the National Football League team as a strength and conditioning coach. Kolb, 34, was one of the original building blocks in the Steeler dynasty, starting In all four Pittsburgh Super Bowl wins and playing in 177 games, more than any other Steeler except llay Maaafleld and Joe Greeae •.• Heaaea Weuweller, who coached the Cosmos into two North American Soccer League championship games in two years but collid.ed with the team's star. Giorgio ChlaagUa, has been fired. After the Cosmos lost to Chicago 1-0 In Soccer Bowl '81 last September, Chinaglia called for Weisweller's dismissal and threatened to quit the team ii the coach returned. Television. radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Basketball -U. of Pacific at UC Irvine. 7::.> p.m .. KWVE 008 FM >; Cal State Fullerton at San Jose State, 7::.> p.m., KWRM ( 1370). Sid Report -Southland mountain snow conditions, 9:43 a .m .. 12·.:1. 3:43, 7:43 p.m., KNX (1070). . Same old story! plagues Kings ' Selwood couldn't change it . lNGLEWOO D (AP> -Brad Selwood ls : through as acting coach ror Los Angeles, but his · last game was "the same old story" for the Kings, • who have been plagued by the same problems through three head men. "It's the same old story. We played two periods of hockey. We woke up when we were down two or three goals. It just seems that we like to take a per iod off every game. We came out in the third period and played a good period, but it was loo late," he sa id after Wednesday night's game Selwood Look over from Kings Coach Don • Pe rry, who was suspe nded for six games for ordering a player to fight another player. Perry took over from former King Coach Parker Mac Donald in January "Changes can wa ke them up," Selwood said when asked what could be done about the scoring. "We can't sit still. Changes have to be made. It's evident to everybody. We have to have different , people playing. Something has to be done. It's so frustratmg. Now instead of looking a head of us to catch Vancouver or Calgary who are ahead of us . we better look behind us Colorado is only seven points back of us." Meantime, Washington Coach Bryan Murray says he's hoping the Capitals' home series will h~lp them gain on Pittsburgh. "We're fighting Pittsburgh for a playoff slot in the Patrick 1 Di vision. Pittsburgh goes on the road now and we go home. We have a good chance to pick up some points on them ." ' He credited the Kings missing some scoring oppo rtunit ies fo r he lping Washington win Wednesday's game , but he added that overall he was happy with the Capitals' performance. Goals late in the second period by Center Chris Valentine and right wing Mike Gartner helped Was hington get on top 4·2. Dennis Maruk's goal ' frosted the win when he fired a shot into an empty net in Lhe final second of the game for the Caps. The victory gave the Caps a 3-2· 1 record In their last six games Pacific hires O 'Neill STOCKTON <SP> -Tom O'Neill will be promoted to the University of the Pacific's bead basketball coaching job, it was announced Wednesday, 24 hours after Dick Fichtner resigned effective at the end of the season. O'Neill, 35, has been an assistant coach three seasons under Fichtner. The departing coach produced winning teams his first two seasons, but the Tigers are 7-15 this season, wi th a 3-7 record in the Pacific Coast Athletic Association. CIF BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS GET UNDERWAY FRIDAY. • • want to try. We'IJ zone and acljust as lhe game goes on " Meter Del at Miiiikan Cantwe ll enters with a t e am composed of 6·1 and 5·10 players, led by Tony Villalobos, wh·o averages 17 points and 7.5 rebounds a game. View League to Santiago, where the Cavaliers await with a team very similar in makeup and record (17-6). Coate Me .. •t Oomln~uez The book says ii there is anything that can give Costa Mesa 05·8) a bad time it's a hot point guard and Dominguez High's Dons, 14-7 overall and the San Gabriel Valley League champion, apparently have the necessary Item in Terry Carr, a 6-0 senior with two-time All-CIF credentials. Sea View still even • m soccer Millikan may be the No. 4 seed ln the 4·A eliminations, but the Monarchs think they have a good chance at upsetting the dope sheet despite playine on a foreign floor. ··We played them during the s ummer," says Mater Dei Coach Bill Alexander. "but all we did during the summer was play man-to-man defense. "Ir we play a good zone, control the boards and keep them from fast breaking, we can win." Millikan fini shed in a three-way tie with Long Beach Poly and Lakewood for the Moore League title, but the 6-6 post is no longer there because of ineligibility. le aving the 20-3 Rams without the blue chip big man. Instead the Rams will be countering with 6-2 Brian Dawson ( 12.6 PPi. 9.9 rebounds ). 5-10 Steve White (12.3 ppg), 6-2 Eric Smith (9.8 ppg, 6.6 rebounds) and 6-1 Dwayne Washington (10.3 ppg) for most of their firepower. With the return of 6·3 sophomore MUte Fielder (he's wearing a face muk to protect a broken nose). the Monarcha (lG-9) are at full strength. Matt Beeuws aert, anotber sophomore. as is starter Cbril Jack.Ion, leads the way with a lt.O acoriDI aurage for the Angelus Leacue representatives. ' CentweM et E•t•ncl• Eatancla High Coach Larry Sunderman ts eyeing his lootb victory as the Eaglea' coach in a nv•rear 1pan (he's 98--32) as tbe Ea1les await lbe Cardinals . who enter with a 12·12 record, lhe best in 20 yeara •l Cantwell according to Coach Ed Coyle. "Cantwell can tempo ll," says a wary S4-0derman. •·we have to play lntelllpntly, make sure we control the tempo ol Lbe psae and IO wtth the techniques that haft rin ua 2> 1ames this year." The Ea11lea . 20-4 overall an.d co.champ6onl in the SH View Leape. appear to be at nearly full lu.qtb with the antklpated recovft'y of Randy Tlft. wbi> bu been playlnc with a 1li1ht case otlbefiu. l Others are 6·0 Tony Gardea < 13.5 ppg >, 5-8 euard Chris Lopez, 6· 1 sophomore center Chris Rangel and 5· 10 forward Mickey Perez. "Cantwell is quick and runs man and zone,'' emphasizes Sunderman. who may be finding it dif!icuJt -not to look ahead to a potential meeting with Foothill (coac hed by friend and ex-assistant J im Reames). Estancia counters Cantwell's mild record and size with 5· 10 playmaker Jeff Gardner, the Sea View's MVP, all-league _choices Brian Midland (6·4) and Steve Kriass (6·1) and 6-1 Chris M aydole and Tift. Corona del Mer at Sentlego "It's a game or momentum now," says CdM coach Jack Enion, a veteran of the playoffs His Sea Kines are the defending CIF 3-A champions and take their 17·4 overaU record and co-title in the Sea "They've got a 11ood-shooting forward (6·0 Jeff Pace). a real mobile strong forward (6-4 Curt Condon) 4lJld a nice sized, big kid in the middle (6·5 BUI Waggoner)," says Errion. ··And their best asset is their guards, so it s hould be a good physical matchup." Charles Lewis , a 5-11 left-handed senior, averages 19.4 points a game and will get special attention from CdM guard Mike Hess, accordinll to Errion. "We'll probably use Dave Vansteenhuyse more now," continues Errion. •·u you're not in it mentally now, hey, you're out," ad& Errion. "Santiago is up, it's an emotional team and It's a team that hasn't been deep in the playoffs for a while, so they have that incentive going for them.'' Going for Corona del Mar are All-Sea View League choices Chris Lynch, Hess, and 6-7 Hank Goebel, backed by Kurt Petersen and Garth Olson. ·ri01es dismisses sportswriter. LOS ANGELES <AP 1 -Sports writer Ted Gr;etn bu been dlamilsed by the Los An1elea Timu. the newspaper's Sports Editor BUI Dwyre confirm~ Wedneaday. Owyre said Gree.n's diamissal was not direcUy related to quesUona ralaed by UCLA booster Sam Gilbert about Green's Joan from e company owned ln part by Jerry Buss, owner of the Los Angelea Lakers and Loa ~eles JGnp. After Gilbert ral.fed the wue. Dwyre satd he informed Green verbally •nd ln wrlttn1 that the condlttona of. his • employment at the newspapel' would be that he would no lonaer ~ able to do televllloo work, and would no Ions.er be all~wed to cover any Buaa·related teama. Green aerved u color commentator fol' ON-TV cable telecui. of Laker -•mes, amonc other thln11. Green did not comply,. worttln1 Die telecut of last· Friday nlpt's Laker game and was terminated, Dwyre said. Green was not immediately available for comment. GObert, respondln1 to a series of articles ln the newapapers alleging that he vlolated NCAA rules ln his dealings with Bruin buketbaJI players, publicly asked the newspaper whether one of lts sportawrlten •1coverln1 a major team borrowed $50,000 from the owner of that team wtth wblch to acqulH a home!" Dwyre slltd Green cOllflrmed that he bad borrowed 115,00C) u a lhlrd tru.lt deed on a.la home t• ttn from Mariana-BUu ~tlltn, • real est.8le tnvutment flnn. Al lbat Wine, Buu did not own the Lakeni or Klnp, but did own the IA>8 An1etu Strintl ol World Team Ttnnil. Green occulonaJly wrote arttc'les about the Strlnp prtor to hJs obtalnin1 the loan: "It's a pressln11 team and it likes to run the break," says Costa Mesa Coach Tim Parse!, who has the Mustangs involved in their first CIF playoff venture in 16 years. ··I t old our kids they were one·year-olds the last time we were here." adds Parsel, indicating his team would be mentally r e ady for Dominguez. "Carr ls one of the best guards in Southern California." continues Parse!. "When he's hot, he's very good, but we understand he can take some bad shots, too. He doesn't have good diredion." Carr's scoring average is 15.7 per game and he ts averaging 10 assists and five rebounds a game. Others in the Domlnguez stable include 6-3 forward Ed Speight, 6·2 Curtis Bowser (10.4 ppg >, 6-3 Neal Stuart, 6-5~ senlor center Richard Munns and guard Kevin Rlch•rdaon. a 5-11 junior with a 12.8 acorinc average. Domlncuez. baaed· tn Compton, won 14 of tu tut lt, wbUe Mesa took ti. lqt alx stra.llbt to een a playoff berth. "Our kids know we're on a roll and they're hunlJ'Y ." 1ay1 Panel. Wo~at8oy•Aeoubk The Wa;;ra of Woodbnd.te wlU have had 10 fuJI days to 1et well prior.to their "test tn Chino -that means 6-2 junior David Wise will probably be close to 100 percent after an lllneu and le.adinc scorer Mark Forln1e1'"1 bad ankle should be on the mend. "Fortnaero.'a bid ankle bu really hurt ua,' • uys Woodbrldce Coub BUI Shannon, alludtn1 to hi• tum'l thrH·lllml l•ln• streak, which hq dropMd Woodbrtdce t.o J.3.1 onrall on a free-lance baall. 8p11 Repull&!c (11-l> otten a liMup whtch con&iJta of l-0 cuarct Jeff Law (1 T .8 ppt). M Richard Finley, and two 6-4' Junior forwards, but Sbannon aaya he haa lhl m•terial t.o wia· Wednesday 's Sea View League . men's soccer meeting between Co r o na d e l Mar and hos t Estancia was supposed to be a battle for the league lead, a chance for one or the teams to take sole possession of first place. It didn't quite work out that way. The showdown came ofr but nothing was settled as the two SOCCER teams played to a 2-2 lie t.hal leaves uiem deadlocked for the league lead going into Friday'$ regular season finales. J o hn Ur s ini and C arlos Countino scored for Estancia while Scott McCrlmmon and Jeff Kordick countered fro f~ Corona del Mar as the teams records went to 9-2-2. ~ The regular season eadsP Friday with the Sea Kin1i playing University and Estancia factn1Newport Harbor. •, In other Sea View acUon , Coata Mesa got 2' shots on goal 1 en route to a 3-0 wln over El r Toro. The win makes th~· Mustangs 3-8-1 ln lea.ue pl-.y. A meed Abdel-Mafi1 struck for> two 9f the Muatan1 1oals while Tenioc Zamarrita h•d the other: • Costa Mesa wrapa up tho.-' re1ular season Friday at home • against Irvine. Dana Hilla had no trouble with Lafuna Hllla, eruptln1 for tdltlt~ roala to btat the lla,.u, a.o. t... South Coast Lea1u• acUon. • ,.. ~e Kelly led the way for the. Doi with three 1oala. e win uaures Dana HWI ol"-f lbe South Coast chamPIOmbU>:.., The Ooh>htns are now S.O.l la l lea11ue pfay. ,.. l ... . . .. Or.nge Cout DAILY PILOT/Thursday, February 18, 1982 'I HIJA WHTllllN CC*PlltlNCI ..... .,.. Seattle GOldenStt'9 PortltlHI Pl>otnl1 Saft Oleto Pacific DIYleltft w L. 15 17 ,. 11 ,. J2 ,. J2 11 u .• v NI.. 01 .,, M7 y, MO • .MO ' $40 ' 115 -""""""'Olllltlell Sta An-al 11 -"'° - 0.11vtt It 13 .wt SY> HClllSMll ,. 2) Mt Slit Ulen II lJ )~ UY> Danes 11 ~ m ••Y> K•nw • City 11 u n1 11 IAIT•ANCONl'llllNCI AtlMllc:Dl..+t ... Pllllt41tlCMllt 31 14 80SIOll :16 14 Ntw J eney l• i. Wnlllnqlort tS U Nt* Yof'11 2) JO c ... trll Olwlslt11 Mllw•uk .. Ottroll Allenta lnclltllt Chk•oo c1e .. 1enc1 31 ,. u JO 11 11 n JO 1t J3 II 40 W .......... y'1ktr" New J aNey 1 u. Chlcaoo IOl PhllaCllll)hlt 114, D•llH 111'1 HOUSIOll 110, Clt .. ltnd ten Mllwtull .. 10., lnditna U San AMonlo 11', Ottroll 112 Kon1ts City 110, Pfloenl1 101 Atle"4f 111, Vlah 10t Golden State 111, 8~IOll 10$ TtolitM'1~"'" Golden Slett et Ltlltrt Nous-at New J t<ttY PhotnlxttNewYort UIOll •t 1'+111-IPllie San Olegotl Kt11"-• City Cltvtltncl •I MllawukM San A-lo t i Denve r Boston et Ponl- Allanlt at Seattle 1U 720 V.• .MIC) llV-, $00 llY> ··~ U ll> 1U •i. u ·'" IS '23 IS"> ,.} ""' 11• t• COMMUNITY COLLEGE Groaamont 62, Or•nae CoHt 60 OlllOSolMC*T -Whit• tl, Whltmortll JO, Jon15 2. L,tlsenrlnq 2, Meler I, Hiii 2, Ce r-.. 4, L.-1• •. llonntr 2, 11 .. uen 1 Totab U 12 ... n OAANGI COAST -Bu Sley 1'. T KrOllnfflcll •. G Krotwlltldl 14, TllC>me$ I, N•nson 4, Btlclwlft " M•tt•n O To4ala: 24 IMHO. H•lfllmt: Or11n91 COHI, Jt.17 Total touts· Grvum011t 1•. Oranoe CoH1 II; Foultdout. J-CGros>montl. Sadcleback 58, Palomar 45 SAOOt..l!llACK Dodd\ I, Tumtr 17, Mllcht ll S, Wlsnltw\1\1 •· Doyle I, Futchtr 2 Tota II. 2• II>" SI. PA (.OMAA Martin t•. Chism II, Penlerew I, Lal'10<I 1, '°"Y•n •. Spence • Totals n J.7 o H•llllmt s-ffel>aek, 1 .. 2$ Totel louts; 5.edclleb•O 10, PalomM 10, Fou1e<1 out Dovie (St<l<l1e11ao 1, Pettlt•-1 P•tomarl South CoHt Conference C-1 o...,elt W t. W L Mt St ll All!Oftlo SOlll•..,.. FubertOll Grossmont C•rtftot Ora-Cot" • 7 " • I J 21 t 7 J " II a 4 II I . ., ,, • 11 " S•n Oltvo MHa o ' I JO ~ ... ·,c..,... CerrllOl at Gn>Mmonl San 01-Mew t i Fullenon S.nta Ane at Ml ~n Antonio Mlulon Conference Rlwersldf ~lebtO San 0 "9oCC San lernar<llno Southwasttrn Pa tom., Cllru• C--e w L. 10 ' • 1 . ~ s • A 1 l • , . s. ....... ,., o- SoulhWHlem •t 5.oolel>•O Citrus al lllver•lcle San 014>90 CC ot S.n B•r11trcllno ~1M W L ,. . 11 10 13 12 I• lJ 10 IS I It 11 cs High school ranking• 111 ... 11 CIP .. A ""· Tttm,rec-1.111'-ID·JI 2. l-•k-1~11 J. CrH!ll 121·11 •. L.I Poly t2MI J. Rt"1ntHlll1 ll .. SI • Mlllllltn l~ll 1. StnttMonice Ctf.61 I . Verbum Del c 19-61 t. St. A-V llkl 10. lnq,._ CIM I ...... b ,. tO ., .. '3 SI 0 JO 11 12 Cll'l·A 1. us.mec*11 2. Victor Valley c1 .. i1 a. lrt..otlllllt 12).JI • l 11r1'9\11N (••JI I. Sall Cttnwlte 11"11 •· R ltllettl CINI 7,CtPltlr-Valley CIWI •· Ctllltnllt 11+.tl • l.tHMrtllH I It. Done MMla II-Ml Cll'l·A I s ... ta Clere 117-41 1 Wlllttler Clorlllltll 122· 11 >. St J......,. Ctwl ••......... ,11~1 $, M-petll 1•21 • ,.,.,._le C»tl 1 RIO Mela (l"SI 1 ,_.,...,. p..,,., cn.01 •· Pt"l•IMl l 10 Cl\tm5-C»-41 Cll' Slaell SC-• .. " ,. .. .. ,, n » •• 11 II 100 ~ •• St " n ., lO 11 •• .. .., ,, •• '° " u JI 22 • I. c-tck 121·21; 2 AvalOll 117'1); J. Mttodyltl)CI 11 .. s>. 4. Cemp Mtllclt-11 (IS-41; I.. t• Wit 11>-tl; •• Cr~a- 1 .. ·ll; 1. Ctplalrano \/alley Cllrlstlen CIMI, I, Ort119t l.UVltrtn 111·111; t . lllo ~ Prtt1 (1).101; 10. lllt l Fllntrtcloe ....... CIM),-.CltlfPrep(IHI. Women'• ranking• Cl'IMll Ct l'•A I Riverside Poly 12~1 . 2. lnt ••- 123·31; J. Gllllr (U.Jl: 4 San Gabflt l <J1·Jl; I. John W. Nof'1h CRlvt ralcltl 1'2·41; •. Buena (IMI; 1 L.B Poly (1 ... 1; I . Royal 111-31; t. L.Yll-111-4); 10. EIM.....,_ !It.JI J Others: .._. ... Volley 11 .. 7); F-llt ll•-41 ; Plws X 119-6); Mornl11911te W •l: W.Sl TontllCt 110-JI; Santa 8.,.llltro CIM ); St J OHpll (1 ... ). Cl~ J.A I E-rtnU 110-31; 1 Footlllll l~JI, > Lt 011lnta 111·11; •. L.o••• 120·•1. J Alemeny 1~11; 6. Alta LOmt 111-ll. I Lo Serna (IM I; I. El Toro 11741; '· ""'•'-Valley CIWI: 10. Walnut 111-41 Ollltn: Pomona 111-31 ; MonCOl»llO 121-41, c;.,. .. , ._. Mar 11).71; lrt""lt llMI: L.OU1$Yllle (1)-41, Righetti ll~Sl; Cy~u 11).tl Men'• tournament I .. Lo °"""'I '-'-•-s""'" Ivan ~ Cllt. Bob L.utr. 1·1 •.. ,, Kim War wick Cllt. Tim Mayotte, ...... 2. Shlomo Gllc"Sltln c»f. !lay -., .,,, .. 3; Victor .-.ma ya Cllt. ~ler' 'Rennert, M , •·l ; !IOKOI Tenner Cllt John Alexftldtr, 44 , 1·•. 1·5; Hank Pfl•ter dft. Jett Borowl•k. 7.s, ..,, Raul R•mlrei def, Tom Gullick-. ... ,,..,2; JOlln L.loyd oet. EclOle 0111«1\, .. 2 • ._,: PllH Oent dff. Thierry Tulesne •.. 1 • ..,.; M91 P urcell Clll. Bruce Mt,_., .. 1 M · ....... Mott~•m Cllt J aime Flltol, M , .,,: Yennlck HOtll -· Bernie Mitton, .. 1. 1·1: Mtrolcl Solomon Cllt. Brad Gfll»rt. 14 , .. ,; Tim Gulll<Uon Cllt 8111 Stanton • .,,, .,1, ..... Tomas Smid Cllt Peter Eller, •. ., .. ,, Elio! TtltKMr Cllt Joa Hlgutrn. •·•. M Women'• tournament , .. _, .. ..... _s-.... Pam Stw-1....-Clef. ZIN GMri'°"' -.. I. ,., ; .,.J•blne Simmonds Oel Y vonna 'ltrm••l , T•. ~J. Cotrwnuntty collea- , , ,. ..... 11.,lllleM--t ~ Serl-CSl Cllf Sosa ... 7, ......... ; St.- ISi det. -· ...... l: Stephens ISi def. Miiier, Ml, .. I; Bltell-IS)-· M-v. .. ,, ...0, '-*tilt ISi def M..,...lllo, .. 2. Ml, Miiier ISi dft W.kh, .. ,. M ~ Serl-~ CSI dfl Mtle,.H...,.y, M , .. l ; l.otlla-Miller ISi -~Miiiet, •·2, •·•; Black1tone·D•cller (SI dtl Welc,,.Murrlllo, M , 1·S - Santa Anita WllDtfEIOAY'S AllSUL. TS ,_ .. ......,11 ......... -.1 l'IAST Ill.ACE. •tur~. Kapalut's Nett .. IG .. rT•I S.IO J 00 1.JO Rising Echo CMtNI S 10 1.19 Slier• Tiie 0-.. CPl"'fYI UO Also raced: P1f'1llnt-r11:, ()Ille River, Miii TN Tiit, Olrecloralt , l..tlle T-, B•bll•. Mt•k•t Cllamp, A•sc•I Face, Oarcuf'1's HoPe Time: 1. II T•tGwfn) ....... .... =~ ... ""..,.. o.tco.1 ......... , •t• ... ·-·--~'"""'' , .. Al .. reicM1 Miine'• '••• LAM. lttrVft'• Prtttlll, Vt.._ Of ltwt1111t, l 1nlMll4ly .. _ .............. ,.1· ... ,.~ Tl-: 11tU1s. U DAILY DO&IM.9 IW I ........... tllllllDllACl.•t11t ...... ... ,,,,. ... ISIMllel JO... •.• .... Atltne"-l.IMINrl I• U0 ,,,.,,.0 ... 1...._, •·• ' Aho rte•: 0-'d Of C:-. 1-t l .... flllooe. Lii' ... o..y, ~ ....,., 'f .. •htyl AmHICt11 M-y. l"re .. n $-t. .............. Tl-: 1:111/S, POU lllTM lllACI. '"'-turione.. llKll"'°Y CGwrva I 1.40 UO UO ....... , H' anict IOllvttttl 4M aAO PIMl l rlC(Toro) 4AO AIM r1<M11 L.Mtt f'lati, Grtvll-. c;...-. ICllW1 L.ttl fleft11tr, ,.,lme ...,ltm\trce, it:i..1 s.,..,... Tll'llt: 11 U Ill. ''"" 111.A(I. •"'-l11t!one• l lc't Gold CGwrrt l JO.GO It.GO 4.40 Wl<k ... Ml$r ($lbllltl 4AO l ... Vttellt<ho "*Ctr,..,,I UO Alto reed: MldnitM Miiie, A-.tlttllle, GM-••"-· Me-., S.... Tl-: l:IU /S. U •XAC'JA IMl Hid UOU O SIXTH AACI. •Y>tur._.. IM.._Tt~lt IM<Ctt,_I 10.00 '-00 •..O Polly's llwr CA-I U.JO ... Mtrnlt't Otnctr CSllllllel •.JO Alto rtod: RMCl'f Reo. My FIM, lllllldt OtllCef, W..Cll ()pee, EmlUMy, ......... Runner Time. I : ... HVIM'YM AACI. IV. mli.t Ptrton't~r IPlllCayl ' •.IO l . .O t.IO FIJl"9 0-(0efahouuayel U O t .AO l'elln CM<Ctrronl JM Alto rl(.ed: .. ..,,.,Valley. Vtc•ll-r. Tlni.: 1:03 •IS U •XACTA 11·41 paid uo.oo, U l"lc;IC SO( (4-t.J.M·7l paid U .122.10 with •• wlnnlnv llOet1 (!Ive llorw11. U Pleil Sia conlOlatlon paid a.tt.IO with IO' wlnn1nv tickets (four llol'Mll. SJ Piek Sia: tet•l<h contolatlon !Miid "'• 10 •Ith '1 •lnnlno llclleh (Ill'"....,._, -Kratchl I IOMTM AACIE. • lurl-1. Tim.To l~IPlllCty) '·'° 5.40 "'° lltl'lltml>W Jotvl 10.lthouUt.,..l 13.eo UO t ·Jou.......,AtStt CA~slOll) 2.IO Alft ttcttl• General Jimmy, •·Ari Olrtctor, l•lsMr, Stc>u4v~. OUI Of Ho<k, world Ru..,, ""'"''s 8MV •-< ........ Time: l.Gel/J NIMTN lllACI. I 111• mllff All Nall -ISIDlllt l 7 10 4.40 ).JD Et lltr Tov IMtCtrronl 1.00 u o Ettttr G-CT-I •.OO Alto raced: E z. F1 .. 1. 1..0.11• ~ Toco Taco, Petrlcl• Ro«I, t.ony Sue, She Oott't Care, My O<vl• Time· t:CU/J U • XACTA llWI paid '" 00 Alt•-• 21,'7• Hollywood Partl ••o.e•">Av·s AIMIL.TS 1aar.tf11 ..... ...._ ......... I Ill AST llACI. One mlle tro' Oomarr l'lttl CGCIU«Hu l '00 •.IO 2 . .0 Imp Imp Imo (Slfetlll 13.IO '..O Alley Bruiser IHolO J..20 Alto rl(.ed· MalOr Marktn)ay, R E Todd, Pompano Jdlvl, •-.. Victory, Daven~ Cup, OocllOt Tony Time · 1:0'1/S. HCOMD ltAC•. OM mlle pau. LoYtl H......, CWIM>ardl 12.411 6.40 •.OO Sllwtr't SI'""' l"•r11t<I 10.«I UO Wlnttr-(Maler) 4.20 Alto rtetd: W•lrua, Mn . M .. Ha1Cyo11 Haf'1, El T-llM, l ltck Forft\. Ph1le1 W.- Cllltf. Time: 1·cn "' U DAIL. Y DOUILE 1 ... 1 paid ... .0 TMIAOAACl.Onemlltpau ~fol OU.llty IAu«olnl I.Ill l.40 2 . .0 llsmef'11 "-ll•vleul 1.00 uo S9frk•trol6 CGou0rMYI 2.411 AIM ·-· Time Tracer, ..... tto. Yau C"'9M. Mkll'9t11 Hall, Hurrl<atM "-•· 1',....tl' ... ,Ltw°*treN. Tl-1 t :lt4/S. ._,••ACTA 11-41 Nici "uo. POU aTM lllAC11. One mlle trot. Wy11 Otmlty lf'tn.t<l t .2!0 1.00 3 40 N_ 11 .... ( .... N t) 1AO JIO Tl<h t llomt11a.v-1 ~ l .IO Alto r•td AnOv's •-. Gtmt l'ollv N, SoutllJer•Y, S-"'-Ooar Slf. Time. 2.0c lit l'IP'TN ltACl.One mlle pt o Lum Cllnv IWllll•mll 11 :io J.IO l 40 Andy's WI,,,,.. IK-er l 4.40 1.10 Mo11t.1vnor Date Cllall<lhem) 1.40 Also rtGMJ San """'°•s. AnOy'1 Oun. wonderful Soalt, SP•rkl• Aroo, Gan's G.,.st, lrOll Oujul, Scorpio Go Time: 2 01 l it. U IXAC'JA (1·71 Ptlcl it,. 50 SIX TN ltAC•. One mile Pt<•. Norc1t1 Try•• (L.ongol 1111 •to oo wanartct 1-lerl 4.40 2.IO 8rllllant o·si-IGouO•H ul J,00 Alto rtctd· Gun!>a<,..I, Fullabull•, T.-. ea,, T.., On Wood, e1a..,,.1 wev. Henly Mtcl'tbof.W-to Time· 2·01 •IS U llXACTA 11-411>•1<1UI00 llV•NTMllACI O"'mll•Pt<• SIJ Lii IOuMitMI 7.40 4,.0 1AO l'ltttly Ci.MY CV•11-1f191\Mnl UO t..• Katslne 19-,..,1 11.AO Alto rtcac1· 5-w Dew, Ooooll c.11, T••lt't Lady, R~ C~t. HOiio A•ty, L.lttle ASO. A,_, Clt•k 5-ltl Time 2 01 U IXAc;TA 11_.l ... lcl SUI to College, prep bas k e tball scores R le,,_ ... Gto'91 Mason s• A~ltClllWt St •. £,,_., a HtnrJ II Cll•del IOI.SC ·Alk•11 I~ Jemt• --'1, E•Sl C.rollN () Furm.,~. Otvl<ltonU Ila Common•tallh I I , JM:ktonYlll•73 Mt<cer ... NW ~.slt'1e 12 Soutll Altl»me 13, N.C.·Clltrlotte .. .... A mer lcen u t3. N evv 11 Boston Coil IO, Geor91t0Wfl 11 c:tnlalvl ... Bolton u . .., Otltw•• ti. lucl!Mll w SI J~·· Pt . tO, Fordlltm .. Holy Crow .s. Army ~ W. C""1tr St. It, l.Ohlefl 11 (o41 LOft9 Ill-U IO, Soutll Florlda M N l•Otta '2, ,....,, St. IO St Frlflei., N.Y. 1'. Mtrlsl 11 Sloll• n. Cd9e•.., VllleM¥tl1,S~6' Nl'W H_ 11'11,.11. v .. -tl Community college ....,c...c..,,...._, GMKtmonl 62, 0r""OI C .. 11 .0 Ml . Satt Anlo11lo ... St11 Diego \Mlf ., Sant• AM ... Fufft f'10ll '1 .......,.c...._, Stcld-11: 11. Pttomtr 4) Cit"" 11, San Efl'NrdlllO W San 0"111> CC M. Soutllweff•rn tJ -c-Mr-• L.A V ttltv 70. LA Plttce 5' L.ont 9Mcll ~c 101. ''"""letd a.t Hlah achoof c:t,Pt.AYOPP'I (Wiid Gtrd 0-1 +.A Peiosv...-n . T_,,.O.k"' ).A H H Wll_, M, lttlf '1 11 oO I·• Fullerton 1•. Saft Clemtnte J4 Nor111wltw ,., $c11Urt M Arroyo Gra11•• JO, Ct 11yo11 s.vousl 42 .. llffwlm s., p~ ,, l ·A L.vtlltran IL.Al '7. 8tklwln P•r11 •2 CelebtNst.l, Kem \/alley JO Soulll Pt-13, Mt,..,..11 .. Btll·J-" 1•. ROMmond to Nt llet 7l, Yucca Valley l7 s......Sc-.. C•pl11reno Volley Cllrltllt n ••. Helfllh L.UW.ren'l t Camp Mendltnl\all 17, El P-m Aot>t•t 71 Bren-77, lndfen Hiiis H Women M'911k .... Cll' l"LAYO,~S CWIN Gtrd 0-1 -Lelle-... C"'ttnnlt l JO ).A Palmdale 11, Immaculate Mtet1 40 -Worklnltf\ 50, Cllerttr Otk .. ....... ~ Plllbo& A,.,._ltft •, IUC'klty Jt ll•MTM •ACS, 0... 1nl• 1NCt 'tlleO-.N C~I •• •• a• loc .. ltlW ........ ""' • • -. ... , ._...cc..i-• uo Al• recw· ~ Oto\ N, Ollllt!MM N, ,.,l,l11t N, SetuMr.y, C:IOtY Atllltl, Tl!Wllfftl, lf'eMlfle ,.,,, 111-.. ._ •M....,._L""' Tl-: t:•ils. MIMTM lllACI. 0... 1nllt N<t 111 ... llt-C~lll 400 >• 140 lut " .. ,..,_, ••• • .. .....,. ~ 1Aio91111 ... Aleo r~; 5"1tJ '-•· c;..-e111 J-S<fl'lllt Dtlw, Q\lltit-•y, K9MuekJ 1t1,... Tlni.; """'· p ··~A .... 1,... ~tO U PICM tlJC CI0-1 ... 1+11 1Mt141 .. ,J,_ •• wltll Ill-•inn!M llCkttl 011 "--" P Plcll Six c~ ,..wt Sitt.JO •lll1 JI '"'"""" l~t Che 1"4'•tl. U PICll 111 .cre1<11 U111W.t..., Ptld 11Ji,oo "'"" 11..,. Wln111!1t tlcll.U Cteur llw .... -.cratclll. flMTM lllACl.Otw mlle pact Pleco•Wlle (P-1 11 .0 "40 ~ .0 Jau FoJll•tl C,..,ry) M.JO 11.00 Oy ... y Sam IWl-dl •IO Al• rtcecl: Ptrllnt. M411>1t Gtmt, Sitra tlld Sir .... R-1, l •YOll H, Al>IC' ·-· 8ltclll-Tl1ne: ,,.4/J, U IXAC'T• (+.101 palcl UJ> JO Att....,_e -$,Alt. NHL ~IU..CONl'•llllMCI EOmonlon Calgary V•nco11•er Kl .... Color•OO Minnesott SI, L.ouls Chkago WlnnlpaQ Toronto OecrolC Smvtlle Olwi.ltft W L. T 01' OA "'- 37 ll II i21 1:M 1$ n H u ,., J5' n 22 ,. 11 '" 212 ,. 11 lt 13 no m ., 13 ,. 10 ,., us • ..... ,1.01.11 .... 23 19 Cl ht 11• ti ,, 28 ~ 231 10 u 11 2' 10 25' t7S S, 10 26 11 117 ,~ ~I " ,, ·~ JJO 2.. ., 1' JO 12 JOI lAI .. WALISCONPIAINCIE Pwlcll Olvlaiofl NY lt l•-• H IJ I 172 11t 11 Plllt.mlpllle JI t1 ~ 111 Ut '1 NY R...,.,1 1t 21 t 2.. 112 l) Pl!ltev""' 11 2' 10 221 U 7 n wau.lllOlon 11 u t n~ 20 .., Mo111r1a1 Buffalo Q~ton 9\!!l!tS H•r11or4 A"-OM tl• U II U 210 "' " u 11 • ns '"' n n " • 23' :icw n 21 n 10 ,., 14' .. " 11 ,. 1t0 h J .. ..._.,,,k_ WHIUflOIOll S, IC"'91 1 NY Ranotn S, P1tt>0<11'9" l Otlrolt J, T-to J Buflt lOJ CN<-2 Edmonton 1, MlnnHOI• • 11•1'<-•, Bot;ton J T .......... 10 ....... ColOr -•t NY 11.,.,. Toronto .. Ot1roll NY lst-n•t Pllll-10!\t• SI louis •t -•NI Ml,..,... al C..IQ<lry ~•pilll• 5, !!:!• 2 Sc-•·" Wfllllf1910n 1 ) 1-' L.ot .,... .. , 0 ' 1-2 .. ., .. l'eriod I Wa\hl"910•\, No.-1 CGOUld. Vt lt<hl. 1·so, P.,..ltlet 8tomqul•C. wash, •·10; Gre.n, WM/\, 11·09 St<-l'trlM 1 Wt1lli"91on. Gu•l•hon 16 CGrttnl, S:OI; 3 LAI A1191 ... , Taylor, lttOfonne, Slmmtr), 6 Ot; • W•llll1>9lon. Valfftll,.., 1• (Mtr11k, ll•ll<hl. ti ,,, S washln9ton, Gartner It CGusta'-1, C•rpenlfr 1. 11• !0 PenelllH Bonar. UI. 1 •I. Gr ..... W•WI, II 11, B-,UI , ti 1' Tlllr• l'erlod • Los "nv11u, L. Murplly " CF01, Ha"9sl•l>Ml, I• OS. 1 W~"'V\On, MtNll .o . 19 ~ ,...._HIH Gr...,, w ... t °'· TurnbuM, LA, maior • Ill, Goukl, w ... • QI. Currie. WM. 1l It SI.oft on-· W ..... lf191Dn ..... ,~Jj Loa A_ ... 1.., ..... GttllU -Wts111n9ton Jensen L.n A1191ltt, l.#warcl, I(•-A 1,.,1 ~ . . . .. CoNep C•I State -ru.e,~n!f\'i:fe 0om1_.., Hlllt O San Dlt9o st. 2. use 1 UCL.Ai.. """-•PllH r I Loyolt •• AN .. ·Paclllc I Cal Stoltt Hor1hrfd91 17. L-Beach St.• UC Santa Barbar• 1, Westmont > Vnlv San Olel)o 1, Point L...,,. • Cllapman 11, USIUO Men'• lfolleyb•ll COMMUNITY «k.L801E El Cttnlflo Clll Golden WHI. I~, 1•1 l~S F lu-stncken Rustler s lose The Go lde n West College men's volleyball team . playing wi thout the services of four starters suffe ring from the nu, was defeated by El Camino, 15·6, 15·7, 15-5, Wednesday night at El Camino . Rustler coa ch Lou Ann Terheggen-Selsky said she was pleased with her team 's play und er l ess than -fa vo r a bl e circumstances. Golden West is now 0-2 in non-conference play. Rustlers, OCC win rAn1el Monachelli drew t he only wal k iuued by Cerrito• p 1t t c her Te r r y Stubblefield and con"erted lt into the game'• only run as Gvlden West Collete e41ed Cerrito&, 1..0, lo softball actton W-ednesday at Golden West. ~J DlllJPUat COLl!EGE BASK.ET BALL Jn the bottom of ~ ftrlt, Monacbelll .. Jted, went t.o HCOnd oa a 1acrlftce bunt, 1tole Ullrd ud eeored wbe tlile ball tot pall the Palcona' tlllrd beleman. P"1' o m t b a t po l • t , Stubblilftel4 wu nearly nawa... yteldlq on1J • !._l1tb·lnnln1 1tncl• to v-o• llcaNa. Classifieds -~.....,,-::::-c~:;;t;r"'.°'1~~~-[9 ., -8U\ Spyder. N .. s '10 -&ine WOh· m \aor eln PP S\300. LQOkS n ce. · · ~·0000· UC Irvine vs. PACIFIC T.ONIGHT , l:25 p.m. K-WIVE FM-108 =-~·~=~~~ ' ............ ---- . Meft'• IOCICef M .... ICltek 1 .... 1.UMI lttt11<1t tariflt. ll~l 1, c -1no 1 . k COF'Of\t • M¥' --..r M<Crl'""*' t, Of'110. I, 0..MIMll.U.-MNtlt Oano HNI• ........ , o. l(tllY i. J ......•• Tl~mt.C•t. C:..,,,....J, llT-t C•ll• Me•• 1corln1 : AIXl••·M•tlc t, r ..... ,,"'' M .... IC"°°'-AAM,IMOI CtKtlM' .... ~ CIP ... OMtltll I Glenn; 2. 5-ftlt Merit, J. "'°"ltl»lle; 4 Crett>I, S. 8-o; •· Noetltt, 1. -ICl•lt; I •eutnH ; t RlwNlclt li'oly; 10. L.o'l'Ole Cll'l ... Olw ...... I Lt OulMt; 2. Miila Paulo, J 0tM Miiia; 4 CeltliltYs; S COP11lrono Valley;• Fullaf'10ll; 7 tell GtrdtM; I MlulOll Viejo; t.llUMlt,10.G- WOMIN c;_..,p .. I. Palo\ Verdt1, l. Rolllng Hllh, J. A-; 4 Soult! Torr....-1, l. U!WvtrMy; •. WHI Torr-.. 1. UpitllCI •• Pocltlu, • Atta L...,,., 10 Mire Coste. Thia w.ek'• trout plent• t.OS ANGIL.IS -Castelt L•ooon, Ctstalc l.tlte. Son Gabriel River CEffl encl Nof'111Fortsl. OlllAllOC -LfVllN Nlgual Park L.tU. 11 IVllllSIDE -Perris L.tlle SAN l l!ANAltOINO - CIKt m.,,...Ouattl Perk 1.Akf, Gltft Htltll Park l.tke, L.ytle CrH" (Mklclle and Nof'1h ForUI, ¥ol•w NtrrO*t Pork Lake. SAN LUii C>ellPO -Alt,K-ro "-· L•vun• UM, Lapel LO•. SANTA UAllAAA -S_,ta Yner RI-, VllNfUU -INUllJ• CrHk, Plrv ~. Venture River 1"'°'1tl Fork I ~ . ' . .. SoftbeM COMMUNITY COU.IGll ~W...t.Ceno'"t c.,,11~ ooo ooo o-o 1 1 Golden WitA 100 000 0-1 I 0 St11bb~Nldtnc1 Co1t; Alltn-McElrM. W• Allfft. L. -StuCIOltlltld. 18 -R- ICtrrltosl. 0r...,.c... •. -........... S.11 Bomarclino 103 000 0-1 I I Orenve Coast 000 072 X-t 7 , Jofl11son •nd O'Nell: Ctlambers, Culp Ill •nd CrvL w -CUip. L -Jallnton 1B Cr111 COr-Cottll~ Wadneeday'• tranNctlona ..Zl!.'t:!- I OSTOH 1160 SOX -S.,._, J-n-, lrU<• 1-Wnf. I.Ms A1>ante. Mlllt Si!llU!toll alld o e .. Sc'-9. pltclltn . •nd Jiii .. Val<lor, -•GP. to ...,..yur conl•tcll CHICAGO WWITE SOX -Si9ftlcl llOll Klltlt , ovtti.1e11r, to• -.year contrect ,.........._ Ptn sauaG .. PIRATES -Sl9nlcl ,,..,, Haro•r. outflel<1er.flrst bes•m •n, and Ecltlb.,to Or tlr, ca tcller. to Oll••vu r contrtcb. I Al«ETIALL N ............. llA-ltllitol C .. tCAGO IUt.L.S -Ftrtd Jerry 5i0fll. lletO <otell. N-Rod Tllorn 1..-rlm ,_.., UMKll, elfw<1ld lodty. . KANSAS C.-..C.. KINGS -Tr-_,_ L.ambef'1, forw-. to the San Antonio ~ for • thlrd.,ound 1,... droll cl\Olu •IHI ceWI. l'OOTULt. N"'-tl'-M~ P ITTSBURGH STEELERS -AMOUn<lcl th• retirement of Jon Kolb, c.nter, - namlcl him strengtll tnO condlllonl"V cote~ MOCICIY ....................... WINNIPEG JETS -Rec.11..i M11rray Eans, c-. from Tulw of tne C.ntrtt MocktyL..,_ SOCCI A A_..,. StUlf' '"- CAAOt.tNA l.IGHTHIN' -Signed KtWln Murl)fly, lullbKk, to •-Y••• contract COU.1011 P .-.c1 FIC -' •mid Tom O'Nelll llttO btsk•ltltll totCll. SOUTHWEST E RN L.OUISIAHA - An"'°"nctd -rotlrtmenl of 0-"Sonny" Roy. atllletlc tll•«Wr. effective 11e11t .....-. race set Saturday By ALMON LOCKABE V .................... Offshore handicap racln1 )'.achta from San Dieao to San J'ranclsco wlll be jammln1 Fish Harbor Saturday !or the 1tart of Loa Angeles Yacht Club's Midwinter Catalina Island race tor the Brokaw Trophy. The race inaugurates the 1912 Whitney. Los Anaelea Times, and Little Whitney Series, moet pre,tigious offshore racin• series on the West Coast. At stake tor lhe International BOA.TING IGJ ·Offshore Ru.le yachts is the coveted Whitney Trophy; the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet will be seeking the ornate, three-handled Los Angeles T i m es Tro phy , the oldest ya chting award in Southern California dating back to 1903, and the Little Whitney Trophy is up for grabs for the Midget Ocean Racing Class (MORCl, for yachts 30 feet and under. In addition to the three major series trophies. LA YC is offering the Commodore's Cup in the sixth aMual interclub series tor the fi rst three races or the Whitney Series. Competing c lubs will ente r two-yacht teams. Also on the block this weekend i s the Do ugla s Cup for inter colle giate match racing teams from throughout the U.S . al Long Beach Ya cht Club. The series started today and will continue through Saturday. Southern Ct1lloN1la Ytehtlno AHoclttlon ct-r tor o..., Soutfllfftd ,,.., ....Memco .. y Soulll .. , YO<llt Roclflo Club -Polnl °"'"9 r-..~ ... R-llt«h Yacht Club -Win.., Wint Strief ( '*1AFI SunOtJ Whtdl........,~ Ye<lll Clvl> -Slfl9- r tct, ""'°""' --~ Coronado Ve<hl Club -PC c..--S.rloo, StturcltJ, $undty Mfu lon 8ty Yocllt Club -Oldtl"-" "-"' IL.lclo-141 5t1Urdty, Winter Sltrlu lall c1es-1 Sullclty, OcMMICll Ytclll Club -Club Crvltt lo OOlle Point, Stturday; Shannon hrlu IPHRl'I Sunday, San Olefll Ytchl CIUb Iott.fl Strltt CCt~JDI Stturdlly, S...-J, Winter Serita IJ·2•1 Set-v. Sunday. Winte r s .. 1 .. cT-8 irdl StlYrdey, Su1141ty, Winter Strltt (Sltrt s.turdty, s..nMy, Scltlnt Strlot CCtl0011t·271 S .. u ..... y, 5-y Sollth-11tm Yecht Club -Winier s.r ... C lltfldk _.,I S....S.y .._._,,..._ An•t •P• Vtelll Club -.... ,. .... o.,. ,.,., .... ,. y -1'11ndty, Sunday Point Dume Yt cllt Clul> -Sprint S.rlff CVtMura Stbael 5-ty Vt""'•• VO<M Cllll> -S.Wlne Strtes IPHlll'I '-'· NHYC plans C orke tt race Midget Ocean Racing Class < MORCl sajJors are gearing up for the 1982 Co rkett Trophy Series, Feb. 26-28 out of Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The regatta is a five-race series including one distance race. There is no entry fee. Boat and trailer s torage can be a rranged with the NHYC dockmaster. Standard MORC ratings may be acquired without me as urement through Glenn Reed at (213 ) 339-1294. NHYC hosted the regatta for the first time in 1981 with a turnout of over 20 boats. The Corkett Series will be used by many skippers as a tuneup for th e MORC Int e rnational Championship at Marina del Rey during August. Invest in something you11 feel comfortable in. Wida. A- B- C- D- From the moment you put on a pair of Wright Arch Praerwr shoa, you1l appreclate the uncomm°'l_t.Omfon our unique construction provtda. And becaUH our ahoa are amartly styled and mlde of o"\ly the 8ne1t leathera, you'll atlll be appreciating th,m \,9art later. Now that's en Investment of long standing. 8-12 8 -13 7-13 . ~ MP!i~ SHOIS Men'•""" . ' .. . -~ . F•shton !Sla11111 •.• Newport Beach . • • 7S9--95S1 ... I· -~ --~ ay, Feb,-uary .18, 1982 lllOTIC9 INVITIMO 810t N•ll~• I• ,.,.,,, ........... "" 8terd ti Truaieu of Ille Cotti Com191...vty Calt.ee Olttrtct o1 Or.,,._ c;-1. c;.11'9nllt. wlll r••I•• _ .... ..... "' lo 11:00 em WMIMMty, AhrJll 10. 1"1, ti tM fur<Mllllf 0.Ntl-111 ol .. Id <tll ... tlaltlCI ttc•~ et 1110 ~ ,.,_.,., Cwt. M .. t, C:.llwnlf. el Wllkll tll'M .. kl bldt Wiil M ..... lcly _.... ,,,_ rwf ftr: ftllllHTIHG & llNOIHG OF Olt f.NOE COA5T COLLEGE CAT,lllOG, ••-t>. All blclt .,-, to lie In .ccordaftc:e with Ille l ld Form lnttrucllon1 Ind conCllllOfts -s.-c111c1ll0111 wllkll •rt now011flletne1maybo *"'" 'n Ille office of u.. Pllr<Ms1119 ._.,,.of Mid ~ti .... •lflc:I. Et(ll ....,, 1N.1M autltnll Wiii! Ills blO I < ........ a CMck. ~lflect clleO, or blddtr'a bOnd made payable 10 Ille Onkr et IN Cotti C-lty ColltOt Ohtrlcl ltofrd Of l<uslHI In en ,_.,nt not lt1& IMn 11 .... N runl IS%1 of IM awn\ bid e1 1 .,._.,. .. IMI 1119 1114der wlll enter lftto 1119 ..,_.. Cenlrfel II tht .. ,.,,. la ,,.,,_ le 111111 In Ille ...... 1 Of lallure lo ... ter Into $\ICli contrte1, Ille proc-s of Ille Cllll<k "Iii! llt ,.,._119<1, or In Ille case ol • MM, tlll lull '""' tllertof will lie lonelled lo .. kl~•-dlllrlcl. Mo 11641der ,...., wHllClraw 1111 blcl tor NOTIC• 01' ""''LICATIO.. TOHLL A~IC esv••AOH MOC To WllMI II _, CMtern: SHUN lo.I • SU-HO TSl!NO, ire •PPfylng It Ille O•P••lmtnt af Ak~lc levoer-Control tor "41" OH IAll llEER & WINI! (l'UI l!AT ._ ______ ...;;:;;.... ___ _ ftLI lo Mii et<-llc ........... . l..i lklw Clll<a. Hun!lllQtOll llMCll, Celllornla. ft11bllllltd Ortnoe Cot11 01lly Piiot, F111. II, lta 1M.et. NOTIC• 01' TRUITal'I SAL• T.s ......... NOTICI fl HEAE8Y OIVIH, lllel filll& l9JI( on Wtclntldty, Merell 10, 012, at t :OO --...----------1o·c110 ...... tf .... MY, In Ille ,90nl NOTICI 01' Aftf'UCATIOM llCMtCMANOR IN OWN8•1MI" 01' ALCOttOLIC ••WltAOI Ltc:•NH ....,._.,. II, HG TOW"°"' II Mey Con<efft; HOST IHTE•HATIOHAL, INC. It applylllt 10 Ill• Oepartmlftl at Alcollollc ...... r_ COftl•ol tor ON SALE Gl!HlAAL EATING PU.Cl ti M ii ll<tMlk be ... r'Oll •I 1'1 .. 8MCll 8011ltv1rd, Huntlngten l•acll, C1lllornla. Publlllled Or-Coell Deity PllOI, Ftb. 11, '"' -19CM1. HI H ide lor conou«lne Tru11"'• S.IH, wlllllft Ill• •11101 of l!lAL ..... ITAT•MllNTOflAllAMOOMMaNT OPUMOP • lllCTITIOUt MlttMeM MA.Me Tiit ltlltwl"' 111ru11' ll•v• ............ -.... pr1c11tte11t 81111-Heme; IMllll!IAL OYHASTY CO., )41J lftW'9ft llMcJI II., N......-t lff<ll, CA. Ylle lllCtlfltllt 811tlft1U N•m• rtllrrM ........ -flltcl In Or-Coun1y .,, ... ,, Mlfl111e .. ldeno, tMt Warwlcll A111 , l" Anealel, CA teem. Tlmotlly Penclll Wtftg, HU Iron-St., •enctto Palos 11., .... CA '°2,4, Thia ~ Wll C-.CllMI by e QeMrel...,,,,......,.. Tlmocfty "'"°' 111 W-T 1111 lletll,_I w• llltd with Ille County Clerk of o.,,,.. Cowftl'f on Feb.10, lta. l'I ..... Publllhecl °''"" Coast 0•11'( Piiot, l"tb. "· 11. u, Merell 4, t"2 _.., Ml.Ima NUSlll lllCTl"°"9941MMeA lll~ellat•I• 1 -MOY--ICl-.. -..,_,--C•'Mii--·--- MMll IT&T• .. tfT ....... IT&TIMl.tfr llOTICI It He•e•Y et'i•fl "'9t e "" 1•11••111• ,., •• n I• •••11• '"• lel1twl111 "'"" ,, ...... "*~ ....................... city llvllnetus; ............ , C-11 llf ... City ti C.... llliltM M ftMOINIC:tAN llAt•e. II .. W IAITIUOOI INOIHllltlHO, lllltr<ll t, ltU, Ill Ille COll<.JI ...... 9111&, He, t,........,, 9Mdl, llU Attet lllleu, (Hte MIU, Clle~ff/I Qty Helf, n prw ~IW, c.lltffnll'*I Cellterftit,_., C•a ..._ • •:• ""'" er .. -IC•-' o. fleflft, ,,., w. ...... "'•M ••-le141, UM Aal" 111ereelter " .,.ulcelllt, en , .. •I••··~· t...,1owur1 luo ftltn,c..M,.._,~....,. ,..._i.t.llllM: Cel!Mffli:i'*I llllt ..._It tlMllC ... .., 111 C• ltTIPICATI Oft ftU8 LIC Tiii• ........... It ~-"' on ............. CONV.NllNCI ""o NIC•UlfY lntlftldwal, ,,_ ·-.... I• c ... MM T....._ 110 .._. 11_,, IC.elftlf O ,.,... Tllft ........ -" ......... , .......... 11 c•n•,ICI • l•W Tiiie .....,_ -flied w1111 1119 Cw11ty Cltrt. If Or ..... C-*Y en ._.,ttlM. Cellllly Clofll If 0rllft99 C-'Y on J~ •• ••• NOT1ca II lllVRTHI• OlV•M tNt l'ftflllry , •• 1• ...... .. .... tlrN .......... ._... ... ....... ,.....,_.Or ..... """ o.lty ftlltl, ,.,_, _, ......, .... M .... ,. bf ,.,,_. • .,._.Or..,._ CMtl Olllf ftlltl, J.,., M. , .. 4. I I, II, Itel .a.42. ._City C-11~1111 ...,_,...,.. llell, II, U, MM "-"· 1"2 I~ -------------1 "'9t•r. -----------1 _,,. -•ILl!RN ft fHINH•Y. _,,. -,._ ,..,~ CltYClerll ~ ... llM ftutlllllWd Or .. (MJI Dally Piiot, ITAT• ... NTOf'AaA .. OONMIUtT 01' ""· "· ,. 1IO-n NOTICI 01' D•ATM Oft LITHA MA-·~· AND Of' l'ITITION TO ADMINISTI-llTATE HO. A11211S. To ell h•lrs entflcfirles, c,,.dllors end conunoent c:rtdltors of Letha Marble and oerwns who m1y b• othenwls~ Interested I n the wlll and(or estate : UI• 01' "CTITIOUt 8UllNIH ........ tTAT•MSMT 01' A..._OONMIUfTOI' UN 01' l'ICTITIOUS IUllNIH •AM• Tiit lollowlftO feraona ll•v• • .......... "" .... Of "" f'ktllloul 8uslneuN.,... A petition has bten t11ed) by Linda Lee WIJllams ''!i the Superior Court o~1 Orange County requHtln~ that Linda Lee Wiiiiams, be appointed as personal• r ep re senta t ive t Of --,-,-c-Tl_T_IOUl __ •_u_"_"'-11--administer the estate oft MA.Me ttAtmM.,.T Letha Marble (under t~ T II• te11ewl119 ,., 1•n• 111 v• • •""""" "" -.. , ... fklllleul 11111111 .. 1 nt-at eUENA PA"I( COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, !742 a..tll 8 fv•., ·-ftertl, Gellfomll ~I Tll• flc lltlout llullneu namt referred to elt¥e wH fllecl In C-y ... J......,., 14, 1"2 AMll!ICAH MlOICAL IHTEl!MATIOHAl, INC., 414 H . C•mden Ori••. ••verl'( Hiii•, Ct1 lfon1l1 to210 Tlllt llutl-""" tondvctecl bf • COfPOfttlon A,...,lcen Medl<tl ln ....... tloftel. IM. /-.tTllome1E Oone ...... Jr., l..c Ilk• """ldellt Tiii• 1Utemen1 w11 lllecl with 1111 c ... nly Clfrll Of 0••"99 C°""IY on f'•bruery ... '"' ""'"• PubllJlltcl 0t9l>QI (Gell Delly Piiot, lf.C. II, JS, Nier 4, 11, 1"2 11'-tJ pr1CTITIOUt tUllNIU HA.Ml STAT•MINT T fto to11owln9 pe"o" t> 1101119 ""''"'"": Tt41! WAltMIHOTOH GltOU P. lu.2 H ... A"9flue, lrvlne, Cllllornta '2114 Tiie lllctllloua lu1lnen Hamt ••terr" " ..... w11 fllld '" Orenoe c ... 111y.., .._..., •· itto The 111141 Wer1111fttt011 Corpor1ll011, • Calllorftl• corporetloft, 42• MecAr11111r loul•nrd. Sull• 20•, HeWPOrt IHlcll, C1llfOml1 ttt60 $1~ Selldllno & Aaaocltt••. Inc., I Clllf0tnl• «>'-•llOft. ..stt Hale ""'""•·Irvine, Calltornle t21t4 Tllll blltlnltt Wft <Olldll<led by e ........ per1ntrtlllp Tll•" tud Warmlnglon Corporltlon Pro loent E G Wermln91on. Jr .• S1 n•v S111c11 1n o ~ A•'DClll", In< E" '-•tno. ,.,.._, Tlllt , .. ....,_I w• llllCI Wllll the C..,ftly Clerk or Orenoe County on Febru1ry 1, 1"2 .. ... !!MODES , KENDALL & MARRIHOTON A ,.,___,Law c:..,..,.u. •nt-"'1flltor ••••· ._. ...... ,...._. a..c11.ce. ~"" T111 tot•tw•"t ..., .... , .,. c101ng I n d e p e n d e n " ""''"'"" Administration of EstateS( .!~:.~·=~~~'1:!!. vi.ta A ct). The petlUon Is set for'; Melutm o.. ...... ., M<• .. 1 .,, hearing In Dept. No. 3 a t ":;:t,' 1on111. "••"'' e .. ,,;, c• 700 Civic Center Drive,'. S11ery1 Ly1111 Scllltt ...... .,, lll•te West, In the C ity of Sant~ IOftne, ~ ... e11. cu1..o Ana, California on M•rct( Tlllt 1>111ln•n It conducted by e 17 1982 at 9 · JO a m ' llmlltll °"""'>lllP 1 • • • ' Metcotm O.M<R•t IF YOU OBJECT to tha Tiiis •l.e""*'I WIS lllN wllll 1111 granting Of the petition~ county C1tr11 01 o,.,... county on you Should either appear Feb •. "" at the hearing and stat& PYb11.,,..0r..,..eo.11 0111yp11.,., your o ectons or file P11rm ~ I ""'· ''· 11. u. to\erc.114, '"' .,..., written Jectlons with th~ l'ICTITIOUI e1111N•U NA.Ml ITATaMtlNT Ill• lofl1wlftO person 11 doln• bull_ ... WEM PltOPEl!TIES. 100 HOl'tll Tus11n •-. Sultlo JOI, s.nte Ana Celltornla '2105 • court before the hearlngi Your appearance may be in p e r son or by your a tto rney. IFYOU ARia.A: • perlOd OI lortv·lfve (4$) deys alter I ... dete let for 1119 -fno tllereol. TM Boenl o1 Trust•• '"''v" Ille prlvll•OI of rtl.CU119 1ny '"° 111 blcl• or lo w1lve eny '"•gularltltt or lnlormlllHo In eny blcl or In Ille bldcll1>9 ESTATE Sl!CUl!ITt•S SE•lllCE, 1oc111d 11 to20 HOrtll 1.-• .,, S..11• *• In Ille CllY ol Sant• ""'· c-1y of Oran .. , Sta" el C1lllornl1. !!EAL ESTATE IECUlllTIE$ SEAlllCE, a Ct1lfer1111 <orporallon. •• duly ._inted Tl'VllMI ullder and punu- le Ille -of Mio coni.rreo In ltlet <•r1•1ft .,_.. el Trusl t111<11led llY AOMA Ml!LTOM, '" 11nm1 rrlld woman dlle Tt4E c.4LIFORHIA LANO COMPAMY, a '°le proprletorslllp, re<ordecl Jen111ry u. 1t11. In •-Utt 4 Of Ofllc ••• AKO•dl of Hid Co11 nty, II P•OI 1'03, Recorder'• 1111tru""'"t No 1Ml2, llY •••son of • brltch or detaull In p1ym1nt or P••lorma nce 01 Ill• obllgallon' 1-------------PublltNcl Or ..... C .. •t 01lly Piiot, Ftll 4, 11, 11, JJ, 1"2 Ht.et. Al!GISTl!Y OF DE NTAL HEALTH. -..1 McFl>CIU9n, S..lle 0 , W. l . Mllchell, '°° HO<tll Tustin A••n11e, Suite 201, S•nl1 An• Ctlllornl• '1105 ' Tllh 1111•111111 la concklcteo by • CREDITOR o r c( contingent c reditor of 1h-; deceased , you must f ile your claim with the court or present It to th~ personal repres entative appointed by the coud w ithin four months from the date of first issuanc~ of letters as provided In Section 700 of the Probate Code of California . The time for fillnc;i c laim s w ill n o t expire prior lo four, months from the date o( the hearing noticed above. HORMAN E WATSON S.CM~, ...... ol Tnnl"' c-c-~1., Colleot Oll1 rlcl ftubll1-0...9l>QI Coest Delly Pllol, Feb 1 ... U, 1"1 1-l wfif· NOTICI IMVITING e10S Holl<• 11 llereby given tll1I lllt lo•rd ol Tru,leu 01 1111 Coul NOTICa Of' Aftl'LICA TION 1'01! CMANOa IN OWNIRIHlft 01' A~COMOLIC e•VIRAOa llCINH ,.__., .. ,,. To Wlllm If May C-tt: HOST INTERNATIONAL, l~C 1, 1pplylng to Ill• Otpartmenl of Al<Olloll< ..... ,_ COlllrol lor OH SALE OEHEl!AL EATING PLACE 10 Mii i ie-ie -r-11 ltl)tO &ee<ll loultvtrcl, Hunllnglon 8tecll, C•lllornla PubllsNcl Orll>OI cout Otlly Piiot, F•b 11, lta 7ft.C. PVIUC MOTIE Com"1Unl1Y COlltoe Ol~trl<t of Orenoe l'ICTITIOUS 8UllN•u County, Celllornl•. Wiii •K•lve IHllO NAME ITAT•Mll'.NT blcl• UD lo J.OOp.m., '""""'"·Merell Tiie lollowlng Pinon' are dOlllQ II, ttt2 II 1119 Purclllsino Oei>artmenl "'"lrieua.; of Mid eOl9-dlstrkt l0<11Ad 11 U10 GONG IAOS, Hll 5ou111 5'1rv<e, Acl•m• Av•n11•. Coste Mtu. Sanl• "N.Celltomlatt~. C•lllon11t, •• wllkll """ WIO 1>14.s Wiii John (Ml Alftl. U ll Soun.~. b• PUblldY ot>enecl encl re•cl for Sanla Ano, Cellfon\le '1710C OUT I! IGMT PURCHASE •O·MO Mlc .... I Arthur Prlkllerd. 2111 LEASE WIOPTIOH TO PURCHl>SE A""rlcan' 1•·, (Olla Motw, Celllomle 0 " .0.AtllO. STRAIGHT LEASE· OF •Un MAGNETIC TAPE. sua SYSTEM Tiii• """'"" •• tOnclU<lell by • All llkh. tre to be In ICCM-1 Wllll g•nertl Nrlnotal\19 Ill• lld Fqrm lnllr uctlon• end Mic""""""'" Pr11<Mrcl Conclltlon• .and Scleclll~•'lonJ wlllcll Tiii• ~•11,.._I w., flied wltll "'- •rt now on Ille encl ,..,.,.._ -urecl '" Counly Cterto: of Or•"9f County on the otllct ol Ille Purclllsl119 Aoenl ot J•nuarv 20, 1'92 llkl <Olleoe cllllrlc:I. l'llUl1 E•<ll IMclcMr musl •ubmll wllll Ill• Publl•""' OrlftOI Coe>t Dally Piiot, bid I <Hiiier's cM<k, urt1fle<I clleck, Feb II, JS, Mlr<ll 4, 11, 1911 1SA.e1. or bklcltr'• boncl ,,,_ POYlb ... o tne ·-------------ord•r ti 1111 CNl1 CommUl)llY c:'lMl-Olttrl< I loarcl Of Trusitf' In •n I '9JC 9lllCf l mouftt noc leU IMn lln percenl IS'-1 1--------------ol Ill• lum blO •S. Qlllrenlle U..I , .... bidcler wilt enltt .nlo tlle -Contract H Ille .. _ I• .,..,,_ to lllm. In the .,_, of fallurt to .., .. r Into 111<11 COlltract. Ille ll'OC"'" or 1119 cllecl< wlll lie lor1e1Ncl, or In 1119 caw of • -· lllt h.oll """' tllereol wlll be fori•ltltcl 10 Mkl <Oll-•lllrlct. No ll'-r ""Y wit--111, bid tor t perlocl ol forty.five IASl cleft 1fltt '"'••I•"' tor 1119 openlno '"''"'· Tiit 8oerd Of Tl'\llt-""'"" '"' prlvlleoe of relacllne any -•II bkls ~· lo •llve any irregular llln or In tor m11111., In •nf bid or tn lllt t>kJ<Jlng NORMAN E WATSON Secretary, 8oerdot Tru11 ... c-Community Cal .... OIWl<I PllOtlallRcl Or-Coe" Delly PllOI. Feb ••. u . lta 1n.a STATaM•MT opr AllANOONMINT 01' usa 01' l'ICTITIOUS IUllNUSNAMa Tiit IOOOwlrlQ --Mt 11>1.-....i lllt u" ol Ille tkOlio.. llu~a-: TIM'S FLOWEl!I, *ll _.., Coa al Hltllwey, Sevlll L111un1. Calltornla ~I Tiit Fl<lltlou• 8v•lnua N1111e ref., reel to Wll fllecl In Oranp c-., on Feb. u, .. ,,. Tl-y S.Coll l!k lllrdMn, -Soutll Cotll Hl9ftwt'(, 11:41, ~ •••<II. Cal"°'1'1• n•s1. Tlllt bvllnn> wit <-.Clecl by "' fncllvlclu1I T lfn«llY Scatt R~ Tllll t.11"'""'1 w .. • flltd wltll t11e Couftty Clerk Of OraftQlt c-tt on Pebruerv "· ,..,_ t<t<urecl lheret>y, lncludlno 11111 brH <ll or dlf•ull, Nollet of wlllcll wH recorded July t. '"'· In 8-14li. of Offlcl11 Recoros ot .. 1c1 Counly, •I ~ ltu, Rae...-, lnJlr-1 No. 40 .. , WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 8 100EA FOi! CASH. lawful rnorwy Of Ille Unllecl States, or e <tllller'l cllec-. drew" on • 11111 °' nallonal -k, • ll•te or lederel credl1 union.°' a 11.tte or ftderat 11vlftQI -loan euoclatleln domiciled In 11111 11911, ell pay-•I I ... II"'-ol ..... 111 rlgl'lt, 11111 ancl lnltrHI Mid by II, es Trust ... lft tllal rHI property llluele In wld County •ncl Sl•lt, clHcrllMcl u follow" Lot • ol Tract Ho. 207 tn tll• City ot HIWPOrt lltcll, Counly of Oranoe, Slele of C11tfornt1 1 1 per Mep recorded In a-110. P19ff IS encl t•. MIK•ll-~. In Ille office of I ... C°""ly Recorcltr ot u ld County, Tiie •trMC acldrft• or otlllr <ommOll ~lgntClon o1 t111 •••• o•OPerty 11 llertln•-dtterlllecl •• ""'--'"' 10 111· 110 eon.ire Wo, H--1 Beath, Celllorftlt Tiit ..,,.,.,\191110 "9reby cllKl•l"I• 111 llablllly tor ..,Y lft(orre<I~' In u lcl \lr"1 ~> or -· common dellgnallon Salo "'' w111 b• "''"' wlt11ou1 ••rran•tt. ••Or••• or l mptl•d. ••g• rdlnv lit••. pOiuulon, or •n<umbr1neea, to""''" Ille prlnclpe1 belence ol the Hole or -r 01111 .. tion wcured by llkl 0..0 of Trust, wllll '"'••Ht end -"""' u orovldeo llllrtln; plus '*enct'· 11 .,,Y. 11-tM l1rm1 _... encl tnterell Oii well eidvencft . ..., 11111• '"'· <"""" •lld •apenMl ol 1111 Trus ... -Of "'9 "'"" c ,_ l>f S.lcl OMO of Trust. Tiie loi.t -Of ... d ....... llon, lnc1\ldlne ,__Y •ttl,...... ,..., <Mf'tft -............ Of ... T'VAW, It"""""'*' lflltlll ...... tutl .... '"'' -Ice, l>Pl,ttS.1S, OATEO,.__.,U, I•. lttlAL In AT• MCU•tTt•S N•lltCll'., • ~ ,.,..,M1tfl, aT,,....,' ly: CMALIO,J ....... r. .• ,.,........ _...,..........,, ...... .... .,.,CA..,_ T ....... : (1141 tS>6llt ""'°' ...... ~ c...e Delly ftltlll, ..... 11, n. Mwdl4. ... 1042 NOTtc• 01' TRUtT••·s SALE'. ~N0 ... 1 T.S.Ne.•"'4-1 THE YOU NG AUOC:IATl!S, INC. el dlll '( I POllll•d TrutlH ""*" 1111 tollowlnodlHcrlMG °"49' 1rwlWILL Sl!LL AT PUeLIC AUCTIOH TO THE HIGHEST e tOOE" proA CASH l paytllle If II"" ol .... In ltwflll lllOMY al lllt Unllecl SUlwl 111 r..,,I, Utlt eNI l ..... •1 c_,.o to Ind -llel• by II Uftdtr MICI 0.0 or Trust In IN pr•perty Mer!Nfter clH<rl-. TAUSTOI!: AICHAllO HILL. • merrl.O man. 8EHllflCIAl!Y. RUSSELL c .e. l(Al!LEH ......... Ml men, .. hi• H11nllntton 9-11, CA ftM1. IEANAOETTE L JACOB .... 1 -· M9'ftH O•IOrO On\19, t+untlnQIOll ....... c• ,_ ""'~ tlmll.O Ptrtnt""ltl W.l!.MltclWft '1t41 1------------Tlll' bus!Mosl II CondllC lecl lw an Tiiis .........,,. w• lltecl wltll Ille County CleA Of Ora,... County en lncllvldull ..,.,_,. L Je<Oll Tiii' 11"-1 wa llled wllll IN CCH1nty Cieri< ot Orenoe County Oii Feb. I, ltc. l'tmtS Publll-Orengo Coen Otlly Pltot. Feb. 4, 11, II, U , 1"2 S61-et l'ICTITIOUSeUllNllS J-rytt, tta NAMI STATIMRNT llNOD•I, tt•NOAU. & Tiie following -ton• ere ootn1 ""••••TON """""•··· McCARTNEY WEST l TO , 1tt00 ::.•::::~~Cerf., Main Slr•I. Suitt 110, Hunllnetoft Seltt "' • 8ffcll, Callfornle 'l7'4t "-"" a..o CA.,... •""1 M. Stnllll, CEO, F0t Ille OHi 16Jm ' Ge!Mrel P1r1nor Sunwt Slloro1 tnc I C.llfomle <0<1>orell..,, lileOO' M1~ St'"'· Sullt 110, Hunltft910n letell, 1'11110 Publlllltd °'-Cont o.lly Piiot Jan. ti, Feb, 4, II, 11, 1"2 47~ separal•..,_.,., ltecorcled J..,. II, ltl1 11 Instr. No. l'ICTITIOUI eUllNISI NAMll ITAT•M•NT How.,d Sonkun, G•n•r •I P•rtntr, $.(; H. tnvHlmenl,, UI> =II Jro S1ree1, P'-nlM, ArltOft• :4'' 1; ":"e:.:..C:·1c~ ~ ':. Ofil<l•I Tiit fotlowlnt peraon •• clolng Tiiis bu1tnen 11 conclucled by • ,•c;r 1 n • ecor-MlneM•. partfttr\lllp NOTIC• l .. VITING e1os 0 ""OI Counly, .. 1c1 deed of lrust PACIFIC f'OU"TEEH. LTD., l!ECEll'T Of' PROPOSALS: s .. 1ec1 deterll••llwtollowfnopr--1Y' 10101 Slel•r Aven111, $ull• 211, l!~M Smlltl -" (bilhl wlll lie recel¥H by lllUUetT "A" F-tnVene,,CallfwftlattlGI Tiii• ll.el-l lllecl wltll ll>o County Ille CllY of lrvi.... K'll"Q .. aoeno ror •• PAll1~L11 UnllCHo.tH•_n_ TarellS..-,11!0151..terA.-ue, ~ .. 1e,rti.ot 0r-.c°""1•onFo11n1My l, Ille City of lrvlne-Pubflc Fecllllles -wr """ " 1"' ~lnlun'I Pfen S..lta Ill, ~ Vel...,. C•lllornla CO<PO<lllell, Owner Of Ille wO<'k, In llw recorclecl on Oc-r •. ·1'7•. '" 8-t21.. '1etm flll<e Of Ille City Cler•. 1ocatec1 •I 11914, ,._ ••ot OffO<ltl l!ecorlH of Tllh llWIMH II <oncluc\•d by • Pll«>llJ-Or1noe CoeJt Delly Piiot. 17100 J •mbo••• Aoed, I n i ne Orenot (ounly, Celltornte. Feb A, I I, II. 1S. 1"2 S13-12 PARCEL 1 An undlvlcl•d one ltmlled-1MrSlllp Cllttornle ft71A, untll , 00 Pm • on I Ttre41 ""-• Merell 10, 1ta lw•nfy.fll rd (l/Urdl lnl•r•st H • Tlllt -· wa fllecl wlltl tfW MJC llm£ 0E5Cl!IPTIOH OF' WORK. Tiie 11'""' In e-In llle fee •-mt In C-IY c .. rll of On119t County on woo II lllet of en lnlerlm Fuetlno .... lo 1111 Common ArH °' Loi ' of J .. 1-F 1111 ~-~ T .,.lll'Y -· -.. l'"TITIOUS 8USl."'ES" K y -1111 •I 1-n 5eftcl Cen'fon reel ""· In"'" Clly of lr•lne, """" "' " • Av onue lft ll1t City or trvlne, Counly of Oranot, Stat• of Celltornla, ftvbll.,._. °""""Coast Delly ftllot, NAMllTATEMINT Catltornl• Tiit worll coruhu ol H .,.r ~ llled In 8-••. ,._, 12 J .... M, .._ 4• II, II, ttG 4_., Tiie lotlowlng person Is llOlftt grecllno, """"""encl concrete P•vlno. IOU,lnclusl11101MltalleMOU'MIPt, bu1lnn111• piping, ttrvlu lallnd, g110tlnt re<orO• o1 .. 1c1 Coullty," well'""' I• -Ill' ~ CA ~.',x,. ~ o OQt• SI • Cotta Mt .. , lllapenHr. elt<lrlcat 'wltcll bcMlrd, dellntd Ill lllt Ar llcle •nlllled ~ ,..,~ ... 11 "O.llnlllons" of "" O.C:lar ...... Of c L" R I c E ( c H R I s) J glll POI .. , clleln llnk ••n<lt19 .,.., CO••n1fth, Condition• and HARDWICK. ™·O 0.le Sl , Cotti 9•1fs. 1110 'u<ll ollltr Items nol lt•strktlons, l"KOf-on Oc-•• "CTITIOUI •us1N•H ""'"·CA ftt.17 menllontO .... , .,.. r-lrtcl 11, .... YOU MAY EXAMINE) the file kept by the court: If you are Interested In the estate , you may file a request w ith the court to receive s pecial notice ot, the inventory of estate- assets and of the petitions ; a ccounts and report( described in Section 1200.s: o f the Calito rnia Probat& Code ' Joseph A . Dav is ' Attorney at Law. 279& Harbor Blvd., Suite 313~ Costa Mesa, CA 92626; tel.~ 540-0830. ( Publl"*I 0< ..... Coel1 O•lly l'llo~ Ftb. ti, "·JS, 1"2 1'1..-4 . ( • m•. In fooli 11•14 P19t 1111, Offlclll N-.ITATaMaNT Tfth buslnffs 11 ,_v<IHI by .., Contr act Oocum•nU E11glneer'l l!tcordt, of ttlcl County (lftl Tiie tollowln9 P.,Hn 1' cloln9 INllvlcl"'I !'6';'E•::.,::~ PROPOSA NOTICE OF T•Unla'SSAU "0.C:ltr..tlon .. I , b•1'lftUJ" Clarke J H1rclwlO I II LS Tllo LOAN NO. - ~------------' l!XCll'TIHG THll!EF•OM •II Oii, •u ANS CHA ATE RS, HOJ Tftl' .._.,,.,., WA lllecl wlltl -"'':::':,': Ill"":!'' .. ':i" •• :7' T.l. N0.119'24 ; •II r1eflh, .......... mlMral ritMt. Newport Blvd • Suitt 4• H•wport (CH1nly Clerk OI 0r•"9t County on ~:. C~I · .. r min:.~ re C ' ' n T 0 SEAi/iCE COMPANY ti euty flllurtl 911 rltlllt. encl ot ... r ·~~.~~OIEAT IURHS. tto2 F.C.. '· 1"2 11100 YJam:or•• '°::':~~. ~,":,~':: •-lni.cl Trvl1• -1111 IOI-I~ llydre<-Illy --.,_, "'"" Htwflrt 9l¥d., _ _, Be«ll, CA 1'111711 Calllornte OH<d lMd -OI lrust WILL S£U~ •-n. ~-· ·-· -... ....... • .-0r.,,..c .. Jt OlltyPl1oC. OBTAININ G co ~T-... CT AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO Ttt& .-.... t ~1~ f ft66a. l"ff. t I, II, U , Merell 4, tta .-... " ~ ,...~c I_...._ r..,. .,.., et tlle Tllll ..._..la <-..Clecl by In ~• DOCUMENT$: Plans, S.-Clllutloru HIGHEST llOOEA FO• CASHI. ............ .__.,Mwllfllftw~ IMl•lelueL '1nd 111 Contrect Oocum•llU tor lpe11bi. al time of Ille In lawf11~ Ill• ••reel •f l•n41 ll•r•lntkwt ~ 8-NltJC ll'1C( coMlructlon al 1111 lnlertm Fuellno -MY of IN United Slal•I ell rltftt, .._,._., ....-.W wllll tflt ,.,._t\191 Thia 14.et_. Wll lllecl wltll ttle F.clllly, CIP s.o.Jt. ""Y lie 0'1tt lneo 1111• encl lni.r .. 1 eonnyeel to -,.,,.., rlellt et tlrlllllll, 1'111111119, Uptorlne. c.,..,.,, Clerk or 0r•"9t Count'( on T. ~ _,_ ..... c-, ~ "~o1~ •• •• ~ lrom ,.,. City ot lrvtrw Publlc wor•s 11110 by It u-.. 1c1 Oee<I Of Trutt ~ ~~~-.~~.!"',-'" lfeb.l,ttc. ...;;:1""',,_."..'! .• .,~w.,"'tlt..':t~rec::..-., Oep1r1me111, not M<Oew Av•nue. lllt orol>erlY "''•lnalter doncrtlleCl.i' ;;-.;.;··;;;-.;:., ~ hrltllt 1'111114 -"'i ~ ;';,, otft ;;,.;; "°41-lrvln•, c.llfomla A ,_..eluncllbt1 I• TRUSTOR: A4YMONO L WOATH. 1 " ... ._..., ..,_....,..., tlrlll -Publlllltd Orenoe Coe•t 0111, Piiot, :'ec~c1trot lllcl c..:i:,. •• ""' 10 .;'!! :,:~!.;,0::.'11C:= ~r,1..:_°' ,,:~:.: !1"~:!.;::" !."!::~~::-:.~ .'':~:n~~: ml ... frwn !Miii ....., IMll tlllM F.C.. 4• I I, II. U. l"2 S6t-t1 tn11mucll H en ... mlnetlon Of IM lor 1n -U-1 ehl'9f f11 "·00 B E N E F I C I A A Y C EC I LE 1 lltreln.-W. 4191KrlllMI. ttl, er 11J 1 lllle lo .. 1c1 lrutl _.,y lllOwS 'rOI> PROPOSAL Gl•A"AHTEE. Ettll PE HOLE TON, o •- welll, l-4a -__,.. ..,., lflroulll ~ •llf may 111 .. en lnter"I In Ille TniJl"'' ...-..1 w ll llt acc-leO ti., 1 At<..--Mlrcll 24, '"' es 1n,lr. ., ecr-.. .....,._ el IN lend S.I• Proc:-lftQl certified °' ceslller's tlleck or • 114c1 No J07" in boOll '""· H9t "4 or ............... ,.... -.. -l'ICT1TIOUI •UllNRSI AM•"' -In .... -of .... CIOI Pt•<•nl 0 "1<111 AK-In llM alflal of ,.., llKll wlllftlecll .. M cllrecUOftt lly NAMRITATIMaNT NOTICIOl'Oll'.l'AULTANO of the totel bill price pay1lll• lo IN l!ecorllerot Or_C_IY,~dMc( *ll ... -lt,-.11-tlllfbu-Tiit lollowlng puson II doing 11'.LICTICINTOSll'.LLUNOIR City of lrvlne Pubtl< Feclllll .. ~I lruU ducrlb•• Ille lollewln9 .... ""'"""or..,.,."" lll1'1rlor ..... -... DEIOOl'Taun Corpor111on M. ---lllet , .... proe>frty NS-91553 1111111& "-'"'• ...... ..-111, '91-1, THE WISHWOl!KS. NIM T-Sl'l'Ne.121M l>ldcltr.11111,Pt'OllOWI Is Kctptecl, wlll PARCEL I U1111 No 1011 ~-net ...,,_, f'l\llMeln, ..,.1c. _.,.,,and Trall, lrvlN.Cel~n114 ••: Oe•i.-ent•r Into• contract with tr'9 OwN r descrl-tn Ille C..-n!nklm ""' NOTICE OF DEATH OF oper1lt '"" 1ucll ••lh ol mlries o.... Slier....,_ Hine Tllunder Trell, IMl'OflTANT NOTICE tor conlln.cllon of Ille Interim l'uellne re< or"" on J"'' I, ltto, In•-'""' TOLA I. JONES, alea wltllollt ,,,,_....,,Ille •lt llf lo drlll, 1rvl,...Callfomle'2ll• IF YOU!! PROPERTY IS IN Ftclllly In tc<ordlno wllll Conlr1C1 P1gu 1111 10 123'. lnclustv., of TOLA IMOGENE~ONES, mlft•, llor•, uplore 1nd operet• OonSNrlclafl FOAECLOSUltl BECAUSE YOU Oocumeno Offlclll l!ecorcl1ol .. tdC-t'(; HOOVER "CTITIOUS •USINIU 11'rOU9fl 1111 wrftet or tlle _, soo Tiii• .. ...._. •• fllecl •ltl\ Ille A I! E 8 EH I N 0 I H Y OU I! 111 O IT EMS B• u bid for PA l!CEL 2: "" und lvlcl•d on• NAMll'.STATl!MUn alea TOLA JON S AND feet ot ,,,. 1u&111t1ece of"'• l•ncl County Clerk of 0••"9t '°""'"on PAYMENTS, tT MAY IE SOLO construcllon e1 tllt lllttrlm F.,.llno llllrty·ntfttll llrJ"1n1 ont•••ll H .. ALBERTA M HOOVER. bu!l~:,::~•.owtnv per ton 1• cloln9 O F p E T I T I O N T g-llereln•-cltKrl-. Oecem-,., '"l WI THO UT ANY COURT ACTION. encl FKlllly, 1en1n1 l11 common In tllt'" lnlerHt In' res ident of Santa Ana. C a O RANGE COAST MEO•C AL ADMINISTER ESTATE PARCEL>: •n .. ...._tforlnguu you m1y 111w 1rw 1~1 r1911110 t>rlno OWNER'S AIGHT RESERVED encl 10 Ille Common .t.re1 of Lot 2 ot are a for the pas t JO y~ars SYSTEMS, IDft.Awu...,. siree1. Costa NO. A -112155. ::;~111~g~1;,, ~": ;;•;::~: ,?.;:,~~ Publl.,,.. a-..,.. CoHt oa11:'.!=. :!~["g·~~,0~"~ ::' d~·;:~~ !~ 0:~;.~";.', 11;~'~11 ~0;·~~~ !.'t,'~~:0;:~·,;n.:P ~\':..',~~ Passed away on P cbruar) Ml~;:~to;;"·~~~r. 100.,. wu-. T o a I I h e I r s , &001< ltf, fteoH 10 i. 11, IMIVll•• of Jen 21• Feb, 4• 11• 11• '"' ,,,.., plus P••mlf1•cl <OlU '"" .. .,.""' lntorma11tv In • bid end 10 m•l<e Mao•. •K-of w 10 '°""''·.,wet. I S . 1982 S he 11.as an Slr .. t.CoalaMe11.Cellfornle'l7.i1. beneficiaries. cred itors Mh<•ll•ne•u• M•n. lteoro, ol Plll.ICtlm •lll•ln lllreemanlll•fromTHEOATE ewerdslnlntll'lttfHIOfl!WOwMr term l•deflnecl ln"'-Artl(le tft!IUtd II n d e r "' ri t c r '0 r s a r <'O '"'' buSIMo• •• COnclU<lecl by .., and c onllnoent c reditors of Ora1191 c_..,,C.,'-•· THIS NOTICE OF DEFAULT WAS PROJECT AOMIHISTl!ATIOH ,,,. "O.llnltlons" of ,,,. Oeclerallon or I f h lncllvlOual TO A P"RCEL 4· Ea,..,.,. ... 111) ., ""'" AECO AOEO Thl1 1-..1 I• "ll . .O comr.ct I• 10111..,..,,lnl11erecl 11y Illa Cove 111 n1•. Condi II on' e nd ns uran<'e Or t e µas t 12 OonltdA Mtnltt L I . JONES , aka EtMm-hl IS/erepartk .,..,1., set Cft,.1... 11otJ1rtUMy1t,1'11-wlll lncrM• Cttyot 1rvtne.a•IOl"h•or1r.ec 1tvot RHtrkflonsOtscrt-i,, 'SUBJECT• ye:irs She IS s urviH·d b) TlllS -.-1 WM flled ,.1111 1,,. TOLA IMOGENE JONES, 1or111 In 1111 Arllcl• tnlltl•d NOTtCIOl'T•UST•a•ssALE un111 '°"' ece<U>t bK-cur""'· '"''"' Putllk F.cllttln cor-•llon TO "Ot-llN "Oeclaretton"t. ; her hus b<1nd :\lar 111n n( c-·· Cllr~ of 0.•"99 Counly Oii aka TOLA JONES and "EeMmenb"otltltO.Cterltleftu-T.l.Ne.fll'•ll»-O/a-.11 You m•y "°' 111\19 IO NY llletnllre All quesllcn• reletlw to 11111 project P"RCELl e.-... "llortll lfl, S F•llf'V•rv ••. l"2. h Ille S.Ctlon lle'41"9 In _._ Ar!l<le On Merell 4, 1"2. el 10 00 e.m . unpakl _,...,Of.,..... eccount,......, P<IO< lo Ille °"'nlno ol lllcls >11•11 llo Ille Secllon• tnlllled 'Cerleltt anla Ana. C a . c hildren persons w o may be •nllt1ec1 .. 10110w1, .. u,11111 .... IU C KEYE RE CO NVEYANCE UlouQll 11111 INY"*'I wu .,......,.., c11rec1ec1 '°'"'""'fee' Maneeer. c11y e. .. m-:ora-n .. •1111"~.' Phillip of C hino. C a • James l"vt>ll-0r._ Coel1 0,11:1::.:: otherwise Interested In the .. Suppor1 ,,,., St1t1em•nl ": COMPANY.• c e111orn1e c.._111on, but you mus• pay IN 1moun1 1111ec1 o11tvlne,1110 '~ s.111 • ...-'""Enc,_.......,, .. 01 t11e' o f Tusun. Ca and Rand" ,, wlll and/or e state·. "Eftcreac-•anct .. ,.,..,,_Are• """'' ""*"'.., T,,,., .. ullCler -•bo•• , .. ~. ~Y Ar!l<I• enllt1111 "E•..,.....,, .. of .,,. • _ ..... b. "· • Ml<'Cll •. 11• ,.., 131"'· E I ' .......... I T ' •• ,~ &ff a-c~ City.. ~·cler-1on Hoover or Sanla Ana. ca·. -A tit' h be eMmtnt" pu"u•n .o ....... 0 rut -~June ~ ., ,,,.. .. "'°"'"'from Ille.,.,. of .. .... -~ •• . pe ion as en filed PARCEL t hwmenllt1" ..,.11 '· 1,.1. recorded J une 11. ""· •• rt<ord111on o1 '"'' oocument 1w1>1c11 ,,...,.,..Cltylf P"RCEL • E•Hm•nh .. 111c11· her s iste r Mary M r Marthy PUllJC NOTICE by RONALD E . JONES in Eesementtsl ,,,1,. partl<1•l•rty •I ln•tr Ho. ?117'. In -'"°'· -cltl• of recora11on '-'" ........,.,, ,,,,,._.,_k l'ecllmn t1wme11u ereP1rtl<u1er1, Mllortllln. o r Conne c·t 1r ut aod s.,... _____________ the Superior Cou rt of fortn Ill "" Article enlltlod 141,olOfficl•IRecoreblnl ... o"l<•Of unltt• llWobliQ.ilonllel1>9fCM'.CIOsecl ~-·· .... Ar1k le .m•llfcl "l!tMlftlnt'" of' g randchlldi·cn Services MMlllll 0 C t st "Ee,,,,...., .• Of Ille 0ec11rat1on of 111• County Recorcl•r ol Orange u_.,.rmlh•lonoer .. rlocl,youll•,,. Pub11~0r.,.co11tOtllvPl1o1. 1111 D.c11r1tlon ol Cov1nf!1u,• range oun Y reQue Ing Co vefttnl\, Cond itions e nd Counly, $late of C1lltorn11. WILL only 1111 lttll rlglll 10 u op 111 Feb• t) II 71 1"2 '71.ft ConOlllon• Ind l!utrlc.tloftl In. were held on W~dnesday, FICTITIOUl•USINHS that RONALD E . JONES Resirlcllom re<onllod June'·""·'" SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO for•<I Hure by polng lht ...... : __ ._. __ • _. __ • -------"SUBJECT TO." llelOw ,.,.. "MHter February 17, 1982 al LIJOPM Tiie 1=1~~::·~=-~~~' doln9 be appointed a s personal loo• 11''6. Pao• 00 of Olllclll ~IGHEST 81001!A FOR CASH amount-byyourcreclttor. MJC llm£ O•<l•••lloft"I und•r Ille S•<llon{ al Harbor l.a\\n M emorial bulln".s •• represent at Ive t 0 RKorcl• ol 0.-Counly Cellfornla, ptylbl• ,, limo OI .... Ill ••• ,... TO l'IHOOUT THE.AMOUNT vou --------------1 ... ,~ .. 10 .. ·~g· .. ~~ RA::!.~ ... -"'"~~~ •.• C h -, ... HMnlar Oeclerlll<ln"'' -... moMy ol Ille Uftllecl SltlHI ., '"' MUST PAY, OR TO AARAHGE FOR "" • ........... """ --a p el Wllh interment HCI COl'Y SYSTE MS, llOO administer the estate Of Secllon lleadlng In lUell Artlel• front outsld• •ntrence ol Ille PA y M E H T TO ST Op NOTICll'.INlllTIHOelOS Ullllllo llld CtDle TlllYhlon,"' s er v ic e s 1mmed1at e l y ~~~!i~V::::·51111•m.Coa-IAl lMse, TOLA I. JONES, C osta en11111c1M 1o1-.i· "Ow"'" •IQ!rt.s conunon111Homt L-bultc11111111.u. FORtCLOsu111, 011 1F YOUR ••cE1ftT Of' l'l!Oll'OSAU: S..led "Sld•yaroe._,.,,., ..... "-'1.,,.,~ followino Serv ices und er M c llf I ( and Dull ... u111 111 .. l lld C•bl• So..111 E..clkl, ............ CA '2802 •It PROPERTY IS IN FOl!ECLOSUAE P<OOOMll (llicltl wlll ... recelftd by s.111 ........... "Encro.cll ...... I," ~ & L.F. SI.ma, Inc • e Oel1w1r• e s a , a Orn a Under TelevhlOll.s", "Ullllllts", "~rt right, lllle -lnt.,HI °"""'"'to FO" ANY OTHEA AEASON. 1"9 Clly of lrvlne,ec1lftQMl9tnllfor "CommWt11JFecllltlelE1..,.,.,.. ... l l h e d irection o f H arbor corporation, '100 Airway Avtnve, the Ind e pendent '"° S.111erNnt .. , "Encroec,,,.,..,I''. -now11t1dby 1t -w1c10.001 CONTACT Ille c11.., of 1rv1 .... ~1c Faclllll•• PARCEL s E•Mm•nl tor 1...,es •• , Lawn Mount Olive Mortuary 541i'~."•·c~~·C•lltornl•tWt Administration of E states •"d "Cemmun lly Fecllltlu Trull In ,.,.~""'""''"''" Miid Cet,.,lneJ Alonso,ctoJWUSltl CorPO•e1lon,Owneror1,.._1c.1n1111 e9rau '"" oralnaoe .,..,_ -·· of Co sta Me 540 SS54 ' ""' ""' ' <onduct1c1 lly e A t ) T .. -t it ' · Eewment" County -,, ... -·•-u P..-c11 s1 t t T elllct ot ,.,. en Cl• k 1 ,.., t ,,,., go 11on o1 Lot 1 T 1 1ois.s s a · <orpoutlon C · '"' pe ion IS set for PARCEL• E_,ttordrtlneee 1: Unit Ho.JM"--•scrtllecl ln S::O.':tll •i.i orreno , '" '°'°' 12131 11JOO Jambor•'• A!•'d,"';~vlft:, .,., ,...~ 11..a In eoOi. ~~. p._.; ;~ --------------1 LF Sim•, Inc hearing In Dept. No. 3 at p11r,.wt -. -· n1rout11 -!tie Condominium Plen -M-1n 11 you ll•v• '"' QuHtteni • .,.,.. C.lllornle '1"4· 1111111 1·00 pm . on •"d 11. 01 Mhcellentou1 Mus. Tiiis , ... :;.:...~:r:,:;:"!1111 700 Civic Center Drive ecrost Lob A..., 8 or Trec1..,,11 eon ltJH, P•oe U2J ol Olll<ltl tllould co,.1te1 • 11w.,., er 1111 Merell 10, ,.., re<ordl o1 111c1 COUl'llJ, e1191c1ec1 "" PAClf.IC VIEW MIMOllALPAll Cerne1ery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Or1 ve Newpert Beach 644·2700 McCOltMtal MOHUAlllES Laouna Beach •9•·~15 Laquna Hills 768·0933 San J1.1an Capistrano •95·1776 H•"90I UWM-MT. OUVI Mort1.181Y • Otmatery Crenwtorv 1~ G11te r AY• . Costa Mesa S40-5554 ,_CIUOTHllS -.&.•OADWAY MOflUAIY 110 0roadwav Costa Mesa ' &42·9150 i~ U&.ft••RON SMTH & TVT'Hlll WUTCLJll' CHAPR. 121 E 17th St Costa ~&a 8•6-9371 • Cou111y Cler\ Of Ore119t COllnlY ': W e S t , S a n t a A n a , per Mep llled I" ._ •1. ,. ... l2 lo recordl. Percet J· An uncllYlclecl 1n 4111 tovtrn"""' -y Wlll<ll llllY lltft OllCltl"IOH 01' WOltlt: Tiie -k Conimoft 11-ty on E11111Mt Got -Fb ,1_, C llf I ...,.701 M lt,lncluJl,..ofMltcell.-MePS, lllterHltttllfWlt lncommonlnttle ln1urodyoutl-. l•lllllofPlltt•lolanAnlmelCare 0.Clarlllon.MWCll•••"*lt ltl!IOf'e~ • ruerv . . I a orn a..,, on arch R1<ord1ofOr11nttC:eunty,C•lltornle, "''"'""""tndlo t .... Commofttre• R•m•mb•r. YOU MAY LOSE , ...... ioc.led •• Utn Sencl Canyon pertlculerly dHctlbld '" Setlloft II~ PullllSNclO' ..... Coetl0111~'= 10, 1982at9;30a.m . .. lor •""-'•NI ,_tralllCI now ofLOllolTrectHo ... llHWClltum LEGAL RIGHTS,,. vou 00 NOT Avtnue '"Ill• (II'( ol ,,.,.,. •. ArtlcleXlllotllleO«llrallon. \ Feb. II. U, Merell•, ti,,.., 'n~'. IF YOU OBJECT to the drelntoe o.,..r, uNllr, '"'-"' llMI 11 d•llneo In Ille Arllcle tfllllltcl TAKE PROMPT ACTION. C•llfornla. Tiie worll cOftllsl• of EXCEPT ell otl. gas •fld llydr«•ffllfl! "CT1TIOUI 8USINll'.U NAMa STATaMaNT Th• totlowlng -'°"' ere oolno b•"'"•" .,. HAii! "P'A"ENT, tfolS Tullln A••nut, Sult• 1, Cost• MIU, C1tll0tnl1 '11111 Robert J ..,.,_Ill, 12."2 ~out Ct., "" Juen ~·-· c.tlftrnl• mu LYllll Otnllt TllOmp•on, IJJJI Sl•mon Ori••. 01rdtft Orov•, CellfomfatMI Tllh lllKIMH I• Cond11cltO l>Y I tefler•l '*1ntrlfl .. . ltellertJ ...... ,... .. Tllll ......._ -filed *"" ... C-y Cieri! of 0r-.. c-ty 111 ,...,_, "· 1'm. ,.,. ......... Or-. c-a.Hy ....... ,.._le., IS, Mer, <I. 11, ._ m.c ' ti f th tltl ecrou Loi Oof TracltlU,.,..., Map "Oell111tloM" OI Ille Ot<ltr.Clon of Holle • I• ll•rally g iven 11111 co"''"icllno bulldl1>9t, f ... clng encl 'ubll•n<" end OI,., ,..,,.,..., rltl'lh,) gran ng 0 e pe On, Hied lft 9ook JO, l'IQll tt lo JI Cov•ftenU, Corid llfon• and CAVA l C A 0 E I!! C It OW welll, trading, vll1111u, paving, wltllout-t,tllerl11Mlo1'ntert11e; yOU Should either appear lft<lu'l!I of Mh<.elltMOut Ml,•.' l!"trlctlon1 ~ lft 800ll 11•'· CORPOl!ATIOH, e C1lltom11 corPO-lencll<alllnowllfl•lll.,...1111< lrrl .. llOt' wrfeceol .. 1411--to•lll'1tn<to at the hearing and state re<ord1 a1 0nt1111 c-..,, C•lltornl• ,... :tu o1 °"""' Aecoreb . .,.. an, ration, •• c1u1y lllf>OlnlM TRUSTEE •"" ot,., _,..,.,,. ,,...,,,.-, °' soo '"' ''°"' 111e 'uriac• "'*'"'· "' Your objections o r file s1r .. 1--..1·1Hor111 eo111,lr•tne, '"'•"dme11ll 111tre10. P1rce1 a· unt11rl11t~1ow1no-r1-o.oo1 Enoh•••r'•Elllmat1 -sum1111on. reurveo tn 1111 Dud rto•dtd~ C1llfornl1 H-aclutl .. ·-tor ulllllle,, T,,,11 Ol'INING 01' ~ROftOIAU: TM SePlemO.r 1', 1"'· In ._ U"6,, written objections with the .. , 11 • 11r .. 1 "*'"' or common •cc • 11, 1 n gr• a ,. e,, •, t , Tl!unoA J AMU 01o111osow . .,._.,,, w111 t11 llUbltcly _..., •nc Pet• ""· 0111c1t1 A•cord• u • COUrt before the hearing. dUlt n•llon Is 1llown 1b<>n, fto en<rol("'"""' clralneet, su-1 encl J I!, e ~,.,..,, reed •I t 00p m.,en Merell 10, 1"2. Ir E19le,,,n, lrvln•. CA : Your appearance may be 7.!..'P~~!:c:.~·.::.,:.~. 10 111 ~;,r:::r~o.!111:,~=~":~~1::;: ALo':.e:~;:~:ri.;".::!!:'"E J. ~';",~J'YJ:~:;-~~.C.00,:~~~~.~::. ~!~f1,~1','i'":~' 1:":;:::11 ·~~:'."':} I n pers on or by your Tiie beftlflcltry -r ukl o.o o1 •• ,, .. -... AECOllOEO Merell u , ''"· ,, C•ll•ornl• "'"""'Y 11 91011 u t• "'t attorney. Trvll,byrw ..... •llf'M<ll0tel9f ... 11 EXECUTlO •Y· HAltAY H . '""ru"""' ....... In -1""4. O• T" IN I ... CONT." c' comple .. ,..H °' corrtctntu> .. ""' I F y 0 U A R E A In 1111 ob119MNIM tecllred ,...,._.,, •It O 0 MA l L AH o 1 o A M . ,... m o1 Ol'ltcltl 11ec..-d .. tn t111 OOCUM8Nfl: "'"''· 5"<Hlut1 ... 1 -•1<11ry ..,,., .. 1c1 o..41 of T'"''·f CREDIT 0 R ...,.,.,.. •11te-IN clell11<trM1 to el!OOMALL..llUIOeN•nclwll•. olllu If IN ltacoroer of Orenoe '"II •II Contract OocumeftlS ••• 1>yreHont11ebt9.cllotCl9fau111111111 0 r 3 ll'ltu .......... WrltteftDecltrltlon Tiit llrHt tddrua enO olMr .!ounly; ~tr\IC1lonallr.lrvl111Antm1ICere obll91llon1 HCIHtd llltrlty, contingent c reditor of the of O•f•utt -~ 1or s.1e. 01141 comm.n dttl911111on, 11 • ...,. of "" s A 1 D o 1 E o o" T R u s T '"''''" CIP *-· l'My t11 -•I,.. 11ere1010,. .. ecutMI •NI ••IVtfW to deceased, YOU must flle w'ltltnllOll<llflll'HtllellClolel.cllOll rul property ftlCrlHd ebov• la OUCAleH1 f,_,.. tlle City el l,..lnt '°'*'' W..b ,,,. """'"..,,_ 1 written O.C:'-•llonl Your c l aim with the court " c111• ,.. ~ 10 "" 11141 purported to•·' C...•lt11, '"'""·CA Lot> e11 Trec1 No. '""· .. ttlowft 0tpar1,,,."'· "°' M<O•w ....... ""'· o1 Oef•lllt ..,. ~ f..-s.1e .• 1111 t I '""'"'" 1, ... Iffy MN _. ... ,~ ft7U. on • ~ _.,.... In -.a, "'9• lrvlf'le, CMltDrnla. A~·-wrlflen ftoflWol Wff<ll enll etti.ctllft or p rese n t to the ,,_. !MrNftert,_u,,...,..,.10 <.MltM TM 111•r.1tMC1 TNll .. dftc111m1 ,,..,._._. 111111a11-~ 1111.,. of UO.•wt11•c111ttM1 ,., ... 1111tot to uuw"" "'*"".,... • .... ..._ personel representative Mid Mii<•., ~11-ete1o<...,. • ony 11 ... 11ty "'fflY 1nc..-rt<1ne11 o1 •ttlu et "" c111nty ltac•r•r •• •11"""°· °"'-'•Will•"*'" P•et1t•1Y to 11t111y ..io ..........,,,. appointed .by the court "'l"K'"'" °''""' t, 1"' a.,.,.,,. IN.,,........,... -1111tr <-Ore1191 c:-,, C:.•lfeml•: aM ... ftr"'~'-•t-119••10·•· •114 ,..,.,.,,,., '"' 1111 .. ,..,..,..t ... 1•10"' ..... MW_ HI,., ... .,,.....,"..,·-......... · ..._....,. ... ULlYIETl'OATH P•Of'O•At.. • ., ..... T .. 1 1 h ell u...o .... Nlltk • ff/I lwwctl ...... r within tour months from ...;. Offlclll ltec ...... ~-::.Will.. .. ...... Wiii .. INCl9, ""' ..... ..._ IN THI DeEO Ofl TltUIT AltOVI! ,,....., ....... t<<-'" "' • •te<tloft .... ltec'.,_ Ot~ u .• the dale of first Issuance m1fe, hi wllllewt COnfltft1 ., "'""Ifft ., werrlflty, UtrtH Ir M•MTIOHl!O. t.,,lttM ., "91110f'I tlletk ., 1 Wd '"' 11 IMlr. Ht. )IU1 In .... 1•1.1 of letwrs as provld9d In werranty, n1r111 •r 1m,11u, '"'"'"·,....,....'" ... ~ • ., S••oo.te1T,,.1K-~ :"'..."'.:-:;::.:~ ..,.,..,.,MlfOffklllltK.,.. section 700 of the f.r ...... -tt r•1ar•111• "'''· """"'•n •• , 1"'""*_..," '" "'"""''"'"' ...._. ... i..e"""" .. ""'01 • s.Mi .... """ • ,,..., 11ut ~ d f C 'If .,._ -~. 11 "" ._ ""*"'"' frlfl<,._. -., 1119 ,,...., -l#W .. _.,,...,.... Clly el lrvlne·ft11tll< l'e<llftl11 u.,.11e11t ., ""'"llftt,, .. ,,. .. ., CO e 0 a orn a . The prlriclHI """f1f IN ,.(a) --'Y Mid 0.. el Trwt, wlttl 1~1 THAT IN teMflclll lflttflllt......, C..-llltn • • ...., ... .,_. ,,_ 1.,.ilM,.....,...llllt,~lf time for flllnv ctalms wlll ., .... o...."' Trwt""",........ ... "'"-· • _.,.... "' .... -. ...... 141 o...., Trwt ........ .....,. ..._,., .... .,..... "~ •• _ _,,.,-., .. "' .. ,........... 111CTI-nounuttN•M • not expire prior to four "',.141,_.,......_,....,,_ .. "'· :=.-:=.:~"':.'!':.!;!,: ::11:=.'::";H~:, ~~:":'111e""".t.n1':.~ :.":::-'o::",.'~,:.:=t!...'::': •"-ITAttMl.MT mont~s from the elate of r.::'c':r'::-.:,~~=~~,~ '"""'""'"" TNI• -of"" •1141 ••wi 1 ... ,,. .-11te11e111 fff c"'* "'~ w1111 c.rtrec1 1t1wld_.,........, ....... u..,.. Tiit ,..,...,.... ,.,_. •re e.1"' the hlarl1i9 noticed ebOvt. T,,,... w ., , .. ,,,,., c,..... _,, trvattt,....._,, .-OellClef T,wet. wt1k11 111<11 .,... ., '""" • ..c11r11y Otc•-"' .,..., tN "'"" ...... o..., ~ ......_.. YOU MAY EXAMINE Mii OtH fll T'rlM. lel4I Ull wUI lie Tiie .. tal ,_. •1 tll• 1111,.1• Mt KC"'"" 111 ttl.tlit¥fMlltMI-•tD IT••i ... 11!41fW~rlOCtlen ..... '"-"" ell4I 1"'8ftMI .t Jiii Ml:~!. ':1! .r.='.~T_&__L~~:· the tilt k~t by the court ~ .,. l'rlclly, fl*-V "· 1• at =~,,": :':':::-:~~ llNllr:.'::.illNM fll ...__, ""'*" :.~~r.;" ... 'T.,=.-.~~1::!': ::::':...-:. ~~. ·=-~ !! ,._. ...... _,.__ --• f • J •• f .m., IC lfW ~ A11911111 ---~ •-~1• -.... " .. Cl'_._ ... ,._ > -m --· ..... --I you ere nteresttd In,,,. tfttr-•,telfllCMc c.nttr ....... utlm•t•• COIU, up.,, ... •llf ~---.... _,. ....... -eM ...... " ...... -...... -"*'""' "'"on 1'11d1Y, ""'-" ... , ... "•• ••u T11r11t" L••" estate, you may file • •••stClllfl'NllA-.lrlt,.ClfY ••tll«t .. "" time., iM """•' 111-...-~"-" .._n ""' Alttt'N .. #Hic.e-•c•"-._ 1:• '·""· .. "" °""'*' •-•.-ci.a... e ClllNMlll ~ltfl, .,0,...... ,...l<etltfl el h Hetl<I el ll4't It ---· OWMl•'I ..... Tl •hl•VID1 Tiit ~en<t .. N CIVIC °""9f ......... Mtt Callt .. II ....... L..-Hlltt request wtth the court to ., ""tW"' .. 11111111 Pollbfk... Gl.MtAI. T "~ T ., ..... n ......... '"' ~ -.. ,..,.. .. ,.~ .,., .. Int°""'*' A--. It! .. City c .. ...,,. .. ...,., • receive IPfCfel notlc• of "'"'" llllllC•,.,....., ...._..., 111e T11e """"..,., ""'*' .... °""., •11••rt•tflH, ,., ... n1 _...t1c1.,, ., 111...._ ..... .,,. 111¥ h'IMnMllty 1r1 .. ~ ... cA. Tiii• .. ._ ••• C~tff .,, • thelnvent=Hlattend 911 .... MllllU ., ffM ... , ....... ,, ... ,!Mn .. , ... Ht<Wlld .... ....., .... .,.. .. T ........... __. .......... .,_.... •w•r•• '""" AltMtirNel91elfllti.I ........ .. ,.,..,.-, oft..._ -it ..,,.,ounts _......, ... ...,.-.c,,... ... ., •1"""'9• .. •• ...,.. •• """' ..... ..,,.. .. ...,..., ...,..... ..,.... .... o-.. tMt -. ... """.--"' .. llAll.,.-JTTHlllCJT& nw ~ , -~ lrwt .... attt De<let*"'" -Oeleutt ... ~ ,, ..... ,•win-.. Otci• ...... .....,.CT AWMllTltATICNl1 T1le •llf•141 '919~ •ft"-... ....... LOMIAllOCIATIOH and r'fPOl1S dttcrlbed In •!!• ••v111<e~ .~.·~ f•r , ........ wrlttlfl Nltlu .. OtfWft .... ~---· ...... <Mlfec1 ..... "*'""'INNf.., IKll,... ......... ...,.... ... .. J.M1.0rtM111,.1r., Stctlon 1200 of tht ----~ .... .,...., Oef11tn.,.. 11«11-. ....... n. ............... _.. .... __... c::t:•"'•·•:=•t11ec1ty ..... ...,........,<--.•~ TMt .= _ .,... """ .,. Callfornta Pn!Nte COde. c .. 411•• • · =~ ~ ~ :::":: :! !:':e....-~:. ~:..:! ~ • ...= :!.:~ <;::-.,:""· ::.:...::~·~t~M,:·..!! c_. .. °"11fll0r c LAWMPICllOft o.111.1....., .. .-~lftlluti ...,..,.,...1 _.,.......,, ...... ._..,..._..,.. ............ ., 11Wt 111e11 u11m41•.-. =· ~--.,"1• ..... -·Ill MICH•LD.MAObY n.y::.ii:= .. -· ..,..ny11-..... .... .....,. ............................. ~~.( OATIO~ .. ... CUHTUIWDM ,.., ... INMway ltfT,o ...... ~,._. OATIOJ-r:.'·k-. :::=::.:.:·.::=·= .,,,.,...,~~:::.. !i~.:=.COM"'Nf'f =:'r"'•':-......_ S'a .... ~.'2706 -R'llR• 4 .. COffYSYAlf(ICO. Ir y I.,._ ....... ,.._..,...... ~,ICl'TC!Wtl' ~~~z, ...... (714t "' =----= ......... .. ... ,, tfl• ............ ""'"' ....... ...... ~ .. ''""~~ ....... ,. Publllhld Or~ CoHt ·=· =~·--~,.......... at.••~ r:=::r-.... .... Of'Z'99C...Ollt:t= 1D91a1tyPllot.fleb1 1 ,19,25. ~°""9C..Del ... t ,,_.-.o....... ~0..WJ,.._ ........... ~-::..c.o::,~ ~.::."!.:-.... = N . tt, 11, .... 4. II, "9 .,.. 2 760-82 ,.._ II t• ._.. ..... Or .... CtM Olllty ... .__ Or-t.11 OIH¥...... ...._ - -. . , ~---11......... .... .HI!.................. .. ,.... tl, ... 11. ..... .. Tt .... • • .. J TH£ f'AMIL\" c1acts \\I need a shirt with no buttons. Billy and I ore gonna hove a race gettin' dressed." BIGGEORGt: by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) 1 .,. "Can't you watch a HAPPY movie? That one's got my plant crying again." Mr\RMADl'KE by Brad Anderson DE~'\IS THE ME:\ ACE Hank Ketchum "No wonder we couldn't sleep!" Jl"DGE PARKt:R G:\Rt'IEl.D I Rf.ALLY l?ON'T UK£ MYSE.LF' YJMEN l'M nos F=AT SWIPE ! ACROSS 50Lees 52 Bell UNITED Fellin Syndk:ate Wldnesd1y'1 Puzzle Solved I 1 "Y• -I" 5' C1n1191· Inf 5 l'Wo-tpol 55 ~, lob 10 Wiid J*1Y 69 MOllYI 14 ~In probtlm e3 Wood 15 Olcl IUto $4 NW Cen 11 Prtclc*tlon i.lcl. 17 Stllk..,..,. 2 word• wotlt~ ee Actor -f'ey ~ ..... 2 wordl 17 Cenc:el " ,oot ,... ee 1owe City ' 20 Dkldt u &Miier 21~ 70Cflurcll n DIMmbertc counoJ1 21 Pod 71 Midi to go """"°"' ~ DOWN 30 Thlnll 34 lilolwegllllt 1 Pldt tt lntplr11t 35 w.tern pec1 2 TIWOtl 22 SllCCOf 37 8oorle ) Dll "*b 2• Tooth: Pref. : • M--'8plrit• tt Efllwtt QOOd 5 °"""" 27 ~ ..-.. t8'dl--. aaF.-.. ,. -a. Ootd fOf lflof1 2t Cllldtit Nlfl '"' 7 Functtont 31 Metdltd 41 ODI I Jel * geer 32 Duped u ,.,_ deftY • ~ 33 l*cMrvt 4t Anti t0 eo.notkH 31 llm __ ,... ,,...... 40hbt ..... 11 lall*"' .,...,... I ..... / 18 A; I bltl .. .._ ,.. ...... .._t # • rnachlnet 47 Antl!Opel 411 RelidUI 51 Scooted S3 e.pecllte S&Olm see... ~7Flnalet 58 Screwny IOECll* .,..,.,.'*' 12 Aet.relt ·=. o'<~ ~ 2-1a " ! by Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Thursday, February t 8, 1982 PEANt:TS A i.er·nrn FOR YOO FROM 1Hf: SAL-VAllON ARMY1ACE. by Tom K. Ryan .. liLOOKE'7 ALMOST l.IKf NEW APreR' 11WAS CLEANE17 ANC71HE St.EE'VES PE ff'.>YAL Fl.USHEV." NANCY-·· HAVE YOU BEEN FEEDING YOUR CANARY VITAMINS:? owLI A PH/CA:3E I SEE A J..0T OF ~--- IN PRIN T THESE QA."' 6 1€>, Dear Band Alumni, This month's alumni letter sa.dJy notes the p8$ing of Kitcy Elaine Howser, class of '23. Kitty had escaped from the fbrre and wa.9 selling band candy door-to-door i when she succumbed to , the elements. ~-----c::::r4 1 ~------..-.4 BRABBLE \IM'f c.At4°'f Wt KEtP i.11"', etCA~ Ol)c~ ORMm'1 ~E 60ltN 1"o Sf. rltf.E, ~'f~ICK . ·DR.SMOCK 1-r's Ae>ou-r MRS. GOOCH, DOCTOR ... ! . by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller SETT.ER CUT DOWN A01T Har dedication and spirit was inspiring to us all ! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont Orange Cout O~LY PILOT/Thuradey, February 18, 1982 ~.~~ •......•.... ·~!!!.~.~ ........ ~.~~ ....... HcNMtForWt , ....... ForWt Hon••ForWt Hollw1ForWt tferWt ·······~··········.:··· .••..•................. ...................... .........•............. ••........•..•••.•..... ············•··•·•···· Te Pbce Y11r A•. Call 1001' Ge•r.t 1002 e1t1erel IOU~.. IOOJ Corw .. M .. IOJ2t ...... o..ltffll 1040 l.4*1 ...... t ltecft 1069 ....•...•........•••... ?•••··················~ .....•• , ........••••..•..................••... ···•••••••·•··•····••· .................................................................... . 642-5678 HOUSES FOR SAlE f,•"-thl 11.1 .... i.1 • .., &.ltiu. l'UUh.wl. ("•11011.,.,tw.," lutcww•I \I•' , .. ,, \tt'llo• U.a. PVt"4 ... r .. o •Wftettrt \ .11t \ """''~ ......... ~ lnuw l ... ...,_. ~ .... Laawft.• 11in, ........ ". , ....... M1uJ(;ft\••1u ~: r;:~:;.r; h ,_,,." Jv•n l •l•l'h 1no h-ftt• An• '-'•l .... h ~r.1 .... n. •t.ttn•"'''' ~ob.I• tl•t11 .. , '•lt am mm Ao u a, hw '41t Ap.tt""'r.t"' (Of '41t' lt•tPlttr~n' a..).~"l'rtlSM"rh ''""'"' ••• , t ''V' ( orn-.u-1.l l'r"Pf.'•h l Clftdum1,..w1n" '-tt- Ovpff '" l '"" 'l\1111" ~'""hi• bf ~O\td tnNHrW •1r.,p.1h IMw\lr1•tt1r~rt' '''"' for ,.t.-\li.Jb!lt H"u I tit t•r~ ... \4ounln lh·,r•t w ..... .,. U'""lll't 11 l't"" ( M .ii 1 ounl \ Pru11 IN\ ot ...... ,,. l,nw H•~ .._.,,. t 41 nh t.no • Nhl t ''•1r t ,, t\111nc• kr•I t tiot•h "•"'"'' RENTALS h·~""" t"""'htit uo," .. ' I "'"'"''"''o ltiou"t"t l.Uft•iflAI t ondoft11f\u11ff1' t "''" londuoln1nutnl"l l Al Too.Miut.t~tUf'I lo•Af\iw~, t n1 Owi>I"'~ hu n IA,plP\ .... t ,., .\IJl .. tufn """"' "'""' ~J'l\ h HllH#f \ nt Hwn1 ... Hoom' Ho.Ht llf1h •l\\li .. t•!-. (.,ut\t lf•m~· ~n1n ... r kt"nt•I" ,_f',IH~ H .. r.1.1. H,~,.ht•1\.Pl,;rt> t,., •• ~ for KPnf tli'h''" "'"hi tk, .. ,rw--. ... Mt"fll•• 1nd'u.,ln•I M.•nt•I ""'°"••'" Mc-M111h 14 •"lt'\S \11•" Hrl'\t•I" BUSINESS, INVEST MCNT. FINANCE kw"~" I.,.,_., K111o1no.,,.'t\1tttrd llhr.,1tt.,."l l,~1•...,I \ 1n,t1i1n11n1 'A.nlt"ff \lunr\ h• l;1111n \11~,, 'A .n11'd \flJflU ltf'" TfJ .. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUSONAlS & LOST & FOUNO """'11Vf\tt "1"¥lllt .. f ., .\ ... '"'"' ''·· ..... ....... ~ 1 • .,1>4 ··~""'•"" ... , •• 1, ''"'"' ,,,.\,., SERVICES EMPLOYMENT & PREPARATION "Mot"' Jn .. uuturtn JV-0\\An\t'd ttrl~ \l .nttd \I 4 t MERCHANDISE \1'1111 .. 1\1 .... ~P' .. •I°'• H \Wf lf'lf ""' ,,. ~MJ. it "••rn.h. 1 .,,,.,. '•11111 r·n· "' ';;h .... t "f'tu \•.v t\tfn•l'-ff ,,.,, •• '41t' .... ,,_ .. tk.l .... ho .. ~ '••""'• ''•f'lf\ l..Hhlh• ~ "•thlrH ,, \t1v .. ll•"·"''"' \l+'Oll•tt.-VU""t1"h·•I ''""u .. 11""'"'"1• n1 Oflln t urn l t •tw•J v ..... ~:7.: ~':;,~~ ~"'""''·"*"'1 "Cuu H•\l•i.h"ll h•' ~: 'L1 ... u, ~ ...... ,. ~om ' MARINE EQUIPMENT -·("f'W't •f Plo•I• \1•1M Vf•••t "°''" \l•flM I ~1"11' l'O•h l'fni.rl Ho4l• fft'nl I h•tt• r fiu•l" '•II tlo•h "'"" 0t1'4. .. Ho•I" 'J)f'HI" '"I ~t\'wll'lfd• TRANSPORTATION A1IH•h t •mP"'' '111lt krn4 ~.k'1'flt' f ., .. \lnt..1• lk1th"' \lo41w t \r1..-.. "•"Af \l1it111 Un, ""'' krM Tf4l1ltr\ lr,n~• Tu1M-t' l hM o\ul11~H1tf' l'•r1 AUTOMOBILE llrhf'• •! \ft\~Y-t\ I '1'""'' .. tt ... ,. .... , ..... ,, h11 l1 'P1tl' "•'' K••I l \U lrrllh"n ,, ........ \itn .. Aulul..t""""'-' \ut11•W•nt"•I AUTOS, IMPORTED ltt'f'M'f 111 All .. """'-'" hMl1 "'"'-""" lh ,,, \ H'olV. \•I" ••• It U•f.Wi't ... ,,. ... , '""''' J.,,,,.., .. , Jtnun t\1Hi'PW"-"" ~ " .. , ... """''"·· tt.nr Ill. lol\jH ,,...,, •'•nh•• • t'l'Ut.•"O' •'V'"' ht M('AlfUll K°'I' Ho\n Mo\ rt :M•fl :.Wh41\i rvw•• ,,..,,.~ , ... -, ...... \HIHt '-•""'' ,, \)I\ ""'' ~ ,·.tftiU11u r .... ," tllr\tl41-t , .... , .. i.., '*"""'' AITOS, •£W AfJOS,6Sfl \ M hfWlttlf, ,,of\f"tll' '"Mli!'' Uuth.• ... ~ ...... , .. .._ .... lh\fftt • Jln••h .... _ ... -.. ,._ ,,,_. ...... ,_. .. ,~ \'- AT R l U M I!: N T R Y 48R, 28A Home Pool 41 ~ PENINSULA HOMES • I Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm 3 bath. mstr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. W L~l.1·: ·, '.\ ONTHICLIFF Oceanfront lot Cull Brandon Rosenberg, Aet . 6'4-7020 i:lys or 644--9587 ~- Wfkorms you llllo thla 3 Spa. St0,000 Down WUTCLIFf Br+famaly rm near col Owner <.:arry Balant'e $240 000 lege and shops Only *-'713, 511-6234 Lovely 3 Bdrm plus TAYLOR CO. Sl2ll~. Bkr. 848·0709 family room, IO<'ated in Ml•rlltedl IOH pmt111ous Westdllf l\l>tf O•l• '"'-' 1~4 I~ tu.II l•<M '""' , ... , EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats.' remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1 ,200.000. HEA I.TOW-; -..1111, l ~ 1·\fi HAllOlt VIEW llOADMOOl Oc ... ,...Ollf Coltdo a.cdM UnobstnK'ted <>rean & Owiel VJew. 2BR, 28A, Pool, Jae. Boat Slip Avail. '525.00. Prine On- ly. 640.7373 131/J ASSUMAIU Newly redecorated 48R. fanuty rm, fri>lc . formal dining rm. bonus rm, 2~ car car. Taite over 13\.'J% loan and owner will carry balance with 2M down. Only 1227 ,SOO. C-all Jim Owner I A gt at , IJ79..5370, 962-9597 ••••• •••••• •••••••••••• Mmutn to the beach NEWPORT HGTS Owner anxious and will Gated drive, secluded s htlp with lhf tmanc111c Bdr home + separate for an appoantmtnt to mother inlaw qtrs see,cal1S40-llS1 .. :: Nilllw's Mottet: ::: All real estate ad- 1..i. v e r t I s e d i n t h 1 s ::1: newspaper tJ subject to '""" the Federal Fair Hous- :: ing Act of 1968 which :~:, makes it illegal to ad- Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1.385,000 . VACANT -SH AMY TIMI View of ocean. bay & Pavilion lights. 4 Br. 21fl Ba, Family Room, 2 Fplcs, Community Pool & Parks . Id eal family home. Priced to sell $420,000 including land. or $330,000 Leasehold. Only $665 per yr ground rent until 1991. Owner will help finance . S186,9SO. Terms R bt Milliken, agt 631-12&6 .. -'~ HERITAGE "· UDO ISU HOMES M.ta IOJ4 . . REALTORS vertise ··any preference, hmitallon, o r dis :~;, crimination based on 1~ race, co lor, rehg1on. :~. sex. or nauonal ongm, '"" or an mtenllon to make :!:~ any such preference. ,..,, Ii m it at i on , o r d 1 s· ;':.:: criminat1on ... ~rime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 . bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. •••••••••••••••••••••• Fonclottft Sale Vets Attn · Mesa Verde Fixer. Sl23.000 Pranr on1J ~ 7023 Bit r IYOWMEI Reduced '89.600 55K FHA, 3 br. 1~, ba, up graded townhome Good Beach & shopping No •&U-cau between 1-9. 962-5689. $STEALS IC Remodeled 3 bdrm . 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam re1lings, $42Q,OOO. WISLEY M. TAYLOlt CO •• IULTOIS JI I I Sca J~ Hllh lood lelow Merilet! A REAL BEA UTY. ocean & bay vu, 4 Bdr w/bonus rm: pool. spa + ci ty lites. Assume 11.78'1 Only S399,900 Won 't last PATRICK TENORE. agt 759-1221. 760-8702 nus home ii situated dlrertly above the city parlt m Cliff Haven, on a iarce lot 4 Bdrm. family room home with pool and spa Well worth viewuig. '600.000 LINDA ISi.i IA YflONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath , playroom, dark rm, den. Sl ,350,000 '. NEWPORT CEHTEI. tU. 446'-4910 OCUH I ILOCK I IUYBS WAMTID MESAVEIDE 3 bdrm, 2 bath. frplc. dbl gVage, A-1 co nd S~.500 Owner wall as sist in financing. '"'-1044 .....•••..•....•....... **WILL TRADE! 642-5200 l.50 i!:: Tbb newspaper w1ll not ~~~ knowinflY acrept an y ,,.,, advertising for real ~~; estate which is m viola-,.... tioo of the law CARNATION COVE SboectacuJar ba yfront view 4 bdrm 4 ath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. ' Roy McCor•. lltr. 541.7729 Extra large R-2 corner fortiouses, condos, units lot Seller will help and invutmenl pro 1--------rmai:ice! 1215,000! perttt;S-All lypes of •• SS500 DOWN & 05 ..._.loyProp. finan".mg avatlable In su~8:\• VA loan Clean Would like s ma lier lrvme property for the eqU1ty in my beautiful view home m Santiago Canyon. l yr ne111·. zoned - j PETE J BARRETI -.. REALTY lfflon dus~r_1ous agents are I 3 Br. SJ00.000 Pnnr only JtOv •675-7060• ~~·~94~ ~isl you ~J_o;l Bkr :.. IDOIS: Achfftfttn A *MESA VHDf * for horses. 3100 sq ft Canal Front. Newport 1-.-------• A!kfor Chuck Shores . 4 Br Oen 1• ,• 25.000 down, Owner wall *•CUSTOM * * BILL GRUNDY, RF.ALTOR . .l' fluy· •• d. D1" ~. B bl) 6161 )~ ~~~ ·= CHOOSE ONE LLS.,.ATE WlntPOOLANOSPA -_, -., · I Br,S A S72.000 I"' I Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba ~~: ron -.. • TM U "'11ESTA $AXER UPPERS $ 3 B c M $113 ooo -Beautiful area $15.000 ~~ DAILYl'ILOTos.-1 silJ.ooo "'U 3B~:s A sm :ooo REALTORS 1 1 _dn. As king $240,ooo ~udbrldge can')' Must sell! Make ~ C tu--offer' Tennis. pool. walk "'" ~ Reahtj l.O bearh Agent 646-1044 Sale y Owner 48R + or645-2S05 I den 3°-,BA Pool & Spa 551-3000 ---Al l Cabinets Solid t _!t!fl~arrann l'k ... 1,1"'"!! ~V!.w Hilt I Walnut Owner wall #' ~: labllty for tt.. fl"t A great opportunity 32..th-Coroao 2Br,C M $126,500 Sl~rropymt PP Agt 10 •• l•corr•ct h•Hrtl°" pri ced we ll below "O"VACANCIES 3Br,C.M $129500 7~!~--WOODIRIDGE I Spacious Family Home I Q!!_ance 548-8798 __ _ ~;.:: market. Owner want~ Far below market. For I 3Br.H.B. $129:900 ,.,, ,..,,. fast sale & will help s e ' · u P c a II R i c k 3 Br, S.A II $137 ,000 I HEW COHDO SO DH 0.. HM Lab Many extres-Lge fee lot s.ta Ano I 080 28R, & Oen 2BA. flexible terms $485,000 1••••••••••••••••••••••• :~.:: , ________ _. finance. 3 Br p., Ba, lnl\.!_me. 7141760-7292 13 Br.NB $215.000 :~:; charming floorplan -1!!11-11111!!~----·i All or these properties PANORAM IC Bkr675-44941S48-lJOO SUPERB SANDPOINTE Lakefront View --• 4 bed room 2 \2 bath Pr o r es s 1 o n a 1 I y l.eoM ~ I showplace fealures n • I _Agent 631-5737 I MHAVHDE ••• I ...... for Sale 751-3191 Owtwr eo. H~ I offer owner assisted ' :~: '•••••••••••••••••• ••• •• Try SI 0 .... 000 dowR & rmanclng Call us no111 for sale by owner As SU~ VA $67.000 at 10', 2 bdrm Mesa Verde ron do S99.000 7S I 2380 751-ml_leave message Landscaped Beech & 4 Br 3 Ba xec home , formal d1n1n g room · Te nnis Club Good gated courtyard, dbl area. fam1I) room. and :;:: "-rail I 002 T A K r. O V E R for a v1ewmg appt. PAYMENTS Lease/opt or sha red eqlllty 2 Br 2ba rondo f119,900 Ask for Pat f'mancmg Owner o r frplr. newly redec m bnck fireplace. Newly fered al S297_000_552-tl362 side & out lO'": assuma carpeted and freshly .... ~ ...................... . MelOV_,.ilt 'l2 4 Bdrm, family room, I, very spacious' New con ;;;,; crete dme & patio As-.,,, I sumable loans at an ef· ;~~ fective rate of 12' ,-;; ~·~· Full price 1146,950 . "" 751-3191 ... ... .. 1 ···"' '" f)tlil .•. ,, ~ ... ..,,,, .... ~Mf 1..;.1 .;~ .,;1.. ... .... • i. I~., ••• Iii •111.· YiH . ,,.,, .... , »IM lfi'ltJ y;).; C::. Sfl E:C T -f"' PHOPE: HT IE: r., HOllSE COUNTRY &-Dramatic Home Approx 2~ cres -4 BR Pool Spa ark 8 Cars + R V Great Loca ion Keep 3 °llorses. Maybe More. On Your Own Prope rly $289.000. 759-9100 u2 Corpotolt "4na Htwparf Cltlhr RESIDENTIAL REAL FSTATE SERVICES LIDO ISLf ................ $745,000 DOUIU COIME:R LOT OH PIAZZA. Three BR each wit h own bath. Family Room & Den. Formal Dining Rm Liv Rm. with high beam ceiling . TWO PATIOS custom brick & tile spa IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ~:~; I tf;htt :i~ '~!:t~' S©\l'1~-~£~s· :::: ;1!; ....... irt ClAV I '°'1AM .,;, • .._0'!99 ....... ol ... •-'"o""'led -d• t.. low tof_,__.._"' 675-1771 C~ CW NEWPORT MAL TORS ble loan $275,000 $1300 painted ' Well main · I 0 I 0 W. WILSON RARE per rro 752 ~--I lal/led landscaping with ".. OPEN SUN 12 4 free standmg Grossmonl $6 000 DowR a large patio area Very_ .... 2 br. beamed ceiling, re on fee land 2 bdrms, 2 Versaa(les Studio Pen qwet tree-hned street rrodeled. Larj!e. valua ba .. well ma int a med lhouse Condo High as Located dose lo the ble R2 lot. Can bwid 2 Good location bucks to sumable loan. Onl)' park and South Coast rrore un11.S. Ideal for re sn-.llpark $lJ9.900 8900Ca11Jim Plaza Must see to ap-• tired couple Owner v.tli i17s.537oor962-9S97 ~I prec1ate' $163.400 Call ., finance 1213 )689-4384, -1 for rrore 1nformat1on (714)~ 2901 **VACANT •• 979.2390 -· 4BR. 212BA. Fam rm ....,._ OWHH Pool. 2 f11>lc's. Terms TAI~ IJALTOlS U ULC-l ll•J· 0 c....-..i-FfHAHCING pe n Dail> 2242 SSOOODowa FH IH 175•5511 Lovely 1 sto11 3Br 2ba Heather Lane $262.000 SH7 M.IWv. llVIME THI.ACE! home + ram1 l> rm & Also 3BR. 2BA. Pool 3BR. J128A. Cul-o'e-Sar Charming 3 bedroom cozy fireplare. spar re Sl92.SOO Owner Agt N1re Lorataon Good home on romer location I 006 ar yard. Jac Des1re.1ble 95.S Q!09 _ _ _ _ Cood1t1on Fu II Price. ' with formal d1n1ng Easts1de Costa Mesa .,573 C ....... ,5"-·IR'''"'E I JS~WOOO DOWH S99 ooo Call Chnstina, ., room. spacious ramlly ,_,.!!IJl!!lll!ll!!l!llllll~(llll!l!l!!l!!WIJ~I aJI designed for fam1I) T ,...,,.., "" "'" SS7 2783 er pa o mon y B NER Harbor . ·. r oom a nd patio hvang Ca l l J o hn ----R i d c Workshop tn garage. payme nt on Balboa campbeiJfor showmg •---a. h 1041 g e 0 n d 0 WHIMiwster C 11 b t Island property Low ~ OC "'Renaissance·· mdl 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOtl n:am·a:g. ~.ofur ~=~ down or trade. IOGEIS RULTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br 3ba, den Assumable EAT OFF TH E FLOOR Wiltse Ill u--L. ~ ••tr 675-2311 A Lot S21S.000 at 1 O 3 " o( lhts gorgeous 3 Bdrm ,._.._, •"' ' --------1 ForALi+tte S4ro.OOO terms negot1a Seeing 1s believing 675-JI 6 1 1 arre + bldg sue. gent ble 644-6426 \'A FllA 111•elcome Only I U CUEST • ly sloping parcel i.hort $119.900 Bkr 848-0907 ,.... I 007 A d1&tance from tennis & HAllOR llDGE se 0709 •••••••••••••••••••••• ly ·•·See beach Ownr has an l..u<'erne F.stale Model ~HOUSE 21rTWlllMMtM + cludedplans for custom ssao.ooo A\111 now' ' N E w p o R T loft, DOOl/hMli. ,-11la s12s.ooo Spec Xlnt terms 700-1977 I ~::!,~.~••••••~~ PENINSULA OWN~R f"(.EXIBL E uarular views ' DOVER SHORES ,._ 11-5PM Sat &Sun $179,900 MISSIONREALTY 4Br Den.3 r ar garage i--------•k1a.,~1f1l'd \rl!-vour 11nl' New 3 story beach house 675-1771 494·0731 + Ho bb y R o o m· .!':':'.~•••••••••!!.~~ ...,._ 1 i.tup;hopptng tenter 1911 Court St NB I 1 110•0c v· $420 ,000 Re alt or liiiiiiiiiliii;;;;~.-... -lll Walk in or <•all 1 Fabulolfs 4 B~~ba ~:~e S48-S647 *EXCITING* _672_.~l or848 3133 w gym. sauna . i.pa , tCoro.o., M• 1022 spacious decks all the -•w• .. •Tma-•fl•0-..,•T-•I &tat.Sole 2 WATER CONOOS--BAL. ISLE FA~ASTIC 1-. cCMldol OH WATE:R wltfl CjFfft VIEW. A "rarity" °" Wboa 1.-.., tt.M two loW'lllhD41M1 IM•• boot docks ... ~ .............. hcNMt. Each .wt has l IM*°°"'9, l IMflM. 2 c• gar...,. and pcrH01. Sold hntl1lled. Great rHtal1 or for yur 'roHd ~ldeK•I Owner ftnible °" flllmci.tg. WIH co• .. ldtr t11ch_,.. SI, I 00,000 FH. 673-6900. WATERFRONT HOMES.IN<. RlAI I ~r ATC t-i"' \.'-' (. .,.,, ·•~ .. N1"•1JC,.1t ~,~, t Ul-1400 11~ Moo"" A., R..bwl'4...-.d 67).6900 UIE TO INTEITAIM7 We have the perfect setting with 3 . co mfortable bedrooms, open & flowing floor plan, secluded -pool & spa and elegAnt decor. Offered at $389,500 with good financing . "ow DOWM .. EASY Hi gh lJIUIJlable loan & owner wm assist with additional financing. Pay full price • buy rurnlshlnp for $1.00. Decorator furnilbecl, custom upgr•des. Gor~~o111· patio, central air. $210,000 .,.~ HID80ll 5U.r700. I 1 amenities A • SR " i"c~~;;;~;~~· a..,.. vi11oge •.E rtuv:TC::~cH DUPLEX 48r + 2Br. I 49J·IJ61 Sensational 4 Br ho~ I I yr ne111 Good assumable ly OW~EI k h Assu mablt ftnanr ing. Wimbledon \ illagt' 40~ S I0,000 DOWN smac on t e water" S398.000 709 & 709,2 & Fa aNa)' Assumable Lease w Opt Fealunng French doors. I Ore. tud Call 8Sl-9l35 for $122.400 at 121.r, Close lo Purr hase I f11>lc pro(ess_1onall} de ann1. O_~_ertbkr to pool and tennis 2 Br 3 Bdrm. 21-,ba. danan~ roraled & pm·ate SAN .::xc.:. -nn. ram rm. 2 <'Br ~ar. DY BEA CH On l} SS,000 DOWH 2ba '(erms ne1totiahlr fncd yard. ocean 1 u I S249.000 & seller wall IY OWMH 644-6426 S245,000 479-1051 carry ~ ... , loan at 13'; -- - -759-1501 or752-7373 llVIHETEllACE ASSUME SIOJ 000 1 AtM• leach , 2bdbr, + Conv, den . JBr +hugeadd-onor4th I Thts priceless location l~• ~-cnr lot, Pool + Br 28a "l g <'ov rred I overlooking Main Beach spa, 1mmed. occup 1536 patio. RV. acress, great has 2 bdrms for only Serenade ,Terrace: As· loc. owe at ll'ff 118.000 I $220,000 Call owner al sume existing fan an d Sl28 500 ... 5_7091 &-81.38 Walker & lee Real Estate 7S9· I SO I S2'74.ooo. owe 955--0073 ' -~....! '" ----~ l $5000 DOWN ~~~~ .... !?.~~; --------CcM ai.-r D•'-• 3 bdrm. 2 ba. new roof. I •OCEAN VIEW • 'I ~-...MCIMG new crpt Must i.ell ' Call N I g u e I s h 0 r 's xwci..c~!! """""""" now S4S-l.241 T h . for Quack Cash Buye r ~8R.2b~th or 2+ guest --· - - . own ouse. Larges t Beautiful House in N1re .10 oner s unit ~ ..abo 2 i. THlllG SPLASH! Model. $269,000 Owner Neighborhood an N 8 Bdr~ Rental Coll.age GIANT 20X40 pool and 493-941! 48R. 21-,BA. P"am Rm. All m shari> cond1~1on spa. Tri-level 4 Br. 3 ba. Ldit Fonst I OH Liv Rm. 2 F'tplc"s. Pool W/excel,lent iocataon ram rm. triple gar. AS· ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Sauna Directly From Owner will carry lge 2nd S U M E $ l 2 6 K a t Owner. S29S 000 Or Make T.D Best buy ln town for SllSStrro. Only S179.900. PAIKWOOD CXfer. Call 64S-5267 or onlyS280,000. Open Sun 1·5 Rkr ESTATlS 634-3646-TlA. CAU 444-7211 751-~ _ 4 Br. 2\; Ba . CHAIMEl 2150 Sq Ft llST Y ALUE IH With or without furn. 24~64 Greenbner Hm tn Laguna Halls nicest S star pk ~" G"ewltcrf Port Beautiful 24x60 Ke) west Hrr. 2Br 2Ba This 1s the best m town H.wport a.au BeautafUl Belair M H. w fmt kit, 12x19 h1· rm l.2:xl0 Mstr Bdrm End patio Nr Hoaj? Hos p $24.500 ClASSIC MOllLfHOME SALIS 2706 Harbor. Ste 206 A 540.5937 -~. -. 12x44 Freedom . adlt ~"'f park. walk to supermkt ..... Sl6.91SO Agt 557-9390 or 7 ; 962 1868 •• -. 25" Atrstream w room, , across street from , , beach. S6000 See at Hun· , ; taneton by Sea Park. 21871 Newland. Space , 1 110 . H ,B o r c all I 737-9466 .. s , 2 Units + Separate Cot B ETTMOEORETLHAN l*WPOl'T HEIGHTS • 0 Laree sunny condo. 2 _.._for S. I JOO ' ; , tage Great wners Unit u u , EVERYTHING bdrm b h · ._....,. _ ~ , 2 al , communa-••••••••••••••••••••••• , or Rental Prop Ca ban Cul-de-sac street ty pool Close to ever-20 A<'re patttls in Pines. ' ,."".....,.Ya.iGLISH Lak e Int Easts idt> Sun&Sa1ll1Club yUung Sl62.SOOPossible l nr Yosemite. S2000 to'; .... ~"' ~ Creative Terms Trade 20 ma·n. t o Newport le .,""" Onl f I ft 17141• DUPLEX·4Br + 2Br. 1 With H • Brkr. Center aseoptJon. ;:;:-"'...;,,., Y ew e J·~ yr new. Good assumable u 645·6266** S2lO,OOO with Sl60,000 ........., --: ' r111anclng, $.1118,000. 709 & at 121k. C:-rci.t 709 \'I Orchid. Call Pr-rtir 1600·,. 85 9 3 r -......9 MOv1ua Nopo1ntsorquallfy1ng. -r-1· t·s or uppt v"" ., "• •••••••••••••••••••••••"'" Owner/bltr. Beautiful, Immaculate. 770-o.'M7 fUAUSTRI "'L '.';· :.;.:..;... ____ , nicety landscaped 4 Rr Owner/Agent "" ~ OCUMYllW home on cul-de sac. r-jiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiii--1 W Co&taMn a.newhl&h '" lelow Miit Drict Spaciowl rooms View or ceiling, rire sprinklers.'!. Owner m~t sen! Sweep-gdl course h'om proper-3)00.~ sq ft 6 larfer. ~ •• 1n1()(96bayvlew.Lov-ty Owner assisted Chuck Spiller. agt., ety 4Br. 3\AJBa , 1pa. ciou1 . rmanclne. Only Slst,500 g MACNAB 63l-1Jl6 .,,-. family rm. COi fee CaUnowm-~o .:r: land. Onl1 sm .ooo. ')( --· AVl\IE ~· ~~~ w1 1ue •st ' .LR~~~ ~-'.; MIWPOIT ~H "~ R&"M~ -·-----tt2' ••••••••••••••••••••••• SLOOODOWM ; l BA .... COOY dtft COCldo •/pool aod ape. Mlol HAllOI llMI -Award winning Casa Blanca with spectacular view of ocean ft city liihls, 3 BR, f am rm le formal dining. Gated court.yard entry ' spa. Custom earthtone decor thruout. Great assumable financing. $57$,000 Belle Partch 644-QOO (7S8·10'l8 E•~> 3 Kensiniton Court . Harbor Rldie N~rt Beach . Open Saturday• Sunday 1:30 to s:m. Hlah vlalbll ly. C-3 ~_'! ~ean view. 120 n. fron .;•.: tap UH UllllDA build· Inc o1 4000.q ft . or bul Id 10.000 sq f\, Owner wlli_.. carry S7U.000. IS1-7JOO, Red« . . \ Oranot Coat DAIL V ~OTfThurtday, February 18. 1982 o.ei.......... ... MwiiU.fw 'ilud HwttU1tw11•d· .._,....,. .. ~.,. Aaal 11ttu.r.. , ... ...,..-_ __:_u .... ..:.. .>ealw1b....... ltet"'-t 4171-.-........... ~40 ••••••••••••••••••••t• ....... •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••Ji4" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Liiia Ll1~ JJH ••""••••••••••••••••••••• -------...,.. ·,.. "'1K .._ • 0 . ......._ ....................... ······················• ......••••.••...................•••.••..••••• C=t•:{'•• .. ...._,._ 'ti~ W.. -J ............. 1241 ....................... lllltieP • 1111 Jt eo.t.Mtte Jl24 tflw~i.._. M•f ...... ~·~·· H• . 11, .. 0 "'-••••••••••••••••• .... ••••••••••••••••••• ..... •••••••••••••••••• CdM z bdras. 2 ba, dtn, ... 1 • t1 r-Ollt• M•• fNA ~ .. :. f1111c 11r .w,ope .... •••••••••••••••• ............... •••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• Sr Cit.Miu WJ . ..,., n.. -................. , .......... 1106 OC·RENTALS llR, ZBA. hrtul ()(Hn • ·•·-;._.rino. Nu Ur DR 2.IA tarl.Y • -eulte $l7S/mo Ut ill NORntLONOBEACH ....................... l·Sbr'1SZOOtoS2000 Vltw HoUJe. Cloae to -.a.lwll ,evet ft-pie blt·liaa aal part' •2 Br. 1 Ba Nr 2bclnn.~frplc,pool,Z IV ..... I .... 4JIO rid 779 W. 19th. St "-·-Vfrtinl• A.tlmtivt a Ir. z a.. l»SU• 'htay1 Bch. •1490 c=== h L 1"1· 'c101• 'to b'ay :.. S.C.Plau. very clean. pvt. p1t 01. I round H••••••••t••u•••U•.. 8$1·8921. \NUlltry Club El ta tu Avail now th J -* ._:-_ _. " • 1 l:.Wl. IWMll7. level. "'° + dep. UA2 OCEANFRONT Ur 4 8r --;..;..;..;.. _____ . Ntw 3br SbaCondo 1;._, rt&-.;.,v une. aBR Duplex. 2$11Santa2 bdrm '800. No attpa,ifJlllW 3425 OCW\.Brkrf7Htl2. ,•QruocloUI lbr ~Ide Rutland Rd ., •t. Avail. Winter Wetklyi ~&&7hq ft.Sl.OOper Lwi11ry'Deror1tor , ' Ana Ave. Costa lileaa. ocean view .~ Temple .. , ...... , .. ,, ......... 181t Quiet Locallon. 50 ~ I d • 730-1783' 551·4985. Monthly C13 7873 fQ. f\,. ans Birch., N.D Extm Ml ••rtltedi Jl6t ISOO. Te ce.494·0154 Yrd1 to Bch. Stove, I .... ~ aa~ie~ ~pt: VersaU~-.pac. 2 br. 2 pu•m s~n.naa.ar•a IMon ~cntS4l·S032; From$175,000 •-................... $51.181r541·S707 ,_...._,. lHJ Frld1e. Slnale Adult. N b r 1 ., " OANAPOINTsbetlle>e l714l l4MOl6 ~P ~II~• ~ho~Jle tboiceeaatslde2br ~;;;-r.=: ••••••••• Edo•ceptjon0 allydnf1•t con1· SU O. Vrly Leue. 0 pets. 1340· Agent 11'tn rp c, sec. gate, ltrey Cl <'oodo I BR 2 axl'to S00'11t1orlnrlall· s.c Plul 3BR aBA II ""'arm a,. rum .. fll 2 w/~c, ..-. ok. $485 Ni&uel Cou.nt"" Club. lux· . roun tY• • f1S.U S48-4127or731-8129. c u e. $750. 557-199'1 Ba , furn. w fotrlvm Utll & 'an'ltor 175·1120. • · 2ba pool adlta OC R ...--., .c Spaciou.twobedrootr11 lbr.Adulta,nopeta.717 2 bdtm deluxt. yearly Go lf, tennla . Daily, -'!'.l ---1am 11.i~. SIOK '11t pet, ciO.e tO , · n: · ALS 150-3314 urioul 2 Br. 2 oa. lake Two bath• Prlval~ Small bacbt lor. SU7 W.llth St. #D, $350/mo, acrQN from 11nd, Bal weekly' monthly rates <Vfi<'t space tor rent, 385 OWC2nd.Submltterma' ~uranta.f150":f:yr· 2BR.nlte yard,trtes.1 ;~ con~o on aolf pet.io.Lovety'sround.t• r::'i>'· 111111 paid, \'J w.ms Pen.S7SOmo.130·4e18 avail. 414 ·558 8001 aq rt second rloor . l&Mllll 1y Ind vtll. 813.-or animal I child ok . 1195 ~ A a':n}lles. pool. Adult complu. from ottan. 201 E. ~to be h 3 bd 2 S.SPM1 uk ror Mark. Prestigious Westclltf Huntlnaton Buch·4Br. 1-425-1• 1·"2· llOl Im/mo. 1'70 Maple Av· 1161-7566 ~; :i.~rn. F.aay •alk to abope and Balboa Blvd. 97s.95'2. SHnoO !_lrll. 2 ,. .. a r's C ba duplex.1~ mo ~~ir· Mamrmth 3 bdrm condo Blaredn 1c1 1 00 11 !~c.~~ Ml edlcal l\'JBa twnhle, st2.soo. 541·m7 ' · banks 1870 month. meas. PoOl; "" · R" · I I 557-8985 &lllO/ J1hr ..... """ · a ,oooto uauroe loan at S.C Plua/S.A IBr tba. AT BEACH "SHORES'' Yearly lease. Broker. Larae 2 Br . l Ba. Plua ~9908 >'.ease. ~~ U~~. CaU 17M619 $465, 28t 2ba $MO, 3 Br 2 newer 4Br. ram rm + 831-7300. moti:no. Rerrtae lncld. Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse WAT8lflOMT ..... to or .. _ 4,,00 2 bedroom and den. 2 bl M7S. Pools, spaa. din rm. heated pool, new No pet.I. Sav11e Wiide 6 apt In qwet adult l'Om· WITH DOCI _. • S2SS Mo-Pn ''ate office/ parkmc/kllcheoelle ape l!600 Main Sr Hunt Bch OaJly Jantr All util pd IAIGAIMI bath, prl v1te patio. ~oy extr11. No fee. spa. Wlk to bch. tennis. 2 bdrm and den Newport Co. rts-el08. plex. Newly det'orated, Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• V.A. Buyers. :? Br. or 4 Ava I la ble t b roua h Af 1157"°222 saunas. ln.11de auarded Beach Co ndo. Near 2 BR 2 Be lit lut 411200 fireplace. enclsd patio & w/spa in matr Ba blt·ln Prol Shr 2BR, ZBA CdM Br. Condo. Af. 988·229'1. ~&2. Sl,700. month. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Full carpeta gate comm. $1100 mo Hou Hospital. •$mo. MC. dep.'40'7 Hardina St 1arace Adults only. lrltch .. frplc. dbl ur Use l Blk fr Bch r Pref Avail now ' 17141848·31J3 --------"--,,.,.,., 1000 -tr, llJ.TIOO. enclsd garage, fen ced 12131 7516·9683 dys, or A,vafi atooce546-4131 873-1521 Sorry, no pets. SSTS Mo. garage, + 2 additional ~5311•675 96!9 Eves -u•••••H•••••••••• backyard, pa t I 0 . 0 14l49S·S030eves. 50 co•.rf •a•... D50. Util pd. l Br. duplex 64,S..3381 call btwn 9·5:30. olf·st spaces. $1300. NB pro( ma le will shr Jge , H U NT I N G T O N H.8.4-PLEX.Sbr,2'-"ba wasber/d N SeaT lBR 2BA • ,_ "'ui. NewlBr.Pool,Recrm. J.l.._.M'" Harbor View ho mt owner '• unit, fr pie. ryer area. o errace. • . 2 Br. l Ba. A/C, pool, rec 417 E. Bay Ave. Balboa 67~173 • • ..,. '675:6670 w 'ad u It 30 + I 37 $ BEACH• *r tu benefits. 2 yre Bif Cami pets. $SO(l/mo . 548·5'42 ~un Vu. Pool. Spa, fac1I.. sec. gates, no 54UIIO,S47·11SS ~~ /1~!'. c~1~1:011!~t 7EitH*l2 I 010 S/F Suitt new.Only a t.Ooodn.By IXIC:1ri1Y1\tow1 or77~5629. funa, Tcnn~s .GA P· pets.$$30.P.P.968·3652 C.WdllM 3121 21.3/37Ni606. NB'TUHEAYE Shr lrii lux home w pror ••3Pr1va(c 0<r1res aesit1 Phll, af, 972-9300. Huae• BR l"• b•. family ~ncMes. 97oua77r40 Aante. New condo Irv La 2 br •. 2 Br 2 Ba, frplc. garage. person. 1st, l1$t & dep • •l Starr Areas WITH YllW home Cpls d""' 2 "a ..,... 0 · er • · • ...................... I Br. l Ba. large front .,..,mo yrly ......... ""2 • • Wetbar !ZU -2YRSOLD · . ' .,..... ~ .r S/Wknd'a ll/• ba. frplc, pool/jac, Nearlheocean,lrc 2 Br. ~ --,,_.,.,., J?6.SE!> !!Ii~ Ava1lable now-Jst Floor HUNTINGTON BEACH gar, yard.tor tots. Avatl IWOCiation dues incl.. many amen It i ea . ~~~d·137~~~~9~1~ge 3bdr.n, 2ba duplex:-•, 12,47ZK F/P 1312,000 dn. Eleaant rumlshings In· 2120. 3094 .Yellowstone ........ t 115! $675/mo Call after 6 Sf:M>/mo. Days 542.5757 . . . blorktobeach. ~ ........ -----•Ca~_!i~(ii7liii4l~IWll~·l~1:3~3-iiiiiiiii9 1 ml. to beach. "Pride". cludina piano. pool ta· P<N1r Pa1ulanwnoh&/Sd. Cst ••• .. •••••••••••••••• .. &'17·6051 eves&wkndsNl-6630 ' Beautiful 2 Br, 2 Ba S48·8083. I 0 0 M M A T E 125% tu shelter 1st yr ble, fine antiques. New a~a . as r ry r . LAKE FOREST 2story s SSSO/mo Carpets. dis-. FtHDBS e e I Call Phil1 •ct1 912·9300. luxury carpet rr~ng..:.ater ' grdnrl Ill· 'den, 3 bath. On Wll~r. .. .. -, -:r~::.~· ~::~rb~::: hwasher. Av I ii. 3· l ~~11:'~=:· 2 ::~-:l bab Oldest & largest agf.'n('~ x cup an c . _. per mo. at, new boat dock! Ava il "'"" • M t dulta N 87~. --earh. Yrly be $975/mo All dumts S<'recned with APPUVAUIY ~':1ao ~~-~ea~.957-0701 or Feb.13.lnS. 754-7900. ~~~bf~~ ~r~'!': ~.~~~199 (9.uo pell. Newer 1 Br patio & 6'73·1283or675·3S5t. photos &rererenc:es Ta u..let _ ........ 1-"&..&... ,, ...... , G .,._ garage N 0 p e t s Credits Cosmopolitan Nur uw 4·plu . 2 1 ~k from beach. Dari· 3ar 2'1Ba t din -"...,. .... " uadelupe" Model. So. HWY. 2BR. lBA, Pvt $395/mo . 645.5577 2 br, 2 ba, gar., pool, sun · Good Morning Ameril'D. bdrm. 2 balh each unll in& I Br house. Sips 4. · d · tf bm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Near s hopping and Entr. Patio, encl pkn&. --deck. dlsbwasher S6SO TheTomorrowShow with fireplace, enclosed Winter rental. 1450, :'~ 2em tc en, at· HOMF.S FOR RENT adlools. 11195 mo. Year· q\iet. Mature adults on· INSTANT IHI Avail. Mar. 5. •112 otr• to a ll new "A Mew Concept" f\J ll serv1ce/cus fom office & desk spare. Nr. 0 C Airport "See to Appreciate!" 759·8978 patio, &araae. ~3 lat. Joyce. 631·1268 c car gar. $900 3 Bd.rms. 9675. Fenced ly lease. Broter631-7300 ly. Rer Req. 875-3.446, 1415/mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba Apt.1 613-2287/646·2992 cllents who need a place -mo. 2567 Elden Ave. Call yards & 1arages. Kids & M4-81 Pos cub rtow Now ~•tor's Bia Canyon ownr979-5099 ..-. 1 •u200Q --------1 f'rplc. carport. laundrylir_,....._... 317L HIWPORT '41·1199 ========= $1S8,SOO. Bill Grundy, Townhome, 2bdrm. 2ba, .... -we come. ,,..,. 2bdnn 2ba nr So Coast 2 Br. Bay view. Close lo room Cat ok Real sun --• RI Very nice 2 BR. Little. t ooree. Plua.' ~·Adults. only · · 1 · ••••••••••••••••••••••·•-------MEWPOI T CIMTll tr,875-fl8l. adult$, no pets. 11100. cute ho E Sid _,., . beach. Ava i l. 3·1 ny This one wont ast. SAHCLEMEHTE Sharemy 38R2styhme. S Unit. C.M. Bargain less 648--029S. ~mo.':. 7~ e Ml: ,.rt le.t. l2'9 ~12tl SSSO/rm. rt5-9006. TSL ~t. '42.-9412· Golt course/hill view. 2 NB. nr btarh. tennis b~ Office thanlOyrs old 1238.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2bdrm. 2b a gar apt, Cute .1 Br w1yard bedroom apt. Built·ms. $350 768-6380.6313618 I ~u OWC ...... U.f _..d B~DNEW 2 BRCON· HarborRidaelease,4Br '\I lwuh~ wasber/dryer.S600/mo. Easts1de SJOO/mo no carpels drapes 2~ 2BR 11.orBA tL SOOlo sq rt A ~111la· 645-2075 548·57631 a NELOENST 38a.D.R .. F.R .. study, ....................... 7091 .. H•liotrope Av•. kitchen 152 2197 btwn I _..1 . 1 ' r . ap ag lile forLease -------'-~-""' ....................... 5411.1447 h.tghly upgraded, rib VU,1 .... I·._.... 1706 n .. .. . enc OSeu carports. aun-&h S350 + ut1I Call Wm F Cote I UMITS - -I Lial"~e w/gar lots of l\lln.i gate. pool /tennis. ••••••••••••••••••••••• No ..-. S450 I ror rrore information l •..a.........1.1-..1 3106 .... -644-6400 · 8-5 No _ -dry facility. Two adults 497 3658 71 X .. •ROSS .. •••••••••••••••••••••1 bit: i...ir Moo $3200/mo. Bob or Doviel1bdnn avail March tst CotleMese 31241 ~-ltocll 3140 ....,_ mo. ease Malet8 2$ HJ ch' demand ren. tal Baytront. beacb. 2 Br. 2 Oep ~ C ~I ft ;mo a 759·1221 • thru June 19th Ca II ......... •••••••••••••• •••••.-••••••••••••••••• Available immediately 114 38th St NB t Cote Realty Ba. 123 E. Bay front. · · ~ a pm, I 8J3.9057 . 673.e&OO f\Jnushed & Unrurn. I ·2·3 Owner (7141&42·0138 673 2601 613 3663 area. Assume existing Ra I boa Island 11200 646-2S42. Av11I March l. <eves>. I a 111. l IR. Bdrm Apts Gy m · &. l nH•Slmenl Cinancin& or SlS0.000 .•ti winter. 11400 annual. F..ast.side CM. 2BR. 2BA. IAYFiOMT <Jeanne> Newly deror. Gas pd. J1run l, Sauna. pool: NI CE 2 B~DR.O~M Mature F shr w same 640-5777 103 and owner will: Herb,days213/478-3577. Pvt Yrd. All Amenities. 2 story. 4 + bdrms, 212br.,t ba. for 2·3 people. encl gar. d/washer. tenn11. volle yball. apartment with vie~ or furn 3 br. 2 ba Cd~! I:======== car r y . Full pric e SM0&75-0S62 batbs firepla ce avatl. 3/19~/l.2, on Bal. pool. bbq. Adults. no basketball game room the 'olr course. hills, home.SJOOrormasterbr11 $!40,000Call979..s370 .. ,.., _____ .. M• 3121 . gor~ view. Pier and • lsle.~/mo.673·502$ .642-5073. Hunt Bch ·846·0619 .i publ.1c tennis courts &maslerba 673 1561 l'rf• Locoffotl Large Orrlce Spare Corona del Mar. LLST'ATE 5P,trtal'ular~eao&city patio. yd, gar . $$95. ~p .• permo. vu ...... , ...... 3707 IMSTAMTIMI SS50 2BR , 2BA. Mini en~losed carports._~11 ·Pool Hm Br Ha 1275 I,. lights view rrom every BACHELOR. 1375. Ulils th. · ....................... S36S/mo. 1 Br. l Ba. Cond. Nr Bch Bes t bliluns, laundry rac1hty Porn A ' & 1 I No •875·9510• A ••••••••••••••••••••••• E/si~e Cottage, 2 br. Iba. Ii .....,.., A .1 · · --1 behind prope rty. 2 -- - A , room. Large2 Br. rrplc, pd.631.,..320agt Winter Rentals. VaBllr·fr Adults only, enclsd Atta. No Pets. 833·3307. in4unitmodem spanishl Dnnk Druj?s 545 5105 EALTOAS , many amen I ties. Bch. lBR $460. 2BR SSlS. garage, washefhooll·up, 642·U39 style building. 2 adults ¥!er~~"! !•-------• Cute W p ~/rm. Call Anthony BToro 3231 Single, S300. 673-9325 small yard. Call for --only. No children or pets F to share w 2 Super Due lo major expansion or tenant. EX ECUTJV E ROW INC .. one or the oldest esl.abhshed (1977 J pror exec suite com· plexes. has offices for lease or mo 10 mo f rom $195 to $530 ~rv1ces incl· R ecep· t1on1st. Sec"tan a l. Word Pr~essing, Photo Cop)tnJI, Computer Ac counnng. Telex, Mail & Messege Ser\'lct. Telephone Ans wering. F1c1hlies incl Con· rerenre rm. full kitchen. JanJtonal ullhties. free prkg 2-lhr 7 da~ "'eek aeress Loc-ated ~ 1th1n 2 nun of UC Airport at Jun r t 1on Jam · borel' ~a cAr t h u r 81\ds C.:o"' enient ac· cess from Do' e St. 390 l MacArthur Blvd Su ite 211. Newport Rearh 714 752 i l70 Telex lll2310or 2177i8 Be 1 m~~ ~ ~c:1 ~ h '~:· d•ys 642-5757. eves & ... HOMfFORREN•T••• BAY PRONTAGE beach. appt. HU MT I H f9 T 0 H pleas. S4SO per month. I clean well located N R Sl7S.OOO OWC 8% on: wtnds631·6630. 3 Bdrm. 1675. Fenced pier. 2 Br1750. Ut1I pd. TSLMGMT 842·1603 . GAIDIMS Available February con<!o tn5mo.675·9643 .,, .. _,"""" V, block to heh, 3br. 3ba yard & garage Kids •· T 111 5 · 2 7 3 O 3 E . SlOO off lst Mo Rent Spacious Apts. Bachelor C 1 11 ° w n e r 1 7 1 4 1 NS.Harbor R1dae Lux IJ.1"_._,., · "' Bhtf Condo. 4 bdrm, 3 Ed •· l 871 .,..,, c:Aa • 2 B · · & t Br. From SJSO/mo . 642-0138 " + lrg fam rm. frplc. bit· pets welcome. 545·2000. baths. S1200 month gew1..,r. · ._,,.,. ...-CJOUS r. 1 Ba . '395. Clos l G G & s · ury Condo Tennis & ins. 11350/mo . 675-0104 etit no fee. 644.2607 C_..Meso 1724 3 Br. H\ e,a. $425. Laun· D:eg~ ~wy · Balcon:: 2 br. n ear ore an . Pools. SSOO + Ulll Call Ive mess. L-..A..-L. y_._ 3134 dry fac .• pool. 548·9556 paU'os pools jacu•zls' 1375/rro: lst & last mo., Bob. 752-94.42 or 640·2434 ..__ -1 C<lnal Front. Newport ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · • · 332 Enc.-mo L1I SC See Eves Lee 3 br. 2...., ba, fam rm· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shores, 4 Br +. Lease or CASA DE ORO IMMe OCctMCY1 leMtJ & laundry rac. Mana er in A i ic · ---de~. din. rm. frplc. 4 Bdrm 2 Ba. lrg fenced option lo buy. llSOO/mo AllUTlLJTJES PAID MOO/mo. 2 Br. I a'a 490 l He II . Bo Isa · Male rmmte to ~hr Jbr COMPLEX pauo. 2 blks to ocean. yard. new rugs, frpk. Tennis. pool. walk to Adults. pool , beamed Ouca/Heil.846-1323 s.t.AM 3llO hous.e in lm ne w 2 pro VCIUd •• st be tif 1 .. Sl325.fMO.l484 great family borne. no beach. Agent 646-1044 or Compare before you ceiling. laundry room 2 Br 1 ba. nr Hunt Hr br ••••••••••••••••••••••• fessionals A' ail 3 I .fj lit APAITMENT mo au u Sboredills mo to mo lse. pets. 11125. 5411.1904 ~21116. rent. Custom design No peta. No last mo Encl car. encl patio. no COUNTRY S ETT I NG ~l·3lS6. SSI 8681 ==~y ~:'::,~ 1vall. indefaojt,_ 2 Br. HOME FOR RENT •CAJn<>tt LSI featuru. Pool , BBQ. mil. pets S450/mo. lit/last + CONDO! 2br, Zba. pools. fem. to shllre 3 bdrm hae Commerce Annual l.+! Ba.. fem rm, livlti& 4 Bdrm. 1750 P"1!'ftced 2BR McLain Condo. cov'rd /U~e • .s1µ· TSLMGlllT 642-1603 IZ50 sec.1424118 f!sm. encl yard. a1c. bit· c M Jl50 mo Da)s gJ'\lllreotaareS332040 rm. kitchen. 2 fps. lge yard& garage. Kids & Sl~-rmo.CallGerry rounde with plush • 3 Br. Coodo nr s c · rrpts/drps. frplc. !t0-JOU.l!\es64S.J2$S Price it 13000 000 '19x~ yard. Pets ok, private pets welcome 545-2000 m776lor750·1397 landscaping.Nopels. Plaia. S.A Pool . spa * •MIW• * kids/pets ok S595 r Rmmt Shr 2BR 28A CJ'OIS) 0wn'er ~ill carry beach access. $950. 1st . I , nottt I Br. rum from S46S garage. S'l50. 76tH*l2 furn apt La~una Bch long term w!th 25"'r &last,644-01&4 ......... ltodl l240 I ~W W:lson, 6-42·1971 ~3232or641·1460 *A~~ll~~P~ '\I ""*..tshrwhHd Ocean \'u lerr.inre SJOS down. Call William Cote 2 Br frplc. patio, nr 1 ....................... ~AHYOH 0-Poiat 3716 2 Bedroom or~ 390( + ulil 494·6109 or Phll Wills at ( 714 ) Fashion Island & ocean 5 Blks to ocean. Elegant 2 Lux u r 1 o us th re e 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lfelttiBJIU.J 2 blk' from ~ean ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prof JO.; shr ne~ 3 br 2 646-5117.(Brokerl 17501ease.640-l177. Br. family Rm & Den bedrooms. Two baths t ~r neat. small 1 Br. u I paddletennis cts SEAWIHD ba house. 1 m1 to SC t c t , R l't 2BR. lBA. Frplc, Palio, ll50Mo. Plush crpts.2•~ FRlorhlmadl dinin.~lnroom .1· Villi with courtyard. APAITMBfrS ' balconies orbkyard VIL' •GE Plau 751·~16· ml 0 e ea y Gar. 1700 Pl Sec Dep. Ba. Cedar & glu s. sun· c y eroratcu mut· qliet, no pets. S39S/mo. Beautiful garden apls. carporu """ Pror to share 14 HIM & Investment o.y 213·'4.50-1960. Eves. deck. dbl c ar prv ed tones. 3000 sq. rt.I «J-0!!03. Patiol/declca. Spa, heat all utiJpd-except elec New 1"2 bdrm lwcul) luxunous 2 Br tri level LA"S777 ~4.D garage. fully maint. J acuu~ ore master •_.__._ 37~,. paid.Adult.s.nopets. No-ts· a ... •inl4...t•n•.1Bdrm d _.. ard. N ls I l bedroom. 3 car garage. -,.... --.. -2 BR. 2 BA. SS2S I ,.... ..... ,,.. " c on o w , v i e 14 & I YI LWE Y o pe · nqwre a 12050 month. Yearly ••••••••••••••••••••••• 398 W w·1s At anta.Delaware. HB from $490, 2 bdrm from amenities. See 10 ap LohfarS. 1100 wlthopllonlobuy.SSOOO 52'718th.St.960-6331. lease. Call 631-7300. Lux~ stud.lo. spa. TV. . . I on 63l·M83 (714 1536-4400 ss70.·Townhouse from preciate Harbor Knoll ............ ••••••••••• rmves you in. $750/mo 3 Br. with garage Child & Realtor 1n11d service. phones. PINE BLUPF APTS. $640 + pools. tennis. ~· 7S9·0S98 V61tura Keys luxury lot rent applies to purchase small pet ok. 1650/mo . · Sl15 wk. 499·2227 2 Br. 2 &. No pets 2br 2ba in •·plex $475, waterfalls. ponds' Gas 2500 SQ ft condo 10 shr. II? with wisurpasaed view otfumlture.Deluxecon· 53&-7979 Ml ltedl 3769 Patio. view, frplc . w.d hk·up, prv patio. for rooking & heating r ms on beaut if ul of Channel. Space 65' do. pool. jac, patio. 2 bdrm ~ondo, n•w cpl. POOLHOME #pOrf jacuzzi. gar .. gas stove. enclsdur.645·9494. paid. From San Diego Gr-nblt & ,.1 .... of th(• >.Jt~t 0 h I ' " 3BR Fm ho~Bk8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• «t:c631"107 c:-.. d . N th " ~" ._ · wner may e P blocks lo ocean, compl. drps, fridg, pool. tennis. ""' a y OCEAN•'RONT 2 & 4 Br. ..,....,. ..., r rwy rive or on bay." pools 557 7883 or finance. S300.000. Please fl.Im. CdM. 673·3694 or handball. clbhse. No 11200/rmCallSuzanne Avail Winter. Weekly/ STUNNlNG large 2 Br 2 DILUXE211, llA Beach to Mcfadden 640-6339 call lnez&OS-656·9236 8121474·5291. pets. SS2S lst, last l200 675-34-4Saant Monthly.673.787:l Ba. garden apt.. pool & I mile beach. frplc . L1hen0 S~aeston Mcfadden A-...,., SuperHarbor/()(eanVu. rec att ~u 710 w t n c lsd garaae . .. wind V1lla1?e ConM.act.fMor o.t of~ ColhMese 311.4 ""'t'· •vo-7633 3 BR. 2 ba. 11185 mo. 239 Want something xtra · a. ....... · dshwsher. bit-ins. smoke <71411113-5198. 2 BR 2 Ba. 2 d1.<cks. r1.1k . P'l•rtr 255 Oteanvu 675.2967 special in a 2 Br. 18th.St. alann. balcony. Water WD.SJJOmo-+ 11 util ...................... Townhouse. completely Bachelor & 1 Br. Apls All 1 paid. 1465. Before llPM . Wlffltftff Alth Isl. last + dep rt>q d ..,_~ l•-------•I rum?SlllS.Mo.760-9117. adult.no pets. Pool. bbq !laH814 f\Jm & unfum I bdrm Must be empld h.nc· 320 Acres. 118 Acres In ...:..;..::...=::...=.::.:.:..::.:.::___ IAYMOMT OCEANFRONT 1 br till & enclsd garag es 1 Br •. rrptc. patio, vaulted aa~01~111 util pd. All refs 7~-0658 Almonds. 202 Acres Pier and slip for lar1e 6·15, rurn-SSSO . un -$3115/mo.831·2218 JJ 1 dlt I ""' es.846-06l9. Bare. 1750.000. Sell or boat. Furnished six r 1500 k d ~.,. np. poo . I vng ·-400 M r pror to shr 2 Br urn · · w Y s .---· CO....,.FOIT .....,. M2-lll07 -~ CdM Ask for John Tra de . Brok er s bedrooms, ri ve baths. 833 3743 I k d ~ "' •••••• Welcome 552·8645, dining room and den. 7J>.&427 • •-"" •-· BeachMotorlnn. --, m.7633 Tennis cour ts and1_...:.;;.;...;:=.:. __ ___,,__--1 w/patio • ya rd . up baclr yrd. gar. new 985 No. Pacific Coast FShrHsew 2 Brothers · •eves w n s Larae l BR down 2br.lba.dupl•vdollhse. La."'"'a••••••••••••••••j 67J..2459 or640·55l ld•s 270 ...................... 10 Acr es avocados. Rancho Ca I. 12'k int. 1165.000 Xlnt invest. 557.3318 M• .. ....... 110 ....................... • Want a tar shelter? Sell my l/lZ year new triplex or excllance equity tor CIOlldoor? Owner. After7 n4-780-0'7a4 beaches. Short term or w/balcony ' cathedral Plllll. crpls, drps . S4SS.I Hwy. Laguna Beach. Non Smkr Exec3brshowbome w/ years lease. 15500 ceiling. frplc. dtw. pool. 817lNewman.848·1511 1 Dally. Weekly, Kitchen 673·1~ gar, patio. SPA l600 mo-'"' B~·r 631 7W111 spa, car port. No peu. ·1 bl Lo OC.RENTALS 750-3314 ,,.,,. ,_ ... · · .wv. adl&lls ooly. 1465 & up .......... 3141, ava: 1 e. w winter M Non-Smkr shr 2BR ~~~~~~~~~!·-------· 2650Harla.S49-2447. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rates 494·S294 2BA Apt CM DW. Pool: W. Npt. Nr beach. 2br QUIET ADULTS over JS. OCIAH NOMT P\1. ent. no smoking or Spa R37 SO 641 7W All bouae. frplc, patio, yrly. ••••••••• lmfum 1 Br. lower. 1340.1 Moat elecant apartment drinltinc. quiet M over _FM __ _ 1750/mo. + sec dep. Beautl landscaping. No bulldlna In Lacuna ~.S285/mo~0637 Roommate wanted Male ~ L387 · pets. LEEWARD A PTS Beal'h. Finestlocatlon ln WoR.inJ (em.. 25-40. \\ over zs. S360/mo · utils Ocean view 3 Br. Condo. AMual lease. pool, ten· nls. Agent Mr. Clark 842·3950 days, 845·3370 eves. Solclout stooios. one lod IWO lledroon) apart· menls. FURNISHED end UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also ollers •All Utilities Paid 'lmmedlete Occupency • 11 Miiion In R....uon Aod Much More' For a month or a llle- bme Models open daily 9lm to 6pm Adults only. no pets _,Fullerton,63l·0397. town. Bruthteklng 1>111 heh. N.B .. un rurn •• pd. CdM. Av11l 3·1. aft 1llE VICTORIAN ·. N•~. I views. All blt-lns. heated noMmkr. S275 675.1708 SPM rt5-112l .... pool, aubt. aarage, lft.4. · ---ly deror. 2 Br w/gar.. elevator. Lease only. . _._. oew crpt.a' dr1pes. bit· a'iO & up. 330 CUtf Dr. Furn. r m for rent in forltwt 4350 ins, peUo. Adults. Call _..., Newport , 1250/mo . ••••••••••••••••••••••• between l·SPM. 836-4120. ' rem1 1, pref. IMS·3448 aft. j Garage. ISO month Z864 8117 "G" Victoria 70 ......... lttlett )Hf ~. La Salle. Call after 6PM Mesa Verde, 2 br, new ................ ••••••• Furn CM HM . 1210 957·27~- crpt, dJllli paint. Qwel PAii lllPOIT ~~ or ~II Answer Stngle car 11ara11e, fu ll area. Cu ·de-uc. No COUMTIY CLUI Ull. 6'2·4300 1 lock up. CdM SSS mo pets. U 7S. •98·1936, N.-t Bch ho 770-0347 , •1• uva..-"Y • USe pnV, ---- · Bachelors, 1&2 bedroom llOll·srnkr. rum. SJ001mo Offk.I..., 4400 F.atbldt For Rent/Un· epts It townhouses 631-7215 ..... •••••••••••••••••• furn. Two aptJ. 2 BR ·a From 1000 M..1900 Newport apt t 1 16~7 WestcUtr. N B. Wint w /I• r . . n o Ir l d s . 1...., LI h h. ho emp fmancial Inst 7000s f $400/mo. Ill fl lut r«> FEE! Apt. &i Condo ~· I t se Id pnv. 1sU1oor. A1ent S4l·soll· 59-1815 rmtall. Villa Rentals. N BR fl BA. 549.4077 -m-eu Broker. Avail Marth 1st. Room. EXICUTIVE Oekwooc:t 2 Br 1~ Ba condo. pool. Laraie 1BR. UUI pd. Spot· Balh. Garage, Pool. SUmS Garden Apertmenll lallllCby. pat.lo, baby OK. leu. n-ia. 8450. am E Kitchm Priv. S48.aos8 I Newpott 811ch/No. 880 lrvloe (a1 *"> ('7'4)9*1104 .... port BNctVlo. 1700 18th.St (OoYll •t IM\) (1MJ l4MttS noptt1.M .M1r.Diane -IN Uz.tl02, Jhr1uerlte lallSt.164118 f\lrn. room for rent. full ..,. ... 540--S.C. tor 2 br apta, 1 ml fac. priv. Balboa Island f1LA1A Z br I ... _ lrom beacll. ~o -ts. Cont I t't v a I d I y s New IUXU"" omce space f -· lfW r~ !l.!ll }'Cit .a 873 ...... ''1 pa t • drapu, cll•h· ecz.1151 ._, _, ..,va -· In lrvlu'a busiest Wlllltr. Pr1 ~fie, DELUXJ; SPACIOUS •t Npt a~a. empl m, C'eftter! F.aay 1'rwy ac MOtmo. •• m t. UDO. 2 Br. z Ba. frplc • kkcb priv. mo. 67S·ON1 ~~.il. now• Call a.:.~i:s;,~~: ~· Adl&a. '1ooo. ~~= ~~~-ent ra n · lll·IJJI UMZJO f1t .1a . FwutlcOcn frt vu! ce11arden patio. Fum. •DILUllOf'ICn• APT. MAN &Gift l1PPlr ar. xtr1 l1• rm1. Be • m • d c e l 11 n I · nun 1 room Wl ~ 2000 " lit/nice. Microwave • ft -~ .J.::.;;;..r..:~====---1 ntit• Avail !/I. Q\IJtl, ... . rrvm 11.18 I tq. ,,,.. fl NO lease required. Nip. llOD•lmlcr. Gtt Mj. Alrporter lnn. zm ~ llt/lu t/dep. l300 Dupon t. Call AM . utlla. 151-1313. -·-----=·-----=·.:.:.r;.~ ......._...._ 41H lmtSTlllf Short• arta. Sad1d ....................... COSTA M1SA :r=~b•tt ~~~au. ~~a==·~i T& Q11T ...__ .. • •· Color TV. ild.A•ail~,...,. "'-U ...._IA room. m t , ..... -... -MIWPOlfcmT llewpor t l h d. Cll. a.11 lel l1MM ....,. . ...._~,~-.. ·-.... " ~.:-,,:t'e GI''' Mtt-. ••tel -. Jl!l!lilllllll:.-....J ,,_., ' ..... kllChHUt 6 -~~=..i-~--1 rim;... .......... 1111ao111 . . ..... . "-t'!" KOLL CENTER NEW,ORT Elri:ant Ext'c s111 tes in pre~t1i:1ous lor lnr l senet ar1a l. recep. llomst. lelephone ans & rmrt> 01 t'S fro m $436 rro On call ores 5165 mo T H E H E A 0 · Ql'ARTE RS CO M· PANJ F.S A professional en\·1ronmenl 17 14 I 851 0681 Laguna Brh 500 SQ ft. S350 333 3rd S l re et 213 39J..234i HiMt lch Leose Rrookhunl Garf i,ld. approx 500 sq fl. a II or part 9S< per sq rt Cpt. Win~' ro,enng 1ncl'd. non srroker 714 963 5647 TwoOfficH 1275 bm:i II omce. 1310 me di um o fr ic e . Secretarial s pace available. 848.3392 Pri~ Newport Beach ol flee Newly remodeled. beautiful Ca II Mark 673-6606 P~e& ~rif! 'nare open space Part11lly rum Tel Ans S3SO mo 641 1391 om c, sp11ce on busy Ne""'POrt Blvd Approx. 4llO sq. rt S4401mo. in· cldl ullla. 2450 Newport Blvd CosL1 Meo See M er IUSMSS ADDllSS An,werlnc & mail service. conferenrt room. Adj. 0C Alrpol1 1100/rm. 7141851·1~ Nfwport Beach ntar Hoti Ho.sp. 1000 sq ft .. serortd rloor OtfiCH. Im· pie parttln1. well main· taintd bid&. Vicky days 114 1eo.ooo . nu 714 /US,.3112. lnve meas• e O.C ...U,Ort area, 1120 aq n. • 1q ft • 11t111. 557•&a. m.im. ...... WP'tl~-~IMlllli;lll•••lil1i'~ c:.,.t""'9t .......;, ~ ~ . ...... ..c.;_ Ta ,._.._... s.wt.t/•tu•h11 ·•· ........................................... .-. ........................................................... ~·········· ....................... . ..........•.........•.................•...... ,_...11 ......_. .. txper l~y We<:anCrptCIHntrt D.Jrl'tlJCJAN priced TreeTl"lm6Removal DtM>lltioo·Oradllll FEDERATED C:...P..... •BRYANT'S• OreMm .. la1 • • .-u.a wUI ak eve. ' wkAda. &team clean' 1.1phol1. rilht, frtie eatlmate on Home Repaln Truaport. Atpbalt, con. lncome T-x Strvke 25 yrs exp. Lk 4dtf4t Wallcoverio& RtmovaJ and t\Uer1t1uo1 ~..:, l lJ IJ Pw... eon tt. TNckmounlw11t larttoramallJobt. 7•19Sor87MCM..!__ crtU! 'tree removal. Ul·4117lfor a t. &oded. Ina. Ref•. Color All •· '42·1343 _ Shirl!fNl_:~50 A • ~ :;f. Wort uar Ms.JU Uc.~3'11Gl 11&.0W •••I Soll prtp' plutin~. F~T·ACCURATE u .963-0lllDlck PWw/I.,.. Sliyttlltl ··~ 'I At.l.)'M P Y .. .; ... ••••••••••••••••• Shampoo l 1te1m c:le•n. UC D ELtCTRtCJAN ••••••••n••••H••••••• ~te;d eqlip. Comm I Lncome tax MrYlce·)'OUr I'm Small-My prsrei •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• •••••O• .. •••••••••••••" for a For .U you need to know Ollor brlpteoecs. w6l gu.I. work · Re11. rtttt TRACTOR, Ideal. ro.~ •Raid I. SU.1W home b a IUCl arc small! CdM, NB ~al patchel 'tutum * •SICYU6KT'S• * .::_ •:~d abcMblnlmaptcy,call rrpta • 10 min. bleach. "°'Hat l31-50'72Tom 1mall .cce11 areaa, 41 General haulinl' mov Ptnoo&J ' Busltleaa In 'd,Bon87U477 All Sizes ln1talltd ~; lHJm.1182 Hall, llv/dui r~I SU; TOPQUALITV wldeKu~aklploadtr In& Tree ~ork , IH rome Tu Return NEJ..SONSPAINTJNG GrtatPncet1 131·~ DAILY av1 room SUO. couch Electrlcalworkat ht.lhad.NHOOI cleanup tree es t Preparation. Avail for Int/Ext Reaid/Comm Restucros. Int/ext 30 ....,. PILOT ~ ... , ....... ,,, =~ ~ri,?:'::al~lim. ~tes. 531·$0S$ tt.d)m:i 714 M2·458'7 Evtnlnp' Weekend()(. Acou,,Uc ceiUnas. Rers, .1"'· Neat. Paul 545-2177 ~ ................. . smt¥1CI ~WICl&ffl!M 15 yra 'exf.. Oo work ElecitricourSpeclaltj! ....................... HAULING-student has nee or Home Appo!nt Uc'd.Freeest.837·26]7 rt Al TILE INSTALLED , • -.CTOIY 1...._ ... R ... 1 o o Clean qwck dependa· Carpentry · Maaonry lge truck. Lowttt rate rn1mta. Jamea L. Zam l. J 8 p NT G !I All Kinds a t d " -0011 NOW! ._n Since 1 7 """· e 1""' · 1 1 We W. d ' · J b • RoollnJ Plumblna Pro pt Call 758·Un6 merman. CPA. &u-4212 · Al JN ••··~··•••••••••0••••• uaran " ' • Al*,_S... ~ Rtmodellns NoSteam/NoShampoo · e.~~.~!e 0 · Orywall ·Stueco ·Tlle Tha~you John · -----QUALITY.REAS Drawclear~from SlO Rtf1 JohnS.0.921!,, ~ r bt llY-Piloi Doon, Wiadows, paUo Stall\ Spetlalial. Faat Remodel J 8 ..,.9990 • · 'I J-!!!)'_ ~9383 aru Plumblna Repa1r1 cu.tom Ceramic Tile •• our aly lot coven.FreeesLReas. .Freeesl.D·1Sl2 R~ID/COMM'L/IND ' : . tf Jlr.111 .. I ....................... INTtEXTPAlNTINC _!reeest.MliM642·9033 Prompuerv Freeest " Servlc. Directory Uc. 1310842 549-2170 20 yrs exp. Do my own GeMraU&ainteoanc"1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BRICKWORK .• Sm11 II Quality work Reas ATLA.5 PLUMBING 41 Ch~k 876-14111 RtPftHll&aUve FINE HOME c.,.t/U ... hfy WOC'\.Lic'd.Al6*8126 Replln&Decontlnf WantaREALLYCLEAN Jobs, Newport, Costa Fr eat SteveS.HZal HEATTNC REPA IR MJ.1671, tit JU IMPROV"',..ENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• •~eo ~ . _ • lit * ~ 640-5l44 HOUSE? Call G1naham Mesa, Irvine Reta. · REPLACE 845.1688 25 Yrs E1tp Frtt Eat . "-• NewYr'sSpeclal!Crpt .._-• ... ..., HOMElMPROVEMENT Glrl.Freeest.&45·5123 615-3175 ___ BOGOANOVPAINTING ReuooableWork Ouar r, Additions ai Remodeling ,.....,.,, "lean1na. S"otch ••••••••••••. ••••••••,!•• --16 yrst, C Top quality • .... M _. John 49'l·3312 • Hy ....,.., " • " c. ··· REPAIR-PLUMBING ROBIN'SCLEANING MasonryourSpecialty! · · n.,.ny •191•"' ---•.,.c,c,.•,•.111 •• •.• ••••••••••••• ~ • ard. Free est. 97z.tl839 u:!." v~•:ol:uMo~~~ Heating. c1vpentry. Servlc a thoroughly Clean, quick, dependa Nea~·,=~~ ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• T'"S..lct ,...,,_ P/R ~llet·Fin.Stmta c-.t/C..ret. Home.IM~Dave _ elec, tile Free e.at. No c:leanbouse. 540.0857 ble.Wedoanyllizejob PIOPllTY ... •••••••••••••••••••~ Compl. Set-up .ti Serv. ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• 'obtoos 11 645·2811 •631-2345• QUAU~ INT/EXT MAMAGEMIEHT •Expert Tret Pruning• Rt!!. 540-5134 f191'-·r.:~ THOMPSON'S G.••1 JACX OF ALLTRAD'ES EXPERT BRICK AND Lir'd Refs. Free est Orange Co. area 15 yrs Com.merclal Landsui>e: ' Have cakulator , wllJ Uc. 13491182 110..6554 CONCRETE CONSTR. •••••••••••••••• •••••• • Call day or night, Masonry Small jobs ar • •646-1067 • • expenence. Call for info Services _ 957·838&. ·, travel! All acct& se.rv. Ur. 1393383 642·1482 TIHS •Jack 676-JOlh repairs Frpk facings Quality Ptg Low winter and rates. Tree TrimU\g. clean ups, • C.lHor appt, 76().7122. MacHAU COMSTI. RESIO. CONCRETE+ T<>wed/removed. clean REASONABLE Refs. 5.51·'555, 760·7074 rates in effect Honest. H }M H Monthy service free est• ~~lo~mo'd~'·r:~~~h Sport courts. Lie. 374067 up&, lawn renov. 751·3476 PROMPT. FREE EST. LANOOCP /MASON Ry reliable. 848·5648 _ .._cMleMJ/Repol 646· 7556 Tony's Tree, ~•••••••••••••••• ctoora, skylights & patio &b851-1966/IM7·7078 K&DLandscape Malnl. ALMOST EVERY LORRAINE'S HOME C<Kicrete. Lie, Ins. PAINTER NEEDS ••••••••••••••••••~•••• ~rvi<::_e_ AIJSrATE PAVING covers .... 3852 c:o.lred-G ... __. Res1d/Coi;nm. Clean·up. REPAIR NEEDED. SERVICE. REFS. 20 rs. Free est 536·0914 WORK! 30yrsexp, inl/ C,....,.....,.11Cl"L CompleleTreeServire ' "'-al-ating -Stn'pina -.. ,... Lt Hauling. 548·~89 DAVE64S-4757 Own trans. 962·0510evs ext Acoustir ceilings v.--"'t Gen'I rlil up & lrrlg ..,. w ~~a.... ....................... -CustomBnck,Stone, =STllA 3609 Repain. Comm./Reaid. ..__, ADD'NStREMO DELING Gar den Ing Comp I Masonry-C.mentry-Tlle TopPr~abaUt!h/eRleoarsh.o~ses Block, Concrete. Stucco. D.!_v·~ainlin 847~186 DIU •"'"'GI Lawn renov 5 14 J Lie. 1397312 M5·1181 •••••~••••••••••••••••• Plans. Lic'd. Geor0 e clean & r h I Pl t>-Roolr-R d ~ " """ Ref Fr Es ""9 9492 CoU tud t 7 rs u 5Wf' T .,._ .... -""~.--..;.;.;;;'----'.:;..;;.;;;.-'==i ca~•Carpentry " . up ree au ing um ing· emo (213)439-8907 _ _!.:_ee_t_ .... _. --eee s en Y • Turn lost or unused ,_..,_... Driveways, Parlun' Lol Small jobs & repairs Pil~r & Sons1S.S7·6932 for usable items Stucce>-Orywall S36·8i00 M .A.C:OHRY per. Int/ext, refs Dana spat'e inlo 1 workllble •••t.!_•••••••••••••;•• .. Repain,Sealcoaung. Freeeat. 645-2003 J Ilda MlthaelOO·~ HOME IMPROVEMENT ntEBJtOOMSQUAD ~ 64&-l811lart9PM area-rooms dlVldtd . -DELINQUENT S ftSAsphall F'r~-desfa~fr~sl Gardeoina Wanted Tile floors Fencing Quality · Rellable Sl/ltft 67$-0'4 p~ drywall drop reilines & Jud1e1al Foreclosures . Lic63Hl99 c.,. .. ,, Room additions. tenant Mowing, edging. raking. Plumbing . All small Housecleanin . 673·3121 MorilMJ ....................... tnm ra'rpentry·lo l'Om · Harold f . McGrath Esq Uc'd mother w\11 care ror 0 f1N°[•n•Nisir9woitiC-' Improvement. 1 n . s wee Pin g . Fr e e jobs. 28 yrs exp. 979·2265 Calhy'a Home Services. ....................... HANG ING s101ROLL pletJon. Call Tom or Jeff 8St 1771 ~toddle~ Mon-Fri, I& Remodeling/Doors hung surance work, decks, estimates 645·4372 or Ra Y , s Handy ma n Complete Houseclean· AIC MOYIHG SQipping·disc on paper at li6t _?9q O! 4~ 3886 Tutorittg yd, nutritious meals R 7zo..l260CdM patios 64.5-5737. Service roof repairs. in Refs._fli2·~ . Q\at'k·careruJ 552·0410 ~SA/MC 645·932~ • ......_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~53U CHAR•PROFESSlONAL 770..~ Lie 313174 CUSTOM GAR OEN ING painting & carpentry IS Preferential Care of your -UC PAPER HANG ER -·-. Reading & related skills REMOOEL/ADD·ONS R"1d'l/Comm·1 rse r 648"336. Possessions & Home. •A·I MOVING • Bonded & guar No Job .. itEPAtR5'roitl.'F!ss .. Credentialed, exp, ·car ~~}.~............. :;:~;,~.-+s:;,~9 &Carpentry.Lic'd Cln-u .893-3577~!L_ SRClTIZEN DISC. Exp & Refs 642·3299, Top Quality Special t.oosmallartoolarge Shingles, flat 30 yrs ing Spet'1ahzlng grades_~· AGGRESSIVELEGAL -2Syrs. lrwin548·2719 TIIEGRASSHOPPER SMALL1LOEREPAIR S 645-42511_ _ __ care In handling. 25 yrs 1-'reeest Tony 898·2728 ex Freeest_!70272S rthr 4~..:..77!9 ~--talion. Law of· •••• • COMM'L/RESID. Complete lawn ma int Freeestimat~. 548·542'1 Houserleanino I am exp exp. Competitive ratn WALLPAPER ltu..,,,r Roofing.all lY""S Cred. tearher instruct ·~~ Tired of Plain Walls? In --. D I Noo\•ertune. 7J0.13S3 ""' .. ~ bl d 11 .~ fi~. lM hrs. 545-8422 crease the Value & Rerrod.·Add'ns-Repalrs Indoor plant specialist Cpitry, Hm rprs, drwl. Dep. Articulate Debra. -----/\II kinds Free est New.recover·decks pro em rea ing. spe . • Beauty of Your Home Very reas. Lie. 390250. Dominic~2·~_!. -pntng ril ti f lC . u P 64G-68S8 STARVING ACTORS Sll/roll Lie. 330986 Lie 11411802 548·9134_ ~1cs ESL551-6SS4~ ~~=~•••••••••••• With The Richness of JackH.Bennell,Jr. Landscaping-YdClnups yrdwrk, reas Jerry: Exp:d-Hou~e keepe~. F:~~~~?u~~~~st Nor~_¥_5~-l'WwaortR filta I Tutor Spanish. All TM.OM SoUd Wood.496-6961 Gen.Conlr. 552·9142 Treetn.m·Expertm1int. ~33115 __ avail rrornmgs Hard· Rates Law Allows M C TIIEPAPERHANGER "Ouaiii oonlif< Levels BA Degree loslead olye~~ ~~o. Lanunated Cabinets c.to. Wooctw_.a.... -_ l!_m ~1·0_129 Ben'~ Maintenance Serv working. honest. reha Vi.sa Lie/Ins 613-0853 Prof quality work ..... ~e Homey ~"?.r~:-0~~ w credenhal Call Lorn • .... .._.,, ••o $10 s1~ $20 ble Refs Call 631-7596 -. . ---"'-~ ~1 Ste\'l' ~7 4281 r UI 963-1662 wrty. 752·50071752·0892 WoodSkmsor Forq11ca ....................... m wing. · "· I alt n""""'" - P~F POLISHlNG Interiors. bars, mantles. Sl5-S20~ 7~ 9904. 955.0095 try Don't Spend lhe Sum me I·••••••••••••••••••:•••• Papenng Painting Courtnght & Son ••••••••••••••••••••••• Units.&45-6521/549·1685 I cusroMHARDWOOD Hauling/ Dumping, Plumb•f.lec•Carpen· -s --~SenJus QUALITY ROOFLEAKHH~H wt..dowC....., Seryice at ~our home or ~~sto~. Carpent~y 8 >' libraries. cabinets. Mark _ I Pamlin . Call964~_! Cleaning your Hou5e IPnvate Nurse a\'a1lable fo'reeesl Jams5S2·0231 Roormg "l..ettheSunshine ln · busineu.Rick6TS.03« ~ay · .(Formica & bookcases, skylttes. Garden Main. Resad Let someone else do 1t 1mmed Full or Pa.rt - -f'reetl!t ~·5292 C'al1Sunsh1neWindow •·• '* . ..JMhn Tile) 6428809 or Call cust. molding. Refs Co Id l Cl I...., for you '''''' Cal l lame . Xlnt Re( s Wpa3l1lnpallpenor.L<'1~n328trn2c4t0o0r.C& c_Atn."'--" Clearung,Ltd 548·8853, .. _,......., Answer Ad lt620 al mm. n us · ean· ....................... 734 7786 ,. , -·~ ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·4300 ~hrs ~ -ups & Tree Trim Free DUMP JOBS 631·4~ -------. -23 yrs Garv Gompf ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20"! ~OI!,~· ~count Babyslt.our ~M horoes,l . ' . ""---&t.641-1096 • &SmallMovingJobs F1l.IPINOFAMILY lp...&..tol.....o .,.. . ..,.,. . BUOGETRATESLu:'d •RESIDENTIAL• yr&up,anyt1me Cabmets, Counter tops, ... ,------C 11 .. E CLE•"'INGSERVICE _..., ~...,.,., •-S t b OK "'" ·-" "'"" s· 759 Doors G ho • win· . ••••••••••••••••••••••• JAPANESE a inlK 146·1.391 "'~ •••••••••••••••••~••••• ""''"'mm m JO !> A\'g I sty S30 , aqt 2 St> • ,_.._..,,,_. ' r~~ u .. e DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC GARDENER F'reeesUmales 552·7290 Fme painting by R1rhard Expert walkm•enng in Free est. Ins 641 7581 S4S Chns957 8388 Babysitting Mon·Fr 1. ~~Finish work 14yrsexp. Fullyhr'd& REASONABLE <toEAN~PYOUIACT J -T -I Smor l.1r. ins 13 yrs of stallallon Reas prices --------~, .. Newborn to 2 yrs. 6 tol' wured. 532.5549 Free F.st 968_7989 DAY Yard/garage .~ .. ~ ............ happy loral customers ~~ant Assignment ~~~! ... ~j p~=~~n!d ~:1~:; •• 5:30. Sl/hr. CM. 64;-2995 Cuslo m s Pa de c k,s. -The ra~t;st dra"' U\ th; cln-up. elr I ton trurk. EXP ER PREP AR ER !h_~_xou 631-4410 --Alterattons. tailoring & Lost and Found col- Uc'd childcare. loving! paliOS, Fr.doors. Lied SELL idle item~ \\1th ;1 West a Diuly Pilot S2S.6ll-l9!1l<24 hrsl Enrolled to pract11•1 SellwllhEAS E' SELL idle itenl.'> '-'Ith a custom wk by exper umm.That's wherepeo· care & companionship.I JolllorRick979·l2lS Dally Pi lot Clu:.stf1ect Clasi.ified Ad. l'all To> WANTACTION? before the IRS. Qualit)' lt'ba UREEZF. Daily Pilot Classified seamstress 642 6872 pie look when they 've · fenced Yd. 556·3098 Sell idle items ~ Ad. day~·~8 <:;ll!SSifed Ads 642-5678 .!!.!!!!:!~!. ~9·2418 Class1f1e51Ads642·5_!;78 Ad eves found an item of value .; ~.~~ .... ~~.~~ ~rtmity soo5 '~!'!! ... ?!.~ b.!.~.~ ...... ?~.~~ ~~~ .... !.~?.! r~.~~ ..... !!.~~I~.~~ ..... !!~ ~.~~ ..... !!~ ~~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ .. SloreorOffice. llSOsq. fl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'f'DIU Found Woman's Bulova ~glishHouaekeeper AutoGlasslnstaller ' LEC/\LSECRETARY MAHAGEl/CLEllC Models, Girls needed'· Mesa v~_:i~a 41~~~~~ter. ~-LETS Watrh Gold V1r 27th ~th refer~ncet'-seeks Experienced 1n al l . Of'BAro1 L;iguna Hills Rerent Cards&g1!ls 6407373 parttutll'tohostparties Top l""ation . adJ'acent Hlf'W(IS St Newport 'Bearh 0•ve-in sci ua 1~h an Phases 40 Hrs Hunt Growingelectronics dts Calif probate ex Mam~~rlstforNailsalon & sper1al events Ne wport Bl vd re "" ~ 673-8676. · range 0 wt no 111gton8ch tnbutor seeks good penence necessary F.x· 673-1388 furbished bldg for office to Balboa Pavilion. Good Clover -Auger ----_5.!!!lli children. 770·0347. 536·6561 A ft er SP M . lyplSt to train for on line eellent typing & ~I H in .Newport Beac:h. Ex ---- or mail. Open rafters, lease.Forinformation Foray -Gentry Lost. Germ. Shep mix Young ma rried ma n 96().5827 computer system Xlnl skills req'd Call Mrs I lstmg cben~ele availa· Nursing French doors, exposed MELFUCHS, FACTORY rem Lost Harbor / wouldlikeoddjobseves -----opportunities ft com· Winslow for ap pt , ble.~!_'TI'.ht<s 540..9757 MUISESAIDE brick.llOO sq.fl.+1000 REALTOR Housmgissure llght I Wil5onarea .Pltta1rcall & wkends. Can do a AUTO MECHSERVICE panybenefits.CallEis;,i, 837·1060 ~IC-AUTO Exper'd. all Shlrts s q f l fn ed J rd 67>8120 just saw a whole bunch 63HO~tJllt$.JO variety or handyman MGR. f:;xpert all·around 556·3880 U VE-JN. Aide Nurse. MacCreoorYachUl.1631 Con,· Hosp Nwpt Brh., Owner/A.gt: 613-5368. .. • t .. or genies lined up In Lost Blk Srotllsh Ter-)Obi 972-9625 eves, ask :r~ho~~.~th T~!~!~g non-smo ker. M f or Placentia. Costa Mesa Bnng your smile & JOln Hl visibility. Attractive 'w-&.......11 5020 front of a lamp f AC ner Red Collar Vic I for Bill dous oppt)' lo grow Demo n s t r a I o r s couple Wknds ~ PM M6nhanin. MB Diesel us ' Free mJr med ·den --TORY. Mesa Verde --. ----. n ' tal & life ms Call Mrs, store. 2330 Newport ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5459122 Babysitting newborn lo wmewsportsveh1clebe· supermarkets . your hrs S.7 wkdys Rm+ Exper &foreagnmade Slone 642.8044 Blvd. C.M. 1200 ft. Glass Corp. w/16 palnl~. const Lost & fcMtc1 SlOO ---· I r ou r y rs . F . V . Ulg introduced into So area Car necessary salary_~0092_ Also BMW & Mercedes - --- frontage . $600/mo . products. Used 111 frwy ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lot.1..Chocolate Lab pup. Brookhursl & E llis ! Calihrea Send Resume I Start S41hr_S!l_:O'.!!!__ s..se_.0_1_93 _ Opportunity for ere"'-··~· 675-7788. bridges, bldngs. Ana. fem. tan collar lost in I 964-6112 , to Hawk Vehicles. 1452 M*lta•et leaders & c:ou nter Stadium.Mustre·lool& Laguna Cnyn 497·6273 1Nurses Aid wants day Carmelita,LagunaBrh. o.t.IAs:Mst.t Janitor Wanted ror Medical pers-0ns now avail at C-rclal expand.Lee,83S·7775X9 FOUND ADS ev~-_ I work 15 companion. Ca926Sl -----~":::ieotf~~/e.W~o:>t fashion Island Retail IACK OFFICE Mrs field's Cookies. ••~•••••••••!~?.! ...__toloml 5025 found· Basenj1 C'lub chauffeur.careofelder· Babysitter needed for week Exce)le,ntl Store. Exp Nee EOE Nurw ror GP wanted Westminster Mall 18 C--2.~ntral C.M .. 4SOsf, :::::!................. ARE flEE "ishestoplaceyg,bark ty. Local rererenres 2 days per weelt. my benefits CallDa~.64-4·~<!_ Exp nee. Must t)pe yrs of age Apply an stitable for office. busi· 2nd TO to SI mill ei less dog that yodels 549-0373 • home in Turtlerock 2 "r •• ., ... .,.. ..... .. .,., " IUCIC Salary negotiable Call person Feb 23. 24 & 2S Call J ....,_ ~A ( t 847 "<95 9am·Spm Spac:e 226·A. oth S2'></ qualify. Do~~L ey Sav 898-3826 -----oldtww 833·1765. ST"..,. Hll., or tn en·ie"' '"' ness or er .... mo wn : ----Journeyman Pain · Dental Receptionist • Of -• " HB Westminster Matt, 63l.6J22,54Q.8299 in1s Mr McQaurrle 642 5671 Found Jongh11red M rat. t~rldrywall work 13 yrs fi M XI t I The Los Angeles Tunes Westminster Prime Tustin & San 962-3407 • wlutetyellow, Ward & exp. seekin g F 1time IAIYSITJB ~C:~:r~t~~e~ B ~rr~::, 1s looking for well *MODELS •MODELS Clementeretailor orrice REWARD, Lost. Mle El~s~fV 962·3688 work P er son needed to 646-4868 groomed, enthus1asUr Girls needed part lime Pan time Permanent space. 730-1470; 831-8699. .,.._..,; black short haired cal. hflOlldt 5150 -_979·9621 _ babys1t6,yr old girl l/hr Dent1St people to earn up to to host parllt') and •.un~•L CO . • ~1...___ 2 I · W t · t HOUS ECLEANING . everyday.Mon·Frl W1'll ~DA S4()..$50perday for afew events.67~1388 ",_ """' -...tilall..tal 4500 .--n; 1 v1c es mans er........................ · ........ k t "8a...1l"'"'G u v · TRY US' Reas Oe,...n· ha t l ch Id fte nuurs wor as p ame """'" " ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.-..; _!1on.!!.__~~5!!!:6443 Atlantts Mass:r .. ~ ve 0 mee 1 a r Energetic exper'd Assis sales rep. Hours are HEW OFftCE Nft B;;..~.B~f~ z!:. ~ Office Wlcl9cn. lJJst. 2 t2 v1r OC A1rpt. Open 24hrsa da ~~~~ Call 631'4692 ~~ :~~r~pm2 ~::~I lant needed for bus} rrom 4pm-9pm & train 1':i ~ ~ Per s q ft Agent l.oansk>$250,000.1 erms GldnRetrvr.l yr,Ml no 7daysaweek MUST BE DEPEN prart1ett ang will be provided 54.1·50.12. to3 years Calltosee1f rlr.anstoDax496-89~ 69 Gorgeous girls tO HttpW..ttd 7100 DABLE. MUST live ~5170~kforTom Your earnings as a we have the best rates SIOO REWARD!! Lost. pamper you. Jacun1, u••••••••••••••••••••• within walking distance Earn xtnt money part· Times sales rep will be Industrial bldg, 6000 sq. available for your loan. Australian Shepherd. Sauna. Locals as well as to Stonecreek Elemen· time selling lingerie at I based on a guaranteed ft. w/sprinklers, lrg rear Call Mr. Nelson 1714) "EDDIE" No Tall. Brn. lour is ts · B a n k AC F/C tary Sr hoot. Wood ho~rtles.615·4273 f hourly wage or 13.SO + DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS overtiead door & fenced 966-07SS. Cambridge Blk & Whl. Long Hair. America rd. Master Posili01l w /Newport bridge, Irvine. Pleast' F.scrow/Ho;; 1~ e;· 1 g~rous commissions I adjolnlng paved park· Ca pital Group . a Oloke Chain with Blue Charge, American Ex· Sch. Propt'y Mgmt. call 552 0461 a rter penence Part time to SUlettthis1sat1ewpro· YouConSd1t.ftnd11. Ing. C.omer or Redhill & California real estate Nylon. Very Friendly Press· Din er s a 11 Firm outs landing S:30pm start 15 hr850-l20l gram opportunities for Trodt 11 w,111 0 Wont Ad Paula rino , C .M brnkeralsoactlngasa Vic. Cameo Shores welcome 7141645·3433. C;a reer Qp pty -Gt L. - ----advancement are ex 5411-9671. lender. 64Q.73&6. 760.1340 2112Harbor Bl. CM A Pl, AIR. w/emphasis Female C.fetena. part rellent Call now ror ( 642 •5678] im.3000 aq. fl. by Npt in financial analysu. If Bi k e store needs llrnr. permanent pos1 rm~ information about _ _ fwy ' 405 fwy. From Found2/13 sweet. loving Yi•lr'l'S you're bright w/prior enersetic person for llon, no wttkends Call this great opportunity. $504 Mr. O'Keefe LOAHDUI? F Golden Rel. Eiside M FtC exper., we 'll help stock & various duties. 67J..4403after 6Eves. Call Mon-Fri. 957-2361. as1.-.zs HEID CASH 1 CM. area. 752·5968 •ISCOITS• train you & provide for 2146 Newport Bl, Costa ftmale Gym lnstrurtor ext.~ __ _ S4 hr + "'kly bonus ln- terestlng pubhr contal"t work on behalf of maJOr l'Orll Pleasant working environment. Con ve ment locations. Apph· rants should have a good '· speaking voice. & havt • desire to earn SU. Ad · vanrement opptys Ar· - temoon-eves.wknd hrs avail. For a ronr1dent11l._ interview call Mr Kolar 545-5776. --------1000 aq rt. otri ce & warehouse, carpeted, o/bead door. frwy close az:;.87>Q51. Competitive r ates on Found. sweet loving BACK &t BETTER career advanreme nt. Mesa. Superbodies, A Ne"' Fit rrortgage loans. lit. 2nd fo'mle Golden Retriever. ntANEVER' 24 HRS Cal1 :64()..0123 nttsa Center in Costa The fastest draw in the i !lave something you Part·time help, hquoi;.' or 3rd T.D on your re· 21 u . vie. E . c. M . 669•0207 r!:,'~'ir•:~~~eds Meaa is Looting tor an ~est a Dail} Pilot I wunl lD sell'' l'la.~~1ficd store. must be 21. even.. sidenlial or income 752-S968 < Oulcalll part time bkkpr. Hrs attractive. energetic. & Uass1f1ed Ad Call To ~wd~~~:ll l'all ings. Balboa Island Call • prop. Junior loan.-. lo S.S FO\Wld, very young Male N~C~~~!u'mbers must be nexible. Apply Physically Fit G1rl d .3.:J_642-·56i-18 ____ ..J.. __ _;, __ ._ __ .!.;;67:;:S-:1407;;;;;;;;a:ft::e;:r;:6!;pm==;;;- ._ 4550 mil. Courtesy to bkrs Samoyed~Sp1tz• Lake p Ul person Monday 22. Start March 1st Call --r 7~1.SSl Palm·Pl~c Beadin1s onented penon. roper· J..._ Rud r A ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Adams,2110.960-1906. ty mgmtnrm SlOOO/mo . 9-12. at 1024 Bayside Dr. "'-••or Y or ppt. l 5,000 aq ft fenced. nr So. Mottx 11a. Trmt Found: NB on C Hwy Past. adv~~tr .. ruture Call Jane\ 833-3544. NB or Tues 23, 1'4 or call 1714) 548-1931 r Cat Plau S2SO mo. ...~ 5015 ""' """"""" .,_ Car Keys w/nameplate, 7 14 I ~ 7 I . 5 1 2 0, .............., RtBICHTUTOI s:u.a:z2,540-B299 ....................... JACX REED.673·1096 213/llM-3258. Lie Amwttring Service needs Needed. Must learn Stonae Area or 3 Car .,........_ ua.. C penoos who like to work lam~• Ba i ~ __.... ':"''7 o. Found: 2 F Mixed Ter· All Readinas. Pvt & Con· with a challenge. Many /C sc nench ror travel ~r;:·~~; ~~a.&A~:; ~~ ofts ~eal ~;!;te n er. Blk .ti Wht. M. fidenUal benef'rts. Ptr. perm .. 362 ~ w/Npt Bch. In· _.2'"'13_·•~4045.;..;;..;.;._ ___ _ Acceas.158•0288 UI•~':..~ L. • Shepherd, Blk & Tan F •PIOf ISCOITS• Third St .. Ste C. Laguna v e 1 t men l F i rm . F/time si1n painter, .,.---., • Dalmalion Mix, Blk & M Beach. Responsible For daily must have 10 yrs exper se.r-w....... 1M TI>s Wht. Recently Sp~~ Mon·~rM-4A 1i4o.9431 Answering Service, no rmancial trans;ctJons & al hand lettering to work 34Xl2.~B Area. 1175 642-2171 545-0611 FMuedRetriever o exper. necessary Part· Comruterlztt /L's. lnertab.C.M.slgnshop. mo. WIDOW HAS SSS tor M Yellow Lab. Gold & KennyGrass time, full-time shirts Ana ytical minded Call 548 ·6791 from ecz..Z255.after5:30Call TO's, RE Loans, lOK Tan. M Au:;tralian Pleue call you.r •later. avail. Located in CM. peraoo. Expr. Required. g.5 m. 54&-1568 Up.NoCreditCheck,No Shepherd, Blk&Whl. M 7<T1·46l·~lLove ~ Call:646-8000EOE Cal1640-0l23 __;..o..;.;.;. ______ _ --..a.. W..... 4600 Penalty. Dennisson As· Golden Retriever. Red. Man 40·«1 altr, er\joys HonL,.IAHQUIT -IOC. 67~7311 New po r l An l ma I Life. Wanted by pretty APT. MAN AO ER -~ .. u ••M 5°" Shelter. 125 Meaa Dr. lady. Jacobs, Gen Del Semi-~ couple, for ,._TICa.:_.--1,.M Needed for luxurr. ....................... JUST MARRIED, need ,.._ neer Cout. Reaa. ttd Cell Mike, sct-"10 8 2 I •ftrml/ ..... ....................... d'lXEDRATE2ndTD CM.144-3656 Lap!Bu9,t21851 16unitcomplulnC.M. .._.. La1una Beach bote . •f'AUy Amortiled d Sh b d · Malntenanceeap. req. 131.-1S0.361S Contact Jan Flood •f\anu Auumable Foun : . ep er milt . .aftF. ESCOIT 541-0m .,...n ~ Fem. apx 20lba. vie. "'"' CAS ... /SAUS •No Pre· Pay men I F NB. 759-5502 'J)isb548-801hft. 7pm Architect/Drafter Sl2/hr HOUSIWAll DIPT. £.0 .E. AsU P:ialt~ Loat : zpupe. f bllt w/long Coeds would love to party BA ~CH + l yr exp. Fllllthne . Apply : Crown HCU~--as or P, hair, 1 wbt w/gold ears. with you. Lul!e or ~PIN plam, otbtaln Hardware, 3107 E. Coast The SU~el, 1661 l4J.lll7.cMarea. Syl via . anytime , permit.I. Sele~ contrac· 11wy1CdM . ..=.:::...=;.;..:..;=::..-..;;=---1 781-to.11 ton .ti ma&ertall. over· -~-------1 So Ctt Hwy , L.B. UWAIDlllt Sits & s,ice see Job. Take ad to ~U--'-J..._Fr~k9!pert •rm. LOST: Bl11e • Gold Ma.'tlt State Employ· ........ •00· 1: .. us HOUSEKEEPE R-To ••1•n•lh/ HOI ,_ rt / '-'' ..... MACAW PARROT . ant Service Office ln drive. Bal. Peninsula. Uve-ln, a1e 30-M pre· Vlrlinia Pl' Elden Ave. ..._... •cons Or an a e Co . D 0 T ~. dtalred. 6'11-554$ remct, 556-7000 CM &e6-1322 &3 Jl3 oou1110: Ad paid for by COOK INSURANC!·Exper acct *"'"'AL l.Glt; Golden ltttrhtvtr. 1• Aattalve talftted ln· aulatant for com· ..,..ltl• Red. M. · S Mo Old.~ 1 Slnlcel IHO div, min z yn uper. nrtlal lines w/m1Jor UU S. El Camino Real, Collar. 9112·-1 '42·1411 ::: •• ! .. ~~............ AmbltlOlla boys u4I rrmeta Rlltaurant, Im-IN b,_era1e tlrm In Siii Clemente. 4tZ•T2N. REWARD! Loll: 2Do•• SWEDISHMMSAGE afr1e 10.LS yean oW, to med.C.U llan M0-7082 NB, ulary com· ...;;P\a..:;.;;;>Uz._.U;.;;c'-. -----• I Sm Brn pup9y, 1 .._.,..,,NOQftxl&ll wort 1111t cw two nn· ""-*"/uper, for .............. Medium Blk Curb. •t·?aO Ina• a wee-i et tlna C tar.... an appt c all <714 ) PSYCHIC• Aft.tr4PI&.--p : I 1 newapaper Obtcrl t · .... M6a1Z ........ •al • ,_,., amalJ r ml ba (j~d , 1 tiou. TrallQOrtatlon Fff, malurt, few abot lroaiDI HUOD, DH • N 6 ~Ual. 35 ...,,21u,l..q.CaDJ011,,!;~::?.-....... nd eoaunt ahlt :"..: ... ~'::: .-.todo lD)'lroAID& 1,. 11p. Lio. Appl Rd. Call eollett. llliili·I " .. "lit.I• PN•l .... .W&nlll. Alk for Tom: l1 10" Mme, .. ,., ..... "8-.oll ... •• "" =·=:.~.:r. .,..,,. •/Nll.ITM?ll .... ,.AUi I rou••· Lr T t l ................ "....... ...... • • .~ ... ··-1t·•y • •• -f ,._ •Hi rtld U.. ---· • -_;;,.......,_ ....... ....__.,. ca.r-;.,,tP 111 tlJWK: crawnM ••• l'"' ·' c 1iii 1t1 • .._.,. ~ *~u~ =•~ •• ,. Jf~• .,. ...· ~ .. ~~~··~·~ . . Wll_ .. ,.,. = . .. r.: "·~~=t1 ,, t llH ....................... ....................... ( c. ___ CO_> __ , > WANTED ( (---a;---) ) ·Newspaper Carriers for ~outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • .... ,. .. - J ---------·---------.. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thursd1y, Ftbru1ry 18, 1982 H.i'.w11111t1 11• .............. u"8 I • Hit t&11I ... INC TV~·· ...... .,., ~ tll .. ;.i................... .• .....~.............. ....................... ....................... .... '"' .,.. to7 ..................... . .... w..... f l MtM. ... •rW .............................................. f ,.,.. ~ .......... !!!! '°'~ca,, UMl IATSlll --MOW ,... ... w de ctl I tll-..J ..... ...i._ •'-·.. .. .......................................... . '"' U•, TH•·S&a .• -.._., Jl•/11'1' -IDI ae one .___...~·la 0 ~ T ... , rr• u N 8 h WUJ Trldl •o ror vw Mt °"" a fon Mf\. Cantr Orleottd Glrl Wwood bl attklaa aola, cotl SUSO Stll bit 4 Ca n Bottom arruw Ut1la. t . • p, ewpor1 c ·• or! --~llrYou.aOro.w· 4-•' klili: aleorectwood Mtl. ~-It oo ana C:baire.., akSktt OlloD Ampllfttr •re pnv1c.tt1oatoety. JOHNSOM' ION CLEMIJCE SALE \:n-ue':r!'l , ' ..,.,_,Htwta1Com· f•dac. Low .. l price la aln po1ee l.b "t" 8oota' eefwr. I tnct -.0. to..U 4"-47HhM ...,, ... "-tttlaa lllU. JllD or Xu MATT'RF..SS' @OO.lt4..-.oo21 • GrutSpkn..liflatCood ....... PAIT.... • tf ft•P•ttr Ex· -..S. BOXSPRING Onan Z500 Watt Electric .142>81!~Jt, .. ttlO 8 4 lolt Mala. Short ... s.,.,,_,_. 11111•11 flalrd. OC PdD.StllmG Generator USO Or Mkn>wnt TV Aaitooa. _ .................... =t + XCru USO ~hi ftra la H Llntloe. Call "b .l ,....... 21> yr 1rtarranty. Piiiow IWMonabae Otfer 11» hl'I ct llftlel Willy Wert ._UT' 4iettl 111* · •-P"" ..... Mt M .. ., hnlW BJDET.. Comfort 1141001 511,41108 . .8»17MNPM • , Cedar Buda eeg. &1M121DAIUll"I •· .... •hft ....... Wllil PoUJW Brue t1Jt • • cub4N-11S4 I '° imtfvat1 amblUo.1 _,AIY tw... phat Tall Bara Oranp Fabric I Couch 4' Ions Redwood Cotree .... ......, A*all0111~•t'{a t l2G It.la yr ollk. Call Z.Spm. Part~tflil~ i dl)'I pe Tall 'Rln11. ttc. Paid ln Xlnt Coed. SlSO OB~ Table, paid 1250, uc. ....... IMh,,....,. ff ff ~1. ext. aa. A•k for ..-. Typil\llO wpm+ SJeoo ~U•s lOBOI ••SSllaft5/wltnd •· •.541.omz. • ..... ••••••••••••••••• ................... , •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aallh1. dlctapboee knowled1• ~2272. t57-IOl3 e•225 SoUd Walnut lhtC'hln& 1 yr old Hitachi atereo ....,.. ff IO ltl7 T·llrd hr'lon "!ti!! Dally Pilot aut o route lo La&uu lead\. No col· l«&c. Hotm: <l:IOPll lo ):IOPM, Moa thru Fri) ud <5AM to 7Alll, SM • Sun.) Ear1llnp - Pt1 lbt ol roult . Cl II ICM321, Bryan HollHd. ,.aJ eata1t knowledg eva Cdfee Table (UdO) It w/8 trk am/rm SlaO ........ ••••••••••••••• Alt: Collectort! 11 t IP tu I but not Sbelvini aystem, 8 unlta. Comer Tblt <•Sq) '250 080. 19:, GE eol~r h , J E E PS . CA R S . MontblJ boat 6 RV Cont.ourae colldltlon! '*-'UJ• Will train, 45 h I 7.hX • 080. 9U·S3Bf A ft W 841-748'1 PICKUPS (14112), ~tZ.P~~~~(;!~~~ the!!~;;.' 1on1. s 4 P~Y srwknd'•· John.Wayne Tenoil Club f:!'1 '&;v1v~l:!~~11:~ ~.':c':,r~ .11~';.2! ,. OHLT Sl6.toOI (TU}IG-TTOZ. plywd, rmdular, make GAIACH SALI family membership, For Olr tttory Cell l1uncllln1 fJ wathlna "1et for 1000 If 1tora1e N. ula, bolla. screws, rrwkeotfer.6'4-1190 1 ~rpl111D1l1Center prlvlleau. Newport S..let Station Allen •'/Item. Berl over 1250. brua nttlnaa. all sllea. Kini Waterbed, long Ufe 41J..a30.'llOO Dlntit. 1131 Batlr Bay d111t-P /T E vea & 8'4-11.97 .. 11 " d Or. Newport Buell Wlruda . Neat •P· C I • --~!"'F·1' malny mattttss. Barely use .... U.t11•1~ ~10 • h d , __ ,. Utws........ 1 ter c oth noo. 673-0309 ...__._ 020 pearMte an writ· ... .t IOl O b)' large roll Metal oil 1 .............,. i-------•I Ina. Apply 2580 Newport ,_ rill er can•. Sell to] Tent 10xl4. a eepa 8. con1· •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Blvd. .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ... ft .. _l otr•r Bob Koop pleu. tsO or best off tr. Marine Eledr1dan '86 T· Bird convtrUble, ...:;.;.;.;:;;. ______ l R 8 , 67. Com PI et e •"&'~ .. • 645-511118 Delign/lnat1.ll/rtp1lr JT~-... Wllim buutilw car! S3S50 or SHC. SALESPERSON Prolesslooal w/3 lenats. J.1!.411~~ -work $4J.2520 ••••••••••••••••••••••• trade. aMlllM F/Ume for 1 hi1h Tripod.St.robe+ XtrH. 2Dakswithfiltun1tSl2S. MUSTSBJ. · Co ,., .. w./ . 1 ,,,., ._,_. falllloft 1ho. store in $2000 080. 839·4120 2 pc vanity, with hghttd Btautiful white wedding ~...__ W 9 IJO ~t1 ~~·It~ ~r 1 I Netded.pa~uiM:work hMion 1•1-nd. Gd pay Aftff'3PM. mirrorS200. Down Wmg dress, lone sleh'u , ...,_.. 9010 ........................ restared.. 0 5 un- 1.S 10 25 hours per •eek, 'btfteftts. Room for ad-n..-1040 Back rh11r SIOO 631·2126 pearled top, lact, never ••••••••••••••••••••••• SowU camper for import 17S·-'-3l'-7_s __ evnin1a and po11lbly vancemenl. for in· --r Ne used. Sites. Slip 1lso. ntglne. Olda Delta, re· tnack, ice bOx, dinette, 4wt.efDrh H 9550 ............... y.Experi--in lerviewcall.7S9·11700. ••••0 ••••••••••••••••• -· --.......... c ..... anerSpm. manufactured, never .'"'"ulJ .........,.. "'"'""" -=-=~=:...;.:;;;..:;..:...:.:.:~KEESHOND Pupa AKC 1W\n bed w1franv, $30 .. ..., """" -Nl tn rar SSSO firm _.._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •d kbuil:!:~ :i' :~~Ue se.ctjltcef•lll4J O\amp sire. M 1F Pet & <Almer step table. m For Sale: New draperies. Sell. rar It kMp eng for F\berl/111 camper shell "'J.~~o::r:i~n on;: ma etAP 1 e. · · F 1t1 me APP I y i 0 s bow P v t pt y Pole lamp. SS. Uphol sheen. rods. New home : nun. cost. StB·SllS evs <off 79 Courier). pd ~-· $40.SQ! Premium pnt'H paid for any uted ur <r°"ian or domuUcJ In good ('Ondltion Sttl Ua Fint • Wl lUT USEDCARS•TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR ... APPIAISAL Corm1er·Oel,lllo CHIYaOLfT 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACll 847-6017 « __ 54.1:..l}ll ~.~~~~J~t and Ir· per 10 n . c r 0 w n 213/WJ.J.34Saf16pm. wing ch11r & ottoman. Has wrong colors --MSO,ati!DIO.MH627 t8fm. SAC 14SOO. S3f,OOO ~=-~;."S.1':.;'di H.ardware. 1814 San Dalmatian s mos. male 165. Towels, 2s•-s1 897-8311 'tlOJotmonO/Bmotor. IS Camper shell ror short orig m1 Sink. re n 1.l•Wfi•i&1111111d,.e•i"6"llro•r111vw•o ... r u I N B "'-Xlnt blood 1· es 646-90i4 ..,.._, Pnnter compalable hp, S/S, x.lnl cond. S795. wide bed dome st i I". ta dttk. S48·0682 Good Running ''"'r pend.a on experience. • · · • ....... · in · - - -'""-" ~11S3 S36·S796 .... The Da.ily Pilot Is an All .$1SO.S48·9111 W1terbed. King m .e. withApplell. ' -Sm/OBO.SS2-6420 Trwb 9560 4"·4722 equal oppor tun lty l'!ll=t'I!!:" ___ , 7Pit ulls.UKC . floc~tion, great for up-1 Call964-56S2 EVlNRUDE 1979. 8 HP , .. __ 9140-•••••••••••••••••••••••·-.------- -i... W t rs S32S /obo Lov d !Ang shaft. Xlnt cond Mohrfa.d -. •• __::_..,. 'I I 1• ... .......,yer. omen and HITI 100 Ea. s aa . · AM I G 0 . power e $495 Call SS2·116S6 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• -"•w Car or Truck Needed· minorities are en-IOYs-4llLS 847-4630 968-5009 es ea t. & c h a 1 r wheelchair solves walk-' -Puch Newpor1 Mo-Ped. ca.yY LUY Plctu.I have SllOOCASH rouragedtoapply. How would ou like lo German Shepherd Pure wood/plaid, coffee " 2 ing proble'!' Use indoor ..... Power 9040 Mena Cond Lo Mi. With ,., lo n . ( 8 8 31 J *846 ~172* Submit applications at Y •u. o--iPu . ""<O end tables S350/0bo or out easily transport-••••••••••••••••••••••• l.JXk It Rack . S42S Call Price:S6098 ; GM re· rront """••t eamumuchas..,...ooa .,.~ ppaes._, 673-3897 edCal01673""u Mi h II 760""80 ft bat KN\ al"' ·,.. ·s ........ er. week?Doy~uli_kedr!ve-••496-0862u -----......... ~H fOl BOAJS c e e. """ a e .....,.,;s "pn,e1 .WO..i.,ort.d C...t In 111)viet, ptt'ntl's, pizza Golden Retriever It Black Garol)lt S. 1055 WHEEL CHAJR . good SPM. OM. Y $5591 •••••••••••••••• ••• ••• • · ..... parties, beach parties, Lab Puppies. S3S EA. ••••••••••••••••••••••• condition S"IS. t '76 Yamaha 100 Street HOWAaD CIM•rotef AMII 9707 l 0 . l9y St. p1_. many other things? 642,5939 673-~ 81.ke. Xlnt Cond 2000 Dove/Quail St.s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• c-.MtM.cA.. Thenyouwouldprobaby I SW.APMH1' Mink coat. full length, Original Males ssoo NEWPORT BEACH 19'19AudiSOOOS,Xlnlboth flDnSHOf Must type40wpm. 3333rdSt. Laguna Bch ~bly enjoy working Only 2 left . Fem. blk & Ev.ery Sunday. Sam Fmle. pelts. Used 3 "Victoria". Fly bridge. M2-3418before 3PM _ UJ.QSH ~ch.amcally and i.'OS or . Sht -~~gl.p:pr~ng,:pr 3pm. Orange Coast Umes.S2,000.t93-0t95 VHF radio. bait lank, 2 Motobecane Mo·Peds '78Camper Shell 8' Lake nvt1cally Take ~\'tr QUAUF1CATJONS. .Pam pu • c a College, Fa1rv1ew & Ari depth finder. outriners. His & H~r Matched Pair New sni. lease No cash 1. Over Uyears of age. lines, 14 wits old. all i.ngton. Coeta Mesa Ad· ~N J~~,!!n~"s~~~ 35 amp. gen .. AM" FM 8 Jn Storage 3Yrs. Lo M 1 642-4949 ~1-4713 llC.rlOMIST P/T girl needed to answu phone for N.B firm nr. 0 .C. Airport Neat appyrance & friendly persona hty a ml&ll. CIU for interview 833-0440. 2. Neat. honest and de· shots. St:>O & 1200 nusslOO free to buyers t.radtstenow1thtrailer 135 MPG. $700 for Pair pendable. 768-74119 S eJ.L er R l's er,. a . f'\.t Ply. 67S-SS.9 Call 645-2143. Will ull SJ7. SE.A 8'13-0651 i i GMC CA MPER full} IMW 3 Work after school and "-to Y• 1045 uon.s~lo F'or sale Refrige S50. 74 balance ot loan. equip Very good t'ond ••••••••••••• • ••• •• • ••• 9712 Saturdays. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS6·S880 &ibaru Wagon $500. Ca ll r.t. Ma.I $150 1 li.500 ~6 64111 1 CALL TODAY ' Free F Blk Gt!rma n 548-1897 '72 TOLLYCRAFT Ex 54.S-8743 i6ChevyS1lverado S3'7·5931ior S3l·S2S7 Shepherd Mix. 9 Mo Old Sal Feb 20. IOAM ' Lg Chrysler Boat Eogioe, Cnaser 24 , ~v8 r;-Motebecane 7 1nt 4x4 pickup, lots of op IAM lo lOPM Shots Good w t'h1ldren ,anetyof items. clothes. electnc starter. 12 HP. ~p. Mint rood. Lake mnd. S32S mcl rham & lions Will rons 1der S 'l;,':!!!,1 t' Watchdog. boolts. rum. reas prices Used only 4 times. new. Cov"d storage, lo loct.642·S81S ~l!_de-111_~~-'"~'"'" _913J_Crocus_Ave . F \.' Stereo, Kenmore lurnta· hrs 51,.. 4 galley head -1 ble, Pioneer receh•er. 4 ' ,... · · moped·fantast1 t' buy' i--~11!1111!~~~-SWIM COACH F.Nlha• I050 Beautiful sofa . uphol & full instruments Dual Dependable trns $200 7l COUllEI a.c..t/Gaoffke OCSCteam,DanaPoint •••••••••••••••••••••••chairs.misc Feb20t21 speakers. Call Mick or llllietrlr Many extraa.I 0 80. Call 968·2917 FORPARTSONLY ~~~~-~I~~/~~'. •3880tt93·8205 **I BUY ** 788hj('~_l.ln 10·6 Dlana 7~·12AI. 714/564-4343 ~-____ Alsoshellforshortbed Giant Sale. Furn . Hsehld. FAN, powerful adj. r W..tH CH~AP 536·9832 8J3.35M. Ta"9Mu Solet Good used furniture & Items * 25< to S7~. 3102 heightS"9'. 2' blade. S7S. 24 f~ny SD am HONDA I 00 ~per lioun 9·3. Salary Appliances-OR I wall "'A"Coral Ave CM 964·DM ZO 646·682S '"<JEEP WAGONEER llC ZGsy ., +comm. Great new sellorSELLforYou --ma<'Ulale. Ideal for hs· -· ----.,., _..,"""' h" l PanAm worldwide paas hingort'ruisingint'IN B ....._:ydttt/ 6 ryl needs work. best For Irvine Electronic oSewlfners11.'P cont'ep · MASTaSAUCTIOM 12 for ll Worth up to Slip.SUI per mo+ equ1· SCG hn 9150 olfer GregJ79·96~ C.ompany to handle -t. e ing, no. com · 6~L •616 13 ~9625 S2SOO Sell for' Sl2S .' petjtion. Ocean view of--' r from estate of BS-year· · · ty Dp. Days s.57·9327 or ....................... '65Chev 2•--. Ton Stk Bed busy switchboard le llce HB 536-7546 20 sofas. New. $98. Lo,.. old. 1944 Continental 7~9320 ~ '80 Yamaha 400 6 months PnJ geoeral ortlce wor k. • . . eseats $88. Sleepers. Ave .. Coela Mesa S11tur Custom Ver l I c a I 28' Cris-Cran. Express old. 1950 Mi. $1000 Firm ·548·5103 Jam Must be good typist. $199. FACTORY 957-S708 day only. l2·4 Priced 10 Blind/Valance for Slid· l9H. Clean! Fast ! 559-7158 ----- Coftt.let: BobDavls, 1Wl°"8ATOI KING INNERSPRING sell. Ing Door. $50. Console Newport Slip, asking '78 Suzuki. RM l2S. off y-'570 ~-Good. typist for. TWX EXTRA FIRM mattress Stereo. Walnut. sso. Sl0.500. Traclft. Finanr· road bike. Xlnt cond. ~7o~:~;tf.~;;tv;~·~;· llC9'TIOMIST I . U6HT TYPIST Glumrous 1 glrl otrice in Newport Beach. Ex· citing position for the rilflt penoo. 60wpm typ- ~-Wiil tra.~. E~ set, never used. worth BI G 8 I G GAR AG E "'"7418 l!!.l!!_ail, P.P. 873-5200 U . 080. 646-2:528 gd trans. tires nds eng~ 1.•omp111i~e~U~1eCall s.u>ed.sac. S248del Nevehr . SALE '" I Wheelchair S2~. OBO. '80 Cbria Craft. 21· Ea '80 Honda Hawk . silver. SSOO S46-6481 Els 556-3880 us queen sz. wort Antiques Fri Sal 10 6 14 Wooden Chairs, $10 press. loadl'd , mint like new .. lllru. 9K 13 F~d Va~-El50 IOOK a, $399, cash only, 1218 del ! 274 Palmer CM F..a.846-?.849 t'Ond. 135 bra. 134.000. 1S1..m1 lrv111e I mi. V8 AC. PS 01 1 Usually home . 75"4· 7350 -Aft nrtST . --Mai h:k 1rr I071 Mleu' -.7 .499-5393. __ 71RD4001ootsandruns Change Ever) sooo &. CREVIER BMW Ta.bdt9ca '12 IMW'a Are Jtere! A few rema ining "81 Modl'IS & Demos are stlll available ' We specialize 10 European delivery and fla" less pre·owned BMW "!> Where Customer Service Comu Lst ~ Sales-Service Leasing 203 W !Jt. Santa Ana 1714 1835·3171 Closed Sunc'fay_ SADDLEBAOC I ~ ~ in1. ability to handle busy phones. Excellent ~ company benefits. i---!111!1!!11!1!!1~!1111111-•••••••••••••••••••••••• w-.. IHI 1t'ta1t.ury8o1tforsale great. Many extras sj100 952·8905 Aher j E:IJ!erieoced. accur~le l MUSTS&L LINCOLN Elet'l ri c •-•••••••••••••••••••• 2llO HP. Mettury oul .142-9300 sPM. l typ11t. 85 wpm . wilh Mahogany double bed Welders weaahts. 1000 WANTED : Set of drive. inboard/out '71 H.D. Lowrider, minl WANTE D p;t° party MOORS perma~t backc.round with mallrl'SS Moon ,.,,.._.. llOO S4e-6Clll WORLD BOOKS. Less board. Great cond Call _.. lo l .. _ l IN STOCIC SanClemtnte. 661·6111 _ .. _ped mi·~or 00 head· Oer-:....1 """' d 1--8.. .......... m1. " rH, ud Van conversion. lo m1 NOW! "'"' • • ta ra 11 arm saw. . llwt 10 o&d. 640-0327 G m.3876. offer S41·3077 days . cash. 673-3622 TYPIST/IECU'T. board. noblades.Sl2S '•hp11r ~ 40'0wmsTahlhan.hve ~1002eves. ----Clltcll ••r 9oed • Grubb " Ellis For Chnsllan leather SSOOOBO 631·7797 aft 6 compressor. S200 .......... .. 1011 aboard slip av11I Call. H--• Cll SO ~ W..t.d 9590 ttl.ctlM •f DI M01 Contact, Pe11y Walt Good ' "•< ,,_ --1 ,...., __ ,,_ r.;;.-.~................. • d ""'UAL ITT ! t'Ompany typ.ng ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• J ... r or Harvey 642-4644. 1 Ea. Cond. SSSO. 631.5195 • • m4>8J3..2900 skills, 10 key adding. llUYRllMITUIE Mhc 1 IOIOITapcoGraphicequalizer, tiwn .. 8AM&SPM. WIMllDYOUI '•I· 0 W H l D J --------• Call~4489C.M Les 9S7·8133 1 •IW $ISO. Peavey 12 ch. mix· .79 Bayllner. Sacrlfit'e '79Kaw~a.ki LTDIOOO GOOD USB> CAI! AUTOMOIUS., w.a p b b ~ JI 0 b IOOAIS WAITRESS/WAITER Folding bed, double St. wsi~tG°LEASE~·~·:.i~I ef',l350.631·17So4 32' Conquest, snbrdg. Sl400~oo·.xrot c~~j-795 An~J!gth~:red . I :..-.=-.~ .,...... AU types. 7 yra exp w/car for wicker basket dean. in xlnt cond. ~. ling bustneu. selling out GUlTAR. Fender. tele· twn Volvos, slpa 7, ful ~" c ....111 C I needed. Mu st be lunchaerv.9:JO.t :30pm , 7SU067 AU. supplies and fix. cuter. Gibson Ampl. cav.$36,000.790-0924 ltlOHOMDA I ~ -Tr,DA~" responsible &t depend•· Mon·F'rt. Earn StS8·S17S 10' sofa gold wht Sl50 t~ mcluchng . SSOOtbolh. 963-0493. Glasspar 16' Runabout 0..... Mnt SWS • SHVICI ble. Contact : Mike, wkly. Must be neat, G .hi s1"s Display ('ISfS, -tmg Gibsonl..esPaulCuslom, 40HPOB.S1400 StlMow! •• I RUl!o.U!. &G-7222. perlOUble & energetic. ~ c P>r~2·2889 ea room chairs. se·auly ~ F de Ba s k Xlnt ond 640.14S8 I n ~~~ .. 1179-0747 aft lOam for ps, · Salon h11rdryers and 2·xi· :X, ~enJ!r 10:,i c ---~~~{,:';::~:: 1 SADDLEBACK GW..1 I I Ce 'r 'i'e H ... o"m e appt. Queen sofa sleeper. hydraulic chairs. mar SpkrJ'X4' .$100 839-4720 ...._ l..t/ CallS59·9299aft6pm. "',. er.,._c....., IMW F.arth tones pnnt. hke rors. shelves and plants. · · a..Mr 9050 ---'='-="--""_.;..--'-'-- Showcue seeka people 1.• •• • .. .i .... •.1111 •• ".ie............ new. S400Call 846-9687 Aho. make.up, shampoo OHie. '-Wt•• I ....................... i6 Honda XL 25-0 Xlnt 2925 Harbor Blvd 11402 MAlGUMITI for home showings. 6 • I005 Sola.likenew.S200.twln andha1 rproducts Ecfiilpm.t IOISI YACHTING Cond. Lo Ma. S67S COSTAMESA '•WT Ele1ant porcelain hang...H beds $75 Al10 mas c. Call631·97~or ....................... c-..r••LT•......,S 673-IQ 9 9·2500 _ MIS..-.... Yl01JO in11 Xlnt comm •••••••••••••••••••••••. ' · f aaa~ano "'"JIV ""' ..-~ · •-r. -· .. curio cabinet items. 642-9839 _ a ler.!.:.~!'"''"'"" 200 llM Ch rt p •·Sa I ........__ ........_ .r....a....~ Avery Pl\wy off I 5 ( 87'9-1440(114pm l ,.,.., .,... a er1 ower ... I _,_,,_ WE PAY 83f.'WUI\ ~ :9 .. 9 ~:...=..:.::.:.....:.;:::...;· :.;.~·---S475, Orient.al vases S4S Sofa bed, Sl2S . \2) POOLTA8LE Sohd I'~" TYPIWllTEIS. Npt. Bch. 67S-2960 .... ~ 160 ~ ,.1.,~,. I Sales •m.~chwallcloclt mat ching chairs . slate, walnut. Compl SSOOto~Valuenow 'YourYearRound •••••••••••••••••••••••TOP DOLLAR Cl dS d t f /llme uleaperson IZS0.090831·5979 ssoru , wood desk, w1ques1b11ls Sl500. S2819S +tax &ser,•1ce CharterService" 2S'Chusi.s-mountM 11. Ose un SYS needed to work on Antique• at dlacounl ruo: spool table. $SO , 631-2345.645-4010 Ask about W o rd -~ W -9060 fl\llly aelf.eont, roof air. FOR USED CAIS I'--·-----~ Balboa bland. Must be r.ca. Alao 11rt items S3&-002S. Proceuon ---. cab 1ir, 65.000 orig. mi. Al.AH MA6MOM - - - •bit to wort weekends. Firewood for s• (21.8) 702-8870 ....................... Jllntcond. MIOOfirm l I -.C,SUIAIU ' --.... ~. •-cl6-.. •-.lu ln person· The bric• quilting sup· Sea.rsCanopy BrSet full Del Sllt'ked. seasoned WESTSAIL 12" ~11 ,_,,,_,. ~ .. ..., ~mmon tree. 229 pUH 2S~ orr. Sweet 1% incl bedsprd Good Oak . I YO( ado. ~ •. "'. Desk. metal. xlnt cond. 549-3077, 1-5.57-4639 24S>Har r Blvd , ... Of Yow Marine Ave .. Balboa Swut Spirit. 9932 cOOcL6pc's New Mal cord Call for prices newly painted, SH . ·~!:tlo.~:J:23~!: '8020'Bl'OUlh•m.Sl9.000 COSTAMESA IMWPwclNtMOr *5Harb0r Blvd Colt• Mesa 714/54H~I O .... DATSUN 316 ex 2 door wtl.h air cond1t100 Ing. stereo c11sette Ex tra Sharp' 1074YZA J S499S Jam Marin o Vdksw~n. 1142 2000 'T1 Datllun Kang Cab with Camper low mile&. autolTlllllC $3500 or bt'st ~e~ll 67>6109 l'VfS 1976 610, 4 dr Mai: whls. AC, lo m1. S23SO Musi sell. 644· 7475 '77 2101 Xlnl Condition. Lo M 1 Lots or Xtrai;' _54.S-54~ or_SS6_ 441!.8 4·SALE 1980 Blue Mel<tlhl' Datsun 280ZX Coup~ Grand Luxury Parkhge M111t cond1llon 35..000 • trul~:...$_!.0,BSO. ~~ '81 28YlX 2+2 5 speed T t.op. Xlnt cond. bu}' or as sume lease SS2.:_BSS4 _ i4 Datsun 8210 MUST SEU.' Cood Cond Best Offer 848:7848. 848· 1670 r.t.-i 971 ) ........••............. 71GTS l •dlT• Concours Winner tease or bu.Y l IAZ831 l General Aulo Leastn& 673-4311 '78 :QI GTS s1l\'er hlack S29.000 9725 ·········•·········••·· '78 Fiat X19 AM 'FM Ca.ss. Mags, Xtras. Xlnt Cond S3200 E!.,~& Wknd·~~94·865L '75 Flat Spyder Lo Mi. S24SOOBO 631-~26 Eves ·-·-~-· _. 9727 ....................... 1978 HON DA (' VCC Hatchbark 4 s pet!d trans m1ss1on lo v. mileage. \'fr) prell) and sup er clean 118JX64SI S399S Jam Marano \ ol ksv.a~en 842 2000_ i 9 ~r Accord. red xlnl cond.11r. S·spd 42 K m1 li.400_ 61.S 8895 _ 1979 H O~D . .\ C\'CC Hat t'hback 4 speed transm1ss1on This one 1:. very sharp t385X\'B l S399S Jam Marano Volksv.•1 _e_n. 842·~-_ i 2 Honcht 600. X Int rood Rebwlt ~g. 40 mpii Sl27S, S36-34'10 180 Prelude. lo m1, stereo, AC. xln t cond Sl~OO 833 IS36 morns 97l0 •.•..••..•............• '76 XJ12L Jaguar Ell rep lJonally clean & an icood t'Ond. $6300 0 80 Ca ll Pc ul 714 833 2212 8 30AM·6PM t..dtl 97l6 .••.•..••••..........•. ·1s Lancia Coupe. 2dr 11r. Sspd. lake nev. bland. Hlmihm1HB.184-4991. tres.5.~·8S41 ~l.290 • SWeo. S50. 642·1207 owner wants action and or best ofrer. Xlnt rood. 549-4300 549·1457 Lw C:O.W le S1lu help• m1mt DOU.SHOW ••MIW•• LOYllALLOOM~ aficeOelkSl00.2 drwr willact"eptanysensiblt M2-0487. WEIUY McL.....IMW!! trainee. Retail or fabric S.. •!kAn. 20• 21. Free MlltoiMr..rWhlN Hell um Bouquets legal file cab, $60, Sctry cl.fer At our dock . Emit T,...,... T,.... 9170 O.EAM CAIS .., OrLMM exper. required. Sally: 1dmls1I011. Exhibit & Sola Table. P1id . S6SO. Delivered. Perfect for chr 125• 67~ M 1 0 n l' 'I 8 It r ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• AND TRUCKS ~ O.. ,.._. rt•I I S2.000ortrade SS9 Tt40 ~ 9711 J J ~ ,_ &4ll-40t0. Ille. Hl.tatltleton Center Sell 1325, eorree Table. E very Oct' as Ion Telephone Answering n41S48·41B2 SCAMP T5thravel Tr,ailelrl _l-1_41522·5333 ..::.::..::=------I Mall. 40& P'rwy 6 Beach Paid $600, Sell $300. ~19 Machine. _GTE 3000, 26 ft sloop, trailer Great and new whte · A SM 81\ld.18.B. Night St.ands. Paid S4SO Lad 1 e 5 h 1 v e 11 brand new tn bOx Cost lite air. xtraa. S7SOO ~ber&Jwdi. ll&bt;.~T:lh~j OIAH6l COUMTY'S Lookin1 ror Ex · Each. Sell S22S Each. NAUGHT. y LADY Sl79.9S, sell Sl2S. Call Eves997-4129 r.Oory red."" lo I ....... _T perleneed Salespenoo. AfJl•11 1010 p Mi c b It 8427572 Askfor8ill rree l·IOO·S4f..4NZ for -uo OolfShopSales•Buyer. •• .. •••-••••••••••••• lua sc, u es Home Party. Lingerie, · · · Laaer 03172. No mast free color brochure. & -'6n FullT' HARBORAREA Plante~. 9SH083. Ext lotions. potions and lols METALDESK& m50BO SAVEBIGBUCKS! ~ n:·~mmls~=: APPLIANCE SERVICE Zl5aft.erSPM. 955-2272. more fun. Call Allaon SECRETARY DESK 830-*1 da Nenort.Juch Golf WeMl:Yuedappliances Like new Simmons 968·0178. Sales Repa Right: drawers. Left: .._Ser\tlc.t,rerta f!i'!e. Cfontact John -Weaell recond .• guar. Sleeper Sora. brown tone needed. typewriter· Open pull SACllPfCI I AcCllMrin. 9400 tt•H IUYll Sales·Se rv1re·Leasan11 ... d ~-549.3077 pnn' t. $350 OBO Deborah typewriter is ready to '33 fl Rhoades wood ....................... Top dollan for Sports -==::..:rd::. . .:..::7S;.:.l·..::.-=·---i _ 631 ,,...~ CARPET 1Sx20 oatmeal go 1125 91!4-8008 sloop. $7SOO Dick Da CY't.I CARVER Saltfpenons ' Cuhler Waabera/dryers. late eves . ......., shag. xlnt cond SIOO. . . 827·4480 evs Grant •WOM i1~~a.·ABudiu~ss. Campers. Nv'l No&lndaya,NoNlghta. modth , 1100 UP · Two twin beds, maple 8'x20'off-whltedrapes &,.._ 1017 831.7516 · ,. ICUS·RJICC·BMW HoJn9:30toS. 2ellvehry . /g~ai r . headboards and rBoooth· rodSl00.548-8242 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• 24' Greenwlt'h Sloop 0~$ ~k~o~~';l~OGR ~=~ • REINERT'S •Httrc arge 51' boards. Gd cond. t Fl rat quality · shag w/trliler. J aalls. motor · ",_ "'"'-" wiNewportBlvd.CM ._&mp forl200 carpeting, like new. •. ood d ulN\ TONN'EAUCOVER YOLISW.A•a. '77~1 Blu tan 60K ml. -i•ww•-••MCU 7Sl-46SB SlOO d 498·4038 Persian roll . nice .. gear,g con ,.,,_., FttaMG'a, ,1.'81 lmlBeachBlvd. Auto. surf. Blpnkt. xlnt ~"•M _,_..,..w,. · peryar · · -..#onnance.642·46S3 Call67~ml. Nevuuaed,S'75 HUNTINGTONBEACH cond. $9200. 731 ·3242 -la 957 .. 133 Wick.er Gius top dining o...1r1 l7 It i e ~· excl ve Newport · lbe, matching ch rs. ""' gerator cu · c 1im-------•Catallna ?51978. 7.,.. Hon Mut1Gl·T'm Ive msg I 646-0344 __ Bt~ !More needs H · P'rffHr·uprlghl·SlOO. etlgeres. love seat & maker. froet free. cop· m da 0 18, VHF. hinged iO BMW 2002. hlte ntw. ~aalelpeOplelowork Wd!•"5. both clean. r ..... •tool •""". 8 mos per color. good cond. S>OallonAquarium mut. fixed keel. roller WIMlm all orig Must see S3.200 r"'I t•-.!. ""'ex ~ -..1 ..-•••s """' ~ S200. Bumper Pool Table . f 11 11 OUI to ... uur. r• ....... ,.......--~S899 .. 5 946-0224 ns w1W1terDr1foo bzard. ur na. exce ent 7 l COUIB Y DOTIC ~trlde S59·7140 hrs; Apply In eeraon. R f l f tr ee new. •• · 1 17S/0BO. s.51·0388 S1S,000.213·447.f714 P'ORPARTSONLY &lllTISHCAIS MOOZZ.t&ol2or'l'ua23 ~:W. i~:!ewrszso'. 8'::!.fl25.rflovesedatSbol2Sh, Meo'• Caabmere Top . . 13 f 0 1 '81 BMW S33CS1. s spd. r~ 1-4at1oac Baraicll ~ . pe . con . t Coit S12S Techn lrs for Sale. PyUlon. Wlth . t. uppy c as1 Alaoehellforabortbed safan bel~. snrf. S200 Dr NBorcall MHllO s:m. Color tv. ods rep . SLD2 Tum. Table S12S cage, bot roclr ' water satlb01t. with treller. CHEAP 53$-9832 m1. showroom cond. ·J Rtfrl1tralor S200 . ll0.567-8474 IWtle Combl 195 MM bowl.$100.•2087 SlSOOorotr.m.1a1 warr 831·823!-Y.!!.:.7968 Sal.woman. apparel W..._•dtyer S12Sea. 54 .. Round Solid Birch w/l'yrol.la3llODBlndlng1 ~...,._._•• • IHJ "1'tl>owneamr31': l'ully LITEBODYWORK6 11 BMW J20I. Sported =~=~Sl~~·~~ :.:.:uller UOO . Table, g Ca ptains S17U7S.Z3'14. ::::?.r:::e.!!0~ ...... ~.wlthFerrleyJlb. pelnl-.tofKoffyovr Bl1clt. gold BBS. Im U0ta0 OWl"I. New CondlUon, Newport Beach Athletic SX Electra 4000, oril Bim Mar auto pilot. Xlnt bodf!hop•t. 5»1132 3100W. Cout Hwy mac . load~. By appt. Kelnorewuller&dryer l\500.TwihBeds.Antlqut ClubMitmbtr1hl .1120. ~Never used. cond. Purcb11ed new For Sale: Four Capri NewportBeach dys 64S 4330 . Hs MimwlCH SAU$ 1 yr •Id 1200 uch. Wbt French Provlndal, ..... /MO-@! ~o(r. Ml-1468 boat 0.ner daperate. llft, m lltolfer. MZ·N05 19l).M70 tuk for Riehl !liilbhttled .accounts. IWrt' l yr old SlOO. llO Each. S'7S 'for Both. tlS.000. 114/129-1438 or C.11 •rm "12 BMW 2002. sunroof. ·Fri. l :JOam·lP"'· Dft0.471111•2m 66S711 Sllvtr Um Coffee Malter.... IOU 7l4t«M17t w• ~ED! a· .. o. air. A ... 1FM , rlx•r •· Calder Lllbo "Com· ....................... _....._ -...1 a..... "" I ..., "' "' C0im ml11lon or Wlllm, dryer' relrig. Love Seat Sora Hide·•· poalllon " w/cert. HartLanlcu,175,used• --..~ fir-t.atemodelToyotaaand .IZ500.545-0ll2 ..-.mum."2-llOO(bet. AD Ult CODd. SUO ea. bed,f7$. Authenticity SUS. tin:wa. Ty. 380D blnd· .,.. ff7t ....................... Volvos . Call us '7i 3201. 11c, alloys. Urj) Gl-trnorUl-11'5 6'2·8790 548-2731 Ins•. Scott polu. ....................... ()(PORTANT TODAY!!! 1m1rm stereo. mint • Sccnt1n 1' In. Wbirlpool elec· CONCERT TICKETS J Dolornlte alze 10 bootl. Ml1.,.,........ NOTICE TO r on d . S 7 3 O O O 8 0 : IXICVT'IVI trtc*1er.Gd. cond. •• : WO Gelle. Rod Stewirt: Full pk1. SUO fflrm. Da,wk,inonth MS-0551 READERSA~~ 631·3l4S,675·5546_.._ -1 llSTAM'f Aft.4:•.ea.•· llNIMl't.2nl&bttt1nd1, AC /DC Cara. Nell '19MJTU.lhrJJ>m. N. B. Slip Up to Jt'. Tb~~~~!1!~1tema ~ '711 11·all H ped1 ol 1021 headboard and frame. Dl.amood.llWSIS. 111*2.... lot4 Water/powtr, nr Lido lldvertl1td bJ ytlllcle _ .................. .. 111 ed lYI Hitt _ ...... ,........ (dCJUble) Sl.00. •' .. ~~-;,............... '50. mrza dtaltn In the n lllclt IH 6..,._ ... 'Tt Capn, &.lotoof. A/C. •llllatlMf"OW• llluu-St"ll•ln n ~1hfter5pm. ·"'-mi81 lllneu-larfe tram · ........ ..,__:_. clanlfled 1dvtrtl1ln1 c .... .._ t 1 l'r a a . New eld of RUOlT O...lip4.meo'1•" _. poline, 71~ ~;back Prt ..;:'°'lflt \ol colum• don not In· ~~tJt>•• ... uo U..lbnkn. Nice coad. T l ·I H AR I NG •-.cm · Dl1t11 room table tllp~O~T wltll l Pld1 !!......-,~ ...:...~191aatr clllclt any appllublt In/out 14500/bat ofr. 11.;1aem 10 1 u ra _ .. Nw McMtlecaat wf)eaf,61cllaln.St45. $p1 • ..b pemt Pot~!TY..... n lluil~lllf'-r •a =:-·r:.=· &rwl~:· MOWISTMITIMI JtM?• ~· .... -.••Ml.l <90.Mt-Jlll 1111111.•nr. . ...,1 Ni\.,.. '"' .. l .. .a. B11U1t1o! ,_;. ............. ~ forJobscebn1tot't1wlt flit ~,.: ... >p6eeeaeetioulaola,re-......... , ...... ~ ....... ..._ .. , • ._Ult ......... ~ tile Dally Pilot Help -... " .......... .. 14':.:r rnt11IHI 't .... ?Dllt)'PUot ........ batof· •Olllam,.,.. .. HAUTIPUL .. &CA °'*',.....,. ......... ...,, Wlllledclwlflullon If 1t71 DATSUN U ll. .... ·111· ..... ..,... 91 • 5 .... JW W. .em, ...... 09(). ealar 1\' aalt. Z Jf WTD· ...... ·~ .. M' ............ .,.... D · l1'f )ob you WIDl la not .,,...... ~ '°"" ...., ........... .,_of, • ., ~.:-r-·~ ... ~ ........ tJ,rv-~~t::· N "1. ,.._ a...: ....... ~8'ltllld ,...,. 104t qil&.lll rOft• w It •• Ip ••• .-.. e.: Ai at.••,..., · ...... _., _,.OOLD•cam AL dlL .,..;;,;s~ •Ider orrer111 your W..at11• • ...,, .,. ·~ ~ 1111. • ....., ..... ..,._ WAU.CIWCJ>IUD m1 a ..., ,....,.. • • ~ wtte. "' MS 1a • • <mlQP>. •·Ollll · llr .._ --111.11,. Da 1 er it'' e.ler "· 1n1. 111 th Job w a ll a4 II• •ar11t ....., ----~ • .. l 'al!Pt·"-•• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1981-1982 iiliRDil DISCOUNT HEADOUARTERS 1..WE-ORBUY S411t4 II" 11m , 2031 l 1st St · Santa Ana 714/953~14 'IO•Sport Coupt. 18.000 rni. •Int~-. s spd AC . ~·J 17000:...91!'·~ 'IO RX7 GS. 2A.OOO miles. ltereo/t'uselte. air cond .. moon roor. xlnl cond . SI0 .02S . llACM IU) 497 6333 or ~~.;. __ ........ '740 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ........... .. .... c Jtta..-J ttn· ..,. °""" ......... ... -•"• rr•ta .. D l al 11 •r TMlllllCIDD .. ua-...... • Orange Cout OAIL Y PILOT{Thurtday. February 18, 1982 • ........ ..,.,.... .......... rtect ........ ,.rtH ....... ~.~ ................ ....,.,.;ow ...,..,lrtM UM4 ..... UN4 ...... UMd ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . Maecc:•••• 9140... t74Z tno ,.,... '" v•w.... '110 v........ tnov .. • ......••••••••.• !??.~ =··········!!.'.! ~~ ........ !!.~! ~~ ............. !!.~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ........ ••••••.o••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·~;;-:;;;;~~··r·1~·1·;·~~·4 '70Toy«aCorolla "19Pop l lVOlVODIALll Baraaln. ·n yellow '78Monu.•cyl,S1pttd. 19Flata WllhAlt J,.o • 1tr111h1. $13,UO Jvts DIO r 101>1 .... novt, rrfna. 1NORANOl:COUN'rY' Seville, loaded, Ytllow low ml, CIHn, m1... MJ Very Oood Cond "" wm<:•H A DrT 41.21 ran e.u.w~ 4tt""47U l•n. ~·~Jtf;;"' · tt75IJ ~Ult-! o'"~.4'!~.m1. Kint 1ton11, JZ,•51J. 7!!..!JOI sa50 ..a4soSLC Mei 'M Porsche !156C. •Int '82ToyotaCt!llra<JT3,IOO SAL.1S,sav1c1 ~"""'•·1 ·"""·-·lliltO '7S MONTF.CARLO 840J7'71 --· Klacli tblack luthn, TON~~~~VER <'Ond. (ll4l 50 U7I. miles, Forctid tu ~•·II 11118 VW Camper A 19110 VW Sdrorco A ....,U..SIMG THIWCHST 11<'.lom1.verydun U..C. .,45 ~unruot. alloy~ & 'I MG' • , IZl3ltlHHtll8 t7141892 lll32 d,vnamltt Pop Top with d,vn1mltl' roupe with Slf>Vt:RSl:ASlYELlVERY S&ICTION 122SO !Ml ~140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'uat'tll' (2Jil8J t u ':}1 81 Ta•uov~rluu•r,no doun, '11,. II 2 0 R11d1wl llAomallctransmlbllon al)ttd lr1Mm1111111n. 11r EXPERTS of late model. low 'llNO\IA4dr.1CM>dtn1. •79 Llnroln VereaillH sn.tso Ne\'('rUJeou. f7S ... • • ' ft \Ol'Q I r • F.xtra tle.n condition oondihon1111. maa•. and rn1luce C1d1ll1r• 1n but nd• radiator ind Ll&ht blu.e Xlnt rond JIM SLIMOHS Marla 831 rnn ht nl~I! low rro paymenb 924 'l'nl, flood tond Sl200 (061969) 15119S JI m lt!W Boutiful OrDlll EA.ILi Ill Southern Cilltvr111u ' body work s.1SO/b51 orr S'19oo631 ~ ~·4010 IJOI Qu11l Strtt1 Ponche, '7!11>462843 ~1116.642 8982 Marino '{olk~wagrn, BronLe. (450ZSll J S729S VOlVO NA.IRS Cull Terry 546 7246 o; -= - - N1':Wl'ORTB1':ACll '66Ponclte912 T,..... 9767 842200> J I m M it r I n o 1966llarbor aJvd ~61'1S ........ "U .l~tJOO 'QI Mc:ueonvrrt New t'r $l7""' .............. J1~0 ·········~············ '79 Rabbit Olesel Dtluxc: Vo1Uw1 en,842·2000 c~TA MF."/\ CADILLAC ---! ..................... . .r ~d & R k Cl t h ""'l.Y!"' •-• I...,. TRJU Pll T"1 '' • ""' ·" 2600 llurbor Blvd 68 6·cyl. needs work., r a. u c . ""' " ... on 4dr. 5spd, stneo, AC, 20 ~BUG. bl&l'k w rl.'d int, 6 .. 930' c40.907 C<"""'"A MESA &ood trans $800/080 1972 Ml:.Rl'EDF.S 1u-;~iz 22U D 01 uel All on11uu111 Automntlt 1111 condltlonina and super rle11n 1215999> 55995 Jim M a 11no Volksv.~n. 842 2000 "13 MB 451JSE, best oHrr Must aell in 2 weeks 499-~l.8am·5.30 m. 1976 MERCEDES llENZ 2llOC Anthrar1te Coupe Lo aded and 1m maculale ( 107339 l $9995 Jim Marino '{d.kswa en, 842:_2~ ·ao MB 45/JSL, 10.000 m1. It green. SIOOO stereo 1n cl. s:IJ,000 (7141661·1!!60 dys, 498·08?9 'tOMl450 SL Champagne Palomino Leather Cass. Alto)~. Ong Ov. n e r Mu s t Sell'~! 559-5127_ - '79 300 SO MB Snrf. An lhrac1te Grey Im ma culat e 31K M1 $24.SOO ~·5792 'Ill 231 SE Super dean. Gd mech cond Reg gas ~~ '82 JOOD TL'R BO A' u 11 Junt New Made to Your Order Big Dis count, 731 0202 '81 MBZ 300 SO Turbo Diesel Stl~er Blk Int 29K M1 S31.7SO firm CaU belv.een 8AM & 4 30 PM. Weekdays Only ~7·8419 Pnvale Party People who are seeking an apartment look first ut Class1C1ed Will you r ad be there~ To place your ad.,. call 642·5678 0 Runs Good S2100 '70 POISCHE 914 \ Htl b I e ~ ~PH d G1l 11nk 21K m1 SMOO xlnt shape S2l50 or of <c.: N ' ' o« 2'191 d 760 .... 1• 586-1t161> 78.COlrni,amfmmdush transm.~s1on.111r rond1 6413(*i,95S·l1730Eveb & trodeSM-6684 1980VOl.VOOle&t•I A 540-1860 RunsgoodSlOOO ~; ys, . .,.. MC Midget '74 , low radio.S3200 llonmg. stereo Super wltnds.Dennts , " • rare364GLd1esc•l tied11n 540·55'5 -- rrules. mini tond, Sl,9'J8 !164·800l Sh1111>' t729YNYI S69!JS ---76 SCIROCCO Till~ one is loaded and '65 Cad St.>dan Mu8t hx 'fi6 Mustang Xlnt Cond ~5036 J i m M u r 1 n 0 1978\'.WScirO<'co Spt'l'lal LD m1. silver. mllny ex ltke new 109847 5> suspension or icn~ul for Cort.... 9932 Clean CoodTraMporta -'81 Porsrhe 924 Turbo Vulkswagen M22000 Edition While 4 ~pl.'ed tro S4 200 080 Sll,1195 Jim Marrno Part.smo6617946 tJonOffer631·5588 9744 Loaded. Sell or Assumt . . traOJ1m1ss1on. <'lllHtlf 1875 471~ Vulkllwa en 842 2000 i5 ELDORADO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'lili-M~t.ang converttbli. ••••••••••••••••••••••• least. 848-3'768 uft 6 m l~c~~~~.~1:~11Tr~~,1 R7 ~;37dvio'1r Y ~~9~ euJ~~ ·w, VW Sq bark 3000 . Xlnl rond, fl500 or ~~1~!r~30~~o ong paint & inl, new MGB CONV Mint rood • ....._ loyce 9756 673 7""'1 7•" 23•2 M V I k . rrules on rebh ei111. nc•w '75 VOlVO 164t bl!st orter l!-46 3290 "'~,.., l"a•e Glas• lo"", top, reblt 289 & auto. l!n8 D11rk Rrecn, low -. "" 1 "' " Bf•no o sw al(en. brakes $2500. 540.3445 lou~«.-d SM5 67~·4016 ,.....,.. " .. ~ ,... mileage 26.000 Mui t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1975 TRILIMPll A 'h11rp l 8422000. .81 Vol vo DL, Rurg, C:-ro 9917 loaded Total pym'ti, This 1' Jharp ' 2nd $0006406244 "lDEAlERINU.S.A. 1'R7 sportcoupew1lhon '76 sue sunroor 48K 79 vw Van, 32,000 ml, w tan int. Pioneer ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl4,&W2412Ser owner S6500(97.SJ73 .:lltGS.-rleun $3,SOO ly29 000m1les Must see lea g~ld S3000 · ' runs lerrifir . 1011 01 AM FM ds~ ~tereo, '78128, showroom l'ond. GeneralAutoLu~mii O..•Wle t9SS 080 Days, 642 6830. aft fO' ~ to .11 PP r c l' I a I e c :U 724S 646 0322 ~r ~I S7 ~00 0 ll O radial tires . 4 ~pd 42,000 m1, all i:xtro 673 '311 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ll 631-4616 fY'l I c ~ 17050L1C> S2995 Jim 1977VWBus /\d namite -w'ovcrdr1ve 1'1n ~.957~78 ·~ CORVl:.llE 4 speed , 196601dsToronado I~"N...JJ\..L Marino Volkbwai.:c n, 7 · Y th DUNE 13 U G G Y slnpmg,(ld gumi,xlnt ·111camaroSS,350fa<'l 4 L·82 , s pec options, runsgood$SOO i7 MGll Convert. Roll ,....,_lll«w~o.Nf(• ~·2000 pas ~en111ir w,~ F\berglus body w lop, shan•• Assumeleu~e.Cor spd. ra<1 oau~es. hkc eastern cur. while C811~3203eves Bltr, A~t t FM , $4400 ..-. ... -..c>o 11w1...i.... --. automatic transm1ss100. sl 1111 1600 eng SIG95 bst mro':all, .... 3821 " 85/J.l.250 ----~I 3331 ClOSlO WNOAYS Vcllsw.,.. 9770 overhea~ air llnd lo'w olr lmmarulale Work • ....., new. S2500 or l rade 'Ill Old5 Cutlass Lo Mt ••••••••••••••••••••••• m1les Cleanest one lD 644 3655 home 546 0293 Alltol, UMd Must see' 835 6684 Co.gar 9933 Xlnt Cond "'111 Pwr & 9746 .... ....._. 9762 1975 VW Sri r oe co town (038134 1 S499S. '78 VW ·B-I k ••••••••••••••••••••••• '81 Camaro Z28. 4 spet'd, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eqwp S7675 830·0891, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Oynamlle red s port J 1 m M a r 1 n o us. 1 e new Met brown, P W, Tilt i9 Couger XR7 AC, Pwr 644-2977 1971 OPEL GT ·;.:::::;:~·C••0·~~·T·;:~· coupe Air conditioning. Volksw~~~· 842·2000 _ ~tc:·t:.~=er. sun· !~~~~ .......... ~!~.~ Wheel, A 1r. AM FM dPS, Rrks. Seat. "''"• "77 Cutlass Brougham Hasnewpamt onubody,~'" stereo. and alloys '7l!VWRabb1t.2dr.wht Stereo C:ass 4000m1le~ ows An tenna ~"' Loaded Bnllsh racing ut good cond111on . runs HEWEST Sharp' 1748llZUI S399S tan. air, greal slel'eo. '57\'WVAN ra e or M1.11 SI0,000 Dayi. Moonroof Xlnl Cond green $3495 pp but oeeds some eng111e Autbonted J 1 m Mar 1 n o 42,000 1ni Xlnt S379S Nte<hwork.bestoffer 499•47JlE•et 005570.Eves6450'J48 SSSOO PP 857 8434 4972245 work SICOI Call546·5967 SUBARU Ot:Al.F:R Vol~!agen. 842 2000. ~I 11182 lhollll'J 640 2217 497 1909 Chevrolet 9920 ~J11rao _ flWo '95' after 6 pm or 770 0321 1!8l vw Diesel A sharp twork J 1!167 VW Squarnback "'--'--99)5 t~;;,:\~:~:5~1~0~~~~. 2 ~++~ ~~~~~~:.~c:,r c~~r!~~ ~!e~h~~n~~~~~ie:u~ New ~:.imoo ~ .........• !!.'.~ ···SEE0US°Fi~s;:;··· ~RT •• A~~~~·~:;;· i:~9:·~~~~~·P~~;1;;: door Sedan AM FM u1r cond111on1ng and rnnvert1ble with only ;5 Poptop. lov. milr;il(e COHTtMPU TIHC. We have 3 good se)ertion spkrs New baller) . automatic trallllmission stereo C:dSS I spd 19112MOOELS super clean 1366ZSS1 37.000 miles 100211t8l grt'al rond S6.2SO CAplµAC ? ~~eJ':ofe:' & L S E D starter $400,ph661 2371 Extra sharp cond1t1on. ma nu al I ran~ SI 20U HERE NOW"• 55995 J 1 m Marino S6995 J 1 m Mar 1 no 675·0118 We spec1ah1e, 1n leases ·79 Colt, below low Blue 11391161 S2995 . J 1 m ~~m1.6738676 Sales-Servire·Lt>usmg Vt!_ks~~f.l.842·2000. Volkswa~n.842·2000 _ •76 vw for the business ex Book, clean, ulras Aft Marino Volkswagen. PtugtOI 9748 SADDLHACK '6().'65 yw left & nghl j 1979 VW Con 1•e r11ble (.'1)fl\1trl Good l'ond l'\'Ull\'t' & professional 2 ll & wknds anytime 642·2000 _ •••••••••••••••••••••••~ SUIARU door. 73 left door $50 Dyna mit e Clai.~1r . 5459697 LargtSftectlOll 8429114 SJOOO 'H Pinto Wagon AC. 19825 131·2040 495.4949 1 each Western style whl D 1 a m o n d s 1I1 e r i2 Sqbk. auto. Am Fm I Of Hew 1912 Ford 9940 Good G as M1 . Runs -nms for Super Beetle metaJhc Air rond111on· Codilloct Good Dependable. Good AREHERE! i 4Subar,u DL 2 Dr 4 SZOea.548·97~ --mg, stereo, s harp ! ~.'ong'owne~4 1419 HowlnStock! . !7J""c:~·;1·:·~·;;h .. ;;• Cond.SllXXl4!M·l318 Corre in and drive the Spd, S9K mi. I own.er. 1980 V W Rab hi l C009XOS 1. 56995 Jim ~ 79 Chevelle llakhbac•k, cellt'nl. AM f' l'asselte __ leadmg diesel' Ava1la ~ev.• Trs. Great, ~unnmg Dynamite rustom 4 door Manno Volksv. a gen. '65Squareback Rbll f.ng NA~R xlnt cond. air. 4 spd . "' eq Gd !rans 28 30 ..._..,.. 9960 ble ror immediate de ~~d Good Ml li Sl200 w Ith au l o mat 1 c W·~-Nev. Paint A~I FM \1)111 \ ' bl ue $3700 make oCCer +pg ~lust sell S850 :~=••••••••••••••••• IJ\·ery' See why people ~16236 transm1.ss1on and air '67 BAJA, rebll 2150c'r. SOOO 845·5916 C:1 ., .,/ , 545-7001 OBO i7 Arrow CT. S spd. air. are s v.•itch1ng t o co nd1t1on1ng new ltres shocks, co~n ·L'RTIBLt~'G9 1•0 11l"••l~"' Telhngihe mo~l µeopl~1 7li011753 AMfM.$2495 Peuge01' :o;o Ol>t>d 1111r.111·1.1111111•r llBGJ46JJ. $4995 Jim I am/fm stereo, custom 1.v r:. • '"''·' '""' '>-lo' •11~1 JQi~tbli• 1~ •mVort ant to ,65 Fakon 289 eng. Auto ~·831~. 831·2750 ~r1an BEACH IMPORTS 1 111wn to look lur i.::irai.:1• ~~ Volks wagen . mt Owner mu~l sell. ~~~fer f lhl' SUl'l'h~ or .;n> tr.ms. PS,$400 ~ 9970 848 Do\e St reel 'Jlc:, ~ou'll ~mll lhi·m, -I S2500 Cal~l ,8017 HJ\\' \OU rl'art tu1la\ : gardge ~:.cle ~ldk1· \Ure 1li0 8242 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT BEACH nl(ht hen· in llJ"11 11~1 Make ~our ~hopp ing SEU. idle items "'tth a 67 \'W Ca mper, super l'la~~1.f11-0 ,\d'' 11 11111 Y.ou r~ '' 11 .. tl'd '"lsiu idlt-Hems v.llh a i7 Thunderbird. beaut 752 0900 I Tu pldct' \UUI i.!.trai: .. rai.1erb) u~ml!lhe Daily Daily Pilot Clas~ifled I clean, r un~ great . 1u1J'n· m1s:.mJ! the• bt•s1 l la~~1f1ed phont-Oatl) Pilot Clas~ified cond All xtras. $3700 __ • __ -~le ad. 1.11~ t>~i!'>t;iK Pllot_Cla~1C1ed Ad:. _ I Ad $3100 bes~. i>7J.27SO bargain~ in t~v.n • 642·56711 Ad 962·<lJ92 MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES C> • .ATLAS CHRYSU:ll..rLYMOUTH HEWPOltT D.A TSUH I 01 LOHGl'R.E roNTI.AC COST.A MES.A DATSUN 2929 }'iarbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel 5-46-1934. 3 blocks. south of San Diego Freeway oH Harbor Blvd. Complete I , body shop Sales. Service Pitts Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7.30 A.M to S 30 P.M and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M on Saturday H.ACH IMPOITS 'I &48 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. we're the specialists tor Alfa Romeo Peugeol, Saab & Maseret I • THEODORE ROllMS FORD Modern sates. service. parts. body, paint & tire depts. Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals. 2060 Hatt>or Blvd .. Costa Mesa. &42-0010 or 5-40-8211 • JOHHSOM & SOM UNCOOi MHCUIY 2626 Harbor Btyd., Costa Mesa Tel 54()-563.J. 57 Years of friendly family service -Orange County's oldest l,.in· coin-Mercury de·a1ersh1p ~ • SOUTH COAST DODGE 2888 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tel ~. RV .. rv1ce apeclaliats, custom van conversions. .. • HIWPOIT IMPOITS 3100 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Tel. 642·94-05/540-17&4 The Ferran Headquarters. 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel 833-1300. At the triangle ol JJmboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Vic· toria Station Sales. Service. Leasing & Perts-Fleet dis- counts to the public. 0 N.AIHS CAOILUC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa Tel. 54C>-9100 Orange County s largest Cadillac dealer Sales Service Leas- ing G) DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICX.roNTIAC·MAZD.A Sales • Service • Leasing 2"888 Alicia Parl<way Laguna Hills 837-2400 G) CHICk IVERSOH PORSC~.AUDJ.VW 415 E. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only deal9f'sh1p 1n Orange County with these three great makes under one rootl • .AL.AN M.AGMOM roMrl.AC-SUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mela. Tel. 649--4300. Sain .. Servlc•. Leasing. ~'Mr. Goodwren<:h ... • HOUSI OP IMPOtrTS MllCMl1941 , ..... S-lctt • &.e.lillt 8862 Mencheater Btvd., Buena Pane (on Santa Ane Frwway) Take Beach Blvd offramp -al\arp right on MancheSter. OW. MER-CEDES (213 or 714) &37·2333 13600 Beach Blvd . Westminsler Tel 892·6651 Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership S1fes. Service, Parts • S.AIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach "a....y, ... ,. ..... -,.., .. SALES HOURS. Mon ·Fri. !H. Sat 1)-S, Sun 1()..4 •94·1131 5-46-9967 2845 Hart>or Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 5-40-&410 Serving Orange County lor 16 years 1 Mlle So. •05 • SUNSET FORD, IMC. (Home of W11he the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd .. Westminster. Tel 636-4-0tO. • • SAHT .A .AMA D.A TSUH 2001 E 17th Street, Sa~ta Ana. Tei 558-7811 Your• Or1g1nat Dedicated Datsun Dealec- • MIRACLE MA.JD.A We've moved! Our new loc.tlon is 1425 Baker Street. Costa Mesa. Tel. 5-45-3334 Stop by & visit our brand new Showroom end see why we're the fl Mazda dealer In Southern California. Sates, 8-rvice, Parta and Leasing. • .AM .... MMA.JD.A ''o.tr o.c. ...... 0.... ... free~ L.. C:.." 601 S. Anaheim Blvd .. Anaheim ~1820. Just north of Santa Ana Frwy. on Anaheim Btvd. Cell ua first! ·we ARE HARD TO FINO-ilUTWORTH ITI' • S4DDLl14CI IMW~AIU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy., AV«Y ~wy. exit We off« wttat no bank or le ... company can: 1. Expenly ltatfed. most modern service a perts dept : 2. One of the Southland's most experienced,.,.. I teaalng atatf, 3. Elimination of the middleman by lelllng de9er direct. 831·204-0 ~ DGM LEASING, IMC. 730 W 191h St.. Costa Mesa 642.-19« You re in lor a surprise at DGM Leasing. 0 COMMB.L CHIVROUJ .2828 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Ot9f 20 years serving Orange County! Sales. leasing, MfVloe. c.11 546·1200; special parts line; 546·94-00: body ahop line; 75-4-04-00. • ROY C4a¥H ROLLS IOYCMMW 154-0 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. ~. Sal ... Service, Parts And Leulng. COMSIDU IT sot.DI Uled can are In demand and NII q"c:tcty when ldY9rtiaed In claalfled To place your private perty ed. call Sally L• 11842-5878. .... ,, Ylll 11111111 llllY NIU tl'<AN <.~ COUNl Y <Al If OH NI A 2~ CE.NJS cancer at UCI 9Y.IOELDON ................ The power of U1ht combined wlth a dru1 has been sbown to .,_ an effective cancer-fllhllnl weapon, a UC Irvine biololist H'DC>rted Wednesc:tay. • Dr. Michael Berns, dJrector of. UCI's Laser Mlcrobeam Program CLAMP >. told a Rotary. Club luncheon in Costa Mesa pr'eliminary resuJt.s indicate 80 to 90 percent of patients are responding to the new treatment. • Since the cancer therapy ~arted in May 1981, mote than .. 34 paUent.a have been treated at UCI Medical Center wlth laaer lilhl and a drug called hemotoporphryin derivative, or HPD. HPD i.s mainly absorbed by tumor cells. When a red luer b e a m i s f o c u s e d on .t b e' cancerous tissue, a ~iochemicaJ reaction causes the wayward cellB to die. Tumors treated with tbla experimental therapy tum black and fall orr in a week after a 40-mlnute exposure to laser light. Berns said the only apparent side errect ta increased sensitivity to sunburn ror about.. PUBLIC VIEWS CONTROVERSIAL MURAL -A 47-foot-long mural painted by 17 Irvine High Schools is available for public viewing until 8 p .m. today in the campus theater. It went on display Wednesday to draw public opinion in an a month aft.er exposure to HPD . The cUnical therapy at the medical centtr ia under the direct.loo of auraeoo Alan Wile • with lhe aaalstance of Cal State Fullerton physicist Fred Johnson. From May to December of last year, 34 patient.a suffering from cnceni of the bead, neck and breast were treated. Berns reported 32 percent experienced complete remission or their tumors, 38 percent had a 50 percent reduction, 20 percent ol the paUents were stabilized and 10 percent showed no response. Berna empbulaed the cancet treatment pro1ram accept.a only patient.a who have exhausted other therapies such as sur1ery. radiation and chemotherapy. The treatment is experimental and ls not yet suited for patient.I with whole-body cancers such as leukemia and Hodgkin's disease. Bern~ said the clinical treatment program offers patients a palliation from the discomfort that often accompanies tumors. It ls hoped, h e said . that this treJAtment will one day be approved as an initial therapy or .,..., ..... _.., O.ry .....,_ effort to help officials decide whether it should be displayed on campus as originally intended. Some viewers have l'alled the work s uggestive of racism. j Udgejails suspec t in fraud c ase Feelings 'mixed' on mural By DA·VID KUTZMANN 0( ... Dollty ..... ,Ufl Golden Eagle Investment Co. prsideot Ralph McDonald was back in Orange County Jail. today after a municipal court judge told him he could either pay orr investors he is accused of swindling or try to post new bail of S2 million. M cDonald. who along with Golden Eagle vice president David Biggins pleaded innocent to fraud and grand theft charges, was taken into custody at the conclusion oJ Wednesday 's bail hearing in South Orange County Municipal Court. Judge David Carter, after two days of proceedings, reinstated $2 million bail agai n s t Mc Donald which had been reduced to $250,000 on Monday by another judge. In a separate action, Judge Carter reduced bail on Biggins from $2 mlllion to $25,000. , A preliminary hearing date of Feb. 26 also was set for the two men, who face multiple felony counts in connection with the operation of El Toro-based Golden Eagle. (See JAILED, Page A2) Public viewing to decide if I rvine students' art will hang By GLENN SCOTI' Of -Deltr Niil,.... Like a long and colorful Cinerama screen, a 47-foot-Jong mural painted by 17 Irvine High School students has gone on public display at the campus theater. It was so big it barely fit inside the well-appointed fac'ility, where students and visitors sat in elevated, upholstered seats to study the painting titled "One World, One People." And just like at the movies, some people walked out uplifted by the message. Others were disappointed. The public viewing was order ed for Wednesday and today from 3 to 8 p.m . so those interested could review the mural and leave written com ment.s for Principal Gary Norton. Norton said he probably will decide early next week whether to hang the mural, as intended , in the sc hool's Humanities Building, or suggest a site not at the campus. The students painted a blue earth in the center or the mural with people from various ethnic groups clasping hands in a show or celebration around it. As the d esigns on the eight-panel artwork move toward the two sides, they depict the harsher realities invo l ved in the struggles for peace. The panel on the far lert shows three hooded heads, symbols of white racism , below tortured black figures. On the right panel, an Asian mother clutches a child as names engulf others .. The artists were volunteers m t h e sch ool 's multiracial program. Adviser Bill Beacham said eight ethnic groups were ''I , applaud the awareness ,and sensitivity'' involved. Several of the painters s at quietly in a comer of the theat er to observe othe rs examining their mural. Artist David Glenn said the mural was painted mostly over the summer and has been "sitting in a closer· since then because of the objections of some paJ"ents and students that it is suggestive of racism, •especially to blacks. Glenn said the group was prepared for opposilion, but thought it would come from the other side -from people who might object, for example, to a scene in which black and white figures embrace. Other artists Duong Phan and David Woins k y said they decided the mural needed more than nice pictures because they wanted their statement to be real. meaningful and lasting. For some. it worked. ··1 applaud the awareness and sens itivity of 'these students." said one Irvine man. a parent who asked not to be identified. "The lack of those characteristics is a frequent criticism of the Orange County culture." But for others . the ha rsh portrayals weren't the way to suggest harmony. ··1·m still looki n g for s omething pos itive that minorities have contributed to building society and I don't see it depicted in this mural ... said Dorothy Goldsmith of Laguna Hills . Then there were those who def e n'd e d the mural r o r reflecting a type or art tbat shouldn't be censored. Said James Murray of Huntington Beach: "lf you go to Mexico and see the works or (Diego ) Rivera or (J ose Clemente) Orozco, their murals are one solid stream of torment and suffering. That's the way murals are." Former UC I rvine art (See MURAL, Page AZ ) an adjunct to traditional tWeraples. The clinical treatment was pioneered more than five years ago by Dr. Thomas Dougherty, a chemist at the Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, N.Y. Berns noted that HPD. wttich comes from cow blood, was developed in the '50s. But its cancer·fighting potential, when coupled with laser light, is a recent discovery. .. Any light will work," Berns said ... But in this kind of therapy we want to Rel as much light as possible in aa short a period of lime and at tbe rl&ht color. That's why the laser works so weU " Al the lrvine campus, Berns primarily is working In basic research, using a unique luer setup to study the structure and function or cells. The laser beam can be focused to one·tenth o r a micron , permitti ng scientists to surgically alter the organelles that make up a cell. <There are 1 ,000 microns in one milrimeter.> . .. Trash disposal plant slated for Huntington By PATRICK KENNEDY OfllleO.-y ...... ~ Fluor Corp. engineers are hoping to build a $60 million tras h and s anitary was te incinerating plant in Huntington Beach at the site of a 38·acre rnud dump that possibly contains toxic chemicals . The proposed plant would burn one·lhird of the county's trash mixed with sewage s ludge and use the heat to generate enou gh electricity lo power 20.000 homes daily. says Ray Lewis. chief engineer of the Orange County Sanitation District. The propc:>sed plant is in initial planning s tages and must ultimately be approved by officials of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, California Coa s tal Commissioners and Huntington Beach City Council members. Environmental engineers for Irvine-based Fluor say they are currently testing for possible toxic chemieaJs buried at the Steverson Brothers Dump, also known as the As-Con Landfill. located across the street Crom Edison High School on Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue. The dump was used for oil drilling mud and refinery wastes in the 1950s and 1960s. Toxics, if found, would be excavated by Fluor under the s up e rvi s ion or the state Department of Health Services before the processing plant could be developed. said Mike Armando . e n vir o nmental engineer for Fluor. Lewis of the sanitation district s a ys Fluor is wor king for private investors but would operate the proposed plant in cooperation with local cities and the county. Lewis says cities would truck an more than 1,000 tons of rubbish daily and the nearby sewage plant on Pacific Coast Highway south of Brookhurst Street would supply sanitary waste sludge. He says a mixture of these s u bslances would be burned inside the plant and the heat transferred to water and used to generate electricity that would be sold to the nearby Edison Co. electric plant on Pacific Coast Highway near Newland Street Lewis says the proposed plant would alleviate the county's shortage or available sites for new landfill~ lo put trash. But he s ays h e expects s trong opposition from local residents. Securing permits from state air pollution officials also will be a major obstacle because "burning a n yt hing " is prohibileq in the South Coast Air Basin. Lewis says "We'd like to look at the proposal as a way to get rid of an unsightly abandoned dump and replace it with a beautifully la ndscaped energy resource c ente r that would benefit everyone ... Lewis said. "But no one wants a landfill or a waste processing plant in their ,backyard ." He says local (See TKA!SH, Page A2) $2,000 for utility hookups rejected By STEVE MITCHELL 0t .... o_.,,.....,_ Efforts by the San Diego Gas and Electric Company to charge a $2.000 hookup fee ~n all new homes serviced by the utility appears doomed following a hearing in San Diego Wednesday. SDG&E provides electrical and gas service to San Diego, as well as San Clemente. San Juan eapistrano. Capistrano Beach. Uana Point and portions of Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills and Mission Viejo. The utility proposed in 1980 to begin charging the hookup to owners of new units. claiming inflationary increases are putting an undue burden on existing customers . But the state Public Utilities C ommission indicated Wednesday it will reject the utility's notion . which , if approved, could have generated an estimated $58 million in annual revenues to SDG&E. A final decision on the hookup fee proposal was held over for four weeks. but a spokesman for the utility said it appears the PUC will deny the request. Grades changed for star football player Ralph Meyer. vice president of regulatory services for SOG&E . said today he believes PUC commissioners will "go along with the recommendations of the law judge and deny our request... · He said the thrust of the utility's argument was "that with rapidly climbing inflation, .... "" ....... IOOT8ALL PROB! -.-Ormer F.di5on Hlgh School ftotball 1tar Kerwin Bell's • •.,ame has turned up in proM! ·~ poulblt! trre(Ularitles .in .tehool's football program. ' A~terations reportedly helped Edison student gain college entrance 4 Football player Kerwin Bell by district officials will conduct High School and played at had grades in two classes the closed hearings. which are to Edison during his senior year. im proved three months after be begin April l. District officials say English araduated rrom Edison Hilh teacher Linda Carpenter and School so he would qualify ror a The investigation was American Studies instructor football scholarship to Kansas .:..s.::.~..:.o_n_so_r_e_d..1-b.:y_a_n_a_n_o_n~y-m_o_u_s __ B_a_r_.ry;....L_e_i..;g ... h_a_c_c_e..;.p_te_d_e_x_t_r_a University. Officials of the Huntington Beach Union Hilb School District have described the grade cbanaes aa ••unusual" because they occurred ao klnl after ,raduaUon and lnvolved extra work lmtead of makeup work on unflnllhed aaalcnment.a. District officf ala aay the crade cban1e1 will be probed dwina upc:omin& bearinll into alleted· impropielles at Ed.laon. The hearinp also wlll lo<>k at cbarcn that l:dlaon coacbea have recndted football players ftom other 1cbooll. A state -appointed adminbtrative law Judie blred ''I i magi ned headUnes -'grades keep star out of college'.'' letter making the alle1alloos. The letter was mailed in November to officials or the California Interscholastic Federation <CI F ), district officials and news media. CIF officials, wbo ordered the lnvesll'Wation, and district officials say the hearin11 were lar1ely triggered by the alle1a\lon1 that Bell'• 1rM!es ·were cbanaed Improperly. Bell wu a runn1D1 back on Edison'• 1979 CIF Bl& Five Cbampk>n1b1p team. H• bad transferred from • St. Francia work from Bell in Au1ust 1980 and upgraded his marks ln order to quality hlm for the scholarsbit>. Frank "Jake" Abbott, district superintendent, says teacben have the ritht to change 1radel for various reasons but that Bell'• chanaes are unuaual because they occurred thl'M montba after be 1raduatecl. · Abbott 11y1 1rade chan1ea usu.ally occur within a few wHka after a aemester endl and· u..aally lovolve a student'• .. compleUn1 unflniahed cla11 assignments or a teacher's finding an e rror in previous grade computations. ·He says he may propose that, the school board adopt strict guidelines on grade changing but he salo he won't "make a public value judgment" on the Bell case until the hearinp are completed. . English instructor Carpenter says she switched Bell's grade from a "D" to a "C." American Studies instructor Lel1b, wbo also coaches the varaily basketball team . says he cbanaed Bell's grade from a "8" to an "A." Both 1ay Bell did e.U-a work ln law Aucust of 1980 to earn the improved 1rades. But Ma. Carpenter says she bas ~·mixed f eellnp'' about how the arlh chan1e wu bend.led. She 1aya 1be wu on vacaUocl In ~ in late Auauat when <SM G&IDDEa, P•I• AJ) I <See HOOKUP, Page A2) • ORlll;f COAST WflTHfR Mostly fair with gusty winds at limes. Lows tonight in 50s. Highs F:ridays 68 along coast, 75 inland. <Details Page A3). '111181 TODY Rtmem~ tM daya of frH air .at tM aeroict ataUon? It 'll aoon bt vintage Amtriccma. Set P.oge All. 11111 ............ ., &..M. .... Att -=:. 1i ~ C..tt c..kt Ct CPI• a 4 CJ ........... (.t == ·-( ..... ..... 1191 .. ..... .•. ., "a •• • • • Orange Coat DAILY PtLOTffhuraday, February 18, 1812 R11Ll8 Judge David Carter gave the defendants ~ c_hoi~c. • Delly ................ J~ltED -In vestment firm Pre·sid~nt Ralph McDonald has b.een returned lo jail From Page Al Warm. a40ny weather with cuatln1 wind la ln •lore for Oran1e County Friday and Saturday, accordin1 to the National Weather Service. A weather service 1pokesman said u of 9 a.m. today no travel ad vlsories had been luued because of strong Santa Ana Wind conditions hi canyon and desert. areas. However. he said motoriau driving campers ot pullin1 trailers on Interstate lS to Lu Vegas shoul~ use caution. Interm ittent wind gusts prompted the tower crew at Orange County's J ohn Wayne Airport to reverse the landi.n.1 pattern for incoming nt1ht1 today. P assenger planes during normal operation approach and land from the north. Flights were directed to land from the south today. Temperatures for Friday and Saturday during t he day are expected to be in the mid to upper 70s, according to the' weather service. Nighttime lows are expected to be in the SOs both days and tonight. J AILED AGAIN. • • In vestigators claim that McDonald, as sole proprietor of. G o I d e n E a g I e , w a s· th e mastermind of an investment swindle described as the largest in Orange County hi story. Defense lawyers, however, maintain that all McDonald is potentially guilty of is technical securities law violations and not fraud. · '1n Wednes day 's lengthy, complic ated hearing before Judge Carter, McDonald admitted he possessed more than SIO million in cash, funds he indicated the Internal Revenue Service was not fully aware of. Questioned by prosecutor Tom Buck, he said the assets were in cash and kept in more than one location. So the I RS woul d not learn those locations and size of the mone y which belongs to investors, Carter held a special c,losed hearing in his chambers where McDonald repreatedly told him the whereabouts of the funds. Still, the full scope of the San Juan Capistrano man's troubled financial empire r emained something of a mystery. During his appearance on the. witness stand Tuesday. he said the full worth of his assets -one and the s ame with Golden Eagle's because the firm was not incorporated -was more than $60 million, nearly all of it in cash. On Wednesday. he retracted that statement, admitting only that he possessed more than $10 million in cash Buck , a de puty district attorney, said financial records s~.i~ed in. a r(,lid _-last wee}< on Gold~n Eagle's offices showed that the firm had amassed more than $11 milliQ~ in investments over a six-month period. Subtracting $2.4 mi llion paid 1n commissions to salesmen and U.S. readies • prosecutions the $850,000 seized by sheriff's investigators in their raid, Buck said. would leave about $8 million unaccounted for. T he whereabouts of those fu nds occupied much of Carter's attention. He made it clear to McDonald, whose hearing was viewed once again by a standing-room-only crowd of investors and salesmen in Laguna Niguel, that bail would b& lowered again if he could come up with the money to pay off investors. Another alternative the judge gave him was to deposit SS million in collateral in a trust account through his attorneys to make good on the investments. Staring directly at McDonald, Carter told him, "If you can perform (com e up with the money>. the whole world will know very shortly." T he j udie said bail of $2 million wa8 not unrealistic it the re presentations made by McDonald in Carter's chambers on the whereabouts of the money we.re true. Carter said it shouldn't take any lonaier than a day or two to retrieve the funds, the location of which remained secret. Several investors who testified Wednesday said they gave their money to McDonald when bis salesmen promised to pay them interest payments on short-term loans of between 10 and 20 percent a month. No evidence of such investments has been found. Though no one has stepped forward yet lo claim they have not been paid their interest or principal payments when due, investigators claim ed Golden Eagle was a front for a so-called "Ponzi scheme." This m ean t that e arly investors were paid off with funds ge n e r ated by late r investors. The money, however, is not really invested and the operator of t h e sc hem e eventually nees. From PageA1 TRASH PLANS -Fluor Corp. reportedly has plans to tum 38-acre mud dump <foreground > o.Mr""' ..... ., • ..,. ,. __ into a fuel-producing trash cooker. Edison High School is in the rear of photo. From PageA1 TRAS H DISPOSAL P LANTSLA1ED. • • residents opposed to the project "could put so much heat on city politicians that the proposal could be killed." Lewis contends the proposed plant wouldn't create air pollution or noise but would only have heat stacks t hat would occasionally emit steam from the plant. The landfill is owned by a corporation headed by Carl Steverson of San Marcos in San Diego Co unty. The dump is c urrently u sed for l"ert materials such as concrete. Private investors with the Ryan Energy Co. are trying to purchase the site so Fluor can move ahead with plans for the trash incinerating plant. Lewis • said. The proposed plant would use h a lf the 38 acres and othe r industrial businesses could be developed on the r emaining land, Lewis said. Moslem gunmen free U.S. executive BEIRUT, Lebanon CAP> - S h iite Mosl e m J unm e n described as disgruntled job applicants kidnapped a · U.S. oil executive and two Lebanese on the coastal highway in southern Lebanon today. but coworkers said all three were released unharmed about seven hours later. From PageA1 HOOKU P .•. it is costing more to hook up new customers." He said a $2,000 charge to builders of new homes would "give us · a chance to reduce rates to existing customers." who he believes are carrying the burden of new construction. T h e cur re nt charge for hooking up new electrical and gas customers is $15 .80 per customer. When the hookllp fee proposal was proposed in 1980, it was opposed by t he San Diego Bu il ding Co n tractors Association, the California Farm Bureau Federation, the We s t e rn Mobile H ome Assoeiation a nd Orange County's Building Industry Association, among others. Meyer said denial by the PUC of the proposal next month will probably mean the end or the issue. Am er i c an Emba ssy spokesman J ohn Reid said he too bad been told by their employer the three had been freed and would soon be brought to the Lebanese capital, He had no other details. Dr. Samira Ali Ahmed, wife of Ghaleb Ali Ahmed, the Lebanese general m anager of the American-Owned Mediterranean Refinery Company or M aedreco, s aid friends called ·her from southern Lebanon to report that her kidnapped husband, his U.S. employer , Thomas E . Anderson, and their Lebanese driver were freed. Anderson, 58, of New York City, is the managing direct.or of Caltex Lebanon and vice president or Medreco. He has been in Lebanon for three years. ·'They totd me a while ago that all three men are in good shape. They were treated well in captivity and are now being provided with an escort to come home in Beirut." Mrs. Ali Ahmed said at the Beirut headquarters or Medreco Employees who handled the t~lex and te l e phone com municalions that involved r.tegotlatioos for the release of Anderson, Ali Ahmed and the driver said the kidnappers belonged to no specific political party or militia in Lebanon. o ... , ....... LOCATION Map s hows site of 38-arre mud dump From Page A1 lttUR AL . • • instructor Manuel Hernandez consulted with the students on materials a nd technique. He said he thought most people in lrvine were "beyond the point" where a visual image could provoke racism. "I'm surprised al the high level or fear on the part of the mmority groups here." he said. "1 can relate to it , but I'm surprised." Lisa White is a black student who didn't like the mural. $he didn't like the prospect or seeing a Ku Klux Klan reminder on the wa ll. She said because she lives in a predomi nantly white neighborhood. she has been told s he should support reminders t hat r.ruelty can return. "I really don't think it's history because it's still going on." she said. Roland Sprewell is· another black student who likes the mural because he says it orrers a balanced view that isn't as 1nf1aming a s s ome c r itics carlter had charged. Said Sprewell : .. A lot or time was pul into it. A lot of time. I'd hale to see that wasted.:· 5 men arr ested LOS ANGELES <AP> Five men have been arrested for investigation in a series of .armed robberies executed by Troops nix ed in Salvador. WAS HINGTON <A P> - Pre1ldent Reagan said today the admlnislral¥>n bad "no plans to send American combat lroopt loto action" in El Sal,vador or anywhere else. He wouldn't discuss U.S. options for action ln s upport or lbe Salvadoran government. To tip hls band, Reagan said, wou ld r educe Ame r ican leverage. Asked whether there are any clrcum1tanCef under which he might use U.S. troops, Reagan replied: "Well, maybe ii they dropped a bomb on the White House I might get mad." The ntral American nation of El S ador Is under attack by leftist gu illas and Is being aided by milltary aid a nd a dviser s sent by the U.S . government. Asked what further steps he might take, Reagan told a news conference: "I just don't believe that you discuss those options of what you may or may not do.·· The president opened his eighth news conference by announcing that he will name a panel or private c itizens to sea r ch o ut waste a nd inefficiency in the government with an eye to controlling costs. "This will be the largest effort of its kind ever mounted to save tax dollars," Reagan said. He said the members of the vo lunteer panel will be named within a few days. "I expect them to roU up their s leeves and search out waste and inefficiency . . . ·' he said. ··We mean business and we intend to gel results." As he has before, Reagan said his economic policies will produce recover y from the current recession, but added. ··I· m just not going to be pinned down on a date." Reagan also said that htgh Interest rates represent "the greatest single threat today to a healthy, lasting recovery" from the recession. Major banks increased the prime r a te Wednesday from 16\12 to 17 percent The pres ident s aid that r eflected con cern t hat the Federal Reserve Board might ease monetary policy. and that the administration might tolerate ever -higher deficits. Reagan's budget projects record deficits, with the figure this year estimated at S98.6 bill ion. But he s aid the Federal Reserve and the administration can and will work together to produce monetary and fiscal policies that s hould quell concerns in the money markets. "I will devote the resources of m y presidency to keeping deficits down over the next several years." he said. But Reagan also said he would not compromise on his call for an 18 percent increase in defense spending next year. a budget that has become a prime target for congressional critics both Republican and Democratic bent on curbing tbe qeficW .·. ··we cannot back away on nationat defens~ without sending a message to our allies and adversaries that would be very unwise," Reagan said. T h e president said h e inherited an economic mess when he took office a year ago, and "since then we have made progress on many fronts." He cited the declining inflation rate. "There'll still be some difficult days ahead, b.ut at least we are heading foward a WASHING TON <AP) -After the Reagan administration's gra~e period o n draft tegistralion expires on Feb. 28, says Attorney General William French Smith. "there certainly will be hundr eds " o r prosecutions of young men who fail to comply. GRIDDER PROBED. • • T he employes. who requested anonymity. said the abductors were Shiite Moslems who were unhappy with t he way they were recently interviewed for jobs at Medreco. what police des cribe as a "commando-t ype" team that a ttack e d with mi lit ary precision. clearing:· · Smith was questioned by reporters Wednesday about the administration 's plans on prosecuting the estim a ted 800,000 young men who have not registered. "We are in the business or enforcing the laws and we are goin& to enforce this one," Smith responded. He said he did not think lt WO\IW .be neceaary to pro1ecute a I 11 reg is tr at ion e v.a de rs '' becaus;e I thhJk when it ls under,toOd that we are serious a boi,Jt doing somethin1 that tbe number, of p~ople who will wAUfully, refuse, to comply will cframalicaJJy shrjnk." counselor Mark Orlando called her and said Bell needed a "B" grade in her class to qualify for the football scholarship to attend Kansas University. She says Edison Principal Philip Gi'oss telephoned later and said be·woul~ "stand by any decision I made.' ··1 just felt that no teacher s hou ld e ver be put in that position," Ms . Carpenter said. "These things should have been taken care of in June, not a week before the university term started. "There wu no direct pressure to change the gra.de," abe said. ''But l.here WU a definite MllH of ur1ency. I didn't have time to con1ider my decision. It waa a choice of elther chance the gndeornot." She said she finally decided ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat aa ............... 114MW'll All ottter ll1-11rw'9 ~ Thomas P. Haley ~ ..... ChMll hKlllW• Olliff• Robert N. Weed ......... Thomas A. Murph1ne ~ L. Kav Schultz ~°"'.J­ Mlchael P. Haryey ~0....-~nrtitttt N. Goddiird Jr. ~~"'. Charles H Loos .........,..._ . -- ' MAIN~ .... awa..c.--...~ Meh ....... : ... t•c..-MeM,CA.- ~ ..... ~cr.=-==: .. ~.:=~ :::.:: T""' _, ... ••I• .... ..... .,.. '"~-- that Bell was a "victim or cir c umstance" because he'd been told by counselors durin1 his final semester that he had e no ugh cr edits to go to a university. "I just Imagined the headlines -•£nglish Teacher Keeps Star Out or College,· she recalled. I never dreamed that two years later it would be jus t the opposite.'' Ms . Carpenter says Bell turned in two assignments - one a makeup project and the other an extra assignment -to htr sister in Huntington Beach. She says her slater called her i n Ore1on and read and dHctlbed Bell's work. Ma . Carpenter s ays she then Mllhorbed ralainl the grade to a "C," but not any higher. She says counselor Orlando then apparently approached inatructor Leiah. Leich says be had 8eU do extra asalcnllMntl. aod then upended him fl'Oln a "B" to an "A" qualif1tn1 'the atblete fOt' the acbolanhtp . • "l still have mJxed feellnp becau•e h e waa such an lm portant fl au re, .. Ks , Carpenter aaya ot Bell. "Some ot the teacben ( a,t Bcliaoa) are anary I chan1ed tbe ,.. •. " ''Kerwin eamed UM Sfade; I'm awe be did the Cutra) wort. But I don't lraow if admlal1traton would bne calW •la 0reaoa U It INMIJult .IM•• 1oba Q. Student wbo aHWU..cbaqe.'' -, PATRICK. ICBNNEOY Celebrating its 20th Annfversary In Spacel The Omega Speedmaster-Official Watch of NASA. Since 1962 when NASA selected it as the official WeJtch of the space program. the Omega Speegmaster Professional Chronograph has been worn on all manned flights and on the moon-SO times In space. Now. it's being worn on the space-Shuttle Colwmbla. It's th&one chronograph even space technology can't improve upon. Imagine what it can do on earth for you. Stainless steel chronograph and tachometer; wattr-reslst.antta 100 feet $550:- SLAVIC K'S ""'J1Wt1n sara 1tt1 WMre ~ best surprist.s begin~ PllNOn ltllnd (1'C) ..... ,_,.~ lekt'I AMoGnlW "°' ~..-s.n °"'°. L.-~ \ .. .. Tbe llru11te over the etUmated l20 mlllkm ettat. left by Sally Stuto,d, the madam who became a SauuUto mayor, 1rew more tanated u lhe total or her purported wl lla rose to slx. ··sally had a very convoluted lite, and God bJesa her. 1be left a very convoluted will," Hid San Frenclfco attorney Melvla Belli, whose client, .lolll• Da.W Owee, la conteatln1 a will •lined by Ms . Stanford lut July. That will diainherlted Owen , M s . Stanford'• adopted aon, and left mOlt of her estate to h•r friend, Ellaa~ PlalJ.Upe. Owen'a lawyers prduced a 19'71 wW that left moat or the estate to him. The famed tax ·cuttlng legislation embraced by presidential candidate Ronald Reagan in 1980 -and since largely enacted by Congress -bas always been known as the Kemp-Roth bill. Sen. William Roth, R-Del., has been waging a long, one-man campaign to get people to ca ll it the Roth-Kemp bill instead. To no avail. Rep. Jack Kemp, R · N. Y.. seems assured of front billing as long as the legislation is discussed. •••.• -•• A~ ....... So when Roth was looking for a House co-sponsor for a bill designed to increase the interes t yield of savings bonds, he found the perfect co mpanion : a Hous e member sure not to upstage him in lhe way that Kemp did . Or, at least not so anybody would notice. EYES-ON TEXAS -T\' actress Morgan Fairchild, a Texas nati ve, stands alongs ide a statue of former House Speaker Sam Rayburn on Capitol llill m Washington. He was born in 1882 and sen·ed 17 years as s peaker. Lee Majors lets ex-wife have lwuse Actor Lee Majors says he is going let ex-wife Farrah Fawcett have the $2 5 million house they shared while m arried and which they have been fighting over in court Majors. 41 . emerged from dinner with Mi ss F'awcett a nd othe rs al Le Serre r esta urant a nd told KN BC-TV · the couple had been reminiscing. Gray Davis, forme r chief of staff for Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr .• said he'll seek Assemblyman Howard L. Berman's seat instead of challenging Assemblyman ·Herschel Rosenthal to sucFeed reticing state Seo. Alan Sleroty, all Los Angeles Dci:QocraL'>, , "We met We had a nice co uple of hours talk , reviewed 14 years of a nice relationship... Majors said. "It came about that maybe I took some pressure off the judge because I made the , decis ion to give her the house. "S he deser ves it," he added "She's a nice lady, and I still love her very much." Running i n Sierot y's west-side district would "pit me against a nurl}ber of people who've been friends and close colleagues over the past seven years," Davis said Berman, D·Los Angeles, is expected lo run for Coneress. H'Vh• on UllOtf ~ -low -L-• O loSO Coastal Fair ano wlnclv CoHlat, Inland low \ In ~ CoHl•I hlqll ... lnl-IS W•ler., Etwwt>ere . ..-uy 110M •••••bit w~ftd' ni9ht •nd Morn1n9 houri bt<omlft9 ~erly 1 to u It.no'\ ••th ,. t o l ·foot wind w•ve\ f t•d•f 4tt1rn~. Fair lhrouon Fr101y U.S. sunuuary Nor11M'rty winds 70-JS ""'"al ""''" •n mountains HIQM SA to M L-• tn lOstoiow~ Northern O•\ert\ c•n ••O•< t north•rty world• t).1S mPh H1ohs IOO•V 0 lo ll IOW\ •Os IO SO• Southern oeseO'"I• c•n eai>«t hlo"' 10 to 80, to"" In SQ> AboUI S oeortfl ••rm~r FrHS.ty NorOttrn Mid C.enlr\I C•llforn•• w ilt bf: t••r too.ty Foo in 1nl•nd v •lley\ n-oht 1no morn•nq hour\ R•1n IO(f'ly 1n northwf'\:t, "°'"'" C~\t and "' nor1Mr'l mount•ln\ Frloey Snow lf'vel '" Mf't"'trn mountain\ near S,000 twt ' -. E!B ' 7With co-sponsor Rep. Toby ~~otb, R-Wis., Sen. Roth issue d a n e ws release s tating : "Roth-Roth bill would make savings bonds competitive." The owner of New York's famed Sardi's restaurant waded into icy Central Park Lake to rescue a woman who nearly drowned trying to save two brothers who had fallen through thin ice. Vincent Sardi, 66. was bicycling in hls business suit when he saw Barbara Vantba«en flailing about in the water. Sardi found some rope and waded into the water. ··1 kept rupping the rope to her," he said. After pulling her out, he rode on to Manhattan's Ulea,er district, where be downed a few brandies at bis restaurant to warm up. ltatn .... torKr.I 10 tall •to~ 11 ... wa,hlnQlon state coa\I ano • tew lllowers _,.. UPKl.0 to0•Y O••• UM UPC>< ltocktes l.'9111 snow ..... ••pec:teo °"" thfo nortllern Great I.Ho -IM no<1h centr•t At•&nlte c ... ,, · Teniperatures • \• ' .. , • 0 11-•1d Suf'lny MllH wtte lo'f•C:asl o .. r tM Great Ruin. C•tllornl• the Southw••t Oeurh, tne towar '-third• Oft"" Plaln• •no no'1h<trn N-E119t- Tem,,..r•lure\ '" tht-IOs ·~re WJ)ecltlll _,, In W>Ull\err1 Florl<M alld It!< Soutt>wnt ~wl'h wttn 60s •lld 70\ from 11\e soutn All•nllc Co.o\t lhrouoh th<t lower Mlutulppl Valley •nd the IOUtl,.,n P1atn1 lo the tar Sollthwtst. Thl'11e> -· lor«HI In Ille nortllern Pta ln>. the upper MIHIHlppl V•llr;-, the Gl'fft 1.aktt and Ille -111 centr•I Alla nttc Co.st THn' -llH _,. Up.cted o•tr northern New Envl•nd *'"' 40t ario IOlet~wllere. Temper.tures arouncl IN nallon N r1., today ranoeo from 12 below In Houtton, Maine lo 14 In K•Y West, Fla. Extended forecast SOU THERN CALIFO RN IA COASTAL AHO MOUNTAIN AREAS -varl•llle nloh clouOINS• -lalrly ,...,,,, ~•lu•ft S.turlNy, Low c toud' llkety Sund•Y nt91't and Mond•Y morlllnv •nd turnl119 c-r llh OIKIY •Inch •I co.st and In mount•lnt Monday HIOM In Ille CIMlllal allO Y.tllrf -H S<llurday In low '°' to mlel·7CK ar\CI In IOI ln mounlalfl-.. Low' mostly tS lo SS •M.ettl ..-.In r--1 ,_,In Jilt te 10W aot AN lllQllt and ._, .-1 4 to • de9f'lft ._,by """"6ay. California Mtlll'I' l•l'I' \11.tU In Southern C•tlfornla tt>rouQtt Fri..,. Sll911tly ... , .... , ft1dlly. Ch•n<• of n1N'IMHt •lnel• lo U ml)fl by tiff toclay be-cenyon\ In O••n•• County Hlollt IC>day •net Frleley 7StolS 1.-. 41 to SA lnlallO •tile"' CM e1<11KI Mrtl'ltly wlfl41 In cM,,on '"' .. ' 1).l1 "'-" Alballly Att>uque Amarltto Ancltof- A-•llle Allan ta Atlante CIY 8_,.tm.,,.. BlrmlnQhtn 81,m•rc' Boise Boston Brownivtl• e voato Charl•tn SC ChartllnWV Cheyenne Chlcaoo Cincinnati Ctoeland Cotumllv\ Oat-FtWlh Denver OeJM<>lnes 0e1ro11 Ouh11h Et Paw Falrl:Mlnt.s Hartford Helen• Honolulu Houston lndnac>tb Ja<Unvlt. Kant City 141 Le ~R<. 11 t2 '° J'l 6J J'l ... ll ]7 44 " Sl ., J'l 0. " 1t .. •l 4l 4l 20 so ]t ., l2 ,. es ., H H n 41 '° '2 24 so ll JI 31 43 ,, JI M 0t 4l • 0) St 40 14 H " l3 .i• 33 ZI ,, 11 70 37 ·17 .JO Jl 1• SJ M " I• to 14 JI ]t 01 ec. '° JI J'l JI ~ ---=== -.o•• v' o .•. Lasv~ Little Rock Loult•lllt Mempttb Miami Mllw•uUe Mots-SI P Navwtti. Mew Orleans NewYorll Nortolk Okla City Omaha Orlando f'illt•ctelPhl• P'-"1• PlllMurtft PU.nct.-PUMld,Ore lteplel Cltr RallO s.111.au Sean .. St Loult SIP·T...- SISle_. 590lane Tucto11 TulH WaslllnQtn Wk lllt• .. ... en 111,111e et n SS 42 .02 Euretla 1' 45 Ot 4t 37 frnno 6S 4S se 4.S .en uncut... u 40 ti •1 3' Lot AnQelft 7• '1 ll ,. Mary\¥1111 U •• n 31 MonWr9Y S7 St SI 0 N-11\ 19 SA If 41 Oakland •• o ,. Paw ROOlft '7 41 4l • .. Reeltlluf! M 46 •• lS R-City 6J 41 Ot l4 " en ~.,,,_ •4 ... 16 ff 3' S.llnH .. 40 4-4 21 .U !Min Fr9ftCIKO 5' SO 77 S3 .10 s.tlla 8tr1)9ra 11 SI •t )I " S-t. IM<la .. •I U 10 Stodrton t7 41 SI 1' CM Ttlerm•I es - n 1t Ukiah •• SS a ... ~tow IS 14 4t ~ .07 819 llHr SA 2S St ll .U Bltflol> 6A J2 » D C•lallna .. SI 14 ,. l3 L.OftO llMCh •• 6J 24 ' Monrovia n 55 so )I 03 Ml. wu_, ., 43 71 4• Newport Beacll U !4 '1 43 OntArlo IJ •1 41 ,. " P•lm Spril!O' ~ S3 1' lS PaMdefta 11 SI CAl.llfO•NIA S-.........,.no .S U Baurtll..., 6J SJ San J-.. n __ ---· 5-nt• Ana M SJ ,.,,_ ____________________ S-eCNI •7 SI ----TellotV.tltey 41 lS ~MAMll•ICAN Sllf RIPORT' -· $? E E .I. -I Cweceo " 1S .en W.,'re Listening ••• .. Tides TODAY Sec...Ollleft 7:4Jpm i ,4 ~IUDAY ,ln1... 12:• ...... t.• "ratltltfl 6:1 ... m. S.t S.C-'9W l:Xlp.m. U a.c.M Neft t:eu.m. u i4lft ..U t :«I p.m., rllft , ..... , 6:M•.m. Meoll ..... ,,lcley , • ., •• ,..., ... t;'6p,m. Whal do you like about the Dally Pllot? What don't you like? Ca ll the number below and your mesaa1e will be recorded, transcribe<l and delivered to the appropriate editor. Thi? same 24-hour an1werinc tervlce may be used to record ltt· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox cbntributors must Include their name aod telephone num"r for nr.Ule1tlon. No circulation calls. plea.1e. Tell us what ·s on your mind. I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Thursday, February 18, 1982 H/F ... ~AA 1ays Santµigo Canyon, Chino Hills. not adaptable 8)' P&EDERJCK SCHOEMEHL .................. T~o Oran1e County 1lte.s un.d•r conslderatloh for a re1Jona1 airport are slmply "not adaptable'' to such use because of air traffic congesUon that .iready exists in Oranae County ' skies. That conclusion Is contaioed ln a letter from the Feder ... Aviation Administration to Mark Pisano, e xecutive director or the Southe rn CaJJ(ornia Association of Governments, one of two agencies studyina potential sites for a new Southern California airport. Tbe FAA concluded that sit.es in Santi,go Canyon east of Orange and Chino HiUs north or Yorba Linda would conflict with airspace patterns for existing airports, such as John Wayne Airport and the Marine ,Corps Air Station. El Toro. "In summary of this informal review, it appears that while some or the Santiago site restrictions could be remedied, ne.aher s'e is adaptable· to the presenl air traffi c s yst em without u ser d elays, inconv•nient r ero utes and restrictions... according to the FAA letter. Those s uggested delays, re routings a nd restrictions, according to the letter, "may not be acceptable alternative(s) to all concerned." • CHIM()~ e ~AOPOSEO SANTIAGO It TE o ... ,, .... ,... A EJECTED Proposed regional airport sites in the Santiago Canyon and Chino Hills (dots> have been rejes:ted by the FAA. The SanUago site is flawed, the F~A said, due to hills in the vicinity that would have be lowered, and potential airspace conflicts with "virtually ... all arrivals/departures'' from airports in Ontario, Riverside , Chino, Santa Ana <John Wayne) and Long Beach. "The airspace -ai rway alignments that would have to be accomplis hed to make ap proaches feasible are so disruptive to all other airports in the area that the required major chan1e1 are not consld•r•d acceptable from an effective alrapace mana1ement po1ttioo," the FAAaald. The FAA said the Cb1no HWa arrival rout.el would be 1utuect to moat of the air traffic constraints identified for tbe Santlaao Canyon 1lte. Departures to the west wouJd be in conftJct with arrivals to Los An1elea and with low al~ilude airway operatlona between the Lons Beach, Loe An1eles and Ontario areu, the FAA said. Bruce Nestande, cbalnnan ol the Orange County Board of Supervisors, sa!d Wednetday that the lelt.er confirms hll put beliefs that subalanU•l alr conflicts would be posed by the Santiago site. Santiago bas been under intense scrutiny from both SCAG and a "blue ribbon" panel appointed by supervisors lut year to .investigate potential locations for a regional airport. Nestande said Santia10 and Chino Hills should be dropped from further consideration. Any new airport needed by 2000, be said, s hould be located i n Camp Pendleton, the sprawling Marine Corps base in north San Diego County, Nestande said. County 'losses' mounting Supervisors write off $57,700 worth of inventory It's sort of difficult to imagine that all those typewriters. projeclors, calculators. adding machines, dictating equipment and the like which eost niore than $57,700 mysteriously wer.e "lost" by Orange County government agencies. But that is offici ally what happened after the Or ange County Board of Supervisors this week wrote off nwre than 60 · · I o st · ' i t e m s f ro m county inventory rolls. The items which range from $12,350 worth or unspecified morgue equipment lo a $314 sofa were reported lost during a recent county inventory by the Sheriff-Coroner's Department and tJ>s Humfl) .s-:r.vjc.,es Agency. Many of the items reported as bein g "lost" actually were stolen or still are in service and just cannot be located. said Steve Lewis. chief deputy of the O r a ng e Co unty Auditor-Controller's Office. L ewis said that unless procedures are strictly followed in reporting the theft of an item, such as one or the more than 20 typewriters reported missing, the items must be listed on the inventory as lost. That would account for many of the items, he said .• He added that auditors had spent about 300 hours looking for lost equipment In addition to the t.im~ ,-i>pen~ by eacb. a1ency's personnel in attempting to locate the gear. Lewis acknowledged, however, that the reported losses are much higher than normal. He said the high rate or "lost" items might be explained, in part. by the fact that tbe biehest losses were reported by the Human Service_. Agency, which also was the county government's largest agency, until it was divided into two offices -Health Care and Social Service~ -last November. In light of the losses, bis department is reviewing inventory control procedures. already considered strln1ent, h~ said. Cable deregulation studied by county Lewis said some or the items may have been sold as surplus and the sale was not properly recorded. And, th•e are the odd-ball cases, like the one or the three cou c hes that were to be transferred from one county office to another . They "inadvertently" were picked up by the Salvation Army, Lewis Eighl cabl e tele vision franchi se o p e rator s in unincorporate d portions of Orange County could have their service rates deregulated under guidelines adopted this week by the county Board of Supervisors. The guidelines. developed by the county General Services Agency, enumerate conditions under which a cable operator could apply for deregulation and s pell out the formula under which a cable deregulation might be granted. I n o r d e r' t o a p p I y f o r deregulation, the franchise must provide r e asonable publi c access lo community service channels and studio production facilities. according to a report provided to supervisors. Also, guidelines concerning the resolution of consumer complaints must be met by the operator as well as submission of a plan and timetable aimed at inter-connecting community access channels of the various cable systems. O nce cable fran c h ise operators have met the basic application requirements. a deregulation appli cation will be considert*l. D e regulation will occur automatically if any cable operator challenges another for its s ubscribers by providing competing service in a given area. accordini;? to the plan. Al so s pelled out in the g uide lines i s how cable operators could adjust rates, once dereguJated, especially•in a re as of the county where normal broadcast reception is poor. said. . ··-.. In other action, s upervisors approved: -Creation of an Oranee County Development Agency, which would be authorized to s ell up to $50 million in tax-exempt revenue bonds for the construction of subsldiud housing for the poor. Final approval is scheduled durtn1 next week's board meetinl(. -Consolidation of a special primary election for the vacant 35th state Senate District seat with April 13 municipal elections. The district includes Fullerton, La Habra. Placentia, Orange, Villa Park and Yorba Linda. The seat was opened when Sen. John Bri11s. R-FuUerton. resigned. ~ RO LEX THE CONCEPT OF ENDURANCE, THE FACES OF INTEGRITY Rolex Datejust. sel~W1nding chro-• nometer. stainless steel and 14kt. gold Oyster case. Jubilee bracelet. Rolex Lady·Date. self ·winding with stainless steel and 14k t. gold Oyster case. Jubilee bracelet. Both models guaranteed pressure- proof dOwn to 165 feet. RAFF jeK.€Jff 32 FASHION ISLAND NEWPQRT BEACH, CALIF. (714) 6"-2040 . " • H/F Orange Coaet DAILY PILOTfThur1d1y, February 18, 1982 , A,. ........ DANGEROUS GAME -Three youths leap to safety after ice floats they were on were ,ushed to s hore by a Massachusetts Army National Guard helicopter. Police and £ire ~epartments from four towns were involved }p the rescue on the Connecticut Ri ver in Holyoke , Mass. The boys reportedly had pl ayed the same gam e on othe r occasions . Mic ha e l S . Gordon . pho togra pher for Springfield·. Mass. newspapers. captured the ~rama Wednesd~y. J>oland to p11rge priests? *ilitary government renews. attacks on clergy WARSAW, Poland CAP) - T h e martial law regim e anelffd its attack today on Poland's Roman Catholic clergy. accusing some priests or reviving ''old s ources of conflict." The attac k followed the detention of 3,500 Poles in the ~st sweeping dragnet since rtial law was imposed Dec. The attack" coincided with a st German report that the gime would begin arresting eats sh<?rtly. Zimbabwe fa cing new' civil strife SAUSBURY, Zimbabwe <AP> -Zimbabwe was threatened ay with a new outbreak of lvil strife after Prime Minister obert lJugabe ended bis oalition with Joshua Nkomo, ·s chief political rival. and c used Nkomo's party of kPillnl arms for war. Nkomo, speaking to reporters t ter Mu1abe fired him and t ree other cabinet ministers f om his Zimbabwe African eople's Uni on CZAPU ), hemenUy denied knowing of a up plot or of the huge arms che1 Mugabe claimed were und ·1''eb. 6 in Matabelel8Jld, t e territory of Nkomo 's atabele tribe. Syrian minutry ·i by explosion DAMASCUS, Syria (AP)'-An plosloo caused heavy damage t he Syrian Information inls*1"Y building in Damascus ay and a witness reported the Ide of the IO-story building waa "completely devastated." ·11111 BRIUS It was the 1 fo urth major bombing in the capital since last s umme r . Th ere wa s n o i mm ediate cl aim o f responsibility. Russ send Cuba attack copters WASHINGTON (AP} -The Soviet Union reportedly has sent Cuba a squadron or what the U .S . Joint Chiefs of Start recently described as "one of the world's most heavily armed ground-attack helicopters." U.S. intelligence sources said 11 or 12 Hind choppers, believed to be powerfuJ D models, were delivered by the Soviets to Cuba Jast month and a r e being removed from their crates for assembly. Offensive started in Sudan war KHARTOUM, Sudan CAP> - Ethiopian planes are bombing Eritrean guerrilla pos itions in a four-front m ajor oHensive, a s p okesman for the leading separatist guerrilla movement said Wednesday. Moham ed Saeid Bari of E.ritrean People's Liberation Front told a news conference Sov i e t pilo t s ar e (lyin g helicopter gunships, and South Yem e ni s a r e ptl o ting Soviet-made MiG-21 and MiG-23 fi g hte r j e t s agains t the Eritreans. He claimed cluster bombs and napalm were bein& used in the offensive. Flames hit j e t on Miami runway MJAMI <APJ -Passengers saw black smoke after they slid d o wn emergency chutes to evacuate a jetliner when its tail e ngine burst into flames on takeoff, . but those a board said there was no panic. "I heard a pop," said Norine Centofante, 24, one of the 47 passengers on We~nesday's Pan Amer.lean FHght 975. "We weren't -gomg very fast. We jmt stopped. and the stewardesses told everybody to get out." $100 million set for El Salvador? W AS HI NGTON <AP > - Presid e nt Reagan 's new d evelopme nt plan for the Caribbea n basin calls for giving El Salvador nearly a third of the $300 milJion in new aid envisioned for the region this year, congressional sources say. The sources, who asked to r e m ai n a n o ny m o us, s aid Wednesday that between $100 million and $105 million has been earmarked fo r El Salvador despite ris ing oppos ition in Congress to US. in volvement in the war·torn country. Ships collid e CAPE TOWN, South Africa CA P > The fl agship of the South African navy. the frigate President Kruger, collided with a supply ship in a gale and sank b e f ore dawn today . The government reported 177 crew members r escu e d and 13 missing. ·VMit Garrett's ' " ,. l ~ -,,,, •.• I' . '"t ~ ~~ " -. OP!N SUNDAY 1~to 4 .... Fine Leather Furniture For Home or Office Lounge Chairs, Wing thairs, Sofas, Recliners, .Ekecutive Office Swivel 1G:hairs and Occasional C:h'airs Wide choice of leather colors Guatemala tensions ·•p Human right& abuses discourage U.S. interests WASHING TON (AP> -Alt.boueb tbt Reapa adm lnlatratlon 'a efforts to prevtat 1 ltftlel takeover ln ICl Salvador ere dombl1tln1 the hea_dUMI now, the cballen1e ot try1n1 to promote democracy and maintain atabtlity in nel&bbortnc Guatemala 11 even more forbiddinc. Jlelpltt .tbe U.S. belief Guatemala '1. irowln1 lef\l1t lnaur1ency is 1upported by Sotlet bloc forces, the admln1straUon has shied away from provldlnc aulltance to Guatemala because of widespread human righta abuset. American oftlciels. wbo asked not to be identified, say Guatemala hu turned a deaf ear to repeated 1dminlltration appeala for an eaaln1 of political repression. The continuing coolness in U.S. -Guaiemalan relations contrasts sharply with clOH ties the administration has established with other conservative, military-dominated re1tmes 1n Latin America and elsewhere. Ll. Gen. Vernon Walters, a former deputy * * * * "* . director of tbe CIA and now a top Stat• Department aide has inadl aeveral unpubllclsed trips to Guatemala to outline American concern•. Re reportedly made no headway. What makes the altuatlon particularly difficult for the admlnlstratlon ls that Guatemala '1 strategic importance ls far greater than that of El Salvador. Guatemala has Central America's Jar.rest economy, boasts substantial oil reserves and is located within striking distance ol Mexico's oil fields. Only now has the admlnlstration be1un to take the first tentative steps toward re-establi.sbinl a military reJationshlp with Guat.emJla, which was , suspen~ 1n 1977 during the early months ol the Carter administration. Economic aid also ls limited, but trade lies are normaf. It Ls about to ask Congress for $2SO.OOO for training Guatemalan military officers but the funds won't be spent unless the human rights situation there improves . * * * * El Salvador rebels advancing Army officials assess U.S. military effort SAN SALVAOOK, El Salvador (AP) -'J'tl' U.S. Army's senior commander in Centrll America wound up a three-day visit to El Salvador today assessing reports that leftist rebels are making progress against the forces of the U.S.-backed, Junta. A U.S. Embassy source, who asked anonymity for diplomatic reasons, said U . Gen. Wallace H. Nutting came from his Panama headquarters to · · asselts the effectiveness of our military assistance" to the military·clvilian junta. Another recent visitor from the United States, Sen. Clairbome Pell, has returned to.Washington, D.C .. where he urged the U.S. to cut off aid to El Salvador's regime unless lt cracks down on human rights abuaes. Pell is ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee. Nutting'& visit followed guerrilla attacks that destroyed half of the junta's air force and cut off eastern El Salvador and. a five·day sweep in which 4,000 government troops were able to klll only 28 of the 400 to 600 guerrillas they were hunting. Weslem diplomats and relief workers estimate guerrillas move almost at will through 10 of El Salvador's 15 provinces. Nutting, head of the U.S. Southern Command, inspected a string of military bases. including the headqulrters of the U .$.-trained Allactl rapid deployment battalion. He also toured the llopango Air Base outside San Salvador where a guerrilla attack Jan. 'Z7 destroyed or damaged more than a dozen aircraft. including six U.S.-supplied Huey-1 troop transport helicopters. After that attack, the Reagan adminisfration a nnounced it was sending $55 million in emergency aid to the junta in addition to $25 million approved by Congress two months earlier. About SO U.S. military advisers have been stationed here since early last year to help train Sa l vad o ran o ff i cer s a nd t r oo p s i n counter·ins urgen cy tactics and servicing equipment. No fighting was reported Wednesday, but a Judicial offi cial said unidentified gunmen shot and killed the head of the Red Cross in Guazapa, a town 15 miles north of San Salvador that is considered a rebel stronghold. PelJ said in Washington that the U.S. should not "rock the boat" before the March 28 elections called by the centrist government of President J ose Napoleon Duarte. Ir Duarte's government is victorious at the polls, Pell said , ··Any continued aid 1s contingent on real progress toward human rights, whic h there has not been so far, and movement toward general negotiations ." The United States also should insist that the Salvadoran regime agr ee to unconditional negotiations with left-wing guerrill as after the elections . the Rhode Island lawmaker said in an interview Wednesday. Gitlnea~' faith pleases Pope LIBREVfLLE, Gabon (AP> -Pope John Paul II told members or the Roman Catholic Church in Equatorial Guinea today he was pleased .they maintained their faith during the 11 years the previous government tried to suppress \he Romao Catholic Church. A four-man Soviet crew new the '1-year-old pontiff in a Soviet-built WAT--40 of the Equato!'ial airline to Malabo. Equatorial Guinea's capital on the island of Bioko. There he met with President ·Teodoro Obiang Ngueme Mba2010 for an hour before flying to Bala, the largest city on the mainland portion of the cowtt,ry , for an outdoor Mus in Jn'Ciepeodence Square. In his homily at the square, tbe pontiff said: ·'The pope has wanted to come to see you to promote the evangelizallon enterprise in your land. That evangelization which means a growth in the faith, a generous devotion for the greatest dignification of every man and faithfulness to Christ and ha church. "There are many of your brothers that bave courageously testified -even in the middle of persecution -their Christian faith," be aaid, according to a text released by the Vatican. Obiang overthrew his cousin, Macias Nguema Biyogo, in a military coup in August 1979. The Roman Catholic Church, which claims 80 percent of the country's 350.000 people, was severely repressed by Nguema during the 11 years he . controlled the former Spanish colony. In an appar e nt effort at reconciliation. Obiang's ~Ol!nurtent asked the pope to visit the country during his eight-day African tour -the pontiff's fii'st:foreign journey since the aUempt on- his life last May. In his arrival speech in MaJabo, the pontiff told Obiang he came as a member of the cburct}. • ··1 know that in the past you have suffered serious problems. And in light of this. I am telling you I am very pleased how you have maintained your faith in Christ ," he said, according to an official Vatican te xt translated from Spanish by The Associated Press. J ohn Paul also made a veiled reference to the c losing of. Catboli.c sc hools by Obiang·s predeeesso,-; saying "the church in Equatorial Guinea wishes to cooperate faithfully for the common good and offers its help to do anything that will favor reconciliation and development in the educational field." During the open-air Mass in Bala, John Paul said no one should be able lo persecute Christians for following their religion. "but if they do. you are doing good work.I. You can be assured you will be rewarded in heaven." On Wednesday, en route from Nigeria. the pope visited Marxis t-ruled Benin. and church sources said he pulled off a minor coup by convincin& President Mathieu Kerekou to review the cases of an estimated 100 to 200 political prisoners, including a Roman Catholi c priest. ' .. , :Sk~ocketing utility hills fl~,!~d 1 Northern CalifornJa Residents protest doubling and tripling of costs PLACER VILLE <AP > - Paclllc Gaa and' Electric Co. oftlclal1, (acln1 Jeere, catcalla and boos from hundreds or angry residents, say 1rmauon and high fuel prtceS hA've caused the-skyrocketlnt utility costs whtth have aparke'd protests from Central California to the . Oregon line. ' ·•P eople are fq istrated and Olltraged," said ~se'l\blyman Norm Waters, D -Plymouth. "We've seen utilil1 !;>ills exceed house payments." But Steve Reynolds, rate department ma nager for PG&E, said the utility "only. got 60 percent of what we asked for" .. 'when the state Public UtutUea Com mission approved a '909 million Lncrease for PG&E on Dec. 30. Many residents have r eported a doubling and tripling or their energy costs wllh n o commensurate increase an lhe. amount of energy consumed, Wate rs said, since the P UC decision. " The Decem ber actio n also involved some $491 million Ln gas increases. but the fi ercest protest has com e from foothill a nd mountain residents who use a high proportion or electrical e nergy. "We're going to have to get used to far higher utility bills." R eynolds s aid Wednesday , adding that the company is proposing th1t the r ecently approved rate structure remain In e ffect "for the next 22 months at levels erre<'llvc today." His stateme nts. before the Assem bly's newly formed Se· lect Comm ittee on Ut i lity P erformance , Rates a nd R-e gulat1on , drew shouts or displeas ure from more than 500 peop l e at a municipal auditorium in this El Dorado County community in the Sierra Nevada foothills Assemblyman Doug Bosco, D·Occidcntal , the <'Omm 1ttee ·4. in4,icted in mail fraud " -. ,. . Envelope-stuff ers allegedly bilked of $6~0";e00 N •, .,..,.,....._ DAMP CROSSING Autos work the ir way carefully through Cosumnes River flood waters on Dill a rd Road in southe rn Sacramento Countv where run off from recent r ains has inundated the area· SAN FRANCISCO <AP) - · More than 50,000 people who wanted to earn extra money' by stuffing envelopes were bilked or $650.000 by "work-at -home" promotions devised by four Californians, according to fede ral indictments. ~ fed e ral gl"a n d j ur y Wednesday indicted four men on mail fraud charges for allegedly promising the envelope-stuffers s ubs tanti al ea rnings in 13 promotions between 1978 and 1981. Snipe r siege ends with 3 d ead CHULA. VISTA, Calif. (AP> - A quar r e l over b a rkin g c hihuahua dogs apparenOy provoked a rour·hour sniper s iege at a trailer par k that ended with three people dead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~ :,, s-r "·~) ··~· USEFUL and a police olficer seriously wounded, officials say. Police. firing a barrage or tear gas, stormed a mobile home Wednesday night and found Alys E . McNair, a 57-year-old retiree tying In a bac k bedroom . uninjured but semiconscious and c lut c hing a coc k ed pistol , aulhorities said. No charges were filed immediately Cou rt order co mpell in g Secretary of State March Fong Eu to put the initiative before voters June 8 and ordered a hearing on the challenge That m eans the measure hkel)' will miss the upcoming ballot Obledo campaign to begin i 11 LA Court delays Los ANGE L ES 1A P 1 Former s tate H ealth and Gann initiative Welfare Sc<:retarv Mano Obledo plans to kitk <jff his offi<'ial SAN FRANCISCO <APl The campaign for thl' Dt•mocr atic so-called Gann Victim 's Bill of gubernatorial nomination with a Rights initiative can't a ppear on fo'eb 25 rally in Los Angeles and th e June ballot until the atwo·day statewlde tour California Supreme Court rules Obledo. 49. abo pro mised on a chall enge to the measure, Wednesday to a<'company his the high court said. o r r 1 c i a I <· a n d 1 d a c ) The court Wednesda)' stayed a announcement with a 10-poinl Sa<'ramento County Superior program of reform. -------------- MAGNETIC CATCHES <ml> Whirlpool Undercounter Dishwasher · ...... c ..... IOOs at tSS' 7 chairman, said the panel pl to travel to San Dle10 o S a t u rd a y , a d d In I, th at · · "utility crislB has hit t he entlr state " Testimony was heard at th noisy hearing from a variety utility officials. consume advocates. representatives o the elderl y e n gipfl1rl an several grass-roots eit 1en groups angered at cost>1'1kes. .. Energy costs have gone u and they are going to get hlghe an tht· f utµr e." s aid Bill Edwards. a PG&E attorney' "We r e<'og n1ze th e re are extreme burden s OD ou customers. -particularly,.;ib th mountains." " ~ - Pries t under attack for drowning cats. LOS ANGELES CAP > - Sa ying that "1t takes some kind of moru,tcr to see a cat struggle for a ir," some 35 animal lover$ picketed a Catholic religious t om mun1ty wh e re a p r iest drowned IO <'a ts who wer• bothering residents t .. It seemed to m e to be th• humane thing to do."• the Re~ Allen De Long said Wedn.esda» lie said he was "very upset? after killing the ani mals, but" that they had "fought, squalled" and soi led the grounds l Chaminade Hi gh School, whe he lives and teaches. Tired or the noise and dirt. Long sa1<J he borrowed a trap from Mercy Crusade io Vara Nuys last October. captured ~ cats and drowned them one at a time an an oil drum full of water. ----------- Sf<> 'iii'J.U PUID KNIFE It!' s1~ m:IU RAZOR BLADE SCRAPER •"f:f--W DOOR STOPS •w+-. SECURITY SASH LOCK 107 T t. ' 5 Cyclcal()pclon1 modfl lucurn ncluslvt f...Clw· door illWfWart bub! """ pclfC•l.tft-kd tub. 4-colof from perwl pack •nd mor1r. LANLIN. DROP CLO'Tlt • Buy Now! Offer Ends April 3,1982 / Sf!O Reo '141wmtoUJ ciuial r a.If\ Ntl \ti•• N•I l><ll•• Ntl t.IM N•t ll-a ""' Clow C:"V PI 114• (IO\• C"O P fl 1111> Clo'4 CllQ ••I '-C1ow C"t Of~ • ' Wt 12lll• i. ~arKJ ,,211 6 j H:lf\llo Ill MlrNM t.• J 1, JI"+ 11; .. , ... , -I~+ • Om. 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Al_., UO 6 I~ 2S -V• CeroCO S 14 r10CI .. h-1"7 Edwrds Ml 1 IS tl!h+ '-HuttEF L IO I 200 :Dfi+ V. Met~ll J.ID 16 '5~ ISV.+ "1 PrlmMI l$e 10 14 m ._ ..... Ttidyn • • ~ IJH'H 1'1\ Alber'to ·'° • 11 lll't+ v. CtroFrt .5' • J 12V. .... 1!11'-1.41 • 441 ,IV.+ \lo Hydreul ·~ ,' .... ~ 17VI =~,r; t~ ~ "' riv.·. ~ ProclO uo 10 PU Cl~· .... Toi.. '1012 av. .. I\ :~:' ,:: : 1J: ~ ..... ::::: w;-pt ~:~. ~ I~ :~~ ~ EPG d!lfUS .. t3 I~+ I.\ IC Ind 2.10 s 112 J1'9-Yo M41NP, .IO 1025" 14 + Ito Prd Atll .am t t .... i:~~( 2·~. ~ 171! ~~ • ~ a1co ... 1 1 OI 7 11 It'" Carlee t.10 1 •ff 131"> + ... E PG pf J.7s .. I Dl't + ~ IC In pl S SO 4 47'9-'-MeMR U O. ·• 110 U l4-I\ Proltr I.«> 11 6. 11\'J .. •• · T•rtdyn U 4t l2V. .... .. ~ ' "· · · • • CarsPlr 1 20 l )0 16 Elcor lO .. 10 t · • •.. ICN , 670 71't y, Mtteb 1.0e 11 2J 11 • • .. PSvCol 1.M 1 100 I~ .... • THoro 40 S 1111 UV.-V. :=:::nl.'4 !0 I~ ~·v; CtrtHw 1'.22 71144 1Jv.:: .. : Et.c..U 23 37 .......... INACr 2.4011 7Jl 0 ~.MFl .20e .,,, ~."' PSCol lllLIO •• 131'> .... T•aor pf2.16 . m •CM ~ a 11..r.ft I.QI ·,· •1 ,, .... ,,_ CCe•rtrtWH Ill .J .7. ,! ~•~ +. Y,! f!0 5 l .60 IS S3 2111\4 + 'I• IU In 1.IO 4 118 12V.. . . lrm 5 U 12 17.4 -1 PSllW t.tO t 944 20!'t. . . Tueco l 3 t072S ~ + •.11 .. ....... .. .... ~ I -,.. ••• .. EINltMg "' ' ,_ .... IU Int.A t sov.. ~ M1Ef.:G7 ..... 1100 '1V.-~ PSlnpl I.CM •• tJO 7 -y, r .. c"1 1.10 • 112 ~+ ~ AltcP IJl2..... 1 1tl4 ..... C•K NG I.It 1 9 I V. .... EMM of 1 .. IQ ~ '4 IUlnl pl 1.U : l n " .... d •• UI ,~. Yo PSln pf .., ... r100 Ss.\Ci .... h•E•I ""' s 203 ..,~. "' Altlnt 1.40 6 l S ti-"-CtsllCk .80 9 9' ti.\., ... El9l11 1.60 6 1 11 + v. ldahoP 2 ... 1 161 ~ Yo Mc:llEA 1.M I J2 lite• "' PSvNH 2.12 s 116 l:W.+ Vo hET pf2.ol0 • 1"/.-v. Altln pf 2. It .. 2 1~ V. CetrpT 2.70 7 S79 4M9-~ l llxlr 21 2 ........ . ICIHl8 1,70 S S1 Clll\\ \1i Ml>WI pf:l.67 · 2 19\!o ... • • PSNH plUS •. ~ 1''4 + 14 hET Pf U7 S 21 .,. .... Ata l pfCll.25 .• '3 I~+ lie KoCp ... 4 II I~-v, £mn EI 210 f1' '114 ..... ld .. IT 41 114 I + v, MclCTel 1.7' 1 4 1611'>--~ PSNH Ofl.11 .. l 16v,. V. T.xGT 1 '2 4 llS 11~. All9Pw 2.14 6 11S 1714,_. , •l•nH 4 6 14 S6 -V. EmrRd1 1'I ~ ·~ V. lllP-r 2. .. 11127 11~ MdCT ,n.OI · · 1 JO -., -~HI pU .. , 1• ••~ TtXlnd .IOtl • IS6 ll~ + \'> AlftnG9 1 I ll I~ ...co i. I 13li't-14 • .. -ITW I.at 7 I 161'> ,Mlden n 2.111 6 lt 1 1314 • ~ ~..., M ,...,. •• ' ... -..... TH Intl 2 17 6t. 80'" I Alld(o 2.40 4 l'Md'.11~·" ~tu .2S 9 2 ll:W.-V. ::::~ t.~ ~ m k~ ~ lmplCp .60r . 10 71~ Yi Ml~Ut I ... S 0 .4 U Yo ~YN 2 ... 6 !!! 2HIH Vo THlnl OSll lfO ~.: v. AldCtl p16.14 •• Ill ~ -~Sow ,, ... 171 IWH .... EmpDI 1.6' • " 10\lo-14 INCO .20 .• It.I I~"" ~:11:~ ~::. 71 ·i ll = : .... vf!O 2.44 1 <.n 1t•.1o.. ... h N.M• t:ae • 40 " -... ~lllld~ ..! I!. 2UI ~.~ ~ •'nn~IL\ldl ~·.~ ! 1! :~:Z:.:: ;,..; Emo Ill .JO .. UGO JYI..... lll<CllCI -.. ,, ',t~. .... Mh 8rd 1.10 7 ,. IW .. ~ ~!GG ~:·: .• ~ ~\lo -1 TTe•OG•Ulull ,., ... ,2 ,'1n2s ~v.-.... " rv -•• .,,. .. '" • ] Emplnc ·=4! 11 IJ. -Yi ln<CC !,,.,. " " ""'·.. Mllln .S2 • JI 20 • .. .. ,.., "' . .. .. .. "' a 11.-, 1·111 6 • -+ •~ nlLI Plt.62 .. 1100 I ..... .. .. !•AINI ........ l2'00 6' + y, u ln!'"'I •." S •s II _ ., PS.ea Pf2,Q . , l 1511>-V. t .. 11 If! 40 7 l" V. " u..,r • •• -.. ~llPS 1.44 1 S3 llo.!H "' Entclln . • IJ7 2,V.+ Vi ·-'"' ..._ ,.. "" • -• "' ,,..k k ., U 2"-..... T .. lroft t.111 6 61 21 AldTel n ·" 1 I 16\4..... nLeE 11 .60 4 130 21lii-~ £n-d\ 1.60 6 623 I~ Vo lndlNI pl1.1S • • 4 1....-Yo Iii.MM J.lO 10 1'5 SS • ~ PoSt"L 1.7. S 192 , 13Yo• 14 Tll•ck 14 IO 2.,. .. ~ AlllSOI .. 17t IN-li't eMPw 1111 1 '8 12~ Yo Ensrce n 2 t tt!t .. •.. lndlGft l .O-S l 1'1.11. • • "41nPL 2.21 6 4' 19\11 + '9 Pu'9• ~IO JI 11-...... Tllrml! ,\ 10 1t 11~ • &'+ ~~:0::,.~ ~ n~ E ~~trn~:~ r 2r'tt~·~ i~t=L ·'t .~ ~ r~.~ ::~ ':!,' ~ Ht·~ ~~~~· 3~·: * ~~~· ~ ~~~~. ~: = j!t:;:: l~~~~rn ,; ~ ~· "' a•-I -6 ..... -C I 0 1 '" 11 1-ra i.~ s ~· H • ·~ .. AP•v lb s t 10•~. ""' Pyro M MO ,.,._Iii Ti.oMI" ,Ml> I ll " -°" ..... oa ·-•-.. -~ en r · · ,. · .. ·· Equlfx t .60 6 M 1' r+ ~ 1;,;;:-R:. 2.:: .. •:: , .. 1,~ • ;:. ;;;PS ...... 44 . 1 isVZ • v. OuekO 1.a 1 '"' u•Yt • "-TllmMd s 195 13~ • "' AmlS\19 S 3 2 47-1;. ntryTI .12 4 14?9 1V. + :i., Eqmk pt2.JI • . 1 IS.... . . .,.. ,.. ... u " ~ MoPS ~ .. I I l6 0...0 oft S6 zj() IOlll; "' Tllrlff'I' Ill • 24 11 ~ Amtll 2.40 • 6IS Cl:Jl --~ ~"'" ' s ., ,...__ ... EqlGI. 1.50 1 14 M + ~ •,non .:...r,.cl -5'2 •• .!. ~~ ;~ Mltel ,."'. . 4'l u :.: . ~ OuekSO :., ., 10 1114-lo\ TT!~wrtr' 1·! s, 1•'1 !!~ •• ~ Amrc• 1.32 6 I 1,_ \lo ~~·:lf.' .• i Jt :;~...:.· i4 EqE.,:;!.. ,'1~ .. ", 11'1 .. '"' •• ,v. .~~~k:o lb 1 ;; ~ v; Moel!. 2 4 215) n v •• Yo Ouen•. .to ' 2'1 12,.. .. Vo r i9er1n -171 'IV. n :~~·:n~ -~ 1111~ ~ ...... I • ~~:::r~. !·:IO •2~ ~~=:: Esq.,4;.. "'" s I 1•~..... lnt~RI • ' IS .. :g~~~ 20 is ~~ j~·. ~ CMttor : ~,. ·-..... Tim•• s 114 701 M'-. 'h AmAor s .10 l2 ICX» 3¥..-v, Cllamso ·.,ii •• 1'-.. .. Eu .. c AGI> 6 17 l6'\li + 14 1ntlllFn n • .o s .. , 11'-+ v, ModCP1 54 11 1 v. Allftll -;-, .-,;-SI"> Timi pfC. so lM S1'1•" AmAfr t1 l490 111/t + l'I CllartCo 1 11 11 7~-V. E11tlrw .M 9 4S It~ Yo llcpSe 1.10. . . 2 "-V. Molluc 10 21 11~ + 14 AC a 1· -•"i 1-.. ..:. TTllmH.M • J. IO S9 .~Y· · AAI "" 152 '"' I\ II. • 3 lnt•rco 2.• S 70d4211>-llolo Mollll.01 179 111.\t v. ,. ·""..... .__.. mkn •·-• 12 _,._ Ji AAI~ pl 2.".: 3 ,,,, • .::. .... ~ .. :~ :i' L•s . 73 ~ ~ ~~':p I.~ 1! ~g: ::: • ... ln1tr pf 1. , • • , d9S -· MollR s 90 : 1l ""· . RCA pf '.. l2 ~~ ~ TodSll' I • 111 ,,.,. • "' ::~•>.so ·: 1~ ~v.: ~ ~c~::~~1s ·rn~; ::::~ ~ ~:::: ~ ;:~ . ~ 1;:: ~ :~:;:~' U,/: ·~ ~:: • ~ ;;~~ 3:.,~ ~ Jl~ ~7: · 1~ =E~:: tH :~ ~ ~~: ~ f ~ff~/a r. !! H~ · : Alda! 1.60 6 1'6 JI ........ ·. Chese "'pf'•s.··· · · 31 UV. ·VJ E•C.I 1 1 ... ~ 111 -+ ... lnllllu 60 t 19 11V.--'" ~"un • • •· lllTE .«> 6 • ~ Yo Tool Roi .«lb 10 I 11 • V. A81d.M 1 1 10 " ....... c..:::. 60 ·; • I~. 14 Ele 1 I ... 1 Mo-Yo IBM l."4 11 44'S 6J • \lo "4MOU , 10 27 1tv. ltt OIH T0t0Co } 1 .... A8onPll .5' 6 2 11~. . , CllmN~ Ul ' m S21">7 th e.~! I . 3 ·4 Ult ~ .. V. lnlFltv I 10 4 • 17~ .... =:nr w Ii: 6 tt r~·lfi Ae::!:r .7I 7 1 212 ·~~.~.~ TOKO 12 4.)1 d12~ 'lo AMC:An t.tO • 291 ·~"' c•NV pf1 .. ~.. , •3•~. ·~ ~ lnlHetY .. 200 1V... ..OnN~ ·-·; .. 5~ v. . . Towle " • 1 ...... AC ... 2111 2 ~Yo "' ., ''" ~ --t IH .... Sl6 • 1714 '" ~ ' .._ -~ A•~1·'°'" 17 nv.+ lo\ ToyAU• 10 DJ n~--•n,.. · · ClleSVe 1 09 6 2S ts~• V. FMC 1.60 W 1311 23¥1..... n .,. · .. + MooreC I.ID 1 S ~ + 14 Rtnco M 1' • 114'.-V. Trt t'" ... 12 u 21 ... , •• ACntry .20t IS l 7V. .... · CllesPn 1.n 10 , 301 33........ Fe~ .. 47 ~ 16 , ·~ lntMln 1.to 4 US3 ~1V. Mor NI 1 .'6 92 22V. + ~ R bl "'11 •• 1214-v. ' .,. -" ACyen us 111" a •t. ... ~ CNW n s ,, 1•~+ .,. ~ lnl .... lt IA • u 211!'t + ..... Ar•n ,_ .. 12•~..... •v --Trene I lfl • 173 771;) IV. •T .. ~eb I .21 I 16 I~. I p t 40 3 544 '3'11t 14 ~ ~ sii' S3., 'lo Rtyrndl I 1 U 1714 + •t. tw Cp 1' Ill 1114 + 14 AO 1.st • 11 :MV.-v. c 111M1w " •• SJ...,_, Fecet " 10 v1e ..•• ~:A~ '.n 19 10 11~ 14 Mo~~~~ :J~ 10 U'llt;"" Aayt111 1.40 t 1wz ~. v. r w WI 1s7 , ... :!.'::;, ~:: ~ ~ !;~. ~ ~~l~~~ 1ii r, ~'to •IV. Felrchd .Ill l 167 ~Yo:~ lntTT 2 ... I SJ3 m•-'le MorH S to 7 10 14'o+ '-RHdh .Ill. 512 It •'to TWC pl 1.90 3l 10 .. ·~·;4 :~~~· Z::; ~ ,~:;: ~ ~~~1~~\111.~1~4 1 : ~::. ~ ~=~s3'.:·: ~ 14 ·•· :!;r~~u~ .. ~ ~.:1:Z =~::,~;::~1~·10~ i:.'t. ~ ::C":t:'2·12 :: ;: 2! ... :1~ ~~~·~·· 1.; ~: ~ AGn jof l.U .. 2. 31'11t.. . Cllrl•tn 20 IS d SV.-'t. ~: ~ lnlNrtll 2:12 ·; 20' ~ ... MIF ... I 2.44 16 39 2714 V. R~ .30 IS 2l 11~ V. frtnlt~ 2.12 .. t I~+ 14 AGlld 1.ll'e .. 11 ISYi.. Cllromt 1.10 • 73 11V.• v, ~=c: BO ii i~ 10 -I'> lntNI pf 6.«I ., "° n •I =~~lrd 10t .~ 1i :=: ::: RHCe . 3 Siio + Vt frtftKO I.Ill 1 291 )6.\(,-V. AOnCv 1.10. . . 2 2714. Cllryslr .. 4V. Yo Fd£xp I t IS1 SlV.+ 'It lnlNt pf l.'4 . dO 72 -1 Mur~ 1,29 • 11 11 . . . . R..WI 2.S2 6 13 '2-'4 fr11K pl J.17 ,. 71 43 .. • • AHerltL .n • 3 ,~ .. '4 Chrys w1 I '""· •. FcSMoo 1.32 7 u s I~• ~ lntr11t• u o • IO 17 • v. Murp() 1 s .., ,, ... "' A•l<llCll .• s ISd!O•.!o-... Tt1111C11 .10. 3 Sh-.... AHolst 1.12 5 23 U'h .. lo\ ~~~~~r ,14 2!! ,r ·:· FedNM .1141 olOI 7~ ..... lntl'G9 1.60 I IS 11 -V. MurryO 1.20 • 6 m4 ... ==~ ::· •. ~ 23~ ~ TrGPplU4 . 1100 67 -'I\ ""°"" 2 11 2723 ,..,, .. "" ClnBell 1.n 1 ,,,,,. ... Fed Pl 1.20 • lt JIV,. v. tn18ellr 12 212 I~ .... MulOm 1.50e 5! 1(1'1;1.. .. R•pFnS 1,JO 10 ' ,,_ 14r Tl'()I' Ill 2.SO .. 11' 1!~ ..... AKllSP 1.09 14 17' '2 ..... ClnGE :LIO 1 109 1~.... FdSonl l 110 5 1911'>--.... lnlslPw IM 6 1139 121"> + I\ My•r1L .70 .. • t\11 + 0.-l'll.oll .. ~-.. · · AMI l .S2 13 1703 23'4-14 CtnG Of ' , l?20 26 -1 FedDsl 90 1 .,,.. • "" lnPw pl U ll . , t21DO IS ---"9pNV IAO 6 11 lS\lo + I'> TA Riiy 12 2 ~ ... , AmMotr .. N Cl G I 4 1S 100 lOV> V. ed I. 7 II lowaEI I 7'l 7 fl 12.,._ Vt HBO 2.09 4 16 2J + V. ANY 1111"'3.IL. 7 20 .. .. Trenwy I.IOI> • 1' tlO.-+ °'\ ANatA 112.14 ·5 103 ~::::: Cl~Mfl ·n 'i 1229 221">_: 14 F•rro l.20 ' .. a-'le IG t'a. S ~ N81 II 29 t $ 2'V. 'I'> A•pStl 2A 2 m 22l4-~ Trevln 3.a 6 222 ~+ Yo ASL Fla .. .. d 6 -~ CIUcrp I S6 61351 25'19 + ~ Fld Fln .0 • lit d 1 V• :ow:u on'11 I~ :. :iij NCN8 • S , .. UV> -V. A•pTu 1.e 6 41 21v .. 'I\ Trl(.oft l.'1e ! . 1t II + "°" ASllp, .toe s 11 IOV. + Ito Cl11Svc 1.60 . '151 ,. Fld Ulll l.a 4 )0 22~ .. ,,,. ow PS . • • 1 • HCA ,:'° • 1091 ·~. ~ A•pTx o12.12 . • 1 ,.,...,_ '4 Trl5oln ' )0 -.... Am51d UO 6 .. U + V. City I riv I 60 • 9S 22tt-,,. Ficks! 1 ' I 22'h • '"' lowt 2·'° 6 lSO I -"'° NL Ind S 1 1 l:MS 31 + 14 lllhCol .11 I •1 12~. • . TrlePc I 10 It 1,_ I.lo CU I .... 2 1 JS.... V. Floole lol • 23 16 • ,,. ·-•Rs 2.M 6 21 l2V•-V. l'oL T 1.l2 6 11• 14V. ~ Rev'o s 76 II U 2'...... . . Trlc-· .41r 6 1 1~ + ·~ ASlel'll .lll 10 112 ,,.,,. l't yin .,. . • Flfmwy • ,,. ·-... lp(oCp .:IO 11 3 '"'• Yo NVF .!Sr 1 ,. ,.,,_ ..... .. • 1 12... '4 ·~ ... ~ Am51r Ill 1 11 27-I\ Clatlln .4'1> 6 lS ~-'"'9811 >.:it 4 " 43'11+ + \lo Nebl< 8 2.cH I 3317 11 . . ... "•"-"'• Trlco 1 . 16 I 122 11.,._ V. AStr pf s:s1.. •10 d36 + ~ g:e:~F ~ .. : ·~ :; ~::· ..... ~~:i ~ ... '; ~~ 1!:: ~ llekCo ·~ ~· • .._ """-._ NN~!.<,oFd 2~ ',,2 10, '11s~ _;_ Y,• :::~ ':= ; ~ =: ~ ~~·'tp .:: ; ~ ~ ~ :Hpf 5'':.~'21! ::::: ~:!~~~.~.~. m !l~ FnS .. rl.l4t . l .. dl-V. JWT I 1 44tl1 19 ..... NMCO ".ti:it n 14;.:.~ Aunrd I.QI . 20 11-V. Tw1i,0s 1.10 s 13 ,~.,._ ATT pl l.M •• 21 21-. ..... ClvElpf7.5'.-rzoo 41 FFlllllFed ~ •• 14~ . JmHF U010 70 101h .... N•tC•n 1 • 1S 21~. v. R•vnln 2AO 11°'1 4Slii+-. TY<Ol.S .7t s f1 11-~ An pl J.7' • 2 ~+ •4 C .. ¥•P1< .60 7 12 1'°>. ,.sin .... io 'II IO"Y .. · JAvra .40 6 11 141W ..... NCnvSt ,60b t 10 ~~ V. it.YMll 2.40 4 2QS 1'\11+ V. Tymtllr 11 l03 I~+ ~ AW•lr 1.20 ' 1 " . . . . . CIO•OX ... • 200 1111. v. =:~ s .: . ~ 1,: 1~._.:-:-. ~ JRvr,,, S.AD . • 1 45' -1 HaoflOl•t 1:: s I~ "t~ :! RA=~ ::= ~ 3: 27~ ~ -~ -i'IW•lofl.43 .. rAO 16Vt+ lo\ ci..euF' .7' 7 6l 1~• I'> FstOll< 1,20 6 11 in.+~ Jam'* ,12 S ,..u 9111+ Yo ~.1~11.~·7 0 1 ... -: Vt loG'n 1 • llAL .. ~s --Ill A-ron 1.60 ' 4 ~ 14 Ju.ell pl '.. IS .. ~ ..... F18T•' 1,20 1 4S " -"' JapnF 1.179 .. ., t 'IJ .... H• FG , tO s 24 17 ~"'~~ 1.10., s l:S, ~. ~ UGI 1.0• s 601121""-"' A-so s ·'° t '6 22\4 + ~ Coecllm so n 1 . . . . . Flln8cp 2,04 5 133 ~ Jeff Piii 1.s2 • 1s 21, "latGvp 1:,. • :Ill 1''19-.,,; .._ ... .. ~ • "" UMC .60 1 ,. t i.lo. .. . AfMlk 120U 41 21'6+1 Coesltl 40 111 2H~+ VJ J•rCllf 4 .. 110 J21"1 •••• NtHom . 5' JV. I\ Rlt•As .IO IO 141 -~ ... ~ UMET tit c No+Yt Amite 1°44 I Sl 231'.-~ C1llpf 1:u · I 19V> 1 ~~~:, 2:::~ 1~ ~~. ~ JerCof 7 .•.. llOO ,, _ • .., NMdCrt ... 414 7\.+ \I+ Rolltl!W l.4010 "I 22Yo.-•A UNCAes ........... \4 AMPln 1.40 ,, 1'6 '°'IJ .. ~ ~:C.!~1 J.n : 1~ :~~ .. ·~ FN1tln 2.10b ' 6l 24\'0-~ Jere pf 2 11 .. 2 12~ .. •1. NMdEn' '°II ~ 1•"1 . ,.. :!:" "·: : ,:; ~.,,..:. ~ UNR . '5 ,...._ •4 A~o ,60 • 19 1'-1-" Colemn 1.20 7 9 )I"° ..... Ft!Pa 1» 12 2-, .... Je.,.IC 2.l4 • 271 S2'h-1 NNtineS .J2l4 JO 10\/0 1 • USFG a>UO 7 S13 '21t+ V. ~I /F ~· .. HoualaC 8'ana in J anuary drop)>ed 0.6 J'ercent a Her ha ving rtsen slightly In J)eeember , lbe Commerce Oepartlnent reported. BuUdert bear•n work oo new homes at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 894,000 In J anuary, down 44 percent from the same month a year earlier, just before the industry fell into one of its worst years eyer. December's figures were revised to 4.S percent from the 13.3 percent first reported. The smaller figure was still 1l great improvement over big declines common 'earlier In 1981 . Mor e lhan tripling earlier estimate$, the government reported that Oaoae pollution is stealing billions of dollars worth of crops annually from the nation 's farmland s . The Nationa l Crop Loss Assessment Network said its best estimate of ozone d amage to just corn. wheat, soybeans and peanuts "is $3. l billion per year. about 10 percent of the ,total value or the four crops harvested .. ITITI ~~---A record $14.5 billion in assets at lt\e end of 1981 enabled Los Angeles· based Home Sntn1s of America to hold its pos ition as the nation's largest savings-and loan asfocialion, according to the United States League of Savings Association. Home Savings' assets at the end of the year, a 13.8 percent increase. made them the top-ranked S&L for the 27th consecutive year ... • DuPont has announced a s weeping, gradual layoff plan at its facility in South San Francisco, where paint is produced for General Motors' cars made at two California plants schedulJ?d to close. A DuPont spokesman said 14 of the 180 workers will be laid off March 5, the day GM's Fremont plant closes. Afler July 1, DuPont plans to lay off 140 other workers. Tbe layoffs a re expected to be completed by the end of 1982 11111 -Mexico's Central Bank said it has decided to withdraw tem porarily from for eign exchange m arkets in an apparent attempt to let its currency. the peso, find its own value abroad. Observers say the move may signal a large devaluation to come. A devalued peso, the bank said , would lead many Mexicans to think a bout spending their vacations in M exlco instead of outside the country, a potential boon to the nation ·s tourist industry. which fell sharply last year. A devaluation also would make Mexican goods cheaper for foreign buyers a nd Increase the price of imported goods for domestic con~11mPrs lllllllil ·. Amr~ " 9 ~-.... co10P11I 1.10 '1l52 111'. . F l)j Jt•ICt 4 11 4 .. ..... NS.ml 19 '" 19\'e. v. Rocl\G I.TM! ' 57 121't. . UnlNV •.ss. 4 s .0-.... ..... AmSlll nl.60 S S 11'11 ..... ColfAlk .n 1 121 11 11• F:~n:k•l.60 : 1:~ 1;'~ JllnJns •• U 1n4 •ft.• '-Nl.Svln 141 • l: U RocllTI t.OI 1 ," .. 2S\ll+ .... UC""1 J 7 1S2 4"\+ Yo , Am11tr 1 t0 J 13 2l'h-'I• CollnF, .24 • 12 IH't iw' . 2 • S 211/'J JollnEF 11 16 """·.. NSttnd .. 1,14 70 1 14 lloc-WI 1 . .5' I 1 ~ Yo UnCMI» 3.-40 S 461 ,,_ Yo Amsl pl .. . l S ..... ColPtn 1.40 13 U 1s""-'I\ Fl1t:: 2 S 1 3111)--.._ JollnCn I 40 1 W 24 . Ne11Stl 2 > 31 nv. ·~ Aollll'I .. 2.ID I ISJ ff\l'I.. · UnComr .zo 10 J5 1'-"' Aelna Life & Casu.alty reported earnings fo r 1981 of $491 million, or $6.11 a share, compared with 1980 earnings of $508 million, or $6.30. For the 1981 fou rth quarter, operating earnings were $146 million, or $1.82 a share. compared with $134 million , or $1.66 for the correspondin~ period or 1980 . Amsted 1.41 1 122 HI/>--. Coltlnd ll IO 6 20S 26 + •1o JonLOll .60 .. 61 11~.. . Ntlom 1 40 s 3'° 19ll ... Aollrln 7 1114 . .. . Unlofte .1'1 t t 41,.;-,.. Analo0 1 40 lO 20V.. ColGH 2 ... S 114 21llfo I.\ Fl•llFdl .60 t U 121.\' Vt Joro-u 1 • 2 l .._ V. Helm pt 4 16 J2~ • ._ Aoltr pl J.IJ , lO 2''h-V. VnElec I.SJ 6 1.7 11 .. Anchor 1.36 • 11 17V. .... ColuPct 60 12 176 St~ .,.. FIMIEn .S2 20 212 12"' ... JOSI-"' ... 9 u I~ . N••Pw , 44 1 21 10>li ..... ltotllnu , ., ., 16 • 1.... UnEI pl ' rlO UV-'" AnCl•v 1.n s 1n ,.... ""' Combln 1.ao • 6l3 21~ Fl•mftG 1·24 7 1J l:J"1 JoyMt s '·'° , , .. l2'h .... =:~:dr ~.60 , 11~ 1~ ~~ t. ti u,~ • ~. u nEI pf •.40 r11~ !!~ ... ,;:. AndrGn .20 9 '7u12 +.,.. CmbEn 1.60 1 11 31"-... ;,. ",,•,.ei•,v, 1'•~77 1 ·~~"'v. K-« "· ""'_...' "' 1 -Un£1 pf 1.44 • ~ _,.. .,. Comdl s a.10 •S UV.+ ,,. x P • · • .,-KOi n -s l:M-3 .... N£no_EI 2.111 • 75 26'11 + -'lop« .tO ' 10 1~ . .. UOllClll I 7 '23 ~ •1e Antelk .60 ll " Z311e• ~ CmSw n '20 I 2.st ,,.._ v. FF!~l!.',spt n' 14 n,s " 2011~71.... lS NVSEG 2 s '°' "'"· ~ .... ~ 17'-\lo 431 ~ .... STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES A""-1.21 9 3713 43-14 ..... Comdr! 1' 31, 4' v. -126 ,. -ICOT . . JV•.. • NYS Pl 2 12 2 IC"' -.. OI UllPk I.Ill t .\ftlxtr s .1613 16 1~• "°" CmwE 2.111 7 41S 70v.: 14 Fl.t EC l .10 t• • 11'.\• ,,., KLM 20 '6 l~+I• .... NVS ptOi1S 2 2llllo. ··:: ,.ywtlf! • ' l1Yt .. ·• U"lrovt S >42 6• .... + l'o -'nta o .52 S • I~ \oli CwE wlA 1 •"' Yo FtePL l.CM 1 6'• 2tV. + V. K mtrt ... t 2314 1614 ... Newell 1 s 4 1''11t • .,.. lllowan pl1.44 • 111 311V. • ~ u ,,110 n 6 ,. 13 + "-ApacM .2'1 I) 126 1~ V. CwE pf 1.42 4 It FlePw 1.80 • 123 IS'IO.. .. l(e lvAI 1.40 S U1 14-t,\ l'owNI n 10 10 25 -\<. AC Ca I.Of I 11 IS'h Ulrd pl 1.10 .. S ll't+ '4 A~llP IMI 2e • • SO 1~ Yo CwE pl 1,90 . t It~ ' FleSll 1 .70 I .. 16 -v, ttalsCt 1,40 6 11 17~ 0. . N•wmt 160e12 I" ~ + V. Alo=Me S .. '1 + .,_, UCbTV 11 1' ti '5 15 -14 ::~: ::;:~:: ~:: ~ :.:_ ih ~=~ ~ I~. 11C: nv. ... v, =::.~n Ill i; ~~ ~~~: ~ ~:::e'!:i .21 : 11~ ~~-:l~ =~';J~k 1:!: ~ ~ :;~~ '..~ =~IToO 1.2: 1~ ~ r,~.•. 1 ~~1~.::.9 n~ ; ~ =·I>~~~ AllPINIO .Q • .. It + '"' ewe pf 2.37 1 16'1\ Fool.C J.20 • l6 X:"' . ~ K•~ lb • 131 171't . . . NltMpl 3.40 •. 110 21 ..... I RyenH I.JO 10 :M ISV... Ulllv pf ' • 1J 1S -~ Arcett 121 Jt -l'o CwE pl 2.17 2 19~+ .... ~ort~ > 24 I W, j. ..,_ KCtyl't. 2 ... S J6 tt~. HlaMpi HO .. rllO 23 RyclerS I.Gib 6 21S 2'14-\\ Unlllncl lb 10 S'9 36h-V. Arce1 Ill 2 . ' 5''4-v. ~=~Pl H~ · ~ !}.;.t: ~ F~K 01 1'a 1 5'~-~ KCSos 1 1' n11e-v. =::~:: !:~ · 1~ ~ • • K A ii. '15414 t.\Oo \' UnlUM 22 7 '3 II ~ ~ ' Arcet pf 2.16 .. •7 '° .... · Comls 1 • 6 12 1~ •11. FtOe•r 1.32 6 9 · KenGE J l2 ~ ~ I~ ,,. Nl•Mol 4.IS 1100 :IOV>-1 SCNI 2 s 1-1 20'1>--. UJ•r81< 1 l2 4 1' 11"-"" Arc~ .I«> 6 ~ :~-~ Comstl 2:30 II •SO -· '" FIHowd IOI 12 •s 3~~· ... ~:~~~. ~.: so ~"': ~ Nl•Mpl 1,12 rlOO 47 I SS~T-1.09 6 u '•"'•·-.· ~. ~~dt=,, ~ ~ ;:~~ ~ Arlr 2.11 •I + CoPwc s .32 11 191 20~ .. "• FostWll 44 1 140 1 · · 6 Nlao_Sh J.2:W .. 27 IS'-+ YI .:-b~I..:" ·~ 1 , 6 ~ ., .. SFoS S l1I 3 _ Arlt"pf 101'0 r100 ~. . ComP9r . l1 14 -v. Foloml 11 Sl 4~ + '" IC•PL pf1.23 > 14~ + ,,. NICOR 214 ' .. tt -\\ ,.. ·~ _ _, JOlolo-"" U · t · lw'le• 14 Al'k81t .60 S 20 1-Yo CompSc 11 1S6 14 + In F°"'rPll n 11• ~ + '"' t<elyln J 11 t'h + , .... NoblA t 12 I 113 14~ • Vt SIOd81 s 12 12 124 1••1o • Vt USAlr .11 ' 6Jll I~+ 1h Al'klt 1 .80 t 119 UV,• 14 Cplnn ' 21 "' lO'lw~ I Fox bro 14012 1'6 '8 -V• Kety pl 1,'6 . . 3 25'1\ + V. Nor1Wn 160 6 130 IO•A + YI StoclS< .. 7' 111'>-... USOYPI 2.40 1 .. ~-•.•. :~~:' 1.a ! 11!; 21~. : . : ~:::~ 1:~ ; •r, ~~: ~ ~~r~~~ ·: ; I~ :: • .... ~=~~ :~ ·: ~ ·: ~ ..... =~~t~ n t 20 ~ :g n : ~ ~r.!;1 i.60 i ri: ,~ ... : ~ ~~:4: ·;: ~~ m 1~· ~ Ar1r1A11 1.40 4 10 ~• v, Cont>Gn 1.7t 6 ~ 49~• "' Fruthl t,40 • 42 IJ!'o IC•llOOD UO t 4S6 24 -~ Nortek OI 4 12.S 9~ 5-Cp .S6 1 M 201'> v. USL-.60 10 ?2 2lllo-"'- ArmWln 1.10 • ,. 1~ .... nrtC .80 11 14 2l't.. 'I\ Fuqu• ·60• " 18'h IC•llwd 40 • 7 IV> . HACO<ll n 13S .. i.v ...... StloLP 1.l4 s 1 ,1~1~ · •. ·~ US' RIV ·*" 10 """• .... ArrowE .16 It 100 ,,_ . ConlE:d J .J6 S 320 31"--G-G -ICenel .10 4 U IJ~ •.\ NoAPlll 1.10 ' IS MV• • .. S1A~P U • S IS .,. ~ USSllos 1.2S S Ill 25 ..... Ar1re .1015 1 1114-14 ~:~Pl t i 1g: '"' g~~ pl 1'~ • ~ :~VI .. V. l(enmt .9t 11 • 31'11+ .... NEurO nl ._ • ~ 141.fto• Vo Sel•l\I 11 9V. US5MI 2 210ll :ll~+ \I+ :~~o1 1•1L~ 2! ;~.v.::~:~~.u~ 1 ";tt~:"'8~I~ 1·~ ~ ~: r,~:·i4 ~=~~1.2::; u~ :~~·v; =~~:·:: ,r, 1k-~ ~~=i~ts ~ 1iE: :·: ~~~:u::1~ ~ ~:: Asarco .1111' 442 ?2 + 1~ Cn1Frt 1,Sl 4 I MV.-V. GEICO 41 t '9 u.--KtrGpf 1.10 . S 171"> ..... NoStPw 2.S6 4 2S9 2SVt+ Yo~" ........ '°'"'• v. UTtllof J.17 .. 2l ~+1'4 AllllOil 2.40 • 117 ,. ......... CnlNG J.1• 6 41 43\lo I GEO J4 6 162 2SV.-,,, l(ercM ll.IO I '" n -v. NSPw P1'.IO . rlO ~· .1 SIAnllAtlM 1 2 "'~-Yo UTch pl 2.SS .. ,. 20Yi ..... AllllO pl4.SO .. 10 >1~• I\ Con1Pw 2.44 S 6' 1611)-..... GF EQP 16 7 .... IC•yFds .211b 11 4 ZO•Jo .•• Nor Tel O 1 S2 )50 •VJ Ill SF•lnd s 1 6 11$2 d15V>-14 UnlTet I ... 6 di I~+ ~ Atll10 llll3.9t , 4 d31-V. Cllt"w pl4 SO di) 21 GelH°"' .51 • 0 23V. V. l(e,ln s ... i. '3 ~-"" Nll\il•I O . 11 3""-\lo SQtWel 1.20 1 J 2~ 14 U11IT 2¥1fl,!O c7 2' + '-AtdOG 1.111 I 431 2114 + v, CnPw llf(7:n : : 1100 41v.:..:· Vi GGaenpneSl:I 1 . .z 'l ~i ~;,: • ~ Kt~ s 1 10 4. 7S IO'~• VJ Nortn> 1.111 14 t30 41V .. '6 StvAStp .10. U 2S 16~ + v, Unltrd t ,U 1' l6 :Iii.I. ..... AMIOof 4.15 .. .. 4' + Iii C11Pw...,... 1100 n V. Kid Pf'9 4.. 10 Sl'-t-1.,., Hwlt.Alr .1112' 1100 2611o + V. StvEIP 1.21 1 IS 10 v, UnMw M 6 !O 2:Mro-'1' ...._ "''' .. -Gu Svc L36 ' '2 •O'"'-"' Kid ...r ' 1} NwtBcp 1 ... • 11S J1\')-'.ro ~-.,·" a 1.•• .. • 10...+ 'It Unlu"" ·" 1 II "· •~ A~ n Z2 ts 12....-Ye CftPw pf 4 . . I U'I'>,.... Geerhl 17 ' IQS 19 ... ~ • SI-If> .,.. "'" -• • ..., 16w + ~ AICyf!I 2.12 s 11 11'1'> ..... cnPw ""·" .. 16 14'4--GtlCO In 5 12 11\11-l/o l(lmbCI ' ; 14 ., • .,., N•SIEn 1.20 s 90 " -v, Sev£"' 1.21 .. 2 I~ ..... Ulll..e.tf I... • " Z2---. AU Nitro .06t s ll IV.-.... CnPw ori.as . . 2 ~ "' GemC• .. 2 u ... -v. ICnOfllAd •I • .. ,.. • v. NwEn pf2 13 • • 10 1•'1·-v, Sevin .. ,,., 1 -v, Up)elln 1.• 11 152 ~ .. , .... All Rich 2,40 6 2236 cf.17-... CnPw prt,!O .. 3 I~..... Gemln t .40e I 1S14 IC09tr . I 2S ll 1111\ . • Hwtlnd 2.61 S Sst 15\11 '~ Suon ,05e t 2' 4v. .... • USLIFE 9' S ,.. 21V.-14 Atlllc pf 1.111 ·. 10 d90 -I C11Pw prt.23 .. s 1'V. •• ., GA Inv 4.2w .. 11 Ullo.. . Kolmcw .'l 16 61 20Vo + l\ =:~~I 1·~ ~ :r i/• _:. ;_,; t ::f1f'° 1c: 91= ~!:,: 1~ USLF 1112.'u • • SJ 2l +-V. AUetCp l IS 11\lt• Ye CnPw pt2A .• I 1514 ..... GAmOll 441> IS 93 3' . V. l(opcien I.AO t ts di~ YI NorSlm 1.0I e l06 -+ '" Sclllmlb 1',.: ii llM 4tV. • v. UMltlnc I .. 4 1--. Yo A119.t s .32 16 10 r.1.V. ..... ConlAlr 4t )~..... Gn8cill • l 10 """ · .. Ko .. -.i 10 .. 3 7'Vt .. . • Novo ,, J1 tC3 :tt\lo + ~ S<IAll . l22A t •l UV.+ \'Ii Uta PL 2.20 I 121 le.._ V. AutOt S .'4 16 70 2S • 14 ContO. M .. 4 4\4-IJ!t GClnm .9' 10 SI lt"" +I~ Kroger In 6 6'l 27 + ~ NIKO• A 11 S4 Sl .... + 1\ll Scoa t ,M I 1' 17.......... UIPl. pf 2.tO.. 1 ......... . AvcoCp1.20 5 IS2 Uln ..... cntCll'fl'is '"11«1 .v. .. ._ GO•••n . 20 ..... l(ulllm .•• "1014+V• -0-0 -ScOCUCI 4 26 ~ ..... UIPL pf 2.0ol .. 2 ........ .... 'Awry .90 a l:W 2S -.,._ C"'ICp 2:60 .• llt U'I\+ I\ g;~Jr 3:~ : ~ m:+ i~ ICyocoC ,21t 1• M 31._• l't O•kl11 s .1' 1l x1N H • 14 ScocFt1 1.10 7 109 2114-V. -V-V - Avnet lb 10 125 4S • "' C"'IGrp u o 4 211 ~ ~ GnFdl 2.20 7 ... ~. .... l(ysor ,I 7 I .... . . Deel Pet , 50 J 4n 21Vt ScOllP 1 s l«J 11~. 14 VF Cp 2.olO $ Sit »-"' Avon J 111«1 ~ If) CnlG9 (11 2 .• 1J 1~ -GGlll ·"°' '1 3 17~. . -~ -OcclP pf1,JO .. I ""' Sc .... 111 1.n •• J6 17·-\lo Veltro .:12 f ,.. 1--· YI Aydin 12 J9 1414+ ~ con1111 , s 1'2 Jl)V)+ v. GH01t' s 20 11Vo-Yo LFE • 1l • -.... OcclP pf1,1J ' ,...... k\ldder ~ • 12 ...... Vateyln .AO s 42 ·~· .... -._.. -Cont,. .. 1.5' 7 11 ·~ °'\ Gl11st s .'2 1l .,, """• YI LITCO 117 S2 Jl'lll ..... OcclP pfU O . 2 IS ... ~ucl.pfl.~ •. 121 ·,~. VanOrn 1.12 1 ' U\ ...... 8elrnt n .40 • IS IS ..... CtOaw 1 .SJ 121~ MV.+ I GnNllll1 U A 9 Ila 371't+ "-LlCCp .. :IO 2'1'> + V. 8b<~~t:'f ;' 1~ ~~! :: s;:~aH:iO .; 11 12~:.: ~ Yttco n .It 7 GS IJV. .•..• l krllllt .60 t .,, l l'llt • "'c.nw11.101 1 12 -V. GMpt 2.-l31«Q 35Yt+ I\ LLCCO pf •. 10 ._. '-" Oodtt1 i.a s 'UlW .... SHCont Al s IAl6 ~ ... 'h Verlen .SUO .OS ~+ .... 8••-.J2 12 12 UV... . Ceotcun 07r 2t s 2-Yo GMo• pf s. s J·1v. + v. LTV .JO 21526 16Vt + O#ilOEd 1.76 • SU U\11. .. Sffl•t 1.44 s l U\11... . Vtro .40 s ., ._._ Yo B•ldWU 1.60 10 1'2 --14 coocw i.n 1 11• ..... + ... GNC s Of IS 16 ,,~ ... "" LTVA U 21 .. 1 ~'At OllEd pt'·'° .. dO 27V. ..... Set0rm 1.111 s 1• S21M-"' Veteo .20,, .. 1314-v. lldU (11 a.o. .. 3 90 -t Cooe>I pll tO S1 ~· ~ GPU "o ~ J~-1 .... LTV"' s.. 1 ., ........... OhEd pf1,J6 • 1150 " ..... S.99111 • 22 10 ..... VendO .. • 2ll'I ... ' hllCll I ID • l2 1314-.... c~ ·., ., n 2714 .. 14 G•llR• 2.1' I -... "' LTV pf I .. I 1"9 ..... OllEd Pl I.Ill .. J 1,. ... Yo SfffAlr *'II 27 27 -v. v .. 1s. 1.a. .. 11 t -.... 8ellyMf '10 ttll1 26 1111 c T S4 4 123 1~+ ~ GnR•fr .. IOl Ho ..... '"°"'"" 21 IJI 17Yi+" OllP pl8 7.60 l300 .. •I Se••P• 1M . ,. uv. .. "" viecm • .151' 107 ~· ~ leltGE L .. 7 11 uv.: V. c::..J 1:74 S 4 >Ot'I+ V. g~~~;: . ..: ; ~ m~-~ 1.a<Gal 2.40 6 10 1e~ ... OllP ptC 7..0 .. 1700 ............ Sff•leG .5217 4.SC Jl'IH ~ VeEPw U I 7 11'1 11¥H li't B.it pfl4.!0 .. 110 JOV.--Cofdllr9 .to1 7 m+v. GTE 2.M 7l6.SO ~v. UmSft s ~ ..... OflPpfG2.77 ) UV.-~S.•n 1.»1211'2 11\\ ..• veePpf S .. &200 " -1VI := 1::1~ tt =~ .. i.\~~·2:~: >:: !:::: ~ ga:: ~::. ,i ~~ 14 t:::-.!Y,1·:;~ 'rl ~~14.'. ~ 8:r.ct~0l:~:·1'~~~ .... !.1~ ell,< ':1!11g ~~~~: ~::;..r.-.::::: :"";~ 8-P1 ,IO S 22 17\lt-'4 COfr81k 1.7•11 2' IN ..... GTlre 1.~4 S 1'V, Lawtlnt :1212 19 11-. .... 8:!."erk 1·1': ~ =!~SvceCp \.,7 «> lt~Vli YA£Ppt2.'0 .. J 1 ........ . 8kNY >.20 S 111 QV.• Vt -ltl 111 21 1"o-14 G•nH<o 9 HI Sit+-..... Ltarl't .1230 , .. 1'11>--. Om1>er n .2114 •'" 2S"'+ ~ Slltkltt 1 , 17' 1~ • ~ Ve l! lllJ 7.72 .• lllll lll .... . 8kofVa 1.16 • " .~ .. "' xlld I ,. ,. ., llVt-" OnRtd Ol 11 I ""' ..... L .. rSa 1.40 s '°' 20'\lo. VI Oneld• .n 1 2' 11)\lt. V• Slltwln .40 • 11 RI! ..... V•l!I' llf(7.ll0 •• 1150 .. -1 8111tAln 1.Sl 6 612 lfl.1o • YI Crelt . ti 10 ~I\ g::::,',.1 :·~ii ~ ~;"4 ,,. L•wy'fr I.SO r a!ol 2J I V. ONEOK 2 20 S '1 V\11 + " SMllO I.ti) 6 SOt O!Vt-~ Vlttelb .10. 10 1 114-V. 811AAI "2,20 I 12 24 .... Crent U Ot 5 11 21 .... . Ge Ptc 1JO 11 72'1 l7'.lo • 14 L.teElll 1.0l 10 oJ 2,_ 'A Opellka .. 6 811e-Vo Sl'lellT 2.17e 6 2 ,...,, VOi'-.. ,., UYt• Vt 8aMTr 2.05 S '1S 33 • ~ Cre,1111 U t3 » + -GePw Of)·7• I 14 + ,,. LfOPlel ... 1 2 22V. ... Ot11>Rk 1, .. 6 20 UV. V. SMIGlo .lO S 2' 11""..... -W-W -' 811Tr pf t.lO .. S 111'1+ " CrllOl'I J U 15~ I" GePw on:S. 1 16"" t v, L.eflV.i S 1 IV. ... Ore1199 .20e • llJ 10!1'>-V. $1\rwln I I 6 71 19\C.. ~ WICOR l.14 • 1'2 17'4-\4 llttr pl 4.22 . . I JOllt •.•• CrockN t.40 1 Jll 21~ V. GePw of1.S2 3 i.•.i. i...timn Uo.. 19 1214.. . • OrlonC .to 10 SO la\/o-..... Sllnt pf 4.40 . 1100 '1'1'> • '"" WechOv LIA 1 U t>~• \lo 8tnn9f' . 18 I ' t -'4 CrcllN pl1. 18 .. I• toVt+ lo\ GePw of2.7S 7 11... . . l.fnner a 20 .• 0 11 + I\ OulbM .80 • • I-• · SltrPte I.• I ~ 10... • Vo WecllAI IJ l 7~·. V. •trOC:A •• " 20t 32\'J. \II Crml(. I.CM • 117 Ullo ... Vt Geotrc• SI • 10 J9:\li. .... L•no• 1'.w • 101 ll',M. " OO~r\!01 r ·601 •1· ! ,.."'.. v. Stone• ... • ,., 22~ -14 Wtckllt .. • 10 1>'11 .. v. = 1 27 1 \4 •~ • •s~ ~ s • " • • 10-. • 141 Sl9no4M 2 10 U4 «> + 'Ill • 8 I • -.,, Cnwn<:ll 7 If %7'111• 111 GerbPd 1. 6 60 • ""·· . ~!.'.'.:"~ .to 1s7 11s IJll>e ... Ovr_~'.., .a 61221 201.1 .... "" SlmPrt .l6 7 -,. UVt+ ,,.. Wiii-.14 .. 111 1.-... \It .., • ,,. 1 .. ti -.... Crwlfl uo '° .. , ,......_ -GerbSC .12 10 40 •'!\ v. -~-. 011-1 '° 4 IO 14\.'t+ 14 Sl ... 1111"1 .,. ,. 4S ........ WIMAr't .asto • 0 14-\It =u e •• 11 U'I'> ..... crz-irua .. l• JtY>+.,.. c..n't. 1.«> s I04 <150v.-"' 1.ev1S1 1..s 1 w V Y>+ 14 o...ne 1;.,12 7M 11¥--.., siiiter .io. 1 111 ·~·,... we.iem1 1 60 u.. .. -. AO 11 4t 17141 ..... Cr\1111 1 ... S 111 !O + 14 Glbrl'n · 1' 3 ••••• t.•¥1tll' I IS 1" ~+ ~ Owenlll t.M s '5 ~\lo Sinor pf 3.lO •• xlS tt\114 v. WIOflbfU2.. 101 11 ........ • .Ml 10 107 41/o-.... Culbro ... • • llVI..... gr..'ttr.,' = ~ t~ ::; • : LOP' 1.2 • 71 dZ214-.. OWnll plHS 1 • -1~ Sllyllne A• » 12\.'t .... Wale> .66 10 i Mo-YI ._.. IJ6 ff '2 d .... Cumin t l 162 35Vt. .... Giiiett 2' 10 11 !OQ n v. -\lo LOF pf us . . 2 ~Iii..... Ollfrdln . 1 .• 1'1 ftl'>-1~ SfriltflA .so ' 2 10\lo. .... W•IUm I .. .. 18" •...• ••Jl'frl .4' 111~1 »""• Ill Curtin( t.IO • a 7\'r. •••• Git .: ·., ' 21 10""';° .... Llllty I .n ll t1 ,,... .... -111-4 -~1111" •• IV ~ ..... W•IU pll.IO .. 2 ,,.._ 14 Beyl'lft IO ' 1-.. ..... C111'1W I • • •14• Ill G::C:. JO 1 GI 17\11+ "' \,l•NUn 1AO 1 ,. ""• ~ PHH. .. " ·• :rt " "''" 2.B 12 Illa ~· -waniec I s I~ UI'-\t BayM> U I 1 14 17\lt ..... cyc..,.1.IOI • 2 22v.-111 c;111N111 • 1'2 n + "" L,.. 1 A" n 2J~ 4' PNllMt 1.Dt 1 • .,.. . 1·;o % n't l; .. + ~ WrnOft I 171"2 .ov.+ Yt ... 11111 I • I • • .. • • -0-0 -GICIWF'" °' 145 • -\lo \.Htyel1 t.toll 12 "' 51\/t--PP() t .a s ,,,. 31 \4 c ! .•~ 12 -Ullo: YI W•rnrl t.40 1ft 176' n ....... INtl'd 1.40 61141 11116•" OMG lS JO M-1. Gdrkll 1'.S6 's 111 J:O'A+ °'\ UncNt , ' t2 Jf\11+"' -& ........ r" --WalflCktM. 7' .-. INt" a.•.. tO U\11 + ~ Qemon .Jll .. D • + i.. Gerch ,,n.12 .. 1«1 cm--v. Linc Pt U la .. 13 1~ .. ~ .. ,,.. ·-"' 80 ZN ..... 5"\.1" tAt • 10 17 -14 WlllNt 11'• s " 17 .. · i,\ 9e(kl'ft .a" 161 fM&+ 14 Qaftlllv 1.11 • 10 ,,._.,. Ooodyr I.«> 6 1470 It ..... t.ltWI '·-6 571 SIYt+ 'Ii P«~IAe •• 17 MW 1 14 =cC~f " jl 21Yi• ~ WAIN11t2'• 10 _.:14 ltctnO 1.1011 1a .,... .. 14 ~1.ao • '1111 ~ ..... <W-.J s "'~ 1 1314 •• '-'""'"' 2 .. 4 IJV. ..... ::t.'-::~ ~1-: ~·i-l <~i&" · ;; ~1 1~~.· .. ~ W'lllWI i .• ·; "!!!'.1 ..... ....., t '°" 6ft .... , Otlftlel .ti 10 »t ti ..... Goulet 1.12 I '74 11~-V. l.OCW • a:M !214+ IJi p • - -1.. t 1 fJ 1 IS We•t M It I-_...+ Vt ltkot"t ,6111 • 11• m i-+ 116 Dartt( 11 UD I JI~ ~+ 'Ii Gfll<f U O S I~ '1Yi. · ... l.OtM "11.U':. 2 ISi -1 p:~ f: ~ ~ j;~ {; ·, " 2:111 ., 17 °;. ij Wt"'lil A It I 27 -141 ........... 1 ,, ......... O.tAOn 1> 191 ""'• ... Gr•:::p,r 1.0I )0 11 • -14 L.octlte .• ,, M ,,....... P«•llt l.1' M " I lll t • ,. 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A<tvan<ed De<llnecl Un<ll•noed Total IH.- f!lew hltM T~h ~Ts Ht"#'°""' METALS NEW YORK CAPI metet prlc"loday. 160 ns IU • Jj C•ll,.r 11'-·•0 0111> • oouno. CIHllnetloM. .....,. t~ c•ntl •pound. llM 4 cenh e _..a, dlellvered '"' t].'121 l'Mltli W..., com-11t ID AMimi-1 .. ncem•• OOU'ld. N v Men..., '375.00 per 11••11. ttte-\3611 00 troy or • N Y SILVER ,.. J2Q m • • us H •ndY & Htrmen, $1 410 per troy OuncA GOLD QUOT~ TIONS Sy TM A-letM ....... lele<teG -lcl OOfd orkn lodey· L-: ,,_,,,"O 11•1119 U.1 . .SO, off st.SO • ~: eftt-11•1"9 U.t U , OH '4.75. ,..,...: 1361 .... o•os.u l'rtllllfWt: SW.tt,olf V.tt Z..tdl: l..Mt fllllftl t.M.00, oH lS.OQ bid. N71.00t•.O. NaM, & M-: (only delly ouottl PM.JS. ofOOS. .......... , <onty ~lly quoee1 Utt.ts, off '4.7S. .......... , (Oftly ... lly quote! ltbrk .... "'2.70, ofUl.Jt. . SYMBOLS 1 I. ' " .. ~F ' o,_. CO(llt DAILY PfLOT/Thu,.day, February 18, 1982 Rejection of 'iJift no help to children Huntington Beach Coun · cilman John Thomas recent· ly tried to donate a year or his council salary to u school for physically handicapped childr~n . but was rebuffed a nd criticized by school officials. It seems trustees or the Fountain Valley School District feel Thomas made U1e $2.100 donation to Plavan School to get political publicity for h is re-e lection campaign. They rejected the donation on the principle that h a ndicapped children s houldn't be used for political purpos e s . school officials said. Thomas· 7-year-old daughter was born without full use of her jlgs and at age 3 received therapy at a Plavan School fac ility . Thomas says he has wanted to donate and publicly recognize Plavan for a long time and that it's a coincidence he don ated dur ing his re-e lection campaign. HoWE!ver. his campaign aide set up the donation and later mailed newsletters and pictures or the City Hall ceremony to newspapers The cionalion also is listed on Thomas· candidacy s tatement that's maile d to voters. It seems clear the donation wa s used to get political publicity . but s uch occurrences aren't that unusual during election campaigns. It also seems clear that the money could h avt? helped Plavan School. which t eac h es handicappe d c hildre n from throughout the county and mixes them with non -handicapped students. Regardless of the motive. Thomas· $2.100 donation was ge n e r ous. Truste s of the Fountain Valley Sch 1s ·ct may have been better orr to ha (' accepted the donation for t good of t h e c hildre n a refrained from criticizi Thomas· motives. The criticism bro ught mo e publicity than acceptance wo d have. And it didn't help Plav n School. And o ne must wonder if tht! trustees would h ave been as critical if the donation had been for $21.000. instead of one-tenth that amount. Rules need balance Huntington Beach officials are cons idering a mobile home con version ordinance to protect tenants from be.ing evic ted without compensation. Until recently, the proposal was supported by tenanLc; in the city·s 19 mobile home parks. and had no visible opposition. But park owne rs now have s t e ppe d forward with their attorneys and complained that the proposed ordinance is too co s tl y and po ss ibly unconstitutional because' of rent freeze provisions Bas ic all v. the ord inan ce requires that· park owners pety total relocation costs for evicted tenants It a lso mandates that tenants be given a year's notice of eviction and that rents cah"t be raised in that time If there aren·t vacanc ies. or if a mobile home 1s too old to be moved or accepted in anoth~r park. landlords must µurchasl' the coach from the evicted tenant. the proposa~ s tates. City officials say it costs up to $3,000 t o relocat e a s ingle mobile home and that used mo bile homes m parks range in value from $20.000 to SS0.000. At present. city officials are finishing a s tudy on various aspects of th e proposed ordinance. including the average age and economic groupings of the 3 .384 m o bile home park tenants and the number of coach vacancies in s urrounding are<l\ The report will be helpful lo o fficial s who s hould fairly balance the concerns of mobile home tenants . who have formed lobbying groups, with equitable treatment for the property owners. the park landlords. Bus cuts unavoidable More Fountain Valley School District students probably will be wa I king to sch ool instead of riding a bus beginning next fall. The district ·s bus program was revised in conjunction with the districl 's reorganization plan. in which a mix el. kindergarten through fifth grade:kindergarten through eighth grade and middle s c hools I grades six through ·eight l will be offered This plcm. along with the exp ected closure of four schools during the next three years. will m ean more students will live farther away from the schools they attend. Under present guidelines. more students would be eligible for busing Iro ni cally . th e s ame declining enrollment that necessitates school c losures and causes a need fo r additional busing is accompa nied by a r e duction in the a mount of money the district receives from the state. The trust ees decided they could not afford to spend more of these dwindling education dollars on an expanded busing program. Beginning next fall . kindergarten through second grade students. who now are bused if they live three-quarters or a mile from school, will hav~ .. to live one mile away : for gr ades three through five. the limit is increased from one to 11 2 miles. Sixth throug h eighth grade s tudent s. w h o now arc transport ed if they li ve one mile from school. no longer will be bused The s tudents· s afety should be the top priorit~· under these revised guide lines . The school district should work closelv with cit ... officials to a ssure that competent cross ing gu ards are posted at all m ajor intersections If parent s remained c oncerned about w a lkin g. perhaps parent -t eacher organizations could help orgamze car pools for students from I he same neig hborhood. Also. school board president C he r yl Norton said s he mig ht con sider additional bus ing if parents indicate they a re willing to p ay fo r it. <T h e n earb y Newport· Mesa Unified School Di s trict. for exa mple. h a s charged for bus ing for the past two years.) It is unfortunate that the s chool trans portation program in Fountain Va ll ey must be curtailed. But in weighing the use or precious education dollars in the classroom or on the streets. the trustees made the proper decision. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of ttle D~ily Pilot. Other vlew5 tll· pressed on 1n1s page are those ot 1ne1r authors anc:I ar11sts Reader c.omment.1S 1nv1t ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Ph0fle ·l714l ·642·021 L.M. Boyd/Impatience inlwrited? ts tmpaUence a.n inherited trait? Soviet scientists su11est u much. One team ol researchers there studied gypsies at areal len&tb and concluded the most common denominator among their character tralu was tmpallence. Repeatedly, ORANGE COAST 4 l1ilyPil• the,y alta~k project.a wlU\ intense enthusiasm, then abandon them. T)'aese scholars coochadtd t he tendency w~ genetic. The aJH1ator durtna iU first 11ix years fri>ws an lncb a month. J Thomas P. Haley Publisher Doomed poet defies Castro W ASHJNGTON -In a tyranny, it falls to the lonely genius and hero to stand up to the oppression. Some are ho nored by the world, like Russia's Andrei Sakharov and Alexander Soh:henitsyn, But others dare to defy the tyrants without acclaim. Such a moral giant is Armando Valladares who, at 44, has spent nearly half his life in Cuban prisons. He suffers from chronic astt)ma and bas been confined to a wheelchair for eight years. He gets no medical help HIS CRIME : He's a poet of eloquence ·md passion who had the courage to speak out against Fidel Castro in the early days of the Cuban revolution. Twice in pas t years . I have reported on Valladares' valiant efforts to be heard through his prison walls. Now he has managed to s muggle another message lo the outside world. He has earned the right to have it published. How Valladares sneaked his words, uncensored, past the prison guards is a story in itself. The courier was Ramon Ramudo, a Spaniard now living in Stockholm. He spe nt 10 months in prison at Combinado del Este on charges or espionage and smuggling contraband into Cuba. Valladares s lipped Ramudo three letters. Denied writing paper. the ingen1ou:. poet wrote the letters on mar.gins tom from the official Castro newspapl•f, Granma When Ramudo was released from prison. he brought the letters with him conceale<I In his dirty clothes. Once G. -JA-Cl--Al-D-18-SD-N -d outside the prison walls, he drained the contents of a toothpaste tube and hid the Valladares lette rs inside. Copit-s o f them were recently delivered to my reporter. Rafael Poveda. The poet was on ly 23 when lhe communist~ locked him in jail. He ha~ hce n s uhJcct e cl to phys ical a nd psychological torture . H is paralysis resulted from a hunger strike in 1974 But his s1>irit is unquenchable. he rem ams defiant .. I don't think I wi II leave the prison a live ... he writes But he add '> mC1ltf.'r-of.fa cll v .. , am an idealist so this fact docs riot bother me I k~ow there an• plans ~o ~oll me Now tht') arc waiting for m y health to worsen !>O I my dcalh1 would sef.'m an accident ·· Althoui.:h re:.1gned to lhc ultimat~ h (I p c I cs s n (' !> s (I r h I s s It u at i 0 n ' Valladares showi. lhal has courage ha~ on~y been tempered by his ordeal. .. The rno rc lh('y n ·du<:<' the physical space m which I J m confined , .. he writes. "the mon · m.\ soul's horaznns are expanded. Th<· mon: they inc-re asc the repression and torturl'. tht· :.tronger my spirit ht·<-c1mc:. ·· Then. w11h the ix>ct1<: 1m<tger.\ that c· x p I u 1 n s w h .\ ("as l r 11 f ea rs h 1 s l'loqut•nt·l·. \'alladare!> d<'<'lares .. The c·om m urw .. t... forget that a diamond, the •.tron~e.sl of a ll prec1ou!> stones, as made from J humble JJICCl' of coal under great pres.sun· /\nd M1 1-. my bod}, when fa ('l n g t hc1r at t<i r ks, m a de of d1<i mnnds CASTRO 11/\S rejected entreaties from human rights organizations and hig h US 0H1 c1als to get the sick. <' ri p p I t· d p o t• t f r e e L a s t y e a r . \'all:.i d i.lrt"i' waft> pers uaded a c·ongn::.:.1onal delegation visiting Cuba to ask lhl' dictator point hlank about her hushand C.1slro nc•' er said cxac-tl y why he 1n'1st:-1111 kl•(•ping the unconquerable poet 1n JH 1:.un But thf.' re ason is ohv1ou)'o To Fadel Castro. a free spirit 111-.t· .\rm.1ndo Valladures 1s dangerous. Car inspections pay safety dividend To the Editor: If the promise or federal dollars can generate expansive government programs like annual s mog inspections on cars, then I would like to propose· that the s tale i ns titute safety ins pections or autom<>biles to run concurrent wit.b the smog inspection. As a resident of Pennsylvania. I was subjected to vehicle ins pections twice a MAILBOX year and considered it a· nuisance. But, after picking up my car frortt'on~f the authorized ins pection stations, I fell comfortable knowing that I had at least 20,000 miles of tread on my tires, that my brakes were good. and that the station had fixed my brake lights -in other words. my car was relatively safe to drive on the road. No w that I'm a California resident, my good intentions concerning my balding rear tires fail to propel me to my neighborhood tire store for all the usual excuses. Those conscientious people who maintain their cars in the proper fashion make the highways safer for the rest of us who need a little prodding from government to get lh~ob done. TERRI NOVAK What airport? To the Editor: What airport? l have to .agree with Ray Dyer !rour paper 12/2/81) and PSA Airline, that the name of an airport should relate to its geographical location instead of a movie star. Orange County Airport ought to be the continued proper name of this very important airport. If the Board of Supervisors would do something constructive, like building or opening another airport or two in Orange County, I am sure that John Wayne would have been thrilled to lend his name to one of them, since the present airport was but a nuisance to him anyway. SliJJ more appropriate would be lo name the new park between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach after our •'western hero." Mr. Dyer also mentioned the name of the real aviaUon• hero of Orange County, Mr. Glenn M11't:4n. I suggest coUecUna historical memorabilia about Glenn Martin and displaying it at a proper place in the Oranae County Terminal building. I could help with this project. The Board ot Supervisors pufled a fast one on Orange County .Airport. Let's correct this in John Wayne style. Telrtfiem w ltilpe upr - LARS DE JOUNGE Excrue inf latfj d To the 8ditar: Yetterday we received ln the mail the renewal not.tee on our Mitty depollt box. A.. lbe amount •bown due w11138, 11 c.ompanid to the ti' we had pa.Id last yea( we were •ure that there bad been a mltfake . .O.S quesdonln1 U. benk, we IA t>re told. with a ~hrug of the shoulder~. "1nflat1on · How can an\•one sav inflation"' This is simply a· case of gouging. People today are afraid to keep their valuables m their homes for fe ar or being robbed What do we do now accept th1!> hi~hway robb<-ry" MRS XIMENOTEJADA Waste disposal To the Editor I would like to respond to your .Ian 22 ed1torn.1I, "Bill defeat costl y .. Over ~even billion cans and bottlt.·s <ire thrown away annually in California over 13.000 a minute. With over half of California lqndfill sites closing by 1985, something has to be done soon to help alleviate the solid waste disposal problem CONTAINER deposit legislation has been successful in drastically reducing litter and solid waste in each of the six s tat es in which it has been implemented In California. there would be a saving of over $2 million in litter pick-up cos ts, and $20-$79 million in solid waste disposal costs. There would be a substantial savings in energy and natural resources if the initiative were enacted. and, perhaps most importantly, there would be a net increase of over 4 ,700 jobs. Californians Against Waste (C.A.W.), the principal proponent of the Can and Bottle Recycling Initiative. believes that the initiative is the first step in successfully combatin g the solid waste disposal problem in California Tax travesty To the Editor: LISA MONTANG C.A.W staff I am appalled at the lack of attention given to the huge num ber of well-to-do people who pay no income taxes, while many who earn just enough to pay rent in a nm·doWn apartment and buy food and gas. pay a c hunk out or their pirlchecks each week. egislators. economists and the general public discuss endless ideas on how lo help the poor and low middle cla ss <uppe r middle too. for that matter>. while making no mention or this unfair tu tra\lql.y. Anyont living wetrshould have to pay something at ltleomo tax lime. There should be a minimum income tax. J . JOHNSON White f eaiher To the Editor: W~y has the NewPort City Counctl m••U•I Of re• 8 been called • d~ut.er? I.I It t.cause the word Is ~,..,. out10'M • million in new and lmPl"O~ street. which would by-paaa Coast lltgh"'ay an Corona del Mar has hcen rejected"' Or b<:cause $1.5 million 1n unnual taxes from improvements to be built in Nc'wport Cent('r have been tu rncd d(m n ·• Ct•rtainh , the Irvine Company asked lo be relieved of their commitments becauM· of attac ks by complaining leascholdcri-.. no-growlhcrs and others who would tell liwdowners how to use t hl·1r prope rty. Is s uch opposition .lflcq tJ<tll' ~·xt•use for four of the elected rnuncil rr\t·mb<'rs to e vade a public vote 1111 th(• 1lt·m for wh1 <:h some 7.000 had )>l'\llHJnt•d for r(•SC'ISS IOn or the right to voll' ., ONE ('OlfNC'll, member thought not. She charged I h.it the petitioners had d1s tort(.'(I facts and used deceitful lactic-. lo ohta 1n s q (natures . a we ll known fuC't Thret.• of the four council members "'ho agret.-d to the rescission will be up for rt' elect10n in November One an(hcated she was afraid the city wouJd be too disrupted 1f the vote was left to the citizenry I'm glad the while feather was unpopul ar m 1941 Ge rman or Japanese are tough languages to learn LYMAN S. FAULKNER lll-infor1ned? To the Editor· l find it interesting that certain s pokes men for the Irvine ompany question whether the Committee of 4000 is a party to a lawsuit filed against the Ir vine Comp a ny by a group of residential leaseholders. Perhaps Doug Neff. treasurer or the Irvin e Company. could clarify the matter for them Mr. Neff recently addressed a group of appraisers in Downey and in his openfog remarks stated. "It is good to be here in Downey . I just left Newport Beach and learned that the Irvine Company wu being sued by the Committee of 4000." Mr. Neff apparen\ly knows something the spokesmen don't or i.s he, too, all-informed? · Also, were it not for the contributions of many or the pro· growth citizens within the Committee of 4000, I am confident Newport Beach would not be the great and spirited community It Is today: Once again. the Irvine Company. spokesmen should learn the facts. JAN PASALEVICH The way the states are sereamln1 about the cutbacks In federal rundll you'd think the runda dldn•t come from u.. Stltu. • • G J. ..._. .. _.._ ...................... . ......., ................ _ , ....... .. ~-~ ....... , ..... J lilly Piiat In the there old days , THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1982 0 was .no such thing , as CAVALCADE 82 alligators on shirts .. Read 0 Erm.a Bambeck on . P,age TELEVISION 86 HllTlllTDi BEACH I f OUIT~ll VllllY MOVIES 87-8 •B2. Control of guns blasted By FREDERICK SCHOEMEBL OftlteDally ...... Mtff • Gun control laws increase restrictions for those who do not commit crimes while virtually leaving unaffected the criminals who do, the president of the National Rifle Association said Wednesday night. ·'The law abiding people ol this state have been pushed to the wall," Keith G affaney declared at a meeting of the World Affairs Council of Orange County at the Saddleback lM in Santa Ana. "We do not have a gun control problem in this country, we have a crime control problem. People do not want gun control, they want crime control.'' Gaffaney said. The former Los Angeles Police Department officer, who became president of the lll·year-old NRA in 1981, cited ' numerous statistics which, he s aid, show t hat gun control measures do llttle. if anything, to reduce the number or reported violent crimes. · He cited a University ,of Massachusetts study prepared for the U.S . Department of Justice which showed that there is "no evidence" that there are fewe r homicjdes in a reas where handguns are n ot readily available. ··Gun laws simply do not affect crime since guns do not cause crime,·· GafCaney asserted. He also pointed to a 1980 FBI report that said ownership of handguns by the public is not a contributing crime factor. VOWS ON THE BOW John Forrest of Huntington Beach and Jo Ann Judkins of La Habra wert• pronounced husband and wife Wednesday in a s hipboard wedding off Balboa Island. Re\' Rich<.1rd Stanley officiated aboard the 25-foot sailboat Sheila ll . owned by Forn·st's daughter and son-in-law Sheila and George Fox of Ir me. who took µart in the ceremon\' Wednt•sd<tv also was Forres t ·s fl ht hirthda\' Both the bride :rnd groom. arc art instructors G un regulations, s uch as gun delivery ··waiting periods·· by purchasers, registration and background checks "have been tried and <have > fa iled," Gafraney said . "It does n't address the question -crime a nd who commits it.·' N-M teachers accept district pay offer Criminals, he explailted, pay ' no attention to gun laws. Thus, the situation deveJops that gun control laws a ffect only the non-criminal, Gaffaney said. He said Americans ··who are fed up with being victims" of crime often turn to handguns for 1 protection. He said statistics show that 700 times a day Americans use a handgun in some form of self-protection. Gaffaney cautioned, however, that any person who keeps a handgun at home for protection. s hould know how to use it. By JODI CADENHE AD Of Ille Oalty "''"" S._.. Disgruntled teachers in the Newport-Mesa Unif~d School District voted overwhelmingly Wednes day to accept the d1stricrs .. last. best and final" pay raise offer of 6 percent. The 343-42 vote by members of the Newport· Mesa Federation of Teachers ended a three-month pay dispute that began wbef)c teachers voted by a margin of 3·1 to reject the district's original 6 percent pay offer. But with acceptance of the di st ri c t 's o ffer came endorsement of a strongly • Cooking workshops scheduled Cooking workshops entitled "Chocolate Extravaganza"' and '"Treats from the Senuous Chef" are scheduled at the Huntington Beach Central Library on Feb. 24 from 10 a.m . to I p.m. Sponsored by lhe Allied Arts Board. the workshop at 7111 Talbert Avenue will feature chefs Lynn lsraelsky of cable television and Bea Hanser , co-proprietor of the Harbour Cooking Company. R eservations for the works hop are $20 F or further in formation. call 842·4481 , extension 33 •Library to get art gallery The Arts Associates volunteer group has received city approval to establish a small art gallery in the Huntington Beach Central Library. The 18-by·25·foot gallery will be used for exhibits and permant'nt storage of art items. Members of the Arts Associates estimate at will cosl the group $6,276 to remodel what now i!I a storage room inlr> the proposed art gallery. • School fitness field aided Kettler Elementary School in Huntington Beach bas received a Sl,500 donation to its fund-raising drl~ to get $6 ,000 to develop an "Olympic Gamefleld " physical fitness course. The fitness trail wUI have 20 exer-clse stations and be a vallable for public use during non-school hours, say offlci.als or the Huntington Beach City <elementary) School District. School officials plan to o fficiall y sta rt the fund-raising drive Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon during c~remonles at the campus that will include releasing 2,000 helium-filled balloons . The eveol at 8750 Dorsett Drive will be attended by Rams football player• and City Councll members, say district officials. • ~ome1f1 1moking ruk1 told Tbe health risks women American Cancer Society face when they smoke will lead the discussion a nd ct1arette1 wUI be the toJ>lc of present a film entitled •'The a free workla.op at noon Feminine Mistake." Tu.., at the OOld• Wal Interested p arUclpanta con.,. l:teaJ~ Center la then may sla n up ror · H untlqton Beach. • t o p · s m o k i n g 1 r o u pa ••~I• .Balser of the _or11nlztdbytheCentel'. worded resolution calling for the district's 850 teachers to strike if negotiations for the 1982-83 school year are not compJeted by September. Union leader Bill Cue said be was ··ecstatic" over the teachers' 309·58 vote. He asserted that the district has deliberately stalled negotiations and spent too much money on administrative and maintenance costs. The resolution also expressed a vole of no confidence an Superintendent John Nicoll and '"his ability and willingness to negotiate in good faith.·· Earl ier thi s month a fact f1ndin~ pane l had recommended that the d1stnct offN teachers a 6 5 percent pay raise Teens seized in ~ntington \ theft spree North Huntin ~ton Beach residents who had their real estate signs or vinyl spare tire covers stolen in recent days may be able to recover these items. Huntington Beach police detective Chuck Hollingsworth said officers have arrested three teen-agers who allegedly were resp~nsible for a stealing spree in the neig hborhoods near Marina High School Police confiscated a number of ··for sale .. type real estate s igns and vinyl s pare tire covers of the type mounted o n recreational vehicles and vans. Hollingsworth said the owners o f these item s ca n make arrangements to identify and claim them by calling police at 960·8825. Thafs a n e rd 011 us, sorry A pag e one s tory in Wednesday's edition detailing anUcs of UC Irvine englneerine students during Ble Nerd On Campus activities failed to conllnue on Page A2. The continuation or the atory had thP. event's m aster of ceremonies. Dr. Paul Davld l\rthur , explaihlo1 that professors weren't eUgible for the cont~t. , ll also listed the events w!nnera, Douglas Kelly. first; Debra Valle, second; and Tlm Yamasaki, third. Ron Mar•b won a cont.est that had aUidenta dropplo1 e1es ln... H ll•D1ade containers a total or tO stortei. The Daily Pilot regreta the error Death sentence sought District attorney M pursue 4 'freeway killer , 'the Orange County Olstnc1 Attorney's office has made it clur that It intends to pursue- four murder cases a1aln1t WlJllam George Bonin, the alleged "freeway killer" of young men and boys. · •'Our position is that be should be executed. We're going to make every effort to carry that out," Deputy District Attorney Anthony Racka u c kas said Wednesday after Judge Kenneth Lae set a May 17 trial date for the 34 -year·old Downey truck driver. Bonin was convicted Jan. 6 in Los Angeles County S uperior Court in 10 of the deaths police invesLigators linked to a killer who picked up hitchhikers, sexually abused and killed them. Many of the victim s' bodies were dumped along freeways or major highways in Southern California. Bonin faces sentencing in those cases Wednesday The jury that convicted him in Los Angeles has recomm ended Victim's frunily to sue city . The family of Arnold Broyles Jr., the 37-year·old Costa Mesa resident killed by police Special Weapons and Tactics team in h.is parents' home in •October, has fil ed a wrohgful death lawsuit against the city and Police Ch.ief Roger Neth. The legal action , fil ed Wednesday in Orange County Superior Co urt . seek s a still -unspecified amount of damages for what it claims -in addition lo the wrongful death of Broyles -is the viollltion of the family's civil rights. <>th« c~ of action include the infliction of emotional distress oo family members and invasion of privacy. Broyles was killed by police gunfire on Oct. 7, 1981 , when SW AT officers rushed the home where he was barricaded. According to an Orange County Dis trict Attorney's Office investigation. the victim had been drinking. taking drugs and was acting an a violent manner wh en Costa Mesa officers were summoned The shooting v1ct1m . who had a history of mental problems. had threatened to kill himsell during the siege. When attempts at negoliatiqns failed. police rushed into the house. where they said Broy)es came at them wilh two knive~ The district attorney's offi ce ruled the s hooting justifiable homicide The f am11y ·s l awsuit , however, claims that officers "wrongfully and unlawfully" entered the home without the proper arres t or search warrants The legal action said the family parents Arnold Sr. and Betty Broyles and the victim's two chi ldren had a con stitutional right t o the security of their property. Also named as a plaintiff in the lawsuit, along with the other family members. is the victim's brother, $~even., Bonin be executt>d 1n the gas ch'1mbcr at Sitn Quentin State Prison. Bonin was indicted by the county Grand Jury in connection with seven deaths or the 21 authorities believe Bonin was responsible for. Three of those case!>, however, involved overlapping jurasd1ct10n with Los An geles County and were handled there. Defense attorney William Charvet, who is re presenting Bonin in proceedings in both counties. said he will ask Ju<lge Lae to move the Orange County trial elsewhere because of the publ1c1ly that ca se has generated in Southern California Charvet mcntionl'd Monterey and Hedding as possible locations Rackauckas said any change o f venue motion would be oppo!.cd by Orunge County pro!>ecutors. Rackaucka!> said a death penalty would be sought in the Orange County cases VICTIM Arnold Hroyle~ Jr of Costa Mes<:1 was killt•c1 hv a police SWAT team Hrs pa rents ha ,. l' f ti l' c1 a wrongful dc<:1th !'>Ult Busing plan change to b e r econsidered Fountain Vallt'y School District trustees will n•consider changes in the tl1stnct ·s busing program approved by the-board two weeh ago at th<.·ar meeting tonight Al t h at time. the district approved a plan to increase walking distance s for kindergarten through rifth grade and to discontinue busing for grades six through eight Superintendent Ball Fisher sai d these changes were necessary to prevent a large incr<>ase in transportation costs in connerti on with school closures nnd the establis hment of middle schools The measure was approved by a 3 to 2 vote. Some trustees complained that the community had not been properly informed of the proposed busing changes. The trustees are scheduled to resume their discussion of the busing program during today's meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in the district's new h eadquarters, 17210 Oak St . Fountam Valley Cyanide poisoner 'will not appeal' Herbert Barclay Baetz, the 57-year -old Newport Beach chem ist convicted o f first-degree murder in the cyanide poisoning death of his 87 -year-old mother~ ls a ''•battered" m an who bas no plaru to a~al lhe Judtment, bla attorriey says. 10 after consuming an orange j uice drink laced with lethal potassium cyanide. Baett testified during the trial · before Orange County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey that he was complying with his mother's request ... Barclay, just put me away," when he gave her the \!rink. Deputy District Attorney Patrick Geary praised the jury D•llY Pl ... S-.,_ MORE TRIALS Con victed f r· l' l' "' ~ " k ti I l' r W i 11 i a m Bon an st i 11 faces t•ou rt action 1n Orange Count~ on four mu rd er c ast•s . Bus s top shelters mulled f'ountam Valle\' Chamber of Commerce as see.king the city's p e r m1ss1on to oversee 1nstallat1on and maintenance of ·10 lighted bus shelters equipped with adv<.•rt1sing panels The City Council this week 11greed lo study the proposal before <·ons1dering 1t at the March 2 meeting Ont• cou n cil m e mber que ... t1oned wheth e r the financially strapped city should allow the· chamber to reap the -mont'tary benefit!. of the bus s h elter prnJect instead of cashing an on the idea itself. Chamber off1c1als an turn argued that they wall use the bus s helter rr•vcnue for a campaign to boost ~hopping rn Fountain Valle'. which "'ould aid the c1 ty·s· trca~ury by increasing local salPs tax rncome Tht• chCJmber·s proposCJI would rn volvt• a contract between the oq~an1za t1on and Santa Ana ba~<.'<1 America Bus Shelter Company. a nd a separate agrccm l'nt between the ch<tml)(.'r and the c·1t~ to oversee the !>helter prOJl'Ct · l'hamlw r pres ident Frank ~,Or y.i nt ... u1d the oq~anaz<1tion · '' ould hJH' thl' right to approve the lm·.1twns of the shelters and 1 ht' type or <1d\'ert1srng placed on them. lie estimated the chamber would net about $1.400 per monlh if 40 shelters were placed 1n tht' cit v Brvant s aid tht· chamber v.ould u~e this money to expand 1l:. ··Shop an Fountain Valley" <'ampa1gn thr oug h the d1str1but1nn of brochures and Circulars promoting local buo;1ncs~ws. Unclt'r the 1:ha mber 's proposal, the city would receive about $2,000 c.i year rn taxes and licl'nscs from the bus shelter program itself C'ounctl mem be r Barbara Brown questioned whether the c ity could realize more revenue by scl•krng competitive bids from ot h er bu s s h elt e r com panit's and overseeing the proJ(•ct itself After the verdict waa read W~nead•Y1 Baetz "leaned over ... and said, 11 did not murder my mother, but I am wlWn1 to llve with the verdict'.'' defense attorney Stuart Grant said. for "correctly determlnin~ what hadllappenedJn_tlU~ case:.:. -- The nlae-woman, three-man jury ,1deliberated only one day bet ore fin~lng Baetz cullty of lirat-desree murder, the verdict 1oqht ">'the prosecution, lo the death o( Jbette Baett. ,,u..a. whom he lived al a Balboa Peninsula residence. The elderly woman died Siept. Geary pres.ented witnesses dut'lnt the trial who tesUCied that Baetz a nd his·mother often 1r1ued. On4' witness said he onrhead 8aeta once call Mrs. 8"U • "damned old woman" who ''should be dead." Sentencing was scheduled ror March 216 .... ,. ........ GUil TY Herbert Barclay liaetz hns been convicted in the r>oisoni11g death of hls, 87-ycar-old mother. C• 11 ., ., .. I ·1 " " # • •) ~' •) . ' ... ,\ c ~ ., .. l • • Ale L Orange Coat DAIL V PtLOT/Thuraday, February 18, 1982 Bus fare increases reflect funding cut If you wcrl' amon g the 312.000 rid e r s o n Laguna Beac h 's muniripal bus line last year. tmd intend to ride again thib yl'ar. 1t prob~bly will cost you more Council mcm bers this week increased the b asic bus fare from 35 cents t o 40 cents per ride Unless. of course. vou arc under 7 years of age or ·over 6.5. Then you ride free Increases a lso werr 1mpo:.ed for purc hasers or 20-ridc tickets fro m $7 to $8 And a m o nthl' p ass will now cost $16 instead of $14 Summer festival tram riders will pay $1 ins tead of 75 rents . The fare in crl'ases will take effect .July I . and wen· imposl·d as t h e res ult of ex p ec ted decreases in rC'vc nucs to the hwal tra nsit dis trict. Federnl assistance lo a ll trans portation d isthcts will be c ut n ext fiscal year as the go.vemment begins to reduce its participation in fundin g su c h programs. The fare increase is expectrd to bring abou t $5,000 m ore into the trans it distr ict coffers when tied to discontinuatio n of thl' 6 45 p .m . routes. Even with the fan· hike and d ee line in ser vice. the C'itv wi II s till only be supporting 31 p~rcC'nt o f the operating budget. Tht• remainder. it is hope d . \\-ill continue to com l' from grants a nd other s ources . Not 'wish list' time It 's. the o ld good -nev.s. bad-news story in Lag una Beach. The good n ews is. the cit y finds itself about $630,000 ahead of the gam e h a lf wa.\· th rough the fiscal \'ear That's bt'c·uuse prope1ty t ax revenues wt•re up. unexpert<'dl.\-. as were s ale~ taxcs . be<I taxes and earnings on the e1t.\·:-. in\'estm cnts The only clet'lrnt· in t:st1mates came from m11ni c 1pi:ll fines . w hi C'h . bel'<.1u sc a nl'\\ fee program got <.1 late s t art.· \\Cl'l' $59 .000 less l han a nt ill pi:lll'<i . :'-low the bad nC'ws. City Manag<•1· Ken Fr<J nk w arned council m<'mhers the,· shouldn't hcurl o ut and bu,· ~ bunl'h of nl'\.\ t•quipml'nt ~or should thl·~· <;tart nt·w programs in the c:it .' That's hcC"aUH' thl' st•t•ond half of th•~ f1:-.c·al ·'(•cir promises to .be a t·u~t I' ont' For ont; thing . prnpcrt.\' ta\ reVl'nue:-. <.ll'l' l'XPl'Cll•d to dip s ubs tantially due to tht• pauril.\' of home bu\'ers. A d ecline in inte r est rates. w hi c h s pells good n e\\:-. to c o n s u m e r s . co u I d i:J ff e c t t h l' amount the c tl .\' will earn on its various investm ents A nd s torm drain 1m provements . '1lread.\' u nder Wa.\·. will ('OSI mOOl'.\. a:-. \\Ill other prOJC'Cts t hCJ I hu \'l' tx•en µut off in the past due to budg<.'l w oes. A dded t o thc:-.l' budgl't µroblems are the l'XPl'Clt'd c·ut:-. in s late fund~ to Laguna Beach estim ated to lX' a~ut soo.poo less next year And federal rev<'nu<.• sha ring funds. whiC'h a mountt>d to a bout $135.000 this .\'l'•H'. might not b<' fo rthcoming next 11me e1round. T he c ity manager's words of caut ion w<.'rl' well takl'll b\' tht• Ci t~· Counc il. whic h agreed now 1s not the time to dus t off the .. "ish l ist .. of proJt•rts long sought in La_guna Bl'<Jt•h Candidates to be visible If April 13 rolls around a nd \'OU still don't know who to vote for in the Laguna Reach Cit~ Council ell'C't1on. il won't be beC'aus e you d1<ln't h a\'e a n opportun it\ to meM thr candidates. A series of candi date~· for ums. debatl'S a nd m eetrngs arc scheduled this month and next. most sponsored b y tht· L<iguna \'1deo Cluh So if \'OU d on't come rlown to City lhlll .to hear lhl• nine council hopefuls. you c an turn l hl' tulX' to C h annel 10 a n d watch the proceedings T h e first announced C'<trt didates· forum 1s s ponsored b~· t he North Laguna Community Association. but vou r an be a cc•ntral o r south Laguna Bea('h resident and s till attend. It \\·ill be ht'ld Frida.\· night at 7 a t the l 'n1t arian Hall. 429 • Cypress Dnve A .. Meet the Cand1datt.>s nig ht is scheduled F eb 23 at 7 ·30 p m al City Hall . .105 For(':-.1 A\'e .. by the video cluh On March 9 a Tuesda\' the c lub is hosting an "Adcfre!-is the Issues .. n ight. aga in al 7:30 p .m . and again in thl• council chambers 1'he third opponunit.' for vot ers com es March 23. in <1 "Questions fro m the M edia ... night This o ne· begins at 7 p m a l Citv Hall ·r h <' f 1 n <t I \' 1 d t• o (' I u b s ponsored event. called ·Dl· Q.ate the Issues... will be held ~arch 30 at 7 p.m an Cit\' H CJ ll Sho w up for at least o ne of the candidates nig hts. or watch them o n Channel 10. Th~'re is no excuse for bemg uninforme d about this c itv e lection. · Opinions e)(pressed in the space above are thOse of the Daily Piiot. Other views ex· oressed on tn1'> Pdge are those ot 1ne1r autnors and artists. Reader t omment is inv1t ed Addre-,s Th!' Dally Pilot. P 0 Box IS60, Costa Mesa CA 92b21>. Phone (71.Sl 1>41·4321 • LM. 6oyd/lmpatience inherited? Is impatience an inherited trait? Soviet scientists suggest as much. On e te am of resear c hers t here studied gypsies at great length and co n cluded the m ost common denominator among their character traits was impatie nce. Repeatedly, t hey attack projects with intens e e nthusiasm . then a bandon them. These scholars con c l uded th e tendency was genetic. Un der the law of France, a n Inveterate gambler can place his own nam e on a voluntary list at a casino thus to bar hinrsetr permanently from the gaming tables. One Henry C. reportedly did so at Cannes. But some time later he fil ed suit againsr tbe casino for the equiva lent or $90,000, charging the house let him play anyhow. The casino claimed he en t ered the prem ises with an assumed name. Litigation goes on. Odd case. From Barrytown, N. Y .. comes the r eport that the Rev. Sun Myung ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat I I \ Moon of the Unification Church sends each of his seven children to school in seven separate c haufre red limousines. Any pilot will tell you there's no such thing as a n "air pocket." Do wndraft. yes Q. Quick, Louie, how high is a tree that is 15 feet shorter thllll a pole th ree times as tall as the tree? A. Shrug. A consultant says the • ree is 7'"z feet tall and the pole is 221h feet tall. Does.that sound right? Cheapest way to soundproof a room is to slick eag cartons to the wall with rubber cement. T he alligator during its flrst six years grows an Inch a month. O ne living species during the last 100 million years has been the brutal boss of more of the earth's s urface than any other lt ving thtng. Can you name it? The shark. Thomas P. Haley PubliSher ·Ta.11WA.Mlli;illlsc1 Editor earNr8 Kretblclt &dllCN'Jtt P-ve Editor Doomed poet defies Castro WASHINGTON In a tyranny, 1t falls to the lonely genius and hero to stand up to th~ oppression. Some ure honored by the world, like Russia's Andrei Sa kharov a nd Alexande r Solzhenitsyn, But others dare to a efy Lhe tyrants without acclaim Such a moral giant is Armando Valladares who, at 44, has spent nearly half his life in Cuban prisons. He suffers from chronic asthma and has been confined to a wheelchair for eight years. He gels no medical help HIS CRIME : He's a poet of eloquence ·md passion who had the courage to speak out against Fidel Castro in the early days of the Cuban revolution Twice in past years, I have reported on Valladares' valiant efforts to be heard t hrough his prison walls . Now he has managed to s muggle another m~ssagc to the outside world. He has earned the right to have it published How Valladares s ne aked his words, uncensored. past the prison guards is a s tory in itself. The cour ier was Ramon Ra mudo. a S paniard now living in Stockholm. He spent 10 months tn prison <Jt Com bina do del E s te on charges of espionage and smuggling contraband into Cuba Valladares slipped R.amudo thrt'e letters Denied writing paper, the 111gcn1ous po1·1 v. rntt· tf>~ letters 1m 11larg1n.., lorn ~from tlw offi<'ial Castro ncwspap1•r , Gr~1nmlll When Hamudo was reletist·d from prison. hc brought Lhe letters with him (·onceuled 1n his ctirl \ l'lot'hes OnC'e G -JA-Cl-A-ND-fR-SD-N -~ out-.1de the prison walls. he drained thl" ronten1 ... of a 1oothpas1e tube and hid lht• Vallaclart•s letter:-. insjdc Coprt•s uf tht•m \\L·r<.• n·t·l·nll\' deliv~r(•cl to m' rt•1>orlt·1·. H~1facl l'o;t•c..la · The• poel wa:-. onl\ 23 \).·hen tht• rnmmunist:-. locked him in jail Ill• ha~ h P <' n s u h .ll' c· t <.·<I lo phys 1<· J I u n d ps) r holog11·al tortun" lits parnlys1:-. resullt•cl from <1 hunger ... t nkt-in 1974 Out his spirit 1s unq1Jl'nrhable , h!· n·ma111:-. defiant "I don·l think I will ll•:t\l' 011• p11-.on .1I1 \'(•. · ht• v. ri It.·' But ht• .11ld s matter of .fact!~ .. , am an td1•Jl1st "" this f:.i t•t do<·s not hotht·r 1111 · I kn•m th<.'rc an• plans 111 kill nH· :--;,,.,., tht•\ art• \\ atl111J! for lllY ht.•<J lth lO Y.Or~t·rt "" 1111 \ d1•,1th 1 v.ould "•·<·m j rJ dC'tHlcnt .\lth1111l!lr rt· ... 1grll'd to !ht• ultiml.ltc lr11p1·lt· ...... 111• ...... of ht ... :-.1lu ut 1Qn , \';illarltir·l·., :-how., lhat ht ... courage has 11111' h\•1•11 t1·ntp<'r<'d by his ordeal .. The 111111<· th1•\ 1 l'llltr<• the• ph) c;1cal .;pace in \\ lrll'h I .1111 t·m1f11H·d he write:-.. "the 111on· rrn o;1111I :-. honton!'. dfl' exp<mded l'lr1· 111011• th1·~ 11wrl':t.,l' the· repress10n .rnd to1I1rr 1· I ht· ... 1 ron~er m) <;pint lw1 11011·., 'I h1·n "1th llw p<ll't11· 1magt-r) that 1• ' p I J 111' " h ' C' ,1 ... I r o f c: a r., h 1., 1·loq111•1111· \ .dl.111.11·1· ... dt•d<Jrt's Tht• 1·11m111 11111 .. i.. f1,rl!<·I th.11 a diamond. the '' r 11111!1·-.1 111 .di pr 1·1·111lh ... toll('!>. 1!> madt• I 111ni .1 h11111hlt• p11·1·1· of <·oal under great 1111· ...... 111 1· \1111 -.o "' m' hodv when I .11· I 11 1! I h' I I J l l cl l k ... . m 'ad t' 0 f dr.1111111111-. ('.\ STltO llA~ 1t·11·l'led cnlrt'at it>s I rnm hu111.111 l'l l!hl:-. organiwl1ons <J nd h1,1.!lr l S •1l (11"1als 111 gel the sick. 1·11r11pl1·d pnt:t lrl't' La s t \'ear. \ ,1 11 ad .1 r 1•., \\ 1 ft· p tt rs u ad. e d a 1·1111~1 t·..,~u.n.tl dl'l•·g;.11 11111 visiting Cuba t•1 ""k th1• rlll'l:1lor p11111t hl:ink i.lboul her hu ... h;ind 1·;..,1n1 flt'\l'I .... 1111 1'\J1·tl\ wh~· he 11 .... 1.,i-. ,,,. k1·1·11mJ.: 1 h1• unt'onquerahle p111•1 111 11r1 •.11n llut t ht· reason ts 1111\ 11111... 'I 11 I '1111'1 ! 'J.,lrti a free spirit lik1 \r rn.111dn \ Jll<tdan•" I'> rlan_gerou.5 Car inspections pay safety dividend To the Editor: If the promise of federal dollars can generate expans ive govern m e nt programs like annual s mog inspections on cars, then I would like to propose that th e s tate in stitute s a fe ty ins pections of automo biles to r un concurrent wit-h the smog inspection As a resident of Pennsylvania. I was subjected to vehicle inspections twice a MAILBOX year and considered it a nuisance But. after picking up my car Crom one of the authorized inspection stations. I felt comfortable knowing that I had at least 20,000 miles of tread on my tires, that m y brakes we re good, and that the s tation had fixed my brake lights m othe r words. m y car was relatively s afe to drive on the road. Now that I'm a California resident. my good intention s concerning my balding rear tires fail to propel me to my neighborhood tire store for all the usual excuses Those conscientious people who maintain the ir cars in the pro per fashion make the hig hways sarer for the rest of us who need a little proddmg from government to get the job done. TERRI NOVAK What airport? To t he Editor: •What airport'? I have to agree with Ray Dyer (your paper 12/2/81) and PSA Airline, that the name of an airport s h ould re late to its geogr aphical location instead of a movie star Orange County Airport ouiht to be the continued proper name of this very important airport. If the Board of Supervisor s would do s ometh i ng constructive. like building or opening anothe r airport o r two in Ora nge County, I am sure that John Wayne would have been thrilled to lend his nam e to one of them. since the present airport was but a nuisance to him anyway. Still more appropriate would be to name the new park between Corona del Mar a nd Laguna Beach a fte r our "western hero." Mr. Dyer also mentioned the name of the real aviation herd of Orange Count.)', Mr. GleM Martin. I suggest. collecting hls t.orical me morabilia about Glenn Marlin and displaying it at a .Proper place in the Oran1e County Terminal buUdlng. I could help wltb this project. The Board of SupeTvlsors J>Qlled a \\ l'I t• toll! \\II h a 'ihl UJ.! •1f t lw .,ho11l<l1·r., in fl al 1(111 llo" t·;in ·"" nnc "J' · 1nfl<tl111n • This 1:-. 'ilmpl~ a ('tlSl' or j!Oll~ing Peoplt• tnda~ .rr<• afrnid to kl•t•p tht•lf ,·e1luahl1•-. in l ht•1r ho mt•!> for fear of bctng rohbcd Whal r:lo \\l' d11 now arrept th.-. l11gh\\a\ rnhl>t.•r'' . M RS X J.~1 ENO Tl-:.J /\DA JJl'aste dis posal To I h !' 1<:d1tor I woulrt likt• to resp<>nd to your .J ;in :a Pd1torn1l. ·Bill defeat costlv ·· Ovt•r M:•vcn billion can~ and 1.,olllP'> .irc throY..n ay,ay annual!} in California tl\er 13.000 a manutt• Wtth over h;,ilf of California l<indf11l s ites dosing b\ 1985, :-omelhmg ha'> to he dtmP soon to ht'lp alleviate lht• solid Y.a!>te d1~p<1:.<JI problem CONTAINER depo ... 1t leg1sl<1llon h<1s bt-en SUCl'Pl>i.ful in dra ... t1cally reducing litter and solid wast<' in e<Jch of the six s t ates in whi c h it h as been implemented. In Cahfom1~. Lhere would be a saving of over S2 mtllton in litter pick up cosb, a nd $20-$79 million in solid waste dispQ.Sal costs Then' would be a s ubstantial savings in energy and natural reM1urces tf th<· m1tiativc· \\Cre enacted. and, perhaps most importantly, there would be a net increase of over 4,700 jobs Californians Against Waste IC At W i. the principal tJroponent of the Can and Bollie Recycling lnitiativE', belif'ves that the initiative is the rirst step in s uccessfully combating the soho waste d 1spm.al problem in California Tax travPs t y To the Editor. I.ISA MONTANG c· /\ W staff 1 am appalled al the lack of attention given to the hugt• number of well·to do people who pa.y no income taxc5, while many who earn just enough to pay rent in a run down apartment and buy fC'lc)(l and gas. pay a c hunk out of their paychttks each week Legislators . economists and the general public discuss endless ideas on how lo help the poor a nd low middle cl11ss l uppe r middle too. for that matter). while making nu mention of this unfair tax travesty. Anyone living well should have lo pay sometl\ing at income tax time. There s hould be a minimum income tax. J JOHNSON fast one on Orange County Airport. lr/L ·i f h Let's correct this in John Wayne style. "IJ.I. e eat e r Tell them to shape up . ---'"To tile !dllor : L ARS OE JOUNGE Wby has the N411wport City Council m eotlelC of f'ett .1 8 been called a Excwe in/lated dls••*f ,, It .• Wcausc the word Is seeplna ou& t.hat tD million In new and improved llrtt~ '!hk h would bY·PHS To the Editor: Yesterday we received ln the man tbe renewal notke on our safety d~poslt box. As the amount ahown due was ta8 as compared to the J« wen.a year we were s ure t.bat then had been a mlJtalte. On queatlonln& the bank. we • .• l tt .. H ll'_r...,..t e••-IC-Tiit •'9111 IOC-Me r.t ltn It Ill ~·ff ellMitlotlt llffl I\ tt\4r-lelt.r\ o1 M "';°'~111111 ......... •nfertfl(e, All .. ti.I') 11\\"I Ill ( "'" -\ltNll#'• .......... ~ -_, _, tit *11 ..... 141 ell,.,.., II Wlt1c1_.,I , .. ..., it --l'W!tf .. 111 llOI .. Mil"'" Utlto Mey .. , ............. Ml ..... Htmt .... ,.... _ M "'9 '"'tr!Wlff llwtt ._ .. ....,IO• -•l1Utl91~· < 11,1 ... 1 ll11!h"·" 111 C 1111.n.i del \1Jr has lll•t•n 11•111 l(«I ' <1 1 '1<.·c·au:.t• SI 5 m1llwn 111 .in nu.ii t.1\1'" f111111 1mprovt•ments to lit' l1111lt 111 '\1•" porl (\•ntt·r ha\'t' het·n t urrwd 1111 .... n ( \•rl <11nh tlw Ir '1111: < 'ompan~ askt:d lo 111· n •li1·\(•t) of th(.•1r commitments h1•1·au:-1· 11f uttJr k:-hy romplain1n g l1'J"l'hold1·1 "· 1111 gro'Alh<·r:. and others "h" \\1111111 11•11 lantloY.nt•r'> how to use lh1·11 p1 •qH'rlv l'i ~11<t"tr-nppos 1t1on .11kq11.1lt' 1•\1·11M' for four 11( the elc<.'ted «1>1111c·1I nwntht·r ... lo evade a public vote 1111 lh1• 1t1·m f1•r v.h11•h ... om« 7.000 had p1·t 11 l•Hll'd 1111 ,.,.,, .• .,,,on or t ht> right to \ 11t l' • O'E <Ol '\(II. rt1Nnher thought not "ht• char C•·tl I h.tt t hl· pN1tioners had r11 ... 111111·d f.1<'h .11111 used dece itful l.1t· l 1 t·... I o o ht .11 n ., 1 g n a I u res . a \\l• I I I. nov. 11 I ,1{ I Thrt•1· of tht• four c•ounr ll members "ho agn·l'fl t11 t ht• 1 t:!>t'l~'i1on will be up f111 rt• 1•lt•rt111n 111 :'\o vember One md1t·Jtt•l1 .,h(• \\a~ afraul the c1tv would be 1011 d1 ... rupl t•d tf the \.-Ole was left lo I hl' t•tt111 nr ·' I · m )! I .1 <I t h 1 • w h 1 t e f ea l he r was u11pop11l;11 111 H..-t I <i1•rman or J apanese JI 1• tough l <ml!tm~c~ to learn. l.YMAN S FAULKNER I II-inf or1n e d'! To I h(• Et.ht or I frnd 1l intere:.l1ng that certain !>pokt•smt•n for the Irvine ompany qut•:.twn whl'lhcr lh(• Committee of 4000 1:-; a party to a lawsuit filed agains t the I rvi n<' Com p tiny by a group of rrsidl'rttial l<.'ascholders Prrhap.-. f>oug Neff . treasurer of the I rv1nt• ('nmpan). rould clarify the mattl'r fo1 lhl·m Mr Nefr recently adclrt•:-. ... c·d .1 i.:roup of appraisers in l>o\\ ncy Jncl in his opening remarks :-.t alt•d . 'It 1s good to be here in Do\\ nc) . I Jus t left Newport Beach and h•arned that the Irvine Company was ltetnf? slA'<I by the Com mittee of 4000." Mr Nt:'ff apparently knows something the s pokt>sm C'n tlon 't or is he. ~oo . 11l informed'' Also. "ere 1l not for the contributions of many of the pro -growth citizens within the 'o mmiltee of 4000, I am conf1dcn1 Nt•wport Beach would not be the ~real and spirited community it is today Once agam, the Irvine Company i.pokcsml•n should learn the facts. .JAN PASALEVJCH GlDllY Ill The way the stutcs arc creaming about the cutb:ic ks In federal funds you'd lh1nk the funds didn't come from the slates G.J. .. J Saddleback speakers available An update d Saddlebac k College Speake rs Bureau brochure is now available to ci vie. phi la nt hropic and e duc at ional clubs and organizations in the college dis trict. More than 60 speakers are ava ilabl e t o address audiences on topics ranging from dolphin communication t o th e hum o r o f th e southwestern U.S. Bureau participa nts are m e mber s of the college faculty, staff. administration and Board of Trustees. Brochures may be picked up at the public information oftice on the South Campus in Mission Viejo in Building A. Hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4 · 30 p.m. Broc hure s are a l so ava ilable o n the Irvine · Campus at the informa tion desk. For informa tion, call 831 4~ nr 559.9300, •Fund-raising run scheduled S c h oo l po w e r . th e fund -rais ing arm of the Laauna Beach Education Foundation, will hold a lOK run March 7 at 8 a .m . through downtown Laguna Beach and up La gun a Canyon Road. Naturite Health Products, whi c h manufactures a popular brand of vitamin, will sponsor the race. Calso Mi neral Wa t er Co. h as agreed to donate beverages.' The registration deadline is Feb. 25. Cost to ·enter is $8, which includes a T·shirt. To enter without a T-s hirt is $4. Late r egistrations on the day of the race will be accepted at S9. Registration rorms may be obtained a t the Lag una • B e a c h R ec r e ati o n Department office. located at 505 Forest Ave in City Hall •Real estate classer'scheduled Saddle back College this spring is offering 15 classes designed lo help real estate practitioners meet their state re-licensing requ i rernents. .or s pecial intetest t o realtors will be a new course in professional conduct. This course meets require ments for the new law manda ting the completion of three hours in instruction in ethics and professional conduct F o r in f o rm ation on registration. call 83 I ·4646, or 493-2923. Irvine reside nts may call the North Campus at 559-1313 or 497-3785 •Parade booths available Indi v idual s a nd organizations wishing to ope rate e<>ncession booths at the 1982 Swallo ws Da y Parad e in S an Juan Capistrano should apolv now. The parade will be held March 27 Interested parties s hould telephone Vicki Lugo, booth chairwoman for the Fi esta Associa tion . at 496·8846, or 496·3655 •Shorthand review course set A s horthand review class will be offered at Saddleback College in Mission Vie jo be ginning Marc h 15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:~ p.m . to 8 p.m. Taught ~ill be ::.horthand theory and the development of skills and s peed in the t a king of d ictation. T he. course lasts eight weeks . For more information call 831 4773 Fund for Inurdered shop worker grows By RICHARD GREEN Of tlM Deity ...... Sta" Individuals and organizations throughout Orange County have donated more than $2,500 to a fund for the family of a slain Irvine doughnut s hop employee. "It really renews your faith in human nature." s aid William Ackman, an Irvine businessman who i s organizing the fund-raising drive for the widow a n d five child ren of Pe dro Alfaro. "A lot of the donations are SS and $10 ones . "In one day, people put $144, mostly io one-dolla r bills, in a Memorial set Sunday for Thelma Culp Memorial s ervi ces are scheduled Sunday for Thelma Culp, a Laguna Beach resident for a dozen years and member of a v ari e t y o f c ultur a l organiutions. Mrs. Culp, who was 76 years old, died Monday. The former Redlands resident moved to Laguna Beach 12 years ago with hus band Charles Culp, a five-year member of the Laguna Beach Museum of Art board, and former president of the board. Mrs. Culp was a life member of the museum Hd wH also active in the American Society of Interior• Designers. the Asslst ance League of Laguna Beach ~~d tbe Designing Women or the L-aguna Beach School of Art. She is s urvived t1y h e r husband, of the family home ; a dau1hter, Gretchen Davidson o( Riversld~; four arandchlldren, Ind I sre&1.·1randchUd. Private funer,&1 aervtcea are planDed, but a memorial aervk!e will be held Sunday at 5 p,m. at tbe Museum ol Art. Th• family ,,.-. 1u11eated memorial doaatloa1 to tbe Amerlem ~ ~.., or to lb• ~guna Beach Museum o1 Art. .. - ma n lla ~e n velo.pe al th e Wmchell's Donut !louse," said Ac kman. who owns the Irvine Eye Care Shop in Camino Plaza. the shopping cente r al Walnut Avenu( and J cfftey Road where Winchell's is located. Alfaro was shot and killed early last Thursday in the shop, · 5408 Walnut Ave .. during what police said was a robbery. The robbe r escaped into the night with less than $100 Police s ay they have little to go on in the case. Mo ney co ll ec t e d 1n the fund-raising drive is pl aced in a trust fund Ackman helped set up at Merit Sa vings and Loan in Camino Plaza Ackman said he s tarted trying to help the family at the urging of his wife. Holly. "The shooting bothered her so much that s he couldn't sleep Thursday night," he said "She was up at 2 a.m. We figured we had to do something. It hit so close to home." 'the biggest donation so far that has been made to t he trust fund came from the Winc hell's Donut Co. which gave $1 ,000 to the fund . A $150 donation was m ade by the Irvine Police Officers Associations. Officers frequent the Winchell's shop, the only all-night doughnut shop in town. Across Walnut Avenue from Camino Plaza is the Arbor Shopping Center. where Gene Tibbit, part owner of Arbor Vllla1e Barber Shop, uys all the money his barbers make on March 14 will go to the Alfaro fund . He's calllna the fund-railing event a cul·ll·tbon. Tru8tee8 duf pact proposals La~a Beach Unified School District "'trustees a~ scheduled to receive initial contract proposals from non-teachln1 employees o f t h e diatrlct to11t111t. School board mem bel"I wW be meetlnc at district headquarterf, 550 Blumont St .. be&lnning~t 7:30 p.m. • hllyPlllt THURSDAY, Fee. 18. 1982 CAVALCADE TELEVISION MOVI ES 82 86 87-8 In the old days, there was .no such thing ,as alligators on shirts .. Read Erma Bombeck on . P,age 82 . 0 0 - ._ _________________________________________________________________ .... __ ~ Bonin to face trial county • ID Convicted 'freeUJay killer' charged with four murder counts in this. ar~a The Orange County District Attorney's office has made it clear that it intends to pursue four murde r c a ses a gains t William George Bon in, the alleged "freeway killer'' of young men and boys _ "Our position is that he should be e xecuted. We 'r e going to sexually abused and killed them Ma ny or the victims' bodies were dumped along freeways or major highways in Soulhtrn California. Bonin races sente ncing lo those l'ases Wednesday The jury that convicted him in IAS Angeles has recomme nded "Our position is that he should be executed. We're going to make every effort to carry that out . '' . m ake every effort to carry that out," Deputy District Attorney Anthony Ra c kauckas said Wednesday after Judge Kenneth Lae set a May 17 trial date for the 34·year·old Downey truck driver. Bonin was convicted Jan. 6 m Los Angeles County Superior Court in 10 or the deaths police investigators linked to a killer who picked up hitc hhike rs , Bontn be executed tn the g~ chamber at San Quentin State Prison Bonin was 1nd1 cted by the C'Ounty Grand Jury in connection with seven deaths of the 21 a uthorities believe Bonin was responsible for Three of those cases. ho weve r , i n vol ved overla pping j u risdiction with Los Angeles County and were hundh:d there D efense a ttornt!y Wilham Ch<a r vel , who is representing Bonin in proceedings in both counties. said he will ask Ju<tge Lae to move the Orange County trhtl el!>ewhere because of the publ1 c·i t y l h u t case h as g e n erat e d i n So uth e rn California. Churvet m entioned Mor\lerey a nd Re dd ing as pos;u ble locations Racka uckas said any change o f venue motion would be o pposed by Ora nge County proscl·ulors. Hackauc·ka:. :-.atd a death penally wo uld ti..: sought in the Orange County c-ases to make 1t -morl' clt ffll'ult for Oo ntn t.o esca p e exec ut ion C a s es tnvolving 1mpos1l1on af the death penalty are a uto m a t ic a lly appealed to thl' state Supreme Court. There has nol been an execu.twn 1n California since 1967 D•My "llllt Staff,_ MORE TRIALS C:unv1cted r I' t' l' w a ~· k 111 t.• f' w i 111 a m Ronin still fate~ <·ourt action 1n O r a nge Count.' on four rn u rd('r <'as<.•s Bergeso11· finally gets panel post School bias suit cleared for court • N ewport B eac h A ssembl ywoma n Mari an Be rges<>n has been named to the powerful Assembly Wa ys and Means Committee. a post she'd origina lly been promised more than a year ago Mrs. Bergeson. a Republican who is seeking r e -election . replaces Assemblyman Gordon Duffy , R-Hanford , o n the 23·m em ber committee The Ne wpo rt l a wmaker reportedly lost he r grip on the committee post in late 1980 when s h e s upporte d D e m o crat Howard Berman for the assembly speakership position. While Mrs . Be rgeson was supporting Berman, many of her Republican collea gues bancred together in s uppo rting San Francisco Assemblyman Willie Brown. who event ually became the spea ke r A numbe r of Sa cram e nto o b serv e rs s a id th a t as punishment for her support or Berman. Mrs. Bergeson was not named lo the Ways and Means Committee. A year later . ins iders report, t hose wounds apparently have healed. A id es for t h e Ne wport lawmaker Jokingly described Mrs Ber~cson 's selel·t1on to the co mm it t ee a s a "long-ant1c1paled .. appointment T h e W ay s a n d M ea n s Com-m 1ttec con t r o l s s l a te s p ~n d 1 ng an d h as f ive subcommrttees Mrs Bergeson's appointme nt also includes a post on a subcom mittee dealing with education. County judge • • mxes moving of fire suits A Superior Cour t j udge in Santa Ana has r ejected an atte mpt by la wyers fo r the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas scene or a disastrous fire in 1980 to have mo re than 20 lawsuits fil ed in Orange County moved to Nevada courts. Judge Leon ard Gold st ein denied all m~1ons for c hange of v e nu e a nd di s mi s s a l Wednesday In effect , Goldstein r uled that l aw s u i ts fil e d b y c o unt y residents who a llegedly suffered injuries in the Novembe r 1980 hote l-c asino blaze should be tried here. That 's a nerd onus, sorry A p a ge o ne s tor y In Wednesday's edition detailin1 antics ot UC Irvine ea1l~ students during Bil Nerd On Campus activities raUH to continue on Page A2. • The continuation or the story had lbP event's m ast er of ceremonies, Or. Paul David Arthur, explalnlnf. that professol'ft weren't elig1ble ror the conttJSt. It also Jhted the event!l winners, Douglas Kelly, Cirat; Debra Valle, second; and 'nm Yamasaki, third. Ron Marsh woa • contest that bad stud,enta d roppin1 eua In a elf ·made contamer.. a tot.al of 10 stbri•. The Oally Pilot re1reta the error o.i.,-........ APPOINTED As c mbl\'woman M1:1r ian Rergeson ·h a~ won he la tecl appointm<.·nt t o th(.• Wa~·s and Means Corrmitl<.'(' By JOHN NEEDHAM Of Ille Dltlly !'I ... Sta" T he Capistrano Unified School District has 30 days to respond lo a lawsuit filed by a distnct teacher charging it with agt' and sex d1scriminat1on following a court r uling 1n Sa nta Ana Wednesday. Orange County Su perio r Court J udge Thomas F Crosby ruled tha t the south county school distr ict must fo rm a ll y answe r t he l'harges, paving the way for th(' la wsuit to be aired an court. The suit was filed on be half of Ruth Geis. 56, of Laguna Beach I n St'ptember Mrs. Gets, an En gl is h teac h e r i n the Capistran<> dist rict ro r e ight yea rs. was trans ferred from San Clemente High School lo Niguel Hills Junior High in Laguna Niguel Her suit accuses the district of basing her transfer on her age Gun control laws rapped by NRA boss By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of,,.. o.i1, ,.,.., ~i." Gun control I a ws increase r estrictions for those who do not com mil crimes while virtually lcavang un affected the criminals v. ho do. the president or the N al1onal Rine Association said Wednesday nig ht. "The law abiding people of this stale have bee n pushed to t h e w a ll." Ke ith G affa ney declar ed at a meeting of the World Affairs Council of Orange County at the Saddleback Inn in Sant<i AnCI . "We do not have a ~un control problem in this country, we have a crime control problem People do not want gun control, they want crime control." Gaffaney s aid The for mer Los Angeles Police Depa rtment office r. who bec ame pre s id e nt or the lll·year·old NRA in 1981, cited numerous statistics which, he said, show that gun control measures do little, if anything, t o reduce the number o f reported violent crimes He cited a Univers ity of Massa chusetts study prepared for the U .S. Department of Justice which showed that there is "no evidence" that there are fewer homicides tn a t eas where h a n d g u n !\ a r l' n o t r e a d 1 I y available ··Cun laws s imp ly do not affect crime since guns do not c a u s e c r 1 m l' , • • G a f f a n c y asserted He also pointed to a 1980 FBI report that said ownershi p of handguns by the pul>lic 1s not a contributing crime factor Gun regulations. such as gun delivery "waiting periods" hy pu rc hasers, rcg1str at1on a nd bac kg round checks "have been t ried and <have ) fai l ed ," G a rr a nt• v 's a I d .. I l d 0 (' s n ' l address the question t'rime and who cnmm1ts 11 .. Criminals. he explained, pay no attention to gun laws Thus. the situation develops that gun control laws a ffect only the non·criminal. Gaffaney said He said Amer icans "who are fed up with being victims" or crime often turn to handguns for p rotection. He said statistics s ho w that 700 t imes a day Ame ricans use a ha ndgun in some form of self-protection. Gaffaney cautioned. however , tha t any person who keeps a handgun at hom e for protection, should know how to use it. Honorable thieves? . Bandits rob store, but not customer Robben turned down money rrom a w:llling woman shopper ln the at.ore they were holding up, evei though she ot!eftd it to them. Oranie County Sbe rlff's Sgt Derry Kreiti s aid today lh1t two men, on• armed wi{h a handgun, e ntered Thrifty D ru g In Capistrano Beac h Wednesday nig ht and demanded money from a cash regis ter clerk. Kreitz &aid the mustachioed bandit.a raked ln about rm. But about the Ume they were niadY to leave the store. a womH with cub In hand unknowln1ly walkl'd up to lhe registe r to pay for a purchase. Taking stock of the s ituation, she offered to hand over her money before being as ked, Kre lU s aid. However , the robbers ref~ed . · 'Tht guy with the gun aald all he and his partner wanted was the st.ore's money. not hers." Krelt1 said. "Who uys there's no honorable m en left in the world." .lttela Mid sheriff's deputies .,. ~ for the two men, descrtfttd as being ln their late 20 or early 305. .. a nd sex. a nd i gn o r ing Wie seniority clause in the district's collective bargaining contract with teachers In a t ele phon e inter view Wednesdav. Mrs. Geis, who has ta ught high school English for 21 vears. said there were five other teachers with less seniority \han he rself who should have been trans ferred first ··My objection ts that I was not next 1n line for transfer," Mrs . Geis :.a id ·The cr iteria of our contract were not obser ved " Mr s Geis termed her transfer a wrench.' and s a id s he is ··un d('re mploycd' fo r her tr a ining In add1t1 on to her teachtng duties. Mr:-. Geis also was a deba te coach at San Clem ente ll1gh &-hool Mrs Gets ts being rt.· presented by her daughter. Ellen Geis. a San Diego allorn(•.) S he said her mother:. tran.,fer ·was a n obvious vwlation nr the dtslnct collective barga1 n1n g . agre e ment. "'h1c h states I r ansfe r:-. mus t be based on seniority She said she ts as ktng the cou rt fo r 1n junct1ve rel ief, meaning h<'r mother would be given her tcaC'htng post back at the high school un til the matter 1s ruled on The :-.u 11 al:-.o J:.ks for c·nm pensatory relief for the 1•mol1onal d1stres:-c<J used by the transft>r and µunitive damages in the amount of $500,000, plus rea:-.onablc courl costs a nd attorney fees. Ms Geis said the s uit could rnm c to trial before the next :-.chool yl'ar begins J l•romc T h or n s l ey, superintendent of the Capistrano Unt flC'd School District . s aid today the lawsuit's allegations a re "foundless charges a nd a re totally not true Thornsley said Mrs Geis was one of 45 teachers who were 1nvol untar1ly transferred last Sept embe r a s the r esu lt of bud get cuts and the need for highe r teacher student ratios. Il l' s aid th e collective barga inin g ag r ee m e nt regarding transfers doesn't state that seniority is the only factor to be co n side r e d whe n re assigning teachers ·'There are five or six other factors that can take precedent in such a s1t uat1on," 'rhoms ley s aid "We can't straitjacket our operation by basing transfers on seniority alone.·· l ryne Bl ac k . the deputy county counsel representing J.he school district in the case, hid she believes Mrs Geis' suit is without merit. Coastal plan deadline set Th e s tat e Coastal Commission, meeting Otis week an Santa Barbara, has given Orange County until August to submit zoning laws and mapt f o r the Irvin e Coast development plan. The deadline, which was worked out between county otflclals and the commission staff, ~"Omes a montb aner certification of the lrvlne Coast's local coastal plan. That plan c aHs ror 2.000 -reside nt ial unite . two commercial centers, two mpJor roadways reachln1 Cout Klahway. and open apace on the 9 .400-acre parcel betwHp Corona del Mar and Lal'IU Buch II r1 • J t I l • ! i I I I . . . I i ' ' i i i . . ... IA "' wf . ,, •V 1.) ,. ( I Ale 11 Orange CoMt DA.IL Y PfLOT/TI'luraday, FebruatY 18. 1982 City, county differ on animal shelters I rvinc city officials plan lo build a $2.3 milllcm city animal s helter and have ll operating in about a year. During that lime. offic ials for the Orange County government expect to negotiate for land lo build their own s helter Carther south lt seems a waste of at least a million dollars for the two governments to construct separate facilities. But officials for both sides sa y their needs are too distinct for an agreem ent to build and s hare one s helter. The Irvine s helter is planned for a 10.6.acre s ite on Sand Canyon Road at Irvine Center Parkway. It will ha ve about 150 kenne ls . Only L aguna Beach and Newport Beach JOin Irvine in having their o wn city animal care services . County officials. meanwhile. want to locate the ir 200 -k e nn el s h e lter at O so Parkwa v or C r o wn Vallev Parkway: several miles away · They say to s hare use of an expanded Irvine facility would not properly s erve reside nts who live near the San Diego County line a nd who often get the short end of county s ervices. The county operates its only s helter today in Orange. ll has 345 kennels and separate living quarters {or cats and horses. Another problem is the difference in philosophy between county and c ity decis ion-make rs Al the Irvine s he lte r . dogs and c ats are kept in raptivity for weeks before they arc put lo d eath , i£ they a re at all. cit y officials explain. At the county s helters the Orange facility handled 50.000 a nimals last year the animals are kept about a · week before they are killed. The differen ces add up to some extra millio ns s p ent for two t_nimal s h e lte r s where there right h ave been one. Irvine's power base , • ~Jf I ,I •• Doomed poet defies Castro WASHINGTON In a tyranny, it ingenious pol'l wrote lht: letters on l my death I would seem an accident." falls to the lonely genius and hero to margms lorn from lhl· official Castro /\lthnugh resigned to the ultimate s tand up to lhe'oppression. Some are ncwspaper,Granma. h o pcl~·ss nc ss o f h is s itu ation . honored by the world, like Russia's When R .. m udo w as ruleascd from Vallc.1darcs shows th<1l his courage has Andrei Sakharov and Alexander prison, ht brought the lctt,rs with him onlv hecn tempered by his ordeal. "The Solzhenitsyn, llut others dare to defy concealecl in his dirty cloUles Once mon• thl•y n·duce the physical spuce in t he tyrants without acclaim. "h1<·h I :.un confined ." he writes. "the Valladares who, at 44. has spent nearly l'ht• rnon· they increase the repression Such a moral giant is Armando G lllllll' mv soul'!> horizonb are expanded half his life in Cuban prisons. He suffers :J11d torturt'. the stron ger my spirit It a lready h as s tarte d Valley and part of Huntington from chronlc asthma and has been , fwtoml'" · growing up physically . and now Beach. Sills obvious ly thinks he confined to a wheelchair for eight _J_A_C-1-1-1-0-1-1-1-0-1---~--.J~ Then w1ih the poetic 1magNy that Irvine appears to be maturing has a s trong s upport base in years.Hegetsnomedicalhelp. .....~ l''µla1n s \\hy Ca s tro fears hi s politic ally lrvfne or he wouldn't even be HIS CRIME: He·s a poet of eloquence i·lociucm·t'. \'alladarei. declares ··The A I f lh ·l · · d · h II "nd passi'on who had the courage to c-0111mun1!->ts forget that a diamond, the s1gna o e c1 y s growing consi e nng a c a enge to a ~ t t f 11 · d 1 · h d · speak out against Fidel Castro in ·the outside lhe prison walls, he drained the .., rongl·s o a precious s tones, 1s ma e Political inf uencc 1s l e ec1s10n fellow Republican a rare move "oritents of a toothpaste lube and hid the frc)m a humt>I" pi'ec·e cif coal under great early days or the Cuban r evolution. ~ ... b-.· M a vor David Sills l o consider in s tate politics . v a lladares letter's inside. Copit•s of pn•!>s ure \nd s o 1s my body. when campa.igning against inc umbent ~e -d-e-et~io--n-b v !Hat -onT~~;~~~-yveaattin~ ~~;;,~~e~rt~ Lhem w~r-e reeenHy deliv~red-to-my f C1c1ng their at-t~cks . made o f s t ~l e Asse ~blym ~n Nolan legislators to keep a ll or'l r vmc m heard through his pnson walls. Now he rC'p,orter. Rafal'I Povcda. dwmnnds · F~izz~lle for his seal m the 69t~ -tlLASSmn~filski~le~,i-~---<1..--." .............. g.ed-w ... ,,u11ug.g~olhef'---:-J:h.e .D . .u.c.L..was only 23. wh en .J.lle-__,..---~~:5--T:f:liLBXs.::..refec fea e'iiirealtes---- D1stnct -=-~w. t t ats1r c ----nressage to the cmtS1lte-wurld':-He has "0.~~~~~t.-d-htm tn ?a~l . ttc-tras--from human rights 1'rganizations a nd Although he hasn 't officially · it~~g 1 was m.s ru.men a earnedtherighttohaveitpublished be e n s u~J~c tcd to. P.IJ~s ical. aod hi gh l 's uffi r1als to get the sick . said h e 'll run in the June 8 '" .g~vmg. the new city its full How Valladares sneaked his words , ps ychological torture His paralys is n1 ppl1·d poet free Last year . Republi can primary. Sills has pohtical firepower uncensored, past the prison guards 1s a result~ f~om a ~unger stnk~ in 1974. \' ,1 11 ad a r1.•.., · w if c p e r s uad ed a noted that Irvine holds about 30 Fore m ost . however . S ills · story in itself. The couner was Ramon But his -;p.inl i s unquenc hable. he c-on~rcssmn :.d delegation visitmi.? Cuba p ercent of the re g i s t e r e d interest tn running crystalliZl'S u Ramudo. a Spaniard now li ving in -rcmams dcfi anl toasktherlit·talorpointblankabouther Re publican voters m the dis trict. lesson lo n g unde rstood by many Stockholm. He spent 10 months in ·1 don·l think I will lc•avc the pnsnn husband w hic h was modified lo include politicians but not n ecessarily b~ pris on al Combinado del Este on a l1 \·e ... hl' writei. But he adds C:.1-;tm nc•\c:r said exactly why he 1 r vi n c during 1a 5 l ·' l' a r · 5 citizen a ctivists who lobby m ore charges of espionage a nd smuggling matter-of-factly . ·· 1 am an idealist. so 11h 1s t s nn kcepin~ the unC'onquerable contraband into Cuba. this fact docs not bother me I kn1)w poet 111 pri-.on . Hul the reason is reapportionment. on a local level the bigger your Valladares slipped Ra mudo three then· are plans to kill me Now they nhv iou~ To Fidel Ca!>tro. a free spirit With I rvin e . t h e dbtrt<..'t s phe r e of influe nce. the more letters Denied writing paper, the are waiting for my health to worsen so l1k1· •\rmJndu Valladares is dangerous inc ludes Costa Mesa. Founta in power you cam in Sacramento Students seek control They m ay be young. but CC Irvine·!-. s tude nt leaders aren·t so ft 1n n egotiations with administrators over a proposed d o nat ion o f S4 milli on fo r construction of a $10 million student events center. Me mbe r s o f the s tude nt council said last week they 'd only donate the S4 millio n if the university g rants the m m ajority control of a governing bm.1rd to oversee design and use of the structure P c.i tlcrnl•d aftl·r <.i similar building al l'C Sant a Barbara. th e rente r wou ld house t h e inte rcollegiate bas ketball team along with intramu r al a nd pec 1al act1vit1cs At UCSB. the 'udents have two seats on the ·ve·seat advisorv committee. :ven though the)· paid a bout three-quarters of the $6 million construction cost They also have a constitution . however. that sets recreation and intramuruls as top priority events At Irvine. student leade rs say t he ir s trings attached to their funds are the only way to ens ure they'll have the center availabl~ for the i r own u ses. inc luding • concerts and lectures. At CSR. f o r example . eve n thou g h intercollegiate sports were to h ave seco nd billin g. a n intramurals official said tha t a s a practical matter. the compct1tl\'l' !)ports teams gel equal acre~s because they need set limes to play and practice. UCJ's s tudents m a ke s trong points 1n defe n s e of th e i r d<.'mands . But in resisting the p r oposa I . Ch a n~Uor Dan 1t·I Aldrich .J r also m?l"Kes sense fl t• s ays to commit to a s pecific C'Ons litut 1o n be fore funding 1s as s ured. is premature . He 1s corred Aldrich a lso savs students can have majority control if the~· pay a m ajorit y o f the monc~· That seem s a bit simplis t ic. If a rich communitv m ember donates S6 million. does the uni vers it v neld control to him '? · We would rather see stude nts and administrators taking more time to think through a m or e logical syst em -perhaps one in whic h students get ha lf the vote~ lo make s ure one s ide always compromises just a touch whl'n there are differences Opinions expressed in the space abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex-pressed on tn1s page are those 01 tne1r autnors ano artists. Reader comment .1s 1nv1t - ed. Address The Daily P1101. Po. Bo.x 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone·(714) 642·4321. LM. Boyd/Impatience inherited? ls impatience an inherited trail? Soviet scientists suggest as much. One team or researchers there studied gypsies al great length and con c luded the most commo n denominator among their character traits was impatience. Repeatedly, they attack projects with Intense enthus iasm. then abandon them. These scholars conc luded the tendency was genetic. Under the la w or France, an Inveterate gambler can place his own name on a voluntary list at a casino thus to bar hlmaelf permanently from the gariling tables. One Henry c. reportedly did so at Cannes. But sometime later he filed suit against the casino tor the equivalent or $90,000, charging the house let him }, play anyhow. The casino claimed he e ntered the premises with an assumed name. Litigation goes on. Odd case. Any pilot will tell you there's no such thing as an .. air pocket." Oowndraft. yes. Q. Quick, Lowe, how high is a \,fee that is 15 feel shorter than a pole three times as tall as the lree? A. Shrug. A consutt1nt says the tree is 7~ feet tall a nd the pole Is 22~ feet tall. Does that sound right? Ooe living species during the IHt 100 mUliCln yeara baa been the brutal boss o( more of the earth's surface than any other living thJftl. Can you name It? The shark. Th9rms P. H•l•y PubllSher ,. T ....... A. MlliwihlH - Editor B•rlNtra Kreibk" EtHtWlat Pav-EcHtor Car inspections pay safety dividend To the Editor: If the promise of fede ral dollars can ge n e rate expans i ve governme nt programs like annual smog inspections on cars, then I would like to propose that the s tate ins titute safety ins pections of automobiles to run concurrent with the smog inspection As a resident of Pennsylvania, I was s ubjected to vehicle inspect.ions lw1ce a- MAILBOX- year and coos1dered 1l a nui.sance But, a fter picking 11\> n:iY car from one of the authorized inspection stations. I fell comfortable knowing that J had al least 20,000 miles oT tread on my tires. that m y brakes were good, and that the station had nxed my brake lights -in other words. my car was relatively safe to drive on the road. Now that I'm a California resident. my good intentions concerning my balding rear tires fail t.o propel me to my neighborhood tire store for all the usual excuses. Those conscientious people who m aintain their cars in the proper fashion make the highways safer for the rest or us who need a little prodding from government to get the job done . TERRI NOVAK What airport? To the Editor: What airport? I havc._to agree with Ray Dyer (your paper 12/2/81) and PSA Airline. that the na me of an airport should r elate to its geographical location instead of a movie star. Orange County Airport ought to be the -• continued proper name of this very important airport. If the Board of Supervisors would do something constructive. like building or opening another airport or two in Orange County, I am sure that John Wayne would have been thrilled to lend his name to one or the m. s ince the present airport was but a nuisance to him anyway. SUU more appropriate would be to name the new park between Corona del Mar aod Laeuna Beach after our "western hero." Mr. Dyer also mentioned the name or the real aviation hero of Orange County, Mr. GleM Martin. I 1a11est collecting historical memorabilia about Glenn Martin and dlsplaylo1 tt at a proper place In the Orange County Termlnal building. I could help with thb project. The Board of S\.lpervisors pulled a fast one on Orance County Alrport. Let.'• correct this In John Wayne style. Tell them to shape up! LARS DE JOUNGJ: E:urue inf lated To t.be Edit.or· Yesterday we received lft QM mail the renewll ...... ow our llW,J ~it box M the amount shown due wu $21S, as compattd t.o the 114 we bad paid last year we were sure that tbeft had been a m iatake. On qaesttonlna the bank. we W('rt' to(c1 \I. llh a ShrUI-: O( tht• s h1111l<(l'rS, "inflation ' llow can anyone -.ay ··1nfl at1on"" This 1s simply a cast' of j(ouging People today are afriud lo keep their valuables in their homes for fear of bemg robbed. Whal do \\ c do n<tw accept this highway robtx•rv·! MRS XIMENOTEJAOA Waste disposal T<l the Editor I would like to respond lo your Jan 22 ('d1torial. ·Bill defeat cosll~ · Over sewn blllton cans and bottles are thrown away annually in California over 13.000 a minute With over half of Califomw landfill sites closing by 1985, som ething has to be done soon to help a lleviate the soltd waste disposal problem CONTAINER deposit lcj(islation has been successful in drastically reducing litter and solid waste 1n each of the six s tales in w hich it h a s been 1mplementcd In Califor nia. there would be a saving of over $2 m illion in litter pick·up costs. and S20-S79 m1lllon in solid waste disposal cos ts. There would be a substantial sa vings in energy and natural resources if the initiative were enacted. and. perhaps most importantly. there would be a net mcrease of over 4 ,700 Jobs Californians Against Waste 1C A W.1 . the principal proponent of the Can and Bottle Recycling Initiative, believes that the initiative is the first step in successfully combating the soUd waste disposal problem in California Tax travesty To the Editor· LISA MONTANG CA. W staff I am appalled at the tack of atte ntion given to the huge number of well to·do people who pay no income laxes. while many who cam Just enough to pay rent In a run-down apartment and buy food and gas. pay a chunk out of their paychecks each week. Legislators, economisls and the general public discuss endless ideas on how lo help the poor and low middle c lass (upper middle too. for that matter), while making no mention of this unfair tux tn1vesty. Anyone llvlng well shduld have to pay something at income tax Um e There should he a minimum income tax. J JOHNSON White feather To the Editor : Wby has the Newport City Council meetln1 or Feb. 8 been called a disaster? ls lt because th word ts MeP1•t Ota that Sia million in new and Improved atrteCI which would by.pass I ""' l, .. lt•tff9'lr ...... •-.~ T~r'911tlO toNeMitlet ttn It flt .__ ... t Nll'llMI• llMI ",_,... UIMr~ er .. --Of llM .i.11 W ti-,.,erer1H10, All lel'9" ~ If\ t•-,.,...,. -_, .. ,.. ...,"' ........ .,... """ .. wllllflt._ Ml ,........ 11 wfllC.ltftt , .. .oft I• _..,. ~''J •Ill ,... M ,....,"'" utt~u ~1"" , ... .._.to...,....._ ... .., .......... ~., lllt , ............ 11w ........... ••t , HtlllC.tt_,..,_, \ ·. C'oJst I hgh""ay in Corona del Mar has h1•t·n rl'Jl'Clt'd '' Or bC'cuuse Sl 5 million an annua l t:n es from improvements to be built 111 ;\;t'wport Center have been turned down·' Certainly, the Irvine Company asked to be relieved of their commitments bC'causc of attacks by complaining leas eholders. no-growthers and others who would tell landowners how to use t ht•1r property Is s uch opposition <1dl·qual<.' rxcuse for four of the elected rnunl'il nwmtx-rs to evade a public vote on th1· 1tl·m for which some 7,000 had 1>t·t1t ton1•cl for resc1ss1on or the right to \ oll"' ON E ('()l'NCIL m c:m bc r thought not. Sht> chargt•d that the petitioners had d1~tor1ed fact<; and used deceitful ta t t1c~ to o btain s ignatures . a well known fact. Three or the four council members who agrl't·d to the rescission will be up for re-elet•t1on in November One indicated she was afraid the city would be too dis rupted if the vote was left to the citizenry. 1 · m glad the white feather was unpopular in 1941. German or Japanese are tou~h languages to learn LYMAN S. FAULKNER I IL-informe d? To the Editor I find 1l interesting that -certain s pokesml·n for the Irvine ompany question whether ~he Committee of 4000 1s a party lo a lawsuit filed against the I rvine Compa n y b y a group of res1dent1al leaseholders. Perhaps Doug Neff. treasurer of the Irvi ne Company. could clarify the matter for lhem Mr Neff recently addressed a group of appraisers in Downey und in his opening remarks stated, "ll is good to be here in Downey; I just left Newport Beach and le arned that the Irvine Company was being sued by the Committee of 4000." Mr. Neff apparently knows something I he spokesmen don't or is he, :.oo. ill-informed? Also. were it not for \he contributions of many or t he pro-growth citizens within the Committee or 4000, I am confident Newport Beach would not be the great and spirited community It i.s today. Once again, the Irvine Company. spokesmen should leam the facts. JAN PASALEVlCH 111111111 The way the i.tales ara scream.inc about the cutbacks In reder1l tuncb you'd think the tunda dJdn't come h'om the states . O.J. IRVlll O.Oy ~-....... ..., •1tu .. l(-tw VOWS 6N THE BOW -John Forrest of Huntington Beach and Jo Ann Judkins-er La Habra were pronounc ed husoond and wife Wednesd ay in a shipboard wedding off Balhoa Island. Rev. Ric ha rd Stanlev officia ted a board t he 25·foot s ailboat Sheila II. owned· by Fo rres t 's daughter and son-in-law She ila and GedtN•Fox of Irvine. who took pa rt in the c eremony Wednesdav also was Fo rrest :, 6 ls t birthdu' Both the bride and g room· <1 re art ins tr udor!> · Cyanide poisoner 'will not appeal' Herbert Barclay Baetz, the 57-year-old Ne wpo rt Beac h chemi s t co nvi c t e d o f f i rs t -degree murde r in the cyanide poisoning death of tus 87 -year-old m o the r . is a "shatte red" man who has no plans to appeal the judg ment, his attorney says After the verdict was read Wednesday, Baetz "leaned over .. and said, 'I did not murder my mother. but I am willing to live with the verdict '.'' defet\Se • attorney Stuart Grant said. T he nine-woman, three-man jury deliberated only one day before finding Baetz guilty of firs t -degree murder. the verdict sought by the prosecution. in the death of Jane tte Baetz. with whom he li ved at a Ba lboa Peninsula residence. The elderly woma n died Sept. 10 after consuming an orange juice drink laced with lethal potassium cyanide Baetz testified during the tn a l before Orange County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey that he was complying with hi s mother 's reques t . "Barclay. just put me away ... when he gave her the drink Deputy Dis trict Attorney Patrick Geary praised the jury for "correctly determining what had happened in this case." Oallyl> .... Sl.t" ...... GUil TY He r bert Barclay Ba etz has been convic ted in the poisoning death or his· 87-year-old mother DlllJPllat . .. In the old days, there THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1992 was .no such thing , as 0 alligators on shirts .. Read 0 CAVALCADE 82 Erma Bambeck on , P,age TELEVISION 86 MOVIES e~-s 82. . Bonin to face trial • Ill county Convicted 'freeway killer' charged with four murder counts in this area The Orange County Diatrict Attorney's office baa made lt clear that it inten.SS to punut four murder cases against William George Bonin, lhe alle ged "freeway killer" of young men and boys. ''Our position is that he should be executed. We're going to ~exuaUy abused and killed them. Many of the victims' bocUH were dumped along freeways or major hlahways in Southern California. Bonin faces sentendllR Jn those cases Wednesday. The jury that convicted him in Los Angeles h a s recomm ended ''Our position is t hat he should be executed. We're going to make every effort to carry that out.'' make every effort to carry that out," Deputy District Attorney Anthony Rac kau ckas said Wiednesday after Judge Kenneth Lae set a May 17 trial date for the 34-year-old Downey truck driver. Bonin was convic$ed Jan. 6 in Los Angeles County Superior Court in 10 of the deaths police investigators linked to a killer who picke d up hitchhikers, Bonin be executed in the gas chamber at San Quentin State Prison. Bonin wa s indicted by the county Grand Jury m connection with seven deaths of the 21 authorities believe Bonin was responsible. for. Three of those c a s e s . howe v er , invol ved o verlapping jurisd iction with Los Angeles Countr and were bandied there. Defen se attorney Wilham Charvet, who is representing Bonin In proceedings in both counties . said he will ask Juage Lae to move the Orange County trial elsewhere because of the publ i c i t y th a t c a s e h as ge n e rat e d i n So uth e rn California. Charvet mentioned Mo nter ey and Re dd in g as possible locations Rar kauckas said any change o f ve nue motion wo uld be o pposed by Orange Counly prosecutor~ R ar ka ur kas s a id a d eath penally would be sought in the. Oraog(! County cases to make it • m ore d iff icult for Bonin to e s ca pe e xecution . C a s e s involving imposition of the death penalty a r c a utomatically appealed to the state Supreme Court. There has not been an execution in Ca lifornia s ince 1967 D•••r r11ee 1. .... ...._ MORE TRIALS Convicted fr ee wav kill er Willia m Bo nin still faces c o urt action in Orange Count'.\ on four m urder c ases Bergeson finally gets panel post Slain worker's fund $2,500 N e wp o rt Bea c h A s s e mbl y wo man M a rian Be rgeson has been named to the powerful Assembly Ways and Me ans Committee. a post she'd originally bee n promised more than a year ago. Mrs. Bergeson. a Republican who 1s seeking r e -e lection. replaces Assemblymen Gordon Duffy. R -H anford , on the 23-member committee. The Newport lawmaker reportedly lost her grip on the committee post in late 1980 when s h e s upported Democrat H o ward Berman f or the assembly speakership position. Wh ile Mrs Bergeson was s upporting Berman, many of her Republican colleagues banded to gether in supporting S an Francisco As semblyman Willie Bro wn. who eventually became the speaker A numbe r of Sacramento ob s ervers s ai d t h at as punishment for her support of Berman, Mrs Bergeson was not na med lo the Ways and Means Committee. A year later. insiders report. those wounds a pparently have healed. A ides fo r t h e Ne wpo rt lawm a ker Jokingly described Mrs. Bergeson 's selection to the co mmit tee a s a ''long-anticipated·· appointment. T h e W ay s and M e an s Committee c ontrols s late s p e ndin g and ha s five subcommittees. Mrs . Bergeson's appointment also includes a post on a subcomm1itee dealing with eduC'lt'tiort -' Public outpouring ·renews faith in human nature' By RICHARD GREEN OflkOalty~Si.tl • Individuals and organizationij throughout Orange Count y have donated more than $2,500 to a fund for the family of a slain Irvine doughnut shop employee. "It really renews your faith in human nafure ." sa id William Ackman. an Irvine businessman wh o is o r g ani zi ng th e fund-raising drive for the widow and fi ve c hildre n o f Pedro Alfaro "A lot of the donations a re $5 and SIO o nes "In one day, people put Sl44, mostly in one-dolla r bills. in a man i la e nve lo p e a t the Gun control laws rapped by NRA boss By FaED£alCK SCBOBMEID.. Of .. 0-.,P-. .... Gun control laws incre ase restrictions for those who do not commit crimes while virtually leaving wiaffected the criminals who do, the preside nt of the Na lion al Rine Associa tion said Wednesday night. "'The law abiding people of this state have been pus hed to the wall." Keith Gaffaney d eclared at a m eeting of the World Affairs Council of Orange County al the S addle back Inn in Santa Ana County judge • • mxes moving of fire soi ts A Supe rior· Court judge in S anta Ana has r ejected a n atte mpt by la wyers for the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas s cene of a dis astrous fire in 1980 lo have mo re than 20 lawsuits filed in Orange County moved lo Nevada courts. Judge Le onard G oldstein denied all motions for change of venu e and di s mi ss al Wednesday "We do not have a gun control problem in this country, we have a crime control problem. People do not want gun control. they want c rime control,'' Gaffaney said. The former Los Angeles Police Department officer. who beca me preside nt of the \11 -year-Old NRA in 1981, cited numerous s tatistics which, he said show lhal gun control mea~ures do little. if anything. t o reduc e th e num ber of reported violent crimes H e r ited a Un ive rs ity o f Massachusetts !\tudy prepared for the S Department of Justice which showed that there is "no evidence " that there are fewer homicides in ar eas where h a ndgun s are not r eadily available. "Gun laws simply do not affect crime since guns do not c au se c rime ," G affaney azserted He also pointed to a 1980 FBI report that said ownership of handguns by the public is not a contributing cr ime factor Gun regulations. such as gun delivery "waiting periods·· by purchasers. regist ration and background checks "have been tried and (ha ve ) faile d ," Gaffaney said. "It does n 't address the ques tion -crime and who commits 1t " Winchell 's Donut House," said Ackman. who owns the JrJPne Eye Care Shop in Camino Plaza, the shopping center at Walnut 1 Avenue and J effrey Road where · Winchell:s·is localed. Alfaro was s hot and killed early last Thursday in the shop, 5408 Walnut Ave . during what police said was a robbery. The robber escaped into the night with les!> tha n $100 Police say they have little to go on in the C'ase Mo ne y c ol le c t e d in the fund r ais ing drive 1s placed in a trust fund Ackman helped set up a t Me rit Savings and Loa n in Camino Plaza Ac kman sa id he s tarted trying to help the family at the urging o r his wife . Holl y "The shootmg bothered her so much that s h~ couldn't sleep Thursday night," he said ··She was up at 2 a m We figured we had to do something. lt hit so c lose to home ·· The biggest donation so far that has been m arle to the trust fund came from the Winchell's Donut Co . which gave $1 ,000 lo the fund A SISO donation was m a dt> b~· t he Irvine Police Officers 0Assoc1at1ons Officers frequent the Wmr hcll"s shop. the only a ll night dou~hnut shop m town Ac ross Walnut A venue from Ca mino Plaza 1s the Arbor Shopping Center. whe re Gene Tibbit . part owner of Arbor Village Barber Shop. s ays all the money his ba rhe rs make on March 14 will go to the Alfaro f und H e 's c a llin g the fund ra1smg event a r ut-a -thon. ··1 saw Mrs Alfaro on the te levision news sitting on her couch with her ri ve children and it just did som ething to me and I wanted to help,·· T1bb1t s aid. He added that he 's trying to organize a series of fund-raising events in Arbor Shopping Center in addition to the cul-a·thon. Geary presented witnesses during the trial who testified that Baetz and hjs mother often argued One witness said he overheard Baetz once c all Mrs. Baetz a "damned old woman" who "shouJd be dead ... •Tap ensemble to perform In effect, Golds tein ruled that laws uits filed by county residents who allegedly suffered injuries in the November 1980 hotel-cas ino blaze should be tried here. Criminals, he explained. pay no attention to gun laws. Thus, the situation develops that gun control la ws affect only the non-crimina l, Gaffaney said. Mrs Alfaro is scheduled to ma ke an appearance Friday at Merit Savings and Loan. 5392 Walnut Ave .. where she will be presented with a check for the money in the trust ftifHt Ac kman s aid he expects there to be about $3,000 in the fund by Sentencing was scheduled for March 26. Geary said he will as k that Baetz be given the maximum first-degree murder sentence, 2S years to life in state prison. Baetz would be eligible for parole after 17 years. Coastal plan deadline set The s ta te Coas tal Commwion, meetlna this week tn Santa Barbara, has given Oran1e County until August t.o submJl zoning laws and maps for t h e Irvine Coast development plan. The deadline, which waa worked out between county officials lnd Ute commission ataff, comes a month a fter certUlcation of the Irvine Coaat.'1 loul cout.al plan. That plan calla for 2,000 reai d eathl unth, two , eommetdal cenlert, two major roadwa11 reacllln1 Coast Hl11'way. and o~ apace oa the t,400·acre iarcel between Corona deJ Tar a nd Lapna .. •eh. The a cclaim ed J a zz Tap Ensemble will perform in the Fine Arts Theatre at Saddleback College's South Campus in Mission Viejo March 7 at 3 p.m combination or traditional tap, mode rn c horeography and origina l j a zz mus ic com positions . Since its debut in 1979, the group has tourejl the U.S ., receiving hlgb- critical praise. For ticket The ensemble presents a Information, call 831-4656. • addleback speakers available An updated Saddleback College Speakers Bureau brochure is now available to civic. philanthropic and educational c lubs and organizations In the college district. More than 60 speakers are available to address audiences on t.oplcs rangina from dolphin communication to the humor of the southwestern U.S. Bureau participants are members of the college faculty, staff, administration and Board of Trustees. Brochures may be picked up at. t.he 'public informaUon orttce on the South Campus in M lssiQn Viejo in Buildln1 A. Houra are from 7:30 a .m. to 4 :30 p.m. Brochures are al•o available on the lrvlne Campus at the informa~ desk. For Information, call 831·4530 or 5'58-9300. • Real estate c lasae• offered Saddleback College thla s pring is offering ~ classes de lgned to help real estate. practitioners meet their state rt·llctnalnt requl rements, Of special lntereat to reallors w1U be a new course In profeaalonal conduct. Thia cours,c meets requirements I for the new law mandaung ' Ure compldlon of three hours In lnst.ructlon ln ethJcs and prof e13lonal conduct. For information on rulstratJoa, call 831-484t, or 4'3·292'. Jrvlne resfcfenu may call the North Campua at ~1313 or 49'7"'3785. •. Lawyers for t he hotel had sought to move the cases to N e vada 's courts. wh e re hundreds of s imilar s uits also are pending. They said it wo~d be inconvenient to· try cases m two locales. However Goldstein Indicated that local ~esidents are entitled to have their cases heard in county courts. He said Americans "who are fed up with being victims" of crime often tum to handguns for protection. He said s tatistics s ho w tha t 700 times a day Americans use a handgun in sorne form of self-protect.ion. Gaffaney cautioned , howe ver, that any person who keeps a handgun al home for protection, s hould know how to use it. Honorable thieves? Bandits rob store, but not customer Robbtn turned down money from a WlUbag woman abopper In the arore they were holding up, eYln thou1h she oflered it lo lbem. onose County Sheriff'• s11. Derl')' Kreiu said today that two men, one armed with a handgun, tnlered Thrifty Drug In Ca~lstrano Beach Wednesday night and demanded money from a cuh re1lster clerk. Kretb aald the mustachioed budlCI raked ln about flQ. But a bout. the Ume they were ready to leave the stol'e, a woman with cub In hand unknowtn1ly l walked up to the regis ter to pay tor a purchase. Takin« stock of the situation, she offered to hand over her money before b eing asked. Kreitz said. However. the robbers refused, "The guy with the gun said all ht and his partner wanted was the store's money, not hers," Kreitz said. "Who sa.ys theft's oo honorable men left In lhe world." lCrelb II.Id lherirf's depuUH are looklnt tor the two men, described as beinl In their late 20 or urty 30s. Friday .. Man knifed in fight in Irvine A 22-year-old Irvine man suffered 13 knife cuts in his forearm Wednesday night In a fight he said was with two yo111ths looking for_ marijuana. RandolpnScnoonover told Irvine police investieators be was walking to a friend's house o n the w est slde o f the Woodbridge Lake abot1t 40 yards south of West Y8le Loop when two blond youths approached hjm and asked "Hey, you rot .JOY Ml?" - Arter the subjects exchanged words, Schoonover said one ol the youths pulled a J>OtCket knife with a four.inch blade and=u slashlna at him. After I . off several swipes with b1a arm, the victim said he finally tlu11ed the youth lD the mouth "and the pair Oed, accordlna to a pollce report. Schoonover waa 1.akea to Tustin Community Hospital ~here be was treated for bis wounds, police said. ,11 , ~I jj ,. I I t I i f • 1 t \ J ·: • l ' •• ... .. .~ . I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT(fhurad1y, February 18, 1982 ' ... Griffins e·s~ape with 62-60 victory; Saddle back rolls past Palomar, 58-45 0 N n1e Coast Co llete was ellmlnated from pos t-season play We dnesday nltht al Groumont escaped from the Plrate1' 1Ym with a 62·60 win ln South Cout Conference communtty college baaketball acUon. The Pirates needed a wln to remafn i n contention for a Shau1thnesay playoff be rth but Grossmont dissolved Orance Coast's playoff hopes by comine from behind late l.n the second half and holding on ln the fin-1 minutes. Groaamoot a 62-60 lead, wu aet up when u half court trap forced an Oran1e Cowst turnover near center court. The outcome wu "ln doubt even alter the final bu11er had IOUDded. Alter G.roul!lont missed the tro.it of a <'ne-and-one fret! throw altuaUon, Chris Beasley grabbed the rebound ror the Pirates and drew a foul. The Pirates were not in the bonus. however, so Beasley was unable to go to the tree throw line to attempt to LONG YEAR Tandy Glllls' Orange Coast Pirates were t:l i min ated from post.season play Wednesday night. Orange Coast led throughout the first ball and much of the second but Oroaamont rallied to tie lt, then took the lead on an uncontested layup by Larry White. The basket, which gave send the game into overtime. , Bea~ley had a game-high 216 points, despite picking up his fourth foul with 18:30 to play. The performance makes the 6·1 swingman the No. 2 Rams' Harrah hit with rape charges From AP dlspakhes LOS ANGELES -Ram s [i] offensive Uneman Dennis Harrah has • 11 l b een named a lo ng with an ex-teammate and another man in a $1.l mUUon rape suit filed by a 25-year-old Anaheim computer programmer. The suit, which alleges the woman's civil rights were violated, was filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. Besides Harrah, the suit names as defendants former Rams defensive back J eff Severson and a friend, Jerry Scanlan of Long Beach. A state suit against the trio is also pending. According to both suits, Carol Kvenik went voluntarily to Scanlan's Long Beach home July 17, 1980, and was in the bedroom with him. ''But she didn't volunteer for the ·extra attention.'' said her attorney, Sydney Irmas. The s uit alleges the trio did "perpetrate a brutal, violent and vicious attack on the plaintiff and with force and violence and without the consent or the plaintiff raped, ravished and carnally knew the plaintiff. .. K venik reported the incident to Long Beach police and the Los Angeles County district a ttorney's office, but the case was not prosecuted for lack of sufficient evidence and ··not a reasonable likelihood or conviction," said Marissa Bjltt. acting head or the district attorney's sex crimes unit. Defense a ttorney Ant hony Murray. representing the three men, denied a rape occurred. He has riled a countersuit in state t court to the earlier suit. Quote of the day Texas basketball coach Abe Lemons commenting on players trying to make their opponents a ngry and get them out of th e ir norm al game throug h verbal• taunting: "'That kind of stuff is going to backfire a lot of times. There are lots of players who play better when they're angry. I don"t think It's too wise to make the .other guy mad -ever wonder why a cowboy riding herd sings sort. quiet cowboy son~s to the cattle instead or rock n' roll?"" From Page Cl SLOAN I Sabres earn rare win in Chicago Gil Perreault flipped in a lO·foot ~ shot midway through the final period ' to lift the Buffalo Sabres to a 3·2 National Hockey League victory over Chicago Wednesday night. Perreault's goal, hi s 23rd this season, gave Buffalo its first triumph in Chic ago since Dec. 13, 1978 ... Toronto defenseman Bob Manno's shot from the blue line slid along the ice. through a crowd and past Detroit goaltender Bob Sauve at 7: 57 of the third period to give the Maple Leafs a 3·3 tie with the Reel Wings ... Mark Pavelich and Ron Duguay ~cored two goals apiece to lead the New York Rangers to a 5-3 win in Pittsburgh, pushing the Penguins· winless streak to nine games ... Wayne Gretzky score'<l two goals and added three assi'.lts as Edmonton battled back from a · 2·0 deficit to swamp Minnesota . 7.4 . Ivan Hllnka scored twice and Mo. Lemay completed his five-game NHL trial with a goal and two assists as Vancouver stopped Boston. 6·3. Bulls fire coach, then lose Coach Jerry Sloane of the struggling Chicago Bulls was fired Wednesday, and taking over was General Manager Rod Thom. The Bulls then went out and lost a 115·105 decision to New J ersey, as Ray Williams scored 32 points for the Nets ... George Gervin, leading scorer in the NBA. hit a season-high 49 points as San Antonio posted a 126-112 win over Detroit . . . Eddie Johnson scored 35 points to pace Atlanta to a 117-109 vi ctory over Utah . . Guard Emle Grunfeld poured in 10 of his 18 points in the fourth quarter as Kansas City topped Phoenix. 110-107 ... Brian Winters scored six points in a 17·0 fourth-quarter surge that propelled Milwaukee to a 104.93 triumph over Indiana for the Bucks 10th straight victory ... Moses Malone tallied 44 points and grabbed 16 rebounds, leading Houston to a 110-102 success over Cleveland Julius Erving had 26 points and triggered a third-period rally as Philadelphia ran its winning streak to seven with a surprisingly tough 114-l09 win over .Dallas . . . Hitting the 10,000-point mark or his NBA career in the opening seconds or the game. World Free totaled 30 points to lead Golden State to a 121·105 victory over Boston all·Ume acorer in Oran1e Coast history wtth 970 point.a. He'll have an opportunity to break the 1,000 point barrier next Wednesday when the Pirates wrap up their season at San Ole10Men. Turner as the Ga uc hos beat Palomar, SS.54 to avence a lou ln the first roQnd or conference play. Beasley, forced to play teni.Uvely ·moat of the second half. had only three rebounds but Jerr Thomas picked up some of the alack ror Coach Tandy GllUs wllh 10 rebounds. Greg Krohnfe ldt bols tered the Pirates' scoring attack with 14 points whil e Mike Whitmars h led Orossmont scorers with 22. Turner hit OI\ 13 of 18 shota from the floor and w• the game's leadln1 scorer . The wln makes Saddlebaek 9·2 In conference play and locks the Gauchos into second place unless league-leading Riverside gets upset Saturday. In Mission Conference a ction, Saddle back College Coach Bill Brummel got 27 point.a from George David Wi s n iewski wa s Saddleback's leading rebounder with 11 and contributed eight points while 6· 10 center Rick Doyle had eight points despite picking up his fourth foul with 15:05 to play. GETS REVENGE Saddleback Coach Rill Brummel got a t little revenge over . Palomar Wednesday 1 in 58-45 win. l GUIVIN " ....... llOl.• Harper, Pirates come to terms Former Angel Brlaa Harper, Ii who hit .350 with 28 home nms and a ' league-leading 192 hits for Salt Lake City last season, agreed to terms for the 1982 i;eason with Pittsburgh Wednesday. The Pirates acquired Harper from the Angels in exchange for s hortstop Tim Foll during the winter baseball meetings in December ... Outfielder Dave Wlalleld and new team captain Gnl1 Nettles headed a group of nine players who reported to camp Wednesday as the 'New York Yankees conducted their first full squad workouts ... Nestor Claylak, an American League umpire for nearly 25 years, was found dead in his home Wednesday. Chylak, who was 59, apparently died or a heart attack, family friends said . . The Chicago Cubs have reached an agreement with ftrst baseman BW Buckner to modify his contract, General Man ager Dallas Green announced. No terms of the contract were announced. Kolb announces his retirement Center Jon Kolb r e tired Ill Wednesday after 13 seasons as a Pittsburgh Steelers mainstay, but be will remain with the National Football League team as a strength and conditioning coach. Kolb, 34, was one or the original buildin& blocks in the Steeler dynasty. starting in all four Pittsburgh Super Bowl wins and playing in 177 games, more than any other..$teeler except Ray Maaafleld and Joe Greene •.. Heaaea Welaweller, who coached the Cosmos into two North American Soccer League championship games in two years but collided with the team's star, Glorlk> Chlnaglla, has been fired. After the Cosmos lost to Chicago 1-0 in Soccer Bowl '81 last September, Chinaglia called for Weisweiler's dismissal and threatened to quit the team if the coach returned. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Basketball -U. of Pacific at UC Irvine. 7:30 p.m ., KWVE (108 FM); Cal State Fullerton at San Jose State, 7:30 p.m .. KWRM < 1370>: S~ Report -Southland mountain snow conditions. 9:43 a.m., 12:43, 3:43, 7:43 p.m ., KNX (1070>. Same old story plagues Kings ~ Selwood couldn't change it I NGLEWOOD (AP l -Brad Selwood Is through as acting coach for Los Angeles, but his last game was "the same old story" for the Kings: who have been plagued by the same problems· through three head men. "It's the same 'old story. We played two periods of hockey. We woke up when we were down two or three goals. It just seems that we like lo take a period oft every game. We came out In · the third period and played a good period, but it was too late," he said after Wednesday night's game. Selwood took over from Kings Coach Don Perry, who was s uspended for six games for orde ring a player to fight another player. Perry' took over from forme r King Coach Parker MacDonald in J anuary. "Changes can wake them up,·· Selwood said when asked what could be done about the scoring. "We can't sit st.ill. Changes have to be made. It"s evident to everybody. We have to have different people playing. Something has to be done. It's so frustrating. Now instead of looking ahead of us to catch Vancouver or Calgary who are ahead or us. we better look behind us. Colorado is only seven points back or us ... Meantime, Washington Coach Bryan Murray says he's hoping the Capitals' home series will help them gain on Pittsburgh. "'We're fighting Pittsburgh for a playorr slot i" the Patrick Division. Pittsburgh goes on the road now and we go home. We have a good chance to pick up some points on them." He credited the Kings missing some scoring oppo rtunities for helping Washington win Wednesday's game, but he added that overall he was happy with the Capitals ' performance.· Goals late in the second period by Center Chris Valentine and right wing Mike Gartner helped Washington get on top 4·2. Dennis Maruk 's goal frosted the win when he fired a shot into an empty net in the final second of the game for the Caps. The victory gave the Caps a 3·2·1 record in their last six games Pacific hires O'Neill STOCKTON <A .P l Tom O'Neill will be promoted to the University ol the Paclfic's head bas ketball coaching job, it was announced Wednesday, 24 hours alter Dick Fichtner resiped eflective at the end or the season. O'Neill, 35, bas been an assistant coach three seasons under Fichtner. The departing coach p roduced winning teams his first two seasons. but the Tigers are 7·15 this season, with a 3·7 record in the Pacific Coast Athletic Association. CIF BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS GET UNDER WAY FRIDAY. .-. want to try. We'll zone and adjust as the game goes on.·· Mater Del at Miiiikan Cantwell e nters with a team composed of 6·1 and 5·10 players, led by Tony Villalobos, who averages 17 points and 7.5 rebounds a game. View League to Santiago, where the Cavaliers await with a team very s imilar in makeup and record (17-6). Cotta Me•• at Dominguez The book says if there ls anytb1n1 that can give Costa Mesa 05-8) a bad Ume it's a hot point guard and Dominpez High's Dons, 14·7 overall and tbe·San Gabriel Valley League champion, apparently have the necessary item in Terry Carr, a 6-0 senior with two-time All·CIF credentials. Sea View still even • in soccer Millikan may be the No. 4 seed in the 4·A eliminations, but the Monarchs th ink they have a good chance at upsetting the dope sheet despite playing on a foreign floor. ··We played t hem during the summer," says Mater Dei Coach Bill Alexander, "but all we did during the summer was play man-to-man defense. "If we. play a good zone, control the boards a nd keep them from fast breaking, we can win." Millikan finished in a three-way Ue with Long Beach Poly and Lakewood for the Moore League title, but the 6-6 post is no longer there because of ineligibility, leaving the 20-3 Rams without the blue chip big man. Instead the Rams will be countering with 6-2 Brian Dawson (12.6 ppg, 9.9 rebounds), 5-10 Steve White (12.3 ppg), 6·"2 ·Eric Smith (9.8 ppg, 6.6 rebounds> and 6-1 Dwayne Washington (10.3 PPI> for most of their fi repower. With the return of 6·3 sophomore M~e Fielder Che's wearing a face mull to protect a broken nose), the Monarchs (13·9) are at full strength. Matt Beeuwsaert, another sophomott, as I.a starter Chris Jacbon, leads the way with a lt.O scorina a verage for the Angelus Lea1ue representatives. Cantw.I at Eatancla Estancia lfllh Coach Larry Sunderman is eyeing his lOOth victol')' as the Eagles' coach in a nv..year apan (he's ge..32) u the Ea1les await tbe Cardln•ls, who e.nter with a 11·12 record, the best in 20 yean at Caat..U according to Coach Ed Co1le. "Cantwell can t.mpo it," aaya a wary Sunckrma. "We ban to play lnt.eWfelllly, make sure we control the tempo ol the pme ~nd IO wlth the technlquee that bave won WI 20 cames thia year." The Ea1lH. 20·4 ourall aad co·ebampioal in lbe Sea View i...,.. appear to be at ....,.ly full *-ltb wMb the ant.lclpeted recoftl'J ol ll8DllJ TH\. •ho ha ~ ptaytn1 wtt.b a.._ UM of the nu. •• Others are 6·0 Tony Gardea < 13.S ppg ). 5·8 g uard Ch ris Lopez, 6-1 sophomore center Chris Rangel and 5· 10 forward Mickey Perez. "Cantwell is quick and runs man and zone," emphasizes Sunderman, who may be finding it difficult not to look a head lo a potential meeting with Foothill (coached by friend and ex-assistant Jim Reames). Estancia counters Cantwell's mild record and size with 5· 10 playmaker Jeff Gardner, the Sea View's MVP. all-league choices Brian Midland (6--4) and Steve Kriass (6.·l ) and 6-1 Chris M aydole and Tift. Corona del Mar at Santiago ··1t·s a game or momentum now,'' says CdM Coach Jack Errion, a veteran of the playoffs. • His Sea Kings are the defendin& CIF 3·A champions and lake thei{ 17·4 overall recor4 and co-title in the Sea "They've got a good-shooting forward ( 6·0 Jell Pace l. a real mobile st.ron1 forward (~ Curt Condon) and a nice sized, big kid in the middle (6·5 BUl Waggoner)," says Errion. ··And their best asset ls their guards, so it should be a good physical matchup." Charles Lewis, a S·ll left·handed senior, averages 19.4 points a game and will get special attention from CdM guard Mike Hess, according to Errion. "W e 'll probably use Dave VanSteenhuyse more now," continues Err ion. "If you're not in it ment.ally now, hey. you're out,"' adds Errlon. "Santiaeo ls up. it's an emotional team and it's a team that hasn't been deep in the playoffs for a while, so they have that incentive going for them." Going for Corona del Mar are All-Sea View League choices Chris Lynch, Hess, and 6-7 Hank Goebel, backed by Kurt Petersen and Garth Ollon. fillles disnl.isses sportswriter LOS ANGELES (AP> -Sports writer Ted Green has been dismissed by the. Los An1eles Times, the newspaper's Sport.a Editor Bill Dwyr~ conlirme<' Wednesday. Dwyre said Green's dismissal was not directly related to queaUons railed by UCLA booster Sam Gilbert about Green's loan from a company owned in part-by Jercy Bu .. wnr or the~ Angeles Lakers and Los Anfeles Kinp. After Gllbert railed the iuue, Dwyre sald be informed Green verbally and in wrltina that fhe condltlons ok bla employment at the newspaper ~ be that he would 1>0 Jonaer be able to do televlslon work, and would no lonpr be allowed. to cover any 8uu-relat.ec1 tea m1. Green served 11 color commen&ator for ON·TV cable ~ of La.Iler aama, amoq other lblao. Oreen did not 'eompty: wonini t.tM • telecast or last· Friday niaht's Laker game and was terminated, Dwyre said. Orff!\ was not immediately available ror comment. Gilbert, retpo9din1 to a series of articles in the newspapen allesin1 that be violated NCAA rules in his dealinp with BrWn basketball playen, publJcly uke<Uhe lleWIPIJ)ef •htibet' ~ o( IC. spo1 tswrlten "eo••rinl · 1t major team borrowe4 $:10,000 ftom the owner of that team with which~ acquire a bome?" Dwyre aa1d a,.._ CODftnned lbat be bad borrowed $1$,000 •• a Udrd trwt de~d on · hla home In 111'7 from Marlana·B~ Aleoelates, a teal estate Investment nnn. At that Ume, B.-ctid not own the Lalcers or Jtlala, but did own the Loi Anaea. Strtnp ol World Team Ttenll. Green OffUloully wrate antcles about UM 9lrtnp prior to bla oblalnlnl tbe loan. "It's a pressing team and it likes to run the break,·• aays Costa Mesa Coach Tim Parsel. who has the Mustangs invo lved in their first CIF playoff venture in 16 years. •'I told our kids they were one-year-olds the last lime we were here," adds Parsel, indicating his team would be m e ntally ready for Dominguez. "Carr is one of the best guards in Southern California ," continues Panel. "When he's hot, he's very good, but we understand he can take some bad shots, too. He doesn't have good direction." Carr's scoring average is 15.7 per game and h~ i.s averaging 10 assist.a and five rebounds a game. Ot.hen in the Dominguez stable include 6-3 forward Ed Speight, 8·2 Curtis Bowser (10.4 PPI). 8·3 Neal Stuart, 6·S~ senior center Richard Munns and auard Kevin Richardson, a S.11 junior with a 12.8 scorin1 avera1e. Dominsuea. bued in Compton, won 14 of lta lut 18, wblle Meaa toot lta lut alx 1tral1ht to .. m a playoff berth. · "Our lddl know we're on a roll and they're hunl.1')','' 1a11 Panel. W~t 8or1 Reoubk Tbe wa or Woodbrid1e wW have had 10 ruU days to aet well prior to their 'test In Cb1no -tlult means f.2 Junlor Dav1d W..ile wtU..probablJ be doH.to.JOO peitent an.r aa Ulneta and le.a.Ina scorer Mark Fori111er•1 bad anllle abould be on lhe mead. ''f'oi1Apr'1 bad ankle bu ""11)' tlmt us," HYI Woodbrld1• Coaeb Bill Shannon, allud1a1 to bla team•1 three-pine la.iDI streak, wbicb bu dropDid Woodbrtdle to 11-9 O¥WaD OD a frM·luce= 8oJI ~ U.&-t). dterl _. ....... •bk~ «T '111 ol ......... "" .... (11,1=· ... bMnl .....,, ... "'° .... J lonralW, but ..... .,. be baa the •Melial to 1ri.a. Wednesday's Sea View League men's soccer meeting between Cor o n a del Mar and host Estancia was supposed to be 1l battle for the league lead, a chance for one of the teams to take sole possession or first place. It didn't quite work out that way. The showdown came off bQt nothing was settled as the two SOCCER teams played to a 2·2 i leaves them deadlocked or league lead going into Frlday\.s regular season finales. John Ursini and CarloJ Counlino scored for Estae~ while Scott McCrimmon ~ Jeff Kordick countered Cot Corona del Mar as the teaml' records went to 9·2·2. 'The regular season end• Friday with the Sea Kinta plar.lnc University and Estancia lac nc Newport Harbor. In other Sea View actio61 Costa Mesa 1ot 24 abota on ~ en route to a 3.0 win over Bl Toro. The wln makes t-M M uatanp 3-8· 1 in league plq. 1 Ameed Abdel·Mafl1 atruok tdr two of Ute Mµatan:J°~ ~ tmoc Zamarrita odMI'. Costa Mesa wraps up tt\; re1ular seasoo Friday al ~ a1alnat Irvine. Dua HUii had no troubtt ~ Lapna Hilla. eruptln1 for et.lti IO•la to but tb• Hawlta, a.o;&t South eo.t ~ad.Ion. • G KellyW=lor~ withlbNI ~- win Maune~ .. Sou&h Com . Tbe Dolpldu Art DOW .... 1 leapeplay. Orange Coast OAIL Y Pll.OTfThuf'lday, February 18, 1982 1! '· 'I' t'ol \I, 1'! '•" '11 f, ,., ,. , ., ~ > . NBA waJTIRNt OHl'lltlNCI Uken Se•tt•• Goldeft5tate Portla nd "hoenlw S..n Di•OO "Klfk Ol•h ... w I.. JS 11 l-4 11 ,, n 11 21 11 13 14 31 MHlwftt OM•IM "<t. G8 tTJ .. , .... s.o • ~. >"° I lH 10~. S..n Antonio l3 II MO O.nvu ta tJ ~ h• Hou•lan 11 U ~ SV. V .. 11 II 33 UJ ISV. 0.11.. 11 3f ,w It~ llenwlCtty 11 lS .»TIT IEASTEltN CONl'IRINClr Atl.oftlk Ohls ... Pllll•cletp!IMI 31 I< Botton ,. 14 N•w J u .. y 1• 2' WuMn9ton U lS New York u JO C.,.lrll Olv111.., MHw•ullM O.trott Atl1nt1 lncllana Clll<aoo ClevelaNI )I U n JO 11 1' 17 JO " 33 II~ W-y'1S<Ot'ft Ntw Jerwy 11s, Chlc•oo IOS Plllt-tptMa 114, D•llu IOt Hou•lan 110. Clew!-101 MllweUllM 104. tndfel\4 •3 S..n AnlO<>lo 12•. O.traH IU K•n .. sClly 110, "-nla 101 All•nla 111. VI•" 109 Golden Stete 121, Boston IOS T..._,•G- San O\e90 at 1...irena \ Watlllntlon al S.attle frillay'1~ GOia.ft S .. te 11 I.Ml.,.. '1ou•ton al"'•• JerMty Pl'IOt!nla al New Yo-k Vian •• Pf'IO-fplll• S..n OlaQo at K•n•u C II y Cleve I.,.., el MitawukM San Antonio .i Oen~• Ba.ion at Portt...,o Attani. •• Seante IU 110 "' soo llV. soo 11\ll 4)4 ISV. IU 430 IS 4,. IS 41l IS•·• lU 111., 21• ,. !1• COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~ Gronmont 62, Orange Coast 60 GROHMOtfT Whitt 14 WNtrnu"' lO I 1 Jann 2, Letwnro"il l . Mtltr I , '1111 1 C•••donna 4, I.Nol•• Banner l , ~ue111n l '" ,.otels U 12·" 62 l\l ORANGE COAST Beutey U , T l(rol'lnletcn. 4, G Kronnleldt ''· Tlloml\ a, I NanJOft .. 8al<IWin 4, Hell"'" 0 l'o4al1 h ti 12·1' 60 (I ·' Halltlme Or-CaHI )117 Tottl tou!s Groumont 16, 0••"91' '°"' 111 Foule<lout Jone\ (Groumontl S1ddleback 58, Palomar 45 SAOOLE8ACK DodOl I, Turnpr 77, Mllc ... 11 s. W1snie~· • Dayle •. FuK-7 Toi.1, 24 ll>IJ S8 ,.ALOMAlt M••lln I•. CIH•m II Pttt•9•.,. a, Urson 1, -v•~ " SPtnct • Totals 11 J.10 H•llllme S.OO•eo.o. 71> 7S '• 1 Total foul• !>addleba<ll 10. Palomar 10, Fou1ec:1 0<11 Doyle !Sa<ldlt1>o11c•I Pen19,.,. n ' I Palomar I South Coast Conference C-~· OwnlM W L W L <'I Ml Sen Alllonlo I 7 I• 6 I S~le A... t ti 11 ' 1, Fullerton 1 1 14 11 ·'· ., :' !• ... ~ '•' GronrfiM! 6 • tt e Ctf'llO' 4 6 11 I) Or<tnQe Coast l e IJ U S." Oleoo M<>w o q 1 10 ~-Y'•G•-~ Ce,,llos •• Groumonl S•n OleQOM&!wa1 Fullerto" !>&nt• Ana•• Mt S..n Antonio M ission Conference ,..,._. -OwrlH w I.. RIVtrtlOt 10 Sa<ldlebaO q San OitQOCC • S•n Ber.-oono s Soutll•Hte<" 4 P•tomar ] Cltru• 7 ~..,~,·•G- Southwestern at S..Odteo.ci. Citru' at A1v•r"o• S•n 0 1f191)CC al S.n 8trna1<11no High school rankings (ti_, CIF4-A ""· T...,.,rec-1.lrdl-(ZMI 7. Lak.-Ul-ll l. Crtwl C7t·ll 4. LB POiy nl·i > s Rollfn9 Hiils (l~SI t Mllllk.., (Z0.31 L'S..ni. -a llkl I. Vtr<bUm Del 11'4) '·St Anthony llMJ 10. ln9le-flM) w L ,. 4 11 10 IJ 17 14 IJ 10 IS • " •1 IS ,._., 100 ~ ., .. t3 SI 41 lO 21 11 CIP )A t SI t.r-d tn JI I $4N1 ~'91119 ltUI i.H-11)•1) • c:_ .. _111-41 •.• ~ .. !»oil I. "lv.t .... '91y IJO.)I T •.. tc9 Tt<ll !0·11 t. 'WHI C""lne ( ... I t '"'111. "'-tldit Cl I SI M. C .. I C:-. .... CtMI ...... AllOI ltl S) Cl,.1-A I..• S.rne 124-tl t VI< ... Vel19y 11•31 i. lree<>il'* IU.31 • l11r,..,.,_ 1..,s• s , ... Cit""'* 11~11 1.R ..... 1131>-ll T Capllltr-Velley I IHI a. Call!Oml• (IH I ' Le Habta flM) 10 o .... Miiis o..a1 Cll' t·A 1 S.11\a Ci.ta llT ... > 2 Whlftiar Christian en 11 l " J....,, (2().)) 4. BeMl119 OH i S MoorPl!R CZO.t I 6 Carpfflt«la C»t> T Alo~O•SI I T-ynlne Palms (77~1 t P•rrl1 11· llJ 10 C111m1,,_ C:I0-41 Cl" Smllll S<-• " ti ,. •• .. ,. JI JS 14 ,, II " n IJ •• '° n )j )I n • 1 C-lck lll·ll. l Aveton (II II. l Melodylencl n•H. 4 Camp Manclenflall 11~1. S W~ Ct>-•>; • Crou.- ( U ·ll, T. Capistra no Yelley Cllrhllan l (11·11. • ~-Lutt>tren Jl1-111; • Ria "°"" ...... (1).101, 10 Ille) fllffllrkloo p,_ 11$-tJ,Mont<talr Prep! IS.Tl Women's rankings lflAall Cll' 4-A I Rl .. nlOe POiy (25-01, l . 1"91•- 12>-ll, l Oaf>r (lJ..JI. 4 S•n Gabrl•I C21·21, S Jalln W North (Al•t'll<lt l (tt-41, • Buena 111·2>. I LB Poly (1 4'6); •. AoY•I (11·3>. ' Lyn-llM > 10 Elsenno-c lt.J) Othe" "-111 Valley tt•TI; Fontana 11'-4), p,~ x, 11 .... >. Momll>ilsld• (11'41, w .. 1 Ton...ct 121>-ll. S..nt• B•rbe,. t l•SI St Josallll ( 14-9> Clf>-A I E•Pt• ... u IZO.ll. , Footlllll <»>I; l L• Oulnta 111·21, 4 Loara lff..tl, s Alem•ny llD-tl, • Alta I.Oma 11 .. l l. I LA S.rn• Ctt-41. I El Toro 117•1; • A"'9""'9 Valley (l~l). 10. Walnut 11 .. 0 . Ollllfl Pomona (IS.J I, Monlellello Cll ... I, Cor111a ... Mar OJ.II; IE tla..cl• (l:M); LOVls•lllt llJ.41' R1911en1 (IS.SI; Cypteu fl>-•• Men '• tournament (at u Qool..ta > s.c.,.. 11 ... ,,.. s1.,.1es I••" Lendt -Bob Lult, T-S, ••: IClm W•rwk k Clef nm Mayo41t ••. 6-2. Shtomo Gli<hlt•n ._, R•y -· •l •-l , Yl<i. Arnay• -PoPte< Rennert ... 4. •l. ROKot ,.•nrwr °"' Jann Ale..,.Cler 4'6, 1'6, IS, Hank Pil\ltr Ott Jett Borow••-. 1.s, •> Raul Rem.ru Oei l'om Guthc k-., 1>-1, •·?. JOlln Lloyd Otl E<ldi. 01110s. •1. •t; PNI 0.nl ci.1 Thierry Tule•ne. 1>-l, l>-4 Mel Purcell Clel Bruce MaMOn ... , Ml 8v~tr Mottr em Clef Jain>« Fiiio•, 6-4, ••. Y.,,..k NO•ll -BHnoe Mtllon •7, 1·S •.... .- Solomon -Bra<I Gllllert, T'6, ••. Tim GulllO\Ofl -Biii Sc ... •on. •·I, l>-1, .... famu Smid Cle! Peter Ell••. 6-4. 6·2. Ello4 Teltu he• clef Jow 1119.,.ra\, t-4, ...o Women's tournament (M-1 flnllt-S-.... Pam Sllrtv ... dtf z;,,. Garr'-', 4-6. .. 1. 6·3; Sebll)• Simmond• ~·'' Yy~11w1e V.,_mult, T<6, '-l Communley coli.a. ~t,Rlo ...... t ~ Serl-!SI -Sow .... ,. M , M ; St ...... 1s1 ci.1. -·· •1. •l. St~"' cs• _. Miiier, M , •1; Bla<UllOne (SI -·..._.,,, '"'· 6-0, I.K it ISi -Murrlllo. •2. M ; Miiier ISi-~tell, •l • ..-0 -Scrl_..S..,,,...,. ISi Clef A.ileMr·_.,. t-4, •>. l..Hllt·Mllfer ISi .,.. ~Miiier, 6·1, • 4; Btechtane Oe<ker fSI dtl W•l<ll·Murrllto. 6"1, l·S Santa A nita WIEONUOAY'S ltUUI.. TS (_,.ef .....,yt........,.ed m-1.,.1 "IRST IUCIE. 6 lurtonQ~ K•pah;a's N•llvt 10 .. rra l S 80 J 00 J 10 ~ illn!I Ec:11o tMen.t 1 s 10 no Sharen.~ f Pincay1 1 .o Alto raced Pa~lfll-rk. Oil .. AIW•. Miii Tiie Tiit. Otrtcloratt. L•k• l'a-. BtDllO, M•fltft CllllMP Ruca l Fe<• Oercurt"~ Time I II. 1aCOMO RACC. • l(jl'._.. ""ll'...-t T .. I 10..rHI I IO • tO >• ~· o..t IDtMeMuMe.,.I It• UD '-' ,........., ll'lfle•yl ... .... r... ""9rtt'• ..... 1.a-. c ...... tre-•111, Ve~ Ot '4venN, CrnlM..ety ,.,9f/ltr, •1tetn1 a..uty, I'm "•~enallle. Tim. t.!f:llS U OAIL 'r DOU8LI 1~41 NMI '29 eo TMIA• ttac .. • ,..,...,.. ... uw ·-1$11111 .. ) ,._.. • • • .. AtllelefreM IS.Iner> I 10 •.tO ltll'I• o ... (A--n• s 00 Al .. '"•: Geld Of Courw, •-i Little T"IJlt , I.JI'~» 0--,, 1..a-.i H..,. 'taM llllty, A-rt("" Honey, .. reven Jw .. I, ..,.,...5-itlt Tlnw' 1·12 vs POllRT" RACa. •n ,..,......,, l t•OG!N>Y fOuerral l 411 MID J. .. lr0011'1 N' lruce <Ollva'ffl 4.IO J 60 Floet lrl< IT-> 4M Alto rac ... ; '"9ti. Fl .. I, GrevllH, C ..... Kint, Ult P~ner Prime ...... 19rMaMe, l'loet $y...,. Tl"" I 17J/S "ll'TH IACI. t V. l "'lon@" ll<'t Gold IG.lttt•I I0.00 12.00 4 40 WJOeqH~ ISlttlllel 4 IO 100 VM<,.kllo IMcCar,....I 2 IO AIN r-. ,,..._.. Ml,.., R-ot-. Gcwp0re9 ~ .... -S.m Time t:1U/S 6f I XACTA IN) paid UOI JO SIXTH RACIE. 6V. lur~ ~•-,.o G.,cla fM<Galront 10.00 •·• uo POiiy'' AUier (AV•WSMnl u lO ... Marnie'• Dancer ISJblllel • lO Also , • ..,, ANdy Reb, MY l'lnd, lncrlela D•ncu . Wr•O Ope(, Emfuarv, FebUIOul Runner ,.IM1:1:16. SIEV .. ITH IACIE. ,. ... mlln . Par-''l~IPtncayl tlO l ~ t lO Flyt1190-.(o.l•-uaye 1 J lO 2 ~ Pell" (McGar,..,,,> UO Alto rac:ed: N411tr's Y•ll•Y. ll•ullOMr Time: 1:02 4/S U IEXACTA IT-4> paid U0.00. n ,.IC. SIX 14-t·l·H ·I) paid u.in lO wllll 41 wlnr\ift9 ticket\ lllvt llOrMll U Pk• Sia canlOletlon paid "'' ao willl IOt wlnnlfl9 lie~•" (four --• U Piek Sia tcratcll con 101atlon paid ..., 20 wltll SI wlnn1119 llckth ""'" llorwo. one i.cratclll lrlGHTH ltACE.•lur~ Time Ta Ea-IP•nc•Y> • .O i 40 UO R•me-J-. 10.1e11ou ... ,., IJ., S.IO •·Journey Al Saa (Asmu ... nl ,.., Al~ rectd: Gen.,at Jimmy, •·Ari Olreuor. lri•het, Sepulvede. QUI Qt Hack, world Auler, HeJ.,'• Beau • ca.cite. Tlmt I m l /S NINTH ltACI. l ,,,. mu .... All Nell 11Md fSlbHl•I 7 20 4.40 l .10 Euler Tov IM<Carranl S.00 J.IO Easler G-(Toro> •.OO AllO raced E l. l'leet, lwllellt Markl. h co ,.aca, Patricia ROad. uny S... SN Oon'I Ca ... ,,..,Orvle Ttme I '34/S U I! XACTA (llMI) palo '" 00 Alttndanct. 11,•1• Hollywood Park Wl!ONIESOAY'S ltE$Vl..TS l~ef 17 ...... -..... 11 .... flltST "ACIE. One mote trot Ooma,, Flett (Goudreau) • 00 4 eo 7 60 Imp Imp lmc> CSiftllll ll.11> .. ~ All•y Bruiser IHollJ 3 10 Also raced· Major MarUnjay, R E f-. ~m-.-., --Victory, (>ayen1 Cup. Ooc~,.an., Tim« 1·04 l/S Sl:CONO ltACE. One mite 1>4'• LOY•' Hunter IW~narc:I) 12.~ •. ~ 4 00 !>ll•er'aSllpprr tParloe<) 10,40 SIO Wlntotr-IMalerl 4.lO Aho r aced W•lru-~. Mr' M • H•l<l"OI" H•rt, El T...-. Black F"""'· Pl•I•• W• Chle! Time. t ·Ot 4/S U DAILY OOUl l..R IHI e>ekl Wt IO THl"O IACIE.O... m llepec;e. SCI« lal 0.-llty IAullln> S.SO l.411 UO 8 1.,..tr1l H-l .. YltUl T 00 4.JO S..rlla-1~1 -~ JAi AIM rac.ed: Time Tracer, .... Ito. Y<N GhaM, MkJ1i9M1 Mell, Hurrle•,,. Rcwa, F....t ..... LMWI,.. N. .Time: J:au1s. ;91 •J&ACTAtNI l*d-.tO. POU"P' RACI. 0... mll9 lrol. "'"' o.,,.,, 1Pen«1 uo ue 1AI ............. ,..,._, 7.AO uo ,.kkel ...... I .. .,.., ,. Alto reced: Alldv't *-· G-FOiiy N, Sollttl Jenly, SMper -· O..r Sir Tim«; 2:01 l/S. l'I !'TM IUCll. OM ml1t 1MK• Lum Cllmr IWllllem11 11.20 J eo >.~ ANfy'sWlmer 11<...-1 • ac> uo Nlon•I-D•le (VatldNtml a 40 Alto rKeCt· San Anclf' .. s, Ancly ' o..n. Wo11ot rlul 59•h. Sparkle A•oo. G•n•• G ""I, I ran Ouk•' Scori>lo Go Time 2·ou1s U aJlACTA 111> PlodSti..so SIXTH ltACIE. One mile PK• N-1 Try .. ll.ollOOI 1 IO 4 80 4 10 wanarac:• IMaltrJ '·'° 1M Brllllent O'SN. CGouoruu> l 00 Alto race<J· Gunl>Mrel Fullabttllt . r_. B•Y. T"' On WOOCI Blam«y Way, H•"'11 ¥..:Feller W....,tD Time l 014 s SJ IXACTA 11-41 P•ld S .. 00 SIEVE NTH ltACI OM mtl• Pac• Sly Lii IOunnlt;IMll I 40 • .0 l ~ FflSlly C-y IY•ll•ftd•nql\aml 7 .0 S JO Kat•lna ISlwrr""l 11 ~ Also raced 5-w Dew a-. GOtSll. Tw•i.·1 Lady, fl~ Cnance Hollys Away, Lima Ale. A .... ClaUIC ~ lal Tim«: 2 Ot U IE XACl'A 17~1 paid SUI SO <;ollege, prep baske tball scores ,, c:!:e: tColo•-,., tC_.,., S--t l't..amar.41, l'eu•San AnlOlllO .o t "rkensas St t1, Beker 60 10.Pevl 1•. =.~ Oki•-SI n. K.,...s SI U ~111t St.'°· E Mlcf'li9en 0 IM. llllnols SS, Cent. MIC1l94n SO Toledo II. BowllnQ Gr"" 11 loll l )(•lparebo eo. St. Jowpll's, Ind .. N11am1. o s1. w. Mkhloen s;i 119411 St.ff,OftloV.~ s- l "Geroil ...... W•U Fo...tt SI m..,, 15, Maryl-.. bllm a:!, LSV n ~ ... Gtorlfla 15 tla•yM, FiorlCS. 11 oslssi..,t SI, V-blll .. "OI l Te,,_ JO, M•s'J~~ SI .. J/''d Dornon'°" ... Willlam t. Mery <;&:DU-fte'll 11, M<-M St t• I. Tula11e 14, S. MJsslnk>Pf u '"k ll-.. , ~"09 MHon S• A119elacN41n Sc .. E"'°"y t. ...... r., ,. Cll-1101, S.C. Alhn IOS J•m•• -I'°" 61, E .. 1 Cerollne u . Furm41n •l, Oavldton 44 V• Commonw t •llll ti Jacksonville Tl .. Mercer ... HW LOU4M4n• n Soutll Ata~rno Tl. N C Ct1ar1o111 .... R..,1-... Pomona Pllttr o Wllltti.r M, Occldllni.I S8 La VerN T4, Cl•rtmCWll·-•2 Wllttwcwtll 10. t.wi. t. Cl•rk '8 a ... Am.-lc41n v '3, Navy 11 Batlofl COii 80, Gto'91'l-n 11 Ce11ts1us•. 8ost011 v 44 Oeleware 61, Buc:tinell S4 SI J°"""'' Pa. tO, Fordllam .. Holy Crot& U, Army S4 w CllH•rSt a . Ltf11911 II IOI) L-~-V IO, So<llll Florida .. Nl1t9era '2, ~St II> SI. Frarotls,N.Y. "· M••••I 11 Sien• n. c oioat• u YUi-ti. s.,,.acuw .. New Memplhl1'911, Vermant•S Communley conege s... C:•• eeMwwc• Groumanl •2. 0•-Coa•I .0 Ml San Antonio M, ~ Oleoo -·· Santa AftU•, fuHerton 61 Ml ...... c.NrM<.. S.dd,._11 SI, Palomar AS Cllrut 71, S.W. EerNrdlno S4 S•n Dif!OOCC M. South~""' 6l Mftrw~• LA y alln 10. LA Piere• s• L-8eecll CC 101, &allt<t"elO S4 Hlah school Cl, .. LAYOf'l'S 1-CardG-) •A Palos V~ 12. Tl!OU!lltnd OeU 41 >-A 11H Wilton .... 81alr •112 OU I.A FulltrtOll T•. S«I Clement• S4 Horth-~. Schvn • Arroyo Grande so. Cenyon S..\1911110 Ananelm S4 P-er n f·A Luther ... ILA)'1. Balctwm Par1l61 Cala-'J U; l(em Yallty JO SouCh Pa-... 13, Ma~llall 4t Bell·Jelf 16. Rosamond 10 N•llH I), Yucca V•lltY ,, """'Sc ..... C•Phlreno Vatley Cllrhlle11 ••. 11tlOlllt Lutt>eren JI Cemp Me!Qnllell 87, Iii Pato de Aoblet 71 Bren-n. tndian 11111',. Women """Sc-Clf "LAYOl'l'S IWlld card ~I 4-A Leko•OOCI 66, C..,t..,nlal SO >l' Palmdale 11. lmmacutata Heal't 40 , .... Wcwkm., SO, Cllarter 0.k 44 s-el!ScllMh Plllbo§ A,.,,_I.,. ... Bu<kley 3' •••MTHltACa.O..mllt•~· fM Ot"I N ,.,...._, I• I 00 a 00 UUll"" ($11efrM) t•. 4 .. Matlat a..,_ l<~'lnfl lM AIW r«M Dec• 0.0. N, 6 WI'--H, Slflll l11e N~!;,~Pf, Clu\., lt•kl, TW'efltllel, I"'"• ~a'*"t Wind, H1419erOWlY'I_. TIM• t·tU /t MIMTH ttAC.•. 0... Mlle pact " ... '"-l~l 400 J«I l.0 lueT .. (~I J OO 1M L~ Nt\l\'IM (A ...... I 110 Altci raceo: $1"9 ~ ... C:..,taln J-. kOflflt 0r1 .. , Crui...-n. l(e111uny Kine Time; 1·su1s. U eaACTA CN I Plld U. 'IO U "ICt( ltX l~t•t•>l ~ tU1t• wllll Ill-wiM""9 tlcloolU hla --1 U P~-SI• t-allon Mid SI .. 10 wllPI SJ wlflnlt19 llCMICt 111 .. -.. ,. P Pkll SIK Kfelcll <""aol•tlon peld Sl73.00 wllll nlnll wl11,,lfl9 lldleh llour llor'ft, -Kf•ltll) Ta NTH RAC• °"' mllt .... l'le<etvlflt IP•.....,> 11 60 • 40 S.60 J en ll••lv•l 1"9ffyl 10 lO 11.00 Gy,.,y $am IWltllard) 4..JO Also raced. PerllnQ, M...,1, Oemt. Stan •NI SlrlllM. R-1. llr~·n N, Able> a-. 81e<k ·-· Time t004iS U lrXACTA 1•101 paid •SU lO AlftMwK• t,411 NHL CAA11"9SU.CONl'ERaNCIE Smlfttlt Oivll._ Edmonton C1l9trv V..-icouver Kl"91 Coloraoo W L ,. Of GA ...... lT IJ 11 >lT U4 15 12 U IJ 241 7S6 ST 12 l• 17 211 ,,, S6 I) )I IJ UO H'l Q I) l6 10 112 ?U l6 ,......,lt01v•tM!ft M1nne\O•• u iq 11 , .. 114 tJ ~I LOU!> H 1' s n1 10 SS Crt1<•00 11 1'I 10 7S. llS S2 Winni~ 10 16 II 111 JM >• Toronto ,. ,, I) llO , .. 47 0..trOI( ,. 30 11 101 , .. .. WAl..ISCONfERINCI "•Irle• Ohlt .... NV "'4"°""'\ ll IJ • 711 .,, t1 PlllleclelPll,. ll 17 s 7l'I 111 ., NV R•"9e'• 71 " • ,, . 1n u ::JtlburQl't , , "' 10 n• 1SI Sl Mllln9(on II ll ' ns 141 43 A•-01v1100fl -vea1 l3 " I) 110 , .. ,. But!alo l? ,. • 77S IM n gos•on 11 1q I 1:11. 704 12 V!~ ,. n 10 l•S , .. .. H•r11orCI 16 11 " 1'10 10 "6 W ... MMl.ly'\MO<'H WHll1nglon ), Kl .... 1 N Y Ranoen s P1ll>O..rQl't J 0~1ro1t J. TOf"onto J Bull•io J C"'yqo 1 Edmonton I M•~MM• 4 Y•ncou~ ... 6, 8o"on J T °""""' 1 GlmH Color-al NY R•-r, l oronto •t °"11011 NY l tl6ndtr\ •t P"Uadfolpru• St Lout\ •t Monlt••t MlnM..U" Caf9arv Capitals 5. Kings 2 k-t.yPt.-0\ I ) t-S 0 I I 1 f lr•P- 1 W•.tungton --I !Govld llollclll. 1 SO PeneltlH 81omQ<ml w .. 11. ' 10. G•Hft, ...,..,., II °' Ste_,,_ l W•uun9ton Guslalson 14 tGre•nJ S Qt, l Los Anoel.. hvlor. JllO•-. S1mmer1 • Ol • W•\1'11nqton V•lfl\tine. 1• IMaruk, YlllClll I/ S• ) WHll•noton G•rtrwr :tS IG..St•I-., C,arpenttr I. 11 SO Ptn•lllH 8cw\e• LA 1 41, G•ffn. w ..... II 12. Bonar, LA., II 1' Tlllr•,........ • Lo• Al>il•IU. L Murplly " I Foa. Ha419·-·· .. OS 1 W.U.l"91on. Mar\Jk 41 It 5' ~'ff GrHn We\, I Ot, TurnbuM. LA, mator • m: Goukl. Wal • m. Currie, W•t.. IS 1' Sllol1 on_. w .. 111"91<>n ... t.10-u. Los A .... let 14-1-11. Gt•tt.1 -WHlll"eton, J1111t" l.at ....... lff, i.e-o. KHn> A l ,'31 ~ . . .., . College Cal Si.te ,uit':t~(~~. Ooml"911e1 11111• 0 San o-s• 1 use 1 UCLA 14, Porr>ana P1tnr I Loyola 4, ANW Pac Ille 1 ( .. Stallt Nar111rldllf 11 LQn9 lka<l't SI ~ VC S.nta B-•.t I Wttlmont l Uni• SM O!e90 I Point Loma 6 Cnapman 11, USIU 0 Men's volleyball COMMUNITY COLLl!O<E r.1 ,._., ...f.olden West. IS.., IS.I IS.~ Flu-st nck en Rustlers lose The Golden We s t College men's volleyball team . playing without the ser vices or four starters suffering from the nu. was defeated by El Camino, 15·6, 15·7 . 15·5. Wednesday night at El Camino. Ru stler coach Lou Ann Terheggen -Selsky said s he was pleased with her t eam's play und er less than -f avorab l e circumstances Golden West 1s now 0-2 in non·conference play Rustle r s, ~cc win Angel Monachelli ~rew the only walk \11-sued b y Cerritos ~,i t c h e r T e r r y St u bblefie l d and ~lfnverted it Into the ~ l1UyPlat Cl~ssifieds COLLEGE BASKETBALL me's only run as lden Wes t College ed Cerritos, l·O, in so f t b all action \'6ednesday at Golden 'l(est.. .,-t n o -t-&-r ~n-c;onlerence action, aqe Cruz's two-run oubl e keyed a A'veo-run fiftb-innln1 ~lly to lead Oranae ul to a M win e>vel' itiq 5"' Bemardlno. .ii10 Culp pitched lour f nn.lnp ot Mlitt for U.e ; rates, atrik.laf out 11at •hiM hoJdlq San naardlDo 1.Ufdtu. , d Needa To" 850 Spy .e;~ work . minor eng1 $\300. t.ooks nice P p. p-~· ., ''Sold first.day to the--first per son that called'~ , JUST ~642-567D CALL ~ . ,~ charge It ~-by phone From South tagun• a North eou ~ catt 1220 tau.fr .... UC Irvine vs . PACIFIC --· -TONIGHT 7;,2,5 J'..m. K-WAVE FM-108 • • _ ... ... n '1eooce1 ...... ~ l.._lel.ClllMI hl•n<ta Korlft9 Vol~l t, CMl!ll\O I Corona Otl Mar .c.,.1n9· McCrlm,,_ 1, l(orlkll t 0-H ... t.~Hlll\I 0•11• HNI• Konno o tteHy 1 Jeff•n i. n .. m t.C-1 C..UMeuJ,llT-t Coat• -.. •~or1119 Al>d•l·Mallt J, l am•"''-1 ... HIOH ~~ ltANICINGS ~ .. ,. ... Cll').AOI•..._ I G ....... 1 S.nla Maril J Montat.lle, 4 Cr .. pl; S. 8-o, 6 NQ981.\, 1 MOnl<talt, • Aqulftau' Rl .... r\kie Poly 10 LO't'Ol.a Cl .. 1.,\0Ma ... I l a Quinta J Sar\te Peute l 0 .... Hiiis. < Ca~ .... S Caf>t•lr""° Velle'I'. • Fullerton, T Bell Gardef'\ • MIU~ v ..... t. 11 .. •da; I 0. Glencl•le WOMllll c_ .. ,.,. ... I Pelot Vtrci.,, l ROlll"9 Hllh, ) A~. 4 Soutll Tor,.no, S UAI•....,..,, • West Torrence 1 UPI-I Pac: mu • Alie l-. 10 MJ..-.(otl• Thia week's trout plants LO$ ANGELI!$ Cu111( La9000. Ceitak Ullo S"'" Gaorltl River CEa•I •ncl North For~•• OltANGE l "9UN NtOtH'I Park 1. .. e ltlVEltSIOl Perri• Lake SAN 81"NAltO I HO C••ca.......,Guaill Park U k•. Glen Heteft Park l ake, ll'fl• Crff• IMl<ldle Ind Nor1n f'orkl l, Molaw Narrow• Puk L•k• SAN LUIS OalSP'O AtaK-•o L•l<e. L419une Lall.•. '--' LO• IANTA 8Alt8AltA s ..... YMI RIYOI VENTV"" Mallltie (rff~ Ptrv I.Ako Ytf\tu,. River \No~ Fork I ~ • • .., . Softball COMMUIOTY COLLEGE ~wnt 1.c .... 1 ... e CtrrtlOS 000 000 0-0 2 l Golclen West 100 000 0 I 1 O Slubblefield -Cote, All"" •no Mc EltH W· AllM l SlubblellelO 18 -RHO I Cerritos) Or_c .. ••. ~~ a-ar-4 S.n Bern.,o•"° 101 000 o 4 t 1 Ot•"~c...-ooo on x ' 1 1 Jonn'°" •nd 0 N•ll. Cnam0tr\, Culp Ill •no Cruz w (io1p l Jonn~n 28 Crut IOrM19t Coastl Wednesday'• transactitrta aASIUALL 6, ...-... ~ 80$TOOI RED SOX Stvneo Jonn T.-, Brue. Hur\I, I.All• APCnlt M1kt Sm1t- •11C1 On• Sc.._. 1Hlcr..r\ •nd J<1110 Y•'Ot"t. Vlor'tltOO. to onif' Yt•r COttftKt\ (HICAGO WHITE SOI< Sl9t14!d R"" Kittlt.ovttleldfr to• one.,,., contr.tct N-... IL• ..... PtTTSBVRGH PIRATES Siontd 9,,an H•rpf'r. outtif'ld•r ftrU b•\tm •n •no E O•U>•rto Ortt1 c•tchtr to onf' Y••r contra<h aASICETaALL N-aaaa.-11 Al.MClatlOfl CHICAGO BULLS FlftO Jerry Sloan, llta<I coac11 Named Rao rnarn 111tor1m ,,..., coac:ll. elfoo<tivo 100.y ICAN!>AS CITY KINGS Tr-.10tw1 l •mt>ert •-~ 10 '"' ~n Antonia Sc>ur• tor • """0 r ..,. dr•tt c hOf\.f' •nd <•,,,.. f.OOTBALL N•rieAtl F-H lt- Pl TT SBVRGH STEELERS Announoo tht" rtt•rernitnl of Jatt Kolb c•tHer. •nd rt•m f'd .,,,,, \trt'ftG'h •nd cond1Uon1ng co.Kh HOCll.EY ~IHoc.ktYL ...... WINNIPEG J ETS ~e<•lltO Mu,,oy E•vP\ Cf'nt~,. troni Tulw Of tn. Cfl'lr•t 11000~ SOCCER A.._lc.,. Secor 1..a ..... C~ROLINA llGHTNtN StontO ktvln Murp"l' tvllbk., to• orw-yt•' contract COLLEGE P ACIF IC H•......, Tam 0 '<till r....i b .. kt\tlelf Coacf> SOVlHW l!ST ERN lOVISIA "'A - An"ounc«t thft rtUttm.tM of 0 1n ' Sont\v' Roy •lhtt'tiC ChrK tOf' f'HKli•t M •t mont~ Catalina r.ace set Saturday By ALMON LOCKABEY Oa•tf'l ......... .- Ofrahore handicap racln1 y acht.s from San Diego to San Francisco will be Jamming Filh Harbor Saturday tor the start ol Lo s Angeles Yac ht Club's Midwinter Catalina Is land race for the Brokaw Trophy. The race inaugurates the 1982 Whitney, Los Angeles Times, and Little Whitney Series. most prestigious offs hore racing series on the West Coast. At stake for the International BOA TING !GJ OH s hore Ru.le yachts is the· coveted Whitney Trophy; the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet will be seeking the ornate, t hree.handle d Los Angeles Tim es Trophy , the old est yachting a wa rd in Southern Cali fornia dating back to 1903, and the Little Whitney Trophy is up for grabs for the Midget Ocean Raci ng Class C MORC1 , for yachts 30 feet and under. In addition to the three major series trophies, LA YC is offering the Commodore's Cup in the sixth annual inter club series for the first three races of the Whitney Series. Competing c lubs will e nte r two.yacht teams Also on lfle block this weekend is the Do u g l as Cup for intercollegiate match racing teams from throughout the U.S. at Long Beach Yacht Club The series started tod ay and will continue through Saturday Sou1ner11 Calllornla Y•c1111n9 Auoclallan ut..,dar for otlwr Soutlllancl ••u• s-·-••o Soutll IMy Yac111 Ratt"il Clut> Point Dume r•U. Sa1u...,.y A-.-8"<11 Ya<lll (tut> Wlfl!« WI,_ Serlts l~RFI S.....S.y Wlnc:ljammen Yacnt Club Sin9te-l\a-.i r•c~. Sunc»v Sano .... Coron-Yac:lll Club PC Crowl\ Serie., s.turo.,.~Y M•u-a.v YacM Club Oldllnwn R-n• IL•-141 S..1u,.,,.y. w'"'"' Serou <all c•••-l Suno.ty O<NMIOO Vaclll Club (lvt> CrulM to OaN Paint Saturday. Sll•nnan Serio tPHRF I Sunday S.n Olf9o Vacllt Club 8att•n Sor"' IC:.I 701 Salurdo ~. Wini•• Seri.,• IJ·l41 s.lurclly, Sunda y Winier ~rlO\ If B"OI Saturoay, Suncla y W"'ltr S.rttt (SCI• I Saturday. Sundey. Sprlno SarlH (Cal•ltn•·11~ S•lurday, Sundlly Soulll-•lern Yacht Club Winter SorlH I ll•ndlc ap I Sunday -....... 1_ AneUP• YecM (lull All Flttll Oay, S..lt11day YO<lln Funclal S-a y Patnl Ou-Yeclll Club Spring Sule• IV@ntura S..t>oll Svnoay Ventura Vac:nt Club !>9""9 Serie• (P'1RFI SUnday NHYC plans Corke tt race Midget Ocean Racing Class <MORC1 sailors are gearing up for the 1982 Corkett Trophy Series. Feb. 26-28 out of Newport Harbor Yacht Club The regatta 1s a five·race series including one distance race There is no entry fee. Boat and trailer s torage can be arran ged with t h e NHYC dockmaster Standard MORC ratin~s may be acquired without measurement through Glenn Reed at (213> 339·1294. NHYC hosted the regatta for the first time in 1981 with a turnout of over 20 boats. The Corketl Series will be used by many skippers as a tuneup for th e MO R C International Championship at Ma r ina del Rey during August Invest in something you'll feel co mfortable in . Wldttt A - B- C - 0 - From the m o ment you put on a pair of W righl Arc h Preserver shoes, you'll appreciate the uncommon comfor1 o ur unique construction provid es. And because o ur shoes are smartly styled and made of O'lly the finest leathers. you'll stJU be appreciating them yars later. Now that's an Investment Qf long standing. Site 10 -13 8 12 8 -13 7 13 ~ Shoo ~ ~"'j~· s~ol s I Men's Sftop 99 ·Fasttlon tstancf ... New~ Beacf\ ... 759-9551' Ale c Or1nge eo.1 DAILY PflOT1Thurad1y. February 18. 1982 Citizens will help guide Mesa 's future Hardly anyone attended the (;osta Mesa City Council meeting earlier this week when the counci l decided h ow to implement the city's general plan. Such news does not a headline make. But it is important. The city will n eed direction from community .g roups regarding land use studles that have been completed by city staff. The council decided to turn to neighborhood advisory groups. Since many of the land use studies will involve zone changes it is important that residents get involved now. before decisions mus t ~ .made by the Planning Comm1ss1on and the City Council. In the weeks an<t months a head the City Council · will be studying 105 different areas in the city that involve 244 different policies. This is an awesome job. one that will need community suppurt a nd interest. To simplify matters the council has recommended that all of the 105 areas be lumped 1 into six separate geographic locations in the city. Each a rea will then have its own advisory group that wall review the land use studies in its area and th en make recommendations to the Cit y Council concerning the type of development residents want to see in their neighbQrhood. It's a good idea . one that will give all Costa Mesans a fair c ha nce to say what they want their city to look like in the future. Financial reality Teachers i n t h e New· port-Mes a Unified Sch ool District have voted to accept the district's ··last . best a nd finar· pay off er of 6 percent. The vote e nded a three· month-old pay di spute that began last November when the dis trict's 850 teache rs voted to reject the dis trict's offer of 6 percent. Both s ide s then turned to a three-member fact·finding panel that recommended that teachers receive a 6.5 perce nt pay hike. As Newport-Mes a Federation of Teachers leader Bill Cue pointed out. it is .rare ror a district not to go along with a fact findin g p a ncl ·s- recommendation But these arc difficult tames. And Ncwport-Mcs <.1 finds itst•lf in a rare position Supe rintendent J o hn Nicoll has argued that the distract. with an ending balance of only $I ,OL2 last year. simply can not arrord to pay teach ers more than 6 ·percent Even al that rate the district wall have to borrow money in order to meet the July I payroll. he said. Orange County School Su· perinte ndent Robert Pe· ters o n 's lette r earlier t his month was hardly a source of comfort for either teachers or administrators . He warned dis trict offic•ials that they would have to begin s ubmitting monthly financ ial reports and that ··any s ubstantial increase in s alarv related e xpenditures wj II 'adve rsely impact .. the district With inflation taking a bag bite outof everyone ·s budget. a 6 percent rais e h ard l y seem s· adequate. But it is simil ar to the pay hike accepted las t ye ar b~· the district's non-teaching staff and 1 percent more th~ that offered e arlie r this monti.to teachers in the Laguna Beach Unified School District We e mp athize with the te achers· plight. but feel that a 6 percent raise is about all the re 1s available Perhaps next. year if the dis trict is successful in leas ing some or its surplus property it could be more able to talk monev with teachers · Until then. we ag ree \vith the district"s decision to offer less than the amount the fact-finding panel had recommended Refe r e ndum 1Wt solution Although the Banning Ranch development project in Newport Beach 1s still vcr~· much up in the air. resid('nts from that side of town already are s tarting to talk about a re~erendum That seems interesting for '\everal rt•asons For starters . the Newport C itv Counci l c ul a c le ar compromis e in r e aching its tentative decis ion last wet·k Lo allO'-' r es idential. office and industrial constructio n on the Wes t Newport Ranch. adjacent to Costa Mesa·s city limits Owners of the land. Beeco Ltd .. had as ked permission to build up to 730,000 square feet of offic e and indu s trial con s truc tion The co uncil . though. informally c ul that figure down to a maximum of 400.000 square feet. Critics of the Ranch project. some being the same people now talking about a referendum. had asked for eve n l ess offic e butld1ng and n o indus trial construction. The critics. using the name .. the West Newport Legis lative Alliance. had urged that Beeco be asked to build more homes but at a less dense ratio than 11 per acre The c ou n cil agreed lo permit more homes but stuck to the 11 per acre ratio we·re not sa~·i ng that the· council necessarilv reached the ideal compromise. if there is such a thing. But the truth is. it "-a s a c ompromi s e , b es t illustrated by the fact that both sides left the council meeting less than happy. The referendum talk seems at best premature. We expect that because the last cit y refer e ndum drive on Newport Center was successful some residents now view this as the best course to take when their point of view is not foil owed 100 percent. We disagree. A referendum is probably the worst and most dis ruptive road t o go down. Compromise is the best solution and that"s what the City Council appears to be working toward Ol)lnions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those 011ne1r autl'lors an<I artists. Reader comment.I$ 1nv11 ed. Address The Oatly Pilot, PO. Box 1S60. Costa M esa, CA 9'1626. Ph0fle·(7141 ·642-4321 L.M. Boyd/Impatience inherited:? ls impatience an inherited trait? Soviet scientist& susgest u much. One team or researchers there st udied gypsies at gr eat lenllh and concluded the most common denominator amona thelr character traits was impatience. Repeatedly. they attack projects with intense enth usiasm. t hen abandon them. Tbese s~holar s coo.clwld th e tendency was genetJc. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Q. Did you say women who com mit auicide never let lbemselves be found naked? A. Almost never. That's what lbe police researchel'l!I say. Even women w ho commit suicide in bathtubs usualJy are fully clothed, lbey report. Bathtubs do not figure ln all that m1my such deaths, however. More women and m~. •re found ln front ot mlrron. Thomas p. H•l•Y Pub II Sher , ...... A. Mlti iii••, Editor · a.rMraKreilMC" &dltona• P999 Edttor Doomed poet defies Castro WASHINGTON -ln a tyranny, it falls to the lonely genius and hero to s tand up to the oppression. Some are honored by the world, like Russia's Andrei Sakharov and Alex ander Solzhenitsyn, But others dare to defy the tyrants without acclaim. S u ch a moral giant is Armando Va~ladares who. at 44, has s pent nearly hair h1s life in Cuban prisons. He surfers from chronic asthma and has been con fined to a wheelchair for eight years. He gets no medical help HIS CRIME: He·s a IJ(>et of eloquence '.J nd passion who had the courage to speak out against Fidel Castro in the early days of the Cuban revolution · Twice in past years , I have reported on Valladares ' valiant efforts to be heard through his prison walls . Now he has managed to smugg)e another m~ssage to the outside world. He has earned the right to have it published How Valladares sneaked his words. uncensored, past the prison guards as a story in itself. The courier was Ramon Ramudo, a Spaniard now h vmg in Stockholm He s pent 10 m onths an prison at Combinado del Este on charges of es pionage and smuggling contraband into Cuba. Valladares slipped Ramudo three letters. Denie d writing paper, the ingenious poN \\role the letters on margins lom from thl' omcial Castro newspaper, Granmu When Ramudo was released Crom prison, he brought the letters with him concealed in his dirty clothes Once G -JA-tl-1-10-IR-SO-tl -~ outside the prison wulls . he drained the contents of a loothpal>te tube and had the Valladares letters ins ide Copies of t hC>m were r ccenll> delivered to my reporter , Rafal'I Povcda The poe t was only 2:i whe p the communists locked him ln jail lie has b een s ubJec ted to physic al a nd psychologt<'al t orture His paralysis resulted from a hunger strike in 1974 Rut his spirit is unquenchable , he re m a ins deriant ·1 don·l thank I wall leave the prison a l ive .' he w ratc l> Hut he a ddi. matter-of-factl y : ··1 a m an idealist, so thts ract doc-; not bother mt· I know the re are pl an~ to kill me· Now they a r e waiting fo r my ~co lth lo worsen ~o Im y de<•lh 1 would seem an accident ·· Al though 1 c..,1gned to the ultimate h II p C'l (.• s l> n l' s s () f h I s s I t u a t 1.0 n • Valladares shows that has courage has nnly been tempered by his ordeal. "The m un• lhey re duce the physical space in '.\hat·h I a m confined," he wntes, "the rn"1 e m ) !>oul's horizons are expanded J'ht• rn<>rl' they mcreas e lhe repress ion a nd tortur1• 1 he -;tronger m y spiral h1•<·nrncs ' T hen. with I he poel1t• imagery that t• >. p I a 1 n s " h y C a s t r o I e a r s h 1 s l"loqucncl' Vallada res declares "'The rom muna~ls forgel that a diamond. the -.trnngesl of all µre<'ious stones. is made from a humble piece or coal under great pn•ssun• \nd so as my body. when r a c 1 n g 1 h 1• 1 r attac k i.. mad e or c11 amonds · CASTRO llAS rejected entreaties rrnm human rights organizations and high lJ S off1 c1als to get the sic k . cr 1pplccl poe t fr e e Las t year , \'a ll adarc ... wire p e r s uaded a CIH\gressional d cle gnlaon vis iting Cuba lo a~k the di<'lator pomt blank about her husband Ca '>l rn Ol'\.er s aid exa ctly why he 1ns 1Sl'> on kt•ep1ng the unconquerable 11111·t in p ri~on But the reason is 11hv 111us To Fidel Cal>tro. a free spirit like l\rmundo Va lladares as dangerous Car inspections pay safety dividend To t he Editor· If the promise of federal dollars can gen erate e xpan s ive government programs like annual smog inspections on cars, then I would like lo propose· that the state institute s afety in spections of a uto m o biles to run concurrent with the smog inspection. As a resident of Pennsylvania, I was subjected to vehicle inspections twice a MAILBOX year and cons idered at a nuisance But, after picking up my car from .one of the authorized ins pection stations, 1 felt comfortable knowing that I had at least 20.000 miles of tread on my tires, that my brakes were good, and that the station had fixed my brake lights -in other words. my car was relatively safe to drive on the road. Now that I'm a California resident, my good intentions concerning my balding rear tires fail lo propel me to my neighborhood lire store for all the usual excus es Those cons cientious people wno maintain their -cars in the proper fashion make the highways safer for the rest of us who need a little prodding from government to get the job done. TERRI NOVAK What a i rpo rt? To the Editor: What airport? I have to agree with Ray Dyer (your paper 12/2/81) and PSA Airline. that the name of an airport s hould r elate to its geographical location instead of a movie star. Orange County Airport ought to be the continued proper name of this very important airport. If the Board of Supervisors would do som ething constructive, like building or opening another a irport or two in Orange County. I am s ure that John Wayne would have been thrilled to lend his name to•one of them. since the present airport wd but a nuisance to him anyway. Still more appropriate would be to name the new park between Corona del Mar a nd Laguna Beach after our "western hero ... Mr. Dyer also mentioned the name ot t he real aviatlon bero of Oranae County, Mr Glenn Martin. I suasest collecUng bl1torlcal memorabilia about Glenn Martin and diaplaylng It at a proper place in the Orange County Termlnal building. I could help wtth tbll project. The Board of Supervisors pu.lled a fHt ~ Orange County Airport. ~t·1 correct this in John Wayne atyle. Tell them to ah.ape up! LARS DE JOtJNGE Excrue in/lated To the Editor: Yesterdl)' we ttfflved In the mall the renewal notice on our safety del>Qtil box . M the amount •hown due' WM sas. u compared'f.01.be $1' we bad paid a .. t year we were sure tha.l t.here bad *'t a mistake. On quet1Uonln1 the bank, we wen· told. wrlh a shrui! or the shouldl'rs . ··1nflat1on ·· flow can <rnyon<.• ~u y ··infla tion·•" This as s imply a cast• of gouging People tod ay ar e afraid to keep their valuables in their homes for fear of being robbed Whal do we do now accept this highway robbery·• MRS. XlMENOTEJADA Waste disposal To the Editor· I would like to respond to your Ja n 22 cd1toriaJ , ·· 8111 defeat costly ·· Over se ven balhon cans and bottles are thrown away a nnua lly an Cahfornaa over t3.000 a minute With over half of California landfill sates closang by 1985. something has lo be done soon to help alleviate the solid waste disposal problem CONTAJNER deposit legislation has been successful in drastically reducing litter and solid waste in each of the s ix s tates in w h ich it h as been implemented In California, there would be a saving of over S2 million in litter pick-up costs. a nd $20-$79 million in solid waste disposal costs. There would be a substantial savings an energy and natural resources if the initi<ftive we re enacted, and. perhaps most importa ntly. there would be a net increase of over 4,700 Jobs Californians Against Waste IC.AW >. the principal proponent of the Can and Bottle Recycling Initiative, believes that the initiative is the first step m successfully combating the sohd waste disposal problem in California Tax travesty To the Ed1tor : LISA MONTANG C.A W staff I am appalled at the lack of attention given to the huge number of well-to-do people who pay no income taxes. while many who earn just enough lo pay rent in a run-down apartment and buy food and gas, pay a chunk out of their paychecks· each week. Legislators. econom ists and the general public discuss endless ideas on how to help the poor and low middle c lass (upper middle t oo. fo r that matter). whlle making no mention of this un/air lax travesty Anyone living well should have to pay something at income tax time. There should be a minimum income tax. .J . JOHNSON White /eather To the Editor : W)\y has the Newport City Councll meeUoc ot t"eb. 8 b een called a dl1Hter1 I• lt~ausc the word ls leePlnt out U..t. .-mllllon ln new and lmpl'9wd atreeU whk h would by.pass • 141 1.•IM"lr-t~t41fe~omt '"' •ttMIOt .. nwlel It•• I• Ill _.. Ot •MINNI• ttlltl tt ,_,_ Utt~ .. 9' _. .. #If .... "411 .. Ii-' .. tlttffK•• AIL N41e'f\ -Ml- (fljM tltl'IMMrW .... ,...11.,. --.... -_,, .. wtl_.."' •9".nl If wtt~Mflt , .. _It...,.,_ ..._...., •Ill Ml llt PllllllflM t..ell•n m., " let.....,.. I•...,.._ Nal!l<J Mt ---Ol IM Ulllri911., ~ _t-tl'!tll ,.~ , ... ,,,k_ -t Coast ll1ghwuy an Corona del Mar has hN'n reJett(•d"' Or because $1.5 million an a nnual taxes from improvements lo bt! built an Newport Center have been turned down·• · Certa inly. the Irvine Company asked to be reli eved of their commitments hecause of attac ks by complaining leascholde rl>. no-growthers and others who would tell landowners how to use the i r prop~rty Is s uch opposition adequate ext·usc for four of the elected count al mc mhcrs to evade a public vote on the 1lem for which some 7.000 had P<'l1t1ont.'<1 for res<.·1ss1on or the right to vote·• ONE COUNCIL member thought not. She charged that the petitioners had d is torted rae ts and used d eceitful tactics to o btain s ignatures. a well-known fact Three of the four council members who agreed to the rescission will be up fo r re-e lection in Novem ber One indicated she was afraid the city would be too disrupted if the vote was left lo the c itizenry I'm glad the white feather was unpo puJar m 1941. German or Japanese_ a re tough languages to learn. LYMAN S. FAULKNER Ill-informed? To the Editor I find al interes ting that certain s pokesmen for the Irvine ompany ques tion whether t he Committee of 4000 as a party to a lawsuit filed against the I rv in e Co mpany b y a group of n•sidentia l leaseholders ~{>.erhaps Doug Ne ff. treasurer of the Ir v ine Company. could clarify the matter for them . Mr Neff recently addressed a gro up of appraise rs in Downey and in his opening remarks stated. "It 1s good to be here in Downey ; I just left Newport Beach and learned that the Irvine Company was being sued by the Committee of 4000." Mr Neff apparenlly knows something the spokesmen don't or ls he, ~oo. ill-informed'! • Also, were it~not tor the contributions of many of lne pro-growth citizens within the Committee of 4000, I am confident Newport Beach would not be the great and spirited community It is , today. Once again. the lrvioo Company. spokesmen should learn the facu. JAN PASALEVlCH ~ The wiY{he sli ~ are acrnmmi a the cutbacks in federal funds you'd think the funds dldn 't come from the slates. G.J . ··=---....... ~~ ... --. -~ ...................... , ......... ... ,.. I ..... ~,.... J ............... . Orange Coul DAILY PtLOT/Thurad1y. February 18, 1982 ,,-----~-,"""y-,-.,.-1,-.-~-(4-u-,-.-~-:-.-~1 -,0te-~-.. -.-f-.-9-.-.-... -.-!-:r-T-.~-.-c-,,-,c-.!-.-ft-... -~-~-.-,-.-o,-TA-.-.o-c-CJ-:-,-.,-.~-P-,-.'f-~-.--.... 7 H H' ~· lllCMA ... UMIO•l ..... t1be\ITMllNOOANOllUTt•eT ~·~ W..\ Ntl k .1•\ Ntl $411.. ..ti ""'" Htl ~--N•t ~o u 8 m· g P ~..,.. ''"" Clio P 1 1141> ci.w t "V • t "~ ci. .. C"t I"'«.,.. cio .. c119 ,. c 1\48 Clott '"' :II 0,fllW .at Mt ti .. +'-l:j#t( \ 1 •• • ~ ltlto MlfMWIJt) • Ill Jl\4+ "-llntiMMIAe , -..-.+"' 12111 l 11 J\li ... DfM It .-. .. 1" 1•+ "' w•!lJ# t lt t m: Mtt"'lll t '2 t0 tlO 14 .. """-., ... t f1 ~ \lo tt~lll 1• 1 ~· II t DMelil ... I • n-.. ...•:tt"e:i .~IO n 1 .. • ~ Mtnvttpl''°, t It~ ...... t1flt .IO 1 n. 14'•+ It "rlC>t 11•1• ~. 4-de 0 6 o/t u•t C>eftl.J •• 11 • '"""-.. n ·-' :12 .,, MAPCO IM t t10 »'-~ .... "' •.Mt . 1 VIII loll (ltvllJ 1; t Fi It ... , t t P 1! 1141• ci. .. (lie '*91y , • M1 ....... H•~llll • I ~ 3: "' 'Kdll •• ,~."' lltltl,.O •• ., fVGr ... IMV t ti I .... ... • ,.1., " 0..Wy , .. " p _... .... Htye\A j t: tlo ~ MtrOll , 1J 1DO ,, ..... 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Vel!• pf7.'JO .. tlto 46 -1 llnllAm 1.SZ • 612 ""'. \It Crelo 2t 10 ...._ " Genu,,, l.IO . '° .. "' lswyfr I so r ~ u • v. ONEOK , 10 ~ .. 27"'. ~ SllttlO 1.ao • 109 CIM\I> .... Vlst•Rt 1119 10 1 I~ .... tl!Allt "1.20 I ., 2A Cr•nt I 60e ' II 21 . .. . Genu I.JO., ll :n~ lHEnt t °'to o3 11 v. 0Ptllk• • 6 II~ .... SNllT 2.t7t 6 2 ,.... Vor-• ·~ IA\'o + ~ e.MTr 2.0S S 61S XI • ~ CrtyR~ U n J3 • -. g:::: pij 1f II 11: ~~lo: ~ L.eoPt., .. 1 2 n°" Or1nR-t .. • 20 14\lo "' Sl>elGlo .!O S M 12..... . • -W-W -ll"Trpl2!0 •. s 171/t• ... CttlClfl j 1J 2.S....,_,,. GaPw pfJ.S6 I 16"• v. LtllVal s 1 ,.... Or•t>Q! 10e' Ill IOV'J-l'o Sllrwlt1• t. 11 """• .. WICOR 2.14 6 tn 1714-\lo llllTr pl U2 .. t JO•r. Croc"H 2.40 1 211 ~ Vt G•Pw p11 n ) t•"" l.tllmn U"I .. 7' 12'4 OrlonC _., 10 M tJ'4 °" Sllrw If 4.40 .. 1100 •1~ ••II) W.ClllW 1.!4 1 U n!'lt + \lo .._ .11 I 4 • "' C•c•H ptt... .. 16 20Vt + Vt G•Pw pf111 1 ..... L911ntrs 20 ' " II • "' O\ltbM ., • JI In\ ... SkrPac .... • ,. 1~ .... 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IC.,. .... 11' 1414 + ~ 0.rtl( "uo • J1J ...... -~A(· uo J tH .,.... 1.«MI pltt.U ' 2 Ut -· ... _... ,..,. I nv. ... Krl: 1JO -17 • " w.-111 •• n I 17 -~ ......... 1 7J ....... V. l>tteOft tJ 1t:I SIM+ ~ G~t"'9r I .• 10 77 • \lo LOCllle I l1 a4 12.... .. Pac:Pw t.lt 6 IS> 1714-\Ct ,.,_,t: t • 1~ 1,.._ ~ W.yOet .Jll I t1 ._ ~ ... llftd .ill t 41 t•\\ ..... 0.l'Ter ., t .+ '-Or .... fvt M 11 IO~ "' 1.ttwt l.2f' 1 10 IOV.+ 11'1 Pec:Ppf US ' Ill ~•A I ..• s..191! I S t• U .. We.,0 llfUO ., S ft\li+ i. ...C.t I.,.·· 10 IM+ loll De_. UMO~ 8:t~~~ ,eoi6 m ~"'4 . LMlll"fl 1.44 1 U 1"+ 14 ::¥:'1·:~ ~ ·~+ \\ ~ 1.as 1 1 ,___\II-._,,. .• • 11 ~, .. a.Miii a.a J 46 Sllltt '-Oeyce .M 1 It ,._ '-ONtrn '-"-t • ,._... ~ LMlll*U)e 1 II If"+\\ ,.KT'-'I tt I 16 :::·,: SCatl!d S.M t Ila • ....._ \4 .....0 J tt All+ ... .... pl UM •• q t w. 0.Y*tt.10,. m ...... 14 GINONll , • ,.. *' -... &.nSter '·" ' • ,......... ,.., ~• IAI um m• ............. 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V1 rvinm It ' -l.aOtnl I Al S 1 '1'-••··· ,. 1 .,_ S ., \6~ -\t R41Y AM JI! 1ff i~ * Wl<!Alrl. , , M• 11'1-~ St 1. 4• 1141 1m-°""-• ., ,._... v. Grum llf1 •· 1 1~ It l.ALAftel 1.IO 1 t • ~ ~ .. er~. , .. L~... -• • i ~····• WA1rf. t .. 11 14* ..... I... 1• ""• ~.... Ouffdrt .32 •• 11 • v. a , .. tr110t .... 6., '"'T -.~ = .. -..... l 1.04 10 7 414 t l'ti "'WCI\ I t ' t• ~ + 11'1 GtfWtl .7S 4 I~ 16V. • °" !AP« •• tt I ....,_ ._. ,..,'491 t ... I 11G llVJ+ • If · · " .. Ill " I .-6 .., , __ • . t1d a -Ill 0.1'\M!t , .... 1 • ~· 14 GlfW .. Jl7 l "11'1 LAu Ot t.11 1 to 11-.+ \lo l"tr-~..JI ts at lM• l4 ~Ir• ,... ff!•'"' • 1 S...+"' ~11.D ·" i1 w 141 ...... °""'" .•• m ,, • "' GlfW If t '°.. 1 '° .. "'°"""" •.• • • ~..... ,...,....... , 1t 10 17,_._ " ..... IJIO ' VJ. ~ *"""" .... II m ~· " ,..,,,. J I n111. '°""'-'Y .• ,, 1 *-' ..... GulfOll ,;.·; 671 .-.::::: ............ ,, • ,, t"' l"el""9 ' • ., 1t _.,. '~'"' 1'11 ,:: 1t\lt : W..Ujl"'4," • I '11/t+"' '" '1 11 n "'°' ... 1.12 • .::1 '""'··· GuHR•• . I• 11111 ~11 •• 111$4 ""·~ ,.._,.._ ... D 1Mh\Ct --~ •• r.. fl wu11•1.1t .. 2' M+IAI 11.iR 1.tl 11 1 *' .. ~ 0.tld IM t , ........ GllStUI U• '1214 11 ... 11t l..tlCll.s t.'6 7 lit IH~+"' ,.~..,,·· e 1'14+ 14 llfll :!tt '3 I ·;·i4 =~t.tl .. 11 ~ .... . . Jj !l~~lf ~ s!i~i ~~~r:~ Ii~[~ t·.'.~ ~aL7. 1~~~~;;;·: i':~·:, ~ ~:~ ~~::~ =·,:·=~a Etil5 :r::,; • 1t JI', •• , DllflC .. tt .. 1t tM-" H#W -I,.-1\lo ,, #I I .a10 t1 JI-·~ ~.-1t t• M+i. '~ii __ ...,,,,t.• ..• ~-JAi . JI ii*+~ Dttl•t•·1 I ,.,_, ... , Hlll.T •u • 1t . ·v. IC 1.a1um .._ .. ,..,..., , .. ,. ,. .... " t ..... ::¥ ..... .!!ft, .... 111111 ~ ....... ___ _ HOUllDI ll•rt.t ln January dropped O.S percent after having risen slightly ln December, tht Commerce Department reported. Builders be1an work on new homes at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 894 ,000 in Junuary, down 44 percent from the same month a year earlier, just before the loduatry fell into one of lta worst years ever. December's figures were revised to 4.5 percent from the 13.3 percent fir;st reported. The smaller figure was still a great improvement over big declines common earlier in 1981 ... More than tripling earlie r estimates, the government reported that OllOGe poUutloa is stealing billions of dollars worth of crops annually from the nation's farmlands. The National Crop Loss Assessment Network said Its best estimate or ozone damage to just corn, wheat, soybean5 and peanuts "is $3.1 billion per year, about 10 percent or the total value of the four crops harvested." . _11_1n~Q,. ____________ ....., A record $14 5 billion in assets at the end of 1981 enabled Los Angeles· based Home Snln1s or America to hold its position as the nation's largest savings and loan association, according to the United States League of Savings Association. Home Savings' assets at the end of the }'ear, a 13.8 percent increase, made them the top·ranked S&L for the 21th consecutive year ... DuPont has announced a swe~ping, gradual layoff plan at Its fa cility in South San Francisco. where paint is produced for General Motors' cars made at two California plants scheduled to close. A DuPont spokesman said 14 or the 180 workers will be laid off March 5, the day GM's Fremont plant closes. After July 1, DuPont plans to lay off 140 other workers. The layoffs are expected to be completed by the end of 1982 . 18111 0 Mexico's Central Bank said it has decided to wiH1draw temporarily from foreign exchange markets in an apparent attempt to let its currency. the peso. find its own value abroad. Observers say the move may signal a large devaluation to come A devalued peso, the bank said, would lead many Mexicans to think about spending their vacations in Mexico instead of outside the country. a potential boon \O the nation's tourist industry, which fell sharply last year .. A devaluation also would make Mexican goods cheaper for foreign buyers and increase the price or imported goods for domestic con"ttmPrs llllllSI Aetna Ufe & Casually reported earnings for 1981 of $491 million. or $6.11 a share. compared with 1980 earnings of $508 million. or $6.30 For the 1981 fourth quarter. operating earnings we.re $146 million. or Sl.82 a share, compared with $134 million. or Sl 66 for the corresponding period of 1980 . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VOlllC(AP ) 1'1,,.1 Oow·Jonn ••9' AMERICAN LEADERS i.EW YORK (Al'>· Satet, 4 p "' prla •ncl net c-....,,. ol Ille ten ,,_, •«I,. Amerlc.. Sloe-EX<l\alloe ,,_, 1r1dl119 -Ay •I ,,_,. tl"n $1 NVTI,.,.. .t. SI0,200 MV. • "° SupronEno • 2'7,100 M"' • \Ii We"' II us, too »"-" Te<traT<ll I 111,IDO 11'-• S Dome P1rt • It 1.SIO 114 -\1t R•-.olt 76.IOO 6 • "' Ctrci.ic U,tOO II(, -'O HollOttlr SO.JOO 1.--14 e>erc111tc;a, ,...., 1111> + 11. CrvttAIOll "·-12-. Pct Up 1'.0 VP tt,$ Up 10.I VP t .4 Up .. ror Wed., Fet> 17 STOCKS ~ 0...-H._ 1:-C-Clll lO 1ne1 bD • 1134' ts en ... 111 u -> 11 10 l•n :W.M :14'.at MA-" :W..IS• 1.11 U Utt 10$'b:I IOj 11 104 1t 10$.07 • O.OI •1 Sit. m 10 m. ,,. 10 l2•.»-OAO tndlls t,146,«ID Tr•n 1,n 4.IOO Vllh 167,JOO U Slk 1.0•,CIO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAP) Ftb 11 AClv•nctcS 0.<llMCI UllCllA"900 Tottl Is""" Now 11'9fls N•w towt TCICMY ... .. s •II 116J 19 t } NEW YOlll( tAP) Fet> t7 METALS TcmJ, * D.} 7tt • u Pr•v O.y ~ ., . 01 t'ID J 14S NEW YOR~ tAPI metal P•l<H ICICMY ~pot "'°"''•nous Ctll"' 11-.. 10 uni\ • pound us oeslln•tlon• LA., Jt.n cont•• PCIU"CI llAc O cent\• pound, delivered Tltl '1 4111 ~I~ WM'-c-tlt 111 ....... -1._11 cenb •_.no. N Y Mtr<wy UIS.00 ~r llHll. Pl1ti-u.t OOtroy 01. H V SILVER Up I.I UP 1.1 Hand¥ t. .,.,,..,.,,, \l,'10 oer lroy ounc:• GOLD COINS Up 1.1 Up 1.J VII 1.1 Up 71 Up 7 I Up 71 Up U UP ti VP U Up t S Up 6' VD U VD .. 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Metm ate • ~·.. MMO I .M t 0 IJ\t-... ,_.IJ .. D Jiit D~ 1' , .. t m .. . 1.a ""' ...._' U• t tr ,,_. "° .... 11 111 1' ..... ._ ________________ .... _..,. ___ ~ _ _. ___ ..._ ___ ...... ~-------"'""------.-..... _______ .. ... 1 lit ...... ........ ... • • " I I Diiiy Piiat THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1982 ·rn the old days , there was . no such thing ,as alligators on shirts .. Read Erm.a Bombeck on . P,age 82. 0 0 . lllllil COAST \ CAVALCADE TELEVISION MOVIES 82 86 87-8 \ Fund for slain worker's family hits $2,500 By RICHARD GREEN O(-.oa111~1-." Individuals a nd organizaUons throughout Orange County h1tve donated more tha n $2,500 to a fund for the fa mily of a s lain Irvine doughnut shop employee. ·'It really renews your faith in human nature," said William Ackman, an Irvine businessman wh o is orga n iz in g th e rund-raising drive for the widow a nd five c hild ren or Pedro A If a ro. .. A lot of the donations are $5 s ud $10 ones "In one day. people put $144 , mos tly in one dollar bills, in .a m a n I I a c n v l' I o p e a t t h e Winchell'!!> Donut House," said Ackman, who owns the Irvine Eye Care Shop in Camino Plaza. the shopping center al Walnut Avenue and Jt>ffrey Road where Winchell's is located Alfaro was shot and killed early last Thursday in the shop, 5401:1 Walnut Ave., during what police said was a robbery. The robber escapf'c1 into the night with less than SlOO Police say they have htllt! to go on in the <'use. Money co l lected 1 n th e fund raising drive is pl aced ln a trust fund Ackman helped set up at Ment Savings and Loan in Camano Plazu Ackman said he started trying lo help lhe family at the urging of his wife, llolly ·'The shooting bothered her so much that she couldn't s leep --------------~----------~~~~~------~------------------- 8 A L L 0 T I N G T t.• a e h t• r -. o f t h t· Newport-Mesa l 'n1fu.'d ~·khool 01 ... trwt <:a:-.t OallY ...... s-- lht•1r bullot ... on lht.• d1stnl'l·s fl perce nt µu~· r~t 1:-t• offer T he propo ... ul "as ur eepted. ~rgeson N-M teachers accept finally gets district pay off er pane L post By JODI CADENHEAD orre, teaoh..-s a • s pment pay Newport B eac h Assem b lywom a n Marian Bergeson has been named to the po we rful Assembly Ways and Means Committee. a post she'd or iginally been promrsejJ more than a year ago. Mrs. Bergeson. a Republican who is seeki n g re election . re places Assemblyman Gordon D uffy, R Hanford. on t h e 23-member committee The N e wport lawmaker reportedly lost her grip on the committee post m late 1980 when s h e s u pported De m oc r at H o w a rd Be rman for the assembly speakership position. While Mrs . Bergeson was supporting Berman, m any of her Re publican colleagues banded tog e ther in suppo rt ing San Francisco Assemblym an Willie Brown , who eventually became the speaker A num ber of Sacramento o b servers s a i d that as punishmen t for her support or Berman, Mrs. Bergeson was not named to the Ways and Means Committee. A year later . insiders report, those wounds apparently have he aled CH 111e D•HY Pia.. Si.ti Disgruntled teachers in the Ne~ port Mesa Unified School District voted overwhelmingly WC'dnes da y to accept the district'~ la~t. best a nd final" pay ra1st• offer or 6 percent The 343 42 volt• b) me mbers of the Newport Mesa Federation of 1'cacheri. end<.'d a thrce·month pa~ dispute th:.it began -.h~n tt'acht·r~ votc<l by a margin or 3 I 111 rc1ect the dis trict '-; on~mal Ii perc•ent pay offt·r nut '-\llh acceptance or lhl' d1slri (·t·., o ff e r ca m e cndors('ment of a s trongly worded resoluti()n calhng for the district's 850 teachers to strike 1f ncgottat1ons for th e 19R2 83 school year arc not completed by September Union lcadt•r Dill Cue said he was "ecst atic' over the teachers· 309·58 vote lie asserted that the district has deliberately stalled negotaauons and s pent too much money on admim~lratave and maintenance costs Tht' resolution also expressed a vote or no confidence an Superintendent John Nicoll and "his ability and willingness to negotiate in good faith." E arl i er thi s m onth a fa ct r i n di n g panel h ad recommended that the district Mesa victim's kin to sue city, chief The family of Arnold Broyles Jr., the 37-year·old Costa Mesa resident killed by poJice Special Wea pons and T actics team in his parents' home in October. has filed a wrongful de ath lawsuit against the c ity and Police Chief Roger Neth. manner when Costa Mesa offi cers were s ummoned . T he shooting victim. who had a history or mental problems, had threatened to kill himself d ur ing the sie~e When attempts at ne gotlaUons fe ll ed , police rushed 10\ct the house, where they said Broyles came at thein with two knives. The district a ttorney's office ruled the shooting jus tifiable hom icide. raise M os t or the teac h e r s interviewed Wed nesday at the polls al Estancia Hi gh School said they would bcgrudingly accept the d istrict'!. offer "l voted to aC'ce pt," said Marcia Ent'tnas. a 6th grade teacher a t Paulari n o Elemt•ntarv Sc hool an Co~ta Mcs:.i 'I'm not thralled. but l don· t ~ce when' we· re go mg to ~ct more, I can't sec going out nn strike for one half a pe rcent " Sa id Linda Colloran. a teacher at Lincoln Middle School in Nt•wport Beach. ·I voled to acc('pl grudging !~ I figured if we didn't vote to accept 1t nnw we 'd Just gt•t 1l later I fell the district staffed us again " t;nhappy.over the time it took to settle the pay dispute. most tcachcri. said they voted in favor or the resolution 'I'm JUst tired of the whole hassle vear after vear .· said Bill Nunan a social s tudies teacher al Ensign Middle School an Newport Beac h "T hey gy pped u~ out or a ha tr a percent What really irrit ates everybody 1s lhe amount spent on maintenance " The contract accepted by teachers Wednes day calls fo r a 4 percent raise retroactive to July and another 8 percent raise errect1ve Ft•b. 1. for a n annual 6 percent raise for the 198 1·82 school year The fact fi nding panel had recommended a 4 percent raise retroactive to July a nd a 9 percent raise effective Feb. 1 for an overall raise of 6.5 per cent. Coastal plan deadline set T h e s t a t e Co a s ta l Commission. meeting this week In Santa Barba ra, has given Orange County untJl August to submit r.oning laws and maps for th e Ir v in e C'a s t de velopment pla n. Thursday night." he sa id "She was up at 2 a m We figured we had to do something. It hit so close to home · · The biggest donatlon so far that hrut been made to the trust fund came from lhe Winchell's Donut Co .. which gave $1 .000 to the fund. A $150 donation was m a d e by th e Irvine Police Officers Associations. Officers frequent the Winchell's s hop, t he only all·night doughnut shop in town . J\cros~ Walnut Avenue from Camano l'laia as the Arbor Shoi.irn111( < '1•11t1•r . where Gene T1bb1t. part o wner or Arbor V1ll u~c Barber Shoµ, suys all the mont·y ha~ barbc1 s m ak<' on March 14 will g1, to the Alfaro fun d ll t.•'s t·alli11g the fund r;.11sin~ t•vt•nt a eut a thon "I saw Mr~ Alfaro on the television nc wi. ~1ltin g on her couch with her rive children anti it just did -.omcth1ng to me and I wanlt.'d to twl1>. · T1bb1l said lit: a dcled lhat he 's trying lo organize a St'rles of fund-raising events 11\ Aroor Shopping Center 111 udchtion lo the cut ·a·thon. Mrs Alfaro 1:. sched uled to make an appeara nC'e F riday at Merit Savings and Loan, 5392 Walnut Ave . where she will be presented with a check for the mont·y an the trust fund AC'kman said he expects there to be u bc..lut $..1.000 m I h~ fund by ~·net a) School closures. studied Official recommends shutting down three site s Superintende nt J o hn Nicoll recommended Wednesday that thre e sc h ools in the Newport-Mesa Unifi ed School District be closed t his June a nd a middle school be converted to an elementary school because or declining enrollments . Nicoll told trustees that the dist rict will save $175.000 by closing Evening lhgh School . Li n dbe rgh and Woodland eleme n tar y sc hoo ls and converting Kaiser Maddi e School to an elementary school. All are located in Costa Mesa T r ustees will meet Tuesday n igh t a t 7:30 in the Harper Community Center. 425 E 18th St.. Costa Me sa to considt•r Nicoli's recommendations The plan out lined during the s tudy sess ion Wednesday includei. · c losing Ka1-.,•1 Middle School <· u m p 1 et 1· I y u n d k e e p 1 n g WeJOdland Jnd Lindbergh open next year The Edut·ational Resources Adv1s()ry Committee suggested m a report released last week that the d1strit t could s ave about $250.000 by closing K a1sH M addle School next ycur ln defending his plan, Nicoll said that h•~ first ('Ons1derat1on was pro~rams <.1nd not money that could ht-sa vt:d "Wt: hav(• closed 10 schools in the la~I eight Yt'<ffS and I have not en Joyed r losing a one of them. Nicoll ~aid <.1fler the meeting. "I s pent the first 20 year~ of my career hu1l(hng M·hoob and µrog rnms and lhe la!->l 10 year<. all I vt· hl'cn du1n~ as dosing them .' he uddt'd Sance 1976 the dist ract has l~t a n a vcrage o f 1,000 students each year Last year Rea MiddJe S('hool and Corona d el Mar F.lemcntary School wer e closed. About 1,217 st udents will be affected by the s chool closures Nitoll suid he dad not yet know whl•lher th(' closures wo uld mean teacher layoffs. T h c c o n v e r s 1 '> n o f a I I elt•mcntary schools to K·6 would affotl Ca lifornia and Ada ms s chools that are currently K·5. tr the d1~tnct s plan 1s adopted by trustees Tuesday night ~th schools wall then receive a total or about 125 6th grade students previously stheduled to attend Tc Winkle Middle School. -By JODI CADENHEAD Closi'ng Evenin g High School and tra ns fe rring the stud ents to Back Bay High School. Transferring students from Kaiser Middle School to Davis or Ensign. Cyanide poisoner 'will not appeal' Converting Kaiser to an elem entar y school for grades one through six next Septe mber a nd co n verting i t t o a k i ndergarten through sixth gra de school by t he 1983-84 school year Closing Lindber gh and W oodland s rhool s and transfe rring students to the r eopened Ka iser Elementary School o r Manners School Woodla nd would remain o pe n during 1982-83 fo r 1n com ing Li ndb<.'rg h and Wood- land kinder_g arte n s tudents only until Ka lS('r co uld be converted to a K 6 school in 1983-tW Converlan~ all l'lemcntary schools to K-6 The recommendations ou tlined bv Ni coll d iffered sharply with a recent citizens' tom miltcc reµort that su~gestcd Herherl Harcla} Baetz. the 57 >ear old N('wport Beach c h e mi s t C'O nv i c te d o r firs t d egree murde r an the cyantde po1~onang death or his 87-ye ar old mot h er , is a "s hattered" man who has no plans to appeal the Judgment, his a ttorney says After the 'Ve rd1('t was read W cdnesday. Baetz "leaned over and said, ·1 did not murder m y mother. but I am willing to live with the verdict'," defense attorney Stuart Grant said. The nine·woman . three-man jury deliberated only one day before finding Buctz guilty of rirsl ·degree murder . the verdict :.ought by the pro:-.ecutum . in the death of J a nettt' Bae tz, wit h whom he livl'd al a Balboa Pe ninsula residence The t•lderly woman died Sept 10 after consuming an orange Juice drink laced with let hal potassium cyanide County plans own trial for Bonin T he Orange County Di!itricl Attorney's office has m ade it cl car that it intends to pursue fou r mur der cases against Wi ll iam George Bonin, t be a lleged "f reeway k iller" of young men and boys "Our position is that he should be executed We 're going to m a ke every effort to carry that out.·· Deputy District Attorney An t h ony Rack a u c k as said Wednesday after Judge Kenneth Lae set a May 17 trial date for the 34-year old Downey truck driver . Bonin was convicted Ja n . 6 in Los Angeles County Superior Court in 10 of the deaths poll<;e investigators linked to a kille'l" who picked up h itchhikers, sexually abused and killed them. Man y of the victims' bodies were dumped along freeways or major highways in Sou thern California. Bonin faces sentenc ing in those cases Wednesday. The jury that convicted him in Los Angeles has re commended Bonin be executed in the gas chamber at San Quentin State Prison. gent·ral<'d 1n So uth e rn California Charvet mentioned Mo nterey a nd Re dding a s possible location~ Rackauckas said any change or ve nue motio n would be o ppos ed by Orange County prosecutors . R ackauckas sa id a death penalty would be sought in the Ora nge County cases to make 11 more difficult for Bonin to esc ape execution Condos eyed in Newport A controvers ial plan lo r elax city laws in Newport Beach by a llowing up to 7 ,000 apartments t o be co n ve r ted to condominiums will be debated by the city pla nning commission tonight. The plan calls for c hanges in t h e c i ty co nd o min i um conversion law to let apartment complexes of four units or less s witch to private ownership. D•My l'l19CSt.fl- GUll TY I krbC'rt R:..irrla~· Ht1 l'l z h;.is lx•en <:on \'icted in tht· po1:-.on1ng dC'ath of hi~ X7 ~·t.·;ff,olcl m ·>ther NRA flays gun control legi lation By FRf.DERICK SCHOEMEHL CH lllt o.ity l'la.. Staff Gun control laws increase restrictions for those who do not commit crimes whHe virtually leaving unaffected the criminals who do. tbe president or the N allonal Rifle Association said Wednesday night. "The law abiding people of this state have been pushed to t h e wal I ." Keith Ga H aney declared a l a meeting of the World Affairs Council of Orange County at the Saddleback lnn in Santa Ana. "We do not have a gun control problem in this country, we have a crime control p roblem . Pedple do not want gun control. they want crime cont rol," Gaffaney said. T h e for m er Los Angeles Police Department officer, who b ecam e pres ide nt or the ll l -year-old NRA in 1981, .cited numerous statistics which , he said, show that gun control measures do little, If anythin1. t o r e duce the numbe r of r eported violent c rimes. ' t • I I ,f I ) • l t ., ...... The legal a c llon. filed Wednesday in Oranse County Superio r Courl , s e e k s a slill·unspecified a mount of damages for what it claims -in addition to the wrongful death of Bro1les -is the violation of the famlly's civil rights. Other causes of action lnclude the infliction of e m o tio nal distress on ramlly memben1 a~ lnvaslon of privacy. T h e fa mi ly 's l a ws uit, however . cla ims tha t ofrtcers "wrongfully and unlawfully " e nte red the home without the prop er arr est o r searc h warrants. The d e adline, which was worked out betwee n county ortlclals and the commission !!'t a ff, comes a month after certlfic allon or the Irvine Coast 's local coastal plan. Bonin was indicted by the county Grand Jury In connection with -even deaths of the 21 authorities believe Bonin was responsible for. Three of those c a s e s, howeve r Involved overlapping Jurisdiction with Los Anseles County and were handled there. Although there a re roughly 7 ,000 apartmt•nts in ·Newport tha t fit t he categor y, cit y officials caution that there likely would n o t b e a fl ood of conversion requesL'I. . He cit ed a University or M a ssachus etu study prepared for t he U.S . De partment of Justice which showed that there ls "no evidence" that there are ., Broyles wu kUled by pollce su.nfire on Oct. 7. 1981, when SW AT otncera ruahed the home where be wu berricaded. A~etrdln1 to •n Oran1e County District Attorftey's Oftlce lnvesUptJon, the vtcUm had been drlnklnc. ta1rm1 dru&• and wu actin1 in a violent T he legal action said the family parents Arnold Sr. and Belly Broyles and the victim's tw o ~hildr c n -had a constitutional rlcht to the security of their property. AJso named as a plalntltt In tb~ la wsuit. alon1 with the other f amUy members, is the vtcUm'a brother. Steven. Thal plan c alls for 2,000 r es ide nti al un t ta , two commerd al centers, two m~r r o adways r e achin1 Coast Highway. and open Spilee on the 9,400-a c r c p a r cel between Corona del Ma r a nd Laguna Beach. Oetenn ·attorney William Ch..-~et. _.ho ls repreaenUn1 Bonin In proceedlnt• ln both counti•, said be wau ua .,_,. Lao to move the Orance County lrial elsewhere becauu ot tM p u blicity that case haa ------------ City planning commissioners already have 11rgued on both sldes of the Issue s ome s uue11tlng ~ law change would provide a new stock of houainc while others claim it would dllplate renters .' Ttt condominium plan Is a imed •t pro vldlna more hou1ln1 affordable to moderate and low Income fa milies. fewer bomicldes ln areas where h a ndguns a r c not readily a va ila ble. "Gun la ws simply do not arrect crime since auns do not c1uae c r l m e," Garraney aiiserted. He also pointed to a t• '91 reeort that aald owaenWp ot ~aodl'&' by t.be public II not a contribuUnl crime factor. · 11 kl•• Ntt Mlfl N•I ~llri Ht! Min Ntl ~I.. Ntl p I .... (IO.. (ftt .. E """ CIOW Cllq P,[ '"" Clo.. C"9 p. r llOI cto.. c11p pt .... Clow e,,. 2!::::_• ''?''r. '-=: 1t~~m, ••: m .:"· .. t:::J .... : : ~·-r:&=~,:: .11i~·.11'1 ~:< 1: t.m ;-i.~ Oi'cQI I I ' 116 n-. '-'I' .U. ' 16"11 '-LMI,.. ,, .. 1 ..,.. 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Marcon • • ,._."' ~wp1~:: ~ g }: • : ~~~l 'Z:: !,J: ~+•• ~ A~ pf '12 • t ~ 'It C.•-2 '° 1 1• JOV.; i.. l!Ullr pf Ut 11 111,_.:.: ~ =ollyJ pll 1.: ll 'ff 5t~ MarMld l.U • ft 1'14 · · ~ UO II AS» 46 • 14 S!Olnd UO • 1151 •h , \._ AlldMl'll I I 217 2• -111 C.,P pt 1 '1 II 1• • \Co EtAlr jlf) JO 117 IA~ V. Ho,... 1• .a IS 7 ti~• <-. Marloft M 1' 1t 1' • 'h "-0' .» • J2 '"" . . . SWOOll t .40 • 1•1 J1'e "' AllO""' )0 119 I 19'1 • ~ (M"h< 1 10 I •IO Jl"' • ElllGF 1.20 I JA 22V. • 11, Ho:::S'. if• t 116s JJ", 1 a. =~· ~ 1; t:! ,;: : 1 "'° li'MOE II I S Jl'1 '"' • Ito Slendu flt> • IS It~• \lo AltdSer I • • 'S ltSll>-'-Can Pit \ 20 l JO 16 Eu1UU I 70 6 1' 11¥. Honwll J 40 1 1711 7'\:o , '""' ll'eoUCo l,46 IO /'°' SA'-... • StenWk 7• I '°' I•~• '.\ldTel n ... 1 l .. ._. "-t~~"!, ~ '. lllr ~Ito• I'\ EtKOCI .le t •1 ~ ', .. HooYU 1.2• 1 1 17 =~~ I.~ 1010 !~ J2lt~ •. ~ ....-11£1 ,50 IJ •17• !CM4-~ Sla rttll I 1 I n"' AlllllOI • m 012~ 14 Cartwr '° 1 ioi 9.,... "" bton 1.n 10 J3 ~ .,.. Horl1Bn 1 40 4 ,. ,~ .., ... .. ,.. ,. .,, """len 1.45-. • 411 10~ + v. StaMSe 1.1.. o •'- AlllCll pU.• . ' ~-14 C•K NG 1.12 1 11 ..... .,. Eclllln .S2 ,, .,, I~.. Horl1on Sii 10 71 .... ·-~r1MI( ,, ~ • *, ~ ............. 20e ' .., n-Ill Stau•Cn In • HI "'" ~ • ...... ..., ••• 12 J3 2111) ..... CuttC• to • )JO ,.,, • \lo E<k•O. ,., • All 1~ • .,.. HotpC' :M" "" -• ~ -•Y ' .... 11 I 2014-1\lo Polrlfl. ·'° 1 ICl'll .. ~ .. \lo 51-12b 1 ,. ,.,, Al"'"' .. 2 11._ .. CalrpT 1 IO 1 1'9 ""' \to EOIS ... I <M • n ll~+ ... Hosllntl .OK UJ 2'111 M4 Cl$ .• r 41> nv. + Ila Polllt •,Ut .. I ,,_ 14 Sterchl 1' I Jt5 II • le Al<oa l.IO 6 "" mi.-II+ CecoCp .. .. " ..... \I, IEClwrO s '° 1 103 11~. " HougM 1 .0 I n u~ • I• Mateo ·" IO 111 :Miia • ~i;"°p0 ·::: "J~ d2~ :: ~:~~~ 711~ ,..,l ,~;: : ~ AmlSo.11 S l 12 '70,C,-'-Ct la nM • • 1• 56 l<o l!IPat0 IA • ... Vito+ Ito HovsFll ·11 t IO$ 11'-Matonlt 1.Jl 17 lln JI 1'111"'9" ... 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FrplM< .O I 1675 1• • -1(-t( -NMllEn \ .41> 11 ,.. 1.14 + ~ llloOttn I to S ISi ~ 14 Ttko t It • lfS 1111. 'vcoC.P uo s 1'1 1w.. .. . C..sPw 2 ... S In 1..., ... , Frtelm 40 • tJ 1a s "2 • NMlneS n 2• JI 1014.... RIO~ pl .IO .. ,., 20\l'J • " T•lnty 50 • 101 11 'vttY .911 t JD UV.+ ,,.. CnPw 9'A.JO tlO a .... Frwlll 140 • 100 11:\lo-~ O >-.+ "'° NPresl I~ S tJ 2011<-14 111 .. At .-10 •• ~ l't T"uEP I '2 S SI• 20' .. """" 11110 tit 0 • l'I CftPw "'4.D oo ....,_ y, FUC111• 60 " 1-... "" JO .. ~· ,.. NS.m l JO,,... '°"". 111 ,.._,"M 1.tO 1 1 ~ Yt Twl110s 1 10 s ll u:w. ....... J 711SJ~I CnPwflfl.4$ dllO ~. i. F-pl IJj ' ISllt -.... •Ult 160,C,.. NlsS"'" '1.i·•10• •• n". \lo ~ ... "'*°.• 1 .! ~,\lo :~ TT.,yc .. o,Lcp' ~ ,s I~!!~ ·~ .. yOI 12 .. 1.-~ Cn,.. flf1.n 1100 4114-YI -0-. -..... Al IAI ' .,., 14"-"" N IOncl • I• ....... -· .. -• ...~ .. n + en,.. ,,,... i lOO 41 -\ill GAF ... '4• 1014. ... •l.C. 1.• • 70J 1"'-N•llSll J s 0 U\4 llocl\G 1.7 ... ' .. 1211>-.... Tymtflr II All ""'. "' I 1 C 1-9 -C/IPw pl • 4 1' _ \'J G.\F pf 1.10 l) 13"-+ \!t l lWSl $ IQS ~i~ Hatom I.AO • W 1•11t-V. lt0<!1Tl 2.CM 7 '1 U~ + lit -U-U -a "IC 11 · • It IS'AI + 1" CllPw ,,,,.. 1' 1414 " GATK 2.40 t M 19'\Jt+ V• ·-a I .. II'~ Halm pf A .. 2• i12\lt ..... "°<kw! l,Jt I ll1 illllo-14 UAL .. ttt7 .. ....,_ \lo llt:rlnll .tO I MO 31'Ao.... CnPw !l'1.tS · 7 ~\II G~A' .20 ' m t:Vo1i + 14 ---• u -.... .' Ne•Pw 2 ... • a '°"-1<t ltollmH 1.to t 16 t. + Ill VOi 2.04 s 60 d2Jllo "-:::::i 1.: '! 2~! ~"'.:1"' °'en~~?!.: 10> 11~·· ,; gE~CO ·: : •m ~~ ~ C'~ t.: ~ ~ ~"'":: =::::: ~~ .. :: :r--14 ::•;, J.IS .'. ': ;:~ ~ ~f.~pf 1.a t II~ 1~~~ •to lldUpl 206 ., • ~IV. ~ .. ,..u.... • --GF Eqp I• J •llO Cle1 r a ,...__ 14 Ne•PPI 1tS 6 12~ ._ llolllnst ,J6 9 11' 16"-• VI UMET Ile 7 l N ~· DOw Jones Final UP 1.33 CLOSING 828.96 111111 <;::z _____ _ Howilng starts in January dropped 0.6 percent a fter having risen slightly 1n December, tht! Commerce Department reported, Builders began work on new homes at a seasonally adjusted annual rate o( 894,000 in January , down 44 percent from the same month a year earlier, just before the industry fell into one of its worst years ever. December's figures were revised lo 4.5 percent .from the 13.J percent first reported The smaller figure was still a great improvement over big declines common earlier in 1981 IUll B).-___ _ A record $14.5 billion in assets at the end of 1981 enabled Los Angeles-based Home Savings of America to hold its position as the nation's largest savings and loan association, according to the United States League of Savings Association. Home Savmgs· assets at the end of the year, a 13.8 percent increase, made them the lop-ranked S&L for the 27th consecutive yea r . WlllD a Mexico's Central Bank said it has decided to withdra~ temporarily from foreign exchange markets in a.n apparent attempt to let its currency the peso. find i~ own value abroad Observers say the move may signal a large devaluation to come. A .dev~lued peso: the bank said. would lead many Mexicans to thmk about spending their vacations in Mexico instead of outside the country. a potential boon (o the nation's tourist industry, which fell sharply last year. A devaluation also would m ake Mexican goods cheaper for foreign buyers and increase the price of imported goods for domest ic consumers IARlllGS ~etna Life & Casualty reported earnings for 1981 of $491 million. or $6.11 a share, compared with 1980 earnings of $508 million, or $6.30. For the 1981 fourth quarter. operating earnings were $146 million. or Sl.82 a share , compared with $134 mllhon. or Sl 66 for the correspondin~ period of 1980 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Oowo.m s .. ,..A-Botlng Teuco Inc Amer T& T S..XolftC Cllles'S..ce ''"' P•rllEI,,_ A"'*-'B CO.nTet&EI 0.1-.t Meltal lftC Am Al'11ft Gon El« A, ISl.000 '·"'· 111 1.SJl.100 1.012.000 mJaO 7t1,l00 C ).500 ..-.ooo ,..,.,., Jll,JOO 3'5, 100 360.000 JAUOO Jft,000 :S.7,300 11'1t ' '"-... ,.. tt\ltt ~ ,,_ ~ .11 .. s.•-. ... )I.. • ..... " ... + \, , .... -.. 43~ 2'"' ''• JO -U ') • ~ 11'. ... I. ..... , ... UPS AND DOWNS ....... I Sedcolnc t~wt !~· '.,__,.pl . "-""" ' Pl\al UOlpl 1 9"'l"rocl tlllPw• ... 10 CNAI' ~A 1111.-. .. ts II ltd191t c" pl I I "'*""°CP IA MelUCoFG IS Met9lltfl £1 ...,.,.. 10~ 2 Am SL Fla I 81tcktFSL A Fic..111'( f'ln '°"*-Unit 6 .._. ... ,,. 7 MMd'OfA I Tycol.Mle ' • Cefec.. Ind u"' Lall CllO JIV, • ' J + IJ. > ..... "' '"' + ... ·~ ...... l•lto • 111 ll\'J J """ 1\11 IS • I 1•v. • "'· ""' + Ill< 27 ...... t3\lt • ""' . . "' n • ~ DOWNS u.t;. ~ 5-11-l'O s~ ~ 2 -.,, 2\lo -"• ,.,.,.. '" $1 ' ""' -~ '"' -.. 1 .... PC1. Up IU Up I• J Up 11 I Up t.• Up 1' Up 7 • Up IS Up '' Up 11 VO • • VP '·' VP t 9 Up 6 I Up • 7 VP 6 S ' Pel Off IS. Oii 11.1 Off " s Off 11 I Oii 1.3 Off 1.S Off I J 'ot1 1 J Off II Off ., AMERICAH LEADERS METAL S NEW YORtt C .. Pl m.t•I Pf t<f''S 1GO.ly Soo1 "°"'•"o&f C•••er ,, .... 10 UftH • POUftd cklllnel~ UM 1 .. 32 <•I'll\ A -.nd Z•A< '3 ctnh • oound. a-11.,.,,.-ea Tltt S7 41111 ~I\ w .... <.,_•le 11> Alt""'-1 ... n <tnll a llOllnd N V M+rcwy U7S 00 s-r llts• "'•li-""OOlroyo1 If V SILVER Hench & Hwm ..... Ml JOS "'" ''°" ounc• GOLD QUOTATIONS l'f T ... A-la-"""' S.loclell-ICI !IOlcl P•lctt I-• L.eMtol: "'°'""""' ''•lnQ ~, 10, Oft ... '° L-: .,...._, llxtne utt• U . ell M n "•rle: '361 .... ott U 2S ,..,..,.~,I.JM"· o" V 99 l•rld: LaW ll•lne \JM 00, o" u oo 11111 U11 OOa\kecl M1t. .. Y & "-· lonly ll•ll'f <NOie) ~ "·""" 7S •...-...: Conly dell• ouotel Ult• U, o'1 M,7, a....-: Conly deity qwt•I fa11t1c.11.a Ut'I 70. ofH I JI SYMBOLS a.!IQI 1.IO 6 • JR11 CnPw pft 0 1 IS\4 , G1IKoll .S2 t S7 Z2... lllG~ 1.11 S 4CW I~ 'lo Me¥alfS n 1 J 7~. llolmCo 2> 12' ~ • '-UNCllH • " .-. • 'lo .. llyMI .IO U1S2 ~" C..IAW • II 8-"" 0 ...... 111.n II tt5 ~· Hll 1.4 7 ,. 22 NEnt1E• J to 6 '1• " .... "'-10 1 2~ .. 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Hornn ()If " Off s. =• :: ; : ~:: ~ CntOo Ill ' 2 n 15">-"" g:;::fn• 1 -.. 11 ~~ KN tr .:M 11 IS. 1~.. =::,' .~ l0t 1~ j~ : ~11,fr 12~,·~ 1~1 ~ i171~ •• 1~ ~u~nkE:' 1~ 1 :, m~ '1f'1.,, GOLD •Aleo .. h"' u rr• 1>X.:n ... • '"'"po.a ._.. ......... uo s 122 o v. • ..,, ~~'pl•'; ~ :: :: c..-.111 • .,.. .... ''"' 1<011« .JO • 11 "'· • • ....11111...,. 12 HI u ..... .,.. " 1111rm ~ ... ,., •• .... -i COINS ~'!f=..,1:··.~~::r:: = 5la:.: ~~ t-"0.:.1 ~ ~i:: ~114 &~~· ::i '!i =:1~ I(:::=·::: 1 jt.: Si::~~:~ ii~::: =~=ri~o1i ~ i!E: ... ~ ~~",.".::it~:.;:~ r~ .. :~ HEW YORK '"", P••·o •••• :..~=.~~:.:;~~ 9-Tr t.oS S r2J J3 + ~ CGnwd 11.• 7 • 12 -14 00ala 11 • 1• I -~ f!lml ... 11 " ..,_, Nia~ 160 .. 1190 U -._. -Uft I Pf 1 <M • J 4111< •I"' Wed May WI --.... •-Wllh ... ,-~ lllTr pf 2.90 , • S 17~ + '-Cool!Vn .(ftr a JI ?*-14 GnOln .12 • IJSJ U -.. KyUlll UD I a 17 -.... 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