HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-22 - Orange Coast Pilot• .,.1 ClllT .Gasoline spill floods drains, streets of NB Thlrty·six firefighters from three cities s pent six hours mopping up nearly 800 gallons of gasoline that Oooded a Newport Beach intersection and poured into the city drainage system Sunday evening. Work crews · used a chemical foam to contain the gasoline and blocked off the nearby flood • control channel to prevent that flart)mable liquid from reaching the environmentally sens itive tipper Newport Bay. The accidental spill at the 4678 Campus Dr ive Texaco service station was caused al about 7: 15 p.m. when a car ran over a 4-inch delivery truck hose. The delivery tanker was pumping gasoline into the station's holding tank s . Authorities said the car severed the hose and fled the area. -1 ' ·1 • Firemen fro m Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and the county fire departnM?nt hurried to the scene while poli cemen blocked off the C am pus Ori ve-Mac Arthur Boulevard intersection. All of the nearby intersections from Campus Drive north to the San Diego Freeway also were closed. Officials s aid S t everson Brothers , ;i P.untingto n Beach-based cleanup operation, brought a vacuum truck to the area and were a ble to suck up roughly 500 gallons of the s pilled gasoline. One Orange County firefighter suffered minor inJuries whe n some of the chemical foam got in his eyes. The sealed-off intersections were finally reopened at 1: 15 ll.m. todav. * * * * f' -· l t,.. _.. . ,:.·· Not v ery funny Wooden teeth restrictive PHILADELPHIA <APl George Washington not only was the father of his country. he also was the pa triarch of a long line of false teeth jokes. Sheldon Winkler. professor of prosthodontics at Temple University here. recalls. "One fellow I remember. the chairman of the board of a very large company. said h1.s dentures fell out while he was pl aying piano. They hit the keyboard. bounced bac k up a nd he caught the m .·· .... F ew sets of d e ntures are better known than Was hington's. which dis appeared from the Smithsoni a n Institution last June and are still missing Washington's false teeth are said to have embarass£·d the president so much that he once disguised a dentc-11 payment as a hat bill. One account had it that the teeth were wooden. but historians now contend they were made of a variety of materials. including elephant tusks and hippopotamus and cow teeth. • • • • • • Ylll 11111111 llllY PIPll OHAN G l COUN I Y C A L If OHNIA ;~, CENT S ALL IN A LATH ER Firefighte rs pour ~oam on a !.pill of nearly 800 gallons of gasoline that flooded the dr:.iinage 'Death coming Dally f'lllC ....... " .k .......... s~ ~tcm nc:.ir a ser vice.• stc.11 ion on Caro pus Drive in '.'/ewpo11 Bt:':.i c h Sunday l'Vl'ning over the cliff' But pilot, three others survive plane crash on Catalin a Isla nd r unway By PATRICK KENNEDY Of tlle O .. ly f'I• Su" Do n Nabors or Fountain Valley says he "saw death coming over that cliff" as the s mall airplane he and three othe rs were in crash·landed Qn Cat alina Sunday. No one was killed when the plane touched down past the middle of the runway at a high s peed and skidded off the runway embankment at 11 :40 a.m . Pilot Damien F. Henderson. 31 , of Costa Mesa, surrered inte rnal injuries and is h os pitalized in Torrance Hospital, Nabors said. Nabors, 20, suffered a broken n ose and was treated and released at Torrance Hospital. His brother Bob, 17 , and Douglas Mc Daniels. 15. both suffered bac k injuries in the cras h. Nabors said. He said the four were airlifted by military helicopte r to the hospital following the crash. Nabors said they had left John Wayne Airport and were going to Catalina to spend the day and .. goof around." · · 1 knew we we re going too fast and I told Damien to slow it down but you know pilots never listen to their co-pilots,'' Nabors said "We hit way past the middle of the runway and he tried to brake it but the plane started AIRCRAFT DOWN P:.iramedics help ont• of the victims in plane th:.it overran th<.' landing .. ... .,...... strip on Santa Cata lina Island Pilot from Costu Mesa was most st>riousl~· in.1 ured swerving to the left and ra ghL l yelled at him to put at back in t he air but by that time we'd lost too much power. "As we headed toward the end or the runway I just thought 'this is it.· "No one said a word. We 're luc ky to be alive ... N a bo r s s aid h e lo s t consciousness for a few seconds after his face s mJshed against the dashboard. When he came to h e s a id he sa w the pilot Henderson lying with his face on 1.he s teering wheel and bleeding profu sely from the mouth and nose ··He looked dead ... Nabors said "l saw that my brother and his rraend were all right and we crawled out of the plane. By that time rescue workers arrived and put us all on stretchers ... Chemical warfare report due Bank c ards replaced U.S. to make public charges Soviets used 'yellow rain' WASHINGTON IAPJ -The Re a gan administration is preparing to m ake public portions of a highly classified intelligence report presenting "hard evidence" that the Soviet Union used chemical warfare in I ndochina and Afghanis tan, according to U.S. officials. The top-secret "National Intelligence Es timate, .. the sources said, contains material to back U .S. c harges that thousands of people have been killeo in atta c k s with Soviet-supplied c h e m ical weapons, including so-called "vellow rain." ··A lot of this evidence is very grotesqu e s tuff .·· said one off icial, who declined to be identified the Soviets are using chemical weapons in Afghanistan, Laos and Cambodia. Such chemical agents have killed "scores of thousands of non-combatants in all three target areas," Haig said 10 a television interview Feb. 14. Halg's remarks indicated that the Intelligence estimate -and <See CHEMICAL. Page A2> SAN FRANCISCO <APl - Wells Fargo Bank s ays it is replacing 70.000 new Golden Reward Account cards because the code numbers a re wrong. An operator answering the b a nk 's toll-free compUint number said the cards had been going out since Feb. 161 but the problem wasn 't discovtred for two days. BRAIGI c·aasT WIATHIR Partly cloudy this afternoon. Low clouds and local fog tonight and Tuesday morning. Partly cloudy Tuesday afternoon with gu s ty west or northwest winds. Cooler days. Highs 64 to 70. Lows tonight in the 50s. Beaches lure many, but water still cold The so ur ces sai d a d eclassified version o f the C I A-compiled intelligence estimate will be released within several weeks . A second U.S. official, who als o requested anonymity, said he expects the detailed material on Soviet involvement with chemical warfare wilt play a key r<>le in persuading Congress to approve President Reagan's request for new binary nerve gas weapons for American forces. Liz : Li/ e 'lonely' w ith Sen .. Warner 'llllDI TODAY Voice specialbt 1ar• c Pl ee rleading can be haaardoiu ro rhe throat, • crtOtmg • a "Grovel <Hrtie" '°"" .a troubled aodol life. .P.oge 86 Lifeguard departments along the Orange Coast have reported large winter crowds turning up al area beaches over the weekend to take advantage of warm , s ummer -like temperatures. And while the mild mid to upper-70-degree we·ather may have made it feel like summer on the sand, the few hardy fol.ks who ventured into the 55-degree water were reminded it Is 11till winter. lifeguards said. Newport Beach lifeguard spokesman Jack Llncke said about 80,000 people visiled city beacbe1 on both days of the weekend, a comparable flcure to summer tatala. Llncke -aid llleauardl bid no m aJor problems wllb the unusually larae cr»wd, wltb only 15 routine rescues reported for both d•YI· Surf a.Ion& moat of the cout wa1 la the· 2 to a.r~ r1n11, posing no threat to swimmers. H oweve r , c h ill water temperatures got three· youna ~ople from Los Angeles Cowtty in trouble Sunday afternoon at Sunset Beach, according to John Barth of the Huntington Beach Llfeguard Department. Barth said the three, Victor Alevedo, 17, Debbie San Nicolu, 20, and Sharon Middlebrook, 18, were treated for exhaustion at Loa Alamitos General Hospital after being pulled from the surf by clty lifeguards. Barth said. the youths were swimming near 19th Stre~t when they were caueht in a rip current and pulled orr1hore. Rad the water been warmer, tbe sltuatJon would probably have posed no problem for them, Barth said. All were treated and released. San Clemente Life1uard Steve Barrett said about M,000 people showed up at elty beacbea <&ee au~ ••11 AJ) ··' Secretary of State Alexander M . Haig Jr. apparently was referring to the CIA report when be asserted recently that the United States bas n ew and "lncontrovertible evidence'' that Campus bombe~ SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -A bomb shattered a window at the University of Puerto Rico's Rio Piedras campus. A fl'OUP calllnl itsell the "Antonia Martinea Student Commando" claimed responsiblllty, police said. No injuries or major damage were reported ln the Sunday night explosion , apparently set to protest a hike In tuition, police said. NEW YORK <AP > -Actress Elizabeth Taylor says there was no place for her in the world of her husband. Sen. John Warner, and while she ''really loved" him , she found life with him lonely and without meaning. ln an interview wltb Life magaz:ine, Miss Taylor said that "being a senator~ wife is not easy. It's very lonely: I wouldn't wish it on anyone." The actress and ber sixth husband. a Virginia Republican, announced they were separating Oec.21. She said she had offered to help Warner in his work. but was rebuffed. "I would have done anylhinc -llcked stamps, typed s peechea, run errands," she sald, but added that she wu told instead to go home. • While she ••wanted to be the best wife anybody ever had" and wanted her marrta1e "to be a life-long rµn," instead "it became very unsatisfying," she said in the interview. ·'There was nothing for me to do except sit at home and watch the boob tube. My Ufe had no meaning, no responsibllity," Miss Taylor said. She called Warner a "worthy" senator, but said "his Ure is his work. It's his wife, bis mistress, bis famlly. There didn't seem to be room for anything elle." The actress, who will tum SO Saturday, said her discontent led her back to the 1ta1e aa t.be st•r of "The Little Foxes." The play, ln which she performed on Broadway and across tbe Unlted States, will opeo ln London tbia month. Asked about . her upcomln, · blrtbday, Mlaa 'taylor said, " haven't liven it much tboulht ... I don't re.et like I'm SO. I don't act Uke l'm so.·· j I -~ . . . . . . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 22. 1912 Smoking, eaneei-linked1 Surgeon general reports cigarettes 'major ~ause' WASHlNQTON CAP > - Cl1ar.u.e amoldn1 la "a major cauae" ol cancer or the tuna. larynx and eaopbacus and "a contributory factor" ln bladder, kidaey and pancreauc cancer. tile aurceon ceneral reported today. Althou&h the surceon 1eneral be1an compllln1 reports on 1moktna ln 19&4 , the annual one luuH today 11 the first devoted lo assessina the uaoclatlons between smokin1 and apedflc types or cancer. T h e r eport by S urgeon General C. Everett Koop described lune cancer aa "largely a preventable dl.aease," estimating that 8S percent of lung cancer deaths could be avoided ir Americans never 11moked. Koop cited various studies Titan official gets spy charge dropped WASHINGTON tAP> -The U.S. Court of Military Appeals ordered the Air Force today to dismiss espionage charges against 2nd Lt. Christopher Cooke, lbe Titan missile officer who allegedly conveyed secret lnrormation lo the Soviet Union. The court, in a 2-to-1 ruling, said that .lhe Air Force denied Cooke's due process by promising him immunity in return ror a full confession, then attempting to prosecute him after he made that confession. Cooke, a Richmond, Va., native, never denied during the preliminary s t ages of his court-martial that he made i'legal contact with Soviet officials or h a d conveyed information to them. He and his attorney. F . Lee Bailey', concentrated instead on winning diSlJliSSal of lhe charges with the immunity argument. The Air Force contended that Cooke had not r eceived his immunity promise from the only om cer entitled to give it, now retired Gen. Richard Ellis, who was commanding officer or the Strategic Air Command in May 1981 , when Co oke wa s interrogated. The court said the Air Force's contention that only Ellis could grant immunity was not "a panacea for prosecutorial mis conduct . . and does not create a shield for the convening a uthorily (Ellis)." "Such technical preoccupation with this provision of the Manual for Courts-Martial obfuscates the expressed dictates of Congress .• . . that the service m ember be afforded due process of law in the military justice system .. Juror questioning now may he private WASHINGTON CAP> -The U.S. Supreme Court said today that slate courts can ~Jose to the press and public the questioning of prospective jurors in trials in which the death penalty is a possible punishment. By a 6-3 vote, the justices rejected a challenge to. the Caliromia court policy by three California newspapers, which wanted the high court lo study anew the public's right to attend criminal trials. Justices William J . Brennan, Thurgood Marshall and Sandra Day O'Connor voted to hear argume.nts in the case, but that Suspect shot in burglary attempt die s A would·be burglar who was shot by an Orange resident during a struggle died Sunday night at a Santa Ana hospital, police said. An Orange Police Department spokesman said t he resident, who wa s not identified , confronted the burglar about 9:30 a.m. Saturday after hearing noises coming from a rear window. A struggle ensued. in which the resident was knocked to the ground, the spokesman said. At that point, the resident fired a shot from an unknown-type weapon which hit the burlgary suspect in t he head. vote total fell one short or the four voles required lo grant such review. Lawyers for the San Diego Union and two Riverside papers, The Morning Press·Enterprtse and The Evening Press-Enterprise, argued that the b1a-nket exclusion is unconstitutional. Reporters for the new~papers objected when informed that the questioning of prospective jurors would be closed in the San Diego trial of three men charged with murdering a deputy sheriff after a bank robbery in Norco. In a hearing on their complaints, the presiding trial judge ruled that the closed sessions were necessary to assure a fair trial, citing a 1980 Cal ifornia Supreme Court d ee is ion called Hovey vs. Superior Court. In that ruling, the state's highest court said that such exclusion was necessary "to minimize potentially prt!,judical effects." A stale appeals oourt upheld the San Diego judge's exclusion decision but said a transcript would have to be made public as soon as the "'public part .. of the tria I witness testimony began. · The California Supreme Court refused to hear the newspapers· appeal July 29, and closed-door j ury selection ran from July through December. Lawyers ' ques tions t o prospective jurors resulted in an 18,000-page transcript. s ugaestln" that 22 percent to M percent ot au cancer deathl can be 1&tlributed to smokin1 and said all of those are "potentially ,avoidable If amokin1 did not exist u a human behavior." C1rncer was re1poosible for 4;2,000 deaths In the Unlted States In 1980 apd la expected to claim 430,000 lives in Ul82, be said. Lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer death among American males since the 1950s . ll will beeome the leading cause of cancer deaths among females durin1 this decade if. p.resent trends continue, Koop's study said. Koop's report re-emphasized previously documented statistics showing cigarette smokers In general die at an earlier aae than non·smokers. He said there is not enough evid e nce to con c lude t h at non-smokers get lung cancer from inhaling cigarette smoke from people smoking near them, but added that ·'the evidence does raise concern about a possible serious public health. problem." The d eath rate for male smokers is twice that of male non-smokers, while the death rate for ferqale smokers is about 30 percent higher than that for female non-s mokers. he said. Koop's report also stated that there is a link between the number or cigarettes s moked per day and the death rate from cance r . And , the longer an ex·s moker avoids cigarettes, the lo wer his cancer death rate. The surgeon general's report, e nt i tl ed : "The Health Con sequences of Smoking: Cancer," directly contradicts an analysis of data on the effects of s moking co llected by t he Tobacco In s titute , th e a ssociatibn representil'lg the s moking products industry. The industry report. issued Thursday in anticipation of the s urgeon general's analysis, concluded that there is no direct evidence that smoking causes any kind or cancer. r Cigar and pipe s moking are causal factors for lung and laryngeal. oral cavity and esophagus cancer, the surgeon general's report said. Long-term use of snuff "appears to be a factor in the development of cancers or t he oral cavity, particularly can cers or the cheek and gum," according to the report. Combining alcohol and cigarettes increases the risk or cancer or the larynx, oral cavity and esophagus, the report said. The surgeon general estimated that in 1975, the year for which most recent estimates were available, lung cancer cost the nation $3.8 billion in lost earnings , $379.5 million in short-term hospital costs and $78 million in physicians' fees. The report said 95 percent of those who have stopped smoking did so without help from an organized s moking cessation program. The most successful programs in helping. s mokers kick their habit are those which emphas ize the s ocial and immediate consequences of s lopping rather than the long-term health consequences, it s aid. From Page A1 CHEMICAL poss ibl y the fort h coming declassified version as well - • SUN AND FUN Newport Beach lifeguards had their hands full over the weekend as an estimated 80 ,000 beachgoers crowded onto the sand. And while the uppe r 70·degr ee temperatures made for good suntanning, c hilly SS-d egree wate rs kept all but the hardiest on the beach. From Page Al BEACHES • • • Saturday and about 26,000 on Sunday. Barrett said only four rescues were tpade over the entire weekend, all routine. He said lifeguards were ke pt busy enforcing city leash laws for pets and ordinances against alcohol consumption. 2 Lon don pape r s face clos ure LONDON (AP) -A year after being saved from bankruptcy by publisher Robert Murdoch. The Times of London and its weekly stablemate, The Sunday Times, are back at the brink of closure. ·'One wonders why, you ever bought the m , .. a television reporter told Murdoch Friday when he said he would close both prestigious papers today. But after more than seven hours or negotiations with union chiefs Sunday, both sides reported progress and Murdoch extended lhe deadline 24 hours . NEW TRIAL Juan Corona. co nvict e d i n 1973 of murde ring 2S laborers. begins a new trial in Hayward today . An appeals co urt ordered the trial because o f inadequate defense. ~~--------~--~--~~-------~ Floods, mudslides ·kill 5 in Northwest By Tbe Associated Press The rains slopped but rivers ctlnlinued lo bulge as weekend floods and muds lides in the Pacific Northwest caused at least five deaths. blocked roads and forced som e people to sandbag or flee th~ir homes. Warm temperatures melted s n o w , co mpounding the p roblems in the Midwest , where i<'e jams melted in Missouri's Grand River , flooding 300,000 acres of uninhabited farm land in up lo three feet of water. No injuries were reported, as water s urrounded Sumner, a town of l!">O people, on three sides. Some of the rivers at flood s t age in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Iowa began lo recede Su nd ay, but warnings of br imming waterways remained posted for others. Minor flooding was reported in Nebraska and Indiana. Mudslides and avalanches damaged or destroyed homes, roads and bridges. Two major h1 ghways near Boise, Idaho, ,, were closed, but some roads in 01·egon that were shut Saturday r eopened Sunday. In Wa s hington , Flora Woodruff, 47, was killed and two othe r people were missing Sunday after their car hit a washout on Highway 142 near the Little Klickitat River, the s tate patrol said. Oregon state police said three people died Saturday when their van was swept into Lobster C r eek by a mudslide on a mountain road 15 miles s out hwest of Al sea i n nl)rthwestern Oregon. ·'They do call it a creek but it was like a raging river last night," Sheriff John Dolan of Benton County said Sunday. Seven -yea r -old Ja son Greenman of Bothell, Wash., died Saturday in the coll apse of a tunnel he .was building in a rain-soaked sand and gravel pit, authorities said. In Iowa, the Nishnabotna River in Red Oak reached 17.8 feet Sunday afternoon, 21i'J inches short of flood stage. But Mo ntgomery County sheriff's officers said it began to recede later Sunday. In northern Idaho, residents near the flooding St. Joe and Coe ur D 'Alen e Ri vers sandbagged their homes as the rivers reached flood levels late Sunday and early today Gov. J ohn Evans canceled a trip to remain in the state in case emergency declarations were needed. Sg. Mike Anders on of the Kootenai County s heriff's department said several houses were damaged by floodwaters in the Ferna n Lake and Twin Lakes areas and some homes were on the verge of washing into the river. He estimated 40 residents put sandbags around their homes in the Cataldo area On the Oregon coast, about lit':! inches of rain fell at Newport and North Bend during a 24-hour pe riod that e nded Sunday morning. More than an inch fell in Eugene, Portland and Salem, but some areas received 3 inches this weekend. Flood warnings were up along t h e J o hn Da y Ri ve r at' Monument and Service Creek. the .Grand Ronde River at Troy a nd the Umatilla Ri ver at Pendleton. In Echo. about 15 miles west of Pendleton, about 15 homes were threate ned by severe erosion of the Umatilla Ri ver bank, Army Corps of Engineers officials s~ Bo,, a3mits st e aling c ar S POKANE <AP ) An 8-year-old boy pleaded guilty to stealing a 1955 Chevrolet and will remain in custody until adults involved in the case decide what to do with him "I stole it," the third grader. identified only as Todd, told Juvenile Court Commissioner Kathleen O'Connor. Two s hoplifting charges against Todd were d ismissed as part of a plea bargain. The boy is descr ibed a s a habitual runaway who has a record of auto theft, theft, shoplifting and molesting his foster sister and foster brother Identity of the apparent burglary suspect was withheld pending the notification of his death to relatives, police said. Investigation into the shooting is continuing. At t his time, The newspa)>ers argued that a 1980 Supreme Court decision in a case ca ll ed Richmond Newspapers vs. Virginia should take precedence over the California policy. may include physical evidence -----------------·-------------------------- · however. the resident's action is being treated as a justifiable hom icide, the spokesman said. Fallen flier said c ritic al ATLANTA (AP> -A Ringling Bros . and Barnum & Bailey Ci rcus aerialist who fell while suspended by her hair 2S feet above the ground was listed in critlcal but stable condition with a fractured vertebra. Marguerite Ayala, who juggles and does an aerial ballet while hanging from her hair. also suffered a cut on the head and a fractured right arm in the fall Saturday before 13,000 people. The high court used that case to rule that the public and press h ave a cons titutional right, under the First Amendment, to attend criminal trial~ even when defendants object. ''The ... examination of prospective jurors has been considered a public and integral part of the complete trial," lawyer s for the California news papers said. "The judicial process would be subject to suspicion and doubts cast on its a bi Illy to function as the discipllnary arm of society if the trier of fact is chosen in secret." Lawyers for the San Diego County Superior CA>urt pointed out, however, that the Richmond Newspapers decision did not give the public and press an absolute right to attend all portions of all crimlnal trials. OftANGE COAST lilly Pilat ., CIHttned •dffrtt•lnt 1141142·!17'1 All other depertme,.._ MMl21 Thomas P. Haley "'--01M1 E1ecut1 .. OlllC<t• Robert N. Weed ,........ . Thomas A. Murphlne ... L t<my Schultz ~,,.,..... -~tAO,..•- Mcheel P. Harvey ........ ~ K9nneth N. God~ard Jr .• ~0.-I Owtel H. LOOI ............ . , • to confirm the use of specific chemical agents in Afghanistan. Previously, administration officials said publicly that while the United States has actual samples of deadly "yellow rain" from Cambodia and Laos, such convincing physical evidence had not been obtained from Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. One official described the c la ss ified r e port as a two-volume document , several hundred pages long, which includes a variety of charts, tables and indexes summarizing available evidence on chemical warfare. The "sanitized" version, this so urce said', will contain "everything that you've ever wanted lo know about yellow rain -and that we can tell you without com.,romising sources or methods.'' "Yellow rain" refers lo a type or Soviet c h e m ical agen t released from airplanes u a yellow powder that noata lo the ground. Symptom s resullln& from exposure to it include diuinesa, severe itchilll or tingling of skin with small blisters. nausea. chokin&t vomiting or blood, shock ana death . The intelli1ence report is 1aid to cite several different ettimates -ran&tn1 from 5,000 to mo~ than ~000 -on tbe number of fatalities caused by cheml(al auack1 in Af1hanlltan and Soutbeut Asia. ClA 1polte1man Dale Petenoo declined to comment on the report. SALE on selected equipment only! We _.. in the midst of what I• ahaplng up to be one of the best ski semons ever and ..__,,,. Ml C• .. •r has the merchandise and •rvk:e tom-. yours even better. ..... ..... Roestgnot oYriiftt Kt San Mar.co Oyrwnlc Reichle Fi9cher Ko Fl.ch Scil11mcl=-iJWW.c~. ..... 1rf 1111111; CA 631-3210 Geze Tyrolia Marker Big Apple, -u.N. spat But official insists '·m a r riage' is forever UNITED NATIONS <AP> SpUtavUle? lt'1 r~~rted on the rock1, but a olose friend lnalata that "this marriage Is rorover." Ollllan Marlin Sorensen, playln& her appointed role ts "m arrlage counselor," was apeaklng of the som etlmea un easy, 37-year union between the "Big Apple" and the United Nations. Mrs . Sorem1en, who is New York Clly'is commissioner ror the United Nations and ror consular corps, termed it a "love-hate" relationship. A series of opinion surveys have detec t e d g r o wing American disenchantment with the 157-nation world body. The latest problem was a spat that began with an anti-Israel vote in the U.N. General Assembly and blew up when Mayor Edward I. Koch, who is Jewish. called the United Nations a "cesspool" and "den of iniquity " Koc h suggested that the ' "swords into plowshares" in· scription on a city-owned wall across from U.N. headquarters be s upplemented to point up what he s aid was the world body's "hypocrisy, immorality and cowardice." The General Assembly , in a resolution adopted 86-21 on Feb. 5, singled out Israel as ··not a peace·loving m ember state" because of its annexation of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. On Friday, Koch backed off and said he would not go through with his threat to add a new AN G RY New Y o rk 's May or Edward Koch is upset al actions of United N~tiqns General Assembly biblical inscription on the "I s aiah Wall "Th e ··s words · into· plows hares" quotation already served "as a fitting rebuke" to the actions of the General Assembly. he told reporters at City Hall The chief U.S delegate to the United Nations Ambassador J eane J Kirkpatrick -has also been grumbling or late. In a Stay downwind w hen trapping a skunk NORTH BAY.~ntario (AP> The first bit or advice for s kunk s kinn er s at the 35lh annual convention of the Ontario Trappers Assoc iation was obvious: "Make sure that when you come in contact with a s kunk which has sprayed you're standing downwind." Thal bit of counselin~ came from Wayne Huber, a London Ontario. trapper and skunking expert, who added · "The thick, yellow. oily fluid 1s found in lwo glands along either side near the base of the tail.· .. Each gland cont<11ns about one t<tbl espoon of essence." Huber told a group of 75 trappers al a co n vention works hop that the best lime to s kin a skunk is shortly after its death. "making sure you do not squeeze the scent glands." r"c ent s peec h to Amerlcan Le1ionnaires In Waahlnaton, M r1. Kirkpatrick said the United Nations wuis "a very dh1mal sbow'' in which connlcts are aggruvat ed ruther than resolved. Americ¥n resentment ls fi el.ihtened by the realiulion that the United States is paying the largest share of the U.N. budget 25 percent of this year 's total of $753,120,900. Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Koch both favor reducing the American share. In the case or Ne~ York City, Mrs. Sorensen says, the United Nations is an economic boon and not a drain a s many New Yorkers seem to thjnk. "l can't speak for the mayor. But I believe he recognizes it (the United Nations) is part of the l!fe of New York. that this marriage is foreve r." The city has the larges t diplomatic community in the world 40,000 people. 157 U.N. missions and 93 cons ulates . According to a recent report by Mrs. Sorensen's commission, the U .N . a nd diplomati c com mun1t1es bring the city nearly $700 million a year in economic benefits while costing the city $15 million for police protectiou and in lost l ax revenue. D espite s ums s pe nt for protection, nationalis t and religious groups sometimes c au se mayh e m f or U .N . missions. Scores of people have b ee n inju r e d in b o mb explosions: most of the victims are passe r s-b y with no connection with the United Nations From time to time, c ity officials decry the great number of parking tickets that diplomats have failed to pay Diplomatic immunity also is a perennt al sore p oi nt Most recently, the 19-year ·old son of an envoy fl ew home to Ghana. us ing his diplomatic immunity, a ft er accus atio n s he had. committed rape. Sometimes, the issues are not so serious. In 1975. the U.N. ambass ador from Barbados tr ied -unsuccessfully to claim diplomatic immunity for his dog, which allegedly had bitten ei)ht people. I -~, I Local fog forecast Coastal P•nty cloudy ""' ette,_ Low clOUdl Incl IO<•I 109 1on•oht ... d T uoday morning P•rtly Cloudy TuelClay .tte"'°°" '"llh QU\ly we•I or "°'1hwttt ,.Inell Cooter cien. lil9M M 10 10 Lows loniqhl II\ Ill• SO\ Eh.ew,_,,., lrom Poln1 Conception to lhe Me1icen bc>rCMr """ out tO mf .. , · Lt.ght ve,.•bl• winch 1on19f'lt Winds 1Oto20 knots owr Oulu •Hin• ton1Qh1 .,,., loully stror>ver oust• ol IS lo 1S kroh on '""""' w._ter•v swell ol 1 to 3 Ifft Fov •net low ctoucu nl9ht •nd morl"mQ hour\ becomlnQ P•ttlv cloucty In our •ft•rn()()n-1 U.S. su.nu u ary A tew ltol•llHI '"°"" tol\Q.,IHI OYlt the llOOd·Pl•gued PHii•< NorOtwH1, with more ratn 1n tlq·f'lt l.oclay Ll9"1 '"""' Sunctav reechKI from lower Moc"'9eft -llw -•r Greet Lakes Into ,_,,..,,., Penr,.ylvanla with tr"tl"9 d<IUle on lhe eastern pan ot ,,.. arM Light rain -•now -r• •onereo from Wtfl Virgin!• to New Jer-.v Snow tell In Malnt Rein ,.o Kattered •lono • cold tron1 from Northern C•lttorn•• to w•stern Montana Mid elono troe north Peclti< CoHI More r•in w•s fore<•'' to, ••Ol'M) IM f\Or1?o PIKllk Co"'I S<•ller9d rain •ncl r.in chenvfno to •now wu predicted lrom llW Northern Plettau to tM Nor'VWrn Pl•IM Sc•ltered tMW ..... '°'9< .. I tor •IOft9 lhe north Allenuc cout.el tt•tel. whit• sunny 111i.1 were oredk tld ln Iha south Tem!M'M\lf'H •-Ille netlon •• mid-day s..wi., renvte1 lrom • -ol 2• In Merquetle, Mk h to • Nvll Of ll In Foo lAuelotre111e, Ft• Ex tended forecast SOUTHERN CALIFORNt .t. COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Pertly ctoudy Windy II "-· In Iha m-IM. Htom In llW! co•st•• •reu In ti. '°' wltfl to.n 41 to n HIOM In .,,. mount•'"' •S lo SS •Ith low• u 1035 T empe rature s AIO.nv ,......,. All'Mlrflto Anc:Nr..-A-•111• Altant• Att.ntc Cty ••ttllrlOA llrmlngtwn llJITler(l ..... ... tool Ml~~. ":rt " :rt ,. . 11 ·• " .. u ... ., ,. 14 U at ,OI " •7 SJ" " ., J7 M 01 .., ..... o.1._, ......... ~ 1 Bro•rt1"''• 8ull•lo Ch1rlS1n ~ CMrl\ln W'I/ Chev•rww c 111ovo C1nc1nnM1 Cttvtt- Cotumt>us 0•1 FI Wlll Oenv•r Ou Moine• Detroit Duluth EtPuo F•lrbento.• Heriford Hf'lf"n• Honolulu lndn•c>ll\ J•t k\t\Vllt Kan• City l 4'\ V~9f'\ l•lllt Rocto. II 3l 10 41 0 .. 41 J7 3' IO ,, so tt JO ,. H .. •1 11 ,, IS (14 lb 17 '3 JI 11 so lS •• ll n ,, lol OJ JS 0 ll JO ~ 01 ,. ,. ll l1 ., l9 ).I so l3 •S ,, ... _,, ..... ~ lou''"'"" •• ~mon., .s ~ 01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Mt•mt M •tw•ukw Mpl• S1 P N"'hvlll• New OrttAM New Yor1< Norfolk Okl•Clly Om•,.. Ort1ncio Phlledpf>ol PhOft'Ua Plll•burQh Ptl•nd, Me Pll•ncl,Ore Reno Sell L•ke Suttle St Lovl• St P hmp.1 SI Sit Marot Soolo.eM Tuoon Tull4 We\hlnQ1n Wlchll• CAUFOllNIA IS )6 l8 ,, IS 40 S7 II •• 10 ll .. JS 1' S1 13 •S SI S) ,, JI ll ., 80 .. " u ll 11. 0 51 JI 0 °' )'I )3 SJ J5 15 ~ l1 35 31 l3 ~ 3' )S '3 lO a- ll .&& •• 38 lol APC>le \lall"' 11 17 8eto.errlletd II S1 h r>tow I I SJ BHumont II 46 Bio Beer 62 11 &tytn• u n C•l•llN M SJ Cut•tr City 1' SI Eur•ke 41 O 1 SO Frnno 11 •I Lanc:at~ II ll Long BHCll 19 SO LOl Anvefft 16 60 Marv.vtfle 6S 55 Monrovl• 86 .. Montf'rtv S• >4 N~f(llU '3 u Newport Be•cn ,. 51 01klend 10 S6 Ont•rlo M S6 Pelm SC>ri~ .. ~ p • ...,.._. ., 51 PHO Rolllft 15 51 R1wer\ldt II .. ll•d Bl"'1 •1 SS ll•dwooa C•I)> .. S6 S.cremen10 '4 ~ S•llM\ ., so S.n 8ernerdlno 19 46 S.nG~t>rlet .. .. S.n Fr~t'KO ... u S.nll AN ... 51 S.l\le B•'1WlrA 10 0 S,,nl.1 M.arta ,. 0 S.nll MonlU .. ~ SIO<klOtl •• '' hhff ....... u ,, lMtrmAI &• .. Torr•n<• IO SI P,t.N AMEltlCAN Acapvlco " 8erb.tdo\ ., 11 8ermuO. 10 •• BoOOt• .. so Cur•c..o ~ 13 FrMPOr1 IS M Gu.O•l•IM• ... so Gu.O.louoe ... ,. H•v•n• II .. t<tnvston IS 11 -nle90 8ay IS n "'41,.ti.in ,, . , Mef!O. ~ n Me•ICO C•IY II 0 Monterrf"Y " SS NA~WU ,. ,,. S.n Juan 11 10 ••. &=~~Rf REPORT 10 Un .... Wf Sw9tt Swett S-t --A ... -· -...... -· ow Zllma t , .. t w SantA-e ' , !• ' w N•wport , l ,. , w S.n Oi.ot>Cntr ' , 14 2 w C)ut-i.T_., Llnte c11- We're Listening ••. St Tl'IOme• •I °' Te9u<IQalp;t .. St Trinidad .. .. V~r•crua II ll n CANADA C•loarv ,, n Edmonton JO 11 Montr••• J5 14 Ott1we 16 l!eglN >• 14 Toronto JS JI V•ncouver .. JO W•nnlpeq •1 21 T ides TODAY Second low 1.stom 0 7 Secono hlvfl '18p m • 1 TUHDAY Flr>t tow 1 JI Am I • Fl~t lllgll •·•• m s.• S..:ond low J Hp m .., S..:ond """ '.Up m u Sun wts ioo.., at S ., ., m , rloes T .,.l<lav at 6 1' a m. Moon rtws at S·S9 a m .. •II -:0 om Fresno air traffic off FRESNO (AP ) - Fresno Air Terminal, the San Joaquin Valley's largest airport, had 36 p e rcent f e wer passengers last year than in its peak year, 1978. The oumber of passengers n ylng In and out of Fres no Air Terminal declined 15 percent In 1981 alone to a total of 740,9'5. Tbe total In 1978 was l , 160,671. Wh11t do you ltkt about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like" Call the number bf-low and your message will be recorded, trnnscribe<l and deli vered to the appropriaCe editor. The s ame 24 hour am~wertn, service may be used to record let· ters to the edit.or on bny topic. M•llbox contributora must tncludt their nume and telephone number for. verHlcatlon. No circttlaUon cal111, ple•se. TeJl us what's on your mind. Or•nge Co .. t OAJLY PILOT/Monday, February 22. 1982 8 SUN SPOT A jetliner th'at·has j ust ta ken off from Los Angeles Inte rnational Airport is silhouetted against what looks like a gigantic ... ,,_....,.. sun. Photo was made with a 1200-millimeter lens from Whittier Hills. about ~ miles east of LAX. Airliner was headed south Bird in · trouble again GOP chieftains eye legislati on , r ecall i n ouster bid SACRAMENTO <AP) The campaign against Chief Justice Rose Bird move s to the Legislature this week. with a two-pronged Republican effort aimed at defeating her at the polls On Tues day , the Senate Judiciary Committee considers a renewed attempt by Sen. John Doolittle. R·Sacramento , to require Supreme Court justices to run agains t o ppos in g candidates a measure aimed at ousting Ms Bird and other court liberals On Wednesday, Republican legislators and party officials m eet lo consider a recall c ampaign agains t the chief Justice. They say they are angry at her ruJings in crime cases and her decis ion for the court majority that legislative aod congressional districts drawn by the Legislature's Democratic majority -equal in population but partisan in des ign -are lo be used in this year's elections. An y R e publi c an rec all campaign would probably be planned for next year, after Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. is out of offi ce. A recall petition drive against Ms . Bird. with some pr o minent R e publican e nd o r s ements hut littl e o r ganized support , died last week for lack of signatures. The rest of the week's agenda 1s fairly light, with a hearing on a major sentence-increase bill and a possible end to the Board of Equalization reapportionment dis pute that 1s keeping the Legislature 's s pecial session from winding up. Doolittle"s SCA37 is the same state constitutional amendment that has been proposed for the last four years , o nce in an unsuccessful initiative petition driv e e ndors ed by the Republican Party and several times in the Legislature. The legis lation has been beaten b ack each time by opposition led by organizations of lawyers and judges. SCA37 would discard the c urrent syst e m In whi cJl a governor 's appointees are confirmed by a three-member commission and then run unopposed for voter retention. Only one Supreme Court justice has ever been rejected by the commission, and none h as eve r been r ecalled o r defeated in an election, although a conse rvative ca mpaign against Ms. Bird failed narrowly in 1978 and three new Brown a ppointees may face s trong opposition this fall. Doolittle's meas ure would require new candidates to be confirmed by the s tate Senate before takin2 office It would shorten court terms from 12 to s ix year s, a n a require all current justices to run in the 1984 elections against opposing candidates in nonpartisan races. Supporters note that federal judges mus t face Senate confirmation for their lifetime appointments. and that most s tates have contested elections for their top courts. Opponents predict an inru s ion of s pee ial ·inte rest, s loganeering politics that would d estroy judicial independence. Tiny bit of life intrigues bif!logists SAN FRANCISCO <AP > -A human cells and replicate. tiny life form is invading human Prusiper, a biochemist and and animal cells·, m ysteriously neurologist. theorizes that a r eprodu cing and perhaps prion is able to somehow use caus ing a host of severe and segments of DNA. a substance of t en f a la I di se a ses. a in a cell 's nucleus that holds the researcher says. genetic code. The prion might A prion -rhymes with neon reorganize the DNA, or is the s mallest kind of protein deoxyribonucleic acid. into new known, far s maller than any genes and direct the making of virus and so small , in fact, that new prions an electron microscrope is not The diseases that may be lled powerful enough to detect it. to prions have long been blamed Diseases linked to It include on so-called ··stow vi ruses." multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic which remain latent for a long lateral sclerosis (known as Lou time between infections and Gehrig's dis ease), Parkinson's sy m ploms . Scientis ts think disease. lupus erythematosis invasion by such subs tances and some kinds of arthritis and might cause some cancers diabetes. With more research, "we will The agent. loog cons idered a ha ve an unders tanding of a slow-moving virus. a lso infects different process of biological the nervous system of animals replication by infectious in a fatal disease cal1ed scrapie. agents." Prusiner says. ··If we says Or. Stanley B Prusiner, can punfy this . we can then the head prion researcher at the develop chemical probes ... to University of California. San look at a la rge number or Francisco. degenerative diseases and A prion, believed to be a class determine whether or not these of the smallest proteins known agents exist in those diseases ... to sc i e nce , ··raises m o r e Dr. J Richard Baringer of the questions than it ans wers ," Vet erans Administration Prus iner s aid at a news hospital in San Francisco said conference "If it has no genes. the tiny particles present a how do you make more of these? tantali~ing and frustrating How does it replicate?.. scientifi~ puzzle. But he does not A prion apparently is loo tiny s hare Prusiner·s theor y that to contain enough genetic prions may be responsible for so mate rial to reproduce, he said. many m ys terious human But it can, neverthele::ss.:..•:....:..:in.:..v_a::...:d::...:e=--___:d:..:.i.;;.se.;;.a;:..s;:..e:..:.s;..;.. _________ _ c1assic wind.bre.ak<Zr ... th<i original G-9 windbnzake.r, id<l01 fur r'ir-llf or outdc:xJr ~r . ~eek of' ligh~i~ht, cotton-poplin wifh e terldn 11niaj. evailobl<i in natural, britlsh tan, navy or nzd. ~ fbr us in czngltlnd.. \. s Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 22, 1982 Where's the Libyan hit team? Government comes up empty a/ ter mass publicity, and tightened security l y TERENCE HUNT •-i. ......... ,.. .. WASHINGTON What· ever happened to the Libyan hit team, variously reported to have slipped Into the United States, to be hiding In Mexico, or to have flown to t'>aris en route to Boston? Was lhe plot called off? And was there one hit team or two? Or was there any" It was late last year -high drama at the White House: a team or assass ins trained in Libya was said to be stalking President Reagan. Security was tightene d . Presi dential appearances were curtailed. U.S. borders were watc.-hed Sketches or potential assassins were distributed. And nothing happened. No attacks. No arrests. Nothing. More than 21,.l months after the fears first su rfaced publicity about the purported plot has faded. Yet, the vigil ance around Reagan a nd top government officials has not been relaxed. So what's happened '! With ra r e exceptio ns . government off icials refuse to speak on the record about the who refused to be identified. "We haven't let down our guard." Indeed .. a high-ranking law enforcement offic ial said Libyan s trongman Moammar Khadafy might have planted stories the plot had been canceled. "That's wha t you woulq do ir you were s till planning lo make an atte m pt." from the White House J an. 26 en route to Cupilol Hill for his State o f the Union address. His llmo uslnc left the White House by anothe r gate , joined the motorcade in progress, and the entourage look an indirect route to the Capitol F l ight paths have been altered for Reagan's helicopter trips to the presidential retreat al Camp David. The president's helicopter and Air Force One now carr y missile de rense systems. Some C I A and Justice Department officials privately expressed serious doubts about the soundness of intelligence reports about the alleged team, or whether 1t really e xisted. Yet a law enfor<'cment officiar said tips came from various sources. and that the person c-onsidered the best source submitted Co a lie dete<'tor tes t and passed Opinions vary review of the need for security around Meese, Deaver and James Baker concluded lhal it should continue, accord ing to the source. Sen Baker has said the threat to R e agan has dim1n1s hed Likewise, Sen. L>aniel Patrick Moynihan, rankmg Ot!mocrat on th e Se n ate In t e lligen c e Committee, said us far back as Det·ember that. "Now that their l'O vc r 1s blown, the action 1s known you will probably see the disappearance or the group involved." While !louse aides s peculate that interest 10 the hat team was d1 v t!rted b y the milttary crac kdown in Po land and the Christmas holidays Reagan he lped fuel the story b y publ1l'l y c.l c nou n c ang Khadaf,v Hut White Hous e offil'1als ins ist thl' story first lcakt·d from the FBI and Secret Service The ll.'aks tnggen•d s usp1c1ons the Whm• lloust• wa!'. laying tht• groundwork to rNa llate agains t Khadafy a t hargc dl'nlt'd hy chief of !-.laff liakt•r A!l'WI ....... HOOPLA Kim Set•lbradl'. M1:-.s l 'SA . plav:-. \\llh a hula hoop in Nt•w York during tht· 79th annual To~: Fall'. at wh1eh hundred!-> of to,\' manufat'tun·rs d1M·uss and exhibit to' s :.ind g amt•s . · .I sensitive subject "We consider the threat as active as 1t once was," said a senior adm inistration official. As the story slipped off the front pages, there were fewer tips for law en forcement officials to follow. ··There is much le ss information coming into the bure au than there was a month ago ," s aid FBI s pokesman Roger Young. "Thus far we haven't establis hed the presence 10 the United States of a Libyan hit team. It's been a lot of extra work without finding a Libyan hit team ··w e believed a t one tim e there was a hit team," s uid one ad ministration official . speaking a n on ymous ly . ''May be lt's dis banded " T he offl<'ial said he n ever s a w anything that p1npointcc.I the location of any team An othe r t1dm1nis tra t ion offi<'ial , who also r efused to be 1d('nt1f1ed . sa1c.I. "l ha ve t1n ide<1 the United Stales s till thinks they're somewhere on the North American continent .. Thefts rocking the Navy's boat Church out $300,000 Auditor gene r al describes long histor y of losses SUFFERN, NY <AP> A church trea s urer h a s disappeared with an estimated $300,000 in church money he allegedly siphoned into s ecret bank accounts. Rockland County authorities said Thursday. District Attorney Kenneth Gribetz s aid records of the Chris t E pis copal Churc h in Suffern are being a udited and an arrest warrant has been issued for church treasurer Clyde M. Womer, who has been missing fo r several weeks Womer , descnb<!d as a quiet, m iddle-aged res ident of this suburban village, had been the t reasure r for se veral years Gribe tz said the congregation elected him treasurer because of hi s back g round a s an accountant "As the leads dwindl e," Young added, "there will be less man power spent on it." He said the investigation remains a high priority pa r t o f an a<' ross-the-board effort agt1inst terrorism . The continued high state of s ec u rity around Reagan is obvious Reagan 's motorcade frequently uses two limous ines no w one for the pres ident and a decoy car to confuse a ny attacker. A count e r-a ssault te am ndes behind the armored presidential limousine in a van. with agents holding the doors ajar in case they have to spring out. Reagan was n't e ven 1n the moto rcade whe n 1t pulled awav r===========================~ A FrH lecture "WHAT DID JESUS TEA CH?" On Capitol Ifill , the purported plot once was the s ubject of briefings for the congressional leadership and mem bers of the House and Senate intelligenN~ committees. No more, though. There ha v en 't b e en t1n y br1cf1ngs s 1ncl' b e fore Christmas Senate Republican Leade r Howard Baker re tains the round the-c lock protection he was assigned when the threat against Reagan became public Overall sec urity in the Capitol <1 lso re me1in s at t1 higher level. Re agan's top three White House aides J ames A Baker Ill, Edwin Met•Jo.<> and Mic hael K Deaver also remain under S ecret Scrvtcl· protection that began 1n early December A re vie w 1s planned soon about whether Sen Baker stall needs protection. act·ording to a rongrcss1onal source A recent NORFOLK Va 1A 1'1 The auditor genera l of th<· Navy dc t<t iled fur a c1m greJ..s1onal subcomm1ttct· a 14 ) car history of inventory proble m s, poor mana g l'rnl•nt p r o c edures, inadequate sc(·urit) and theft 1n the Nav) !'. Jo.uppl) '>)'>lt•ms Kento n H llancoC'k spoke specafacall) about the Norfolk Nava l Supply l't•ntt•r . but s aad problems wl.'re tht:' s ame at the five other mujor !-.Upply centers 1n Ch;,arl eston . S C . Puge t Sound. Wash . Pt•arl llarbor, and Oaklancl und Sa n 01egu, Cu hf Tht· llou!-.l' Ar rn c.•d Servi<"cs l\11l1tar, H<•ad1n ess Subcomm1tlt•c found $330 mil hon m l11sM'!'. <ll tht.' '>IX s upply c t.'n ler., in fiscal 1981 , and Hancoc k s aid his auditors discovered tha t the proble ms ll·ading to lhl' losse'> da ted back to I %<1 For example. he said In 1967, Navv auditors found the supply cente rs had to adJUSl their inventories for SI m1llaon worth of goods that could not be found 1n the ware houses 11r for whic h ther e were no rt•cordJ.. Tht· auditors found that in ventory counts were not made a!'. often and as extensively as they should have been At the Norfolk center. the staff found a difference of more than 25.000 pound s o f lobs ter hc t wl'cn the records and the <1c tu ;.i l quantit y 1n the Y.a r e h o us c . The audit o r s de ter maned that all but 7 ,000 pounds of the difference was due to errors m record-keeping In 1967 and 1968 reports. the auditors sa1ci pilferable maten al v. as not given adequate secunty Asked by R<.·p G Wilha m Whitehurst, R Va . about thefts. llancoc:k said "It I!> my personal opm1on ther e 1s theft On what scale. I don't thank anyone can give you an adcquC1te r eckoning .. Although Nav) auditors have b ee n r e port i ng on the s e proble ms s ince 19f>4 , Hancock told the subeomm1ttee hearing, the reason they have not been c orrec ted "is really one of management a ttitude "The accuracy of inventor y r ecords is one that receives low e r priority than oth er problem .... " he explained Bo th lllln cock and the s ubcommittee chairman, Rep Dan Daniel. D Va .. s a id the inve ntory pro ble m s have an e ffe ct on the Navy 's readiness. "Inaccurate inventory records can affect readiness by causing dela~s m filling requ1s1t1ons for pa rt!'. and supplac!-> · Daniel said. ottered lly WILLIAM MILFORD CORRELL, C.S.B. ,.., Co"• 1 • .,.. ...... ~, "'' ,,,. Bt.>11a >• t.e. ' ,., .. ," r-{J' fNt Mt.tlM•t (.•1vfCf\ ft\f ,-,,II (..r+ut1,.r\ '(.Ml- ~.,. ... \,,,, If• Bv~to" Milua ,..6,;,.,,, SENIOR CITIZENS $1.00 He aring Test~ Set ~-~·~·~· ..--. ~-,. ' ~ P1esen1ea o~ FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST In the Church Edlllce TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23, 8:00 P.M. 21180 MESA VERDE DRIVE EAST, COSTA MESA Construction money available at Heritage Bank. · Residentia l · COmmercia l Buildings: Takeoot COmmitment required along with leases. Conla('f: ·Jt>fl JOhn soo Soulh OmOR<' Counl)'.llrvloc 7t4/&'il40.-..0 Daily Pi~at For Newport Beach ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS will be g in•n a l Newport Reach Hearing Aid Ct'nter Mon., Fe b. 22, Tues .. Feb. 23. Wed., Feb. 24 !J A.M. to 5 P .:\1 . Hearin~ tests will be conducted 'hy a Hearing Aid Specialist . who i s licensed by the California State Board of Med1cal Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser. Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding is wf'lcomc• to a test emploiying the latest electronic equipment which will determine his or her particular loss . You will see a modern hearing aid so tiny it fits totally within the ear NEWPORT BEACH llEARl:\G AID CE~TEH 1600 West Coast High way ~ewporl Beach 64(i-X266 CALL FOR AN APPOI NTMENT TO AVOID WA ITI NG WESTERN THRIFT & LOAN ASSOCIATION Downey Ofono• Cosio Mesa lononce 8n8 E. Flretlone lllVd 1111 f, l<orerto Ave 2000 kortx>l 81vd 18208 Prottte Ave (211) •U·UOI {714) ffNIOO {1\4) M•llH (211) H 2'J010 Whll1* forz.ono tong eeocn Glendale 1~756 lo Forge 1872• Ventura~ 4501 Poe Coost Hwy ''' N Brond ~ (Ill) NJ-0221 (211) N 1·0200 C21S) 4tt·U01 (211) 24C>-lllO Auell ~ 120 mllllon wlttt more than• quener ol a c.ntuty HrVlng C.llfomle. Al/fell•"'-to Callfoml• r••ld•nt• only. (Umltetl offer) .. ...... ~··/, ---- Ligh tweigh t poplin is a Brooks Broth ers favorite B 11th hu ~incs~man .mJ 1ra vdkr \\ill finJ t h l.' qualitie~ they seek in a warm weather ~ui1 h;.111J i>tm1cl y met here. The polyester a nd Ltlt- ton hknJ has a nea t. c:risp appcaranc..c. good crca~c-res i stancc and was hability. Tail ored on o ur 3-buuo n model w ith patc h pockets and welted edges. in tan, na,·y or olive. Coa1 aml trousers. $150 Use wm r Brooks Brothers card or Amtri('(m Expn•ss ESTAI USHIO 1111 ' ' --------·-. -= H .e targets _mosquitoes Resear cher claims. new UKJY to produce killer fungus DA VIS <AP> -A scientist at the University of California here says he has found a way to mass produce a fungus that kills mosquito larvae. larvae, Kerwin aaJd it could only be produced by raisin1 huae colonies of mosq uitoes in laboratories. entomology department, said that before lt c an be used commercially tests must determine if It is harmful to other life. Jl m Kerwin , 29 , a post-doctoral researcher, says the fungus kills as many as 20 kinds ol mosquito larvae. He ls working mostly with a common kind that infests California's Central Valley and transmits sleeping sickness to animals and hum ans. He developed a culture medium that allowed him to grow a stage of the fun1us outside the mosquito, paving the way for mass production. He said the fungus can be put in ponds and' ditches where mosquitoes breed. It is hardy and will survive a summer even if the ditches dry out. tr it passes the tests, it could be commercially available within two years, according to the university's office of public affairs. Although the fungus was already known to kill mosquito Kerwin and his boss, Robert. Kerwin s aid he has been working with fungi that attack mosquitoes for s ix years . starting as a s tudent at the University of Washington in' Seattle. Was hino. chairman of the Gold ·to pay deficit urged Consultant recommends s ale of nugget collection · SAC RAMENTO CAP) - Sierra County, once a major source of gold ln Northern Ca lifor nia, should s ell its collection of gold nuggets to pay a budget deficit . a consultant says. But the county grand jury is expected to r ecommend against it. Mine, are now on display at the San Francisco mint. from the proceeds of the gold sale, which would m ore than offset a $150,000 budget deficit. The largest nugget weighs 52 ourrces. Sierra County bought the collection from the estate of gold miner C.L. Best for $32,000 in 1954. It is now estimated to be worth between $1.2 million and $1.6 million. However, the Sacramento Bee r e ported the grand jury is expected to recommend against the sale of the gold. and that the Boa rd of S upervis ors will consider moving the coll ection from San Francisco to the newly-restored slate Capitol in Sa cramento. with the intent of gaining exhibition income . The Ruggets, containing more than 1.000 ounces or gold mined between 1937 and 1942 at Sierra County's Ruby Drift Cristando House. a Fresno consulting firm. said Friday that Sierra County could earn more than $200,000 annually in interest Notice to Telephone Customers WE ARE PROPOSING CHANGES IN THE RATES FOR CALLING OVERSEAS AND MEXICO. The American Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany has filed with the Federal Communications CommiSSton a plan. to be effective May 17, 1982. to restructure rates for Overseas and Mexico Message Telecommunications Service (MTS). The restructure will result 1n rate increases and decreases and is designed to have no overall effect on Interstate earnings. The purpose of the filing 1s to encourage calling dunng lower-pnced discount and economy periods. relieve peak- penod calling. simplify 1nternat1onal rate sched- ules. and encourage use of customer dialing. ... Here_.. the propoHd changes Overseas Message Telecommunications Service • Establish a 1-minute 1rnt1al penod rate on all customer-dialed calls. (At present there is a 3-minute 1rnt1al period rate on all classes of calls.) Operator Station and Person-to-Person calls will retain the 3-minute initial penod rate. •Establish 3 levels of rates on customer-dialed calls and for each additional mnute on all classes of calls:'6TAN~O (highest rate), DISCOUNT (middle rate). and ECONOMY (lowest rate). (At present there are only 2 rate levels applicable to many countries.) Operator Station and Person- to-Person 1ni1ial 3-mnute penod rates will be uniform throughout the day regardless of the time called. • Establish 9 world rate regions and eliminate multi-rate zones (except Cuba) The regions are Europe (cont1nenta.Q. United K1nQdom1lreland. Afnca. Near East, Canbbean1At1ant1c (except Cuba). Central America. South America. Indian Ocean. and Pacific • Rate all collect calls belled 1n the US at the Person-to-Person rate only. (At present collect calls from many coun tnes are billed 1n the US at Person-to-Person ra tes only) Proposed Rates for D&alable Countries within These Reglons0 lnthal Period Rate -Add11tonol I 1 minute I 3 minute I 3 minute ReglOn Ra1e Levels Dial Oper Station Person minute Hours EUROPE Standard $2 37 $7 05 $1 2 60 S1 33 7am-1pm (Continental) DtSCount 1 78 7 05 1260 1 00 1pm-6pm Economy 1 42 705 12 60 80 6pm-7am UNITED KINGDOM I Standard 2 08 5 70 • 10 10 1 26 7am-1pm IRELAND Discount 1 56 5 70 1010 95 1pm-6pm Economy 1 25 5 70 10 10 76 6pm-7am AFRICA Standard 289 9.45 12 60 1 48 6am-1 2 Noon Discount 2 17 9 45 12 60 1 11 12 Noon-5pm Economy 1 73 9 45 12 60 89 5pm-6am NEAR EAST Stari0ard 368 9 45 12 60 1 33 Bam-3pm Discount 2 76 9 45 12 60 1 00 9pm-8am Economy 2 21 9 45 12 60 80 3pm-9pm CARIBBEAN I ATLANTIC Standard 1 68 630 9 45 1 13 4pm-10pm Discount 1 26 630 9 45 85 7am-4pm Economy . 1 01 630 9 45 68 10pm-7am CENTRAL AMERICA Standard 2.62 6.30 9 45 1 13 5pm-11pm Discount 1 97 630 9 45 85 8am-5pm Economy 1 57 630 9.45 68 11pm-8am SOUTH AMERICA Standard 2n 9 45 12 60 1 18 7am-lpm Discount 208 9 45 12 60 89 lpm-10pm Economy 1 66 9 45 12 60 71 10pm 7am -- INOIAN OC~N Standard 5 22 12 60 14 20 2 17 6pm-1am 0.SCount 392 1260 14 20 1 63 1am-11am Economy 3 13 12.60 14 20 1 30 11am-6pm PACIFIC Standard 4 22 9.45 12.60 , 58 5pm-11pm DISCOunt 3 17 9 45 12 60 1 19 1Qam-5pm Economy 2 53 945 12 60 95 11 pm-1oam •For countnes lhal are not dlalable. additional mmute rates are somewhat higher FOf customers who do nor have International Oiakng, the d18.I rate Wiii apply when special operalOf assistance IS not required uS.-Mexlco MeHage Telecommunlcatk>ns Senice (The foHowrng changes apply only to the U.S portion of the cal/. Additlonal charges appllcsble to the Mexican portion Of the CBll are scJdecJ ~ charges for the US portion ) •Change time-of-day and day-of-week rate pefiOOs of the U.S. portion of the call to align more closely with thOse in effect in Mexico. Cey rates apply from 7am-7pm Monday through Friday. ·tvening rates apply from 7pm-11 pm Monday t~~fl Friday, 7am-11 pm on SatlXday, Som-12 midnigflt on SUnday. Night rates apply to all other hot.J's. • Decrease the Initial 3-minute dial rate for the , U.S. portion of the call on calls CJVef' 430 miles. For example, the initial 3-minute dial rate for a call from New York to Mexico City will be reduced from $1.58 to $1.45. for the U.S. portion only. • Increase the initial 3-minute dial rate for the U.S. portion of the call on calls up to 430 miles. For example. When the U.S. portion of a call is from 1-10 miles. the initial 3-minute dial rate for the U.S. portion will be increased from 23¢ to 35¢. • Reduce the present 14 rate steps to 9. • ntroduoe a 40% discount for the evening period and a 60% discount for the n~ht perioa on customer-dialed calls and for additional min- utes on all classes of calls. Orange Cout DA.IL Y PILOT/Monday, February 22, 1982 s • promise fulfilled • MODESTO <AP> -'rhe Rev. Dennls Mc Lain fulfilled a promise by literally cUmblng to the pinnacle or his south Modesto church for a sermon to bis growing congregation. When the 36 -year-o l d Waterford auto mechanic assumed his first pastorate at Bible Way Tabernacle last s ummer, he only had 11 members. He vowed then to preach from the roof of the while stucco building lf attendance at Sunday s ervices ever climbed above 72 people. Atte ndance reached 75 recently so McLain made lhe climb the following Sunday wearing a three.piece suit with prayer book and microphone in hand. Pa s t o r Ga r y Hyatt a ccompanied him on guitar from a nearby spo t on the shingled roof. ·~.......­ROOFTOP PREACHER The Rev. De nnis McLain preaches from the roof of Bible Way Tabernacle in Modesto. fulfilling a promise to do so if ser vices ever attracted more than 72 people . Back down to e arth again. McLain safd he is not likely to r e peat his r oof -prea ching attraction. "I wouldn't want to wear it out," he said. ingvalues. RHALDAVS TOCiETLAST VEAR'S PRICES You have less tim e than you think to take advantage of our 1981 rates. Join a Hollday Spa Health Cl ub now and get all of this year's facilities for last year's prices. Plus 1/2 off Coeui M ... 2300 Harbor 81¥d~ (Behind Thrift.¥ l>ruc).(714) 649-3* MINlon Y\ejo 2-4401 Alicia Pkwy. al Ban Ditco ,,..., • .,. (714) 770-0822 on our short Introductory course, and discounts on all our other memberships. Don't wait! Stop by today for a free guest tour. For value, you j ust can't beat our 1981 rates. o,..._ 6112 !Mt Kawlla Ave. Welt ot1\aet.1n A¥•., (714) 639-24-41 w.-.......r 8757 W•t.ml1111wr ""~at Ooldtn W•t.<714)8H-3387 • I .. ' ~·· Orangt Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 22, 1982 . Belligerent approach can hinder relations· President Reagan took the gloves off when he greeted Nicaragua's new ambassador to the United States. scolding the government or envoy Francisco Fiallos Navarro for "inviting alien philosophies" rn to the Western Hemisphere. Reagan's blast was the latest in a barrage of accusations that Nie aragua is fome nting leftist subversion in Central America. especially in civil war·torn El Salvador. Reagan a dministration took office last year, vowing a tought?r line toward fettist governments. U.S. om ciah; have accused the Nicaraguans or undertaking a huge military buildup with Cuban help and tunneling arms lo the leftists trying to overthrow the U .S.·backed junta r uling El Salvador. There is reason for concern that Nicaraguan act ivities may be aggravating the region's instability. Decades of repressive rule in CentTal America have resulted in polarized s ocieties ripe for trouble. El Salvador 1s following Nicaragua in the agony of civil war. and Guatemala may be next on the list. '' 4D'111 PRd ........ There are times when public c hastisement o f a foreig n government is proper. the Polish crisis being a good example. But the problems of Central America require that the administration u se a quiet er app r oac h emphasizing solutions to the a r ea's profound economic and ·social problems. Fiallos· r e ply that That is precisely why loud rhetoric ts not helpf\11 , despite the s ubversion threat. Helping these nations address the economic and social causes of the violence would be far more effective in prom oting regional s tability Gulf states fear Iran victory Nicaragua will take help from whatever friends it can find also s h ows t hat h ar s h denunciations ma y driv e Nicaragua closer toward the Soviet Union and Cuba the very thing the administration fears .• U .S. r elations with Nie· ar agua have been touchy ever s ince the le ftis t Sandinis ta guerrillas ousted rightist dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979. Those relations soured further when the MEXICO PACIFIC OCEAN To that end. the president is pre p ar in g to announce a de velopm ent pla n for t h e Caribbean basin that would emphasize investment incentives and trade concessions, along with about $326 million in economic aid . The plan's intentions· are a far more constructive approach to the region ·s problems than bomba s t In recent times. the focus of editorials comment on our current American foretgn policy has shif ted relations with three of these Cen1ral somewhat to our troubled smaller Amencan countries. neighbors to the south These Aid for El Salvador? . WASHINGTON The war between Iran· and Iraq has brought about an astonishing flip.flop in the foreign policies of the nervous small e mirates in the vital Persian Gulf area. There was a time when these tiny Arab nations, with their feudal political systems, were ai'armed mainly by Iraq's close ties to the Soviet Union. The Iraqis' apparently Marxist leanings were considered the greatest threat to the e m irates. som e of whic h are oil·rich, some of which are not. THIS WHOLE attitude has changed with the lran·lraq war The Persian G ulf e mirates are no w far more ala rme d by the threat of rightist Moslem radicalism e manatlng from the Iran of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Nowhere is this more obvious than in Bahrain, an island about four times the size of the Dis trict of Columbia, with about half its population. A British protectorate for 110 years before it became independent in 1971, it is ruled by Emir Isa Salman al-Khalifa. It lies a few miles offshore of Saudj Arabia in the Persian Gulf: unlike its wealthy neighbor, Bahrain ·s oil reserves have been seriously drained in recent years. Its rulers feel they're vulnerable -and they're probably right. One expert on the volatlle region puts it this way: The emir of Bahrain "hopes that Iraq doe, better than lose." What particularly worries the emir and other Persian Gull leaders is that Iran, which St!ems to be winning the war with Iraq, may try to gobble up the largely defenseless Persian Gulf s tates. In Bahrain's ca::.c. Iran historically claimed the island, the late shah had to agree to relinquish the claim before G. -JA-Cl-A-10-fR-SD-N -~ Britain granted Bahrain independence. But Khomeini doesn't recognize any commitments made by the s hah My associate Dale Van Atta visited Bahrain a few weeks ago. Everything seemed placid al the time But under the surface. 1l lumed out, a numbe r of th t! e mir 's politi ca l opponents had been infiltrating from I ran back into Ba hra in, plotting to overthrow the government They had been trained in I ran for a year or so. The coup plot was uncovered. and Bahraihi police arres t ed a bout 60 persons suspected of involvement. The Iranian a mbassador was sent packing. a nd the Bahram1 ambassador was recalled from Tehran That's about alf t he tiny emirate could do lo register 1L-; dis pleasure. This mav au seem like small potatoes In the bi g scheme of things, a snarling match between sandfleas that would be no more than a minor irritation to the United States in its worldwide concerns. But a number of secret and top.secret r eports by the CIA. the Delense Int ellige nce Agency a nd t he State Department indicate that an Iranian takeover of Bahrain could have serious consequences for the United States. Bahrain has been more pro-Western than other Pers ian Gulf states. The e mir allowed the U.S. Navy a base on the island for several years, and even after he canceled the agreement a fe w years ago to m ollify domestic c ritics. he permitted a small contingent or American naval personnel to remain dressed in civilian clothes. AS ONE CIA report noted, radical lertisls in close touch with Iraq posed the greatest threat to the emir's regime in recent years. And though leftists continue t.o be a subject or concern. their position as potential revolutionists has been s uperseded by conservative Shiite Moslems egged on by Khomeini. Beset by extremists of both left and right, the emir is trying •·to assure the sort of orderly progress in Bahrain that 1s i mportant to th e Gulf a r ea generally.·· a State Depar tment inte lligence report notes. adding: "This Bahraini objective 1s similar to our primary policy interests . . " Aid the rebel forces m El Salvador'? Otherwise the argument is easily made that the money or s upplies simply permit the guerrillas to s pend that much m o r e on a rms o r military payroll. and th e r efore i s subsidizing the wa r that Asner a nd his associates claim they want to keep from escalating into another Vietnam Poor nations real nuclear threat With some reservations. we find that the controversial plan of a group o f s how busin e ss per sonalities h a s at leas t humanitarian a ppeal. Ed Asner . "Lou Grant'' of television fame. Ralph Waite of "The Wa ltons ... actress Lee Grant and others announced that a c heck for $25,000 will go toward medical s upplies for the OemocraJic Revolutionary Front in El Salvador, a group seeking ' to overturn the U .S backed military-civilian j unta. Asner said the r ebel forces ··are now the mos t effecti ve institution in El Salvador committed to health deliverv." That's very debatable. · The usual way to ha ndle medical aid is to d e li ver it through some international or neutral agency so there is some likelihood that it goes to the c ivilian population . not the milita ry. The cause 1s nol a popular one. It alreadv has created a sharp protest in the ranks of the Scr een Actors Guild. of which Asn er is the president. The money is not big . but the issue as likely to balloon .• Still. Asner\ "Waite and the others stand to lose virtuallv their entire followin g if t he leftists go beyond their stated goals as has been the case in Nicaragua. And th'at could· translate into many millions of d ollars in present and future earnings for them. They've stuck their necks, out. Few people do these days Risk may move closer With attention focused on El Salvador and Nicar agua, the situation in Guatemala can easily be overlooked. limited economic aid. I have never been able to realistically cons ider the possibility of my own death. The end of the world is even harder t.o imagine, but it's beginning t.o look as though both are a real possibility. I was re minded or this by Adm. Hym an Rickover. who said at his going-away party in Congress that we'd probably destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons. Adm. Ri ckover is not a far.out religious sed. He is not a man who pretends to be able to foretell events from the position of the stars. Adm. Rickover built our nuclear Navy and h e's made hi s reputation w i th hard-headed thinking about practical problems. You can bet he wasn't kidding when be said we'd probably des troy t he wor ld with nuc lear weapons. MOST OF us wish there were no nuclear bombs. The trouble Is that the lnexorable direetion that progress takes is not much changed by our preference. Ther e are nuclear bombs and it's unlikely that our wis hes or even a student demonstration in front of the White House will have much effect on their production here or anywhere else. Russia and the United States may be too scared of each other to ever start a nuclear war, but when t he little guys get themselves some bombs, they're not going t.o be so inhibited by the good sense that brings on fright. You may remember the Princeton student who made an atomic bomb a few years back. It c reated quite a furor and a lot or s mall countries came to him and asked if he'd make one for them I probably remember ttus incident better than you do bc<"a use that young -AND-Y -RDD-Nl-Y _q student, John Aristotle Phalhps, now lives in m y hometown. He seems like an extraordinarily bright. pleasant young man. My only worry is that 1f John could do it several years ago when he was in college, there are probably a lot of other people a round the world who have figured out how to make one. too. I'm almost certain J ohn isn't running them up in his basement down the street from us. but somewhere in the world there may be someone who is. I worry about someone like ldi Amin getting himself a bomb Most of the world's troubles come when a country that doesn't have som ething it wants, sets out to gel it at any cost. Poor nations are more of a problem for rich nations than other rich nations. Poverty in our cities is a problem for all of us. not just for the poor. People who don 't have anything to lose are often not very nice about how they set out to Jtel something "The hell. with it," they say. "What have I got to lose?" And t hey go out and knock someone over the head and take their money. When one of the poor nations gets hold of the nuclear equivalent of a Saturday Night Spec1al. it's apt t.o go out and knock the rest of the world over the head. and that could be the end. THERE ARE some other wonderful possibilities for ending the world, of course It may be a close race between doing 1t by accident and doing it on pur pose. When they had the nuclear leak in Rochester a fe w weeks ago, they said it was because some of the pipes were gelling old. Did they think the pipes were immortal? If we can put off ending the world with nuclear bombs , chemical warfare or biological warfare, the world will probably die a slow and agonizing death of overpopulation. Year by year we'll be forced by s p ace r estrictions to huddle closer and closer together with less and less to eat. We 'll hurry t.o take up everything good rrom the earth, use it, tum it into junk or garbage, and then dump it in our rivers, lakes and oceans to get rid of it. We 'll thus ruin the earth and the water. The prospects of all this could make dying a natural death look good to me ln another 50 years. And that's dangerous. The situation in Guatemala may be the most serious of the three b ecause of ( l > the country's expanding econ omy. (2 l its petr oleum reserves, and (3> its nearness to Mexican oil fields. On thP other hand. the Soviet bloc is supporting the growing leftist movement in the country a nd re porte d ly e n terta ined lead ers o f various g uerri lla groups in Havana last week. By itself. the s ituation might develop mto one ot increased U.S. s upport. But Guatemala's .nearness to El Salvador and the increasing U .S. involveme nt there pose limits. wasps have become accepted ethnic group The problem is that the regime is so bad even the United States, which has a weakness for backing the wrong horses in Latin America. has steered clear of it. · Yet. the administration is about to ask for $250,000 to train Guate m ala 's military officers lf the country's human rights situation gets better. The Carter administration s u s pended o ur milit ary relationship with Guatecnala fi ve years ago and we supply only ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat I 11111•@ WWW~lllll' .. r •I ut'Welil I•• SI., ~f'l• -... ... ~·to IOll IM. c.--.., CA., •• In addition , the Guatemalan government pays little heed to U.S. suggestions of reform. Thus. the good news seems to be that the U.S. in the near future probably won't be drawn into a Guatemala n involvement. T he bad news is that the country appears heading lnto dangerous waters . And that In tum could pose a larger threat involving Mexico a few years down t he' road. In one of those new paperback books of "Lists" that keep proliferating, an early entry is "Seven Specialties in a Wasp Delicatessen." These included c hocolate-covered cherries, burgers a nd milk, tun a ·and·potato·chip casserole and a salad bar. Not terribly amusing by now, but what inte~ted me is the fairly recent IYlllY 111111 national recognition Ulal lbe "Wasp" is also a definite ethnic group in Amertu, alongside all the others long conaideted 10 . UnUl a few years ago, It wu almply taken for sranted that the Wasp -who Thom.ls P. Haley wasn't even named as such -wu the Publisher standard American type, or, rat.her, the ~ A. ....... ,,.. • I archetype from which all othe1' croups ' '"' represented a deviaUon or dlstortkJa. Editor The I lll119n 1'11 flnally been_ ----•rbara Kre ch _____ _.,.._.__,..,~aftered . and all for the cood. r:dlt 1 1 p ~ .. It EveflOM ln tbia cou.n~. llal't1al wtpi r-or • age ~ or the red Ind.Ian, Ui an ethnic type~ lt juat took the Wasp a little tone• to learn It about himself. Having bee , a majority in the beginning here, it was natural to assume that other groups s hould be measured by his own yardstick It ls much the same with languages. Every la nguage group al least i mplicitly ass umes that its own language is more "real" than others, ·which seem funny or awkward or even perverse t.o our ears. Vet, if you st.op to think about it, while humans are dlstlnguished by our use of "language ," nobody speaks /angwlgf; there ls no s~h thing. There are only lancuages, all or them different and all of them capable of the same degree of expressiveness and complexity -In thia sense there are no "prlmilive" languages. · ALL GROUPS in the world are ethnocentric, which simply means that they vtew the rest of the world as s omethina of an aberraUon fr'om tbe norm -the norm belna. or cowu. their owe froup. Foreirners are "queer,'' and the detree of queerness depends upon tbelr distance from our own habits and cUltoml and mor~s. Tbe BrtUlh, rrom whom our Wasp stock laqely comes. are so intular that when I was a boy Uv1nl in Enaland there was 1 saying, "Wop beJtn at Ca lais" -a ··wog " being any non·Briton , including lbeir next-door ne ighbors, the French. As for •tbe Frenc h. if you can't s peak their language, you are barely civilized. Modem American culture now muer as much fun of the Wasps as of any other ethnic background, and th.la ls a healthy development. American traJls are a blend, not a norm, and while the fa ble d "melting-pot" never really melted, we have begun to recopb:e that the pot itself ls a mosaic and not a monolith shaped by a single spinner. lllllY• Middle East maze: We sell AWACS to the Saudis. The1 tum around and 1lve EIYJ>l Sl billion to buy Freneb P1an•. CONFUS&D MONDAY, FEB. 22, 1982 CAVALCADE TELEVISION MOVIES 82 84 BS Ralph Waite hopes TV spec;al starts. aan\Ull visits to Waltons' Mountain .. P.age 84. oref at hers· given final salute in Mesa ... 8y 10.,_ CADENHEAD ................. It wu a bittersweet day for &be cblldren at Llndber1h Slementary School in Costa Jina u they celebrated what 'Will probably be their last "Red, Wbite and Blue Day." But the news last week that the Newport-Mesa.UolfledScbool District baa recommencted closure of the 50-year-old school didn't seem to dampen the splrtt of the day dedicated to patriotic songs honorin1 the American flag. Each year Undbergh students have marched onto the ... Minuteman swings in Irvine ......, ..... ,......,.....,......_ READY AND WILLING -When he heard the call to assembly at' Liberty Christian School in Irvine , Michael Delgado, 6, donned his best tricorn, red coat and colonial breeches. Fellow students and one teacher also wore historical costumes for a playground parade and patriotic program. play1round every Fe.,ruary for the uaembly that became as much a tradition as Chrlatmas or summer vacation. Probably none of the past celebrations thou1h were as 1rand u the 1olden anniversary Friday attended by Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer, Rams football player Lucious Smith, principal Bob Miller, parents and 388 cheering students, The unseasonably warm day went off without a hitch. Red, white and blue ribbons decorated the school's poles. On the lunch tables were patriotic crayon drawings and skinny red cans c()J'taln ing small American flags that flapped in the breeze. About a dozen c hildren wearing red, white and blue cardboard hats solemnly recited their memorized essays on "What America Means to Me." Then the Newport Harbor Higb School Sailor Band stnsck up '·Anchors A weigh·' and young mothers beean shifting tired infants from one shoulder to the other. Finally, came the moment 388 pairs of eyes had waited for. Five students marched out in perfect unison carrying the homemade American fiag that had been stitched and sewn by every child in the school. It look 12 yards of material, 20 needles, five spools of thread, 7,447 stitches and four drops of blood to make Old Glory, said teacher Bonnie Swann. Soon flag-waving children were on their feet singing "A Grand Old Flag.·' Principal Miller looked to be wiping away a tear when the five students carefully folded the red, white and blue flag and handed it to him. .. This is the finest gift I have ever received," he said. "I hope not to forget you kids . But I 'll never forget this day forever." The program closed with a spirited rendition of "God ,Bless Am erica.·· And children as children will do, das hed madly for the playground, crossing over the now faded map of their country that had been painted on the asphalt for another "Red, White and Blue Day" many years ago. ADDRESSING THE CROWD Student m a king recitation gets on-stage encourai;?ement from Bonnie Swann. program o.lly .............. .., OeftM ...-r B~GINNING TO UND~RSTAND Kindergartners Cory Minea r , 5. and Veronica Shaver. 6. listen to schoolmates speeches on .. What America Means to Me ... .. director, Lucious Smith of the Rams football team . Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer and Bob Miller. principal. OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE? -Front row at Lindbergh School assembly stretch~s to get first glimpse of hand-sewn flag. DIVERSION -Mike Mitchell. 3, plays with table decoration. ') 'Mutant genie' causes indoor pollution ~ By IOEL C. DON ... ...., ......... State officials warn that pollution may be creeping into the places we work and live. Indoor pollution -lDcludin& ever)1.hln1 from household ant spray to cl1arette smoke to fluorescent lillrtiDI -ii t.akinl lta toll on the health of workers and their famWes, accordlnl to a report released Tbu.nday by the state Department of Comumer Affairs. In additklll to reduced worker productivity, such POilution may be tacldN on ,.., bUUon to •100 bUllon tO the nation'• health care COit.i tbe report ltated! .. "We did not bne a bome pollution problem uatU the enerf. cnmch," ae~dlna to Dr. . DwlPt Culftl'' dlnetor of tbe Unlnnlty ol Calltonla's Southern OccupaUoaal Healtb Center bued 1n lrvtDe. "As so0n u you decrease the amount of ventilation with weatherstrtppin1 and insulation, then (pOllutaota) can reach a htlher concentration." The '100-pap state report cites 15 subltances that poee a haaard to worken and famllies sucb u lead, formaldehyde, plastic pipe, radon, ubestos, cl1arette smoke , c hlord ane and com bullion pollutanta. Theae toxinl can cause minor irritatlona and headaches to severe Wneues. In some cues, pollutants are 1u1pected or known cancer-caUJln1 a1enta, the report 1aid. · "lt'1 tlme for p~ople to become concerned, but we're not •aJinl that every bulld1Da abould be t.om down," 1ald Dan Wo0Jdrict1e, a11lstant to the dlrfttor for tbe Ital• Comumer Attain Department branch in LoaAn ...... "What we're saying is there are things in individual homes and offices that can be done to clean up this 'mutant genie' that has been unleashed in our culture." · The UC Southern Occupational Health Center at lrvine, which bas a sister facility in Berkeley, was set up with a two-pron1ed approach to pollutant hasarda ln the workplace : ll conducts research and clinical testing of workers and serves as an educational resource for the medical community. Ultimately,' the goal ls. to make your Job site a safe place to work. "We teach youn1 phyalciam and enctneers in the field of occupational health and hope to reduce the klnda of haaardl that exlat," Dr. Culver aaid. "Other than in the case of an Imminent haunt, we do not play the role of any kind of enforcement agency. Education is more of what we're trying to do:· The center also is involved in two main research projects: lead poisoning anhsbestosis. The National Institute \lf Occupational Safety and Health is rundin1 research into lead polsonitll. It affects workers in autq battery-manurach.rring plants and e mployees or secondary smelter where scrap lead ls r.processed. "On, of the major questions ls why do some or the people get lead polaon1na at a 11 ven level of expolure and other people do not,'' UC scientist Culver said. Preliminary result. indicate some indivldual1havea1enet1c ·c a p a c it y to d e v e I o p a protecUve mechanl1m a1alnat lead poilonlna. MOit do not. A1best.oels, thou.ch. remalna a puzzle. Exposure to the fire-retardant s ubstance can cause lung disease or cancer. ln studies or workers at the Naval s h ipyards in Loni Beach, Culver said scientists are perplexed by cases in whtcb ln.tividuals have been exposed to asbestos for a 1001 pertod ot time and show no sl1ns of disease.' In other instances, workers have had much less exposure and have developed lung disease and cancer. "What we're tryin1 to do ls characterise the people In tbe shipyard ualnl a lar1e battery of biolosical tests to aee 11 there ii a difference amon1 people either on an lmmunolo1lul or a 1eneUc bull," CUiver •aid. The ~arch Involved aoo •hip builders. It started two 79an a10. CUiver aald be npedl tM research to coatlnue for ftve 1more years. • . •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE r Despite ·penicillin,-VD increasing dramatiCally ·DEAR ANN LANDERS : The m ost valuable aspect of your column is its frankriess. Through the years you have dealt with intimate subjects in a forthright but inoffensive manner. The educational value is beyond measure . I may ha ve some influence in our state pertaining to the expe nditure of runds !or health ca re. Will you please give me the facts on syphilis? Is it still a probler:n . or has penicillin removed it from the last of diseases we need to be concerned about» Although I am ma iling this lette~ fr<!m Louis iana , it is not the state I hve m. Thanks for any help you can give me. NE E DING T HE FACTS DEAR NEEDING: According to the most recent information from the National Centers fcir Disease Control In Atlanta, the number of reported cases of syp~llls ha's •' s hown a dramatic increase <about 33 perce nt) s ince 1977 . In Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas the number of r eported cases of syphilis bas more than doubled. The highest rates of infected persons per 100,000 population for 1980 were FARRAH'S HOUSE T his is the $2.5 million house actor Lee Major s decided last week to give to his fo rmer wife. actress F a rrah Fa wcett.'The Los Angeles hilltop hom e had reported In San Francisco, Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis and Washlngt-0n, D.C. The lowest were In Omaha, Tulsa. Pittsburgh, Des Moines and Wichita. PenlcUUn has been both a booo and a curse. Because lt Is o effecUve against VD. people tend not to take the disease seriously. What a big mistake! Another problem: slnce Vietnam, new strains of VD have appeared in this country -and Chey are penicillin-resistant. More bad news : We still have no cure for Herpes Simplex II. I urge anyone who suspects he or s he might have any form of VD to contact your city health department and ask when and where you can be tested. Untreated VD can be crippling and ratal. DE AR ANN LANDERS: The "gay·· dog letter re vived a painrul expe rience Not long ago l bought a golden retriever for m ating purposes. I paid a very high price for h im . Whe n we got home I discovered he ba r ks with a lisp. I mean after spending all that money' You can't im agine how depres sed I am. And some people think t he y have pro blems . UNCLE JOE IN HACKENSACK -~ .......... bee n a major ob s t acle in t he divor ce settleme nt between Ma jors a n d Mi ss Fawcett. • Taurus gains allies Tuesday. February 23 ARIES (March 21-April 19>: You're on brink of important discovery. You 'll be gi ven c ha nce to c rea te. inve nt. gain gre ater freedom of thought and action. You'll be dealing with creative. ambitious pe r sons. including those born under Leo and Aq~arius . TAURUS (April 38-M ay 20): Individua l who atte mpted to bloc k progress will see the light. You gain allies. many hopes and as pirations are due to be fulfilled . New preje ct will pay divi de nds . F i r s t impressions are apt to be correct know it and1'!cl accordingly. ' GEMINI <May 21-June 20 >: Accent on expansion. versatility . ability to ingratiate yourself with one who pulls strings . You make important contact at social affair. You'll be dealing with another Gemini and with an important Sagittarian. Business will boom. I CANCER <June 2 1-Jul y 22 >: Long.range prospect s come into focus . Emphasis on t r avel. communication . ability to tear down for ultimate purpose or r e building on a more suitable s\ructure. Study propos ition whic h involves imports. exports. LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 1: What might appear to be a sure thing could actually r equire review and re vision. Emphasis on in vestme nts. the m oney of othe rs. e motiona l in volve m e nt. s ignifican t changes and assignment requiring written material. VIRGO <Aug . 23-Se pt. 22 >: Win • through diplomacy -avoid attempting to l'01 SHOD , BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT 'I MAVE. NO'\THINQ DSF'INITE TO APOl.0614%.E FOR:· , , HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA force ' issues. F ocus on legal m atters . possible partne rships. investments in home improvement and publicity. Taurus. Libr a . Scorpio persons figure prominently. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0 ct. 22 >: Avoid ha nging on to los ing proposition. Work procedures need r e vis ion a n d e xtra attention . One who perrorms s pecial s ervices mig h t requir e a lec ture . Overcome tempta tion to delay basic tasks. Pisces . Cancer. Virgo na tives figure in scenario. ·SCORPIO COct. 23 -Nov . 2 1 ): R e lationships inten s ify : you make changes, accept added responsibility and you cou ld get inext r icably involv,e d . Nothing occurs ha lfway a commitment is made and you 're in all the way. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec 21 > Emphasis on s ecurity. popula rity. knowing when to close trans action. You finis h rather than initiate project. You'll have c h a n ce to reach wider a udience. to broaden persona l hor izons. You could r ecei ve trem endous boost from Aries individual. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-J an. 191 : New project could inv9lve short trip. You 'll imprint style. ta ke independent action and m ake vaJuable contacts . Aries. Leo. Aquarius pe rsons figure prominently . Avoid heavy lifting , don't scatter forces. Display versatility . AQUARIUS <Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Check value ot special collection. You might be due for a ple asant s urprise. Another Aquarian is in picture. A search will be concluded. You'll have chance to increase income pot e nti a l. F a mily m e mbe r announces Intentio n to s uppo rt your efforts. P ISCF.8 <Feb. 19-March 20>: Special requests are granted. People who form erly oppo1ed you will now become fans . Popularity increases. you receive offers involving r.ubllshlng, art, travel. Judgment and tlm ng are on target. Gemini , Sagittarius natives play key roles DEAR VNC: Did you sa y you are depressed because your golden retriever barks with a lisp? Methlnks you have more problems than the dog. Seek proresslonal help. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Sam and I have been married for 15 years. I am telling you this right away so you won't think maybe he is a young kid. · I . fix him a good breakfast ever y mo rning , but he always stops at his · mother·~ house for a cup or cocoa and hom emade coffee cake. If he isn't at her place by 8:30. she telephones and as ks . "Is Sam sick'!" On his way home he stops again for a bowl of soup or chopped herring Just enough to spoil his appetite for the dinner I fix. Before he got's to bed he rings her up to sa y good night. If he doesn't call by 11 o'clock. s he cull s to find out if he is "all right. .. I think a man should l>t' respectful lo his mother. but wha t goes on with these two is already crazy Sa m is 46 years old . time to untie the apron strings What ca n I q_. UDIS do to get him to act li ke a grown man ·1 MILLIE JN THE BRONX . I DEAR MILLIE: Sam is not going lo change. This routine will continue as long as .hls mother lives. It might make you fffl better Lo know that men who are devoted to their mothers are often equally devoted to their wives -after Mama dies. Parents. what sfwuld you ·do 1/ your t een:ager 1s havmg se.rual relations? Ann Landers· new booklet. ·High School Sex anrl How to Deal With It -A Guide for Teens and Their P.arents ... give no-nonsen.se advice on hou to handle t)lis delicate !l1tuallon For eacll bookl.et. send SO cents plus a long. stamped selfraddressed envelnpe to Ann Landers. P 0 Box 11995. Chicago. tll 60611 Loan lesson automatic It is writte n some whe r e that all m others should willingly hold out U~eir hands when their children want to s pit som ething out or their mouths On the sam e tablet. it is recorded that she e ts that ha ve to be washed in the middle of the night are women's work. flMA 80M8fCI AT WIT'S END Also okay are li cking our ice cr ea m cones. coughing m ou r faces. and dr ink- in g from our water glasses leaving c rumbs t h a t f a l l lik e a s now s c e n e i n a paperweight. But where does it say I have to loan my car to my kids'! on the radio 'dials had been repunched to rock stations. There was a piece of pizza in J tier ashtray . Her antenna was_ high enough I to clear the Rockies There was a tennis f ball lodged under her accelerator. I HAVE THE ONLY CAR in the fa mily thar nms a ll t he time. T here is a reason for t h is . 1t runs because the floor is not clutter ed with paper cups. the steering wheel isn't sticky. and onions have not dropped down in the seat covers. She looked like she hadn't cooled off in a week . "The keys are m her \'isor ." he said . \ a nd climbed into his waiting sports ca1 parked at the curb. Whatever happened to respect the ne xt morning'! .,,,,,, By PHIL INTERLAN OI of Laguna.Be ac h I A clean car is a happy. healthy car. When my son's foreign car was in the shop fo r a week. he begged to borrow my c a r. Only the threat or his losing his job and having to move back hom e made me relent and loan him mine. but not without a lect ure. ~-~I .,~_~~ ........ "I know you and I know your kind ... I sa id. "You're used to those fast little sports numbers T hey'r e easy Let you t ake them anywhere. do anything. M.Y, car is not like tha t. It hasn't been to rock t oncers in the m iddle of q cornfield. or dirt-bike r aces a long some d usty roa d . It has n't been out past midnight s ince 1978. It's nine years old a nd it 's still innocent. You m a y borrow m y car ror one week . but remember . she ·s a iady." ~~AHO ff»@(PJ- RESTAURANT LAST NIGHT, I heard a car spin into the d ri veway with music so l<ft.ld m y teeth c ram ped. I had ·only to look al my car with mud on her grille. a seat belt napping beneath the door. a nd a message . ··For a . good tim e call Vicky. 5.55·8833" to know that mv car had been violat ed . She had the "used'~ and "em pty" look about her . Her mot or had been raced . S he had blown ·a s pe aker. All the pus h buttons GOREN ON BRIDGE 11 BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Q.1 -Both vulnerable. H South )'OU bold: •4U 0 1[87 0 '1U •AIUt'74 The blddlnr hu proceeded: N_.. Eallt 8-t.k WMt I o PUI I• PUI t ..... 7 Whal do you bid now? A.-Your hand la much bet· ter than it1 point count might auggnt. Partner hu revera· ed. and you have thTee honon In bia two aulu. Slam ahould depend only on his diamond holding, 10 we WM.Id convey that lnforma- tion lo bfm by leaplnj to fiv• hearts-that aakl him to con· tract for alam if he doet not have t•O Wt loaert i.n the unbid ault. Q.1 -Eut-We.-t vulnerable, u South you bold: •AJIN OJl'6 OAQ.1151 The blddlnr hu ptoeMded: ~ Weet N_.. Eellt 1 0 r ... 1 0 r.. 7 • What do you bid now? A.-One apade. There la no reuon wby you ahould not continue to bid your bud 11aturally. Jt la more Impor- t.ant to Introduce your four card ~ than It I.a to rebid your dlacnopct.. Adcllt.ioMll1. you don't want t.o do anythln1 to 4t«OUl'aP a po11lble bean coetract, which wW all80lt aunty be tht ,..ult If 1°" ttbld any ""111.ber of di1._... Q.l -Bot.11 v11Latrable, u South JOU hold: •atG ~-OA&'('I •H Partner open• the bidding with one cl ub. What do you reapond? A. -With i• point.I opposite an openlnf bid, you Intend getting to .rame. It might aeem that a jump to two no trump would describe your hand euctly, but that action could result in mlu lng a super ior •·• apade fit. However. we do not auggest that you bid one apade now. Our vote goes t.o one dia- mond. lo allow partner room t.o introduce a four-card ma· jor ii ti. hu one. Q.4-Aa South. vulnerable. you bold: •NZ OIUltMI OAlll •7 The blddJnr bu proceeded: w.-N_.. Eallt S.-. 1 0 h. P .. t What actioa do you tab? A. -Any ICUon I.a ftaufbt with daQpr. uni... w .. l hu pe7cbed. your part.Der mual be abort lo he&N, but could not act over one heart. ll loob u If Weit bu a very 1u-oar hand. Sloe. he ~ alit 111 '°"' belt ault, let him atrvrrle. PU9. U -A• 8o11th. vllleerable, 1"-IMIW: •• OQltTt OQI •A&m .Tlle'llWdlasllu,..1111"941 Heftli&Ml ._. W• 1 0 I• I• P ... I 0 ... 1 Wllat do you Wei eow? A.-WM• JOG rMpoeded t..o •• ,...,. aa .... u. .. u (lvee &8 °"'°"Uldt.7 t WU to ...... '"' '""4anl 111.-n ault next. Nothing hu hap· pened that should now make you changr your mind. Even If partner can't support heart.I. hi1 nut bid cnlght clarify hla holding. Your band ia better than it appear• because your queen in put· ner'a suit mu1t be upgTaded. Q.8-Neither vulnerable. u South you hold: •A983 <:1 AKQlot •UU The bidding hu proceeded: S-tlt W"t N_.. EaA 1 <;I PUI I. ,_ 7 Whal do you bid now? A . -North'• r u pooae, though not unexpected, 1bould dampen your en· tbualum. It it lmpoaalble to judp the potenllal or the hand until 7ou have located a flt. A rebid of two club1 of· tera you the beat chance to probe for that fit without ea· poeiar your lide to a pouibl7 devuta.t.illf penalt7 due to a mJafit. .... ,. .............. te 4••'9• &r••~I•' Let C......O..Wt,.. .. ,_.., .......... __ .. DOua&.11 .... I ...... .. ........... ..,, .. ... DO\llLl:I~ ... 11.M • "'eti•Dc •1&1: .... tftMl•w C JI ,P.O. I• llt, N ....... N.J. .............. ..,.... •N"'ll' J •11lr1 . ' , · er 2, 1982 Orenge~t-OAij;-Y PILOT/Monday Febru y--2: • How's this tor a good answer: money. Read our newspaper , and cash in on advertised values, discount coupons. food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week. We also save you time . Which is important tor busy women managing a home. children and many other responsibilities. In the market tor tun? We cover weekend enter- tainment and special events around town . TV and movies. Recreation, sports, hobbies, a whole package of interesting news and features to give you a lift! Whenever you have the time. so· if you've been feeling a little shopworn lately , get some help. Get the paper. What's In It tor you? The answer appears on every page of • II 642-4321 . _ __, ... •1 .. -EVB•tG~· • ... , ....... ONMLa'a ANllll..I I WMrT'l lt4ADOW THI•: a a:ON1 • HAWAII P'NS.o "Th• Olemond Tllat ~··-·· I ~ C:.NIWI MCN9We ~-­llOV!a * * *"' "The Wiid .Clllld" (1t70) JMn.Plene Cergol, FrMCCMI TNffeut. An 18th- oen4\#y ptlyelQan ·~ to cMllll • 12-)'Mf-old boy found IMng wtld In Iha toNeta of Franoa. .MCWIE * *" "Feteo" (1980) Dom Delulae, Anne a.n«oft. A portly oomputalw ...., tlndl ttiat nottllng cen dernpen hll dMW• for food untlt ht felle In love. 'PG· lcaO. W1LCOM1 MOK. KOTTIR • ICCIT NEWMMEAT: c:AU'OfNA ~ MPORf • ···-AEPC>ftT (1)8NIWI 0~.a.LEA CH)HANI ...cp OR THm Ill.VD IKATD A )'Ol.w'O bOy .... t.. the cMala '-d Aln'1erdem In WI ettemot to COt1Vlnce a renGWfled doctor to come to Iha aid ol Illa llflng t•ther. (Pert 2) 7:00 I '* NEW8 N9CNEW8 HAPPY DAYS AOAIH I MCNEWS YOU AIKB> R>l'I ff F•etured: "Cambodian Tongue Spiking" and "Trick SNla On HorM- bec:X." • M •A•S•H Kling« brMll• In another peydlo and the IMI box of morphine from supply -to be contaminated. I JOe<IA'I WILD OYIRfA6'f "Mhrltll" 0....ta: Harold and Fayard Nlcholaa. (R) • DCKCAVETT au.t: O«afdlne Stutz Cl) T1C TAC DOUGH Ill INTE"1' AMitEHT TONIGHT A vftlt with AM and Nancy Wlleon of "Heart" on lhelf ranch. QITI41~ a.-t: P91er UatlnoY. ©)MOYIE ** ** "R9Qlng BuH" (1980) Robef1 De Niro, Cathy Mort arty. Bo.dng chempion Jah LAI Mona'• aptitude for vlolance brlngl him 9'.coaaa In the ring but dlarupt• hi• per. _..lltt.'R' 7:11(%) MOYIE **'h "Mad Max" (1NOI Mel Glblon, Joenne Sam- uel. In en Auttrllla of the not-too-distant MUte, the friends end tamlly ol • top ~ pur9Ult polloeman become the ,.,Qel. of Mdtatlc motorcycle QM9. 'R' CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT ICBSI D KNBC lNBCl 9 KTLA (Ind.) 9 KA8C (ABC> 9 KFMB (CBS> D KHJ-TV llnd.l 9KCST lABCl 9 KTTV !Ind.I '9 KCOP·TV (Ind.) ,9 KCET lPBSl 9 KOCE (P8Sl AHOY -Suzanne Somers salutes Navy on her special al 10 tonight on KNXT < 2 >. Extravaganza is staged aboard the USS Ran,ger at San Diego Naval Station. J:IO. I OH THI TOWN FeMufecl: • look Ill llOw the vtdeo gaina re¥Cllutlon .... llfteoted the -· Amencen femlly: • look •t .wep <" wlnnlnO conteeta. 18,N&YmJO LAVINtl I 8HIM.EY a O!Oflll'AHY After _,_ 1tM6t Slllf. lay'• poodle lltlt1 and YV· eme'• •-tat. the girl• • become pOllOe decoyl. • EVIOHLA. FMtured: he ugmen11 from ABC't "I LOYe Uber· IY'' apeciet; a report on naw t11hlon1 lor OYetWllght women: a IOOil at Loe Angelal epu. • caaNTY ~ ............ An enllated man who ....,, .. to mMty a KorMO girl ~ to H-'<eye for help. I TIO TAC DOUGH MACNEl. I L.EHAER NPOftT .GMAT PEAfOMIAHCO "Brld••h••d Ravlalted· Jul•" SebMtlen ~ on hit Wrf to • our., Ledy M8f'ChlMln .. mortally Ill. and Rall Uot.,..,., .. In h04 purault of Julia. (Pert 8) Q CJ) p ..... MAQAZIHE MeetaomeWMl<endDune ou.t... 0 YOU A8KS> FOR IT FMtured: "Indian Spaekt With Foriled Tongue" and "The Tigar It A Jodcey " (C)MOYIE ••'A "S-Women" (1Me) ,.,_ 8anuott. Sue Lyon. Women with llWylng beellground9 end poei· Ilona tntwr•t• In a Chi· -mlMlon acftool CID ~..,. W'IPM8BITI "TM Smert Buy Show" Tlpa on QUiity, aatety end .. vtng moMy ...en buying I09j), food ptoceNOl'I, wood atcww encl Wllllt- .,ound ._,. pi9ywa .,. pr-tecl. t.«>8 """' ......... Z.C'I llPOf*'lllO•hlp IO Merlin ~ to be over when Zee'• mother -llat plane to ,_ ewey from San Frllll• daco. a a unu HOUIE<* THEPMINE Almanzo r•lu11a to -dee to regain the UM of hie lagl untM a 11orm ...... Ille home and he ,.... thel ~· hu alto glwn up llope. (Pert 2) • MOYIE •• .,. "Ollllnger" ( 10731 Wanen o.i... Ben John. eon. (OJ ~TV CZJ Z·TV <Bl HBO CC> (Cinema.) (WOR) NV . N. Y GlJ lWTBSJ II) lESPN) (I) I Show11me I • Spolllght e (Cable News Network) •Ill THATI ~ FMtulad: • bllndtoided mertlal wta upan -1 dMdly .....,or1 to IM'Mk en apc>le atop hit eaeil1Ant' 1 ~: • ttuntworMn 111111 180 Mel onto en aitbeg. aoou.w MlllCET8AU ~egon va. Waahlngton • P.M. MAGAZJNE A j)l'Otlla of "Magnum, P.I." atair Tom Selledl: a blologl11 who lludlH lllberNllng bMTI. • MOVIE • • "A«um Of TM Dra- gon" (1072) 8Noa LM, CflUCk Nonit. .GMAT ~ "Brld••h••d R•vlall•d Julia" ·SebuUen ~ on Illa way to • eu<e, Ledy Marc:hm*t la mo'1dy Ill. end Rax Mollram 11 In hOI pur8Ult of Julla. (Pert 81 0 CJ) IANOEGO JOUNW.. CIDMOVIE • * * "Simon" ( 1080) Alen Min, AuaUn Pendle- ton. Sdentlsta •t • blurr• ly mltclhctad think tank convtnoa • bumbling col- • prof9Aor that he It an allerl from outer apace 'PG' ())MOVIE •• ·~ "RodlthOw" ( 1080) Paul McCartney and Winge. Thia record of the blnd't U.S. tOUf lncludM pec1ormenQN ol "Jet," "Band On The Run," "Siiiy Low Sonot" and tome Old 8Mtla babel• 'PG' • UTT\.E J()HNlfY JONa Thie revival of the 1004 George M. Coften mutlcAI comecly about .... .Amari- ~ joctu1y ..no tn.. to win the EJ1Q1W1 Darby fMlur .. aucti tavom• .. "Give My Regerda To Btoeoway" and "YanllM Doodle Oen· tty." 8:30. AU. .. THE FAMll. Y Arehla wlll 1100 at nothing In order to have hit grand· tonbeptlzed. -~' l&THOVSf L.ac>nMd Berntteln and the Vienna Phllhat monk: per. form the "l<Jng Stec>Nn o-tur.: and Sympf\On)' No. 5 In C Mlnor, Opua87 CJ) Ml.COME IACK. KOTia I t:00•(J) M0 A0l 'H Wlllle wortilng In the com- bat zone, H ..... eye comea under h•avy fire and deciOM It la tlma to df'ew up 1111 IMt wlH and ... 1 •• mant D QIMOVIE "A Wedding On Walton1 Mount1ln'' (Preml•r•I Ralpl'I Waite. Ellan Corby &In Walton'• plane tor matri9Qa ca.. one or '* '°'"*' boyfriend• to l•lla drutlc -.ur'• to Pf• _. ttlt wacldlng 8 111 MOVIE • * "Ollvar'a Story" (1178) Ryen O'Neal. Can- db Bergen. ·~ IUTHOWH Leonerd Bema1eln end Ille \llenna Phllwmonlc l*- fdnn the "King StepMrl ~ .. and Sympf\On)' Ho 5 In C Minor, ()put 87 (C)lllCWtl • • • \4 '°Ttlil HowlMe" (1111) DH Welleoe, 'lll1dl ._.._. A WOl'Nlll NIPOtW ........ 11'1 • II-lllflO Mef'M 10 be e ..-olf.'R' (J)MOlltl •• "11.-..10•11•• De(' (1t76) ..... "'-· Mlotlella 09¥W0n. ··1~ t:10 TNCIN lllOllt A ... t:IO (I) ~CALL.I The '1efl .,._ to MW Or. W••lllerl>y from tll• ~ of • )IOl"'O 0060- reHooK~THI NIW ·~ ,,.. .......... Rob- ., ~ ...,.,._ the .... of the -media on the wt of the '&o. end 'toe. (R) Ql).....,,.....009 AIOI! Poo.11 llOet• ... eOult eotne6y Cl#M lhow --· conteetenta muet Ulk• ott thelf ~ II ltiey lftooo· ~ -• QUettlOn th.at l\ae bawl O'-' ''*°" -~ • * • .. All Night L.ong" (19811 0-Hectlmen, Barl>te StrelaMCS. Alter ~ ~ trom oor- pcw• ••eoutlw to cheln-.,_ fliOht manager, • ~-··-.. etyta end v.au. -turned ·~·A' 10:00. (J) ._ IZAHNE 80MIM 8PlaAL Flip WllMJn, Merle Oemond encl Oledye Knight encl the Pipe loin &a.anti. S-1 lor • dancing encl alnglng ex1revegenn al>oard the u.as.~. I ••• NEWS PftOALDIH ~ART Sculptor George Cw1aon llhat• 1111 low lor the T1rahumare lndlant ol New Molco and hit tech• niquM for c.pturlng th.Ir ;)~•1111 ... 0 * * * "Fort Apeche, TM Bron11" (1081) Peul New· man. Ed Mnel. A tough cop bet ti• crlnwt encl ()Of. ruptlon In New Yori& Clty't South Brom• neighbor- hood. 'A' ©)MOW • • "Ol1tance" ( 19751 Paul BanJamln. JamH Woode. An Army -oeant aulterlng a mld,..,.I• crlall !Inds "'' .. ,. complicated by an unheppy marriage 'R' (J)M<ME * * "MeMn AnO H-d" (1980) Paul LeMat, Juon Robard1. An oth«wlM unknown ga• ll•tlon 8ttendanl ciallnl 10 be the rightful heir to Howatd HughH' bllllon dollar •tat•. 'R' 1G:*ll NEWS TOHY BAOWN'8 JOURNAL "Malcolm And Elljth" Tony Brown ,......._ Iha hl1totlc controntetlon be'-two or ArNl<lca'• ..-t ~I men -Mal- colm X end Elli-n Muh.,.,. mad. CS'i) PAOfll.E8 ... AMEAICAN ART Sculptor GeotQe Car11e>n ahat• 1111 krole for the Tarahumare Indiana ol New Mealco and his tedl· nlQvM lot ~turlng their -iwtted per90naHllM. 0 (t)MOVIE •• 'h "AocktllOW'' ( 10801 Paul McCertney and Winge. Thia record ol the band'a lJ.S tour lnclud4NI pec1ormaneee ol "Jal,' "Band On The Run," "Siiiy Love Sono•" and aome Old Beatie ballad.I 'PG' (%)MOW • • "'""· Boaa'• Son" ( 1078) Aahet Brauner. Rita Moreno.A apolla<I boy lurN how tn. working cl••• llvea after he ~ a dellvety man for hit lath«'• bu._. 11;00eD•(J)91B NEWS 8 8.ATUADAY NIGHT Hoat· Rlc;l< ~ GuMI Judy Collln9 • l(OJAK • THE JEFRMOH8 .IAHFON>ANDSOH • OK*CAWTT Gueata: Catty. Lucy and .Joelv\e Simon and thelt mother Andree (Perl 1) Ill llEGIN WITH ooooeYE "A T1me To Cry" A family r~ to cram 75 Y9art of IMng Into nlna montha JUBE TOPPERS . KNXT fl 7•30 "2 on the Town." A look al die video game revolution. ){NBC 8 9 :00 "A Wedding on Walton's Mountain." Movie premiere stars Ralph Waite and Ellen Corby. KNXT 9 9 :00 "M•A•S•tl ... Hawkeye decides it's tlme to draw up h)s las t will and testament KNXT fl 10:00 "Suzanne Somers Special." Guests include Flip Wilson, Marie Osmond and Gladys Knight and tht! Pips. See photo. left when they Item that the ..... end mottltr .. ~- t 1i:IO. (I) OIJN)Y Ouiney .,_,,_ l&Mlf>I· o1oua of • '9tlred ltluliontet ~ pr04909 d*' during ~-.(R) 8QITI41_,.M CANON a-t.• Petrie* Duffy, Red Buttone, Wllll«n F. &loll· ;·; MONeWI NIQH'T\Ml • AU. .. THE fMllA.Y • LOW. AMEAICAH STYLI .KcaT~T: CAU'OflNIA OONQAl88K)NAl. MPOftT • CAPTIONU> A8C NEWS (Q)MOW! *'A "Er-Of A Stringer" (1181) LAl&Ken T-. Jan· nlf.,. Jeaon Leigh An lnqulalllv• TV report.,. 1talk1 a madmln raaponej .. bla tor a -* of rape- mur~ 'R' OMOW * * * * "Picnic Al Hatlg• Ing Rode' r ( I 076) Rec:tlal Robenl, Dominic: Guatd In tum-of.the-century Au .. tralia. ttwee young tcllool- ginl wendar -ay from a actlOOI picnic end become loll In the bulll. 'PG' 11:46 CJ) MOVIE • "Tha A••k•nlng" ( 1980) Charlton Heaton. Suaennah York An arehMOlogl1t'1 daughter becomM ~" tltf by the m...,,Olent llC)lfll of an ancienl Egyptian q.-i 'R' ·-Ml>NIGKT- 1~· IHANANA 0....1· Jotinle Somtnert •9 MOVIE • • "Murder Can Hun You" (1980) JlmM Fatr, Gavin Mcleo d 8 MOVIE 1 • • '"' "Abandon Ship" (1057) Tyron• Powar, Lloyd Nolln • MIKE DOUGlA8 • LOVE. -AMENC.&N 8TY\.E • Ai.eENcA: Tl4E SECOtc> CENTURY CEl)MOVIE * ** "All Night l ong" ( 1081) G-Hacitman. 8at1>r1 Strelaand Alter being demoted lrom COf· pcwate axec:ut"'9 to Cl\aln- atore night man1ger. 1 mldd.._aged man's Ufa· atyte and .,.,._ -turned ~·R" 12: 115 ct:) MOVIE • * 'h "Cteop11r1 Janet" (1073) T-1 Ooblon Shelley Wint... A kerat• trained female agent tor Iha United Stll .. govetn· ment trlea to br~ up II'\ llleOal drug operation 'PG' (%)MOVIE * * 'h "Mad Ma•" (19801 .... Qlbaorl. ~ ._ '*· In .,.. Aulet ... of Iha noMOCMllMent Mure. Iha lrlancle end tamuy of • lop hlghwey 1)1-.n potloamM beoolM ttlt tervN of MCllttlc rnolorc:yda OlnO· 'R' 12'.IO D 8 LATI HIGHT WITH Ol\YIO LSTTIMWf A ..._ Yori& aty P.8. 8-4 grade tclhOOI clMa .... par· lonn • WMfllngton'a Blt1h dey pi.y I QINEAUTRY 12:AO :w' <X>UJM90 1:00e MOYIE * * "Ride TenderfoOI, Rid•" ( 10341) 0er>a Autry a..w lnherlll •~·peck· ar::::0ur • MOVIE *. "Legend Of loeh ........ (1178) Oocumanta- ry. 1:.10 D ENT'PT ANotENT TOHIOKT A Ylall with Ann encl Nancy Wlleott ol "HMrt" on their rend\. 1= * * "Friday TM 13th" ( 1NO) Be1ty Palmer. Adrl- • enna l<Jng. Tha reopantng of • --camp, CIMed 20 yMfl --alter thrM murder•. ettracu 1 vtncllc- tlve klllar Who knife• ~Ing teen·aoer-. 'R' CS)MOW * * "Galallina" ( 1080) Oor01hy Straiten, Avwy Schreiber. A robOt It made In the Image of • l>Mutlllll woman whO oo.tn't h•,,. any humM feefinge 'R' OMOYW * • • • "Raging Bull" (1980) Rober1 [)a N°llO, Cathy Moriarty Boxing champion J•e LAI Motte'• 1pt11ud• for 11lolanca brlngl him -In the ring but dlwupta 1111 per· IOflel Nia. 'R' 1:41 ct) MOVIE * * * "Whlcn Way II Up?" ( 1077} Richard Pryor, Lone1te Md<M. A M•· llatYed frutt pldier 11 c.ugllt In • comic etoaeflte "'-hit unlorl end the Mob, and a hypoerttlcal ~ llnd• heewn In • ladiM' c:N>lf. 'R' 1:90 (%) ClllB v.ecoN! 2:00D NEWS 2:0ll (%)MOYE . *. "The Competition" ( 1080) Rlctuwd Oreytuse. Arny lrW>g Two p4entsta at 1 San Frandsco mu1k: competition nnc1 thlll their kWe tor each 0111« con· Neta wltl'I ,,_ ptofWllOn· al amblllont. 'PO' 2:15 •• NF#8 2:IO MOVIE "Vali.y Forge" ( 10751 Richerd 8aMhart S:Oll (ff) MOVIE • * * "Fort Apa.cM, The JOHN DARLING .,_ .. OM1) P ... ...,_ -· Id ,,..,_. A '°""' ......... am. end OOf• ~ Ill .... Yotll °"'fl loutll .,°"" '*O"bof-hood ·w l:JO (t) MO¥ll * • "A Higlll l"lil Ot IWn" ( 1t1t) GleflGlllto Olenntnl. Cendloa 8efOerl. OhGtecl by Una W~. A INldlo jOurnlllllt WI ~ llbereled phOtotteplle• rei11e01 on the hlgll MCI 10w poln• of IN6r llOtmy ,,__ aaocr.-::. • • "The Amulng ~· t-Ot Joe 801' ~ A meoloal lnv•ntlon .,..... • t-)'Mf-otd boy to MootM • tPeClllf I09ftl tot IN WOrid In~ ---... MC>Ym * • * "EMI" (1071) Kurt ,_,..., a..o.i Hubley EM1 Pt~ rtaoa from • l>O"WfY MCI Ol>aOuflty to ~ ,.,,... and f()(tuM ... ....,...,,., muelcal per- '°"'*· 4' 11 (%)MOYIE * * "TN BoN't Son" (1178)....,.., 8'8UIW, Alta Moreno.A epolled boy ...,.,. how the WOtlllng cl••• llv•• •lier Ila ~•~man for hit talhef'• .,....,_ Ttw•da8'• Da"f l.w Movie• tcOO (ff) ** .. "The Tenth Monltl" (1070) Catol lb· ""'1. ~h MllCheft. A mid- ~. d!Yoroed woman bec:omet pregnant and decldea to k~ the baby (I)•** "Tribute To A Bad Man" (10581 J- Cagney. 1..-PllC)M. Two COllCllnad people anatn91 to convtnol • r~ to "op klllng ~11ata. l:ao • * * • • "Picnic Al Henglng Rodi"' (1175) Red* Rober1a, Oomlnlc Ouerd. In 1um-ol-thM:oln- Wy Au* .... ttv• ~ .._.. w.'6et ...., ,..,,.,. • edlOOt '*'* end b --In the bullh. 'P\. e:ao. ' '4 ''Tiie t.-.- NIMt. .... ( 1•H) John w.-. Gallby ~ CC> * *. ''Tiie a.. Side Of The........,., -Pet1 H" (1171) MM1yn H~. TlmoO!y '°"°"'9· Fonner cNmplorl --• Jiii I( In-mont, renclar9cl a queclfl- pteglc by • tr eglc aocldenl' wraatlaa with Mlf-doubt wtien a,_ io.... ant .. 11« Ille 10;00 CID * • "Bronco 9111y" ( 10801 Clint EMlwood. Sondra Lodle. A fortT*' 81'°9 MiMmln from New Jerwt rellllae hi• draam OI pec1ormlng In I Wiid W•t MM>W 'PO' (S) * * 'h "Smokey And The Bandit II" ( 1980) Burt Reynolda. Jackie GIMICn Shafltt 8uf0fd T Jutllce calls tn hit two ...... .,, brothen to 11op 1 retired bootlegger. the Bandit, IYom tr~lng I beby etaphanl 'PG' 10:30 e • • "8tonco 81ily'" (1080) Clint EMlwood. Sondra LOdle A former shoe MIMmlll1 from New JerMy rMl!za hit dream of perlormlng In 1 Wild Well 81\0W 'PO' 11::30 (C} ** ** "Tesa"(19701 Nllleaala Klnlkl. Peter Firth. The daughter of a poor Engllth farmer beccp'l9I the vfcllm of ti« lamlly'• upireliorll and her own bMuty 'R' 1~ fl * • • * "The Golden ~ Of Comedy'' (1058) Ben Turpin, WIU Rogers Memor Ible ltlm cllpt locus ..-i ...... ,, ........ ~tllnnr!Mft. ••••''Or.~Md Mr.Hw'dit''lfN1),..._ Tr911Y, lllOfld ....,_, A "*"* ......... ~ -*°" ....... ........ 'l_cwllta .... oWO'I. •••• .,,. NeeMcl '"" Ot LIO' DlelMond'' (1M0> 11.y Oenton, K.-....... Thi..,.__~. ~~ ............ -~al'ld .... out '° .,,... ... r CZ> •• ''Oolrlt ,._ .. 1111•1 o.n ~. PMriet! 0...... YCIUIN tll'IMtll on • ~ lt'P "* """" !Mo • ...... ~-OM"'-Ftendl OCIUl'Nyeldt. tt:IO. ** ... ~···Dragon" ( 1111) ~ flladdy, ..,... ~ Wlftl«.. Witt! lfle hlllp of • ChWby ·-dragon nemed l!lltott, .,.. ~ ~ "°"' .. nMty la.Mr tlllftlly " togtCNr the two 01 C'*" "-d for Melfte 'O' 1:00 CID • • 1t ''9ordlirtlne'' c 1M0) CMttea Br~. """° Klrb1· A police oM-_ .._.. ,~ rine cioerttine elonO bt Mtddcln border Md ,,.. 10 lltep inoon*v 11119'111 trom ~.._to rutt'tleM -l"'°9 °""'" wa.'PG' Cll • •• "Tribute To A Bed Men" ( 19M) ,,_ Cegney, Ir-P11PM. Two ooncatMd people attempt to convinoe a rencher to tlop kllllng N9Uera. 2*> CZ)** "Tilll la EMI" ( 11811 Oocutnentaty. Fiim footage and dremetlc ,.. CtMtlona ere UMd to tell tn. stoty of EMI Pr-.Yt lite and car-. a:00 e • • • "Soldier Btua" C 1170) Pet.-Str-. C- dloa Bergen In lfle la'9 1800t, • young ceV8lry offioar la horrltleO to wit- ,,... the bk>ody, __._ -of~ -and Ctllldten at S.nd C<Mlk by U.S. Arrwt IOldiera. CID • • • .. Alf ScnwecS Up" (1078) Luigi Olbertl, Nino Blgnamlnl. Oireded by Una Wet1muller A O'OU9 of Sou1ham ltllllena try to find WNfth and Mc>- plt-. in Northam Italy Jr.al) CC) * * *Yo "Pert 2 Soun- der" (1078) Herokl Sytvw- ter, Ebony Wright. A rurll bleck family of INr• croppers 81NOCjle to build a ld\OOI In Loui.i.ne du<· lf'9 .,.. Oepreealon. CS) * * "The Nnmlng Advenlur• Of Joe 90" Pupoeta. A ~ lnwn· lion enablM • $.)'Mr-old bO)'to~a~ agent tor the Wor1d Int ... Nefwork • ~~ ••• "My Uncla. Mr Hulot" ( 1058) ~ T1U, Jean-Pierre loje Mt Hulo1 rn.11• An ewlt-d attempt to conYlnoa • tam- lly that they don't rMlfi'/ ~ .. the lat-modern ~ to rvn IMU hOuMhold ·~•·•"Hewt<Tha Slayer" ( 1081) J1ck P.iance, John Terry. An adwnturoua young ~ enbta the .id of • bend of w.,rlOrS to right hla .vi uncle, the over1ord ..no tdlled hit f alher encl Is holding .,, abbea tor ren· tom 5:30 CC)* •• "Tha Other Side Of The Mountain -Perl II" ( 1078) Marilyn H-tt. Timothy Bottomt. Former champt0n tiller. Jiii Klo- mont, rendered a ~rl­ pteglc by • tragic aoadent, -ttet with NH-doubt wt*1 • .._ love ........ ,,., ~·· by Armstrong & Batluk l 'lo'RoPKS LIKE. WE'RE IN y-SOME BAO WEATHER~ i:=>c::J c::;J Walton wedding reunites family 'If you don't want to drink -LOS ANGELES <AP> -''I'd be happy to come back and do a 'Waltons' special every year," says Ralph Waite, the father or one of televbion's m.ost popular families. "Everywhere J go, people ask about 'The Waltons,' and when I tell them that we're going to be on NBC. they're delighted," be says. 1be first "Waltons" special, "A Wedding on Waltons Mountain," will be broadcast tonight at 9 on Channel 4 CK.NBC> -the series wu on CBS 1972-1981 -witb nearly all of the family back. Two other movies have been filmed and are awaiting scheduling. Jn the special, Erin Walton (Mary Beth McDonough), who/rew from a chll to woman hood on the aeriea, ls married -but not before there are a lot of complications, lnct'udi ng the appearance of an old beau. "I think this could be the belinnlDC of au annual visit to WaltoD1 Mountain," says Waite, wbo plays John Walton. RALPH WAFM "TM kids are arowtn1 up and J t.blnk it'a a wonderful ldea. l c~rtaJn.ly would like to see everyone for a little while each ye•r." • A lot happened dur1n1 the years "The Walto.,. w11 on the air. Richard Tbomu. •bo starred M John·BoY Walton, left tbe Mri• at &.be tDd al the J.17$.TI aeuoa. Ellen CorbJ, wbo la Grandma, suffered a stroke la November mt. WW Geer, wllo,,.. G~ died la April 1'11. lllcbeel IAamed, who wu tbe IDCl!tMr, OH.ta Walton. quit the show in 1980, and fin ally, near the end. Waite also left the series. Miss Corby, who is recovering from her illness, appears in the new special, and Miss Learned wiU be in the third one. Her scene was filmed in New York, where she Is starring in the CBS series "Nurse." Richard Thomas has not made any appearances since he left as a regular. A number of other performers have been on the series, including Sissy Spacek. Kathleen Quinlan. Wilfred Brimley .and John Ritter, who was the Rev. Matthew Fordwick from 1972-77. "I have some emotional scenes with Ellen Corby," Waite says of the first special. "It's just like she's really my mother. I've never done scenes like that before. I'm sure the feeling is reciprocal. "The spirit of Will Geer hovers over the show," the actor says. "More and more, I'm starUng to talk and behave like him. I guess I'm Grandpa now. Jt seems to be happening. The kids kid me about it. Will bad such a strong aphit that seems to be there when we sii around the table." Watte is now in the middle of makin1 a pilot for CB.5 called "Mississippi." It's a contemporary adventure series in which he plays the pilot of a paddlewheel work boat. "If l did another series, I wanted very much for it to be one filmed out ID the country," b• aaya. "There'• somethina about si..ytnc l.n Holl)'wood that puts you out of touch. It certalnly showa ID the wriUng ol the 1how1. For 'MluJ.ulppl,' we were lucky enough to get Darryl•PonJcaan to write the pilot. "It bu ecboea of M1rk Twain ID It,'' Waite aaya. •·we rode the Rlvu Queen down tbe Mlaalalppl It Juat aeemld like a rich aru to explore.'' ln the projected aerl•, Waite playa a lawyer who yearns for a return to a almpkr lite. He buJ• a paddlewheel boat and goes into busines~ "He's just a man trying to make a living," Waite says. "He won't be solving any crimes. But we will have people stories along the river. They have such rich lifestyles. There's a tendency for the big companies to take over the river, and we'll show the struggle or a small entrepreneur." His deal with Warner Bros. Television calls for the development or several raovies. He has in the works a Tracy-Hepburn type of love afftir between a sportswriter and a fashion editor, and a caper film. "I'd like to take a crack at romantic roles," he says, "before my chin falls all the way to my knees." Award shared NEW YORK (AP) -An independent producer and a TV station in San Jose have been honored ror their work on a documentary film on the atomic bomb with a 1-.a1 du Pont-Columbia University Award in Broadc:ut Journalbm and a $20,000 cub prize. The award was presented t.o Jon Elae and KTEH, the staUoo that oristnaUy broadcast the program "The Day After Trinity" durln1 ceremonies broadcast natlooally on public TV. Each ~ved •10,000. TM award was one of a dolen for works made durina tbe 40th year of the prosram. Two went t.o. ABC and two to CBS,. and David Brinkley, the former NBC anchorman and commentat.or now with ABC, wu clted ror hla "unique contribution to bro.dc .. t Journallam.·· That's our business COSTA MESA' MEMORIAL HOSPITAL .--.Call 642-273. Alcoholism Recovery Services ' 301 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Approved for Medkare . . NEWS ,from all over. California Is rounded up each dayl ln the .. ;· ' ', t 1 ~-. ' Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 22. 1982 •• Altman's 'Jimmy Dean' play ~izzles despite its star power !t.e.Y,_~"!VTf NEW YORK OK , Cher tht PoP 1ln1er la aurprilln&ly ·~ ln her Broadway debut. David Gropman'a richly detailed dlme·atore aet ls a knockout. And Robe rt Altman'a direction la Inter Una Indeed. But the play's the thlna. And "Come Back to tho 5 & Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean" ii nothlna but • thin, labored collection of uns.urpmln1 revelations that rut back and forth ln time, the period being 19SS·7S. · S l In B Woolworth's store ln a dusty. dylnt Texas town, it'• by Ed Graczyk and bowed Thursday with a one.man, to.woman cast (the star roster also Includes Karen Black and Sapdy Dennls). It concerns a 20·years·later reunion of the DLaclples, a lout Jimmy Dean fan club formed when the st.ar came to a nearby town to film ''Giant." Sure. the reunion forces the principals to race reality. to come to grips with their lives. But the gripping is none too gripping, eveo though things begin on a startlingly surreal note, with identic al images moving in unison, the ghostly p ast mirror ed aga ins t the rtesh·and·blood present. The past speaks with a slight, eerie echo, the players usually assembled behind a weary·looking lunc h cqunter , seen in a kind of twilight. When the tense is the present, there's no echo and ttie stage 'Superman' lifts ABC to first NEW YORK <AP> -ABC, scoring with "Superman" and a musical special titled "Let's Get Physical," bas ended CBS' ll·week run as the No. 1 network in prime time almost. The two networks finished in a tie for first place in the three·way competition for the week ending Feb. 14, with NBC last, fi gures from the A.C. Nielsen Co. showed. Each or the two networks recorded average r atings for the period or 18.4 , to NBC's 14.7. The n e t works s ay tha t means in an average prime·time minute, 18 4 percent or the country's TV·equipped homes were tuned to ABC, and the sa me percentage to CBS. ABC's challenge to CBS was mounted largely on the strong showing for Part II of "Superman," the theatrical film in its TV debut. The concluding installment in the two.night presentation was the first non·sports program , other than "60 Minutes" or "Dallas" on CBS. to finis h No. 1 in the weekly competition this season. "Falcon Crest'' on CBS was once more the highest.rated of the season's new series. in 11th pl ace. MOY,. "Suc>ormMI," P•rl 11. wl111 • r•ll"ll Of >o.2 rtp<Hentlnq 1•.7 million l>Ome\, ABC. "Dell•>." 21 ~ or 11 ~ million, CBS; "TllrH'S Comp.any," 1.S.I Or 21 1 m llllon, ABC. "60 MlnulH," 1•.S 0< 10.1 million, CBS; "Too C-tor Comforl," 1• 1 °' It t m llllOft, ABC; "Oullff o1 H•a•d," CBS. •nd "Harl to Herl," ABC. bOlh 2• °' It 1 milllorl, "~um. P I.," 2:3.• or lt .2 mllllon. CBS, "RH I P-4•." t> >or It I m llllorl, NBC. and "Otlwle Ntwton..JOM Lei's Cet Physic el," JI •°' t7 7 mllllorl, ABC TllerffNllNM<ofl,,.Top lO "Fal<.on Crest "CBS; MOvle 'Rocky 11;· CBS, encl Movie -··Smotiy encl tht e.no.t. ABC, lie "Uverne and Shirley" •ncl "H-y 0.ys." - ABC. "Hill Street Blue>'' •llCI "Feel\ of Ltlt,. bOltl NBC. "Ov-tv." ABC. •ncl "Clm,.,.. A Bre•k 'alld Ott! rent StrokM "bOltl NBC Polish director due Fre n ch 'Cesar' award WARSAW. Poland CAP> Poland's most famous fil m director. Andrzej Wajda, will travel to Paris to receive the "Cesar " award fo r his creati ve work , which includes last year's prize-winning film "Man or Iron." WaJda. who has kept himself in seclusion here since the ad vent of martial law last Dec. 13, won the Cannes Golden Palm award last year for "Man of Iron," a blend or fi ction and documentary on Poland's social uphC'aval during 1980 The film is no longer being s hown here. The morning daily Zycie Warszawy said the "Cesar" award is the French equivalent or the Os car. and thut Wajda is the first Polish director to receive it. The paper also said Wajda would stay in Paris · for a while to d irect a film based on Stanislaw P rzybyszcwska's "Danton's Case," with a screen pl ay by J ean·Claude Carrier. The paper did not say when Wajda would arr ive in Paris ........ ,. NOW PLAYING llUA COSTA MlU OllAllGf WHTMlaTUt 81ea Pla11 ldWJ•ds C111ema Cente< ~ UA rw'" CNnas 529 5339 979 4141 63• 2553 898 12•3 COSTA MESA MISllOll WILIO Vtt,o '""' 830 6990 I O"•rO\ ~ ... in Co.t .r fldl 1 , , 14f ~4h / 111 l"" "''"" ACCC•tlO roo '"" lOl<lA~tMfill Magic " ... every piece of magic and skill has been used to free our imagination, to let it soar." -Slt#ila B.,.a.,,, LOS ANGELES TIMBS Is brl.tbUy lit. Althoush l nitlally puulln1, Altman·s tlme-shift device ls arresting. Problem is, lts repeated use wears thJn Il ~mes like the play itself predictable. Miss Dennis Is the neurotic who never left town. and two pals whO dld are Stella May (Kathy Bates>. a loud. cheery, 11mhly dreaaed party, md Edna (Marta Heflln), a mouay housewife expecting her s eventh child. · There's also -in the put·-a teen·aced boy <Mark Patton), a Diaclple who occasion ally dreHed up Uke ll woman when he, Mon~ and Slny gathered to Imitate the McGuire Slaters singing "Sincerely." Dressed up like a woman: This may provide a clue about the mysterious stranger <Miss Black). a sUnlcy vision in while with teased red hair who unexpectedly arrives /or the reunion. Let's see. the innocent lad of the past was ~ p March of ~Dimes ~SAVES BABIES PLEASE HELP FIGHT BIRTH DEFECTS N..QWf Qf.lhY At AIY~x1e1~8domes Mariel Hemingway PER9mlAI.. llEST IRI 12:30 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 I [g. 2: rr~E 7: 9 :5 70mm No conomv Suu • s ====» Diane Kulon In SHOOT TH£ lrlOOlll I Rl 1 2:1:> 2 :40 5:10 '7 ·40 I. t 0 :05 ~~ ; rrf11~GI d.ne Alexander 9 Eco~eatong 111 Hour Only y .... ,:t,,.•~ ....... , ,.,.;,.,... ... , ....... . ..... .. ,. ............... , , ..... \O .... ~····•·b••· '''"' ···" .. u ............ Kate Jac kson MAKING LOVE IRI History Of The Yyorld l(R! Jaok~hol~n ~~R IRI o.dl ~C111R I I Muhammad Ah BOOYAM> SOUt. IRI Plus! Ghost Sto111 IRI THE PORT THEATRE h 1 J 6?60 EVERY MONDAY ALL SEATS S2.00 ... tender and entertaining M el vyn Douglas And B r ooke Adams In "Tell Me A Riddle" (PG) • ~.., f :~ ~ ~•-'.' rl~t1 J,f~ rlfl '>IAR ' There's A Lot ':Jeing Said About MAK IN G LOVE called Joe. ,'lbe sophlatleated lady ot t.ht prtffftt call• herself Joanne. Hmm. HY t.boet In the atore, there'a aometh1n1 famlUar about t.hJJ perton . . . Than c~a.red up by halftlmt, or course. The s cond hall, whole only unexpected twtlt (.ODCtrnt Sissy's <Cher's) breaslworlta. is loaded with equally heavy hlnts about other lont·buried Darlt Secret.s. Tbe major item : Mona'• 1rown, never· ... n "moron" son. She clalma Jimmy Dean fathe~ the boy (ahe says she met and communed with her idol when hired as a local extra for "(Hant"). A tormented, asthmatic wretch for whom Dean literally is God, 1be calla her boy Jimmy Dean and once made him a tourllt altracUon, with highway signs bllllnl him as the actor's secret son. But we're repeatedly reminded that when abe sallied forth to get in "Giant" and meet Dean, Joe, her close friend, went with her. I'd caU this a wee Oscar Fever . . is coming *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All PerlormencH before 5:00 PM (E•ctOt Speeltl Enp91ment1 111d Holidays) ~·-· "OEATH WISH, ir· 1111 tl.:llt ............... . _ ownc..., ""'"~ 'MAKINO LOVf: ll'l ........ 'M.. ........ .. -c econ ,__ """°" "TAPS"- t1 ... a •a.1-.1.11.1a:• _°" _=:sE_...,,._ o.r·-...__,. _ _ _, .. .._ __ _, ·REOS""' l l:Jl.UI.---0 ---"RAIOERS Of THI LOST ARK' IN --.....-I ............. , ... ,.,,. ."'f "CANNIRY ROW' -1ue.1-. ..... ..,,- LAKEWOOD C ENTER WAU< IN ... ,_ .... _ -- "OH QOLDIN ll'OHo· 4"1 11.•. I ti, HI, 1M . lt:U 'ac11lf'Y ar Conotewooo 21J/H1·9110 I \'Oll_,,llltlllfONCMn fOLM-. "CANNIRY ROW" "1 I lltM,l:tl.IM."11.1- oaOllOt c aeon TM>ntt llVT'TOll 'TAPS .. tNf _°"_,.,,__...,, __ °:.:::: . .::~:.::i... ~ :-..:.:- 1btl, J •, kM, I:.•·· , .... LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAlll '" -·--o . OWi............ I ·RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK ,..,! ......... ••,,. .. LAGUNA "RIDl" !NI 11::11.•a.1:11 -.i. CHmll .\M ""'" --"MAKINO LOVE Oii 11 •.1: ... • ..... , ...... ,... --............ -..-CHARIOTS OF flRE INl 1·9'• .... ,. .... ,. 1' so. COAST WALK·IN Soutf\ Cooat H1woy ot liooowoy 494-1514 •OU-'llltVlfO HctlAI\' I 'fOUW •M I ACAOl_Wf .............. ,.,._ I RAIDERS~~.';.~.! ARK" I •• , '"" , '".....,, , ...... , ... e H5 ... 1 ...... 6 :00 \•••t \1~•·8·45 IMPORTANT HOTICl' CHILORlM UNOUI 12 fRf.l! "" .. ' ••• w .......... , ••• '" 5 30. hi S•• Ht114'30 ,. tlHt-11 SOUHO • IOV" A"' CAii llAOIO 1$ 'IOUtl SPWlfll •If rjQ _,. CA~ l\AOIO W!I>< ~ 'ICCUS()ll1 PO$ITION -lflltlG NII l'OllTMU I• AU ClllWI lllW'lf.MS l30 Oii UI MOO ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE ·IN l••••OY .. 01 l•mon SI 179·9150 ··ROt ANO llOTHE.RED" Ill) ... .-"TOO HOT TO HANOLE" ftt "'ua "GIRLS ARE fOfl LOVING" CtJ;fttSOUffO C>IMILll-IN ''DEATH WISH II" 1111 ""'ua · THE llURNING" '" COii II SOUllO . SEOUcTioH" ,..1-- ... .$> llODY HEA r · .. , ....... "llLUE LAGOON .. 111 -CtNt·l,-~ l tJI N ... ~ ... ~. .... ,...,,_ ~· ...... BUENA PARK ORIVf IN unca1n A•• Wet! OI •non 1 21-4070 BUl'O .,..,,. LINCOLN DRIVHN '•ftCOJft Aw• W•tl o• 1non 1 12uo10 TORSO' fll -'AUTOftSY" 1111 ~ QOll'lllAA ...... Mal- ' MAKING LOVE ' "'> "'ua "HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART ONE" 1111 111.I11:im•H* .. ~~·~·~ .. , son O••oo lrwy ot 11oo~~unt oo I "THI llURNINO" fll 962•2U1 · · c1111t '' S011110 !ftP'I lltocll 81¥0 So OI a.i<oen Gt°"•,.,_, 191·3693 o,___ ..,...._ J ___ c._rrcon ______ """°" _ _.. "OH GOLDEN PONO" -"TAPS" - ·THE ELECTfU~SEMAN l": MOOERN ~MS"'"' Ctlft rt SOUNO tM:0411AMl •.a.W"fW~ GHOST STORY" 1111 -'EVILSHAK" 1111 Cllft flSOUffO A H A p!~ .I, LA HABRA ()I/IV! IH ::111t Fl 50U1tO .. -,..-,-- ~ ·eoDv HEAr· "" -"8LUf LAGOON" 1111 Cllf( " SOUllO ... ___ _ "OH OOl.OEH PONO -"W ,_.., .. ,,, • ~ ... & _.., .... ••lliE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN" .. 17HH2 ~A, -.i 'I ORANGE DlllVf IN --:.~-==~--I ""AOTIMI" ,,_ -.. ZOOT ty!!' f!l . .,. ,\. . ~ ~ .... MISSION OPIVf '"" So"'o •no,,.., t $l0fe CoMeg<>. 551·7022 ~·--··­"NllOHeCMS"fll -''Tl• IANOtTI" "' , . hint about who actually r1 therfd her M>n What later made Joe uoder10 the unkindest c ut of all I reveaJed with bitter tears. Other soul-1earln1 disclosu res abound H pu t and pre.st.nt draw clo er and clOHr, llnalJy collldlna and shatt.ertnat the dreams. the self.deceptions of thlis dlme·slore congregation. l> plte the a uthor's talen~ for telegraphlng his punch6, he at least offers welcome dashes of s mall·town humor, much of U d livered by Miss Dennis. She's fine, even though once as aln she's playln& one of those pathetic but funny women who have a cog loose. Miss Black docs well too, quite convincing In . an odd role . As for Cher, she'IJ startle you ; the lady can act, and doc11 It well. ,Altman, making his Broadway directing debut here, does a smooth. seamless job. Too bad all his work and that or the cast Is Cor naught. The play "Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean" is no good, no good. r -~ fl, .... ---... --~ _....._. __ _ . Orange Coaat.OAILV PILOT/Monday, February 22, 1982 ':JUST A BABY Little Tavi, an African elephant who's been around less than a month. walks under moth~r Sharpie's heavy ,~~\ APW ........ . protection at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. ... ,'\~ ~' Correct W-2 form DEAR PAT DUNN: My SoclaJ Security number Is wrong on my w.z form. How should I go about correcting it? I'd also like to find out if the IRS offers any special services for hearlng·impa.lred taxpayers. K.T., Huntington Beach If your W·2 lists your Social Security number incorrectly. change it directly on the W·2 form. However , the Internal Revenue Service advises you to notify your employer so the information can be corrected with the Social Security office. There is a special number for telephone assistance for the deaf and hearing-impaired who have access to TV phone or TTY teletypewriter equipment. The toll ·fr~e number is 1800> 428-4732. Complaints handled DEAR READERS: Two new toll-free information a nd complaint lines are · available to California consumers. The D epa rtment of Savi ngs and Loan education/information line is (800) 792·9830. This service will offer assistance to consumers concerning the various mortgage instruments now available from lending institutions. The s tate Banking Department Cons umer Complaint line is <800 > 622-0620 This service has been installed to handle consumer complaints . The line is stafr~d weekdays from 8 a .m. to 4:30 p.m. ___. • ·cot a problem~ Then wnte to Pat "-"'I Dunn Pat will cut red tape. getting • J. the an$wer$ and action you need to • $O/ve mequ1t1e$ m government and ,.., bwrneu Mail yo-Jr questwl'\S to Pat Dunn. Al Your Sennce. Orange Coast Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 As many letters as pos81ble will be answered. but phoned 1nqu1nt's or letter$ not including the reader·s Juli name. address and busmeu hours· phone number cannot be ~ed. ' · Gheerillg haZard told Adve~.se effects on throat may cause scratchy voices C HI C A.GO <AP > - Cheerleaders can strain their throats aa easily as their ankles or knees, aud should make the extra rah·rah a no·no, says a volce speclallst from Illinois Benedicllne College. Excessive c hee ring could create a "Gravel Gertie" with a troubled social life, says Rosalie Loeding. ·'There's a big difference between a scratchy voice and a low, sexy one like Lauren Bacall's," the voice teacher says. Mrs . Loedlng ha s repaired voices for more than 150 people r e ferred to h er in the last d eca d e . Som e wer e c hee rleaders, and one young woman, after treatment, wound up as a voice major at Northwestern Cntverslty, s he says. Jr nodules a re formed on the vocal chords, treatment could take as long as a year, but six months of vocal therapy is about average, she says. Mrs . Loeding, 53, s ays she is deve loping a program for c heerleaders and their teachers to help prevent "vocal suicide." After a year of research, she says she hopes to publish a working manual on the subject. "C h eer l e ad e r s ke ep screaming even when they have done their rout mes," she says. "Let them jump up and down, but keep their mouths shut until actually leading cheers. Instead of screaming, give them horns to toot, bells to ring or rattles to s ha ke. "I 've watched them at basketball games a nd their mouths are never closed ," Mrs Loeding says "Bas ketball is especial ly throa t -s traaning because they have to shout over the shattering inside noise." Certain professions may be closed to young women who have suffered voice da)Tlage, or they may find their voice an obs tacle to promotion and a li m i ti n g fa c t or in jo b pe rformance, s he contends. Such professions include acting, teaching, public relations . law, medicine, sales and TV and radio announcing. ··Because cheerleaders often h ave g r egarious. o utgoing personalities. they m ay be n atu rally s uited for these pro fessio n s . · · s a ys Mrs . Loeding. "But first lmpreaslona are usually lasting ones, so how your voice sounds can affect you personally and professiona lly." Girls and youna women with hoarse voices usually reel more phys ically tired, because they have to put a lot or force behind s peaking, and may become emotionally and psychologically de pressed as a result, she says. Referring to research by Paul Bravender, a singlna and voice Instructor at Memphis State University, Mrs. Loediog says an outgoing personality with an athletic body -tbe cheerleader type ls more apt to s peak in a louder than necessary voice. "The opening between the vocal cords (glottis> closes fi rst, before the breath pressure is applied, instead of the reverse, whic h is correct," Bravender report.a. "The result Is that the vibration of the vocal cords begins with an explosion of air which c auses friction and tens ion." Mr s . Loedln1 s ays s he believes cheerleaders in the 11 to 15 aae ranae are the most vulnerable, because their vocal corrls have not matured. "It is not so much what teachers tell the cheerleaders to do in routines as it is in the circumstances sunoundlna their performance," she says. "Loud, noisy, exciting crowds, the exuberance or the moment, and their desire to show team spirit all c.>ntribute to vocal strain and tens ion. "The challenge is to perform the routines without doing vocal damage " Court hacks limits ()D AM radio range · WASHINGTON <AP> -The U.S. Court or Appeals has upheld a regulatory decision to limit the range of the nation ·s mos t powerful AM radio s tations. The court said there was no ev idence the Federal Communications Commission had abused its discretion o r acted in an arbitrary manner when it decided an June 4980 to FDA recalls tainted fish WASHINGTON <APJ -The Food and Drug Administration has ordered the recall of '"p ossibl y h \lnd r e d s o r thousands " of cans or salmon that may possibly contain the deadly botulism poison. FDA spokesman Wayne Pines s aid th e 1:v •. o unce ca n s , carrying a variety of labels, car ry two lines of code on one end, with fl ve letters or numbers on the top line and four on the bottom The cans that might contain botulis m have the code "Kl3" as the middle three characters on the top line. Pines said. begin breaking down the last of what are known a s "clear channel" frequencies. The court dec1s1on was a blow for two broadc a s ters which operate maximum.power radio stations -Loyola University, the owner of WWL·AM in New Orleans. and Capital Cities Communications Inc., which owns WJR-AM in Detroit and W BA P·AM in Fort Worth, Texas . Joel Rosenbloom , an attorney for Capital Cities, said his client had decided not to purs ue the matter any furthe r . Robe rt Marmet, an attorney for Loyola, said the university had reached no decision on further appeals. Before its 1980 decision. the FCC maintained clear channels on the AM radio dial for a small group of "Class l·A" s tations - the only AM stations allowed to broadcast at n ight in a ll directions using the maximum 50,000 watts of power : The designation clear channel s tem med from the fact the FCC kept t h e r adio freque n cy "clear" by refusing to license any o ther s tation o n the frequency that could cause interference. --At the Pilot, peOple make the difference. • • • people like. these in the Retail Sales Department .. We are basically a family unit. There is a lot of interaction between people. and a closeness you don·t /md m other offices ... Sharl KrUzberg, Anaheim IUlls A retail account executive, Shari creates ads and advises her Fashion Island and Westcliff Plaza clients on their advertising needs. Advertisers arc important to every newspape r To u g reat t•xtcnt . they determine t he number of pages in :.in) given issue The m ore ads. the mort' s pace there is uvailable for news And retail advt•rtiser~ account for nearl~ ht..tlf of a nt•v.:-.paper s tn t'Omt• So, ou ran see JllSl hov. important this group of sales rt>prt•st•ntat1,·cs is.lo us It's up to them to not onl y st•n·1ce exis ting a ecounts. but to find nt•w ones in un effort to help thl' Pilot and its advt'rtist•rs grow Finding good people who enjo~ their work may take longt•r and <·ost more. but at the Dally Pilot wc knm' 1t"s \\Orth 1t beC'a use people do make a difr('rence . .. There's a commur..1t11 atmosphere at the Pilot \\'t• all share a commitment to deliver a better product (n the Orange Coa.-;t community at large ·· 8111 Weave r, Newport Beach Bill is our assistant ret uil sales manager. He not only assists the retai l sa les manager. he a lso ha ndles a sales territory. lailJPilat · It ·s different working at the Pilot because of the people They re pleasant and a lot of fu n lo ioork With We work together as a team ·· Cindy Donnelly. Costa Mesa Cindy is the national advertising coordinator. She is responsible for placing all the ads for the nationally·known products in the Pilot. ''Where p~ple make the difference.• 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa 642-4321 I I I l ' ---~ ---.-............_ -· ___.:_ --- ----------- -- ---- lllllJ 1'1111 MONDAY, FEB. 22, 1982 COMI CS CS IOUTHERN a!CTIOM CI F playoff survivors prepare for. next round Tuesday. night .. P,age C3 . DETERMINATION Bud Harris races · along in his specia lly-equipped wheelchair during Long Beach MtJrathon Sunday Harris finished third m the event. which s tarted and ended near the Queen Mar~ In lht> mam Deity,..._._.., O..nnSt.,r running classification. Finland':-. .\1artt1 K1ilholma <:lurked. a t1mt• or 2 17 111 lo win Akron's R1r Sa~Te wtJs "l'C'ond St<H'\'. P;.ig(· Cl Lakers' Wilkes gets it together • time • ID Flat for much of the game, he comes off bench to spark 132-131 victory over Denver DENVER (AP> Jamaal Wilkes of the Los Angele!' Lakers said he was flat for much of the Los Angeles-Denver game and found himself sitting on the bench with a minute and a hall to play and his team trailing by two points. "I was hoping to get back in there," Wilkes said after Sunday's National Basketball Association game. "But you never know if you will or not. While l was out I wanted to get my head back in the game and be able to make some big plays when I got back in " BUT TIIEN COACH Pat Riley sent Wilkes into the game. and he scored with 27 seconds to play. was fouled and shot the free throw that won the game for the Lakers, 132·131. Denver got the ball back in the closing seconds. but Wilkes stole it from the hands of Kiki Vandeweghe. sealing the victory for Los Angeles. "l don't think he 1Vandeweghe1 saw me." Wilkes s aid. "I think he was trying to get ready for what he was going to do next. And I took the ball out of his hands and came up with the steal .. had 31 points for the game. each tallied a dozen points in the second quarter and the Nuggets trailed only 77 .75 at halftime. Norm Nixon paced the Lakers with 26 points. Earvin "Magic" Johnson had 25 and Kareem Abdul Jabbar had 23 lold them to \\alk 1t up the court DENVER COACH Doug Moc , visibly agitated by the loss. declined lo t•omment. "I'm sorry I never do this, hut I just don't want to ~ay anything," h(• said With the v1ctorv thc L.ikers remained WITH I :SS TO PLAY. the Nuggets RILEY SAI D THE GAME was a 1n the le<id , a gCimC <ihe<id of Seattle 1n had held a 131-127 lead on a basket by replay of the team's last meeting Jan tht· Pac1f1c D1v1s1on of th(• Western Alex Enghsh. the game's high scorer t9 in Denver, when Denver won 140-139. Conference The Lakers have a 37-17 with 34 points. But the Lakers' Michael "I'm just glad we got the last shot off," rl•c·ord. thl' fourth best in the NBA. Only Cooper hat two free throws 13 seconds he said Phlladclph1a <39·14 1, Milwaukee <39·14 > later to s have the Denver lead to two Riley said that Denver 1s one of the and BostCln 137·151 have better marks points. setting the scene for Wilkes' m ost difficult teams m the NBA to Seattle remained a game behind the reappearance in the game Earlier , he prepare for. because of ils accurate Lakers with a 103-100 win over Boston. had scored 12 point~ shooters and good one-on-0ne players The Lakcrs have a busy schedule this Los Angeles jumped to an early 26-12 "All you can do is play honest defense " week. hosting Denver Tuesday night. lead m the game's first six minutes lie said that som e teams try to slow taking on the Supersonics Thursday an while making 12 out of the first 13 shots down the pace against the Nuggets. but Seattle, facinl( the Phlladdphia 76ers at and took a 44.30 lead after the first the Lakers would bridle at such a the Forum Frida~ night and hosting period But English and D_an __ 1s_s_e...:.l,_w_h_o ___ ta_c_t_1c_·_·T_he_bo_v_s_w_o_u_ld_h_a_n.:::g'---m_e_if_I _ Cle\'eland Sunday < 1:50 pm 1 Fight losing • mterest By WILL GRIMSLEY .,,,.. .... ~ ...... . So the big heavyweight title fight between Larry Holmes and Gerry Cooney has been placed on the back burner until June 11. One, two, three -now let's all Inhale d eeply and emit a mammoth yawn Ho hum. In mid-June, major league baseball will be in full swing. Jack Nicklaus and his par -bus ting pal s will be s harpening their blades for the U S Open the following week in Pebblt-Beach John Mc Enroe. Bjorn. Borg & Co wi ll be COMMENTAR Y moving onto the continent for ~he French and W1m bledon tennis champions hips . JoAnne Ca rner and all those golfing pin-up women will be an the m 1dst of their big LPGA title bash. Meanwhile. the ent1 re globe will be all agog over the World Cup, the every.four years ce nterpiece of the most un1vers.il of all sports soccer starting its long grind two days lc:ter in Spain. Although matching two unbeaten gladiators , a black man and a white, this is not the kind of battle that will have pulses pounding and flares ~treaking through the skies It's a squareoff between a young. fragile giant from Long Island. who has seen less than s ax rounds of action in 30 months. and an aging champion "ho was forced too long to hve in the shadow of the charismatic M uh am mad Ali . There's a question of how good either of them is at the present moment and who will be lhe least jaded when the bell nngs in Las Vegas, Nev . June 11 Cooney, the' pride of s uburban Huntington . N .Y , is an awesome hulk of a man 25 )<'ars old. 6 foot-5. 225 pounds. y<'t on<' who~e arms 1s too hca \'\' for his C'hassis This LA Open had touch of Hollywood Chris tensen finds needle in haystack Wat son wins in dramatic fashion By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tlM o.lty 1'119C S\IH LOS ANGELES -They staged another s hootout , Hollywood style, but this time it wasn't at the famed OK Corral on the set of a motion picture studio. Instead it was a loe·lo-loe struggle for 21 holes between two of golf's brightest stars. Tom Watson and Johnny Miller. When the final salvo was fired, Watson rolled in a 40-45-foot putt on t he third extra hole lo capture the 1982 Los Angeles Open golf champion s hip at Riviera Country Club with a crowd of 36,536 sun-drenched f ans watching in awe a nd cheering wildly in approval. For Watson . it ended a n eight-month victory drought and was his 26th career TPA tour victory. For Miller, it was a day of frustration after starting in a tie with Tom Weiskopf, two strokes in front of Watson. T he threesome played their round togeth er and w h en t h e regulation 18 holes on Sunday was over, Watson and Miller were tied at 13-under-par. There were brilliant shots and some that the weekend golfer could improve on. P erhaps Miller knew the end was in sight at the 17th hole when he went over the green and had to settle for a bogey. T he minute he hit-his chip shot al 17, he dropped his club, grabbed has head with both bands and turned his back on the green. Hla ball rolled 8 feel beyond the cup and he missed the putt coming back. Then he bogeyed the 18th as Watson made a par to send the two playen to the 15th bole for the playoff. "What c:an I say?" Wat.son queried~ his round. "I m8de a putt I shouldn't have made to wtn this tourn1ment. That long putt atayed atralpt to the very end and it went ln. .. 1 ICT'ambled on ~ playoff bol .. and on 1' l used the wron1 club and lfwea-shorf and in the bunker. I hit lt a.a solid ~ ~ CJ>uld bul it was the wrong clu.b " lie may have gone in the bunker but the TPA statistics show he was No I in sand saves last year and he hasn't lost his touch as he pitched up and made a 4-foot putt for par He was also the second best putter on the lour in 1981 . Watson felt he played well most of the day and said his What can I say? I m. a d e . a p u t t I shouldn't have made to win this tournament . -TomWat1on biggest shot came at No. 3. "It was a birdie putt from 20 feet away on the fringe and at the time I was four shots behind Tom and Johnny I made it, though . and that gave me a big lift "I thfok Johnny made a big mistake at 17 when he went o,yer the green. I felt I could tie It up right there but I missed my putt by playing too much break. It seemed like every time I made a putt today, J otinny m ade one too. "I get excited when J. win. especially here today. And when we walked up to the 18th green. the fans were just like hockey fans. They were cheering and going wild and that pumped me up." He was asked what Miller said to him after miS6ing his putt to "ive Wa tso n the title : " ·Fantastic putt,' ls all be could say. What else is there to say? "I fell like l would have to birdie 2 of the ~ast 3 holes to be in a playoff but Johnl'ly made that mistake at 17 and it helped me. When you are In a lead that ls big. you play conservatively. But not with a 2-stroke lead like be had." Watson captured his second Los Angeles Open. He won at Riviera in 1980 when Bob Glider and Don January both bo11eyed (See WATSON, Pase C2) .,. ......... HITS THE MARK Edmonton's Wayne Gretzky has a big smile after scoring the goal that tied Phil E~poslto's National 'Hockey League goal·scoring rceord at 76 ogainst Detroit Sunday night. 0 Former San Clemente star coaches By JOHN SEVANO Of I ... DIMiy Pil9C Sl•ll For those who have traveled Highway 15 en route lo Las Vegas. you should be familiar with a fork on the freeway that occurs just inside the city of Barstow Ir one stays to the left of the road . he continues his journey to the gambling capital of the world To the right'1 Well. the LOOKING BACK letters on th~ freeway marquee aptly depict the destination. Arriving at Needles is certainly comparable lo finding a· needle in a haystack. With an approximate population or 3,000, Needles is not a city you want to blink at or you might m iss it Needles is a city that warms to 120 degrees in the summer and cools lo the low 20's in the winter. It's doubtful there's even a Jack in the Box t here which shou ld tell you something in itself THE POINT TO all this is that an Orange County star of the past is beginning to make his presence felt in this desolate community. Eric Christen sen, w h o terrorized the .basketball courts and baseball diamonds at San Clemente· High and Saddleback College during the mid-and-late 60's, ls now trying to pass on his knowledge and experience as an a thletic director and head bas ketball coach at Needles High. Gra nted, a small school like Needles (enrollment 250> is an unusual place to find a person of Christensen's caliber. but then Christensen isn't yollr usual ex-jock either. Christensen. who al age 30 hasn't gained a pound since his playing days at s.11. 158, ls stlll remembered by many as the greatest athlete ever to come out of San Clemente High. Hts name stlll dots the record b ooks 1tt San Cleme.nte in baseball and basketb11l. Even at Saddleback. he's sixth among career scorers (with 978 points, 1969·711 . seventh in career field goals made 1369) and holds the re~rd for the most free throws attempted in a career 1355 1. BY TIIE TIME he graduated from Saddlebac'.< in 1971, Eric Christensen had his c hoice of more than 100 colleges he could attend. with a good majority willing to accept him as either a basketball or baseball player. "I actually got more baseball s cholars hips than I did basketball ." recalled Christensen the other day. "but I chose basketball and I'm not sure I made the right choice. ··As far as progressing further in a sport, I think l would have had a better opportunity in baseball ... Of all the colleges Christensen had to choose from from - Arizona State. Pepperdine. the University of Pacific and Iowa, just to name a few he settled on Long Reach State which, he will be the first to admit, was a big mistake. "I wanted to stay at home' and play in front of my folks and friend s," r e m e mbe red Christensen, who is now the father of two boys -Tyler (5) and Chad (7 months J. "I just wanted the opportunity. to play big-time basketball, but once I got there it (the campus) was too big. From day one l didn't like anything about the school, but I wanted to play." That desire, however . turned 1 nto a nl ght m are, too , as Christensen and Coach Jerry Tarkanlan didn't see eye to eye on more than one issue. "Lookln~ back at It. I was young and brash at the Ume and I might have jumped the gun a bit." he said. "But what realty hurl Is when the team went to play in a s ummer leaaue fn Mexico and I wasn't invited." Needless to say, Cb~. didn't stay at Loni Beech. Instead, he transferred to Chico State where hl1 11ame rtourtsbed <See qtalSRNSEN, Pap Q) • Q 1 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 22. 1982 ·eobnes expecting further delays From AP clbpatcbes , NEW YORK -Champion Larry m Holmes said Sunday he does not believe his postponed World Boxing Council heavyw ~lght title fight against Gerry Cooney will be held on June 11. Appearing with Cooney on ABC's Sports Beat, Holmes said, "My job is to knock people out. Thls is what they pay 01e for. And June 11. whenever that day col'nes, and I don't feel it will be June 11, I'll be there for Gerry Cooney " The Holmes-Cooney match, originally scheduled for March 15 in Las Vegas. was postponed last weflk because of a partially torn mu scle in Cooney's left shoulder. · · 1 just hope his shoulder gets well," Holmes said. "l MOLMH . hope everythin~ goes well for him so he'll have no excuses when that fight comes, because I'm going to look forward to it. This is something that I've been waiting for for a long time.'' Cooney was asked if he feared Holmes. ,: •For what?" the ch.a llenger asked. Quote of the day Stan Morrison, USC basketball coach. extolling t h e playmaking talents of Missouri guard Jon Sundvold: "He's 011e of the smartest guys to put on sneakers since Einstein.·· Gretzky ties Esposito's mark Wayn e Gretzky tied Phil ~ Esposito's National Hockey League , goal-scoring record Sunday night when he drilled in his 76th goal of the season at 16: 34 of the third period as Edmonton posted a 7-3 victory in Detroit. The 2l·year-old center took a pass from Glenn Anderson and beat Detroit goalie Bob Sauve with a 15-foot shot alop the ice that went into the net just inside the right post ... Mike Bullard's two third-period goals led Pittsburgh to a 4-3 victory over the Is landers, halting New York 's NHL record winning streak at 15 games .. Montreal won a league tying eighth straight road game. downing the New York R a n gers 4-2 . Normand Leveille's onnn second·penod score and goalie Ma~o Beron's first NHL s hutout earned Bo s ton a l ·O victor y over Philadelphia . Chris Valentine snapped a 3·3 lie at lhe 32·second mark of the final period as Washington topped Winnipeg. 6-3 .. Mike Foligno scored three goals to rally Buffalo to a 6-2 win over Colorado Ted Bulley scored two third-period goals to lift Chicago to a 5.3 victory over Quebec From Page C1 Williama tolls Botton comeback G• WWJaMI poured ln M J)Olnll, m including two free throws wlt.b thr" sec ond11 l~lt •• the Seattle SuperSonlca edaed Boston 103·100 Sunday In the Nallonal Basketball AuoclaUon. Boston1 which trailed 63-43 al halftime, took a 100-99 cud with 39 aecond left when llobert l'artsb scored 01' a dunk ... Eddie Job._ scored 16 of his game hl1h 27 points In the fourth Q\larter as Atlanta c&mti from behind to defeat Portland , .109.97 ... Forward Marques Jolaaaoa netted 28 points as sur1ln1 Mllwau.kee won lts 12th 'strai1ht 110·104 over Kansu City . . . Louis Orr scored 20 points Leading an Indiana orterase that put eight players in double figures as the wiLLI.. ·Pacers knocked off New Jersey, 118-107 .. ·. Brad Davia scored a career-high 32 points to lead Dallas to a 113·97 win over Chicago ... Julius Ervla1'a 28 POlnts. seven steals and eight rebounds Ignited Pbiladelphfa to Its ninth straight win 109-102 over Phoenix ... Randy Smltb scored 26 points and combined with Mlcltael Ray Richardson to spark a second·quarter New York raJly that carried the Knlcks to a 1.22-106 win over Houston. Stieb wants out of Toronto Dave Stieb of the Toronto Blue Jays has reacted angrily to having los t his s alary arbitration case Saturday. "I can't believe it," said Stieb when contacted in Dunedin, Fla .. the site of the Blue Jays' spring training camp. "I just want to get out of this organization.'· ... At the age of 32, ~ltimore catcher Rick Dempsey is going to experiment as a s witch hitter this spring. Dempsey, a natural right-handed hitter, began batting left-handed in the Florida Instructional League last fall . . . Outfielder Bobby Brown reported to the New York Yankees and worked out Sunday, leavlng the American League team with only one absentee in spring training camp, pitcher Rick Reuschel ... Edward Bennett Williams, Washington attorney and owner of the Orioles. has promised fans in that city he won't move the American League team to the nation's capital. "Major-league basebaU is in Baltimore to stay.'' Williams said in an interview Marcis wins Richmond 400 Dave Marcls, recording hi s first •. NASCAR Grand National stock car v i c tory si n ce 19 76 . wo n th e rain-shortened Richmond 400 Sunday artei a cras h and a series of pit stops involving other contenders vaulted him from fifth place into the lead Ma rcis, a 39-year-old veteran from Avery's Creek, N.C .. picked up the fifth victory of his long NASCAR career ... Beth Daniel, who <?a ught fire on the back nine, shot a 4-under·par 68 Sunday and c ruised to a four·slroke victory over defending champion Am y Alcott in the LPGA Bent Tree Ladies Classic. Television, radio Following are the top SPOrts events on TV tonight. Ratings are . • . • e11cellent : worth watching ; •• fa ir , • forget it ~ 8 p.m .. Channel 9 ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Oregon at Washington State Announcers: Mike Walden and Pete Newell. Oregon is coming off a surpri sing 82-78 victory over Washington, wh ich severely damaged the Huskies' hopes of finishing second in the Pac-10. w ashing.ton State tried to slow tt down aqainst Oregon State Saturday, but tell short, 40·36. RADIO No events scheduled. WATSON WINS PLAYOFF. • • the final hole after ht? was in the clubhouse. The playoff was the first in the LA Open since 1972 when George Archer beat Dave Hill and Tommy Aaron. It was likewise the first playoff at Riviera since 1952. In 1950 Sam Snead defeated Ben Hogan in an 18-hole playoff a week after the regular tournament ended. In those days they played 18 holes in playoffs and that one had to wait until after the Cros by pro-am at Pebble Beach. Watson finis hed regulation play over 72 holes at 271 as did Miller, then won on the third extra hole to pick up the $54,000 first place money. Miller earned $32,400 while Weiskopf had a From Page C1 hnal-round 73 and 265 total for third place and $20 .400. For Laguna Niguel's Mark O'Meara, it was a day he hastened to finish in order to grab a plane to Dallas to help hi s wife Alicia find an apartment. "I'm a little beat right now," O'Meara said after firing a 73 for his final round and a 283 total "l' m s till not playing as well as I would like to play and I wasn't making any putts today. I'll t ake a couple -0f days off and then I'll practice again to get ready for the Bay Hill Classic. "I'll play five in a row before· taking another week off," he added. That sixth week is when the Masters tournament will be played in Augusta and he hasn't qualified for that one. yet. He is leaving Laguna Niguel for Dallas and says the main reason is that the city is more centrally located. But he didn't rule out a return to the Orange Coast area in the future. As things turned out for Watson, he had only to birdie lhe 16th hole and par-in to gain a playoff with Miller who bogeyed the final two holes in regulation play On the first extra hole (15), Walson putted from 18 feet to 3 inches for par and Miller rolled in a 4-footer. Watson was in a bunker on the par-3 16th but chipped up to 4 feet and made it with Miller canning a 3-footer. CHRISTENSEN • • • At the par-5 17th hole, Watson hit his second shot over a bunker lo 40 -45 feet away and sank the putt to put pressure on Miller who had one of about 12-15 feet. The putt missed and Watson was the champion. again -but only temPOrarily. C hr istensen wa s all - league his firs t year. and honorable mention all-coast. His rtnal season was cut s hort. however, following another mis understanding with his coach. Christensen. married by now, came back to the Coast area with a teaching credential in his hand. And, althouah jobs were hard to find , he coached basketball (as a varsity assistant and the sophomore . team) for two seasons at Capistrano Valley before spending the next three years teaching tennis at Dana Hills. Christensen was in the process of moving b is family to Minnesota (where his wife Sandy hailed from) when he got the job offer at NeedJes. · 'l was originally asked to just teach and coach the varsity baaketball team," SJald Christensen. "Al\tr three w~ks t,iMay uked 11 l wanted to be the atW.Uc 4U«tor, &.oor-an~uaid SUJ't!. 'Ibey bad never had one before." Needles, playlnt •• a small schools independent, finlahed IU Ulll·82 campaj1t1 with an 11-8 record. going 11-3 in its last 14 games "It's a lot easier playing," said Christensen of his first year of head coaching. "You tend to take it a lot harder as a coach. I think basketball is the toughest s p o rt t o coach ga m e -wise because everything is happening so fast. "In baseball and football you have time to do things. Not in bas ketball." Despite its small size and location, Christensen couldn't be happier than with his current arrangement, although it should be noted , so m ew h a t humorously, that he drives an hour a day and subjects himself to a time zone change to live in Arizona rather than Needles itself. Watson finished the round with a 67 while Miller had a 69 and Weiskopf 73. Sunday's attendance swelled the four-day total for the tournament to 104,564. All four rounds were played under virtually ideal playing conditions with sunny skies. V angiiards to open with Azusa-Pacific The Southern California College basketball team will open the N AI A District 3 playorls Thursday night when the Vanguards travel to meet Azusa-Pacific. SoCaJ, which lost twice lo A-P "Teaching and coaching Is In \he regular season, will take a what I love to do." explained 19-8 overall record Into the Christensen. "I really enjoy ilal t l A i 21 8 N d l l t , 1 1 con es . zus a s · . ee es. s a rea n ce atmosphereandyougettoknow Othe r NAIA matchups .. ~-~h-"WcJt----.,.. -~-JN-.v~ ::-...:~ s .. ~~ "It's not a blg place, but il'a (9·U> at Biola (31 -0), Point very s portamlnded. Tbe Loma (19·10 > at Westmont community revolves around '(16·12 > and Fresno Pacific athletics. It's totally different 07·12> traveling lo Redlanda ror me. It's a olce chanee." 0 4·12). • , "'THE WINNER Martti Kiilholma of Finland crosses the finish line to win the o.lly ............ ~ewte.~ inaugural Long Beach Open. Behind him. the pace car shows the winning time Newport yachts fare well in race LOS ANGELES Led by Mel Richley's victory in Class A of the lnternatJonal Offshore Rule division, Newport Harbor yachts scored we ll in Los Angeles Ya c6t C lub 's M idwinter Catalina Island race Saturday and Sunday. The 61 -mile circuit of the· island was the season opener in LA YC's Whitney Series for IOR ratings, the Los Ar.geles Times Series for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet yachts; the Little Whitney Series for Midget Ocean Racing Class (30 feet and under), and the Todd Pacific Series for the Small Boat Ocean Racing Association. It was a slow race from start to finish as winds were light and fluk y on both sides of the island. The race s tarted off Fis h Harbor in a light southerly Saturday at noon. The wind soon veered to the west but without too much authority. Richley's Amante was the first boat to fin ish in 19 hours. Trophy winners by class """'-Y S..lft CIOIU CLASS A 1 AmM>le, ..... , Rl<1110. LIYC. 1 Pel\draQOn, Jol1f1 ""8<Lauren, CYC, ' 8rl ... Denni' cr-tt-dl<k Metne, LA YC CLASS 8 -1. Sflow11..,., 8allenll-Col11'911, ICHYC; , FrH EnltrPrt'•· 0 10 Ent-•. NHYC, 3. a.-. A"", L,eny Har ... y, CBYC CLASS C -I S<onlam,....r, Mlc118el Orale, LBYC. J. Stlno ... M1<11 .. 1 W•llWI\, C•PO BYC; J. LHdln9 L.ady, HUl>le and ~ndy l(e""· WY(. 1.M ....... Tl-s.rlet lf'Ml"I CLASS A -I. ~nlon, Paul """"-'· Wffl Wind YC. J Wllot, John SIN , l8YC., J 1>"9 on Andy S•t»r1. SSYC CLASS 8 I Bumble 8, Don 81e0. LAY( l Blue All••. Bruce Anderson, C•po 8 Y(, J Con .. .,-. PV1r~Rlc118rcl>, LAYC CLASS C -I. ltav-. Tretter eu ... LBYC, l Wllldy, Don Mlc: ..... ti~ ABYC , J 0-llon, Rot Grlrfl•, llYC- Lll lie WllllMV IMORCJ -I l' .. I l ane Slt•Odel\·COlema, LBYC, 2 Tan.,erlne, T°"' Tr-!toll, PMYC, 3. Full Tiii, D AICCl<I\, LSF To.Id Pedfl< ISBORAI I Tomua, Tom •"II Douo •Jor9enlen, LAYC , 1 R ibbll, H•" brl<k·lnl•ll•. LBYC 3 Outosn .. ,, Bot New•.ome,LAYC Denny named commodore Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club s taff commodo re Ho bart (Hobie > Denny was installed as the 1982 commodore of the Yacht Racing Union of Soulhetn California when more than 100 m e mbers attended the mstallation dinner at BCYC YR U 1s composed of 22 full ser vice waterfront clubs within th e Southern Ca lifo rn ia Yachting Association. Seventeen clubs were represented at the installation ceremonies. In s talling o ffi cer was Mort Bloom. staff commodore of Del Rey Yacht Cl ub. Marina del Rey. Presiding was Mel Ri c hley , retir i ng YRU c om mod o re and s taff commodore of Lido Isle Yacht Club. Long Beach holds first marathon Runners from around the world were on hand for the first Long Beach Marathon Sunday morning The overall winner was Martti K1i lholma of Finland, who raced the 26·plus miles through the streets of Long Beach in a time of 2·1110 1 Second in the competition, which started and began in the shadow of the Queen Mary , was 28-year·old Ric Sayre of Akron, Ohio Sayre's time was 2: 18.23. The top female finisher was Tish Husak, 31, in 2:58.06, with Lesli e Schiller. 29 . finishing second at 3:06.56 Th e fir s t wh ee lchair com JJetitor to cross the finish lin e was Jim Kn a ub , who negoti ated the course in 2: 12.12. In a ll . 1.575 m arathon e rs . competed in the inaugural event on a flat. speed course. And the som ewhat hotter than e xpected temper a tu res made 1t a bit more challenging for the runners. High Counsel wins ARCADIA <AP 1 -High Counsel overtook Handsome One in the late going to capture the Sl 12 ,900 S i e rra Nevada Handicap by a nos e Sunday before :i crowd of 46,116 at Santa Anita. GRAND OPENING TONIGHT ••• 7:30 P.M. • CLOSE UP ACTION ON CAUFOPJ-llA'S OHl.Y ~ Mil£ TIIACK • HOME Of M PJCHEST HAANE.sS Ma IN n.E WT • n.E HAT10H'S ~ OPJVIM At-10 FINEST HAN-IESS HC>fUES * All $2 ·EXACTAS ... * FABULOUS PICK SIX ,., , " ... ,.. ...,. .... ,.,_"' ...... • • CAU. for l\N CWD Of dlnt'9f ~ --=-.,... f()( JnformotiOtl (21~) ~1-1~1Ot (71'6)995-12~ um.LA -EAST OF &OSFIEEMY NEXT STEP Jeff Gardner . along w ith hi~ E s t a n c i a t ea m m ates a w a i l T tt l's II a ' ni g ht ''> second -round m a t c h up '''lh -...... --...----. --· --- - - -------__.. - --------- l>.ilyl"l ... - Fnoth11l from thl, CC'n turr League Eagt'l·s bl'al Canl\\l'll Frida:-ni~ht to advanc:e Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 22, 1982 The OCC • connection E x,.Pirates leading colorful lives. at Arizona State Former Orange Coaat Colle1e atandout pitcher Mlke Hogan once aun·bathed wlth Cyndy <Steve's e tranged wlfe) Garvey. Another ex·OCC product, pitcher Don Smith, won't talk t.o anybody before a aame and likes R-rated movies when be'a not throwln1 the buisebaU. Pretty spicy stuff, huh? Actually the above mentioned facts are nothing more than the usual likes and dislikes of the two rormer OCC stars from their bios in the Arizona State Universlty baseball program. The duo, after spark.log Coach Mike Mayne's Pirates to back-to-back visits to the s tate tournament and a s tate championship In 1980, opted for ASU where they have jolned former Bue team mates Chris Johnston and Kevln Romine. ASU definitely has an Orange Coast flavor. Another ex-Pirate. Mike Sodders, led the Sun Devils last season before signing a contracl with t he Minnesota Twins. And, former OCC pitching coach Tim Kelley holds the same job on the Tempe campus. NOW BACK ·ro the juicy stuff .. Johnston, who played two seasons at OCC, once m et actor Telly Savalas (Who loves ya, baby?). enjoys the "Twilight Zone," and Ernest Hemingway . Romine, who hit a respectable .410 and clouted 12 homers last season, likes Dennis the Me nace cartoons and "Quincy." The ASU program astutely points out that Ro mine played at the same school where Willie Gittens <also .at ASU I performed his specialty in football, whic h. of course. is Fountain Valley High. Hogan probably boasts the oddest collection of little -known rac ts He likes the com edia n Gallagher He also ltkes the dictionary. Rumor has 1l Roget's Thesaurus was a close second. H E HAS SEVERAL superstitions. He doesn't like hats on beds or brooms on shoes <that one has always sent a chill up my spinel, and he likes to have lhe shortest hair on the team. But. if you want to get mundane. Hogan is off to a ver y good start in his first year at ASU. The 6-2 junior right-hande r had played in two gam es prior to the Sun Devils ' three.game series which began Thursday against No 8 ranked Wichita State. CURT SEmEN top short relief men who will also be·called upon to muke an occasional start. Smith was OCC's most valuable player last year . He also earned all-state community college honors. Hogan is his roommate. Hogan wall named as a J C ATI·America last season after posting a lO·l record and a l.98 ERA last season. Look for all four former OCC standouts to help t he Sun Devils live up w the No 2 rating. * * * TALK ABOUT SMALL worlds . Another former Redlands High standout -this one in baske tball is having some big games at Penn State ." Tom McCluskey, who played last year at Saddleback College and led the Gauchos with an 18 2 scoring average, ha s helped lhe Nittany Lions to a 12·9 record. McCluskey has started in nine games this year and is averaging 7.6 points per game. Twice. he has led the team in scoring He came off the bench to score 15 points in a game against Duquesne Feb. 9 as the Nittany Lions won, 74·69. He 1s the only community college player Penn State Coach Dick Harter has ever had on his team. * * * ON THE FOOTBALL FRONT, the Uni versity or P acific picked up six communit y college transfers, led by San Diego Mes a's rifle-armed Paul Bemer. Rated the country's top community college passer last s eason. Berner was heavily recruited by T ennessee. Michigan State. Cal and UCLA. The Tigers also picked up another quarterback Estancia High's Jim McCahill. The first-team All CIF signal caller com pleted 111 of 237 passes for 1,594 yards and 16 TDs in leading the Eagles to cin R-3 record and a berth in the CIF playoffs. CdM responds when it counts He started one game. and his powerful. hitting teammates made things easy in a 17·1 romp over Cal State Chico in the second game or the season. Besides picking up the victory. Hogan boasts a 3 27 ERA. allowing eighl hits and four earned runs over 11 innings. Berner, meanwhile, completed 180 of 343 passes for 2.641 yards las t season He hit for 21 touchdowns in guiding the Olympians to an 8·2 record and a be rth in the Pony Bowl <in which the Olympians lost a 13·12 decision to Saddleback. * * * IDAHO STATE HAS s igned former OCC lineman Scott Collins The 6-2, 235-Collins was an All-South Coast Conference noseguard last season. Collins was c redited with 71 unassisted tackles last year. Four area high schools resume playoffs Tuesday Smith. meanwhile, was n't quite so fortunate in h is debut as a Sun Devil. In ract . his one performance thus Car can be classified as R-rated Starting against Grand Canyon College, the Redlands High graduate s uffered a 5-4 loss lhe Sun Devils' first or the season. In three games. he has allowed 10 hits a nd s ix runs !Cave earned I By ROGER (;AKLSON Of Ille o.ily ,.. ... S~ff Every year it's a new band or Sea Kings . some old races, bu~ for the most part, a s huffled lineup And every year it's the same result -Corona del Mar High's basketball team 1s winning, and doing it when it counts most -in the playoffs. Tuesday night lhe Sea Kings of Coarh Jack Errion, in his sixth year al the he)m, play host to Canyon High's Comanches at Estancia High after doing away with Santiago Friday . their 18th conquest in 21 playoff tries under Errion Here's a look at each or four CJF playoff second round gam es involving Orange Coast area quinte ts, which inc ludes Sea View Leag ue co-champ Estancia. Sunset League c hampion Edison and Angelus League representative Mater DeL Canyon vs. Corona del Mar CdM is 18-4 over all and one or those vi ctories was a 44-36 decision over Canyon at the Troy High tournament, but Errion dismisses any not ions of s uperiority. "That was a ha rd-fought and tough game ... says Errion. "It rould hav& gone,..eilher way We got a few foul s hots at the end and now i understand there is a nother bigger player inserted into the lineup than when we played. "This game will be as tough as we have 1n the playoffs. Their offe ns ive rebounding could present real trouble for us It's a team tha t comes from a very competitive league <Century I a nd because there were so many contending. they didn't get the recognition they would normally get if they were a dominant team in a league." Among the guns of Canyon < 1'1· 10 overall ) are 6·5 · Ron Connors. 6-5 Mike Long and 6·4 Sean Mc Dermott. That trio averages 20 rfbounds per start and McDermott< 14 .5) and Connors 112 51 are consistently scoring in double figures. "Canyon has a good transition game and with its overall height it presents problems for anyone." adds Errion Another team which seems to be causin g some problems for anyone is Corona del Mar Hank Goebel, Chris Lynch, Mike Hess and Dave Van- steenhuyse orr the bench sparked a convincing vic tory at Santiago, and although the veteran Errion is s till asking for "improvement" at this stage or the season. it's obvious that the Sea Kings are at the top or their game in their quest to repeat as 3-A kingpins. Edison vs. Loyola Edison's 23·2 Chargers, No. 1 ranked and seeded in the 4·A eliminations, finds itself against a .500 club in the Cubs of Loyola . The Del Rey League representatives are 11·11 overall and don't measure up <on paper) with the Chargers . A three-forward attack features 6-4 Michael Daly, 6·3 Adonnis Turner and 6-1 Rich Whittet. along with left-handed point guard Robert Salcido and 5· 10 Juan Di al Loyola figures to try to stop the Sunset League champions with full , court man-to-man pressure, developing into a 1.2.2 zone. As for Edison . Coach Barry Leigh says everything is on schedule. "We've come o ut of the blocks (in the playoffs>. it's a ne w season and we're motivated. Rustlers.host playoff The Golden West College basketball Leam will open the first round' of the Shaughnessy playoffs Wednesday night on the RusUen' own noor. GWC will host East Los Angeles in the first round with Rio Hondo traveling to Santa Monica in the other game. The winners will meet Saturday at the site of the bJgher finisher to determine the second repr esentative In t.he upcoming state playoffs. The Rustlers were declared the third-place finisher in the Southern California Conference. even lhou&b they finlahed In a three·way tie for third with Rio Rondo and Eut LA . ln lbe Ue-break•r, Golden W.eat h•ld a 3~1 mark combined 11alnat the other two team•, while East LA WU 2·2 and Rio Hondo 1·3. 1' Cypress went undefeated (14-0) to clalm the SOCal tUJe, Sinta Monfoa wu second ( 12'<2> wlth Gold~ West, Rio Hondo and E"•t LA all postln1 l Hm•rU. We've got a lot of talent and everyone knows each ga me out now m ight be the last. .. Richard Chang (6·6> and Rick DiBernardo (6 ·4 > appear to have a big advantage up front, and guards Jeff Stephens and Mark Goudge, too, are <'onsidered a step better than the Cubs. Still. Coach Jim Brock says Sm ith is one or his ··His biggest assets are his pass rush and his ability to be in the r ight s pot at the right time.·· says OCC defensive line coach Dave Gleason Meanwhile , Cal State Northridge has picked up 6·1. 250·pound Damien Waters who played at Saddlebac k last year. The game will be at Loyola Universit,y, Hoover High or Santa Monica College. Estancia vs. Foothlfl This is a matchup of former coaching buddies at Costa Mesa High as Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman. with his lOOtb victory under his belt in five years on Friday, challenges Jim Reames· Foothill Knights. Los Alamitos opens nieeting -Rich Thomas. a 6·6 senior center with a 25.5 scoring average, is the key in lhe Knights' attack. Foothill. now 14·9 after disposing of L'a Quinta 1n the first round Friday, backs up Thomas with 6·2 Brian Bailard, S-11 Rich Dutrisac, 6-2 Gregg Haly and 5·10 Mike Schwartz. Thomas scored 51 points against Villa Park and Bailard can put the ball in , too, as evidenced by a 50-pomt outburst against Hawthorne. Thomas <10.2> and Bailard (8.0> give the Knights nearly 20 rebounds a game between them . The trotters and the pacers move from the lengt hy one-mile oval at Hollywood Park to the compact five-eighth mile circuit at Los Alamitos Race Course tonight for the opening of the 6<>·night Southern California Racing Assoc1auon meeting. Firs t pos t is 7: 30 for tonight's J l ·race program and a coupon for a free $2 exacta will be gi vf'n wilh each paid admission. There will be eight $2 exactas tonight along wilh Pick Six wagering on the second through seventh race. The opening ntght feature is the Orange County Sports Hall or Fame Pace. On hand to c rown the winner will be Hall of Fa mers Shirley occer Bowl set for S D Babas ho rr of Fountain Valley; Olympic swimming med al.winner , Mickey Flynn, now or Seal Beach. Jim Fregosi an American League all star shortstop while with the Angels. a team he later managed. Dan Gurney, the in ternationally famed race driver; Chapman College basketball star Bob Hamblin, now a teacher in Placentia. and George Yardley, who cam e out or Newport Harbor High lo star in basketball at Stanford and in the N BA The total purse schedule for the meeting 1s $3.6 million , announced Lloyd Arnold , president and general m anager or SCRA. Racing will be held six nights a week. Monday through Saturday throul!(h May 1 Eleven races w1 II be held Monday. Friday and Saturday and 10 races Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There Estan<:1a ~21.:4 l_ me;mwhile, counters with. a ~uard-oriented offense (Sea View League MVP J err Gardner 1 and an e mphasis on attacking inside with 6 I Steve Kra1ss. 6-4 Brian Midla nd . 6-3 Rand) Tift and 6-1 Chris Maydole. The game will be played at Vill a Park High . SAN DIEGO <APJ The 1982 Soccer Bowl. will be seven $2 exactas on the lO·race programs Ctn d eight on the nights with 11 races St. John Bosco vs. Mater Del championship game of the North American Soccer SCRA will present the richest harness race in League·s outdoor season. will be played Sept. 18 in California on Friday. April 23, the $300,000 Los Millikan killer Mater Dei tries to do it again in 4 A r1rcles with its sophomore-dominated lineup, and the game will be at Servile High . San Diego. the San Diego Union said Sunday . Alamitos Spring Championship for 3-year-old The newspaper said Phil Woosnam . N ASL pacers. Hors es will qualify for the $300,000 final commissioner, will make the announcement at a racing in the three legs the three previous Fridays. news confe re nce Wednesday in San Diego. T he purse for e ach division of each leg will be St J ohn Bosco <21 6 > doesn't have a senior in its st arting lineup with juniors Byron Strachan 15-ll 1. M1rhael Tait (6·01. Chns Bellin (6·01"J J and Rudy Barasa 16·2> backed by sophomore Rodney Scott <6·21 The San Diego Sockers won the right to be host $10.000. The nine horses earning lhe most money in in bidding against the New York Cosmos, the the legs will qualify for t he final. Union said. T he 1981 champions hip, won by· The track facilities will be ope n for early bird Chicago .. was played in Toronto. betting each race day from 11 a .m to 5 p.m . • Lendl's Will streak halted . LA Q INTA <AP) -Yannick F'renchman came backinthesecond Noah of France ended Ivan Lendl's set to break Lendl's serve in the first w inning streak at 44 m atches game and go on to the one-sided win. Sunday. beating the Czechoslovakian Noah also broke in the fifth game. 3 6. 6 -2. 7-5 f o r the s in g les In the third set. each player held c hampionship in the $200,000 service until the 11th game. Noah Congoleum Classic. attac ked the net s.uccessfully and Lendl's winning streak was just six Lendt was able to manage only one short or lhe modern-day record of 50 point in the game. co n secuti ve v i c tories set by In the final game, Lend! got the Guillermo Vilas of Argentina in 1977. first two points. but Noah got lhe Lendl hadn 't lost since Vilas n ext two. Lendl the n got the Gerulaitis beat him in the fourth a d vantage. and had o ne other , r o u n d o f th e U S . 0 Pen ad vantage before Noah got lhe final championships last September. three points to end the match. Noah. who was seeded fourth, LendJ felt he hart control of the first earned $32,000 while Le ndl collected set. But Noah started toming to the $16,000. Both players are 21. Len~ ne t to take advantage in the second who h ad won e ight s traighl" set tournam<:nL'i. is r.anked third in the "I just had a horrible day," Lendl world while Noah 1s rat.ed 17th. s aid "You have many bad days but A I tho ugh lh.e lop-s eeded Le nd I it just depends on when it comes. U it controlled ~he first set of t~e finals at comes in the finals when you play a lhe L~ Quinta !lotel Tenrus Club by good player he can take advantage or break.mg Noah s servic~ twice, the It · · 2.~th year ~ i\nniv"rsftr)' a "fl in the llarbor Area o-~· • FMMOSWE ... •• , Otlll .... .,,.... ..... ..... ,.,. ...... c .. '11·1740 Z illgitt and Wright insur.inrr a~rnls .ind brokrrs Contractors: I usu r anl'c ro!»t s risin11 ·• . Conlll<'l us for C'Ompel1t1 ' e quot<'s for l.1obiltl )'. Eq111pmC'n l . Propc>rl~ and Work<·r·~ {'nmpcn~at1on Insurance:' Wr r11n ttlso huntllt• your bondlnit n1•rcls )9}1 MK Arthur Roult'nnl Nt"JIC>rt 8clK'h. C ~ <)1660 (TW)/<;1~\ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....;_~~~~~~--=-~~~~ One of the best on-time records going That's style Appreci- ating you and showing we appreciate you That's stvle Fares that save you money every day on every flight That's style. too. A1rCal We do more than get you there We get you there 1n style' .. PORnftND •LvwCal rar~ reouore advance purchase Seats are 1om1te<1 and otner restnc11ons aoolV - Orange Co1aat DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 22 1982 SCOREBOARD NBA WIUTEllN COtll'IElllENCI 1'.cllk Dlvl•"-w L P<I o• Lah" )I 11 .. } Sol tit l6 II Ml I Gol.Wn Staff 1'I ?l SSI 1 Phoent• ?I ,. Sll • Porttano 11 l• S• • S.n Dlf90 H l'I 111 11 MldwftlD1vhl.., S.n Antonio 38 II •S. Houston 19 ,. S•I S''> Denv,, 78 15 SH '''1 Dalla> 18 lS MO ,.~. Ulah 18 lS ,.., ,., i K•nW\(ity 18 l4 lll 11 EASTl[llN CON .. ERENCE AUllfthC 0 i¥tli0ft Ph11.aa.1oitua )'I •• 1)6 Bo.ion JI IS 1n ,,, New Juwy 11 ,. •9• tl Wash1n91on H 21 481 1]1' New York ,. )t •l6 .. C•ntrat Divhi., M11wau-..f't l'I 14 136 Allan la 2J 11 01 IS Ottroo t 24 lO .... U 11 tnd1•rw ,. )1 •16 16 Clltc•vo 19 ~ 3)1 10 Cltvttano •1 ., 116 ,, S""4•1'• S<orH Lah" IJ1, Otnv•r 131 MthNalll<te 110, Kan••• City 10. Ntw Y,,..k t'n. Hou•lon 106 PholaOtlP•"• t~. P,_no• 107 Dalla• 113 Chtca9091 lncJ1an• ttl Nf'w Jet WOY t01 Sultlt 103. 80\ton 100 Atlanta 109 Pont.-.o '11 T .. 1.,.1'\ GamH !'lo 9amt\ sc~ou1..i TVftd.lly'' GAmH Oenv•t at ~tiler' M1l....,ctUkPf' 41 Nf'w York Kttnw' Cllv di AtlCW'lta Utah•" Wa'1t•rtQton Ph1tacll!tpn1a at San D'*VO Gol6"1 Staff•• S... AntonM> Porllano at (htUQO O•tl•\ .u HOU\ ton Lakers 132, Nuggets 131 LOS ANGELES Aambl\ I Wilke\ IS, Abdul Jabbar 73 N••on )6 John\On H Mc Aooo • Coocwr 14 Bro,.,tr • Joroan ) M<Gtt 0 lclt\cJ\Df't0f'' ~ r o•••• s. 2• 3S 1» DENVER Envt"n 1' Vancltwf'QM 11 h'W'I JI HIOQ\ 7 Dunn 10 Mcll.uw-.y 10, fllom"'°n 13, Gonclr•11<k 1 Hor099• e Total\ SI t~ 11 tlt Sure by 0.0.rt•N LO• AnQPI~ •• ll )I 24 1)7 Oenv•r JO •S lO 10 131 Fouttd out noM lota1 fOYI\ l01 An~I.,\ 11 [)fin~,.,-78 TtCP\n1c •I Oen .. , (°"Cl>,_. A 11 lll How top 20 l~red How ltw loc> fw.-nty ''•m\ u\ TIW Anoe. 1atfid Pre'\\ coll~~ o.t\-eltwll PGll rartd lh1\ wMllo \ Vtto1n1a Uei.-IJ Ofal Gf'Or91• Ttth '16 u . but Nol'1n CafOlofN) S1•1• H .a 1 Not"th C•ro,incl t211) be•t W•ke- Fof't\I f).._S1 beAt C••m'\On !.~•· J 0.P..,1 '7• It t>P•I OIHO U l:MI btal ()etn)ot I• 10 A M.1\)C)Uf' I CJ) 1) O.at IOWI \l•t• 100-11 but Dktenoma 60-SS lo\I to G•or9•lown •3 St s <>••Qon State 120 Ju b••• W~in.noton \C.. u b~•t W•\h1noton Stat• •'>-36 6 l utw 11q o 10\t to D"•k• lO> U bral tnd1i11n.t St•I«' 11 &.a 1 Iowa et• 4' beat M1ct'u~n Statf' S• SJ 10\l to M•< "'~n .e-SI I M1nn•\Oll tll SI Ot•I Nor1f'l•t1't ... m ,,._._ .. IO\l to 'lllAOI\ , , 6\ • W~t Vtrq11i1a C13 1J Mitt St•f\On 68-Ml, bt•I c;.orQt Wa\honQton S2 31 10 Ktntuoy 11' St btal Ftorod<l IA 18 btal VanotrbOll 1:1-49 tt ldal'o 11).7> bta• Montana II \a beot Montane Statt 111>.l tl MtmpN\ Stale t 19-JI btal St lOU•\ 81 M bt•I ~rv> SI Ht S7·'6 1J Gto•Qtt°""' 171 61 •o•t to Bo•ton COllfQt ~11 t>e•t Mouovro •3-St U W•k• FOt"t\t CHJ--61 IO\t to ,_,.Ort" C•rolon• &9· S1 but Marvtand •I •1 ts Frl'VIO Stat• <11·21 bUI UC S•n•• Barbftttl ••SCI brat Cal Staff' F-ullf'r""on 11 Sl 1• S.•" Fr1nc1\(0 r1J-•t twiat Po,U•no 1!A 1l !>Oat (.onl<tQ<> 1>• SI H Ar~ctn\.t1> f1Q S) ~Al TP•tl\ ~&M 'I"/ IS !>Oat lloct n l>S OT ,. 'Cln\•\ StlittP .,. ~' IO\I to Otc l•hom• St_.,_. n tti' bt•t l(•n'•' 63-SJ " AtMNima I t'<SI t>Pal G.torQ•• .. IS bUI f'IOrtOol l'>-69 10 lnd1•na tU 81 Mal W1\cOn\•n 88 SI 10\l IO Purdue IMS Colle~e scores SATURDAYS LATE SCORES (tdrf'mont MvOO IO Pomona P1ttf'r 1~ ,, 01 1 MontaN 10 Bot"" <;1 •• Wvom1nq ~•.Al' Forte l'~ SUNDAY'S SCORES Wo<hltaSt 66, LSUl>S Ala ·Blrmtnc)l\am 18 NC Charlotl• ll COLLEGE STANDINGS P aciflc· 10 Conference Oro90n Sl•i. UCLA washlnQlon use Wa\h•"9ton Statt AttlOt\• St•ttt C•1tf0rn•• OrtQOf\ Aruon• Sl•nlord COlll Ov•r•ll W L W L I) I 10 3 11311S 't • ,, • 10 • .. I • • u ,, S • 10 IJ s 10 " tJ 9 • IJ ,, I •• tl 1 11 WCAC COii! Ovtull w L w L P•POWtrdlnt " 0 •• • San Franc1\to • • 13 • Santa Cl••• • s 1s 9 Porllane1 I> s t) 10 GM1•9'> s 6 IJ " St Marv\ J • 11 tJ San D••llO J • to tJ Lo vol" I 10 1 11 Western Athletlc Conference c ... 1 Over•ll W L W L Wyom1rio ti 1 tt 6 San OltQO Statt • 3 ti 6 Tex .. EtPaso • •I 1 H•wah I t• I 8 rtgl\am Younq • I• I I Utah 1 to 14 Naw Mul<O I 12 11 Cotor..So Stair It I •• Air Fore• 2 11 I 18 Southwest Conference Arilanw\ Hou•ton hU\A&M 8•ytor TCU lt••1 1 f'Cn lrxa \ Al Ct SMl.i c;,.,1 0••••11 W L W L 10 • " s 9 s 10 • • s .. • . . ,. . I • 13 II I I IS • • • •• • s • u 13 I U • 19 Big Ten Conference c.... 0••••11 W L W L Iowa II J •• • MtnM \Ota 10 • ti S 01>10 St•lt t S II I 1001ana • s ts a tlllnol\ I 6 1S 8 Purdut I b 11 t 1 M 1c n1oanStAlt-\ 9 10 t• MlclliQan S ~ 6 16 Nodh•t'1trn J I 1 1 1• Wt,(Of\\•" 1 U \ 11 Big Eight Conference c ... 1 0 .... 11 W L W L M•Houro n t 13 1 Kanso St•lt e • 19 6 Okt•norN St•t~ I S 11 9 NebrhU 6 I> " 10 0~1anom• 6 IS ~ J<•n\-dl I U 11 low• St•lf' ~ I t6 C2to«tOO l tO 11 14 Southeastern Conference C-.t Ov•f'•ll W L W L TPnnf\W'"' 1] l 18 ' K•ntuc~v 12 • 19 S Al•bama It I I~ S Lou•\••l"IA Sl•h· 10 fJ I) 11 MtS\t\'\•C)CH 10 6 U 9 GtOr(iJt• I I l-4 10 Auburn 10 12 17 vanattbt•t 11 11 t1 M1\\t\,1pe>t S141f 1l 1 11 F ~oriO• 1 14 S 19 Atlantic Coast Conference c .. 1 0 •• ,.11 W L W L Vtr91n1tt t 1 1 )IJ 1 Nor1n Ca•ohrw 10 ) 11 1 W~Uaf" J:0tr\I I 4 ti 6 Honh C•t0'1rw St••~ • '' I M•rvl•r\d 8 u 10 Clf'm ""on ~ ct t) 11 Oukt l • ' tS G•orooa '"'" l •O ' t• Big Sky Conference C•f. Ovtr•ll W L W L 10 .. 110 t7 t 7l 1 Ntvaoa A~no I l II S Montan• I • IS • Boo~ Sl•I• I t7 tJ Wtbtr St.M• I I• ti Monl•na St.it I 10 ti IO•l>O St•lt 9 13 11 NOr1hern Aroron• 2 10 • ti Metro Conference c• O.w•ll W L W L ·-mOfl•• S~tt I " l •• • ts • Tut•nt I LOU1\•t1tl• 1 4 \1Jr9 1n11 Teen • • t• I 10 tJ tJ 11 • ti F tor IO• Statt • • C•nclnn•ll 1 I SI Loul> I • Major Independent• OeP•ul M•rQutt1f O•YtOn 'if•Y•d • l,..t\ Veq.a\ Ntw Otte-M'IS Cttvtl•no St•t• So M l\Sl\\I•• P•H'ln S,.,, SE Lou1\1an• NO •ow• T •nMnH Stat. Nor1h Tt••l\ St•tt 8dplt\t W tlf1n01~ Sttlson W I\ "'f"f't'I Sdy 111 cn1c~C1rc1,i. N Ca'o W11m1n~on Campbifll E 11ttno.\ South CtUOhn.t ,.,.otrf Ottmfi U 5t lntfl'tn..)f16f'\AI \tdlQ.tr4i'\(t ff"•·1U $.tnAn1M•O N•C hOll\ SIAlf' P1'n A.m4"t•<ilif" Ctorq1• !.t•ttt Uto<a (Oii- W L ,. t " I ti I II I ... 1S • u 10 .. It " It ,, 10 11 10 I l II IJ 17 1J ,, 12 ,, ,, ,, 11 IJ 11 tl II IJ 11 13 " t\ • •• ·~ 11 " • •8 19 10 • 1(1 Community college stats GOLDE Of WEST ttt tO) Hdl1Gn 80Wf'O 0.tVI\ 9'1n9 Jacob< e.., .. ,n.,n Ourh•m Mylo M.trt1no A•¥t\ Bradlf'y G Pt\ A•9 1• S1• ti I 1• 111 ti I> ?8 Jl6 120 21 ll6 17 0 ,. ,.. .. 9 ll II b 1 n 12.. s 1 11 110 s 1 , • '0 I 11 l 0 M<GH' l • 10 1 l ORANGE COAST 111 U) G Pt• A•• B•~"., 11 613 73 o G te;rOhnlol<ll 21 1'11 10 9 Baldwon I/ 100 I 8 ll>Om•• 11 ISS S I T Kr011nltlCll 11 tlO • 8 CatllOun H Ill l 6 N•nwn 16 H 11 M.attrutu 11 1• I ' Hatt•n 70 21> t J 01m•t•ntt ' .t 0 ' SADDLEIAClt lt&-10) Turnt'r Ooylf Dod<I\ w.,,, ...... ,... Mt IC""" H11f Rf'tG FU\Chf'r 8''f'•nt Ground AtlP<I G Pts. AVtf, 18 U1 19 1 18 MO 13 • " l)t 1 t. 18 J37 tt • .. , .. 91 11 1)1 •1 19 .. • • IS ~I 1 I " ll J1 .. •• 1 s 11 1" I • Santa Anlte SUNDAY'S llESULTS 1 ... 111 ot ,....Y thof'-flb,..., m•ll,..1 I' tan RACE.• '"''°"9' Iv A Ptt IOtl•hou"a.,.1 to 10 • 80 • 60 Drum Of ""• lHa .. tev I 17 IO ll 60 Bellon Pocl<.e• IZoo• 1 10 00 Aho raceo Tulf lo Bu• ~ll'IQ W1tU:I Loo-rnylhf'T\ G'th Ano Fr1t1 ~ ~:I~:: ,_?•"~tt ~on (16ll•n• P14 ~ Tim• 1 08• I SECOND RACE I lur1onq, Pre\HQIOU\ UIO t P1ncay1 to 10 1> .a S 00 Lf'~mtr" IH•wltty 1 4 00 J 20 ShAnlln CC~lanf'O•I ... 80 A.ho r•<-~ EbOny Orontf F •n1e1 tdtthO Et\iDtivf S.tf .tOd Sov c..~nUf Pf"\OOn Tlmt I 11 U OAIL Y OOVBLE l6 11a.id it14 llCl THIRD AACE 6 lurl0<tQ\ M•rvo !McH•'9""1 • 10 J 10 l IO G•nllt Ha"°' 1va1..,,. •• ,., l 10 1 IO Ctf'\' Su'\din C.,_.•nwn1 l IO Al\O r.C:f'ld S..t1\f4Ktu.1 <••urn Katt Jo Jo 01M.itoo10 v.i•• P•< 1t•c SH ~u To.I l lm• I (I'# I I ,.OURTH RACE I> lurlonQ\ let f rotoc ISl••ntr I 11 80 a 00 • 90 "'4ttnt y \ 8.abv tP•n'•'f 1 .c .O ) 40 H••4'hctn ~-f tOPlit~U\\ifYf l l 10 Aho '•<f"d H•PPY ( et1 S•1utf' lo lt>v• P4tul•' lOYft L vc 'v C•mdltt Scwf"d Trttp wn.t M 1u11p V•n••\ ltmf" t tO FIP'THJIACl.o 1furl0t1Q\Unturl f-,.,..,01y unca Atdn IStboll~t II 90 11 •O 11 <O lncoroor•tOf" tValen1utot"• 7910 1fi oO Amt-n 8,ottwr t~r\dl I 00 4 hO f.tCe-d F-1nc;i•1 Ultt•<"•'9e Conw c urnlf' Mtt\~r C,ottf'f W1naw.ooo H0\1 G'""" G•llant No Snr.n-., lmp0rtttnt Mrf>mo l IMf 1 1J U EXACTA 1311 P••d\I IJj)f> SO Sf II TH RACE I I If> m11._ Poor John t Poncav I • 00 1 80 1 00 P•t~r J~ 1S1t1nf"r • 80 • 00 Bruin Countv tS1b1ll•t i -0 A I \O f lltt f'O N•tomtt\ E .. , rtl)n(~(" l'ff'l•n O••lvlllf' tron A•P Nobll" "'t.tm ... HOl\t Tht 1(1.-.c;i l.-f"<~\ Vu.en M•rc sGlf!'t'm S<.•\W \"d'O Tim• t 47 SEVENTH RAC£ 1 I 16 m1tn Tell A9>81n IV•lon1ut••l 7' OCI t 1 10 S 00 51"" It B111 IM<Ha";j""I • 00 l 80 Our ban Dffo tDt1•hOu•wn 1 1 00 Tono Pl\1tll0t< Sl•flQ•nqt, H111 Sof'WI Ne._,.,. Cry Time t 41 J ~ U EXACTA (1-tt P<llO ~SO U l'ICI( SIX 11·&-1 3 • 11 P••O \5,0SI 00 wllh 31 WIMl"I) tk ~ ... (11 •• Mn..... u PIO SI• conM>tahon 1><110 \11 80 wot~ 87• wlnnln9 tk k•I> tfou• norw•I \? P10 Six \Cf•tcf\ Consot•Uoo Ptlld \JS 00 with t,S3' WllW\l""J t~~~h U'1rff hOr\4"'\ Of'W> K••IChl 1.IOMTM UCE I'~ moltt on lur1 HIQ11 Counwt (S.b<llot U 10 I 00 ~ 00 H•ncl'°-ON 1va1..,,.,.,,.. 1110 1 10 trh11Ht¥1 (Ptn<•yf J 0() Alto r.c.eo Mon • .uch. Svn\hlM S""M3 Roell Sof1fy, Oorcaro, A Surt-Hit Mehmtt Str k G@ot9' S1tv .. vvHI• Tlmt t S'll S NINTH ltACE I I I•''"'" Llt>anon IPlnc .. 1 I 00 & •O 5 oo Co Sh•rP tS.b<ll•I t~ 00 8 1"' l t..Slno O<>ncor '""°ro1a1 ~ oo At)O r•c•d Llt tl~ Shllit'I 1\ldnG@r M 1cJn•I• Copoer, Som~th1nQ DarinQ PtO\Pf'Chv•. Orum Orum t tmt t •2 t S U E 11ACTA t 11 51 °"'O \~SO All•ncl""<t 'I> 116 Hollywood Park SUHOAv·s lllESVL TS 117111 e4 l7-1tltM MMMU mHtlnql Fl RST RACE °'1o! m•I~ Pot•• Pl~<,., ¥111t> tP•t•f"r • ' M ) •O lOYdl •iunter (W1111ihrtrd I \ AO f I Ttttf"nto IS~ttu )llO • Xi '-1(! Al\O uu..~o Ou1t~ ld"Y JuQt.t~iH'\ W_.lru' t ,u,. J •If Pun it fl.-.• "II (t\dn1 • Mr, Ni t ""' '"• f1m• > 01 4 \ SECOND RACE 0-rn1•• Pot<• H•ll•fCM tAuOin f Q 00 \ t0 S A.rmOte»lffll tV41111nomqn.,m1 • 80 'JO (•rd10 K1CI 1Partitt• t ~ •O A l\O '.t<c>d (htf'f E fl ( IAm1nq A Spry H•Q" A\'O\ t.,,1 .. n Inn Std' Charmt-r Paictr1c Odu.,..r Tim• 7 OJI\ U DAILY DOUBLE t 10.11 D•l!I U S 00 THIRD RACE 0-mot•N<< t••n•< Lu 1c._..n1 Hoo e 10 s 60 Bon 81\lfl' N fAut>1nt 14 .o I 80 Eoy ov lf'ot•v• 11 00 Al\O ralf'tt k """"'"" "'4 , Kn1oht 8rlQ•d• N An~n1•~ S-m1not• (httt Roy~t Ectw"ro N , Bound For C.lot'f A Popl411r Or#l>•m N Tom• 1 0'11 S \S EllACTA t~•• P••d \Hq JO FOURTH RACE 0-m•I•°""• W fnt,,.to Atmt)rO <St•mtrmM\I • 60 l llO J 00 I Am II N IMMJIM<JI • 111 l 80 Ovtrl\\\# C8JtylP\\j J 00 Ah.o rACf'd N•ttv (.nth Vou (NW (Alm Yourwlf Gotrh4ttovf>1fl'd Gofdftn C•rd N "'"TH RACE 0.... rnot• °"ct POO.rO'o IC~nl ,. .a II 00 6 .0 J•11 ,::f'\U•al f Pforry1 '10 l tiO Corub~ Comrnano IAub•nJ s oo Alto r•c•d M•\I_, V~h.t• J"me\ Rhylhm Olt'T\dlnff'I to4anovflr Rio Sof1"9 Aauc hf'ln 81u~oum Surpt1\f', T•n Ppr(t"f'tlt-r Tim• ) 0'1? S U t'.XACTA \1 ll paoC!\716 SO Sl71 TH AACE. 0.... mt•~ P<t<t Wi\t" lnv•\t"°'4t'nt cCittwtord• • eo ~ 40 1 IO Slla<low °""" tAal<hfore11 10.cl S 60 Pinch Hll tHottJ f 10 Al\O racf'd Kf'YW.fl" Jan~ fAll Ak>nq Hit Anci ~un N (,~ll•uOPt Unawar• C.000 (,41mt>I~ N, JUl11t ._.tltPf't flm• I 00 I S U EKACTA C:HIP~•<lttl6 !IO SEVENTH aACE OM mllr PO<t ~::r;n~rlQh•"'' • 10 • oo lfl\h f'•doon tr-111 t .a Anoy. LIOn IGoul .. t•I • 60 I 80 . ., Also r•<eo Anov~ Hound ~unler Geom•lttC M•rQtJI'\ M t< ht tit Bl«~ AOQ_,. Fro\ty O<•"• Ttmp I S'I• S U fXACTA 1 .. 1111<110 U•S 00 flGHTH RACI. ~mitt p;tce Cour•CM!OU\ llt!d IG••ll•rgopon) S 00 l 70 1 60 B•I Ch•mp l<ioudr•aut l .a 3 00 O.'m°"o 10....,.,.., t l 80 Atw raced BY• BY• Voctor Trt<ket Ch•to•r Fult Por:t..f't (•nt•fbuty Une T •m• I SI t S NINTH ltACI[ 0-m•t• a.<:e Al"'"'"''""°"''""' • 00 1 "° , 10 Mac Adle>\ A tlOnQOI •IO 3 <tO Wlnt•roO tSlttthl 1 ., ~l\o rtt<~<J R._.<ount N, (h4rtt''' Pl•Y Ca11 Ou""'"" SldlkH, Ru<~ Fiiiy fon>f I SI I S I U E /!ACTA i. SI P••d ~I •0 U PICK 5111 11 I 3 6 I 0 PollCI \9,0 1 .0 ••tf'I two t1t1M1no t•C"fh '"" "°'M'J U Pio S1• con~•"on ~•d U 1 M) ••th 112 w 1nn1no llckeh 1t1vt-hOtM!\J ll Pie., Si a ~r.-tcn conM>••l1on 1>.11d i t1t 10 w ith H w 1nn1n9 11ca.t•I\ 1tour nor \t>\ otW \t r•tO\I TENTH RACE Onr motr pac• M ulti Hctnov•r tC•OQh•nt tS JO I 60 S 10 Cott II M•n IA•l<hfotOI .. "° 9 00 C,rtObln t UQnH,•llJ l 00 Al\O ttkf'd C.l••t ,_.•Ohl F t•A1on ~ J•mP\ .,.Ol'1do Lov•• l .eo Torrto S.•u W•tt•k• s.up..-eme C~mo-onr Printt' Jome 1 001 S U l!XACTA U SI P••OU<ll 10 a.n•no~e 6,871 ~--· Richmond 400 A~\ult\ ot \""no•.-' ,,.,n '"OI ti!'ntn "•< hn•ond 4Ql GtM\O N•t.onal lotot• t•' rtUf" ""''" ty~ ot c ., lftp\ comp1~1f'G -tnOI W·~:: --~~;~; z~~r:":'altbu llO 11 9" 1 R+rria,d Ptoltv flont•"< C.,r•n" Pfl• 1~0 J HrMv Pd, \(#11\ P()nf1 .. < L,.M .'1\ Ill• • Doth· (c1rnn.trdt .. orn I Ph,mO~tD•rO 1~ \ T PHY l ,,_O()t'tt .. f:tUI( • R~I )4• 6 Jf".li' M•H•~•" ~t10< &r•nd Pr•• 1•4 1 N ... , f\onN"tt Fo,o 'P'IUnOf'fbtr(J I•~ e Robbv All1\1Cm llv1c 11. RtQ«<ll 149 ff qot\ ~ h.trd Uu1c ii U:~Qctl 2•• tO MorQdn \ht•pht"rd Buie.._ Rf'Qdl 1'8 It Jommw f111, (hil·vrot.-1 MttllbV 1'8 U iir: yh f.>,..'llv f."onhM C..t ano Pr•• 1H It Hllf [tl•Oft f. HO lnuno.orturd 24' 14 JO<h ~10lr'f' , Ora Thundttrt>ud 1•6 1' 8uriOJ> An +nQIOn 0on0f' Ml'ltd3 /0 to jcw P1i11Hf'ldn ffv1c • Rf'~I >•• • I 8nc \f f\drl Old\IT'Of>1I~ (Utfft\\ , .. II J1mmv "'111 df\• (,,...,or ... t Mdltbu 1•• H I 4t..f" ~ hv1«; 111 Rt"Qdl 1« 10 \111 .-JonDM>n Pc1nt1d< G'u'° Priw 1' I ?t Tommv CH•lt J--nro T"unottrbtrd 1'1 1'1 ., u It." RuQf1 P(J'\l1oitt' C.,rotno Prt• 1'1 )} J 1. M4 tvt•u Pc "''lt( C.'ttnd ' ... 14' "' l~ritHf" Pftt-lCl f. ''"' f tiundrrbuo ,,.. 1\ T ttMm'f' H,,u,f(.Jn l:tu1" ~ Rf'i)dl 1)8 1e. M.trlo M.otrtm f>ont1At (,rd'ncl Pr.-r 110 11 C.ltttrf"ll w,"'' •l' Uuu ll qf'Qdit 106 18 J,,,. ~.~tdo, Bu•t ~ Qf'q.,tl 1«JO 19 0 II( Vhte,, Q..,1(1> Af-041 IO~ JI) H•rrv C.M't fiu1 ~ ~f'Qdl 1 l8 -....... ,, NHL t AMl'llELLCON,.EltENCE Sml1 ... Dlvl.>"' Edmonton V•ncov~, Ca lQ"• 111 .... (ok)r•do M 1nM\Ot• SI Loul\ Chtc•oo w1nn1~ Tor on lo O.trott W L T G" GA Pts )Q 13 " )4t 241 " ll 7• 12 11S 2U SI n 1• •• 7.S 7M SI lo )I 1) 2;i. 2a. 0 t) 'Ill II l'f() 711 )I Noni' Ol•ftl91't 1• 1' 11 1SI 21' "6 H 'IO S 1-0 2SI H 11 tt 10 7•t 211 SA 10 11 ll 11• 1b>O S7 ti JO IS 7•1 111 •• 11 l1 11 213 ?O .. WALES COH"E RIENCE Patrkk Ohl\I.,. NY hla,_,, t0 t• • 115 I" 86 Phll•0.1111\t• ll 7• S 7'1 7JS ol NV Rdl'll"t\ 19 11 10 111 130 "6 Pllt\burQh 13 tt 10 731 11>S sa Wa•hlnQton ti 1' • 11' 7SI 4S Montr••• B0\101\ lluttata 0..t>e< H•rttorCI ._.,.m• Dlvh lOll 1S 11 ,. ?It Ill "' )4 It • , .. 10'I lo 1l ti 10 HJ 188 I• 11 13 It ?17 2)1 &I to tt u , .. Ho 06 S-•y'•S<.,.., Woltll'IQlon. Wtrv>IC»Q 1 Ou II a to 1>. Co<ofado 7 lOntO<lt°" I Otlroil l Bo•ton t Pt>ll-lf>l1•• o PllhbufVl1 •.NY l•l•not" l Montnal 4 NV R•"O"" 1 Cl11UQO S Outt:..< 1 T..,ltM"G•m• HArtfOf"O 4'1 Min~"Ot• fVftd,ay#, G•mtt Monl,.MI at Out-t>to< (h•<•oo •'NY hlaf'\df'r' 10,011tOAt St LOYI\ Ortrolt 11t CotorMJn ( AIQ•r~ dl V11inrcr,1vrr Camel. Where a man belongs. • Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. - 8 mg. "ta!'', 0 8 mg nicotine av. per c1gare11e by nc method . • -------------------"'-----=-·---- Los Angeles Open • Tom WtlJOn,Ul.000 •t 4/ .... 61 171 Johnny Milltr,m .aoo ....._.._., 111 Tom WelskOOl,'20,aoo •1 .. 1..,.1J 7/S Biii AOQll ... llJ 700 IQ..M-... 10 '1• Lennie Clt,,,...h \ll 100 14 ... -69.. 11' Tim Stm"'°",\tO 100 IJ '4-1(>.61 111 J•r H•u.\•,lSO •.._••-6• It 111 Vance H.M1ner.,•.3IO .. .e-11 It 211 Jim ~ollO«l,lt.JSO I()./(>./()... 211 Tom tcllt,V,500 IH<>-64-11 111 Mike Morley, 11,SOO 1>1U 10.ll 719 Joe k Ferenz U 500 l•·.,..9 •I 11• Jack ReMl!r U .161 10..1 10.ll 280 W-r 81Ckt>rn \S l67 11 .. l'>-11 1IO JOhn Coot. U.J07 1~., n 180 Gent l tt tltr \S JU 11.a..1 /1 190 WayM L .. 1 .,.367 1). .... 1 11 180 (urtli Slr-.U .11>7 7).11 .. .. 7IO FrtO Coupl<'\,\),31>7 n II ,,... 780 Ert< 8.i1 .... \S.Jf>1 6•·•9 1• .. 180 Bob G.ll<l<>r \J 110 1s-io. ... 10 711 rom Pu,,,., \l llO /IHI ,.,,,, 781 Roel Funwth \J. tlO /)./(>.It., 181 Don J a n ... ry \J 110 I) It 69., 181 C•••Q St.Oler \) 1/0 It 11 It •I 217 11,. Cato-1 \1 •lO l<>-68 11 11 m [O Snffd U IJO IHI It It 711 D•nnv EOwM<h.11 t)O 11 It •• It 187 T •rry Mau""y U, llO 6) I) 1• n 111 B•rry J-•.i.u tlO IJ.11 691>9 211 Mark 0 Me••a,\1,691 11-68 /I ll 213 Jolln Adams,\! ••S l•-o• .. 11 113 Gil Mor9M1 $1 •9\ I• II 10... 183 h •O Ao .. 1 \I 3)1 64 IJ 69 /J 113 GtOrQ~ Ar<""r \I 117 IS 10 &9 10 18' H•I• lr•tn \t JS1 l•.U 10-11 1M And• Nol'1n \I lS2 1J 10 11 10 , .. Oon Bo.-II nl 11 •• 13 69 11!..o Sk•P Ourwwav \I lS1 /l-o9 10.n li!A Morro\ H•l•I••· \I )\1 &81t>b9 II 7a. Gary Kocn,\'l'.llo '• 10.11 10 18S Jim Dont,\'l'l6 11 I• I• "6 78S Jom Cotbtl'1 \Ol6 fl 10 n 10 78S !><Ott S1mo\On \qJlo I) 10.11 It >8S Tom Jonktn\ \tJo I• o• 10 n ?U Ma•k Pttil \9")11 1>8 11 11 IJ 18S Jim Simon\ \•Jo It ..e IJ I) 716 D•vtd Eow•feh \118 1\ &Ii 11 11 , .. Cro•rto, (OOOy \Ill! II 10 11 1l 1116 M., .. Hayf\ \1311 ll It II 11 1116 Jonn Sc nr°""4'r \II~• l!H • &8 I l 181 Boooy W.Oktrl\ "'" IJ.11 It /1 181 Al G••ber0tr 14•• 13-11 It /1 111 F r•nk Conrwr "'"' IQ.69 IJ IS 181 C.••o Pow•" "'"' 11 11 11 11 111 M•H Smnn '69• 1).11 ,. 10 198 J•m Booros \61S IHI I• 10 7118 M•\.ahltO llC-ut•mol \,l)j.J /4 /1 1t10 1" GMV H•lll>tn \61>) 1).11 l(>.1~ "' d Sam A..,_1111> IS.•t 19 17 1'IO Eo I' ooro,14~ 1111 11 IS l'IO WoO<ly FotthUOh ~1 I• 10 10 11 191 Elruct Oouola• \OA? l(>.1311 IS 791 Lon N••I-W 1 ll 11 1114 791 NoO F•too.M>1• 1~61 1' IS 191 Jo cuoo \611 IS-10 n IS 1'11 Don A.-1411 I• 11 IS. I) 79) A•v Barr \6119 ll ll 11 I• 1•• R H So .. t >-MIO'i IPQ./).16 ~I Oav• Stoc•too \S•I I? IJ I• II 191 P•t ~•tH•rnot'.-, U~1 I• /t 18 /4 )<ft Antonio C•r<ld \~1 1111 I~ /8 JOI 11 Wonptavo11 • d•nott-' 4m<111 .. ur Bent Tree Classic ••• ,.,.r ~ .... ~. ,. ••• D•th D•notl \n IOO 11 11 l>O 63 •mv At<Oll SU 100 "8 10 11 10 t<•t"• PcnHf'Wtttt \10 ..x, ~It 1) ,, Pam Gtfill'n " IOO 11 b9 IJ .. RMb.lra Mo•n• .. \ \6 000 61 11 11 11 JOAMn#C•tnt>r \A,M'.kl &4111111 Soll\' LIUI# \A IOO 11 I 1 10-11 SU<' Ertl ~ 800 I• ... 10 I• Ai.• Rhnllrot \J 600 I) ll 6• 10 Avdko O•dmolo \J or(, 1) 10 17 10 Lot1 Gttrbd<t '36()() 1\ 101')• 11 Hollo\ St.c y \J 60(/ I• 17 "6 /) Dot C.•rma1n U 1>1' 1017IJ11 C••nv Mant \1,bS\ n ll-1>• 1l ll•I~ Sotomon u .~s 11 11 10.1 J Lynn Slr°""y \7 •60 1>111 11 10 T•rr• Moody \7 I.cl I• I) 10.10 !!It<• y P•••'Otl U 1.0 11 It 11 IJ VII lt.1 fttbot \1 &II 111& 11~ (hr1\ Jot\n..an ~1 &I, 1 I 14 1) 10 J•n" 8t•~"-\t ,.,, 11h1t 11 Rf'vtrlv ICltt\-. )1 &II 1)b8 1• 11 (dtrlv S,,.rk Sl 6 I I••• ll 11 PAtlo R1110 \I .. 0 11 10 17 10 01(lnn(" 0~11e., '' 410 11 12 >l l J c;.uu:I,.~ .-.t'Vnlf"' '' 410 11 10 I)/) JoAnn Wtt\l'l.)n1 '' 1'Y /J 11 I• 11 HOiiy ..._o\ftlf"., )I 1)(1 11I\10 I} (,Ail Hirdtd )1 ])l I() 14 10 1~ Lf"nOf~ Mut~.• \ .. \ '0 111• 11 (onOy Htll \'Ill\ 1111 1611 C •tnv Morv-\911 IJ 1).1) 17 L•ur• Hurlbut SY61 11·73-ll IJ Nan< y Rut><n S'iel IJ I) II ,. T l>trt ... Hl'"'°" \'lllS ll It b9 I• P•t Br•dlty \18) /1 16 72 11 ttatnv Manon \llS I .. /1 I? 11 P4t M~y,.r, \71~ IS 4~ It 1• V•Ctl• Ff'rqon.'6if.IO lfr1) 17 11 Sdndra Sou11<n \060 11 I• If I) JUOv (tar• W.C I] 10 11 IJ MAr1ha Hatl'W'n ~ /7 14 14 11 Marltnt Ha9Qt w,o 1l 11 11 11 M ~ Smlln,\IOt 11 16 13 IJ Bonnie Bryanl\lOt 11).16 I• I• Donn• Whit• \SOI IJ·I• 1] I• l Ort tiv•tQd )~t I) 1t 111.t '4nartt PMt U01 14 11 I• l!t ,, It 14 ,, Women COMMUNITY COLLIEOIE So 0 .... MeM •.Or._ CMlll •t 100 Macllty Rel•Y 1 S.n oi.90 Mew. H 6, 1Or-Coe\I,1 001 200 IM I UP<hur<h 1$0 IM••I 21 1 111, 1 HUQO IOCCI, 1 7l 9 J OtrY-150 M .. a l, 7 )I • SO lrtt t Manin ISO -WI, a 1, 2 S•lltnQ IOCC>. 7101, 3 W•llh !DCCI, 111 too b•<k I HullbtrQ !SO Mtw ), I 0.' 2 Brow"" IOC'CI, t ti) I, 3 Ba<k\lrnwr ISOMeW) I 171 100 bAHI I HllQO IOCC I 1 IS J , Martin ISO -•at I ti S J Hdfd .. re IOCCI t 71 I 100 ,,.. I Oa•IOW>n tSD Mew l t SI I 1 Brownt tOCC I 1 10 0 J ROO.rl\ !SO MU•I, l 1• • 50 tty t B~rr•ll IOCCI 21 ), 7 8erk•lrt\\tr tSO Meut, 1• I ) AelO IOCCI 30 S t rn•t~r d1V•r"MJ t 1C1ng tSO Mew) 1 McGto1r111a 1so.....,w 1 SOO lrtf 1 ShtMI HXCI, S ti 0 1 Wttrn> tDCCI S II t 1 I M•nt,. ISO Mewl. I 716 100 bre.•t I Sh•ll" ISO M•w l 1 7l t 1 DavodWln !OCC> 1 1' .0 J R-r. ISO Mt\.11 1 '.»2 J mtltr Ol••nv 8..-o tSD Mewl, Pike !OC:CI 400 lr~t ••'•• t OranQt Coa>t J 71 • 1 SO M•\a J.) Men s tournament (al La Oulntal ~"'fl•• l'uwl Ydnn1t lt. No-..n Clitf Ivan L.endl ) f> 6 1 1 S CNo.t,, w 11"1\ \J),000 lPndt w1n\ ~·6 0001 Women's tournament ,., "°"''°") !>o ... , .... ,, .. , B~tt ind 8u"'Of' CJi"'f Pam Shf 1vf'r • 7 J b 6 7 •ButlQf' win\ U1 000 \n""'"' win~ l t 1.0001 Lonq Beach Marathon T(j)> l'IY£ FINISHERS M.tr-th "'"lhOlrNJ tF1nl•ncJ I 11 10 A1' ~.,. .,.,,on On•o1 1 18 Jl Jttf OPttrnt-t 1 1'0 1ti 1!111 Mc ()tor molt 7 71> I~ C.on1oto 140QQ•n• 1 11 11 TOP FIVE WOMEN f 1 \,, Hvw• 1 SA Ott ,,...,, ... ~n.u .. , l ~)if) -~'"" ~rt1f!. l 011l l#tnqt t fffoMJWch ) •• 0~ Jndn ltno ) n "' TOP WHEELCHAIR I 11m t<n<tuO J tJ U Skj conditions s-tttwt?I C•htomla C,oldrn1rw-•1 )tr. .nt ""'' 'dnubff" h•1t\ terdl•• R•Oqr fi. 1• •f'l<hit\ Mount••" H1on 11 14 tn< hf'\ '\Ortf'\Q \no• J llfl\ Snow f.(ttf·41C \] ~ H\t nto\ ) < """' S11ow Summ•f 17 14 1nf hf'\ fufl operation Sno• V.ill"Y' 1• l& me l'W\ 8 t1fh S'' Grtt" V•tlry 1114 •l'Kht>\ •II run' OPl"" Satu,dctv SP'ltrlfl'* Ml>ddow lO 1n(~~ QrOO""Pd \no• o°'" \.&h,;r a..~ CMtr•I C..ltfontt• M•mmo1n MOul"ta1n ' , foot t>•W 01H ~f"d POW<Jf't ttne1 tiard 1)8( k '"" 0 0f''dhOo Jun• Mountc.t•n • S roo1 b.lu p..tc. kflld OOWdf'r ttn<I 'htrd Ptt<• 4 doublp Ch••"- tar. Smg Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 22, 1982 Cl ,,,-~------~--~~__; ________________________________________________________ ..:._ ______ . T HE F~MIL't' CIRCl'N "Billy is leorning to read. I like to help Billy. I listened to him reod. Did yoo see me listen to Billy?" '9:\RMADLKE by Brad Anderson z.71 ~q¥li?bJ "I can't explain it... whenever he barks. the automatic garage door opens!" BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partcti (VIP) "I hate Mondays." DE~~IS T HE '9 E ~.\C.E Hank Ketchum ~ c;?" . 0 _, I ~:-:~~-> ' 'JUST SLUSH ,JOEY. THATS SNOW WITH AU.. 1H£fUN TAKEN OUT.* by Harold Le Ooux ,--~~--=:.~~~~~~ As SAM DR1vER AND RANDALL. FOR&S ACCOMPANY LINDA MAY GREER TO HER'HOlEI. 5UITE. THE YOUNG ACTRE!:ISEXPRE&6E5 REMORe/E FOR HER ACTION5: -.ARt'U :l ,0 '900~ '9 l . L L I NS ACROSS 48 So1rs 1 e.,oond 50 Phyticl 5 footwear units 10 Moon 51 Slmple 14 "lklder· 52 Otvlder ® ... RIDICULOUS , UNBECOM ING STYL~ ! AWFUi) Yuc KY ! LlflP!! UNITED Future Syndk:ete Saturday's Pu1fe SolYed llOOdl": 55 Utlllty ~: 2 wordl 2 wor~ ~~ 15 Cont*'*lete 59 Enticlrntnt 18 - -.,... 81Tl.ritllh co1n .. 12 MllgMng 17 KJn ()f etc. 83 Ol9dden 11 Cevom: M Viking oeme 2 wordl 15 Ltllure 20 Moel in.. ee Dlltlr'a dllfl 22 Gita 87 Rlgrent upllgtlt 23 Noun 24= 25Acttwttl 21 Pin 32Pronoun 3S Anl> netlOft 31 Aofnlrl ··=-31W•flllfl· fofld I 40 0Mtl I 41"'9DIW a._. !. • ,.. ""· . . ... I ..... .... . I·. • .. --.M -· by Jim Davis ·""--JI~ .. () 11112 Uroled ~Mtu<t S,._.te Inc .S.. Z · 2 2 by Ferd & Tom Johnson , '------. P &\Nl 'T8 l1M 601N6 TO PLANT POTATOES. AND BEANS, AHP IW'l~ES AHP PEAS WMV AAE VOO TELl lN6 ME ALL THIS? HE MUS1 tJOT G£T TH~H! SHO E YES, I READ WELL, IT IT IN BED DIDN'T AUNT F'RITZl--DID YOU READ YOUR NEW BOOK? LAST NIGHT HELP YOU GORDO t'l'~Kl' "l~K ERBEA ' 001' MANQ PEOPt.£ ~ZE 1HAT WE MAILBOXES ARE fCJUAU.<,> -rnE ~ OF 1HE. U. 5. GOVERNME.~T ... BRABBLE t.tE~, ~fR1Cr., ~E.ft.t t>IO ~OIJ btf 11\t\T S1'vP10- U)()\(1NL, &lRQ ~ OR.SMOCK YE!SSIR-1. WHE:N A DOC'fOF< HAS 'fO c:;e'f I.JP A'f 'fWO OR 'fH Ree O 'CL.OCK IN 'fHe MORNING ... MUCH-- AND 1AAf 1AMPERIN6 WrlH 05 15 A FEDERAL OFFE~ ! 0 ~:---_J 1'HeRe's oNe PeRsON He's , eor -ro ee IHANKFUL,.. FOR ..• by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmtller IT'S l=U LL OF COOKIE CRUMBS by Gus Arriola THAT'S Pl<OP·.JOB, JAROO.AI. 1HIS CAT(S OJ..DE;R. THAN WE THIA/I<., DOi21' • by Tom Bat1uk KIND OF MAKES t,.oo ~ m TREAT U5 WrTH rroRE RE!>PECT, OOESN'i rr? 0 0 by Kevin Fagan ~\.ti' N060V'4 (,ON~~ AASS\..E Mi O\JC.K! l -j ... -1 ' g by George Lemont IHe c:;uY WHO I NVeN'feD ·n .. e NIGH'f MIRROR! l'MSO ~SURE.~ Me . C8 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 22. 1982 - National Smoker Study confirms MERIT taste sparks switch from higher tar brands. The bottom line: taste. That's the result of the latest wave of research with smokers who have switched from higher tar cigarettes to 'Enriched Fla vor,'M illRIT. . MERIT Earns Tuste Trophy. Nationwide survey reveals over 903 of illRIT smokers who switched from higher tar are glad they did. In fact , 943 don 't even ·miss their former brands . Further Evidence: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers ·report illRIT an easy switch, that they didn't give up taste in switching, and that illRIT is the best-tasting low tar they've ever tried . Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MERIT By Wide Margin. In addition, extensive unmarked pack tests confirm that illRIT delivers a winning com- bination of taste and low tar when compared with higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The overwhelming majority of smokers reported illRIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar brands. Confirmed: When tar levels were ·'. revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the illRIT combination of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, illRIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. 0 Philip M0ttll Inc 19'1 Kings. 7 mg "tar:' 0.5 mg n1co11ne-l 00' s Reg: 10 mg "tar;' 0.7 mg mcotine-100's Men . 9 mg "tar;' 0. 7 mg nicoti ne av. per c1gare11e. FTC Aepon Dec '.81 . . --·-1.-- MERl i MERIT tv1er1tho1 ~&lOO's ·. j . I MONDAY, FEB. 22, 1982 -. .. Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification 8050 ad. Orange Coast Market Ploce .=.'!~ ............ ~!.':':.~ ........ ~.':":..5:1!: ........ '1~.~~ ....... 1~.~.5:'!: ........ ~!.~~ ......... ~:.~.~ .......... Hottle•"°" s. ....... ,.., s. a. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · .,.,.. I 002 •••rll I OOJ 1 •••r• I 0021G1•r• I 002 Gt•r• I 002 Corw .. M1t I OU .,_ PoW I OH •--••h , 1041 ...................................................................... 1······················· ....................... ......•.•••..••.•...... ' ........ I I PALM SPRINGS '67.700 ss.ooo DOWH ·····~·~;~;~~~···· ·········~·.:;;········· P9ltfSUL4 HOMIS · ' REAL y llllE$1 f\lm Condo on Golf Clb IY OWHH 1B~11.'nd conv den condo for A UHlt ' Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm 3 bath N.U • 1 ~ho~!. •urr0 .~~!4 t~tr llYNTBIACI wtpool ,and •P• Mini 1 1cre + bide site. cent mstr bdrm w'th · :l.25 ooo' · •a l3 PS 2bdr, + Conv. den. ocean view ! $105,900. 30 lY sloplnl parcel short • l ocean vtew " • · * OCIAN YU, lrg 4 IOI Br w/POOL I 1 · · · l~ba. rnr lot, pool + yr nxed 14•.,•1 loan' distance from tenn11 & ::1 ,., ' "" IC ... .. -EQUAL HOUSING OPPORT UNITY -· :: ,...,, ....... u : :: I All rul estate ad. -ve rtlsed i n thi s :: newspaper is subjert to ::: I the Federal Fair HOUS· 1t11 ina Act of 1968 which :: makes it illegal to ad· :: vertlse "any preference. 11• limitation. or dis· 1• 11111 t)lt •• lllt JG tlW ... =· llOO Zll» 1Jlill ------- crimlnat1on based on race, color. reli&ion. sex, or national origin, or an Intention to make any such preference, limitation , o r di s· criminaUon." Thia newspaper will not knowinaly a<'cepl any advertisin& for real estate whk h is in viola· tion of the law. =~~ = --AC. &~......&.1--_ ... root~ll/ ---~ ~U't'~ =:::i:r : ._.. dlecll,.. .. r==: [:--My ... report er- 1111p1n.. ..... = ,... .. c141hfy. n.I =--~'-·' >* DAA.YPILOT .. ._1 Aft>llllw• .,. """,..,..., l ol -....., for ·~ flnt =::-. -4 :: l•corr . .ct l••ertlo• ......,,. .. f'b tlfll I ~ f:" ... ~..:..1, :: I -J • ~.:::~!~ :: 1--------· C• _,n for lt1t U)t t=!:':!., :: "-"forWt ~nll Af«'hl :: •••••••••••••••••••••• t:i~ .. '"'" -· ,.______,, I 00 .. ..,....... .....,-111$111($$, INWCST· •••••••••••••••••••••• MENT, FINANCE I ASSUME LOW =::::~::.; :: I IMT9EST LM ............ ~·' • 1e11 j Popular 3 Bdrm 2 bath 1wutJnt ....... .,, lOlll floor plan In a fine area =~ \:!;:°~. :il of Costa Mesa. Great as· ll<lnua ... Tlh l@ AMOtlllCEMENTS. Mlt!AlS & LOST & fOUNI sumable loan and seller will tailor lo meet b\.IYets needs. Best buy at$129,000. Call 646·7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS W t B b ( --• + SPA. Assume 11. 78%. Only $399,900. spa, smmed occup 1536 0 WC. Ownr. 631 6666 beach Ownr bas 10· es ay ay ront. Slips for 2 boats, P4tlaac TIHOU. 751H 22l DOY• SHOllS Strenade Terrace. As ~ • -&. 10 40 eluded. plans for custom remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath Sl,200,000. * T9MS CT, on 'h ACU ESTATE, pool. E)ijoy Uvlng on one of 1.11me existing hnan. ••••••••~•••~••••••• villi. $12.5,000. Spec · 4 Br, 4,L Ba. $69S,OOO owultla WIU the most prutsgious 1274.000.0WC.95.S-0073 SHOW STOPPER ta<'lllarvsews• Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 ~ """ streets. on Hlate med iparklmg clean 3 Bdrm MISSJON REALTY bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. HMAMCI with 153 down. PATllCI( I« This home features 3 <fiu~~:4~~~~~ 1 in.warm earth tones No 494-0731 TINOU. 759-1221 · I Bdrm and den and yr new 1389000 709 &r quallfyina. f'rwl treh $IO,OOODM./ UDO. ISLI HAUair * COUMTIY UYIMG, I ACH IESTATR rormaldining room The 709 "'1 'orchid . Call t.oo' Just $122.900 Bkr ~ .., custom designed patio 848-0709 ly Owwer Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 w/pool + spa, lrg 4 Bdr. Reduced to I area ts perfect for enter· 851-91350wnertbkr _ ENJOY 0000 HEAL. TH Lease with option tu 'bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. $474,000. PATllCK TB40ll. 759-1221 l8a81n,1,n~. dspa . flrep1l , the whole year through ~~~hgarsme. f3aBmRr.m2~2~<'baar. * SICUllTY GATE + YU 2 lrg homes. "' an warming ledilcedToW Fantast1r SOL VISTA uuw• • ' lik lampo S399 500 gar. fn cd yrd, ()(tan vu Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large e nu. Assume 10.5"/, From $439.900. · · IOCrett Cir., CdM pool homt" No quallfv 12~.000 497.1051 ,rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. PATllCK T&IOlf.759-1221 642-5200 OPEH SUN 1-5 lllg Only S136.000 Bkr 759· Ill I S16S.OOO. S60.000 down. I 848·0709 MEW CUSTOM INA ISi.i IAYlllAM9 balance at 10.7'~ SlOOO or O:eanfront <'Ondo 2 Br Prestige area. Quahty ..,.. ' !Tllre pt;r month .. cany.on Sl~.OOO vu from e'•ery Lhroughoul Spacious ~ Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5. bath, Crest s 1.owest price! See rm. Assm In. 846 5792 Bdrm 3 bath, 3 car gar playroom. dark rm. den. $1,350,000! you Sunday' A BS o L l' T t; L Y Swider open to <'reative (~ i.I offers. $475,000. C &BU&91Aa...1 COVE {•:(J.,,(111" rbJ,/naA GLORIOUS 4 Bii ram L-v111-RE ~""'" '1lJ • rm, sparkling pool. and -r-----r · Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm 4 .. J;~'t'T:rup1it(1J so mu(·h mort' Every 4']·1]61 - bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. . ~ . ' ..i~9~ upgrade fine~t area LAMfontt I 055 67J-o '/ 'I JUST Sll'I .~IO Seeing 1s ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3141 E. CoHt Hwy., CdM ~IJe\ mg ' Uk r 848 0709 COLDWeLL. BANl(eRC BILL GRUNDY . R[ALTOR J: P··v'•(J• t;, .. •• ,... t,,1 ) t)1r,,l CAN1 BEAT TllS! * FOIECLOSUIES 4 Br w/pool $420.000. 3 Br w/pool $399.000. PATllCI TEHOIE. 759-1221 • AISOWTE STEAL. 4 Br w/soa. Below market at $176,995 . LOW DOWN. ASSUME 12 rlc interest. PATllCIC TIHOU, 759-1221 * 5 IDIM. POOi.. SPA + VU. Only $269,000 WITH TEIMS. PATllCI TIHOU, 759-1221 * ..wPOIT, 4 Br w /pool. FVIHISHED. $329,000. PATllCK TINOll. 759-1221 R&" M ~ of Newport Beach By owner. trade or sale. beaut. home. very e&· HAllOI YU HIUS IROADMOOR VACANT-SH AHY TIME View of ocean. bay & Pavilion ltghts 4 Br. 21h Ba. Family Room . 2 Fpk s. Community Pool & Parks Ideal family home. Priced to ell S420.000 including land. or S330.000 Leasehold Only $665 per yr ground rent until 1991. Owner will help rmanre. WISLEY M. TAYLOR CO .• REALTORS 2111 S• Jooqam Hils Road MEWP,On CENTER. HJ. 644·'491 0 DIVlllGHT IH elusive area. Close to S . .,., . I l Strip. Sl.85.000. 4 BR 2~ -wim ln1ume ID ove Y ba. 2 wetbars. palio. solar heated Pool. 3 I I Bdrm, 1 ~. Ba , re· sauna,poo ,.,.,acre ot. - rmdeled k1l<'hen in one Aut.o sprinklers. lots ol rreture trfta. For more ;~ or Costa Mesa's best details call owner areu. Owner very flexi· 702 733-6T7 ... ,. ble. F\Jll pnce $145.000 --·--6'------ .,,, 751-3191. •11 --.. c...eryc .. .......... ----Retirement home. 10'"-" financinJ. $139.SOO Bier, ~~------1 _7~U~-433-;;;;.;:...~1723c:;;:.. ___ ~ EASTSIDE 11111.1 ---1111) Im -... --11111 -111111 ---- IUUTY! Charming 3 Bdrm 2 bath home In prime location. Great financing terms available on this one. and no qualifying. Pnce $149,500. Hurry. call us for complete details 64&1111 CHOOSEOME l Br. S.A. $72.000 3 Br, C.M. S113.000 3 Br. S.A. • Sll5.000 2 Br, C.M. $126,500 3 Br. C.M $129,500 3 Br. H 8. Sl29,000 3Br,S.A.H. $137,000 3 Br. N. B. $215.000 All of THE :REAL ESTATERS ':::.' S<C~'1lA-4£~s· :: - Ml -,, .. ltU ... ---.. ----- IMYISTOIS SPICIAL nvt •·plexta. '300,000 flldl. Sell au or OM. c.11 now.•1"J THE :REA L ESTATERS ------- :1-~--1!1111!1-~ -., -= --•• ...... ,..,.. "~'° .. , .. ,_ ., .. , ............... rt•lrl lt llett• I• C:la 11111•.· ,111u1 ..... .., QAf L l'Ol&M •............. .....,, ol tht ,_~_. .. ..,.oo._.,_,;,,,,ao_. ·- G W E 0 L N X R R W A U S W M L A F K C S 8 P A 0 N A P T N A I G T L I H E T W I L D Y A K S L l U T l N G G £ P A L I H C N I H X H N A Y A k R L D l L L I F. C L S T 0 T I M I E A 0 R K K 0 W 0 L F T S P RA E L S l E R E G I T~O T Y 0 S I L I T Y F A N T 0 T T E R R L R 8 ~ A 0 T D S I R 0 N I 0 A A T £ Y E 0 L X E K I P E U L 8 T R X E L R S P 0 L A R 8 E A R U X A E L D E E R X G X G R A A 8 L C E E l T R U T G 0 B A 8 8 T I T 0 8 M L 0 W E L A H W Y A R G L Y Q I M 0 R I S L E M U R P A N D A E BY OWN ER·4Br. 2Ba. frplc, lg ram rm. many xtras, newly redecoral· ed 111 & out. overs11ed 2 car garage. 20'~ down Mking Sl50.000. Owntr finance. 1Mesa Verde Areal 3217 Washington Call for appt 17 14 1 98.5-4106 __ _ SU IWf'5 Just listed 3 BR. fam rm. 21.; ba tastefully decorated family home with Dramatic pool "spa complex. Offered at $229,000. ~HERITAGE REALTORS THIS HOME HAS IT ALL Exquisite interior. exceptional exterior. 3 BR w fabulous master suite & retreat. 2 fireplaces. f renrh doors in din rm. beautifully treed yard w spa & much more for $239.500 Darlene Peintinger 551·8700 (V18 ) ,..,.. Jtfe '°""' ,, __ >G""t Utit•f'M ·~'""'M'ttN )f .... ,..... ,, .. . ......,_..,.. .. ... ,.'*" ,, .... . ''"" ....... -.. ... ••<fli.ffW ,.,.......,.. , . .._... ..." ... ,,.... ., .... u an.... .,,..._ • .-. 1J~ic.· •Jf .. ., ........ ..~.~ .,_ ~ .. ~=:.. ~r.: 110..-.. ......... 1tc.w.. .. .. ..... ·-''°""' " .... ,._ "-· II ~:: ~~ "'• ·-·-. .._ '"• .. ~. ··-... ...... ·-·-.... ., °"'~" u .. .,_,.. .. ... .. ..... "°'' .... " .... .. °'~" .. o ... ,. ..... " " ... ftlltu 'H(tU' , ....... ..,. "''"' ,. ..... , ''" ........ "' .... ,._ •t•n ••C> •c.r.o •• .. ,..., . ::::-.. ... . ..... ==--...... ... Orange Co1at DAILY PILOT/Mo day. Febtuary 22. 1G62 HORIZONTAL PARKING A car driven by Ted Sattergen, 78. rests atop another and against a house in Portland after the vehicle j A ... ~ Jumped the curb. pohce said. Sattergen was hos pitalized with undetermined injuries. The car was removed by a crane ~~~~~~~~~~ $500,000 gift stuns school Money to provide scholarships for Carlsbad students . CARLSBAD (AP> Fred H. Knoche. a ro ute agent for a Kansas express company before he retired in Carlsbad, liked lo s troll over to Carlsbad High School and watch the music s tudents perform. Knoche died J uly 20, 1980, a day before his lOlst birthday, after living s ix years in a locaJ Lutheran retirement home. Cancer Society. Although Knoc he wrote bis 't'ill many years ago, he kept it current, selecting beneficiaries which he believed were most worthy. attorney Otto Bandemer s aid Thursday He r eportedly mvested his e arnin gs wisel y over his lifetime. At the time. the students paid no attention , but they we re stunned today to learn he died and left them almost $500,000, accor din g to s c h oo l s Supe rintendent Philip Grignon, himself a former Orange County educator. The Fred G. Knoche·Guett Scholarships named for Knoche and his wife Emmy's maiden name wiJI provide 100 annual college schola rships of $5,000 each for outstanding seniors at Carls bad lligh, start ing this June A friend al the retirement hom e said Knoche WCI~ "always nice. a lways a gentleman with a friend Iv word for evervone." "In m y 22 y ears a s an administrator, it's the largest endowment I've ever seen made lo a public school scholarship fund." said Grignon. The remainde r of the $885,000 estate was divided among more than 20 charities and churches including SI0.000 to the Boys Club of Carls bad , $8,000 to Tri-City hospital, $8,000 to the Am erican Hear ing Association and $6,000 to the American Th e ~u per1ntendent , flabbe rgasted by the gift to Carls bad High, ~c a lled that Knoche "visited tJUSt to visit , nothing more but what better way to ens ure the future than to provide scholarships." Western fairgoers to get new format TURLOCK (AP J Bob Walker says his year as president of the Western Fairs Association convinced him that the main purpose of fa irs ··is to tell the farmers' story " The Stanislaus County Fair manager used has term as head of the group representing 25 states and five Canadian provinces to stockpile ideas for 1m provements and to examine the futur e of California's 81 fairs. .. Probably the thing that struck me overall more than anything else is that some of the productions get so slick that they forget actually what they're trymg to show the public," he said. "Sometimes our things get a little on the tacky sid,f ," Walker admitted. He prefers a more infor mal, less comme rcialized approach so people ··can kick orr their shoes and e njoy the mselves . "What we'r e really trying to tell is the farmers' story more than everything else," Walker said in a telephone interview One of the common problems with fairgoers is ignorance about food processing. he said. During a beef judging session. the daughter of a former high s chool teacher exclaimed she "just couldn"t believe the steak she had last night came off a cute little steer,'' Walker said. His goal each year is to make exhibits demonstrate a slice of life that is lied to the earth. some of the richest in the world. PUlllC •~£ FICTITIOUS IU51NE$S NAME STATEMENT """• foltowin9 per10" is doln9 bv11ne\s ~ C A N D I D S H O TZ PHOTOGAAPHV CANDI SKOTZ 1).0 SuUH L-. Newoor1 Boa<h CA ,,~ LINDA HELEN G"ECKLEA, IJO !'>uuu Lane. Nowpart Buch, CA 9?..0 • This builMH •• COllOUCleO by •n Individual L•..O. G-.c~lt• This sta1t..-1 w~ 11100 with .,,. County Cltn of Or-County°" Jen 21 , .. , ,., .. _ Publls'*l Or•~ Coul Dally Piiot, J•n )0, F.i> •. 13, ?O. 1"1 471).12 FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMEHT ,,,~ lottowln9 l)<tf\On\ ... ooln9' ~int'SSos· JOCK STOP. tOS M•ln Bal-. Celllornle. tuot ~ A lcherd Jennln9•, 200S Wot Betboe Boulev•rd. •tel', Ne•oor1 ~ ... Callfontl• ~ Von ~rlt 200S WUI Belbo• ~ouioY•rd. •tel' Newpart Buch, C•lllorni. 9lM3 Thil bulfM\s '' conoucteo by • -r•I POrtnenlllP P'HUC MO~E FICTITIOUS IUSINUS NAME STATEMENT T f\• fOilO••ftQ ~r \On\ .tre-001nq bu\1f\#\\ •H l "NO ~ Dt~TA18V10A5 100 Sup,.rtor .... ,..., .. (O\td M P\a C•lfforn1• 9'1616 T~ M ~·tn ••\~"Ill Platt (O\t• ~-... C•llforntct 9'11>)1 Pet•r 0 L•w 1/WI R•1n1f'f Ort'-'P ~•nt• AM C•t•lorn•6 010~ Th1\ OU'\•nf \\ I\ conou<I"" t>V' • Q•Mrdl C>Mtf'Wt\f\tp fflldM \mitt\ Trt1\ ,,,,..,.,..nt """'' ftl,.O ,.,1tf\ t""' Counh (lf'rlt; o• Or•AQr Counh on F f't)ruarv l IQl87 F 11140I P uOh\tw<I Oranq.p ( M\I U'1ly Pilot •tb b l), ~-11, '"'' ..oe ., P'HUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT T hf' follow1n9 CMr\on\ •'• dO•no buSl!leH •S (Al PAECl~ION ADHESIVE PACKAGING CO IBI PAP CO ~ P leroont Dr lvo, Cost• Mo••. C•llfornla ti~ hr~ LY'WM C.-r. ICM L..,..N Dr•ve C~. C.iHon1I• •1120 M•rv Jo o.tc-,, .. Beo .. 11. Tt-ousano Oat<s. C•llfornla Tt'Ul buli"•'' h condU<ff'O b't' • oe-rwu 1I p.ar1rwn ,hlP T L Gome1 Ak nard JtnnlnQ> Tl\I~ >t•lemenl .... 111eo with lht T111s st••~.....,., ... , lllto w•tl'I tht County '"''" of 0••"9e C°"nty on County '"''" ol Or•nqo C°"n1y °" J•nuary 2t 1'12 F •t>ru•rv 3 l"1 "111'16 I "I e:tJtt Pu1>11.-Or-Co.ast D•lly Potol Pul>lo\I....., Or•RQP Coe\t O•llY P•IOI J.., JO, F.t> 6, ll. 10, 1"1 473.n F•I> •. 13.10 21 1'"'2 H~ l'ICTITIOOS IUSINESS NAME STATIMlt:HT P'UIUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •USINUS NAMI. STATEMlt:NT ...... ,.. -- au,. ... C04.I•' ol' '"• ""'• T'C>'Ca: :r.'TY OP CAl.lf'CMIMIA NOl tCI 1• He"•I~ OIVl.N IMI :'c~ac~':t:~ I Ito jllOUNlAIN VALL•Y K HOOL ....... DltlltlCTM&eK._.. .......... lnt ..... AM.CAttM I Tl•• ll11lld l1111 '"' ,,.,.,,,, "t•Nlllrf• CH•V~Ui..A , IHC .. •t•(llllllle et 111• W•r•lltlllt, Cellfor11141 W-Pottllon ¥1 o.t......,.., T re ntpor1olltn, """"' Slor• .. , f'LIX PAVING A l.NGIN.IUtNO, Mallllt-ef14 C)pN.t ..... l!Klllli.. I NC , an Ari toll• cor11or•llo11,lenc1 forty Hrlllftt .._ .. ~, .. .,., 10 1to111n J $NVOl!lt, lHE OHIO t ... llOfli't ""'"· 011\of'Wlto k-.. CASUAi.. TV INSURANCE COMPANY,ltlte Ol•lrlcl l'actllllH , wltt not 1M ... °"" torpore1ion. ODES I lhr0\1911 -from, ... Nit t4 tlltClltl~ Of. U, IMkltl..... , .... 1>y 1ho ...,_ umtl '""oclmet.ety Cr• I •·Comp ta I nen I · 0 HI OJ-:IJO l•IOf'OIWk1'11''•11- (AIUAl. TV IN$UltAHCI COMPANY,' ni. ......... c-'tl ti -~telllt • cor-•u.it n Crou Deto-ntt· ot •NTHl,.,...ly tt,tDO ......,.. twt ,I.IX ,.AVINO A l!N<;tNE£1ttNO, •nd one rotocelelll• 011lldlllO ot I NC., e11 AfffOllO Ctr.orelttll, -tOKl,,_ty 2,,_ -·• '"' TN JIOH !RT J SNYOElt P••klng fa<liltlH, nclu•IY• of , ... JUMMONI ON .. CONO OIWICI l'.Cllillft Mlf lor1y Mflt.lno AMl.NOCO CltOll<OM,.~INT 'II•< n odllttf'l lO lllO -th foMo. aro CAH Hu ..... , tmu COIUICl•r•d lo 1>11 lnch•d•d ill th• NOl'tCll YOll 111 .... a... --. n. m1111mum Old prl<• Tho .. 1,uno uwt .. , •* ..... _. ,.. ·~ .01111.11 c11e..-cn, •Clla<enl to t,.. ,_ """ ....,.. -.. .,... ......-11rooer1y tout.a ot 1111 corrwr of ............... •Md ......... .._ 'hllMrl •nd Nowl•hel SlrHh •• ,.. ....,, ull6er -r•I• •II'""""' -••• 11 YOll •lilt It -~ ti. ac:M<t Of • con•lelor.o to .. ac:ll,,. ~rl119 tt1e •ttornev In llllt malttr, vo.. •nould Ot torm 01 '""or eny u t•n•I,_ thtrtol ao promotty '° lh•I your wrUto11 end.,."°'• .,..,t 01111o R .. olulloll ot rHponM. II •rw, m•y .. lll•d on llrno. lm•nl to I.Hie. AVISOI U-....... do!NI-. II Tht Boerd of TrUtlM\ ret0tvo• to ~I_..~•-• Ud. tla •••u II•• 1ec11111u toc a100 et ..,..Ma. e --Uf. ro...-• t l.itlllllOolW I.Mio, cor11er of l •'-"" ....... ..... Le• ... .__ .... .,,. N•wl-Slrffts. Fountain V•lley, .,_ ....... UllOor l11e term• ancl concllti.nt ti•ttd SI Ull.0-Mli<fl•r ot canw10 <M In the AHotutton ot lh• Bo•rd. 11n •ll09e00 ........ , ..... o • .,. .. rl• RHOlullon Number.,~ hecorto 1m,,,.dl•t.tm•nt•. cl• H I• Tll• mini"""" "-lllly ... ,. oaY· maMr•, w ~sl• escrlta, \I h•V menlls), tw tN term ot tll• IH1tn), •l9u11e, Outcla Mr revl•lred• • llempo. shall not bt teu lhan l.50 oer square I TO tHE. Of!Fl!NOANT. A dvll toot TM ml'limum monll\ty IH W co,.,plalnt has bHn tllod br 11\o ooment11) for wl>Mqu..,t oerlocu ptelnllll •Intl rou II yo.. wlsll to mo bt ..SJu5IOO by lllO '"""'mer a.fend 11\ls l•w>Ult. ;o.. mu1t, within Prlco tndu -• ... ,_ ••fte<lod • dO\ .ntr 1111\ wmmons 1$ .. rvod al tho end ol In. IHW Otr'todhl A on you, Ille With IN• COUr1 • wrill•n MCurlly ~I IS ,_,,~ lo be P•ld ••'4>011 .. to It. comNlnL Unltu you tor both llYildlnQ\ prlOr to occupancy do '°· your Otl•ull wilt be onter.o on No c4 mmlnlon \lltll be o.id •ny •PPli<•llon ol "'-olalntltl, •ncl tllls llcen\td -rul est•I• brour In lnls court m•y enlor • llldQrnenl •v•lnst , ... ,d •nd 1,..,. ~hell be no declucllon you tor Ille r.llef domandtd In Ille trom ,-,,, ~1 In oetermlnlnv the compt•lnt. wlll<ll couto result •n hior..•• •-•ible blcloer 11•r11lshm•nl or wog ... Ullln9 or So•too propoul\ 10 IUH .. id money or pt"OPtf'ty or ot"er r•lf•t orooenvo•'> must bl re<•iveo 0y ,,_ roquo1t.OlntM<otnOl•ln1 e10109•l•O ollicer •I the Fo1>t1l•in OAT EOJ..,. 19, l .. t V•iley School O•slrttl Eoucallon LEE A BRANCH, Center. 11210 O•k Slrfft, Founl•ln ~ .. ~HAAON l(UPKA V•ll•v. C~llornl•. 'l?IOI. no l•ler th ... ~Y • lOOpmGr1Marchl,l9'J ANOE•SOH Mc .. HAltLIN A 8trore •cct pl1n9 •ny wrltlt n COHHllltS ' P•OP"'•I•. the deltO-tfCI olllcor •lwlll htt• Ult CNCller •-,..... <ell tor ore! bidding Any ... ,...., wno .. , WHIM........ ..., llU•lolore ...am1ttoo. written l>IO Loo A ...... CA*U ma, sul>Mll M or•l l>IO H <eediRQ l>Y (el. 11111 uf.aui •' 1e .. t live ~runt '"" hiQh .. t Published OrM\Of CoHI D•oty Piiot written bk!· The hiQllffl ru~n\ib"' Feb I I IS n 1"2 s-...: blddtr ..... U<h fac:lllly lo be teMtcl · ' ' • • •-• •hell be requlroo to u•cul• lhe form ru1t1C •ncl LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEAEBV GIVEN llwll the loll-"'9 •t•tm ot touno or s•vt<I prope:r1't' tww bfoen n•to by the Pohc~ Dep•rlmftll ot the C•IY ot Co.ta -w tor • oeriod 1n u o\S of ntnety ('IOI O•Y• Boy·s Bl•<k Schwinn Buc:ncrulser B •tyclr , Bo y ' Red N II•~• 8e•ch<1u•w r 81<-vcte C,11t \ Purple Aoyct' Utuon 8t<y<lt Girl\ CrtM Schwinn 8 Kycte Fr•-8ov s Roel St1n9 r•v 1 Sod B1c ytf• Gl(I • Blu• Gr...., l SoO Hercules 8KY<te. Boy's Silver Sk A•c:•no 10 Spd Blcycl-, Boy'\ Blue W••torn Flyer 10 or ••• ... 5"Cll for,,,.1 n.s horetofonr -n •PP<OYfCI by !Ills Bo.ard Tlltt eo.ro of Trullees "'-" mue Ille delerminatiOfl •• to wlletMr to It•,,. Hid t.cilll••\ within 10 O•yi atur ro<elOI of bids tntor,....hon concern•nv Ille proposal snoulo ""_,.,....., to Jack M•Mhn A\\h t•nt Superlntendtnt or tt11 oeleQ•ll!O olfij:er M• Jun Muroh•. Purcllaslnv A99nl, Founl•ln V•ll•y School Oi.trict 17110 O•lt St , Fount•1n V•llev C•lllorn1a, 91709 17141 .. l ... SI D•lfCI F.c>ruary 4, l"2 J-sD w~1 Clor' ol tne Baora Pul>h\fWCI C:.•ngo Coo•t D•llY Pllol. Feb I, IS. 11, 1qe1 US"'1 SPd Bicycle B<rt"• Grt.., A•tel9" 3 1------------- SPd Blocle Girt·, Vellow NO\ht•1 s Soo 8 1cycl• Gori \ Atd SU•w1nn 8•CyCI• Girl• S.lvu HuHy 10 SPCI l------------- B1c vc:lo G"'" Or•ntt S<nwonn 81cyc 1r Bo'/' R•O Scnw•nn 1 Spo 8 ocycte. Gtrl s Pink ScnwlM Slln9ray B.cycte, 2 Brown Soe•k•••. B 6 W T V and Money NOTICE IS FURTHEA GIVEN lh•I " no ownitr ..,...,, .no Pf"OYH "'' ownorshlo ot tM pr°""rty wlllHn ,,.,,.,. 111 cos lof•-·nv trw P111>Huhon of lhlS Nollet llW tltle lht•eto Sl\all vnl 1n tl'M flnclltr, 1t thert bP one.~ tn the Cllv ot COST" Me~ on wlll<h <•,,.the pr-r1y shall Ct sold •t 1>11011< •uclian •t • time ano dale to bt ..,.nounc.eo A E Netll Chief ot POh<• Pul>llSfWCI OraRQP CoOlt D•llv Piiot. Feo n. ,.., 7l2~2 Ml.IC •ncE l'ICTITIOU5 I VSINESS HAME STATEMENT 1 nt tollowinQ per'°"' are do1n9 bu"neuas COSTA MESA EMEAGENCV PHYSICIANS )01 Vlctoro• Strttl, C OSI• Mtta. CA 92U I AOAAV A MUACHISON, JA . M O I NC • C•lllorn•• caroor•llon. 'IOl6 Archibald A.._. C..C•moft9•, CA9'17JO LVTHEA M HANO, M D , INC . 1 C•lllornl• coroor•llon, 400 N , .... , Slr•et, Glend<tt•. CA"~ MICHAEL GORDON MOAAIS, M 0 6400 Via Corr•I AnaM•m CA '1t07 PAUl M VMOJ'. M 0 INC., a C e llf ornl• corpo rellon, 17120 Bl1Hwator l•ne HunllnqtOfl B••<h. C" '2~• Tnt\ bU'1ne-u i\ conou<tf'CI b'( •n u,_tncorpior•t.ed •not 1•tlon 00'4r th•n a P•rlnersn.p NOTICI TOCltEOITOU 01' IULK TltAHSl'Elt IS.CL"" -61t7 u.c.c.1 Notice ls llor•l>Y 9 lvon 10 II\• crtclltors ol PAUL A DES HAAN ... IS •nO JUDITH F DES HAANAIS, Tr•n•lerws. -"°"'" _,..," .072 HonwllUM. Clly of I rvlno. County OI 0r•"99. St.It of C~lllomle tflot • Dul• lrCIMNf' 1$ .oou1 lo .. m-to FU·MEI S. CHIEN •NS CHIU·SWAN S VOUNG, T, ... ,,.,"'· _,,. home •CIOreu •• IJtt C••fW Cir< ... City of Hunlin9t011 Bea<h, County of Or.,.99, Stale ot C•llloml• Tllo P,_rtY 10 Ct trenslenoo h Clucnllecl In -·•• •• All stock in 1ra0t lhrtwn. ltCIU•-t •nd 9000 will of Ill .. UQ<Rr Slore with Aeuli P•O•v• 011 !.41e Gtner•I Llonw • 21·11HS l>uslneu k now " •• "FOUNTAIN VALLEV'" ancl toc•IOCI •I llllO Br-llufll Strwl, City ot Founl•ln V•lltr. County of Or•nvo, St•I• of C•llfoml• Tr\• f>utk tr•n,l•r w ilt bt <Ofl•ummated on or •Iler llW 10th oey ot M.,cll. 19'2 •I 10 oo • m al W ES TERN MUTUAL ESCAOW COAP . ATTN MAR I L Y N WESTMORELAND, -MIClrns '• ,..,,., S Y-SI , S..lle 101, Tustin, C•lllornla "6eO 1 h•t lhe lest Galt lor r111n9 ctelms In IN O <l"OW rm rred IO hOrtln IS March ~. ,.., So l•r •s I\ ~no•n to the Tr•nsterees. •II bllsinon ,..,,,., •ncl •CIOrtUH IMO lly , ... T rMISlorors ,.,, llW P•sl t"'-.,.,_,. •'• S"""E 0•190 F-...ry 2, 1"1 FU·MEI S CHEN CHIU·SWAN S VOVNG Tr_, .. , PublO\llltd Or-Co.a\! D•ily Pilot. February 12, 1"2 M>-12 Ro•ry A Mvrt "l\on M 0 tnc Jr ' Roary A Mur-<f'H\On_ Jr P....-1 Thi• lUte..-1 '-•• lllto wllll the Countr C"'n or Or•nve Coun1v l)n J..,, 2'.1 .. 2 F1'1M7 Pul>llshed Or~ Co.a\t Dally Pilot, l'oO 22, Merell I, I U ltt? ll~lt NOTIClt: OF AVAIL.All LI TV 01' ANNUAL ltEPOltT The Stanislaus fair's major improvem ent this year will reflect Walker's emphasis on farming. A m ilking system connecting cows to storage tanks by glass tubing will be built with funds donated by the dairy industry. Tho lot1owlno pe rson Is CIOl"O Dusl11eu •• lrt• tollowln9 SH:r\On is d olnol------------- Purwent to Se<llor1 ••O.ldl of 11\0 tnlorn•I A•venuo Codo, notice It h•reby 9lv.., tMl lhe ..,,...., r-rt f4r 1111 C•ltlld•r yeor lttl of L•yn• Fo11nd•llo11 Is •¥•11•111• •I lllt to11nO•llon s prlnclp•I ofll<• tor ln\pe<tl<>n clurln9 r99utar bvtlnen "°"" trom •-JO lo • 00 P.M. by eny cltlHn wno ,._..,II •lll•ln llO <MY• •tlor tllo d•t• ol thll pu!lliu tlan. n DAO ENGINEERING. 2060 Nat ional AYenu• Co\ta M es•. C•litorn•• m21 .. Even that will open a lot of people's eyes.'' Walker s aid. Although most California fairs charge admission and receive state funds. they have been confronted with tighter finances in recent years C•lvln E BtO, 1060 N•llon•I Cott• Mesa. Calllornle 9'1627 This Duslneu I• conduc teo l>Y •" l"Cllvidual C•lvtn C Btt<k Th•\ sUtf'ft"'tltnt wa\ flfl'd with uw County Cterll 01 Or&n~ C°"nty °" February l , 1m ··Fairs a re taking a long hard look at what they've been doing over the years. trying to get rid of the 'You've seen one, you've seen them all. s yndrome," he explained ,.., .. , Published Or•~ Co.ast Daoly Polot F•b. 6. IJ, ?O, 21, 1'1111 S~.-2 MtCOllMICIC MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 494 941 5 Laguna Hills 768 0933 San J..1an Cap1s1rano 495 t 776 HAHOll LAW"4-MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Ce metery Cfematory 1625 Gisler Ave Cos1a Mesa 540·5554 NlClllOTHUS 18.l. HOADW A Y MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IALT%HIGllOH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCUFf CHA"L 427 E 17th SI Co<Jla Mesa 646-9371 NICIUOTHIH S.uTHS'MOITUAIY· &27 Main St ~ntmgton Beach ~539 ·:....-- .. 15017 TAI SAMS '12 '-' T-Ta s..ttMJa OfS204,970 -,. __ °"""' •n ,_I OOl""C ... "'9 1r1• Ho persor"I 11""4 required '450.000 ~ -Dll .. ·~ "'10 o-11•-n1.1-.. flCTITIOOS IUSINESS NAME S1 ATEME NT Tt•• rot1owln9 oer'Ons •re 00111v Dusineuas SONSHINE ELECTAIC COM PANY. IOM5 Kol•m• A Iver AOed, Unit I, Fount•ln V•li•Y. C•lllornla '2708. Sonrlse E"'<lrk •t tnd . Inc • a C•lllornta COfl)Or•llOn toas Kelam• lli'-·-----------------.-.--------------~------~--iii•i ith•H' RoMI, Unit I, Founaln Valley, C•lllorni. 9?7'09 "CTITIOUI eUSIN•U NAM• STATaM .. tT Tiie tot1oWln9 oerlMlfl• •rt dolnt lluliMH .. : SONSHINE El..ECT lt lC COMPANY, IONS l(al•rn• .. ,.,., "···· Unll I , ,o .. 11t•l11 V•ll•y, l:•ttowllle""" Tllh -in•u I\ COnduCltO l>y a coroor•llon. SoNl\e E .. Clrlcal Ind In< AnlhonyD Meston Chief E•t< Officer ...... PW!~ Or .... CM•I o.Mty Pit«, , .. •, IS,10.2', ltlJ .....,. SonrlM E19'1rtut IM •• IM • •-------------Callfernl• cwppriMloft, 1~ IC•l•m• "'"' Rood, Ullll I, 'Pl'Mel11 ll•ll•f, C9t lfonll• ft10I. Tllll IMltlMH II collCIVcled by • f'ICTl1'0Ut IUMNaU corc-•tlGft. MAMll ITAT•M•NT ....,,,. Eleelr1<•1 tno In( Tl•• tollowlnt ooraon 11 doing AMf*ly 0. _.., bU'llMHM: OHi Ellt<. Offkff JOHN IQNAOl.0 Tll.l ANO nil• ,.........,. -ft!W wltll ... EMOOEUNO CO.llHE uw ANO C-ty Cltf\ .. Of~ C-Y 6f'I KUl.1..lltY, Mt Of.c. i..-, '°9t• J-ry .. 1'91, MeM, (allfOntle f»». "'""'" J olin "''"''' l•t1•dto, 304 o r"n"'"• ... "'""''· c:a111or .. 11 .. , ... Tllla MIMt& 11 c~IM '¥ 911 IMhrlWM. '*' ....... ""*""" °""" c... Deity ~let, '"" _..,. ... flt.e ...... JM! .......... \I. .. 1'G c-ty C1t>11 .. °""It ~ "' f'*-'Ya,tt ....... at bome. ll'• e.,y ,,_.._ Ot.,. e-c o.iry ,..._, ~1-lnld 6'2·5618 , .... '*· 10, n. 1• JJHI, tKl,1n.e~~ ., f 111 GRAPHIC M"AKET ING ~R O D UCTS 121 N EWPOAT 1-------------CLASStC BOOKS 13) CHEMPHOTO l'ICTITIOUS •USINUS CO., S4l t CatowlNI Uno, Irvine. CA NAME STATl.MEHT ti7U Tllo tot1owln9 C>er\Ons •rr dolno KENNETH A SMITH. SOI l>u\IMUH . C•lowbol L•fW,lrvlnt CA'l?llS EXECUT I VE BUS I N ESS T"IS 1111\on..S\ " cOllOucted by •n SERVICES nn C..,lor Drive, Suite lndtvldual •00. Hunlln91on &.uh. Calltotnl• K.-th A Smith ff ... I Tiiis \l•i...-1 .... 111.0 W•lll '"" Sue""· Ehr ... ,, 2'UI 8utn• Vlw County etu11 of O••nve County on J.,. Drive,~ Hills, C•lltornl• ftHl Tll<t 1...-.i1on·1 prlnclpot office Is IOOl•G •I " Rut c..nnes. N-por1 Be.ch, ~Ill 92660 Toi 11._....i.all tor •pmt. The ,,...,,. of llw Prln<fpal Ma,._r o1 tllo IOU"datlon Is Rober1 H Mason, p,.... P11bllltted Or-Co.as! Dally Piiot. "" 12, 1"2 l>H2 71, 1'91 L••• M Cohen. I Sprlnpooo, Fiii"' Irvine, C•litomi• 92714 ------------ Publiv.d Or•"94' Co.ast Dellv Pilot, This Duslnos. Is conoucled by • J en )0, Fib • u . ?O. 1"1 01.n V•M•al oart,..rsnlp l.UM C- Tl\is Jte-1 wei lllOCI wllll IN County Clen: of 0<•~ C°"nty on Fo4>ru•ry II, 1"2. FllUM l'ICYITIOUS IUSINESS PubllsNd Or-Co.ail Dally Piiot, , HAMii STATl.Ml.NT Fob. 22, Mar t, I. U, 1"1 IOW2 Th• lollowln9 e>erSOlls ere 001110 l---"---------"--l>usiMua,· GA AVON, 2721 West Co•sl H!9hw•y, 1Wwoor1 B .. <11 C•lifornt• t------------- 9?"3 J•mes L G••Y .,.., AllNI Gro. 1001 B ... s<ck °''"" Corona ci.t M•r. C•lllornla 92•tl l "is -1""' " conouctt<I by •n unlncorPC>r•IOCI Htoel•llon other th•n • oarln•rthlp J•mHL Gray Tiiis \lat•menl wM lllto wH" '"" County c .. r_ 01 Orenve Counly °" J•nu•ry 21. ,.., ..... ,. PubllSllOCI OrlM\99 '44tlt D•lly Piiot. Ja11 JO, Fib. 6, 13, 10, 1"1 ~ l'ICTITtOUS IUSINESS HAMl. ITATl.MllNT Tllo tollowln9 poraon h d Olflt l'ICT1TIOUS IUSIHHS NAME STATl.MENT Tiie tot1owln9 person Is 001119 Du•inn• .,. C AEST SEC ltETAA I A L SE RV ICES. IS Es<•P•do Court, Newport llM<ll, CA 9?"3 LOUISE OA\llSON, IS E"•~ Co.in, Ntwp>rt Bffcll, CA 9?'43 This llY'1neu ta <Ollllu<t"4 by .,. lnolvi0 ... 1. ~O.v- Tlll• •t.--..r •.-&filed with lllo CoulllY Cter·ll ot 0r•ll9t Coun1r on ""'· "· 1"2. l'llM14 f'Vbllslled Or•"90 Co.ti Dally PllOt, FM U, Mar<ll t, I, lS, , .. , .,._., l>VtlMUlll: lr-------------H A PA HAOLE HAW ... llAN STYLE FOODS, SOS IEdgw•ltr, l etbcMI, C•llfornl• 9*1 JOHph Alldf0$, .. 21 AlbUOre, H11nllt\910n 8Hch, C•llfornte ..,.,.. Tiiis Dullnou Ii <OllOUCIH by .,. lnCll"I0.,.1. JOMl)f!Androt Tllll tt.-1 •H llltd with 1M CtuhtY Cterl< Of Ou~ County °" J-ry2',I.., ,., ..... "UOUtlloO 0r'"9t COHI O•lly Piiot, Jft!. '°· ~ '· !t to, 1t'2 • ..,,. PIU9llll JIOTt<a Of' A,.,.llCATIC* O,.CMA.alN OWHallVtt,. otf 1'1.COMOLIC ••VllllAO• CtCINH 1HHI Tt w'*" II Mey ConcOf'n' MISSISSIPPI eNTlltl'RISES. CO It •Hlvt119 •• ltw o...-rlrnont ot Al<llOlk ......... c:.ntrot tor "D" 0.. SALE OENEltAL IPUI EAT P L) to H ll •lceflellc bo••r• .. • al llSlt k4Kll BIYCL, H""1"'91oft lke<ll. ,.111111 ..... e>.,.. Co.st Dally Pl>ot, FN.U ltl:I 1.!Mt NOMIHEES POlt "U•llC Ol'l'tC• ICANOIOATOS ,.AltA OFICIO ,.UILICOI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tNI 1110 IOllOWlnQ l>e"OnS llovo bHn noml11•1td ,,... ti. olfk .. ller.1Nfl9r ,.,.nllonecl to be tlllff •I tho 0-r•t Mllnlclpel £tectlon to M lleld 111 tho City of Founl•ln Velloy on TutW•Y, llW IJltl d•Y of Apr II, 1 .. 2 INOTICIA SE DA POR ESTE ME 010 -l4K s!gutontes c.anclldalos ll•n sldo _...i-por• IOl ofklot aq11I dentro menckln-q.,. seran ocup•dH en I• Gen•••• Elocclon Mu,tclp•I QU• la11dr• tu9ar •n •• CludMI de F-taln Vell•Y m•rlo , '' ell• ll cte A~tl. Ot ,...,, ..... ...,.. ... aeyc-11 CPora Soclod9 .. J""U MUhlclpoll V•l#t-Ut v•-1 .... 111 OANll!L B. MORTON l.INOAMOULTON Bl!TTY MIGNANEl.LI C HARl.E• W ... M IKE " MICHAEi.iS ICEN HOLL.ANO FIU!OVOSS JAMlS E. NEAi.. IEN "· NIEi.SEN JAMES It, CAEIO .. TON ROY ltOOGll!ltS lwtyn M<<:..- Clt\'~ .. , ... CttytlfF-..nValltV (5-ftW .. Mllllkltlet do .• °"""'* ,_t•lll \lalloy,c.1119fftl• OA TEO ...,._., It, !tit (,ECHA: ........... neu Ptobll"*' Orettet (Mtt 0.lty Pl ... , ...... t>, Morell'· ,. t4J~ 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L. 0 T c L A s s I F I E D .. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 i ······················· .......•. , •.••......... ..... ...... 106tMIMett..• ....................... ,..s. 1100 SIOOOODOWM IV -OWNER Harbor R l d1t Condo "llenaltsance" mdl 3 Br Jba. den As~uma ble S2U.OOO at 10 .33 . 5480.<XX> term.a ne11oti1 ble. 6'4-6426 HAllOl ltDCH Luctme F$tate Model. S$80,000. Avatl now• X1ot ttrms. 71J0.1977. WATllROMT HOMI PllYATllUCH Senutioo,al 4 Br home smack on the w 11tn1' Featuring French doors. ffl>lc, professionally de corated & pnvate SAN DY BEACH . Onl y S249,000 & seller wi ll carry 80'1 loan at 13'i 79-lS()I or 752.7373 Walker & Lee Reel lstete I Sq I SO I ••CUSTOM** In Crftt H~ Sale 1:1y Owner. 4BR + den J•;BA Pool & Spa All Cabinets Solid Wa lnut Owner ""11 1 rmance. S48·8198 MIWPOIT CIEST End unit Plan 2 Im m11cul1te spit! level 2 bdrm. 211 bath. d1n1nJ: room. 3 decks. Step!i to pool and tennis Only $179.~ CdM DPlX by Ow&Mr S295.000 Owner ,,. ,11 carry at 14 '< Call 675-:.>63 or 679·9667 A.twblt 12.75% LA. Uruquely des..gned and decorated 3 Bdrm 2 ba with lge oUice den. 2 frplcs In prest1111ous Westc:ltrr Take o\er 12 75"'r In and OWC balance w uh 20'. dn $269,500 Owner Rk r ••••••••••••••••••••••• , 2$' AJ'1trtalll w/room. acrou 11tr u t from beach.. 98000. Set et llun llneton by Su Park. 2lf11 Newland . Spact 110 , U.8 or call l 711 !M66. N~rt Beach De Antu b1ytront Park Mint cood. '63 double w1dr Comer lot. $39.000 IJlll Grundy 675·6181. .......,,..,...., 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... S75~:'li~I \~t:rBkr 714-433-1723 C-rclal ,,. .. ..., .,oo ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMDUSTllAL W. Costa Mesa. new b1gh celling, fire sprinklers. 2(XX).3000 sq rt & large r Chuck Spilltr, agt 6..1H2Jfl6 NIWPOIT IUCH High visibility. C·3 Ocean vie.. 120 rt fron· Lage Use ex1St1ng bw Id 111g ol 4000 sq. rt or bw Id 10.<XX> sq. n Owner will carry. 5715,000 631-7300. RealLOr lilopping center site. 10 acres. rommerc1ally zoned on busy rrwy orr ramp nr Corona 1n fast gro,,.1n g area Sale trade or J\' ,,.. qualtfied in ve stor R & W De\ elopme nt Corp 752.2584 UGUHA HACH COMM'llLDG On ~o Cout H"" ~ w 3200 sq ft & 48.~0 of scheduled gross income Wtlh 1.5-20r, dwn. seller ,,.111 cons1der rarr~ 1n11. balanrt> at I I '2 • $595,<XX> Ask for Ern1 .. Quigley. Lingo R E 491'·3331 .............•......... kS-7408 I s.to.AM 1010 :'\OR1lf LONG B t:AC'H \'1r~1n1a <.:ountn Club Est ate~ :"ew 3 hr. 3 ba Condo Luxun Decorator Ex.tr as ·······················! I SSOOODow11 $117 Moftttltv. 3BR. ti 2BA. Cul-D'e Sac Nice Loca11on Good Cond111on Fu 11 P rt rl'. S99 <XX> Call Christina. ~7 2783 $75.000 I 0.75°/o Interest Good assumable loan on this I bedroom rondo. conH ntenlly clo~e tu South Coast Plaza W11h a lowdown payment the owner will help ""'th f1nan c:1n~ Thi ~ up graded \alue feature) kitchen bu1lttn~ pallo a rea b eau t iful clubhouse rommuntt\ pool and more ' Submtt your offer t oday . 175.<XX>. Call 979-2390 I T~IB.L, U~LTOlS , .••.•.•...•............ Prom $175.000 1114 J IMi 7066 SC Plaza. 3BR 281\ a~ sum II I',. $601\ hl owe 2nd Sobmil terms SIOtK ~-1988 ~r,..rty 2000 ....................... H B 4-PLEX. 3 br. 212 ba owner's unit. frpk Super lax benefits 2 yrs new Only $39.000 dn. B~ appl. Phil. agt 972 9300. wknd 761 2594 32 L" 2 YRS OLD Hl':\llSGTON BEACH S2.472K F P S.112,000 dn I m1 to beach Pride· 1.25r; tax. ~helter 1st yr Call Phtl ali.'I. 972 9300. 761 ~ APPLEVALUY TCD~r :-<ear new 4 plex 2 bdrm. 2 bath each unit ,,.1th fireplace, ent'losed patio. garage 93 , r, Isl Pos cash rlo"" No,,. Sl59,$00 8111 Grund~ Rltr. 67~161 5 Urut. C M Barga in less ••••••••••••••• ••• ••••• 1 than 10 yrs old $238,000 Molllttto..s ForWt 1100 •EXCITING• la .... ~ With or without furn . iMJC&c Greenbner llm m Laguna Hills n 1cest 5 star pk. Gr11.a.atrorti Beautiful 214x60 Ke)'.we~t Hm . 2Br. 2Ba This •~ I.hf best 111to""n ""9ortleacll Beautifdl Belair M H w/fmt kit, 12x19 ltv rm l.2x10 Mslr Bdrm F.ncl patio Nr Hoag Hosp 124.SOO CLASSIC MOllLEHOME SALES 2706 Harbor. Ste 206 /I S40.Stl7 owr 645-2»75 IUNITS 7.1 X'1 GIOSS Hi gh demand rental area Assume existing rmanci.ng or Sl50.000 at 1or; and owner will carry Full pri ce 1240.<XX> Call 97'H370 'ALLSTATE REAL TOR& ·~ ---- IYOWHEI 2-4 Plues. 4200sq rt 612 & 614 Calle Campana. San Clemente 1249.$00 each. S23.160 income each S36.000 down in 1982 91• Is l T .D 714 4911.5907 I•--------Two pnde or ownership i--••••••-•I Covington 4 pines . trade for one or both. Great loans. Owner 1.5 rmUvated. Submit your trade. QPP. ast 85J.l217 OWOITUMITT k:nocU often when you me result-getting Dally Pilot Cluallied Ads to readl the Oranee Coast mar\et. Phone 64%-5678 N~;3t/~ri'GHTS. $2 70 ,000 Sam t Agt 780-1756 ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~Wallt to beach, beautiful lri·plex, 2·2 Br. 1·3 Br. Patio. frplc SS25.000. Owner will help flnanc.. Ml-1044 Join us. c.~~~°'w~0 sell V.A. Appr. at $119,000 ~ 7308/963-1600 IMMff 4 Pl.DIS ONIOIALL 911' depndab~. ZS~d.D. ~Owner rtn1nclti1, MaDaetftnl anlltble, Owntr /Broker, 155.1454 l .... UMITS 111 Newport Beacb, Pee Land. 11.75 X Oro11, minimum IOOI. do-.. owe "'" rw s '"' at 12,,. P.O. Boa 71U, Newport Btacll, C4 . _. , • I I I • L Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Monday. February 22. 1982 DJ Olllo<l•ollo..,. -Uotwll•d -u.-....., -u.twll•d "f -·--ApootwohlMln. ~ohlMln. -'800-loSlloro 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '-tw W. 1100 CM Mete 3224 t"8JWo. He .,ott leecti l26t L..-leect. 37 41 COIN M.M JU4 °" .. ed1 1140 ~unJ0ae;~~~~lO~~~:i ~"'fl'R to ~~~r q~:!'. • H U N8TE I cfu G T 0 N ................................................. ,,. 3142 ................................................................................... ••••••••• II 8 h . A • VMtun Keya luxury lol II OMI 011 ....................... Luxury studio ~P• TV 2br lbt d11plu doll hst wy. La11una uc pool. Jar. uuna Non I OIO Siii Wt. With unaurpuat.!d v•tw THILUCKYir.•w Waterfront liru1tdmoor HCAMYOM mllld Hf\lt'f,· J)h~rnr~: bu0ck yrd, i;1r. n1•-. D11W·bf~kLoly, Kitc~r~ •rnkr8467221.11 $ • •3Pr1va(e0ft1us o( Channel Pitt' $$' rs . 2bdrm 2ba Crpk wet I., u x u r i o u a th r.., 1· 1125 wk 499.2227 "4elltftl!ld Pltilll, crpb, drp• 5'8S uva 11 t w win I' i''em ahr l><'h h~I', San • •2 Start Areu bcNtt Owner may ht'lp ltcnl in Colla Mua 1 bar dbl I•~ shp 'avail bedroom~ Two baths llJ71 Newman IHI! 1511 rat.ei. ~ 5294 Clemente. l290 mo + 11 • • Wctb11r flnanre U 00.000 ~F.Wf!~ tl•hd .20 patio s1'100 mo · Pormal dlnlna room Mtwportleecli l76' APAITMEtolTS Pvt cnt no smok1n11 or uul Child~ t:mployed Ava1h1blr no-. 111 1-·1oor -~ 3054"2142 iownhome VILLAGE 1714>1m1111 flit'hlydcroratedlnmut ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ruut1ful itrdC'n opts l.ol)lllaleocli 3141 dnnkeng, quirt M ovt•r 402 7343 ev~ wknd~ C.11\71411148 3133 --COMM UNITY 2 & 3 Br -A .. l 3""" ft OCEANrRONT 2 4i 4 Br P11Uos/decks Spa, heat ••••••••••••••••••••••• :.> ~Imo ~·0637 '"I.,.., ... d t1nwl• Dffeti, 21, Ba 1800 t800aq ft or 2bdr m lux rundo on C'U one» vvv sq Avail Winter Weekly OCIA.H FlOMT "" _,.., )'& ..... 2400 ~ure luxury. Guru"es. La11oon 2 rrplrs. l(at & Jlt'unl oft ma uer Mon!}llv ~73 78'73. paid Nopeli Work1011 fem .. 25 40, 'i ...... , R..tlil 4450 d • 1 S"''O bedniom 3 car aarage. "-2 BR. 2 BA. ~25 M08t ele11anl apartment blk bch. N 8 . unlurn . ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Y ro·tubll In mastl'r many 1 ru "" Imo $2050 month Yeurly Want sorn .. thing xtra 398W Wilson 631 55ll3 building in La11una non smkr s;iss 117!J 17,lti forl...t 4350 Sloreor0f'rlrt'. l3~hq rt ~~~C~~:~~:n~ny~rn •u1te. dtnin¥ rooms, C.11 eve;. 171411140·11ao9 lease. ('ul l ll~t 7300. special In u 2 Rr. PINF.RI UFl''AP1'S ll1•11<·h 1''incstlor11lwn1n aft 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MfljaVerdeArea "~·-try Club 2 Br .,88 wood bumm11 fireplaces. <>!831-2932 -Realtor Townhouse completely 2 8 • 2 ll N ' 1 tuwn Rrc a I ht a k 1n1: Sin.iii: ru tu mi: I', full MH123 \.N\111 4 m1rro w11 v1• ovens. HUMBOLDT ISLAND fum.,$895.Mo 760·!>111 Ip ~ 8 0, ""1 1 Vll'WM All bit in».ht.>atl·d ~·urn rm for rt·nt in IO<'k up, CdM ~$1 rrv1 t'Ofllpletely rum Condo ~nvate patto11 & yards 4 Bdrm with 40 ft dot•k 0 -11 t10 . v1rw. rp r . r oot. s ubt gar1111e Ntwport S250 mo . 770 0347 Newport Blvd rr Ttrrns. Contact Own1:1r Gardl'ner provided S2 2 O 0 I mo Yr I" :erlo20Bk1Rng NBrwplort ~~~z6321. g611r .• 1111:1 !llmt., tdrv11tor l.t'llMI' only fl'rTWll' pref 645 34·111 aft furb1Shed bldg for otrirc 71'/~0125 Eleeant living only IS Waterfront Homes. l~r 11 G C A M Y 0 N u&y · 2 ~... .rgl .,.,,., · I 107 Rl50 & up 330 Clltf Lh 5 Ciaru111:1 ~ mu 2864 Lu IK retail Open rallerb. a.ct... fsw, Island. 7 minutes to S (' --3 Br full &oil <'OU r&e Sll50 ~o Loni! or Short W -. Carpets [Ill 1n 64S 24M or Call An~wrr 8PM ~7 2740 bnck. 1100 ~q ft t 1000 mmules from Fashion 631 t400 COMDO I Patio, Pool & I c~1n1) Qual't 1RR Gardl'n /\pl 1$1 IOl.'I f'u rn CM If M $2 I 0 . Salll', C M C:ull utter ~'r11nch doori.. exposed Gnt .. s 2700 f>laza or o c Airport '"i... 3244 View wnnb1, pool. !iJJa, lerm 646-6350 o H. t'tidge S370 Gu) t~·e .. ntront 1 li1 t Ul'11, 11611 642.4300 R .. 4400 sq rt f n r it > rd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Just east or Newport •••••••••••••••••••••••i leabt' St300 644 7424 Wlutewater oeean '''l'"" Pei No pell! Nr flus & frplr. leaded windnwi. Offk.t .... Owner Agt 673·5369 10 Ac res a vor ad us Bl\'d & so or San D111go Twnhomr. new 3 br 3 b11 Bkr 20 ste~ to ~and N1rel> Sho~ MS 3563 SI n I( I e "r cf err l' d NcwJJOrl apl to empl i6i7'w;;i;1iitN•b•W;~i HJ vtS1b11tty Attrac11vl' Rancho Cul IZ', int f'rW) Startrng al $SOO a pallo. gar Park, JJ<>0I. 2 Hr I Ro Ne11opurt furn1~he1I 2 br duµlcx SlrlS mo &IOS6·2'J lad} Light hsehld pm fln"OCllll inst 70005 I •tore 2330 Nev.port SISS.OOO Xlnt in\•cst month 631 S439. 2473 J~C $975 mo 8339057 I 1Je1ghts \'er) private .• nail n ov. l o Ii I Ute,lric;tt,A.lry Htwport8-oeh 3169 P\'t BH&BA S48 4077 L\lt.noor Aient541 5032 Rhd c M t200ft Cla"~ SS 7 ·3:288 Orangt' A\e Costa l'n1\'ers1l) Park 3RR ' garagt' near lloa~ ~rm 6310174 Large l&llK dl ov.n ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'dM P't 11ntran frontaae $600 mo Nr Vlsalla Is •~re fl11t M 2B • II .,.. """" w patio ) :ir1 up .. " F EXECUTIVE " . ' . esa A S8SO r Sec A .....,..,._ t-ca..........11'-3776 w bal~o\ & cathedral panK NEWPORT l't' gar ..... n puuo urn 6751788 xlnt soil, dilrh v.ater. ~Br enrlsd Amenlles 6734141ur11·do 11 ,tun J 8· -llln.w ,... •v,. I d I M Be.imed celling SUITES 1'eU oev.• 2 br mobile 4 i:arage ... s e" u " no ••••••••••••••••••••••• re11Jn~ rp l'. "" ixxi l.J ~1 &. Studio bu:.IOt')ll spat'e tu ho~ l2x60 rum bid Adults.no pets 1525 mo ~7 2040A_gt pt'ls Aq11I 1mnll'd 2 Br p, BJ v.a lk lo ~pa, rar port :-lo 111·1' COUNTRY CLUI g ruce • 1crov.a•e, IN let ~sq rt S37S pr mo tral"l~r. eqwp Sl75 Jo 773 W W1lsQn 631 4889 RANCHO SAN JOAQl'IN Joan. 962 9311. ~o 3066! betll'h 225 L.i PulomJ. adul~ only $4~ &. uµ LIVING refnit Avail 3 I Quiet. HERJTA.GE Lajuna Bch 675 2722 OWC. <~JS2S 6674 · ~ Br 3 Ba hse . frplr. To .... 11how.e spill lt'\el. 2 ajt /\Jlt H S450 637 7!1tll 2650 Harl a 549 2447 Harhl'loN. 1&2 h••clnM1rll ~~k~ l~~~u!:nS:ll ~ ,LAU ~'TORE 2340 N .. v.port Bl lted&tah fenred )a1d No JJelS I Br den. on, golf l'Our~e. llarbor V1e'll supu. 4 s..to Ano 378olQL'IET Al>L'LT~ u\1•1 3:i ~~~~~~1~~~~<;~, t~lll ind uuls 7$!11363 ~1·v. luxul) offt c·e 'IJac·t• ('M 27x20 for S200 mo Ex~ $780mo ~ dep Agt 2•,Ru A L\lt'"' s975 Bdrrn 21; Ba Piill·rmo ••••••••••••••••••••••• unfumlBr lowl'r s:1~0 Rmmt wunlt'dlo~t11 21lll Ill lnrnt'·~ IJ U\l\''t tl4S~ -..,,. 2100 6'125722 7>17000 I l'Omc·r lol J<•roi.~ from 2 bdrm 1·ondo hit '"' I Beaut! la11d~rap111i.: '\ti \0 l"EI-.' Apt & l'un1lu i\nt t'!ol ilf". ~,75 .,111 cl·ntcr' Eai.) f'rY.) JI ••••••••••••••••••••••• pool pla yi:round part furn, pool, l'Oll\ Pf"ls Lt-:EW,\HO \l'T'\ rl'nlal~ VlllaH1·n1.r1~ ,,. ~~ .._ CC\S 1\\a1l no"'' ('Jll H.-rta.oeh Want a tax shelter• Sell Lo•tfv HCMIW! WOODIRIDGE MEW S 12 o II l I 2020L'·ll ··•11 · 1· 1,75 4lll 2 lln1k1•r lnl'I u1rl ('all Stt•ffil· I ··,--my 1112 year new triplex J bdrm, ~ ba. wa ter. 2 Br den. c·orner unit. I d m ol' 111 r r lransp, ~hoµ~ \erun· 1 ru l'rton h.. I.I\' after 5 30646 6104 for dt:!dl ~ Retail/Of et Space StnRle story: full~ :.hut g~r en~r., a 1''1'~ qwet.rurpon P\I 11at1U TitE Vlt'TOIU ,\'11 "\ey. L..1r~1· lllH I 1111111, Sf1<1t. 551-1231 640-4230 Prune tius1ness loca11on ~~~~nJ!n~~w~}ter~~ ~~~~dni~ ~~'~;: sm tered, frplr . atrium 7601MJ93.ifl61 M I ~ ly dt'rur 'l Hr .... l(oJI It•:.., Qw1·t $4511 mt ~. Hottfs, Mottls 4100 Oil busy Par Cst llwy 114.7so.0734 Near 110 o l. l c n n 1:. 4 ll'aSt' oµll?ns a' u1 I 1n I rtH ~XI<! I ne"" t·rpl~ & draµl''. !'It lt>th St li45 471H ••••••••••••• •• •• ••• •• • •DB.UXE OFffC ES* ldl'1tl for retail or offtl'l' Westside 2 Br I Du S9 7S mo ~o p l'l ~ the Bluff~ Someri1slre~~1SouthLOCJU11o 3786 ins JJiltm Atlult~ I all SJM 1 or~ hr Jph. 1 1111 SULARKMOTEl F'rom I room up ln 2000 W.t' l.(XJCI w '.llJOO ~(J It 3 br house on R2 lot in old a' a 1 I S550 Gara ~t'. 552 0660 siluallons . ·~ ••••••••••••• •••• •••••• I bet~e_~n 1, Sl'M 636 11:w 1 lrom ht> at h No IH'l ~ 1 Wl<I) rental:. ~0" :n :u! sq ft F'rom SI 16 a '>Q ;J\ ail CdM, sui table for yard K1d:.uk 6410763 JBr 212 Bu , FR , frplt· A~ 760 96ill l La~unu HPut•h. lH·aul I ft67 It \tt'loriu 5"1711 li4:!:!1.'i7 Sto~ & up (olor T\ ft ~o lt'aM' rt•q111rt•d 714·645 7100 ,!:~1rt~"~ ':':t!n~~m~ t Br, 3 Ba c·undo. man} dlll ~ar, lilt ini. SR~S 3 llR 2 lla 1J11t1I, cluunl( furn . suill' i BR . sp<1.. AIYT' ~tA:>.A<.; ~:u funtJ~ttr 111.11 lrt,11 • 1'.hones tn roum ~:n I MJ 1\11ix1rtl'r Inn ~172 .11nen1llt'll $800 Dys 64414110 ti6t·4220 rm lam rm 1100 ('ht' I ~iluna s.it1•lltll' T\' ..:... , l .. I r 1·111w·1 ~Ill ~1r,1 I•"' llll' ·"l'Wllllrl Hl \11 ( M Uupo nt l'u 11 "M Conllllrrclol Valu~~!_(M 979.:_1658 73 ~··~· 21 . .,. • · , · d · · k .,.-m '" trl'u rnu111• 01 ~ h• ti40 ~445 1133 3223 R...tab 4475 ti . .,;,.,..,, eve~ 645· ... ~ ,.._, it ..L I NB 51.IJtM1 ~r mo Al(t ma' l>t'.n S300 "" lfi u1111 c•om"lt'\ Ill < M $750 I rl.\ ~l 3!m I t I HA VE 28 28 d d un1Ytn ry para 714 499 222'7 "' t b h h I ••••••••• •••• • • • ••• ••• • r, aupgra e Overlooks park, very Dnv b · IBZ'l2 M.i u 5415002 Mamlt•nanl·l't'XIJ 11•11 "1i•iJ\tnlwurh 2 nr p , On lit' l'lll' Ole 17THSTREET le 2,CeotralCM .450sf Newport Bch Condo for ruce 3 br. 2 ba. lrpll'. pit' 1'2 hdrm. 2 ll~l~ -' 549 04:13 lkt frpl1 lmm.ll·UIJtl' r'.1"m), ktl rhenl'll'.' & COSTA. MESA ~wtoble for office hu:.1 St 24.ooo w S6 3.o0-0 net ram rm S8SO 556 8019 f1replal'e. 2 ,.ar gar Im 1 MEWPQJtT IEACH 1 ~J~r:+L PALM M ~;SA A t"rS 10111! $llS(I 673 2507 \1,'l t 111.1 S200 ~S2~~~~lo\~~ 2 or 3 room offlrt' suites I nesi. or other $225 mo eqNEulEDty. 3Br s•ftgle ram 2 Br t Ra F\111 rarpt'ls. med1att'1wtupan1•\ s;;,o , CONDO ...--sncd 15Cil .\1t'~a Ur '>JlJt·iou' :1 llH :!11 ... riik 1,'. ,1 rp,o!iit ~:. ' rt AC plt'nty or prkg l'tll 6316322 >!0.8299 "' I " ( d ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ? II ( $425 '1 11 n .in ron · '' 1 "'Ill• •I A · I v. ''all residence 1n II B enr '11 garage t'nrc rru :1 bedroom 2 hath up -run um · - r il1·1~., )!,11 Sl\511 flt> l'h 6734154 me \al no ' Prime Tustin & San w similar eqwty & pa) b al' k) a rd . Pal 1 u 6-14 li39_7 11raded l'undo ""ilh n1•11o ~ 3802 rum S46S \dull' C'J II 11;:1 !JUliU oJl(1•11l J Ht'alonom1l'~ 675 6700 Clt'mt'nte rt'tatl or Orflt•t' 11oasher di) er area :-i:o 2 bdrm 2 l>ton p h.1 rarpt'b dra"t'' .1p ••••••••••••••••••••••• txv.119 4 S46 !ll!&1 Vocation Rentots 42Soj .,,., ~q ft \1t''J \ t ~~~e~E~~To1~ Pf"IS SSOO mu 548 ~~~2 c·ondo ·Tht' ·Lak"' phanrl" ...... ,h;r drH•r l'ff'lairs 2 hr .IJJI i·n1 I Si:.!;. mu .I fir ~ HJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ':rt-~ l'rl l' spac·e iJO IHCI 1:131116!1!1 768-0022 orn().5629 I Xlnl If)(• Beaudet ra·I lrJ~h n1m11a1·lur pout ms/KIDS OK 1(3r:l"t' $3H~ mu r·.111 Uuplt•\ UjlJl.-t \1•v.1111rl on·.A:'>FRU:\T :! &. 4 111 >15 4123 bJIO 12 w ,.l:;ast 11 .... \ JBr 2•,&. film rm dm rl'<fd nu pt'l\ $650 nhl ,pa 1h1bhouSl' ,JunJ APTS HSF.S C:ON OOS aft ti~m >Ill 11!>1.1 Shon•' 1r1 .1 ~.nt I'll \\,111 Wintt•r \\t'l•l.h 'n TRADE for hume on ,,., d •1.,11 1.1~1 allart'as pr1tes l!.,ra..,, ""''"n' 'iuhm11 .\lonlhl) 6i378'i:I BAYFRQi..JT 1!01'><! fl rt'lail)<tlt-s& udo. clear 950 acre <·at nn. rnodern kuchen. al ..,.14(lS() an I!~ m ~ ' u pt• r • .! H' l H ·' ' ' ~ 1 hed 2 .... 111 rnonlh-Ut>tllifitibt·~l SISfeeGu.ir ~10535 11nd11ldn•n&11<'h PJlmSpnn"'Jr«J •\fun 3 't-r\l('t'nO\\JUto~tert'o lie ranch. n r Hr) J nt lac· Ecldar g.ir. ~I R"""T '"LS 20ti3 ,·, L H 311 < Jo ~ ( l'IJ1 ·' i 1•n i 11·.111 ~I. M<; \I I Ii~:! It.OJ tnr•·\ ,.,, ' ~·11nd11 .·1 111' ., Pnrre offlw 673 100 S99S rro 213 869 5985 or Head Utah Lea·~" for • rno 2567 en A' t' (" I lbr. Iba..,... " ~ .. ,.0 • ., ..... , Mt. 11..t.. • • 'L • ' ' ~ni U\nft .,.., L·,r~n """" ll·,1 .furn "Jl11u1r1 5a.1&5i2:." fl SI OO JJt-r'~Wl~ caule. gas & 011 Lo"" OV.Tirm """~ Jbr 2ba 51!25 ..... ' lolloo f'.-.5Wo 3107 HEWPORT CREST " " h h 1 I •••••••••••••••••••••••I hr. \{loll' no P•'" 'iii l.u\Ur\ .Jlwlrm :!'• llJth (;011 lenn1~ ll.lll> '."'\~efn'1•.•3911;,,3H2mh '\II ........ -trialRfftfot 4500 laxes. ig apprer .ul~ CHOICEE.SID"' Jbr2ba $1151lCu)lJ \ll'\J" II h • R" "'t"'hSl ·11 •1•11 1 'I •· thl t · .... "" .,._ r h •· r h ., ·•f'v.µurl I( I\ ., u OCE'"'"'FRO'"'T "' "' • ~ ,,. " 1111 •W1tl11 "i·l ll,1r lr11lt· \\l't'~ ~ oi mun ' r;1 l'' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 untang"' IS IOI( 2Rr l3tRa frp.lr, .blln IA'Ra1sorRll\llJJllfiOO • . . . """ " ~1!121i IH1t1I lt'lllll' I u'lttm ,)\Jii ii~ SS H HOOi (lffl('(')Piltt'furn•nt 385 .~H .39i5 H1n·h 8860su 673-IM3 ranon O\Dn, dsh"\hr . I (.iµe tod dl'n .1:am1· I. bdrm. 2 IJJth n1'Y. p k .. ANT "' ' " 3 BDRW/SP.. room J.l'ilr ~Jr 31.H)ll~ n"lnl & ('<l"""l ''e:ill• Rpum) J 111 l111<nhu11w lll't:. 1lr1.1~ Y..1llp.qwr !15 .\t J!. f11r .\l,1rk )fj rt 't'l'Ond flour ft orlcb~ :'il l,\ zone.St> w ED.HouseonL1do1 ruatio Pool $600mo .no ~ rt lk I h h 1 '.... .... , 11 .... ,< L • h h1 I Pr ll"IUU· W1·~td1 rr ' \ I I f .... 2000 beaul\ S750 mo '<I · "'d 0 1" <Ml 1 11.'a.w $7~ l.'all Lm1l.i or apl 111 41111•1 .u u I 111111 dt ....... mu r , •• , ",.\lamrnil 3 l rm rnnc 11 eb ... " · pt>r ,q l , l(l'n Is e or income proJJer I ~ls lll llam1lton M 0 n 1 h 111 Ill 0 n 1 h ~la~ l(o I l'JM' 11111.11!~ Art. 1115 illtiO plt•i< Nt•\\ J1 tli•1·111 ,111·11 11okn1b 1i7'1 '>K:.!u S85 SI Ill 111gh1 area SI IJO '<I fl \I 1·1l1t'd I 541 5032 ty;_fnn on!} 642·0369 I \'en mte 2 BR. hlth• iS9 IZll aut C'all 1>1ana. J~'\ 63t 126h N . & HJ> . • 1 rtrl'JJIJ1·1• t•11t'l'd p.1111t &. S!\'IJ'> lo IM'.lt h :i hclrrn :! I t!i9 53\).1 Hldg l'all 645 li~ll i 1200 3000 )lj 3 Uruts. SJOK Equity I l'Uie bouse on f. Side · · '" ()(' RL'NT IL ' 11 'l 3 "2HA HJr \ "ara••e \dulh uni\ 1 ~ •-h 3 . .,,, A .. , f'tpk. bll in,, gar. park ,.. ... h.r clup i•\ ~'111 mo \t•ar Rentals to Shore 4300 '"' & t05 Easts1de CM ~ rno 962 7940 -oc 248 I fl br b S200 111 S2oOO 111., t'liisi• t·• 1,. • Sol'!) no IJ<'b >575 ~11 '' I "' ~5 mw, <-><L ,1 1, 1, 1rr .. · ,1 "u6266 .. v I\ " I l'ol .. j • • .... •••••• ••••• •••• •• • • .....,., • (1 rl \a l ( 1r, I Sf> 0 4 •' r ft b~ Npt (\\) From l)'l\eert-.,...,. BRA.'1/0 NEW 2 ll rt ('ON ••••••••••• •• • • • • • • • •• • 7SO 3314 7 eta~' tX·ean llrkr li75·4!11 i 645 3l!l i·,111 II"" n !l :; :io WATERFRONT FEM IL£ park1nl( k1tl'hen1·1tt· 'I'<' 8.51 89'.!il lllllllllll-1111!111911tllll.,.._i-I DOON f.Lot:N ST OCEANFRONT 1 . 1 Ht>au11r111 2 llr :' 1\,1 ft ISOO'lMainSl Hunl Bc·h I qwl1es in ~ l lt7 1 MOllLE HOMES . I s;<~R~ 2 Rt~f~J(t'l 111t:,i~ 1 S.'i50 n~1 < ·vrp1·h tl" WITH DOCK ROQMM IJ£ Da'I~ Jantr ,\11 ut II pd StoroC)t 4550 arreagt' &,Lrg hoUSl'.,.. i:ar lot~ or 2 m1 of P'1 l>l'h. 24 hr 3BronJ6lh t . 7SU N ts S· , ·W IJ•& h11oabht•r \•.111 t I 111-.d 1111•1· ~ llr 2 ll,1 ft ,\iall no11o'1714 tll4H :llJ3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Smith Rl\'erfront homt' bit ms l bdrm S-100 mo St'Cunty. lots ol c•oves & NBayLrrtdo5B,r ocBk J~?i I c 0 ~s ~\ al(t I (\ H75 tiliU> " 'l':t Ill IO~lr Ila hll 1n I w·NTED' I 5.1.0.l ~q rt ft>m·ed. nr So Tradeforres.commor [)t.'pS.l20 Callafl !'lpm rocks.2Br.,adltsonly. vfA~Ef~~ONT 0 ~eY.t'rl 111 p,iltu&. ~1t.h fq•l1 illtl1·.ir ft I (.',t Plata $2Sllmo mdu.s. owner673 9473 646-2542 A\ ail Man·h 1 I onJy.no dog:;. 4 lo rhoose HOM ES 12 BR 2 Ba. lbt l.i:.t & $:!IHI I! .i r a i.: 1, , 11 111• 1, 1-(,trJl!t' • ~ .1dil1l1t111.1l I l'o sharl.' 3 ht"dnw:m ~'" t)fhc1• ~Pot<' fur lt•J'<' t;Jl 6322, 540 8299 • . from S650to StOOO 17141 63l 1400 set dep 407 Har{!mi: ~' m5 rni r..i•, !}!,77 11H ,1,p.111•, $l:WH1 l>ton \'wJo hou't' Full $150 1m Biill.111<1 ~'land 'Sturaj!t' \rea or 3 rai Two pndt or ownership Easls1de 01 2BR. 21l,\ 499·3816 I 673-9521 . . J.R. Prop Mqn. pm ilei:l'!> S.1m ua lucl t'all •:!IJ 1289 !1301 :i'k I t:ara1:e -.:r 19th &. :\pl C . I P\1 \'rd All Ame ml le\ ~.,R--1. B-A ' I \' 0 ....... roNDO OCE N "'R<> NT l I IHSTAMT IN ' fi7'1 tili 1 Tii5 hliill 1111! u11hl11·~ hk for I ror .\Ir Pt"mlwrton l'l\d ('u~ta ~1esa Allt•\ 0\ 1ngton 4 p C la('~. $.\5() 67SU'l62 "" . z . rp (', 1e11o. BAYFR '" ' A r • H . \\ k l trade for one or both e"" Carpet Older Cot Le 2Br. 2Ba. sec bldit.1 qwet & se('urr Mluh nu S415 mu I lli I llJ \JJl HEf'TUNE AVE ~ • .' 1~ .. a, l'l •Iii;; i!l.!H "r NEWPORT IEACH ·\re~' iS9 02611 Great loans o-. ner 15 t: 'Ide Cull age. 2 br 515b9a5 taoe __ ~_S M_o_ l[l~-0_349 ss7~ mo Av a 1 I no-. 1 .... Is S6SO , rh mrl ulll Jo'rpl1 1 .;11>or1 l.111111ln ,,..., '""' • d R _ ---"' .-' · k It l 'fir :: llJ f1111t ~Jr.11:1· AIRPORT (.'u~wm 11( ICiar.tJ?t' for rl'nl 1111 ITOll\'ated Sobm1l .'our pa tio ) · Rar BR p · I n.. Ad ll s pre re r r I'd 673 6372 ruom t JI " 1'•1 'u11 L' d Qpp 217 BAC'llELOR. S3'1S l'tlls 3 . 2BA. anta "'ean m rhh 11111, ""nl ""' ~ m• >rh '>ill 1loll~ f1n-s . liOO lo ll«MI 'Q ft Balbo.i Pt-n nelll tu cun .!!.~! agt 8Sl 1 pd 631 -4320 al(t View House Close to 67H775 I s:r,o Lr111 pd 1 Br du11li•\ lSL :.li:mi h-1~ <It I.! Jl>clr m ~h.i duplt•\ •·llc,umt~liuc ftum!llr Jlt'r , r i'.i.me 1111• ,21.11, 1 s1s11 Bch 4~1460 t-"'-• 327'-417 E Ba• A\e lhlho1 II , I h •.\' ..,, .\1ull.tnRll.\ ~Cl29tiel rm 6732!MJ 6;J:r.i30 a~ t'lt-an 2 Br I Ba endsd -bd -S800 -"--• So&Z·Ol!lO s.'j7 l t5S · · rut 1· I II r " ' .1 r 11 11,.·~ '" " H ( f -.. _ 1,L•1• 'l~··a:.. l ~ d "'!l 2 rm No bleps. •••••••••••••••••• ••••• . "' t I S"v1 n1 n ~ 111111:1 ,. ' ~ a~ W_..•d 4600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• !(cir pn\alt' ~ar ·' ocean \'ll'W 90S Temple Ocean VlfW, Spanish 3°· 2Ba d•h··shr 'l•\\" r.OJ~ '111' .. .,. II " l\cnnln ....... PETS 5495 5486680 "' '" • L.111h,•n 7~:.':.'1'17 111 .. 11 Bl<. tllll "011·J11 \u · I I HaeiMs Fvntished I . Terrace 494-0154 sty~. 4 Br 21 2 Ba Wood mature adll prd '" 11 5 , .. ,,..,, 1'11(( llJHn \Jt•,j $1i1Hl Olak•,1.t IJ f)!t''l Jj!t'lll \ I execu p an ••••••••••••••• • • • •• ••• i lmmJ t' tv. nhst' 3Br ~ha 1 __ W..:..., 3252 dttks. frplr prof de I pell> A' ail J JO f;Sll mu HH k !'\.~.i7;4 11 I.! i 'lt• I \11 l'lu•nb ~trt•l'ni·il "11 h lalaoolsicmtd 3106 e111ldbll(ar nr SCPllJ .......,--•....,-. cor 14•asher dryer. bit I HIY 6732512 rri l'tn .!llH ;•11 \ ht & I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Poul kid~ ok StlUO ~~··••1•eo••••1••••c•1••b••1••• in s . man\ o th rr St. 't ..... h 1 11 ~:r11·l1,.,~l1;,1rJllt' lJ1111 '!Irr :?h,1 )!J1 1111111 ,un I> tit" rPi•rt•1111'' "J..HewCOflcept" Allractive r 3 1 wious 2 Br ·2 BJ lakt' amentt1e~ ' u Pt' ' hul(l' yfl qu11•l .,tr1•1•t ~.,·-· p 1 I \i ,111 \l.u ,, l;1•xl Mo~n1111: \nwni .a ttffll'I.' & dl''k '"·11·1· .••............••...... JlST :>I \HHIED net·d homt' nPar t'11as1 Rea• Mll t'.111 \I 1k~ 5-1!1 3/iill 2 B 2 H I >tl -37t ·•1~ue un" u · ux N l eps o ~.tl' \'U 1' " dn BJlrnn\ $..'otM• \1 11 tli•t ~ 111,hv.."hi·r 51;511 <'n'flib < 11~rn<qHthl.ut ~\Jll~en1l·l' t u~lom Avail now thru Jun(' Vlt-:W fR0\1 ~;\'t:ltY \lt'W rondo on 1(1111 ~00 mo +, s1 200 1 1dealfnr ~plP Nnk1d,11r fi.i.~'~71.11n1 .1 .. 1111 fii:l .!:.'lli 1141 • .:1·1~ ~hotl.\ I '\r or A1rpor1 S6C!_~ ~75 9667 RM Ne" 2 Hr 2•, HJ ra1rwa~ All amen1t1t') ('aluln:k.o·n+52 2 1 1l03"9e2:n;11n91?6I Pf'lS $475 mo ul1I p.1111 •1:11ff• t11.1ll111·v. ·Se..·toApprl'i·iatt•' C4ndo micro 'Pd ~I S S ( $195 fu I I :ti; r·3 14111 1 llr $31111 ''' rt'f 11uul 11~:\t'll I hdrm hril(hl dienl~\\huni•t•d a ulan· ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• 9 · · unurn rn da1h 714492!r6Jrvr' yq.nai, 11 l2:1"ll;11 5411 11:.r1; lk "" ·---7•5-989•i•ll---111a0pinftportwt• ity SOOS .-wport .. och 316 6iS 1781 6617566.aft 56615642 &"'k~d · ·' kl>t>plrymj! 1 .tnd.iin ,It t1n•o11i HEWPORT641-18991 • •••••··~··:•••··~···••• ~);1dr lg l'Or 2 hr I ba 2 llw Shores JRH 2HA I ~ 2AR IHA \\ tth r1rc•µl~1·1· i\dull rumµlt·~ no p1•1\ 'rl~ ri ·fr1i: t11·J m1·tl CaMe11 \1llagc Mdb1le gor Patio lrt•t'' l'h ~l'I (lcl.'an \'u t'11ol Spa.•Santa.Ano 3280 ":JrJ~I' llalhna l'1·11n 11: 2111 lH.1 h1 .. 11111r111 11·11in)!' ""1 hi11tn·n~o1 ---------MEWPORTIUCH 1···,•:•l•l•O••:·,·:•K••E•R•Y•••• Ho~Parkf'Urn1~ht>d2 okS.'195499111211 Sauna Tenn1• \p ••••••••••••••••••••••• f' 1•,;"!'!67~H't!l<' •'PL' l1•nt'l11.1r.Slhll11111 1~·b i\1,111 ~1.1r I $45o :l'rorShr .2DH .. 2B,\~·c1~1 •rt'LLS~.:K\'IC F• .,. .,. .,. Br, 2ba. pool. adlt~. no 1·111 .1n ,0~ C'uJrtl 1.'..1 .. 1 Rr l HJ l>in1n,i rm oin ...,, • .. I :">Ir Santa \n:i 1'1111n1n 1~·1 n)1 :11t1h 1'1. llall10;1 ll\1.'I RlklrRth r 1 rd p~Offi S 41 Yr' :i mon"' makt•i I t h & 2bdrm. F ,liJl•. ~iS mo • \,~ , ... ' r I 'I I • II \rt• I ll 1 •·i't "ti'l'I I'\ 55115.111.675 !llil!! EH.'' I . n Cf 1PoCt pets, c ose 0 s op~ ' SJSO M'(' n73 .tR!l!t SA75 ~1o 9ill ii 10 \fll'r 2000 ~q I :-..~~ ) rl' I CorOfto dtl Mor 3822 l u I .• IH l!I: ' -• • • . • . . •Sutlt'~ from S-19~ Tnp l<wallon adjarenl restaurants $7Mimo ~r 5 Wk d·s dt'l'tltirlt•cl S1 .10 n111 •••••••••••••••••••••" f Si{! I• I. •hi ·• 1111 hi:l!IHl.i 'llprol m.dl'Y.lll~hrll!t' •lk:tn('hoffit•t•S!lll mu 1111lalb11.11'111ll1on G1,.~I h incl ut1l 673:1611~ nr 5492515 ' n . !l"l'Jh-123.Mtil}249 •Ne11rth1•111·1·:tn. lrl! :! llr ''It• ri:i• 111 ~ ~ \ ~ll!'\\111 ~... ll.11 hur \ 11•11o ht11t1l' 1'.,ll"i52f\41l" li•a'l' f'orin!orm<illon • t h I SHORES (;,Jll•tl h1h l'1 lot pit IMtltlt .,.ilMI I It ~II •3-;, '" n 1·525· 1~. I ;n IHOI f:XrX' :I ir 2'' .i poo · ·• 4txlrm. ~bu lrg homr ri• m J n 1 a 1111· n 11 1 l' ~ 011 !>lo 1~; ~ hr ~ tt.1 lrpli """' n " ·• t u · • ~ • • \1 f.I. fl'(' llS E -\'JEW r.• home . t•hcf~ k11i·h S6511 t·omm 4Hr f:im rm 1t1n d I d h s;511 nll 1>11v' M l 'ii~i 111.,. ~,70 1;.i~ Iii l!I it~l lllJ02 HEAL TOH .A • r or ml' r )(' RF'NT \I S "$0 3314 rm pool. 'Pa Hrh. ll'n mo I' l' . l'Hl l on~·' • & k d 631 61i'IO . 2 Br I'. llJ l t•v. 11h1t11w ~RT C"""TER model. JBr 3ba Orcan I •• I -I. OI) SllUUmo uv~ •21:11 ~)~) ~ la't ... S.1511 ('\t'!I w n s . -111.111 \'ll,1..\11\11111\ Shrlr1:luxh11mt•V. prnt """'""' ~ lii5 81211 \If\\ S2000mo L>t-nnl~ OC:RENT.\l.S 7!1n 96113 Eit·~ r it4 1 ,.,e1:613 4899 .~9~15 ~lmu2BrtHJh11n' ~:~dl!\,t::1'.~'~ ~5111 ~In ~h.t lfltl• mirro ~~~~~i!t.;~&.dt•JJ &ctftftttOffiee Ricketts & A\'>Ol' l Sbr'~S200lnS200lt l95-S030 eo..dominiUIM pool nt•'lll) dHur>1ll•il 645 41\J'i .1 1 tH\'•'" & h•H \lt•v. "'"""""' Soace MORRO BAY &'ii_:~ 750-3.11-1 i du)~ U-L-t.L.-d \1Jlllrt• JllUlb ;\11 lkt' S8110M~6U!I l'd.\l apl to ~hart' Ov.n SIJUl112U!Xf~q rt \\,111,1 Equip rt'nlal l't'n ler SHARP 2hr lrl( i:ar MisMo.I Yitjo 326 7 ...___.,. 3425 1\gt, iii'! 1199 19 Ii 1 DLX 2Rr J Ha ( untlo rm & ba . Ocean , u & bldor Leaw f:,1 bu~inl'S~" xlnt lul r d t TOD\Y 54·5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Be°~~~··2b•d;;•;.~1·n·rl~· St1 llWY :?HR Ill\ l'\I rrplr i:ar lnrln 1"'"1 YlllAUllO.A ff1Jh Ref\ mer JOH~ CJll\\m F ('1111· lllHlea~l' :'\a1·1&lnral UDO IAYFIONT (:}'"R·F~Ts.,, s '-so 3~14 llm1F..S FOR R ~::'\T . I I 1-:ntr P.Jlm 1•nd 11!.11" patio S700 mo f.4~ !/YClll l.Jrl(t>l IHI rm 111 'l'I unt \ \'all bt•lore 11'~ oraft I for more 1nforma1111n lru1·k rent JI S60 000 2 bedroom and den 2 "-" -1 3 Rdrms $675 ~ l.'n<'t>d pnme S ( 'laia Ill " I 1 • 1 bltla \ 1t•11o ol l'Jl.1h11;i ....... 1 • .,.. <o•c rt < .,..al t"rfalls ,lrt•.im' qwel \fJlure J<111lt,11n mma tUilll'r.'V·w1ou' " IOl'\l.S260nio640-048S ,, •~.,...,, . ..,..,.,a .. pm bath. prl\ a le pat 1oh DCMG Polftt 3226 yards & Raral(e~ l\1d~ & I $800 I) Ref Hl'q hi!\ 1111, BR nt'Y. i·pb ru11·r.·1l Sli.'iO rm •11;.'l Hiii:! I t11 5 'lain nnmte to shr 3br t Cote Re all.\' ....__to lo-5025 A\·allable t hroui: •••••••••••••••••••••••1 pets 1<ekomt• 545 2000 ~pa poo mo &M0097 pallo.t'nclirnr S575 mo l'\l'S &.,..kn<hll~ 19~5 '' ' ·~-1 - 6 30 82 Sl.700 month Dana Crest JBr 2ba Agent,nofrc • 17t41673 90t9 675 05411 lst&ta~t. 'l'r ,0111,h house in lrvme v. 2 pro· & ln\l''tmr nr !••••••••••••••••••••••• Broker.6317300 frplt' nice )ard 2 l'ar :! Hr RJ\ \ll'"' ('lo~t· In A 5-W ~ 3 rl'~s1ona b ,\\arl 3 I 640-5777 --------1 garaite 2 Yrs no Vm /Newport 8-oeh 3269 . SO. COA.ST AREA. ht> Jr h \' a 1 I :i I gt t l. SGI Clemirntt 8 7 6 351 3156 55111681 _.._._....,; I block from bearh Dari dean A\'a1I ~arrh. Call !•••••••••••••••••• .. ••• l Br. I Ba . A C pool rt-< 1\5tl 1n11 tiiS 90011 • I Br Condo llr s ( ••••••••••••• •••••••••• F R Sh 2BR 2BA ....,.-..... e\es 645 1771 or9GO 5844 jllarbor R1d.1?e lea~e I Rr fJr1l · St'C 1i:att'~ no Plaza SA Patin 1'1101 SJ..N ClEMEMTE mml r t ResidtMt1: mg I Br house Sips 4 3 Ba. DR f R 'tud~ pets $.\3() p p 968 31i52 I 2bdrm 2ha )!Jr J pt Spa. Carport S45ll ~m Cioll n111rw hill "''" 2 furn .ipt Lai:una Brh. ,--..... ---•loc--...... -__ -•. Rfftfoft: -Jo '""_631_·1266 oro II' yu ,.rJue11 :'li1•y. <'Ono In .I( 2 r 7091 ~ lleh11trn111· \q• "' )!.aroom .tJll .. u1 l '"' 11494 611\9 Larl(e OU1 rl' Spal't' .... ..., • Winter rental $450 BT 3232 h hi P" .. , fJb\u . d 1 , h 'lla.Shl.'r dncr $6110 mo P"'OK 1... u 1 On•:in\u terranre SJOS rn,... "'""' I Offii•l•'ldl-~·· ~ ... _ -••••••••••••••••••••••• guard gale. pool tennl'. I'• ba. rrpll' pool iat. • S493232or641 llhO r;irpt'l' clrapr:. ;! 1111 I ('oronadel M:ir 1.oanstnS250.000 erm' Decorator's 811' Canyon HOME FOR R 1-:~T S3200 rro Bob nr ""' 1e ass()('1a11on dues 1nrl li44 6400 • 2 Br 2 & Condo nrl cnl'I0111'<1 1·:111wrh hwn l'rof :10~ ,hr n"'"' :t 111 · :.q •675 9510• 10 3 .1r.trs l'all to see 1( Townhome. 2bdrm 2ha 3 Bdrm S675 Fenred Koop.a~ 759 1221 $6i5 mo Call a rtl'r 6 s.s.50 Mo Lrf! 2B H llli\ SC Plaza ~ i\ l'atiu. dry fa r1IH) r .... o udulb b.1 hOU't'. I m1 lo St' v.t' ha\e tht• best rate~ adults, no pets $1100 )3rd & ~aral(e Kids & 1 &~7-605t /\'a 1 I Im med NO Pool. Spa Carport ~75 I No Pl'~ ~~ mu lt•a~l' l'll11a 751 59118 •t1 !!pm l 1---------1 3,311able for your loan A . 646-~_5 pets wPlcome 545·2000 IAYFIOMT PETS. (.'a ri.>0rt 559 9265 No Pets Mailable 1 mml'd1atrl~ l'rof 111 share .... ,a nit' KOU CEHTEtt en 11 Mr Nelson 1714 1 3 BR21 '2 BA + blutrs Con Ag_ent, no fee 2 ~tory, 4 + hdrms. 2 THE ILUFFS DPLX 4 blks to hl'h. 211r. ~-3232 or 641 1460 Owner 17t4 1642 01311 h1xunnus 2 Rr ln lc•11•l 1 .,_EW,ORT 966 0755 Cam b rid RI' do 6to9rro's.SIOOO mo Foul'ltaiflYalley 3234 b:iths lire pla n . Sparious four brdroom. ~ara!'C. wshr dryr, SS:l5 Datio,oint 3826 Adult Studw S1uv1'. 1·11 11{!0 " 11 1•"' & Elegant t:xec ~u11l·~ m Capital Group a Beautiful ••••••••••••••••••••••• gorgeous view P1erand thrt'e hath rontln mo 7601356 rrfng.11t1I $24!\mo umen1t1t'~ Sre 111 .111 prcstlRIOU\ ltw lnl'I t'ahforma real rslatc _ ~ 760·96711 4 Bdrm 2 Ba. lrg fenced slip SJOOO ~r mo A\ ail .. Guadelupt'.. M odrl Colta Mtto 3124 2··r;··~1·c·;~·;••1·~:~~ SS2.'i mr1vr 111 4!12 OIHO prt'('1atc· lhirb.11· 1\111111 sel'ret aria I. r 1• t l' p brokt'r also art1111t as a yard. new rugs. frplc. Feb 1 Near ~hupp1nl( ancl ••••••••••••••••••••••• hakon). ~ltra).(r ('h•an 2 br. IH'al ort'an M<Kl 75905911 t1orust. telt'phonr JO~ & lrnder Ho.ft Uwfwllfsti.d l(n!at family home. no schools S119S mo Y~ar I IR. 2 IR. 3 IR. 24682 .. A .. ror<lo' ,1 lli $375 rnt 1~1 & lu\l mn 251~l sq fl rondo lo ~hr. I~ rmre Ofrs from S43fi !•-------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~tsS750mo548·19Q4 lyleaseBroker6317:tOO Ne11oly dcrnr Gas µti 2t3 4'J226571collrrll :J32 ~}ic•mol.n S\' S1•1• rms on h1•a1111f11I rm Onrall ofri> Sl6S I( ME ""OR RENT I .. h M \pl e(' 1;reenhll & 1 IC'"" 11r lht• mo T II E II F. AD Ge.ral 3202 I ), r , 1 l'nc gar 11 wns er .~ 8-h 3840 . anager1n "l'/\ltT L'.RS.· •'(J M ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Rdrm $750 F'enc-ed 12 bdrm. 2 ba, nr Su C'oa~t pool hhq Adults. no •_,, • ..,.Oft oc I ha)."" piMlls ~~i ;1111:1111 .., r ' yard & garage Kids & Plaia S600 t\dult~ uni.' pets 642 51n:I ~~:,•1•2••61R•.•2•R••1,••:j1~~··.~; Hr. SC Gtfl' Hosp 640 6.'.nl l'At'I ES A 11r11fl'~swnal I 515200() .,.,. " I hdrm ~lo\t' r arprl' t'O\H11nmenl 1i14 t P'ETS/IUDS OK pets we <'Ome . . 5<IS 1241 INST AMT IM! Beh Best Area. 'le• 1'1'1' ·"oil h •b ~ SJ'ill mu f 25.,. to ,hr I' \1 ilu11l1•\ S5t ~I AJ>TS.HSES·CONDOS Agent ,no ft'e Canal F'ront. Newporl l s:Jl;Smo I Br I H:i 8JJ.J.l!7.642lJ39 R9lttioM .1flliJO Lge ~d pet o r. List/allarees.pnres ~°"leoch 3240 Short'S.4 Br+ Leaseor m~KIDSO., Adults onl y. enrl<d l2Br1ba,nrllunt llrhr SantoAno 3180 S225rm + ulll' l'on Sl.5 ( G ucn nn< ,_...,_ """"" to bU" $1500 mo " lal'I Ka rt' n 5 l 'i !11 SI tt uar <WI/"""" ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,........... 't lk Af>TS. ES CONDOS garage, washer hook uv Ellcl gar. encl pal111 nu •--------• 2 bdrm condo. new cpl. Tennis. poo · wa lo small yard Call for pets $450 mo Isl IJ~t + ·:••• .. •• .. •••••••··~·· X2IS dnJ8, fndg. pool. ltnms. beach Agenl 646 1044 or l,.ist all areas. pnres appt S2SO 842 3889 I COUNTR 'r s ~. TTI N r. Female lo shr " i.amt> ..... ,.,_ 3206 handball. clbhse No ~;ms SIS ftt Guar 850 OS3S TSL MGMT 642-1603 ser. CONDO' 21Ji 2h:i pouls F\1m nr Orangt• C'oa~t ••••••••••••••••••••••• pets SS2S Isl. lasl S200 IU'!. C '"'"'YO'"' LSir. SlOO-off 1st Mo Rent 11ym encl} ard. J ~. bit College n smk 545 4009 Blyfron\, buch. 2 Br 2 633 •• """ " '" *•MEW•* in\ crpt~ drpl>, frplc Ne-.·port Beach near IUSINESS ADDRESS An s wering & malf sen 1rt• con ferenre room Ad) OC Airport $100 rm 714 SSI 1342 LOA.H DUE? HHl>CASH? romprt1tne rat1>~ on rmrtul(e lnan~ l'l 2nd or 3rd TD nn \tlllr re ~1dent13I or inrom .. prop Junior loans to S5 rrul Courtes~ to bkrs 7Q} ISSI Stt'\ e or Duane Pn\lte mone)' 11\ a1lable from S 10.000 up l' II Tom 642 8852 Ba 123 E. Ba yfronl. del' 768-7 _ 2 BR McLain Condo *f l--..h fMnNshd Spacious 2 Br. I Ba S395 kids pt't ~ ok SS9~ F share 3Br hou~e 111 Hoait Hosp 1000 sq fl . Balboa Island $1200 HOMEF'ORRENT Sll25permo CallGtrry ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~!r,.1',Ba 1 ~~9~.11.,un *AWdlt HltSdAS•1 1 7fi0.<8>2 C M"" f' S188 mo ._ '• Sf'COOdnoornfhces.am Mln--,Tnnt winter $1400 annual 3 Bdrm. $700 Fenced 67J.7761or760·1397 lellools'-d l706 "'-l 1c ..1!00 ""'!' """-onen e ap uuls + dep da)s Sand} pie parltinl(. well mam 503S Herb,days213/478·3S77. >·•rd & gara11e. Kids & POOLHOM-E -·~ocCP'"'CY! 2 Bedroom ~llh'-"'lwd 645·2223. e't'~ Nanry •A•Aed bldg vi~k >• days •••••••••••••••••••••• -••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ " 2 blks from ore an • •1.....&..-1 .. 1i.-..1 3tOO ...... , ' • J peta welrome 545·2000 3BRFmhomeBkBav 2br.lbi,ror2·3people. $400/mo 2 Br I Ba , or~-548·7428 714 645·4800 . eves s.ttltf'~Co. C.-.. M• 1"2 ent noCee. " avail 3/l9~6'12, on Bal 1 h d paddletennist'ts ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~-mmateto shr con 7 4 673 3112 I All t r I t le ••••••••tt•••••tt•••••• Sl200/mo Call Soianne Adull.s. poo . ea me balconies or bkynrd SE •WI lit.JD 1 . eave ypes o rta es a Spectacular ortan 4i rlty 3 Br 3 Ba Spa. I blk to 675-3«5 agnt lsle Imo 673-~ ce1Ung. laundry room. carporti1 "" " do Ill N B $200 t shr '!'fSSage lnmtrr.nts s1nre 1949 Oghta view from every bfath.S97S/mo . l yrlse &!per Harbor/Ocean Vu ... , ...... l707 No pets. No last mo i.lllutilpdexceptelet' v1u•GE util 646·~ oc Alrportarta.1120sq S,.Cttl .... room Larit2 Br rrplc CaJIAft4 536-31115. R b $ 239 rent Nopets "" f 69< f I WTOt · t't · __ ==.: -, -3 8 • 2 a. 1185 mo. •••••tt•••••••0 ••••••• TSL MGMT 642 1603 AUanta·Oelaware.118 New 1&2 bdrm luxury P roommate. C M . S2SO I. sq t + uti 5· rnany ame n 1u . Sbr.2ba.S82S/moSwm <kean View.675-2967 Wu'ller Renlals."'1 8lkfrj -· apl.tlin l•pla ns.l8drm mo +~,uhls 645.2968 ~7~U.731-3692 '4.2-2171 545-0611 11310/m>. Call Anthony mini pool, Manna H.S Sch. lBR 1460. 2BR SSIS.' • 3 Br. Condo nr S.C. (714) 536· 4400 from S400. 2 bdrm from M·F aft. 7 m or wknds ()fice apace for rent. 606 daya 642-5757, oes ai Call al\. 51947.31103 Fl MT Sin e $300. 673·932$ I Plaza, S.A Pool. spa, ~10, Townhouse Crom Shr 2 br rond~.-F;-;irvi;; sq n. prime loralion. E. 1~,:td~!tr::~s1::~~sh wknda&1l-8'30. l 11•1• IAY O Bach Full Kit. 1350 Yrly ga rage. $'ISO. 2br 2ba in l ·plex $475. 1640 + pools tennis 17th St. C.M Ground 2BR. lBA, f'rplc, Pallo, 3 Br 2 8a "ap':cious & ~t:l.an~u~~.~~dla:f: Incl util. Quiet. Mature.I ~3232or64 1·14GO w·d hk·up, prv patro. waterfalls. po~ds ' ~a~1 ~~~~r~~tennis: noor Avail lmmed fe~~~r;fo;iell~te~tl 1;.~~ Gar. S100 Pl Sec Dep l'!llde M8-1331 bedrooms, five baths, Non·Smlcr.673-"80 Beaut. 2bdrm condo, enclsdgar.64$9494 for rooking 4i hutmg $40.34921754-64&4 1&50/mo . Call Crala Pr1n only Cra111 Glass. Def .f1J.-1MO. Evea, rn. ----I prime S.C Plaza loc paid. f'rom San 01~10 -BIUey,631-0213 ..._ Nearbch2br.2ba wt dininl room and den. eo.t.MIM l7241 Waterralls. streams . D~l2H, llA •'twy drive North on,__, man w/shr 2br J!e_t_Ma~)Sf_.1_221 LIAS! OR OPTION •b pr,pitlo• pet 1495 Tennis cou rta and •••••••••••••••••••••••I •P• pool $800/ mo . l mile beach. rrplr. Buch to McFadden lbe cltlux apt w/pool MmtcAL SUfTI Inv tit o r I ' Wan b "' ew hm. 11~ OC·RENTALS 7so.33i4 ~~·1 :':.~.tes~s8~ .._..,.,....,_ : <11•im-eoa; 875-0S40. ~~ b:-~:.:Jo~e then Wat on McFadden .ant'eu1.om 28 eq. ft. front 1round led·SlO.ooo total or •·OftrlA&l.1.,_, OC·RENTALS mon&b.Broker,63MJOO. Jmllrl... i alarm, bakony. Water to Suwtnd VUla1e . ...._..t.o•oceutroot floor. aardn aettlna. 10.Sl.000.20'l,2yr loan 1.$br'all00tol2000 Two teanle courts. a1111nect 1dvertlsln1 11 Plld. ._ &et0tt aPM 714 s1•. .... N.t..•-. hni. pro1..-.1 bkla. In top PIY Int. •'1 mo llOO'i ._.11• '7»Sl14 7-da)'! t•lmmlna pool. Jae, abttterwaytotellmore -Mi•' · ,... ... _ arMfl""9ortBeacb. •.>PLUSJOO'I De,. 11J &Wirotea•..... GttOREEN cath W. eand .olk1ball, peopkaboutt.hu ervlce -·· 'W1 .... MAMI ---. Xlat atcttt to Ho11 wntHlf PLUSIS~Taa .. . . I .... , dtl· u I ....... •W ..... (or WHITE eltplwltt Wllard. Sony I DO peta, '°" bave to offer. Au I •• frpk, eatlo, •lk·lo J\&111 .. llDhanl I bdrm • f..-t draw In the Halp. St.IS lq. ft. Loaft Q'llll PLUS s~ "-~· /1,., SH ... ,_. ... ""'· tU9 wltluClwUftdAd •• mW.Beier. about our low ratta lo-daalla, pool, IAlh lvaa apt. All utll pd. All 'teat ... a Daily Ptlot .._ tt... atall. Ca HU Ht. Call IUl , ..._....,. eauea.wra 117.-rl w........ ...., amnll.lll. 11, d..Ma>: .._.,.,... ._ , fBW. ~!A~~>' for a 30day ad In tht , ... , MOT SllYICI DIUCTOIY DO IT NOW! .......... Your Dilly Pilot Service Dlrertory llepmtnlativt HJ.1671, eat JJJ Orange Cout DAU. Y ptLOTIMonday1 F1brU11Y 22. 1812 ' ........ c.,.... ~ . •1111 ..... Mlllbf ,..... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8ahalttllll Mon.fri Cab6neb Counter tops Q.ECTRICIAN -pnttd TRACTOR. Ideal for De111>Ulloo·Oradln1 BRICKWORK. Small Quality Pt&. Low winier MR.F.O'S PL~TERINO •t!lperiTl'MPrunlna• Newtlon'I to 2 yra g to Doon Greeohoust win'. ritht. free eatlmatt on 1111111 a«tH are ... 48" 'l"twport A1pball, coo Jobi. Newport, Costa 111t.e1 In effect. Uonelit, All Types Int or E•t Commlrclal Laod•npe 5:30.Jl/hr.CM.sd·2"5 dowa'.1 flnh h work lar .. oramalljoba. wldt Ku~tukiploader rrtte l tree removal. Meaa. Irvine Refs r£1iable.848·54M8 ~ freuat ~ _ ts7·Ull --- -™'4QI Ur. 1111a1 673 ow D>hr Ins d 542.sooe Soll prep at plantlnc 0'7S.3175 PAINTER NEt:DS -CompleteTrte Service I ' apecy · -UC'D£L"',..,,.RICIAN--Operaledeqwp Comm 'I EXPERT BRICK AND WOR"!.,. · 1 / " ill 9 C.O'lcln·upldrri1 . ....................... "~Strrke 1=-"1 H....... &iRelid 'I 842·76311 ~ .,.,yraexp, nt ....................... 5310814 Forallyoun~lokoow :::".'::'; ... ••••••••••••• Qual.work•Rl'll rate11 ....... •••••••••••••••• ----• M~ry. Small Jobs &r ext Acouatlccemn11 Oralnl clearedfromSIO Lawnrtn0v. · about benkruptry. call We Cart Crpt Cleancrw Freest. 431·$072 Tom Carpentry Ml!IOnry tla ude .. , Jt:Jrw Ji'rplc f1cm1• Oav!J Palnlln M7SIM Plumbins Rtpllrs Tnlf ~ 714111H1&2 Stc1m clean Ii uphols TOP QUALITY ~la gf lumblr'i w;t~•it°EALLV.CLEAN• ~l-0.SS, 760 7°'4-Colleae student 1 yr• ex •'rM est. MAM M2·9033 ••••••••n••••••••••••• .._........__ Truck mount unit Eltttnul work at Drywa lU(ro 11' HOUSE; CaJI C h l..ANDSCP/MASONKV per. Int/ext. rtif11 D1nll -.. DEUNQUENT' ~ Wotk•uat. 645·3'718 Reas.rates. 531·5055 l!.erri>del. J.8 .6489990 Inc um Conrrete.Lk.lna. 646-l8llll lbeptrvln•1 ,......,M••• Jud1cial f oreclotur•s •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• '--~ -----"-· 1 M l t Girl fo'teeesbU5~ 20 rs Free est 536-0914 ·~ -.: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harc*i F McGr1th t:.Sq .. WICI & SOM ~~brili .hstteam cleahnt EltdricourSperially' R;;.ii;..& ~~~:r1~ea ROBIN'S CLEANING l.\latom Bnck,Stone. ......... PROPllTY Mt 1711 n ... 1.1--Slnc• J ... 7 -.-vo & enert, w Clean, qwck, depend a ,.,..,& R "·rv\-a thorouahlv •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ........... "l'!.IM ..... T ---AJdhi:: Re~d';Una rrp\S . 10 min. bleach. ble. Wedo any size job. •-""""-, ~-•Y 640·5,'44 c~ ~e. s4G,of1s7 Bloclc. Concrete. Stucco HANGING SlO/ROLJ, 0ra;"~·areats yra ,...., Doon. windows , patio Hall, Uv /din. rms Sl5. __ •_63~ HOME IM PROV EM !!:NT LOR RAIN "S HOME '!e'!. t!.ee ~t. ~9-9492 Slnppln&·d11c on paper e Call for Info ••••••••••••••••••••••• roven. F'reeest. Reas. ava room 17 50. couch R~DtCOMM'L/IND REPAIR PLUMBING I SERVIC~ ·ttt;FS MASONRY Vl§A/MC 245.9325 =;.t:.~ Rtadlna fl related 1k1llJ u 1310N2 ~._2110 110; chr S$ Cuar ellm 20 vrs exp. Do mv own Healing, carpentry. tJC PAPER HANGER Credentialed. up, car c. pet odor. Crpt repair W0:1t. Llc'd. 41646:8126 elec. tile. Free est No Owntr~ ~·OSIOl'va Uhtft 615·4lt~ Bonded & guar Nu jub ___ tj_~ IJZ lntf;,. Spe-t•i1Uzm11radta Uit~1:<fv~~M~TS 15 yra exp. Do work - --~~small 645-2811 TopQuallty/Reas Kates ........ loosmallortoolarge: --·~•.,.ir 1 4 644 '1179 AddltionaliRemodelin& ll. Re(s.S31J!IQ.!_ RoorCo¥trt.J REA.50NABLE Pref(:13aclh439elo890r h~me6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• F'reeest. Tony898 2728 •••••••••••••••••••••••I Tutor Spanish All MCI " I N0Steam/N0Sb1mpoo &"ri:ei"&;•Ll~~l~·u•;,0;~; PROMPT FREE EST ----UC MOVIM~-UC. PAPER HANG1'~ft COMMllCIAL Levels. BA Degrer ••••••••••••••••••••••• B.,1\1. StalnSpeclaUst. Fast Home. Van & Motor ALMOSTF.VERY 'nlEBROOMSQUAD quh:k·t·11reful. S52!MIO Bonded & guar No JOb =USTllAL w1cttden1l11l Call Lorri P/RQtrUea·Fln. Stmts ~ dry. Freeest.838·1582 Home B4HS95 Dave REPAIR NEEDF.O Quality · Reliable ----loosmallorloolarge Dan•~! ~!.662 ~pl.Set·up&MS:~ c:.,.t/U........., h• • DAVE64H 757 ~clea~ng_ 673 31}1 To~~lu~~.IMs~:rial F'reeesL Toni_898 27211 Turn lost or unused WIMowC ..... ....................wg Masonry·Carpentry·T1ll' Exp'd Housekeeper . care m handlina. 2S vrs WALLPAPER space into a workable ••••••••••••••••••••••• Have calcul1tor. will r'sSpeclal! Crpt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plumt>-Roofmg·Remud avail mornmgs Hard " ' All kinds Free esl area rooms d 1v 1ded. "Let Ule Sunshlne In" travel! All acctg serv. u.phol. anlna Scotch TRIES §tucc»_!)rywall 536·8700 working. hone111. relia· exp. Competitive rates. Sil/roll. Lie 330986 dl'}'Wall, drop reihngs & Call Sunatune Wln dow C..11 for appt, 760-7l22. Custom home s, fr am· uatd. Frtt est. 972·8839 Topped/removed, rlean Ray · s H 8 n d y ma n b!e Refs. Call 631 ·7596 Noo_vertune · 730· 13SJ Norm S45-<lll80 1.nm rarpenlry to com Clean111g. Ud S48·11853 ~ Ing, remodel, French C--"/"'-----, lawn renov. 7Sl·3476 Service. roof repairs. aft. 5 STMOARVIVNIGNGCOAMCTPOARNSY •ruE p P-ER H -NGL'R pletion Call Tom or J~ff 20'1 Mo~l'!!Y Disco.!!!!,!_ doors, skylights & patio -~,.... K&DL.ands M · & • Don' S d h s '"p fA '·t A k"• at661·29l3or493 3886 •RF.SIDEN'llllAL• .. •••••••••••••••••••• covers l48·3M2 •••••••··~·.!•••••• cape amt. painting carpentry 1., t pen t e umnwr Fast & Careful. Lowest ru . quau y wor ,.. AIJ.STATE PAVING · RES1D.CONCR€TE+ Resid/Comm Clean up J:.rsexper 646·4336_ Cleaning your llouse Rates Luw Allows M C f'reeest SteveS47 4281 ~ Avg I sty SJO. avg 2 sty Seakoatlng. Striplna ~ ~ Sport courts. Lie. 374067 Lt H.auhn . Mll·2489 _ Qlltry. llm rprs, drwl. Let someone else do ll Visa. Lie.• lrui 673 0853 QUALITY ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ns 957·8388 Repairs. Comm./Resld .... ••••••••••••••••••••• Bob85H966/847·7078 Garden 1 n g Comp 1 pn t n g. r n t 1 r x up . ror you " " 11 C' id I REPAIRS FOR LESS • = Uc. 1397362 645-8181 Cablneu ' Carpentry Q;:; t--I --clean up & free hauling yrdwrk, re as J i:rry . 631-4908 PupenngtPuanlml( Shingles. rt at 30 yrs Drivew•-. Parkina Lot Small jobs& repairs ... , _....-,, '" for u.uble items. !IM-3395 COU.EGF.STUOENT l"ciWiilcJ Joree~ Janis ~2 023l ~Kp f'ref ~l 770·2725 • "'-I~ • Free esl. 645·2003 ••··~··•••••••••••••••• Mi h 164 Will clean •our condo ••-••••••••• • ••••••••• Wallpaper contractor & Repairs, Sealcoatlng --Exp d reliable cleaning _r_ae 5-6734 Ben's Maintenance Sen Ask for Brue~. 775 3681 , .. ~le p111n_t1n~ by Richard Painting Lir 328240 o c Huber Roof mg all lypes • S&r SAsphalt c.,. .. ., lady. good rers. Call CUSTOM GARD~ING Plumb·elec carpentry ~nor. 1.ic, ms 13 yrs of 23 yrs. ~ary Gompf New.recover derks • Lic631·4199 ....................... Udu673·2S84 Resid'l/Comm I Pamtin(_ Call~ 5231 Ha•HittllMJ happy local eustomers "94-066 Lit• •411802 548 9'734 Attentyi ~p~~,~~tl~~ eo.trocton. GMH'Cll _Cln·u .893·357.1-_X 43 SKILL HANDYMAN ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1iumkyou 631 ·4410 r.xpert~llroHnni.: m ROOJo'LEAK""'"n • ....................... docks 2Syrs 645.3749 ....................... 1ltEGRASSHOPPER SERVICE Compl home I Houses1t1er Exp W11h CetoM Pailt~ slallallon tteas pm·e~ t:ourtnghl & Son • · AGGRESSIVE LEG AL REMODELtADD·ONS Complete lawn ma ml . repair Your needs are Refs. Avail July Ca II 25 L <.:onsullanl /\ssianmcnt Rnorang • Representation. Law of· FINE FINISH WORK &Carpentry . Lic'd Indoor plant speciahsl I our spec:i 11 It> M 1 ke: 714·~·S844 After 5PM yrs exp ir 4 1 5818590 " Free F..1.1 51!6 5292 fices, 24 hrs. s.5·8422 Rerrodeling/Doors hung 2S yrs Irwin 548·2719 Dom1111c642·4851 00 in en!s L.....-Tu lllnded In:. Refs Color • Randy720-l.260 CdM --COMM 'L-1RESl-D -----ex~rt 963 O!lll Dick WALLPAPt;RING 5lrylC)MI If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. tall 642·5678 Landsrapltlg·Yd Clnups ! ....................... NELSONSPAINT ING ~:xp'd, bonded t.11· ....................... f ***** Remod.·Add'ns-Repairs Treetrim-Expert ma int. HmlllMJ EXPER. PREPARF:R Int Ext ttesid1Comm C61366843 Dtscounls on ••S«YUGHTS• • •-------Tiredof PlamWalls? In· V4"Y reas Lie 390250. _ _Jim851·01?-I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Enrolled to pro('\lc:l' A •· Rf v.allrovenngs Free est All Siles l nsl11llt>d --------... .......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Babysit, our CM homes. I crease the Va I ue & ' Jack H Bennett. Jr Mowuig SlO Sl5 ~.,0 DUMP JOBS before the IHS Quahly I C'OllSht' ('eiung.b e 5• G~at Pnces. 631.9255 n. Blc&nt Mllilltpllu Beauty ol Your Home Gen Conlr 552·9142 llauli~g Dumpi;;'°g &Small MO\·mg Jobs atrtas r<ISI S492418 hr'd Freeest 8372637 Hodl·739·5800 '" onthl<>r.,..eo.t With The Richness or ,.._.....,.__W --SlH20. 7S4·9904, 955.0095 Call MIK E646 1391 n :DERATF.D L J B PAINTIN<; Tile Lic'd childcare, loving Solid Wood. 496·6961 _,_ oodworililtcJ M 1 1 T , QUALITY REAS P-ReMO•al ••••••••••••••••••••••• DAILY PILDI' Clrt! & companionship, La-;fta.ted Ca bltlets ··cu··sr···o·M··H··A·R··o·w··o·o··o·· ark a.tAH UP YOUR .ACT nt'Orrll' ax St'f\'l('l' ' -.....,, ""·9383 aft 6 ~· TILE INSTAl.L ED renttdyd.556-3098 .. ~. Res1d eomm 1ndus TODAY ' Yard gara~t' -631 4871forappl ....... ,'"" 0000:0aRYAN°T~s:000 AllKmdsGua;anteed CLASSIFIED Uc'd mot.her will care for rr.: ~;l;~~~~ l~tenoi:s. bars, mantles. Maml. clean ups trre I ctn up. etr I tun trurk I FAST ACCUltAn: Im' EXT PAINTING Wallc'Ovenn~ Rerno\al Refs John 840·9217 ADS yourtoddler Mon·Fri.lg · --I libraries. cabu~ets, tnm Pree est s41ul9ti $!:5631·1993 (24hrs1 lnr<>ITlt'taxser\'11'eyour l ~ahly work Rt'a~ AllTy~s 6421343 Cl.l!>LomCeramic Tile yd, nutritious meals Cuslo'?. Carpentry By bookcases •. skylttes . Pete . HAULING )ludent hai. hom.-byappl 9636821 ~;,:Dt'SAtNOet~\A'elS4NT714N28GI Promptsen t'reeest Yov Cons.tlt.fondh 645-5313 • .. Jay (Formic a & rust mo ld 1ng R ers (i..,d ~icH lge t.nx•k L<>v.1•sl ralt• Prrsonal & Rusmes~ lo "":" • ~ "-hr/Repolr Churk 67S 140!! Trodt It Writ. o Wont Ad Tile! 642·8809 or Ca ll ~ Pro <·ome Ta x ltelu rn l lti}rs0( Topquahty ••••••••••••••••••••••• loVU1g.exp'dMomw12&, Answer Ad 11620 at o--a •••••••••••••••••••••••1 mpl Call759·1976 Prepar;iuon Avail ror Neal St he 334950 Nl'atpatrhes &texlures 25Yrs Exp f'reeEst r;;-;;642_5878) 3 yr old, babysit for t M2-4D>.24hrs ., .. _ TreeTnm &Rem<n:il Thunkyou,John E\•en•ftgs &W~kendAL I 645-0089839·11186 frHH~. 19~·1439 ReasonablrWurk Guar l ~.. . sarr.! or younge r FIT -----••••••••••••••••••••••• Home Repairs "' ~~ •n John 492 3382 $35/wk SS6-Z724 C·M 'Custom s pa decks , DRYWAU. ACOUSTIC 76M&5or 673-9043 John's fast mo ving & flee or llome Appoint QUALITY INT EXT PLASTERPATCIONG -· - · · patios. Fr. doors. L1c·d 14yrsexp Fully he'd& Set h:-. hauling Tree yd gJr ment.s James L Z1m L1c 'd Refs f'reeesl ltesturros Int ext 30 Sdlthm~l>fdbt\\tlh0.111.\ Oasslfied Ads 642·5678 Jam or Rick 919·3218 ~ 532-~ Pt~ ~~~[~5Jt1th Daily C'ln·up f'ree est. 842·45!17 mi:rman. CPA 64S·421_2 • •646·1067 .. yn. N~al. Paul 54S·2977 l'1lot Want Ads yr & up, anytime. 6U.-ill2. 646-5759 WO!icJU· Tnttt 50351';=,"'' ~~!'!: ... ?~.~~ ~.':'!~.~!'!! ... ~!.~~l~!.~.~ ..... ~?.~~,~i! ~~~·~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... ~!.~~ ~~~.·.~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... ~!.~~ •••••••••••••••••••••••1 Lott&Fot.d JIMPEACOCK SCRAM-LETS . •••••••••••••••••••••••I Babysitter who rnJoys DfttdOfcM~ HOT8.IAMOUET WIDOW HAS SSS for••••••••••••••••:•••••• H.APPYllRTHD.AY I I FOUND ADS Jot.W..ted. 7075 rhildttn. needed in my Enthus . errmenl & or PEISOM i op .. ~o~~ed~o~~:~k.1~~ *•-.:wflh 5 I 00 W• Lo•• YM ANSWERS 1....................... Balboa Peninsula home gan w bkpg exp 4 da) Needed ror luxury ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brown Shirts. Glass l Kirm no Mirth ARE FREE 1 Young ma rned m:i n To care for my 3 sons. I wk Pd \'ac & holidays Laguna Be arh .hotel Penalty. Dennisson As· Jars and All ' <ktet Dorsal I would like odd Jobs ev~s I Mon & Wed afternoons. CM 546 3000 Cont a r t Jan FI ood SOC 67J.7311 •SPlllTUAL C'ROOKS . Call· I & v.kends Can do a for lhe next 4 wks, 3 30 Oen 49'14417 •FIXEDRATE2ndTD WDIMG• from your • variety of hand\man to 530, S250hr Pam I tal Receptionist Of EOE •FUiiy Amortized IB15 S El Camino Real. _r!llov. mmale:s Two or this coun10 !> 642-5671 Jobli 912 9525 eH•s . ask 675-1211 ~C't'be~:f.t~geN :l~Lfrf;/ - - • San Clemente 492·7296 !There's an eas~ "ay ror b11igesl problems a re for 8111 I -HOUSECLEAN ENS FUii): Assumable FUllylir. yoo tu sell that btrvde rnmt and water pollu FOX 646-.41168 needed for domest1t •No Pr'e· p ayment SELL idle items with a I )UO no longer usr ju~t lion I Lhmk we're ~end REWARD!!!! II OL;s E~ LE AN ING · 1 l.AIYSITTH Dentist cleanmg sen1ce good kf PSken.alty t;>~ily Pilot Classified adverl1!>e 11 in the mg e,·erythmg up tbe t LOST Blue & Gold I TR'! US R~as Depen Person needed to AGENCY I Orfho.RDA C::>' \ood hrs Call Rob· As or ip. 546·0283 M.. --Class1r1ed' Call 642 5678 mer ~u! the CROOKS. I MACAW P" R Ito T da~le Ref Call 631 4692 babys1L 6 yr old girl I hr ~ • j Energet1 I' exper'd Assis e·~ ag Mop S4!:075Z_ •••••••••.................... I ~1rgm1aPl&t:lden A•e I ~r ~~ e~·el)•day,Mon·F'r1 Will Lant needed for bus\• HOCSEK.EEPEN To (M 646-1322 Exper TypL\I fnr perm tu.ve lo meet child aftrr pra<1ire · h\ e·m, age 30 55 pre· • , , , I p T or t Tm my home srhool at 1 S.Spm & keep ALL JOBS fRff 546·5170 Ask ror Toni ferred. ~ 7000 • EEK SPEC AL RE~ARD l..o~t 2 Doi:~ PU &ti I . 5562124 until appro~ 2 45pm 8 DAY W I • t 1 Sm Brn pupp} I el\ MUST BE UEPEN 0-sHcH~ HOUSIEl.J.~IMG • • Medium Blk Curh Temp iobs. your offlee DABLE MUST hH' CLERIC •L Speak some Enj?hsh $200/:!f_!ll 8 Dollars • AAer4PM 968 6805 skilled secrel:ir} pro v.11.hm walking d1slanre 1 A bve in ur oul also rare S da:rs. 9·4pm Perm • 8 Days • 3 lines • • 1 Found Rlark. brn. white 1 of read r r .... rtl er 1 10 Stonecreek Elemen TRAINEE for 8 rmnth old Call on ~s1L1on ror mature. • Its easy to place your 8-Day Week Classified by mall and 11 e t young female Husky ~·2142 1 ~~rl.gesr,~~1~~ ~l~~~e su m e co I I e Re Sut So~1~~::ie:J4 .. :Jia1~~~1h ~~3a~:l~l~ . mix llunt Brh 897 5097 I lo answer phnne & Lake • costs1ustS8-that sonly adollaraday1 Tooualifyforth1s I M.&..W..e.d 7100 call 552046l arlrr arrounttn~ C'aS~t'~ ot•rTll!llS y • Loi.I BllkMbrn1 rorke1r :::?.•••••••••••••••••• s JOpm neC'essarv for th" Tel eco~'u~ra lion) n.ossages Car nt>e' Gd • spe cia l o ffer you must be a non-commercial user o ffering rrux . sm . ~1ge ro I excellenl opportunity lo working ronds Small h d r I t $800 d d th t • I c Sh $Sil JOln large Newport eng1.t1eenng firm needl> family Send reph 10 . • mere an 1se or sa e UP 0 per a . an e pnce m us I ar. vir ameo. rs .ACCOUNT AMT F/C R. k e st 0 re n ee d s Beach office Grrat draflf'r.I expencnced m Ad. Box 43 Corona del be in your ad T he cost s tays the s ame whether your ad • rev.a rd 673 2859 ' Pos1t1on w Nev.port energet1r person for Lero~. ink & pencil on Mar.(_'A 92625. • I 700-008.5 stock & ,·anuus duues benefits Salary '150 \'e!lum & ~h far Good needs eight days selling time or ,ust one • l..a;t f yellow Lab, I vr ~~~m p~~~~yla~~:':itit 2146 Newport Bl. Costa I :'\o typing required atlltude & ha.rd workers .... Cool& • 8 o .. td, v. ,le. alh.er rollar Career Oppty G L. M_!S!._ Rite 752·1>301 need ool) appl) K & R Mon tlird F'ri I 5 Non N I L d & p R h L' J rroker S80 ~k 556 1737 • Use one word 1n each box About 4 wo rds make one . ea a . r. inger A . A ~ emp ll>IS IOOl(l(Hf'EI F/C r. n ll n e l' r. n ~ • Bo is a Ch1ra II R lll rmanr1al analys is U for CPA firm nr 0 (.' CLERK f714 l>ao 1614 INSL'RANCE Exper ac<·t • class1f1e d line o f type M1n1mum ad IS 3 lines Please print • Reward 897 5192. you're brighl .... prior Airport 752.93!16 Earn Jtlnl "10111.'\' part assistant for eo m • plainly 962.<W192. F C exper ' wt>'ll ht>lp -No work experieMC' l•n selling hn~l·ne al I n.orr1al lines "' maJor • f ound s ma 11 Shelt i.· tram you & provide for necessar). but mus I horrr parties 675 4213 ms brokerage firm 1n • r-----------------------------...., female 2 6 Ga rdt.'n I career ad\anet'menl IOOKKEIPEI F/C I ha\•e lO ke) b~ lO\ll'h :'\ B. s a I a f} r 0 m • Grove Area 636 0.,.7 Call 64().0123 Posillon w Npl R~h In Some hghl occounlm~ Ex,per d Floral Des1~ner mensurate w ex per, for • I 1 / \estment Firm baC'kground or da~sc~ net'ded Carriaiit.'Trade an appl call 1714 1 • • F'ound. Rntlany Spana t'I. ACCTG DEf'T Responsible For daily I would be a plus Th•' I Shop 645-0093. ask for ~ ~ I • ma I e ' • r l' o s I a Nt>eds mature nuriibers f1.t1anr1al transart1ons & pos ill on 1 s 1 n 1 he Sall} or Diane • I Mesa SA 754 0630 , I ooented person Proper Comrutenzed G L's insurance depar1men1 I FAST FOODS 1-·GJMh~·~~~~ng in • : • ~~1. L<>p earecl rat> ~attJ~te~1.r~ ~<Xf'':° fu"rj£~1~: R~~~1~:dd j 1 ~~~:a~~.w~7rt>8:~~~ i PWt~'R'cm~~Jl'Ee. ~~;~/0ln~~J~~~~~~ • S 8.00 • hit , gray wht. yt>llov. Answering Sernce. no 1 excellent benefits and , 260 Bnstol St CM no prospect.ing Attrac I •Q aft • collar7~J734 exper necessary Part starungsalaryofS100 1-G-11\'e compe nsation • I ' .vv Found M German time. full ·time shirts IUll'!.• •• •• ••M Rite 752-0301 female .Ym t.rstroC'lor 11 package. xlnl fringe • ..._ ,,_.._ Superboches. A Nev.: F11 beMf!Ls. mcludmg com • I 13.20 Shepherd. brn blk . near avail Located in CM TECHHICl.AM ness Center 1n (osta pany paid dental Rapid • Bear h & Ta 1 b er l Call 646-lnlO EOE 631·3465 760 3685 SECRET •RY Mesa lS Look mg for an I ad\'anremenl potential • • 8472240 Apartment Mana'1er Ex Cow.tMabr Operations se~res of ~t~y8s~~~~·lyenf~~etc\r~. Some auto exp ·. & • 15.80 Lost. 81 ue & ere am periencrd couple Reaul So me ex p erien c e 1 m port ant com pan) Start Marr h hi Ca 11 casualty ~1cense desira • Persian Fml kitten V1t' maintained 44 units. n e c eu a r y , a pp 1 y needs mdi"idual with John or Rud\ for Appl ble. but "ould consider • AddS2.60fore1chaddltlon1lllnefor8tlme1 Mariners Highland Costa Mesa Adults.no between94mpersonAI · non-expenenced 1n -• 2 20 646-NS p e 1 !> A p 1 + W~ERLY MARI NE. dirlaphone typing I ~7141 ~!931 d1\'1dual 1f otherwise • salary /bonus 642·4907 1638 Ploce nlia Costa kn ow 1 edge L• ii h 1 RllHCH TUTOR qualified For appoint· • • Pft"IOIMlh 5350 wkdys94 I Mesa&t2·0146 background o k Needed Must learn mt>nl C'all Jud y P bl h d f 8 d t t • ••••••••••••••••••••••• SlartJngsalaryS900up Basic French Cor Lra\'el 1714 11i6·9HI • U IS my a Or ays S ar tnQ Attc.ffs MaHCICJe APT MANAGER lihc 752-0lOI 213·$92-4045 Ironing person. non • C lassific ation e Open 24 hrs a day Semi·retlred couple. for CASHIER ~ETOFFtCE srroker 10 do my ironm11 • 7 days a week 16 unit complex m C M H you enjoy working ~· 'U'f 1n your home. ex per • 69 Gorgeous girls tn Maintenance exp req around 8 musical en· Wanted Minimum 15 v. refs 675-4725 Name • pamper you. Jaruzz1, S49·0433 v1ronment. then lhis IS w p M. Ac r u r a I e • • Sauna.Locals aswellas Assembly -the job r o r you General Office & Word LEGALSF.CRETARY • Address lou r is t s Ba n k I M M E D I A T E Knowfe_Jedgeor !Okey pre· Processing exp req wguna Hills Recent uni h Cal1 r probate ex C 't Z Ph • Amerirard, Master OPENINGS ERSITY $1300 Per Mont . penen«necessary Ex • I y IP one Charge. Amencan Ex Gettmgback mtothejoh UHIV +Btnefils. Contact Mr cellent typing & s H • press . Diners all market' STEREO J. Toko,Unitedlndustnes skills req'd Cull Mrs • Check o r M.O. enc losed 0 welcome . 714/645·3433 Toppay,bonus. Apply It 1829 Newport CARRY 714-644·9805 Winslow fo r appl . • • 2112HarborBI CM Nt>vera fee' Blvd,C M 642-9S31 ~OFFtCl 8371060 Charge my ad to: • •Lite packing FOX lnsuranre Agy ID Cosla • •Warehouse AGENCY M h f LEGAL SEC'Y • I U...L. & V1'ck1''5 Workrloselohome H<i~~~t~U,. esa as opening or Newport Center real 0 -# Exp LIHM energet1C' person to han • ·~ · VICTOR • 2091 lusiness die Ylriety of offt re estate hllgallon fi rm • L • 8~~~m~R TemporaryService ~tH'!1r~:...~~P~f07 CewttrDr. duties Must~resi::ns1 r;;:i\~:2Se~~vpeXln~ • O • # Exp. • ntANEVER! 2411RS $56-852() E.CoastHwy.CdM ._ Sh. 100, Irv. ~P~ ;J~~~n~~neN~; typing. dictaphone & •• L------------------------------•• 6~1;~~1R7 ~~:;rJ.i Isl f'ronfl~~~~ly 1n. ~>'.l.t;?nu P~~1r~~· ~l~rt~nnd~~~ r••••••••• WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE •••••••••••••i s urance ofc n'eds COOK LIVE IN. Aide, Nurse. 1 • AT TENT I 0 N person w t p h on e Aggressive talented in General non·smoker. M1F or • t NO POS T AG£ 1 •PIOFESCORTS• HOMEMAKERS pe.rsonalit)' & typing div. min 2 yrs exper, Orange Count>' rirm hlr couple. Wknds + PM : 111111 N£C'SSARY I • llAM-4.A M. Need 3 people who have skills, wilhng to learn I F'renrh Restaurant. Im 1111toflll 18 positions in t\rs S.1 wkdys Rm + • 1 " ' Mon·F'ri 840.!M3I 10.lS flex. hrs. per week business f IT. 8.S1·3013 med. Call Mark 640·1092 •Secretarial. •Delivery salary. 645-0092. 1 1r MAILED 1 • Kenny Grass Can eam up to M-$8/hr. Ask for Patty Royce •Distribution .. •Rerep· Manicurist for Nall u lon • 1 IN THE ' For complete lnforma-~Aultt.t h I • •· Q • Please call your sister. t.ioo caU · 5'f.1t42. exsif-rienced~ Newport l~lSt Ii ot er pos ln Newport Burh Ex· 11 UNITED STA HS -· 707-4112-483$ l Love you a.m TYPtST Be h om 4 d ..... istin1 clientele a\'llla ·: j BUSINESS AEPL Y LABEL ;_i • :. ~~~?.,Jm Amb, .. ~: and ~ !~etmn:ele1t. ia ~~ . .:::.e 11 t ~~ SST1Al1T1, ... 60ATO ~:::;:rr;.~:::;: i5 Fllt$TClA\$Pf1t11111fHO u CO$TAlllUA CAL1FOh •A ICoedawouldlovetoparty Cirll 10.U yurt old , to lookin& tor • Clerk e~r. wlllin' to learn 9 6 • wllh you. Leslie or wort one or two even· ~t~:=rs: ~::'o~~::a:::c. :/,'= r.paar 631·MM. • 15 POSTAGE wu ee P•O B¥ •OOAESSH m s y Iv I a. any t I m e . ~~~.:.~~e~ul!~•;rp• curately " word pro· lice seeks op team Pll YI.Al Mtdlank.MBE•ptr • • ~ Orenge Co11t Dally Pilot 3 e 161·a6 llona Transportation ctelOftaper a•·• hrs., orimted lndlv lootln& MO IJIPll. fortlan madt. Volvo. • : I .1·11 P1·1·· ~ • • & s,ice :::.,~r.i:~·:~0:1~:~~ io~~:=dar!;~~~}~ ~~.~~,7:inr:~bt: · 11ntomir.e"~· ~~.• Mtrudu. 3: f e Clll3to5:30Pll,a1kfor ~: blahlevelotuteem. Youn&Ptople • ol iox 1580 : • I ~1113•..m :r"'· .... .,.,, .. ,. -i;i'°'s ::::,.j•f:,::,i:~"!; '";;;t,::::~ "":':ar-1 e .. : e I N • --1"1~.,.. q •131·* tWUnUST NnTaf liflywlaw. • 330 W.11~ "'· g 'MERCHANTS/ Bual· Au1oaa-a.c.au.r lrrillt,CA.a114 Mlkt 1"I aclttrtlalnc .....-~ fOROwll1 -. Mt. •••l \~ I Cotti MeN, CA 92121 ' • =~· eopte Do rou laperluucl I• •II dollar -rartbtr! Ult 111· lal.IT'MN. ~__;.UaMI. • . : • . '° a«ept THI PIMilla •• llrt. Hiit· Han .......... to~ .,.. ~ ... ,, UJ Hom t ....... M!'Ykt :r .. -'in, MT·- ·• • • 01 •• ,.. ... bull· ..._.._ .... to ..u1 ci..tned 1a u.a..... *"'°" ............ •at l •••••••••••••••••• _, •• ~····••; ~~~~ •·lll~r IPM, .. ·~ -C.U ~ •t•apaptr. t!.::.:~~nap . .. Ortng1 Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 22. 1982 DI ..... w.-. 11 WlllM 1100....,W...W 7111MllpWllllM Jiff~• t IOIO ...,_ 1060,_ H~~ ...... / .................. !~.'.! ..... ~~ .... !~!! ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .................... • ... t0101 ........ ~ ... . ................ llC.,..OMIST Saleawoman lj)par4l nPtlTJUC9'T I> lilt•. New .. Lov l"ot Sa_w POA Mare, II •OallaaAquarh•m ....................... Wiri n 1&t 16 for Vi WANTED! E:uifito~ lrofifo(fkt N twp or t h at h np. mkl·•1•' CM Hall' ror CbrllHla-Ttither ueati Ill. Sleepers. yr1, 1200 call Candy w/~at• Oraaoo~a~ Ml~~ or' Lilt' modtl TofQtH incl ..... ul Auluant Prof lon1l Olfl('t', dt Sltf Shop ttdy P /T, COIDJ)IQ)' Good ly9ln1 ~.rACl'ORY95T·ST08 M2'10'72 '7$/ BO l _!)a.ll' ,moo -1 4tt-47JJhtt Vohu. C • 11 u NHport Beit h. OB· &ll"ft 1 n!<'t!Pllonlst with ~ aliilla. 10 llty 1cf'dln1 Mwt! lf'f I071 Jo'or Salt, PyUIOn, with N. 8 Slip Up to 38 ' l·------•I TODAY'" GVN t\IU time rtl re aood typln• ability & Sec-,.rt.ry Call~C.M MUSf SB.L ......................... cqe, hot rode ' waltt Water/p<>wer. nr l.ido . q11rtd C'allMUllO l)ltaHnt tf'l~n· man c 0 t d c I I --M1bo11ny doublt! bed HORJZON'rAL MU L bowl SUMI .. 20l7 mo. 8'7'-2754 350 4 8oll Mlln Short Nursina ~'~iz ~h 111 >' open .~~for '"?~~n~ Oro!¥ YI ~~"'!\~~~:•00 t\0 1°dn ""au~fm's s.800 Dobtrman PuPJ AKC s 1l.;~cton tlarbour Boa1 g~• t Xtru uso MUlstS AIOI Inc Manulattunna Com • "•J board · WMb 8111/Ru itl SISO 91PI Av1il Hunhniiton Im <1720Afttr JPM 1tu "~ 11 ,, E~pti'd . all ablfl a t.a.f/GeLofflH Pll\Y Woe<! Procen!n1 "" m OBO OllM79hfttl liit VACincluded llArbourRa1 &Rarqut:t C••••M•t1 Conv Hoap Nwpt. Bt h rroPift~ mamt'ttrm, It ~r computtr t;it JJ 200 AIRCOMNISSOa 964-3154 Club 7l~H·1166 A~/ 9520 "'' 0 . 0 01 .,._ 0 .uu Bnn1 )'uur amtle 'Join Irvine 1860 mo penente deal.red. OC lhpport Bln\a$1SO Tan Cockatltl wtcap,e Isthmus Moonn11 tu so· cae..lct la' Prff mJr Rlf'd.. en m ~ Airport Location. Ca II 1.!. IUY FUIMITR,1133 Binb Pl'ft•urr poUIOO & pl•yl)en. $50. l.inda. P\I\ Pty Pnmt 1.otu •••••••••••••••• ...... . lal' utl' in• c .11 Mra. HCB'TIOHIST 54H4Sefor • Pt._ -MOHTH u .. talZ 1~H110. EvutWknd.a. uon tt57 T·llrd Top Dollar Slone k21MM4 nwfed for bully Op SIC'YTAICICHil(il -C. 8onuaet.. Ltkt n~w Simmons IOtO 714846>9636 All Colltl1or!i' th1lmologl1t's office !o'or ••les 41 service, OC •Rapid A~vancement... SleercSofa, brown tone ,._. & 0.--. , <:oncoun~ con(11t1on' p 'd PARTfllMI Must type & hllVt' •Omt: Branch offlt~. Sulery •Mfdlral/HOlpt. lna... prin s:J.50 080. IJ.44 7520 Mhatl ... IOIO ......... ; .. ;;.; ....... 67 51J~. Newport Jkh ' (14n2), a1 liatabhah d Ntwpnrt bookkee-plng l!kill' open. JoJlt•bUshed Com · •PaldforVacetions. AakforDl•n•91o5. ,., .. ,.~ .............. Wurll tier <>ry1n Mdl priva e~t4<;;!~ ..._~liiji411ji for Your Car; Auch firm nt!tids ac 8462471 pany All Cringes plus MODPB.HIC. -d LOSJN-0 L~ASt; ll 4075 mull mat ll' .. JOHHSOM&SOM ~r.~~~ t yp1 ic t Ctt ll R -' S ) penslo~ .e.tan ,cul\ 1714"61-JSSS 'n,~,erm~lr:~i~: ~h~s~ tlngbuslneu.11rll'inl~u1 pe~sslon S600, Mt-.ortMoorhta UncoM-M•rcwv ~ tc"Tr.r tC Norma ior •PJ>O•n 11Wn e.tigerea., love seat & ALL auppUH and Cuc 540--36 n vl/20 n hulC M"akt< 2626 lfarhor Rhd 1'11rH1~ Ueaullful Npt Be real @1.!!!.!~ footstool. MOO. 8 mo" I tW'tl Including Tho1T1111 Elertrk Oraan. olfc-r SI0.900 r()llt;i !\fL'M ~O ~ t.'!itllle ufflre (~'asblon -~ OC'w.645-S899 Display cases. waitin11 2 keyboard. Xlnt sh&J>l'. 2131433 8866 ,_..cCotthlct M11ndl.exce-pllonal sur 'I ... •••••••••••••••••••• ~ room chairs, Beauty Muslsell 1M8·8123 . • round1ngs, very busy MT ......... 1005 8'sola 1225, luVl'se:.t Sl2S,' Salon hairdryers and SIDE TIE. up to 20 . Alios, tmport•d S4jlar. + loM1t phc>nes, typing requ1 re-d To handle 111 aspect$ of •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• brown, perf cond. both hydraulir chairs. mlr SWt.g 1093 waled & pow~~· ~wpJ .68 T-Bird COO\ l'rllhlit ••••••••••••••••••••••• Good 5alary & bt>nefib rwUling an acth•e sales Oak Desk $1 50 P ie m>. Color t\, nds rep · rors.shel vesanJplantll •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• lslan :f~a. 3.~an be1utJful rar' s:IGS41 or Alfo Ron.o 970S Brand nl'" Newpo rt Beach orflcl' of one of lhe Nati on 's leading lelemarkcllng r1rms hu several openings for responsible. moll\•ated 1ndustnou~ represe-n tall\<es Cull Marcy. 7S9 1221 department in the grow Cabinet S2SO Fireplace i50 ~7·8474 Al.so. make·up. shampoo Ho.rt L3n1tas. 175, ~eel 4 actess. 1 67 trade ~ &1184 ••••••••••••••••••••••• R £,Sales 1ng field of RESORT Manlel $.100 832·4096 Sot" Round Soltd llirch and hair products lunu Ty 3GOD bind ; Ne"lX>rl 60' sltp, xlnl MEW & U$ED CAREER OPEN HOUSE T IME -SHARING --. -Table, 6 Ca p tain!> Call63197S4 or 1ngs. Scott polu. toe &serunty,pnvntc TB1rd 'S6. Int t·ond AJ.FAROMEOs! MI 111 mum Io Ye a r s Llq11dalloo sale. to ma~e-Chairs New Cond1tlun. afterO. 1198 6809 Dolomite siie 10 boots p P, 673·76T1 restored SIS 000 I' 1• llr<10I!<' Cuuul> ) oldl'!>l senetanal experience room for more mert han ~ Twtn Beds, Anllqul' FN-. oodfor s• 1''1111 pk1. Sl51l/firm -644-4250 & lt.'adml.' dl'06ll'f!>h1p Rea.I estate or escrow of dise. Sweet Sweet Spin!. Wht Ft h p 1 c1al wk d d 760-0753 after 5pm loafs. Storog. 9090 '62 llearse. run' i:ood 11 l'Iur1• > '' u Ii tJ} f1ee barkground pre· ::l.~9'}1l am11lon. H B. $50 Ea;h~csis r~~'&th' ~lk~t!cv:cal:u~.~~'· fo'l.scher Superlorms. 200 ....................... goodbody.$650 tr:acic· .in~whi·rt-i111nrin &:o1l'l' ferrl'd Prest1g1ous 00-5718 cord Call for pm·rs <'m,Salamon727Eb1nd 1---------1 6464161 le. &.1hc <;1'6.1nlt'thc• PERSONABLE. ARTICULATE SPEAK! G VOICE A MUST' COSTA Ml::SA NEWPOllT TUE.SDAY n :BR AR\' 23 1!182 7 30PM Ne'4<1>0rt Beach office 760-1.:9) mgs. used Ix. S27S ORY STOR •GE ' Sv1d"r \'dO«"c·' localton Salary open AfiplecH 10 I 0 bffiftuuM sf.I' I wo 494 3216 " TNCb 9560 BEACH IMPORTS Se-nd resume to Ad .. ••••••••••••••••••••• dressers. 2 night stand!> Lad 1 t' s , h a \' l' a Monthly boat & RV ••••••••••••••••••••••• l>o St 1 " Ii 1101s. Daily Pilot. P 0 llARBORAREA headboard and franw NA UC HT Y I. A DY Ros&1i;tnols •"S l'omp storage ror any me. 24 • lrand,..ew '81 IWll 'l'· rt't.' Box 1560. Costa Mesa. APPLIANCESERVICE !dooblel SIOO. lion.-Party L1ngene. 19Scm, Markl'r bind hr security fn~e Ct.vvLUV Piciuip• 752·090~ Ca 92626-0560 We buy used apSllanl'es ~·4Sl6after 5pm lotions, pol1ons Jnd lot~ mgs. usf'd 1w1C'e New .launching & wa ~h1nl( , , 1 u ri < K 11 3 7 ·, l!N-ll ll11rhor HI\ r \1 Ca 111 n g a h e r noons. CALL MISS K Jo:LL Y eve-nmgs. Saturdays on 7 ..,..645•0103 behalf or ma~or rltent • COIJlS lnterestmi: work • , Friendly atmosphere Cllll tod11y and gtl all lhe For interview app't call answers lo " hat u future sEcRET~Y . u:Uea~~l!:~('OO s4,u~7 :t~,~~n s~~~ls A~·~~~ ~~j9W1ll Sl'll Sl9S ~lef~"1 ~~.rp::; :J1·:~r~:1~ ,:;.~, .• ~(· 631·7170 Goodl;>ookkeepmgskills. --01n1ng room 1ablt.' Ot"OOt!tl Dr Newpurt Rearh '77 A.H~tta GT Creal boss . .,real IOl'a Washers1dryers, late I w leaf & 6 chairs Sl'15 . SporltecJ Goods 1094 644-0510 ONLY $5598 \\llh ~1r. Hl111 c il" .,,.r( Mr c 545 6808 in res t dent 1 a I Rt.' a I ~ry · · Fi;tate Sale!> t·ould mean lion. Above average mo dJI s . SI 00 up 080 ~9 2111 Kmg Waterb<'d. loni: l1rl' •• .. •••••••••••• .. ••••••-.-------•I HOWARD Che•ro~t ~ 'llCI :12 mp~. ~hp,kn s alary E~~·e llent Del1 vt>ry . ituar I rnattre~s Barel) u~ed Total Body Building•• l>o\I.' Quu1ISb lt1\l'r'> 1·111 mJd 111,1 benefits Pos1t1on open Master<"ha rge V 1sa J.p1e<>e sect1unal sora . rt· $100 673·0.'!09 Ma t•hint.' <Uni 1·rrsa I N ~:Wl'OHT HEM'll mrL' 'C'1h t.inta~1u· ia1 --------•! toyou. PART TIME ~w Call~~· 636·2840Kings uphol .. llkt> nt-w. best of Trnt IOXl4. sleep:, fl, mm t:~ml. !I mo11 old . new T~ 8 33·0555 S'~1W 11;71.r1t~ SECRET ilY I IUY APPLIANCES rer 857·8412 plete $60 or be~1 uHi•r $2200. sell $800. ~ IOllll •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ~W 6-9pm. Expanding youth r counseling firm h11s openlllgs for 3 5 sharp outgoins ma ture people to mot1\'ate ambitious COLDWeu BANl(eRO Part·time. 3 days ""r Les 957 8133 Anlq. dreSSt.'r $170 Stal'k &15·5898 11r6310363 r-. s•; ________ , ,... ~~·. 9120 '73 COURIER •••••••••••••• •• • •••• • • week Typing 60 wpm +. bkease $300 L1h !hi. MUST S""'L &·uba diver's spt>ar i.:un Rtilt d ct h k I di Ref r1 g e r at or S2 00 1000 I d ood $270 u. •••• F'OH f>i\ftTS 01'\LY 1 ap one now e e. Washer & dryer Sl2S ea •.n ai w · E!t'aullful white wt>ddin11 lar11e. S3S ••••••••••••••• .. •• Al ... oshl.'11 for ~horthed 9712 HH3 yr olds Ca ll 2 5pm 'OMSft°"°"-- real estate knowle ge 0 SofaS60.892·8063 · dress. lono slt.'t'\l'~.11 7608310 Small ramPt'1 fur import Cll .... AP .• ~ ... 9,,, 2 he I P r u I b u t n u I Di s hw a s he r S I 0 I,.,. 'j ll"UC'k, lt't' box • chnl'lle c ,,.,., "" necessar) Will !rain. 640-5848 Cus tom 11Utcle St'l'lion;cl l pear~ top, a~c. ne\erlTV,laclo, S5(X) 642_;i.113 1--------• Sala"" commensurate -&d sofa rosl $1150 Sl'll used Stzt.'5 Shp.abo 1.att!sa....--1091 Ch T ck"-J •; Kenrmre washer ryer $&S0 545.5669 if no dns $200 968-~ artn 6pm I ,..n, ~ ~'\beri:las:. umpn shell '6S e\ 2' t on .,t o..i 11.1th exp . Call Loretta. t yr old S200 ea rh ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·' S3000 17141642·n02 Rerng. 1 yr old s100 rall a11.ain AM IGO . po" ,. red tH:1\L:TI H IL 25' R<'A ~.~:I~ ~u~~~t~in "u S48 5103 Jim 642-4321. ext 343 Ask ror .----2299=...;H;;.;a.;;;r.;.bo.;.r.;;;R.;;;l;,;.H.;.I _ Andrea Costa Mesa. C \ 92627 ;;----;;-D 642 47~ E 646 2757 I MAITR ESS & 11.heekha1r ~oh t'' 11. alk rolur lV !>ale 2 yr \Hn An Equal Opp!.) C'o secretary To $20,400 BOX SPRI NG 111.: problem l'!;t' indoor I\ Sl48 ~'ree deh\ er> PAIT TIME RETA.IL SALES Interface with all le\ els Washer. dryer & refnf/. Pd S3JO Sell $250 or uut. t.'a~tl~ tr,m~fN1r1 TV Jo'hn's 646 1786 P~-lo dilll"l'r Dail• ol management In this All "<lnl rond Sl50 ea 20 •r "arrant) 1'11111\\ i'tl Call 6i3 2654 ,.,.,.,,, .. • , Permanent part time h hi t d 6316872 uo 1245 , ~1iau11.a1e TV Antenna Ptlol auto rout e lO help wanted We ""II ~) > .;:~;c!J :·~.~s or...,., <.:omrort 96HlOCll \\.ll EEl.l'llAIK i:•"Kl 11~ hr'> of Mo\te!> Wk l) Laguna Beach No col tram Weekend 11.ork re .,..111 be well ullhzed Rl'fngerator hke nl'" Orangt' f'abnr 1r Cuu1 h c·und1t11111 S7S SLS!I &JI 8724 9 9PM lecting flours 13 30NI qwred Transpor1a11on handle proposals and ~el i"tosl free. t" o door In Xlnt Cond $150 OHll 673 2ti~ to 5 30PM . Mon thru needed Call 768 0349 up -et1nos PrASll"l' Sl6S 893 ~ • 968-5:119 .ifl 5 .,.. kncl ' h ~ Cu+.r F'r11 and c5AM to 7AM. "~ .. .. ,. \1ink roat full lt.'n~t . ,\II brands. models & .11 Sal & Sun. I Earn111gs ' Sdn Coordiurton ~S ilton orrers x In 1 ~'rlg1daire. frostfree. 2 Soltd Walnut Mall·hrnf/. Fmle pelts Used 3 1 l'l'S.Wnf'S Factory oni: per stze of route Call Ga 11er1 e H o me .. ~i1:esor Contr•<·ts.. dr, wtute. xlnl cont.I in & Coffee Tablr c24x601 & Urrw;>s S2.000 ~93 0195 parkaJ:l'!> Full warr 00-4321, Bryan Holland Showcase Set.'ks people out. SI~ 646 1929 Corner Tblr 128Sq1 $250I F I R r S50 H Call for pnl"l'S, 850-0535 ings Xlnl l'O m m llefr1g SISll 631 5582. ~ s 548-1897 i.ole TV, am fm phono Mofori di . ._, 9140 75 l.u' :\11k ,11lu \In! u '"t I <'OOd ,t.' ... puin• r.n., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~,0Ht•631 •'8.SI• HONDA I 00 ~? I ' I' I '\ \\ S2$<I Mli bKZS •~ , llUrlt·r 1 Mo-Ped for sal1· 77 Pui.:h Newporter C1NMI 1 ond S299 754 1570 l'OI( n 1·\\ 111 I'' 111'.,. pa1n 1 s1rou 01111 968 61113 VGRS 9570 "78 ~tototx~:anc1 \1 Ul)l'd. •••••••• •••••••• • • • • •. • xlnt rond $275 76 Wmdo11. Ocwli:l' \'an Lo 499·2S26 \111~. gel µa1111 645 \\ lilh St l'\1 IJ.45 2244 CREVIER BMW TM ExclthtcJ '12 IMW', Ar~ Here! \ lo•\\ rl'nlJ1n1n.: Ill \11""'" <\ l>t.'mu' .ir" 't 1 J I .i \ J I I ,c h It • \\ t' •rx·1·1Jhz1 111 Eurttl)t',111 dl'h \ H\ ,Hid Ila.,. h·~' )Ir!' owntd tt ~ w " \lo ht•rt> rustc1l'lll' r S1•r\lct>t'omrs bl' -,,tit·' Sl•n 1u· LedStnl( ~'114 W ht ~an1a \na Tll 1135 Jlit l'luM·d Sond:t} ~~~~r~n·~~ .. ~~ !:a~~ ~e white GE Frost ~Yei' ~> B~. 968 S"Jll 9 A fl ~~~ut'wa~~,!~ l'Jll 11 Magnavox 6' pecan con P a.... ·U~ p ..!.. ·1 1179 14<Ml 111 4pm 1 631 1294 GilAGE SALE 1 • f 1 . d S4(Xl 760-tlJIO Cit..-•o~. . Nuts, bolts. sere11.s.1 f AN . ~o~t.'.r ~ ,a J Needf'd. pa lime. Work I Sal Sears Kenmore washer bru .. fi'tti'nos, all size·.. height 5 9 , 2 blad~. $75 .._...._ • M.n... l• Lo"" hours ""r Wl'ek. ··,cs. . d 1 old S350 ...... ,.. " """"' _.. '19 H.D Lownder. mint IMotSc°:f!~'/ 9150 '66 Chr\ 1 \an n1'" lirt·~ m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;:;;:;;; & t•lut• h S55n \rrh e~eni;gs and"J,oss1b1y l F lime ~ale~perso n PE~SONNEl SERVICES R~1~·i & r y rs. old . "a ll nt.'w ". man y !1!i4......... ..,,_... cood. lo m1. xtras. be!>t Saturday. ExpenenC'e in I needed .1,0 "ork on 4500Campus St.. Tustin S300/80. 499·506 1. 8 thousands Filter cloth PanAm 2 ror I hoarding ••••• .. ••••••••0 •••••• offer. 549·3077 day~ . ad building or ptJge Balboa lsl;cnd Must be AM·S:30PM hy large roll Metal 011 p~ Worth up to $2500. loah, M•tewu/ 545-1002eves makeup desirable. Ah1h able lo .work "eekends 14211 y~~:§~2. Tustin r11ter l':tns Sel,1 Io sell rorSl2S. 759 93W Stnke f020 HOHDA CllSO lY to work fast anJ ar App Ir 1n person The 731 7711 Ref rig . fros t r r er , tu~hest offer Bob 1\0011.1 1··••••••••••••••••••••• rurately under ~rcs!>ure Pers.1mmon Tree. 229 irema ker. x Int l'ond c714 )7:;9 1221 Cu s I um \' l' r I 1 ~" I Manne Elect rm an Ex. Cond. S5S() 631 51!15 d Manne A\e Balboa __,, • .., 4485 · Bhnd Valant·e for Slid . necessary. Sa ury e· 1 • 1 _, .-.· 2Desks withfileunit$1Z' in~ ()our S50 Con·iolt> Des1gn1mstall1repa1r 78 Honda XR75 Llkt• pends on expenenre Island Sew in g ma l' h i n e Refn11.. Whirlpool, side Ii> 2 IX' \'amty, "ilh hi.:hti·cl S!ueo \\ 111 nut. 550 I Qual work S49·~2o Ne" Ne\\ Front & Ra<·k The Da1h Pilot is an operator. ex.per .. qua.Illy side lfarwst Gold . hkt> mirror S200 Do11. n W11114 ti44 74111 ,.._...._ M.-1 Runs. Trs. & lie ad $..150 equal opporluntl\ SALES a must Piecework new.SJSO 6311508 Ra l·keha1rSIOO 631 2121i ~~ 9030 l.Xfer 496·AA07 employer Women and fo'antasltt• sales oppty GOO<! ben~fit~ 642 9652 N 8 1 Wheel!'h.m 12oc1 ono 1 ...,...,..... ... m1no rit1e ~ ·1r t> en ~a... 1020 1• "'-"'un ''hJir-.. Slll i••••••••••u•••• .. ••••• '791\awasakiLTDlllOCI · ' Ad,ert1s1n1t Public SHOESALESPERSON ._,........ I ~ "'~"'' ' 5000 -It I rouraoed to appl} R 1 ,, 1 f r . h h ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'wm llt'c1 11. frul'T'lt' S30 1 F..i 646 ~Cl I Ill Johnson O B motor. IS m1, x n l'Onc I "··bmr1t ap11(1c•a11on·. 111 e al ions ••e" roncep ti me 0 r 3 •I! '' l l blu $15 S S I t d S795 ..,.,,,,. OB<> •;u; 3795 "" .. " s rt Men s Ne" Motobecane -.Omer s ep a ~: , • . . . , hp. . ll n con . •'IUV ., fronl rounler Top comm1ss1on . ta fashion shoe ~tore in IOspd S200m. mu't sell 1 Poll' lamp. ~. l phol F ! RST Qt ALIT'\ S~ai.: ~ 1153. 536 5796 1910 H,......D .. 1mmed l'all Grare. fashlOO Island Gd pa\ 6730309 Willi( rha1r & OllllmJll (.jrpl'llOI( l.1k1•. I'll. $1 o---r~··At ~Coast 667 077i &benefits Room for.id I 165 To11.i·b 25 $I Yrd Guld1·n lfr1.:1· ~:VINRCD~: 1979 I\ ll P ~-::;;-..,0,_w'.· DaityPilot vanrement For 1n ......... Maferiokl025 1).16009-t ~96-4008 IAIOI! ~haft Xlnl rnml ~" terne-. call 7:;9 9700 -.., ~.Call 552 "656 Onl) i 400 m1le:-33o W. lay St. s•s . ---. • ...................... Walerbed. King Sill' l'sed llonda jl.l'nt.'rJtor Ex l'ellenl ~hJpe CottoMHa,CA. Looking f or Ell MOW25'/FT notation. j!reat for up ~lodel af.M ~00 sw. 1!1111 Merrur) 98 fllll Call~·!l299art fipm I --------•I penenced Salesperson ::stooentJobs Redv.ood 2"6 &el'ktni.:. ~lairs 5325 oho 1,11, 673-l~E'\l'~ board motor. "<Int 1·ond Golf Shop Sales & Bu) er HEY' 4 20. loon also red",l()(J e 5 ea 1 & (' I\ a 1 r \' d kihl'lt u.~ed $9~ bl-I orr if\ llonda XJ. 250 Xlr1t PAYROUCLEllC PanT1meto~ullT1mt' · ,... Ranl·ho Mesa t'rt.' 9&12W7 fund Lu ~11 St1~S Detailed bi \\ l'l'k I~ Salal1 + C:ommts!>ion IOYS-GIRLS renrin1t Lowu1 p~ic·e wood plaid. l'Ofree & :! lu.aJJhCiub n731~ ......•................ f\31 76.JOt'\l'S A.MtosWCll'lted ...••.................. WIHEED YOUI GOOO USED CAR! Anything COn'iderl'd 1977 thru 1911(1 ~ • I I~ OrMqt Cowoty 2!12:!1 llo11 hor HI• •I ('OST\ \IF~ \ 979·2500 ALL MODELS IN STOCIC NOW! Clltck owr CJOtd u lutlo11 of DfM01 ••d QU4L ITY l'lf -O WH f D 4UTOMOlll.1S m wtl " oflw fiM lnldt-ill ow!OlllOOiltt Call Of' CCHM In TODAY! 541.ES • satVICE LEA SI MG SADDLEBACK IMW payroll mput &. re1·ord :0-:ewport Beal·h Golf How w.ould )OU hke to guar Jim or K t.'n l end tablrs SJSO uho Memblr~h1p to.h.Powtt 9040 per reqwred Ne\\port Leonard 751·46.S3 ~'Do youhkt.'drive Shehtnl?S}stem.8 unit!I. N·EVF:R l'SED 4nj ltewt/Storoc)e 9 160 keeping M in1mum t>X Course Contact John earn as much as SSO 00 J I anytime 646 9885 6]J.:1!97 SHIU 9611 611114 !••••• .. •••••••• ••• ••• •• ,Motor Hofts, Sal•/ Beach area 640·8950 mmov1es, p1rn1 rs. pll7a 45 shehes 7'hX4'w. B d r m S 5 II 11 MICROWAVET.V. CASH fQR BOATS ···~·····~·•••••••••••• WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS AUMMAGHOM POMTIAC/SUIAIU U402 ~~UHITfJ 24~1 11Jr6or ~lh d I Ml5SIO!HllJO Salespersons & Cashier parties. beach parties~ shehes 46. lon1t. 5 plyl sofa lo,eseal SJllll. . A.HTBOfA 25 Chassismount ,\111 PLUMBER No Sundays. No Nights. plusmanyolherlhmgs plywd, modular. m<lkel bunks $200 . ma L 24 ~I r~ unrnterruptl'cl 536.IH·I , Full} selr C'on1. rool .111. I O~T \ M ~,SA Avery P•W't o!l 1-5 549-4100 549-1457 1 831 -2040 495-4949 Plumber repair 11. Mk 1-kllll'l> ~ ~~~6RT'S . 'then r,ou wo~ld probaby offer for 1000 If stora1:e tress I box spn n gs Vn Mc~\ •ts si45 957 0744 I cab air. SS.000 on14 n11 Install new plum b111g 1816 Newport Bl \'d, CM ftroba ly enjoy working system Rest over $250 SI:.>. full SOO. lw111 $80 '81 <:1bson F1rehruntl s c; I 98 271 2n ftXY [IN kH xlnl rond. $4800 firm systems. 2·3 years ex QorUusLIFICATIONS 644 1197 MORF." 770 ~I I deluxl' 11.u1t:ir $400 b~l "V1rtoria'.' Fly. bndj!e. ~~·3077, 557 4639 WE BUY Closed Sundays CLE.AM CARS penenre. Sl2 hour T .ikt> Silles A ofr 494 15-'kl VllF radio. bait tank. . , , l ad to EDD 1001 S I Overl2years1Jfage DoCJI 1040 l'omplt•lt.' rallan 1111111:1 I clepthfmder.oulriggers. i.120 Brough11'!' SW.IK)( Grand A\'. Sonia 1\na PROFESSIOMAL 2 Neat. honest <iml dt· 1··••••••••••••••••••••• nx1ms;t.S4llO . ~Ctftt~r , l5amp 1:en .AM&FMll orbesl offN Xlnt rund DOT862 381 030 Ad paul TaEPHOHE SALES pendable. KEESllOND l'up~ AKC' Call 962 4972 ,\JI brands. !"'1dels & 111· I tral'k stert'O with !railer 642-0467 !2" t:>' _empluye1 $100.000 yrl) potential J Work after school and Champ sire M F Pel & RB>ECOR.4 TIMG c·~;i<>nes F ac·tol') 1~nl( Call S46 21143 Will srll .76 Landau 32. Regcm·y, PRIHTIMG Up lO 2S'• romm paid Saturdays I ~ h II " p \' l Pl) .JAL~11 11111 I P.ac kages f ull 11.arr balanceofloan all the opltons. lo m1. AND TRUCKS CONMELL 1o1·kly Qualified write in CALL TODA y' 213 an 1345 aft 6 pm A FU ·.:..;1·T··u· RE call for pme~. 115-0 0535 I )(In l con d As k In KI Camera plateroom as leads Plush Nwpt Rc·h S37·5936or SJI 5~7 " S29 500 () B () 7 14 SIStant Mon. Tues. f'r1 & M BAM to IOPM German Shepherd Pure LI\' rm sofa. lo\e~eat. Heta1l 1-howrase. $150 p~ W..t.d . 1 Sat. Wtl11o1ork \l'rt1rnl /~~~11~ran~ aJ~~v.'"i:~. s Bred Puppies $250 lamps. I.bl. Queen ~1 Rrl Camper.$250 lronpatw 24 rt Searav SD •m· 835·7775. ext 42 or 1 HIGFUUYER commerr1al camera Hawauan\aratmn Hly i---------••496·<llli2.. set.MORE"'S20 toS399 tbl chrs.S2SO 6736022 ma rulale Ideal ror fls 857-4172 I Top dolldr' fur S114111' Knowledfc of PMT pro honu~e~ Ken nro" n SWIM COACH Golden Relnever-& Black ~g1~~~~5~1.~~ii101i1 Goll eqwpment; a.rrher). ~~g ~~:ruis:~m:l~u~ 1 Trailen. Tro•.t 9170: ~~~r~. ,e<lf~ t·J mvl·r!\ cleessie hste~~eu~t;~~~~o:ef~1 673-4.'m OCSC team. Dana Point I Lab Puppies S3S EA Pintail. In me lad1~ Kolex wau h ~ohd . ~ D pe 557 9327 ••••••••••••••••• •••• •• 1 ~k f l t. \ll H CHEVIOLET 2!1211 Harbor Bhd <UffA :"tH:.'iA 54'-IZOO •"""""" 493 820S 1).(2.5939 14 I\ w d 1 a mo n d' l> "'" ays or SCAMP Tra' el TrJiler or • e rlauel> ''rfiPI> 1n SALES "PR " persons ...,..,,_. _ _,., ___ ._ MOVING''Ml 'ST «>-2121 Wl<liO<l and new Sth 11.heel i\11 '1 JIMMARIMO person 1660 lat'entia llt"OOed ~1agir Irland 15 EACHER AIDE. pre· Only 2 left! Fem blk & SELL'' Se -IOI R d 1-. '28' e ns.Craft E1tpress fiberglass. hght 11.e1ght VOLJ(SWAGEN Ave .C M. !~~g'~~t :.~r:cti:: a~d schoor 1mmed employ "'ht Engl Springer Elegant unu~ed :.ora ars n a •a arm 966 Cl n, Fas t • Fa<1ory direct C:all toll lll7ll llt•Jih llhc1 PRINT SHOP ment .benefits Fur info Spaniel pups . r hamp bed Oak 6 p1ere bdrm sa" with allachments ~ l si k I? rree 1·800-346 4962 for m ·;-..11NCTO'\ lH \l'll Tht Most Excitinq Parl Of Your BMW Purchase O r L~Couldle Mcla~n BMW!! hyOrluu l y Our 'hoft• Plan! 171 41522·5333 ORANGE COUMTY'S OL~EST Q SJI\°' !'-t'1'I•1• l.1 a''"~ Must type40wpm sin rere penons tu ca11s4s.zsso lines. 14 wks old, all set S3SO Contemporar~ cab &legsSl75 S49 3152 s1i~rTrad~· :.~a'~r fre-e rolor bro1·huH· 842-2000 3333rdSt La~una Brh represent lht.'m in lhe1r ----sl-ols SI SO & S200 sofa & loveseat. Ort I? CONCEIT TICKETS lll'''a\'a1I. pp 613 !1200 SAVE BIG Bl'\ KS' Pm ate-Cluh in Ne"l>Ort TYPIST 768-7489 S1300, sar $450 Solid Rod Stewart C'-.irs I ,, ' Wf MEED People ;ho nt•1'fl Pl•nph· Beach Interviews re Experienre<I. accurale •Poodles "R.. People• peran toffee & end tbl.~ J Geils, Neil D1amo~c1 'Ml Chns Craft, 28' Ex· TraMen, Utffity 9 110 YOUR EXOTIC ........ ' . *'' '" That',11.hallht• :~~~al~.!o~t~~:t.: l}pist. 65 wpm. "'th TCups. To), S2SO lo wwallumts Reaut~ ZZ Top8S5-852S I pre-s:., loaded . mint •••••••••••••••••••••••' &IRITISH ~RS .,,,.." ..... ~ SERfi'~l~,~;l~~:~~.foHY ask fo r Mr H.ilht.'rg pennanenl barkground ~ Pets Boarded & rolor TV $195 No JUnk l'Olld 13S hrs '34.000 l'TILITY TRLR 4xi 11.11h I -XI ll\I\\ 3~111 Sport ,.,j isall Jbout' 675-0000 ~Stemente.~j!_l l Groon.od 5462848 allmmt rond 966·5210 ~al Aft 7pm,4995393 StttlFrame S12S ~E'm?fI l\lal'k i:old HR!\ im Queen sz bed. ;Int rond. IMttwllh 1013 40· Owens Tah1t1an. hve .£H 834 I ll\tr lo.11!1''1 II~ Jppl Colden Relvr. puppy ror s I 0 0 0 8 0 N e w ·:·········:··......... aboard slip avail Call, Mini Truck Bed Trad1•r M 01 d \' IH;, t J ;111 I'' ' saJeAKC.male,6 wks lawnmo wer . $7 5 GUITAR l'ender.tele JudyorHarvey 642-4644, New radialsandMai:~, ~ isj1K4ill 1J-.kfur ll ich1 old S300 646·55!6 640-1751 <'aster Gibson Ampl. liwn .9AM &5 PM . S425 0 B0540·2029 I < c.'"" _ _;co=-~--> > ~~~-Free,needs home.fnend· -~/both 963-0493 - ' -----JUM•W Coasllf\\\ ii 32tll , J l'. :.illu~s ly Shi tzu. Female, all Ctloltom s· round bed & -;--1 . ·79 Bayllner. Sacrifice AlltoServict, Paris '\t>~pon !W.1rh .1m rm ,lc•ri•n, mint shots. 642.3433 headboard, fitted gold Gibson Les Pau l u5tor1. 32' Conquesl. snbrd~. fr AccestOriH 9400 1).12 !MOS 1 ,. 0 n ct $; ~ o o on n IANTID ( ( ) ) 'Kewspaper Carriers for {outes in Huntington Beach, ' Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Earnings • •rTrfps • ~rffl Pr:bes CALL CIRClJLA TION P.EPARTMENT ....... Illy.--. ~42-4321 -> - -satin sheets. custom ~X2' F;_nderFBadse ·P rt twn Volvos. sips 7. fu ........ ••••••••••••••• li.11 3145. t>i:i ~t6 Mini Schnauzer. male 10 quilted spread, com-2 · ~~ en er Foo cav.136,000. 760·0924 • 80 ~MW 7331 wks. Show dog sire S200 l!lete._Rl(X) 548_·7549 s .. ~. 3 X4 . St~. 839·4720 MUST SELL! T Pr11·fm1um prtedl'' I d P di C II --A.nlH IOH vau or an~ U~l' l'JI 1\uto oa1 I' xtr3~ Reg. e gree 8 China Cab83inchhi11h.V1olin.new 1,slzt>used 2 (2 boatownerlSEARAY 1fort>1gnordome~1u·1 l8.tnlm1 \lp111e \\h~te 8»2768 aJ\er 4 PM antique white. 3 glass m:>. from Yates Musil' 1977 34 ft Cuddy Cruiser M(i m good rnnd1t10n <iold 11. ni~ LeJther /\) Great Dane F 2 yrs. doors. lg dining tble. 4 ~ 833-9739 IWlll 470 10 Mere:;. Bet OWHHS S.>t> l'\ F1r~1 • ,um· 1~1· ~mo Spade Bm/Whl Harla chrs, cane backs. well Offi ,.,.,,....... Ii I ter than new ISO hrs TOf'iNNlS ·~GA!Js.C:~''.:~n ~111!19••11!!1~'9!!!~1 111s •121~ quin S75 675·3689. paddf'd541·5002 a:.!! _. 1015 Asking Sl6.500 .Da Nev"erused .S7 5 494-1467 --· ............... I 213 278 8610 Hes & Like new • 8 Camel •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• wknds7l<li673·2058 Maria631·7797 Ive msg IASSEn Corduroy Sofa S300. 2 200 llM Fema le, 4 years old All Widcer Cleopatra lounge TYPEWatTYS. ~ rt Day Cruiser VB. shots SISO 646·7580 chairs S75 each. 2 Night S5(X) to S600 Value now VHF. S/S Radio. lo hrs,--------•! La hsa A ps 0 10vab1 e Stands double draw~rs li!al.95 + tax & sernct xlnt fishing/diving boat. 73 COUllEI goldenrern1le.2 yrsold. SIS each. carved Wine Ask abou t Wo rd Sl O.SOO o r o ffer FORPARTSONLY hs~ broken, s hots. C1bi ne-t Sl5 Ca 11 Processors 714•·1963 Alsosbellforshonbed I "1.1 \h,,1 .11111.u1 papers SlSO. 720-1211 _ S48..fi047. .._..E!l> 702-861~ llHlh, I-'/ CHEAP S36 9832 WE IUY PIT BULLS UKC. reg 3 1'Nldle Bed. ·solid bard afice Desk SlOO, 2 drwr a.t;r. tOSOlm------•I l'SEDCARS&TRt;C'KS b " ••7 ...... wood ends, custom cov legal rile Clb, 1160. SC\ry ••••••••••••••••••••••• UTE BODY WORK & COME IN OR fem. rwn. 5 ..... --...., er & bolsters. S2SO chr$2S,673-0309 Y4CHflM6 paint-upto501'. otr your CAl.Lf'OR 968-SOO'J. ?»l2ll. Telephone Answering CONSUi.Ti.HTS lloclya tst.53&·!1832 FUl~PPRAISAL FrtetoY• 1045 Couc h & loves eat. Michlne, GTE 3000, Ol&rter/Power ,Sail •--...&.....e...a... Cormier Delillo ••••••••••••••••••••••• blue/green quilted noral brand new in box. Cost Npt_ Bell. •1s-2M0 -.....--cu.vao•n f'rte F Blk Ger man print, like new. Orig St79.95. sell s1zs. Call "YourYurROW>d ........ ••••••••••••••• IB2llBEACHB LVD Shel)hffd Mlit. 9 Mo Old. llKIO, SAC$22S. 673-1923 642-7572. Alk for Bill. Olarter Service" IMPORTANT tn.'NTINGTON BEACll Shots. Good w/chlldren NOTICETO Terrific Wat c bdoa. Wl.TBllB>S METAL OF.SK' ...... W t060 READERS AND 147-6017 or m.rno Fact«J dlrtd.-28 atylea. SF.cRETARY DESK ............ ,, .... , •• ,, ADVERTISERS 549 lll I I Pine ' oak. High line. Rt1~: draw-irs. Left: 38 ft aloop, lraUtr. Great The prjte of lte-ma --• "'8Ml&t I050 low p rice. Call ror type rlter. Open pull lite air, xlrH . S7SOO. advertised by vehicle 1•""""'11!1111111111!1!1•• ... ....................... prices, 850-0535. type liter Is ready to Evee 9f7-4l21 dealtta In tht vebi(lt Will lracse •a rot vw or .... * I IUY * * "'--h MW USO Rattan so. sm. 964-8008 ~,.-. tlaaalflt d adver\isinc Good Runnina Car Jf """"' • • • , -~ I columns-do.a not In· 4"-4722 Good UHd t\lmlture fi din. aet, new, 1250 Pitney Bowu Auto u tt hoadH wood d ude any appli~able Appliances OR 1 w111 1 Refrlg. S350. 631·1508 ~11e ma ch, Mdl 5615. 1loop. S7500 Dk k Da w.. Ii~. transfer 1-------• aeUarSELLforYou 1 ... s. IOll SWS,M.\·2214. ::;.;:::o. 0 • Grant {tet, ftautt t har,es . AUfos Wanted MA1'9S AUCTIOM 1....................... IOl7 feiit lor alr poUutioll ron - 1 !~fBMllfJ-~f~H~IL I Gllllt SaJe, f'llrn, Haehld, ..................... ~HAJll,I STAI tMattf '""~ ~nutiona ~ PAmJ 1-j 1t.fm1 • 2" to 175. JIOI ....... J • aaill I Nd or -...... meatary '*· --to KING Uf"lllSPlllflfG "A"c'.oraJA .. .'Cll. WU"m n liry Hlmal1yan rtaa w(trtr. lm•t 6 ~ thar,es un· , Open &In DTIA m• •U... s.... to Good Home. t11t. Ital orr. Du •....,,... ''*"'" dQI. rrte towlfta. ' l!b...,.,. .... ~ MU,-. Wkktr hna, Cd u.da. TM..,._ (15 .... !llllt~. •1.-0 ' ~uc. •::a·= lata. ~io ~n.: OIOI ii ..,...... hf1 Ill. · .. .._ a Car or Trwli NtedM: I I 1;..i:r"~ifi,_.M 5i:,.11all•I. l:~. ,.. - -lo ::...---p -~ --:om .. • f! 9720 GIAMT DATSUN CLEARANCE SALE ' •.. .. 2845 llarbvr Bl\'d Costa Mesa 714/540.6410 ·n 2101 Xln\ Condition I.A li1 Lot~ of Xtra~ · 545 ~511 or ~56 44Rll 4 SALF: 191Kl Blue-Mt•talhr Oat.sun 280ZX CouPl' Grand LUJtUI")' Pa<'klittl' Mant condition 35.000+ miles StO.~. 9&4 *>Cl8 .. 0ra"'1t Co .. t OAJLY PILOT/Monday, '•bt'uary 22, 1982 .......... ,... .... rt.4 ...... ~.rW ................. ............... ......~....... Amht ..... rttct ...... u.H u..4 •.••......•....•......•........................••....•.......•....•••...•..••••...........•.....•.....•........•......•...•.•.............•......................•.•.........•...•..... , ., .••..•.........•..... 9740 • nu ..... nu., .. .,.... 9770 .,.,.. nn C••u "" ttJO tt4' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SH HllDA SANTA ANA AND SAVI! ATTIMTIOtt .... OIAMMCOU1MT Y'S # 1 YO&.VO DIALH THILAl6~T "18 Monn. 4 ryl, 5 ·~t!d, 'IO Lincoln Mark VI. · NIWHT ilihrZlbror N INOKANc.a:cooN'tY1 SILICTI1 klw ml, dun. m•aa. moonroor su .ooo Aulhonw1I 4ff··47Z2 IY•t. ur l1lr modt . luw kon.lt, 12,450 7601708 ~ort4J.OUO OWNllS TONNt-:AIJ l'llV .. :H SllllAIW 1> .. :Al.t:tt 5 ... •s. SHYICI mlln11r \ad1ll1ra 1n \: _. i5MONTP.CARLO '7J •-.c ... AND UA~ING Southern C.llfornia ~ 1/c, lo nil, very rle1in S~or •l orfef. '~ + ·1~ l'o111up, lo~ mtll'lll.\l'. 11v,.;1LliF.A.TOl'.C.l\fl;K Y MAIERS fl.25() 1147 $140 $$"6280~-- CHIA T S&ICTtOM CIVICS .. 'lt~ Mt:·~. '71 't!t Nt'\t'I' ""'''t $7:i Maiiali31 77117 1\1· m~i: +' + l(rt•JI •~"'" s1ui • .,o ":XI' •~wrs CADILLAC '811 NOVA 4 dr. itood ens. '72 Coottnent1I romfort1 "1~ Ol Ill ~ ltar60r Blvd but nda radlllor ind ble ltal\I o r. runt well ACCORDS 'TI l>alsun K1n11 Cab with 'RILUDtS t!MZ Mom:1.s 111-:1< .. : NOW 111 --11111-.. ----1·7i; M11t1ll'I. ~hill'. 111·~ S.tll•i<Sl•n·11•1• l.1·,1~1111: 197' MHCEDIS top. tt1111wuu, ,. ... ,. ~hi~ SADDLHACIC l'11mper. low 111111·~. 1an743Q automallc S3SOO ur lw~t """° HNI 4SOSLC ~lnl li!.~1 111;:1 t~\11:1 SUIAIU lllal·k 111.11 li l1"1tha. MGI 9744 olft'r l'all 875 111091'\ I'll :lll W Warnl'r 1, hlk 1.'16 610. ~ dr. M1111 ~hb ~l'l>turs Mum '1111roor •• 11 111~' & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 131 -2040 495.4949 l".l)'t'lll' 123ilhl 77 r.H;H. 1"11•:111 ~h•li· Torofa 9765 AC. lo ml. 12MO Mm1t i'i llondu 000 Xlnl l'Olltl sell. 644 7475 Rtbu1 It l'n11 411 m vi: $33,950 $3,51HI 01 hl·~I 11rf1•r ••••••••••••••••••••••• i4o 1 naso. 4 •IHI $1275· ~ 34 iu JIM S.LEMONS l~t)ll. U.12 61!311. aft I :111 '10Tuvo111 ('11r11lt.1 1301 Qu111I Stn•1·1 li.1146H> S.1tMI I Ltr 564"\YJ\G lt~Jll' i8At't'Ofdllatrhbk t-:Wl'tHITHt:Anl ·n M<!H C.'mtH•rl Holl l'all~2 11!1:tti Sales 443 W llil). Co~la Top 1•ood $4700 Mesa. 64.S 2963 67911667 or G73 3003 133-9300 Ii.Ii. AM t'M , $.\41kl 7tl C111oll.1 lllx 1•h•.r11. 'e0210WAGON 9731 '112 ~II) Tllll llO 1\1u1I Junt• Nl'" M.irk 111 \'our Ortll•t 1111: l>i. l\)lJnl. 731 IY./112 5spct ISK m1, $5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·2210 e\·s S48 15St! '76 Datsun 280Z 2 + 2 auto. air. ster~>. 511\ m1. brown Cherry ron1I' $6296. 644·6306 Rat 9725 •.••................... Gel Ready f orSpnng' 1'70FtAT ISO SPIDEil 111 :'t\BZ 3011 SI> l'urbo DISCOUNT l>ll'St.'I Sll\111 Hlk 1111 HE "'"~U"'RTERS 291\ Ml. SJl.750 f11·111 -"" Call ~1 w.-t.'n Iii\ M t.i l :m LE :oR IWY PM Wl'!'kChl\:1 llnh 5 ,.4 ~7 IWl9 Pmall• l'arl\ ""'4. "'"" ·711 300CD, ~1l11•r l'OlllJ1· ~ Wirt' whb .... ,s .... s nrf 11...wg 1 451\ mt. xlr;i lank 2031 l Isl SI st7.~ 497 ti4!M Santa Ana 714/953 u 14 '73 4!IO S t: llt••t offrt "'+If must st.>11 111 2 "l'l'k' 9151161, AM 5 30 l'M !'l.'11 :1:1:17 1,,.1 ofh•r !'l4ll :tOl!I ,1rt 73 Mll St:I. 1 •1\.1111 tAh Omar I Xlnl l'11n1I M1111 Frt. ·111t\•h1-.1 l:T ""I.~ 'l"I. Mll'I 5 ti45 Zl34 ,, 1· >l\'r1~1 \Int n1111I Opet 9 7 46 $<1;!!f5 oft ti4~ <!tv.i2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tri..... 9767 ...•...•.••......••••.. 1971 OPEL GT Ila~ nt•w p,11111 on u hticl~ lk)!fl'l S..thni.: '7ti Tll7. 11111•ni:. """'' 1'1 ,ui..-• m .:cMwi 1~1nt111100 'uu' li7J 111111 7~2 l.:15:! but 111-eds ~omt· 1·11.:1111• work SHUI C:all 54ti 5~167 Vc:Atw.., 9770 urt1•r Ii pm 111 7711 0321 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"ork 1 and ask for Sui• ·t~t 'ti.'> VW lt'fl //; 111.tht Pondle 9750 1k.1r. '7J l1•fl 1l.1t11 S.'iO •••••••••••••••• • •••••• l'J l'h \lt'l':o-h'I n '' \ h: \\hi nm• fur Sol"'' 11c .. ·1h· $2111'.I 5411 !174.l 74 TJrl(a 1•lt•Jn .mil ~lrJtl(hl $1:1.7~0 ~:,,.,. 7tiVW l 'onH'l1 1:1•MI (.'oncl S<l5111m Tl Sl]l>ll. JUlo. Am 1-'m l'll'llll 11t1.: o~n1•t s.'10 1 li44 141!1 IW~ ~Ill t 'ONVt:llTlllU: Ill l.~1511ur0H1•r h4S 41Nl'7 ·75 llAlllll'I' Nl'" 1•111: 1'11•,111 S::41-I ~1 J.!1111 7:11 ):111:1 fAlLI IH t't>STA MP.SA bodr work WO/bat orr Sl~. Ml-0$35 YOLYO 540-1860 Cll Ttrry $46·7246 or ~ ttU 11166 lhi rlior lllvll 9fAMlll7~ ..---_,, ··c"'TA M .. :s' A ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' "' " '7!'> ~:1.t>ORAUO ·ea 6 ryl , need• work . 64'-U03 540-9467 Xlnt t'Olld. ~lur -•4§•1 ... 611#1111 lllf"E•XWft•d"J-1 JCood tran1 S800/0 80 '7SVOlVO 1641 ~aorrrr IJ46mCJ Runaaooct.s1000 Ass21e1 dya. 760-9184 I~ S39CJS 67:, 4016 '78 roan OeV11le. •Int 540·5595 eves '711 ll!lll •:. 1•htSl<li'. \lt•r)' 1t1f l~KMI m & nul Nl·cd" i;111wi honw Fu1•I tnJ . ,, (. 4 "pd "' () () ~.~I l-'1rm SHli 79~7 l'OOd. ~.~ VltlWt'll lly -••••••••I ·86 Mldt1ng. Xlnt Cond. all!ll . l'ull 640 6221 I.en 99,,2 <.1un GoOO Trqsportra or Joocll. Mon "'" C-.tftt • lion Offer 1131·~ ·71 St:VILLt: ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:xttJ l'11•an. i.unrour. 14 Vft. l1l'W Pliml & ltrt!I. a..... 9955 T lop & fll'k. 3"° 11uto, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wirt' whl l"O\ll'r~. run~ Oran11t• S1250 PP 196601dsToronado l(l"l'Ul. $6750 673 3223 S46 5877 rwu aoocJ $500 Allot, UMd • ~ 990 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Ml * '80 Olciol Cutlau Lo Mt •••••••••••••···•·•··•• c-ro 99t1 •coa•mb c.11 ~_3100_ev_e_s ••••••••••••••••••••••• lll('111naroSS. ~ fJ11 I lluymgor. lh.t(o( Xlnl Cond Full Pwr & h'7 \'W l'illlllk't '"l"'r >ix!. fa11 l(JUl(l':.. hk1· C':alltoday1 Eqwp S767S 830 0891. ili'llll "'"' J!ll'al , wmlradeMG ror 4 Ill'"· S2~110 or t q11le ()\er JOO Vettes lllllt>d 644·2877 S:llm h•'>I 111:1 t7flel Mu~t >l"-" 83!Hilill4 No 011e doe~ 11 better 499-4722 En1 '711 \'W 1111> \hil runct .111 l'am;i ro Z2ll. 4 ~iit·i·il. llon"t buy or i.l'll your 11•hl1 1•11..:1111· $~51111 Mt't llrown. 1, w Ttll Vt'ltetwfore talhn11u~ ~I ~•1 llick 9910 Whl'l'I. Air. A M ... M i:m:!Liikd'orl'St ·n Cutlass Brough<1 m Loaded Bnllsh racing i:reen $3495 PP 497~5 71 \W 1\11> l)u.ol Pl"'••••••••••••••••••••••• SCt•rt•u CJ-'-' llXltl 1111ll'' l~t)!unu lhll.~ 8S50l4I 1:1 ~:,1 .111' W.ii:on Mint Slll,UUU l>.n s '77 Olds 88 Xlnl l'oncJ 1·ni:1111· 1111" "' rnni: SI r N l l $..'SIMI 1;.12t1:lll7i•\t'' · IJlrtMI 1·w11Ji1t · 11" 1~~711, ~:H•Sli·l~ll'J.ut C..,.. 9933 At C. PS & brakes tnJ! pk it $\NH> li-t llf1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S2tl5 968 08QI aft 5 • h'7 llo·l'll1· Stud, dt'.tn !>10i!!lli4l CM•rokot 9920 79Cooi:JrXH7 At', l'"r 1~M11I 'lk 1,11t1u 1,11h.1b Codlloc 9915 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PS brk~.St-al.~111d11~ ... PWo 9957 $!7tiu ~!n •!•!n •••••••••••••·········· SEE US FIRST' & moonroor "'•rt·-. hi~. ~·········••••••••···~· COMYHTllU ONLY 35,000 mile) on rt' built engine. AM FM slereo, 4 speed tran~ . new brakes & two new tires. Pri vale party $1600 best offer MUST SELL' C all Rob at 768-0'lJl6 after s p m & weekends. 71 ~1hk Wi:n. 111 .. 111 t11·i.1 '76 MD 4SOSE lllUl' Ori)! ·w 11ll1:. hl;11·k"' l'l'tl 1111. 11111·1 ~Ill :IOl!I .111 ••pm owner. all extra~ ltl'lail '70 PORSCHE 914 xlnl >hap1·. S~4!511 or 11\h 1111~11 1 !tn 4129 CONTEMPLATl~G W1•h1Hl'Jl(Oochcll·1."t1on rad1ali. Xlnt i·1~nd S.S~ 7(~ Pd1nGto. W ~fon RAC. C "'DtllAC? r N ~'W & l'SFI> PP 8.'i7K4:14 t;ill Mun ,oo as 1. uns " :'..... 1· •.. , · · lhru ,...,1 Good Ot-pendable. t:ood Wt• "11o•1•1ah ,,. 111 k!."''' -.....-\ ro c... Cond $1000 49-1 1318 WE'VE --'l',. _ _,..1 516.235. STt:AL MI N,.: 7ll~ m1. am rm in ct.1 ... h tr.uk K3S tlliK-1 (()( Sll.000 l'h 645 ~l!i!G rJ IO s:i:: 8111)! 19 \ \\' \'.in J:! IMNI Ill I ' MA YEDf -·" ·77 MB 3000 36 )!al lank. """ l1•rr1r11-. 1111• ur ,..V ~nrf. 1mma i· AsktnJ! 112 !Ill Sl'. Tari;;1 , \lr,t > $7 ~11111 tlllU .,., IY & ¥1111 •.. SIJ.950 Dc~1Wrall' mu,1 l'lal111um metalllt'. !11\ I ·l!l!I ~li>lt • ACIUYYI sell Makt· 11rr1·r ti75 6311 ~1 · loadt'd. Jll Ji·altlt'r. ll l' .. 'I E II I 1; 1: \' HUSClllOl'l 'II S \ ( '.I •1111 111·1 ·" "' 1111111 ' S7~U 5!'l!J 110:!1 i i \'W .• 1111 (111 1',i>:. I dill I'll)!. Ill'" 11,11111 \ll\I 1'1~111 $;/biMI 'lti:I !'l71ili fo1 lht• hu"n"" 1·' 1~ 1111\1• & 11ror ..... ,.111n,11 LCW9'Sdediot1 Of Hew 1982 Codlllou How 111 Stock! COHHEll CHEVROLET ~tldfllt•I ti,, I I I~ T" "1 ~" \ 54~1200 DodlJt 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...,....... 9960 '79 Colt. belo~ lo" lllul' ••••••••••••••••• ••••• • Book. l'lt'an. extra ... Ml '77 Arro"' GT. !I s pd. illf. 2 :IJ & wknds an~ ltllll.' AM FM $2495 1W2 9114 $3000 496 8313. 831·2750 Brian '78 flat X19 AM ~·M Cass Mags. Xtras. Xlnl Cood S3200 Eves & Wknd's 49·H!oS9 '7S fiat Spyder Lo M 1 su e1es ~po1ler... front & n ·ar. t'1bt'r)!IJ~,. l1oich "' 1111• us ~.Jrm. xtra ~pt·ak1•r,. 11 ,t ll(I ltilll.l i·n~ $1t~!'l 11,1 tJI llui.: rl'hll ""I! 111'" I fOlt MG 9742 o.ft11er. I dn11•r ~.50t 11rr lmm.irulalt• Work v.11111 & 1111 rtJ" I"'' M!~~: .......••.........•..•. hnn 731 0977 !'44 Jli55. hunll' 5~•· 11~:1 £.'75 IWOI :l\IK:! NABl~RS ( :, \I )11 J ,,\(: ·1:; Monlt' t'arlo Air I' S, L-...1 99,.0 "66 Pl> Sport t\11) Rbll I' H Nlt'E' 5.24911 ph n.v "' 318, New rod & main !'lolll 11112 ·~·~~:,:~,~~·;;;~~~·A~;; bl>annl(S. 11mmJ: eham & ~car~. \31\e JOb. nl'" S24500BO 6Jl·S426 Eves 9727 A--. ••r ·~n~lifr~~~~.·r.t <~i~u·",1.~1 RollsRoyce 9756 ·111 ,.w uu .... hk•· "''". 1vo1.o t112 -•••••••••••••••••••••••1 $6495 1 pa,~t1n~··r ~un 1••••••••••••••••••••••• ---lllW Runs I011111I $21110 -O!Oi •t DEALER IN U.S.A. rl. auto 6.16 lil611 Ill \'oho II:.!." l tlt Mint lllUllllHI CISU lltU 14S1™ 586 256() ro111I I 11~ n1·r $;! 11111 '81 SurbwbOflChe• lrun~ PS.$<100 ball. 2 new lirei,. (Juahf1cd pcrson lo hll) 761l·8242 AM fM i·as~ $6!>fl obn or lJkt' '" 1•r h•a.,1• "'u lh 1;1wt11tt>d 23 mo n•mJ 11j '711 ~·1~tJ With 1\1r l.11 ~ ti.'l ('J1t S.·tlJll \h1•l fl\ tnitt>.lli 115611 I ~ \'t•n Goolt t'oml ~Wnt 9970 ~ ,. I \\, • 'i1 l 'I~ ......................• ·77 Arrord, aulo, air, """ RX7 GS 24 000 I . J l t l 1 • AM FM 42 000 n11 "" . . m1 es.,.~ rn.J11•1 111 o u1<.11 IVY CARVER IOl.S-rocE l!lbi \'WSc1u,11,•h,11k j l'allh31!1tl7 1'1' Ni•" E.n)!lllt' $1 :.!IHI '"''l't'"'ion ur ,.:n•,JI fur I i'.! ~~I (\1m1n~• \\ 'ht•ll K-10 tl777 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'.111' $2~11 6';1 i!llh I ·"1!1 It Ir h1l rh. <.;.•,I 1·01111 '67 T Bird. hke ne" 26K 54700 S48 5946 ' slereo1«asselle. uir I ht·n 1!1•1 .i1·1p1J11111'1I ---· l'Ond . rroon roor. xlnl ""h lhe l'l,1,)tf1l•1t .\11, I ~KOOK I 'Hll 1:1.~: 111>. M'd.111 lulh I 1•1111111 1111 I \ M ~·M 1·J." '"rr 11h1 1111 " "' tr·'' ttil\ 1111 'h"" rm 1·ond SI u ou !'>!Iii i!J~i -j .I ( •. 1 " ' I I! II II" I Lo d d I 110 ~.hlor:1tl11H1.111111 SI '~1 i·.ill !1.ll 293• 11a·1·h.11111 .ii l111tl\ 111111:h :!er ~~16 a e ·77 Accord. auto. a r r o n d S I O 0 Z S They re lh1· 1'J'"''' "J \ I stereo rass . electrontt• I tACM 168) 497 6333 or I to rmd JU,l lh1· "''n" Jncl lgJl. $4700 642·0879 : ~~ ~I'\ ll·~) OU IW1•tl ' ,-.,. AMl\'Q:t .S NVIA.._1 t"-''" ~"'*"' t.tf!t4 .. ~ ..... ~ CtOS!O SONOAYS St:l.I. 11111• 111•111' "ti h .1 I D.11h 1'11111 rl,1"1111•1! \ll 111.H k Jll t'lllll lllllt• Ill j5 \11111/J !IJll hbJt k 1!111111 11 ,111,11111 I $illll 111•u mill·~ hk1· Ill'~ I I •p<I .. ' i:uoct l'l\10 Iii~•• t'\111•• I .I 11111,11 11· ll:t\I' ~11111•111111i: 111 "'". mlL'I wll ~9 512"; l'Jf Sl30tl OHO 645 4!16.'l S.•111111-.1111.\ iC~l 1175:1 t'IJ.•:-tf11~l .11b tl111t "'1·11 MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • A nAS CHRYSLER.ft. YMOUTH 2929 tiarbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway otf Harbor Blvd. Complete I 1b0dy sho p. Sa tes Service. Perts. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7-30 A.M to S 30 P.M and 8 AM. to 5 P.M on S aturday • HACH IWORTS 848 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. we·re the spec1ahs1s for Alla Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & M1serat1 • THEODORE ROllMS FOID Modern sales. service. parts. body, paint & tire depts Competiti ve rates on lease & dally rentals. 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 642·00t0 or540-8211. • JOHMSOM & SOM UMCOLH MEICUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mes& Tel 540-5630 57 Years of friendly family service -Orange County's oldest l.•n- coln-Mercury dealership • SOUTH COAST DOME 2888 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tel 540-0330 RV service speclallst1. ~.ustom van convet11ons. • HEWf'ORT 1...-ottTS 3100 W Coas t Highway, Newpo rt Buch Tel. 642·9405/540-1764. The Ferran HNdQull'te,.., • MEWP'ORT DATSUM 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel 833-t300 At the triangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Vic· toria Station. Sales. Service. Leas ing & Parts. Fleet dis- ooonts to the public. 0 MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 540-9t00 Or1nge County's Largest Cadillac dealer Sales Service Leas· ing. • DAVID J. P'HILLIP'S IUICl(.flOMTIAC.MAIDA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Ahc1a Parkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 • CHICK IVERSOM P'ORSC ... AUDt-VW 415 E. Coast Hwy .• Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only deal_,-sh1p 1n Orange County with these three great mak~ under one rool• • ALAM MAGHOM rotmAC.SUIARU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mela. Tel. 549-4300. Si ler,. Service, L111lng.~'Mr Goodwrench," 0 HOUSIO.I~ MllC•SWZ s ................ 6862 M1nc:hHter Blvd .. Buen1 P1tll (on Santa An1 Freeway~ Tike Beach Blvd. offramp -sharp right on ~c~ter OW.. MER-CEDES (213 or 714) 937·2333 C> • I 01 LOMGP'RE P'OMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd., Westminster. Tel. 892·665t Orange County's oldest and largest Ponllac dealership Sares. Service, Parts SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Lagun1 Beach "CMY(• ... It ..... -~!" SALES HOURS: Mon -Fri 9-7. Sat 9-5. Sun 10-4 494· 1t31 546-9967 COST A MESA DATSUM 2845 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Tel. 540·64 tO. Serving Orange County for t6 years 1 Mlle So 405 SUMSET FORD, IMC. (Home of W1llre the Whale) S«O Garden Grove Blvd . Westminster Tel 63&-4010 • • SAMT A AMA DATSUM 2001 E 171h Street, Sa~ta Ana. Tel 558-78t 1 Your- Orlglnal Dedicated Datsun Dealer • MIRACLE MAZDA We've movedl Our new location is 1425 Baker Street, Costa Mesa. Te l. 545-3334 Stop by & vi11t our brand new shoWroom ancf see why we're the 11 Mazda dealer 1n Southern Ca llfornla. Sales, Service, Parts and Leasing . • AMAHllM MAZDA "o..tr o.c. ....... De-.r wMt '"-s.r.ic. '-C.." 601 S. Anaheim Blvd .. Anaheim 956-1820. J ust north of Santa Ana Frwy. on Anaheim Blvd. Cell us llr1tl "WE ARE HARO TO A~UT WORTH ITI' • SADDLEIACK IMW /MAIU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy .. AV«Y Pkwy. exit We oflef what no bank o r lease company can: 1. Expenly staffed, most modern service & parts dept.: 2. One of the Southlend·1 moat experienced Sllel & IMalng atatf. 3. Elimination of the middleman by leellng dMlet direct. 831 ·2040 496-4e48 DGM LE.ASIMG, IMC. 730 w 19th St., Coste Mesa 642-19« You re 1n for a surprise at OGIVI Leasing 0 COHMIU c .. vaOUT .2828 Harbor Blvd .. Costa MeM. ~ 20 years aervlng Orange County! Sales, leasing, MtVlcie. Call s.46·1200; special parts line: 546·9400; body 1hop llne; 754-0400. • ROY CARVH ROLLS ROYCMMW 1540 Jamboree Road. Newport BMch, 840-6444. SllH. Service . P1rts And Leasing. COMSIDll IT SOLD! Uled cars are In deman d and sell qulctcly when edvertlMd In claaaifled To place your private party ed. call Sally L• lll6'2-S678. ; . ·FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED 642-5678 ON THIS AD, CONTACI YOUR DAILY PILOT REP . • . . ,. . ,. l .. • • • • • Ylll 11111111 UllY PINI M U NDAY . FE.BHUAH V n . 19li2 OH ANGE COUNTY . C ALIFOR NIA 25 CENTS Gasoline spill floods drains, .'streets of NB Thirty-six firefighters from three cities spent six hours mopping up nearly 800 gallons of gasoline that flooded a Newport Beat h intersection and poured into the city drainage system Sunday evening, Work crews used a ch'emical foam to contain the gasoline arid blocked off the nearby flood control channel to prevent that flammable liquid from reaching , the environmentally sensitive Upper Newport Bay. The accidental spill at the 4678 Campus Drive Texaco service station was caused at about 7:15 p.m . when a car ran over a . 4-in~b delivery truck hose. The delivery tanker was pumping gasoline into' U~e stat1on's h o lding tanks . Authorities said the car severed the hose and fled the area. • Firemen from Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and the county fire department hurried to the scene While policemen blocked off the Campus Drive -Mac Arthur Boulevard intersection. · All of lbe nearby intersections from Campus Drive north to the San Diego Freeway also were clo$ed. Officials s aid Steverson Brothers , a Huntington Beach-based cleanup operation, brought a vacuum truck to the area and were able to suck up roughly 500 gallons of the spilled gasoline. One Orange County firefighter suffered minor injuries when some of t.he chemical roam got in his eyes. The sealed-off Intersections were finally reopened at 1: 15 b.m . todav. 50 Years Washington praised Reagan hails George's ideals MOUNT VERNON, Va. (AP> -President Reagan praised George Washington for meeting the challenges of his generation and promised. on the firs t president ·s 250th birthday, that "we will meet ours." Reagan, like many of his predecessors. visited Was hington's home here to lay a wreath at his tomb and deliver an address from the steps of his home. In remarks prepared for delivery. the preside nt urged Americans to .. rededicate ourselves to the ideals George Washington set. Let us give of ourselves. so that when our tim e is through, history m ay say of us what Thomas Jefferson said of him : "Their integrity was the most pure and their justice the m ost inflexible we have ever known. They were. in every sense of the word. a wise, a good and a great people ... Rea~an added, "I believe we still are. and. because I believe in you, I believe we will be tomorrow ... ALL IN A LATHER Firefighters pour foam on a s pill of nearly 800 gallons of gasoline that flooded th(' drainage o.ily ...... ~.., .................. syste m near a service station on Campus Drive in !'lewport Reach Sunday evening 'Death coming over . the cliff' But pilot, three others survive plane crash on Catalina Island runway By PATRICK KENNEDY Oft ... O.ity~Slltft Don Nabors of Fo untain Valley s ays he "saw death coming over that cli!r" as the small airplane crash-landed on Catalina Sunday. None of the four persons aboard was killed when the Piper aircraft touched down beyond the middle of the Airport-in-the-Sky runway at a high speed and skidded on the runway embankment at 11 :40 a.m. Pilot Damien F. Henderson, 31, of Costa Mesa, suffered internal injuries and i s hospitalized in Torrance Memorial Hospital, Nabors said. Nabors. 20, suffered a broken nose a nd was treated and '5th Beatie' disc jockey dies in LA NEW YORK <AP I Murray Kaufman, the disc jockey known as "Murray the K" who rose to fa me m the 1960s as "the Fifth Beatie." died today in his sleep at home in Los Angeles, his· former business manager said. Deborah Alexander said in a telephone interview from Los Angeles that Kaufman 's son, Peter Altschuler, confirmed his father's death. She said Kaufman, who had been battling cancer for more than two years, left a Los Angeles hospital last week and returned to his home in Studio City. Kaufman. who was in his 50s, suffered from lymphoma. He helped introduce a group called the Beatles to American teen-agers in the 1960s and was credited with helping s pawn the rock generation by giving British rock 'n 'rollers such as T he Rolling Stones and The Who exposure to U.S. audiences . <See DJ, Page A2> released from the hospital His brother , Bob. 17, and Douglas Mc Daniel, 15, also of Fountain Va lley, both s uffered back injuries in the crash. Nabors said the four were airlifted by military helicopter to the hos pital fo llowing the crash. Nabors said they had left John Wayne Airport and were going to Catalina to spend the day and "goof around." Nabors said he "knew we were going too fast and I told Damien to slow it down but you know pilots never lis t en to co-pilots. "We hit way past the middle of the runway and he tried to brake it bl'1. the plane started swer ving to the left and right. J yelled at him to put it back in the air but by that time we'd lost too much power. ··As we headed for the end or the runway, 1 j ust thought , 'this is it'. .. "No one said a word. We're lucky to be alive." Na b o r s sa id he lost consciousness for a few seconds after bis fa ce smashed against the dashboard. When he came to , he s aid be saw pilot Henderson lying with his face on the steering wheel and bleeding profusely from the mouth and nose. "He looked de ad ," Nabors said. ")saw that my brother and his friend were aJI right and we c rawled out of the plane. By that time, rescue workers arrived and put us all on stretchers." Na hors says he has since talked with Henderson who is in serious condition at the hospital. Both he and Henderson work for Avco Finan cial Group in Newport Beach. His brother and Mc Daniel attend Los Amigos High School in Fountain Valley, he s aid. Another single engine plane, also with four passengers, had cras h-landed at Catalina just two hours earlier but no one was injured, authorities reported. The plane, a Cessna 170 from Fullerton Airport, cras h-landed near the Airport-in-the-Sky al 9 :20 a .m after it lo:.t power while cir cling the airport in preparatioh for landing. Carpenters torch coast rules. Panel blamed for housing inflatwn and 1,1,nemployment By STEVE MITCHELL Of -o.lly l"li.t Su fi Want to hear a good belly laugh' Just ask developer Chuck Sm yth to name one good thing about t he S t ate Coastal Commission. "You've got lo be kidding," t he j ubilant Ne wport Beach developer said this morning in front of Carpente r's Union Local 1648 in Dana Point. About 75 union carpenters gathered at the s mall, one room local on Street of the Golden Lantern this morning to witness a call for union workers for Smyth's $100 million Lantern Bay project, to be built about 100 yards down the street. And whiJe only two jobs for concrete form work were up for grabs today, union officials said , "This is just the beginning." Journeyman carpenter Bruce Bynes, 32, shouted, "I'll take i t ." when h is n a m e was announced during roll call. '· 1 haven't had a job since Thanksgiving," the Capistrano Beach carpenter said. "It's only for a couple of we:!ks, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing." By nes joined his fellow carpenters in front of the local a few minutes later to watch union bus iness representative Bill Molnar set fire to a pile of coastal commission regulations. As he poured Lighter fluid over the s tac k o f ru l es a nd regulations. Molnar expounded on what he termed the damage caused by the commission. "They (the commission> have been the cause of inflation in the hous ing industry and the reason w h y a lot o f yo u are unemployed," he told the assem bl e d , Am e ri ca n na~-wavin~ carpenters. As the regulations fed with stringers of "red tape " - er upted into fl ames, the carpenters erupted into cheers and hoots. A smiling Chuck Smyth, who with his brother Ed owns Smyth Bros., lnc .. stood at the side, watching the staged ceremonies. The two builders have· been trying to develop their 76-acre parcel overlooking Dana Harbor for the past 22 years . Plans call for 112 townhouses, 46 single family homes, two major hotels, a shopping center and two parks that will be constructed and maintained by the company. "It's a gr eat relief to be throug h the co a s tal commission," he s aid. Smyth blames the commission for "contributing directly to the (See RULES, Page AZ> llllGI CllST lllTHll Partly clQudy_, this afternoon. Low clouds and loc al fog tonight a nd Tuesday morning. Partly cloudy Tuesday afternoon with g u s ty west o r northwest winds. Cooler days. Highs 64 to 70. Lows tonight in the SOs. Beaches lure many, but water still cold '111111 TllAY . Voice 1pect0Uat 10~1 c heer l&od ing can be haaordoua to the throat, .er~ .a ''Gravel Gmw" IOlh .o trout>kd todol Uft. . Rage Bl lUd I -·-·----' Lifeguard departments along the Orange Coast have reported large winter crowds turning up at area beaches o ver the weekend to take advantage of warm , s umm e r -l i k e temperatures. And while the mild mid to upper-70...degree weather may have made it feel like summer on the sand, the few hardy folks who ventured into the SS-degree water were reminded it is sUll winter, lifeguards said . Newport Beach lifecuard spo kesman Jack Lincke said about 80,000 people visited city beaches on both days of the Wffkeed, a comparable flpn to summer totals. . Llncke said Ufecuanta h..t no m aJor prqblem1 with tbe unusualb' la.rte crowd, with only 15 routtDe rescuea repol1ed for botb d&Ja. Sw'f a1oac mott ot tbe COlllt ... a. the a '° a.root ,..., ' posing no threat to swimmers. However , c h i ll water temperatures got three younc ~ple from Los Angeles County in trouble Sunday afternoon at SWlset Beach, according to Jobn Barth of the Huntinston· Beath Lifeguard Department. Barth said tbe three, Victor Alevedo, 17, Debbie San Nicolaa, 20, and Sharon Middlebrook, 18, were treated for exhaustion at Loa Alamitos General Hospital after being pulled from the surf by city lifegu8rd.B. Barth said tbe youths were swimmln1 near 19th Street when they were caught ln a rip current and pulled of'fsbore. Heel the water been warmer, the situation would probably have posed no problem for them1 Bartb said. AU were treated ana releued. San Clemente Llfeauard Stet9 Barrett said about M,000 people 1bowed _,.!It_.,!! city beachH ,.._ .Ua11:1 ..... At) . I IALVAGER9 IPLAIH!D -Crew rrom Anchor Marine Salvage trles to get 1Un1s around 30-foot aailboat Kwan Kin which ran aground in dense rog at Bolaa Cb.lea State ~ach ln l ...................... Huntlngton Beach at 5 p.m. Sunday. Craft, wlth hole in its hull rrom pounclin1 surf, ls owned by Steve Adair of Loi Anaeles. ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Mond•y. Febru•ry 22, 1912 CouncilWoman to .fight recall threats • ..... Pilll Mllll ..... Br STEVE MAaBLE ............ Newport Beach Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer aatd today she Intends to seek lecal advice concemloc a stream ot recall threata she Hya she'• r~eived ln recent weeks. Mrs. Plummer aaid she bepn r: ettlnl the threats 1bortly after . oinJJ\I a city council majority ln entaUvely approvint plaoa for development of the Bannlnc Ranch. "I take t.bis very seriously," she commented. The reeaU threats reportedly have been com i ng from memben ol tbe Weat Newport Le1l1laUve Alllance, a 1roup clalmln1 to repreeent up to t ,000 homeowners. The aUlance bad aaktd t.be council to scale down tbe 8aooln1 Ranch developmm, which would be develOped oa Tl •crea welt ol Superior A"**9 and Inland of Pacific Cout Hl1bway. The council has informally 'aereed to a "compromlae" development scheme for the property which woul~ allow lea bulldinc than the developer soucbt but more t·ban the alllance requested. Toro gunshot victim Alllanc:e member. HY there baa been talk about a recall drive a1aln1t Councilwoman Plummer, wtme dlltrtct ta.kn in Weal Newport. • But, the alllance members 1a1d, lt la more likely that their IJ'OUP wW Htk a retereadum a1atn1t the Bannlo1 Ranch project l.Dlt.ead. "We don't want to 10 to a referendum,•· 1ald Loulte Greeley, alliance leader, "but it mey come to that." She laid 1he bad DO doubt.a that ber 1roup co'f!d-t'alae enoutb liambares to force the council to put the development • se:tious project to a citywide vote. '' 1 think pressure and blackmail tactlca like thll are unproductive," responded Mayor Jackie Heather, "and often elicit the oppoalte reaction than the ooe desired." Mayor Heather said the council arrived at a compromlae that offers "considerable Improvement" to the West Newport community. "They have a lot to lose," she s uggested. Mrs. Greeley said her group wlll attempt to lobby council mem bera before they take final action on the development plan. next month. "We feel the council '1aa spent lon1 hours ll1tenln1 but Just haven't heard us," the alliance leader11ld. The alliance bas been s upported by m e m bera of another 1roup -Residents Action Plan -that wa1ed a s ucceaaful referendum drive against the Irvine Company's plan to expand Newport Center. The Bannln& Ranch project, as the council informally approved It, would permit construction of 379 homes and 400 ,000 square feel or office and industl'lal construction on the one-time sheep ranch. TARGET -Newp0H. Beach Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer may counter recall threats with legal action. Sheriff's deputies seelcing 2 st'Jspects i n.attack From Page A1 DJ DIES . • • An El Toro man, shot several times by two men he invited into his home, remains in serious condition today al Mission Community Hospital in Mission Viejo. William Gordon Gilholm, 32, met t he two suspects at a beach south of Laguna Be ach and invited them to his Avenida Anapola home Saturday night, according to reports by Orange County Sheriff's deputies;. The victim said the pair shot him without provocation shortly after arriving at the home, then rans acked the residence before leaving. Gilholm managed to summon he lp and was rushed to the hospital where he is reported in serious but stable condition. H e also helped build the careers of s uch favorites as Smokey Robinson , Dionne Warwick, Bobby Darin, Jimi Hendrix and Tony Orlando. Promoter Sjd B ernstein recalled in 1980 how he went a bout bringing the BeaUes to the United States. He said Brian Epstein, manager of the mop-haired quartet, argued, ··we have no American airplay at all. How do you expect to sell tickets?" Smoking, cancer more firmly linked No problem, Bernstein said. "Murray the K" provided the airplay, Bernstein handled the tickets, and U.S. Beatlemania was botn. ·Kaufman grew up in the Bronx and his career spanned a number of radio stations. He worked for WMCA In the 19005, and in the early 1960s was the evening disc jockey on WINS. then a rock station. He typified the high-powered top 40 rock disc jockey. In the mid-1960s he went to WOR-FM and was part of the first progressive tock radio station in New York City. Around 1970 he went to CHUM in Toron\O, and in 1980 hosted a sy ndicat~d program called "'Soundtrack of the 60s," a weekly three-hour s how featuring songs of the 60s. Last year. doctors told him his can cer was in remission. WA S HINGTON (AP ) - Cigarette smoking is "a major cause" of cancer of the lung, larynx and esophagus and "a contributory factor" in bladder, kidney and pancreatic cancer, the surgeon general reported today. Although the surgeon general began compiling r eports on smoking in 1964, the annual one issued today is the first devoted to assessing the associations between smoking and specific types of cancer. The r eport by Surgeon Gen e r al C. Everett Koop described l ung cancer as "Largely a preventable dl.seue," estimating that 85 percent of lung cancer deaths could be avoided if Americans never smoked. Koop cited various studies suggesting that 22 percent to 38 percent of all cancer deaths can be attributed to smoking and said all of those are "potentially avoidable if smoking did not .., ........... UP IN SMOKE -Carpenters Local 1648 representative Bill Molnar sets fire to Coastal Commission regulations during ceremonies in Dana Point celebrating the hiring of carpenters for the m~ch-delayed Lantern Bay development. ORANOE COAST · · Dilly Pilat Thomas P. Haley ........... -Clllllf lltecullw Ollie.• Robert N. Weed ........ . Thomas A. MurpMne .... L l<lfY Schultz ---~ -~,.a.-- ~cm.e• P. Harvey ......... ,,...... K9Meth N. Goddard Jr. ~....., Owtes.H. Loos ............. Cle•IMed 9CMN11 .. 7'1W01171 • AR other depet1menla MMa1 MAIN OfflCE •w.--..sc .. c ... -...CA. -....-..:._l.,C ... MIM!CA._. C:..rllllt ,., °:li:.::: .... 11 ••• ~.' ' ... _...._., ............... .. _.,, ........ _, .......... ..... ............ -~-· ' exist as a human behavior." Cancer was responsible for 412,000 deaths in lbe United States in 1980 and is expected to claim 430.000 lives in 1982, he said . Lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer death among American males since the 1950s. It will become the leading cause of cancer deaths among fe males during this decade if present trends continue , Koop's study said. Koop's report re-emphasized previously documented statistics showing cigarette s mokers in general die at an earlier age than non·smokers. He said there is not enough evidence to con clude that non -smbkers get lung cancer from inhaling cigarette smoke from people smoking near them. but added that "the evidence does raise concern a bout a possible serious public health problem." From PageA1 RULES. • • • increase in costs" for the project. "In 1972 we intended to sell these units for around $40,000," he s aid. Smyth won 't even say what they'll be going for when the project is completed in three to fi ve years. Does he have anything good to say about the coastal watchdog? ··Absolutely not. Their goal was to enable more people to enjoy the coast, but because of t heir delays and regulations they have increased the cost of projects to the point where only the very rich can afford lo live here." "I'm just glad we're finally through that entire ridiculous process," he said. The Lantern Bay project is expected to cost between $100 and $1 50 million before its com plelion and holds the potential for providing hundreds or jobs to the local carpenters' union -the smallest in Orange County. ·'There were only two jobs handed out today," said Molnar. the union representative. "But that's just the tip o f the iceberg." "Happy days are here again," he sang, drawing more applause from hard-bat carpenters. ' .From Page A1 .BEACHES • • • Saturday and about 26,000 on Sunday. Barrett said only four rescues were made over the entire weekend, all routine. He said lifeguards were kept busy, enforcln1 city leash laws Speaker 1 s tole n from NB the ater M ana1era of the Edward• Cinema in Newport Center dllcovered Saturday nJ1bt that :1omeone had unhooked and 'made off wlth 12 theater speaken valued at 98,000. PoUce said the Indoor apeakera, located on a 7-foot hilh platform on the east side ol the Newport Beach theater, were llltel~ taken whn Uae cinema wu cJOHd. Police wwe told the 1peuen weltbed u pounds each. 1 Deputies said they are seeking two men. in their early 20s. The 'first suspect is of latin descent, 5-feet-7, and described as slender .• They are aJso seekintc a male caucasian with blond hair. The pair reportedly drove a brown late model foreign pickup truck, with a dent on the left front fender. Cost a Mesa's Mrs. Bronston dies at91 . Memorial s ervices for long-time Costa Mesa resident Dorothy I. Bronston, who died Thursday in Santa Ana, are scheduled for 11 a .m . Wednesday at the home of her daughter. 1024 Linden Place, Costa Mesa. Mrs. Bronston was born Oct. 22, 1890 in Chattanooga, Tenn. S he was a long-standing member of the Costa Mesa Fuchsia Society. She had four brothers and two sisters, all now deceased. She is survived by her daughter, Dorothy E . "Bette" Bronston, of Costa Mesa. 400 illegal alie n s c aught U.S. Border Patrol agents at the San Onofre checkpoint say they nette d 400 illegal immifrants and 17 s mugglers during a special operation at the station Sunday. Agent Frank Wemsing said 74 agents took part in the exercise. The additional agents manned the beach and area inland of the San Diego Freeway to prevent illegal entrants from jumping out of vehicles and escaping on foot. Werns iog s aid the special traffic st.op was be~un at dusk Sunday. Woman d ies afte r s mashup A 30-year-o ld Huntington Beach woman was killed Sunday morning when her car went out of control and struck a power pole on Bolsa Chica Road in Westminster, police reported. Catherine Bergm an was pronounced dead at the scene near Rancho Road shortly aft.er the 2:09 a.m . accident, police said. She was alone in the_car. 0-. ~ "'9et 1W •k._.. •-VICTIM COMFORTED -Pamela Neidhart of Balboa Island is comforted by friends this morning while Newport Beach paramedics put her leg in a cast. She and another person were taken lo the Fountain Valley Community Hospital trauma ce·nter following a head-on collision on Bristol Street North at Campus Drive. Newport man denies killing woman, 80 By The Assoda&ed Press A 39-year-old Newport Beach man bas pleaded innocent to charges he murdered an elderly mil lio nairess and forged documents giving him control or her estate. Lawrence Remsen , described by police as the "sometime companion" of 80-y e ar·old Thelma Jeanette Ga s ton , entered the plea at his Superior Court arraignment Friday in Los Angeles on charges of murder, forgery. grand theft and attempted grand theft. Judge William 8. Keene set a March 30 pretrial bearing and Remsen was returned to jail in lieu of $200,000 bail. Ms. Gaston's body has never been found, but she has not been seen since June 28 when she left a note on the door of her Cheviot Hills home saying she was going out to look for her cat. Re m sen vanis h ed shortly thereafter. and subsequently M s . Gaston 's busin ess associates rece ived allegedly forged letters e ntru sting Rem s en with h er estate , reportedly valued at about $20 million. Remsen was arrested in Eagle Rock, Texas. last Sept. 2. · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SALE on selected equipment only! We .. in the mldlt of what 19 shaping up to be one of the best ski ee.ans ever Md Ml•f•rt .. ca..,•r h• the merchand tse and 1ervlce to mllke you,.. even better. ..... ... Roel~not oynam Kl San Mr.co _Dyrwnic R.rctde Fl9cher Kofl8ch Geze Tyrolia Marker A,. ......... RECEIVES AWARD -Actor James Stewart chats with unidentified woman at a Berlin Opera House party , following presentation of an award. Stewart. 74. received a special "Golden Bear" the top award of the Berlin Film Festival for his services to cinema. · Sen. Edward Kenrwdy 50 today "l enjoy a full life. While I've faced challenge and tragedy, l' ve had a lot or happiness," Sen. E dward M. Kennedy said of his 50th birthday today. "Basically I'm hopeful, happy and optimistic," he said in a recent interview. Spokesman Brian Delaney Suzanne Somers, fir ed Cr o m ABC 's "Thre e 's Company" 16 months ago in a contract dispute, says her time away from television was "a difficult period or growth." Being s acked fro m the p o pular s h o w aft e r d e mand1ng $1 50 ,000 per episode was a s addening' experience, Miss Somers said in an interview with Former Secretary of State Edmund Muskie is urging city officials in Portland, Maine, to overturn the ir deci sion to r e name the municipal airport in his honor. "To my utter dismay," Mus kie wrote to Mayor Pamela Plumb, "I now find ny name caught up in an unplea sant controve r sy whi c h h as con ver ted a said a fundraiser was to be he ld in Boston today, the birthday Kennedy s hares with George Washington. Actor Robert Redford, U.S. H ou se Spe ake r Thomas "Tip" O'Neill and Sen. Paul Tsongas, D-Mass., were schedule d to atte nd the privat e party at th e Ritz-Carlton. People magazine. Bu t n ow , th a nk s t o e ncou ragement from he r husband, Alan Hamel, s he says she feels "stronger than ever_·· S h e is tr y in g fo r a comeback with a CBS special to be broadcast on Channel 2 at 10 tonight. In the hour-long program she will be strutting and singing to 6.000 saHors a board the USS Ranger. gesture or goodwill into an empty honor·'· The council voted S-3 three weeks a go to change the n a m e of th e Portland Intern a tio n a l J e tport. Fo l lowing a barrage of criticism from citizens wbo o bject e d to the change, C ouncilor l . Donald Mac:Wllliam1 announced that h e would a s k membe rs Monday to restore the old name . P~ot.o1repber1 who crept' lbrou1b the W\Clerbruah to snap picture• of the blklnl ·clad ro)'al molb•r·&o·b• have been ba11i1hed aft•r "taatele11" pbotoa of PrlatHI Olaaa enra1ed Q9eeo £lllabetla n. Two Fleet Street tabloids apololized to the queen for runnfna the pictures of Diana, 20, who l5 five months preanant. But the apology was too late: The queen had already taken steps to ensure photographers would do no more snooping. The Princess of Wales wu photoaraphed wearing a bikini a.s she played in the ocean with Prlau Charles during their 10-day vacation on a retreat· island adjacent to Eleuthera in the Bahamas. Country mus ic singer Merle Haigard will perform for P resident and Mrs. Jteagaa on their anniversary March 7, hi s r e cord company, CBS, announced. Haggard, who s pent two year s and nine months in California 's San Quentin Prison ror burglary, is best known for hls 1969 hit "Okie From Muskogee." It was comedian Pat Henry's best exit line , and it got another laugh whe n Frank Sinatra used It in a eulogy to say goodbye to his longtime friend. Sinatra told how Henry, who was his opening act for 35 years, would alwa¥s tell the singer as he turned over the stage: "I dare you follow me ." Man y H o ll y wood entertainers , including Don Rickles, Bob Newhart, Red Buttons and Danny Thomas, a tte nded t he rosary for Hen ry at the' Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills. Mayor Edward I . Koc h, who once s aid he would never run for an y public offi ce other than mayor of New York City , officially c ha nged his mind: He's going lo seek the Democratic nomination for governor, an aide says. Koch scheduled a news conference today at Gracie Ma n sion . h i s o ffi cia l r esid e n ce, t o fo rmally announce he will seek the nomination, mayor press aide Evan Cornog said. Gov . Hugh Ca rey, a Democrat, is not seeking a third term. Local fog forecast Puuv cloudy tl\ls •ttemoon Low clouds and local loo tonlohl •no TuHd•v mornlno P ... 11y cloudy T.,.Sd•V •fternoon will\ O~ly west or norlhwHt wlllCK. Cooler day" Hl91\1 • M to 70. Low\ tonlQhl In the 50\ Etwwhe,,., trom Point Conception lo the MHlc:en border end out Ml milt.-U(lht n rleb4e wind• tonlohl Winds 10 to 20 VtOIS over outtr wetor~ tonlol\t and IOC•lly .ironoer oust> of IS to 25 -noi. an TueW.y Wttterly swell of 2 to 3 Ifft FoO end low cloud• niont end morning l\ou" llecomlno perttv Cloudy In the after-. :v .S. suniniary Rein -,,..,,no .._ P"Omc>l9d •-wam~ IOdAy •lonQ rlvet'I In ldeho, ~ -Wesl\ln(llon u • winter "°"" wetc:h wH e>otted over ..-r1s of Nor1I\ 0.-at• Snow alto felt ..,er H<llon1 of Mont..,. T l\e tore< est c•lled for 1now spnadlng o....r the nortl\em Plelns and nor11wft -England will\ rein Ketttrecl e<rcK& 11\e northem h•tf of the plateau llelwHn the Roc-v Mount.Ins and Sierra Nevad• SU<V>y u lts w.,.e el(l)Kt.0 ow r much of th« rest of the n<ftlon. Temperatures In lhe 201 were .. peclff -r nortl\ern N-E noiend wl\lle JOs were forec•ll from southern -Eno••no acrou the GrHt Lelle\ -northern Mlnnetcll• tl\rouoh North 0•-at•. Readlnos In the 40i _.. IOrK•st o.,.r northw .. t Waslllnoton arid from Vlr9lnla to aoutr..rn Mlnnetot• with 10s o.,.r the $outhern C•lllornl• c:out a nd soutllern Florid• El9lltlu were for.cast lo< southern T ... , •IHI the fnlend~I Temperatu"'' around lhe nation early today ranoed from I• In Houlton, Moine to 1' In Kev w .. 1. Fla. Extended forecast SOUTHE RN CALIFO RN IA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -r>ertiy cloudy. Windy .i u-In "'9 mowuil'&. Hip In IN c-1al ..... In ... .OS wlUI _, 41 IO n MIQM In ... -Ins 0 to SJ WIUI -.uto as. California o-nt..... I.ft A1t99ltt' record """of .. - ---..encb .......,. ~efldMNe11 to fr .. k or ~ I!' ltle-. T ... PAVlouS 111911 for 0.-, .... Dtl • ..., ............. • Fell 21 ••s 13 degrf'ft, wt In 1'S.O •nd IHI, Ille N•llona l Wulher Servlo w la Saturd•y, •nother-Los An~I•' record was w 1 The hi9f\ 01 17 btPal the prevlo111 man. for Feb. 20 111 five dtQ•H• Tlllil record l\ad -wt ju11 1 .. 1 veer. ·Temperatures HI Le Pep Al!Mny n 29 All>uau• .. JS Ama•ltlo " 31 AnchOr-u 0 A~•llle se JS .. ' Atlanta .s 37 ~ • -Atlante Cty 31 u \• . BalllmOf'e u JJ JI!Il!ill ------Blrm lnolVTI .. J9 ---.,.O•• 1,,\ D·~ • Bl1mar<k 53 1t B«Mw st 34 °' Pllllade>Na ,. » Boston • J I 01 P-nlx .. ,. Brownsvlle .. . , Pitl\bul"Qlh ,, J2 Bwtfelo l • 31 oa PUalld. Ml l' i. CheyenM u JI Piiand. Or-. Sl Jt Chk aoo •I lJ Reno 13 .. Clncln.,.11 0 l2 Sall LO e ... so ci.vel•nd 31 l3 OJ SH lll• .. » C«Mum-n JO 01 St Louis SJ JO Oal·FIWlh IO 4.S SI P · T A"'IM ,. SI Denver 71 '3 SISteM-37 70 OHMOlnH so n SPGll•M ., JO Ott roll n 34 Tucson ., so Duluth JI " TulH IO ., El Paso 1• J9 WHhif\91n .. • Falrllankl ·JJ 21 Hartford " l2 Wichita .. 1S Melena ., 30 l• CALIP:ORN IA oi Santa Marla 1S Stocu on •• .so 01 Therm•I .. 03 Ukl•ll " OS e ........ II SJ Bio Bur ., 27 Catallna ... SJ en LonoB-h 1' so Mon•o•la .. • Newp0f'1 8ffc h ... Sl Ontario .. 5' P•lm St>rtnos .. so Pal<IMna ., S2 Rl•ersldit 71 • Sari 8erNf'dlno It .. Santa Ana .. .. T •""" Valley ., ,. Honolulu II 10 Bahr>fltld II SS CANADA Houlton IO ., Blvtlle H lnclnapll~ ., J2 Eureka .. «> Jecunvlt. 1S 4S Fruno ,. )4 KansCllv .. "° Lancaster ,. SI LHV-1S .. LosAnoele\ n ., Little Roo 12 ., ~rysvllle •S .. Loulwlllt 49 JI Mont.e,..v St Memp1111 ., ll Needles 83 Ml•ml es ., 0•-••nd 10 Mllwau"-341 13 Paso RolllH 1S 46 NHll•llle S9 " Red Bluff, ., 0 NewO,,__ 1S is Rectw-Clty .. SI New Yorll ~ » ~ra,,.,...to .. 50 Nor1ol-S1 «> s.11 .... u so 0-1• City 19 ... Sett Diego 71 SS Omaha .. " San Fr...ch<o ... SI OrlandO ,. S2 Santa 8Hbe1• 10 SJ Celgary ., IO • Edmon tool )0 ·2 Montreal u ,. Ott••• • ,, R•oln• ,. 12 Toronto JS JO v .... cou-•• JS Winnipeg 0 2• l"ANAME•ICAN AcepUICO " Ber-., 72 &.rmuda 10 •• 8o(lola .. so Cur•cao .. 73 l'rH P0<1 7S ... Guadal•ler• .. so °"_._ .. 64 .20 H•v•ne " .. .. l(lt>O•ton IS 12 Momaoo e..v u n Mtallan It " ••lcla '° n .n • SU Rf RI PD BT 'i:rsm n I •.... .._ ..... __________ .....,,;Tides TODAY ~ HUfttl ...... Blufl• H1Httlllthfl l'lff Solllta AN IU..., Jetty 40!tl SI. Hewpor'I ttMSLHewpor'I ........... SM!Ci.-Ptor Tret•leer T-r'• A"9/MU >S 2·S 2..J N N 2..J ,.,, A-... T-M St " ., ., ., S7 ("f44AMI N fair S7 TOMORltOW"S Tl0£S: HIQll l ;J6 a.m. 1-2:11 pm, 5-11 -"9ctlOll Wt'1. We,re Li~tening ••• Second low 2:• p.m. 0.7 Se<-111911 •: 1a p,m. 4.1 TUHOAY First I-J:J t e.m 1 • 'lrst llltl'I t :M a.m. S.t 5e<e!ICI IOW J:M p.m. 0,7 Second lliO'I t:q p.m. U Sun Mtl IMey et S.44 11.m., rlMS "llttd•'t•U:ate m. MOon,..... M ''" a.m .. '*'' 4: p.m . Wh8t do you ltke about the· Dally Pilot? Wha~ don't you like? Call the number below and your messaae will be recorded, transcrtbect and delivered lo the approprta(e editor. The same 24 -hour answertna service may be used to record let· tefa to the editor on '9ny topic. Mallboll contributors muat include their name and telephone number for verjflcation. No clrc"1alion calls. please. Tell UI what's on your mind. 642-6086 Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Monday, February 22, 1982 SUN SPOT A jetliner that has just taken.off from Los Angeles International Airport is silhouetted against what looks like a gigantic Ar> ......... sun. Photo was made with a 1200-millimeter lens from Whittier Hills. about 30 miles east of LAX. Airliner was headed south. trouble again Bird • ID GOP chieftains eye legislation, recall in ouster bid SACRAMENTO (AP) -The campaign against Chief Justice R o se Bird m o ve s to the Legislature this week, with a two.pronged Republican eUort aimed at defeating her at the polls . On Tuesday , the Senate Judiciary Committee considers a renewed attempt by Sen. John Doolittle , R-Sacramento, to require Supreme Court justices t o run aga in s t oppos ing candidates -a measure aimed at ousting Ms. Bird and other court liberals . On Wednesday, Republican legislators and party offi cials m eet t o cons ider a rec a ll campaign against the chief justice. They say they are angry at her rulings in crime cases and her decis ion for the co urt majority that legislative and congressional districts drawn by the Legislature 's Democratic' majority -equal in population but partisan in design -are to be used in this year's elections. Any Re publi c an recall campaign would probably be pla nned for next year . afte r Gov. Edmund Brown Jr is out of office. A recall petition drive against Ms. Bird, with som e pr o m i n e nt R e publican e n d o r s e m.e n t s b u t I i t t I e organi i ed···s upport, died last week for lack of signatures. The rest of the week's agenda is fairly light, with a hearing on a major sentence-increase bill and a possible end to the Board of Equalization reapportionment dispute that is keeping the Legislature's s pecial s ession from winding up. Doolittle's SCA37 is the same state constitutional amendment that has been proposed for the last four years, once in an unsuccessful initiative petition dri ve endorse d b y the Re publican Party and several times in the Legislature. The legis lation has been beate n back e ach time by opposition led by organiiations or lawyers and judges . SCA37 wou ld discard th e current syste m in which a governor's appointees are confirmed by a three-member commission and then run unopposed for voter retention. Only one Supreme Court justice has ever been rejected by the commission. and none has ever been recalled or defeated in an election, although a conser vative c ampaign against Ms. Bird failed narrowly in 1978 and three new Brown a ppointees may race strong opposition this fall. Doolittle's meas ure would require new candidates to be confirmed by the state Senate before taking offi ce. It would shorten court terms trom 12 to · six years, and require all current justices to run in the 1984 elections against opposing cand idates in nonpartisan races. Supporters note that federal j udge s mus t ra c e S e nate confirmation for their lifetime appointments, and that most states have contested elections for their top courts. Opponents pre di c t a n infu s i o n of specilll-interest , s loganeering po litics that would destroy judicial independence. Tiny bit of life intrigues biologists SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -A tiny life form is invading human and animal cells, mysteriously r e producing and perhaps, causing a host of severe and o rte n fatal dise a ses , a researcher says. A prion -rhymes with neon 1s the smallest kind of protein known. far s maller than any virus and so small. in fact, that an electron microscrope is not powerful enough to detect it. "Diseases linked to it include multipl~ sclerosis, amyotrophlc lateral sclerosis <known as Lou Gehrig's disease). Parkinson's dis eas e, lupus erytbematosis and some kinds of arthritis and diabetes. The agent, long considered a slow·moving virus, also infects the nervous system of animals in a fatal disease caned scrapie, says Dr. Stanley B. Prusiner, the head prion researcher at the University of California. San Francisco. A prion, believed to be a class -of the smallest proteins known to science , "raises more questions than it answers," Prus in e r s aid at a news conference. "If it has no genl?s, how do you make more of these" How does it replicate?" A prion apparently is too tiny to contain enough ge netic material to reproduce, he said. But it can, nevertheless, invade human cells and replicate. Prusiner, a biochemist and neurologist , theorizes that a prion is able to somehow use segments of DNA, a substance in a cell 's nucleus that holds the genetic code. The prion might r eo r ganize th e DNA , o r deoxyribonucleic acid, into new genes and direct the making of new prions. The diseases that may be tied to prions have long been blamed on so-called ''slow viruses , .. which remain latent for a long time between infections and s ymptoms . Scientist s think inva s ion by suc h s ubstances might cause some cancers. With more research, "we will have an unde rstanding of a different process or biological r e plic atio n by infec tio us agents," Prusiner s ays. "If we can purify this . . we can then develop chemical probes ... to look at a large number of degen e rative dis eases and determine whether or not these agents exist in those diseases.•· Dr. J . Richard Baringer of the Ve t e rans Admini s tra tion hos pital in San Francisco said the tiny particles present a tantalizing and frus trating scientific punle. But he does not share Prus iner's theory that prions may be responsible for so man y m ys t e ri ou s human diseases. classic windbre.a\<Zr. .. the original G-9 windbnz.oktZ.r, idczol fbr g:,lf or outd.c:xJr 'Ml.Or'. made or ligti~i~t cotton· poplin wilh a tartml lining. avelloblcz in natural, brit1shten, navy or nz.d . ~ fbr us in qnglond.. @)~~@)~~ ,.,. Aish.ton Island• Newi>ort &!ach•1J41&e•·&o10 IOOJ Msrwood Blud..• ~sb.uood VUJ.age • 2J3/4 79· 7721 • 1 Or11nge Coa1t DAILY Pl~OT/Monday. '•bru1ry 22, 1112 . 15 killed, 61 hurl in Tehran blast gathered lat their family rarm. Watt reversal hailed as 'real victory' WASHIN GT ON (AP > - Interior Secretary J ames Watt, dram allcally reversing field. says he now favors a long-term ban on new drilling and mining · In the country's 80 million acres of wildemess lands. deve lopment , hai l e d th e announ cement Sunday as a "real victory." Others said they wanted to look at the flne print before puslng judgment. Jn an appea rance on NBC's "Meet the Press," Watt.said the BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) -A bomb hidden ln a 1arba1e truck blew up outalde ~lutlonary Guard.a barracks ln east Tehran today: klll\na 15 people and wounding 61 others Including school children , the official Iranian news agency said. '!'he forc e or the blast shattered the truck, aouged a 9-foot crate r In the street , wrecked 3> nearby cars and blew out windows more than 1,000 feet .away , said the I s lamic R e publican New s Age ncy , forme rly known as Pars. Most victims appeared to be early morning rush-hour commuters wailing for buses In .the bustllng district , it said . "A few days ago. as I t hought a bout this tragedy , I found m yself becoming bitte r and hating," the Rev. Robert Russell told about SOO people who gath e red Sunday to m ourn George Poat of Farwell, his wife, two daughterti and three gr andchildren. Many environmentalists, who have spent the past year battling W att over wi l der n ess ·ad ministr a t ion will p ropose legislallon to put fe derally i. owned wilderness land off.limits .~ to oil and gas drilling and Army newspape r criticizes Walesa WARSAW . Poland (AP) The hardJine army newspaper today lashed out at Lech Walesa and other Solida rity leaders, accusing them of preparing for a "blood y fight" before the military crackdown. The criticism by the daily Zolnierz Wolnosci cam e as the m ilita r y governm ent i ssued official guidelines for allowing trade unions to be reactivated. R eagan methods questioned WASHI NGTON <A P > - Leaders of the na tion 's county governments joined governors t od ay in expressing strong r eser vat ions t o Preside nt Reagan's pla n to t r ans fe r billions of dollars in federal programs to state and local governments. After a 00-minute debate, the National Association of Counties adopted a statement generally praising Reagan's good faith efforts but seriously questioning his methods 300mourn killings of 7 FARWELL, Mich. (AP > -A funeral procession of 300 cars rolled slowly through this tiny central Michigan town to bury seven neighbors who were felled by s hotgun blasts as they A Fr•• Lectu1e 'Lapse,' f ~ulted in false story NEW YORK (AP ) -A f a bricat e d s tor y a bout a free-lance writer 's purported journey through Cam bodia with Khm er R ouge guerrillas appeared in The Ne w York Times Magazine after a "lapse" in checking procedures, The Times said today. Christopher J ones, who lives in Calpe, Spain, told a Times edi t o r an d two o f t h e newspaper's reporters that the story, which appeared in the m agazine's Dec. 20 issue, was a "gamble." Kissinger block of Soviets told NEW YORK <AP l -Henry Kissinger blocked approval of a Soviet plan to send a joint U .S .·Soviet peace-keeping force to the Mideast after the 1973 Arab-Isr aeli War. the former secretary of state says in the second volume of his memoirs, "Years of Upheaval." In the book, excerpted in three c om i ng iss u es o f Tim e magazine, Kissinger de rides the Soviet call for a joint force lo police the cease-fi re and impose a comprehensive peace. Nicaragua tension eyed_ MANAGUA , Nicar agua <APJ -Mexican Preside nt Jose Lopez Portillo proposed a plan to ease te nsion be tween the United States and Nicaragua's leftist governme nt, predicted improveme nt in U.S.·Cuban relations and s aid he la working on a peace plan for El Salvador. "WHAT DID JESUS TEACH?" otf•ted bf WILLIAM MILFORD CORRELL, C.S.B. Al'WI ........ BLISS ON THE SLOPES MarC'h and Angt'I Balch walk through snow under arch of ski pol~s after their wedding on slopes of Alta. L'tah. s ki resort Man~ of the tho~e in attendance skied to the wedding rite but the bride·s parent:-.. nonskiers. rode a toboggan for the Saturda~ ev<:nt 'Choke hol~' vote due by high cour_t WASHINGTON IAP> The U .S Supreme Court today agreed to decide whether Los An geles police officers can con linue using two types of "choke holds" to subdue people who resist arrest The justices said they will stud v rulin~s that banned virtually all use of the holds. Despite those rulings, a tem porary o rder issued by J ustice Willia m H. Rehnquist last Sept. 29 has allowed police to continue using the holds. City officials told the court a ban on the holds eould make a rrests even more dangerous for criminal suspects. A federal trial judge. upheld by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last Aug. 17, ruled that use of the holds is excess1vl' except when a police officer is threatened with loss of li fe or serious injury Bot h holds are borrowed from the s port of Judo Each renders a person unconscious. One. called the bar-arm, cuts off a person's air supply The police officer uses a forearm wrapped around the throat The other, called a carotid· ho ld . cuts o ff the brain's o x ygen supply by putting pressure on the carotid artery in the neck Los Angeles City Attorney Ira Reiner said the holds have been used "thousands of times in the past six years " Eleven deaths have occurred after such holds were applied. but the exact causes of thoc;c deaths are in d1sput(• mining through the year 2000 Oc 2 h an lM-year moratorium U r*'-H e said the only exception ... ., "-would be if the president and Congr~ss determined t here was • in Crash an "urgent national need" for oil, natural gas or strategic of pl~ne SCITU.ATE, R I (AP> Two pilots were critically burned when they braved a cockpit fire to c rash·land a twin-e ngine comm uter plane onto a frozen reservoir. while horrified passengers. tncluding two from A n a h eim , Cali f .. smashed windows as thick smoke filled the cabin. One passenger died in the crash Sunday in western Rhode Is la nd , but the nine other passengers aboard the Pilgrim Airlines DeHavilhmd Twin Otter turboprop were taken to local hospitals in conditions ranging from fair to good. .. Catastrophe was obvious. but the pilots stayed fast It was a very br illiant a nd s mooth landing," said Dr. Zlegfried Kra. a passenger on the liroton, Conn . to Boston flig ht who was taken to a Providence hospital. "l can't tell you how brave the pilots were to sit there in the smoke. 1t was so pungent," he s aid Loretta Stanczak, in her sos, of Ma nchester. N.11 .. was killed. said Parry Wilson , spokesman for the Groton-based earner Critically burned and taken to Rhode Is la nd Hos p ital in Providence were pilot Thomas Pr1ns ter . 36 . of Nort h Kingstown, R I . and co-pilot Lyl e Hogg, 27, of Groton. Eight passengers were taken to Rhode Island Hospital. Two of them were Ruth Reynolds, 46. of Anaheim , Calif .. i n fair condition. and her son Grant Reynolds, 16 . in s atisfactory condition. m ineraJs during t imes of foreign embargoes or other crises. Until Sunday's announcement, Wall h ad favored j ust the opposite approach, supporting proposals to extend for 2Q years the nght of oil companies and oth er developers to obtain mineral leases in wilderness areas The 1964 Wilderness Act had set a Jan. l , 1984. deadline for issuing such leases. B efore t h e R eagan admirustration took office, few leases had been issued, but Watt . gave notice that he favored energy development on public lands. Energy companies have pushed for approval of about 1,000 pending oil and gas lease a pplications in 200 wilderness areas in 25 states Interior Department officials ~aid Sunday Watt's 10tent1on is lo award none of those leases if Congress iu::r ees w ith hts package .. Tills is a real victory for wilderness preservation," said William T urnage , executive director of th e Wilderness Society .. This 1s a complete t u r n a r o u n d i n t h e administration's policy." John McComb, Washington director of the Sierra Club, said Watt .. 1s responding to the overwhelming public re1ecllon of his leasing propos als." But McComb said he has ma1or r eservations about certain aspecb of the plan, which Watt s aid would be introduced later this week Some env1ronmenta1Jsts said they also are worried about whether they will face a bitter political struggle in ~he year 2000 to keep the wilderness land protected SENIOR CITIZENS $1.00 Hearing Test~ Set ~...-,-.~~· -: .. i«, .• :_, ~ -· -·-----\ .' ~ . Mr Con1tl 11 I m1mt>1ir of tf\t 8oetd or 1..ecr1""''HP o' The lilOIMr Qlu,ch TM First CPU,;fc" of Cht11t Sc .. 1'11111 "' 8o'1on MU•Kl'IVfflll P11sent&d by FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST In the Church Edlllc• TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23. 11:00 P.M. 2aaO MESA VERDE DRIVE EAST , COSTA MESA For Newport Beach ELECTRONIC HEARl·NG TESTS will he gi ven at Newport Beach Hearing Aid Cente r ~ ~-·· ' ~ '1 -M i I ~ ,, ~'~ ' ~1 The Public la lnw1tea cni1a C1<1 P10 .. aea Free Panting Construction money available at Heritage Bank. . Residential · COmmerclaJ Bulldln~ Takeout commitment required along with leases. Comact: ·Jdf Johnson SOUfl Orange COunly/lnlne 7W851-40SO You can help your new1p1pet C#rier collect at t1me1 conv .. nlent to you by having your check or money order ready eo the carrier won't have to call back. Beceuse this young person 11 In buslneae-for hlmaell or hel'Mlf, pie ... be ready -Bild watch that big amlle which , .. "Thankyou." l1ilyPHat Mon., Feb. 22, Tues., Feb. 23, Wed., Feb. 24 9 A.M. to 5 P.!W . Hearin~ tests wi ll be conducted by a Hearing Aid Specialist. who is licensed by the California State Board of Medical Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Di spenser. Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding is welcome to a test emploiying the latest electronic equi~ment which will determine his or her parlicuJar loss. You will see a modern hearing aid so tiny it fi ts totally within the ear . NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CE:'\TEH 1600 West Coast Highwa~· Newport Bea ch 646-8266 CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO AVO ID WA ITING WESTERN THRIFT& LOAN ASSOCIATION Oowr-.v Oronge Cosro Meta rononce 8228 l "'-tone 8lvd 1111 f Kotello Ave. 2000 HotbOf 8tvd 18208 Prairie Ave (Ill) ttHJ01 ('714) HNJOO (71•) M•lllJ Cl1J) IH•JOJO ~ Tonono l.onQ 1eoen Gtendote t67&6 la FolQe 1872• Ventura ltvd. 4501 Pac. Cooat ._.wy •1• N. 1tonc1 llvd • (111) NJ-0111 (111) Nl-0100 Clll) 491•UOI (Ill) HC»IHO _...... over 120 mll#on with mew then• quatter of• oentutY Hl'Vlng Calltomla. Av•ll•blt to C.lffoml• re1"19nt• on/v. (Lknlfed oiler) I ~I ' • • 1: . ~ ~ \ J ~ ': . \ \' ~ ~I ~'.,.Al" I ~ ~' . '~ ~ ,I • -it ~ ~ ~ ! ~I 1'-~I f-1 I~ l ~ I ~I Lightweight po plin i a 1~ I ~ Brooks Brothers favo rite ! ~ BOlh busi nc sman and \faveller wi II fl nJ the t ~I qualiucs t hey seek in a warm weather suit I: ~ handsomely met here. The polyester and cot-~ . ton blend has a neat, crisp appearance, good ~ ~ c rease-resistance and washability. Tail ored ' ~ on our 3-button model with patc h pockets ~ ~ a nd welted edges, in tan, navy or olive. Coat : and trousers. $150 ~ Uu your Brooks Brothtrs card or Amtrican Express. ~ ~~~4[1/ ~ ~ c~~~ ~ ~ rum1sb1na9 tor Min Womrn :·Sous · , S30 WliST 7T H STRP.ET. LOS ANGELE I CALIF. ~I FASHION ISLAND, NHWPORT BE~CH. CALIR ~~~,.~~~~ . • f' 1 U.S . Border Patrol to see in the. dark SAN YSIDRO <AP) -The U .S, Border Patrol sald lts ottlcers will ~ able lo see almost two miles ln total darkMU after lt.s first portable "nl1btacope" arrives in June. Eventually, six or seven wUI be needed in the Chula Vista sector of Southern California, in the view ot BeM y S. Ba'l"ron, national deputy chief. The scopes produced by the Army at Fort Belvoir, Va., cost $60,000 each -"three times the yearly sala ry of a n average Border Patrol agent" -Barron said. San Diego school chief quit8 po1t SAN DIEGO CAP> -Dr. Thomas Goodman bas resigned a lter almost 11 years u superintendent of public schools In San Diego. The announcem e nt.. made jointly with t r us t e e s sai• Goodman . "b y mutual agreement," would leave Feb. 28. His contract extends to June 1983. In recent months, Goodman has been a center of controversy over desegregation efforts and the way uniform tests were administered. -.._---.,. ------ --~ ~ - . OrangeCoatt CWLY PILOT/Monday, February 22, 1982 H~F Al ............. Mod esto gas war lowering prices M ODESTO CAP > -An independent gasoline distributor called a newspaper to announce hb ~ew prices. Alioto suing resort for $40 million SAN FRANCISCO (AP> Attorney J oseph M. Alioto ls suing the Heavenly Valley Ski Resort for $40 million over i n ju r ies suffered by his daughter, Michela, in a 1981 ski lift accident. And a major competltor cot hla two sons to don tlant price signs and rid(l their unJcycles around his station to promote the latest cul.a. So began the fourth week of a gasoline price war among Modesto stallon operators as the cost of reaul ar fuel inched toward $1 a gallon for the first time in almost three years. Gas co dlslrl bu tor Lenny Soranno cul the retail price ror self -service fuel to $1.039, prompting Arco retailer Carl Boyett to drop his price to $1.049. J esse Dean, 17, and his 15 year-old brother, David, pedaled one.wheelers around Boyett 's station to bring att..ention to the new rates. But Soranno led the way on all p rices, offering unleaded for $1.099 and premium for $1.J 19. Interned Japanese seek repart;itions LOS ANGELES <A P > -Forty years after the .. relocation" of J apanese·Americans during World War 11 , some of the Internees are saying that it is time the Upited States owned up to a mistake and took steps to put it right. Asner criticized over El Salvador PLACERVILLE <AP) ;_ A Re publican congressman is using words like ·'treasonous" and "unAmerican" to describe actor Ed As ner's efforts to provid e foo d a nd m edical s upplies for leftists in El Salvador. STAR$ CONFER Actors Mike Connors, left, and Charlton Heston confer in Los Angeles during a meetiflg of the Screen Actor·s Guild <SAG > on Sunday. SAG is debating a proposed merger between the Screen Extras Guild 1SEG 1 and SAG. which m any members of the actor·s guild oppose. Actor Robert Conrad. who addressed the rally , said that if SAG merged with SEG. the combined guild would number over 100.000 membe rs . Mi c hela, granddaughte r of former San Francisco Mayo r Joseph L. Alioto, was paralyzed in the lower back when a cabl e slipped from its pulleys and the chair fell at tM South Lake Tahoe resort. Seventeen skiers. were injured. Alioto is seeking $20 miUion in general damages and $20 million in punitive damages from the s ki r e s ort and the Lift Engineering and Manufacturing Co . of Carson City, Nev. Independents like Regal and USA. wh1ch joined in the early days of the gas war , kept their prices stable at $1.059 for regular, Sl.119 for unleaded and SJ 199 for premium. Distributors believe Modesto prices are the lowes t in the na tion. Prices in the Central California community broke the $1 mark in the summer of 1979, but began falling last year. Gas odor probe~ '"We were loyal citizens, but they came and uprooted our entire community," said Marie Tajima, who was 14 years old when she was interned . ··one of the worst things about it was they really didn't h ave the facilities to house the people." Rep. Norm Shumway told the El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce on Friday that the star of television's "Lou Grant" is "working to offset what the administration is trying to do in El Salvador.·· ALAMEDA "<AP) A strange odor that smelled like gas alarmed residents in Alamed~ but a day later, authorities still didn "t know what caused the stink. ··we have no clue to what 1t was or where it came from." Notice to Telephone Customers WE ARE PROPOSING CHANGES IN THE RATES FOR CALLING OVERSEAS AND MEXICO. The American Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany has flied with the Federal Communicaltons Comm1ss1on a plan, to be effective May 17. 1982, to restructure rates for Overseas and Mexico Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) The restructure will result 1n rate 1ncreaGes and decreases and is designed to have no overall effect on Interstate earnings. The purpose of the filing 1s to encourage calling during lower-pnced discount and economy periods. relieve peak- penod calhng. S1mphfy international rate sched- ules. and encourage use of customer d1ahng. Here are the proposed changes Overseas Message Telecommunications Service • Estabhsh a 1-minute 1nit1al period rate on all customer-dtaled calls. (At present there 1s a 3-minute 1ni'rlal period rate on all classes of calls.) Operator Station and Person-to-Person calls will retain the 3·m1nute initial period rate. • EsJabhsh 3 levels of rates on customer-dialed calls and for each additional minute on all classes of calls STANOi\RD (highest rate). DISCOUNT (middle rate), and ECONOMY (lowest rate) (At present there are only 2 rate levels applicable 10 many countries.) Operator Station and Person- to-Person initial 3-minute penod rates will be uniform throughout the day regardless of the time called • Estabhsh 9 world rate regions and eliminate multi-rate zones (except Cuba) The regions are , Europe (continental). United K1ngdoml lreland. Afnca. Near East. Ganbbean Atlan!lc (exceiot Cuba). Central Amenca. South America. Indian Ocean. and Pac1t1c • Rate all collect calls billed in the u.s at the Person-to-Person rate only \At present collect calls from many countries are billed 1n the US. at Person-to-Person rates only ) Proposed Rates for Dialabte Countries within These Reglons0 c. Initial Penod Rale 1 mtnute I 3 mtnule I 3 minute Adclot10nal T--·- RegtOfl Rate Levels Dial Oper Station Person m1nu1e Hours EUROPE Standard $2 37 $7 05 $1 2 60 SI 33 1am-1pm (Cont1nen1at) OISCount 1 78 7 05 12 60 1 00 1pm-6pm Economy 1 42 7 05 12 60 80 6pm-7am UNITED KtNGOOM Standard 208 5 70 10 10 1 26 7am-1pm IRELAND Olscount 1 56 5 70 10 10 95 1pm-6pm Economy 1 25 5 70 10 10 76 6pm-7am AFRICA Standard 2 89 9 45 1260 1 48 6am-12 Noon DISCount 2 17 9 45 12 60 1 11 12 Noon-flpm Economy 1 73 9 45 1260 89 5pm-6am --NEAR EAST Standard 3 68 9 45 1? 60 1 33 8am-3pm Discount 2 76 9 45 12 60 1 00 9pm-8am Economy 2 21 9 45 12 60 80 3pm-9pm - CARIBBEAN A TlANTIC Standard 1 68 630 9 45 1 13 4Q111-1 Opm Discount 1 26 6 30 9 45 85 7am-4pm Economy 1 01 630 9 45 68 10pm·7am CENTRAL AMERICA Standard 2 62 6 30 9 45 1 13 5pm-11pm Discount 1 97 6.30 9 45 85 8am-5pm Economy 1 57 6 30 9 45 68 11pm-8am SOUTH AMERICA Standard 2 77 9 45 12 60 1 18 lam lpm 01scoun1 2 08 9 45 12 60 89' 1pm-10pm Economy 1 66 9 45 12 60 7 t.. 10pm·7am - INOIAN OCEAN Standard 5 22 12 60 14 20 2 1 7 6pm-1am Discount 3 92 12 60 . 14 20 1 63 lam-1 lam Economy 3 13 t 2 60 14 20 1 30 11am-6pm PACIFIC Standard 4 22 9 45 12 60 1 58 5pm·11pm Discoun1 3.17 9 45 12.60 1 19 1oam·Spm Economy 2.53 945 12 60 95 11pm-10am "For counlnes that are not dlalable. additlonal mrnute rates are somewhat higher For customers wtio dO no! have International Dialing. ltle dial rate Wiii apply when special operator assislance is not requtred U.S.-Mexlco Menage Telecommunlcatlorf9 Service (The lollowfng changes apply only to the u S port!Of) of the call AdtJllOfl8/ charr;es applicable to the Mex1C811 portlOfl ol the cal are added to charges tor the U.S portlOfl) •Change time-of-day and day-of-week rate periods of the U.S. portion of the call to align more closely with those in effect In Mexico. ~ rates apply from 7am-7pm Monday tHrough Friday. Evening rates apply from 7pm-11 pm Morlday t,hrougfl Friday, 7am-11 pm on Saturday, Som-12 rridnignt on Sunday. Night rates apply to aft other hours. • Decrease the initial 3-minute dial rate for the U.S. portion of the call on calls c:Ner 430 miles. For example, the initial 3-minute dial rate for a call from New York to Mexico City will be reduced from $1.58 to $1.45, for the U.S. portion only. • Increase the initial 3-rninute dial rate for the U.S portion of the call on calls up to 430 miles. For example, when the U.S. portion of a call is from 1·10 miles. the initial 3-minute dial rate for the U.S. portion Will be increased from 23¢ to 35¢. • Reduce the present 14 rate steps to 9. • Introduce a 40% discount for the even1ng pe<iod and a 60% discount fOf the night period on customer-dialed calls and for additlonal min· utes on all classes of calls. ingvalues. ---------------• • I $1AIOUT Aft I $5AIOUT Aft I $7.UOUT 4•15·PIKI I ! e771.f:l1 I •77=':1• I • i7~:' ! o Good lor inree p1~ces of 1u1cy go1oen I GOO<l for nine pieces of 1u1cy goloen I Aeoeem tn1s coupon for a Carry Pac~ o ~ orown Ken1ucky Fneo C111cken plus brown Kentucky Fried Chicken w1111 1oaaea w.1n hlleen pieces ot 1u1cy c g s1ng1e servings 01 cole slaw masneo I tour rolls a large cole slaw a large I golaen orown Kentucky Fr·eo Cti•c •en (5 u 001a1oe s and gravy ana a ro11 masneo ootatoes ano a meo1um gravy z I I lom•I lw~ O"t•\ !>f" c.11•.•as~ ~ .... ~c« I ~' ... ~ Oiiers oe• Ou'CMd\f (Ouoon •:jOOO l m I 1 .. 0 Cllltrs oe• ourcnnt CouPO•· 9000 on•1 ·~· ~l)''•l•O" "" 1t c. • "Cf •\ I on•r •or como·n•l•On .. Me 0••• ;roe•\ only •01 como•na11on wni1e1oa1• oroers Customer Ddt5 J ~PO c tD. \d •s •• t us1omtr P•vs •11 app1tc.io•e sate\ •a• (us1omer oays .i11 aoo11caD1e Sdle\ I•• I Oller exp11es Maren 7 t982 I I Oller eJ<prres Martn 7 1982 I Otter exp11es Maren 7 1982 Prices may v,.,y ~I ti•'''' Odht'IQ ocatton\ P.1tt' "''"' wdr f t' ... ~ I ;,dh"Q ... ·or ~ tO.iPOn QOOO on•( n '>ouln•·~ I P• "s "'41 "d'Y al oa•t•C•Dallll(J •OUhons I (l)upe.n gooc 0' • ' o." ··n • • • ',.,. • I C.~1tforn1J #llP'tftf 10\1 see tnf mt"' COMoon 0000 on1, •n Soutne,n C• fl)f,,1.) t\ ... f''f: 1?0 ~ .. ,. •rit .... ,.,..:t·i~ ~ t"-1 • •r ....... ,. t •. oe•sn p su o• '"' ~en•~v y you stt 1ne memoersn·o se•I 01 •~e ~tn1uc•1 f • ~o ~ c• e• A, •• , frotO Cn•c>en AslOC••lt0n I fr.eo Cn•Cl&n ASSOC••l1on B a..El!'ln. ____ • --GOUPON -• ----- ~ntucky Fried Chic~e:Q , FIHAL 'rA'lr TOCiET VEAR'S PRICES • You have less time than you think to take advantage of our 1981 rates. Join a Holiday Spa Health Club now and get all of this year's facllltJes for last years prices. Plus 1I2 off on our short Introductory course, and discounts on all our other memberships. Don't waltl Stop by today for a free guest tour. for value, you just can't beat our 1981 rates. Orallp 822 Eut Kat.ell• Av•-Wtll o("l\atl n A,,._(714)639-2441 w.--.." $1&7 W•tml111ttr A"•·· •t OoWen W•t, 17141 894""87 1 ~·"" "f "°' Cto.-_ ..._.. _ :~, r. ' j t:'._: ~ .~.. Htu 1 ~ Aflli lllll , •. ::~ t j ,, u t ~ ~~ ·! .. 'ft °'lf .. ·~ AlltUI 1 I~ toii • \lo A<INIC 1. I IJ "+ \\ A<~llnl> I ,. • Iii Aclrn OI • j• j'°' • \\ A41 •2Ut . 4 Ila+\\ ~~0 I 10t ~ ~ I ~ V: AetllU J D I IOI• !a+ 'h Ahrlliit I 20 U1t II 1 t "' Allffn • II W. ..... Alfl'rcl AD 1 lOt \; , , . Alr1>1'rt to 14 J1 '"°' + Iii A~ IO II ' I0\4 + Yt AIMot l'I • SJ I~ A~PptAH2 ta ~+ '- AlaP dell 0 . SI • ..... 111 • -110 ~ .• Al.Ill' Ill La . rl40 SI\\ .. v. 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DH•Olf ••0 (IM(IMMATI UOC• llCCNAlllOU AND •ll'O•TIO I Y TNI llAH AllllD l"ITlllllT k19' N•I "''" Htl "91" Oitl 'WI•• N•I \al.. Ht! , t• C..., C 10~ ("9 ,. f no• (lo .. '"' ,. r' ~ C•o .. C"9 I> • ""' tto .. (114 ,. I "01 Ciq" C"t • 1:1 't ~ !r:~ ~ ~='1~r~. ~·i :~ ~ i~)s· .. esft~ t:j ·L~" ~n>~. a =~·;~~.: :~ ·~ J!~; ~ 11r ;:~ f i: 1m: I t • :.-·v:tt:111l>f•·H , .... ,.,,,:·I·., h•I ,.,E.i:,,,.11~,m."' ~·=11 ,,;. '41.. .... WO Htlllllt •• 't•m 1 • \ti ,_.. • • 1 •• "' l'~tG ·s. ~" .. r;P C t>cl~• Clo, .. C~(j st1'1tfJMI .: u· ~·~ a:"~~~ I. ''"Tl,~ .. :: =::11 l:%d"W m~: ~ .... Rill . H •• v. ~~ " • i· 1. ., .. 0. 'l 1 14o *l't 14 174 I~ _. Mettt 1 ,,. 'Al ¥Ct4 I 7 ., •'~· • • • ;I~ , 11 14 II J!O ! ·~~· I\ t t I\! 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"' I !l1f t .IJ •. lo S1V.+ 1 HtnJI 1 w IJ 14 , 14 MellftU .12 IS t --.....1Co I IO 1 ... •su. ., DI I 11 m 211'>-fll WleDldt • 47 S\lt • I !, .. 11 '7 •1 H--,.,n 1 I 17 1-floilonO\,. t It IS\lt+ "°' ~...-.At • .,. -1-I '"" "" 20 ' ' --~· t '"'' ,.. ~fl 4 604 JlVt • 1' l'trllEI .JO IJ lffl 10~+ IA • .,., ·~ ' .. + .., Wllllt f'll 1, 6 Id> J>'i-1'4 ,.,. •. --• HlllCIY" '° 10 S3 "". '" ft • nt 14\t't-"" l'rm~n '4St •* 10 • .... I Ut y 41 211'1+ " Wllml" t w ...... Iii .. t.n . . J 1 .... .... H ... ,,. 2 • ., JI • \Ii p... ' -' .. ft'-<o "' \IC: '·. 10 ~ 12"'• " Wll•ltrO .Ul J 10 • • " flll US " 1 J1~ \\ HHar1aJ \ I t IJ 14~• .... ~ t .J n:::," p;j~111 ~ '"."'"~ 7 72J IS : °"' ~ I •• ti ·~-.., WlnO• t.1• t 16 ~-"' ~pr Ul ·~ 11 ,!"' ........ :~"~· -~ 1! 1I8 l~~ ~ rn '~ ""· " ~::•1 •,·• ,... 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'LJ4 gt:: ~ • t l • ~ !!1f!.el :I.. ,, 'it. \'I 5t: 11 · ~ nu+ "' """'' I!! 1111n W\. .. -.. _, -llftllllcl I; • 10 2i~" •. , ,, w.: :i .. 1"er~' ·,,j n ,~ · .~ 5°":a , ., ;? J:7 ~ :~.rt~ .. ~ ~ ~ "I"'*' l.40 t ne-" MCDfl~ 1,. , ., 1'"'-IM :!E"'K a .. ' + .... ' ... ,. .. ., , +·" ~"°" 'i: 111 • "'-~· , ' • 1• 1 ii '"' ·•• • • 1 ' ... • I.it '4 i-aaver• 7 rat.ea rile .. . .. ~ !!.~• ·,11 T~ • "MC r" 1a 11 m ~ ••. : L• .. , .1l ., llO • •• .., .. • ~ ,., 10 ... i ff w " Mt ftt • • " -1 r ... \HM • 41 ,,_.. Iii ·1~ + 11.i I' ~;t-;; ~L: iMC I :;·t "dt &:·~ E!Z: ~; 1 iie: = ra~!S~N.'!~~v~~:.~ ;rm:::: ··;,ti "tU ~ fl 1 11112! w. ~ • ~1 • • ~,., !!lot • '"'• " rose •Caln Sunday. goln1 to 10.7 ti 1fa: ~ ~ ·~riJ. P=·~ '~!~ 1 !:!.·~ ~ ;·11 1 f UB:;it percent from lhe former 10.78, ,.,, M• m • .. ~ " 101• •• : " "•'' ! i 1 1 ~: : Trtuury ottlcialt •'>'· Back ln the UMIOI, you m1y recall, everyone wanted to 1et lnto the publlshln1 buttneu. ll w11 the thing to do. And ther~ were aome fancltul theor1e1 about why thla move made so muc.b aeu<Jor a bt1 corporation. for one thin•· it meant gainlna a foothold ln lht "knowled&e Industry." Prett.y heady stuff. That industry, not steelmaklna. wu heralded u the wive or the future. You also heard much talk ln tbote days about the 1yner1y between electronics and publiahina. Programmed instruction te1ehin1 machines, if you wlll -was expected by many to transform education. So a bunch of companies ch1r1ed into the publishing business: RCA, CBS, Gener1l Eltttrlc, Litton Industries, Xerox, R1ytheon, MCA, FUmw1ya, Gulf & Western, International Telephone & Telegraph. In addition to the new corporate entrants, the publishing industry was being changed by an epidemic of mergers and acqui s ition s . Newspapers such as 11u11 1a111nz the New York Times and Los Anteles Times expanded their beachheads in book and ma1azine publishing. Macmillan bought up a slew of companies related to education a.nd books <Berlltz, Katharine Gibbs, LaSalle Extension, Brentano's). Doubleday bought Dell. Scott, Foresman, an old-line textbook house, acquired William Morrow, a publisher or popular fiction and non-fiction, and then adopted the enigmatic corporate name, SFN. AU this activity naturally attracted the attention or liberals, who moaned and groaned about the heavy corporate hand stifling competition ln the publishing industry. suppressing unorthodox views and pursuing commercial goals above everything else (as opposed to the "pure" motives or the little old publishing house or former times). Well, it's interesting to see what ~as happened. Two things: 1. Publishing did not make heaps of money for the new corporate owners. Book publishing, in particular, turned out to be a financial dud. 2. Rather than wanting to control ideas by maintaining their ownership of publishing properties, corporations are bailing out or the field as rapidly as they can. RCA, which bought Random House in 19456 , sold it to Newhouse Publications in 1.980. With Random House came the Modem Library, Knopf. Pantheon, Vintage and Ballantine imprints. General Electric has long since departed the field. Litton Industries sold its publishing subsidiaries to the British pu blisber, Thomson. Macmillan is sellin1 off properties left and right -Brentano's has already gone. LaSalle Extension will soon go. SFN, nee Scott, Foresman, sold William Morrow to Hearst. And Doubleday, instead of buying another publishing company, bought lbe New York Mets. CBS is the latest company to reduce its dependence on publishing -and this ls an ironic tum of events. A couple of years ago CBS bought a privately held company called Fawcett. publisher of the supermarket-distributed magazine. Wom1n's Day . publisher of paperback books under the imprints Crest. Gold Medal, Premiere, Columbine. Coventry and Jupiter, and a major distributor or all paperbacks. But CBS already owned a paperba~~ house, Popular Library. and the Justice Department stepped in and said that was too much for one company to control. So in a settlement worked out with Justice, CBS agreed to sell of( Popul~r Library by the summer of 1983. r But now CBS has concluded that there's no profit being in any part of the paperback business. So Newhouse, the newspaper chain operator, which look Random House off RCA's hands, is relieving CBS or the Fawcett paperbacks, plannJng to combine them with the Random House line, Ballantine. And Popular Library? Yes, that's still on the auction block. IC you're interested, contact CBS. The Justice Department feared that CBS was working towards a monopoly position in paperback publishing The CBS answer 1s· "You want it? You can have it." As far as high finance goes, book publishing is still small potatoes. The largest entity is probably Time lnc., which in addition to its magazines , has its own book division, Time.Life Books, sold mainly through the malls , and owns LitUe, Brown, the Book-Of·the·Month Club and the New York Graphic Society. Gold, m e tals quotations Gold By The As10Cl1ted Press Selected gold prices today· London: morning fixing $364.00, off $5.25. London: afternoon fixing $364.25, orr $5.00. P 1ris: $363.17, off $5.16. Frlftldurt: $364.99, off $5.83. Zurlcb: Lale fixing $363.00, off $5 00 bid. $366.00 asked . H1ndy & H1rm1n: (only dally quote) $364.25. off $5.00 . Engelbud: Conly daily quete) $364.25, off $5.00. Engelhard: (only daily quote ) fabricated $387.46, off SS.25. Metall NEW YORK (AP> -Spot nonferrous metal prices today: Copper 77~·80 cents a pound, U.S. destinations. Lead 28 cents a pound. ZIDc 43 cent.a a pound, delivered . TlD $7.4033 Mttala Weelt compoelte lb. Ahunlnu.1D 78-77 cent.a a pound, N. Y Meftury $375.00 per fiuk. Pla&.lllmn $3M.OO troy 01., N.V Sil~r Handy & Harman. 18.190 Ptl" troy ounce. Gol,d coim NEW YORK <AP) -PriC'tl late P'rtday or 10Jd coins, compared with Thursday's prict. &,,.....,nd, l lroy OI. 1 ....... olf '3.80. ••• ...,, • ll'OJ oa .• -.as. otr sa.so. Mnleu 50 pelO, t .2 troJ OI., Ma.IS, otr 14.D. Allltrtu too erowa, ... tJ"O) 01., 1111.so, oil $UO. Soutte: Duk-Perera ' ------... -. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 22, 1982 HORIZONTAL PARKING -A car driven by Ted Sattergen, 78, rests atop another and against a house in Portland after the vehicle ""---jumped the curb, police said. Sattergen was hospitalized with undetermined injuries. The car was removed by a·crane DEATHS ELSEWHERE TEL AVIV, Is rael <AP I Gershom Seholem, 84 , who pioneered the study of Jewish m ysticism. or cabbala, at a lime 1t was derided or regarded with suspicion. died Sunday BOISE. Ida ho <APl GeorgC" H. Roderick, 81, assistant secretary of the Army durin g lhe E1"Senhnwer administration. has died WOODLAND HILLS IAPJ Eugene Grossman. 86 . c r edited Y.1th establis hing and running the first sound department a l 20th Century Fox studios, died Tuesday BEITH llTICll SALVATI ANCHORAGE . Alaska <AP1 Ward W. WeUs, 61. an Alos ka photographer whose work appeared m many of the coun try·s leading magazines a nd on n a tional television networks, died Wednesday PORT HUENEME <AP l Retired Brig Gen Henry Jeffrey Matchett, 91. who led t he 5th Corps during the D·Day invasion of Norman.d y·s Omah a Beach. died Thursday PEKINQ <AP 1 The world's tallest woman. who stood S.feet l·1nch. died of diabetes and complications. the Pekrng Evening Ncwi. or Costa Mesa. 540-5554 SANDLER H ARRY LEW I S reported today The news paper said the 17·ycur-0ld peasant, Zeng Jin-Liao, died Feb 13 m Hun an province in central China. NE W YORK 1AP1 Rene Jules Dubos, 81, a sc ient i s t a nd environmentalist who won a Pulitzer Prize m. 1969 for h is book .. So Human An Animal,'. died Saturday WASHINGTON 1A P 1 Douglas 8. Cornell, 75. an Associated Press reporter who covered presi dent~ from Franklin D Roosevelt to Richard Nixon and even n a t 1 on a I p o I 1 t i c a ·1 convention from 1935 through 1968 . died Saturday. lh11 wife Is UPI White House Correspondent Helen Thoma-. SANDLER. l().year resident .----------- of H untmgton Be ach . Ca ,.CT1r1ou1 aus1NHS Passed away t-'ebruary 20. NAME STATliM•NT 1982. lie was a mem.ber of o..!~::~~ow1n9 person h dolna the AARP or Huntington c A N 0 I D s H 0 T l Beach. Ca, Senior Citizens PHOTOGRAPHY/CAN DI SHOTZ. Club of Huntington Beach. ia.u S..U.• i.-. _ _.. 8eec11, CA Ca. He LS s urvived by his ., •• ~ .. INDA HELEN GAECKL.£R. l:WS wife. Sara. his son, Donald Sussex i..ene, Newport •••ell, CA .,... . II .. Santa Ana . Ca. Also n.is ~ i. ~1ee1 by .,. s urvived by • grandchildren. lftCllv1-I. Services will be h e ld L.Mm~•1er Wednesday 11 AM at Harbor Tllll ......,_ -fllMI •1111 .,. Lawn-Mount Olive Memorial ~Cteftlof0r.,..c.-... ... J ... Ch I . h b a, nil. ape , wit e ntom ment ""., immediately following . "'*'.....,°' .... c-Delly Pti.e, Services under the direction J911.•. ~•. t>.•. 1• •1M2 of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary. 540·5S54. ANDERSON f'tCTITIOUS auso••ts NAMS STATWMllNT Tiie fellowlftt --· .,. OOlfta bonlMU .. : JOCK STOP, 105 Mein, 8•1boe, Celllornle, '*' 111< herd Je,.nl11os. 2oos Wut aetboe 8oulev.,d, • IOt, Newpo'1 llN<tl. c..illornle ~ Von Merit, 200S WUI 8•1Do• °'Oolleverd. • tOt, Newport 8••<11, Cell!Otllle~ Tllh IKlslnen I• conducted by • QeMrel por1nerl.Np IUcl\ilrd J..,..1n9s Tiiis , .. ..._, w~ lilecl wltll ~ County Clerk Of Or•t>Qe Coul\ly "" Mesa man honore d Spec. 4 Michael P. Collison, son or Arthur P. and Mary W. Collison or 2570 Oxford Lane. Costa Mesa. has been named outstanding soldier of the month at Fort Sill, Okla. Collison is a 1979 graduate of Cal State Fullerton. On d ean's list Anthony L. Conti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Conti of Costa Mesa, a senior majoring in physics at Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, 'has been named to the dean's list for the fall semester. F ICTITl~S aUSINEH NA#E STATEMENT l,,~ follow1n9 f)t'r\Of"\ •"f' doinQ buslneu •s L. AHO S DISTRIBUTORS, I.SO Sup•nor ""'"u" Co''' Me'• C•lllornlt .,.,. hd M Sm!ll>, 10 Merrill Pl•CO, Cost• Mtw, C•lll0t11I• '11•'1 Peter D 1..tw. 11501 R•ln•e• Orovt Se/lie AN C .. llMnl• '2~ Thll bu,,,..,, ., <OftdUCttCS .,., • oene•ti PM1herSl\lp lt<IM Smltll LIGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HERIE8V GIVEN ttwt he lollowlno llems ot found or wive<I pr...,.ny l\ilw bM11 lleld 1>y '"" Polk• Oetlef1menl of Ille City of C•te ~w ~ • porloCI In u ceM o4 lllnety ltOI deyl; 8oy·~ 81ec:k Scilwlnn S..c!Krul .. r 8 1c ycle, 8oy'1 ~·o Nl teto.a 8eac11Crulser 81<ycte, Glrl • Purplo Royce Union 81cyele, Glrl's G'"" Schwinn 8kycle Freme. 8oy'l Re<I Sttn9rey I Spd. 81cyelt. Girt•• Blue/Green l Sod. Hercules 81CY<te. 8oy•s Sliver Sk ReclftO tO Spd. 810cle, 8ov'• Slue Wffttm Flyer 10 Slld 8kyele, 8ov'• Green RelelQh s 1-------------Spd 81cycl•. Glrl'• Yellow Nlillllo.I s SP<I 81cy<le. Girl'• Rtd Scllwln n 81cycle, Olrl's Sliver Huffy 10 Spd. 1-------------81cycle, Girl 's Orenae Schwinn NOTICa TOCllEDITO"I 8lcyc11. Boy 's Red Scllwlnn I 01'8ULltT•ANS,Ell Spd. 8kY<lt, Glrl"a Pin' S<llwlnn ISen. tMl-0'7 U.C.C.1 Stln9ny 8kycle, 2 8rown SPM•ers, I Nollce h hereby olven lo lh• •WT V. and Money crltdltors OI PAUL R. DIES HAR NA IS NOTICE IS FURTHER GlllEN llvl •nd JUDITH F DIES HAR NA IS, II "° --•'l -"'°"' lri• Trensforors,. -~ _..., la owMr"'ip o4 t11o P'-1Y wllhln wwn 4072 .._...., Clly ol 1 rvlne, County (71 d•'" to11ow1na the l>Ubllutlon of ,of OreftQt, SUloa of Cellfornl• ltl•I • 11115 Nolke. the lllle llle'9IO sllell ,,_ 0..111 Ir_,., Is ~ to be -10 In, ... nncter. II Ille•• be ...... Of In .... FU·MEI s. CHEN -CHIU·SWAN s. City of COSTA Mew, In wlllcll cew Ille YOUNG, Trenster..s, WllOM llorne pr-'1y tl\ell be Mlld at public •ucll1111 eddren I• 13'11 Crene Circle, City ol •I • llmt -dale lo be ennounc..i. Hunllnelon &ee<ll, c ..... 1y of Or-. R E N~ll Slett of c..llfo<'nle Clllel ol Pohce The propeny "' be tr-l•rred I• PublllheO Orenae c ... st Delly Piiot, described In 9"19re1 es: All stock In Feb. 12, 1911 732 .. 2 lrede. lldUr9S. 9<1111pment -900d Tiii\ \QI-••• lllecl wllft Ow r.JC l9T'IC( ~=~:,;~~..,°! Or-County on f---------·---- will of -Liquor SIDre with Retell P•<k•Vo Olt·S•le Gonerel Llce11w • 21 .1n u bustneu known es ··FOUNTAIN VALLEY" -IO<eled •I 1..0 8rool<llWSI SlrMI. City of Founteln Vell•Y. County of Or~. Ste lit of Cellfomle. Ftn• PvbflU.O 0r'"'9 Co.\\ D•ll~ Piiot. Feb • 1).10. 71, ,.., M!l"2 FICTITIOUS aUSINEH NAME STATEMENT Tiie lollowlna ""°"' •rt doln9 t>uslnenes CAI PlllECIStON ADHESIVE PACKAGI NG CO, C8) P A,P. CO., U6 Plorponl Drive, Co •I• Mes•, Calltornl•~ hrewi Lynne Gomer, IOS L4l1IUIWI Orlv•. Corone, Calltornl• '1110. Me"' Jo D91Cempo. 27'6 8ec:kon, TllOuwndOells, C•llfornle Tiii• bu\lneu ,. conouc ted by • -r•l 1Nr1ner\/\1p TL. Gomel Tiii• SUt•menl ,. .. lilecl will\ I~ Counly Clerk ot Oren11 County on J'tt>ru•ry l . 19" l'ICTITIOUS 8USINHS N&Ma STATEMaNT Tiie lottowlna ponon• are dol"' IKISlftff• H : COSTA MESA EMERCIE NCV PH VSICIANS, :IOI Vlclor l• Slrffl, Cos!• Mew. CA m n ROAR Y A. MURCHISON, J~ .• M.D. INC .•• Celllon1l11 cor-•liOn. t0t• Arelllbeld a-. Cuc-. CA'27• LUTHER M. HAND, M.D. INC .. t Celltorftle <or'POf•liOn . ..00 N lwbet Slrffl. G.._, CA tile». MICHAE L GORDON MORR IS, M.0., MOO Vie Correl. Anellelm, CA '2907 PAUL M. UMOF, M.D , INC., e C•llfornl• corporation, 11110 81ueweter i..-, Hunllnaton lleecll, CAt,..., Tiii• t>u•lnoss •• con4u<ted by en unlncor-Me<I n-laoon other lhan •Ptrlner\111(1 Tiie bulk lr•nsler wlll bt consumm.i.ed on or •"" lhe IOlll dey of Merell. , .. , el 10 oo •.m et WESTERN MUTUA L ESC ROW CO RP , AT TN: MAR ILY N WESTMORElANO. -eddrest Is 1•1 s. Y-St.. Suite 101. T"'tlft, Cetltornle.,_ Tll.t Ille IHI dete le>t lllinQ cl•im• In Ille escrow rMrntd lo herein h M•rcll t , 1912 So ,., •t 11 known to Ill• Trensltren, ell bolllness Mmes and •dclrtues -by tlle TrensftirOf'\ lor tlle pest ttv... yMn ere: !>AMIE Oated 1'""'-Y 2, 1912 FU·MEI S. CHEN CHIU·SWAN S. VOUNG Tr-~ Publl~ Or-Coesl Delly PllOI. FM>ruery 2:1, 1"2 M>41 ANTONIA SAL VATI. 85 years old 'Passed away Saturday, February 20. 1982, at Valley Pres by t erian. Hospital in Van Nuys, Ca A native of Italy and a Woodland Hills. C:a . resident for 14 years. She 1s a member of the Daughters of Columbus. Sur vived by 3 s ons. E lvi and Walter Sa l va t i , Al1quiopa , Pennsylvania. and Louis Salvati. Costa Mesa. Ca . 4 daughters , Mary Salvati. Costa Mesa. Ca .. EIJZabeth Salvati and Clara Petronzi. Aliquippa , Pennsylvania. a n d Gloria Tr1stany. Woodland Hills. Ca • I brother. Lawrence Colonna. Aliquippa. PeMsylvah1a: I s 1 s I e r . Nor i n a Ta I a s sf· . Aliquippa. Pennsylvania. I grandchildre n and 10 great-grand~ldren. Rosary will be recited at 7:30 PM T u es d ay at D raper Mo rtuary, Ontano. Ca Mass will be celebrated 9:00 AM al SI George Catholic Chur c h . Ontario. Ca Entombment an Bellevue Mausoleum F riends ma} c all al Draper Mortuar~ on Tuesday from 5.00 to 9 00 PM 986-1131. OSCAR G. ANDERSON, resident or Newport Beach. Ca Passed away February 19. 1982. Preceded 1n death by Mary Grac:e Anderson , I s on. Donald Anderson. 4 gran d c hildren , 8 g r e at · g randchi Id ren . Services h e l d al St Andrey, ·s Presb y terian Church. Monday. February 24!. 1982 at 2 PM Inte rment Pac 1 f ie View !\f e m o ria I P ar k P a c ifi c: \'1 e w M r>rtuary , d1rer1ors 644 2700 January 21, 1'17 Fiii* 1'111JM Publl"'9d Or•no-COHI D•lly Pll01, Publl•hod Or~ CoHI Delly Pllol. Ao•rv A M urthUon, Jr , MD, Inc G IST MY RA E GIST, pas t res ident or Costa Mesa. Ca. Passed away on February 16, 1982 She was an apartment manager for the Ramco Const ru ctor Company for the past 13 years. She is survived by her nephews. John and Dan Kersch. bolh of La Habra. Ca Servtccs were held on Monday, ·at 9:00 AM , al Harbor Lawn Memorial Cha pel with interment serv ices 1mme d1atel y folloY.ing. Services under the d irection of Harbor LaY.n·Mount Olive Mortuary 1 liicCOIMla< MOUU.UllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hilts 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HA•IOI LA WK-MT. Ollvt Mortuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 G1sle1 Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ..... CIHOTHHS l&l NOADWAY MOlTUAIY . 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 I ALT2 1H.a.OM SMfTH & TUTHILL WHTCUFJ C NAnt.. •27 E 17th St Costa Mesa tl•&-937 t ....CE llOTHllS SWTHS' MOITUUY. 627 Main St. Hunltngton Beach 536-6539 • .. :.,.._._ .J•n. >O. Feb. 6, 1J, 10, 19" •l:Ml . ~Ml •. I), 10 11 1"1 U'"'2 R.,.ry A ""'rcll~. Jr PTesldenl Tiii• \tel-I wn lilecl with Ille County Cieri! of O•enoe County on Jen NOTIC• 0' AVAIL.AatUTY HALLIDAY CHRIS.SIE S HALLWAY. resident of Costa Mesa. Ca Passed away February 10, 1982. Survived by daughter. J oyce Gr<iy. COlita Mesa . Ca and son . William R llallid'ay. Ne"1port Beach. Ca Also 5 grandchildren and 3 greal·grandch1ldren She was a member or Eastern Star and Costa M esa Women's C l ub P rivate services were held F ebruary 16. 1982 with entombment in Par1f1c· V1e"11. Memorial Park. Pac1fil' View Mortuary. directors '11.111 TAI qwm 12 ,_. Ye. T• s..ti.,. OfU04.t70 ,._,... 0.-1t1 ._ _...;; •••• NO .,......., .. 11,.,. ,_1,.., s.so.ouo --... • 1:P,. AIT'O -11•-n .. 1111. PllUC •ta ,ICTITIOUI 8USIHEIS HAMESTATEM•NT Tiie lollowln1 person Is dolftO ti.nlneuas: • .n ORO EHGINEEll lNG, 2060 Nellonel Avenue, Costa Meu, Cellfomle m27. Celvln E. 8ec:k, ZO.O NelloNI, Coste Mese, C.llfoml• '2617. Tiiis blislnHs Is <ondUCle<I by •n lndlvlduel: Cetvln E 8Kk Tiii• stei.ment WH lllff wllll Ille County Clerk OI Oret>Qe County on Februery 3, 1"2. l'tU.-7 P11bllshe0 Or-Co.ul Delly PllOt, Fe41. 6. 13, 20.17, 1"1 SS447 l'ICTITIOUS a USIH•IS NAMli STATliMliNT Tiie lollowlno perM!fls ere OolnQ ll<ftlneuas: SONSHtNE IELECTlllC COM· I PANY, 1-.S Keleme River Roed. Unit I, Founteln Velley, C.lllornle .,,. SofwlM Eleclrk•I Incl., Inc •• Cellfornle CWPOt•liOn IOllS IOl•m• •~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~ 111.,... lloed. Unll I, FCMinleln Velley. Cellfornle '71111. ---~ -EAJiL'S ' l'l.~ ... flMG _.,,_ ... _ $1 l" ~"M' '•'"°'" ""'9St-•I YOU' Ooat- ' 'C•1t Stor9 ........... •w •'••t COITll •SAS41·1289 ... ...__ Tiiis ~neu Is conducted by a corpor•tlan. SanrlM Elec:trlul Ind. Inc Anll>ony D. ~ston CNef EHC Officer l'ICTITIOUS a UllNHS NAMli ITATliMaNT Tiie lallow1n1 person h doh11 Wfl .... JH' DIVO "CE CENTERS OF CALll'OtllNIA, m No<tll Ross. Sutt• 100, ~le AN. CelllOf'rll• '2101. ~~~~~!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!."! J • • n Gr•• nwood. HO P • r • ... _ ~~5.()4()1 I -~~ ,llH °'"°'9 ,._. et""",......., I '1CTIT10US •UltNlilS NAMa STAHM9NT ., ... l'041eWlfto --· ......... llMdl-... SONStON E IE~ECTRIC COMPANY. t•J Klllelfte "l•tr II•••· Ullll I, '•11ntet11 Y•ll•Y. Gel lt«llle "*· Aveft11e, \...9tllf\e 8eec11. Celllor11l11 .,.,I, Tiiis butlnest I& condu<led by •" lllCllV!Wel, JMrl~ Tiils ....,,_ -llled wtltl !tie c ... nty Cle,. ot or-. c_,, on J-ryn,t•. $0nrlw atectrlUI fltf., Inc , el-------------CelltWM ~'"911. I-lt-"lftf -.e, UM I, ,,........., Velt.y, ...C 1111( C.MIMtNe..,,... Tiii& -'-• It ce"4111<19d bf • l'ICTtTtOUa ltUMN•U C«'llWetltll. lfAM9 STATa•NT ._,_m.ctflUl IM, fnc Tiie l•ll•wl111 """ la delftl ,,.,..,., 0. """"" IMl .... 1 .. ! Ollefl-.Ofllcer JOHN 8c1NAOIO TILll: ANO Tiii• ........ -fl ... w"91 h IMOOCUNG CO./Tlfl I.AV AHO C-ty CW-.. °'""" CWl!t'f 811 ICUl.LlltV, "'1 Ol'llCI i.-, ~ J~·.. llM ... Cel11i1r11141 ..... •tcMAu'A.¥1¥9••• •t"tr Jelln NICllOlt ••nefeo, H4 " • • • ·--Of'eeflM<'f', IA ~. C.11~ .... -, __ ,._ ,., .. ....,.w. ftli ...... ,, (~ ~ -:..we:~-· ~ _,,,,......,. ,....0.-..,,C:.-Oetfr....... TMt .......... -...... .. -.. a.,... .. 11..,,.. _. c-ty Cleft! ., 0r .... c...r t11 ~ ...... .,..,. ,.......~c:...~ ....... ..... •• ... .. "· Nt IDtl. .... . I. 0, ANNUAL. •Ii'°"" Pursuenl lo s.ctlon •10tldl of the 21, 1"1. '11tM7 Internet Revenue Cod•, ftOtl<• Is l'tCTITIOUS aUSINESS Pul>lllNd Or-C.,.st Dally PllOt, llereby 11,,.... tlvl lhe ~I~ fer N&Ma STATliMl!NT Feb. U , ~111, I , IS, 1"2 11 .. 12 Ille Ce lender yHr ltlt of Leyne Tiit lo11owln9 peoon h do lnvi--------------·Foundelloft I• ev•ll•bl• et Ill• o.islness .,. llUlf'< 1oundello11's prlnclpel office fH (II GRAPH IC MARKETI NG PllUC .... ~ Inspection durlnQ r99\1ler bvtlnett .. R 0 Du c Ts : t 2 I N E w p 0 RT llCMirs Ir-9:)0 10 •:OO P.M. by •nY CLASSIC &OO«S. Ill CHIEMPHOTO l'ICTITIOUS 8UllNlilS cltlan who ._.e.. It wllflln t• .. °" CO . ).Qt ~ Lane. lrvltle, CA N&MaSTATliMEHT e~rllle-of ll\l\publ!Ullofl. '271S Tiie tOllWl"I pe<sons er• doln9 Tiie towldMlon's swlnc1"1 offk• Is KENNE TH R. SMITH. SOI ti.nlneues: IOC•l•d ., 19 Rue c ....... Newport Celowbe Lane, lrvlM, CA '271S IE)( EC UT IV IE ..a US IN E SS 8te<ll, Cellf. ~ Tel. 11 .......... Tiii• buSll>ffS " <onclu<led "" .,. SERVICES, nn Center 0r1 .... S..lte IOt epmt. lndlvkl ... 1 600, Hlilnllnoto" 8••<11. Celllornle TM -of Ille Prlftcltlel ~ 1(-11 R Smllll fH.47 of tlle '--Ion Is R-11 H. MelOfl, Thi• rui-• .... llled wllh the Sue M IEl\mer1, Ul)I a-. vi.i. Pres. C.Unty Cler11 of Ounae County on J .... Dtlve, ~ Hiiis, Cellfornle mSJ Pvl>ll\lled 0Nnp Coell Delly PllOt, Jt, ,.., Lele M C-n. I Sprlno-'. l'e41. U, 1'92 N4«2 '111f.. 1 rv IM, Celltomle '211• Publl•hecl Or-Coe•I 01111 PllOt, Tiiis business h conducted by • Jen JO, Feb •. 13, 20. 19" Ht-ti oenerel ~nH'llllp L-.M.C,,,_ Tlllt .. ...._ • ., .. tiled wltll ... c-ty Cieri! of Or•noe County on l'tl>n.ery 11, IC. '1a»t l'tCTITIOUI aUSIHHI Pul>lltlled Or ..... Coest Daily Piiot, NAMl! ITATliMENT Fe41. 12, Mer. I, I, U. 1"2 I0'"'2 IKl:~.~o~~~ln1 persons ere dofn1 1 __ _. __ ....__ ""'..._ _____ _..._ GRA YON, 2121 Wul Cout ,.._ ... ,IM. HIOll••Y, Ne-1 Se<Kll. Celllorni. h------------ntt> J•mes L. Gr11y .,,., Anne O••Y. 2001 8ey-0..llte, Cor-del M•r, Celllor"le "2'H Tiii\ buSl,,..s Is c-ucted by an unlncorporeled auocl•tlon oti..r tllen I P•rtnenl\lp J-L..Gro Tiiis stet-I ,. .. 111.0 with ~ County Clerk of Oranae County on Jenuery 29, 1"2. ,. ..... Pvl>tlohed o..,... Co.ul D•lly Piiot, Jen, JO,.f_;!b. t, IJ, 20, 1"2 .. f..tt. l'ICTITIOUI aUllMHS NAMS ITATSMliHT Th• lollo•l"I person h doln1 "CTITIOUI 8USINHS NAME ITAT•MENT Tiie tollowln1 perfon la doln1 IKlslnttsf .. CREST SEC RETARIA L SERVI CES, 1S Etcepede Courl, Hewp0r1 lleed\, CA 9'M3 LOL.'ISE DAVISON, IS Etc.,...,,. CCMl'1, N-1 llHcll, CA '2.U. Tl•ll buSlneu It Conducted by an lncllvkluel. t..oulM Oevi-Tllts llettfNnt wet llled wllll t11e Counly Cle111 of Oren.-county on ""·"·'· ,,.,.,. Publlsi.d OrllflQla c-t Delly Pltot. Fee, U, Me:11 I. t , IS, 1!12 12..., IMislMUM~ .,__.,,... _________ _ HAPA HAOLE HAWAIIAN NOTICaO•Af'"-ICATION STYLE l'OOOS. sos IEdow•I••. Of'C ....... IN aelltoe, CellfOnlle n.61 OWMIMMI• O• AL~IC Jowflll A..-es, ••11 Alff<«•, aava!lMa 1.te• .. • Hvlltlnt'Oll hlKll, Cellforftl• '"-1•o.t Tlll1 butlneu Is concluc;led by .,. T• WllMI II IMy cane-: .............. MfSSISSlf'f'I INTEllPRISliS, CO. ,,_,...Andrei h e"lylftt to tlM Oepeft-t et •• Tiiis ,......_, -tiled wllll tlle Ak1114k .._ ... ~rol f'W •'41'' ON c-ty Clerll Of Or•noe COUl'lly on SALi GINEML lf'U• EAT "LI to J_,.,, ». ttet. .... •1c.,..I< i.ver• .. • •I 1ua2 l'tlt .. 8-fl ~ • .._lnt!Ofl ._II, ,,_..,,..Or ... CM• Deny ....... ""911 .... Or .... CMtl oe11, PINot, ,.,. to, fit.·~-1"2 :II!'!> Fe. U. 1• _ '1S411 PIUmll lfOMIN•U "°" f'U ... IC Ol'f'IC• ICA NOIDATOS f'A"A Ol'ICIO l'U8l.lC0) NOTICE IS HElllE8Y GIVEN !NI 111e followlno persons ll•v• l>eeft nomlnete<I tor l"9 offket ,.,..l,..fler mentioned to be fllled el IM "-r•I Mufllclp•I IEIKll ... lo '" !let• In Ill.• Clh of Fo11fll•l1J Velley on TueSdey, lhe ,,.,, d•Y of April, 1912. INOTIC IA SE DA "0R ESTE MEDIO -los tlQlllDflles <·-ld•tos llen Jldo --· "" oflclol equl O...lro "'9nclonMoa -IM•n ocupad«K •" It Oeneret Ele<clon Mu11lclpal que l•fldre lu .. r •" •• Chided oe ~In Veltey lll<lrtH, ti di• 1J .. Atlrll, de 1"2) , ... 1111...-r .. _ City c-11 O'•r• S.Cle• le J"""' M....ic..-11 v•iwtt1ree m v•.-lPMtll DAHIEL 8. MC>tlTON LINOA MOULTON 8UTY MIGHAHELLI CHARLES W. "MlltE " MICHA•LIS ltENHOLLANO l'RED\1095 JAMliSE.HEAL IEH lt.HllUliN JAM•S It. CREIO"TON llOY ROOGIM ..... ,,..-~ City Oflf'la .. -Cltv-~v .. ..., ltec ........ NMllC ... 1 .. 1ec--..•.._..1n v.-.,.~ OATIO~ll,1- C"ECHAt tt• "'*""• .. l•l PublltMI Or..._. C•9' Dalt, ... ._, ..... tt. Matcll 1, ,. Mt.et 6 4 2 • 5 6 .7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 -- ....................... , ............... ... Wt "" a"'8w'=lr.>~bor l i d&•. Condo . "&euilhoct" mdl. I Br Jb.t, 6to. Aasuma ble 1215.000 at 10.1 -x.. • ..... terms necotla· ~.M4'431 HMIOllMI Luctme Eltate llodtl. UI0.000. AVlil. now! Xlllitmm. 71Q.lt'17. WATiJIOMf HOtd PllYATllU.CH Smaational ~ Br home amad: on the water!! Futurin1 French door•. frpk, profeulonally de· coraUd • private SAN: DY BEACH . Ont)' $248,000 ' seller will carry 803 loan at l3%. 7511-1.501or752· 7373. Walker & lee Real htafe 1 \4i '') ~ I ••CUSTOM ** lnCndtto.. Sale Sy Owner. 4BR + den. 3~BA. Pool & Spa. All Cabinets Solid Walnut. Owner will flnance. W.87W MIWPOIT CllST End unit Plan 2. Im· maculate split level 2 bdrm, 2YJ bath, dining room, 3 decks. Stepe to pool and tennb. Only U79.SOO. CdM OPLX lw Ow.w 129S,OOO. 0-~ner will carry al U ~. Call 675-3063 or 619·9667 ..... 1111 12.750/o La. Ul'liquely designed and decorated 3 Bdrm 2 ba with lge 0Hice1den. 2 rrplcs. In prest1g1ous Westclifr. Take over 12.75~ In and OWC balance with 20'1 dn 1269,500. Owner Bkr ~7405 IOIO • •••••••••••••••••••••• $SOOODowa $117 Mmtttlw. JBR. l.,.,BA. Cul·D'e·Sac Nice Location. Good Cond111on. Full Price. 199.000. Call Christina. 557-2'783 ----- $75.000 I 0.75°/o lnt~rest Good assumable loan on this I bedroom condo. conveniently close to South Coast Plaza. With a lowdown payment, the owner "'•ill help with financing. This up· graded value realures kitchen bwlt1ns. pa110 area . beautdu l clubhouse....-rnm munit) pool and more' Submit your orrer today • S7S.OOO. Ca II 979· 2390 T llALTOIS °"911'1td&tot. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• *EXciflA6* llhftWt With or without rurn, 3"'64 Orttnbrier Hm in I Laguna Hills nicest 5 • swplt. ........ , .. 8'aut!Jul 24x60 Keywest Hm · 2.Br, 2Ba. This 1s the best in wwn. "'r.•ecll Beaut1f ~lair M II w/fmt kit, 12xl9 liv rm. l.2x10 Mstr Bdrm. Encl patio. Nr. Hoag Hosp. 134,500. CLASSIC MORI HOME SAi.iS 2706 Hatbot. Ste 206·A 54o.Stl7 ....................... , 2S' Aintteam w/room, acrou 1tr1tt rrom t.cb. .-ioo. S.. et Hun tlaiton by SH Park, 21171 Newland, Spaet 110. H.B. or c all t·m•. Newport Bueti Dt Anu bayfront Par.k. MIDI cond. •a dot.able wide. CorDer '°'· ... 000. BIU Gnmdy 17W1'1. ...... ,,.,.,., 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllcl h• Sb ''it I c..hr $7S.OOO IJ laa.ndle Bk r 1144'-1723 IUO IMDUSTllAL W. Costa Mesa, new 1U1h ceilio&. fl~e spriak~rs. 2Cm-3000 aq I\ ' larcer. Chuck S piller, agt 631·1211 WliXcH Hieb visibility. C·3. Ocean view. up fl.. fron· tase. Use uillilll build· in& of 4000 sq, tl.,or build 10,000 sq. fl.. Owner will Can')'. S715.000. 631-7300, Realtor. lililoppinJ center site. 1 o acres. commercia lly wned on busy frwy orr. ramp nr Corona in rast &rowing area Sale. trade or JV w1qualified i n vestor R & W Development Corp 7S2-2S84 U.UHAHACH COMM'LILDG On No. Coa s t Hvq w1m> sq rt &t 48.°540 or scheduled gross income With ts-~ dwn. seller will coDJider carrying balance at I 11,~ $.'595,000 Ask for Ernie Quigley, Lingo R.E 497·3331 CCMHto-.iw/Towa· hotMsfors4't 1700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NORTH LONG BEACH Virginia Country Club F.states New 3 br. 3 ba Condo Luxury Decorator Extras From $175,000 (714) 847·7066 SC Pia.ta. 3BR 28A. as sum 11 l'i-. S6-0K Isl. <JWC 2nd Submit terms S101K. 964-1988 Ille.-Property 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• H.B 4-PLEX, 3 br, 2\lt ba owner 's unit. frplc ~per tax benefits 2 yrs new Only $39,000 dn. By appt. Pb.ii. agt. 972·9300. wtcnd 761-2594. 32U ·2YRS OLD HUNTINGTON BEACH 12.412.K F1P $312.000 dn I rru lo beach. "Pride .. 125r, tax shelter Isl yr Call Ptul. agt. 972·9300. 761 2594 APPUYAUEY Ta Sllelht' Near new 4·plex . 2 bdrm. 2 bath each unit with fireplace. enclosed patio, garage. 9~.<;t lsl. Pos cash flow No-. SIS9.SOO. 8111 Grundy. Rllr, 675--6161. 5 Umt. C.M Bargain less than 10 yrs old. $238.000 owe ~2075 S48·S763 I UMITS 7.1 X'tCHOSS High demand renta I area. Assume existing rUWlcing of SU0.000 at 10~ and owne r will ca rry full pri ce t240.000Call 97W370. 'ALLSTA .TE REALJOM - IYOWM& Z.4 Plexes, 4200sq. ft. 812 fl 614 Calle Campana. San Clemente 12e.soo each. S23. 160 Income each $36,000 down in 1982. 91• l st T .D . n41•seo1. Two pride of ownership •••••••-•! Cov1n1ton 4-plexea. trade roe-ooe or both. G~al loans. Owner ii rmtivated. Submit your tnde. QPP, tct 151-1217 OffOl'MITY knodll often wben you Ille ,_.·cetlhll Daily Piiat Quailled Ade to niadt the Oran1e Cout ma.rbt. n.c.esesm N~mt/~HTS. UV0 ,000 Sam I Agt 1'G-l758 l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jWa.lk to beach, be1utillll lri·plu, 2-2 Br. 1-S Br. Patio. frplc. $52S,OOO. Owner' will be.Ip fillaac.. •tOM Join - 1 111111 .Gasoline spill , floods drains, streets of NB Thirty-six firefighter s from three cities spent s ix hours mopping up nearly 800 gallons of 1asollne that flooded a Newport Beach intersection and poured into the city drainage system Sunday evening. Work crews used a chemical foam to contain the gasoline and' blocked · off the nearby flood1 control channel to prevent lbat flammable liquid from reaching tbe environmentally sensitive Upper Newport Bay. The accidental spill at the 4678 Campus Drive Texaco service station was caused at about 7:15 p.m . when a car ran over a 4-in~h delivery truck hose. The delivery tanker was pumping gasoline into the station 's holding tanks . Authorities said the ca r severed the hose and fled the area . .J. ~., ; / .. Fire m e n from Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and the county 'fire department hurried to the scene while W>lic em e n bloc ked orf the C ampus Drive-Mac Arthur Boulevard intersection. All o( the nearby intersections from Campus Drive north to the San Diego Freeway al.so were closed. Officials •s aid Ste ver~on Bro the r s, a Huntington Beach-based cleanup operation, brought a vacuum truck to the ar ea and were able to suck up roughly 500 gallons of the spilled gasoline. One Orange County firefighter suffered minor injuries when some of the chemical foam got in his eyes. The sealed-off intersections we re finally reopened at 1: 15 k.m . todav. * * *· * 250 Years Washington praised Reagan hails George's ideals MO UNT VERNON, Va. (APl -President Reagan . praised George Washington for meeting the challenges of his generation and promised, on the first president's 250th birthday, that "we wil l meet ours." Reagan, like many or his p redecessors , visited Washington's hom e here to 1lay a wreath at his tomb an<t deliver an address from the steps or his home . In remarks prepared for deli very, the president urged Americans to "r ededicate ourselves to the ideals George Washington set. Let us give of ourselves, so that when our time is through, history may say or us what Thomas J efferson said of him: "Their integrity was the most pure and their justice the most inflexible we have ever known. They were, in every sense of the word, a wise, a good and a great people." Rea~an added, "l believe we still a re, and, because l believe in )'.OU, I believe we will be tomorrow.'· ALL IN A LATHER -Firefighters pour fo a m on a spill of nearly ~ gallons of gasoline that flooded the drainage 'Death coming Oelfr Niil ~"' •kMft ....... syste m near a ser vice station on Campus Drive in Newport Beach Sunday evening. over the cliff' But pilot, three others survive plane crash on Catalina Island runway By PATRICK KENNEDY OftMD .. .,1"119tS'9ft Don Nabo rs o f Fo untain Valley sa ys he "saw death coming over that cliff'' as the sm a ll airplane crash-landed on Catalina Sunday. None of the fou r p ersons a board was killed when the P i per aircr aft touched down beyond t h e middle of the Airport-in-the-Sky runway at a high speed and skidded on the '~::i~ay embankment al 11 :40 Pilot Damien F . Henderson. 31, of Costa Mesa , s uffered in tern al injuries and i s h os pitalize d in T o rranc e Memorial Hospital, Nabors said. Nabors. 20, suffered a broken nose and was t reat e d a nd '5th Beatie' disc jockey dies in LA N EW YORK (AP> -Murray Kaufman, the disc jockey known as "Murray the K " who rose to fame in the 1960s as "the Filth Beatie," died today in his sleep at home in Los Angeles, his• fo rmer business manager said. De borah Alexander said in a tele phone inter view from Los Angeles that Kaufman's son, Peter Altschuler. confirmed his father's death. She said Ka ufman, who bad been battling cancer for more t han t wo years , left a Los Angeles hospital last week and returned to his home in Studio City. Kaufman, who was In his 50s, suffered from lymphoma. He helped introduce a group called the BeaUes to American teen-agers in the 1960s and was credited with helpin g spawn the roc k generation by giving British rock'n'rollers s uch as The Rolling Stones and The Who exposure to U.S. audiences. (See DJ, P11:1e A2) released from the hospital. His brother, Bob, 17, and Douglas McDani el, 15. also of Fountain Valley , both s uffe r ed back injuries in the crash. Nabors said the fo ur were airlifted by military helicopter to the hospita l following the crash. Nabors said they had left J ohn Wayne Airport and were going to Catalina to spend the day and "goof around ... Na bors sa id he "knew we were going too fast and I told Da m ien to slow it down but you know pilo ts never listen to co-pilots. . •·w e hit way past the middle of the runway and he tried to· brake it but the plane started swerving to the left and right. I yelled at him to put it back in the air but by that time we'd l05t too much power. ··As we headed for the end of the runway, I just thought, 'this is it·." "NO one said a word. We're lucky to be alive." N a b o r s sai d h e l os t consciousness for a few seconds after his face smas hed against the dashboard. When he came lo , h e s aid h e s aw pilot Henderson lying with his face on the steering wheel and bleeding profusely from the mouth and nose . . "He looked dead ," Na bors said. "I saw that my brother and bis friend were all right and we . crawled out of the plane. By that lime , rescue workers arrived and put us a ll on stretchers." Nabors says he has s ince talked with Henderson who is in serious condition a t the hospital Both he and Henderson work for Avco Fina n ci al Group in Newport Beach. His brother and McDaniel attend Los Amigos High School in Fountain Valley, he said. Another single eneine plane, also with four passengers, bad crash-la nded at Catalina just two hours earlier but no one was injured, authorities reported. The plane, a Cessna 170 from FuUerton Airport, crash-landed near the Airport-in-the-Sky at 9: 20 a .m. after it los t power wh ile circling the airport in preparation for landin~. Carpenters torch coast rules. Panel blamed for housing inflatwn and ltnemployment By STEVE MITCHELL Of'" o .. , ~ , .... Wa nt to hear a good belly laugh? Just as k developer Chuck Sm yth to name one good thing a b o ut t h e S t ate Co asta l Co mmission. ''You've got to be kidding," t he j ubilant Newport Be ach developer said this morning in front of Carpenter 's Union Local 1648 In Dana Point. About 75 union carpenters gathered at the small, one room local on Street of t he Golden Lantern this m orning to witness a call for union workers for Smyt.h's $100 million Lantern Bay project, to be built about 100 yards down the street. And while only two jobs for concrete form work were up for grabs today, union officia ls said, "This is just the beginning." Journeyman carpenter Bruce Bynes, 32, shouted , "I'll take il ," when hi s nam e was announced during roll call. "I haven't had a job since Thanksgiving," the Capistrano Beach carpenter said. "It's only' ror a couple of weeks. but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing." By nes join e d his fello w carpenters in front of the local a few minutes later to watch union bus iness representative Bill Molnar set fire to a pile of coastal commission regulations. As he poured lighter fluid over t h e s t ack o f rules and regulations, Molnar expoWlded on what he termed the damage caused by the commission. "They (the commission) have been the cause of inflation In the housing industry and the reason wh y a l o t o f yo u ar e une mployed ,'· he to ld the a s s e m b l e.d , A m e r i c a n nag-wavlni carpenters. As the regulations -fed with st r ingers of "red tape" - e rupted into fl a mes, the carpenters erupted into cheers and hoots A smiling Chuck Smyth, who with his brother Ed owns Smyth Bros .. Inc .. stood at the side, watching the staged ceremonies. The ·two builders have been trying to develop their 76-acre parcel overlooking Dana Harbor for the past 22 years. Pla ns call for 112 townhouses, 46 single family homes, two major hotels, a sboppin& center and two parks that will be constructed and maintained by the company. "It's a great relief to be thr o ugh the coa s tal commission," he said. ' Smyth blames the commi.saioo for "contributing directly to the (See RULES, Page AZ> a a a 2 lllNGI COAST WllTHll Partly c loudy this afternoon. Low clouds and local fog tonight and Tuesday morning. Partly cloudy Tuesday afternoon with gus ty west o t northwest winds. Cooler days. HigM 64 to 70. Lows tonight !J1 the 50s. Beaches lure maity, but water still cold Voice apedolbt 10~1 dtccrleodhg ca" be hHordoa to the throat, .creotiftg .a "Growl GcrlN" dh .a troubled IOdcal 1Uf•. . ,,.,. Lifeguard departments alone the Orange Coast have reported large winter crowds turning up at area beaches over the weekend to take advanta1e ol warm, summer -like temperatures. And while the mild mid to upper· 70-deeree weather may· hhe made it feel like summer on the sand, the few hardy folks who ventured into the 55-dqree water were reminded lt la still winter, lifeeuarda said . Newport Beach 1tre1uard spokesman Jack Llncke said about 80,000 people Ylalted city beachet on both da1s ol the weekend, a comparable n,.... to summer totall. . Llncb Niel Ulesuardl luld DO ,major problem• wltll tbe u1naaull1 lar .. crowd, wtdt oalJ 1$ roudne l'ele\MI ,....,,... for' botb4-Ja, Swf ... IDOlt ot tlM CDlllt WU lD tba l Jo 1-r,et .~· posing no threat to swidlmera. However , chill water temperatures got three YOWi Pf<>ple from Los Angeles County in trouble Sunday 'aftemoon at Sanset Beach, accordln& to John 'Bafth ol tbe Huntln.eton· Beach LUe,uard Department. · ·Barth said tbe three, Victor Aleveclc>, 17, Debbie San Nkol&1, 20, and Sbaroa Kldcllebroolt, 11, were treated for exbauatloa a ~· Alamitos General HOlpital San Clemente Lile,uard Stne' Barrett aald about 2',000 people. showed _up _l!t city beaches <See BBAC&sl:'"Paae Al) Dowfalle NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market, after u openJq ru1b \o tlM upeldet. felf Mak today· and tbe Dow o1one1 Inda of IO ind.uial atMU .)c,.t 11.Ge Potnta to Ill.JI, ita low•t ,.... • ... ... fall. ·~ . IALYAGmW 9PL.AIHSD -Crew from Anchor 'Marine Salvage tries to 1et 1Unp around 30-foot aallboat K\¥h Kin which rM aarounct 1n d ... fC>ll at Boba Chica State Bel~b ~ .............. _.,.. Hun~ Beach at 5 p.m. Sal[lleJ. Cnft, with hole in ita twll from~ IUl'f, k owned by Ste~e Adair of Los~ ... . N •• Back In the 19608, ycu may recall, everyone wanted to get Into tt•e publishing business. It was the thing to do. And there were some fanciluJ theories about why this move made so much senu for a big corporation. For one thing, it meant gaining a foothold ln the "knowledge lndustry." Pretty heady sturr. That industry, not steelmaking, was heralded as the wave or the future. You also heard much talk in those days a bout the synergy bet ween electronics and publishing. Programmed instruction teacblng machines, i! you will -was expected by many to transform education. So a buncb.. or companies charged into the publishing businl5s: RCA, CBS, General Electric, Litton Industries, Xerox, Raytheon, MCA, Filmways, Gulf & Western , Internation al Telephone & Telegraph. ln addition to the new corporate entrant s. the publishing industry was being changed by an epidemic of mergers an d acqui si tion s . Newspapers such as 1n111 1111•nz the New York Times and Los Angeles Times expanded their beachheads in book and magazine publishing. Macmillan bought up a slew of companies related to education and books <Berlitz, Katharine Gibbs, LaSalle Extension, Brentano's). Doubleday bought DeU . Scott, Foresman, an old-line textbook house, acquired William Morrow, a publisher of popular fiction and non-fiction, and then adopted the enigmatic corporate name, SFN. All this activity naturally allracted the attention of liberals, who moaned and groaned about the heavy corporate hand stifling competition in the publishing industry, suppressing unorthodox views and pursuing commercial goals above everything else (as opposed to the "pure" motives of the little old publishing house of former times). Well , it's interesting to see what has happened. Two things: I Publishing did not make heaps of money for the new corporate owners. Book publishing, in particular, turned out to be a financial dud. 2. Rather than wanting to control ideas by maintaining their ownership of publishing properties. corporations are bailing out of the field as rapidly as they can. RCA , which bought Random House in 1966, sold it to Newhouse Publications in 1980. With Random House came the Modern Library, Knopf, Pantheon, Vintage and Ballantine imprints. General Electric has long s ince departed the field. Litton Industries sold its publisning s ubsidiaries to the British publis her, Thomson. Macmillan is selling oH properties left and right -Brentano's has already gone, LaSalle Extension will soon go. iJtCIS IN THE SPOTlit;HT UPS AND DOWNS "-"" l§F"' ) I Ind 4 ,. '~ ........ r FIR 1 ... ,.. -~ i a"l;;: ... 'f UMET Tr 11 OWysl 2. 75clf 12 NoCalSL l)~Co ... UT.._tr ISN~g 14 l'Nllnd of u" I.Mt Cl'ICI , ... l\ 17 • , .. ,._ . .. ,, ..... 4 21 t 2VI ,.... . "' 3' • , .. 2t • , .. ,.... • 14 JW. • '4 s • " "' . " "' . "' JD • ' ,,,_ • 14 ISVt + I .. Pel. 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