HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-21 - Orange Coast PilotSUNDAY SPf CIAL . Leasehold t depend on where you live .. 8.r ITEVS MAaaL& °' ............. Paul Franklin atanda ln sharp contrut to many ot bll nelchbors tn fublonable Cam Hlahlanda. He t.hlnlra leuln1 hla Newport Beach 11~ from tbt Irvine Company haa been a prefty 1ood deaJ. And be bu no ur1e to bad mouth the lr\line Company Juat because hl1 annul land lease (ee la Jwnl>lnl from 9'70 to 11.300 a year. Franltlln says he knew that day of reckonln1 was comin1. "It ii a P.[etty tremendous increue and I do have some 'questions whether it should be ao hl1b," he admits, quickly addln1. "but the lrvlue Company, I'd have to say, haa been pretty fair." But there a.re hundreds of others who disagree. Gall Sellen, another Cameo Hithlands resident, l8 one . Leu than a year a10. lbe Ind her famUy moved from San Francllco to Newport Beach. paylnc $319,000 for thelr home. At tbe Ume. their annual land leue fee to the Irvine Company wu 9JU,I\. Th1I year, it'• 1oln1 up to Sl8,411. She a&yl she wlshea she wu back In San Franci.Ko. Such "horror" stories are about a dime a doien these days in Newport Beacb, where "leasehold" ii the dirtiest word ln town. But neither Newport Beach nor the Irvine Company have a corner on the leasehold market. There are thousands of famllies along the Orange Coast that lease the land under their hom es from development firms, old family estates and, in several cases. from cities. IRlllil COAST SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1982 Car firm · maybe acquired LONDON (AP > -An A m e r i c a n c h e m i c a 1. manufacturer may buy the U.S.-run De Lorean Motor Co.'s sports car plant in Northern Ireland after the carmaker was declared in.solvent by the British government, a London newspaper reported Saturday. The London Times s aid a representative of the unnamed chemical firm was in London and in touch with Sir Kenneth Cork, the receiver called in by the government Friday after it shut off British taxpayers' funds for the American sports car manufacturer, headquartered in Irvine. Another paper. the London Daily Telegraph, said, "Talks are now going on with an unid e ntif ied American businessman based in Europe over a possible 40 million pound ($72 milUon > rescue package." "I cannot name the man concemed but we have talked and I am impressed by him," the Telegraph quoted Cork as saying. According to the Telegraph, Cork said the American represented a va riety of interests with substantial sums to invest. It was not clear if he was the same man referred to by the London Times . Cork bas said be bas four or five weeks to find a buyer for the debt-ridden Belfast plant, which he says will need $74 million ~ $93 million in private capital iI it is to survive. In hopes of salvaging some of the 1,500 jobs remaining at the plant, Cork said he and fellow receiver, Paul Shewell, hoped to <See DE LOREAN, Page Ai> ...., """,_"" a1c-... ~ STRETCHING PLEASURE This sailor at the Corona del Mar jetty typifies all the coast visitors who never want a perfect beach day lo end. In Newport 8e•ch alone, then are more than 3,000 residential leasehold Iota where the homeownen pay eomeooo elle for the rlaht to live there. I disclose their h0Jdlnc1 In nel•abortDI lluntlniton Beach where they are atlh buUdlnl homes on leuebold land. Privately. thou ah. they'll admit that they'•• been wetch1n1 the dlapute between bomtOWMrt and the Irvine Company in Newport Beach and w•nt no part of It. In Hunllnaton Beach, It la estimated there are twice that many leuehold lot.a. There are also tome ln Fountain V1aUey and Cotta Mesa and another 1,500 In lrvtne. Nobody seems to have an exact count. "Pick a number." auuesta Howard Whitcomb of the Orange County Alsetaor's omce. "We keep uncovering more and more of them every day.'· Saying Ult.le or nothlna. they fi1ure, la the h<-llt approach. The leasehold story alona the 0r81)te Coast is compUcated. The dlffera.t landholderl i\avt different setups and some or the arran1ement1 have produced few lf any waves. And many of the firms that hold title to leasehold land are unwilling to disclose how m uch or where or any ot.ber details. . Signal Landmark, tor Instance, owns the land under 382 homes in Newport Shores, a community on the west side bf Newport Beach. The most noteworthy nap involves· the Irvine Company whlch hold.I UUe to roucbly 3,700 lots in Newport and Irvine. The leases, mostly put together in the 1950s and '60s: call for homeowners to pay 6 percent But officials from Signal balk when asked to <See COAST'S, Page A3> YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPIR · ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA SO CENTS Ruling invalidates OC appellate court SACRAMENTO (AP I A Superior Court ruling voiding legislation creating 18 new state appeal court judgeships and three new appellate courts is expected to be appealed by the state. Four of the 1udgesh1ps were, slated for Orange ~.ounty along with one of the new appellate courts. The decision was issued Friday by El Dorado County Superior Court J udge Chartes Fogerty, who handled the case aft er Sacramento County judges disqualified themselves. He acted on a suit filed by Leonard Friedman, a retired member of the 3rd District Court or Appeal in Sacramento. Friedman accused lh e Legislature of .. constitutional hanky.panky," clai ming that the law required ~ two-th.irds vote instead of the simple maJority 1t received. Fogerty didn't rule on that asp ect. but said the law was unconstitutional because il did not provide money to finance the law library and equipment in the new Sant.a Ana court, but left that up to private donations. It was wrong to put the court .. in a position where it must solicit and accept donations. whether public or private, .. Fogerty said. He said the lawmakers threatened ·'the integrity of the Judicial process and the reputation for impartiality." A bout $100,000 was being sought for the library. Fogerty said legislative concerns about budget constraints pe rmeated the history of the act and it would be beyond his juris diction to rewrite the law to determine which appellate courts would stand or fall. If the Legislature wants to expand the courts. il will need to pass new legislation, he said. Besides creating lhe three new courts in San Jose, Santa Barbara and Santa Ana, the legislation added 18 new appellate court judges to the 59 already authorized. Appeals court judges are paid $71,718 a yea r Burt Oliver o f the Administrative Office or the Courts said staff, books. offices and equipment run the cost to at least $250,000 per judge. Money for the new judges, $1.5 million for the first six months of 1982, was approved in the budget passed last year. Besides three judges in San Jose, the bill created three n e w judgeship s in San. Francisco, six in Los Angeles, four in th San Diego.San Bernardino district and two in Fresno. Some would be assigned lo the new divisions in Santa Ana and Santa Barbara. Brown has not filled any of the positions . Reagan program support 's lipping' WASHINGTON CAP > - Membe rs of Congress are returning from a lO·day recess a ft e r hearing from their con s tituents that faith in President Reagan·s economic program is beginning to slip. ·'The question is, do we keep the faith ?'' said Sen . Max Baucus, 0 -Mont. "And. ii so. how much longer should we?" Concern over a deteriorating economy. projected record budget deficits, i nc reased defense spending and reductions in popular domestic programs is eroding support for Reagan's economic program. according to dozens of legislators contacted by the The Associated Press. Sen. Paul Laxall. R-Nev .. Reagan's closest fri end in the Senate. said Nevadans he met .. a r e solidl y behind the presi d ent ." But he acknowledged, .. I sense among businessmen a growing alarm . a bout continued high interest rates." Rep. Morris K. Udall, D·Ariz., said, .. The president's still popular and everybody hopes his program succeeds. but as the layoffs continue and interest rates don't come down, many groups are pulling back and are really worried.'. Congress reconvenes Monday after a break to observe Lincoln·s and Was hington's birthdays and will continue its sc rutiny of the president's recommended $757.6 billion speniting plan for the 1983 fiscal (See BUDGET, Page AZ> Fraud investigators stumped by cash dealings By DAVID KUTZMANN Of ... 0-.., "91111..., What emerges in the week and a ball since financier Ralph W. Mc Donald was arrested by. sheriff's investigators Is the puzzling picture or high-stakes financial dealings that apparently allowed McDonald to build a multi-million dollar empire from scratch. Because much of that empire rests upon a cash foundation, allegedly out of the sight of the Internal Revenue Service. its exact scope is unknown. But investigators are convinced that McDonald's GoJden. Eagle Investment Co. is the alleged vehicle for what Sherm Brad Gates described as the biggest investment swindle in 0Tange County history. Now in Orange County Jail on $2 million bail, McDonald, a 41-year-old Arkansas native, is charged with 19 felony counts, including g rand theft . conspiracy to commit income tax evasion and selling securities without a license. He and his company vice pres ident, David B elfrey French OK return of Lee's remains 87 J"BFF ADL£a °'_...., ...... Randy Lee will be m lkln.I bia final journey sometime tbls week. He'll be coming home to hls family, to Costa Mesa -and to his final realin1 place. The French 1overnme.nt baa anlloWlced lt wUJ drop letal form allties that would have delayed release of Lee'• remainl for four to alx monthl. It allO will pay the cost of tranapartiDC hll body home. Lee, a member of the French Foreitn Leslma. died in a plane crub wttb •fellow l~ Feb. am Djibouti, Africa. Tbe .. , .......... o.ta ..... wbo .......... ba tbe W.-to for1et • filllld rommee, IOOll beeame dla9etiant.d wtdl 1111 flve·year commitment and wanted out. He tried to escape and was imprisoned at least once and possibly twic.e before ·bis death oo a desert mountainside. But It was hll 1rief-1trtcken mother, who h8d fou1bt vainly to secure bis release, who battled on to oblaln bia remains. Judy Lee said news of tbe French govemment'I decllion came as an anawer to btr prayers. "I Hid, 'Thank you, God,' that'• bow I felt ID my heart,'· Mrs. Lee explained Saturday. "I dldD't expect It," abe continued. "You cry, you're 10 (leeL&&,h .. AI) i\ Biggins of San Clemente, have pleaded IMocent t-0 the charges. Biggins. free on $25,000 bail, also is charged with 1~ felony CQUDls. But prosecutors face no easy task. "Fraud cases," according to one Orange County municipal court judge, "are tough lo prove.'' And s t a nding behind McDonald since his arrest last week have been close friends, Golden Eagle salespeople and investors who say the San Juan Capistrano man never missed interest payment deadlines or attempted to swindle any of the estimated 1,000 people who gave him money. It is believed that Golden Eagle, under McDonald's sole proprletorsh.ip, obtained $11.4 million from ·investors in six months. · In return for their money, these investors were promised monthly interest rates of between 10 percent and 30 percent. The money, they were told, was to be used to provide sbort·tenn high-interest loans to borrowers for commercial real est ate ventures. What was actually happenin,&., prosecutors alle1e. la that Mc Donald waa running a so-called ''Ponli scheme." That ls, be waa paylnc off early investors in bis company •itb money comln1 in from later lnveston. The fundl were never really beinl Invested in short term real estate loam u promlled, lnv,.U,aton a11frt. Durtq two municipal court baU lalartnp for McDonald last week, Deputy Dlltrltt Auornty Tom &M!i admitted U..t no one had yet s tepped forward to claim non-payment of interest or principal on time But. investigators claim, the fact t hat no one has been deprived or his money doesn't m ean that fraud ha s n 't occurred. An illegal act has taken place, Sheriff's Lt . Wyatt H art ex plained. whe n someone J:Qisrepresents facts to entice investment. According to court doc uments pertaining to the c.tse , authorities first became aware of Golden Eagle on Dec. 22, 1981 . when a sheriff's investigator , Earl F. Van Valkenburgh. received a phone call from a man seeking information on the firm. "He told me that the company was olfering from 10 percent~ 30 percent interest monthly on Investments, depending on the amount of the investment. "He told me that the monthly interest payments were made in cash at the investor's residence or place of business," Van Valkenburgh said in an affidavit In support of a search warrant. In coming weeks , the Investigator said, he received more caill, lnclud.iag one from a Brea police detective. Thie eventually led to hl• contactin1 a man in Oran1e "who told me that be had been ln hll bU'ber ahop . . . wbea a man came lD and banded tbe berber four hundred dollar bill.I ... Tht mm with the money wu lntroduttd H Jim Lowe, a ulHman for Golden Ea1l• • ln.eetment Co. in El Toro. Tbe Otanp re&klent offered to \ help law enforcement agencies investigate the company. Al about the same time. district attorney·s investigator William Gr.andey ca lled Van Valkenburgb to say he too bad been contacted by a possible investor in Golden Eagle. Thi s investo r , court documents said, was to meet Golden Eagle salesman Scott Friedland at t he Moonraker Restaurant in Irvine on Jan. 19. W ired beforehand by inves tigators with electronic listening equipment, this man and other family members met ON THE INSIDE HARM OR GOODT -Are success seminars for women in business a "cruel hoax"? A syndicated columnist poses the question and two local pro moters of achievers' attitudes are profiled on Pa.ce Dl. SMOOTH APPEA&ANCE - Look ror more silk -in sportcoats, sbiru, sweaters and tiea -amon1 men's fashlona tbia spring. M9re wardrobe indicators for him are provided on Pa1ea. LANDED LEGACY -~ upon a tlme rancber-tufted-oU man RaJ Lambert owned • acre1 and a atately bom• on lrnae property. Read bow llll deecenclantl •ie• tbe encroachln1 condoa and equeatrtan trails on• Pa,. A4. Friedland at the restaurant. Afterward, sheriffs detectives transcribed tapes of the conversation, which included this statement by Friedland: "We are a11 very smart. We are all millionaires. A lot of things I don't pay taxes on. Some I do. Some are in other people 's name s . Ralph McDonald shows just what be ha s to on his financial statement." Friedland, in the tape, says that all transactions with Golden <See PROOF, Page A4) OPEN STaATEGY -Johnny Miller and Tom Weiskopf, last year's winner and runner-up ol the Loe Angeles Open, are tbe co-leaders goin1 into today's final round. Howard Hand)' d esc ribe s the 10Jfers' predicament.a on Paae Bl. -.-.. ................ ~ .. ........... ........ "' ...... .......... DN ........................ M c ............ ..,......... •• c-~ In lf'N...., • O• • .......... _,. ........ ........ ... ................ __ aM ·-7 l .., .... cw ··-·· .,...... . ........ ·-... ..... .......... . .,_, ............ M ...... ' .. ' -,.-~------·-----..-"T' -------...... • ........ _... ""==---- ----------_...___ ----__.:__ __ ""_.._ Otano• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 21 , 1882 ONTARIO (AP> - lnv .. U•a&ora art tryln1 to determiM wbether the pUot ot an AlrCa.I j«llner U..t clipped two power lines near here followed proper a pproach procedures, federal officials Hid SatW'day, 80\h the pilot, Capt. Thomas Hall '1, and Finl Offlcer Jose Heriberto Matos, 47, were suspended from nt1ht duty with full pay unW "there la some sort of definite conclusion" to a National Transportation Safety Board investigation of .the Feb. 15 incident , said AirCal SPokesman Mark Peterson. The suspensions were announced Friday. Such suspensions are imposed only in cues in which there are que'Stions about a pilot's behavior, Peterson said Friday. The probe is focusing on whe ther Hall a nd Matos followed proper procedures when they tried to land the Bo ei ng 737 at Ontario International Airport, NTSB investigator Keith McGui re said. "We are looking very carefully at whether the pilot followed proper procedures on his altitude,'' he added. Because the "glide path" at the airport -a key part of the instrumental landing system - was out of order when the accident occurred, the pilots were supposed to follow a set of diagrammed instructions known as the "approach plate." That called for an aircraft to stay at least 1,500 feet above sea level until coming within 1.3 miles of the runway. But McGuire said Hall and Matos told him they brought the plane down to 1,.250 feet on their approach to Ontario. "It sure looks like he was below the 1,500 foot-a ltitude that he s hould have been at," McGuire s aid, adding that Matos was flying the approach at the time. He said that Hall and Matos were "somewhat vague" when asked why they were flying so low. "The pilots didn't remember tverytblns •• precisely aa I would have Uked " he 1ald. The plane, inbound from SeatUe and OakJand, cllpl*l two 250-foot-high Power pole cables four miles from tbe runway, then changed course for Loa An1el•• International Airport, 80 mUea away. Unknown to the pilots, the hydraulic lines that operated the plane's brakes and reverse thru.atersbad been broken. 1be aircraft wu unable to stop on the LAX runway and skidded off the end into an embankment. No one was injured. McGuire said he has found no problems with the airport radar or the plane's alUmeter. He said be still doesn't know why radar failed to warn controllers the plane was too low. Moments before the accident. he said, radar had warned controllers that a United Air Lines flight four miles ahead of the AirCal plane was too low, at 1,500 feet. The l!AL pilot was told to correct his descent, McGuire said. But no alarm sounded for the AirCal' jet coming in on the Silver ado brush fire e xtinguished Orange County firefighters hi ked into Silverado Canyon Saturday afternoon to extinguish a one-quarter acre brushfire. An Orange Co unty Fire D e p artment s pok esman reported eight fire engines and 24 firefighters responded to the fire. located on a hillside one mile past the gate on Sllverado Canyon Road. The fire took about one hour lo control, the spokesman said. He added that Orange County firefighters were joined by U.S. Forest Service crews in fightine the small blaze. The spokes m an described brus h on Orange County hillsides as ''burnable. but not extremely dry." From Page A1 same approach, and McGuire 11Jd he wu 1oin1 to run t~ata on tbe computer pro1ram thal 1enerate1 t.be alarm. A check of tho airport radar 1bowed a blank apace on lta prlntout, "but we assume that was caused by a brief Power lnterrupUon ·• lb at occurred when the plane bit the cables and dragged them acro11 a nearby 220,000-volt i>ower line, aborting It out, McGuire aald. It may be several months before the live-member NTSB team issues its report on the .accident, he added. Reagan raps sea law treaty BERKELEY (AP > -The Reagan administration Saturday e laborated on its. objections t o the proposed International Law of the Sea, declaring private corporations should have more freedom to mine the sea floor and the U.S. should have a greater voice in running a Seabed Authority .. ·•A system designed to regulate about two-thirds or the world's surface should take account of the fact that one of the players does consume about 25 percent of the Earth's resources," said Le ig h S. Ratiner, counsel to the U.S. delegation to the United Nations' Conference on the Law of the Sea. T hird World leade rs at a sym posium at the University of California at Berkeley quickly condemned the U.S. position and indicated the Law of the Sea might be adopted without the United States. ''The fund amentals of the (the U.S.) package, I'm afraid, are simply not in the ballpark," said Alvaro De Soto, chairman or a coalition of developing countries. Balboa Bay Club chief t o resign BUDGET WORRIES • • • Th e president and general manager of Newport Beach's . excJusive Balboa Bay Club has announced be will be leaving his post at the end of February. E. Scott Hightower, who has run the club for the past six years, said he will be joining MCO Equi t i es, In c ., headquartered in Los Angeles, as · an executive in charge of property management. "I'll miss it," Hightower, 52, said ol his position at the club. "But I think it was time for a new challenge.'' A Newport Bea ch resident since 1975, Hightower said his family, wife Betty and their three children, will be moving to the Westwood area of Los Angeles in the near future. The new club president and general manager w ill be Thomas Deemer, he said. From Page A1 year, which begins Oct. 1. Reagan said during a news conference ThuTsday that be hoped Capitol Hill criticism of his budget proposals "might soften " after members of Congress "heard from the folks back home. Because I think there is widespread support for continued cutting or government spending.·• Sen. Lawton Chiles, D·Fla., said , "I'm bearing a lot of people in regard to the euts . . . A lot of it is 'don't cut me, cut the fellow behind the tree."' "I think there's an expressed general concern: We want to hold down spensllng, we want to balance the budget , but we also have a fear that you can go too far. too fast," Chiles said. "There will be a reaction, even from the conservatives." In addition, Republicans and Democrats alike are reflecting the co ncern s of their cons tituents that Reagan's recommendation to increase DE LOREAN BUY REPORT restructure the company and keep a slimmed-down De Lorean factory in business. Britiab taxpayers have poured nearly f148 million into the firm founded in 1978 in partnership with former General Motors Vice Preside nt John Z. De Lol'ean, 56. Successive Briti s h governments saw the plant as a valuable source of employment in strile-torn Northern Ireland, where 113,000 people are out ol work. stainless steel cars built at the plant. Of the 7 ,000 cars built, less than 5,000 have been sold. De Lorean's originaJ goal was to sell 30,000 cars a year. The original target price was $1S,OOO, but when tb4' cars arrived in U .S. s howrooms last year inflation bad sent it up to $25,000. defense spending by 18 percent next year may be too much. Reagan said Friday that "the ve ry safety of this nation" hinges on approval of his proposed increase in defense, spending . •'No area, including defense, is sacrosanct,'' said Rep. Larry Winn, R-Kan. Rep. Clay Shaw, R-Fla., said, "I 'm finding that the constituents are talking about cutting the defense budget. Last year, there was pretty much across-the-board approval." This year, Shaw said. even his "hawkish" constituents "want everything cut." Republican Rep. Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey sajd he "heard almost total supPort for cuts in the planned increase in defense spending,'· The cuts Reagan proposes for social programs also are drawing fire. R e p . Edward Marke y, D -Mass., said propose d additional cuts in student loan programs is "still the single largest bone of contention." "They'rP really feeling the pinch,'' Markey said, predicting a "tremendous war" over the student loans issue, which "the president is going to lose." From Page A1 LEE • • • thankful, you think so many things.'' In trying to obtain release ol her son's body, Mrs. Lee cabled French President Francois Mitterand and asked that her son be accorded "the dignity, honor and respect he deserves as a member or the Legion." Government officials credited IDAHO FLOOD -Michael Lyons of Boise had to resort to a kayak to get around the Idaho state capital as continuing heavy r ains' -~-........ caused flooding. Lyons is shown kayaking in front of the mansion of Gov J ohn V. Evans (See story. Page A3 J • Tax issue headed for c ourts WASHINGTON <AP> -After weeks of political jousting, the battle over tax breaks for racially discriminatory private schools is shifting back to the courts. A federal appeals court has barr e d the R eag an administration from giving the exemptions "to any school" that discrimil'lates against blacks . The Supreme Court, returning Monday from a four· week recess, is likely to have a second ke y case in the emotionally charged tax dispute. Co ng r essional lead e r s. meanwhile, say t hey are not about to go a head with the administration's request for legis lation r eimposin g the l 'h -yea r -o ld ban on tax exemptions for discriminatory schools lhat Reagan scrapped Jan. 8. Thus, court action again is becoming the focus of the bitter controversy over whether the Internal Revenue Service should gra nt th ese sc h ools a tax-exempt status. Reagan claims the IRS had no author ity to ban the tax exemptions for such schools in 1970, but legal scholars and many in Con gress, citing a number of favorable court decisions, sharply disagree. Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., says the Supreme Court s hould decide whether the ban was l eg al -or wh e ther ne w legislation is needed. Dole, head of the Finance Committee, calls the flap over the tax exemptions. along with an earlier , unrelated dispute ove r Social Sec urity, th e "administration's two greatest political fumbles so far." Ho use Ways a nd Mean s Co m mittee Ch air man Dan Ros tenkowski, D· 111., adds he s~es ''no justification for the position of the administration that additional legislation is necessary.·· In the first court case, the U.S. Co urt of AppeaJs for the District of Columbia on Thursday barred the adm inistration f rom granting tax-exempt status to any r acially d iscriminatory private school. The appeal s co urt 's open-end ed order thus helps Reagan and hi s aides by laking '"' .. ,...... TWENTY YEARS LATER -Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, stands next to the Friends hip 7 space caps ule that he rode into space 20 years ago to become the first American to orbit the Earth. Gle nn celebrated the annive rsary of t he flight at the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum in Washington. the dispute out of their hands for the indefinite future The appeals court acted m 3 \ case aimed at forcing the government to revoke tax exemptions issued to Schools t hat allegedly disc riminate against blacks. The court issued the injunction while it studies the case further. T he injunction's great est immediate impact 1s on two sch ools whose a ppeals are before the Supreme Court· Bob Jones Uni versity in Greenville, S.C., and Goldsboro Christian Schools in Goldsboro, N.C The government said it planned to grant those two schools tax exemptions even before it became clear whether Congress wou ld -net The IRS previously had de nied the exe m ptions because of the schools' racially discriminatory policies . based on religious beliefs. Saddle back to slwrten work week By changing the work week from five eight-hour days to four 10-ho ur d ays thi s s ummer, Saddleback College officials say they hope to save about $50,000 o n utility bills and other expenses. The new schedule will take effect May 24 and runs through July 30, All offices on both the North Campus in Irvine and South Campus in Mission Viejo will be closed on Fridays. No Friday classes have been sch e duled for the s ummer session "The important thing for the public to remember is that while we will be closed on Fridays, we will be keeping longer hours when we are open ... said Robert Lorn bardi , C'hanccllor of the Saddleback Community College District Office hours Monday through Thursday are from 7 a .m. to 6 p.m . However, some offi ces may close at 5:30 pm .. and remain open a haU hour longer during the lunch hour. According to Lo mbardi, the N ort h Ora n ge Cou nt y Community College District has a c hieved savings of nearly $100,000 by going on a four·day schedule in the summer. The major expense is in the air conditioning in large buildings during the hot summer months, Lombardi s aid. Some additional savings may be possible if employees choose to work four eight-hour days - 32 hours a week -at reduced salaries in t he summer, he added. At the beginning of the fall semester in August. Saddleback will go back on a regular fi ve-day week. For information on summer scheduling, call the district public informal.ion office at 831-4530. De Lorean's dream to provide a luxury sports c ar for the Am erican market foundered on rocky economic conditions and a slump tn U.S. car sales. Before leaving Britain for New York, De Lorean said be was "deligbtect:' with Friday's announcement and claimed the government bad in effect "wiped out 70 million J>OUnds ($130 million) worth of debts. But he was worried that U.S. dealers and Potential backers mi1ht be fri1btened off. ''Receivership ii a devaataUna word in the United States." her cable to the French leader :----------------------------------------- Northern Ireland Secretary James Prior, the top British official in the province, said there bad been "very considerable management and marketiq mistakes" within tilt De Lorean organization over possible sales oft.be 1uU-win1ed, OAAHO! OOMT De Lorean appealed iD vain to Prime Mioiater M ar1aret Thatcher's conservative govenunent for more aid unW sales pick up. Dilly Pilat IMAtN OPflM2 l•w.t1e.t11.,c-.-..,CA. ThofNa P. Haley ........... a...1aet-Ott1e<1< Robert N. Weed ,,...... Thonwt A. Murphlne ...... L. Kaiy Schultz *-"'-... o-..r .. ~ Michael P. Harvey --.Ol.9CW Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~~ Qwtll H. Loo• .......... Me41.-..: ._,,_,C .... llMM,CA.- 1 ~ ... a... c....,......,... .. c....., . __ _,_ ................ tMllW ..... lwrt..._. ..... _,, -,.,,,CCC ..... llllM ...... , 2 .... ~-· ·-~- for speeding up Lee's return. Mrs. Lee believes her efforu in her son 's behalf were something that any parent would do for t heir child. "I would have never stopped until bis body was brought back," ahe said. She added, "The whole idea was to bring him home alive, then, Just to bring him home.•~ Lee will be buried in Harbor Lawn Cemetery in Costa Meta because be had written hi• •liter how hil "Mart came back to Co1ta Mesa " d urln1 hl1 imprilonment. II rs. Lee Hid only a very printe iraveslde service Will be held. She also 1aJd 1be bu received. numerom lnqulriet from movie producers and Nveral t•l•vtaioa networb interested ln telllna Randy's story. Bu1y cherlahln1 • •1ome beautiful memorlt1 of a beauUf\al penon," abe bu told UM ftlm people that 1be eoulcln 't. even •'think of aometJalq lib that." • 1 I Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special ·•2.99 • It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, our crispy fish fillet, plus fryes. slaw f, hushpupples! Shrimply dellclousl I Orange Coast DAILY PfLOT/Sunday, Febru1ry 21 , 1982 Has pope's cliarisma faded? Pontiff's African tour not as stirrin g as previous trips ROMI (AP) -HI Poundtd drum• and hummed African hy11ut.1. He JollM wtth nuna and 1 Iii arxlat presldent. He d e ll vere-d pollcy pronouncement• In French, Spanlah, EnaUsh and Poll.ah - whhout atumblinc once. But Pope John Paul It, "the athlete or faith." as some Va.Ucan pre lates call him . seemed to have lost some of bis magic touch as h e breezed through four African countries on •ll eight-day trip that ended Fr iday. T h e torrid , 8 ,000-mile expedition took the pope through oil-ri c h Nigeria, Gabon , Mar xist ·ruled Benin and Equatorial Guinea. a rormer Spapish colony barely back on From Page A1 th• road to 1conomlc 1u~ullt1nce and rel11tou1 freedom after more than a •ecade or murderous repreaaion. Jn Nl•erla, his triumphant return to the Christian re11on that was on ce Blalra was marred when Motlem leaders failed to show up at a meet.in& aimed at warmlnJ up dialogue beiween Islam and Christianity. In palm·frinaed, modernistic Libreville. Gabonese poured out their hearts with lilting-beat m usic for the pope's arrival but rar from filled a stadium where the pope addressed workers, students And professionals . T he pope's message wesn't particularly pleasant -that African· society was built too thin for a few at the top, that violence brln11 "no eff1ctlve aolutton'' to social conrUct, and permlnlveneas and waste pervaded youth who rejected Chrlat. Many of the pope's 34 other speeches failed to stir some o! the 2 million people who saw the whlte·robed pontiff in person and the millions of others who watched him on television. Many walked away after getting a glimpse of the pontifr as he read through a doien pages of a homily. "Pope John PauJ has the dimension of a myth , or a personality, which s uddenly be comes approachable," commented an African-based French Dominican scholar. Rene Luneau. "But when people get In cloae. or start llatenin1 they don't !Always hear what they want. So they don 't respond. ThiAt is why the spell m I ght wear off on c loser eumination." Another cause for the feelln1 of disenchantment may be the similarity of all his foreign trips a series Qf events and speeches aimed at priests, nuns, I ay men , bishops , worker s Lntellectuals, young people and government leaders. Most of the talks, prepared by aides weeks in advance, quote at length from church documents, past papal pronouncements, the Bible and other Scriptures. In many cases the pope finds he is repeating himself in carbon copy addresses. r ........... MAGIC FADING? Many or the 2 million people who saw Pope John Paul II in Africa last week apparently weren't as touched by his presence as crowds in previous foreign journeys were. COAST'S LEASEHOLD NEGOTIATING TABLES EMPTY • • • Storni hatters s oake d Northwest of the appraised value of the land each year. As in most leasehold cases, residents own • their homes but lease the land. The Irvine Company leases call for the appraised value of the land to be readjusted upward after 20 to 25 years. This is what's brought the howls. Land once valued at $50,000 suddenly is appraised at $1 million and , according lo the terms of the lease. the annual fee is sent skyrocketing. The Committee of 4000, a group of Newport and Irvine residents who banded together to take on the Irvine Company, like to point to Harry Baker as an illustration of what can happen. Baker, an $80,000-a·year wage earner. li ves on winding Bayside Drive with a frontyard that opens to the Newport Harbor. His annual lease fee, last year, shot up from $1 ,600 to $65,000. He's already in default. T he Irvine Company and the committee currently are locked in a dispute over how leasehold land is appraised. Four families in Newpo,rt have filed a class action suit against the development firm for the same reason. On the wes t s ide of Newport Be~cb.. another leasehold battle is brewing. This leasehold dispute is center ed in Newport Shores. inla nd of Pacific Coast Highway and east of the Santa Ana River Bridge. Here, 382 homeowners pay lease fees lo Signal Landmark. a land company based in Irvine. The lease fees. by Newport standards, currently are small, running about $23 a month But in contrast to the Irvine Company - which has been selling off its leasehold land for years Signal has only twice offered to sell its holdings to the homeowners leasing them. Signal now is giving residents a one-month period to buy their lots. The offer ends next Friday. So far. nobody has bought. The reason for that. residents say. is because Signal is trying to sell the land at "highly inflated" prices. Retired engineer a nd Newport Shores resident Richard Kieth has a theory on the one· month offer "Signal wants to make some sales now to establish high prices so that when the leases come up for readjustment, they can point to these as proof of the high value," he suggests. In 1984, the Newport Shores leases are to be readjusted and homeowners will be asked to pay 6 percent of the fair market value of their leased land. Residents in Newport Shores have banded together as the Committee of 400, a junior ve rsion of the group fighting the Irvine . Co mpany. There also is a pocket of leasehold !anti in Lido Sands. another Newport Beach community on the west side or town. The 82 families nave lease their land from Beeco Ltd. and have no complaints about the size of the annual fees. The annual fees in Lido Sands run roughly $1 ,000 a year and are readjusted every five years according to the Consumer Price Index. Dave Goff. a Lido Sands homeowner, says some of his neighbors, though, are upset because they can't buy their leased land. "I must have talked with them <Beeco> two , maybe three dozen times without any luck." Goff explains. Across Pacific Coast Highway. there are six family homes and 128 duplexes on leasehold land. Thjs property is atop an old railway right-of-way and now is controlled by Southern Pacific Land Company. The terms of these leases vary with some of them coming due in 1987. And then there's Beacon Bay, an exclusive 73-lol community stuck on a finger of land that faces Balboa Is land. Actor Andy Devine once lived here and violinist J ascha Heifetz built a pri vale tennis court, later selling it to the homeowners' association. This land is on s tate tidelands and is controlled by the City of Newport Beach Residents cannot buy their leased lots. Beacon Bay represents one of the most complica~ leasehold arrangements along the Orange Coast. It also represents one of the least volatile leasehold situations Although residents here have been hit with lease fee increases of up to 1,000 percent, there has been no name-calling. protest gatherings or lawsuits. The reason for that, some observers speculate, is that the homeowner group and the Cooling trend Coastal L loht, v•ri•b1• w inos thtOuQh tonl91\1 .. c~ ,..est•rly 10 to ,. knots In afternoon One to thru.1001 westtrty •-II Verlal>I<! clOUdlneu in•ll•<M$. V.S. summary lt•ln -11tun0ent0<ms canlir>Uod -nd•Y oMxKll • to 10 ~'" .. cooler In Ill cl~r'I •rffl A:a an !Htf'l y '" N ort h~r n C•llfornl• a.<re .. 1n9 to cheno of 'how•rt MOn<Wy (h,tnce of Showert \pre•dh'Q to C•nlr•t C•llforni• DY loru911t COOll"9 tr-Snow level 4,000 1•"1 In tlw nor111 •.000 IHI In u ntr•I Slerr• Extended Jo recast In sout,,..n Teus ~urcley, and • Pully Cloudy Hl9M in IN coest•I cOld front brOUQht ..-e ,_,,., rein to ••H• In ,,. .OS with ~ 42 to S2 tlla Paclfk Hort'-11. Hl9h• In Ille mount•IM 45 to SS"'"" Gusty winds accompanied the 1-• 1S to 3$. storm 1y~tem, and rain ruched ecros1 c.ntral w .. 111r191on to .wtttitrn -----------Mont•n• ••• J..M9y A cold frant .. IO.,.....,.. llgllt ••In Tempe·.~tu•e" to lower Michloen ...., porllon1 of • ' • ' o Ottlo and Peflnsylvenl• south of I.eke Erle S-enOeO In Maine -1klH Honolulu Houlton 1nc1n..,i11 Jecllsn•lle K•IK City u•v..-Llttt• Roctl l.Alult¥1flt Meme>llls Mleml Mllw-.. Mcll~St P Nnllvllle Hew Ort_,. f'ffw Yori! <>Ill• City Om.lie P?lll•dpl\f• "'-nl• PllttburQll Ptl•nd. Me Plt•nd,O<t lt•pld City Reno ltkllmond S.ltl..ell• SeMll• 71 11 CALI l'OltHIA were cteartnv over southern New Atbu<lu. E119l•nd, bUI c-ll"911recl o.,.r IN Ancllor991 rHI Of Ille nortll AllWllk COllll stel.. A-vltle to Ille VtrCllnl.. Atlante Skies -• most1., "'""' tram Ille Atlante Cly southern Plale•u through Ille l!l•lllm0<e soutllern RocllfH to Ille untr•I 8trmll>Qlwn Pl•ln•. ,... 0.kotff -Ille _, 81..,,,aro ltslstl""1"V .. le-t Tlw So<llhe••I h.td 9olM wnsnlne llolton For today, "'°"" Is torwust tram 9uff•IO tlW 1outNrn GrNI LAii•• r99lon to CMrlstn 5C Ille ctntrt f Ac>pela<hl.,,1 end New Ch.,lstn WV E119lend, wllll • c,_ce Of r•ln •1""9 Clleye""9 ,,,. Mlcl·All•nllc co .. t (111<•90 More r .. n Is PAdk lod •lonv ,,,. Clnclnnell nort,,.m PecHk Coest end from Ille Clevel- northern Pl•IHU to Ill• northern Cotumbut ROCkfo. Eltotwflert, II will e. mostly D•H't wth California Sovtllenl c:.11-• wflt be l•lr -coole r In •II eru1 toda.,. wllll ••<l•ble Ill ... tlO.H ... Low Cl-• Upe<tecl .... lN COHI lotlf .. I - Mone!• 't '"°"""9-I Or•n .. County wlll ll•vlt 1119111 !Odey .. IO 74, In IN ... ....,...,, Low1 '4toS2. °"'"'•' OetMolnH Detroit EIPHO Felrbanl<• HertfO<d ........ NATION ., 1' 13 ·Cl' .. 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'" tM ?Os, '-*'to 4 , lout..,,. ••rt 1119111 In tflt ... i-4S tt 51. Hltf\1 ....................... , t:--ton Ma• """ A.. Mae Olr MOftt,..I a i• 1 2 w Ottaw• J I• I J W ~.:o J 14 I J W Valle-< J 14 I t W Wlllllf Pf9 \ ... llMCll .. ,,. zu.... , ~·~ . '""""" , S...O .... C-r J Qultotllfor-.-.,: Lltt .. c~. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Piiot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcrlbecl and delivered to the appropria(e editor. The same 24·hour anawerlnt service may be used to record let· lei's to the editor on aay topic. Mailbox conlributon must include their name and telephone number for verJflcallon. No clrculatlon calls, please. Tell WI what'• on your mind. ' 13 50 IO S2 ,, ., S9 2S ... 51 ,, 6.S " 51 70 " 12 ... 74 lS ,. ., 17 ., 17 .. ... SI •• 52 II SJ 7l SJ n s. 17 SJ " lA ll S1 ,. 41 .... ., .. ,, 51 •7 .. n n IO 46 .. 47 11 SS 12 SS 11 n 11 0 .. SS ., n " 1' S2 u 42 JO 37 n u. u 10 JS • " .., Jj u city did something that most or the land developers so far have stayed away from - negotiating. The two sides s pent nearly six years putting together a package acceptable to all parties. The negotiations involved the homeowners, the city, the state. a pioneer Newport Beach family that still has interest in the land and a special piece of legislation to make it all legal So far, the pieces have all fit together. To date, both the Irvine Company and Signal have said they're willing to sit down and talk with individual leaseholders but not with collective groups like the Committee of 4000 or 400. And the committees. admitting som e members may be templed to strike up a deal with thl' farms. s ay they mean to stand fast until they arc rccogn1ied and in vited to the negotiating table. Thal hasn't hCippened, and there is little indication it will And there is every indkalion Lhe leasehold disputes will continue. Buy 2 g•llon1 -get a ,.fund fOf 1 gellon with coupon avell1ble at 1tore. 11ne 2 FOR $4.99* •2 GALLONS LESS COUPON REFUND FINAL COST st.M "·" CAR RAMPS $19.88 By the Associated Press Water lapped at sandbags proteding the Idaho governor's mansion Saturday as National Guardsmen were dispatched to build temporary bridges to families trapped by floods In the Pacific Northwest. With many ravers already overflowing their ba nks. a new wet storm packing gale-force winds hit t he coast of Oregon and Washington where more than a week of rain has touched off muds lides and left highways and bridges awash. While most of the nation enjoyed mild · weather. up lo 7 inches of rain fell during the night in south Texas. prompting a flash flood watch, and Nantucket. Mass .. got 4 inches of snow driven by 45-mph wands. Flooding aggravated by m~lting snow also was reported across central and southern Indiana, where many highways were closed and some communities had crews filling sandbags. LOCKING GAS CAPS $5 97 ENGINE DEGREASE Help• ,.moff 9f'e••• l road tar from •nv'M bfock. $1.47 IE91 #30·2310 CARQOEST DISC BRAKE PADS IMPACT DRIVER $4.97 ' :: e 41@ 111 ~!~Y,..Lu · DRIVING LIGHTS $12.88 ~ 0 ~m.iw Z c, . ., ~ARMOR A I:L 4 oz.. 110040 $1.47 $6.95 ESCORT TWIN FRONT MATS $8.88 I Rubber mats In blue, black. gold. red. 18452 .,, Loosen• stuck or rusted 1crew1 & nut1. lncfudea 3 driver tlp1. #2500 GREASE G<JN $7.77 Lever action; 3 way loading; uses 14.5 oz. cartridges. #30-116 ~::::::::::i~,..__ NYLON CAR COVER $44.88 ~ TWI N REAR MATS se.aa #17301 Small · .... 81 117322 Large • S5U8 #17317 Medium • SS..81117333 X Large ·Sit.II ~7 Ge.t II P~ CARQUHT A1t11 PlftS l t9'9' progress Condominiums nudge Lambert orchard, home BEATING THE HEAT Stuart Hayward of Huntington Beach won AAA division heat in o.llY l"tllt ,,_ 'T CM,...,._, the Morey Boogie board contest on Oak Street Beach in Laguna Beach Saturday. From Page A1 PROOF OF FRAUD HARD TO OBTAIN Eagle were done in cash ... that you can't prove anything when it's cash. The onJy person that bas any proof is you. and I don't think that you are going to go to the I RS and say. 'Hey listen. I'm making 20 percent a month.' " The Long Beach resident also says McDonald ''is the power behind the entire company. He is probably worth $60 million. clear assets, positive assets, no negatives. "He has a couple or homes. a mill ion dollar home. He owns four o th e r busin esses. legitimate, up front-bustnesses. He h as about 40 ca r s. a limousine and a chauffeur." Friedland, according to the transcript, says Golden Eagle pro v ided loans or between $400,000 to $4 million t o borrowers. H e also says: .. . . your security is a handshake ; the trust in me that I'm not going to get you into anything that you are going to lose your money, and the multi mlllion dollar man that signs the promissory note, Tha t's your security . 'better than a bank.' " Investigators said individual investors gave Golden Eagle sums ranging from $1 ,000 to $200 ,000. When sheriff's officers raided Golden Eagle's El Toro orfices on Feb. 8, they seized about --tt1:so ,ooo-tn "C"astr.-monernun McDonald's lawyer . Paul Mast, sa id was to be paid out lo investors as scheduled. But prosecutors claim that much of the money invested in Golden Eagle -about $8 million -cannot be accounted for. Mast says the money can be accounted for. And at a bail h eari ng last Wedn esday , McDonald is believed to have t old South Or ange County Mun icipal Court Judge Dave Carter in his chambers where th,e cash can be found. Jn an unusual move, Carter, on a motion from the District Attorney's office. increased bail on McDonald from $250,000 to $2 million. The Judge said he would lower the bail to under $250,000 if the defendant produced the money ~o e1thel' pay off investors or deposit $5 million as collateral in a trust fund. What progress, ii any, that bas been made toward meeting that condition was hard to tell. Mast was unavailable for comment late Friday, as was Buck. By RICHARD GREEN Of llle .,...., ,.... l'-ft SUver·hai:-ed Barbara Tucker 11tood outside her 6S·year·old home north of Irvine, looked at her orange grove and recalled how her father taught her the meaning or persistence. "My dad told me he went to James Irvine II and told him that land on this part of the rancti didn't freeze and would be good for growing crops," she said. "lrvlne dismissed him, but my dad came back each year and told him the same thing. "Finally. after coming back ror fi ve straight years. Irvine sold my dad 40 acres out here in 1914 and told him to be foreman on 160 acres of Irvine Ranch in this area.'' Ba rbara Tucker's rather was Ra y Lambert , the farmer·turned-oilman for whom a reservoir in north Irvine and a road an the same ar ea were named. Lambert's widow, Clara, 91, and hts daughter Lucile s till live in the beautiful old Lambert family home, which is situated on a rise or land from which the family's 40 acrt's or orange trees can be viewed. "Have you seen these new condominiums they're pulling up ?" Clara Lambert as ked "You JUSt can't live in those things you just can't. They don't build houses like this one anymore." She's referring to the beveled windows, hardwood floors and the Cine cra ftsmansh ip that typically graces homes of such age The 65-year·old main house as accompanied by an equally old guest house and garage. The property has a circul ar driv<:way and an av iary "Yeah. there's no birds in there now and the flowers aren't in hloom and you probably packed the worse day of the year to visit," said Mrs Tuck.er, looking into overcast s kies frvm which a drizzle was beginning to fall. "It 1sn 't what it used to be . It wa~ beautiful an its day.'' · · 1 remember when Jimm)' 1 r vine c James Irvine 111 > used to ride by on has horse and ask me. ·How's the cookie jar"' said Mrs . L a mbert. joining t he conversation. But things are differe nt now and Mrs Tucker says she is trying to fight encroaching Paid Advertisement . HOMESTEAD DISRUPTED? -Barbara Tucker regrets urbana Lalion cnC'roaching oo Lambert family rnnt'h urbanization. She is concerned about the impact a county dump planned for north of I rvtne will have on the Lambert property. She also sa id that she is worried that Irvine city plans for equestrian trails might lead to disruption or protect ive wi nd rows surrounding the Lambert property Fred Keller, Irvine Company vice president 1n charge or agriculture, said the Lambert Ranch is the only farming operation in the Irvine area that 1s owned, run a nd lived on by the same family. Mrs. Tucker. 64. continues to manage the family's o range orchard. making s ure water lines are kept in a good state or repair and oranges are irrigated properly. But she has no allu sions about what the future holds for her land. ··Agriculture and the public just don't mix and agriculture is slowly being pushed out," she said . "But oranges never made big m on ey. My fathe r did get enough to make us comfortable from oil investm e nts in Huntington Beach.·' One of the biggest thrills Ray and Clar a Lambert enjoyed were private plane rides they would take from the ranch to P a lm Springs, sai d Mrs . Lambert "Calvin CRay's brother> used lo land the plane on a bean field a round here and we'd take off for Palm Springs. It was like a roller coaster going over those San Gorgonio Mountains. Boy! Ray sat on the edge of his seat." Ray Lambert died in 1976 but his legacy continues on the land he won through persistence when this century was young, Electronic Exercise Just Lie There and A Machine Exercises For You Using the muscle stimulator, combined with Bi o.Health Center's favorite diet. Brad As pin went from a size 38 pant to size 30 in just 2'h weeks. His mother Norma s aw s1m1lar results (size 12 to size 8 ) in the same 18 day period. These are just two or the many successful & h appy Bio-Health Center customers . That's why people are nocking to Bio-Health Center on 17th Str eet in Cost a Mesa and becoming regular participants or electronic exercise with amazing results. The principle behind this phenomenon is straight-forward. In a so called "voluntary" contraction. that is to say during e ~eryday mcvement, the brain sends a signal along a nerve to the "motor joint" of a muscle. This signal, similar to a weak electric current. is a message to the muscles to contract. I n elec tro -mu sc ular s timulation at Bio-Health Center. electrodes in the form of conductive rubber pads are placed on the s urface of the skin over the motor points of 16 major muscle groups. When a very weak electronic current is applied through the pads, the s ignal finds its way through the s kin to these motor points and causes the muscles lo contract, just as ii it had received a signal from the brain. During the contraction of these muscles. the muscles are actually expending energy and doing the work. Patrons of Bio-Health often comment that the exercise feels thorough and really works the entire muscle. Most say you have to try it to appreciate it. Doctors say that 45 minutes of stimulation is equjvalent to 800 to l ,SOO sit-ups and/or leg raises. · Despite exercising your muscles 800-1,500 times in 45 minutes. persons feel no pain during treatment and most don't even feel that familiar soreness like in normal exercise. The current stimulates circulation ----..ttt1"1t at U1£nme-ttm@ ndillie • muse es Of wu\e products and toxins. Bto-Health Cente" partlcipl.Qt.I do feel a ti1htenjq aDd flnnlnC of their mUHlea and ,ver1 often after tbe lit v. Bio-Health Center is currently treating men and women from the ages of 18 to 87 years old . Some come to Bao-Health Center just for the exercise firming up their flabby musc les a nd improving their overall body tone. Others. who are over- weight. combine this electronic exercise with Bio ·H eall h Center's favorite d iet program allowing a substantial weight and inch loss. At first people say it feels strange and are amazed at how t hor oug hl y it exercises the m uscles. Then they relax and progressively work through their 45 minute treatment. Afterwards persons experience a five minute relaxation cycle that feels like a massage. Doctors are sending their patients to Bio-Health Center for t h is out s t a nding exercise program. In some cases. these persons are unable to do normal exercise due to back injury. etc .. allowing them to now exercise muscles for the first time in years . Bio-Health Center has a no m inal c harge to try this wonder machine On your first visit a trained technician will do a full set of body measurements then let you lie atop a padded table for treatment that will take approximately 45 minutes. During this time the technician will educate you further on what Is transpiring, which gives you further understanding of the sensations you are feeling. After your first treatment, the technician will remeasure & calculate the results. First Ume users have experienced lnch lOfS varying from 2" to 9" overall. This chanee is primarily caused by the toning of the muscle due lo the extensive exercise it has just completed. This type of equipment has been widely used in both the medical field and in areas of professional sports. lri m edic ine, e lectronic stimulation has been widely _.» s ..eJ1 ' ll o &.Dil.f. I~"' r IU" ! IJ.4!. - re-eCtucaUon of paralyzed muscles. In these cues, where v o I u n t a r y e x e r c~h e is lmpoulble, there it obviously no substitute for electrical atlmulatlon. In cuH of paraplegi a or homaplegia fo ll owin g a stroke . electro muscular s timulati on 1s invaluable for preventing loss or ton e or atrophy in a ffected muscles. Other areas or medical use include the treatment of bed sores by improving muscle tone and blood circulation. In Sports. hamstring, muscle strain and other injuries have been treated by doctors without risk. Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known the benefits of mu scle stimul ation in the treatment or m uscle a nd ligament injunes The practical advantages of greatly reducing the time spent by top players inactive due to injury can be imagined. East Europeans became the foremost exponents of electrical stimulation for muscle power training. Other countries are using muscle stimulation to train every type or athlete - from the endurance needed by long distance runners . to explosive power required by sprinters and high jumpers. The fastest girl in the world. Angella Taylor , for example, uses muscle stimulation in training. Electronic exercise. however, is no t ror e veryone. The stimulation could interfere with pacemakers worn by persons with heart disease, pregnant women and persons who carry metal lo their abdom ens because of surgery. Long gone are the days when control of calorie Intake was believed to be the only way to keep in shape. Modem thinking now concludes that exercise is an essential factor in the quest for total body health. Bio-Health Center in Costa Mesa also specializes ln other European con cepts which include Cellulite Control and V. V . A. Tanning Beds and Equipment. If you want to be more active, alive and have a great looking -bd~ willlou"--t.lae drudgery of· slrenuous e xercise and 'Uncomfortable diet programs. 1et ln on the action and try JiVinl Bio.Health Center on 17th \n Costa Mesa a call. Kelly Young is in her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine is keeping her in shape w ith its electrical impulses. The familiar sign of Bio-Health Center on 17th Street in Costa Mesa conveniently lo~ated in the Von's Shopping Center. .. Orange Coast OAJL V PILOT/Sunday, February 21 . 1982 Politicians cling to coattails, Coast Guard ly t:llA&LU B. LOOS ..... Niil ..... Alexander Po.,.·1 name lln't exacUy on the tlpa of tonau• lhroucbout Oranc• County. but it could be on the ballot. O.mocratl ln the county wlll be marklna ln the June prlmary. That is, lf former Oranae County resident Ken Cory doesn't run for re-eleetJon as state controller. Alex Pope ts the Los An1elea County a11.-0r. He'd Uke to move up in the world of politlCI and 1ee1 t.be state controller's chair as hla next logical step. But he doesn't plan to take ,on Cory In a primary right. Pope, 52, an attorney, has been around for a whUe and figu~s he's paid bis dues. He has been the LA County assessor alnce February 1978 when he was appointed to replace Phil W ataon. Later that year, he was elected to the post. Oan Lungren ol Lon11 Beach and West Oranae County H)'l the CoHt Guarclian't makln1 Hnae when It talkt or cloalna IU command station ln Lona Beach and conaolldaUn1 It with the CG 01Jtrtct In San Franclsco. "What I fear we are experlenclna la an instance of ·monument closina: " says the Republican lawmaker. "That la when an agency 1 faced wltb bud&et cuta, will close a popul•r pubHc monument in hopes the subseqUent pubUc outcry will force lawmakers to restore the agency's full budget.'' Lunaren says the California congressional delegaUon ian't buyln1 the Coast Guard's logic ln view ol Long Beach·Los An1eles Harbor's place as the busiest port in the west. "Moreover, the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Immigration and Naturalization Service are headquartered in the Los Angeles area. Since a •ut>stanUal portion of the Coast Guard's activltles are ln the realm of drug and lmml1raUon law enforcement, lt would only make sense that their headquarters be located lo close proxlmlty." Adds the congressman: "If the proposed consolidation does take place. the entire cout of Califomill would be serviced by one command station In San Prancisco -a P<>rt that I.a on the wane while a similar span of the east coast would still be serviced by four. What sense does that make?" * *. . IS THIS TRIP NECE.SSARY! The battleship New Jersey will be the topic Thursday when its commander, Commodore William M. Fogarty, speaks before Town Hall or Orange County. The Town Hall folks have raised questlons ~ about recommlJ11lontn1 batUeshlpa ln thil era of · atomic weaponry. Commodore Focarty baa , been Invited to auwer those queatlona. ~ He'll talk at a lunchon scheduled for the Garden Room of the Newporter IM ln Newport " Beach. Ticket.I are $12.50 per. ReservaUoOJ ue • required. Call 640·~100. :; . ••• TAXING CAMPAIGN: Oranee Count)' Tax Collector Bob Citron opena hls campaicn for : re·electlon Thursday with a fund·ralstn1 :- reception at the Santa Ana Elks Lodee. :· For openers, he has a fUlng fee of $570 and • will need between $.S,000 and SlS,000 ror hls : statement or qualification to be mailed to voters ; along with sample ballots for the June election. : Citron says. :: • * * RAINS ON TUE PLAINS: State Sen. Omer : Pope was legislative secretary to Pat Brown when the elder Brown was governor, has served on the state Highway Commission and was appointed to the Los Angeles Airport Commission by Mayor Tom Bradley. the current frontrunner for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination Whitehurst visits OC L . Rains. a candidate for the Democratic . nomination ror attorney 1eneral. will talk about .• California's criminal justice system when he appears Thursday night before Orange County's Young Democrats. _ The Ventura County lawmaker is scheduled to s peak during a dinne r at the Cook Book • Restaurant in Tustin. Liberal 'taking, a new look at Democratic goals' DiMer is at 7 p.m. The price is $6. For . reservations, call 995-2316. All Democrats are welcofl')e. The restaurant is at 17th Street and •. Tustin ?\venue • How does one run for state controller in the race or headline.grabbing campaigns for more glamorous offices? "Realistically. it's pretty much or a coattail thing," says Pope, noting that the governor and controller have been from the same political Fighting an uphill battle for name recognition, t h e 33 -year ·old mayor of Fresno, Daniel Whitehurst, admits he is a dark·borse candidate for the Democratic U.S. Senate party since the late 1930s. 1 Presuming things continue on course, Pope sees his campaign between June and November being waged in California's cow counties, where he would tap a network or county assessors, attorney friends and local legislators for support of the Democratic ticket. Meanwhile. the gubernatorial nominee would concentrate on the big numbers, bri1ht Ugbts aod television cameras of the state's large centers or population. Such, Pope observes philosophically, is the division of labor in California politics. He predicts Democrat Bradley and Republican George Deukmejian will be the gubernatorial contenders next fall. nomination . But Whitehurst Insists he has a 50-50 chance or beating Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .. in the June Democratic primary. They are only two of a host of candidates - both Democrats and RepubUcans -who are seeking to repla ce retiring incumbent Republican . S .I. Hayakawa. "I am convinced that if we wage a campaign that introduces me lo voling California Democrats, we will beat Jerry And he looks at Election '82 as a bread and butter proposition. ··Who wins will be decided by how well Reaganomics are working at the llme, · · he Brown," Whitehurst WlDTEHURST explained. says. * • * ALL THE BRASS AT SEA: Congressman Des cribing him s elf as a mainstream Democrat, Whitehurst compared his politics to those of Senators Gary Hart, D·Colo., Bill Bradley, Imagine. Your home or office r:njoy. Your pcrs.onal environ· be.iutl(ully com posed with archi· ment e11aclly as you dreamed ii lecture. interk>r design ctnd con-would be: a masterpiece that will st ruction playing in perh:c I har· sing )'Our praises for years to come. rnony. All In one pac:.kage, all ror one Contact lhc Rosewapd Group uf cost. Or use only one service. and Design and Con'ltructlon for your benefit from our comprehensive e,1.. cornpllment.lry brochure perience 1151 Dove Street Suite 290. Newport Beach. CA 92fl60 t7 141 851 19JI This Frlrla~·. Setunloy & Sun<tuy wc'n: holclln~ 011r·nna1 ycur t•nd clearance sale on ull.rcmalnl!lll '81 l.lncoln" & ;\kn-11ryi-· lfc rc\, how It works. Roc·k ho11nm prlt'C i-dcurly murkcd on ,·ud1 ,·ur On the spot nnancinJ( et "0110 rull'" (or we'll urmnl(l' u n 11npcllthc ku"':) :'\o phone q1111t t· .... plcu~c Instant C\'&ltwUon of your truck We r,·f11S4: to II\· 11nck ,.....1lcl CATION l!fl2'i llurh11r Ill • < , ... , .. ,\1\-"'1 SALE LO : ll""' u ''"' hl•"·k .......... "' '-ttn '"•')(ti '°'" I 171.)MO-ll:\:tO SALE HOURS: Fri ttl K-O'l pm. !"eat 9·fi, S.111 111·1'1 ,_.._... ______ ,.-............ ~ ... _ .. ,_.,... ... ,._.....,_ ....... _, ...... L ~ C 0 L ~ M leltt 11.rbor llo.Jnwd, Co.ta McM THE BEST . ,. E R C U (714)~ R In reeding enjoyment comes to your ' home 7 days•~ In the 1111y· Plat 642·4321 I D-N.J .. and Paul Tsongas, D-Mass. ··I'm a liberal taking a new l ook at Democratic goals," be continued , during a campaign stop in Orange County last Thursday. He said that while he is committed to the traditional Democratic goals or social and economic justice, he i.s a centrist on budget and defense iss ues. Calling the economy the biggest campaign issue he added he disagrees with both the Reagan admiiustration's program and Brown's economic proposals. He said he favors rolling back the second and third years of the congressionally approved tax cuts because "we can't arrord them ... On the other hand, Whitehurst said some of the proposed budget cuts, those affecting job training, student loans and transportation, are "harmful." Whjtehurst s aid the critical month for his campaign will be May. especially the last three weeks, since that 1s when he believes mos t voters will be deciding ror whom lo vole. A fifth-generation Californian, Whitehurst was elected mayor of Fresno in 1977 and re-elected in 1981. He said campaign contributions to date have totaled saoo.ooo. • • • THE FREEWAY ENDS HERE :· Assembl ywoma n Marian Bergeson and · Assemblyman Richard Robinson will discuss • what must be done to protect Orange County's : gains in securing its own Caltrans district when : they appear Friday at a meeting of the county · Chamber of Commerce. The occasion 1s the county chamber's first • trans portation breakfast forum at Anaheim's . Grand Hotel. It s tarts at 7:30 a.m . Breakfast is $6 per. Reservations are required by noon Thursday. Call the chamber. 634·2900 • • • MRS. BERGESON will speak again Friday night at the monthly gathering of the South Coast Republican Forum <Scruffies 1 She'll discuss current legis lative issues at the dinner meeting in the Officers' Mess at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. No host cocktails al 7 p.m Dinner at 7:45. Call Le~ Heins, 552-0707 , or Doreen Benton. 552·3094 . for reservations . Price is $8.50 per What better way to show you our new South Coast Financial Center than w ith a celebration ! On Monday, February 22, we're hewing a Gold Key and Ribbon Cutting Cere- mony at 9:45 a.m. followed by an Open House until 3 p.m. Ir's a great . chance to see a demonstration - of our VERSATELLER • Automated Teller and all the 'other fea tures we've built in to make your banking more convenient. We have a lobb three We think you'll agree that our South Coast Financial Center offers the servi ce and convenience you want in a bank. So come in and join the celebration! South Coast Financial Center 3233 Park Center Drive Costa Mesa Otsi Wilson Vice President and Manager BANKOF AMERICAm ·-.... to-Nt~•,._IOC 1 Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/Sunday, F1bruary·21 , 1882 J e ts c an't e ven land at 'acceptable' site About u year ago. the outlook wa bright tor locating a new Southern California regional airport. In the Santiago Canyon area east or Orange. It appeared the Saqtiago site would work because of distance from residential areas, relative proximity to existing and planned transportation routes and sufficient acreage demanded for such a regional facility. Like all s ites, Santiago was not problem.fre e . In fact . construction cost estimates exceeded $2 billion. dirt move m e nt alone would have exceeded that necessar\ for construction o f th~ Pan:.:i ma Canal. Yet a feeling remained that Santiago Canyon was the answer Events now have shown those beliefs were wrong. Firs t came the expec ted wave of opposition from Orange and Anaheim residents. That rriggered opposition from their county superv isor. Bruce Nestande. Then cume a second blow. from the Federal Aviation Administration. Simply s taH•d. the agency concluded that Orange County s kies are just loo c r o wded lo permit scheduled s!!r vice to the Santiago Can~·on site . FinaJly. Thursday. Santiago C anyon was dropped for cons lde ralion os a regional airport site by the Aviution Work Program Committee or the Southern California Association of Governments. The dettth knell htt~ sounded. Santiago Canyon is left on o nly on, other list that under con s idcnttion by a r~gional airport site selection committee. working under the aegis of Orange County government. An e ndorseme nt isn't expected. The re a re some sites left. Camp Pe ndleton The El Toro M a rine Co rp~ Air Station Construction· of u huge offshore airport outside of Long Beach Harbor T he fi rst two have drawn vehe me nt op pos it ion from the Marine Corps : the latter propos al h as been s ubject or intense opposition from h arbor·area r esidents The regional airport study has come full circle. No new sites have been identified because no new s ites exist. Those that do are probably doomed What it all means is that users of air trans portation will have to hve with the service we have Al least until technology ma~ reduce the noise pollution to the extent that i.er vice can be improved without destroying the cn vironmL'nt Closed juStice absurd No sooner had the California Legislatur e succeeded in passing a bill to ope n pre liminary criminal court hearings to the public and press than we find a n e ffort und er wav to rlose criminal trials a t · tht· f e<leral leve l A proµoscd· new rule. now being examined by the federal Judic ia l Confe r e n ce advison subcommittet· would permit a judge to conduct all or part nf federal court proceedings behind c losed doors if a defendant asks for or agrees to such a move Under the rule. a judge. having listened to ob.1ect1ons from the public and news media. would be entitled to full\ or partially c lose the courtroom . or to restrict access to CL·rtatn persons . ln the event of s uch clO!'>ure. a complete record would be mad e av u i I a lil c on I " a ft er a verdict and after appeals arc exhausted. Since t he appcub prot'ess can. and often does tukt> H·ar·:-.. I his is patenll) absurd · Equ ally absurcl I s the assertion of the committee. made up of U.S. District J udJ!t' Leland Nie lsen of San Diego. Federal Publu: [)(:fender J a mes llcw1tt of San F ra nci sco and lawver Francis M a r s hall of San Francisco. that the rull' would benefit the m edia and the public by giving prior notice of intended closu re and providing u hearing before clos ure lakes place On the contran. such a rule would make it ea sy for a judge to Justify closure by first going through the formality of hearing <1b.1ections . As 1t now s tands. a Judge. backed by no specific rule. must s houlder s ubs tantial personal res ponsibility for dosin g a courtroom. Fortunately . t he proposal '' ould have to be submitted to the C S Supreme Court which enacts rules goyerning fe deral trials. Given th~. public's attitude toward secrecy in the criminal j ustice syste m and indeed the s u s pi cion of that syst e m 's effectiveness rt 1s hard to imagine that a ny 1udge m touch with public opinion would consider for a moment such a drastic s tep backward:-. from open Justice That it 1~ being cons idered at a ll confirms the s u s picion that much o f tht· judiciary is indeed out of touch. Poke r faces stiff penalty They were la beled ominou ly as the "Largo 8" hut their onl~ crime was lo be caught playing nic ke l·and·dime poker The case involved elderh· res idents in Clearwater. Fla ~. who h ad little recreation in their mobile home village other than the games. The maximum bet was 40 cents. winners for the night seldom got m ore than S6 to S8 and one man would leave when he los t $3. Durin g the trial . l wo defendants were hospitalized. one in intens ive care with a heart problem and the other with cataract surger~ The evidence was a deck of cards. poker chips and $24 seized from the card table by two undercove r office r s who h a d gone to the mobile home pa rk on a complaint a nd even watched over the retirees' shoulders for an hour. The detectives also were invited to lunch. but re fused. The defendants. all balding or white-haired. and the youngest 63 . were put on a mo nth's probation and Clned $75 When this bold attempt to • wi pe out penny-ante <or ni ckel ante" l c rime was public ized across the country, the police departme nt involved in the case was barraged with letters and µhone calls. "We have yet to hear from anyone w ho 's said they "ere in favor of a rresting old people," says the police chief. But the story e nded on <' upbeat note. T¥mg advantage of all the pu blic1ty. an Atlantic City casino invited the elderly gamblers and their wives for three days of free lodg1n~. winin g, d1n1ng a nd shows. They were fl own up from f'lorida in a private DC·9 and even given $75 <the amount of the fin e> in quarters. Philbert Lerner, 67. put two of his quarters in a slot machine and promptly won a $50 jackpot. '"This is my luc ky day," said Philbert. Said the s heriff of Pinellas County. where the "crime" took place, "I probat)ly won't get elected again ... Thirty·seven percent or the county's voters, he noted, are bet ween the ages of 65 a nd 80. Oplnl~s exprds~ in the space above are tho~ of the Daily Pilot. Other views H · pl'essed on tn•'> pa9e are tno~ ot lneir autnorc; and artists Reader comment ts 1nv1I· ed. Address ·rne Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phon~ <7141 ~ ~4\!·4321. ORANGE COAST Dai~yPilai ~ .. ,,..._ ... , oi 1"9 '"' •• ne w .. 1 a., '' ,.,i. ..-.. ,._.,o ,.,,.,_"'• .,. •• 1~ C_.._w (A•lOt Thomas P. Haley Publisher Tttomas A. MU""'lne Editor , Barbara Krelblch .. Editorial Page Editor TME PllSIDm PROPOSES •• Oman gears for quick force SALALAH, Oman -The lest of American strategy for safeguarding Mideast oil supplies is whether the U.S. can mount quick force against Soviet moves "on warning" with sufficient power to persuade Moscow to back down or risk major warfare. Thal doctrine, which lakes into account the overwhelming Soviet power in its Southwest-Asia backyard, is being applied here at· the most conspicuous collision point between Western and Soviet interests in the entire Mideast : the lonely, mountainous border between Westem-alUed Oman and Marxist Scnith Yemen. South Yemen is the only Moscow·controlled stale in the Arab world. T HE VITAL ELEMENT in the Western defense plan first devised by the Carter administration and now being carried out by President Reagan is air defense over the vast Persian Gulf area. Without radar early-warning and immediately-available local air power, preliminary Soviet moves couJd not be discovered and countered. Without discovery. rapid Soviet aggressior.. as occurred two years ago in Afghanistan, would go unchallenged for too long. The fi ve A WACS radar plans that the Senate narrowly approved for sale to Saudi Arabia are the most dramatic eviden ce of this new American strategy. Slightly lower on the value scale. but no less essential if the American plan is to work at vulnerable points around the gulf, is a complete air·warning radar system in Oman. Two-thinls or that system is now in place; the last portion is ready to be instaU~. When completed, this third radar l~g will give Sultan Qaboos' country an air warning ror the highly.vulnerable Omani approaches.. lo the Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Persian Outr down to the border of communist <:.~,..... ~ E~ *'' 11111 11111 ~--.. South Yemen a few miles south of this southern Omani city. Oman's wild, rugged terrain, from towering cliffs a long the Arabian Gulf coastline to vast expanses of desert inland, is two-thirds the s ize of California. The Ohofar rebellion. a dangerous period or guerrilla warfare between Oman and Yemeni-backed guerrillas in the spectacular mountains near here, ended six years ago in the sultan's victory. But he ' needed help from the shah or Iran at a t ime when the s hah provided the Wes t 's bas ic security against Soviet pe netration of the Pe rsian Gulf. ON TIUS SIDE, the Oman· Yemen border is defended by a ,series or small mountain-lop positions armed with infantry, mortar and medium artillery. Close to the coast o n the island of Masirah, an old British airstrip is being e nlarged and modernized by American contractors under Omani supervision. When finished. it will be able to handle late· model U.S. aircraft. Three other airfields, two here in the south and the third near the capital at Muscat, are also being modernized for quick-time reaction The core of Reagan's s trategy Is quick response if and when Soviet power starts to penetrate the Persian Gulf region. That could well come first along the Oman· Yemen border. Moving by helicopter along the 4,000·foot high escarpments hugging the coastlines, we inspected the Omani defense positions. They face three Ye mepi brigades armed with Soviet weapons. THE WEAPONS ARE numerous and growing , surface ·tO·air missiles. surface·to·surface missiles called Scuds and Frogs with ranges up to 200 miles and Soviet MiG-17s and 19s. A major new airfield is now being built by the Soviets less than 100 miles from the border. The defense strategy is simple and direct: If radar or U.S. spy satellites detect clear s ignals of imminent Yemeni attack or even of the transfer of those Soviet MiGs toward the new a irfield Oman will rea ct. "We would not be likely to allow any lodgment of power near the border that might presage imminent attack," one Omani air force officer told us Today the border is quiet, with no hint of trouble. It could stay that way into the foreseeable future, giving the U.S .. Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states the time needed to perfect overall defense strategy. That strategy is now moving from a gleam in the eye of the Carter administration to a solid defense plan and nowhere will it have greater importance than in the domain of the s ultan of Oman. Belated Viet rescue snafu slllolders W t\,SHJNGTON The time comes when the public bas a right to know the undisguised truth about past military operations. So J recently reported that the celebrated Son Tay raid a 1970 co mmando a ssault on a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp - was undertaken even though the Pentagon brass knew that the American POWs had been evacuated. My account displeased Adm Thomas Moorer, former chairma n of the Joint Chie fs of Staff. who had authorized the misad venture H e dis p atched an accusatory letter to editors, disputing m y story. As Moorer huffily put it, he had never • "participated in a combat operation risking the lives of our personnel for reasons of domestic politics." This was not exactly what I had reported. I wrote that the Pentagon went ahead with the rescue despite the embarrassing absence of anyone lo rescue -"to impress the North Vietnamese with their own vulnerability " The No rth Vietnamese s eemed duly impressed and treated American POWs with greater care thereafter. So all in all. considering that the only injury was a sprained ankle to the troops on the raid, it was a· reasonable success. True. no one was rescued, but a bout 100 of the enemy were killed without a single loss on our side. But Moorer is a disUnguished old salt who does not like his secrets bared nor Q -Jl-Cl_l_ID-IR-SD-1 -~ his judgments ques tioned. t bad accused him of "serious misconduct," he grumped, on the word of some faceless source. The admiral flung down the gauntlet: Let me stand up like c1 man and produce the source "it there is such an individual." This is an old. ploy, often used by those who are stung by my reports. As the admiral knows, there are two kinds of sources ; authorized sources who provide the official version of events. Repe at name, lengthen fame If you'd like lo end the week with a bris k little mental m essage, here's a quiz about people and things that are named after other things. One·third correct is a respectable score in the fascinating field or onomastics. l. What is a form of murder named a fter a man'' 2. What is a famous French Literary pseudonym named after a town? ~ S-YD-11-Y H-11-11-1 -~> 3. What Is a country named after a grass? 4. What is an ignorant fool named arter a phllosopher? s. What is a state of the union named after a color? 6. Whal Is a machine that converts energy into mechanical motion, named after an animal? 7. Whal ls a saint named after a country? 8. What Is a cal named alter an island? 9. Who was a famous lady named after a city? 10. What la a nower named after a part ottbe male body? 11. What la a world capital named after a aoddea? 12. What Is an American unlveralty named alter an En1Ush clerayman? 13. What ls a royal dynuty pamed after a plant? 14 Who i!I an author named after a greeting? 15. What c hampion prizefighte r renamed himself after two of his predecessors? ANSWERS: 1. To "burke" is to murder someone by suffocation, leavmg the body intact (after William Burke, the early 19th-century Irish murderer). 2. Stendahl <Marie Henri Beyle) took the name of a German town. 3. Brun got its name from Brazil grass, not the other way around. 4. A "dunce" comes from Duns Scotus, tbe Scottish philosopher. S. "Colorado.i Is the Spanish ror "reddish color'' from the river. 6. A donkey engine. 7. St. Francis, christened "Giovanni," but renamed by his father on retumlng to Italy from a long, admirln.t stay in France. 8. The Manx cat originally comes from the lsle of Man. 9. Florence Nightinaale was the first EnftJlshwoman to be named after the lta an city she was born ln. 10. Orchi~: meanlna "lesUc:le" in Greek, from tne shape of Its root. 11. Athens. after Athene, the aoddesa of wisdom. 12. Karvard, from the Rev. John Harvard, who endowed It. 13. Tbe Plantaaeneta of Brita.In, rrom lbeir broom plant lnal1nl1. 14. Sholom Aleichem ("Peace be to you.") 15. Jack Sharkey. beav7wel1bl champion. born Joeepb CUIDOlebay, wbo combfned the n•m• of hi• tdol1, lack Demptey and Tom Sharkey. ' and unauthorized sources who are willing to tell the real story . The una uthorized version is almost always more accurate than the official llne ,.. o r course. an unauthorized source. ir , identified, would not be around long to provide more inside information. So newsmen. who a re not satisfied with governme nt ha ndouts. must seek confident ial sources and protect their 1dentit1es . RARELY, A SOURCE will come in from the s hadows and r isk ' official displeasure In this ca:..e. not one but t hree sources have stepped forward (I never rely on a single informant. J One is retired Gen . Donald D. Blac kburn. Moorer knows "there is s uch an indjvidual," because Blackbum wa s his special ass i s tant fo r counterinsurgency. As the general put it. he w~s the "chief planner" of the raid. Said Blackbum. "We knew they (the POWs> had been moved, but we didn't want to give up the demon5tration of' power " The ultimate purpose of the raid. he said, was to show the North Vietnamese bow vulnerable they were. Told of the vehement denials of his old boss, Blackburn stuck to his guns. He m a de only one concession to Moorer. it was "not 100 percent conclusive that some <POWs> were not s till there," the general told my associates Don Goldberg and Dale Van Atta This is a minimal concession; there are almost no 100 pe r cent certainties in wartime intelligence. TWO OTHER SOURCES who have also a~reed to be identified are Tom Berna rd and Steven Ekovich. In the crucial months before the raid, they were members of the Air Force Security Services assigned to the 6990lh Security Squadron at Torii. Okinawa. Their top-secret tas k was to monitor Hanoi's communications, decode messages and analyte raw intelligence. Their unit. having been alerted to the upcoming rescue mission, kept close watch on the Son Tay area. They discovered heavy a.ir traffic around the POW camp and confirmed more than a dozen nights or llyusbin-18 transport planes in and out or an airstrip near the camp. After piecing this informaUon together wlth material from other clandestine sources, the 6990Ul sent an urgent message via the ultra-secret "OlRNSA .. hotline the National Security Council at Fort Meade, Md., for transmittal lo then·Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. ·'The gi.'Jt ol the report, lssued at lea.st on4' week prior to the scheduled raid, was that there were no more American POWs left at Son Tay to be rescued ,'' Bernard sald. l rind it stranae that Adm. Moorer fett obli1cd to deny a story he mut ha~ known· was true. Pemapa, llb otMr beribboned lead~n of the unfortunate Vletnam conflict. be fttll a deaperat. need to Juetlty everytbln1 ht did, re11rdlesa of the racu. .. Orange Cout DAILY PllOT/Sund1y, F1bru1ry 21 , 1982 AT Libe rtarians may hurt mor-e than remapping Dr. CMrlet G. BtU ".o pro#eaor o/ poHtkot ~at Col &14", ~ Belea1ueted J\epubllcana, battered head-on by the Democrat.a' lelillatlve apportionment, now flnd tbemMlvet under a flankloc attack by Callfomla'1 Libertarian Party. And, In li&ht of the 1980 election reauli., the lJbertariana could bwt the UllfllllA £111111 GOP as badly in 1982 as bas tbe Democrats' re-apportionment. Analysis of the apportionment bills sunes~ that the new district lines may cost l\epublicans up to five congressional seats and perhaps thr~ seals in both the ,\J'sem bly and state Senate. ca.ndld.tes who won by narrow mar,W mi1bt well have been defeated -Bobbi Fiedler (Su Fernando Valley) and Robert Dornan <Santa Moalca). Similarly, RepubUcan 1tate s-. .Jebn Doolittle ml&bt not have u.,.et veteran Democrat Al Rodda (Sacramento) bad there been a 1tro n1 Llberlarlan candidate aJJo runnill1 lo tbelr 1980 district. Strong IJbertarian candidates could have also coat Republiun1 fi.ve more Auemb1y seats. In short, between whal lJbertarlans did cost Republicans in 1980 (five state legislative seats) and what they could very well have cost them that year (a.ix legislative seats and two congreeaional seats) the GOP would do well to watch Libertarian candidates very closely in 1982. soRrtY--..Jusr kiOTfi41ift SW.Al.LOW ... But in 1980, Libertarian candidates cost the GOP rive slate legislative seats. Libertarians ran in 50 Assembly, 13 state Senate and 33 congressional districts in 1980. Only a few Libertarian candidates got very many votes but in four Assembly and one state Senate race the voles they got threw the election to the Democratic Party's candidate. 'Land jets at San Clemente Island' In those five districts, Democrats won with less than a majority of the vote ~bile Republican and Libertarian votes together were greater. In each situation, if the GOP candidate bad received only a part of the Libertarian vote the GOP candidate would have won. For example, in the central Orange County 7lst Assembly district, Republican Doris Allen lost by 497 votes, but the Libertarian candidate got 3, 713 votes. This year, Libertarians will be on the attack again. The Libertarian Party has plans to run about 75 candidates for various offices.-mostly slate legislative and cdngressional seats. Libertarians frankly admit they have virtually no chance to win any offices this year. But they plan to use the election as an opportunity to voice their yiews and recruit more members. The Libertarian Party first qualified for the ballot in June 1980 with 85,000 registered members. But two years earlier, Ed Clark, the Libertarian candidate for governor. got 378,000 votes. And the 50 Libertarian candidates who ran for the Assembly in 1980 got a total of 323,000 votes -averaging 6,461 votes each. If there bad been a Libertarian candidate in each of the 80 assembly races, Libertarians mtJht To the Editor: P erhaps this letter should be addressed to the Orange County Supervisors, and some Washington politicians. We are all aware of your vast knowledge of p'olitics and are becoming aware of your half vast knowledge of the people you serve. The people of Orann County, not just the beach area, are telling you we do not want a large jet airport on any land in MAILBOX Orange. County. We do not want the fumes, the noise or the danger. ll is that simple. With all your political know how you have made all the moves a politician is supposed to. You have spent thousands of the taxpayers' dollars on every kind of stud)' you could think of, on every committee you could imagine, and everything else you could spend money on to avoid a common sense approach. Now why not try listening? THERE IS A SOLUTION within 60 miles of here and it is known as San Clemente Island. It bas already been graded and compacted for a very Iarce airport. Our government bas already spent huge amounts of tax dollars with the idea of building a mllitary air base for the Navy. but like all political: thinking, it was abandoned in its last stages. Now all the tax dollars that we spent have been turned over to the goals and wild flowers or 110methlng equally as stupid. I am no politician, thank goodness, but r think the government would give up San Clemente Island much easier than Camp Pendleton or El Toro base and with mu c h less civilian interference. An island airport could safely handle any size jet. It would eliminate all jet fumes and noise from the cities. It would be a much easier and safe place lo clear customs. and It would clear much of the congestion in all local airports. Smaller planes could shuttle passenger~ back and forth until American know how lakes over and someone in vents a faster way. like large air power boats that would skim over the ocean at 100 mph or people moving tubes under water from island to shore, or large trams from platforms to platforms. This may all seem far fetched but look at airplanes a few short years ago, look al the train in France that goes 230 mph and doesn't even spill a glass of water on the table, and more important look at the land we will save. Someday it is going to have to be done, why not now? Even a large airport on Catalina Island would be a lot better than one on the mainland, and everyone but the people living on Catalina will probably agree to that. This may not be the solution but it is something to think about, otherwise the s upervisors will start the same old thing of spending money for studies, and committees to see if it won't be to their advantage, not to. or to fill the back bay and build a large jet port there, thus eliminating both problems, the airport and the bay. FRED HARRY Don't forget schools To the Editor: The Newport-Mesa school board is currently considering a suggestion that I made to the school district over a year ago that it sell three vacant and unused properties that the district owns . Because I did so. Erma Batham now labels me as "mi sguided" and "ad voe a ling expansion of the airport" in her letter of Feb. 7. Mind you, I never suggested what land use should be made of these properties, only that the district had a responsibility to divest itself of these unusable properties. I would suggest to Erma tllat there is more than one issue in this community that is deserving of our attention. The airport is only one of them. The future or our children's public educational system-is every bit as lmportant. Apparently she thinks that the school district's main responsibility to this community is to acquire and hold large parcels of undeveloped property worth millions of dollars so that she can enjoy the open space a block from her home. I THINK there is a vast majority of responsible people in this community ·well have pulled in more than hatf a million vo~es. Obviously. the Libertarian. appeal goes far beyond their own registered party members. "' • ruin Free puppies unleash financial Libertarians stress maximum individual liberty and minimum government interference. This leads t hem to take some very popular positions in regard to cutting taxes. Their position on reduced government spending appeals to conservaU.ves - mostly Republicans. But Libertarians also have taken positions that offend or at least worry many people -opposition to the drat\, and support for legalized pornography and drugs for example. But largely. the Libertarian philosophy appeals to the conservative voter -usually Republicans. At this year's 10th annual slate convention. Ed Clark in bis key-note address attacked th~ Reagan administration· s massive military budget increases and record deficit spending. For many Republicans who are fundamentally opposed to large eovernmenl budgets and deficits Clark's words ring true. How many members Libertarians will attract this year is uncertain -but if 1980 is any guide they will attract a substantial number of votes. Elections are often "iffy'' things. But , if the Libertarians had run stronger candidates in two 1980 congressional districts, the two GOP By LAVRA LETHCO Laura Lethco ii .a r~ndnat of Fovntam Valley. Regardless of what the ads may say. there Is no such animal as a "free puppy." Acquiring one exacts a significant loll in dollars and trouble. I discovered this when my twin daughters responded to an ad that offered free twin puppies. The cost of dog food, while substantial, is to be ex'pected. Less obvious to the novice pet owner is the fact that properly immunizing , de-worming and neutering the animals quickly transforms "free puppies" into blue chip investments. Then, there is the back yard. Puppies lik e t o dig. Once expensively landscaped , that area now has the aesthetic charm of an abandoned minefield. U we don't fall into the excavations, we are likely to step on the "piles" that dot the now-sparse lawn. Within days an.er the pups' arrival, a multitude of fleas formed a welcoming committee for them and anyone who came close. We are now subscribers to an exterminating service with monthly fees for neas. Replacing property is no small matter ln the life of a pup owner. No doe had told me that a teething puppy J>>~ could reduce a stout hardwood chair to a pile of splinters in a single night. I didn't realize that dogs played tug.of-war, until they selected the garden hose for this game and segmented it into 12 pieces. Plastic cushions for yard furniture are prized as toys, especially if chewed to the point that the stuffings may be shaken out and the patio strewn with foam rubber. Lack of sleep looms largest in the "trouble" department for tbe new owner of puppies. Those adorable balls of fuzz are aspiring opera stars. and any siren between Long Beach and San Clemente serves as their cue to burst into a serenade of piercing, soulful howls. The sound or a metal food dish rlcocbeling across the cement patio in the wee hours of the morning signals puppy soccer in progress and sleep interrupted. I had never considered the police helicopter to be a threat, but our pups dutifully "protect" us from this airborne alien with fierce barks and growls. Until we got the pups, I did not know that our neighborhood included ~ dedicated jogger who took lo the streets al 1 a.m. after working the swing shift. Our dogs follow his progress down our s~tteet. the.intensity of their.barking in direct proportion 'to his proximity to our house. So rar, we have not been sued for m aintaining a public nuis ance or · disturbing the peace. But the subject is beginning to come up, even though jestingly, among neighbors. Are legal fees about to be unleashed? At least the people from whom we got the puppies, as advertised, did not charge u.s a fee. .Centralia's gratitude unfurled with Old Glory Sometimes you can learn a message Crom the unlikeliest of places. There can hardly be a place more unlikely -or more mundane -than the Buckaroo Car Wash, in Centralia, Ill. Tbe Buckaroo ls part of t he Fairview Shopping Center; just an ordinary place of buainesa ln an ordinary town. Dul what happened there deserves some notice. The two owners -Robert Childers and Herb Brentlinger -Uve ln the Cblcaao area ; the car wash in Centralia i.an i.a..imeat for lbem. One nl&bt, during a vtsit to Centralll, they were talking about what they mlabt do to make the car wub look a bit Dicer. The local newspaper in Centralia ran a short item about the flag. And soon, on their own, the people of the town began to write thank-you 19"en to the men who had put it up. Al first Childers and Brentlinger ·couldn't believe ll. We live in a cynical age, and the idea of people 1ltt1ng down to thank someone for put\int up an / American nag seemed alma.t too corny for words. But every day, the letters ant ved. Mote than 80 of them. Not the ma.t bo11Jin1 nwnber in a wol'ld used to mus coft)mun.lcaUons 111111111 They bad been drinkinl a Utt.le Jin, and the)' were reeunc kiod "' mellow. They decided to buy tbe bi1ceat. Am ertcaa nae they couJd aet. and let lt ny over tbe car wub. • The nut momin&, they still thoufbt it reachlnt tens of mll"* cl people - wu a toOd W.., IO the)' bou-ab• but pretty amutq when you coaakler 20-by·»foot na1, erected a 'J&.foot pole tbat uch "'tM. wrtten decided on over tbe ear wMll and rat.It.be naa. bi• own to alt down aDtd tbak 80IDeoM Tb~ r.lt PnttY eooct about It. "It M had nenr met for putUn• up a na1. loolsed Ub t.be ...,_damned nae la F rom Tom Wal1b1 at Centralla '1 t1ae U.S.A .• " CllUdera laid. KukMlda Coll•"• "Thi &iut nae a. And then 1omethl•1 1uri>rl1ln1 lndetd bNutlful, and I -8Dd I bope L une:-__ -------...-------"" ___ ev_e .... r)'OIM-_am mott proud to ... It. la .. -----· ---- -•• -: 1... ,_ ~ .... .-.. ~-....._ .... ~ -;. :..._r --"':' ~ .. today's somewhat unsettled times, it is indeed a pleasure to know that there are concerned individuals s uch as yourselves." From Sarah Cary: "It is a lovely sl1hl inedeed to see Old Glory wavtne in t he breeae. Parents, take t hls op1>9rtw.ity as you paaa by to point out this nae to your children ... From Lois and Elmer Isaak: "Your flac at the car wash ls beauUlul ! " From Mr. and Mn . James Grubb: "We live only lour or five blocks from your 11.,, and are surely ~ ol lt. From Sonja S1pe1: ' .lacb time I drive by, it warms my heart to see auch a beauurul si1ht as that bta na1 flyln& so proud." From Dan Cappe: "The nae la just beautiful. Each member ot our family looks forward to aeetn1 It often. espeoiall,y wbea t.be wind bu tt beW out. We also appreciate the can that la ~taken to dlaplay u.. nae properlJ and with the cllpity It deserves." Childers and 8Nntlln1er could not 1et i>ver lt. 1bele da11. people an aftm reluctant to write a tbank·)'OU ncu • ._ for a bU1bday or Cbrlltmaa re-• -it la ao mucb eaaler to p ~It up tlae teJephoDe. And bere were eo people writtn1 lhank·y<-u notes for a nag at a car wash. "I didn't realize that people felt that deeply about the flag," Childers sald. "l 'm a businessman. and it's bard for me to comprehend that kind of response. , "In marketinc aaJea, ii you really work at something and get 1 percent of the people you contact to respond, you're doing great. So when these letters Just started arrivtna . . . "Did you notlce something about the leUeraf Look at the penmanship. On almost every one of t hem, tbe penm anship ls meticulous. You know just by looting at the lettera that these are people who care, who put lhou1ht into what they do." The men realise that, a very abort tim e aao, W.1 kJnd of resporde to the American na, would bne seemed lmpoaalble. But they feel that th.ls may be a preconception that ~mes from Uvln1 ln a latte city. "Maybe In Centralia, that ffflln• never went away.'' BrnlllJlpr nkt. • ''J'be people seem to see that Rq - and lt teem• to do aometbllal to them. When r nm ... Jt nJtnc up tiitr.. tt did aomlthlna to me, too. You eee lt ~ tbere qalnat the blue aky, and tt pvet you a lttnd of feelin• tn your ehlet." who, while they are working very hard to contain the airport, would agree with me that this is not the school district's charge. Furthermore, I think they would agree that the district has a pressing moral responsibility to divest itself of unusable properties as quickly as feasible so that the funds so generated can be used to help rescue our financially bankrupt education system before it is too late. To my way of thinking, Erma does our common cause of containina the expansion of John Wayne Airport a great deal of harm when s he lashes out with her comment on the school district's divestiture or school sites. To suggest that we can contain the expansion of John Wayne Airport bt merely controlling the devel;s>ment of a 35-acre parcel of land a half a mile east of the airport and a block from her house, is the height of heresy. TOM WILLIAMS Coordinating Director Airport Coalition Emphasis was correct To the editor: Jn response to the letter from Tom Fuentes regarding the front-page coverage of a happy family, versus smaller, inside coverage of the tragic story or the 500 fetuses found in Loli Angeles <Feb. 14 >, l 'd like to say I am glad the Pilot covered both stories the way they did. · With the amount of bad news that born bards us daily. it's nice to see the Pilot is not stooping to ~e level of other news papers by running six-column banner headlines and pictures of tragic death and destruction. KAREN LINDEN End chamber hostility To the Editor: The Feb. 8 council meeting <ended 2:30 a.m .) will long be remembered by the people of Newport Beach. Not only did council rescind the controversial adopted plan GP A 80-3 (Newport Center expansion by a 4.3 vote. but mainly, because a special plaque should be presented to Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer by the Irvine Company for her dramatic performance against the people's referendum petition, opposing GPA 80-3. An honorable mention should go to Councilmen Phil Maurer and John Cox for their "devoir" to the Irvine Com pany. Plummer, an adamant supporter of the Irvine Company's expansion plan who voted against repealing GPA 80-3, angrily engaged in an escalating "war of words," charged the referendum leader s used diabolic deceit and distortion to gather signatures (7 ,000 >. PUBLIC SER VANTS s hould be reminded that for local government, the purpose and only function is lo protect the rights and welfare of its citi~s and the people are not to be sacri ed to major developers with fina cial political supe riority who demand changes that will have an adverse effect on the community and lives of future generations. The Referendum Petition demon- stration last September was the kind of initiative and teamwork this community is capable of when the interest ben~fils its citizens, 1lnd not the pockets of multi-million dorl ar developers. lo the future, steps should be take n (i.e. recall ) to prevent recurrences of hostile exhibits at council chambers. IDA Z. WILLIAMS • Lot .. •1 from,_,••• .,.I<_ Tiie r'9ht to <°"*Me tot· lt n to Ill If«•°' t llmlnet• tlNI '' rawnoect. L.elttn Of DI WOtCU 0t '"' Wiii bt t1"9ft P<tltren<t All lttlO" """'' lft• <luO. •lonet11rt tlld mo111,.,. .-.eu DUI-• -YIM •llllllelO Oft ,..,_., If \Ylfl(ltfll rtHOfl I• -· "'9eVy Wlfl ..... llf "'*'-1..tlttU fTltJ Do , ........... It M2 ...... Ht-Oflll ..,..,,._ """"°'' tt IN <..,lrlbulor ""'" .. tl•M ltr •trllkollan tMW-• \ lllllY• Why does every restaurant in tbe U.S. ! lnailt that evel't Friday's '°'IP du jour : bas to be clam cbowder? lt.T.11., ..-... ---. .................. ._..__t ~=-.. =·-=='!:r.-... -,=:! ·~........ : • . ' A Squuium Su r resh • Marine peclal Feb ~g ies , -,...,,.., Bunocephalus c~r~~~jJ;eb. 26, 1982 I am from us: 1 99 catfish, noctur Brazil, a b~tto myself in the gr~al i'n my habits ot':'e dwelling am absolute! ve ' a good move' on n burying seen but I Y the ugliest creature my part as I everythin am a true scaven you ~ave ever at Aqua~i;'~ther or not it is di~;· ingesting Inelegance I roplcals and marable,. See me . am a "B ve at m - 1510 W anJo Cat'' 1 99 Y , 54e.1391 : Baker • eo ... Meaa -Comer Hart.or & Baker m· ToJo•n ~ BEFORE FEBRU . ARY27 r:--·~OR YOU ___ _ ,. 1 ..-wmo.. SAVE s7.sol 11 PAY ONLY"s7°!!.•Tuouna11 I .ua>TIDMONLY •';,¥ 0 JOIN -~111' -• h ••_.... M WDJU.Y, NO,.._ - -wit .. ...,............ wNTllACT9:.I -_ ....... -~ -•• ·-11 ----OR A FRIEND-- - I rr • .ro lN W&JORT w" SA VE S7 .50 I I PA y ONLY .., ... ". HIORK FU 17 .um TUN .so TO JOIN I L:.~ -h ..::: ~ WDIU.Y, NO COHTllllACft --... ...,.".._ ....... VaM .. ArMIO - -'-OP-11 1 .. eaf7. - -~ or Clas• Information Call:' 835·5$05 -.. --· ~~~5U.. ~«HI ~~~=~~e ~l:\P.s:oles· time lnatead ot 1 oral r Of'I chapters The H eporu on f amou1 AmeJ •r«1 alJO anlptd a bUlt orat:.lo Alier itortea th can.. By the ti atudenta kno me they reach l flrat w that Geor1e w co le1e moat autb:~~det~t, t~at Franklin r:!'!'ttor w11 the ~Ii':!:~·~.: u.:~,~·::.:·~ Ai":,' c:::i~: Por · Y acro1s the In M moet youn1 adults the c1a 11 ~~Y1• Oranae Cout 1~fa ns learned But fo CONklered elem e1e history adventu r foreip born.•tuden entary. Inside a': In learnln1 and a ta. the clua la an barrr ystem of 1ove chance to pee mg. rnment many still ti-~ During a a.u llrist explain recent session M could relate the word "r~· .~rady had to kldnappine the story of the {J_ d:rore she Such ~ n reh baby lmpo,SSible ~planatlons would ' But in Mrs · any other colle be almost Alth . Brady's c lass the ee·level course. technicalough many of th: are common. ::P~~ln~v!~ot':Bn~~~Y q~!~~'fng~~~~ef~,W :e~~~ As an rs. rady. ass gnments Saddleb English instructor ' studentsa~~Ueges Mrs. e::lanta Ana ~nd having t o ~ help to learn ,;is saw f~re1gn eye-straining wade through tolry without Sh material. vo umes of e calls her approach St d method a "b h · u ents read b . rus stroke" nef s ummaries itre e:;.phot Ami erlcans to rise r~ emphaslie lbi Ourin u aecl. m rag1 to riobe. Peru I • recent class a Hiiton 'r:: fro mohving accoJ:..W:,7 :m•cn from one of the n;1 \Amble beglnnin w onrad "I worlds most wealth bot.as to become they c:'nant to 11ve them rol~ el owners. Brady. see what they can J::~els ao that • said Mrs Overcoming sh · f h':b!~:Ss foreign stJ:ee:~ ~~ne of the chief students ~:~mcedombe from cultur~ck~eh. Many of up In 1 Y memorl u ere gbod c ass waa consid ed za on and S""'ak· "The Vietna er rude. ""' mg that to be ti mese woman b Mr Br re cent and quiet . as been taught step·." ady "To get them to~ ladylike," said Wh peak up 1s a big en she be Fall she found gan teaching th were frustrateJhbayt malny of the ro:eicgonusrtsed last Co mu hple bol u ents learnin~~~c~~·~e:tn:n of th~ fi~set ql~~z::~~ In a swer such a test was never be regular college co . Mrs. Br::Ym fohr that kind o~I~~ there would teach· · w o adds "I rmation said g rca't'mg foreign sluden~ be particularly' like er . I'd l'k cause th I succeed in the ~I e to give them a ~~ need is assroom.'' · ance to , AMBITION PAYS 0 -I Pc·ru rL·<.·ount . k FF -Analu1~·1 '.\1 hiogn11>hv s f."~· point,-; of ('1;1~ .: tlorulc•s of · 1 d ll1l ton·~ • Diiiy Pilat Valenzuela· threatens to boycott opening 0 SUNDAY, F EB. 21, 1982 FOR THE RECOR'D 84 of spring tr<U1Ung . See story~ P,age 82. ~ 0 -~-.......... THE HARD WAY Tom Weiskopf looks back at the pin on the p ar three 16th hole of the Riviera Counlr\' Club course a fter hitting a shot t hrough his legs from the rough onto t he green in the Los Angeles Open Saturday Weiskopf s h ares the lead with .Johnny Miller entering tod;.i~ ·~ final round. Wallach has one less w orry today He's pleased with J:iis contract By CURT SE EDEN OI ltle o.lty ~-Stlttt Mid· October. Tim Wallach should be having fun. It's the National League c ha mpions hip series between the Dodgers and Wallach and the Montreal Expos . The scene doesn't resemble University Hi gh where Wallach played pre'J> baseball. A stint at Saddleback College and two of Cal State Fullerton's glory years didn 't m easure up to t he electricity in lhe air al Dodger Stadium. But at that lime, Tim Wallach was not a happy man. Re legated to the role of pinch-hiller . Wallach was down. He was still rusty from the two-month strike. He was hitting .270 before the strik~. He wasn't getting much of .a c ha n ce to h it at a ll afterward. Nearly four months later. the 1981 season 1s long behind . Wallach and the Expos rep<>rt to spring training in Florida next Tuesday. He is. once again , happy. THAT MEANS RE'S satisfie<J with his contract , something a lot of baseball players can't say. "Sure, I want to make money, but it's not the most imp<>rtant t h ing to me," Wallach was saying at the Irvine Sports Club 's monthly breakfas t m eeting. "The thing t hat causes all the problems is when word of big contracts. Ii ke (Montreal cat c her ) Gary Carter's $15 million over eight years . It starts t.o become a comparison thing." Wallach is n 't comparing anything with anyone. He j~t completed a 60-game stint in the Caribbean winter league and there is a new-found test in· Wa llach. "Right now, I have a good contract.Tm happy. Montreal is a great organizallon to play for." Wallach says. I N0 T H E CA RI BB t: AN, . W allacb played for Escodlgo in the Dominican Republic, under manager Felipe Alou. Re played third bue during' the season, but h e 'll h ave a t o ug h llme replacine Larry Parrish when the battle for positiona belins al West Palm Buch, Fla. next week. ''Rl1ht now, I'm thlnklnl maybe rl1bt field ," Wallach says. "But It doesn't matter - Just u lon1 u I pl•Y·" You 1ee Wallach is UHd to playlnc. That's why be became so disgruntled las t October. He waa University Hilh's SATISFIED Tim Wallach . out of University High and Saddle back College. s ays h e·s satis fied with his current contract most valuable player in 1974 and 1975 . He was Saddle b ack Co llege's rookie of the year in 1976 and Gaucho of the Year in 1977 He wa~ Cal State Fullerton's MVP in both 1978 and 1979. He even won the the triple crown and was named MVP in the Alaskan League. His baseball career sounds like it has taken a Princess cruise s traight to stardom. TODAY, WALLACH talks about baseball, and the National League in particular. as if he were a seasoned veteran. He credits another rookie. the Dodgers' Fernando ValeniueJa, for bringing ba c k the respectability to lhe league that was lost when the s trike put a lock on major league ball parks last summer. "I'd hate to see the National League lose him," Wallach note d of Vale nzuela , ln reference to his sticky contract negotJaUons with the Dodgen. "He really helped baseball last. year when the strike did so much damage," Wallach added. On facing Valeniuela: "He's a good pitc her. He's a s mart pitcher. He throws about 10 mllu per hour slower than Nolan Ryan, but he's to srqart. "I was just amazed. Every time I'd be looking for a pitch, (See WALLACH, Pase IM) It was I a duffer's delight Even with.a triple-bogey, Weiskopf shares LA Open lead ~ By HOWARD L. HANDY OIU.Oellyf'ti.t ..... LOS ANGELES -·There's still hope for the duffer and professional golf's elite proved they are only human with erratic rounds Saturday during t he third day of play in the Los Angeles Open at Ri viera Co untry Club. Tom Weiskopf whiffed (missedl -a shot completely and took a triple bogey on the par-3 16th hole. Johnny Miller three-putted the fifth green. And Tom Watson had a bogey then double·bogey at 13 and 14 after posting four st raight b1rd1es on holes 6 through 9. It was that kind of a day on another perfect.weather aft ernoon for golf's top players before a record Saturday c rowd of 29,112. Today, Weiskopf, Miller and Watson are joined together in tqe featured threesome that leaves the first tee at 10:28 to finish in time for national television <Channel 2, 12:30 >. The winner s hould come from this trio to pick up the first place check of $54 ,000. Final bow for UCI • semors By JOHN SEVANO OI -D .. ly f'ti.t SIMI For UC Irvine's Kevin Magee, Randy Whieldon, Kevin Fuller , Rainer Wulf and Grant Taylor, Saturday night's game against Utah State put the final touches on a promise they made two years ago When these fi ve seniors, along with a handful of others. came to UCI with Coach Bill Mulligan in the fall or 1980. t hey had only one objective t o p ut the Anteaters' basketball program on the map. Saturday n ight , with the sen iors makin g their fin;il appearance at Crawford Hall. that vow became a reality. Everything MuJligan and his players tried to accom phsh in a relatively s hor t span of time was graphically illustrated at the Aggies' expense. First. therE! was UCI 's style of play, that fas l ·and loose. up-and-down the floor kind of gam e the Anteaters love to perform and love to entertain their fans with. Second, there was the crowd, another capacity sellout of 1,594 screaming and cheering their team to victory. Finally. t here were the points . 104 of them to be exact. which seemed only fitting. .. It sure fe lt good ." said Wh ieldon of UC l's 104-72 win. "I hate to see 1t end because I liked playing here and I liked how the fans got behind us. "I think we've brought a Jillie recognition to the school . and I hope we can bring a lot more. I think Coach Mulligan has done a great job in the two years he's been here. Usually 1t takes four or fi v~ years to do what he's done.·· Weiskopf and Miller are tied ror the lead at 202 with Watson two strokes back at 204 . Mill er is the defending champion and We is kopf finished second a year ago. Miller had a 66 Saturday whjle Weiskopf and Watson each carded 68s. ··At the 16th, I couldn't decade on the wind uirection," Weiskopf said. "Then I On TV today channel 2 at 12:30 ' . hit a bad s hot to the right and I felt I might have too much club with a five iron. That's two negative thoughts and that's disaster. "I backed away one time and should have a second time. Then I hit a cart path and got a bad lie on a drop with a little hill in front of me. I didn't hit the ball solid 1 and it ended up under a tree. "I whiffed the ball the first time and then I hit it between my legs with my back to the green and two-putted. I did that once be fore in Texas but I missed the ball by three reet that time. "Every body gets upset and discouraged out there. That's partly why those things happen. But : was fortunate enough to forget it and l a m very excited about lhe final two holes." Weiskopf birdied each of the final two holes after his triple bogey at 16. All three players are excited about playing in the s ame threesome today. "I'm looking forward to it," Weiskopf said. "l'fike head·to·head competition like this ." "It sounds like a lot of fun and I think a 68 will be a good round. Espedally with the pressure that will be there tomorrow. This could be a replay of last year " Miller said. ' "I like being paired with Tom and Johnny. Both of them are playing well right now and I really have to make some putts to catch them. With good weather, I'll need 66 or 65. The tournament record will be CSee LA OPEN, Page 84) o.11y ,. ... -_,, oarw• Stan In Mulligan's first season. the Anteaters finished with a 17·10 r ecord Saturday night, the Ante aters got win No. 20 <against four losses ), marking the fi rst lime in 14 years, and only the second time in the school's history. such a feat had <See ANTEATERS, Page 84 ) COME TO ME F ounta in Valley·s Lisa Gins burg keeps he r eyl' on the ball agains t pressure defense by Cul ver City Saturd<Jy night in the Barons · gym . Fountain Valley a dvanced with a triple·overtime \'ic tory See Page 82 Olsen's biography was put on the shelf Literary loss proved an entertaining gain for fans of F.ather Murphy On that particular day. the world may have gained an actor and lost an author. We were on the team bus e n route to Merlin Olsen's final game after 15 years in the costume of the Los Angeles Rams. He was talking about h is retire ment and mentioned the possibility of collaborating on a book. ·'There are a lot of things I would like to tell people," he said, "things they don 't know about pro football." I told him it was an excellent idea but that it would take a great deal of time. More important, Merlin would !J,ave to understand going In that he woul(J have to Lell the bad with the good. "But. mosl of it is good," he said. "Very good." That's fine, 1 told him, but the unpleasant would have to be related along with the pleasant. "ExacUy," Merlin asked, "what do you mean by the bad and the unpleasant and why would we have to mention ptem?" WELL. IT WOULD involve dope and gambling and things like one player sleeping with another's wlfe ... like that. They would have to be told in order to make the book accurate and legiUmate and aulbenOc, not necessarily in that order. Besides, It ls a aad commentary lJ!at our society prefers Ill contemporary literature to deal with such tbinp. SPORTS COLUMNIST ' BUD TUCKER "Well," Merlin said after a moment of thought .. "if lhis is the case, the book will have to wait." As it turned out, this was a very meaty decision for Merlin Olsen, the football player. lt enabled him to become Merlin ·Olsen. the television commentator and s ubsequently the actor. IT IS NOT ln the least likely NBC would have put Merlin on the air if he'd blown even the faintest whistle about those in the game who play off the gridiron as well as on This is not to suggest Olsen turned out to be a shill the Ukes of, say , Howard Cosell, but the overall lma1e has to be con sidered and one identified with an expose would hardly do. We will never know for sure, but it may have been literature 's loss that the memoirs of Merlin Olsen were never publl1~. Of courae, it ls not out or the question the project may someday be reallied but It will not happen ln the Immediate f14lure . Mer I in Olsen got together with a lot or the old gang the other day at a luncheon in his honor following which the tab was picked up by Georgia Frontiere w~ is now the president of Merlin's old team. The lunche<>n was to celebrate Olsen's •nduction into the pro football Hall of Fame which will take place this summer. MERLIN WAS ELECfED to the shrine on the fi rst year of his eligibility which did not surprise a single onlooker. If there is such a thing as one who would serve as a model or what sort of person the Hall of F ame is all about, there would be no nei!d to look any further than Merlin Olsen. In 15 year s as a Ram, including m e mbers hip in the fabled F earsome Foursome, Merlin never had a bad game. That Is, he never had a bad game in the sense he did not dedicate and devote his entire being to the cause. At th~ Jame time. he permitted no doubt that f<i>tball was played on the field and he left every game on the 1reensward and behind him. He was to say lat.er that his personal life would be divorced from football and from the Hollywood scene and he m akes no exceptions . Still, Merlin Olsen would never qualify , for sainthood. He was -and ls -a man. Anyway, the book will flave to *•tt and more's the pit.y. IU Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sund y, February 21. 1982 TAKING AIM Fountain Valle~"s Theresa Puchalski !el s fl y with .1umpt•r agains t defense of Culvl'r City's .l<'nn~· Sugimoto Fernando thre ate ns to boycott training from AP dispatches LOS ANGELES The agent for II C) Young Award wanner Fernando V:.ilenzuela. disappointed by a lack or progress in negotiations with the Los Angeles Dodgers. is backing away from his promise that th e s tar pitcher would report with his teammates to spring training. Tony DeMarco. Valenzuela's agent. said Friday he will conduct a press conference Tuesday afternoon ·an the Dodger Stadium parking lot to tell our story ·· He said the conference would follow a scheduled contract negotiation session bet ween him. Valenzuela attorney Dick Moss and the Dodger negotiating team of President Peter O'Malley. Vice President 1\l Campanis and attorney Bob Walker Quote of the day Bill Fitch, coach or the Boston Celtics. explaining that "blown opporunities" are what cause him the most grief during a game : "I call them B.O.'s because they slink." Islanders set mark on late goal The New York Islanders set a ~ National Hockey League record ' Saturday night by winning their 15th consecutive game. edging the Colorado Rockies 3·2 when John Tonelli rifled a dramatic JO.foot slapshol past Glen Resch with just 47 seconds remaini ng ... Mike Bullard scored two power-play goals and Rick MacLeish added another as Pittsburgh hailed a nine-game winless stre ak with a 6·5 victory over visit in g Philadelphia . Bob Galney's second goal or the ga!'lle at 10:45 or the final period enabled Montreal to earn a 2·2 with Buffalo, stretching th e Canadi ens' unbeaten streak t o 15 ga m es Toronto ended a n eight-game winless streak with an 8-5 win over St Louis . . Bobby S mith scored twice as Minnesota scored four goals in the rinal pe riod to beat Washington . 7.3 Vancouver improved its unbeaten string to six games with a 4·2 win over Hartford . . Barry Pederson scored two goals. including the game-winner. \o lead Boston to a 7 ·5 victory in Detroit .,.,, ,.... ....... ...,~Mer• Barons adnint•t•d "ilh a tnpltH>\'t;trtim t- ,·irtor~ Williams catalyst for New Jersey Ra~ William~ scored 25 points to m lead Nev. J erst·y to an easy 125·108 victory over the Ul<1 h J a Z7. Saturday night in the N:.i tional Bas ketball Association. Williams scored 13 points in the ope ning quarter during which the Nets took a lead they never lost ... John Long's 16 points in the third quurler helped Detroit rall y from a 17 point d e fi c it a nd beat In diana , 115 100 ("harlie Criss scored a ca reer-h igh 34 points and dished out eight assists and San Diego hit 62 percent from the field as the Clippers romped past San Antonio, 118-101 . . Cliff Robinson scored 27 or his game-high 34 points in the second h a lf , and th.e l Cleveland Cavaliers sna pped w1LL1AMs a seven-game losing streak by beating Dallas. 116· 109. The lead changed hands 12 times and the game was t ied on eight occasions in the Sinai qttarter, the last at 108· 198. before Cleveland's James Edwards laid in a shot off a rebound ro r a 110·108 Cavalier lead . _ Behind World Free's 26 points and 19 each from Be rnard King and Joe Barry Carroll, Golden State rolled to a 110-102 victory over Washington Reach out ... and score a basket One of lht• e:.isualltes or lhe m wicked v. inl(•r weather 1s the phone bill of Can1c,1us point guard Mike Tnvasonno's parents. They normally make the J70.m ile round-trip clnve from their home in Cleveland to watch him play. But thanks to the weather, they have come up with a new system. A bout 10 minutes before each game they pho ne the parents of Canisius center Mark Rzemek an Checktov. aga, a Buffalo suburb, who tune an the game and place the radio next to the phone. Using an amplirying system, Joseph and Ann Trivisonno s it back and hear their talented son direct the Griffin offense. As they say. 1t 's the next best thing lo being there. Basketball adds to its Hall of Fame Hal Greer. Willis Reed, Frank • Ram ~.-y and Sl ater Martin , all standouts on c hampionship teams. have been clc•rtcd to the Bas ketball Hall of Fame The former stars or the National Basketball Associations will enter the shrine a long with Clarence "Big House" Gaines a nd "the late Everett Case. who were picked for their coaching accomplishments, and Al Duer, who w a s sclct'le d an the co ntributor category Robby Alllson, winner of last week ·s Dayton:.i 500. escaped injury Saturday when has Buick Regal failed to negotiate a tum during a practice run and crashed through a steel guardrail and wire fence during a final practice session for t oday's Richmond 400 Grand Nat1on<1l stock car race . Golden West beaten in tourney Cerritos College broke a scoreless tie with two runs in the fourth inning. then broke loose ror eight more over the next three iM.ings to notch a 10-2 win over Golden West Saturday ln the championshjp gam e of the Casey Stengal Tournament at Cerritos College. , Mark Crockett surrered tbe 1011 for Golden Weal as the R\.laUer hJtlers countered with only two runs in the eighth lnnina. Oranse Coast produced more favorable results In lls thlrd·pl•c• game with Citrus. 'The Pirates e1me up with the 10-ahHd run ln the top of the seventh and relief pitcher Robb BA EBA.LL Munson m ade it stand up for a 3-2 win. Orange Coast catcher Dave Tinoco singled to lead off the seventh and went to third on a base hit by Kevin Sliwinski. Shortstop Scott Groot. who finished the game 2-for-3 at the plat~. singled lo scor~ Tinoco with what proved to be the winning run. Tinoco had the hot bat for the P lrates. goln1 4·for·5 with a double. two runs scored and one stolen base. First baseman Jeff ' Brown was 2-for·S wlth 2 RBI and one double while centerfie ld<'r Mike Carozea went 2·for-3. Munson threw two Innings In relief, striking out two while allowing just one hit to pick up his first save. Coach Mike Mayne also got stronf( relief work rrom Bob Nettles. who entered in the sixth inning to get starte r Rich Sor«inson out of a Jam . 1'he wln gtves Oranae Coast a 4·2 r cord an non-conference play. Hancock beut Saddleback. 4·2, to clalm the cons olation championship while LA Pierce beat Long Beach City. 9·5, for seventh piece. FV tokes thriller CdM stuns third-seeded La Quinta in 3-A The massive proccess of ellmlnaUon known as the Cl F women 's basketball playoffs began Suturduy n~aht, with five areu teams s urvlvini round one to advance to Wednesday's 11econd round. In the 4 A division, Fountain Valley got past Culver City In a thrillina triple-overtime game, 61 ·S7. lo set up a second-round meeting with Long Beach Poly and Huntington Beach edged Compton, 61·56, and will race Buena Wednesday. Edison was eliminated by San Gabriel while Maler Del fell to second.seeded Inglewood. Corona del Mar pulled off the bluest upset in the 3·A division, beating third-seeded L·a Quinta , 51·47 . The Sea Kings will play Burroughs of Ridgecrest in the second round Estancia was a 55-38 winner over T us tin a.nd plays La Serna Wednesday. Top seeded Mission Viejo breezed into the second round or 2-A play with a 65-49 win over WOMEN Fullerton The Diablos wall face Mayfair in second round action. llere·s how 1t went. Fountain Valley 61 , Culver City 57 The Barons cut it about as close as you can, escaping with a thrilling 61·57 triple-overtime decision over visiting Culver City The Ocean L eag u e's thi :d pl ace representative gave the Barons all they could ha ndle, and actually took a lead in the final OT period But Sam Arledge, who led the winners with 21 points. tied the gam e , and then after a missed s hot, Dcann~Davis converted to put the Barons a head lo stay Davis' two free throws with JUSt four seconds left sealed the issue for Fountain Valley, now 17-7 over all . ··we lost a couple of players this week to illness so some of the others had to take up lh.e slack," said an emotionally-drained Coach Carol Straus burg. Davis led Fountain Valley with 16 rebounds. while Arledge and Lisa Ginsburg had 12 boards a piece. Huntington Beach 61 , Compton 56 It was anything but an easy wan for the Oilers. who trailed by as many as 14 <24-101 an the first hair "The key to our com ing back was that we stopped commalling turnovers." s aid Hunlingfon Beach Coach Joanne Kellogg. "We started playing steady ball, and our kids really wanted it tonight ... The Oilers still trailed by rive entering the final stanza. but e rupted ror 30 points to finally catch and pass their v1s1tors. Betty Mendoza led a balanced attack with 18 points. while Tracey Clinkenbeard added 16 and Tammy Buckets contributed 11 Inglewood so. Mater Dei 34 The Monarchs resorted to slowdown tactics but that wasn't enough lo restrain a talented Inglewood team After Inglewood got out to a 16·4 lead after one quarter. Mater Dci rallied to pull to within four, 23-19. at the half The Monarchs went cold m the third quarter. however, and Inglewood was able to pull away. Kathy Gorman was the only Mona rc h in doubl<• rigures with 10 points as Mater Dei consistently tried to run out the 30·second clock to control the tempo Inglewood, the second·seeded team in the 4·A bracket. is now 24·3 while Mater De1 closed out the year al 10-12 CdM 51 La Quinta 47 Th<t &.;a Kings led all the way •• a baJenced 5coring attack and solid team defl'nse were enoulh to hold off La Quinta's fourth.quorter chlrlt for the upset. Lisa Greenberg paced CoronM del Mar with 12 points and 10 re bounds but h•d to alt out much of the fourth quarter with foul trouble which enabled the Aztecs to close the gap. "We really played well defenslvely." Sea King Coach Karen Gearhardt said. ··w e pressed 1 lot. and that really helped s low their tempo down." Heather Estey added 12 points and 12 asslat.a for t he Sea Kings while Cindy Kendall had four points and 12 rebounds. Corona del Mar goes into Wednesday's second round with an overall record of 14·7. , Estancia 55, Tustin 38 Debbie Hughes had 16 of her 20 points ln the second half and pulled down 13 rebounds as the Eagles advanced lo the second round with a rout of host Tustin. Cheri Carpenter cootribuled e ight points and nine rebound!> whale Chris MacMillian had eight points to go along with seven assists. It was defense, however, that set the tone for the Eagles "It was a really good team defense ... Estancia Coach J oe Wolf sai<f. "We got a lot of steals and we didn't give them m any good shots .. Mission Vleio 65, Fullerton 49 The top-seeded team in the 2-A bracket had little trouble advancing to the second round as Cindy Rohrig led the way with 25 points and 13 rebounds. Jane HQrre an.d Tracy Blum c hipped in 14 points each as the Diablos ran their record to 23·2. "We were in control the whole way:· Mission V1eJO Coach John Hattrup said. "Fullerton played well They shot the ba ll well and they were quack." The Diablos reached the 2·A cha mpionship game last year before losing lo Chino. giving them a little added incentive an this year's playoHs. ··one down, four to go." Hattup said. UC Irvine dealt a double def eat UC Irvine's baseball team ran up against a hot UCLA squad this weekend and the result was three defeats. The Bruins swept a double.header Saturday afternoon at Jackie Robinson Field. edging the visitors in the firs t gam e. 1-0. before coming back to hand the Anteaters a 16·4 spirnking in the nightcap UCI had u number of chances to score an the opener. putting a man as far as third base with less than two outs on three occasions Mike Rupp was the player waiting to be dnven home twice. but the Anteaters railed each time. Rupp doubled in the fift h and moved to third before bcinj? stranded, then led orr the seventh with a triple but could get no rarther In the ninth, the Anteaters placed runners at first and third wilh Ont' out, but a gain came away empty In the second game. Mater Dea product Pete Beall delivered three hits and knocked in three runs for the Bruins to s upport the work or hurler Jerr Mc Donald . ..i.iUlo won his fou rth decision without a loss • UCLA won 1ls 10th straight game and 1s now 13· l. the Bruins ' best start in 12 years . UCI. which meets Azusa-P<1c1fic at home Tuesday 12 ·J0 1. fell to !>·6·1 COMING MONDAY FEB. 22nd 7:30 P.M. Might arness at Los Alamito Feb221hruMoy1 POST TIME 7:30 PM NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY • CLOSE UP ACTION OH CALIFORNIA'S ONLY ~ Mil£ TMCK • HOME OF THE P.ICHBT HAP.NE~ MCE IN THE \VBl • THE NATION'S TOP ONVER5 Al'IO FINEST HA"""~S HORSES * ALL S2 EXACTAS .•• * FABULOUS PICK SIX EARLY BIRD WAGERING I I .\ 114 '"'•I' l\ol ilAil l I\! fl' T \,., ,: ' 1 ~·111·~11~11ojr.11 A "1 ltl '. 1·~ • CALI. for nN a.uo or dlrwwr reseM>rloru • FOf lnfOfTTlOrloo (213) ~M~1 Of (71,)995-12~ «A1EW -EAST OF 605Rr£EMY - Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 21. 1982 .. KhJgs'win welcoine.s back coach Fresno clinches tie for crown Saddleback gets help Long Beach State downs. P,acific; USC , Bruins wiuners in P,ac-10 play It's ,Oinl to be pl•yotr time ln the Mlsaloo Conference. INGLEWOOO (AP> John Paul Kelly acored a coat and ualated on two othera S•turday nl1bt, leadln1 the Loa Angeles Kin11 to a t-2 National Hockey Lea1ue vlctory over the Calaary Flames. From AP dlap•tebet l''RESNO f'resno Stute's Rod Hi11tns BA KETBAiL w ent four-for-four from the line. Orttn hit for ftve point.a, Including three free throws, In the wanlnJC m inutes. When Saddleback Collet•'• buketball team lell the floor Saturday ni.iht after beatlnl Southwestern , '18 ·82, t he Gauchos had no Idea that Citrus was aolng to pull the shocker ol the conference race •nd uptet Riverside, 57·56. on the Titers' floor. acored 16 points as the 15th-ranked Bulldogs posted a 71 51 victory over Cal State Fullerton Saturd•y night to clinch at least a tie for the Pacific Coast Athletic Association championship. center Greg Vinson's lay up, movlna to 48-47. But Santa Barbara stalled tor one l ast shot and bit it. Georgetown 83, Ml11ourf 51 W ASHJNGTON Freshinan Patrick Ewing won the battle of the big men and Eric 'Sleepy' Floyd led 13th-ranked Georgetown on a second-half rampage that carried the Hoyas to a 63·51 victory over No. 4 Missouri. The Calgary loss coupled wlth Vancouver'• ~-2 victory over Hartford dropped the Flames, 22·26·14, into a second-place tie with the Canucks ln the CoM Smythe Division. Forwards Bobby Davis and Bernard Thompson added l2 each for the Bulldogs, who improved their record to 11-1 in the conference and 22·2 overall. UCLA 79, St•nford 53 LOS ANGELES Reserve guard Saddleback and Riverside will clash Wednesday evening on a neutral site to determine the conference champion. Each beat the other on their own floor during the regular season. The Kings, 16-31-13, celebrated the return of Coach Don Perry, who was behind the bench for the first time after serving a six-game suspension ordered by NHL President John Ziegler for ordering former Los Angeles player Paul Mulvey into an allercati9n during a game at Vancouver on Jan. 24. Fresno State raced to a 32.18 halftime lead and led by as many as 28 points in the second half. The Bulldogs shot 53.8 percent from the floor while the Titans. 14·13 overall and 7.5 in conference, hit j ust 37 percent or its field goals. Mich ael Holton, the hero of UCLA's overtime win over Cal Friday night, scored a season high 15 polnu to lead the Bruins to a 79.53 Pacific 10 Conference victory over Stanford. Ho lton hit seven or nine field goal attempts al Pauley PavHion to spark UCLA to its 12th straight victory. It was 6-11 Steve Slipanovich, Missouri's j unior center. who was to have combatted Ewing, a 7-foot freshmen. But SUpanovich played sparringly and fouled out with 10.41 to play. Saturday, the Gauchos pulled away from a one-point halftime advantage, built the lead to as m any as 22 (61·39) with 8:35 rem aining and went on from there Fullerton's Ricky Mixon led all scorers with 29 points, hitting 14 or 22 shots from the field. North Carolina 55, Clemson 49 CLEMSON, S.C. Second-ranked North Carolina used a seven-point bur.it earl y in the second hatr to break a he then went to its four-corners slowdown to defeat Clemson 55·49 in an ACC game. USC 75, C•llfornla 70 Lanny .McDonald's two rebound goals in the second period brought Calgary back into the game after the Flames had trailed 3-0 m idway through the contest. Jim Fox gave the Kings breathing room al 2:51 of the third period, scoring on a 35-footer that eluded Flames' goalie Rejean Lemelin, making it 4·2. Long Beach St. 83, Pacific 69 LONG BEACH -Center Dino Gregory scored 21 points and grabbed 10 r ebounds, leading Long Beach State to an 83·69 victory over visiting Pacific. LO S ANGELES Forward M o Williams scored 23 points as Southern C'alifomia held off California 75-70 at the Sports Arena. Guard Dwight Anderson added 19 points for the Trojans, who raised their Pac· 10 record to 10-4 and their overall mark to 16·7. Wayn e Carlander, from Ocean View High, had 13 points and seven rebounds for Southern Cal. The Tar Heels, 22·2 overall and 10-2 in the ACC. put up just one field goal in the final 11 :48 a missed luyup by James Wor thy but hit 15 of 17 attempts from the free throw line in the final three O CC wins crown a t Southweste rn Forward Ray Mosby added 18 points and 10 rebolJfldS for the 49ers, who raised their PCAA record l o 6·6 and their overall mark to 10·14. Guard Craig Hodges contributed 17 points and six assists for Long Beach State. minutes. · Virginia 45, NC State 40 All-tournament selections Kris Kroyer and Tami Parker led Orange Coast to a 68·55 win over Cypress Saturday night as the Pir ates claimed t h e c h ampion s hip or the Southwest ern Tournament in wom en 's bas ketball action Saturday UCSB 49, San Jose St. 48 Oregon St. 40, Washington St. 36 K elly and rookie center Doug Smith then scored goals only 18 seconds apart less than five minutes later to break the game open. SAN JOSE -Santa Barbara guard Michael Russell hit an 18·foot jumper with two seconds left to beat San Jose State, 49·48, Saturday night. PULLMAN, Wash. -Forwards Rob Holbrook and A.C. Green combined for 11 points in the final seven minutes to pull fifth-ranked Oregon State past Washington State, 40·36. With 7:30 rem aining and a 29-25 Oregon State lead, Holbrook tossed in a layup and CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -For the second time in 10 days North Carolina State pushed No. I Virginia to the Limit, but a pair of free throws and a blocked shot in the final 24 seconds by Ralph Sampson enabled the Cavaliers to escape with a 45·40 Atlantic Coast Conference victory. Kroyer led all scorers with 16 points while Parker contributed 12 i n helping Orange Coast i mprove its non-conference record lo 5·0. San Jose tr ailed the entire game and took its first lead with 33 seconds left on Today's TV By HOWARD L. HANDY Of UM D .. ty l'tMl S- FOllOwing are the top sports events on TV today Ratings are: ./ ./ ./ " excellent; • " " worth watching. "./fair;./ forget it. -10 a.m., Channel 2 I I I NBA BASKETBAL L: Ph0enix at Philadelphia. Announcers: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell Julius Erving is the catalyst with Maurice Cheeks, Andrew Toney and Bobby Jones lending support tor the contending 76ers. The Suns are paced by Dennis Johnson. ~ 1Q a.m ., Channel 4 I I I , COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Wichita State at L SU. Announcers: Dick Enberg and Al McGuire. A renewal of last year's Midwest Regional final f inds Wichita State's Shockers seeking revenge for a 96-AS loss. ~· 12:30 p .m., Channel 2 I I I I GOLF: Los Angeles Open. Announcers: Vin Sculiy, Pat Summerall, Ben Wright, Frank Glieber and Ken Venturi. Tom Weiskopf shares the lead going Into today's final round with Johnny Miller, who shot a 66 Saturday. Miller won last year's tournament by two strokes with Weiskopf finishing second. (j} 12:50 p.m ., Channel 9 I I ./ I NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Denver Announcers: Chick Hearn and Keith Erickson. The Lakers hold a one-game lead in the Pacific Division over Seattle going into tonight's contest against high-scoring Denver . The Nuggets, 28·24, are in thi~d place in the Midwest Division OTH ER TELEVISION Noon (4) -SPORTSWORLO 1: 30 p.m . (7) SUPE RSTA RS 2 p.m . (28) TENNIS 2:30 p.r;4) -SPORTS AFIELD. 3:30 p. . (7) WID E WORLD OF SPORTS RADIO Basketb -Laker s at Denver, 12:50 p.m .• KLAC (570). * • • Would you believe this little boy is 50 years old today? ONG R A T ULATIONS ! BILL CAM PBE LL Lit US DI Our T Ital Fit11ss 1i ... 1 .. • .. .... • ...... * TlillfsYOU y .... J-••• .... • • ·• MK .... ~ .... ~ ..... 117 ...... 1 MVPs Close To Home! You don't have to suffer a long commute to achieve career challenge and compensation of a high order. McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company is providing top professionals that winning combination with a growing roster of Most Vital Projects in a range of areas. Explore advanced technologies in a state-of-the-art environment in one of the activities described below under general categories: MATERIALS & PROCESSES Materials out-gassing, processes and dilute sample techniques. with related computer tools and laboratory Instrumentation Advanced composites (metallic and non· metallic) analysis. finite element analysis and general purpose computer codes Stress wave and structural response analyses for nuclear weapon interaction with composite materials. Chemical processing metal cleaning. plating and anodizing. Trouble-shooting shop problems, preparing specifications. providing information to designers and supporting R& D development pro1ec ts Design and manufacturing support lor aerospace structural mechanical and propulsion systems. ut1hzing knowledge of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, 101n1ng, forming and non-destructive testing SOFTWARE Requtrements integration. spec1l1ca1ton and test plan generation. detailed design and coding. and softwa re/system 1ntegrat1on testing Programming languages Include FORTRAN. PASCAL. assembly and honzontal microcode syntax Programmers will work directly with algorithm analysts. processor hardware designers and system engineers tn the development and validation of real ttme systems C' Requirements and Design work with both hardware and software aspects m the areas of C1 subsystems concept defin1t1on. weapon system command processing, radio communications and defense center displays and controls ELECTRONICS Performing Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuit design Gallium Arsenide processing of integrated circuits Development of processes to produce advanced semi-conductor devices in the areas of photolithography. vacuum depositions, assembly, and characterization Gallium Arsenide Integrated Cir~it process development testing and evaluation of fabricated circuits \ THERMODYNAMICS/ ENVIRONMENTAL Measurement and description of electro· magnetic ·noise"' produced by machinery and the development of techniques tor its abatement Nuclear vulnerability and hardening analysis using solid mechanics background Modeling thermal energy 1ransfer 111 complex structures and with env11onments. based upon familiarity with CINDA/PA TRAN Analyttcal formulation of nuclear decay product transport through various materials and geometries and temporal variations Experimental applied research 1n high vacuum. optical and thermal properties measurements Planning, setup, and performance of space environmental simulation tests. and measurement of laser effects on components Analytical representation of rocket plumes and their parttculate and electromagnetic effects Calculation of space envtronmental effects on orbital systems using electromagnetic tt\eory and rad1oact1ve transfer and FORTRAN R&D. planning. communicating. marketing 1n thermal, nuclear and electromagnetic areas Studying 1nteract1on of materials with the earth"s and other magnetic and electnc fields Determine moments of comp!~ shapes for various environmental exposures Working with acoustics. se1sm1c and acoust1c/se1sm1c coupltng phenomena SIGNAL PROCESSING Utilizing very htgh-speed analog and d1g1ta1 microprocessor circuit development toward state-of·the-art electro-opttcal subsystems Ut1ltzmg complex semi-conductors such as HgCdle for Detection and signal processing for s1gn1l1cant new program in LWIR sensors Systems analysis. expansion and upgrading of a major optical sensor performance simulation STRUCTURES Developing complete structural test plan. including instrumenta11on of major structural test components on Missiles and Spacec•aft. based upon knowledge of 5omputerized load control and date acquisition systems plus design and analysts of complex test fixtures ts required RADAR Radar. Communications or Allied Field. Signal Processing with some d1g1tal hardware radar systems or E M theory involvement Calculating radar cross sections of complex shapes with and without a surrounding reentry plasma Defining and specifying radar performance requirements based upon a set of m1ss1on requiremen t s threat characteristics environmental considerations platform constraint, based on familiarity with the current state·oHhe·art 1n radar componentry and s1gnal/da1a processing technology Formating . processing analyzing and interpreting radar data to develop signature c~aractenst1cs ~nd possible discriminants INFRARED SENSORS Analyzing and evaluating EO Equipment and Sensors. particularly IA seekers useful on atr·to· air m1ss11es Des1gn1ng and fa bricating electro-opttcal instrumentation, particularly infrared sensors. infrared spectrometers. and cyrogen1cs FLIR engineers for electro·opt1cal systems involving cooled infrared sensors. designing, developing and testtng infrared imaging or FLIR systems. scan converter technology FLIR analysts to work with NVL EO codes. various target signatures and ot her transmission codes, quantifying performance characteristics: relating complex target of varying compos1t1on to a sensor of specified MAT vs wave number 1n a specified background , target characteristics . atmospheric transmission and Cflteria for detection and recogn1t1on GUIDANCE & CONTROL Guidance and Control Systems design. guidance analysis. and control analysis Development of command and homing guidance algorithm for spec1f1c engagement applications Development of Control and Servo-mechanism algorithms tor flight control or pointing and stabilization systems Sy~tems analysis on the Load program for • Guidance. Control and Navigation Subsystems Department. Contact McDonnell Douglas Aatronautlca Company and discover why other top technical professionals have found an ideal career environment with us. There's no obligation and you have much to gain. You're Invited to write, visit or send us your resume today. McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company ' 5301 Bolu Avenue R1594 Huntington Beech, CA 92947 ~ An Equal Oppottunlty Employer • U.S. Cltlnnthlp Aequlrtd MCOONN•&.£; DOUCl&.A9 0 8•d 1'tW£t I IN Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Suno1y, February 21 . 1982 ~------.~~~--------.... I N•A WHHaNc;ON .. l alNCI ~ $Httl• Gohle11 Si.ta Pl\otnlx PoRtand Sen OltOO l"et NkOtve.i.. W L ,. 11 J) ,. tt ,, ,. u ,. ,, IS )9 .,,.......IDM ai.. ~t. o• '" MO I .,. .\<'\ S.• , ... 1 211 JI\'\ Sell Alltonlo Hovtton Otllver l(•ntHClty Vt•h Delles IM ti •u tt t) ,,. s 111' ~· .. ~ SOC> i.1-1 " lS )00 ••"> " lS .111 17 IASTElllN CONl'ElllENCI AtlMtk Dlvltlell Phll-lllN• ll 14 80tton ll t• Hew JIJ'WY 17 ll WHl\1119(°" lS t7 ... wllforll ,, Jt C-••I Olvltl• Mltwtu~ .. Detroit Atlanta lnCllel\e Chlu90 Clevel•nd )I 14 ,. 30 ,, 2t 13 JI .. 33 11 .. SM-y·ak- New J-y '"· U1'11 IOI Cle•eland 116, O.llu ti>' Detroit 11S, lndl.,.. 100 S.n Olt90 Ill, S.n Anlonlo 101 Golden State 110. W•Pll1>9ton 101 T-Y'•G•,.... Uh"•tOenwr Mllw--•I 0-CtlV Houston •I Hew York Phoenl• •t Pttll-lp/11 • O•lles •t CN<-oc> New Jeno •I lncllatw 8 01ton at Seallle Att•nta et Pottl""" n COLLEGE .731 7U "> soo n ., ,, .,. ta Ut ... ,, . ...0 IS •2• •• JU" ,.,. ?ti'> UC lrvlne 104, Ut•h St. 72 UTAH STATE Mcc .. 11ouvh ••. B••veton s. 0.-rco •. Sl>•w o W••lllAQton 10, CUnfll...,,..,., •, A--n ?, ~ ....... ), Beli/le •, Ausleftord I, H•rr~ I I, (1111., 1 TOl•lt "t•t• n. UC llllVINI -JOM1on ,, Fuller 12. WllltlCIOn 16, S.Orkey •. T •vlor •. Tllor nton 1 Wuil "· MCOOn.ltd I), Solnn 7. Cle«IO •• cron .. y I. M"9M 11 Tot•ll .i 1• J6 10. H•lttl~ UC lrvlne, 0-)1 Tot•I touh Ulall State l• UC •rvl~ ,, Fouled out CunnonQll•m CUl•ll St•ltl. Tothntcals Coe<n Roa Tu•ll., IUUh SC•ltl M-CUC INIMI PCM stlndlngs FrH no St.ote UC lrvlne C•• St•t• Fullerton S•n Jo .. Stal• Lonv BN<llState UC S•nt• BMIWlr• P.c.lt1< Ulall Slal• ,~. W L II I • J I S • • . , l • l 10 TllOH'MNY't G""'M UC lr•lne •I C•I Sl•lt Fullerton 0. .... 11 W L n , 10 • I• IJ II 11 10 •• 10 u 1 11 • 10 Lonv llM<h St••e '1 UC S•nl• Barb41r• San Jaw Sl•I• ii Ul•h Slatt FrHno Sl•tt II P«•llC P•c. Cat. B•p. 64, Chr. College 60 CHllllST COLLEGE T Ha,,t.en It, Oueker 10, Hartm•n S M H•nun I. EICl\elbArgrr II. Pvlt c S<,...,.,ter 1 Totalt 21 IH760. .. ACll"IC COUT llA .. YIST Quantrlllt II, Kendall 10, Strv~ 1 M Ktnd•ll •• Cha-II 1. -•Y. C•tlent>A<k 10. Rond.111 IS Totalt 111-ISM H•llllrne PaclllC Coe\! 8•1>11•1 U 1.1 Tot•I loull Chrl\I Coue~ II, P.aclll< c ... tt Bapmt 11. Foul.O out C•llenbt<k CPC81, Te<llnlcel IOUI T ,....,,..,, <•lt<lt<l) COMMUNITY COLLEGE Saddleback 78. s·w.stern 62 50U'fHW£STElllN H""ry 9, A41Ulrre 13. Gr•n.m ?. Monloornerv ta, St•rblro t. Out>ert 6, Kllneholter J. Atkinson?. Mu.,1111 1 Tot•ls· 111 .. 10n SAOOLEaACIC Ooo<H t , Turntr I), Mllcllell 1', W~ ... ~kl I Ooyt. 11, Rt.O • F .. u11er . Ground. A-I Tolalt )) 11 ,, ,. we1wrne S.OO•tbKk 1• 11 1 ol•I toul• SOulllwtstern 1', Saclclltt••O 11,1 Fouled oul Ooyl• CSaOOltbaO), St•rblrO (So.lln....-;1ern1 Ttchnlcalt Doy .. ISaddh•bio<kl RH<J IS..001•1>6Ckl Mission Conference (l"IM I) SaOcll•bKk Rl•trtoOt CC Sen 0 1e9)CC $an Berf\archrW> Southwestem P•IOmer Cllrus c ... t ... efK• W L 10 1 10 , 1 s S I • • 9 0..,.11 w l ,, 10 ,. s .. 11 •• u 10 , • I It I) 1S South CoHt Conference C-..-...C• 0-.M W l W L s..,1a Atw • 1 n • Fullerton I J IS II MC San Antonio I l 19 1 Groumont 6 s 11 9 CerrllOt S • IJ IJ Oranv• cou1 J • •t u San O•eoo ,,..,.. 0 11 t 21 •-y·•o- O••nve Coast•'~ Oie90 ~ .. Ctrrltos al Fullerton Gross..-1 at Mt S.n Ant<>n•o ....... . " n s tt • It IO IS t• •••• IJ " II IS • HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN CdM 51 , L• <Nlnt• 47 COlllONA Ol!L -· -fll•Y 11, atlKOe •. Romney •. ICencl•ll •. OHhner 10, Gre..,11e'912, Ooocb 2 Tot•lt: U S.t• SI, LA QUINTA Myer ''· O•rle py •• 8er\luys 1', T •mura I, 8 .. wtt 2, l'tlO•U •· Totalt 11 ~•I. k -•Y Olla.-n , ....... .,., ""41r •• II 10 ·~1 L• Quint• ' I) 10 IS_.I Total touh Cor0tw oet -· 14, La Oulnl• 11 . Foulf<I out Grffnber9 ICoro11• 0.1 M•rl Eatancl• 55, Tustin 31 l!STAHCIA 8re .. u 1. C¥Ptnltr .. V•ICher o, H-'-s. COllway 0, -Mllllen •. ScllolH 2, Cllrltlm•n •. H•tl\CoO •· HliVl\eS JO TOUl!t 101~10 SS. TVS Tl N Pt nlof• o. Humpl\rty 10. Schr lm•ll•r •. Schwaoe 7. Hoskin• 7. Pftmer 1, L $Notter I, B Sll•lf•r •· Tolall: , .. I),. Sc-.ftO..,.•n E.i•n<1• 12 IS I lt-S.S Tu•lln 12 I t •-• TotaC '°"'' Ete-1• 11, Tus11n It Ftn. Vty &1, Culver Chy 57 CULVElll CITY -Alch•fdson J, H•a.moto 10. NetHI 12, Schipper 2. Sl\lnot•k• J. SN<klttoro 11 Toi•" t• •10 SI l"OUNTAIN VA LLEY Barton 2. P..ch•IOo IJ, ArladOe 11. Gln.-9 7, Oa•lt II Totals 13 tS.?Ht Sc ........ l"et1Mt Clll•er City 9 II 12 IJ 4 • • S7 Fovntaln 11.,1,, I U 12 11 • • 1--.1 Total fouls. Cul"tr City 20. Fo11nl•ln V•lltY 1Si Foultcl out Gln\bur9 CF_,CIMn V•lleyl 5<111-r 1cu1 ... r Coty I Hunt. ~h. Sf, Compton 56 COMnON Pel ........ Rhone J. S.voy t , SnallowN>nt l, Butll 1, Smith t. Br-.. o, 0.vl• I Freeman t. i.-..n1 • Totaft• 2• 1-20 S6 HU NTINGTON al!ACM C•rr •, c oroova J TOWt>Mnd •. ~-,. II, 8..cllels 11 Nel'°" 0, Cll-burd 1' Totalt 11 t•Jl •• Sc-•Y 0."9n Compton u IS 1 ~ Hunllnqton 8"<11 10 10 II »-41 Total '°"'' Compton 11, HunllnVIOfl Buel\•• Fout.clCMll P•lmtr ICQM9tonl Mission Viejo 65, Fullerton 4t l'ULLEllTON Wiiiiams "· a.e- n , _,., J. No<\on •, Oenlels '· Hin-1. Tot•ls ns10" MISSION VIEJO H•rre U, -1-I. Aonr10 1S Blum I• Smtlll 1. A Kelly t Totals JOS-7 ~ Sc .. 11,0...-n F"llerton t 1' 7 ti .... Mlulon v .. jo II It II 10-..S Total loult. F111terton 10. Miu lon Vlelo 11. lnotewood 59, M•ter Del 34 MA'fElll 0.1 Kanws •• T e.a .. 1. Go<m•n 10. Snnurto l, J""'iffon t Zarltco 1 Tot•IS IJl-101" INGLEWOOO Done.., ••. S!Mpjword 4, Sau,..,.,.. I, Fln .. y •,Bremond•. FIJher 11, Ml I Chell 1. Total\ 23 4·10 SO. Sc-•Y OIM11en M•ler 0.t ' IS ' 6 1" lnvtt-" 7 1t I so Total lout\· Mat .. Del 11. ,,....,..000 II Swimming CCk.UGE ......_.-..... u c 1,.,,1 ... ,,, 400 med!.,. r"lay P9ptlerdine. no''"" 1,000 ""''•'• U nd!Wlm fUCll. t •1 lS. Htlllt'r CPI.• SI II, Murlne IUCI I 10 02 M 700 lrttstyle Avert CUCC I, 1.4-4 )4, Oon•lluf (Pl, ,, ... 11, 01•• CP), I "H . SO lr•ttMe Anotrson IUCll. 11 st. B .. man (P), 11 'll. Muo CUCI I, JJ '° 100 I M O'Gorm•n ( .. I, 1 SI 11; G .. trrtro CUCI I t tt SS, 8uedlt (Pl. l OlJS I m dMno Monel\an IPJ, 114 1l pis.; Lunoten 1P1, m 10; l -r IUCll, :io..as. 100 bUlltr11y Aytrl CUCll. t·S..'1, Lockh•rl CUCI). I S6.1•. RoOttvuet (Pl. 1 H •I 100 lrttttyll Rellall tUCI ). H 1'. Frtll•V !Pl, .. ts. Yonctftt IUCI ), .... eoo OA<kstroke °""-cP J, 1 se.u! O'Gorm•n CP I, I ~· ••. Oruc~er IUCll. 1 01 n )00 frtfltyle Llndllelm tUCll, 4:-46.W; Ht111tr 1PJ • 41 U , Aodrlvue1 CUCll ' .... J m a .. r1nv LunclHtl CPJ. 1'7 " "'"· Brllf'lel CPI 7JI 10, Lander (UCI), 1~ 7S 100 br••il•Ollt S.eote IP ), 1 Of GI; Gllt'rrero <UCll, l 11 If. Nlc4'0•~ (UCIJ, 1 IJ d 400 lrHSlyl• rein UC ININ, J · 1> .. ~~' .. °"" T-~ ., .. , ... ~ JtNWI' Mli. .. .. .. -T-Wert.1 .. .,....._.. ,... .. ~ ., .... ,.._.. 1111 •eeen 10 .... .. JlyM-......... -101 Jeclt •-r ,...,.,~, V1111<t .....,_ ..... 11401 ,_ ... • " 10*-101 ~c• ,,....., __ Tim.,,.,.... ,,.._,.._., WMlly lletilllwn ,. .... ,._.. Wt yN '-! .,..._,,._.. •e•C•"'-11 llMl-71-at T-•vrtw 10.11..._. M9•11 O'MNr• " .... " tlO JIM Ht-.i 10>70.,.._,,M Tlt'•Y ""-Y U.1•1~10 LAMla~' 74-...-,IO JeM ..._ 14·....._t11 8"011... IS-7~211 llllit o .. -., ,, .... 10-711 0.My fdwfl'Ol 7"11 ... -tll Ed Snae4 1>•7·71 II 1 ......... 1 •• ,...._,11 o.n. Lltllt< 1>*11 211 Erk l•n.,. ...... 1•-211 JaO ... ,..,,, 1 ...... t-2tt Jerry l"allt ICJ..11.11-211 Cllf'tlt '1r.,,._ 7l·71-6t-J1J Jim $1,,._ 71 .... Jl-212 Fr•nll c-.r lo..t-7)-Jtt Ht lt trwlll ,...._,._211 8arry J..U.C 7J.71 ... --lU Monll H .. •l•'Y ... ,...._ttl ~rk Pftll 1a....n-2u Oon J•-rv 7»7t·•t-Jll Cl\arlH c--, 11·7C>-11-11J Al Gt lb9roet l>-11 .. -tll Tom Jfflklns , ..... ,_,ll Marti H•Y"H 0 ·71·71-21• G9« .. Archer IS-1M•-1U WOOdy l"itmuOft 1•·1!>-1t--2U Cr•IV 51.iltr 11-7Ht-114 Gary Hallb"'V 7J·71·70-2t• k011 s1.._ 1Ho.11 tt• AOd Funwtfl 7H0.71-JC• Jim &OO<OS 1!).11-11-21• Grev Powers 11·71-11-JU And¥ Horth /).7().71 11• G•ry ICocl\ h ·I0.11-115 Gii MorG11n 74-71·7(>-215 Ed Flori t7·72-lt-21S o ... IO EOWarCH ,,,.. .. ,,_,IS illoMly W-lnt 1).71·11-2tS Jif'n Cotber1 IS 7C>-11-1tS Don lllft ,, ... 7J-11S FrM c°"""" n ·11-1s.r.2I• llruct 0ouo1.,. 7C>-7).7)-2t• J•Y Cudd IS·70.12 117 Lon Nlelsen l>-71·1>-117 HIO F•ldo 7S-...H -Jl7 Mike Smith ll-71-74-211 A H Sikes 1~7().ll-711 •Sam AendDtOfl 7"'4 .. 1•-211 MIMlllro Kur-o 74·71·7-Jtt O•ve Stockton n -1>-1-11t Jim Dent 11·1•1-21' JoM Sehr-7C>-71..a-21' Auatr•ll•n MHtera , .. _,,., Gr•IWlm MaM Sl•w•rt GIM, T •wnanla Aklra 'l'ebe,J-Mllo.t F..,vu_., Ro0M< ....... 011 ll¥nllard IJt9r, W Grmn" l"r•nf& Nobllo, N ZHCand Tommy NIMUIJlm•, J•...., v •uvllan Somers ~si.e .... , Noel Ralclitl• Mike COlenclro, u S l •nOMySI ....... Oo"9 Mu<rav. T-n•• ~" Arnold P•l-r. U S T..,yJac~lln, Eno!- 11.1a.11-11• ,....,_,17 11-12-7~-211 73-70.15--211 7•·1().7-211 , .. ,,.12-11• l~l)-11-llt ,. ... ,~21t 11 7).70-220 7!).7CMO-220 1Ma-18. 221 11·11-1 ... 211 70-7)-71-121 1~11·1 211 1 .. 111._ m 111~1'-113 Bent Tree Qaulc 8etll O•nlel Sue Ertl Cat s.w-.. Fla. I K•lhy Potllnr•ll Amy AlcOl1 S.rlWlr• Mo-H HOUIJ Sl«y JOAM• Carner 8ell\Sol- S.lly l lltl• C•tl\y "'- Gall Hirai• lo<I G•rlllK• llac k y Ptan011 S-r• Haynlt PamGi.tan A .. HnOraRe...,..rOI Dot c.. rmeln Ayollo<>U..-•°"',,,..o.l .. y lil&erleMH- C allt y Sjltrk ,..,,..._JOI 7•-70 110 ... ,. 7).-110 .. 7().71-110 •1·11 11-110 , •• ,,.... 111 •• 11.n -m II 1110-11) 11·11 10-11) 11·7:Mt -11• 10·'4·10-21• 1s-10.-.•-21t 11·71·71-21• " 1().1).-11• ,, .... 13--21• ,,.,,..._21s 1().11-1 l-21 s 7)..7().7t-21S 11·12-1)--116 71·11·71-216 , .... 13-Jt• ColleQe l'taSTOAME UCLA t, UC ,,.,, .... I UC I r"lne 000 000 000-0 • O UCL.A 000 000 10. I 2 0 •1-r. HlckJ 111 -8tr11erd, Ward -G110lm w Ward C?·Ol L-8 1snar CO.II 28 -AllPO IUCIJ. Grall•m IUCLAI Jll-111-CUCll HCONDGAMI! UCLA 1', UC 1,.,,1.,. 4 UC I rvlM 003 010 000 4 10 • UC LA llO lU 00• I• tt 0 0.-. ~ (lJ, COlll"9f 14J, JlvthH UI, llr-Cl) end A-; M<OoM10 ...., •••lle•lll w M<Oon•ld <•.t) l 0-W Cl· 11 18 Rtvere IUCIJ, 'l'OUllQ IUCLAJ, lltrlf'191Wtt CUCLAI, Larimer (UCLAI 00..rSc-. Cial St .. t Fuli.r1on 17.Arl_.. J Teut-EI p-, .. s. Nev.0.-1.11 V-• 21 CS Norttwl09t IJ.11. C.I Llltlwr"" ... 10. Community colletie CASEYST•NO•LTOUlllNAMENT 'fMrdl"laca ~ ..... c .. tt J, Cltnn I 0••"9• coest ooo 020 100-a 11 u Cltrv• 000 00'1 000 -1 t 0 Sorenton, Ntttltt C61, MunsOll Cll -Ttnoc:o, Aobet1SOll, TorrH m and Poellef.k; W -NettlH II~) L -R-lton S -""""'°"· 28 Tl,_o IOCCJ, llr_,, COCCI Ottiwac-. H•n<ocll 4, SeOdlfl>tc~ 2 Ctrrltot 10, Golden WHI 2 College, prep basketball Coll99e -UC lrvllle 10., U\el\SI n L0"9 llMch SI 13. Pe<lll( •• FrffnoSt.11, Cal Slelt F11ll•rton St UC S.nta BMIWlra" S.n Jow SI • UCLA 1', Stanford U USC IS. Callforni• 70 Ort90f'I St. ao, W~tnoton 51 )6 Of'f90ll '1, W~lf>9\0fl 71 Sen F ,_.ts.co.,, Gont•Gll SI Por11and IS. Stnt.e Ciera .. Pe~ 1', SI. Mary'l .. Sell ()MvolO, Loyola .. s1111c.i-St. t~. Hano .. d St .. Hum-St. SO, UC O.vl1 4' C•I POIY·SLO .. ,uc Rl-•!Oe4' Cll•-tt. Lot A"9f!H St. " PKlllc Lutheran n. Patlll<. Ore ., ltMltftlfl ,,, ~let 5' -----•r I,.,,. St M, ArllOll .. 4 e--St .... -st ,, ldeM 71, 1""9 s. . ., lrldl~ H~ New Mexko St tt WHtr St. ,,, N Aflllltlt 11 $111 1*9D $t .. New Mewl(O '1't ...._ Hout1on 1'. .. "'9' u Arll-7'1, ·~• •J <•II TnatA&M", 1tllllt10 T .. H l"KI\ 71, Soull•trn Mat'*lllt .. Oral 11-t lot, H Tt .. \ $1 '1 OklallollN Cit>; 70, X.vltr, O. '1 N .. Or--. ........... I( .... L•t1ltlM• T'e<I\ u . Tun·S.11 Atlttftle J1 ,.,, .. n, lnOI-St ... oi.1.-s., n. Color-10 Te1te•CI ~ 11, Htw•ll '1 TH .. ~ .0, Aflo.MIMi St. • , .. , llllMltk Jt,W Tt•tlf 4' ,_ Vlf'Plle .,_ N UNIM M. • w-. ......... MerflWO Nef'tll CM'e!IM~ei.m,... 4' T-M.LSUS) ........ ,...., .... *" ~P~IO M l..i-'1,MIMiMl•IS4 ~ lttf!lttrtll'f,.. v....,..n .. ....... 0.... .... ~c.rellM » •' J a<k_,,,.lle •7 South Fk>rkMI M A1• 8 lrtnlf\9ll•m H , Va Common-•tth SS Vlrvlnl• Tech 111 SI loult 11> W•tl Vlrvtnl• H , Geo•v• Wul\l"91on JI A~l.aclllanSt '1 VMI SI "'IOOlf T""" '7. Austin Peay 56 Morel\ffll !>t 92. £ l(tnt110y 7) Furman .... Cit-IM Georvt• Te<l\11, Dull• 11 M"rray St. 60, Tenneuat1 Teel\ M HW Lcitilslenll IOI, S.mforO IO SW LoulsiaN 6l. U....,. ft Old Dominion ... Stet_, .. NE \.~ ... Mt~nr 0 IOll Mtr~l tJ, W. C.erOllM 9' w Ktnl\ltky 't Allron .. J amu MM!4Mn S., Wllllam A Mary u S M1wl..-... lovlll Al•bam<I n Cam0094110, 111 . .Qll Clrclt St t ......... Ml<hl9'lfl .. , tow. II Purdllt 7•. lrd-'5 1111...i. 11, ""--· •1 Wlt<OMI" ''· Ml(hl911n r;c 60 01\lo SI. '7, NOrt.....,tl!t'n 11 l(anMS SC. '3, ~ s:J tow• SI ta. NtW.U ti Wlchl'8 $1 .. $.II~ U Otllo U.11, ~ U lowll"' 0-lt, N. jlllno1190 Cent NU<"'-" U, 11.ttl St. n W. Mk~ 1~, Keflt.St. 11 Cleve .... $t, "· v........,..,, St. 11 Cl11<'-I ~ ,_ M N E 11 ..... 14. V-.rtlwPS I! Mi<H9M .. To ... 45 IVtMVIOO "· ...,..., Ill 71 OetrolUI, Mfllr '7 Mar.-. n.. Otyton • N C.·Wlltftll\tllG4\ ao, N. ,.,.. se .... ~--.... 11111-lh r~n,.....,.. .... u Uf~ ... Ulflllll .. ,... ....... ~. ~•¥Y .. Id <Aro!IM I• Moflltlllll St. '2, "-"'1 S. "6 Ot ...... "' • .., .. ltllf9ln7J, ~,. ...... Giii ..... Jelwl't .. ll, .,.,..,.. ,.. tt. """1rw • °".,..,,,.....,.~ .... .. ,...,. ..... CM!tktl .. C-1 SJ, Oerunotitl\ G Pt!M n , 8rown SO Plttsbu'911 U, -15«'1\uWtll Ml W. Clleslltr St n. Bvcllnell SO Iona 102, Falrf .. kl 100 CSOll Columbia u. H8'VarCI SO c-t1c.,. '°· .....,,, .. "'' •• LOYol'-. TS. M9r1M n 11 Ttmp .. et, u sane n Nor1"-Mm 1t, New H-l\lrt Prln<"°" SO, Va .. 0 St. eon-1\H'o .. , R .... hlalld ft' SI. Francis, H. '\". S., T-st SA St. Ptttr'Ul. Army SS LOllt IM-U U.S.,_ n SyrtcUN 11. let.,, Hall II CommunltL~ .... c... ~1111.nMU,,,.,. D1otD Mna 0 Corri"" a. O'""'*lt JJ ,.,, .. ,.,,,. ,., Mt, .... .......,..."' ...... ~. ,...IWKll JI, ,,._,. .-rn 6t cnrue P . •'-"*cc,. s.11 «>-.. c' to, a. ltrtlffflM 10) ........... c:-. 0 ........ '7.-.....VOllfTU O.,,.,._ It, I.A Tr• Tedi 1t Wm LA ... Clfl90ftt 11 Ttft .......... 90 O•n•t'd It, "-«Ii 71 lf"t• ..,.,. ,._ Ventwae.7 Women ...... IC-MOO&. a.,....,.... Cfllrtl ._,., +A ,.,. (lltl¥.) .,, Clnfttt11 Nortll Twr-. Jt, Wollllelto A ..-_..v.....,", Cllf-Clty t1 1,1"9fyti,A ....... l,~ ... tll.,...... SeMt..,..,,,,..,..... .. , .. ., LA 119tta '1, ,........ tl .... ............ OW11.,._0 • ., ... W.W. .. "···-~--· J ,W ... IJ,I....._ .. ,. a-61,..,....V...,. H¥Mk•: IMdl ti, Olt-C"Y A~ .... , __ _ lnQlewood SO ..... t ... 0.1 M ).A Etper.,.,. J7. Vitia Park ~ Rowlllnd SZ, Si.rra SI Calllornl•4'. ll\dlo46 Pomon. M, P•lo VerOt ., L• S..... s.J, Sell Lult Otll"'° •J E1tat1<leU, Tutti,,. Ai.many Jt, L-n cor-_. -st, L• Quinta o l11rrOllQN 42, Mol!tetitllo • Walnut 56. Upl-44 Loul•vlli. a. '--• n Alta ~ 11, Central M F-HI to.(;¥""' Gro~ 1t 1-A MIHlon Vlelo•S. l""Cltnon ,. M•y•etr ••. ReotNI c .. 11 ._ k llurr St, ~o '9 G~lt7't,G_... .. Se•-"· Colrllla .. 110.,•1 0... "-Gtrev U Mol'OMVtltey SI,·---Valeflcte ,., 0Mt Hlth 0 ._ ... ,.,SP, Otenfl )j ClllM .... Wtnl......,, '1 $ollttt HINt 4', l r...oliflda ... A,, • .,. .. "" OltTlfl *" A ...................... , .... t-A Valley Otrldlell "· $1 • ...._. .0 Motevo ''· CllMttH as Mir• ..... 11, h ll Otrdtlll -46 s1. Merv'•l2. •te 11o11ne as I ..__ IW I j4, • ..,_ 0.... •t .... ...,,...SI, Merl-., a11t1 ., .. ._. .. a . c..1911 • T__,,. ... _..,...., .. A~M. C:. ..... ltr'lt SJ .,.,,.... CftY .. a.-.,, .... ~"· --""" ...... ~ T .. lltVtllN l"alfolt 7~, •t•Wll• Ow." ....... ...._ .. Olr.tt .. ,._..,.,.._.,_. 111-C...Jt, ~ •""'"" ...,_ ..... "· 'f.CC• "....., .., ... , ........ .,,,.....,........ .. .....-.11, ......... l.tl9lltfWI " ~Otr.n,CMWla ,...,.,..~,. tt (.at 1..-.,..i M. c_. Vtlloy Qw, Santa Antt. IAT\lltOA'f'l .. IV&.n ,...._ ...... , ......... ·-· .. 1 an llACI. • tur '°"99 lllftll Of'''" lllllltlt l IUO t.ao • .. "'"1 ,._. llMedll 200 11.• l,yM'• l'MCY IC.SlaMcl•I 10 .. Atte raced· Sun\l\lne llloom, Illy A .-.Y. ltKll SjMlt, ~ A4olt. 1..e"'en. Tlllrd 0.. Mitnttoro Tl<M t· IO tit HC:CHllO •ACI. • h"IOnO• L'C..p (V--•I •to UO UO l'rench Camtnlt'CMt cA>MutHnl •tel 1.IO Im• .iuttt CMc:Cerronl 100 AIM rend. 5'a<y Jo, llttti.1 111 Tiit Sftow Jt m -· Ol\ltnt Gan\ Tl-· 1 IO U DAl&.Y OOUaLa IH I NIO "4.IO TNllllO llACI. "utlontli Cllcl (H•Wlevl ,. ID • tel • ao S.awoy (Valalll.,.lal •.OO >IO 1•<111\lw SM\lon tG..erra ) 2 IO Alte raced Another Eaol•, Caltltl\ l •YIOr, ""'9lt'l Muuc, l"a,_, l'tlMe OI Oollmtrk, C:MI 0.1. Flll.&a H.,dY. Fl ... Vato.r. N-• Tlmt. l:ot llS. ..OUlltTH lllACl.1 tvrlontl\ Ctlllc SaCloar IOll•••"> U 00 1 to 4 00 C.eftt• Ri;ra1 CC...\enedal 2•.00 llAO ()ti 0on-. (Galll1-) uo 0H·011CkkoltoqU41 (Mfwltyl J 40 OH-dt ..... t tor tlllro AIM> -Prine• Of Nol•. Gr••ltatlon, Gre•I Tom, FIQl\llnV Pit, Native S.llO, MaQlc l"oru. Ad NW!n, E•\t•r S.rmon Tlmt I n t/S '"1 f'TM lllACI 1 '" tnlln on turl O.tveto llorol •.oo s IO s 20 Cl\•nc•y Bl-r (C••l•ntcl•I 1).00 t 00 Olp (H•w•evl 6 IO Aho r....S S.....rnll Rutt Poclltl ~. Capl•lfl Gene< ... P•vwn ~rtnv 01-r Tl-, 00 )/S lJ EXACTA t>-11 paid U )O 00 SIXTH lllACI!. One mllt C•I Girt (McC.rrcnl •'Cl J.60 l 00 lo•••Y R-y (V•len•uel•l • 10 s 10 M•P•• Tr• tforol • .i Also ractcl Dell• Green. Dull•,. Woman ConHI-Ho, COl.a<k•. PT Inc .. , Go•• T'-1 M ZIS Sl!VllNTH llACE. A'-1 t'" l"rlonos Cl'\ turf AO'\ Secret c Pinc•YI • '° • 10 , ., SIH llflctlw CGwrr•J 7 10 , IO U•llve Tactlc t CH•wleyl l60 Al\o ••ud C•o•a111 Nie ~. Double OIKount, lrli.11 S-·OJ, Flylno ClllO. Cr•- Hlll Time: t:t3l1S u IXACTA ().41 paid scoa so U .. ICJI Slit ll-1·7·~1 JI paid ... 2 ... 140 w•lh s wlnn1nv ticket\ h•• hor~I U P><k Sl • Con\OIMIOll H id '311 10 with US w1nnlnv tickets Cfl¥t nor-1 l!IGHTH lllACE. I I 1' mlle\ W•t•r Bank CMcHar~l tt 60 • .., • 10 8•ro•ln Bal<onY C Pinc•• J • ID 3 10 CrY\l.tl Stw CS.btll"I 1 IO Aho r•ceo Sr>teO Bro ker, Atvuo• M•QVle't Be\I Juell> Jlmf. Nfll•e SleOIM'r Time I d ?IS NINTH lllACI 1 Il l• mll•\ 0oNIO t~""') ~ .i ) 10 t 60 ProdlQIOU• tPlnc•yl l '° , 60 Tnpl•ne l!MDollet s Ml AIM> •• .., Utnall(<.a, Knl91\I Of Goto. 8010 DI••• McCu1u-..on. 81v G ... Alll,.,n, Af)fllH LM1t Tim• I ,,US U EXACTA C4-ll paid UI 00 Alltno.tnce '3 lt'l Men's tourn•menl tatUo.IMa> ~ISi ... " • ••" ._._ Clef AMII A•mlrei, 1 ... ~. V•nnlck -o.i Ellol TellKMr, 7 .. , 1 .. , .... WOnMn'a lourn•ment tat"-1all) SM>llllMI SI ... " -Pam Sllrlvor 0.1 !>w B.,-~er, ._,, ...... llelllfl• 11<"'99 a.I Otannt Fr"""""•· .. >. ... College S-Olt9eT-• Sl ...... 1'1 .... , JOM Vel\Nostr-1"""-rCllM J <Jel Jim Snv0tr cue ,,.,,,. >. , ... w. c.-• ~tlltMlt Todd WIU.ln·Antony Emtr10n (USCJ 00!1 H•n~ Mor•••< Rover Sh•oherCI H.onv 8u<ll St I c.-l .. , ~-""91" M•rk A-CUC ,,...,,..1 def Tim Brooto\ CL011118H1CtiSC ), 7·S, H , M T...,.k_ UCLA ,., Arl"'"a )I. ~perdlne JO, 8 Vu "· UC lrvlno Jl, t..ono S.a<ll St. u . LSU n. Arlt-s..w 10. use It, u o1 San 01e9o ••. UC S.1'11.e ..._. le, CS S.~trslitlO, ll. USIU 11, San Dle9) SI •. Atcllen<H •nd UC ~n 0199117. Women U•---'ly .. A"-.t lllVIUOl .... al 1'1Mlllt- u c Ir ...... S, UC SM «>'-• ~ Me Ml'frl CUCll Otl F•rre4, ..0, rtt, C.Ua tUCSOI ott ICHllnQ, 71 , 1 ...... ,. Nt!wm•n CUCSOI o.f Me MWr\, 6-1, ... . l·S. ICoulu CUCSOI cit! Ht.on, S-0. rel • Elleelv• tUCI I Ott Sulll••n, •·2. 6·1. B•Af>99llJ cucso1 ""' Kauf ..... ,_., ,_. ~ Myer\.M.,." (UCI) Otl Mewnan·CH\e, I s ••.•• Mallory·KetllnQ 1UCI J Oel 8eAno•ll•·k.ou1u, .. 2, •·•. e11tc1~·Nh1011 CUCI I clef, Robertt-Sulll•an, ._., W From Page 81 WALLACH • e. he'd throw som ething else." Wallach continued How does lhe Nat ional League East look to Wallach? "Pittsburgh won't be so tough th is year; Phil adelphia is always good; Montreal is going to wit\ it: the ~cago) Cubs are going to be last, he analyzes. Wallach says the Expos have the best pitching corps in the National League East, but the Houston Astros boast the top pitching staff in the leaJioe. Wallach told members of the Irvine Sports Club thal playing in Irvine was a definite plus ror his career. ·~t wQ really one ln a million to 1et a chan<'e like this . Bul anyon who get.a a cha.nee to play iii th s area wm have • good chance lo be seen <by the scouts)," Wallach added . On hand lo freel blm was b 1 form er ht.Rh schoql coach, Ken Trotter ol Unlverslly, and bit former Sadclleblck coach, Dtck Stueu. '•success a polls 1 lot or people," noted Stueu. ··But Jt dido 't spoil this yquna man," NHl ~eL.LC0..,1111~ loM,-OM.,_ Ed--Val'ICou .... Celt•'Y . .... COior- W L. T 0 1" OA ...._ M ti II Uf Z• e1 U U It 21J 11• St t2 26 1• H$ ,.. M 1' JI IJ U. 2114 IS II 31 11 1a m J1 -ltOl'lh* Ml Moot• SI Ltvl• Clllc~ w111111,.. TorOl'tO 0.tfOlt 2• " .. ,,. '" .. U IC S l• l M H 11 " 10 tf4 t1S " tO t• 12 111 UI U 17 JO IS 2At 111 ff ti )I ,, ,.. 2St .. WAUIS CA* .. l!lllMCI l'.Wkll DI ...... H'\" l•l•ndo" .0 U 6 JG 11$ .. PllU-tpl\le JI J.» S 141 2M '1 NY lt•not•• n 21 10 no "' .. Pltt&l>llr911 n tt tO ttl HJ M Wa\hl"91on II M t 21t tM 4J .....,.OM Mtll Mof'ltfH I llotton tufl•lo Owwc H•rttoro )A II t• 111 111 ti )l ,. • ,.., * ,. n 11 10 n1 ,.. 7• ,. " 11 ,.. m ., " ,., " , .. ua ... Sat..Wy'tke<'" 1(1 ... H , C•IQMY J Boston e1. Otitolt , 8\tll•lo 1, -·••I' Vanc.......,,,H•rtforf? NY hlat>dWU, COIO<-J Plllsburtl\ •. Pttll-Plll•, Toron1oe, St. '-""I•$ Mlntw>OI• I, W•>lllnoton l TMtilM'tGafnft W•tllin910fl al WIMIHV C•IOr-at 8utf•IO EdmOft-et Detroit 80tlel\ •t """-'""'• NY 1tltl\Oer$ •I PllhburVll Monlrt"l •1 N'\" AatlOe" o ... wc at Chic- King• 6, Flames 2 ~ .. , ........ 0 , 0 ' , 1 J • I LO• Anoe•~•. hylor )1 COlonnt. L Muri>l\YI. c 01. 1 LOS A"9f .. \, Tvrnbull 10 CSmlll\ 8otff.1, • 1' Pef\alllt\ l .. tor, LA, ma10t ' 10 Br1d41man, C••. m•Jer. • 10 HOU\ton, Cal. • )t, Turnbull, LA. 11 '' Stmmu. LA. ••·I• ""'_ ....... J l.O\ Anoel ... L """'Oil' 20 I TerrlOn, l(elly), 1 17 • C•IV••Y. McOonelO 1l <P•PllM~ll. •• '7, s C•lo-rY. M<Oonald 1• CM11rclo<ll l •v•llM) It tt P•twlllt\ Ru•wll Cel. ) .i. Turnbull, LA, t tJ, L M1irl)hy, LA, U .. Tlllrd '"•ri.t • LO\ A1>9e!H, Fo• 11 11Corao. Keliyt, , SI. 1 LO\ AnQotle\, Kelly 10 CFox. H•rdyl. 1 ?1 . I l.OS l\nooti.\. 0 Smith IJ INICllollt). I l' P-11~ ~omrner LA, !~minute mouonourt, 1 01. M11rooc11. C••. IS 19 O•onn•. LA, 11 41 Ca19'1•Y ben<I• wr...io~ Cllou•n•rCI 11 •1 Sllots °" _, C•l1>41r~ 7 1 .. l~ll LO\ AnotlH IC>-t•+ll Go•llet C.19o1ry Lernelln Lo• A"9f~•. ICUflS A I0,•1S Wrealllng OlllANOE COUNTY SICTIONAU cac c-.ctt•-> 101 -I Hlt'rora CS.ddltlWl<U 1 Solo C Pac ltlc U . l I wane CLa Habr• l • Campbell (VIiia Put l All W•rrln91on 1S.nl• Ana Valley) tot I lw.,._ CEI 00<-I, 1 Mino IFounl•ln V•lleyl, J AnQule (Cypru s), A .S~•ltnka (Ml u ion Vltlo). All Allon CEOltonl II~ I T_, IS.flt• An• Vellayl 1 Curry (Edltonl l RanM>m ILoara), • 8renet llNlnel All JOl>nJOn Cttalell•I ,,, I A .. ll CEI Dor-I. 1 Simo-. <uvun• Hiiis). J Remlru IHunll"91on 8N<hl; • Brito (P.a<Jlk:•>. All T...._ (C•nYorll 11' I Y,...kur• CM•rln•I. 1 Hamfnd91 ISonor•r: J All»r1 CEdl...,.1. • l(n- IVlll• P-). All r .......... C(anyon) I)~ I Zlmny (Sall c .. me,,le), l ... rtl IS.nla An.a V•ll•y),) Hoflman 1Huntlnoton 8ucn1; • l(am1n.-1 CL ... ••I; All F•tmlllQ I Troy I ... I ~ CKennedyl, , Fonlal>MJ !VIII• Pa,,,). ] HOHor1 CEdltonl.' S-no CO•n• Hlll1), All Vou1>9 CLD•••l ,.. I L.ew10r1 (El 00<-I, 1 J.ack"""' \Tu\llfll l O...rte CS.nta An• V•ll•yl; A Thorp (CAlnVoll), All GolO•lt ln (EOls.onL ISi I Torrez (El Dorado); , Wlllt .. y (Fountain V•ll•YI. l Jtn!itn 1-••n•) .• At1yu CCe><ona 0•1 M•r) All OeLonv CKfflnedYI 110 1 11..-ar tVllla Par .. ) 1 8-0 CLoara ). ) Scllwl<lll..,~rQ tlr•ln•I • Steele (El Oor-l. All AQUlrrt IF-lain Vell•yl IU I Grenllo (VIII• Pe rk), 1 Grt'enlMI (Bru 041no.t J Peei.. (trvlNI, • G•r-CCn>rtMI. All R11uell CF-l•ln V•ll@y) 103 I Pem1>1eton IE I Ooraool 1 Olc'•rton tEI MO<l1'nat J Allr•d •L• Ouonta ). • S•lttnllo IEI Toro). All. MOr- ILo•r•I HWT I Sltwr (lr•lnt ), 2. McCIOucl CKonntdY). l AllOm«>trv IL• Otllnlal A lllot>er1ton CS.n Cltment•I. All A~IH (Fountlllll V•lttyl Misc. Field hockey HIOM SCHOO\. Edi-4, S.0.tt AN I EOIM>I\ tcorlnv SoiMll\ l. Bao• N~ H-4, UfllftNlty I Newporl H•rtJor o<O<lnQ. F•ll J, SI-rd 1. Mtrti 1. Vnlvertlty t<Oth 9 J~ From Page 81 Wrestlers atlvance CIF • ID By &OBB MUN80N Of .. .,...., ..... ..., Wre&tleu from 51 dtrlennl hl1h school.I battled it out all day Saturday in the Ornae County C l F Scctlona.ls at Cypress Colle1e. 0 f the 51 SC b ooh tblt participated. 24 of them advance to the CJF. Southern Section finals which will be held at Westml.nsler High. F rom Westminster. t.be top five wrestlers of each dJvil&on wll~ travel to Independence Hilh in San Jose tor the state finals which will ~held March 5·6. Th e Ecnpire League captured the most qualifiers with 15, as El Dorado placed six of them. The Sunset League had 11 , the Century 10, the Sea View 7. and the South Coast had 4. A total or eight different leagues• had wrestlers that qualified. EI Dorado held top honors as it had five champions, while Vi ll a Park had two. Marina. Saddlebaek, San Clemente, and Irvine each had one. In the 101 pound class. Manual Her'rera 1Saddleback 1 defeated Brian Solo <Pacifica> 2·1, while in the 108 Kent lwanaga <El Dorado> got by Steve Mino C Fountain Valley 1 6·2. Edison 's Steve Curry was pinned at 3:00 by Dan Thomas <Santa Ana Valley> in the 115, and in the 129 Stuart Yonekur-a <M ari n a ) beat Danny Hernandez (Sonora> 5-4 In the heavywe ight class, Russ Sil ver of Irvine pinned Cullen McCloud I Kennedy I at l : 17 . Three other Irvine wrestlers !qualified (four total). as Edison and Fountain Valley each had th ree Louis Brenes. St eve Schwichtenberg, and Steve Peek of Irvine qualified along with Kent Holtorf and Arnold Albert of Edison. From Page 81 LA OPEN e • • broken," Watson added. Hovering four strokes off the pace are Bill Rogers and Mike Morlev with four others at 207 or five strokes back. Mission Viejo High graduate Mark o· Meara who has called Laguna Niguel his home since he turned pro last year, is taking next week off from the tour lo move to Dallas to an apartment. ..We are taking an apartment to see how we like the area ." O'Me ara r evealed a fter hi s round of 71 on Saturday. "My wife !Alicia I is there now· and I will be going to Dallas tonight <Sunday)." O'Meara had an up-and·down round like the leaders to bring his th ree-da y t ot al t o 2 10 <3-under·par>. He started the day with a birdie. then missed a two foot putt at No 4. That's the way his round went . "I've had 16 birdies in three rounds but I haven't been able to score well ," he added "I've made some dumb shots . If I was playing smart and in control, I could be up there with the leaders. But there's still plenty of time in my career." In explaini ng his putt on No. 4, that seemed to rattle him again on the next hole. he said : "I saw a bug moving and lost my concentration. I should have moved away from the ball but I didn't. "But you can't be too unhappy with a round of 71 on this &olf course even thoul(h some of lbe others are scoring pretty well. I played well today and I've been at it for seven straight weeks. That's too long and I need a rest. As far as this tournament is concerned, tomorrow is another day .. ANfEATERS WIN BIG e • e been accomplished. "It's kinda sad," added Wulf of the seniors' rinal showing. "Still, I'm glad we went out the way we did. It would have been ,a downer to have a tight.game because we know we're a better team then they are " "l wanted to remember my last time here playing like we did tonight." Despite the f~ct Magee played only a little more than 10 minutes ol the first halt (he was plagued with foul trouble), the Anteaters, principally behind the shooting of Wbleldon and sophomo re Ben McDonald, raced out to a '1·31 halrtJcne advantage. The aecond ha lf, with the Aggies (2·10 In P CAA, 4·20 overall) forced into a ru.Mln1 game, lJCJ pul on quite a 1bow. Fuller, Wbieldon and Maaee accounted for 12 or the perlod'a first 14 points lo glve the Ante.ten a comfortable 53·33 marlin. And wb e n M a I e e , Bob Tbomf.Qft and Curtla Crouley follow4!6 wit.b successive &lam dunks midway lhrou1b the ft.nal at.anu lo lncreue the ltacl to 61-43, well. that Just klnd or summed up UCl's IHl Lwo )'ears ln I ftut.!lhell . "l think we've accomplished a wh o le lot h e re ," Magee admitted. "We've put UCI on the map: It's the first time (actually the second> a UCI team won ao games; and it's the first time UCI has had an All·Americat>. ·'I think the sen ion, and everybody else on lbe team, has done a good job of upgradin1 this program. And I think it wu a good d ecision to brtn1 Mulligan here.'' UCI's seniors, honored be.fore the game, accounted for 61 d UCl 's 104 polnts. Ma1ee had 18 points and 9 rebounds, Wbieldoo bad 16, Fuller chipped in 12, Wulf closed with 11 and Taylor added 4. McDonald also wu lD double figures with 13 points. ·'This was an encore for all the sen.lore," stated Fuller. It was certainly a Otllat way ror them lo go out. 'Bird' joins Sox BOSTON <AP) -Martt ''Tbe Bird" Fldrych, wboH arm allmmts have aent bln1 to t.be m lnors for lh1" MMOM. wtll join the eo.ton Red Sox niext week Jn 1prln1 lral•l•I at Wl nter Ha.wen1 _Pia •• tile American Leas-DeMball tnm ,, announced s.turd1t.1. • • Orange Coast OAJLY PILOT/Sunday. February 21. 1982 •• 'flU911( •u ,,.ICMl ceun 0" ca1.1"°""'" ""''"OU' au""•" c;ou.nv otl O•A•• ...... STATB.MIHT 1•Cllltr c:....r DI'. Wttl Tlte fOllWI"' PO"•"• ert 4101119 ...-. AU, C.. ttJtl ..,,,,,. .. at PLAINl'lrli 1 IN,UllAN(8 l'AClt tc; OUION' LTO . MtJ llEHl!FITSIHC l.ffWO•O SCr .. 1, HWJ'll"tlon ... 01, 0 f F f H 0 A H T C U ' T 0 M (a .,.,_ "(;TITIOUI eUMMlat .. AM9 STATtMIWT Tit• lwllowl'lt IN(Mft• ar• folnt w.i-••t: WVHOMMOIH' SOH' WATllt TltUCI( H RVtC B, 11-9 1.ot Ami ... (If • ,_...,, .......... , ... ,.. ,ICTITIOUt e utlMBU ltAMe ITATIMllMT Tit• followln9 POU9"1 art dtln9 .... 1 ....... l(VMl.A IHVIUMIHT c;O., f UHOr Ntw..n ~a Or., _ _. .. Kii,(•.,... -Low financing plans available COMMUNICATIOt1$ c;o1u•. JAMli CltflilOPlt•r D Cll\011, •• ., F ROYO, DOtl.S I IN ...... V, 11\Ckl.livo, LHWtrd $1f .. I, Hunll"91 ... e.a(ll, •UMMON5 c .. 110.111•..,.... C-H .... r ...... 1 ll•noe de thllev .. e, tlOI MOTICll V• -.._-·TM 8r•o-ll1irt1. M11nllntto11 lucll, <-.t MOY~ ...... Y• "'""-' C.iltOtnil '>Mt Jeko Wf"taer•en, 1'J60 Lo• Amlt Ot Cir., t ovntetn Veit .. , (e. .. ,. LI-"" wvnewrdln, ., ... '-" Amlto• C.lr 'ountaln V•ll•Y, C• '11• .Jelftrr C ICymlo, Jt.tt °'.,... A.,. • • J, C.U ww, Ca n.Jt Carl $. l(ymle J r , 1900 .. .,,,,. Terr .. C•-IMI ,,,.r, Co mu Cort 5 l(ynlla 6' . tU.t ..,. ii, Yuu!4N, Co .,,.. Li.a&eau Clemente home development ln San Clemente has introduced an assortment or below-market r1rurnclng plans. one or which enables the buyer or a new 'two-story residence overlookln1 the ocean to finance at 9 percent and own the home outright after seven yean. The 9 percent flnancln1 is available with a standard ~ percent down payment. there are no increases in interest or payment and no balloon payments. Other financing options include a 10~ percent 10.year plan, lll\ percent 15-year plan and a 30-year fixed-rate financing pro1ram with a 12~ percenl loan. Prices start at $249,000, and the homes cqme in fi ve floor plans and range in size from 2,575 to 3,150 square feet. Take the San Diego Freeway to Camino de Estrella exit west, turn lert oo Camino Mira Costa , then left on Camino Alondra until you reach the models. The sales office and model homes are open from 10 a .m . to 6 p.m. daily. For more information, call 661·3444. • In the past two weeks, three homes have sold at Tbe Pinnacle at Mariners Point in San Clemente under Uni-Cal Financial Corp. 's recently implemented home trade-in program. Three homes remain for sale , two of which are currently pending trade-in offers. In addition to the trade-in -program, the developer is offering a 30-year fixed·rate loan at 12o/.i percent interest < 13 annual percentage rate ). ruiancing for the purchaser of a buyer's current home , second trust deeds and equity loans. Homes are priced from $299,000. Take the southbound El Camino Real exit off the San Diego Freeway, t urn left on San Gabriel, right on San Pablo and right on Acapulco. For more information. call 498·2218 or 436-0145. • Butler Hous ing Corp. is offering 12~ percent five-year fixed-rate financing on its Sandcastle CITY 01' lltVINE MUlllCll'AI. COUltT D~ CAl.ll'Olt .. IA CALll"OltlllA MOTICE INVITING 1105 COUlfTY 01' LOS ANGEl.U HOTtCE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11\et LOS AMOIELIES , .. ,.., blcb •Ill be received by trw City JUDICIAL 01na1cT Clerk of trw City of 1n11ne. C•lllornl• • ltolt.~-Awo. for furnkllinO •II plant, l•bo< tar.rices, LOI A ... M , ca ... IJ m•torlel1. looll, equipment. suppll••. PLAINTIFF: J EOl(EN CORP .• o tre11Sl)Ortallon. utlllllM and all other C•lllornl• corpor•llon, lrtdlvldu•llY Items •nd f•cll1t1es neces••ry •nd oolno tNslneu o AMERICAN tlMrtfor, •• PfoY-In llW contract TECHHICAL SUPPLV CkK11ments, for tr•lhc \IQMIS •ncl OEFENOANT· ROBERT TIERNO, selety ll9Mlno toge tl>er w •lh lndlvldually encl doing OU•lneu as appurten•n<es thereto, In strict PAINTING MACHINF -DOES I •<c.ordance with the se>«•flc•llon\ on 111rouo" 10, tnc:lusl .. Ille •I Ir.. ofll<• Of the Olrttlor of -Pul>llc wons c.e Mo. ~ OATE OF OPENING BIOS Bid• MOTICll Y• ...._ --'. wlll Ila l"Kffled 11 tr.. olf1u ol Ille ,_, -Y _ ... _..._ ,.. ~ City Cto"' of tl>e City of ln1ine locatecl y-...... _,,_ -.. ,_ at 11200 J•mbOru Aoa d, Irvine, wlUih• • MfL ltoM ._ ,.....,,..,._ Callfornl•. 9?11J, unlll 10 a.m on ........ Mar<" J, 1911 at whl<h time and pl.ce II YOU •I~ lo --1r.. .odvl<• of •t•orMy In 1111• <NOtter. you '"°"kl so pro rft911Y .o I"•' yo ur ••Ille ,.._. ... If a,,.... ~Y lie lllH on time l>ld1 wlll be pubO<ty --•net , .. c eloud. 9 1d1 ll\all lie svbmllted In Haled envelopes m••-•d on the outside, "81ctt for Trafll< S19NI Irv IM Qlntor Ori .. et Or 41ftgtr" · · LOCATION OF THE WOAIC Tiie work to Ile per1ormecl hereunder I• loceted In the City ot Irvin., County ol OrMIO* •t ln11n. Center Ori•• Mid °'-''" OESCRIPTION OF WORK TM -rk to lie pef'lorme<I \llall ln<IUOt but not lie llmlteo to ln•t•ll•llon of tralll< 119Nl1 • ..i.ty llolltl"O •nd strlplr.o ·•v1so1 u.... .................. . El tr -,._ -.c .. w c-1 U•. ti• •w.ie11cl1 I M•H•I ••• U•. .. ..--... ............. . .......... IC ... -1 .... . SI Usled-• SOll<ll., e1 conwjo lie un •bo9edo M .. t\t• tHUnto. Otblrf• "•cerlo lmmedlalamente, d• Ht• manera. Sii ~· et<rlla. ti hey •19una, t>Woe w r •991str-a llampo. I TO THE OEFENOANT A Clwll compl•1n1 has been filed by the plalntl" -'"" YOU II ...... ,.,, lo COMPLETION OF WOAIC All wotk Is to be c ompleted wit"'" JC conw<ullve worlllnv O.ys lrom the d•t• •P•<lfled In t h• Notl<t le defend t"ls 1 ..... 11. you mini. •llllln Procffd. JI cJ.tys •Ila• tr.ls wmmoM I• tar...O AWA RO OF CON TRACT Tiit on YOll, Ille with lltll court I •rltten ow11•r r eserves tlle right, all•• ••-ta to IN comolalnl Vn•eu you -!119 l>iOs, to re)Kt any or •II bkl•. Clo ~. your.,.. .... , wlll lie onte,..., ":" to w•lv• eny lnformallty In • biO. to •PPlk atlon of the pl•tnlltt, •net tlMs make •••OS in tllt 1n1uu 1 of 111« coun <Nlf onter • l~t •Oll"st OwMr end to ra je<t all other blcls you for ,,,. <ellaf cle<NOnded in llW PROPOSAi. GUARANTEE ANO complaint, which could r••ult In BON OS· Eac h b id sh•ll I>• 9•trnl•ll-nt ol waves. t•klno of a c cornpenl•d by a <•rttU•d o' m oney or proper·ty or othf'r re lief <Hltl•r•s <Mell or I>• • corPora1e reque11ec11n ,,,. compaonl svrety bOlld on 1119 torm lum islled by Oattd DtK.,,,.,.r 3, '"'· the Owner H guar•nlee that the Clerk le. S.llo, Clerll, bidder •Ill. II 1n •ward Ism-to lllm Ida Peroa, 0.puly In eccordar>ce wltr. the te<m\ of his LAW DF~ICES 0, COlfOlf llld, promptly secure Workm e n's AMO GAltON•ll COl'ntMftMtlon lnw r•n<• -ll•D•lllY A .............. ~-- IMWOflC•, ••«UI• •contract In Ille •-~ P•"' Easi, r-ll'Od form ano fu•nlsh ••ll•factory , _ S..... 1• ~ tor .... l•lthlul performen<• OI .... A .... fft. Co ... , llM contr1et -lot Ille peymenl ol Publls""«I Or-Coa11 Oally Piiot. ctalms of inMerlalrnon -tab0r41'1 Feb 11. 11. Mar. I, u , 1"1 .,..., ,,,., • .,_ S.ld Cl>K-or b'-'s llOtlcl .,..."lie In •n amount of not lou ~ ton l lOI percom of tM ,,._,., of0f;;;~:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::;;;1 Ill• 111c1. Trw·F.lt11fu1 Pertormenol ·N~· tune Soci"etfu llond 1hell lie not ins thin one ltundttel (UIOI percent o1 the hllal CRE TlOH aifl!Al.AT a-1 of t1te bid prl<e ,.,.,,_ 1n 1rw LA L]4J 1 contract. TM Lat.or and MaterlalS ~ Bond shall be nol l•n than one "undred 11001 percent of Ille tot•• ernc>Uftl of UW bid Pf'I<• n•mtd In the contr1el. T"9 Owner r-"'" IM right I rtjecl 1ny llond, 11, In llW ool<tion of t Our literature tells the complete story of our society. ··-C:.tw-....-c--. E n t I n e e r • I II I S u r t I y '\ t~;:;a;;;;i;;jii;;,;=;;;:;:::::;::::=;;;;;;;;;:-, ocllnow..,.._1 Is -'" Ille torm I ln<llldod In lflo contract documM ll or 111 onolltor form substanllally •t Pf'H(rMledllvt.w PltEVAILIH(i AATfS OF WAGES in occw-•l\11 the provlJlons of s.ctlon 1m ol lflo C.llfornla L•bOr c-. IN o.nor l\a1 determined tr.. teM••f .,,...,.,11no ••tet ot .,., diem Wlllff In Ille loeallly In •"l<h the •ork Is to llO ~to lie'"~' comalnad In Ille SoutlMrn Callfornla Master La-A_,._t, • <opY of wlMcll I• on fl'* if\ tN office of Ille City Clerk of tlte City of lrv!M ano wlll be m- •••llO ... to any lntoretled party .._, requHI. Tito contrac tor and any --ector """'' lllm \!Mii pay not foM tflen the .-.:Hlecl p('9val!lno ralH of ween to all WCH'k-n employed In tllo e11ocutlon of tr.. contract A'll'RBHT1CE: Tl\• contractor -II Comply wltlt •II , ... r9<1ulrtmtfltl of Socllon tnt S of lite Calllornl• l.HorCoa. O allAW I N G S AHO SPEC:ll'ICATIONS: A full HI ol d re wt1191 end sptclll<•llons II e vollollle lor ln1ptctlon wll,.out ,..., .... -off!~• of the Oif"e<tor of Pulllk w.nt1o11r..c 1tyof trvlM . COMOlote tab of Wld drewl1191, -lfklllloM ...O llkl doc""*"• m•y lie OIH'C'-0 fnim tr.. Oec>ert,_ Of Pulllk W..U, City Of lrvlM, 1120t JornllOroo •Met. 1,.lnt. Collfornle f111J, A ~ "9 of SUO w lll llO cllor90• tor HCll Mt •• --Or•wlnot. \PKffl<OI ..... •!'Wt •~ d0<¥f'*'h •Ill lie mollaf, __.,....,.of,...... .. loo ta~ INft It CO ..... dOYS Ofto<' IO 1119 dele WI '°'~Illes. fer In ocNhloMI ,._.. .... "'°· ll'ROJICT AOMIHISTAATION: All .,...._ rtlelM to lllh projod 11r10r .. ....... lllti INll lie dlrtet.11 to T--.....mo1 ........ av O..O.R ., .. c;1t, c-11 ., tM Cfty f{I IMM. 0.1...._.,16, ,.., CITYOll lltlflHI "'! HAHC'l'c;, •O\IWt..AHO, (ITYCU•ll ,........ Or .... c.... 0.11¥ ....... ,.... ... ...., MlmHILP7 Help )'OUnelf to a· '="'~tt\11u\!( Ill UM DAILYTiLOT HELP WANTED ~08 l' ,ACIAC VllW MIMOat.U,AaK Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive NewPOrt Beach 6"·2700 McCOIMta MOITUAltlS Laouna Beach 494·9415 LaQuna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAUOll UW~MT. OLIVI Mortuary • Cerreterv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ---r.:~-·· '8Cl llOT I UU .. OAD AY MOITVAI 110 Broadway Costa MeSll 642·91 50 . IALTJ:lll•HOH SMrnt & TUTHILL • WISTCL.Wfl CHAP& 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ,..ClllOTtmS IMl'TMS' NOITUAaT • ~--..&n-Me.n 8t-. Hunttn~on Buch S3H539 A condominium development ln Corona del Mar Prices start at $169,950 ror the one. two and three bedroom units. Take the San Dieao Freeway to MacArthur Boulevard, proceed toward the ocean to Pacific Coast Highway, then rlgbt one short block to Avocado and Jen to the development. Models are open dally trom 11 a.m . to dusk. f'or more Information, call 673-3271. • Sterling Homes' QuaU Creek community ln Laguna HJlls features one· and two-bedroom, one. and two-story condominiums priced Crom $89,900. A financing plan offering 12% percent lntereat for up to seven years is available. Jn addJUon, no loan rees _are required. Take the San Diego' Freeway to the La Paz offramp and continue to Moulton Parkway and the development. The sales of(ice and model homes are open from 10 a .m . to 5 p.m. daily. For more information, phone 831-6700. • Potomac Landing , Warm i ngton Oevelopment 's luxury home community In Laguna Niguel, offers fo ur floor plans with from 1,564 lo • 2,502 square feet of living space. Prices for the first phase of homes range from $232,000 to $295,000 and a variety of financing plans are available with interest rates from 12~ percent. Take the San Diego Freeway to Crown Valley Parkway. Drive west to Del Avion, turn left and follow the signs lo the models, which are open daily from 10 a .m. to 5 p.m. • Robin Hill , Anahe i m Hills' newest s ingle-family home community. is providing financing at 12~ percent interest ( 13 percent APR> tor the first three years, with an additional 27 years financing at lSo/.i percent ( 16 percent A PR ). T he one· and two-story and tre-level residences are priced from $219.950. Homes encompass up Lo 2,734 square feet. Robin Hill ts located at 5600 Eas t Big Sky Lane. The sales office is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p .m . daily (e xc e pt Fridays) For more information call 974· 1482 ,_ ~ --.. Y• ,...._, Tlllt .... IMn h <-<Itel OY • wlt!IM • *'" .... Ille ~ oeNrel -1.,.rllllp. -.-. OVl•IOllMt 0 Coho11 II fO\I •4111 10 -• tr,, ad•lc• of •n Tltls \I.at-I waJ flied wllh the altorno In "'It matttr. YOll tl>ould Clo Co11nly C•tr• 01 0..anoe County on Thll ~· I\ ~Oftfl;(IM llY 411\ llWll•IO ... t CM_,,. t. Wlfol J.Uwy._roen Tltl\ •tol-t •M IUod •llh me County Cler-of Ore,,.. c;,i..nt y .., , ...... ,., "· ,.., Tlllt llv\IMu I• c_<t .. Of • ,..,.,.1.--wo JIJffrnC l(ylNe Tiii• •tai-t "'"' Iliff wllll -C.Vnly Ctor ll Of Oranoa (O..lllf Oii l'~••v t•. 1t12 •O llfOll\tlllf •o lhal yo11r written '•l>N•ry •. 11112 rot-~.llOfl't.m.tYllelllOOOllll-l'lltsll 1'1'*6 l'leMISS AVISOI ~ M .... •-• ••*· Pullll~ Oranot C:O.ll 0.lly Piiot, Put>lb-Or-Ciclell Oally Pilot Pub11.-Or ..... c; .. .i Dally fi'llOI II .,.._.. __... _ .... ..-re U'-l'ell 7, 14, JI, tt. 1"2 S71-42 hll ti, ti,""'' I, 14, 1•'1 l•Ml Feb 11, 71. Mar t. 14, ltlt2 1~ ''" e11.i•11cl• o M•AH ••• u•· i-------------to--·----------,._......,.. ......... Loa .. IM«MaciM_ ... . PVIUC Meli£ SI U•t9d-• toll<ltar •' conwio ,,. ------------r------------- un ·~ en este asunto. deoerla l'ICTITIDU$ IU$Ufl5$ llacerlo lmmOOl•lamenle, da •Ila MAMB ITATIMllNT mantr$, w r~• ttcrlla, " ,.., Th• followlno ptr.on• •rt dolno ••oun•, .,._ .. , reol1tred<I. """"' l>\ltlnou u : I TO THe DEFENDANT: A CMI p EAR y · S p 1 l z A O F compl•lnt h•• be•n lll•O b y , ... HUNT!H(iT()N 91!.ACH ''°' Ecll...., Plelntltt _.,ti Y°" II Y"" with to Ave-, ._lftQ!oft IH<_h, Calllonlle d•f•nf tlllt '*"""'It, you muil, wll"ifl .,... • O•Y• otltr '"'' wmmoM " "'"'" Pin• -Ill. Inc .• • CallfCH'nla Oii you, Ille wllh thl\ <ourt • wrltl.., coroor•tlon, 110) S•<ono Stre•I, rHC>OftM fo tr.. complaint Unless '°" 14ermow ~"· O lllornta WIS.. c1o ""· Y""" default •Ill lie •ntareo °" Tltlt llllslnen I• conclllctto by • •1>1>llcat1on o1 11\e p1e1111111. ellf 1111, <0t1>or•tlOll <Ollrl May -t ""'9menl aQalr\IC Pita.a Woo.s, IM yov tor 1r.. f'9flof demo,_ Ill -Ale Ila rd I( Checker, cornpl•ll\1, .. 111c11 could ruu11 In Pre11oen1 oarnl1hmtnl 01 w•oes, tOlng ol Tltls ua-1 was !Had •Ith , ... money or P•-•IY or 01ntr r•li•f COllntv ci.rk 01 Oranoe County on requesteo In 1119 comptalnl Jenuary ?', 1"7 l'ICTITIDU5 IU5111BU MAMI $TATIMl .. T Tht follo•lno ,,.,...,., ••• oolno bu•lnouu E.P I , )120 W Warr"'· 6ent• Ana. CAfJIQol f U A OPE AN PAll TS INTERNATIONAL, INC., a C.lllonlla corPOratlon. JIJO W Werner, Sant• An•, CA fJIQol Tit!• bu~neu Is conductto t>y • <O<POUtlon Eur_., P•'1• lnler net10N1l0 Inc Pei.r J . Piper. Prft- Tllls ,._,,, "''" Iliad with tM Covnly O.rl< of Or•"99 Counly on Feb. "· 1'11 .. ,~,. .Pullllsr.td OrMIQlt Coal! o.e1y Piiot, O•ted 0<-3. 1'80 l'tt:Ull Ftl> 11, lt. March 1, I•, ... , 111--41 1. .. A Br•ncll, Cle rk Joyce A N ..... vtK. OllPlltY l'llAHll A. l"OUI JlllC-.MllWoy T...-,ea.n .. IJMIJ~llJI Pubil>lllCI Oranv-CNll O•llY Pilot, Feb u . ll. tt. March I "'' 111-41 l'ICTITIOUS IUllHHS MAMIE 5TATIMllfT T II• toOowlng per.on• are <lolng l>llSlneuu: OEVCO WEST,"' Erno .. 10 B•v. Leouna llH<I\ Callfomia '2611 Howarf 8 J-. Sii Emereld Bay, L-llo•"· Catllo<nl• '14SI llanten I(. Bro•n, s,. Allvl•w hrr•u, LoOIHI• a.ec11, Callfornl• tUSI Jolln E AIQvl"'• 111> Sanleo Al•er Road, Plec-1•, Cailloml• '2610 Tr.ls ..... 1 ...... IS conducl•d by • geMral l)M1Mrtll)9 Ber11ttt I(, Brown 0-r•I P•'1ner This uien-t ••s llleo with tr.. PUllllll!ed Or-Coa\I Oally Piiot • , .. "· 71, "· "'""" '· 1"1 11~1 .. l~ITIDU5 eU51N&SS H.&Me STATIEMeHT Tiie following person1 a re doing bu•lnassu SEASPOllT tl030 S EU<llcl SI . Fovnteln V•ll<IY. C• 9210I Ao_, L .. Pike, 7l31 COlombla Or , II"""" P•n.. Ca '°''° Wllll•m 0on W•ller\, ?'1.tO Andr°" SI • Costa Mn•. C• .,.,. Sun Alleun S•ndor•, •OI Hollo•ell, Hermou 8eac11 Ca t02S4 , Thi\ l>llSIM \\ h conducted lly I oeMral partnership AOl!o11 Pike Tiii• slate..-1 w•s llled wllh 1M Covnty Clerk of O••noe County on February 19. 19t 7 Ml.IC llllCE l'ICTITIDUS IUllMHS MAM&STATIMUn Tit• lollowlno "'"""' ••• 001nv l>\l\IMU•\ VAASAO COMPANY llMITEO. 1115 Bl/11oMlle!I L•ne, N•wPOrt llH<". Callfornl• 92ttO NHMr EltttfOQI>. ll A ... Can""s New....,i a.acJI. Calllonll• '1'60 All Ellef•gh, 23 Au• Cannu , Nt•POrt Bffcll, C•lllom la •2..0 Nauer 011 • Sh lrarl, 111S 8"110niflell l.•nt. HewPorl Bu ch. C•llfo,,,.a91MO ~Ith ouslneu Is conducieo by • llmlled pertners111p ,....,., 0 Sh .... ,, This llatt,,.,.,,I was lllecl with tr.e County Clerk ot Orange C011nly on Fel>ru•rv J, 1"1 l'llQ451 l'llUW PubllS""«I Or-Coal! O•lly Piiot PubllsNO Or-C.,.,, Oally Pllol FeD 21.11. W..r '· ... '"' 14S-t7 Feo u , 21. "· MMCll 1, t teJ ,,..., l'ICTITIOU5 IUllNBH HAMI STATIMINT I II• following per~'" a re 001"' bu\lnft\ as P I( BYllCOCA 1115 Ptaon!le A••,..,.. ea.ta~ C•llfornle '7•21 Sun Ho Kom, I ttSJ Centrella A-. • 1~. H•w•ll•n Ger-.,, Calllornl• tOll• Sun Boy l(om. t "'1 Ctntralla Ao•O, • 101, H•wa1lan Ga rdeM, Callforn.t tOI•• T h11 lluslntu " conducl•d llY lnct1vlduals, hus--wlla 5unHolClm Tiii• \l•ttment ..,.,. lflod with tr.. Covnty Cl.,~ o• 0-•noe County on February' 1911 l'leuel Publl-C>•noit C.,.,, O•llY Piiot, Feb I. U, 11, 11. ,.., .,._., PVIUC IJTIC( ~ICTIT!OUS 1us111ess HAME STATlMlNT l n• to1iowln9 perton\ •re-d oing bu\inen •s PATTON PROPERTIES lltOS Sky P•r' C•rclt Su1I• H lrwu-... C•llfornla 9'11U Cllri•IQPhef J"""M>n P•llO<\, ?409 Tu,tfn Ave Co..\1• Mew. C•Utorn1• ,,.,, O.n1w Mo< row Potion ,...,. Tustin Ave""• CoH• -w C•lilornla '1•11 T""· t>u\tM\\ '' conovc1..a t>v • 9•n•r•I C>Mttwn~n•P CllrtJtOi)Nr J Pet10<1 flm Sl•tement W.OS fllod Wllll IM Cou"IY Clerk of Or•noe County on F•Dru••Y II t.., Publl\Ncl Or-Coe•I Oally P1tol, F •D 1 I 11, "'°"' 1 t•, 1'92 IJ0..12 County Cler• of Oranoe County °" Ft1><111,.,1', 1"1 NUl'STEIM .. aa Mii.Liii CAllUOtl & l lEAllC>iLIY •••t• 1• -MICA--nr•. .... "" IM<ll. C.lffenlla •t- Classic , classy Autos Classified Advertising in the l•]Jl£1~1{•)1 1' IUOJ PubllshlCI Oranv-Coal! Oelly Piiot, Feb 11 M. M•r I U , 1"1 12'-'7 13 Ys OJo 30 Year Fixed Rate (14 .25 0Jo A.P.R.) WHAT IS THE MEISTER DIFFERENCE? Design that captures your imagination ... Detailing that epitomizes refinement ... Craftsmanship 1 haL demon- strates old-world pride ... Concern for quality that exceeds your expectati on . These are the demands of the select few who will study our homes , compare them to others and notice: Hand carved solid oak entry doors • Schl age Hardware • leaded stained glass sidelights • imported Italian ceramic entry tiles • hand troweled ceilings • oak handrails • furniture finished cabinetry througho ut •Kohler bath fix- tures • beveled glass master bath mirrors • hand set Latco tile master baths • rajsed vanities • Franciscan kitchen counter tiles • Thermador appliances •award-winning exterior architecture ... all secured behind privacy gates. Come ... observe ... these are but a few of the special considerations that require your attention when you choo e to seek o ut THE MEISTER DIFFERENCE. GATE GUARDED COMMUN ITIES LAGUNA HILLS S«ludcd on m hillcop O\'erlooklna La1un1 H tll\ 1-5 to I 1Pu C\h South 2 co ) m1~ 10 Charleton lcfl. (714) 831-S380 ti? From $214,000 ._ IR VINE Amons 1hc rew rtm1in1n1 \Ingle fam1I\ (On,munnc' '" lr"inc I ' 10 Cul"er Ol'ivf NOf1h, rl1l11 nn 8ryan. lcfc on Y1lt A\CftU( to lt1d,, Canyon Oti"c. (714) 730-1800 From $267 ,000 I nro1matlon reptdlllJ the Communuy Sen-kn I., l\'lllablc cu "'~ offk~ Prices Effttdve for d11c oft hli f'ubl~llon. Building Better Communities Orange Cout DAILY PILOTJSunday, February 21 , 1982 on how to sell an unattractive house J1 aoesaT J . aavss DEA.ll 801: We WHt IO Mii Hi' .... bot IN •to........, buyer re•l•ta.e, 1eeordla1 &o CMtr realty •Jetll, beeaue or l&a •••al n.r ,. ••. It le •• old laoHe, b•lll •bo•t IHI, wltla larae ... raatalre roonH <upeHl•e to laeat ID tlae wlater), aa old·fHlaJoaed ldtd1ea, ud four 1m1ll •••taJn bed.room•. It aeedl abHt 15,• of fhM•P werl& for carpe&a and p1lnt1a1. But we doa't laave "" mCMMy. The curNDl Id, ... flnt lftOl1Jlle It 1.5 peree9t b Hlumable. 'l'llll laoue laaa been vau11t 11Dce laat Auau1t wlileta we moved &o oear •~• bome. How ean we 1et our old bouH sold! -JuJeaG. DEAR JULES: The three basic rules to get a house sold are ( 1 > get it in top physical condition, (2> wrap it in an attractive financing package, and (3> market it properly. Many potenllal buyers would love to own a l>om e like yours if you make its purchase easy. In REAL ESTATE 'lllllll the current buyer's market for homes, to sell your home it must stand out from the crowd of other homes offered for sale. • For example, one way to make up for your home's physical drawbacks is to·ofter especially 1ood financing. A one-year lease with option to pucchase appeals to many buyers who lack cash •nd are willing to buy a less than perfect house. Set the monthly rent hi gh enough to pay your oiortgage payment and property taxes. but low enough to attract buyers. Ask for a low .. consideration ror the optio.n,.. such as $5,000. Make the purchase option terms so attractive that the tenant will be a fool if he doesn't buy the house in a year. Oteck for clause DEAR BOB: I follow especially clole.ly yMr reader's questions abo•t a11umptloa1 of mortgages. My bome loan is from wlaat yo• eaJI a ••creedy lender" wklcb ls DO&ortDa ID .., area for c111i11g U.s loans wlaen a home t. sold. As I am thinking of seUlog my house, laow cu I ftad oot U a buyer can lake over my lou at Its low 8 perceat Interest rate? -DareyS. contains a due-0n-u le clause. If you find such a clause, your next 1tep should be to contact the lender to SM it the lt>an la atlll owned by the orialnaUog lender. Many loans have been sold to other lenders which often do not enforce duc-on·sale clauses when a property Is sold. Ask a real estate attorney to advise you on the lat.est due-on·sale clause rulings ln your state. But If you rind your loan has a legally enforceable due-on-sale clau11e. thef consider selling your house on a land contrac sale or a long-term lease with opUon to purchase to make that loan attractive to a buyer. Not taxable immedial.ely DEAR BOB: I have been ottered $15, ... for a oae·year .,.... IO btly my fum. U I •«ept, is Ute tis,• taxed • ordinary laeome or loe1·&erm eapl&aJ calat -MayeW. DEAR MAYE: Option money isn't taxable until elther the option expires unused or it Is eurcised. The option money ls ordinary income U the option expires but it is part of your long-term capital caln if the option lJ exercised. Until either event occurs, you get the tax-free use ot $15,000. Ask your tax adviser to explain further. Manageme!Jt headache' DEAll 808: I am coaaiderta1 lave1U.1 In apa rtmenta. But it aeems the well· located apartments here produce Uttle or DO caah return on In vestment. However , a broker receatJy slaowed me a ZO-unJt apartmeat bouae In a sham part of town wblcb wm produte a 11 perceat annual return on my invested dollars. I hesitate to buy ln such a welfare aeighborlaood. Are low·lncome apartments Sood lave1tmeau? · -Marlowe D. DEAR MARLOWE : Apart.ments rented to low-lncome tenants a re management intensive. That means you'll have lo work hard to get your 16 percent yield, and there will probably be many headaches along the way. The resale market for such properties is limited because most investors won 't buy in bad neighborhoods so your potential for resale profit is slim. Although I know millionaires who made their fortunes from s lum apartme nts. I can't recommend such investments unless you enjoy lots of management headaches. llceDH ln llfU and laave ollly ••de two Hie• 1Laee then. Fonuaately, my wife la11 a good Job to 1uppon our famlly of nve. I am t.lal.aklae of aea.1 tnto P"'P'l1Y maa11emeat 11 t.laere aN few .... property managers In tlaJ1 area. Do you tlabak W 1 would be 1 wlle chance? -DavldF. DEAR DAVID : Property manacers can earn good Income but they have a thankless Job. They ue mlddlemen between owners who want • Wrap-Around Ki tchen • Fireplace • Cathedral Ceilings • Drop Ceilings in Kitchen • Drapes and Carpeting • 2 Car Garage with Automatic Garage Door Opener maximum rental tncome and the t4!nants who want to pay mlnlmum rents. In addll on. propert)' m1na1ers are expected lo solve unexpected problems such as broken plumbing, bad tenants who drive good tenants away, and evictions . Althou&h I enjoy mana1ln1 my own properties. J would hesitate to take on the burden of managin& another owner's properties and I can't recommend you do so unless you enjoy problems. • Wood Framed Skylight • Broom and Linen Closet • Large Enclosed Patio • Mile to the Beach • Double Oven • Natural Oak Cabinets m Kttchen DEAR DARCY : The very low interest rate on your mortgage indicates it may be an old loan which lacks a due-on-sale clause. The only way to find out for s ure is to get a copy or your promissory note and the mortgage to see if it A thankless job DEAR BOB: I obtained my real es.tale sales CORAL BAY •s9;9so Realtors seek housing dialogue I TERRACE MooELSNowoPEN! . COSTA MESA FEATURI NG ONE AND SACRAMENTO (BW > -In the midst of the .'1 compares with about 172,000 purchases statewide TWO BEDROOM PLANS most severe and prolonged housing downturn since during 1980, a drop or 44 percent. World War II, the California Association of Recognizing that the problems facing the Realtors voiced concern for the state's long-term firsHime homebuyers affect all Californians. CAR economic progress. is proposing a program to remedy the situation. A recent letter to the California congressional Calling" fo r s upport in seeking innovative delegation from CAR President See Sterpa calls approaches to solve the housing dilemma. realtors attention to the urgent need for an open dialogue plan to introduce legislation in Sacra mento that 9n tbe question of California's and the nation's will provide direct relier for firs t -time bousi.ng needs. homebuyers. "Housing has unquestionably los t its national "Our program is designed to reduce interesl priority_ yet history clearly shows tha~ su~~ained rates and monthly payments during the first econo•uc growth depends on the ava1lab~hty of critical years of homeownership. Through use of affordable and adequate shelter," Sterpa s aid. the state's bonding capacity we hope to secure The housing slump, which has had dramatic passage of an interest rate buydown plan," Sterpa Impacts in the r ea l estate and construction said. sectors. has affected current homeown.ers and This plan would bring interest rates down to 1872 MONROVIA COSTA MESA SALES OP'FlCE OPEN DAILY 11 AM · 5 PM Closed Thursdays Ma rcor E xclusive Sales Agents Call most severely. potential first-time buyers. affordable levels for several thousand homebuyers In 1981, real tors report that first -time each year, and those benefiting from the program 831-812 3 ,..~~ .. ----... ... --~,_. .... ,.. .... --II.••••··· •• homebuyers accounted for fewer than 96,600 would be required to pay back the cos ts as their ::..-:.-::.-=..-....._.,...__, __ ..-.-w.+oci .. purchases of existing homes in California. This earning ability increases~w~i~th~ag~e::. ______ _J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~!!~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!l. Designer's Day seIDinar set A free Designer's Day seminar. conducted by Carole Eichen, will be held today from 1 to 3 p.m . at the model complex a l Falcon Hill in Laguna Hills. On e of the nation 's leading authorities on interior design , Ms. Eich-en is president and c h ief designer of Carole Eichen Interiors Inc. of Santa Ana. Active in both the housing and design industries. Ms. £ichen is a contributing editor to HOUSI NG Magazine, writing a bi -m o nthl y co lumn , "The Merchandising Scene ... She also is a nationally k nown s peaker and panelist and the author or a book on m odel home interior marketing, entitled "How to Decorate Model Homes and Apartments ... Among the numero us honor s received by Ms . Eichen 1s t he ''Interior Des igner of the Ye ar" award from the National Association of Mirror Manufacturers With the cas h portion of this award s he initiated the funding of an on-going scholarship for the UCLA School of Interior Design Ms . Eichen a lso will discuss the reasoning behind the various color schemes and tile selections used at Falcon Hill as well as some interesting notes on the psychology of color in interior design. Emphasizing lfow these design techniques can apply to pers on al inte rior decor schemes, s he will be Inviting individual questions . To attend the "Designer Day" with Carole Eichen . take the .San Diego Freeway to the La Paz Road exit and proceed south approximately three miles. then turn left at Charleton Drive to the s ite of the s ales center and models. o pen daily, except Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to S p.m. and on weekends from to a.m. to S p.m. For furt her information. call . 831·S380 WE'RE A LOI MORE THAii A BELL ON Y•R WALL Behind the bell Behind the famous Seacoast slicker Behind all the state--ol-lhe art protection devices we make and install. is Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes off on your property. we get the 11gna1 1n a r.earby, 24-hour·a·day central station. If the slgnal indicates fire, burglary or noodup. we call the poll:• or fire department Since our central st111on 11 UL l isted. our c entral station customers can qualify for a sizable discount on their insurance. And to increase our reach, make response time even fasler and Improve efficien cy we 're .computerizing our station But l"'t)tOvements aren t new to SeacoHt We've been getting better for 11 yeart And todl)' ~·,.the.leaders in the sacurlly busine•s In the harbor area with over 10.000 cutto~inctuding a wide range ol big and 1mall retail, Industrial an~mercill ntabli1h1Mnta lo find out rTIOfe about SMcoMt c:.ntral atatlon write or come by our new f~llty &.2489 Newpor1 Blvd .. Cost.a Mesa We'll take your old home and ive you the best view in an Clemente. Trode in vm11 old home and m ove up to the cxtraordlnury dcstlo(n und cxqulsttc \1cws of TI1c Pinnacle. \Vltl1 our ~11nruntccd t.rudc·ln and other grcut Onuncln~ pmg ram-;.. you won't Ovd u bette r huy on tJ1c entire Omn~c County COUSL Onlv6 homes rcmuln In this limited edition comn~unlly s ltuutccl high ahove the sea on quiet cul-de-sue streets. Rich Medltcrruncun styling, skylights, Indoor utrtums, ~urln!o{ cathedral ceilings. spu·llke mastcrbuths. und so much more. Choose 2 beclroomH or 2 bed roomA plus bonus room tn up to 2,360 square feet. Climb to the top. Visit TI1c Plnnnclc toduy. \ Starting at $299,000 • 30-vear fixed rate 1oai1s at 12o/4%* • Guaranteed trade-in • Financing for buyer of your cuJTent liorne MlKlcls ope n I 1 10 5 dully~ ('all (714) 49A·221H nr ( 714) .\36-0145. lt11m-.1~th.•" \.,...,.,htll"n mrntlhh '"'' ttuUnlwht"' !ti'" quuln\ ,,f ,.,.mm1tin tu'\·1-... ,.rk'-'"" ""'' OnYndn~ dl,•t•th'\ 4IJ.1h o( tH•l,. ll\1Ul19" ,.,11~-,1 1u1Ktor-..i•k. ooorufkr1l,~•llln'-·ofthkt.•htho\ • '""" '-IM1thh1"""' t t t wmtnu th •','" .,, .. n eh\ ..._" t •h"JiC'' t "'" tun\ l,0 ttH '-•1tt.1.t1r•,·t r1tCh• .... '-•H l•oa.th u•t-t th(IH '"' "''"'" ....... ,\ tl('\<'l11i1n""'' u( l'ni-t •I Ftnern~l•I t'o,,Ht,..tlon. 11 ••holl~ ,, .. n.-11 •nhNlcll•~ of l'nlun h ·1k,..I '"' lnll• 0 R FASHION SECTION OF THE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1982 Emma Jane Riley in red. and black suit by David Hayes. IJai/y 1'1/ot Photo h!J Lee Po~nC' David Hayes He listens to what ladies want David Hayes did not spring from the head of Zeus, it just seems that way. I n just four years.a David Hayes suit -soft , feminine, pretty yet tailored -emphasizing fitted jackets over silk dresses -has become . a coveted item in . a woman's wardrobe. When this charming 37-year-old designer says, "I listen to what the ladies want." he means it. and he gives it to them. The success of that. approach. added up to. a $2 million gross his first year of operation,. and jumped to $6 million last year. Born in St. Louis, Mo., he went to P.arsons School of Design in New York, but decided . against finishing when he was offered. a job. as. a production designer with the Lido in P.aris . "I 'd sit backstage.and sketch -sketch costumes , my own mas .. whatever came to mind,.and I went to couture openings -St. Laurent , Dior ... but I missed Chanel." he said dur ing an interview. ··But what does one know . at 20? She was still . alive, 6ut I didn't really know . about her. so I missed her." The regret sounds in his voice .. and well it should. With his focus on chic, pretty. and uncluttered suits, she could have been his mentor . When he got back to the States , he_flipped.a ,,,,._ coin ... heads New York, tails California. It was .a lucky toss. He came to California. He worked for De Graff, designing their line. sold.a design to Adele Simpson, continued to work. at his craft. Then came.a turning point. Should he go out on his own? His decision to go for it turned out to be .a wise one. And.as Long.as he goes on listening . and producing the kind of things women feel comfortable in he will go on singing his theme song, "Thank Heaven for Little Girls." Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 21 , 1982 Taking a long cruise through Golden Poor f:.~lw\1£HMAN I've malntalned wlth some lnalstence that a long cruise wasn't for me; that I might get stuck on a boat with a whole crowd of people I didn't like: that I wouldn 'l see enough ln the Ume allotted; that I'd come back a virtual tub, never to flt into my clothes again. The man in my life has always agreed. Well, something came in the mail the other day that may make me try to convince him a little trip on the high seas might not be a bad thought after·all. Alice Marshall of the Cunard Line. Ltd. writes that this wif!ter they are introducing .. a new concept which will appeal to people interested in a unique health and ritness experience ... She talks of revitalizing my life 'while I'm enjoying the luxury and excit ement or a QE2 cruise -an ~·day world cruise or a shorter two or-three week voyage. What has caught my interest and my eye is a chance to c ruise and also be ln the Golden Door progr am . The idea of crusising hasn't sent me before. but mention spa to m e and I'll follow you anywhere. I've done Deborah Si.ekely's Rancho La Puerta - Tecate to those old initiates -and l know some who have ventured into the confines of the Golde n Door. but frankly, the price of the la~er has given me pause . Now, though, Cunard is offering me a trip and my health in one overall price. I can be danced, parcqursed. <I have visions of the pa rcours being set up in and around the deck chairs, and those who persist in trying to sit and relax will have to learn to duck as leotarded bodies come Cl ylng by I MONDAY,FEBR UARY22- Akiru Spring Collection modeled infor mall y from noon to 3 p.m. in Fine Apparel. I. Magnin/South Coast Plaza. Informal modeling daily in the Zodiac Room . from 11 :30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m ._Neiman·Marcus/Fashion Island. FRIDAY, FEBR UARY 26 - Christ ina and J an Barboglio·s spring fas hions. Callfd . t he "Alice in Wonderland" collection. it features cottohs with layers of ruffling. In Nouvelle from 11 a .m. to 3 p.m. Neiman-Marcus Fashior Island. SATURDAY ,FEBRUARY 27- Fas hions focusing on the latest spring st yles. Sunflower Street entrance doors open at 8 a.m .. with a complimentary breakf ¥t served and the show beginning at 8:45 a .m. Reservations by Feb. 25. Call 549·8300. Nordstrom/South Coast Plaza. jogged, water exe rcised. "swimmed" and yogaed by two people -Mary Batches and Andy Grossman on leave frOJl! the spot down by Escondido. Then. I too can rest and learn some relaxation techniques. some biofeedback. how to handle stress and hear once again about nutrition. And guess who's coming to dine with us to furt~er ..,,; enhance our physical. financial and emotional health (I haven't gotten to the price yet, so I may find I need this the most): Norman Vmcent Peale.Tm not s ure I'm going to like him after what he did to my roommate's first c ou ~in ,. Bob Lehma n. Bob learne d to look you straight 1n the eye -that's enough to make you quail -and shake hands with s uch enthusiasm he came close to. breaking mine. Well, he's done well financially. but his wife left him. <I think she got tired of him looking her straight in the eye.> Then Joyce Brothers is coming along. I guess she's going to d eal with my emotion a l h ealth, a nd Or. Christiaan Barna rd (What do you suppose he 's up to? Here Emma Jane RiLey wears.another Davtd Hayes three-piece suit. A navy blue and white polka-dot silk dress. tt has a bow·tied neck The white t.0001 1acket with a pinch·pleated shoulder line is ver$atile enough to top other pieces tamkn~ ~~.-..~lal '" I $20.00 Full Pedicure & Manicure Combination $35.00 ... Full Set of Porcelain Nails ~----COMPLETE NAIL CARE------ Po~celain ~ails ...... SJS.00 & Up Fill ........................ $18.00 J~lle.tte N~1ls ............. S1S.00 Polish Charge ............. SJ.00 L1qu1d Juliette ........... $10.00 1 Nail ...................... SJ.00 ...---NO APPOINTM ENT NECESSAR Y --~ 3413 Newport Blvd. 1427 Westwood Dr. Ample Parking in Rear Westwood 673-7181-82 (213) 478-0249 OPEN DAILY 9:30 -8:00 (Including Sunday> Ano ther genera tion of fine taste ... Susan Carter carries on her family tradition of creative style and el egance. The Susan Carter look for Spring is fun, snappy and Ro mantic! Susan Carter stands fo r impeccable taste ... ' O pening March 1982 I 024 Bayside Drive -Newport Beach 7 14-640-0990 ' Does he have a knlle ln b1I hand?>. Vidal Sassoon. Mary McFadden, Dr. Murray Banka <I don't know hlm , but he must do somethln& fairly spectacular) and a cosmetic surgeon named David Metzner. Come to think of lt thla trlp might lend itself to hiding out after a snlp and a tuck. Now, as the press release says. "a host or additional luminaries will appear" sometime during the cruise for us cruisers· entertainment. I hope they aren't all scheduled in at once. If there's one thing the years have taught me it's the fact that lt isn't a really super Idea to have too many "luminaries" together. They tend to panic trying to gel to the front. So. you either have one, or flll the room with them. That way, nothing can penetrate the ego structure. In any case. Art Buchwald. who I think reads better th.an he sounds (maybe he could have someone read his column aloud > is boarding, as is Theodore Bikel: Harry Rea soner <l wonder what his act is, besides findin,a a way to get away from the East Coast until the weather breaks >; Ruby Keeler <fancy seeing you here! I : Patrice M unsel (we ll . I 'll never get my frie nd to that performance -he's not a great and glorious opera fan>; Jim Bailey <what's he going to do?): Norm Crosby, Rita Moreno and -more? I just discussed this whole idea with Barba ra Busby and she feels it's defeating the purpose of a cruise to make the passengers work too hard. But or course. she's talking from a slim bOdy. She's also talking about c0ming home from Europe Qn the QE2 later this spring, so I'll bet she ·s all primed for this and didn~t tell me about it. Uh oh, here are the prices ... let 's see. for 17 days Emma Jane Riley: Orange Coast lady of fashion Born and brought up in Portland. Ore .. t he daughter . of a doctor. Emma Jane Riley started her lifetime of commitment to community service in her early teens. Taking her initial Red Cr oss training. s he went to work in the blood bank at the University Medical Center and later at the Portland Air Corps Base. It was there she met Tom Riley. It was 1938. and he. who had taken his degree in civil engineering from Virginia Milita r y Institute. was s tudying aeria l photography and engineering procedures ~ith the 18th Ar.m y Corps of Engineers in Port.land. She was studying voice. T~eir first assignment as a married couple was Quantico, Va . and Emma J ane returned to her interest in the Red Cross. finall y heading the volunteer blood·bank services at the base. Beca use milita ry people are the or~ginal gypsies. ~hey mus~. to suryive. develop the ability to become instantly involved 111 community projects. Wh ile Emma J ane ·s volunte~r work was service oriented during her r ears ~ a Manne ~orps . regular·s wife. the principal of 1mmersmg oneself m one·s communitv has alwavs held her in good stead. · · In those ser vice y~ars. she was a found ing member See Spotlight. Page C3 ALFRED BOSAND Thursday and Friday at Newport Beach. The complete collection, only at N-M . Join us for informal modeling Thursday from 11 to 1 and Friday from 11 tO 3 as Sylvan Fox presents the collection. When It comes to holiday dressing, Bosand shines again! Look for luxury fabrics,. inimitable beading , accordian pleating -the details that establish his reputation for glamour. Couture Salon. ... Dally PlllC -Illy •k ... l'f IC-lff Steve Masker11 of .Veu'port fJeach sport' u Ha/stun silk sportcoat m porcelam blue a cotto11 pJaid shirt by Y ves St Laurent. silk sweater by Michael Jordan and pleated. light 1t><•1ght wool slacks hi/ Barry Outfit 1s I rnm 1\ln Sebas11an s of Soutll Coast Puna ---- Sp otlight From Page C2 «.ind lalt'r pre:-.1dcnt of l hP Otftcers · WI\ e:-. Club in Was hingt on . n.c. a member of thl' Potomac Count'i l of the Red Cross and lhl· .J o 1 n l A r m \' N a v ,. G u i 1 d 1 k no " n ;,1 s J ANG0 1 S h e tr.a 1n ed and he<.'Jm<.• q u a 1 i f 1 e d a s a '.\I a \' ~· R t• I 1 ('f :-. t.• n 1 o r intervit•wet'. and has he ld a ll offi<'l'S t'\l't'pl that of treasurc•r an :\larint.• Corp .... C'luh ,fork When she and Tom were ... tatiom•d on Gu"m in 1948. s he and a group of wornrn volunteered lo h1.•lp young mothers hi.I\"<.• some free l tmt.• to do their comm1s:-.an s hopping b~· hah~ :-.1tt111 g tlw1r 1.·hil<l r1.•11 \ .;11:11>1!-1111111l11·r 111 \1 11111 ~ \\111111 ·11 begun to IC(l \'t.• their ~oungsll'I':-.. not 1u:-.t whtlt' they \\t.•re m th<' market. hut for tht.• full da\' Those wome n w ho had s1a rted tht.• ser\'ICe got \\'Car~· of t hangmg cfi<Jper:-. and riding herd on other·!-> children. according to Emma Jane. Fo r self-preservation. they decided to found a Thrift Shop to raise the fu nds to hire bab\'s1tters to take can· nf lhe bubies~ ins tead · · "Thr Thnft S hop s till exists I m told . · Emma J a ne laughs when s he thinks of wh~ tl was s tarted At one t im t• during their Martnl' l'orps ca r eer they were s lutioned al Camp P e ndleton. Tht•\' liked California . so w hen. in 1964. the r c.tlre m e nt years lay ahead. Tom accept ed a pos1t1oll as \'tCc preside nt o f Rosan. Inc .. a Newport Reach-based e ng ineering firm The~· left the Corps. Tom having been Inspector Gt•nc ral a t the l ast . and accorchng to Emma .Ja ne. had exactl." Ii d avs of ret ir ement. · I l \\a:-. t 9fl4 \\hen they mo\'ed to ~ew p or t A t.'u c h and Emm a J une 1mmcd1<1tclv in volved he rs t·lf 1n the community aguin b~· now a habit of a lifetime Early on s he was an active member of UC l 's inte rfai th Council . the pas t pres ident o f Queen of Angels Women's Guild : a pas t c hairman o f the I r\'lnt• Terrace Philhar mo nic Society and a pus t president of Madrecitas Auxili ary of Hol~· F <1mi lv Services . 1Wit h this hislon . it':-. ob\'tous s he "as born to be pr<'s tdeni a t least of US Steel 1. Now s he count!-. a mong he r <ic ti ve interests. Angclitos d t• Oro Auxiliary of Ri g Brothers Bi g Sister~. the Orange Coas t Aux ili ary o f the Bra ille Institute: a mcmbets hip in th e H a rbo r A r ca R epublican Wo m en's Club: CJ founding m e mbership in th t· \\Om e n's n ct"ork Charter 100 . both Las Socias a nd WAND. au x1hanes to New Directions. a h<1lf way hoU Sl' for r ecovering a lcoholic wo men : m e mbers hip on the board of the Clerg~ ·.., Council on Alcoho lis m <Jnd the National Council on Alcohol Abuse Sht"s a m emhcr of the F ashionables. u fund·raising group for Chapma n College a nd Chapman's Town and Gown . And another past prcsidenC'~· that of the Newport Beuch Chapter of IOI. C h i Id re n · s V i 11 age . l ' S A . t on cc International Orphans. Inc 1 A g r a c 1 o u s I a d y w 1th a Io v e I ~· whimsical sen se of humor. she fit right into the role o f wife o f the Fifth District Supervisor "'hen t he n governor Ronald Hl•<IJ.Wn appointe rl Tom to n.•plat·t· th1• lat(• H ona Id Cas pl•rs in .J unt• ot 197:1 A Sunday Section r.f th11 Orang~ COOlt Dally Pilot Ttiomas P Haley ............ Thomas A. Murphlne ldllof Nora Lehman eiyMldllof Michael P. Harvey ......... lftt~Of Manorte F endel " ................. For New1 Call 642-4321 Ewl 205 FOf Actvertltlng C.11642·4321 , E•I 251 MetnOfftc:e 330 West Bay Street. Post Off1c:. Box 1560, Costa Meta. Calif 92626-0580 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, F ebruery 2 t . t 982 • • a spring . 1n style~ BY JEFF PARKE R OtltieD.itt ...... ltilfl The fas hwn cale ndar. always running u season 01· two a head of the Gregorian calendar, is jumping a head to s pring in most of our local s tores Winter season and holiday stoc ks are vanishing rapidly in post-holiday s alt:-s . making r oom fo r new arrivals designed lo see us throu~h spring and s umme r Spring, in fash ion as we ll a s nature. 1s a time of color and lightness, a loosening from lhe da rker. heavier moods of wintt•r Lighter materia ls a nd jauntier colors mark the traditional s pring in me n's dothes. and this year 's offerings will be no exception. In fact. Ralph Lauren is pulling out the colo r stops in his s pnng collect1on of s portswt'at'. focusing not only on a rainbow of p astels. but returning lo bold primary colors red. vellow. blue Less audacmus des igm•rs ar~' st ickrng to pas tels LJ nd muted primaries, hut color 1s still a kt.·y word for s pnng. Ste ve Sullivan .. -.ales manager for Larr~· Douglas and Alex Sebast ian's ston•:-.. and J t•rr~' Mc•ntion. manage r of Robert Phillips· Po lo Stor e 1 a ll loC'all'd in South Coast Pluza 1 u'r e l wo 'cry art1C'ulale )'OUng men who know the spnng lrt.•nds from lht•1r own uniqut' points of vil'w. This is what the~· had to sa~· about eoming nwn's sty It.·~ "The word for spring I!-> silk ... .,a1cl S ullt\'an "Evt.·r~· :-.port t•o<Jt we II <:arr~· wtll ha\'e s ilk in 11. Pure· s tlk. s ilk·line n blends . silk ·cotton blt•nds W("vt• seen that <'<>ming for thrN' yt·ar:-. u ltltle more s ilk l'U('h l1mt.' "Silk will a lso be LJ factor in :-.weatt·rs. shirts and of C'ourse. lies We \\Cm 't be Ing nn .,tlk punts. because Cal1forniuns urt.• a('tin· Jlt.'Ople w ho d on 't pa rttl'Ularl~ ltkl' ha\'lng pant:-. tha t wrinkl(• so l'asily . A:-. fur as pants go. ~·ou 'll be s (•eing some ver~· f1nt· flannl'I lrou~l·rs a nd s pun ra)on punt... S pun ra~·on 1s an exct•llent mulenal for pants. 1t bre;,1thes and falls l1kt• natural fi hl'r ·\\\"II ht• s eeing lt\'eltt•r t·olor:-. tor ... un'. hut at Alex Sl'has t1an and Larn Oouglas Wl'n ' not gomg lo come out ancl hit JJl'Oµlt.• \\llh the primar~· l·olo rs. I think th al ·s a fad u prepp~· thmg and not a tre nd We 'll offer pas tl•ls g reen:,. softer bl11es. s almon:-.. pink t anary. We 'n• looking at a reaction to lht· l'l<'h , earth tones that .\rmani bro ught us two years ago "Tht• indu~trv hus been talk m g d<l\\ n pkatt•d panb for 'over a ~·ear now. but here in Southern Californw. we ha\'e trouhk keeping them tn s t oC'k Th<.·~ ·n · <1I\\ a~ s popular\\ ith us .. As far as suits /..!O. wc·rl' in a \'t'r)· trarl1tional. c·onsl'l'vati\'l' lime rig ht now Yo u ·re talkmg 2 11 inC'h to 31 , inch collar on Hr// Hfo.,s tor Suh'., The lfrsl 11/ tile t\11wm:u11 l>es1ym' r\ "'" /1•1·t w11 d 1· t• 1' s i-. h 1 r t s u n d a c o r re s µ o n d tn J! nieusu rl!rtHml for lupels and til' width. StriC'llv tradilwnul. "Spring is a lwuys a popular tina-for the cotton knit tic. and we expeet lhf• burgundies. c reums and soft blue tie~ to n•main popular. "To give yo u an idea of th<.· <.'onservative mood of the c·ountr~ now, we'll be stockmg short .s leeve plaid s port s hirts for the first l ime . It's u verv '50s look ·lfc.tppy Dc.tys ' und a ll Ot'ntrt1 will C'onlinue to b(• popular. but no t 111 lh<• slandurd indigo l'Olor s. We're looking at {knim in light blue . <'ream . off-<'en t~r <·olors . "In <.·ontrast to tht• <.·vnsen·ut1vt.· su1t!>t. I'd vcnturt.• to say that s port l'oats "ill Ill' more on the progr esstVl' s idt•. ln the silk that I mentioned before. w<.''lt ht· offering a :-.1ngle vent, patt h 1>0<.'kel sport C'oal in a num bcr of interes ting s hudc~ bunguntly. l'l'l•am. deep gn•t•n ... h e said . Amencan dt•s igne r Ralph Lauren ha:-. his own ideas alx1ut mt•n's fas hion for ...pnng. and :\kntion. \\ho m<inages lh(· South Coast Plaza Polo store. t•mphasi:wcl . ·As CJlwCJys. Ha lµh is oflt•ring an updatt.•d I radtlton<il look It d1w:-.n 't c hange much ' ea r lo v t.· a r . but l h c r e a rt• m an' 'variat ions 'on ba s1e mod<'ls Paslt•I t·olor::-. \\Ill h<' h1g thh M1mmt.·r and sµnng Look lor paslt•l rt.·d .... bh1t•s. g rt.•t•n:-. l.tnl'n and .,ilk "ill hf.1 Sl'L'n a lot 1n tht• P olo ltnt.• "I think this ma~ he a bnghtl·r thun 11 s ual :-.p ring a nd :-.umml·r tn krms of eolor for L uurcn Wl''vt• g o t a \\ldl· lml' of holdly·c·olon•d :-.ports <.'oat:-. arnvtng soon 11uri1>lt.•s .. vellO\\S, n :ds. turquoiM•s . Tht1Sl' will bt.• dont:> 111 s ilk and C'Otto n . p<.·rh<1p!>t .;ome wool. Thf.• C'lasstf.' h<.·rTing hones and I\\ ('('(IS Will a bo I)(' big · · La 11 n· n ha s a I "' a ,. s t a ken t lw t rnd 11 tonal s tlhouet H• in a l'~>at. t rousl'rs or a :-.u1t th<.'n done soml'thmg tr<.·att\'t' \\1th t h l' l' o I o r :-. \\' t.• . ,. l' g o l s o m t.' n· r ~ 1mpn·s:-.ivc plaid s port eoals <'ommg 111 u traditional plaid paltt.•rn dOlll' in s ay . hetgl' a nd grct•n. or <.'rt'am and nLJ\'~ The eolors an· unltkd,· . .,t nkmg ·Polo eustorner:-. un· ust·d lo bright '>prtngs and s ummer:-. Tht·~ expt•c·t tl. and this H·ar sltrl' \\on·l k•t thPm clown Hut ther(»s al\\<t.\:-. :,omclh ing b<i s ieal l> mast·ul111e 1n l.uuren 's ml'n·., <.'lothl's :'\t•\'l'I' hinting th<.• fem1111m· Our c lothl's .ire l'llt hl'l\\l't'll a lrad1t1onal :\mt·nt.·an hox look Gtncl thl' light Europt•an st~ It• The Lauren look 1:-. trim hut tomforl<J blc \ ou'1:.t• not tn a box und tht.· dothl'S aren l pa ... t ed to \'OU t.•tthl·r A c·omprom1.,t.• "Wt."11 he offt>ring a vLJrit.·t~ of cuff<.•cl t rnu:-.t.>r" t hi~ s pnng Plt·att•d pant.... wh"·h \\t' n •<·omml'nd \\om \\tth c11fl\ \\Ill IH' .1 Knoll shows top \'11l<.'ent Knoll. Sak:-. Ft Ith \ H·nut· .... l'uutun· Salon bu~ ('I'. hroug hl "Tht.• Bl•st ol the Ame nt';.in Dl's igncrs :-.pnng t·ollel'llon to South Coast Plaza last \\'t•ek \ml 1l \\as 1ndet.'d llw ht.•.,t uf thl' ..\merit'an d t':-.1gn(•r -.. With an unt•1Tmg l'~ t' h t.' h ~1 d pi e k l' rl . a s 11 n l' dot• s t h t' JllSl·about tcHlJ)('ll rost'. th(.• top of the ltn(• from ~un· :\ikFa dden. <;eoffn·~ Reenl'. Bill Hl;1.,; :\loll\ P arnh <h<·ar dC' la Hl'rtla l1 ;1ht11n ;rn(I .Jaml·:-. (;;,tl~111os lfr:-.pons1hll· lor :n :-.ton·., in thl' c:h a111. him d11t'" hl' 1kcuk "hat "ill \\Ork in ('aliforn1;i a:-. 11 pposl'd 111 '.\:(.'\\ York or D•lly PlllC ...._Illy aktl9N ~ The sµn11u look /mm Aln Sebas1Ja11 s m South ('uast Plaza leat 11rt>s u l/ulsto11 u>ool summt'r 1re1ght thrt>e piece :.u/1 a Geno u·h1tf' c 11tt1Jn po/11 rlress sl11rt anrl CJ red .\1/k tie f r11111 YPes St Uwrt>Tll The j1111shmg t11ud1 /or Stl't't' .\To.~ken1 111 \'eicporl Hi:ud1 1s lh1• u•h1te s1/I, f)llC' ke/ W/U(lff' popular 1t c·m he rl' Tht• trouser:-. Wt:' offrr will hiJH' narro\\ bottom., 20 tnc ht•:-. .i round · Our philosoph~· at Polo. 1s t hLJt ~ 1n1 Wl'ar lht· c·lotht.•s . lht• l'lothes clon't wt.•ur \ ou 1.aurt.•n offer'> no t-:1mm1C'ks. hut ratht•r .,l ra1ghtf111·\, ard masn1l11w st~·ltngs Wh1ll· the· design:-. ol tht· European:-. moH· 1n and oul . up and d<mn. l.aurt'n·s look 1:-. mor<.' rons is tc·nt If I '>t·ll ~mt LJ Sl.50 pair of t rousl'r:-. out of t h1~ :-.ton· lo<i<I\. ehant'l'" an• \Oll II ht· \\(•anni.: 1t lou r or 11\l' \l«1r.., from no\\ -p l' O JJ It.' \\ h <) ('ti OH• In ht• rt• .1 n• 1•neouragl·d to \\l'ar thl' dolhl·~ a:-. Laun·n 1ntl•ntkd thl'm to ht.• """" Wt• don t do radiC'al alt e ratwns \'l'I'\ llftl'n This 1s ho\\ II ., l'lll th1., 1" hm\ 11 I" dt'"ll!llt'd th1.., 1-. hm\ \Oii \\\'ell' II ht· ..,;11cl • of the line ('h1c ag11 ' l>oes hl' 1111\ d11ft.•rt.•nt l\ for l'CJd1 art•a " ":-.lo. ht.· rl':-.ponded . "[ don t han· t11 Wo m e n \\ho wear <ll·s 1g 1w r dot ht·.., sharl' lif<.•sl\·ll's. no mallt.•1 \\hl•n • thl'~ ll\t.' .:Th<.•\ tra\ t.•I a lot Thl•\ arl' .tt'll\ t' Thcv hciv't· ;1 bUS\' and full social and Ofll'll bus iness lt Vf.'s Tht.'' don't \\~int lot ;.ik<.• lht• t 1mt• lo :-.hop for .,µl•cif 1c 01.·('as1nn., or for that unplanned or plannt'd lrtp · "Thl'\ want l ht•11· clot ht•s to \\ ork f11r t h l' m \ n 1 I l h t' ' ha ' t• n O \\ l a I.. t' n l 11 l'nlleC'ting "1th .in t·~ e 111 ut1h11ng wh.it th<•y aln•act~· han• in thC'1r warrtroh(•.., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--r-,....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--, JANUAR 'Yl)S SCULPTURED NA ll..S J l 'LI ETTES Ma nic ures and P edicures Waxing • P et'lmg E yt'lash & E yebrow Tinting Individual L<tsht·~ Body Wr<Jps & Mass <1ge Make-up. Make-up Lt'ssons & 1''acials 2400 W Coast I lighway. S uite 2 Newport Beach. CA 645-3418 ·Creative Jewd crs, Inc. L. (714) 760-6766 · 2610 e: PACIFiC COAST HWY. •.CORONA DEL MAR Airtime from Atmos The only ctook that lives on air. eonttnuallv powered by sllghtest vortattons In atr tern~. rM\s lltentty wl1h uncamv o~cv. Elegant polished brass. SY" x 9Y" x 6YI", $895. . /~-,., ~"'. #'...,.... ~ NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER riJ,~tpJrffe~~ ORIGINAL DESIGNING • CUSTOM RESTYLING I RESETTING A DESIGNER COLLECTION OF OOLO & PLATINUM JEWELRY ~ DIAM9NDS • PEABLS •.f.t,NE COLOAEO GEMSTONES .. l ByNOllAL8¥MAN ................ AND THE BAND PLAYS ON: The Ora.nae County Philharmonic Society 1ot down to fund·ra.Ltlnc recenUy at a hmcbeon at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. ConUnuance Fund Chairman Barbara Kllponen announced that her 10'1 la $100,000. U you haven't been approached yet, I'm certain someone wlll tap you on the shoulder soon. So. 1et out those checkboou, 1an1 and be ready. • • • YOV DON'T HAVE to be crazy, but lt helps, said John·David Keller as he told a little about the traveling troupe doing this year's SCR Educational Touring Production. It's a play called "The Fitness Game," and is the first totally in·house produced play of its kind. The book, lyrics and music were produced by Jerry Patch, Michael Bigelow Dixon and Joel Kabakov respectively. Why does it help to be cruy? Well, John.David, who directed the young people in the show, explained that they had gotten up at S a.m. to take themselves and all the props out to a school in Malibu, then returned in time to put the production on for members ol South Coast Rep's swanky fund·raising group, The Golden Circle. The young people? Cheryl Crabtree, Robert Crow, @felido is now serving Luvb, Dmoer & Uovktails for reservations : 675-2968 Ample Parkini at 2900 NewPOrt Blvd. c ~orner of 2!kh and Newpon 81vd 1 Newport Beach • Orange Coa1t DAILY PtLOT/Sund1y. Febru1ry 21 , 1 N2 Big goal set by _philharmonic Mark Daukas, Bryan Rasmussen and Patty WoJclk. Amon1 t~e comln1 to see them do their number were: The Wyndham·Lel1h Jewelers· Stuart Moores 'and Bruce Lambert.a -who are' bavtn1 a apecaal pendant made for an April fund·ralaln1 drawin1. Representatives from Mervyn'a/Dayton Hudson Foundation -Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Carlson, Jack Hanan, Ed Middleton and Dan MUler. Shirley and Herb Licker were up from Laguna Beach, Mlml and Hal Blrnkrant, Gale and WU Layman, Rick Livingston, Betsy and Sandy Sanders were enjoying Hemingway's food, as were Pat Cox and Harriet Witmer. Board President Eric Wittenberg thanked The Golden Circle committee, chaired by Hedda Marosi, for a job well done. He even went so far as to thank Steve Maroai for letting Hedda do the job. "Letting her do it?" Mercy, mercy ... I thought that day had passed. In any case, he went op to mention Pat Allen ; Mrs. Carroll Bryant; Linda Hemlev: Annette Hurwitz: Mrs. Howard Lang; Mrs. Donlin Murdy; Jon <McCllntock ; Trish O'DoMell; Jim Pick (who must run his office most efficiently, he's so active volunteer·wise>: Kathryn Thompson and the team of Delane and Catherine Thyen. • THANK HEAVENS FOR LITTLE GIR~: David Hayes' theme song, or so he said, while he's doing the commentary of his spring collection fashion show at the IOI <used to be International Orphans, Inc. J fund·raising luncheon. Staged at the Balboa Bay Club by Saks Fifth Avenue/South Coast Plaza. the room was filled with Hayes fans. In fact, a number of ladies were dressed in Hayes s uits for the occasion. Ann Caspers had a friend up from Palm Springs, and wonders of wonders, they both had on the same grey·flannel·skirt and camel·haired jacket suit. Both looked great· in them. Helen Cirkle, president of the Newport Beach chapter of 101, thanked guests for coming to the fund·raiser for Children's Village, a resident home for bea~en and battered children. She also introduced the, founders of the organization, Yvonne Fedderson and Sara O'Meara. The three men attendees were sitting at Helen's table. That lady's no fool. They were Rick Livingston, Saks/SCP's general manager; David Burrou11h1. Lacy Burroughs wat tlttinl ritbl beside him wavl na to me . Door prliea seem tO 10 on forever (that toundl like I don't approve, but I do> and the winners were: Vickie lrvlne, who 1eta a day of beauty at Saks; Olive Blackstone taket a friend and goes to Las Vegas; Pat Evans 1et.1 to spend four daya at someone's condo In the desert; Cheryl Howard goes off to HawaJI ; Lori Brown got the white jacket M. Jacque donated; Delores Smith turned up with some handsome jewelry. and Nancy Carpenter was so stunned when she got a David Hayes suit she didn't react at all -al first. I did notice her saying to Sue Sperling, Saks' usistant manager, and Blllur Wallerich, their new fashion coordinator, that she 'd be up that afternoon. She recovered from her shock quickly. Among the 370 or so guests were Peg Bonner. Kav Gorin, Wickie McDonald, who underwrote the s h ow. Bettina Kelly, Jean Yardley , Evelyn Lowell, Hetty Dubroll, Carolyn Hutchinson and our Orange Coast Lady of Fashion, Emma Jane Riley. who was once president of the group. • • ANTIQUES, ANTIQUES, ANTIQUES: tt•s the 10th Annual and it looks like a goodie again. It's the Laguna Beach Museum of Art's antiques show. Sponsored by the Museum Junior Council, a lecture by Julie Cohen has been scheduled for the afte rnoon of the opening. The title? "Chinese Domestic Furniture: 15th through 19th Century." It's to be held al the Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club in Newport Center. Then. that evening , the show os)ens with a premiere gala in a tented area ol the Sculpture Plaza. Reservations are a must for this elegant pa rty and the admission fee entitles you to continuous entry lo the s how during regular hours noon to 8 p.m . on Friday and Saturday and noon t o 6 p .m on Sunday. Attendance at the lecture-luncheon also guarantees you entrance on a daily basis. Call the museum at 494·6531 for further info on this event. • round table dl1cu11lon on tbe ,oal1 of tbe or1an1utJon ata~wlde. Thll wUI be ollowed by a luncheon. a tour of the Puadena lfuaeum, UM Gamble Houae and tbtn dl.nMr at t.he Unlv.,.lty Club. Among thole •llendln1 from our areu are Anna Freeman and Stacev Joe°' from Irvine. Pat Evans from Costa Meaat , Mildren Snidow from Laauna HUia and Sandy Caplul from Fountain Valley. Sounds like a full day and I'll bet some aleep on the way back on the bus. • • MUSIC SOUNDS: Unfortunately, I wasn't able to be at the Pacific on SCR'a Malnata1e Chorale dress rehearsal, but rumor bu It that conductor John Alexander did his usual splendid Job. I'm told the music was superb and that those high.powered ladies who s ponsored the event really did a number. Who are those high·powe~ ladies? Well , I'll do them alphabeli~ally. Here goes: Pat Allen, Nancy Bialdwin, Barbara Bowle (another you know what for a STYLE cover), Lois Brockmeyer, Dot Clock (who's becoming as ubiquitous as Peter Kre mer was at one lime last year). Brenda Currie. Carol Dendinger, Louise Ewing, Bonnie Kremer, Lucille Kuehn, Mary Lyons, Ann Miller (Really? Does she dance? And where is SCR's Betty Grable? l ; Ann Nutt; Trish O'Donnell; V~lley Reilly ; Jackie Rodgers; Jean Robinson; Candy Searles; Carolyn Shea; Flo Speer; Link Spurzem, who has just become food editor for Or ange County ~OME and GARDEN; Mardy Svendsen; Catt}erane Thyen <another ubiquitous one l and Mary Wolff. " SCR WEEK: I'm not going to mention any of those now familiar names this lime, but I do love the title of the talk SCR Designer Richard Odle has given to the talk he has on tap for the Guild's vo lunteer training workshop on Feb. 22. It's called "Everything You Wanted To Know About Queen Elizabeth's Closet, But Were Afraid to Ask !" Do you suppose he's going lo discuss clothes or Lord Essex or Sir Francis Scott? This is tied in with the upcoming production of HENRY IV. PART I. ~==========~========~u~~'-~-~"'~-'~-=:'-=:• ~-~-~--tweed jacket and Walter OFF ON ANOTHER J UNKET: The Orange County Lawyers Wives are off on another one of those neat meeting.trip things they do. This time lawyers' waves from all over the state will be gathering at the Huntington·Sheraton Hotel for a Interior Buyin3 Tours takes pleasure in inviting you to be escorted by . a professional interior designer to the Exclusive ·Decorator Only' Home t or 0 ff ice J FurnishinQs Showrooms! You purchase. at only ten percent above the wholesale price*: Eiample Retail -$4.000 . Your Price -$2 .200. - , ... fre1qhr . ru.r & del1Lw1.1 1 SAVINGS -$1.800 .. ' .' You buy famous·name furniture & decorator accessories off the showroom floor for immediate delivery. Custom orders. too. You make no expensive mist akes because your Professional Designer is by your side. Space planning is available for home or office. A fabulous new buying service designed to save you money & time. ff s fun ' Plan a ·Tour· with a friend . spouse. secretary or business partner now.' Call today for reservations. tour cost & details, and receive your ·free · Interior Planning Portfolio! * 714 1643-2863 * Serving Orange & Los Angeles Counties •Showroom dl$rounu oory. /rom JO.S(Y, ol/ lhe retail pnce Super Perm Sale! You 'll be lookin' good in our easy-care perms. Nova Perm; reg . s40 now s25 ReGIS HAIRSTYLISTS Prepanng /or gala Untied Jewi&h Welfare Fund of Orange County f und·raising luncheon. at Magic I sU:md tomorrow are co·choira Ellie Burg of Corona del Mar.and Lauren Goodman of Laguna Beach. OtheT committee membera.are Sophw Ho/Iman. Hmda Beral. Carolyn G-Oldman , Barbara Horst. Anoobelle May berg . Penny Myers, Deina Polansky, Niro Roston, Polly Sloan.and Jeanne Specht. ) Scripps College alumnae Barbara Stewart and Hiroko Ogata greet -Scripps College Dean Marione Down.mg Wagner at.a gathering.at the A1rporter Inn recently. Anth0ny'1 Shoe Service• Bank of America• Charles Barr Jewei.,. •Crown Hardware • Or. Lou Elder• Hair Handlers Salon• Halllday's Men's Clothing • Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • La Galleria • Market Ba1ket • Met Amlea Teens • Nancy Dunn Antiques • Newport Balboa Savings• Paper Ur\llmlted • Sav·On Drugs • Storekeeper • Veta's Intimate Apparel • Westcllff Cleaners • Westcllff Corners • Westcllff Shoes • Xavier's Florist I I • r • • • Miss Buaby-Bartlett. Mr. Seilbach Busby-Bartlett, Se ilbac h The engagement of Tamara Lynn Busby-Bartlett to Jeffrey R. SeUbach was announced at a party at the home of the bride-elect's mother. Susan Busby-Bartlett of South Laguna. A Feb. 27 wedding is planned by the couple in Onemonta Congregational Church of South Pasadena. Miss Bus b y -Bartlett i s the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs . Nick B. Williams of South Laguna. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs . Rinholt SeUbach of Litchfield Park. Ariz. The bride -e lect graduated from LaCanada High School and attended Pasadena City College and Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah . where she earned a degree. She is an insurance representative for Ralph 0 . Wilcox Co .. Los Angeles. Miss Wilcox was a 1977 Thursday Club de butante a nd a 1978 Pasadena Valley Hunt Club debutante. Seilbach earned a B.S. in business at Arizona State University. Tempe, and attended Arizona State University . Graduate School. He is vice president of the Ralph 0 . Wilcox Co. Bilton-Miller Betrothal of Newport Beach residents Denise Bilton and Ernie Miller has been announced. Miss Bilton. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Robe rt Bilton of Orange. is a graduate of El M od~na High School. Orange. Her fi ance. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller of Fountain Valley. graduated from Fountain Valley High School and Golden West Colle ge in Huntington Beach. He is a fireman in Newport Beach. A June 5 date has been set for the wedding in St. Michae ls and All Angels Church. Corona del Mar. Mi~a Wiggle . Mr. Bramnick Wiggle-Bramnick Engagement of Cathy Wiggle to Dennis Bramnick has been announced and an April 3 wedding planned. Miss Wiggle. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wiggle of Newport Beac h . graduated from Maine East High School. Park Ridge , Ill.. ahd Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa. Her fiance. son of Dr. and Mrs . Paul Bramnick of Studio City. graduated from University of Southern California where he affiliated with Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Mi3s Riley Riley-McDonald Engagement of Allyson J . Riley of Balboa Peninsula. Newport Beac h . to -Cleveland Browns quarte rback Paul B McDonald has been announced. The bride-elect is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rogel" E . Riley of Newport Beach. She graduated from Newport Harbor High School and University of Southern California where s he affiliated with Pi Beta Phi sorority. Her fiance. a resident of Covina and Strongs ville. Ohio. graduated from USC where he was a quarterback on the football ... team and an Academic All-American. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs: Frank McDonald of Covina. • SHOE CLEARANCE SALE 1/2 To 3/4 OFF Miss Brown. Mr Dilbeck Brown-Dilbeck San Clemente res idents Cheryl J Brown a nd Thomas S. Dilbeck are betrothed and plan a May 15 wedding in El Adobe Gardens. San Juan Capistrano. Miss Brown is the daughter of Marian Brown of Upland and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs . Robert Dilbeck of San Juan Capistrano and Mr. and Mrs . Robert Warrenberg of Upland . The bride -e lect graduated fro m Ontario High School and UC Irvine. Miss Bowma n Bowma n-Milligan A June 12 wedding in St Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Newport Beach. is planned by Leslie Bowman of Costa Mesa and Jim Milliga n of Fountain Valley. Miss Bowman is tbe daughter of Mr and Mrs. Don L. Bowman of Costa Mesa She g t aduated from Newport Harbor High School and Cal State Fullerton where she majored in accounting. She is employed b~· Coopers and Lybrand. Certified Public Accountants in Newport Beach. Milligan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Milligan of Costa Mesa. He graduated from Edison High School and Cal Stale Long Beach where he majored in accountin~. A jacket for skiing an d all other sports! Great sale collection of shoes gathered from all of our sto res. Choose fro m day and evening shoes by A nne Klein, Fendi, Charles Jourdan, Garolin i Gloria Vanderbilt and John Hogan Originals. • Lightweigh t •Warm JOHN HOGAN 111 Fashion Island Center. 644·7100 Sales cmcl Repair 2700 W. Comt Hwy. I Ml~INc ... CA Mrss Cook. Mr Knowl.:!s Cook-Knowles l . '· Engagement of California ·s J un1or ·' Miss of 1977. Virginia Ann Cpok of ' Hollywood. to Da niel P. Knowles or West r Hollywood was annoijnced during a party at the Chanteclair Restaurant. Irvine. Miss Cook is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cook of Irvine. Her fiance ,, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William E . ·~ Knowles of Des Moines t Jowa . ·" A December wedding 1s planned Miss Cook and Knowles both attended ·: the University of Southe rn California ' where they earned BFA degrees in drama -• The bride-elect recently completed a • six-week run in the West Coast pre miere of ~ "It's a Bird ... It's a Plane . . It"s Superman" in which s he portrayed Lois Lane. Her fiance. who has studied al the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in _ New York C it y. t o ure d with the international cast of "Up With People .. He is assistant to Broadway producertdirector Lawrence Kasha of Kaslan Productions. , Elliott-Glaves Mr and Mrs Richard C Elliott ol Irvine have announced engagement llf their daughter. Cynthia Jo~·ce Elliott. to Christophe r Glaves of Sacramento. " I Miss Elliott as a graduate of l'niversat ~ : Hi gh School. Irvi ne. and earned an A B an . : 1-'rench literature at Leland St a n ford : Junio1 Universit~· : • Her fiance. son of Mr and Mrs Lel· : Glaves of Sacram e nto. is a graduatt• of ' St anford L'nivcrs itv where he earned ;.i B.S. in chemical engineering He is serving as a lieutenant junior grade in the l"nttt.·<l · ! States Na\'y for the nuclear p O\\l'r : submarine program He 1s s tationed an Orlando. Fla. · Miss Elliott is a secretarial assis\ant a t ' UC Irvine. The couple plan to wed in Jul~ at ; : Mission of Carmcl-by-l he·St'a Churr h . : ; • • Water Repellent • Large selection just arrived for men & ladiesfl ... .. Rentals 2500 W. Comt Hwy. t Ntwport llwht CA Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 21. 1982 ~~:~~rdess' $9Cre!: ~rink lots 0f WQt~l~nMreespray ~r on•o!thosc sh .. tayou ...,..,......,...... · \ put In • clothe• dryer can be uppllod to your You say you've Just returned Crom a long brush. Tbut wlll eliminate th«:! probl~m Qf fll aht? You s ay your fuce and hands reel Uke Cly ·awny hoir. Your halr flies away? Your lips reel Air Cal. She says that ull of the uttt-nda nts go chapped'! through a tntining course to help them All of these t1uggcslions m ake my reet itch to o·avel again . I'm ready to start thinking seriously a bout u spring or summer vucation. Mexico. Hawaii or maybe that trip to Greece I've wanted to luke for severa l years. wrinkled tiis ue paper'! Your eyes are dry " v on Tatum has OOt>n flying for two years with Adnd you. c 11 u 1 n 't understand why that flight . ma in8ta,in a tphlcasdlng atphp1earnnc~,, d b'I at ten ant sll ooks as fresh and radiant as e ore ey on e r raspuerry a n Ul' s he did when the plane took off'! Mary McFaddc n·designed uniforms and take iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Well. friends. tell you what rm gonna· to the skies. they a re instructed in ways to do. l'm s<>nna· let you in on those secrets that create that natural fresh look and positive go Clying ever y day with the ex_pert and dry. Go with un oil based foundation or bcll4!r outlook. . experienced travelers, the airline flight yet, get one of the tinted moisturizers and you Ot~cr llps offered by Tatum to make a ttendants. can forget about using u roundat1on. ydur flight more pleasant eat lightly the These tips. come from Air Cal Flight Also. take along one of the purified night befor~ your r.u·ght. You will ~eel better. Attendant Connie Tatum who fli es out of John natur a l spring water containers for a Also, s ince rt~ing gives you tame. s tretch Wayne Airport. refreshing mis t. Make your own mister b\ out and read a good book or catch up on your What the traveler must combat is loss of putting the spring water into ;.1 travC'l·halr paper work or writing~ body fluid, says Tatum. who s uggests that spray bottle. If your feet and legs tend to swell when eight ounces of water each hour will help you Hold the moisture an vour hands bv you are on a long flight. try walking St roll retain that fluid. rubbing in a good ri<.'h hand 'c ream and then back to the water container 01· 'lavCAtory Coffee and tea may act as a diuretic cover that with a light toatmg of petroleum occasionally Do a few sidt• bend!, and knCl' That means more fluid loss. while the effect~ Jelly, Tatum !,ays bends while you're up of alcohol will be intensified up there. anQ To keep your c•uticlefi soft. get one of tht· Si~ting exercises can also ~ usefu1 Try that means you'll arrive at your destination emollient oil sticks being marketed toda~· and leg rais es. flex your toes and fingers Rotate feeling lousy. apply around the fingers. These ~ame sti<.'k s your head s lowly. Tightening and relaxing Besides drinking water. what will help to work equally Wt-II around the eve!-. and on tht• muscles a lternately a ll OVl'I' lhl· body can combat dryness·1 lips · enhance your well being Tatum suggests that the travele r go A drop or two of ordinary e~·e drop The most comfortable i.iltirt•" No. at ·!-. not heavy on t he use of a moisturizer before mixture takes can• of thost• t1n·d t•,·e~ a pantsuit. Try a loose dress th<Jn ('al\ be Just Published - HOW TO EUROPE A Handbook for Travelers by John Bermont 332 pages; 93 photos; $9.95 at these Newport bookstores • Udo Book Shoppe • The Magic Speller Books tore • Balboa Island Book S hoppe or order thru your bookseller Murphy & Broad Publishing Co. Newport Beach leaving on a flig ht. and while in the air. It's a good idea. Tatum sa\~ to use <J belted bcfon.• ~·ou board and aflt•r you reapply generously 1f the s kin ~gins lo feel good conditioner on your hair ~iur~ a flight ~d~e~p~l~an~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An cient trail is popular B y MARTIN ANDERSEN Aa-U.Mol ~"• Wrlt•r CUZCO. Peru An ancient trail constructed when the lncan Empire ruled the Andes is fast becoming one or Peru's most popular tourist attractions. The trail, hidden for hundreds or years, leads to Machu Picchu. the fabled lost city or the Incas. Seventy years ago, l1 1ram Bingham . the American who d iscovered t he ruins, had to hack out a path to the site through vj rtually impenetrable jungle and over the s heer granite walls or th e rugged And e an countryside. TODAY, THE trail 1s being hiked to the ruins by tho!>e who cnJOY the cha llenge or yearn to feel a part o f the mystery of the Incas The government estimates more t han '3,125 people hiked the trail between August and December of 1980 Most or the trekkers are foreigners ··a ·s one of the routes most favored by people who do treking, · · Freddy Pando vani , a local guide , sa i d . "I t 's compared favorably to Nepal." Pandovan1 is th e Cuzco administrator of E xplorandcs. on e of several Peru v ian companies that outfit and cater to tourists interested in trekking, mountain c limbing. river rafting and jungle exploration THE 33-MILE·LONG t r e k b e g 1 n s a t ·a desolate train stop in a wild river valley To cross the river. hikers must ride an "oroya," a five · passenger wooden plat· form suspended from a rope by a pulley, and powered by the strong arms of a local peasant The trail it.self starts out through a fragrant eucalyptus grove and passes farmland still cultivated by ox·drawn plows. and dotted with the huts of its Indian owners. The trail soon turns steep and relentless, up m ountainsides to the snow line and vistas of breathtaking scenery , then descending to cross over pure. rushing streams and rivers and through semitropica l jungle. ALEXANDER von Humboldt. a fa mous 19th century explor er. and chronicler, wrote: "The roads or the Inca were the most useful and stupendous works ever executed by man." During the first part or the journey. t hat j ud g m e nt seems somewhat overblown, as the road resembles lltlle more than a .er les of trails ol travel aod dlrt. But the hla}ler and cloter ·w Machu Picchu 'the traveler climbs the better th e road becomes. Delta and Eastern make you shop around to be sure you get the lowest fare. Why go to all that trouble? Republic offers discount fares to every city we serve. It's our standard way of doing business. CALLUS FIRST. {213)172-5100orcallyourtravelage~~. Burbank (213 )247-8333, Ontario(714 )988 -8585, Orange County(714 )540-2060 ' NoaorwSsw&Ollr~lm ~ . , • ~--• -·. --., --• . ~ -9t I• Diiiy Piiat SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, !992 STOCKS CROSSWORD D~-4 C7 Lauren Tewes spends a lot of time travel.ing ... D5 .. W onien adVoc·ates harni their ·cause . I / Professor calls mes$age of semi nars 'a cruel hoax' By JOHN CUNNIFF .~ ....... ...,.. NEW YORK -"Why aren't more women al the top Qf corporations?" The lecturer, a worn an, was indignant -or she appeared to be -as she declaimed loudly about injustice and even hinted at female coward.ice. They would become angrier. Some might even conclude they had failed "A cruel hoax," says Eugene Jennings. The Michigan State Unive r s ity profe s so r and management authority bas heard the refrain al seminars and conferences The anger is misplaced, he says. His own anger rises. J eunings . . . is especially critical of the damage, advocates do to certain very successful women. -JOHN CUNNIFF century to de velop a generation o1 corporate presidents ," he says . "Early arr)vals will make al in 22 years, but the majority will lake 26." The earliest large batch of women to seriously enter the management programs of major corporations left college In the years 1972·1977, and now are at s e co nd l e v e l s ab o ve non-managerial positions, he says. by advocates, he observes, ii tbe one who does not seek lbe brua r inc, who is happy with a c hallenging job, who bu self-imposed immobillty. Bu~ such people, be contends. are per ceived by "the chorus of cheerleaders as weak , passive creatures who are betraying the cause of women." H e s ug ges t s that the well-intentioned advocate should .. eneourage executives to do well in their jobs, take their time and bu ild a good platform of resul ts ." Her audience, mostly women, some of them a spirants to managerial jobs in their companies, picked up the rQood. Later, they would buy her book. Many self-s t yled female advoc ates don't know what they're talking about, he says. He calls them "kibitzers who Local lady cashes in on • • mot1vat1on By STEVE TRIPOLI Of ... D.ity "'9t ..... The clothes are expensive, the jewelry is abundant and the smile radiant. The mannerisms exude confidence. Kathy Alls has built a lucrative career telling people about her brand of success and how to achieve it, so naturally the main purveyor of the product radiates success herself. The South Laguna resident, whose account of her life indicates that she is about 40 years old (she refuses to divulge her age), has for about four years been the e vangelis t of her own how-to-make-it gospel as the central figure of Kathy Alls Success Seminars. It's a gospel that she says draws heavily on her own experience, a female Horatio Alger story that, as she rela tes it, just about out-Algers Horatio himself. Ms. Alls says she was born in poverty in the small, southeast Kansas farming town of Parsons, INTRIPRINIUR and. wore dresses hand-sewn by her mother from feed sacks . Malnutrition caused a heart murmur which she still has, and she also surfered from glaucoma and a blood disease. At the age of 15, she left home to live with a church family. ''If my parents had needed $SOO to save my life they couldn 't have raised it," she says. But Kathy Alls says she had motivation, and it was a key to what she calls her climb "from hope lessness to ha ppiness; from poverty to prosperity." It also is a key to the formula for success she now espouses. Her earliest lesson in the power of motivation came at age 11 , as she walked home from school one fall day, she says. In the field next to the road she was walking was a pear tree laden with ripe fruit, and she decided she wanted some. The only obstacle was a barbed-wire fence. She worked her way gingerly over the barbed wire, taking about 20 minutes to do so, only to find when she landed on the other side that she had not noticed a bull standing nearby. "It took me about 20 seconds lo get back over that barbed-wire fence even though it took me 20 minutes to get.in. It's a lesson that taught me how import.ant motivation is," she says. Dreams of travel and success brought her to California while she was still in her teens, and jobs as an airline stewardess, saleswoman, consultant and eventually owner of three companies . don't .have the courage to play the game, and who talk and . write for self-aggrancUzement. ·· J enniogs. a professor or management, is known among other things for his role as Along the way, the tall, blond, former loc al beauty queen s ays she discovered that she could <See WOMAN'S SUCCESS, Page DZ > SHE'S COME A LONG WAY -Though the subject of women-oriented se minars is controversial <see Cunniff column. above > adviser to corporate boards on executive policies, a role which g re w out of his pioneering studies of mobility patterns. · · The s-e a d v o c a l e s a re unaware that 1t takes a quarter· Jennings, who conducted what probably was the first national seminar for female presidents and vice presidents back in 1965, is especially critical of the damage advocates do to certain very successful women. The woman often brutally hurt T h e c lock. h e advis es. "cannot be set ahead without irre para ble harm to the individual and the corporation." Save energy -and money Study guidelines for tax credit eligibility rules By PAT DUNN 0t Ille OM!y ...... S .. 11 1t·s not news to most Californians that energy costs are rising, but at may come as a surprise to the m that they can conserve energy and receive tax credits at the same time. The California Department of Housing and Community Development offers the following tips on applying for the Conservation Tax Credit and the Solar Tax Credit. To receive these benefits. the appropriate forms must be attached to the taxpayer·s standard income tax return, and filed by April 15. According to I. Donald Terner, director of the state housing department, "California residents can earn tax credits worth 40 percent of the cost of implementing qualified energy conservation measures, or $1,500 -whichever is less." To be eli gible for the tax credit, the conservation measure must have been installed in CONSUMER CLOSE-UP 1981 and have a useful life of at least three years. In addition, the taxpayer must have owned the property when the conservation measures were installed The foUowing conservation measures qualify for the California Conservation Tax Credit: Ceiling, floor, and wall insulation; water. heater insulation; duct and plenum insulation; weather stripping; caulking and sealing, and storm or thermal windows and doors. Electrical or mechanical furnace Ignition systems, and devices modifying the openings of heating systems. Low flow devices in showers. Swimming pool and hot tub covers. Heat absorbin g or heat reflective windows or door materials, exte rior shading devices and movable insulation such as shutters and shades. Ventilation cooling. Heat pump. Load management devices that control a building's heating, ventilating. air·conditioning or domestic hot water equipment. Four additional items qualify for the tax credit if they have had the appropriate energy audit. These are: Furnace replacement. Air-conditioner replacement. Pipe insulation. Clock thermostat installment. K athy AJls believes she is providing an im portant ser vice Before installing any of these four items, the taxpayer should contact the local utility company and request a Residential Conservation Service audit to qualify for the tax credit. The RCS will perform a complete energy audit on the premises and recommend conservation measures that are cost effecti ve. IC the taxpayer installs measures not recommended by the RCS, or does not request an.audit until aner the equipment is In place, be or <See CLOSEUP, Page 02) Interest in self-imp~ovement results in ~usiness ' El Toro-based program tries to unravel communications web between spouses Ellen Kreidman says her life hit a low point seven years ago. She had just had her third child, her husband had been out of work for six months and her father-in-law had recently died. She found herself sinking Into depression, she says, and she sensed that her marriage was beading for trouble. "I asked myself, 'ls this all there ls in life?' " LOCAL BUSINESS she said. "I really didn't want to aettle for a mediocre marrtace and a mediocre Ute." And IO 1be decided not to settle for them. "I told myself If tblnp were totn1 to cban1e, I was golnc to have to chan1e them," she said. · Her interest in self-improvement centered on communication and marrta1e. She baa since turned the interest into a business venture aimed at hel'*" other people restore thelr marria1es. It'• called "Lllbt Hil Fire," a name for which Mra. Kreidman feels no need to apolOliae to feminists, and one 1be says abe would not cban1e eveon If oven a chance to atart over. Tbe purpoee of the name1 lbe aays, la to convince bUllNmdl wbo adlbt oe 1mpleioul of a more ueertlve title that thil& _.,.. ahould attend. The El Toro·baaed pro•r•m, wblcb baa ' attracted a large portion or its participants from the Orange Coast, does not advocate roles for each sex in a marriage, Mrs. Kreldman notes. She admits the name may be misleading to some, however. One of the beliefs Mrs. Kreidman brought to the creation of the program is that people today are too quick to dispose of a marriage tone sour. "There is pain in divorce and it hurta the kids. The destruction of marriage bothers me," she says. Another belief is that there Is "warmth, di1nily, encouragement, comfort and fun" in a good marriage. And so Ellen Kreldman set out lo build a program that would save, not discard, marriages. Using her background in psychology and education, she put two years of research into the pro1ram by combinin1 the use of "every possible marriage book you can think or• (about 300) and random interviews with married people. What emeried from the research, especially her talks with happlly married couples, were what she considers the common denomlnaton of food marriage. She says they are: -Unconditional love, what she calla a decision by couplu t,o "chooae to look at the poaitlve aide rather than the ne1atlve" when evaJuatinf each other. -Mutual appreciation and admiration. Skill al communicating. A decision to be romantic, especially on the part of the wife. "I found that in the best marriages women take the responsibility for romance, not the men," she said. -A positive self-image, which she says is essential If one is to give love. -Awareness of and empathy for each other's feellnp . The goals are often hard to attain, however. because many couples do not realize that men and women "speak different languages," Mrs. Kreidman says. Genenlly, men go through life with their heads and women with their heart.a," she says, warning at the same time that such stereotypes are less true of the younger 1eneration. "Ll1ht His Fire" la geared toward unraveling tbe communications web a nd klndlin1, or re-kindling, the et._er quaUUea of auccessful marriage, according to Mrs. Kreldman. The course mee\a for six weeks, oae two·bour seulon per week, and a $150 fee la cbar•ed. Each lndivtdual session deals with one ol the common denomiaaton Mrs. Kreldman ••YI abe hu found in lood ~--there ii one on uncondiUoaal love, another on admiration and appreciation, one on communication, etc:. About• '1r0men bave taken the coune alace C9ee GOAL8, Pa1e DI) TUllMI LIN AROUND -Ellen K"'ldman deekled not to tettle for a mediocre life and marna1e. .. •" Orange Cout OAtL Y PILOT/Sundey, February 21 , 1982 o ...... c--. ....... c... •• , •.• c.-.... ... ................... P"AIMTIO It<* n•ucT ALL, IN(., "°99•1fl. IUMO ' Dll'INOANTI MA•ll W, WILION , all• MA•ll W\'WVNl.l(I, 00.I I tlw-.1\V.---l''SC flll CAMllUMM•..,. .. TtCll ,,_ ._. .,._ .... n. .... ..., ............... ... ........................ ........................ ..... ti V-WI! to ... IM N'/Ice .. M • .,....,111 .... ~.~.-...­.. .. , • ..,. .. ., M IMI ~ wrlUM ......................... ,._. , AVl•t ............ • •• ....................... • ••• • .._ .. • -... u•. ...................... LM .. ..................... 11 u1..--.. M11<1w tic_,.• 1111 ....... ell ... _ .......... , llle<erle IWIMMlala-llte, • etl a . ~···----• ... tll...,. • ..-. 111111*-, ..... , ............ . Pal .. ..... FromPageD1 ..... 1571 NOTIC• 0' DIATH 0, DOROTHY C .. AYTON WOMAN'S SEMINAR SUCCESS • • • I C O L • Y A N D O fl 'talk. Her success In bualneu and her 1-akln• ltlTITION TO -ADMINISTeR ESTATE abUlty are combJned ln bel' aemtnar procram, NO. A·11217t. which 1be says ls netting h r a alx·ficure annual T o a I I h e I r s , income. beneflc:l1rles, creditors What ls the Kathy Alli formula ror auccesa? and contingent creditors of As already noted, motlvaUon Is 1 bl< part of It • DOROTHY CLAYTON Ono all<> must have clearl~ defined coala, and i COLBY and persons who constant Uat or new 101lJ t.o 1trive for N other m a Y b • 0 t h • r w 1 s • coals are met, she says . ~~~~~!!~.:n the wlll AllO It lt neeeasary t.o learn how t.o balance A petition his been filed carur and family, malhtafn peak health, and by JOHN BANCROFT "leave room for the Lord," s be aays. COLBY, JANET ELAIN E If a person follows the formula, no matter how C 0 L 8 Y , and J A N E disadvantaged the background. self.fulfillment, a C A M E R 0 N I n t h e good career and money will come his way. Superior Court of Orange Is money important? "People aay money. County requesting that doesn't buy happiness, but it sure let..s you shop in JOHN BAN CROFT COLBY, JANET ELAINE the places you'r e likely to find it," ls one of many co L By , and J A N e sayings Ms. AUs ls fond of quoting. CAMERON be appointed In speaking about her life an(! her seminars, as personal representative Ms. Alls frequently refers to flna.ocial abundance to administer the estate of as a barometer of success. Her six-figure annual 0 0 R 0 THY CL AV T 0 N income, Sl ,200·an-hour speaking fee and U00,000 COLBY, Newport Beach, Monarch Bay home are often-used examples. C A · < u n d • r t h e At the base or her philosophy is a rock-solid Ind e pendent fth th d · l l i Administration of Estates belle at e in lv1dua s n control of his or her A t) T'he -tltl 1 t f own destiny, whlch she backs with a flurry of hiaring in"" Dep~~ ~;_e 3 ~~ quotable miniparables that drive the point home. 100 Civic Center Drive Some examples: ''Each person had to do it for West, Santa Ana, CA 92701 themselves." "No ma tter what the obstacles on March 10, 1982 at 9: 30 app~ar to be, proceed in the direction of what you condlUou llJ'e the product of what we chooM to accept, baaed on our decltlona, tbrou1b our altltude.'' It's a phUosophy that Is selling very well for Ms Alls. She hH toured the United States and much of Aila giving sem inars. Do her experiences In India, which she has· toured twice and where poverty is widespread, and with poverty in thla country shake her belief that all people can make it on thetr own, she. ia asked? ~ While she admit.a that "It's a little harder" for people out.slde the United Stat.es to realize their dreams. she still lnsists that everyone can especially In this country. Even lf you're in a ehett.o, she says, "you can get a bus ticket and get out of there, and If you can 't afford one, walk." WANTED: Exciting loc ation ~~ ,EACilCOMUk -Mt -._tA ~J MA,.,.lflt We ara Metllng an existing restaurant facility preferably oceanfront Contact Bruce Weitzman Monday through Friday 0< leave message for call back (213) 552·1-450. a .f'F YOU OBJECT to the really want and it will be delivered." "You've got 1-~to~b~e~a~t:.....'...i'is:':k~fo~r__:w~h~a~t:...!.y~o~u-r~e=a~U~y:_:w~a~n~t~.'-'_·~·A~l~J~======================================~ granting of the petition, you should either appea r at the hearing and state your objections or fll e written objections with the court before the hear ing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. ,..... .., .... SUNIUOll COUltT OP TM• IT ATII Of' ~..,.NIA flOlt TM•ClOUtllTY"OPCHIANel 7•CMI c... Dttw .... IF YOU ARE A CRE DITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must flle your claim with the court or present It to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first Issuance of letters as provided In Sectloo 700 of the Probate Code of Californ ia. The time for filing claims will not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. l"ubftlhlel or-Cotti Delly Piiot, PubllslWd orenge CMSI Delly Piiot, Feb. 21, ~ INKll 7, 14, 1"2 t21-11 Fet>. I, 14, 11, 21, 1"2 •!S-12. fllCTITIOUS aUSINHS N.AMa STATEMENT Tiie tol-1119 ""''°"' are doln9 buSlneu n : ICENHV 'S CUSTO M WOOOWORIC, Peclfk Blutt lndllllrlal Perk, tm wi.mier A-. Unit 2, Bid!!. E, c.ia Me-w. Cellfornl• mu IC•~ GOdtrey, 103 S. Cempllor Cr., Brff, Calltornle tH21 Plllllp J, ICeufmMI, t940 Fe0tul AWi-, Col .. Mele, California '1'27 Tiiis ~,,,.., h conducted by a 991Wrel per11Wnlllp •• PlllllpJ. ICeufmen Tiiis llat-wes llled wllll the County Cler1l of Or•-County on January 2t, 1"2. , 1'1'2111 Published 0r.,... Coast Dally Piiot, "!I'· 7. 14, 21, 21. t"2 Ul-«2 l'ICTITtOUS aUSINESS MAMI! STATIMENT Tllo tollowl119 "''°"' are ooln9 buslntun : ICYMCO AUTOMOTIVE, 1115 Monrovia, CM. Colt• MeM, ca n•n Jeffrey C. l(yml•, 142' Or•ftOI Ave .. • s. c:..-. Mele. Ce. m 11 Cafl S. l(ymt• Jr .. llOO Sabrina Terr .• cor-wt Mar. c •. mu Carl S ICymle Sr • 12361 ~ St .. Yucelpe, Ce. '21" Tiii• ~IMS• h conducted by a 09'1era1 --,.,,.1p. Jeffrey C. ICymla Tiiis ~t was flied wltll -County CMrk of 0r•f191 County on February It, 1m. '11MM Published Oret19t Coast Delly Pilot Feb 21, 2', -1. U, t.., 1- S..AM,C. .... PLAlffT.,,: IRENEG.MOORE "9lJC l9'1C( DEFENDANT: JAROLO -----------SEVERSON, JAMES IE. 9RAMHAU .. FICTITIOUS 9USINIESS •ftd DO£S 1 ""--"ti, lncM!w. NAME STAT•MaNT MIP"1CIM Tiie lollowln9 .,.,,on h dolne NOT~v'::"..;.:1:. n. butlMUts. .._....._ ' PIERRE'S NEWPORT LIQUOR cwtt....,, -....... .,_ ..... ,_ ..... llMN ........ ........ AHO DELI, UH P.clllc Coul ......................... ... H19"••Y. *-1 .. ..,II, c.llfonll• ...._ '2WOP1errt J•cquo Bertolino >41 AVISol U.... =--ntu1. Pl C t • El .,...... .... c-U4L ~.~1~!~:1!~. act, o• • M"•· •I• H•laecl• ....... U•. Tllh butl,,.., Is '°""""'.., by an ,........ ...... * • ...._ U. .. lftdlvl-1 ........_ ....... . Pierre J. ~1119 . 11 YOW .-"" .. -" 1he -ke of en Tlllt ttel-t wes llleo wllll the •lto,...y In lNs.mette<, YOU •'-Id do County ci.r11 of Oran~ c-ty °" to pre....,uy so llwlt ,our wrllte11 Febr • IWJ •-.1t.,.,,rN1ybellleclo.U-. .,.,., ' . l'llHI SI Ustecl ..... Nlklt« el c-lo w PuDllslWd Or-CM\! Delly Piiot. ~,:~n:d.::..:::· d~":;~ Feb. 7. 14. 21.11, IWJ S7'"'3. m-••.,... ,.._.. ftCrit•. ti ll•Y •ltYft•,,... _,_.st,_ .... _ t. ITO THIE DEFENDANT: A civil -----------i complalnt llet beell flied by Ill• l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS pl•lnlltt ~ you. II you wbft to NAMI! STATIMl!NT ~ tNI '-'II. 'l'OU Muta, wltllln Tiie lot._1119 ""''°"' art d°"'9 lO day• -· llllt ......,._. Is .erved bu''""' n on you, Ille wltll lllls ,_, a wrltt.., T H E HEW OR DE R Sp ACE •fltl!O'IW to Ille complaint. Unless you DESIGNS, 1S..0 --Street, COlta do IO, ,,_ defeult wilt be e<1lered on Mew,Callfoflll•m• llP!Mk allon °' h Plallltltt, -1111, Crel9 w Jonn. 1'63 Federal, <out1 ....., .,., • l...,.._t -1~1 Colt• MeW. c..1~111. mn. you tor h reti.t w..-In 1t1a OeMls w. Veitch, .is HewPOr1 comp1a1111, wlllcll could rnull In Beuleverd, '"-'1 .. Kii, c.llflwftla 9ar11lsllment ot w•ve•. 101 .. , ot '2"3 mon•r or llf'-1Y or ot,,... re11et Tiii• buSlMU h conOV<led by e ,.__In .. <Dmlll•lnl. -ral ... ~t111p· OAT ED:~ 4, '"°· Oefw\ls W. Veltcll LEE A. BRANCH, C .. 1'11 Crai9 W. Jone• STIVI• R. ltUNN TlllS ............. wn flied wlll\ Ille A--. .. "- County Clat"k ot Or-c-w on .,. e.n.... I'~ Fd>ru•ry •. 1W2. In' .... CA~ 1'11H11 T .. : 11141 --Put>tl\llld OrM9t Coe•t Dally Piiot, PuOI._ Or-Coe• Delly Pilot Feb 1, 14, ll, 1', 1"2 Wt«L FR. 14, 21 ... Merell 7. t"2 ,_, YOU MAY EXAMIN E the file kept by the court. If you are interested in the estate, you may file a request with the court to receive special notice of the inventory of estate assets and of the petitions, accounts and re ports described In Section 1200.5 of the California Probate Code. Witter and Harpole, Attorneys at Law, by Myron E . Harpole, 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1530, Newpor t Beach, CA 92660; tel. 1714) 644-7600. PvOlllllecl Or9n91 Coast Dally Pilot. Fell. 20. 21, 27. 1"2 ~ Use the Daily Pilot "Fast Result" service directory Your service is our specialty Call 642·5678 ext. 322 Due to computer difficulties, the Orange Coast stocks listings for the week of Feb. 15·19 was. not. a1Xlilable for today's paper. From Page 01 •••• • CLOSEUP • • • : EQUITY LOANS : she will not ~ ehg1ble Conservation Tax • IOllOW A5AIHST • for the tax credit. A Credit and Solar Tax I YOUR ltlM. ISTATI EqµITY • copy of the written RCS C r e'd i t forms are (Residential or Commercial) ..._.coa,.,..._w-... I report must be included available from the Santa For 4etaii.. call: with the claimant's tax Ana o ff ice o f th e • return. California Franchise • SffcWMll .. .,.,, Slanf•d l•c...,. • State residents also Tax Board . 28 Ci vie ~ 646-3921 can earn tax credits for Center Plaza, or by • UcensedRealEst.ale Broken • sola r energy syste m s calling toll-free. (800) • 2CIO.l05.30 12•11 • installed in 198 1. 852-5711. • ••••••••••••• Taxpbyers may deduct ~~~~~~~~~~.i...::!~Z....3!:.....::E:.....::!~!!::...~~....::!!!:....:::~!!::...~..::;-::=:....:::~:..:~ 55 percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system; 45 percent of the cosl of implementing solar heating for pools, s pas, or hot tubs. or $3,000 -whichever is less. From Page 01 GOAI ..S. • • it began last May, and c urr e ntly Mr s . Kreidman teaches three · sections a week. The one response to the course that has most 'surprised her , she says, ! ls that many women ; who are single either , through divorce, broken •relationships or no ·previous relationthip •have sianed up. : Their presence, s he : saya, indicates to her , that the popular belief : that tlncle life is joyous : Is false. , "Everyone (alnale •people) la walklnc :around smllin1 and ;Jyinc," she ••1•· : "Divorce especially lt : lonely and ct.presaln1 - :llke deattt. reople •should realise UU.t you : grow mon ln marrta1e · than alooe. ·• . S'l'BVI' TIUPOlJ COMMERCEBANK FINANOAL IIlGHLIGHfS AT DECEMBER 31: ASSETS DEPOSITS Ntf LOANS SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY<R> fOR ntE YEAR: EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXFS NEt EARNINGS PERSHAREC<.i (A) UNAUDlTED 1981CAI $66,694,000 $58172.000 $42.722.000 $ 6,476.000 $ 1.074,000 $ $ 538.000 .71 1980 $37.593.000 $33,994.000 $17.376.000 $ 3.007,000 $ $ $ 631.000 336.000 .53 %OF INCREASE 77% 71% 146G! I 15Uf 7~ 60% 34% (8) Includes $2,932.000 raised from Lhe sale of 292.000 shares of 1hc Bank's common stock in Mid·1981. (C) Based on the weighted average number of common and common equiva· lcn1 ~hares ouistanding during 1981 (753,841) and 1980 (636.495), retro- actively adjusted for 1hc 5% stock dividend in 1981 and 1980 and the 2 for I tock spli1 of January IS. 1981. - HFADQUAUHt.$ OFFICE ~ME"CHANK IUILDING 1301~$4 Nr.,anllactt.CA~ 11 M> as l-9tOO MEMIDFDfC - BUENA PARK RCOIONAL OFflC'E · 6112 KllOtl Ave. I Kno<t A Sane.a Anm Fwy.) llutnt1 l'lttl, CA Qll 1714) 1.)9-2711 • (2U) 691~1 - SOUTH COAST lt£(')1()NAI OFFlC'E )llO Plrt Ctnlft Otiw C0111 ~.CA 92626 (()ptlll"f S41mmtr 1912) Space-Sav ing All-in-One Stereo System ~Now Slashed 28°/o Clarlnette«>.105 by RHllatlc Save •ao 199!!5 Great sound. superb styling, provision for expansion! Record your own tapes from radio, changer, or mike 1acks. Pushbuttons for 2 or 4 speakers, dual illuminated VU met~rs, bass and tre- ble controls. Aux input-add an 8-track deck or TV sound. Speakers have eff woofer and 3" tweeter. Head- phone jack. Walnut vinyl veneer. #13-1207 Tapes not 1nch.lded 30' 4-Conductor 25~ Off Handy 43-Range Mu ftit~ter With Range-Doubler 299 Reg. 3.99 Use Your Phone Anywhere In the Room! 25' Modular·Mod,.ular By Mlcronta Cut38°/o 24!.!5 \ \• 18~ Off • Easy·to·Read 41/•" Mirrored Scale "' ' 488Reg. • Current & Voltage Range.Doubler Switch 5.95 Save '10 6995 :.L Sends on/oft commands through hOuee wll1ng at .,,.._ times. Controls up to 8 epplianc:es. Ute with modules* befaw. #61-2679 ..... Ty.-C..Mo. llldl ~-·a-., .... , '"·" u... .,._ '"·" .......... ., .... "'·" .......... . .. , •• JIM ., ..... It? ... ... Ow'9lt ., ... 111.• Great workbench add-On! Single-knob function switch for easy operation. Measures AC/DC volts, DC amps, resistance, decibels. With test leads. #22-204 eane11•s HI•• 27°/o Off 2195 ~15 Big 10-digit display. 4-key memory. gross profit margin key, SQectal percent-of-change key, more. #65.660 S.IWIH extra Portable Caaette Recorder- 40% Off CTA-41 by AMltattc- Silve '2807 4188:.li OtJngt Coast O~L Y PILOT/Sunday, February 21, 1982 NY E COMPO ITE TRAN ACTION OVOTATIOll•tlKLllH H AOU01t 11tl •IW \'OH, MIOWUl ,-.CIPIC. 'IW,N\ICI•, OIHOU A•• (llttlltMAflttO(lt IXCllA1t•U AltO U'OllU 0 I\' Tltl llAJO .UO lllUlltlT •• 1. '· .. •• ' '• • ·~ •• IN AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE OllOU1IOld '"'~\IN f UOUOlf Tita lflW YOH MIOWIU 'AC"I(. , .. tottOlf OltlOI' HO CllKlllltATl UOCI .. "' ........ l ll'OlllO n Tiii UtO ANO 111n1NIT Ntl i..w ~>I '""· "••ft low Market Analysis Dow Jones 30 Industrials Feb 15· 19 -9.51 High 831 .34 Low 124.30 Closed 824.30 840- 830· f 1 120-11. M T W T F ••••••••••••••••••• 1000- 950· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. February 21 , 1982 'l:ove Boat' star really travels 8y JDltl' llJCK u ............ LOS ANG£LES -Lauren Tewes hu a S"r&at travel a1ent -ln five years ahe'a crulaed 2$,000 mllea on "The lAve 8oat" to Mexico, Alaaka. Australia, the South PacUle and the Caribbean. ABC haa Just renewed the hlt aertn for two more years. Next Hason . Mias Tewes, aa cruise director Julie McCoy. has booked tours to Rome. Turkef and the Greek Isles. And the year after that. I ne10Uattons work out, It wUI be China. had rained and I wu in the cover scene. I lau1hed and Hid. that's runny, but I 'll 1ee you on Thursday. J wu not s mart. J dldn't realise that If 1 dldn't show up r11ht then J'd loat1 the part. "My agent called and said, 'Are you crazy'! They're recuting rlaht now.' 1 said, 'Are they cruy? That's my part.' " . Ml11 Tewes was a last·minute addition to "The She rushed to the set , and after that came more roles in Spelling 1how1 unUl "The Love Boat." which he produces In association with Douglas Cramer. Along the way she was a nurse In a pilot called "Aeromeda," which she says was "about saving the world with helicopters ." ._....,=----~.:..==;;.;.;...,. Miss Tewes -pronounced "Tweeze" -says she feels her character hu developed about as much as she can in a show with six regular characters and eight guest stars a week. She says, however , "Something I found out is that the Cans .._ __________________ __. ·who write us want to know more about the characters than we tell them." ............. CRUISE DIRECTOR -Lauren Tewes. cruise director on the .. Love Boat .. television series. takes time out from filming in Hollywood Love Boat," which has been sailing on a sea or whipped cream since 1976. She joined the show when it became a regular series the next year after several shakedown cruises with various crew members. "I was in the third and final pilot. I was cast the day before we went into production. They had tes ted a number of actresses and were getting right down to the wire. I'd just done a 'Starsky and Hutch' for Aaron Spelling and was on the lot at the time they were looking. When they called me in for an audition at ABC l didn't even know what l was auditioning for." Miss Tewes was an aspiring actress and a full·time waitress when she landed a part on "Charlie's Angels." Then s he almost immediately lost the role. "I was working at the restaurant at 6:30 a.m. when I got a call Crom the producers ." s he says. "I wasn 't s upposed to report for several days, but it Ina world of tlae Is no room for an mnatet•. At 29, Charles Heller was a mathematician without equal. At the CIA, he was a computer expert wtthout peer. But when terrorists murdered the most important woman in his life, he became an assassin without experience. To avenge her death, the CIA trained him , briefed him, armed him, and then ... they abandoned him. One thing they can find out this coming Saturday Is that everybody on "The Love Boat" knows how to sing. The series, which has gone in many different directions, has its first "lfey gang, let's-put-on-a-show" musicaJ. Lending a hand as relatives of the crew members who just happen to be around are Carol Channing , Ann Miller. Ethel Merman, Della Reese, Van J ohnson and Cab Calloway. The two-hour show is like those impromptu musicals Mickey Rooney used to do at MGM back in the 1930s. Miss Tewes says, "We're all In the captain's office talking about doing a crew's show. The captain says we don't have a theater. And we say we've got the ship! One line·Ann Miller says to Gavin MacLeod is. 'You're going out there a captain but you're coming back a star.' " That line was first uttered by Warner Baxter to Ruby Keeler in "Forty-Second Street" in 1933, when he said, "You're going out there a youngster, but you've got to come back a star." . The current season opened with "The Love Boat" in Australia, where Miss Tewes was about to marry guest star Anthony Andrews . But as luck would have it, Andrews had one of those unnamed but always fatal illnesses. She says, "I was left at the altar and he died belween the first and second shows. In one scene Gavin runs after me on the street, and he tripped on a cobblestone and broke his ankle. He was on crutches for months. We filmed the church scene with him goi ng down the aisle beside me. He was actually riding a camera dolly and rocked back and forth to look like he was walking. It was so funny to see." She says onJy her boyfriend. drummer llaolo Nonnis, got pictures of it. He has gone along on som e of the trips as the s how's "resident photo-journalist." Mi ss Tewes. who has just divorced, says she doesn't plan to get married at this time. Using an Australian expression, she says. "Been there. done that." But s he and Nonms are starting a band, with Miss Tewes as the producer . ·'The Love Boat·' goes through guest stars so vo raciously it's an out-of-work actor's dream. More than 500 guest stars have been on the show in the past five years. The first 11 minutes will absolutely shock you. The last 11 minutes will rivet you to your seat. .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ml KASSAR., AIOf.W VAJfA Ptm A m B. MIOWLS' GAA1li H wam PnW:llM A awtES WlROTT mM M SAVNl OlRISTMlR PllMlR STARTS 'AIDAY -!!.::.·!! &M3 .,.. EARN A D L Deliver the Illy Piii Boys and girls 10 or older - Call 642·4321 and apply today . Daily Pilat • • &ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Including BEST PICTURE A~PCTlff '"~~'"';~"'= .:.... NOW PLAYING LOVE nu 1:a.14A."M U T-..JJe.•» ••• 1 ....... , .. , ""°'~ .. ntsBORDllR ll .. ......,.~-0~'"""" ""' ""· ... .. .... ,_ , ........ . ~~iii '"' ... .. ,-.... , ... UMHO MTllfl l"llLl'1 ...--.tt11 "WHOSE UF£ IS rr AffYWAYr 1111 "llllM.•-••TtMIM 1.-.1-.. , .... CHARLES BRONSON "DEATH WISH 11" IA) ,-., I tl,I•. t•tt .... ,.""·'········ t:iu.-..11111 1ll•l~ nt• 1• ..... , .. ....,-.... --... , .. ..... A Rlvetlng and Enthralling Alm. CHARIOTS OFFIRE "' .. -... ,-.• -.1-. '"' 1::,~·1:• ''"· "·· ...... ~11:41 .UE'icf OF";ll~ll!ll f'M.t'.R, ,.,.. ... ,..,.., ..... t.!lt. ·- "WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY'""'' "SHOOT THE MOON" ,., (~l . i ~ I' I l )I\ }:II\ I . lfll l':lHI lftttlHI J I','• !WRY MONDAY ALL SEATl 12.00 ... tender and entertaining ' Melvyn Douglas And Brooke Adams In "Tell Me A Riddle" (PO) j I I I,~. '' I~ .A,'( I I\~! t ,.4 ft. '1 t t I"~/\ 11 l-D! '~"~'~ "" ··~--.... ,."" ......... .. ....... CHARLES BRONSON "DEATH WISH II" (RI ~ .,., _ _,, .. -~ 4rthur -1:•.~ ... , __ ·- JOHN HURT "NIGHT CROSSING" ''°) CHAALH WON ''DEATH WISH ._,Jt.__ "'~11\.--.C- This Khoo! ,. ourhonw. CEOtlQL C. 9COn r..amv HUTTOl't TAPS "ro~=--'=· Ill ""·'··-.. ,-.... -. 1-. ......... un--OWTUM "MAKING LOVE'' '"' -~ .... -.,.,_,.,'"' ......... _ (I). ••"4MOWllff ...,,_ .... l :tll,1-...,_.__._ 1ht1im:JI /P1lfl<lfKCS ijWlOl1 ,. .. _ . .. ,-..... ,. "DEATH WISH t •• f. .. ( Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 21, 1982 'W~nder Womaii' is .series shopping By ROBERT MACY ._ ............... LAS VEOAS . Nev. Lynda Cuter is 11erle8· hopplna. but you can rorcet that Jan about leapln11 tall bulldlnas with a slnale bound. "Wonder Woman" may have rocketed the striking brunette to stardom , but from now on she 's operating strictly san cape, "I know I don't want to jump orr buildings in . any new series,·· s he laughed in a recent interview between her shows at the MOM Grand Hotel. "I th ink I'm gettlna a littJ.c too old for that." ' DRESSED IN a slinky aown silt up to here and belting out pop songs with the best or them, she hardly appears "too old ... But she admits rive years of bein~ Americ!l's female super·hero in the mid-and late 70s took its toll. "I like my life much better now." she said. curling a leg up under her. green eyes dancing. "Now I have a life. I didn't have a life then. You worked so tlard 12 hours a day. 5 days a week, 10 months a year " She's not exactly coasting now. SHE AND HUSBAND ma nager Ron Samuels are looking for a series vehicle. probably along the lines of variety specials that have been so big for v PG Metrornlor q You don't have to be crazy to live here ... but it helps. NOW PLAYING BllH fl TOllO lAGUH BEACH OllAllGE Btea P1a/d EOwa10s SaOOleDack Sou1n Coa~t UA C11y C•""''" 529 5339 581 5880 •9'15U 630911 COSTA MESA lllYllll OllAllGl WlSTMlllSTlll EOwMO· Cinema~"'" ld•M~ Woocft>llOQt' 0.~ ltYI' U A M•11 979 •1•1 551 0655 637 Ol•O m.ow I HO Pit.SSH it.CCEPTED FOii THIS ENGAGE~ . II her the put three years. Ther ·a another comin1 up, 'Takln1 It to the Streets.'' which is now unde r1oln1 rtnlshing touches. Vegas aa a Sahara Hotel loun1e act with a group culled The RelaUvcs . THERE WER E FOUR sets a nlsH\ at $15 a set 'rb1.1n there's Samuels' production .. Rita Hayworth'' In which s he wllJ portray the alamour stur of th UMOs. Also in the works is "Reach Out.'' the story of a sinale woman working Of\ a crisis ho lllne who bec omes lnlatuate d with the psychologist who runs the pro1ram. a far cry from the salary she command• today. "Home" was • $35-a-week motel -walking distance down th1.1 Strip from the gllltering entertainment palaces. After Vegas cume three years of traveling, 50 weeks a year. "playing every Holiday Inn from here to the Catskills." Those dramatic efforts follow "Bom to Be Sold," the story or children sold llleaally for adoption, and "The Last Song," which addressed the perils or uncontrolled chemical pollution. In 1973 s he entered and won the Miss U.S.A.-World Contest. then outdistanced hundreds or other actresses for the Wonder Woman part. ON THE LJGHTER side. she'll be goln& a stint at Valley Forge, Pa .. with comedlan Don Rickles. her partner in a series or soft drink commercials. "I'm looking forward to working with him," she said. "It was a C'razy two days when we did those commercials. So the show should really be something .. Oscar Fever is coming She's spent half of her 30 years entertaining, and can't remember a lime she wasn't keeping a frenetic pace. Bom in Phoenix, s he began s inging with local &REA' El TOllO Soddlebock 581 ·5880 llMNE Woodbridge 551-()655 WESTMINSTER UACtnemo 893~6 7 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Inclu ding BEST PICTU RE BEST DI RECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR ~ ==~==:==~ CHARIOTS OF FIRE ' • LADO COMl'AH'I ..,_, WIJ!Nfll ll!OS lllll..S .. . ---:-o c--------..... - Monn Blea Plaza 529.5339 COSlAMESA E<1w0ros lown Cen1ei 751-4164 FOUNTAIN VAUEY ·~E f.our\to•n VOiiey C1f"\Odorne .... """, -..-- 839-1500 634·2553 oo-..v ·~· NOW PLAYING COU&lllU& (0#60\ 8tr\hlll ~•o t••• ll T OllO OllAllGl f.cMllfO ~· I/ "aP,_.n '•-' ~It )HO b)q~ IDUllTllM U llll WllTllllllSflll u• M.oJ• t ! I '~f)/ t I 411 "93 0',f6 fUlU~TOll ' • ~1\ • • 6C•M9• ......... ' • ..,..., • ii • ...... , ................. , ••1prlrur~• NOWt' DAl~Y MAINE At All Six Cine omes AadlmY "~ NQml.-'.'f:'llf !~~ B·30 Nohsses No Econ. Seats c=:::::::=====:::=J Mariel Hemon&E'Sf K RSmlAL IRI 12:30 3:00 5:30 8 :00 10·20 STADI Uffi [;J krczcrn Drivcz.ln call 6:S9 8770 --Wr~ • Rt.olut10n•y C11w·FI Sound ""'"" ............ .. .. .,..,.....,., u .. 11&~ '"' ''"'""""'.-...,.., ... ··-~Jlb"ot· ....... ..... 'f'lllllPh_.,., ...... . Kat• J1c:1Uon MAIUllG LOVE nu HmMv 0t Jh• pgtld Ul'l I Muhrm,_.. Ah 900¥--.... 1 .. 1P1u1I Otioll l lor<r IRI ~ 1~ Ooub1r T "'°'' ~OU ..... , 4utopsy CAI ~,,,..."' °'*' 1;30 r· NtOHTLV Undrr12F ReEUnl•Nolrd There's a lot being said about MAKING LOVE: ''The first controversial movie of 1982 ••• A completely successful telling of ~ very tricky subject ... A fascinating and well-acted story.'' -Gfllolf smm. CHICAGO TRIBUNE H\ENTIETH CENTURY· FOX Pre~nt~ .... PRODUCTIOl'lo or THE l"-DIEPROD C0'-1P.&,'\I' -'.11o .&,RTHLR HILLER fll"-1 MAKING LO E M ICHAEL ONTl<EAN • KATE JACKSON • HARRY HAMLIN \\ ENDY HILLER and .\RTHL R Hill Product>d b1 .._LL[" "OLE R dnd 0 .4."llfl Mfl "l(lo. Screenpla) by BARR\ SAN DLER Ston b' .4. SCOTT BERG Dirt>C!t>d b¥ .&,RT HUR HILLER "'1u)I( b) LEO-.. ... Ro ROSE"-'-1"" ........ ' ~ • .., ......... u _ ........ L-J. --~~~~~~~ "Diane Keaton and Albert Fmney give the kind of performances that in the· theatre become legendary -'lllere 1111\ a -11161c:• Am Wa .-pidme ~ .... Mooa' ........ rtnp fllH ...... ..,.. ........... 1 llldaa dmtll.....,.dll_,.aco '1An rlcaa mcmefldle~ ..... ....._ THB NIW YOau& MAGAZINE "A movie you won't want to leave_. A 111" 1, laOa d I ..., ti 1 r oadle .fOCb &om two ._. Anctor Alm Pncr wtO..w ......... BoGctt ... Y• em't .... It ... n ........... ,_, be' I lbydle ........ ltW.to ..... F ...... I :a ..... ,. ...... .... .......,. -.11, ... poww Albeit Flwy wllllw~_ .... ...,.. ........ Mooo'llatowerlls wllilewm r t Ilea ..... CllmC AND SYNOIC.ATI!D 'COLlJMNIST SHCIYF IMWN NOW PLAYING IMA CllTAWA •111•11 ... -•ea Pim Eihw•ds CNma Centet V• lW c.dulM S2t S31t 179 4141 830 lttO &34 2SS3 ... .._Ta UA Twin an.mas 898 1243 COSTAllllA ' Edwards Sooth Coast Pilla (7141 546 2711 I "°'AUtuce1,no ~OflT-11eGAOoon l · , ' "'.-tllt"~T• lrMlll'.11 lft' , ] IV llUA .. .l/llT ...-tll~t: • l jllPfAitA~ • ~ Au ~ •• ur ~r~u .. :. • .'' ,: Thia wffk you c1n '" REDS at the•• th11lr•• •l .. AMl•WPOlll llWllMlf-TWl9 •C ..... ..,..,.., .. .,. iH 01641 io,, -~ .... oe itte 0.-tH 1UJ l .. llMI ~ Wltf ...... MllTII C.UT PUJj w .. -_.. Ht JIU 1-QllTUI ~Cool> llloU 1\t 4114 UA tMtMI ltt<t ttO •OU -o '•••n .a-_t_"1ee 'Otl '"" lllO.lrl41•ttt •ACAOE.MV MI M8fRS '°"",.,a w1U ~· ~enel'f~QVK1' to any p•rtQtn'ttf\Ce •• 1"'9 Jt\4ft tr•-t +no•c.l.0 ~ . , *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Ptrform1nc .. before 5:00 PM (b cept l peclel En91gement1 and Holidays} 1/J. Ml"Al1/J. M ,t.l l Muodo 01 Ro1ec•OM LA MIRADA WAlK·IH 994·2400 . CMMl4&1-• "OEATH WISH, II" 1111 u .. ····-~·· ... , ... --· c leOfT TW6TM\' """°" "TAPS" tl'O) ,, ... ,,. ....... ,. ... _...... OOfT'll..... """ ~ _o.._,...._ ... o.. ....... 0.,. ,....,,.. .... o.., ...... ,.... • .,, ,.,. 'MAKING LOVE Clll 1111 ..... "······ " .. --IO'IO llM ... M.Uli • RAIOUt9 0, THE LOST ARK IN ---,,., ..... 111.1-. ,.,.. LAKEWOOD CENTER WAL K IN -°""' .... ____ _ REOS" !Ht , .....• , .. IOU OOfil'T flf AW TO M c.AZ'f' l'OLN9- CANNERY ROW -t1M JM.t•.IAI , ... _. ,oc1111y 01 Cono1ewooo 21J/IJ1·9HO Ul'>IDMlll---'OH GOLDEN ll'ONO _... .... ''· ••.• ,.\ tlf1t I YOU OOlf1' KAft TO M °""' l'OLN9- 'CANNERY ROW' -11:19 ......... " ..... . 01°"°1 C ICOfT ,_,TM\' ""'"* TAPS O'DI -o..-nw...---o..•·-~=:. ::~'*C =-=-,, ........... , ... LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAl ll '" focUllY Al Ori Arno 21J/6U·t211 """"'-rooo • ._...., ......_., ··RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK 1"1 ' .. ) .... , ..... ., 11 LAGUNA REOS" -1LM ......... "IC"'61l OtmllNI Un JACl<- MAK INQ LOVE 111 ,, .............. .. 11.M CfltOll .t.fllO 14'1t ~LUON CHARIOTS OF FIRE '"' , .. , ... " .... ,,,. so. COAST WALK·IN Sou1n Coo11 ""•oy 01 11ooowoy 494-1514 I TOU OOH""T M•V'I ro II QUZ'r TOUYIMltM J ••CAourr ••.,.o-- 1. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK CANNERY ROW -'"' ... 1•~·· ftillMIOM t• • •. ,. •• MOtM'tH ?-11 ..... Uf .... J tt 4 • 1 tt I .. PACIFIC fH(AT~fS DlllV(·IN SWAP lll(ElS t n• ''" rov• 1uu1 -Vt .. o '"f oa• •r HAlllDll ll VD DlllV(.IN 6 OllANGE 011111(.IN t aw 10 J rtll Utuaoa• 4 SU1t~'t till(,,.,,*' $U"f•ts '' HtMf•• St&O•..a• "• " .. ~ e '5 I IO 6 • 00 .~ •• \ ....... I 6 45 IMPORT AN I NOTIC(' CHILDREN UNDER 12 FRll! ,.•II•' jnO WV"t' Mt1t '"'" '' 5 30 •~•I Svl'I ""'' 30 '"' Co.f.fi ~n ••OUK '" CN' 'l.\000 15 •Oil~ 511UA£1i I "° .,, tAll 1¥oOO WIT"°""°" IUISSOll• l'QStl'()lf -llltl<G AM ...,_, .. U •AU ~ OIW!-N$ IJD 00C AM llAOCI ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ''•••O'f 91 ot lemon St 179·9150 HOT ANO BOTHERED Clll ~.,,.TOO HOT TO HANDLE !Ill l'\UI 'GIRLS ARE FOR LOVING C•l<I ' SOll~O IV!NA PARK BUENA PARK DRIVE·IN hncofn Awe Wett of t nott 121·4070 &VI NA PARK LINCOLN DRIVE·IH L•nc.otf' Aw• we.a ot t.nott 121·4070 '1'.JIVillhl Son Dl•go hwy ot 1100'~"''' ($0 I 962·2411 .. 1s111o11..,s11g HI WAY 39 ORIV( IN Unwl---·-"ON GOLOEN PONO ..... I THE ELECTAl;~SEMAN !NI Clfll 11 SOUN!> ,-""-0 •• , •••• Mft.V'OI oouou.a "GHOST STORY" 1111 -EVILSP£AK I'll ClllfR~ lA HAft~'A LA HABRA ORIVf IN CM.A.lllit..11 • ..,...,.. Nill DEATH WISH II llh "LUI THE BURNING "" Cthf '' SOUJilO sE:ouc'Tic»fr.,--- .... -1> BOOY HUI 1111 "LUI BLUE LAGOON "'' "'filft •1 )UUlrrfJ WHIRi fOfHO lHOI •tJTOll'9• e10M .. ·TORSO" !Ill .... AUTOPSY' lllt ..cMAU. ON'Tal.A.N ~Tl MOCIOM MAKING LOVE r•1 "<UI HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART ONE ftlt CMAllLl8~tllt DEATH WISH II' Pll .... TH£ BUR"ING t111 c1~1 • wu~o !leo<n l ••O So 04 Goitoen GIO.t ''""°' 19l·3693 CM:OOIOI C llCIOn ,_,,... """'°" TAPS 1"1 "LUI MODERN PROBlEMS - ::11•1 <I $0UN0 · S UCTI N"tiil'- ~ BOOY HEAT .. !111 -BLUE U.GOOH" 1111 Cltll " 50UlllO .. .....,, ....... _ ...... ,_ "ON GOLDEN PONO" ....,. l'lUI ,._ .. "°'"'•Ito<• .... • ..., .. -"THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN"_... 17MM2 ~•Nvl ORANG E DRIVE-IN -~=40W--I "RAGTIME".,.. "zooTM!'e1 """' \... 1U-' ~ '"' MISSI ON OIUVf IN . p ' .. ...,, .' "• .. ' ' WA5lNER 0111vf "" -··Awe W•tl ot leoc~ .... U7·Htl ionto Af\O ',..... • Slot• C0Ue9e 551·7022 "AftTHOlt" "'' ""UI SHARKY'S MAaflNE flll -"BUSTIN' lootl" 1111 -..,.n·ML~•A\'tlM'9 "NEIOHeORI" 111 -'TIMe aANOfTI" ...- I • I. Orang. Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Febr41ry 21, 1 ga2 •7 Peace of mJna is fringe benefit Of saying no DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a 15·ynr·old hl1h 1chool sophomore who hu learned a lol from rtad1n1 your column. A while back 1ou printed 1om1 1hockin1 U1ure1 about hl1h·1chool pre1nanc.1t1. l lhlnk you 1&1d there were over a mllllon t n-aaers w)\O had out-of·wedlock babies. l know or a birth-control met.hod lbat la very etfecUv , very inexpen1lvt and 1uaranteed not to tail 100 percent of the time. ll ll the word NO. One of the reatons there are ao many preanant teen·acen la becau.ae someone hu aold them the Idea that "everybody is doina It." Well, J can teU you that everybody ls NOT doinl It. I recently read an article on the true meaning of sex. One line from that article stuck In my mind, and l wish every teen·aaer would think about it. Here It is : "The more special somethina is, the mor' we reserve it for special people, special times and special oecasions." It seems to me a person's body ls just about as special a thing as there i.s in the world. lt should 111 lllllll be reserved for a special pereon al a special lime and a special place. -HOLDING OUT IN HOLLAND. DEAR HOLDING: I'm wllll yM. Aaollter frla1e beeeftt of aayla1 ao ll peace of ma.d. Ivery day I receive do1en1 of lets.en fro• &ee•·•1e 1lrl1 who are worried sick ••• u~IDI Ir tlle do·lt·youraell prepaacy klll available la the dru11tora work. Tiiey oftee tell me tlNI date of tlaelr last period Hd tt.e lalt Ume tlNly bad IH Hd ask If they could be pre1oaat. I hope the girl• wbo write those letters to me. see youn and learn 1omelhJa1. A word from one of tbelr pMn la SRUcla more efteetlve tlaaa HYW.11 ml1btuy. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Could you tell me II there are any pet stores ln t.be Lancuter, Ephrata or New Holland area that sell baby raccoons? I would like W have one but don't know where I can gel one. I hope you will 1lve me an answer, Ann. And thank you ever so much for all the good advice I aot from you already. -A REGULAR READER. DEAR &.R.: Eacb state llaa lt1 owa rules and reJuladou re1ardJa1 pet raccoou. Vou be1t bet 11 to call up a pet 1tore aad uk what tbe law la I• your state. AccordJag to my Clllcaao experts, raccooe1 hue *9 known to tun wild If tlNly are moyed from one place to another. (Tiiey can be mean biters, too.) I su11e1t tbat you aelect a domestic pet -one that ts friendly llld more predictable. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I want to write In response to "Florence," the nl1ht nurse. I abo worked nl1ht1, full-time, had three boys, no husband or other adult ln the house Since I was an aide, I was paid lesa than a nurae. One early mornina 1 feel uleep drMn1 home and narrowly missed a telephone pole. (I averafed four hours' sleep durin1 the day > When my old car broke down, I hitched to work. Every mother who works is holding down two bl& Jobs. What's more, motbera are the laraest group of underpajd workers lo the nation. Every level of society pays a big price for under· mothered kids. 'they fill our courts, detention homes and jails. Working mothers should unite and do something about this problem. EXHAUSTED MOMMIE IN VIRGINIA DEAR MOMMIE: They .HAVE united. TlaJa 11 one of the tblnga tbe womee'1 movemeat la all about. Where ban yo&: been! Sagittaruis: Highlight flexibility Back pain class topic WELLNESS WEEK will be celebrated throughout Orange County today through Feb. 28 with a variety or health education and self-help programs . For information on Wellness Week activities. call 675-7321 or 528·1258 I Monday, Feb. 2Z By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (Marc h 21 -April 19 ): Hope, inspirati o n r ep la ce doldrums , discouragement. You get new lease, you'll be finished with past travails and some of your fondest desires can now be fulfilled. Love is very much a part of scenario. TAURUS (April 20·May 20): Career gets boost; you no longer are new boy on block. Green light flashes for your creative talents, energies. Superior makes promise and will keep it. No heavy lifting, please! GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Good lunar aspect coincides with direction. journey, intuition and learning by teaching. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persons play significant roles . You locate lost article . collect meaningful data and put together puzzle pieces. You'll have complete story! CANCER <June 21.July 22>: Budget leak is revealed ; you'll learn more about money and how it gets that way. Dig beneath surface indications, insist on verifications, confirmations and locations of source material. HllllCIPI LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Maintain tow profile. Attention centers on contracts, cooperative efforts an~ possible clash with one whose POiicies might be opposite your own. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be analytical; reject superficial explanations. search ror motives and be ready for communication· which signals necessity for change. Aquarius. Leo, Scorpio persons figure prom inenlly. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0 ct. 22>: Family member aids in restoring confidence. Home surroundings will be more h~rmonious. beautiful. Surprise gift is part of scenario. Ple as ure indicated through childre n , speculation and personal relationship. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): What appeared lo be a lumbering, jumbo problem will be resolved in relatively easy fashion. Territorial claim will be settled. You make significant gain if terms are properly de.fined. . SAGnTAJllUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 >: You'll be given responsibility for correcting errors made by others. Highlight n exibilily . versatility and belief in yourself. Path opens which leads to opportunity for significant financial gains. Watch Capricorn! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19>: Project is completed, prestige surges upwards and financial picture is clarified. You obtain needed material and receive additional compensation for efforts . AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Feb. 18): Circumstances take sudden swing in your favor. You'll be at right place at right time. Your presence and tale nts will be acknowledged. You'll make new start, gain greater independence and have constructive outlet for originaJ ideas. PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20>: Secret is confided and discretl.on is necessary. There will be some sniping. but your position is backed by those in au\hority. Views are verified and individual you respect will pav meaningful compliment. onstruatorv BACK •PAIN will be the subject of classes offered by the Orange Coast YMCA beginning HUlTH HllP Monday in Newport Beach. For information. call 642·9990. STRESS AND ADOLESCENCE is s ubject of a program sponsor ed by South Coast Medical Center and the city of Irvine at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Irvine. For information. call 499·1311 , ext. 560. H EALTH ·RISKS or women who s moke cigarettes will be discussed in a workshop Tuesday at Golden West Coll ege. For information. call 892·7711, ext. 642. WHAT TO DO in an emergency is topic or a lecture at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach at 1 :30 p.m. Wednesday. For information, call 760·5831. .. TDDAT'S CllSSIDID nZZLI RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTERY 111f;a tah -4 s... tlrr-llrtmu (ages 4-6) A:i academic readmess program with emphasis on the performing arts ACROSS 85 Tried mile 1 Lake. In 87 Famoos 158 Fonn Of France 89 Cus1oms address. '4 Turbine 91 Eden name tor shor1 wheel 92 Cobblers' 160 Attendfno 9 Bueball concern 161 "l -1 player 94 Stirs Camen·· 14 Tracks 96 Maritime 163 Chest down 98 Historic sounds 20Weddlng period 185 Nickname words 99 IL's neigh· for 21 Fr:nce bor Octavia 22 Gr mar· 101 He played 167 Forbidden ket place Sherlock 170 Compound 23 Akin Holmes ethef 25 Dletet's dish 103 Bishop's t73 Gratify 27 Moroccan letter 176 Decorate city 106 For.ward! 178 Ref rlgtr ates 29 Poinlt<I 107 "-Town" ISO Fall !tow. arch 109 Showed 182 Sludent's 31 G1llan1 egaln paper 32 Adv1n11g41 110 Respond 183 Eue 3-4 A lrican riYef 112 More 185 Giant 36 American pltuant 187 Love. In cSopoocl 114 Romln road Pam 36Un!Odl 11& Corrodes 189 French holy st ComJ*ltor 118 8'ends woman of a IOrt 120 Rigorous Abbr. 41 Suffice 123 Seamstrt11 190 Physician 42 Wtttward 125 Trumpet 191 Climb CNtr -I sound 192 Hobbles 44 Overhead 127 Breaks along tr1ln suddenly 193 Affirmative 45 Current 129 Lucity vote 4 7 Biiiet vetch number 48 SF'sState 130 Emulate DOWN 50 Speedy Gulll11tr I Chlld·llke 52 Crow Oll9f 132 Actor Atner speech 55GooM 133 Who ls -? 2 Jewish genus 135 Ledger month 58 Helm entries 3 Staln poeltlon 137 Ill· 4 Extremist 59 Arlbrobe mannered 5 Correletlve 81 8ecoo 133 Account 6 Rocky hlll accompanl· entry 7 Mideast ment 1'0 Fregrant land 63 Matriculate resin 8 Fanatical 65 Eagle's nest 1'3 ChOoae 9 Tidbit 67 Ctty In ltalla 1'5 Listener's 10 Sllvw 69Common loen symbol people 1'6 While 11 Slk:ky 71 Ending with 148 Premise In stuff goat or boot logic 12 There1ore 72 Print 150 Make 13 Elevate meuure amends 1' Glngko 74 Seek t 52 Partners of 15 Concerning 77 Oual Penates 16 Priest's 79 "The Think-154 Nyet oarmenc ., .. 1Culptor 155 Tonkin 17 Nlclmamt 81 Wanderer native for Caroline 84 Wrtfl 157 Ch"-18 Public 2 3 20 alorehouM 105 Prying ber 19 Diajolna 108 Lump egaln 2<4 Crowded 111 Plural 26 Distant ending 28 Excited 113 Mutical 30 S.t>o-Croat ltlOW talry 115 Meke merry 33 Lulltwatm 117 Abbr. on a 35 European liner rivet 119 Meflln'• 37 Otmoli.Ma torte 40 Red. Grt91 121~ or Huc!M>n 122 J4lnuery. In 43 Avenaceous Medrid 46 Grain 12 4 lneurgent goddess 126 GrM6t letttr 46 lnatrtlon 128 Smudge matlt 13 1 Reslrlct 49 Over 13-4 Overact 51 Devil 136 Quarrel: SI. 53 French 139 Brand article name: Abbr 5-4 -Oeum 1'1 Frenctl 56Can .. USA. lrtlclt tic. 142 At home 57 Lariat 1« Bank 60 Improperly employees awry 1'6FI~ 82 Bragging essenoe speed! 1' 7 Protected 64 Protest ITom lhe sun 66 Wew ..,.,_y 149 Early pulpit 68 Thespian 151 Consumes 70 Squtk:h: 153 Witnesses 2 words 156 Conll9• 73 French mOldlng revoivtlontst 159 Plant 75 Miid cigar sourc.s 76 Macho 182 GOid or mls1er silver 78 Ota tlesue 16' Impudent 80 Al no time 166 NorM 82 Hindu explorer mentra 168 Maple 83 Exete<' s genus shire 169 Chemlcel 88 Dlscour1g41 aufflx 88 -pro-171 Rational tundls 172 Anc:ltnt 90 Delhi Gault dr_, 174 Overstuff 93 Bush 175 F'olato buda 95 Petty 177 Seine quarrels 179Amtr~ 97 Shoestrings stop 99 Damp 181 Gypsy man 100 Ext•nal 184 Left·hand 102 City on the page Flhlne 186 One of the 104 Grapes. In Smiths botany 188 Out of bed ltZZ HAHOI ILYD. Cf>STA MISA -541-11561 t'hen Charlie Smith went down to the border, be found more tban a line between two countries. He found a line within hhmelf. Nrwport Siu.sic Cl!onsmatorv llHlllrWal '57.0211 JMl' NJ(JIOIM>N .. ntmBORDER ....... \llmA .......... '1Jo.lli\~ ... ~.,.,... HARVEY DmL VALERJI PIUINE WAllUN Q\TU -ILPIDIA fAllDJ.() ,_ .. DCIM •'-."ill4 b ••UO-,llU1 M40i\'11D rlllMAJi ....,_~....._....If(•°""' ...... ll coootl ---,.,,,,.. ... \fl\ "411\.n ........... mt.41..,..,....\.I' ........... JOfll' ~ .... ~.=---==~!Tiil::!~!i!iiCllE.l ·-............ -.. "NUMBER ONE PICfURE OF THE YEAR .. .'~,_-. .. n Noaahuated for II ACADEMY AWARDS ,,..,...,. .. BEST PICTURE -DRAMA BEST DIRECTOR Mark Rydell BEST SCREENPIAY Ernest Thompson BEST ACTOR Henry Fonda BEST ACTRESS Katharine Hepburn BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Jane Fonda • '\ LIDO DRUGS 3445 via n~o. newport beach. phone 675-0150 Magic " ... every piece of magic a nd the skill of e\ ery craft has been used to free our imagination, to let it soar" ith the fi lm to what life may have been like 80,000 years a~o." -Sheila Benson. LOS ANGELES TIMES Impressive "QUEST FOR F IRE is perhaps the most impressiv.: physical re-creation of prehistoric times ever put on film ... Ultimately, QUEST FOR FIRE evolves beyond anthropology into a love story-in fact, the First Love Story ... QUEST FOR FI RE is diverting and well made. and kids should love it."-Dauid An.sen, NEWSWEEK Extraordinary "In its most elemental form, what we have is a quest movie, in the great tradition of EXCALIBUR and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK ... it's one of the most extraordinary films I've ever eeen.,. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 21. 1982 N'Q.vel awakens, smiles OULS It 8001 ES. ly David Lod1e. Morrow, a.. P•I•· t11.1t. lmaelne playln1 a 1am• ln which about halfway lhrou&h the rules were chanted. David L.odte has. The 1ame be has chosen to write about Is tlte, s pecifically llfe in the middle of the 20th century, and the result is "Soul & Bodies," 11 rlncly written novel that not only entertains but olso does what ao few novels nowudays do, mukes the reader tl)lnk. Lodge, using 1t writing device that hasn't l>een utilized much in recent years, often 8001 REVIEW interjects himself into his plot to comment on the action At one point, he tells the reader, "This book is not a comic novel, exactly, but I tried to m ake it smile as much as possible." · And smile it does . It also cries. Bcgmning in the 1950s and carrying through to about the present day, "Souls & Bodies" charts the lives of a group of Britis h men and women from their college days to middle age. The period covered was a time or great change. Socially. of course. And, also, for those characters spiritually, since the tie that binds them together is Rom an Catholicism. At the beginning, they see their spiritual li ves in relatively simplistic terms. a matter of do this but don't do that. But then the changes begin and religion no longer is the s imple thing they thought it was. For ttiem, the rules have been changed and they don't quite know how to cope. Nor arc they quite sure how to cope with the great s<>cial changes taking place, most immediately the so-called "sexual revolution." What they had been taught was wrong now no longer 1s As Lodge puts it, "They were weighed down with beliefs, useless answers to non-questions." Most m<inage t o work out an ac· com modation of sorts. Not all, however. And how they get from where they were to where they are at the end takes the reader on a fascinating Journey Phil Thomas AP Books Editor NORTH ANO SOUTH. By Jobo Jakes. Harcourt Bruce Jovanovich, 752 pages. $14.95. This ts an ambitious but nawed novel about two friends and families caught in the turmoil over the issue or s lavery in the United States in the m1d· l800s George Hazard, the son of a wealthy Pennsylvania iron maker, and Orry Main, the so n of a wealt h y South Ca r o l i na pla ntation owner, meet during their years at West Point Neither purs ues a military career . But they rema in friends . d esplte the BEST Sf llflS FICTION I "North and South," John J akes. 2 "An Indecent Obsession," Colleen McCullough. 3 ''Marco Polo, If You Can," Will iam F. Buckley Jr 4 "Cujo," Stephen King 5 "The Hotel New Hampshire," John Irving 6 "The Dean's December," Saul Bellow 7 "A Green Desire," Anton Myrer. 8 "Nobl e House," J ames Clavell. 9 "No Time For Tears," Cynthia Freeman 10 "Spring Moon," Bette Bao Lord. NON· "'ICTION I "A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney," Andrew A Rooney 2 "Jane Fonda's Workout Book," Jane r ond u :1 "A l.ight in the Attic ," Shel Silverstein 4 "Nobody's Perfe ct ," He ndrie Weisinger 5 "We il(ht Watchers 365·Day Menu Cookbook." 6 "How To Make Love to a Man," Alexandra Penney 7. "Pathrinders," Gail Sheehy. 8 "Fitness To Po we r ,'' J o hn Ehrlichman 9 "Be lly Cro c ker's Mi crowave Cookbook." 10 "I Love New York Diet," Adler and Myerson. Courtesy of . Time. the weekly news magazine J "WE.CARE" H>lt AU OF YOUR HEAL TH MEEDS orEH EVEIY DAY EVIHING.WhiCEHD t:OO AM-t:OO P'M You can help your newsp~per camet collect at times con11e· nlen1 lo you by na111ng your check pr money order retldy so the carrier won't have to call back Becaute thla young pel'80n ls In bu11ness for himself or herself. pie ... be rettdy - and watch that b'9 arnlle which aays "Thank you " ever·widenln1 rlt\ between the northern and 1outhem 1tatea over the uae or alave labor. The at.ory is rull or friend.I and enemies: wivea, children a nd slblln1a; secret and not·ao-aecret lovers. Wlth those characters. Jakes attempts t.o show how dllflcult lt was for people t.o take aides on the alavery issue as the United States moved closer and closer t.o civil war. The issue Is freedom versus persecution or men and woman -for whatever reason - racial, soclal, political or religious -an Issue tracing back to the roots of the Hazard and Main families In Europe. Parts of this 752-page novel move at a lively and interes ting pace . But lt 's not a ''page-turner." Jakes often has ditriculty interweaving hls twisted and tangled story Une with the political, social and economic events or the time. "North and South" ends with the start of the Civil War. But it's only the first in a trilogy planned by Jakes . The author is obviously adept at taking a story line and spinning it through several novels. The eight books in hJs "The Kent Family Chronicles," a ll o rigimally publis hed in paperback, were bestsellers. "North and South" is his fi rst book to be published initially in a hard-bound edition. 3.97 Cover.c:t Weet•be1ket Carol DeegllD Associated Press 2 FOR 99e Renuzit• Heavy doty (M:tcti-c '"Of""' rr; •'' ""ir wh1!Ph<l SuJ.o"' >Oo• lufle• 1 • 01 "'re ~~.~ ·\~f ., . \ ~ .. '\ ~ \ 't "-':: ~ ....... ~ 2 FOR s3 Mee.I Phologr•ph FremH Hand~Omt> 'u7 0t 8 •10 lran>e<> Almoncl/Chocolala 2.99 You•Ch<xe EneMated Coollwera Dural>lf' 1N>1a1 w11h "' ~mt>lf'<1 surface 1 ~48 .... Of 100 TM ho• Retresh•"Q 0<ange pekoelpe ke>e bl&c;k lea 1n bags 8 Ol ne1w1 .. ., "·" ·-... ;~" I ~°"' {.· . . !Color I \1 ,.__.,.-. -z \'" )1 4 FOR s5 WH heble 17•11• Piece Mal• Fae~ VatcHlf Kilcl'Mtn Towel F11ngeo tonon 1 polyester '" r hOtce or rle<.tg11\ 1.38 t" Pleatle-Coatad PtelH Pkg nt 80 "Butlf'rlly' d~ign papP.1 plale<. 1n yellowlo· range ............................ , ..... ~~t,:gA~97 42.97 """'"' 160(0 •KM AOCllOI ~M •Aodtol life Miteoge GOif ii 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAA SHARIF Q. -I• • rweat ..... 1•• ... u.... th 1••ltll•1 ~MttuaJ ..... Wd.I cu uderatu4 1ew deve· doe ~ • , .. w., C811VH· tloa, IHlt I tlM.Pt that ltriq• .......... lldll. Wlaat la da1t e.veatlo• ud "•"do 1•• ... lt?-R. B•ll, Blrmtap .. ,A&a. ITlllt qH•tie• ......... awarded tlae we•kly prise.I A. -You certainly hit where It hurls! But then. I believe that life la a gamble, and that you don't enjoy anything fol ly unleu you are willing to take an occasional chance. Not that gambling three no trump involves any great risk. As most commonly played. it 1s a preemptive bid designed to make life miserable for the opponents. The requirements for the bid are: A solid seven card minor suit wi th no more than one klntc in an outside auit. lt might seem that an opening bid of three no trump with this holding runa the risk of luge loue1. That ia true, but only lo a limited extent. There are certain aafeguards built inlo the con vention. Reeponder acts u follows: II With stoppers in th~ other suits, he passes. 2) With a weak hand. he runs to four clu bs. This la an escape mechanism -opener passes with length in clubs, or corrects to four diamonds if that is his suit. 3) A jump to five clubt shows a good hand that is not suited for no trump but which of!era a chance for game in opener's long suit. Again opener passes or cor· rects to five diamonds, depending on which is his suit. 41 A response of four heart• ot four 1pade1 ia natural -to play. Reaponder hu a Jood hand, but 11 not in· terett.ed in alam. 51 A response! or four no t ru mp h Blackwood. However, 1ince opener can't have a aide ace and must have the ace and king In hia long 1ult, lhis version of Blackwood la used LO locate a side king, if opener has one. That leaves juel one pouibility uncovered. Sup· pose that responder has a de cent hand with conlrols in the majora. a singlet.on dia· mond and two or three low clubs. lf opener's suit is clubs. lhe hand is good enough for game. but if opener has diamonds, four may be high enough. Responder bids fou r diamonds. Opener passes if his suit 1s diamonds. but con verts to rive cl ubs 1f that tS his long suit. ..... I -. Ow Ar,g 17 96 12.96 19" Di•g. Me ... Portable Color TV Advanced stale-of rhe an p1c.turf> tubP produ<.P<; a b11ghler. more. derailed p1c1u1e with richer huPS KMC-192 1G IUY2 1110 COlOlt £MURGEMEMTS AT ltEGUUlt COST 1110 GET JltD ONE AT llO HTRI COST F8'. 21·21, 1112 lad ies' Jumpsuits N1·w ·I " ~ ''"' '"' 1r p N It t,r ''l'it ... , .... •'· t •; •r "'''' • • t tJ .. •• :•· . ' l Children• a Girl• J~gar• W1fn ._., d , '~'' 1 'lit t-r u Ct111t''''' • 1•~ H • / (,.,1,1 1;> / / 2 FOR s3 PlHow Cov.,• A "'''' ... t., ~ iio•ll(J·J .t Ur 1 QtJ ffJlj / ( l •f.Hf•fl di •• I P J fOf (l'.1. t1ln 11¥..\i . -( 1 ' ~ I ,~ I .... 7.66 .. JO Gal'°" Metal TrHh Can 2.09 \. I f • jf J ( t • 1 • l ~ Jl'." •l t1ilf1tl •I / .... 12.44 4-ehalt Metal Storega Unll !-.hlldy ~1'1Plv111q 101 Oil~mrn• g.1roge '""'(' l ••Py n1111a1 \Ct-a~-Or. locket Set ,,........,.,.. Ga c~fOtUM"' propent torch Oa rege, honlt. ~ 2 l·pc sockcl ~1 1n me1111 case .... .. ............ 1.57 v J I .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. February 21, 1982 El cou11r1r1 WISRlll • POP MUSIC ,,.. Siiiger started at top ________________________________ , Best·selllng Country Western records of the week based on Cashbox magazine's nationwide survey : 1. "Lord, I Hope This oav Is Good," Don Wiiiiams 2. "Only One You," T. G. Sheppard 3. "Watchln' Girls Go 8y," Ronnie M c Dowell '4. "Shine," Waylon Jennings 5. "LoMly Nights,'' Mickey Giiiey 6. "You're the Best Break This Old Heart Ever Had," Ed Bruce 7. "Someone Could Lose a Heart Tonight," Eddie Rabbitt 8. "I Just Came Home to Covnt the Men1orles," John Ander son SPECIAL! ua•WT PAPER TOWElS TWO LAYER~ !'HICK SAVE &oc CHLORASEPTIC MOUTHWASH & GARGLE for sore throat oain Mt:nlhol 01 Cherry llavor NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP> John Anderson helped build the Grand Ole Opry House about 10 years ago. Now he's uccompilshed enough os a performer lo sing inside. So talented, in tact, that he was a tmallst for u Grammy Award tor his catchy song, "I'm Just an Old Chunk or Coal But, I'm Gonna be a Diamond Someday." Anderson was an aspiring singer-songwriter when he helped build the present Opry House. which replaced the Ryman Auditorium 1ts the hom e of the '8bled country music show in 1974. A carpenter 's helper. he worked on the roofing c rew. "One lhang about it, I can look up now at the roof and say I'm glad it doesn 'l leak ... he says with a chuckle. SPECIAL! PALMOLIVE COMPLEXION SOAP Mild all Family Soap PAKOF 2 JIO 4. 75 oz. BATH SIZE lie rem em be rs that It was winter and he clltln'l have lo worry ubout bosses scrutinizing h11> work a fter climbing on the roof. "It was so cold up there we used to build little sheds to eal lunch in Just natl two pieces of plywood together , then we'd Lear ·em down und use ·em," he s ays Anderson, 27, is a modest . laid·bac k . 1>lo~alk10g singer whose hard-core country style has been compured to George Jones, Merle Haggard and Lefty Frizzell llis current hit, "I Just C.:ume Home to C.:ount lhc Memories," is No. 8 on the country charts. "I've made a lot or progresi.." he says "Things have worked a lot an my favor I've been real lucky." SAVE 76~ EXCEDRIN PAIN RELIEVER CAPSULES .. u. ........ l~~~~ .... 1)-.1~ fast Relief '~ 2~1 BOTILEOf ~'o t:sest-selling records of the week based on Cashbox m agazine 's nationwide survey: 1. "Centerfold," the J . Geils Band 2. "I Can't Go For That," Ha ll & Oates 3. "Ptlyslcal," Olivia Newton-John 4. "H.,'den My Heart," Qua rte rflash 5. "Shake It Up " The Oars 6. "Turn Your love Around," George Benson 7. "The Sweetest Thing," J u ice Newton 8. "Waiting for a Girl Like You," Foreigner 9. "Sweet Dreams," Air Supply 10. ''Lead er o f t he B and,'' Dan Fogel berg SAVE•1.40 COMTREX LIQUID MUL TI·IYMPTOM COLD RELIEVDI Relieves most major co!d symptoms! F1yhlS (,lVlllt'S treshens hr•'dlh 6 01. SIZE 1.79 WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! SAVE 5 1.70 LUBRIDERM ~ lubriderm Lotion ........... LOTION for dry skin care Soflens. soothes and mo1stur1zes 16 0 1. SIZE 4.29 SAVE 40~ ~:-:i~ LAUNDRY DETERGENT All purpose detergent for t>119hler clothes . SAVE 5 2.50 ...... awcit B·'"C ..... .,., ..... ..., ... ·-€·l::i~ SUPER B with C VITAMINS 100 CAPSULES 2.49 SAVE &oc ~:-:i~ BATH OIL Skin care for dry skin 16 01. SIZE 1.69 ;u:SAVE 29~ HUNT'S AD PRICES PREVAIL SUNDAY. FEB 21st THRU TUESDAY. FEB 23rd NYLON BACK PACK Perfect for hiking or bicycling Con 15"11l"14" structed ol lrghtwerghl nylon Roomy 7.9 5 rnteoor for belier accommodation Ass't Colors 11115 IUI EA. NYLON DUFFLE BAG for Ladies and Men Use as a carry·on. sports bag overnight stay or at the beach Durable water-resistant zipper Ass't Colors 17~"•9" nylon bag with trouble -free 6.95 #117 DU EA. Cj.\jfl1Ii• YOUTH LEAGUE BASEBALL GLOVE SAVE 40' WonderArt WINTUK KNITTING YARN 100° DuPont orion acrylic in bei:lullful colors •SPALDING ''THE REBEL" •WILSON "GEORGE BRETI" YOUR g 95 CHOICE! • EA. SAVE 60' wD.40 AEROSOL ~ SPRAY LUBRICANT Stops squeaks protects metal • 3 •; oz. COLORS 9 9 c • 3 oz. OMUE EA. PHOTO SPECIAL ~ ..... ,., .. ;•, ,, Ma!>ter Card . SIGNATURE 60 FT. Ci:tjiJ.!• GARDEN HOSE with 1/2" BORE GAYLA KITE SHUTTLE •BABY BAT KITE 1111 1 or •KITE TWINE WINDER iisoo RIVAL 4 QT. C\fiij1:1. CROCK POT SLOW COOKER C:ook.., ;ill rt,ly wl11l1• lhP r ool.. c; .iw.1v •3104 15.88 SHOE BAG with 12 POCKETS Holc1s 6 Piltr'> of c,hoes Exlr.:1 SllOfHI <l<JLJhlP ~Ille lied PO< i..t•I., . .,,.2.99 BUY 2 1i SAVE 49' BOOTH SARDINES BUTLER G•U•M TOOTHBRUSHES Gentle rounaeo b11slle safe lor 911ms IDUlT MU 99e EA SAVE 5 2.07 ROLL • 0 • MATIC MOP Self Wr1nq1nq Moo & Wa1er Make5 your old mop and wil 1Pr ob~olele SPECIAL! DIAMOND ALUMINUM FOIL S 1 AN OARD SIZE 12"x25 FT. 2rn9e SAVE 30c BARBASOL CONCENTRATED SHAVE CREAM The bea1d buster in assorted formulas 1101. SIZE 69C .. SAVE2&c MOTHER'S CANNID FRUIT Reprints From Color Negatives SANDWICH COOKIES • • SllClD PUCM£5 ·• SUCH PUIS • FIUIT COCMTAIL 15H.Ull2ill 0 ~- All fOl llTAILlf ltmtted 11me ofter We're lhe professionals, always ready to answer any questions you may have about your medications. whether prescription or over the counter STOP BY AND ASKI ./ Ass't. Wei1hts per Pak ..... lecll Oii ..... " ,.. ...... ,., ........ " Choose frOfft a lar1e variety ..,.,., 111.Aetf-.._a ... .....,.._ "'1 '''''a_....,_..._ a......., POUWTAIN YALLIY -M11• ... & W.,_, .,...,_,_,_ ... UM,._ ._...-c...Df.aw-.. IL TORO-Min ,_... MtlllQlt VllJO-IUPI Me ........ "'9y • IMTA AMA-1111 .._ ....... ..,._. ' I "''"" -M0itt•t0----- 1111 !:°"TW WllD * * * \4i "The Cet And 'rhe c-y· (tt3tl ~Hope, Peui.n. Godderd. In Of'det to oolltct "*' Inherit-. • fernlly ""* lf*ld Ule ~In . Munted l\OuM. l:IO. P'MO'TUMD llUCIC8W .... OHNIJTOl'HER OLOllUP CZl wow ** "Thie le EMI" (1N1) ~t9ry. Film fooi.g. 91\Ct drlllNltlc re-ctNllonl W• U..0 to 1911 ll'MI Slory of E""9 Pr..i.y'a 1119 Md ~. .MO 1 ·--•-IOl!lo11Pf•ll11T'rYY MUIMC ANO THE 8POtCIH WON> I DAYMIEN< LA. Yount ANO TH£ ll8lJa • 9aE ANIWIR8 -~AOOU Cl) IUNOAY MOfNNO o ~ (()MOVIE **'>4 "Smolley And Th9 BMdlt II" ( 1980) Burt Rey· nold1. JKkl9 Gleeeon. Sheriff Buford T. Juatlce c.ie. In Ne two lawman brotlws to atop a ,.11r9c1 boottegg«, tl'MI &Wldtt. from Iran.porting a ~by ~t 'PG' .MOW * * • "P0pey9" ( 19801 Robin Wlltlarn1, SMiiey OuVllll. Wt.119 -Ching lor hie lath«, the aplnach-at· Ing ullor visits a quaint haml91 ..n.re he piclls up a foundling and a skinny •-thnrt. 'PG' t:30 I '°" OUR TIMES THATS CAT • AOeE.RT 8CHUU.EA • PEOP\.£1 II AMEA1CA: THE 88COHD CENTVRY • HEWS (fl PU8UC PULSE !:==.~·S-A. JANET CB)MOVIE • *th "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" (1981) Dow· menl ary Narrated by 0.-.on Wetlel. Footaoe of 8V9nll he P<'ldlcild Ind dramatic r..creaUons ol his Ille comprlM thla IOOk at the 17t~lury French physician, utro!oger and mystic, Michel de Noatr•· oarne, known u Nost••· datn\1$.'PG' 7:001 TOOAY'S~ WHITNEY ANO THE AOeOT D TOPCAT • rT 18 WfVTTEH llJ KENNETH CM£LAHO • DAY OF Dl8COV£AY ., SlNlAY MOAHIHO FUNHIE8 ID YOGA FOR HEAL TH ~ 8PECTAUM Q! SUNDAY MASS 7:30 8 COMMITMENT D RAtNeOW PATCH 8 LITTLE AA8CAL8 8 CAMPUS "'°"1t.E m JIMMY SWAOOART SI MISTEA AOOER8 (A} (I) lV~ LOOKS AT LEAAHINO l!I SEARCH Q!THEWOALO TOMOAAOW CC)MOVIE • • '"' "Return E~ ment" ( 19781 Elaati.th Tltylor, JOM011 Bottoms A lorm.r actrlll wtiO II telctllng II a small c:olt.ge forms a apeclal relation· snip with one of h9f ttu· clan!• l!OO I SUNDAY MOANIHO TH• 18 THE Uf'E D POf'EYE AHO FMH08 • PER80HAL. DIMEN8ION8 I LLOYD OOllVIE OftWILL.IE "TM AoM" Wiiiie fells for a '"'*10 Rican girl lrom P9nneylvanla visiting her aunt In tll9 Big App ... 0 I LET TI4EM IE UOHT .JtUIK'( FALW£U. MX~ CID WHAT ON EARTH? Onan w .... tak• In ent9rtalnlng IOOk at men and NI world (l)MOYIE *'h "Up Rlwr" (1980) Mor~n St-s. A young pioneer becomaa o~ wltl'I r~ .,,., Illa wll• le klhd by • toe.I tend baron who ,_,,.Illa-.-.. UMOVIE • • "White Wat• Sam" l<aith LM'*l. A mounteln man ,,...,.... 1119 Nori'-! with Illa hualcy MWcNng for tM greet wflll• _,., l'out9 aout11. ·o· uoe ocwwv ~ Aw. Juan fllom. «O, St. MllrtM't Catholic Church; AAgel s. Alwredo, .,..._ ap..ic-.._ ag« of ~ StrMI Ind El '"'**' ,.... Hlltor1G Park; Rabbi ,...,c H. Ttn•nbaum, Am•rlcan ,,... C-1ift1": AllOtl- dll Aoland ......... .,,. and _.,.,of Edi-*•· • TOOAY'9 tu.at WOMNf Orange CpHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 21, 1982 ---· f UNDER COVER Agent Nick Frazier (Joseph Cali l goes under cover .1n · · Blu.~ Collar·· segm en t or ··Today s FBI tonight on KABC t 7 > a t 8. Arnold 'l'urner 1 foreground I is guest star. 8 ....nNOTIMEAT CAl.VAl'f'f I fMmNCK K. PNCE NA~ HISTOtlW OFASUN9EAM "A l .. I F'rom Natur•" Sit ~Q!I Pott., u-._ tachnology and .. ..,..,. .. ptiotogr'9ptfy •to exptor• the prop«t1411 of ohtoro- phyll (Part 21 (I) THE 1.AHAYU ON FAMILY LIA! ,, Q! KNOW y°"" 8l8lE CB)MOVIE •*'At "EKllP9 From Alea· tru" f1979) CMnt Eaat· wood, Patrlcll McGoonan. A harden•• con¥1ct . retumld after his lint 81C11P9 from ''IM Rodi." plan• to brMk out again. 'PO' HOG NEWS~ Guest will be u !.. Sen. !. t Ho•u-. I VILLA ALEGllE Cl) ~ AOllERT8 e SDAME STAEET 11'1 ~~WNTT£N * • * ··n.e Aapnall Jun- gle" (19501 Stetllt).,j Hay- den, J-Whltmo<e. The pollc9 are Nm.d by a criminal m111armlnd'1 hall~ robf>ery .._, 8 81181NU8 JOUAHAL G 8 MEET THE PMSS • rT 11J DAY OF DISCOVEAY • THEWORU> T~ (I) FN:;E THE NATION ®I KINNETH ~ 0MOVtE * ••. ,., "The Way We were" ( 19731 Barbra Streisand, Rob9rt F*jlord A young c:olleig9 couple In the 19309 dtsco..,., that ,,,... pohtlcal dlf1erence8 are atrong enough to ;eop. ardlze their marriage. tO:OO • Cl) N8A BA8KET8All Phoenh• Suns 11 Phltaoel· pllia 76er• 8 Qlcou.EGE 8A8KET8AlL WIChltl State at Louisiana Stlle Q MOVIE "Return 01 Superbug" ( 1979)Computeri zad robots and 1119 supert>ug -di for a fortune In World War II burled gold 8 NEW ZOO AEVUE 11J HERALD OF TRUTH .AEXHUM8AAD 9) THE LAWMAXEAS Corr11pond•nta Linda Wertheimer •nd Cokle Robwts )Oln P.ut Duk• tor an up-1o-1i..-m1nute ...,,.... mary of Congressional activities 8i) MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING MOVIE * * * Popey." (1 980) Robin wmtama, Shelley Duvall While -Ching tor Ills lath9r, 1119 apl~I· Ing sailor vtslta a qyalnt hatnl9t wl\el'a l'MI piclls up • foundling and a Slllnny IWMthNt1 'PG' 10:30 8 0 Kl08 AAE PEOPl.ETOO Gueets; Roben Klein. mag~ leian David Copperl191d, paychologlat Or Sllve Fek:lman, 1tory1al1er Jac1<i. Forrenoe. e AOeERT 8CHUU£A • ./EMY FALWEil • oe»INMN> 8i) MMMC OF OIL PMmHO CB)THEGMAT PU!A8UM HUNT Tiiie ~twy llC)9Cial tr...,.._ to 1119 fwt1-I ~ of 1119 wor1d 1n -ai Of 1119 ultimate l>IN*H• that money can buy. 11:00 • MOVIE • • 'h "The Night 01 TM Grlnly" ( 111641) Cllnl Walk· .,, Mlt1111 HY9' A. for~ i_, .. boiher9d by • grlZzly -'*' 119 ...... 1119 Mncl at rancnlng • MA8TEAPIECE THEA TM "TM Fl*M Tr9M 01 Tiil· ka; The Orum• Of War" .,.... TNk• community find• ID wey of llt9 ttwMt9ned by ll'MI out~a.11 of Wor1d Wfl I. (PW! 7}Q ID WMHINOTON WEIK INMWWI") (C)MOYIE •• • • "Sayonara" (1857) Marton Brando, Reel 8uttont An Amef1c!en )9t -!lee • polgr'9nt alfalt wfttl tM llat per10l m. Of • htlNd JIC)IMM tctlng ,._;'li~wmcwrTH DAW> INl9CLIY • ftMYOOU. WMrTTMCM • CHURCH IH TWE HOMI . G WAU. ITAEET WEE.I< "TM Elliott Wa\'9 Theory" G-: Aob9r't A Pr.echt«, 9Cll1or encl publilhlt of "The Elliott W 1\'e Theor- lal." (Rj ®MOVIE • • "Th• Bleck H~" ( 1979) M1Jtlmlll1n Schell, Robert For11a1, Yv•ll• Mlmieux The ~ of a IUlurlstlc apac.Mfllp Ola· C0¥1ra 1no1ner ¥81111 perched on '™' edge ol • lormallon wlllc:h pulls any- thing nearby Into • giant \'Old .._, time and ap1G9 ~ toe .. 111 'PG' 0MOVIE • *.,., "H91<11'. ( 1979) A. young girl Is ~ougllt lrom her grandfllhet'I Alpine hofTWI to 1111• In lhe c:lly AFTEAHOOH 12:00 D ~ SP<>RTISWOALO 10-roun d wee m lddlewel9hl fight bet-n Tony Slbton and Owlgflt Oavideon (II..,. trom Btrmlngham, England), World Pro FlgUra Skiting Championlflip (lrom Lan· dOVet. Md). World Cup Oownhlll Skhng •• Ille Ari· berg Kendeher (trom Gar· ml9Cfl·P11rtllf'lklrchen, Ger· m&11y), "Years Ago Today" -Dick Button wins a gold medal In,,_, a floure 511•1· Ing 11 1119 1952 OlymplCS 0 l08TIN SPACE Robinaon 1rtes to get the Jupiter on a planet before It disintegrates 0 SEARCH • MOVIE **"""Tanen s F'IQlll For Ufe" {19S81 Gordon Scott. Eve Brenl f anan takes on • tribal witch doctor Who is llf'ldangerino llvn with "" hoeus-pocua retn*<lles &i) THEARST CHUACHIU.S The Chu te Nyl\'lpr. While II • muque pef lormenc. at King Char!H Court, a young aoldter. John Churchill, falls In 10v11 with lady·ln-w1i11ng Sarah Jennings 8i) PERSONAL FlHAHCE AHO MONEY MANAGEMENT "Pro1ec11ng YourSell In The Mar~elplaoe' (S)MOVIE • * '"' "Salem's Loi'· (1979) Oavld Soul, Joma Mason A n<>"'811ll retums 10 hi• boyhoOd home 10 put an end 10 troubled memor,.. bUt finds 1t1a1 • llni&IM mystery Shrouds hit town PG' (?)MOVIE • * • "The Compel/lion' 119801 Aleh0td Dreyfuss, Amy ltv1ng Two pianists at a g.,, Fr1nc1,..;o music competition !Ind that their 1o,.. for each other con· fllcl• with thC!lr profession· al ambition• 'PG' 12-.30 f) Cl) Ol.EH CAMP8EU l08 ANOEl.E8 OPEN GOU Anet-round pley of this 72. hole TPA -I (MYI from the Riviera Country Club, Pacific PallHdes, Calif.I 8 OIAE.CllOH8 0 Wlt..O, WILO WOA1.0 OFAHIMAL.8 "a-leh TN name la aynonyrnous With IPMCI Ind -before has thtl fleet·fOOl.0 animal ~ mar• ci.arty Men doing wtlat It dOM belt 8i) PEA80HAl ANAHCE AHO MONEY MANAGEMENT 'tncotne Tu An O....· ... ~ .. (fl HEW&MAKEAS '82 t2;SO II N8A BASKETBAU o.nv. Nugoeta Vll Los Angeles l.Allllt I t;OO 8 THE MUNSTERS A Ylsiling rock 'n · roll group 11temp11 10 rent IN Munster houM for privacy 8 QJl 8POAT88EAT ., ADAM-12 RMd end Malloy ln\IMll· gete the t>Vwre theft of • ......, • WHEN THE 90AT COMIE81N "A Wreath With Our N-On" Su.rprlllflOly, Jact< utee ttlt inft~ on b9l\eff Of Tom encl Dolly. atrqth9nin0 Illa poeltlon wltll Sit Horatio •~•TOM­"Tht EftOll8'I S.Ctl9ment•'' .MOYll "*' M09t oom:11 • 19 •-t..._ • lllJNl...11 • Milloy and .._. rOWloel up • ~ ,._ wflo llM "bonO..O" • "°'"· -~ITOR't' "~And~" CC)MOVll * • \41 '"""""" ~ mtflt" , , • .,., l llubeth T ~. Jo.ph lto.ttOll'lt. A lonnw Ktr-wflo la INOhlng at • llNlll ~ forma • 8"0lal ,...,ion. lhlp with ~ Of her 1tu- dMt1. (ft)MO'M • • "l he lnglof1oue s- tat de" ( t971) Bo '*"°"· Fr.S WllllerMOll Two me11 form en u~ f"'9ndehtp during ''*" 9'forta to SUI'· vive en.my attlldla ancl ¥lo1911t dNth dWtng 1119 tumultUOU9 dayt Of WOttd War II. 2;00 8 CMU.IGAN'I lllNC> Mr . HQW911 ,...,._ his wiN, ... lllng ~ OUl•WllY 8 ¥alu•b•• piece of Illa •lit• • MOYll ••-m "Them" (19U) JlrMe WNttnOl'9, Edmund G_.... TM ~I tall• O\l9f en lnv.tlgallon looking Into 11rang1 dUlh• occurflllg In 1119 Motawo.-1. • TENNll "$200.000 Congoleum CIUaice Fll\111'' 69 WNTING FOft A MA80H "Tl'MI Natur• Of Comniunl· cation•" MOVIE * ••'h "On Tl'MI Town" (1950) Gene Kelly. Frank Sinatra. A trio of Nllora team up with a llXI drillW ano an antllfopologlat 10 find a l>Mutlful glt1 whoa. pleture II dlaplaY*! In lM IUbway 2: t8 ('%) CINEMAaooflE 2:ao a 8PORTI AAEl.D FNtured: a ¥ttlt to a IOUtl'I Florida ocean survl¥•1 IChOOI. D OIWOAN'818l.ANO "GINlgan, The Goddeea" fli) PM8fHTE 8i) WNTING FOR A REASON "Read~· Audience And Persbna" Qt SUGAR RAY LEONAAO'S OOLDEH Ol.OVU Ar1t.nsu \IS New llA•xlco @MOVIE * •• 'h "Searl-" ( 1932) Peu! Munl. George Ratl. A 1m8lHlme hoodlum rlsM 10 IN top of th9 h99p dur· ~=·Ion **"Going P'-" (197'1 '0-ard 09patdleu. Patridl 0.--• Youthl 9"1beri< on a blcy(;le trip that turna Into • Mxual O<lylM)' IGtOh tM French country· tide 3:00 IJ LAST OF THE WllO D TAUC ABOUT PICTURES Q MOVIE * • * "Who' a Minding The Store?" ( 1963) Jerry l -1•. Jiii St John A woman tr!M In ¥aln lo bfeak up her Oauglll«'• romance Oil AMEAICAH 8'<Y\JHE ml Of' EARTH AHO MAH "The E91111 Child Of TM Sun" Cl) ST AR TREK When Cap11Jn Kirk QOM to Mtp a small ~I In responM to a dlat•-call. '"" En191'P'IM Is thr .. I· enec:t with deltructlon (t)MOVIE • • * "Sllool TM PlallO Play«" ( 19e2) Char ... Aznavour. Mari. Oul>Oi8. A woman c:on¥1ncea her once-famous musician boyfr....0 10 1119mPI e comebacil 3:30 f) AMERICAN AOVENTUflE D OHCAMPU8 Featured 1119 history ol Claremont ~l(enna Col· tege and 111 rlM to national P<'Otn~ 8 9 WIDE WOAl.D Of' SPORT'S lronman· World Enduranoe Trtllhlon (from Hewail), World 70.M9t• Ski Ju~ Ing Champlonahlpa (from Oslo. Nofway} II YOU A8l(fO FOA rT F .. tur.O "Ealing F'l1'1 AIM In China" Ind "Bur· led AU .... in India .• Q) MOVIE * • • "Rio Lobo" (1971) John Wayne, Jannller o ·Ne111 An ex-Clllll wa1 oolonel rid• • T IXU town of C8f'p91bagge<• la L08 ANOE.LU W£EK IHAEVIEW 8i) OF EARTH AHO MAH ·'Mapping· Eltplorlng The Glob9" Q!MOVIE • * *'"' "Amwlca Al TM Movlel" (1971) Nanattld by Charlton HHIOn Scenes from a tr•asu,. trOY9 of gr .. I ""*1Can fllms ranging from "Bltttl 0 1 A Nation" to "TM Ood- 111'-, PW1 II" WI llhown, Including atara IUCtl U John Wayne, Elizabeth Teylor, Merlofl Brend<> and Woody Alltln CJ])MOVIE * • \4 "Honeytuckl• ~" ( 1980) WMll9 N911on, Dyan Cennon. WNl9 Oii IOUf. a T•xaa country-_,.,,, all'O« b9comM tnYOIWCI with tl'MI lec:IUC11Y9 OllllOht• of hie akMikldc -lhougll .. '"" low. Ne 11ay .. 1-Mme wrta. 'PG' •:oo 9 INTlflrACE 8 IUNDAY location: Iha llA«l9 Nor· men Cleealc: 8Muty Col- 1.ctlOtl, 8~. G MCMI CHANNEL LISTINGS * * "lmprQP91' Ch9M411$'' (IN'I AIMI Arkin, Matl9tt9 Hwtley. A ..,._ Of~ d4watandlf1ilt c:eutM • aocNI wor119f to ~ .,. ~-old daugflt4t Of a .-pwat9d ~ II tl'MI lr4ctlm of Olllld at>uM. 'PG' .... ,,..~ • • "DIM.llpl9 Of OMth" (1972) ..... ..._, ..... guatlt• Htlrdltnan ..,~ 1M1 t9r'rOttlM dttliarw In England dUl1nO the 11ooa. .MCMI • * "Plrentie. l'ftarlla" (t•721 ~ "°""· Wloo 11.m 1M11t1. A MNMa f 9 l(N)(T <CBS> e i<N8C (NBC) I 9 I( TLA (Incl I 9 ICA8C IA6Cl ' e ICFM 8 !COSI 9 I( HJ• TV (Incl.) e 1<CST IA8CI e ICTTV (Ind.) • OP rv find ) '•KUT IPISI ••KOC! tPISI 10 Qn. TV Zr Z·TV .. HBO C (Cinel'NUJ J (WORI NY , N.Y 111) IWTBSI 1l !E.SPHI 111 IShowtlMe) • Spo111on1 e (c.ott Httn ,..,_rk) I• !llTHI IUNMTAM eowr..,. of I"-men'• ...,... ~orw tnduda d•f•n dlng Oh•lllPIOll ~~.~ s.gr.n, Oaty cart. and ••-~ (from f<9Y lllle)'M. ,....,,, ."'°"" •• • ""~ ltlencl" ( tt'tt) -... ..,1 a.nora 0.. TIWe peapa IN')' ta0.000 • .,... tD -OU1 """"".._ ...... . '"°"' ............ ~ ...... WAU.mmTWmlC ''TM Ulott w .... '"'-Y'' cau.t: ~ "· ~. ....,,. and~ of ''TM llllott w.... ,.,_. lee .. (l'I) • "'°*' --·. (I) VIC10ln' AT IM 1· .......... 1a11 .. ~ TUBE TOPPERS K OCE If 7 :00 "T h e Video Exploslon. ·· Past . present and future of American television are explored. KNXT 8 8:00 -"Archie Bunker's Pluce " Archie JoinK ll group of parents who ure out to ban a sex education cluss-· at Stephanie 's school. KABC fl 9:00 "And JusUce for All .. Al Paclno star~ in blockbuster movie about u crusading luwyer KNXT fl lO:OO "Trapper John. M 0 .. Trapper, Gonzo . Stanley and J 1.u·kpot are frustrated by a girted doctor ca'• flr"1 1N1Jor \'lotory In IN Paoiflc. Midway, 11111• 1.red Japan'• dr-a of dominating tha PacHlc. (l)MO'M • *"' "Blow-Up" ( 1INMI) O.Yld ~. v.,_ Reclgr•.... W1*1 • yourig London pllotogtllPf* hM -of Illa pletU< .. blown up, h9 df!ICOV9fa 11¥11•1 -~ti. a murder. • • • '4 "819M• Mofent" ( 1N0) Edwwd Woodwtlfd, Jlldc Thompeoll Au9tr911- -c:orwcript.S 10 fight Oii England'• ... In 1119 ao. Wal deci<M to fight lhl Bow guerillM on INlr own tanN,'PG' 4:aG· NEl-WUM WAIMHOTON WEB< IHMVllW(fQ -~UNIYEASE ()) LOUii IU<AY8EA'8 ....... JOUANAl (l!)MOWE • * * "TM ~l Jun. gle" ( 1950) S tltflno Hay· den, J-Whllm«•. Tl'MI pollc9 ara ~ttlld by • crtmlnal maallrmlnd'• hall-mllllon-dollw robb9ty. (Z)MOW • • "Tl'MI eo.a·. Soll" (19781 AMtet er--. A111 Mor11no.A l()Olted boy ...,.,. ,_,, the wortclng c:lan u..,., alter he b9cornM a deliV9ry man for hla lath«· a bull.-. 1;00 8 FACE THe NATION 8 STAATRP< Whh on...,,. on 1119 plan- 91 Argelut.. Capt Kirk and two cr•w m•mbere bec:orn9 ln¥0fll9d In mur- der 8 OMATUTSPOATS L..EGEN08 "JwryWeet" • FRNOUNE e PAOJECl UNVEA8E CI> M ·A·s·H Ra<lw writes ,_ to Ills motl'Mlr while Hawt<ay• cat· ,,.. on toot Inspection end Col. Potter geta shot In the bedcllde ~= *'*~ "Snowbell Expres" (1972) Dun JonM, Nancy Olt on. A Naw Yor~ accoun1an1 tr•..,..• _, to tl'MI Aocklee In an attempt to mod«nlU 1119 clllllPldll· Id ski '"°" 119 lflll«it.O ·a· lc:tO 9 C88 NEWS I leC(HEWS 9 M!OHEWS FROM JUMP8TAEET "Go9p91 And Spirituals" Olcar Brown Jr trac.s the dewtiopmen1 of gospel muelc and aplrtluals and ettenda a r1h.,·r•1&1ng HrYlea In Waahlngton, o.c with A41 .... end J- C ........ nd, 1119 O.C Mua Choir and the Mighty Clouds of Joy. (RIO (I) HEALTHMAT {8) WHAT ON EAR™? Onion WallM lakes an en19rtalnlng IOok at man and 1111 world. -EVENllG- e.-GOIG8NEWS CHANJE'S ANOE.LS l(OJN( An ln¥Wtlgatlon Into 1119 klHlng1 ol -al doctc wor11w a la compllcatld by lhe '9malning lttV9(1orea' lil9noa- • M•A•t•H Aft., ftw. daya Of ,_ continuous duly, Hawt<- ey9'a ballavlor ~ wadtler than uaual • MOVIE "SIN09'8 Thf'ougll 0..111" John Liu, J9nnllw Vang. In oro.r 10 take r-. on his opp1--. .• crippl9d a6aV9 1Nm1 Kung Fu boll· a· UF1i AAOUNO US G lYBMOAT IYMPHONY S..Ji en-. conduc1a !tie Bo9tOll Symphor>y ~ 111 In Bactl'a Sinfonia for Double Orc1141atra and "TrOla P9111• llturglee" ~ 011vi.r M..alHn (RJ Cl.J C8I HEWS 9 CHAN..1('8 AHOEl.8 K4111y and Kr 19 pOM u con· teatanta to find out wt><> I• lrylng to "fix" • beauty pageant. 8NBCNEWS CB)MOYIE ** "Thlt la EMa" (1981) ~19ry. Fiim footao9 and dt81Mdc ,__.Iona -1.-d to t• th9 ltOfY of EMa PreeWf• llM and car9«. .MOYIE •••• """""ectlon" ( 1NO) Ellen lurltytl, Sem 811198'd. ~. -,..., euto 90Qdlnt, • -flr!Cll "'9t ...... Ule .... ty to heal othar9 but II P« • aeouted *-ol II« ~ 10 delrn • clMrl4t lnflueno9. 'PO' •11 CZl MOllW •••• "My~ .... Hulot" (t ts•) JacqvM Teti,~,. ZOle. Mf. ttu6o4 mall• an llWlrwWd attempt to oonw. • ,.,,,. l)r tMt tlliar dofl'I reelty ...... Ille ...... mcMMrTI ...,._ to NII tNlr llOl • llfdd. .. , "9Hf MCf( l*nMOU'fWOOO "OoftMul car..·· • TH1.;a:m•ON1 Geo re• t»eoo"'•• ...... Ill. Mtoul ... . .. of ............. of l .. :·:::=o ·-MCMI ••• * "l •roner•" ( 1957} Matton Brando, A9d eu11-. An Arnertcen )el -hM a poignant '""' with tl'MI •tar perlorm« o1 • ,.,.,. J~ acting OOfftl)any. Cl)MOW *'I\ "Up RMw" (tNO) Morgan SllYIOI A young pioneer be com•• obMSMd with ••....noe alt• hill wlf• II ltlllecl by a looal l1nd baron who -••hlt-1!40 (.Q)THE ~ 8")Eft '*'li:.::U 8HOWCAM "Rock & Roll Or.ama" TM birth and gtOW111 ol 1119 W-ll, .,, upWtng n... m •n roc:k group, la 091alled e CHAN..1£'8 ANOE.L8 e a COOEMO Danny raara lhll h9 will lo. Illa Iott• family " lf90N8IOE lronalde'a goddaughter .. ._ • killing and 011- appeera with ..... boy· Irland. • SONNY AHO CHEA • TVTAHKHAMUH'8 EGYPT 1.9 NOVA "Th9 Vid9o EJCplo8'on" Tl'8 put, pt~I and future of American laleYI· alOn er• axplor9c:I 0 (Q)MOVIE *** "Popeye" (1980) Robin WMllams. Shel141y Duvall Whh _,chlng for his lath«, 1119 apl-1· Ing Mllor vlaill • quaint 11arn1e1 wt.a 119 picll• up • louodllng ""° a skinny aWMth91n .'PG' 7:.IO • FROM THE EDITOR'S DUK .. ~.(J)~ 8UNl<.EA'8 Pl.ACE Arellle joins a group of parents who are out to ban a Mx education c:lua 11 Stephanie'• echoot G Q!CHff A woman 41110 h« two unruly~ plot to""' an annor9d car. 8 UNOEMEA WON..D OF JACOUIE8 COUITEAU 8 9 TOOAY'8F8t An ~t who hu gone UncMrCQ\19r 81 I contlru<:· tlon worker blCOme9 a Ill· oat for murder 0 rT 18 Wl'lrTTEN mwow ••th "John GOldferb, Pl••H Come Home" (1965) P91« UatlnoY, Shir· 1ey Maclaln9 A pllol and a phologr9pl\9'·-ll• lewn up-'*' 1119 taller la amuo· gl9d Into a dn9'1 kingdom her..., to do a t tory ., 80UOGOl.D Host· Andy Gibb. Colloet: Marilyn McCoo G.-11: Ar91ha Franklin. ~ Euton. G«>roe e.nson. TM Ro111ng Stc>nM, JatnM Btown, Cryatal G 'Y'a. Hall 8 Oates tD NOVA "The A1tero4d And The Dinosaur" A r.Olcal ,_ theory u 10 why 1119 dlno- --died out eller 150 mlfllon yqra of aucx:4188ful Oornlnano9 la a11.arnlnec:I (RIO 8i) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "I Remember Nelton· low" Fanny (Anna M.._ NYI remelns In loV9 wtlll II« h\Hlband, Admiral lord N•l•on (IC•n Colley). desplla rurnora ot his '""' with Lady Hamilton. (Pan abOSTANOING AOOM ONl.Y "Simon And Gartunk411. The Conoer1 In The p Ilk •. Paul Simon and An Gar· tun«al perform many Old fa¥Otlt• In their lint jotnt conQert In I I yeera, tap.o during 1119 IUml'IW Of '8 I In New Yorll C11y•1 Central Park. ())MOYIE • * '4 ··&c::1ipe From Alea- tru " ( 1879) Clll\) East· wood, P•trlck Mc0oofl4111. A hwo.nld convict mak .. •borall plane to brNk out of the ~ool l)Mon. 'PG' DMOW • • • "Flr•t Family" (1980) Giida RadMt, Bob Nhltlart. The HJCUl lly r.pr....o dauglltw of tl'MI countty'a Mlfo.t pr-. dWllNll femNy ~ her fath8''a 1"*'°4)tl lO cOll(tuct tl\9 affal,. of atat•. 'R' a: ti (Z) MOYIE * *'4 "ZUk.I Dawn" (1979) Burt Lanoa1t•t, Pttar O'l oole. The EftOllll\ WllQ9 • bin• .. ---Ille ZUiu ~ In 1tth-olmur/ Afrtc:a. 'llO' M09()) 0..DAYATA T1Me ShodllnO ,_. Clltngea ..,bata'a 1ttltud9 900 .-===.o TOMCIMOW ... Cl)AUCI V•• oonvto~ ,... to ...,,. hat In CMfOI of "" CSIMf dUflnO hie "'°" ......_. •lllMOVll ··~ "Tiit c..,.... Of ~~"(1M11Clen H....,ty, K1111 O•by. ~MMw-• offlll ........ ~ ..................... '°' ,............., . .,... IO lie ..i ._ 911 .,,._,. r ~ .... Diii ... ............... °' nit a. Of eon.'' .. ..,. • • • .. .. .Altd JwlllDe ,., NI" (1t1t) Al halfto, MO w ..... M....._ ... . ~._.,..... .... ...... tfle INMltr of Ille AINfl--== .-... g 1 ... c::, ~· ~ DMn, Wtl- bunl ttotNrt. eo.tofl Illy . .MMllWIW 1"1A'IM "I ,.._II., NeilOll; Low'' FllV1'/ (AMe .,._ ~~In to... w4ttl 1W '-baftd. "4mlrel Lord Hal1011 (1(•11 Coll•y), ---"""'°" Of 1111 lllftllt wllh Llldy Hlll'nlllOll (P9rt .QU.10.N P\.AYHOUM ....,_ Of Humor. Come Mofte Wlfll M9" Ell ... PtnOnt poru.,. • '9Ctfll whfow d•t•rml11ad to b9ool'M ~ In tfll ~al.Q • • * "The Flnt l>Mdly 8111" (IMO) Frank Slnetra, Fa)'I eur-y, A 119t«an New Y o'1I City pollee o.tec1..... ""'-.... ,It ~ "°"'. l«toua ... ,_, tn. to oalCll a bnllal kill« terrorl%lng Manllll· 4an. 'A' (a>MCMt * * "s.p.,ate W•ya" (1NO) Karen Blac*, Tony lo 8ienc>o. A )'OUnQ cou- ple'• tailut• to communl- cat• ~ r-..lla In lhl deelructlon of IMlf mM• rlage. 'R' t:*> 9 Cl) THE JlffEMON8 LOUIN dlMpprO¥H Of 0.0.ge'a plen 10 PfOl9C1 Ille ,_and latnltv • WOALDOF IUfMVAL 1:THCWLR • * '* "TM Comp9Utlon" (IMO) Rlc:lletd O!'eyfvsa, Amy lfWIO. Two planlsla II • San Franclaco mulic competition find lhat ,,,.., low fOf' ..ell Other COO· ~IMOl-4!\elt ptOfMllon-- .. ambltlona. 'PG' 10!00. Cl) ~JOHN, w.o. Tr IC)P9I', Oonzo. St antey ano Jackpot ar• ltuatraled by a glf\9d doctor and a ioup of pali41nll •• NEWS El'IHDT ANGLEY WEET1HG OF t.ltN08 st-A11«1 1a11c1 w1111 EMz. lbelh Bwr91l Btowntng. Sun Yll·Sen. N1c:colo Machle ..... U Md Artatotte . (P"1 1)(R) Gi) MOVIE • • • "Gung Hot" ( 1lM3) Randolph Scott. Noah 8-y Jr. A brlV9 bind of Martnea 1ttamp11 to _ .. , control of • Pacific lllln<l from1ll9J~ (()MOVIE * • * "Popeye" (19801 Robin Wiiiiama, SMiiey Ouvttll. Whll9 -rcnlng lor hit lather, ll'MI ~1· Ing ullor vitlt• • quelnl flM1191 ..n.re 119 piclls up • lounclllng and a tlllnny 9-tMart 'PO' OMOVIE ••th "Fetao" ( 1980) Dom Oel.uiM. """* BMc:ron ,. pottty compulalvl .. ,., flnda thal nothing can dampen his daeir• for food untM l'MI falls In loV9. 'PG' 10: ts (%) MOVtE • • "Fo11trot" ( 1978) Pet• O'Toola, cnat1ot11 Rampllng 'R' ~. J&4ffY FALWEU. 1:; SWAOOAAT *•th "Second Hand HH rt•" (19801 Rober! Blal(•, Bwbara Harris A Texu ear·waall attendant w8'l• up one momtno to fln<I 11\at 119 ts manl.o to • nightclub wailr11s W1lh tllr• klda. 'PG' t 1:00 8 G Cl) Q! NEWS 8 PACE8ETTEA& II CAl8l8 IN THE HOflN OF AFf1lkCA Slln Moon•yham and Carot U1wrenoe ~t 11111 documentary on 1119 more t hln II• m'"lon IMQPle In Africa who hi ,,. be9n 1flect1d by war and Otouglll and 1119 rMU«s of aucfl-la • TOP OF THE WORLD Contwtanta from !he Unit· 9d Stat•. OrNI Btltllln and Australia comp91a In • qutz P'oO'lm that , .. ,. their •Xp«llM In • wide ¥ar1ely of 11Ubject1 (l!)MOWE * * * "SllOOI TM Plano Ptay«" ( llle21 c11er1es. Avla¥OUt, l\A., .. Oul>Oi8. A woman convlnc•• har once-l•moua mualctan t>oyfriencl to attempt • ~ 1t:" I C88 NEWS t t:IO 8PORT8 ANAL 700CW9 9 HEWS • MOVIE • * • "Rio Lobo" ( 1971) John Wayne, Jennifer O'Nalll. An ••-CMI War colorlai rtdl a THU town °' cwpetMggers. • TAl..aCWTHE UHDHCIED "TM Way To Do II" A man In O..C-•te 04MICI of mon- sy ~ to COll9cl hla w.tt._ ffom 1111 not· r-t.-.0 .unt. • ~ .,,_,_VE_Wll,. Roger Eben and 0- S lalt•I ra¥1•w "N ight Croaeing,'' "Melling Lo..." and .. ,__., e..t." (Fl) 1::::.TKJNATION • * ~ "811¥•• ••• , ••• ( tt71) Mk h•el C•ln•. C~blll l h•Ph.,d. An llOOOUl'ltlng """" --Ing for • l.M Yeo-~ Ill ...... .,.,. MOOnlM ~11\ .......... plot to ___ of .. -WI lllp lrwldira. C"> tt:40 (8)..,. • * \41 ....... l'ftlfft ,... ...... 11t1t) Cllle ..... wood, li'alriCll MoGoofl«\. A lla.rdene41 oonvtot, .........,.,.. .. .,.. 990llp9 '""" .... l'lodc, .. ---~--.... 'l'O' 11141.THI~ ,_.. """°""" .... ~ ..... -............. . 11 1 1•.~-­,...,....,.. e..w. .. " ... ...,., ..., ... .,.,., .......... CeN.. Crt»tll 1"9'lt«.i. Aft ... JlllJ ......... ....... lorl&MV ... ........ .................. .._._,.,, "' ...... ..... '° ........... ... w.M'I tap......,.,,,_, (l)Gl•I__. . --.._,MO .... ..-rWM THll'N'T CMUlllCHIJ.I ..... ''Th• Chui• .. ymph" wtt1e • • INl8QY9 w · '-'*-.. '°"'a...' c-.. • )'OUl't ..... . JoM~ .... lllloW wllll i.dy .... ~ '*'"' J9Mlngl. 1:: * * * "High Pl•lna Or1fW'' (11731 Clint EMI• wood, VerN ....... A """'*--·~ , ... lhe COW9fdty ,....,,.. of • W•t«n t-to ~ Iha Nt"'-OMO lllflldl hM b9w1 1.,.,.orldnO Iller!\. ())MOW " • * 'h "Sal•m'a LOI (11791 OeVld ~-J"'* M-. A noWllllrl r•ume 10 Illa boyflood ,_ to put an lf\d to ''oul*d mJnor ... but llnda tNd • lllnlll• myatwy elVouda hit IOWll 'PO' .MOVIE *** "M9M StrMla" ( 1973) Hwwy K ..... , Aob- 9" 0. Niro. A amelHlrM hood and hie Irr~ lrlen<l find pierlty Of troub41 In N9w Y Ot11 'I Ullle Italy. ·R' CZ> wow ••• "The Comp.tltlon" ( 1980) Rlchatd °'9ytuM, Amy ltvlng. T-planjtta al a S111 Francltco ~ competition find that ttl4lfr loV9 for aedl Otl'I« con- n1C:ta w4tll their protaM!on- al ambltiona 'PO' 12: 1' II MOVll **'I\ "PlaymatM" (1972) Alan Alda. ~le Ste-- .,..,._ T~i11«09d ,,_, become trtenda 1no Mc:t911y blgitl dallllg aedl Olher'aaX·wl- 12:30 (tJ MOVIE * * * "The Changellno" ( 19801 George c Scott, Trlln Van a.....re. A wld· owad musk: prolHaor rents en old hol-. that liCIPM'I 10 b9 haunt9d by • , .. , .... apitlt with a 5(). YMt-oid ecore to ..nla 'R' 12-M f) NAME Of' THE GAME Dan Famtll trtae to prow that • tlllhlonable peydlle- 1 rlat la a gold-digging fraud t:ao (I) LOUIS RUkEYSDr8 IM ISINUS JOUNW. Q!NEWS t:SI CID MOVIE * *'"' "P~ Play" {19781 Paler O'Too11, David Hemmings A conupl 00"· 9'tw'Nnl ~ tfll ,.,. oat Of I mlltllf')' coup 'R' 1:460 ATONE 2:00. lUANA80U'T (fl ABCNEWS WHATS UP AMEAICAI FNtur9d. aurfing'a hlllOfY and cunenl tr..01. roctl me<llc:ine •I I Rolling Stone. conoen. Ille first PfOfeaaional "'°"'"' wres- ller; hO* lo meke money OMOVIE * * * "All Night long" (1N11 a-Homan, Batbra Strai11aNS Aft., being dernot9d from cor- por111 •xacutiv. to ctlaln· ator• night man.gar, a mldd ... ag.o man·a lit. llyl9 and ..,...,.. .,. tumid ~1 'R' 2: 10 CZJ MOVIE * • '"' "Zul\J Dawn" (19791 Burt Lancuter, Pt111 O'Toole. TM Englltn Wtlge a bill• war egelnal the Zulu nation In 19t~lury Atnca-'PG' 2: 18 8 IM UIESS JOUNW.. 2:30 CC) MOVIE * * '"' ·'Return Engage. ment" (1978) ENnti.lh raytor. JOMPh Bollomt. A form.r IClr-wt\O 19 teaching II a emall collage forms • spKlal r•Uon- ahlp Wl111 009 of II« llU- denll 2:.UIG NEWS 3~ TOOAra MUOIOH S:20 THE GMAT PlEA8UM HUNT TlllS documentary ap9del tra....ia to the fwth.al r..cllel of 1119 WOtld In Merch ol the ultlm•le plNIUres that money c:en buv uoe~ (I) COAl.ETTO AHO IOH A 1...,_ege bOy and Illa lllMr cluh ()\19( ~ choioM facing 1119 aon. •:OO 8 INnAf'ACE (C)MOVIE • • * "TM Fnt DMdty Sin" t 19801 F'rri Slnatra. F 1y9 Ouneway A 119teren Naw York City polt.c. delectlv9, *"-w4M 19 eun .. 1ng from a -loua Ill-- -. trtee to catc:tt a ~tal lllller t~ Mam.t· Ian. 'A• (l)MOW * * *"' ''The W11Y W. w ere" ( 1973) larbre StrWaarwJ, RolMWt A.oforc!. A ~ collage ~ In IM t93Cll ~ th9t tMlr pollttcal _...•ICM _ *°"' erlOU(lll to le09- ardllil their fMrTl909, .MOv. ..... ~ .. (1tl1) lllnMttl l«ridga. ~ MllM. FOUf ._....,... lf*ld • frtgMfUI ,.. In • ~ """*"' .,,..,._ edbyldM#lttdMrti• ... 1111----· .,.. 4:to ~ ~ Pllio99" ( tt74) O.lltd ~. l'Mftdl 0.---. y... .......,_ Oii • b60yde ... --tul'M lnto•aewal~ ----ftt9lldl ~ ...... «ll®MOV9 •M '~OfA ......... .,..,, Ulnll , ..... .-. ........ ~.M ln•ll"""8 TV ..,._ ....... --.. ........ ................. ,..,....... .... ' Orange Coat DAJL V PILOT/Sund1y, February 21 , 1 "2 II CUlllflll The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 ' '. 71% of people buying real t1tate hove read claali/ied ads in the past week, a national study indicates. Estate-the Conlptete Orange COast Maliket Place For Wt ....... For w. ......, For Wt 1 ...... .., Wt HoMtt For w. . ...... For Wt ....... For Wt ....... For Wt ........ For w. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••. •••••·•••••••·••••••·•• ••••••••.•••••••••••••.•••••••••••••.••••••••• •••••••\I••············ •••••••••••••••..••...•.••••••••••.••••••••••. l1•rtl IOOi •••r.e 1002 Ge•r.e 1002 GIMr.. 1002 ... ,.. 1002 •••rtll 1002 G...r.e 1002 ~ IOOZ ,Ge•r.. 1002 ....••••.•.•.......•... ·················••···· ..•...•........•••..... . ..... ,., ...........••. ···••·····•·••········· , ...•..••.......•••......••................•.....••••................•..........••..•.....•. .Ol•IOUS& IAYYllW Compfete redecorated "8a)'91de C.Ove" 2 BR. ,. den penthouse Aun. :: pool, apa. prl. beach. -Looks Hite model. Great :: uauma ble Try 20'~ -down or 6 months option. :: Greatly redured for ... mot i v • l e d b u y e r . :::: 1414.000. Debbie Frau · 1• Macnab-Irvine Really ::: M2·823S :: OPIM SUH 1-S :: I 011 leyslcM :: eo .. a..t ·-. 11• Htwport .. ~ •• :: I 00/o DOWH 1• 2 outstandin& Newport 1: Heights rondos. 3 BR. :: 2~ ba, lge yards & 1• patios. $115.000 Wallung := d1Stance to shopping ~ OPIH SAT /SUH 12·4 = l270GLEST .• CM 2).11 -""' -- DISPEIATE • DISCOUNTED Price Just lowered lOK. now 11211.soo. Only 10K down, assume 13"{ loan (errective Interest >. 11167 P/M. Take advan tage of this 3 Bdrm 2 Ba shake roof. used brick. prime area. Won't last! GUI THIS ONE Only 11 9'; for $100.000 assumable loans buys a gourmet kllch . sur rounded by a 3 Bdrm house. lrg lot. RV ar cess, no qualirying S2SK down $1 050 P& I mo rroves you in. Don't de lay. call Diana today Diana P1etenpof. Volpe 559.9400 _,.,...... llllll VIEW-VIEW Newpoft Beach 3 BR. 2~t ba condo. For ma 1 r.;;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-­dining room. plus living CAN1 BEAT TllS! • FOllCLOSUllS 4 Br w/pool $420,000. 3 Br w/pool $399,000. ,ATllCIC TINOU. 759-1221 * AISOWTI ST,IAL 4 Br w/spa. Below market at $176,995. LOW DOWM. ASSUME 12% interest. ,ATllCIC TIMOU. 7SS.1221 • 5 IDIM. ~ SPA + VU. O~ $269,000 WITH THMS. ,ATllCIC T&fOU. 759-1221 I • HIWPOIT, 4 Br w/pool , FUIMISHED. $329.000. PATllCk TIMOll. 759·1221 RV M t>X of Newport Beach FOREVER VIEW! OF OCEAN I MIGHI' UGHl'S OPIH SPACES I PAIKS Sltlil.E STORY PEIFECTION This 2 Bdrm, den (or 3 Bdrm ) has it alt! Open beamed ceilings, cstm shutters, mirrored doors, central air. formal dining room , e normous wrap-around patio by Rogers Gardens and much more! Superb decor thruout this Newport finer townhome. Must be sold . ~bmit on your terms. Now only .$255,000! Call MAHCY IMIHMIHO 759-1221 (644-6636-Res. l GORGEOUS SUNSETS-POOL-SPA 3 Bdrm Calif. r anch, gated for privacy. Views thru walls of glass. 2 fireplaces. family rooOh formal dinin g room, nook & more ! View from secluded mstr suite, sunsets, Newport & beyond. Minimum down. Anxious owner. Assisted financ ing. Now only $298.500! MAMCY IMIBHIHO 75t·llll 644-HH RV M t>X of Newport Beach -t·-.i..a.H --""••\.ol -c...w-.a.1 P'Vf• ,..., C'-w.-Vof MZ r .. -,..,. -Tw-t;o/ -°""'"'"" ..... - room with fireplace. Large 10X28 balcony w/O<.'ean view $225.000 YOU CAN WIN UP TO $5000! llAHD tiEW TOWMHOMES Deluxe. 2 master suites, large airy rooms. Great financing . Co untry atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All fo r the low price of: , as easy as dialing your I SEU, tt.111' items "1th a phone G1vea rail We'll Daily Pilot Clai.s1flcd dol1!e~2-S618 Ad: '1:1';:;.'-•1 l: CUSTOM MEW,ORT Ml!')' 1D9re pnzes loo• Visit one or our open houses between 12 4pm = ~:, L"' : Ftwdi Tlldor H._ -m> 3 BR. family room. den. ::=~11:;:• !': formal dining room aod c--. ""' b re a k r a s t n o o k 3 = ~~~ :: fireplaces, French doors I ....... ..,Slim• '* and windows lhruout. ~:t:JtM !: Priced to selL S39S.000- SUNDAY FEB 21 Look ror giant balloons . or call for d1rert ions CE.'l!Tt;RY 21646-7434 =i.,.-,;.,•:::i.. !: Agt. t:.°J:•-• !:l:lll.i6m3m1.i5i66ill1====l====iii~ra~:::: io ... 11..... - IUSllKSS, lllYEST· SUPH IUY! MOT, RllAllCE ~ V"* 200 I Al'llOkl. CM -~· -11 .170/o L'*I ODttts-dcrv 1·5 =:;;.,, ~~ 1 J'hlS is the largest model ~.sOo ~1fh · as!uma ble =':"'u!:'"..i l: m Mesa Verde North. 8.: loan 3 Bdrms. 112 _,........ -reatunng 4 bedrooms. bath with remodeled io.na-rr>. -I 2"2 baths 1n approx. 2300 kitchen and new puint AlllllCEMEllTS, I sq.rt. or space Master Central location PEUAU & bedroom suite. ram1ly LOST & roullD room. huge pool·med 642·5200 yard-this home is in ex· ~"'='"" .. ' :: cellenl rond1t1on. Owner ~.= wi is very rrollvated and j PETE r .. _.1.. ~ willing to help with ~;!.~•· soru finannng·submit all of· ' BARRETT .. REALTY SEJYICES -rers I $166,500 Ca 11 s.n. ... 0or«1w1 "'°' 979-2390 -------·I BIPLOYMENT & nm1Ano11 Sc:-1-·-J4*WMM.ed• ~·-'"' MRCtlllllfSE Sat.too ASSUMABLE -11 0/o l..tenst "LOW INT" '"" Great assumption OD One or the rmest condos '"" Uu.s 2 bedroom rondo ID rn Costa Mesa Des1ra •~ Bristol Park. Situated in ble end unit. lar11e fl\'ln ~ 111111 a pn\·ate. gated com-area. r1replace. country munity and/ark like kitchen with bu1 lt1n :J: s u r r o u n in g s ; desk. ulihly room. 3 -. amenities include large huge bdrms. sundecks. : master bedroom. rom· much, much more Onl) -munity pool and spa. $136.900. act now. rail :: Close lo South Co ast 546-2313 -Plaza See thlS today! = Call 979-2390 -lllU .... -THE REAL ESTATERS A Hom TUt Pays... __ _ ---------- Thewa~1~ve in.. WARMINGTON anc:1 rent out ' use this SHADOWRUN duplex as a home for 4 Bdr 2 Ba in excell your ramily and rent the cood & only 3 yrs old add1t1onal unit. Lor atc;d floor plan 1s perfect for on a large corner lot in rmre than one family Santa Ana He ights Call ror more details Owner mat help with Anne Mccasland. al(t <Ntt financing. 189.000 For !: details. call 979-2390 --"°'° --.. M.so Woods-Pool Hom 12.ZOlo l.tenst tn• Private landscaping ::: frames tbis lovely 2 ,.. story. 4 bedroom home ::: in Mesa Woods. The .. ,. large pool is highlighted ;:: by the bricked·in sur· rounding area Approx- 111• imately 2100 sq.ft of liv· :! 1ng spare·2\'J baths. -ma s ter be droom =: downstairs, formal din· 111' ing, separate ramily ::; room . rireplace, and •DESERTED ••BARGAIN Mesa Verde's rinest' Va cant. owner wants out ' Large 3 Bdrm. 2 bath home Family room. brick r1replace, q UI el tree·lined street Close to shopping. rail now. 546-2313 THEREAL ESTATERS $137,000' $119,000 HAL or PAT IAUER AGTS. 67).7300 OPEN HOUSIE SAT.-SUH. 1-4 2277'rACIRC llEHD OF WILSOHI MESA WEST TOWNHOMES OPIEH HOUSES 1-S Mo~Worri•s L.ose has bH11 r•· no•ated Clltd is fixed for 25 yn. Totally ,,... , MESAVEIDE 2162 T abacJo ODttt s ... c1ay 1-5 " Bdfmand hug~ ram•l) I room with rehn1shed kitchen In excellent ne1ghbortiood. Available for 1mmed1ate occupan I cy St73.750 642·5200 j PETE ' BARRETT ... REALTY -~ l"llM T•rrou 1 ..,.. l 1o ho• I w /fa"' i I y r o o"' .. 1-------•1 $149.500. 1416 . NEWPORT Set1110dtT•rrou I EXECUTIVE Beautirul 4 Bdrm home Soerwt "A" wilh cathedral ceiling in •..HM 2 ldnll 21/J I Living room. Features • • many upgrade$ plus RV lo catt.edral UIMCJ arcess. Assume Isl and cottclo. Fir•place. 2 2nd low interest loans ccr lftClowd CJCWO¥ and seller will also help pri at d • . ' finance Onl y $269.900 • • yar . '"""" 646-7171 location . 0 weir fr.shrftd, IMSt sd. Just nduc1d to SI 40,500. 909 VOii THE REAL ESTATERS Mess ............ . C..tc.Coltdos Lo•ety Tlldor 1tylM9, cathedral uili•9s, i"-d kltchetts. AH IA So. of Hwy locale. fto0ttt 111it l ldr• Sll5,000. Re• •It 2 ldnll $295,000 or buy both for $605,000. 41 1-4111/J DcMa.CdM OPfM SUM 1·5 4726 eortt.d, CdM SUSHB>!! S220.000 with assumable loans makes this 4 bdrm home a great b ig bargain JUMP! tiled entry Close to _,.1 South Coast Pina. "" Owner financing as· :: sistance. Sl99.000. Call ~~ 979-2390 -Woodbrid9• l41S0t .. 11 CdM Super view walerlront home with chance to ex· press you r own personality by decorat· Ing touches. St.250.000. me Ylll '11• 1IZI '111 Ym 'llli fl.I.I ,,. t7JI f7l• .... Y!CI ,, .. ,, .. ,,..i ,,. fljf fl» mo 1m ;; nD ,,. "'1 mt mi ~Woods T_..ForVA~er 4 bedroom, 2t.'J tiaths Mesa Woods home, well landscaped and nestled in a quiet, residential area This home has been remodeled and re· suits show a nair for de· coraung; fully finished bonus room. master bedroom suite. dining and family rooms. and fittplace. Owner wlll as· sist with fina ncing; terms for VA buyer available. 1210,000. For your showing, please -call 979-2390 979.2390 1107 S. BRISTOL SANTAANA EXCHANGE TRADE/SWAP Owners ma~ trade ( I I Npt Hgts home for in· come. notes, low down. equity sso.ooo+ m 3 Br on Fee land, steps to beach. $200.000 equity. s:i:!l.000. owe for 10 yrs. Call Diana Cappel. agt 6.1\.1266 Interested in my 1.:..'jjf ''°'"m. "11 'f?Htl1 DolllHH 2 .. 1o ....... ~ r. .. d. tit. Htry Mirrored wwdi•s. Good 01- 111•bl1 I st TD & owe o 2•d. Very MOtf•atecl $149 ,000. 4 Metody "" COLI OF NOIPOAT MAL TORS uu 1. c-t "••· c.._ .. ,.., 175·5511 466 hodwn, C.M. Estate sale Muse re· duced to $155,000 3 bdrm. large lot. clean. MAURY ST AUFFH SUUOMHALTY 67l-US4 To plare vour messa1u.· before the reading publk. phone Daily Pilot Classified. 642·5678 DREAM HOUSE Have something you WITH CHAIM! want to sell? Classiried You 'll love il here! am do It well -CalJ atclish l~or style. lov-NfiOiW~,i&42-iS67i8.~~~~i~iiiiif I ely tree-hned street1 - pnde of ownership ana an assumable loan of J74,000 at low Interest rate. ~11 price on this 3 Bdrm 2 bath doll house 11$lOUOO. C. II 64f. 7Ul THE REAL ESTATERS ---- ,...suLAn. Dl'Milc -price reduction on NEW 4 Br home. Lu l · UI')' mw Br w /tlttlng roam futurlns marbl~ frpk. formal dinlnf· 2 car 1ar. Qu1I tr throushoul . Now ••· Open Sun. l.S. llU 9'Jnllll r. '7MHI The Lawson le!JtytSlANO,•UOU IA'l'faONT ltOMU Coinpiny ll'Dt ON UDO •Y1·5 2 'xciting cont~mporary homes with 2 story Jlving roomt 1kyliglita, spacious master 1uite1 oa llr&e lots, both with feneroua owner rtnancm,. 14"' nMACA ........ 111 WA llOU 1711.111 #llUI FOMTAIMILUU llG CAMYOH OPEH SUH 1·5 New Listing Beautifully Upgraded Dover Untt Sin gle Story 2 Bedroom. 2 Bath + Den Bright. Cheerful Decor Special Wall Coverin gs Shows Like A Model -Own e r Will Carry Financing You Are lnvit ed To Inspect -Enter By West Gate. And Check ln With Guard Price. $425.000. YOU OWH THIE UMD And This Lo vel y One-Story 4 Bedroom Home In Newport Beach 's lrvine Terrace W Gated Courtyard. Parquet Floors. Double Fireplace. Custom Drapes & Shutters. Along With Exrlnt Fina ncing . Only S378.IXX>. 759-9100 II 2 C Olpol atl "411e M•wportc.....- RESIOENTIAl Rf Al ESIATE SERVICES OPEN IN BIG CANYON l story custom home on golf course. 4 bdrm. ramily rro. beautifully desig n ed & decorated b y Canterbury lnterio'rs. Fi nancing available. Sl.395.000. CAROLE McMAHAH IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 30 YEAR AXED RATE 13% % INT. LOANS Why do people buy townhom es during a reaJ estate slowdown!! We think it 's our s uper duper assumable low rate loans. The new residents· or ~ P.t ..... tell us it's the inherent amenities like the gazebo and garden like recreation area. the Ca pe Cod environment and the convenient goodies that go along with each home, and the unique location (close to everything ). Furnished 2 and 3 bedroo m mode ls and recreational fa cilities are open daily between 10:30 a.m. and dusk. Located on the comer of Fairview Rd at Avocado in Costa Mesa. From $137,950. We'll welcome your reasons too! C.,. Seri" Co• 425 .... .... 0... ..... 1.5 Did rinJt -.Stnlfl story. 3 Bdrm home In park like surroundings Sought· aft.er location with big trees pool. clubho1,1se re· al garages and more! '145,000 with owner financing 642·5200 j PETE BARRETI .. REALTY Just mcl\ed into town' Then ~et urqua1nled with the Class1f1ed Aus They're the l'as1est "a) YA. OI V.A. COMV&mQNAL • PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS r (ONDOMINIUMS 0,. s.t/S. 11 to S 2600 "9ck S-. AM AH .. Cott. Mete Truly elegant 2 Br 21h baths for Sl39,500 and 2 Bdrm 2ba homes for Sl29,500. •••••••••• • 10'7c Down w/payments as lat.> as $889 per mo. • VA finan cing · seller will take back 2nd to lower payments. Sa A1"' CtlfonH ltHlty 546-5605 -631-6194 Cowiety to .,....,. to find Just the items und ~=============~ sen•1res you need! ELEGANT WATERFRONT -FEE LAND New exclusive . First time offe red . Extensively improved. 4 bdrms. 312 ba. Teak paneled library. Rich oak custom wet bar. Gourmet kilch . Superb master suite w/rosewood paneled sitting rm . Qua lity and luxury throughout. Decorator's masterpiece. $1.500.000 including land w/56' frontage on the waler. BIG CANYON COLONIAL MANSION Elegance & dign ity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion located on the 8th green of golf course. Top quality craftsmanship lhruoul with finest woods. abundance of imported marble. crown moldings, 617 baths. air cond .. 3 wet bars + more. Luxurious master suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths . banquet size DR . fam rm and billiard rm $2.150.000 incl uding the land . Financing available. May sell full y furnished. GIUT ASSUMAILE AHAHCIMG Prime Harbor View Homes location. 4 bdrms. fam rm . '3i,., ba. Ideal guest or teenager's private suite. Private spa. Community pool. Security system. $~45,000 including the la.pd. $52.000 dn . Owner help h.nance. Vacant. See anytime. Desirable Portofino model. ll07.-wPOIT HIW DI. UST SAT/SUM 1-S llG CAHYOM HOADMOOI MEW UCLUSIVE S7S0,000 Fantastic Plan 4. 4 bdrms. family rm w/fi replace, formal dining rm . 21h baµts . Newly decorated i_n soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & window coverings. New marble entr~. Lovely pool & spa. Spacious yard . Elaborate security system. 14 IUIMIHG THE ROAD O'IEM SUH 1-5 HEWL Y LISTED "VHSAILLIS" Spectacular Deane Homes "Versailles" located on large lot. Golf course view! Professionally landscaped yard . Lovely lge pool & spa. Attractive gazebo. Gated front courtyard entry with fountain. Marble foyer wit h glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den. fo rmal din rm , 41'2 ba. $950,000 including the land. 3 ca r garage. HWOI VIEW HILLS HOADMOOI View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights. 4 br, 2~ ba, family room , 2 fpl cs. community pool &c parks. Ideal family home. Priced to sell $420,000 including land , or $331,000 leasehold. Only S665 per yr ground tent until 1991. Owner will help finance. Consider small trade. IHI SUUU .. WAY SAT/SUM 1-5 DUPLEX MUI THI W ATll SJH,500 Only $39,500 cast\ down. Seller will carry $220,000 at 13% interest. 4 bdrm 2 ba upper. 2 bdrm lower. Some ocean view. See anytime. Call now ! 111 ._,IT. ONll ... 1-6 L• AT THESE LOW PRICES C11l1 I I s.,. ..... s.~ ......... ...._YlewH1a11 .............. s 74,tlO 1171,IM Sltt,ttl IJJI. .. '*·'" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO •. 2111Siilllllll11.lS 1111 644-4910 FROM TOP TO BOTTOM THE FINEST HOMES IN NEWPORT BEACH FOR SALE • Harbor Island Custom .. $5,000.000 4 Bedrooms -5 Baths • Linda Isle Custom ...... $3,600.000 6 Bedrooms 51"2 Baths •Harbor Ridge Custom .. $2.300.000 4 Bedrooms -4 'h Baths • Big Canyon Custom . . $2.300.000 5 Bedrooms -412 Baths • • Big Canyon Custom .... $1 ,800.000 6 Bedrooms -41 2 Baths • Big Canyon Custom .... $1.750.000 2 Bedrooms -2tn Baths •Harbor Ridge Custom .. $1,595,000 4 Bedrooms 312 Baths • Big Canyon Custom .... Sl.595.000 6 Bedrooms -5 Baths · • Newport Custom- 1.1 Acre ................ $1.200.000 4 Bedrooms -3 Baths • Big Canyon Townhome .. $895,000 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths • Big Canyon Townhome .. $659,000 3 Bedrooms -21·2 Baths • Lido Village Townhome .. $595.000 2 Bedrooms -3 Baths Big Canyon Townhome .... $549.500 3 Bedrooms 3 Baths •Newport Island Area ...... $545.000 7 Bedrooms -5 Baths • Big Canyon Townhome .. $500,000 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths • Villa Balboa Townhome .. $249,()()0 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths •Newport Crest Townhome $225.000 4 Bedrooms -21 2 Baths •Newport Crest Townhome $165,000 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths • Westcliff Townhome ..... $129,500 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths · FOR LEASE • Balboa Perunsula $3,000 per month 4 Bedrooms -4 Baths _ • Big Canyon ...... $2.600 per month 3 Bedrooms -21t2 Baths • Villa Balboa .... Sl.200 per month 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths •Waterfront ...... Sl,100 per month 3 Bedrooms -2 Baths 2075 San Joaquin Hiiia Ad. Acrots from BIG CANYON Newport Beech 640-Sm RCTaylorCo 640-9900 NEWPORT BEACH AREA SPYGLASS-I 00/o DOWH Yes! For LO"; down you can own this lovely 4 BR 3 BA Tradewinds Model ! Sales price reduced to $495,000 for fast sale, excellent (inancing available. Immediate occupancr. Try lease option. Call for more information. IAl.E OCEAN YEW From this magnificent 3 BR. FR, 2'h BA Casablanca model in the Crest phase of Harbor Ridge . Offered at $625 .000 with Low interest assumable financing. HEW SPYGLASS B.EGANCE This new custom home offers the ultimate in elegant living. with warm woods used thruout. beautiful bevel leaded windows, a library, family room and elevator. There is a master bedroom s uite with balcony overlooking the coastline & city lights . There are 4 additional bedrooms. poo l & s pa, air conditioning, alarm systems & 3 car garage. Offered at s2.soo.ooo. EASTILUFFS FfMIST This beautiful 4 BR 3 BA home has it all -magnificent view. parquet floors. large custom designed family room. plus exceptional low interest assumable financing. All this could be yours for on ly $299,950. Call now for further information on this f abuJous new listing. HAllOI llDGI SACmACI Spectacular view and price on thi.," newly listed 4 BR Lautremont model. Professionally decorated ' landscaped. What a value at 1729,SOO. llYINE AIU SI0.000 .... ~ Anxious seller is offering this charming Rancho San Joaquin vm .. I BR 1e loft totaJly upgraded condo with ter1rlfic assumable financing at an unbelitnble ...... Call today! ,,, c e:; HOUSES FOR SALE ...... LOO 10 Navarre, Irvine 64().990() $159, 000 Sun 1·4 211DIOOM 2137 E. Ocean Bl, Balboa Penin, NB 631-1400 1323,500 Sun 1-5 *~Vista del Oro (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 ~.ooo Sun 1-5 4 Melody Ln CWdbrg) Irvine 675-5.511 $149,000 Sun 1·5 1561 Miramar <Penin Pt) NB 642·5200 Sun 1-5 614 Larkspur, Corona del Mar 731·5900 $235,000 Sun 1·5 •4172 Old Mm (Grntree) Irv. 759-9100 $124,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Island 673-6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 2 II ... FAM IM • DEM #3 Rue Fontainebleau (Bg Cyn) NB 759-9100 $425,l>OO Sun 1·5 • 10 VieMa, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $399,000 Sun 1·5 1409 Dolphin Terr, Irv. Terr. CdM 644-6200 $950, 000 Sun 1·5 2727 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 675-6870 $1 ,350.000 Sun 12·3 1842 Port Wesbourne, HVH, N.B. 759-1501 $241 ,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2512 Santa Ana #E. Costa Mesa 759-1501 $137,500 Sun 1·5 l IEDIOOM 2278Columbia, College Park. CM 646-7434 $129.900 Sun 12·4 2076 Orange, E'side. Costa Mesa 646-7434 $189.500 Sun 12·4 • 781 Center St.. Westside. C. M. 646-7434 $124.450 Sun 12·4 1723 Plaza del Sur, Balboa Pen.NB 631-1400 $295,000 Sun 1-5 • 19451 Catfish Cr, Huntington Bch 675-1771 $129,500 Sun 1-5 303 Vista Suerte, Bluffs,N.B. 642-8235 $229,000.LH Sun 2·5 322.5 Clay St., Newport Beach 759-1221 $179,000 Sun 1·4 466 Broadway, Costa Mesa 673-5354 $15.5,000 2245 Republic, Cost& Mesa Sun 1·5 546-2313 $124,500 Sun l ·4 1612Sandlewood <Mesa Verde) CM 54&2313 $127,900 Sun 1·4 •425 Gloucester (Cape Series l CM 642·5200 $145,000 Sun 1·5 11032 Peppertree, Garden Grove 645-<Xm $114,500 Sun 1-4 2001 Arnold (Central) CM 642-5200 $98.500 Sun 1-5 20612 Egret Ln .. Hntg. Beach 96().2183 $101,000 Sun 1-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 64()..4521 $385,000 Sat/Sun l ·6 1911 Court St .. Newport Penin, NB 675-4746, 675-2291 $399,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 1126 E. Balboa Bl <Bal Pen ) N.B. 1-524·5~ $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1·!\ 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach 675-1771 $275,000 • Sat 1-4/Sn 11-2 123 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N .B. 675-1771 $399,500 Sat 1-5/Sn 1-5 432 Fullerton (Nwpt Hgts) N.B. 646-1220 $198.500 Sat/Sun 12-4 •1993 Prt Seabourne(HbrVu)NB 759-9100 $23.5,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 l Rue Fontainbleau, Big Cyn, NB 640-5TI7 $.500 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3024 Ocean Blvd .. CdM/NB 631-1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 420 DeSola Terrace, Corona del Mar 675-3411 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2048 Commodore Rd., Newport B'ch 631-0680 $399,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 212 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N.B, 673-7:n> $487 ,234 Sat/Sun 1-4 2189 Vista Entrada, Npt Bch 159-1221 Sun 1·5 409 Columbus Cr .. Corona del Mar 673-8550 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1245 Blue Gum, Newport Bch 64.S-9850. 548-0581 Sat/Sun 12·4 J II ... FAM IM or DEM 263.5Solana Way, Laguna Beach 494-2894 $345,000 Sun 1-4 1900Commodore Rd, Baycrest, NB 631·1476 $360,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 23 Mainsail (J asmn Ck) CdM 552-2000 S38S,OOO Sun 1·5 5 Jasmine Creek CJ asmn Ck) CdM 552-2000 $440, 000 Sun 1-4 1610 Tustin Ave. (Newport Hghts) CM 644-2282 $190,000 Sun 1·5 2323CIUf Dr., Newport Hgbts, NB 631-1400 $895,000 Sun 1-5 •3479Windlor (Wimbledon), C.M. 646-7434 $195,000 Sun 12-4 2651 Crestview (Bayshores) NB 6"-2282 $349,500 Sun 1 ·5 7 Rue Chateau Royale, Big Cyn, NB ~ $659,000 Sun 1-5 17 NntSur (Spy1lus), CdM "' aoo .-.ooo Sun 1-c: 30 1000 Grove Lane, W•tclllf IG-1235 $475,000.Fee Sun 1·5 *71 lunict, Tultin --Sunl·S •1 Patalita (Irv Terr) CdM m.M11 ... oao ~Sunl·S At a a z•a+s DIRECTORY • .., .... ...., ... .,., ................. ,. .. .,_, ........ Al ........... 11.t.4 ...... -.._... .............. 'f 9'twll*1 ........ II._.,-, DUY N.OT WANT ADI.,._. lllewlilt.,.. ._.., fw,. w l'Wlt _....,. .... ••lake_..• i. IMt uM. t«ll s...., .... s..,. 4931 Hemlock, Univ. Pk. Irvine 644-9060 $193,000-fee Sun 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 644-9060 $350,000·Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 673-~ $498,000 Sat 2·5 3013 NestaJI Road, Laguna Beach 497·3.511 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2901 Catalpa, Eastbluff, NB 720-1211 $260.000 Sun 1 ·5 2612 Redlands (E/Side ) CM 642-6368 $149,900 Sal/Sun 1·5 1907 Tradewinds, Baycrest. N.B. 644-9060 $32.5, 000-Fee Sun 1-4 13 Satinwood (Vi Ilg l > Irvine 675-3411 $173,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 124 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-4562 $695,000 Sun 1 5 1515 Cumberland (Westcliff) 'NB 540-1151 $240.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 2113 Miramar. Penin Pt .. N.B. 675-6161 $425.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2298 Redlands (Back Bay> NB 631-18.51 $259.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 1436 Serenade Terr. Cd M 675·5.Sl 1 $349.500 Sal/Sun 1-5 4521 Hampden, Cameo Shores. CdM 644, 9060 $299, 000 Sun 1 · 5 1721 Kings Rd .. Cliffha ven. NB 759-1501 $650.000 Sat/Sun 1 5 25 Rustling Wind. Trtlrk. Irv. 759-1501 $280.000 Sat1Sun 1-5 4392 Manzanita. l rvine 675-42'l5 $147 ,500 Sun l ·5 542 Harbor Isl Dr (Prom Bay ) NB 759-9100 $1,400.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1974 Pt Locksleigh Pl <HVH ) NB 644-2573 $274.500 Sat/Sun 1·4 939 Helena Cr., Costa Mesa 546-2313 $149,000 ••341.S Ocean BL . CdM Sun 1·4 673-5354 $1.250.000 Sun 1-5 4161 Branford. Huntington Harbour 846-2727 $270,000 Sat 1-5/Sun 1·3 •204 Via Eboli. Lido Isle. NB 644·9060 $595,500 Sun 1-5 2100E. Ocean Blvd .. Bal Penin. NB 644-9060 $795,000 Sat J.4 Sn 1·5 222Via Koron (Lido Isle! NB 642·5200 Sun 1 ·5 •1472 Galaxy Dr. Dvr Shrs, NB 642·2.510 $739.000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 l IR ... GUEST 2211 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 642-8235 $569.000 Sat 12-4/Sun 1·5 4 IEDIOOM 222 Coral. Bal Island. NB 675-6921 $539.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1207 Sussex Ln (WestcliH> NB 759-9100 $275,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 1412 Serenade Terr (Irv Terr l CdM 759-9100 $378,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • •28>4 W. Oceanfront. Bal Pen 631-1400 $72.5,000 Sat/Sun 1-S 105 Via Ravenna. Lido Isle, Npt Bch 631-1400 $445,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••1313 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Pen. 631-1400 $795.000 Sun 10-4 105 Via Ravenna, Lido Isle, N.B. 631-1400 $445,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1720 Candlestick Ln (Bycrst) NB 752-1920 $324,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 233San Remo, Lido Isle, Npt Bch 631-1400 $660,000 Sun 1·5 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 759-1221 $575,000 Sun 1-4 20092 Port Circle, Hunt 'g Beach 548-3350 $126,000 Sun l :30·5 2842Alta Vista CE/Bluff) NB 673-8550 $325, 000 Sun 12: 30·4 : 30 7ShootingStar (Wdbrdge) Irv. 675-3411 $197,500 Sun 1-5 4726 Cortland, Corona del Mar 673-~ $220,000 Sun 1·5 1541 Ocean Blvd., Balboa Penin . Pt 673-5270 $425,000 Sun 12·~ 4•~FAMIM•D .. •1860Capn Cir <Mesa Verde ) CM 631-1266 $695,000 Sun 1-4 420 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 631·.1286 $6?.5,000 Sun l·S ~Flamingo (Mesa Verde) CM 963-8891 $229 900 . Sun 12:30·5 •526Sturgeon, t;ta Mesa 751-~ $179,900 Sun 1-5 ~Cleveland (Mesa North) CM 646-7434 $134,900 Sun 12·4 3San Sebastian, Ha~bor Ridge, NB 640-S'm $2,000,000 Sun 1·5 800 Begonia, Corona del Mar 831-1286 $575,000 Sun 1·5 4 Narbonne, Harbor RJdfe, N.B. GJ..ttoo 12.200.000 Sat/Sun l·S •lMOTrldewindl, Baycrat, NB ........, •ooo Sunt-4 ••1617 Bayside Dr, Corona del Mar 644·9060 $1,795.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hills Ln, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $1,395,000 Sun 1·5 1807 Newport Hills Dr. E .. HVH , NB 644-4910 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 14 Burning Tree Road <Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $750,000 Sun 1·5 1251 Surfline Wav !HrbrVu His) CdM . 644-4910 $331.000 Sal/Sun 1 ·5 2012 Port Ramsgate (HVHms> NB 644·8907 $335.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4511 Camden !Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $925.000-fee Sun 1 -5 121 Via Eboli. Lido Isle. NB 675-4562 $725,000 Sun 1 ·5 3600 Blue Key. Corona CJcl Mar 644·6200 $350,000 Sun 1 -5 • 1459 Galaxy Drive. Dover Shores 642·823.5 $495.000-LIJ Sun 1 ·5 ••219Via LidoSoud. Lido Isle. NB 642·8235 $2.250.000 Sun 1·5 2632 Bayshore Dr .. Newport Bch 642-8235 S325.000 Sun 1 ·4 2686 Redlands Dr .. Costa Mesa 750-1221 $189,500 3.5SycamoreCreek. Trtlrk. lrv. Sun 833-9293 S36.5. 000 Sun l · 5 150.5Miramar. Pemn Pt. N.B 673-9060 $595.000 Sun I ·5 2933Cassia , Newport Beach 64(). 9900 S299. 900 Sun 2 -5 27~ Cliff Dr .. Newport Beath 631-1266 $590.000 Sunl-4·30 2318 Pt. Lerwick lHVH ms > NB 67J..8550 $259,190 Sun 1 5 2862Tabago (Mesa Verdel CM 642·5200 $173.750 Sun 1·5 1152 Kingston <Wimbldn Vig> CM 645--0303 S259.850 Sun 1·4 3484 Windsor. Costa Mesa 546-2313 S26S ,000 3077 Madison. Costa Mesa Sun 12·4 546-2313 $135.000 Su n 1 -4 1844 Port Charles. Harbor View.NB 631-6194 $319.500 Sun 1-5 7 Trafalger. Harbor Ridge. NB 640-5777 $1.750.000 Sat, Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 760-9333 $650.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • •25 Warmspring. 1 Woodbndgt• > Ir\' 751 ·3191 $<125.000 Open Sun 1 5 • •l~l Antigua Cirele. N.B. 548-8798 $450.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 2706 Lighthouse Ln (HVllls) Cd M 675-6000 $495.000 Fee Sat/Sun 12·4 • 1707 Bayadere Terr (( rv. Terr) CdM 644-6200 $975.000·Fee Sal/Sun 1-5 14 Monterey Ci r .. Npt Beach 640-9000 $459,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 1441 Galaxy Dr .. Do\•er Shores. N. B 548-5647 $420.000 SatiSun 1-5 2227 Arbutus < E1 Bluff) NB 675-3411 $299,000 S IEDROOM 5 Rue Fontaine, Big Cyn. N. B. Sun 1-5 644-6200 $995,000 Sun l · 5 3051 Carob CE/Bluff) NB 673-8550 $305,000 Sun 12: 30-4 : 30 8421 Seaport, Huntington Bch 546-2313 $259,000 Sun 1-4 121 Via Firenze. Lido Isle. NB 64.S-9950/646·5719 Sal/Sun 12·4 • •824 W. Bay. Balboa Penin. NB 631-1400 Sl.550.000 Sat/Sun l·5 • •7~ Via Lido.Nor. Lido Isle.NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1·5 S ...... FAM ltM or DEM 126 Via Lorca, Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7:nl Sun 1-5 2074 Port Brist"I <HVHms) NB 673-7761 $298,()()().fee Sun 1·5 1533Miramar (Penin Pt) NB 673-7761 $459,()()().f ee Sun 1-4 1930PortChelsea, Newport Beach 494·1840 $450,000 Sun 1-5 13 Montecit-0. (Spyglass) CdM 675-2577 $829.500 Sun . 1-5 442 Begonia (Old CdM > CdM .. 67~ SS2S.OOO Sun 1·5 21 Monaco, Hrbr Rdg. N.B. 644-6200 $835 ,000 Sun l · 5 186.1 Boa Vista <Mesa Verde> CM 640-9900 $210,000 Sun 1-4 2824SanJuan (Mesadel Mar ) CM 540-1151 1165,000 Sun 2·5 •1'1120riole (Mesa Verde> CM s.6-2313 $299,000 Sun 1·4 6•~MMIMwDIM •8Cyprea PolDt, Bii Canyon, NB MO-m7 11,800,000 Sun l·S 70 HDlmlt. =-·NB •sm 11 Sil/Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACHaOI •lOOScholz Plaza #205 Vrslls, NB 67J.7:nl $97,900 Sun 1·4 2 IB>IOOM 2336 Elden. Costa Mesa 557-4579 $117,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 2600 Block Santa Ana Ave .. CM 631-6194 $129.500 Sat/Sun 11·5 2277 Pacific Ave., Costa Mesa 673-7:nl $189,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •2420Saratoga <Monticello) CM 646-7434 $94,950 Sun 12-4 1030 Bayside Coves, Newport Beach 642-8235 $325,000-L.H. Sun 1·5 1018 Bayside Cove East, Nwpt Bch 642-8235 $484,000 Sun l ·5 •25 Canyon Island, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265.000 Sun 1·4:30 2277 Pacific Ave .. Costa Mesa 673-7:nl $137,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •300Cagney Ln., #101 Vrslls, NB 673-7300 $127,000 Sun 1-4 909 Van Ness. Santa Ana 675-5.511 $140,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 411 12 Dahha. Corona del Mar 675-5511 $295,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2 IR pM FAM IM or DEN 1404 French St., Santa Ana 541-8670 S94 .000 Sat/Sun 11-5 • lOCurl Dr .. Jasmine Creek. Cd M 64().1515/1-728-5151 Sal/Sun 11·4 #10 ViennCI , N.B. (Harbor Rid ge 1 640-9605 S399.000 Sun 12·4 209·19thSt .. Bal Peninsula 631·1400 $319.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • lOCrest Circle, Corona del Mar 673-8494 Sl6.5,000 Sun 1-5 •503AvenidaCampana. Bluffs. NB 67J. 7300 $395.000 Sal/Sun l ·4 •501 St. Andrews Rd, NwptHts. NB 673-7300 S162.500 Sun 1-4 Zf7 La Serena, RSJ. Irvine 759-1501 $180.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l IEDIOOM •55 Ashbrook . Woodbridge. Irv. 673-7300 $164.000 Sun 1·3 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5.511 $335.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 • 145 Yorktown. Monticello. CM 646-7434 $102,000 Sun 12-4 2559-S Elden Ave .. Costa Mesa 675-1771 Sl59,000 Sun 1·4 •904 Lombard. Costa Mesa 646-7434 $154.500 Sun 12·4 16149St. Croix (Seagate> Hunt. Hrbr 846-3336 $445.000 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDIOOM .Avocado & Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 Sl34 .950 Sat Sun 11 a.m 3 IEDROOM Avocado & Fairview. Cost.IQ .Mesa 548-2239 $154 ,950 SatlStin 11 a.m. DUPLEXES FOR SALE 211&111 315-3151'2 Iris. Corona del Mar 644·9060 $347.750 Sat/Sun 1·5 1911 Cliff Dr .. Newport Hghts. NB 631-1400 $325.000 Sun 1-5 2 -2 IEOIOOM 221 Pearl. Balboa Island . N. B. 631·1400 $360.000 Sun 12·4 l IR plws I II 1510Abalone Pl .. Balboa Island 673-6900 $575.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 3 BR plus 3 BR ~ 42nd St . Bal. Penn 642· l:JSS S.150.000 01x•n Sun I S 4 BR plus 2 BR 111 431'd St . Newport Reach ll44·4910 S259.500 Opt.•n Sun 1·5 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE 6 UNITS 2S67 Elden. Unit A. Costa Mesa 979-S099 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSES FOR LEASE ) lelOOM 2329 Littleton, College Park. CM 646-7434 SlOOO/per mo Sun 12·4 #21 Montpellier <Hrbr Ridge> NB 646-7434 $2250/mo Sun 12·4 4 mlOOM 15&1Santlaao Dr., Dover Shom 642.sm Sl~/mo. Sat l·S ........ w. ........ Wt .......... ...... .. w. .............................................. ······················· •...................... t IX • tOU l1•rtl toOI l•NI IMJ ._... IOOJ ............................................................................................ .. C'MOM OUT OPltt HOUSIS AT. • • I IH ~MAI. Peninsula Point. s BR. 5 yean old. Steps to beaches. 4111 CAMOIH, Cameo Shores, ocean view. Try lease option or offer~lshed. I074 lllSTOL Cl., Harbor View Homes, 5 BR, excellent rtnanclng. <All on fee land.) And, call us about the following listings: SPICTACUUI OCIAM VllW Corona det Mar dbl lot, or expand existing home. $575,000 fee PALM SPllM&S CONDO Indian Wells Cntry Clb, best loc. 3 BR, 2'h ba. Owner motivated. PllVATI llACH ACCESS Remodel. Cameo Hi ghlands, $295,000 L /H or $393,000 fee. $207 ,000 fin at low int. COHDO OWHH W /RMAMCE No qualifying necessary 2 BR. 212 Ba, near pool and spa. $119.500 16UHITS' At $40,000 per unit. Out of state. Call for further information. llG CANYON LUSE McLain 2 BR condo. $1125 mo. um • CllJUITA STARNES COMPANY REAL VALUES! * OCIAH YU, lrg 4 IDI Br w/rOOL + SPA. Assume 11. 78'7t. Only $399,900. PA1'llclc TEHOU. 759-1221 * TIMIS CT, on 1h ACIE EST A TE. pool. 4 Br, 4'h Ba. $695,000 OWHEI WILL FIMAHCE with 153 down. rATllCIC T9tOU. 159-1221 * COUNTRY UVIHG. I ACRE EST A TE. w/pool + spa, lrg 4 Bdr. Reduced to $474,000. PATllCK TEHOU. 759·1221 * SICUllTY GATE + YU 2 lrg homes. like nu. Assume 10.5'7c-From $439,900. PA TRICK TEHORE. 759-1221 . 759-1.UI R&"M* of Newport Beach LAfi.UNA IEACH - I COMnGUOUS ST. TO ST. _,.LDIMG SITES WITH OCEAN VIEW If you've always wanted to build in picturesque Wood 's Cove, these homesites will meet vour needs. Plans by a renowned local architect have been approved for 5 of the sites and the lots can be purchased individually or jointly in any co mbination. A private access drive wilJ be provided to alJ of the lots which are just a short walk to the beach. Priced below recent M.A.I a ppraisa l from $112,500-$148.500. TERM S: Assumable lst and 2nd T.D. '::, and seller will carry a 3rd T.D. with 10-200( down . Subordination possible. MIKEEASU 499.455 I office 499.4174 prt .. $25.000 DOWN By owner. trade or sale. $ 122 /MO beaut home . very ex· View ! View! 180. deg. rlus1ve area Close to view! Like nu lrg 2 Br, 3 Strip. Sl&.000 4 BR 2~. Ba condo. Linda Hart. ba. 2 wetbars. patio, a&l 831-12166 sauna, pool. t11 acre lot Auto sprinklers, lots or mature trees For more details call owner 702-733-6776 AESIOENTIAl REAL ESTATE SERVICES OPIH HOUSE 1·5 204VIA HOU UOO tSU ................ $575,000 Owner says sell ! Sophisticated 3 BR " den ho me on Lido Island . Gourmet kitchen. beamed ceilings . Garden setting & pool. Designed for entertaining. S.. WYMN Wl.SOH OPIN HOUSI I ·I 1840 TIADIWN)S • IAYCllST ................ Ut5,000 Understated elegance, spacious 4 BR overlooking sparkling pool/spa. Enlarged " remodeled kitchen with Garden eating ar ea. Pic tu re perfect. Assume First " owner will carry lg 2nd. S.. JAMI MITCHUI Ill NfflPORTCE,,,_R OCMl-.oMT -OC ..... OMT Convert this ex. lra duplex to your prt. residence and live on the finest beach on the cout. 1170,000 lit at 11%, 2nd of $250,000 at 10%. $teal at $65-0.000. Bob or Dovle Koop CAMIC> SHOllS Fab. Ocean & Coastline View 3 Br 3 Ba., Formal Din .• FamRm ., Study, lrg. pool &t courtyard. pri. beaches, S~.000 FEE. Bob or Dovie Koop UMDA ISU TUDI Breathtaking bay view, 2 boat doc~. room for 4 boats up to 74 ft., s Br, 6 Ba., game rm .. formal din., sep guest ring, pool. Sell er carry 1st T.D. or trade industrial or off. bldg. $2.100,000. Bob or Dovie Koop CAMIC> HIGHLANDS Ocean. view. re-decor. & remodel 3 Br, 2 Ba. Formal din. Very lrg. y<l. pri. beach $339,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 'T HEWPOIT CHST COHDOS Lrgst models w/ba:i.& ocean views, 4 Br 3 Ba. Fr. wet . bar. Outstanding Buys at $210,000. Bob and Dovie Koop COST A MESA 1·2 fS Lrg 2 Br 2 Ba, den, huge liv rm w/ din combo, lrg corner lot w/rm to park 6 auto.5. $130.000. Bob or Dovie Koop WJ,T&RONT IEST IMYISTMEMT 4 Br., 3 Ba .. Formal din .. fam. rm. lrg kit. Huge master suite w/bay view new carp.. 40 ft. boat dock . seller carry lst T.D. Bob or Dovie Koop $575,000. . HEWPOIT CREST CONDO 2 Br .. 21h Ba, loft, highly upgrade. oak floors. beau papers. ocean view . ' S98.000 1st at 12r}. Priced at $170.000 Bob or Dovie Koop LAS VEGAS COMM. rRIME 5 ac. Dwntwn., zoned highrise comm .. has small motel & trailer park. plans for apt, must sell. Grt. fin . avail. 2.1 million. Bob or Dovie Koop TRADE AVOCADO & OIAMGE RANCH 78 ac. Valley center. trade all or part for home in Laguna. Newport, Irvine. EJ Toro. l.2 million. Bob or Dovre 15 COltPOUTI PLAZA. HI 75'·1221 R&"M* of Newport Beach OUIMIM& NEW HOME Delightful 4 Bdrm with traditional desi2n. library, den . formal dinin~. bay view. Corner location in Old Corona del Mar. $6.50.000. OWC. tWtlOI VIEW HI.LS Attractive 3 Bdrm + family room. 1 many special decorating fe atures. inter-com. central vacuum. huge tree covered lot. $379,500. owe. OCEAN YEW DWI.IX Large 2-sty 4 bdrm. 2 fireplaces. + 2 Bdrm over garage. Steps to beach. S395.000. Easy terms. 71_4 / 760 -93 33 Mtto y~ ia '12 COSTA MESA • Bdrm .. family room . CONDO MANIA very spa.c1ous! Ne.w con· Choice of 4 super rondos. crete dnve & patio. As· all Ill excell. lorat1ons, su111:3ble loans al ar ef. p r i c e d r r 0 m fect1ve r.ate or 12 '13 ·1 S94.000·Sll4.900 Seller Full price $146.950. will help finance. Anne 751·3191 McCasland alt 631-l266 C::. ',j l I I 1 -f"# Pl~< lPI >{]It', '7S.341 I COROHA DEL MAI DU,LEX! Owner built duplex, "owners unit" has 3 Bdrms, 3 baths, 3 sundecks. skylights, beamed ceilings & 3 car garage. Both un its h ave wood burning fi replaces. Owner will assist. $398,500. AMontll COIOMA D& MAI DUPUI! lo a most desir able area and it has a pool. Only $325,000. POI M.DllSI R·2 Corona det Mar level lot south of PCH. Great location ready for single fa mily residence, duplex or condos $230,000. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday February 21 . 1982 II NiiiilwW. w-..,., Wt "-"'-Wt ..._.,., w. ~ .... ~.......... ...................... . ............................................. ·······~··············· ._., IN je1•rtl IM l1•tl . 1001 It-ti 1 .. J Nm •E--RENCH MANOI llO ...... VllW ...... 0.... .. ...... 't! ~fk..f ..-+y .. ....~ ..... 1,700 l4f. ft. rt114uu. Por••I h•e wltl1 4 .......... ..,, ........... ,..., l••••e....,,... ...... ..... .... ..... wltll fl,..,...t, MMH• .__..,.. ............. , ..... ..... ... ,.tic* 11 ....... , .......... , Ir..._ of tllh t..lt XIV W... -... SJ.Z00 ,000 ftt. U I· I 400. #4 N..ti •. Op! 1-5 ,.... - POINSUl.A BAYFRONT-VU Urtt _. 1peclw wHli ...... .,. VllW __. yoca.t cMa. Two-ttory 5 a....o• ,.. ,... .. fi' .. 'Y· ........ ... of St00,000. l,550,000 NI. o .... wll e ..... 124 w. l!y. OCEANFROHT-SUPER. BET AIL ow.. ......,... 'wflll ................ ... ... ,,.. ........... ~. s.p.rior "•It don" oc._ •t.w tr.. twa l bedroo• plH boH• roo• llo•e. s ... r1or coa*-ctloA. ow cwry .ff"t TD for ti!. right bttyer. S72S.OOO. Ul-1400. JIO. W. Oceufu..t. NEW NEWPORT CONDOS 0~ SctyS "redlice tlw price 0. OM $50,000!" Y• cm talle od•.tagt of fWs ...... opportMnity to OWlt ... y •• tlle boy ..cl btoch. Stop by -4 '" .......... off lcAoa ~d. ~td frOllt $319,000, thew....., ... .....,. ..... Most h~HMI with 360 ct.9rn roof ~ met 3-c• 9ara9es. U 1-1400. 211&21519tltSt. FRONT ROW-Unobstructed Vu ,,...._ drtet wittl "'* she CJl"09dl, 75 ft. fro11tage, 2 legal loh a11d ~..We VIEW of OCHll ..cl ietty. Newport ....W..Ce with tht cit°"" ..cl qllllty of bygoM clays -wood , .... " MCM!ldifMJI -...,, n>Mtl. S 1,150,000. 631-1 400. )024 Oceoa ll•cl. CdM. VU-lOCATION-VU-lOCA TION Js,.clolly 1 .. ci-tri-ln•I lto111e with beautl hl decor by dec orator tt. ._a ti. Hospitality cad lllxwy ilt this l bM'OOlll, ---met lllinortd difliltg roOM, huge fo11tily room plus large bllliord roo. 1lllh. For .... ''lltoltlt .. .._,. ... a sw room ,.... rri•ah 1pa. UHQUESTIOHAILE VIEW Of OCEAH AHD IA YfROMT clost·vp! OWMr wlU help fl11m1ce. $195,000. 2323 Clff Dr. EXCITING OCEANFRONT 09'ly 1 Y"" old oa IM«h wittl spociolll l ..cl 2 btdrooM ..m .asity rtfthd Oft ...... ;.w.r bash. owe ot 12%. For I 0 ytar1. Red11ced to $689,000. 6734900. BAI.BOA ISL LOT • PLANS Drf•e by 109 S 11pplllrt ,-.d call for ..... "'-' for 1if19t fa.lty holM approytd met ready to b.ild.. Reduced to U29,500. 631-1400. COMt by & Mt tht CJ"fGt ...... l.ild to Miff. SS00,000. DOVER SHORES FORMAl.ITY be~.-.... .... for prl•ocy 9td MQrity ~ for 111tert•IR9 wltta dkJlity. a...tfful thr~ wltlt pool •d brick patio; l MdroOllt fOf'Wlal dWRcJ '°°"' ,... tc.lty "°°"" $699. 000 *"· 631°1400. DUPLEX ACROSS TO WATER A CJ"fGt H.wpott Joe..._ .,. Udo 1ltop1 Gad Macll. Two 1paciH1 l btdrooftl ....... of ~ COMfnlcffott. Strett to slrMt locoffoft. S29',000. UDO ISLE CLASSIC Totaly rtMO•led ..ct decor.ted 2·1tory ............... , __ ...... o,.., ..,..... 4 ........ 4 .......... 2 petio• fOf' lllll1t1htll9 Ill ..ct ..e. St-..ct gins, M Clplft ...__ OW fllmct wflll low c• .._ ,.,_ ... S445,ot0. LUXURY PENTHOUSE ON WATER .......... ,.... .... ArcWhctwll Dlttlf m eHlrs a ltlc .-., hlllt tlwn-ul. Sp1clw 2 IM*•• ,._ .. _. 11-.CN•t ...... Mitt wlttl fw.,fect. lres1, lt..t.4 tl•n -4 ............ .., ........ nit h _, fw .. clK1l1 I ...... $725.000 ftt. HOME FOi INYESTOI Ptrftct 3 1te•11-. Z .._. .... °' ............ .,.. ... ,..(),,..; ...., ~. S 1 t4,0IO. I • • WATERFRONT HOMES, INC tllAt.DTATt WI• Rt111"" f>tt•·•~ ~- ,._,. W Co.e ~ 31~ ~ 1M ""'""°'1 ll«h ....... .,.... .,.... ...................... . ..••.••••••......•••••..•................. ,.. . ........... , ....••.•.. BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selection of homes at this time. All floor plans. Good views, good financing, good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Please Jet our experts show them to you. OPEN 1·5 26 It Vista On.dm. •ltw 2603 VW. °"'9da, Yiew 653 Vista a.Ito. •ltw 2007 ltfa 3 Ir, I lt•tl 407 Vltto G,.., 4 Ir $265,000 USS,000 Utl,000 $195,000 $225,000 HREN B. DOWD llALTOIS, INC. 644-0 I J4 FllST TIMI OP9I Prime golf course frontage. One of best ·homes on Mesa Verde Country Club. Features 4 Bdrms, ·formal dining, outstanding entertainment areas and a panoramic sunset view Open today, 1-4. l860Capri Cir. JACU HA.MDLIMAH 611-1266 R&IM~ of Costa Mesa LINDA ISLE--llCEPTIONAL OWMr wil cOftslder HChancje for r•ch or co11ut1trclal property 111 C allf. hctptioflaf ho... Oft wahr wittl boot slip. L.-ge ..cl ~ floor ,._ with ·-· balc0111f1f/galery. Large 11MKter wHt Oft wahr wltlt •MW ,.... 4 t .. lly bedroom. MClll'f _.llfft.s ktcw.cf en stailled gloss. ..ti.. bar. l(oj poof. fatllily "°°"" fonnal dittiflq room, and CJCHll"'Mf ldtcheft. $2,600.000 fff land. BEAUTIFUL ON WATER ltnptceable qMGlty md good taste lit this • .,,. cad ..... f-ly ho.. Oft .... water. Clauk Interior witll 2 btdrootwt ,... dltl md larC)t i..-captd patio witlt spa. fo.tain ..ct fire riftcJ. Your ow11 boat slip riqM .. 'fO'lll' door for 45 • boot! Owfttr will help fitt0ftCt fo r =o t.yer. $611.000 °" t.e lafld. WATERFRONT HOMES.IN<. RFAI r ... r .... n ,, • , R. ,. , I , ,. • V;,,, ~fl • lJ tt \\ t ' .\~! t t ... "·<Al•'" i"-t· , 631·1400 "' ~111 ,, ,, •• ~ti.1t1o. .,, t .. .lJtW1 67).6900 g ~ 'AMOIAMIC VIEW Of OCEAN! Cameo Shores. south of PCH . See sensational sunsets & sh1mmermg sails ~ 3 BR. Cam rm + many extras. Priced to sell $729.900 Darlene Herman 752 1414 (Vl3l WOOOIRIDGE UMDf~ Pl.AM #3 SPA Beautifully upgraded home. 4 huge BR . fplc , fam rm. a great home for entertaining. Near schools . parks. pools. tennis & lakes . Owner will help w/financing. Cal l for private showing. Priced for fast sale. Alan Beel · S317 .300. 551·8700 (Vl4 ) IEAUTIFULLY DECORATED 2 BR condo home on Balboa Peninsula You'!I . love the rich carpeting: exc1t1.ng wall coveri n gs. plantation shutters. n~w light fixtures & brass hardware. steam bath & whirlpool. Totally secured building w/heated bayside pool & rooftop sun deck. Excellent location, boat s lips & good financing. Low cash down. assumable lst & 2nd and seller financing $315,000 Bill Wedmore 551-8700 (V15) IE CEHTLY "DOLLED UP " Immaculate & spacious 4 BR residence just steps from Woodbridge Lake. Avai lable w/unbelieveably great financing. Convenient single level floor plan, fresh paint. new carpeting & marvelous location. $239,900 Rose Gammon 752-1414 (Vl6) con TWO ... OOM '?Of'UI" Thls 2 BR condo in Woodbridge is a real doll house. End unit close to Woodbridge Lake. New carpeting, custom shutter s, levelors, wood deck patio &t best of all · A high assumable loan for the first tirne buyer or investor. 1119,500 Jamie Wilkinson 551-8700 (Vl7) SPYlf..ASS tlU. -IUT NICI View of Catalina from this beaullf ul comer lot location. Formal dln rm for eteaant entertalnlnt plus eat.in kitchen for thole informal f amlly get tosethen. A must aee S4651000. Sylvfa Adama 144-GOO I 4UM"S ....c:wOilll DUPRAT' MOO&S Of'IM Ocean, mounla n " UT/SUN I l·VM &ollcounc view• bulll lo 1.0.'trencb St. s A condo 1petltlt1tloo1, 2 1.Z wllGut 2'3 bdrm con-yruew. Call Tim Rhone do•. lots of 1qu1rC' lo ue them A 111 . rootau. to fl eru • 63HJ1180r720-12a microwave It flr1pl1rt 194-1107.000 Ex cellent financlna ! 541 8110 or 5--0022. _ WALKER 6' LEER E . * 12. 90/o IMTWST • HAUOI VIEW HOME Immaculate MON ACO model featuring 2br den. frplc & spa !! Low interest financing availal>le. $241,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373 SB.LEI DESPHA TE On the water. PrtC'e slashed $10.000 to S214.900. ONLY 10'"( DOWN & owner will finance! ! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen 556·7035 * TURnEIOCIC * SI ,279 PY MONTH is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T D Spacious 4 br executive cll'la c hed horn e Featuring frml din . fmly rm & frpl c. Only S213.500 f'E E 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach 759· 1501 or 752· 7373. 11.5° o I ST T.D. Country charmer with t athedral open beam. wood ceilings, and hardwood rtoor~ Onl v Sl2.900 down. 556·7035 · • LOW, LOW INTEREST RA TES • When you takeo,·er ex is ting financing on super town home ~ Featuring 2 master suites. frplc and $137 ,500 price 2670 San Miguei Dr . Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752 7373 S 12, 900 DOWM Takeover 597.000 loan at 11.5', Hardwood noon.. open beamed wood ceilings :\ real charmpr ' 556·7035 * SB.LB DES PERA TE • 121/2% ffMAHC IHG. . .. Spacious Rancho San Joaquin townhome w J>A:"J~RAMIC G 0 L F C 0 l' R S E \' I E W ' Featuring 2 br & den. ''et bar. frplc. etc ... Brice slashed for quick sale & will help fin ance'' 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach. 759-1501 nr 752 7373 .._,LEX Prime rental area Sf>0.11<)() down & OY.11er "ill fin ance at 12', Trv straight note 5224.900. 963·5671. · * WA TERfftOMT HOME * PRIVATE IEACH Sensational 4 br home smack on the water'.' Featuring french doors. frplr . professionally decorated & private A;-o;oy BEACH. Onlv 52-19.000 & seller will carry AI TD ~ 2670 San Migue l Dr .. Newport Beach 759·1501 or 752-7373. JASMINE CREB< * *Pl.AM 4 • • Extremely popular J br plan f eatu rin g magnd1 c ent decorating. frplc . gourmet island kitchen. frml din. fmlv rm & in·house laundrv All th1~ & more for only S385.00o FEE 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach. 759· 1501 or 752· 7373. • Sl,000 . • ltEIATE • On brand new t ow n home' Featuring privac). 2 mstr suite & de loft overlooking 11 .. rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759 1501 or 752-7373 * PANORAMIC OCEAH IAY VIEW *CUFF HAYa.· • Unbelie vable VIEW from spacious 3 br home on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club & Channel. $650,000 FEE with great terms ! 2670 Sa n Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-lSOl or 752·7373. . Ml' ...... WPOIT-...~ IUCH OfffCl .. 2'70S.~Drt·• . l714t 75'·1501 ·~41751-7373 HUNTIMGTOH llACH OMCI toJJU..An 17141 HJ.5671 171411~70H • Ora• Coeat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Febru11Y 21 , 1912 orange Coost Market Pl<Ee ' . . . ~·····~~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~.~~········~·~·~·~······· ~~~ ...... :. ~.~.~ ........ 1 ~!.~.~ ....... ~:.~~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ ...... . ....,.. 100 ._... • 1001 1002 ewr• tOOJ C.W .. Mw 1022 C.W .. M.. IOU c.NW... ltl4 t ...... •ltedl 104 lrft. 1044....... 1044 ...•...............•...................... ··•···················· .............................................................................................................................................................. . H"' .... SIL I COUNTIY IHGLISH . l\.NJOY GOOD HF:ALTll BIG flWLY? ~~1· PMNSULA HOMIS 111> ~•M•I OPIM SAT/SUM 1·5 Remodeled. decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm, ocean view, $425,000. 1411 W. IAY OPIH SAT 1·5 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath •1.200.000. Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. Sl.385.000. UDO ISll HOMIS 70I VIA UOO MOlD SUH I ·5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 bath. lge L.R. 2 boat slips Sl.500.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm .. beam ceilings, $420.000 UMDA ISLE IA YFIOHTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath. playroom. dal'k rm. den. $1,350,000' CAIMATIOM COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath. 2 boat slips $1.900,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.11 fi "Y''"" o,,, .. ~ B 61':> 6161 DIAL FB.l. THROUGH! $15,000 Dn. No Qual ! Beaut. 3Br home+huge F/R surroundin~ tropical atrium. Under mkt! Submit! $129,500 OVB 2500 s/f! Huge pool home on oversz lot. New upgrades This 4 Br is a bargain at $155.900. Call about good financing. $29,500 DOWN! Immac 2·sty mansio n down by the sea. Only 7 yrs old. 3 car gar. Cozy wt pvt yrd . Sl59.900 or submit to anxious owners. • • STAR I .E. * * 7544262 ·-~--.... --~ IL\JtB()H H E .\LTY SPECT ACULU OCEAN FROMr Just listed! In exclusive Cameo Shores overlooking the private community beach with waves breaking on the beaut iful rock formation. A spectacular selling! Spacious 3 bdrm . home with separate maid 's rm. or 4th bdrm . + den, formal dining rm .. workshop. wine cellar. solar heating. CO\'ered oceanfront lanai and adjoining sundeck plus much more A tropical atmosphere. very open with lush landscaping. Defm1telv one of a kind. $2,900.<XX>. · OCUH VIEW LOTS CORONA Da MAR 4 contiguous oversized R· I lots wilh bay and ocean "ie\\s. Can be purc hased separately or all together at a di scounted price. Quiet location away from summer crowds but near lhe water. Owner wiU finan ce with as little as 25', down. Priced at $595.000 each. DUPLEX CORONA Da MAI Another new li s ting ! Vin t age Corona del Mar money maker - charming and cute as can be. but still with some fix up potential. 2 bdrm . house a n d I bdrm . apartment over the garage Terrific location less than 2 blocks from town. Owner will finance and look at the price -just $289.500 ' 100/o DOWN THE IWFfS Extra large "C" Plan overlooking t he pool. 4 bdrms. inclu_di ng separate bdrm. downstairs ideal for independent teenager or in -laws . Unbelievable 90~ financing, 30 years at 121.12"~. Priced for sale at $299,500 L.H. Fee is available at $62.720. LAND 5.5 ACIES • CAPISTRANO An incredible site to bu ild the ultimate horse ran<'h estate. Located in beautiful San Ju an Capistrano with a spectacular view from Saddleback to the ocean . Secluded and private. S695.000 submit terms. SAN lllNAIDINO l·l Highly visibility apartment site on Highland Ave. near the cross town fwy. 7.3 acres approved ror condos and surrounded by development. Out or state owner says ''Sell !" Asking $2.100.<XX>. INVESTMENTS SHOPPlt& CINTll Corner oC West 19th St. and Maple in Costa Mesa. Clean strip center 100% occupied. Offer ed with exceptional owner fi nancin g. $477,000 L.H. • 11Y $10,000 DOWN. or more. Only $115,000. PATIJCI TINOIL 759·1221 • 2 11. 2 IA. in MIWPOIT. $145,000. PA 11.ICIC T .. OU. 759· 1221 • 3 Br 2 IA. WITH $20,000 DOWH. A beauty at $152,500. PATllCk TIHOH, 759-1221 • 4 II. 2000 FT, condo. $249,000 $49,000 DOWM. owe bal. at 12"/,' PATllCI TIMOll. 759· 1221 719-1221 R&IM* of Newport Beach THE BWFFS--Otl.Y $179,500!! Assume 1st Trust Deed at very low interest! Beautif uUy papered and paneled throughout. 3 spacious bedrooms . Very quiet location Walk to sparkling pool. THE REAL ESTATE RS CAU. 67).1550 "'" OOPLEX •lir +28r. l By owntr two 2bdrm lM whole year through _. • ~UISI •llTIL yr new $389 000 709 ' hoUla on I lot A1uma· F1nta&tlt SOL VISTA · OLD CDM 709\A) 'o r chid. Ca II ble 11" ... l•l T.O. owe pool home . No qualify 4 BR 3 BA M t I d d 8St-91350wner/bkr. ~~ ~ ~1dll Sl~hoo: tf· Only $1 36,000 8kr 12114% K:c:~o usfn uy:::u1~. B c,MilC M Oc .. + In Y6-w Poironi. 84CJ.f~. -0709 0 W NE If LE AV INC 2Br. dt'n. 2 Bll. 10~ dwn eautfiul ape Cod OM or the tlrfeat loc:a S1'AT f1;• Your 0 11 or IN option $188.000 home, rorner lot, mini M~S"' VllDE IY OWHll .. 95.S 11.20 3 Bel r ii t Ion a In C 0 M "' Reduced $89,600 55K porlun1ty lo 11ssumt' &· m, am y. + 3 Rerrodeled and dec:or11t !<'or u e by owner. As· FHA 3 b 1 b "turrir1c financing" 2· HST llYI.,.. fl . Assume Iona lerm ed with quality and old sume VA. $67,000at lO'il dect r, ~ "1 ac:i sty beauty on football C,..,,...D ~ul1 ~ance of '268·000 world char m Approx 2 bdrm Mesa Verde con· gra town °~· field med lot 111·ross "" 0 1 · Pricedto sell0WC2nd., $900.000 assumable do $99,000. 751 ·2380 Beach & shopping. No from 20 oc 3urk All Immaculate Jlfort wood Can move fast! J,.ease flnancl g Otr d t 7~1-4D> leave message. agts. Call between I 9, bi ... """Sidere u ov" 10 I Br overlookll\&. lake & option $5000 too . Coll n · ere ~ 962·5689. ~ .. .,.. ••• ' ~lream. Pool. Jacuu1. Diana Cappel, a gt. $l,3SO,OOO. Open house COLLEGE PK 3BA ---~ nowaUt93.ooo l t' nn 1 s. upgraded • 63 Sun 12·3, 2727 Ocean Nr all schools A/C Gar 4br Jba nr bch Sl55K OPEN HOUSE S84 500 Xlnt financin1t "' R&IM~ Wc.__rDph wlltlfllt.c. 3 BR 2bo or 2+&:1 in owners unn also 2 br rental cottagr All 1n sharp cond wtexcel loca lion Owner will carry lge 2nd TD. Btsl buy in town for only 1280.000. c:.164 .. 7211 mm $5~000DOWM YOWHIR II METERRA.CE 2bdr, + Conv den. lt\.ba, cnr lot, pool + spa. 1mmed. occup 1536 Serenade Terrace. ·As· sume existing finan SZ74.ooo owe. 955.0073 Blvd. Jennirer Suchomel Dr Opn r Nu R'oor SUK dn OWC SllOO mo SAT1SUN I 4 ~er673-1923 Agt 8'15.Q'IO, 720·0366 $83,000 in' assumi ble Grad pymnls 962· 1227 & 60 Plymouth Northwood - ---- Cbarm1Dg Fixer Upper Assume lge loan owe ~ _A_gt_. Sara. 731 5900 insert 1 rule l..tffW s..stts ' ATA PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD loans. Submit dn pay 9636682 Wam_!!'.~gt 559 9400 TURTLE ROCK Noqualtrying $125,000 I.die.cf to SI O I K WOODlllDGE BV OWNER W"'9v H T..,lor Co l mile to beach, 3 br. 2 O. IM I.Gilt Vacant. clean. ready to Reart0i's • 644.49jo bo, open bouse Sun l 5 2BR. &c Den 2BA . rrove ID! 3 br, 2 ba sgl 20612 Egrel Ln , HB PANORAMIC ramlly Broadmoor 960-2183 Lakefront View home Ca 11 n o " o;eanlronl ~ondo 2 Br. Pro re ~ s 'on a I I ) 752-1324 SI00,000. Vu from ever} Landscaped Bearh & Ow..r Rlt•ciiQ Au I Teon1s Club Good 38RtwnhSeonparl("hke rm __ _El n.846·5792 F1naM·1ng O"ner or selling In Un1\l'f81t). $117,500 Newtwnhse. ABSOL U TELY reredalS297000552836Z Park formal d1nin1? __ _ _ GLORIOUS 4 BR ram $170,<W - _____ , ly OWMH rm. sparkling pool, and UNBELIEVABLE owe $347.000 llarbor View IUUs, 3 br, 2 ba Call agt, Nan Fryer, 644 2999 insert 1 rule Sat& s.. 1.4 2336S..AYt. 557.4579 W1mblCdon V11l11ge 405 so much more Every ltdilcedTo Stfl & F'a1rv1ew As~umable upgrade. Finest <trt!a 9.625010 Tunler0t•k 4 BR. fam IOCrHtCir.,CclM Sl22.400 al 12i.·~ Close JUSTSl3'7 ,500 Seeing 1s I~ rm, formal dining rm ~SU ... 1•5 lo pool and tennis 2 Rr Believing ' Bkr848 0709 4 BR 3 IA Arross from park. pool, Yr'"" " 2b T t bl leM1s. Needs some TLC $16S.OOO, $60,000 down, ~ W:rms neito ta e ~-LOW-DOWN $1~,500 bulance at 10 7": SIOOOor "'!"'~,.,.~ .... morepermonth Canyon Harbow 1042 115%1 Crest's lowest pnn" Set• u••••••••••••••••••••• OWNER FINANCING ' youSonday • ASSUMES103,000 BEST BUY Trinidad You must come see lhu, 3Brthugearld·onor4lh lsld .. Primeloc3Br3ba vrry nice all around f(,(<JiMW m/. f(a1 Br. 2Ba . lg rovered OWC at 141 , mt Bkr ramily homl'. Family (J/).,,,.J. ~alto. RV access. great Tom Gotl1er646·9200 rm. formu I dining, sun J -aA~tr" «7tl'lt/it'J d~ c~~~-~11~5-~~jooo PRJCE RED UC f:D! ~~~~~\·•iii ~~it11;i: slid~ ~\!.?~f ~ 6J.J-8191 NOW a waterfront ron Ab!.olutely outslandtnl( 35 SycGMOre Crull $5000 DOWN do for $445,000' f ee Sim bizy at $199.900 Ne" on 'market Thi!> 8151·8427 3141 E. CoHt Hwy., Cdfll 3 bdrm 2 ba. new roor. pie Luxunous 3 Bdrm OPf::N HOUSJo: home 1s theqwnlesi.ente C4M C...._r D•le• new rrpt Mu bl ~ell' l' Jll 2• 1 ba condo Exrlusm• SL'NDAY 1·4 I or quahtv & st vie Spec I WllHFIHAMCIHG I CdMCHilM nov..5451241 SEAGATE. LoH'_I> ne" 5S1her Run ~orth.,.t>Od tarular 2 !.tor). entr}. 4 3BR,2 bathor2+ guest Spectat·ular l'Ublum lHElll'!..SPL"SHI. I det'Or 30ft DOCK Oprn Wamer,agt 5599400 bdrm. 2•,balhs ram1h '"owner's urut also 2 home £\·er) amen11• w ~ Sunday 1·5 at 1614!1 St , ·r I · d ·, I ' GIANT 20x40 """I and C ro 1 x L A p e.,", I Df ... .A.t.tlC rm, ~ •.rep aces. '"'".R Bdrm Renta CottaPe possible Dei.11?ner """ I ...... "~ rm I er 1° el master I All in sharp conditfon rumish111gs inrld OPE~ spa Tn level 4 Br 3 ba 846-33.16 • Woodbricb HOMt oj '' k I w exc·ell0 n1 local ton S' ''NDAY 12 4 ram rm lnple gar AS., Seller orrers a' ariel> or I i.wlc• nl ima te 5 ) 11 " '-. . ; • . . . hbran or l'On\ ersat1on Owner will carry lge 2nd »t NAR('ISSl'S S L M £ SI 2 6 K al Open Houst> Sal l·S Sun hnanring altt'rnat1\ l'> area . "el bar Lots or TD Best buy in lo04n for $795.WO Agt Sl355 ~ Onl) $179.900. 1 3 4161 Branford 3 Gorgeous JBr 2' 1 b.i oak Superb detor A~ only$280,000 !i..S8 l80967569oo Open Sun I S Hkr Bdrm +Den. llol Tub home"1thnumerousup ,umable Isl TD E'< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. CALLU .. 7211 ,.._.=...._._.___ 1024 75102lt> pri\ate back \ard grades Culde,a1· ~t. ct'llenl\'alueat$36500o 1 ...vsra ~ CHilMH 846 'tlZ1 & 846 ~ii · JUSl ~teps to the la kt> Of · I ... , • • ... , •••• ,._·E.··R··_·f..··E·-·c··.·T· •••• . . ft•red at S229.SOO DAVID D. CilLSOH EASTSIDE lilGAtN SJ0,000 DOWM-110/o LOAN Owner financed-no lend er qualifying! 3 br 2 ba custom. quiet cul-de-s ac. Parquet entry brick frpl. Tiled kitchen. Pantry Family rm Water filter and softener. Spa. Enc losed off street RV pad. Giant patio. Stor age shed. Fruit trees and much more!! .. Reduced to Slb'7.000! Call Bob Licata 759-1221 RV M* of Newport Beach 2 Lntls + Separate<;ot "iM 1044 OpenSundaylS RWTOllll-'293 • tage Creal Owner~ l nil ••••••••••••••••••••• • 5 North CO\l' , , l'pnmelorat1on or l<ental Prop Cabin lfttO'oDW ..... ) BR WameSte.,..irt \~~nt SPECT"'CUL"'R · Eex<"t'll value Like Int Eas ls tdl' v-,1 " · 6468816 "" "" OcEAH VaEW R, rare I stor) l'reat1\'e Termb Trade To~11house in llentaj?c VIEW •low Mid 'ct ~ fou! Rdrm~ Wtlh , . ., Brkr. Park area or In ine 2 * *SUPER plus a PRI\' ATE SPA Ownermustsetfr'Sweep . ~ EZ.tobec ••64.S62fi6 •• sty, I'> Ba. pool & park are JUsl t"o or the out ing ocn & bay view . Lov c Cash ar<'ePlt!d nearby Pri n only STARTER! ~landing reatures or th•~ T $218 500 $105,500 OWC $1193 P&I ~ bdrm home. in Tun le ely 4Br. 311Ba. ~3<'10US . o~a MOVl ... I'!. J r I m C ,,1 r 0 "" "• mo erl') Jone!>. agt J8drrn 2 car"ar~""d" ll o<·k H1 S?hland ~ ami Y r " {', Beautiful 1mma<'ulate 631 1266 " u"' ' I d land Only $375 ,000 I , C.M. BEST BUY nicel" l:uidsra""d 4 Br · larhed home . n<'"' paint I La\ •~h > up gra ed Joyce Waltze agt l 4 yourst'IL 3 Rclr. lr~1 ho m~· on <'u(dl'·Sac· & r arpets fl t'X 1blt• Good loca11on on quiet 631 '"""" r I r I ftnanc•tn., Ask tn.. I ( u I de s at' s l r {' el """"' &mi> rm w rp 1' up Sp1mous rooms View or " " s:ti!i.IXJO Call toda\ ror ~ r ad e d k I I(' h e n !(Olr ('()UrSe from proper· $I 2 J ,000 in for ma llOn On l'Xt:ep edocedto Sll5.500 I l> Ownl'r ass1:.lrd Ask for 8111 llonal hnanl'm,l.l betnj! Ji\l'KIE llANDU:MAN g~tin~~~en~~~o'139·500 *•POOL & SPA gw ~h Id orrered I YR LE "'SE 631·1266 A · nus hke new t'Xt'l'Utl\·e If~ \'~cal~n gc "" LLS""ATE home 1s decorated 1n IJll " I "1th option to bu> $.)0001 I I l"t tasteful earthlon<•s :ind 551 ·lllilO WATERFIOMT 1911ool"-d 1006 rroves you in S150 mol -has custom fl'ature;. I 19?9 8arrann P~•,.lnln• Absolute I> elt.>gant ••••••••••••••••••••••• rent applies to purchase REALTORS galore .\larm !>)~h·m W=IDGE -- lakeside home m lnme orrum1lure Dix condo. E............-IYOw ... 1:• a'sun•, sc1·uril\ ~I , .. t1 0 ... T 4 Bdi;ms. 3 Ba fam1I\ er pa o mon y pool. iar. patio. bllt!t lo ~losure Sa~ """" Bdrm 3 Ra A~kin 11 ~ " . room A brealhtakinl( payment on Ba Ibo a orean. com pl rurn \'ets Attn Me:.a \'erde 3~r ,2Ra on xtra !g lot S2ftl.OOO Ask fo r ~l ai: 2BR. 2BA. Den •t ould \le" K1tl'hen has J l.'nn Island proptrly l.o" l' d ~I 6 7 3 3 6 9 4 0 r r1xer $1 23.000 Pr in l f. !)1de !01· L(, .\S j!lt' be 3BR I Sp3l'IOU' Lu>. I Aire range .,. bll 1n down or trade 612 474-5291 onlyS43 7023 Bkr SL'MABLF. \T 911'. g ur~ C'on do "' \ ll'"., m1cro"a\'e ct'ram1<·t1le •Hcrdtaty lltr. S139.SOO 6i3 24R2.I ~i \\',,,l(fhrldgc rom~r Xlnt hnam·mi: ~523CAMPU5Dl·IRVINE noors and more· o" ner • OH THE CLIFJ I OWNER WILL FIN $.l8 5.136 Tn 10· Do" n ss9 5164 v.tll assist in (inancinit 675-2166 Oceanfront lot Call l.l1"1nt rale noquahr>' La 'RR ~1 \' d Realty I or 5521800 L)nn ~oJh 1--•-h 1048 r 11 •-------111 Brandon Rosenbt'rll 1 20 1 · C Hd rill'~ . es.1 er e. •• Ov.ner Ain --r-_.oc u price $4 25 .000 Agt 644 .7020 dy~ or ~· yr oan ule3 dl'Sirable ht floor RR . • .1al :IOOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 751·3191 Cst.lltHoww 64Hll587 eves. 1 •Ba. approx l850 liq 2030 Flamingo Open 1'·nn.,rann P~•"tn1nr SB.LER SL"'SHES A steal ' Sparkhng 3 bd. 2 Charming 4 Br 311 f.a. - -[ ft . COO\~nit'nll) IOl'<lll'<I Sun 12 30 S ARI Ann I "" ha rondo. frpl. beam C::. 5ElEC T 1°' PROPER T IE:~ 2 sty Don Pete r!>on <kem!"~clMCHdo ~~~BC· 1~hoppk•Pnl! I C' 21Herg,9628891 10% DOWN PRICE i6000 ce1I . patio. el ~ara)!e. home. breakra\l rm .I "' · a qwc l'll > • • , buvs 00 3 be 11r 11 Onl) $129.9<>0 ror 1h1~ JI pool. clubhouse O"ner fireplare. man) l'Xtra~ I Unobstructed Ocran & Dameron, aitt 559-!MOO 01 EN SAT & SL N · . ~ed 3 Jld ~uR u >1 &Ir I le\l'I Smoh• Tr<'e ram loan SIS9 ooo Pel! S..Sl!.000 222Cora l Open t11anel View 2RR. 2BA. 1 4 bdrm ~den. 4 l'ar ~ar. · (.Pllrr d t h d ha s~ tov.nhome .,. cen1r "'r Allen Rltr 494·i'S78 IUYERSWJ..HTED Sat Sun I S wkdyappts Pool. J ar Boat Slip t·o mpl remodtolt•d &I a'i:iy eac e n~t P'tpat10.dbl1?Jr rrvk. · · for h<IUSl.'S t'Ondos units Ownr Agt A\'a1l. ~ 00 Pnn1• On· till'<! throu1?h11ul On!) ~s Int Sl34.9oo tall nr pool ,pa ll'nn" 111· , f'anlaSlH' bu~' ~orlh and tnve~ll'Tlf!Til 11rn 675·W21 ly 640-7373 I $189.500 26:8/i Rt•dlands SS:.~ ameron. aj!t c1 ... 11 SIOllO P& I mo I end. 3 bd, 2 ba. lge II\ pert1es J\ 11 1 y pes uf u_.. LOC "TIO... u S5SOO OOWN & . l.>r 11·ros~ Slrt'l'I Mesa I Don't dela\ 1·all Iliana frpl. brkrst area t Ruest financmo 3\3llabll' In llae.oo'tftiftwla 1007 _..g\ A "! t 8~ \'Al t'la~ St't'tnl( IS huy1n j! .Jim loda\ . quarters Walklobeac·h ,.. ......... ••••••••• ••• 3 Br 3 Ra 2 story, (3400 1 sume • oan N•n 7~ 1221 I> · p 1 \' 1 I Assume loan o ... ner duslnous aJ?l'nl~ arr -.:.._ -• sq rt I Ore an· view 3 Br SI00.000 l'nnl' unh iana ll'lenpo o Ill' h 'j r 5269 000 awaiting to assist you --.._~ o.,.11er anxious & has 543-7023 Hkr l!AC'I\ llAY. SU0.000 One 559 9-100 p~f All~;~l~r. 494 1s18 ~LLSTATE Callno\\949·53711 l'fHIMSULAPOIHT another Call a~enl of.1 kind.2~1y.woods). IYOWMEI Colleen McAulcy ramhhn!( hmr Open **WILLJR•OEI. $10,000DH./ 2STORYHOUSE 979·0942or851 -9691l MESJ. VEIDE 1 Sal I :lJS Call Jackie ft lyOWHr ~bdrm.2•,ba.2 rrp1c 3bdrm,2bath.rrplc.dbl G111Js,54113350 Would likl' smllller Lease ¥.1th option to 1 HOUSE FROM SAND MAL'I CONDO~ B.r 2 Ba. garage . A I cond .. . 11rv111e properly for the "l'AMBRIDGF: I purchase 3BR. 2•,ba. REALTOf\S ~ Sondeck Ocean ~1ev.· on ocean m K1he1 "'1111> $134,500 Owner will u' SRf.DUl f,D TO SELL 1 eqwty m m) beautirul GREENTR ~:t:· • d1Dtng rm. ram rm. 2 <"ar Low assum 10·~ 1st rurn In rental pool . sbt m r1Dancmg 3 bdrm. 2 rar 11ar SIOK \'1ew home m Sant1a110 1 3BR Corner Lot llu l' gar. (ntd ) rd , ocean vu ;\TS750iMO pror operated Lu RoyMcC..~clt.Rltr. ~elo"1 ma~e l 2~3,C'anyon.l yrnew.Loned l counln Kit AlnumS?&I S24.S,000"97·1051 A LOT FOR Owner financing 3\'all unous Sl4-4,500 l.o" dn 541•7729 agno 13 , . 004 un Y for horses. 3100 sq rt Stud\ ·Area $147 .SOO n...aJOYI. "' LITTLE REDUCED $50,000 w bal at 12'2'"• C'hanre S 142 ,500 \:a 11 JI rn I Ask for Chut'k Go1xf F 675 4225 () I U"'I "' SKING or a hret1me to own 0 An er 64 2 117511. g m pen S"eepmg ocean \lev.s Only $123.000 buys this A S4Z5.000 Hawa11 garden SN11 7$1221 ~i \\\l\ldbrldgc SWll 54392 Manzanila 1' from this neYt 3 Br 21, expanded 4 Bdr + fam1 OPEH SUM 12-5 Own A 752 *MESA YEIDE * j bath ho 1 k Iv rm home Hiuh al> 1541 OCEAN BLVD er -~·l5Ti Wl1ll POOL AND SPA 10', Own Steal $249.500 Rcalltj ~ r..~tl"-l dr.1.,. tn 1h1· , me O\'er 00 In!( s'umable VA 1st .. Don 't 673-5270 OP9t SUMDA.Y 1-5 SpacK>US 3 Bdrm, 2 ba 7 IDRM ESTA.TE!! •• I \~Ml .i ll.111.\ l'dut \ictona Beach SJ4S.OOO delay, rail Diana 1oda> ~ 23 MAI NSAIL DR Beautirul area SIS,000 OWCLomt' Low pymt' ;,;,l -3000 U.i.~1r1l'\J .\ti ( Jll Tn ~'So';°useWSun 1 4 at DIANA PIETENPOL Largt's t home 1n .dn Asking $240.000 No quahry,n11 move lo it:Uflarraau Pk~~-lninr dJ)tHZ·56ill EdnaL~~dbe~i&Assor VOLPE 0PEH HOUSE J asmine Creek, xtra lge Sl&lS mo pymt PP AJ?l day' 494·2894 559-9400 N EP:Nl~su<LAR T ramrm.rormaldining.3 760-71m llurn call OWNR 11·5PM Sat &Sun BR21i ba.S389.500. BY OWNER 4Br. 28a. 957·074-4 New3storybeachhouse sJA.SMINECREEK frplc, lg ram rm. many l911 Court St. N.B F\111 view or ocean and xlras. newly redecorat· Walk in or call Catalina. Spacious 3 ed ID & out, O\•ers1zed 2 WOW! 675-2291 or S48·3133 Bdrm, ram rm plus din· car ga rage, 20'": down ----Asking $150,000 Owner ing. Guarded gate. ten-fin ance. (Mesa Verde rus. pool, rec room plus Artal 3217 Washington more. Priced to sell Ca 11 for a ppt. 1114 1 Come see 420 Dahha. Sunday Fabulous 3 or 4 Bdr. 80'f rinancing. Solid oak. wet bars. Jen n-aire . Thermador Kitchena1de. Baldwin fixtures. 3 frplcs. etc. etc Call Tim Rhone. al(t 63H266or 720-1263 COINER LOT . CDM OH THE POIMTl 1561 Mt..-r °"" s..clav I ·5 A sll'per opporttJnity lo have two 2 Bdrm units in the hea rt or lhc Peninsula. First chance lo see these speria 1 beach-close homes Owner finan cin~ lo qualified buyer! 642-5200 j PETE J BARRETI .. REALTY 4 8df + den + silting rm + mu.<J1t rm, 3 Ba and 2 p-.'dr l'lDS, 3 decks, Fr. doors lhruout, brand nu .--------• Come see me Sunday 1-5. Call Tim Rhone, agt C... .. Mw I 022 631·12166 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FVLLOCEAN VIEW •J~MINE CREEK• OWN/AOT FINANCED MO-ISU/1·72!-5151 1006......... 1006 . ............................................ . new o~ m<Utel Standard·size lot on quiet end or Island. Included is SO year old cotta4e I $295 ,000. Good owner fin1DC?mg. P-PllUTIS '4M2'I $440,000. Call 552-2000. 98.S4I~ COLDWeu BANl(C!RO ,_,L~-- Buying and selhnl( at a reasonable pncP lhat '5 what class1hed 1s all ! bout' 642· 5678 eor..delMar IOU • •••••••••••••••••••••• nWt£NAB· Iii~- OUTSTAMOIMG YllW HOMI OM SPYe&.ASS What a setting! This lovely 5 BR home on Spyglass Hill has one of the best views of Catalina, Newport Bay and entire coastal area plus an ,exquisite night light panorama. The versatile Southport Ooorplan has the security bonus room and outstanding vie ws from all second level bedrooms. The large main rooms le backyard with pool and spa are designed for easy entertainins. Make an appt. now to v1ew this luxury offering. tt ,100 ,000 Myrna Boom MACNAB·IRVINE REALTY · Woodbrid,e 551-8700. OP9f SUNDAY 2·5 21425-J•• WHERE ELSE? Can you rind 5 Bdrms , 3 baths. big family room. large yard with patio in a prime section of Co!lla Me511 for $165.000? This spa<·1ous 2 story beauty has 11 huge living room with massive used brick rireplace ' t'lex1ble rinancing Call lo set>. 540-1151 •::.1 ... HERITAGE REALTORS MUST SELL THIS WEEKEND! E /Side dream home Asktng $148,000 Call for details ~·~ D.eP .. 1026 ··········~············ ltOOODOWH 1 8 and conv den condo w/pool and spa. Mini oct.an vitw! $10$.900. 30 ~r fixed 14 1~% loan: O.W.C. Ownr. 631·6666_ l~•ltedl 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SHOW STOPPER ... Spartrlin1 clean 3 Bdrm In warm earth tones. No qualUyln1. Fruit trees too t J111t $l2UOO. 1111 r. M.f10t -------- DF.SPERATE OWNER l1IUlt MU this S bdrm lAllk Wat Stadff wit.It ..._room, f1a1UJ, dliD· .. llld •re. Ct1l.4f •llft•ag. Onen will °"1· en.arr c11b ....... ...., ..... ,. :::.a-..... lllr DIEAM HOME IH TURnE ROCk Up grades everywhere. bcauliful custom brick jacuzzi overlooking hills of Turtle Rock. Carpets & draperies are decorator perfort. Located across from comm pool & spa on quiet cul-de-sac st. owe Lg 2nd. S354 .900 Pal Aden 855-4343 URE OffBIMG The v1e\\ never stops from this highly up·~raded Woodside in prestigious ~ated Arbor Lake. This 3 BR + home sets on the lake. Mirrored dining & living room walls. wet bar in den & wallpaper thruout. Fantas tic finan cin ~. $349.900 Gilda Fisher 8554343 CHICk THI ratCI Lowest priced Jefferson model in Woodbrldf(e Estates. Ready to move into. Spotless & profession a ll y decorated two BR . den and o spectacular backyard w /wood deck. PIJoda It spa. Assume $117,300 m loans. PRICED at Sl78,000 Mary Welsh SM·4343 ------ljUll.tU•••aa wtSiiA~ Alicil om.""' aea ...., a Abila •10e ~all.Ol­('1'14)-- AA~nlMiH Laguna Spacious 3 Bdrm, 2 bath \'IEW home. spa. Try AITD wtlh 20r; down. Asking 1229,500 LUSKIULTY _675-J4jl RAIL North end location Walk to the beach from lhL~ neat & tidy 2 bdrm 0~11 your own unit on the ocean side and oHered al an arrorda ble pri re $140.000 lMCHIAY 4 bdrm. 4 bath home "''lh ramtly room. itame room 41 ofrt ct or den with ()('ean views Very low mainlenanct yard perfect for frequent traveler Pnct lo sell MI0,000 SU'8" white waltr • tlty hl(hls views rrom lhts 2 barm & d tn home DetkJ on both levels & )'ard for outdoor hvlnit Elctllent starter home with new carpet and paint. $210.000 ~ .. ~\~....&.(k.~ hf . • Orange Coat DAil V PILOT/Sund1y, February 21, 1N2 ......... w. .......... w. ...-... w. .......... w. ....... Ull,. ... ~ ....................... ....................... .....•..••••••.•....... ......•••.•.•........... .•...........••.•••.... .•...•.•.............. . .......................................................................................... . ~·-~ t041 ~f.~~~ ... ~!~ Mt u',.rt ..... 1069 Ml:•rtlNcll I06t Ma ,wtltecll 106' s..-c11•••1w/Tew• .._,,.,...., ZtOOMlt,.:rflt_. Jl6t c:..ttMIM UJ4 ................... T _.................... ....................... ....................... c.,1etiw 1071 ........ I 700 ................................................................... .. ~:'u~·!.~',: D9!1l-S SIO.HIDOWM ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• IPllMIUMITS . UDOIAYMONT Overlooks park, very o&htf. Panoramic ot .. n N~~ttourtyard, BV QWNUt.-Harbor OCIAMOMT ~ IAIGAINI In Newport 8eacb, h• 2 bedroom and cferi. 2 nke J br, 2 ba, frplc, vie••· walk to buch. PoQI, JarUaJl overlooks Rid ft e Co n d o . 6 UMITS V.A. ~ers. -2-8r or 4 Land. 11.'15 X Gron. bath, P'lvatt patio. ~rm. ~·IOlt ooo.•1ut. bay. Oaluy b r. Formal "RMa *'•net" mdl 3 2 bdrm, 2 bath each unit. More than l ~ o.A .968·229'7. ~mi:r foo~ down, Ava ilable throuich . CH_,.t1.••ot ----Olnlna Rm , 2 frplu . Br~ dtft. A .. umable Large 1 bdrm condo. beat 12~ p 0 °~x 1~8~l S/30/82 Sl ,700 monlb 2Br, 1~. Trp~t. bltn u•y l£111S n=rio164MN ~~~~,:~ ~:1~1. ~arking space per unit. Prime Balboa locallon. PoolJ, lennls N11wport Such, CA ' Brolctr,'31-7300. r•n1e1oven. dthwshr, uu • _ ble ~ Peninsula area. Opportunity for SPANlSHVtLLA courta etc. S7S,ooo. 10"--' t2880 lo Pool *° Anlku oWotr wUI take L ... o.t&. · -creaUve investor. ONTHEHILL dn owe Ownert Bkr. ---pat .al ~mut:.0•• no low, down payment or 4 Br 3 Ba. l.~tC.-home HAllOl ltOtl IA* Uf'() ll"-Tl\b mamlfltcnl hilltop ~&44"'493 _ Z Covin&ion 4·Plx. aasm TD• In trade. Xlnt aa· u1ed tourtyord, dbl Lucerne Eatale odel, -rttreat wllh 5 bedrooms. °'C:1l'. bl loans. Ask S290K, ~IJll Viery nice 2 BR. little-. aunble loal\I Cheerful frpk , newly ~ec In· $580,000. Avail. now ! WTIWff s baths and 8000 sq n Pnn Agt.541Hlle& cute boule on E/Slde a br • dftl on lft rull·•lie aide ' out. 1w~ 111uma Xlnt terms. 760-tm. 2 story, 5 bdrm. corner lot, 20% down. j •lao el\)o)'I 2 tire places, 1100 1 ..A. .a...... •.-1.... 2 ..,00 EXEC YI HOMI ~mo. 912.7940 lot. D .500. ble loin 1275,000. 11300 bu11t ff 13~ I ( 30 · l''rrnch doors, 2 spas. a ... ••••••••·~··••••••••...,..""" -'" WITH VllW Ontrtal\,.e?·S$U permo 752>~. 'iA&af&m.fSo fJtf ~o ers onew oan or years. ·¥fm, sauna, wet bar, Balbo• Penin dup,lex, ••••••••••••••••••••••• BRANDNEW2 8RCON -bath borne with awlm This home needs some TLC and save pool room. tacit room both 3bdrm, 2ba, rplc Ventura Keya luxury lot l:Jt~ont hamishmes m DOON ELDEN ST -·~-·c-u•s,•0-.... -•lcOM1'8.ePOIAIY ming pool in Harbor $$$! Call for details, other term s and maid's quarters C1011e to beach '389.000. with unswi>Hted view ('hadblg p1r.no, pool ta '41·1447 '"' ITH'-if. View Homes. Private. available.Newlisling! You'v• never seen a L o w d o wn Agt ot Channel. Spice ss · ble.llnr 11ntlq uea New Lr&liou.sewtcar,lotsof Pm rearea. Quality w Profess Ion a 1 ll house like this one! ~·5880. boat. Owner may help IWtury carpet blt·ins, l bdrm. $400/mo. '~ . Spadous 4 &ht into t a landscaped back yar . $750000 .t938812 '-6-a ...._ ZOOO finan ce. '300,000 Dtp. Sl20. Call at'l 5pm. Bdrm 3 th, 3 car aar. prtvate, unlQue 3 Bdr en· Uving room, uparate UST V AWi IN •. -"•"1 ~8236. 80$·4U-2142 $<1,000 mo ~254.2 A 1 y If 1 Buildlr open to Cflalive tertalner's deULe. Centr din Inc room . teak HIWPOtrT HBGHTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• -640-45l8 · va!__!!c __ . otren St15,000, kitc hen o pe ns• t o paneled family room, L d bd L" H.8.4-PLEX,3br,211 b11 DeMf't, -----&uts1deCM 2BR , 2BA ~y..__11 *h-Sed yardwithaspa kitchen. Centrally air· arge sunny con o, 2 rm, 2 bath. IOgO owner's unit. rrplt. lttort 2400 tblockfrombearh. Dari Pvt Vrd. All Amenities 497• j?, 1 • &euy care. Room to ex· co nditioned with air community pool. Close to everything. •.t& Super tax benefits. 2 yr$ ••••••••••••••••••••• in~ 1 Br house. Sips • ~. 675--0562 pand. Owner's have mter system. Shown by $162,500. Possible lease option. ..,, new. Only 139.000 dn. By qulty Partnership of. Wanter rental S450. EJSJdeCcu.age, 2 br. 1 ba. "L W moved. Pnted lo sell. appointment towner). appt., Phil, agl, 972-9300. fered Cathedra. I Canyon Joyce. 631 1286 . D·"'L -9 UM\ owe D1'an1 Pn -1· soo 10··"' 1010 wtnd 7Sl·25!M "'~·-· ... Cl b 2 8 2 Ba --patio. yd, gar., •595 _ •• ,JVV. · ce: • •· ; ~ •. , ---· \NUil"" u r. Derorator's Big Canyon BACHEWR. $375 Utils down payment. Ocean restbuyed lnanced. 5 br, 2 sty, Sl67.500 No EutJide Costa Mesa Terms C-Ontaet Owner adults. no' pets iuoci' --1 · ~-High in value, low on .. I 63 2M mortgage assumable~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 uNITS t'Ompletely furn . Condo. Townhome 2bdrm Zbll pd.6J 4320 gt view included with this , Telephone. 644-2$73 qual. 18K dn. Isl at Good income Good 7_14/181H>l25. ~ 646-0295 Clean 2 Br I Ba enclsd spacious J bdrm. 2 bath 91,'1. Xtras 833 3352 terms Price 5605,000. OW of r--.tw -gar . pnvate yard NO ho me located i n XWC"-ce!! qiorODow• Call formoredetails. "T"' 2550 3 RR 21..,BA~blulfsCon PETS.$495.548·6680 ¥:~~lea;t1~raer~~.g~op~~ Slt,000 For Quick Cash Buyer \.. I MMflltv REAL ESTATERS .... ~ ............ ~a~Wr~lmo s, Sl60() mo 3BrTwn.hse, 2~Ba. frpk, 1 In I r CONDQ: Balcony, ocean Beautlful House in Nice 38~. t A. Cul·D'e 0 Sac ~~ IAMCHC?a_SA~~ etc. Nace $825 mo . ~~emecf:e&::. ::~~~~ view, cuarded gate, sub· Neighborhood in NB Nice Loe at Ion Good 32 u. 2 YRS OLD L.dllD"' Off, ~gt 760 9678 96J.3018. 548·5128 plank style flooring, terranean parking. 4BR. 21,BA Fam Rm, Condition Full Price, HUNTINGTON BEACH sparkling stepsaver elegant clubhouse & LI\' Rm. 2 Frplc'i, Pool 99.000. Cali Chnstana, S2.•n K F/P S3l2,000 dn. One of R.S.F.'s best Uwfwnislwd •SPOnESS• ki h d gym. Mullan Realty & Sauna. Directly From M7·2783 1 ml. to beach. "Pn'de". zoned landmarks is a 2 Br ('arpets. drapes. tcenan hugefamily 540-2960ask for Lori . Owner . ..,,.5.oooorMllke ya rd, lndry hook·up . AIJ at the low asking REDUCED IO fer. Call 645·5267 or Call Phil, agt. 972·9300. ranean home guarded gar mo ,.,,,._3989 room with stained glass. Of .,... ~ 1090 12S% lax sheller Isl yr. fabuk>us hilltop Medlter 3202 s,sso price of. $264.SOO' For . ......,.. 761"1!594. yl I o 1ve1ars rom ----IC 634 ... ,..,TIA M·l·~·~·l·~··su·T·rt-·1·~·~······ b he 2' I f 61B Ham11lon """ tenmCALL Bea~tiful oak fl oors. -._HTSCO ... DO HarborView Homes.5Br -----Iberia 5 Bdrms . 3 lmmac.twnhse.3Br2ba. sun-filled patios, room to ..,.. , " °'84 SAT/SUM I 5 AflPU ~k~EY r 1 •· th 6000 HTS/MIDS OK MlSSIONREALTY roam, brick frplc. As· 2 Br 2ba, frplc, ix?OI, • View. Xint cnr tol PENSUNDAYl·5 Tex r rp cs ... more an APfS:llSES.CONOOS encldbl gar,nrS.CPlza. ~So.CstHwy,Laguna sum! lrJ 11~ loan. Call garage & laund. Full 1144,ortCllorles $450.000 Ph494 1840 (nr Nptllrv Bii HUGE Nea r new 4·plex 2 :.i~\.~ec1m8!~~I~~!!~ Ust1allareas.prices Pool, k~i ok. Sl!OO, 17141494-0731 Pele ohnson. a gt r.nce 1140.000 Assume $195,000 "'H~FOR.. 1-0t in Tustin area with 3 bdrm. 2 bath each unit 00 4 ac. ol Eucalyptus Sl5fee Guar 850-0535 g 30 yr mortgage. no ii At-ble Las. "' "' Bdrm 2ba. den & frpjr with fireplace, enclosed clad ndges & pictures £.side duplex. I Br. den, L.,.....,... 1052 1 qualifying Low dn See this 4 Bdrm, 3•~ ba U IME <.:ompletely rede(',.10\1~ pauo, garage. 9"i•'1 lsl. SI 500000 3206 laundry, kitten OK. $39S ••••••••••••••••••••••• pymt. OWC balance at beautifu l Po rloftno Smaller home on pre ly landscp'1< Seller can Pos cash flow Now queravmes. ' ' 1"-d 64S-!_301,S41Vi855 Larcest Links Point-5"', Open SUnday Noon rrodel m Harbor View s t 'IP o us st r e et help finance. M 1ckt') $~9.500 Bill Grundy. CLOJ.[¥~~ER golf course home owner, to 3 at 1406 Clay St Separate molher 10 law Landscaped for pool 9' • Shafer. Bkr 960-1980 RJtr. 6756161 COUNTRY HOM ES ayfront. beaeh. 2 Br 2 Jbdrm. 2ba. bonus rm. dwn. 1425.000 Open Agt. 644 7020 dys or cl06e.lo I S3l9 ~ ·1 menl service including OlllerlHI ktah S Urul. CM Rarl(aan less R.E Balboa lslanrt. $1200 porch. mt1ext redone. no assum 13'k w $50.000 • Brandon Rosenberg, qrtrs almost new cpt'g loan for anyone an gover I ----I 83 123 E Bay front, encl patio, rrplc, service Sat/SUn 31991 E. Nine MDtlovwlewColMlo 644-9687eves. poo . · , retired mtlttary Owner •••••••••••••••••••••••1 lhan IOyrsold $238,000 Ontheranch smeel931 winter Sl400 annual pets S750JO\O. Rum• -~ -Ell ganl , English motif So Coif. I.atty I will carry equity. may MaWlt Ho.1 owe 7141756•2422 Herb. days 213 478·3S77 (714)996-e766. crown moulding , ·~g~?~O:: 546-5605 631·6194 trade for p~operty To ForS. 11001 ~207S 54857~ MtModlloCoost Ba f bd 3h VIEW FRO M EVERY *vl~w* handcarved frplc. shut Sale Sy Owner 48R + 1 i.eeorsho..,.tall&31-0981.,,•••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ... fTS lAereoceanfront bwld yront3 . a.2sty, RM New 2 e r· 2t2 Ba l ters, brass appt.s, etc. 2 den. 3•,,BA Pool & Spa. ' agt 7.l "1iGROSS mg sate spectacular "'r et bar. patio. balcony, Condo •<><" br 2ba (II 101 ,., ILUFFSIEST I . d" view or' coas tline rplc.of~·sp1· SltiOOyrly .macro.spa,_,.,. Pool sized ot overlook· rui va·'i Leu sec1. l • • All Cabinets Solid By ow ner Ol·canfront l•EXCIJING• I High emand rental Permllinprocess.Good 2n'!N.Bat front 673·9368 OTS.1781. ing Canyon greenbelt a 1 · ase op Walnut Owner wall GREENBELT VU home 4 Br + 2 rentall> area. Assume existing Home IS so new you can $283,250. 9~ 1120 fuiance 5411·8198 Ll\'ing rm dining rm Seller wall carry T D I fU1ancang of SU0.000 at owner terms Sl2$.000. Corona deol Mor 3222 Elitde. lg cor 2 br I ba 2 landscape you rs elf. . mstr swte' & garne rm Pn<•e ~S.000 Call Paul &tat. Sok 1or; and ownrr ':"di SF.A COTTAGER E ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar Patao trees ch pel r:.~~t~:~1n't~.r~o~:·J NEWl,ISTING B~fc11:;"?r~n3 b~rg:!~t all look out O\'l'r p\'t Marlin . 760 1867 or With or without rurn. rarry Full prare _ 17~1 937-0423 ~'tacularocean & eity ok~499·4820 """'lral vac ..,c9 950 By Open setting. warm & cond. S389M I h. Man park· li ke setlinl( Nt'wly 644·7:1l3. 24L x64 Oreen,bner Hm an I $240,000 C:ill 9'19-5370 ~Farm Rhts vie"' from every 2bdrm house, E. side, dis· ""., ..., 2 d rederorated ruslom1zed ~ lo-L lo aguna . H1 Is nicest 5 A r~.. ' 2700 room Large 2 Br. frpk, posal & duhwasher lrg Owner m i83l·Oho I cozy 11\Side, Npt Bluff 0'1 n Owner fan 'E" 1 Good bl ..a 1y starpk LLST'AT£ wrv.H many amen1t1es · ------CCXldo w/3 Br. pnced to 644-71170 Pan Jsi.m Out tand1nl( 3 lS1lrm 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $1200 C II A th tree shaded lot. S550 mo L* ForHt I 055 attract knowledgeable lst TD·' owner wall as· home on eul ile sac Ex Gr11•of Pork 10 Ar res a' or a dos iro a n. on) mrl ut1I Children. pels ••••••••••••••••••••••• buyera.CallPeteforde ChoiceLocatlon s1st Call ror info. l'ellent t'ond1t1on Lari.:e 1 Beaut1ful2Ax60Keywe~t , REALTORS Rancho Cal 12•; int ~y~642·5757, e'es & ok.Contact MikeCrow. t.ails,agt&3l·l266 Howard Rosenber11. al{l yard with manv fruit llm 2Br. 2Ba This 1~ -----_ Sl6S,OOO Xlnl invest n 631·6630 own!r ~gt 64S·3176 -11111111!,• .. ~.l(~W ... o•o•o ... -•I Lidolsle 3 ldnn. 759-1221 trl'eS Custom spa See& thebestm town 557·3288 2 Br frpk. pauo. nr 2bdrm. E side. ss1simo. -3car gar· wide st rompare for 'alue MnfDort leocll --Fashioo lsland & ocean ESTATES GREAT POTENTIAL 5179.500 Beautiful . Belair M 11 Nr Visaha. 15 acre flat. S150lease 640 1177 + S3SO sec 813'4899 4 Br 21;; Ba 5399 500 r l k 1 12 19 1 xlnt soil, d1trh "'ater. ->iS-2515 , DAVID D. CAlLSOH w m 1 · x iv rm. well, new 2 br m-0b1lt• 2BR, lBA. f'rplc. Patio. E:XEC Jbr, 2•~ba. pool B~E~-/~AN 675.1771 DPLX/OllHir •• 1 5 IEALlORl33·9293 ~:2.~~:r I~~~; .{;,~~I home, 32x60 rarm bldg. Gar $700 Pl Ser Oep home .chefs kitch S650 MODEL OflfHSAT/SUM l2-5 :!o9\inds " • S2A.500. .cou1wtu •-u>~• .. • tractor. eqwp Sl75,000 Day 2134501960. "~'ei. oc RENTALS 7503314 ~EVERYTHING IY OWMY Two 3 Bdrm 2b~ units PARADISE CLASSIC TUSTIM 4-PUX owe t2n9•52S 6674 640-0J09 oc RENTALS ~~·tessa~fN~~~~ SpecfKlller lslTOassumable owe 3BR28a.famrm.eon I MOllUHOME I 10.0XGro•t ......... IYIUASE l-Sbr'sS200to S2000 20 min. to Newport Mt..-irtu~ W..... 2ndTD Broker642135S lempstyle,skyhl(hts. Fr SALIS Pride of ownership. 7.0 &dMmc)t 21001 With option lo buy. SSOOO 7_!i()-3314 7·days Center r-· ,,_ "" c.itDPLXbyOw•er drs. fplc, ne"' cpls & 2706 Harbor Ste 206A Cap.rate Large LslTO, u••••••••••••••••••••• moves you m $750 mo 12 · C-'ry~etldl 1 >II wallpaper Lu s h · assumable 9 75 ~ Want a laxshelter~Sell rentapphe~to purchase SHARP2br,lrggar l0.~~1·~~~160.000 C"4n c;9r5i~at 014 ~.er ta•/: 1 indM'i-ig. fabulous :.p11 540.5937 I Owner will c arry myl l2yearneYI tnplex odum1turc Deluxe l·on fncd.pels.TODAV $47S Nopolnt.sorqualifying. We have spared no ex 11.Uff 6'75-ll63orm.9667 Allracll\'C f1nan rin g I balant•t• "'1th 30•, down. or exchange equity ror do. pool. Jal·. patio, OC·RENTALS 750·3314 770.0347 pense in I.his newly re· Single st.Ory ~BR 2ba - -----I 1329,000fee. . 25· Airstream wlroom, Large units, quahly <'On· cundoor~ Owner After 7 blocks to ocean. com pl Owner/Agent modeled 3BR . 2BA Linda Plan"' spa S30K LIDOSIDRM I POITOFtHO across street from struet1on Prt\'a'\e pool 714760·0734 furn CdM 6733694 or D-Poillt 3226 home All new gourmet dn Lona term (mane Cornl'r lot. 2 i. ton Lowot p ri red ft' t' beach S6000 See at llun ace~ Pnced to :.ell. 612 474-S291 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .--------1 '-·tc·h •-fam rm. solid " Jarun1 anxiou~ 0111.n.<'r ..,.,.,500 II bo \' S 1 wont last Call John 3br houseonH2iotmold , Dana Crest 3Br 2ba "' "' anii F\Jll pnce S212500 ..,..,,. an ar r 1..-"' Langton b> ea Park CdM . suitah le for Sharv 3 BR rten. fplc . · t6uport leoch I 069 oak cabinets w Italian Owner Agt 553_1006 111111 t·arry finan t·inii at ' llomes 4 RR J• 1 Ba 21871 Newland , Spa cc 11\x·ker. 834·9393 duplex . exch for in"ome palio, gar $950 mo ii.t. frpk , nice yard 2 t'ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• llle,Frenchdoors&wan 14'. per annum after I ron fam rm . t bonu~ 110 , H B or 1·:111 ' last Sl't' drp a"I itarage 2Yrs.new Very landscaped, lrg corner 3 BR 2 Ba, P'1 bakon) down P > mt 0 P r n pvt yard Lge assuma \'alue2SOKM 979 l658 644 2624 e\'es645-1771or960 5844 .-------_.j dows ; thruout Prof BAYSHORES satasfat10I) 1•rt•d1l and 1 . rm: fpk, wooden entr), 17'J79466 L.AGUNA IE.ACH properly or lots or ? • • • "' dean Avail Marr h Call DOVER SHORES lot. RV access $259.000 oH master swte. gated Sat SUn 12·4 at 121 \'1a ble 1st TD 0111ner ..,.111 Lido Pettinwla OCEAN VIEW 4.Plti O\llnerdesires rtsidenual LEA.SE OR OPTION 4br BToro -3232 4 Br. Den, Formal Din· with a combination of rommunll \ "'11 h 2 f'lrente Wells 6465719 help finance Larainr By Own er 20 x 40 lt°t'o DOWM I & or income prop m ex 2ba \U exec hm $1400 ing Room, 2 Fireplaces. low interest ass um beaches. $349~ oroo 9950 I Shaw, 759·9088 Gc~nwest 3 Br 2 Ru Take over ex• st an g rh for 212 acrel> Patent mo Ownr Agt 759 8006 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 3 car garage + large loans&ownerfinancing 2651Crestv1e"' · loans. 1200 sq.ft 3 BR edGold M M h -HOM E FOR RENT Hobby Room Pool sized 2298 REDLANDS, N.B Open SUnday 1.5 nus IS IT ' final mtl\ ini: U,_.IOOf 11()~(:§ new carpeting, ceram1t· plus 3 le~al units 1n me on ot er :n> Jasmine 2 br. den. 3 Bdrm S67S Fenced lot. beaut. landscaped. NEAR BACK BAY Agts.44·2282 sale 4 BR 2 12 ba. II\ llle. pool, near w.iter separate building 3' Lode No less than I'• ba. S8SO Also I br. I )"atd & garage Kuis & Owner will assist at 63l l85l 631.sos7 1nl(. fam1I). pool & Owner finance avail blocks to tht beach I ~.OOO. 714 642 l80~ baapt 644 4190 pet.s welcome ~s.2000 rmancm~. Only '420.000 C<lirtesy to Brkrs. NEWPORT II Ef<.i !ITS sauna Direct I) from JUST LISTED 6783:0003164 Call 67S 7383 or l p rt ce J us l reduced I 'IA VE 2Br, 2Ba uograded "'-t;s· H'1I-~-ent, no fee - <tin at/Sun 1·4 .30 3 BR 2 BA. with separate own. er 1295.000 or sull $66 000 fo fa st s }n N rt B h ,'?'.. d r IY• • •-------· (( r. . . . r a ~ ewpo (' '-on o or Snoct l'\J ar ocean '1e"' r--1-'-V ......... oblnson: Realtor o ice .real starter j mat OP94 HOUSE Newport Reach De Ania Sellerwantsact1on Call SLZ4,000 w $63.000 net 3'; ram•i> formal din' uuue WWW .. flll'y 3234 541-5647 FABULOUS IUY with Hr)' low do"' n OPEN SAT Sl'N 10·5 1720 C..tletffck Ln bayfr~nt Park Mint JOllN Tl'l'K ER cqwty ang , pool. spa . $2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------· Sharv Npt condo, good SLOO.ru:610Tustm ~l~a~;~~":!t!6 4 Bdrm. 3 Bath custom I cond 63 double w1dt• 714-134-9393 I NEED 38r sinl(le fam 7609333al(l 14 Bdd 2 Ba , lrg r~ncrd EXCLUSIVE quick sale. Comfortabln pen nday I :; . d , Grundy675 6161 • • I w similar eqwty & pa). CottaMeso 3224 1 great family home. no location. priced ror 0 Su I Ivan Wells home Pool Comer lot $39.000 Rill I 213 436 9756 res1denre 1n II 8 yar · ne"' rugs. rp c, , Agt&44 2282 co\' ere pat 1 o . _ d S pets S7S01rno 548·1904 Newport Hgts I isling Iv space, 3 Br, 21, Ba . - ---..::_ I 00/o DOWH landscaped rath rell 1 ment.s un er 700 mo •••••••••••• •••••••• ••• -· -·- wht picket fence. used rucegreenbelt Appl.on DOM'TMISSTHIS! Prestaiiaous bch area mg,nuluxu'nousrarpet ~forSale 1200 PALM5'1lMGS SUNWE.5T RE LTORS IEOt4EOF HOMEFORRENT 'brick cottage, new ly Call Pete Johnson. <>Pa. SUH 1-5 ..,.11, to ..,.1r. 3Br. 3Ba . Owner financing at l2'"f ••••••••••••••••••••••• The finest canyon coun· ~68--0922 I THELUCKT FEW 4 Bdrm S7!i0 Fenced carpe l s , dra pes. ,631-1266 Cbann.pnucy.quahty sunrm. gourment kit, wath2S"r dwn Motavat 20Ac;parcelsm Pmcs.l t.ry rlub area. II apts.ITRA DE for home on Rent in Costa Mesa s yard& ga rage Kids & . $1111,500. Linda Hart, agt . :t Exciting decor xlnt lg lot ed. leaving area. )Viii ~ 00er1~e, 112,000 to 1·2·3 br Yr·round rental. I Udo clear 9SO acre cat NE w EST ea led 20 pets welcome 54S·2000. 63H2166 • .'l:'l.F.J~ ' $300,000includingland OPENSAT SUN 12.4 neiioliale Will ~9ell ~wil.YJn y ewe t (7 141 Pool.S545.000.Byo"'ner. tie ~anch nr Bryant'! Townhome VILLAGE Agent.noree. -•"l..t:.t ;.· 1900 Commodore Rd , 1245BLUEGUM qwdtly at 1324.SOO An --_ l·JZ0.1890 Head Utah Leased for COMMUNITY 2&3 Br ------ NB /\gt 64S-9850or 548·0581 above market home at .___. 1400 --ITOWNY-I catU~. sas·& 011 Ln111.• 211Ba.l600-l800 sq ft of IWiacloaleKll 3240 631·1476 below market pnce & •••••••:::.~;;!•••••• 2·4 Pleices,4200sq rt.612 taxes, high apprcl' Lot~' pure luxury Garages. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Canal Front. Newport Shores. 4 Br. Den. $25,000down. Owner will carry, Must sell! Make offer! Tennis, pool. walk to bea('h. Agent 646· 1044 or64S-~. OWHERREADY... rC\'('rSCSlg RUflLUFf te rms .. Quail P lace • ..... & 614 Calle Campana, or hunting & r1sh•nl! l hyd ro.tubs an master 5 Blkstoocean.Elegant 2 IO hear all offers. This 3 tradewinds realty 1 :':':E O"IO~ Proeert~. 752·1920 ~!!11t.r San Clemente 5249,500 673-1~ suite. dining rooms. Br. Family Rm & pen Bdrm 2 Ba Npt Bch Lado --" S1S~a di Rk each. $23, 160 income --I \11-ood bumm1it f1replares. S850 Mo Plush crpts. 21~ Sands home has a re -----3 Br 28a Familyroom. s.ca...e. 1076 714:.m.1723 n ' r earh S36000 down an WANTED.:HouseonL1do mtcro·"'a'e ovens. Ba Cedar&glass,sun modeled kitchen. open Nwpt Hgtscharmer3 Br. Dinmg room . frplc. gal-....................... 1982 91: lsl TD Isle for lnt'Ome proper I pnvate patios & yards deck . dbl car en beam ceilings and is "''hardwd fi rs. fplr, ed court yard , up 71414911-s,go7 ly Pnnonly.642·0369 Ga rdener provtded garage. fully ma1nt steps to the beach. Ask· rov'd patio Sl98,500 By graded. LUXURIOUS 1600 3 U-ts-siK E Elegant livmg only 15 yard No pets. Inq uire at ing price szu.ooo Drop ownr. 646-1220 1260.000 IEACH UVIMG Two pride of ownership mEa. .d Cqull> nunutu from Fashlon SZ718th St 960-6331 by4821 Bruce Crescenl. __J!y0wner720_1211 Covington >l ·plexes. stsa e M lsland.7mmutestoSC -_._ -Sunday 1-4PM. PCH & AT rn IEST INDUSTRIAL trade for one or both -~6266 Plaza or 0 c Airport 3 Br. tth garage Chi ld & NEWPORT River. UDO ISLE As-ble 12.75% L11. nus magnificent "Pin w. Costa Mesa, new high I Great loans Owner is Just east or Newport SITll I pet ok . S6SO Ill() HGHT§ 222 Vlo Koro11 Uniquely designed and nacle" home In pre-ceilmg, rare sprinkler!\, ITOll\'ated. Submit your a i8 dk i!!qwues ID 81\'d & 50 of San Diego ~.!91.9 Tear down w/plans for n.-c.-.&.... I ·5 deroraled 3 Bdrm 2 ba stigiou.s Mariner's Point l!IXX).3000 sq fl & larger trade QPP. agt 851 1217 Fall brook acreaie & Frwy Starting at $"9()0 a 2 bdrm condo. nt!w q>t. 3000 59 ft home . Owner Ne;'"Ws;'h~me on with ll(e office/den. 2 features spectacular Chuck Spiller. atl Tri.IH/Pool -Smith Riverfront home month 631 5439. 2473 drpg, fndg. pool. tennis. will assist wilh tinanc· street iostreet lot Soar· frplcs. In presl1g1ous whitewater coastline 631·12.6& NEWPORT HEIGHTS Trade ror res. comm or Orange A''' . Costa handball. clbhse No in1 or trades Linda ino ceilings, 4fireplac"s, Westchff. Take over view from almost every $2 70 000 s mdus. owner673·9473 Mes_ a._ re:· S525 1st, last 1200 . ., ~ 12 7<"' I d OWC room. This former de· ' am / A gt "P 768 1633 Hart 83 l266 3 Bdrm plus master · ,,., n an 1 .. v .. model ho---has "all 700.1756 2 Br enclsd ~ar:!gl" -"'-· ------ Sui'" N h balance with 20"; dn. """' ""' .... 0 expense as 1269.500 Owner Bkr the interior design ex-Co~on •·Plex an xlnt Two pnde or ownership Adults.nopelS 25 mo HOME FOR RENT • been spared to assure •uc tras . Coorda·n ated c t • 1 m w Wilson 631·4889 1 3 Bdrm $700. Fenced .... ~ ... e.o-Sl.495, . ea.sy terms' ss· dock, fee simple 1·5U·5980 the finest quality and ....,.70 H.B ocahon. 3 Br 2 Ba . ov1ng on .,.p exes. ---rd & K d •· ---------'amenities m this home! wallpa per & paint. frplc + 3 2 Br I Ba. trade for one or both. 4 Br. 3 Ba hse . frplc. ya w garage. I s "' 1--------• First time to see. Q.UH Ii AIRT! drapes. levelora. blinds ..wPOIT HACH enclsd ~arages.1285.000. Gre~t loans. Owner is fenced yard No pets I peu elcome. 545 2000 IARGAIN 64115200 3 bdrm with separate & shutters throughout High vlslbllity. c 3. 12'l fin ancing for s rrot1vated Submit your S780'mo· + dep Al(t Agent. nor~ _ 61' ramJly room and bath. Assume 11'·•"' loan Ckean view. 120 f\. Cron· years Submit down p1y. ~ade_QPP, agt 85J.1l~7 M2 5122 13 Br 3 Ba Spa. 1 blk to HUMTIMG!7 $399.500 . with great MUST SEE' $415.000 tage. Use existing bwld· ment Agent 857 952$ or •~ --be h 1 CASH TALKS! financing! 631·0680 Ing ol 4000sq. ft . or build ~1·2119 --Lo eh HOMt' ac · m5imo 1 yr se~ Sl.24.~or "? 2 Br 2~i ~ 10.ooo sq. rt. Owner will IDLXHOME&°INCOME ~::·;::i:::d••••••• 3 bdr~~ ~ ba . ~ater. CallAft 4 .S36·3lll 5 . MEWPOIT HGTS Ba. John, agt 631-1266 Udo Peninsula •• A I RI S carry. S1U,OOO. 631·7300. .._. "'""-gardener included $79~ 4 Bdr 3 Ba, pool. ', m• vllWI. By Owner. 2 Br. 2 Ba. l=E.AL Ruller. 12567 Elden Ave. Unit A ....................... 2childok IM4·2778 from beac h Aft 6. ... new carpeting, ceramic ••es _ C.M Open 1·5 Sat/Sun . ......_-1~ JI06 1164-2860 ~. Btaulifully decorated 4 1-.-------tile, pool, near water. •-11: 2~, &}rs old, 10('0me --Wesls1de 2 Br I Ba Br bo I I• .._ ________ i ,...._ -~ws~ .... 7 il'lJ't'ft ••••••••••••••••••••••• a 11 scco 0 d <br 2ba -, s . me w numerous -.. T SU .-v"ner finance avail. ~ _,, ...,, . .,, ... 5099 Attra"'lv" " Br. 2 Ba ''a . "" . ara,.e, " , . ......, mo . w1m· amenities. Owner will --9" SA I H 12·4 JUST USTED ~ooo Call 675 7""" -""""' "98 1 ..... 0 c· flUI ... ~ .. yard. Kids ok 6'41·0763. ming """1. Marina H.S finlMe nnrchas• at 10~ ....,, ' · ~ or _,..-.... " · .,.. "" Walk to beach, beautiful Ava.II. now lhru June ------Call aft.5, 147.3903 lnt.for5yn wm~ dwn ~l~l\~.":' .. t.=: 1720 Candlestlck Lo , 673-3164 :cc::>s~ ~~f'~~1~·0'w1~ lri·Dltlt. 2·2 Br. 1·3 Br. .00/mo. 675-9667. 4 Br. 3 Ba condo, many Lovely 3 Bdrm plus Baycrat. NB. 4Br·3Ba, owner. $l.IOO.OOO Terms Pallo, frplc. ~5.000. C... ---amenities. $800 Dys > • 2 IA MIWPOIT HGTS $160,000 """° hcMllts Oii oot lot w/.-lncorne and hi1h ....,_ble loan. SUbmit on down. CURTHERBERTS 11 . . R&M~ ----- family room, located 1n cstm Ivan Wells home. (714) 84S·ai7s. (213 1 Owner wall htlp finanee. .. M• J 122 ~33.'\5: ev_!S 645-24~. _ J Br. 2 Ba. spacious ' prestlglous Westcllff. Pool, covered patio. 5»-9652 11441·1044 ...... ••••••••••••••••• 1325. Cottage Duplex. modem.968-833l ~tea _:~ea::•:~i t:t'~:~iu:a~~·~~~· g ~ center site, 10 t~SIM"',00 ~~=~'erm. Newly ret'onditioned Nearbcb2br,2baw/ owe AITD at 12'1\, 2$% _.,._IC acres, tommercially C.M. -cful>iu. wiJl sell den. 1ardentr Inell.Id~ lbR. Sauna 41 Fenced · pr, pal.lo' pel S49S ~ :.!"!pthepo~~r!:~tf0 d'wn. Motivated. leaving nw•-..;; mMd on bl.ISY frwy off. V.A.Appr.atSllt.000. Guarded Ille Short Yud. No Pets. l2l3 > OC·RENTALS 750-3314 aee, catl540-1151 area. WUI negotiate. REAlJY ramp nr Corona in faat ~'78/963·7900 term. 47J.tG7l OC-Rr.NTALS WUI sell quickly at ·-·---arowlng area . Sale, -~uo LUSIUALTY 2 Br.tl Ba Full carpet.a. 1-Sbr'aS200toS2000 1324,500. An above tradr or JV w/qu1Uf1ed ~ 6JRJ .. 1 I enc!Jd earage, fenced ni&.3314 7.days · ~ ,. HERITAGE RFALIOfb market home at below HAllOI •Ml -Award winning In v u lo r . R • w Owner a 3 rm, 2 bath • .. bat k yard . pat Io, l'zl' .. -martet prlee •terms. Casa Blanca with spectacular Developmt'nl Corp. +4'2bdtm.2balhunlta. View home overlookin1 washerfdryer area No -•• <Mil Plaee Propertlea, vlewolocean,ci*"~ts,3 BR, 751-2514. Earns '2000/mo . $ t.y•ocean.ZBR 28a. pm. SSOO/mo, 549.5442 llwl1• 1142 '1S2·dl2IO. ~ nreplaces, 7 1ar11es. pool, avl Marth l lo May or no.sea. .. .................... . fam rm le formaJ dj g. Gated Good tliaaadna. '410,000. is. SllOOcno. 61H783 ------WaterfrOftt 8ra.dma.r court.yard entry le spa. Custom llmJ!t! -2bdnn,.2ba, frplr. ·~· OCIAM•U OPMW. WHI cfaf-... mW MAllCITI w.. 11911ellevab&e view, 6 BAV-vU~} U75,0t0. Boat allp /IONUS l..!,1 aYIUallle. PCQ.. SPA ANO Cn• ~ -UTISI Allua 11.M . Cll.TOMIL9'f AMlat•~oo·t o.-te1lla11ll-l>olat 1111.P.atft ... ....,..._hit 'eaa, ~~ .. ·• .,....7 .. 67""44 rthtone deco th G Ml:,artlNdt Jl6t lllr, dDI ear. slip av1ll. ea r ruout. reat ' ....................... P·•tlo. 11100 /mo . aaaumable financing. $575,000 ~ VIII••• Mobile .!m~7m. Be~e Partch 6'4.QOO (759·10'11 Home Part P'umlahtd I Evenlnp ) a K-•i•u••on Court • •·a.a. pool. adlll, ao Hrbor~.......... .....doltlo ..... a e Newport Beach · -....... me mo 1r- ()pen Sit y 1c Sunday 1: 30 to ~ 911 -11. 11a--w 5:IO. t•M MTJ·•l 2bdrcn lu. co14o 011 !5S!Ei ·s\1111 '' , ..... ..... 0e .. _,_,.,.... tktUI 6 A11H. ,. . I • • • ....... ...... u ... It • • ......... I... "' t I ........ dfal .......... ....... ~ "' ............. I ., I •• . ................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... .... 116' Mlcrt1..... H6t C:..W... J724 ..... , h I •r 3117 C:..W... JIJ4 C:..W... JIJ4 IW __ .... •41 Mtt ,,,..... • ...................... ... ............. ...~............... ...................... .. .......................................................................................... ~ ................ . '!Wllolm. NW, br, J ba. JAIMlN!CREIK W . OCEANFRONT 1 br QUIET ADlTLTS over 35 lmlmrula&e 6 apaclous 3 WALK TO l!ACH: I Br. NO FEE! Apt 6 Condo VILLA BALBOA • ...,..,. Par~I. .. CANYON lmaaculale Plaat, with ~~rJc.-rJ 'f ;1ex :r. qwtt luecurt. Adult, no lmfum l Br. lower. SNO'. C· do new I cpU, ~~Yted S*:t·. t..f:J r l I e . 1'111ta11. VUl• Rent ala. 2 br, 2 bl, lrplc, mJcro. Jlc.• /mo.m . T Lu1 urro111 lhrte OC'Mll vt.w 1 z Bdrm 2 OPPER> + Utll 1200 pet.a. awyrly. Ind utll. Btaull ludac•l!inl. No ,\!:tc 1ar .. N n:· mi>, • m.411Z8roker. a/e, ~u 'bay vk!w, Ualvtralty Perk, aBRI bedrooms. Two b1thl. Ba, fwmll ~lallla. 11250 Mo.se.me '1Mr12 ...... LEEWARD APTS. MO-l:saec. ope · adrm, lV.bl,Utory tOll• I Spo _900_MW __ l49 ___ _ tlA -+ Ste Al rormal dlnln( room . Ill) tG·UDO -I -Jl\aller10n,Ul·0311. . do, d/w, pool, priVICY1 ....... 188. UUI pd, l· Lee 18 .., v I MSG Anlinut1. fTS.u 41 or :J~,::lllm~· · ~..._ ':·~~ l!"·L"f.:! mE VICTORIAN· New· • l Br Coodo nr s.c. patio encl., 11r. w/a =·~~·am E AdJta r~, · e:cf aar' IST•M Jaeuul· orr m':ite; ~sr~~-= or Two~l.~rh, 542--0tto,5'7-lW ~ ~· 1 !'°a ·~·~i: ft~C:~xa~s/f~ ~0a~~~'!/k~y~; . l .OI' a br ape., l mi -~~u~~t'~ii Norlltwood Home, bedroom. J car 11ra1e. Bdrmlnswtco111munlty. 1wlmmln1 pool, Jae, a&r.28a,dabw1br,1t.ove, lat, :.1!. Ad.u~. 'ean ilttOK l2U>D-41NOmua. 8J:m beacll. No pet1. 1215/)'rl(.6*5078 4frpbdl~m. 'm21!6'rob!.'1uael.r.no2 12050 IQOath. Yt1rly Comer *•lion with evt JMU, aand volleyball, mature edit pref. No betweee 1-SPM 831..4120 Mf.lmor6U·l460 ,,...... IQ.2357 .. .. .. • lea ... Call UM300, ~.IJ250mo.MM200 bWlard. Sorry, ao pell. pt'l.l.AvaU:1o10. STSOmo. 917 "G"Victoria $470 Br Co do ......... ..-..------1 YltUIAUOA pett. 11100/mo. Incl Ral\or. sa.asW.BaltJr. .,.. ... m.2512 I · • 2 . 2 Ba. n nr ....................... FantaatlcOcnfrtvu! Lari!TbdnnlDaeeurity a'*tr.157-te?t: 551.aM. NEWPORT CREST 557..QOTS• . e Y· APT. MANAGER s.c. Plan S.A. Patio. 2bd.rm, lba, a/c, condo. Upper Zbt, xtra laum•. bkll Vitw of Catalina. RANCKOSAN JOAQUIN POOL HOME Lib new 2 Bdrm +den, ,... .. ...._ __ ,. 1 Slflll to beach, cuu l br, Semi·retired coupt. tor Pool, Spa, Carpott.1$7$. by 1trum. adulta, ao '150,Y!ly e.u.•12 1156 mo. 11Wt12 t to 5: 2~ba "50mo -z••-l 4 bu&• yd'.jwtt street llllnit coc:npln 111 c M NoPeta. paa. ll60/mo. Avail 4/1. evalwk.nds131.0U. ~~~~~t·~~~~e~ lf:,~~S:~a~~ • · ....................... ldeallorcr,re.No.kids or Mainlerwlcoxp.req. · 54f.m2orMl·HIO 561·•1'. ~::W,~·~~!:crui!~ 2~ Ba. A/C, view. '975. 67$.~ a1nl SOP "i!tflJ.fl TED ~L\sFIM{f.l :t:: ~!11'1't6 u~~~~: M&·OW ,.. 3126 ltecll JUI CGDd. lll0.173-250'1 Aft. ...!':'.'.~:'!: ..... !!!.~ '154.1900 ""·~r u .rbor/n...•an Vu. ·-'-~,... t!!,tU .. v &I keic t.ryin EASTSIDE •••••••••••••••••••••• ••11••••••••••••••••••• ~•BR 2 Ba , lplc, ~ """ ... ""~ So .. ml walls or win· ai:I"" .., Pin· .. e sur· 1 br 400 aq rt Jge yard 9'Der nitat small t Br OCIAM PIOHT • SAM a. WOODlllDalHIW 3 R, 2bl. SUI$ mo. m doWlprovldeli&htfs lov· roundln11. Terraced 2BR lBA with fireplace, s-:548--4845 ' ' VlJla wltb courtyard: Molt elepnt aeartment 1,pr, a . Gd/ ~I view, 2 2 Sr: aeft.-eorne.r unit, Oceltl Vlew. 675·296'7 ely lake view. 3 BR COD· pool. Sunken &as bbq, 1ara1e. Balboa Penn. qliet no pets S375 un· b lldl I L 173-IOIOa&ent ~ apt. Built·ins, 1in&le1tory,rully 1hut· do at Harbor Ridge sparkling fountains. Pointll?S.675-8990 PALMllESAAPTS rum.'l395fum'.493-0903, ~.ch.~~loc:tf:n"i! carpets, drapes, 2 ured, frplc. atrium. Crest.l1900mo.642·5200 Spacious r oo ms . ~1Mea1Dr. .un••n 8 b .. 1 S'J2:$/mo. 3 Br. 2 Ba . encloHd carporu, laun· Near poolN tennis . IAYPIONT Separate dlnln& area. C...clelW.-JIJ2 2 81'. unlum. $425. 2 Br. _.,....,. =:AIJtTt~~~:;a~ J:qllu. 1fftr, Newport dry (aclllty. Two adults. 1175 /mo . o pets. Pier lna slip tor larfe QUAINTCUSTOMCdM Walk ·ln closets. •••••11•••••••••••••••• rum. $4&5. Adults Call Br. ocean view. pool, subt. gara&e. Sboreab!lea. ~~la.~ Nopeta. $450 mo/leue. ~ boat. Furnlahed 1 x Vlf!Wof oceanfrom 2 BR homelike kitchen & Near tbe ocean, lrg 2 Br. btwnM.$46-MIO. bal~l" praae. clean. elevator. Lease only. ~:::u. ma Avalllble lmmedlately. 38R 0 28A AC bedrooms, rive baths, 2 Ba on Poppy Ave. cabl.nets. Walk to Hunt· many amenities . E. Coeta Mesa Bachelor 3tC •A' Cordova Dr. -..w> & up. 3.10 CllU Dr. TSLllGllT 642.1603 Owner t'114J&U-01311. coriim eiools,· ·ss5o: dining room and den. rm. ingtonCenter. f750/rm. Days 64.2·5757, W t•2&57loollect) ~ 1 s d' St Leue.C.IU51.2706 Tennis courts and Barrett Rlty,642.5200 1 Bdrm-rum, $48$ eves&wknds631·6630 unlt,no~~/mo . ..__... ~•.ao · MIWPOITCllEST A~•,, ut\i ~~nw> ove. beaches. Short term or ssz.-_.. -· Oreanfront l Br. + Den, LAmary s bdrm, 2\'a bath '"''""'move in 492,0180 Woodbridge Cottage, years lease. $$50 PllVATIPAIK NoPets ~mo-2 Br.l8a,bltns. Upalllrs 2 br apt, end ....................... r~lc. leaded window•. CCllldo. Wet bar, frplc, ---'-------- Charmin& Decor. N 111>nth.Bnlker,631·7300. 2 Br28a,$825 UUUtiesFree ! t'::· newly decorated. gara1e, $31$/mo. Call .2BR,2~A. Mlnt.Nr Single preferred pool, tennis. Cuatom 2 br . near ocean . • New. 2BRC2BAODblW r. ·-------• 3 Br2V. Ba, S'IOO ature adults. No pets. ... .. 6pm ..... """l 8dl. Best .(tea. No Pets. 1925/mo. &60-S629. -.. •. d""', wallpa..-r. 137•1mo. tat" last ~ f I No~tl . John ' alt LAQUINTAHERMOSA Ait,76C).1199 (9-6) .... ,...,.. __ . (ID.330'7,6'2·1339 ~·..-.,... "" " rp t', A • N P S. DOYll SHOllS "' ... rt....__,. ,, .... , etc. 1196 mo. Eves " 332 Encino'Ln. S.C. Ltue. $775. Own/Act. Nr. new 4 bd'rm le ram 831· 16211 Parkside Ln, l blk So. HWY. 2BR. IBA, Pvt • 2 Br l Ba . N r 2 Br ba H Hrb ,., •• --• wlmds67J.Sl20. M.anaaerin Apt. •C 758-1067 rm. home in qui~t. w.,o1Beach,3 blks S. or Ditr. Patio. encl pkng. S..C.Plaza, very clean. niJ ,.;.,o!ncr~~tlo. :o •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• secluded West.ellt w.nn&res f& Edin&er qliet, Mature adults on· Sli50.MMe67. peta $450/mo Lat/last+ P'IDlf M£WPOIJ Steps to beach. 3 bdrm. 2 Hr. SC Gett' Ho., UNIVERSITY PARK Grove. Formal din. rm., 3·e;:; 38th St .. :::: S'ISO 147-5441 ly. Ref Req . 675·3446, •Specious lbr, poolside l250att. 1142-M IWl n :: ~~~!:smo year ~v~ebs::v~~:,~ts. 4Bdrmor3 + den.2 library w/brick f~kl Baylrt58r/dock .$3250 ...,...._. 3741 644-0097 _ Newly decor .. APAIJMDITS W/i>.TBROHT Slllllo89,._1·1644af\S·30)llO patios. $89$ mo. yrly . ~':a~iz°1~ty~~n. oo WNr.AUdoT' J.lge3FBRr .. 0 .. sasoN T ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Be. Bay view .. Close to ~J;;c~~J:~~~oa/~t *•MEW•* WITNDOCI ,...Linda.642-5200 r.R Lux~ studio, spa, TV, beach. Avail. 3·1 3 .,......, " R 1 · B 2 B w.-H. f...&...Co HOMES KU\/ 6759006 548 or7 1......... •L.AS••1SAS• COUMTIYCLUI ea nice 2 r a ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deerfield 3 BR, 2.,., ba, Realtor\ •1844.49i 631-1400 mai service, phones, ..,.,., rm. · · · ACflfori;.\ted•Pt w/spa in mstr Ba, bll·in COUNTRY SETTING twnhn.!. A/C, 2 car gar. Mwt.499-2227 2bdrm, 2ba gar •'Pt. 1 br, AduJts. no pet.s. 117 28edroom UVIMG IN kitch .. lrpk. d~I car CONDO• 2br. 2ba, pools, patio. 1750 mo. Agt . I I G C A M Y 0 H leecll washer/dryer. $600/mo ~~St ID. S3501mo. 2 bib rrom ocean NEWPORT caraae. + 2 add1l1ooal JYm. encl yard, ale, bit· TS.1234 COMOO BAYFRONT CONDO 37'9 7091,. Heliotrope Ave. paddletenniscts off.atspaCft,$1300. ms. crpts/d""'. frplc. 3, Br. full •oll course '• 2Br. 28a, sec .. bldg, '"•••••••••••••••••••• .... ,,.,.,. II! "'CH · .. u **WOODBRIDGE Ylew. teMis~ pool, spa $875 mo . Avail now. OC~F~ONT 2 & 4 Br. ............... SSSO J Ir. 2 le. balconiesor bkyard ii;A l.l.'"'M~ kld&1pets ok. S59S. lease. Sl300. 644·7424 Ad It s Preferred. Avad. Wrnter. Weekly/ S56C> Mo. Lrg 2BR, lBA Pool, no pets. Near SC. II t!Jrports I An adult community on ~173 5·6670 _7_~ __ . ----- Creekside Poplar, Bkr. 67S-6T7:>. Monlhly.673-78'13. Avail Im med. NO Plau.MS-9908. a utilNci except e ec the Back Bay. Spec· ~AYE r.. 3190 Bdrm 2 Ba, CUl·de·SIC, w t hi PETS. carport. 559-926:> AU ti'ef!ts HB lacular Spa. 7 swim· 2 Br 2 Ba, lrplc, garage .••••••••••••••••••••••• highly uparaded tt.rborVlewHw S.a..• 3276 an .somet ng xtra Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse anta· aware. mingpools,8li&htedten· '625/moyrly.548·5682 ~ 2Br. Children OK 8111/mo on 1 yr lease. Super 4 Br. 2\'! Ba. Just ••••••••••••••••••••••• s pec1 a I in a 2 Br . i DPLX 4 blu lo bch, 2Br. apt in quiet adult com· 1714 1536· «00 nis courts. bike trails. -Ut...-"'b ,,,... redecorated, close t ~ Townhouse, completely I garage, wshr/dryr, ~ plex. Newly decorated. 3bdrm. 2ba duplex . ..., cigar S450Crly .16S96 "'1UU rt'""" PGOI & park. S1300/mo. E lum? 1196. Mo. 760·9117. ' rm. 760-1356 ---fireplace. enclsd patio & 2br 2ba in 4-plex. $475. ~~ rthtell~r~, 11 r: oed n 2 block lo beach. Alliance. Apt &60-5078 RealtlJ including gardener. 1124 1arage Adults only w.d hk·up . prv patio, bedrooms apartments. $48-8083. ... ....... ,_.,..._.. ~1635. 48r, 3 luxury borne, ....................... Sorry, no pets. 1575 Mo enclldgar.645-9494. and townhouses from Udo8ayfront.2br.2ba. orU.fwllislttd )900 551·3000 4 br 2 ba fp sundeck likenew,approx3,000sq I 11.2U.311. ~3381callbtwn9·5.30. --SS40to$1000permonth newlydecor, Beaut. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4t?tlhrnnca P\wy.lr.IM llltio dup'tex ' by Nwp 't ft. 2 lrplca, view ocn Newly decor. Gas pd. New. 3 Br. _Pool , Rec~ 2bdrmlencl'g2abar.'•~.h 85 new. On Jamboree At beach. Yrly lse $9'15 /mo WlffletrH ~ • · ' lrom Uvlng rm, on cul· ~ San J ' H'I'· R d bd 3 Br 2\.<t Ba. F.R .. frpk, luffs. S7$0/mo . 3/1. de· sac $1350 mo encl gar d/washer. Ut1ls paid. Walk S• Dee 968-6608 oaqwn • ~ 01 673-1283or67S-35:>1 Furn & unfum rm dbl gar, bll·ins. S825. Call: l·TIS-$104. ~7~ ' pool, bbq. Adults. no Coast Plau. can collect (7141644-1900 BIG lBR, w/Ocean Vu~ apt All ut1I pd All 644-1480 661-4220 ~ UFFS s • . 642·5073 2131377~ DILUXI DI, I IA Cliff Haven Area . S600 11mrut1es. 846-0619. ' '·""' BL · pat' "'Ocean view. Spanish 1 ... 5, .. ....,.1 ... 1• l mile beach. lrplc . OHTHll/i>.Y ! Ulll•tnltv..,. 1mmac. 3 BR. ram rm, style 4 Br 2..., Ba Wood " "'"' " Beautiful 2 Br 2 Ba . e n c I 5 d garage . One of a kind luxury RkkSSS-1774,64.2·7264 t..-4000 Onve by 1~ Mayap. 2\IJ,ba home w/lge encl. deckS riY1c prof de· $36:>/mo. 1 Br I Ba . ~Imo Carpets, dis· dshwsher, blt·ins, smoke a"'•. 2 bdrm. I bath apt br ••••••••••••••••••••••• pie 2 bdrm, 2 bat.h. patio. Noo·smoker pref. cor. ~asheridryer: bit· Adults only, encls d hwasher. Avail 3·1 alarm. balcony Water i&it.ed directly across 2~~~ar ,~l.sun· Laguna Beach Motor Inn. f1replace,2cargar.lm· No pets $950 /mo ins, man y othe r garage,wuher hook·up, 675-6a)6. pa1d. $46$. 8elore8PM. fromtheReubenE.Lee. Avaii.Mar~r er. S6SO 98:> No. Pacilit' Coast mediate occupancy. S7 73H 33t amenities. No pets. ~ s1udt01. one ::n yard Call for Newer 1 Br. patio & saM614_. __ Just remodeled with 673-2287/646·2992 Hwfi· Laguna Beach. rm. ,, ••. 0..,.., 2 Br. 1 Ba. Newport $1200 /mo. + S1200 andlWOl>eOfCJ9mapart· TSLMGMT 642.t603 ga r age . No pe>ls 1 Br. fri>lc . pat•o. wlk·in new carpeting, drapes. BEACH 1 bdrm. bright ~O~b'fe~~w K~I~~:~ .,.... ......,, Heights. Very private, Security +$200deaning. me,,IS. FURNISHED $.195/mo. 645-5577. lolets I dlt I lutcben cabinets & ap· rates 494-5294 f:~· near Hoag. ~.~~.~,~~h9lt~!:! Ind UNFURNISHED. S~~~s~r~oBa.R~~ IHSTAHTIN! -"5o 842,;;,· a vng ~~=~:n~:~~=~~ ~y~if~g~1\~~~ci Pvt ent. no smoking or 2 bdrm, 2 story, l~ ba condo "The Lakes" Xlnt. loc. Beau dee. re req'd, no pets. S6SO mo. 64().~ llHT/i>.LS lbr. lba 3br, 2ba Jbr2ba SllSOCosta Mes Le Raisor Rlty 833-8600 &wknds Oakwood 1190 otters 3'8r. H'J Ba. $425. Laun $415/lm . I Br. 1 Ba Apt. 2br, Iba. duplex doll hse. mirrored bdrm closet cei.fings. NoChildrens or dnnking, quiet M over Lido Isle 4 BR 3 Ba. n • AIHJtllltlel Paid dry rac.. pool. $48-9556 f)-plc, carport. laundry back yrd. gar, new doors & 1 spacious deck pets. Avail Mar I. S4SO 30 S28S 556 0637 pets. Avai l immed. Slllllo,._ 3210 'lmmedlale room. Cat oil:. Real sun· paint, crpts, drps $485. overlooking the bay per mo. 36th & Balboa · /rm · -- Joan, 962·9311 . 840.3066 •••••••••••••••••••••• Occ:uC19ncY lMMID OCCl'HCY! ny. This one wont last 817l Newman 848· 1511 Sl.800 month. Utilities In· Area Da 675·2699. ev Woriung fem .. 25.40, •., agt. 4 Br. 2 Ba. Dining rm, 'f1Mllionln $400/mo. 2 Br. l Ba. TSLMgmt.642-9412. eluded. For appt call 673-91~ blk bch. N.B .. unfurn .. 2000 sq (l Newl.yi re n--·ion Adults. pool. beamtd -WALK TO BEACH 111417..,, ... 73 M · F · ---non·smkr. $265. 675·1706 HARBOR VU HOMES · ....,. · ceiling, laundry room Cu te I Br w/yard Bach stove & refri~e. ,,,., .. · 00· n VERSAILL ES aft 4 3 br, 2 ba, romm. pool, decor ated. n 5ot mo . And Much More• No pets. No last mo Easts1de. $300/mo. no Gas & water paid. 8-SPM. 2 br. 2 ba. lrplc. orean ··------- fri>lc,S95(1/mo.6«-2405 9"/'!M423,5'6-6249 Foi a monlh or a hie· rent kitchen. 7$2-2197 btwn $350/mo $36-7979 I view.1670.642-6149 Qa.uifiedAds 6'2·5678 HBdrmarbor21~ie8aw Psaulpeermor 4 •=1!~· l!!r~i~n!:: time Modelsooenda1ly TSLMGMT 642·1603 8-S No pets. • .......................... .. 31DRW/SPA .... . S850/im. +last+ S350 9amao6omAduttsonl'( • 3 Br. Condo nr s.c lBR._ F.ast.s1de. Beamed • 2000 beauty, $750 mo. comer lot across from sec 673-4899· 549•2515. rlO r>els Plaza. S.A Pool. spa, Ceilings , Lrg Yrd. '375 • Month to month pool /pla yg round. · ' Oakwood I garage.S750. .!Util.S48-!1929 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL 7SIJ..122l,agt. 11200 /mo . in c l.Homet,....slwdor _S49-3232or64.114~ Tri-Pin 2BR . 2BA . • • • gardener. Call eves 'L,. lihed 3300 GardenApartments ' • •-•all 324 19J..Sl93 ft6PM -.. -Beaut 2bdrm t'ondo, Diclosed Garage Laun 8 D 3 LI 8 Doll ::z::............... a ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Belch/No. prime s.c . Plaza loc dry, Balrony. ssoo Mo • •Y• • ne• • .,. OCEAMFIOHT 4 lease options avail. in MCAMYOH 880lrv1ne Waterfalls. streams, 2276 Pamela Lane • • MOllLI HOMES the Bluffs. Some distress J bdrm, 2'h ba. pool and 1111&1111 [ s pa. pool. s8o01 mo ~3 Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mail and it e 1-'J mi of &vt bch. 24 hr situati:;. 760_9678 ~~curity. SI too (71-4) MS-l104 17141673-9019; 67$-0S-40 I Br. $380. stv/ref pool • COStS JUSl $8 -that Sonly a dollar a day' To Qualify for this • security, ots or coves & NewPOt18Nc:h/So. 423 w. Bay. 548-9516 • special o ffer. you must be a non-commercial user o ffering rodes. 28r, ad Its only. Can •• 1 II '• ti 1700 161h SI as Adult romplex. DO pets. • on1, Y·~~gts.141000to ch1oo71~el SPYGLASS RIDGE U.fwsdaa.d 3425 c0over a116lhl 1/1>.Y TIMI , ~ 2.Br iea ""-auti'fu l e merc handise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the pric e must rom. _,., 0 · .. ....................... C7l'4l M2·Sl13 SPACIOUS 1 Br. ~.1 ~ncl g~r:S.SO mo' be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e 499-lll6 EXICUTIYIHOME Beaut. 2bdrm condo. Cathedral ceilings. walk Nr. Santa Ana Country • needs eight days selltng time. or JUSt one • 2BR. 11,AJBA. lrplc. View, WITH VIEW prime SC. Plaza loc. 1n closet . dishwasher, Club $41H936 • New Carpet. Older Cot· waterfalls. streams. -----fireplace. garage, pool & · • tage.$1D5Mo.675·0349 4 B r . 2"4.i Ba . 2 spa, pool. $BOO/mo . ViewoltheOcean.2Br.2 laundry facil ity •llAUTIRIL• • Use one word in each box About 4 words make one • 3BR. 2BA, Parital Ocean lireplares. putting C714l673-90l9: 67S-O:i40. ::aoa71~·::~ "Ws~r ~/mo.ll!IW Bay St ~a?:00;~0~i.0~1e~n1~r~ e classified line o f type Minimum ad is 3 lines P lease print View House Close l green, gardener SO. COAST /i>.IEA 642·54&5 64'-tll3 avail. $37$ Water/gas plainly • Bch e.1·1400 Sl100/mo. 2 Br, 1 Ba, A/C. pool, ret' pai·d • 2 bdrm S800. No steps ReaJtor~~~Edland racil .. sec. gates, no ~.~ro:~~nst~~'!' 145Eastt8th_. _645-2708 • ,--:.----------------------------, • . 905 T I . $S30. P.P. 968-~2 642·7918 after 5. I _ -~~c;~:.--0154 emp 3 BR 2 Ba . pool. dining Nev.i condo. Irv. Lg 2 tir, Wcalfll!kl E Side. 1fie · bnght 2 BR. •. • rm/ fam nn. 1100 Clay, 11• ba. frplc, pool/jac, Overlooking Newport /i>.PAaTMEHTS ~.~·porch. SSOO • • L.alJmaHicptf 325 NB Sl,000 per mo. Agt ISSO('lll1on dues incl., Ba~. 2PBR ,1 28A1. Lrg Bu.utilul :arden apts. E/Si ... _2 BR 1u.. Ba. 11;-;. • ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• 5'1·5032 S67S/mo Call alter 6 Pauo. oo & ennis. p ,.__ S h \K' ~. ...., Nl~I Country Club, lux 8S7Gl Sl150 Mo. Long or Short ati08/~ s. pa, eat fl t h:me 2 Id • paid. No pets. sq .. wn , yrs o • 011.11 2 Br. 2 Ba. lak term.646-6350 2BR.28A. 1525 liOO/mo.552·~ • • I 00 view condo on gol HIWPOIT IEACH _ .... -s Whitewater ocean view. 3118W. Wilson 631·~ 2 Br. l\ll Ba. Townhouse • • • fairway. AJI amenjtiu CONDO rrs-rr ...., steps to d N' I I as unfurn. S'795 rum 3 bedroom 2 bath up. Spacious lour bedroom. fum1Sbed :agr· du1~ei PlNEBLUFFAPTS gar~geN patir· 5~TJ e 861·7566,af\5661·5642. graded condo with new three bath condo. avai l now lo 611. 2 Br. 2 Ba. No pets. yar · o pe 5 · • • 10.IO The Shores. 38R, 2BA carpels, drapes, ap· "Guadelupe" Model. liOO/mo.631.0174 Patio. view. frplc. 645-4837. • • Ocean Vu. Pool. Spa pliUICt!S, washer, dryer, Near s hwiog and jacuui, gar .. gas stove, DLX 2Br. 38a Condo, 13.20 • Sauna, Tennis, Ap trash compactor. pool schools. $1 mo. Year· S.Cla•• 3776 IMS.631-6107 frplc, gar. lndry, pool, • pliances. Guard Gate sped, clubbous$le2, osoauna , ly Jeue. Broker631·7300 .2 .. B••••••••B•••••••,•k•••• Quiel lBR Garden Apt. tioS700 mo. 644·9908 • 15.80 • S87S Mo. 97().7740 Afle an gym. per r. 1 ~ a. wa to W/w Carpds. Bit in M Verde 2br new S/wtnd's month. 714 641~ ~xt. s.c Plau/S.A lBr lba. beach. 225 La Paloma , O/R. Fridge. S370. Gas c;, drpe, • pnt. ·Quiet e Add $2.60 for each 1ddttion1l llne for I times • "SHORES" Gated be 2063. M·F 8. 30·$. 30 , $465, 28r 2ba s.550. 3 Br 2 Apt. B. $450. 63'7-7918 Pd. No pets. Nr Bus & ara, cul-de·aac, no pets, • 4B I di Karm. ba S67S Pools. spas, Slllllo,._ 37IO Shops. 645-3563 S47s.498·L936 966·146$ • comm. r, am rm, maey extras. No lee ' • nn pool spa Bcb ten 9151--0222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uh lri# /!>.Irv YIU.A COIDOY /!>. • n1s: SUOO mo. Dys 0 (213) Newport Hghts 5 Bd, ,._ 2 bdrm rondo. bit i.ns. Large l Bti dbwn cious E Side A ts p bl h d fO 8 da S Start·ng • 796·9683, Eves (jJ4) Cape~· den, ~me 2bdrm,2ba,nrSo.Coast part rurn. pool, conv W/patio & yard, up t8clgar p~tio dsh:Shi-• u IS mya r y I ~5em roomrt. clkar gahr:, bool Plaza. aoo. Adults only. transp, shops, secu~e. w/balcony " cathedral "stove ·MOil 'util rree. Classi'fi·cati·on e aq . wa 1 to l·SC 1 • MS-~1 qliet. carport, Pvt patio. ceillna. frple. d/w. pool, No pets· • ---------------------....._ Y1tfo 326 May go ease opt on. S56C> spa cu port. No pels, 1 BR. l Person $425 • • ...................... CaUDiana,agl63l·L266 lBr In Santa Ana, ~fw S41·S002 ad\dti only. 1465 & up. 1ea'.2Penoos $460 Name • HOMES FOR RENT 2bd/tfi00. Share 4bd/2ba ciarpel. ~.~~ + ut . 5--.1_ 3716 2l650Rarla.Sd-2447. 2323EldenAve. CM • 3 Bdrms. 1175. F~ced h&e Penn pt house/yard -....,,.... su-760$ A ddress e yards Ir iarages. Kids It w / p r of w m & d a u ...... ••••••••••• ••••n • pets welcome s.s 2000 Laguna eeach, beau~ 1e ,,.40 c ·t z· Ph e Ac!nt,nofee.' . . SS-0370 PITS/IUDS OI fum .. suite 2 BR, spa, • ......, ... .er. ll40 • .......,. oc• -• I y IP one ____ _ -OC-RENTALS ~HSEs.CONDOS sauna , satellite TV, ••••••0 ••••••••••••••• ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Ch M Q I d 0 • ... .,.,. •a J26t l.Sbr'sS200to$2000 List/all attas. prices. maid serv $300 wk. • eek or . . enc ose ...................... 7»3314 7·days sisree.Guar. 850-053$ n .. .-2221 Kennebunkport?. • • Harbor Ridge leue. 4 Br. Charge my ad to: • 3 Ba~D.R .. F.R .. study, Az ..... Wasn't she the biologist who won • bi upgraded, lab vu. THEaUFfS ~ TiL..t 11 • d 0 ~ # E p e 1au, pool/tennis, ••• 1 The Nobel Pn·ze ~or Medlc1·ne 1·n ·5rn e x · /mo. Bob or Dovie C:WC."•rfte• ............ ••••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••• 1' ;;,r ----• 3 !:.i~.n2•~·122,01M P001 .__., •• ...., ..._. 1706.._... 3102 ~tv\~ •: Lo _._ -#------------------------: Best bay view. cuatom •••••••11•••••••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••• 1 f...../ Exp lownbome , s paeioua Z br, I ba, lor 2-3 people, If )'OU're not sure who (Of' what) Kennyt>unt<port · ---- (2300 aq. ft.> 2 bdrm avail. 3/lM/12, on Bal. PITSJllDS OI was. don't feet ~-you're 00( atone. suites t ramify rm, lsle.tMO/mo.673-5025 Am:RHS-CONOOS Kefl"""'•nt<portisoneofl4distlnctfwly • JICUlll•Tennis. Newly maulve UY rm form • •101 ri .. ,..,.. • r·--------WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ··------------. dee V Ul!OO/Mo D.R .. pvt . cour'tyard: ,11111 • Liltl1lhre11, P ees. dlf'ferent apartment floorplans at Seawind Village 1 ::=:.T~•~io tM,~~. upgraded.; ;•R::t~~·~iit•;; ~fee.Ouar. ~ 1n:~=~~:vip:e;:!:.:!~ •• : 111111 NO POSTAGE : •• Bdl. lBR$4eO. 2811$15. • .. ••07 "' ,....__ t-'""'V I NE CESSARY 1 100'4 locltiotl. endln• ~ llOO.f?a.tm ..... 71 • ILi -The kind of atttntion you deseM. ' 1r MAILED ' • ~ "••••• .. •••••••••••••• A ......-,.,_... f ....... nd 1~~ng • 1 I IAYNOm view o f cou.f.eoua Bteh Full Kit. $350 Yrty OCIAIRONT ........... UR:llU o .... urea i•• -f' IN THE ~ • 2 story, 4 + rma, Z t~ .'rornbdr 2 ~!17 Incl uUJ. Quiet, M1ture, 2 bdrm, 2· &"1th;. new nestled in a forest with blbbllng brooks and quiet • UNIT£0 STA TCS ba l Ill , fl rt P.I ace 1 •-• rn, -u. Noo-Smkr. 17).55f0 llllillt ' carpet. Yt1rl1 ponds, cooled by nitural OClllln breezes. Add to v • • 1Df110U1 vie1w Pier ana all new Interior) llto17 ..._ f7t5 Call Linda or tNt tennis courts. swimming pools.1jlcuUI and • '. BUSINESS REPLY LABEL .. • llP• -ptrme. Avail home. SUOO/mo. MtM J7J4 Art,m.11ieo. ltn IOcatlon · E > M I. Odee end 11111t. C.Ovely ..... CtM .. ··~··••••8' ... 0 ... N\126saR, 28A. Y••rl1. e~lndtyou"itgotne:=.nwould •• ~ '""TCLAUHllMITNO u c°'TA •U • C"-LlfOt111•• f • villa. 2 atory, 3 Wrm, ES AID P'rplt, blt,im, 1er. park· ............ (.lfl home.(~ "---~1) • • 2~ beUI with braid eew ALL 111a. Close to bay It .,.....,..., ..., .. '7""'......,., • JC -OSTAOf wu IE PAC> I • •OOACSSU u trpt, p1 l11t. dnpH. b 1 oc.n. Brtr17Mll2. One and two bedroom. one and two bath : ~ Or1nge Co11t Delly Pilot I : lllOO/mo. Compare e ore 1ou apartment5 tromt• •••llli•••••I rent. Cullom deeltP L1r1e 2 Ir. I Ba . 4 ronmr model Ito•. 'Q 1/I ~ Dra•tlt noor pl11, ... ._ O ........ I Wrm, I~ .,.,... .......... ,......... 1~£.."°~t:.1•111.~llOO l lo11110 •. ... ~ I~-., 1St. 15555~~)':....~811Ch.CA AOW.lay ... :, r:rr:~1·• fnim"" Sii '*ID~ .W 111191 Oii llldl tD I c"'' Mill, CA 11121 ,.. .._...,, •• r:'.tj=~ ~. 11w1.,.. °" *'..,.., SIMld Vllgt. I lllleOmtfted •• Ml ~lllMll·Qlml-IOAM119*. • " tr.ta .... ,.,.,, ...... ..N ••• a~sociated . ···············~···--··' , Orange Cout DAJL Y PILOT/Sunday, February 21, 1.082 .. ....._ C.,.11• tledftc., ._... s.nac.. ...._ th•"'""" ,... ,..... ._.. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ~;.~~~'~··············· Ut'd irc>\btr wlll care tor Cabin~,.. C.Ounltr top&. tJ,ECTRICIAN pnred TfftTl'lm & Rt.miova l HAULING '5tudcnt has lloust>silttr. Exp. With t'ne paantlng by Rtt'hard Wallp11Pt-r t•uotractor It R<>On.1-:AK"? no )'Ollr toddler Mon.Fri. ta Door&. urtenhouu wln· rl&ht. frrt eatlmatl' on Hon11; Repairs 111e trut•k l,owut rate. Rer1 Avull J uly Call Sinor. Lit, In• l3 yn of P1Jntina L1c 328240 0 C Counnght 'Son yd, nutritious meals dows. F inish work largeoramalljobs 78095~or6739043 Prompl Call759 l9111 714-537 5844 MterSPM. happy loulcuatomers 23 yra C11 ry G~pr Roofing MS $313 754 4420 Lit'. 13!1M21 6 73.0359 Thank vou John .__ Thank you. 831 4410 494.4366 Jo'ree ~t. 588 5292 ----..... -' ' --Tu Lovin1.exp'd Momw12 & Custo m a pa dl!cks, LIC'OELF.CT RICIAN ....................... John's ru t movln.i "...................... C.to.P.... Ex~11 Wl&ll<'iJYenng an Slryl!Jllh 3 yr old. b1byslt ror P1U06. t'r doors Lic:'d q ua1 work Rus rates TRA CTOR. tdul for b11ulina Tree vd gar ~:XP ER l'RF;PAR£R ~/!! .. PP LRkkr 4 4'139C 41 :1t.11Ll11lion Rtas prices ••••••••••••••••••••••• same or younaer. F'/T, Johll or Rick 919 3218 t reerst 63l 5072 Tom sma11 11ccess ari:1111, 411·· rln·uP. ~'rel' 1·~1 ll42·097 f.nrollt>d to pruct Ice """rt ~OJ0011i:rf.. k olor Consultant Asalgnmt-nt • •SIYLIGHTS• • $3$/wk.~·2724 C.M c:.,.tSenkt 'fOP~UAL.ITY wide Ku~tu ~kiplo11.def ~ beforll the IKS. Quali ty CXI;!_ -. It' . 5818Si90 ~II Sl12u. lnaulled .. mmli.ty ••••••••••••••••••••••• !!:lt>l1nul work at blhr hu d ~2 5000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 reas COil 549·24Jll N~NS PAINTING WAl.LPAPERING (,reul I nct11. G3J 9255 W~CareCrpt Cle11oers Ke115.r11tes. S3150SS H-*o Wont a Hf:ALLV CL£AN !'EDF.RATED Int/Ext R~sidtCunim Exp'd, bonded Lil' nt ••Fors..... Your Daily Piiot Servtct Director)' Representallvt< 642-5671 .... l2J ~, .. ..., ••••••••••••••••••••••• PIR Qtrlles.Ftn. St mis C.ompl Set-up & Serv Reas 540·51134 Have ralculator. will travel 1 All acct g serv Call for appt. 760 7l22 'Slum clean & uphols. -i""" HOUSF.' Call G lnoham 11 !O T Se 1 ACOW!llt' t'eibnics Rrf11• C 61366843 1)1)eounb un Tr ..... k mount un11 ElcctneourSpeclalty' ••••••••••••••••••••••• • " 'c me ax rv ce hc"d Prttest 83'1·2637 U F • ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' Clean, Q\llt'k. depend a l'u'l)('ntl')' Masonry Gari F'Tte e~t 64t> Sl23 83J 4871 ror appl wa rovensaM r~c c~I TIU: INSTAl.l.EO Work gu_ar 645-3716 bl~ WI! do any me job. Roorloll Plum b111g ROBIN'SCl.£ANING FAST . ACCURATE L J.B. PAINTING Rod 1739 All Kinds Guanntced Shampoo & steum clean •631·2345• Drywall Slucro Tale Service a 1horoughly Income tax sen· ire your QUALI TY REAS ,..,... • ._... Rds John M0.9217 ... ••••••••••••••••••• Color bn11hteners. wht RESID COMM 'I. IND Rem>dcl J B 6469990 , C'lcanhouse 5400&7 homr br_l!_~l 9638821 l..tlrry&t5•93113 ufl 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'ustomCeramH·Tilt• GllWJCI( & SOM f~~~ u~:~1~.1n~~~c;f~. 20 yrs exp. l>o my own Gt'ncral Maintenance I LORH'AINf:·s HOM F: Personal & fl u11inebS In INT!EXT PAINTING •llRVANT'S• Prompt serv f'ret'l'&l Owlders Since 1947 II \'& room S7 50 to h work Lit• d. Al 646·8126 Rl'paln. & Ue<'Qtaline s ER VICE Rf:FS co me T 11 x Re 1ur0 <'-Quahty work Reas Wollrovenn11 Remonl Chuck 675 1408 Additions Remodeling SIO h *' G · t • •Quality• Ruy 640 5144 0'4n lrans 962 0510 l'\ s Preparation Ava al for r ree est Steve 547 4281 411 Type• 642 1343 ""Yr• Exp f're" "'"l Doors. wandows. palio . c r .., uar. l' am Aoor Conn .. , I E & w k d or -.., n " .,... covers Freeest.Reas petodor Crpt repaar ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOMfo:IMPHOVEMENT TupQuabty/Reas Rates f'venmgs ee en H<x;OANOV PAINTINC 11hr/R_,.Jr Reason11ble Work Cuar Lk _•3_lO!M2 549 2170 IS yrs u p. Oo work C:..ull(•I & Linoleum For REPAIR Pl.UM HING Pref bachelor holll<.'6 l('{' or Humt• /\Jll)91nt 16 y1:. 0 C Top qualll> ••••••••••••••••••••• Jolln 492 33112 myself Refs S31·010l Home Van & Motor Heat'"!! t· a rpe nt r) 121.3>43911907 in>nts J(4t5 .L Zlm ~e11l SI he 334950 i-ut patt'hes & 1ex1ur~~ f <~ I IM~~cfv't:c:'E~TS N0St~m1No Shumpno Home .847 4595Doq• f'~I tale. ~;':5 ~\I No ntF. RllUOM SQl' A I> merman A 645 4212 645·03891839·11186 '"~·· -191· I 09 .~.::::.~:•••••••••'-• StainSpet'ialisl Fasl CMrdt-'-u oosma . . Q~ahty Hr.llublr Molcwy ULIALJTY INT 1-:XT Pl.ASTER PATClllN<i •Expert Trl'e Prunani • Additions & Remod.ehng! dry _Free est~ tS82 _ ••••••~••••••••••••• rnl{~.>~~~~~i:;EST Houi.eelc•an1ni: 673 3121 iJJti~~K·~·<;itK···s~;j; Lac~ .~J.~or~~~ est I Hestuccos 1n1 ext :io ~'.~~,:t'aal Lan9W:~&i~ t/Upholstery . TREES ALMOST EVEHY Jo:xp'd Hou:.ekt't'pl'r jobb. Nt'wporl. <'Obta )'~Neat Paul 545 2977 ·~···~·~··•••··~·~·••• Topped rem1l\ed, tll'an llt::PAIRNE IWED B\a1l mumtnK!> Hurd t Mesa, ln •ane Hrfs (J\lllllly Pt11 Lo11. wanll'r MR f:D'SPl.AS'fERINC l'ompleleTreeSer\l('e uphol cleontng. Scotch lllc llefl, C:all 631 7596 . reliable 848·S648 fi.15 8258 f'ri·c l'SI Lawn reno\ 536-0914 ~&. ~ Nl'w \rs Special Crpt ups.Jawn r!nO\' 751·3476 DAVE 645·4757 workmit . hone\t, reha 1615 3175 rJlcs '" effect llone~t. All T) pe:. Int or 1-:x1 Gen'I t'ln up & lrng ~~ •3498_92 7 70·65~ l(Uard. free esl. 972·8839 K&D Lundscape M uant MuM>nry·Ca,rpenlr) Talc .in 5 ~ui.onry uur ~Pl'l'lall) ' PAINTER N r, EDS ••••••••••••••••••••••• MocHALE COMSTR. •llt/Co1tcret• Res1d Comm L'lean up l'lumh Roofing Rcmod Ut-un qwl'k. dt-11{'nda WORK• 30 · • ~ ~ fnat DHds ALLSTATE PAVING Custom homes. fram-Lt lluuhn1t S4tl2489 Stun·oD11".ill53ii871lO OcM1'ISpcntllh1•Sumrnt•r blc We doan)~lll•Juh yrseap.ml •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sealcoalmg ·Stnpino . . ('leanini: your lloUl>l' I •631 2345• ext Al'oustl(' l'l'lhlll!\ D I d f s 0 1>£1 INQL'FN1'~ Repail'llComm ,Resid ang. remodel. French C:ardl·nang Compl Ra\·, ll ttnd\man IA.-t:.omt•ont't'hl•tluat Da\asPamhng 114751116 ra1nsceare rum I •• 1 • doors. skyhghls & pat10 dean up & free hauhnl! Sen are iuuf rt'p.11 r3 1 fch ~ ••U ,", .. ( ti 1 Jo:.Xl'P.RT BIUC'K ANI> , II Plumbang H~p~ar' Jud1t·1a.I foret·loi.ure~ Llc:_!!17362 645!181 l'O\'ers 848-3652 for Ul>able •ll'ml> paint mg & rnrpi•nt t\ 15 1 .. 11 4,.111 • ~tasonry Sma II JOhs & Co egc student 7 yrs ex i''r1·1· est M& M G4~ !1033 1l.1roh.J 1-, Mt•G ruth E."1 Onveways, Parktn~ Lot M1t'hael 645·6734 1 vri. 1·~pc1· tl4ti 4330 • • · ' rt•paar, 1-'rplc fat·tnl(i. per Int 'c•xt. ref~ Dana ~ 1151 1771 Repairs, SealcoalmR -· I 11ro1.1mluhl.1' W1· II turn R1·f, ~151 4~5 7ti0 7074 I>'& l869 •keep trvmg 1 ' • ...,..... •r M••mtllf T · S&SAsphall Gardentn° W.intrcJ 1L'•-1n. Jim rpr-, t.lr\\I \ I 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lltonn9 ,, "I"'., I uur c 1101(1•1111 ~ 1n o . • . • ROPERT Lar631·4l99 Cabmets &Carpenlry Exp'd reh,1ble cleanml( l\1o'4tnl! edi:mg, rdktni:. pnln11 1 nil r, up . l'"'th·i. ~:,1 Ht·r ·, l.AM>SU' Ml\.'iONHY ..,,,.CJ P' Y t ••••••••••• .. •••••••.•• Smu II JObs & rep a 1r~ lud), goot.I refs. l'u II s w e e 11 1 n I! f r 1• t' ) rd\\ rk . r<' «i. J t'f r~ t;t:! ~I l'ont·rl.'tl' Lie tni. ••••••••••• • ••• ••• ••• • MAMAGEMEMT Ht•Jdanj! & rel ii It'd sk11li. A~ freeesl 645-2003 Lidu673~ l''lamale., 6151372 or !IM3395 2'1\r' free1•,1 S:l6119J.1 llANGINGSIO HOLi. OrJrtllel'o area 15)r,l l'n'Clen11.il1•d l'l\P t·.ir ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~5737 I . I GEHM A~ 1.1\D\ I . . StnppmR dlS('CIO paper l'lo.j)('nent•e (.'all rur info IOI! Spec1almng i:rade .. AGGRESSIVE LEGAL rpHter Ofttrodon. Gtneral Ben i. Ma1nkn1111~r St>n l llm1i.e\\ork E\p, llt'f, Cu~tum Brt.('k, Slunl'. \'ISA MC H45 9321'> olltl rnt..:1 . .. 11hn 1~14 ii7!1 Representation La w of •••••••••••••••••••••• R•'.'.10DEL ADOONS l'L'STOMGi\ROF:NINt: I Plurnlil'lt•t·l·arµt•nlr) ••9600719•• Blc.1t·k.Conaele Stu1·t·o LI'' PAP"'R HAN<•,L'.I' 9 ~3 .. 182 CHAR RENO\'ATING r " H1·s1d'IComml P.unllng l'all9645:!31 Ref, ~'rt'ef.:.15499192 " c. r ' v I l'utur S11J1w.t1 All fices.2A hrs ~5·8422 C.ompl mt exl & boal 2S~~arpe~~~·rn~,~~2719 t'ln ups ~ 3.'>77~ ~3 I Sl\ILI. HANDY M/\N I ':t:;t~·r~t 'W~~et~~~n:~f MASONRY ::":~e:;tfor't::fia~'~ JOb llMtDdttincj/ltpair ~c1\r~~~11t1~1"c~ii"t:r~.t' AiltoRDHvt docks. 25 yrs 645·3'749 T!i E G RASSHO PP Ek St::RVll' ~ l'ompl homt' Ref tHti 7:!".!ll Jfl 11' \I S3/ ft 675 .. 39 f'rt!<' ei.1 Tony 898-2728 •••••••••••••••• •••• •• • 96.1 ltiG:! ••••••••••••••••••••••• FI NE FINISH WOR K COM M L RESIU Lompll'telawnmaant repair 's ou r m•t•lh arl' Ml .,. 4 COMMEICIAL PROF POLIStllNG Rermd Add'ns Rl'p.iar~ lndoorplanlspecaahsl I our spe1·1.tll) ~l ike Thoroughl) 1fu11t• hon1·~1 I ur PAl'f.H HANGE H /INDUSTRIAL WlndowCltClftiftCJ Service at your home or Rermdehng Doors hung \'el') rea~ Lac 390250 Donunic 642 4851 6'l2 1305 l.'H'' I rl'a,unalJlc r:ilt·~ f rt'l' MoYlng lbnded & guar Nu Joh REMODELING! ••••••••••••••••••••••• business. Rick 675·03-l4 .!landyl20·l260Cd M Jack H Bennetl Jr i':>l Delh15:!62611.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• twsrnallortoolarge Turn lo!>l nr unu~t·d 1 lth Su h J .. ......_~ ••••• Gen CJ>ntr S52!1i42 Lambcapang Ydl'lnur>• HauiftCJ ---AIC MOVIN~-l ~h't·t·~l Ton~ 898-27211 'Jlac·<• rnto a 111MkJhlt'l l'J1su~~hi~Wi~d~'" _,.,, .. _,, TaredufPlamWalb'ln Trt'\'lnm Ex1>er101aint 1 ....................... f'rt't'hou~erlt·anani:m 1•' lJiu1•k1·<1rt'ful 5520-llO , • art•a room' dl\Hfrd. l'lt'antnl! l td 5-ill·tlllS3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• crease· thl' \'a I ue & Cusfoftl Woodwortlin9 Jam 851 012!1 Dl'M I' JOB~ t·h~nl?<' for ~d ruumni: MOVl...,G \\ t\LLPA.l'l-.R I dr. \\,111 drop 1·c1hni:' &. I 2()' \loiuhl.\ 1)13couni · Babysat.our C::Mhomes.I Beaut> of Your llome ••••••••••••••••••••••• , &Sm:ill\Jo,ani:Joh' ~r f..\l)d n•f, L11ttlJ •A·I " ~. \llkands l-re~·e'1 . tnm 1·ar1>entn to tom ) r & up, anytime Wnh The Rachnes:. of I Cl'ST0\1 11 \RI>\\ 000 ~1u11. ini: Sm SIS. s2o t"Jll M II\ 1-' n46 13~1 115-2'':!4 T•ip QuJ h 1 ~ Spt 1 1J 1 SI 1 roll Lai· 3:JO!llll• µl1•t111n l'all Timi or I ..rr • H ESll> E~Tli\ L * ""' o.o2 6 < -1 • 1 .' . 1 11auI1 n i: I> ump 1 n !! • • · 1'ilr1• 1n handling 25 H S I Norm 645 011110 . • • : \ , . , ....,......, . 45 . .,759 Sohd Wood 496·6961 ntl.'nor\ >ar~'. m.int e> SJ.5 S20 754 9901 955 0095 CLUM UP YOUR ACT ~latun lad} •ln111•'' t''P l'ompelllt'l' raies Jtlil1l 2!11Jur 1'!3 :llllll1 'I!!''\ SJO. aq: 2 ''' Babysitting Mon fri ~hrkanH . ta~llrets :\larl. TODAY' \1trd KJrJI(' houst•kt•1•p1n..: \hll rc•f, '\;ou,ert1mt' i30 1353 111EPAPER llA~CER ll..........., S4.'><hm'l578381! Newbo 1 2 · 6 1 LammaledCabmets 00 l'aitt'l> ~ \ lll'S. 1 k' ""n tr'"' l!li K~·w l'rof qualrt> \\Ork , ......... 5 ~ s1"hr °cM y:4s2 29950 1 WoodSkmsor Form;ca ~ust. mold in..: tteh l<t',111 <·om nl in du!> ~up. e,lr 1.,1c;n trul· I !Mr)> S11;._.l1 1 . . 1'1AHVIN(; ACTO RS I t'rt·eesi SleH• 547 4Zlll .. ••:•••• .. •:••••·~:~··! Wh.11 .1 W11nill•f1ul Worlc ------Untts 645-6.521 549 l685 646·0092 :\'laint ,l'lean upl> trel' t;.'11 Hl93<~1 •rl>I . . . . .. . . .MOVl~\.l'OM l'ANY .Rt-.P\IRSHJR.U .Ss 111 'ihuppani.: n.:IJt J' L1t"d chaldrare. IO\'IO!(~ tnrn .. r~ ei.t 1).1110961 l>l'rrohllun Gr.1tlmll (Cit 1H1t.'irl11 ... ,, LL'I & l'art'ful l.CJ\\l·i.I 1,JLALIT\ Shan.ell'' flat JO )f' \11111 f111i.:i·1t1p~ 1·q•r\ ('are & companaonshap, :~sto"!l. Car_Penlr) R) Drywal 1 Pete Tranl>port \sph:>h. 1•110 J W~ll l'll'an .\.u~r, 1·1'.11tlu ~ates La\\ Allows M (' '.~perini<. Pa111tml(. 1 1·~p Fn•ee~t 7ill 2725 it ,1 , • I) J 11.' I' 11,11 fencedydS56·3U9H Ja) t l-orm1n1 &••••••••••••••••••••••• l'rc1t•&11·1•1•1crno\JI A.~klurUru11 ,17,1JtiKl \1saL1cln~6730llS3 t'rtcesl Jam!>55202JI Ill HI ·II . f'l,1,,d11'(l \d,.T1111la11 -: -Tai~> 642·8809 or Ca II OHYWAl.I. A('lll ~Tit' Sell v. alh !!:ASE ' Soil pre11 & pl11nt1nl( llw fa,11•'1 lira\\ 111 tht· 'iEl.I. •die alellll> "LI h a :-Jev. in lo" n., l'lasi.1fwd '\~.1111 ::: 1~~~/ dc1lk~" \ 11111 .111 1 J II 11 I'.! :\Ii~> ~I lhin~s fast with Dail) ,\ ns 111 er Ad = 6 20 al 14 ~ r. exp t'u 11~ hnl lt 11 s a BR l::EZE ( l!lt'rdtrd l'lllll P Comm ·1 \\1:,1 J UJ111 l'al•ll D:ul\ Pa lot Clai.bl fled ean help \OU rrwl'l ma"' l 1 . a41 lll0~ 5~ !r:J 1 ,mil lei J r1a,~1l 1t•il \cl lol \\ant Ads 6'l2·4:Kl0. 24 hrs insured 532 S541! Cl~1f1ed Ads 642-5678 & Rl'51d'I &12 7638 Clll!>~tfll'tl Ad G<l:i 56711 Ad • o( your nt!eds 642 5678 • 1 • 1 \ 1-..1r help~ 11u I ~~r 5005 ~·· Trvst 5035 ~~.~.~ ...... ?~~.~ ~~.~~·~.~ ..... !!~~ Real Estat ••~••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOl\D Lop. eared rdb· 1 Exper T~p1s1 for perm e--th C I t 0 C t Mark t Pl ce EXECL'TI\ E SL ITF. In' e~t or i. Wan btl 11ra\ \\ht \l•llo" I' Tor FT an m> homl' e omp e e range 088 e a ANIJ SECHf.TAHli\L led $111 ,000 tut al 11r mliar7~·i3734 . I' L' &dl'h\ 556 2724 Bl'Sl:-IF.SS >\\3tlable rn lOSI.~ 20'. 2 )r luJn I I Inane rurrcnllv pa\ int ooh mo 1200'< Loi.I. Blue & rream1-''.·uure l.Jd~ 3\at, as opera11n1? and almost wi·) Pt.Lis· 200'. l'lt"p Per,aan fml ktllt'n V1r (omp Aide Lt lls Kpi.: ROGIM 4000 Vacatiallbltfals 42501RtfltabtoShare 4300 ..... tosa... 00 C>ffk.I.... 4400 ...-URttltal 4450 full Perfert for pro 111n1eoffl'LL'S'5', Ta\ M:mner~ llai:hl.ind ~urstnRexper 548·7217 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••• •• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••• •• • f~mnat "AOm.& n lo \4 ork I Credn PL rs s·. o( bu~• 2. 20 646 JS&'> Refined lad~ St'e'kS empt bd . d MIWPORTIUCH Ne wpo rt Bhd rl' 1 oohert1\\0tna31luat111n nesl> nel Call H1ll P'enoital 53501 a~ C'ompanaon ~~~ por';.'t .'°sr2sr8~~~n. :.!!:.Os'ff~h 3gh1 rm rnn o 2BR Apt. Resp. Straight. Bustn~s man w1shr 2br •FULLSERVICF.• furhished bldg for orfaC'e ~ha·h ~a!> prm l'n we· 7~ 0564 ••••••••~•••••••••••••• lhousGekeeperl. hokusfesat _,. "' · Non.Smkr M F Shr 2ba delux apt w tpool • or retail Open rafter' ll'" l all PHT A' rr ourme l'OO rt·• female pref 645 J.1"'8 af1 4~·5»1 Most Spectacular Wht S250. OffiN! 631.0115 . N Offiq S..Ct French doo~ l'XJ>Ol>l'd Wt'tal!!'· 10.\~I 31' \1 on AllltcMtcewftts/ I Atlantis Massage w Ira\ el Rcf~ ~h ri:t• S MAUI. Maalaea Marana. Wa t er V 1 e w 1 n N ·~Itel 1rom-$49S brirk, 1100 sq ft + 10011 I ly 1•It1 9ti2 11311 or P'tnO!tCll / I Open 24 hrs a da) S.'>4·8174 l'VT ENT Bi\ for ~eanfront 1 br t'Oodo. Laguna. SSOO 497·6Z70. Rmmt.etoshr oreanfronl •Branrboffire-19C)lmo ~q fl fn l'd } rd 'Hiit· IR9jjK \1 t •-t&r!;__. 7da):..Jllieek qwet on lhe .,0 prof 5315 11.k $900 mo. z br. 496-7159 -----h.w.N B S350mo f'um Cal1 752·6408 ()Ill Al(! 673538:1 01•m1•ll•r Fountain wn .._ 69 Gorgeou\ girl~ ·to,HttpWontflt 7100 non smkr ref~. s: S38S wk $1200 mo -Pauhne646-l!M5 1ler I \':allr\ (',\ 927tJll ••••••••••••••••••••••• pamper \OU Jaruzza. ••••••••••••••••••••••• CM."646·R502 225 957 :ms f ShrHsew/2 Brothers --1 lh \'1s1h1h1v 1\ltruN1,1• l ~tftltfs 5100 Saw1a LocJbas v.ellas.t\l'<'es~or) & an i.ale; Non·Smkr (i_...., MIWPORT CIHTEI slore 23l0 Ne"' purl MORRO BAY • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1uur1 s 1 !i Ba n k Part or ( 11me Mu\I furn CM H M $210 enhlhtoShatt 4300 _ 6!3-l908 __ far.... 0501 &c..IRtOfflc• I Bhd C M 1200fl c;1 .• ,~ t:qu1r renlJI n•uter •SPIRrTUAL Amerit'ard. ~1<1:.lerj ha\e fldtr for des11?n 645-2435 or Call \ns\\er •••••••••••••••••••••• M Non-Smlc r shr 2BR. ·~··••••••••••••••••••• S.OC frontai:e S601l m11 t t};t bW>mesi."' xlnl lnr READING• Charjle · Amcnc·an EA t'Olor or art Will tram ~ 611. 642·4300 2BA Apt CM ow. Pool. Sin~e car £a rage. full i 2000 Ml t l>i~7788 HJ \.r lea~e Nat I & toe al 1815 S El <;ammo Real pre) s l>, n H' ii 111 :< lnl rnm m \1 a g111 ~ewport apt 10 empl f£MALE Spa. S237 SO 641 7583 Aft toe up. C M ~mo • ::g,Lea: ft /\\aala !1.tudJo bUsanl'S) sparr to ~l&t'k ren.tal SfiO ooo S,m Clelnl!nle 492 •296 "elcome 714 645 3433 6751920. 675 4i22 lady. Light hsehld prl\' SPM 770-0347 --I Call Wm F Cott' lei 6Z> sq ft. $315 pr mo I l!CMi2S-SK31i J(I Spm ~'ully hr ~l2 llarbor RI CM I cHTG CLERK .Pvt BR&BA.548-4077 ROOMMATE Roommale wanled.M-;leGarage SSO m~ 2864La for moremformatwn l!'lgunaBch67527ZZ htv~nt I SCRAM•EJS Premium heallh an O\'er 28 S360 mo uuls Salle. C M Call afler 'L Linda t Yi'ck·' i.urance back11round ri. Cd M p v I en tr an WANT£Dl pd CdM A\•a1l 3 1 afl 6PM 957-2'740 l t ,, !>"l'ORE 234-0 Ne\\porl RI I . . 5015 • IS ' the ke\ to landm..: l'Xt'll ceigarden patio Pu rn • p I Cote Realty CM 27x20' for $200 mo ••••• ••••••.•• •• ••• ••• auswERS •ESCORTS. I 101! opporl Ill tlh com Be am e d c e ii 1 n !? To ~hare 3 bedroom M 15 5 M 615 1721 Office ltltfal 4400 & ln\·e~lrnent 645 ~ $25,000 • SS0,000 M II \C'" •. BETTL·.R "'"'· nffenng short 'A Ork Lr · u & saon VieJn house Full C d I I f II f I Bi>•tsh Se'(\On ·""' ~ ,~ L.rg ruce ... 1cro111a'e 1 S300 1 d f25+ toshr M up ex •••••••••••••••••••••••t 640-5777 I Mt-rt ~ach o 1nant'<' 'ma a~ , TIL\N EVl'.:R' 24 1111 ~ \\eek Uentll!\ ll a~e .. refng A\ aal 3 I Qwel. pma eges me u LR e } d. p e 1 0 K 1617 We:.ichrr. N R Want -;:I':':: l!l'014tnR l'o l..o\\ nsk forked Rat·aal 1570 Brookhollo111 : 114 resp non smkr Gar 1"~ ulihlll'S Ask for S225 rro t ut1l s Con fmannal insl 7000s f 1,Rtfoi~Ofct~pac• I 11t•n•entofbu3 Ra11tl\ I Ghetto Vl'Sln 669-0207 ~A l'er~onnel sen1t·e, ·prkg ISi last dep $300 Makr •11 770 7928 °' 1.icl l\art•n :'147 9151 tsl nour A!(t'nt5415032 nmt> ll>tnt'''. ''l'Jlaon 6750611 IUSSKEl.F:TO'\ t Uutrall1 l\KI frrt' incl utals 759·1363 546-1200. e'(l J.I X218 I on bu.') Pac l'1 JI"' "'the lt'<'nai:er pll<'d ha' EC rr;,. Loccrtioft Ideal for rrlaal or 111f1t 1• lnYfftftnt plate hai:h for the third ---------,--------• ()(>ean \It'\\ bdrm for Rmmlt• \\anled. mJlt·~ EX UTIVE I ~arj?(' Office Spat'l'l ILW 11rnto3.l"M'"l ll Wanted 50201 tllT~. h" mother rnm •rtlOFESCORTS• ACCOUMTAMTF/C rent untal t& afterl 111• t'I t1\er 35 empl'd 11we1 SUITES l:Oronadel-'iar ,l\atl . ••••••••••••••••••••••• rrenled lo their ho\\ I llAM .tA~l Po''''°" '4 Xe11.por1 August an lo\t' I} S ·~e•on : ~ft.' uberal tJI! Bch 49-1·6216 ll\ *675 9SIO • I 7 1~ MS ill•1 WE m y h11:h equity pro I ··Please. excus1• m~ ,;'" I \ton 1-h MO !1431 Hr h l'ropt ·~ Mgmt Laguna pr1\•a1e com 'f--r_'•f'a·'l~C..l! ..... t Hu.IT'"GE I ,,._ 'al ~rt• in ""<'ess of a He has 3 !'losel'" lllS K (' I Farm OutHandani.: Oc ·d I\ 1 1:0. Ft•male lo shr 111 'amt' g\ "' ..._......rc1 ' • · ·I enn' .ra:-.1 Career Oppl) G L ~~:·~:ng et'ia~~l~ 1-\im. nr Orange t'o:i~I PL.Ali ~'cf! lllVIMf Rtltfals 447 5 rnJ.JO!llS 9638Sl8 SKELETOX .. !'lease cali )our "~ter A p A R " emphasis pn\ Stngle resp adult College n smk !'>45 4009 I Ne\\ luxury office ~pa<·e 'l-llKJI sq fts~ra~:o ~q 1·~········~··~·········: MaMy to Loan 5025 Lost Ir f.owtd 53ooj 107462 ~I Lo\ e you I LO flnant'lal anal)sas If onl}.:,.S27Smo.~I S~9 Oldest &largeslagent') in !nine's bus1~·~1 1 ft..deluxeoffice ISOOsq t 2.CenlrallM 45{1l>f. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PROF ESCORT I )uu'rt> hn!(hl "pnor Small furn room Allchcntssrreenedw1lh Working111onmntosharc l'l!nter ' Eas> Fr"\ JC rt 11.arehouse '\llltableforoffH·r hu" 12nd TD to SI mall ez • • FC e\per 11.ell help pholos &references m) house nrar ocean. cess A\aal no"' l'all 1 1 rwss or other S22S mu 1 quJhf\ l>o\\ney Sa\ I I Tnsh549·8096afl 7pm Iraan ~ou & pro\'1de for !;e!;~~[~~~~"arva~~ ~1~~o~~~~rm'~';.~a "'same CdM $400 plus! forde1a1ls I ~~1st~~61r;"n 6316322.540·8299 in1o:~ ~1r MrQuu.ml' FOUND ADS Coeds111ouldlo\'etopart) l'art>er ad\ancemenl reqwred l Single person Sho\\ ''utll. 7201454 551·1231 640-4230 l'rame Tustin & ~1<in !!632611 "•th \OU l.esl1t• or L'all 6400123 only li61 5949. • • , uff •to all ne'4 Student needs samr, own •DB.UXE OFftC ES• KOU CENTER I l1errente retail or nffl( t·1 ARE FREE S ~ I\ I J J n ) 11 ml' chenl!s wt.> need a place bath Back Ba\ C M From I room up to 2000 I NEWPORT spa«e 730 1470. 831·8699 7fil !rl36 ACCTG DEPT.• Laguna Lrg Furn Room 1 f · fl ~ Eleiiant Exec ~uitcs 111 , Apartwftts; "...,....· b Pvl Ba.Lanens.$245Mo NEWPORT 641-1199 ~ :->11·e plare S2:iO sq riom SI 16 a )q presllgiou~ loc lnt'tl63l012 \\ .coa~t llv.\ ResidtttcH; Call·. ·•ot'n.I.' mature num er!I Lst. Last 499_ssso rro 754 08ll9 fl Xo lease required ~Hret Jrl a I, rci·ep N 13 Sugar & Spice onenled person Proper ~ Adj Aarponer Inn 2172 lfnl ft I I & Rtltfah; l\' mgmt firm SIOOO mo ln Newnnrt S200 Prv Ba Prof Shr 2BR. 2BA CdM Pn\'ar) & fair rent' Dupo n I r al I i\ M uorust. telephone uns & sq retaa sa t·:. 'I Offic• •-.11d· a. 642-5671 Call Janet. 833 :IM4 &F.nt""Pool Non5moi. HsetBlk frBch f'Pref Roommat e In shr,m.3223 rmre. Of<•s ftom $436 ~·1t•eno2"3·aou~s!~~e11 Lo I :..'!90000" Modtt1 b corts . ~ S58 531l 675 9619 E l'4nhse 1n (' ~1 $3011 rm On rail ofc~ $165 *"""rm I """5,..,.. or an.'> o"""' I Terms • I Answenno Sen ace. no ... a F_ onl•· 631 "<26 · • 'es ...... ""14 t " ,. II t r R~ ••D1111 631 7003 " H.., , .,,, 645-4722 17THSTREET mo T ll E II ~:AD .,.....<» I o .. )ears -.a uRet•a I !CST"'"""'.... I' . j exper net·essar~ Parl Pvt. rum bdrm LR & NBpror malcwallshrlge , l COSTA MESA I QUARTERS CO M • 11.e have the besl rntes ~/ ~lue & Gold 11me. full·lame shifl~ Bath. All ulil mrl Me~a Harbor \'ae w ho me f share 3Br house :" 2 or J room offtre suale!> PANIF.S A proft'S!laonal lltdlahial Rttttol 4SOO •n aalable for )OUr loan • AC A\\ p AR R 0 T I Mi-· RC II \ NTS R II\ aal Located rn 0 1 Verde.C M 556_ -6033_ 111 adult 30+ S315 C M w f' Sl88mu + ' AC.plentyorprkg.Uut l Pnvaro nmenl 17 14 1 "•••••••••••••••••••••·1 Call Mr Nelson 1714•1 VargmiaPl&EldenAH' • ' usa I '11 6468000EOE · 76().CW,Z ut11s+dep.da)bSand>1 UICI Avail.now.Call 8510081 N.B .. 3975Rln·h 8860sq 9,66 0755 ·~ambr tdRe c~ 646-l322 ~~:~6e~:~l'cc~p~ f1tE Ca . - Beauty. quiet. privacy. 645-2223. e\·es Nancy Realonomics 675·6700 nor less MIAwne,SO c.apllal Gr oup a l.osl Golden Retru.•\er I CARD~ lnrrea~e bust APT MANAGER kat pnv for emp non Sharemce3bdrm house ~7428 IUSINESSADORESS per sq rt Ai.:enl Cahforma real ei.tate 1 Red M s Mo Old ness.profil mfo 111 oob Semarellred couplt'. for N~~~80 E Bluff. :'~C:rt~t~% $200 Femat;. Charmin!! 2 Br ~e!q ft Mesa Verdi' ;'en/'vi'c·eer.1~~nfer~:c1~ ~11-5032 ~!:;also at·t1nl( as a Coilar 962-8966,842-14 11 lJg Mr _Greene.667 0779 ~a':::~~~~~~'::p'"re~ M -CdM apt with frpl<· 545·4123 room AdJ OC Aarpon 12(Xl.mJ sq fl h) Npl REWARD' Lost 2 Dogs I, __ _. <--·ict• 5360 549.0433 kmmt wanted to shr 2BR Prof M f over 30 to s:MX17 Cmdy760 8233 $100 tro 114 8.51-1342 fwy & 405 fwy from 1 s 8 11 ~ ~,.. • Apt CM area. S275 Mo share 2 Br 2 Ba . $504 Mr O'l\eefe LOAM DUE? Med~u mtsitu~.~Yrh •••••••••J••H•£••••••••••• APT MANAG ER In cl util Call Steff ie Newport Reach Condo 3r~roo~7t~&hhnoh BAYFRONT Newport Reach near 8.51·89?.8 ME:fDCASH 7 M_e_r 4PM.96S680S * * Sem1re11redcouple.for afterS·J0646-6J04 $295 anclds utals ut1l~JS54 + s r Primeofftce673J003 lloagHosp 1000,qft COHSTCIRCU 1 Compet1tne rate~ on I J6umtromplomCM 6467332 1~&S?2sq l't $IOOper J serondnoorofht'es,am 2500 ( • 1 rmrtgageloans.lst,2nd f ound Cocker m1 11:. I Mamtenanceexp req Charmmg NB home. mcl Shr lrg lux home w prof Pror person to bhr <1u1e1 sq ft. 3975 Oarc•h , N 0 pie parkmg. well ma an sq t uml me 322 or 3rd T 0 on your re Welsh C.:orgie. Sp111 ma'< 549.0433 ph, gar, lndry, ba. Non ~r.;oo Isl. last & dep lwnhse 118 Mstr sle. Agent~l-5032 tamed hldg Virk> days sq rt.ofofftt·e + 50fllhq s1clent1al or income Dobie mix . Husky. smkr. refs S325 mo mo 966.••79 pool. iac. sauna Non . 114 64 5 48 00. "\es ft lenced asphalt 1·11, prup Jumor loans to S5 Be a g It m' x. G real * SWEE J H [A . Assembl~ 631 4958 '" smkr 846-7221, 11 s Office space for rent, 385 714 673 3112 . I eave ered yard mal Courtesy to bkrs Dane Irvine Ani mo I I M M E D I A T r-: IAls of privat·y, College Mature F shr w sa me sq ft second floor rrusaie. Cowtes~ to lriln 7ti(). IS51 Ste\ e or Duane Care Center 754·3'734 RJS * OP ENINGS Par k area or Costa furn 3 br. 2 ba CdM F~l~m:~[e.b~ ~· +S~~ Prest1g1ous Westcli rr 0 C A1rpor1 area, 1120 ~q 17141 SI 4760 P1wate troney available Lost 2 l2 F brown tiger 2-t HR. ESCORTS ~;k~~·haek anto lhe JOh Me s a, TV & pool . home.SJOO for master br ·1 hid r, I d a.rea SUlOsq.rt.Medit'al fl. 69' sq ft + utal~. Storogt 4550 from SI 0.000 up C:a ll rat, whit e tu mm y. Ol'TCALl.ONl.Y Toppay,bonub. beautirul bath. Prefer & m&1ter b~ 673:.!561 _ ~~2'. 7~413 :v ;m~ ~~ed~ Bldg. Call 64S·65-0_l_. _ 557·4913. 731-3E92 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Tom 642,8852 yellow collar. \'le.' ~U: & t822•, Nwpt Blvd ~ever a Fee' Female No Smokers M 'f' 3 BR Park 641·2684dys__ PROFISSIO~CAL 5.~!iQftfenced.n1So u-...__, T t Balboa.N~6759709 COSTAMF.SA •Late packln!l $225/mo 5411.2733 Newport Twnhse Pool S25S M0-Prtva teoffice1 OFFfC!Sf'"' E est Pl oza S250 mo ,._,,...,..s, ntt 641 ·1522 •Warehouse H-&..a. Mohfs 4100 spa1 tennis . Vu bat'k F'emale to share nice 3 parking/kitchenette spc NearO c. AIRPORT 631-6322. 540-3299 DMdl 5035 Jo'ound ~lack. brn, white CALL f'O R Work tlose to home ......., Bay Jan 759·0048 bdrm home. w same 181mMalnSt lluot Bt'h Fr "" r ---••••••••••••••••••••••• youn g emale Husky "ICTOI ••0 •••••u•••••••••••• -------S200 tst last. Call aft DailyJantr Allutll pd omSlwsq tup Storage Area or 3 Car s.ttltrMta.C:o nux.HunlBth 897-5097 _WEEK_ENDSPF.<.:1/\1. Y wftAL411MOT8. Male rmmte 10 shr 3br 6PMS/S7Sl-0508 Avail now!(7 l•l848-:ft33 ............. r. Garage. Nr 19th & Npt All types of r'h f estate Lost. Blk •brn cocker Tempo~.z~er"h'<' J1': rn~~ ~~:v.;~· =ro~a:~vi~ev;{,2 ~r~· M1Ft;;hare 2 Bd rm nu •--_ _ _j!.6-0114 _ ~~'!s~:~u Alley ln\~ltlts~~ ~!M9. milt. sml M .. beige col· t ¢:.! Phones In roo m 2274 SS1·3J$6, 551·8681 condo 1265 lnclds ul1I El • H U N T I N G T O N Clfice space ror rent, 606 ....-_..,"' lar. Yic Cameo Shrs SSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ASSIST AMT Isl Newport Blvd CM. Toro. Robert 557·0977 BEACH• sq ft.prime locitlnn. E. Garage for rent on hclTDi ~d 673 2859 , SdlMla& n~edror busy 8111 648--7445 F.Non-Smkr.Cln.Nr40S. wkdys,859-805lwknds& l"OS~~te 17th st. C.M Ground Balboa Pen nextto fo'un 642-Jl7 I 5450611 a......t...-&L..-7005 ~ 57a-40i3 ---Master BR. $300 Sm e~es , floor. Avail Im med · Zone tl0...,JC20'~l. SISO ----• -lost: f' yellow l ab-. 1 r --A :r T E N T I 0 N On the beach. hotel BR 1225 + Dep CM --------• •3 Iva flCC'I ·"50/ c II c Ill) 673-2943 673 393() WIDOW llAS s•s I y ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMEM .. KERS rooms-kltchenelle It 841:<92 · · Wlllsh3re3bdrm,2ba ln ••2StaHAreas .,, mo. a ratg ' ' · , • • ror old, wt lealher collar. " ......... +-securi• Cost 8 Me 58 n ell r • • Wetbar Batley, 631·~13 W..ted 4600 TD s, Rt !-o•ns. lOK "Neala". Edinger & Sl I \;90t!WI( Nttd 3 people who have & ... u .. de,oait*""2306 W " Rm t .,.. 2BR 2BA tJI A ii bl l .... Up No Credit Check No Bo Isa Ch It B Hot lu.n" M Ch · 10.15 Oex. hra .... , wttk r m ..,.,r • Alrport. S2SO + v. u va a e now· at r 1oor MIDIC4L SUITI •••••••••••••••••••••• • PenaJl De . •A 1 ca. . ~ · · · na· "' ean ronl. Newpo rt fwn ·~· Laguna Bch. 6'5-2537 Call (7H)848-3133 •sq. ft. front ground JUST MARRIED, need soc 67l7m nnisson S· Rew1 r d 897 ~ 192 . t!•n Pr~school. 646.~23 ?C: ~~t;u~,;o =r:~: Beach. 6T3-41S4. Ocean u/t.ernnce. SJOS --n a••cH noor. garden setting, home no r Coast Reas ·----9&2.-Z Wit w---.. 7 075 Ion 11 +utll *4~10ll n owmy 2br(um .apt, rw#N -profession1l bldg. In lop rentC.llMlkt,549·3670 •f1XEDRATE 2nd TD Found . small Shellie ....... :::"::' .......... l t a ·7t42 ' ............ 4210 Prof 311 h ab 2 SZ50lim uUla pd, HB ~RPORT: Custom~ aruolNewport Beach. -L......•/l•-•Ht-/ •"'11JyAmortized re male 2/6 Garden Youn1 married man Apartmrnt M11n111er.•:• ••• .. •••••••••••••o••• bl ·~· rnei 'sc 12131925·1322 (wkdy• m , aoo to 1800 •q · Xlnt arceu to Hoo ~-•f\illyAlaumablt Grcwe Arta638·0447 would pmtn~t'ouplt Ruut OC!ANFRONT2•4 Br. Pl iJ.ms~0 ) t-5> F'tom80'\Qra//. Heep. Sl2:5 sq. n Lon& ,,_ •No P rt Payme nt liktoddjobs eves maintained 44 un1ti1. A•1U. Wlattt. Weekly/ au. 75 1 • m f roomm1te, C.M., GSO Mullan ty. 54().2MO , ttrm le11e avail. Cafl ....................... Ptn1lly Found, Britti ny Spaniel, It wkenda Can do 1 Costa MelM. Adult~. no Monthlf.173'1173. Prof. to share w/n me rm. + \\ utila. MS·2MI ~tror a t. ....... AsU orSll:lp.541,0283 ma It. v I c Co 1 t a =~~~andyman p t 1 s A p t -. PalmScmP •rt• ':t'a ~'-;~ ! ~~ it~~ev~ M·Faft. Tpmorwknda. execuplan CWflce apace for lease .... ~£!.~ .... ~!!~ lrvlnt·Newport Buch ::~~SA. 754 ·0UO . _for_IBiU. . evta. ask 1al1r)'tboous '42·4901, ttn1 OCl Condo a innltltt See to •P· a br conclo, r 11rvle.r SUO/mo. Balboa l1l1nd. WIOA WRY tMt deed lnvestmenta. ASlllTANT !k_d.(I 1'4• -- 111 f11rn. w/atri••· (Indite. Hubor Knoll. • Se(tntrom. tennil. .A"9wC= Cell (2U>28f.130'7, aalt •fYrl 1-mont maktr Cell for l1te1t llat. Poud: II . Gerru n Prol ... IOHl/pvt pro· ~~er .... u Jora Ot r tuala. D1l17 , • .,.... pool~ar'"'°· hUiirVktt forllr.Ptmbtrtoa. ~locttioa l dJ l lt<314'~eld. 1·3 yr. .............. bmlblk, near ~ell r•u ratu , .... i. my • eCID&lllf ntee nM-t464 • 1 •ten PM. . Crela 01 .... Buell • T1lbtr\. m' · ... ._ ,_._. • ..._ ,a a . 1U ·Hl·IOOl •1qfleoldotoahr t, omtel...a1pace ............. 4411 to lboaPavllion.Oood Re/Mu 1111 ea.-•ar1ilr¥:J-· ....... "' · ~ .... J:r•!I'~ ~~~rt. ..;::-..c~'!,.. -.................. ie.eilr;,=0oo Hu• ... ,~•·• 1ov 11 ...., ... ..._ • ~\lf~"'"o ........ =r. ..... ; f11hrtdtDaJa, .... ~ • ., ........ , + el••"J:/· ;a;-~~=:eq.ft. ~:1 • :r:ru.:.y1~·~ I DIUJPUlta...ifttllM -~ u:::. :':l-f..1-.r~~ 'iiiir.;ji'iiZ:::iMf .... ..,....... 564111 ..... ·--..... \ .w.m. Alftblll0111 91oya aad a.Ell .... Dept • .U. ,._u y .. ,.. old, lo . ,.....l...L....... ._.~ ..... OM or lWO tVto• -"' lnra 1 •ttk 1tltln1 Some uper t n (e Eactllenl of.porlunlly lllWIPIJtr IUbtcrlp· ntCllUry , apply (or a dttal •Oriented. dOflt. Tra11port1tlon bltwttnt-41n91raooA\ w1ll·or1111laed In· ud uiutant lduh WDTERLY MARINE, dMdual \o learn \be 1upervl1lo1 provided. •• Plactnll• Costa RKrultrnenl Advertls C.113to&·•Pll, 11kfor Mtaal42>014t ll\l 'bu1lne11 In our ~rea. "2·4321. nt.1•--11111!11 ... ~--I Oranre County otflte CASHIO You'll need \yfiln1 of 45 U you enjoy workln1 .,im. lO.kty 1 llll1 &ood AuWGlau IMlaller around • mu1le•I en· malb ability ana pre· E I d I I ferably aome accounUn1 1 per en ct n a I virorumot, then lhla la iu-owledac. DuUt1 will Pllaaet. 40 Hn. Hunt• lb e job I o r yo u be tnvolclni and In lnllon kb. Knowtedae of 10 key pr•· formation preparation S31·1581 After 5PM. fttred. forcomputerlnput. eeo.682'7 UNIYMSITY AlFl'O MECH.SERVICE STll~ Salary wilt be com· MCR. Expert all·lrouod rnenauralc with auc· Dchanlc with ou\aoln1 Aool.Y at: 1829 ewport ceuful appllcant'a personality. Treme n· Blvd; C.N. 142.9531 polelltlaJ backed by ao doua oppty to 1row lm••••••••I ucellent benefits w/fW# aporll vehicle be· -l/SALH pecka1e. Ill& antroduced Into So. All Oll'T Ca111area.SendResume Part·t me . Apply' Call Noemi Santos at to· Hawk Vehicles, 1452 Crown Hardwar!J 3107 m.:n llM.-01, belv.·een Carmelita, Laguna Bch, E.C.OutHwy,Cdm . 10:30 l0:»-4:30 lo ar· ca r.llSl. ranee an interview. a.•tcAL front 0fC. lively In• IAIYSITTll sur ance of c needs Person iie-e'cfe-d to person w /phone babysit 6/yr old girl I/hr personality & typing everyday, Mon·Fri. Will skills, willlng to leat-n have to meet child after business Frf. 851·3013 school at l :SSpm " keep Aak ror Pally Royce untJI approx. 2:0pm. •------------- MUST BE DEPEN ·"!!~~~---• DABLE. MUST livel 1 wit.bin walkinl distance to Stonecrttk Elemen· tary School. Wood· bridge, Irvine. Please call SS2·0461 arter S:~m. Re-Enterin1 ~e Jil Market? ACCOUHTIHG CLERIC Wll TraM BRANCH C.Olumbia Savings has an outstanding op-portunity ror a mature. stable, responsible MAN AG ER person to be trained in a variety of accounting fun ctio n s GREAT AMERICAN Responsibilities will tn· FEDERAL SAVINGS & elude distnbut1ng re· LOAN is seeking an ex-ports, money order re· pe ri enc e d Br an ch conciliallon, and com Manager for its San puter terminal posting. Juan Capistrano office. Selected applicant will This position requires be detail·onented with an aptitude for figures. •Strong techn lea I will have had previous knowledge of bank· 1 clericaJ experience, and ang/savingsoperations. will type 40·45 wpm Columbia offers ex· • D e m o n s t r a t e d cellent growth potenhal. managenal skills an outstanding benems . package including den •Proven business de-1 ta! and v151on coverage. velopment and public and an ideal work en relations ability I vu"ODment Please call Nancy Pernn at l 714 I Excellent salary , 776·7101 for more In benefits and work en· formation vironme nt offer ed. * * **** Please contact Ruth Dillon al (714)644·1289 • COl.l.MBIA SAVINGS GHAT AMEllCAM t.~m lOAl\o . FIDllAL 4SSOUAl1Qt., UYIMGS & LOAM ****** SAN DIEGO FEDERAL DI VLSI ON Equal Opportunity Employer M/f /H 9105. Brookhurst, Anaheim Equal Oppty Employer M/F Bi k e store needs energetic person for -·a.--EUlllllllllTllYllllrt•S .. T-• stock & vanous duties. 2146 Newport Bl. Costa r.-TTIME Mesa Our marke\ing dept. is · looking for a Clerk loaldlt ... r/l.t.U Typist The ideal person New retan store needs must type S0-60wpm ac· part lime bkkpr Hrs curately & word pro· must ~ nexlble. Apply cessor exper a + 4 hrs. lo person Monday 22, a day to be arranged. If !H2. at 1024 Bayside Dr, interested apply 1n NB or Tues 23, 1-4 or call person· ~ rusSY IOOl.IHPEI F/C SEMICOMDUCTOIS for CPA lfrm nr 0 C 1641 Kaiser Ave , Airport. 7S2·9396. Irvine. CA. 92714 MOITH AMlllCAM ADYaTISIMG AS.W•.y ofotltvy & Maltier, hie. F.qual Opportunity Employer M IF COOK Aggressive talented in· div, min 2 yrs exper, French Restaurant, im· med. Call Mark 640· 7092 LOOKING FOR A JOB? ll . TFMPORARIL Y •• LOOKING FOR MONEY??? We're Taking Applications and Interviewing sA TURD Av, FEB. 27 ONL v n 8 to 11AM or 1 to 3PM We are ~lSONIC, 1NC., manufacturets of air conditioomg units for NISSAN (Datsun). We need "temporary" employees for loog and shor.t· term assignments in our clean, plea~nl manufacturing facifrty to do hghl hand assembly and packaging on our day shift. WHOUR Pl.US OVERTIME NO EXPERIENO NECESSARY Wf Wl.l TRAN Our only requuemeots are good attenct.nce, abel1iy to speu Engltsh and worit lfllllly in the U.S .. and avai~bility for 50ITie overtlme:"'lle re~ fot 10 hour claY$ (7a~5:l0pm) Mondays thru ThuNclaY$. and 8 hour dm (71m-3:J()pm) FriclaY$ and Saturda~ ... sometlmes. We won't alwaY$ need you all o( these hours ... but we mtglttl AMY Rll\JAIY 27, SATUlOAY ONLY ... from 8 IO 11#Aor1 to 3 PM. NOTI: ·~~••betONllldlft•av..W., ,._.cal_, ........ ,..,.. .......... at (714) ISWMe. ea11 h a C.omt '° CAUOMC. IC'... 9 Hollnd, INlnt, CA. b'( r.kq lht ~ fOf'fll -* fA ~ ....,, ..,.. t.-on Multiends, ;wt on Mlttori to ttallnd. w. .. .,, .... OflPO"'*Y •• ...,., ... TWO DP-IC• SALIS"°"" w1nt8d for top line auto d11ler. If you 1r1 motivated, aggrenlve & can handle high traffic 11ln Call ual L.-ng experience 11 helpful. Top CO'""""'°" plUI dtntlt, medical & ,Demo. Clll Mr. Hunter or Mr. Wright. MWSttuuatr, mat.. 10 wa Showdotslrt.DOO Rtl Pedltrtt. Call •211111\tr-' PM Grtal Dane. F. I yrs. Sciede Bl'D/Wbt. Harla· qu1n ITS '75·3Ht, , .. 1411 1.ssm Female, 4 yean old. All ahota SI.SO. Me-7SIO Lahn Apao lovable IOldtn ftmale, z yn old. liu broken, ahota. !! n . SLSO. 720-1211. PIT BUW UKC. rea. 3 rem. brwn. $7~. 947-4630. .... I045 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BEAUTIFUL Shepherd puppies. 4 wb, we&Md. 541·94 **I BUY ** Good used Furniture & Appllances OR I will sell or SELL for You MASTBS AUCTION 6~616 ll3·'6ZS ~ sofas New. $98. Lov eseats $88. Sleepers, S199. FACTORY 957·~708 KING INNERSPRING EXTRA FIRM mattress set. never used, wo"ll s.u>. sac 1248 del. Ne ver used queen sz, worth UIS. cash only , 1218 del Usually home. 7~·7350 MUSTS&L Mahogany cfouble bed with mattress Moon shaped mirror on head· board $500 080 631-7797 aft 6 Wicker Glass lop dining tbe. matching chrs. etigeres. love seat & footstool. $600, 8 mos new. 64.S-5899 IUUTIFUL lil 6' sem1·circular dark oak. will except any re as olfer Moving 536-4461 8' sola $225, loveseat $125. brown, perl cond. both ~ Color I\. nds rep .. $50 557-8474 .. '540 '1888 llarbor Rl\'d ro~t;J .\h:!'ia ~ 0330 USED ~ft\aucKS COME IN OR CALL FOR PIRAPPIAISAL Cormier·DtLllk> .~D'flvD. H'UN'l1NGTON BEACH 147-6087• Mf.JJJI lid&& 16 M ff or Oood Rulllina Car. 4"-4721 ToJota 4X4, SR .. ~ f!!t!SO or best "'-·•mu; ... Jell ... ,.,.1------1 .---·············· Alltos W..ted a. ..... ~:~1.ci lO ~-()pea Sun· ... "" ...... ·-- .... OrlngeCOlll DAILY PILOT/fkmdty, Flbtuery21 , 1112 IRANONEW l tafeC.ow._ ........... .._. ......... __. .,..... ... ..................... ....... ___ _ IUNT DATSUN CWIAllCE SALE • 2845 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -1._ 14 /540-64 '0 1.972 DATSUN 240Z. This is a dynamite classic coupe with 4 s peed transmission. In sharp condition! (772 EQFJ. $3995. J im Marin o VclkJwagen, 842-2000 1f11TO ................. ---..... ·--1' ·r=--~-........ __ ~·•IM1 • (i;-... =---.. ,.., Ill• 1eo .., t11t13, OOW&.I llllAlll Oil VAii ,._ __ _ Clll lea ............ 1111 MTIUN --.......... .... _____ ,__ &:.:--"·---am 1977FIAT 124 SPIOB rrunt cond., 5 apeed, stereo cass.. ra ntastic racing green wilh beige interior. 1ACP577. $4995 lt75RAT 124SPIDB 5 speed, stereo. Ex- cellent cood .• bright red beauty. 144VCM. $3795 w ..... ,..w ...... n..~1t& Lowest hiced FWs. So. Calf. AIJVthlCles Guaranteed DGDICK MILLER FIAT/UMCIA Factoey Aulhorhed Sales ' Service 120 W. Warner St. u mile no. or South Coast Plaza I 557°2132 '79 Maida Xr7. A· I . WADED. Xtra Wide Radials. Make OHer. 496-8l!07 'Ill 626 Sport Coupe. 18.000 mi, xlnt cond .. 5 spd AC. wlbra. 17000. 968·5800 J ... ... ~ ........... ~.~ ...........• · ...• .,. tHl Y•..... t770 Mell ttlO "JO ttJJ tWa; "" ........................................................................................................................................... •mo TUllO Mall flllll!lll••Nlill~tl "I Ollroila 2 Dr. Radlal '71 VW Bu llb new '71 Centurion Convt '71Ca t1 Cl i •C!f£* ·• lblu&. Xlftt Cood • .1... N•• lhdt to ~ Trs. llOOd coed. moo ... 7.puN.1er. "'"' ... ooo ml. f\111 pwr ad • dr r ctp eel "to' c tilt • • Cltln. GooCITtaupOtta· Yow Or•r 111 o•-. door s.411 All/F• •111•.142·-.Z rf •W> ....... cond u2001 0R.o .. • 1 · 1 '·au • -luor 11101 Oon Otter at WI .. stereo e ... titt 4 apd --~ · -...:. 548-rzi'i '" • whl. Z3 ooo ml. pwr ioth ean tocliy 1 __ _ e CIMlt. m • ••ual tran11nlulo1. • C.Uu· Many extr11. llf7VWSauartb1ck ' ·41!7· -'lnln,, am/fm 1tttreo, ~r a Vetlff lliltd. ·• Convtrtlble Good • 1l MIZ. 3118 ID. T1&rbo 11100/belt orrer. I0,000 31K:Jil&500 '40·1171 Clr New.Eoalne,$1200. C..-.C ttll Blue w/blue velour Int. No• doel It l>etttr Condit.Ion suoo '*-'· 86.lvtr Bllil Int mi. mlm MS---*-·8008 ·~·· ..... ,•••••••••••• MIOO. 546-Jlll -Don't ~ or aelJ your "5 ~ • • ML 131.150. f'lrm. '1' C.'Orolla Dix, clean, 13 vw rtblt en& ~ apd C 1PJ,.4 T~Ci 'II ---. Cltt• Vttte btfott calUrui 111. •ee Muatlnf convertible • ~ti blt-.et1IAM•4:IO ,_... t7H best offer. 548·3019 11\. red bra .dnt Inside ,; ~Cfe Qualff[el Pel'llOD to buy 230521.ake f'ore.i ona. 1>9ln ' int new PM Wtekdaya Only. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• IAUOmarl _ out'tUOO OB0.$13.13~ re a~c a 1n Hie• or takeover lene. Jt\illy LI unaHllla MUHi top reblt 289 &r 'auto .• _!!-t4ltPrivateP1rty. '74 Tara•. clean and 'Tl~lkaOT,red,S•pd. '7°iP09WP1low ;tt;';fle. ~~~e~:~~~:1!~ar"· :i.111~05flll23rnorfm11in C..., HU Thia 11 •h~p ! 2nd • ~M RB .. ·TES Oft • • '76 410 $l 1tral1bt SJ3,1SO Evta a/c, attreo. xlot cond ~It \'Of\(! 18 250 •-ir..t......at---.. ••••••••• .. •••••••••• ownt"r. $&500. ·5373 W Ill Z lopl, loaded. 11loy1 9'1-4129 14291/olr.644·~ 87$.oiia · -Of'l'!'u..... ~-'T2 El Cammo w/ahcll '"ltCouaarXRT AC\Pwr 1'74 M11.1t1n1 4 Speed. e ~ • newronvtop lll ,?SO. PP ""'w 1912 lll>d lrlr hitch Od cond PS. btu,Stat, wlnoow1, Good condition, SISOO IEW 1981 • MZ mt 78~3.,~~~,r~ ~ 1d~•h !~~.!.• ........... !?.~~ ""-v .. rt''e. 0voodw conct. c1•1c1 smo. uu 831·2932 ' rnoonroor. Wirt ~ <T1•1844)..l48ll Bcttt e "11 -o •'I _ ....... .......,. """' "' u..... ... ir.a.--Lf 1 _ a l"ldiala. Xlnt t-ond , • -• , ver coupe, r.._, .......,, l!n9TRIUMPH TR7 Con· 5'5-989'7 ..-w"' ~ ...... ..... PP 1$7·8434 Call Mon &S MUJtang. A claulc. • CL I SE Ill witt wbla, cua .. 1nrf., 964-8008 ve rtible with ~ speed ----Cars listed ~~law are thrufrl Renovator's drum • • ll7.250.4116494 ·~fau:~~ S~taTtrc~19aK tioning and stureo Model. Snrt. AM/FM besoldlmrnedlalely All Do.a,. tt35 r • 4SK ml , xtra tank. transmission, air condi '79 VW R1bbil Diesel. L N~R~ lease Retum1 and must l2000 848·9258 • '13 ~ SE. Beat omir. ml.l loaded, all leather. Super sha~! (729YNV 1 Ta . Heater. 640·0646 CA II I A are fully equi':f,:4'.d. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Munang Ghltt, V 6. e =~~~~J~;~P~~··· !r.,~~'xt~o~~!k::S~ri t~~~ag~n~1Mf~1.n° ·~.~~~n;.u!~n:rmtFm. • 1woit .. 1~ ~(1 " :~c~ft~~o~ ~~6m~ ·~~tct!':~~~x~ .. ~8~~r~ =~ioWiJ.~ond •LEFl.OYERS1· l d · ••c cl\t\ '""""" l'"'·'"' .. '' C\40 1>100 "19MonteCarlo S4200 2.30 & wknds anvtlme. •u.MUSTANG V8 • • owner, nver. _..,,,,.,.,. Regret Stlllna '76 TR7. ..vw. 644 1419 "19MonleCarlo l3900 ..... ~ ~ "" Firm. 73M~Tl. nueng, more Trade' 'Mliqwirebark Rblt t::ng 'T7 Monte Carlo 13.000 ~~ Auto, ps, run& good, ·•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7t tieC•I$ JOOD ffully equfppecf UICI xtra tank, dean 111.SOO Watkins Leasing Co . 548-1.Zi6 "18911T.eoK M1 Many 613-7~17522352 New Paint AM /PM "19 Cad Seville 20MPG '79 MaUbuWaa 13700 '73 D1ttSport 340 Auto, l)~lirm i 533..c242 •Brand Mew '81 Chtvv • Xtras Minl Cond V--... $1900 Hwy A·l New Radials TUSTIN MOTORS air, blttsicnsl st roor. a.•blt 9955 • .11.Dr CL-..i.&.... HafcLL!-k! 644.4206 -W9CJN 9770 64.5-5916 Last Yr Made. Make 01· 1160 W l!ol St Tustin Cl4:_.an.:..Sl191J 64S-5M7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • "'r • i.VW'ITC IWtK; • ---••••••••••••••••••••••• fer 832-8373 ~59•59S8 • l"""OI .... Toronado No _..,,, • 19159 Porsche 366A cpe. VW IUGS CONVERTIBLE '69 49118807 74 Wagon. clean, well """ .. ._._., --------totaUy mtored inside & PRISTINEBUCS S2950oroHer '7S M00111 Hatrhbark ma intained. re11 gas runuood~ • c.tMu ........ "'" $5698 "M MB 4SME Blue Orig out. Mu.st sac $9,800. l960's thrul970•8 64.5-4007 THel.AlGIST 4 spd. a c, good econ $1 250. Costa Mesa CallS48 -3203eves ~..-. Hoe • OW'Oer, all extr11. Retail 714·5&4~ _ All recond111oned & .75 RABBIT 5alCTION car ll300iOBO 645·4968 545-Q • '*> Olds Cutlass Lo Ml • N1r.:iiCi'0tt.Y SJ6.23S, STEAL MINE '66' lwtll ~aranteed.Willtrade& Neweng .• clean.$2400 of late model. low i.r 9925 Ford 9940 Xlnt.Cond Full Pwr & ••••••••••••••t.•••..tf••••••• · forSU.llOO.Ph64H226 3700 C:.::ut-3730 nance. WE BU Y s.57~731.5383 ~:i:e~~~?~:~T;~ in •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ $7675. 830 0891. e•Brand Mew 81 ~llevy • Tl MB 3000, 36 gal tank, rorsc1tt '74 91 I BUGS! '67 vw Camper. super MAIERS ./ff ••N./ 'M Falcon, 289 eng. Auto 1 1/ ton LUV Pi "·-· • ... snrl. 1mmac. Asking Excelle t ,, d"t ' DICIMILLEI clean, runs great, M lrans,PS.$400. "nCutlass Brougham • l• c....,.. 113,950. Desperate/must Come 1,; to ~~~r:ci:t~. MOTORS S:llOO best 673-2750 CADILLAC llRYSLERIPl.YMOUTH 760-8242 Looded Bnt1sh m·ing No 88.3716733· • ~~.Makeorter 675·6311 $16,000 640-6053 120 W. W:f:i{3~ve SA '78 VW Bus. xlnl eond, ~~~~l~~d S~~~~s'1a '78 Fiesta Wit h Air L.o :~~~-$3495 pr • • C:~.:..· .... $:::: s5599. ':i9Porsche3S6A l'pe reblt engine. S5500 PLYMOUTllCHAMP Mi Very Good l'ond • H1T.:iiCi'OHLY MG 042 S h o w c o n d ll8I vw Scirocco Thtl> ti. s.51 2900 540-1860 5 door-. hatchbar k. twm $295jJ ,,.,, 8777 '11 Olds 88 Xlnt rond • ••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••M•••••••••••••••••• Sl3.000J080 adynamitecoupeWtlh 5 Bargain. ·79' yellow stick trans . l400cc .,..,,. AC, PS. & brakes •Brdnd Me '81 CL- 645-41591645-3101 speed transmission, air ·~~g~~ r~ stZ~~l·Port Se\ille, loaded. yellow engine. radio. steel belt · 7 3 Ca pr 1 . good 12~ ~Dflm_i.ft S • W r.Vy • ATTIMTIOM - ---<'O nd it 1oning. ma It S2.'i00. 642·9387 eves leather mt . 46K mi. xlnt ed radJals (5007521 mechanical body rough. '76 C.tlon • HakLL--L CL-.-&&-4 D I • ~ RolhRoyu 9756 wheels and stereo rond,SJ0,500 83J.8280 SALEPRICE S.5672 good transport 1700 SUPREME COUPE \'8, ~ ~V~ • r. ,... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beautilul Brazil Bronze • '67 Beetle. Stock, clean REBATE 300 Don't expect a m1rarle auto, Power.I owner • No 5912161185 • • TONNOWMEA',.COSVER "1 0£Al£RINU.S.A. 1450ZSRl S7295 Jim oond,stk.radio,radlals ·~Cad Sedan Must fix YOU PAY . SS372 Serious only 7600753 Sharp. clean. S2350 c: .. P'rice ........ SUH 55798 ""••MG:-'s,'71_.81 Marino Vol ks wagen, $2700.497·1597 I suspension or great for Openda1ly'ti19pm ~--.___ 559.4035 • L..e. ........... $500 • .. ,.., Dr"1\f CARVER 842-2000. , , -Parts S2SO 661·7946 Sunday 'ttl 8pm ease ,..JWntl -HIT NICE OKY Nev~rused, $75 l'L/I ----71 Sqbk Wgn, clean, best ~ 20'lO E Isl St , s A We ave over 20 Forc1. l"Wo 9957 • ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• Maria631·7197 Ive msg TJr'l T C_IY"'t.r"C. 1978 VW Convertible offer 548·3019 aft 6pm '75 ELDORADO • 541•4 .. 71 ~a_1rmonts. LTD and1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • D-~ .._._ ,81 CL-• l'1JLL.J l'L/l~C nus is a super sharp tAliOmar> Xlntcond,S2500or Pnregood Ul 2,21 82 .. urlOS._ 6 & ·8 \1:' A I 1979 FORD Pinto. This • Dl"llllU ~W rw:Vy '88 MGBConvert. New Fr 11>4l~i&~=~nu white Bug Con n~rtible '80SCIROCCO .:S.. best offer 8.46·3290 SANTA'ANA ·s have air. ,auto. S. PB runabout has automatic J 4 Dr H.:..&-L.L..--k CU-1J.;.-1 • End & Brks, Clutch. • ClOUOSUNOAYS with only 3'1,000 miles '78 sedan OeV1lle. xlnt EXCLUSIVE and radios and are transm1ss1on and 1s m • • • ~ nvnvn. Runs Good , S2 l00 ----l0028l81 $6995 J im A1C, 5 spd. Reraros. rond. SS,500 viewed by H.RYSLER PLYMOUTI waranleed Exampleb extra sbarp -eond1L1on I • No,8ZJ""6803 • 586-2560 Subaru 976Z M~rino Vol kswagen. m111t• S7SOO SS9-80<M appt . Call 640-6221 Len DEALER"' ~~airmont :ag :~ t139116) $2995 J1111 C•P'ria ........ $7HI 56848 Cl fG -_--••••••••••••••••••••••• 8422000. '71 VW am 'fm eass orJonell,Mon·Frt. '80~[o~~l r $3,000 M~nno \'ol kswal(ell .• i.-..-. ...... $750 • "19 ' ean. r. 8 Midget. OlAHGECOUNTY'S '6().'6S VW Jen & n!Ult reblt eng, new pamt: 78CD\'SHARP' '79.LTD $390018422000 • MITNJCIOHLY • l4CXM> 9628229 NEWEST door. i3 len door lS-0 xlntcond $2600.963·5766 Michtrs. ./HUN./ i6Granada S2.000 'H Pmto Wa.:on At. •••••••••••••.•••••••••••• --·~ --Authonzed I earh Western st)le whl :-WrWhls.LOADED ' <.'HRYSLER Pt.YMOUTll The above lease return Good Gas M1. Hun!> • •Brand New 81 Chtvy • MG M idgel , 74. low SUBARU DEALER nms for Super Beetle 68 Bug. reblt eng. ne~ smoo 557 3288 Santa Ana cars are only example~ Good Dependable. Good 2 MIL--• D • LUY p• k 1 e miles mmt ('Ond SI 998 saiea 548-9744 paint & mt. flawless . . NEW '82 or the many cars Wl' Cond. SIOOO 49-t 131H 1 • ·n~ nve IC up. ' ' ' ......._ --$2275 661 3982 I 645-5006 Jt:+-~ im vw Bui.. This ts J 78 U Elei:ann SU j PLYMOUTll SA PPORO ha~e They must be sold No 4327/6523 • '+ ·. -.)J11 dynamite 7 passen1:er Vdvo 97721 1,oaded. L1r 356ROZ 2door,luxury hardtop.4 1mmed1ately Drl\'t' a l'tytllouth 9960 e c:wtll'rice ........ HHI '76 Midget. white. new ' / b I S4850 Rei.a_lt' sale~ 443 c·•·I • at . 2""""C cn"tn", Lillie and save a lot' •.••••••••••••••••••••••I • L"' ................. SSOO 56198 • lop tonneau wire whl• us with automa lll' ••••••••••••••••••••••• W I . , """" .. • TUST T) 77 GT 5 ·' ,._ xlni S2.6SO 963-6583. ... 1982MODELS transmis~io~. overhead #I VOLVO DEALER 1 64.S~' <;o~t a Mesa ~~ ·F~r:i~~:o~~:s•:.~!: OOOW '1~t~~T~::~ A~~rp~f Sl495 spu. air, • •••••MlT••l"ltc:•••l•OMl••'••••••••••••• !·'ERE NOW ", airrond1uomng. and low IN ORANGE COU NTY• .__ 832_8373 559 •9 • ., 49ti·83l3. 831.2750 llri;in MGI 9744 ~ miles. It is the cleanest ·11s1-:v1tu: bucket seats, sleet .,~11 ,, "" •Brand ~-'8 L-• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sales Servtee·LeasmR one in town 1038134 1 5 .. ,15 SERVIC"' Extra tlean, i.unroof. ~radials t800478 l ~ 99 .. 5 '66 Pl) Sport fUI') Rblt • ~W I Cnrvy Tl MGB, clean white.I SADDLEIACI( S4995. J im Marino ;:.,LEASING1: wire whl co\'ers. runs ~B~~~ICF. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••:• 318. New rod & ?'am • Chtvetfe4-Dr Hatchback•• SJ.SOO or best offe r. I SUIARU Volkswagen. 842·2000 O\'ERSEA.5 DELIVER\ great. S6750 673 3223 YOU PAY $8595 ·so Lincoln Mark VI. beano~. ttmmt: l'ham & 1 • •. £81~1&1.26 ·&U>, aft 4 30 I 831-2040 495.4949 EXPERTS TT Se\•tlle. Realtor must ! ~n Dail) ·ul9pm moon roof Sl2 000 ~l'ars. '3 he Job. ne'" • No 36621692 .... -I WUllra&Mhrorvw II r.400 Mk '' d Ill 95.5-0.168or642062ll alt. 2 ne '" tires, c .. rnu ........ SUtl 55798• --•74 Subaru DL 2 Or 4 se •·· a e o er n ay' 'lt pm I -\M F?\I ca!>!-$65() obo • LAe..,.... ...... HOO i7 MGB Convert Roll Snrl 89K mt I o'"ner 49'·4722E•ts. EilUll(E 64632:>S S.104087 20'l0 t: btSt .s i\ '73Towt1c~ 646 0845 • Nffl"ltc:lOHLT • Bar,AMIFM ,$4400 Ne~Trs.Gr1!atRunnmg VOLVO 'WIEldoradoB1arntz 541 -4471 I S1500orbestoHer' • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• s.51·3337 CoodGood MPG s1200 1981 vw Sc1rocro A 1966HarborBlvd Black. all equ1pmen1. Pnce good thru22182 SSIS2ti0 Pontioc 9965. en-~~-w'81 CL-vy • '7~MBSEL PP. d"namite 'S'model w1th COSTA MESA 11.(XX) miles. hke ne". SANTA ANA 'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ 111: XI t C d M "' 551·6236 •' d must sell •«> 5127 EXCLUSIVE ·72 ConttnCJltal <·vmfortJ '711 l''lrebird. V-6. 32 K m1 . • 2 Dr • • n on . on· .. ri. ,, spee trans m1ss1on ~~9303 540-9467 . ....,., c:11RYSLER PLYMOl'TI Sb11~a55ns1_;,..a.;.: runs v.l'll AM FM. stl'reo. l';m, • • Citation Hatchback! • MerS.645·2434 -Toyota 9765 andalrronditioning. On· li8l VOLVO Diesel. Thts 17 Fleetwood, full pwr. DEALl::R vuu ~ SS.CKXl 080 673·8408 iir • No 2091/6189 Opel 9746 ···~··•••••••:•........ ~1!9·~E);~r i;:,:5e 18 a rare 2&tGL Diesel sun imoonroof. leather ~~ 9952 ~3770, ask for Lmtl;i c: .. P'rice ........ S67H • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 70Toyota Corolla J 1. m M 3 r 1. n 0 Sedan. It is loaded ud uit. m111t cond. loaded • ./H llN./ . ....__........,,_: 9970 • • --............ $750 56948 19710rELGT Call6428926 Volkswagen.842·2000. ltke new. (098475) --rnRYSLER PLYMOl'TI 68 6-cyl. need1> work .••••••••••••••••.-....... • MITrttetOKY -• S300 ..,, Must sell S6SOO 640~4421 I M ~ ...................... •IWiiUiYU'ird . -....-··· .. . Has new paint on a body ·18 BUG black w•red mt t~~~Sace"ni.'l.i~'.00 C-ro 9t 17 Santa Ana ~27~rand5 ~0080 '!ii T Bird. hkl' ne'" UK j • ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• in good condition, runs Class1f1ed ad\'erttsmg ts xlnt shape 12250 o; ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW '82 , I )!> 76 9284 on11 mile:. IA>aded I •Brand ....a.-.W '81 CL-vy but needs some engine a better '"a> to tell more trade ~ 75 VOLVO 1641 I 'Ill Camaro SS, 3SO fact. 4 PLYMOl.'Tll AR ROW I e\es_ owner 548-0816 • ...... ~ ~ • work. s1000 Call !>46-5967 people about the serv1<·e · Loacfed.s:ms. 675-4016 spd, fart gauies. llkl' CUSTOM PICK ur· SELL idle items '"1th J 4-Dr Chtv~ Hatchback' after 6 p.m or 710-0321 you ha\'e lo offer Ask 1980 VW R abbit A , V 1 D new. $2500 or trade 4 spel'<I. 2600cl' engine Datl) Piiot t:IJ~i.1f1l'd Hme !.Omethmg to sell~ .N 357;__, •. (work) and ask for Sue about our lo'" rates lo· dynamite custom. 4 door 81 o v.o L .. Burg. , Must see'~ 6684 white s1dl'wa II t 1 re, Ad . Cla."51fied ads do 11 v.t'll 0 <11v.u;c • da •St2.s678 Wtlh automati c wttan 1nt. Pioneer 12007()(')1 J •~tt--..1 .... -.u d .C:.t"4a ........ SS9'1 55498 9• ·· d AM /FM cass. stereo, '81 Camaro 7.28. 4 speed. '"'E PRIC'C' 562 --. VMU -va. M L..e. ........... SSOO • Mtos,New 00 Mto1.New tlOO transm1~s1~n a~ air d I ti 4 d Met b P w T lt l ~ .. , 45 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • MITNJC OK ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• co n d 1 t 1 on 1 n *. ra 11 res . ·S{> I Wh 1ro~n. r,; r 1M REBATE 500 l T SADOLEIACk Y AWY IMPORTS ORANGE COUNTY1S NEWEST SUBARU DEALER! Now ... the dealer that has given you 7'h ~ as one of Southern CaJifom1a's leading BMW dealers is adding THE FABULOUS LINE OF • SUBARU COME .. FOi OUI lllTR•CTORY SALE A.-.D IAYE BIG $$.$. ONYOUl.._..MIW 1982 SUBARU W•"""""-M ... '9ch•1•Mtw lt12W...htf Pl.US ••• We•O.WWMe .... o,.....,c.....,c. I l ... alDI\ of tfle mlddlMtln by leulng dNler .... J11U CM_. ftlfl morel OBGJ463l. $4995. Jim wt.overdrive . Ptn · . ee . tr. A I YOU PAY SS74~ ··••••••••••••••••••••••••. Marino Volkswagen, st11ping,gd.gasml,xlnt i StereoCass 4000m1le~ Opendall)'til9pm.Sun •Brand~ .. '81 CL-842.2000, shape. Assume lease, for . Mint SI0.000 Days dav •utSpm • f"'tC'W nrVy • infocall.5411-31121 1 64S~70.l'!ves645094ti -:mQE lst St SA LUV1/ T p• k T kl '75$:CIROCCO '18 Volvo 1425 2dr Mint "78 LT Camaro AM FM · 5 .. 1 .... 7 ·1 Ill Used • 2-on IC up ruC • • Lo nu. silver. many ex ,. ..... NI No 822217060 tras . S4200 080 cond. I owner $2100 rass. A1C. xlnt cond. pnl't'Roodthru 2,21 112 • c: .. P'rice ........ SUH • • 67>4775 Call631·91l7 pp I S4.200 ~ 2706 SANTA ANA s Cars Here L .......... ssoo s579 . EXCLUSIVE £. \.l ~ • --...... 8. ll81VW Diesel Th1sisa 80GLE.dlx sedan.fully lO.•rWt 9920 <.l lHYSLER Pl.YMOllT AtOrBea-1 '.Ly-\~ "',, Nffl"ltc:E~Y • sharl> LS Diesel 4 door equip, tncl AM FM ••••••••••••••••••••••• OF.ALER ''' lllW ""t"; ,_ • w 1 t h 5 s P e e d cass. snrl. Ith!' tot. & ex SEE US FIRST' Wlllesale ••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••e transm1~s1on. (actor> ~·~u{~~oom~-~~g;rm WehaHagoochelect1on {ff11N./ BLU£B{O)K • •Brand Mew '81 Chevy air conditlontng and IS I :__ -0 r NE w & L's En M Blue \...__/ • • super clean <366ZSS1 1·70 1800 E. rtas. sic. \er) CHRYSLER PLYMOl1Tt R-.a-Reehide Pickup! $5995 J 1 m M a r 1 no itd cond in & out Needs Santa Ana Baek • ~ • Volks~~len.842 2000 1tood home F'uel inj. , ~t~W '82 , Prices" ! No lm716482 79 VW V 32000 AC, 4 s pd w OD ILYMOt;Tll Cll.\Ml • C: .. P'rice ........ SIHI 57141• an. · mi,l tssoo Ftrm:>86·7957 2 door hat!'hbar k. 4 E L ... a-... .. S7SO runs terrific. Ioli. of · speed. radio. buc ket • HITrtlCEOMLY • x tr as S7SOO 0 R 0 Must ~ell. C'lass1c '68 seats. body tuiw ~tripe • •••• • ••• •••• • •••••••• ••••. ~56!1_ I \'c~vo Sedan Red. nev. and tnm nn1ts 12003181 • rand •91 CL-1978 VV/ Scirocco Special pamt,4cyl Sl395 '76 Monza. 4 nl. ~speed. SALE SSMS • •B New nrvy • F.dlllon White 4 speed 613-8863.675 7579 lo" m1 clean. mJ1ts. REBATE JIJO 75 FOID $ 1650 C"tati 2 D Hatchback' transm1ss1on cassette•Wot Used konlS,S2,4SO 760 11708 YOU PAY SSU5 PINTO • I on • oor ·• and ,, e r y • c I ea n I • . 0 , Open daily 'Ill 9pm Sun No 439&'6833. 1439VRO I $4995 Jim ••••••••••••••••••••••• a7~~1~~~eCA~l~~n day ·tJ1 8pm • C:.tll'rice ........ S71tl 56448. Manno \'olkswagen CMMral 990 I $2250. . ry 847-5140 20'lO E Isl St S.A {78'UMX) LAe. ...._ ...... $750 ----· 842-2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 541-4471 71t-ae • HITP'ttlCEOKY 0 u N E 8 \; G G y wlll lrade MG for 4 1 ·~u~~~t~4r~~j,:::i ~"t<i Pnregood thru 2 21 82 cous•n . s3375 ·~···Brand···· ·~···~8·1··c··he···· •••• Fiberglass body "' top. 499.4722 Ens bcxtr work s:iso b~t ofr ttte 9932 M • ....ew Vt • st lg!. 1600 eng Sl695 bst Cal Terry S46 7246 or •••••••••••••••••••••• (525274) 4 UIL--· on· ..... LUY Pie up' • ofr. Immaculate Work 96(H;875 ·m Vet TTop's. NEW: • •nflC"C'I T.. • 644-J655. home 546-0293 ....... 991 0 P Whl T En N 2 """'""""'" QI aml. s, rs. g. 79 FOID s 3 • o. '""""""" • 1975 vw Sc1rorrn A ....................... 7JMON'ilEXftLO Exhst.Mun r1e4 spd,lnt. 475 C:.tMu ........ S7Ht s7191 dynamite red sport '73 Es tate Wa gon Runsaood $1000 SS500 oe.o. Must Sell!! LTD • L..e. ......... ssoo • t-oupe with air condition Sunroof New pa mt. tow s4h SS!l~ ~-1462 Eves . HIT P'ttlCI OKY Ing, stereo. and alloy Ing pkg. S900lbst ofr '14 Vet, new paint & tires. (689WCfl) • ••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••• • whee Is sh 3 r p • I ~~-----T·top & rack, 3SO auto. '10 FORD s3 0 I •• Brand New '81 Chevy • 17481.JZ U>., $3995 Jim "19 R1V1era. air. stereo. •75 Moote Ca r,lo Air. p S. Orange $7250 pp 5 :!:~ \olkswa.ien. ~ 6P~~~Y~;-~;•c ~B~~ICE S2490. pb 546-SB77 PINTO e Citation 4-Dr. Hatchback! e .......... ... 91 .t. • ..a..... ... 9100 ........... ... 910 Alltos, New 91 (807YTA) • No 3320'6830 • -. "ew --· "'w _..,,, "•w 79 ~ s4175 • c:i:-~1;~.·.· .... ·.·i.:s'1's,'o 56948: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .WW ...... ~ ..... "'"" GRANADA .......................... . BELOW INVOICE SALE!* OMAU MITSUBISHI IMPORTS All.OW ftC,llJltS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1410 -.W1 8-Yelce CHAWS .••.•••••••••••.•.••........ : ..•..• 1210 _.. -.. .. SA.WOllOS •••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• 1210 -.W lllY*4t Use ywr RHATE of '500 on Arrow Pickups, '300 • CHAMPS, and '300 on SAPPOROS to purchase BELOW FACtORY INVOICE!! •DOES NOT lNClUDE DEAlER HOlD8ACK OR INCENTIVES 0. R. HAAN SANT A ANA'S UCUISIYI DIAi.ii • CHIYSL.m • PL Ywount • MITSUlllHI woan 21211.RritlL ....... C& • <121WXP1 • •Brand Mew 18 I Chevy : 'IOFOID s427s e T·TopConetteCoupe1 e fAJRMIJNT • No 452716872 MUSTANG •·····~··••••••••••••••••• • : ., • t : 7f Fl50 RMIER (1Ae'818) 79 I TOM DOlliE PU (1 Wlm 54975: : • • 55300: : • • , • •ta• .... ~ • i r1-:·'~··-!J!i .~,... ~ -tmt-•flllll • ''••••PR!" : . = .... ;;: .., ::!!t!Nhllll: • ~•~i'J999iiff e•••• 'ft)U WCROTE A POEM FOR HARRIET ? MOW NICE .. READ IT iO ME .•. I Tf.JlNK SHE'LL LIKE THAT ver<v . MUCM . . NANCY BRR --I CAN'T GO TO THE STORE IN THIS SNOWSUIT-- I'LL PUT ON. A SWEATER, TOO HMM ---THAT RUG . lS THE WARMEST THING I CAN THINK OF 0 > ~oW do I love thee? ll'l'·~~' ,,., .... , ,,, '11ll/ , , ' , , ,, . I'M STILL NOT WARM ENOUGH WITH THlS SWEATER --I'LL GET A ·A DIME~ WORTH OF 'JELLY BEANS, PLEASE COAT, TOO ·Dll lllEllll lllll PUii ,.,,,,,,, ,,,,.,~, l11•11tf1 l,,,,,,, I DIDN'T TELL MIM T~AT ~"'i..".l''rltfi ::."!::I~," , .. · I ' f ~ I l • I II DOESN't RHYME WfrM .BY Ernie BushmiHer BRR--IM STILL COLD I ' • ' :1 DUN"(). I HAD 't:> GO TO 136D RIGHI AFTER IT 9TAATE:D. .... IF lT ISN'T TOO LATE WHEN HE ltETVRN& A&K MIM TO CAl.t. Mf ! • WHEN 6AM MEET!» AANOAt.~ FORees AT "-INOA MAY'5 HOTEL. THEY FINO THE ACTF<Ee.5 AT me eAR, FOU.OWIN6 Hat ALTERCATION WITH • ANOTHeRCUSTOMER! jf,AR.0lP I z ~ P;.'2 ";\" "". h --.. 50ME MAN WA5 TRYI N0TO eUY HER A DRINK! 5 HE WOUN D UP THROWING A Gl.A5~ AT HIM ! J • MOQN MULLINS t~D P. w~s Ct:RTA\NLY <5ENE~OUS TO M~ ON \/,ALE:NTINE'S DAY. ~ No, TH.AN KS, LADY P. ! t :-rHs~e's ONLY ONE' WAY I CAN K~ep MY FIGlJRS IN FEBRUARY-- II . . . .. ~H~T CUT~ LITTLE Mrss BON BoN DoWN ATTHE: CANDY 'STORE CAN REALLY SELL CHOCOL,ATf: ! . ' OON'r SHOOT ! 1 GIVE. UP J . LET'6 U6E A ROPE ! IT'6 STRO~GER ! bv Fe d and Tom John I 1M S'LJ~E: tT WA~ CQ\AE HAVE LORD PLtJSHBOTTOM1S t;oME, Mi ss DEVOTION TO Mr:. SWIVEL.' IHAT MADE HIM BUY ~ POUNDS OF YUMMINESS ! ... ,ANC> 7HAT1? BY PE~FoRMIN<5 - oPEN·HJ:ART EWPASS OP~TIO~S ! • . . . , By George Lemont A s' t...VE:R eea..:r IN KUNS FU/ A eROWN e>est-i-IN KARA-re! we w1~t.... L.e!ARN .,-0 GU,.,.. WH a a....e we'RE!! AHeAP Nex-r -r1Me, WON'-r we, NU1"SY? , n ·MOON MULLINS ~· LORD P. Wt.S ce~TA\NLY ~ENE~OUS TO MS ON V,ALi=NTINE'S DAY. I No, THANKS, LADY P. ! ~HS~E"1S ONLY ONi WAY I ~N K~EP MY FIGURE IN FEBRUARY-· ~ MY MONeY? YOU ": WAN"I PR. F=RSIP'S MONEaY ~I . . . .. ~H~T CUTE LITTLE: MISS BON BoN DoWN .AT THE' CANDY STORE CAN RE'ALLY SELL CHOCOL,ATf: ! 11M LORD DE:V< IH,Ai BUY OF'fi ... ,AND iHAI oPEN·Hl:AR'I • • • •I .... WE:'U-1Aklslre V'IG--A'THON iHE E::x'HUM~ "TY'S HAVING "t> RAISE: FUNPS10 ~ER SHOVEL. E:l-l'O~ ••• """'*""---v 1 l J ~------..--~-~-----~----~--------..-. , --- . -Ii . • # •• .. • .J I .I ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTI MENT t \ I l ' After 54-:Yrs.-U.S. Gov't. Scientists did· it! . Hailed frorii Coast-to-Coast ·as virtually the Fastest Growing Shade Tree Known to M~n! Now there's a wde tree that practically pows ri&ht before your e1-. int'o a towering pillar of beauty. Yes. not only does it grow at an incredibly fast rate, but as you can see from the picture. it's uceptiopally beautiful too! You've never seen anything like it. Homeowners from coast to coast report astonishing crowth rata you can actually mnsure as the days go by! Order now, and your trees can enjoy the full growing season that Mother Nature intended. They can quickly grow up to ei&ht feet die nry first year! nafs half the size of a mature Dogwood! And. that's just the start. It can hurtle up to 14 ffft the second year. In no time at all, your tree can mature to heights of ower A feet tall. with its dense. leafy branches spanning up to 35 feet wide! Few other shade trees can match this pbenom&Ml an>wth speed. And best of all, no special attention is needed to achieve this fast skyrockedn1 powth and map1fktnt beauty. As a result of over fifty.four years of U.S. Department of Agriculture research. you can rest assured that this tree will crow fast and well for you. Unlike fussy fruit and nut trees, which require spraying and pamperin1. this super-arowing hybrid is NATURALLY RESISTANT TO MOST DISEASES, PESTS OR INSECTS. Now stripped of their omcial Government test number N.E. 41 . in .... .Six Times the Growth Yield of Other Trees ... " -Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources- fe'f.Pr of the designation • PRESTO POPULUS GIGANTEUS ( Androscroggln Cult Ivar). These wonder trees are so euy to plant that even a child can do it! These trees have prowen themselves from rocky, acidic coal-mine slopes to the hot, humid tropics of the Gulf of Mexico. to the bitter. ice-blasted prairies of Canada. These trees ... • Require no special attention aside from regular garden care! • Thrift in such hostile areas as minc~poils and reclaimed sanitary landfills! • Shrug off the effects of frigid winters! • Need no special pruning or spraying! Picture your family sipping ice-cold lemonade on the hottest day of summer ... cool and relaxed beneath the spreading limbs of one of the peetat 1dmtlftc adwancementl in the world of trees. With so many fantastic attributes. it may be the finest wde tl"ff ewer! Now, picture your patio or lawn becoming the neighborhood show- place. This ornamental beauty stands straight and tall spreading the skies with Olympian vigor! You lay stretched out on your hammock beneath branches and boughs heavy with eorieous green foliage that throws a massive .. Beach Umbrella .. over you. Recline in comfort with your favorite maguine ... and beat the heat! Best of all. is knowing that generations of your family will enjoy these strong. spreading. friendl y branches that youngsters love to climb on. And generations of loved ones will be good- naturcdly boasting to their neighbors and friends about how quickly ·this super· crowln1 hybrid grew. And. how long this astonishing tree has been .. like a member of the family." THIS Tiil 11 ntm YIAll OIDI When thll llttte girt was born thr" years ago, Nothing else you can plant can this HYbfld PopulUI tree hod Just been planted. Now, as they're bOfh suarantff you practically immediate relief celebrating their 3rd blt1hday, the tree stands a stately 2().feet tall. Thi• from your fuel bDls! graceful SUper·Thrlvtng Ir• wtll give you virtually Instant shade, and can add • Theyil block the blistering summer value to your home. Read this article on Hs Amazing Development, now sun-Average Jo> cooler on hot, sunny presented for the RIST TIMI. da~! --------------------------------------------------------• National RealtOll estimate .average Sl,000.00 addJUonal wa1u1 to 19U' .._ ViMn 1-_ndscaped! · . • When the lqves drop in the fall. the sun can easily ~etratc and help In 1Mattn1 Joar home? • Leaves make excellent garden compost! • This same Wonder-Hybrid is nationally recognized as a superb source of ftrewoocl-energy! In fact. the very.same tree that we now offer you for planting in your yard is being planted by the thousands of acres for fircwood'purposcs! The reason? An estimated S9.8 Million BTU's of energy per acre. More heat than OAK. MAPLE OR HICKORY! ·- That's right! Though you may think. and rightfully so. that a tree with this kind of pedlcree. that crows this beautiful. this fast ... just has to be expensive. Normally. you'd be right. But. we have a source close to the U.S. Gov't. hybrid program. And, if you order now, through this publication. you can completely forget about astronomical prices. THE TOTALLY UNSURPASSED OFFER: You maypurchasetwo of these certified hybrid trees for just SS.95. less than a )·lb. can of coffee! Elsewhere. quality shade trees cost you many times more, but only through this ad. your price is just ~.95 ror two trees. I~ • If you feel that this gorgeous arowing marvel just isn l for you ... if . ' 3. In tts Mh Y9C1r, your INpe'I ..__ toelag9d ,.,.,.. epan up lo ..... Wldel Md not only oiv. ... -..~..._and.,._ menl. but .. oleo ... "'°" beautlul ..... he on the blOdl. ' you're not satisfied in every way with these quick growing shade trees, simply return them to us within a full three months of shipment for a full refund of the purchase price ... ANYTIME WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR FOR FREE REPLACEMENT! What could be fairer? T Because this wonder hybrid is so new. we're naturally limited on the number we can sell this ycu. So order now, and start enjoying what's virtually the fastest growing shade tree kno.wn to man ... this very same summer! .. C1982 A ~~;------------~ I ;;,.., DMllon. Dept. T-1066 1 7IO Nor •Dd Lane I c:..n. °"'° 44750 I 'ftl. ~ase .send me this cxuaominary t>ecll.lifuf. FAST-GRO\MNG shade ~: ~ PRESTO fl()flU.US GIGMlTEUS. I llldefstand thal if rm no< flAlydefighted. 1mayrerum~~within90d¥ for~ d my ~ ~ f~ postage and ~ing). Of frtt replacetnef'W. Rush me ~ ~ of ~ I'~ indicated bclON. fUmit 25 ~ per family.I 0 2 Tlfes '°' only SS.95 plus Sl.20 postage and handling 0 5 TtttS fOI only S'7.a> plus Sl.65 postage and h.Jnclng 0 10 ~ '°'only 512.50 plus 52.00 postage and ~ 0 15 Tfftli for ontf SI 7.45 plus 52.50 postq and Nndling 0 lS ~ fOI only S21.8S pfus SllO pos&q and ~ OflQC 0 Cast;\ check « money order fM* ChKkS paya't* to $uP" ,St\U Tree.) cwi o c~ mt-O Master Char~ O VJ~ ~a.# Exp. date ---- Total amouit enclosed s OhlO 1'S~add 5% sa1's we. SOny. no C.0 .0 . ordm acc'P(ed. '""" "'*"' Natne ______________________ ....., ............ ._ ____ ~ Add~ ' Daily Pilat February 21, 1982 Slnll .. ~. •• ..-C, 10 .• ,_ ... F8mlly Wileldy, 64' ~ lwt .• ._. '1tlltl. N.Y. 10022 • w.·n 09Y SS fof ~ ~ Sony. we c.n't ...., ollW!S FOR JSAAC ASIMOV. author oJ l..augltlng ~ CHoui;tton M&\) Do~ ....... da.t ........ ....,.. --·-----llftlCI ••• to wller ..... CM ud wlll lolwow-. prob- -....... dae .m 60~? -IUL. Un. elng,Mkh. • I am hoping that solar energy will do so. We have the technology but we have to make lt a bit cheaper by developing photovoltaic cells (that change sunlight Let the sun shine in. into electricity) that are cheaper and more efficient than those we have now. We ought to be able to do it. When you say nuclear energy,~, 1 think you mean "fission ." or the splitting of an atom's nucleus Into &agmenu. This pro- cess can generate approximately several hundred million elec:tron volts of energy. PRO A. Gnita.m Dowla. cucutlve director. Council for a.. E.duc:atior'I Yes. Two kinds are needed: writ- ten tau for maaery of sub;eds. .m eva1u11t1ons by ocher. expert "8chas to .... how weD they tach thae subjects and the al- lrT.,onant buic skills of reading, writing and atdcal thinking. Testing hq>s to weed out incompetent tac:hcr candidates; later ii helps teachers to oorred their own weaknases and teach more effectively. Schools cxped students to meet smndards -why not teachm? PRO Afl>COO Should flementaly School Tmclaen Be Glum PmodJc Competency T..r.? ~l ~......,~,,_T.._.._._,. s......,. .. .....,.....--......... -..1.c.·r-, ..... ,.. Ml ~4we..-.*'.ll.Y "'21 .. 11.-r&lttlr ... .... /, Oitp ZJen: Not amy about cly lnlaniy. CON Mny ......_ e:xeeut1ve dtrector. National Eduadk>r'I Aseodedon The Aaodation ls convinced that r . no one tat tn e:x1ltence Is a setis- factQl'Y tool to measure the compe- tency of an aperienced elemen- tary schoolteacher. The latest .. quick ftx .. being lelzed upon by test-happy state and local school boards Is fraught with unfairness - and ceriainly does not get to the root of the problem. The 1fme to tat the potential teachers' competency Is beb. they f!ntllr the JXofessioc I, not after yearl of d r oom e>epe1el ioe. C· 1982 FAMILY WEEKLY. All rlghlt ~. Research · Results Conclusive: .'Enriched Flavor: MERIT topples leading higher tar brands in tests comparing taste and tar combined. One lo\\' tar cigarette ronrintte.'i o challenge higher tar smoking- nd \\'in . Latest resctlrch offers the most oncl usi\·e C\'idcncc yet confirming ERIT a· the t>nn·en taste altcrna- in? to higher tar s111oking. MERIT Beats Toughest Competitors. In impartial new tests where rnnd identity was concealed. the rn·enrhdming nhtjorit~· of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to- ~)r better than -leading higher tar brands. Moreo\'er. when ta r le\'ds \\'Cre re \'eaied. 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT co mbination of kl\v tar and ;cxx~ taste. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking ls-Dangerous to Your Health. MERIT Tukes Tuste Honors. In chc second part of this cxtcnsi,·e new study. former higher tar sn1okcrs confirm that MERIT taste is a major factor in completing their succc?ssful switch from hi gher tar brands. Confirmed: 9 out of 10 former higher rn r smokers report MERIT is an <!<LS)' stritc:h. thM they didn ·t gi t·e ttf> taste in s\\'itchi ng. and that MERIT is the bes r- wsting lcnr tar thL'),.n ! t:l'er tried . Year after yea r. in study after stud y. MERIT remains unbeaten. The prot ·en taste altcrnati\'e to higher ta r smoking -is MERIT. C Pluhp \lorn.''" lllM! Reg: 8 mg "tar'.' 0.6 mg nicotine-Men: 7 mg "ta,;' 0.5 mg nicotine-100's Reg: 9 mg "tar'.' 0.7 mg nicotine-100's Men. 10 mg "tar:· 0.8 mg nicottne av. per cigarette, FTC Report Mar'.81 .........-Rl.T Ki¥&100~ CHILDREN OF ANGER Author Crawford, herself a victim of abuse, reports on efforts to help families break the crippling cyc_le of savagery and spare the millions of children who are abused each year. By (h,latloo Crawf°'d T he American famUy is under many pressures today. In the past 15 years. the fundamental family structure has been altered so extensively that 90 percent of the children in this country are growing up under vastly diff~ent cir- cumstances than children did just one generation ago. According to the 1980 U.S. Census. women working outside the home make up 43 percent of the labor force. Nearly 50 percent of aD maniages are projected to end In divorce. In on)y about 10 percent of American families are the original father and mother still together and following the traditional pattern of the man earning a living while the woman cares for home and children. ls it any wonder that the pressures finaly catch up with many peop&e? Is It so surprising that domestic violence is on the upsurge, and with It the tragedy of child abuse? Presbyterian Family Center In New York City. three major factors con- tribute to child abuse: certain per- sonality attributes of the parent. such as a high degree of 'impatience or im· pulslveness or low seH-esteem; a dif· ficult child. perhaps one who is hyper- active. won't behave or requires spe- cial care. and a stressful environment. due to such factors as financial trou- bles. aowded condibons or marital problems. AD of these factors may be present' or just one of them. Among psychiatrists. there is general agreement about the back- ~und of abusive parents. Many of these parents have experienced abuse in their childhood. It is likely that as chUdren they were emotionally de- prived. rejected by either mother or father or both. and had unrealistic ex - pectations set for them. Because of The amt majority " abwlve parenta do not .tart out intending to hurl their chUdren. these circumstances. their self~steem is at a very low level. Last year there were nearly t\\'O million cases of chikl abuse reported In the United States. t\\'O mllllon known Instances In which a chiJd's life was endangered by a person en- trusted to provide care. The term abuse encompasses both physical and sexual abuse. as · well as physical neglect -inadequate food. clothing, supervision and care. E.stimare:s of unreported child abuse go much higher. There may be as many as 10 million abused chddren in need of help. Many of them are victims of gross emotional and verl>al as.sauh - with wounds that can't be seen. The vast ma)ortty of abusive parents do not start out Intending to hurt their chiJdren. The first time a father or mother lashes our at a baby or toddler. it is out of frustration. with little understanding of the conse- quences. The nexr time he or she gets mad at the world . th«: child Is an easier target. because that lnvisl'b&e bound- ary which prevents physkaJ violence has already been broken. The abusive parent can suddenly find him or her- self in a rage. feehng helpless because Abusive parents in therapy: 'The uery best help comes from people ~~-----.;._----~ who care about one ~ .. ln every state where reporting pro- cedures are enforced, chikl abuse ap- pears to have Increased dramatlcally in recent years. The problem con- tinues to ~w because the root causes of child abuse are not being addressed. According to Arthur H . Green. M.O .. director of Columbia I • FAMILY W£EKLY, ~ 21. !ta ·of it. but afraid to admit to being our of control. Also. many young parents fail to provide adequate care for their children simply because they don ·, know how. Either they never learned fro m their own families. or they were so deprived of love and caring when growing up that as adults they don't even have enough resources to meet their own emotional needs. The natural demands of young children are more than they can handle. "ln - dMduals who abuse their chUdren cannot envision any parent-child rela- tionship as a mutually gratifying ex- perience." says Or. Green. Though state and Federal funds have been used ro confront the prob· lem of child abuse. the reserves are limited and thus can be used to deal with only the most severe cases. I believe the problem must become the responsibility of every neighbor- hood. every community. local schools and citlz.ens organizations. There are a growing number of community-spon- sored programs and self-help groups devoted to a5Sisting both parents and children tn healing their inner wounds THE BATTLE AGAINST CHILD ABUSE . and picking up the pieces of their lives -and we must continue to foster their growth . Without such programs. abused children often end up In juvenile centers or foster homes. or they become runaways -which can lead to prostitution. Self·help groups are generally easy to locate. Most of them are listed in telephone directories or with directory assistance for toll-free (800) numbers. Social or hlmily-teMce offtcn aJsO have Information on these groups be- cause they ref er clienlj to them. Alcoholism is frequendy auod ated with both domesdc: vtolen~ and chUd abuse. Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) Is one of the oldest of the self-help organizations. In a local church hall or mefting room, alcoholics come to- gether and talk about thetr problems with each other. A.A. runs a special self-help program for teen-agers with alcoholic relatives. And there Is also Al-Anon. a group for families of alco- holics (not connected with A.A.). There are also self-help programs geared spedflcally to parents who abuse their ch!Jdren. One of these Is Parents Anonymous. co-founded in 1970 by Leonard Lieber, a psychiatric social worker who was treating an abusive mother at that time and real- ized that what she desperately needed was to talk with someone else who had experienced the same problem. Parents Anonymous brings groups of up to 25 abusive parents together (most volunteer for the p?Ogtam . though some are ordered to par· tldpate by court mandate) to talk with each other under the guidance of a volunteer professional -such as a social worker. nurse or minister. There are now 1.200 groups around the country and. to date. Parent's Anonymous has helped 200,000 families. When there are two parents In the household. It ls recommended that both participate (abuse Is always a family problem). and individuals are encouraged to stay with the group for at least a year. Studies by Parents Anonymous of their program Indicate that within three months of an individual's par- ticipation, the abuse that brought hlm or her Into the group has stopped "I believe Parents Anonymous works for several reasons." says Lieber ... First, It breaks down Isolation. When you find out you're not alone. your world ex· pands by 100 percent. Secondly, It In· creases self-esteem. You discover that those Ideas you had about yourself being unloved aren't true . And It in· creases the knowledge on which you can draw for positive parenting ... Another organization tor parents. private citizens -all volunteers - they now operate full time . The pur- pose of these cent• is to treat abusive parents and lheir children There Is a core staff of paid marriage and family counselors, social workers and teachers. As soon as an in- dlvidual comes to one of the centers. a therapeutic program ls arranged for him or her. which might tndude in- dividual counseling. couple counsel- ing and also parenting classes. The rate of success has been an amazing 98 percent. That means only 2 percent of f amllles leaving the centers abuse their children again. The centers have served as models for similar family centers In six other states. Why are they so effective? They are places where these families can learn . grow and change -places where Urifortunately, aome abusive parents can't be helped, and their children are never able to return home. But many parents can be rehabilitated and are beginning to get help. Parents United. has 69 chapters and offers both group partldpatlon and In· divldual counMhng. It runs Daughters and Sons United , a self·help group specifically founded to give peer counseling to abused children. Vic· tims of both physical and sexual abuse participate. In order to encourage good parent· Ing from the start. many communities have started Parent Effectiveness Training classes. or simply parent education groups led by volunteer teachers. socl.al workers or religious leaders. They are designed to teach parents effective chlld·rearlng tech· nlques. and there are classa both for mothers only and for couples. Most of these courws are free of charge. Some schools have offered family Ufe and parenting classes for teen-agers In senior high school. ln my hometown. Los Angeles. I work with a charity called l.C.A.N. (Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect) AS50dates. which has sponsored two Neighborhood Famll~ Centers In Los Angeles Coun· ty, and thanks to funds raised by such growth and change are deemed possible. The centers and the treat- ment they provide are free of charge to the client. Indeed, for many men. women and children . It 15 the first "home" they have ever experienced. and thus the center becomes a model for a good home life. The centers also have outreach programs and offer home visits from a "homemaker" who helps the family with everythtng from shopping and .budgeting to house- cleaning and fundamental child care The changes that people experi- ence at these centers can be remark· able. "lt Is a place to feel better about yourself as a parent. a child, a person and a family," says Michael Durlee. M.D., child psychiatrist and coor- dinator of child-abuse services for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. "You learn to find a part of you that can experience suc- cess and then build self--esteem upon that success." Unfortunately. there are some abusive parents who can't be helped. and their children are nev~ able to (conllnu•d'on ,,. 81 4 Foster Brooks is bringing the kind of music . . . with the kind ol sing- ing voice . . . that hasn't been hemd in years. His voa is being hailed as one of the truly weat voices in show business. And only recen1fy has It been discovered. And what stirring and beautiful recordings dlfte are . . . with some of the most popular songs of aD time. Songs such as THE DESERT SONG . . . MAKE BEUEVE ... MORE rnAN YOU KNOW . . . the kind of songs that will rekindle your fondest memories . . . the kind of music they don't record any more. But in this newly recorded collection you will hear~ favontes ... more bea than you've ever heard them ore. OFFER WD.L NOT BE Rf.'PEATED We urge you not to mils out on this remarkable offer. If you don't enjoy this alJum more than any other you have ever owned . . . and play It MORE . . . It won't cost you a penny. But please order your col- lection now. We do not plan to repeat this advertisement in this publicatlon again. THE WOllLl)f8 BEST-LOVED SONGS MAKE llflJEVE ~ALONE · W>l1lL NEVf.11 KNOw 1D. WE Mf.EJ' AGAIN 1D. 1HE END OF TIME SWEE1HEART OF SIGMA OU YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME WHY DO I LOVE YOU MY ROMANCE l£T ME CAIL YOU SWEE1HEART MY IEART STOOD STD.L WHEN YOU WfJIE SWEET SIXIEEN PEOPLE Will. SAY WE'RE INLOVE I WONDER WHO'S KISSING HE1 NOW ntE DESERT SONG LONG AGO AND -FARAWAY MORE THAN YOU KNOW GIRL OF MY DREAMS MEET ME 'IONIGHr IN DREAMLAND YOUTBJ.ME YOUR DREAM NOT JN STORES • NAIL COUPON TODAY ••••••••• No-Riek eo.,_ ••••1111•••• I CMS RECORDS o.,t. BA-09-22 I -~~ I I Pa , IU076U I PleMe rush me the FOSlER BROOKS album. I understand that I may return It for I I any ,._,,.. whaaoewr and recelw a complete refund of the purchMe price. I I D l endoee $8.98. DI~ $9.98. DI alCloee $9.98. I I s..nd Record Mum. Send c.... Tape. Send g. Track Tape. I I (EndoM s1 1or ..-. a: Mncang.> I I I I Neme I I Addral I I 0y s--1lP" I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I V S-: am-... OP a.on (contlllued Jrom ~ 7} return home. However, many parents con be rehabilitated , and they are 6nally beginning to get the intensive help they need. lhere are no instant results. EHec- tive treatment requires parents willing to be patient, specially trained thenlpists and teachers and a local oommunity with a deep, lasting commitment. But when these ~ee conditions exist, the Centers work. Tiwy return children to safe homes and keep them out of the revolving door of foster care and juvenJle facilities. Tiwy give parents a new sense of competence and seJkespect. The ~ at the centers In· volve both tmdment and ~ -treatment for the entire fmUly and prevention In the sense that the treat· ment breaks the cycle of child abuse and neglect passed on from one generation to the next. This com- The auth«'• Pf!'· sonal abuse was well document.ed. In tM l'rlOWe uer· sion of her book Mommie De.at (abooe}. Chrlltlna 9dl dipped bv Joan Oowjord (Faye DunowovJ. In happier times 1 (right} mother and daughter share a laugh at a te~­ thon. I • FAMILY WUKLY. F*"9ry 21, - prehensive treatment approach In a nontnstttutional setting can be replicated anywhere In the country. Not aD methods of family rehabQtta- tlon or chlld-abuse treatment and prevention requn huge sums · of money. I do.not believe that the ex- penditure of taxpayers' money alone is the ultimate answer. Many of the Important solutions requjre a rethink - Ing of existing training methods, a refocusing of educational emphasis, effecttve volunteer progrmns and community involvement -pe6ple mobilized and wiling to speak out against prevailing practices. There must be a personal and profesooa) commilment to CX>fUtrudive changes because without these changes, many of our existing systems are rapidly go- ing to become exerdles in futility. The vesy best help comes from ,_ people who an about one another.., . GETUP ID s300 CASH BiCK ... OR MAYBE WIN '25.000 IN U.S. BONDS! YF.S. rrs TIME 10: AMERICAN HISTO WITH rnE CUTEX.VASEUNE.QTIPS AND RAVE BRANDS. 1943. Rosie the Riveter becomes the symbol for 2 million American women working in U.S. war industries. Even in the plant, Cut~ Nai l Polish Remover was a favorite American symbol for pretty hands. 1789-1797. America's favorite First President, George Washington, signs 409 bills. Too bad he couldn't soothe his working hands with Vaseline Intensive Care81 Lotion. 1870. Grandma g~s to the Grand Opening of the Atlantic City boardwalk. But, first, softens her knees to show off in her favorite bathing suit with America's favorite ~troleum jelly.Vaseline. 1776. Betsy Ross finds time to sew the first American flag-even with seven children! If only she'd known about Rave(lt Soft Hairspray, her hair could have wa ved as softly as the flag! 1909. America's favorite "Bullish President., shoots a rhino. Could he have said, "Speak sot'tly, and carry a big box of Q-tips~ Cotton Swabs!'? Honest Abe once walked miles to return some cash. Now we'll rerum some to you! (Up to $3.00!) Clip the box in the oomer and take it with you to your store right now. Then, look for a display like this and not only can you get some cash, you might even win a BIG PRIZE! 1982. Now is the time! To rake in your $3.00 Cash Rebate! Or win up to $25,000! Just cut out that box down there in the comer. Then take it to the "Make American History" display, at your favorite store. (That's the display with America's favorite health and beauty products-Ravet Soft Hairspray, Q-tips!' Vaseline* Petroleum Jelly and Vaseline* Intensive Care~ and Cute~ Nail Polish Remover.) Here's bow you get your $3.00 Cash Back! Buy three of these five great American products. (The ones you always buy anyway because your family likes them so much!) Tear off a· refund mail-in fonn and follow the easy refund instructions. (They're right there on the display in your store.) This will tell you how you can get$2.00 cash back. But because you read this ad so carefully, you get an extra $1.00. Just send in that box down there in the lower right comer with your refund form. Before you know it you'll be getting$3.00 cash back in your mailbox. Here's how you could win up to $25,000l You took that little box with you to the display. right? (The one with the number printed on it?) Now. just compare your special sweepstakes number (the one in the box) with the numbers on the display. Does your number match? You could win one of more than 2,000 prizes! Top prize: $25.000 in U.S. Savings Bonds! History-making CASH and PRIZES! Nouls the right time to Make American History! ---------, I Make American History I Sweepstakes/$1.00 Bonus I 1. Chp llllS ctn1ftall~:~c.a!~.~.,. .iore If Ille~ I I numl* lllown llft 1111tU.UICf_,. w1111 one.,.,_ on an olf•c..i iq11e AllltflUn HlltOI)' s~a..s C11spl•r. }'Oii fl'lty be • "'"-No 1111r· I C'-n«eUll)' I 2. If tlle wnal numtltf on tnos wt1tiut1 ~not merefl up "111• any cl the wtntMn&Mnll n11111~ it 1uttll 111<Wtn SI 1n bonuuavonp Toaec the I SI bc>tw.ls. simply tncludt lhll ctn1lat1 .to111 "''" a S2 00 !MM Amtrocan H11tOl)'rtfVnel c.rtrflatt available,,_ ll011 Clrspl1yunel the I ~ulrtd ptOGfs of put~ Wht11 ,OU rec.Na your 19ful'Cl. ,ou'll eel I $3.00 llllteed of 52.00. ~-Comlllet•otl~ ruits plusw.nnenccCICM numbefuno 1ntrydeU111S tor --..... ~ • ,dnwin& lor •'1Y unct11meo llflJn 1rt w111a1111 II Mahe Amer~n --..~... ~-.' H•stOI)' Clispleys or by Mnc11111 • Slll·ICIClrHMCI. si.mpe0 •rwelopa IM-I M\Kf • .. ~1ERICAN HISTORY l0te March 31, 1982 to Miiie Amlncan 1'4istory S-pst¥u . Bo. 4058 . .ltfftrion Col), MO 65102. •-TIM $2.00 reflmel c1rtillcate mey bl ot1t11ne0 by ""°'"' • 1111· I ldelmseel stampeel tnvt!Ope to MIM A/Mfkan HtStory Rt funel C¥tlft- c111. P.O. 8o• '°55. Jlfferton City, MO 65102 c.rt1f1cate ~ must be rtc1ivld by M11ch 31, 1982 Refund Offer 11ports April 30, ' 1982. l1m1t: OM r.funel Ptr flmtlyot .odrus 5. Not.ct. Ohio rest<ltnts mty rtQUtlt by 111111, • 11111111 of Ille onstam .., nne,. numt>tn. M1S10u<11no Vt\tc0<1S1" rtSide numwt request 1 hit I o1tht111SUnt •1nnencnumD•n 11 lfleV wilh IOl*l•~e>att on the lnSUtl( W•nlllf portion Of the Swt19Stlllo.H Dy H l'Cll,. • tllmpecl, Siii· tdft$MCI tnvelOpe ID Mllllt Am~1c.11 HlslOI) SWMpStalWS. P.O. 8ox 1 C058. JllltrlOf'I Cll). MO 65102 RtqutlU must be l'IQtYld by "4.wch 31, 1982 NopurchaM11tcftSlt)' 1 XY57946 1 1 L . _J _________ J The ------w ASHINGTON SILVERPIECE LIMITED RELEASE PROOF ISSUE Commemorating GEORGE W ASHIN N'S 250th ANNIVERSARY One Ounce of So~ Silver The First Ul'lib!d St.at£s Presidenti<il Silverp_i.ece -$25. Thia excluaiw releue of the fint UffiU!d St.al.a ~tidmtial Silvapitt~ in • 1 ()()% Solid Siher Procif lp8Cimea by The Columbia Mint may be the finest opportunity you will have tf>emic:h ~ recopitioa ol our Fint Pneideat.. This i. tbe tint time• P,Ublic re.leue bat been made of a _pure Silver Proof apecimen ol a Unilld Slala ~aidmliol SU~. The Wubinlt.on Silverpiece DOW beina re&eued in a Limited Edition of lOO'it Solid Silver Proot lp9Cimem weiabinl one ounce, bonon the birth of Ge<qe w......,. ... 250 yeer9 .. Never before in the bistay ol our country bat there been an opportunity to honor a n.tioNI hero's quarter of a mi!lmnium ~°':J thil tpedll proof miDlilw is --.. a strictly controlled l.imitecf Bdition. LDOTEDmmoN BABE PROOF QUAUTY In order for u many citizens u possi- ble to be able to lbare in tbia hi.storical a.ue • .,.a.I efforta wen ma to price t.hia out.taftdina Silveipiece atonb' •2&. 'Therefon, there will be a strict limit of 5 ProofSilvftpiece1 perordu. Further, in order that u maay citilem u pouible inay acquin tbe Si!Yerpiece at their oriDM} iuue minq price, DO otden wilbe .ccepCed from known c.oinl>eelen. The brilliant Prcd qu.lity Silvespiecet .. beinc miatecl from hind •JC'•lr'ed cliff which cepture all of the fine detail and nquiaite tin. dm.>1ioml relW of wbatmay Wt1Ywell be the ID09t bMutifoJ Wubiactoa SDverpiecea ever minted. Thouch it ii epproxiJMt,ely the MIU me u the famoua and rare Morpn and Peece Silver dollara. it actually coatainl 295t tn(W tiltJa" -a full one ounce of pore solid ailver .. To suanntAe the inteoity of tlU unp~ reJwe. eedi W..Nncton 8PBCIAL DISPLAY WALLET ~liketodi.playomol.yom W Silverpiece1 with the F1nt 0., Cover, or to~ it for aafekeepin1 in a ..Ce ~t boa or Vlllk. .. will slPDlY. epemu, ~ ..net. 16 .ch.- A 80.VEllPIECE OF BEDIOOM VALUE By adina before March 31, 1982, you can uaure younelf ol acquirinc directly from 1'be Min t.hia nclueive Limited Edition 100% ~lid Silver Preaidential Silverpiece at the OficjDal iMue m.intinc price. Tbete, the first UniUd Stata Prnidmtial Silvnpi«.ts, will become true family heirlooms to be pretented to your cbildnm and grandchildren •• an import.ant and valuable piece bonorinc the 260tb Anniversary of the birth ol George Waabiqt.on. Due to the unique circumlWtee• of thie m.intina. you ue U1Jed to order now. You are guaranteed the oria;in.al iMue mintinc price of $25 per Silverpiece provided your order ia received before the · · limit ii reached or before Marc:h3tf 982, whichever OCCW'I first. r lfffall_.,__lllllf1Mal1.1m .,,.c.· a·1...... K-17 .,.....,... ..... w.~o.c.~~ O"'-~---CMlllll t~Solid~ --'9ool ....._.. of the w.1*9on "'11t111emetuawt1p11aa1 w:nrcw~. "'.....,,., .... ~__,....21 ......... .... I .. ' I • Pl'lldll lti 24tcT 91*' .-IMI at MO -" .. 11 ..,._..,, ~- 0 Mio .-Id --.., ........ eedl. ,_~,._...._the flr9I Dey EIMlape eo-at llO ~ QGSt. " ' -no4 utWled. ' llley""""" tM ._°""' ...... '°.,.for.'"' 19fvlld • 1 Ml~ my ,..._IOe *'----or a-..""°""' lo 0 AINltaM £..-0 ~ 0 Ylaa 0 "1•1 card CWdN.--------·-· .......__ ------------4c:Nf09 C90'll cn..-119 .._,IOll9"'6CI ,_,. _________ ~ ......._ _________ _ car ..... Zip ________ _ _.,__M1-n•dlr •~ ... --.. .... ...., .,., C¥l 9004:11 1000 '------------------------------------"!"!~!9..~!!~-J Watching 1'1evlalon: 4. True. Surveys conducted by the Centre for the Study of Ed•"Cattonal Communication and Media at Au.$- tralla' • La Trobc lJnivenity showed that as a reRllt of increMing lntaest In lV. many people .. are having less contact on a personal Je9el with odwrs In their neighbcxhood and are Jes. aware of their Aeighbon' real fW1 ldenmies and problems .... " ...., News and Views By John E. Qbeon __ _ . TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Most people only wmch teJevision when they're bored. too tired to go out or haw nothing else to do. 2. Television dramas encourage peo- ple to resoNe their problems with others In a~ and forceful manner, rather than dodging issues or 5'mply feeling resentful. 3. It Is possible to tell by a peison's facial expre9llion when he is ~ a violent 1V episode what effect the show wil have on his sublequent feel. ings of aggiesion. 4. 1V can have an effect on people's relationships with tha neighbors. ANSWE8S 1. Folse. In surveying the daily ae- tivldes of a cross section of Chbgo workers. Untverstty ol O\icago be- havior sdentists found that television viewing consumed more time than any other leisure activity and that "watching televi!ion was one of the acttvldes which people most frequent· ly c:hedced \vantlng to do' • ORJOWI to 'having to do.. Adult subJms reported 'wanting' to waach TV nesty 90 percent of the time, this In ttu.p contrast to their·~ to work only 15 percent of the time ... 2. True. In a Univmtty of Florida study. hundreds of respondents of various ages and wales of life were surveyed to determine the inftuence of prime-time television dramas on their own ways of resolving Interper- sonal cocdlkts. Findings « the survey showed that the moce a person ~~drama$, the more hly he Ct the is to approve of direct and auesstve ection as a suilable strategy for raoMng Int. penonal confku -and the las likely he or she is to avoid or postpone meeting such illues head on In the hope that. If Ignored, they may go llWaY by them9e!ves. 3. True. In a lludy ol television's ef. f«ts on sodel behavtor, lJrWersity of Callfom1a psychology profe9IOl Paul Ekman ~ his associeta· found ~ terestlng conelations between facial expressions and subsequent reecUons to 1V violence. It was found that~ '"Viewers whose facial expcasions showed them to be happy and In· terested when viewing vlolenc.e subee- quently reacted more ~ In test sttuatlons than those whose facial expca&ions Indicated unhappiness, sadness, disgust. pain. fear or disinterest." FAMILYWUIW'. 1'~21, 1W • n ~--~------------------------------~--~~--------------~~~ L " • I GENUINE DIAMOND, EMERALD, RUBY I: SA.P~BIRE JEWElRY As uttte As $3 a piece UNTR MAR. 30, 1,82 .\i-pun o( • ttadf.r n•11pon1w-lt"SC few chi,. peehllt-01ic..._ "'" will !lf'nd to nn, . .,.,.. •hu c·lipt' and rrtumi; thil4 nut~ tw4c>n-.\lidnifthe. " .... :Mt 198"l ,ernuiM diamood. mwrald. n•b~· uncJ !lllpphi"' jc:-1'Tl11· for ti Hu ... A." sa a ....... plus ithippenic and hancflillft. ,0 OdWI' M Uf' t'~· lfa""1· f)Wt't" uf ~Hine' diumooJ jt-1'°t'l'1 <'Onl8i"" u .2; .,. 1".'-Cattt ""'111Uw .diamond f'l'afi.-d .,,. ~ ;..-~ few rn1Uimum brilliantt. (n•r) p9"'t" of ~ifit't"nt Jft"flUil'W' 4'mHRld. rub,· dftd 1"1tpph~0 I'\" • •f>l'1 f'Oflhlinii U \I -t111'81 ll"f'UUw fuc'WWd !lllOfW>. Thf. Mnf'nlkJ. nW} Wld i"' !l«Ud ~ l"Oftlain '•~·..a kMI •'f'iidM. I ..\U jn....t11· i2' bnUld t:M'W. irttt rmm llMUJ.-1U"°". and 1''ill IJlf' IM"t"Vm,,...ifd h\· M (lnil"tt ... uf .\udwfMi<'il\. •'.nT'\" itrm ill full\ l(UraNf't'd und DMI\. ht-~nWd DJ WI\" ILnw Co '"" ~ ~ ·ror a pmmpc murid. Thrn-iii"" /;,,,;, on how man~· ~ , ..... ma,· n"tfUf'lit "'fl-""' .\IW. !iO. lJU4 no ""~ oc~ oJw ..\lar. :JO. \"our U~ f'fw.c-k •·iJl iw f'f'tUmf'rl if~"9 ............. .\licJn.iJh uf'fhat datr. 14 K.r .. (;u1c1 !!HIP f1.al-.C H•ut P.....-..4:.har• Ir Yw °"*"' (AMltaie ~ -n... ,,_ h.,. WtMiift. ~on lb·s l''lto1n ·~ .25 pc. 17-rac-n Keund ,,.,_.. S"i \.L>r \Jh .~ .25 pc. 17-1.m tt-• ......... S.) z;m1 v" .......... :-n.lcl &'I Z'lll76 ----Vt~ ·~-ftub) 3 ZSW1 ----Vt• ...... .,...._. ,,,, u~ ..... ' 'limn . .............. ..... ·~ .2.l pt. 1;.r. ... ......... ,._, ~; ....... - "'-.,...,,,. .................... ... ........ '-'" ........ Vt• ,..... ..,., t ... "'4 \)h c:....auinr .2; .... c· .......... Reiuncf Uiau...-1 S,) Ul.il7 Vt• c:....auilw t:-..kl ___ \) .. ·~ S.pPl•in-S.1 tl· .. -. ----\)I\ i.\dcl S:! ~and hantlli111f ,.,..,...._ ul he"' a.r,:.-yuur ~ • TOT\1. Ot' S ~-·-------------0-I 11111 • .., ... ,,,lit ,..,..,...''"'"•••·"'~" .. ,,...._'"'"'""'" 1-4 l.unu :-o41tl 1~.i.1 t\ "''•..: l1n111 1wnrloo1 '""'"" • 1111 m~ • ...-i.-r-•fr-,,;/ • l~ninfr be Clark ... ltd .. : Jt>'M'lry Rt"!4pon!W T~ ;).) I -If, 1 Rox :l6'N lfuntin,iton Station. I N. Y. I 1746. ...... ~-------------------- W.-~-------------------- I f 1111• ''"· 41111 \RU~ Im l'ltll tll! , !'-/Jil----~ ---------------------------------~--~--~--------------• 1 ·--- BARCI.AY .. . ''~iii~'' ' ~ . ~ .. 99% tar free.·· l l\IG TAR , ·----------- General Has Determined Warni~g: The SSurgk~ognls Dangerous to Your Health. That C1garene mo '" - Children in the Kitchen Why not capture predot111 momenta at home with your children by •haring .tep-by-tdep cooking ta.ks? From meal planning to food •hopping to cooking and serving, food can be fun. By lllotllyn Honaen o you remember •-..-.... _ • ._......,,"""-~ ~~ .. ftrsrtlsned- to cook? Do you recall hours watching your mother aeam the but· ....... 4--tf!!t" and-sugar-te-mak. • cake. carefully baste a turkey or tum the cold leftovers from a roast leg of lamb into a delicious curry? I treasure those times. I also remember my father making "Sunday Morning Pancakes," large. crepe-like pancakes that we rolled with butter and maple syrup or simply sprinkled with sugar. Despite today's hectic life styles. there can sttJJ be time to share cooking experiences with your children. It is an excellent opportunity to teach them about foods. measuring, cooking terms, nutrition and safety. Our recipes are easy and suggestions are given so children can participate. Keep In mind that when children cook they may need an adult to help in the follow- ing spedflc tasks: 1. Slice, shred, cut, chop using sharp utensils. \ 2. Set oven temperature. 3. Put food Into or take food out of hot oven or broiler. Food edb Marllvn Har.n and her young neighbors Donnv and Nancy Tal>ot m}ov preparing a menu together with a Chlnae point of ulew. From left to right: Chlnae Almond Cookies, Stir-Fry Chicken and V~, Ptetfy Bowl Fruit, Cold Noodla With Spcy Peanut Butt.a Sauce and Sweet·and-Sour Spareribs. 4. Test baked foods for doneness. 5. Stir, pour, spoon hot mixtures. 6. Operate electrical ap- pliances. 7. Cook In skillet or wok on top of stove. 8. Drain hot vegetables or noodles. STIR-f'llV CHICKEN AND VEGETABLES 2 m'rlrll'DW COl ... ch 11' t E If D IMI pcMmd tlftllr 0..-..,.... ..... ~ Y,aip~Woch 1,4 aip ill9llt can .,..., ... QIPIOfMllCe 5 tmlll!T11'DDM con ol l a.-broccoli ....... 1 aip ._.,..., ._. c.rroa 1 ........ oaiola,altlathln ...... 1h aip .... bamboo ahoota 'haipellced..-c........_ 'hCllP._,..,._.. ~ ................. chklrn bl.-or ........ alt Ill I.finch -=-- 1. ln small bowl, blend com· st~h. ginger and pepper. Gradually stir In broth. com syrup and soy sauce until smooth; set aside. 2. In large sklllet or wok, heat 3 tablespoons com oil over medium-high hnt. Add broc- cob, carrots and onion; stir-fry 2 mtnuta. Add bamboo shoccs, water chestnuts and pees; sllr·&y 1 minute. Remove &om skillet . 3.Heatremalnmg2tablapoon.s com oU. Add chldcen; stir.fry 2 minutes °' untll chiclcen turns white. 4. Return vegetables to lkiBlt. (continued on page I•J ~ WUJU.Y, l'*'*Y t1, Ml • 13 .. ! I I TO: nta COUNT1'Y STORS. Deoc 33 P.O. Box 103. Willow GtO'<le. PA 19090 I Send m•--Nonllc Were Mlnl·luncttDeNerta-.ttlnPen(a). EncloHd ia my check or mon•Y. I Cllectl Ofte: ord•. mllde out to "Country StMe' I U 1 '°' ... r-z for 112.50 for• total of S . (Add 11.00 r a ror 111.sa _,for w .oo ~ p•n for po•t•v• enc1 h•nd11ne1. I OR ch•g• my _ MHterCerd :. ViH Acct. No.-----------bp. Dete _____ _ NAlllll---------------------- AOOf!E. .. --------------------~ I I I I I CITY STATt-Z• I Ahw I to'I ............ ....., ....... M<19 ,,.,_,·~·I '°' c .... -... W•IO• G·-"~ ·-• _____________________ ,_ (continued from page 13) Resttr cornstarch mixture; add to chicken mixture. Sttning constantly, bring to boll over medium heat and boll 1 minute. U desired. serve with rice. Makes 4 servings Note: Children can help mix the lngre· dlents together. but adult supervision Is needed when cooking In a wok or skillet. COW N00,9.~ Wint SPICY PEANUf DU I 11:.ft SAUCE t ........ D llM CGf'D ol l•~l11111awwuaeseed 1 dow emtk. millced or pr.-.d 111 cup Mii* cb.unk peenut butur 1/a cup chidleD broth or boulDoo ,.. cup clmk com IV"'P ,.. cup 90!/ Ml.ce l t.ebl up DOI• dd.r vlnepr .,., lb. thin 11ntuine or Chinfte noodla, coobd,dralned 2 .. w..,oo.. llk:ed ..-on6oDI 1. ln medium 5'dllet. heat 3 tablespoons or the com oU over medium heat. Add sesame seed and garlic. Stirring frequently. cook l minute ar until llghdy browned. 2. Add peanut butter to sklllet and heat. stirring until mehed. Stir In broth. com syrup. soy sauce and vinegar until well blended. Pour Into bowl. Cover; refrig- erate about 2 hours oc until well chilled. 3. ln large bowl, t055 together noodles and remaining 1 tablespoon com od until well coated. Cover; refrigerate. 4. Just before serving. toss together cold noodles and peanut butter sauce until weU mixed. Garnish with !JUn onion slices. Makes 4 5'!TUlngs Note: AduJI supervision Is needed when ustng a sklllet. Children can toss the cold noodles and sauce together. GRANOlA l cupe qulck-cooldftt ... 1 cup cb.opped walnuts, almonds or pecue 1 cup what gam 1 cup aunlow9f Meda .,., cup com oO .,., cup dartt com evn-P 1 teMpoon ground cinnamon 1 te•p 6oft vanllla extract 1 cupralelm 1. ln large bov.il, stir together oats. walnuts, wheat germ and sunOower seeds. 2. In $mall bowl. stir com oil, com syrup. cinnamon and vanilla until well mixed. Pour over oat mixture; stir until well coated. 3. Spread mixture In 151/2 x 10th x 1-lnch jelly roU pan. Baka In preheated 3500f oven. stlrrlng occasionally. 30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool. stir· ring occasionally. 4. Stir In raisins. Store In tightly covered container In refrigerator. Makes 7 cups Note: Children can measure l~nt.s but should have adult supervision when stirring the mixture during baking. 14 • FAMILY WHKLY. ~ 21. 1112 , FRESH FRUIT SUNDAE SAUCE 111 to ~ cup Utlht corn ¥UP 1 'la cupe &ah cNlhed ttrawbaria or cnahed plMapp&e 1. In smaU bowl. stir together com syrup and fruit. Cover: refrigerate. Serve over Ice aeam or cake. Makes about 2 cups Note: Some aduh help may be needed for measuring ingredients. but children can crush the fruit. add the syrup and stir them together. PRETTY BOWL FRUIT 'fa cup lltht com .,rvp 2 wblapoona orange Juk:c 3 Ol'llft9ft, peeled, tllcad, halved (2 cupe) 1 'la cupe MffleM .,_ .,..,. halva 2 grapefndta, peeled, e.lk.d. halved (2 cupe) 2 red epp&a, cut In very thin wedtn (1 '11 cupe) 1 cup flaked coconut 1. In smaD bowl. stir together com syrup and orange juice. 2. In 21!z.qt. serving bowl. layer 1/2 of the oranges. grapes, grapefruits. apples and coconut. 3. Pour 1/3 cup of.the com syrup mixrure over fruit and coconut. Repeat layering. Pour remaining syrup mixture over all. Cover; refrigerate several hours. If desired. garnish with extra fruit. Makes 6 to 8 seruings Note: Aduh supervision is needed 10 slice fruit. but children can help arrange fruit and pour on syrup mixture. SWEET-AND-SOUR SPARE.RIBS ~ cup knch1111 1/J cup dartt com eyrup V. cup 90!/ •ucc 2 t.11Me9paom cider vtneger 2 WWelpoo.• ,...,....ci m•wd 1 dove IA'ilc. minced or pr.-.d 1.4 te.upoon ground ba.dl.pepper s pounck ......... Clll In S-lnch ribleta 1. In smaD bowl. stir together ketchup. com syrup, soy sauce, vinegar. mustard, garlic and pepper until well blended. 2. Place nblets on rack In shallow roasting or broiler pan. Brush with some of sauce. Bake In 375°F oven. turning and basting frequently with sauce 1 to 11/2 hours or untll tender. Makes 4 ierulngs No«e: Children can help stir the sauce mix· ture, but adult supetVISion Is needed to baste and bake the riblets. (continued on Poflll 161 .. Buy 5 ho. of any Chex8 brand or Honey Bran cereals and Kids FlyFree on Republic © R. P. Co .. 1982 with full fare paying.adlllt ....__..._ Chooee from almost 200 Republic destinations nationwide Sid the Roc:ldea. surf the Pacific, tour the historic Atlantic coast. Visit Grandma, Unde Fred, a special friend. Take a trip, a long weekend or the vacation of your life. BeJlew It or not. thil ·....t1onat family offer can be yours. How? Just tmit your family to the grea taste of Chex c:ereals -Whea Chex. Rice Chex, Com Chex, Bran Chex, and Whea & Raisin Chex or Honey Bran. Then send In 5 poof of purchase seals from any Chex or Honey. Bran cemaJ to Ralston Purina. We'll send you a free airfam certtfl- ate for any chiki ages 2to16. 1Um the certificate in to your trawl agent or a IWJ>ublic Airlines ticket agent for a free childs trip to any one of almost 200 Republk: Airlines destinaHons within the continental U.S. Its that easy! n..'a DO bmlt Oii the number of certiftcata ~ ~ !KeM. But. each child (only 1 cblld per adult) mUlt be aa:ompanied ~a full fare-~lng llduk. Urt.lflc:ata wm be honoRd ~ Republic from January 15, 1982 to No- wmber 15._ 1982. SO HURRY. With a deal thil good. ~11 want to Uh IDOft than one trip! See~ Cha and Honey Bran padagea at yourltore for comp. details! ~-EPUBLIC ~..._ Allt&.1#•8 fQ1 Ral~ton lll:IJ Punno -----------..., s--Coupon CON&MR: I"-be .. ttiec:oupon1 i:e Ndeem .. ac-13 ~ I SAVE 13 ¢ =~~~~1~ I 62224. Coupon-dbe";ia ~If l*M!i-.f by I .... ol Good On Any Size Box of Wheat. ourm•:he11d1Mor1~houNllJPOWdbyu11ndect· I W'9 b end • the risk ol the maier. Reider must submit on Rice, Corn, Bran or Wheat & '8q'.llst i'Mlka eEpuim.. °' sufflclent *>ck within Raisin Chex • brand cereals nonne1 ~ c to C0\1111' the coupon1 .-.ntec1 a I -... , ,,. ~ •.. .... ~(\ (l~. • ..,, . (\•"-~'~ ...,..&·· _ _.,., - . ·~, \.,,.:' -.... ' .,;,.' . ' MlempeloeL Relleof'I ComDlnV lllMl'WS the ~ to wlthhcild ~on end dedeN. \OCI coupons IWCllMd In mnt condldOn or me. cut. This coupon II nontrenAmible, ~. end nonNplOduc:lble ArPJ ... tax must be I i:ieid by CU11bn1r. Offs good only In U.S.A.. A. P.O. 'a. F.P.Q S. \bid .... pdilbtMi. laud, "' dherwile rdr1cWd. Cash Ndenpiun -.1120 °' 1 •. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE AS SPECIFIED I --mws Fa .. • ON 1HE fillCE Of ntLS COUPON. ANY USE NOT CON-_,...,. «.. SISTENT WITH ll£SE TERMS CONST1TlrrES fRMJD A ANREDEMPTIOND MAY "°.IO ALL COUPONS SUBMITTED FOR 13 ~ I • @ RP. Co.. 1882 m~1" -------------- .. (continued from page 14) QUICK CHERRY COBBLER 1 can (1 II.) dwntea In ¥11P • 1 ........ D Dft COfMWCh an ~ lf'OUDCI dnNmoD lcup ....... alli*fPOM lour l mbl11ipa1111....., ZtalPOOOI Mktn9powder ';\cup._ m• 'Ai cup com o6I 1. Drain cherries; reserve liquid. l. In 2-qt. l&ucepall. sdr to- gether cornstarch. cinnamon and reserved liquid until smooth. Stirring constantly, brtng to boll over medium he.at and boll l minute. Remove from heat. Add cherrla. 3. Pour Into ungreased 1 ·qt. cauero&e. In small bowl. stir together ftour. sugar and baking powder. Sdr In milk and com oil until dough forms. Drop mixture by 6 spoonsful onto hot fruit. 4. Bake In preheated 400 Of own 25 to 30 minutes or until bltcuj fopping Is golden brown. Serve warm . Maka 6 ~lngs •Or use 1 can (1 I>.) sliced peaches or 1 can (1 lb. 4 ozs .) crushed pineapple. Note: Adult supervision Is need- ed when cooking on top of the stove. but children can help drop flour mixture by the spoonsful onto the hot fruit. CHINESE ALMOND COOKIES 2'.4 cape ........ ~ Lr 1,4 cup cornewdt 1 ¢1. Ip D IMI Midnt powder an 'I IPDDD eek '4c:up ...... ~cup...., 'i4 cup !IPC com ~ 1 ... ~ cup can oG I ••1paa• almond atract l ,, IP a 1111 .,.... emract I,\ cup .... W.iched ~ 1._,... l c.blupaOft ... 1. In medium·• bowl, stir togather Bour. c:omtWch. bak- ing powder and salt 2. In large bowl with mix« et medium tpeed. bat mqertM until toftcned. Gndually add sugar and com ¥UJ>; bat until thoroughly mixed. Beat In egg. 3. In meesurtng cup, stir together com od end extracts. Gradually add to egg mixture, beeClng until well mbted. 4. Add ftour mbcture In 2 addl- tions. beating until smooth. Shape into 1-lnch balls. Place - about 21/a inches apart on foil· lined cookie sheets. 5. Flatten balls with lightly floured bottom of glass to 1/•·lnch thickness. Place almond In center of each. Brush lighdy with egg yolk mixed with w4ter. 6. Bake In 3500f oven 10 to 12 • minutes or untJI lightly browned Remove tC\ wire rack. Cool com- pletely. Store In tightly covered container. Maka about 4 doun Note: Adult supervlslon is need- ed when using eiectrlc mixers Children can help shape balls and piece eJmond In center of each cookie. ROCKY ROAD BROWNJES 1 pad&.ge (llan oa.) choco&.te cake mill 2 .... 14 cup~·· 1,4 cupWUlr 1 ~ (6 NI.) Mm,,__I cboc:ola• ,_.. anc-. ......... crate 1. Grease 13 x 9 x 2-inch bak- ing pan. 2. ln large bowl, Stir together cake mix, eggs, mayonnaise and WBIC until anoodl. Stir In chocolate pieca. . 3. Spread batter evenly In prepared pen. With metal spatula. swirl In manhmaDow creme to create e mert>&ed effect. 4. Bake in preheated 3500f oven 25 minutes or untJI cake tater Inserted In center comes out dun. Cool completely on wh rack. Cut Into squares. Maka 32' (2-lnchl squoru Nom: Children can heJp ldr together tngredlents end swirl In marshmallow creme. Adult supeMl6on Is needed for turning on oven and tatlng for done- nas. Reodcn: Don't forget that Ute ~-IOIHng coupon1 qppeorlng In fAMO..Y WEEKLY ~ you o lhopp4ng bonu.e. (conttnwd on poge 19} .Staying fit Cl'ld . is easy.as one,™>.~-· -Kanm Crassk 1. Enjoy an apple before lunch. 2. G rab an apple for a snack. 3. Have an apple hors d'oeuvre with dinner. You probably know her best as an actress. But when she wants to peel off a few pounds -fast -Karen Grassle moves from the prairie to the orchard. Her natural beauty speaks volumes for the apple diet. "Apples are the core of my favorite ~ight control program," says Karen. "Most other diets are either too complicated to fuss with, or too boring to stick to. But apples are handy for low- caloric snacks and they're delicious with any meal. "I find they work best for me ii 1 enjoy one half an hour before each meal, with a glass of water. They're so crunchy and satisfying, I don't give in to m ore fattening foods at mealtimes." ~ From the beginning of time, apples have been a part of h ealthy diets. Thcsedays, doctors still approve. NutTitiorusts sing the praises of apples for several reasons. They're naturally low in calories-only 80 per an average Washington Delicious. And they'rerichin Vitamins A, C, 6 1and6 2, • niacin, calcium and iron. They're also nature's handiest tooth- ~ brush, recommended by the American Dental Assoaation to dean teeth after meals. r-------------\ APPLE DIEf ' . '---------------- 1HE WASHINGTON APPLE DIEf Breakfast 4 oz. orange JUiCI! 11r ir, grapefruit Sdl•ctom.': 1 t"gg, any style 1 01. Cl'rl'al with skim milk 1 cup lowfat yogurt 1 slict' whlil-..·whl.'at toast. pat mar~arinl' Cot1eeortea Lunch Scl('("t one-: 2oz. fo;h or poultry 2 oz. checst' 2 c-gg.~. any styk· Dark grel'n leafy or orangl' Vt'l!\l'tablt' 8 oz. skim mill.. F~~happlc- Dinner 4 o:r. poullrn fish ur~r· Vegetablt" or potato 8 oz. skim mm. fo.•sh apple Snack Scl«t o.>m·: Fre~h applt• Applc~un· Baked appll• with sugar ~utistilute I I I Rl'mvmbl:r, applt.>s llrt.' t.'l>pt>ciallv effective in I wt'ightrnntrul if vuu l'at unl' haff an hour be fort' Nch rnl•a( And ~fore starting any I diet. bl: sure tl• talk with yuur dllC'tur. I '-----------------------~-------) ... ~riWtt "Every diet begins with a trip to your d octor," sa~ Karen. "And don't forget to get plenty of exercise." Karen, a firm believer in staying in shape, obviouslx knows what she's talking aboUt. 1'You need regular exen:ise while you diet to keep muscles toned up. After diet- ing, it keeps your weight where you want it. "Besides, exercise makes you enjoy eating your apples more than ever." Fresh all yea-long. Start your Was~ngton Apple Diet now or anytime: A special storage system keeps them crisp and autumn-fresh a 11 yecv.. So you'll be eating apples just as crunchy and delicious as the day they came off the tree. Send k>r The Apple Book The finest applC'S in the world are from Washington State. For wonderful new ideas on how to enjo)'. them, send for The Apple Book. It's yours forjust$1 by writing to us, The Washing!on State Apple Commission, P.O . Box550, Wenatchee, Washington 98801. Please send me 77tt Apple Book. Slendosed. Name Address City State Zip Salem S/igJ/!hts 4 SMOOTH LOW TAR IOOs CHILDMNIN THa KITCHIN (conllnu.d from poge 16) MACARONI BEEF CASSEROLE 1.4 01P cons o8 1 lb ..... pound beef 1 cup ~ dlloppecl .-P4pt)Cr 1/1 cup c:oenely chopped on6on 1 dow p;Mc, minced or pr..-d l can (l lb.) iom.o., undrained. COWMlv chopped 1 ca (6 oa.) tomaco peet• 1,A, teNpOO" drtecl or...-leaws 1,; t.-pooa .... 0... ..,... Weck ,..,. 1 a.-WKlOCIMd el»ow a.carool l cm (ll -.) _..,...._. COf'ft, **'-t 1 a.-1hreclcled pwt1'WD .. mouar.U.. dMae 1. In large sklllet, heat com oil over medlum heat. Add beef, !Jeen pepper. onion and gerllc. Stining frequently, coo« 5 to 8 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from heat 2. Stir In tomatoes. tomato paste, Ot"egano, sail and pepper until well mixed. 3. Cook macaroni In boiling, salted water llCCOfdlng to paclcage directions: drain. 4. Add cooked macaroni and corn to skillet; to55 to mix well . Spoon Into u~ 3-qt. cauero&e. Sprinkl£ with cheese. Bake In prehated 350 Of oven 35 to 45 minutes or until heated thro~ and bubbly. 5. II you wish, mbmue may be divided be- tween 2 (l1h·qt. size) casaeroles. Bake In 3500f oven 20 minutes or until heated. Or wrap tightly in foll: label and freeze . To serve: Place In refrigerator several hours to thaw. Unwrap Bake In 3500f oven 35 to 45 minutes or until heated and bubbly. Maka 6 to 8 tervlngs Note: Adult supervision Is needed when uling a skillet, but chUdren can add the macaroni and com, and they can help lpOOn mixture Into casserole. 1 PEANllr BlJ11'ER CRACKLES 11;\ a.,. ...... aD11WPOM low 1 ....._ ~ .. If\ ..., D Dfl Nit It\ cup....,_ It\ ~ a•my Of cbunk-«yle peanut but· ter ~OIP--'11 ~pecked brown ..., ... I ~ V9llllla atr.ct s.e-r. op«iDul a.ocoa. .. ~ ..... I I I 1. In medium bowt, stir together flour, bak· Ing IOda and salt. 2. In large bowl with inixar at medium speed, beat margerlne and peanut butter until smooch. Bat In algm' and brown 5>.J911r until blended. Beat In egg and vanilla. Redua lp8ed to low; add flour mixture and but v.oell. S. Shape d~ Into 'l•·ihch balls. Roll in sugar if dared, and place on ~ cookie sheet. 4. Bake In 3750f own 10 mlnuta or until lightly browned. Remove from oven and qulckly preu chocolate candy firmly Into top of each cookie; cookie w1ll end< around the edges. MoJces 5 da.en cooba Note: Adult supervision Is needed when an eledrtc mixer Is used. Chlldmi can measure Ingredients and help lhape cookla. CARROT PEANlTT BUTTER DIP Ya a.-...., chunk PM8UC tMau« Ya cup ....., 1hredded carTOt ... cup orange Jukt l . In small bowl, stir together peanut butter, carrot and orange )ulce until weU mixed Cover; refrigerate. Serve with aockers or as a <f\l for vegetables. Moku about l cup NOfe: Adult supervision may be needed to flnefy shred the canot CHOCOLATE SNACK CAKE 1 Ya cupe Ulifted aD-putpOM lour laqt ...... 1,4 cup _ ..... ied COCOI 1 .. ...,.. beldng IOda It\ teMPOOG Mk 1 cup ... Ya QIP com oO 1 tablap>ot\ vtnegar l •-.ooa vanMla UD'Kt l . In 8 x 8 x 2·1nch baking pan stlr to- gether flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt. Add water. com oil, vinegar and vanilla. Stir with fork. saaplng comers and sides of pan until mixture Is uniform In color. 2. Bake In preheated 3500f oven 30 to 35 minutes or unUI cake tester Inserted In c.enter comes out clean. Cool completely ln pen on wire rack. 3. U desired, sprinkle with confectioners' augar. Cut tnto squares Malcu 9 serving• Note: Children can measure and sttr the Ingredients. Adult supervision ls needed for tumlng on oven and teJtlng for done· ness, , ..... 11.Y WUJU .. V, Feot\lrf 21. 1m e It Strength & Security tor Weak Aching Joints! Mtuure t•ouno ,.,,,.,. ot " OrClef Reeu1t• iut 11 ,,_is uo to 1' ••oufld L•roe 111e 11 more '"'" 1•" • Flml. GOMton8Me ~ wMfl IOt-' lfHdoM ol tltOW9'MM. •Mede OI lht llfMet 4•Way atr .. Gh, autf6cal .... Uc MU$Ure atounO en~le I""'.-tne toot O<oer Regw t r &tl• •I eni.i. is up to 10 1roun0 l,Jlrge ,.te 11 more tnan 10 FREE· Firm Support With .. Freedom of Movement-...... a.i lH CAI',. ~l~oo walk, bike. work. climb Plus 2."'-stairs in blissful comfort. "'"-Gitt c~ Unct.tecuble undef dothlng ------........... . I LEONUO'S, Dept. FW~ I WIC...~ I ... ..,_., "°""""' NY , 1W N.-I I ....... ·~ -~·• .. ·"0.c.t.c I I O One a1SAW01v1 I''' ~··~•"d"'•"0''"0 I 0 SAY«! two .. M 98 -SI 7S Po"•..... Aoo•ou ----------• -~ I I $1a1e a .;1nttt• Cl•"'''o c,1>1 I 0 --•1326A llog Ano!o S..Ooolt I a_ ••J2te u •9"1 "" .. s-I o _ ••330• llOQ I(,... s .. _. 5~,., z ,/ 0 -•13308 U•g• I("" SMPllO" ••• "'·-"'-------···········-··--·-······· • Perfec1 for resting while out walking • Weighs only 4 lt>s. yet suppons over 300 lbs •Cushioned seat •No· slip rubber tips • Fotds away for easy scorage •Stands 3s· tall ,.. • Prec1a1on made 1n Ame11ca AOOrM$ ------------ Ctty ------------- l 1 l ) ' 1 I I . • j ' • I I I I . I I Now! You Can Start Your Own "Million Dollar" Zoysia Lawn! • ,.. ...., ........ ,.., ..... 11a:i....,, .... to ...... .... '°" ........ , .... to'° ....... Md 11 loob ......... to..., .. ..,. 0... .., to cul -IHI II la to cul .. COlill. Md waft. of ..... CMa. '-•=··------....................... ....ct II Olllr ALL MIMUa. _ .... , .... a Wit Oft ••d ...._Not WWlltor ....... 1.YMMr .................. ,dfNe•a ,.._,... kO NE ED TO OIG 11P VOUA 1 AW., PLUG IN l '>1 10•">1A ulr.,and'• f £J!"!!!:f4 .JO.IJelow·Zero Zorll• ., .... -. • .,, "T .. t , COol~ .. C."'" ... Alt., 30 IJelow Zero Winten, II Bouncn Baell GrHn, Tlticlr, And ~111! Clolnl Tltittfl To An lndeaftudlff l.Mln YCNI ,, ... ~NrSHIJ1------ Poor Soir? No Problem! Our Famous 7.oyMI plup are so viJOl"OU$ ~-e ,uara.n1ec: lhcm IO lfOW whatever your soil-from heavy clays to sandy Mlb-toik. You cannol k>se. rrs so EASY AND INEXPENSIVE TO START A MAGNIFICENT ZOYSIA LAWN Start your own m111111ifi«nt. pertnnilll ZI0)'1il lawn with IS rew 3~ 100 plup. JUSt lrt your plup eteabli~ -olid turr. Then take up tran,plan~ and plu11 in orlltr places to your he;ufs dnirt. Pluptd arta\ srow riaht back into solid turf. Your 5UP- piy of pluas is mdln.t.. t 't ukeland's Total Guarantee .................. " • te.t ..... Kiii It . Prlcn and Barcalns ZOSYll llWNS STAY BREEN THROUGH HEAT UD DROUIHTS Ut die ICGl'dlins -bui9 bWM erouod ,. into lley-yow llO)'lia stays frnh and .... 111 nnnald isle ot bffuty. I hewe ~ to ~ my °"" 10711a ...... One d1y I uw dall al)I SllriKJer Md I OUtn ~! In Iowa. • ioytia Ja11rn wu drd11nd the un's 'Top l.awn-ftffrly )lefftcl." Yet I.his llWll bad beai •lleftd onfy Ol'IClr daat entire win-_, inJ your cunatt lawn -rfquirn the I "''ion ot sr-!oftd plu1 ·•rtpJar ap. p ons of ferliliur (ud lime where Medecl)." Tbil article also >aid you need. ''weed. 1ruect and di<le:aw control... Sound familial"! Of c:ourw! • c.w W..'t ICJlt at ........ WOft't IOlt It If you plant more 1r11~s that ~lh rher~ and struplft.--Or d~ on you-you m:sy not miu your work and money It's tht til!k" you cannot reco•tr! So p~o~ don"I confu~ lakeland"s )O.•low-uro Zoy~:a with any ordinary turf oCfcrc~d 3-' :a "bar· p in:· If our plus\ cmt a 1111~ mOfc in * btsinninc. they f't'm:ain. '" tht Ion& NII. the only true baraain for your lawn. CUT voca w 4 TU SILLS. 54 Vt: THE WOltK Of' LAWS Sl'lllSkUSG. STAllT A FAMOUS ZOYSIA G~ LA"'N SOW. Weed·klMlnl chemkals .,. NOT NUD£D for a Wffd·frM Zoysie Lawn Why noc forlet all that work :and UJ>!nte, and plus in Famous Meyer Z·'2 Llyl'a~ To uPSnMte your lawn with i.oysY. don't dis it up. J111t wl plup into holn in the soil 1 fooc ap:aft or less. Let tholt-plu~ sprud toward each other ao form a carprt of "Olid turf. Growdl i.s so vis«CMK it chokn out old &rowth you w:anl to ,et rid ot. WEEDS IN· CLUDED. ''°'" Coast to Coast ~Writ.to Miil• S.nlliw p._ ........ N.Y .. E. la· ltodw writes how he pbnkd olup .. in the wont poWble .,._lay with weeds and aravd ... II lonaed a 4• thick carfJtt of sr•~· Not chil· clttn. clop. cab. rabbit\, utr"tmely hoc \un or droaaht could kift ii." p._ s.aw--. C• .. J.M. write~ how he boupt our Zoysia "for a wttd infested 'P<>I -it toot care of the problem." P,.. ....... M.A. Law, Sf. writa bow he mited a pll71ician friend in Albert LH. Minn. •he"' he saw • "whole becklard was mtirelr, in ioyMa and it wn brautlfu ... a dttp arwn. ' 1'lw succns ot runy 1.housands ot deliltlled FamouJ• ~· owners await> you. Pro--t it lo yourwlf today. "Sarne Dey Fresh' The day 'ft cut your plup iJ the day they are on the~·, -to you. •cause h~~, counb. LaUI laas 2 1flippin1 .,oinu. oat in tM M ud one in the East. Your piup JO out fonn the nearest point ''Same Day Frahtt Md ready to pow. lhippina clla• c:oUedieft the mosa ttOftOfftical wal. On credit card otdetl, tM shippiftl cosa w1D be pnpUI bJ 11a and billed ao your account. Even thOugh .. don't know your ICMI ... ~ EV£RY plug of '~ 2·51 Zoyala to live and t 1ow in it. No Its No buts. Should ..,., pluga '911 to pow. just let us know witPHn eo cs.yw. We ,_~ 1'*" 'REE, Ttw 9u1r1n1 .. ct .. rty ,,,..,,, that Famous Zoysia l\aa to do ~int ... MY-and rnoN! OtMrwiM ltlere·s no way we could r ti.,. you euCll 11n!Que protection. _., Z-52 Zoyaia Gran was perlected by the U.S. Govt. and released In co- operation w1tl'I the U S. Golf A1soc1111on. Order iuarantffd7~ · ..,.. ,.... .... ,_ ... "' ,_ -....... .............. ,._ -*r .. ............... ....,., ........ .. ,.. .... r-~ NUMDYWii. o.p..-Nt:.16u;-H--.-;, "h--:17u1-- - ---- , PINS. send mt tht ctrtllltd and 1111ranlffd a 100 PLUGS a l'l~lt ClOOOtSOY) 1 1 F-use Zoysla plup clltcktd. 1 pr.... + 30 F1t£E l'lUGS .,.1.,1 v11111 112.59 ..... tr pM ... '" llft P.14 I NAM( -----------0 200 l'UJGS (looot35Y) + 60 FllU f'll)C;S I Vllut $15.29 ..... ., ....... ', ..... $:!.M I o 200 P\ua a PU*IER CU>OOlllY) 1 + IO fl([ """" . I Vtlllt $20.24 •• ·-,,, ..... '-... $UI I STAT£ Z" Pl_. 1--.. Nii Wl111 -IF t I tllClost dltclt Of 111.0. fOf s -• -~ I (ICS & Al rtt. add ults tu) AWtll ,.,.,_. ..-•OI'-~ Cllllld" ... _. I I I 'Ill-. :i 500 rlUGS (L000971Y) + • ...,( 1'1.--.lt I -I 150 ,_£ l'l.UC:S o nold Cltley In OtHvery to ltuul Routes I Vi tue $43.17 .. -.. ta.II .Yw ._ t11.tt I lol No., 1111111111 lllChldt your day phone nurn· _,, =· Codt) -1000 rlUGS {l003301Y) + Flt([ l'l.UCGirt I n ..,., 0 Masttf Cll•r(t ::> Olntf'S Clllb a )0() Flt£( PLUC:S I u C.rl•ll•ndlt DAmtrklft[qlf'ftS O VISA V1l11t $11.lt .... ., ........ Yous. .. $45.4' I Acct. llO. ::i 2000 rlUGS (loouteY) + f'ltU l'l.U$GER I [JP. datt I IOO FllEE P'LUCS D ruu. SIZE !'tO·IElllO l'lUCCllt OllllY V1l11t $157.83 .. ..., "4M •. Yll ,_ $1UM I {lOQOn1H2 .•..•••.. ·¥• :i 3000 PLUGS 1L00tt10Y> + 2 mt PLUCiGOS I :J 100 1'1.UCS (l000t27V) + 30 All( l'l.UQS I IOO Flllt PLUGS I Val.lit 17.M ........ SUI .... Yatr ... lt.11 Value Ult.22 ..• m• .. Yatr .... $11U7 I --------------·~ H.H.l. 1112---------------' AOOllESS----------- CITY------------ ARMOUR'S ARMOURY GRAND TOUR Most mothers In a supermarket Ha1Je found a way to shop Yet keep their little child content Without a lollipop. You see. they use a shopping earl They push from aisle to aWe, And as the Carl is filled with food The litile one will smile. QUIPS & QUOTES What fun to watch the apples roll. The packaged goods piled high! Sina! they can't read the prlu of each, They have no need to cry. Then when the checkout counter's reached, And from the cart they're dragged. Though frightened for a moment, they're The only thing not bagged. -Richard Armour A burning ,...,e: Sign In a school corridor: Smoking is Prohibited. No Whiffs and No Butts. -Dorothea Kent Shouldn't everyone have two wives or two husbands? The plural of spouse could be spice. -Deena Cotton Smith POUTE PAYOFF Manners might get you admiration. And make you seem a winner; But sometimes all they get you ls the wing at chicken dinner. -Ruth Walsh Coln,,.,, a ~ ••• Some people talk to their pets. Some people talk to their plants. I talk to my money. I say, "Leaving so soon?" -H.L. First cannibal: "/don't know what to make of my husband." Second cannJbal: "Don't WOTTV. 171 glue you a recipe I used. " -Rose Sands MIGRAINE MENDER Have you heard about the pill that's half aspirin and half glue? It's for split· ting headaches. -D.K. FUNNY MONEY I find that money no longer talks, No matter how' one dickers. About all I can hope to get out of it Are some silly giggles or snickers. -R.W. Kida see Ille differently. Send orlglnal con· trlbutlone 10 "Child;' Famlly WMltly, M 1 lAxlnglon Ave .. N.Y., N.Y. 10022. 110 II UMd-~ returned. ntROUGH A CHO.D'S EVES When ..... how he went about drawing a picture. our 3-year-old ton replied. '"Flnt I think of 90methlng, then I put a Une around It.• -EdulaTd Vodnais, Lancaater. CaJff. By Len Albin H-e-.-e-1e's Tedi Thanb to wtflappable moderator Ted Koppel, ABC• Nighdine, a bold Innovation In TV neuas, i. aolnnlng critical acclaim and ateallng fnaomnlDc ofeuos maay from Johnny Onon~ monologue. ult's a news version of what Roone Arledge, president of ABC News, used to do wtth sports.» Koppel points out. .. You take an event that the pub- lic-at-large knows very bide about and you do an 'Up Close and Personal.'" But sometimes Koppel's stern questioning gets so .. up dose and per- sonal" that his guests seem to stam- mer and squirm. AJ NBC's Tom Snyder once remarkad. the JXC92lltl could be called Knl/eline. When Senator Hamson Williams of New Jersey was advised by his pres aide In November to make an appearance on Nfghtllne, the Senator replied. "No! No! They'll tear me apartr' recalls ... And he was still taldng during the commeda1!" Despite Koppel's repulation, his overall style is In the same objedlve spirit as his boyhood idol, Edward R. Murrow, who gained fame with his World Waz 0 reports from 8rttain that began, 'This Is Londori ." At age 19, Koppel, who "always wanted to be a broadcast jqumalist," produced his own minidocumentary about Russia. using money borrowed from his father. The film began at Lenin's tomb at midnight wtth Koppel deadpan- ning, 'This Is Moscow." Born in lanc.ashire, England, Kop- pel came to the States when he was 13. After studying journalism in col- lege. he \llOl'Md as a rCldio reporter before ABC named him, at age 23. the youngest network 1V COll~­ dent in hisrory. Besides cowrtng • nam, he served as bureau chief in Hong Kong and Miami. In 1971, he got the prestlgk>us )ob of dlief State . Oepamnent airrapondent and tpalt In his 18lh years as an ABC newt amiilpOider'lt, Ted Koppei has facad !il aS-.,of~~.ewn c braving ftreAJhts In Southeast Asia "Howdy" on •: KoPPM UICIS the /Int TV,_, .. while cowring the Vietnam W.. But IO lntavlew SlrliGrJ S#rlton, Robert Kennedya k*t: 'Tm not going to browbeat people who have no o;pertence on lV," Koppel says ... But If It's a pol!Hdan, rm go- ing to be less gentle. When you haw a Ive in- t.erview and ftve minutes to conduct It, there's no time to waste on pleas- antria and puff ques- tions. You have to be terse to get to the meat." , a few years chalang Nixon through China and Killinger through alrpolts almost~. Jn 1976, thou!ti. he decided to work at home. On a nine-month leave d absence, he c~authcnd a novel on shuttle dJplomacy wtth NBC's Marvin Kai>, and pitched In as uhou9e-husband" fot his four childaen (one boy. three girts, now ns1Qlng in age from 10 to 18) wtli&e his wde, Grace Anne. attended law dlOOI. "The chores of 1'Ul)l\lng a house can be and should be bandied by the family as a who&e," he says. "There will always be times when one plStner has to carry a dlsproportionet sharw of the burden . but there ls no reason whatsoewr for assuming that person will always be the woman." it's unlikely he could have taken on any tougher challenge than going head-to-head with Jobnny Carson. Since its debut tn March 1980, Koppel's late-night news/interview show, Nlghtllne (11:30-12 P.M., E.T.). maJJ not have sent Johnny scur- rying into retnrnent,.but It has given him a run b his money in the ralings, ewn beadng The Ton;ght Show tome evenings. And Koppel, the barltone- voic:ed anch«, is'now 1V news's ris- ing star, with rumors rife that he's headed for a spot anchoring ABC's evening news. You know Koppel has made it because those resident satirists. NBC's Safurdav Nfght Uue and ABC's Fri-c:Javs, have done spoofs on him, pok-- Ing fun at everything from his inter- view style (hard-edged, to say the leas1) to his cherubic appearance (Saturday Night teasingly reported that Koppel is "actually the son of SO's entertainer Howdy Doody;. Though Koppel, 42, isn't quite the jugular hunter that Mike Wallace ls. there's never any doubt about who's running his show, which Is based In Washlhgton, D.C. Almost all of the Interviews are done live. and Koppel conttnudy harangues his guests to stop sidestepping his questions and knock off the gobbledygook. .. A show without his toughness and quickness wouldn't last." notes fellow journalist Leslie Geb, a former State Oep.tment ~now wilh The New Yorlt Ima ... He can get aW81J ~ asldng tough questions because it's easier for someone who looks like Ted -with that simple smile on his face -than for Mike Wallaa! ... Nlghdlnc began as a 15-minute up- date on the Iran hostage crlail. But when American journalists were thrown out by the A~. Koppel and his staff had to scrape for material. Gradually. Nlghtllne ex- panded and today, in Its 30-minute, ftw-~a-week format. Its range is po5itivefy edeetic. Koppel has verbaly spaMd wtth heavywejghts like H.nry Kissinger. Andrew Young, John Ehrlkhman and Muhammad All. while topics have ranged from Salvadoran refugees to the dangers of youth foot- bal. Koppel's day 91mtt at 8 A.M. After devoudng a half.dolJen newspapers, he takes a confenmce caD at home wilh three of his produceo. Once at the ofBce, l<oA>el answers all his mall, consults countless times wilh his sen-icX producers, goes over his scripts and, If time permb, digs for future stories by tallclng to his extensive net- work of news contacts. The walk usu- alltj pays off with superior broadcds, and Koppers favorttes include the ~ on America's Cities ·(Septem- ber 18, 1981) and the election analy- sis of November 5, 1980. which won an Emmy. On that show,. l<oppel modmt.ed an expbslYe debale be- tween Moral Majortay leader Jerry Fal- well and dcfe.Med Senaas Mc.GoY- em. 8ayh and Ou.uch. The dllcuif. lion was '° powerful, ABC Id the show run 43 mktuta owr achedule. l t's hard to ~ my tousilllll In- ~ • ., says Koppel, "but they're always people who kMp ~and don't listen to my questions." The best example \llal Amb 3 :lor Shely ~ Hamid of f.eypt. "Analy, \1119 had to go to a commercial," Koppel . The Koppm live in Potomac. Md .• and much of Ted's free time ls spent on the tennis court, or pradldng .. impreSliona, which lndude a Cary Grant, an AdlaiStevemon and a con· vlndng Ronald Colman. Koppers horizons at ABC appea not Iott •. but unllmled. s.tll he re- melns unadt8d <>Yer talk thlt he'I rep&ece Frenk ~ on tM even- ing news. He's flied In on the job b8fore and maintains, "'The most IUC- cessfuJ anchor Is he 01 she who of- fends the fewest people. But l am abrasive -and loOnei or later l rm end up offending a lot of people." laAI WEUSEmml• To Introduce the Fastest Growing Quattty SMde Tnte In America HOW TO GET YOUR FREE TREE. •• Simply send us any lilt crier for INCi on the onier form below, and we w9 llllld you an ~ t.t growing Andl01C099111 ~pop&. .... -of dwge. We went to tempt you to try dM9e rapid growing trees, -..... we know you'D be back for more. We are sure of 1hls from the thousmlds of ....,... orders we rec:etw from re8dcnca, parica. counby dubs, trailer courts and gow.rnmental bodies. A WORD ABOUT OUI COMPANY ..• We are not meil order promoters. We are nursetymen that have been growing trees for over 50 yean. You can believe wha1 we say about our fast growing hybrids and we have thousands of customers to prove It. You may be assured we wlll be here tomorrow to back up what we say today. If you don't order a tree, you may still request our Spring Garden Catalog with almost 300 different nursery Items. Sent automatically with an order. Lush, cool shade in the shortest time possible. Why wait 10 or 15 years for regular trees to shade your home? Our fast growing hybrids grow 5 to 8 feet a year. and wlll shade a one story home In just 3 years. The shade vmiety has a spread of 30 to 35 feet and will reach a mature height of 50 to 60 feet In a few short years. No other tree will grow so fast and live 50 long. · Perfect for screening, too. There's no t>ett., faster !JOWing, privacy hedge than our hybrid screen variety. h provides rnegnificent saeen· Ing to insure pttvacybetween houtes. around your patio. or to MrW as a windbreak or snow fence on farms. Plant them 9 feet apart and thcy'U grow into a solid ~ IMng ~ in about 3 years. The screen variety has a width of only about 10 feet, with denser branches. a desirable charactcistic for sc.reenlng. Hardy, rugged, grows almost anywhere . Our H,llrtd Poplar .. not to be coa'wed with the ahort-llwd l.omblardv Poplar. Our trees normally live -30-50 years or more, and are wind-resistant as weJ1 as in· Md and ct--. teliltant. Thae remarkable trees were developed SO yean ago by the U.S. Forest Savtcc to reforest fire ravaged land q uickly, and to reclaim strip mines and land611s. Thea phenomenally fut"9fOW\ng trees require very lit- tle care. We do recommend use of our Tree·Start Fer- tilize Pills, and plenty of water•!'-' planting. OUA ...... We~-.,...., -i.lonion with~~·,...... Fo.i< S.0.-. N..fwry. If •fllllft I t9'!' ol ...... o1.,_, ordet ¥""--~....Wied ... .;...., ...,w1111.,...., hyt.rid """'°"· rwtvm ,.,.,.. St-...ci tAMLS OMV for o .,._ re- ' ptocem.nt or purcho" price refund -'°"' cl.oice. We ....,.. .... _ plonn IO be .,..,._.. i-ttt.y, ond f;,., elem in _,., way. Tl'le -n onty la vo;d ......,., ..._ Sft""'in9 Lobel ia ............. For a quick Sllrl and wfe leed1119 for uo 10 '*O yeus. we highly recommenc our Tree-Start Ferh· llzer Piiis Also excellent for other trees. shrubs. roses. end flowers use 3 pills per tree lllJ. sotutely safe *'" not burn Packaged 1n units of , 2S Order bel<>-# ,--------------------------, l w ~911~5!_asons Nursery I DE". -.101 "/'LANTING AMERICA •• .., E. OllllllM""' FOR OVER J() YEARS" I ............. fL 11101 © I I c ... , PLAHT•ON, INC. Alt ._~ wm.,. 2 to .. tt. lndlco19 VOfi.ty 1~ °'Ser-> and quonttty ct..tred. I ._. ................. ,.....,._......_._,__. I N5246 N5247 I Shade ~ (l"lont~T-•tt.Aport) I ----,_ .,.. (lndk:at. vorlety} -trM Mnt 01 no chofoe when Y°" -.i 1 vs °"" Ii• paid order below. One..,.. ,,_per (~. ptea.e. 2 ,,_for only S12.99 (~) ............ odd S2.00,.,... hdlg. I ·----S"-foronly$22.'9(SawS9.40) ........... oddS3.00Poetoplhdlg. I ----10 ,,_for only UUf (Sclw $21.tO) ........•. odd .... oo.--.. & hdlg. I ----20 ,,_for only"'·" (Sclw 163. to) .......... odd 16.00 .-.. & hdlg. ----SOtrMtforonfyl14Ut(Sclwf'llOl'9) ......... oddll5.00PC19tage&hdlg. I MS.524 ... of ,,..start '9rt111Hr ,.11. °' S3.50 .-bog of 25 flO'tpald. I 1 a Send,,.. 5pt1ng o..n c.crtdog (lndudM wttti oni.r1111 ..... odd'"' ..... toll. I I n Otedl encloMd for S °' c:t1cwve to O Vleo. o Ma.• a-g.. I a-.. Cord No. bpi,... I ...,... I I s-et Adlhae I ·~ ~ -~ I ·------~---------------~---· BOW 'DIE CLVB WORK.8 As • member. you ~Ive. 17 times through· nut the year. a club 11\.-wslener-de1Cribin1 die regular selection •nd oth.:r cxcitin1 new books. PfC''iooJ selections. 111\d timeless fltvurites as altermte selections. Ynu'll find books that enrich your life. Boob to help )'OU JUide a child. enjoy frtt<klm from money ,.'Orms, or cope widl loneliness. Books to make )'OU • bettt:r Chrlailm and help you lead a richer. ruller)ifc. All et di~nts up in 20'\. U )'OU do not 11Vant any telecdon. simply return the special form included with vour • m..>OA'Slettcr by the date spcc~d. U )OO qn1 only the miun 1electkm. do nothing-it will be shipPed to you automatically. Or use the rurm ~o order any of the alternate selections orrercd. ' A small cha,,e will he added 10 each ~i_pmcnl for posiqe and handlinit. You pay '°" seleclions only after you m:eivc them. ff late mail deli\"tl')' Of the DewUettcr causet you to recei\"C a selection wlthuut 10 days IO decide whe1ber or not you w1111t it. the sefcction may be n:tumed at club expcnl4!. Boe.a Cafmc.... .... 1" Cff• - Aricr )OU purctwc your additional .l club sele~tions 'f!?U will receive a valuable Bonus Book Certificate with each book you buy 111 club price. These will help )VU 511\'C C\Cn mo"' wh~n ord"rin1 spedlll bunus selections 11 uvtnp up to 4S'\. ~ cMI .-,-llM>ll7 r.. TrW Send nuw for yuur 2 books for only SI- worth up In Slft.Cj()-.. the New NIV Holy Bible FREE. U not 11tis6ed. mum selections within 10 davs and O"A-'C nothing. The Bible is )ou~ 10 kffp in any case. r.-'Rr'..:r ... =tR.t.I'"' &_, 1111.:a:;. -• In'..,.. nJ ~ a.---~ , ........... ..,. ~ .... -.... ................ ~el llACIO •1 IUTSUUll tt ,,,, __ ...._ .... __ OI.,,_ _Ull __ ,,..., M"D!N __ ,,. Tiie __ ... lrorl ... HOIY '--_, ............ ...--~ .,. __ .--..---_.OI __ -~lolo -·e-MN --"9 ,., .. _.,.. S-ol!NAI- ....,.,.._ffttf'e1' .... .., .. 1'9Ull·-.... ,c;o....,. .. , __ • --Do 0-0-. -----... •lM --·"" Ollltl ....... _...~119 199-J•ft.1'= TN "'"'°' wt•trn on --··'· ::=.....,... ..... _,_,_..._""' ~ICloe:allllO--"'t ~ .... .,,_ ...... Pl9l'I" "" _. .............. "'--•MM '11111--lut ... ,,_ ----c---20 ---... ·-1111117 • -.i -_.._ ... _ ..... ---"""'-·-·-----.. ~ ---Jlltm·• ..... ., ----· =:i::.- ___ ... -.....,.._.._ --I0<-0-,,. ............ ..... ..__.._ -.... JIM4·INCIM.,_ --OU!--·----:'f...ucT nm,_, ..,~ ........ ,. -................. c-"tllll\e-...r _,,.o1_ .......... Pvtlli-11Mt5 7'1tlM • a ITIP ""9 "'""-,, ~-l!NM Tllt•ttaeii.lrOIOlll'e .......... -Ol U1!111 0...-........ l~OOtln!lolll!e ......... °'~"'""'-~ ..... 1111• •NI IT IWU'I ==.:t= ...... IOM-IMIO -~--..,. ...... __ ... -_!N....,.OI ~ .... :::::&. encl""'"-· '"' ... _ ... _ or--z-enc1.-.. MA""'NSWl4[H --1111•. _,.,.. c;n.44 'lllOME.H """' -..... u..I LOllO C>tANOl '-''' -111111'1 ..... '9f: ~ ..... =~ -;,,io-L:~ .... ............ __ -... ,...,,. ...-........... -......,,...,,,. ___ ....... Ullll ....... ,., ... -.... . .__.,.., .,_°"',,...,_, ~ .... a ... .._ "°""" -,.., -c.ci..._ ......... ·---0oo11-.....,__"'_,,. ... I .,.._., .. , .. __ .... _ .. _ -.___encl __ ................. ... _ ..... ..,. ...... -llOllll'llllr\lllllO-• .. .....,_.,.o_ ---JllUll • = 11"11'1 ... __ ... ,,, ,-. "'" -, .. 's IW-• ITU .. ........... :.e;:.;.r-...=: ~,,.,, ..... .. , .. ~ ~,,. ...... ....,,_..,._ ----...... ,.,.,._ ti .. 96 -OINOw<tl...,•le a-...._ .....,._ ..... ,_._..., .. uctyOI -··".......,_ -·-•MM "C1141"9 ---Jetwl I em -·~'' ............. ,,_ .. ___ -'°"---~-Oo<I• ... -191K'i encl c- .. ____ __ ,,. __ "°"*"""'--_ _,,l\il'°l'MI .. ___ ,., _ _,_ .. _ ----WORD BOOK CLUB. A OM-. of Word OMS. Inc .. ..,.... "._ "-Urive, W-T .. a 11,_ rw--------------~ --, I FREE 61tT CERTIFICATE I MAIL BEFORE FRIDAY MAR. 26TH I WORD IOOK CLlJI. A Dni'"'" ol Wun! OMS. tn.: I 4800W~-.. w ... ., On-.,. ~aco. Ttut 76"'96 ms' Plcaac send my FRF.F. NIV Holy Bihk. • AIMl .end me the 2 wlttrioos whose num· vc lndlcucd below. billin1r me juAI 51..00 plus a 1m1ll shippin111nd hlndll!li cluuve. If noc 11111isfiN. I ma) return 1hesc toooll wllhlD lO ~"I ind ~ nochin,11. M) '"'' mcmbcfllhip ... m M c11K"elcd and 1hc fttc Bible 11 mine to keep 1n any c~. As o member. 11\Y 0t1ly obliir .. clon is 10 chcosc JIL\I ·' iodJhiunal books durina the out 2 yc1rs-11 1;1vinc., up to 20%. A small ch•l'llC will he added ro c11ch shipment for posi111e and handlina. Ahcr 1h11 I ma)' cttncel anydme. U I do remain • member. I will recehc a boous cc:n1f1C".ic ,.;,11 each purchlw-m1k1ne h pof- slblc 10 i.a•c e•-en more. SAVE: Enclose SI" now. ind we'll pay shlpplna and handlin11. Sime return prh · 1 lc11u ,. it h mn nt) ·heck 111.trenttt. Prinl Wtti. .. die ---.. ,...2..-..... tMMMt~I -no11 11i I Rt I RIKll 4.\.'41 Nomo;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Addten'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cl~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S•wc.... ________ z,...., ________ _ L •Tnu retid.en11 add S" ales cu. Allow +6 wecb for dclh~ry. WBC 2t> ----------~---~----J If we'w come to expect anything from Jane Fon- da, It's the unex· pected. It teem5 she's one person who ti. newr heal *-id to demonstrate her Independence. whether as a screen ta~ tn Barbarda, an 0tmpoken polltic:.al ac- tivist durtng the Vietnam War or the heed ol her own issue-ortented moYle company. So It didn't come as that much of a surpriM when, in 1979, the suddenly stmWd her own exen::ile butinas, Jane Fonda's Worilout. Fonda now hal three California exercise studios in opeaadon: In Beverly Hiils, &DK> and Sen ftmld9co · She ii alto the hard and you sweat Our dwes me author of JaM Fonda• ~ hllll and Not only do Boole (SGnon and Schuseer), which work ~.you m.o ~ describes het physical fitness off ab1a " phiosophy and features an llumated Fonda's. basic program consists of e:xerdle program. .. syMmaticaly llmba1ng up every sec· Fonda, 44, says she was In-tion of the body. You begin with a teaested In fitness ~ before tt was a wmn-up to Q8t your pulse going and nadonal movement. From her arty ltrah oua your mUlda, then focus twenties until she started h8r own ex-ll!pBl1llfilly on exe:rdllng your arms erdte studio. F~ studied Wet. waist, stomach and hjps. Then there'~ But, she adds, EJCeldsing as a wey 1 c:ooHiown to tmg VolO' pulse back of tie fat-me really started when I to normal. The centers o8cr disses broke my foot while filming The for adub end chlldren and pregna(lt China Syndrome In 1979. After get· and poltpmtUm ~- ting out of my cast, and to get In Fonda advises that "'If you can get shape for my next ftlm , I began work-younelf to work out daily, no matter ing out -and dllcovered I loved ttr how lhd or depaaed you feel, the That inddent, and her desire to beneftls go beyond staying fir or thin ltm't tome kind of buanaa to hq> _ you also gain the energy to con-~~~ front your problems." Democracy which Is headed by Fon· &erdM 11p9 da'1 hutband. author/act!vtst Tom From .lllne Fonda Hayden. led to the founding of the • Try eMrdslng wtduomeone else. fttna& centers. • Work out to music at least three Fonda admits she wasn't always times a week, for 20 to 40 minutes, tmltie about fttnas. As a young wllhout Interruption. woman, she says, lhe alt.ernmed bet-• 1iy to Mt up a regular time to ex- ween "eating binges" and aash ercl.te. dieclng, and up unt1l her late thSties • Ute an exercise pad, towel or the took diuretics tQ keep her weight b&anket for 8oor work. off. • Never eat before e:xerdlang (dur· Today he[ peaspecttw is different. Ing the digesttve process, your blood "Don't let anyone tell you how to will be dtverted &om canytng oxygen look." she advises. "Dlloover yow to your mudes). own uniquenas and cnhanc:e It." • Warn up before e:Ml'dlang. "To g8t in shape," Fonda uys. •"A good exerdM prowam," she "yoU haw to work up a sweat surnmaiza, "should tn\llOlve en· ~ menuous c:mdk>Yascular or durance, hart~ exer-- aerobic ewctM [ewdle for the hart clMI and ma:hmg. The object II not and lungs). The centes .. not places to get thS\, but to tone your ,.. to come and llt and talt In. You work body." ~ 'Nl&.Y WHKLY, ~ 21, -• 21 Oil f. LEOllMD"S, °""-FW-60 ..-. Care "'a II eta .. , ................... NY Um Name -------- ) Pl ... Mnd --M11 ., ... ~a). • Addr .. -------1 0 One mt s.3.98 plus 85C PoMaQ9 Ind . Mndlf City I a SAYE ,wo at $6.99 plus s1 2S --..,.------ posg~ and handhng. si... Zip __ _ L(NY residents s>teue add sales tu) --.. -,.-,-Dr-~o ________ ... _____ _ .... Genuine 1 Point Diamond and Crystal Heart ' / .........._ This Duzllng _ -V~ue ~-t..4 In ,,..,_ """ I ... IH.P..nl ,,.,,,,. ........... .,.h •. "" ...... n .. t1t-..Ntup' • Genuine 1 point diamond • 32~o full lead Austrian crystal ... perhaps the most brilliant crystal in the world • Precision-cut facets capture and disperse briJliant rainbows of light - • Sterling Silver chain is a generous 18" UNCONDmONAL MONEY·IACK GUAL\NTtt ForOnly - . 0.-.st-r h'IMV' '•IU m.av """"' fond • -'"'!'"•· ••~t' p,.n o/ ~-lry •• ~ •flurd.aba.. .a pr.n- r-----------------1 STULING HOUSE. Drpt. DC41ll Sfft'bnt ~ ~. N. \' lOUl n.. •• ""'riotle • .i.-• 0 ...... ~--~ ....... ~ ..... Crytul Hurt '"'°""' M .•s ..... I 50 r•H Cl~. fft9"l•bt ........ •"' -·"" ' MAkCS AN IMl'tllSSf\/( C:ITT OKOU MOllfTHAN ONE NOW. ANOSAV(' 0 l-lcw...tyllt.,•l l50PllH 0 TMw for Ol'l)' 117 00. ~ PllH ........ ...,._ 0 (tvlooH .. ""'' ~ ------ 0 CHAlt<.l IT D v.. 0 ~r Ch.'1" (•rd . ~--------- en,. St•tt Z..--L---------------1...-----------------J .; I ., I ~ I f· l I i I I I I I r----------~--~--------------------, 1 LAllllMI -.au uua, -.. .•. ,,.,,,.. ......, ..,., ...._, Pa. 1m1 . 1 f rteeae rllSll "V[N"'S llUH" ,...., llrapes I (lOOl524£) as llldtealtd lie.low Oii -Y·Nd C11eloaed 11 ._ __ (Pa. raL edd utea tu.) llMtlllt" If not tO\llly Clelllfllld. · . I 0 OM for tU11 plus ts. oost111 & hMCllllll NAM£-----------1 I •1•o .. 1Hl•tl o TWO for S7.50 plus $1.25 PG'UJ• & llMdlina Al>Dll£S$ : O 'OIK( for Sl.99 plue SUS PotUI•' ----------MIMlllll CITY ___________ _ I 0 FOU1t fof $10.50 lllllS SUS pocUft & I ~11111 ITATE Z11'---- L-- - - - - - - - -- - --e H,Jl.t .. IRC., 111Z ---- - -- - - - - - --J a.,_,.l'Jehlf ... .., Cltrftlea DlscoYe17 £eta 1'~ • ....,.., a .. ,..,. C:rep• 01 It's New ... It's lnuedihla .. · and It's About Time! • So /ttgt, 911 u11 ett it wff' ' l<11ilel ·"v • Blooms Llwisflly ... lllTMl - .. Procl!CIS lltpl, Blue-Violet F'lowtr· in1Splm • Capiivatin1 "Old En1lish" Fraarance • A TM Perennial ..• lovely Blossoms From June to Fall! • Handso~ Sliver· Green Foliap • Improved -Northtm, Sub-Zero • Also Use for Swett· Scented linens. Sachtts • Try llNill I "" 1tlt91Y ljliru of IM- ""' to your flower trrqelHtlts ... It looU wery bit a rood 11It11Nll1! Or, ~ ... ~ .. .......,ry,,....all .... lolll wttfi tlli1 ~ ~am.a. Dry owt i....wbtouo.lftd t..tlloft illto lldltts. Tuell ttlMI lflto I iMfl clouts or clotllllll for I fresh, SUll'lllltf tctftt Ill yelr 'l'OUftdl You'll low the hundrtlds 1nd hundMI of d1lnty. frqr1nt Llvender blOMOms thlt pop up on every pl1ntl The roy1lly·cotor'9CI S?lret (1bout 12 inches tona) •rt i.den with tie.Yenly be~uty from June riaht on throuah the Iona bloOmina se1son .,..d crown the bushy, sltyer .. reen foliqe (•bout 1 'h ft. hl&h) with maanifioent sweet· 1mellin1 vlolct·blue 1,.nct.url THRIVES IN SUN OR PART ·SHADE Wherever pl1nted, the entlcina "Old En&1i•h" fr19r1nce will w1ft to the t1r come,. of your y1rd •.. drift throuan your wlnd<>M. 1bsolutely ench1nt1n1 you for month1 on endl And our SuperH1rdy l.lvender ,.11sts winter'1r1v11n1m11lnaly ... thnve1 in sun or p1rt 1hade tool W• ship eirtrl·hHvy stock for 1tunnin1 bloom the fi,.t Nlson. For denae hedees, P'ant •bout 1 'h fl. 1part. Extremely .. 1y·to-1row .•• once pllnttd, It will ~ one of the t~res of ,our 11rdenl LAKELAND NURSERIES SALES,~.,..,,,... 11»1 - - - - -- --IATllracnol -! llMll COtlPOll ... - - - - - - --, LMl1MO MUlllOllJ W.0. ...._ ... 1754, MO ,._ ...... ......,., h . 11SJ1 IOlldlJ """ llMOY LAYlNOltl°l'lANTI (l12t1Hl) Ofl f•ll ..-.Y· I w ~:im •• trrr:;l:.11111 1 ~:'~ius .toe PoSt••• , 111nd11111 I •,..... .-aniw. 11 g : : : t: ::: ~ =:::: : :::::::: I 111ffttt e.ttu-. It ,... C 12 fM at l&.00 plus SUO p0iu11 a lla11dllllf f .. • ......, 19ll,... c.closed It (l'A retlft11U tdd Al• llL) I .. ., 119 ,_ lffet, ct!All• fTt C Alllttlctn [Jpreu C: Dllltts' Ch• ,...,. ..... JO ...,. "' 0 VISA c lilltt~rd 0 C.rtt l18lldlt I I,,......,.... ..... If Aocct NO. l .. Dttt-----a;s::~: NINT NAMl 1 ~~ \' = ::'" I Ji1;;. , ......... _ STATt-ZIP. I • _._ ,..... u oiCi h•• iiiif Mill 80i tor '/r''' ilh:l'lliilOll to -f11JI. ---------~~~_!!l._o..;!1.!!5 _____ ."·"·'·'•·lta-J By Roberta Adama It's a special oc:casion and you'd like a new hairstyle for It, but you don't have the Ume -or the money - for a viii to the hai-draser. FAMILY WEEJ<l..Y canvaeaed e:xpat hai:rstylisu to get suggestions on great·lool<lng habtyles you can do at home. 5teYe White of the Raymond and N.-r Beauty Center In New Yori< recommends a sophisticated 40's·Jook upsweep style, especially for the ~ wllh long or medium· &alglh curiy hair. Simply comb 1he back hair up and secure it with h.lir· pins •• then roU up mid secure the sides, ~ a fhf tendrils free at the nape of the neck. Anlsh off with a nonlacquer hairspray. "If you haw ftne hair. It can be made to look fulle(" he says, "by braiding lt. Make 10 to 12 braids around -the head. apply hUspray. leave In for half an hour, then comb out. Or try pin curls all around the head." Famed twrsty1ist KenMth believes in hairdoe b important occasions that are .. slmp&e. yet special, rega-dless of the ~of your.,__ .. If you have sheet hair. he suggests you Wall\ and blow-dry It, then give the aown an extra lift by setting with rolen, hairpins or a aailng Iron. For a ftnishlog touch. pul the sides up with deconavc combs or blnwtta. If you have medium~ hair, Ksnneth recommends putting the front dm.t of your hair up In a twist or topknot at the crown (the very top of your head) or farther .back. And for a preny k>c>k for long hair: Comb an your hair back, then make a braid that begins at the nape of the neck. Secure wllh an elMdc band .-\Cl a *"Pe or· nament. .. Hairdos for spedaJ occasions thouktn't result in your looking like a *-191' when you check your ap· pearance In the minor,.. Kenneth says. "Relax Wilt\ the style you moo.." There's mlOCher SJe11t w.y to get a tpedal..&eds haintylt. M8llllr col· orlll LaMe Blanchard ....... subtly llumlnaltng or ~ the &ont ' MM&.)' WHIQY, ,...._, 11, -• f1 portion of your hair. You do it \Alith shampoo-In hair color that you can apply at home. Select a tint that is two shades lighter than your own color. edge of one eye. cirdlng the aown, to the outer edge of the other eye~ Leave in the color for no more than 10 minutes. Then shampoo and con· dltion hair. and blow-dry or set I!) .. usua1. Apply color to five or six strands of hair. evenly spaced &om the outer The Sensational "EYERYTHENG''"'~~Qt4! FASHION CHAIN . Allwyn & JefMle. lid .. t 200 ""-Of. WRtDury. N Y 11llO It~ JOO df/lettnJ /altion dUlins in one! r------MAIL To:·-----, Everybody wants the exciting new EVERYTHING CHAIN! It's the fashion sensation of the year be- cause you can wear it so many different ways ... for so many different occasions. & Creati~! ... & Fasltiona/Jk! . . . & GlamOl'OUS! Is it a necklace-or a bracelet? Is it a single ele- gant strand-or layers and tiers? Is it Sporty? Casual? formal? Surprise ! The EVERYTHI NG CHAIN is all that-and more! ~ SJ0.00-'lz tM AdvmMd TV Pritt! You've seen this same chain sold on TV by others for $20.00. AND WORTH IT! But our sensa- tional EVE RYT HI NG CHAI N is NOT $20.00 ... NOT even $15.00. Your special low price is only $9.95 if you act right away. Money back if not delighted. Mail coupon today. EVERYTHING CHAIN OFFER, Dept. 6'3-91, Box ••Jericho, New York 11153 0 a1XJ4f(•• Rush my EVERYTHING CHAIN for the Kpccial Price of-NOT $20 -but only $9.95 plus SI.SO shipping and handling. 0ijJiji14 KARAT GOLD HEART CHXRW.l'm responding by March 17 ... include 14K Gold Heart Charm for my EVERYTHING CHAIN-a a frtt 6'ft. 0 lW4fQ2 Chains for only $16.95 plus ST.30 sli1pping and handling. (free 14 Karat GQld Heart Charm with each Chain. of course.) Total enclosed$----- (N. Y. "si<knts odd oppropriot' sows tox.) (Print) Name ------------- Add ms ------------i Cte1 Stale __ 1"'-- (J ... > L---------------~ :·••1 LIGHTS I 8 I llAFFD & •us-w "Mr. Whtppe, please don't squeeze the Charmin." For 18 years. we\1e laughed -and groaned -at that com- mercial. But did you know that there ~ was a George Whipple? To avoid Inadvertently picking the name of a real person who might then sue, advertising agende$ often choose the name-of one of 1hetrown employees and pay him a token fee of $1 for Its use. George Whipple was an executive at the ftrm that created the "Charmin" spot. Other CUITent examples': "Norman Beny," the beleaguered traveler who misses his plane. train and rent-a-<:ar in the ads for American Ex- press Assured Reserva- tions, and "Hugh Mc- Cloy" in New York. the addre9lsee hi Fede.raJ Ex- press's ads for overnight delivery. .. . Names aren't the only 'Mr: ~ : ~ h the ext. thing handled with care. If you hear a phone number mentioned on ~ favorite 1V show, it's sure to ttart wlh "555"; an area code is always "'311." The phone company stJa'9y urges authors and TV and moYie studios to use these numbers -which are never used for real phones -so some poor schnook doesn't have his number accidentally mentioned and then spend half the night answering calls meant for Kojak. ff you dial a 555 number (oc.ept ~ 1212. which rings Information), you1 get a NCOrdir'9 or an operator. QOlllQAN The best way to make a monkey out " someone you know: a new gimmick In Smdford, Conn.' called Ape-0-Gram. For $40, Ape-0-Gram will tend both a tuxedoed gent bearing champagne and hts side- kid<. Ralputin the Baritone GoriDa. (To calm the guDi- ble, it's reaDy one of several burly ()C)8ege students - who eile would stoop IO low b a few bucks -Gt cal:~ tu Bo. draaed in a monkey suit.) The duo wGI delJwr ~ d10ke of mauige -tdkiay, annNersary, even a pie-In-the-face -in the form of a 6-to 10-minute sktt. Reactions have been varied, but rarely apathetic, ex- plains Ken Senti, the foundc and owner " thit monkey bu.sinas. "We've had kids hJde behind couches. grown women run Into c:bets. After teeing Rmputln, one drunk swore off the aauce ." TM SCRIPTURE Oii DOODIJNQ Even though the word comes from the German dude/top/. meaning "simpleton: Ji®dling is an lmportant and healthful practice. assures Ruth Mid- dleman, a professor of social work at the Univ. of Louisville. Besides the fact that the ranks of inveterate doodlers have included Ronald Reagan. Frank Sinatra, Grace Kelly and Howard Hughes, Mld~­ man says the art helps beat boredom and stress. "DoodJes indicate the right side, the aeadve side. D?2) v: :7\!~ • <.-",, I I -\ -.· .,,, '.. c f Top drawer: Reagani louch . of your brain is at work,"' she says. "While the left side is tuned In on a boring meeting or phone call, doodles unconsciously ex- press your imagination ... Middleman adds she doesn't even mJnd adchlng her students doodling in class. But while some believe analyzing your doodles can reveal your true self, Mid- dleman insists, .. It's as ac- curate as reading the- bwnps on your head." llAISCGFB OU1'0P'nlECLGIEI Bab have gotten a bad rap, aa:ordJng to a biologist who's studied them for 15 years. Boston UnJversity's Thomas Kwm says that of the 850 species of bats woddwide, only 20 are known to cany rabies. And of the two varieties most often found in the U.S .• only one j in every 1,000 ls rabid. ~ Spraying with pesticides i onJy increases the risk, he warns, because tt am ac- tivate the bats' dormant rabies viruses. And bats do more than just hang around caves, you know. They pollinate ftowers and disperse fruit seeds. They controlthe Jnsed P9Pulation. (The 50,000 bats around Boston ate .13 tons of bugs last year.) "Here In Western culture. we don't like bats because we associate them with dark, aeepy pJac.es, l.ike caves and at· tics and tombs," says Kuntz. "But in Orie'{ltal cultures. bats are regarded as symbols of health. wealth and long life.'' And with good reason -a bat lives from 20 to 30 years, while the typical mouse, for examp&e. rarely makes It past age 5. SHAKE OP HATH Hospitals around the country are seeing a frightening in· aease In a conc:tlHon called Whiplash Shake Syndrome. which can result from a parent picking up a young child - under age 3 -by the upper arms or chest and v>olently shaldng him. According to Dr. Harold Rebte, a pediatJ1cs neurosurgeon at Case Western Reserve University. the brain temporarily separates from the skull. causing blood clots and bruises on the brain, and often resulting in blind- ness, brain damage or death. Rekate says that In his hospital alone he saw several cases of W .S.S. fatalities last year. .. Infants. neck musdes are poorly developed at this ~ung age," he explains, "and so parents must be very Careful. Most of these Incidents lnV<>We child abuse. but we have seen cases resulting from overly aggressive play, such as an aduh tossing a 6-month-okl baby in the air." BIRTHDAYS (Al~ ........ -E.d- ward Kennedy 50; Robert • Young 75. u..cs.y Peter Fonda 43 . ..,.__ ct.y -James Farentino 44. Thunclav -George Harrison 40; Jim Backus 69. Friday -Tony Rand&I 62; Jackie Gleason 66: Johnny Cash 50; Fats Domino 54. Saturdey - Elizabeth Taylor 50; Joanne Woodward 52; Ralph Nader48. 'AMILYWEIKLY, '*-111.1112 • 29 "No other W-size pkk111 gives JOI .SO mch for so lttle~says ex-Ford owner Wall Garrison. Beat mpg Increase: 29 est. hwy. (ij] EPA eat. mpg!' The new generation of Dodge Rams -toughest Dodge pickups ever-just got gas stingier than ever. New 1982 Ram Miser gives Dodge the biggest mile- age increase of all full-size pickups. Yet it still delivers Ram Tough performance, thanks to a standard drive- train that teams a 4-speed overdrive manual transmis- sion and 3.21 axle ratio with Dodge's famous Slant Six engine. No Ford or Chevy standard model matches that tough combination. Ram Miser is loaded with handsome styling fea- tures-inside and out. When you add it all up .. at S5,899t nobody else gives you·so much for so little. Get a truck. Get a check. Get $300 to $1,000 cash ~ck. depending on the model you buy or lease, on new '81 and '82 Dodge trucks. excluding Rampage. See ybur participating dealer for full details.tt Pnce Cash S.Ck EPA est. mpg/911 hwy Manual overdrive 1ransmisalon Floor COYefing Bright Wheel covers Bright front bompers Ci9ar lighler 0ua1noma. Day/Night mirror Fuel Tri (gal J Galvanized sUHtf I eq It l Axle Ratio Ooclge RamM•- H .ltl't 1300 12:.1129' Standard Caroet Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard 20 • 310 321 'UM EM ewt mtlO number IOr c:Ofl!OW'9oll Vol/I 11111M9e mey vrwy ~on IPMCJ. -encl - AcNel "WV "'ilNOe """ prooetlly be ... Calif -lowet FOfd F·IC»S U ,M5t N/A f2g 21· NIA Rubbef Extra Cost ~/A Extra Cos1 N/A N/A UI~ 217 247 ta-lfl!IMt -~title. -encl~ CfW9eL Pr-efl«:tlVe J-v 6. 1912 ttt'rogrwn P-F*'*Y 29 1982 ChevyC.10 H .Mtr NIA ~26· NIA Rubber Extra Cost Extra Cost Extra Cost N/A N/A 16 250 256 . .. -. I Specl•l-By·Mall Offer! Colorado Blue Spruce ----.. COLCMAOO M.Ue 9"llUCe ("'"9 ........... 11eun1 -_ .. ' _, ....... ,_,~_., ...................... __ _ I _ ,.www .. ,,...., ,---. ...,......, ti I., ..... _,....-,_..,_ ,...,....,....,...., __ __ .............................. ._____ 3 fo r $1.00 7 fOf $2.00 Ill fOf S4 00 MaHH of Color Ellrty In Spring CREEPING PHLO ~I C~ l'Hl.OX (II, ._,. _, .,_...., _ 4 .... -. ..,. .,_ ... ,_..__., ......... ..., ........ -QUiii dlo6oe .. -. -. _ ..... """-...... --i\11 .,_... -.. --........ ............... -............... 0.-ln ______ _ --------- 6 for Sl.00 12 for SI 75 11 for $2 50 OM of Naturn most rlchty color9d trMs · ·• Roy~I RED MAPLE Grow9 fnOllt ~ WO.ldet'fuf ......... $1 .50 ea. 3 fOf $;) 00 II fOf $5 00 ......... ..--. ....... ~ ...... ..... ............ .-............................ ........ l ................... oi.-............... -.. . ._ ••• ll._ ....... .....,..,_..,_2 te41l.- PERIWINKLE Staya Green All Veer Blue Flowera In Spring Need• No Speca.1 Care ,....,a--.-e•..--.-.-~~~,... .._ .......................... ~ ........ -llilMl'lte-... ....... _.,,_,,...,.-... _,, ................ a... ......... ... ... _ .... ,..., ..... _,o...,..... -2 .... ft. 25 for S1.98 50 for $2,99 100 tor S4 911 One of the Faatnt Growing TrM8 LOMBARDY POPLARS ................... ~~ (111. .................... .... _, .. -. ...... ,.... .... ... _ .................. --.. tr ............. ..,...,.......,. _,_.,_.,.._.. ........ -... .....,., .. 4ft._Nellr ... ........ 5 for S2.00 12 tor S' 00 25 lor $7 SO AMAZJNO PINK MIST SMOKE TREE S2.00 ea. 2 lo• s:> 75 3 for S4 115 (~ 0091,.111) M JuM IN .--. 11'99 ,.I LILL1116t .... flll ...... f**_.,.- ll It._... fofttl ...,~ofllgllt .... ......... 11'1 ............ wMI ...... ""' .... ...... lftd~ ....... 0.-to---11' . ~ l'IOlf"9 Mnd Htlatld 2' to 4' .,_, BONUSES for YOU! Chinese Hydrangea W1aterta nee o nfy SOC 75¢ .._,..._ ..... __ ... ............ ....., __ _ ........... ,,_, C:l\f-I-'" ...,.,..,...,1.1 ........ ~ -........ 110 .. -"-'· 11.00 ••lue. Hydt•nt•• It•• C-.."-........... .-. ...... ,...,.,.... •o tor u n -l O lor st H -lO lot S•• o ................ _ ... _,......_ ~-.... _,.. .._.._ ,....,_. .... ......., .. _ _,__, ........ ,.._,,.. .,.. __ ,.,..,._c.. ................... .. 11·-··"-........ ••• ....... ......_ ... ...,. a-............ ..._ ... ___ ,.....,._, -'"'''°"'--··-·-··-· ........ Ml--.. Or-.--'· ------Bua Ml Buie.et Size CUSHION MUMS ....... ,..._.,~-­.......... f, _ _..,....._ ........ ..._ _ _..,__ ...... .... ~-,......,-... .................. ......... ....,_.., ___ ... ___ __ ---°"" oelet ct-... .. ,......_. ... ,_... 1Yw Vt11N .,, N1: C'flllt{ '"'"'•'•I EAT STRAWBeRNES FAOM YINe lO FROST 8 for S1 .00 Ill tor SI 15 24 lot S2 SS TRAWBERRIES $~ 95 25 '°' S 3 ts 100 f0> Stt 95 t , 50 !Of S 8 95 200 for $20 95 .... ,...,.... ............. -,......_. ........... ,... ..... -~"- -Olllw9lllJ IM ........... -........ ------..·ni.r-· ..... -.-"-'Y -••··--............. ......... ,,__........,. ...... ... FULL GUARANTEE All ............... ~...,,- 4 for _.,.,__..._.,..,__., a.....,.-. llloed - -·, ' • .... S1 00 1 -.cttw. lttlc* -.-......... , • "99r -,..., ...,... .... "--• "-II tor $1 76 .._.. I 1 t '" • .._.. no ""'*"'· l.2 lor S:l 50 0.-I to 4 It\. 11111, 'lltu ... !Wdy. 24 lot $4 75 _._..__,.,_...,... 4a lot $925 BEAUTIFUL WAY TO TRIM YOUR PROPERTY PRIVET HEDGE 10 •O 101 17 00 -90 lot Ill 00 -100 tor 117 SO I ire ......................... ~,,.-......... .......-...... ,._ -......... ,._. I'" 1 V ITI"-' Nwr ...,.;, ,.._,........ M _,,...._, ............... __ ,.. ,....,..._,_,... ...... _c... __ ..... ..,......,.._,"' ---"._.. ....... , .. , ....... a.-.._,.,..._,.....,_ ......... _ -. ........... c:.M9rwle• - .IO TOTAL '-- t.·-1::!.i:::. ·: ... C'"' ....= ........ l.ARL«*LY-,... _, ...... IM ...... IOM,._llwill~ ADDRESS.__ ____________ ~ TATS Zll'- THE,..._•ON ftMM*. Top 10 llb#n. No. 1 Al My Rowdy Frlenda .... plus I Don't C.,,. ... :moN. JOl.2141 n.-----iJi&i --~ JtlllM No. 1. Top 101m111ti. w.lfJrlg For A Girl U. You; Urgent lftON. LAMY GATU# Md ,._GATUN llllOTHERS 8AllD 3110U•. His Top 10 Whet Are We Dain' Lon.sotN. plus You ~·t Know L0"9: moN. 3117t$• ~ =r-c:= I ~· LOWB90Y Gnl.UQCY ~ ... l!"'=.11£ 2M2H• ACHOltUS LIHE ·-°"ti""'._ C:.00 11709I -·----~ ~"'" ,,.... ---·-·-~-----·· : :r I I 30lll11-.. Top 10 album with the hit S.wn Bridges Road. plus The Lang Run: ft:. J11 .. l ~ ~ ................. -.. ,...,. -~­ liiiilliiiiil----- lttlt'9. ND. 1 c.11.._: HeattOI Gi9A: .,,,. Tide Is High 8f1d ~more. UANA~ ALL THE GREAT HrrS ,.,,.,... I lf1t19*. No. 1 If I NN'*'1 You (wlh E. Hlrril): Al~ ... Thill \VIE.RE ELSE CAN YOU GETAN llSIMTCOW 11111Jf.,S75*. Stonny W.f!W: The Lady ts A T,.mp: It You Belie'l9: etc. "11M*. Top 10 You"r• My 8-lt Fri9nd, ~ You Ar9 So Uwely. mot9. 112171•. The hit S. MN (Tonlghf). plUa R..chlng Out: I'm Al Yours: more. FOR JUST I St129*. Top 10 THCh Me To ChNt: hit ff You're w.lring On M9, pit.-111e -rm.: more. PLUS THE GOLD BOX TV BONUS! 1 31151•• OINESIS ~ AMCAo9 111071 NELDl'MOND ~ LOWSCWG.s 1 111060• ----~~.....-MMlMUW' lOIOOI• C~naa< . .., AU.IHOOKUP 30!>971. IUCO.-~ ...... ., ............. I I I I• - ,ll_l_I06• ---~QHM~l.•'f.C YJllll .... l05250• ~ UCy J. OllfOll HMIOTIMES MMn.. ~Ride U. T,,_ Mld.' ... a. Alir»:,..,,., 8e The s.n.:more. ,. 11 ...... No. 11 Hiil Prom-."' T1le Ori 8nd Fh And Ice, ... Jultt ,_,.,,,.:men. ,..... • No., JllbJm end No. l hll EMra. S** OrNm Ol Me; wr.t I'm W11tr You; ft:. 1c k usTHE .. GOLDBOX := TVBONUSI ltl'IOI*. Top 10! T .. hit; Top 10 Don't w.t On Me; hit In The Gardin: men. .... ......... ROWDY CMUCS-.... IO- 111711• wr.tAFool~ Mlnc4lt Sy Minute;~· On You: Rtlel Low: men. ----. .. -- ,..,.., • ..., ..ca '~ ,_,... •.-.rN "'"'··-... 'MaY WIBLY, ,..._, 11. - IE GOLD BOX TV BONUS! they're yours I-If you Join the Oub now and agree to buy 8 more Mlectlons (at regular Club prices) In the next 3 years. 30M49*. T•lle It On ni. Run: ··Doll 't Let Hltrl Go: KN P On Loving You •... Letter: etc. EMMYLOU HARRIS OMARRON 312112*. No. 1 If I Needed You, pg Ro. Of CimMron: Som To Run; more. UKETHESE 111142Top10 WPto ., Ctylng Now; the tm..n Don't Stop BeNem'; mote. * ~--•11atareno1-"''"'llOet I NOft:ll cu· c •-...... •...-.:c....... .................... ~ ... , .. - r--------~------------~ COWM91A MCOM>. TAN cw. I P.O. ... ,,,.,.,,....._ ..... nm ........... cf-*or__,a .... ._.Ul(Whlc;fl inc:ludft 1' for my •1 11 MlectiOns. ~ $1.85 for INpOlng end nandllng) Pit-. .ececl( ""I membershc> epp11cat1on und9f IN lefms ou1lined in th•~ I I eg19e 10 buy 8 more tac-0t rec0tds (el regu!Ar Club pnces) in Ille next I 3 ,___end mey cancel my membeBhlp at 9tf"J time 8'ler dong eo ..._,""~In .. ,,.,.°'~ (be -lo Cfli9dl -)c a e-Tract CartriOg9I o c...... a Reel Tiic-a ~ My"'-. lftUllUI lnleffft .. (dledl-); CTI/~ (But,_~,,_ 1Dc:llom9bom .,,.,~, a~ u...nwiv 2 a TMn Hiia 1 a ca..c.. 1 a Country 5 (no reel tlPM) a Jau 4 (no,... ..-1 §~ ~""tio Rr9f---..... ,,.,.,. ............ __ _ Ce+, 0 ,...._....,.., .............. ~ .. I ........... _ .. ~----~ ..... -............ ,_ ....... ---=--,_--' ..... a.~111 .......... ,.... ..... _ CTt1AFi I mm I I I I I I ------------------------' Yea, fuat tall!• • look It the MAl)en&ara end Mlper hltt that the Columbia Record & Tec>e Club now offers To get any 11 of tll9M recordl or tapes ngttt away. 11mply fill in anCI ma' the epplleabon together wttn your check or mooey order fOf $1 86 as payment (that's 1c tor your first 11 selections. p1us s1 85 to cover snippng and handling). tn exch•nge. you agree to buy 8 more tapes or rl!CC)(ds (at r~ular Oub pnces) in the next three years-and you may cancel· your member'ltltp •t any time aher dong so How the Club ~ every toor wee4<5 (13 times a year) you'I receive the Club's mUSIC maoazine. wnlCh descrC>es the s.ctiol1 Of the Month !Of each musical lnte<ett plush~ of....,,,.._ from fNery t.-s of music In addition. up lo ttx times a )lNI' you tNy receiw offw's of Specl8l Selec:llOl IL usually at • dilcount oft ,...., Oub pnces. for I total of up 10 19 buying~ If you __,, to receive the Selection of Ile Month or l'9 ~ Selection. you need do ~-tt will be~~. I you prefer .,, 1-.m.m selec:t!Qf). or none at ... 1111 in f19 •91PO'• card aJways provided lf'Cf mad it by tti. date ~ 'lbl wll alWays l\aWJ at leat 10 days lo make yoAI d8c:son. If you .. receive any Selectiol 1 WICtKXJt hi-mg hacl at lelSt 10 dlrys In wtlich to deciOe. you may retum It at our·~ The tapes Met records you onill' during your ~lfllp .. be billed at regular Club prices. which cunentty .. S7.98 to 18.98- plus ltllpping and handling. (MultiC)le-unit lets Ind Ooutle9 Setee- llons may be somewhat hlgtlet) And "you dadde to~ -• member after ~IQ your 411 .. oTment agi...,11, you'I be elglo- bta tor our money~ bonul plan 10.-0lf'/ FfM 1"al: .... wtd dlt* of.,. cu,·· opwllloit .... your introduc:toty lhiprrlellt If you .,.. not......, tor..,,._.. .,._ soevier. jlm r«urn 9'4f ytWtg..., 10 dly9 tor._. ....... 9l1d you WIT have no lut1hlr oblge6.., ......... '1bli rilk abeoli~ ~ Ing by Mr1g.,..., fNilng.,. ....... ._...be ... to ect now! OR-IF YOU PREFER A TRIAL MEMBERSHIP -SEE SPECIAL OFFER ON PRECEDING PAGE - 1 ~I ·,1:1 !.! I~ I~ •11 i g, ·; ~ -=~ = '"I! •1 Ii ii m· !!. ~· ,,, !J 11 ~I Ii! ~. Pl 1il h ,, ~i. ;11 ' fl ... ........ ~ ................ ~ 8 WW -W""" WW W W a H !! ii ~~ !o ~= !~ • j j ~~ """g"" ~= :; -=-= ~= 4 WM • ,..,-. • ..... •w j '[ lij 'ff ! [ i ~ If } ii •I h -~ I ; I~ • •HI h i U H11mn HU!!UlHi111ilil~l11ii 'I l!':r' f~i!S~jJ1IJ!J~i'~1r ~1 11 '" I'll' ~f ~i~ a:1~1 • i'tl ~&1 & . s• h,1 1iU P~ii!ti·! ~!~e•!!~11a .. ! ! i ~I I~ 1~ i J fi I i: - J~i 111.f ll ~~s fJg; :l!f ! J ~1s • 1 &ir·~il 1si11~1 ~r; i--11 = f 1m1n1 ~i~utJJ! :inn .i:li! ~._~----------------------IHJ~ !f; J i fii' a ~[ · l!J:I~ 'I ~I J .11•1 II' l fir 1• ~1n~;1 ~11· ~ li1,·1!•, ti j i Uliil U:H~ d,;111 1.a~ 1,~j f 1:1l1f 'l•f#,~!i~ltl !1 I 1 I -r ~ 11 a • ~1 fi' ~ ~ I •l Ill( f ! i a jltr I lai•1J3 I =ij 1111• ll a ! ... fJ a J-r ~ .. > 1 J a I I 111'J f ~a l ,, . 1 rl•.1 i ~ ·11 i !ll ,P . if lf !1!! h:t1 I ~I I r' r f .. ,1 J1a1. ~ ::!1 t I . -~1! ~ 1! ii · ~:I ------------------------~ . ._. -. • i ----~ -