HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-19 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • • • I IUlll l:UIT Ylll llllTlll llllY PINI FR ID A Y f-T BR U A RY 1 q 1 q R l ()H AN (,f-('{)lJN 1.,. \ Al If (,)~~NIA 25 CENTS SCAG drops Santiago Santiago Canyon bas been dropped from consideration as a site for a Southern California regional airport by a site study group. That action came Thursday afteriloon in a 7 to 2 vote of an airport site study group formed by the Southern California Association of Governments, a Los Angeles-based regional pfanning organization. The committee's action was Shuttle rehearsal snags CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. <AP> -As tronauts Jack Lousma and Gordon Fullerton completed a dress rehearsal countdown for the space shuttle Columbia today, but there were two snags, one of which would have delayed an actual launch. The ·crew for Columbia's third mission was dupllcatin1 activities for the launch, scheduled for March 22. One of today's problem wu heavy foe at Kennedy Space <;enter that woUTcrbave deliy~ RELATED PHOT~•g• A2 a lift.off because the crew could not have seen the runway in an emergency return to the launch site. The other problem came with the countdown clock at four minutes to the simulated ll.fto(f. A general-purpose ground computer read a signal indicating an improper communications link to the spacecraft and stopped the countdown. Launch commentator Hugh Harris said the problem came from "a not-quite-complete computer program which we would not be using in an actual launch." After about a lS-minute d e lay , the count resumed without further di!ficulty. Then, instead of simulating a liftoff, which had been scheduled for 7 a .m . PST , the launch-control center decided to simulate a shutdown of one ol the shuttle engines, stopped the countdown and went into a mock emergency shutdown of all systems. Lousma, a marine lieutenant colonel, and Fullerton, who were in the Columbia's cockpit for the final two hours of the dress rehearsal, were told they would be briefed on e mergency evacuation procedures from the spacecraft in an actual engine shutdown. The smiling, waving astronauts arrived at the launch . pad on schedule at 4:35 a.m. PST aft.er risini at 2: 10 a.m. PST They donned helmets, entered Columbia'• crew compartment and were buckled in and connected to all systems shortly afterward. not unexpected in light of a recent Federal Aviation Administration evaluation that showed that potential aircraft operations from the Santiaio Canyon site east of Orange would interfere with operations involving virtually all other aiq~orts in Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. ' The SCAG A via lion Work Program Committee will continue to examine three other sites located at Camp Pendleton in north San Diego County; the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, and a location offshore of Long Beach Harbor. Camp Pendleton Is the prefe rred site of Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange Co unty Board of Supervisors, and Henry Wedaa, chairman of the SCAG aviation com ml!tee and a member of a separate county government committee investigating potential reetonal airport sites. The county committee, made up of business and industry leaders, recently canceled its regular monthly meeting and has not rescheduled a session pending further analysis of various sites. Santiago Canyon remains on the co unty committee's list. In its Feb. 9 letter to SCAG, SURPRISE -Dave and Patti Purdom celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary at the Mesa Theater in Costa Mesa which Dave had rented for .... ., .......... ,.... the night to commemorate their first meeting. He proposed via the marquee. too Theater showcases romance Onetime usher, candy girl celebrate anniversary By JODI CADENHEAD CM .. Ollfr,......,. It had all the romance of an old Hollywood movie . Patti Purdom thought she was on her way to dinner in Newport Beach 'lburaday night to celebrate her lOt.h weddinl anniversary when her husband stopped off at the Mesa Cinema in Costa Mesa. When she saw the marquee that read "Happy Tenth Dave and Pat" she thought lt was nice. ' But when she walked inside the darkened theater and 150 of her closest friends turned around in their s eats and yelled "Happy Anniversary" she knew her husband had outdone himself. "I just can't belleve it, I'm in shock," said ·the Santa Ana woman. "He does things like this <See HAPPY, Pa1e Al} . , . airport site the FAA said sites at Santiago Canyon and the Chino Hills north of Yorba Linda were "not adaptable'' as locations for a regional airport because of potential airspace conflicts. Orange County skies are c rowd e d with aircraft operations involving John Wayne Airport, Ontario International, Long Beach Airport, Riverside Municipal AirPort and Chino Ain>ort. The FAA said scheduling and route changes that would be needed to accommodate either of the two sites would likely be unacceptable to air carriers and passengers. Other O'P]>ositto·n was mounting to Santiago Canyon from Orange and Anaheim area residents who claimed that aircraft oper ations would create noise and traffic congestion. > Letters attack Reagan policy on El Salvador WASHINGTON (AP} -Mail to the White House and St.ate Department is runntne between 10·1 and 20-1 against President Rea1an's escalatin1 support for El Salvador's mil\tary-civilian junta, ac~ording to a department official. Harold '"lfennis , a State Department official who monitors mail on foreign polJcy Issues, also said the flow of letters on the Central American country has increased sharply since rece~t declarations of stronger U.S. support for the . government. The ne«iative mail . while Sheriff rips -judge over bail reduction By DAVID KUTZMANN Of .. Oelfy,.... .... Orange County Sher · i ff -Corner Brad Gates . launching his campaign for re-election in June, denounced a Santa Ana municipal court judge Thursday for reducing S2 million bail on financier Ralph McDonald, alleged mastermind of an alleged investment swindle. "I don't think judges should be in office if they're going to act that way," Gates told reporters at o news conference in Santa Ana. Ancering the s heriff was Central Muni9lpal Court Judge Bobby Youngblood's action Monday to reduce bail on McDonald to $250,000. The bail reduction hearine took place on ii court holiday - Washington's Birthday -which led Gates to suggest Thursday that the proceedings were "orchestrated." "There was a well · orchestrated. process in that courtroom and justice wasn't served," the sheriff asserted. A re1ular bearing would (See BAIL, Pa1e "2) perhaps not a clear reflection ol overall public sentiment, und e r scores the political problem facing the White House as it considers ways to bolster the Salvadoran government in its war against leftist guerrillas. Reaga1t declared Thursday that he has "no plans to aeGd American combat troops into action " in El Salvador or anywhere else. but refused to discuss what future steps the United States might take in Central America. "I just don't believe you discuss those options of what you may or may not do,'· Reagan said at a nationally televised news conference. In a televised interview Tuesday, Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. said that while most Americans "would be appalled at the prospect ol American involvement militarily anywhere in the world," public opinion should not necessarily determine whether U.S. troops are sent to El Salvador. ·•If we were to determine our foreign policy based on the lowest common denominator of the national mood, I think we would be on very fallacious ground," Haig said. White House officials last week refused to disclose the b r e a k do w n of m,Jl i 1 a n d telephone calls on El Salvador, saying such tabulations are nol'm ally provided only an.er major presidential addresses. However, Heilnis said Thursday that the White House and State Department received about 600 letters on the issue lo the first two weeks of February -about a SO percent jump in volume -and the numbers of letters continue to increase. .. It's likely that we haven't <See JUNTA, Pace AZ> 111111 CIAIT 1111111 . U CI _ fighting cance~ with laser, drug Patchy fog or low clouds near coast early Saturday morning. Otherwise fair with some hllh cloudiness. Lows toni1bt 43 to 53. Kiths Saturday 65 to 75. <Details Page A3). '111111 TlllY By .IOELDON ... ..., ........ The power of lilbt comb6bed with a dr\11 bu been shown to be an effectlve cancer·l\lbtinl weapon, a UC Irvine bMiloGat .... i'eDorted. ~· ilieMel Berna, dlNdor ol. UCl's Laaer lllcrobeam Prosrmn (LAllP), tol4 a RotarJ, Club luncheon 1n Colt.a 11 .. Wedneeday pnlilDADarJ reeultt lndlcat.e IO to to percent of paUeaU are reepGDCllq to tbd1 ..... treatmtDt. Since tbe cancer therapy at.art.ed ID llay 1111, more tM9 ............ " .... ~· ~ -UCI lledical Cent.er with luer. H1bt and a dru1 called bemotoporphryin derivative, Of HPD. HPD ii mainly at.orbed by tumor cells. When a red luer beam h locuaed on tbe canceroua tislue, a bAocbemieaJ reaction causes the wayward celll to die. Tamora treated •ltb tb .. •aperlaMrt•• u.r.,, turn IUck ... fall off lD a ........ a "·IDlaute expoaure to laaer U1bt. Berna aald. tbe ODlJ appannt aide .ned fa lnc,..... ...,IUvtty to sunburn for about a moa&la after ftPOAN to KPD. TM dbaleal U.apJ at U. ' medical center i1 'fnder the other therapies such u aufser>', dlrecUoa of sur1eon Alan Wile, ·radiation and cbemotberapy . wltb the ... iltance of Cal State ·The treatment la exDerlmeatal Fullerton physicist Fred and ls not yet suited for patieata Johnson. wltb whole·body cancen 1ucb u From llAJ to December ol leukemia and ffodlkjn'a dile ... lut yur, 3' paUents 1ufferin& Beru eald tbe cllnleal from cancen of the bead, neck treatment proaram offere and breut were treated. Berm patients a palliation from the reportecl' 32 percent experienced d I 1 c o rn f o r t .t b a t o ft en complete reml11lon of their accompanlea tumors. It la tumo~ Jltrcent_h~d a SO _bope4L .be-.&a.l4. tllaL~ pettllll ~. 20 peTcent ol treatment will one 4•1 be Ule patients were stablllnd and appl"Oftd 11 an initial thtr&PJ or 10perC9lll1howed no re1ponte. aa adjunct to trad'°'tonal &.er11 empbulaed the caMer tberap6el . tnatmet ,.,.. .. accepts cm1J Tb• d&D&eal tr .. ~ wu patl•atl ............. 11a..... ,. ... , ..... u.. ... ,..,. . ~ a10 by Dr. Thomu Dou1berty, a chemist at the Roawell Park Memorial l.nltltute ln Buffalo, N.Y. Bem1 noted t.Ut HPD, wblcb comes from cow blood, wu developed ln tbe '!Ill. But tta caneer-fllbtlaC ~UaJ, wbea CCNpled with l .. r lilbt, ii 8 •recent~. --''Au,.. will.wk.' ...... ' , __ __ aald. ···Tut ln tbla klad of tberap,y .. wut to .......... Ucllt M ,_..._ ID u abort a ptrlOd ol time llMI at UM rtlM eelor. Tbat'1 wby U11e t .. r .... ........ .. ., ......... ,., ........... =:.. -= .. • o• .. • WASHINGTON (AP> - Envlronmentall1ta say a propoMl betna cOftlWend by tbe lleaaan adm1n1atratloll would expose mllllona of American chUdren to the tbJ'eat ot lead polaon1n1. The Envlronmen~ Protection A1ency said Thursday it wu consld erl n c 1001enin1 restrictions on how much lead can be added to re1ular gasoline. The agency •aid it was considerin1 a "wide ranee of alternatives" because the number or cars now beinl .built that use unleaded 1uoUne may have made tbe more atrintent requlrementunneceuary. Environmentalists disputed this contention and said the administration was buckling under J>ressure from oil companies. AP...._.. "Uthe Rea1an administration ha s its way , a n old environmental hazard that caused brain dama ge , retardation a nd l earnin g disabilities in younc children will reappear,'' said Clarence M. Dillow m I director of the Center for Auto Safety. Since 1980, large rermers have been restricted to adding no more than 0.5 grams of lead to each gallon or regular gasoline. Before the restrictions were imposec1, lead levels averaged between 2 and 3 grams per gallon. CHECKING WEATHER Space Shuttle 3 pilot Gordon Fullerton looks up toward the s ky as he leaves the Kennedy Space Center today en route to the Space Shuttle and practice for the March 22 launch. However, reflnecs producing less than 50,000 barrels of gas olin e a day bave......_been exempted from the 0.5 }ram standard. That exemption is due to expire Oct. 1. Summery weather to stay on coast The s mall refiners, who produce about 7 percent of the country's gasoline , have been pressuring the admlnlstratton to extend the exemption, claiming they cannot afford the expensive renovations necessary to make gasoline with such low lead levels. But large refiners have objected, saying that would put them at an unfair price advantage. Refiners like to use lead c ompounds because they function as relatively cheap and effective "anti -knock " additives. More summer·like weather is predicted for the weekend by the- N alional Weather Service. with. some early morning fog and patchy cloudiness in coastal areas. · Thurs day 's s unny s kies attracted more than the usual number or beach v is itors, a cco rding t o lif e gua rd departments. A spokesman at the Newport Beach Marine Department said mo re than 3,000 beachgoers we re counted. Lifeguards at Laguna Beach and Huntington From PageA1 Beach reported similar crowds. San Clemente lifeguard Gary Fredrich said about 1,800 people gathered around the city pier Thursday, a large group for a winter weekday. Wind ranging at times from 15 to 20 mph is predicted for Saturday and Sunday. However, a spokesman for the weather service said no travel advisories had been issued. H e said weeke nd high tern peratures s hould be in the mid to upper 70s in most areas. Lows at njght are expected to be rrom 43 to 53 degrees. In its proposal Thursday, the EPA said it would consider such alternatives as imposing tbe 0.5 standard only in urban areas or replacing the strict standard with some system of averaging. JUNTA SUPPORT. • • Environmentalist.a Hid even with the stringent requirements, a health sftldy found that 4 oercent or all American children between 6 months and 5 years old had tmSafe blood lead levels. For urban black children, the percentage increased l9 18.6. seen the largest count on El Salvador yet ,'· he said. Meanwhile, the top American commander in Latin America s ays he thinks government forces are winning the war in El Salvador despite a recent string or re bel successes. Asked how much U.S . aid was needed to insure that the junta's forces would crush the lenist gue rrillas. Ge n. Wa llace H . Nutting said t he r e a r e no "qu ic k . e a sy o r c h e ap solutions." In ano ther d e velopment, presidential spokesman David Ger gen refused comment today on a published report that the Reagan administration may s oon allo w U .S . military advisers in El Salvador to carry automatic rifles into the field. "Raising the present limits on lead in gasoline will not only prevent many of these children from getting below the danger level but will cause l ead poisoning amoog children to rise toward the common problem it was in the 1960s," DiUow said. Howeve r . he said the $55 m il lion i n e xpanded U.S . milita~ aid announced by the Re a gan administration this month ''should go a long way toward filling the requirement." The Was hington Post reported that. although no final decision has been made, some change i.n regul~tions likely will be made soon lo allow Americans to keep "pe rsonal weapons," such as M-16s , with the m unde r specified conditions. ., I ~ -- Irridium falls FAIRFIELD (AP) -A small, lead-s hielded contaiaer or radioactive irridium fell from a truck onto Interstate 80 but was retrieved without any release or radiation, officials report. It happened early Thursday. Nutting, the head of the U.S. An Army lieutenant colonel was ordered out of the country last week by U.S. Ambassador De ane R . Hinton after a t e levision camera crew photographed the officer and two junior officers carrying M-16s in an area frequented by leftis t guerriUas. Southern Command. spoke to reporters Thursday al the end or a 48-hour fact·finding visit to the e m battled Centr:al Am e rican nation. From PageA1 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. • • all the time, but this is a little overboard. I'm so ha ppy," she added. She mad~ her way through the throng or old high school cbum1 and family that bad come from Arkansas to celebrate the couple's champagne party. Dave Purdom, 31, the owner of a dental lab in Tustin, paid $650 to rent the theater where be and his wife met 12 years ago. "I love her and I wanted to show in front of everyone bow special she ls to me," said the decade-old groom. "And she deserves every bit or it." He waa the Ulber and she was the candy girl when they met over a box of buttered popcom IDd chocolate bonbons. She Uled to help him change the letters on the marquee every evenlnt at 9. One nilbt whlle swltcbina the marquee on the roof be proposed by spelline, "PatU, Pleue Marry lie." Durint I.heir courtship be arrived every Saturday ni,bt witla a lon1 stemmed red rose, recalled Debbie Duffield, a of Newport Bea.ch. ·:!t'1 typical of Dave," uid Michele Handley, surveying the long rows or hors d'oeuvres and champagne glasses. ''I think it's really neat. He's kind of different." Said bis father Doyle Purdom, who arrived from Arkansas with his wife Velma for the party. "He does things like this all the time. We have four sons and the rest aren't like this.·• On the jukebox was ''The Wedding Song" that was played during their wedding. The four·tier cake was covered with, you guessed it, red roses. When Dave learned that his wife's favorite song was Kenny Rogers' "Through The Years" he began practicing. And Thursday night he sang it, sort or. _ ''He ls the most sentimental, sweetest guy,''· said Laurie Schonert, 29, who came from Palm Springs with her husband Claude. "My husband had known him since element.ary schbol and he just loves his wife." • Asked what the secret of a good marriage is, Dave amiled and said, "You have to communicate and work at it every day. You can't take each other for IJ'aDted." OAANOE OOMT DlllyPllll C8Hdled ...... 1Mg71~ All otMf d1p1111Re• MM»1 Thomes P. Haley l'lllillllW ... Cfllet a-111 ... Otllmt Robert N. Weed ,._ Thomes A. MurpMne .... L~Schultz ._,,....... ......... a.--- MAIN OflFa ............. c-.-...C"-......... : ._ 1Jll,C.'9M9M;CA.,_ ~'9~CeM1~••1r14~. __ _....._. ......... __,,~ Wt1111::•• .,.,.... _, ... ,. f tt1 '"'191Ni I I -~--· \ Remap measure killed·· Orange County's 31th district survives renumbering The Aaaembly ElecUona and Reapportlo.nment Commlttu has killed a blll to renumber two 1tate Senate dlatrlcta -one In Oran1e County -.-to avoid leavln1 the areaa without lenatora ror two yea~. From PageA1 BAIL .•. normally have been held the following day, Tuesday, when McDonald was scheduled to be arrat1ned along with a co-defendant. Even with short notice of a h eariog , Voungblood's courtroom wu filled with 40 to 50 people who were reported to be investors and who supported the defendant's bail being lowered. Deputy District Attorney Thomas Buck, who learned of the bearing only hours before it took place, later explained he was mentally unprepared for It. Though Youngblood could not be reached for comment today. he has previously said that he c alled Monday 's hearing becau s e h e wa s "duty magistrate" for the week. He said he had been contacted by McDonald's lawyers who were seeking to have the high bail reduced. He said the only way to determine this was to hold a hearing. The S2 million bail figure bad been set by West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Ragnar Engeb·retsen, · who was out of s tate over the holidays last weekend. Oops, wrong cheese, folks PITTSFIELD, Mass. <AP) - It m ay look the same and taste the same, but state officials say Berkshire County got the wrong federal cheese and must give it· back -all 22'1'.t tons. The Berkshire Co unty Community Action Council was ready to begin distributing the cheese to the needy Sunday as part of the federal government's cheese·give away program. But on Thursday, the state ordered the cheese returned. Joseph Bishop, assistant director of the state Bureau of Nutrition, said there was a ·'c lerical error" a nd tbe Pittsfield officials 1ot an allotment or federal c heese destined for state schools and institutions. Tbe YOte WU M Thursday on AB12X. by Democratic Aaaemblyman Byron Sher of P a lo Alto, with eltht votea needed for paaaa1e. · Under the reapportionment plan adopted tut Sept.ember by t he Demeicratlc m ajority of the Leglalature, moet of Sher'• new San Mateo County d~trtct ii In one or the areaa that wlU not have a senator untll 1984. The other district is the 37th 'district that lncludes all the coastal sections or Oran1e County from Seal Beach to San Clemente and includes part.a of northern San Diego. The district Includes all Orange Coast cities except for Costa Mesa. Sher's bill was supported by Republicans who have opposed the Democrats' reapportionment pla ns , one each for the Assembly , state Senate. and U.S. House of Representatives. The Senate districts present a problem because senators are elected to four-year terms, with half elected every two years .. Thus o nly e ve n-numbered districts are up this year. Whenever Senate districts are redrawn, some areas are shifted from odd to even or vice versa, and vote either earlier or l~ter than nermal. T his year, to improve the r.h a nc es of holding their majority, the Senate Democrats s witched numbers on four d istrict s to force earlier elections in Democratic areas. The' even-numbered districts now represented by Republican Sena. 'lhn Garcia or llleftlo Parll: and Dan O 'Keefe of Cupertino were mer1ed and redealanated u the 11th District. Thia means Garcla'a and O'Keefe's terms expire t.hla year, but voters In the new dlatrict won't elect a new senator until 1984. Something 11lmilar happens in Orange County , where Republican Sen. John Schmit& of Cor ona del Mar leaves his even·numbered district this year. but the voters won't get to choose a successor until 1984. Sh e r 's bill would have exchanged the number of the 11th District for the 6th, a Sacramento district that could have two senators for two years. The Orange County district, the 31th, would ha ve exchanged numbers with the 32nd District. Assemblywoman Mar ian Bergeson, R·Ne wport )Jeach, s aid, ''There is mild outrage in m y a rea . Thi s disenfranchisement comes at a lime of Rrowth for south Orange Count.y. ' Assemblyman Ross Johnson, ·R · A n a he i m . s a i d S e n ate Democrats did the numbering deliberately to hurt Republicans a nd "r ecyc l e De moc ratic voters." But Assem blym a n Richard Lehman, D-Fresno, pointed out that s uc h dis loc at io n was inevitabl e in S e nat e redistricting, and it happened to Kings County in the 1973 plan dra wn by the Supreme Court. "I don't recall anyone there com plaining. I don't think they noticed," Lehman said. Comedy-pf errors Tiny, faulty pistol ends holdup WEST VALLEY CITY, Uta h <A P 1 A man who tried to hold up a grocery store was giggled right out of the robbery when an employee refu sed to take his tinv pistol seriously. police sa y. · ~he man entered H~tchinson·s Ma rket, waving a tiny derringer at a clerk, said West Valley Poli ce Offi cer Joe Iovino. But ins tead of emptying the cash regis ter drawer. the clerk started to laugh. The man told the clerk he was serious and shook the ,pistol, Iovino said. To prove his point. the man cocked the gun The buJJets fell out. The m.an ran from the store but was caught by two clerks behind a nearby apartment building in the in cident Iovino said. ' A 19-year·old West Valley City man was being held in the Salt Lake City-County J a il in connection with the incident. MATLACK WINDSURFING'$ ,.~ .......... WOMAN OF YEAR Ella Fitzger a ld . jazz s inger extraordinary . n•cl•ives Harvard University Hasty Pudding Club's Woman of the Year award at a ceremony a t Cambridgt· Club m<.'mbcr Jim Goldstein best ows a congratulator~· ki~~ Bush's de nris e exaggerated Eight year .o ld D erek Adams got a letter from Vice Presid e n t George Bus h a ssuring him tha t Bush hasn 't quit hi s job or died . lately Did he quit his job, or did he die? Do you know?" Derek wrote to the Bangor D ai l y News in Jan uary, saying. "I ha ven 't been hearing about George Bush The letter was sent on to the White House, and Bush sent an answer directly to Derek, saying he was happy to report that he had neither quit nor died. Christophe r Cross, who rocketed to fame last vear with fi ve Grammy Awards for his first album, 1s bemg sued for divorce by his wife, Roseann Geppert. She s aid the e ight-year mar r 1age ··has become ins upportable becaus e of di scord o r conflict of personalities." She fi led for divorce in st ale dtstnct court in Austin. T ex ., a_gainst t h e Austin singer 'and recording artist. wh ost' legal n a m e is Christopher Charles Geppert The 30-year-old Cross lives in Santa Monica. He won the mus ic industry's highest awards for his first album, "Christopher Cross," which in c ludes th e hit song, "Sailing." Algerian plane. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told the House of Common~ s he 'll foot any unpaid bills that might fall on British taxpayers for lhe r escue of her son, Ma rk. from the Sahara desert last month While the search was on, De nis Thatcher flew from London in a friend's private plane and returned with his so n i n t h e Algerian president's plane. The 26 ~car old Thatcher. a racing driver, was lost for six days during the 6,000-mile Paris-Dakar auto rally before being spot\ed by an Opposition Laborile lawmakers had asked Mrs. Thatcher who will pay the estimated $550,000 search costs . Coastal Smalt craft ttdv•\Or\' o"er inn•' w•ters from Point Concrphon 10 Oe n• Pooni F•o m Po oni Conception to Oana Potnl northeuwny wind" IS to JO knots wlll't 1 to • loot \Os DelOW canyons O.Creaslng Frld.ly E15ew,,.,ro llQhl varlebl• winds tr1rouon tonlont Afternoon wlrwu wuterly 7 to •• kMts with I to 1 loot wtncl w1v•s Westerly ~••If 1 to ' teet Fair t,,..OUQll tonl9nt U.S. suTJunary F reetlng rain mfaed w ith \lffl IPr"eMI ~ Oilt11 ot P'e-nn'Sytv•nta Oetawere Meryland and Vi<gln•• on Thur\day and tre,,.ten ed••....,lo wore I Swed tor Ille r•Oion California SoutMrn c.111ornl1 wilt "-•• lalr •••Ill•• throuoh Saturday, wlln winds decre .. lno today Sllohl (OOlino tr-IO< <O<Kt tOO•y Ind S41urctay w'"" lnt•f'd ar••s w•rml"'Q tOOay Ot 1nqe County h•QM tOOly ... lo H l OWSUoundlO lnl1nd ••ll•ys c"" expect llloh• IOOI Y 1bout IS, IO S.tur<Ny. L~ eroutld lO. Northus terty wind • 20·lS mph dee roulno In mount1lns tod1y HIQht In '°" too.y, SS to 6S S.tur<My LowslJtaO. Northern _.,, cen npecl .-111 to nort1>e11t wlno1 IS·U mph 1t .. ,,,.,, with lncreaslno hlQll c-s S.turd•Y HI~ In 7Ck :tY•. 1ow1 31 lo lO Southern dewrt · In 80\. lows In ~. Chane• of \l\owers jn Nor' M rn C•l tlornl• 111ra1dlno southwero tonlQlll '"" S.lurd1y Olh•rwlH m~lly l•i• •1th 1>1tcny nlQl'lt •nc1 morn1n9 low cloud' and roo Northern mount•ln\ snow l ev el Ibo•• UIQO feel FruzlnQ drlulo wu \Callered -----------over tne centr•I A-lachl•n•. from . M•ryl•nd •<ros• ••,ttrn Low•r Exie-J -d Mic1tlo•n, H1tor11 UPll'!• Michigan I~ at1d western L•k• Superior Into cet1tral llllnol\ "orecast Icy hio""'•YI were bl•,...d lor lour J 1 • ' 0.atM In lndi--Penn•vlvaru• Ll<Jhl ~ lell from .-111e•st•m Mluourl to 11ortnHn llllnots cflenolno flO lfoht ••In .,.., reacnlno th• All•nllc Cout from soutllern Now J•rtev '"'OU9h nor11M!rn North C•rollna Pe ril Of Marvlefld h•d uo to I l..cnes Of"'°"'• 1orc1no .. ,... ""°"" 10 CIOM , -• to s 1ncnes 1•11 on the Su,..,ev·T-y Falre•<e1JI.....,. night and ,,_nlno low <louellneu co•St•I .,... A 11111• cooler •'Id wlndv 111 mo<#ltllns HIOf\S Sundly 61 to 71 coastal areu ana S2 to •1 In mountains. Coollno S lo to deVHS by l•t• In s-tlod LOw1 41 lo SS ~el ire•\ 1~ to» •n f'\OUnt•fn~ mounlllfls Of Vlrotn11 T Lfont re in wu uettored lrom. emperature/J ' . C!:ITD ' Catellna eurwk• Fruno LIMHlaf L°"'llMcll Los Aft911M -.Urysvlll• Mo11rovl1 Moftlebtllo Monterey Mt w n-. HHdlH .... ...,,8-:11 Oekland Ontario Pelm SP"ln9t PasoltoeMs Rlverllde Rect81vfl R..,_Oly Seer•,,__ s.1111 .. Sift ee.._-clno SanG•brtel Sift Fr enc !Ko SenJOM Sat1feAN soutnern. Cotor•do •cross N•wl M e•1<0 to A r l1on•. ano r•ln continued •'-Ille northern P11e1Hc (OHi. CALlf'OltHIA Appl• V•ll~y '4 l4 Sent• 9ar11er• Tem--'Ufft '"°""" t"" netlon el midday Tllursday r....,..i from ll at Ca rlboll, Maine, t• I I •t Fort La ..... rdai. and Ml•ml. Fl•. 81~erslield 8•r1tow 8HUf'llont lft8Hr Bllfloel lllvtlla '4 ff SMiie CNt 7 I S2 hnlJI -.. 6' ,. Seftta -.Ca 41 JO Sle<kloft 0 » Ta-Vallr( 11 S4 TMrm.tl • Gov • ..__. O. BNn Ir. appanntty had other lh.LDp on bla mind WMn he weal to fU. hlt candidacy pepert for the U .8. Senate. lie for1ot b1I ~1.21s.ts nu.01 '"· That over1t1bt will be correet.ed u aoen aa Brown'• campalp treuurer, former Loa AA1ela Clty Attorney Burt .._., writes a cheek to cover the fee, •ides Hld. FlUn1 deadline tor the race 11March1.2. Because of tbe error, Brown will not be the ftnt Democrat to quAllfy for t.be race -and hence the first on the ballot. A Loe An1eles Jury ruled against a lawyer who sued The New Yorker ma1a&ine seekin1 $15 million over a book revtew by novelist JoM Updike lo which the lawyer was called a swindler. The jury denied Jerome B. Ro1ea&hal'1 claim that Updike libeled him in a review of A.E. Hotcluaer'a "Doris Da1. Her Own Story'' in the maeazine's edition of Feb. 23, 1976. The Jury ruled 11·1 ln favor of the magaf.ine and 12-0 ln support of Updike, who )Vrote that Rosenthal swindled the actress in investments made for her by her late husband, Marty Melcher. Former U.S. Rep. Wayne Hays said he won't seek the 99th district seat in the Ohio House of Representatives this year. Hays, 70, served nearly 30 years in Congress from Ohio's 18th district before· resignin1 in 1976 after publicity over an admitted affair with EUubeill Ray, a clerical employee on his staff. Hays, a Democrat, was elected to the Ohio House in 1978 but lost the seat two years ago to Rep. Robert Ney, a Republican. WAYNE HAYS "'OAA U \ D••• •' ( ...... ,,., 79 '2 T O<reMe S4 •S YulN IO 0 •7 M " .. Am11--. II J2 A !Nfl,a ,, 44 laft9llOll II 4S .. lrllt 71 JO =::- IO .f7 lrvtwts ~ ~ l 'Alre1 90 • Cairo .. 41 C..-acas " ss c...-n......., 7t SI ~Miii 61 0 l"ranllfllrt 72 .f7 Oeften u 40 Helslfl" ... 46 H-.KMO M 4S JH\ltaMm ,. • J'lf<9 7l SI Kiev 11 O Lima M JO LltMn 71 47 L...c9oll ... ~kl 11 • Manll• .. .f7 MoK-10 ..... Ddll • ,_. Nk"ll 70 .. o.19, •1 n "~•• a S1 Ale , . 1' OLOUL H so .. S7 u J6 " II ... " IO 41 ,. 41 JO ... " ,. n 7S ff ., S4 .. 21 7J S1 Jf 4S " For today, .,_WI\ fore<a\f from Hew Enotand Info the uPC>er O"lo Velley. Rein wu lorec ul from 1oulner11 Ol'tlo .c rou •••fern Ktnt11<ky lo !he Allanllc Coast from toull'ttrit Htw J eruv to Nor th CarollM , and over sout,,.rn and uv111-..... TeHs •'Id from tlle nor11Mn< Pacific C•tt Imo Wffl•m . ~ "-......... --------------------------------------· ,..~ ..... --~,,........,. " .. ~ .. H lgllt Ill the )Ot were prO<lkled for Htw £~. ""' Grw•I L•~" Ind nortllam ~ •• tn the ~ ,,_ tllt "ntr•I Al.Mlfltk COHI k,..s Ille Ml11<1url V•lley ,,,_ Wasl'tlntton, ne.tr IO ---n tHu; In Illa _, 70a.,..., IOVthOm Florio., •nd MM IO In S...-m Callfoml• and Ille ......... ~ .. .., ...... ..,, ........... SUlf llPDll . 1 ::--·-, ........ • ~i;iliiii ...................... ~ ... ..ii· ..,........ ...... ... ... 4 4 4 I ... .... It " " u ............ ,. .. -.., I 1 .. t 1 -I J IW 1 ' w ~--.. ,...,, ~ ... ..._ .......... ........ ...... ti • n " n 7) 1S • " .. 0ta"'G9 Coat DAILY PILOT/Frfday, February 19, 1982 s ~• .. UCI c ase appeal eyed Ousted professor claims discrimirwtion in lawsuit Ao attomey tor UC lrvtne aaya be Intends to aak the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the cue .ot an 111l1tant prof eaaor of French who saya UC I dl1crtm1nated 11alnlt her. Attorney John Lundber1 HYI be want.I the country's biitw-t court to overturn a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruUn1 1tren1tbenlng the case of Therese Lynn, 49, of Laguna Beach. She says UCJ discriminated a1alnat her OD the basis Of her aex and nationality when she was refused tenure , or permanent fac:ulty status. in 1976. Faculty members who are denied tenure are obli1ed to eventually leave the employ of the university. Mrs. Lynn left UCI and filed a federal case against UCI, alleging the university had violated provisions of the 1964 ClvU Rights Act. The Federal District Court in Los Angeles ruled in favor of the university. That decision was appealed to the 9tb U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled that there was enough evidence to suggest that discrimination might have taken place. The court decided to send the case back to the lower court for a new trial. Mrs. Lynn, who now works as OMly ~ .... Stllfl ,_ FIGHTING -Therese Lynn of Laguna Beach m ay fight UC Irvine up lo the SUf)reme Co urt in discriminat111n case a proofr ea d er . says s h t' estimat es s he has inc urred $10,000 in legal costs since she filed suit against the university "I'm not getting tired of the battle," she said in an 1ntervtew at a rund-raiser for her earlier t this week al the Irvine home ol UCI Associate Professor Janet WUHams. "I think the money I have spent has been worth It. ·'This whole thins hH taught me patience, hum~ly and bu been very enrichlng." "When J wln 1hls case and set my back pay, I intend to open a legal defense fund for women at UCI." Mrs. Lynn, who earned a doctorate in medieval French from the University of 1111.nois, says she is seeking a tenured faculty position and back pay through her legal action. She said that, in many ways, her legaJ battle against UCI has been a positive experience. "We've had to be more careful !inanciaJly," she said. "But it has taught us self-reliance. For example, my children have had to seek scholarships for their education " She said that her husband, Henry, and her four children stand behind her in her1tattle. Her attorney, Lada Marx , says that she views the battle as something of a David vs.,Goliath arr air "The university has unlimited funds and of course we don't," sh e said "You have to be somethmg of a crusader to take on a case like this -it doesn't get you rich " ... 'Phoenix' t o rise from ashes Mesa club employee5 pitch in to repair fire losses By J ODI CADENHEAD Ot-.D-"J"-Stllfl The year's only two months old and already things look terrible to John Bellamy. How terrible, you ask? Well, first his wife of three and a half years left him. ·'Put something i n about Suzanne coming back to me." said the 38-year-old Newport Beach nightclub owner. "I just loved that girl." He got so caught up in his string of Southland nightclubs that he just didn't seem to find time for much else, explained the bearded businessman. Now he's looking to sell a couple of them. Monday morning, his most profitable nightclub, the Deja Vu in Costa Mesa, was gutted by a fire. He and Tom Elsea are co-owners of the club. By Monday afternoon fire officials were fairly certain that the blue that caused $190.000 worth or damage to the nlehtclub al 2285 Newport Boulevard was the work of an arsonist. Tuesday morning, polic'! told reporters that the $250,000 Bellamy had spent two years ago making improvements to the 6,400 square-foot club was not covered by insurance. Delly_Mtff,_ BUCKET BRIGADE Employt·t·!'.. of Deja Vu night cluh in Costa Mesa make rt'ad y to C'l<.'an up the mess after fire gutted the popul:.ir watering holt· this wt•l'k Things started to look up, though. Tuesday afternoon when a bout 30 or his e mployees showed up with s hovels and brooms ready lo s weep away the blackened debris from the bistro's gulled interior. But events took a decided tum dow'nward Wednesday morning when officials from Caltran~. owne r of the propert). moved 1n to board up th e one-s loq ni ghtclub, saying 11 was not s tructurally sound "We could have been open ma couple or weeks if 1t hadn't bet>n for this," said Bellam) The s and y -h aired bus inessman watched along R eco r d P SA profit told SAN DIEGO <APl -PSA Inc. reported record-high profits for 1981 despit e the biggest operating loss ever for i ts subsidiary Pacific Southwest Airlines, which operates two flights daily at John Wayne Airport. Larry Gus k e , PSA vice president and controller , listed net inco m e of nearly S28 6 million. equal to S5 38 per share fully diluted on revenues of $438.5 million for the year ended Dec . 31. with a crowd of soot covered waitresses and busboys as the former popular night spot was boarded up. City officials tried to quell the disagree m e nt b y t e lling dishearte n e d DeJa Vu e mployees that they could return to their cleaning once the building was deemed safe by an engineer. But some sad tales do end happily Thurs day morn ing, Costa ~t esa assistant building and s afet y director Victor Newton received a re port from an engineer saying the building was safe Deja Vu employees were told they could return to their broo m s a nd s hove ls. s aid Ne wton SALE on selected equipment only! We .. In the mldlt of what 11 shaping up to be one of the best ski .. .,.. ever end MIWf •rl IM C ... •r has the merchandise and Mrvice to make yo .. ura even better . ....... ..... R0881Gnoa oYnattt K' San Mar .co Dynamic Raichle Flecher Ko Flach ::~n Gem Tyrol la Marker $/ Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1982 SHUT DOWN -A new leak in a s team .............. fourth one at the pla nt within the past year and the second within a week. There was no release of radioactivitv when Unil 3 was . gene rator tube,_ a t the Duke Power Co. ·s Oconee Nuclear Plant near Clemson . S.C. forced the utility to shut down its last operating unit this week. The leak was the taken off line. · Polish clergy under attack Martial law regime said planning roundup of priests WARSAW (AP) -Communist Poland's martial law regime has stepped up its attack on the Roman Catholic clergy, and a West German newspaper quoted reliable sources in Warsaw as saying a nationwide roundup of pr iests is plaMed. t n its second broadside against the c hurch in two days, Radio Warsaw said that some ··lower Catholic cle rgy" were rekindling '"old sources of conflict " such as placing of religious symbol.s (crosses) in public places, state institutions and schools. The broadcast accused one priest in northern Poland of appealing to parents to oppose efforts to remove crosses from schools "even if they were fired on in the process." -Another broadcast criticized the church for speaking out against internment of leaders or the independent union Solidarity and said some priests sought to '"c riticize the policy or the authorities towards extremists." On e Weste rn diplomatic observer who maintains close ties with the church said, ··s uch criticism is Likely to misfire. Why criticize the church now, after being silent for months since it began working in behalf of internees." The observer. who requested anon ym ity , said o f 1,800 interned union activists released from camps, 1.100 were set rree at the behest of the church. The regime says some 4,000 people are still detained. The church counts some 80 percent to 90 percent of Poland's 36 million citizens as members. and the primate . Archbishop Jozef Glemp, has spoken out in the past against internment and othe r aspects of martial Jaw since it was imposed Dec. 13 and Solidarity leader Lech Walesa detained. Glemp has maintained public silence since returnin1 from Vatican talks last week with Polish-born Pope John Paul 11 , but church sources said the primate will deli ver a sermon Feb 26 and it is expected to outline the c hurc h's policy toward martial law. In West Germany, th e res p ec t e d newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine quoted "reliable sources in Warsaw'' as saying the Polish regime plans a major attack on the clergy in two or three weeks. The paper s aid the Polish secret police have been secretly t a p e -r ecording sermons by parish priests. and with the help of E ast German agents hope to fa lsify the recordings into s tate ments of loyalty to the regime that would be broadcast "with the goal of discr~ting the church among the people." The government announced Wednesday that 3,500 Poles were detained for m arlial raw infractions during a two-day sweep called "Operation Calm." On Thursday. Interior Ministry officials said all but about 250 ol them had been released after brief checks of their documents. Come in and see our .. large selection of Swimwear ~~EXPERIENCED'' FURS. South Coast Plaza Jn the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 0 1\ I J J " " c,.r •ne most loO;J•ous furs as I\ 11 VY • ·ppr, on T v ano '" Ille mov•PS ore \j\J -r11 'W t1P•f' tor vour splPC tton Wl DUY YOU TO DtffllUHTIA Tl THE HEW OMU FROM THE RU.AUS. So. Coast Ptcno Hotet 666 .... ltYd. Costa ... CA. The largHI eelection ol lu•ury lura we have e•er ehown . . encludrng dH'9ner !Cira and ONE OF A KIND apec1ala. l'll:IO•~ b'JY•"o a f<f!P tur <;!()fl' Im ur1<1pr sioo oo. a r.,. mon1 1BC~f'I '""' Wil~ only WO"• Jrt P ,,r lw•~P ,,, .i rr"n• c.n.11 'Ml wa~ a o•·le "" ·• T v qow•away <;,.,ow lflPt IP ,JI !\ell! f1 M' yt')uf Cftl('(,.lifJ*" f1QW II you 1ir.-Al ,.,,,. you can r ••1 , • ,,.,,ty hP•tlOr ''' t 1r d fr'1Cl1on or •ts • .-1111f' Nevi" b<'lor,.. roeve• ay.11n will •.o many w1111;iOIP l11rs be .JlferPO ,11 sue.fl fl0tCU•OUS 1 ·ltCe!i II make-. '>ens.-to bUy a ''"" re'>tat Ot unc1a1meo tu1 SomP furs labeled useo Mve only been tried on. worn ies~ than 'Til)<)t lurr,Prc, nPw stock Fors! come l11s1 ~rvea o;i~.~ A ~mall :l':OO'i•I W•lt hotel y<>ur a11way 12 noon to 6 pm BE AN ICE SKATING ~ ~~! at an / I ' ICE CAPADES CHALET • NEW CLASSES STARTING • REGISTER NOW for internationally famous Ice Capadei Chalet Ice Skating Scht>ot. Whether you've ice skated before or never ice skated in your life, one of these classes is for you. • BEGINNERS WELCOME! • 2701' H•rbor Blvd. H•rbor I ~Adam• Co•t• Meaa 979-8880 EN~OLL ,NOWll ; . ~· PUBLIC ICE SKATING EVERY DAY, LOTS Of FUN FOR YOUR MONEY. ONLY A BUS RIDE AWAvtr Reagan defends budget President $ays high interest rates 'greatest threat' WASHINGTON <AP> - President Reagan said that hl&h interest rates pose "the &realest single threat" to the American economy, but insisted that his em battled tu and budget programs will reverse the tide and pull the nation from recession. The president also d.eclared Thursday he has ·•no plans to send American combat troops into action" in El Salvador or anywhere else around the world. He d eclin ed to s p e ll out, he said,. without 1umdln11 the wrong slgnul to friend and Coo alike. As for calls to bal·k orr the m asslve tax cuts he \¥on last year , R eagun s aid that three-year program s till "represents the strongest thing we have '' toward restoring "We intend to get results." however. the U.S. options for productivity. "To abandon our future support of the ruling tax poUcy now would be giving junta in that Central American up a fundamental thing that is n ation , besieged by leftist required," he added guerrillas. Reagan declined ··to be pinned As his budget director David down" on when recovery from Stockman had done a day recession would begin earlier, Reagan left the door Meanwtule. he announced that o p e n t o r e v i s i o n a n d he will soon name a panel of compromise with a wary private citizens to search out Congress over his big-deficit, waste and inefficiency in the $757 .6 billion spending plan for government with a n eye to next year. He told his critics: further reductions tn the budget. ··come up with some specific '"This will be the large:rt effort suggestions . . . we'll take a of ats kind ever mounted lo save look." r ... tax dollars:" Reagan Miid '"I But Reagan. in his eighth expect them to roll uv their news conference as president, s leeves a nd search out waste made it clear he docs n 't think and inefficiency . " he said there's much room for trimming ··we mean business and we his proposed 18 percent boost in intend to get results.'· defense spending. "We cannot Reagan affirmed that Defense back away on national defense," Secretary Caspar Wc•inhcrger "was representing the United States" when he discussed poss ible sales o r missile launchl'rs and F 16 jets to )ordan, an episode which drew a seve re protes t from Israel. "We 're not Just a n arms s upplier" said Reagan. Asked whether there are any circumstances under which he might use US troops In El Salvador, Reagan replied · "Well. maybe 1f they dropped a born b nn the White House l might gel mad ·· Reagan said "l don't t hink thcrl''s any parallel" between the US involvement in Central Am<'rtca <ind Southeast As ia at the tame the Umted States was becoming involved in the Vietnam war Reagan said that high interest rates represent "the greatest s ingll' threat today to a healthy, las ting recovery " from the re c e ss i o n Ma jor bank s increased the prime rale Wl'dnl·sday from 161".I lo 17 percent Thl' pr~i.tdt'nt said the boost refl l•ttl'd c·oncern that the Federal llt'scrve Board might t•asc· monctar) poliC'y , and that lht• adm1n1 s trat1on might tolcratt' l'V<:r higher defi cits. Rt•<igan·.., budget proJCCts record def1C'1~ ------ Davis ~Brown TELEVISION• APPLIANCES• VIDEO Get our special low price on this full-featured Maytag ! Plus. get a factory authorized $25 Instant Rebate from usjn cash or off the price, your choice ·~i-11 ~_;_~!ii" 01.sJIH c•NHJ"1 •Lo. Entfll (!Clt !O<""t ,,,,_ • lM<11 S-• 0r)"'I OC'• ora.-.~11 ~ ___ , • Etttw\...,. ~· ftltff •1 M -~Srl'"" WHIRLPOOL Ho.ROST REFRIGERATOR • 17.7ce.fl • T •lltllracl Ste.I Doon • T....-ndGMI• St.CY~ SHOP THIS SAT., SUN., & MONDAY FOR OUR SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES ON ... • VIDEO RECORDERS • COLOR TV • APPLIA~CES * MICROWAVES • PROJECTION TV • 2 I " Diagonal Trinitron • ~s Commondtr l~Remote • C~RHdy 26" DIAGONAL MUS TRIMITROH COMSOU • S~ Matrix SCMKI • Expttu Commander 1"4ra Red RMtO~ • C~RHdy ...-..c=--c::=---FR&fCH DOOR H~OST RERUGBA TOR • 11.7 CM. ft . • lee-Miik"' •..ctr •1 l• T~Gltit • ,.ore,....°" s,..c WASHY • F...lySlw • 3 Wasll Cycles TRASH MASHER COMPACTOR • s AllttolMtk crci.1 . ,.,..... ""' DRYBt . '-""' • T .... s11ec1'°"' • 5 Cydft 1 -· o.-:f \ $ l99~~-----------~ w-=us•• ...,. .. • EnercJy Scrtinc) Option • DYCll Lev.t Wash • hca.lH T-11 Toe °"9W9f' 0,.- • C-..chA.W"4!'1 W oriti Of Tra• f« A F9lllily of 4 :~TiillUa Collrt hacks prisons Officials c:an bar conjugal visits by common law spouses SAN FRANCISCO CAP> - State prison officials can bar conjuaat visits by common law spouses, the California Supreme Court has ruled. It rejected a claim by Ray Cummings, 47, of Alameda County. that his rights were violated when visits by bis common law wife were denied because they had no marriage certificate. The 5-2 decision Thursday by Justice Frank Richardson said the challenged regulation is "reasonable and consistent with legitimate state interests." Cummings, serving life for murder at San Quentin prison, wanted permits for visits by Susan Cummings, who lived with him from 1971 until 1978. The conjugal visit regulation excludes visitation by persons having only a common law relationship with the inmate. .. T he program 's social purpose or preservinl famUy unity would not be served by encouragtng inmates' ovcmtcht visits with those who are not in his family," said the court. "U, as is clear, prison officials may ban overnight visits with inmates altogether, then certainly they may limit those visits to persons with whom the inmate has a bona ride relationship established through blood, marriage or adoption," it said. "To recognize other a lternative relationships as justifying family visitation ls an invitation into semantic quicksand. Moreover it would encourage subterfuge." The court said opportunities for abuse ar~ obvious and repeated abuses might lead officials to terminate the entire program. \.... It said beyond practical considerations "we discern no valid pubUc policy requiring California 's taxpayers to provide overnteht accommodations and security supervision for a prison inmate wllb his or her paramour. In our view. such a pro1ram would represent both social folly and fiscal extravagance at a time when penal funds are much needed for more critical purposes. Certainly such • plan is not legally compelled." The court said without benefit or marriage, birth or adoption certificates authorities could not verify the-truth of the prisoner's contention he has a "bona fide long-standing family relationship" necessary for a conjugal visit. It said that there are now two filmlLies involved and although that situation could change with marriage, the relations between C u m m i n g s. a n d S u s a n Cummings "is not that of a family. It is something else." Orange Cout O~LY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1982 s , APW ....... OAKLAND FIRE A fi ve-a larm fire roared out of control in two furniture warehouses m downtown Oakland Thursda' The fire was the second large blaze m the cit~· in three da~·s Indoor pollution studied . LOS ANGELES CAP> -A 600-paae report by the state ' Department of Consumer Affairs re c ommends ' wlde-ranging actions against indoor pol~utlon that it says would significantly decrease• health problems and save· billions of dollars a year in illness and lost productivity. ; Among the report 's recommendations are that state agencies consider limiting indoor concentrations or such materials as asbestos, forma ldehyde, radon and combustion pollutants, as well • as requiring that smokers be separated from non-smokers in offices. Jury awards re~'ired asbestos worker $150,000 The report, issued Thursday, , urges Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. to create an Interdepartmental ' Ta s k Force on Indoor Environmental Quality. Such a , tas k force. the report says, would decide what actions could be taken by state agencies within their existing legal powers and budgets, as well as recommend whether a new agency should be created lo oversee the subject statewide. Richard B. Spohn, director of the Department of Consumer Affairs, said he feels the federaJ government "is literally walking away from this issue. It's tragic. Obviously it's a national problem." MARTI NEZ CAP ) -A Johns-Manville asbestos worker forced into retirement by lung disease bas been awarded $150,000, but a jury refused to levy $1 million in punitive damages against the company. The lawsuit is expected to serve as a benchmark for nearly 300 California cases in which workers claim the nation's largest asbestos maker kept them in the dark about the dangers of the fibrous mineral. lt also was the first case brought by a Johns-Manville worker: while the company has been involved in up to 2,000 other asbestos-related suits, all were brought by s hip builders, construction workers and others who laandled asbestos products after they left company plants. The compensatory damages awarded this week amount to about $20,000 more than Bob ~~vlck. •• Jher-ldan forrne~f of Gory Comptons Now with Newport lack lay Halrstyllst 2675 IMne Avenue Newport Beach. Col1fom10 92627 (71A) 631·.C111 A Pier I exclusive At La Primula factory in Civita Castellana-60 km. from Rome -artisans produce azzura linea dimodo (blue line dinnerware) according to a design Pier I created. These earthenware pieces are hand decorated with one encircling blue line. They're safe for dishwasher. oven and microwave. And because of a favorable lira-dollar exchange rate, prices are great! Cereal bowl and dessert plate ........ ea. 149 Pasta /Salad bowl ..... . ........... 1.59 Dinner plate . . . ....................... 1.69 ' · Mug .................................. 2.49 lust part of a great new collection from Italy. lhenew • 1er. collections . ANABF.IM-!509 Katella Aven~ 772-2472 COSTA lll'JlA-:-2110 Harbor BoCalevard, 540-7337 Alan Speake would have earned had asbestosis -scarring of the lung tissue caused by inhaling asbestos fibers -not forced him to retire at the age of 59. Now 66, Speake had worked at the company's Pittsburg plant, 15 miles east of San Francisco, for 33 years. "I'm disappointed in some ways," Speake said. But he added he was glad his 611'.t-year ·' . Loe~, coim-~ and international events come tQ. · step • ..., . )n the bright, · Jive Ly rll9I · · J --• ·~ • l ... . -.... . . . battle with the company was over. The Contra Costa Superior Court jury, after deliberating 26 hours over seven days, rejected the suit's demand for $1 million in punitive damages. Speake originally sought $11 million in punitive damages. but the amount was lowered during the three-month trial. Speake's lawyers , Steve Kazan and George Kilbourne, maintained that Johns-Manville officjals knew of the health hazards connected with asbestos as early as 1933, but did not'ling to warn workers. The mineral has been linked to cancer and other diseases. Company lawyer Weyman Lundqu is t contended that Speake's medical proble ms were more likely a result of 40 years of cigarette smoking than his exposure to asbestos. Spohn made his comment lo the Los Angeles Times, which obtained an advance copy of the report The report catalogues a variety of health problems attributed to indoor pollutants and lists what is known about them What better way to show you our new South Coast Financial Center than with a celebration! On Monday, February 22, we'r~ having· a Gold Key and RibbOn Cutting Cere- mony at 9:45 a.m. followed by an Open House until 3 p.m. It's a great chance to see a demonstration of our VERSATELLER ~ Automated Teller and all the other features we've built in to make your .banking more convenient. We have a lobby three times the size of our old one. More teller windows. A larger Merchants Booth to handle your business transactions. Walk-up windows open early and late. Easy access to public trans- portation. And free va lidated parking. We think you'll agree that our South Coast Financial Center offers the service and convenience you want in a bank. So come in and join the celebration! South Coast Financial Center 3233 Part< Center Drive Costa Mesa Otsi Wilson Vice President and Manager BANKoFAMERICAm ·----NTllA· _ ,OllC I j J I I Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1982 Bill opens justice system to scrutiny Arter more than a year of wrangling, the state Legislature has come up with a bill, AB 277 by San Bernardino Assemblyman Te rry Goggin, that would at least pa rtially open preliminary court hearings to the public a nd press. The measure, awaiting the governor's signature. would open the hearings unless a judge decided the defendant could not get a fair trial if the public were allowed to attend. If s igned into law and it most certainly should be the bill would overturn an 1872 law that requires j udges to close preliminary hearings s imply upon request of a de~ndant. At these hearings, testimony is taken to d etermine if there is s umc ient evidence to warrant sending a defendant on to a full . and open , court trial. Opponents of suc h a measure h ave con ~ended t h a t opening preliminary hearings can result in publicity that could depr~ve a d efendant of the right to a fair trial by an unbiased jury. But. in practice, some 90 percent of c riminal ca ses a re dis posed o f in o n e wa v or a no ther. freque ntly by ·plea bargaining to reduce the origina l c harge, during t he pre liminar v ll earing. Many never reach a jury. I Last year a similar bill by .Assemblyman Goggin failed to win legislative approval because it would have permitted closed hearing s only if a jud ge determined that an open hearing would present .. a cf ear and present danger" to the right lo a fair trial. The modified language in the n ew bill app ears t o hav e e limin ated much o f th e opposition. A c h a n ge in the law is necessary becaus e t he s tate Supreme Cowrt. in response to a recent challenge by a San J ose n ewspaper. ruled that the state constitution's provis ion ass uring public access to court hearings does not include a n unqualified right to attend a preliminary hearing. The new measur e modifies the 1872 law by bring ing it into step with curre nt legal practices. recognizing that the outdated law h a s been s ore I v a bus ed b\' defendants a nd lawyers seeking ~o c.lose courtroom s to public s crut in y . Th e propos ed compromise is on acce ptable one w h ich gives judge!; adequate leeway in the operation of their c o urtroom s. w h i le a ssuring reasonable public acct•ss to the crimina l just ic·e system. More public access I : The open hearing bill passed ~Y the Legislature takes another ~tep in the public interest by tequiring poli ce and other law e nforcem e nt agencies to open \heir records to the public and press. unless disclosure would endanger a victim of crime. This portion of the measure is a modification of a bill vetoed by the governor last year unde r ~ressure from law enforcement age ncies . Thal bill would have allowed ~eporters to look at most police ~e p or ts . The n ew wording ~equires police to give reporters necessar y information from their i:ecords. but does not requfre that reporters be allowed to ins pect t he ~s themselves This means policl' will hav(' to be responsible for inadvertent errors in reading off names .and addresses. which could lead to confusion. It mig ht have been better to let reporters take the r esponsibilit~· ror a ccuracy o t facts However. the bill should be helpful for the police in that it tells them what thev can and cannot do under the· law when ask ed for information. Provid e d the law e nfo r cem e nt agencies are reaso na bly coope r ative. it is another acceptable compromise in the ongoing effort to assure public scrutiny of a ll steps in th<.' Justice s~·stem Keep the space team ' A space budget that would continue some far-out l'Xploration has survived efforts hv the Office <if M a nagemcnt and · Budget to 'l irtually kill it. a nd r eceived E>res ident Reagan's backing for fiscal 1983 That's a good start. but the ~.6 billion request still must get th rough Congress no easy task ih view of the paring a nd carving to be done in the months a head in tpe name of economy l To the con g r essm en and s enator s we s uggest in strong t!e r m s : A u l h o r i z e it and appropriate for it. , In vol ved wo uld be s uch und e rtak in gs a s t h e Jupiter-orbiting Galileo satellite . y .S . participation in a sun-probe rission. a deep sp ace tracking e t work a nd sending th e uccessful Voyager 2 s pacecraft o n to Uranus and Neptune. ! The Nation a l Academy of ciences a nd th e American s trological Society's Division for Planetary Sciences were two • key group!-. "h1ch lo hhwd fot I hl· program~ The~· dicln 'I gt'I all that '~<I~ as ked For l·xample. pl;.ins fo r <i Venus orbite r and a prohe to Halle\'·::. Comt•t \H•n • ~c rubl>ed Some· program~ had tu lw :-.c:.alt•d down or stretched o ut Research funding dropped s li ghtly Had the OM B pha~cd out the planetary programs. it \\Ould have meant the loss of 1.200 J<>b!:i at the J et Propulsion La borator~· in P a s ade n a . The jobs a s numbers are not important. Wh at is important is that these critic:.il a nd skiJled people can sta~· \\ith the program Too often . budget slashing scatters to the winds a trained team of scientists. engineers and technicians t hat took ,·cars to a s s e m b I e . H o w c1 o' es o n e r ec o n s titut t' s u c h a s p ace -oriented g roup in later years'.' The answer 1s you can 't and don't. Us ing a meat cleavtt r recklessly on the budget can be short-sighted On to Uranus and Nc ptun<.'' Qplnions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex dressed on tn1s pag~ are those ot their author<. and artists. Reade r comm('nt.1S 1nv1t ~d. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O. 0 0 111 t5b0, Costa Mesa , CA 92b2b Phone·l/141 r~41·432 l. M. Boyd/Barking dogs , Q. ls the barking of a dog a oaturaJ ail or a n acquired habit? ~A . Acquired habit. Wild dogs don't rk. Such is the claim of an expert. teresting, if true. Do we need a cood opinion on tbis matter? . Do you realize you can get 12 tallons of hair oil from the carcass of 11 black bear? .., ' Thal word "decrepit." now means ~ •a sled and weakened, but originally ORANGE COAST . lailJ· Pilat It meant "unable to make a noise." Our Language man said it alluded to the notion that old people only talked In whispers, if al all. Nothing In the sea ls noisier than a bed of shrimp. So say the scientists who specialize in unde rwater exploration. Surely you warm the teapot before you pour the tea in it. Four out of five British tea brewers do so. ThOnYI P. Haley Publisher Thomn A. Mu"rp1i1ne Editor Barbar• Kretbtch Edltorlal Page Editor t • \ Beware budget 'diversiolls' WASHING TON "An interesting dive rsionary tact1<.'" was the phrase Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey used to r es p o nd t o Pre s id ent Rea g a n 's proposab for a "new federalism" in his State of lhe L'nion m essage Then. as 1s becoming more usual, Reagan made a ' prophet of Bradley and the rest or hi!. wor!:.t l'n e mi e s The presi d e nt immediately announced that he was. for a change. going to leave Wastungton not to t·c.alm nutmnal panic a bout his s u1c1de budget . but to discuss thl' fir\c•r pomts of foderall:-.m So. 1l w:.is a diverswn And . obv1ousl\', 1t didn't work Thl· 1m:~11lcnt only gut ~:-. fu r a!> Minneapolis bl'f11n• he -;a"' th1· ·w e lcomc Presid1:nt llouver·· sign I If· had to tr~ to dt•fcnd the budget and Reaganom1cs. which an• tndt'fcns1blt- THE Rf.AGAN Bl'DGET for fr,c<d 198:.J is 16k ad It has no cha nt·1• of pass ing None It 1s an insult to 1h1· inte lligence of Congress a lttrnn~ statem ent. that' aftd a joke on the American p eople . Each day 1t ,.., discussed. each time it is mentioned nn the nightly news . brings Ronald Reagan closer lo the moment when ht· will bec ome : de fa c t o , a la m e cluck president. ll is no wonder. then, that he wants lo divert attention from a budget that wi ll m ake it impossible for an A'!Tlerrr an family to borrow the money to hu\ a S5_Q.OOO home . but would g1\C' t ht• go"Vernmcnt of El Salvador $60 0110 J year fo1 1·,1<"h n•lwl 11 "'.111h 111 ki ll llt-wa11· llw n•·'t '11 ,,.1..,wn If "''' .11 1' not v11.ola11t 1t "'ill lw ,, .,mall "'"I 111 .1 rar plac·t· \n 1111 '¥\ lllll01 hl1 "'ar \n ins Jn1• ".11 I ro p1 , . .,,., '• .111d 1111•1• l'l pc11µl1 · \\ 1111 1 ;1t111•1t ht· 1111111•1l1 ti .Ju.,,. ~apolt 'llll lht.11'1•' t lw 111 111 t•• \\lt•1111 lt11-. RICHARD RIEVES .1dn11n1-.1r.1t1»11 ,., pl.11ir1 1n..: ''' g1\1• S:J114t mtlhnn 10 tlw ll• \I IHHIJ!t•I lo fight ~ ()Oii rl'l.>l·I~ 1-. 1111 111111 1 J.!1111\J.! lo lw th•· (e.,11lt•r nf ;t r>•'J1•,.ful .. :I S.11\.111111 lh.in I .1m I ' 1 ·" JI I • · h 1 ~· h 1 11 t h , . H 1 .IJ J n a dm1111 .. .t r.!111111 h.l\t' th11ughl from lht l1e•g 11111111i: I Ii.ii \\ h.il "'" 1·11u11t I\ 11t•t•ll•·d ".1 ... t q1111 k \ ll'tlll \ 111)11'\\ tlt'l 1' ,J .,m;lll , ... .,, "·'' lh1•\ th11111•ht triumph """Id l'f,1 •' t l11· .. 1.1111 11f \ ll'f ll,tlll ,1., lh1 "1 ,t\\ ti lh1• "l.1111 11f \mt·r u-.111 d1•t• tl \11d Iii•' 1h .. 11gt11 1-:1 l.;;11\ 11d 111 "•'"Ill!' pl,11 • ,0\\ ht•( ,l ll'ol lht•', ,,,,. 111 ... 1111.: tl t•.,111 1.1t.•h .11 h111111 lht•\ 11.1\1' t'\1'11 11\111 t ''"'""" l•l \\ .1111 ·' "'Ill ... llllll'Jll.11'1' 1-:at h d ,I\ 1111\\ \Jt•,,111rl• r 11<11).! or Thoma-. E11d1·1.., 111 -.n m• J.!l•n•·r,ll ,.., 1•xpl.t1n111 i.: .1 \\:ti .. 11.tlt•J.!\ to U!'> Tiu.., l!- a ,,., \ <la11J.!t•r1111. 11111•• th1•..,1· 1woplt• i.11 I' llC!l ktdtllll).'' 11r 1.1t 11<·1 Ii• •r" ~ 1 ld1t11! th• 111 "l'" • .. I .... ~ 1 tw n11111 t tr Citizen law challenge on Vot(•r. in thc J un<' R µrimary elpc·t1on \\Ill bl• lwlloting nn 1~ mt•a-.urt•s as w<:ll a s eand1<h1t1•!-; for C"ongrc•ss1onal a11d stall.' n ffll'l'S 'l ht• trtlcs of t hc propo ... ;11., and tht• numhl·r-. dl·~1j!n Httng lht'll a ppe a r an<· c o n th t· ha 11 o t "'t• r 1· announel·rl b' Sccretan or State· M Jrt h Fong fa• foliowin~ tht• dosing date fur m eas ures to qualify ror th<' June ballot. W h i I c t h c n u m h <' r o f b a I I o t propos 1t 1ons is a bo ut a vcra j?t'. the unus ua l thing about them 1s that four are then• by referendum. d means b)' whi<.'h lht' voters can challenge laws pass ed by the Lcg1slat.urc No rmally the ballol sec.., only onf'. 1/ nny. referendum meas ure., THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL or tht• four 1s Propos1t1on 9 1n which the voter., arc bc inf.! a s ked t o a pprove or disapprove lhc legis lative acl1on whi<.'h. adds the Peripheral Canal and oth<'r facilities to the Central Valley Water Project Emotionally heated arguments have accompanied the passage or this legislalton wh1<.'h boils down largely to a battle between Northern and Southern California over delivery of water to the southland The northerners see it as a threat lo the Delta region while the proponenLc; contend lhat the measure guarantees the Delta from salt water intrusions T he othe r th re<' refe rendum m easurcl:i. Propositions 10, 11 and 12, represent lhe H1•prrlil1t·;111., f'l1.tll1•11 "' lfl ri·d1~1 111 t1111.: pl,J ll " 1'11,ll'l od Ii\ lh• ll1111t111,1I d 11 n1111.t1 1·d I 1·11·.l,11111 1· 111·.,pt\t· tlw rpr.tltlll ;1l 1t11! .. f 1 "' rll• ....... , ,., ,, tud1 ;ir1•1111h11g 111 l,1\< lt.dh the d f1 1 ll\1' 11.111· •11 th11.,1 ""' 1h1 .,,,.,,. Sup11•m1• ( llU 1 l 1\,1.., I Uh d 1111' 111'\\ ( lllllo!rt'"'IOll.tl .-nd k i.tt"L1ll\1• tl i..t1 11 I . \\Iii ht• ll"t'd th1-. EARL WATERS y1·ar 1 eg;1rdlt·s-. 111 th•· 011tl'l1nw of tlu· 1t•r(•rt•nd11111 \ot1· If tilt' 111·11pl1 n·1t·t·t lht• r «a 1>por t 11111111t 111 pl;111~ 1111· L1 ·).(1s la\u11· """Id lw 1111111ri·tl 111 redr <I\\ lht• dr,lric I hn• fot 1!~1 .11\tl llu• n ·st of I ht• tl1•1 ;1111 · Of th1• uth1•1 h;1ll11t 111t•a..,urr"' four :11 1• tn1lwlivc IJI opo ... als 011t· 1s a hone! rssut• a n d l h r t• c .1 1 1• t· 11 11 s t 1 l 11 t 111 n a I am l•ndrnen\~ Prnp11-.r1111n I propo"<'" .t $119 5 m 1IIi11 II ho rt d l "<, U t' f 0 r l h (' con!.lructr<lll of 111·"' 1111~11n:-. ll1•-.p1t1 tlw dt·m anu for 1011).(hPt l.1\\:-. nn r 1111i.· t his m<'a:-.urt• 1-. also l'lllll rovcrs1ul ln r).(Ph because of 11p1x1 ... it 11111 111 ttw 't1•r1•ol\ 1w f;i r ll11 1c ... l11·1nl! 11l.1n111·d .111<1 tl11· krHI\\ INtg1• lh;it l ht ,1mmml .1sk1·tl I' m 1s l<•Jdtng lx•1"111 t 11 rim 'n t n•pr , . ...,.nl I tw full ('I J ... l'-oft ht• Ill "' I"''""" l 1r11po:-it1on :.! '" t ..,1 111 plt· 111t•.1s1111· rela•vmg thl' l11·ut1·n.mt l!OH·rnm ol th1 ·1 ht•1 1 .in I 7 m1 ll1r1n people in El S.t h :1d•11 Tht· p1·r 1·ap1ta inc·ome is $655 pt 1 '"·" Th1•n • a 1 l' according to the ..,t .it•· ll1·p.1rln1l•n1 5 000 re bels and t .t 11110 1•11\l·rn nwnt t n~op!. \ 1 J ht>-11111m1·nt "•· ar1· putting $225 I 11 I t I 1•1 ll .1 ~ t' ii I I n l 0 I h I: IJ u a r l e i.:11' 1·1111111·11t "hlt'h m1·an!<> about $50 pt•r pr•r .,1111 . St7 :1110 pt·r go\'ernment "'ld11·1 111 S.l:i.1100 111·1 1 t"l>el L'ndc:r Lhe n•'" l1111h•11 th1· t11IJI .11cl "'ould increase to ,ti i. ,,.,t S:~oo m1 ll11111 that 1s where 1 h1· -.1;111111t1 pt 1 r l'lwl fr gurt: c·<1me'> from \'I> IH t\ HTt. IS ln..,1 ng Now t<1·,1g,1n \\.illh lo k1•t·p upping the ante ''' p1 1 \1·111 \\h,11 tilt' .idmrm:.lratron <.'alls 1 \l.11 "'' fonlhol d tn Centra l \1111'1 II I \\I'll tht• \1.11 \.r >-ts alrt'adv have a f1111tl10lrl 'I ht•\ \\Vrl' given· room to ••111·1a l<' h\ 11•ntu1 1c•-. <if poverty and lr11111.111 d1•11r .11L1t 111n 1n Latin Amen <.'a It 1., t1111 I.ill' "''" for Duarte. fo r H•• •!.!·"' 1111 1111 t rllt1•tl Stale'> We have hi 1·11 1111 1 llt' "rnng -.111<-loo long \\ 1 .11 1· -.1 di 1111 t ht · "'rong side This 1s ., d 1\1•1 >.11111 of p ol ~I rl'al inte r est . lt.1 1tl 1-.111wd 1110 111•\ and. 1r Wl' are not "a1d 1frrl .1 lot of \mcnc an blood 11 1., "'' r .11111 I l\nf>w that one dav \\ht II I \\ ·"' "''IO~ 1n the office or a f 11 .. 11d nJ nH•<I .l o hn S<.'a nlon His 111 11th1•r". an 11 1:.h 1mm1granl called f 111111 H1 uoki1o n and ~aid rn a brogue : .l11hn 1 ould \HU tell m e about this El "·' .1d111 Could 'ou exµl atn why 1t IS 111.11 ''' 11 .. 11 1h1 -.11l1·k1lhng thc nuns" June ballot tl11t' 111 ,., , ... ,i11 11L! o\ "r lhl' Senate. 1•! 1 111111.1 1 111~1 I ht 1·1111 f11 ('t With the ... , I'·'' .1111111 of p11 w1·r ... hC'l '¥\ecn t he 1\l't1111\1' .11 111 11•1•..,li!tl\C' branchl·~ But '"111· th•·r1· .11 1 1111 other dtttll'S for the 0Jl1rc• 11 '" .1 I"'' 1ht· a uthor didn't go f11ll 1111-.1.~11 11• a111I l•lrmrnale the ofrtce 11.,1•11 \\h11 h «o>:-.h tht· taxpayers more I h;111 $I 1111111011 a nn uullv. flropos1t 111n 3 proposes to extend the h1·11 d 1h nl 197X's P ropos1llon 13 pr o p1 rt' 1 a\ ml·a ... urc to those who buy rH " h11n1t·., d111· 111 in voluntal") sales of l h< 11 pr 1·..,1·nt hrmw~ through e minent rlorn .1111 111 r11 ... ;1-.t1•r l'ropo!.1twn I \\ouhl make ball more d1 fl 11·11l t l11r tllll..,l' prl's umed to be 1t.1nf,!Pn111., 110 th1· loo..,t• l'WO l~ITIATl\'ES, Propos1l1ons 5 J rtd Ii, "l'l'k lo n •1wul all laws on gift.and 111h1•rrl.1 t1l·•· t:J \l'" a nd subs titute the rt q111 n·ments of lhl' federal law l'rnpo.,1ti11n 7 "' proposed by Howard .J .11 ',.., a111I "''"k., to m ak(• permanent th 1· ..,t ;tl t· l.1" rcqu1 r 1ng indexing 111•1 s1111:il 11wornt• t '''cs to cost of living l'il.lll.L!l'" Propos1l11>n X ,., proposed by Jarvis' 1111 11 11·1 p,11 lnl·r. Paul Gann and is h;11 kf'd h\ th1· H1•1111hlrcans It's called th1 \11 11111 ., H1gh\s ,\ct. 1l would 111.1 kt -.u ll~t.11111,tl t·hangcs in existing I.I\\' ol c·nn11nal 11rorC'durc. seeking to 1•l 1m1 11 ,1t l· 1il1•a hargain1ni:: and the 1·\1 hr..111nan ruk Nothing in science bars belief in divinity There is a dangerous and ignorant confus ion a broa d a bout the word "creationism ," and whether it should be taught in the public schools aJongside the Darwlnlan theory of evolution. The SYDfHY HARRIS ' z confusion arises from using lhe word in two different senses. ln one sense, "creationism" refers to the creation of the universe ltself - whether tt came out of nothing cat the hands of God or some other deliberate cause> or was alway11 here as the result of natural processes. In the aecond sense. it refers to lb~ c reation of mankind -whether we are a s pecial and leparately created species or simply an ovolvement from lower forms of Ufe , In the first r ase. no scientist evE'n pretends to kno~ lhe theory of the universe. and it I!. not taught as a d o c trine i n a ny s cc'Ular :_..(·hoot Cosmology has two basic theorie~: lhe s o -<.'a lled "~t e ad y s tate •· end the so-called "big bang" theory. Late ly the "big ba ng" theory has taken prC<.'edence This holds that al one time the universe was a Uny dot no bigger than a pinh<.•ad that exploded into the universe W<' now know This is not incons ist ent with 11 bc.'llcf rn a Creator. INSOFAR as tbe c l'l'&1l1on o( m. nklnd 1s <'Onccrned . tht-r<' 1s also no ba~lc incon!'ist ency bet ween Darwinian evollll.lon and theism . WC' may admit that all hfe r <'prcsrnts a growth tind chRngr. from the amoe ba to man. 11ntt still believe that we were created "in t he imof!e or God" by our reason and our moral ensc Nothln1r n modern clence rejects or bars n bclld in diVlnlty; some of the ~ ' JirealC'Sl scientists or this age have been the ists What sC'ience does reject is a be lier in the literal accuracy of the Bible . r egarding muc h of it as mC'laphor and myth -but a myth is not t he sam e as a falsehood, il ls simply a sym bot of a dcllper truth. GlDDIY 511 Wh n t st.artt'd my new job I wondered nho ut the footprints on the waJls here and there Now r know. I'm starting to, l'ltm h the wnll11 too J11TERY Paint odors taint 'food DBAa PAT DlJNN: I Med &o flad "' lllew &o ,. .. " patll& odor fro• &M lulde ef •1 retrt•era&or. I& •H pala&e4 a-.& a •••&ll a1• Hd Ute 1mell 1tUI lla1er1. Aa,.._, tllat '8 ao& la a pluUc coetabler picks up &M odor and llaa Ule'&u&e ol palat. I've tried two larce bexe1 ot baldq IOda aad wa....., lt rill bakial IOda, bat W. deela't work. II Ulere uytMa1 ebe Y" or yoear readen could 111.nest that woald IOlve my problem? L.M., Buatlactoa Beach If the refrigerator was painted professionally, check with the rtrm which did the job to see what can be done. You may have to empty out the refrigerat or, disconnect the electricity and air-dry it until the paint smell dissipates . You might want to place some activated charcoal in the refrigerator to see if it helps before resorting lo air-drying. If any of our readers have other suggestions, you'll be contacted. Money market fund data DEAR PAT DUNN: A friend told me be knows of a money market fund that Is guaraaleed by the government Hd II, for that reason, risk free. Could this be true? K.E., Corona del Mar• No. Although the mix of securities in which money market funds invest is variable, both in terms of the types of securities purchased and Ufeir maturities, the portfolios held 'by such funds typically include U.S. government and government agency bonds. Your friend and many other investors therefor e believe that their investment is government-guaranteed and free or risk. However, while the securities in a fund may be guaranteed by the U.S. government; investors' units of participation or shares of the fund are not guaranteed by the government. The government does not guarantee any security for which it is not the issuer. IC you have an inquiry regarding money market funds, you may contact the SEC's Office of Consumer Affairs and lnformation Services, Robert R. Woll, Director, 500 N. Capitol St., Washington, D.C. 20549. New atyler aoughl, DEAR PAT DUNN: Last March I boapt an "Alroma&Jc Styler." It bu.ntecl out ID May ud followtag lnatncllons • the warraaty, I malled It back to the compa.ay. After watthl1 tlaree months I wrote asking wlaat a.ad happened. I ~ received notification that tile styler had been received, but s.lllpmeat of a new oae would be delayed becaue of a warellouse relocation. Tbat wu last A•IUI and I'm still waltlag. Two more letten of inquiry havep'l been answered. N.M .. Newport Beach A YS contacted Afro Products Inc. • Monique Heddens of the firm's mail order d e p art m e n t p r o m i sJf.i i m m e d i a t e investigation of your complaint. Let A YS know if .a new styler is not mailed to you within a reasonable lime. Recorda 'out of &tock' DEAR PAT DUNN : I ordered 15 baseh.11 records advertised by Ideal House in Boda& Today's October issue. My $81.45 check was cashed promptly, but I've never received the records. I've writte n two letters to the company, but haven't bad the courtesy of a reply. Anything you can do will be appreciated and I promise never to buy tbroup mall order again! . R.F., Cosa. Mesa Sorry. but the n~ws is not encouraging. Ideal Publishing Corp., wbicbl>ublisbes Boxing Today and sells Ideal House products, reported to A YS that the records you Qrdered are '4out or stock." The fi{m's spokesman added that there's "a cash now problem" in that Ideal House is involved in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. Your name will be added to the company's list of requested refunds, but don't bold your breath waiting for a check. Consumers usually receive reduced refunds, if any at all, after major creditors are paid by order or the court. The spokesman said, "All creditors are being held at bay until the court decides the company is in a position to fill orders." ----I • "Got a problem' Then wntt to Pat ""'l Dunn. Pat will cut red tape. gelling • the answers arid action you need to • solve inequities in gtwemmenl and · n busineu . Moll ycyoAr q~shoru to Pat -DuM, At Your ~e. Orange Coa1t poilll Pilot. P.O. Boz 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626_ As man11 letters°"' poulble will be oruwered. but phoned inquirie• or ~ttna ·not including the reader's full name, address and bumieu houra' phone numbtf cannot be cmutdered Thia column appeora dolly ez. cept Stmday1." FEBRUARY CARPET SALE . . Orange CoMt DAIL y PILOT/Friday I February 1 e. 1982 Lots of folks call Ethel, Miss BJood PresSW'e, because she's one of the Red Cross volunteers who gives free blood p1essure tests. "Hioh blood pressure is a silent disease." warns Ethel "Generally, there are no symptoms The only way tO tell If you've QOt It IS to have your blood pressure taken." 111JK Frtcluy .. Soturduy & Sunctuy w~:'rl' hohlhll{ our flnul Y'-'ur encl dcurunet· 1'111\' on ul1 .rc111ulnl11S( 'Hl l.1t14·11l11'4 & ~h.·rcun·t.: llcrc'1o1 how 11 workt. · · + About 35 mllhon Americans have high blood pres· sure. It's a leadlng cause of strol!e, heart dtsease and kidney problems Prompt tteatment reduces that danoer In most people, high blood pressure can be lowered and kept under control. When was the last tune you had yow blood pres sure checked' If you can't remember. it's been tQO long Call your doctor. Or call us. American RedCross 1<01.·k huteom prll·,·~ <:!curly mu1 k,·d 1111 ,•ud1 ,·ur 011 1h1.· -.pot flnum·lnj.t 111 J.Locul rut''" (or w,·'11 urruttJ(l' u t'OlllJK'llllH' ku"-\' I :'\11 ph1111,· (jllllh''-, f>l i.'UM' lllhUUlt cvulu.uUon of your I rude \\\: r,·f11M' lo IK· 1111<kr..,.1ld SALE LOCATION l!h:!I• ll111h"1 Ill 1 .... 111 '""'' : ll""' u '· II "''. 1c .. '"'"II "' ....... ''"II" '" \ I ( 714 I "41 t -11;s;\l 1 SALE HOURS: I rl 111 kOO pm '-«• 'l ·h ""'' l ll·l'i FREEt TO OUR FIRST 20 BUYERS. Aa nlaldnt MY mr ~ ....,.tnrt (• 8195 rt..U ¥aNc) M 90 .atlu.-1 °'* 10 )'OU• Boll )'OU •-huny • W• u5rt-19 •-n, Malled. Together, we can change things. ,J 0 H N S 0 N & S 0 N L :\ C () L :\ ~I E fol (' t. i6ati Harbor Boulnard, Coate Mua (714) MG-&630 Parking Lo.t Sale ! Outdoor Indoor $J>ARKIN6L.! • ...OT 5~ The Aaron Brothen annual Out.door-Indoor Parking Lot Sale makes Its return engagement Saturday. February 20 and Sunday, February 21. All our stores from San Diego to Sacramento and from Phoenix to Las Vegas wUI be selng just about everything under the sun (and under the roof) at savings up to 60% off the regular price. We've turned our st.ores inside out to tjve you the same terriftc merchandJse at an even lower price. We're eelng art supp'-5, or1glnal paintings, handicrafts. frames, ~hies. art furniture, decxntor Items and a bundJe d arty odds and ends. SelectiQn wlD VlJIY from lot to !Qt. And all Items~ lrnlted JO what you ~· And you'll see a lot d savings. P.S. If you're wondemg how aome dour~ kx-ks" saes wi1I conduct a Paridng Lot Sale, the answer's as stmpie' as ~ c. They1 just have their pMdng lot sales ..... tbe ...... with sal.l9 t.agl marked accordingly. Don't pm 'em by! Saturday Feb ruary 20 & S u nday February 2 1 HUNTINCITOM IMCtt 1471 M=w./Qpln MON.-FRI. 1M. SAT. I SUN. 1M , ~ COltA WA 1714 -IOi:iln MON . .flAL M, IAT. 1 IUN. 1N. ............... &. TORO Miii euai11 Dr.I= llON. ..... 1M, SAT. 10-t. IUN. 11·1, .&;MlllMA IUCM •I. Cllll ./Opin MON ....... N, IAT...1 IUN. 10-1 ' . y • Orange CoH l DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1912 1 ! t ':.. ,; u ., .1 ,, .I 1. IJ r •I 'I I I v •I , J CAVALCADE GARDEN COMICS ' ComuUant Mort Stein 1ays good will, and good public relations is good for business. D . 0 Ice climbing, newest sport, real challenge SEWlCKLEY, Pa. <AP> Ice c l imbers look like rrigid spidermen, delicately extending their lim bs in coordinated movement while methodically scaling a st\eer wall or frozen water · 'll 's an engineering Jft'oblem or how to get from point A lo point B as efficiently as you can." said Charlie Granigan, a history teacher from Pittsburgh who guides white water rart lours in the summer. "It's like climbing a ladder. onl y you use your hand tools and crampons fo r rungs," he added Crampons are special metal spikes that are stra pped to climbing shoes and dug into l1'e s lippery ice wall lo give climbers toeholds But why would anyon e abandon a snug shelter on a Saturday morning to brave the elements and gingerly pick their way up a 70-foot sheet or ice dinging to a cliff'! ··It'!> 'better than silting at home and watching Bugs Bunny," laughed Granigan. 1c1clcs forming on his beard as he prepared for a climb Ills climbing mates agreed, notrng that this winter s port is a special challenge "I need the outdoors," said Tom Ordons. who works ror M cl Ion Bank and IS president or the Pittsburgh Explorers Cl ub. an association or nature lovers "'ho do cveq thing from mountain climbing to kayaking. SPIDERMAN ON ICE Charlie Granigan. a member of the Pitts burgh Explorers Club. works his w ay up a cliff as the ............. crampons on his climbing boots dig into the ire This photo was taken in Sewickley. Pa. on. a recent excursion. Other gear necessary ror a successrul climb include!> an IC{' ax or ice hammer ror each hand. a harness for the. legs and s houlders. plus a safety rope "I just have to get out after workmg in an office all week, and this 1s cxen·1st• with an ob1ect1ve. It 's a challenge It's a good mental releas 1> knowing that you're pushing yourself," he added Carnival own_er busy with warm-weather plans While fairgrounds. are blanketed by snow, 'Fun-0.-Rama' gets ready for summer circuit of excitement on the midways PORTLAND, Maine <AP) While Maine's s prawling fairgrounds lie silent under hip-deep s now, Billy Burr plans ahead for the warmer months when t he midways bustle with excitement. Burr. who claims to operate the biggest traveling carnival in New England, spends winters in Miami, but says he seldom finds time to loll on the beach. "Usually, when money starts tightening up we feel it first, because people are still making the paym~nts on the car or the refrigerator," he explains. "Then, after it gets a litUe tougher and they've had a chance to adjust, they don't have the money to go out and buy the big ticket items. But they still have a couple of dollars in their pocket -and we gel them," he says with a ¢n. The nice thing about a carnival, he says, is that people "can spend as little or as much as they ·want to." Visitors can stroll around the midway and spend nothing, or easily part with $40 or more for an evening's entertainment, he says. Burr. 52, oversees a traveling retinue or 300 carnival em ployees and concessionaires who oper ate the Ferris wheels, hawk the cotton candy, run the gctmes of chance and participate in ~he Not long ago, he was in Portland, setting up a hospitality suite at the convention of the Maine Association of Agricultural Fairs , arranging bookings for the coming season. _ girlie shov·s and other live entertainment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From there he was off to an equipment trade show in Tampa, Fla .. where he was prepared to plunk down at least $250,000 for a new aerial thrill ride for " Billy Burr's Fun-0 -Rama." Meanwhile, two dozen of Burr's employees remain at work .throughout the winter at his maintenance shops in Haverhill . Mass .. handling the upkeep on rides and other carnival equipment. some of it a quarter·century old. "But they ,still lwve ,a couple of dollars i'f' · their pocket -,and we get them." Despite the slumping economy. Burr says his Playtime Amusement Corp. of Mansfield , Mass. had a good year in 1981, doing $2 million in business at more than 50 fairs and carnivals in Maine. New Hampshire. Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Despite soaring costs for s uch Items as ins urance and diesel fuel "to power electric generators. Burr says he has held the line on prices ror three years. Tickets are still 30 cents each . 10 for $2.50. with no change in the num ber of tickets required for each ride. Teen-age amputee has true g_rit School cheerleader says 'it could have been worse' • cheerleader and putting herself ABERDEEN. Wash. <AP> - When high school cheerleader J odi Wailers despairs over having just one leg, her mother te lls her it could have been worse. "You shouldn't be afraid to do what you want. to do," said Miss Walters. "If you're afraid, you won'~ do anything ... The 19-year-old Raymond resident is a senior at Valley Hi gh School. one of four cheerleaders who jump. bounce, kick and twirl for high school sports fans. Miss Walters was born with congenital leg defects. Her left foot. a strip of tissue and skin. was amputated shortly after birth. T he right root pointed backwards a nd required reconstructive surgery. She has worn an arti!ical left leg below the knee since she was a tot. Her present prosthesis is the 20th supplied by Shrlner's Hos pi tal in Portland at no charge to her family. Miss Walters grew up tiding horses and swimming, but had d ou bts about becoming a in the spotlight. "Sometimes. I'm afraid if I kick my leg too hard, it's going to go flying into the stands," she said. "It's happened before - I'd kick out, Jose my leg and fall.·• She has a sense or humor - once when swimming s he told an inquis itive boy that "Jaws" had gotten her leg -but sometimes referees "stare at me, and I hate it." she said. "It's hard. A lot of limes I say, 'Why me?' But llke my mom says. it could have been worse." Participants all runners-up 48 sprinte_rs race up 86 floors of Empire State Building NEW YORK <AP) -Ever h ear of a contest in which everyone is a runner-up? For the fifth straight year, runners took their mark on the ground floor of the Empire St ale Building and bolted vertically, up 86 noors lo the observation deck of the 102-story tower. T he wil\l}er or the stairstep cha mpions hip was marathon runne r Jim Ochse, 27, who Oklahoma nuke project ended 'TULSA, Okla. <AP) -PUblic N u c I ea r ~R eg u I at or y Service Co. of Oklahoma and Commiss ion. The Oklahoma two partners s ald they were Corporation Comml11lon wa1 abandonin1 plans to construct also notified. the Black Fox nuclear power PubUc Service owns about eo plant, a Dine-year project that percent el the project at Inola, haa co•ODS million so far. 30 m Ilea east of Tulia .. overtook 1981 champion Pete Squires at the very end of the climb. Forty-eight runners took part a nd women were given an 86-second headstart, a second for each floor. Ochze, a graduate student from Staten Island, sprinted from the lobby to the deck In 11 minutes, 41.1 seconds, taking the lead for good after Squires, 31, of Yonkers, tripped and Injured bis leg on the top floor. Mary Beth Evans, 22, a secretary and s tudent, led the women In 13 m lnutea, 34 seconds, pass ln1 42-year-old Nina .Kuscslk , the women'• wlnner for the past thrM yean. Evans, who said •h• Intentionally started slow and dtdn't "feel that tlred" after the race, said she felt so tood "I could do It a1ain -al molt.'• Starting April t . at a show sponsored by the American Legion in Dover, N.H .. he travels with a smaller c rew to night a nd weekend-only carnivals run as benefits for charitable or1ianizations or as promotions for s hopping centers. By late July. when the rair circuit heats up, he's into his busy season. ·"From July 21 to Oct. 10, we have only two days t hat we're not operating," he says. "We cl~se one fair on Saturday night, then open the next one at noontime on Sunday.'· Like a traveling circus, the "Fun·O-Rama" crew rolls across the region in a fleet of 80 trailers, hauled by tractors that Burr obtains on a lease basis. The clec:hlon wu made Co-ownen are Farmen Electric because vi technical problems, Cooperative of Anadarko, and gov e r n •en t re tu I a ti on 1 , Aaaodated Electric Cooperat.iYe oppo1lt... by nuclear enerl)t of Sprinlfield, Mo. opponfatl and inflation, COttl IO far, after t.bey .. company afftclall satcl. reduced by salvap •alue, ril Mart.bl 8 . Fne Jr.,preaidmt~ be ab1orbed by UHfl and and cbW necuU" ometr, uld laveatora, sald Wllltam a. the uUlttJ It wlthdrawtq ,... ltraU-, Hlllor vtce pr...._ et OebM, who tralMd on "Jmt a rew ttaln and hllll," aakl be • had npeeted to finish .. the top three. OAIAT '"ILOSOPHY Joell Wailers. a 19·year-old senior cheerleader at Valley High School, Aberdeen, Wash .. 11y1 "You ,shouldn'tr!'! afrai~ to what Y09 want to do. Ir l'CIDH ..-C•t-'°the I.Wal ~. • .. Like any kind of nmainl, It'• ti percent mental and l percent pby1lcal,'' he 1aid. ... His s how pays the sponsor ing fair o r organization a fixed percentage of the receipts - "a large pcrrcntagc," says Burr, who won't reveal s pecific figures In recent years, there has been a trend for the nation's carnivals. now numbering about 500, to get bigger. Burr says He says his father started the ' busme-;s with a merry-go-round he acquired when someone he loaned money to during the Depression was unable to repay the debt The e lder Burr gradually added more equipment. expand ing the carnival show that began as a summer· sideline to his heating oil business. Eventually. he went into the carnival business full time His son. who has spent all his life working carnivals, says there's nothing comparable to the excitement and sense of participation that fairgoers enJOY durmg a visit to the midway "This 1s something you actually do You get the sights and the smells and the sounds ." says Burr. dism1ss1ng television and movies as passive entertainment you're afraid. you won't do anythln&/' Jodi was bom wllh congenital leg defects.~ has worn an artificial left leg below tht' knee since she first st6rted walking. I , -Orange Cout DAILY PILOTJFrtday, February 10, 1982 !] •ANN LANDERS •HERB CAEN ~ •HOROSCOPE ,, ·" I• lu L~ Conversation key to developing relationships DEAR ANN LANDERS: I hope you will reread the letter from .. Ellie from Philly," who lashed out at promiscuous men . She calls them "insecure" or "idiots." • Ellie criticizes ·'the male creeps who don't even TRY to have a conversation first or after." If she. or the other women <first-night scores>, had anything on the ball, there would be no DURING or AFTER unless there wa·s plenty of conversation FIRST for a good many dates -however long it takes to get to know one another really well. . As a man who has been around a lot 1 can tell you that most women are so eager to prove they are liberated it's hard NOT to take one to bed even if you are not interested. If you don't make a pass on the first date. she looks depressed and asks. "What is wrong with me?" or "What is wrong with YOU -are you gay?" When are those dumb bunnies out there going to realize they don't have to crawl beneath the \beets lo get asked out a second or third time? Any man who has a measure of decency will happily settle for a pleasant. intelligent conversation. So HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA NelV start for Cancer Saturday, Feb. 20 ARIES <March ·21 -April 19 >: Promises from on high could lack sub.stance. Go with tide, be gracious and perceptive. Someone wants something for nothing -you could be prime target. TAURUS <April 20-May 20 >: You'll be in touch with those who can aid in assuring s uccess for long-range projects. including education and publishing. GEMINI <May 21 -June 20 >: Slow. s ure steps guarantee progress. Conversely. if you rush, foss is a certainty. Someone,. wearing garb of res pectability , is attempting to sell l ou bill of goods. CANCER <June 21-July 22 >: Break from past procedures dominates scenario. You'll make new start. you'll be influenced by one who is a natural pioneer and who encourages self-expression. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 >: Accent on method, procedure, patte rn, routine. details and ability to get job done. You can take steps which build towards securit y. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 >: Empt\asis on style, variety, creativity, significant changes, travel plans and ability to confront youth-oriented culture. Gemini. Sagittarius and another Virgo figure prominently. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22>: Check Leo message for valuable hints. Stick to basic principles, strive for improved security. be aware of property values and seek opinions of professional appraisers. You'll be asked to revise, review and to tear down for purpose of rebuilding on a more solid structure. '\ SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21): Focus on movement, ideas, inquiries, relatives in transit and decision involving member of opposite sex. SAGtTTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21>: Accent on money, income potential. ability to locate lost articles and major, domestic adjustment. Spotlight on home improvement. reunion with family member. CAPRl(X)RN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19>: What initially appears to be a setback will rebound in your favor. Lunar cycle continues high, you'll define terms and otbers~will back your position. AQVAIUUS <Jan. 20-Feb. 18>: Older ·individual enables you to gain backstage view. You'll be visiting one whose movements are temporarily restricted. PISCES <Feb . 19-March 20>: Friendship is tested, one relationship could •come to brink and another cpuld get started. Aries, Leo. Libra persons figure prominently . • 'Nf SIOTS B..Y A..\StfLEIGH BRILLl~f(T. · WIT'MIM TMR MOVCMSNT ,.Otll NAC.C AND f ""llrMDaMU• ' what if you don't ha ve sex for a week or a month or four months?· The longer you make it on conversation, the more solid the relationship will be. Tell Ellie to stay out of the bedroom and tr y the library TOM IN TAMPA r ead ers . PHILOSOPHER F LlNT . Mi C H .. DEAR FLINT: It takes cbarac&.rr to ~ In the know and not advert18e U. That's the lesson -and it's one worth learnlng. q . Mel Wl&S' '· I ii ,j '· ''I . ' DEAR TOM: The first and last parts of your letter make a lot of sense, but that ztn1er la the middle about women who want to prove they are liberated wtll leave large numbers screaming for your scalp. But thanks for an interesting point of view. DEAR ANN LANDERS: The letter from the woman who was worried about what he r fi ance would think when he le(lrned she had a partial plate brought back memories . Our dear father kept the gray out of his hair by apply ing something that looked like s hoe polish. He kept it hidden in his tool box. Mother knew about it and so did all of us kids. but no one let on. We just let Dad think he was putting one over. He died believing he had us fooled. DEAR ANN LANDERS: How do you get a 24-year-old girl to move out o( the house'! Our daug hter has a good job. There are over 100 blouses and sweaters in her closet, to na me a few of the things she has accumulated while living at home Oh . Yt"i. she does pay $100 a month for room :ind board. So. twhy do 1 wa nt her to lt·a vc ·• Because she rarely has a date . I hcht•\ t· II we allow her to keep li ving with us.she• will never meet an-.·one It is so casv to takl· tht· path of least resistance. She fots Mom <lo all the cooking a nd cleaning and "helps out" when s he fC'l'ls li ke it. which isn 't \('n often . · DEAR EASY LIFE: Apparently ·your f daughter doesn't feel secure enough' to be l out on her own. My advice ls don't pub - you might regret it. I don't know what the housing situation is ln your area, but In most cities <east, west and middle> It's darn e xpen s iv e. Then there 's transportation, and the safety factor ls no s mall thing. So cool it, Mom. Hopefully. time ~II take care of the "problem." .. . . t. · There's a lesson in he re someplace. Ann. If you see it . point it out to your ..;.J ) TOO MUCH PARTY Held b\' her mother. Denise. Nas hay Simone Alston· yawns during he r first birthday party a l Montgo me r~· Her father ~i.lVS "She tan !>ta\ homt- as long as s he ii k~s. She isn't hurting any thing." But I feel we are hu rting ht•r h~· letting hl•r s tay. What do you think ' EASY LIFE IN THE GOLDEN WEST ..... ....__. Hospital in Norris lo\\ n . Pi.I \jasha~ 110'' lti pounds. wa~ born at thl' ho!>ptl al \\t•1gh1ng less than a pound .- Don't flunk your chemistry test. Lotx? is more tha11 OTle set of glands callmg to another • l.f qou have trouble makmg a distmctwn you !•eed Ann's booklet . · Love or Ser arid How to Tell the D1fjere 11 ce .. Send a long . self-addressed. stamped enl)('lope unth your rf.'quest and 51J cents to Ann Landers. P 0 Box 11995 . Chicago Ill 60611 HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Sno~ life for tourist BE HAPPY YOU li ve i n San Francisco. Kathy Bender is back from Chi cago with a photo of a pile of s now ~urmounted by a s ign reading "Take This Cit\ and Shovel ll" . Sonoma State U. m<i°y be fa mous as t he campus where Fris bees flv cfor creditl. but. not to be outdone . Cal State at Sa cra mento is offering a course in "Basic Scuba" this spring. to be taught by heeere's the item Prof John Scube JIM BLEWER. reading the "Wanted by the FBI" posters in the Alameda Post Office. discovers that one Al lan Ray Allen. "'an ted for bank robbery. auto theft. c hild st ea ling . forger~· and assault with a deadly weapon. "ts reportedly a heroin addict and h ea lth food e nthusiast. .. Too mu c h rnu~hage will do it C\'ery time . Don't diagnose self THERE'LL ALWAYS be a gimmick : Down in Soquel. nr. Santa Cruz. where flooding took a bi g toll. P a ul Bell is packin~ and selling .. Flood Mud" at S3 a l'Opy . . As for Chinatown cele brating DEAR DR. ST El NC ROHN : 1 have myself to bl~me. For many years I've suffered needlessly from indigestion. For some reason. afraid to go to doctors. I diagnosed my condition as ulcer. So l put m yself on milk and cream diets and lived practically like an invalid. At times the gas and stomach pain would disappear, especially if I took antacids. but it would really never leave . Formerly, I used to love to eat. but my chronic indigestion s poiled my appetite. I'd feel worse after I ate. This kept on for months. One day a friend took me by the hand into her doctor's office. I fe lt like a 31-year-old crybaby. He poked around and asked a few questions. Then he said, "We'd better have some X rays. lt may be an • ulcer, as you suspect -but I have a hunch the films will show gall bladder trouble." Sure enough, no uker -but a gall bladder with many stones. ~ There's a pleasant end to this story. I had my gall bladder out over a month ago. I feel like a new person. l have pleasure in eating; gas and pain after eating have disappeared. T. YOUI HEALTH DR. PETER J STEI NGROHN recommend vitamin C in large doses. They believe it is not only effective in trt>atlng cancer, but also in preventing it. ·But most feel there isn 't sufficient evidence that vitamin C is effective. The re are no specific beneficial effects which claimants make: such as lessening of pain and reducing side effects from taking chemotherapy. If still in doubt, why don't you and your sister ask for another opinion? Otherwise, not taking vitamin C, you may bt>lie ve you've overlooked valuable treatment. ·The Year of the Dog ... Pat Short sighs. "On the sidewalks of San Francisco . isn't it always"" ONWARD: All of a sudden a lot of columnists and letter writers are putting the knock on Detroit. and that's a relief. For a while there. I t hought I was the only one who found Motown to be something less than Paradise Regained . . . John Clar k heartily sic k of it all: "Only 22 s hopping days until the firs t s pring training baseball game'." TOM SHALES OF the Was hington Post . writing from Holly wood: "Somebody once sa id of this gr eat big hopeful fruit sa lad of a town , ·The re is no "there" there.· .. Okay. so it was Gertrude Stein about Oakland. but how can you knoc k a phrasemakt•r like Sha les'? ... Hold the maraschino cherry on that fruit salad. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Why this story time? Just trying to help others like me who are making their North-South vu lnerable. hearts was a limit raise, own diagnosis and putting off a visit to the South deals. showing about 10·12 points. from the board, and led a low club t.-0 the nine. Eul won lhe queen, but he wu end played. A diamond would give declarer a rulf•nd·tlufl: if East returned a 1pade, declarer would ruff blfb, enter dummy with tbe king of trump• and dlecard a club on dummy'• lonr 1pade: ud• club return by Eat& would M run to the Jack. doctor. Guessing doesn't pay where illness NORTH However. we do not recom· is concerned. _ MS, N. • K 6 5' 3 mend that action with only CV K 82 three-car d s uppor t -we DEAR MS. N.: Thank you fer your O Q prefer Cour trumps Cor our letter. Md Mme readen will tbanlt you. • J 9 32 jump raises. Since South's •-. I'm iue Ulere are many wbo are still WEST EAST opening bid wu better than -• A Q • 10 9 8 7 minimum he happily went on 1aes..., aboat wlaat's Wl'ODI. c;> 9, 3 cv J to game. lneldentally, oae point sboald have o .nuo o A 1087 West got off to the ·g~ alerted you daat It mllht be gall bladder • 10 e • K Q 8 7 lead or a trump. Declarer ••• D8t aa lllcer that WU caulnl YMr SOUTH won in hand and immediately 11•~· u ... oy, 1all bladder patleeta • u led a spade. West hopped up feel wone after eat1111; Dicer patleata ~ c::i A Q 101 n with the ace and played &e•poral"J relief after taking food . o Ka another trump. Dummy'• • A'' eJ1bt won, and declarer con- DEAR DR. STEJNCROHN: I supJ>OR The blddln1: tinued with the kinr of b i l C 8"tli Wee\ Nri Eut 1pades and a ruff. In t he hope you 're aware t at some v tam n l c;> P.. a c;> Pu• t hat t heauit would break 3.S; ent~ualuts reecmJmend it in the treatmf'91l 4 <::' p.. p... p... naturally. he took the pnc:au· Of cancer. Opening lead: Three of c::i. tlon of ruffi ng high. llY sister \.ad her breast removed It now seem• thal d~larer bee!allle of cancer, She seems to be all must lose a diamond and two rl•llt except tbilt the ~bemotherap)' she's . ch.tbs In eddltlon to the ace of It mlrht ... m that Well c:aa defeat the contraet b1 1bedcHnr a dub rattler tb&ft a diamond on tba tbtrd epede. But declarer can maaeuver to forte Eut down \o A·ll ln diamondl and K..Q·x ln clubt. The ,tame end pla7 it tben avaUabl• In clubt. takt;:.&.:ba!"' her nauseated and The prist for th• b91t· spades, bu\ Wilkots proved pla,ed \and at th M•rlt how dffepUte appearance• WI~.--• ...,.... I I ---~Na~ ...... ~ In --eau be. ·&edM-eP' ~~=::M~--.... ~,......-...-~, nin-JOC!M lllii nut p;eter11M!G 9 tam n Amtietdam wu awarded to with a dlamond to Lbe queu C because he doe1n 't believe it helps Poll•h lnt•rnatlonall1t, A. and Eut.'e ae., and Eaet cancer patienta ln any way· Is there any Wllkou for bl• dummy play could do no beU•r than harm In lier. taldn1 it? -MRS. L. OD '"" uncl. return lJl .. ult. Declarer won Se•e ••et•n North'• jwnp to three hi hull, dilurdJng a club ~ .. ~ c . , -. • J) 4 , ( ' ~ ) Y\ c , • ' I t . ' ~ . 3 c ' • i : ' ' t • ' I ' t t • t ~ • . I • . ' • I ' . . ' • , i t ' ~ ' • :i ( • s , ~ ( ; ' J ~ • ' f ' J f ' -"' t • ... , , .. •1 • .. I • . . • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1982 •• Shrubs good for color Shrubs that wlll brighten wlnter gardens and -.1i:n11I sprina with early bloom Include quince. c.tuphnc, raphlolepis a nd rhododendrons. F'lowering quince ls available in many shad es or red and rink, in islnglc and double blooms. Rnlmon, cora • lavender 1&nd white . It l!i a deciduous s hrub a nd hardy. Even when itf leaves drop, It has an Interesting look, almost lake that of u bonsai. They will grow in almost any :soil and prerer a sunny location. Budded stem s can be brought indoors . set In water near a warm window and the blooming process continues. Oaphnes are amoRg the most fragrant b.looms. There are deciduous and evergreen varieties . iVle e tings slate d The Irvine Garden Club will meet Wednesday at 10 a m . in the clubhouse at 1 Beech Tree Lane. Norm Ozima from Build & Grow will speak on bonsai. For more information call 552-8126. The Harbor View Hills Garden Club will meet Wednesday at 9:30 a .m in the home of Mrs. Edward Romeo. Mrs Henri Read will speak on "Wildflowers of the Borrego Desert " For more information call 644 -5552. Basic pruning of sn:iall trees will be discussed by experts at 9:30 a.m Saturday at Sherman Gatdens of Coron<y<tel Mar For more information call 673 -2261 . ( ' Among the mo11t populu 111 the winter daphne <duphne odora). Among the varieties are a pure white bloom and one that has large clusters of pink flowers. They like u well-drained soil and should be protected from hot afternoon sun and salt build-up. The raphioleph1 is 1tn evergreen with a lossy leaves and small white to near red flowers . Dark blue berrylike fruit follows blooming. Most varieties are g rown in full sun. They can take less water but will also tolerate heavy watering if planted near a lawn. The rhododendron grows well along the Southern Calirornia coast. They are known for their large, leathe ry leaves and s pectacular clusters of flowe rs that range in color from scarlet. yellow, white, pink. purple and blue. T hey need a soil rich in organic matter and one that is we.II-draining. Protect them Crom hot a fternoon sun. Filtered light is the best. Prune your fuchsias The pruning of fuchsias is a February job. Before you prune. however, consider what the needs are. A fuchsia, like a rose. blooms on new growth each year. so the gardener's aim is to promote e nough new growth to carry plenty or bloom next s ummer First remove all weak or damaged wood. Then. cut back the rest or the plant severely unless you have some special reason for keeping it long. . RUFFELL'S ~---------~----------------------~---------, ~~). UPHOLSTERY ........... -4S... ATTENTION RESTAURANT ~·· 1922 HAHOI I U D. BIG SQUEEZE ~i (•h e ll~ llorl' of Huntington Buuch want s to m :.ikt• I L' m u n a d l' . ~ h (' probahl~· would h<I\'(' to ('all on ttw hdp or ht·r c;1hson <."1rl'lt• 1wighbo1·s to dr11ll-. 11 ~di T hal is . if sh<• ll S l' ~ t h l' k I II g :-.. II l' ll·mon from ltt·1· t 1 t·t· It mt'aSlll'l'~ IX lllt'hl·~ a ro und an1I 1" uw tw~ Inn J! I·- OWNERS AND EXECUTIVE CHEFS! ._)l_ .!"11 11 """ ~=====~=====~ ~.~~ \11111\ 1•1,,11'1 PllUC •TIE • Jf ,,, itw 11 .11 '"" '11·:1 FICTITIOUS •USINl!SS t ~ FARMERS .fflSURANC[ C OSTA MESA -541·1156 It's pretty hard to predict how many are going to dine. If you prepare for 100 200 may show, If you prepare for 200 -100 will show up. But, don't worry we open 7 days a week and we have everything! Fruits, vegetables, frozen foods, melons, strawberries and much morel Just call 1 64>0032 and let us prove it! ..-:::::"' ··-~ § . .,_,.. w-. r----f(•l ll:l•ril-----1 r-----Ri11Jil•Tw---,r----i<•IIJil•T!l----, : llilFIN£STCAllf : : WEHAYl~NST •11~~lllONTM I I FUlllTt 11 "'H H ICINltO I l AVOCADOS 11 MUSHROOMS LETTUCE I I II 99 I I 25¢ 11 ¢ Full "°""" 29¢ I f. .. II H .. d I NAME STATEMENT GROUP bu!,~:.:~1owln9 P•r•on I\ ooon~ 441 Otd Hewport ll•d. GLADI Jlll E lit~ St CO\te Me.. Htwporf kocll. CA CA•U11 6)1-7740 Gl•dV. S e..-. U RU9 Verte. I'----....;..;;.... _____ _ Ntwpor1 llHch, ~A 91660 Tnh bu\lnen '' conducted bY en indlvldual Gllldn s. 8.to noen T.1111 \l•lemenl ,.., filed with IN County Cltrk al Orengo Counly on J.,., 11 I .. , "111WI Published Cir'-C ... '1 Delly Pilol, !•n 1' Feb S. 11, 1', ,.., «4-41 CITY 0" lllYINE CALl"OllHIA NOTICIE INVITING ••DS NOTICE IS HEREBY DIVEN llWI I l.1 ..... ,_ , , Umlt3LD• L ......... _ I ·---------------' ·---------------''----------------' \Hlea bkb woll be rH•IYtHI by 1"9 Ctly Safe and free lnfO CllnlC Ciera of t!W Oty of lr••M, '""o•n•• this Sat & Sun. Feb 20 & '°' furtUSl'Uf"'9 •II pl•ftl ••bOf' wrvk•s m•t•ro•"· tooh 9q1>•11<1'Wnt w111>1to. 21 Coflect()('S & ant1QUe t••n-1ailon. uttlll~• •na •II 011>er dealers present unusual ll•m• •nd 1u11111 .. nece•ury dolls. accessones and uwrelor. •• provlOeCI in 1r.e conlr.ocl documMh. tor tr•ll•c "0"•1• ena hOuses Huntington (A,nler ulet y l•11hlln11 1oo•thu with Mall 405 fwy & Beach COMPU E COMPAU COMPA.Rl r---1(•llf:l•T11-----1 r-----ffillU•m----,r----i (ll!Jil•T!l----, I . ·-~· -LICIOUS f I FINE l'Olt STUfftNO ,, I I .....,_ ~ f f fl SMALL NEW CltOf' I f "'UH f I FMIH It I !Nursery Sp ecial( 'RedWlng·· AZALEA ·. Compact growth, prollt1c rtd blooms lGAL REG. 3.H SALE 2.97 All 1 GAL. Azol101 on sole. 111111111 a1c11111 • Try pla ntlna ome annuul bedding plant$ l>ctunias. m arigold11 or obcliu which gm1 runlet> i:arden color hkl' nothing else c·an • Sna1ls and sluga ure 3('l1Vt' tltiS t1mc Of the year. Be s ure to k ep the bait in ittr ategic tudang phaccis • Dahlia bulbs are at the nursery now Pic k )'UUr ravOrtles and Ktore thl'm until April or May before pluntm~ Thl1 1ummer wlll t>• too late APPL YIT NOW ... TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Plant our Jumbo Begonia tubers now, tor glowing color this summer. Bandini CRABGRASS CONTROL 14 LI. IAG COVERS 2,01>0 SQ. n . Up1f9 lll and baakel varlttlu Since 1946 Hn1lish .. s Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa •PPurt•n•nc•' thert>to~ '"' \lr•c t Bfvd., H B •<<orctAn<e w ith tht \CMf'<.itk•tions on .._---;-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-;!:;:;::;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~tlr-:~ Ille •t t!W olllce o1 ,ll>e Ol•t<lor ol t "'«I" : TOMATOES :: ITALIAN SQUASH II CELERY I Publlc won. ... I II 25 II I I 39c -" c -II 15c -I I 11 If I I ~1u.. II ~•u. II ~• I I •---------------' •---------------''----------------' COWUI! COMPAU! COMrA.Rl I .-----f<•lltl.!JJ}-----.,-----c<•I•r:1M1t----..... -----«.-ITT;N1t----... DATE oF oPE,.,•NG B1Ds B1ci. r. _, ltD"D !i will be ~•ved el llw office of ll'w •-Clly C...,., ol the Clly Of lrvone 1001.a •., •l 11700 J•mbior-•• Ro•d lriw1n• .,. (.to.lorn••. 917t), t1n111 tO • m °" M•rch l. 11112 •• wftt<n time •nd pl•<• bo<I• ..... bt fMlh<ly -ena •H G •loud Bid• •h•ll IN wbmltltd In .J I If fl I f JUICY SWEET f f FIRST OI' nil YIAll f f A lll.U aUY I I fl JI FMlft I : GRAPEFRUIT l: CANTELOUPES :: MUM PLANTS : H•led envelop .. mu-ea on the ,• gord· en shop °"''°~• "BIG) lor Tr•lflc SIOf"'I •., 1rvlr1e Cenle• Drlv• el Or""!ll•N" ' _ j LOCATION OF THE WORK lht wor" to bl" pet'formtrd htreunotr '' I loc•lf'O 1n tM City of lrvuw. County of I 0 II 11 I 1 1 · c .. c.. 11 s~ 49c e.c11 II • S199 1 I If II INCH EMii I 0f•n9e •I frvln• Cmt•r Onve •net Or•r>Qttr"' DESCRIPTION OF WO lllC Tht I Llmll l If LIMll•llt-• II ~• I '---------------••---------------1l--------------.J wora lo bt oenormtci ~,,. .. 1nc•uat ""' I not ~ hmrte<t to 1n\t•ll•tl0f" ot tr•tft< \19n••~. ,,...tv l1C)hhnq •nd \trtp•n<J COMPLETION OF WORK All •or• I '' to b~ <omotttf'd l#flth1n .)( Coupon• Expira Thurs., Feb. 25, I p .m. BONDED 0-l"'' !')At\ .. ..-tf• ~ .. ""'. o•w FRUIT SHIPPER FOR olO flAllS I ~:~~e\u;~v,',,~,.o~k:~9 ,~"•V'N~~,":e t~ j Proct•d AwAqo OF CONTRACT '"• I Own~r rr \frvt\ "'" rtQM •fte, o~n•no btd\. to '''~ t •nv or •II bid\ to •ct•¥t .lnY 1ntorm•••ty 1n 1 btO tc m1li:f' "'*¥OS 1n ttw 1n1f'r•\t of ttw Owner •nd to tf'fe<1 all ot~r C>•Ot PRO POSAL GUARANTEE ANO BONDS Ea <n 11 •0 ,,, .... b• •t<ompan•@d bv 4 <f'rHf,f'd o• <•''""' \. <M<k Of' bY • (OrpC>r•lf turf'ty bOt.ct on t~ torm turn1the'd by /(/"OW- 1601 Newport Blvd. ~·:,, ( _ _,.__,, 645-00~2 '""" 1"'~'' "-lblto" th• Owner '" Qu•r•nUt '"'' thr b•dd~r will~ 1f an ctwdrd 1s rnttdt to '"m 1n i1cco,.-d.3n<~ with the term\ ot hi\ C>IO prompUy \f'ture Workmen' ComP9f\Wt'°" on\Urence end lleblltty tnwrenu, eae<utt • conlt«I 111 IM 1.J.. requlrtHI lorm -l11<nl•ll .. ll•l•<IM• L-•••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• flUlllC •OCE l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT th• to11ow1no per~oni •rt oolnq bu\IMUe\ U N ITEO SPEA~ER S ASSOCIATION, 1120 -'" St . Sutt• 2n. HunllnQion S..ec:h, CA n..it Ment.I Oynemlo, Inc • • C••llo•n•• corporetlon. 1120 -·n SI • Su•lt 1H Huntlnoton 88Ch, CA 911Me Tiii• bu•IMU Is conoucl•d by a corooretlon -1•1 0y,,.m1n, Inc Sur.,,,, L•oev S«retarv· Tr••wret T ht\ ,.,...,,...,, w•s f1l.O wtth ,,,. CO<lnty Cieri< ol 0.-(ounly on J.,. ,, I .. , Ml.IC llTICE "ICTITIOUS auSINESS NAMESTATIMINT l ht lollowlr>Q 1>9rM>n• er• ooono Du\IMU M STETSON LANO CO L TO t. 11<1 H••h•• l\•tnu• Mldw•y Clly, C•lllMnle '26SS Jee-Goeft ~·' Pen....-. , .. , tUrhey Avtnut, Mldw•y City, Cellto•nl• 924.U '"" butl,,.n I\ be•"O t onducled by • llmlltcl P..,lllnhlp Jec:ICGotn Tiiis 11•..,._I filed with the County Cler' of o.-. County on F•b<uery i, , .. , NIUC •OCE PUil.iC MOOCE --------- PllUC JIOCE bOnel• for IN l••llllul Def'for,,..nc• 01 tM contrect ..., tor -,..y,.,.,.,I ol c111mt of m.ttotnal~n 6nd .. bOfer\ th•reuncs.r !Mo•a cl>eO or blao.r·• t>ona •h•ll i.. In •n •moont of nol oeu than len < fOI e_eftent of II• •mount 01 lhe bid l....,~F•llhful Pertorm•n<• Bona \hall bt not , .. , lhan ont !lunar~ 11001 !M'runl of the lolal amount al lhf b+a ll"ICf nemea In lhf c°"tr•cl TM L•t>or ena M•l•rt•I\ Bond thalt b4' not le\\ th•n one llundr~ 11001 IM'runt ol lht lol•I e'"°"nl Of t.,_, b+a ll"IC• n•,,_ m lhf contrecl. Tf\e OwMr rttwrve\ the t1Qht tc '9ie<l •ny bond, II, 1n the 001n1°" or Ill« E n o ·i n f' f' r • I h f S u r f' 1 y · < •<9'notttedQment '' not 1n the form l11cludtHI In Ille <onlra<I document\ or in 1noth•r form \ututantl•U'f a< preKrlbedbyl•w PREVAILING J!ATES OF WAGES In •<CCW-o.tKf' with llW MOVf\tOf"\ Of S.cllon tnl al ~ Cellrorn1• L•bor c-llW 0-Wr ,,., .-1erm1..a ti. O~f'ral ~v••hnQ r•le\ of per dlt!m we~\ fn tM l0<..11Uy In wth(h the wOt'.- 1• 10 ~ IM'rtorm.o 10 be tn~t conl••n"' 1n lht Soulhe<n Celllornl• Me•ler LebOr Aoreemenl. • <oov 01 whlc h n II ..... Ille In Ill& Ollie• Of,,,. Cltv Clerk 01 1 EQO~ler rttrl111Pr•ltHI dllPl•v the City OI Irvine •nd wlll IN made 1---. -----------<• .. 111. nell•ble to.,,, ll\l•r•ttect ,,.r1, upon "ICTITIOUS •UllNISS l Dl\C)ley Nul <ounl"' It r•QuUI. Tiit <Ont rector •nd .,,y NAMI UATIMIHT 2. Ol~y Nut< ,, " wD<onltec1or .,.,.., him ...... P•V not Tht following ot<\On Is doln9 J Iii-,.... lslno lhrOW-up , .. , tllen the ~lllect onvelllno r•t11 bullneuet. counlen•ll al we.-s to ell -'onwn 9f'l\PIOY9CI in CHERI'S ERRANDS. IHJ P•r-J ltlend me•<......sl""O tllrOw-IMUecuOonotlheConlroKI Vl•le, Cost. Mtte, CA '1U7 <-l•n IJlt APPRENTICE Th• conlrector Chtryl Riie Nlcholl, tlU Per-C0111-•ltcl C•• mec:llhw lll•l~comply with tll Ii,. r90ulr•menu Vl\1•, Cost• Mtte, CA '1611 Hiii Refrlgef'el9cl dl1PIH <t .. » •of Section 1777.S 01 th• Cell lorn I• This buSIMU It <_I.., .,,, ... II Lebor C- lndlvlduel Hiii Retrio.r•tec1 dllPIO u .. t• D R A w I ~ G !. A N D Cheryl Riie Nk hC>ll It SPECll"ICATIONS· A lull >el ol This stet......,! ,...,. llltcl wllh !ht • 5olnell9 ,,.,_<-'•"•It. drew lnou eno \pecll1c ellon• h County c .. rti al 0.-County on J .... dlem9t-. •v•ll•bl• lor In spec llon wHllOUI 11, 1"2 t 5"lndl9 llW--counlt" J tt <ll•r0t ti lllt Ollie• Of the Dlr.octor 01 "111M dl•m.ter Public W-SOI IN Clt.,Ol lrvlM. "'nal Pvlllilhtcl Or-CoHt o.tly PlloC. I ,,,_.,..,, ~ 11\K.a Compltl• .. ,, Of .. Id drewlntt. Pullll•lw!cl Or•,_ Cc•HI Delly Pllet, JM\ tt ~ s IJ It tton 4""'1 1 -W•U.·ln nfr19t<etor 16 11 wlcl9 ~lflutlom -bid do<....-ts m•v Feb S, IJ, "· 1'-.1"1 • ,....,_ ' ' ' ' by tt It. 1eft91h be punNM<I from thl C>epertmenl of t Coollnt 111111 lor -·•-·In Ion reotl Pullll< -k•, City of lr•lnt, t7)0C MJC ll'flC( t Clltlr JembOrM Rotd, lrvlnt, Celllornla ,..·------------l'I ------------" 1 -T-JOln llyOln. .,71J A _,...ef-.llle IM Of UOO • Nl-tt.at I Tlw-upcounMr401n.b'(401n. wlll be <htr91d for u cll tt\ ot "CTITIOUS •UStH•H fllCTITIOUI •UllNllS 2 Weier ""'"'' lor proouu documtnh. 0..ewl"9S. ,,,.clfl<•llonl HAM• STAT.MINT HAMS STAT•MINT ,,,.._" e11d bid --h will be "'•""· •• Thf tollowln9 Ptrton It Oo\119 Tll• 1011ow1no per\011 Is dolno • -Ml1etll•11eou• wlrt 011o••Y ullOft r.c-t!Cll ti,...,.. .. 110 let .. tll•n bu,,,,..,_.. Wtlll•uet· rech 10 <•le-0.tn prior to IMO.I• •t s PO II TSPAOE ITH E .. Ut) l\Ll\OOIH'S LAMP, 2'U lltcl Hiii , _ L..-ntr9'1tr1Nr• '1. .., 01Nftlfl9 bidt, IOr ... _ ....... I Ntw,_n llVd. C:•I• IMsa, Celll A .. -. C·l01, C..lt NootM, c.llfomle S.HI _,lell wlll be m .. _..,, ChefteOllSOO mu tMK le IM -'tlellt Of $1(11.,, ,. of I... PltOJIECT ADMINIST RATION A/I 0t¥1f Alen e.etll, '94 Veit Cir< It, Ann • h 11 t I( t I H 11, UU CIYll C-..... ..,,. ,. .. llvt 110 1111• ~I Clfloit S.•llHCll,c;.IH WUO l•J•,.._,.,,IH(ll,c;el~letaMO. 0ATl.0F9'1ruery•,t• IO~ blOl lfltll M Olre<IH 110 Tllll _._, I• (_.... ... ... Tiiis WllMI• It (OllO\I( .... ..., ... SI\ Ya-Mon OEVELOPMaHT, Tom Mta.i. (114115' ... ll>cllv-..1 lnclht....... INC I V Oltotlll M lflt CH., Council of O.Vlf A lloltll --~l•_!tolltfll~_ Gt~ . .1~ ~·..-.i-~i.,r.u.J!!-!t'IHlJ·• ~· ,.. ..>...-. _ -'"Tiii~ .,,..,., ...... ~-• Tflll'~llfWWllliiM _.. ~fl1i, l"fCl;.1.AlldfO.o .... ,._._, ... ,.., r~ C-IV c;..,11 ofOrwiol c_,_J.,,, Covroly Cieri! ti Or ..... Ctluftly on C:llYOfllltVINE 4, IM , JlllU8ry H, 1"2, IY: ...._, L.. ~II, ly: NANCY(, ltOWlAHO. - .. ,_., fllttN6 "'"*"' (ITV C:llltK ~I.._ Or .... c;..-Qltlty Pllelt PWll,... Orlllllt C..tl o.tly ~ ... ~ ,.,..1 .... Or-. C..tt 0Ally PllOI, P\14111~ °'""" c..-O .. ly ''iot. J#I tt, fl• S, 12, It, ltG ..., J•. ft,,_ l. It. It, I• ........ .. ... It, It, "91 I l~IJ ..... 21, ')e. ltG ,.... r OUR -ANNUAL 1 CINI SAlE 4" .. oh a.y 2 ftoh at ~price $1.15"' Get 3rd rot for ULBS tortH Gkdoe. aNios -lecJOftios Clftd MakJt I "'1 2 ltAs at "'9-price Get l rd l ul> of ..... or leat .~for 1c SHRUBS I Qallhe J.1,.1 cauortecf Aaoleo• C• ••• Meyer LeM0tt Mi• Clftd Match l.y 2 at ,,.._ priu 1 Get 3rd,._. of .......... ., .. for . HOUSE PLANTS Jl/4"..._, .. ... ....... S2:7t ... &• BEDDING PLANTS 'i VIOLAS & PANSIES 6 per poay'pdi '/ l-r29N*sat .~, .. ,....._.price $1 .09 "· 4 -.1" •• • 4 Get 3rd pall for 1c -.. BARE ROOT SALE TrH Roses & Fnit TrHt fWly Mix Clftd Match luy 2 at "'9-priu Get 3rd plant ofeqitoiMJeH Vallw fw 'COLOR MOSS BASKETS) &POTS Mix Clftd Match A&.L rTIMI SUlaCT TO llOCK OM MA .............. ~JWJ WINTER HOURS OPEN MQN THAU FRI 7·6, SUN ~ ~ ~ etvd. (ot Boy St.) Colta Miia, CA 9'JM1 I(71•)646-74'f ,... r .. , I IM Orano-Coat DAILY PILOT/Friday. February 19, 1982 L I --- ,ICTITtoUI eUll .. HI MMMllTAHM9NT ""' 191-lne --· .,. "'"• ~ .. ; 1~--------1'1oao MUM>IUH, ..,, Clttll " .... Drive, HewP9rt IH<ll. Callf•flll• MOTIC•MT•USTWe'llA&.a """ T.S. -,.._I Wllll-Olr'k HeM<k k-. JQI °" Frio..., Merell n ......... . Clrcl• Drive, Htw11erl leacll, A.M., Tll .. tnt•trell(t ·~ Tnlt\ C•ltorfllt~ C--HnY, M tluly .......... ,,,...._ St.,_, ~ HtMrkll-, 16)1 -r -~ lo OM tf Trwt Cir< It Drive, Newport IH<ll, l"K•,...... J-1, 1m, H 11111. 'ft. tt7, c.lifOf'nM '*1. "' -tJltl, ..... .,,.. of Offklal Cllrl• ~rlckto11, 2UI Clrclt Re<em In h office ol .,.. ~Y Orlvt, Ntwporl e .. cll, Callfor11I• lhcordtr ol Orenot Cewntv, ~. Cellfornle, WILL SELL AT PUILIC Tllla bualMSs K <onctucled lly e AUCTION TO HIGHEST 1100 .. 1 ..,_, .. partrwn!llD ,OR CASH. CA~lll'l'I CHEC.I( O• W. OlrllH-rkktOn CERTI FIED CHECIC, lpeyellle •t Tl\ls _,,_, w• ftled wltll -llme of .... In >~ -Y 9' IN c-1y Clerll ol 0r.,. CwnlY on Unlled Slalftl •I Ille Solltll lr•t ,....,..,1, 1m. t11tr•11<t to "" 04CI Oranoe ~ ~·-~le< ..... In"" -'* .... Pvltll,_ Or-C..SI Dally Piiot, WU1 S-.. Ana 81'fd. ttonntrfY WIM ·A BEAUTIFUL BUY OUR 1982 CIMARRON !"· S, 41, It, 1', IWJ 4'!.a .• Mt! StrMll S...C• Ana, Callfo<•"• •" [~!!!!!~!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~~~ r>ollt, lllle -1n1 .... 1 convey;e .. -· -anCI now ..... 11y II -s.kl 0..0 ol · ~ ••~ Trusl In lht pr-ny slluetect In Mkl Counly ancl Sta .. Ott<rllltd u : Lot J In llloek I of Trect jll, In Ille City ol NeWllOft llHcfl, H lhown °" e m• MOTICe INVITING llOS "ECl!lh OF PROPOSALS: S..leel .,......, llllcbl wlll lie ~•IWCI " ti. City ol lnl!M, Owner o1 I .. wort., 111 ti.olftff of -City Cle~. loc•liM •t 11200 J•mllorH Roed, ''"'"•· C.t1tor..i. '211._ uncll 2:00 '""" on M4tr<ll 10, 1m. DESCRIPTION 01' WORK : Tllll -JKt In,..._ .,..,...lllon, ntmov•I •!Id MW contfru<tlon es-lat.cs with modlfkMlonl t9 exlstlno Offk " wltllin 111• City of lrvlne Civic Ctnt., Cemplta. In .-Htlon, u .. ,, Is tlw 11\Mellelltll fll -~ tle<trkel ....... "'", ~ K~ alld HM<i•t•d •le<lrlcel dl1trlb11llOft. f~ttlll-.st•.-Ol"ENIHG OF PROPOSALS: Tiit ..,_.., wlll lie PlllMlcly .,._ and re.,. •t 2:• p.m., °"Merell 10, ltll. In , .. City o1 lrvlne Council c.,.meen, 112f0 Jemlleret Ro•d. lr•lllt, Callfornle. llltreof _......, 111 a-11, PevH ll lo 36 Inclusive ol Mlw,ell•-m-. /KOrds of Or.,. C°""'V TrutlO< Of rt<Ofd --ALLEN SENALl -HELEN SliMLL. Tiit street addreu e nd 01ner common ......,..,...,., II any, of 1"' reel ProPtrtY deac rllltd abo"e h purported lo be: 1500 EHi O<H n Front, N-1 llucll, CA 9*1. TM~ T~ dhclalm• any llablllty tor any lncorre<tntts of Ille tlrwt ecl*ftS --· <-Cltsl9nallon, II •to¥. ~ htteln. S.ld sai. will llt -. 11111 wltllOUI covett•nt 0' werr•n•r. ••P'•'' or Implied • .....,..,.. lltlt, POS.sH.lloll, or encumbrances, lo P•Y ltw unp•ld N l•n<t of the noteetl sec"'ed by said Deed of Trust. IO·WIL 5'1.230.31, 11\dvdino 8t _,_ In uld nofe(S), ed"ltnc". II any, ..-Ille terms ot uld Deed ol Tnnl, ''"· cl\arge1 end ••~nMs of 11\e T rustH and of lht lrwsls creeled by said a-ol Trust • • • 0 • 4 Lecture on public relations business set next week • in lb J EFF' PAUEa ol•o.tt¥NlllWI Mort Steln, a Newport Beach public relations consultant who believes that predatory buelnets techniques are bad for people and bu&lness. will lecture on the topic Saturday, Feb. 27, at Orance Coast College. 1·1 believe that we as a society have become so abraalve and sometimes vicious in every day business and priv,ate deallngs, that w e've becom e cannlballatic." he said. "People are anary, sick and auspicious or each other because or com· pellllve co-workers , difficult sueerlors and lndlfrerent people around them." According to Stein, people have lost the ability to be both competitive and supportive to each olber at the hme time. He feels that modern pressures force people into comp.,Utlve situations that are often marked by "vicious and back-biting" be havior, but that people don't have to s uccumb to s uch attitudes to be successful. .. On the contrary." he said. "I 'm talking a bout bette r profits, better sales, bette r morale and overall effectiveness on the job. Good public relations principles -making people feel like people again -are the backbone of good business. I'm talking dollars and cents for business people. .. , . m not moralizing. The first part or the lecture will deal with conventional 'roles in business - how the public relations man fits into the scheme of business along with advertising and marketing. I hope to send people bow public relations works and how they can apply Ila principles." he said. Stein'• lecture, ''How Public Relations Skills Can Boost Profit• and Prestiae In Business and Private Life," will focus on methc:>dA people can use to alter their own destructive beha,vlor. and that or people around them. Humor. co mpliments , p oli t eness and "acknowledgement" are some of the areu Stein wlll cover in his talk. "We've forgotten how to cre ate good will," he s aid. "It's macho t.o be tough now, to be lll·mannered. I can shOw that you don't have to be that way to be successful. You'll feel better, and you'll do better too." Stein's lecture 1s set f9r Feb. 27 at 10 a.m. in Science Leeture Hall 2 of Orange Coast College. Registration may be done at the door and the fee is $5. For more information call 556-5880. TEACHES GOOD WILL Co n su ltant Mort Stein t>l'l1 eves good public r(•lat1on s ran boos t a business· productivity and profits. H(''ll le<.·t urc about his theories next Saturday County jobless rate for '81 4. 7 percent O r a n ge Cou n ty 's unemployment rate averaged 5 .2 per cent for the fourth _ quart.er of 1981. up from 4.7 percent in the last three months or 1980. according to figures released by th e s t a t e Employment Development Department. from 4.3 percent in 1980, the EDD reported . Wage and salary employment rose just 1. 7 percent during the year ended Dec. 31, the s mallest increase since December 1970, whe n a s m a ll job loss was posted 08TAIHING CO N TR A CT DOCUMENTS: PIMls. 5"<1flutlOftS and e ll Contr•ct Document• for c•ntlrucllon ol the City Hell Modlllcellen, ...... II, CIP J60.27, mey llt ••IMCI from lllt City of 1,..,IM PIAllk Worlls ~. 1*11 MCGew eA-. Irvine. ~lfonll6. A nonrtf-'" of t.20.00 wlll lie c11eroeo .., Mell .i of dK.,,,_ts. Decumenll will llt melltd t;r en -ltl-1<'*91 of u.oo. The beneficiary under ukl O...S of Trust lltreloloro •••<ul•d •nd dtllvered lo lllo ...-,19n.., • written Otcl•retlon of Dett11ll -o.m- lor Sa le, an<I • wrllltn Holk• ol O.fa ull and Elt<llOft 10 Sell. Tne un<ltrslOn;d <•used said Nollet ol Detaull anc1 Ele<llOft 10 5-it lo lie rec...-In tllt county wlltre llW r••I prOClfrly ls loui.o. PRESENTING FREE BUYERS SEMINAR I away wtth an overall picture of The preliminary aver age rate for the year is 4 7 pe rcent , up Average hourly earnings for prod u c tion wo r ker s i n manufacturing rose 10.2 percent for the year to $8.44. PROPOSAL GUARANTEE: llecll propowl Wll llt e<CClmf*litd lly e ctrllfltd or c.,,.ler's clleek or • bid llOnd In tlle -of lell 1101 perctftl of Ille mcel bid prkt peyell6e lo , .. City of lrvlnt es a .--11\et - b .... r, If 1111 ..,-... b K C....,._ will tftter Into • ,_,K1 wltll IN o.- tor q1n1trucll0ft of ~ City Hell Modlfk -, -II. In K <Ofden<t wltll Corll.rel Ooc...,...ts. lllD ITEMS: 8au llld for co•,,tructlcon of City Well Moclltl(.atlon, Pllese 11 wltll Otdl.tctlvt Atternete •I UI-11y Generator Ho. 21 with rtltltd -al 21111 M<G-(Sheet 1 ''" OWNER'S RI GHTS RESERVED: Tiie Ow-,._""' Ille rl9fll to rti.<1 •nY o r all bid\, 10 waive a ny Informality in a bid an<I 10 mue -••di In tlw ln..,_st Of -Owner PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: Tllo conlrect ll to lie -lnlsleA<I " -City ot Irvine,•• _.ts for lllt City of lrYIM•P\Mlc FeclllUH COf-.ilon': All ~~ relative lo INs -j;cl prl0< to tlw -Ing of l>ldt t.llell be dlre<ltd to ... ProjKI ~r. Clh ol lrvlM, 1114) 1~. Deleil: "*'-"f It, 1'12. CITY OF IR'lllHE Nencyc.R-...... city cien. Publl-Or-Coest Dally Piiot. Fet> "· 2', IWJ 711.C NOTIC•O, Trust" or parly c-1in9 sale: TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. :JS40 Wll"'lre lltvd., L°' An9elu, CA 90010. •nn Marco Brenes; l213l JM.-• 2121. DATEDF._.y II, IC . Tiiie ln-;nce -TrvstC-y. asseldTNStet. 8y1Nirco 8- Authof'lr.ed slenat.,..• • Publls-Or-co.st Deily Piiot. Ftb. 19, U , Merell S. 1"2 7~ "CTITIOUS 8USllllEH MAMIE STATEMENT Tll• to11-1no per10ns .,. ooino blnlneuas MONTCLAIR·CAHOGA ti, 2241 ~~ Crest ~. La Habra, Callfoml~ Don Munll, ?141 Leh CreJI LaM. U Habre. calltoml• '°'31. Tllomes La ScalH . S.12 Oavll Avenue, Sani. AN, Calltornl• 92704. 0.-s J Ar<lltr, Ital C.,,lu Orlvt, Yottle Uf*.Cellfoml•.,..._ Mllen Sllrlp;k, II I Panor•m• It-. f'utttttoft. Callforftl• .,..,, Aloll Oetrell. ten S.-111 Strwl. Santa Monica, ~lforftlt tcMOS. Tiiis bllSIMSs Is <On<IUCl•O by • e-nerel~ OonMunU Thi• ste..,_1 was 1114111 wltn 111e County Clerk ot Or•ll9t County on Jenuary "· 1"2. :.::!'.!!~~ L.awOlftcMM T.S.Me.fna,1 DMll.LJ.COOPE• l"tt11M IENEl'ICIAL SERVICE CO et .... -:..:::. ........ duly e_..,.ed Truslff _,Ille a.tlC-.Oeu,..... lollowlnt dtscrlllt<I detd of lrust 1 _ Mlltl, (a, ftUJ ./ How to buy without lender qualifications. ./ How to buy with little or "no money down. ./ The basics of buy/sell agreements. ./ The benefits of co-ownership. ./ Plus much, much more. Date: Saturday, Feb. 2 0 Locatioll: 19131 lrooldllnt. H•tl• gtma hocll T-.: RecJhlratioll 9:30 AM. SeAlilter. I OAM-12:30. Ulftihd eftf'O._,.,, call ROW for NMl"¥otioM. 962-5585 WILL SEU AT PVllLIC •UCTIOH - ro THE ~GHEST BIDDER FORt~Pu~·~·~~~~~~-~~c~-~~~~~-~~P~l~lot~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CASH (peyellla al Ume of salt In Jan. 29, Fa S, 12. "· IWJ ~ lawful money of the Uni-Slates> all rltlll, 1111• -ln4ernl con.,..,.. to • end now -by II -r Mid O;;d of Trusl II\ Ille property lltrelnelter Cit scribed: TRV STOtl: DAVID J. SWEET, - CHERYL AHN SWEET, --wlle BENEFICIARY FAR WEST SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. • c O<ponljon. RKOl'd9CI Merell S, ltll es Instr. No, 67M In 11C1Dk 1"'10 Paet Me of Dfflclal A;cords Ill JM offlce of .,.. Ac-. of Or•"9f COW1ty; said""" of trust cltlCrlllel""' fol-Int P•-1v: PARCEL 1: Lot I of Trecl Ho. nao, In ttw Cltv f1f l,..,lnt, C_,ty ol Or- Slalt of Celltornl•. es pe r map ·--Iii boo11 JH, _. 21 to U lnclwslve, Mlle•"-~. In Ille tffk e of .. ~ ,_, of Yid c-ty. EXCEPT THEREFROM all oil, o-. 1t1IMral1 •"" ot!Mlr llydroc••"°!!"~ ""--• below • _.. 91 '°° f .. t. wll'-l uw rltlM of wr1e<• ;nlty, as r-rvtd In lnttrumtnls of record. P,tt"llCIEL 2: A non·ea<l .. slvt •P,urltn•nl t estmtnl fer 111• pur-;s wt tortll In -over .,.. land ,.,er._. In A,,l<lt v. S.CtlOft I of tllal urtalfl Dt<lerallon 01 'oventllll. cond itions e nd lltttrl<I--Mey 10, 1'71 In ...... tM1, pege •. Otfklal Rec-. •s lm,....S W Nlltic• .t C-ls, c...-1i.. .,... Rtllrl<llon• recordtd °" Je-VJI, 1m In boot tl>Sl7, ..... J.27, Offklal '*°""· ..... ,..,, 4251 M•re•rll• SlrHI, ......... CltlitDm ... •'(If • .arwt Mdrltss or common oe1l111•llen 11 111own ellove, 110 ••rr•nly •• o lven ., lo lh (~orcen'KINM)," 25 Available for Immediate Delivery I a reat selection of the custom 42, 45 o r 48-inch conversion. Includes 8 inch color Tv. bar. separately controlled rear air-conditioning, power Chauffeur divider window ... PLUS many more features! B<JY OR LEASE . ~> ROGER PENSKE (714) 521-9624 (213) 868-9931 CALFORNA'S LARGEST CADIU.AC DEALER WHERE THE 9 NllJ C'm) FREEWAYS ME.ET IN DOWNEY Tiie MMfk~ ......, said O;;d ol Trvst. W-ofllfwell 0<_....it In tfM .....,lions MCllred lllef'ellv. lleretofore •..C-Md •II-lo Ille 1111dtr111Md a wrlttefl O;clarallon .. o.felllt .... Otn'lanCI .., Seit, •nd wrltteft -~ ol llreecll and of t>ec:tlon to~N~town .. ld ..,.,.ny " NtlttY ..... ,.,._..,,., (F<>MllAlY 909 SPREEN CADIU.AC) llMI ~--•ltMd c~ «,._lC.-.....:•• ......... "-"""tle<tferl -~~~========::::;===========:;::=========::::.-4 • ...: .... ..._.,t. """ ""'r·,r...,-------------1·-------------~= =. Mr1I. _.,_., .. .-Pla)C l9TI( P9JC 91Ta I I ...,. ......... lllM. llul ft"'-'r---------:----1·----------~ 1-----------<e¥9Mllt W WtffaMY, t•-• or l'ICTrnoul I USINSU ,.c:TfllOUS eUSINllS l'ICTITIOUS eUltNeSS I ..... ~ .............. ., NIMSITATeMllNT MAINSTATWMllNT ltAM&o;ITATtMCllfT _....,........_ ti,.., tlW ,_..... Tiie fotlewlno "''°n I• dolnt Tiit totlow>nt person II do>ne Tiit followl119 Hrton Is dolne ,...flC..,.. -• • "* -~ ..., llUalnets n : """"" .. " Dllllrtfltat: .... o-i1•TnlllW9'l lllw•~, .. ,n R.M,s . INT•ANATIONAI..,,..., ORANOR co. 8ACl(tWING SUNLANO L.t.NDSCAPE MW,..._....,._.,~. T MY, llr<ll, s.Me Ana ~. C4111forlll• ITMI, HS SltMI Aoed. Hawper\. COMl"AM'I', 2127 I t ,.....Y, Sallta __, ____ MNOMtf .... '21'7. 8"<11,CA~. Ane,Callttrftla~104 , .... C~ = = -:i:.~ ':: Jrmy LM WMltfl, to20t 'Slrcll, ,HD M. ICl!LL. to:S SioMI R.,.., left &... lltcll, 81' R'*Y A-. •T""'" ... ., ~ .._..AN......._CM...,,...tl*. ....,...ne.dl,CA9*.i. h .... lllallll,Cal-.,la'"6J .... 0.-.. T,,.., ............ " Tiii• _...... It ~ ... ..., on Tiiis ~· It <andll<ted llY • Tiii• ....... I• <OMllC ... ..., on ..... eft .....,, M9rell It, IW MI:• 1..-V .... ! t¢Mf•l .... '1 .. """' lflltlY!d;lal. '·"'• et ttle Clle,"1tn Avt1111t ""YI.. Wli!llllll FMllil Ktlt a.n &.. llf~ll ""'~ • tlW CMc ~ ........... Tlllt ~ -"*' wltll tlW Tlllt *"'-" -ll>eo wllll lllt Tllll ,...._. -n>eo •1111 ... -.... ~A-, Ill llw c"" COllllly Cltf'll OI Or ..... C-Y on C-ty Clef1l of Ort"9f t wnty Oft CoulllY Cler11 Of Ora .... COuMy on .. Of ...... ~· _..........._ F--vt. lwt, I' ... 1', 1•. Ftf)Ntry It, 1'12. ,., .................. _ .. ,.,.. ,t..,.. .., ... ti ttltt ...._, ............ ff Ille ~I--Or._ C-11 OallY PllM, .._I.,_ Or-.... eoatt O.lly l"llot, PllOlllllM Orlll9 eo.91 Delly Ptlfl, :::'.,!::':'...::.::,:=•= ,. ... lt,lt,-.1Nr<l!"-19G.... 6»tt , ... IJ,-.MarcllS,12,ltf) N1-t2 '•l>.lt,lt.Mer ),U,1t12. ~ ............... c-......-. •11• ···-" ,, ., ...... ,,, ,, ........................... _,, <Mt C1WI-~ ,_ o-::-=z ~IMC8W.. ...... ,...... •••.a.•na~ -·· 0s= ==== ..... ca. .. OMl-- No other newspaper brings you more of your city council, planni ng commission, school and college districts and county ----government tllan tffel~ Pl .......... -Cllllo.ltf= ,., ,, ... ~.... L.,. ______ .;;..;;;. ______ =--;..o,:..:.....---...-------_..;-----------------...-- OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTIHCS P;opEap Petri! 1 Pellillon PllllaHal PleroSS Plnkrln PlonHl8 Plalllnt Pouts PresG¥ PrsSleyn Pr09rp PbSvNC Purl Ben ~~~~~ A teen Pr R•ychm Aaymnd """' ' AoeclE• R-My RoMIOft Rouw Sadlier S.leco SIHelGO SI Paul S<rlpH l Sensor Svc Mer Svcmst s 511~ stowmul SleuA~ • SllkOfla SCelW1r SwEIS• SIMICI"' SldMl<ro ~::~~· Sier I SI Name """'"" .. TSC" SlrulO S Emery un GllmS• Htl!oon Cll•prl 1 Cmpllld $a•Ofl ' 8allyPP Mcrnll\AQ r 11r.-tt:c;~ .. s~.9 AQuesr ~~~c:. UAmEn wl CGA C9' Clll\Hh •L•IJ un Cstllnl 9 c .. 1eut ...... FILACFn p yr .....0. I l(yHrv Omni A"' AU........, HISIOY Sill<Ofl• AC<u.., Ar1t<ll f:.~sffn SymbT< w1 GeoSy ' CPU un FlcUll\G un LISc .... ~~'.!t': c 11 .. eD "':TS J• • G lnaFn CnEQt En~v Mllral PIH8k • LA:,~. ,cri~ P<t VP lt• Up 2t I VP 114 Up 100 Up 20 0 Up 200 uo "1 Up 1' I Up 14 J Ull u o VP IU Up 11.l Up 11.S Up 12.S VP IJ.1 Up II S Up II J VP II I VP 10 9 Up 10 9 Up 10 S Up 10 5 Up tO 3 Up 100 VP 100 2 ... .... . ~ l \I) > • \I) ''" .,. t v. )' i .,, 41,, ... ~ I • ~ .. ,. \:. 1'... • \&,. ·~ .. ~ 214 • \4 111. • ... ... Yt ,... ~ II~ ,,._ 11\"t • t\I. 12"" • tv. ~ . "' S\.,. • \,. ,... .,. ' • 3 I• )I J 4 t,.1 i1w .. ' .. DOWNS lAJI , ... 1~ 3 J• .. ... H• ""' 1.-i. 2 2 • ,, . u 11. , .. ,.. Iii. , .. ,, l 'f> >'-5 ,~. , . .., ,..., ,..., ' Che! Pct '-Ott ?1 1 '' Ott IS 4 ~. ()It u J '' Ott IJ I .. Off 136 " Ott 11 0 11. Off 11 0 ''> Ott II.I 11.0lfll t :~ g: t:: .. Off 10 5 I..., Off IOl ~. Ott 10 0 " Off 10 0 " Off 100 ... Off 100 II. Off IOO 1\1) Off • 1 " Off 9.7 " Ott ••• ~ g: ::: v. Oii t.I 'lo Oii ' t .. Off ., 1 .· I' 0 I I f ') D I \ .. Ornnge Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1982 . ' I .. NATION c::::z..._ ___ _ • tlou!'!Lnl( starts In Januiary dropped 0.6 percent after havrng r iiscn s lightly In December, the Com mt.'rtc Otiparlmenl reported. Bulldera be11n wo1 k 1111 new homes at a seasonally adjusted annual ' rule of 894.000 In January, down 44 percent from the :-.urne month u year earlie r, just before the lnduatry ft•ll mto one uf iti, worst years ever December's r1gu1 t'' wen· revised to 4 5 percent from the 13.3 1ierc·1•nt f11,l reix1rtec1 The smaller figure was still a ~1 1·.11 1m11111v1•mt•nt over big declines common earlier 111 HllU STiii ~~---- I\ n•cc1nJ Sl4 5 b1lhon m assets at the end o( 1981 (•nJhl1•d Lo-. Angl'les bai.ed Home Savings of America tc1 hnld 1t ... pos1twn us the nal1on's largest savings qnd loan <•'>SO('iallon, .icc·ordln~ to the United States Lt.•ag1w of Sa"mg!> As~o<:tatlon Home.Savings' assets ;1t tlw 1•nll of ttw year , a 13 8 percent increase, made ttwni th1• top ranked Si'!. L for the 27th consecutive \ t•.u WORlD @1 Mf'xirn'' Central Bank said it has decided to \\ 1thd1 .i v. lPm porari ly fro m foreign e xchange 111;1rkl'I' m ;,i11 a ppan·nt attempt to let its c urrency, 1 h1• l''''o f 11111 1t... ov. n value abroad. Observers say t lw n111H· m:n "gn al u large devaluation to come. A de·\ allwd 11<•.,o. the bank s aid, would lead many :\1 "\le·a1"' to think about s pcndmg their vacations an Ml''\ll'o 111..,rt•ad of outside the country, a potential bonn lei the• -nation's tourist industry. which fell '-h;1q1I\ JJ..,t yl'al A devaluation also, would make M l 0 x1e·a n gootl!'> c·h~·a pl'r for foreign buyers and lllt'rl'<J'oe· llll' Prl<'(.' or imported goods for domestic c·on .... 11n1·r'> EARNINGS § ,\t>lna Lif P &. Casualty reported earnings for 1981 nf l!ll mtllum, or S6 11 a s hare. compared with 1980 btrntng., of SSll8 millio n. or $6 30 For the 1981 fourth q11a1 tt·r. opNating earnings were $146 million. or SI K;! J 'han., compared with $134 m illion, or Sl 66 for l h(' ('OITC'oJ>ltndme period Of 19fl> STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VORIC(AP1 l'ln•I 0o-J~ •"'I' IO< lr'<Kwlily FIPI> II STOCKS 8 0 0•" JO Ind , 10 r ,n .: !~ ~.~ 1 lntlu\ • l'• ''•" 111 Uhh S•• •S SI~ ~ WHAT STOCKS IMO AMERIC AN LEADERS . "' ... 10, H EW VORIC e.&PI l'.O It AClv•nUCI 0.<11-Un<ll•noeel Tot•l ••-N•w lllO't> H~• IOW'\ '-1.,.. IOl ... ,.., 1l ti HEW VORK IAPI Feb II p,. ..... '• AO''t.,KH ... , °''"~ To<Yy ,,. -70 ";J, ao m 1U u ti< 11•"99CI '-Tot•• 1\~ Nf"W h•Qh\ 14, ~rw tow \ , .. 7 ., • lS UPS AND DOWNS NE..W YOAK 1Ar'1 T'~ IOllOwtnO h't \t\o.,.,, tnr ,,.,.,"~ "o'" \tor9'. E•<h•~ ''O< It 'i. c.tnd Wdt r~nh ft\clll h•Y~ oont ua tn. n10\t AhfJ 1-.Uwn lrM• mf)\f b.itH"'<I on ,,..,,.nt ot t'MIW)o ,. Q.MOlf'\\ ot \IOIU,,.. ,,,, Th"'\61" ' Ho \.f'1-uf1l1r\ 1t"4•f'M) hf'k')w '1 iH~ met uct.d Nf'I '""1 DHf Ml~ l P'l•ft9P'\ .,.. OW tJ•tft,~~r twlw,..n ,,,. or~"'°"' 00"119 Of1f • .. ,_, tot,.f'). 4 D Ol l)rl(f' UPS L~\'1 ... '~. u:<1u ,1 H . 'O UP ti I 1•'-10, Up • ~ f;1' I • 41•; Up , , I '· Uo 11 HI > Uo 1 ~ U I Up 1 I 11t1• P. Uo t' 11 • I .. VP •• )1 1 o I Up •I 11'• -. Up '1 • .. Up •I " )._ Uo • S '• Uo 6 l I UP •I '• Up ~. 'o Up \' 1• VO ) • ~ • VO S 8 METALS H EW VORK I API ~l)OI .. o .. t•rrous "'''•' ()fl(~lodit't' ,.,,., ,, ... eo U"I' • oouno u s O.\tlnalton~ LtHll1'<•nh•- ltft< 4J cent\• oouna dfoh•tr.cs TIA ll 1111 Met••>WM .. <-llt10 Ahom~ 1~11 <enh • ~ N Y M••<W'f un oo..., "••~ P'l•U-U... 00 lrov 01 H Y SILVER GOLD OUOTATIOHS lyTlloAMK».-~t !M'lt<le<l -ICI 90ICI or'< tt 1_, 1.-: 1NWn1119 lh1119 U.1 SO. off S. SO. '--: •lttrnoon li•lnq ~ H, oll '4 7$. P'uls: U611 ••.off IS U ,, • .,,...,., U6ll "'1 oll '1" l•rlcll YI• 11••"9 U6ll 00, olt U 00 bid. U 71 OO•illeel MU .. y & ""'"""' COtllY tl•llY ...,e.l U.• IS off"° IS ,.,.._, (OftlY cl.t1ly ......... "''·"·.,. .-is ,,......_. Conly CUiiy q"'"'' I-~ U-l 10, ofHI JI SYMBOLS . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1882 THE Fl\MILl' CIRCtH by 811 Keane 111 winned the gettin' -dressed race!" ~.\RM.\Dl"IU:.: Jl.DGt: P .\Rkt:R ACROSS 1 Yodtl 5GlfcAI 18' ... h« 14 Polleh rhlet 150tk.e.g 18 Ex1enllve 17USSRrenge 18 Vlctorltn, .... 19 Come next 20 Private 22FllWI 49 Graufies 53 Walk -- S4 Not slack 55 -eYla 58 Be trugel 57 Pony up 58 Autllor Ludwig 59 Openings 60To~ 81 Corp, Mcilon DOWN 23 lllum 1 -°'*' 24 Counterper1 2 LOiiing 25 AllMlee 3 AdilC*lt 28 SIMIO unit: 4 Clrtllrrgtis 2 wordt 5 SllOrthllnd 32 CurTtnCy tell«• 33 ,_,.,, 8 Clothing 34 SprtnMd 1 c~ 36 ,IQAty 8 " -I jolly ,....,. .. good .. :· 31 a-"°"""' • ..... 10 o.cullMd •ca.~ cs 11 F°"'*1y • .,... °" 12 ,... .,..... tJFtr\llnt .... , .... 21 ,.,.~ ......... 22*" •a.. t4o..9Dand ................ by Brad And erson 0 ! l i : . i .. ·l UNITED Future Syndicate Thursdey·s Puzzte Solved ;; BIGGEORfiE by Virg il Partch (VIP) , _,, "I'm tuchlng him to point." DE:\:\IS THE ~E:\ACE Hank Ketchum • .> •• ~ -t i ;. ' !' 0 " PEANtTS 11 600 TtMPER5 TM~ WIND TO THE SMORN LAMB'' ·-~ ...... .,....., ... 0 v o o o o O 0 0 tJ 0 00 () 0 IJ by Charles M. Schulz TMOSE LAMBS 0 A~E IN TROIJSL E " o by Tom K. Ryan WHA"rS YOUR J...!:AP NE=WS Fl.ASH?! HAR RYi CA N I TAKE YOUR DOG l=OR A WALK? •T:\ll \' Ml~9't:RBt:.\:\ Dear Band Alumni, Westview band alumnus SURE., SLUGGO WELL, 11VE IJ~~Et::: SCEAI HHI 5-E:EPIAJ~'­ TUERE .!!'E.~w::E.' TH.47r .:JUR e.AlvRER- E)(PL..:J.~JHef by Ernie Bushm1ller SPIKE, IF l W ER E YOU,! 'WOULDN'T TRY TO BEAT ME UP TODAY by Tom Batw k - Wayt.D go,Nancy ! ' Nancy Webber Polaski, by Jim Davis I cl:assof'73,and her hus- -----------. band Jahn announced the Nancy reports that she had him started on a flutap,.one before they left the delivery room ! by Ferd & Tom Johnson ITl5 GOO[) TO GIVE 0UR5Et.V£S }.N INC ENT/VE. arrival of their latest little band booster, Jeffrey Todd ! ~~~/;:-~.). 9~~'1&:;=~~ .. .. DR..\BBLt: OR.SMOCK PEDIATRICS Take main elevdtor-to I s t f loor- 4 • \ WOKE. UI' 1"11~ MORNl .. o ANO FOUNO A 'LOCK ~ O\JCK5 IN M'{ 6C0ROOM. E11€.N'fvA.LL~, fllf." ALL 'LEu.l AWA-., f:t.CE.l'T l-0~ ()t.lf. TAAi \AXl"11T LE.AVE. M-CA~ fA.IRICK ru.o~ 11' ff.~N\J"f ~HE.R M~ VAO l.IJOJLQ ME.llE.11- lE.1" 1J? llAvE. A. l'E.i Q\JC.K, SO ul€. 1°0L.0 "'M 11 WA~ A VARROf. 1 by Kevin Fagan -e 1912 unot.o f •••vtt S~le 9"c by Geo rge Lemont GERIATRICS TaKe back sta i..--s to 9 th floor. • • 1 ( II d n " II ·11 , , ,, 1 .... _._ ...... __ _ ' Min.ority inf allt mo~tality rate higher than whites' CHICAGO (AP> -Mlnorlty l roup women in the Unlted tatta are more likely than whltt women to bear small babl• with 1 hllh rlak of death, ma kins tbe n1Uon' 1 infant mortality rite one of the hllheet amons developed countries, two reaearebert say, Reaeuch era 1u11eated, however, th•t the hl1her death rate 11 due to lncome, not to race ; minorities tend to have lower incomes. The study, based on a compartaon of infant death r•tel io Norway and the United States, was published ln ~ay'a edition of the Journal of the American Medical AsaoclaUon. "Put simply, poorer mothers have smaller babies, and smaller babies are at a h11her risk of earfy death," Dr. Nl1el Paneth ot Columbia University s a i d in an editorial accompanying the study. The study indicates that birth weight Is a primary factor In infant mortality. Norway'• 1977 Infant mortality rate of about 9.2 deathl per 1.000 births wu the fifth beat ln tht world, while the U.S. rate ot 14.1 deathl per 1,000 birthl ranked Ulth. However, the death rate for white Infants In the United States wu 12.3, which would rank 10th, while that for minorities wu 21.7, which would not place ln the top 25 Internationally, Orange Cout DAILY PfLOT/Frlday, February 19, 1982 ., CAll,AI Nf Q - Berna9ette Devlin M cAliskey , who served in British House of Commons. is now seeking seat in Irtsh Parliament. Devlin seeks seat in Irish Parliament ~ DUBLIN , Ireland (AP> - Bernadette Devlln McAlllkey, who aurvlved an uaauinaUon attempt l11t year, 11 1eekln1 a aeat ln Irish Parllament 1n Tbur:1day'1 electlon. U the 34-year-old radical poUUclan from Brililb·ruled Nor1hem Ireland wllla, ahe wW be the first person to have aat in both the Irllh lower house, or Dail, and the BriU.1h House ofCommooa. Under ll'llh law, citizens of1 Northern Ireland, over which Dublin c laims 1overei1nty , alao are considered cltiaena of the republic. Mrs. McAlllkey still limpe from the 1hootin1 on Jan. 18 Jut ye.r when abe and her schoolteacher huaband1 Michael, were badly wounded m an attack by Protest.ant 1unmen. She waa ahot 14 tlmet. Their would-be klllera were jailed for Iona prlaon term• ln Belfut tut month. The 5-foot veteran of the North's violent sectarian polltlca haa campaigned through the streeta of Dublin's North-Central electoral \ district preaching the aame cauae that got her elected to the Britla.h , Parliament in 1969 -unification of 11 this dlvided Island. Terrific savings on Junior faslllonsl WALK, DRIVE OR FLY ·TO THE r ,, . .. I I I I I ~ 1 ' _, e SOUTH .._,, COAST Q2 PLAZA ID 4DAYSONLY . THURSDAY, FEB 18 THRU SUNDAY, FEB 21 BAKER HOW TO GET THERE: l'ftNll .,_405 Pwr Norths Exit at the 55 Fwy toward Newport ~ach, exit lmmedlatefy at Bak~~ Baker will be the second slgnat ~ bn Baker to 1-Jrway, right on~fW11't 1/4-mlle. l'rom the 405 Souths Exit at Bristol ~south, 1/2-mlle FREE BALLOONS • FREE PEPSI & POPCORN white supplles last 5999-15 99 ~~;d~~~~~J~~ Chemin de Fer. Made in the Shade. 5-11. .... 5899-15 99 ~s~~~e~~~l~~~~lors Sizes S.M,L; 5-11. 5999-15 99 CORDS, CASUAL PANTS Save on a large selection from For Play. Chemin de Fer. Levi 's, Brinania. 5-11 . s599_ 1299 KNIT TOPS AND TEES Great styles by We Make Waves. Genesis. Lightning Bolt Ardee. S,M.L 58 99-1999 2~~o~~s>~~~~than Martin, Langtry. S,M,L; 5-11 . 5899-1599 LADIES' SWEATERS Fashion sweaters from popular makers like Rerango, Genesis, Ndee. Cecily. S.M.L. s599-1599 PLAID SKIRTS Traditional skirts In assorted styles from Ann Stevens, Classic of Boston. 5-11 . 5999-15 99 ·FASHION KNICKERS 11 A large selection of fun styles from For Play and SWAT. 5-11. Hur!)' In for best selection. Many styles, colors • to Baker. Left on Baker to /4Jrway, right on /4Jrway 1/4-m~. ,,.. tlw II l'WJ Ncwll11 Exit at Bak~ Street right on Baker to 1-Jrway. Right on Ntway 1/4-mffe. Pro111 tile R PWf SOU1111 Exit at Baker Strttt. which wm'be the second signal. left on 8akrr to Nrway. ftght on 1-Jrway 1 /4-n*. Pro111 Coro11a ~._,Take MacArthur or Jambortt to Bltstol Street Left on Bristol to Red·Htn, "9' !Oil.Red Hiii to Kalmus. J or mes may ~ in short S\Jppty or ~-of-a-kind. Alt garments are sold as is. No refunds will be made. · Right on Kalmus to 1-Jrway, left on 1-Jrway l /2-block. I ·~ • ' . •· Orange Coaat OAJl Y PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1982 SAN FRANC ISCO <AP > An Informal s urvey of Bay area residents showed that 9'!or-±-..i more than hair of them fevor an outright ban on. pit bu ll terrie rs , a l measure proposed by a San Fran c i sco supe rvisor in the wake! Of a rash of attacks by tbe dop. Some SS percent of the 16 ,720 peo pl e whol phoned in their opinions to a San Francisco Chronicle poll said they favored oulla wing pit bulls . Anot h e r 45 percent said they would oppose such a ban. Supervisor Carol Ruth Sliver proposed that the animals be banned from tbe city. The action wou ld give plt·bull owners 60 days to remove their dogs; afier ~bat, they would have to J>PY to have the animals d"estroyed. J-_..,.THE -SARlt'S I ~C-, .. &Tu.Q ---" .. _ S1 loe 1111>~· ~•twc. T"""' Sl"1t,.. ~ ""' o (\# fCi91t Stat-tit ._.,ti, Yo.r ,, ... COSTA wuS.1-1289 '"'"--.. ,_ Y11'°"9s.o401 _ea_c_ .. _ ·''•"" ... ,..., ., .. .,, ~ ..... "WE.CARE" !IOI All Of YOUR HEALTH MEEDS Oftll EVEIY DAY EVINl~EMD 9:00 AM-9:00 l'M Doll Show Sale and free info clinic this Sat & Sun, Feb 20 & 21 . Collectors & antique dealers present unusual dolls. accessories and houses. Huntington Center Mall. 405 twy & Beach Blvd .. H.B PICTITIOUS aUllNISS NAMI STATIMIENT 'The lollowln9 person I• doln9 buslnenes llODY RIGHT, UNLIMITED, tl' E••I Uth Street, Cosu Meu, Galltornl• '1627 Wllll..,.. H. Parisi\, Jr .• 1)4 Eas1 Uth StrMt. Cotta "'-"'· Calllornle .. 11 Tiiis -lrl•u Is <ondu<ted by an llldl•ldual WHllam H Par•"'· Jr ,This statement .... flied wltll !M County Cler1l of Or•nte County °" Oltc•mber "· "" Pl""' Published 0raft919 CMll Daily Piiot, 't· tt, Feo S. 1~. It. 1"7 4"-12. PllJC~( I "CTITIOUS a USINISS NAMI STATIMINT J"• 1011owln9 person Is 001n9 Wslnessas: DAVID STEELE & ASSOCIATES, 1U GMMt, "-r1 BM<ll, CA '2M2. Guy Edward Gof>yH, tn Garnet '4 .. Newpot1 Bff<ll, CA '2Mt i,.;1~11~~-Is <-uctea by an Guy E. Goft.,.a tllt. llate"*lt l'• fllecl wlll\ tM Cwnty Cler1l OI Orlll9* County°" JMI. t1 '*· Ptlt9'1 utMI.-0raft919 CMll Oally Piiot, ,v, Feb. S, U, It, t"7 0142 > w•m ~- Al'W ......... WON'T HURT A BIT Leonard . a year·old chimpanzee in Tampa. Fla . sit s qui~tl~· as a dentist examines a c hipped tooth broi<cn in play at Busch Gardens A root canal and capping fi xed il ,I 'Huck Finn' OK'·d P.anel decides Twain classic. not racist ( DA VEN PORT. low• CAP> Mark decision to the achoo I board. She said Twain 's c lassic hovel , "The she dldnotknowlf ahewouJd. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," Ml88 Royal said that alnce Cilin1 can continue to be asalgned at public tbe complaint, she had read the schools In this Mlasissippi River entire book, "and J still think it ill town, a committee h1ts ruled. racist. But 1 want It understood that I An n ll ·whlt e , U ·m e mb er am not asklna that the book be committee voted unanimously that banned, but that it not be required the book, which details the exploits of reading ... Huck and the runaway slave, J im , as The book Is required reading in thl!y noat down the Mississippi on "Great Ame rican Authors," an the Ir · raft, ls not racist a nd is American literature class. important for the study of American literature. After complaining about the book Adriene J . Royal, a black student to her teacher. Miss Royal said she at Central High School, and German was a llowed to read another Gibbs, the mother of another black selection. Central student, said the book was Representatives of the school's racist because the character J im was English depa rtmen t t old tbe depicted in a manner derogatory to committee they consider the book blacks: essential to the study of American '!'hey also complained the word literature. "nigger" was used several times in "We feel that it is impossible to the book. have a class called ·Great American "I think the unanimous vote shows Authors ' without including Mark that the committee might have come T w a 1 n .' · s aid J an e Grady . here with closed minds," Miss Royal coordinator of Englis h fo r the said after the decision. schools. Mrs . Gibbs did not attend the Mrs. Grady admitted the book is meeting. about racism. "but it speaks against Because she attended the meeting, it. We all f~I that the book is an Miss Royal. a sophomore, has the Indictment agains t slavery and If. Aw PL• et1111,,., L .......... Will ftr-.nt ................ ~"io Soprano An(I w.,.. , ......... .... Solo Pl1nl1t Muelc By Mozart. Brahms. Barber, plu1 Song• ol The Auvrgna 5•~91J'.,.., Jtet-L-00 p.a ~.00 Oon1tlon requaeted -Plenty of FrH Patklng Daily Pilat ) n I e q y 6 I 0 J b '.) 11 optiol\ of ,appealing the committee's racial prejudice." ~~~~-=-=--~~~~~~-Ll!~~~~!!!!!=====-==~~~~~ ' •\ .. ..... ",.. .<"' .,,_.... .... ( ": .. I ·-":~1111 n " ) ·~ 1 1 ~ I lo M I rl :>l w 'N ')1 A T .q N •') 8 ,') '11 d . rf td :q 1d i; 'o{ 12 ) v. ") JQ rlJ sf tb 01 fa cl >Ii •iJ 1il • 6 ,, s nt \i' II w N 1l. .I! :, w H ~£ ni id 1l .d ill 01 8 TO la lq lll dJ 18 'fl ft )I Id b ~ w 11. lT FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 1992 CllSSlflED cs \ pro football walkoµt?, Oumets, are having, a hard time taking threat seriously In cue you've turned a deaf ear to tbe new1 emanatln1 from t.be •port.ins world lately, there la the poalbUity of another strike loomin1 on the horizon. Thla time it'• the bone crushers wbo play every Sunday durin1 the fall and • winter monlhl tbat are threatenln1 to take a hike. Neaodationa are currently takin1 place in Hollywood, Fla. to avoid such an occurrence, but a collision appears inevitable. The NFL owners are certainly not 1oin1 to 1ive in -at least not to the same dearee their baseball and basketball counterparts have. They've been used to havina tbinga their own way for too Jong to change now. OF COU&SE, what makes all this interest.int is tbe win·al·all-cost' attitude the NFLPA <National Football League Players Association) has adopted for the talks. The NFLPA insists It will settle for nothine less than the SS percent it is s eeking from the owners' profits·. Curreptly, the NFLPA receives somewhere in the neighborhood of 25-to-33 percent, depending on ~bich union official you're talking to at the time. Regardless, the NFLPA says it's serious this time. Unless the owners meet the players' demands , they will strike. The owners are naturally shaking in 'their boots over this prospect. In fact, they're so worried they don't have a sinele representative at the current ta.lb. JOHN SEVANO You can hardly blame them. This isn't the first time tbe NFLPA bas tried to flex its muscle, only to discover it hadn't been eating enoueh spinach. · In 1974, if you'll jog your memory. the NFLPA called a strike. It started strona but fizzled quickly as only a few exhibition games were affected a,od all players were back at work within six weeks. THE OWNEllS ARE banking on that same ineffectiveness this time around, too. The NFLPA has n't shown loo much unity in the past . . . why should t be any different oow? If the truth were to be known, even the players don't hold much faith. One Ram veteran even went as far as saying certain fe llow members of his trade "weren't smart enough" to pull off a strike." "Nobody prepares themselves in case it would happen," said the Ram veteran. "Too many players are ju.st loo lazy. And then, when the season starts, they need those paychecks to pay the bills they've accumulated during the summer, or to pay for the car they just bought but probably can't afford. ''Sure, everybody is going to say they want to strike. Then they're going to miss that first check or two and everybody's going to come running ba~k." PAllT OF THE problem is the NFLPA itself. It is n't a very strong union and the majority of players don't have much res pect for it . Heck. San Diego quarterback Dan Fouts thought so highly of the NFLPA. he didn't even pay his dues for a couple of seasons. The NFLPA seems to be taking a backward approach to the current talks, too. Its hard·lin& SS percent stand is nice, but not reaHstic ,unless you're Al Capone and have the power to back it up. Why not ask for 45 percent and settle for 40, which is more within the realm of possibility. And , as for striking. Th.e NFLPA contends the walkout will commence with the start of summer workouts. Now that's just dumb. Why not pull a page out of baseball's book and do it during the middle or the season when fan interest is at its height, the players have had a chance to pocket a few checks and the excitement of the baseball season has died down? Let's race it, more than anything else the players need money to strike. And , the NFL ha s the lowest salary .average ($90,000) among the Big Three (baseball is $192,000; basketball $215,000). Thus logic would tell you .a summer walkout is just plain stupid. The NFLPA just doesn't seem to be thinking straight. But then that's what the NFL owners are counting on .. a ren't they? Mauney smells money LOS ANGELES <AP> -Most of bis golfing career. Terry Mauney bas watched his putts lip the cups and stay out. CIF playoffs get under way UCI gets a needed breather Thinls were different, though for the 31-year-old Mau~ey - who pronounces his name as if it were Mooney -in the first round ol t.be Glen Campbell-Los Angeles Open coif tournament. He staked a claim to fame Thursday and put himself on the path that could lead to a $.Si&,000 winner's check by firing a competitive course-record 8-under-par 63 at the Riviera Country Club. THAT PUT HIM into the lead in a toumement for which he barely qualJfied Monday. He had a 74 then, not good enough by itself to get him in, but in a playoff with eight o£hers, be birdied the first hole to become a member of the field. At Riviera in 1975, Pat Fitzsimons shot a 64 and Ed Sneed duplicated the feat last year. Mauney. who is from Charlotte N.C., sank a five-foot p~tt on the rmal hole to break tJie record. "I didn't get nervous until the last putt on tbe last hole, but I dido 'l want to miss from 12 inches before so many people," she said. Mauney admits to missing his fair share of putts, but this time he could laugh and say, "Every time I bit the ball. it seemed to find the cup." BE SANll TWO putts of 20 feet· and one of 30. Mauney's record-breaking round g,ave him a four-stroke advantage eolnl lnto tro.y•a second round of the '72·bole tournament. · Tied for second at 87 were Wayne Levi, winner of last week's Hawaiian Open; Tom Weiskopf, the runner-up to Johnny Miller here lut year, and Mike Morley. Miller wu close at 68. Allo at that filu.re were Vance Heafner and Morris Hatalstcy on the 7,029-yard, par 35-38--71 layout. Mauney'• outatandin1 round included .an ea~ at tbe 11th bole where be hit a nlDe iron from 117 yuda out that "•uebd back into tbe bole.'' Actuall>:t Mauney wa1 on11 finl•binc me ftrst nine of bla round 1tnce be •tarted at No. 10. But from <me to nine, be needed only 10 putaa., NOT OVS&CONl'IDSNT 1t all, be aaJd, "If I pl1y lib I played todaJ I cao't win. l'n Sot to play 1*tel'. I uve to bit tbe 1boU real crilp... . Miiier felt bl• round w11 adequate aod was 1lad tb• wind• were drrl•I out U.. Riviera CCMllM, wllkla Md blea '°~f~ .:i U:... ""!a. • ru1 brHk for•," tM ..,......, cu. ........ ·Lee Tre9lao, Mpial fw a come•k frpm llllMk pn'9-wldella Mft pl9111 .. .._ 111iee I aauar1, falle4 I• llal1 tttd • ,._.......,, e...., a • Edison, Estancia.at home tonight By &OGEll CAllLSON Ot .. 3 ..... It's a ig night for high school basketball tonight -the first of the CIF playoffs unfold and eight Orange Coast area teaml are in action, two at home, the rest on the road as the top th1-ee teams from each league 10 for it. All of the games an! scheduled to begin at 7:30. * Mira Costa at Edison Mira C~ta (16-7) banks on 6-3 Jerome Wiley and s-a point guard Jason Cerofecl In Its ~ to upend the 4-A's toP seed, Edison (22·2>. which boasts All.Cl F star · Richard ~ang and a strong supporting cast, inc udlng three other All·Sunset League s ars. The winner meets Loyola or Huene Tuesday. ' I * Marin• at Beverty Hiits Marlnai(1,-9) Is the Sunset League's No. 2 r~esentatlve and is up against a cMAMe speedy and good outside shooting team in the Norma ns (16-8). Bobby Kay (22.5 average) is Beverly Hiiis' threat, the Vikings counter v.cith a balanced attack, led by 411-Sunset League choice Rick Smith. T~ winner meets Kennedy or No. 3 seed Rolling Hills Tuesday In the '·A. . *·Ocean View at Esperanza Ocean View (16·10) won a pal,. of playoff ~mes Saturday to earn the shot at Empite League champion EsPeranza (20-') int-.A. Jim Usevitch (6-91h ) and his Ocean ew teammates tower over the smaller ecs. The winner meets either Crescenta Valley or No. 2 seed Crespi Tuesday, * Mat., Del at Miiiikan The Monarchs (13-9) are the Angelus Leagu~·s No . 3 tea m with Matt BeeuWsalert leading the way with a 19.0 scoring average. Awaiting are Millikan's No. 4 seeded and 20-3 Rams in the 4-A, but without its M post man, whO is lnellglble. The whiner meets St. John Bosco or Alha-ia Tuesday. *·Canlwell at Emncla Cantwell (12·12) enters with a small team against the Sea View League co-champion Eagles. Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman Is eyeing his 100th victory In a five-year span at Estancia (he's 99-32). Estancia's catalyst is Sea View League MVP Jeff Gardner. The winner meets La Quinta or Foothill In the 3-A second round TueSday. *'Corona •• Mar •t sanu.eo The Sea Kings of CdM, Ce><hamps with Estancia In the Sea View LHQue, risk. their 17..,,. m.rk ac;talnst the 17-4 Cavali.t's) the Garden Grove League's No. 2 representative In the l-A ptayoffs. CdM guard Mike Hass wlll defend avalnst Santiago's Charles Lewis (19., awraoe>. The wlnner meets Canyon or Hacienda Height$ Wiison Tuesday. •. ec*. Mna et ~-I Costa Mesa (15-t) me ff Its first wnt~ Into the Cf F pfayofft In 1' YMrt behind ifl-IMgUt stars K~ ~ and Jim Petlchowskl. Domlnaun, foCetld In Compton..(._ 11 14-7 ov~ wtnntna ,, of Its last 16. 'ne winner s w..t Covina or Burroughs (~k) Tuesday. * ·~., ~ 111111111111111 T"e W1rr on (11·•> t•"• their senlorlftt ect te Ch&no to duel 80¥1 R•'"8bllc (1J.7) In the smell KhOOll dlv11lon. Mark l'orlnger leads W...,ldge. TM winner....., ln .. nd ON'lstlan f//f Rio HondO PNP In the~ roundT..-y. By JOHN SEVANO Of -.,...., ~ Stefl .I The UC Irvine basketball team put an end to a 43·day drought Thursday night. Involved in nothing but one close contest after another since the start of the PCAA campaign, the Anteate rs finally got the breather t hey needed as they whipped th.e Un iversity of Pacific, 92·70, before 1,329 at Crawford Hall. The game was just what the d oc tor o rd ered f o r the Anteaters, who had just been .through an intense 14 days in which they dropped three of four decisions to San Jose State and Fresno State. "WE WERE GIVEN a little more free reign tonight to make things happen." explained UCl forward Rainer Wulf. '"It was a two-point game at one time and then all of a sudden it was 15. '"We really put it all together tonight. This was somethjng we needed."" The An teaters (8·3 in the PCAA, 19·4 overall ) were actually havi ng fun at the Tigers' (J.8, 7-16> expense. Their 92-point total was the most points' they had scored since their 106-point outing Jan. 6 against Drury. And, ironically, it was against Drury that UCI last enjoyed a laugher, too. "We needed a blowout and I s ee a couple more cc ming, .. added Ben McDonald, who scored 12 points from various spots on the floor. '"There's a lot of pressure off this team now. We wanted to be first, but it looks like we're going to have to setUe for second. We're playing for pride now." UCl's win, coupled with Cal State Fullerton·s loss at San J ose, leaves the Anteaters all alone In the second slot, two games behind front-runn ing Fresno State. UCI certainly didn't start Tharsday's affair inaolaze of glory. Four minutes into the game the Anteaters trailed, 6·5, and seemed to lack any spark. The Tigers helped m alters considerably, though, when they resorted to some rough tactics underneath the basket. Finally l when Laurence Held clobberea Kevin Magee on a s hot attempt , and the two exchanced words, that's all tbe Incentive UCI really needed. A f.S DEFICIT was suddenly turned into a 17-8 lead and the rout waam. "Oppoeinc teams have been rktln1 my back Uke a bone all year loa1," said Ma1ee, wbo flnlshed wttb a 1ame-bl1h 34 polnta (t of 17 from the field, 16 of 17 from the charity stripe) 1Dd 17 rebounds. ''I Ju1t Sot tired d it toftlCht. Peopl& keep foultn' lllld hittJn1 me alt the time. t'1 lltse I hlVe a aaddle on my *It and they're tryiDC to put a cau'rter tn me. · "I'm not 1 violent person, but <Bee ua, .. ,. Cl> Dtlllyl'tie.•.tf- IRON (WO)MAN Co..,la i\h•s:i s 1'..11 hll'<'n \l <'l'artnt·,·. competing in her first lron \l.111 Tn.llhlnn \\On thl' women·s division in Ila\\a11 r1.'l't•11tl\ \\Ith .111 11 hour. n11w minute and 40 SN'ond t'lol'ktng 11\ •'l tl11· t IO milt· t·ourst· Triathlo n u 'i11ner sets a new goal Transcontinental bike race next By CURT SEEDEN OtthD...., ...... S_ Kathleen McCartney. the 22-year-old UC Irvine student who pulled herself out of a hospitaJ bed to win the women's division or the recent Hawaii Triathlon . says her next challenge will be a 2,990-mile transcontinental bike race McCartney, who lives in Costa Mesa , finished the Fe b. 6 triathlon in 11 ho urs, nine minutes and 40 seconds She topped all women com petitors in the race and was 53rd overall among the 585 entrants. A triathlon consists or three grueling events: a 2.4 mile rough water swim , a 112-mile bicycle race through hot lava beds. and a 26.2·mile run. "I was so weak," McCartney admitted. "I came down wil~ it <the in!ection> the Thursday before the race. I spent the night In the hospital wlth only an JV drip. ••At tbal point, I knew 1 would do anything to b e in the triathlon. 1 bad trained so hard and for so long," she recounted. McCartney decided lo enter the triathlon last year after her boy friend. Dennis Hearst of Newport Beach, competed and fired well. Hearst also competed this year and won his age divlsk>n (30-34 ) linisblng an 1mpreul~ 211t overall. • "We alerted the event when the sun cafl\e up and we flnlabed .. 11 "hl'll th1 '>u n "'~nt down," \1rC'artt1l"\ "·•it! i\\ tu.111~ dJy!. like that are t•orn mon 111 ~k Cartney 's life. Re>:-.1de:-. t r;1111ing <'onstantly for l> u l' h r 1 1' 11 r o u :. e v e n t s . \1C'C. J1111n 1 1-.l'pl bus) with a _ f u 11 load nf cl a ~se s while 11rn111nnl! 111 h1stor) at UCI Last w:11 while I raining for the DJ1h Pilot :.ponsored 81g Htk(' RaC'<' McC<1rtney averaged RO 100 rn1h•s a day trarning on ht•r bH'\I It'. ·Mv next goal is the tr.rn:.continentai bike race to N PW York," sht' predicted. ·'I don't thmk .1 woman has ever finished the r<1<'e when it was <'ert1hcd by-'t he United States Cyclin~ 1-'edcration." Also on tap this year is yet another tnalhlon Jn faC"t, 1t'!. the sume Iron Man triathl on McCa rtne y j us t completed Organizers of the event have wanted to switch the m onth of the event from February lo October tor some time now, They decided to make t he transition this year without havmg to skip an entire year . That m<'ans Me artney .and Hettrst will be back at Hawaii ln tess thon nt nc months for anoth r 140 mil of swlmmini. runnlnR and bicycltnic "H was lh mosl excitlnc. cballenginJ( and r wardlna lhinl I 've e ver done," add ed , McCartn y. "And I'll be back ln October.'' • Orange Cout DAJLY PILOT/Fnday. FebrUlfY 19, 1882 fi-______________________ ........ . T·Sutton's comments • causing an uproar From AP clllpatclle1 , LOS ANGELES -Houston la pitcher Don Sutton's comments ' durln1 a radio interview that he , would like to finish his career lo Anabelm may lead to an investi1atlon or "lamperine," the Sou lb Bay Daily Breeze reported Thursday. Chuck Adams, associate director of information for the Baseball Commiuiooer's office, was quoted as saying: "Something of this nature wouJd have to be looked into. There's no way at this time could we say be is euilty of tampering. We have had cues and disciplinary action against individual players ... " Sutton, playing in the pro-am prior to the Lo~ Ang~les Open golf tournament, said during ·an rn~i:-view at the course Wednesday: "I would be willing to make some sacrifices and come back here and play. If it means ta.king a cut iJl pay, I'll do it." · A 16-year major·league veteran who spent 15 seasons with the Dodgers prior to-signing with Ho1.&.1ton as a free agent last year. Sutton recenUy bought a house in Laguna Hills. "My family loves it. I would like to finish out my career in Anaheim," he saud during the interview. The radio station, KMPC, Is owned by Gene Autry, who aJso owns the Angels. Sutton joked later in the interview, "I know this is Gene Autry's station. why do you think I came on.?" -'·'Th tampering rule covers clubs and players." Barry Rona, counsel for the Players RelaCfons committee, fold the newspaper by telephone from New York. "A player can seek ?Ut a club ~ many ways and be guilty. That mcludes making a public statement." Angel vice president Buzzie Bavasi confirmed that the Commissioner's office had called and r equested a tape of the radio interview with Sutton. "I did Lalk with Houston a couple of months ago about pitching, but they said they wanted to keep their pitching intact." Bavasi said. "l personally don 't feel what Sutton ,_aid was vicious." Quote of the day UC Irvine basketball coach Bill Mulllgan, talking about a recent stretch in which his Anteaters lost three of four games: "We're down to 18-4 and it feels like the world is coming to an end. We've won 3S games over two years and I'm getting hate mail." ~·Islanders tie 52-yMr-old mark 1• TwMW'• 10-alieed soa1 al 'Iii "'1: OI of Lbe llul period e.pped a• , eomtbeck thal enaw.d Lbe New York J1landtn to beat the Pb.UaicMlpb1a • Fl1era '"" Thursday nl1bt ud de a 12·1 .. r-old N allonal Hoekty Leaaue record ot u conucutlve vlctorlta. Tbt l1landen, who trailed by scores of 3·1 and 4·2 Tbunday, can break U'8 record Saturday naatit at home 'When they b oat Colorado ... Mark Napier and -. Pierre M~ scored twice apiece aas Montreat rolled to a rtve·aoal lead and defeated St. Lout1 1 5·3 . . . WllUe Huber scorea at 14 :36 of the third period to give Detroit a 4·3 victory over Toronto ... Mark PaveUcb nudged in a loose puck wt lb l : 26 remalnlng to boost the New York Raneera to a 4"" tie with Colorado . . . Bobby Sm~'• bizarre goal from in back of the net with 2: 11 left eave Ml.nneaota a 2-2 tie with Caleary. Smith's shot bounced off the back of goaltender Pa& atuta'• pads and lnto the cage for his 35th goal of lbe aeuon. Seattle pulls even with Lakers Gu WUUams scored 26 points as m-the Seattle SuperSonics snapped a 1 four-~ame losing streak, beating · , Washington, 105·87 Thursday nieht in the ·National Basketball Association. The Sonics pulled back into a first-place tie with the Lakers in the Pacific Division as both teams l>ossei>s 3S· 17 records . . . In the only other NBA same played Thursday, BUly Kalgbt scored 13 of his 18 points in the fourth quarter to lead Indiana to a 119·114 triumph over San Diego. The Pacers blew a 19-point second-quarter lead and fell behind by five points in the third period before coming back to beat the Clippers. Grant wins No. 100 at Fresno Rod HlHlns and Do11ald MalM poured in 17 points apiece to lead 15th-ranked Fresno State to a 69·59 triumph over UC Santa Barbara Thursday night in the Pacific Coast Athletic Association. In the process, the Bulldogs provided Coach Boyd Grant with his lOOlb coaching victory at the school ... Leading almost the entire way. San Jose State knocked Cal State Fullerton out or a share of second place in the . PCAA with a 62·57 victory in San Jose . . A.C. Green connected on rour baskets early in the second half to open a decisive lead for filth-ranked Oregon State as the B e aver s downed Washington. 55-44 in a battle or Pacific-10 Conference leaders Thursday night in ouNT Seattle . . . Reserve guard Mark WUsoa scored Pepperdine's final seven points, including a l9·foot jump shot from the top of the key with one second remaining. giving the Waves a 63-61 win, keeping them unbeaten (10-0) in the West Coast Athletic Conference . MU•~ ooUU91on In trade ilanl• .. Iller, executive g · director ol lhe Major Leacue Pla,en Aaaoeta&km char1ed Tbw'lda)' that · the trede Ol NUever SW •-.. by Clev.l to Pblladelpbla "ii part or t.bt colh11loG ap,.,_ lD cleattn1 with free •1.nta." He allo aakt tM PbUUee "deliberately let dowa tbe!r fUI" - tracUn1 outfielder Bake •cBrl411t for Monie ... Earl Wea.er reiterated Thurtda1 that th1I will be his last Muon u mana1., ol lbt Ba1Umore Orioles. "Tbla tlme next year J hope to be hiltinC a IOlf ball arou.od," the 51-year-old Weaver aald oa t.be eve of the opeaina of Baltimore's 1prln1 tralnln1 ump •.. Mew York Yankea flnt baseman Dan llevertq has toet b1a salary arbitration case. Revertn1. who hit .233 ln Ul81 with four home runs and 1'1 runs batted in, recau•ted a contract callinl for approximately ~.000, while the Yankees bad offered approximately ~.ooo ... The ClnclnnaU Reda have accused the city of ramn1 to bar1ain ln 1ood faith toward the settlement of a Sl.l·millloo lawsuit filed ln the aftermath of the lMl baseball strike. The Reda said that they had filed a response to t.be lawsuit, which seeu additional rent from the National League team for use of Riverfront Stadium. The Reds. meanwbUe: deny any liability to pay rent for 'the unplayed 1amea. George AJlen to head north George Allea, a former bead ;1• coach of the Rams and Wuhlncton Redskins, will become head of football operations of the Montreal Alouettes, club owne r Nelsoa Skalbaala said Thursday. "The CFL should be grateful that Mr. Allen has come to Montreal. Nobody in Canada was willing to gamble on the franchise,'' said Skalbanla ... Mary ·Decker Tabll, primed for her final mile of the indoor seuon, headlines a field of 17 current or former world record holders In an invitatlonal track meet tonight in San Diego . . . Opening talks between representatives of National Football Leaeue players and owners continued to flounder Thursday, a.mid confusion about whether management had agreed to open its books to the players' union ... Three national stock-car drivers and several other men involved in the race·car ind1.&.1try were among 70 people indicted in Florida and North Carolina in connection with a massive drug-smuggllog operation, the FBI said Thursday. Wllllam I . "Billie" Harvey, who finished 39th in Sunday's Daytona SOO, was idenWied as the reputed head or one or four "specific and separate groups" that worked together to import "several hundred million dollars worth of marijuana" into the United States. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Basketball -Golsen State al Lakers, 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570 >; Stanford at USC. 8 p.m., KDAY (1580>; California at UCLA, 8 p.m., KMPC (710 ); Utah State at Long Beach S'ate. 7:35 p.m., KLON (88 FM>. Ski Report - Southland mountajn snow conditions. 9:43 a.m., 12:43, 3:43, 7:43 p.m., KNX (1070). · '.On your mark, ..J. I get set, go! Column will explore running I know you're out there. I see )'OU aJJnOlt every day on my way to work, Joslinc in place ... waiting for the light to change. . The runnine phenomenon that aroae I.a the late seventies baa cone eona beyond the pusln1 fed stage. People of all ages and interesta haw taU. to the streets on foot, whet.her It be for eserdae or just plain e njoyment and a sente of sell-satisfaction. It's with that in mind that this column wu adopted. Its objective: to explore and report oo tM a pepple and happenings connected wlt.b t.bia pbenomenoo and provide a comprebemlve eulde to the events that are planned throueboul the Orange Coast area. The multitude of marathons and lOK's by the. K that are held each weekend make this a tremendpus undertaking. That's where, you come in. Do you know of someone or aomflhin1 related · to running that would be of interest to our reader/runners? Give me a call. Is your club organizing a running event in the near future? Drop m e a letter with all the pertinent information. AT ntE STARTING LINE: On with the show. The Lon~ Beach World Runners Marathon ls scheduled for Sunday morning (7: 30). The 26.6·mile course beglns and ends at the Queen Mary and winds through the ocean.front areas of downtown Long Beach. Open categories range from age 19·2' to 60-and-0ver and rive.year intervals in between. There's also wheelchair divisions for both men and women. There's a SlO entry fee and late entries will be accepted on race day from 5:30 to 7 a.m. Six·time national champion Chuck Smead of Santa Paula heads the lis t or international standouts set lo compete. At least l,SOO runners are expected to take part in running's answer to the Long Beach Grand Prix. ROLLING ALONG : Wheels aren't such a bad idea, even in a marathon. Jim Knaub is one or 37 wheelchair race r s competing in Sunday's marathon. Competing is nothing new to him; he was a world·class pole vaulter before a motorcycle accident three years ago confined him to a wheelchair. 1 "I was an athlete looking for something to do," be said. "There was no one representing wheelchafr racers so that's what I set out to do." Consider it done. Jn the l lh years that Knaub has been racing, he's set world and American records in both track and road racing events. He holds the world mark in the 800 and 1500 meters and has a marathon best of 2:09:20. I I I i • .. • Poly wanna CIF basketball crown Knaub's training routine consists of wheeling 20 to 25 miles a day, complemented by swimming and weightlifting.. Not bad for someone who was "looking for something to do." . That's Riverside Poly and high-scoring Cheryl Miller who are favored to win 4-A title AGING GllACEFULL V: At 74 years old, Jim Bole has run in 80 marathons. Sunday wUI be his 81st. Bole participates in four to ten marathons a year and runs a lOK every other weekenjf. Me began running in 1967 -at age 60 -and ran irtbis first marathon in Palos Verdes in 1970. • By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tM o.lly ...... "-" They start the countdown for the privilege of playing Riverside Poly in the finals of the CIF women's basketball playoffs Saturday night in 4-A competition. At' least, that's the opinion among fans and coaches of the sport who have watched Cheryl Miller perform over the past four seasons . Riverside Poly is undefeated in 75 straight games and is heavily favored to reach the finals at Long Beach Arena on Friday, March 5. JOINING THE HUNT in a bid to upset the top-seeded team are three Sunset League foes and Mater Dei or the Angelus League. Fountain Valley, winner or the Sunset League title, is at home to Culver City Saturday night (7:30) and ii successful. would be the first area team to meet Poly. Of course. the Barons must get by Culver City and then the winner of the Long Beach Poly and Alhambra game before a quarterfinal encounter with Miller & Co. Carol Strausburg's Barons completed the regular season with a 16-7 record to 17-6 for Culver City. third place finisher in the strong Ocean League. "I know they finished third in their league and that they have some height,'' Slrausburg says. .. But we aren't going to change anything. We'll press and play man defense. Basically, it's a team defense that sags and helps out on the player with the ball. "They have a girl named (Jacquie ) Shackleford who is a real threat and if she gets the ball , we'll probably double team her. We will have to try to control-, the boards, too." Shackleford is averaging 20.0 ~ints and 7 .8 rebounds a game. ' STRAUSB.aRG WILL START Therese Puchalski CS-8>. soph.. 13.0 average> and Lisa Ginsburg (5·8. sr. 13.0 and 11.0 rebounds) at forwards; Deanna Davis (5-11 , sr., 14.0 and 10.0 ' rebounds> at center; along with Ronda Barton (5-4 , sr.) and Sam Arledge (5-7, jr., 8.0 avg.) at guard. Culver City has two tall freshmen starting, Shari Netzel (6-0> and Stacey Schipper (6-1) to complement Shackleford. OCC, Rustle1;s roll From PageC1 UCI .•• Hendricks, Reinholtz pitch wins Golden West and Orange Coast colleges both a~ced to the second round or he Casey Stengel Tournament Ith wins in community college aseball action Thursday. Golden West got out to an early lead and made it stand up for a 5-2 win over SaddJeback at Orange Coast. Ron Hendricka went the distance for the Rustlers to pick up bis first win of the year. striking out elgbt ,Douglas Cop race plagued by wind8 LONG BEACH -Winds that ahlfted 180 de1rees Thunday made a lon1 day of match racln1 for t.be eight colleliate teaml competil)I for the Doualaa Cup, the national intercollegiate match raclna ch.ampionahip. . The first of four races wu sailed in a moderate northeastern, but when the wlnd1 1w1tched to northwest later in the day, the race committee 1l1nated two po1tponement.a before t.be breae atttled down for the final three rac ... while walk,ing two. Hendricks scatter-eel 11 hits without giving up an earned run. The Rwstlers came up with two runs in the second inning when Mike Wagner singled to drive in Marty Boyd and Doug Irvine doubled to get the second run acrqss. Orange Coast notched a 3·2 win over LA Pierce as sophomore left hander Jack Reil\boltz pic-ked up a com· plete-game win to boost his. record to 2.0. Reinholt&, who bu yet to lose in bis Or1n1e Coast career, bu now gone 15 i.nninp without yielding an earned run. Reinbolt& gave up she biL• while strikine out five while walking two. Orange Coast left.fielder Kevin Sliwinski, who's been slowed by back problems, made bis flrlt start and bis debut was a succeuful one. Stiwlnskl doubled olf the rl1ht field fence in the t.blrd tnnina to drive m what proved to be the decisive runs and wu 2-for.a.wltb J nm scored on the day. 1 'm not going to let people .take advantage or me any more. I'm just not going to put up with that crap." With guard Randy Wbieldon hitting some long-range bombs, UCI quickly expanded its lead to 37·19 before settling for a 47-28 count at halftime. The second half wasn't much prettier. UC I raced out to a 23·point lead early in the period before Pacific made some ltind- or a game out or it by cutting the margin to 61-48. Messrs. Magee, McDonald, Whieldon and Kevin Fuller restored order, how~ver, and the Anteaters put the same awa,y for good at 79-SS with •:48 to play. "I nDNK WE were starting to doubt ourselves after the tut couple of aames," said Wulf, "but 1 think after toot1bt we bel1eve tn ourselves even more now." Bealdea the piy.eboloaical . aapect, the onalausht allO cave Coach Bill Mulltsan a chance l.o rtst his starters apd empty bl.a bench. Wladlnl up the day wtt.b a perf tet leOl"t of four wina and DO --ielw.._ Maril QoUMa 9'-L_, Beadl ...... Hil c,.w ........ , brotber Jay and Ores Lowe. Preshman ftnt bueman Jeff Brown wu 2·f or"4 for Coath Mlke Mayne, lncludlna a RBI •male ln the second lnntns. while catcher Dave Tlnoco wu 2·for.... . ~ .. w~ slated i.o meet GoJden Weit la MCClllcl round acUoD &odar at J:• • tM Oranse CoMt fleid. S~k dropped IDlo tbe ...... llraelset ud plaJ'ed LA Pt.re. at 11:• Ill Ora.ate Cout. Everyone played, wllh only Gr1nt Taylor and Bob TbOmtoo ·fallin' to score a point. Whleldon contributed 15. lhou1b, Fuller added 10 "and pant Jon Baney wbo had missed the nnt 16 ...c..o..a.1.Ar~ &•m•J with monooucleo1ta, H• bla flnt acUon 1n 41 days. ''Thll puts UI bilck ID tbe ftltlt frame of mlad asala," said fl\aUer. ''It mak• UI tCllllfldlat •lain about our ow. 1am1. .. Tled for MCODd place ...-. Yale, USC, aad U. Uninntty ol .......... with three wtm 8Dd .. ao-. • • The only other Orange Coast area team with a home game is Huntington Beach. Coach Joanne Kelloge's Oilers host Mc.ore League runnerup Compton. The Oilers would have to reach the finals in order to race Riverside Poly. Kellogg will s tart Tammy Buckets (S·ll. sr .. 13.0) at center with Betty Mendoza (5-10, sr .. 8.0) and Cathy Townsend (5-7, jr .. 5.0) at forward. The guards will be Ke rri Carr (5-8, sr., 10.0) and Betty Meodoza (5·10, s r , 8.0). Compton's leading scorer Is Violet Palmer at 14.3 per game. She is a S-8 senior guard. Kalani Savoy at forward ls a 5·8 junior with an 8.8 scoring averace and 9.0 rebounds. Here's how the other games shape up: · E.._ (17-7) at Saa Galitel (21·3) :.: Dave White's Edison Chargers meet tbe No. 4 seeded team in the playoffs but he feels bis squad can win. "I don't' thtnlt they are invincible but we will have to play a real super eame to beat them. We are a pretly good third place team and have been a little up.and·down lately," White says. "We have some good athJetes and we hope to s low them down a little bit. But they have experience abd beight." · · Alliaon Hazeltine (5·11. sr., 16.3 and 10.3 reboundl> along with Liz Hirn (6-0, soph., 15.1 and 8.2 rebounds) are t.be San Gabriel leaders. Also in· the starting lineup is Kris Nelson (5-11 , Jr .. 12.5 and 9.9 rebounds> along with Donna Raef (5-9 sr.). Ediaoo will start Tina Den Heyer (6--0, sr .. 16.4 and 13.8 rebounds); Kim Tanabe (5-10, sr., 12.7, 8.6 rebounds); Shelly Trepl (5-7, jr., 7.4); Lisa Houk (5·9, sr .• '1.8 rebounds); and Mary Krupka (5-5, sr. ). . Mater Del (1 .. 11> at Inglewood (Z3·3)-Tbe Monarcba of Becky Allee play the No. 2 seeded "I started to put on weight a.nd wanted to keep my rigllre,'' Bole said "A friend talked me into _! running at the Long Beach YMCA. My first attempt was onJy a quarter-mile. and I had trouble with that." He's gotten better witb age. His best marathon time is three hours, 48 minutes and he expects to check in in under four hours Sunday at Long • Beach. .. , hope to do better but you can't always tell," he sa1cJ. It sounds like you're doing just fine, Jim. Edison opens playoffs Edison Kigh's Chargers are ranked No. 1 in the CIF women's field hockey playoffs and as a result, drew a first round bye when action opened Wednesday afternoon. The Chargers open against • Santa Ana Saturday. University High's defending CIF champion • Trojans are ranked No. 2 in the playoffs. The Tro/·ans buried Foothill, 9-0, ln opening action and · wil play Sunset runner·UP Newport Harbor Saturday. Edison has an undefeated record this sea.son, marred only by two lies while winnina lS decisions. • Cathy David started the year as coach but left to join the U.S. National field hockey team in tbe east at mid-seaso.n when Mitzi Estiritu took over and kept the record intact. team away from home. · ''We're just eoing to do our best and tr)' to• IJa k th )} control the tempo of the game," Allee says. "We'll 8 e 8 SCOreS have to slow the aame down and get back on defense to control t.beir running same. We'll also' have to play a deliberate offensive game.·• ~~":.~. ~~:! ._ .. ,.,. Startine for tbe Monarchs ,vm be Ka\hy 57 Saft J-st. •t. Cal State"""'~ Gorman (5·10, ar., 17.0 avera1e and 1 .~ 0r .... St.u.w..n...-...... reboundt); Alonda Varisco (5-10, jr., 18.0); Kathr SMt•O.•M.~s. Baker (5-9, aopb.); Bev Kanau (5-3, ST.); and . ~::.~'3.~"s...Dieel•' Pea'y Baker (5-t, jr.). St. Mrf'•tt. Lo>tel•..S El&a8da <fM> at 'f..aia (H·t) _ The Eagles ...;:..::er1.fl••d es. C•• ~.,., will be f aclng a team that ft.nilbed ~ l.n the Or Ml (Myell •, c.1 ..,.," .o Century Leap to No. 2 ranted P~l. ..._ a.1J. = se . ., "I don't mow that much about t.bem but I ,..,.11,....._.• know t.bey are lD a real tood 1e.,..., .• Coach Joe =::: :: ~.!:. ~l" Wolf IQI. "We baven't pl.,.t Tultln UUI y.ar· .......,. an-"'·,..._"· .. and rm not sure but wbM we wo.l1d baw be.a ._., ........ ~1' oil t.o klee tit coin ftlp (ZatDcta met Cdll ._, .. ,«*......,." finllbed In a tie tor aeeoad ln t.be Sea vtew .._.. "· w. ~-· ... ,, 4•o ~11,.._..SI_ .. Leap)." Teu••l "-d.. IM 0-..tt. .. Eltada ii led by Debti6e RUlbtl (M, ar., CM> ....,. 17.0). Ollm' atarltrt include Amy 8atbeoct (M, ,_,.,_..__.,,, 1opb., 11.0); Jou Holland <M, ar., t.5); Sally =:::~n Ctlrlsman (s.8, Jr.); and Cbrla llacMWaa (~ .• , __ ,._...,.,_ ... ," .. ar.). Top,.....,. lneh.1dt ~ Stolea (S.11, Jr.) and Cheri C&tpeater (J.t~.Jr.) wbo eou1d start. Cllm ... •ar Ul·T> Ill IA QlllMa (IN) - K.arm o.rtwd'I Sea Klnp tied wttlil IMueta btb.tllcl a Toro la UM ha V... ...... etn•p but ... ....,.. .. tbe thlN .......... . ,,_ IM. ltlqa draw Mo. I ....... La QulMa, t.beG.-OroMLQlueCMw .... . .... for tM Sea ma. will .. Cllldr K ..... <H. ar., io.o, 1u-.-1wk);,......., S.U, ('°4, jr., U.0); UH 0,_... (N. ar., IU1 11.I rellacmdl>; KatllJ ... .._ (M, tr.>; -'•U'Ull <>Kiiner, (U. ar.); . LoeAngelHO"n Tt rfY,__., JJ.JI_., ,..,._., ~ >· NBA WHT••" COHl'tfitu•c• ..... ~ ,..m. O.•nSiatt l'ef'ti.l'Mll .._,. S.11 Olt9> "•tfle 04v11'-W L " " u 11 ,. n H n 11 n " . ,,,...,_. oc ....... "<I. o• .,, .,, StO • StO • U0 I ,.. " S... A 111.0fllo » 11 .660 °"""., 2t 23 .$4t Sl'I Mtlltton u 23 .u• s~ Ul•ll It » .J» Ul'I oanet 11 11 .m 1•1'1 K•n .. 1 City 17 35 .317 ti I ASTlltN COH,,EllElllCI A1&a .. uco1v11i... ~11-lt>fll• l7 " loston l6 " N•w J enay 76 it WHlll"9'10fl U K Ht•YOO. U 30 c-.t Dlvb i. Mllwe"k" Ottroll ltldlana Alle11I• Cllk-C .. ••I•"" l' " 11 30 n 30 ll 21 19 33 " ., T..,..._y'•k-lnel~na 119, S.n 01e9<> 11< S.•111• IOS, Weslll"91on II T-...C't Gam .. Golcltn Stale •• t..ellen Houlton at N-Jer .. y PllMnl,..i-v on. Ulell at l'tlll-lpNa s ... oi.ooa1 Kanw•Clly Cleve.-alMllw-.. S.n Antonio al Denver &otlon at Ponl- Allenl<I el S..ltlt COLLEGE PCAA standings FretnoSi.1e UC l tvl,.. Cel Stele Fuller1on S•nJ-Stele L-B•Kh SU.le UC Senl• 1¥be•• Pacific Ulltll Stele c-· W L 10 I • 3 I 4 s • j 6 ' I 3 • , . T......,tCO.- Ulell s .... •I Lono S.acll s .. ,. s.1Mr6er't Gamet Ulell SIN et UC l"'lne Pee Ille •t ~ lffcll Si.le TU -no I'> IOO """ •90 11 434 IS n~ - U4 15 434 IS .,. 0 .Jtl """ .t it a. o .. u H W L 11 ' " 4 " ,, II II . " • 14 ' ,. . " Cel Stele Fulle r10fl at FrHnO Slate UC Sanl<I ~··al San Jost Slete UC lrvtne 92, PacHlc 70 U1111Yllt51TY 0" l'ACl"IC l t ldeftllelmer o, Held 9 , Roo9ers 10, EClwerCIS 4, Taylor t, Paul..,, II, Crebl•" O. HO•••O 1', Weldron IJ, t<trlleflny J. COlt»rn 2. Tolelt : 1' IM 1 70. UC 11tv1111e Jolln•on 4, Fulle• 10. WayM~ Mllt•~Y fomWellll-' JOllMy Miiiet Vance HN!Mt Morrl•.._v JeyHMt ltNA~I 8•k••-TomWM- I nice OOUe1aH JIM Nelton! T-P"'1,.. l lll tl09f" JKkll-J.,ry p ... Jlml-JolMI~ MIU Reid F ...... c ..... RUC:e-1 Tomklw CetarS~ W-y llaODum Jim Otnl Cll.,IH Coocty Frenk <>'~.,. Rocky T....,,._ JIM Simons Cralo St-r Ore9 P-• Danny EclWMOS Ao Berr AnlonloCM<Y O••• StoO lon ,.,_., ..... _ Fted Coupitt Ed f'lo•I SttpOYNwev JC Sllffd Jerry B-Oofl Bies Botlbv W-lni CYr1laStr- OoflJe..-y AIGtlbet~r Jol\n Cook Rite Bou~ Oo119 r.-1 G•rv Hellt»f'9 Mlkt McC"'IOuGI' oeo.oe c.t .. ........ H0'111 !KoH S"'-> CM •lle Gl"-1 Tlmsc..._ ROCI H..c:koll• ECIS- Ttrrv Diehl Mike Smith Tom W-ero J Im Colbef'1 Gene Llmer Merk Pt•ll Barry Ja«kel ROCI Fufttett. G••Y McCcwo Slt•t Llebi.r OoflR- JKll Fe""'t ""-wlll•o Kurarno4o Leflnle Clements Pet Flltslmons Mike Pee~ AK"-•O ZoltOI ROCICom<neM G•ry ICOOI Jol\ftAda-Scoll SI_. Gii Mor1>1n t omJ-ln• WOOOy F ltzhugl\ Larry Zleglff Hele ltwlrl Blel,.. MCC.lll•t<tt )4.U-41 JW4-tl ,.,._., ~ ·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J~10 )ws-10 J).U-10 »-U-10 n ..a-10 ).W1~ ~ ~ ,..._10 '447-11 JA.),_,, ,....,1 " J~I ~_,, ,~___,, U ·ll-11 ,,. .... " ,..,,_,, )4.JT-11 JS.,._,, ,..,.__,, )4.31-11 u..Jt-n lH1-11 ,..,._,, ,..,._,, ,,.u-,, ,..,._,, ,..._,, ,..._,, >).•-n lJ.40-73 J6..J1-13 ,,.,._,, ,..,,_,, ,,.,. n ll-40-n ,,,,._,, •u-n lt-Jj.-13 :i..11 n ,..,, n >~•-n U-Jt-n >Ws-n Jt.JS.-11 >~»-n Jt.Js-IJ ~•-n tt.ll-ll ,..n-n U·-13 ,~._,, J).lt-13 ,..,,_,, ,..,._,. ,..._,4 ,........,. ,...._,. ,..._,4 )).Jt-74 H •O '' ,.._,. 1)-,._,4 ,.. __ ,. >1-fl-14 J).-'4 ll·l1 1• :i..lt-14 ,..»-1• l1.J1-14 ,.._,. ,,.,, " Wftltlcloro IS, B••k•Y s. T eylor o. Tllorttt.Oft o, Wulf 4, Mcoan.ld n. Spinn J. Ciaccio 1, Crou ley 4, Mao-ll. Tote is· 32 2 .. :M., Bent T,.. Clualc H•llllme UC Irvine, •M• Tote l lout• Pacllk JI , UC lrvlftt "· Fou1..i °"' Taylor IPK UI<). Ttcltnl<•I•. Pacific """'"· ...._ IUC lrvlM), Taylor cue,,,,,,.., tatS.-,1'1•.) Kathy Posll-•11 l.,bereMo-... ,,.~ U.-1 )4.)4-,..,._ Af.SunMtLeague lc:.«Ms' -tltMI "lnlT-J1m u sevllcll <Oc.ean Vi<tw). ... -.. or . Jtll Slepl\eftl , IEOIM>n), •·1, ., , RIO 018•r,..nl0 CECllM>fll. t-4, or , RIO Smith IMtrlnal, ... s v .; J•ff MUQl\et IF°""l"ln llelteyl ; .. 3,•r -TNm Biiiy T""""""" (HU<lli"9t0ft S.K fll, ... 1. Ir ; Merit Golldll9 IEOloon). .._,, or . K<t<t Herter I Founl•ln Velley l, .. 4, •r ; S<otl 0.Brou-!Ocean Vlew1. )-10, "" Scoll Flllpelt. 1-IM), ..0, jr P1e,er of tlle Year R•<ll.,d Cll•ft11 IEdlllOftl, ... ,, C.oa<ll ot IN Yu r B••ry Lt lof\ IEdltonl Am y AICOCI LYM SI,_., JoA,.,..c-r.r Le.-eMur-• Ool G••maln Gt llHl•at.11 Vlekl Sinoteton ,..,,,.1. e,,,.,., '"" o .... , KyltO'Br..,. Bet11So- Vkkl T•bor Cl\rlt JOftMOn Be<llyP""°" Sendr• Heynle Carole Chertlollni.r Barbare 8¥row Jene 8 1alock Pet Br.Otey Myre v..,._ M J Smltll ,,,..,, .... H_ What was the last year UCLA won the NCAA basketball championship? Where can Sports Fans. A. En1oy S 100 Well Drinks & Beer from 4-7 p.m.? B. With Free Hors d'oeuvres? C. And Continuous W1de·Screen Satellite Spot1s? D. Wi th Great Food and Lunch Specials? dOONnmt S.lYOdS 3H.l ·a dOONOOY S.lYOdS 3H.l ·o dOONOOY S.lt:tOdS 3H.l ·g dOONOOt:t S.lt:tOdS 3H.1 1V ,..J)..1t )~10 ~ 10 lt-ll-10 U-IS-10 J7·»-10 ,~.,_,, ,..~_,, >l·ll 71 ~,, )~I 3J.»-11 31.)4 ,, >~Jt n 3s..Jl-n :i...»-n ~' ,...,.__,, 3•.J~n Side Dishes: Served by our Super Dish Antenna, direct from satellites: Friday 2119 Live Top-Rank Boxi ng Saturday 2/20 Football Follies SUnday 2121 Boxing CofNnunlty c:ol .. ge ........... _ ....... T-k- n---.n ~n >WJ-n »»-n ,.. n »--.n 11.u n , ... ,,_,, n~ n at-Jt n Jl·U--rt 11.u.-n at-Jt n >rn n 1 0• .... C-. *· t 1.111\a An•, 40!, > 11 C•Mlno,_., • i..,.. a..c11c11v • .Oj o.. ... c-........... Moort , 11. McK ... M. Mcc10 .. e1, "· Wff'41. IO; ..... 1'; T .... .. Hollywood Perk TtWHbAY'1 ltH41LT'l (J91flfr7 ........ ..._,........., "lllST llACLO...mlletrot SIOtm ~ <GfllNlyl 10 20 4 ID J 00 No .. t Ca.111••9'0fll • 10 l 20 FlylflO S.-IHytNnl 4.60 AM •ececs Ptlotlly N, Upj>et Cru\I N, G•llons Mlsiy, Twl<• Rti.<..O. Wiii H• be Good, B...-. w llloey Time: J:CW 4/S. llCC»ID ltACI. o ... mllt pace Ciotdt" Greilett.t ISllerren> J.40 J.IO J.20 Lady Llietle (Wllll•m\) 3.60 2.40 RftylllM A .... BIUH cc .... pWlll 2.40 •lllO t acecl: JOlln JOllft 0 A, Gemu" G, HOI H BoCheted, •lmond ""-Id, I.Hy Slule, Fet•w•y Bill, Ca llfornl• E•.,,..n Time : 2 IM 1/S U OAILY OOUaLE 11-41!MIO 111 40 TNIRO llACE.0,..Mlle P<K• Llllhlllln sum llaU•I • lO > 10 120 L•ruu 10.-rJ U IO l-ID Pett'• P4!t Cc.tonl 4 60 Also re<ed· $1 .. IWOt~\. laP<llMI, Pe ... JOY•. MIU lnllrtlty, Locll N ... -....... R•ll Rlelet, Poocfllt B Time: l:03~/S. » l.XACTA 1~21 P•IO \11 40. ll'OU llTH AACE. One mlle lrol Omerlc Clo<ol I 00 • 00 l.60 Swttt Hettie I.OU IAcketmMI) •IO J.4C> ••MbroTefVitl CO'Btltftl S.l'O AIM> rK ed' Elll•" .... Snooc>v ROClrley, Hobie \llCIOtY N, Mary\ Wlft Son9, HOjy Coro. Ftaill Sto•m, Hloll Cllmm r Time· 1·02 flf'TH llACE O...mllt1M1U M<. G••llam Bell (Stemermen I 11 oo • 00 • 00 Weleome Imp IBIC~lotOI I 60 S 60 Mlnlfler (THsler) 1 40 Also raceo· Blue Sum,..., OH-G-•1 Sllnr. DH·Spry'l IHI, Je m .. Gr•ll•n. Bolero Chief, Bert GleftVele OM -DMcltttal for 111111 Time: 2·02 2/S H l'XACTA l~SI peld \130.00 SIXTH RACE. 0... mlle IMO _,,'I LU\H ( L.onoo I 14 00 I 40 • 60 Arv..,ne'• Girl IG•\lnclY) • 60 l 20 e.1r°"'~' Cllrl\ (Kaulfmarv11 l., AljO r •<•d Summe r Frolic , ,,,.mbt<-•d H, GIQ• Froll, Mi\IM Wlrlltf, Bally J.,_ Wev. Gooo Ae•en. Butter..i P00<0tft Time· 2;02 2/S U EXACTA 12 .. 1 pelcl SIO 00 SEVUfTH ltACE. One Milt pace Oeser1 Sot\C~I U O l .IO l 00 Buuleou.1 Betb (Vella,...lnQMm) l.60 3 00 Sneaky PeW IBai<tf) 1.IO AISO r•U O; Three FlnQtrS. 0 .. !(er, Hunlers Hun1er. Time Ptefert•d, Andy• !K•mPff, AlldYt Liiy, Slevonl< Ou\e Time: l :02 4/S U EXACTA 1 .. SI twlO~S SO EIGHTH RACE.o ... mite pace ,._,. H.,_, IO'Bri.nl II 40 1 60 t 00 SWrlmer ~ (Ttttlerl J 40 1 80 Brukwtnd CWllllam.tl • 00 Also reced. Aft9el• '<••· Bon11le L•u N, BY• Bye Traci, SllQlll Of H•"" MIH G•Y Glrl, MejHlk AU'e, 5..-r Sue H Time 1:" NINTH ltACI. One mll• P<K• Oollb l• Cite H IA .... ,.Ofl) S 20 J .0 UO -y BIUO! H ITOCld 111 l .IO J ID Rle llarCIH-(AUtf'm•nl 4.00 Also rece<t· K'lllk•lo•, JOfle lfl•" JM', Pll•nlom Oort, Aenett Gold, Co.,ttteu, T ••Por1 Soft9 A, Jtf'ttml•lls Boy Time : l:S'IJIS. U IEXACTA 12•1 pelcl $71.>0 SJ "ICK SIX II H,._.11 !Mid \t,», 40 wllll It wtnr1ir19 llekeU Ill.,. llOtWll tJ Piel! Si• COfttolallon paid UI IO wllll ,,. wl""lno tlU.fll ltour llC>r1tt) tJ PK~ Sia Kt.tell "ICTITIOUS auSINESS NAME STATEMENT T rut· tollowlno per\on '' ao,no t>usint\\ •• MELE·ll.01 FARMS, 11?1• Wesl Mcou1moll, rfA lrvlfte C•lllorftl• .,, .. Lloyd L Aubfr1 Jr 1601 S.ftlleoo Orlv•. Newport Beach Callforn•• .,..., Tiii\ lluilfttt$ •\ <Oflduc lo<I 11y an 1 .... 1.1c1 ... 1 UOycl L Aubffl, Jr Tlllt Jtat-1 •el llleG wolf\ IM cou11ty Cterto of Ot•"~ Cou"IY °" ~ .. M .... 30. "" ""~ P\lbll\IWd Orttn0t Coe•I Delly Pilot, Jen. 1', F@I>. S, 11. It, 1"1 ._, IWJC NOTICE su .. •1t10tt COURT 0" TNI. STATED" CALl,,ORHIA "OllTHE COUNTY O" ORANGE HO. All2171 OROllt TO St+OW CAUSI RI CHANGE 0" NAME •~ ,,,. Maner of Ille APOll<•llon of IREHE 0 BORNSTEIN, F0< Che"V' of Heme WH ER E AS , I AEHE 0 BORNSTEIN"" llltd,,.,. APOllUtlon wltll Ille Cl.,, of 1111• Court for permlnlon lo <twtnoo i.r ,..,,.. from IREN E 0 BORNSTEI N lo D ANI ELLE L 'OON , N O W THEREFORE. IT IS HEREBY OROEAEO lllat a ll pertons lnl.,oled In ttie m elter •foreulcl -· •I 700 Clvle Center Orlvt, W .... S...te Ane, C•lllon"•· Ofl J.24-C, el tO:JO e .m., In ~r1menl 3, on H id <Ny, -lhtn end l,_r. lhOW ca11w, If e11y ,,..Y ll••t. why 1a10 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1982 c..i .. l•tloft NI• UI .. •1111 I• •IMll't llOelt l-'----w••l~lll TlleTM ltAC8 Ono Ml .. N<t l'lne l._(l .... 11 ) IU O •40 J 40 Atll .. y LM• l~I 4 IO UO ICl"ftlo H.,_r CPtr-.,J 4 .0 Ai.o re(tcl 11 Ii ClllllJfr, Oren Atlro, Too Lint A, llnlllnt ~. tti1~ O.ano, Pine Hall"'"'"· lh• ••Y Tune . 2 M flt. U llCACTA IHI 1M1l4•t0t '° Anenaen<.e U•I Serna Anita TMUHOAY'~ ltUu~n t•ltlflf .... Yl...........,M-U..I l'IRIT ~Cl •l'llur'-' J ~ 't 0 ....... er IUPf\ttlTll n ID t t0 I e0 f'anioU< Ut IOll••••U H 40 •• eO 01•• p,_ ...... ,..., 1060 Aho ••<od Ill ••Ur. 111 Mii, (PWDll .. ttecino o.i111m. Cll• ~b•tt• 1 w ... ,.. Oo<IOt, , .... ,A Ciel,(\ le HO•e llMe: I It )H HCOMO llACI. t~t11•Wlfto• ~nel\ Of lleQe\ ((.ti ... Md•l I 60 4 60 J.40 BrloM 111t COtl•llOlliwy•> t tO o o PetlY'tO.._, C()llverft) •.to Al\O ra<.ed ln\Olrecl A11tl". hnllt f'l,.t, l'ewl•r Grty, ll fr<HlllO, f'IMI B•<k. Joe'l Ttltrlll•. U lk>f U l- Tlm• I ltJ>) U DAILY DOYILE ll~ll P•KS '9• tO TNlllD ltA(I.. 6 l"'I-\ Clonmel At"" IMC Her-I l• IO • 10 • 4C> F'lffl 8tlltf (Pl"COI 4 40 UO P•lt><• ACIO ..... I To•oJ • 00 At\O r•t •O ~u,•nn• ' 8oy. • LO~• Compe"y 01~1en1 e,,..,.,, -P•rk, Mah soo,t. ~or••rd Coun, trnore11~v• t otte, Star Court, SfMtt.n rorc• Tlmt I 10 II) l'OU llTH ll•CIE. • lurl°"O' M•<leme Aflette ( Hewlev l 1l 10 • 00 J tO Fo•Y Toy CPlftUy) • ., )_'() Blluful ,,,..,..,_,IMC H•r11 ... 1 1 40 "I'° -.Cell A BIO Kl», Jelll"9 AllQOtl, M Y\h•en, Summer P•I~( e. ti•w•H•n RO.,.lly, !.Oft Sllh, Fr• •nil Ci.•r Tlmf I 10 l'll'TN llACE Uu•lol\9• SpltitlftO IM<C..ron) I\'° • 00 ) 00 Tlluftdert.oc>e IPtllUyl • 00 • '() S~I Racer 1011•ett\I t 10 Al'° r•oO A1w N fly Me"~"< Fell Mr At9f'.,. Wt'\I Coe>I N•ll•e, C.plU'e TM Spoil. Ott•W•r• l•O'f"" Time I 09 l1S U E ICACTA 1~41 o•"H JIJ IO SllCTH lflACE O"" n11I• L•ud•blr CM< ~••rove• s w • oo J 'XJ V•lu•l•r COllv~rn1 • 80 ) 40 Hi9n On R-• y lHewlev I • 60 Ah• r•1..td &11•1t M:unody. Tiattn•, (0U9•r \ M6r\ ~1911llooteo, Ou1cn Trt<U. Flttl Olof. AO.um Time I »41S SEVENTH RACE 0 "1' mil~ Pompeii Court IH•wl .. , 14 40 I I 40 • 00 Ouanlum Le~IMC<..,•O'll SIO 460 Wulerft l<iuorr•I J 80 Al\O •etecl , .... AnjYlf' Kid, hopacn, Hot>le TredillOfl F'Ot't \A\,.!. ....... Time 1 l3 )IS llrack •c!<oro1 •s E ICACT• 11 II P•.O '1'IO SO 12 PICK Siii I) & J • S 71 P•ld \l,"'6 60 wllll tl wlMIAQ llC .. I\ <low~ hOt'\oe\I. U PIO SI• coro.olalloo 06•0 $10 00 wl\11 Ol wlr"'lntl llChlOh Clout hor!oe\r U Pi(' Si.; K••lCh COll)Ole11on peiCI 00 40 Wllfl I 18 WIMltlil llckoh lln,.. flor~ on. nr•l<fll EIGHTH llACE I'• mlloK °" lurl Betty8u~1c. .. 1t-> •llO •10 JOO S.lln Rlt»re IGuP<r•l • .00 •IO G•anje Ot>wo 1S111t11e 1 S 00 ••'° '-'"° L•ww.n Noruwrn F.-b ... 6H AScovt Fr...chC.hertnf• Time I 411 \ NINYN llACE OM mil• OM BolCI R•etC>ft f P•n<•YI Attempt IStbtll<:I S,..dy Certtt I LIOll•ft1) SIO 3 40 J10 3.IO 140 \ 10 Property, Aho reced SUll"t<tot Good GIO•t M.,,, Zordan Tlmt I 1111s. U E llACTA II ?I P•IO i~1 00 AlltllCMnce 19 .. 11 ~ • • • • Women'• sottbetl C-UllllTY COLLEGE UCU> t , O•-CM•t 0 UCLA 110 00< 0 6 • I O••no• Coe\! 000 000 0 0 I • W,U"l'nttn ~ AQUltAr, Cufp •ncl Cru1 3B oll9ull•t !UCL> I S... O'-SI J, G-Wetl 0 Goleleft WW 000 000 0 --0 l 1 S.ft 011:90 SI IOI 000 • l 1 0 MOO,. Delp 141 M\O M<EirH ,..K ,fy C.reM U I • ..., .....,.,,.,, Fr'9Clrt<k'°" l•I 18 Worl•V ISO) lB lvr.,n ISO> '111UC *ITICE Ahn'• aocc:er MIOM ICHOOL 0c-v .. w4,,.,_........,.._., Ouen Vltw t<.,"'9 OIHllln 1, "'°"'i.• .. ' HWIU~ llNcll "lOtlnO Oevl\ .....,... ...... "' ... ,, M••IM w.orlno HofC.-• Cir•nor111" ,..,,.,, c,....,, WttlMln.-.r K~I"@ ~ .. , Women'• 1occ.r HIOMKMOOI. --·· .. _ ... v .... , I Merln. KotlllO~ 6rl<1Qffle" J. C.llll"' t , MOUllhel1 0-Mith I, ~·Vetley I O•n• Hill• KO<'lnQ ...... ,. J. Ht1t1¥1•n J. H•o•n K.....,.,~ NHL CAM .. a£LLCOHl'EltEHC& Ed"'°" Ion C•IO••Y V•nco&1.,.,- ICI .. , COio•- MlllllhO .. SI Loul\ {lllC- Wlftnl~ Tot on lo Oe1ro11 Sm!'tM Olvlt .... W L T GI' GA "'°· 31 I) II UI JM IS n U I• 2<J UI SI 12 ,. ., 211 ltJ S4 is 11 13 no m u IJ lt II I ..... 11 111..nt Dlvb .... U It II UI tit t4 JS -,. S JU JIO S) JI 1' •O JS. lH '1 JO h II 111 1~ SI •• lO IS JJ:J 11' 41 II lO ll lOS H I 4' WALIS COH .. EAEHCE "°"'lek DIV!•""' NV l\lertOor\ l• 13 6 11' 113 .. P1111ea.1p111a J 1 n s U• n• ., HY R•"Olf" 28 11 10 no lU .. PllhbutQh 21 1' 10 711 ?ST SJ W•>ltln91on 11 JJ 9 71S 2•1 t3 Mon•r~•I Buflalo BO\IOn Ouebec H•rt toro ACI...,. Olvi•len H l1 13 llS 1'9 ti l2 18 9 JH , .. 13 l7 " • 1<16 104 71 11 71 10 JU J•t .. •• 11 I• ltO J.S .. T_....,y'•k •ti Coto••OO •.NY Renoo,.. 0.troll' Toronto J H'f ISl.tndt" 1. Pfltl-lpnl• • Monlr .. 1 s. St Louis J Mlnne>ote 7, Ce19otry 1 T .... tllt'• G•m .. Ouebe< •I Wlnnl- Her'1IO•O •• E""-ton Men's tournament (et L.t o.llM) TMNR-S .... les Ivan Lel'ICll c»f Kim w ..... 10, U , • 1, IS Vl(lor A..,.ya Oef $111omo GllO\te111, •• t-4 R01o<oe T enrwr clef. H•nk Pll\lor, w. .... .-1. R..,I Ramlru Clef Jonn LIOYd . .._,, •·>. Pllll 0.... clef. Mel Purcell, , ..... 3, Y eftnlo ~-def. Buster Moltrem, •·>. H : Ellol Te11.1o<ner def. Tt>fNI• SmlO, ._1, w . Hero10 ~-def Ttm Gullll<M>n. •.O. •I Women's tournament CatH--1 S..,...R_SI,,. ... Ot•ft• F.-u Clef Wenoy T""'°""· "''· .-3 B•lt•N 8u"91t Ciel Mary Lou Plaltt ..... , College sa..~ ..... ~11-.1 IUC lrviM A-II SI .... • ""'ot11-s.,,.1es Sn¥00r IUCll 04!1 Go<oon <U ol Am J. • 1 • I I\, 0..•<M IUCIJ 001 Garver IRe<llel'ICl\l, .._,, •1. M<Phf:r'°" IVCll O.I Citll IS... O~ Sl•l•I, • 4, 6 4, Lnte 1Arl1 SI l Cltl Nelson IU(I), 3·•. b '· 1-4, Sthullt. I Lono Btte<ll SI I Gel. Ra~ IUCll'. , ....... . •>. Zoller IUCll Clef BubnKk IAo<llel'Cbl, .. ,. •-1 S.C:-lt-M SI ...... Sn;oer IUCll CH1 WlftSI-ILSUI. 6 I, M , 0..•d• 1uc11 001 Herman" IUCSOl 1>1, .. ,, Ci•ll-t P-olne> 001 """'-""' IUCll t>I M , Lut•r> IU of Arlt I Clef Zollt• CUCll I•. I .. Women u•-..·r f1f An.N ,..,......_. , ..... .... uc•,.,,...•.u ... c.._ ... , """" (111'1\MI ... CU Of C04 I Otl 1( .. 111\t , M, H , Ma. Ml"!f\ IUC:ll O<tl 1ti.o., ...... I ~ll•n CU Of C9I I def Me. My•"• 1.i, )oo1, .. ,; NI-IUCIJ dtl l("°"'lton, • 4, Ml, I ll .... CUCll cHI 1.0<..,,.ttl, I ..... t. M . ""-llo•y (UCI) ... Thhenet, .. ,, ~ ~ Mn•t-M-,.n tUCll d91 •'-<•II ........ ..,, ( ............ IC-'left IU Of (ti J Wf Malltty 1< .. !1119, 6 J, • I, H14t<I 11..000 IUCll dool T...,_ 1..or ... .NHI 1-., • > Community coll.,. ~· ... --. ........ lo<rl-• IS.001 O.t ICt llOff, 1 ~. M , SttObl C..-01 Hf ll>onu, .._,, W , Olm,.._ ISaOCI) 0tl l t1•11n , t I • •; Slep,_,., 1$.IOcl) Clef, Hl<llOhOfl, .. ,, .. I; tlac;llt ..... ls.octl Get IEI...,, .. t. •l. Miiie• ls.ellll Cltll.C•l-. ..o ... 2. ~ 'c •lbntr.Olm••••el ISt dCll ••' Ke t1009· Tet•.,Y•. • 1, t• '110111 51•11\eM IS•dCll Cltl Ponet Trln9 le, • J, • •. Mllltr u\lle l~I Otf l'tUl~welCI, • 1.' ) 0r...,.c.. ........ ~· ~ FtdOt•I• IOCC.J oe4 ._,...., 4-t, .. 1. •I, Klelft COCCI '"' C.,.rlft. • 1 •.. J.M . Aelllo•I< COCCI clef RovC1•11, • J, .. I. S.lthyer CPI -Bania, .. 4, ~I, t-4. ar- IOC(I oet Ooofnton, ..0 4~, • J. 5<""''-' IOCCl o.t G.t .. .m.10.• I ..... -A lld e r\on Roydc n I P) d•f FeooerlY Relltorlt J •· • 4, • J, Cll•rl•,S.ltllye• 1P1 a.1 1iO<'ll•ilre11n. 4-t, • l , I ) 1CleJ11 Sc111att• COCCI def Gel\i. ..... io.M<BrlcH, t-4, ._,, 1 .. ~ . . • • Communhy college CASEY STENGEL TOURN•MI NT .. ....... .- Gel<ltA WHI S, s.M-<k J Seoalet>«k 000 000 011 1 11 1 Ciolden WOI 011 :100 OOw S • 1 e ....... !>tlffh 14), Boudrteu Ill ...... ff w in Hend,.lCk\ •nd S<1'vlt 1 W H~l'IClrlch• 11.0) I. Brvenl 18 Irvine IGOldeft w~o. G••y IS.cldlebecU ~-c .. • l. LA "'-"• 1 , Ore no<' (.,.st Oil 000 000 J I J LA P1etce 001 001 000 , • 0 Re1nhol11 •no Tinoco JoflftWln Berry 111. Beeglor 18) eno M•ller" w Relftllollr (1 01 L J..,.,Wln, 18 Sllwlll•'• COr- CoHll, Tinoco 10r ...... c°""' oe.r .. ,,... "-Sc-· Cettll<K II, 1.0nQ 8etcft CC O Cllru• 1, H_oc, o College .,_.....Y'I S<erft Cal Sl•te Fullt r1on l. Ari rone 1 Los Angelft SI I, cs Oom•no ... , Hiiis, Cel Slate u. I. CS Oom1n9ue1 Hiiis I USC •, s.,,. OleQO SI J L0"9 BeKll SI 10, CS NortflrlCIQO J Ariton• SI I. W1tll1I• SI I Point .......... •. USIU 1 Thursday's transactions IJAHaALL Amerk ...... _ HEW YORK YAHICEES S"lno<I Tommy Jofln. pllcnu Hel-IU- HE W YORK METS H•m•O Boo APoCI••• • coecn for Jac~Wln of Ill• Teu• L••ouc. Bobby V•••n11nf' • rov1n9 •nstructo, Gt•nn 8of"9m•M • <M<h tor Columb .. ot th. Sovtt• Allentoc Le._, •nll JOhn Cumberland• co.ell lor Ly11<11...,r9 ot llle CerOI•"" Le-S T LOUIS CAROl,.ALS ,..,,,... Lloycl Metrtlt """-' Of G•SIOfl•t Of Ille ~ All•ftllC~ NOCKEY lllM ..... I Heclley u- N H L Suspended M •r•o ~•roi•. dtftn\.~m~n, Que~< Nordiquf'i , for '"' aamH dW to an •11,.,.<•l•on "'" u •V•l"Sl '"' ~ .... YorM Ra,." NEW YORI( RANGERS Rtceheo RCIO M<ClenM>.on, l°""•rd, tram Sp<lnQlltlcl al Ille Amt>r le.,. Hooty Leaoue SOC:CEll • _ ..._lu11 s.cc-.. u...,. fCORT LAUDERDALE STRllC!!AS Ae1u....i Aner• AU9U•'• oei.ftelt• '1JIUC llTICC FICTITIOOS 8 USIHESS H$-tltll SU,.ERIOR COURT 01' CALll'OllllllA COUNTY 0 1' ORANGE NAME STATEMEHT FICTITIOUS aUSllllEU Th• IOllOw lnQ P•''"" ·~ OOlrtQ NAME STATEMENT 'businf'\\ ~u T n~ follow1no C>*r\ons an· ao•no COllPORl'1 C C.RAl'Hlf I ORMS OU\IMn•• JSJO Cadilld< W•I• l CO"olo -w P•C 10 SPORTSWE•ll 1711 Calllor"•• •lei. Nori~ B•-•v Su1I• 170 S..n1a A,.. J•me'\ R•<P'Wlrd Whllf' ''°'S Ou.t•I. C.•1tforn1• .,,°' ft f or-o (4tlforn1• t?UO M oore Sporhwf!ta ,-Int. a TMi ~·".," I\ tondu(:te.d by •n Cahtornia coroor•l•on f117 North u'°1v1ouai Bro•dw•v Suite )JO S•nt• "4n• JMnH R Wllll• Celllorn1a t7ro. l•u~ 'l41lemenl ..,,., t11..i •it" tnit Thi\. bus•ntts t\ <On<lu<led by • County ,..,,. 01 Or•"OI C.OUnly °" corponl- Ftb•u•rr 10. 1911 -.. ~,,.,..,, 111< ""-Ellnot R Orl•-lla, Publl\fllocl Ora-,.,.,, Dally f 1101, Cfllttl FIMn<lel Offke• I :F~eO~l~l'.:.·.'.:"~2·~·~-~r'.!'!"~S~l'lll~-~~lif!l~~k Uelenwnl ..... hied ...... Ille I· Couftlv Cler-o! 0,.,...,. C°""'' on ru1uc MJncc l'ICTITIOUS IUSINlSS NAME STATIEMEHT Tiit IOllowlng O•t\On\ ... 00111(1 bu$ln•'' •i JU STIN TY l ER HA9EROASHEPY .,00 l•rt•n<• Perhwa., lr•IN>. (alllo,.,.I• ttlU C-G CIOlhltn lftC • Celll0tnlt cor-•llon, •700 Barrenu Pllrkway, lrv1,... Calltor"4& t71U Thi\ b\tSlf't•\' '' condut t,.d by • COf'C>Ot.Clon C-G CIOllll•n 1.,. O•ttyl M (irifllt Vlc .. Pr~IClonl Tiii' \lfl..--1 wa\ flltd ... 111 llW Couftly Clerk ol Or •nllf' (.ounly °" Janu•ry 2•, 1"'2. """" J ACKSOH, ICIOO•ll & SUCKLING A ........ .,.elL•w Sle 1414 W.ih ... ,... IW.. ... ..__,C-D•. H--1 a-ell, Ca. t2 ... PuOll>lwd 0re"91' C.,.,, Delly Piiot, Feb S, 11, "· 1' 1"1 ~- Janu.aty 1~1 1'91 11'1 ... I Publltheo<I 0r•"99 CoeSI O~lly Pllol , Feb u . ''· 1•. Mercn s, I'll? •"-11 ru1uc MJncc ll'ICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAME STATEMENT '"• tollowlno p@r\on\ h dolno DUllMUU STETSON LANO CO L TO , liltOO Mein SlrMI. Suite 110. H""''"9IOll 8 H Cll, Calllornl• .. 141 ROWrt Nl Sr•lllll CEO, F-or Ille Gene,.I Paf1...,,, Sunwt Shore" Inc , • CalllOMle corPor•llon. 19'00 Main Sl•eel, Sulit 110, Hunhtlqton Bee<ll, C•lllorftla "'141 Tlllt llllSllWU Is t»lft9 <ondu<lt!d by • llmlted per11>eu lllp Roc.r1M Smith T"I' •l••menl llle<t wllh 1"9 County Clerk of Ot-C:OU"IY °" Febtuary 2, )'92 1'11111l Publl•""" <>ttn0t c ... 11 Delly Piiot, Feb ! 11 It 1• ltSt )f7~1 NOTICE INVITING llOS Notte~ is twrfby Qh1f'n tn•t the Bo•rd o• T,u,t•e\ of th~ Co•'' Community (Ollf'Qf 01\lrt<I ol O••"Ot County C•llf0tnla "''" rMtl ve \.f'•l«-O b•O\ uo lo Mertll 2 1"1 , .,.,.,., 11 00 • m •t th• Purcn•s•n9 ~perlmenl of UICI COll"90' 01\lflCI loCll.0 el 1310 AOa<m Awn ..... COOi• ~s... C.MtforN•. •• wt\ICI\ ttm'° ,.,., l><d\ woll t» llUOfltly _..., ..... rHO .... 'PURCH•SE OF ISOKIHET IC OYH •M O M ETER & IHSTR UMEHTATIOH SYSTEM W /UBXT. O RAN GE CO AS T COLL EGE All blOs .,..10 t» 1,. •«ord•11<• w1111 Ille Bid Form lnllru C110"' e11a CMdltlOfl\ ano Sotclflcellon\ wnlcll ere "°"' In hi• •nO m•v bt _ .. ,.a '" Ille office al llw P\lttlla•ltlil A9l!"I ot .. Id coll-oi.1r1<1 Each Ill-. ""'" •ubn'llt w1111 hi\ b•O • <•$Iller'• c,.o. cer1111.0 clle<k. or Dl-'l bOnO m-IMY•bl• to ow orci.r ot tlW c ... st comm..,.11y Coll- 0 1•1 • l<I 8.,.rCI OI Tt\lsletl Ill en •"'°""' -lttt ,,,.,, 11.,. .,.rcenl U'l,I .,,. -'""' Did ft • _ • .m .. ftlel I .. bl~ •l!l -tnl"' Into ,,,. ,.,_..., COftlr.KITi Ille .. ,.,. I\ awarded to him 1,. lfle ......,., of lellure to enter Into W<ll ~racl, ,,,. proceed• of the ,,..o w111 • loneli.ci, o• In ""' <•~ a' a bolld, IN lull $""' ,,.,eof wlll i. lor1tllo<I to wlCI U>ll419t d lllrlcl No bidder may wlllldr-Ill• bid tor e perlOCI for lorty..llve IO I O•Y• alter ,,,. dale Ml tor IM-"'119 th.,eol. 1 h• Boal'CI "' "'"''"' ,.,.,.,,.. , ... prlvlle~ ot r•IK 11"9 .,.y -ell Ol<b or to welvt •"Y '"•oulerlliu or lnlo•me1111 .. ln any b1CI ot In IM 11;<1C11nv HO. A1UllO O!IOER TO SHOW CAUSE Ill. CHANGE 0 1' NAME l f'lled Fft. II, 1"21 CLHA erMCfl, C-ty Clerk! In llW Malle• ot me oll-lcetoon 01 MICHELLE OORA BORNSTEIN. F'or Cllenvea'Na- WHEREAS ""IC HEl.LE OORA BORNSTEIN lie\ lilecl i.r APOhctlton wlln lne Clerk of 1111\ Courl tor ,..,m I uton to '11fn9t ntt ,..,...., 1""" MICHELLE OOAA BORNSTEIN lo M ICHELLE DORA L DOH NOW THEREFORE. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED IMI all oersons 1f'ff'rf'Stf'd tl"I the m •tt•r 1l0t•t1ld _., fl 100 CMc Cttnler Or1w W~t. SMiie Ane, Celllo•nl•, on Mu ell 2•. 1981 11 10 JO • m. In 0..parltnfftl J Ofl '910 Oo, end I,..,. ano titer• 1now cauH 11 •ny ,,.., ll••t. wnv W.CI AOC>11cell0ft l0t CM'9 ot Nem• """'l<I nol llt vr.,.,.., IT IT FURTHER OROEREO IM I • COPY of 1111\ Oroer lo ~w ~•uw be ""blh...., '" tne Orer191 Coell Oellv P llol • ntwSP•P•• Of oefte re l clr<ulallon Pullll\llad '" O••noe . Couftly ~·-•· once • -rcw lour (41 wcceul.,.. "'""' prlOt 10 ,,,. O.le Ml for -1"9 Ofl \tie Apolleallon, 0.Ce<t Febf'\>arv 11, ,.., R-ldH Pre,...., JU<IQe °' ,,.. SUperlcw Court i.-Ottk .... ~llX>ltle It. ltEUE ~T-, .. ()(_ ......... Stoll• ... ...... loMcfl, o . -cnum~• uu1.-.Met Publlllled <>""9t Coa\t Delly PllOI, Ftb n . It. :i., Marcll ). 1"7 TOH, Wednesday 2124 Appllcellon lo• Cfl•,.9• ot H•m t !'-------------- Hormeft E Welton Secret..-,, lloarCIOI frvfl"\ Coe\I Community COii-Olllrlcl = • .. ...,... '~8UM•HS MAMSHAHIMln e '"°""'not t» or•me<t IT IS FURTHER ORDERED 1 ... 1 • ' Piil.iC •nee PUIUC MITICE c~y of lflls Order lo Show C.euw t» 1 .. --------------'1 "-------------- "ICTITIOUS aUSINHS NA.Ml: STATeMINT NMIUI l'ICTITIOUS IUlllllEU NAMI STATIMl:lllT Publl-O.ttn0t C ... tl D•1l1> Plk>I 1-------------- Fel!!,llf'Y IJ, It, 1"2 71 )..C "ICTITIOUS IUSllllEIS NAME STATI MUIT Australian Rules Football: Crazlness from Down Under ... Don't miss ltl pUbll1'*' '" U. Ot-C.oa•I Delly Piiot, • n••lP•P•• ot 9e11erel clteut•tlon, publl•llt<I tn Or•n 9e Coumy, ca111om1a. one• • _.. tw lour 141 ouc:~ -k• Ptlo• to lllo Hit Ml for llN•tnv on lfl• APP•lullon. Th• 1o11owln9 ...,IOI\, ere C1oln9 .,..,,,...,.,. The IOHOWfftO pef'IOf\S .,.. OO(n9 t--------------The lollowl"O perM>n• ere .clol"9 DUllnu.1es. Thurtday 2125 Lakers vs Seattle 7:30p.m. OATl'O FW ..... Y 11. '"'· RONALO H. PRENNE A Judie of I ... ~lwCour1 LAWO,,.CHOIJ MA•J0•1• II. ••Ha !!!!!!=:================~~::::_ __ ~T ..... .. Oc .............. -.c 111a • ' I i..,---.c•,.. (1111 ............. .. 11lllf1Md Orat!et C._. Otlly PllOI, f'A It, It, M, Mini\ S, HG 1GUt AlllEAY SHELL, , ... , CeMlno Capl1tr•no, San Ju•" C•Pl•lre110. C:•lltornla Gr._.,, P, F"rtono. 4oOtt T'Ol'Ofl Terr••, Y-Linda, C•lll0tl\I• ttt16 Jemtt O. Scllmldl, 6021 Toy"" hrr~;'vcwt>e LlllCM, C•llfornla ., ... Tlltt butlneu It conelucled b'f lncUvlcl.,.ll Gf't9DrY p . ""' ""'° Tiiis ~I •• 111• wllll u.e (OllftlY Cler-of 0. ..... C-'r Ofl January 21, 1m bull ... H et' OE LOREAN MOTOR CAllS 0 11' AMl'lllCA, 20U SE. ""-1" Str"I. 1rv1 .... CallfOml• t2'14 D• LGr••" Motor Compafty, • Mlclllo •n corporatio n, JIO Pat k Aveftut, fMw York, N-Yorlt 10011 Tllh buslMSJ ll COll<lll<ted by e COf'POl'ellon. De '--" -... C.-noeny c " ·-· Ilk • ...... !Olnt Tiii.i ...,,_, w• flt"' wltll 1ttt (°"nty Clefk of Or•noe C0\11\TY "" Jafl~•.•• """' Pl*llNd ()' ..... Ct.ttl 0..ly Piiot, fflet .. J.,.. rt, ,._ S, 1!, 1t. ,.., 502.f>. "'*''-0...... C-O•lly l'tlct, ---= d ,IN' tt. t<tll. S, 12, It, 1"2 Ml.t2. I I t "CTITIOUS IUllllllH HAM& STATIMllllT Tiie tollowlno ptrson I• e101no ""''"'" •t: IMPERIAL DYNASTY, 4IJ.Jut StrHI, Nowoon •••<II. C•lllotnla '2~. M•rl•no S.ldano. 2).tl wanwlek Avenue. L•Anotlft, C•lllornla t0032 Tiiis Ml._ ll c-..c:le<I tw an .......... .,.1. ~S..-.0 Tiiis tt.t"""" "" filed wllll the c°""'Y , .. , .. of 0r ..... c ... 11ty "" 1'..,11..,,,•,tC. SEAW>\JHT IHllESTMEHT'S. 901 Oon Strft!I, !>\Ille 110, N-port IMCfl. C•lllornl• '2MO. W Kelly ~•9t•IY. n• S.11111 G•rClfttr Drive, O••noe. C•llfoml• ., .... A Ali.n 54twt41. 401 EOOtW ... r, B•ll>Ott. Calllornla "*' Tiii\ Dv~irlffo ll c-ct•CI by a oe-••l .,.,.,..,,,.IO W KtllY H-rTY Tllll R•-1 WM !lied wllll t"9 c ... ntv c 1er11 ot Of.,... c-1., .., ""'"•" J, ,., ,,..,, ~""*' Orenot Coell Otll'r ~ .... F91> 12, It, Jt, ""'"'" S, 1"2 7'0t"2. ,,,m .. l'li«ltllMd 0r""Olf CMJI Deity Piiot, ... .,.It. It,"· Mtnll '·I"' MJ.42. ,.,. __ ...... ____ ,..::::;;.. ___ __ MUCll!IL I " Or.nge Coaft DAILY PILOT/Fflday, February f9, 1982 TV Sports on for weekend Saturday's TV . radio TELEVI ION 10 aa.m. (4) COLLEGE BASKETBALL - M issourl at Ge<>rielown. l l a.m . (5) TENNIS Coveraae of the 1982 WCT clrcuit begins with hlehllght.s or the world double3 chumpionshlp, taped at Blrmfn1ham, England. Noon (2) COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Notre Dame al South Carolina. (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL -SU1nford al UCLA . <28> - Tt:NNlS -A semifinal round m atch in the Congoleum Classic from Palm Springs. 2 p.m. <2> GOLF -Third round play In the Los Angeles Open. 2:30 p.m. (7> SUGAR RAV LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Arkansas takes on New Mexico in a series of 11 bouts 3:30 1>.m . l7l -PRO BOWLING -The finals of the True Value Open , taped at Peoria, Ill . 5 p.m . (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Cove r age o f the world wristwres tlin g c hampionship, taped at Petaluma. Also: Male and female teams challenge the s urf off Oahu 's Makaha Beach in the International Tandem surfing championships. And same day coverage of the world two·man bobsled championships at St. Moritz. Switzerla nd RA-DIO Basketball -Stanford at UCLA, noon, KMPC (710 ) ;£ah State at UC Irvine, 7:30 p.m., KWVE ( 108 F >; Cal State Fullerton at Fresno State, 7: 30 p.m ., RM ( 1370); Pacific at Long Beach State, 7: 35 p. . , KLON (88 FM I. Calirornia at USC, 8 p.m ., DAY (15801. Hockey -Calgary at Kings, 6 :50 p.m . KPRZ (1 150). Sunday's TV . radio TELEVISION 10 a .m. (2> NBA BASKETBALL -Phoenix at Philadelphia. (41 COLLEGE BASKETBALL -Wichita State at LSU. Noon 14 > SPORTSWORLD The WBC's two top-rated middleweights -Dwight Davison (30·1) and Tony Sibson (39·4·1) -square off in a scheduled 12-round bout from Birmingham, England. Also: Part 4 or the· world pro figure s kating c hampionships; World Cup downhill ~kl!ng and a look at Dick Button's gold medal wmnmg performance in the 1952 Olympics. 12:30 p.m . (2) -GOLF -Final round play in the Loo Angeles Open from Riviera Country Club. 12:50 p.m . (9 ) -NBA BASKETBALL - Lakers at Denver. 1 :30 p.m . <7> SUPERSTARS Taped coverage of the men's final. 2 p.m. (28) -TENNIS -The rinal of the Congoleum Classic, taped at Palm Springs 2 :30 p.m. 14> -SPORTS AFIELD. 3 :30 p.m. (71 -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Male and female athletes push their bodies to the limit in the iron man world endurance triathlon, taped in Hawaii. Also: Same day coverage of the world 70·meter s ki jumping championship in Oslo, Norway Basketball KLAC (570). RADIO Lakers at Denver, 12.50 pm , Counti wrestlers await sectionals A fi e ld of 208 wres tle r s in 13 divisions representing 51 schools will na rrow the field to four qualifiers in each weight division for the CIF finals Saturday morning at Cypress College. It's the CIF sectionals and it consists of 207 athletes from Orange County and one free-lance wrestle r from Pasadena Poly with action scheduled to begin at 10 a .m. DEATH llTICll f'ICTITIOUI 1u111ean NAMa ITATaM41NT Tiie follow•ne ,,.,son• .,.. do•ne 1M11lneuH: "E06RAL C:OMPLI AHCE 6NOINEERIHG ASSOC:, "U H Plt<tntl•, C•I• MeM, CA nu1. GOLO COAST IMPORTS. INC ,• Celllornl• <~elloft, UIO W Goe•t Hw'f., N--1 ht<ll, CA tt...i,. I( .. IE OISTIUIUT0R5, IN(., e C:allfornlt corporalloft, lf4$ H Plac ... 11 •• Cati• Mew. CA tlUI' Tllll t>u•lneu I• <Oftd11ctu 11., • ea,,.,,. ,_,.!\IP I( ~ E OIJ!rll>ulOf\ Inc. O. f<OPP. SK/tr .. \ Gold C:o.tll I tnpor1' Aon Nl<keno.,, S«r• .. ,., Tiii\ .i•ttn'°"'I wa> 111911 wllll Ille L flle'tlflout IUllNlts NAM• tTATllldNT lfl• followl119 f>er'Hft h dolno _, ....... ., EMF ASSOCIATES, tMI Corvo Pl•~•. C:O.\t Mete, C:A m» ! OWARO M FRY MOYE A. 1k1 C:•vo PIK•. C:Ollta .... c;A .,.,. Tiii• ...,, ...... I\ Concl..Cl•d llY ... lnolvlcl ... 1 f-dM Fr'rmo're<' Tlllt 9'•~1 wn flllld with Ille Covnt., Cl11rlt of Orer\Qe C0<1nt., °" Feb It, 1'12 ""'"' P111>llllled °''""' C:oe•I Dally Piiot, "•II 19, U. Mer<h J, 12, ,.., IJ0..112 ' MIMIDt-A fllCTfTIOUI IUSINIU NAMI UAHMINT Tiit lollOWlftQ l)ef'MM't ere dOlnQ l>u1Sllltt6 .. CAPRI CL ANE RS, OJ 5o11th EllCllG, ANllelm, Clllllornla CIHn N Sllln. Inc •• Celllornl• (or-•llon, Ut• Soulll !Otll Ave,,..., A.r<.OI•, Callfornla•tOO. Thi\ b11llnet1 ~ c.ondu,le<I by • to.pou llon Cle..,NSl\lne. lft( . 0. .. 1 ...... . ...... O....J ....... ,. ...... oi.. ........ ...._.y ~~ ..... "-' tN<.11, ea.".., P11bll~ Or-Coa\I Dally PllOI, l ell U U. It t'-1 •l• U "ICTITIOUI IU .. NIU NAMa STATHUNT Tllo lallow1n9 ,,.,'°"' ••• doing 11<.1•1~\9' QONC. lllllOS , Uri $oulh 54><11<•. 'Mftf• Ana, C:<Mlfornle "JOc Jolvl c.,1 a1n1, ,,., Sou111 wwc• St.,t• Ana, C•llfo<nl• t?JOol MICllMI """"' Pritchard, ,,., Ame•lt.,, "8', (041• Me.,., C:allfornl• .,.,, Thi• Du\llleh i. <onouc IHI llY • O•M• •I r>Ar1"'"'"1P Mic1> .. 1 Arll\ur Prllcl\ero I hi• •141-t ••• flied wllh tlw Covl>ly Cl••• ot 0r•"ll9 Covn1y °" J•nva•• 10. 1'ilt2 , .. ,., Pullll•hld Or.no-Co.1>t D•ll'r Piiot, Fel> ••• lt. Mer(h J. 11. ,.., ISHl2 PltlUC MOltl ~ . ........ fll('llTI~ IUt!Mlh NAMll UAll~NY TIMI follow~ ~-· are ftlnt 4'\lltlMHe• l•AMALIA HOMr•. HSI Alrw•Y Avt 1t11e, hlle G I, Cott• .,,.. ... c.tllltffl• tttlt. .,. ....... , Ltd , Otll.,lo, c ... eoe. JUI Ah•av A-.... lte C.·I C•I• MeM. Cellr.tlll•.,.. •rem•IH Cell1or1111, In< , • Cellfor.,11 torporelloft. )Ut Alrw•Y Aven11t . S11•t• C. t, c;o••• Me .. C:allfOlftl•.,.,. Tiii• t>u•lrHrt\ ., (01\IJll( led l:Jy • ,.,~ .. i.n flr•mal4e C:•llfornl•, Inc l>Y ,....,, s ,..,.,.,, JannlCl'U9f• BramalM, l.ld Jtfla'r Kr .... r, ...u.or11~ \IQftln9 otfl<er Tl•I• •lt-1 w .. 111.0 •1111 lfw Covnl'r Cle•ll. Of Ot·~ (OUftlV Oii .,...,.,.,., .. '"" PIWJt P11&t1J...i Orenot CoHI Dally Piiot, Feb IJ. 1•. 1'. Mercfl $ 19'1 ~ C"ARllll HO 1U11 CO MPTROl.l.ER 01' lH[ CURRENCY frNMff'r 0.H•l-ftl Of .,,. un1194 St••••· Wohinqton, o c u ' "C'T1nout •Y•t•IU MAM8UA1aMtlWT . l lie ltltowlftg per.on It d•l"t .,., .......... WHl$KlY RIVIR SALOON. f'lt W•'*"· H"'4lntlef\ 1Htll, CA ..... aAVMONO HAllVl!Y IMITH, 2tl'2 Viva Clrcle, H1111t"'91011 -..Cll, CAtt..._ Tiii• Ml-t It (tftdU( ... ~ all l~l•ldwl R•~ H•"'" '"'"" T lllt tie.,_! WM 11"41 Wltll t• C:ov111., <;.rer• ot UI'•,... CtlHllY on ,.., ..... .., ,. .... P11llOU.O Or ..... c .. 111 Oall'r Pli.t, F"'1.t9,2 .. Mdr~ll•,ll,I,., 14~ NOTtCl YOCOWYllAC'fOllS CM.UNO f'Oa llOI SCllOOI Olttrl<t HUHT INC)TON 81:AC:H UNION HIOH SCHOOL DIST ftlCT 810 DHOllne , Oo l•.M. l'rld•v. Febru••'r 1t, I* Piece Of 8IO Aacelpt HU NTINGTON 8EACH UNION HIOH SCHOOL OISTRl(;T EOUCAflON CENTER, 10251 VO,_lown Aven~e. 80A._0 ROOM. HMftllnQlon ~II, CA tt .... Prole'I ldlon11flcat10.. ilcl Ho .... Door Hardware. Westmln•I•• Hlgll 5'1\oof Count., Clerk ol O••noe C.,..,,,., on l-------------Fell t•. 1"2 Flllmt H Sulelm.tll P1e\ Tiii\ 'IA1-I '"''' llltd wllll the Co11n1y Cle•~ Of o ,.nge Covntv Oft Fe&t11ery 17, 1'112 "'UNI Publl•-Orer9 Coot•! O•llv Piiot, NOTICE OF TRUSTtll'S SA Li LeM Ne 111·1U Wfta•••• wt~l .. IO•'r tvkltnce "•• """ Pre-.1.0 10 11\c ComP'•Olle<' Of th• Curtencv 1na1 "tNTElllM CAPISTRANO NATIONl'l BANK"' louted '" !>Ml Juflll Caph tr.,,o, \tal• of CelllOflM• .... , COffll>llod wlfh •II provl>IOn• of Ille •1•1111•> 01 tr.. Uftll.cl s111te1 '-"" 10 Doi c omplleO with befor• b&ung e uthOrited lo tomm•nct 11\e bu•ln~~ 01 -tnQ •• • N••IO""I B•~klnq A•w .. 1oon Pl •1 ~ Pl ll ftl a re Oft f lle . M.t.INlENANCE OPERATIONS ANO CONSTRUCTION, Reom )21, H11fttll\Qlon e..c11 u .. _ Hl911 Sc'-4 01\lrlct Education Center. 10Ht Yo•-to"'n A•-. H111111"910ft 8HCll, CA ., .... , _,. 1110 tM.J:m E-t ))0 ,,,.,, .. P110ll•-Or-Coet! Delly Piiot, 1.-------------Fell "· t• m¥Cll s. 12, ,.., .~, NOTICa 0, T•USTll'' SALi Fell 1•. U . ""-teh ~. 11, 1'111 1114•1 T,S. Nt 11..._, NEWPORl HOME 1.0"'°· ll'IC. a\ oulv •op01n\ed rrust•e undtr '"' 1011owlno-•lb..oOHOOI l•u•I Will NOTICE tS HERIE!8V GIVEN t!W I"" •llo•,..,,•med ScllOOI Olt lrl" o O••~ c-1.,, Cellfornl•, e<llnt II ... d'tllrouor. lb Go •• , ..... , eoerd h•re1n••t•r rtt•rr•4 to • 'P$-Qtt1 NOTIC:E OF T•un•a·s SAi.i HO S"WtM61 NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN THAT OH Frld•y, IM 16111 d•'r ot Fetw11a,..,, t .. 2. et 11\e llOur of I 1 00 a.m,. et SOU111 froftt eftlrance to ,,,. Or-C:OC1nty Oki Covn-In Ille City of Sat1 .. An• Counly ol 9 ••"ee. St•I• ol Celilornle, Statewide Foreclo1wrt Servt<•"S. Inc •i Sucteuor tnntM . wll 1 ...... public tuc uon. lo th• l\IOlloU llkleler lor cHll lft l•wful mo,.ev of the United Statu, ell P•'r•llle .ol lhe time 01 •tie, tl\el ort•ln real Pf'OPllrt'r sllvated I" IM C1h of NewPOrt Bu ell, County of Or•ne•. Slete of C•llfornle, and de!.C<IO.O as toliowt.. l..Ot a.2 ot Tre<I No. 6'?, ••per mep recor-In Booll ?0, P•oe It lnc:luslv• of MIK•ll•ntOUS Mep .. In ,,,. Office ol .... Covl\IY Recorcle< Ol wlo Count., T II• ti reel a doreu •nd other common c1H19na11on, II •"Y. Of the reel proper1V dtKrlt>ed ellove Is r>Url)Of1ed lo bo UI .. UIV, Acecl•, Ntwpor1 8-h, CA Tiie "'*"''°""° llldlff dlKl•lm> •n'r llebilltv for •nY ll'Correctneu of ow >trfft -.u -otller common c!Hlenellon. "'"'· s-n "-•lft. S•IO wle will be mede wlll\Out cov•"•"' or warr•ntv. expre1s or Implied, reoetOlnQ tllle, POOWUIOn, or encwmllrances to ltll•fY 11\o o«>lle•llDM _..,red b'r -11<1•we111 10 the -of Wle conferred In 11\el <e'1•1n deed of '"'"' <Jet•O S.pleml»r 17. •*· ue<uled .__,,Lero., p. Studer ....S EM091ttw M Studer, at trustor, to St P.ul Tiiie Com~,..,, •• I""'" for Concepcion FrMm•"· t i •I, •• l>eneflclary, to secure IM wm of uo.000.00. with lnl•rt•I ll'lerltOll, •• provided lft "'Id notehl. edV•nce•. II .,.,,, u-lhe .. ~Of wlcl -.ct of tr~t. tett. cMr9e$ -U09ftW> of the Ir u\ltoo and Of tru\I• creeled II~ Mid dffd of lr<ID. -rt<onwd Oft O<tober ), IM 1n _.. 1377•. -1101 of olflc,.1 record\ of O••noe County, Slm of C•llfornle The i.netklarv ur>Oer w ld CIMO of lruJI or -url1\r dovk•. llv rff'°" of • 11re1cr. or default In IN OOll9allon1 se<ured tlwfft>y fte<etofon e•e<11tecl 11no Oeliver~ to Ille uncler~eneci • wrllte,jtoecl•••llon ol O.laull •"" oem1no lor sell, •n<I wrltlen nollce ol clel•11lt Mid elKI-lo vii undtr IM term• ol ••IO deed of lrusl and recorded Ocloll•r 13. !UI •• lftilrumenl No 1734. It\ -IOSJ, et, Deoe 131 OI offkl•I re<onb of Mid county Tiit total .omoulll of 11\e unpa id 1>11•1\ce of ""' o1>1111a11on M<u•ed 11., '"• p•ol"•lv to cw •old IM 1uo1no •'Hm•t•d costs. f'AP•nt•' •nd .O•eft(ff " S.S...1S4 50 DATEDJ..-rv11.11191 St•tewld• forKlo•urt' Servl<•1, lftC AS SAID TRUSTEE BY sue STIYUTION R. A Jay ... , Viet Prttloent St2S CetrllO\ Avenw Cy~u. CA 90630 (1141 11•J110 I SMU.17 Pullll\l\fd Or ..... Co.1•1 O•llY Piiot, Fell ~ 11 "· I~ ,,._., ..._ .... 1Q..IU.Dt T.5.Ne 11~ NEWPORT HOME 1.0AN, INC ., d11ly •PPOinted Tru•lee 11nder th• followlr19 de1< r INd ~ OI tru~t W 11.1. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 81DDEA FOR CASH lpayebi. " time OI wi. lft lewlul mone., of the United St•tHI all rlQhl, OU• an<I Intern! conveyed to •no no• llelcl b'r ti unc1t< Wicl o.41 of Tr111I In UW prOCJef'l'Y N relnafter O .. crl-T RUSTOA JOHN S0Ul(ERAS, • merrleil ....., •l Iii•.., .. •n<I MP'•••• propef'\y. BENEFICIARY DONA LDG HESS an<I JANICE C HESS, flu-Ml •n<I wife at communitv proc-nv Recorded Decemoer 1•, ttlO. •• lllltr. No. n1'0 In book 1•14, p-U10 ot Olllc Lei Recorcb in trw off lee ot tr.. Recorder of Offn9e c ...... 1.,, s.tlcl -01 lrllll ducrlllu ,,,. IOllOWlftG l>"OIMf'l'r· Petcel 2 In tM Cll'r ol Newporf BH<ft, Count., of Orenoe, Sltle of Nil.IC MOlt[ ------------·· SEl.l AT PIJBLIC AUCTION TO I HE MN·'2V9-I FICTITIOUS IUSIHIU 111.t.MESTAfEMENT The toUo••no 04'r\.Of'\ •re-dolnQ 1>v•lne" •• CAPRI C.LEANERS, 1011 NOrtl\ M•onoU•, A"4ftelrtl C•IUOrnl• Ciu n N S111ne Inc • Callforftl• corporation. •••• Soouth IOlll A\ffl\w. Arc.Ola. Callfor"'• •100& fP'li\ t>u,int"' Ii CO"OuC1fd l>Y • t orPO••llon Cl<!MI N Sl\one. In;. HIG HE ST BIDDER FOR CASH (P•V•bl• Al llm• ol HI• In 1awf11I mo~' 01 lllt Uft•I"" St•l••I .tll r19111 Ill.., •ftd onlt><"'I convt'fe<I lo 11...i no• ,,_Id ll'r II _, wld 0t"td 01 l rusl In .,,.. pro~n., htr•ln•ll•• d~t rll>l'O I RUSTOR JOHl'I E ~UK ERAS .tn<I AN llA E SCJUl(ERAS nu\lwn<I ctnd wit~ BENEFICIARY BUEIOA VISTA INVESTMENT (.ORPORATION Reco1oeo April 10. 1'191 •• 1t111r No 1 •t~' 1n 0004< t-01) -lt'I ot o nito•I Record\ 1n t,._ Off~,. Ot tl\• Ae<ot<Mf ol Oranoe County ••Id oe+o 01 .,..,,. dh< rll>r.l IM tnllO•"'"l PtoP9'1Y LOI to Of ..... I No 0003 1n '"" Clly fltlJVt ol N t"WPOfl 8••t.." ., P-"' tn•o P11llllihed Or~ Co.1•1 Dally Piiot. r9<0<ded on -118. IMO"• IJ to 1• Fell 1•. u. MArcl\ s. 12, •'112 m .. J ::·~~\~:. ~ ';'.:;'~~::":K':::, ~~ Fohme H Sulelm.tft. PIO\ Tiii> •1•1-1 w.t\ llled will\ Ille Count., Cl••k ol 01onea Coun1y on Fe11111ary 11. 1'112 PUU MOltE \810 (OUl'llV Calllornle. ••-non• map 111.a HI 1-------------IO J.•<WM h•• N""'"°" e.,.cn C'I .,,.,,, -k S1. -10 of P•rc.tl Maps, 1n tfte NS t17SI • 111 & "'••• •dClr•\\ or comn1«1 office of tr.. '"""'Y recorder ot Wld SU .. lltlORCOURTOF CALIFORNIA on•en•llon ,, \l\Own •llO•• no (~~ Pac:Hlc COHI H'911Wh Coron. COONn OF ORANGE 7:.,'p~.~~.:..' (::r::.~.~~ lo 1 I\ <HIM•r,CA mu 1·=~D;,,:.-" Tne '-........ ,,, U~I , • .., 0....Sol "(II e Slrffl -reu or common MA RRIAC,E '::F PEllTIONER Tru11. O'r•N!oonOIMbreacl\or.,.l•ull dulgnellOft h 1howft ebovo, no E N R 1 0 u E ,. v 1 l A • n cl In Ille obliQ•llon• ll'Cu•ed !hereby wlrr•nl 'r II QIVoft •> to IH RESPONDENT PAIRICIA ELAINE IH!1elolorl' UlfCul.cl dnd Clellver.o to complet-JorcorH<lneu " AVILA ,,.. llncle<\-• ••ltl•n D<K14'1AllOft T ... -lclery...-r Wld DMd of SUMMOtlS tF~MILT LAWI ~rl~·:::::.,:"or~::,0.::0~11~:.:::: Tru1I, ll'r rui.on OI • ll'-t<~ or CMl•ult CASE NO O•l ... IJ lo uuw 1,.. ...-,.,11...., IO "°" \aid In 1r.e ollllg•lloM •e<11rod 11\treby, NOTICE• You II••• -,...., l rw D•<>P<!•IY 10 \4111\ly ...,1d obllQ•tiOft\, r.eretofo-. tit«UU<I Mid dellver<HI to courl may ote~ ~ln•I 'fOU w11nou1 .on<I th••un•• 1,.,. •md~"QI\"° cau\of<I IM .._..lgfted •writ!•" D«lerallon vovr &elno hH•O unlU\ vou r..._.o .. 10 nolic• ot l>'e•<h end ol elf<llOI\ to OI Oe!•ufl -Oemend lor Sal<P, and wltl\111 :JO <MY \ Read tne 1n10<m•l10ft be Rtco•df>d No•emoer 3 .. ., •• wrlllen notice ol breK I\ •nd of ele<llon below ln>lr No 3320 ,,. book r •17 P•llO 1J11 to <•use uw _,.signed to sell S41d If ytw wl•ll • -k ,.,. .. vk• ef •" of ..,Id Ofl1<,..1 Re<o•d• prooerly lo wllsly wlo OOllQellOM, atter,..., HI a b ....twr, Y•w .-• S.ld wl• will ..,. ,,,_ l>vl will>Ou1 •nd ttwre.tt«r t"9 uftdef'\MJnt!d c..eu\iltd t• premtttly ... tMt r•ur wrltte11 covenan• 0,. ••rr•n•y. •'P'•~' or ..,10 "oflce of llf'M<h •nd ol eleCllon to ,...,..i .. , If 11wy, ,...., IM lllecl.., time lmolled ,_0 ,,.9 llll<'. "°'""""'"·or b<P recorded Nov•mO.r l , 1911, 0 AVISOI U-lw "* dema-•. en1.umbret1el'\ to po '"" rem•lnl"11 lnttr No. m' In boOk ,.,,, oae-13'~. El trl~I -* *<6-lr ,..,,,,. v• oroncio•I sum 01 1rw noce<•I •e<U•f'd of .. ld.Oflkl<tl Re<ords tlft •w.ie11c1• e mofOet 'IWe U• by W•d Dftdof Tnm, wlll\ 1nter9\I e\ S•icl wle will be ,,__ llul wllnout ,..,..... -·• * • "4" Le• I• m •••d ftol• P•OV•Of'd, •0•41n<e•. 11 anv, cov•nant or warranh. t•e>r•\\ or ._..,..,K..,. _.. ,,.,.. und•t ltv t..,.m, o• wtd OMO ot TrU'\t. lmpllW, •"9M'dlf19 tttle, PD\NHlon, or SI Vtted-• telklu.r el conwi. * IH" ctwr~ eno !"•~n••• ol rhe •nc .. mbfancn, to O.'r the remel,.1119 IHI ,.....,.. .,. e•t• ti..,te, .... "' T•u>te. """ at IM '"'"' tie.tied by prlnclpel wm OI Ille no!•l>I se<ured flecarlo lmm.o.i• .. me11te, d e tU• Hid DffCI ot lru'I ~10 \fl~ will i. lly wlcl l>MdOI Trust. will\ lft1••••1 •• em1111ere, w -~ n<rft., tl flO lleld on_,..,., 1111.,(ll I ,.,., ~t 1 00 on ••Id no\e PfOV-•O•.,,cn , 11.tn'r. •ltwM, Pl-* -r_,.11, ... • liem" P M •I I"<' Cn.J1>M<1n A.•enU4' enlranc~ under I,.. term1 of .. Id OMO of Trutt, I TO THE RESPONDENT Tiie 10 tht' CIYK C..,l•r BuoldonC) JOO E•\t ftti, cMrQei •no ~apens.s. ot Uw pettllonf'r "•' llted • pe11uon (f\t1P"'•" ""'°"ue tn '"" C•tv ot Tl'\.l•lff -of lfte lruSU creal.O llY <on<Hft"'9 '°"' meno-11 '°" leol Oranci" CA Uld 04led Of Trust. S.id .... •Ill lie 10 Ill~ • r'e\QOf\W ... 111.n >O o • .,, ol Ille Al ..... .,,,,.. OI ,,,.. 1n111a1 publlUllon held on -.v. Merell I, 1'111 •I 1 00 datt 11\ot 11\1\ •ummon• '' wrveo on ol tlll\ nollo ,,,. tot.ti •mou"I ol ,.,. P M el tM C,__,, A ... -enlr•nce YO... YO<ll defoUlt ,.,., IM •nl'°red and uftp .. d Wlant f' ot tnr OllllQdliOft to th• Civic C.tnter Bulldlne. 300 Ee\I Ille court m,.. et11rr • 1udoment wc:u1.obvtlW>Al>O••<H"""""-"' '-"•Pm •n Avenu•. •n '"* C•t~ of cont••n•no 1n1unch .. or otn.r otder\ tru't 4nd nt1m•tf'O (O\h, f'•P'e"M-,. Or•"9•.CA concernlnQ C11vt\1on ot oropertv. •nd •Ov•ntt"~ u SS/ •S8 11 To A.I the lime Of lllt lnltl•I r>Ubllc•llon •POUHI wOOOfl chlld cu•tooy (ll•ld oe1um1M ,,,.. Ol>"n•n11 bid rou mev of 1111> no!lce, 11\e 101•1 •mount of lhe •uPt>Orf atrorney lf'tt CO\h •nd wen ceu 111•1 •J7 ~ unpaid 1>11.tn<<P ot 11\e ob1l11et1on otller reloef ••may bo or•"'e<l 11• llW D••• F_,,.., • ,.., \KllrWbylfte•bovecleocrllM!d-OI court Th• o••ftlShmenl ot ••en NEWPORT HOME LOAN trust •nd Httm4t'-d COiis. •llpetn"W'\1 t•,lrtQ of montV or prootrtv o~ other INC •nd •ch·•nce' is SJl,OSS 1 • To court •'""°'''"' Qt"OC..OlnQ\ m•v 4f\O •\"4tt0 tru'\t,.. d<Pl.,mlnt ,,,. Ol)enlnQ blcl, 'fOU rn•v <HUii 8v l D !>E llVI( ( <•II 11141 m~ D•t~d Doombor tt t'191 COMPANY Oete F-...,y •. •"2 Leo A B••ncn Cit•~ aQO"nl NEWPORT HOME LOAN e., C. W4t11>lor, D"'VIY By ( •f\Ov !KMl>novtr INC RAFAEL A CARDENA~ """IMI S..Crol•r~ .. Wld T""lH A-'r et Lew 0.,.. toly 80\lle•••dW"\I B'rT D SERVICE ... 29 Wll"'4r•ll"" St• '* 0<""9l' CA., .... Now l""reia-~. I IWr•bY Ortoly ..... tht'-•bOv• n•mto .,,o, tat1on h •ulhOll/tO to COITttn•ll>(O IM b<>>Jn•u ot b•nk lnQ ., • N•t1on•1 8•nkinQ A\.SOC1a tt0n t" tt\tltTO'IY ..,,..,"°' w11n"~' tnV "9""'"''• ""'° \e•I OI OOU.flll OU\ IU\ d•Y ol Oecttnllff 1911 1 \ Chit rte\ E Lo,.o Ac ting (0tn0trot1er ot 1heCu,,ency Publ"lwd Or•ft90 Co.t•I CJ•ilv Pilot Fob 17 l~ 1'. Merci\ S " 1q 14 A pro I ) ~ 1"'7 1~1 "CTITIOUS a UStl'fESS NAME STA.TEMl!IOT l'f\tt to11ow tn9 per\on\ •'t OolrtO lbU\IM,\M PA CIFIC INDUSIAIAL CLEAIO ING J/01 Bir'"· HewoOtl Buth Calltom1• 9'1tl>O 'T1motlly "" Vt KO•• "" Tiki Circle. H..,,llnQlon S..acn C•11101n1• <rJ ... Kennett\ A Cont1.1in. I Morn1no Oovt 1r"tt'W', C<111tonwa4>?1U l.lndA Ci (Oftkhn, 9 Mor n•nt 00••. lr•lne, Cehfornl• 9111• '"'' DU\101''\~ " conOU(ttO C>y • QOMlal j)Mlne~p L•ncld G Con~''" Thi\ •••romon< wa• 11100 "'"" ttHr Covftt y Cler~ 01 Oro not Couftty on January 1e 1'1111 Ftettt• Pullil•Nd Or•"9t Ccw\I Oa11., Pllol. F~o 1•.1•. M<irch ), t7 1.,., 161-42 DIST Rl(l ," win rec:el•t llP lo ..... nol leter .,..,, the a11ov.,.,1a1e0 llma t.e•led llld• lor '"' •w••d of • confrt< lorlllt•-PrOl"CI Bid• "'"'' ~ received It\ Ille Pie<• 10.ntlflt'd abov•, -\l\•11 I» --• ,.o PUOllCl'r •••d •IOud •• '"" al>Ove•\t•l.O II~ •nd DlaCt E•ch btd mu\t contorm •nd tw r.-\,pC)n~lv• lo Uw contr•t OOC.wn'M'ntl E .. " b+d .... ., .,. <1CCom1M1nieO lly tfV M!'(UtHy rtt1etr&c1 to In ttM contt•<• d<Kumefth -lly IM h•I of orooos.od \vbc.ontroc:tor\> 11\e OIST RICT r-rofri II\• rlQl\l IO rej.,c: t an., cw •II bkh or to •Alive anv tn•oularlue, Of" '"to,.maUUe\ In ~Y O•dl o• lft llW l>lcldlft(I Tn• O•P•rtm•nt of lnch1\trl• Relellons Ms Cletermoned Ille ~·• o•.-•lllnQ 1ate of Pt• Olem w.19" In lll<P lo<.allty 1 .. """" 1r.1s wor• 11 to oe perform.cl lo• f¥1'! <r•ll or IYPt ot w ork M•n nettdeo to tAeCute the COtll•act TlleW ••I•• ert on lilt el IM Dl$TRICT offlu lo<oleo •L !OH Yortuown AvM~ • ..,.unt1nc;iton &NCh CA .,._.. c_, mo i. ootal...O on r~ve\t A copy Oft~ r•tt' '1'••1 be P<K••o •• ,,.,. )ob .,,. Trw lorevo•nci \CMdUltJ ot P<1< diem W-\ I\ besed UPOft • worklr19 O•• or 01Qf\t <I I llOUn "Th• r•tt tor l\olldn aftd overt!,... work \n•H oe •I ttt•\1 ''me and one-11•1t It '"•II be m•noatorv upon tf\.e CONT RA.CT OR to ,._.,.. If• c°"trt< '' •••roeo and uoon 1 ny 'ub<ofttr~l°' unoe,. "'m, to C>•Y "°' lo• lh•n the sa•o 11>Klfltc1 ,.,.,to •II workmen omptoyed 01 l!Wm lft tfw _______ _..._. ____ 1uecufion Ol ll'w contrect PUBLIC MOltE Nob-May •llt.dl-1\1\ flod lor • period ot f0f1y.flvt (0 1 cle'r\ alle llw oait ~•tor lhe gpen1n9 of Did\. CPP-1*1 A PO,_,. bOnd •nd. per1o<men<e NOTICE 0, T•VS"TEE"S SALE 001\d wlll a. reouoreo P"O' to T.S .... 2411J ••Hut1on of .... COftlrlCI Tll<P Oft Feb<Wrv 2t 1"1. •I 9 IS o clock p..,men1 bOnd s""'ll lie on IM lorm set • m oft Frid.Iv.•• '"" lronl entr•nc• lor111 1 .. 1'-cont...CI document\ to 11\t otd Unnot Couftty COU'111Duw R-rt C B•H•v loUled Of\ !>ent.o 'II\• Blvd !let-Doro<tor S.,camor• SI a. BrO.Owa'f, Saonla Ana Melftltnanco Oe>e,.llOft\ C•lltornla .ono COf\"'"'"°" W E S T E R N M U T lJ A L Pullh\Nd Or ... Co.1•1 O•llY Pllol. CORPORATIO .... • Ca ll lornla Foll 111' t'G 6*3-G cor00t•t1on .• , Tn,.'\tff OI "4.IOShtut..cl fru\ttt unoer '"t" d"d of ""'' uocuttcl llv MARI NA 81FFIN en unmerr•f<I woman •nd MENRY N OEEN • ""'I"' ,...,, l\e10in called PUIUC MO~E t•usto• ~•<or-AP"' , .... •• AMa.Mt 1 ....... ~ NO H>n In Boo• '"°°' T s NO ,_, PaQe 101, ot Ofl1Coal Record> ol IOOTICE OF TaUSTEES' SALE Orlt>Qe Counl'r. C•lllornl• Wiii "'ii al On Fellr.,.ry 1• ,.., •I II 00 a mE, pu&llc euctoon tottw 11 ..... >l ll-t tor FIRS T AtTW<ltan flllE INSURA"C ,.... IMIY•llff In l.twfut money of the COMPAN Y • C..llfO<ft•• corooretion, Unllt<I St.tM •• lllt ...... OI w•e the •• TruJIH or $\l((<P\-TNllff or 1nl01e•t ccan""vecl 10 -now hoicl b'r Su&stllult'd Trustff. ot 11\al cert••" \.Old lru\I .. under .. Id -... '"'" In Deed of Truit ••KUIOO D'r H .. H 11\e p1openy 111..at.cl 1n .. Id Count\' GENERAL PARTNERSHIP •"O ....,Stale do.crolltOt\ recoroeo Septemllt • l "" o COMPANY, L.nA-lft.C•...... 1l l•1 •n~m11 tl'r LondY -.Over Pvbll>l\ed °'-CO•UI D .. 11v Piiot, Pulllhlwd 0r.,. Co.t\I O•llY P1101, Aul\l.,,I Se<rtt•ry FIL'b U 1'. 26. Mere.II~.,.., •'4•2 Feo 12 1• 26 l'ICI ..._..., A LEASEHOLD ESTATE AS ln1trument no &OIO. lft -IOOI. c R E A T I! 'O 8 y I I I ...... ~ ••• Of Offlc•el Re<ord• of Or•-U N RE C OR DE 0. LEASE DATED County C•hlorftla <lftd pu1waftl lo MARCH " 191\ EXECureo BY '"'"' t t n•on HOloO of 0.,leu•" ..... ELtlA8ETH J PHILLIPS LOUISE El•thOf\ lo s.11 IMrf'Undltr recor- p HUTTO" AIOD G EORGE w Oc tOC>tl u ..... , lft\lru"""'t no PHILl.IPS A!> LESSOl!S •• Ul~I •n -llHJ, P414t 1106, ol more o•rf1cut•rly OP~cr1oeo '" OU•ct•I AecorO\ ot wtd Count• w UI EXHIBIT A •lltcr..d ""rrto • ..., uno~· -pU<Weftf 10 W•d Deed OI 0... Clly 8oule••<d WHI 0r.,.,c._., ... 11141 llHlW P1111llshed Or-Co.tu D•ll'r Piiot. :•" 17 ''· 1t 1"1 MJ-412 Piil.JC ·~( NOTICE OF DEATH OF VIRGIL H BENTLEY AND OF PETITION T O ADMINIS TER ESTATE NO. A 11216 2. m•Ot • IMr1 ""''°' Tlu>t _.11 •• oubflc •u<llon to• u v., EllHlalT "A" lawful "-Y of ITW Uftll.cl Stettt OI A L E ASEHOl 0 EST ATE AS .t.meroca, •I 11\e meln •ftlr•nc• lo Flf\I PUlllC MOYIE 0 CREATED BY ,,,...,IC.,. Tll ... lfl'W•dn<e com,....y NOTICE OF DEATH F 111 An ut\lecordeo , .. ,., O••to loc•ltd .ti II• E•\I Fttrn S11.,.1.111 tiw E . MALCOLM ANGELL, Merell 12 t•H .. KutMI Dy El11•belh C•l'r ol !>M!t• A,,. C•hfO<ftl•, •n<l llrel A K A M A L C 0 L M J Pnl!llP\, Lou1u I> Hutton and •19111. 1•11• an<I 1ntrrt\I conveyed to A N G E L L A N D 0 F Ciooroe w Pt>illloi. u 1e•so,.. ano 11, ~~~.~o,: ~op~~.~."°:..:::~~= P E T I T I 0 N T 0 Stalt Wide D•nlopen lflC • ... ~ .., C•ltfotN• <Of"DOt'•••on ., lHtiM'. '°' '-°""'"' •nd St••• 6f'1( rtbtd ., ADMINIS TER ESTATE 11\e pr11od ano uPO" tnt term• EltHlalT "A" GIST fR,\:-.J(.'I!'> l.l·:WI~ mu\' bl' mud l' I 0 I h l' MYRA E GIST pasl 1. ORN A W I LI. l S /\LL EN S I' ENCE R American Canrcr Sont•tv T 0 a I I h e I r s ' NO. A 112156. conditions and covenanu thereon Thi' l•nd reler r•d to In 11\h b eneficiaries, c rt>ditors · con111ln..S, •,,___um of w111c11 ci11•••n•..-•• .11.u1eo ,,, '"' ••••e o• T 0 a I I h e I r s • recordeO J-s. 1•1s In Boot 11471 C•llfo1nl• County of Orenoo City OI and coot mqenl c reditors DI benel1c1ar1es creditors Page.,, 01 Oft1<1e1 Ruo•o•. 1rvme,anc1 .. -ritM>O.t1•of-• V l rgil H Bent ley and and contlnqentcre dilorsof reltr•"'• i.1nci ,,.,.,by""'* 10 111e PARCEL s ••.,._,,Oft • percot per son s who may b e E . M alcolm Angell a n d recoro1i-totfor11111pert1cu1•"S.1d map111tc:1 1,,0oo1<111,P•on•O•n<111 otherw ise interested in the me11tri •ttect•PO<tlonof1.01 •.Tree• of parcel m<10> 1n 1r.e offke o1 '"' residentofCoslaMesa.Ca. FRANCIS u 10 year LEWI S rl'!>•dcnl of Pi erce Brolhc•rs llt:ll Passed away on February resident or Orange Counl y . Gardena. ('a Passed away Broad" ..i' Mo r I u Jr~ 16 . 1982 . S h e was a n passed uw<ty on _February onFcbrua1' 14.1982.lle had directol"I apartment manager for the 13. 19112 Born November 22. ~t·rved in the Vietnam W ar \\'IUTMAN Ram co Co n st r u <'tor 1903 in llam1lton. Ontario in German' He was also a M A R E L F. I. S I F. Compa ny for the past 13 Canada She 1s -.urv1ved hy native Californian. He was WlllTM1\N. a res1dc·nt ol years . She 1s survived by her son Edward Robert of employl'<i by Standard Oil Coronu def M iu \ (.'a Age 9 1 he r nephews. John and Dan Cos t a M es a , Ca 4 R e fmerv He is survived by A resident or Corona dcl Kersch both o r La Habra. grandc hildre n . Mic h ael. h1~ wife Judy of Gardena. Mar. Ca for approximately Ca . Services will be he ld on S leven. Wendv. and Vicki. Ca., parents Mary Jane and JO years. passed aw<iy on M o nda y at 9 :00A M at oil o r Orange. Ca a nd I Forres t D Lewi s o f Februaryl6.1982 atBevcrly Harbor Lawn M e morial l(reat .granddaughter Amy ltuntin gton Beach . Ca. I M a nor Conva l escent C hapel w rlh interment Kathleen . T he family brother Randy. s i s ter Hospital. Capistrano Beach, se r vices imm e d ia t e l y requests in lieu of flowers /\l1s o n , 2 granclmothcrs t:a Mrs Whltm<in \HIS l>tirn following. Servu.:es under donations be made to the Sadie Lewis a nd lle len Mabel Els ie Larkins, cid er th e d ir ection o f H arbor Cancer Soc1ely Memorial Prichard all t)f llunttnRton daughter of Cl'on Eml•ry Lawn· Mount Ohve Mortuary s ervices will be conducted Bc•ach, Ca Services will be Larkins ;ind /\It <i M ay or Costa Mesa. 540-5554 •on Saturday. f e bruary 20. he ld on Saturda). 1-'ebruary Randels L a rkins o n Jaouur) _ 1982 al J:.lPM al W a\lerly 20 1982 al 2 OO PM a t 30 , 1891 at C hes l er. ., C hu rch . 1700 Ea st ln gle ~o od Cemet ery Nebraska Mrs Whitman Fairhaven . Santa /\na, Ca M ortuary, Inglewood. Ca was e ducated in the public .... PAClftC VllW MIMOllALPAJlk Ce1Teterv Monuarv C hapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drive NewPOn Beach 644·2700 McCO.Mtea MOITUAallS Laouna Beac h 494·941 5 LaQuna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1slrano 495·1776 HA8lat UW..,_Ml'. OLIVE Moftuarv • Cemetet\' Cremaaorv t625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 54-0-5554 ,_Cl .. OTHHS ~-OADWAY MoHUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 JA&.TllH .. OM IMfnt & TVTHl\L ~1~"t."'" - Cott1Mesa e~e.9371 wit h R ev Stu r geo n T EMPLETON school systems. in Chester. orr1ciat1ng R O B E RT L O I S Nebr ask a and Rellev11le, MADl!'ION TEMPLETON. passed away K a ns a s . S he chose teaching JOHN D. MADISON. a o n F e bruary 11, 1982. lie was as a profession and taught 111 resident of H untington a m e mber of the Santa Ana the rural school districts m Reac h . Ca P assed awa) on Elks Lodge #7~1. the C itrus Kansas and Nebras ka On Novemberl7,1981 Survived B e ll Traffic Cl ub, the M urc h 28, 1914 Mri. bv a son Jn Ma<lison, Ill N atio nal C'rcclil M anagers Whi tman wed R egina lcl a'nd daoght{'r t:la1 n c Association. the National James Whitman. formt>rl) p 1 a n t an 1 cl a . a 1., 11 II Fro7.en fo'ood /\ssoc1ation or M o nmouths hire, EnJlland grandchildren 1 s ister a nd I h e /\mer 1 ca n They reside-cl 11 miles north D orothy Munie r and his Manage m e nt /\ssociot1on or Bellevllle. Kansas until former wue Helen Madison He is survived by his wife the death of M r Whitman in l,ane M r Madison was a Verna. son Calvin o r Tustin , 1952. at that t ime M rs memhtlr o f the Huntington Ca .. daughter Nancy of Simi Whitman located In Coro na B each Lodge #380 F&AM Vttlley. Ca .. daughter Nanc)' d el Mar. Ca_ttnd t>eeamc a a n d also the White Shrine o f H ouston. Texas, rather 01ember of the, Corona d el Memorial services will bE Robert L . Templeton, Sr .• ol M ar Commuruty. C)lurc h conduc ted o n F rLdu y F ort Worth. Texas and 3 a ncl resided here until her Jo'ebruary 19, 1982 at 7 !!OPM g r andchildren . Services will passing. Mrs Whitman Is at P ierce Brolhl'rs Smiths· be h e Id o n Saturda y . survived by 4 ~ml. Ben or M o rtuary with Mr. Ray F e bru a t'Y 20 , 1982 at Huntington Heoc h , Cll, Ray m o nd Fic o and t h e 10·00AM a t Harbor L•wn Harr1 M South La~una, Ca. Huntington Beach Lodge M emorial Chapel. Services Cl1ude ol Crete, Nebraska #380 F&AM o ffirlal1ng. under the d i r ectio n o f and Paulof Sa!'M.,.(!()11,C!I. I nterment was prlvftte R al'bOl' Lawn-Mount Oltve S h e also leaves a brother . Pierce Brothen1 Smiths ' M ortuary o r Co~ta M esa F rank Lurklns or Chester, Mortuary directors S36-6S39 !>40·5554. Ne braska and a slater Ethe l WRENZ NETH Pedersen ol Bush, Colorado, O R . M I f. T O N F CECELIA MARY NF.TH, 8 g r and c h 11 d r e n . 8 LORENZ. r eside nt of resident or Costa Mesa, C a . grent-gra.ndchlldre n and a Newport Beach, Ca . Beloved Passed away o n Fe bruary host or friends ln Kan!l:is, hus b and and rathe r or Arlie 12, 1982. S he Is s u ... ylved by Nebraska nnd C allfornlo. A. and Robert M Lorenz. He her husband Wlllia m Nelh. a Servlcts will be h e ld o n p1Ssed away on F ebruary son WilUam H Neth II or Frlday, Ft bl'\l1ry 19. 1982 at 1~ 1992 Fun.uat services.... Dal Citt.,.. g..-.... dau1hte r 10. OOAM at-P-aclftt-Ylew wih be held at Pacl!lc View Nancy Lowy of Santa An1, C~1pel. J•ttendA may call at Memorial Ptrk Corona de.I C a •• a brother Charle• the mortuary on Thuniday, ,.Cl..,,,., IMITMl' lllOSTVM Y 627 Me1nSt tllnunaton BHcn ~ Mar, ca •t 10:30AM on F'lanagati of Santa Ana, Ca., F e bruary II, 1912 from Saturdav. Febl'\luv 20. 11182. and 2 1lmrs An.n Whitcomb " : O O PM to I : o o P M • ln lieu 0M1ower1 memoti1l ~ or S terUn .. Colorado end OUlclaUn1 wlll be R ev contrlbu.Uons may be m1de 'Dunne Lcwclll'n o1 Newport Bru ce Kurr l c or the to the As1l1t1n « Lu1ue 8 ea ch , C a , M • s • of Prab)1.erlan Church or the o18tal Heallh CUnlc, 50S Chr1aUan Burial._., btltd at Covenant. Inte rment at U nd St., NewPOrt Beach, S t . Joachim '• Catholic Cheater Cemetery. Chctt~r. IC• t2ff3. Pacific Vle.w Cbu.reb_febtual')l l1, ltsl. In N•braaka Paclrlc View • ... Monu1ry dlm::ton. lieu of nowera contrrhUona Mortuary, dlrectol'I\. persons who may be Ho etse coun1.,RK.,..de<ofwo<1<.....,1., Will and Or estate , Otherw ise 1n te reSted in the (2) An unrPCOIOtd 1 .. se deled E.cepl eny end all OU ool rlQlllS, A petition has been filed w ill and /or estate ' Mer(I\ •o. 197S,•-llltd bY Hullert H mlner•ll. mlrwr•I rlQl\ls, ... 111re1 9:~ b D h L B ti In A petition has been llle d w a 11er.i1m. •• l e uo1. .,,o 11., rlQhh, •n<I oth~• hydrocarbons , y orot y ee en ey !>l •lt Wldt Ot••IOP•" lftC • •1'•110.••• name ltnown, e-otftarmal the Super'1or Cou rt o f by Lucille R Angell in the ce1i10<n1a corporation.•• 1.euee. f0< s(um -•II~" oer1...o from othraa1ngDoe rcootuhnytyL;;q~!~~\~gv sc~~e;;orr r~oqu~!s~:n Ogr~~~; ~~~0~.~~:.".d .-:Od c~~~~.~~: ,•:;,";~;. :7,',,i~'or'~~.:°.':!s.'~;::,~'w::: contained, a rniimoran011m OI wr.1c11 ""' perpeluel rlglll ol drllllf\9. mlnlr19, be appointed as person al Luci I e R . Ange ll b e recorded J..,.. s. ms 1n e-11•11 up1or1no --••liftllllle,..for.•"' r ep r es l" n t at iv e Io appoint ed as per sonal P•ee •l• 01 011rc1a1 Recoro1 11or1,..1nanc1•-1"41,,. .. nwfrom · -t th t te of t t t ·~•r•nce l>Plne r.trtll'r m-to IN w•o l•n<I or •n., otfttr 11no, '"'1uo1nci admlnlS er e es a rep r e Sen a IV e 0 recoro llWreol lor lull p41rtlcul.,> lfte t lQl\I to whipMoO or d1'9<tlontll'f Virgil H. Bentley (unde r administe r the esta t e of E . S.ld m•llf'• att..:1. portion of Lott. drill •nO mint lrom ··-olftar fl\.,, t h e I n d e p e n d e n t M alcolm Angell (under Tract •se. 11rou conveyed IH!retrr 011 01 11 .. Administration of Estates t h e I n d e p e n d e n t (JI .... unreco•dH l•Ot d•led wens. 1..-1. -•twits Into. 11\l'OUQlll Me!Clr 10 ttH UKu1ed llY Wllllem or AUCK• .... Wl>Wrte<t of ttw lend, A ct) The pet ition IS set for Administration of Estates H W•HhAm and o .. rlc~ H •nd lo ""''°"' \11(11 whloslocked .. hearing In Dept. No. 3 a t Act). The petition IS set t or W•kel\•m u LO\O" ... o 11¥ dlrectlONll'f drlllecl wfl••. ·-··· •nO 700 Civic Center Drive, hearing In Dept No. 3 at St•I• W•dt Do•IOOtr\ '"' • shells -•nd ...... ,,,or 0.y-. c · f S t ClllllOl'n•• cori>c>rellon, as LtHff. fOf tile t•lt rlor llmlls 11\ereof, er10 to W est, in the ity o an a 700 Civic Center Drive, tr.e P•••oo ano upon 1111 term•. r..ir111, rttunne1. •outp, melnt•I"· Ana, California on M a r c h West , in lhe City of Santa COftdllloM and CO••n~nl\ lllt••ln repelr, dff(»n --·n• •ny suclr 10, 1982 a t 9:30 a .m . Ana. California on March contaln.o • memo<anc1um Of wlllch _ .. ,or m!NI, without,....__. 1M 10, 1982 at 9 30 a .m . rtco<cleO June ~. ,.IS In 8.oll It.,!, 11Ql\I lo Orlll, m-. ,IO,. Hplon •"41 I F YOU OBJECT to the P•9• ••O of Ot11e1a1 Reco rd\, Ol)tr••• ,,........, ow wrlect or the granting of the p e t ition. IF YOU OBJECT to the reference ti.Inv m-to ,,.. record u-r 500 , ... of u ... \Ubl<l'1tU Of tfta YOU shou ld e ither appear granting Of the petition, lllereof lor full parti,111.,1. !>aid l•n<l,e\re8trwclln tl\e-fromtM melter\ atttcl • oo•llO" ol Lot I. lrvlne Como•ny, • MlclllD•" at the hear ing a nd s tate you Should eithe r appear Trec:t•se cor"PMatlon, succ .. _ trr mervtf w1111 your ob1ect ions o r f lie at the hearing and s tate The 1mor1111o111-. Leue• ,.., sonc• 1rv1 .. , 1-...r1e1 c....,.,. ... •t<o<- wrltten obi·ect ions w ith the your objections o r Irl e oHteo .,., •n 1n,1r11ment '"'°'-0<1-r ••.me'" e-,,_, P-. · 1· 'th th Ai>rfl 3. ,,,,ff ln\lrumenl No. Ml. In •tlof Ottkl•l Re<orcl\ COUrt before the hear ing. Written obfeC IOnS WI e !look U•l9 oaot u•t, Ollie I el Al'° toceT>I .,,., and •II weter r19/1ts Your appearance may be court before the hearing. Record• C_ b., ot .... r 1nw-•s of or .... ., •• , '"""''" no mallor ..... I n person or by your Your appearance may be ••corot. 10 J•mtt" cor11e11 .,,., eco111reo to .. 1c1 1conc1. I0991Mt wllfl I n per S 0 n O r by y OU r Howtll ,,,... Corbell, l\Uitwond and wife fl>e rl9llt - -lo eaplore, drlll, attorn ey. •• lolnl ,..,.,... redr 111, rwmoYt! cone! "°"' the .. ,... a t lorney Tiie lntt<ftl 01 1M Lff,.. l\a.t >Ince lrom IM l.tncl or lo dl-1 <I' ot...,...IM I F Y 0 U A R E A I F y 0 U A R E A P•• .. d ov en lnstru,.,...1 1tcor-1111111e """ wetot•. rl!lflt> or lnttrttb c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a c R E 0 I T 0 R Aprll t, "" •• IMtn11nent No t•1t, Ofl '"'--rty-neo or .. -contingent c r editor of the 0 r 8 !•ncl bv ott1er ln'1rumem• o1 •t11:o•dl by G,.mor, _,,., 1vc11 water r'9M• decea sed. Yo u must flle Continge nt Creditor Of the to M•rln• llllfln, •" 1111m-.rrl.O sllall bt repulaft, overlylftf , deceased, you must file WOf!'len es 10 ,,, _1v1-VI lnt-1. •1>P•OP•••t1ve. u rco••ll"•· your clalm with the court your claim w ith the court -HenrvN o.en.u 111Q1e111<111 ... 10 prHCr1,.1w,..,1..,1c•te0,11tMvrvtr or p r esent i t to the <1111111dlv1-v.1nt11•·9't cont .. tcttHI. ~1 wlll\Out, r.owever, I 0 r presen t I t t 0 the PARCEL 11 An uftlllvl-l/l»r'd eny rlohl to..,,., llpQn "" \Urt•• .. personal represe nt at ve personal r e presentative 1n•••ttl In~ .. Lot 1, rrect ase ... MIO 1•11411>111 .. -ciwo1~11rlfl!IJ, appointed by t he court i t d b th 0 t 119, M• recor-..1n 8otll u1. PeeH n roerv" tn the Ott• f..-m 111e Ith' f th f appo n e Y e c ur utt1H11<i...«vt,m>e1111.._m_ 1rv1,., Company, • Mlclllt•11 w in our mon s r o m within four months from 1,, ,,,. Cllffk•Of ""c°""'"' Reco<de• .. corHrtlkwl, 1utceu-Dy _,..., the date of fir s t Issuance the date of first issuance NHO Courtty. with lrvlnt lnduslrl•I c.,,,., ... of letters as provid e d In 01 le tte rs a s provided In IE •ceDtlno 111er•frol'l'I, 111111, 1 recorOH Oct•r "· me 111 a.-Section 700 of the Probate Section 700 of the Probate ""•ue" •u. " 111ow11 on 111. ,,., ,. ..... 1ot0fl1<1<111t-•, f C lff I Th ceMOmlfllum ,..., ~In...._ N.,.....~.-.. .. ttltMMfkl...., Code o a orn a . e Code o f Califo rnia. The mu. ,..., "4, Oftk le1 ••or• ... •• wl'IOM _,. tt1e Mlt " t1elflt time for fllln Q Clalms Wiii tlm for filing· c laim s wlll NIO COUl'ltv. : <onduCWll' JECCO OEVELOPMENT. not expire "rior to four 1ta11c eL 1· Unn 11, .. u.o-.. "" 1111c .. cto Aootl\ A W..b ,., s..... ., n o t expire prior tO four condemltWlul!\ pten reterreo lo 111 Flo11erH $trHI, L .. Aftttltt, months from the date of months from the dat e of """11 ....,.. c.tlforn1eatt.At111. v.1. er""-· the hearing noticed above. the h earing noticed above. Tiit uHec -.,,.,,., com,,_. Ol••«lonJ to '"' abew •'°",,., YOU MAY EXAM INE YOU MAY EXAMINE t1esf011•tlon, II ..,y 1' _ .. ,.., "'._, ,.....y.,. Olleelnte1"' '-''"' -HU l'ln• I rook, Cot11 M•U, In wrlll"f frotft 1"91*'1efk lary wftNll the flle kept by the court the file kept by the court. cet1trof'fll• to o.n ,,...... "" flr9' ~k•tlell ., If you are Inte rested In the If you are Interested In the S•IG Ml• wlll Ila"'-wltftOut Ulll Mtk•. estate you may file 9 est a te YOU m ay file 8 warrtnly •~to Utlt PGOt"lon or 51141 taflt wlll t>t m10t •11'-I ' ' enc11mllrencH, tor llW 1111""°'' tf cevtnenl or werrlfllY, ••~• or reques t w ith the court to request with the cou rt to ,..,,,.. "" .... ._ .... -~"'.... 1m•"••· ., 1e mi.. ,. .. sen•~ w receive spec la I notice of r eceive SPOClal notice of ow• fl!C:::J ti.'" -i ·-.. tMumiw-..., ..w o..41 .. Tr-111t. the Inve ntory of est a te the lnYentory of estate :.'':-:C'!'::=:.e~~: ~.~1:.,::~0:·::',~·.":':~~~ HH"ls and of the petitions, assets and of t he petitions, 111.,...l .. IM'li'MMI ._ .. ,,., .. •dv•~• •• °" ,._ .. 1t1t '-'"' .. a ccounts and reports a ccounts and reports .-.1t1 .,,w..,.. -1~1 ot "'-1M1llllutleft e1 1t1•• '"''" .. 1ete1 described In S.ctlon 1200.5 described \.fl Section 1200.S ....,.. .c•• t¥ Miii ..... _,. •179,,..,.., of tM CallfOmla Probate of the C11rforn ia Probate M~:.;~·J-vn. ,,.. · O•tff:~,,.. COde. Code. ._......,c-.w..,.. ---~·· Miian M . Dt1t11 , K...,. & .. ~'w•ttcorney ~~.:, ~O:::::. .... Attor'My at Law, SOS City at LIW, ... 3 • •a1t c,,.1 ""4• ,_._.OMc• P1rllway ~Suh• 1M Hwy, 5uf1e 401, Ne-.ort ·-•""""" tMt.Pa•. Or1...-, C.111. 92661; ,ii1, .. ~CA""3; t.t. ()H) . ".,......,_ .... ...,ce. .. (7M• 2'M .. , . • ,.......... c,,. ..... , or.,..; c:.-o.11., ...... .... ........ Or .. c:-. 0.CI• ... ~ .. _. ...... Or ... (<Int OlllY "'H!!i ""'-,. ...... Of .... c....11 ~ ......... f•tt,J "·'"' riMf ,..._,1,1i.lt,nc 1N •• s,tt ••.•• ,.,.., ,, ..... n .1•.1• --.- ··~- • I • I • ' .. 'I , .. Orange Coat DAILY-PILOT/Friday, Ftbruary 19, 1882 The marketplace on the Orang~ Coast ... 642-5678 ?f % of people buying real esta te have read claui/ied ads in the po$t week, a national study indicates. le Plact Yllf M, CJ• 642-5678 MOUSES JOI SAlf t..rMt•I ,..,.,. .. ,.,.., ""'"°" ,,., ••• 1. e.llM''"l'M4 ~· •• " C .,Ollot.l \hr t.••• .w,,. 1,. ........ rJ Tw• t 0Wtt111• \•It•' ~Alttfll'\~Kt .. 1'- ln•• L .. ~""••• i..a .... 11.11, lAawiA• ,, • .,1 .... , .. , .. ,,., ~r:1 r:;~.'" ~" Jv•" t •IN'" .n .. '-nt• Aft• .... , 11o .. h "'°"'"I •IVfhll ~t,tm1"'"' Mobt1 .. 1111nw• '•I• am mm Acrt••r fof \111.-Ap.r,llWftt' l(lit '4h ::::!~:rr~"' t ,,. .... ,,,, ,..,,h '" "4' t °"'""'"'•' Prvµc-rh ( °"4JffUf\t ... llt\\ \.fl~ UwpH-. .... l fllllh , ... 1 ........ 1.i.. ""'"" '""""""'"'''""'''' ltWMr1•I Vr()Jwth u., .... "'"' \tC11t14kltft.,.. Trltl'0,1o \1Wft4 ........... " ""''"'' !~;~~~nt~'~ot.1 (1',tl ol "-•h l'fup HIN"''• •t"'' f.fm r Hf'•I ht•h t \1 h11ntt1• Mt•I ht•h ~ •"'"''1 RENTALS I~;~ tu1n1"t1ut lt.o...-llll1.trrM\P1t•d lt9t.t"4""o •wrf\ '''I "1 l ondi.1tH•fl.Hf"'' t vrn I t.ftd.Hn1111t .. n1" I at To-1\how~-t urn lo-"'-;, ... ' ft ~tf"turn o,,.,,,_, ,., "-l' tirn "lA'l"••'" "~' .... ,,. ..... ' "' Mo"'"I' MOiJft! .. l••wf1t lkAt1' \l•tt•I c,lift"\l ll1on .. ' '-.tn1n,r1 K·n••I \ •i •h(lfl kt Hl•h Hr"4•l"tu~1' c:•••lt"" l1w Kt'l'!il Ofho Ht·n1 .. t Kir.1n.-"'"' kt·ftl•I lndu1i,H+•I 1t ... n1 ... 'l•lf•rt ""'""'' "'•Al,..I \11~1 ...... ,.1 ... BUSINESS, INVEST- MENT, nNANCE 1'u"fn-.. 'Jt.o"'' ~tw· "•ri4f"ft '""'"'"''*' ...... , .... ,' '"'""'""''""'·· .. ··· \11~· h11'·•n """"'' ...... , .... \lutlU•• Ill ANNOUNC£MEN TS. PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND ""'~;uf\f' 111• ,,, ~ ., ... l-o& ,,. .. ,, ...... '""''' •1.wr.11 f'tt'\4"'•' """" +•l t I,,,., fP•HI S£RVICES EMPLOYMENT & PRE PARA TIDN '-'tw!IA1i, lft•Ut.1•Hhft Ji.to! .. •Air. 11 .. 11," ,.,.rd \1 ~ • MERCHANDISE 4ntMIWt' .\ppt1<1n1 .. ""'"'"' ,,,. \lh Hi.ki1rt,i \t .. 11 •1•1 t .. " .. ' .... ~''"'l"'. ,,i ' .. '"" fff"\11\ .... f ti1tfklUO- l1af•l" '",. , .. ,,,,.... ... ,., ... ~········ , ... ,., ,,,_ ..... " ... ,.,,,.,.., "~"' "'' •"' "41 .. .._,,,•ll•r• '"" '-•"'""I \ftil'fl 111 ·~"'''"' t "'' Offt<t hut lo f111.i·1 Prl• f'••""" • 1 •1 r•'' "°lllilM_, \11• hill .. """',.'"'' 1., ...... '-'11t1 Hr.,LuHi1n! 11 .. 1 11\'oli •i~ f, Motthu 111• 1 "-ltrr• BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT 1, .. , ... ,.1 "°'"' \lot•~• v-r ••' t_i.~, "•'•hf t ""'''' "9~1· ....... ,., f'\> •I•"'"• I Pl.irttr tili•t· '4+1 ....... "'P" , ... ~ -·-"~' ija.,h "llfal .. TRANSPORTATION .\1fff•h • »m'1-·r' '"'" Htt1I t1.nr1cC .,."' \lolHlt ll<lm .... \l(llllf\Hlt·' ""'°''" MOIM llnh '"'"' Htnt Tu 11t r11o Tr11...,·I fro111Wn l llhh .\ut•1Yf\11,. 11,.rt AUTOMOBILE "''"'"' ... r\Dl9'1\H' I ._.,., K"''""''""\1,H••• 't• .. t.. K•1 r K•t1l ev.,......1 lh1tn "-'-· \ .... "'"''"Loi .~ ..... Avt"' V. •"lff~ AUTOS, IMPORTED ~t'ftf'tel AM• Mum.u '""' AWihA 11,.,, .. , 1114\l f~r· U•hvn .. ,,,,,,. ,,,,, 11 ...... J 1ti.:WAI J ....... K•rnwn" llh·• M .. 1rti1 °'4t'f'U•k--t ijr9'1 'II(, lllto• 11\#1 l'M14 .... l'N>'f'" I-.... a&m,,uM MoCI> Ku•'' "•'rf .. ~.11 l :>oil!Oru To) .. • lroulft.,t\ \'"'"_., .... \oh• 11TIS, MEW AUTOS, fSH W.a..r'1 Moffet: c::: C.,{ I l ( 1 :w: ~~1r:i:~r~~tet ~~s ...,.... ~ 'H( lP{ I~ 111 •, "'"'' newspaper is subJect to ::~ the Federal Fair Hous- :~: ing Act or l968 which """' makes It Illegal lo ad 11"' vertise "any prererence, limitation. or dis '"'" criminat1on based on :~: race. color. rehg1on. ,.. sex. or national on gan, :.:;. or an intention lo make :;;; any such prererence. ,... h m 1 tall on . o r d 1 s ~,::: cn rrunatton " DREAM HOUSE WITH CHARM! You 'II love It here' English tudor style. lov ely tree.lined st reel. pride of ownership and an assumable loun o( S74.000 at low interest rate. F\Jll pnce on this 3 Bdrm 2 bath doll house is $1GUOO. Call 646·7171 il'•l .!: Tius newspaper v.•1ll not "" knowingly accept any ;.: advert1S1ng ror real ,;,.. estate which is in viola· .:~:: ~~~e law. THE REAL ESTATERS MESA WOODS Be aut irul e ustom cabinetry by ma sler --------1 crartsman really 'sets '"" tlus 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home ~~ EllORS: AdYtrtl1tn apart. Lol'ely gazebo ••• ~check thtlr ocfs and beanng rru1l trees :~.'. cWy ci.d ~rt .,... Low rate. new loan !~ ron '-diotfly. Tt.t ava1!!.!>le Full price :~ DAILY PILOT 01.-1 $159,......, 751'3191 :=-:· laWlty for tt.t fint :·: htcorrect huertiOll "" -,. l C::: SHH 1 ..,.... PHOPC H 11£ <, U .J+ ::;: •OCEAN VIEW• "'' GREAT TERMS! :~·:: ,Houats for s• Excellent low interest :~~; '••••••••••••••••••••••• financrng' The ultimate. ,,,,. GeMnll 1002 romantu· charmt'r' En ~·;1 ••••••••••••••••••• •• • • J 0 y 2 b e a u t I r u I NEWPORT firepla ces. Frenl'h . EXECUTIVE doors. and hardwood I Beauurul 4 Bdrm home floors Wood deck 01 er '.' With cathedral reillng 111 looks stream and ocean 1·1ev.1' Prt\ ate Beach ; ', I lmng room Features Only 134.5.000 m Corona ·~ I man) upgrades plus R \' del Mar, call 673 8550 :::. access Assume lst and 2nd low interest loans and seller will also help finanre Only $269,900 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS ~:: f fi$6i~1 ~~l:'~'.1:~:::~· ,., ~ Quiet Area Park!t. opt>n ·•· ~lake "'ur J<h l'rll~ini: spaces Sl37 .000 Xlnt dollar i:o f Jrth1•r' L1~l f'ln HaJ or Pat i\i:t s 1our bU:.tnl' ., e\ "'" tlJI 751~5.67J 7300 .. ... . .. ... , ~ .. ..... •.. .. '92 .. ,11 iiiltt• ~,. ... . •· ..... .... >· .... .. 1 .. ... ... .,. ... i'r•l ... , ... .., f.11. '71, Jtt. 111-'fit: "ii ... , :ii',,U 'fiZ:.1 .;.r: Vil• fiA: ..... .... 11•• 1,., ., .. ,; .... .;, •I• 'Ji..O va .. in the CIJss1f1l'<I wc11on SELL idle item~ 14 llh .1 of this nl"l4~1JJl){•r OJ1l) Pilot na~ .. 1f1ed Gt2 56i8 .\d MESA VERDE Lovely One Story Four Bedroom Home In Desirable Mesa Verde Area Located On A Quiet Street Designed For Family Enjoyment Owner Will Assist Greatly In Financi ng Priced At Only $139,000 . 759-9100 u 2 C «pot ate "4na Mewport Cftllht' SlllC & flNlf cooNTRY ltJSIC STARS C M I l C A l l H £ G 0 H C I R 0 H R H W C I 0 W £ H S T l N D M S 0 L H E A C l U C H R U V E R B I S 0 N H A L Y N A L C A Y C 0 I l A C L A C K R E T A E V L 0 S S S G I G E A T R D R l 0 S S E N 0 J 0 G W E Y E 0 K Y I L P A K N H l C 0 T n A B M R H M W H £ R T 0 0 K A N l V G H H F A I R A Y A W A T P T T I Y E 0 I I A M l l B L R 0 I E N A C U F F N E J H G S U C 0 L U 0 S K v S T 0 N E 0 H I N A T A M M N I L T A G l D E R R E L A N A S H V I l l E F E D I R P N C Y W S U H F A S H I B B 0 R C M Y 0 A B T Y M I l K W A Y L 0 N A D V E H : ..,.... .... ...t, up,._, or dlleanlllY. Find led! end boa It In.! Atki,.. Clint Lynn ~ Cenw Femily liW'd Millie> u t.11 Joll9 Robbi,. • Cleft WlfMMJ ltwis Gitlin Mendrtll Nelson Tol'IOrrow: llMltmtlll T1m11 111~ --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--r.11 !17.., inw ,,.., V1t7 1111• ¥711 ··-... ""-" ol .... '""' KIO..oi.d -dt 1J.. .... 111f-lour""9lo-<l1 .. ..... = r r r r 1 11 I IJ r a I Ocean & jetty views. Marine room , 4 bdrm, 3 balh. 3700 sq. ft $1,385.000. UDO ISU HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 1iath. Lge L.R. 2boat slips Sl ,500,000. . Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. Lll)A ISU UYlllONT Lagoon vi~w from 6 bdrm. s bath. playroom. dark rm, den. $1,350.000! CAINA TIOM COVE Soectacular bayf ro nt view 4 bdrm 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000, ' BILL GRUNDY , RF.ALTOR J-ll !\ny,,d, o, . ., ,.... H 1,1~ 6161 * 12. 9% IMTEUST • HAUOR VIEW HOME Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br den. frpk & spa !~ Low interest financing available. $241.500. F'EE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Reath 759-1501 or 752-7373. MEW..ORT IUCH OfffCE 2670 s.. Mi9Yfl Dri•t 1714>759-1501 17141752-7373 ~ Walker &lee Real Estate LAKEVIEW CUSTOM HOME New Tres Vistas custom home at Lake Mission Viejo. Su per quality . features thru-out wloak cabinets. doors & trim. Stained glass windows. eiegant pa rlor & magnificent fireplaces. Cedar lined closets & panoramic views! $399,000 Jerry Thompson 551-8700 (Vll) BAYFRONT WITH OUTSTANDING ANANCING! UHDA ISLE 2·1tory wiffl 4 belhotlt plMt IMkrt ....... for1'Mll ..... "°°"'• ..... faft!lly "*" with 1hp doWft bar -.d coM1ttry liltcllu. LHd1captd to ptt fKtioft ,.. bridgt o•tr ~ -.d spo. S 1,395,000. Slip for· i boats. Flu1tcl1t9: I 0 ptrct1tt cull dow1t poy..t •d ow1ttr wlll carry tllt fla-.dRg .. I OJ/4o/o ""'"'t. WATERFRONT HOMES.INC REAi ESTATE .,..,, R•n•AI• """""' ~""'"' 200 W Co.u1 liW\I Nowpo11 Bt11< h '31·1400 IMNAPmNT 121.000 ·Moves you in to this lovely 2 BR. 2 ba with ocean view. Reduced for quick sale to Sl.59,950. Try lease option ! _,pronge COast Market Ploce DU&. HU THROUGH! $15,000 On. No Qua I! Beaut. 3Br home+ huge FIR surroundin~ tropical atrium. Under mkt! Submit ! $129,500 OVH 2500 s/f! Huge pool home on oversz lot. New upgrades. This 4 Br is a bargain at $155.900. Call about good financing. $29,500 DOWN! Jmmac 2-sty mansion down by the sea. Only 7 yrs old. 3 car 1 gar. Cozy w/pvt yrd. $159 .900 or submit to anxious owners. • * STAR R.l. * * 754-62'2 *'AYFIOMT• VIEW VIEW SHOPPING CENTH Comer or West 19th St and Maple in Costa Mesa. Clean strip ('enter l(X)''~ orcupied_ orrered with exceptional owner frnancing S477 .000 L II /\ 1>1\'l'IOn ul ll.1rhor lnH"·l1111·nt r1• SS.000 DO.WM • IYOWMER IRVIME TERRACE 2bdr, + Conv den. 1'3 .bu. rnr 101. pool + spa, mJmed oN·up 1536 Serenade Terral'e As sume existing rinan s:m.ooo owe 955 0073 I YR LEASE ly_OWMR Wlmbltdoo Vill•ce. 405 a. ft'•irway. Auum1ble S1Z2 • .00 at 12"•%. Close w pool and Lennis. 2 Br 2ba Ternu ne&ollable. 644·642e WHYEB.SE7 Can you rind 5 Bdrms, 3 batM. big ram1ly roori.. llll'ge )ard with patio ~ a pnme section or Costa Mesa for SISS.000' This sp.tt'IOl.b 2 stor) beauty has a huge hl'1ng room v.1th massive used bnrk r1replac·e ' Assumable loan available at 137< Call to see. 540 1151 ·::>• HERITAGE . . REALTORS with OJ)l1on lo buy SSOOO THE llG SPLASH! l!l)l't>S }OU in $750 mo GIANT 2Qx40 pool and rent applies to purchase spa Tn lel'el 4 Br. J ba, or rum1ture Dix ('Ondo. tam rm. tnple gar AS pool, JllC patio. blki. lo s l' M E s I 2 6 K a l Ol'ean. co mpl rurn Sl3S5 rm Only Sl79.900. CdM 673 3694 or1 Open Su n 1 5 Bkr. 612 474 5291 751 ~ RfOUCED! IARGAIM! 45• boat slip, pr1 vale Spectacular hidden 2 --------1 IY OWMER I CHARMEI beach. lite & cheeryl story home in beauttrul --111!1!1!~11!1!!11!!11--I Duplex on xtra w1dt> lot. 2 Untlli + Separate Cot· home 3 large bedrooms Mesa Verde f:legant UDO ISLE pnme location. flexible tage Great Owners Unit &den,2baths.rireplace1 rovered en try way, F'ABULO L'S NEW f1nanl'1ng $339,500 or Rental Prop Cabin and mul'h more' Will formal IJ\mg room 11nd LISTING. Nev. custom 1942~ Like Int Eas t s1de trade down ' Owner I dining. family room . home 00 street to street OHTHECLIFF I Creau1e Terms Trade Agent 673 918 7 or gbourmedrmls k.1tc3henb.a4·thhu1tse. lot Soanng rethngs, 4 Orunfront lot Call With:::~[~!:;,"•• 675-7060 ~79,000' fireplaces. J Bdrm plus 8 d R b '"" -________ 1 beautJrul view from rear master suite No ex ran on osen erg . yard Assume iery high be d Agt 644 7020 dy~ or -lllll!llllllmllll!!ll! ...... llllllllllm ASSUMABLE loan Pn('e S239.900 Call pensehas en spare to 6449587 e1es HBGHTSCOMDO assure the fmest quaht}' 2 BEDROOM 2 BA CMe ~}~e'r.n~~~~ndosl' 546-2313 i;~~~~~,:~~'ro ;~;~ Octcm1 :c:,;oruto BR~~~~:s~f.~~· 111 Costa Mesa Desira· Sunday 1-S Unobstructed Ocean & bleend unn. large hvmg 642·5200 Chanel Viev. 2BR,'ZBA. 675-1771 =~~ii!i~e~~f~· ~ou~~:~ $AXER upp[RS $ ~~~j ~ oo 8$~~(' s~>1: des k. ullhty room. J I 11 ly 640-7373 huge bdrms. sunderks, 32 ~ Co much. mU<'h more Onl> "O" Y '"C. '"MCr•11L •s MAt:I COl'iDCJ 2 Br 2 Ba I Sll6.900. art no ... ull F' bel "' "' k t1:: F on ocean m K1he1 f ully liliilia~~~~~ S46-23lJ ar ow mar e or furn In rental pool s et up ca ll Ri c k -------~ prof operated Lux THE REAL ESTATERS anytJ~ 714 760 7292 wio~ Sl44.500 Lov. dn -'!'!11!1!'!!!1~~!11!1~ w bal at 12• '" Chanl'el OWMB MOVIMG of a hfeume to ov. n 8eaut1ru1. 1mmarulate. Hawa 11 garden spot ru<'el) landscaped 4 Br °"""" C.• Http Cole 1 Slf,OOO Try SI 0,000 dow• & , Of Ne........,j}) TAKE 0 V E R I Reabon. ,; FHA LOAM I PAYMF.NTS 875·55.11 /' Owner Ail 752 1677 home on t'UI de sar. Spacious rooms View of COUNTRY ENGLISH golf rourse from proper- OLTPLEX 4Br +28r. I ty Owner ass isted yr new. $389,000 709 & frnanrmg Onl}' Sl39.500 709 12 Orl'h1d Call Callno14 979·5370 Only Sll.000 down. as· Lease opt or shared _ • sume S89.000 FHA loan. equity. 2 Br 2ba condo 1512":. Sl310 PITI Sharp $119,900 Ask for Pat. Try Cl'HffH fiaOltC· 3 Bdrm. hardwood floor '75-1771 ::i ;.;.!;:~.~~~!?.~~ 'AtLSTA TE ne1ghbortiood Pnce on I CDM d•p ti w Ith home 1n a !t uper ~lllll••lllfl!l l ly $99.950 Call to see. IJDOd ""-cilHJ Each 546-zflJ • 1 llllit) ldrm J lo, fOMi• ft-t!dll i ;;,r.;;Jh~~;· :~ Foreclosure Sale \'ets Attn Mesa \·erde Fixer S12J.OOO Prine on!)' 543 7~ 8~r REALTORS,~. IYOWHH 91/4% LOAM 1-IUTll~l!!!l!!sll!lw .. A•Ml!!T~E~D-COLE OF NEWPORT MESA VEIDE JBr. 2Ba on xtra lg lot. E Side lol'. LG AS - SL'MABLE AT 91,r; $139.500 673 2482 . 548 5336 SPYGLASS and inv.estment pro nur.co .. 1H .. ,. garage, A I c·on d O..PoW 1026 Redilctd SI 00,000 ., for houses. condos. units REALTORS 3bdrm, 2 bath. frplc dbl pert1es All trpes of Coronathlller $134.SOO Owner 14 111 as IY OWNER fmancing a\·a1lable In 675-551 1 s1st m fmancmg ••••••••••••••••••••••• F\Jll Pnre $575,000 dustnous agents 11 re Roy McCGrcle, Rltr. $5,000 DOWM Monthly Payment 12999 awaitmg to assist )OU I ,,.--.,. CL.L 541•7729 1 I BR and c•onv den condo SOUTHPORT MODEL Callnow949·S370 -·r -v. pool and spa Mint 6br141,ba 4100sq ft Mt~p CX't'an qev.' SIOS,900 30 2S Bod,ga Bay A I Retirement home 10'. I •• SS5()() DOWN & as 1r hxed 14 1,r; loan • Callowner7S9·0737 LL STA TE fmanrmg $139.500 Bkr I SUmt 83, VA loan Clean 0 w c Ov.11r.6316666 . _ 714.m 1723 3 Br $100.000 Pnnc onl) I --lf~ou·relookmiiforabft REALTORS 1 PALMSPRINGS$67.700 I 5'1 7023 Bllr ~~~.~.!~.~~ ter Job. }OU v.on't v. :ml F\Jm Condo on G,olf Clb *MESA YEIDE * j SH ow STO pp ER. to m1Ss the emplO) ment Dr. Assume 9 S • Isl WITH POOL A~O SP/\ Sparkling clean J Bdrm t'Olumns in Class1f ied Cl~1ri~ Ads 642 5678 pho ne J 2 0 . 9 5 44 or I Spal'IOUS 3 Bdrm. 2 ha I Ill warm earth tones. No ~3113. P.S. I 8Pau11ru1 area SL5.000 quahrymg Fruit trees V.A. Ol V.A. COMVENTIOMAL WOOOIRIDGE dn Ask1nR S24o.ooo too' J~t S122.900. Bk r. .. LAJCEFROMT i SI~ rm pymt PP A~ ~ 0709 _ _ PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS 2BR, 2BA. Oen. !Could ' 7~7tll9 ' AT RI lJ M EN T R Y mxnOMINIU~f~ beJBR>Spac1ous luxury I ..wcOMDO so DH v.elromes you inloth1s J '-'-' &{.) Condo w views fore\er A ent 631-5137 Br+(am1ly rm near col· Xlnt fmandng Try w; -lege and shops Only 0,. s.t/S. 11 to 5 2600 llodl s.t. AM A•t., Costa MtM Truly elegant 2 Br 21h baths for $139,500 and 2 Bdrm 2ba homes for $129.500. •••••••••• • 103 Down w/payments as low as $889per mo. • VA financing · seller will take back 2nd to lower payments. Sout1Mn1 Ctl .... RMlty 546-5605-631-6194 c ...... , to lroktr MIWPOIT llACH •.•••.•••. $221,000 You bet it's rabulous to open your door & walk onto a sandy beach ! 3 BR, waterside deck & patio, beam ceilinfs, B/J cabinets, community pool jc tennis. A great value for you. Down 559 5164 or MfSAVEIDE Sl.29.900 Bkr 1148-0709 552·1800 Lynn Noah. For sale b) owner As -Owntr1A . su~ VA 167.000at w. ll1/1ASSUMAILE 2 bdrm Mesa Verde con Newly redecorated 4BR . 1006 do $99,000 751-2380 ranuly rm.rrplc,forma l ••••••••••••••••••••••• 751·4330 leave mess~e d.irung rm, bonus rm . 2"'2 ......... Mer pa.rt of monthly payment on Balboa Island property. Low down or trade. .. .... sty.lltr. 67S.28'6 car gar. Take over IOIOW. WILSON 13~'1 loan and owner OPEN SUN.12·4 will carry balance with 2 br. beamed reiling. re-20'1 down. Only $227,500. rrodtled. Large. valua-Call JiJV Owner/Agt at ble R2 lot. Can bui Id 2 _!79-5370.i. 962-9S97 rrore unit.s. Ideal for re-1,·0--""""'--tLa--- Urtd couple. Owner will ""al ~-------•I finance !2131689-4384 Reduced S89.600 S5K C•D"-<7141545-2901 fllA. 3 br, 11, ba. up - Channing 4 Br J\IJ Ea . tr•dtd townhome Good 2-sty Don Peterson OWHEI Btal'h.& shopping No home, breakrast rm, fli4AMCIMG agts Call betfttn 1·9. fireplace. many extras. lovely l story 38r 2ba 962.SQll. e9.000. 222 Coral Open homt + ramlly rm & 9"flt I 044 Sat~n 1·5. wkdy appls. COIY fireplace, spac. te-•••••••••••••••• .. ••• .. Ownr/Agl. ar yard, Jae. Desireable *•WILL JUI£! 67S-.21 F.aa\side Costa Mesa - F.a1er btzyers read the all dalped ror ramlly ·Would like smaller Cl11sirled ads every II vi n C · Ca 11 J 0 h n Irvine property for the d I y. I f 'I 0 u h I v (! Campbell ror showing. eqlity In my btautlflll 90ft0Unl for sale. re· .,._S HALTI view home iD Sant1110 adl them rast and inex-675-UI I Caoyon. l yr new. zoned 'vel caJI 642~78 few horses, 3100 sq ft . ..._..._. 1006 .._..._. t"6 ~f«Cbuck. ~·················· ~···················· :[~~)~~. rJ.w On m"'L.1 .: -...... s:.i£l j .Standard·site lot on quiet end of island. Included Is so year old cottage ! $295,000. Good owner financtnc. "· ---.. _ Mna911,_..rtMU ~"' .. °"~.~~ ...... ,,. a 111. t#•aa1AI. IANCOll•, • C•tlte•lll• C•l'.-relle11, ea •wit .......... ~ ............... .. DeM .. ltllll ,...,.. .. _ .. ....... "'*· .............. . •••• ttlt, et 0111c111 llec1r••· n uwt•• •• .. ,ce, t; OllHI J Mwtllfe I MI N1j1!1 J . Mutlete, _ ................ teflll l-1; ~I 1 u-1-MI IMRll IM, I .. IMlcll ~-1. IM.I; ...,<el J' u•-* INrcll. IM . l• IMl<fl 1111er11etltft•I, Inc I ltert tl •· Ullifff ...... <II. IM., 1 .. 1 SHrcl> ... ~. jll(.) .. I,_,.,, Ill .. elflet el IN c-.ty It--el 001119 c-ty, S..Ce If CeOfetllla, WIU. HU. AT l'UILIC AUCTIO.. lO HIOHIST llOOllt "011 CAIH lllY•ltll et II-el .... In tewtvl -· M flt Uftl!M Stllftl II: IM lre111 •• IMltalttAI. THltll'T ANO LOAN ttul!•lnt •1 tot WHI lllrtt "Net, Tvtlln, Celllor111e ""'° ell tltilll, title W IMfNll (lllW~ to .,,._.,..__,llllMWt.el•OtM ol T ruat IOI lftt -ny tltuoet..i tn .... CeuMv .... iYl•-nllecl .. , ltAllC:EI. I' ..... •If lrl<t 111. 041, 111 Ille Clly ol C-1• ...... C:Wftly o4 ~ ...... , ..... of Cal•-·· •• -,.... rec..-"' Miii * ..... a .» -)4 .. Ml-•~ -·· '" "" tlfl<t .... _., ,.._, Of Mid (-ly. •AllCIL 2: Tiie -II •.U 1•1 Of -...,.... JolJ.10 I ... Of IM Wtll 100.00 ... I If ... -410.00 tett of lot 3), 1t11rvltw "etmt. In ltw ctty ot Coate Mo•. CWMY Of o....... Sl•I• of Cellter11la, •• per m.., r11<ordtd In ~...'o..": !i ::~:='o'r:rfci ,_.,. ltAltCIL J: Tiie -II •n -of' tlOt Mrtll *" -o4 ... wesl 100.00 t.I ..... -· •J'0.00 , .. , Of lot u. Felrvltw ,._ In ,,. city ot Coale Mn•. coutrty Of Or• ..... St•I• of C•lllotnl•, .. -""" rK..-ct Ill -I, Pl9lt 71 of mlt<ttl•-• m-. Ill t,,. office of .,. county ,...,_ ol ..W<--.. PAllCEL '· L.o4 It of trect no. '.16». 111 Ille CltJ of C.lo Mesa, COUllty ol Or.,,.., U.te of CellfOtnlo, ••Pt< m.., recoreltd In booll 130 P•9t 7 to 10 l11<luslw of .,,..,._ II\ llW ottl<A ot tllo county rt<-of Hid county Tiit ltrttl •ddreu and olher common ~llon, ii eny of the •ffl pnlJletly dtlctlbtcl obo-. Is pu,_-t.O ..... : UIO Mtnne•ote. Con• Mu e, Celllotnla ttu.111 .. 211•21eo M•P••· cos•• Mew, Cefltorftle lVt TWloCI,, C.te Mesa, Cellfomla T ................... Trustee cllKlelmt,. "'Y llM!llty IOr eny IMorTKIMH of ,,. alreet "'*"' and otlMr c-6"19Mtleft, 11 enJ, s-llereln. S.141 .... wftl ltt -· but wltlloul coveftant or wetr•nty. ••Pr•s1 or lmptltcl, f'99Wdi"91111•; poueuiofl, °' .,C:ti.....,llt'tCH. to pey Ille remelnlnv "'lnclpal kftl ol llW "°"" -Ured by u ld D-of Tru•I, wllll Interest llltreon, •• provldtd In Mild note, oelvonces, II'"'• under tt.. terms of .. Id 0..0 of Trust, '""· clleroes end n1Mnlff of Ille Trust .. -of Ille trusts crNltd 11¥ Wiid OMd of Trust. tot Ille -reolONlbly e1tlmettd to be U-0 .214.0t, The benefki.ry Ul\dff .. kl Oetc1 of Trust heretofore eHcuteo •~d Oellwrtcl to tM undtn9'tcl • wrlntft Otcl1tollot1 Of Oefeull -Oem-tor Sele, eftd • wrllle" Notice ot Oete1111 encl Elt<llon to Sell Tl>e llftcfft1l-4 <euJed u lct Nollce ot Otlt till and Elt<llon to Sell to ... rtCOtcled In N <-ly -· Ille rNI ~ylr...-. Dale: J_., IS, ,.., I"'"•'•' Ben<ot!I _......,.,,..,_... .. A..,_ylolect ...... 0..-.,~. .-., HiMI, C.. "211-1177 crm-..-s"""' Publlstwcl Or-Cots1 Dally PllOI, Fob. J, 11, It, tm ~ Of~ Cont DAILY PfLOT/Frlday, February 19. 1982 Nt1CeW'lavlTW•'I MLa NOTtCa O' DIATM 0, LOA• ... ""'t'"''"'tttt ALAN It. WILK•Y AN A p c o~'t"f1-:f'~ .. c 1 A '- 0 I' ' • T I T f 0 N T 0 coa-••T1-..... ADMINISTaR •STATI T~;;...,t;t:.M".!,= NO. Anna. ...... .,_ w1L1. aa1..1.., •u11..1c: T 0 a 11 h • 1 r ., , AUCTtON TO TWI w10111u' • •1001.-Co011 CAltl , .. .,._.. ettltN b tntflcl1rles, creditors ...... 111 MiwM -~ .. ""u .. IW and contingent creditors of St••••• 111 ,..-. 1111. _. i...., ... Alan R. W ilkey e nd :...,.:•C.";';,'::'~U:;..:: Pt r I on s who may bt Nrt1M1W-.cr1 ... otherwise Interested In the uusT°"· iweuT M<CO..Nll.L Wiii Ind/or estate: llNll'ICIAltY1 ~AUi. VI.LI - A ti I h ...__ fl MOLi.ia VllLa Pt t on as ..,.,..,n led 11ec.,.. J--, •. '"' .. ""'' by Betty G. Wilkey In the .... mt, ... ._ 1w1, .... ,.,, .. Superior Court of Orange Offk1a1 .._.,. 1n t,. tnlc• .. "" Co" t ti th t 11~ .. 0fc-.C-y;•.w-.. n y reques ng a ,1 t•w•• ... ,,,,,. "" follewlnt Betty G . Wiike y be ,,. ... n.,, • p p o I n t e d a s Tll• '•"d ,.,,,, •• 10 111 11t11 personal rep(esentatlve t 1111,..,.,. •• situe• "' 111e ''"' .. administer the estate of ~::f,.;!:ft :::. :!.~~.~ :! Alan R. Wilkey (un~r the , .. ._., I n d • p e n d e t T1111 l*tlon "' 111e nonll "'" ., "" " n non11we1t QIAAn•• o1 ttw -"'-•' dmlnlstratlon of Estates 41u.,••• 01 s.ct1en 2•. Tew111111, , Act>. The petition Is set for s...111. •-11 w .. 1. 1t•11<11e u• hearing In Dept. No. 3 at :=·;~·;:r:r:;:c-:::= 700 Civic Center Drive. m•,•. record• of Or•ntt count\'. West. In the City of Santa Ca111on11e,9HerieMet1o1-" Ana , Callfornla on March ...._....at lhe llOflllweti1<...,..,01 I 7 I 982 t 9 30 .... ...._., ..,_, .... 1119ftc• -" . a : a .m. .. ... ,....,1 • ., .... , •• .,-• ...,. IF YOU OBJECT to the Ill• "'''" llne •f Hid t4utllwut granting of the petition, CIWMlt•: -.._... • ...,_ 11· •1" you should either appear wnt uo.oe t••t; 111enu n0tt11 " deerMl JI' JIO" wtfl $02.tl .... 10 WMI at the hearing a nd state -•• ""' °' .. 1c1 ..,.,,_, ciuantt: your objec tions or file tlltnc• north o ..,. ... 11· >o" ..- wr itte n objections with the 1~:_~::1~...:=,'.!!.":~':":Ztloft court before the hearing. 1nc1..a.d w1t111n "" 1eno ca .. crl-1n Your appearance may be o .. d to th• St••• of ce111ornl•. I n pers on or by your rec°"c1tc1 JvAy •. 1tn '" ~ uu. a ttorn"'y. P•oe 2' of offl<l•I ,..<0<dt 01 talct •"" Ore119t COUl\t'f. I F Y 0 U A R E A com,,....1v a..crlbect •• 1002.io c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a Bocll ......... n1. Hu"'lnvlon Beecll. contingent creditor of the ~1,'~;:· fl""' -"' ., c:- deceased, you must file dulgnatlon '' •ll•w" uove, no your clalm with the court ••tr•nty it elven u to 111 or present it t o the 'o;i:"::~°'.;:.':-:~·'o..e of pers onal representative Trv1t,byrea..,,o1a-.c11ordetoutt appointed by the court In Ill• ot111ee11011• s11<urec1 111treby w ithin four months from 11ereto1ore ••ecuttd •net delllt•rtd 10 Ille undtrslentO •written Otcl.,ellon the date of first Issuance of o.1eu11 -~ '°' s.tt, •net Of letters as provided in Wrltttnnockt ofbrtKllenctolelKtlon Section 700 of the Probate '0 ceuM ,,. -•loMd '' .e11 .. 1d C d f C 'If . Th property to Mlltly .,.kl ol>UgetloM, o e o a orn1a. e llftd __ .,.,. '"*"leMd ceUMct lime for filing claim s will .. 1ct-not1<eofbreec11onc1ote1tct1onto not e xpire prior to four '"' Recot'dtcl November J, 1te1. u months from the date of :;~ics ~~:i ~" .. ":! "2"'· -..... the hearing noticed above. Seid .... wlll Dt -· IMJI wlt'-t YOU MAY EXAMINE covenant or weu anty, uprtu or th fl l k Implied,~ tltlt, -teHIOn, Ot e e ept by the court. encumc...encn to 119y ,... r.._1n1nv If you are,.nterested in the pr1nc1.,.1 ....,·of '"' no1e111 we"'" estate, you may file a by .. Id o..ctof Trull."'"" '"'•,..11 °' request with the court to 1" seld .-prov'-, ectYenc:tt.11 en, . UftCler tllt ltfmt of .,.Id o..ct of Trus~. receive special notice of '"'· c11erees •"" ••11en.e• 01 111e the inventory of estat e Trvn .. •""of 111e 1r1nt1 c,..e19c1 by asse ts and of the petitions, :~ 0~"' r""'· Seid HI• w111 ... accounts and . r e po rts Wedl'IO.o.y. ~r<ll 10, '"'·" 10:00 descr ibed In Section 1200.5 e.m. In 111e Lobby ot '"• Morwll of the California Probate Bulldlflil. •• 100 ,._llOrt c ... ,., or1ve. Cod Nt wll0'1 lltecfl. c.111om10. ~ • At tlle tlflw ol Ille lnltl•I IKAl>tlutlon R cc ha rd D . ~Iner , o1 1111t notice. u. '°''' • .._ ot.,,. Bau s m a n and K i ner, 11npald .,.,•nee ot 111e obll9et1on Attorney at Law 33S wcur9ClbVIM•t1owdttcrl11tc1-of , 1 , lrvtt -tsllmt4•d cotts. •-~. Centennial Way, Tustin. and •CIYen(H Is SIH ,100 00 To CA 92680;_ (714) 138-7055. 0e1.,m1ne u. -1\1"9 bid. """ ,,,.Y Publl-urenot Coell Oelly Pilot, cell 11141 -..:IOI Feb It, 20, tt, tm ,...., DA TEO FotJn.ery t•. ,.., NOTICI 0' DUTH Of' LITHA MA•aLI AND 0' .. ITITION TO ADMINISTlft llTATI! .. 0. AUHts. • To all ht lts , b t ntflcl.rles, (rtd ltor " and contl~nt (redltors or Letha Marble and person' who may bt otherwise Interested In the wl II and/or estate: A petition has been flled by Linda Lee Wllll•ms In the Superior Court o f Orano-County requesting thet Linda LH Wllllams be •PPOlnted as personal r t prtsentatlve to administer the estate of Le tha Marble (under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Act>. The petition Is set for hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive, West, In the City of Santa Ana, California on Marc h 17, 1982at9:30a.m . IF YOU OBJECT to the granting ol the petition, you ~hould e ither appear at trte hearing and state your objections or file written ob}ectlons with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A C REDITOR or a contingent creditor of the dt!Ceased, you must flle your claim with the courl or present It tQ the personal re presentative appointed b y the court within four months from the da te of first issuance of letters as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filing clalms w lll not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are Interested in the estate, you may file a request with the court to r eceive special notice of the Inventory of estate a ssets and of the petitions. account s and reports described in Section 1200.5 of the California Probate Code •. Jose ph R . Dav is , Attorney at Law, 2790 Hubor Blvd., Su ite 313, Costa Mesa, CA 92626; tel. 540-0l30. F.';,'4~~2~= Coeft OeUy r;::; AFCOR FI NAN Cl "ll. ------------' CORPORATl()fj as sekl Trust ... EATHS .. · lB.SEWHERE at TUCSON. Arla. I AP 1 De•"•' l.l•dl•>', 76. an editor and tranalator. dlf'd Tburaduy Lindie)' edited worlu by Roborl Frost. Saul Ot'llow, llermtin ll~uo and 1'hom1111 Mann. amona other• S1'UAR'I', Pia 1AP1 Mark Ferrtf', 11 , whose career u a to1.1 exttutwe of S cri pp s · H oward New11pape111 extended over 25 years. died S111urduy. BOSTON 1APl Ghay11 Wllll•m•, 93, a curtooniist who poked gentle fun ut tht' d11ily trial~ of 11uhurbunitcs, died Saturd11y SPA RTA. N {' 1AP1 Non CaudlJI Wa,one,,, 99, lhe nalton 11 •>Ides! Ked Cross nuri.e from World War I. dted at hc>r home Friday MIAMI (AP t l'ol Joseph (', Maekey. 72. founder und president of t h e rormcr M uc k ey lnlernutlonal Air lines. died Suntl11y MIAM I IAP I Mt'Mn Rt>eu, 74, whost' <·arct•r 1n public sen ire mrluded 131 , y t>ur s as M1 am1 nt' mana.ccr. died Suturdu\' RIO DE JANE IR O , Brazil t AP > P a ulo Ca rneiro, 80. Brazil 's ambassador lo UNES<.;0, died Wednesday FRESNO 1AP1 Daniel GrayllQQ, 6S, or1g1nator of Hopalong Cassidy lnr .. the first nationully syndicated television program. died Tuesday SACRAMENTO• •AP1 The No 2 man in lhc st.ite F ood and Agriculture Departm ent . G e orge StrathParn. w:is killed 1n a traffic accident Tut"sday ni~ht . police said NOTICE OF DEATH OF EUGENE E . BARNES AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A112247. To all he i r s, bene f iciaries, c reditors a nd contingent creditors of Euge ne E . Barnes and B Y Nr persons who may be F,.tC}!,,Tl!IOUST~T·..",!~N_!SS •??????H??????????7??7??ln? • or915s3 othe rw1'se Interested 1'n the _ .... ~..... Publlllwd Oranoe Coest O•lly Pllol, NOTICE OF DEATH OF Tllo IOllowlnQ .,.r ..... •r• dOlno -F-•b_1_•._2•_._~_"_"_s_. _ • .., ____ ICl).t1 __ , T 0 LA I. J 0 NE s, • k a wi II and/or estate : IMlstnm•• TOLA IMOGENE J A petition has been filed Ft1<~rAY:1~~.~T!!'.:~::S.~1ir~! fWLl 9111( aka TOLA JONE So:~~ by Betty Gene Crook in the mu 0 F p E T 1 T 1 0 N T 0 Superior Court of Orange D•••o o B1ayn~y. 1••l2 -tnn< ADMINIST County requesting that ~!d,••no. Mlule>n v .. to. Celltornl• cr1cT1nous 1us1Nns ER ESTATE Be ttv Gen e Crook b e ... , HAMl!ITATIIMUT NO. A·1121S5. , Tiie o..rie• s HoinH Trv1t, ,.,. Tll• 1o11ow1n11 "''°n' .,~ o01n11 appoi nted as personal Humml"91>1td Orio . CCMlt Mu•. bujl...,... . T 0 a I I h e i r s • r e p re s e n t a t I v e t 0 MfMn1tO ce111orn1amltt si.~t ~~::...c~:~.~~~·1!:1;1" beneficiaries, cred itors administer the estate of cr1CT1nous •us1Nus Th1> 11Ut1neu •• <-..Ctect b'f.,, c1..,. N 511,,,., me .• c.111orn•• and contingent c reditors of Eugene E. Barnes (unde r \ NAIM' STATUlll!NT unlnco.._ .. ect .. -·•"on ol~r ,...., corpora11ot1, "'' Soutll 10111 A"""""· TOLA I . JONES. aka t h e I n d e p e n d e n t Tiit 1011ow1no .,.,..,,, .,. 00tn11 • per\pHY>IC> Arc:oella, Celltomle tt006 ""tlnesu1: · · cr..r ... s Hain... Tnm.. Tiiis t><nlntt• 1s c°"""<'•" 1>y • TOLA IMOGENE JONES, Administration of Es tates CAPRI CLEANERS, soe Sou111 T,.c,..r1esS.H•lnttTrv11 c0tporet1on aka TOLA JON ES and Act>. The petition Is set for Brookhu•tl. Anehelm. Cellfornl~ Tiiis •to-I wM llled wllll Ille Cl..,t1NSlllne. In< per sons who may be hearing in Dept. No. 3 at '11CM. County C .. ,_ .ol Or•n~ County on l'll!me H Sutt•,,,.n, p,.. th I · t ted · th 700 CI I C t 0 I c1een N Slllne, Inc.• C•llfoml• Februar,2, ,.., Tiiis '"""-' ••• fl•ect •''" u.. o e rw se m eres in e v c en er r ve, cor-•tton, "" Soutt> """ A........ Fta111 count, C•••" 01 Drenoe county "" will and/or estate : West, in the City of Santa Arcoe11e, Calltomi• ttoo.. Publlstwc1 0ro-. c .. ~ Dolly P11o1, F Ana California on March Thll buslneu Is conoucted by •. Feb s. n. 1•. ,., t"2 s.n-t? •b•uery 11• '"' Fl&U7I A petition has been filed 17 ~.... 9 30 t6r.,.,,.cton. by RONALDE-JONES 1'n ,ho .. at : a .m. J • Publlllwd 0r.,. Coetl 0•11• PllOI, -IF YOU OBJECT t th OeenNSll•ne,inc F.a. "·2•.~rc11s,11.1..,. 1~-the Superior Court of e Flllme H. 5<11elmtn, Pr"' _,,,,. •""( .....,, g a ti f th t 't' T111s 11e~ wes flied w1t11 uw ,_ '"' ------------.fOrange County requesting r n ng 0 e pe 1 ion, countv c1er11 ot Or•-count,"" -----------J Pim.JC 9111( that RO NALD E J ONES you Should eithe r appear Feeruerv 11.1t12 ,,mn crtCTITIOUS iustNHs be appointed as ·personal at the hearing and state NAME STATEMENT NOTICIOC'TRUSTIE'SSALE r e pre sent at,. v e t 0 your objections or file Pubtl.-Or-Coe>I Oolly Piiot, 'tt b ' f · h Feb. 1t.i.. ~rclls, ,2, ,.., ,,,.., 1MJ:~·~o!°w1n11 1Mr\On1 n• dotn9 i.-...... UI administer the estate of wn en o 1ec ions wit the SPAGHEn• POT MED•A. mo J E PO T.s ..... 1-.aw TOLA I. J ON ES. Costa cou rt before the hearing. Airport LOOP Ori ... Cotl• Mn•. IN~ w AT PACIFICT FUNDING, . ' Your appearance may be ce111orn1amtt u ou1y -tec1 rustee under Mesa, California (under in p erson or by your ea.~, Pol ln•e.tm"'"· inc , a ~L1L011~ELtnvL ~~·u-B :'"°c 0'T'•Ull t h e I n d e P e n d e n t tt _,,.... ~ L Auc '0,. Ad.m '1n'1stratlon of Es tates a orney. C•lllornla c,,,,_allon, Jl'O J AlrPOt1 TO T11E HIGHEST Bl ODER FOR I F y Q U A R E A ,.ICTtTtDUS 1us1Nass l..oop Om•. Coit• Me..,, C•lllornl• CASH IP'Y•bt• •t llme of HI• 1n Act>. The petition is set for C R E 0 1 T 0 R 0 r "' MAMIE STATl!Ml!NT 921>26 l•wlul money Of ,.,. United Sttl .. l •II h I · De t N 3 t " Tiie IOllowlnt 1Mr\Ont •re ctolnQ Thh bu\lntH Is <Ondueled l>Y • d9llt, 1111<! •"" lnlor .. 1 co..veyf'CI to ear ng In p ' O. a Contingent Creditor Of the 11usineuo•· coroor•''°" •"" "°"" ne1c1..., 1. u-. .. 1c1 o.ci01 700 Civic Cen ter Drive deceased, you must file CI RCUIT eoutPMENT AND .JottnCOOll, 11 P Trust in ,.,. property 11ore1ne11er We s t , Sa nt a An a , your claim with the court l~!:.".!~~~:~.A~!in:~·~.~=~~7~ inc ~11Pot1nvn1,.,..,11. "";<~'~TOR CHR ISTOPliER California 9270l on March or present It to the n 1u Tiii• ,19,.......,1 ... meet ~~~~~.~F:,,.":.~r~oR:~·~~" 10j~~~096~JaEmCT. to the personal r epresentative Tommy Palmer, J 0 4 Wlhlllre with tllt County Cler-ol Orenoo O!Mr ~ appointed by the COUrt 81Yd.,LotA,,...ltS,CetltomtetOOS7 c .... ntyonFfllruerv2.I.., BENE FICI ARY GLE NN E granting of the petition, within four months from c~·,!..~,.;,.!~;.,uno1on1. Fin. JACKSON -w1LMA N JACKSON you should eithe r appear the date of fir st Issuance "''• blltlnes• '' <-u<t•ct b' • PuOll"*' Or-Coast oo11y Piiot. JACKSON, -... ..,. wtt. " lolnt at the hearing and state of letters as provided in Fell s, 11• It, 1'. im snc 1enen1' u to .,. vnctMdtd '-' "''""' b • t · f 11 _,.,~ •nd LARRY w ELDER •nd E• your 0 1ec ions or e Section 7po of the Probate This ....-wes 111" w1111 .,.. Pim.JC llTIC( RUTH ELDER, ...._nc1 •nd "'"• .. written objections with the Code of Ca lifornia. The county c1er11 of o..,... c"""'" on i------------Joint •-i. ., 10 .., ""°'"lcled "' c-0u rt before the hearing . time for filing clalms will Febrveryi.,1t12. """"1 1n1eru1u1_..1s1ncom..-. Your appearance may be n ot expire prior to four Ftl:lfn 'u1te•tOllCDUllTO,.THE Recordec1Jenuery20,l"1·••1n•tr in pers on or by your Publlslled 0r-coett oa11y Piiot, Ho. 211S3 1n Doo1t 1:991•. POOt .., of m onths from the date of "'"'· 1t,,.,,,..,.s, li, 1t12 1....a STATl!OP CAl.IFOllNtA 0t1k1e1 R-1n ,.,. oitk•"' 111e attorney. the hearing noticed above. CDU'"!.,!Do"•ot1011TH.!. Re<or0t• °'°''""'county ; Hid of I F y 0 U ARE A YOU MAY EXAMINE "' • .. A..,.I[ trvsl deS<rlDttllWfoll-lnop._n,: R E D T O R CAMENO.Atit• LOI s of t•t<t NO. "4, ••...,Moo C 1 0 r 8 the fi le kept by the court. HOTICEO,.SAl.11! recorded In .... Book It, pege 1' contingent creditor of the If you are Interested in.the lop oil skirts Of pants with 1h11 lacy. lon&·slefted 1un1c Ol1m1t1C squire nec~hne 1s K · tented by '" allo¥tr dt\11n of pretty pineapples Crochet tunic of med1um-we11ht, •·ply syn lheltc SPort ya1 n In a solt pastel Pattern 7594 S11" 8· 14 incl $2.15 lor each pattern Add soc each pattem 1111 postace and h1ndlln1 Stn( J t : ... .... Needlecraft ~. 105 Otlly"°4 .. Ill. OW Cllll9ae Sta.. ... Y ... NY 10113. ,rlllt 11 ... . .... zi,, '"""' ....... . -1912 ~ Ca1lloc: 3 free patteins inside 170 best 1ackets, dolls, quilts. m0tel Kn1!, Crochet. Embro1dei . SI.SO AU CWT IOOllS. .$2.DO •II All .... -C.W.-M4 * ~-..... --.... lls.o.lb I a... Git ,.,. IJ4.14 Ollid ....... Ollllts llU11111-..._ Q11il"91 ll2~11t OIWa* 131"'4 I W Qttitts l&Qllid ••• blJ ,,.....,, ln.f ..... "*"'"" Qtritts I M-nriftf CflftJ fllwla 121-P'illlwSlllw-Ofb llU..WwfflS-.... ll1·blr Alt" ..... , ... 111t 114-c.,.... ........ lU·l'rla .,.. 111.falr Alt " ...,,.. Crocllet 110.H JI~ RIP lOS.llllOltfll.a.. 101.i.t.t s.wa 1-.lltltlltt f .... 194-ttdllt....., 10).15 Qtritts .. 1..., A Gentle Grace ... ocr1111AL1t1110t"l!llTY 1nc111•1wo1m1sce11a~M•1•u11>e< decea sed, you must file s t ate, you mau file a AT PlllYATE SALE ro<Orcb "' ""' oflke "' the Coumy . 'th ... _ ' ~Pl Ettele _gf l'IAJ..IEA.J!AU1 .... GA.ltl y:.cr.ii:i=.;.i1~. Od-il-f'~...,.....,....__wl _.,..,_.c:.ou est-'Wfttrtht:eourrtcrt--t--+--+--~U ARE 1N DEFAULT UNDER A ~T.i.llK. Otc.NMd C•t•lln• Drive, Newpo•t Beech. or Present It t o the receive snoclal notice of DEED Of' TRUST , OAT ED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH ,,.., C•lllo•nl• pe rs onal representative ~ JANUARY 12, Itel. UNLESS YOU-on or efttr F...,.,ery 1', 1"1, the "Ill e ti-_,..n °' <ommon , t d b th t the inventory Of estate TAKE ACTION TO PllOTECT YOVR unde,. ...... OS t VKutrlx of the Wiii dulgnallon h •llown oboYe, no appDtn e y e COUr assets and Of the petitions, ltlllOPEllTY,ITMAYBESOLOATA of WALTEll PAUL GAVIN STARK, w•rr•nt, ,, ,, ... n ., to lh w ithin four months from accounts and reports PUILIC SALE. IF YOV NEEO AN de<Httcl. wUI Wll •t Pf'fyete Mlle to <O<nPlt"-or<O<NClntHI" the date Of first issuance de lbed I ~~'ti 12()() 5 EXPLA~·TtON OF THE NAT\JRE Ill• 1111111n1 "'' blOder, sutlJtcl to T~-~k .. •Y undlr wlcl o..ct of f I tt ided i scr n ~ on . "" 11 1io.. .... 111e bo 11 1 d ·-_...... 0 e ers as prov n of the Callfornla Probate OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST co.. rmo wr • ,..,en 1 e trvst, by r-of • breacll or Oeleult section 700 of the probate YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Superior C.wt. ell llW rleM, !Ille, lft Ille oOllgelloftt secured tller9by, Code LAWYEA. IM•,..tt and ... ..,."',,.•-• •t 11tr•tofore ·---.,. ..... ,..,to code of California. The A · & A 1 NOTIC• 01' TllUSTle'S SALi! Ille time of Ills dHlll -Ollllle •19111. Ille uncMnlentd • wrllteft Otclaretlotl time for filing Claim$ will arOftS arons, nc., T.s ..... 1..,,,1...., 1111. •nel 1n1 .. ese "'-est•te 11u . .,., of Dtf•u1t -Otmend tor'-"· .nc1 not exp ire prior to four Attorney at Latw, 2790 °"Merell 12, 1"2 .• , •:U o'clock op•rellon of l•w or otllerwlH, wrlllennoct«ofbretcll•ndol•l«llofl months from the date of HarbOr Blvd., Suite 209, 1.m., on Frldey, et tlW '""" •ntrence ecqulr.O oCfl9r !hen or In eddlllon to 10 ceuM ""' ..,._,'°""'to Mii Hid Costa Mesa CA 92626 • 10 111• old °''"Olt co. cour111ouse. '"'' of ._ •t ,,. time of 1111 pr-ny 10 .. 1111v .. kl o1>1111011o..., the hearing noticed above. (714) 546 HCM'. ' lo<ated on SMta A,.. Bl,,.,.,•-dHtll, In -10 111•1 cert•lft , .. , •neltllerfffler11W..-Menectce..-YOU MAY EXAMINE •0&11....,0r-.coe11 Delly Piiot Sy<omoN SI. lo a.-ey In Softte property located In lllt City of Mid notke Of brN<ll -of tlt<llon to the file kont b" the CDUrt. Feb."· 20, tt, 1"2 . -C Afte , CA. WESTERN MUTUAL Htintl"9!0tl a.ell, County Of°'-· ... rec..-Octol>er 1", '"' H ln•lr ~,.. r CO RPORATI ON, • C•lltornl• Stete otc.i11orn1 •• c:...,.,,,_1yre1 .. rec1 NO nm"' -l•M. -1•. o1 If you are interested in the -· --....;;-=;......=-..;;;... ___ _ c.._etton.esTrvstff,0tw1>se1Mtc1 to •s "4'2 ......., C1rc1e. Humlnot"" .. 1c10fl1ci.1Rec-est ate, you may f lle a rmJC llTIC( Tr111tee. under Ille 0..d ot Tr1111 Btacll. Celllornle, dUcrlbe<I u Seid ..... wlll .. ....-. IMJI wll'-t requ~ With the COUrt to ellt<..-by EOWARD G. WOLF, • IOI-• "LIM 1I of Tract NO Ml, " cov•nent or werrontv, ••PrtH or 11 ... lt men, 11treln celltcl Tn11tor, per mat!,_ In 800ll lftS, _. Implied, ,_ding 1111e, ponnslon,or recelv Special notice Of· ttcord•• February ,, . IHI, .... '" r ou9t1 so I"" u SI Y. Of enomt>tetl<•t, to pey "" ·-"''"' the Inventory Of estate and lntlru,,_ Ho. ncll:S, In ~ IM2 Mll<tll-""""' In lllo Offke of prlnclfNI Wit\ el Ille -wcund by Of the petitions, aCCOUntS ••t• 1121 of 0111<1•1 lltcorda ot 111• County llecoroer 01 Orenee .. Id Deed of Truft wltfl Im.rest es In 0,....,. c-ity, ce11ton11a, will Ml• e1 COllftly." .. 1c1 note .,,....,..;, ld'tonc••· 11 any. a nd reports described In ..... k .vdlon to Ille llltllel4 ....., for Slit Wiii ......... lo cur,...,, IH•S u-r tlle ·-Of sekl °'"'Of 'tr.di, s e c t I 0 n 1 2 0 0 0 f t h e tolll, 119,_ 111 1--Y of 1.,. covtn•ntt, <onclltlOll•, restrictions. lffa, cllwttt ...o ••Ptlllff ot Ille Callfornla Probate Code. UllllH Mllft et"" 11-of Hie, Ille ,.,.,,,•Ilona, rltlflb, rlglltt of w•y -TruslH Mod Of IM tru11t c,..•IM .,., LAW O FFICE OF lftlel'ftt COftW'f'CI to onC1 -llelcl tly -mtfltiof r..-. Mid OMcl of Trvst. S.ld Wit •Ill bl .... Tr"*'......, .. 1o1 °'"'of Trvsl .!"' ~., 11 to be totc1 °" •n "" 11e1d on MonNy. Ml•<ll u. 11 2100 MICHEL 0 . MADDY llltMpniper1y lll'*tdlfl•llctCeu"'y 1' btllt.•JK4111ostotltlt. p.m.1tllleCll.ljlfnllftA-•Mronce 1501 N, lf'Mdw9y IMSta•*"11bedat: Often tor 1111• ,,.....ny mvtt .. In '°,,..Civic C....., 9ul1411t1t, 100 I HI S nt.I A • Ca. ttt7 06 l'AltC•L t: An unctlvl-tn1_, wrltlflt 11\d '*"1 De ~ .... ,,.. at Ille C11epme11 Av•ftllt, In Ill• City et a M, •• lftlttttt 111 .,.. .. Lot 1 Of TtKI -Mcl"fM fll lllt e11Kutrl• 11 Mn l.aftel 0,.,,..,Callfomle. (714) UMS56 ftft "' .. Clt't Of Cele ,....... ... Clr<ll, _......., IM<ll. Callfwftl•, Al Ille time of"" lllltlel ~lwtlen Publlshed Orange coast .-n ..,....., 11eeer-.1n e.liteit ., "'" 119 ,...., wttt1 ttw c:""'"'"" ff ... 1, nae1ce N ..,..1 -ot ... D 11 Piiot F b 18 19 25 "A" ·-,._ onC1 -e .. tt S-tor c-\. Of Otflvtred lo Ille un,•141 blltllU ef Ille e•lltltlOft a y 1 e ' ' ' 1 lltf't9f ••ut•I• fll Ille .. ,,........ ~s ..cwred.,_IM...,..tlH<rlOMHt41., 1982 760-82. T'llt. $ttWI -. .. tnct/or ~ ... Hul\UfttlOft llMcll, ..... , lllM llliH trull ................. (Olh. ·-· UlllMlft 6Ult ft•ll•11 . ., •ll y, It ~·rte~ .. ""' ll9lke .... end ••vencn •• tl1,SU.JI. T• ' pllfffflM t• tM: JJJ l•Y View _! ...-........ , ~......... ..... *"'"'"" llW.....,.. I*, .,.., me, Terreca.C-Mete,CA9MoJt ..... --··..... .. 111 t (t.., <tll 171•1"7.oMt. Sel• kit Wiii ... mMt wltllottt botl•,o•PWt<91111.W""c""'\,... Oettdl l'ellr11.,y 10, un ' C'ICTITIOUS IUSINl!H NAMll STATUMINT T II• lollowlnt Pttion Is dOlft9 """""' ... lel SILMAllC CO., Cbl BON SOltBIT CO . It' E. 11tll Str ... , CS MOO, Sutt• A·IU, CDll• Moe, CA '2627. JULIUS MAltC: MUSHKIH, 102 khOlt ..,._ JO, ~ B•dl. CA '1663. Tlllt _....., 11 t9'1MIH t.y en lftdlvtchMI, ,,...~ ... Tlllt ...._,. ... "'"' wt"' 1M c-ty C"'11., Ora._ C-.ty M ""·"·'-- "° .. •• ,, ... .., .. to 1111•, ,.. .. , ..... °' ttfllll of-"( ..... , .... ec<eNIMll NEWltOltT PACIC'IC PUNOI N~. t'ICTITIOUtMISO••u tll<-ltfMCel, W IM "'''°" et le 1flt uMll .... -It Ille ~ler INC. aAMa l'IAftMall'I l'IC'h1'MIUI IUllN•N lllYllll•••ll•ll""'NC"'"'.,, .... Cevrt. hll ,.,<1111 CIO~I tf tll• " .... '""'9. TM .......... ...,_, .... 661... NAMllHAftMll•'I o.M .. f...._, lllCMlllll IM ... •ftd •-'llld lttelCffl!IHllYIMOfltr. t yT,O,HltVICICOM .. All Y, ................... : Tiit ..... , ... i'W-1 lrt ..,"t •• ...,_ .. fJf lfll ,,,,. ... 91141 If 1M ""° tM ...._le ltt 111111 lfllWl\llllY YldllJ . ....._, CI NMA• CONSUl.Tl\NTS, 1t•t ta: tntlb ~.,, Mi4I OW41 .. Trvtt 'fotto.1,-lrmltloft .. Mle.,, lllt Alll._,..rr VII OM,i_ lt,0, loa Ut, TraMt<e MI NA MANU lllACTUlllNO, --· lllt....-W ••• ""'"-•• cowrt. HK, "91\lt , ~·""' eN 0..CllY....... .... Clftyen,""""" ,.,, .......... ·-· C•• .... ,revi.H IMrtlft, 11M Ille ~114 _,,..._ .,,._. tN """-"""' °'9111,C..._.. ltAYMONO N IAOOAltLIY Jll.,' 1111-., ,..Ille ...... ......,. flf "" ,._,,, o" lftau•once Het,t•lll• t• Ill• 1""'4HltllM Of'llltll c.... o.11., •11et, Jt•I Via 0., Tr-.Ce Cal\Ylfl, CA Alt""9 L Metll, 1m I. "'-• _ ..... .,, .... .,... .. ,,... .... "; """"'"' .... , lie ,.,.., .... -.. Ille F ... "· "·· Martll •• ,. ,,..., """ .... ~ ft"7 ........ .,. fey tt lllt ft etrlll11t et Ille OIANA M. IAGOA•La\', 1 .. 1 lllel Y ....... Mll,I. ..... laMe ~:~tt,t• c111,..,_., ~----..-.-------·IVlaOle,T,._~,CAfltlt. .~..,., ....,.__,c.r., Tiit w*4»111• ,.._._ r11t11 ,.,...... Tlllt ....,_I• <--..C'"-., • Tiiie "91MH It <etMhlct .. h ,. .. , Twlllll ..,_. te r•Ject Mf M41•1111641Urler te""" r VV ttMflll ,._..... .... ... ~CA..., ..... .,.c.Mfltl'Mllt...... havoaaervicetoorfer or .l'a•INMW . .....,,.,,,,, • -..z: ..... OV>tfM* OAnO"'*'-Vtl,t•. ~tolt)I r'a"aao Id TMt ......... -...... 9"" .. Tll• ......_. -.......... 111..tlT..-e DOltOTWY V, V•NION ' "v c:-t• C:ltf1I .. Cir-.. C:-., • ....., Cleft f1f oir.,.. ~ M ., . .._.., ... ...._. 9000atl. n he De l )' Pilot ,..._,.,,., ~-.,.. .,._......,.___. ,__.. CJuslfied Section • ..,.. ,.,... ,,,........ Or-. c.... Oefl'y l>llell, ,.,....... °' .. c.... D9tly ~-Phone IWZ-5'78. .... ... Or .... c.. .,.... ..... ......... ..... c.-°""' ..... ........ -..~S."9 U•« 111•n,1t.tt,111t ,_. ,. ........ M9rCllJ,1L"9 ~ ..-., ............. ,_ ~ ,,,, 1ff"" i-1ff ""-r ._ The tender sp111t ol Sjlf1n1 1s upiessed 1n • romantte. flollina sh1rtdress that's perfect f0t dot· led sw1u. sheet cotton1. crepe. Nott contrast ash. Printed Patttfn 910S: Mi.- Sim 8. 10. 12. 14, 16, 18. Size 12 (bust 34) lakes 4~ yerds 60.inch febflc . .... JP' .., .. ,...::-:; .... .... .. =r.u•--· ,...,,. o.,t. 44.2 .,..,,... m-••=r.::li: 111&1.,.... ..... --. W11tt sllall I IMf 1 Fifld ttlt 111""'1 !ft OUf NEW StlllHG. SUMMER PATT£RN CATALOG. :rt .... ~ .... ti .. llCMft- of "' ..... ~· °"' lOOaQ!n.~IM. M.LQWT-. •• sue• U..._Clldlll ....... , AJll 'r/ ... I 'I' llllr flillll9 .. .WCl's'*'* ............ ~ 6 4 ·2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 '8 ......... .H .. "' . • ColleR:,ta rk ComeJJ ........ Sl76,000 •Wood dje Landina ........ ~17.300 •• ,- •Colony Plan .00 ............ 1185.000 •Northwood Andover ....... 1115.000 • Northwood . One story ...... 1175,000 ~ • Northwood • Two story . . . . $225,000 •' c.1w,m••• ... Alan Beel ·l MACNAB-JRVJNE REALTY •J Woodbr l d~e Vil laee Center " 71')551-8700 ·' '\ 4764 Barranca Parkway, Irvin e ... , PICTURE PERFECT Sc>edoua 3 bdrm, 2.atory Patio Home ln Deerfleld on q~Bl 1lreel. Close lo everyth111& Lots of UP· grades. Owner ofrenna Ctntl'OUJ terms to help YoU purthu e S15S,OOO WOODlllOCH LAIEflONT 2BR, 2BA. Den. (Could bt JBR, Spacious Lux· ury Condo w views forever Xlnl ftnaneing Try 10'1 Down SS9·Sl64 or S52·1800 Lynn Noah. Owner1A "CAM~IDGE CRE ·REE" 3BR Come Lot Huge Country Kit Atnum & Study Area $1 47 ,SOO. Good Pin. 675-4225 Open Sim 1·5!¥ M anz_a n~ ...,... .. oc.. 1041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A Lot ForA Uttte I acre + bldg stte. gent· ly sloping parl'el short dLStance from tennis & beach Ownr has 1n eluded plans for custom \ 1lla $1 25.000 Sper tacular views' MISSION REALTY 494-0731 AtM-.•ocll ......... IOH ,• . ...................... -· rDNO& ... lo: ISTATIS « 4 Br 2''1 81 2150Sq. Fl BETTER THAN MODEL HAS EVERYTHING :· CUl-Oe·sac street ., Sun &Sa1l ll Club I 20 min. to Newport - Centtr ...... S210.000 with $160.000 ) Ill l2?< No points or qualifying 771>-°"4'7 Owner1A1ent ' ... ,art•ect. IOH . I ••••••••••••••••••••••• )r. SSTULS .. •low Mart&et! A REAL BEAUTY. ocean & bay vu. 4 Bdr -: wtbonus rm, pool. spa t ,.. city lites Assume 11 78'1 Only $399,900 •.!. Won't last PATRICK ••• Tll'<IORE. agt 7S9·l221. - 19().8102 .. Canal Pront. Newport Shores. 4 Br Den 2 UIOOdown, Owner will -<'any Musi sell' Make , • o(fer! Tennis. pool. walk • " to beach. Agent 646 1044 • ~ $199,000 twllOR RIDGE .. Super location. fast escrow owe paper Picture perfect home Greal hnanc1ng Ca II Tim Rhone Loday. ait ~". 631·12lli6 or 72().1263 Opn HseSUnday nus pnceless location overlooking Main 8ea<'h has 2 bdrms for only $220.fro Call owner st ' 494-8138 -He1Mw' View Hilh Specious Family Home ~ Many extras Lge ree lot • , F1exible terms "8S.OOO • • SIO,OOODM./ lyOWMf' Luse with opuon to purchase 3BR. 212ba. I duung rm. tam rm. 2 car car. fnrd yrd, orean \'U ~.000 497 1051 BUOY! Sweeping ocean '1ews from this nev.• 3 Br 212 bath home overlooking Vktona Beach. S34~.ooo. ()pen houu Sun 1·4 at ~SolonaWay Edna Lundberg & Assoc. 494~ IAlL North rnd loeat1on Walk to the beach rrom t1us neat & ltd} 2 bdrm ov.n your own unit on lhe 0ttan side and offered at an affordablt> pnr t> Sl«>.tXW> 3AlCHIAY 4 bdrm. 4 bath home v.1th family room aume room & ofrire or den v.1th ocean news \'erv lo-. matntenam·e ) ard perfect for frequent trave~r Pnre to sell S480.000 suna .. white v. at er & r11~ lights Vlews from this 2 bdrm & den home Dfcks on both levels & yard ror putdoor living Excellent slarter home with new carpet. and paint. $210.000 ~1(.-.r ~~IC!f·'-~ 8kr 675-4494 ~ LJOO 4Br~~home . gated court) ard. dbl •. r.,,1r. newly rt'der m side & out 10'. assuma ble loan $275.000 St300 l!!._~.752·~ -•! ~ Slt,000 CONDO Balcony. o<'ean view. guarded gate. sub terranean parking . elegant clubhouse & •. gym Mullan Reale) S40-2960 ask ro r Lon ••VACANT•• 4BR. z•,BA. r am rm Pool. 2 f11>I<' s, Terms Open Datl) 224 2 Heat~r Lane $262.000 Also JBR . 28A. Pool $192.500 Own er Agl 95.S-(ll()!I Bl58~~'::~0~~bnr Ridge Condo "Renaissanre· mdl 3 Br Jba. den Assuma hie S21:'.>.000 al 10 3•, ~.000 lerm.~ negntta _ ble 644-6426 .. HAllOIRIDGE Lureme Estatr Model. SSS0.000 Avail now• •,'\ xtnt terms 760-1971. ... ---- DOVER SHORES _...,. 4 Br. Den. 3 car garage * + Hobby R oo m $4 20.000 Rralto r Sll-5647 ""' ·~ XWC'-ce!I ,; ...,_...,.-.;,_,~~..._ QuLci CUh Bil)' er~ Brauttlul HOU3e in Nice Neighborhood in NB ,., f71414t4·1177 4BR. 21,BA Fam Rm . .,• a __ --loll-a-I os• UV Rm. 2 Frplc's, Pool , .. ....,.... ._,... ,. & Sauna Directly From ••••••••••••••••••••••• Owner ~.000 Or Make •OCEAN VIEW• <:rfer. Call 645·5267 or ·,.1 N I I u e I S b o r e s 634-3&46·TIA. Townhouse. L•rgestltiiii!i!ii!~~!ii!~~~im Model. a .ooo. Owner WTSIDI CONDO ""! 49$-9411 2 story rondo with 2 .:;a MOTICE bdrm. tile kitchen. rear hov. Daily Pilol Class· yard. double garaee. 15 ified ads displav th"r sumable loan. Asking rrusagrs w11h leg1b1hty S106.000. and impact• Our ads, we are proud 10 say. r~ ally get results Phone &t2·56'78 Ii '''" ~ ')I' Mt "'°rt •ect. I 06' •·.1t1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• u•J HAllOI llD6I -Award winninl Casa Blanca with spectacular view of ocean le city lifhtB, 3 ~~-' fam rm le formal dining. Gatt=0 courtyard entry It spa. Custom earthtone decor tbruout. Great assumable financing. 1575,000 Belle Partch 644.QOO (759·10'18 Evenlnp) 3 Kensinlton Court • Harbor Ridae Newport Beach - Open Saturday 6Suaday1:30 to 5:30. ____ .... ____ ---_. }1$ ll ; I ... .. m >it •tU .. a Or1ng1 CoMt DAILY Pf LOT/Friday, Ftbtuity 19, 1982 ........ Wt 0...0......... '*-lttl•.... ...... Olierlttt•.... ....... .... h'I• ...._,.' , .. , "-"u.twW• d ~···;;·~···i~t ....................... ~················· ~~:;··········· ······················~...._ ...... ;; .................................................. ~ .... . • f!..•••••••••••• ~ 16H ....... !!~!!:!! .. !~ .... _, .. ;1 .. !.!! •• ~!!! 91,.-.1 11 JIM .... ..._. JJN MIM UH............ JJIJ ....................... ......... . •*CUSTOM * • ·-• •••••••••••• IY OW.. .. -••••••••••••••••• 811fl'ont beach 2 Br 2 ••• •••••••••• •••••••n••••••••• ••••• Cftlt"-MUSTllAL APftlYALLIY M"--.GOOaq.f\.tl.I TRADE for ho•• 00 81 1i; E eiytroot BRANDNEW2BJlCON· The Sborea. 3BR • .zBA. POILIAH 11tt 1omethta1 1tr1 .. , OwMr. •Ill + W.c::e.itaM ... atwhllh T•...... • t14 Calle Campana, Udo, c1tart501crec1t. Baiboa teiud. $l2o0 DOON ELDEN ST. Ocean Vu. Pool, Sp1, IXICUTIYIHOMI 1peclal In a 2 Br . .._ IA Pool6Spa ....W.C flrt rialllt Ntll' new t ·plu. 2 Su Clttmale. SZ•500 lie raacb or 8ryut whiter $1400 annual ~-14•7 S.una, Tennis , Ap OCIAttYllW Townhoule. rompletely All Ca b l~et1 Sollci -..io 94 ~~ 1ar.:~ ~':. •:~:~ tack, IH,ltO laco'me Hied, Utab. Ltutd for Helt>,cta112U/4Ta.IS77. · 2bdrm. SUO/mo. lat & :::nwe:· ~~;~~ ~~tt:r 48r. 381 lwiury home. fW11' ·Mo. 7'°"1117· t~C:~~., will Chell Spiller. a1t PllJo. ,.,.,,:.~ ... lit. ~. 'r.4-:.~'T.~ ::!: .. e! a~~~.~ c.w .. w. JZJJ laat.8~~'· 5/Wknd·~ ~1te:;,.pi:,ro:i:~~~: ~~r::!i~$~O~r :~~ Poe Cllb flow. Now 1w1-.-. ol b11atln1 " fl1hla1. ....................... I....._~ JJll rrom livln1 rm 0 I ( r uoo It d • Ill Caa1oe. 8ordtau1 •J».JOO. Biii Gruady, m.ua Spec&&cular 0«10 "city Clean 2 Br. 1 Ba. encl.ad _,__ d s •5' o 0 c:u · .~. n · • w L Yd 8'I. I br, > ba. Beaut. 1Utr,1'7Ulll. LllllwS. JJIO l&lltl vlfw from every pr., private yard. NO ....................... ~1"f:.t 1" m o . ~"· evu/wan • eo.d. •M 1/b. Mli. 5 Ualt C If Baraaln t ........ ••••••• .. ••••••• .. WANTED; Houle oo Lido room. Lat .. 2 Br. frplc PETS. . 548-'680 LAKE FOREST 2 story. 3 __ _ _ -"'-~'"'"------ 20°' dn . Owner fin. tban'io·y~old. SZ•.ooo V~wa Keyt luxut'f lot :t~!~':z.t:r'·i many amenities: 3Br't'wnhle,2"'a..trpk, !wdtn. t!~·~0c~r~~~1~: Oce~n ;ie~. :r~~ Bach. 1pt. No atove.100· W.1070 WWWlfdlCA ~$ 548·S7U ot e11'::.'r1':.'cev1:. 3UDlt.a. -Equity. f:'':J,5~~1. ~t!onl ~3o~i:.=.sf:a25 mo . Feb. tf. *91.$. 7SH900. d~ki.' r~Jc~ prof de ~~=a~~~:'"° mo Sia l&.UffS Hl1b vlalblllty. <l·I . bolt. Owner may help F.ull1deCM wbdal31..eaG --· ....._Vlefo 32'7 cw wuhertdryer. bit 0 I kl N t ~e 1tory SBR Zb1 Ot vltw 1.IOf\ t IUMfTS llnaact. noo.ooo. MS-aM . Sboreclitfamo ~mo lae •5'0n.ISS• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1n 11 . man y o th tr ;ero;BRg 28 ~•p~r Plan •l•pa: POK t.qe~Uaee~tial ·~c:d: 7.1 X'••IOSS ••·2142 avail lndellnlte 2 er' 2 Br carpets, drapes. HOMF.SFOR RENT 11men1t1u No pets 1>: • · rg ~ ~ :s .:~~: lnaoUOOOaq. ft. or build ~:::. !:.~!!d .:~~~I °= .. ~ UIO • a= Ei&bea In : ~icf!~ ~mj liv~n= ~:.d~~::.;; hook-up, ~a~ia~~.~1':b't ~~ty~01200~1e!~~~o ~:'·w:~ o~es~~ Owetlr/A SD-lOOS :-:.1iis~J~u~~7~'. ftnanc:ln1otSl.50000 1, ... :.~::!. ........... =r:r:eJ~~a~eme~ yUd Pft.I 'ot :'riva~e 611Hamilton 960·3989 peta welcome . 545-2000 Call Ron 213 /924 7896 tenn.641-6350 u 000 DOWN fteallor. 10% and owne~ will lAMCHOSAHT~ N Trade for m , comm. or beach ac:c:eu. $eso. lat. 0-Pollt 3226 ent no fee. daily. 714 1492·9763 eves Whitewater ocean view, .-. c 1 rry F 11 I " ,_.. , 1 ••• " .... & wknds. 20 steps to sand Nicely ....... 40 . u . pr c:e L•.611rfl0ffwriet, ..... 111.owner878·9473 ut,'""'..,1'" ....................... Mtwportltoc• 326t - -furnished 2 br duplu fll • •&.....11.... PALM •. ooocanmmo. 2 Br rrplc patio nr Dana Crest. 3Br 2ba , ••••••••••••••••••••••• s.t.AIMI 3ZIO 'I 6 1 Hi ~h I&• -bl I DISllT A' : One of R.S.t . '• ber;t Fuhton htind & oc:e1n frplc. nice yard. 2 car Harbor Ridge lease, 4 Br: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ::,: i ne,; wo i o I ~ a11uma e oaa. SHCl'PIM6 CINDI LLST" TE loeed laAdm.arlla is 1 ..... S750le 640-77 · garage.2Yn. new. Very 3 Ba. D.R .. F.R .. study. 4 Br. 2 Ba. Dining rm. _,.,/mo. I· 1 4 _ ~=·0 Call Jlm, 3',000tqftrentable:f~ '"' 1 . fabulous::!llt.oplhdlter· ....................... zBR :-e· FT ~l p . clean.AvailMarc:b.Call hl&hJyup&raded.fab vu, 2000 sq fl N1wly rt· LargelBR Utdpd Spot _ acru. Out of town R£AL'W'ftAS rwan • me 1u1rded u___.. J 6.4 • 1 A, Pc:, auo. ev•~l771 or960-$844 cuard aate, pool/tennis. decorated S7SO rno less. Quiet $4$0 2421 F. owner. $1.I00,000 Terms • vn , by the 12 olive Jars from ~ rw ••-Gar. S700 Pl ~c: Dep. SDIOtmo Bob Do m-6423 546-6249 16th St 645-4118 ™••:=• 1.s (710 146·3278, (213 ) ,... .. _ W-'" to o-h ··Plex. Iberia. $ Bdrms, 3 •-•••••••••••••••••••• Day 213~19SO. Eves. BTero 32l2 · or vie · -'----· _..... -553-9552 "'""" .... "" " fflllcs, ' more than IOOO ..... ..._.. JI 06 M0-4D •••••••••••• ••••••••••• a 7S9· l22l__ .._... r.nlished Of' S. a.-• 377 6 1144P Ce..rtn Belmont Hei &hta. IQ ft of meticulously ....................... HOMEFORRENT U.fwwlllted 3300 ..................... .. SltS,000 c ............ /T•w• ~:i:.°se£W~ 13 On . imintained livln& spice Attr~cllve 2 Br. 2 Ba. I YILWE 3 Bdrm. S67S. F~nced IA.YFIOHT ....................... 2 Br 1•12 Ba . walk to IJIA·i FltMeLM. .............. 1700 Oll4ac:. of Eucalyptus Av111. now thru June. withopt.iontobuy.$$000 yard&garage. Kids & 2story, 4 + bcfrms. 2 ltGCA.HYOH beach. 22S La Paloma , See thia 4 Bdrm, 31,; b1 ••u••••••n••••••••••• SHAIP UNITS dad ridget & pictures· llOO/mo. 875-9667 · movts you ln. $750/mo pets welcome · S4S·2000. baths , f 1 r e p la re . 3 bdrm, 2i,., ba. pool and A · B. $450. 6:r7 ·7918. beautiful Portofloo NORntLONG BEACH S units, C.M ... $339,500 queraviots. Sl,S00,000 Ml ,....... l 16t rent appUea to purchase enl no fee. gorgeou,, view. Pier and tennis, security, $1100 lll>del In Harbor View. Count~icf:~lates Pride of ownership, Cl.OTFELTER · ••• ~· ................... :fo'uml~'jre .. ~luxe1~~· v._, 3234 slip. mx>per mo Avail rro760-~_ ltfl tw• Separate mother·in·law New 3 br, 3 ba Condo owner will help finance TILTON Cannery VUl1ge Mobile bMJC: to· J • P 1· ....................... Feb l. C d iii u.fwtlltMd qrtn, llmost new c:pt'a. LUI""" n-..... rator 3 units, C.M ... SlSS,000. OOUNTRY HOMES Home Park F\lmished 2 C CdMocean, comp 4 Bdrm 2 Ba. lrg fenced ~~ 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cloaetopool. $319,500. -1 vt:w Assume 123 Ira tsl & R.E. Br, 2ba, pool, adlls, no um. · 573·3694 or yard, ntw rugs, frplc, ~ • ........__,......s.... _ _._ 3107 t ·-,._.... •• "" Extras owe. Onlheranc:h since 1931 .-~. close to sho... •. 6121474-SZ!fl. a-at familv home. no ....................... ---_........, From Sl7S 000 ........ .... • ... ~ 1 2 bdrm and den Newport ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• ~05 UI lt4 (714)847-7'oss !.!~s. Heme t ... 7141756·2t22 ~ulan:i. $750 mo yr-C:O.Mete 322• .1825 S41H904 Beach Co ndo. Near OCUHFIOHT i :::-'.::--::~=..:::..:.:.....:..:==-.._ ~-· . ~su~ ,exi.at-._..., ,__ v me: u · 673·3685 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOME FOR RENT Hoag Hospital. S69~ mo 2 bdrm, 2 bath, new S.C. Plan, 3BR 2BA, as· mgflll&nc111c&rOWC .,_." ' 2700 1·525-1641,1-772·1801 llOMIOF 4 Bdrm. $750. Fenced Avail atonceS464131 patnt & carpet Yearly S..Clt u• 107' sum 11.13, S60K Isl. SEAVI EW F d & K'ds & Bhtf Condo. 4 bdrm. 3 --------••••••••••••••••••••••• OWC2nd. Submit terms. ••••••••••••••••••••••• . 0 r me r THILUCIY FIW yar garage. I ba'"A $1200 th so co•C'.f IE lt'~ $76.5. Call Linda or SlOUC.964-l98I 10 Acres avocados. model. 3Br 3ba. Ocean Rent In Coat• Mtsa's pets welcome. S4S·2000 uD. mon • ~ A A Art 675-7060 Rancho Cal. 12~ int view.l2000/mo Dennis NEWEST gated 20 mt.nofee _ -~-2607 _ 2Br.18a,AC.pool.rN'I ' LUXUllOUS Huntington Beach-4Br, 'Sl6S,OOO Xlnt invest. Ri cketts & Assoc. Townhome VILLAGE 3 br 2.~ ba ram -rm-Canal Front Newport far1l . sec gates no Nu 2&3BR.2BA yearly _£,.u 1 -~ l "'·Ba l ..... hs S9Z ."" 4 er..._ ... 1....... · ~ · · · · .-c "'"" p p 968 '"'•2 Fl-pie. blt·111s. gar, park· -""" .. .,.....,.. ~ ~ ... e, ·"""'· ...,,......., ...,.,,_. OOMMUN1TY.2&r3Br Tiburonc:ondo.S'72S. Shores,4Br+ Leaseor r .=-.....,., J<>o> I ing Close to bay & AT ITS llST a .ooo to assume loan at Nr Visalia, 15 acre, flat. 2~ Ba. 190().1800 sq. ft. of MHS2S/848·8SS3 opll~ to buy. SlS001mo !l:ew condo. Irv Lg 2 br. 0<-ean Brkr67S..49l2 1bla m11nificent "Pin· 13W~.Call979·6Sl9 xlnt soil, ditch water UDOIAYFIOMT pur~ luaury. Ga rages. Tennis, pool. walk to 114 ba. frplr. pool J.t <' ------ nac:le" Iiome in pre· IAl•A.IM!..., well, new 2 br mobile' 2 bedroom and den. 2 hydro·tube in master ....... ••ocli 3240 beach Agenl646·1044or l association due~ 1n<'I . Large 2 Br. I Ba ltilioua Mariner's Point VA 8 home 32xtlO farm blda I bath, private patio. suite, dining rooms ••••A••••••••••••••••• 645-2805. S67S mo Call after 6 $700/mo. Refnge inclci , t t I · · uyers 2 Br or41 · •·A ·1 bl h "--'bu Inf' 1 'SBlkstoorean Elegant 2 -------No""'€Savage Wi'lde& ea urea spec: ac:u ar Br · · 11 UNIT tractor, equip. $175.000' va1 a e t rough ~ m I irep aces. Br. Fami'ly R.m & Den ••G C ..... y0 ... LSE 857-0001 _ Co .... ~. whitewater coastline .Condo.Agt.968.2297. OWC.(D )S28·6674 1 6/30/82. Sl.700. month m~cro·wave ovens. _,.u Pl h ts 2, 2..,BR M~L", "c d -·675-6606 view from almost every Laree_l bdrm condo, best Broker. 631·7300. pnv1te patios &t yards. _,., "'0 us crp · " t a in on ° I 2 BR 2 Ba. 1st, last & 1200 room. This former de-location. Pools, tennis IDIDJMENJ .... El.... Gardener provided Ba Cedar & glass. sun· Sll25per mo Call Gerry E U sec. dep. 407 Harding St hmm>del home has all : oowts.etr. S7S.OOO. IO'k ... hdJ•91 28001 Elegant lJvmg only IS deck. dbl r ar pn 67J.776lor7601397 Spacious four bedroom m 952t the interior design ex-dn o we Owner/Bkr Cft&IPLEI ••••••••••••••••••••••• minutet from Fashion garage. fully ma 1nl three bath c·o nd o ---- tr as. Coordina ted &46-5CB8644-4493 Vat ..... ~most "-autlful" Want a tu shelter?. Sell. ~Canel Island. 7 minutes toS.C. yard No pets. lnqwreat LUc ..... Y0 ..., ·Guadelupe" Mode l OC EANFRONT 1 br, II •-· t "" uo: myl/l2yearnewtnplex Plaza or o c .A·irport. SZllBlh.St 960,6331 _ -"" " .Sear shopping and quaet &sec:ure Adult, no wa paper.,. pa!n . ._Prwrt.r 2000 DIC VI OME Lu}l urio us thr ee I drapes, levelors, blinds .......... ~.......... apirtment complex in or exchange eqwty for Just east of Newport 3 Br. with garage. Child & bed T b h srhools. $1195 mo Year pets. Sl650 yrly Incl ut1 " shutttr11 throughout. llB. 4-PLEX, 3 br, 2~ ba Burbank by Chamber of coodoor? Owner. After 7 WITH VIEW Blvd. & 50. of San Diego 'smull pet ok $650 /mo For~'Fdin i~: r~~~ ly lease. Broker 631 7300 673-6372 Auume l,lo/.3 loan jowner's unit, frplc. Commerce . Annual 714-7M).0734 Frwy.StartingatS900a 53&-7979 Rl<'hlydeeoratedinmul ..pso.Util pd.I Br duplex MUST SEE. S41S,OOO. Stuier tax benefits. 2 yrs ~ rb~.~.='t~~s 3 br house on R2 lot in old ~t fumi.shlnp in· month. 63l·S439. 2473 2 bdrm condo. new cpt. ed tones 3000 sq ft 2 bdrm. 2 ba. nr So Coast 417 E. Bay Ave Balboa ...... new Only S39 000 .. _ B ) 0 CdM , s ult able r or cl · g piano. pool la· Orange Ave . Cost a A-. fridg. pool. tennis. J acuui off ma Sle 1 Plaza S600. AdullS only 542-01.90. 547 1155 ~ -, · PbiJ, 1 '. m':93ol fo: ter':":,.,~:~ c;~ duplex, exc:h. for income ~m:a~~ues Ntw Mesa. ------h':n'dball. rlbhse No bedroom 3 car garage ~l2A_I_ --Ba yfront 2-B R l BA . ••=z~ A I Elf 32U. 2yRS OLD down .. Call William Cote property or lots or • 2 Br. enclsd garage petS ~ I.st, last 1200 l20SO mo nth Yearly ... hw• r.rwislMd adults only, no pets $700 •• ......, .._ 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH or Phil Wills at ( 710 VaJueZSOKM 979-11$1 $4,000 mo Adults. no peu. SS2S/mo 7811-7633 lease Ca 11 6 31 ·7300 •••••••••••••••••••••• rm inc ulll 673-0880 IAI E ' 12.472K FtP 1312.000 dn. 640-sm. (Broker) HAVE28r, 281 upgraded 640-4518 mw Wilson 631·.a9. HOME FOR RENT Realtor l.a.i.d 3706 3Br. 2Ba. dsh1Wshr. 5love. --.. l ml. to beach. "Pride" t C t' R 1. . Newport Bch Condo for 1 bloc:k from beach. Dari· 4 Br. 3 Ba hse . frplc. 3 Bdrm. $700. Fenced ••••0 u••••••••••••••• mature adlt pref No m4202 498.1040 l.253 lax shell.er 1st yr. • 0 e ea ty S~t'yOOO w /143.000 nel ing. 1 Br house. Sips c. fenced yard. No pets. yard Ii garage. Kids & POOL HOME 2 br. 1 ba. for 2·3 people. pets. Avail 3-10 $750 mo Call Phil, a . 972-9300. & Investment eqNu "':on .. 38 r s'1t1&le fam Winter rtnta I. 1450 . $780/mo. + dep. Agt pets welcome. S4S·2000. 3BR Fm home Bk Bay uvail. 3/19~1 12. on Bal lfly. 673·2512 --------Pl "''""5777 NE~ J 63 ,.,.. 642-5722 A&eot, no fee. $1..roo /mo Call Suzanne Isle. $550/mo 613·5025 S...A. acing your <;lass1fttd . _.. residence in H.B. J!!IS!· I·"""' 675-3445 C.... .. Mw 3122 I OIO a!! is so simple ... just w/-'-"---uity ' Pl"· Decorator's Big Canyon Lo•~ H-! Exec 3br show home w I -----~'--..0. P...i.s.lo 37 07 ••••••• .. •••••• ••• ••••. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• give us a call on tht llWllllAI' ~... , gar patio· SPA ti!IV\ Super Harbor "-ean Vu N ... _ INC() ;a._.. -n•· u-.. -r rroo mo. Townhome, 2bdrm. 2ba. " bdrm. ba. water. · · _,., "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ea.r we ocean. lrg 2 Br. ME IS THE OUT· ........... and we'll htlp YOU .... '"' """' •• oc RENTALS 3 BR 2 b $1185 .,..., Wi R ls I Blk r Word df f SUNWE.W REALTORS adults, no pets SllOO. ga.rdenermcluded 1'795 _.___ 750·3314 · a. mo Ml~ 111ter enla · "2 r manv ame n1l1e s COME! Beaullfully re-sults.~P. or ast re· 'J'9.CllZ2 :~0295. 2c:bildok.644·2778 3 Br 3 Ba Spa. I blk to Ocean View 615·2967 I Bch !BR $460 2BR SSIS mo rOO. Days 642 sm. = :::~ is0!0~~ ••••••••••• 9............... ... . Westside 2 Br I Ba beach. ln5/mo. I yr lse ----;: Stn..&!!, ?XJ. 613·9325 eves & wlcnch 631·6630 oversized lot in pretty avail. SSSO. Gangt, CallAA.!i._536·381L IAY ONT BAYFRONTACi E beach. $S50mo.2 Br.1Ba,bltns. SaouAnaHeights.Area • yanl.Kidsok.641·0763. 4 Bdr 3 Ba. pool , 'i m1. Pier and slip for larl(e pier, 2 Br S750 Util pd pool. newly decorated is unincorporated. Great • B•DAY WEEK SPECIAL 4 Br. 3 8a ~;;d~. many from btach Aft 6 . boat Furnished ~1x Till 5 27 303 E Mature adults. No pels reotal loc:ation. You can • • amenit1tS SIOO. Dys 964-2860. ~-· ---btdrooms, fi ve baths. FAigewater 1·871 2866 ~,_7!0·1199 (9·61 - live In one aod rent the I O 3 LI I Doll • I m.3335; eves 645.2439 5 br, 2ba,182Slfrio Swim dming room and den Bach Full Kit SJ.SO Yrly So HWY 2BR. !BA. p\1 other! Owner is anxious • •YI • Ml • art lmrtWic:ulate 4Trlb;I ming pool Marina H s Tennis cou rts and ind ulll Qwet, Mature. ~tr. Pallo. encl pkng. ~-~ assist you with • • Exec home. 3. frplc : Cal.I aft 5, 847·~· beaches I Short te,rm ooor Non-Smltr 67J.SS80 quaet. Mature adults on . .......o..,. Priced to sell It s easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mail and 1t yurs ease ss ---ly Rel R-67S·344G. at SW,900. ean 979-2390 • • must rent St85/mo • rmnlh. Broker,631 7300 CodaMna 3724 fi44·m9'7 ... fordetailedlnformation. costs1us t$8 -that sonlyadollaraday1 Toqual1fyforth1s e Av ail no w. c8os1 ft.tau 3242 ....................... ____ _ T .... 181 am:•LTo•s e special o ffer you must be a non-commerc ial user o ffering 644~ or 11141 997-8600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CA.S'A DE ORO 2 Br Bay view -Close to '!ll!H" " • lll'eDanaDrive.Costa2bdrm lux. condo on llG CA.HYON All.UTlu:l'IESPAID beach Al'a1I 31 $SOOODoWll e merc handise for s ale up to $800 per ad. a nd the price must Mesa. Lagoon. 2 frplc:s. gar & CONDO SS501rm 675·9006. Sll7M•Hlh. • be tn your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad • Nice clean 2 Br I Ba. many xtras $900/mo.1 3 Br. fu ll golf course Compare before you 2bdrm. 2b:; gar apt, 3BR, l~BA. CuJ.l.fe-Sac. needs e ight days s elling lime o r JUSt one • enc:lsd gar a gt, yard. Call t ves 17141840·6309 view. tenn15. pool. i.pa, rent Custom desig n washer dryer. S600 mo Nice Location. Good • ntW pa111t & carptt. No or&'ll·~ _ _ j lease si30-0 644 7424 features Pool. BBQ. 709l~ He liotrope Ave Condition. F\111 Prlc:e. • Use one wo rd tn each box About 4 wo rds make one • pets SS2S + secunty 3244 Bltr CO\ 'rd garage. sur 644-6400 9119.000. Call Christina, • 2544 Orangt , house D. •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• •BIGCANYON• rounded 11.•ith plus h SS50 Mo Lrg 2BR. IBA 557.2783 • class ified line o f type M1n1mum ad IS 3 ltnes P leas e prin t 548-2778 Twnhome. new 3 br. 3 ba. 3 BR. 3BA . v ll'W of landscap111g No pels A\' a 1 I Im med N 0 Plainly • l..g4rmbungalow.pel petJo, gar Park. pool. Golf('ourse $1200 18r fum fromS4~ PETS~Camn_rt.559·926.5 WaAaatar I Otl • utJI P•id, TODAY 1395 Jae. S97S/mo. 833·90S7 841>-S792 ~ W Wilson. 642· 1971 -:x.: ••••••••••••••••••••••• • OC RENT . -----So oC Hwy. 2 BR I Bn . EAT OFF nlE FLOOR • r------------------------------, . ALS 750·3314 University Park. JBR. 2 BR 2ba rond o 24 hr ~rtVlhc)e clean. attrat'I. beam ofthlsgorgeous38drm. • • Overlooks park. very 2BA S8SO +Sec All secunty Lgepool.spa ..Jw.iof'lldrM clgs . Pool Ai·I $650 Seein& is believin g I nice 3 br. 2 ba. rrplc. Amtnties 673·4141 or S750•mo 754 4114 Ext T11o·o tennis cou rl s. 7S2·S06S VA/FHA welcome . Onl" • I • fam rm $850. 556·8019 8S7-2040A _ ___ 322 wkdys. or 493 62SS $119,900. Bkr MS-0907 • OC·RENTALS ev wllnds I swimming pool. Ja l· DPLX 4 blks to bch. 2Br • I Northwood Ho me . sauna. sand volle)ball. garage. wshr dl')r SSJS IM8-0'Q I l·Sbr's S200to S2000 4bdrm. 2i.,ba. air. 2 SHH'cutelbrnear billiard Sorry. no pels mo 760-l356 • • 7~3314 7 days frplc:, microwave. no bch. frplr. pet S32S 1 SJ9S 63S W. Baker -· --- • I S 1.00 • 3BR Duplex. ~18 Santa pets. SI I001mo. inrl QC B~.!o-~ 750·3314 1 SS7·0075 CodoMeso 3124 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• I • Alla Ave. Costa Mesa. r.857-4674· SSl-6236 4 br, 2 ba, Ip, sunder k. ,.___-,_-,_,,-37 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....,..._, 10 IQ patio. duplex. by Nwp'l,--26 111.211 311 R-4L.I... I 00 • I • S.'500. llHTALS Bluffs. S750/mo J I ••••0 ••••••••••••••••• • ' .._._ I I • 5511-5839&548·S707 2br.Jba $700 Call 1·776-Sl<M Sul;J'r neat, small I Br I Newly decor' Gos pd ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 13.20 • Oloieeeastslde2br 2br.2ba $900 -Vi lla with courtyard. encl gar d iwasher, -.... "" ... ,.. ... -• \ w/rrplc,petsok.S48S 2+Fam.Rm.2ba SL2SO 'rnE BLUFFS Spac &I quaet. no pets S39S mo pool. bbq Adults. no *EXCITING* I 15. • OCRENTAl.:S 7S0.3314 3br2ba CostaMesa S12SO imma <' 3 BR. fam rm., 493-(8)3 ~.642·5'173 • ' 3br 2ba La 8 h '"000 21, ba homt w lge encl -f • 2 BR. niee yard & trees. l • « 1 c •• pallo Non·smoker pref • -•acli 37 41 IMST A.HT IN! ..... WI • add $2 60 f h a . m I I h 11 d k Le Raisor Rlty 833·8600 ....,..-..,.,. l B I 8 I " . ore1c 1dd"ton1lllnefor8tlm•• DI a c: 0 -No pets S950 mo ; .............................. mo r a With or without furn, I • S57S/mo. 1970 Maple Av. RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN 731.5331 •Luxury studio, spa. TV. Adults only. e nrlsd ~La .. Gar~?i~srie!,·c:Hemst ins •• • 548·3227 ~Brownhousden e. spllt·le vel. 2 2 -e;.-1 Ba Newp ttl maid service. phones, garage. washer hook.up, •-· I S,C Plaza/S.A lBr Iba. . . on golf course. . . 11 llSwk.4.99·2227 small yard Call fo r star pt. Publish my act for 8 days starting ~mr 2lia"l55o.llfr 2 ~ Ba:-/\7e-. vt~~. Ue1ght.s. Very priva~c. M •l'Pt -aftailiifPiii • ba *"7S. Pools. spas. 754-7900 garage. near Hoag •xpc:rt .... 376' TSLMGMT 642·1603 Be iiifu.J 24x60 K t "' 645-9095 •• ••• • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • __ .....;:..,.___;;,,_ a eywts Classi'ft'cati·on e many extras. No fee. w,,..,.,...••DGE ... inu - ------OCEANFRO s100 off tst Mo Rent Hm • ZBr, 281. This is • Af 115Ht222 __. ,... .. ...., Lido Isle 4 BR 3 Ba . no . NT 2 & 4 Br Spacious 2 Br, l Ba S39S. tbebeltlatown. N • 2 Br. den. comer umt. pets Avail immed Av111. W111ter Weekly I 3 Br. l''J Ba ••'>< Laun M ..... .• ame 2 Br. l Bl. Full carpels, single story, fully shut Joan, 962-9311 . 840-3066 Montbly.873-7873. ,,...., Bea:uTeeiair M.H. e enclsd garage. fenced tered. frp lc, atrium fac.. I. 548-9556 w/fnrtklt.12xl9llvrm. • Address e backyard . patio . Near pool , tenn is HARBORVU HOMES IMMIDOCCPMCY! l.ZxlO Kltr Bdrm. Ellcl • washer/dryer area. No $97$/mo . No pets . 3 br b S400/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba peUo. Nr. Hoes Hosp. e City Zip Phone e ~~=./mo . 549·5442 3:0ll60. Den, 2BA . AC. frpl~.Wi,:~:.:~I. Adults. pool. beame~ 12UOO. • H bo Vi ceiling. laundry room CL···-• Check or M.O. enclosed 0 ltlge4 BR l~ ba. family Comm Pools. S8 SO . ar r ew super 4 No pets. No last mo --• home. Cpta, drps, 2 car Lease. Call SS1·2706 Bdrm 2"'1 Ba Palermo. l MO~OMI e Charge my ad to: e ~.Y~'°~!~~~~!~ Lat-tit.ell JJ41 ~' ~a~c~s~u'~0J" ~'t°MGMT 642 1603 :n.=·~20&·A •• 0 ~ # Exp. • ~~~,~~~a~~~h~t~·,;:'. ••••c)CWRO;;T"•• :!;d~~erm °ca111 ne~!s *Pl!i:.' sC:.nd;C:.: ;p~. , 25' Alntreasn w/room. ac:rou 1treet fro m bteda. .... See at Hun· Ua•• bJ Sea Park, 21171 Newlucl, Space 110. H.B . or call 1·'717 ..... Wl•fwWt UH ....................... a Am pattell 111 Plnft. If YOMmlte, SIOOO to .... OBly few left nm ... I ....... ,. :r•rtr 14H ...................... ..... tll.~Bkr t....,m • L n.o ' • refri&, water & grdor in· MOii.i HOMIS 760-03 aft 6PM garagt S750 0 • cld. 91125 per mo. 1st, '-' ml ot ~ bc:b, 24 hr SPICIOua studios one S49-3232or641·1460 # E P • 1 t 9 --·"t f and two bedroom apan· • X . as , sec:. 57.0101 or oa."Wl y, o c:ovea & SPJ"ll'S 11.Dl'E men1s FURNISHED • L---------------------------_: __ • ;:~:.~fam rm, din ~iio~.~d:!5c:~~ IDC~IHO=E and UNFURNISHED. IAYTIMIBS • r••••••••• WE'LL' PAY THE POSTAGE •••••••••••••• • rm m>der'll kltc:ben, al· from.a'SOtoSlOOO. (714) WITHYllW Oakwood also offers SPACIOUSl Br I ~ 2 car 1ar. t800 •3111 ·All Utlllti.t Paid Cathedral ffillncs. walk •• ! 111111 NO POSTAGE i ·: ~=nAve.Call ~l~~/ol~;'~: 11 r!:1~c!: p~~tin: ·= ~~~=\:::;:.~r~ 1 NECESSARY I tye.11115 Mo.175-0349 ireen.gardener. ''1 Miiiion In I au n dry f ac: 111 l y . • ~I . IF MAILED : • 38Jl. ZBA, Parltal <>tean $1700/mo. Rea•* ~/mo.•W. Bay St. IN THE 1 n' • View House. Close to Rtalt.or: Joyce Edland And Much More• 646-tlll • " UNITED STATES if BdL•l4IO ' 6'2-6235 For a month or 1 life- • ...r • ! . • -.. ........... . , ... 2 bdnD $IOO. No ate111, 3 BR 2 Ba, pool, dlnlnc "''"' ............. ~ooen ~11y BUSINESS REPLY LABEL • ~~~=::::.:....-oc..a Yietr 90$ Temple rm/ tam rm. 1100 Clay, 911'nl0eotn Ao.lttsonty • W ~ Ttrrace. *-OU4 NB. 11.000 per mo. A«t . 1 no pets 0 f lltUCLAU,llt#ITNO I) CC>ifAMUA.CALtfOltNIA ~ • $U.fCl2 • p ~ -----~~~1 Olkwood .! llOSTAOE WU I( P.c> 8Y AOOAE.s.5EE 8 • Glrden Apemnenta i i iiif1'Piiir I i • •• • 101• ' a.... I •• e -~~-· I CC>t90 a bedroom 2 bath up. .,.W condo wltll new ca,,.ta, drapes, •P· pli.mlw, • ....., • dryer, U'IM comptetor. pool .... di••···· .... . ... ., ....... ,.r Newport hlctt/No. 880 Irvine (at 1$1111 (T14)MS-1104 • .... lllohllo. 1700 1ttt1 St ~-= ie Cotte ....... c•nae I • ..... ~· . _,.~e-";~:J .._ fl4 Ml ... nt.1,_ _____ ... ... ... , l :lt·l:lt, Iara . ¢ •• 444ywwwg;4 0 #¢11 4 4 ¥ ; p Oran~ Coaat DAILY PILOT(Frlday, FtbtUlfY 191 t982 ........ --1• ... 9' .. ".•.•.................. ............ ..... I' .;.-· ... , -. . ,.... . ......... Tit ' c ......................................................................... Ci..... • .................................................................................... ~#· ~=~~.Wt.'r; ~.'°rr.1 ~1~:.d· ~~i:l;:t~~ ~ .. ru:..-:.~ ·=~~ma~: ~:.:.~k:.~K~ SCo:tl~ BOODANOVPAINTING NOf•TY A~"f..~~~ yd, nutrltlou1 mula JollnorRld1'7t·l2ll ~or1malljobl. Dr)wall ·IMucao·Tile Gltt.ft'•llt.MWlD Mtu. Irvine: Reta. ~~·~c ~uJlty. ~~~-:11" RtfJ .Jolm M.Wl_L_ c.,.ts..tc. Uc. •eat IUOW ILtmDcltl . .1.8 ..... telO ROBIN'SQ.IAl'flNG f75.11TS. ~; ... itis ~· Call;orillto ewtomClramleTlle , l.ov1ni. e•p'd Mom w/2 • ••••••••··~·· .. •••••••• UC'D ELECTRICIAN Otnttal MalDttoance ~a U.Orouallly MMonry our Specially' QUALITY INT/EXT ltlld ratel. · Proqi(Cb· ... "t"f7,,n-l~ ttt•,'. 3 yr old, babysit tor WeCartCrptCleantl"I Qual.won•Rtu.ratu ltlpainlrDffo11Up• deullouM. uo.arr Otan. quick, depend•· • -• " - Hllll or YOW\&er, f tr. 5'ta.mclunfruphol1. Frtutl. '11 2Tom • t •Ra '40-5144 blt.Wedoanyab.ejob. Ucf.::i'i:~Ht. 2$VraExp.rrfffAt. • m /Wk ~1'12'C.M Trurllimuntunlt EledricourSpeclaltyl HOMElllPROVEMENT iiileiRlfi *811-JM.S• ~ RtuonableWon.Gua.r: Work uar. 845·1718 Clean, qulcll. dtpenda· R~PAJR-PLUllBING a.... linkH t:XP!RT BRICK AND ~ly Pta. Low wlnter ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jot.I 4'2·131% Shamp00 l steam clean. ble. WedoanytlieJob. Heatina. carpentry, lfomtl~otflm MllOlllY. Small jobs • ::U":iJ: :f:.':4s Honttt. COMt•CIA&. ,_111__..__ • Qilor brithtener1, wbl •631·2345• t.lec. tUe. Frff t1&. No repe111. F'tplc facln11. · =TllAL ·-~ · ' crpta • 10 rnln. blt1cb RflilD/COMM 'L/IND Jobtoo1mall. 8'5·2811 Reta. 551-455.SI 780·70'/f P~ER NEEDS ~ ...................... ,, Hall, tlv/din. rmt $\5; 20yne•P,· Do my own JA.CKOFALLTRADES 11=~:sR~~~.E l.ANDSCP/llMONRY WORK.30yruicp,lnt/ Turn lo1t or unuttd c=r!f:?[.~'d~~:.!- ava room s7.50: couch work.Ucd.Al9*11H Calldayornl,:tit. Owntrau. N2-05l0eva Concreu.Llc.ln1. nt. A~tlecellln&•· apace Into a workable Servkea ST-83U: no; rhr SS. Ouar. ellm. •Jackl7"·.,.lf* l)m. Freeat."6·09l4 DavilP&111tJDj M7·51N area-rooma divided, --....................... pet odor. Crpt repair. .._..Co•9""' """ TopQualily/Reaa. Ratea ~ CoUede ttude t 7 e d II d Ill 1 ., Thee Tr1mlng, clun u.W;• GllWICI & SOM U yrs exp. Do work ••••••................. REASONABLE ~.bachelor bomea cu.tom Brick, Stone, , .. n r Yi x· trirywa ' rof ce 0 1 Monthy service free eat,," Builders Since.19'7 ~elf. Refs. 531-0101 Carpet & l.lnoleum For PROMPT FREE EST (21S)'3t·ll07 ~ ConcreU Stucco per. nt/ext, re•. ana m carpen ry.to com 646·75~6 Tony's Tre._t Additjons . Remodelln& No Steam/No Sham""" Home. Van t Motor AL.MOST EVERY · Ref1. Free Elt. W ·IM92 · 846-lMhlUPM pletion. Call Tom or Jetr Service n..-· ,..,.. u--••1 •"""Da REPAJRNEEDED. nlEBROOMSQUAD _.._ _at8812913 or493·3888. ~----~';!·. ~~oe~~· K:~:. Slain Specialist. Fast .!!"''.,·"'" __, ve DAVE 845-4'157 Quality · Reliable MASOHIY ,:?:'.":~•••••••••••••• ..... Complete Tree Service •. • 4cc1autla9 l.lc l3ll»U 549-2170 ciry.Freeest.839·1582 Gw••1 !b.wecleanin&.8'13·3121 tZf.4l !!. HANOlNOSlO/ROLL ....................... ~n'lcln·up&lrri& . .. Piit'Q:;ii;;.·,.;~·5\;;i11" c:.,.t/U,._.t.ry 1•••0 •••••••••••11•11.. Masonry -Carpeatry·Tlle Houaecleanln&. I am exp. Stripping.disc on paper REPAIRS FOR LESS Lawn reoov · 536.09l( • "-mpl. "-t up ·· "A rv FINE HOME ....................... TREES Phtmb-Roofing-Remod Dep. Articulate. Debra. VISA/MC 645·9m Shin•Jes, rial 30 yra T--' ~ • \..iU .,.; w.;x: IMPROVEMENTS NewVr'sSpeclal! Crpl Topped/removed. clean Stucco-Drywa11531·8700 ~ F,. l 770 2125 ,.._.,.... • • Reas. S40.5ll34 Additions & Remodeling uphol cleanin& Scotcb u . lawn renov. 751-3478 KOME IMPROVEMENT Ewp'd Hous" .. ""P" r , --A1C MOYIM(i-u cnded. PAPER HAN GE.Rb exp eus . 0010ELrNQU1ENT;· .. :. Have calculator. will Free eat 912 8839 Tile"~-. Feacinfi .. "'"'"'"' .. .....ca ... ful. ..".""10 a, & guar. No JO Huber Roolln&·•ll types .,. M. · · K&.DLandsc1peMaint. """'" avail. llV)min"•· Hard· "" .... _..,. t.oosmaUortoola~e. New·recover-d•ck1 Judicialroreclosures • travel! All arctg serv C .... ,,.___ R id ,._ Cl Plumbinc. All sma J .... ,_ b • Fr T 28 U .. Harold F McGrath F.aca, Clllforappt,7607122 CQ ..... ...._ntt. es /....,mm ean·up jobs.2llyrsup.9?9.2265 wo ...... ,,. onest, relia· •A-IMOYIMti• eeest. ony ·2'1 cJ411.802 548·9734 &.Sl·l77l .... ,.................. UHaulin .Mll·2489 ble. Reis. Call 631·7596 Top Quality. Special WALLPAPER Ma ~rtl~ ----- ...... ~t1tA1.COHnu.a-THOMPSON'S Garden n& Compl Ray 's Handyman aft.5. careinhandUng 25yn Allkinds Freeest ,.....-f~ ........ ••••••••••••••• , . ~·"""" 0 CONCRETECONSTR. 1 . · Service. roof r.epairs, S ,._ t ' 1 t · · "Qu ·. 'ty Roofing or --.. ALLSTATE PAVING ..... c •-'""""'-' 7!_-M54 Lie 1393383 642.8482 clean up~ free hauling -'~Un .. & ca ...... n'""· 15 Don't pend tbe summer exp ..... mpe 11 ve ra es $11/roll. Uc. 330986 Fi.neHomes."6"5--0I04 ...................... . Se for11Sable1tems .,..., • ·r-~, Cleaning your House. Noovertime. 73().1353 Norm645·0880 --Reading & related skills alroallng Stnping MocHALECOMSTI. RESID.CONCRETE+ Mtchael845-6734 ynexper.648·4336. Let someone else·do 11 ROOFLEAK"-tHH Credenualed. exp. car Repairs Comm Res1d rublOm home~. fram Sport rourts. Lie. 374067 Cpitry, Km ,,,rs, drwl, for you II II II cal I STARVING ACTORS 1HE PAPER HANGER Courtnght "Son 111& Special.mng gradd ~362 645-8181 ml!. remodel, French Bob85l-1966/847·70'l8 GardenmgWanted pntn1 . rntl fie -up , 631~ 'MOVlNG COMPANY Prot .. qualltywork. Rooftng lthr4.644-7779 Driveways, Park mu Lot doors. skylights & patio ;;;:_._..a_ G-ol MoWUlg, edaing, raking, yrdwrk , re as. Jerry. Fut &t Careful Lowest Free est. Steve 547 4281 Free Est. 586 5292 -'-~----R . <--" 8483652 _,......,_.,, ........... s we e ping Fr ee FIUPINOFAMILY Rat.esLawAllows M/C QU LITY ---Cred teacher instruct. epair.i, oxall'oatm~ covers · ....................... estimates 645·43'12 or 955-339S CLEANING SERVICE Visa. Lic/lns. 67~3 A ~ Pf'9blem reading, spell, • S & S Asphalt CGbiaet Makiltcj ADD 'NSIREMODELING 6'5-5737. Ben's Maintenance Serv. Freeesumates 5.S2·7290 Papenng/Pamting ....................... 2!_looics ESL55l·6554PE1_. Ltc63141!hl ••••••••••••••••••••o• Plans Lic'd. Georgr Plumb-elec-carpentry Senrlces Freeest. Janis552·0231 BUDGE."TRATES/Llc'd I Tutor Spa nish. All ._..____ (.'abmell>&.Carpentry Pilrner&Sons,55Hl932 CUSTRO~d~IACoRDE~1ING Painting. Call964·52Jl Broomhdllda's We'll .turn Wallpaper contral'tor & Lowmin.SmlJobsOK. Levels BA Deoree :;:;:::.~: ............. SmallJobs &repairs JM~s-t... Clnes1 893/ ,,r;imX SKll..LHANDYMAN yourl unEgeonsR1rn,t c Private Nurse available Painl.lng.Lic3282400.C. l'Teeest.Jns. 6417581 " AGGRESSIV "°, l.EGA I. Fr"" est "-•5.2003 Fr d r:f: . ....,77~ cast es s t. e s 1mmed. Full or Part· 23 yrs. Gary Gompf w credential Call Lorri r. ~~ .,.. ee es gn/ ree est SERVICE Comp!. home 642-01 c-.1.... ~ 963-1662 Representation Low or C~llttr Room additions, tenant TiiE GRASSHOPPE R repair. Your needs are l i me· XI n l Re r . s 494-4366 ---,/ nces,24hrs 54~8422 •••• r;;••••••••••••••••• improvement , 1n · Completelawnmaint. our s pecialty. Mike Marta's Housecleaninf. 734-7786_ Expert wallcovering in· ••••••11•••·0~··•••••• WllNlowClt-""J ,.......__tf•t fo'INE FINISH WORK surance work, decks, Indoor plant specialist 642·1305eves the fint lime SIO. of . stallation. Reas prices. t\Jteral1ons.k lab1lormg & • ...................... . -fl d 1 0 h patios Oominic642-4851 --Ref.646·7maft4PM. Co 1 -custom w · Y exper "Letth\!Sonshine ln" ............ ••••••••••• t'tro e mg oors ung ........._ nsu tant Assignment seamstress 642-6872 Call Sunshine Window TIR.OH YOUR CAR Randy 720 1260 ~d~ _ 770-8061Lie3131!!_ Landscaping· Vd Clnups •--, Thorouihly done, honest. Fine painting by Richard 581-11580 • eves Cleaning, Ltd. Mll·88SJ Instead of wax 40 mo tilAR•PROFE""SIONAL REMODEL!ADD·ONS ~lrim·Expert ma Int. ....................... reasonable rates, fret Sinor. Lie, ins. 13 yrs or p •-al ..., •. , L 'd J' a.10129 DUMPJOBS -•.Deihl'•...,_,.. ha:tlocalcwito-ars --• Dressmak111g 2!r.MonthlvOucount wrty. 752·50071752 0892 C'11nv>ntry ' Boat ex Carpentry IC • im..... ··Small ""oving Jobs -_.....,., ''"" ~-L -·"" ... · "' "' Th you. 631·4410 ............... ~0•••11 and Alterations RC'<'IDENTIAL PROF nt)LISl'INr. docks 25)rl> &45·3749 25 rs. lrwm~·2'll9 Mowlllg, SlO, Sl5, 120 CallMIKE646·1391 e.-Ta -•BRYANTS• "'"1rl1ev968·5150 ' ""'3 * ' n • H r o I "'' ~ Avg I sly S30. avg 2 sty•. Servil'e al your home or • • • • • COMM'L1RESID au 1ng I um P n g . Q.EAM UP YOUR ACT ....................... c.to. ,..._ Wallcovering Remo val -S4S Chris 957.8388 • buslness.Rick67S0344 Tiredof PlauiWall~'ln · Rerrod.·Add'ns-Repa1rs Sts-S20.7M·9904,955·009S , TODAY! Yard/oaraoe EXPER.PREPARER 25yrsexp. l..il'. 4~1 . AllT s. 642-1343 ~ \'e11· reas Lie 390"•" Mark • " Enrolled to practice Bo-.. -'. Ins. Rers Color ••••••••••••••••••••••• cruse t he Value & """' ---1 cln·up, etc. I ton truck. ·~ 19....1. ~ Beaut> or \'our tlome l JarkH Bennett.Jr Re s.1d t comm11ndus ...... 631·1-t"• .. -> before the IRS. Quahty expert 963-09\lDick ,-~ ••SICYUGHTS•• Gen Con 55291·2 ~ ~ ""''"~ at-as -t .. "'"•ts ••••••••••••••••••••••• II s I II d ••••••••••••••••••••••• With The R1rhness or ____ _!!. -.:__, Mamt. clean ups , treel Demo'·tt'on "rad;R0 '"' .w ........ ·uo ---Neatpatch~ •-textures A u es ns la e Babys1t,ourCMhomt''i I Fr u -v ""' I'm Small My prices "".. G 1 p · 63l9255 yr&tup, anylu~ Solid Wood 496•6961 C.toMWoodwortiltcj tnm ee est &4l-I096 Transport. Asphalt. con· FEDERATED are small ' CdM , NB rn.ttt. Hl-109 ~_!!£es. __ _ 642·8482. 646 5759 Wmmated Cabinets ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pete crete & tree removal. Income Tu Service Exp'd. Ron 673-6477 Pl.ASTER PATC HING Babysitting \ton Jor i Wood Skins or form1ra Cl'STOM HARDWOO D Ge.nil W.lctt I Soil prep & planting. 631-4871 for appt ---Restll('COS Int/ext 30 N~bom 10 2 , rs 1, 10 L'ruts 645 ~21 549 168S lnlenors, bars. mantles. ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Operated equip Comm'I FAST ACCURATE I NELSONS PAINTING yrs Neat. Paul 54S·2977 . "'" .. -libraries. cabinets , TreeTnm&Removal &Restd'l.642·'1638 . Int/Ext Res1d1Comm ~SI hr <.:~1 64229'JS Custon1 Carpentr) B> bookr ases. s ky htes. Home Repairs lncornPtaxservice·your Acou,,tJr <"tilings Refs. ---- L1c'd chi ldcare, lo\tnR J;i; <Formica & cust molding Rers 760-9005or673·9043 General h.auling & mov-bomeb 1 t. 963·682I bc'd. i'Teeest 837-2637 care & compamun~hip Tile 6~2 8809 or Call 646-0Cl92 1ng Tree work , gar Penonal & Bwiiness In . --••••••••••••••••••••• .. renre<t yd.S56309tl t\n~l'er 1\d =620 at t"'--&.... cleanup Free est come Tax Return LJ B PAINTING Drams cle.aredfrof!l SlO --64.20Xl, 24 hrs ~al ._.__.,. 714-842·4.597 Preparation. Avail ror QUALITY REAS Plumbing Repairs Responsible ex~r lnd\ I .... 1-••••••••••••••••••••••• La ~9383 rt 6 Fr t M&M 642 9033 wtll sit e'es t. wkrul~ 1cabinels, Counter lops,••••••••••••••••••••••• TRACTOR , ideal for HAULJNG ~tudent has Evenings&WeekendOf· -a · i:!es · . 642 6872 !Joor. Gre<'nhousl' """ DRYWALL ACOUSTIC small access areas 48" lge truck. Lowest rate. fire or Home Appoint· INT/EXT PAINTING An.AS PLUMB ING & · l'\es I llows. F101i.h "'ork 14ytsexp F\tlly ltc'd& wtdeKubotask1ploader. Prompt.Call759·l9'16. ment.s. James L. Zim· QuaUtywork.Reas. HEATING-REPAIR Sell idle items 754 4420 l!_\SUred. 532~9 ?hr lns'd. 642·S006 Thank you, John. merman. CPA. 64H212 i'Teeest. Steve 547-4281 REPLACE &45-1688 F• Ad Action Call a Oily Pilot AD-VISOR . ~2-5678 Real Estate-:-the Corii~te Orange ~st Market Place The Bluett Mar1cetplace on the Or-.. Cout DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Con W It, find II Trode It With o Wont Ad [642-5678 ] o.w Col~ICf Fo,t Ctedit ~°"°' .. .,...,.. ... ts~ !Af-tmenh1Mfw1'. IApcwli...,.hu.fwa. .;.1wah~ AJ-•=•hu.fwtL ~-lwlfsFw•.a.-4 .... ..._, 4175 .... lo~ OOOl<>ffiul..e.I 440010fflultfttal 4400 ;;;;:;;:s~ .. · ... ;·~;~·~.:·~·::~· .... ·;·~;~ ~c:.:;~·ji~"o ;;;;:. .. ii4'o M:';rl'i:d ... ii''9 :!.~!!:.!~.!!!~ ··;;.:;.:;;;;,:.;;;~ ... ;·;::;·;;·;~~·.·;~·: ... B .. A10Y···F·R110°··.::T ..... ···;;;;~~;;;;;:;;··· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••. ................ W'lfMN AMI SI-. Cituns 855·6221 rum apt. Laguna Bch " Pri vate Q(ftce. S6are ARIStDECOMFORT "e"'"'r I Br , patio & HUMTIM~TOM WALK T O BEACH: $725/mo. 3 Br. 2 Ba . fUm•unfum t bdrm Y--"'--I~ 4 .. 50 ~anVuterrance S305 Pn'!!_o"1ce6731003 open space. Part1all> La rga 1 8 R d 0 .: :i r a R l' :S o Pets Bach mve & refriee. ~.upper, Newport apt All util pd All -_,_ ' + UUl 494-6109 Costa Mesa 250 sq ft rum Tel Ans S350 mo. ~ ,. n S395 rm 645 ~r GAIDIMS G •-· t · d Sb E I d . . .... ,.................. . ,... 139 . w patio & \'ard up ' Spacious Apt.s Bachelor u • wa e r pai · ores area. nc •. amellities.846-<1119. OCEANFRONT 2 t 4 Br Prof. 30+ shr new 3 br, 2 s11t..e S\75 mo Ultls in ... 1. I w bakon} & "cath~drJI IMST.\MTIM! & 1 Br Fro~ S350/mo. m tmo.$36-7979 ___ ~e.balcony.Sobm1t •-4000 Avail. Winter Weekly! ba house, 1 mi. to SC cld 779 W 19th St Ofhce space on busy ceiling frplc d ,. pool $415 rrtJ I Br I Ba J\pt Close lo G G & San WALK TO BEACH I Br., on children & pets. -Monthly 673·7873 Ptm. 751 ·5998 16·9~m ) ~1-8192.8 Newport Blvd. Approx · """·Ir ·arport lau d,.,,. · TSLMGMT MZ-1603 ........... •••••••••••• --·------------_, f\ u•n · spa, car port :'\o ~·h '•v l • n ., Diego l'Twy Balconies. st O v e & ref r I g e · t..aauna Beac.b Motor Inn, Palm Spnogs area <Mon Prol .. to share w same S2ll & S72 sq fl SI 00 per ._, sq _..., !"°· Ill, adults only $4~ &. up roo~ Cat ok Real tun patios, pools. JacuutS, $375/mo, S36-7979. I MIWPOIT CREST 9115 No. Pacific Coast terey CC> condo 3 BR 2 lu.xunous 2 Br tn level sq rt . 3975 Birch . N B clds wls 2450 Newport :!iSO_Harla 549 2447 !ri.1 ,1 15 one "'0n~ ast tennis & l:aundry rac ...,...._.. 3141 Luxury3bdrm,2~batb Hwy. La1una Beach Ba. rurn w atr1um. 1 condo w \'le " & Agent541-~ Blvd Costa Mesa See QUlETADliLTS o\N~.i.,. · · i:mt 642941 4901 Heil . Bo Isa ................ ; ...... condo. Wet bar. rrplc, Daily, Weekly, Kitchen Gotr. tennis . Daily. ame!'ll1es See to ap· Clfict'spaceforrent,385 Man~er.:_ __ wU111Tl I Br lo" er SJ.10 < ute I Br "' } a rd Ouca Heil, 846·13~ OCIAM FIOMT pool, tennis. Custom availablt Low winter >A'eekly & monthly rates 'prec1a~. Harbor Knoll sq rt second floor. IUSIHlSS ADDRlSS Beautl landscaping Nu f..i~"•tJr _SJOO mo. no 28rlba.nrHunt Hrbr Mosl ele"ant i ' ar\menl crpts, drps, wallpaper. rat.es.494·5294 avail. 714 ·5S8 8001 ~.759~ Prestigious Westchfl Answer ing & mai l pets.LEEWARD \PTS kitrhen •522197 ht"'n Eilclgar,encl pat10,no b Id" I PL etc. 1895 mo. Eves & Pvt.ent.oosmoking or 9-5PM.askforMark '2500sqfl coodotoshr lg areaSIOOsq fl Medical service, conreren ct-~ FUiierton. 631 0397 S.5 ~o peh pets $450 mo Isl 1last + ~~ch 1F~nes~ toc:tfounni~ wknds 673-5820. dnnking, quiet M over Mam~th 3 bd;-m co-nd~ I rm s on be a u t 1 i u I Bid_&: Call 645-6501 _ room Adj OC A1rporL ntE VICTORIAN Nt',. I Bit E3~hide Beamed S250ser. 842 3889 town . Brea t ht akin g Steps to beach. 3 bdrm. 2 30. fll5/mo 556-0637 ~SllO/nlghl. Greenbll & view or lhe SlOO mo 714 _85]·1341 _ ly decor 2 Br I' ur <'.e•hngs Lrg Yrd S375 views. All bll·ins, heated ba duplex. S850 mo year· !Working fem , 25 40, .,., -~ .. §JIM -bay, w/pools. 557·7883 or 05 Mo-Pnvate office Newport Beach near new crpts & drapt>!' bit i l'til 548·9929 ••MEW•* pool, subl garagr. lylease.55Hl985 blk bch. NB , unfurn ...... tose..r-. 4300 ~-parkmg/ktlchenette spc Hoag Hosp 1000 sq fl .. ins, patio Adult-l'<tll Tri Plex 2 BR 2 B". I •< IRIS •s elevator Lease only w· ... FIO~T ' noD smkr S2M 675 1706 ,. __ ..L..I M 18600 Mam St Hunt Bch serond noor offi res. am . between l 5PM 6.16 H20 tiwloiwd l;aral?e Laun * ~ .,. * S850 & up 330 CliU Dr .,.,_ " · · ............ ••••••••••• _._ _.. ar Daily Jantr All uul pd pie parking. well mam- 667 "G" Victona •• ,,,Ill') n-1rony u ... , "o Adltonenled apt 4!M'"''". WITHDOCI aft..4. -FEMALE 2 8R 28a.2decks.fplc. A ·1 7 1148333 edbld v k d "" '"' ""'~ '' 2Bedroom . .......,, R 1 . 2 8 2 B F w D, $330 mo + 12 ultl va1 now11 141 · I lalll g. 1c } ays 2ni; Pa1T1t• la Lani· ea nice r a urn. rm ror rent in 71 6 5 800 Mesa \'ercle, 2 br '14'" &lS t¥173 2blks from ocean Mtwportltocll 316' w1spainmstr8a.bh·in Newpori, 1250 /mo . ROOMMATE 1st. last+ dep req 'd. -· 11: 6:3 .34112 .·1:;~!. c11>t. drps , paint 4Ju1t•t paddle tennis cts ....................... kttch., frplc, dbl car female prer 645.3448 art Must be empld. ha ve • H u NT I N G T o N area Cul de sa1 "'' •BEAUTIFUL• balroniesorbkyard pan11 NEWPORT garage. + 2 additional 5 wu•TEOI I re~.759-<!5:.8_ BEACH• pets. $475 4911 1!136 , I Ar Pool . laundn carports llU\ of · M • """"1465 balrnny lilO\'e rri" II 'I pd I •panTMENTS r.stspaces. SIJOO. Nwpt. Bch, house pnv, To share 3 bedroom Mis IM ·F prof to shr 2 Br 1010 S/F S.lt. .....,.. . J•Jtl S.'l7S Water ga~ a ut1 No:~pteer "M J.l.PropMCJl"I. non·smkr,rum.SJOO/mo sion Viejo house Full ' houseCdM.AskforJohn 1 ••3Priva(e0ff1ces Large 2 br. I ba ne" paid Atlanta· Delaware, HB 67~173 '675-6670 631-7215 privileges S300 lnclud· ~~24~or640·5511 dys • •2Starr Areas ~~n~er~ g~~~~~~;..., d}~~ 145 East 18th 645 2708 (714I ~ 4400 COUMTRY CLUI ..rTUNI A YI Newport apt. to empl in& utilities. Ask for FShr Hse w /2 Brothers Avatlable 00;.~5~~=~ MSO. lT1l 645 9884. mgr ~ Side. lge. bright 2 BR. UVIHG IM 2 Br 2 Ba. frplc , garage, lady. Ught bsehld priv. Mike at 770-7928 or Non-Smkr CalH714l848·3133 I >\.la rplt' porch. S500 2br 2ba in 4-plex S475, 1625/mo yrly. S411·5682 Pvt BR & BA. $411-4017 546-1.200, ext. 34 673·l908 - APT MANAGER rro 640.0997 "'·d hk·up, prv patio, NEWPORT 3bdrm, 2ba duplex. ~ Avail .March lit. Room. Prol Shr 2BR, 2BA CdM M Non·Smkr shr 28R. HIWPOIT llACH Sem1·ret1red couple ror enclsd 2ar. 64s.9494 IEACH block to beach. Bath. Garaae. Pool. Hse l Blk fr Sch. F Pref 2BA Apt CM. DW. Pool. AIRPORT Custom of 16 urut complex in C ~1 0-f'oW 3126 54l-8083 KJtcben Priv. $411-80$8 B-5311, 675-9619 Eves Spa. S237.50. 641-7583 Art fices. ax> to 1800 sq ft Mamtenaft<'e exp req •••••.;•••••••• • •• • • •••• DaulE 211, llA All adult community on · NB prof 1 11 h 1 5PM From 90' per s r ___ 5490433 2 Br ocean view. l mile beach, frplc, the Back Bay Spec UdoBayfront.2br.2ba. F\lm.roomforrent.full H b .mav~wi shrge Roommat ted M 1 MullanRJty5402960 28R lBf\ G Yard balcony. garage. clean e n c ls d g a r a g e . tacular Spa, 7 swim newly decor. Beaut. fac. priv, Balboa Island ar or tew 0 me e wan · a e i · wS W:, .Oeapor~~t' ~ · A" Cordova Dr. dshwsher. bit-ins. smoke nung pools, 8 lighted ten beach.. Yrly lse St75/mo. Cont a cl V 1 I d 1 y s "'1 ad u ll 30 + s37 S over 28· S360tmo ulils I ' 631•4398 213 40'l~7 1collect l _ alarm. balcony Waler rus rouru. bike trails 673-12113or675-3551. 64.l·W01eves673-8238 Shr~I I ho r fpM~l7:1vail 3·l art execuplan --~ 113140 pa.id..S46S.Berore8PM. putt i ng green BIGlBR,w/OceanVu. CdM pvt. entran rgux mew/pro 1 br. ix,~q f:.~~e yard •••••• :;~~.~~••••••• 960-4614. Bachelors. 1 and ' Cli ff Haven Area. S600 ce/garden patio. Furn. penon. Isl. last & dep. Rmmte wanted. male H J. ..._C-~" f\tm1Shed & LJnrurn 1·2·3 I Br. frptc. patio. wlk·tn bedrooms apartments. Rick 556-1774, 642· 7264 Be am e d c e 111 n g ~ llV). 966-3479 aver 35· empl'd. qwet. .,. ._..., ~ S300 548·4845 Bdrm A pts Gym . closets, pool. adll lvng and townhouses from Lrg/nice. Microwave & liberal. Lag Bch 49'-6216 F\tll serv1ce/cus om PALM MESAA l'TS Jacum. Sauna, pool. MSO.IM2·8807 SS40toS1000permonth 2br,2ba, gar., pool, sun· refri&. AvaiJ 3/1. Quiet. ROOMMATE Female to shr w/same olfice&deskspace 1561 Mesa Or trnn, s. vol 1eyba11 . --On Jamboree At deck, dishwasher. $650. resp. non·emkr. Gar FUm. nr Orange Coast Nr O.C Airport ~s~age 0 C Airport area. 1120 sq rt. 69< sq rt + ut1ls. ~7-4913. 731·~2 - - PIOFESSIOHAL OfftCE SPACE NearO C AIRPORT From Sl.25 sq ft up .. Fder.Dr. 5~114 Clfice Spal'e for rent. 606 sq rt. prime locatton. E. 17th St, C M Ground rloor. Avail. 1mmed. S6501mo Call Craig , Batley. 631-0213 Clfice space for lease. SISO IT¥>. Balboa Island Call (213)289·9307. a~-.• for Mr. Pemberton. 2 Br unfum. $425 2 Br ~ketball. ga me room. 2br. Jba. duplex doll Ilse. San Joaquin Hills Road AvaU. Mar. 5. prtg. lst/last/dep. l300 FINDERS C'.olle2e n/smk 545-4009 "See to App~ciate ! .. fum. $465. Adults Call H Belt °'".()619 back yrd. gar. new -<714)644-1900 673-22117/646·2992 induti.11. 759·1363. -759-8978 ......_...... 4450 ... ,. • ,..., 9860 unt '"" · paint crpts drps $4115 ...,.. Oldest & largest agency. _...,. ....................... • .... wn..-. .,...,. · ssso 2BR. 28A Nr Bch. 8171Newma~.848-lSll · 1~ FEE! .A.Pl. t Conde S.Cll•• lilt Lag\ma Lrg Furn Room. All clients screened with fw..., 050 Storeor0ffice. l350sq. fl.I I.. E. C.OSta Mesa Ba chelor Dest Area No Pets. reotals. Villa Rentals. • ........... ••••••••••• Pvt Ba, Unena, $2'5 Mo. photoa & references. '!..................... MIWPOIT CatTR Mesa Verde Arel •.· unit, nopet.s. SJOO mo 83.1-ml, 642·1339 IWant A~ Call 642·5!78 675-4812 Broker. SAM CLIMIMTI 1st, Lut. 499-5550 Credits: Cosmopolitan ~e car garage. full &celetut Offlu s.'5·'123 --5.S2·~ fr.= -----• Golf course/bill view, 2 lnNewport.$200.Prv.Ba Good MomingAmerica. UP. CdM. SSS/mo. Sltece Newvort Blvd re· U!»tain; 2 br apl, enl'I Iii OMTHI IAYI bedroom apt. Bullt·iaa, &t ~. Pool. Non smok· ~Tomorrow Show. 110-0347. 500 to 'l«Xf sq ft Availa· rurb1Shed bldg for office garage, SJ85 mo Call 'I Kennebunkport? One of a klnd luxury carpets. drapes. 2 ln.RFonlY.631·3526. ·~ ofh 10 all new Offlcel..e.I 4400 bleforLease or retail. Open rafters,. ~248 8561 I . h apts. 2 bdrm, 1 bath apt trl(IOled carports, laun· Pvt turn bd LR & clients who need a place ....................... Call Wm. F. Cote French doors. exposed ' •2 Br I Ba Nr Wasn'tshe thebiolog1stw owon localed directly across dryfadllty.Twoadults. Baih.All til~m.I M MIWPOlT 641-lltt 1617 WestcUff,N.8.Waot formore informat1on brick,llOOsq.ft .+ 1000 s.c Plaza. very clean 11 The Nobel Prize for Medicine in '69? from tl\e Reuben E Lee. No pets. M50 mo/lease. u me esa financial inst. 'IOOOs.f. s q ft f n c d y rd ,., $.\50 646-4667 Just remodeled with Available immediately. Verde• C.111. 55&-6033 Share my 3 BR 2 sty hme. 1st. floor. Agent 541·5032. '* C " R l Ownert.Ait: 67J.53&9. ... 11 ._,.. fD ~....:; new carpeting, drapes, Owner (714)642-0l.38. Beauty, quiet, privacy, NB. nr beach, tennis. D ote ea ty Hi vtslbibty. Attractive • •Spacious Jbr. poolsidr 11 you re not sure who (or what) KennybunkpOrt kitchen cabinets & ap· NICE 2 ·BEDROO M kit. priv. for emp. non· $.150. 78M380; 631-3618 ECUTIVE & lnvHtment store. 2330 Newport-• N e w I Y d e c o r was. don t feel bad-you re not alone pllanctt. This upstalra apartment witb view of amkr. etc. mo. E. Bluff, M SUITES 640-5777 Blvd.C M. 1200 ft. Glass·· • ~;~i" J:~de~.t:;, Ken""bl.Jn'"'"rt 15 one of 14 dlStlnctJvety 11~t lncludtsa fireplace. the colf course. bills. NB~ m ~·t~s. IN front age. 11001 m~; ,... S4l-4l2'1 or731-6829 .. , ,,,.... mirrored bdrm closet public tennis court• Rmmt wanted to abr ZBR 673-2JIJCll 673.3&13 HafTAGI 875-7711. t:11fferent apartment tloorplans at Seawmd Village odoor'I •a apacious deck beblnd property z Apt. CM artt. 1275 Mo. M F ' PLAZA ....._ '"" • .;...;~.;.._· ~bus;;.;._.----t- 1 br. Adu.IU, no pets 7l7 1n Huntington Beach Seawind Village IS a result overlook Ing the bay. encloted carports. "all Incl utll. Call Steffie ature shr• w/same New luxury office space ,...._ LM..... "" IMIS space 0 W.1&11 St. !ID. $350/mo of tot.ally personalized profeswnal planntog 11100 month. UtlUtles In· blilt.lna, LaWldry facility after5:90MM104 ~ ~f· 2 ba CdbM In Irvine's bus ieat Lar1e Office Spa ct . lel GS sq ft . 1J15 pr mo. ~1126 T f dese eluded. For appt. call in hmit modtnupanbb .........._ ..,., ... , _., or muter r cedel'I Easy Frwy ac· O>rona del Mer. Lyuna lkh. f75-2'122 • A ~~ndb~~~r:!e~nd IM';-(71')720·2473 ,.on-FTI atyle blildin&. 2 adults .--Mlhll 4100 •m•terba.673-l56l cm. Avail. oow ! Call •ITS.9510• IC-a.I ~~ -:J:.· ~e~· S C nestled tn a forest with babbling brooks and quiet .. SPM. only. No children or pets ••-;,.::•.•::~··::;._•TIL•••••• MI r -3 BR Par It for ckta.lls. .... 4475 SG-.OS p!MI. $450 per month. --"""" Newport Twnhle. Pool/ HHJJI t4HZIO IOU.C9'Tll ...................... . Plue. · poo<lS. cooled by natural oce.an breezes. Add to Lar• lBR. Ulll pd. Spot· Available February. W\11 reot.t now aull. 1p1/ tennis. Vu back MIWrOIT C~ C.entral C.111 .. '50 , • Roomy 3 Br Townhoust that tennis courts. SW1mm1ng pools. ajacuul and lelt. Qliet. M50. JUI E ca 11 0 w ne r ( 11' ) $105 • up. tolor TV· Ba1. Jan '19·0048 ....,., OfflCH• Elqant Exec suite'a 1 awtable for omce. bldt· apt la qlltt adult com· a convement locallOO near shopping and 18tbSt. 84M718 &Q.0131. Pbonel In room. 2174 PWl Km . Br/Ba. $275. frOCl'.l l room up to 2000 preat11lou1 loc. Incl -or otber. azstuno.:' plel. Ntwb' decorated. employment and you ve got a placeanyone would Spec. l or 2 br1pta, 1 ml Adult Studio. Stove. Newport Blvd. CM· Fu rn Av a 11. No eq, It. From 11·16 a aq. Ht'reta rl a I. recep. Dl-4112, *'-,.,.,. flreplatt, e:11cltd patio tit prOUdly call home. (Even KennyoonkpOrtl) from beacb. No pets. re1r1 utll S2'5 mo •7'45 Driak/Drug1. 545-5105 ft. No leaae required. Uonilt , telephone an1 • Prime Tustin • Sa~· 1ert1e. Aduha only &a-235'7 ..!·lll)~ein4t2·0180 On tbt beach, hotel AfterWM Adj. Altporttr Inn. 2172 rmre. Ofc1 from ..,_ Clemt"'uelailorolflct sany no Jn:· 1575 Mo One and two bedroom. one aod two bath ~ room1, ldtcbeattt• • , to ah /2 Su Dupo at. Ca I I AM , ""· Oa·call ofct $1'5 II*!· ,._1470; 111.-.• 1 ... le btwnt·5:.0. apartmeotsfromtf.490 . .. hntatlcOcnfrtvul ~ br, near ocean, bttb.tllO+•aecun. dma ·~ri:t°edrre -..,, mo . T H E H EA D · __ ._ ......... ~ •. NewSBt. Pool, Ree rm ~ nd U"""2br,1tr•l1ermi., 1115/mo. ltli: ~~ :e l)' dtpo1lt. ZSOI W. ~:smo ;,Hid ' lnHSTmJ QUARTERS COM ·,_ ........... , .... !? UtUt paid. W11k So. ~· fnDffl?. IOalJ 1 m DlelDo • · · Oct11fro1t, Newport ' . PANllS: A prol ... looal N.8., Jfrl 8ltttl. _ 1,.~ I o.&Plua. Call collect I "'ttun11 onwi.w ~to btadl. 2 Ir, 1~· ....,. .. Mt.IC. ..._tTMlM. ....._rmmte tq lllr lbr COSfA..sA eulronut. (71'1 • --.... 1 ... -. :i, • i/11'7.-.,,. 81, trple. lmm1C\llat. il.laJ JIM -.1a 1rv11t •II pro-larlroomoflN-AA._. lll.-t n.-• .. -, m . .. •• .,A. r;;;;;;..'-i1ht a Wonderful Workl ,...a ... A••ll a11. A/C,plllllJolfftl, uw f:' ••. ft . A1u~ 1 Ir. 1 ... lar .. o front 15555 ~ Vlltilge Ln ~ llllactl. CA ,_ a ..... ....;,.. ,rou-av··iirT·l·N·o of ~.,, rlcbt at 111.1111~•1•1. llld.~..o. .... cau ..... "-.... .._ •• ,... Urt••· raaa• 4 llMM ..._ _ • ,,_, ~· ,,.. ,_. erupt tvtr1· ,_, .. .,_1.._... I rh 1116ca mtM ~•r.T. -01rn... -...: ... L '1 Niii\ • Aw.._.,_,,,,.,_ '"°"' dw s-i ~~ dlM ~on llllactl to ---ira!!"..: _. OCllD()~,.;t'iJ:L:; 1,~ a 111,: I lot C... SIM. •· Da" • .., a. ._ ,.. ...-• ~ ll· .u .; fWr • •' fWr. ~ lurtlftll I I f. I... ~.tfwlMaonltleflll!lllltDs-ildYllOt. lllldlAllf f!..11-.,..,..,, "'IC, ,... ... ~ .t~ ........ :--__ ... . ........ ·~ ~·'· O'letft" .... =,~'r.fr: :~: ~--·-·10AM'\I.._ ll'uUDll · -la t'l. tlH. ~~aa.lfttd A4· W'!ACl'IClfS MM1ll_ ::::----,, • \ --1Aa I ~ --I--7 ~~ .. ~,,. ... _, -' • ~!'-IP. C~ ... . ... ... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Frtday, February 19, 1982 I..... UOO W..W. 7071 ....,W..eH 7100 HllpW.W 7100 .... W.W 7IOO .... W..W 71 ••••• ~~:.~ ••••• !!.°.! .••.......... . •••......•.•............•..••..........•••..........................•...............•....• ······~················ ............•..••••.... "ft f~. nr So P'Nld NB c Hw Ellptr Typl t ror perm u.t.AIALAIM ''''"" 111n paloltr MllU(WUI ror N1U ulo.n lta.t/G• office Plue tUO mo Cl K on I Y Pfl'or ftr In my homo nl111t ha\le 1011'1 txPt'r "' t~-port Buch •·x Proi>th~ miimt lrrm lit1111C'nlJobl • .!!!. MO.ldt JA0tWi!'o":,irig.: 1 •· PU •dtUv S.SS..2724 131 lJftNCl~:3tW 1t hand letlenn1towork 11tln1t (Uentele 1v11i11 lrvtnr Sll$0 mo HEYi ..._,. Art• or 3 Car mpanlon Str'> settk• In tab C t.t •Ian shop bit, noa(ryllcs 5-40 wm &:n3S44 IOYs-GllLS Gv. Nr 11th t Npl l"bwMI 2 F Mlxtd Ter llvt-ln position. pr~f CASHlll/SAUS Call H8 8191 lrom Mft'baniult>rl(u&tullon llow "Would you hill' to ~ o.ta Mtta Alley ~':.!tll B~k :~ MF Laiun• Bth F.duuttd. HOUSIWAal DEPT. 8S11m txs>tt w1lhnf to hi11rn UC.-rtOHlST ram., much'~~ oo I 1•-~ O..lmau~ Mia, B~~ & ~u~;"1"1d y~!~~·d~iv' .. n ~~ •:i~rdwi~:P~rtr/ GIHllAL OHICE r.W1ator repair 631 t4Z4 ~or Jrvlnt.' 1-:1,rtronll' ~r:,'v~r;,~~1,~~.d;.;1"11 -W•1•111t Wht Rtttnlb' Spayfd (~~11 rrfs 631 9813 E coast llw . t'dM ln~uranct> Ai:y in rosto 957 ~ I < omp1ny. lu hu nd Ir pitl1ttll, IK'.-rh part it·• MXlJ~~B Area Sin F Mlud Rtlrit\er Cold 13191523 ' Mciu1 h:u 0~111ni.: for MlCHAMfC-A.UTO busy 11w1tc:hbo11rd & ph.i." rr1<1n> olJl('r thinl(ll" tn) • M Yl'lklw l.ab. Gold & -CLllll metJ,:t'llr pt1ri.on to hun M11rGre11or Yurht!!, lll31 jlt.'nl'r11I orhc:I! 'Work "11\t>n )OU would proh:tb) -~ 11\er 5 JO( all Tan M Aust ra It ll n Wewt.d 7100 Jhirbor Munic1p11I Court 1 dltt 'ar1rty or oUH·e Plat'entau. t'ui.lw Ml'sw ~t.t•l hi' good l}Plil iirol>abl} t'rtJOY work1ni.: ~~ Shepherd, Rik' Whl M •••••••••••••••••••••• tuis openings for nwn & dutu.· MuNI be rt-bpons1 l-Oolad llob Oov111. fOf w. G1ra11 ror rent on Goldt'n ltetntlVt>r, Red At'(~ory & art u leb wom1•n. Ir you IYPl' bit' & ~tlllral( to !urn M~eh111m. MR 01t"M'I M900~ Ql 'i\l.ll"H'ATIONS 8elboa Prn next 10 •'\In Ntwpo rt An 1 rn11 I Part or I t1nw Must 40wpm & are inkrested ll11111d 11d•ancemenl for Kxver & fort.>11111 madt• 1 Owrl:lvt·.ir~nfuiw .,.,. (10"ax201;t). u~o Shtlter 125 Men Or have fhur for drslitn. tn tint ~nertts Wllh .1 n~h\ f.l'rson l'a1d 1·om Allio .BMW&. Mertl'th•b 2 Nt'JI honf•\I ancl tit· nt>.m294.31~13.3930_ CM 844·3MG color or art. Will tr11in ~tut 1n 11 sa I a ry 11 r l)llny bl•nef1b Call Sttl ~ OU~3 lllC;+tONIST/ lll'ndabll' 1.o1t Zpuptt , l blk wduni; Xlnt r~mm ,M11 1Cl:1 s~.6S1hr. 401hra Pt.>t ty.5499923 Medical UGH1'TYPIST 3 Wutk11r1t•1 h1·hool aud .... W..e.4 4600 hlllr. l wht w 1i:ulll t·u~ 6'75-l920.J 6"1~--4722 14l't'k c:all 833 04ll. t•xt llonll' rle11111n11 service IACK OFFICE Wamorous 1 111rl nfflre Saturdayi. s · s I S j:U!••MARRiio:~·;;J 641 1817 CM area 350 for lntervh•w 4601 nl~ help 1mnwd Mui;t Nuiw ror Gr' wunted in Ne~-port &!ut·h f:x <'ALl.TOUAY • ~-ll!S!IP!'l!l!A.ll!'!!IMP'!"!!E!!!!Pllll-•I ~:~ ~t~~:~~ut:u~ M:~ ~ near Coaat Reas A.CCOUHTAMTF/C JamboreeBlvd .. N U huve o wn tr ;1n~p I t~>.p 111.'l' Must typt• l'1t11111 pos1t1011 for lht• ~r7J.936tJrS31525i E\l'IY Suodey. llam Whb & Trs Adrnlral ~CallMllie,~9·3670 LOS~~at~P'~! Gold P8oshttl~n w ~Ne.~,·1fort ~:OE l.uunto ~·0961 Sar"h•l'.Y n(••tot111ble rail n1thll)tlr~11ra 110wpm1yp KAMtSIOl'M :1pm, Clr:1nl(l' Cua~t t"reezer.Surlhourd.Oak MA CAW PARROT <' rropt > n llmt HOTlLIANQUET or lillt'nll'w, ll l?2S!15 in11. Mbtll ty 111 httnrlli• (~ilh·Kt· f.unww &Arl 1-Wll Tree Many More ...... n••ttt/ V1rgu11a Pl& Elden A•t-Firm Outstandlnii a.iiTYP'IST ftfRSOH I II H liu.~) phone~ i'.ltl'l'lh•nl --------•I mi..1on l'u~ta M t·~a Ad Mtsr Items 2078 Santa -._!' Career Oppty G l., , .. ITTIME I "' I lvrr1pan) htn1•f1t& SW'IMCOA.CH 1111;.~11m lrl't' tu buy"'' A11aAve CM I~· c~ 6461322 A p . AR w cmpha~ll< "" l'l'rlt'tl ror IUlUI) • MODB.S •MODELS . ('"'r m•rk"tln" dt•pl I' I II h h I I I (' I ,,,, .• ()t'$<'tean1. lla11.1 1•111111 s l' 11 I' r HI'' l' r' J 6 ()ff D k •. ('h ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Lost Golden Relrlt'll'r an hnanc1al anal) SIS tr "' ""' " ,. .;i1otu11o1 t·ur o 1• •If i. nc.-ul'u vurt 11011• <:rubb& 1-:111~ 1rl' s ~ "' rs, ........ Red M 6 Mo Old you're bright 14 prior TylookingThrort JI l'lt.>rk <'1111lal·t J,1n f'lo111J to ho~l 11.irttl'' a11d l'ontai't l't•1ot1ot> W;ill l9!lJli6(> 1931\205 1100.' Info Lm1Jb .. f1le t'op) Marh. •Clfip1~ 5005 Collar 962 8966, 842 1411 F C exper . we'll hl'rlp m~~~)Pt' 1'~•;14 :~;~:'.1 l!/7 4,in !'.. 0 t I t•ienis. bi:11:11111 1 17 1-lltlJJ 10 T~ So~t i,---•5•~-SH81_, ___ JJ!ra:e~~. O~~;c ~~~d~=· ••••••••••••••••••••••• REWARD' Lost 2 DoRs tram you & provide or rurutely & 140rd '"" l\un.Ull( ~1-.·1 llour;. -Ii :l S.1h1n S:t F ·I '!O IU\'tt • LR S ~I Su n I 5 291 S EXECUTIVE SU IT E 1 Sm Brn pupp) I t.'.ireer advancemt>nt 'c:t'SSOre,..,..r "t t hr, HOUSREEftERS . • NURSESA.IDE Roorr•s ·1·11111m <.r .. at n1·14. t ti -. I h AND SECR ETARJ AL k Call 640-0123 ,.. l""·· ,._ '·Cf I f ~ 1114 ni·r~h111 t 1111 t't·P1 •Jnl'l) of 111·111' t' 111 l':o (Juedada l'li 975 0321 BUSJNl:'<'c Available in Ml'd1um Bl Curll a dll) tu be urranl(t•d If , ... .,.-al.'u Mott•, t6'il f,tpl'f d all &h1 h \II t)'J>('b 1 }f\ t\p I • Ix ik furn rc·.i' prn 1:' h lrvl'ne.,_,CurrAnlly After4PM968680S interested appll Ill So l'l>I 1114\ I, u ron1 lloi.p Nv.-pt B1·h nt•yJud •t u.•I b1• s.t•lf , .. 111nit 11111'11111 • '· ' .F\ MO\ING SAL.F: Cour. "' ~ · I • • " ·· 111·11t111n tk t';in 111•14 nt 1 'ltJI tr•>t·~ ·'"' hall tret bkf,t table. OP.er•ting and almos t Found, small f ml blk A.CCTG DEPT. Pf'l'!l(ln 1 9717 Bnng >·our smi <> & JOtn n.,.pons1hlt \\ 1le1lt'11d;i ti .. llH ~; 7,,~., llt-autiful wfJ uvh1>I rut·kt>r T\' r ab . fU)l. Perlert for pro puppy213,l.a1e Can~on Net'dsmaturenumber!i ftLESSY ll Ol~~l..t:t:l'":n To us't'teemJrnwtl rli·n hll' Cont.ill \1 1k1• thiur• 011" hh20<!1 recliner !".lt>ars feisiooa1womantowork Rd l'all roll1·1·1 c)l'lentedperson Proper SfMfCONDUCTORS rhit>m •<IW JOSS p11• ~,!1onl~IJ64fo2~'~'l'11!1 Mr' ti-t27222 T~ I i1tHhJ1·J·•' ln,1011 mu·ro11c1•e rnb. anti c.i her O"''D in a s1tua11on t213 •939 4315 ty mgmt hrm SIOOO mo 1641 Kaiser A~•· l'fl l'd S.'Mi 7000 "" • """• I Advl'rlt$inq SolH 'IUt' 'Kl heacl foot hoard, whichhasproven suc t'ound Lr T an :-.1jl'al!Janet.833~~ l nane.CA927H 1 Oppor1un1l~ for t'rt•14 SalftCoordiftaton h11!-1port.-.1Julili1.1111111' :u r.l'Lillo'llr c\I "'11 bro14 n mi~bhnd:.. ress. Call P RT A:, German Shepherd Obe .Wwenng Sen H'l', n•i Hsltpr Coolt I ea du' & 1 11 unle1 I 1' a 11 e r 1 1' 11 11 111 t• \I ~ (i uu d f lll 11 r1· 11 ) 1'111111' s .lit• CK 1 hild, rlre~'a'r Mary sdclates. IOAM 3PM on dll'Ol'l' Tramed • exper nl'l·esi.a11• I' art '1°" thru t r1 1 5 ~on person~ 11014 ,t\ ail JI :.hollc·a,e \f't'k' P""''"' ,11•,ut\ o:inµlm mt 111 \\i till I'\ 1111 111'111' l\Ji produrts ( 10' off I ly. (714 1 962·8311 or 7~ 3740 time, full -lime shirts COOK 'mikcr sgo.,.k 556 n;n Mr!> ht.>ld' (.'ooku•' lur hom1• 'ho14111g, C'.111:,5; ;1,;;i1 1.1m1• 1'luth1·' \11" lo)~ k1l appk\, rle1·or wr i I e . 189811 MI ,l\all Located In <'M Aggrl'~M\t' lall'nll'd 111 INSl'H \NCI-: 1-:q1t•1 ant Wl',tmtni.tH \lc1 ll Ill tlel(.ml )IVrl"l'lJlll hJlll( JU\I llM1Htl l011 lllUl'h llt?rn.' 74 \'W Sqhk (xlnt D~meter, Founta in 1.ost lit•rm Shep mn. Call 64&8000EOE div. min 2 yr~ t•xpt•r ·•"1't.i111 for n1m yri. of al(e Appl) in 111 11~ \ln1 "''mm 1-~~l!llll'll!ll" .. 11111!1!1~-1111 r..·.,. h11111• F11111 prit'l'I Sat Sun !1 4 Valley, CA. 92708 rem Lo~ I II arbor t'rent·h He:,tJuranl im ir.-re1o1I h111•' II maJor µerson "'"b 23. 24 & 2~ 117\1 14•1(1 111 1p1111 ' TWX OPERA TOR 111.-t u1 ,. n11" :!11711 Come early fo1 l.ic!>l Wilson art' a f'lca~e ra 11 APT MAN AG 1.;R tn>d Call Mark 040 7,~J:! in' br ••kl'ral(t' firm 111 , 9um ~pm S1Jarr 221; ,\ S.ili>!> I 1;rnwl t' p1' t fur 'I'\\:\ 1 .11.nn.11 111 II II S.11 'l'll•t·t iun, 1397 <; .,1 1 IALIOA.IA.ICERY 6312034;1ft5 30 Sem1·rel1red rnuple. fur :-.Jt 'Jl.iri rum Whtm1ns1..r Mull ~ ltOlt' ,:flol)l''"111 1 111.11h1111: W1lltr.1111 b 111:1 1n1:ford.L'M ~ltil7IJ 41 Yrs a money maker IM>l ttlk S1·ott1sh TN 16 umt t•omplex in C M Counter ftenon 1 m1.•n,u1-.1t" 11 ;.,1-'<'I. rm Wt.>!>lmmstrr nt•t•di•tl 10 14 0 r k "11 11•1ft•11t up/1nrt11111111·' ~ Top location · adJacerat r11•r Ht-d l'ollur \'11· Ma10tenu11\'l'e~11 rl'Q ShoeRepair 11n appl rail 1ill1 Parttimt•Pt·i·mani•nl ll..ilboa hlaml ~1"1 hl· tolllif.IJll\ 1t·r11.f1llo I.di t.eBalboa Pavihon Good Mesa V1•rck• 549·0433 r' T ma lure. for 'hOl' t>l-1 i~:!2 i .itJl1· tu v.url. Wt'l·kt•nJ, "·"J :~, :1>18<i lease. For informallon ~4S 9_!22 repair & rt.>tall ~101<• \i>PI> 111 po•r,on Tht' --------- 1:.11.11•1· s.11. '.\11" 1111 H2!t5 l.aurt•l14uod Or "J111t1I 111111' '" 1t1•rn llunl Jkti ht 1111 Elh~ & 11\t I S111 11:11, 1'1•r11l1111kt• CJrfleld. Tnff "<e14 li!nd l.n 1 V.1·,11hfl 1 'II !l Sal Sun MEL FUCHS. '·~1. (.'h<••'olat~ l."h 11111i .. nb..JTIO"'"'·. I Good nwnual 'kilt-, n1·1· IHSURA.HCE I MA.TIOHA.L CO. l'1•1'1mm11n Tn·1· W• REALTOR '-""' ' " u "" s;n " 1 k f r FCS hJ, 11p1·n1ni.: 111 OPBotlHG r0 m. l"n l'Ollar lu,.1 Ill \mb1t1ous be)'.~ •nd WI! tram As or 11111 \1 ,1r1111• \11• flil lho.J 67c8120 ' u , " \1mh1·1m for Jutomob1k .._.""61 OFFICE ___ .;;..;.;;.,,. l.111:una Cn) n 4!17 6273 1(1rl~ 10· 13 year~ oltl. to 752 77:11 'J"'' rl'Jl ln,ide ,.,lelo ".:;" bl.in1I \\I :.Jt u11 h SJl Sun 7872 8 ~\p• 11t1111•d .111111.111· "'~"111•\•·nth111.; huul Sir.irnorl' ltR Baby 11111x ", 14 pm 1111 h I u 111 1111, '. 111· m' tliinJ(.,. dre,~l'r' 1 lothcs TYPIST iln'tsfMtRt e•ei; 1411rk on~ or t"'o t'\1'11 no pr1~ix•rl1n" Attrdl' S,llp, h1·l11 ,t m a:mt lit.:.. k '' ,.. $4 hr t 141..t> ho11u' 111 wpplriwlity 5015 Found lla:.t.>nJI l'lub 111R~ a 14 ee J:ell lfllt i CRTOrlRATOR ll\t' 1um1>1•n,al1on tl'rt!!>llnlot pubhi i·unldl'l lr.tllh:t• Hl'l.111111 f;ihn o ~~;:i':~;:.~!'.tn:::'',;,f i,:;~1,1d I ;•,;:111~ !~·•' 11.111 So'"'' I • free 11emb ••••••••••••••••••••••• wu.h~toplare Ht bark ne14 spapn ~ubsnip Growmg det·tron1r~ \11!'> 1•a1'kJl!t· 'l:lnt fr1n)!t' .,.11rk on behalf or maior t'~(.Jt'r rt·•11J0r1·•l "·ill• $25,000-$50,000 !e's doit that \Odl'b tion-. Transportdltoll tnbulur :.t•ekio ~nod ht'nd11io 111dud111a: mm <'Oil' Plea,,1111 wurkm.: t.llo-Ml4U TYPIST /RECEPT. 1;1,111t ..,JI• hir 11 "''hit! SANDCASTLE GIFTS t<(finance s mall ra~t 119K38lti Jnd consldnt ;idull l)p1Sttolra111foronl1nt JlJlllp.i1d1it-11tJI H;ip1d t'niironmt•nt tunH· awnwing Co Low nsk 'upen·1~10n pro' idl'd l'Ompuler !..\~ll·m :\Ina Jd1J111·•·n11·nl poknllal I \ I Salts 1 .. 1 1 hr ,11,,n 1, Jiit• 1 h1•n" • •, '" 7 .. 11ot l.111wtla11on ~ale 11p lo \ ( 111.il \\I I \I '\0 off G111.. ba\kets. I tllfll'Jll\ \t1Mtfl I\ jllllll 'I.I ll' Ill Id I .,oltf1111.' l ,1lltob 1-'I< I( \l .... ~-u• found lon°ha1n•d \I 1'31 I c.· II" < 30P'I k r Olt'nl ll\'Jl1tm-. PP ' I ., '' k 111 •• r II I L \ P'rrentofbus Rand) l41ute •ellov. w 'ird & 3 .. w., •• a:. or 11pportun111ei. &. rnm !'lomt· .. 11111 t•i..p <\ i·anL,,houldhaH•,qtt>1id ~ • • ' \ndrea 1\42 ~321 nl ""· ( t l' II •'I 1-.. uJll\ 111 .. n•. u du•. irJ Jlt'nl'm 1•11 S.11t•'f>o•r,11n 675--0611 t:lhs f-\ 962 3688 p..tn) uo.'nl' IS ii r, 'J _, ' ·" '" 'Pt'Jktnl! 1111\'t' d. hJ\t" , . . 343 S.56 JllHIJ hit hul 14nulJ t1m,1dn dt>S1rt.> to Nrn SS$ \d (;111fSh11pS.1lt•, & llm ,., -~...:t_~ Found Cod.t'. r m" I nun l', pi ri 1n 1 t•tl 10 •alltt'tlll'nl UIJPI}' \f l'<trt T1mt 111 Full I 1111t Mrrdlandist f"lurt·~ pollen d<' i;1, .. J 14·0' flrl• t'' ""1 1or,1111r 1tl'n1' "di thru •1 ., \111111111·~ l'li1111l1111~ \lull Ft•h 20 thru 22 •It 1:~111 I~"' r llr ' H 'f ~pm IS39 :'t1onro11a J¥'-..u 5020, Webht'org1e Sp1l1 mix \utoGl~lnstaller tll\11l11.1f 11 11th\'f"l'l' ternoon t'l~l> 14 knJ hr' SalJf\ • !"umm1''111f1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••'Dobie m". llu ~I.' Exper1enc-ed 1n .ill DftltalAulstGftt quJhtlt'd ror .1ppt11nt aiail ~·orJ<onfid~ntlJI ~e11 port .Ht•arh <.olr Antique' 8005 \ I. I r \ °' \ I I :1 Sit' 20 :.; R r.11111h1•, lml ll1·l1.1"',11t• Mo\lnl( Sale " 20 Yr O>rp.w 16patntd con~t ReJJ(lt• m1\ Crt'Jl Pha'l'~ 41J llr' llulll l'"'pt'rtl'nt·l'd :-./e14porl llll'nl , .ill Jud, inlt'fllt'l4 t a ll \I r Cuurw tnnt.id .Juh11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• p.,xlucts t.:sed m frw) l>Jnt· ln1nl' Animal ml(tonBch BeJrh <Hf1tc .a •IJ1 o711o77t.!JHI K 1 L1,.nJrd i51465J II II ~.11 ~ ~u 11 I 1·' 111 (. "11 t' 1· 1 111 n S ma 11 n \\II I ' ~\I ~ ~"r1dgt· Fill' Cd IHnl'l ti bf;idges. bldngs Ana Caret1•nter 754373-1 53ti6561 .\fler 51'\I 14l't'k Fxrl'll1•nl I oar 545 m 6 ""'(".""r""" ~ (.'J,hl•'I wL4BllKSJt.A <:.;,di M t tool & ~ r ls runini: pi-r'1111 111111 Parl lune heflJ. f111uu1 "' '¥ um. us re ulbl 2 12· F hrol4 n lll!t'r !l60·5827 •ne I . 'mikt·r lo du Ill\ I ronmi: "o SundJ1 ~ '\in 'ii:hh \AH EY ..... 11 '' .1 t,i,:,J bli:•·lllt•nl I 'lral4t'('. 14ork 1·abm!'t Ito ll1•ol t.ol11.irth 111XJti S ma 11 \ p e~~·835.:.!m X9 ·l l'JI. 14hllt' lumm).,\li'U ~ECHSER\'ll'~. "4641168 111 \nur homo· ,.,1,,.1 ~ture.mui.tbeZI •'lt·n ltoor<;9JOl\•h \Yll\JlE\l\LI. ~tolomi 5025 )t•ll014t'ollar,\'lt 25th& M(;R ExlJ('rtallaround l Oental Hl'<'t•pl10n1'1 Ill 14 rt·f~ tii5H:!5 lllJ:!. Balbo>dll>IJnit <'Jll HEl:'liEHTS lli~l ~t·,1m1nM..r \11 •• ~~ ••••••••••••••••••• , Balboa.:-IR 6759709 ~rhanJC141lhOUIROIOl! fll't' Mana)!er Xlnt l'J' 67514tr.aflt'rlipm llllliNl' ... portllll1I t\I (;\fll)f.,(,RU\'I II II I-urn Jtr • nntl 11han1·I'' bedding, d1i. • h~hr11~ &. h'hld 111 '"' he"\ & pol!. 1!10 rtt.'14 pn1r ' of panh $5 l'd 1194 2nd TD to SJ mill ei lfolllld lllark.brn,14hlll' pt'r~onalit) Tremen ~.l>l'n~ftl~ NB orflt'I· u :t:\l.SEt'HET\H' PART!JIME SAi.ES 'PH l>l'''"ll~ )S-llil113 ~ 4868 •I• T1•ml)(ira11 111"111011. ?:ag~if~r Do;;Q~ u~~~~ )'nuo~nli:lunrel ml't~hle8971~;::ik) ~0~!~ ~~~; v~·~1e~:~; Dent1'1 "f>prox r. "'k'. '1' perm ~~~~111.~md n~:d~ll·~~.l ~~~~ .. ~~ ~•~r~1~ 1~:.U.:1\1~' ildM. pt bf sill <tis Atlant;i s .. 1 t1om o•\lJlt• uf Jl5 't•Jr IAn11qut>s W1tker Furn. ol•I t!.14 1 C'111111nl·n1.1I Sofa Desk. l'ha1ri. & \11· l'ci~tJ \k,a Satur ~hSI" Sl.'.10 10 $..',00. 390 " > f•Nl1on . 1·urn·nl hllJ?a 9&2407 mi: rntrodureJ 11110 So O.....,.,-RD.. 1·urate \) pt!>l CJ II lt'lhl(ent .Jltra1·llH .rnd SCRAM LETS c-nnv-"" l1rn1 l'\Jli•r rt'<j'1I ~on • (alJfarea ""'nd He,umt• "'--er""llt'"vr .. •r'ol A.~''' k ,. 645 4175 ~1111·1•rc• J>l.'f\1111:-0 lo Am-r oc1k t•unn cahtnt'l 547~ Ont'nlal 'll!>t'~ $4;, & SiS F"rt•nth .,. <ill rluc·k •l.1' •mh 12 I f'r111•d t11 S.inta l ~abt·I CM ..,...._nh; R"'~es; R...tak; Officelllildiftqs. 4ans lo S250.000 Term~ lo 3 years. Call to st!e 1r we have the best rate!> available for your loan CalJ Mr Nelson 1714 1 966·0755 Cambridge Capital Group J California real cslale broker also actmg as a lender LOA.N DUE? MEED CA.SH ? 'Competitive ratt!S on rmrtgage loans Isl. 2nd • or 3rd TD on )our re s rdeot1al or income prop. Junior loan& lo S!I mil Courtesy to bkrs 7~1.SSl Steve or Duane r41 ,., ' • .,, 'm" i-1 •Ill Ct'nt1·r I lo Hawk \'eh11•ll',, 11521 tant nl'edt•d for 11 1._, '~",.,.., •• 13 1, rt 1 m T h .._ 1 n•11rt"o1·nt !hem 1n their ~l Olitl631 5!11'.i I ANSWERS ,. I L H h ~"'Jo d 1 "· u.b ,,J t• 1 ·1 b " t •--------•"' t !f 4 "'alnul t~bte ,drllll' Ila. alluna i· prat't1rt-I 7 12 Dn,·e a fork 11r1 n1att·' u lfl .•1'14JJOr AnllttUl'' ,1t •ll!>t'11u111 . . • ,,.; . " " . Prefer Fcteh Ca 9'2.651 !).16.5170 A'k for T1in1 U :t;Af.SE('fl ET•\ HY ~hr b/6 2000 ,· !Warh 1.nten 11•11, r•· pni·e<o \l~u i:ift ilt•m, 11111, II 1.<• <•, \ H ,\ (, ~--.hdt' proJ. bar 'tools. BABYSITTEH l .. 1~un.1 1'111~ ftt•ft•nt •iwrt\I <.ill for .111 a1i Fahni A qwllinit ~uv S\l.t. I ili.\ht'!' etr 517 t;Jrr1:11 Snl:lrk \l~~~}!' Temporaq M;iturl' 1-~~~~~l~n;c:l~t:l'r~:ir,:I (',1l1f prohJlt' ,.,., fJllllllllll•nl !Jf>\lunl-ri I phi•' 2~ uff S1't't'l l \111111111·' rri~ol 1111, [)r Cd!l1 l (JmCu , ....... Tfl,\ I .. I "Cornanror1•,•·J.•rold 27 r-·nt•nt't'llNl'!>!'o.lf\ 1-., rA.RTTIME J~k ror \1r llJlht•ri.:I S14••t•I s111r11 9!Ll~r ..'lll'Jln11·1 l .\I llJ1thlands1 """ lllj(l'nlOU!\ )(art l'nl'r " "' holllo' part1e\ 67!1 4 1:1 II • . II ;v• JO po;.ted th1, "gn 1n hi~ 0 1411lrans 548 7136:\ R ''' t•nt lipinie" S 69pm E~pandin,,:)outh ti.o<M llJn11lto11 HH %449'11 '-ii ~nunh '.IX··~ ltllh S\T ONLY 3 FAMILY ro,rbcd Rt'"'"'e F:~p.ind1ni: Hu,1nt''" 'k1lh rl'IJll !'.111 \Ir, l'ounsehng firm h;' S'"'ES/RETAIL W "l 1· \I T.tlolo· ,j14 i,,\Lt: Ma t rhini: 8 ' ro1~on , , \ Do nol ·-IJlll!!l!~!!!!!!!!!~!llll-1 Lookinl( for 4 Re~pon\I \\In' I u,. r IJ r j "fl I I openml(' fur 3 5 '"Jfll ' .... I ' l DOLL SHO S!.,>11 I Jlllnlt·r ~IHI l'UUC II & s 101 elteat. IA.IYSITTER bit' .\mh1t1ou\ i\dull!'o Itri llltill outiirnni: mature pt>oJllt· l'"A" l'>.i· 0"11 I' l'141'or ~' ,t -.Un :!It & n ~ r .... 1 1 1 ~ 1 • · ''hp h~ ho\ '\;1sh1k1 20" TRAMPLE Pnrsc}n nnadod 111 l' a 11 r 0 r a pp I I b I At•Jt'h :.111re nt•t•tf, I'\ I L" h '· • IJlll '•111 -'''.,.; l . ''-·"' 0 b ' '~ ~ 1.1\r, f\ \left' 'Ur"' lo ITIOl11att• Jm I IOU\ rrlf,dlt"tx'<IPlt'lt11'0rk Jll11"'>1U0 ~.,lull"' l1t'lllHl'''"I ~-•~ & blkt.' bunk,,._..., ar le rertoftClk 5350 babl'Slt6 HOid girl I hr ii~ 964 11162 nun \mllkt•r. \I ,.. Ill 11).IJ ~roldlo Call 2 5pm pJrt lo full llm4.' r1t•\ 'J"' lluntm~Oll ( t•nto·r OIL" • l•·lhl'' huu,t·huld ~l' dolb &. <'mpr . hke ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'\enda1. ''°"Fri Will FAST FOODS rnuplt• Wknd~ + P.\I 642 4321. e\I 343 A~~ for h~ \ppl• in pnrrrin MJ ll 4\6 1''r14} .l licadl llt'nl'< t'I•' nt"' 1re-;kates H~de. '>1 4 hJ1e lo m...e1 t•h1ld dflt'rf k And • ' • ' HI I H II ' R d I 5 AttantisMassag~ P.irtt1meorf\tllt11n.: hr\ 5i 14 d}' Rm~ rea \lnn22f'ltul211rTu .. ,2:i 11 ''' hh .'•llh i. 111.1:111 o. e1 e ~l 14 pro <~n24hr,31fa~ 'lhotJlatl S5pm&keep TJIEHOTISSl-:IHt .... 11,.f\ &l~OO'J2 fmml4attO'l-lli.i\'l'h· 111i7l f•f"'"'""' In blades baby rtotht>s & ..,,, until app'ro~ 'l 1!1pm · -• "' h 101• 12th St i dJ" a 14N'k ZtitJ Bn~tol St l'\1 MAKE. IUCK Dr :>.Hr ritll t)40 11'.l'JO I Bar~a1'n Hunters' . If II . 1'11 .. 1·1 I•• I .inll mu< more J • • f \llST RE DEPt:'\ I I h Onl.akePdrk 1ll B 69 (,l)rj!t•nu<. !(Ir .. 10 U.\BL£ \ll"ST II\(' Femalt' ('afl'll'rl.t part STA.ITHERE rA.RTTIME :.Jlt',l411m.rn JJ•11.1r4•I ' . . ~ •IUI"' MllfurnArnuo pampt•r '11u Jaru711 h lk d lllT'f' J)t'rmani•nt P"" Tht• 1,0,. \n"l'le<-Tim •. , Person to 1Jeh1('r 1lJ1h rl 1 \I II If f)f..S ,'\FR mu,\ Sf I.I m•rt Solt 1112 Rt'd14 r>Od Patio ~Wld l.o<;il' "' 14l'll J' 1411 m 144 IJll! l~lanlt' k d • II " p I t t t l'\P ~I JJ?t' , J t:il"l 11.11' bulfel $-UNI 4 . •'·rn ''trl·.· ('l111h1no 10 Stoneu1:ek Elemt'n 1100 nu v.ee en ' I J I " looking for 141 11 I ' o au o rou t' in ~17t' Shop Sith J T 1 tl,..l 1 , h SJ(l(I ~ ,.Jm11\ 111111" hold ~u d v d "_ k \I l't.'i'i Io u r I' I) tt .1 n k W I fii3 4403aflerll t'•r' d th l Lal(Ulla fll'•1t·h ''' nil " • t•r •d1 .. 1· ;,1r' I I h I Stu ent l'\ ,\mt•r11·;ircl ~Ll,lt'r l.ir~ Srhuol on• ' • . )!r1>111nt• en U~IJ' It' I C1 H J 301'\1 0)~1 J.i1oli1·J1t '-''JI 1.11.ili-urn 'ut i n~·. Jfll> I \11SC "" li43 nu~. "''n hndi:e In Int' PlrJ\t' Fl'IT1i.1le G\ m ln~trun111 ' 1x•11plt• lo t•arn Ill' In t' Ill~ our' i S!541 li\!I Tat n1 $5110 """ K'll \\ I dh :-.! W !'\R ,.., l'hari<l' \111\• m·an r:, ,. .i 11 552 II Hi I j rt t' r su""rbodie" A Ne14 F11 I SJO s:-~1flt'r11a, _ror a ft 14 1 lo S JOPM 'ton thru SANDWICH SALES • ' , "' \l .. nr•" 1,1 l \1 "Jt a~ · pre'~ D 1nt·r~ .ill "' h k · ~'t11 and •5 \\1 ti -1\M E .. ,lJbh!>ht•c! Jnnunh l'l.111• rJ1 k Si5 1•111, . 14t'lt'onw 71~ 61.S 3433 5 :.Jpm nl'" Center in l'o,ta our' 14ur a' I> llml' Sa & : ' '·' OH•re' 7b(I JNii tt ! I Self idle1 tems 642-5618 1._________ ~l·~a 1• Lookm" for ,111 I 'Jlt'' fl'll lluurs .ir .. ' l Sun 1 t:arninitb :'11011 ~'r1 It JllJm !pm 21l2 llar1"1r HI 0 1 1• • ~ " r & Pt: e f tr l' II < r --------• ,,.u w.~16 81kr stort' nt·l'11 .. 1 Jl'thlr1J,r1t11·'J'l'l.l.·en~.r1i:t•et11.~1r&I i;11~m,_1S~'t~•pm11rm'.~:~~ I r.J~~.R~;~~lollan~ m~~1~117~,1~1;\.~1:11 1:1:, OJk De:.k Sl~u 1'11• Private money available• 1•11111111-... "~" ... ""-•I ent•ri:t'l1r pe1,11n for • r L' Ll'nda & V1'ck1''s k d s·1.1rt \1 Jrl·h 1,1 t'all '11111 1•:ir111ll)!\ a' .1 'l& I (';ib1nt'I $2511 1 lrt•pl.111· from SI0,000 up Call 't°' · & •ar1ou' Ulll'' j - Successful selling is 642•5678 a cmch when you , . -10 Tom: 642·88.S2 :!\Iii \1·w1>ort Ill. ('o~l.t John •II Kuti) for i\ ppl I nre•' '"11'' ro·r• v. ill hl' ~·1·n•t,11• Mantl'I SJ(•t 8:1~ 11~11 •ESCORTS• :'lh-sa '•711•~1!131 to,1,1~1 ·Hl ·' ~u.1r.111kt·d raste-Upfteople t'.irt·••r i>111·11tt·il 1:111 ,Afipianctt 8010 Bicydtt 8020l 0ocp 8<MO advertise 1n the Daily Polot , " -•,,,,·, ~~.Trust Dffdl 503S ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sattler MtCJ Co. All types or real eslatt· investments smce 1949 S,.Clallincj in 21tdTDs 42-21 I 54S-06 I I WIDOW HAS SSS for TD's. RE Loans. IOI\ Up. No Credit Check. Nu Penalty. Denmsson A~ sot. 673-7311 •~ED RATE 2nd Tl> "•FUiiy Amortized •FUiiy Assumable •No Pre -P ayment Penalty Ask for Siu~. 546-0283 UAt'K &t HETTf'H hourh \\.U!t• of S:~ ;,o "'"1 ~~ed. part 11nw \.\'ork ~'ndJ\ fur' UUl1t! \,ro" ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••' ••••••••••••••••••••••• TllA~ n EH ' ~·111 HS 8ookk~r /Retoil RlEHCH TUTOR ;:1·1wr111" '""' m"""n' 15 to 2.S hour' pN ,. 1•1•k 1111: '.\lanuf .11 turioi: t '0111 It \ftfl11H \H ~ \ \lru' '''" \lutoh1·1·.in1• llnl\ 2 left • fem lilk & 669-0207 "l'" rl'lJ•l ~lorl' n1•1•1t' :\t•t•tlt•tl '.\'tu~t h·.•111 :-11111 lhi'" •1 °''11 J>r11 e\emng~ and P<"-'1hl• p,m, W11r1I l'ru11·"111r \t'f'll·\\\ E"FH\ll'F 111,1wl !>!IW•111 mu'l't•ll 14hl Enl(I Spfi'nl!l'r 1 Outt·all i part lllTll' tik k pr llr, lla:.11· f'renrh for I rd' •·I 1?r<im 11pp11rtu111111•' fnl Saturdai E"tl>\'rl!'ni·i 111 11. "r "" m I' ult' 1 r, \\,. 111" 11,,.,j ,1 pphan• t" .-;;1 0:1m Spa.nae I pup~ rha m P Palm P~)<'h1r Ht>ad11111~ • Past, PCeM:'nl futun' ad\lsor 71 1 871 5120 213 Ill I 3251! I. II \II Headinl(~ p, I & Cnn f1denll:il mlL'l ht' ne~1ble Ap!Jh ~1351:12 4045 .11!1.in1•'11!1·11t Jft• n .id buildrn,.: or pai:1· pt'fll•n11· cft•,1n•il tll \\t•\1·llr1·111111l i:u:ir hnc·~ 14 14k~~d all in J>t•r,on :'ll onda) :!2 FRO..,... OFFICE n·ll1•n1 Ldl 11014 rnr I makeupde\1rabl!' \IJ1h \1rp11rl l.or.1t111n t.tll .1pph.11111•' .H!I :lttii luildift9 Mat~riols 8025 'hob Sl50 200 91:! at 1024 Ra•~1de llr "' I m irt• mformJtltm ahoul h to 140rk fa~l and u ;,.ii,h4,Sllf11r,1ppt \\.i,hi·r dn!'r<o IJtc ••••••••••••••••••••••• i687489 'iBurTues23 i4orrall SECIETA.RY I th1' l(rl'.11 11pportun111 :turalel\ und~rprt•ssurp NOW25•/FT &t(ltl!l'JI Wanted Minimum i5 <:Jll \t11n h1 '•5723fil neu,~an SalJn di.' Sec~tory ~','::;1/,'.1 ,sioo 11 1' Ht'dl4t>Od 2~ti do·ikini: W P M A <' " u.r .i I t' t•\t l~~~I J . . £Xr.l>UTTIVE ;: u '1 r I :,1 h•n•· a l~o rt'd14 •llld ()fr • ,,. ,, Jlt'n ~ on e~pl'rieno t' ~ \1.l'l••r1 ll.1r-·1 \ l'J -" Gent>ral tc:t> "' n nru NOW IS THE TIME l'ht· Dall) P1lo1 " an ASSIST ANT t.;)di4n l\m~.," ft•nt111t: I"" ''\I pr111• IOOICICEEPHF/C Prncess1n1: exp rt.'q t'"Uiil oppiirtunit•. tnhdndleJllJ''"''I'"' l!UJr J1111 111 h tn •Poodle~ .. R.. People• T l'up~ TO)' S250 lu S5SO Pets BoJrded & t;rnomrd S46 28411 Pas1llon 14 :\pt Bch In S 1300 pt' r \I on I b 1 .. 1 '"" "' '-• r-'" 'ti .. d. ., ... "'" c-•..._ R r f 1h 11.111, l'ili•I lli·li• emplo,\er \\omen anrl running JO J1·111t• "Jll'' llUY APPLIAHC"'S tlJl\'tlmr f>46•1....,, -"H""n et1r puppy or 1t'qment 1rm I ""i:lelll'ftts ('ont.irt \1r .:; I \KC l 6 k •PROF ESCORTS* Responsihle for ilail) Tokn t'mted lndu,lfll'!< \\,1111t <I 1 l.1--1(11 .1111111 It m1nor1l1l'' a rt• en dt•partllll'nt in thr J:flll4 I~ 95; 11133 ~ Fixtu~s <.;1 t ' . ma e. w !' llA \1 4,\\1 rmanual tran:.al'ttoni. &. 714 644 98llS lh• 1111• ' 111 ,. ,1111 1'' nut l'OUraieed In apph In)! ht>ld uf R EStJ 111 ~ rt•t• irr up ri Jo( h 1 $I 011 •.-NE\\" l RIO FT• • old $JOO 646-$596 ~Ion f'rl s.in !1131 lompulenled 1; L ., 1h111 "'" ·11H•h1 , 1111 Suhm11 apphrat1on' ,11 TI '1 E "" \fl I '<, \hhr s,11~ lrnth 1 h•Jll \\uh l'uh,hed Bra,., r., t"ree needs home. rnend L·~nn,".ra~·. I \ndhlii-al minded1ll,1\o' ,11me1h1ni: •tilt •1'1•1 .. 111·111~ •our fmnlrounter \l1n1mum 111 it.or;; .. orl."lll"" <-•"Htt:i 1 T 1 1~ SluT7U ~·l'inale. all nt It p II" (I r I h I ~Coast ~•1'rl'lan ··1 (•~prnrncl' • .. ... ,,...., IUl't'' PU' al H.ir' .... ~. '"2'U3J J'lna~e ~a1'1 }Our 'l'l"r , -~on F:~pr Rt'quired 14.Jnt 111 'l' .1"1 11·1 ,, "I•" 1411 .111 ·" Ill -~ .. • T II u L·1 J• ... ''""" .,... ,,.. '"~' 'J' ,,..~ "·I I II ''II tho .loot \\,.1111•11 He•l·~tal"11r1•\1·ro~11f Rt'frtl! fr11,1fr1·1• d ~mi:~ ~.I Jiu _ 7<n 462 483.5 r LO\'e '·OU C'all 640 0123 a,., I ti I "l' 'J ''lot .. • ' Sl60ll Sell lm5 0110 'tt St'hn I 10 \0\\ t\42 ~i8 c 1lq.:11f\ 1•1111111 •.S:! ,,,,;,; 1 fin bark~round rrr· 1rernah't hkt· 111•14 S2St1 • 1 1 · tnt auzer. ma e 33 . lay St. ri• r r l'd pr"' 11 IZ 111 u, ~ ~5 93.S 22'72 95i 30t'3 l'~22S 14k.s Sho14 dog sire S200 PROF.ESCORT -------------_,,..,, CostoMesa,CA. :-.r14port BeJ1'h urr1n· Hcfr1i:aator s2n11 i., . ., i Rel( Pedigree Call • naa c1Wllh/ ,.., .. , ..,..,Foiltd Tn$~!18096aft 7 pm IOlallon :,:ilar) opt'n 1 Wru.her&dnerS125ea 1 Shehm11~)!\lt'm.8un11'·1 lm2'76Safter 4PM - l'oedl.14oulrllovetoparl\ IHT HO !\l'nd rt•wmr lo Ad o ... h ... i~ht'r $1110 -15 .. hehes 7'hX4 w , 'Great Dane f 2 yrs 14 111\ }ou l.esl1t> or ~ Musr~pe 4(~wpm' •1<11s. U111l)Q'ilol. I' o , 1i41.i -~ ~hl'h·l'~ 4 s· loni: s ply Spade Bm Whl Ba ria· S)l\1a J1t\t1m1• (. ~ ) l33JrdSl Laauna ni·h I Rox 156(1. l'o,ta Mr,a. •. h •-d plvwd mcidular mnke qu1 n $75 675 3689, .... , •...•............. 6 I MO(,._llh 51 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •SPlll'JUA.L HADING• 1816 S. El Camino Real. San Clemente. 492 7296 ruJ lie. Get'VisarMC w no credit check Guaranteed free Brochure. 7~1 3707 7610036 { ~-------) REC~1o""'"'IST ld 92626 0560 nt"'nrrore 11as 1•r"' r)er offer for IOOtl I( 'toraize 494 1467 .,..., " I )r vld $200 eal'h ~)'Stl'm Best nvpr $250 Sugar & Spice llNT, I r T g1r1 needed 101 SECRETA.JtY ~e~g47~t64~1.~5~100 6441197 ~.~:*:~ ....... ~~.~~ answer phone for N 1-1 I Part lime . 3 da)'l> ~wr Camtnn l f'ree f' Blk Germa n .....__ .......... , "--corts firm nr 0 r Airnnrt 14t'ek Typmg 60 wpm -1 Wo1~her. dryer & retn1e "'--ph d ,.. ,. M Old ,_, .:;:a ,... 'II I t d •15tJ s-.i-nt 1030 ''"'' er '"'" ~ O 317903 Nrat appl'arann• & d1c·taphone knowled11t' " ." n, ton • l'a •'f"'r·-"'-~-Good h Id 6 " 6.'ll AA'i 559 1245 •••••••••• •• • ••• •• ••. •• "'""" 14 c 1 ren • fnendly personah11 ,, n•al estate kno14·lcdllt' · •~or · RB '6i riirnpll'te Terrific Wat ch dog must Call for in ten 11'14 he Ip r u I h II t n ()' 1.4! bm Whirlpool t·ll'I' Ptofes,1onal 14 3 lt·n~e.. 673 ~ •CHAl FFEUR• A\a1I to rln\'l' your pe~"lllal c·ar for an) 111 casaon, refs S36·201~ 833--0440 n('('('~Sarv. Will lrnin I lnt•d .... ·er t..;rl t'Ond $M r pod • .... x ., n . ~trov•' + , tra~ Small f Mixed Breed ~alary commensuratl' I Af\ 1:.J6426894 S2 o l u •39 7 o 0 0 C "O n 4 2 Dog Bm Be1~e Approx 14ilh exp · Call Loretta. ltefnRerator hk,· nel4 Mter3PM ~lbs ttsebrkn ~ 1200 ( (--.... c:os~--) ) UOO ... 'Mlmilll Senices 5360 The Blunt Markttpiac• on the Orqe CoMt <71416421702 ., Slrr:~s~,:-~_ee, two door ,..._ 1040 .. _;.-, ••• - . 1050 Ser\'1ce Station Allen ..., .....,.,.,..., --..,. " • ···~,·················· JOUN8 ADS • AIE FREE ca1~ ;. 64Z.H71 18£,ARD, Lost. Mle bl.ad! 1hort haired cat, I 2/11. vk Westmlnsler, Mcne Vitti. 548·6443 7005 •••••••••••••••••••••• $31.90 /WK Hot lun(h, ~ M Chris ti an Preschool 646 S.C23 W.ttcl, 7075 •••••••••••••••••••••• Youns ma rrltd man .wld like odd jobs eves It whnda. Ca n do a Yariety of handymen •· m.tus evn: 11k t.rmu. AUJST~ Profeulonal/pvt pro· Jtct1, reu. ratu nllr1 OUllCLIAIUNO, ftYUlt a.. . .,..... Mii.MC.Um.- 'Kewspaper Carriers for {outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Con Sel II, rllld It, Trodt h With o wonc Ad d ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ant P T E' es & Fhg1da1re. rrostfree. 2 KEESHOND Pups AKC • Wktnd ~ Neat a P dr. wlute. xlnt t'ond in & Oiamp sire M f Pet & * * I BUY * * pearan(e & hand"' nt out . $!!Kl 646 1929 show P ' l p t y Good used Furniture • ~f /pply ~ Ne.... port I L(e "'hit(' GE Frost F'ree 213 IJfl 134S an 6 pm -Appllanru-OR I will Dalmatian ~ mos ma le se.11 or SELL for You SHOE SAL£.5PERSON ~~r~ mo GJl·SS82' Pup Xlnt blood hnes MASTllS AUCTIOM f" time ror a high I Allshot!~1_¥1~9111 6461616 ll-HH 1842 5878 ] Cashion shoe store in AllclioR 1015 1 Pit Bulls, UKC' l!l IOlu. New $99 Lov· • f'ashlon Island Gd Pl)' •o•ouueuueueuu SlOO Ea uuts 188. Sleepers, Ot>e Col S...•tCt & beotfits. Room for ad· 847~ _ 968-5009 Slll. FACTORY 157·S108 rost trtdo• Appr0¥0l vanC'ement For In YUl!LIC: t'bANi f bftr; l!Nie_!(all: 7~.noo. *llll'JION• German Shepherd Pure KING INNERSPRING AUii Bml Puppies . 1250. EXTRA FIRM mattress •--------------111 ty.,., Frid9J 7:l0PM • •496·0M2• • Id. never used, worth l.ove1y new l ustd Golden RetntYtr & Bla(k · 15.1>, Ill(. 1248 del. Never ' TW 0 runutu.re, bdrm suites, lAb Puppies. S3$ •:A. used queen u . worth dining rm tbls & (hi'$. 642-S9311 $.118, cub only. 1218 del. DPllllNCa SALIS PIOftl hl&h chrs l (rldlea, ij.piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Usually home , 15"4·73SO .wantedJor top line auto dealer. If you 1ofu. PLUS LOTS are motivated, aggressive & can )IORE. 'I handle high traffic sales Call usl ~YI SAVI SAYI 1 I Leasing experience is helpful. Top c:.:r::.~ ~~:cai~~ I 1 COmmilllon plus dental, mtdlc11 & CaU. NO PERSON L .Oemo.CallMr.HunterorMr.Wrtght. CHIC.IS PL£A8~1 •• hod ......... lte.IU ! ................ . =L~'"I• --..... 546-9967 • 494-1131 ------------------ If it's got handles you'll grab as.It faster in 01ilyPilot cl1uffled lds.c.11 M2·5'1r ..... -·---- I t Cll 0rlnQI Cout DAILY PILOT/frtdl~. FebNlry 11, 1112 1"5 ff I ... ~-.. 9141 --··············· i!e:!I!!!~,............. .... ..,. __ .. ,....._ W cb!W. 11, Wd WalHl Mak~lal G LI All, qtdt· -.................. ••-............ ..... ...... Slit ct.a, la alot <'Gild llO Coif• 1'aW. {Jbttl 6 U....._,N&al!c Mt ,_Oraplaieequlbtr, IYDCIUD'I mt I HP MHT41 .,.., Corltc' 'Ne 121 Sa) mo All. •..U. aDd ft.. mo. '""' 12 d• ml•· ._ .wt. Xlal <'ODCl. ~ Motebt 1 t So,' b.d •• IJI ·• (-,) 080 .... snt Aft bnl1DelUdla1; • llMTS. UllMIM • CIDI • D lfWbd Dllplay tiMI, wakt1111 co.cl. tm. Incl chain 6 mattll ln1 t'lutr , •· roo" tbaln, Beaut)' GUITAR. Ftocler. tel•· ... ,..., M40 lodl,IO»ll IS0/11 • wood duk. 2Dllb wltUUt unltllJ:S Saloa balrdl')'ert Hd ca•ttr. Glbtoa Ampl. ....... •••••••••••••••• IOOl>fd·faotutle buy I mo: tpool table, ISO. 2 pc vulty, with U~ted h)'dtaulic elllalra, mlr ~ l'Atff f81 llAJS 0..Ptndablt trna 1200 WI ... TOUIDOT1C &llmSHCAIS m.as mlrTorlZOO Down lna rcn,tbelv11 andpluu. GlbeonlMPauJCuatom, WU • 080. Call HI 2917 S.V.Canol)y Br Set t\IU a.ck <'hair SlOO. 631·2U8 Allo, 1111ke·up, abampoo llGO. Fltldtr a. .. Sl>kr. Kal'tll u, Ind btdtprd Good N.B. andbalrprodUiCtl. J'XJ'. IZOO. reoder Poot ,_. tHO .. • Cond. t pc'• Nf'w flht CallUl·f7Mor l 'X4' 100 1311·4720 11 1™n BAT Luu ;K HONDA I 00 •••••• .. ••••••••• •••• •• 3100 W. Cout Hwy M1 M4l after I _.. "Vktorta". rty brid&e. $250 1:*8825 tnu I ers. I VHF radio, ball tank, . ••MIW•• O~ NERmuttSELL Altwoe4fwS. deptbfinder.outrtnera, Motobe<'ane LaMoped, ii. 94,.......,. 42" md butcher bli ti· Del/allcied. Haaoned &\amp aen . AM ld'M 8 black wtaold whl• ' Sot~~~bie'. raid. -Wo. ble, St.SO New brm bar Oak, avocado. "''·"'· JOOllM ltac.h~reowlthtniJer. ~~d~~· S400. StU = Corree Table, alnk, s100. s· cu•tom cord. Call tor prices. TYPIWlrT•S Call 8*2843. Will tell c er. Paid MOO. Sell $300 !IOfa. S250 Wicker Viet . 7«).12.90 ISOO to *800 V11Ue ·now balanceofloan. YCtff/ NICJ!t StandJ, Paid $450 <'twr. $35. Plus more! LOVllAU.OOMS 811.115 + tu II 1ervlce. Scaahn t I SO F.a<'b, Sell S22S Each 760-3667 Helium Bouquets Aak about Word '72 TOLLYCRAFT. EX·•u•••••••••••••••••••• ............ QefY LUY Pldml i... toh <hfn Ptlte:M098 ; GM re bate:l500, ule prlce Is OMLYSHH HOWAID Cllev,.. Dove/Quall Sta. N t'WPORT BEACH Plua Miac. Cubes & Delivered. Perfect Cor Processor• preu Cruiser 24 ', 30SV8. 'M> Yamah,a 400 6 montha • Planten. 957·30'3, Ext Twin ~ wtrrame, sso. Every Oc r as Ion . . (?1.3) 700·8670 lZ hp. Mint con<l1 Like old. 1950 Mi. $1000 f'lrm. 1979 CHIVIOLn lZ afttr SPM 9SS·2272. Corntr step table, SlS 673-4419 <lrlce Desk 1100, 2 drwr new. Cov'd storage, lo _.55&---'-7958__..___ LUY PICIUP l Li ke new Simmon• Pole lamp, SS. Uphol. Ladle s, have 1 Jea1Jfilecab,$60,Sctry hrl.alpe 4,lalley,head'78Suzuld, RM 125, off Mikado longbed . SletPt'r Sofa. brown tone win& chair & ottoman. NAUGHTY LA O Y chrZ. 673·o.100 & full lnJtrumenls. Dual road bike. Xlnt. cond. autD1Ntk trans. & air print mo 080 6447$20 $65 Towel~. 2St.$1. Ko.me Party. Lincerie, Telephone Answering uJe trlr. Many extras ~. 080. 6'6·2528 rond t St k 37 89). Ask for Diana 9 to 5 646-00!M lotions. poUons and lot! Machine, GTE 3000. 7141 'Tl RD 400 looks and runs (1X61.B) A barga1n at Two twin beds. maple Watubed. Ktog site, rmre fun. Call Alison brand new In box Cost r.-..w..t.ct great. Many extras OMLY Sl7t5 headboards and root notation. 1re11t for UP· 968·0178. Siles Reps $179.95, sell $125. Call Z4 ft Searay SD im-$1200.642-9300 IOIWITHA.M YW boanS Gd cond Both stairs S32S obo Lov needed. 6'2-7572. Ask for Bill. 1T11culate ,ldeel for ris· '79 H.D. Lownder. mlnt 7D>Wtttmlnster Ave for S200 es ea l It r ha 1 r Sih'erUrnCofree Maker, METAL DESK& ~1orcruaslogioclN ~ C'Olld, lo ml. xtras. best Westmwter ___ 751 4658 wood plaid. coffee & 2 115. Calder Lltho "Com· SECRETARY DESK Sip. 1131 per mo+ eqw. orrer 549.3077 days . ilf.1.HlH1=.75jJ__ Wicker Glass top dining end tables S350 obo position " w cert Right drawers Left ty Op. Days SS7·932'7 or ~l002evH Newport 8e1cb 6'2·94C6 WANTED! Late model Toyolu and Volvo1 . Call u·a TODAY II! TOYOTA·YOLYO I .. , ........ ,.~ c ......... . P11. 60-t lOl • U0.9467 Tep Dlllar Paid Jo'orYourcar• JOtlitSOM & SOH Llltc• Mtrcwy 2'216 Harbor Blvd lbe. matrhtng rhrs. 6733897 Authent1c1ty $195 ty.......,nter Open pull ~------'MJEEPWAGONEER uo 2739 ,...,,. HOHDA. CllSO 6 cyl neech work, best eugeres. lo\f se.it & NEVER US ED Q n ..-· typewnter Is ready to 211' Cris·Cran. Express. d f G 919 9621 Premium prices Costa Mesa 5.40.5630 MOOllS IH STOCK HOW! Cllu ll e1r 1••4 HlteHM .t 0 MOt .. 4 9U&LITY 'll·OWMID &UT!QMCWI I' • wtl .......... .,..... ... ...... .. Cllw COM !ft TODA.YI SALIS • SllVICI LIAsatfG SADDLEIACK IMW 2140J MAlGUllfl'I ,.WT, MISMOH YllJO Avery Pl<wy otf 1-5 2&15 Harbor Blvd. Cotta Meta 714/54H410 um DATSUN 240Z. Tb~-. ii a dynamite elaulc coupe with 4 apeed traoamisalon. lo •ha,,.-. condition ! m2EQF):• nus. J im Marino .. · VoluwaJeo, 942-2000. 831-2040 ~49 Closed Sundays !~~~~~~ footstool $600. 8 mo6 Bdrm S S 8 0 . '81 Gibson SG Firebrand ~tl2S 9648008 1966. Clean ! fas t ! Ex.Cond.$SS0.6Jl·5~s er re · -paidfor anyusedcar n.tMott b citflMJ •new 6455899 sofa lovcseat UOO, Deluxe.$400080 . Newport Sltp, asking '78 Honda XR75 Like ltlOTOYOTA. lfore1gnordomest1cJ PcriOf Yow S'solaS22S.l~\·eseat SI~. bu nks $2 00, mat Ed,494·1590 P't+I 1017 SJO.SOO Trades. Financ· New.New Front& Back LOMGIEDPICJCUP' mgoodcondition. IMWPwclNIMOr , 77 • 101 lr""0 , box spnn"s Qn ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllg avail. P.P 673·5200 Rims. Trs. & Head $350. See Us Flr!t' 6 brown, perl cond, b<llh """' " NEWGOLD&CRYSTAL m -Automa t1 r trans . LAGMCotlldle XlotConditlon.LoM1 OX> Colorh , nd~ rl'p SU>. full $91l. twin S80 WALLCHANDELIER 60GallonAquanum ·i.i Chris Craft, 28' Ex· Offer.4116-880'7 campershell&boot&inl..41!1l11111'919!11!1 ... P.. Mci....nlMW!! Lot.sofXtras! 71 Datsun KU1g Cab with C1 mper, low miles,' automatic. S3SOO or best · otrer Call 675-6109 eves ~ ~.SSl-8474 MORE"n0·090l 955 ·22 72 Days. or w/WaterDragonlizard, press. loaded. mint '79KawasakiL'l'DlOOO excellent condition ! S4.S-54:ieor554>-4488 ~ .. Round Solid Birch C'omplete rattan lt~1ni; 957·:nla,ext225Aft 5. S'1..Si_9!Q 5~1 ·0388 cond. 135 hrs $34.000 SOOOm1.xlot cond (Stk 3'188) OWS99121. t.rOruese •·SALE Tab I e . 6 C: a Pl a 1 n s room set. S400 Round Butcher Block ta· For Sale. Python. with Alt. 7pm. 499·5393. · $2400/0BO. 536·3795 Sale priced at Ow,._. Plaa! 1.980 Blue Metallic Ouurs New Cond1lton. Call 9624972 ble, 4 Ca ne Bollom rage, hot rock & water 40'0wens:rahili~n. live 19IOHOHDA. OHLYS4tt5 I 141522·5333 Oatsun280ZX Coupe ~Twin Beds, Antique REDECORA. TING Otairs, $200. t Set Skies. bowl s100. 968·2087 aboard slip avail. Call, 0WMr Millet IOI WITHAM VW ORANGE COUNTY'S Grand Luxury Package. Wht French Prov111ml. SALE!!!!!!! poles. 2·Size "6" Boots. liberman Pups AKC 6 Judy or Harvey 642·4644. Stl Mow! 7~ Westminster Ave OLDEST Mint condition. 35.000+ s:l'l Earh m fnr lloth RME FURNITURE SlOO. 714-893·0021 __ Weeks. Blk/Ru.sl SISO . ~wn., 9 AM & S PM. Only 7.400 miles Westminster z~,~.11 1~::.'.:~,~~:~:iio . & miles. 10,8.SO. 964·8008 OO.S7lll Liv rm sofa. loveseat. Onan 2500 Watt Electric: lsl VAC included 79. Bayhner, Sacriftt•e. Excellent shape iJ1·7f.JO 19_3-7551 ~ '81 280ZX 2+ 2 5 speed T· Love Seat &>fa lhdea lamjl).tbl.Queensi Br Generator. $350 Or 964·3654 32' Conquest, snbrdg. Call559·9299aft6].m '65Chev2';TonStkBed WllUY t.op.XJntcond,buyoras hed.S7S set.MORE"! S20lo$.199 Reasonableoffer Warm Fluffy Himalayan ~:.~~ .. 7~09~ ful. '76 Honda. XL:-iSo Xlnt PXlO USEDCARS&TRUCKS swreleaseSS2·8S54 64 2 67 9o OPI-:N llOtJSt:: Sat 10·2 581·67~ Siamese to Good Home . -Cond. Lo M 1 S67S 5'48·5103 Jim COME JN OR Sales·Serv1ce Leasing '74 Datsun B210. MUST~ •lllllllllllMl""•""••~l vr By appt 551 9523 13 4• long Redwood Coffee Call Llnda 754-6876 <SS Glasspar 16' Runabout · 613-1008 'SI Ford Truck F250. 38K CALL FOR IY'-' CARVER SELL• Good Cood. Best DiffiftbHM sH Two '1 Pmt111l. lrv1r1e Table. paid $250, sac Q~ 40HPOB. $1400. original miles. 6 park FIHA.PPlAISAL l'l....11 ()(fer.848·7848,848·1670 dressers. 2 night i.t11nds. I MO\'ING •' MUST 185 548-0682. Tame Coekahel w, c1ge XJnt rood. 640.1458 WANTED Honda Early camper, stove. table. Cormier· De Lillo l()lSi()iCE·Bl'vfW '71 240Z 4 spd. Am/Fm headboard and frame· St::LL" 1 yr old Hitachi stereo & playpen ~ Linda, '77 Unlfllte yacht, 32'. slip ~~~~awk queen sleeper & Jack CHEVROLET ~~=~ good rondit1on . 52300 rdooblel $100 t::leganl unused sofa w 8 trk. amtrm . $130 7S4.Ql76. Eves/Wknds , avail. low hours. extra $25(X). 642·4566 I 18211 BEACH BLVD OBO. 673-44.91 aft 6pm. 552·4816after 5pm bed Oak 6 piece bdrm 080. 19" GE color tv, ----1 clean. sips 7, shwr, bail .._,,Sele/ Moving? Out or work HUNTINGTON BEACH 71 ~I Blu1tan 60K mi. 73 2 ,. 01 setS350 Conlemporary,$120848-7487 "-oa&On)oltt 1090 t.ank.swve.autop1lot.2 ... /Storop fl60 rarpe nter ha s lge 147_.017or Auto,surf,Blpnkt.xlnl • D1n1ng room table sofa & lo\eseat. orig T Cl b ••••••••••••••••••••••• eng . rlymg bndge, lge ••••••••••••••••••••••!pickup Ask for Lonnie. cond, $9200. 731 ·3242 SHAIP,ClEA.H!! w leaf. & 6 rhatrs 5145 $1300, sar $450 Solid Jom '."'ayoe enms u Wurlitzer Organ M di cabin. 25' Chassis-mount M H. 673-5892 54 ·3 646-0344 Auto, Ac . AM I F M. OBO 54.9-2111 J>etan coffee & end tbls family membership. 4075. mult 1·ma ti c ~-52221~5884 fully self·cont, roof air. -'81 BMW 320t. Sported Mags. Runs Strong' ""all umt.s Beaut 25 .. • makeoffer.644·1190 perruss1on $6 00 .-~ l..t/ cabair.65.000 ong m1. Y-9570 W\n&ade MGfor vw or Black. gold BBS. Im $3800 080 3-pie<•e srcuonal sofa, re rolor TV S195 No Junk King Waler bed. long life 540-0289 ~ tO 50 xlnt cond $4800 (1rm ••••••••••••••••••••••• Good Running Car • •548·9435• • uphol. like ne" best or 8 1 d -........-~JOn ss14639 I '70 !I• ton Ford Vao body. mac., loaded By appt, ---'--'----'---fer 857-8412 allrruntcond ~·S~-mattress arey use 'Thomas Electnr Organ,,••••••••••••••••••••••• . . gd trans tires nds eng 499-4722 dys 645-4330 . evs '732AOZ Aut.omatk. a c. -Quee11 sz bed, xlnl rond. SlOO 673-0009 2 keyboard. Xlnt·shape. y A.CHTIHG 'M> 2D' Brougham $19.000 ~. ~1 7~70 (ask for Rich I new paint; sbocks,carb Antq dresser Sl7U Stack s 1 o o O B O N e w Tent 10x14, sleeps 8, com· Must sell 848·8123 C-...SULT .t. ........ 5 or best offer Xlnt rond -r Cl.ASSIC $4100. 642-4566 bkt:ase S.300 Lib tbl. I • I ~ be l ff -----"" ,,_"I 642-0467 I '111 Ford Van EISO IOOK Autos Wanted 12 BMW 2002. sunroo . Hnl1t1latd "A-ood S2i0 awnmo l'er. s7 .. pete._,or s 0 er Sew~Modliltn 1092 Otarter/Power&Satl ---·--. m1 VB AC. PS. Oil autD.a1r.AM/FM,rixer 2401Sll504apd · Sota S60 892·8063 &16 l7SI 645--51198 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Npt. Sch. 675·2960 '76 Landau 32 Regenry, Change Every 5000 CA.SH ,.A.ID! r $2500. S4S~ Li e S64WRG .' Resale #·: Custom 8' round bed & MUSTSRL SX Electra 4000. orig "Your Year Round all the optt0ns. lo mi. $3100 952·8905 Aher Running or not.~ to ,77 3201 . ate. a lloys, Sales443W Bay, Costa Custom made sertmnal headboard. fitted gold BeautJ!ul white wedding 53 00 Never used Charter Service.. xlot cond As k 10 g SPM S7S lO SSSO. Open Sun· amt rm stereo. mint Mesa.64.5-29&3 sofa. cost'$1150 Sell Salin sheets custom dress. Jong sleeves. _$)50/bsto!r 646·1468 .,-ll 9060 $29.SOO 0 80 71 4 --days.Freetowing cond 57 3 000BO S450 545 566} ir nu an~ quilled ~pread . com pearled top, lace. never ... ~ 835·7775, ext 42 or WANTED Pvt party 891·3300 'M>210WAGON ca!! again plete, $800. 548.254..!._ used. Size S Slip also Sldiag 109] ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.57-411.2_ Van conversion. lo mi. Ca; or-T~ck Needed -6.11·3145; 675·5546. Sspd, lSK mt, $5300. MATIRESS& S200 968·S880after6pm ........ ~ ............ d.. ~STSAIL J2' · Cash 673·3622 h S800CASI' 71 BMW 3201 Air. Snrf. _OO·Z210fevs 548·1558 Hart Lamcas. 175, use 4 •74"r'"u .. ory ""at. 3 ~yl raltn, Travt4 9170 M a"e ' Auto, New Met Paint. DOX SPRING MOVING AM I G 0 . po wered li"""'s Ty ~'"'D btnd· •n "" , '18 Ford work van usl •846·5172 • H R p 3 0 OBO '76 D11tsun 280'l 2 + 2.' Pd ...,.,,. "-ll $25!1 .... """ volvodsl. Loaded. 2 boat •••••••••••••••••••••• II Good d R d'o S A ' $7 S s K · """'= wta>elchatr solves walk· ings. Scott' pole s, SCAMP Travel Trailer se con 11 1 auto.air.stereo, 1 mt ."• ~ yr warrant) Pillow OeC'orator must sell mg problem. Use Uldoor Dolomlte site 10 boots. ~r waot.s action ~nd and new Sth wheel. All Power $2800 645 4626 ~ IMportM MUST SELL' 552· 1462 brown Cherry cond • Comfort 964·8008 ~;~'~or:t.~ l ~q ~~~~ehaofd or out easily transport· Full pkg. SlSOtftrm Will accept any sens•b!e fiberglaS!, light·we1ght Jerry_ --••••••••••••••••••••••• ~es --$62!15 644-6306.~'-----'<>range Fabnc 8 Cnurh ~ooil• $20 to 53500 edCall673-26S4 7~53.arterSpm olfer. At our dock. Ernie Factory direct. Ca ll loll IA.tot W.ted tStO u.1 .... R 9705 19 3201 BMW. black on L.--l 9723 Xl (.I J() " ~ , Mtone y Bkr 00346'962 r _...... OlllllO black, Blapknl, air,.,....,..... ln nt one Sllill <> i 548 9882 WHEELCHAIR . good Skiers lOp quahty sktS 71'/"-'192 I rree 1·8 . ·• or ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• BBS rl 23 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 968 ~art S \l.knd '' ondit' $75 • --. rree rolor brochure \6llt u~ OUR . sun . · m1. --c . ton . F1sche~ Com P 190s 216 ft sloop. trailer. Gr;;t SAVE BIG BUCKS' ,..,.; ,__. y MEW & USED j s~ S12.'!IO 631~.!_ 71 CiTS RM/T• • Gil.AG E SA.LE 673-26S4 Sl50+Kruael 1SOs SlOO. lite air. xlns. S7SOO. --------GOOO USED CA.I! A.LFA IOMEOs! , Conrours W111oer. C-ease Nuts. bolts. <.('r~w ~ ModUnrry 1 07I f.lw coat full length, poles, bootJ mens 9'-'a Evesgi?-4129 Tralen. Utility ti IO Anythmg considered Orange Count) ·s oldest 10 IMW 7331 er blzy 11AZ8311 bra.s,, fitllni:s Jll \11e<, ••••;-••••••:••.•t••n• .. Fmle. pelts. Used 3 Lowa SSO San Marco ---••••••••••••••••••••••• 19T7lhni 1980 & leading dealership Auto. loaded. xlrai.. GeneralAutoLeas111g ~an~wf'1lier"':1~t~ L=~e&~:r~ L=·=.::~inll ~00·-=~~~~e:.ar:c:!i '33 f~lh~~SE wood ~~a~\~"7 With ~ !~!:!r~.c~~uln~~e~ ~':'w~ A~~n~e~h~: FW 67~311 nu·'.·: by large roll ~eta I 011 -Oil 8X10 Cl $1900 kids ar~ aloop. S7SOO Dick Da 673-1834 us. & the GTV6 and the sume lse S650 mo filter cans Sell tu DelL3 radialarmsaw.S". · O'lfll. · FUcher Superforms. 200 827·4480. evs Grant Kini Truck &d Trailer le I SptderVelore! ~9213 -••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ highest offer Bob 11.oop. no blades Sl25 '' hp air Pvt Ply. S7S.S64.9 cm. Sllllll)n 727E bind SJJ.7516 New radials and Mags. I BEACH IMPORTS iO :m2, great rond1t1on 4 Get Ready ·• • ('714)7_59_·1.221 compre sor S200 For s.W Relrite $50. 74 inc•. uted IX S27S . ea·-"-a2S 1918. 71,o, Hon· $425080540-2029 I 848DoveStrttt.N.B spd. stereo casselle PorSpriog• ~5798 Sl.lbaru Waaoo $500. Call . .....,, 111 lot Or-.r C...ty n h k d lt70 AAT Want_r\ds l'a II &42 5078 S41Hl97. •3216 di 0 /8. VHF. hmged t..., Senlu P.-h 2925 Harbor Blvd 752-0900 Must se l is wee en ISO SPIDEi • .--------....:....--------,FAN, powerful idJ TY...... nmst. ftxed keel, roller &~1 9400 COSTA MESA t981HarborBlvd .C M S20000806737852 COHYllTlllE :: he1gbt5'·9',2'blade.S7S. ........_ lotl ~r~nfu_.::~~!l ent ...................... 79·2500 I .J.1.ld...1 70 --lt711MW ONLYlS,OOOmilesoore · 964-SlOB ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . 1971 UlSCI bwlt engine. AM ·PM BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA 13 rt Guppy rlass ATTINTIOH WE PAY h d ~ Shop heater, small g.as -•~'IV si'-. 2 yr wrn · h ·i .... ., ... IOMEO Automatic, w 1te re stereo. 4 s~ trans . p t k w...,. ... sailboat wit trat er. MG R _,.,,_ leather. all options. Ex· new brakes & two new · stove. arro · 5 ts. ty 1148. Free delivery SlSOOororr. 833·7381 OWHllS TOP DOLLA II 2000 SPIDEi cellent condition Low tires. Pri\'ate party. : S9J.14ll4or 673 ·8S83 1V John 's 646-1786 '79 Downeaster 38'. Fully 'TONNEAU COVER FOR USED CARS Silver/ black. exrellent miles A MUST SEE $1600/best offer MUST : PanAm wo~dwt~e P~~s Microwave 'IV Antenna. loaded.withFerrleyJib, FitsMG's, '71 '81 A.LA.MMA.GHOH ~~f~~!l! CAR!ser00381 . SELL! Call Rob al · (2 for 1 l ort up 0 100 hrs ol Movies Wkly .. Btm Mar auto pilot. Xlnt Never used. $75 P'OHTIA.Ct,SUIA.RU SA.DDLEIA.CI( IMW SADDLllA.CI( IMW 768-0286 after s p.m. & : :.~Sell for Sl 25, .ei~6:11·87249-9PM =~· O~~~h~:=~r~~:. Maria631·779'7 Ive msg 2'tSI Har r Blvd. 831-2040 495.4949 I ] 1·204 4tj:.4t4t '7w8eeFke,andst X. 19 AM /.FM .• l loah & Maritte 38 COSTA MESA -----~ r---1. t7 I 5 Cu s lo m Ve r l i c a . '66.000. 7141628·84 or UTE BODY WORK & 5,.9 .. JOO 5 .. , 1 .. 57 IMW 9712 ._,..., Cass. Mags. Xtras. Xlnt : Blind/Valance for Slid Eqll,.....t 7)41493~1]8 __ ru:iint·up to so~ off your • -. • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cond. $3200. Doo ~ Console ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,... -~ -••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Capn Sunroof, A C. St~reo.r.Wal~ut. $50 ~ tOIO 21'~CniiHr bodrshopest ~36·9832 WEIUY extras New Eves&Wknd's 494-86S9 644-Hl8 j"["E°P'S""""C"..\.R"s.. SI,:". V~vo di~sel with F:_r Salek ri;r r Ca prl Q.EAH CARS &· · . . llres brakes N1re cond '7H 'iat Spyder. Lo M1 t Wheelchair $200 OBO PICKUPS . ~g.'~.~wpo moor-ms,&jl~-~~1 ANDTRUCKS ~~~~ S4500 1bsl orr 63~~o:~s 14 Wooden Chairs. $10 from $35. Available at Call661·9201 &.......,_._ --- Ea 646-2849 local Gov 't Aurtions ....--Cl£Yl[I BMW Dlhm '720 MEW F D. 1 C II 8UCHAN·8STAR totally ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tll A T f1RST QUALITY Shag or tree ory a redone. 3 set sails 2 rod IMPORTANT I A. Carpeting. Like New ! Sl Surplus Data Center rigs w/trlr. Im mar & NOTICE TO n. bcffiltq '12 1976 610, 4 dr, Mag whls. llAYA. Yrd. Golden Beige. 415-330-7800 fast. Best ofr. Dan READERS AND IMW'aA.re Jf.n! ~~j ~-~j5 S23SO Must 2 door. 5 spe.ed. fuel io· 496-49 IMh. M•tH•c~ 642,.QIOO ADVERTISERS A few rema 1ning '81 )fded. air. power steer-us_ .. Honda generator .,---'--020 SI The pnce or Items Models & Demos are llli· alloy wheels ""' ~-~ &..../ UM'!.H IUVRA · w Use the Daily Pilot SAVE Model !!EM ·400 $145. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.,.. advertised by vehicle .... ,. '"" slll l a vai lable ' e 613-l.950eves. Marine Electnc1an -9070 deaJers in the vehicle ToP dolJJirs for Sports specialize m: European "Fast Result" service +Sl2tt.SO• Des1sn/lnstall/repa1r ••••••••••••••••••••••• classified adve rtising I Cars, Bugs, Campers. delivery and flawless directory YOl.lr BUY1'HJS WEEKEND !WlcHboeaMJ•~sCla Vuberde I. work ~9 2520 Newport M.n.o columns does oot tn · 914's, Audi's pre-owned BMW's servi~" 15 our ONLY .. u• Da. wk. monlh646--05Sl elude any applicable Askfor UIC MGR Where Customer , " Membership. N B. Slip Up lo 36' taxes. license. transfer JIM MAllMO Service Comes Isl' I specialty $5995 ~ -=..:;:;:_ ____ 960-_6 - 188 -i 9030 Water/power. nr Lido fees. finance charges. YOLISWA.GEH Sales·Service·Leasing Call 642 5678 ext 322 ICI MIU£1 trot. device certifi cations HUNTINGTON BEACH (714) 835·3171 The fastest draw m the l2DW Warner s A lc>.tll,for.....t or dealer documentary 4 z 0 ClosedSunday West a Daily Pilot S.S ll .. Prime loc. next to Rusty prepanllon charges un· . Cla.~ified Ad. Call To· ---"'-""--".""""'-"'--- S2SO. 673-2750 fees ror air pollutton con· 18711 Beach Blvd. 20J W. lst, Santa Ana l RA.T /UMCIA. Pelican. 714.a66-4419 Is otherwise spedCied Se~ tlung.s fast with Daily F\n4 w~t Cou ~ant Ill da 642·5678 Want Ad Help? 642-5678 Huntington Harbour Boat b the advertiser. Pilot Want Ads. DailY Pilot l1~~1fi~ -tl~l tlOO • Slirw A nil. Huntington ~t. Mew tlOO A.lltos, Mew HVV iAlltos. Hew ~.Hew / .-9510 ' . • .................................................................... . Harbour Bay " Racquet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ······A············ TA ANA D I . Cub. 714-846·7766 bthmus Mooring to SO'. l ~. Pty. Prime Lora· or? 4tt-4722hn 1401 T .. A-. ~-835•3691 714·846-9636 Bch .. 350 4 Bolt Maio. Short Block + Xtras SS50 080. /Newport 60' slip. xlnt 83M720 .\Iler 3PM loc. & aecurity, private. ~•/ P/P,673-7m . CliHICa '520 SIDE Tit, up to 20', ••••••u••••••••••••••• water • power, Nwpt Wand area, Mainl1nd acceu, fSfft.. l'TJ.2"11 ... .,.,. toto ....................... Mont bl)' boat ft RV lt«qe for aoy aiu, M hr ucurlty, free launchln1 • waahln1 prlvlle1u. Newport Dunea. 1131 Beck Bay p r. Newport Buch. IM-GSlO '81 CLIARANCI IALI DOUBLE REBATES $ I 000 DOOILE REIA TES up to 11 a.:.. ,.. ... .... 11 ft...: , ......... NIA • • •.Slit I.A.••• Ullll ••• S• I.A. ltt • 11 • ,JI s..... .... 11 Dl"' P.U Siii ....... · • Siiis.A.i•• "" ·Siiis.A.i•• ... _.. a.,. U. I • wlll .. ,._ •••W • • I • • -.. . • : I \ • • ! 1171 TOY 1m FC>ftD 1m i' -· ... DNEW .,...._,._.,.. ---.~ .. •-· ............ ---.._... _.._... .......... -"... ..,_ -.... ..-. . ... ........... ·--1"2 Y• Cw.... -=-~--~... ................. .. ..... I• ·--.. ,.............. .. .. w. .... tTnttf .. _.....,,_____ ~ :.t-::-:~~ .... ,.,.... ...... ,. .................. ---·~·':: li ,....... ... .............. ~ 11.tt. 0..... llOl.lt ._..,_ ....... .-... It.It.....,... -_. ....... -..... -c..-..... ~~ .,.... CIJlll ............ , .. , ,,,. '"' '-' ''"'~ .---"61, 00\llll .. HATH Oii VA" ..__ ... iliil---.. ------.. 1-_""!"""llll-llll!""'9Ct(~~.-~ C •••• · 1• COLT Id _, vr -· .. '" hm .. ~tr .. DA~ ... '::.:-.:.:== '~=~·.:..~~•i . .__ .......... ----·----. --····-·= I... . ........ "·-. ~ ----u.-. ........ C:::::. --... • • -• I ·fa=-IA ,.._ WYTT• 11477 116n • .,, '!rt")() r ··r,~· ~' 'i ' ' • I' t"' ~, I I \' r , ~ ., I '\ ~ • , If I ' • • -- •••••••••••••••••••••• .:, lt7t •a.a.t "MXJULJaeuar. £xcep. :; 2..,. .~ tionally clean ' In 11ood ~ ~_.,.,y cond. '6300 080 Call .-uc. tt.reo cass. Paul 114 /833·2212 , ~ly lt.szo orl11nal 1·30AM-'PM. ,.. .• 1111 $1995 • 1971AAT • IJ4SPIDH S ~. beauUful cboc. brown with tan int and ~. One owner Only 31.a3m.Ues.06SUPQ. $5795 SADOLEIACI( VAWY IMPORTS ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST SUBARU DEALER! Now ... the deaJer that has giveo rou ~ ~ as one of Southern CaHfom1a's leading BMW dealers is adding THE FABULOUS LINE OF ·suBARU COMI It fOI OUI .•TR•CIMY IALI ·AND SAVI BIG ttl ftm ••• Wt •OlllPWW Me .... Or'-C.....,C. I bplrlr ..-..S. moec modlrn .vlol I P91tt fl -· '°' .. ..., "'°" lmpofUint MtYlot ...... (Ont fl .. louetltlnd'• .... ~ ..... ...... ..,,. (Iii I Mia tol .. niddltW br IMlint .. .... ,. .. _ .......... I 1&ac'Ptff .~t'lffibtr . IUHHf. a llo• • l' ..... <mtl). ....... aie=MS 1.101 IStrtel NEW RTBEACH IJlotlOO Take over lease. oo down, low mo. payments. 924 Porsche, '79. 646-2143. 70 POISCHI t I 4 78,000mi. am/fm In duh r.dio, IDIO. 9M-800I '11 Ponche tat Turbo. 1-ded. Sell or Aasume leale.141-3't8al\ m. I .;,. " . lllUIODELS H!RENOWI!! Salel·Servlce·Le11ln1 UDDUIACIC SUIAIU r •'"'"'fl l ' 11 • ~ I I ' ,' ',4t> : JOO BELOW INVOICE SALE!~ MITSUBISHI IMPORIS CNllllml• _& ... IL .... -.c. • ca• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, F•bruary 19, 1982 T'8 lest s.ftall C• Offer la Amertcl--12 Escort's l EXP's 24 MONTH EXTENDED LIMITED WARRANTY . . . 24 MONTHJREE FULL MAINTENANCE-.\SK FOR DETAILS 1982 * FAIRMONTS *MUSTANGS NEW 1982 EXP's AND ESCORTS- 70 TO CHOOSE FROM 5°10 off the base sticker price ~U _ 5°10 off from Theodore Robins Ford on any 1982 ESCORT or EXP. II I I * GRANAOAS FORD FACTORY REBA TE TO YOU! '*VANS, TRUCKS (UPTOF~350) * CLUB WAGONS '\ With just S82 down (incl. rebate~ for 48 mos. on approved credit. CIOMd end leaM with purchase option. L ... end residual $3748, Cap. Colt $6757, total of pmta. Incl. tax $7191 .84. Ser 147747.Stk 0820. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! ~~~:fE~~ GIA I DISCOU IS I *STOP *'SHOP *AND SAVE! under factory invoice incl rebate Plus dealer added options Ser 123669. Stk 0649 FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY PRESENTS RED CARPET LEASING PLAN -ON FORD REBATE VEHICLES -NO MONEY .DOWN undef factory 1nvo1ce incl rebate Plus dealtlf' added options Ser 120223. Stk oon c .. .,....ec1c,....t NEW 1981 GRANADA 1 000 ~:~OllY INVOICE under facfofy invoice incl. rebate Plus dealer added o~ns S«. 11oon. Stk. NEW 1980 ·MUSTANG COMYHTllLI 5 1500~5-... under actual dealtlf' cost Sef'. 129512 . a a Anthony Andrews.and Olivia Hussey co-star in CBS's Ivanhoe.' See On the Cover, P.age 2 'Top of the World' tops in quiz shows Teleview1, Pagt.: 2 Big track meet set on PBS Sport&, Page 7 £144tP.4~b • Feb. 19-Feb. 25 • More TV bloopers . are coming up lmide TV, Page 8 t !Index ... ~ ~ Televiews ............. .' ........ \. . . . . Page i 14. On the Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Paoe 2 ~ Highlights ............................... Pag~ 3 .2 Sparta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 at Inside TV ............................. Page g ! Letters ............ : ..................... Page B Word Game ............................ Page 8 ~ uV PuzzM ..................... ~ .. . . .. . . Page 8 ~ /UClily Grids ............................ Page 10 ii Pr ime· Time Details .................... Page JO ·rube T!J~s .......................... ·=: 11 'Cable SUblcription..................... llB ~meDrama ......... 1•••••••••••••• 27 -· ,..._"':!:i_ ~ ... -• -· -. ~ IP: •3 M U1AUe' ••.•••••. ·'· ••.••• c.: ••.•.•.• ti 'age• , ' L r---· --------·-...:..,-... Program information u prootMd bf .Che utworb and ltatbal and u IUbject to c-. ynt}tovt nota. ' ? - eKNxT CCBS) 8121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Antelea, Ca. 8 KNBC (NBC) . 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. • KTLA (Ind.) 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Anteles, Ca. eKABC (ABC) 4151 Prospect Ave., Loi Angeles, Ca. (8) KFMB <CBS) 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. e KHJ-TV (Ind.) 5515 Melfose Ave .• Los Angeles, Ca. (10) KCST (ABC) 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. eKTTV (Ind.) 57'8 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. e KCOP-TV (Ind.) 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los An1eles, Ca. @KCET <PBS> 4401 Sunset Bl vd .. Los An geles. Ca. 11 KOCE CPBS> 157« Golden West St., HW)tington Beach ~On-n . . 1139 Grand Central Ave .. Glendale, Ca. CZ) Z..TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. (II). HBO ~t;lfi ~ .. ~~kefellef eeater, N.Y::;N.Y. ~· Ctnemu) . Time-We.Bldg., tlockerellerCenter, N. Y., N. Y. 8 (WOR ll.Y., N.Y. all · (WTBS) All•nta,Ga. Cl) (E.5PN> Cl) C;;howtime > ··black cs) Spotlight ··(Cable Ne ws Network) llilyPillt MAINOFFICE 330 West Bay st., Costa MeM, ca. Mall actdress: Box 1'60, Costa Mesa, Ce., 92626 Telephone: 6'2·"321 ---------- --------------- 'Top of World' takes brains By MICHAEL DOUGAN Of ... D.ity Nit..... . Remember when ~uiz shows were quiz shows? When contestants were coo.en less for their demonstrative personalities and happy teeth than for the knowledge ln their beads?-Shows like "Jeopardy" and "The $M,OOO Question" actually required t.beir participants to know aometblng ln order to win Cthoughathat second profram was tainted by scandal>. • Today, game show guesta need only to roll the right dice, pick the right curtain, back the right celebrity or reveal embarrasstne detalla about tbelr love We to take home the cash. Luck, not intelligence or education, ls the requlred ingredient. But a Ugbt shines through the 1ame show dusk. "Top of the World," airing at the unfortunate hour of 11 p.m. Sundays on Channel 28, takes us back to the day of the knowled1e tests with some modem technological twist.a. Produced by England's Thames Television, "Top of the World" is hyped as an effort to ftnd "the fmest brain in tbe English speakin1 world." The show pit.a contestants from England, Australia and the United States (Ireland, Scotland, Canada and New Zealand are apparently not included in the English·speakinl world) who are connected by trans-oceanic satellite for llve-on·tape interaction . The no-nonsense host of this show is Eamonn Andrews, a popular British television personality. Andrews doesn't jump up and down, teU jokes or kiss the guests (which would admittedly be difficult). He does read the questions clearly and guide the program to a smooth conclusion. Each or this 13·part series (which is more than half over) begins with questions regarding the nations or all three guests. Sometimes the results ;lre suprising. In last week's contest. the English entry answered all questions about his home country correctly, and missed those about America and Australia. The Aussie blew e very question about bis n-.tive land, but knew quite a bit about the countries or his rivals. The American missed a few and got a few in all three categories. Next the contestants are given questions about a topic ol their own choosing -say, Ellery Queen noveB or Greek and Roman religion from 700 A.O. to 1400 A.O. They answer as many questions as they can in two minutes. In the third and rinal round. ge neral kno wledge questions a re tossed at all three contestants, who must be the first to sound a buzzer in order to answer. • The scoring is delightrully simple -1 pOint for FAMILY MAN -Tony Ra ndall, who portrays Sidney Shorr on NBC. h as ins p ired c la ssifi ed a d vertisem ent in Denver. every question answered correctly, three orr for wrong replies. There are no flashing lights on "Top or the World" and the studio audience doesn't yell out suggestions , but merely applauds right responses in a civilized manner. The fun in a contest like "Top or the World " is See Top. P.age 17 ------------------------- Anthony Andrews is 'Ivanhoe' --n ony n rews ·plays the title role in "Ivanhoe," the classic Slr Walter Scott tale to be presented ln a special movie-for-television Tuesct.y at 8 p.m. on CBS (Channel 2). James Mason, Sam Neill, Michael Hordern, Olivia Hussey and Lysett.e Ant.bony also star in this adventure story about a young Saxon knight in 12th century England. Mason portrays Isaac of York, the 1entle J ewish merchant and moneylender who assists IYanhoe when the knight returns rrom the Crusades. The hero finds himself disinherited and Lad y Rowena, the woman be loves, Is the unwilling riancee or a gluttonous man chosen for her by Ivanhoe's own rather for political reasons. • time. Ivanhoe fights to regain his own land, which bas been riddled with Norman-Saxon hostility and anti-Jewish oppression. Sam Nenl portrays the fierce~ villainous Brian Guilbert, Norman Knight Temp1ar and favored rollower of the treacherous Prince John. Michael Hordem plays Ivanhoe's bigoted Saxon father, Cedric.. John Gay adapted the popular historical 19th century Scott novel. Norman Rosemont Is the producer and Douglas Camfield the director. "Ivanhoe" was filmed in England at historic B a mbur g h a nd Alnwl c k c astle s in Northumberland and at Pinewood Studios near London. Both Norman casUes, which date to the Middle Ages. relived their wild, bloody, glorious youth for 10 days last October for location shooting. Alnwlck (pronounced Annlck) was once an English stronghold designed to guard the northeastern march against the perpetual Hussey plays Rebecca, Isaac's beautiful and courageous daughter who risks her own Ufe to help the cause or her father and Ivanhoe, with whom she bas rallen in love. Lysette Ant.bony plays Lady Rowena,. who remains steadfast in her own love for the young knight as he becomes embrolled in swal,hbuckling, suspenseful and chivalric ~--._,.~ ...... .-----~,_..~....,.IWN~9"ti....'d"J!?$.~~W~kj!t tori~~:!.. curai~oltl\e 'IMlllMl~V·~-- • Hil!hllthts for the Week Friday specials FBIAUARY 18, 1Ma MOANING 9100 KAIS KAISTOF'FIMON ANO AHNEMUAMY Two of pop.c:ountry'a hot· ••I 11er1 perform e med- ley of 11\eit greetnl hits, p1u1 en Everly &0111et1 duet of "Let It Be Me " AFTEAHOOH 4:00 (8) TIME WAS: THE 19308 Oidt C.wtl ex~n tile decade of the Great Depreselon, which alto gave bl11 h to radio, l•vllh HollylwOd ~· end the jittertiug. 5:00 DOTTIE WEST "Special Oelill8r)I" Dottle West end Kenny Rogers per1orm .ome of hw euper hlll, Including "Sorry," "lnsoo In Leaving" end "America-Trilogy " EVINING t.-00 CS) LOOK BACK IH ANGER An angry young men (M81- eotm McDowell) rag .. aglin1I IOdaty by lastllng OU1 81 both Ne wtfe end his mlstr- 7:30 OD WHAT~ EARTH? OrllOn Welles talt.. an enlertalntng IOolt •I man end hit wor1d 1:000~ Aimed hlg.hllghts of lhe t976 Winge Over Amerl· ca" IOUf by Paul McCart- ney And Wings lnc:ludel per·formances ot "Maybe I'm Amazed," "Jet" end "Y•terday" as well as • ,.,. llghl lhOw. 10:00 (1) NATIONAL FINALS ~ THE 1M 1 BIG LAfF Off TIMI bee1 ,_ c:omedi- 8'fl lealured as the reg!On- al winn«a of lhe Big Lall Ott eompe1e &Q8lnS1 one anou- 3:'6 LOOt< BACK IN AHOEA An angry young man (Mal- eolm McDowell) r•ges 8g8lnt1 IOdety by tMhlng OU1 el both Ith! wife and hla mlatreu. Saturday specials FDl'IJARY ao. 1..a MOANING 5: 15 (HJ TIME WAS: THE 19308 Olcll C•11e11 e~ptorea the dec•d• or ·the Grell Depr•sion, which 81~ gave bll1h 10 radtO. 18Vllh Hollywood mullc*1 end the Jllterbug. 5:45 NATIONA1. FINALS~ THE 1tl1 BIG LAfF OFF The bes1 new c:omedtans are IHtured u the reglon- •I winners of the Big Lstt Ott c:ompete 91111inst one another t0:30 fD EXCELLENCE FOAEV£A The life Of woodc8Ner Augutt Crabtree, cr .. tor ol 8 llMI of IJ'loiatur11 tnlpS tracing navlg•tlonal hist~ ry, la dOQUmenled AFTEIWOON 1~(S) 8HOWTIME LOOKS AT1tl1 The ,_. storln. people and event• ot 1981 are featured In Ihle yNr-«ld r..,.. 1:30 <ID CON8UM£A AEPORT8 PAUEHTS ''The Smatt Buy ShOw'' Tlpa on QWlllty, Mfety and Nv\ng money when buyif'Q soap, lood pr-•· wood SIOYeS and walk- around tepe players are pr-led 2::30 0 JOHN CUMYS ICEOAHCIHO Olymplc gold medel- winner Peggy Fleming and "Ice Cepadet" •tar Jo.Jo Sterbud< join CUfty tor tltll dlti)lay or allallng lrllslry 4:00 0 LORETTA LYNN 8HCW.. The "Flr11 !Ady OI Coun- try" linga "Coal Miner's Daughter," "One'a On The Wey" •nd OCher 1111• In • per'lormenoe taped 11\18 et Harrah's In Reno t:OO. THE BATT\.£ Oil' THE l.M V£OA8 8HOWGIRL8 ~ of La Vegea' mot! beeu11tvt 111owglrlr pit 8g8lnt1 eeth other in 1 number of iany llghtlleart· ""' NEW MUSICAL GROUP Tht> t•mergen<'<• of a ne\\-I~· forml'd nwk and roll group. The l n n n cent !'> • is cl t' t a t I t• d ,. i :--. u a 11 ,. a n cl mus i(·all~ in .. Rot·k & Holl Dream~ ... a nnt• hour Pni 1ect Peat·m·k .,1wna I on \;BC 1Ch I• Sunda~ at 7 pm eel l90'1• Hosta Rev~ PhUbln and Oen P .. lorlm '1'.!) STAR SPANGLED SPENOERS 1nves11galive rll)Or1e< Don· Id l.8mbro mee1• wtlh alee1ed officials, eeono- mllls and other e•pen1 wflo -lch Waal'llngton. u w.rt u ""''" American c.11- Z«W whO 110lee their own 11rong opinions on govern- ment aper1dlng 9'".30 aD AOCKSHOW Aimed hlghlighll 01 111e 1976 "W1ng1 Over Amerl· ea" tour by Paul McCart- ney And Wing• 1nc1uoes per'lormanca ol "M•ybe I'm Amazed.'' "Jet" Ind ··v .. 1erday·· u well aa 1 ,_light lhOw 11:00. 008P£L ACCON)INO T03 Virginian Reeve• •Inga 1red1l'<>nal cllUrch oriented mu11c. Tony-winning 8roa<lw•y star Linde Hop- kins l>'._,11 goapel INll has mede Its w~y lo Ille rec:ord cnerta. Alberta Bflldlord and the Cruttve Movement Company d8nc:e to the llOl'f of '--119. 11:60 CID UP TO NOW "\ The ..... , _, .. , ldNS encl newtmakers at• pero- dled in • --of oom1C lllelC:hH Sunday soecials FaRUAAY 21. 1912 MOANNQ ... entertaining look at man and hie wol1d lO:IO <ID THI GMAT PllAeUflE HUNT Thie ~laty apeollll travel• 10 the fartheet r..a-ol the wor1d In MHlrCh of the utt1m11t pleasures 1he1 money can buy AFHRHOON 5:30 (}0 WHAT~ EAR™? Orton Welln laltet an en1e11111n1ng IOol< at men end hla world EVENIHO 1:00 CRJ 8T ANOINO ROOM OHLY Simon ·And Gerll.onket The Conoan In The Perk" Paul Simon and Art Gar- lunkel perform '"llll'f old lallOrit• In their first joint Concer1 In 11 yeatl, I eped during the summM 01 ·at In N-York Clly's Cen1r11 Perk 11:00 0 Cfll8l8 IN TH£ HORH Of AFRICA Sten Mooney11em end • Carol le-enee hOst 11\11 docvmentary on the more ,,,.,, Ill• m1111on people In · Alrlc• who have been at11c1ed by wer and drought encl the reaulll ol sucneven11 2:00 l SJWHAr8 UP AMERICA.I Futured' l&J(flng'• history Ind currenl trends: rocll medicine el • Rolling SIOf>M ~. the llrll proleaslon1I women-"' ... tier, how 10 make money 3:20 01) THE OREA T PLEASURE HUNT Thia docllmentary speojll tr111ela 10 the lar1hee1 reeehes of the world 1n -ch or the ulUmete ~ .. lh•I money ean IM.ly. 3:30 COAl.ETTO AHO 80H A IHn-ege bOy and his 181her cash over ea,_ Chokles feeing !he eon Monday specials f'UNJAAY 22, 1M2 AFTEANOOH "The Smart Buy Show" Tic» on (IUlll!ty. SIMly end Mvlng money ""*' buying aoap, food proc:M10111. wood _._ Ind Wlllll- lll'ound tape pieyerl .,. pr-led CS) COALETTO AHO 80H A 1Mn•ag9 boy and hla 1111\et mah over c:ar- ctlOlces I llCll\g I he 100 12-.30 CID STANOIHO ROOM ~LY "Lil.a: An e ...... 1ng With l~ M.,,,,... The Siege and 9CI-tuperllllf dll- plays lier raoge of !alonta In 1 concen appear11Wl8 with mU80c ranging lrom duaic bluea to eroam..y Showstoppera 4:00 CBJ THE GAEA TEST 8CNCIAL8 ~THE CENTURY The Prolumo 1H81r llld Ille mUfder of Stenlatd Wnlte are among the ICendelt of 11119 century proftled by P1trldlO'.._.. , 4:30 C,, PETER. PAUl & MARY Tiil! popylar trio of the Mr· ty '60s perform many of their d.UliC tuo-...... u,_materlal 5:30 CID HANS BAINKEA OA THE SILVER SKA TE8 A young boy llUJ.. lhe eenals t°""81d Amalerdam In en e11ernp1 10 oonvl,_ e renowned doctor to come 10 the aid of his llllong 111119' (P.,, I) 1:30 HANS BNNKER ~ THE 81lvtR SKATES A )lour>g boy lllllet lhe canlla tewr11rd Ams1erder'n In en enempl to oonvtnce • renowned docior lo eome 10 tile aid or hi• alUng I ether. (Per1 2) 7:80 OONSUMa. AEPORT'8 f'flESENT8 "The Smart Buy Show" Tips on quellqi. ~te.ty enct Nvlng money ....,, buying 9011) food pr00U80'•. wood 1IC>Ye1 and wlllk- around tepe ~•yer• •r• pr-led 1:00.., UTTlE JOHNNY JOHES Th18 rev\1181 of the 1904 George M. Cohen muetcal comedy •bou1 .,, • Alnerl- oen jodley wtlO ttle8 to wtn the Engllth Derby ••urea A pr_,lallon of lhrM lorma ot Chrlellan mulk:· t:OO <ID WHAT ON EARTH? Orson We11n tell• an 12:00 <ID CONSUMER AEPORT8 PAE.8EHT8 See J/1ghl1ghts. Page 4 VID~O MOVIES SPOKEN HERE EIGER SANCTION PURSUIT OF D.B. COOPER SCANNERS THE HOWLING THE F.ROMT ONLY WHEN I LAUGH •TOMMY • WAiT UNTIL DARK • I HAVE YOU ALICE B. TOKLAS I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent See th~ Video Experts at . . . YldM CasseHf Rptals tzt c'J:t: ~:Sa:? 64~'-Jtza • • I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN • Mc9 • No ciub to ioin, "° ··~·,....,'"' • 0 I 00011 of .o•les ........ all rGffftCJI 3 .. -l BIRhlllil~ .tor the Weefl · ! From P.age 3 ~ .. .._...._''OM My ._.,. To .,,,..._.. Ind "Y.,._ Doodle DM- Wt&"wm-W g. AIClk ,.... hoetl thll llCklft .J comedy g9IM ltlow .... ~ co ' .... ... """' ... off .. dollla " ~ lncor· • ~ .,..., • queMlon ... ,_ ..... r;-t ltlem. 10:00 8 (I) IC DNNE ec...INCIAL Alp Wlllotl, ...... Oemond Ind~ KnlgM Ind IN Pipe tc*I aw.-8onwt tor I dinc*lg Ind tinging ~~the U.S.& Renger. Tuesday specials ... IJlll(, .. -...... l:OO QI) TM.oeY: THNm ~TAUi .,.. INlglc of ..... ....,,, ........ dlldrwt'llk>- .... to --"Alp Vlfl W. kle... "The Llttll Prtnoe" Ind ''Mlrtln The Cobbler.'' NDe ..... cumw-a lmlWONO OtyMplc gold med•I· --P9ggY Fleming Ind "loe ClpMee" ..., JoJo Stlrtluc* tc*1 CUrry tor tflll ~of~ 1111Mry. 7::11 Ql)THI IUl. ~ A ,,olln9 famlly ce1'91 lof .,, or1IMNd ..i untll It II .... to tlrld tor ..... I decede of the Great Dlpf..-,.,, wt11ct1 mo --.... to ,..,, INlt'I ~,......._, ............ MOeunu.aoHNNV ,,.,... Thia ~ of the 1904 . 0-ge M. Cohen muelcel comedy ~ .,, • Atneri-' CM joc:My wtio tl19e to win the Engllllh Derby ..... IUCtl ,__ -"Olw9 My Aegerde To Broedwey'' _, ''Y .... Doodle Den- --~ TM.OGY:.,.... ClAlllC TAUi • The ,,.. of deymetlon brtnge ..... cHldren'• 110- ,. to ... -''Alp VM Win- kle,.. ''The Uttle Prtnoe" _, ........ The Cobbler ••• 1::10())1HE MAN WHO LOWDIUM Henl'y ~ NWTetee tM ~of .... ~--· IWNltG ._Ql)THI IML~ A young famlly-for .,, Ofphened ... until It .. ... to tlrld tor "-"· ())11ATOW. NW.a 0# THE•1M~OR The be9I -comedlant -~ t' the region. el ~ IN Big Lllfl Oft OOf"'*8 lglllnet one enoct... 7:00Ql)ICM KMTOi I U 40.. AHO .-MUMAY TWo of pop-c:ountty'• hOt· ........ pertonn • med- ~ of ""* ..... ""'· plUI .,, EWf1y Brottien duMof "LMllBeM&." 1t•CI) .... loolt .. _, o.nny AW. lo ... In I comic look II .. COlllllllCatlon wNdl ... dur"'8 I..,_.. 8'11- dent't blt1tldey per1y .... flmllf • '°"'*' PhledllpHI '-· Wednesday specials ..,.... 6:01 QI) THI GNAT ~HUNT Thia clOcul'nlnWy tpedll tniwll to tM ,.,._. • r..a-of IN WOf'ld In -cfl of tM ~lmate ,,._.... llMlt money can buy. . tr:11 Ql)GOONG MOUND wm4 DONAl.D DUa( ~~ Luctwlg VOft Drllee -.. ,,._ Donlld .. the ~ In "'°"* of .. nutty .,_.. t191tlon1 Imo llumen blMvtor . HO Ql)THI 41MAT8T ICANDM.I 0#1HE CIN'IUIW ·The ProMfto....., _, the murder of St.lnfofd WNte -ln'°"ll IN~ of IHI century proftled by Plllrtc* O'Neil. 11:00. a..• TME HOM °'~ SIM MOOMYflam Ind C.ot '---lloM ... clOcul'nlnWy on IN mere --... mllon peoC* In Atrtce wtlo haw bMfl 1ffeeted by wer end drougflt Ind the '-"' of IUCfl_ ... r·---~--------------·-----------• i $ 5 Gift CeltifiCate $ 5· i I I • Gllll ,,.. Pwclme 1f s25oo • I••! ... JIJ•' L •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ l&D Athletic Wear f 594 HAMIL TON A VE. HUMTl.-TOM IEACH -•~3256 N'IUUOON UO QI) WHAT ON IMTH'f ()r-. W.... takes WI ~look 11 men lndhl9wortd. IYINNG .. (J)WE ONN .. NEW HAVIN A beNnO-IM--• look .. tllc*I ... ltlow PNPtl'· ~ tor ... Br09dway debut. WCll)80QrlNGNOM> wm4 DONAl.D DUa( Prof-Ludwig Von °'1111• -.. ,,._ Donlld • IN lllbtKt In er'°"'8r of .. nutty .,,_. • t191t1on1 Into llum1n (; beheYlor. 7:00. LOMTTA LYNN IPICW.. The '"Flrat l.8dy of eoun. try'' ..,. "Coel ........ Oeugllter," "One't On Tiie w_.,•· Ind other hit• 1n • perbmence taped ....... Hemlll'• In Reno. 7::11. HOU.YWOOO'I CHLDNN AoddY McDowell nerret• a look el how IN child IUnof~lnd tOdey hew coped with stardom end ti. 1ftenneth see Highlights.. P.age 9 LOTS OF COMPANY Suzanne Somers belts out a number during .. The Suzanne So m e r s Spec i a l ... a fa s t -p aced ext ravaganza staged before 6.000 sailors aboard the USS Ra nger at the San Di ego Naval Station. The special wi ll air on CBS <Ch . 2> Monday at 10 p.m ~--------------- What has been a better investment than BUILDING? NOTHING! Let your investment make money for you ... build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one you have. Phone (714) 739-8632 I (213) 802-2588 21st CENTURY CONSTRUCTION CO 1~ Financlns · We suaran,&ee our work and completion date ContrectOl'S Lie No 387808 \ -._ .... -· REP EA OFA SELLOUT!! Sennheiser's new HD-40 weighs only 2.1 ounces and with a full freQuency response of 22 to 18,000hz will plug into any personal portable (adaptor plug ext~a) to give full rich sound not possible with your standai:d headphones. They're fully compatible with all home systems tool THE BEST IN VIDEO TAPE! OIDK I I I I • • • • • • • • CASSE 11 E MUSIC SYSTEM ! This perfectly matched system from • FISHER includes an · AM-FM stereo • receiver with 20 watts per channel. a ! semi-automatic beft drive turntable with • magnetic cartridge, a metal-capable :· cassette tape deck with Dolby, two-way • speaker systems with 8" woofers and • passive radiators. plus a beautiful. ! easy-to-assemble. component cabinet • with gl~ door and ~ers. : COMPLETI • FOIONLY .. • • • • .. s54900 W...Utl $169.70 .. • • .. • .. • • • REPEAT OF A SELL-OUT!!! .. t • • NOW ON SALE AT ARANJIC:! Oti:¥'SJ99 00 5 .~---·----J ... 6----~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I .. -oi - AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST· AMC JEIP...-MAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-1023 SANM PACI IMW /SUIARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 131•2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road ·Newport Beach --:-640.6444 IOI Mel.ARENS 1MW · At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171' CADILLAC - NAIEllS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa·-Mo.9100 A' I Pf CADILLAC-OLDS GMC-Del.OREAN 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -831-0800 CHEVROLET co••••• CHIW' 28oo Haibcir Blvd. • Costa Mesa -546-1200 -.A .... = ---__... -.-.--r -~ - CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHIYS&M.PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -146-1934 DATSUN .-wrolT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -133-1300 FC:RO THEODORE ROllMS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 -540-8211 LINCOLN-MERCURY .. -,_ JOHNSON Ir SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA UMCOLN-MBCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA --. MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. 1 Anaheim -956-1120 __ PE UGEOT · llACH IMPOITS . ~ 848 Dove Street . Newport Beach -752-0900' PONTIAC Boi LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-665 I -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ~673-0900 MEIS18l PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -~36..:'~~~3 SAAB - IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street ... Newport Beach -752·09~0 . -- TOYOTA EARU IKE TOYOTA · 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MilEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Hur-tir-_gton Beach'l4!~55$" VOLKSWAGEN · EAIU ID VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd . · Q>sta Mesa -646-9303 . Friday sports ~ 7:00 CD) OL'IWIM> "OleM MOllWlta .At The - Wini• o.m." An --view .. ~led of out- •tandlnO Winter Olymplc performell088 from 1924 totnepr-.t. a.-oo cm ooc , .. llMa'fUL1. ~-UC\.A 11:00• COH- BMKETULJ.. Celfomlil w. UCLA 11::ao• OOCIW ~ Southern Calllornle va. S.IJlntord Saturday .sports ~ e:oo 8 OMO MCING "lni.metlOnel Grand Prix" 10:00eaooc1w ~ Milloutt et 0-0etOWft 11:00. WCT TENNll '200,000 Wortd OoublM s.m.-Flnala Al"TEANOON 12:00 8 Cl) NCAA 8MKETULL Notr• 0-M South C.ollne • COl·-llMUf'MU. Stanford et UCLA .TINMI "$200.000 Congol•um ClualQ &lml-Flnala" QICOUEOE 8A8KET8AU. Hewell 11 T._E PMO 12:30 8 WISCEHO HEAOE8 "John Mad<Mn" 2:00 8 Cl) OlEN CAI I F9El.L L08 AHOa E8 OPEN OOLF Third-round play of thla 72-h«* TPA _.,, (11\19 from 1119 RM«• Country Club. Pacific PellaadM. Calif.I 2:30 8 MJQAA MY LEONAAD'S GOlOEN Ol.OY98 0 fW>l'WIONA.L ~TOUA 1150,000 TN9 Value Opell (from LMdnwtt ..,... •lion C.... In P9orie. •.•. MO. HG AllCl*l. ~lOtM $150,000 Trw v~ Ctroel LlndlMftt ~c....· .._.., .. ~ 4:ao. aocc:mt MADS .. ~ 8olMe 111. 8nd l:OO. WlaWOM.DOF lflORT8 WOftd Wrlat WrMtllftt Ch1mplon1hlp1 (from .........Celf.k .....,_ llon., Tandem Surllag a.npo...,. (lrom o.tiu, Hewell); WOtld Two-Man Bobai.d Championship (lrOl'D St. Morftz. ~­ lend). • aocclJt MADe .. ....aANY loMe ¥L Brelll 5:fO <II WIDI WOf'L.D ~ ~ World Wrlat Wrfflllng Championship• (trom ~ c.lf.): .,,..,_ tlonel Tand-SurflllO ~--"'°"' °""'· Hawtilik WOtld Two-Men Bobsled Chemplonahlp (lrom St. WotitU,8wltnr- llnd). • IWNlt8 l:OO. 8PORT8 A.....cA "Colie9e Swimming And DMng-l"*'8 Va. towa" Sunday sports "9NJMW 21,,.. 10:008(1) NM IMICET1WJ. Ptlo«lig Suna •• Phllad.I- • pt1111 7e... aaeot•fOf IA8KET'8AU Wichita Stal• 11 Loult11n1 Stat• AFTEANOOff 12:00 D 8 IPORTSWOALD 10-round wee mlddl•w•lgllt light ~ Tony Slbaon and o.igt\I DeYldaon (IM from Blrmlnghlm, Engllnd): World Pto Flgur• Skating ~....,., ~Off! Lan- ~. Md.): WOl1d Cup __ ...,;!. AN OLD FACE, BUT NEW JOB Jack Whitaker. an Emmy Award-winning sports p ersonality and on e or t el evi sion 's respect ed and kn owled geable s port s com menlalors. has joint.'d A BC. He is t ht- host ror the new ABC s erit•s ... CSA\'!'>, Th<.• World in Olympic Sports.·· -Downhill Siding -the M- bwg Kendahar jtrom Oar· ml~Pll'1rilt'CMn. G«· many): "Y..,a Ago Today" -Olcll Button wlna • OOld "'9dll In"*''• flgur• Ml•I· ""'•I the 1952 O!ymc>lca. 12::80 B (I) OUN CAMP9EU. LOS ANGE.LES OPEH GOl.F Flnel-round play of t"'-72- hc* TPA _,(live from the RMer• Country Club, Pacific P.....,.., c.Nf.) 12:llO. ~ IAllCETMU o.n...., Nuggi1t1 vs. Loe. ~LMIWI -. 1:0011~T 1::IO THE IUPIMTAAI C-• of the men·a finelS; oorno-titor. lnclud9 d•fendlng chemplon R4lnaldo ~. Bob Selgt" ... Gery Cert• at>d St..,. Oerwy (from Kay ~.Fla.I. 2:00• TENNI "1 200,000 Congol•um CIMlk:e Anela'' HO 8 8'0Ma AAl1.0 Feetwed: • lllllt to • aouth Ftorlda -Mirvlval tohool. Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral facilities ·-Serving All Faiths" 7 8MJCWllMY ~ llEV890&.DPI .ow. ~w.NewMexlco Tuesday. sports · ,.ILM't ... 1tlll 7 1:11• 8 WIDI WON..D ~ .aRT9 W-Wcwtd Endur.,_ T........_ ftrom Hewel)t Wcwtd 70-MeCer Sid Junlp- lng ~llhlpe (from Olio. Nonny). lve.G i ... ~,...,~ L.-.. ··.-,,,w..·· 11:11 • "'°"'8 ANAL Monday sports NMUMV22.1112 IWNMa e:ooe CDUW ~ °""°" .... w~on 7:IO CD> N9A llMKET'MLL i 0.-...._..-.LM ~ 'Angtlel LllllWI jO Wednesday sports ~M,1tlll 11::80 Cl) THI WHfTE acAN Thursday sports '9NWft ..... EYINNa 7:00 I LYNN aHAa<llJIOflC) 7.aD NIA~ Lot ~ LllkWI ¥L s.118 &iperw*:a PBS to air track meei PBS will present live coverase o< the "1982 USA /Mobil Tnck and Field Championships" on Friday, Feb. 26. Many top athletes are expeete4 to compete, including the brother-sister duo of Carl and Carol Lewis and Sidney Maree. Carl Lewis is considered by many to be the finest track and field athlete since the legendary Jesse Owens. His 100-meters time of LO seconds flat is the fastest ever recorded at sea level and the third fastest of all time. · His sister. Carol. is an outstanding long jumper who also runs hurdles, high jumps and occasionally shotputs. Maree is the third fastest miler in history and recently won the Fifth Avenue Mile run in New York City. Marty Glickman of the 1936 U.S. Olympic team and Rafer Johnson. a gold-medal winner in 1960, will handle the commentary along with Leroy Walker. the coach of the 1976 U.S. Olympic team. On Saturday. Feb 27 , Home Box Office pr esents "International Figure Skating from Peking," a program featuring world professional ice-skater Toller Cranston. This all-star Ice-skating exhibition was taped I. summer in Peking's Capital Arena -the lirst time a pay-TV special was taped in mainland China, before an audience of 18,000. ·llarbor I"'awu ·Mount Olive Men101·ial Park· Mortuary· Mausoleums Burial In Any Cemetery - 1121· m•r--·Ave. COata M••• .............. Shipment-Cremation, Plans Available· • !InsideTV I f ~ historian Carl Letters ------------------ ------------------- There's no TV in Gkason 's future GLEAsoN GLEE -Eftll la re.--, '"fte Baeymoeaen" II atW eee of u.e ,_.... ....,. • &M alr. Cu 1• tell me If Jackie GleU. wUI ret•na to• TV 1ertee .... T Gleason doesn't have any immediate plans to do a series, because be bu been worlcing on a feature film titled "Sting Il." He stars with Mac Davis in the film, which is a sequel to the Oscar-winning "The Sting" that starred Paul Newman and Robert Red.ford. DE NlllO FAN -Bow old II llMeri De NlroT • I 1a1 lle'1 la Ida mid· .. ud my frtetNll 1a1 lie II 1t yean older tllu Ulat. Allo, live me lall marital autu ud flba credits. De Niro la 38. He is at present separated from wife Dianne Abbott, with whom he appeared lo "New York, New York." Bla other film credits include "Hl Mom," "The Gang That Couldn't ·TVeuzzle Shoot Straight," "Bang the Drum Slowly," "Kean Streets" (De Niro's first movie for Martin Seo~). "The Godfather Part []" (for whicb he won the Oscar for best supportlng actor), ''Taxi Driver," "The Last Tycoon," "Raging Bull" (Oscar for Best Actor), "True Confessions," and the recently completed Scorsese film "The King of Comedy," due for release this year. 'POND' PERFO&MEa -h Doq McKeoa, DOW Ranial in "Oa Golden Pond," tlile boy Who plays Toa•y oa .. Allee"! No. Tommy ia played by Philip McKeon. Doug starred opposite Brian Dennehy a few years back in "Big Shamus, Little Shamus." And before you ask, they're not related. Snd JIOMT lfttnt to Pq1peT O'Brin, United Ftatu~ ~e. 200 P.ark Awnw, Room 602, Nno York, N.Y. 10166. ACROSS 1,7 Shown, atar on M-c»gie 12, 38 A.crOM Played Kitty on Gunamotte 13 RoleforRobettClary 14 Ptaya Ralph Hinkley 15 UK streetcars 11 Mias Ruah'• ID 18 -Marshall 19 Role for Klugman 21 -AnQ4tlea 22 Mr. Buttona 2A Hund- 25 Mary Tyler - 27 Rote fot Ito 29 Blyth and Romano 30 w .. aheed 1 S..8Down 2 LlkenMMI ~ -Patrol 32 Knight or Bestell 33 Sino« Laine 34 Rob, to Cat1 Refner 30 S..12 Actou 37 TV netwonc 40 Beatty Of Romero 42 -Vegas 43 Heten -on Paper Ch ... 45 Roman51 46 Glock symbol 47 H-s>PY Daya - 49 --Living 51 Conductot Andre 53 Memorable Al 55 -Yearttch 56 Mandrell alat9f DOWN 31 MIM MacGraw 38 For the L.cwe of -~ ~· ~~PJ'R,..P.'! A funny thing • happened on TV • By JEPF PAllEA OflllelMllfNll .... Television wfll take a humorous look al itself Feb. 28 in lhe third edition of "TV Censored Bloopers." Tony Randall, Lynn Redgrave and Dick Clark will co-host the pro1ram, which will offer a smattering of flubs and bloopers never intended for public viewing . . . On another special set for Feb. 28, some of the world's most beautiful women will be seen in some of their funniest moments with the irrepressible Bob Hope in ''Bob Hope's Women I Love - Beautiful But Funny." Some of the women joining Bob via film clips over the years are Elizabeth Taylor, Barbra Streisand, Ginger Rogers, Anne Bancroft, Lucille Ball, Dorothy Lamour, Ursula Andress, Gina Lollobrigida, Sally Struthers, Tuesday Weld and Loni Anderson . . . Nobody bul nobody will want to miss the March 3 edition of "Real People." The highlights are a ~pound junk food critic, an 81·year.old ballet teacher and a visit to the first annual "Miss Bald America" contest ... ·'Chicago Story.·· a new 90-mlnute series about doctors, lawyers and policemen dramatically swept up in life-and-death situations, will premiere See Funny. Page 21 Word,18me Fl LL I~ Tl4E Ml~SING L-ellERS I~ I._.£ "TV ~" BELOW. rr l lAR INI IVJ I 11 ILILIEI I ILIOI 1£1 IB~I ttl INI I IM~IL ISI ~l&IL.l] ,, Af4!-1 ff I f NOIA! fU ARllA>JGE THE ~111•f 'flit. • c.e-rr~~ Yoo FIUED IN f~~ I. ,-o Sf'et..l IHE IJl.M£ ~ AN t:ltlfJ ~· 1/1 '" I I ~ &IRliS: 1:-( II 11111111 ~ • >Ol'liit.YW -';:if?SO'I ~1<>tQN ~ ~ .,., ·~znrw JtartllW 1~v 4 OMalOO won:l 5 Commercial 6, 'f Down Hello Dolly role 1 Notmaac. 8 Manyon. 9 -Olde ShoPPe 10 He pt.yed Gomer Pyle 11 Role for Michael Leerned 13 Glbboft 16 Charlotte - 20 Mr. Stallone's shirt decor 21 Actress Julie - 23 Hagman·• show 25 Wrealler'a mllleu 28 lndlvlduale 28 Playa Mr9. Canby 31 Bambi'• ma 33 Bloom or Ina 3& Ed or Rick 38 R9datlcope Item• '1 MiasKMton 43 Gunamoke mllleu (ab.) '4 Cosby Of Dana 4 7 Mador Pat1t 46 Kind of rummy 50 Mao -Tung _, 52 Dancer Vlllella'a lnslgne 54 Truth -Conaequences SOLUTION ••••4'···~-~~ A SPECIAL 20/20 -Barbara Walters 1 lower left 1 interviews talented Dudley Moore cupper leftl. Victoria Pnncipal. who st ars in the top-rated TV SC'ries "Dallas," and another rising star. Tom Selleck. of "Magnum . P.L·· on "A Barbara Walters Special 20 20" Thursday at 10 pm. on ABC <Ch 71 Selleck will a lso he seen tn an ABC movie, "Di vorce Wars: A Lovt• Story ... Marc h 1 From Page 4 CH)THOM 'A8UU>U8 CLOWNS Alcfwd Kiiey profllM the ent«talnen who have made the wof1d leugh - Including Fenny Brice. Ch.,11• Chaplin. W.C. Flelda Md mllll)I ofhef'a. ~. HOUVWOOO'I CHLDMN Roddy McDowell n.,,•t• a look at h<>'tlt Ille Child atan of )'98terday and lode)' llaYe coped with atwdom and Its aftermath. e::SO 8!) EVEMeT IN WINTER ElgM Btltlah -~ attempt to dlmb the most dangwoua MCtlon of Mt E-t. the _, f-. duflng the winter of 1080. JoN'I ~ nan.tw. (l)~THOH A comedian hoat and lour comic cont•tanta who compete agalnat one another •• featured In Ihle UllQlr\aofed comedy game allow. HO 8 GMMMY AWAAOS JoM Denver hoat• the 24th annuac edition of thle -da cer1111ooy, to be teMcast trom the SMM Audtlor1um In Los Angalel • THI WORLD Of" tll'f JoM o.n.... hoet• the 24th annuel edition of Ihle ewwda 1*9mOnY. to be telecut ..,,.. lrom the Stvtne Audltcwtum In Loe Angelee. CD) UYE AT THE HAMAH'I Alp Teytor, Biii Coaby and Olctl 8"-' .,. featured. ..., ID AN EV8IHG wmt WWI EA LEWIS IN HAMtONY WfTl4 f'AllHOI Webater Lewla is jolMd by voc:elltta 8emllrd lgh,,.,. SOndra Er.WI Md the New England ConM<ValOfy of Muelc: Poet-Pop Oren.tr• for e ~ IMturlng acme of hla i.tMl compa- altlona. 1:30 CH) UP TO NOW The let... -... lde9s end -makeB are paro- died In a ..,... ot comic: elletqhM. 1:30 Cl) COOKIE GOES TO THE HOlf»ITAL Cookie nnda the hotlpltal • teary pl-bu1 get• by woth tl>e help of her lrlend1 Thursday specials FOAUA"' 21, 1982 MmlCA MON..a TWo ~ °' .... ,.. l:OO (l)THI ~WHO '°'Y -.,.,.... •• LOYID lfAM dr~ ii? a ~ Herwy Fonda ,_,., .. the -·-.,..._ice ~ of • ...,._ cr.9ted by and ...mne ~!':.-~~l"'--rM-llCr--AOOM "Simon And Gerfunkel: The COflOl(t In The P1tk" P8U1 Simon and Art GM-~ p9,form manr * lavortt• In their flfat joint concer1 In 11 ~·· lllPld dut'lng the aummer of • ., In .._ Yen City'• Central Park 11:30CH)TIMEWA8:THE 19308 Didi Cewtt lllplOr• the decade ol th• Grell Dlpreulon, which alao gave birth to rldlo. lavlah Hollywood mulk:all and the Jitterbug. Af'TEAHOON 1:00 Cl SHAN L..EWe. MAGC S/larl Lewie and Lambdlop .,. jolMd by maglciana Marte Wllaon, Flip of Hol- land and the Amazing Ran- di In an ewnlng ol magic and'""91C:. l::SO Cl) COOt<lE 000 TO THE HOSPITAL Cookie !Inda thl hospUal • ICaty pl-but get• by with the help of her lrlenda EVEN*Q 7:00 (I) WHATS UP AMUICAI FMIUfed: Miffing'• hitlOfy and eutt9nt ll'WWW, rOdl medlc:lne 11 a Rolling St<>nM c:oncert: the flfat prafeaalonal --tier, Mw ID.,..~-r:ao CR>-.AK ~ . SU'Hfg'hlfdli'ti~'PalJ~ '1f' £& 9 1! ~ ~ ~ ORANGE COUNlY MASTER· CHORALE ~ -• • Ill an its ~ CD 26th CONCERT SEASON ~ -< Dr. Maurice Allard, Music Director presents Felix Mendelssohn with nationally renowned "EWAH" soloist David Ford Lynn Reid Gail Dubinbaum Richard Dastrup Soprano Contralto tenor WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Saturday, February 27, 8 pm Santa Ana High School l\uditorium 520 W. Walnut Street, Santa Ana TICKET PRICES AD<JLT $7.50 SENIOR CITIZEN and STUDENT $4.SO For ticket informatfon, call the Chorale Business Office at (714) 535-0153 or write to P.O. Box 3157, Anaheim, CA 92803 A Pub/le S6Mce Sponsorship ol the Orange Q>ast QaHy Pilot 11,)llA"1 -t, ai KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB ~ . IJ 0 D D e IM ...... l• ...... IM ...... 1.wa..-.. ... Dileo 7: Morning Today 700 Good Morning News Club Morning News .. .. AmeriCa .. .. •.. s: .. .. .. .. Sunup .. .. San Q4eoo .. Hot .. Fl/Oge 9: One Day Regis R1etiard AM One Day At A Time Phil bin Simmons Los AtATt~ Ala Bloc~· l eavP 11 AAQele$ Alice busters To Women 10: Tiie P11ce Wtlee4 01 Btg lo-<e The Pnce I~ Right Fonune Valley Boat IS Alglll BattleSt81S .. 11: Tallleta~ Pau11o0<d Bona oz a Farnll~ Young And PhJ~ Feud T lie Restleu Young Arid Tllll Ryan's lilt! R,sJle53 OqcJors ' Hope ._)<NXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB PM IJ D a D Q 1.wa,... Loe ... l .. ,.,.... Loe ..... SM0'9go 12: " Davs OI Tv.1ltqht All Mv N+-ws Ou• L11e~ z~ Chilclltn As Tt>e T11o 11g1.1 As Tne WOtld lO#>P WorlO 1: l urn< Anott>tr Hoo• -. Ort>l ilt Turns wona 11Aag3llne l? .e Searc.h Fo1 Search ~or 1omo•row " Tomorrow 00 Gll'Cltrig Te11U Joi r G~a Go•d•"Q 2ao l•~~· °'1•t<lS0!1 Hosp•tal L~n1 -3: Roe> lord Donatl•A! EdQfOI JoM Fil..s Night Davidson .. Richard People s Stmmoos COi.rt 4: Barney Bo!> E~~ NllWS .. M1Uef Newhatl .. News Enltt· .. MASH 1ammer11 5: News News Little News News .. .. House .. " On The ~ .. Pra.ne . 6: ~s News Charhe'S News CBSNews .. AllQe!S . .. .. Hews .. .. ... . . 7: CBS News NBC News HappyDayS ABC Newl Tic Tac Agaul " Dough <'On Family La-& People"• PM Tile Town fevd Shtrley Cowl Magazint s: The Dukes NBC MoYle-Benion Tht Dukes Of Hazzard ~N "Relurn " OIHamird .. To Macon OptnAI .. .. County' Nlalll .. 9: Otllas Mc:Clain·s .. 8e&1 Of Dalis Law .. ThlWtll .. . •" .. MalllngA .. .. .. l.Mng .. 10: Fllcon Caaie News Sl(lkt Falcor't C<tsl &Co .. Force Crest .. ··-.. " .. .. .. . . 11: News News Basketball News News .. CaHIOfnla .. .. CBSM0¥18 T~t Vt ASCNtiws • CBSM0\'18 ''Ttlree UClA Nlgllllint "Three 12: On A .. .. Frideye OnA Dile .. .. -.. Date .. SCTV .. ---MllWOlll 90 .. .. .. . :i . Creative Jewelers, Inc. 6 KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET 0 m m m m Loe~ ""°"'° loeMfeM Loe~ L .. ~ Tl'!' Froozles Theft ls A Way Jim Ballker Jae·~ La Lanne Midmorning LA Treasure Hunl Matcll Game KHJ 0 L .. ~ Movie 'Patdl'erS .. N!IW$ tr~ ~ ·covei Gori' " Kojak White Shido'# . . You Aslled For II 8ullMye ':,., ~ '"N'lghtmara At'3 Hlllctesl'' .. Stva<tlcfs ChrOOlcle News .. Kojak " .. - MCMe ··ec- Gll'I" .. Today Cattoon Bugs .. Town Burlny The ~oon Flinl$10!* l<Mrwal .. Fhl)Pef .. .. Geotte Popeye Ben 0ona11ue I love Rome>« Luey Room Bewitched Movie .. "Pals Rlqlard I DfeamOf Of The S•mmoos Jeannie Siddle Ba111e:s1a1s Gnost And INN Neo<ws Mrs Muit Pa5~•ord Super love Atllel Plu& P.yCatds Style The News love Amflf Doctors 6rt1e KCST KTlV KCOP m m m S...!Mto Loe A ..... Loe~ Dan •)f Q.,• L.,('5 AM ll><-f Wur•c T ••lS Hour Ma9a1111p l11lle ftouse On The Pruie News ...., . .-. NBC News News Tile Muppets Family _,. Feud NBC Maoazone . . .. McClain5 Law .. Cassie &Co. .. News .. Tonight .. .. SCTV Netwonc 90 MOV>e MoV!e l,tfSler>CM The Moosters EtplOSt>ll Geneuhoo Open So;>e<man Ltn@ Tile p~ Waltoos Bugs Bunny Bel!o1tched Scooby Doo s~ KartOOl'I Bunch KarmV1t Blady " Bunch .. lncieo1ble The Hui. Flintstones Scoot>y Doo The Ha-Natl Jellersons Ftve-0 Wetcome Bacio. Kotter MA SH Jot.er s W1IO MA SH Tte Tac Dougtt PM Mov;e M&gaztM .. Hunters Health Beat Are For .. mng·· Mtfv .. Gnl11n .. .. .. News News .. .. .. INN News . " The Sanford Jell•SOllS &Son Al In The B&sketl>lll Fatrnly Stanford Mike Vs ~ use .. .. .. . ./~,." ~.c. ,.,..... '/ NATIONALLY KNOWN, Buliness Report Yoga For ~h BIO Blue Marble Villa Alegre s.wne Street Clawoom TV .. Wht ln TheWorkJ? Fos1!1ng KCET m LOI .,... Dock ca.ell O•t> Easy C•assioom rv You And The Law You And Thi lAw 3-2·1 Contact M1$ttr Regen Se5ame Street Busmess Repor1 News CM! ~Sy Mac Ned Lenrer L A Week In Review Washil!Oton Week WaRSlreet Week Caltfornla Weell Creativity Inside Story Dick Cavtll News AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER flit~tfi Jf.~t!JIY/( KOCE '1i) M••llll II ' ._.. Penonat FilllllCe Oil Painhna BOdy BUdd11t Mister Rogen 3·2-1 Contact Elect rte Company Bean SprOUls Educational Programming . KOCE ~ ..--.... aM<a From Jumps11eet EducltiOnll ProgrammlllQ Gu ten Tag Mister Rogers Seeame Street .. Victory Gatden MacNel Llhrl!f Over Elsy Cllecktng It Out Creallvity BuStness Report Od Cavett Wall Street Week Washingtorl Week Craa~'.°"IY Vol«'s Plpellne lnsiOt Story F"1nng Line .. .. Calrforola Week Capliontd A9CNews ,,, . ORIGINAl DESl~G t ~TOM AESTYLING & RESETTING • A l'Hi6tGNER C9t..L.i.CT~ttQF GOW.& PLATINUM JEWELRY 'I'' Oi~NOS • PEA8U.• filJllE~EO GEMSTONES ' ' ...... Fridays Details f'NOAY EV£NWG 7•8 HAPPYDAYSAOAIH All• outwilllng Ille Mala· chi Brothefa. Fonzie Pf'O· ~to Plilky. (Part 3) • w•A•a•H Allaf I delay ol five .....,, live MCI<• ot mall finally .,,lw at the o4077tt> • O\lt.AEMY Guest Jeck Pur (RI t:;J 8i) OICI< CA YETT Guest Roger Wellch ([I ENTERTAINMENT TOMGHT An lnteMew with Mtckey Rooney a THE MUPf>ETS Guest Lon• Horne (t)MOVIE • * • "'Tiie Other Side 0 1 The Mountain •• Pwt 11· (1978) Merilyn Hassett Tlmottiy Bottoms 7:30 IJ 2 OH THt TOWN FtllureO I IOOk lo< lrlenda. rtstOenll and lavor11e l\aun1S or Elv1• Presi.y 1 surpnSlng f«m or l>Nllng knov.n •• !>SY· OlllC wrQ«Y: Single paren1 Mloptlof\s IJ .LAVfRHE & SHIRl.EY &CO..PAK't Tiie PIZH Bowl ga119 me Fonz and Richie remlntlGe about Ille crazy times ll'>ll'y.,.. lh&rtMI Wllh Ille glrll Cl) M•A•s •H Hawkeye an<! :Fr8'>C>tf 111 detennlned to make an 1.-or the aoclOet'ltal lhelllng of • Soult! Korean Ylllegt by u s. 1111tllety CD WAU. STREET WEEK .. The Elliott Wave Theory .. G.-t Robert R. Pr.c:n1w. ~or and publ19hw of '"The Eliott w a... Theo<. Ill." (8) WHAT ON EAATH1 Orton w .... talce• an .,tertalnlng loOll al man ano hit worlO. 7~46 CZ> aNEMA8COAE l.<00 f) ([) 1l4E DUKES ~ HAZZARD Boss Hogg appoint• 111 •ll111C1hrt woman olhcer tel~ .,_lff of H11Z21td~ D Q!l N8C MAGAZINE JllCk Perkins prollles 20· year-old lloc:ltey 1tar Wflyfte Gretny, Douglu Kiker IOOlta at the Miami ~ loroe, with ~ 400 officer'• on the atre.tt and -half ol INm rooll ... U MOVIE • • .. Return To MllOOll County" ( t975) Nie* Nolte, Don .JoMton. 8 0 IENION Beoaon encourage• 1 ttreet gang 10 bid on 1 ~·contract. Q • • ...t~e .... 45 Hfllc:tear· (197•1 J- Hutton, "-• Mwtt Rlch- rnen . • P.M. MAGAZINE Women .,. now holdtng peril• In tfltlr '*-to buy -~ti arid~ ,. • -wtlO loe1 270 See Friday·s. P.oge 11 I Sales • Leasing ASK AIOUT VALET .LEASIE OUR · P'LAH 900 So. Cooat Hwy .. Lapa a.oclt 494-1 .I 31 ar 546·996 7 "-t: Moa.,..M. f.J, s.t. f ·I , ~IM ~=~~.U!:~==iJUfkt::*=-AJJG--00: '11 }1Fo~~~~~~EW SUSHIRF.sTAURANT •Enjoy Teriyaki •Tempura • Sushi bar prepared by our famous Japanese Chef • Beer • Wine • Saki STA URAN'!) • KEASONXBT.E" PIR:F.S • - • Open 7 Days S pm 'tll Midnight 3840 E . Coast Hw y • Corons del M ar (714 ) 673-3933 t . ! f E. CcMtl WWy. r PEoiPLE TIJaK TO CL.A.SSlftED BECAIJSE TBEY llMJW OTBEB ~ABE~. S.:lllnll ~hlnl( from mo4~¥Cks 10 ptanoa 11· •• ~ na!UA: o( ~ IO dl«anl old hobblee and tallc up MW ona. lo< famllie.. lo mo¥C and OOW And IM F1 IJ11Sthat ontt ~IMm WCll ooMllYe l~lr ...rw- Thal .• l('OOd new. for you •hm .-hanl(e9 tn "°"' tire necea11a1c • purt:haw or two Ol«kc~ 11may ~thmr chanfCS a llltk ITK>IT all'onlabk Tube ibppers KABC fl 8:00 -"Benson.·• Benson encourages a street gang to bid on a gove rnment contract. ~ KNXT tJ 9:00 -.. Dallas." Sue E lle n accepts J . R. 's in vitation to · dinner, and Ray and Donna discuss divorce . KOCE 19 9 :00 "Voter's Pipeline.·· S u ccessful a nd influe ntia l blac k. r esid e nts of Ora n ge County a r e inte rviewed. · KABC fl 10 :00 -··strikJ? Force." A gang of youths unintentionally kill a prominent counciJwoman. fr!dats Details 2 From P.age JO pounda on • neturlll food 4jet; Joyce ~ on F~ body IMQU8Q9: how to eort oot your melt -. • MOVIE •• \4t "Huni.rt An For Ulng" (11170) Burt ~­ nolde, Melvyn Douglaa. CIDMOVIE ••~ "Sphinx" (1111 1) FrllM l..eng9lle. L..i.y- Anne Oown. CJ)MCME * "The Aweltentng" ( 1980) Cl\etltOtl Heston. ~Yont. -~ Aimed 'Klghllght1 of t1141 11178 "Wlllge 0--Amet'l- ca" lour by Paul Moew1· "9Y And W1l1gl tnducMe ~of ··~ I'm A~:· "Jet" and "Y•ter"da)'' M welt u a '-light ehow CZ)MOWE • • • ·'The eomp.tl1lon'' (1980) Rldwd Oreytwa, AlrrylfWlg. l :IO 8 0 OPEN AU NIGKT Terry, left to mind IN 11ore wtille Gordon end Grelc:Mn -et a ..,,.,.,.., . II hit by pheM one of I acamoperetlon. • HEAl..THMAT "TM LMng Pump" In hon-°' of N9llonel t4-I Month thll 11P9ciel edition II delloled to catd!K rnedl- Clne. • CMATMTY WITM • M.LM0\'8'8 8111 Moyer• lnter111-1 muter \llollnlet PlndlM Zuc*ermen. director of the St. ,...,, Chamber om-.. tra. Q HO. Cl) MU.Al Sue Ellen eooepta J.R.'1 tnllttatton to dlMW et Souttlfott<. J.R. penuadee Ray IO eiOl1 -Illa \fOtlng .,_.. of Ewtng Oii, and Ray and Donna dllcuaa dlVofoe. D al MCCI W I LAW McOe6n Ind Get• agr• to irw.tlget• ctwoee that ~ In • Mlghb<>rlng t~ ere routinely bruteHz· il a=ronHE WUT 9wn end Oenlel equate off egelNt • ._y l>IQ mM end Na bully -In ...,_ of IN a.et femlly "°"°'· • WAUtT'NET WIEK ''The Eliott w-Theory'' OuMt: ~ R. Precht«, editor end pubWler of ··TN Ellotl Wrte Theor· ...... .\fOTBfl ...... Ill ob-.~ 8'ecll Hlltory Month. Jim COOfl9' ...,_ ¥lewt ~etvt M d lnlluenclel 8 11Cltl In ~·=-CcMWr· ··~ .......... c.. _..... .. Ct•n > ~ ••;•·ecw-... ... -AU.. ....... dewlope • ,..... UoneNp with the dhc:tOf of Dot'• lheelre group. ..... ITOfW Hoddlng Cllrtw, '°"'*' pr-~ IOf the State Oepertment, todle 9l tM lnedtutlone end People who r9POf1 the --1HO. Cl) FM.CON CMST ChaM'1 mother (Lana Turner) retume 10 FelcOn Creet to -,_ IOn of Angle'• tr••~heroua neture. ea CAl8IE a oo. Ce .... ln,,...tget• .,, etten'191 on the ... of • IOf- rner com.4c:t who wrote a beet....., •boul tHe In prieon. • 0 ITAa rOACE A QMO of YoU'he unlnt9n- ~ ltM e pr~ city ooundlwomen, -.d· Ing C4ipteln Murphy and Ille teMI Oft !Mir trllll. • CMATMTY wmt M.L..a"t'l!M 8111 Moy•ra lnt1r11lew1 meeter lllollnlat Plnchu Zuc:kennen. dlrec:10f ot t1141 SL Paul Chamb9r Of"a- lta. Q • NWGUNE "AA Ellergy Polley FM The Re9gen Admlnlatrthton" ~ Fran& Pitta. owner of Ptttl Oii Co. CIJ)MOWE ***14t "The Wey We Were" ( 1873) Barbre SltelMNI. Aob9r1 AedfOf'd. (ll)MOWE . * • * * "Reolng Bult" (1NO) Robert 0. Niro, Cathy MoNrty. Cl) NATIONAL f'INAL.I ~ THE M1 M l.N'f' Off The beet MW oomedlllN .,. feetured -tN ~ 111 wtMera or th41 atg Lan Off compete eeelN' one another. .MCME •14 "Ent• The Dragon" (1t73) eruoe Lee, Jonn Suon. 10: 11 (%)MOVIE **14 "Med Max" (1NOI .... Olbeon. Joanne Sam- uel. ~M· MIOEITOllY Hoddlng Cet1er. torn. pr.-IPO*-.n for the st ... Oepertmaul, loolte .. ltle IMllMtoM end peop6e who repot1 the --H:OD. ICOMK ~--·dllld~ Off ......... bul .. ~to ,......hlm. • THIEJWU9dOHI UOnel end Jel1nY ,,...,. troutlte oet1lnll • lolln "°"' ..... • IAM"ON> NfO 80N Fred...._ to ITIMe .._.. .... guilty--lie ' ........ l.-.lllgllOr· ii':. CAVITT O...:~IML <m.- ••• ''Wtlldl ... .. u,r ,_,,......., ,,.,_, u... ....... HEARltii PROBLEM? We can probably help Canpbell Hearing Aids in Montgomery Ward Bldg. H ..... CNtC..ter ~ .. leec. & -~ ; AM KNXT a .......... KNBC D .......... KTLA u lMMlelN KFMB 0 11111 Dleto KHJ 0 L .. Nlfl'M KOOP Cl) ........... KCET m KOCE ~ H.-1 ...... • a..c• ftl :I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§§~~§§~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 700 KICISWOl'ld The Big Blue •Super-Inter-Davey & The Turnabovt P.ubllc Yoga fOf ~ Flln1stooes Marble friends nallonal Goliath Flintston& " Alfaics Heallh "2 30 Matto Smurts Dr RldUt Hour Davey& Smurfs Elemetttary .. Human it .. Snuggles Ricti Goli1th •• News 8ehaV!OI' 800 Popeye 30 TllUll lone 900 ~ 30 Bugs Bunny 00 .. 1130 Blaokstar KNXT II ......... 1200 BMltetblll Notre Dame 30 Vs Sou1h 1 00 Clrolinl I 30 .. 00 Golf 2 G Cempbel ao Los Angeles °'*' 380 2Wlth You ID McMe: "A 00 Guntlght" 4. .. 800 ~ IO .. .. 9. au CBS McMe: ''Thi ID 0..... s.mw· 00 .. 1130...., 00 Blrnaby 12.~ :. J!aslc•lbell Georgetown Vs. Missoon KNBC D ......... Bulcllbll Stanford Vs .. UCLA NBCNews t..oolt AIU. Tile. Scooby Popeye Real Estate .. Movie " Spece And Rifleman Ooo .. T odly .. Tile .. Time Ral F~~ T1m11 .. Kid SWOldsman' To Be Petrol Dlys Geng Lone Super ' Annoonoed l..elVe II LaWme & ~ lnternauonal Power " Vuta Tiie New To Beavet Slllt1ey Grand HOU! Alegre Voa 01Zl8 & Heeth· Bugs Pnx Spider-Men ' Cludl In The Hamel cliff Bunny " " " The Home Gu11a1 Sha Na Na T~r, Rold Lone Buaetball Car Cart Show My This Old Goldll Runner Ranger Geolgetown Cenlrel People House America's Top Ten Gold Wild WOfkl Vs We're NashYllle Exoellenc:e WCT Tennis KTLA I• KABC U D lost In $plC8 .. The Munslers F-Troop SW Trek MoYl8 "Spin Clu1" Bowlet• Tow Blackstar KFMB 0 ... ... Buallbd NotreOMle Vs. South Cwollna Slit Trek Wtlcoml 81d!, Kotter C8SNews In Searctl Of ... Omni Of Animals Missouri Mov1n' MuSIC fOffJY8( Wild WOfld Soul The Coooklng Of Animals " Trairl Roc:Mlel MexiCan Wild. " " " JuUa Wild .. .. .. Child KHJ 0 ......... Oiabllo'' ''Orlcull" KCST cm ...... El Paso KTTV m Lobo". KCOP m .. ........ Adam-12 Adam-12 Moww. "Phantom OIThe Rue Morgue" Sold Gold Come Horne" Movie: " "Ell I er .. 30rtgons" The Wlllont KCET m .......... Portrllts In Pastel Hew• ·-n., Vtdlo Explosion" Nlde Stcwy WtreYou There? Why In Tlle Watld7 Chectlng n0u1 Prtsenlel UfeOn Ear1h Am«IClll Governmenl AmerJCan Government Volef's Pipellne POftr11ts In Pastel Calli!!'.aphy Call~aphy KOCE ~ "'::c'C' Needlecraft Needlecraft Growing Years Growing Yws Matinee AIThe Bijou 'Wlflds OIThe Wasteland" ThlsOld Holm Movie: "friends Of Edell Coyle'• The Bat1te OITl\e Lu Vegas SllowQlfts Belutiful" Great Siar Arnerica'a Top Ten McMe: ''Mother, ' ''The latdsOI Flatbulll" ''Riki On Enlebbe'. MAS H INNNewa Prisoner: CelBlt. H One Step Beyond Performanc11 Sprogled ''8ridesheed Spenders Revititecl" .. American Pllyllou9e "SenseOI Humor" Goepel AccordlflO To3 Austin City Umits Saturdays Details 7:00 8 tH IEAACH OF ... • 'Wiii• 01 J«lcho .. D THE HAAOY 80Y8 I NANC't' DfltE# MY9TEM8 ..... Ftank Ind Joe get caughl up In • dang«ou• 9dwn· lure lnvoMng e goldel1 Idol etolen lrom an Egyptian eJ!'9'nld • lAWMHCE WEL.K "Tribute To trvtng Bet11n" • CHfCKING ff OUT FNluted: a Ullle Joe con.- C*t In Oellae; • vl9lt with ~ Oec:at De Le Ran- ia; ~with Houtton ~sMwwLQ • MA"'*-ATTHE -.OU Jot111 Weyne 1tar1 In ''Winde Of The WUI• lillnd1• f1t»k !tie lf>Ot1 IUbjectl lndwde • --,.., and a Baity Boop car- toon: and .,. a.1al It a_.. 6 ol "Jina< 0- Men." CR) (I) •IUM!tf °'-''TN ___ '*-tar .• 8TMI~ au.t:llloMoML -~lBM: MNllC 7:I08 CWGNWR C4lletwity judgea: Rip Tay- IOf. Suzy CMff.-. .,.,,, ~-~= CNrty McCWn.. • Ofl9a THI NIW ........ Fealurwll.: • lllleeWIQ ... tor ..... -*'9ftle; tecfl.- ..... IO coNrol ..U-...... _......,. .. "°"' ....... -...-"' ...... baM\. • JN:lf. WHrTn w. ~ an· 1n 11111,..aatri .. W1aoCA1pa pncy In SM Dllfo: en ~ wWI • Wleo .,.,.._ and an RM .... : .... with ,_..,.. s>« colum11l1t Frank Rhoedea. a,,. flUIPET8 . au.I: Gane Kelly. (C)MCME ·~"Clary Of A T_..AQe HttcMlllar" (11119) Olde Ven Panan. CMrtene n- I. •J ti.e c:...,....., r. h'aneWe wey or..,_"«· ~--..-•>_....•)'IWt1 ............ c:tftftt4....., ...... ,., • t •• naWe. lu9iMt ~ a. ......... _.._..........,. wl ......_ i. aay r-el anlode w l!Mnry ............. KNXT (2 ) 7:30 -"Dance Fever ... Suzy Chaffee is among celebrity judges. Cha~ly McClain is guest performer. KNXT 9 8 : 00 .. Beyond Witch Mountain." Two extraterres trial children possessing psychic gifts leave their Earth sanctuary to search for another space traveler. KTTV e 9:00 -"Battle of Las VegM' Showgirls ... Twelve s howgirls compete in zany, lighthearted sports. KOCE 9 10 : 00 -.. Austin City Limits ... The Bellamy Brothers are guests along with J ohn Anderson. -. . From Page 12 ~..._.. ..... _ °' ----· 8" dd ,..,.,. °' llllV'.. and Wille ~ tor her flrlt date wllft .. penpel. • MOVta • * "Olllc:ll*t Of Oeelft" (1872) ... ..._,, ....,_ ;"*..:-"· * * ''The Nlgtlt They T ooll .... a-itlful" 11977) Ctlucll Connore. Pllll 8llwers. • LR ON EARTH "lnwillon Of The Lend" o.M Anenbonlugfl loob .. .,. .-.or.. of ~ blene, end the c.pture ol a coelecanltl --a flah lflougtM to be 9lltlnct untl 1838 -i. -ded on lllm tor .,. ,.,... lllne. Q Cll>MOYll ****"~Slat•" (1NO) MIMI Hutt, 8Mllr .,__ Cl)MCMI ••'Ai .. ~ And The ........ (1M0) Burt~ nolda. .,..... oa..o.i. .MCMI ..... ....,.,.,. .. (1N0) AoOll\ w.i.rna. ~ °""911. uo••~VAU.EY SMiie'• toc*-elk• couM\ pllw'9 to melt• Bobby T~ lor her flfttl llultlerld . • 'Ml OU>HOta Bob Vie lnat .... .,._ In the IMIMt' bedroom eno Not1'I Abrem .,_how lo oonatNct klldwl Cllblneta. &MCMI ** ''Thie le Elvia" (IM1) Docl , ... q,y. t:eoeMCWm ••• .,. "The Oteet s-- tlnf' ( 1179) Robert °""911, . am .,.,... -.,w~ .... '-\L WMIDMJ.. NIO THI WMIDMJ..ISfW au.ta: Tom ._, R.C. Bemon. •• L(JWM)Af T1wee lrtanda ... tor .,. ..--· Ceplelfl hlblno uodalgoee a elf .. lie pelaclliellt) dWlgll. end • ,_, .. jllted by Illa ,,... "-Q • THIMTnaOITHI LMWMalHO\Ulft.8 T .... oft. V.0-' MOii ~ .._..,.. pll ..... eedl --In. ...... °' _,, ....,.._.. ed "'°".. Hoata: Aagla PNbln and Oen PMtOrW • • 8MAT f8COMIANC9 ''11 ldellhaed Aewlafted: A Blow Upon A BNIM'' Sebeellln. Ulil1Q Ctwlel'• ~ lo buy llAootlol. dn#lkenly dierup.. !tie ..... ..,.. .. ...., v-·· II 'I' llllol 1. (Pwt 5) Q • SfM.,.,.. ID ..... Irr I Mg aw l9POfW Don- Md Lemlwo ...... with ........ olldall. ~ ,,.... end other' ...,.,,. wt1o Wllkt\ w~ ... ....... ~dll- -wtlo ¥olcle .,.. own atrong _.,,,.on oo-n- ment ao-ndlno-CI)...,. •• .,. ''The Frianda Of Eddie Cclyte'' (1173) Rob- .,, Mltdun. P9ler 8oyla. t:ao CC) MCMI **" ''$loot The Sun eo-"(tMO)~ waiun. Meiroot Klddef. cm~ Aimed hlgtllgtlb of the 1971 ''Wlngia 0-~ ca" tOllF ~ P8lll McCart- ney And Winge lndudaa peibn•-of "Meybe I'm ,.,,.,_..,," "Jet" end ''Y.-.rdly'' ........ .... llghllflOW. 10:e0•8a.LYCMSTM. COlm>'W' HOUR Ouaata: Lym Aedgtaw. Mel~ •a ~""',..,-.MO Tettoo eoea Into the metchmaklng bualneH end errengaa for two -en to merry Mr. Aoettle, end • nlglltcMI comedian ,,..... ... ""'llV he .,.,_.._ ed tor Illa ect. Q • MOYll ••• "Reid On Ent.oti." I 19711 etwtaa Bt-. P.-Anc:ft. • UOIBCCA.lf f\A~ ''Senee Of Humor. c-MonQ wtOI ..... &Nile ,._ por1r¥ • ,_,. widow d•t«Mlned to .,_.,. ~ In the .,.,.,...,,.., Q • AUITIM aTY l..llift'I The ~ BrolMn' -. COllltllne wftfl the ~ hell lllUlle of John ~. ®MCMI • **" "Ailee, s-t Moe" (11t7) Undli .... ..... SMpperd. Cl)MOYll •• ,.,,... W..Cend" .UV. ..... THE COMm'tlTOM 10:11(%)MOYll . * • "Tur'ldah DellQltt" 1-• w•A•a•H The ...... p9 Ctwlaa ...... '° .... '*"-..................... •r•Dlmtca&. aGCICH T1le ra I 11 • CIOflleMed '" ........... °" .. .,,.... ,...._ .,. rMlry ._Jim and Vera. • QOINI.. AOCCJ.....a TOI A~ of""-..,,_ °' awtlllM lftUllc: Vlrgln!M ....,_ .... tr9dlll0nal ctudl. on.Md muelc; Ton1·wlnnln9 Broedwey ... l.Jrlda Hop- lllna ~~ ... .............. '° .. rK«d CINrta; Albetta ~-.. ~ Movement Com enr_ --to the Mofy ol ...__ ~-------lllliil--...15 TENSION A PROltlM717 FOR A TOTAL RELAXING BODY MASSAGE CALL OUR PROFESSIONAL STAFF. ~WESTMINSTER #2, NPT. BEACH (behind Le Blerrltz) BY APPOINTMENT 1 <MS 1410407 141-2117 William E. Smeltzer,. M.D. Wishes to Announce the oJ)ening of his Office for General & Family Practice At Newport Peninsula Center Wells Fargo Bank Building. 'ZT27 Newport BfVd. West. #102 NB 92663. Hours by appt 78().3838 I (/.\~P ET BARN ~ '. / • . . . .. ~ . , . ~ . ' .. .,, 2 ~ $ -! ---· 1 3 a ... •ma,Grld ... '·· . -- ·~ KNXT KNBC KTLA KA8C Kl'MI KttJ " " t<Cst triTY.'1 KCOP KCET KOCE Sl•nday• IJ D &1 D Q 0 m m al fD ~ Details LMMplll L•a...-u.a..-LMa...-IMO-.-La .... .. 0-.-u.a...-U.MllM U.Mfelee ......... ~~· .... ~21,1812 7: Today's Whitt"¥ Aftd Top h 11 &incs.y Kennett! Sunday ~ Cw100nt foOI For ~ Religloil Tht Robol Cit Written Morning Copeland ...... OitccMry .. Health Comfllllmlnt ~ Little VltWpolnt TVS Lookt .. Tiit Wond Jimmy .. Mister 1:00 8 '8 NACOCK .. Paid! Rasellt On Nutrition At Learning .. T omoffOW Sweggwt .. l'ogers IHOWCA8I s: Sunday This ts Popaye Per1onal Orll Lloyd Rea .. .. ~ "Rodi I Roll Or.-na" The Mor"!_ng TlllU.. And)W Ownenslon5 Robens Ogihle Humbard " Willie l*tll 9fld growth o4 the ~ Fftends Todly's Flrllily MeeC#lg KnowYOUf E* .. HlstofyOf '"'-ta, .,, eeplttno,.... .. .. Btk. Woman Lii• nme 8lble Iner easing .. A Sunbeam man rock group, la 9: .. ~ .. Vllta Oral Oral .. F111h .. SeealTlf detalled. Confetenc:e .. Alegre Rober1• Roberts .. .. .. Stteet 8 0 COOE AED Dinny t.-a ltla1 M wlll Business t.teet The .. ti Fece Tiie Day Of Mete The Wond .. .. IOM hla foster llomily Joufllll Press .. .. Nation ~ Press Tomorrow .. .. D IN>HllDE 1·0: Basketball Bultetbllt Movie: NtwZoo 8uketbll1 Hetlkl Basketball Rex .. The ()14 lronal<M'a goddaughter Pnitadelphla Louisiana "Return t;':,8 Phffadelphla Of Truth Looitlene Humbard .. Lawmakers Painting wit-a killing and dlt- 76ert State Of 76ers Robe<t State Jefry .. Open Oil ..,.,..,. with her boy· Vs Vs Superbug" People Va. Sclwltet Vs. Fllwtll .. Mind Painting 111end. 11: Phoenix Wichita .. Too Ptlonl .. WICMa .. MooM; Masle<pce WasNngton I• .NOVA Suns St1te .. Suns .. Slit. .. "Tiit Night V-tre Wflfl/A "The Vld9o Explo9ion'' The l)llll, or-• and .. .. .. ThisWflfl/A " T~Cole .. Church In OfTllt "Flame Trees Wiit Strtll """" of Aln«lean 1-....i-.. .. .. Wfth .. WNltlller .. Tiie Horne Grlaly" OfTNka" Weelt .. --.plored. Q (D)MOYie KNXT KNBC KTLA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE ••• ''Popeye'' (1980) AoOlrl w--. Shelley P.M a D &1 D Q 0 ml m al m ~ Dw8ll. ..., • ()) MCttE LMa...-LMMtelM u.a...-LMa...-a-o-.e 1.eea...-.. OlefO .... a..-u.a...-LeeMfe'M ............. 9UNKlffl PUCE -..Cll Archie jolrw a group of 12: .. Spor1sWOt1d Lost In Dl¥ld .. Searcll Spor1sWOtld MCMe: " Tlltfnl Per1onal perenta who .,. out 10 ben .. Space Bmicley .. .. .. "T1n1r1's . Clvc:hllls FIOWIC8 • -edlicatkln de. 81 Golf .. .. Directions Goll Wiid WQl\d .. Agtlt .. " Personal SteoNllle'• adlool . Glen .. .. .. Glen Of Animlls .. For Life" .. .. FlnlllQI 81110.... A -and her (WO 1: Campbell .. Tiit Sl)O(ts8NI Cllnptlel Bllketblll .. .. Adam-12 ""'*1 The American lllllVllf aone plol to atNt en LOIAngeles .. Munlten .. Los Angeles Oenwr .. .. Boat Story armored Cal. ~ .. F·Troop Tiit °'*' Huggats .. MO\'le Adam-12 COlllll 111 Amer1cln e a TOOAY'SfW .. $upefatlrS .. Va. .. "Fantasy .. .. Story An aoen• wno hu gone 2: .. .. Giligln's .. .. Los~ .. Island" Movie: Tennll Writing fOf .... OOMI • 8 OOfWttuv .. .. llland .. .. Lak111 .. .. ''Thernr· ~ ARwon ti«! worker ~•tar· .. Spor11 Gllllgln's .. .. .. Sugar Ray .. .. Writing Fot ·c:=-· Alllkl l9land .. .. .. Leonerd's " .. .. A Alllor1 . .... ..... ''Joftn Go6dfarll • 3: Last Of Tlll About ....,.. .. Sttt .. Golden .. " .. Of EM1tl Pl•aM Come Home" Tile Wiid PlctlK• "Who's .. Trek " Gloves .. .. .. And~ ( 1815) ..... UlllnoY. Shir- Arneran On Minding Wide .. You Alked MoYle-Movie: .. .. OfEantl .......... Adlllftlure c.nip. The Store?" Wond Of .. For II "Amenca "Rio .. .. AfldMan IOUD90LD 4: Interlace Sund, .. Soarts Vectory Mo\olt: -Al Tiit Lobo" MO'IW WllStrlll Protect Host: AnOy Gibb. eo.-t: " . At Sea "Dilciple Mollies" .. "PirlMI. w.-UrMf'1I .....,,. McCoo. ~ ~ .. .. .. 8usirllls OIO..tll" .. .. Pirlnlll'' Wlllwlglon Protect Mllhl Frenldll\, et... " -··-' .. .. Joumll .. .. _,. Wetk IJnMrM e.a.eo... 0-V-a.-. The Rolling s1-. ~ 5: FIOtThe .. Siar SpMs r.t.A.S.H " .. .. .. Firing Projeet &own, Cfytltal Geyte. Hall Ha1Jon .. Trell Legend• .. .. .. .. .. Line ~ I <>elea. C8$Nlws NBC News .. A8C Newa Hullh8elt .. " .. .. .. From • NOVA .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. Jumpstreel ·"TN Aaearold Arid TN s: News News Charlie's News CSSNewa l(ojlk NBC New M.ASH Movie l.Jfe E"8lllng Al ~" A rldlc8I ,_ .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. "Struggle Around Us Symphony theofy .. to why the dine>- Fight Thet'• Newt " News Tiit Through Why lo .. --died out .,.., 160 .. Baell! .. Holywood .. .. .. Jefftrsons Deatl'I" TheWorid? .. mlllon yews of ~ dornlnence .. _.. 1: IOMinut• Peacodl CNrtia'a Code 60Minu1• lronlide Peacock Sonny & .. Tutrihamun'I Nova (R)Q Showcll8 ~ Rad " .. Showcase cner .. Egypt "The • llM81CS.9CE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Editors Video TMIATM .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 08llc Eapiolion" .. , Remem~r Nelaon: s: Atcillll CttlPI ..,.. Today's Archie It II CHIPa Movie: Solid Nova Mu terpieoe Low .. f9'tnlf (MN ...... Bunk• .. CoultllU FBI Bunker Wrlttln .. "John Gold "Aaterold T"'*8 _, ,....... lft lowoe wlltl One~ .. .. .. OneOey WOt1d .. Goldf8'b, .. AfldThe UIAemember her huabend, AdrNr.i Lord AI A Time .. .. .. At Ar rne TOMOtrow " PlllM Oinoleur" Nebon'' Nelaon (Ken Colley), ~,_.°',..,.. 9: Alce NICMcMe: Wiid ABCMcwle: Ab Dr. NBC Movie· Come Hie Muter piece American with Ledy Hamiton. (Part .. "The l<ilgdiMI "k.And .. Cho "The Home" Haw Theatre PtaytiouM ®Q The ~ WOltdOf Julllol Tiit Btelltl Capture .. .. "I Remember "SenteOf STANl*G ROOM "*'°"' Of Grizzly SuM¥tl ,..,,. .. Jefttrtons Of U. Of Cklzlty .. .. Helton" Humor" ONLY 10: Tf1Pf* Adlma" ..... .. Treppar .&Mlt Adlllll'' News ... .... ..... Ing M<Ma: ''Simon Md Qertunkal: . The ~ lft The PMt&'' John. .. " " John. ~ .. .. .. Of Minds ..~ M.D. .. ' " .. M.O .. Jerry 1=.n .. Hol" PW SlrftOn and M Oer· .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Fllwell .. .. ""*" perform "*'Y old .._..... In "'* tint ~ i1: News News PIC*llters .. News WOt'ld News .. .. Top Of .. _, In 11 ~ I.aped C8SNews .. .. " .. Villon .. .. .. TheWOfld .. dultng it. --of '11 Spts. FIOll " 700 News Fece The CNMde NBCM<Ma Movie. T•OITllt &11111 In New \lofti City'• <Antral Rociktord NBC McM8 Club .. Nation " "Sh "Rio ~ PrMwl Pwtl. i2: Flies "SllY9' .. ABC News Tiit Bears" Lobo" Secret Thlfnt (J)MOVll Bear•" .. MoVlt: Tlvlllen .. .. W11 Ctudlils * * \4 ··&cape Fron1 AJc:a.. " .. " .. ~. .. .. .. " " .,_.. I 19"8) Ollltl ...... "'°"" .. .. " .. .. .. " wood. P9twtdl McGootlen • See Sunday's. Page.·15 RANCI&- .2823 east coast highway " 675~ I 0 I 0 Cria1a det mar 11 t t, • T FAT CITY ---, ....... • . "'1/.A At Pan.ch9 ... of co.ne. J'~ Ex.aM it In ltytel Th9 ...... _,,. UPe. 1 \. ~ Leotna. Tlght a, • Leg .;m.,. end ~ Pwechute Penta! • 'You.,,,, ontV-IMI h Greet -You'U 1oo1c G'91t! Come I ' • ~ . .,. ... PA1 A'-1HE · 1°"6:30 221 MHIHE BALBOA ISLAHO 873-1810 NEED CASH??? ••• LOAN DUE??? . . CC.I annft IATIS OM ••• Ill. M Jrcl TRUST DEEDS· RES&OENTIAL OR INCOME PROPERTJES ASK FOR DUANE OR STEVE -714-760-1551 - AnnrlCimW •1ett..,.91pc_,. ......... ,. .., .. SAVE THOUSANDS $$ OF DOLLARS $$ everyday ••• all year long 011 purchases you recJUlarfy make Save money on . ·. . * Restaurants • Hotels • Automobiles • Car Rentals • Furniture • Appliances c.l ''7~n7 fer ca.,lah ..................... C .... MW • TravellEntertainment & More Pfus ... THI CAID provides • $50,000 Travel Accident Ins. • Fantastic Group Legal Service • Credit Card Protection • Monthly Newsletter and MORE r-------------------- llll s.. TNttw, st.. A THE CARD S-.AM.C..92705 Y". I went to SIY9 money -paeu. tend me THI CAID ... enck>Md p1e-.e rtnd 129.95 ($24.95 s.niot Citizen•~ I understand my fH will be refunded within 30 days If not completely aatlt1ied. Name ..............•..••...........••.....••... Add,_ ...............•.........•.......•.•.... City ...............................•.... Zip ... , Pttone ..........• , , ........... 0... of Birth •..• -----~-------~-------~ KOC E 9 7: 00 -"The Video , Explosion." Past, present and future of American television are explored. KNXT 9 8:00 -"Archie Bunker's Place." Archie foins a group of parents who are out lo ban a sex education class at Stephanie's school. K.ABC 8 9:00 -"And\Justice for All." Al Pacino sta r s in blockbus ter movie aoout a crusading lawyer . • 1 KNXT 8 10 :00 -"Trapper John. M.D." Trapper, Gonzo. Stanley and a Jackpot are frustrated by a gifted d~tor. From P.age 14 . .,.,.. '* • • "Flret Famlty" (MIOt Olde ......... Bob ~-l:tl <Z>.,.,.. ..... "ZA*I o.rt" (1979) Burt l.allCut«, Pet« O'Toola. t:ao•<J> 0.Do\YATA ~ 8hoc*lng -ctwno-..,.,.,... attttude and ~--... ())Ala v-oonWM* .... to ......... In dwoe °' the .., during 1111 ..,,, ---. ea..,. ..... ''The~ Of Grtaly MM!e" (1M 1) Oen ~.Klfll~ . • MD tclNllDOM "HMll••lwed 8Mttle Of The ... Of Corm'' .. .,.,.. ••• " .. .And~fot M" (1119) M Padno, Jedi Wardlft. ....... ~~DaM.Wl­bum.,..,., Cotton Illy • • MAllD#Ea TMIAT1'E "I "-"' tM11on: l-" F~ (Nww W. MY) ,..,..,,. In IGw wlttl hlr hulMncl, Adrftlrll Loni Naleon (Kan Colley). ~,_.°',.,,..,, wlttl Lady Hamiton. (Part 110 • U;191JCAN ""'~ "S.. Of ~ c- Mong WWI Ma" &ella ,,.,.... pot1ra,a • ,_. widow datanntMd to becOll'9 lrwotw.d In .... ~=-·O •• * "The Fir. Daedly IM" (ttlO) FraNI ...... rm~· * * "Sepalata Waye" 11MO) ~ ..... Tony Lom.-. Bibi Anden•on get. rol,e • .. .•• # ..... ' . ., . . HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Bibi Anderuon bu signed for a co-1tarrin1 role in "Expoled" for United Artists, which also stan Natassia Kinald Rudolf Nureyev. Harvey Keitel and lan McSbane . . . Bobby DiCicco will co-star in the Ladd Co. 'a .. Night Shift." ... Ronny Cox stars in tbe horror film "The Beast Wilbin." ... Producers G~l'&e Schenck and Frank Cardea are plannin1 a series pilot for CBS. based on legendary wild animal bunter Frank Buck .... Lloyd Bridles and Marian Mercer join Carol Burnett in "Beatrice" for CBS. Patsy Kensit, a U-year-old Londoner, .Ul play the tttle role in "The Adventures ol Pollyanna" for CBS and Walt Disney Productiqns. The one·bour pilot also atan Sblrley Jooes as Au~t Polly. Others iD the sbow are Edw•rd. Winter, Beverly Archer, Lucille BeDIOD aad' Nlcholu Hammond. lt II baaed on the popular movie that sta.!'"4 Hayley llllll. r"'--------------· . ....... r--· .. ·• ·.'.!. 2 ~' r ' ~ 'HAVE YOU·ilat INJURED? .• AVTO ACCt~NTS_ , • COHSTRUCfR:>N RXlOENTS •PERSONA&. -'CCIDENTS . . . . The Law Offices of R. Steven; Peters Emphasizes in the Handli()Q\ of Personal Injury Claims that may b8 'he Result of Accid4tnts. • . ~ I . .. . We will Make Sure That you Obtain all That you are Legally .Entitled. _'-.. ,. _ 1 Call for a FREE Consultatkin 8na " Determine What R_ights you , H~ I' against all Par~a.es , lnclud1ng1 I nsu_r:ance Companies. Housecalls or hospital visits• can be 4l"ranged. ' . . . "" i ~. -!'> -I 16 Mtondaf Grid KNXT KN8C K1\A KA8C KFM8 KHJ KOST K1TV KOOP KCET KOCE i Mondays ~ a D • D 0 a m tD .., .. 89 ai Details ~ al 2 D :. ........... ......... Lie ...... ........... .. ...... ....~ 7: Moming Tod'! 100 Good Motnlng The News Club Morning News Froozlel .. .. America .. There ls .. .. .. .. .. A Way s: " .. .. .. Sunup Jim .. .. .. .. San~ Bakk• .. " Hot .. .. .. Fudge .. .. .. 9: One Day Regis Rtch11d A.M OneO.y Jaci( AtA Time PhUbtn Slmmona Los Al A Time Lalanne Ahce Block· leave It Angeles Alice Mldmornino .. buslers To Women .. LA 10: The Price WheltOI Big lCMI The Prtee . .. IS~~! Fortune V*t Bolt Is Ril!!1t .. Battlestars .. .. " .. .. .. K .. 11 : Tatllelales Pmword Bonanza Family VoungAnd Trusure Plus .. Feud The Restless HI.Ill VoungAnd The .. Ryan's .. Mttc:h The Restless Ooc1on .. Hope " G11111 KNXT KNBC KTlA KABC KFMB KHJ PM • D . • D Iii a ........... ........... LAI ...... ........... ........ ........... 12: .. OaysOf Twilight All My News MOYle: Our lJYes Zone Children .. "Flghler As The " Twiliglil .. AsThe f'*lts'' WOlld .. Zone .. WOlld .. 1: Tums Another Hour One Ult Turns .. .. WOlld Magazlna Tollvt .. .. Seirch FOf .. " Setrch For News Tomorrow .. . " Tomorrow .. 2: Guiding TexlS John Gentrll Gutdlng lrOl\llde Light .. .. DIYldson Hotpi1al I.Jehl .. .. " .. .. .. .. " " .. .. 3: Rocklord OoMflua .. EdgeOI JoM Movie Files .. .. • OMbon • Aballc)on .. .. Ridlard People's .. $Np" .. .. Simmons Court .. .. 4: BlrMY Bob Emet.~ News " .. Witt Hntlll1 .. .. .. News Ent•· .. .. M.A..S.H .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 5: News News Utlle News New'S Ko)ak .. Houle .. .. .. OnTht .. .. .. .. .. Prlirit .. .. .. 6: News News Chlrtit'• News C8SNtws While .. ~ .. .. ~\__ .. .. News .. .. .. .. .. .. 7: CbS News NBCNews H1P9YDlys AB(',Hews Tic Tac Vou Aslled .. .. NJltll ~ .. Dough FOt 11 2C'n Fllllily LMmt& E)ttOn., •PM t u.,. The Town Ftil ~ LA. ~ "' s: Mr. Uttlt M<Me: Tll•t'• StnOlego Blsketbllll Mrii Houle . ._,.,.. lncredlblt Joumll Oregon " Onllle .. Welcome Va. .. PrMJt .. .. Blc*. r<octer WIShlngton 9: t.U.SJf N8CMIMI: .. ABCMCIN: MAS.H State .. "AWtddlng .. OOUYer'• .. " HOOM OnWallons .. St0t( House " Ciiis Mountain" .. Calls .. 10: Suzanne Newt .. Suzanne News Somers .. .. .. Somers .. Special .. " .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: News News Salurdly News News Kojak .. H9rt .. .. .. .. Ouincy Bes1 Of ABCNews Oui'ocy .. .. ClrlOn .. ~!lint .. 12: .. .. ShaN1N1 A8CM0¥1e .. MOYie: .. .. "Murder .. "Abandon Columbo Delli<! Gene ClnHurt Columbo SIV(, .. Letttrmln lwtty VOIJ" " Cooking School MONDAY 22 FEBRUARY & MARCH Schedule Zllt E. Cout Hllbway .8 c.on..Mtllar,CAlmS & .. ..,. --Jnt ....... Cool),... ,,,... .. ._...,. ,...,., ........ .... ....... ........... Today Cal1oon Bugs Town Bunny " The Kartoon .. fllntstones KamlYal .. AIWer .. .. .. .. Gentle Popeye .. Ben .. Donahue llOYI Rompef .. Lucy Room .. Bewltdled M<Me: .. .. "King Ric:IQ/d tDreamOI OIThe Simmons Jeannie Pecos" Baltlestars Tvooe A INN News .. Woman " P8'Sl#Of d HullhBltt Love.Amer Pkls .. Sl)1e The News Love. Amer Ooc1ors .. Style KCST KTTV KCOP ml tD Cl) ........ ........... .... ....... OaysOI Movie Movie Our Lives "Boy's "City F0t .. Town" Conquest Another .. World .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Texts Open Supermen .. Line " .. The Popeve .. Wlhons .. Hour Bugs M~ Bunny Bewltolltd Scooby .. .. Ooo little Brady Kartoon House Bundi Kamival OnThe 8'ld't .. Prlll'oe Bundi .. News lncredtble The .. Hulk FlintstOlle5 .. .. Scooby .. Ooo N8CNews The Htwait Jetter'°°' Frve-0 f+iews Welcome .. .. Baell. KoUef .. The M.ASH Joker's Muppets .. Wid Fwnily MA SH ncT1e Ftod .. Dough little PM Movie· House Mlg8lint "Rewngt OnThe Al In The OfThe Pr1irie Fll'lllly Dragon" H9CMoYle· M8'v .. "A Wedding Griffin .. On Wallona .. .. Mounl1111" .. .. .. Hews News .. .. .. .. . . INNNews .. .. .. Newt Tiie Sanf0td .. Jeltersons &Son Btst Of Alln The Love. Amer CM ton Famtly $1)1e .. Mike Love. Ame< .. Dou~ Slyle David INNNews Leltermtn .. .. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 23 24 71'M. "90 "llNUTES" 7PM EASY OOURMET HU011 TMU '1~lATml CARPENTER 3 MARCH 71'M ~ WClNCI 9 10 7,.M , .. 11 .oNATHAN "MlAOer tMUalAHOF ~-~ "Ml.Mier IAHTA MOHIOA MT8¥ MOUL TOH ........... "= Butiness Amlncan Report Gowilnment Vog1 For Od Hellth P1lntlng Ml118' Body Rogers Buddies VIiia M1$t• Alegre Rogers Sesame 3-2·1 Street Contact .. Electric .. Company Classtoom EduclllOnll TV Programllllllil " " .. Elldnc .. Company .. MICHeil .. Lehrer " KCET KOCE fD 89 .... ....... .. ~ .. M GEO C.vett Math ~ Up& Easy Coming Classroom Educational TV Progr81Tlm1ng .. Big Blue Malt>le .. Giiien .. Tag " Mlst8' .. Rogers Home Sesame Gardeners Street Fas! .. Forward .. 3-2·1 can~ap11y Contact MIS1er MacHeil Rogers Lehrer Sesame ~ Street E15y .. Ptf10llal .. Rnanc:e Business Needlectafl Report .. Congresslon.tl Bu!ioess Rec>ort Rec>ort <Mr Dick fay Cavett MICNtil Great letver Perf()ITl\lnQeS Gr ea I "Btldesheed PerfonMnces Revisited" "Bridelllted Bernsttln- ~·· BeethoYwl Bernstein-.. BeethoYen .. .. StlOdt Of .. The N9't Amencan .. Art .. Tony Brown's Amencan Journal Art Dick Begin Wrtll Civet! Goodbye Collgrmional Captioned Repot1 ABCNews Amerlcl' 2nd Century TifURSDAV ---------· 1• • HAWY ~ve "4NH Fonzie vol\lnl-• 10 tlllOf AlcHe. Potllt end Aalptl tor en uam ..-y '°' tt1M1 to gr8dume. (Pert 1) D YOU All<B> FOR IT Featured: "Cambodian Tongue Spiking" and "Trldl SNle On HorM- beek." • M0 A0l 0 H Klinger bt"Mit• In another P9ydlo and the test bolt ol morphine from aupply -to be contaminated. • OYERIASY "Atthrittl" au.ti: Hwo6d end Feyerd Hlc:no&ae. (A) • C*:e<CAYITT au.t: O.aldlne Stutz. 111 amRTANIEIT TONCIHT A 111911 wftfl Ann end NMcy Vi"-' Of ""-1" on !heir ranetr. QI TNE MUPP£T9 G..-t: PM• UetinoY. (D)MCME * * *. "Allolno Bult" ( 1990) Robert De ..ito. c.ctly Monarty, 7:15 (%)MOVIE **'A "Mad Mu" (1980) ...., Glbeon. ~ Sam- uel. J:IO 8 I ON TME TOWN FMtufed: e looll et hOw lhe llldeO getne revolu11on hM eflected IN -· ~ lemlty: • looll .. weys Of winning c:ont..U. • LAVl!Ntl a INN.EV IOOtl#'NIY After -eleais SNt· C.V'e poodle lklrt and l.eY· -·· -'•· tM glrte beCOme pollot decoye. • EVEONL.A. Feetured: ..... ~t· from A8C'e "t LoYe Ubef· ty" epedel; a report on new luhlone for °"41w.igtlt -: a looll .. Loe Mgelee 8')91.. • u·A·e·H An entleted man who went• to merry a KOfewo girl ~ to Hawkeye IOf help • .GMAT 1'81~ "8 rldeshead Aevlelted: Julte'' SeOMtlan -=epee on hie Wf11 lo a curt, lady Merc:twneln le mortally •• and All! Mottrwn .. In hot punult of Jule.. (Pert 8) Q Cl> ~ ...... "8AZINE Meet IOn'8 WMl!and Dune Ouatere. a vou A1tC1D '°" rr Feetwed: "lndlen $peek• wttt1 FofMd Tongue" and "The Tiger._ A Joolley.'' (C'J MCME **'4 "~ Women" (19841) Anne Bancroft, Sue ~· CHJOONl4•Wll Al!POMI~ "The Smarl Buy Show'' Tlpe on quellty, ulety llld wMg money ""*' buying eoep, food proc:eMOf•. See Mondl:iy's. Page 17 FRIDAY ·SATURDAY 25 'OOUAWl 26 27 CMU.Ff 11 AM OOOICINO" 1'1\EUA 11"'9181 ~y KAY PMTOllU Oil.I.Bl .. 11'.M. ~ ...... UOH&OUT UICIAl..Mm• DWlll...-.. 11 12 13 1 ..... tOA..M ..,.,..,.,9A "11109 AS CIOOKr l\IANTHeQMAf W{TH~ ~ "'MW • IHUTl "' ... 'Top of W<>rld' seeks out brains FromP.age 2 attempting t.o answer the questions yourself to see whether you-would bave been able to garner the grand prize. a vintage Rolls Royce. It's also uplifting to know that somewhere, someone is still producing an intelligent game show. THE SIDNEY SYNDROME: "Sydney Shorr ," the uneven comedy-drama on NBC about a gay man and a young woman who live in a platonic family situation with her 7-year-old daughter has inspired life to imitate art in Denver, where a regional news paper carried the fo llowing classified ad: SIDNEY SHORR WANTED: Hardworking siRgle mother with I I-year-old son. tired and discouraged of going it alone. Wants .. Love. Sidney" ramily situation References, please. Box . etc POllN WITH PUNCH: SelecTV, a decoded pay channel, will bring back its Night Owl Theater, consisting of late-night adult movies, on Feb. 28. lo early March, that will include a relatively new innovation for television -3-D. Vlewefl can order special 3-D classes to watch "What the Swedish BuUer Saw," the story of a wealthy Victorian English aristocrat and bis attempt to seduce a proper lady. Imagine the possibilities. And imagine all of those viewen, sitting in their darkened living rooms, wearing those silly-looking glasses and breathing heavlly. Ah, the price of progress. SATAN AND SOAP: Talk show host Phil Donahue may sometimes generate a drop or two of controversy, Lord knows be tries, but the most explosive guests on bis show are those that never exist, or don't say what it's said they said. A fe w years ago a representative of McDonald's fast food chain appeared on the syndicated "Donahue" show and, within days, rumors ·were rtying that he had admitted McDonald's supports various Satan-worabippln1 groups. The whole thing got so out of band that news conferences were called to deny that a Big Mac Attack had anything to do with the Prince of Darkness. Now the same allegations are being whispered about Procte r & Gamble, although n ~ representative of that company has ever been included on Donahue's guest list. One possible explanation is that an ad for one of P&G's products ran during a discussion of Satanism on "Donahue." but a s pokesman for the program says that isn't possible. "We have bad no P&G officials as guests oo the show discussing Satanism or the P&G trademark," wrote Richard C. Thrall of Multimedia Program Productions, which Produces "Donahue," in a letter to the soap company. "ln fact, we have never done a program about Satanism." "We are at a loss to understand how these rumors get started," added Thrall, helpfully. The problem lies with P&G 's company 'symbol, which includes the man in the moon anc:l. some stars. Word has it that this is a satanic or occult symbol. Not so, says Kathy Gilbert of P&G 's public affairs office. "The symbol was originally used (beginning in 1851) to identify crates of Star Candles, an early Procte r and Gamble product, as they were shipped down the Ohio River," she explained in a note t'° hundreds of newspaper editors. "The symbol evolved into a cluster of 13 stars, representing the 13 original states, and a man·in·the·moon profile, a popular fancy of the time." Though there's no evidence that the rumor has cut into P&G profits. it's obvious from that letter that officials there feel they have a devil of a problem. Locke will play Clooriey HOLLYWOOD CAP> -Sondra Locke wut play Rosemary Clooney in a movie on the Ufe of the popular singer. Jackie Cooper will direct the fiJm for Charles Fries Productions and CBS. The story, written by Katherin Coker, covers a 20-year period in the life of Mi ssfC1M88M L ' ' I •• • 0 -" .-----------------------------------.._.... Nl'"ml------------------------------------..... ~ KNXT .-1:·ao·-"2 on the Town." A 'look at the Vldeo ga_me revolution. KNBC 8 9:00 -"A Wedding on Wa lton's Mountain." Movie premiere stars Ralph Waite and Ellen Corby. KNXT 9 9 :00 -··M•A•S•H." Hawkeye decideirit's time to draw up his last will and testame nt. KNXT fJ 10:00 -.. Suzanne Somers Special. .. Guests include Flip Wilson. Ma rie Osmond and Gladys Knight and th~. Pips. MOndfy! Detatls . -22 ' FTom P.age 16 wood .. _ llnd .... wound....,.~ -,,. ...... ... llM. ...... lAc' a 9'1P'entiCMlllp to Merln 11P9MfW to be -when Zac' a mother ~lier plane to mow .wsy from 8an Fran- cleco. 8 8 UTTUtO*ON THI~ Alrnanzo reluaaa 10 ... .,dee to regain IN uae of hie legil until • atonn ....... ,. honw end he ,_._ lhet '--• hail alllo ~ up hOpe. (Patt 2) it MOYll **'h "'*"Oar'' (1973) Wwren Oetea. Ben JoM. aon. e g THAT'8 ~ ~... • bllndfOlded ~artaU'*1-• dMdlV MIPOfl to braell,M ..,.,.. etop ..... ....,,..a '-d; • lllun'-.... 1IO ,_ Oftto en 8*tleg. !l ...... ~ " ~--of ·"'*-onum. I' L" ... TOl'll a.leek; a l>lologlat who atudlH ~IQtlwa. • MOVll *. "Aelum Of The ~ got!" (1972) ~ LM. Ctludl Noma. • GNAT •••ONMNCm "BrldMMed "malted: Jilla'' hb~ eecec- on 111a WW'/ 10 • eute. Lady ..... dW1IMI la INlttelly *• Ind Alli Moelnm II In llOl ~of JI*. (PM l)Q (ll)MOVll• * * * "Slfnofl" (1 .. 0) :' ~In, Auatln ,,_... (l)MOVll **'h ''Aollbtlow'' (1MO) Paut McCutnay and Wlnga. • um.a JOHNNY .om Thie ,.... of the 1804 o-ee M. COtlan rnuelcal OOIMdy about an • ~ CM jodley wflo 1Ma to Mn , ... Engllah Derby feeturte -=ti f-1tee -''OM My AegWda To 8'oedw9f' and "Y.-.. Doodle Daft. l:30 ; .. ALL If THI 'AllllA.. Y Arc:He wll atop at nothing In order to he'4 '* gr'lll'ld- aon beiptnd. • ISIHITEHI ll&THOVIN leonwd Bernal.in and the Vienna Phllllarmonic: per. lorm the "King St~an Overture" and Symphony Ho. 51nC Mlnot,~117. HD8(1) M•A•t•H wtlila WOfklng In the c:om- bllt ZOM, Hawkeye~ und•r 11 .. vy fire and cleCldea II ta 1Jme to dfew ~lllai.twlland ..... ment. 8 8MOYll e u MDYm • * "Ollver'a Story .. I t911t .. O'Neal. Cens dice 8er'farl. . ...... , l8THOVIN ~ 8ernaMiln and ttle vi.-Ph9ltmlollk: per· form 1M "King Si.pMn o-v." llnd ~ No. 6 In c Minor. Opue 17. (C)MOVll * * •'4 "Tb• Howlng" (1911) Dae Wallace. Pwtdl a.teen.. (%)MOYll *. '':.ldepelldelioa o.y'' ( 1975) ..... ,.._., Mlc:fttlle Devlaon. .... • Cl) "°'* CAU.a n. ...,, ...... to -Or. Waatherl>y from th• ~ of • young golO-reHoac ~ THa- "euftur9 .... Hetw9" Aob- ., ~ ...,,,.. 1lle .n.ct of ttle -media on ttle wt of Ille '60a and ·eoa. O'l CD>awRVW eoa f¥dt Podell hoala tNa ... COfMdy '8'M .,_ ..... ~ ......... ofl .. ~ • w-r .,__ r9dly -a queelton thet ,_ bMl'I oi-t them. .MOVll * * * "M NiG'I' Long" (1111) 0.. HllClkman, 8erbta StNMnd. 10:00. Cl) IUU ... .... ....::w. Ftp~.~~ and Oledvl l(NgM and .. Pipe .... Suanne '°"*" tor • dendno and ~ .......... aboerd .. u.a.a.-..,. ........... ... JQMN(f ..,...,, 0-V-can.on ....... !owe tor .. Tw--. lnd!Me of .... Medco and ..... ~ ,..,. for c:epturlrlg ... ~-....... Q * * * "For1 Apedle. The 8'0NI" (1111) Paul .._. IMn,Ed,,._, (D)MOVll ** "Dlatanoa" (11175) Paul 8ettjamln, JamN Woode. (l)MCM& ** "MaMn Attd Hotftrd'' (tNO) .... ...._,.,_ Aoberda, tO:IO. TONY MOWN'9 ~ "MaJcotrn And EllJ•ll'' Tony Brown ,..,._. the hlatorlc confrontation ~ ""'° of AmerlcA'a meet~ men -~­ colm )( and EHJah Mullal)l- med. 8 PROAl..UIH AMENCAHNn Sculptot George Clltlaotl aharea 111a 1o11e for 1t1e Tarallu1N111 lndlaM of .... --.ioo and Illa *"" ,,... for ~ their ~~eonalltlae. Q ... \4 •• AoclktflOw" ( 1llO) I ii HEATING SPECJAL! ~ 200/o OFF -.,, ""Ice c .. ~ ... ,...,21, ltlJ WI SRVICI ALL MAllS. He.ting/ Air Conditioning 545-5142 , .... "" t7'.:t771 OIAt•ICOUNTT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -k • • ! Psychic & Spiritual ! * * * Readings by * * * : * AMANDA * ! * * * * * * * * * • * * : 613-0 836 : * * * --* I ,._Rl:E qu,'~t10ti by pho,, ~ :*************:. Where to go this weekend? IJ Pllot\Veellender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New looJlf New a&zel Every Frtd•yl "A Wtddlng On Wllltont Mov~••ln" (Prtltllt r•J ?tJ' "" ll 5tt C1t• I 1 PaOI McOartn•'i' and:..Jil••••••lil-•----------""~ .. , •• l ..___....., J 1 I 18 ~ ... ai -~ "' :> ... .0 .. u. ~ -0 ·;:: u. ~ _J ~ 2 0: IDE ON THE GO WITH SONY BETAPAK• PORTABLE BETAMAX* YIDEOCASSETIE RECORDER Announcing the l800nd generation In home vldeocaeette recon:tera: Sony'a Incredible .eetlPltd lt'a llMller, lighter, more compect Jhan tnY ~-recorder In hiltOtY ... It bringa you an utounding range of new video featur. and aipebilitlee ... and best of all. It'• fully poNble -IO )10U ·can UM It with ..... Indoors ot outdoon. to r9COtd off the air ot to c:raete )QW own home video prog,..,,,sl L·TIO SIJ.41.._ . $2.IOa .. 111 LIMIT: e PER CUSTOMER VIDEO Fin RECORDERS ~ HAVE A COMPLETE CHOOSE FROM THESE ... ,. SELECTION Of: FAMOUS BRANDS: • VTRS e TAPES• CCTV• e Advent• Mal• TDK MOVIES e VIDEO CAMER-Maanawx •RCA• Httachl AS • WIDE SCREEN TV'S e • Pinuontc • JVC •Sony ACCESSORIES • RENT Al.S • MGA • G.E. •Quasar <J>EN NON. TI-RU TK.JRS. 10-6 -FRI 10-8 •SAT 10-6 •51.M 12-5 YOU'LL LIKE OUR PRICES AT ••• IDE 1421 WEST M•cARTHUR BLVD. (JUST WEST OF BRISTOL) SllTI Ill•,.,,, .... 022 M~l~s - Cable Subscrlgtion Servi~e 17 .Cable Toppers ON·TV (0), COLLEGE BA8KETBAU. The Universit y of California at Berkeley will tangle with the Bruins of UCLA Friday at 8 p.m. HOME BOX OFFICE (H), KRts KRISTOFFERSON AND ANNE MURRAY -Two of pop-cowitry's hottest stars perform a medley or their greatest hits. SHOWTIME (8), NATIONAL FINALS OF THE 1111 BIG LAFF OFF -The best new comedians are featured as the regional winners or the Big Larr Orr compete against one another . . . 8 -CNN CC>-Cinemax (E)-ESPN ·00 -HBO cm -On/Select Cl) -Showtime- Cl -Spotlight (%) -Z Ch~nnel (!) WOR (N.Y .. N.Y.> (1l) -WI'BS (Atlanta. Ga.> FEBRUARY 19, 1982 FRIDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 a f reeinan Rt001 I~ Spo1 h Ntw~ W Conl Rep People How CC) lolovoe ·The Othtt Sidt ot I ht Mountain Pat1 r Mo•oe .. P01t110r's ~r· CE) Bounc lop rt.nk Contd Spoits Centl!f Buhtbal Brctiam Yovnc Ys Olah (8) lnlocJ I Whit 0n h •th Mo•ll .. Spht111·· .. Mo•oe "ll11e War We Weit cm -Oly,...i BIUttbll Calrfol"" Ys UClA Mott '"RJclnt Bu• Cl> loo~ BK~ In Allttt Mo•rt .. The Awaten•nc" lilt 1981 Be Liff 011 • MoNColtl• ltoWhow Mo•rt -l111t1 The Oup1 (%) Movie Conl'd Movrt -The Comj)thllOll00 I Mo..e Cf) I hey Cty A1ont .. lltftllr 1111 Mltllle Mow ·-vw1 ZIPlll"' all Nrws llHhlbll Alllnla Yl. Seattle I MoN FEBRUARY 20, 1982 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 10:30 m ~ Soom PrmBo• fr-Report\ Mews rrec1 Saaoo CC) Mo•lt Contd I Mo•tt "Diary ot A 1-. Hlldllffktr'' I Mo~ "Shoot lht Sun Oown" CE) rtS Sl~ Cont'd Spoits Caltl!f NASl lndoof Sott~ ai 00 MoWll -~opeyt • Coltf d Mcmt ''Altl!ffd Sims" ' -Mofle "Swtet Ntf.t" cm Mo•M' I Mo•ot "the Docs ot war·· I Roch,_ Cl> U.-Confd "1o'flf • Smohy W Tllf 8lftdlt I · Mo•tt .. Smee Wttlml • Sltern ltwls· Macie Mo•rt "f'aoeyt" l•wt from Ille Comedy SIOlt CZ) Mg,lf "'Hol 841itft Ill I u n" Com d ~ ··r111s is ems· lilo-;tt Cf) lolo'fle Co11t'd I NY RtpOll Pall! Hopi R"mc Wrnlllnl Movie "Murder Mansion tm News Worid At Wat Mo•ot "[I Cleco·• FEBRUARY 21, 1982 .F SUNDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m ~ws $polls BuSllltn l1h '"'° News P1et111n CC) Mo .. , Saron1u Cont d lolo¥>e .. ,he f11s1 Otldlr SoA" (!) NASCAR Auto R1.:111& Conl d Spoils Cenlt1 Bu h tb.111 Afabami Bormtniham Vs North Carolrna CID Mo•rt Cool d SI'"'"& lloolll Only Simon Md Girtunltl lilo•lt lht CoiilPtl•llOll cm Molle Poe>rrt Movie "Sepa11te Ways" Mo¥1t Cl) MoWlt Up 1!1f!I" Cont'd ~ "[scapa from Alutral' Mo'ftf .. Pooere • • Movlt -Mt~Ctllld ~ ·rimr.,-r atso" Cl) . Mo• Collt'd -~tot; "Zlllw Dan·· Mo•rt - (J) .._ .. ,s.acp11 lbc.,.. l ... Al ... Ot --"llisM" ·-- al) BlslelW Alllftla Ka-ls Vs P0tt• lrlll 9lllls ~-1.: . ..,. , ' •-', .. I Mm .~",. .....-••. -,, l-,-.·-·'jl, .·~ ,,,, _ _,,._. ....... •t •• ... ......... ,,._ .. .,_•• ~· ~~~:~i~ .. , f .. . FEBRUARY 22, 1982 MONDAY EVENING 7.:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 m I rrtm'n Rroorl\ Sports Ntwsdt$~ w Coisl Rt!> People Now CC) "'°'"'Cont d I MoVlf Stvtn Womtn "'°'If lht Howl1nc" I 11ocksho11 (I) SP<l<IS Ctnl•• Bashtboll 0.f&Oll Vs Wnhofl&IOn Sllle PllA f uU Cont.Kl luutt CID 114•s Bo••e• I Consumtr Rtp Mo•ot Somon Movtt fort Ai>Kllt. Bta1.1t' cm Mo•lt R'11ftC 8"11 fta~ -[vtfYlhrnc Movie "Olstaoct" Cl) Movie Contd Rod show Movre "Melvin Anditlw11d" • • • Mo•tt htsa Contd lrlllt .lollllny lolln Movre "Al """11 lOllt (%) "'°'" Collt d I 1i1o.ie Mid ""1· Mo•te lndfptlldtnct Day I MoYtt (!) MoYtt Miss lt1n 8'ocht Cont d lbude MoVlt. "Ille Swan" - @ Ntws Al In family Mo•tt I ht 8.i Sttd'. FEBRUARY 23, 1982 ~DAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 I 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 m f rttman Repor Is Sports NtwsdeU W to.st Rfll PfOlllt Now CC) Motte Conl d Mo•tt AlftmJI Ct1tltrs" MoVlt "THS (I) Hocltt Cont d WinttrWO<ld Sports ~I.ff I World Cup ~ • .,. I r A. Soccer CID Krrs Krrslallersan Movtt "Bronco Boll( Movtt "Scih1n• .. cm l•lt Cltmb ~ttboll °"''" NllC&fls Vs Los An&flH LD.trs MoVlt ilop OI W11" Cl) 1981 lie lal1 Ott Movtt "'Smolty And lht Bandit r· Mott "Sht s 19 ' Ruel," • Movie Contd .. Movtt ' Ntnt Io f "' Mowre. "lbn Saw Tomorrow" (%) Movtt Conl d Movre ··Go411c Pl.ices" MoY!r: "Tht Cofllpdlboll" (!) M CNvllrtf Rt~y 8ellny Hrl ,__ I bone ~ .,_, Ol LO!ldoll" an. News All hi fallllly Movre Dur Hurt" FEBRUARY 24, 1982 WEDNESDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 • fr~n Rtporh Sc>orts Ntwsc!N W Cols! Rfll PfOlllt Now CC) Movtt Coofd Movit "Oh Cod' Boo~ r· lrto•tt "Snen Women" (I) Pockt1 &llllrd lollfn.vntrlt Sports ~!ff NASl Indoor Socct! CID DoAJld Dud Tllost f ablllous Clowns ~ "Altttd States-I 1r1o"' cm Movie "Second HMld He11ls lrvt Al lht Hirrrlh's Mom "All -lloo(' Cl) Wt ()pen 141 "''" 1Yvtr1 Buarre lalt A lhon J Wlllters Movlt "lht AWlk~" • lOftlla Lynn SclK~ MoM 'Mtf¥in l Howatd' MoWlt "lht ColnptirtlOll" (%) Movre -MMcow ~·1 Bt4oe•' in lu1s Mo"' "Fo•lrol (!) Siske Iba" Mu~ World 8tMy Hill MMe Mo•lt "My M.tn Godfrey" @ MoV1f Confd NeWl AllSI f atnily MoYlt "A Distant Trumj!ff' FEBRUARY 25, 1982 THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 m frftllliln Rtports $pof1s News4est w to.st lltf ,.,..Now CC) Mo•tt Cont 6 lotovot '"' ltd\llOll Ovoniclt" Mo'!f 'Tht f1nl ~ s.n· .. (I) Bo•111t lop Rink ~t d Sports~ttl s.ortJ f 01 u.-Sports Ttll CID Mo•tt Contd Sntak Pre Mo'fle "Tilt Man Yliflo Sa• Tomorrow" St1Adinc !loom Only Simo!! And Carlunlitl cm Mot rt R'"''~ Of A ~· ~ Ho11e -111o .... "The w,,, Wt Wt!•" Cl) wt1ars llp Ameirul Mo¥11. "OM Trd Pooy'' Roclsllow • Mo•lt "POjllyt" Cont'd Mov "1nt1td1blt Sllrrn~rnt Wol'!lan" MoVll: "lht Docs Of Wtr" ~-r -" (%) I Elm -- ·-•. flit Corlpftiltor!'' c .. .-. ' ' ·"""' -. Mo¥1t' "This IS a-is-. (!) , -~ Aliplt PolrJll lb Oii IU .... , ... ... .................. ~ "~·! . -J --·-~----- UJ '2~··11, ~-. ,. Mkf·~ Motif• "'TI!e Hone On c.--*.lbai'.C.c~!'o ...... jo•;,;; •-;.j,'-,1".:,•.~;v:-~--:.. ,-, T-. ,_ ~ -. ·-... ,• ---.. " .c J~ - ~-... ... " ', .:· -....., STARRING NEWPORT BEACH .. Programming That Gets You Right Where You Livef MONDAY· 7!00 PM "Newport Now"'' 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or "Citizens Forum .. <alternate Mondays ) 7 :00 PM "Sound Off" WBDNDDAY):M PM ''Newport Now •l TllUlt8DAY 7:00 PM "Sound OCC" . . . 7:00 ~M "Newport Now'' Our local programming lineup in· eludes the discussion series -"Sound Off'·, our interview show hosted by Mayor Heather -"Citizens Forum," and live coverage of Newport Beach City Council meetings. Plus, we continue to cablecast our popular magazine' format show "Newport Now." Our focus is on the issues that are happening around you, and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and .its residents are our stars. Tfl FPROMP I ER NEWPORT BEACH FOR PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL (71.t) 842·57V7 t9 -!O -~ ..... to.1 l ~'Grldl a oi ... --~-KNXT KN8C KTlA KA8C KFM8 KHJ KC8T KTTV KPOP KCET KOCE ~ • D " • m D tm .. Ill fl) ., ' Deta••• La~ ·= ... ~ 4-,,Altlllll La ..... .......... ...... ........... ...... .......... La ..... ' -- . -,._:_ -. I '8N.IMY21.1m 7: Morning rocs.r, 700 Good Morrq The Todly Clnoon .. 8utilws Of Eattll ~ News Club Morning News Frooilll Town ~ ~ AndMan .. ,, America .. Thnll .. The Yog1For Oil ,,_. HAW\' Do\Y'IMAIN .. .. .. .. .. AW'J .. Flnlstonet Karnlvll Helltll Plinq "" ,._.. fa tdd ... he c:en. -00 .. .. .. .. sunup Jim .. Flipper .. Mister Body nol •ttend the gr.00.tlon Bao .. .. .. .. San Diego Balcker " .. .. Rogers Buddies C91'etnOny end wll reoelve .. " Hot .. .. .. Gent.Ill Popey. Villa Mist• hie diplolM In the 11\911. .. .. Fudge .. .. .. .. Bin Alegre Rogers (Pwt 2) 9: One Day Aegla Ricllltd ~. One Day Jack Donahue I Low Rome>« Sesame 3-2·1 • YOU MKS> F<>f' rr Featured' "lndl9'• ~ Al A Time PNlbln SllJvnons Los AIA Time uLIMe .. lJICy Room Street COntaci Pr•tzel" •nd "ln•ld• Ala Block· l.IMlt ~ Alice Midmorning .. Bewitched Movie. .. Electric ~·· Pyu1mld1." .. buS1«1 To Women .. 'LA. .. " "The .. COnipany M"A"8"H 10: The Price Wi.tOI Big LOYe The Price .. Rlc:hwd I Ore;wn Of lAwleu C&awoom Educational R9dlit boff-CNrW' ls~t Fortune Vfllllr, Boat b ~t .. Slmmonl JMnnie Nintles" TV Prog<ammlng -d p&9yer Md tak• Battt91l.n .. .. Battiest era Ghoal And INNNews .. -• 111e w·A·s·H dlK " .. .. " .. .. .. Mrs. Muir .. .. .. jOC:My. 11: T attletllll Pllsword BorllNI Ftlflt/ Young And Treaan PISIWOfd Super L.ovt. Amer Electric .. • OYMIAIV Oue.1: lyrk:tlt S._y lb .. Feud The Restllll Hunt PklS Pay CMda St)1e Compeny .. c.M.(A)Q Young And 'lllt .. Ryen'a .. Mltdl The ..... Lcwt.A/Mr. Wdll .. • DIQCCAWTT ThtReldlll Docton .. Hope " Glllll Ooctorl .. Style Lehrer .. Oueeta: c.ty, Lucy end Joel1M ..,_ end ...., KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE "'°"* Andrea. (1'9rt 1 > PM a INT'IM....,, IJ D " D Q D tm m • m ~ TOt8fT --II.:.: Tom o*"9 ~tor ........ .......... .......... ........ .. .... ... ....... .. .... La ..... .......... La ..... 1111 "'°"*' .. c-. ~ -· 00 .. O.,.Of Twllght AIMy ..... Movie: DlylOf McMI: McMI: Olclt ThtNew "''"' ........... 12 I " C»l.Ms Zone CNlcktn .. "The C»IMs "Or. "Th•Rill CIYett Voice au..: Flof9nl» Hmnds· .. T~t .. AtThl Golden .. Jekyll And Fell Over Whyln -· 31>; Aalht ®ICM WOl1d .. Zone .. Wotld AgeOI .. And Mr. Of Legs Easy TheW°'ld? ICNllCO' caON NIO 1: r~,. Anolhtr Hour OneUft TW111 Comedy'' Allothlr Hyde" Oiemond" Cleasloom Ecllc:atlol\ll ANNEMUMAY WOf1d ~ To l.lYe .. " WOl1d .. TV Pr~~ Two Of pop.counlty'1 llOI· S-Cflfor .. .. Sllfcl'I F°' News " .. .. .. Met ..,. perlorm • ~ Tomorrow .. .. .. TomorTow .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ Of ... ~ hlte. 00 ~ Tens John Generll ~ ~onside Texas Open Supermen .. Les pM "" E-1)' Brotrlerl 2~ Uflt .. .. ODldlotl ~ .. .. Line .. .. Gammu duM Of "LM" Bl Me." .. .. .. .. The Popeye .. Mist• 7:30. I ON n9 TOWN . .. " .. .. .. .. Wellons .. Rogers F41Mured; lnelght9 on how lo cope ...... .oddente 00 Acdlord Oor)lhue .. EdgeOf John MOYie: Hour .. 8ugl American Sesame whlcfl we moet •ely IO 3:,0 Alea .. .. Nlghl DMison "Soldier ~ .. Bunny GovtrMltrlt Street OCCUI In the home; • lodl ~ .. Alclwd People's " Blue" Blwrtehld ~ Ocllnus .. . • Ille 11'1nQ dlYorce r ... ; • .. " Simmons Court .. .. " .. " " 9hopptng ... wtltl • . -. 4: Birney Bot> &Mt.~ News .. .. Little Brady Ka'toon 3-2-1 TheHoml dottlllng~ .... NewNrt .. .. .. "°"" Bunch KlmlVll ConlaC1 GM.,_ • LAYBINI &--..V ..... Enllr· " .. MAS.H .. Onlht Br~ .. Mister MacNeil &OO#l'N#'f .. lllnmlnt .. .. .. " Pflirll Bunch .. RaQlr1 I.elver The glrta ~ tl'9t ~ --.. 1(19 ~ to • IMCy .. oo ..... ..... Liit ..... ..... Kojlll ..... lncftdlble The SeMtne °"" dlnnercNltl • • . ~ . .. .. .. Hulk Flfntstonel Strwt Elly • IWONL.A. '-30 .. .. Onl'tlt .. .. .. " .. Scooby .. Growing Fe9bnd: •'~on Jotvl .. .. "'*" .. .. .. .. .. Ooo .. v ... c. Hc*MI. "" l(.rlllled . 6: ..... ..... CNtlie'a News CBSNewa ~ N8CNewa The HIWlll BuSinlla Humen nlOllle ... w4'o l\M ~ .. ~ .. .. Sllldow .. Jelttr10nl ~ Report 8etlM>t !Inked IO e LOii ~ .. .. News .. ..... Welcome .. News 8uslnlll murder; • ptotl9 Of • .. " .. .. .. .. .. Back, l!Att• .. .. Report ~d wtlo worU tor ~ • look •• the 7: CBSNews NBCNews Hlppyl>eya A8CNewt Tic TIC You Ailed The MAS.~ Jok•'.t °"" Olclt model lor .,.,_ "'" ~ .. Agllrl .. ~ Forh Muppeta Wiid &ly Cl¥ltt a····,,_8ond ... 20n . F• l-.rnel E)90n PM BullMye Fernly M.A.S.H Tic TIC MacHeil News M~A"8"H The Town Fe.id Sllirtey LA IMlllmll Fe.id .. Doullll Lehr• .. A emel KcnM boy wltti a: C8SMoiM: Fe!Nr ... ...,, Cl8Movle: McMe: Fafllr PM MM: UleOn Novi nMor lftjurtle ~ ... ........,. .. ~ ~ Dlyl ·~" "The Murphy M8g1Zine .. ~ .. E.ril "Asteroid ...,,. Of .. .., .. 40771tl • " lllliw L...,.& .. . Coledor" Al In The .. AndTht Cl) , .... MAAAJINI .. " MW' ~ " .. .. Ftlnlly " . lllrloeU'' ""' ~ WflO Md "he9¥eflly" -·dMlh 9: . Bnl . TIIM'e " .. Int Merv " AINricln UleOn ...,.,.,_.; A New Yeftl .. MMrk:ll .. ~ .. .. ~ Grlflln " ~ E.ril -1 ..,.ney tMt cailr'9 .. .. " TooCloee .. .. .. .. .. "F«Colorld " ---~· .. H " Forc:onort .. .. .. .. .. Gif11Wllo .. 0 YOU AllCID Pa. rT 10: .. Anngo ..... Hirt To .. News Flamingo ..... ..... Conaidlfld ..... ~ ''""*--I<"- " Aoed .. Hirt .. .. Rold .. .. SUddl" .. w ....... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. IHHNewa c.m.1 Amer1clfl ~MCMI .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Thr11· PllyllouM **** "AntM91 er.ai. .,. .. ( 1830) Mwx Bt04t1ere. 11: News News SalUfdiy ..... News Kojlll News The Slntotd Didi "'-Colored w.gine °""'°"'" .. ~ .. .. .. .. Jetlnons &Son CIYett ~Who r:•ia.•~ Alice Toni!!!'! ABC.._. Allee .. T~t A.I In The Low,Nrwit. News Conlldnd MO ())~ .. .. I~ " .. Flmily Style .. Suicide" "h1•11ho•" (Premier•) . .. 12: WKRPln SNNaNe F .. WKAPln McMI: .. Mike Lcwe.Anw. Focus On ,,_ .. _. Anlllor1Y ancm.tl .. .. llllrlcl ClndNllll "Soldier .. ~~ Style Society ..,.__ McCloud DMI Movlt .. Mc:aaud Blue" I o.ld IHHNewa •atFATI9......, .. ~ .. .. .. " .......,., ~ .. Murphy~ Wll ~· See Tuesday's. age 21 .... ~ - . • • • Funny thing happe ned on T V From Page 8 . March 6 on NBC. According to NBC's Brandon Tartikofr. '"Chicago Story' is the single most am bilious new program on any network's prime-time schedule." Good luck to ambitious Brandon ... Robert Christian and Petronia Paley have been added as permanent cast members 'to .. Another World." Christian will play Bob Horgan, a policeman; Paley will play a successful executive ... Filming starts this week for "Cold Reading," a murder thriller starring Robert Preston and Lynn Redgrave set to be broadcast on CBS. Preston plays a playwright who uses a play within a play in an attempt to trap a suspected murderer; Miss Redgrave plays his fiancee and leading lady. Also set to star are William Daniels, Jeff Goldblum and Madolyn Smith ... Among the musicians set to join in the Feb. 24 broadcast of the 24th Annual Grammy Awards Show are Herb Alpert, Joe Cocker, the Crusaders, Al Green, the Oak Ridge Boys, the Pointer Sisters, Tina Turner and Melissa Manchester ... Dean Jones will be re-united with bis beetle buddy March 17 when Walt Disney Productions unveils a new hour-long series, "Herbie, The Love Bug." The series is based on the series of Disney films involving an enchanted VoUtswagon and its owner, Jones ... ''Svengali,'' starring Peter O'Toole, Jodi Foster and Elizabeth Ashley, is now in production in New York City. This television movie will tell the story or a vocal teacher who undertakes the musical training of a young rock singeF and the tremendous impact he has on her life ... ''Love in a Cold Climate,'· an eight-part dramatization of two Nancy Mitford semi-autobiographical best-selling novels about domestic life in upper class England, will debut on PBS's "Mobil Masterpiece Theatre" March 28. Lucy Gutteridge, who stared this season on Broadway in "Nicholas Nickleby'' and on the television movie "The Seven Dials Mystery," will play the lead role . . . Al so on the PBS roster is "American Playhouse" presenting "Carl Sandburg -Echoes and Silences," a documentary/drama on the life and early work of the poet and historian. Starring in the dual role of Sandburg and an actor set to play Sandburg, is John Cullum. The show is set for broadcast March 2 ... Tom Selleck and Jane Curtin will star in ''Divorce Wars : A Love Story," a candid and compassionate drama about a failing marriage and the way that divorce can tum a husband and wife into enemies. The show is set for Monday. March 1. The story involves an upwardly mobile and work-obsessed man who has little time for bis wife. When these two begin some heavy duty soul searching, the enlightment they find is far-reaching and unpredictable ... Barbara Wailers will caU on aU her wit and cunning to find out "What Makes a Sex Symbol" on her Feb. 25 special. Ms. Walters will interview Victoria Principal of "Dallas," Tom Selleck of "Magnum, P.J'' and Dudley Moore as part of her search into the s~rets of sex symbolism ... 'Fame' sta r to m us shotvs HOLLYWOOD CAP> -Erica Gimpel, who stars as Coco in the NBC series "Fame,'' will miss the last three shows of the season so she can complete her senior year at the School for the Performing Arts in New York. Tube Toppers KABC fl 7:30 "Eye on L.A ... Profile on pornography star John Holmes. who has been linked to a Los Angeles murder. KTLA 0 8 :00 "High Plains Drifter .. A Clint Eastwood classic. About a drifter hired by townsfolk to protect them from outlaws. KNXT f) 8 :00 "I vanhoe." Premiere of the made-for -TV movie based on Sir Walter Scott's famous novel. KNBC eJ 10:00 "Flamingo Road .. Constance uses Julio to spy on Field and his lover. From Page 20 of th• ewud·wlnnlng ~ to ecc.pt 91\ off« 8'a.dwey hit by Nt<ruke d8dopl~~~a....,~ Sheftoe.Q widow. Q • LR ON fMTH • WOY1E "Vlctora Of The Ory Land" * * * "High Ptetn1 De"4d Attenborougfl locllca Oriti•" ( 11173) ~ Eul· at how lguenM and g18nt wood, Verne aoom,, tortol••• 1urvtve the •O H.VPYDAYS ACOfc:hlng Met and ICa'lt Roger'• retMlllloue younger lood lllPPfY on the~ btother ,,_ In wlttl him ~ lelenda. Q Q_ t:iO. di TOO CU>IE FOR D MOYIE OOWOlltT * * * "The Collect0<" Henfy gee. Into enottw (1985) TeHnee Stamp, big llglll with hit mother· 5-tha Egg•. In-law. • P.M. MAQAZJNE CC) MOYIE Thrw peo91e who had **** "T ..... (1979) "heavenly" nHr·d••th NaataNla Klnlkl. Ptlt« experleneee; -how L.A. Anh. '• Vice Squad fend on the {Q) MOVIE llrwt. * * * "The Doge Of W•" • MOYIE (1980) Chmtopher Wlllk· "~IY' Bobby Ming. en. Tom Berenger. • LR ON !MTH tctOO 8 8 F\MMGO AOAO "Vleton Of The Ory Land" eon.tanoe -Julio to ()....id Aftenbotough loolte llPY on Fleld and hie io-..r. 11 how ~ and gtant and sam and LAM"• .._ torlol•H 1urvlv• the _, hooeymoon la lnl•· aootdllng hMt Ind ecant l'U9fed by the ~ of food llipply on the G~ Micflell Tyrone. ~ lelends. Q • di HMT TO HART • WNA The H..u decide to play ' ''The Aal•old And The e1ong whef'I aomeone 1r1ea OW-." A radical MW to bf9ek them up. Q theory M to ..ny the dine>-(II) MOVIE _,,, died out aft• 150 **'h "Sf)Nnx" (1981) ..-on ~ or ~ Frllnll L.enoel&. Leeley- domlnance la axamlned Arww Oown, @?__ (I) MOVIE CID _,.,,., ,.. "8'1e'a 111 And Reedy'' ** "Bronco &ilty'' (IMO) (IMO) Clint EMtwood, Sondra • MOYIE Lodi&. **IA-"The Men Who Saw Cl)~ T~ow'' jl981) 0ocu. **IA-''&noltey And The mentary. Nurat9d by Bendit 11" (19801 Burt Aev--· 0.--w ..... notda, J.ade GINeon. (%)MOYIE • MOYIE * • * "The Competlt~" *** "9 To 5" (1980) (IMO) Rldwd ~ JWM Fond-. Dolly ,._.on. Amy lrvfno. {%)MOVIE **"n.......~··111174) ».tO. ~THNE -.,, "A Colored Girt: Ntoalce Gerwd Oeperdleu, Patrlok Shange'" The pleywright •o.-::-•. and poet --WOftll l:IO ~LA'lf#lflHal lnoklde tt1e hit play "F0t 1..averne and Shirley ,,_ Color'9d Oltte Who H ..... tlon el a lld reaort In the Col_,..ed 84llclde Wflln The Rainbow .. e.nur· .. hopea or ,,_.1ng eligible 11toflllld.~A)Q-~:. ~ FMilll.Y ' • Me CM A busied """-fotcee "-A'f'tQMI "For Oaklred Olrlll Who the Bunk.. to ll*ld a H-C:0.ll6cMled Sllldde I 19w ~ • the StMc Whel'I The ~ le '-· tM8 QllMTMA~ EM'' 8bl -.._. ................ • ...... .__ ... peirl. ternw 8'ld IOW9 __.,.,11u--murdef In 8 -.....on....__ In • modi .,... Mid .,..., -· hour'I at !tie Aed o. of th• 1werd-wtnnl119 Saloon. lroedwey hit by Nlorek• ••~ ~o ~AK'f 11:00. IATIJN>AY NGHT Jenee and Ttni ... IM HOii: 811•11•~ Duvall. --...., JM*~ ~Jolft Atmettldng. lnWMd """ • weelthy • Ko.we The series,· based on the movie, is about the l'Z..CAH :.:::.:-':.:-*:11! students at the school. Miss Gimpel must return to fllA'f'tQMI ,.....,.. ._. 111 ..,. Fr• the school to perform1 in the spring program H ·~ ~ 01r11 W11o a1eoo. part of her final examlnat.lon. ._.Col r•u• Wdcle / e THm a : a • l*I She wtll ~ar In the ftrat 13 episodes of the ~ ;: _:.-. ...:! ::-::,: :'•= series. NBC has not announced whetber lt "111 1111r .-• ..,,., .,... "'" ~-1) . __ continue the proet"am •Wil· u.. •• ... '!A-'~ .JJ.&.•et"Wl:-1.'tll!!e.....:.~~.-.-._. • Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer . CALL 645-5300 For eo_,11 ..... r C111••tlow WISTCUFF CHllOPIACTIC OFACE Dr.I.._.._...,. Z04J WntclffDr .. Wh IOI .. . .,.,. .... •-c.c.-a -,,. ........... Most Insurances Aooeclfed . • a 31 2 ~ r $ ~ ii • "."' ~ CD er ~ ~ ~ ~ I • • - ' I ' .. -... ' ·-. , = LU¥ ti Wlltrndaf Grtd· : I ... -~ . .......,_. -;...... -~__;;;. . .,._...____ _____ - rr==-=,::;:ii .. a .IOCXT-=:q:=ICNBC:::z=_,F.~\=ICTI!A::;_:::::::;I r=. =ICMC:=;:::::;=KFl== .. =::;:=KHJ~=;=K=C8T=::;=KTT¥?==;:=~=COP=:;::=KCET==. =mm==~, ~-~ldaf • ~ A•·• ·•· · 8 e · • a 11 ... ~ • iD • e ... "'' Details I ~ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... -.. _ --.. _ .. _ .. _ .. = ·_ CIO Mlrftlng ' TOdlr, 700 Good t.lorr*lg Tiii Todly o.toon 1k1g1 --~ 7 ao ~. .. e».. = ~. =:: :: ~ :::.i =:"f« :W"•11 " " • " " Aw., " ~ KarrWll ._.. I Nlllr'll a: . ;, 10:~ KNXT • &.. ....... 00 .. 12. ,..n:. Woltd 1 CIO T""'! •• ao s.a.For Tomorrow 300 ~d 30 .. 400 := ...... 700 CBSNews ao 20n Thtl&.n UU WMP ll'I 8.~ OfUI 00 ToTerror" 12. ~ ..... NcNrd a-- 1...-iell To Women .. Vllfr, Heu ..... ,. NcNrd . . SillwftOlll N" .. KA8C • .......... ABCNlwl eye On L.A. ..... .. ABC..._ INlgtlh OntDly .... Al A Time I.JI LMn1 Ab Midmorning .. ··-l..A. AITill Worid TWiii MAS.H ..... .. CBSNlwl .. Tic Tee Dougll PM MIQlllnt YouASed For ft ~ ~ . Mcwlt: "Flrt Down Bllow'' ~CST m .. ..... Uttlt Houle On Tiii Prliril N8CNews .. MAS.H .. M.A.S.H PM MlglDrll Al lnTbl Flmly Tiii Jtltlr1ons Alln Tiii Flmly' ~.· ,..,Al .,._ .. n . Aldn'' a.room Ediallonll IHN ..... KCOP • ... ....... Out" Joker'• Wiid Tic TIC I Doutll INN ..... Sanford &Son l.lM,AIW. Style LCM.AlrM. Style INH..._ TV " Pr~~1imiig KCET • ........... HCllywood'a Cllldr., KOCE • ·= Tomorrow's F..._ ..... Aoalr1 . ............. _ ~ 1llt. Nl#f1f DIMMMf . ,..... ........ ~ .. • ,...... ""°"" ........................ __.. .............. ... ~'°"" ~wJlplf\'IHMwt .......... .. ~ .... arc..Of.--." ........ " A ''cNm ~·and t ,.... .,_ .. toard -..... '° .... 4011111 In r-.n for ..... and....,.. r=-IA8Y au.: Herold ~ (A) i DDCCAWTT au..: ~. Luciy and Joerww ..... and "'* ---_.._. (Pwt 2) . ...., .... ,,. ~ Nt ........ Ok*VM r,..~ . au.a:v..,.Htrptr. CD)M0\191 * • 141 "Second Hand .._..,. (tllO) AoOert ........... ..,,.. • LOWTTA L.,_ .-.cw. The ''Arlt ~ of Coun- try'' .. ''eo.I ..... o.ugNtr," ••()ne'a On TM Wfl('Md~Nlllln• ,.,..,.,_ ........ Htmfl'91ft ..... (J)M0\191 ............ OoeM't ...... "', ..... (,.,, Vera Aleftt-., AleQI ...... 7:11. IOMlHR TUWlt ~ ... to .. ...,...,.•a1Wntor .. ar_,, A_,. ~ • ....... tnhoe; • looll .. .. ..... , .•.. - ...... .....,,_. wfl6ctl Ill part ~. ptft plw and part~. • *P br ... looll .. ltle ptOduc:don of. -d . • LA~& IHR.rt &OOMl'Nt'f ~_,~,_ to ""' tn ~ courtt In order to QUtllfy for poloe-'t. .,,,. . , • IYIONL.A. ~ ... ~part , of a '900f1 on Xofttltd movie attr John C. ~tloolletpey ..... ""'°"' • look .. 8tudlo '"',, .... • M•A•a•H .............. ., ....... Mllno'*"-.... .-.Y~ln .. 40771IL • HOU:WW000'8 CHUlllWt Roddy McOowel narTtlet • looll .. ._ .... dlld .....of~tnd todlly ---OOCltd wteh -dom and Its tfttrrntttl. Cl) ...... fllAOAZJNI nw.. people who Md . .,.... .. ,_......,....,.. rlet1~•: t Hoflywood See Wedr1e$day ·s. P.age 23 ,._. ... FAST CASH 1st . 3rd TD11 ..-. ..-. ..-. ..-. ..-.. ..-. ...-. ...-. ..-. ...-. ..,.. 1'iflwt111;-•'ts; t• a eel to yotr .... •Short Tenn ...-. ...-. ...-. ..,.. ...-. ...-. ..,.. • I-ongTerm • Swing Loans Personalized service in your home or office lfEN~t{ ·LYON'S rllllldal s.vices • ...-. 731-1734 ,._. Secured by a comblnatioo-or real and personal 4114 ..... property. ssssssssssssssssssss KOCE 9 7:30 and RCET 9 8:00 - "Hollywood's Children.·· A look at how the .child stars or yesterday and today coped with stardom and its aftermath. - KTLA 9 8:00 ··The French Connection." Blockbuster movie about drug smuggling stars Gene ttackman~ KNXT fJ 9 :00 -··-Grammy Awards." John Denver hosts the awards cer emony telecast from Los Angeles. KABC fl 10:00 -·:Dynasty." Fallon learns that Blake might not be her father and Ajexis revives her affair with Colby. 1!rl'Rfr• Pet•'''. Savings up to 50% ~ i Sprl Preview Fahl~ Arriving Dally __ w!fh S_avlnp of 20% ~ • "POflYr' AND "•tDGETTE IMOOT' PANTS • lUFRE:D aot ISES • PEASMT SKtRTS • IAMNG SlJTS • THE ROMANTIC LOOK • KNDStS--AlL COl.ORS • YVESMNIB. DESIGNER PANTS • WAWNG SHORTS • TAIOIEO JACKETS ~ • G<lD ACXINTED aousES '1~:St.':S~· 64M7Jt BUTTONS & BOWS BOUTIQUE M-f 10.7 $4T. 10.6 .. &.euh4 .. ·-!:J•lll c.ew .... MntTeC•--...... Big· Week . ~~I Price~ for an EXTRA ~ aJll today ' ""' . 6'2·56JI .. ..... a:a •••• , ~ ••• -........ n. ftflW Dmly.flot' 8·Day'Mlek PWS' \. . ~-· • .• ., \ f Pilot TV Log, Friday. February 19, 1982 i . ... n Ut . · .. ___ ;I ~·o -~-It I '0 i : ... -~ --.. •• ~.o -__ , -. I --• ti.,... ·aq o·· c t -~··· 8 '"' z: ~ .: :z: "' I .. ~ -··--;;. .. lcn . ·. .,. CD Z ' .. .. =· _.'.: -;; ~ .. ~ ~-. ;I ~ h 0 ~ ~ " !f f · &>·" ~ ~-t In ··~ I~ ~-rn· l ' .. ~ :> 0 -· , • s 3 ~~ ~"' : '1.. !! 1 f ! 0 i ~ :... J q~ ·1~ g : -c;· . ! ... >& § ~ ... : . -s l 1.i-'-~-'l.t -I '~. •I ~ a. ; . ·~ J ~ • I • ID • . ~-·· ::> a c I ->~ 3 . ' ~ , .. 12 . ) ••••••••••• ;•-. .. -. ~i • ~is j • ; I hi : ..... ..... ~ N ..... 0 I 8 ! 8 I 8 ii =': JJ .. . -. .... ·'•~ .Fl -fi .. ,, J Jfi ,·. "-·" J .f ,.If ,, J f < : : ,t Ji J :111 ii :: JJ : : : : seJ : :{ ~ ;or; : : ,i :: J 11 :: ,, J J(i : ,fl j~ri ,,J If j iiiJ ,, J 'f J J A ii Jfi =If j ~ ~,~, I I (i J s ... ~ = '3 F1 I I I i I 8 if :~ ::~f i"' 0 " J '111 ... 9 ~ I . 'f 111~ ..... lJ ~ 1; J , .l , I 'f > i ._, ~JI ' l!f.t, fJ! 'I ff if ::ii ...... !l I : .-.. f • ,ilf a{ : ,, ... i ~i' ~ i 'f " J if 'R 'th ::~f Jlf~ J ,, 1r1 iJ(j : ,Ji ..... ti! \ .. iii~ ' : ,-f l~f i J :~ .~ ,.. - : J f ""l: f~ I: I: ~rri }s >->-:0 :0 i x . % • : : : : t:i If. f ~I~ ::!I : =I! Jli~ f If i Jif rr1 S-UlJI Jii If f I .f. iii· l ' ..... i ~ ...... ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... 0 ~ = 11. 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S.11911 ·Awr ~~· DOVE STREET • NEWPORT BEACH • (714) 833-13 February ?1 FAMUWEEIUY The SundlV Megazlne of the Daily Pilot let's MIU Ufe Easier! ~"' S.ai ~ 1995* J a W Co. 111 lilt St. #S ,, ... , ---.... CAH641 .,...,, llghtwelght (weigh• .... ttwl 2 ... , ... •HY to carry and 1tore, tran1port In car. •Vf.RSATU-u .. when vlaltlng frlenda ~ ,.._....,.., r•taurenta will loV9 you for it. canpllig, boatlnja . uae o n r,lcnlca. 1n A.V.'a, ~ n your own home. •Ealmlical flt• moat 1tand1rd tab .... ~ wtH IMt your child from _the tllM ~ c:.n ftr9i ltt up untll the lime they are rtredy to UM a 1ta nd ard chai r -gunnWd to hold 1 OCf ... (not for UM on ga.a table9). •SAFE-Wh•n I H ted, th• cl'tlld'1 weight put1 prH~r• onto t~ chair '• t'e••· undlrnMtti the table and lodl. the S.., s. ... MCurely Into Polltlon. •WY TO CLEAN Ctn bl lm"*Md In d l lh wate r o r •Ponged off. (114) 53&-tl43 •+e.Sl.Jt&......_SUI llllllWC...&YIM~....,_ tU~Toppers K'l'TV 0) 8:00 ··P .M. Maga zine .. Featured is a visit to Palm Springs, retreat for the rich a nd ramous. KNXT @ 9:00 ··Muggable Mary Street Cop ... K~ren Valentinf.' sta rs in TV movie premiere KABC fl 9:30 ··Taxi." Elaine is humiliated by t he hiarcut given her by a top stylist. KABC fl 10 : 00 .. A Barbara W a lters Speci al 20 20 " Vi c toria Principal. To m Selleck and Dudley Moore are proril~d. Thursda1s Detalls From P.age 24 •• ,Mm ,,.. • dr*M dMe J>'oject, Ootle belriancle • pt«ty ~ and brlngl '* to edlool. • MCWll "SMft'• Big Seen" (1872) Alc:lherd Aouncltree e @ THAT8 INCMll9LE F-eetur9d -youngi11 .. from tN 1Q!t of e to 17 wtloMwe~­ "*IO un6que tor NW mgea. .P.M.llllAW A 'tllalt to Callfomle'• ,...,.... tor ... rid! and ..,_ -Pelm llcw1nge; "&c:or1e'' tor the~· • MCMI ''Aeilum Of Tiie Tiger'° HoftO Kong...., egenq, who llMW 1C.w'9 Ai, try to ..,,.. up ...... Ml'CCIOce ~ • lMIOLDHO&m .,., VIia and Mot'lll Abfam ... ~ ........ In h ......,_...rec,_; UC*th. the -"*'*' --lope -in...led. 9w,,.... Ao.-Ellert and Gene .... ,.... ''lllooc Tiie Moon." "t.fomenegro" and "One From The ~·· CJl)MCMI **'Ao "The Man Who Saw T_.,ow" (1M1) Dow- -tery. Narreted by 0nonw ..... (l)MCMI •** "OM-Trtck Poff(' ,,...,, p... SimcM'i. ...., 8'own. .MCMI * * "Th• lncredlble SNtniclno W-" ('llNIO) Liiy Tomin, CMl1at Gro- din. uoe ~PMVllWI Rover Eben and Gene SW!el revt.w · '8'1oof Tiie Moon," "Montenegro" and "Ona From Th• Mewl." .~ .. PMTB.I "Rad'' 1:.41 (%)MOVIE ** ''Thie .. EMt" (19111)' ~1.,.,. ._.())MOVIE "~ Mary; St,_ Co.," (Pretnl«a) Kartft V*"lne, John Getz. e ewr,.... enoc9 Wllllt "i..r1ow•" tit• ONtnmond" autornoOlte to ~ .. glr1friend Q • 9 .,,.,...., ...uJI Luger' t INlll-or• brlCle errlvM lrom Iha Fer Eut, and • lruetr8tad MetlU ~ wtlo _.. 10 be etupid gOee on • r~ • IHOCK OF THm NIW "Culluttt ,,.. Nature" Rob- ert .-... ..,,._ ttla ~al "'81Mm IMdla .,.. .. "1 al .. •509 lllld ..... e 1M11aumc.. 'f"IATM "I Aemambar Naleon: Low" Fenny (Anna Mu- eavl remalne In ble wlUI I* huaband, 146tr*" L«d Nelaon (Ken Colley), ...... rvin«• of .. alt .... wlUl LAiiy Henlllton. 1Plir1 1)Q (C)MOVll * • • "'t'tle Flr9t Deadly Sin" (1MO) Frwlk ~a. F11Y9~. e:ao e _..A.-N< The dlilf ...,.,. that hill parenta, who -about to ~--'°"' ~ dint annlv.,ury, &(,A threatanlne to o•t • dlvorca . e g TA>ll 8"rle ......... «by the .-.:ut .. ,_,,_ '""" .._ Yont'e ~ heir ~~.-n~ Do\VID L&1 IS LIAN Queataz wttlor 8h1de Tn•. CllllMdl9fl ~d IAwla. CJl)8f.....a fQ)M OMLY . "Slntoll Md ~­The c-t In The P"11" PW *"'°" and M O.· ""*" perb'lll ,,.,,. o6d ..__"' ........ OOflC*1 lri 11 ,,_.., ..... duttng the -of ·11 In Naw'Ycn aty'e c.Mr1ll Part!. (D)MOVll ***\t "Th• w-w. Were" ( 1973) Barbra ~. AoMrt Aadlord. .MCJIV!a * * * ''Tiie Doge Of WW" ,,...,,~ w ... en, Tom ....... -•aHUsnmr llWI V A H0,000 rewerd It ofterad '°' lntonnatton IMdlrlO '° .. .,.,.. of • P'Mllo dllander'• ,,_... •• end LeAue. followlliO .._..._titnge,tetotdto llnd•-Job. •a •~ WM.,_ INoCW.. IO I • Berbttra Wall• ptQNee Victoria Prtnclpal, T Oft\ ..... end DYdll¥ Moofe. • 'AWlTYTowae Wottd Ww 1ooma trl IN r.-MuN • Sybl ..,..,. ... hoapllal and Beall "- dlaa thlnge bedly. (Patt 6 oll) Cl)-- **14 "Aodllhow" (1MO) Paul McCartney and W1nga. 10:tO. IUTlaFl8 l.8ofterd _ .. -- to lp9tMS Ille bltfl'ld9)' with, Ria wana ••dt-t, and Ban _ .. nothing In pet• ttcular. • THaLAWMNCIM Corr .. pondente Linda Wart'*'"« and Collie Aobarte join Paul Duk• fOt mn•to-~-..n­ lllAfY al ~I actMlaa.. (J)MOllM * •• "IMa" (tt1'1 ~ ......._....,,._.. ·--.---..... .. -...... _._.... JANUARcr·s Salon of Beauty The Total Look by Newport's finest Artists offering: • Waxing • Jullettes • Maincures • Pedicures • Make-up • Make-up l es80ns • Facials • Sculptufed Nalls Sculptured Nails 2 sets for the price of one valued at $55.00 2-tOO E. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite "2" NeWport Beach. A~ from Ca['<)'s RestaUrint {~1~ M s.3-418 RCA XL-100 19" ....... na11:::...ao: RCA 19" ....-. XL 100 - J I I 1· J_ \. ---. . ~ Hlthlltbta ifol'tbe\\\a KNXJ' KN8C KTLA KAac KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE • ·D • • 0 tJ 8> • • • • 1AM . '-...... Lie--Lie .... "" .... .. ... Lie--..... '---Lie ...... u.-... ·"= I i ": From P.age 9 ii' • :s! A look II t-.n .. IN_.. .t ... ~ end epon8 ...J cil eventa c:omlng llP on 0 Home Box Oflloe. 7: Mon*1g Todlr, 700 Good Momlng The Toclar, Cattoon lk9 au... Ptr1anll ..... Ciib Mon*1g Ntws Froodls Town 8lmy Alpott FNncf .. u ft Amlrlca .. Thnll .. Thi tt.toon Yoga for OI .. .. .. .. .. AW~ .. Flntstooes KlfnMI ..... Pllntlng s: .. .. .. .. &.w!up Jim .. Aippar .. Big lb Body .. .. .. .. s.n~ 816111• .. .. .. M•ble Buddile .. .. Hot .. .. .. Gentle POj)ly9 Vi .. ....., ~ .. .. Fudoe .. .. .. .. Sen .. Alegre Rogef1 ~ ii .. ® 8fA.NDMa lllOOflll Ofl..Y "*'-' Altd Oerb*91: 9: OneOey Regil Rk:Nrd AM. OneOty Jedi Donetlllt I low Romper Stunlt 3-2·1 AIA Time PNlbln Sinmofll LOI AIA Time Lll.Mnt .. Lucy Room Strell Conlaci Ab Bloc:i· ~" ~ Ab Mldl'llornll ig .. Bewi1chtd Mcwle-.. 8'cUic .. bust"' To~ .. LA .. . .. "Thrae .. ComcltnY The eonc-1 In The ...,. .. Thi Price Wh.lllOI IMg LCM The Price .. Aic:Nrd IDrtM'IOI Tuas S-ch ea.i Fortune Bolt la Right .. Simmons JelMlt si ..... f«A Sprouts .... Simon end "" 0.-..... pertonn rtW't ~ ,_,. In ...., ... joint 10: .. ""!!" Battleetn v119r, .. .. Blttleat1rt GhOll And INNNewt Century Educatlonll .. .. .. .. .. .. .. oanoert In 11 ~. taped dunno tM -of '11 In New YOftl Clty'e Centr• Pwtl. 11: Tattletlles Passw«d Bonanza Flllllil'/ Young And Trauure PIUWOld PU .. Feud TheReltlta Hunt PklS Young And The .. Ayln'• .. Mltdl The The Alltleu Doc1ors .. Hopt .. Game Doctors 12: .. Otys()I Twillgfll AIMy ..., McMI: OtysOI OwU. Zone Oildttn .. "The OwU. ._. 9 AllAMN'..A WAL,..~IO/ AeThf World .. .. T~ .. Zone .. AeTht WNlt .. WOltl S-ch" .. • 1: Tuma Another Hour Onel.Jft Turne .. Another Barbera W.i1er profllee Wotld M~ To llYI .. .. World Vlc:toria ~. Tom S4llledl and OudleY Moore. Selrdl For Tomorrow ., .. .. .. .. S-chFor Newt .. Tomorrow .. .. 2: Guldllg Teua JoM General Guiding lronlldl Texa Ugllt .. .. OMllol'I Holpitll Ugh1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11:00(11)~~ .. .. .. .. " .. " A look le t.iien Ill Iha - ... epeCllilM end epon8 3: Aoc:lltord . Donahue .. Ec!OeOI John McMI: Hour -t• c:orNno up on Homa Box Offtoa. Flies .. Barney Sob .. .. .. Rlctlard .. Simmons Night OaYidson ''SMn M~ Plople's .. Alone" Cour1 .. .. .. Newt ., .. Little 4: Miller NMlll1 ~ .. " .. HouM 11:*) e LNE FROM THI co.mwlTOM News Ent•· .. " MAS.H " OnThe .. tlinmtnt .. .. .. .. Prlint Arp ~ .. joined by meny ovtetandlng 5: Newt News Utt1t News News Kotek News -·•••In.~ --taped .. The Comedy St_ In HOll)'WOfd. .. Hol'9e .. .. .. On The .. .. " .. .. Prairie .. .. .. ~t~n finds 'Hope' in New York By LINOA llDlSCll Eileen Kristen was recently seen as Georgine on "One We to Live." Kristen is remembered by most soap fans for creating the role or Delia on "Ryan's Hope." WeU , it seems "One Life to Live" produ~ers were not thrilled with Eileen and de· cided to seek another actress to take over the ever- increa.sing role or Georgine. ~Wever, ''Ryan's Hope" was delighted when they learned Kristen was more than willhJI to stay in New Vortc and do a soap. So they decided to let Randall Edwards go and rehired Kristen. We understand that Eileen will reappear on "Ryan's Hope" in the next two weeks. We think Kristen ls an excellent actress, but we had also grown fond or Edwards over the last few years. It makes you wonder if rehiring an actress who created a role isn't a bit like trying to go home again, and u Thomas Wolfe nc.ted, it usually can't be done. Eileen and Randall are both good performers, but so very different that it's hard to imagine Delia reverting back lnto the character that Eileen made her originally. It will be interesting lo watch. WIUJAM GRAY ESPY fans win be glad to know he's returning to ''Anothe r World." However, it's only for a short stint. Bill agreed to return for a short time with muc.ho bucks. We understand the return ls merely to tie up some loose storylines. By the way, if "Another World" seems to be getting a different look, it's because once again they have new writers. You can say goodbye to most of the Matthews clan, excepting Alice, lli and Jim, and say hello to a bunch or new and yOWtger players. And when we say younger, we mean younger! It seems that be1n1 23 la to be too old on a soap nowadays. One of the upcomln1 storyllnes is 1oing to revolve around a punk rock 1roup. We're certam tbia la IOinl to play very weU for tbe ladies in Del llolnel ! WUN CA.aOL BuaNSTl"I hutbaDd Joe Hamilka luff_.... a mild lllemt lllaaek • ...,._ .._.eollowoaton•~..,._-. on "AJI My Children." We understand that ABC asked her repeatedly to be on the show. Burnett C and we love her all the more for this) stood firm with a "no," but promised that as soon as she felt her hus band was well enough she would come on AMC. Hopefully, we will see her in late spring or early summer. IF YOU'RE wondering why Kim Zimmer had departed "The Doctors" and her role or Nola. it's because she and husband A.C. Weary are expecting their first child. No word yet on whether Kim will be returning to the show. Q: Oa a r~nt alrlllg of tlae Golde. Globe awards, I DOtlced tbe dlrettor of "Oa Golden Poad." Ills aame wasn't mendolled, b9t ~e looked awfully familiar, like I'd 1ee1t bhn OD a soap opera. My husband nys I'm 11lfferln1 trom de•usklas. Is he rlg~&ll -C.J .. Far &ockaway, N.J . A : Nope, you're not having delusions. Mark Rydell, who directed "On G<>tden Pond" and has also been at the helm for other movies Including "The Fox:· appeared on "As the World Tums" several years back. In fact, Rydell was the first soap opera anti-hero (long before Luke) when he played Jeff Baker. Baker was married to the Hugheses' daughter Penny. He was a ne'er-do-well piano player who always tried to do things right but never quite managed. He caused woe for everyone and was finally killed In a car crash in the storyline. Interestingly enough, Rydell cave a long interview to Life magaaine on his upcoming death. P&G and CBS nearly went wild since they wanted Baker's demise to be a secret. However, Rydell wanted it known lbat it wu bls decision to leave ••At the World Tuma.·' In the article, be cllscuaed tbe role of Jeff and bow be wui.d to be a director-producer. llaay MOiiie :.:r.:-.. 1...,w at IUI pl-. Mt OM IOok at:" Polld" will mu• JOU realbe be ... t.be riOt ebolee. .. .. .. Mn.Mlk .. " ~--· Super love, Am«. Why In .. PayC..dt Style • TheWorid? .. News love,Atrttl. MacNeil .. .. Style Lahr• .. M<Mt: McMe: Ole* " "Stnngt "I Clwtt .. Citgo" Confest" Owr .. .. Ealy .. .. .. In Record .. .. .. Thne .. .. .. Mltlnee " " .. At The .. Open ~ Bijou Guttn l.N "The Vampire T1g The p~ Bat" Mist• Wlltons .. Rooeti .. Suga You And Sesame .. Bunny TheLIW Street Brady Scooby You And " Bunch Doo TheLaw .. Brady l<arloon 3-2·1 Vlct«y Bundi KMnlYll Contact Garden The " Mist• ~ Muppets .. Rogef1 Lehr• medlt11e The Sesame ()\ow Hull Flintstonea Street Euy .. Scooby .. lntldt .. Doo .. St«y ARMFUL OF GOLD -John Denver hosts the 24th Annual Grammy Awards. a star-filled Jive special in which this year·s winners of the recording field·s highest accolades will be announced Wednesday on C8Sat6p.m. . -·- Daytime Drama Palmer injured when he faUs I By L VNDt\ IUllSOI ALI, M \' CHJl,DR£N: PJlmer. Chuck and Donna embark on a ski lour in the g1Jc1er range, while Melanie 1s bedded down w1lh a sprain{'(! ankle Disregarding lhe guide's advice lhat the) lurn back, Palmer gels m a scurrtc and falls over u precipice The guide is killed when he tries to reach for Palm1·r A hehroplcr picks up an injured Palmt'r. leaving IJonna and Chuck stranded Losing a bnske tball b<'t Bc1111) turns to loan sha rks. After talking to Fa ther T 1l'rnc). Tom realize:. how hard he's been on Orouke a nd the duo reconcile Aware Belsy slt<ep1ng \\llh Rick, Ruth lMn•mcd when UetS} re\l~ali. Rick wanb to keep the ir <-nl!agt•ment a , .... cret Nina reach~ 21 and get:, huge forllm" and rxquL~1te sapphire necklarc frum Palm\'I "h11'11 clw<1rf,, pendant Cliff !'IV<'S tu her A~<rTltER \\ORI.I): Jamit· .. ppe<1r.. on a talk s how to pubhc1iw hi' book With 'l .1r t1n a husml'-.s trip Jam1t• becomes ultra rriendl) "1th ,\nrw. llut sh1• makes 1t cll':or h1•r onl) mll'rl''>I I!> \1<1t .\um··-. 1llnl!;!> h hegini11ng to tJke hold Thrcaknl'<l h\ ..\nr1t'. l't:1:1l11: .. .,1.,, Lou1~L to µul somethm~ m her fc)lwl w mak. \nnr 111 I 11111,e p('r!>u .. dt·, Cl'c1lle not to do tho.11 hut :ii J JIJl1\ C't'l'ilk throw:., Anr1l' becomt'i-111 ~ind 1~ ru~h1·d 1c1 till' hosp1t.1I \\1th Lou1·w b<'lie\'ing Ccc11le lhl t'.IU"e .Ju .. t ,,,, lJ1:in1• and P!!tt• an· about lo \\(-d, SIC'\ 1• .1rr1 \ , .... md 'top!. th1 t:lopemcnl Harry rl!lt•a:.ed hum h.u.,p1t.ol Juh.i QU1h h"' 1oh "'1th Cor) Publishing to w11rk for J.i,on t\S TIU~ WORU> 1 l R:\!'I· ~lJrl'O .md Tom nl'Jt death m Mt li1g :. \lire m Womlcrlaod mom· :'\ot even Bruno. who can l<1lk 1' ahk to h!!lp lhrm Maggit' aw arr how m uch :.he love!> Tom John talks J amr'> into sending plane to Sl.'a r<'h for Tnm und Margo in F.uropc Ol'r becomes partneT m llnrbar a and l.1~a·.., 5alon Retummg Crom F lor1dn. Davul "distant to C}nlh1J and f':lle11 J1•ff astomshed when Anni!' turn.'> away from him Jl'rf not happ) when Cnckct "·JnG tu m1m1• the bab) artt'r tum Annie concen:iL'd about her upcoming medical boards DAYS OF OUR LJVES: Maggie turns lo E\an because sht• fears her a lcc>hohc pa:.t a nd M1t·kcy ·:. former emotional prolllems will be dragged throu~h court While Alex •~ kissing Mary, a shlldowy hJ(ure looks on W1lh lhe T wilight about lo reopen. 1'rish plans a gala costume pa rty Tony allows Renee to VlSll David 1 new apartme nt. Da111d tells Trl11h he thinks Tony 1s Interested in more than bu!.me:-.:. Stephano seeks L1t's help in taking ovrr Doug's plac·e Mary inform:-. Man e that she a nd Al ex m<ty remarry. and tht• two literall} come lo blows over their lifeSI) lt•s David a..:r('(?s to work for Tony and moonlights on another JOU Jake plans a mceHng between J essica a nd Ale x Lee tells Tony he must stop lrying to win Renee. because It will mean nothing but trouble for everyone DOCTORS: Natalie terrified when s he gets threatening note from Billy . Retummg diary to Natalie. Danny admits be sent a copy to Billy. At NataJie's urging, Luke borrows money to renovate the Med1cine Man. Greua unhapp) a bout Lee Ann and Katy·s closeness. Pressured by M.J .. Man get.s Margie to Ql'Cil to divorce. Carolee'a new Job creating pressure al home. but she reruses to resign EDGE OF NIGHT: Raven prepares to get hold of Sky's fortune. A generous Raven agrees to give theater rent-free to the acting group. Leaming Sky died without a wiU, Raven plans lo forge one but is stopped by Cliff Afte r her father stops her from s uicide, Jinx joins the drama group. Star and Calvin's rtt<Hicllialion rulned when she hears of hi.s feclmgs for Dee Dec GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke saves Jackie from fallJng off bridge and s he becomes smitten. David and Mel rear Laura T's kJeptomaniu may ruin their Uluaion plot. With police artist's help. Jackie manages l9 get sketch of D. Gray. Getting Scotty to drtve ber to Batavia, N. V .• Heather learns Dr. Katz lei\ his las\ PoSt six month! early due to a sex scandal. When Heather returns after being stranded Ill snowstorm. a relieved J oe resumell the relationship. Annie takes her cha rge of Bradshaw's lncomf)t'lence to Steve. and Steve suggests Bradshaw take a rest Edward's plan to make Liia and Alan think she's senile backfires when Lila pretends to know the actress Edward has hired to play her de8T friend. GUIDING LIGHT: Going through secret passage. Nola delighted to rind Quint's lab, but be usures her the passage was there before he bo~ihl lbf!, house, ,f.A!slie Ann fearful her past telaUorishtp as a hc»k~r Y.il!J U'eslroy her prcseftt loving l'~lattonsKlp 'Mth ll'l9yd. Baby 'f<~lf Lo14be .-. hornet Ad Nola.c1.tilltin «bdtWes ~ • HCI Carrie are marrying loo quickly Sara's tlilenp1•u1tlftle lo erase blank spot In Carrie's memory. Came d~ remember that 11inc~ Joe·~ death s~ always feels lhal. SONG OF FAITH Barbara Mandre ll. in a moving rendition of "Shine Through Me.· will appear on the "Oral Roberts a nd the• Miracl~s of Seed Faith" shO\.\. Sundav al 9 a m . on KllJ-T\' cCh. 9 l. · .1nother J>(.'rson •~ foll<>w mg her When Carne·s ~·eddmg dress arn\.e .. J ackie puts 1l m a closet Just u.'> Vancsi.a arrives ONE LIFE TO l.IVE: After Marcello lt>ll!> Larr~ e1boul bab~ switch L<1rTy confronts Ka ren When t.arry offers lo keep the wcret and C\'en sa)s thut Karen was rt~hl, Ka ren fC'cb that he Inv£':. he r and the twn .ire reunited. lvun hike~ drowning death of Hur<o Wilde. his <1lter ego, and when t hl' stor) of Wilde's death arnvt•s with a piclurl>, e\·er) ont• realizes 11 is I van 11nd thinks he 1~ dead C'<1i...,1e h11r1<, her ljnkle while cross-country :.k11ng n~1r han':,. lab lie f1xrs the ankle and seems drawn lo her Bea.u st11kcs 011 and it's out and-out war between him and· A'>a Samantha. aware that Brad hocked her engageme nt ring. pays him the $10.000 but takes a note on Llan\'lew West Beau gives Tony money to help produce car run o n solaramlle. RVA."l'S llOPE: Jane confronts Ox, who explains he was a gun runner and lost we apons worth over $80,000 lie owes money to employers but can't pay. In order to save his life. Ox must pre tend he's dead. Aware that Ox's being alive will make her a bigamist 1f she weds Hogt>r. Jane asks ror a divorce, but Ox says no bttause Ir a nyone dlsrowred he riled the document they would know he was alive. Ox tells Jane If she ran get him a passport and money to get out of the country, he'll keep on playing dead At first Jane balks, but later agrees and get'I Ox the money by selling the pea rls Roger gave hE>r a nd replacing lhem with a copy Faith is round dumped on her doorstt-p and everyone assumes that she was drinking when she was really drugged by Yvonne SEA.ROI FOR TOMORROW: Travis finally believes that he ls In danger, agrees to have around-the-clock protection 1111d hires Brian as bodyguard. From the Orient oomes a man determined to kilJ Trllvis and anyone else conn~ted with the Sunburst scheme. The contract man comes to Sunny's apartment, knocks her unconscious and when she come:>1 to. holds a knife to her throat to get the Information he wants Murt1n very upset when he learns Lee ls !'Olng t.o marry Cissy Lee orrers to r<'sign. but Travis refuses. Stephanie wants to marry Peter Stoneman Stoneman hires Cathy as his legal counsel and they go away on a Chicago business trip We ndy and S ui l enjoying bachelorettc life. Brian's s pying paying off for Ted. who has been able to sell Turner lnstrumenls large amount of chemicals. and he repays Brian with money. , TEXAS: As .MUes• Is looking at the. fire w mpaM prin t& Jn;fluby',., apel'trn~-¥ ls-lhclt l>YJQretctwn, .RIU>y a!td J.,u~·, ftltN ,ne1ghboi'. 8~ "''~rwd • ._11 . Miles· disappearance. ..Brot~ ~ R'""'~·OaeY·•re~ being followed Allison flirts with Ryan. Grant tells Rena that his wtre ls hOldlns up hts divorce. M S..lce Hair Shlclo ·Grand Opening SPECIAL FREE HAIRCUT FoR THE DISCERNING LADY OR GENTLEMAN w ith Cellophanes . . . . . . . . 520 Tints ..... . Perm/Wave Full Weave • • • • • • • • •••••••• •••••••• ' COMPLIMENT ARY MANICURE & &IFT with s30 540 560 Facial or Complete Make-over Phillip, a color specialist from London. Joins our styllng team. Come relax with coffee or tea in our open-air tea garden. We look forward to seeing you. ,.. 17 ... .. . r. :. - . ' -! MQ•ie Gulde. for the wee11 f Friday . if movies ~ l•UUMlft,1191 ~ IMNNa ... 8' l:OO •• * .. "Pwedlee AlleV" ...J ( 1978) 8~ Stallone. ~ NltWWt ~ Three echefnlng brottwa flrom § the ....... Kltc:hen Mellon ci: of New Vortt Ctty combine ''*' trallll °' brlllfta end bfewn lti their ""°'11 IO crMte .,...... ltlfea tot ~·PQ· CZ> •• "Thie .. !Ma" ( 1M 1) Documentaty. Film lootllge end dr-UC ,.. Cfellltlona .,. ueed to tell the Mory °' EMa ~· llteend--. 7:00 CC> * •• '"The°"* Side OfTM~-Pwtfl" (1978) .~ ......... Tlmatt!y llot'-F- cMrnplan .... .. ~ mom. ,.,.,_, • ~ ~by• traglo~. ...... wWI ... -doutlt wMn. ,_ lo"9....,. '* .... blO. * * ''Alolurn To Meoon Cour!Cy'' ( 1975) Hlcll Nolte, Don .Jotlneoft. A r-CM Cir'-end .. mec:Nric A.wt Into .... unexpecMd Ir~ wMe tr"""4ng ltwougtl • Soutflern nnl .,., •**"~eAl45 Hllcreet" (1974) ,,_ Hlltton. ,...., Mar'lc Ncft.. rn.n. A croolled oop IM• edvtontage of en W-t lamlly by Implicating them In • narcotlca Cheorge • **'A "Hunt-/Ue For Kiiiing" (19701 !kiri Reynolda. Melvyn Oouglu. When an Innocent rnan return• from prleon, he encounter• trouble wlltl Illa lettw Ind Illa glrttriend'• l•th« CID **~ "Sphln•" (19811 Fran« L.angell8, L..iey.. Anne Down. A MtMM blade m1111ce1 anllquttlee ting •ttemc>ll 10 atop en Egyp!OlogMt trom dlec:oY- «tng the whereabout• of • ~ atetue she -permlt1ed lo view. 'PG' (I) * "The Awellenlng" ( UNIO) Chettton' Heat0n. Suaann•h York. An Wc:f\Mologlat' a deughler ~pc111111dbythe ~ IPlrft of .,., enclenl f9yptlen ~· 'R' CZ> •• * ''The Competi- tion" ( 1IMIO) Rlctlard Orey. !UM. Arny IMng. Two plan- lata et • San francllco mutlc COll'lpetltlon find lhllt their IOV9 for Mdl oth« confllcta with their profHalonal amblllona. 'PG' e:00 ct)**"" "Portnoy'• Comc>laint" ( 19721 Rldl8rd Benjemln, Keren Bleck. Baaed on the novel by Phlllp Roth. A young Jew- lah boy recounts his often hUarloua end arnoroua edvenlur• to Illa paychle- tnat. 10:00 CID •• * .... "The Wey W• Were" (19731 8erbra Str91Mnd. Rob«t Redtord. A young COiiege couple In Ille 1830t ~ 111111 thelt poltlcal dlftwencea -ttrong ~ 10 Jeop-ardlz9 their rnarrillge. ca> * *. * "Reglng Bull" ( 19801 Robert De Niro, Cathy Morlerty Boxing c:Nmpion J elle l• Moll•'• eptllude lor vlolence bring• him ~ In the ting ~ dl9r\IPt8 1111 per-eonal .,., 'R' • •'4 "Ent• The Dra- gon" (1913) 8Nce Lea, John 8uon. A kuno Ill """' .. ........,to ptne. ...... 11tu• fl I ... ' PUA~UEO -Dan Haggerty. ~s Grizzly Adams. and Sydney Penny. as his daughter Peg. esc~pe mto the mountains in their attempt to elude capture by authorities who have accused him of murder in "The Capture of Grizzly Adams" on NBC 1Ch 4> Sunday at 9 p.m . Ofdef to deWoy an ~ bftno-Nm -1n tM end wMe ~ empire. ting bul dlltvpta Illa per. 'R' '°'* ... 'R' t0:11(Z) **~"Med Mex" • ***"The Doga ()( (tteo) Met~. Joefw>e w.r· 11M01 ~ Semuel. In en Auatt ... of Welken, Tom 8erenglr. the noMOCHSlatwll lut\Q, A'* being lortured and IN lrlerlda end fwnly of e depot1ed by en Alrl09n 109 hlgtlwey purtult pc>llce--d lctelor. • mercenert men become the twgeta of ...iuma to leed a revollr Mdlstlc motorcycle GMG· lion. 'R' 'R' CZ> • • "fo•trol'' 11971) 11:00 ct) * * * "Whlctt Wey la Pel« O'TOOle, Ch.notte Up7" I 19n) Richard Pryor. Aem911ng. 'R' Lonette McK ... A .... t2:11cm•~"UplnSmok•" atarved fruit plcll., la (1978) Cheech end Chong, caught In • comlC crouflre Edie Adema. Two drlflllra ~Illa union and the emberil on• er~ Mob, end • hypocrltlcal trip, lruatretlng !fie 1ew MO prMdw finds ~ In • l'llNtlng an odd ueon- ladiea' choir. 'R' flltl\t of dlaf actetl e1of1g 11:aG 9 Cl) **'A "Three On A Ille wey. 'R' O.." ( 19781 June Allyton, 1M. 'It ** "Unconquered" Ray 8olgilr. All Inept ("47) Gary Cooper, 8oria young •l•ff member 1<9toft. ~tier fort Nt aocon~ fOlw w1nn1ftO ~ eg81nat lnd!W coupe. from • ~ MO trMC:herOIHI wt!._ detlng etlOW 10 Hawaii. """ the help °' • c:ap• 12:00. * * * "Covet Gin" ffom Virginia. (1944) Rita Hayworth, • ***'A "Tiie Hund'l- 0-Kelly. Muale by beck Of Noire 0-" Jerome K«n. A chorus girl ( 19391 Chetlda L.eughlon, echlawa -when she Maure.t O'Hara A hunch-~•model, bed! tllll In to.. wl1h a CID * *'A "P-~y" t>eeut.,.~ dla1an1 UYP'Y ( 1978) Peter O't oole, girt. Dhtd I lerr11nloga. A COi· e * * ~ "Stage To Thun- rupt QOW11w1•1t *-d« Aoctl" (1"41 &wry .. t"'9\ Of a mllt~ a._, Marflyrl ............ CGUP,. "'° . F--"a • problem ot ~ Cl)......................... • ..... • _.."' --·~ lllf9 ,. (1MO) AoMrt o. Niro. gunmen to -•.,.. C.ttly Moneny. Bolilng °"' job '°' the local .. t1ftt., L! .. !"., ___ Mf!'Jlf'l~lti:t°··m: Jo.-" (1973) Temata ~. Shelley want.. A._.....,..,_. f9ma6t agent fOf the United Stet• gowmmeo ,, .,. 10 t>rMlt up en Illegal drvg oe>er•· tlon. 'PO· 1:30 t%)+ * "l'hla Is Elvia" (1ie11 Oocumentety. Alm fooC8ige end dr-tlc r .. creetJone .,. ueed to • Ula 1tory of EMs Preelty''I •andc.,... 1:41 CID * * ~ "&ordetilne" ( 1980) Chat1ea Bronaon. Bl'uno Kirby. A paHoa Off\. ow ~· • arnuggffrlg rJng GP«•Ur\o along the ~derendlrlea to 11.-p I~ .. from ~-.to ruthleN _.lf!Op 00--... ~•PG· ~ 2:00• *•~ "Baclol Roedl" ( 1teJ) Sely Flakl, T 01M1Y l .. .i-_ A hook• Md 1 down-on-hla-lucil bo• ,,_. end heed .... In MWdl of•,_ life 'R' 2:11(1) **"Hot T-SNIU" I 1977) R•y Holl.nd St~ Uwlor. A,._,, ownet !King bankruptcy decldn lo •ttract rnale petrona by haldlng wet T • ahlrt contwta. 'R' 2:20 9 * * * * "11 Happened One Night" (1934) Cleu- .... Colbert. Qn GeblL A newt~ ;w ltllelda an helr•H from her flll!!er'• ""'" heplnO 10 •90009· • -=-~." ''Tlie o.-41'• '(1tlf)W1Xld( Uncle CMetlan. A rnen llnd9 lhllt Ille lnne•• good· nett S:W-1• lllrrl from becoming • total pettlcl- pent lti en 9"* ¥oodoo cult. ct) * * "A Night Full Of Rain" (19781 Olanc.no Giannini, Cendlce Bergen Dlrecled by Una Wer1ml.lll- « A mllOIO joumaliat and a Wbereted photographet r.n.ct on the high and low polnta of 111W ua<rny mat· rlege.'R' a:1s e •• .,. .. TooMuch. Too Soon" (1959) Dorothy Malone, Errol Flynn. John Berrymor•'• d•ugllter. Diana, ...,,..,. heartbreak deac>lt• being WMlthy and ·-· CZ)** 1A "Med Mb" (1980) Mel GIMOll, Joanne Samuel. In en Autlr811a Of the noMOCHllstant lutUfe, the friend• and femlly of • lop hlgllwey punuK polloeo man become the tatgeta of Mdlatlc mototcycle png. 'R' l;80. * * * ''°' "Tiie a..-e1 Died Al Oewn" ( 1938) Gaty Cooper. Medeleine C8nol A IOldier of fortune trlea IO aecure emmunlllon IOI a bell.le ageinal • C""- -lord CID • * •.,.. "Scannenl" (1981) Jennifer O'Neill, Patrick McGooll•n. A lethal confllct •rl••• be1-two amall gtoupa of people wtlOM •xtraordl- n•ry paychlc power• Include the ebillly to kill leiepelhlcelly. · R' •:OO 0 "WhO'a TNI Knocking At My Ooor?" ( tH71 H8r· vey Keltel, Zln• Bethune A young men llvtng In N- Vork'a Lllll• Italy hu trou· ble adjuallng wMll he embattle on 1 romance with I blonde WASP •:ao 11:) • * • "Wlllcll W•y la Up?" ( 19n1 Richard Pryor, Lanette McKee. A MX· ata.rved fruit olcke< la caught In e comic CIOUll<e ~ Ille union and Ille MOb. and a hypocrltlcal prMClfler llnda Ilea_, In a i.dlea' choir 'A' Saturday movies l'URUARY 20. 1Ma AFTDINOOW ttlOO • * • ~ "Flight Com- lllllnd'' (11M 1) Robert T!IY- lor, Ruth Huaeey. A cadet .. _ Illa wlngl" In • rough·and·lough nev•I ¥taqwdron ct) • * * * ''T _ .. (1979) Hututla Klnald, Peter Firth. The deughter of • poor Engllah farmer becomea the vlc11m ol .her larnlly'a uplratlont and her own beauty. 'R' CZ) * *'* * "My Uncle, Mt. Hulol" (1958) J~­T,u. Jean·Pterre.. z.o1-. Mt HulOI melt• .,, llwtlward anernpt to convtnce • tarn· lly that they don't really need ... the .. , .. t modem "PC)liallOae 10 run their ~ 1~ 8 * • "Guna Of Dtablo:' ( 1"4) Chartaa --.on. Suun OliYef A tough wegonrnu1« encounters 8 r11811 whom he llad Injured In Mll·delenM .,..,. before 0 • * * "An Erlemy Of The People" ( 1977) St- ~. Chvlea ourn. Ing. 8ued on lbMn'I pley The dttnna of e tmllll town flrat epp1eue1 then ~·locllll~ for CHldwlng tM local hot eprtnga unMfe dll9 to pol- lwtlOll. 'O' 1!00 ...... "89inout" . • .,_,_~;==- ,f manegee to entangle hlm-Mlf...,, race cer.. ••• Wf>hanlom Of The Aue Morgue" (1954) 1(811 Malden, Patrlde Medina. A payQ!opelh and Illa "- CM corrwnl1 a l«lea Of murders.. 0 ... WThe Am&tlng World Of Paycnlc Pnenon>- ena" (1975) Documentary. Narrated by Reymonc:I Ek.n. The verled manlt-. taliona ol the llUO«f\8lurel In modern tlmea are ••plof'ed. 2:00 a * ..... "Oraeula" (19731 J ack Pal•nce. Simon W8rd. A vampire terrortzM Ille countryaide, -chlng for blood lo -taln him. CID * * * .. AN Screwed Up" (1976) Luigi Dlbertl, Nino Blgnaminl. Dtrec:led by Una Wertmuller. A group of Soul"-" ,....... try lo flftd weelth end n.p.. plr-. In Hor1tlern ~. (I)••• "TrlbuMToA Bed Men" (1116e) ,...,_ Cagney. "-p..,_ Two conoemed people ~ to convince • renctser to atop kllling rwtler9. CZ> * • ''The eo.·a Son" (1978) ,.,.,.., "-. Rite Moreno.A 8')0lted boy learna how IN wortllng clau llvea after II• t>ecomee • dellvwy men IOI hit tlther'a ..,..,__ !:*) • * 1t * "Rio Lobo" ( 1971) Jolln Weyne. Jen. nll« O'Neill. All ex-CMI War COIOnel rid• • T- town ot carpetbagg«a. a * * • "Where &glee· Dare" (1989) Rlcllard Bur· ton. ,c&int Eutwood. An Allied otflQer la reecued trom Nam by commandoa dllgulMd .. Germ-. :t:OO. "Return Of Super Bug" (1979) • * *'A "The Night Of The Grizzly" ( 191&) Clint W*•· Martha Hyet. A lorrnet lawman la bothered by • grizzly when lie trlea Illa hand 11 ranching. 3:30 8 *•"A Gunligtol" (19 71) KJr1c Douglel, John. ny Cast\. Ori-..n by greed, lwo lorm« gunflgh1«a alage a ahoo4out IOI e price. ct)•** ''The P-d •• Courege" (11183) Olf1i Bogarde, Merla Pw8chy. A World Wer II 8ritWI <>'"'*, °** Cowwd. repMted- ly outwtte the Nana who ettempt to hold him • 1 W8'~ •• t!AI CZ> • * • "'ftle Competi- tion" (1980) RlcNwd Orwy- luea. Amy IMng. T'#O plan· ... .. • Sen Ftendeoo rnumlc competition find thet their lo"'9 for MOii 0111« confllctt with their profe11lona1 amblllona. 'PG' •:oo CID * •-* "The 1dolma11. er" ( 1080) Rey Sharkey, T ovati Feldlhull. A manl· pulatlYe manager U-var. loua ptoy'I to cetapult two 1tien-llg«S Into pop slng- 11'9 a1erdom 'PG' (I) * * '~ "Bon Voyege, CMrlle llfown" (1979) ~ rnaled. Oltec1ed by 8111 Melendez. Snoopy and Woodatoots toll ow ••Change 11udei'lta Cl\atNe &own. P~I Pally, Unu1 arid Marcia on •n adYentur•lilled lour ol England and Fr-·o· 5:00 • •*'A "John Goldfarb, Pl•aa• Come Home" ( 19651 Peter Uttlnov. Slllr· ley Macl.elne A pllol end • photographer ·writ« 1.-n up .._ IN latl« It lll'IUV- gled Into • 6-1 klngcklm harem 10 do a 11ory • cm • • • • "The 9o1r11 °' St. LOUia" (1957) "*"* site Moo1e : rage 3a ' ... -----... ... ..., Mairtenance Free WINDOWS For Life! ARE YOUR WINDOWS ... OXJllZFD -DUE TO OCEAN AIR INFLUENCE? DRAFTY & COLD, CAUSING HIGH FUEL BILL$? EXPENSIVE TO PAINT & MAINTAIN? DANGEROUS TO CLEAN? • ARE YOU FED UP WITH YOUR OLD & UGLY WINDOW PANES? SAVE ENERGY, SAVE MONEY· WITH I 000/o RIGID PVC FRAME WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS YES, rLEASE SIHD ME MOU IMFOIMATIOM OM: 0 RIGID PVC WINDOWS 0 PATIO DOORS NAME: .................................. Phone:( .... ) ............. . ADDRESS: ............... : ....................................... . CITY: ........... , .................. STATE: ...... ZIP: ............ . \ Eich Corporation L.A. TROCAl • WINDOW DIVISION -ATTN. MR. W. KINDOR -1108 w: Colorado Blvd. · Los Angeles, CA 90041 12131 254-6885 ~~~(~~~~~ 1912 -WINTER . AVAUll.£ * * * *LIMITED NUMIEI mPllATE AND IRULAI MElllEISlllPS COIPOaAn Mlt•HSHIPS have full club prlYtlegla Including a tax advantage. Memb«s frequently UM our attractive racllltle1 for benql'9la, boatd meetlnga, client luncheon• and IOClal activttJe8 (minimum 2 famlllel). _,,., ••-• 19'1 for familiel and lingle people .. ~ in a .variety or memberahlp program• Including ........ .Jr. progfW'nl 12 yra. and up. Wedding NCeptione and private parties .,. a apecilltty Ill N.B.T.C .. for memberl only. 11 MEW 11 **** AmoelC ...-.ntW Taught In our Aerobic Teechlng Center b y Phll John1on with 12 yeara ••,,....a In phyalcal fltnesa. S150 lnfflltion tee lndudel 2 moothl free or 24 a-PLUS e monthl Of enjoying • PAMOUI IOCIAl UN. f 100 initiation fee wtM be applied to eny other type membellhlp .. M&T.C. ................ for 8 momth1 only. Jela M w and ...,..a the "good life." Find out why the N.B .T.C. has been IUC~ly utllfytng Its memblrl for the palt 17 vws. For membership application and lnfonnetlon, plMM c.11 our S.. Dhcter, ....-,l.&M,U4Mll. • //~up;tt ciJem:4~~ ~ 2601 EASTBLUFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, CAlt~ · 644 1110 -.. -- ,Louis Or~elas enjoys retirement so much, -he wlunteers 25 hours a week. W>uldyou? I L ouis drives a Red Cross van for a community nutrition program. ~ Five days a week, Louis s ttles elderly people to a Help Center for a free hot al. He also delivers hot meals to another 20 shut-in . · On Thursdays, Louis takes his passengers to the supermarket so they can shop for food. . "The important thing is that you get these people a balanced meal," says Louis. "A lot of elderly people qon!t .cqo_k anymore, and if you don't give them a meal, they probably won't eat." Have you got time on your hands? _We could use a hand helping people in your community. Join us. American RedCroes . Together, we can chaQge thi~ I ~ l I ~ n ~ 2 ~ r $ ~ .. a: ~ ~ 3 .. i -< ... ~ ... ! ~. l l I From P.age 28 8'-1. .....,.,.. HM!llon. In 1921, Chettel A. Und- ~ ---lw Ir« -.. ~ 'llOMIClp ecr9l9 ttl9 A..,_ Ooe.l IO Pw-... • ***"'''The Wsy We Were" (11731 Berbre 8~. AoOer'I Aedlcwd. A ~ college couple In ... 18308 ~ that ... pollliQll ....... -*°"'_.to Jeop-....... ~ l::IO CC> * * .. ......., .,... ~ ....... ~ Eapr-" ( 1172) Deen ~ Heney Oleon. A N9wYorit_,,......,._ .......... to IM Aocalee In en ~ to moder,,... the~ eldr-1 helnNC*d. 'G' -ll:OO. * * ''Ther Went Thal· A-Wf11 And Thet·A-We(' (1178) Tim eo.-y, °"'°' ~Two Mjl 111 \ .,,.,. poloel•--...,. to ptleon to oondUCt M 11111'91 co.er -.di lor • c:ec:tie of 81°*1 """"""t. ..... "Enter The~ gon" 11173) ..,,_ Lee. JoM Suon. A kunc>-fu ..,,.,, le....,_, to~ ttate en lllend ~ In order to desttoy en opium- ~· ._.,empire. CID * *. "Popeye" I 1980) RobWi Wllleme, S~ Owll. Whlle -c:tMg for '* fathet. the epinectMet· lnO ullor v19111 • quelnl ~ wner. he plc:tl• up • foundling end • aklnny .~.'PG' CZ) ...... ..._ Ooee Nol 8elieYe In le«W'' t 1180) Ver• AlenlOY8, AleHI 8elelov. lhrM country OltM wlltl dlllet'ent oollll end ,,.,_ move to the blO" dly to ~ ftMili' etnbltiC>n8. 7='0(C) *~ "OletyOf A leM- Age Hltehhlker" (11711 Oldt Ven Pellen. Chertene Tiiton. A young gil'l'a life IS end•noeted when ah• eccepll • ride trQ<l't a atrenger CD) * * * "The DoQa Of WM" I 1NO) Chr\81opher Welken, Tom a.r..g.. Alt• '*"' tonwed end depor19d by en Alrtcan dletelot, a mercenery rMunla lo leed • r9'!0lu· !Ion. 'A' ... **"'"BledlOek Corwplrecy'' ( 1177) .... VIM, ~ Certeon. A SoueMrner .... ~ egelMt • aooked '""'80 end • ceb•I of lendgrebben. ••• "Oleclple Of Oeeth" 11172) Mike~. Mergue,.te H•rdlmen. V..,.,_, ta'rortne c:ltJ. -In lngleftd Clurino the 1700.. ••• "The Night They Took MIH BHutlful" ( 1177) Chuck ConllOf'a, ,... 8IMft. A f'al9o' W· rortets hijeckt en 8if1lner ... ~ ~ P9fMnl ftnelilte on boerd. ®••••"Merecf Stat•" (1180) Wllllem Hurt. 8leif Brown. A H•· Yard ecientlet 'a genetic ~ le altered wMrl he conducta ~ 11'9 ...... "'* ... with ..... tlOfl ..,.. _, ~ NII ~ 'nOgel .. 'A' ())•• ... "~And Tiie ....... (1110t .... :::*~~ _ ....... ....._ ................. .......... ...... t WHEN THE SYSTEM FAILS Al Pacino is a young altorne~ who cares so desperately about justice. and be:nomes so intensely involved with the people he defends that he is willing lo risk his career and even his own fr~edom in a fina1 explosiv~ attack on the system that seems to be (ailing in .. .\nd Justice for All" on ABC cCh. 7• Sunday at 9 p.m. from trenaportlng 1 beby llept\ent.'PG' • ••• MP~''(1NO) Robin Wiiiiama, $"8119)< Dwllt. wtlle -cHng tor 1111 ,.....,, the~­ Ing llllor vfelt• • quaint herll6M ..... hi plc:tl• up • founding 8llcf • llklnny I 1t 111eef1. •pQI UO CZ)*• "TN1 la EM1" ( 1N 1) t>ocumentatY· Flm tootaoe end df9fnellc ,. craetlone we u9ed to tel the IJlory of EMt Pteeiey't Mfeend~ 9:00. * * ·~ ''The Gr•t Sentlnl" ( 1871• Robert OUY9i1. Blythe Denner A oung-ho Meline pllo1 ba1· ''** with 1111 atrong-wllled but ......,_.eon Ind with the~. ('I) •• 'A .. ,,,. Frlendl Of Eddie Coyle" 11973) Rob- .,, Mitchum, Peler Boyla. A 19deral eoent -a emelltlme ~ook to upoee • crime rl(lo. t:aO CC) * *'4 "llloot The Sun 0-.-' (1llO) ~ w..i. MerVot IQdder. In 1138, tour~ mll- 1119 .-en old ~ to MWc:t\ for buf'led gold. 'PG' tO:OO • * •• "Raid On EntlODe" (1179) CNftee Broneon, ~ ftrld\. A bend of _.... CClnWl'lel'I• doe ategea • dftlng alrfleld tald to ll'M 104 8lrlln8 ~ ....,. held hoetage by N.Olierrorlete. 00-• *""Mice,~ ...... (1"1) Linda ....,, ,..,.. 9t11c>oetd. ~ of an l'•H•n·A"*lcen 181'111)' .. Ylctlmlnd by • psydlotic mu<der• In their mlellt. 'R' Cl)** "SevegeW•- IOd"A _.end holiday ~ • n6ghlmere lor five friend• who ere etellledby•k-.'A' tO;tl CZ) * * ''Tllttdeh Dellght" (1'73) MOnlqlie *' • v.. ............. "9(1:)••**.._..,.,.. .... 1 ...... ,..., ...,., .... ._. ... ,.., ....... ,.,.., ............... femlly'I uc>flaLOna end her own beauty. 'A' lit···~ "Sotdler Of Orenge" ( 1871) Edwwd Fox. SulWI PenhallQon Six ~ It a Dutch unlveBlty 00 their MP9- ,... ...,a wMrl -btaeka out In Europe. 'PG' tt:1f(ll) ··~ "Deedl SNp" (1MO) 0eotve ~. Rldwcf Creme. ""*' INlr luxury Iner ~ Otl the hlQt1 -· • Q<oup of eurv1Yer1 •• "reacued" by • i.ge, bladl wnpty -.... 11:ao• **"Mother, Jug• ~ SclMd" ( 1978) 8111 • Colby, Aequel Welch. TIVM ~ lll'nbulenC8 ~ try .. _...., their ~ from pig '*'-krupl .. the ,..,.. of too rMllY i-euffa. ••• ,,. ''JotlnOoldlwb. Pl••M Oome Home" ( 1te6) P9ter ~. Shir· 19)< ~l.lllne. A~ end e jlflotogr .. ·wrlt• t- up ..... the let1• le emug- gllld lrflo • o-t kingdom her8"' to do• •tory. Cl) • * * "Rio GrenOe" (1150) John Wayne, Meu- r.-i O'Hare. 0urtno the Meslc4rl-,Jn<llM w.... . IW~• ciommender leed9 till 1toopl ec>aintt ApeChe relda. 9 *** "FemllyPtot" (1111) Barb•r• Herrla, ~ Dwn. A tplrlluallll .. her J'I'*"'°'°~ boy- lirltrlcf eMldl tor • mlMlnO • half -"° 19 • 'sirro....rone1 11M ;":'::;'TM LOl'O. Of ~.. ( 1174) Henry Wlfllller, s,._.., Stal· lone. Four high llChool toughe IMnQ In &ooklyn In "'* .... 1950I ,_ Q()no lllctl ~ .... end tchOOI probtlml ..,._ trylnO to melMelll their Image .. kJri9I of Ille ........ 1l:OO (J) ··~"The &Hnlng" , ............. '· ................ ., _..,....._A __ # A ,,. 1111'ti11•\ ... ••'I ... heunled, Colorado hot ... Is 8"'0WbOund .... with hie wit• anc1 c:lelrvoyMt youno IOn. 'R' CZ)*"' "&Mr The Dr• oon" (1173. Bruce LM . JOIVI Suon. A kuno 1u .. .,.,, II Malgll9Ct to ~ ttall en lelend I011r-In order to dMltoy en opium end wtllt• ... ,,.,., empire. 'R' 12:30. * * "Ooomw•tch" ( t fl 72) len Bannen, J4lllty GMaon A l'n8"t oonduct"'9 underwaler r-ch nMr • 9"1811 lalend d'-9 tnll lhe Wiier contalrl$ • rlldk)ac1iYe WMll ~ 9'ble IOr phylic.ily deform· "'° lhe i.nd'• lnflebft.. .,,,. . 1•M(ll)•• "P._.,,..811'8" ( tfl80) John HolmH, ,_,.. Bond. A ..... of trOllc ~ probe "'* outer ~ of MlCUal ~-12:80(8) •••• "Raging.,. .. (1_,, AotMwt DI Nlto. Cathy McWlerty. 8oJdng dlemplon Jake t..e Motte'• ept11uele lor vloMnc• tlftngel*n-lntM me tiut dlet'u9l• ,. P*'· -w-.·R' 12: .. * • "Hljec*" ( 1973) Oevld J.-, K-.n ~. A ll1'dl cfffltr le llpuncled by determined lijaCIC*"I .... ~- 11'11 earoo erorn LM ~ ,.;~~~ .. (1MO) J.a N1o1ua1n, ~Duvel. Olf..-cs by ...,,,._ KllOrtCL A ...._ ~l!Wed•• winter car.tlk:er for • NmOle. end liPP*'*ftt1y hllunled, Colorado hOMll, la lnOWbound there with Na ...._ end ClalM>)'enl youno eon. 'R' 1•• •• " ''Tiie °'" A119el" t tt35) Fredric .,..,en, Mette OMron. Wt!etl two love rival• .,.. ........ .. ........... _,~ I ...... . .,....,...,.... ..... Ollr' ..... Ml ,, .. ..... ...................... ~°'·~ c~·· lo1> ,......1ttly ,.._ ,_ wNrt he ...,. he le to becOtne • ~•th«. lllOCZ) •••• "MyUnale, Mr. HYlot" ( 1158} .....,. Tall, ...... Pierre l.ole. Mr. Hlllol melt• en ..._,. attempt to~·~ , !fy ht they dolt't ~ 1'i.ed .. the ..... "'°°*"' *ll~ 10 NII their houMtlold. t:tl CC>.* ··a-Oltle Piaf' l::tt Cl) •• ~ "C.therine & Co." ( 1173). ,,_ llrtlln, PaWfdc l)ewMre, A ,_... glri .,....... lo Perle to a-.. • lllgll .....,., modal but "*' plW f .. through end ahe operla • hlQhly lucrat!Ye proetltullon bualnlM. 'R' .. (II)* •• "Modem AomenQI" (1181> AIDert •ook&. ~ Ham*S. A ~ editor tl1ee ,......... eClly 10 wWI blQk ... heart "'"'*-*' 11e--. 'A' ac:ao•····..._.-. .. ( ttn> H"""'Y IC.9iet. ,._. ert DI Niro. A ............ hood encl hll lrrMjl o 11111 friend flnCI plenty Of troutlle In N9w Yorlc'I lJttle ~- 'R' 1:-40 CC) * ... "Olaty Of A T- Age H11cM!ker" t 117t) Oldt Ven Patten. Chllfler\e TU ton. A young gift' a life ff endenoered When ette 11CQ1C1t1 a rlda trom • atrenger. 1:.418 * * "OengerOUI Mil-lion" ( 1154) Victor Meture. Piper lMlrie. The ......... -10 • oenglend murder ~ tbe obfec1 °' • Ct--..ntry pur9Uft by ~ • **"'"We l.Ne Agejll" (1134) Frecltlc Merch, Anne Sten. 8...:1 on a novel by Leo Tolatoy. A ~ prince ffllea the lredltlelna of nobllty by Illa 111-l•ted tow •ffeit with • llmple peeunl girl. .-CJ) ***~''The Way W1 Were" (1173) BerDr• Streleand. Rober1 Redford. A young college couple In the It~ dlKOYer that ,,,.., polltlcal dllfer-•r• 11rono enough to l*OP- erdlze their marriage Cl) * * .. Tlnllh Oellght" ( tfl73) Monique ven de VIII,~ Heuer. 'A' e 4:11. t tt ''The Pretend· er" (19-4n Albert Dekker, C.therine Crllg. A wealthy atocabroker'a deedly pllrl to Allmlnete Illa competj. llon beckllf• wtloan he die- --that he hlmMlf la marked lor murder . 4111 ® * *. "All Set...o Up" ( 1178) Luigi Olt>.t11, Nllo lllgNIMlnl. Directed ~ Una W*'1lnl.lller. A group Of Southern ltallana tty to ltnd wealth encl Np. ~In Northern Italy. Sunday movies ~21,1- ""' EJWOON tblO• **"' "Terun'a Flohl For Lh" (1858) Gordon Scott. Eve Brent. Tenen Ulk• on • tribal wltdl doc>-'°" who la endangeritlt ---~hlehoc~ ,. ..... CJ) *·~"Salem'• lot" 11m) 64Wld SOYI. J- M-. A nowllst retuma to hll ~ ,_ 10 put en Ind to ltoubted "'*"'°'* bUt ftndl that 1 elnie* ~ elwoudl !*1-\.'PG'i Ctl ••• "The Competi- tion" (1tl80) ~Orey­ ..... ~ trYlr1g.. TWo ..... , ............. . ""'8lo OOlllplllltlOl'I llftd ... "'* .._.. tot .-. ........... pter11elonel ......, .... .,... ...... M~CMn­,,.,,.. ( , .. t, Melt Attlln, ............ AIWlee of ml•underatandlnge -• IOCllel worker 10 IU8C*)t the S.yeer-old .,.,..., OI • ...,.,..., cowpe le Iha C1lrn Of Chlld .......'°. t•••·•·'f'~ .....,. (1879) Ill 8blby, ...,.. 0.. T'hr• l*I'* ~ teo.ooo a plec)l lo act out ..., ..._. compeltlnQ lent .... CC>•• ... "Aetum £noegemerlt" ( 11781 Eliz.a. beth T.....,,, JoeeP1 Bot· toma. A former ec:trMa Who le •MdllnO •t • amall .,.,.. floNnl • apec:lel r•tlonlhlp with one ol "*' IWdenlL ® * * "The lngloooua ButwlH" (11781 Bo Sven· eon, Fred Wllllamlon T- men lorm en unusual frlendlhlp durlno their lfforta to Mit""'9 .,..,.,Y ettedla end Ylolent death clurlno the tumultuooa C111Y9 of World W• II tel. **,_.,"Them" ( 1154) JllmM Whltrll0f'8, Edmund 0wenn. The government 1811• over en lnwallg•llon looklno Into slranga OMtN OCCUttlnQ In the Mojave o.ert. Cl) • * * ,_., "On The Town" (1150) Gene l<Ollly, Frank Slnave:'" A trio or Mllora t-up with a lul drtwr end 11t1 anlhfOpO!o- gllt to find • beautlful girl wtlOM picture la dilpleyed In the Mibw8)'. 2:aO •• * •'4 "Searl-" ( 1932) PIUI Munl. George Rift. A ~11me hood· klm rleM 10 Ille top of Ille helP during Protllllttlon CZ> •• "Oc*ig ..._ .. (1874) Gererd Deperdleu. Patrick o.w ... Youth• embat1I Otl • blcyQle trip that turN Into • M•uel odylM)' ecr-the French coumry91de. S.00. * * * ''Who'1 MlndinQ The 8'orer (1"3) -*'Y Lewlw. Jill St. John A women trlM In vein to IH-..k up ,... dauohter • rOt'n8tlQ8 (C) * * * "Shool Thtl Pleno Player'' I 19621 Cherlea Aznevour. Mltle Ouboll A women con· Yincel her onoe-lamoua mual"l1n boyfrl1nd to attempt • comeDedt a;ao e * • • "Rio lobO" (1171. Johll Weyne. J«o. offer o•,.... An ex-<:MI W• c:Olonel rlda a Teus town of cwp••»"~ 111 * • * ~ "America Al The Movlea" (1178) Nit- rated by Charlton Heslon SC.-tfom • ir-. tr0\19 of .... ,.,,..,icMI lllme ranging l«lm "Blrltl Of A NaUon" to "The Goel· father, Pert U" ere lhown. ~ .. .,. Midi .. John Wayne, Elizabeth T f1110r, Merion Brendo end Wood'y A.11111. ®**'f'~le AON" ( 1No) WNll Nelaon. Opn t.wion. While Otl tour, • l••• ~try­weatern llnO*' ~ ~ lnvotved ~ .. ...,...,,. d~ of Ne .. Id\ ~~·-·--119amw•'-'* ...... '"°' dll••·M~Of DMltl" ( 1171) Mlk• RllYw'I, M•rf'tetlle Hardl-n Vempirllm tertOl'lzlM. t:ltl· -In England 0ur;ng Iha 1700e. •-* * "Plrenhe, Piran- ha" 111721 Peter Brown, Wflllm Smith. A MHMI .. ~-...... .................. ~epherl. Cl) •• "' "91ow-Up" , ..... DWd ....... ... v.... ........ ..... •yolll'f~ ...... plier ...... of .... pie. ............. fie.....,. Ste Movie. 32 "We've come a long way over the paat »yean ln business ... and we stUt offer the finest In men's classics ... die ltyie9 ,_ CH ballk yoar lllOlle)' oe." ~--:;::__ .,.,c• •' .,, ~ow .0NLv BRING IN ANY PRICE AND WE'LL BEAT IT!! That's right, during our price wars s ale, bring In any advertised special or price quote and we'll beat the deal. Remember, we guarantee our prices to be tM absolute lowest In town or your money back! ! NOW ONLY $199.00 reg. $429.00 HOMEQW~ERS ROOM ADllTIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH· THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER :-' ~ TIME TO ADD ON THAT EXTRA BEDROOM OR BATH. OR ADD~ COZY FAMILY ROOM .~~! WE ARE ALSO SPECiALISTS IN KITCHEN~ AND BATH REMODELING. 1~' CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OR~ VISIT OUR Sl<>WROOMS AT . '.~ HJ WIST ... STH MALL ltllU IU ... UY& NIAi llAaSI :rfl. 100% PERFORMANCE BOND -a· COMPLETION D'ATE GUARANTEE -LIEN~ FREE CONSTRUCTION. . ~ ~ 714-194-f•n -:-714-191·4917 m ---eLAMO ·_m CONSTRUCTION ~ ·BASED ON SALES PRICE OF •e.ooo ' ·~ .· .m 19% A.P.R. 0 .A.C. .• B 1-373'26_1 .rt. Announcing The Marriott Tennis Oub • Limited Membership Available • No Initiatim Fee • I 0 0..1PoosbiP Ca.a1S . • Full Club Hoose Facilities ·~Ray - DiftdDr d Tennis I • 1 I I == ----------~--------------~ 2 From P.age 3Q .J:l GI ~ ~ :2 ... ~ -.... ~ to lie • inurder. •••• ~ .. 81-- Mofant" (19801 ~d Woodwwd, Jedi Tbome>-eon. Aualt.._ oonacrtot· ed to fight on £nolal'd'• lldt In the &<* W• dedd9 to light 9'e ec- 01*11laa on tflW own t4nna. 'PG' ~(C)•••"The~ ..lun!QM" (1~) S*"'CI Hayden, .s-Whltmo<•. The polloe -beftled by • crlmln•I mutermlnd'• hlllf ~robbery. CZ> •• ''TM ._.. Soft" (1971) Alhet'er--. Rite MortftO.A .polled boy ...,.,. "°" tM WOftllng cl•H llVH •lier h• ~·~­tor ........ ~ .. <Ill••~·...,..... bpreN" (19721 Deen JoMa. N.ncy Oleon. A HewYof11~ tr• ve6a ... 10 the Aoc:IUee In en et'8lftpt to mooema. die ~ed 1111 r-1 he Inherited. ·o · ~ MO. "Slruog68 Through Oedl" Jotln Uu, JeMjfW Veno. In order to IMce r-.onl*~-9. . ~ ...... ._.,. Kung Fu boltlnQ. QI) * * ''Thie la EMI" (1tt11 ~.F1m toocege end «emetic ... c:reetloN -ue.t to Ml IN etory of EMa Pr..i.(a -end~. ••••• "AeM#rec- tlon" (1980j 9en eur.tyn, SMI SNperd. Aft« • - ...., IUlo 9CIClldent. • -... !Inda ttlllt the ._ the ~tollMloai..IM!llt .,.,._,... .,.... of"" ,..., to ciWrft • dMne lnllUeno8. 'PG' tt• CZ> •••• ''MV UnOe. Mr. Huklt" I 141611 Jecqil9 Teti, JeM-Plerre ~Mr. HWot male• en ewllwllfd attempt to conWloe • lem- ly tNt ttiev don't ,...., need .. the let-modem ~ to Nn their ~ e:IO(C)••••"..,,_. .. ( 1N1} Merton Brando, Red Butt-An Amertc9n jet -._ • poigNnt ""'* with the .. peifot .... of ...... .,..,.,_ ectlng COll'IC*1Y. Cl) .... "Up ,._.. ( 19'01 Mcwo-n 9---. A ~ plonffr t>ecolft•• oo.-d wttfl ,,._.. .,_ I* ... II lclled by a toc:8I lend bwon wtlo _ .. ,._ 1-. (D) * ** "~" (1MOI Aot>llll w..n.. ....., DIMI. ..... .-cHng tor ........................ , Ing lllllOf' .... • qi*"1 ..,.._ ..... lie pldlt UCI a founding end • llttnny I aa....,.... .. 'PG' l:GO e • • 'h "Jofwl Ooktlert>. Pleue COtM HO-" (1M6) P.-u.nov .... , i., MeclUlne. A ploC _, I ~---.... ................... gled Wlto • ~ lllflOdOtt\ henWn to do. •ory. Cl)*•~ "&clpe From Atcetru" ( tt78) Cllnt EHtwood. Petrick MoOootleA. A Nrdened corMct tMll.a ....... ..,,. to t>nlM out of "" 111-.1 pi oaf prt.on. 'N ' •• * *'.,..,.. 'llfikf' , ................. ........,,....~ .• ,...,_,,, .. __,. ............. .............. 5' 2 -~---... conduct tl'le ettlllra of ..... 'A' e: ti CZ> •• ~ "Zllkl 0.-" (1879) 8\llt Lanceeler. P9ter O'Toale. The 'fngllell weoe • t>ltW -ll08i'* the ZIAu netlon In t~ oentury A"1Ca. 'PG' e:oo • a ••'A ''TM c. "" Of Clrluly ,,,.,.,.,. .. (111111 OM Hliggll1y, Kim Derby. Orluly Adema ~ out ol hie wider- -~ wMn lie ._.. that ,. tO..,..,s<*I ~ la going to be eerit to en ~Q ....... _.And.iu.. l:loe For ,.... ( 19791 Al ,..... no, .I.ck Warden. An ldeel- IMlc ~ hM trouble OOC*IO """ the ~ of the Al'*'6cM )udldel ~ terl\.Q CC> ••• ''TM ,,,. Dead- ly Sin" (19'0) Frank Sil-. Ira. F8)'9 Ol-.y. A ..... eren New Y0111 City polloe detec1M, .._ ..... ~ frwn • ..toue .. r-. ,,.... to c:etdl • llNtlll d84 1..-rorlltng MlnMt- ten. 'R: CDl**"Sep9r•W•" (1ieol Keren a.di, Tony Lo llMenoo. Afyowio cou-......... '°~ cm• f-'Y ,..,... 1n ... ~of.,.. met• ,..'A' t:aO QI) ••• ''TM Cornpe6- tlon'' ( 1NO) Aldlsd DIW)'- "-· Amy lnflrlO. TWo plens 11ta et • Sen FrwldlcO muelc ~ find thet--~toreedl ottter conlllct9 ~ tMlr proleulonal amblUone. 'PG' --•·••"GwtgHor' (19431 AMdofptl Scon. Noell e-y ,Jt, A ~ blind of w.iit'-......... 10 .... -"°' ol. P8dl>s le ltlerld "°"' tM .....,., neM. Cl)*** "~" (tNO) "*" ...... ~ ow.I. ......... tor ..................... Ing Mlor *Ila • qiuelnt hemlM wheN lie pldla up • kudlno end • lklnny • no-t.'PG' ••• .,. "fat90" (1980) Dom Del.ulM, Anne Bens croft. A portty oornpullM .... ..... .. "°°*'II C*I dMlplrl ,. dellr• tor food .... he .... In iov.. 'PG' 10:11 (%) * * "Foxtrot" I t9711 ,..., O'Toale, CMttotte Aemplng. 'A' tO::IO (Gl * *'A "a-id Hend HMna" (tNO) Aober1 ..._..,_. ...... A T-"'......,. Mtel\dent .... upone~to -... tflM ,. II IMrried to • Ngtltclut> ....,_ with ""-klda. 'PG' ,,. CC> ••• "lhoot The PIMO Pl8Y9f" (1H2) Chertl9 Alttw«NI, ....,.. OUboll. A ~ con- W-her ono.r- mu-'clM t>oyfri.rtd 10 ~·~· 11:IO •••• "Alo Lobo" ctti11 "°"" w~ J9n.. ,.., o• ..... An •-OM Wer cotoM1 l1da • T-toMI of .. ,.......... a •• .,. . .._...,.. .. (tt71) Midi ... C.lne, C~llt Shepherd. An ~ gerWa wontlnQ for • LM Vea-eyncllcete In • 8wlea bit* ~ lnvOlved In en lntrlcal• plol 10 IMlndle ~ of the -111'•tao~CAI 11:40 QI) * *.,. "&c:4ipe From Atoetru" (1171) Clint &aetwood, '•trloll ........ ,....,.. .................... ........ "°"' .... ................... .,.. ~ ,....._ ..... <I • •• THE HAPPY DAY -Mary Beth McDonough (right > stars as Erin Walton and Ellen Corby portrays ber grandmother. as they pose for a wedding picture in ··A Wedding on Walton's Mountain" Monday at 9 p.m. on NBC (Ch . 4). ·"' • ( 1871) MlcMM Celne_ Cyt>lll Sltepflerd. An ·~ ............... toreLMV..-....... 111 .......... ......... lnwoMd In ........... ..... to ..... -"' ... _,.,, • .......,.., (fQ tHO 9 * * * "Hlgtl Ptllrw Drifter'' I 1973) C11M &le, wood, Verne lloon\. A ---..,.,.., ,... ... ~ ........ of• ~ ._. '° cNlei'9e ... ,...... -.. .tllOtl Ml., lan'ortdtlf ~ Cl>••~·..._.·.1..ot" Ot7tl Dewtd Soul. .-.. w-t. A ,_.... ,...,,.,.. tollill~lt0ill8to put ... end to~ ,,_.,,. t>llt .. thet • ........ myeMry Woudl l*towo. 'PO' •·····u..i ...... ·· (ttn) ~ ~ Aobs art De Niro. A .... time hOod end ,. •• eapo; .... frtlnd llnd plenty of trouble In New YOl'll'a Uttla hely. 'A' . CZ>•••·'The~ tlOn" ( 1MO) Ak:Mrd °"'>'" ru.. Amy IMng. hlo plans Ilea et • SM Frendaco nlUllc ~ltton find tNl their ~ ..,, Mdl other ~ with their profeMlonel -'>ltlont. 'PO' tt:tl • •• ~ "Pll'r•••'' ( 1972) Alen Aide. COMle SlelleM. l1llO ~oed -llecoftle ,.... _, ~ beglfl dating Mdl otlltr'aea....,._, 1l:IO CC> ••• ''The~ Ing" ( 1MOI a--ee C Scott, TrWI I/en Dwire. A wldOW9d '""* profeuor renta en oMI llol.a thel .-.101>e ....... by .,.... ........ so.. l!_lr..ecl ._.'°....._'A' tllllll>** ......... ,... (1111) ,..., 0 ·1.-. . .,,.... .......... A OOt• ..... ... _... ......... ....... °' • ....., ... .. HO.••• "Al NW" Long'' (1tl1) 0.. HeduNn, .... 8llWlafld. Mttr ...... deiftoted ftom OOf· por9 ~ 10 c;Mln.s ICOr'9 ....... manager. • mldlll• •d -·· .... • ~ lftd ---turned ~OMl.'A' 1:10 cz;• ·~"Zulu 0.-" (19791 8uft Lencuter. ..... O'Too6e. The~ ... bitter -eoM* ftle Zulu nation In 1 lllh- oentury Afnca. 'PG' t:tO(C)••~"AilMll &.eaoat•• .... I 1979) Size. tlMfl T~. Joeec1tt Bot, toma. A former ec1r- wtlo ll~et•ll'llllll COiiege iorm. • .... 1 eldOl llfllp wttll one Of her et'*"'*-.. CC> ••• ''TM Arlt 0-S.. ly Sin" (1MO) Frenll 8IMs tra. ffllft ~.A,,..., .,., .... voni Qty po11oe deliedM • .._ ...... """""O !¥'om • ~ ._ r-. trl8e to cetdl • brutal k.., terrortllng MenMt· ten. "A' .. Cl)**·~ ''The Wey We Were" ( 19731 Bert>ra Slr91Mnd, AoOer1 Redford. A )'OU"8 COiiege _..,.. In "'° tt30I ,..._, INt their pollloal differ•--*°"'_., to '809-........ ,...,,,.... •**''Funltowe" (1111) Br.aboltt 9er'1dge. ~ ,,__ f04Jlf '-'" ..,.. ..,.,.. • lngMM ,., In • c:emlv8I "'"' houM Wlet>l1ed by a demented 1:MW11• end hie monatr-~.·R' 4110 CZ> •• "OOlnO "*-" (1974) Oer9rd Dep.wdleu, Pelric* OowMN. Voutfll emblrtl Oft • tliCydl trip tll9I tume in.o • eexuet ~ ... "'° jtrenah ~ 4c9 (8) *"··~Of A ......, .. (1111) ~ r-. '*"'*' JMOft ~Nl ....... TV lt N~ 11 , ··~,,.....- reepo1 llllt168 for • --of r~.·w Monday movies AMUAAV 22, 1ta lWNHO (Gl * * "DIM_.' (1975) P1u1 Benjemlft, Jamee Woode. An Army MrgeMt ~ • mWMte crilla ftnd9 ,. life ~led by en untleppy m11rtlege. 'A' Cl) • * "MtMn And How- ard" (19801 Paul LeMe1, --~***~'1'heWlld Jeeon Roberd• An other- CNkl" ( 1970) .i.n-Plerre wlM "'*"°""'" OM fltllon Carp, Frencolt Tf\IHllUt. Mtendenl delma 10 lie the An tl th...centutY phy91cien rlgrtlful helf to Howard ellempt• to CIYlliD • 12· HughH' billion dollar yew-old boy found IMng •tete. 'R' .., In the foreate of tO::IO CC) * •'h "RoGklhow" Frenoe. ( 1980) Peut McCer1ney end • * • •;, "Felto" ( 1MOI Wtnoa. Thie reca<O of Ille Dom o.LulM. A.rvw BM-bend'• U.S 'tour lnCludee croft. A portty compullM perlor-ol "Jet," ... ., flnde lfllll nollllng "Bend On The Run," "Silly OM ~ hil dlelre for LO'ole Songa" end tome olcl food untl he,_ In lo¥8. ... tie beladl 'PG' 'PG' (%) • * "The eo.a·a Son" 1•(11> **** "Allolno Bull" (19711 A8her Brauner. Rl1a ( 1980) ~ De Niro, Moreno.A apolled boy Cettwr ~· lollitlO ...,.,. now ll'le wor-'"G ~ Jeke Le Mon8'8 CIHI llVH eflar he 1ptltude tor vlolonce ~ • deltvwy man lltlnQI hllft -"' ... for 1111 felher'a busineM ttng blll dleNpla .... Plr' lt:IO (Ill * ~ "Eyea Of A tonal .... 'f'' Streng.'' ( 1911) lAuren J:11(%} **"'"Mad MU" T_.t, Jennll.. JH On ( 1980) Mel Glt>eoft, JoeNw Leigh. An lnquilltlve Tl/ a-.&. In 111 Aueer• of rtCKlf1« ai•• a m.otnan t"8 not~..,. eutur., reeponelble fOt a ..,_ of 1"I "'9rlda end ~ of • ~murder~ 'A' -highway p.niM pcilcieoo • * * * * "Picnic At men t>ecorM 111e t•oeu of H•no•no Rode" t t975) --..ic motorcyde gang. RecNI Aober19, Dominic 'A' Gulrd. In tumsof·lhe-<:en- 7:IO (C) **'A "s....,i W-" lury Auttralle. three young ( tNa) Anne 8erlcroft, Sue ec::hOOlgil1e wwlder away Lyon. W-with 11~ from • adlOOI pk:nlc end bedcground• end poel· beCOme lost In the buan. Ilona Int..,.,.• In a CN-'PG' -mlMlon ec:N>ol. 11:A6 (11 * ''The Awellening" e:ooe ••~ "Oll!lnger" (1980) Chertton Heston, (t973) Warren 081•, Ben SuHnneh Yori!. An .Jotlnlon. The lie of Joftrl ~·· daughter ()llllnger, tl'le notorioW .,_,_ti I $ by the oeneet•. It "**' lrom "...,,..,... eplrtt Of en flM prteon breakout to hie enclent ~Ian ~ eucut1on by u. All. ·w ••• "Return Of The 12!00 . a •• "Murder can Oregon" (1972) 8'we L•. Hurl You" (1980) Jemie ce.d Norrll. A menlel Ferr, Oellln Mc:IAod. Elgtlt erte upett jowneyl ftom -ucier..-utN compele In• Hong Kong to Rome to bettte Of wb with the tri· help • friend who la In trou-llertt but Oeedly men In till wllll tlle mot>. 'A' ...._ (A) QI)*** "Simon" (19801 • **~ "AbendonShlp" ,,_. Artdn, AUllllll ~ (1957) Tyrone Power . ton. Sdentlat• et • t>lurr• UOyd Nolen. Adrift In an 1y mled6receed think tenk owrcrowded Nfeboel, • convlnQe • lMnll4lng c;d. caipCllirl muet rnek• '"9-ot· 1ege pr~ tn.t he la en death dedelona to eneur• eller\ from outer ..,_. tl'le ~ of the remeln- 'PO' ~ p 1 I igal'L Cl) •• .,. "Aoc:bhow'' CB> ..... All Night Long" (tNO)PeulMcCertne'/end (191t) Gene Haaaman. Winge. Tllll record Of the Bertlf• Slre!Mnd. Aner bend'• U.S. tour lnCludel beltlQ demoted from cor, perlormanc:.1 ol "Jet," por ... euciutlve to cheln- "Bend On The Aun," ''Slly ltOr'9 night manegar, I L~ Songe" end -old ~egad men'1 Mle- 8elltte bliMed9. 'PG' ~end v.._ -turned aG08 al ''A Wedding On ~'*"-'A' Wlltone Mountain" (Preln-tt:tl CC>•*'-' ''Cleopetre lerel Aelpfl Welte, Ellen Jonea" (19 7 3) T ernar • Corby. Erin Wiiton'• P-Oot>eon, Shelley Winters. 1or INtTlage ca&.--of A Uratestrlllned '9IT\8le her ror-boY"tendl to IV'"' tor the United Stat• tell• clrMtlc wirw to f0'1'91rwnent trM to break pr...m Ille -sdiflO. up M llagel drug CIC*• • 9 * * "OllYer'e St~ 1klft. 'PG' ry" (19781 Ryen O'Neill, CZ>**"' "Med Mu" Cendlce llerQen. A young (ttlO) .... Olbton, JoenM ~ bec;or.-invOlved s-.t. In en Aulllrella of wttti en ettrectN9 end N not-tocMll1tent MIKe. WMltlly ...,_ In hit '"' "" fN;ldl end-hlmly ol • retetlonehlp •Ince hi• top hlgllwey purlUll poll4»o ..... dead\. -llecoftle "" taro-ta Of CC> ...... "Tiit Howllng'' ....... inotorcycle 08"9· (18111 Dee Wellece. 'A' ~ MecnM. A -1:00. * * "AIOI T911derfoot. ,.... .. menKed by. Aide" (1931) 0.. Autry. --who --to lie • 0...,.,..,.. _. pedc· .-wwolf. 'A' Ing CGmPMY· CZ> • * "lod8'J91ldel ioe e * * "l.AOl"d Of l.ocll Def' (t875) .... ,__, ...... (19791 ~ ... WOMla ~. ry. The ~ lor the ......... "All Night \.ong" world'• rnoet f~ mon- ( 1911) Gene Heckman, •t• la brol!gllt up.to-I~ 8et1>ra Str.-.nd Aher minute with the aid of balng demoted "°"' COt· edvanCed tec:fll iOtoQy. porete eMCUtl\19 lo Chain-1:IO<lf) ** "Ff1deyT'he 13th" 9'or'I nlO'lt f'll8l\809', a (IMO) Beley Pelmer, Adtls mlddl• .... -·· ~ -King. Tiie ,,....*IG ~end.,.,._ turned of. ---...,, ~ ~01 down. 'A' 20 ~ _.., eftW 11v .. 10IOO (JI} ••• "fon ApedlCI. ...,,.,., ....... 8 vlndlcs the 8ronll" (tM11 Paul llve lllller WflO llnlfH NewlNft, Ed ,._, A ~ *"Hi08'L .. °°' ...,... crime 'A' _, *""*°" In New Cl)•* "OMudNI" (1MOI VOftl City'• ';"' ~ SM Mouie..Jilege 33 • ,..,...,, 1t • ·~· Movie Gulde for· the Week ------------------ HARD-CHARGING ACE -Robert Duvall and Michael O'Keefe <both nominated for Oscars for their performances> star with Bl vthe -. •. Danner in "The Great Santini." The acclaimed story about an autocratic Marine pilot and his family will air Saturday on CBS <~h . 2> at 9 p.m. Pictured are <top left> O'Keefe and Duvall: 1top nght I Danner and Duvall and <bottom > Duvall. From P.age 32 Dotothy Str~. AWIY Sctwelber. A robot le mede In the lmeoe of • ~ -wtlo cto.n't ._ eny lunen ...... 'R' ••••• "Reglng Bull" (1HO) RoOert De Niro, Cathy Mol'lafty. 8oxJng c:llefftC)lon Jake La Mott•'• aptitude for vlolanca •• bfiflgl ~ -In IN ring but ~ '* per. ---··R' 1l41 <c:l * * * ''Wtlldl Wey le Up?" (1911) Rk:fwd Pryor. Lonen. Mc:Kea. A -· IW¥ld fnllt pidlar le ~~·--~ ~ Illa union and the Mob, and • hypocrttlcel ~llr*'--ln• ladlea' c:ftoir. 'R' HI CZ) * * * ''The Comc>etl-tlon" (1980) ~d Drey· fuel. Amy iMnO-Two plan- llU .. I Sen Frandeco mullc c:omp9tltlon find ttm ttlelr 6ow '°' eedl other conllk:ta wlltl "*' prof...tonal amblllona. 'PG' l:IO. "Vlllley Forge" (1976) AlcNnl a..Mrt. .. CH> ..... ~ Apecha, The lrona" (1911) ,.,. ~.r '1~,1\.U _,.,, A tough oap ........ ortme and oorruptlon In New Yottt Clty'1 South Bron11 ~boftlood. 'A' a:ID <c:l '* * "A NlgM Ful Of A81n" (ft11) Glancat1o Gl9nnlnl, C.ndb Bergen. Directed by .Lina Wer1mul- w. A ~ journmt and • ~ pftotograptMlr r9llec:1 on the high and low poirltl of "'* ltonr.y .,,.,. rtagl.'R' • a:ao (J) •• ''Tiie Amdng AdWnturel Of Joe to" Puppets. A m.glCal lft¥en. tlon enablee • t-~-old boy to beoolM a epedlll agent tot the World ,,,.... ..... ~"(1979) Kurt fUael, a-on Hub- ley. Elvia ~,... "'°"' pow11y and oti.ourtty to adllev9 tame and tort~ .. a tupent• muelcal per. former. •:18 CZ> •• ''Tiie eo.·1 Son" (1971) ,.._er-. Alta Mol'eno.A epolled boy IMrna how the wcrtlng clan •five• alter he becolMa a dallWry men for hie...,_.,~ MO CZ) * '* ''TNI II EMI" (1tl1)~. Flm toot.aoa and dralMllc ,. ~-\.adto ... IN Mory of EMii Prealey'1 ' .. and-. l:IO. * * ''Thia le EMI" (1N1) ~-Fiim toot-ea end dr-1lc ,. c:r..eion1 -\.ad to ... IN ltory of EMI Prelli9(1 -and-. ?:IO a::i * ..... Anlmlll Crac:tl .. " (1930) Mant 8rothare, Margarit Oumclllt. c....., Speul6-tno. .. Mrtcen ....... retumt ffom a ~ ~·,o..-i­ et a eoci.ty matron'• weakend perty. 'G' NO. ()) "Mnhoe" (Prem- ,.,_) ...,_ ~. Antflo. ny Andr-. A )'OUfl9 lcnlgM ,.._ from the en.... to ftncl ..,..., dllllMMICI and hie flen.. oee engaoed to --... • *. * "Hlgll Pllllnl DrlfW' =' Cllllt EMt, wood, lklom. A ,....... ..,.., ...... .. _.,.....of. Tuesday movies '>l Jlll~-,,,..~~•"A .~--.... ~ee·Movfe :·P.cige 34 ,.., II THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS HIAYllST ultro n nylon snt>w color Sale s199s Reg. '2595 SQ. yd. now 92 IQ. yds. available llYLON cut-pile choice of three colors Reg. •1595 SQ. yd. OU OOR • car pet, l oop or grass type -several weights - ALL SALi PRICID BEAUTIFUL ~ rose: tfeige ultrsona· -,neylon s15· 95 . Reg. •2295 .. ~Q.. yd. inst. .. '4-..... MULTICOLOR Antron Hi-Lo loop $1395 .. .. Reg. '2050 s I SQ. yd. inst. a e Mt-1'-a.st. 20014y&n I tb these sale items subject to stock on hand. PRICE INO..UDES INSTALLATION & PADDING WITH NZX 3600 PADDING .. 34 i oi .... ~ Ill 2 D CD u.. ~ :2 it ! ~ :§ ii Movie Gulde fOr the Week 1:00 CD)*** "Aelutn Of A a Mtletai.cl phoeogr~ Men Called ~,. (187t ) r9'lect on the high and low ~d Htirrll, Ga6a Son-polnta of their ltonny nw- ----~ ---!Mrgawd. An Engli8h IOfd rlage. 'R' rewma to ""-Ice when n:ao (8) • • * "The Comc>etl- From Page 33 the rutni... gang whlCll haa ~ tarrortzlng them •••• "The Collect~" ( 1985) T.-Stamp, Samantha Egoar. A blood- ing young Engffal'I <:'e<k •b<luct• a woman and kaepa her capfllle In a '*- .., In the hope tnal she w.11 evenl\ially i.arn 10 IO.,. l11m. g) "Dynasty" Bobby Ming flohllng Monk• train e prince In the Marllhell arts and he then IMds his people 10 freedom. CID • * "Bronco Biiiy" ( 1980) Clint Eaatwood, Sondra Locke A former 11'°8 .-.man tw"om New J.,-aey rMl&Lea his dram of perlorming In e Wiid w .. 1 lllOW 'PO' CID •• "" "Smokey And The Bendit 11" (1980) But1 Raynoio•. Jecllta o.._-. Sh«df BulOfd T. Just- ClllS on hll 1WO lawman brothers to atop a retlt,ed bOOtlegget, Iha Bandit. from tran9P0"1ng a baby elephant 'PG' 0 * * * "9 To 6" (1980) Jene Fonda. Dolly Parton Three worl!lng women rebel egalnll tlleit sobju· gallon by a.male Chauvinist boas 'PO' (%) •• "Going ~· (1974)'Gererd Dap8'dlau. Patrick 0.WH<e Youth• embark on a blc:yde tnp that turnt Into • Mltuel odysSey acrou Iha Freoch countty$1de 9:30 ("CJ * <t • * Ten" (1979) Nas1au1a Klnakl. Petet F\r1h. The daU<,1hl8< ol • poor Engilsh rarmer becomes the vtctirn ot her tamlly's D1C>1re110f11 and h« -n l>Muty R @ * • * "The Ooga 01 Wer" (19801 CMlloph8< Walken. Tom Berenger Arter being tortured and deported by en Afrlcen dlcte1or • mercanery returns to lead a ,..,,oi.,. lion 'R' 10:00® ••'Ai "Sphinx" (19811 Frenk l engell•. Lesley· Anne Down. A rulhleaa bl-merll.. entlqultlea ring attempts to atop en E~Ologl1t trom dlacov· ar1ng the .,_~or a prlcaleu ltatua llhe WU ~mltted to view. 'PG' Cl) ·~ "She'a 19 And "-'Y" (1980)A young girl 1ot'Qt to experience total Mfiltment. 'R' 0 **'A "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" (1981) Doc:rumer'llary Nerrated by Onon w ..... Footage Of -u .... predlcled and dramatic r.-crutlona of hla Ill• compr'IM this IOOk at the 1711\.-oantury Ffanch phy91Qan. alrologar anO myaUc MlcMI de No91ra· Dame, known n Noetr• dalnul. 'PO' (%) * * * "The Competl· tlon" (1NO) Richard Drey· "-8, Amy !Nino. Two p1en. lat1 at • San Franc:laco music competition find lhet lhalf tove for eac:ti pth« confllc:ts with their profasalon1I ambitions 'PG' 11:11 CD)**~ .. Lagand Of Lacfy Blue" ( 1979) Mau- ,_, Sprlnf. JOhn Smith Three South Oekota teen· agars era lorcad to go their Mparata wey9: IWO to Vlatnam and ttia third 10 pur.-a car.. In Holy· wood. 11:ao. • 14 "Enter The cn- gon" (19731 8nlOa l ... Jotln Suon A leung fll Ul)8t11e~to~ Vtt•.¥. ~ Jqt\r"6. Ir • ordat to dMe'rO. .,.. °'*"" he ...,ns that the Indian• tlon" ( 1NOI Alc:Nfd Dfey. wtlo lnltlat9d him Into their !UN, Amy ltvlng. Two plan- t rib• have loat their lat• at a Sen Franctaoo mod••t P••••rva to music compe«lllon find traop«a. 'PG' lhat their love for MCll 1::30 ct) • • ·' ''The Helt11rom oth« cordllcts With their Cll<onicla" (1971) Docu-profanlonal ambitions mentary. Narra19<1 by Law-'PG ' ranee Prauman The var-(Q) • • "Separate Weya" led IUtVtYal t~ of (1980) Karllt\ Blacli. Tony inMCIS, whlCh ~y ....,,tu-lo Blen<:o A )'OUng c:ou- ally pvl tnem 1n10 dlrecl pie's failure to commune. and suc:c-ful compell-cete nearly reaoltt In the llon wllh men, ere destruction of their mar- r9YNlad. neoe 'R' 1:0011 "Shell's Big Score'" 11:A6 (J) • • 'Sev1ge w.-. {19721 Rlcherd Roond· and"A weal<and hollday trMln order to pravent • bee-a nightmare lor frlen<l's mur~. 08111C1Jve five friends who ere Shell searchM for • killer alatked by• kilter. ·R' end the $1000 that he 12:00 0 • • ·~ "Sllngrey" stoi. ( t978) Christopher e "Return Of The Tiga< · Mncnum. SM<ry Jacluon Hong Kong spec:lat aget1ts, Oareo.vtll take to Iha Who ~ Kung Fu, try to hlghwar-Hi pursuit ol • bleak up a large nlTcotk:S cargo containing $250.000 ring In cash {f{) **'"'''The Man Who 12:06(%) ** ··rhaBoss'1Son Sew TomoHow" ( 1981) ( 1978) ,,..,_ 8'auner Rote Oocument8')'. ,...,,aled by Moreno A spollec:I boy Otton Wallee Footlge of learns how Iha working event• he Pfedlcted and class tlvea •fl•• he dramatic '~"tlone of becomes • deltvery men hi• life comprlM llllt IOOk for Illa lath«'• bYslnau et ttw I 7th-century Ftencn 12::*> e • • "Red Light" SHE GOES UNDERCOVER Karen \'alt•nt int· ~tars as .1 cli\ on•t•d mother who becomes an uncll'l'COvt•r dN·o,· in ··:\Juggahll• ~I an · Street Cop·· on C BS <Ch. 21 Thursday ut 9 µ ·m phytjclan, astrologer and ( 19'9) Geofga Ratt. Virgin· myatle. Michel de Nostre-le Mayo. An ex..c;on lmprla· Dama, known aa Noetre· oned without guilt llnda dam111. 'PG' love while aeeklng • ** '"One-Tru r~ ~ white slavery empire. "R' 12:00 Q * * * "Soldier Blue ' ( 1970) Peter S1r1uu. Cen- dlce Bergen In the late 1eoo.; • young c:evalry O"IClf II horrified 1.0 wit· -the bloody,~ "' m ... acre of CheY9'1ne women and children at Sand Creek by U.S Army sold,.,. (Ji)** "FunhOuM" (1981) Ellzabelh Berndge, SytVI• MllaS. Foor leen egers lpend a frightful night In • carnival fun- hOute Inhibited by a demented bark• and hit monslrout aon 'R" 12:15 (%) • • "Turilllh Oellgh1" (1973) Monique van de Ven, Rutger H-. 'R' 12-.3011 • .. Biiiy The Kid Va ~ul•" ( 1966) Chuck Courtney. John Cerradlne Wednesday movies fBALJM'V ~ fte2 eve..o l:OO Cl:.) •'A "Olwy Of A T-. Age Hltchhlk..-'' ( 1979) Ole* Van Pan.n. Charlene Tiiton. A young glrl'a llfa la endangered when aha IOCePll a r1de from a ltrariga< 1:'00 cm ••·~"Second l{Md Heart•" (1980) Rob8<1 Blalta, Barbare Harris A TDM car•alh attendant W91r• up one morning 10 find that he la married to a nightclub waltr-w1th thr .. kldl. 'PO' <I> •• *. "Moacow Doaan't 8'tllfte In T-1" ( 1980) Vara Atentova. Alexal Batalov. Thrff country girts with different goel• and v---move to the big city to pur-their amblUonl. l:OO •••• ·~ "Ff'anch Con- nection 11" (1975) a- Haclcn\eti, Fernando Rey. A llard·bollad ,.._ v one COj), P~ Ooy19, travel• to Mar-. to ~lnue hla ~ pwr9Ult °' In in..nation.i drug ..... ••• ~"'The Vlotant Men.' (1955) Olann Ford, BattMra St~. A pow- «M W.....nar la dafMted H-·~~=- Oulllotioe" ~ and honor In the andenl l8l>dt of the orient ~ * • • "Oh OOdl Sook II" ( 1980) George Burns, &uanne ~ta. Goo returns to Earth end d1oolleS the young deugh- ter ol en adverttllng age.. ullve to apread his <nes· uge IO the wof'ld 'PO' 0 * * "MeMn And How- erd' ( 19801 Peul l.eMat. Jason Robarda An ot'*" wise unknown ga •t•llon ettenoent cta1ms to be the rlghtlul heir 10 Howerd HughH' bllllon dollar .. 111a. 'R 8:acl * * * * "Alt8fad StetM " (t980) Wllllem Hurt, Btelr Brown A Har- vard ~tt1r1 genetic llructure Is altated when he COf1docll mind~ Ing p;pettrnenta wltl'I lsola- tlOn lahk• and paweriul hallucinoganL 'R' 9:IO (I)• "The Awailanlng" (19801 Chatt1on Helton. Suaannah York. An archMOloglat ·a . dauglltat ~ polalllld by the malevolent IC)lrlt of an anclant Egyptian q-. 'R' (%) * • "FolC1rot" (1976) Peter O"Toola, cn.tlotte Rempling. 'R' 10:00 (C) • • 'n "Seven Women" (19e8) Anne Bancroft, Sue l yon. Women with varying baokgtounda and poel- tlona lnt.,,...te In a Chi· MM mllaion ICl'lool. cm *** "AM Night long" (1981) Gane Hecltman. Barbf'a Strel11nd. Altar belno demoted from ~­ porata 811«1Utlw to c::Nln- ecc:we night rMMQ8f. a "*""' •Dad man'a ~ atyte and valuae -!urned ~~R~ tlon" ( 1980) Rlchltd Dr9Y- tuae. Amy Irving Two pien.- llta at a San Frandeco mualc competition llnd !hat their tove for each other confllcta with their proteaelon11 embltlona. 'PG' 10! fS CID • ~ "Er-Of A Stranger" (1M1) 1.1uren T ... •. Jannlf., Jeton LAlgtl. All lnQuleltllle TV fepot1ar 818'Q a mMrntn ~toral«laeof ( 1913) Monique V9n a. Ven. Rutger H-"R" 1t:ac>8 * • "Oeiour To Ter- ror" ( 1980) 0.J Slmpaon, Ar1eJOhnton P...anget• •board a l as V91111- bound bul ... l lreNled In t~ de-1 when the but 11 hljecl<ed (tJ ••• NThe Alph•lt Jungle" I 1950) St8fllng Heyden. J-Whitmore The po1ic. are baffled by a ct1mlnll mettarmlnd'a half-milllon-doller robbery ©) * * * "Popeye" ( t980) Robin Wiiiiama, Shelley OvvaM Whtte Merchlng lor hca rether, lhe spinach-I· tng MHor Vllll 1 e quelnl hamlet wi-e he pldte up a foundltng end a l lllnl!y s-thNt1 'PO' CID •••• "Raging &IN" (1980) Rooert De Nwo, Cethy Moriarty. Boxing cNmplon Jlke la Mott•'• aptllude lor vlolen~• brtngt him eucceaa In ttia ring but dlsr\lpll hla par- eonel "'-· 'R' 11;.-,(8) *•*~"Allee, SWMI Allee•• ( t 9 7 8) Unda Miiiar, Paula SMppard. Malnbara of an ltallan·Amellcan family are Ylctimla.cl by • paydlOllc ITllKcSar. In their midst. 'A' 12!00 •••• "Fire Down Below" (1957) Rober1 Mitchum, Rite Heyworth. Two Carlbt>Mn edvenlur-ar. with • boat for ,.. 11QfM to traNpOrt a lady without • paillpOt1 from one~ to another. Thursday movies Pony" ( 1980) PllUI Simon. 0 • • "Separate weys·· IMalr 8'own A onc.popo-(1980) K.,.,.. Blel:ll. Tony lat performer 11 pr-reel Lo Blenco A young cou- by everyone around him to p1e·1 failure to communl· drOi) hla atyle ol mulle end cete ..-rly raauns In tti. wrile aono• lhet can bf1ng destruction of their ,,,.,. i,lm baCtt to the IOj) 40 "R' nege. 'R' 0 * • "The tncladlt>le 1:00 m • • • ·~ "Seturdey SMnlong W<>rn81\" ( 1980) Ntghl And Sunday Mom- Uly Tomlin. Chanes Grcr Ing" (1960) Albert Anney. din. A hO\JMwlle finds ,, Rachal Roberta. A young herd to oooe wnen she worklng-clua £nolisnman, auddenly baglna lo ahrlr>k unhappy In his job, In liH. 'PO' ,...._ 1111 tension in • 8:4' (%) * * "'This ls EMI" Wiid W.-and (198 t) Documentary F11m 8 **"lnOld c.Hfornle" footage and dramellc re· ( 1942) JOhn Weyne, Binnie craatl0n1 are uMd to tell Bar.-Wilen a y~ the story of EMii PrHley'• Boston ph•rmecill tlfe and car-attempta to °'*' a Shop in t;00 fJ Cl) "Muggeble Mety Cehlomle during the Gold Str..c Cop" (Premiere) Rulh. he encounter1 eome Karen Valentine. John big headedlee from the Gatz A divorced women town's lewt.M kleder t>acomes an underc<>ve< CC) ••'Ai "Aoc11.now·· decoy. ~ to eaten ( 1980) Paut McCartney an0 muggatS In lh8 ac1. ... Wings. Thia f9COfd ot the Cl:.)•** "The Fln1 Daac:I· bend'I U.S. lc>tK lrlcludee ty Sin" (1980) Frenlr Sin• pertormancas of ".i.t," tr•. Faye Oun-•Y· A vet-"Band On The Aun,'" "Siiiy •an New York City pollce Low &>no-" and some olCI oatectlve, WllOM wife Is 8aatla bltllllda. 'PG' euffenng from a -iou.111-1:10 8 ••'A "Ten or In The nMI. trial to cetch • t>tutal Wu M~" ( 19731 Rey klller t•rorlzlng Manh•I· MINand, Elaa ~t8f. tan. 'R' A young woman ac11 aa t:30 CD) ***'A "The Wey We bait to trap a klllat wno War•" ( 1973) Barbra k.lfQ In the anaoows of a Str~. Aobar1 Redford. WUW01111 axhlbltlon. A young collage couple In 1: 11 (I) * * "MaMn And How- the 1930s dlecov« the1 erd" (1980) Paut LllMll. their political dlftarancea Jaaon RobardL An other- are llrong llflOUOh to )eop-wise unk-gu station anltn their ~ ettanclent c:lalma to be the 0 * * * "The Doge Of rightful heir to .._d War" ( 1980) Chrlstc>Qh8f HughH" bllllon dollar WMken, Tom Berenger. •tate. 'R' Aft8f being tortured and 1:36 CID • • • "Mc>Oarn deCICM1ad by en Afrlcen Romanoa" (1981) Albert dictator. • mercanery Broo«a, Katlwyn Httrold. teblrNI to le9d e revolu-A film editor lrlaa repaat- tlon 'A' adly to wlr\ ~ tM '-1 10:GO (I) • *"' "Roc:tlal'low" of the women he io-. 'R' 1V1NHQ (IMO) P.u! ~ney and 1:<14 (%) * * "Going Plec91" • • Wlnga. Thi• record ol the ( 1914) G4ward Oaperdlau, t.-00 e • • * "Popeye" ( 1980) t>ancl'a U.S. tour ~ Pa1r1dl 0......-e. Youtnt Robin Wllllerns. Sl'leflay perlormancaa of "Jet," emberk on a blcycle ttlp Duvall While -chino fg, "8and Oft Tl'le Run;· "Sllly lhet l\Kna Into • Mlluaf Illa lath«. the~-l ove Songs" and tome old ody9My acroaa the French Ing sailor Ylllla e quaint BMlla balledL 'PG' countryllda. hamlet where na p1ctc1 up a 1o:ao (%) • • • "EM&" ( t979J 2:00 0 • * •IA "Soldlar 01 foundling end • llrlnny Kutt AuMell, s.uon Hub-Oranoe" (1979J Edward SWMtheel1. 'PG' lay EMa ~ rlMa from Fox, Suaen ~ l:ao (%) * • • ''The Cornpeti-OOVW1Y and C>bacurlty to Sb daalmat• et • DutCh tlon" (IMO) Richard~· ~ r-and~ uni-.lty go their tape> tu-. Alfty ~ Two plM-•a tuparetat ~ P«-rate wayt ""'*'""' bre9k1 !eta at • SM FrMOlaco tormar. oot In EurOQt. 'PO' musk: ~lllof'I llnd UIOO CC) ft ft "A Night full Of 1:18 8 ** * "~" !Ml ttlalr loYe tor MCill Aelft" (1t11) Otanc:.r1o I 1t4e) AJbar1 Dekker, Ber· Of'* ~ wl«fl ttllllr Q61MW, Cendloa 8atoen ry SutUven . · .... ~~.;·-.; .... • ~-· ~~·1. -.. ~.,;~-~!.~-..-.. ... rl .:,. FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY .•• CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTV "We Are Never Undersold" Springs • _.... Doon • R.,aln · "i.•dlng lnalaller of Automatic Door Open«a In O,."fl• County" IRVINE DOOR COMP ANY Sales & Service Insured. Bonded & ~~!: !~,1 N! 312361 I!= · Distinctive Fash ion Every Sunday I I I I I I I . ------------···-------------• .... ,..55 -------·---------~------------.... -• 2 0~1'1ERS FOR THE 1 •• .,, I '1.1,l ~ PRICE OF I• 2 I BUY I DINNER FOR $'1.50 AND GET THE 2ND 1: ~ I DINNER FREE 11 ; I MONDAY•TUESDAY•WEDNESDAY ·~i L Wlftl ftll8 AD ONLY Offer Bx ... •an:Ja ll. lllt 5PIUo tPll ·-.. • •• & ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~• I i ~ . . .- MONDAY TUESDAY BEEF BARRON ~ BUFFET 8VFtET 3 M.exlcln entrees, A selection of .beef entrees, potato, fresh salad bar and a glass of vegetable and salad Coors Draft (21 years bar. or older). . WEDNESDAY COUNTRY B·B·Q BUFFET BBQ Chicken, BBQ Rivs, baked beans, com bi:ead, ve1etable soup, western style potatoes & salad bar. I -< I -!t' I -I ! I I I I I I I I I "Eat 0.t More Often" I THE JOCKEY CLUB I I I I I I I I I I • I II \l'I'\ 11111 1:: ,II I ' \l11 I I:~ 11·1'' 11 '"II\ I ' JOINUSFAIDAYISATURDAY ~,,~ I NIGHT FOR LIVE JAZ1. 1174000 I FEATURING THE 3131 s. BRISTOL I .. LES CZIMBEA DUO COSTA MESA .I -----------·----------··---···- Good ~ ' 1or you .• Classified advertising is your best choice for help in selling the Items you no longer need . It's quick and inexpensive, and the Pilot reaches Potential buyers who live in this area. Call today . .., .... ·~ 56 i -oi -~ 2 i IL ~ :g IL ~ ~ ~ ir NOW AT TWO LOCATIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY llTlllTON IEACH au SANTA ANA CMVa STOii Mo. 2I17 ............ =c..ew JIJIS.MIW .tW...,. , ...... ...... 711-4771 " STORE CAIY&.TNI tel CaAM ·PACTOIY If you come Into Carvel thinking you will find a few varletl" of ice cream conee and that la all ... have we got a aurprlM for you I A Catvel store la an Ice cream factory. a fountain and an Ice cream aupermarket. We have an array of Ice creem cakH, Ice cream noveltl ... shakes, aundaea, banana barg ... and cones in IOft and hard flavora. All the above la alwaya available ·and always fr .. h. ·Sine. we m.U the Ice cream at the store, we NEVER run outll Providing Retail and Wholesale Opportunities Since 1934 ... A Proven Success! I ; • CMVa STOii Mo. 2200 Ydly'a , .. ,,_ .. , c:..lw 16171 ..... Qlce IMll .tHel L tlauClstl• IHdl ! ........... ,71 I ' I I 1-. I I -Moat Ice Cre•ma are made with granulated augar. Carvel uaea only tructoae, the natural •""tner. Most Ice Cre•m• uae anlmal fata In their lflavorlng•; Carvel doe• NOTI WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING QtJ1'L.IFIED PEOPLE TO OWN AND OPERATE THEIR OWN CARVEL ICE CREAM STORE IN 0RANGE COlJNTY. MINIMUM CASH INVESTMENT S60,000 FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ('aJWi!f , " PHONE (714) 545~~11 --·==- l ( 11 i I ( I :\ 1: 'I I ' I I I \I 1! : ( I I ) : ' • ,I ,! I I ) \ ·,: ' '1 ' I I ' 1' • l DANCE OF THE ISLANDS -The Matti Lascoe Afro-Haitian Dance Ensemble will be featured performers in Carribean carnival Sunday. UCI goes Caribbean Dance troupe featured in Sunday carniwl Sights and sounds of the Caribbean will be much in evidence al UC Irvine's Fine Arts Village. beginning Sunday at 1 p.m. when the UCI Caribbean Carnival gets under way. UCI's International Theater Company will open festivities with a revue, (ollowed by a 3 p.m. performance by the college's Black Student Union· Gospel Choir in the Fine Arts Village Theater. The main attraction, however, will be the Matti Lascoe Afro-Haitian Dance Ensemble, set to perform al 8 p.m . in the same theater. The five-member ensemble, the first black dance troupe in Orange County, performs ritualized, animal-like movements or Afro-Haitian dance in a program that includes "Caribbean Welcome," "Wilch Doctor" and "Possession." According lo artistic director Lascoe, this ethnic dance style conveys scenes from Caribbean life including birth, courtship and struggle with demons. The Trinidad Steel Drum Band will accompany the dance ensemble on conga and steel drums, oabasas and other percussion instruments. Basil Grant, a Barbados-born fire-eater, will alao perform with the troupe. African art will be exhibit~ tbrou1bout the camival in Room 143 of the Fine Arts buildint. • The authentic pieces include a wooden fertility fiture from West Africa, muu, ancestor llcures and an elaborate beaddreu of wood and fiben. The free exhibit clolel at 7 p.m. Models from the Ms. EboQy club wlll be featured during the carnival in fuhion and hair s hows highlighting Caribbean dress and hair-braiding techniques. In addition, the carnival will feature limbo and costume contests and Caribbean food ~. Tickets to the Matti Lascoe Dance Ensemble performance are $5 for general admission, $3 for. UCI students and $4 for other students, senior citizens and UCI staff, faculty and Alumni Aaaociation members. Admiaaion to Che International 'nteater Compaar perfonnanee ii Sl. Tickets for the gospel choir concert are $1.50 for general admisaion and Sl for studmts. Ticketa are available at the Aaaociated Students Box Office and at the door. _ _ For information phone m-a79. A complete guide to Orange Coast DIVERSIONS P.age.8. • ~Pigs ~ !ICT meets Edward Albee Ill ~ j£ By MICHAEL DOUGAN ..: Of .. .,.~ ..... -8 Edward Albee writes brilliant plays about i people who have become disconnected from their I sources, wbo'~e lost their sense of focus. Lile is a ~ threatening thing to Albee's characters because it o must be lived and that's a tricky thine. Albee opens ii up the cold, dart recesses of their psyches where death-knowledge dwells. Their emotions boil over like milk on the stove, scalding whoever stands there. . It's complex stuff, Albee's, and much can be lost in interpretation. Non-professional theater groups who aspire to do Albee are walldn1 on sacred and dangerous eround. That established, the Irvine Community Theater merits two huzsabs and a harrumph for its current staging or Albee's rather obtuse play "A Delicate Balance." The buzuhs are for a) having the artistic ambition to mount tb1a beast, and b), casting Valerie Mcilroy and Corbett Barklie in two or the critical roles. The barrumpb must follow because, unfortunately, the whole thing doesn't quite work. At the fmal curtain, we were still wondering what "A Delicate Balance" is all about. To unveil the storyline is pointless, because Albee's plots are mere expediencies around which metaphysical meaning might be wrapped. It would be ludicrous, for example, to ft'-Y "WbQ'.s Afraid of Virginia WooU?" is a tale about life in a s mall college town though, superficially, that statement would be accurate. Yet we'll try, because there's no other direction to follow : ''A l)ellcate Balance" concerns a couple slipping past middle age in a life that baa no history. The pair (played by Jane Nigh i&nd Art Winslow) live with Nigh's sister (Valerie Mcilroy) in a constant state of tension. McUroy is a sharp-tongued alcoholic, thoU,gh we never learn why. • Tbe play unfolds on a single nilhl when the cou le are visited by their best friends (Richard *FRONT ROW CENTER* TICKET SERVICE AC7DC * ROD: STEW Alt· CARS * GRATEFUL DEAD WAruJll I SINATU 1 IDlS & 12 * a..52's Sl'lllSiiCAim WIES_*_ i.a.T. -LJlflS~ -LI. CIVIC * Pllll Y MAIL OllDS THE LOS ANGELES CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Frl Feb. 26, 82 • 8pM • Vllop Theatre with Gerard Schwarz • Musical Director. Efmar Oliveira. violin and David Shostac. flute Selections from Aiegger. Mendelssohn. Griffes and Schubert. Gen. $10.50/ Spec. Gr. $7.50 Students $4.00. THE LOS ANGELES CHAMBER ORCHESTRA WINDS .Moa Mer. I, 12 • lpm • Village Theatre Selections from Gounod. Janacek. Beethoven and Mozart. Gen. $5. Spec. Gr. $4. Students $3 JOHN MAC UY · PIANIST Wed. Mer. 3, 12 -1,.... C011cert Hall Selections from a·artok. a·erio. Morawetz and Schumann. Gen. $5. Spec. Gr. $4, Students $3 Tlclceh ovolloble at ASUCI lox Office • 131-5549 Real cantonese f Ill Ht here or t•k• home Charbroiled to perfection, this skewoered combination of thick top sirloin steak and plump shrimp is served with rice pilaf and a broiled skewer of fresh mushrooms. onions&: bell peppers, plus your choice of clam chowder, soup of the day or mixed green salad and a half loaf of wann bread & butter. *3otlg :~A'!:.. --BRE.llfAST • LUNCH • DINNER Coddaila 'Jolly Hour" daUy from 4pm to 7pm featuring Buccaneer Bucket cocktails and complimentary hors d "oeuvres Balboa Island · 203 Merine Avenue (Beer and Wine SeMce Only) C:O... M ... · Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbof Blvd tda PorHt · Otl"l·S at Lake Forest Driw 22873 Lake Forest Driw tntae · Newport Fteewny at East Oyer Rd 1727 Ea.st Oyer Rd MOYles --- ------- 'Holly woOd 's ·Children' a study of exploitation ,.. ~ Ci By MIOIAEL DOUGAN OftlleDlllty ......... When New York filmmaker Gene Feldman completed his low·b~1et family picture "Danny" three years a10, be took the final print to a film festival in Milan, Italy, in search ot distribution deals. And, right away, Feldman knew be was in trouble. · Everywhere he looked, Feldman saw posters for movies that featured "horror and grisly death and our liWe 'Danny' was just not at home there," be recalled. "Children are not a viable commodity any more." But the experience inspired Feldman to explore the phenomenon of children lo movies, an intellectual quest tbat shaped itself around two questions: how has Hollywood's perception of children changed over the years? And, what were tbe lives ot early child stars really Uke? Feldman resolved the first issue by simply using his own perceptions. The second in\'Olved an extensive set ol interviews with lbe former golden kids of Hollywood, many of whom fout\d themselves cinematic bas-beens in their early teens. The r esult of Feldman's r esear ch is "Hollywood's Children," a documentary to air Feb. 24 al 7:30 p.m. on KOCE, Channel 50 in Huntington Beach. "It used to be if you bad a kid, a horse and a. dog (in a movie) you had a blockbuster," noted' Feldman in a telephone interview from his home in upstate New York. "Usually (today) a child is a source of agony, a source of disaster. Our fantasies have changed. (This documentary) ls an attempt lo get a perception or why the change." Feldman feels that shift can be broken down into decades: In the ·~. he said, Hollywood was enamored of "the waif, the pathetic chlld," as exemplified by Jackie Coogan in the 1921 movie "The Kid," starring Charlie Chaplin. Shirley Temple came along in the 1930s, introducing the era ot "feisty Irids (who were) solace for their families,'' noted Feldman. I Children lost their vulnerability and assumed an inner strength that sometimes surpassed that of adults. When war loomed on the horizon in the 1940s, children were portrayed as "victims of a world gone crazy," said Feldman. The alienated child, who would tell his troubles to a dog or horse, rather than kindly old Judge Hardy, became a dominent theme. MOVIE BABIES Although popular young actors like Shirley Temple and Jackie Cooper are believed to have had unhappy childhoods : some, including little Shirley, were treated' quite well , according to filmmaker Gene Feldman. By the 1950s. children were "becoming an enemy of the family" in films, be claimed. These were exemplllied by James Dean in "Rebel Without A Cause" and the 1956 classic .. The Bad Seed," which starred ·Patty McCormack (now of "Dallas") as mmdom's first unredeemably evil child. Although bad children had been featured in movies before, said Feldman, "the difference was in the end they got a smack on the face and all was right with the world.'' "Now we have children who are evil and at the end of the film the child dies and no one ls unhappy about it," be added. On the other hllnd, the '70s and '80s have introduced the theme of ''the child u sex object" In movies like "Pretty Baby," "Blue La1000 ' and "EnCiless Love" with Brooke Shields, "Little Darlings" with Christy McNichol and "Taxi Driver" with Jodie Foster. Underlying thd, said Feldman, is a chance in society. an attitude that "the family is no longer the source of inspiration. Now families become a way of reducing your potency." Children, as perceived in the early Hollywood Cilms, were "an incredible source of inspiration," ~ he noted. "Shirley Temple became for many people a kind of guideline, a Coal poet, a beautiful ! human being ln a beautUul body, a warm, lovtnc 2 boma_n being" who set a standard fol' what ~ children should be. -But were t.bose child stars true embodimenta !D of what they represented, or were they (as many ~ now believe) abused and exploited cocs in the ~ Hollywood money machine? The answer, Feldman found, wu thal they were both -some child act.on led mlsenble lives, while others thrived ln their careers. In ''Hollywood's Children," hosted by former child star Roddy McDowall, other kld stars like Diana Serra Cary ("Baby Peuy"), Jackie Cooean, Spanky McFarland, Dickie Moore, Bonita Grandville Wrather, F.dith Fellows and Peggy Ann Garner reveal differin1 attitudes about their childhood experiences. It was Coo1an who first broke the illusion of the happy child act.or when, ln lbe mid-309, be sued his parents for a share of the millions oC dollars be bad earned oil screen. The setilement, a pittance, went mostly towards legaJ fees, said Feldman. But be added that Coogan , now 67 , was not permanently scarred. "When l interviewed him, he embodied for me all that I would say is a part or beine a successful human being," Feldman said. "He bas compassion for other people and especially Irids. ln no way was this man destroyed; I think he's an incredible person." Still, many spoke of the feeling of rejection they experienced when they outgrew their childhood imaies. "I starred in rum when 1 was 20 months old," noted Cary, who has written a book about her experiences. "So at 10 I retired, bavina made for my family, between films and vaudeville, $2 million that I'm sure of and another million that I'm not quite certain of. J bad the feeling that I was a senior citizen at 15. We were simply thrown away like used Dixie cups. We were told: We loved you as children, which was a fieet.i.og image. We don't want to see you as adults.'' But Feldman stressed that not all stars' parent.5 were so devious. "Shirley Temple caoie out of a background that gave her a tremendous sense of worth, a constant, loving environment," be said. Steinb eck 's fairy tale ~c:annery Row' comes to scr een "Ccmnery Row" JtarJ Nidc Nolte.and Debra Winger and i• rated PG. It ia · now plaJliftg .at Ed1110r~ Woodbrid(le, El Toro.and CiMma Cmter tMat•ra;.at tM UA Twin in We&tmwter.and the South Coo.at Tfutale"r in Laguna &ach. By JEFF PARKER °'_.,....,~ .... Jn "Cannery Row," the sets, the look of the film . even the players themselves are so stylized that the whole thing seems to be taking place on some kind of enchanted stage. Cinematographer Sven Nykvi.st has imbued the movie with a soft pastel glow; the set designers have cramped the three main centers of actJon -a brothel, a marine lab and a slum -so close together that we seem to be able to keep an eye on the whole town without the cameras even movine. The tableaus -and "Cannery Row'' is endless tableau -are straight from Edward Hopper. The time ia 1930, the place is Monterey, Calif. The title is taken from John Steinbeck's novella, but the story ia a combination of "Cannery Row" and its sequel, "Sweet Thursday'' (the Steinbeck estate forbade the aale of ''Cannery Row" t.o the studios unless "Sweet Thursday" was included In the deal>. The protaCoftilt ls Doc (Nick Nolte), a former bil lea1ue pitcher wJK> bas settled anonymoualy In t he row to conduct "marine research." The research includes such thin1s as wboleaalln1 fro11, extradln1 rattlesnake venom and writing an Important paper that be bas no ideas for. Doc's a loner; he's restless and bored. When Suzy <Debra Winger) wanders into town -seemingly coming from and beading to nowhere -Doc is smitten. She's pretty, young and vulnerable. Suzy takes work as a prostitute, but doesn't get much business. Later, she takes a job slinging hash in the local diner. The narrator (John Huston), taking the voice of Steinbeck, tells us that "the onJy thing th4')-had in common was that they were both wrong for each other." But we can see that isn't all true: Su1y looks to Doc for some kind of decency and Doc looks to her for her honesty and beauty. It looks Uke a good match. David S. Ward, who both wrote and directed t'bis movie, has stylbed "Cannery Row" tn th. point of artificiality, but somehow that doesn·~ seem to get the better of it. It's a fairy tale told in fairy tale style. The voice-over narration of Hust.on and the magical seta (it was filmed on the MGM soundstages) distance us from the story during the first hour or so. Sketches of the townspeople, bums , and vl1nettes about their dreams and illusions, cul'IOry looks at Doc and SuQ", all add up t.o cute movie makin1 but nothing or subltance. But Ward hlta his stride when Doc and Su~y f1U for each other, and the make-believe world starta to come alive torus. There are some unfortettable moments: Doe and Suzy out to dinner, wbere she eata crab let1 for the first time; Doc and Susy In a dance-on In her room at the bordelfo; a welcome-home party for Doc1 where the bums and prostitutes dress µp in a "Sriow WlUte" theme. A frog-catching scene , where the bums hope to cat.ch enough frogs to finance the party (Doc offers thti_m 5 cents apiece), Is a wonderful sequence, part Three Stooges, part Mark Twain. Nolte is excellent, and so la Wln1er. He's too earth-bound an actor to stylize rl1bt out of existence, and in "Cannery Row," Doc ia the anchor for the free-floating fantasy. Nolte captures Doc's self-mockinc lnteo1ity without endearing himself to us. He's dlabeveled, unpretentious and still a mystery. ~ is a character who ll1el too hard eometlmes and Nolte takes blmsell just seriously enoulb to let us laup at him. Wingec, t.be husky-voiced siren from "Urban Cowboy," brings an unforced charm to a touch role -the bard woman with the soft heart. There's something hlgh-strunt about her; sbe looks like she's 1ot a mlssioo, but no idea what it might be. She can look smutty and wholesome at tbe same Ume. Ward is a lia.ht-bearted romantic; you can see the simUarilles between lhb script and bl.I blithe writ inl for "The Stlnt." 'Jbere'a a fairy tale niceness to both, and a Upt, approprtat.e humor. Jack Nit.ache's jau.swln1 KOre ls effective, ii a little dear. .. ! Intermission J 'Dear Friends' explores matjtal disrepair IL BJ TOM TITUS of Tustin ... The money will underwrite SO touring I. . .. ~,...... "HA• ••••....., product.ions of the Lilliput Players, a troupe of Author Reatnald Rose, who contributed much ~= .,:..-.:=.,~~~ = !:9,;_~ •• :.:: adult performers wbo.. presenL productions Jor of the glitter to TV's Golden Age ("Twelve Ansry .......,"¥~AMwwi.__... .. ..__,., ·.s .. ~.-,..-dreo ... I Ken," "Dino," "Tb• "-"-..a~")• n•• .. ly -vived .....,..,. •I!• ...... ~' ... t:• ~' • .. w , t •1 ... u<1::n:uuc.-. ..... .... ~1"1....,•*"*'".,.·· llllWll•I a .9'1•1 1V1 • .....,.._ ~ that estimable period sln&lehandedly in 1987 when · Ttt• CA1T ~ be penned "Dear Friends" for CBS Television Sellr ~ ...... ·· · .... · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ·· ·· ·••· ·· ..•.• c--*......_ Pl house o-.......................................................... J. lllMdl 0:: ay . , Ylvleft ....................................................... ~ .. ..._ In the decade-and-a-half since its initial airin&, ~ .._..,, ··········· ..................................... T-K1e111 "Dear F·r1·ends" has .become a favorite of L-v~i ................. -. ................................ ,,..... CMneta-.....1 ........................................ ~ ,,.._ community theater aroupi in search of an Lobo~-............................................... c.wwi'"-ensemble play that sticks to the ribs. The latest In MkllN•~-.................................................. AIHK- this regard is Showcase Productions of Westminster. Director Jean Koba bas mounted a stagewortby, ii somewhat uneven, rendition of Rose's literate and absorbing drama about four marriages in varying degrees of disrepair. The focus shifts nicely among three couples who are attempting to splice a separated pair back together and the "guests of honor" themselves. performances. The play cont'6iues weekends througt) March 6 with a closing matinee March 7 at the Westminster Auditorium, 7571 Westminster Ave. BACKSTAGE -Mervyn's Department Store has donated $3,000 to the L.P. Re rtory Company The story is told at a strained surprise party and in flashbacks which reveal tbf truth about each couple in tum. The dovetailing of past and present action in the play's climactic scene brings some thought-provoking revelations and underscores the estranged wife's observance that "maybe our separation threatens your marriages ... The transitions to and from the flashbacks are done smoothly in general, save for the final sequence in wbicb the host couple are compressed into a tiny comer of the room (ironically, since they could have had the entire stage). Additionally, the elimination of the character of their daughter in that scene necessitates some rough surgery on the script. Alex Koba and Corine Williama play the separated couple with proper lntellieence and reserve, Koba gaining impact after a shaky start and Miss Williams conveying low-key honesty with a modicum of emotion. Art Frankel and Gloria Friedman scratch plenty of spa.rb as the publicly cooing, privately bat-1inl pair, with FrankeJ leaning heavily on the unpolished crudity of biS character and Miss Friedman empbuizin.1 her smart-mouth nature above the alcoholic aspect of her role. ~Ionia( Best Omelette In Town JtitdJtn .~~IRM~nl **OPEN 1 DAYS A & ** latlnffllllffl.W.IS.IW-3PI llUIFAST • •Y Im & ... Sftal.S FoodToT•o.t ; 1548-036~ . ·RUFFELL'S I UPHOLSTHY • ~ I ·,q~f ... _S... ltl2 HAllOI ILYD. dltsu MISA -141-!Jj!' A KITCHEN SO BEAUTIFUL Edward J. Steneck and Marcia Willoo pick up the laughs as the "fun couple" of the octet, with Steneck breaking only sporadically from bis jolly nature and Mias Wilson nicely nurturing the Freudian phase of her childless wife's part. LasUy, Tom Klein and Carma McMurphy mesh roughly as the boat couple, Klein comln1 acrou too strident for h1a paasive character ln lbe flashback and Miu llcllurpby earneatly gathering sympathy as the llrayiq wife. nu~ 'tt·Jrimtt . I . (egee .W) An ae•d•mle rHdlneia progrwn ~Is on -·fM-p.f~ng---erts: Your friends will hate it While not always on tar&et in lta .impact: "Dear Friends" remains an lnwlvin1 production which examines the lnlUtution of marrta1e from several angles with thouaht-provoltlna N~ort •uatc .•. ~OIUl~l February 9th· April 11th Roclgera &: Hammerateln'• Soolb-flacific Olrectortchoreographer ..rohn Spindler One of the great musical-comedy successes of all time, SOUTH PACIFIC is a blend of touching wartime romance and e~sive GI humor, accompanied by one of ttle greatest collections of sono hits ever found in one show: "I'"' 11 LM Wtt9I A WIMirflll 8"'" "lonM bcUMH &..Int" "TMrt'I ........ Lia A 0..." . "Y ..... TIMlll ltrtlltintt" .............. Tlllt ""! ....... Oii Of.,...., .. S b t. ... ~ 't ( 71-1) 4q2.9950 ~ as 1ans \\\;s 171414'J:'·6310 DINNER PLAYHOUSE Table to Table - --------------------~ -------- Decor distinctly Chinese at Li's Restaurant 5 .,, 2 I ~ ~ Li's Re1touront, .1961 Adotm Ave., Huntblgton boasts bright red ceiling tiles with dragons. One Beach, serve• Chineae food from JJ:30 .a.m. to long wall is covered by a giant dragon screen. The m"1night Fridays.and Saturqs.and 11:.w>.a.m. to 11 ceiling in the second room boasts a large painting p.m. Sundayl.ond weelcdlJys. Talce out ordns.ol'GilafM. of what appeared, from our angle, to be a dragon. Phofte •SOSO OT 962·911S. The second thing )'OU notice, once you've ~ barbecue pork nb and barbecue pork. sweet and ..,, sour Mandarin duck, chicken chow 111eln, cashew & chicken, -fried rice, almond cookies and fortune ~ cookie5. (Four or more 41ners aJso get oyster beef '< tenderloin). ~ While there were no striking disappointments, _ we found our order to be unexceptional in taste ! and texture. lt was, oo the whole , a nm~f-the-mill Chinese me al. The s ervings were plentiful, however. and our waiter was cheerful and attentive. l lY MlOOEL DOUGAN been seated and given a menu, is the variety. Li's or .. ~,...~ offers 56 entrees ranging in price from under $5 for The first thing you n6tice when entering Li's the likes or Mandarin duck or sub gum chicken Restaurant in Huntington Beach is red and gold. It chow mein to $7.25 for steak kow or $8.95 for doesn't matter what you're looking at, those are abalone with oyster sauce. In addition, there is a the colors you will see and, chances are, they will combination dinner available for one person and be in the shape of a dragon. The decor is striking four more that must be ordered by at least two and -depending on your tastes -authentically people. -Li's could not be recommended for gourmets or Chinese cuisine because cuisine is not what they serve there. What they serve is food, plain and simple, in large helpings for reasonable prices. For some, that might suffice. .satisfying. Diners pas~ throuth red portals We tried the venerable No. 2 which. at $6.95 wrapped in gilded dragons to enter a room that each, includes appetizers, fried shrimp, egg roll, " "GYpsy" Opens March 9-. --- -An Evening of B_aroque Music with Robert & Catherine Strizich . . . : lnternatk>nally Renowned: ..... the ~It among Americolt performers on lut~ and 911itar." -Schenectady Gasette " . chormmg and twwltchlng .. .a~111e art b is .. -Vancouver Sun • tnrtUOIOI and highly mlUlCOl Mbcolt. dynamic and .omc d11ftrmtatton . perJ.n;t but ntwr pedantic .. Neue Zurcher Zeltung RECORDED' ON EMl'S "REFLEX SERIES A'1D TITANIC RECORDS: one of the milutont~ of the rtcordmg mdu.stry ·· Journal of the Lute Society of America . t zx:tllent mumblt playtrt T"'1J thmk. breath and phrcue together brollti/ully. and they art most musical... -The Music al Quarterly Ro bert ' =-degrees in musicology fro111 U c. Berkeley . -studied with Oombois -published transcriptions or baroque guitar. Cathe rine -Sarah Lawrence graduate -Studled with Dombois in Switzerland -performed with New York Pro Musical & Boston Com~rata Robert & Catherine STRIZICH Friday, March 5 8 p.m. Saddleback College North Campus Tick•t• '5-17 Info: 559-1313 M-F INTRODUCE USTO A FRIEND 2FQR$l2. We've cooked up a number of new dishes with the same special care we put into our famous crepes. But what makes the ones you see here truly irresistible is the special price. C hoose any two and you can enjoy a delicious feast for just $12. But this price won't be around too long. So drop by soon. We can't wait to have you over for dinner. LONOON BROIL Slices of marinated sceak topped with burgundy wine sauce. BREAST OF CHICKEN CACCIATORE Sauceed in a savory tomato sauce wich onions, bell peppers and wine. Served nver a lx>d of linguini. BEEF BOURGUIGNON CREPE AND RATATOUILLE CREPE . O ne filled with tender beef and pearl o nions in a fresh mu hroom sauce. The other with a European blend of vegetables. South Coa t Plaza, between Bullock's and Nordstrom's (714) 556-1225 Open daily from 11 AM Brea Mall ( 714) 990.4343 Offer good after 5 PM r lo I ~ I I I I I ' I I I i I I f I ! I I ' I l "' s -a) -~ 1111 :) .0 O> IL >. 1111 'O c IL j O> I ~ E Ci "Bobbie Lane Ret11rns" T11eJ. thm Th11r .. 7:30-Midnixht Fri. & ,,,., 8:30-1 a.111. inh 1Jurns Erstaurunts ''HJJ.1 'Tis the pl1ue lo din,." I\ Ell" P<~lfl LJEA(H l'AStllON ISLAND (11/) 6~~·111)11 & Sebastien A.._.. "Y" VOUVRAY 4 Sil II:• J _• (1 ~ 1"'\manner -'Ji(' .. :.uurnnc Distinctive Waterfront Dining Oyster Bar· Cocktails 3333 W. Pacihc Coast Highway, N.B.· 642-2295 'The response we have had by runnlfKJ Iii the Sunday Pilot has been excellent." ml Lawrence Butler. Jr. Newport Securities C0<p . Newport Beoch New,ort Secvitiet c ..... ,.... . ABsENCE OF MALJCE: Rated PG, Paul Newman and Sally Field. A careful study or the power of Ute press and Its consequences, directed by Sidney Pollack. The PG rating is for aduJt language. BUDDY BUDDY: Rated R, with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. An encounter between a suicidal network censor and a mob hitman, filmed in Riverside. The R rating is for language. BEAU PERE: Rated R, a French adult comedy written and directed by Bertrand Blier. The R rating is for adult situations. BODY HEAT: Rated R, starring William Hurt as a bungling, lovestruck attorney and Kathleen Turner as the femme-fatale; This sexy, devious mystery takes place in a fictitious Florida town so hot that people in cares order iced teas two at a time. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan u an homa1e to rum noir, the R rating comes from brief nudity, salty language and a general air of steaminess. THE BOOGENS: Rated R, stars Rebecca Balding and Fred Mccarren in a supernatural tale or horror. Directed by· James L. Conway, from a script by David O'Malley and Bob Hunt. The R rating is for violence. THE BORDER: Rated R, stars Jack Nicholson u Charlie Smith, a border guard wh<! moves from Los Angeles to El Paso in hope of starting a oew life. Harvey Keitel, Valerie Perrine aad Wll'HD Oates also star. The script was wriltM ~ Oeric Washburn, Walon Green and David f'reeman : the direction is by Tony Rlthardlm. The R rating is for strong language ana violence. CANpRY ROW : Rated PG , stars Nick Nolle and Oetira Winger in an adaptation or John Steinbeck's story. The story is narrated by John Hust~; scored by Jack Nitzsche and written and directM by David S. Ward. The PG rating ii for langua'9 and •dult situations. CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and starring Ben Cross and Ian Charleson as runners in the 1924 Olympiad, where they run races for different reasons but manage lo win just the same. A rousing syntwlrer soundtrack by Vangelis. The PG rating mult be for its lofty themes: there is no nudity, no violence and very little offensive language. "'' ..... "= tU.tl II , ....... COME HAVE COFFEE WITH US: Rated R, is an Italian comedy directed by Alberto Lattuada. The .R rating is for adult situations. DEATH VALLEY: Rated R, stars PauJ LeMal and Catherine Hicks. R rating is for violence. EVJLSPEAK: Rated R, stars Clint Howard and Joseph Cortese in a tale or revenge and terror. Directed by Eric Weston from a story by Joseph Garofalo. The R rating is for violence. FOUR F RIENDS: Rated R, atars Craig Wasson, Jodi Thelen, Michael Huddleswn and Jim Metzler in a study or a group of friends whose Ii.yes span the lurbuJence o! the 1960s. St.eve Tesich wrote the screenplay, and Arthur Penn directed. The R rating·is for adult situations. GALLIPOLI: Rated R, stars Mel Gibson and Mark Lee as two young Australian soldiers who fight in the tragic battle at Gallipoli in World War 1. The R rating is for language and violence. GHOST STORY: Rated R. stars Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas. I>Ouglas Fairbanks Jr. and John Houseman. The R rating is for nudity and adult situations. PERSONAL BEST: Rated R, stars Mariel Hemingway, Patrice Donnelly and Scott Glenn in the story of two young women who are Olympic hopefuls for the pentathalon. best friends and lovers. Directed and written by Robert Towne, the R rating is for nudity and adult subject matter. QUF.Sr FOR naE: Rated R. stan Everett McGill, Rae Dawn Cbon1. Ron Perlman and Nameer El·ladl ln a drama about prebbwric man al the nativity or civilization. The R rating is for violence and adult subject matt.er. THE PaBNCB LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN: Ra led R, .stars Meryl Streep in the ' role of the heartbroken and beartbruking French Lieutenant's woman and Jeremy Irons u the Vicwrian gentleman who gambles bis love and reputation on her. The Victorian love swry is inlercut with another plot: lbe modem day film crew making a movie of "The French Lieutenant's W.oman" has its own romantic dramas and downfalls which are meant to compare and contrast with the Victorian sequence. The R rating is for adult sexual situations. PME MOVIE P ___ ..,....,., ..... ~ .. "ONE FROM THE HEART" Ot "i· \r -----... __ ...__ I l )k }·~I l<L .,.,_,.. CHARL!I IWIMION 'OflO Then!'s more ~AJ tob.iethin MONIOH "DEATH "'"" MAKING ., .... LOVE WISH ,,,_ ~ --a:::• ....... -.-....... -IA-t-.llM. ...-. .......... .,., .... _ CMAAL!I MONION "DEATH WISH II" "'> .... .,,., ... ~· ... -.·--... ...... -.- --... _...,_ ARM6'Q and Enth....mng ~. 01ARIOTS OFflRE -~~­t:11,-. --- ~~ WA•Nll-MRICl Of IMUCI._ ..... t-.......... -.~ "Wtt0$E LIFE IS ITAHYWAY?",.. ·--.::.~=:ir~.....-- HAMllON ,OM> wr--"SHOOT WTM THE MoSN'' OST Aft &PM&MOUNT ..awl ...... '=" .... ·.= .... -. --- CHA,.Lfl ...oN90H "DEATH WISH 11" '"' ~HOLTI n..:c:. DUMWINGVt ~ Cllll*I! c. 9CX1"rT 1">1"'1' ltllnOfl TAPS ~Ill -·-~ ... , ............. --~-.-.. ,_. __ ...... tt.•- UTI-- JOHN HURT ---"NIGHT "MAKING CA08'1NO" LOVE" lPGI ( .. ) ,.,.,..._ -.-.-... _ ......... ... _, ___ ........ --. ... - ---·~ 7 " . --.-.,., ______ . •'Hmt:h As= --.. ,-.. -.- "DEATH WISH .. ....... ----~---= ------ 8 ------------------------------ ----~ ~ -PLAYS------------u. . ~ "I OUGHT TO BE IN PICTU&ES,'' the "ti latest Nell Simon comedy, ls on sta1e at the ;£ Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., .: Santa Ana, playing ni1htly except Mondays at· .g varying curtain times through March 28. Call j 979·5511 for ticket information. C ~ ••SCAPINO," a wild and crazy comedy.farce, ~ is the current production at Orange Coast College, ~ playing-tonight, Saturday and Feb. 2$-27 at 8 p.m. in the Drama Lab. Reservations at 556-5527. "GREASE," the '50s rock musical, opens tonight at Saddleback College in MissiQD Viejo for performances tonight, Saturday and Feb. 2$-27 at 8 p.m. and F~b. 21and28at3 p.m. Call 831-4656. EVERY ile>NDAY AU SEATS '2.00 ... tender and entertaining Melvyn Douglas And Brooke Adams tn "Tell Me A Riddle" (PG) • BA11QAIN MATIN•llS • Monday tllru S1turd1y All Perf0t1Nttat befort 5:00 PM 1• lhCllll 1,.:111 E11111•11t1 IM Holdayt) --'°~"?·;;oo=M J ---"~ATH Wlltt II'' "1 .... .,. .. ,., ...... _. __ ..,. __ "MAKING LOVI" tlll .-. ....... , .......... 11. ----··AA1DERS CWT.-LOIT MK ...... 1 ---, ... -. ..... ,..._ LAKEWOOD C ENTER WALi< IN .... ___ _ "ON GOLDIN POND" " .-. ..... eca. ...... - LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH W•LIC IN ~AI DelAIT'rO 21J/6M-t211 --·--AU.llt . 'RAl~RS OF THE LOST ARK" ,,._,,., ............ ,,. 1AG1J NA _c. __ _ "TAPS"" , _ _,., ..... ....,_ __ ...... ,..- ,.~-... faculty 01 Condlewood 21J/IJ1·9llO __ .... _'° __ 101.#1-.•. "CANNERY ROW'. 4"t .................. - _oomc..,.. u•-- "MAKINO LOVE" tlll ,.,.._ '*••.•,•:tit tte. ndllll __ ...., __ "CHARIOTS Of' FIRE" "' , ......... ., ........... ,. so CO AST WAll<·IN Soulh Cootl ltlwoy ot .,oodwoy 494-1514 - b•sebaJl fans, bows in tonlibt at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cbff Drive, Newport Beach. Show times are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 R.m.,,Sgpdan al.2 p.m. tbroug.b March 13~ with reservations taken at 615·3143. , .. CURSE OF THE STOVING Cl.A&W winds up a three·ni&ht run at UC Irvine's Little Theater tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. Ticket information is available at 833-6617 . "A DELICATE BALANCE," Edward Al bee's Pulitzer Prize·winning drama, continues at the Irvine Community Theater. Performances will be given Fridays and Satur~ays at 8 p.m. through March 6 with a Sunday m atinee at 2 p.m. Feb. 21. Tickets available at the door . "SOVTH PACIFIC, .. the popular Rodg~rs and Hammerstein musical about World War II, is See Divers1ons. P.age 9 ........... Diversions From P.age. 8 on stage at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Curtain times are Tuesday lbroucb Thursday ~l 8: 15 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8:'5 p.m ., Sunday at 1:30 and 7:46 p.m. through April 11, with tickets available al 492-9950. "DEAR FRIENDS," a drama about four ma.rriages, is being s taged by Showcase Productions in the Westminster Auditorium. Westmins t e r Avenue at Hoover Street ln Westminster. Curtain is 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through March 6, with reservations at 894-6786. "SEND ME NO FLOWERS," a comedy ln the Rock Hudson-Doris day mold, continues at the San Clemente Community Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemente. Performances are given Thursdays throulh Saturdays at 8 p.m. unW Feb. 27 with reservations at 492-0465. "DIVISION STREET," a comedy about '60s 5~ including: Best Actress-Meryl Streep ~ ...... r... ..... 547444 . ,_ &lllR~ 511-MIO --MGMl\.Wliol ... ---_. . ...._ __ NOW PlAvtNO . -... ,_Ta ~ ...... U4 .... SSI oess HUS4t --.,..,..TWll ..... 1------1 ................................ , ~~1 ·~·1 AU.~~ Th6a '-you c.n ... REDS et "'9M theatrff ....... ...,..-r ......... nn..-""-1 ....... 4407M -V•UOtttO Or ... U4.tH3 --WllT _..._. ... Trull "-"IJtlS ~caTlla..aC..-7Sl 4114 .. __ ....... , ------l•ACAO(Al'f.........,. _..,. _ _,,. '°" -,..,. ........ ...,, . ---------. 9 .,, ~ ~. \ I .... people coming of age, ia on stace at the Newport Harbor Act.on Theater, 3llO Monte Villa St., Costa Mesa. The s how runs Thursdays throuch Saturdays at 8 p.m. and ~)'1at2:30 p.m. until Feb: rl, with ticket lnformalioo at 631-5110. Ramona Mathewson, ls set for 2 p.m. Sunday at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marsuerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Informal.ion, call 759-9471. ~ t -CLASSICAL MUSIC--- ~ n..UTE, VIOLA AND PIANO CONCE&T, featuring Allison Baker, Johanna Mathewson and "CAllMBN," Georces Bbet'a opera, opens at 8 : 30 tonight for a two-week run, eresented l"TI by Fullerton Clvlc Licht Opera ln PlummeT. Auditorium, Lemon and Chapman streets, Fullerton. Information, call 879-1732. See Diver.rions. P.age JO ... ! ... f11!111)-00UJWYN MAYO '"-911 A MICHAEL PHIWPS Ptc*iioa ol A DWI> S. _.., flllll Niel NOLTE Of.IL\ WINGf.I JOHN smNBtD'S CANNEIY IOV ._.AUDRA UNou:Y ,....-... JOHN HUSTON .._..,.-"CK NrrmtE _""'-".,RICHARD tk:OONAW _o1......_.,SVEN NYKVIST. A.S.C. """41 ,.. ,... .... "' JOHN STFJNBECK,.,......., MICHAEl rHIWPS ,,_.,;"' .. ,...__,_.,, IMVW S. MID ne IWf'IMIBOOk .. ,..,. A -::::~~-= t •o-~.....-.. ,._ .. ce NOW PLAYING -.a COITl-.U llTW -&.-m--.... Wiii 1111 Ikea Plaza Edlwns Clnernl Cent• Edwards~ &twanis Woodbiidgl Soulll Calsl Orllllll Mii UA Cly Cinema U.A. Mall 529.5339 979 4141 511.SllO ss1.oe5s 494.1su n1.t340. 13ot11 • 893-Gs.t6 ' lO .~PlmslP~ f ~r~~9 _ • · &ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS ... •• IA.. UCI 8YllPH'-.;O;;;;N:;;Yu-o~a07CB_,llt'18"'T .... -A...-=p==reaenli ~ concerts at 8 toni&bt and Salunky in Fine Artl· .2 Villa1e Tbe.ater on the UC Irvine campus. it Jgf ~atioo call 833-6615. _ _ j ELllA& OlJVEl.U_. who in 1978 became the I i first American lo win a 1old med_-1 at the Tcbaikov,aky Violin Competition in lloecow, la to be a guest soloist at 8 p.m. Feb. 38 with Loa An1eles Chamber Orchestra performinc in Fine ~ ii: Arts Villa1e Theater. UC Irvine. Information, call 833-6379. -ETC.------ COMEDIENNE PHYLLIS DILLE& joins Pacific Symphony Orchestra for a pops concert at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Good Times Theater Knoll's Beny Fann, Buena Park. _ ' The Newport Harbor Actors Theatre presents DIVISION STREET , .·. . r 1, COUNT&Y /WESTE&N PE&PO&llE& CHET ATlllNS, an accomplished ,Wtarisl, J~ins the Loni Beach Symphony for a pops concert at 8:30 toni1bt and Saturday at the Terrace Theater. Loni Beach. Information, call (213) 43&-3203. P&ESE&VATION RALL JAZZ BAND, New Orleans musicians, performs al 8 p.m. Saturday at Bridges Auditorium , The Claremont Colleges. Claremont. Information, call 621-3032. TWO DOZEN CELEB&rnES including Buddy Ebsen, Dick Sargent, Diane Ladd and Dick "Mr. Whipple" Wilson are to help celebrate the 10th annivenary of Hi-Hopes, a musical group of mentally retarded men and women from Hope School in Anaheim. Event is set for 8 tonight in the Good 'nmes Theater, Knoll's Berry Farm, Buena Park. See-DiverS'ions. P.age I 1 thru·February 28_ 1 Thurs/Fri/Sat 8 p m Sunday 2:30 p.m. "DIVISION STREET la a laugh riot! On a laugh-per-dollar basis It Is the best buy In t~e country. I plan to see it again and again." Buddy Ebsen For reservations call (714) 631-5110 Visa & Master Charge accepted Newport Hart>or AclOfS Theatre • corner of Monte Vista & Irvine in Costa ~ 7ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR -HUGH HUDSON BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR -IAN HOLM BEST ORJOINAL SCORE -VANOELIS BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY -COLIN WELtAND BEST .fl LM EDITING ·TERRY RAWLINGS BEST COSTUME · MELINA CANONERO ~- ~======'========== CHARIOTS OF FIRE ,. Including · BEST PICTURE I·------..... -.... -1 CHARIOTS OF f'IRf ~~OSTMl5 ~~"T)Ai' '"'°"" IW)OUCTIOl't 51.vmg 8ln CllOSS • IA/'I C11AIU.t50t'I • MIOtl HA\ltRS • CHtRl'\. CAMl'tllll • ALICt MIOt a..-~ LIMOs.\Y AMOf:RSOn • Of:Ml'llS CHIUSTOPtttR • MICXL DAvtMl"ORT •MAD DAVIS PrrtR tOM • Sii\ JOHM Oll!LOUO • IAl'I ttOt.11 • PATRICK MAOU ~I>)' COLIN Wl!L~ND '1utlc D)o VANOt LIS stamng VINCfNT PRICI ·FRANK UWfJO't' · PHYWS KIRK CAROLYN JONES · PNJL PICERNI ·CHARLES BRONSON as Igor Screenplay by CRANE WILBUR J>rodl.ad ~BRYAN fOY r.-ue1w l'mdu<n 0004 rAvtO """""'"".,,..DAVID f'\JTTnAM Oitftlt'd.,, HUGH HUOSOl'I IPOl'9ra---= ·~~---;J· •LAOOCO#NH'f-~=--tiiii----... wp-.• 1o.p.--=:S--s=J 0 • ..!..-:-.:=:=.."c:-..:=O Dlrecttd by ANDRE DE TOTl1 ···--II< -.-. . --.m m __ . ......, I H 3! §: ~ --·--~ ------------------------------------! From P.age JO .. ACROSS OUR INVISIBLE BORDER," a five-part survey of Mexico, ~gins Tuesday at Newport Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Information, call •9'·'7960 or 552-7914. FULLERTON COLLEGE JAZZ BAND and the niYIPland Band team for concerts at 8 tonight and Saturday in the campus theater, 321 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton. TKE HONEYBEES present a mid-winter music reunion of big band swina and jau 1reats at 4 p.m. Sunday in Allsio's South Restaurant, 1670 Old Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. A BLUEGRAS.9 FESTIVAL, featuring Byron ,ACIFIC THEATRU DRIVE·IN SWA, MEETS SlllflCM f0\1411 IUCIS-$11111 IOOf IAf Al HAllOl llVD DllVl· .. A ...... OllV(-111 I .. 111 .. SAllllMf I H99Af ,.. ___ "_" __ -.... ''"'' -e:15 ,. ""'6:0D~·"· .. e·45 IMHRTH T IOTICll CMtlDMM .,._. t! fRH! IWMI .... ·-•• Ill<• fn 5:'° • U S.. lltts4·30 N ~ -• ,.._ .. CM Miii 1$ 'IOUll lflfMlll ., !Ill ,,,. C#I MllD """ ..,... llCl:ISllRY fOSllDI ---,..,_t•Ml. ~ OIWHll .. 1111 .. IWID ,.., j, ·' ANAHEIM DRIVE-IN --· "0£ATH W'l9" II" fll -'-"°'.._" 119-fflO ............ BUENA PARK DPl't'! IN --·---·•QHOIT STOft't" "' -"~""' Cllll • .. IOUllO ......... LA HABRA DRIVE IN "THE BURNtNG" flt CHI( fl SOUlllO ··~·~--~·llOOV HEAT' fll -"BUf..k\~"tlll --·----"TORSO" 1111 -"AUTOPSY" tilt ----''MAKINO LO~' 1111 -"HISTORY Of' THE WORLD ,.,.,. OHE · '" c:-u•-111 "DEATH Wis.I II""' -··ntE BURNING" "' CIM " SOUlll> 11«11 Ind So ot 1 GGI-Olowe ffMMY 191·3693 -c:.~~--"TA~" "M00£ftN "'°9UMS" 1N11 Clll( • fl SOUllO .. -"' __ _ .-.. llOOY HEAT' t111 -"9LU4l LAGOON" 1111 CM ·ft SOUllO .._ .. __ _ "ON GOLDEN .-oNO" tN1 -..._.., -• --• - -"THE ELECTRIC HOASlMAN" tNt 171-IM2 -- -...... ORANGE Dlll\lf IN ----~----- , ...... ,1., .... ,. MISSION OlllVE IN . •1 '• ~. • • • .. WARNER [Jiii\/[ IN Wo1 ... 1 A .. Wotl Of .. OCI\ ..... N7·Htl ktf'llOAftOl""l' • StoteC01te9e 551·7022 "AIUMU•r 1111 -•SffAftKY'ltll.~IHtt .. 1111 "BUSTIN' lOOU" 1111 ~---··­"NE1GH80ft9" Ill -"TIMI BANDITS" ,_ __ ..,,.._ ftOllTA ALVMU -ILIOALll V MO.IAOOll I f'.00 ,.. CUl.OAD I Bertine and John Hickman plus banjo, fiddle anll band competitions, is set for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday in Cammus Park, UC Irvine. Information, call 833-5548. m tbe Costa Mesa Golf Course. For information, call ~ 892-0732. \ ~ MISS ANGIE'S Singles Dance Club will have a ~ dance at 8:30 p.m. today at the American Legion a Ballroom in Orange. For information, call ~ 772·4~. ~ PEOPLE SA•PLE8, led by Emily Coleman ~ of the Man-Woman Institute, will be held at 8 p.m. -< PAllENTS WITHOUT PARTNE&S Orange today in Newport Beach. Cost for the social i.s S12. ~ "Coast chapter will have a dance at 9 p.m. today at For information, call 964-5570. - -SINGLES----- ___;._~_...;;...;~~~._:_;.~__.;;.~~~~~~! - .. • .._: I 1 ~ I I -oi - •;lo i i t.L. ~ '2 ... t.L. ~ I ~ § ii: - - NOW YOUR'S FOR PREVIEW OR PURCHASE NEW RElEASES THE WIZ FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER MOMMY DEAREST STUDENT BODIES PATERNITY GAS A HUGE SELECTION OF MOVIE HITS • INClUOING • NOSYAlOtA • lfUGIOUS • CHIU>ltfHS • AD4AT "'u •VCIS • llO SCIHNS • COlOlt CAMDAS • COlOI TV'S • VIOIO GAMIS • ACCISSOllfS ONE STOP FOR All YOUR VIDEO NEEDS 369 EHt S•v•ntHnlll StrHf Cost• M•••. C•lfforn111 92627 ·>(71'/ 631STOP0t 631 7867 ACROSS FROM RALPH'S VIDEO - ECONOMY SEATING SZ.50 'til 3:00 PM l:XCl:fl'T SNCIAL l:N GAOEMl:NT NOTED '2,,,..,,. "-'! ............ , REDS (PG) 12:304:301:30 NoP._., No Economy SUt•ne Dilne Keaton in ..aTTHf -(R)At 12:15 2:40 5:10 7:4010~05 Amlttrtionary Cflf.fl SOUND 1t Oriw-in ltlow Vo11r /ltM C.. Reclio ot \IOU< tpNk.,. II no AM -redoo w•lll ., .. _ -· pcwllOll, ....... yOll( -AM '°'\Ible m _, ... -l(R) Plus! !host §torx (R) Herry Hamlin in .... llYE (R) History Of The World '-t I (R) Jlck Nicholson •Wll (R) Also fllly inL .._...._CR) Double Tenor! TORID (R) Plus! Autopsy (R) Hlrrilon Ford MIH •IFTHf lDll'Alllt (PG) Also Pllvint TAPS (PG) SH<D>T ~ MaDN METRO-OOLDWYN-MAYER PRESENTS ALBERT FINNEY DIANE KEATON IN AN ALAN PARKER FJLM "SHOOT THE MOON" KAR EN ALLEN PETER WELLER · DANA HILL EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS EDGAR J. SCHERICK AND STUART MILLAR WRllTEN BY 80 GOLDMAN PRODUCED BY ALAN MARSHALL DIRECTED BY ALAN PARK ER Ml:.TROCOLOR" ~MGMlu.cl A*I =.;;;:i.._:::===-i 0 ... ~~"-•C.O ... k•C.....,........,.,'-,. -.~ ........... STARTS TODAY IMA COITI MUI COITIMIU· ...... llUI OllUa llfN Ptazl Edwards CiMlna Cent• Edwards Sou1n Coast ~za Viejo Twtn CinlClomt 52t·533t t 79·4t4t (71 •1546 2111 a3b-eHO 634-2553 I., Nl9la Aec:omt l'Olll '""~I Wll,,_TBI UA Twin Cinemas IH·t243 \ • • • • • • J11 •flll llllY NPll FR IOAY Ff BIHJA AY 14 1982 O H A N G[ COUN I Y C AL If t)HN I A ]!°> CENTS SCAG drops Santiago as Santiago Canyon has been dropped from consideration as a site for a Southern Callforrue regional airport by a site study group. That. action came Thursday afternoon in a 7 to 2 vote of an airport site study group formed by the Southern California Association of Governments, a Los Angeles· based regional planning organization. The committee's action was not unexpected in li1ht or a recent Federal Aviation Administration evaluation lbat s howed I.hat potential aircraft operations Crom the Sanllaco Canyon site east of Oranae would interfere with operations Involving virtually a ll other airports in Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. The SCAG Aviation Work Program Committee will continue to examlne three other sites located at Camp Pendleton in north San Di~110 County: the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, and a location offshore of Long Beach Harbor. Camp Pendle t o n Is the preferred sit e of B<ruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, and Henry Wedaa. chairmap of the SCAG aviation commi!lee and a member of a separate county aovernment committee investigating potential N!glonal airport slte1. The county committee, made up or business and industry leaders, recently canceled Its regular monthly meeting and has not. rescheduled a session pending fu rther analysis or various sites. Santiago Canyon remains on t h e county committee's list, In its Feb. 9 letter to SCAG. • • a1:rport site the FAA said 1Ues at SanUago Canyon and the Chino HUia north of Yorba Linda were "not adaptable'' as locations for a regional airport because of potential airspace conflicts . Orange Count y s kies are crowded with aircraft operations involving John W ayne Airport i Ontario International, Long Beach Airport, Riverside Municipal AirPOrt and Chino Airport. The FAA said scheduling and route changes that would be needed to accommodate either of the two sites would likely be "nacceptable t-0 air carriers and passengers Other opposition was mounting to Santiago Canyon from Oran11e and Anaheim area residents who claimed that aircraft operations would create noise and traffic congestion. Shuttle rehearsal snags Orange County 37th district CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP > -As tronauts Jack Lousma and Gordon Fullerton completed a dress rehearsal countdown for the space shuttle Columbia today, but there were two snags, one of which would have delayed an actual launch. The crew for Columbia's third mi ssion wa s duplicating activities for the launc h. scheduled for March 22. OW of today's problem was heavy fog at Kennedy Space Center that would have delayed a liftoff because the crew could not have seen the runway in an emergency return to the launch site. The other problem came with the countdown clock at four minutes to the simulated liftoff. A general-purpose ground computer read a s ignal i nd icatin g an improper communications link to the spacecraft and stopped the countdown. Launch commentator Hugh Harris said the problem came rrom "a not-quite-complete computer program which we would nol be using in an actual launch." After about a 15-minute delay , the count resumed without further difficulty. Then. instead of simulating a liftoff. which had been scheduled f o r 7 a .m . P S T . th e launch-control center decided to simulate a shutdown of one or the shutUe engines. stopped the countdown and went into a mock emergency s hutdown of all systems. Lous ma. a marine lieutenant colonel, and Fullerton, who were in the Columbia's cockpit for the final two hours of the dress rehearsal. were told they would b e briefed on e mergency evacuation procedures from the spacecraft in an actual engine shutdown. The s miling , waving astronauts arrived at the launch (See SRUM'LE, Page AZ> Defendant: shocked at SURPRISE -Dave and Patti Purdom ce l e brat e their 10th weddin ~ annlversarv at the Mesa Theater in Costa Mesa which Dave had rented for Dlttr .............. the night to comme morate their firs t meeting. He proposed via the marquee. too Theater showcases romance One-time usher, candy girl celebrate anniversary By JOD(CADENHEAD Of .. o.ily ~ Mafl It had all the romance of an old Hollywood movie. Patti f'urdom thought she was on her way to dinner in Newport Beach Thursday night to celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary when her husband stopped off at the Mesa Cinema in Costa Mesa. When s he saw the marquee that read .. Happy Tenth Dave and Pat" she thought it was nice. But when she walked inside the darkened theater and 150 of her closest friends turned around in their seats and yelled .. Happy Anniversary"' she knew her husband had outdone hjmself. .. , just can't believe it, I'm in shock:· said the Santa Ana woman. "He does thin~s like this (See HAPPY, Page AZ) minus solon The Assembly Elections and Reapportionment Committee has killed a bill to renumber two state Senate districts one in Orange County -to avoid lea ving the areas without senators for two years. The vote was 5·6 Thursday on AB12X, by Democrati c Assemblyman Byron Sher of Palo Alto, with eight votes needed for passage. Under the reapportionment plan adopted last September by the Democratic majority of the Legislature, most of Sher's new San Mateo County district is in one or the a reas that will not have a senator until 1984. The other district is the 37th district that includes all the coastal sections or Orange County from Seal Beach to San Clemente and includes parts of northern San Diego. The dis tric t includes all Orange Coast cities except for Costa Mesa. Sher's bill was supported by Republicans who have opposed the Democrats' reapportionment plans, one each for the Assembly. state Senate. and U.S. House of Representatives. The Senate districts present a problem because senators are elected to four-year terms. with half elected every two years. Thus only even ·nu.mbered districts are up this year. Wheneve r Senate districts are redrawn. some areas are shifted from odd to even or vice versa. and vote either earlier or later Sheriff rips judge over bail·reduction • than normal. By DAVID KUTZMANN °' .. .,...., "'-' .... Orange County Sher· iff-Corner Brad Gates. launching his campaign for re-election in June. denounced a Santa Ana municipal court judge Thursday for reducing $2 million bail on financier Ralph McDonald. alleged mastermind of an a lleged Investment swindle. .. , don't think judges should be in offi ce if they·re going to act that way," Gates told reporters at a news conference in Santa Ana. Angering the sheriff was Central Municipal Court Judge Bobby Youngblood ·s action Monday to re duce bail on McDonald to $250,000. The bail reduction heaiing took place on a court holiday - Washington's Birthday -which led Gates lo suggest Thursday that the proceedings were ··orchestrated." ''Ther e was a well - orchestrated process in that courtroom and justice wasn't served," the sheriff asserted. This year, to Improve the chances of holding their majority. the Senate Democrats s witched numbers on four di s tricts to forc e earlier elections in Democratic areas. The even-numbered districts now represented bv Republican <See REMAP, Page A!> Wounded cop in 'good conditio~' A former Costa Mesa police officer, wounded in a s hooting spree in San Diego that killed three people. is listed in good condition today. Robert Brown, 34, is in good condition at Bay General Hos pital after undergoing s urgery for removal o f a .22 ·caliber bullet that was lodged near his neck. according to a hospital spokesman. Brown currently is a San Diego County sheriff's deputy. A regular h earing w.ould (See BAIL, Page AZ) death news j• w~~l~~·~!~::·~:i.-;m~gR~~ De Lorean to restructure irm stepfather by pinning him . beneath a 2,000-pound truck cab, ·, • d · ' Alys McNair, 57, was arrested in connection with the shooting deaths of three neighbors at his -~hula Vista mobile home park Wednesday. Gloria DeCastro, 62. and her son Cesar Escutia. 36. were slain after McNair allegedly opened fire with a high-powered rifle in retaliation for a barking dog , authorities said . Also killed was Monique Gerard, 23. who was standing nearby. according to reports. testified Thursday that he was President of Irvine-based company assures production an service shocked to hear news of Robert Bray's death last March. Wisely, testifying in his own behalf, said he was at a friend's home in Huntington Beach when bis girlfriend told him that his s tepfather had apparently suffered a heart attack. "I couldn't believe that he was dead," said Wisely, 29. who could qualify for the death penalty if he is convicted of fi rst-degree murder charges and special circumstance allegations in connection with Bray's death. The Huntington Beach truck driver's body· was found beneath the Ult-away cab of bia 1975 International Harvester tracl.or·traller rig last March 9. The truck was parked on Springdale Street near Edinger Avenue. Pollce at first believed that Bray's death was accidental, but later took Wisely lnto custody when several informant• Implicated h1m in the death. Wllely, who baa been actinC 11 hla own lawyer, claimed tbal one of thole lnformanta, Richard Kiah, offered bo1us evidence a11inst him at Wlaely'a own inttJ11tJon. '" Questioned b y ad vlaory counsel Daye Shinn, the defendant claimed that be 1ave Kiah information when botll were 'inmates at Loa Anseles County Jail ao Klsb could so to CIM wma.Y, Pa .. Al) ... By KEITH TUBER 0.11, ................ .... The British government has ordered receivers to restructure De Lorean Motor Cars Ltd .. e ffectively wiping out $130 million worth of debts incurred by the Northern Ireland sports car company.· C.R. Brown, president of Irvine-based De Lorean Motor Cars of America, said today a new company is being formed immediately that will "insure continued production and service of De Lorean cars. "This restructure is very similar lo what the British government djd for Rolls-Royce in 1973," Brown said. "There have been a lot of potential customers who have been walling to see what. would happen with the company before making a purchue aad now they can proceed with compl• confidence." But Northern Ireland Secretasy James Prior said Lbe receivership djd not 1~arant.ee Teen killed , OOSHEN (AP> -A 14-ytar·old Gott.en area male. playlns with a 1un was fatally ahot by at-year-old companion, aaid Tulare County 1herlff'I deputlea Tllunday ( the company's survival. ·'There can be no guarantee that through reconstruction a secure way ahead can be tound," Prior said in a stor; reported by The Associated Press. Last week. 1.100 workers were Lifeguards succeed in whale of a job By STEVE MITCHELL °' ........ ,. ....... Somewhere off the Southern California coastline. there's a very happy gray whale, thanks to the perseverance of four Uferuards. The crew of a sail boat spotted the 35-foot whale about three miles otr San C lemente late Wednesday, towing a bright orange buoy attached to a line which was hopelessly wrapped around the ba'e of the mammal'• nulcJ . "The buoy was attached to about '70 feet of ~ lnch line that probab\)' came from a cod trap," uld lifeguard Gar y Harvey. H arvey, alon1 wlth fellow atate me1uards Carl Drake. Gre1 8ootJI and Tim Harvey toot a »'foal lifepud rescue boat lo. whhln feet of the beltemotb. "Tiie wbm wat l)1nl OD the s urface and ob'l'iously exhausted," Booth aatd. He said the whale was breathing very heavily through its blowhole, but when Drake . and Booth leaped ln the water to cut away lbe line, the mammal was startled, and immediately sank under water, dra11ln1 the eight pound buoy and Une wttb it. "He'd sound for 10 to lS minutes each ttme, and reappear a quarter to a ball mile away," Harvey said . Each time the whale aurf a~1 one or two of the •uarcb wowa 1Up into the water and besln frantlcally cutUn1 at the line with k:nlves. "It'• ti.rd work underwater. and the whale would sound and we'd have to look for him a1atn,'' tbe Uf•l\l•rd aaid. The thJrd time the whale (8" "8ALE, Pap AJ) laid off at De Lorean's Belfast production plant. B y re- structuring the company, the government is trying. t? protect the jobs of the remam1ng l.~ employees. Unemployment in strife-tom Northern Ireland currently stands at 19.7 percent. A San Diego s h eriff's spokeswoman said today that Brown was pulled to safety by Deputy Linda Harmuth . who arrived on the scene moments after the shooting began. In January. only 350 of the Dlllli' CUil l'IJftll $25,000, gull-winged De Lorean l l sports cars were sold, according to Brown. ••January sales were low," he conceded, "but so were most other automakers'. Even so. we still outsold car lines of Porsche and Jaguar." Brown attributed the sales Patchy fog or low clouds near coast early Saturday morning. Otherwise fair with some high cloudiness. Lows tonight 43 to 53 . Highs Saturday 6S to 7S. (Details Page A3 >. decline -650 or the sports cars '111181 TlllY were sold in December -to severe weather conditions tbrouchout the United States and the ne1ative press the company attracted due to ita precarious financial poaltloo. "All of this restructuring does Cautorm .and Ufeatt1~• o/ thf Caribbean wUl be much bt e~e Oft the UC 1'1JCM compw Sddofl. Story .cmd plaotoa Wnlcimder cowr. not lmo-ct the U.S. company," 111'1 Brown sald. "Now we•n aet l more acsresslve and have more confld-.ce. We're very thankful to the Britllb 1ovemment for their adioD. ·• The company waa founded by former General Moton Corp. Vlce Presfdeat John Z. De Lorean wlth tbe aid of the Brttlah pwnment tn 1m. nae fontp 90vernment tnvested the ::...=• : eqwvalent ol Sl41 mlllioa ln UM • ...., t•> operations. \ Orange Coa1t DAil Y PILOT/F~. February 19, 1182 Letters attack Salvador policy . WASHINGTON (AP> -Mall to tbe Wblte Mouse and State Oep.,tmmt II runninl betweeo 10.1 and I0-1 a1alnlt Prt1ldeat Rea1an'1 escalattn1 1upport for El Salvador's mUltary-clvillan Junta, accordln1 to a department offlclal. ff arold Hellnla. a State Departme nt official who mon.lton mall on forelp policy luues. also aaid the now of letters oo the Central American country bas increased sharply elnce recent declarations of 1tron1er U.S. support for the 1overnment. .. The negative mall. while perhaps not a clear reflection of overall publlc Hntlment, underscores the political problem faclnt the White Houle aa it coulden way1 to bolster the Salvadoran eove!'llment ln its war 11ablt leftlat 1uerrUlas. Reacan declared Thunday that he bu "DO pl&m to tend American combat troops into action" in El Salvador or anywhere else, but refused to discuss what future steps the United States mi1ht take in Central America. "I juat don't believe you dlaeuu those optlona of what you may or may not do," Reagan said at a nationally ' televlMd new1 CGDlerence. In a televiHd interview Tuesday, Secretary of State Alexander M. Halt Jr. aald that wblle most Americana "would be •Ppalled at the proapect ol Am erican i nvolvem ent · mllltarlly anywhere in the world," publlc oplnlon should not nece11arlly determine wbetber U.S. troops are sent to El Salvador. "If we were to determine our foreif P policy baaed on the towel common denominator of the national mood, I think we .would be on very fallacious ground,·• Haig said. White HouH olllclala lasl week refused lo disclose lbe breakdo wn or mall and telephone calla on ~l Salvador, aayln1 auch tabulations are normally provld d only alter m aJor preeidentlal addresses. H owever, Heilnil said Thursday that the Whit& House a.nd State Department received about 600 letters on the issue in ,the first two weeks of February -about a 50 percent Jump in volume -and the numbers of letters continue to increase. ''It's Wtely that we haven't seen the Jarfesl count on El Salvador yet,' be said. Business brisk for filings From PageA1 BAIL ... Incumbents, novices announce candidacy intentions normally have been held the 'following day. Tuesday. when McDonald was scheduled to be arraigned along with a co-defendant. ........... FASCINATING -The Rubik's Cube has arrived in Polan~. ·Here several Polish youths in the old city of Warsaw attempt to master its intricacies. From PageA1 I WISELY T E STIFIES ... Huntington Beach police. The goal, Wisely said, was to win delays in an unrelated robbery case in Temple City by focusinl allenlion on him self in bis stepfather's death. Kish, be said, was supposed to testify a t the preliminary bearing against him and then "fall apart" at the trial. Instead, Kish became the prosecution 's key witness again st Wise ly until a co-defendant, James Dunagan, testified that he helped Wisely kill Bray. Dunagan , also charged with murder, pleaded guilty to lesser charges in return for his testimony. From Page A11 Wisely has maintained that he bad no involvement in his stepfather's death. And be did so again Thursday. testifyin1 lhat be was nowhere near the scene of the death. He claimed that he didn't even know where Bray parked 'his truck when it was not being used. Prosecutor Ed Freeman has alleged that Wisely killed Bray when his stepfather learned that his truck was being U$ed without his knowledge to s muggle drugs from Florida to California. Wisely will resume bis Les timony Monday , when Freeman will have a chance to cross-examine him. REMAP UNCHANGED. • • Business has been brisk at the Oraoae County Re1t1trar of Voters Office where incumbenla and novices alike have been lining up this week to file declarations of candidacy. Among incumbents who have taken out papers or announced their intention to stand for re-election over the past several days are U.S. Representatives Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach ; Jerry Patterson, D-Santa Ana, and William Dannemeyer, R-Fullerton. Also, Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark and Sheriff Brad Gates wlll be looking toward new terms in their offices. In announcing his intention to seek a fourth House term, Badham lauded President Reagan for making "the first social and economic advances" he has seen' since he first went to Congress in 1976. The newly reapportioned~ District includes Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach and parts of Santa Ana and Huntington Beach. Running in the 38tb District, Patterson said he is "committed to balancing lhe budget, reducing lbe federal deficit and lowering interest rates.·• Patterson's district includes parts of Anaheim, Santa Ana, Westminster and Garden Grove. Firsl e lected in 1978, Dannemeyer is seeking his tblrd Gates has 'one boot in the stirrup.' term representing the 39tb Congressional District, which includes Fullerton, Brea , La Habra and parts of Oranee. In announcing bis intention to seek a third term as the county's sheriff, Gates said Thursday be bad · 'ooe boot in the stirrup and hopefully would swlog into the saddle for four more years." ~ Gates, who joined the Orange County Sheriff's Department ln 19U. roae through the ran.ks until bis election in 1974. Hl.s office includes tjle duties of county coroner. Clark has represented the 4th Supervisorial District since 1.970. The district encompasses Anaheim, Orange and Buena Park. .. Other candidates who have taken oul nomination papers are: -For U .S . H ouse o f Representatives , Char l es Kenney, a Mission Viejo Republican in the new 43rd District. -For State Senate, District 32, Edward Royce, a Santa Ana Republican ; and J . Tilman Williams, a Garden <irove Democrat. -For State Assembly , Marian Bergeson, incumbent R epublican from Newport Beach for lbe Di.strict 70 seat; Richard Robinson, incumbent Democrat from Santa Ana for the District 72 seat; Robert Hanson, a Costa Mesa Democrat for the District 69 seat; Paul Broughton, a Yorba Linda Democrat, for the District 61 seat ; and Ros s Johnson, incumbent Republican from La Habra, for the District 6' seat. Candidates must file for office by March 12 , according tt .election officials. The deadline is extended by five days if a., incumbent decides not to run. Even with short notice of a hearing , Youngblood's courtroom was filled with 40 to 50 people wbo were reported to be investors and who supported the defendant's bail being lowered. Deputy District Attorney Thomas Buck, who learned of the hearing only hours before it took place, later explained be was mentally unprepared for it. Though Youngblood could not be reached for comment today, he has previously said that be ca l led Monday 's hearing be ca use h e was "duty magistrate" for lhe week. He.said he had been contacted by McDonald's lawyers who were seeking to have the high bail reduced. He said the only way to determine this was to hold a bearing. The S2 million bail figure had been set by West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Ragnar Engetiretsen, who was out of state over the holidays last weekend. Sens. Marz Garcia of Menlo Park and Dan O'Keefe o f Cupertino were m erged and redesignated as the 11th District. This means Garcia's and O'Keefe's terms expire this year, but voters in the new district won 't elect a new· senator until 1984. Sacramento district that could have two senators for two years. The Orange County district, the 37th, would have excban1ed numbers with the 32nd District. Summery weekend forecast for Coas t Something similar happens in Orange Co unty , where Republican Sen. John Schmits of Corona del Mar leaves bis e ven-numbered district t his year, but the voters won'l get lo choose a successor until 1984. S h e r 's bill would have exchanged the number of the 11th Distr ict for the 6th. a From Page A1 Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, said, • 'Tbere is mild outrace in my a rea . Tbia disenfranchisement comes at a time of growth for aoutb 0raqe County." Assemblyman Ross JobDloD, R ·Anaheim , said Senate Democrats did the numberiq deliberately to hurt Republlcam· and "recycle Democratic voters." WHALE F R EED. • • disappeared with his restricting paraphernalia, the lifeguards thought they had lost him for good. "We didn't see him for 35 minutes that time," Harvey said. "We thought he bad died." But then Booth spotted the distressed whale about a half mile away, and, on the fourth dive, the two guards managed to free the buoy and much of the From Page A1 tangled line from the whale. State Fish and Game officials say numbers on the buoy do not m atch California fishing numbers. and they theorize the buqy could have been alt.ached l o 1a Mexican trap or the air-filled float could have come from a research project. The lifeguard says he has no doubt the whale would have eventually died had the buoy not been cut away. HAPP Y A NNIVERSARY. • • More summer-like weather ii predicted for the weekend by the Natioaal Weather Service, with aome early mornlni foe and patchy cloudlneas ln coastal areae. . Tbu. reda1'1 1unn1 aklea attracted more than the usual n~mber of beach vlaltora, FromPageA1 SHU.TTLE •.•• pad on schedule at 4:35 a.m . PST after rising at 2: 10 a.m . PST and having the lrad1lional breakfast of steak, eggs, orange juice and coffee. They were dressed in brown pressurized flight suits and carried oxygen canisters. They donned helmets, entered 'Columbia's crew compartment and were buckled in and connected to all systems sborUy afterward. The "close-out crew" that he lped the astronauts prepare finished ils business and simulated a closing of the crew compartment hatch all the time, but this is a little overboard. I'm so happy,'' she added. She made her way through the throng of old high school chums and family that had come from Arkansas lo celebrate the couple's champagne party. Handley, s urveying the long rows of bora d'oeuvres .and cbampape glasses. "I think it's really neat. He's kind of different." Said his father Doyle Purdom, who arrived from Ark.mas with bis wife Velma for the party. "He does things like this all the time. We have four sons and the rest aren't like this." Dave Purdom, 31, the owner of a dental lab in Tustin, paid $650 to rent the theater where be and his wife met 12 years ago. "I love her and I wanted to show in fronl of everyone how special she is to me," said the decade-old groom. "And she deserves every bit of it." He was the usher and she was the candy gtrl when they met over a box .or buttered popcom and chocolate bonbons. She used to help him change the letters oo the marquee every evening at 9. One night while switching the marquee on tlle roof be proposed by spelling, "Patti, Pleue r.Jarry Me." During their courtship be arrived every Saturday night with a long stemmed red rose, recalled Debbie Duffield, 29 of Newport Beach. "It's typical of Dave," said Michele On the jukebox was ''The Weddinl Song" that was played during their wedding. The four-lier cake was covered with, you guessed it, red roses. When Dave learned that bis wife's favorite song was Kenny Rogers' "Through The Years" he began practicing. And Thunday night be sang it, sort of. _ "He ls the most sentimental, aweeteat guy,"· said Laurie Schonert, 29, who came from Palm Sprines with her husband Claude. "My husband had known him since elementary school and he just loves his Wife." Asked what the secret of a 1ood marria1e 1 1 Is, Dave s miled and said, "You have to communicate and work at it every day. You can't take each other for tranted." ORAHGE COAST DlilJ Pilat CtHalfled ""'1tl!flt 114,'Mt-n Afl other c1epemM• toa11 · ·lraq aeeke OPEC c on f ere nee Thomas P. Haley ~-. n ~ l •tc:.m .. Oll>e•• Robert N. Weed -Thomas A. Murphine ..... L Kaiy Sohultz -~ ""o..er•~ Mich•I P. Harvey --..~ i<.nnelh N. Goddard Jr. a..-ow...- CNrleeH.LOOI ........ MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) - Iraq said today lt wanta an emerse.ncy OPSC conference before tbe end of thi• month and that lt abould "adopt auttable measure•" a1atnn Iran'• undercu\Unt of bencbmarlr: prices. "Tbe lrald• mov .. endanatr' OPSC (ti•• Or1a•laation ol Petroleum SXpartbls CountlW) and •¥tl'7tldai it worW far .. PMl ,..n," OU Ml.DllW Taieh At.dul-Xar!m told tb1 lraql• News Ateney. according to lifeguard departments. A UOkesman Jal the Newport Beach Marine Department said more than 3,000 beacbsoers were ~unted. Llfe1uarda at Lacuna Be•ch kDd Huntincton Beach reported similar crowds. San Clemente lifeguard Gary Fredrich said about 1,800 people gathered around the city pier Thur~. a large group for a winter weekday. Wind rancing at Umea from 15 to 20 mph is predicted for Saturday and Sunday. However, MATl.ACK a spokesman for tbe weather service said no travel advisories had been issued. He said w eeke nd hig h lem peratures should be in the mid lo upper 70s in most areas. Lows at night are expected to be from 43 to 53 degrees. . WINDSURFING'$ FEB. 20-FEB. 22 ltNNUAL WINTER• tL-EARANCEI . - -:-. ... ........... WOMAN OF YEAR -Ella Fitzgerald. jazz singer extraordinary. receives Harvard University Hasty Pudding Club's Wom an of t he Year award at a cere mony at Cambridge. Club m e mber Jim Golds tein bestows a congratulatory kiss. Bush's demise exaggerated Eight·year-old Derek Adams got a letter from Vice P resident Geor ge Bush assuring him that Bus h hasn't quit his job or died. Derek wrote to the Bangor Daily News in January. saying, "J haven't been hearing about George Bush Christophe r Cross, who rocketed to fame last year with five Grammy Awards for his first album , is being sued for divorce by his wife, Roseann Geppert. S he filed for divorce in state district court in Austin, Tex .. against the Austin singer and recording artist, wh ose legal n a m e i s Christopher Charles Geppert. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told the House of Commons she'll foot a ny unpaid bjUs that might fall on British taxpayers for the rescue of her son, Mark, from the Sahara desert last .. month. The 26-year-old Thatcher, a r acing driver, was lost for six days during the 6,000-mile Paris-Dakar auto rally before being spotted by an lately. Did he quit his job, or did he die? Do you know?" The letter was sent on to the White House, and Bush sent an answer direcUy lo Derek, saying he was happy to report that he had neither quit nor died. , She said the eight.year marriage "has become ins upportable because of discord o r conflict of personalities.'' The 30-year-old Cross lives in Santa Monica. He won the music industry's highest awards for his first album, "Christopher Cross." which includes t h e hit song , "Sailing." Algerian plane. While the search was on, Denis Thatcher flew from London in a friend's private plane and returned with his s o n i n t.h e A J g e r i a o president's plane. Opposition Laborite lawmakers had asked Mrs. Thatcher who will pay the estimated $550,000 search costs. Extended c"' forecast Pat01yl09orlow clOUdSne••tht COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN coesl s.twcr.y ,,_nlno .,..,.,...1 .. AREAS -Fair e11ut11 tome nlgllt .. Ir ,..11,. 1'111'1 c-IMn ....S "'°"""' I-dcutlntu coastal c •l•I low '3 lnl-S3 C:O.tt•I .,.... A llftlt c-ard windy In 11111::s.1n1-n." w.0 ,. SI. ' mountains. HIQM Sunday 61 .10 7t Elsewhere, noM va~ wlndS coe•t•I •"••• and Sl to 61 In n11111t •nd mornlno ~. be<omlno mount•IM. Coollno s to 10 ~ by WUIHIY • to u -nots S•lu•day l•I• In .,.nod ~ 42 IO SS --~·I aft.,.-. WK1"'1Y s-1 2 to > 1.-1 ¥H S · · lS '° lS In "'°""'•Ins. Fair wllll -"'"' c-111r°"""' s.tv•c1ey. P•chv loO Of' low c1o~ Tem'.ner;atures Mrly Saturdorf moml119 r HI La .... c. U.S. summary AllNtny JS 26 .GI Albl#CIW SJ Joi Amarllto u lS Rain -ctrlni. t_,.., the Ol\lo AncllOrage s ., Va lle y and the sou 111 er n At.lleVllle 0 :M OS A...,.1ac111-., IOClily at •now , .. , from Atlanta SS 0 central llllnols to toUtlltm Mlclll09n. AllantcClty J9 3' F• .. •lno rain continued °'"'' lht 8altlmore :M l2 °' mlddle AIYntk COHI wtllle «Mn,. foO 81 rm I "9fW'n 7S ., ti ,_red por11oni of Ille MIUt"°'"' -81l1Tlarcll ,. 10 Ille wnt.m Gulf f"e91on. Cloudy •Iliff 80IM .. 1' OS blanlleled the uo11er Mlululppl ~Ion ,, " Valley -Ille Grut Lallfl reQlo<I. 8rownsvlle " 70 ,01 Ral11 •l•o fell on lllt Peclflc Buffalo 40 " .Cl' Nortllwflt •Ill, snow •t h111he• Ch11tl11nSC .ff 0 eievatlonr.. F•lr olllw cowred ..-1 Ch11tlt111WV 47 41 11 °' ttw rest of lhe -IGn. Che ye-so ,. Rain •• forecast In _,_,n New Clllcaoo " l2 Me11lco -MUINm TH•'-Sunlly Clnclnntltl ., J2 Cl' ski•• were foreca11 tor Ille Columbus 41 J3 .JO Sowtll-1, Sowl..,.,. Gitl Horn la alld Dal-Ft wttl '3 • i:,e RaclllH 11110 Ille nortllern Oerwer ,. )t .. ...,.wrs Of IN~-Plains.. Oe1 Moires 11 ,. .01 Temperalwre-s er-Ille n.ilon Detroit :M ,, II Mrly __.,, raft9ICI trom S •-In Duluth ,.. JO Hovllon, MAIN to n In Kev Wftl, El Peto 71 ... .02 l"la. Falrl»ll&s .t. ·lS 02 Hartford J3 u ........ a SI • Honolulu " ,, .m HOutlon lndn89llS Jaclllft'tf .. ltaM City LaSV99M Llttle Roell Lovl1vllle Memohls Miami Mllw....,.. Mpls-51. p Naslwllle New O,.._. .... von ltllrfolll Ollla Ctty ~ 0r1.- PNIMpNa ,.._nl• PK~,,.,, P11-,Me P11eftd.On R-Sall Lalla Gov. '""'C: G ........ Ir . • ,,.,.., odler w.. oa bis mlDd wbm be went lo fUe ldl ellldNeey paPVI for tbe u .a. a.ate. Kt fOl'IOt .... tl,211.• ftUq , ... That overel1bt wlll be corrected u IOOft 11 8roW11 '1 campalp ~uurer, former LOI Anaelff City Attorney .. It ,.._, wrltea a cheek to cover the f~,r~du 1ald. FUJn1 de e for the race 11Ma.n:b12. BecauH of tbe error, Brown will not be the flnt Democrat to quallly for the race -and ~ the lint oe the ballot. A Loi An1elea Jury ruled •1alnat a lawyer who aued The New Yorker ma1adne 1eekln1 $15 million over a book review by novelist 1• UpclJlle in which the lawyer was called a swindler. The jury denied Jel'Hle a. &oaeatllal'• claim that Updike libeled him in a review of A.E. lhCelaaer'• "Dorla Day: Her Own Story" in the magaline's edition of Feb. 23, 1976. The jury ruled ll·l ln favor of the magazine and 12-0 in support of Updike, who wrote that Rosenthal swindled the actress in investments made for her by her late husband. Marty Melcher. Former U.S. Rep. W'ayM Haya said he won't seek the 99th district seat i.n the Ohio House of Representative.a this year. Hays, 70, served nearly 30 years in Congress from Ohio's 18th district before· reslgnina in 1976 after publicity over an admitted affair with Ellubetla Kay, a c lerical employee on his staff. Hays, a Democrat, was elected to the Ohio House in 1978 but lost the seat two years ago to Rep. Robert Ney, a Republican. ... ......, " ,. • J3 .02 " 74 4"t JO .OS 47 G 6J ,. •S as .S2 • n • D JO ,. ,I u ,, 14 n ,. ,. .., 11 ·" '° as a e 11 5' M S3 .CM .. S1 n M .14 u • SI 4' 1,15 " ... , SI D S.tottt• $( '"°'"' Stf'·T-SUleMerle Stoelt-TutN Wall\1""9' Wktllta CAUflCMt .. A • • .n as ., .OJ " 56 22 20 .. 42 •• S2 12 11 M .02 56 JI e.Mrlflelcl .. 47 llY'M n 56 Ev'94la 56 U "-.. 45 L.Mlcat"" '1 ll5 LMA,..._ II JI MMywllle .. 11 ......,.., ., a ........ 71 16 0.1..i .. -,,_._.... .. .. ltMI..... 41 St ..._..City .. SI S.r-..... s.11-74 .. S...l'r8!tt1Ko .. n s.nt....... 71 ~ California -Se!M---1'0 ·------------,-. --------.Ck-70 d ~"'a' a Sovt'-11 CllllfOrnl•'• -rm _.1 -Ille ~yl119 l'tol -dry Seflla AN .. ,,.. s"""ld die doWft by I IN aftd Of tlw ......_eftd. Uw Nell-I W.etllef' W .;Ice Mid "Th• wl11ch 1lloulo decre•n t19nlflcM ty 11¥ ~. -II -·t lie as dry," Mid -alher N rYlct s•oketman Allen Thomps on. "Yn..-., .. ,.. _, only u °" 16 pefUftl ~. Thh "'°"'1"9 lt'I Mc,ll ....... tUf'lt. "ll't Ml ell _. unuwat to htw Mt ...... llb this In Febr'very," r-.-i c.,.huecl. ..c1,. tlWt lie l'KeN """ fw l'ellNar y ti -.. ...,._, ....... ,..,. Tilut'MltY, ttw "*'curv ICIPlll9d of! 11411. 0w"'9 ..,, WMdY _ ... WCl'I a ..... ..., ...... lllCFMMd ........... . -.r '""-....-<IMIY 111 tM IWelflllls .. t• Lei Afll9fel ~y l'lre ~ _.ty tllllff lllterMI .,..., ....... ..., .... ......., " ........ . + SURf llPDRT ' . ·=-M M ,.., ,.., ,,, I 1-2 .., ht 14 ·-"::' ..., = .... ..... felr felr ,.., .... ' ....... T .... • • S1 f7 f7 S1 • • • • ~·re Listening ••• ~--11 st ·~ ... r •• .... '5 » c:.ee•IM 1' 4J Ulle..... • .. --.le II 41 Mt.Wl'-1 • 41 Tide• What do you UU about the Dally Pilot? Wbat cSon't you like? Call the number below and your mn1&1t wUl be ncorded. tranaeribe(and dellvtrtd to the appropriate edttor. Ttw Hme 24·bour auwerinc Mrvice may be UHd to record let· tera to the editor on any tcllMc. llallbox eontrlbuton mwt include their name and telephone numb*r for nr.t..RcaUon. No circulation Ulla,pleaae. TeU us what'• on your m.lnd. - Orange COM4 DAILY PIL.OT/frfday, February 19, 1912 H/F ·uc1 case appeal eyed ·Oulted rwofessor claims discrim.iuation in lawsuit AD attomey for UC lrvtne 1aya be tatend1 to Ht the U.S. IQJN ... Court to bear UM UM of an a11l1tant prof e11or of Preach who 11y1 UCI dt.ertmlnated a1a1D.1t her. Attoney John Lundbert 1111 be wanta the country'• hl,._t court to o\'erturo a tth U.S. Cll'eult Cowt ol Appeala rullnl 1tren1tbenln1 the ease ol Therese Lynn, 49, of La1una Beach. She aaya UCI dllcrlmblated a1aln.at her on the basis of her sex and nationality when abe was refused tenure , or permanent faculty atatua, In 19"71. Faculty members who are denied tenure are obll1ed to eventually leave the employ of tbe university. Mrs. Lynn left UCI and filed a federal ease aeainsl UCI , alleeing the university had violated provisions of the 1964 Civil Riahts Act. The r-ec:teral District Court in Los Angeles ruled in favor of the university. '}'bat declsion was appealed to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled that there was enough evidence to suggest that discrimination might have taken place. The court decided to send the case back to lhe lower court for a new trial. Mrs. Lynn, who now works as o-1, ...... ,..,..,_ FIGHTING -Therese Lynn of Laguna Beach may fight UC Irvine up to the Supreme Court in disc rimination case. a proof reader, says s he estim ates s he has incurred $10,000 in legal costs since she filed suit against the university. ''I'm not getting ti red of lhe battle," she said in an interview al a fund-raiser for her earlier thla wMk at the Irvine home ot UCI Aalociate ProffflOr Janet Williama. "I th1nk the money I have apeol hu been worth It. "Thia whole thln1 hu taulbl me paUeoce. humility and 6u been very enrlchin1." ·'When I win thil case and 1et my back pay, I intend to open a legal defense fund for women at UCI." Mrs. Lynn, who earned a doctorate In medieval French from the Universlty of lllinoll, says she la seeklnl a tenured faculty position and back pay through her legal action. She said that, i.n many ways, her legal battle against UCI bas been a positive experience. "We've had to be more careful financially," she said. "But it has taught us self·reliance. For example, my children have bad to seek scholarships for their education." She said that her husband, Henry, and her four children stand behind her in her battle. Her attorney, Lada Mal'x, says that she views the battle as something of a David vs. Goliath affair. "The university has unlimited funds and of course we don't," s he said. "You have to be something of a crusader to take on a case like this -it doesn't get you rich." 'Phoenix' to rise from ashes Mesa club employees pitch in to repair fire losses ByJODICADENHEAD °' .. .,..., .......... The year's . only two months old and already things look terrible to John l}ellamy. How terrible, you ask? Well, first his wife oC three and a bait years left him. ••Put something in about Suzanne coming back to me," said the 38·year·old Newport Beach nightclub owner. "I just loved that girl." He got so caught up in bis string of Southland nightclubs that be just didn't seem to find time for much else, explained the bearded businessman. Now he's looking to sell a couple of them. Monday morning, his most profitable nightclub, the Deja Vu in Costa Mesa, was gutted by a fire. He and Tom Elsea are co-owners of the club. By Monday afternoon fire officials were fairly certain that the blue that caused $190,000 wo rtb of dam a1e to the nightclub at 2285 Newport Boulevard was the work of an anonist. Tuesday moming, police told reporters that the $250,000 Bellamy had spent two years a10 making improveme~ to the 8,400 square·foot club· was not covered by insurance. Things started to look up, though, Tuesday afternoon when about 30 of his employees showed up with shovels and brooms ready to sweep away the blackened debris from the bistro's gutted interior. But events took a decided tu~ downward Wednesday morning · o.tff ............ BUCKET BRIGADE -Employees of Deja Vu night club in Cost a Mesa make ready to clean up the m ess alter fire gutted the popular watering hole t his week. when officials from Caltrans, owner of the property, moved in to board up the o ne -stor y nightclub, saying it was not structurally sound. "We could have been open in a couple of weeks if it hadn't been for this," said Bellamy. The sa nd y ·h aired bus inessm an watched along with a crowd of soot covered waitresses and bus boys a.s the former popular night spot was boarded up. City officials tried to quell the di sagr eement b y telling di s h ea rt ened D ej a Vu employees t hat they could return to their cleaning once the building was deemed safe by an engineer. Record PSA profit told But some sad tales do end happily. Thursday mor ning, Costa Mesa assistant building and safety director Vi ctor Newton received a r eport from an engineer saying the building was safe. SAN DIEGO <AP> -PSA Inc . reported record-high profits for 1981 des p j te the biggest operating loss ever .for its subsidiary Pacific Southwest Airlines, whic h operates two flights daily at John Wayne Airport. Larry Gus k e. PSA vice president and controller, listed n et income of n early $28.6 million. equal to SS.38 per share fully diluted on reven ues of $438.S million for the year ended Dec. 31. Deja Vu employees were told they could return to their brooms a nd s h ovels, s aid Newton. SALE on selected eqlipment only! We .. in thii mldlt of what 18 lhaping up to be one of the beat ekl .. .,,. ever end ... .,, t .. c • .,., h• the merchandise Md •rvice to mike youra even ben.r . Dyrwnlc Flecher ... DYriiftt S...MWIXJ R8'chie Kofa.ch Geze Tyrolia MalMr HI I' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 19, 1982 {~ill TI~ 00 rn Pope compltttes African pilgrimage LIBREVILLE, Gabon (AP) - Pooe John Paul 11 ended an eisht·day African pil1rima10 today, caJUn1 on the faithful to a bandon the tr a dition of scornln1 infertile women and to ~iv e c lo s e s crutiny t o "progress." After celebrating a Hnal Mass here, he gave a brief airport rarewell speech and then left. for Rom e aboard an Air Gabon 1loeinK 747. Mexico suffers peso reduction hotly diaputed cut, wbJcb II the amount of water the 1overnment can sell without harming Pyramid Lake. Soviet airline targe t of blast WAS HINGTON (AP> -A' born b exploded outside the office or the Soviet air line Aeronot in downtown Washington today , but there was little if any damage and no injuries, police said. A caller who identified t)imself as r epresenting the "militant J e wis h De f e n se League" tele phoned · The AssoCi ated Press within minutes to claim responsibility Jor the blast. COMEDIAN DIES P a t Henry, 58, close friend and ope ning act for singer Frank Sinatra. has died of a heart attack in his room at Las Vegas' Caesars P a l ace. He h ry and Sin a t ra had pe rformed togethe r 35 yea rs. Reagan asks for ideas President's budget remains firmly set on major issues WA SHINGTON <Aff ) - President Reaaan hat offered to take a look at reaaonable proposals for compromise on bis new, high-deficit budset, but he's in no mood to noaottate on lo wer defe nse apendinc or bl1her taxes. That wouldn't seem to leave much to negotiate about. Those are the prime targets of congressional c ritics, most of them Democrats but some of the m Republicans, who are looking for room to reduce the $9 1. S billion de ficit Reagan projected. For a day, it seemed they m ight ha ve some points for ba rgaining. Budget director Da vid A. S tockman went to Congress Wednesday with what sounded llke a conciliator y message on taxes and defense, alt ho ugh h e ruled out a ny fundamen tal r etreat from administration policy. Wha t St ockma n mea nt , * * * IEll llllBll Reagan told hJs news conference T hursday, was that budget critics sho uld come up with some specific proposals of their own instead ot ottering only "diatribe and opposition and criticism.·· And Reagan is the boss. He 's been complaining about the tactics of his critics ever since he sent Congress lhe budget. "Even before the budget came out you ~ould hear the sound or knees jerking all over Washington ," Reagan said in Des Moines Feb. 9. And in Indianapolis the next day: "To the paid po l itica l complainers. let m e say as politely as I can, ·Put up or shut up .' We have a solid pla n a lready in place What do they ha ye?'" * * * Those are not the word11 of u µre1udent bent on finding room for rcunpromlse But it Is worth 11ot10g that for the president or hill 1q 1okesm e n l o In vite comprom1Re al this early point in t h~ process would be to concede too much too soon T h ere's plenty of tim e for bargalmng lakr in the year. "Suggest NOml•thing and we 'll take a look al 11 , · · the president sa id 1n 4.!xpla1n1ng what Stockman said "And 1f someone can present something that is reasonable and that will meet the fundamental ob1ective which is to continue reducing the cost or government .. At that point, he switched thoughts and began describing the budget points on which he doesn't mean to yield Defense s pendtng, which he wants increased by 18 percent, came r1 rst MEXICO CITY (AP> -The gove rnment is e xpected to nnnounce new inflation.fighting tneas ures today to offset the t'ffects of a de facto devaluation of the Mexican peso. -· The peso plummeted by at least 37 percent Thursday after 1he centr al bank freed the t·urrency to find its own value on world money markets. Carter assails Reagan policies Reagan: Is he wrong again? A postponemt>nl or the second installment tax reduction due July I and a frt·eze on spendmg <.1re 11mong the s tep s congres!:tionul Oemocrats have suggl•slcd to rt>ducc the defi cit. At the same time. Democratic liberab ha\.e c·ompla1ned at the sorial spending curbs Rcu~an 's budget scekb Poland warning of tighter rule WARSAW, Poland CAP> Government s pokes man Jerzy Urban says military rule may b e ti g h te ned if Poland 's u n derg r o und o pp ositio n c h a lle n ges Ge n . Wo jciec h J a ruzels ki 's government, the o fficial PAP ne ws agency reported today. Urban"s comments followed stepped up government attacks on the powerful Roman Catholic Church. A leading West German newspa pe r s ays the verbal attacks may be a prelude to a nationwide roundup of P olis h priests. J udge says R e no m ust get wa t~r RENO (AP> -A feder al Judge has ruled that Interior Secretary J ames Watt must sell \ xcess water from a federal 1 eser voir to quench the thirsty lleno area, despite objections from Paiule lndians at nearby Pyramid Lake. The ruling is a blow to the Indians, who have ma intained that the government has no right to sell the water. But it fails to settle the m ajor issue in the PALM BEACH, Fla. CAP) - Forme r Pres ide nt Jimmy Carter, in a rare appearance, c hid e d th e R e a ga n adm inislration for failing to press for human rights and maintaining a ··very confused" Middle East policy. "The world waits ror a clear unequivocal voice on human rights," Carter told a gathering of a bout 400 J ewish leaders Thursday night. Suspect in six slayings seized FARWELL, Mich. CAP) The estranged hus band of a worn an who was killed by shotgun blasts a long with six members of her family was a rrested on murder charges when a man in Alabama spotted a car d escri b e d in ne ws a ccounts of the s l ayin gs, authorities say. Money for poor nations tighter WASHINGTON CAP) -The Reagan administration, saying it wants a better return on its help to developing nations, is telling t h e world 's poor countries that low-cost loans will be harder t.o get in the future. WAS Hl NGTON (AP > - President Reagan reached into his suit pocket and waved a pa per at the White House press corps. "I'd like you to know," he said, "that the documentation proves the score was rive to ooe in m y favor." With a big s mile, Reagan said: "l have the documentation with me." The paper, said Reagan , contained proof that he was correct on fi ve of six statements challenged by news media after his January press conference. Reporters were not allowed to read the document. And with past statements still in dispute. new questions were b eing ra i sed con ce rning Reagan's account of American involvement in Vietnam. Reagan said Thursday that North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi M i nh h a d "re fu se d t o pa r ticipate" in elections that would have covered both North a nd South Vietnam A 1954 Geneva conference had called for elections in July, 1956, On Aug. 3, 1954 , a then-secret U S intelligence estimate said if the elections were held and if the Com mtlnists did not prejudice their political prospects, "the Viet Minh will almost certainly win." ln J uly. 1955. Hanoi asked for t a lk s t o pr e p a r e for the elections. On Aug. 9, 1955, the South Vietnamese government Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear SALE OF FURS ''EXPERIENCED '' 0 1\ I J J on ,. t '"' n"'Ost to0<ilou\ tuis os I\ ., · v~ ! ~E'Prt on lV t)nO 1r1 tt\e movies ore \J\t _;;;.--now ""'"' 101 your SPIP.r lion .---Wl OlfY YOU TO DtfflUMTIA TE TH( HlW OHlS FltOM THl ltESAllS. The lerge•I .. 1ec11on ol luxury fur• we h9V• ever •hown. 1nc lud1ng CS.•1gner fur• and ONE Of A. KIND •s>ee••I•. !m;;q11w ouyino ,, ''"" fur c.101r •n• u11der SXX>OO. o line ind 1ackp1 lhal wa•, nnly worn Jr><.'? Of '""o(,.P t>r a m·n~ coal that was a Pl<IP on a TV g111Paway "how They re all here Im Y'JIJr ~IP.<.toon now II you kn11w toir., you can nuy J l<1m11y l'le·rln< "' lo• a lra<.l•()r• ol 1!<, 11;;luP NPV"' be1orP ropver ag:t1n will c,o many v;iruaoie turs be South Coast Plaza In the Mall by the Carousel oller .. o al :;uch 11docu>OUs urices It n1akt>l. o,ense to buy a lonp rental or unc1111meo lur Somf" furs labeled "u..ed havP only been 11~ on worn le<,<; 1hart mnc:.I f1;rr PtS nt>w stocli r,.sl comr. 111~1 serveo t>as1~ A small depos11 will hold yOli• layaway 751-7500 So. Coalt Piao Hohl 666 AlllOR llYcL CotNMfta,CA. 12 noon to 6 pm I BE AN·. ICE SKA11NG ~ at an /I ' ICE CAPADES CHALET • NEW CLASSES STARTING • REGISTER NOW for internationally famous Ice Capade$ Chalet Ice Skating Schoor. Whether you've ice s~at~ before or never ice skated in your life, one of these classes 1s for you. • BEGINNERS WELCOME! • 2701 Harbor Blvd. Harbor a Adem• CostaMeu ' 979-fBIO __!__, EN~OLl NOWll ~ ..,. ____ ... ,, '8=rb ' I . ' . ~ PUBUC ICE SKATING EVERY DAY, LOTS OF FUN ·. FOA YOUR ~ONEY, ONLY A BUS RIDE AWA't'!r_ of Ngo Dinh Diem announced jt "does not consider itself bound in a ny respect by the Geneva agreements which 1t did not sign." The election1:i never were held Get our special low price on th is full-featured Maytag ! Plus, get a factory authorized $25 Instant Rebate from us Jn cash or off the price , your choice . ...,"1\ r-J!llil -~ •U.lMto tytlt IOI Mil dlytotdl .(,...os..to O.~r,cV O!Qi'lln" .. -' .. " • [JCluSM 111~· r11tt1'3- ~'"''"' WHIRi.POOL Ho.ROST REFftlGBtATOR • 17.7a.ft. • Tntllrl4 Meet 0--- • T ........... SW..e1 SHOP THIS,..- SAT., SUN., & MONDAY FOR OUR SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES OH ... • VIDEO RECORDERS * COLOR TV * APPLIANCES * MICROWAVES * PROJECTION TV SONY ••• The One And Only SEE THE FULL LIME OF SOHY COLOR TY J. T THE HJ.HOR Allli'S LARGEST SOHY DULY • 2 I " D iOCJCMICll TrinitrOft ~r:- • 1bpnss COMftClftder l"'-ed Remote , 11.:1 ' 9111 -I • Cable R.ady . • 26" DIA~OHAL MUS TalMtr.OH COHSOU • Super Matrix SCMlftd • Express Conwnander Infra Red Remo~ • Cable Ready • ... 1 c .. ft . • lc.....-9" lMdy 'I i · T.....-nd Gt.a .,~-s .... WASHER . ,...,s .. • 3 Wcnh CycJ.s • 5 Aillt mtk Cycln . ,_ ....... DRYER . '-"'-• r-.s111:t1ow • $Cycltt I \ • befoC)y ScnilM) Option • Dtd L.,.el Wcnh :~UffiU~ Off-road ban nixed by coastal panel SANTA BARBARA <AP> - The State Coastal Commission , on advice or its lawyers, is dee llnin1 -at least for the present -to impose a moratorium on the us e or off.road vehicles at Plsmo State Beach. But the commission called Thursday for fast action on a pl an lo contro l what was described as automotive chaos in the dune and beach areas of San Luis Obispo County. The proposed moratorium was debated late Thursday during a hearing on San Luis Obispo County's coastal land use plan. The commission sent the plan, including the section on off.road vehicles, back to the county for more work on reso urce protection. Sever a l commission e r s ind lcated they favored a • moratorium unti l a manaaement plan can be put into effect. But lawyers for the commission said it bu no such authority. Roy Gorman, legal adviser for the commission, said that San Luis Obispo County could Impose such a sanction under its general police powers. But. county officials said they cannot exercise this authority on stale property. Also. the st.ate Parks and Recreation Department, which owns the ·popular ocean-front park, opposes a moratorium. "Off.road vehicle use should be allowed where it historically has been permitted," said Ross Henry of the state Parks and Recreation Department. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Friday. February 19. 1982 H /F . ......... ANIMAL LOVERS -Demonstrators outs ide a Roman Catholic hi gh school in Canoga Park protest drowning of 10 stray cats who lived on the school grounds by Rev Allen De Long. The priest claimed the cats created an unsanitary nuisance. UC fee hike approval seen SAN FRANCISCO tAP> - University or California Regent.a are expected today to 1lve final approval to a plan to bike student. fees by $100 while culling programs by $9 million. The plan, approved by a • regents commit.tee Thursday, is · meant to offset a $33.S million cut in the university's 1982·83 budget. Together with reductions in federal funding, it. will mean a reduction or 2,455 students, inc luding 605 in hard ·hit health se rvice programs. "We have attempted to make the least harmful choices, but we clearly could not avoid painful choices," s*'id university vice pres ident William R. • Frazer, who outlined the plan for the committee. Student representatives went a long with the pro posals reluctantly. .. "While we have s trong objections to the necessity of the c uts in principle , we are forced. .to accept, in practice, * * * the buts that were made," said Louis Armmand, spokesman for the Student Body President Coun cil. The enrollment cutbacks for the general student population are: Los Angeles, 235, Berkeley and Davis, 125 ; Santa Barbara. 95 ; Riverside, 80; Irvine, 60 ; and San Dit!go, 30. There will be no reductions at Santa Cruz. Enrollment cuts for heatlh science li tudents were not broken down by campus, but. involve 252 medical students, 100 nursing students, 93 dentistry students and 20 veterin ary students. Progra m reductions will be phased in over a four.year period so that they inte rfere as little as possible with students already e nro lled in th e university. The fee hike will bring the yea rl y f ees f or an undergraduate to $1 ,194 and, ac-co rd i n g to s tudent representatives, will place a hardship on many students. * * * Studen--issit-in to protest planned tuition hikes at USC LOS ANGELES <AP > -A services, programs and the was published in a report on Defe nse Sec reta ry Caspar F •l t" oi the M o t io n Pi c ture sit-in by 40 USC s tude nts increase in fees from$205to$228 organizedcrime. Weinberger says theonly honest . l m tnee ing Association of America, said it protesting an 11 percent tuiUon per unit. In a 4·3 decision on Thursday, basis for judging the Reagan hit by N AA. C p had sought statisti cs from every hike next fall ended when a USC the court ruled against Gerald administration's record defense major film studio official said the student services C Hay Kilgore. who contended that budget is for citizens to ask "Did LOS ANGELES <AP, -The Charo-es file' d buildingwas closiJ)gforthe day .. OUrt nixes suit Younger was politically when he we care enough ... to defend National Association for the e The protesters had vowed not identified Kilgore in a report on liberty in' ourown time?" Advancement of Colored People LOS ANGE LES (AP J to move Thursday until their against Younger organized crim e lis ting 92 said it was after a two·hour Federal charges of assaultin~ a demands were met. names. "There is an overwhelming meeting with motion picture foreign protected official with a The Tuition Steering Group SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -The accumulation of evidence that producer s in an atte mpt to Molotov cocktail ha ve been led by Mark Slavkin, 20, read a California Supreme Court has Record defense we are losing the margin of in c r ease representation of broug ht a ga in st Ha rout lO·point statement demanding dis missed a defamation suit security (for the F ree World>," blacks m films. Sassounian. the brother of the that USC President James H. agains t former Attorney b··"'""et defended Weinberger told an audience of m an accused of assassinating Zumberg recognize their General Evelle J . Younger by a UUofS 1,600 Thurs day at the Los The NAACP, following the Turkish consul general KenM.i complaints a bout university Los Angeles man whose name LOS ANGELES CAP> -An.i?e les World Affairs Council. meeting Thursday at the offices Arika.u... _______ _ -::::===================~============~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·~~lck •• .fherldan formerly of Gary Comptons Noww1th Newport lack lay Halrstyllst 2675 INrne Avenue Newport Beach. Collfom10 92627 (71 4) 631·4111 What better way to show you our new South Coast Financial Center than with a celebration! On Monday, February 22, we're having a Gold Key and Ribbon Cutting Cere- mony at 9:45 a.m. followed by an Open House until 3 p.m. It's a great chance to see a demonstration of o ur VERSATELLER ~ Automated Teller and all the other features we've built in to make your banking more convenient. We have a lobby three times the size of our old one. More teller windows. A larger Merchants Booth to handle your business transactions. Walk-up w indows open early and late. Easy access to public trans- portation. And free validated parking. ,.. .. , ' ,,,..., ' ' We think you'll agree that our South Coast Financial Center offers the service and convenience you want in a bank. So come in and join the celebration! + .. A Pier I exclusive At La Primula factory in Civlta Castellana-60 km from Rome -artisans produce azzura linea dimodo (blue line dinnerware) according to a design Pier I created. These earthenware pieces are hand decorated with one encircling blue line. They're safe for dishwasher. oven and microwave. And because of a favorable lira~dollar exchange rate. prices are great! Cereal bowl and dessert plate . . . . . . . ea. 149 Pasta /Salad bowl . . .................... 1.59 Dinner plate ........................... 1.69 Mug .................................. 2.49 .. , ... Just part of a great new collectlon from Italy lhenew • 1er collectlons · A.NAllEIM -509 Katella Avenue_ 772-2472 ;-COSTA MESA -2710 Hafbor 8061evard, St0-7337. . ' ) South Coast Financial Center 3233 Parle Center Drive 9osta Mesa Otsi Wilson Vice President and Manager BANK OF AMERICA ID ·--"-NTUA•-'lllO I Paint 'odors taint food I Oba PAT DUNN: I Med to ftlld ... ........... ",ala&...,,,... .......... ., •1 nfltlera&er. ll waa ,a1MH ••t a .,..,~ a10 Hd Uae •••II 1Ull lla1er1. A•1tldal Uaal la Mt a. a Dlutl~ ctelalMr ...................... &u&e ., .... ,. l'H Vied lwo lar1e boirea of baldlll IOCI• Hd wa1Mq 1t wltla baklal locla, bat Uala doeu'l work. la tlaere ••)'11alal elM yo. or you.r readen CMld au11esl tbal woald IOlve my problem1 L .M.,HMllqto9Beacla If the refriaerator was painted professionally, check with the firm which did the job to see what can be done. You may have to empty out the refrigerator, diacoMect the electricity and air-dry it until the paint smell dissipates. You might want to place some activated charcoal in the refrigerator to see ii it helps before resorting to air-drying. lf any of our readers have other suggestions, you'll be contacted. Money market funJ, data DEAR PAT DUNN: A frlead told me be kaowa of a money market fund tbat Is 1uaranteed by the government and ii, for tlaat reason, risk free. Coald Ws be true! K.E., Corona clel Man No. Although the ~ix of securities in which money market funds invest is variable, bpth in terms of the types of securities purchased and their maturities, the portfolios held by such funds typically include U.S. government and government agency bonds. Your friend and many other investors therefore believe that their investment is government-guaranteed and free of risk. However, while the securities in a fund may be guaranteed by the U.S. government, il)vestors' units of participation or shares of the fund are not guaranteed by the government. The government does not guarantee any security for which it is not the issuer. If you have an inquiry regarding money market funds, you may contact the SEC's Office of Consumer Affairs and Information Services, Robert R. Wolf, Director, 500 N. Capitol St., Washington, D.C. 20549. NeuJ •tyler •ought DEAll PAT DUNN: Lan ll~la Ibo.pt a• "Alromatic Styler." It ba.nled o.t ID llay and followin& lnstnctloa• •Ute warraaty, I malled It back to &.Jae compaay. After waltla& tla.ree moatba I wr~te aald•& wlaat laad laappeaed. I l'ffelved DOt1flca&ioll Uaat tJae styler luld been received. b.a sldpmeot of a aew Giie wotlld be delayed beeaue of a nelaoue relocatloa. Tlaat was last A11&Qt Hd I'm sUU waitlai. Two more letten of lnqalry lulvea't been aaswerecl · N.M., Newport Beacb A YS contacted Afro Products Inc. Monique Heddens of the firm's mail order department promises immediate investigation of your complaint. Let A VS know if a new styler is not mailed to you within a reasonable time. Record. 'out of •tock' DEAR PAT DUNN : I ordered 15 baseball records advertised by Ideal llouae In Boxing Today's October Ina~. My tll.45 check was casbed promptly, but I've liever received tbe records. I've written two letters to tbe company, bat baven'l bad tJte courtesy of a reply. AaytblDI you can do wlll be appreclaled and I promise never to bay tb.roap mall order •&•In! R.F., Costa Mesa Sorry, but the news is not encouraging. Idea l Publishing Corp., which publishes Boxing Today and sells Ideal House products, reported to· A VS that the records you ordered are "out of stock." The firm's spokesman added that there's "a cash flow problem" ln that Ideal House is involved in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. Your name will be added to the company's list of requested refunds, but don't bold your breath waiting for a check. Consumers usualJy receive reduced refunds, lf any at all, after major creditors are paid by order of the court. The spokesman said, "All creditors are being held at bay until the court decides the company ls in a position to fill orders." ~ --i . • ..Got o prob~" Then wnte to Pot \.. l Dunn. Pat will cul red ta~. getting • tM aruwer& and action you need to • aolve rnequataes m government and n buslneu . Moil your que&t&On& to Pot DuM. At Your Seroice, Orange C003t J>oil11 Pilot. P.O. Boz 1560, Co&IO Mtaa, CA 92626. A•. monu 1.euera a1 poaaibW! .mu ~ ~ed. but phoned inqulnea or. letters ·not including tM reader's /"'11 ume. aildre11 and bulmeu hours· phoM numbtr CGllnoC be eoftlidemt. fEBRUAR¥ CAR~EJ SALE nrap Feb. 221d , ••Sf!R!! .. , ..• ·''' •.•• Orange CoMt DAILY PtLOT/Frld•y, February 19, 1982 Ethel Moody P¥e more than 6J)OO free blood presswe tests last )Ur. Has yours been checked recently? Lots or follas call Ethel Miss Blood Pressw-e because she's one or the Red Cross volunteers who gives Cree blood pressw-e tests. "HtQh blood pressw-e is a sllent chsease," warns Ethel "Generally, there are no symptoms. The only way to tell if ycu've oot 1t 1s to have Your blood pressw-e taken." About 35 nulJJon Americans have rugh blood pres-sure. It's a leading cause of stroke, heart chsease and kidney problems Prompt treatment reduces that danger In most people. high blood pressW'e can be lowered and kepi under control. When was the last time you had YOW' blood pres- sure checked? lfyou can't remember, it's been too long Call your doctor Or call us. r +American Redcross Together, we can change things. . ThtK Frltluy, Seturclay & Sunttuy we're holtllnJl our Onul Y'-'Ur encl c lcttrun<'I:' KUk on ull-n~mulnlr)J( 'fil l.lm:olnl4 & Mc«un·to: llcrc'14 how II wo rkK. · ' RiK'k hottorn prl('C!4 d eurly murkt'<I on "·ud1 <.'Or On the ~1>ot Onund11J( u l li(OcMI rule~ (or we'll 11rru~l' u COlllJM:lltlw kUS4: I :-\11 phone quote~. pll·u~l· Instant cVllluaUon of your tru<k \\' c rl· f11 SC I() ht: II ti( k n.o Id SALE LOCATION ~j2f, flUf1Hll lfl ( ,.,.,,. \k-,u : tJ11 .. 1 11 ll \\ hi•~ k .... ,,11th ool '-1111 111< jloo I'" I f 7141 MO 0:\:\11 SALE HOURS: Fri Ill MOIJ pm -.,,, »·h . °""" 111-l'i DIE Et TO OUR FIRST 80 BUYERS. L \ SX•LS7•r APIO•COSTl:'iESTAL• MAHK \I • 1.1.\1 OLS•('OI I oAH•)(H7•Zl:.PllYK ,J 0 H N S 0 N & S .0 N L ~ C 0 L ~ ~I 1686 Harbor Boulc•ard. Co•I• Mcaa E R C l' (714) 540-&630 R y Parking Lot Sate ! Saturday February 20 & Sunday February 21 Outdoor Indoor The Aaron Brothen annual Outdoor-Indoor Parking Lot Sale makes its return engagement Saturday, February 20 and Sunday, February 21. All our stores from San Dlego to Sacramento and from Phoenix to Las Vegas will be sellng just about everything under the sun (and under the roof) at savings up to 60% off the regular price. 'We've turned our stores Inside out to glVe you the same terrtflc merchandise at an even lower price. 'We're selng art supples, original paintings, handicrafts, frames, graphics. art furniture, deconttor Items and a bundle of arty odds and ends. Selection wtD vsy from lot to lot. And aD Items are '1nlted to what you see. And you'D see a lot of savtng5. P.S. If you're wonderilg how some a our °'pari<i'lg kit-less" ston?S will conduct a Parking Lot Sale, the answer's as simple as ~ C. They'll just have tr.er pmidng lot sales IMlde the lltal9 With sales tags marlced ac:cordingly. Don't pass 'em by! NUNTINQTON IUCH 1470 ~w./~ llON . .flRI. _.. IAT. a«JN; 104 COltA mlA t?M tllu.;art /Ollln llON.-MI. N , IAT. a .... 1N IL TORO Ma. 9uuaita Dr./ap.i *>N.~. 1N, IAT . ..._ .... 11-l -~ llACH -I. Co..a Hwy./a,.n tlOfll ...... N, IAT..,l IUN. 10-1 . . - ............ _ ........ _ .... ---·-- - ,. : •1 .... SNEmEaMAN ............... Fountain Valley School Dl1trlct trustees have rescinded the 1cbool busing cban1es they approved Feb. 4 and have asked their administrators to study other options for transporting 1tudeot1. These optk>ns may laclude a buatn1 f ee, a s huttle arran1ement io place of door-to-door service. or use of some Oranee County Transit District bus routes. School officia ls were Mesa tobacconist ·puffs to victory By JODI CADENHEAD CM ... .,....,NllM9ff She giggled, brushed a strand of brown hair away with her carefull y polished pink fingernail and took another puff on her favorite dark stemmed pipe. The stereotype of the typical pipe lover goes up in smoke, pardon the expression, as soon as anyone meets J ean Bain, recent winner of the National Woman's Pipe Smoking Contest. The attractice 36-year-old Costa Mesa tobacconist says very few customers object to her smoking, especially after she shows them the correct way to Bandit hits • • gas station Police are searching for a gunman who robbed a Fountain Valley gas station of about $400 Thursday night. Fountain Va lley police Sgt. Ron Manda said the man approached an attendant of. the Arco station at Brookhurst Street and Slater A venue at 11 p . m . as the attendant was counting money and preparing to close. The man pulled a handgun from his waistband, took the money from the attendant and left in an older model reddish Datsun waiting elsewhere in the station, police said. pack a pipe. Pack it down in three stages, she advises. The first should be light followed by increasinely tighter layers. It was that strategy that allowed the cheerful brunette to out-puff 79 other tobacconists with a winning lime of 41 minutes (the pipe stayed lit for that time). Each of the contestants were' given 3.3 grams of tobacco, two matches and a pipe cleaner. "It's how you pack you r tobacco," said Ms. Bain. "U you haven't packed your tobacco right you're out.·· Ms. Bain ought to know. It's the third lime she's won the contest. The first time was in 1979 when she competed against mostly men. "It was a joke," she said of her first pipe·smoking contest. "I had no idea that I'd win. But as all the men started dropping out 1 got really nervous." A former bookkeeper from Indiana. Ms. Bain didn't begin smoking a pipe until her European honeymoon 13 yean ago. Her job was to light the pipe for her hus band who wa1 driving. But pretty soon she was puffing more than passing. It look six years for Ms. Bain to tum her fove of tobacco into a thriving business. Wh en the chance came along seven years ago to buy the Tinder Box tobacco shop store at South Coast Plaza she jumped at it. FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 GARDEN 83 COMICS .87 - CoMultant Mort Stein 1ays good will, and good public relations is good for business. 0 ~ D on school busing changeS instructed to present a report on t.beae oPdons April 1. · The board revolted Its F4:b. 4 decision on buslna elltlbility. which increased walking distances for kinderearten through fifth grade students and eliminated all bu.sing for sixth throush elfbtb frade ltudentl, beglnnlna next fall. Board president Cheryl Norton said the truateea erued their Feb. 4 action Thursday in part because the buting proposal bad not been properly listed on the agenda of that meeUna. Al10, she uid, the trustees wanted to eJve parenu more time to consider the busing chanees and give administrators lime to look Into alternatives other than longer walking distances and a halt to busing of all older students. During the current school year, the district is spending $55,596 of its own money. It also gels $68,000 from the state. Superintendent Bill Fisher told trustees the district's busing costs w o uld ihcrease dramatically because four school closures and the ~reation • of middle schools will mean more students will live farther from their classrooms. Because of these additionaJ expenses, Fisher asked the board Feb. 4 to revise the busing eligibility guidelines before be would make a recommendation I on the establishmeol of a mlddll scbool ayst.em. At that meetlna the boar approved the bualng revial then approved Fisher's plan reorgtnize the district to includ middle schools. Although sbe agreed Thursda night to the study of addition busing options, Mrs. Norto added, "I really was no uncomfortable with the origin proposal. I think we need spend fewer education dollars i busing." The trustees set a limit $100,000 on the amount of diatri money that could be spent any revised busing progra next year. The board will vote on j revised busing proposal April during the same meeting which they are scheduled tC. designate two schools for closure next faJI. Edison's principal moving lo district Edison High School Principal Philip Gross is being reassigned to a higher paying job in the main office of the Huntington Beach Union High School District. A new principal for Edison hasn't been selected yet, says Frank "Jake" Abbott. district superintendent. Gross, 51, has been principal of Edison since he was hired by the district in 1975. He will replace Ken Jones next month in the main office as director of instructional program development. Jones, 45, resigned recently to take a position with another school district in Northern UP IN SMOKE -Costa Mesa's Jean Bain is the champion California. · · k · th U ·t d St t Sh Gross leaves Edison lo start women s pipe smo er m e m e a es. e owns a his new district duties on March _~_b_a_'t'tlo __ sh_o_p_at ___ so_ut_h_Co_as_t_P_la_z_a_._..;.....;;_==--~-------• 15, school officials said. His • -""'-' ... ELEVATED -Edison High School principal Philip· Gross has been named to a post in the school district office. Mobile home conversion plan delayed respon1lbilitles will include s upervising and developing career and occup ationa l programs for students. Gross ia paid $45,036 annually as principal. His new position pays $46,932 annually, district officiaJs said. Bobby Sox By PATRICK KENNEDY Of ... Del" """ ...., Huntington Beach planning commissioners have postponed a decision on a proposed mobile home park conversion ordinance that would require park owners to pay aJI relocation costs for evicted tenants. Commiss ion c hairwoman Grace Winchell sai d commissioners agree they need more background information ' . and analysis on the proposal. A _City Council members must ultimately rule on the proposed ordinance after planning co mm issioners make recommendations. Mr s . Win c hell said com missioners believe all mobile home parks in the city should be zoned for mobile homes in order to be protected by a future ordinance. She said staff members were asked to prepare a report on thi s recommendation. Six of the city's 19 mobile home parks are zoned for other land uses. Their use as mobile home parks is considered only a temporary use. Basically , the proposal requires park landlords to give tenants a year's notice of eviction and to freeze rents during that time. Landlords also must pay all relocation costs for evicted tenants if there are vacancies within 100 miles. If there are no vacancies. or if a' coach is too old to be moved or accepted at another park. the landlord wouJd have to purchase the evicted t e nant's coach , according to the proposal. Park owners say the pro'posed ordinance makes it too costly to change the use of their land. However, mobile home tenants say they could be evicted and suffer financi al losses unless the ordinance provides compensation. The proposal sugguts that coaches of evicted tenants by evaluated as if the coach had a guaranteed space in a park. Gross says he's pleased with the switch because his "goal for the past two years" has been to work in the district office. Superintendent Abbott says Gross was placed in the open position because he "has the skills to do the job." Abbott says the reassignment has nothing to do with the district investigation into allegations of impropn~ in vo I vin g Ed is on (oot·ba II players. • signups set The Huntington Beach Bobby Sox Softball League will conduct its finaJ 1982 signups Saturday at Marine View School, 5682 Tilburg Drive , Huntington Beach. Registration· is from 10 ,a.m . to3p.m. Parents who wish lo sign up their girls must bring the girl's birth certificate. Eligible are gir ls 7 through 15 . Bowlers striking for Big Brothers, Sisters By NORA LEHMAN Delry ..... ...,.. ... THE WEEK THAT WAS was Angelltos de Oro·s and the week that is is "Bowl for Pete's Sake." The beneficiary of both? Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Orange County. "Today's children are our hope for the future and the only known substance from which adults are made ... Dot Clock ended her Angelitos fact s heet witb that statement. I don't know whether it's her own observation , but it's a wonderful line. And the women of Angelitos mean it. Marking 2lyears of fund-raising for Bi~ Brothers and one for Big Sisters, they kicked this year's efforts off with a patroness luncheon in the new Lakeview Room al Big Canyon Country Club. Patronesses Chair Stephanie Robertson ~d her two-J ean committee -Lucas and Sharp -planned the luncheon around· a VaJenline's Day Theme. Maria Crutcher, Angelitos president, f<>WlCler Mrs. Spencer T : Honig, lhe group's first president, Mrs . Charles S. Thomas and hostesses Peggy Hakes, Jessie Mae Shirar, Opal Mae Pellegrin and Helen Starling greeted the over(low crowd. . .\monJ the guests were Priscilla Akins, Alice Davis, Liz Skinrier, Mary Scarborough, Car Porter. Barbara Howell, Gloria Laun, Kay Cramm, Katie Wheeler and Ellie Sawyer. Then, all this week 3> cowity bowline centers will host a "bowlalhoo," cUiminatinc in "Celebrity Day" at Regal Lanes in Orange. Proceeds raJaed by each center's leaiue bowlen' efforts Plus Jack Carter. Jimmy Bo}'d. Tom Riley, who heads this BB/BSOC fund·railer, and a 'number of other well·known county people and celebs, will flO to thil or1anlzation, too. So. bowlen 1et out there and help a kid be matched to a brother or slit.er by bowlint at a local lane thla week or at Reaal on Saturday. Tbefun bellna at 11 a .m . It's all for a lood cause. ••• On Saturday evenma the aru. County (:bapter o( the American Heart A11octatlon ho1t1 it• flrat run.t.rm.u. ball at tbe 8olitla eomt Plau Hotel. Accordln1 to JoADDe Slewart and Patti OUet, co-ebalr ol tbe 8"Dt, _..WY attadtn1 wUI receive a IOkt ftlitree bffrt • a ......, favor. the COit of which II underwritten by Warren Hancock. Guests will dance to Les Brown and his band. with Frank Sinatra. Jr. at the microphone. Not singing. but with mike in hand. will be Sam Goldstein. director of strategic investment, electronic division of the Rockwell International and Heart Association board member, who will act as master of cere monies. A number of well known personalities will be there: Maureen Reagan, Buddy and Nancy E~en. Jimmy and Mary Roosevelt: the Joseph Wambaughs, J9hn Raitt, the Ray Malavasis Vince Ferrag_amo and Harriet Nelson. It looks to be an excellent start for what's to be an annual event. ••• MARDI GR'/\S BALL for Mater Oei High School. I didn't know that Mater Dei was the largest coeducational Catholic high school west of Chicago. But so says Mrs. Roger Barganki in her announcement about the Par•nts' Guild annual fund raiser, the Mardi Gras Ball. scheduled for Friday ln the Grand Ballroom of the Disneyland Hotel. The Societ)' lor the Preservation of Big Bands will play for those who are p'anaing to dance their way back Into the hearts of milUons. Father Michael Harris, principal, supervises ·students comin& to the Santa Ana campus from all over the county. And ball guests will arrive from all over the county', too . Dr. Charles Bellitti telll me that 19 couples will be 1peeclina onto•tbe freeway towards Ananbeim from Queen.ol Ancell pariah in Corona del Mar alone. lf other parilbel avera1e that, it should be quite a ctowd. ••• Lacuna Beach and Newport Beach chapters of lhe Assistance League celebrity series got under way several weeks ago, and this Monday. this group hosts Wall Street Week's Frank Cappielo to talk on "The State of the Economy -T he Reagan Revival. .. Now, if you think that's a dry subject you haven't heard Mr. C. do his number on economics. I'm sure he can make it fascinating, indeed. And I'm sure we should listen, we may be into a whole old world here. For answers lo inquiries about tickets. call 494-2345. They may still have room. • •• Already t he Orange County Mus ic Center is considering changing its name and they haven't broken ground yet. Seems they want to call it the Orange County Center for the Performing Arts. Their point is that there a lready is a Music Center and it's located in Los Angeles. I think they're right and it's better to get the change under way now, before everyone's so committed to the old name they wouldn't change it if the Pacific froze. Besides, having been in this area for a while OCMC •· always meant Oranae County Medical Center to me. What's the new one going to look like? OCCPA? Well, that's OK. . • • • ART FOR ART'S SAKE : The art forms I'm mentioning here are the beauties Designing Women, the f und·raising arm for the Laguna Beach School of Art took in this year. Not that each and every member isn't a beauty, of eourse, but I was struck by this year's cluster ... Deanne Baldwin and her sister Nancy, Susan Balfour, Arleen Booth, Fran Bury and Judi <who was patient when I put a "y" instead of an "i.'' on her name> Dutton. Then in came old friend Susan 'McFadden, and Jennifer Mitchell, and JoAnne Nix. Then Bet.U'....Jlor1an·, Joleen Parham, Jean Hall Patterson, MicheneRohe, Mary Jane Rumbley, Nancy Snyder, Jo Shapiro and Joan ~ev~. · Well, now, who's next? Bev Shub, a nifty clOH friend of H~ary lmea , Faltb S\ron1, Janet Toohey and Patty TrurQM. That's quite a pledp clua, lln't it? ADd they're off and running. Came in ju.t in Ume to aet lavolwcl in ''Color lt Oran1e!" You don't know wllat "Colar ta Orup'' la? Well, there ian•t room to tell you tldl .-. All J'D say is lt'I a p-eat event aDCI bas all the eleau1t1 cil appeal to the enUre county. , •ICT'rTeou. auM••• ..._ITAftflllllleT Tiie ........ --·ere Millt .......... \llDllO M9MOIUU, Molt Clr<lt Drive, ~ '"'"· Cetlfer11I• ...... WllllM> Dirt! ~'-· _,, Clrcte Drive, Nu1tert au cll, c.e...,......a. ..,. ,.,,..,. ~ .. -.,, C:lrcte Orin, H••P••I aH cll, CellfwNe '**- c11r1t HeNriu-. 2~1 c1rc1e Drive, ....._.,, ... <II, Cellferlll• ....,. Tlllt lilutlMts Is c-lff ,., e ......... ~ .. ...... , W.Olrtl ...... k~ Tlllt *""'-t -H ... wltll ... C-ty Cltf'll of Or ..... c-. e11 P'ttwvMy I, 1a ~ "'*lltNll Or ..... c: .... Delly Pllet, , •. s .... It, ~ 1'11 • +a.a., PIU .. 25 Available for Immediate Delivery! • A BEAUTIFUL BUY OUR 1982 CIMARRON FOREST E. OLSON, R~TORS PRESENTING .. FREE BUYERS SEMINAR • I How to buy without lender qualifications. I How to buy with little or no money down. I The basics of buy/ sell agreements. I The benefits of co-ownership. I Plus much, much more. Date: Saturday, Feb. 20 Locatloc 19 I J I lroolllllrat. Hal If• leocll n..: llef)hlr..._ 9:JO AM. Se•r. I OAM-l 2:JO. ' IJBhd ... 0 .. 0f, cal BOW fo(o J .. Mr'YafiOttS. 962-5585 G reat selection of the custom 42, 45 or 48-inch conversion. Includes 8 inch color TY, bar, separately controlled rear air-conditioning, power Chauffeur divider window ... PLUS many more features! \ BCJY OR LEASE. ~ RllGER PEIBlfE CALFOANIA'S ~ CADeU..AC DEAL£A WH1EM 1"E • NtO C'JI FME..a lllEET If OOWNl'Y (714) 521-9624 (~Y 908 '"'8NCAOtUAC) No other newspaper brings you more of your city council, planning commission, ·school and college distr:icts and county government than the ~ Piii Lecture on public relations • business set next week • in By .IBFF PAUER .................. Mort Steln, a Newport Be.aeh public relaUona conaullant who beUeve1 that predatory bualneaa technique& are bad tor people and bulinell, 'Will lecture on the' topic Saturday, Feb. 27, at Oranfe Coaat Colle1e. "I believe that we as a society have become so abruive and aometimes vicious in every day business and private deallnp, that w e've b ecome cannibalistic," be said. "People are angry, aick and suapiclous of each other becauae of com· petltive co-workera, difficult superiors and indifferent people around them." ..., According to Stein, people have lost the ability to be both competitive and supportive to each C>t.Mr at the same time. He feels that modern pressures force people into competitive. situations that are often marked by "vicious and back·bitlng" behavior, but that people don't have to s uccumb to s uc h attitudes to be successful. "On the contrary." he said. ''I'm talking about better profits, better sales, better morale and overall effecliveness on the job. Good public relations principles -making people reel like people again -are the backbone of good business. I'm talking dollars and cents for business people. "I'm not moralizing. The first part or the lecture will deal with conventional roles in business - how the public relations man fits into the scheme of business a lo ng with advertising and marketing. I hope to send people away with an overall picture of OVER THE COUNTER how public relaUons work.I and how they ca n apply lta principles," he sald. Stein'• lecture, "How Public Rtl&Uona Skills Can Booat Protlt.1 and PresU1e ln Bua1naa and Private Llfe." wUl tocua on mtthod3 people can use to alter their own destructive behavior, and tbal of people around them. Humor , compliments , politeness and "acknowledgement" are some of the areu Stein wlU cover in hls tallc. ''We've forgotten how to create good will," he said. "It's macho to be tough now , to be ill-mannered. I cJn show that you don't have to be that way to be successful. You'll feel better, and you'U do better too." Stein's lecture is set for Feb. 27 at 10 a.m . in Science Lecture Hall 2 of Orange Coast College. Registration may be done at the door and the fee is $5. For more Information call 556·5880. TEACHES GOOD WILL Co n sulta nt Mort Stein believes good publi c r e l at i ons ca n boost a business' productivity and profits. He 'll lecture about his theories next Saturday. County jobless rate for :s14.7 percent Orange Co unt y's unemployment rate averaged 5.2 percent for the fourth quarter of 1981, up from 4.7 percent in the last three months of 1980, according to figures r eleased by the stale Em ploymenl Development Department. The preliminary average rate for the year is 4.7 percent, up from 4.3 percent in 1980, the EDD reported. Wage and salary employment rose just 1.7 percent during the year ended Dec. 31, the smallest increase since December 1970, whe n a s mall job loss was posted. Average hourly earnings for production workers in manufacturing rose 10.2 percent for the year to $8.44 . N-I Fl~ft J PyremOll l IC.yH,... • OmnlAth s AVfldl'wt • HIStcJot 1 SlllGona • Acu1.., t Arlacll , 10 CPU ?,t• 11 MtnSt r 12 SyrnbT< 11'1 13 GHSy 1 u CPU.., 1S FldMd.., " l.tSct.fl 11 °'~"' " Sc 8 It CIWt•D 20 JI ms n c ........ " CnEqt J• Ente<Sy " Mltral ,. Plerlllllv u::i_ .c"i. 2 • " ••I. "' 3 ..... J • ..... 71/7 • '"' "" • \It . .., . "" 1 • ... '"' . "' 2\.\ .. "" •II. • "" 211. .. 14 211. • .... •-" . "" 1\1. • "' """' . '"" ''"" • 1\(o 12~ .. 1\4 ..... " Sit. • Yt J'-> • "" J • ).1' Sl.o> • loot J"' • ... DOWNS ulil c"\ J .... 2"" Vt l -"" , ..... -II) ·~ -.v. t~ -....... 2\olo >.V. Vt • 2 -"' J \lo ' Vt 2\.tl "" u -l\lt ,.,,, "' , ... -\lo l--" 2\lo -"' JV. -\lo ,. -IYt JllJ " > ... -" s ..... 21.o> v. 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NL NL TWllC Gt 10.Jt NL NL NL NL • • Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Friday. F•bruary 19, 1982 H /F ... I 111111 ~-------u .8. meoufaetanra operated at 70.4 percent ol capacity ln January, lhe lowest level 1lnce 1975, u the recession apparently conUnued to deepen. Amons. the worst hit last month wu·t.he auto lnduatry, wllh an operating rate sliding to the lowest level ln at leut 34 years, Ule Federal Reserve Board reported. Tbe declloe of 2.6 percentage point.a in overall factory use ec hoed Wednesday's Federal Reserve flaurea ~howing the nation's industrial production fallln1 3 percent in January ... Am erlc:aM' penonal IDcome rose a scant 0.2 percent 1n J anuary after a December decline that was the first drop since the 1975 recession, the Commerce Department reported. December's figure had originally been reported u a sUSht gain, but department officials revised it to a decline of less than one-tenth of 1 percent. The last previous decline apparenUy was a drop of about the same site in July 1975 WDlll @i} Unemployment in the European Common Market countnes hit a post-World War IJ record 9.li percent m January. new evidence of Europe's c6ntinuln1 recession, according to figures released by the Common Market's statistical service. Approximately 450,000 more people were jobless in January than in December 1981 , when 9.1 percent of the workforce was unemployed. The total number of jobless in .January was 10.7 million STAB fS)mm----.... Citicorp, the New York-based parent company of the nation s second largest commercial bank, Citibank. announced plans to enter the thrift and loan business in California. The first office of Citicorp Person-to-Person Thrift Inc. is expected to begin oper ation in Glendale in April G reat Western Savings, a subsidiary of Great Western Financial Corp., a.od Nortlaera CallforaJa Savings said they have signed a definitive agreement to merge the two companies. An agreement in principle had been previously announce4 ... -Superintendents of the Santa Fe Rallroad are m eeting in Los Angeles .to decide a major layoff of employees an the railroad's 13-state area nex.t week. Santa Fe employs 35,000 workers ... ln1ne-based Callfoam Corp. has laid off ~ t>m ployees and plans to close the plant March 31. The company. which employed 400 and last reported $30 m 1llion in sales, is owned by Mobay Chemical Corp. of P1ttsburldl . j llllllGS 9=; Safeway St.ores reported unaudited conaolidated. sales for the year ended Jan. 2 of $16.58 billion, an increase of 9.8 percent over the earlier year. Net income for the ye ar, however, fell to $114.5 million, or $4 39 a share. from St 19.4 million, or $4.57 in 1980. The Oakland-based food chain said it will close 70 Safeway stores in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa by March 27 because of continuing losses there· Ford Motor Co. lost $1.06 billion last year, including a loss of $346 million in the fourth quarter. Ford lost $8.81 a share in 1981, compared with its record lnss of $1.5 billion, or $12.83 a share in 1980. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERA~ES ' NEW YOfU((API FIMI DGW.J-- AMERICAN LEADERS UPS .AND DOWNS °COLD COINS Nl:W YORK IAP) iltflc•t ••• '"""-Y ., 9Mf ~ ~'" Wftfl M•••f't lllfk• •• .........,,,,..., ... , ..... 1 .. ..,., ... .......... llf'O'l.z ,.-.JS,elt,.'1 ... ............ ,.,.., ........ a21 . ...,._ * t._,, .-W'il\' •.,IW .. ... "". f« T~y, F.O. 11. STOCKS a Open JO Incl 10 Trn IS Utl U Sito. Indus Tran Utlll 65 St~ Hlfll .• Low .(1eu"" .. c11i ~ IS Q.tS 12•.0a ..... + I .U Jol1 411 150 ... Mot.SI Jol7.A7 + OA.2 IOS.07 105.tl 10..11 IOU!-O.• n." m" n• . .n m.•. o.a " '·'".57' WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( IAPI l'H. 1e Advanced To$,. s Oe<llMd 103 Un<lla"99c1 "41 To1a t IJ..-1112 New hl9M II lttwtows e1 WH•I AMEXOIO "EW YORK Cit.Pl Fn. 11 AdYen<ed T-y tM De<ll...ci -Unt ll•"99d 2'2 Total IH•lft , .. New ~ New I 4.1 1.ss..- 1,•u .t00 11,121.111 Pr",,.., ":le ... '71 11U " • Pr" .... •J, .. m 162 • NEW YORK IAPI -Spot MMe"- .... tal P<kft kldey; C••,ar 77"·'° cenll • pound, U.S. desllnllCIOM. &..e•llcenUa~ ZltK 43 c:.ftb • llOWICI. Geltwred. Tlt117.411 ~· W9" com-It• ll». • ......_ 1~n <.eftb a P!MM. H. Y. Mwcwy U1S.•-tlaU Plat ..... l*.OOl"'YW .. N.Y. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., T1M ._ ..... ..,_ • 5"1«1Ml-lf9Md~lcfft ... .,: . • H /F Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Ftbruary 19, 1812 Sports on TV for weeiend Saturday's TV , radio TELEVISION 10 a.m <•> COLLEGE BASKETBALL Mlaaourt ot Georgetown. 11 a.m. (S) -TENNIS -Covera1e of the 1882 WCT clrcull beain with higlillght.s of the world double• champlonshlp, taped at Blrmlnaham, E n gland. Noon (2) ' COLLEGE BASKETBALL • PICTITIOUI •UllMHI MNM ITAT•MSMT Tiie tot1ow1,.. --• ••• ...,,.. '"'tlMUffl . '""" 0 I l'Wfl ..... OfOflllt c .... CHlly l'llOI. ,..._ ,.,-,_..t, tt. •• ,. .... I . , Nu ·ma MTKl TO~llACTOh Notre Dame at South Carolloa. (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL Stanford at UCLA. (28) - TENNIS -A semllinal round matc h ln the Congoleum Classic from Palm Springs. "E o• "" L COMI' L 1 ANC E l'ICTITIOUI •uttMau CALU• flOa ••ot '5<1100 1 Ohlflel' HUNTINOTON 9WACH UNION HIGH ~CHOOL OllTRICT a NOI NaE .. ING ASSOC., Ito H. MAMlllTATallQMT M~ .. ,.,,,,. 810 OoofllN• 2 00 P M FrlOev, l'ltct11U., c:.t.e Me .. , CA "621, Tiie lellowlnt Porto,, ll Hlllt •ICTITIOUI •UltN8H OOLO COAIT llllll'Ol'TS. INC., e -i...Met NAMa ITATa .... MT P\llllltl>ocl Or.,. c;o.rl Oall)' ll'ltot, Ftllt.,.,-Y "· 1t'2 2 p.m (2) GOLF -Third round play in the Cellf01fllo teo'PW•lloll, HIO w. C.Otl l!Mt' AUOCIAT••. ,.., Coo• T"• followlllO OOOOlll ... d0l"4 Hwy.,~ .. _, CAtt..a Plt<o, C.UI ~.CA.... 11u111,..., H ' fat>. 12, It, It. Mal<ll S, ,.., ~ l'l•<t of 9W "4< .. ltl HUNTINGTON If.ACM UNION HIOH SCHOOi. OIURICT £0UCATION CENTI.It, IOUI Yori.tow11 Aun .... IOA .. 0 llOOM, Hvntl .... Oft llffccll, CA,_.. Prejecl f-Hlwllon Bid Ne. 4M -Ooo1 Hardwa1t, Wtttml11t1er Hit" ScltoOI Los Angeles Open. 2:30 p.m . (7) -SlJGAR RAY LEONA•o·s G-OLDEN GWVES -Arkan.'Jas takes on New Mexico In a series or 11 bouts. I( • I 01$TRl8UTORS, INC., e EOWARO M. FRVMOYE ... 1 .. 1 CAPRI CL.EAN811$, t» 5oulll C•llfOtlll• corporetlOOI , .. ., H CorYo l'loeo,CClltloMoN.CAH•» E11<lld,A,..,,.,.m,Gtllfot11lo Plt<tfltlo.. c: .... -... CA "M11. Tiii• ~· It COftduei.4 llY .,. Cle.ii N sn1 .... Inc: .• Cellftf"lll• CMAaT•ll NO. 1U11 CO MPTROLL£ .. OF THE CURRENCY TrHMlry 0eper111Wrtl Of ""'u111te0 Slotita, WHlll"91on, D c Tlllt llUSlllOtl Ii <Olldv(lecl lly e 11\dlvlclwl (..,_el .... , 141' so.itfl IOI.II A-. ....,.,~p E-dM f"lrfW1Ytf AICIMlle,c;.llfornl•tlOO. I( & • 01.irlbulO<~ Inc: TlllJ llMtlN<ll w• flied wllll llW Tllll bullneu I' <onduCIH lly a 3 :30 p.m. (7) -PRO BOWLING -The finals of the True Value Open, taped at Peoria, Ill. O, 1<41119, S.Cllreu Covnty Clorlt of Oton1111 County on '°'l>0"•1'4n 1'111111 Publl"'9CI 0.-Ca .. I Oelly Pl'91. Wllo<OM lolltfadOry evldenco llat lloell p,.._,..., to tM ComptrOller Of Piece Pia"' ore on Ille MAINTENANCE, OPERATIO NS ANO CONSTRUCTION, ftoom HI, HUlllll\OMft a.oc:11 Union HIOll k.._. 0•1trlc1 Eoucellon C•nlt1 , tOHt Yotlllown A-. HulllllltllOfl lloec,., C• '2-. .,,_ (114) "4-J»t Eat na. S p.m. (7) -WIDE WOllLD OF SPORTS - Coverage of the world wristw restllng championship, taped at Petaluma. Also: Male and female teams challenge the s urf off Oahu's Makaha Beach In the International Tandem s urfing championships . And same day coverage or the world two-man bobsled cha mpionships at St. Moritz, Switzerland. OOld C:O.tl lmpot1t '9e. 1•, ltD, C-N ~ ....... In< "•II ti, 't. MITCll S, 11, 1"'2 7~_., "°" MIO.er_,, '1U111 Flflme H S..l<llmoft, "'" the Cu1tency '"•' "INTElllM CAPISTRANO NAflON4L 8ANK" lo<ated ,,, s.i J111111 Capl•I•-. Stelt ot Ceiltorflle, llM _..ilM w1111 oll PtOvhlOM ot lllO U•I~ Of tlle Unit.a Sleltl rtquOrWd to be c-lle<I •1111 ""'o•• bel"9 aulhorl~td to com~ Ille llu'I~$ of Oon1Lln9 et e Netloftel 8•1111111Q AU«letlon Socrwlof'V P11blllNCI 0t""90 c-Dolly Piiot. Tiiis .. ._, WH lllM wllll -T"I' llNINftl wn lllecl w1111 tne Fee. It, 2•. INtrc" s, 12, 1"2 1~ County Clertl 01 Otanoe Cou,,IY on County Clorll of O;e1199 Cou.,ly on •-----------.,..-· .f'-uery 11, 1"2. t'oll. 1', 1"2. -I#> -.. l'l'*MI NOTICI O• HUSTKl'S SALK ""'* ~ ... ,~ Pvbll-er ... Coe.C Delly Piiot, .._ .... 111-IM NOTICE IS HEA1!8Y GIVEN Illa! lht •t>ow-na!Nd 5'llOOI Dlurlct o1 Of•"90 Countv, Ctlll0<nio, •ct"'9 11\1 anO lhrOUOl'I lh Gov•'"'"" ... rd, ttert ln •ft•r referr•d to •• "DISTRICT," wlll rKel¥e up to, but rt0I l•lat' tllan -abOYO-ttel.O 11,...., M•ltd bids for 1111t aw•rd of • 'ont1ac:t ICM' IM ollDYe P<11i.<t PuOll-Or-Coelt Delly PllOt, ..-------------Fef>. "· 2', Met<ll S, U, ,.., 1....i. T,S .... 11-l Fet>. "·, •• ''""'II), 12. lta • .,.., NOTICa o• TllUSTK•'l tAL• NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC .•• L-'"· 1...._,m • -"' llTIC( duly •!>901.,l•d T•u•IH under tn• RADIO T.S ..... 71...a ,._ follow1"9 dH<rll)eO d9ed of trust WILL du~:'::!!,.~~.~!"~;,:~,:; ..-------------A ~~~~ ~T~ ;u:~~cD"eu~r~~R ~~ ~~~ lollowl"9dlH~rl~OeoeloHru~WILL. ,.CTl~:,~:tNaH (p.tyallle ol time of ule In lewtul N~, ,,,......,..., I llelef>y cerllly 11\at Ille abo .. ~•m•d •noclallon h outhOrlr.i to c-., ,,,. 11«wneu o4 b•nkln9 •• • Nollon•I Be11111n11 AHocletlon Basketball -Stanford at UCLA, noon, KM PC (710>; Utah State at UC Irvine, 7:30 p.m .. KWVE 008 FM); Cal State·Fullerton at Fresno State, 7:30 p.m ., KWRM (1370); Pacific at Long Beach State, 7:35 p.m .• KLON (88 F M ); California at· USC, 8 p.m .. KDAY (1580). ,.....,.,, NOTICE o• TltUST&a'S IALf. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 1'0 THE NAM• STATKMl!NT "IO.,.Y Of llW United Stolfl) oll rl(lhl, HIG HEST BIDDER FOR C4SH Tiie lollowi,,11 per1o,,, ore dolnQ llllo and lntef'fflconnyedlo--NO. 5"411462 NOTICE IS Hl!Rl!BY GIVEH THAT OH Fr..,,..,, lflo Htll OOY of F~, IMt, e1111e-..of 11:00• m., onoutll ffOlll entr-• IO 11\e Oranve County Old Co.11'1houM In the ChV of So,,la Alie, County of Ote"ll•. Slole of C•l1for11I•, Stelewldo ForeclO•ure S.rvlc ... 111< , .. S..Cc,.,,_ l~I ... will •ell ot pUClllc euctl..,,, to Ille lll9llHI Dldcler, for <osll '" lewful money of the United Slolu , ell peyoble •I Ille time of WI•, lf\ol cef1•1n ,.., ~,,., •lluolocl In Ille City of N.,.por1 8eacll, County of Or 01111•. Slate ol Callfornla, ond delCrlllecl Ill follows: Lot H of Tract No. 612, ., ...,. mes> rec0<-In 8ooll JO, Pote "illCI'™.,,. of Mlw:ell.......,. Mep$, In Illa Office of IM Cou,,ty Ao<ot-of .. kl County. IPOY•ble •I ...... of Mlle In lewful bull,,oUlll lleld lly II~ Yid Deed of Tr ... ! In moMY al ti• UnllM 5'.llKI all rlvf\I, CAPltl CL.EANERS, 1011 North Ille pr00t<1y IWrelnafter IMK<lbed In IUll"-Y whet9°' wllneu my ,19,,.111re --• 01office1111•1111 d•Y of Oec,e-1'11 Bid• .,...I ti. rec.elvtd 111 Ille place ldenlllled .....,,., -""'" lie --artd pulllfcly •••O ••oud ol '"• ebov•·•lalM """' or>el place. tlllo•Mllltw .. 1c-y9Clto-Mw Matnolla,A..-lnl,C•lllonll• TRUS10R )~NE SOUKERAS llold by II -t.akl Dwd of Trull I,, .Cleon N 5'11ft0, Inc:, • C•llfornlo tnd ANITA E SOUKEAAS, llul!Wlnd 1\1 CIWf'le• !; I.Ord ACllllQ CO<nlllroll•' ol lhe C11r1tfl< y ,,,. P•-rtY heNIMlt•r O.Krlbo!I' co,_atlon, 1414 56\1111 IOlll Awnue. •r>el wll• TRUSJOR· JOHN $0UICERAS, o Arl:!Mlla, c;.11.....,,1at100. BENEFICIARY BUCl'iA VIST• E•<" bid muU conlorm and lie •HponllW 10 llW COl!Cre<t ~-Li married mM •• "n IOle -..,.,a1. T"h 11u11n .. n ,, cond11<ltd DY • INVESTMENT COllPORATION Pf'-r1y cot·pootlon Recor-Aprll 10. 1'41 •• '""' No Publl\lled OraftQt Coal! Dolly PllOt, Fell 12 "· 2' March s. 12. "· 16, Aprll 2, •. 1"2 1o..11 £0<" blcl V..11 ... ac'°"'"'"led l>y ,,,.. M<wlty r~ lo In Ille contract Hockey Calgary at Kings, 6:50 p.m ., KPRZ (ll50). BENEFICIARY: DONALOG HESS C~on N Siii,,., In< II~ 111 booll 14015 -7 .. of Oftlclll ond JA NICE C. HESS, ............ and Flll..,,. H. Sulelman, PrH. Aecordl In 11'9 office ol tllt Recotder .. 11ea1communllypr-rty Tltl' llol-I ••• 111.., wlln 1,,. of O••fllle Counly, wld -of lrust dO<u-nts -by I ... 11~1 of pr--1ubeonlracton. lite DISTlllCT re .. rv., Ille'"'"' to reject ony or oll ~ or Lo w•l¥e any lrr-eoularl11ff °' lntormalltlel Ill ally bid' or In !fie blddln9 Sunday's TV , radio TELEVISION "•corded Oocem!Wlt 1', '*· •• Co.1llty Clef1< of Or•noe County Oft Clew:rlbol t1W lol-ln9 P'-"' '"'"·No. 221'0 1,, _ 1•14, .,_ 1510 ,..,,.,.,y l1, l"2. Loe IO of Traci No 4003. In Ille Clly ol OHklal Records In ll• oHk• of Ille "NJ7t of Newporl Buell. u per map 10 a .m . (2) NBA BASKETBALL -Phoenix llKordler of Or-Counly. Mid _., Pullll•hed Orano-COOU O•llY Piiot, re<ordocl In llDoil ••. P99H ll lo It ':!.!;~~ dn<rlbu Ille followl"t Fat>. It, tt, MlrcllS, 12. 1"7 JtS-42. :~•11~~~:. °!. ~~~:!,i;"':ec~C:; ~~ "ICTITIOVS I USINl.SS HAMI STATaMl:NT Tiit lollowln9 POI\°"' ••• doln9 bU\l.,.U •t: Tl'le Depulmenl ol lrtdulltlol Relation• ,, .. oetormiftOd llW ...,.,., Ptevol11"9 ,. .. Of per diem w-Ill tllt' locellty In whkll fllls _,. I• lo ti. pertor......, IOr •a<ll crafl ., type of workm•n n•N•O to e.•ecute U•• COfllfe<I. T-ralfl ••• .,,, flit •I Ute DISTRICT office IO<•led ., IOUI Yor•town "-· H..,,,lnqtoft Boecl'I, C.11 t2-. ~ ,.,.., t.. -•lned °" ·-· "cwy of,....., .... , .......... po1led ol U. jOO •II•. Tiie tor-1119 Parcel 1 ,,, .,,. City of NeWPOr1 toald co..nty Beacll, Cou.,ty of 010.,ge, Slelw of NllJC .TIC( IO I.Inda 1,ie. N-DOl'I Beach, CA at Philadelphia. (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL Wichita State at LSU. Noon (4 ) SPORTSWORLD -The WBC's Cellfornla, •• lhoWll Of\ • meci lllocl In i.-------------'1..a PA CIFI C INDUSTAl4L CLEANING, J701 Bii<", NewPOrl Betel!, Calllomla 91..0 booll S7,....,. 20 of Parcel Moe><, In Ille NS t175' '(II a P•t•I •dd•••• or comrt'\Oll oHk• 01 tllo count\' re<oroer oft.Old IUl'a,.tOttCOVltTO,.CALl,.ORNIA ou111n•llon " '"owrt •Don, no cou,,ty. COUNTYO .. OltANOE w•tr•nty "Ol¥en ., to II • rlmOll'ly M. Vucovl, ''•' Tiki Clttle. Hun11ngtOll S..ocll, Celll0<"I• ., ... two top-rated middleweights -D~ight Davison (30·1) and Tony Sibson (39-4·1) -square off in a sc heduled 12-round bout from Birmingham , En gland. Also: Part 4 of the world pro figure skating championships; World Cup downhill skiing and a look at Dick Button's gold medal winning performance in the 1952 Olympics. Tiie Ur•el addr•u •nd olll•• comm°" desltln•llOft. II •nv. o1 -•••I pr-rty dH<rlllod •IMIV• IS pvrponed 110 lie SJI I. SJI"' Acac.I•, New-1 BMcll, CA. 2'1' Pecifk Caul Hltllw•V. CCl'Oftt iecivk~Or.Wnl comp1elen•U0tUlf're<111ou1" cHI Mar.CA mli. S-.AM,Co.'"'I Tiie llerwfluary u,_, MIO Deed ol "Ill a >lrMI edclreu or commo11 MA llAIAGE OF PETITIONER Tru\l.DyrHIOflolebrHchordeleull l(e11ncr111 A Conkun, • -rnl"9 Oovt, lrv"'8. Cehtomlt '171•. 12::.> p .m . <2) -GOLF -Final round play in the Los Angeles Open from Riviera Country Club. 12:50 p.m (91 -NBA BASKETBALL - Lakers at Denver. 1 :30 p.m . (7) -SUPERSTARS coverage of the men's final. Taped 2 p.m . <28) -TENNIS -The final of the Congoleum Classic, taped at Palm Springs . _2:30 p.m . (4) -SPORTS AFIELD. 1 ::.> p.m . (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPOR.TS - M ale and female athletes push their bodies to the limit in the iron man world e ndurance triathlon, taped in Hawaii. Also: Same day coverage of the world 'O·meter s ki jumping championship in Oslo, Norway. Basketball KLAC (570). RADIO Lakers at Denver, 12:50 p.m .. Tiie ...-.i1vne<1 lruslee dltclelms ony lleblllty tor any lrw;orroct,,.u of Ille llrHI -• -other common de-sl9Mllon, If any, •hoWn 1Wrel11 Said w•• will lie mode w1t1tou1 covenant or ••rr•nty. ••Prtts or Implied, ._cilnQ 1111•. -ulon, or encumbr•nces to ullsty Ill• Obll9otlotl$ MC\ITto lly ...a pyrwanl to Ille PO-of wle conf.,rM In lllal cer1aln dMcl of lrusl datecl Seplem11>er 11, 1'90, executed betw•n Leroy P. Studer and Emogene M StuOlr, es trvllor, to St. Poul Tiiie Compeny, 01 lru•IH for ~Ion Ftoem•"· ••••• es beftefklarv, lo MCure U.. """ of 150.000.00, wit" Interest Iller_., •• provklecl In wld notohl, ed¥ellCH, II any, u,,.,.,. Ille •rm• of Mid -of ltull, -._ cN"" -e•PoMOS Of llW lfU-and of ll'\4b c .... otoo by wkl -ol trVJl -rocontad .., O<-r l, 1•, In -1m4 . .,_ IJOI of olflcl•I records of Oranoe CounlV, Stote of Cellfomla deslonellon 1, shown above, no E N R 1 0 u e A v 1 L ,. • " d IOI lh• obllO•llon• secured lltereby, Wttranty " 9lven ., 10 11• llESPONDENT PATRICIA ELAINE heretofore nec:ul.O -.,. ..... , .. ,. compleleMU0< corrwctMu," AVILA !:-o".':!:~ ~~o~~:.·~::; nM tle<Wlte1¥Y-...,.,., Miki °"" of SU"'11MOf!S 1 "AMIL Y LAW) wrlllen noll<e 01 breach•"" ol electlOll Trust, by rMton of a -.c11 or oetaun CASI. NO. 0-1"912 lo cou,. till' und«sivned 10 sell Hkl In Ille Obll90tlons H<ure<J lher•lly, NOT ICEI You ...... bH11 woo. TM properly 10 .. 11.ry ... d OC>ll9elloll•, nerelofore uecutad ...., clellve•ed lo coun m•y decide _,,,., yo11 """°"' •llCI thereafter Ille u._..,IQnocl cauMd the u~ • wrl11et1 DeclarotlOfl your bel"9 hHrd uftleH you ••~ wld notice o1 lltH<h and 01 e1e<IJ011 to of Default -Demond lor Sele. encl within JO do• Read lllt' 1nlormalloft be Recor-l'io•emt..r 3 ttU ., wrlllennolkeof.,._K,.onclofele<llon below Instr No. l320 111 lloOk ld1, NQt IJll, to cause the -...1""°" lo Mii t.akl II fev wkll • -~ llw odvke .. .,. 01 Hid Ofllc••• Recoros properly lo .. tlsfy .. Id Obll901lons, .... ,..., 1,. .... -'· ,.., •-de Said .. .., wlll be m-but wlllloul •nd lher .. ftet the u,,.,...,._ uuMCI ... ,.,.,..,.11, M IMI Y•"' wrlll.,. covenent or warronly ••P~•n or u lo rt0llGe of ..,..ac,. •llCI of •le<llon lo -· H MY. may• Hied.,. ti-. lmoll..i. ,_01119 1111•. pouent0n, or lie recO<dM November J, "''· •• AYISOI U-... IH9 __ .._ enc:um11ronc .. lo pey IM rem•in•nQ in1tr. No. J32A '"book 1'11' -IJU, El In-....... -.CNlr ,.,,,. Ud. prlnclpal wm o1 lho r>ot•l•I securao of ,.kl Otfklol Re<orcb. "" a11fl••cl• • m••H ~"• Uf. by wld Deed of Tr1.1st, .. 1111 lnteretl as Saki 0Mle will be ...-. 11«1 wllnout ,...,._ -· de • dUL Lea 141 '"said note Pf'O¥Kl«I, advence1, II any, cov•n•nl ot ••rr•nlY, eapreu or ltlfw,..ac...,_.i.-. under llW t.,..m• of wiO Dwd of Trust, 1"'91le<I . .._dln9 lille, PCKMS,loll, or SI u.-. -... kiter •• ~ .... '"'· Cllaf91'I •n<I ....... In of IM erw:umt>ronc..._ '° pey Ille remollll"Q 1111 • ..__ " Hte -· .. .,.,.. TruUff -of the lrush crHled by ptlnclp.el t.um ol llW nol•hl -uAd ~•orl• ,,.._lateme•I•. •• •ll• said Offd of Trust. S.1d \ti• will be by MIO Dwdof Trvsl, with lnterttl H •"'-•· w ...._u ncrlte, II lley llOld o., Mondoy, Merell 1, 1'81 et 2 00 in ••Id~ P<O¥.-. edv-. ii ony, •lt11Aa,,..... -•eeinr-. • 11o ... .,.. P M at Ille c~ ,.,..,..,. enlraft<• ulldor Ille tenns of Miki Dwd of Tr..sl, I TO THE RESPONDENT TIW lo ll>O CM< C""ter ButkllnQ, lOO E .. 1 feet, CllargeJ ond Hiit~ of ll>O pelllloner "•• flled o pellllon Cllapman Avtnut. •n Ille Clly or TruS1ee -of Illa truns cr .. IOd lly conor111"4 your merriave, ii you tall Oto119<t. CA LlnlS. G C-lln, I MornlnQ Dov•. I rv•~•. Colllomlo '171• Thi\ l>Ut.,~s i' conduct*G DY • 11-r•I p.wl....,..,.lp Linda G Con•llrt KlteClvle of ""' diem w-• I• -upon • worklnQ day of el9'1I (II "°"''· Tiie rate for hOllday aftcl o"er11rne •or9l Sh•ll bt •t 1 ... ,, time aftd Ollo·llatt Tiiis ~l•l-1 wlll llle<J with tM Counly Cieri! ol Otan91' Counly Oii J UllHfV II, ,.., It •11•11 IM mand•lorv upon Illa CONTRACTOR to_,,, t11o COftlra<I Is ow•rdtO, •no upon•"• "''" .. ~llCOftlrac1CI' ..,..,., l\lm, to oay not Publl"*I OrM'Ot Coo\! Dally PllOI, ••u tll.,.1111! t.ald "'9<111.0 ralu 10 all Ftll> ''• U, M•IT'h S, 12, 1'87 1 .... 1 wor•met1 emptoyed by 1 ... 11'1 I" Ille -------~----"-. .. ecutlOft of the <°"t1act No -mov wllllllrow II~ ll>ld for PUIUC 1111CE • pe1loo of lor1y•llve C•SI .,.,, ofter -------------i111e date W1 tor llW -""of lllclL CP~I.., A pey..-llOflCI and • performance NOTICE OF TllUSTf.f.'S SALE llond wlll be required p1lor lo T.S. Ne. 2-47U eaecullon 01 tll• controCI Tiie On Felltua,.,, 2•. '"'· al 9 IS o'cloc• lltYll'l•nt -"'911 lie In Ille form sel • m on Frlooy, ot llW fl'Of\I e111ron<e lorlll In IM """4recl <10<1••T-h lo Ille Old Or-Count? Court-. A_, c Balley IO<eled Of\ Santa An• 81\'d., --Olre<W Svcemore SI I. 8-wev. Satlt• Ano, Malntenarw:e, Operation• Callfor.Wa and c-trucllOft W E S T E A l'i M U T U A L Pullll\IWcl 0.envt Coast Dally PllOI, CO RPORATI ON a Calllor11 I• F•ll 12 1',1"1 ~ corl)oulles>, •• Tr"''" or \utKllluted Tr uutt. under lh• deed ol lrusl •.ecul•O by ~R•N• BIFFIN, en unm•rrltO -ond HENRY N GEE N a llnQlo ,.,.,,, -eln <•lled lruslor, rec:0<-AP<ll 1. 1••1, u AM-I ln•lrument No 1•n. In Book 1.00.. T.S. NO 1191 Pao• 1431, ol Olllclel Record\ ol NOTICE OF TllUSTEES' s.ALE County wrestlers await sectionals Tl\o .,.,_,kl«y -r Miki_., of lt'llSI or M<t.rllY GI"'<•. lly ,..._,of 0 broac" or def•un In u.. OC>ll90tlon' M<ured -.C.V. l\or•llOlor• e1tocutod •nd dell-lo Ille ""der\ltrted o wrlll•., de<lerallo., of default and 1»monc1 tor wle, and wrll..,. notk• of -aull -olKtloft to Mii under 1110 termt of Hid dHd ol trust ono recocded Octoller IJ, 1'11 •• ,.,,,ru,,_. No. tnat. '" -14"5, ot. -Ill, of o11l<lol re<.ords of Mid ••Id 0-ol Tnm Said wle will be lo Ille•,.._... •ltnln JO O•Y• of Ille Al Ille 11,.,.. of '"" lnlllal pybll<allon llOld on Monoey, Merell I, 1''2 et 1 00 date 111et IN• """"*'' I• wrved Of\ o1 lltb no11u, 1,.. lottl .,,,_"' o1 ,,.. P.M. •ltlleC'_..,.11A-•nl•tft« you,,_ default""'' lie .,. .. ,eel •llCI 11npalo balance of 111e 0DllQ•llo11 lo Ille Civic ~ 8ulldlflll, JOO EaS1 Ill• tour I moy e111er • jud9mefll -urecl by-•lll>Y• IHK•lbed -of Cllaptna., Aveftll<t, In Ille City of c.Ofllelnl"9 lnluncllv. or other -~ '""' and .. 11m•ted c.,..,, •• ...., .. ., Ora"90,CA. concernlnQ dl¥hlon 01 oroperty, ano adv•ncu '' U7,HI u To At Ille thT• of the lnlllal publlcetlOfl -Ml .._t. cllfld cunOdy, clllkl "°''ermine ,,.. -"'"" lllcl. you may 01 '"'' nolke. IM 1oc.1 •mo.Hit ot -.......,, •llonWy ,..,, c..-tl. ano well call 111•1 t:J7~ unpaid bal•n<• of Ill• oello•tlon ou..r rellet K "'°' 11e vront..i llv llW Dale F...,....• • 1"1 OrortQ• C-ly, c;.llfornl•, wlll Mii el On Fellnlll,.,, 2'. 1"7 •I 11 00 •.m , PVbllc •uc11cs. lol ... nlQnHI -·for FIRST ,.,..,IC ... llTLE li'i~AANCE ca~ .,.,..,.. !fl lew!ul mono of Ille COMPANY. a Camonwe corpor•tlOft, United Sl•tK et tlW lime of wle. tlW H Trus-°' Succttoor T""'" or lmtrett cOflveY9d to -,_ held by SubJlllwlM TruSlte, of tllel ceno111 wld tru•tet undtr Mid..,..,°' l•u" In Dud ol TrUlt .. ecut..i llV H a. H '"" P•Olltr1Y l'luel<!CI In .. Id Co;;n(y GEN I! RAL PART NE ASH Ip. ond endStale,clH<n-•s recoroeo Seplomll>er J IHI •• <°""'" Th• tot•I amount of lllO 1111pa10 balerw:e of the OOll99tloft MCIKed by tll• proP<tr1Y to ti. told, lnCludlno •stlmeted coils, e•penus and ..OV•n<K 11 "'.JSO fO A field of 208 wres tle rs in 13 d ivisions representing 51 schools will narrow the field lo four qualifiers in each weight division for t he CIF finals Saturday morning at Cypress College. DAlED.J~Jl,1"7 Statewfct. Fort<e01ur• Serv•<•'· Inc AS SAID TllUSTEE BY SUB· STITUTIC>f< A A JO<;. AHi Vice Prttldent StH Carrttos Awnue CyP<HS,CAQJO It's the CIF s ectionals and it consists of 207 .,..lhletes from Orange County and one free-lance wres tler from Pasadena Poly with action scheduled to begin at 10 a m ""' 11t-l* I Sl'S"'17 PuDlllllld 0.-COOSI Dally Piiot, Fell S, 12, "• 1'81 S1..., PHELPS. S;t. PackinK Plant m S1ou:t City. 16. 1982 She was an apartment m:snager • .,for the R a m co C'<>nstructor Company for the past 13 years Sht• 1s survived by her nephews. John and Dan Ke rsch. both or La Habra, Ca Services will be held on Monday , at 9 ·00AM at Harbo r I.awn Memorial C hapel w ith interment se rvices 1mme d1alely following St>rvices under the d1rect1on or llarbor Lawn-Mount Obve Mortuary ol Costa Mesa 540 5.'>54 WILLIAM If PHELPS IO\\a for 23 }cars Ile \\llS a S R age IM) pf Sioux Cit) member of the American Iowa, died on Munday , Lrg1on and Vctera11s or Febr.uarv I. 19R2 1n a I.An~ F'o re1gn Wars Survivors Beach. ·California hospital include 3 sons. Wilham II after 11 long Illness Mr Phelps , Jr of Spokane. Phelps ts survived by 33 Was hrngton , Walter L descendants . A Millt<.1 rv Phelps of Center to n , Service was held ai 2 OOPM Arkansas and Ro bert T on Thursday .. Februa~y 4, Phelps or Sioux City , Iowa. 3 1982 at R1vers1de National daughters Mrs Bel\y M. Cemet<•ry Mr. Phelps was Williamson of Santa Ana. born on July 26. 1901 tn Ca . Mrs. Jud1ty I St<Jhl or Salem. Missoun He served Mesa Arizona and Mrs with the US. Army in World Mary . A. Cooper of Sioux War I and was with the Red Clly Iowa 13 grandchildren Arrow Division throughout and '11 gr~at-grandchtldren f.EWIS France lie was employed at Also survived by 3 s1!'iters A LL EN S P ENC E R --~IT &--company Meat Mrs. Bertha I Wmdles or L E W l S. r cs 1 dent of ------------sioux City. Iowa. Mrs Lilly Gardena. Ca Passed away Poches of South Sioux City, on fo~ebruary 14. 1982 He had ,.AClftC YllW MIMOll.Al'AA• Cemelel\I Morluary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1hc; View Drive Newport Beach 644·2700 McCOIMICX MOHUAllU LaQuna Beach '\..4?4:~ l~Mlll!) 768-0933 San Juan Cap1slr1Mo 495·1776 H.U.IOtl L.AWK-MT. OLIY I Mortuary • Ce me terv Crerra 1orv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 5'0-5554 ..... CIUOTHHS llLL MOADWAY ...O.TUAAY 110 Broadway CostaMeH &42-9150 I o w a . and M a r y or served in the Vietnam War Ca I 1rorn1 a and a Is o in Gennany. He was also a numerous ni eces and native Californian. lie was nephews. His wife LiJhan E. employed by Standard Oil Phelps preceded htm in Refinery lie is s urvived by death on July 9. 1945. his wile Judy of Gardena. GALLAHER Ca .. parents Mary Jane and C 11 AR LES A . F orrest 0 . Lewis of GALLAHER. passed away Huntington Beach. Ca., I on February 18. 1982 A brother Randy , s is ter resident of Newport Beach, Alison, 2 grandmothers Ca {or the past 20 years. Sadie Le wis and H elen Survived by his wife Alicia. Pnchard all of Huntington daughter Patnc1a llerren. 1 Beach. Ca Services will be sister Betty Byron and 1 held on Saturday, February brother Earl Gallaher. 2 20. 1982 at 2 : 00 PM at grandchildren, Michael and 1 n g I e wood Cem e ter y M ili nda Mr. Gallaher Mortuary, Inglewood, Ca. owned and o perated Faci II ties Maintenance TEMP.I.ETON Corporation since 1973, R 0 BERT L 0 UIS previously employed as an TEMPLETON, passed away electrical engineer for on February 11, l982. He wa.a Robertshaw Cont r ols In a member of the Santa Ana Anaheim. Ca. Cor 23 years. Elks Lodge '794, the Citrus founder ot Am erican Belt Traffic Club . t.he In stitute o C P 1 ant National Credit Managers Engineering, past·presldent. Association, tho ,Nationa l a n d R e i i o n a J Frosen Food AHoclation Vice-president. a member of a n d t h e A m e r I c a n Rotary l.nlemaUonal and the Management Association Soc I et y o I Amer I can He Is survived by bl.a wife. Mllltary Engineers, Orange Verna, eon Calvin o( 1'uaUn. County Post., a tnember of Ca , dauahter Nancy of Slml the L)'l'lwood Ma.sOnlc Lodge Valley, Ca . brother F.W. and a member or t.he Bahia Templeton or Hous to n , Cor inthian Yacht Club. Texas, father Robert L. Services wlll be beld on Templeton, Sr., or Fort Saturday, February 20, 1982 W o r th • Tex a • a n d 3 at a~OOPM at Paclnc View ll'•ndctllldren. Service• wlll Chapel. Entombment be h eld on Saturday , P acific View Memorl•l.,February 20 , 1182 at.. Park Paclrtc View lO:OOAM •l Harbor Lawn Mortuaey dittct.ors. Memorl&I Chapel. Strvi~e• GIST und tr \be dlrectlol\ of M<UAdbylne•lloveclHcrlbed-of tovrl Tiie oarn1,11..,.n1 OI ••llH, NEWPOlh .. OME LOAN, tru'1 -"llmot!ld CO.Iii, ••.llO'>Ml, 1.i.1no of money or P•-IY. or oll•"' INC eno advance• •~ S7J.OH. H To «>ur1 eulf>orlreo prooecllnos mo •ho auald Tnmee. deltrml,,. Ille -nl"ll bid, YD<I may '"vii • 8y TD SERVICE Call (11•) '27-0M. OolM Dae-• JI, 1 .. 1. COMPANY. D•I• F~ 4, ,.., Lee"' Bronc I\, Cle•--· A LE ASEHOLD ESTATE AS lnstrumef\I ""· 6C*I, In -lttOI. c A E A T E D 8 y ( ' I " N -"'of Ofllcl•I Recoros of Oranoe Ul'iRECORDED LEASE DATEO Counly. C.llfor,,lo, and P•JrlW.ill to MARCH 11, 1'1S. EXECUTED 8Y , .... cer1•in Noll<• of Oefaull ..... ELIZAIETH J. PHILLIPS, LOUISE EIO<lloft lo s.11 l!Wf'_, rwcoroeci P HUT TON AN D GEORGE W. O<tooer U, '"' ~ ln•lru-"° PHILLIPS, AS LESSORS. •• IS1tl, In -10"3, P-1'°6, of more pa•llcululy described In Olllclot ACICO<<H of MIO Counly, will EXHIBIT "A" otleclleO hereto end un(kr -Pu•«uanl to Mkl 0..0 of NEWPORT HOME LOAN By c wee ... ,, Deputy Bv ClnOY S<-..Ovtor INC. ltA,.AE'L A. CAltORNAS Anll~nt S.C"'lery '" Mlcl Tt'llil .. , Atwwer •t t..ew C)np City 8ouie<rard WHI "By TD. SERVICE ... aWl ..... re .. M. Ste. t• OronQlt CA f2161 COMPANY, lM ,._._,Ca. -C71013WM tlY 1.--, -. Pu1111.-Orenvt Coe.st Dolly Piiot, Pijll)ll.Slled °'-Cout Dally Piiot, A.sllllont Seer.to"' Feb tt, "·"·March S, 1'81 .,._.,, Fell 12. "· n . I'll? ..... 0... City eou1evero Wttt. Orenoe. CA.,.., ( 114) llM7ll Pulllislled Orange Coon Dell'r PllOt, Fe ... 11. ,.,H, ,._, ... ~ .DEATHS 'EL EWHER E CHR STCHURCH. New Zealand 1A P 1 011me Ngalo Ma n h , 82 . considered o ne of the world s finei.t mys tery write~. died Thursday WARSAW, Poland IAP> Wltold Trampciynskl. 73. Poland's ambassador to the United Stales from 1971 lo 1977. died Thursday MARINE ON ST. CROIX, Minn IAP1 Ca t vtn Ru tstrum . 86 , who prepared countless future disciples for canoe travel In "Th e Wa y of lhe Wildemes.s ... <tied F'eb S NOTICE OF DEATH OF VIRGIL H. BENTLEY AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A112162. made. pert ..... to! TruSI Mii .. -''< auction for USI\. EXIU81T ..... lowfvl -y °' the United 5'.lm of A LEASEHOLD ESTATE AS Amerko,a1111tmol11entr'°""eto Finl NOTICE OF DEATH OF c~~,"'~~D~n~mrded iem ooteo ~.;~~!';,i!':.~;~;:,~~r~r:~ E . MALCOLM ANGE LL, Mar(11"'12, "7S, eitKutf'd lly Ellialletll CllV ol Santa Ana, Cellft>r.W•. encl lllat A K A M A L C 0 L M J. PllllllSK, Lo.1lse P Hullon olld r'1!111, lllle -lnler'HI ,.,...,,..,.. to A N G E L L A N D 0 F ~~~:.d~~~~~!~~r':."i~.11>! ~~,':';: :' ~~~~ ~~ P E T I T I 0 N T 0 CalllorN• CO<pCW•llOn, •• Ln-. '°' Counly •r>elSlaltdtterllled•• ADMINISTER ESTATE the period and upon Ill• term•, EXHlllT "A" T 0 a I I h e I r s • NO. A1121S6. condition\ and (O¥•n•nh therein Th• land relerrto 10 '" '"'' eneficiaries, c reditors ,..,,,.,....,.•,,__..,of"'"''" ou••ffl-"Mtwtecl 111 .,.. siatt of f T 0 a I I h e I r S • r.c.ortSea J\119 s. "7S !fl ~ 11411. Colllornl•. County of Oronge, City of and contingent creditors 0 bene f1c 1ar1es, c reditors P•v• 01 of 0111c1 a1 Aecoro,, 1rvln•,•nd••c1n<rl""°as1011ows: Virgil H. Be ntley and and contingent c reditors of refererw:• i.•"1111ere1>Y mode 10 1iw PARCEL s. •• shOwn Oft • porco• persons who may b e E . Malcolm Ange l 1 and record l1*Wf '°' 11111 por11<VI•" Sold meo flloct"' a...... 111. P~ 10 .,,., 11 Otherwise interested IO the matleru"9cta oor11on of Lot I, Tract ol perc•I ,,_ 111 ll>O offke OI llW person s who may be No.aase. coun1y 11ocor-o1w1<1c-iv Will and/or estate · Otherwise interested in the (JI Aft unrecorded IHst daled EaGepl.,.,.,, -all oll, oll rltl\U, A petition has been filed will a nd/or estate : Merell 10. ms.uecutec1 by Hutter1 H mine••••. mine••• r'1!111•. nt1u••• eu b D th L B ti · A petlti'on has been fi'IA .... Wekellom . u Leuor, ond by '''"''· eno otller 11yoro<••boll• lly Y OrO Y ee en ey In "" Sf•l•·WIU Dev•lope,., lllC , • wheb-r name known, 9l'0tllormal t he Superior Court ol by Lucille R. Angell in the C.llforlll• ~ ......... L•H ... lor Slum -all l)<1)0\I(~ Otfllfe<J from Orange County requesting Super ior Court of Orange '"' period •"" ul>O,, 111e ft'"''· eny of 111e 1ort901n11 111a1 tn•Y 11e h Do B ti C t t · th I condlt lOft• •r>el cove11anh lllereln wlt"I" or-.111e land, togetllOr wllll t at rothy Lee en ey oun Y reques 1ng a '°"talMO, a me"'°"onoum of ""''" 111e 00,.,.1ua1 r1v111 of drllll"ll. m1n11>4, be appointed as personal Lu c ille R . Angell be recordtd J111t s, ms 111 8oo'. 11121. •1U110•intl.-01111r•tl"9tlltrefor,•nc1 repr ese ntative to appointed as personal P•11• n 1 of 0111c ••• Record,, •torl"Ql11 -r-1"9t1wwmo1rom d I i t th t t Of t t • t 0 ,..,,....., llel"tl ,,......,, mode 10 ,,,.. Yid land or any -r •-. lncludl"9 a m n S er e eS a e r e p re Se n a I V e record l"tleof for lull pertlcu1•r1 lflo rlQlll lo WlllllStOCk or dlre<llonolly Virgil H. Bentley <under adminis ter the estate of E . S.ld matter• affect. oortlon of Lot I, dtlll •ltd ....... from •• ,,.,. 01 ... , ,,..,, th e I n dependent M alcolm Angell (under Trac111S1 tlloH con¥eyed 11ere11v. 011 or 11•• Administration of Estates t h e I n d e p e n de n t Ul "" unrecorded 1•H• 001eo wore'~·r!..~ ~~.1"of'°·-'"rwt11,.~, I Merell 10 1'7S .... <uted by Wllllem --~ u ... ~......, ,_ ·-Act). Thepet tion is se4 for Adminis tration of Estates H Wo kuom and Derrick H .,,., 10 bo4loln SU<ll Wl\lpSIOCUd or hearing in Dept. No. 3 at Ac t). The petition issel for WOellam, as Leuo ... ond by cllre<llOMllyclrllled wC!lb.IUMelUlld 700 Civic Center Drive, hearing in Dept. No. 3 at Sl•l•·Wldt Developers, Inc ... sllef!J under •nd _,,,or t.yolld W • he C't f S t Callfor11I• corporetloft, as l•Hff. 19' Ill• .. 1or1or llmilll IMr..,I, •lld to est, in t I y 0 an a 700 Civic Center Drive, .... porlo.d ond 11po11 Ill• lerm•. r..irlll, telun,,.1, equip, maintain, Al)a, California on March West, in the City of Santa condition( •nd COVtrt•OIU lllereln , ....... -..n - _ .... .,,, IW<fl 10, 1982 at 9:30 a .m . Ana. California on March <ontelneo,~ ..... mor~m of Wftkll woil• or mlMs, wlt.lloUI, -....... Ille 30 recoreled June S, 1'7S In ~ H•tl, r1t111 to drlll, mint, sior., eaptore •r>el CORONADO (t\PI IF YOU OBJECT to the l0, 1982at9· a .m . Pave •4o 01 0111c 1a1 Record•. ootr•te lllf'OUOI\ 111e surtac• or 111e Retired Vice Adm. Paul H. ranting of the petition, IF :ou OBJECT to,the rclor•.11<• ... "",.... 10 the record -rSOOIMlof111o-1ac•oflN R a m s e y. 7 7 . who you should either appear granting of the petition, ~:;,~~~·~.:~·~Pi:,~·~~·~· LoS:': :~':'i:! ~.~:'.":':/:::',~ commanded the most at the hearing and state you should either appear Tr11<1 ait co,,,.,,at1on,,"'c"'»rlly-•-•ltll powe rrul ass em bl age of your objections or file .at the hearing and state Tllo 1n1-n of""' u"" "'' ''"'e ''"'"• ,...,~r1a1 com1>1e•. recor-nava I air power ever put to w ritten objections with the your ob )ec t ions •or f ii e 11aswd by .,, IMtrument rec:ordef Oct-• "· m1 "' B«* 1me. Pete s ea. died MondBy Ramsey ourt before the hearing. written objections with the :~·~Ji>~~~=~.~.~~·,!; 49~~.'.0:!!:! ::o;:·.,11 ,._, ,1111111 was air warfare director Your appearance may be court before the hearing. Re<oNh. 1-11, o1-,,. .. ,,_,,of or 1111 • ...,1 tlWreln. no ma11er flow for the chief of naval in person or by your Your appearance may be record>. to Jen1tt A. cor11e11 •ltd KOllll'M to Yid•-. 1oget• with operations before taking attorney. In person or by your How•ll-eormtt.hllfllolld.nd•Ho !:,'i:f.~'~·= command or Task Force 77, attorney. °'~":,::.::S-.,..,. L-lie• ll11C• ,,_ tt1e 1an00< 1ootY0r1., .. _..,. a ha lf·dozen fast attack I F Y 0 U A R E A I F Y O U A R E A PHstd 11y .., IMlrumo<\I recordled ullllto well•••. 1191111 or l11MrK1t carriers of the u.s 7th C R E 0 I T 0 R o r a C R E 0 1 To R 0 r a April 1, ,,,, as 11114ru!Mftt No ''71, one11y....,_rty_....or1otHf Fl contingent creditor of the of h ,.,,., 11y ..-..r IMt~s flf 1oc-1 by G••nlDr, -•uc11 water •Jtlltl eel . deceased "OU must fife contingent creditor t e to M•••11• 11fll11, .,, un merrl•• ''"" 11e ro•rle11, .,..,,.,1,,1• • • • . deceased, you must file wome.t; .. ,1o ... 1111111.,,...,,,, _t. • .,.,, ... ,1.11~•-r__P•ro••tl••· your claim with the court your claim with the cour-t Ofld ~ N. 0.11. • ,..,. .. mao1, .. 1e ""H<n.ttw, .. ,_ ..... atofvtory., -------------to r p resent I t t o the 0 r p resent I t t 0 t he .., ;:=~~ i:' 1:=,:;1.,._, ,1,~ ~~·;~~·_:: ~ .i:;o,,•;:-:. fll THI , personal representative personal representative '"'.,.'''"-'°"'"'·na1-. .. Ml4lellfllltt1u-cn.oflU<"•ilMS. appointed by t he court appointed by the court ,., ~ ,._._, 111 ._ m . ,.._.. .. ,....,_, 111 111o o-•-u. w ithin tour months from within four months from ~ ::.-...~!":';;. =-=:.=: !~:,~~-~~c".~;.:, ::c= II.I the date of first Issuance the date of first Issuance Nltl c-'Y. wllll ,,.,,,,,. l11d111trl•I c.,,, ...... f letters as rirovlded In of letters as provided In Escop11110 tll•••'''"'· 111111• 1 roco1fecl Oct•• "· me 1,, , ... •••••••••llllmlliiitrSectlon 700 of he Probate Section 700 of the Proba te !=:~1;.!' ~ ~".::: 111:9.;!·::::.::~'f.:=i.r, Birdu ode of C~llfornla. The Cod e of Californla. The m1i. .._. M OMc1e1 ..__ ... •• ........ ,_,. ttie .... '' Wlfll lme for fthno clalms wlll time for filing claims wlll ..id~!\' ctMllCIM: JECCO oEVaLOl'MEN'T. n ot e>Cplre prior to four 1 f P•,.c1u1u111111, ._._,,on 1:11e INC., ,,. ~· & w.111 »t Se11111 not explfre pr or tdo ouofr co"""''"ul\ll'ft .,,llfl , ... ,,.., 1o '" Fl tu.,oa Street, 1.n .,,,., ... ..OUMTAIN YALIAY m onthS from the date of months rom the ate ~ett•l Hi...,.. 1..,111 • ..,,, AIWI: v.~. •r-. COMMU~~uL • he htarlno noticed above. the hearing noticed above. TIM 1n.t .,._ _,., -01recti.w " tN ... .,,. ,...,..,,, •·-Mn. Tlllf'lllHc.t•~. C•te YOU MAY EXAMINE YOU MAY EXAM INE 10~"~".~.~M~::: :O.:,:;r.:=-... "'..=:-~ .. ':: ..... '*'· tht file kept by the court. the file kept by the court. c.t1111n11a. 10 "" frof'll .. ''"' "'*1cet1111 .. vat•••• SWyM11.~~0ft 1Mec:11, If you are Interested In the If you are Interested In the s.111 .. ,. w111 .. 111 ....... ....,, 1111u .. k•· lley. State YOU may tile a estate YOU may file a wert ... ly n • lltlo ""4Ui... Ot •alf Mle will Ito "'-wit,_,. * -Mn.'°""" Me ,.._.oltl 1 ' OM•ll'l.,•M"' for Ille PV-of •••11•11t Ot watrtfll\', .. ,,.... Ot -. request with the court to request with the court to ,...,,,.. • -...IMl IKW9d..., ..w ''"'""· .. t• 1111e. ,._ .. ,.,, w ~~·;~· MH . T111 Neu Yu , receive speclal notice of receive special notice of o.e lfle~llW ... -•-of Ot1Cu111tw-"' Mid°"'" of T..._ H111>IMotio11eHc11,e111. the lnventor;y of estate the Inve ntory of estate*'"" .......... ,,.,.,,........., wM:t1,M,m11, .. w..1o11owt111 , ,.,_..4 assets and of the petitions, assets and of the petitions, =...~-:=:: i:::-;;.•.: ••=•:. ':!':tft.!11:':'~ M • •n• Mn. •r•• 011•••vo, •cc ounts and reports accounts and reports .,..111 ~ mM'I"'°'"' ot 11o fkttltft flf "'''...-le'• .. 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"""'-· ::...::.i~~=+. -.,..,._, ~l ,,_::;rc..eo.11¥ ~~C-.Ol!IY= ,._t,tt..W.'-Mt« .. 1,11.1',,. ~ , ... . ' FRIDAY, FEB.19, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 Ullll IEll:l /lllTI ClllT GARDEN 83 COMICS .87 COnsultant Mort Stem 1ays ·good will, and good public relations is good for business. State OKs $500,~00 loan for waste plant La1UDa Beach received a bit of •ood news in the form of a e percent Joan from the State Water Resources Control Board. to complete a new sewage treatment plant in Aliso Creek. T h e state water board approved the $500,000, 10-year loan in Sacramento Thursday with a . three-year grace period Temple teardown delayed Plans to tear down the house now occupied by the Hare Krishna Temple in Laguna Beach have been delayed · by what might be called a rugber authority. The state Coastal Commission has ordered a delay in the plans to tear down the Ramona Street house and construct a fi ve-level retail and office building in its place. Meeting in Santa Barbara this week, the commission voted to hold a public hearing on the· demolition r equest by Chris Abel, who designed the proposed new building for Fereidoon Saedi, a local builder. The commission acted to delay approval after objections to the project were raised by Laguna Beach physician. Dr. Gene Atherton. The house to be torn down, located at 641 Ramona Street, currently is occupied by members of the Krishna temple. The group leases the house from the owner. Abel said this week that Krishna followers had agreed to move out or the house when the construction project begins. Abel said demolition of the house bad been approved by the City Council and the now defunct South Coast Regional Coastal Commission. Drivers hurt in LB crash Two motorists who suffered h ead injurie s when their vehicles collided in the center of , North Coast Highway in Laguna Beach Thursday, were treated and later sent home from the hospital. Police said Lorenzo Sanchez, 69, of Costa Mesa, was leaving the main gale at Emerald Bay at about 2: 15 p.m. Thursday when his truck collided with a van driven by Jose Garcia, 27. of Ldng Beach. before the initial principal with interest is due. Laguna Beach voters approved a measure on the ballot last year that enabled the city to seek the low-interest loan to cover cost overruns on the $100 million Alis o Water Management Agency project. That agency is made up of Laguna Beach and five other water agencies wblcb have combined to finance the project. When completed in January. '1983, the sewage treatment system will replace Laguna's antiquated system . The low 6 percent loan was obtained through the efforts of As semblywo man Marian • Bergeson and La1una Beach Mayor Sally Belleru e l o .Sacra m e nto Thursday , according to City Manager Ken Frank. H e said the pair were instrumental in securing the l oa n , with which water resources board members bad IT'S SUMMERTIME IN FEBRUARY The ocean temperature might have been a bit nippy at 57 degrees. but hundreds of surfers a nd sunwors hipers turned out in Laguna Beach Thursday to enjoy unseasonably warm and sunny weather. The near 80-degree air .,.. ....... """'" ........... temperatures drew jogg~rs. dogs, surfers. dogs, sunbathers: and even a catamaran captain or two. Beac-hgoers can look forward to. a near-carbon copy of such bliss Saturday. with temperatures expected to be in the upper 70s. originally ex pr esse d reseryatloos. The alternative to the loan from lhe water resources board would have been to sell revenue bonds at a much higher interest rate. Frank said the city had originally sought $830,000 from the stale board and while that amount waa redJJced lo $500,~ the three-year moratorium payments means about $330, that would be due al lbe end that time will be delayed. Neither Mrs. Bergeson no Mrs. Bellerue could be reached fo r comment on the toa approval. Tests slated for escapee from Patton An escaped mental' patient, who bid out for four months in Laguna Beach and Puerto Vallarta before surrendering in Santa Ana, has been ordered to return to a state mental hospital for psycruatric testing. Roger Dale Stockham, 34 , a former Vietnam helicopter pilot, was ordered returned to Patt.on State Hospital in San Bernardino Thursday for 45 days of tests. Stockham walked out of the mental facility in mid-October alter telling guards he was going to get some m atc hes for cigarettes. He stayed with his third wile, Onofre plant • conversion to gas sought San Clemente City Council members have approved a resolution calling for a study on the feasibility of convertibg the Saa Onofre Nuclear Generating Station to a natural gas fired facility. In addition, the resolution, which came in a splitr vote, requests that Gov. Edmund Brown Jr . launch a n investigation into the recent closures of nuclear plants in the state or Washington and New · Jersey:. · Council members Bill Mecham, Karoline Koester and Alan Korsen cast votes in favor or the measure . Mayor Robert Llm berg and Counci lman Patrick Lane cast dissenting votes. Limberg and Lane ar:gued unsuccessfully the matter was not within the City Council's ju!'isdiction. Suzanne, in her Laguna Beach home, and spent a portion ol lhe four months in Mexico before s urrenderin g Mond ay to a television news crew and law enforcement officers in Santa Ana. ' Stockham. who has written several books while in variowJ jails and mental hospitals th41 past three years , first came tq public light in 1979 when he abducted rus son from a Sant~ Barbara foster home, flew ~ rented plane to Los Angeles an~ purportedly tried to hijack a jet_ to Iran. He later crashed the rented plane at the Palos Verdes peninsula. His thi rd wife said hell husband never tried to get tq Iran. citing confusion in the tower at LAX for the, misunderstanding. I But she d0es not deny that Stockham later set fire to several Union Oil storage t~ at Point Conception, for which he pleaded insanity and was sentenced to Patton in early 1980. Orange County Superior Court Judge Royce Lewellen ordered the psychiatric tests Monday, sayi n g h e will rule on Stockham's request to be placed on out-patient status following the tests. Suzanne Stockham said her husband's problems came after two tours of duty with the Army in Vietnam. The former Army captain belie ves the Un ited States entered the Vietnam conflict for th'l!·sole purpose or securing oil assets in Indonesia. bis wife says. _ J -By STEVE MITCHELL Bowlers striking for Big Brothers, Sisters By NORA LEHMAN Delly ..... ..,..11-. THE WEEK THAT WAS was Angelitos de Uro·s and the week that is is .. Bowl for Pete's Sa ke ·· The beneficiary of both? Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Orange County. "'Today's children are our hope for the future and the only known substance from which adults are made:· Dot Clock ended her Angelitos fact sheet with that statement. I don't know whether it's her own observation. but it"s a wonderful line. And the women of Angelitos mean it. Marking 21.Jears of fund-raising for Big Brothers and one for Big Sisters. they kicked this year's efforts off with a patroness luncheon in the new Lakeview Room at Big Canyon Country Club. Patronesses Chair Stephanie Robertson l!_nd her two-Jean committee -Lucas and Sharp -planned the luncheon around a Valeritme ·s Day Theme. Maria Crutcher, Angelitos president. founder Mrs. Spencer T.· Honig, the group's first president. Mrs. Charles S. Thomas and hostesses Peggy Hakes, Jessie Mae Shirar. Opal Mae Pellegrin and Helen Starling greeted the over{low crowd. Among the guests were Priscilla Akins. Alice Da~is , Liz Skinner, Mary Scarborough. Car Porter. Barbara Howell. Gloria Laun. Kay Cramm. Katie Wh eeler and Ellie"Sawyer . • Then, all this week, ro county bowling centers will host a "bowlathon/' culminating in "Cele brity Day" at Regal Lanes in Orange. Proceeds raised by each center's league bowlers' efforts plus Jack Carter, Jimmy BOY.d. Tom Riley , who heads this BB/BSOC fund-raiser, and a number C)f other well-known county people and celeb6, wlll to to this organization, too. So, bowlers ffel out there and help a kid be matched to a brother or siater by bowling at a l~al lane this week or at Regal on Saturday. The fun begins at 11 a.m. It's all for a good cause. , . . • On SaWrday evening the Orance County Chapter of the American Heart Aasoclation hosts Us flrst fu.nct.raiatnl ball at tbe South Coast Plaza HoteJ. Accorlla1 to JoAnM Stewart and Patti Giles, ~Mir ol the event, eaeta lady attendinfC will rece.tve a iold ftlisree he•!' u a party favor, the cott of whlela It underwritten by Warren Hancock. Guests will dance to Les Brown and his band. with Frank Sinatra. Jr. at the microphone. Not singing. but with mike in hand, will be Sam Goldstein. director of strategic in vestment, electronic division of the Rockwell International and Hearl Association board member, who will act as master of ceremonies. A number of well known personalities will be there: Maureen Rea~an . Buddy and Nancy Ebsen, Jimmy and Mary Roosevelt: the J oseph Wambaughs, John Raitt, the Ray Malavasis Vince Ferragamo and HarTiet Nelson. It looks to be an excellent start for what's to be an annual event. ••• MARDI GRAS BALL for Mater Dei High School. 1 didn't kn<>w that Mater Dei was the largest coeducational Catholic high school west of Chic•IO· But so says Mrs. Roger Barganki in her announcement about the Parents' Guild aMUal fund raiser, the Mardi Gras Ball, scheduled for Friday in the Grand Ballroom of the Disneyland Hotel. 'IM' Society for the Preservation or Big Bands will play for those who are planning to dance their way back into the hear14. of millions. Father Michael Harris, principal.. s upervises students coming to the Santa Ana campus from all over the county. And ball guests will arrive from all over the county·, too. ' J Or. Charles Bellitti tella me that 19 couplesr'will be speedinl onto ~he freeway towards Ananhelm from Queen ol An•els pariah ln Corona del Mar alone. If other pariahee avera1e that, ll lhould be quite a crowd. ••• Laauna Beach and Newport Beach chaptert of the Assistance League cele brity series got under way several weeks ago, and this Monday . this group hosts Wall Streel Week's Frank Cappielo to talk on "~he State of the Economy -The Reagan Revival.·· Now . if you think that's a dry subject you haven't heard Mr. C. do his number on economics. 1·m sure he can make it fascinating, indeed. And I'm sure we should listen. we may be into a whole old world here. For answers to inquiries about tickets. call 494-2345. They may still have room. • •• Already the Orange Co unty Mus ic Center is considering changing its name and they haven't broken ground yet. Seems they want to call it the Orange County Center for the Performing Arts. Their point is that there a lready is a Music Center and it's located in Los Angeles. I think they're right and it's better to get th.e change under way now. before everyone's so committed to the o ld name t:1ey wouldn't change it if the Pacific froze. Besides, having been in this area for a while OCMC always meant Orange County Medical Center to me . What's the new one going to look like? OCCPA? Well. that's OK. <J • ,. • ART FOR ART'S SAKE : The art forms I'm mentioning here are the beauties Designing Women, the fund-raising arm for the Laguna Beach School or Art took in this year. Not that each and every member isn't a beauty, of course, but J was struck ·by this year's cluster ... Deanne Baldwin and her sister Nancy, Susan Balfour, Arleen Booth, Fran Bury and Judi · <who was patient when I put a "y" instead of an "i," on her name> Dutton. 'lben in came old friend Susan McFadden, and Jennifer Mitchell, and JoAnne Mix. Then Betu ... Jlouan. Joleen Parham, J ean flail t>atterson, Mlch~Rohe. Mary Jane Rumbley, Nancy Snyder. Jo Shapiro and Joan Stevens. Well, now, who's next? Bev Shub, a nifty close friend of HWary Imes, Faith Strong, Janet Toohey and Patty Truman. That's quite a pledp class, isn't it? And'tbey:re off and running. Came ln Juat·ln time to 1et involwd lD .. Color lt Oran1e!'' You don't know what "Color it Oraqe" II? Well. there isn't room to tell you t.hla week. All I'll "1 .ii it's a sreat event and has .. u the el91D1at1 of appeal to the entire county. .... ---·· PRIDAV, FE.,. 19, 1982 CAVALCADE 8 2 GARDEN 83 COMICS 87 Regents f ormally approve U CI . health clinic BULLETIN Ta.e '1111 uc 8oard ot aern&a save formal approval sllonly before eooe today to a proposal for a Sit mlllloa outpatient cllak at UC lniae. By KICHARD GREEN Of .. IM!lr .......... A IS-year-old goal of UC Irvine officials to build a health clinic on the Irvine Campus appeared to be near realization today. UCI s po keswoman Helen Johnso~ said the. UC Regents Com mttlee on Educational Policy tentatively endorsed a proposal Thursday for a $10 million outpatient clinic at UC Irvine, setting the stage ?or expected approval by .the ruu board of UC Regent.a. Another regents committee, tbe Committee on Ftn·ance, made a separa t e recommendation Thursday that also could have an errect on the UC Irvine campus. That committee has recommended that the regents increase student fees by $100, bringing to about $400 what administrators es timate students will have to pay per quarter to attend UCI next fall. <See related story, Page AS). Leaders of the Associated Grad uate Students hav~ announced th.ey are organizing a protest rally against rising student fees to be held March 12 jn l!Cl's Gateway= Plaza The UC Reaenta, 1ov•mln• board for the UC system. wu to consider today whether the $100 increase in fees should be enacted throuahout tbe nine-campus unlvfralty system. The proposal to build the outpatient cllnlc al UC Irvine was first aired more· than one year ago, but UCJ administrators say they wanted to have clinical teaching facilities on the Irvine campus' since 1967. The university's primary clinical facilities are al the UCJ Medical Center in Oranae. UCI officials say the clinic is intended to supplement. not replace, UClMC at the present. The clinic is to be a Joint·venture behteen Lons Beach Yemorlal H01pltal and UCI. It would be paid for by M million from the UCI Colle1e ol Medicine and a $8 million loan from Lona Beach Memorial Hospital. Joan Irvine SmJtb, grandda~1hter of the founder of the Irvine Company, has pled•ed S2 million to the clinic. UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich bas said the outpatient clinic la• just one of a number of clinical facllities. including inpatient bpspitals. that he would like to see eventually built on the Irvine campus. UCI Assistant Executive Vice Chance llor Dane Hoiberg estimated that it would take two yeart tO bulld the clinic once It receives tlnal approval. Ttie cllnic is to be built on five acres near the UCI Col lege of Medici#le. The chnic ls just one of a number of m edical ract1tt1es planned (or Irvine, which city officials say is the largest city in the state with no hospital within Its borders. Health oCficlals say Irvine would be a lucrative market for a hospital, since its population. now about 70,000, is relatively affluent and most kvlne residents have medical insurance. Tustin Community Hospital, Chatsworth-based Health West Foundation, Western Medical Center in Santa Ana and Tennessee-based Hospital Affiliates International have ftled formal letters o( Intent to build hospitals in Irvine. Also, Hoag Memorial Hospital of Newport Beach is proposing to participate in a non.profit· corporation under the name Irvine Medical Center to bU.ild the city's first hospital. Before any hos pital can be built in the city, it would have to go through a lengthy process of county and state review. An outpatient clinic, however, can be built without such a lengthy review process. Meningitis cause near Fifth child stricken at preschool in Irvine MARRIOTT ISSUE LOOMS -A plan to expand the Newport Center hotel by 165 rooms i~ expected to produce a debate Monday when the Newport Beach City Council is set to rule ~ ............ on . the plan. The ~ommittee or 4,000 , a resident group battling the Irvtne Company on the leasehold issue, has endorsed the hotel plan. Committ ee backs hotel plans Marriott expansion /avor:ed by.anti-Irvine COmpany group By STEVE MARBLE °'-~ ...... , .... The Committee of 4 .000. a homeowner group protesting increasing land lease fees in Newport Beach and Irvine. may have placed the Irvine Company at the top of its enemy list but it has nothing against the Marriott Hotel. This week the committee endorsed plans to expand the Newport Center by 165 rooms. T he endorsement stands in contrast to the committee's previous vow to work against an Irvine Compan y pl a n for expanding Newport Center. The Marriott Hote l expansion was a part or the Irvine Company development project. repealed this month by the Newport Beach City Council at the r eq uest of the Irvine Company. The Irvine Company had put much of the blame for the undoing of its ~nter expansion project on the committee and the leasehold dispute. Sound confus ing ? Barbara Young, leader of the committee, s ays it shouldn't be. -when we said the Newport Center project should be put on hold , .. explains Ms. Young, "it was Uisinuated that we were a no-growth group. That's not true . We 'r e in favor of improving Newport Beach. "Our issue was with the Irvine Company, not with growth." 'sbe says the comm ittee, battling the Irvine Company over the leasehold issue, might take future stands against Irvine Company projects because of the land lease dispute. If the co mmit tee 's endorsement was meant as a s lap against the Irvine Company, officials from the development firm did not take the bait. By GLENN 8C01T ................... Allhouib a fatth small cblld in lrvi.Qe wu stricken lut month with bacterial meninJlUs. Orange County health officials claim to be closer than ever to finding the puzzling source of the infectious disease. The latest victim, like the four others who have come down with the disease since last May, was a student under 3 at Turtle Rocle Preschool, 1 Concordia, in Irvine. Inspectors don't suspect the bacterial organism responsible for the meningitis was prevalent at the school. said Dr. Thomas Prende,rga st, county epidemiologist. Instead. be believes the victims were exposed to the organism by some student in their class who ' served as a "carrier," be said. ·'The school didn't cause these cases, but the school is the place the students have in common," he-explained. It wu officials at the school. in fact, who suggested a new line of tnqulry that helped inspectors come up with the supposition that a alftcle carrier bas exposed the other preschoolers to the dlaeue, he said. By examining attendance records for the past eight months, school and health department omcials isolated about aix children who bad continually been exposed to all rive vtctlms. Prenderpst said. Those students and their family members have been tested and results have revealed three people with "positive" reactions to the organism, meaning they could be carriers, he said. And one person so Car has dis played a c apability of maintaining the disease-causing organi$m even after taking antibiotics intended to kill it, he added. Prendergast said he is "one break" away from discovering the probable carrier. Jn November, after the fourth meningitis case was discovered and another young student died from a separate disease which can be related to the same organism, health officials Lested 265 preschool students a nd Cam ily membe rs. The tests yielded only two '"positive" reactions. less than a normal ratio, Prendergast said. It was after those results were known that health and school officials began studying the attendance records. Bacterial meningitis is an inflammation of the linin~ of the brain or spinal column and can be serious unless promptly treated. Victims usually are hospitalized. The latest Irvine victim , a 2-year-old boy. is recovering, Prendergast said , adding that the other victims also .Jtave recovered. After the November scare, Turtle Rock officials decided to phase out their c lasses for children less than 2 years old because of the dirficulties in protecting the s usceptible children from infectious disease. Health officials ha ve instructed other preschools in Irvine not to enroll any of the six preschoolers being tested for carr ying the organism until results are examined. · Vorhauer abandons Irvine council race Businessman Bruce Vorhauer said toclay he is pulling out or the race for a seat on the Irvine City Council. Vorhauer, 40, revealed in a press release that he decided not to seek the elected office in the June 8 election because "It's a case ol conflicting priorities in my life." He is president of the Costa Mesa-based VLI Corp .. a bio-m edical development company which ha s been involved lately with such innovations a s a new birth control device. , "Spending lime with my family. developing>111y company during a critical growth phase, continued civic in-vol vement and a rigorous campaig1f.Just won't fit into a 2A-hour d ay." he said. Vorhauer wa s bu sy in m eetings this morning and nol available for comment. His decision to drop out of the race leaves three active candidates, inc umbent Larry Agran and challengers John Nakaoka and Barbara Wiener, to vie for two four-year terms. All three have taken out papers at Irvine City Hall to run for office. but none had returned them with qualifying signatures by this morning. The council terms that expire in July are currently filled by Agran and Art Anthony, who is nQt seeking re-election. Newly elected council members will be sworn into office on July 13. Bowlers striking fo·r Big Brothers, Sisters By NORA LEHMAN 0.11, ..... ,..,.. ..... THE WEEK THAT WAS was Angelitos de Oro's and the week that is is "Bowl for Pete·s Sake." The beneficiary of both? Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Orange County. ·'Today's children are our hope for the future and the only known substance from which adults are made." Dot Clock ended her Angelitos fact sheet with that statement. I don't know whether it's her own observation. but it's a wonderful line. And the women of Angelitos mean it. ~ Marking 21 years of fund-raising for Bi~ Brothers and one for Big Sisters. they kicked this year's efforts off with a patroness luncheon in the new Lakeview Room at Big Canyon Country Club. Patronesses Chair Stephanie Robertson and her two-Jean committee -Lucas and Sharp -planned the luncheon around a Valeritme's Day Theme. Maria Crutcher, Angelitos presldent, founder Mrs. Spencer T. Honig, ihe group's first president. Mrs. Charles S. Thomas and hostesses Peggy Hakes, Jessie Mae Shirar. Opal Mae Pellegrin and Helen Starling greeted the over(}ow crowd. Among the guests were Priscilla Akins. Alice Davis, Liz Skinner, Mary Scarborough, Car Porter. Barbara Howell, Gloria t.aun, Kay Cramm. Katie Wheeler and Ellie Sawyer. Then, all this week, 3> county bowling centers wm host a "bowlatbon," culminating tn "Celebrity Day" at Regal Lanes in Orange. Proceeds raised by each center's league bowlers' efforts plus Jack Carter. Jimmy Boyd, Tom Riley, who heads this BB/BSOC fund-raiser, and a number of other well-known county people and celebe, will go t.O this or1antzalion, too. So, bowlers get out there and help a kid be matched to a brother or sister by bowUn1 at a local lane thlJ week or at Regal on Saturday. The fun be1lns at 11 a.m . lt'a all for a good caUH, ••• On Saturday evenlnc the Orah1e County Chapter of tbe American Heart A11oclatlon ho1t1 ltl first funcl·raialM ball at the 8auth Coat Plaza Hotel. Acconrta1 to JoAllDe Stewart and Patti GUn. co-cllm ol tlae ewat. nell a.d.Y attendln1 wtll receive a told ftllll'W heart u a puty fawr. the coet ol which ii underwritten by Warren Hancock. Guests will dance to Les Brown and his band, with Frank Sinatra. Jr. at the microphone. Not singing, but with mike in band, will be Sam Goldstein. director of strategic investment. electronic division of the Rockwell International and Heart Association board member. who will act as master of ceremonies. A number of well known personalities will be there: Ma ureen Rea~an, Buddy and Nancy Ebsen, Jimmy and Mary Roosevelt: the Joseph Wambaugha, John Raitt, the Ray Malavasis Vince Ferra&,amo and Harriet Nelson. It looks to be an excellent start for what's to be arr' annual event. · • • • MARDI GRAS BALL for Mater Dei Hilb School. J didn't know that Mater Dei wu the lar1est coeducational Catholic high school west ot auca10. But so says Mrs. Roger Bargankl ln her announcement about-Ole Parenti' Guild annual fund raiser, the Mardi Gras Ball. 1checfuled for Friday ln the Grand Ballroom of the Disneyland Hotel. The Society for the PreservaUon of Bil Bands will play for those who are planning to dance their way bl.ck into the heart&. of mUllom. Father Michael Harris, principal, aupervlaes · students cominl to tbe Santa Ana campus from all over the county. And ball 1ueeta will arrive from all over tbe county. too. "' Dr. Charlee BelllW telll me that 11 coaDJa Will be •J>eecllnl onto •tbe freeway towarda Ananbelm from QuMa o1 An .. pu1lb Ill O>raDa del Mar alone. U other parishm averap that, It iliauld be quite a crowd. ••• r...,una S.Cb ud Newport Beach cbapten of the ' Assistance League celebrity series got under way several weeks ago. and this Monday. this group hosts Wall Street Week's Frank Cappielo to talk on .. The State or the Economy -The Reagan Revival." Now, if you think that's a dry subject you haven·t heard Mr. C. do his number on economics. I'm sure he can make it fascinating. indeed. And I'm sure we should listen, we may be into a whole old world here. For answers to inquiries about tickets. call 494-2345. They may still have room. ••• Already the Orange Co unty Music Center is considering changing its name and they haven't broken ground yet. Seems they want to call it the Orange County Center for the Performing Arts. Their point is that there already is a Music Center and it's located in Los Angeles. 1 think they're right and it's better to get the change under way now. before everyone's so committed to the old name they wouldn't change it if the Pacific froze. Besides, having been in this area for a while OCMC • always meant Orange County Medical Center to me. What's the new one going to look like? OCCPA? Well , that's OK. • • • ART FOR ART'S SAKE : The art forms l'm mentioning here are the beauties Designing Women , the fund-raising arm for the Laguna Beach School of Art took In thbs year. Not that each and every member isn't a beauty, or course, but I was struck by this year's cluster ... Deanne Baldwin and her sister Nancy1 Susan Balfour, Arleen Booth, Fran Bury and Judi (wno was patient when I put a "y" instead of an "i," on her name) Dutton. 'lben in came old friend Susan'McFadden, and Jennifer Mitchell, and JoAnne Mix. Then Bet~aan, Joleen Parham, Jean Hall Patterson, Micherre--Rohe. Mary Jane Rumbley, Nancy Snyder:, Jo Shapiro and Joan Stevens. Well. now, who's next? Bev Shub. a nlfty close friend of Hillary Jmes, Faith Stroot. Janet Toohey aDd Patty Truman. That's quite a p&qe clua, isn't it? And lM)''rt Ott aDd runnin1. Came ln Just ln Ume to aet ID m "Color lt Oran1e1 •• You don't know wbat •• It Oraqe•• la? Well, there lan't room to tell )'OU All:l'U MY la it'a a 1reat event and bu all the .a...-.. flf •PP!NI to the entire eomity. BULLETIN TH t.11 UC ... Nol ae.-. 1av• ,....,., appronl sMrtly before..,. today &o a propM&I for a $11 mWloa oa&patleat cllalc: a& VC Irvine. 8.Y &ICllAllDGiiEN o1 .. ...., ........ A lS-year-old 1oal of UC Irvine officials to build a health clinic on the lryine Campus appeared to be near realization today. UCI spokeswoman Helen Johnson said the UC Reaents Com mlltee on Educational Policy tentatively endorsed a proposal Thursday for a $10 million outpatient clinic at UC Irvine, setting the stage for expected approval by .the ruu board ol UC Re1enta. , Aootber naenta committee, the Colllmlttee on Fln•nce, made a se parate recommendation Thursday that also could have an effect on the UC Irvine campus. That co mmit.t ee has recommended that the resents increase student fees by $100,. bringing to about $400 what administrators estimate students will have to pay per quarter to attend UCJ next fall. <See related story, Page A5). Leaders of the Associated Gr•duate Students have- announced they are organizing a protest rally against rising student fees to be held March 12 jn UCI'a Gateway· Plaza. CAVALCADE GARDEN COMICS · The UC Resents, 1ovel"D1q board for the UC system, wu to coutdlr today whether tbe *1QO increase ln fees should be e n acted throu1bout the l'\ine·campua unlvenity system. The proposal to build the outpatient clinic at UC Irvine was fU"St aired more than one year ago , but UCI administrators say they wanted to have clinical teacblnt facilities on the Irvine campus since 1967. The university's primary clinical facllit.les are at the UCI Medical Center in Oranse. UCI officials say the clinic is intended to s upplement, not replace, UCIMC at the present. The clin ic is to be a Joint-venture between Lon• Beach lleldorlal Hoe~ltal and UCI. 1t wou.kl be paid for by '4 mlllion from the UCI Collete of Medicine and a $6 mlllion loan from Loni Beach Memorial Hospital. Joan Irvine Smltb, aranddaushter of the founder of tbe Irvine Company, baa pledaed $2 mUllon to the clinic. UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrlcb baa said the outpatient clinic la• just one of a number of clinical facilities, includina inpatient hospitals, that he would lllte to see eventually built on the Irvine campus. UCI Alaistant Executive Vice Chancellor Dane Hoibera estimated that it would take two yean to build the clinic once it receives final approval. '11\e clinic la to be built on five acres near the UCI Collete of Medicine: The cllnlc la just one of a number of medical faciltt.ies planned for Irvine, which city offlclala say is the largest city in the state with no hospital within its borders. Health offici ... say Irvine would be a lucrative market for a hospital, since Its population, now about 70,000, is relatively affluent and moat Irvine residents have medical insurance. Tustin Community Hospital, Chatsworth·based Health West · Also, Hoag Memorial Hoepital of Newport Beach is propoein1 to particjpate in a non-profitl corporation under the name Irvine Medical Center to build the city's flrSt hospital. Before any hos pital can built in the city, it would have go through a lengthy process county and state review. A outpatient clinic, however, c be built without such a length review process. Vote on · ~ondos delaye~ Newport planners to weigh switches in March ! MARRIOTT ISSUE LOOMS A plan to expand the Newport Center hotel by 165 rooms is expected to produce a debate Monday wh en the Newport Beach City Council is set to rule ..., .............. on the plan. The G.mmittee of 4,000, a resident group battling the Irvine Company on tbe leasehold issue, has endorsed the hotel plan. Newport Beach plannin1 commiaaloners ba~e delayed vottn1 QO a controvenial r•an to permit the converslon o up to 7 ,000 apartment units to condominiums. Commissioners, who spent more than two hours listening to support.en and opponents of the plan, agreed to put off votin1 on tbe proposed changes in the city's condominium conversion law until next month. The proposed plan would permit owners of apartment complexes with four units or less to switch to private ownership. Several commissioners who appeared supportive of relaxtna the conversion rule. asked city planners to provide informatioo on price ranges of converted apartments. The commiss ioners also requested inform a lion on Committee of 4 ,,QM) lfD;c.ks hotel By STEVE MARBLE °' .. o.lty,....,... The Co mmittee of 4,000, a homeowner group protesting increaslng land lease fees in • Newport Beach and Irvine, may have placed the Irvine Company at the top or its enemy list but It has nothing against the Marriott Hotel. This week th e committee endorsed plans to expand the Newport Center by 165 rooms. The endorsement stands in contrast to the committee's pre-.ious vow to work against an . Ir vine Company plan for 4 expanding Newport Center. The Marriott Hotel expansion was a part of the Irvine Company development project, repealed this month by the Newport Beach City Council at the reques t of the Irvine Company. The Irvine Company had put much of t he blame for the undoing of its center expansion project on the committee and the leasehold dispute. Sound confusing? Barbara Young, leader of the committee, says it shouldn't be. "When we said the Newport Center project should be put on hold." explains Ms. Young, "it was insinuated that we were a no·grPrth group. That'.s not true . We 're in favor of i mproving Newport Beach. "Our issue was with tbe lrvine Company, not with growth." Sh e says the committee, battling the Irvine Company over the leasehold issue, might take future stands against Irvine Co mpany projects because of the lal\4 lease dispute. If the co mmittee 's endorsement was meant as a sla p against th e Ir vine Company, offi cials from the development firm did not lake the bait. But they did issue a statement: "We're happy to hear about the committee's concession," it beau. "on the Marriott project. It deserves everyone's support. "It wW bring the city much needed revenue and will improv• the local economy in many otber ways, as would bave, ol course, the luxury hotel we had envisioned." The luxury h9tel also was a part of the Irvine Company's now-dead Newport Center plan. The Marriott Hotel expansion plan is likely to produce some fireworks of its own Monday when It comes before the city council. There are legal arguments on both sides whether the plan should even be considered . ' whether converted apartments would financially benefit the city. Those supporting the plan say it would permit Cirst·time buyers in Newport Beaoh to get a chance at buying housing th.at is expected to cost less than newly Mabel Elsie Whitman dead at 91 Funeral services for JO.year Corona del Mar resident Mabel Elsie Whltm an , who died Tuesday at the age of 91 were held today at the Pacific View Chapel in Newport Beach. Mrs . Whitman recently bad been a resident at Beverly Manor C.onvalescent Hospital in Capistrano Beach. A native of Nebraska, s he later became a public school teacher in rural districts of Kansas and Nebraska. She moved to Corona del Mar in 1952 after her husband died. She was a member of the Corona del Mar Community Church. She is survived by sons Ben of Hunllntiop Beacb, Harry of South Laguna, Claude or Nebraska and Paul or San Marcos, Calif. She also leaves a brother , Frank Larkins or Nebraska, and a sister, Ethel Pe de rsen of Colorado, as well a s eight grandchild r e n a nd e ight great-grandchildren. Burial is to be h e ld in Nebraska. co n s truct e d condominiums. h o m es o rl The average price for a new1 home in Newport Beach is more• than $200,000. ~ Opponents o f t h e plan, including the Oral)ge County' Fair Housing Council, contend it, would result in d isplacin1• renters who would be unable to afford to buy the con verted.; apartments. Se veral opponents als0i maintain the law change wouldl result in a flood of condominium conversion requests. Jim Hewicker, Newport's planning direct.or, said it is his' belief that such a stampede for. permission to convert would not happen. 1 Th e city's currentJ condominium conversion law1 virtually prohibits switchin! apartment s to pr i vat o wnership . The las condominium conversion i Newport came in 1979. "' Hewicker noted, tboug_h, that som e builders take a different avenue by purchasing an older duplex or triplex, tearing it down and then replacing it with condominiums. Mesa college sets homecoming f ete About SOO Southern California .College alums are expected to attend the Costa Mesa college's 62nd homecoming celebration Saturday. The 1982 Homecoming queen and her court will be presented at 4 p.m. rollowin~ a western barbecue. The day long eel· ebr a lion will end with a party at 5:30p.m. ' Bowlers striking for Big Brothers, Sisters By NORA LEHMAN Delly ..... .,.. ... THE WEEK THAT WAS was Angelitos de Oro's and the week that is is "Bowl for Pete's Sake." The beneficiary of both? Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Orange County. "Today's children are our hope for the future and the only known substance from which adults are made." Dot Clock ended her Angelitos fact sheet with that statement. l don't know whether it's her own observation, but it's a wonderful line. And tl\e women of Angelitos mean it. Marking 21 years of fund· raising for Bi5t Brothers an~ one for Big Sisters, they kicked this year's efforts off with a patroness luncheon in the new Lakeview Room at Big Canyon Country Club. Patronesses Cha ir Stephanie Robertson and her two-Jean committee -Lucas and Sharp -planned the luncheon around' a Valenlme·s Day Theme. Maria Crutcher, Angelitos president, founder Mrs. Spencer T. Honig, the 5up's first president, Mrs. Charles S. Thomas and tesses Peggy Hakes, Jessie Mae Shirar, Opal Mae Pel egrln and Helen Starling greeted tbe overQ.ow crowd. . . Among the jbests were Priscilla Akins, Alice Davis, Liz Skinrier, Mary Scarborough, Car Porter, Barbara Howell, Gloria Laun, Kay Cramm, Katie Wheeler and JU lie Sawyer. Theo, all this week 3> county bc>'Wling centers will bolt a "bowlathoa/' cUiminatinc la "Celebrity Day" at Reaal Lanea Jn Oran1e. Proceeds raised by each center's leape bowten' effortl plus Jack Carter, Jimmy Bo~d; Tom Riley, who lleada tbil 88/BSOC fund-raiser, and a 'number ol other well-known county people and celebl, will IO to WI or1aniutioa, too. So, bowlers 1et out there and belp a kid be matc'"4 to a brother or sitter by bowlinl at a k>cal lane this Week or at Regal on Saturday. Thefua beams at 11 a.m. It'• all for a lood came. ••• 0.. Sa~ eveatnc the Onnp Count)' Chapter et the American Heart A11octatlon ho1t• it• firat ~·ball at tlle._.Collt Plua Hate&. t.~ecrin. tO 1.Y•• an.rt and P,atti Glt.ia, ~ ~ .. ewat, .... ..., ..... d'91 wlll .... . -~~ M8it •• Plfll1(.,., the COit al .... . underwritten by Warren Hancock. Guests will dance to Les Brown and his band, with Frank Sinatra, Jr. at the microphone . Not singing, but with mike in band, will be Sam Goldstein, director or strategic investment. electronic division of the Rockwell International and Heart Association bc>ard member, who will act as master of ceremonies. A number of well known personalities will be there: Maureen Reagan, Buddy and Nancy Ebsen, Jimmy and Mary Roosevelt: the Joseph Wambau1hs, John Raitt, the Ray Malavasis Vince Ferrapmo and Harriet Nellon. It looks to be an excellent start for what's to be an annual event. • • • Assistance League celebrity series got under way several weeks ago, and this Monday. this group hosts Wall Street Week's Frank Cappielo to talk on "The State of the Economy -The Reagan Revival.·· Now, if you think that's a dry subject you haven't heard Mr. C. do his number on economics. I'm sure he can make it fascinating, indeed. And I'm sure we should listen. we may be into a whole old world here. For answers to inquiries about tickets. call 494-2345. They may sWl have room. • • • Already the Orange County Mus ic Center is considering changing its name and they haven't broken ground yet. Seems they want to call it the Orange County ·Center for the Performing Arts. Their paint is that there already is a Music Center and it's located in Los Angel~s. I think they're right and it's better to get the change under way now . before everyone's so committed to the old name they wouldn't change it if the Pacific froze. Besides, having been in this area for a while OCMC . ' always meant Orange County ·Medical Center to me. What's the new one goine to look like? OCCPA? Well, that's OK. • • • ART FOR ART'S SAKE : The art fOrms I'm mentioning here are the bea~es Designing Women, the fund-ratsin1 arm for the Laguna Beach School of Art took in this year. Not that each and every member isn't a beauty, of course, but I waa struck by t.hil year's cluster. , .Deanne Baldwin and her sister Nancy, SU&M Balfour, Arleen Booth, Fran Bury and Judi (W'bo wu patient when l put a "y" instead ot an "i," on her name> Duttan. ~in came old friend Suaao •McFadden, and Jennifer Mitchell, and JoAnne Mlx. Then BetU..JIQuan,. Jolem Parham, Jean Hall Pattersorr,-Micbelle-llObe, Mary Jane Rumbley, Nancy Snyder .. Jo Shapiro and Joan Stevem. wen. now , who'• not? Bev Shub,. nifty cloee friend ot Hlliary Imes, Faith Strana. Janet Toohey and PllU1 Truman. Tbat.11 quite a Dlldae clua, isn't it? And_,.,. off Md runnln1. Came In JUll ln Ume to set ""'* Iii ·'Color It Oranp!•' You Oan't bow wW " Otlallt'' la? W.U, time llD't room to tell )'Gii ti* AD I .. .., II lt'• a peat ....i and hu au tW thm 111111 fa .... to tile enUre eomty, . 1 : .. ... Dow Jones Final OFF 4.66 CLOSING 824.30 1111111 ~------ U.S. manufacturers operated at 70.4 percent of capacity in January, the lowest level since 1975, u the recession apparently continued to deepen. Amont the 'i"Orst h1t last month was the auto industry. with an operating rate sliding to the lowest level in at Jeut 34 years. the Federal Reserve Board reported. The decline of 2.6 percentage points in overall factory use echoed Wedn esday's fl:edera l Reserve ficurea showing the nation's Industrial production falling 3 percent in Janua ry ... Americans' personal Income rose a scant 0.2 percent in January after a December decline that was the rirst drop since the 1975 recession, the Commerce Department reported. December's figu re had originaJly been reported as a slight gain, but department officials revised it to a decline of less than one·lenth of l percent. The last previous decline apparently was a drop of about the same size in J uly 1975 .. IDRlD @) Unemployment'in the European Common Market ~ounlries hit a post-World War II record 9.~ percent m January, new evidence or Europe's continuing recession, according to figures released by the Co mmon Market 's statistical service. Approximately 450,000 more people were jobless in January 'than in December 1981. when 9.1 percent of the workforce was unemployed. The total number or jobless in January was 10 7 million STAii fS,_ ____ _ Citicorp, the New York·based parent company of the nation 's second la rgest commercial bank, Citibank, announced plans to enter the thrift and loan business in California. The first office of Citicorp Person·to-Person Tbnft lnc. is expected to begin bperation in Glendale in April ... Great Western Savlags, a subsidiary of Great Western Financial Corp., and Nortbera CalUonda S avings said they have signed a deftnltive agreement to merge the two companies. An agreement in principle had been previously announced ... Superintendents or the Suata Fe aaUroad are meeting ln Los Angeles to decide a major layoff of employees in the railroad's 13-state area ne.xt w~. Santa Fe employs 35,000 workers . . . lrvine·based cauroam Corp. has laid otf 150 employees and plans to close lbe plant March 31. The company, which employed 400 and Jut reported $30 million in saJes, is owned by Mobay Chemical Corp. of P ittsburgh . IARllllil $ Safeway Stores reported unaudited consolidated sales for the year ended Jan. 2 of $16.58 billion, an in('rease or 9 8 percent over the earlier year. Net in('ome for the year, however , fe11 to $114.5 million, or $4.39 a share. from $119.4 million, or $4 .57 in 1980. The Oakland-based food chain said it will close 70 Safeway stores in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa by Mar('h 27 because of continuing losses tbePe Ford Motor Co. lost $1.06 billion Inf' year, induding a loss of $346 million in the fourth quarter. Ford lost $8.81 a share in 1981, compared with its 11, re"ord loss of $1.5 billion, or $12.83 a share in 1980. 'TOCKS IN THE SPOTLu;HT 1JJ7,100 lt0,60:) ~,AGO m,:zoo m.100 ~.000 ,,.,100 lll.900 )67,400 :157,700 lSS,700 >46,700 :MO.ta) 334,2CO l't,400 UPS ANO DOWNS u ... ·~ ; -21~ '11/· -~ •1~ -l"I .M°"' '• l:ll!o _,.., '°'"' • \lo 1•~ -..... 77 1-. J.O'h • "" ""' . .,., ~ -°"' 56>1. -11/. 1• .. -..., Pct. Up 1' 1 Up 11.I Up 113 Up 11.1 Up '1 Up U VP 7.7 Up 1,l Up 7.1 Up U Vp ••• Up s.t Up U Up St up S7 uo J7 Pa. Oft St,• Oft IU Off 1U Oft 1J.' Off 10.7 Off 10.2 °" 10.0 Off I.) Off 1.t Off .. , Off "' Oft 7.6 Oft 7,4 Oft 1.1 Oft P. I °" ... AMERICAN LEADERS MflALS H EW VO~K IAP) mel41I Orie.ft ladey' Spol ..., .......... C:•'"' 71"'·10 cents • pound, U.S. detlln9ti... Le• 21 °"". oouncl· UM Q <Mb• oouncl, deUwrM. Tt. $1.~ ~1Wte4t c-lte lb, AJ-'-1 .. n Qnts e po;lftCI, H , V. Mffc.,,. s.P5.00.,... flMll l'I~ $316.00 ln>J Ol., H V SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS .,Tlle~ ...... S.ltcled -Id OOlcl prl(n -y: """"' ...,n1n911•1"1 $111.75. ........ ~: _,..._fllll ... 9*.!S, ~II. ... ,.., All. ...... .s.u. • .. , .................. p ... . t w lell: Ult• llxl,.. '*·•• -"-W. A7t.OO-MeMr a ...,._, c ... ,., Mlty .,..., .... ts, ............ , (tftly ... , __., ...... UMll. ......... , '"'" ••tv ..... , ~ ., .11, 1111(1\.