HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-27 - Orange Coast PilotS ATURDAY. f[BRUARY il 14Hl OH ANCl. COUNTY <. ALll OllNIA 25 CEN TS Irvine principal agrei}s to display mural .By GLENN SCOTI' otttM O.il9 ""' ' .... A controversfal mural painted by student!) at Irvine Hleh School wi ll be permanently displayed in t he sch ool 's Humanities Building as inJtiaJly planned, Principal Gary Norton said Friday. But the mural, entitled "One World, One People," will not adorn the central lobby of the buildi n g until severa l preliminary steps are taken , Norton explained. 'fhe •?·foot.Jon~ mural first will . go on public display ror slightly more than two weeks b eginning ,March 22 at the Orange Co unty Hall of Administration. While it hangs in Santa Ana, faculty members will undergo a Cralning program to focus on using the mural as a teaching tool in their c!asses, the principal said. Teachers also will b e encouraged to clarify the basic theme or t he roural -that prejudice or inhumanity are not acceptable in their lectures 'and to foster sensitivity toward s tudents who have opposed the m ural's design , h e said . Objections centered on hooded figures, presumably members of t he Klu KJux Klan, s hown torturing black figures. Norton said the original intent of the mural, when created last s ummer, was for use as a curriculum tool. He said the strategy can still work. "I lhink the whole thing can be a win for us if we direct it ii BARK ANO AIDE L<.1~s1e mav ha,·e bounded ov~ the hillside~ to J!l't home. but Budd~· prefer:i to ~o from LaJ!una Reuch lo El Torn in Bruce Edd~ 's side car the groper direction," he said. ln airing his d~clslon, Norton also released a t abulation of written comments solicited from students, faculty members and residents, who viewe d the mural while it was on display in the school theater last week. According to the breakdown, 88 percent of t he l , lSS viewei:s favored hanglng the mural just as it is. High school students were · m ost in favor of seeing the mural on display, with 93 percent In support. More than 45 percent of the 1Student.s listed as a reason for their support that they agreed with the theme. Others liked it for artistic reasons, because the detractors had bad a rguments or because they wanted to avoid cen sorship, according to the survey. In contrast, the group that posted the most opJ>()sition to the display of the mural was the school faculty. Fifteen of 78 m~mbers. or 19 percent, were against It. They said it wH mls·dlr<ictcd, lacked aensillv\ly o r they reared continuint problems. Norton said many of the comments were so well·developed and sincere that he 1s considering compiling them in anonymous form to serve as a leaching aid with the mural The comments. he added, helped him to realize that the outcry against the mural and the <See MURAL, Page AZ) Rejection of airpor~ . access plan upheld By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL OftlMOelty ...... llMI The see-saw lega l battle Involving a plan to regulate which commercial air carriers serve John Wayne Airport has shifted once again, this lime against AirCal, which dominates the Orange County market. The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeal has reversed an earfjer decision and upheld a lower court order against an Orange County government plan that would have permitted AirCal to maintain its exisling daily quotient o f flights for a three-year period. AirCal now is authorized an average of 23.5 departures daily. Other carriers and their daily allocations inc lude Republic Airlines, 11.5: Frontier Airlines, 2; Pacific Southwest Airlines. 2. and Western Airlines, 2. U.S. District Court Judge Terry Hatter ruled in September that granting 86 percent of the permitted departures to AirCal a nd R ep ubli c wa s anti-competitive and in violation of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. The legal challenge to that plan was raised by PSA, which said it wanted eight daily departures from Orange County. PSA was JOined in its fight by the U.S. Department or Justice, repres enting the federal Department of Transportation. The net effect of the latest appeals court ruling is lo free county officials to act on a revised access plan that would comply with requirements of Judge Hatter's original ruling. Such a plan has been devised. but held m abeyance pending the outcome of court proceeqings. Under the revised plan, AirCal and Republ 1 c . as th e two dominant <.'arrie rs, .would be required lo relinquish 10 percent of their e xi s ting flight allocations every three months .. The fli ghts would then be redistributed to any carriers operating the new and quieter DC 9 Super 80 aircraft · During the first three month (See AIRPORT, Page A21 ; • :·:· -··· Reagan backs off on g<lS decontrol .. ·.~ ..... ..... ·.: .. . ... . . .... . ~ ·:· ~:~ .·"'~ ··: . . the meeting that no bill would be- sent up McDonald bail cut to $500,000 WA SH I NGTON <AP I President Reagan, bowing to co n su m er and political pressures, has au but ruled out asking C.Ongress this year for faster decontrol of natural gas prices despite the impassioned arguments or Energy Secretary James Edwards. The decision could save customers billions or dollars. but consumer groups said Friday that "the war is hardly over " Reagan since lcis t July ~ .. been debating whether lo ~ fo rward with the unanimot4.- recommendation or his Cabinet Co uncil on Natural Resources., a .... k Congress for a s h ar~! s peedup m the pace at whicG • natural gas pricing 1s bei~ dec·o ntrolled · Edwards. who has been the main advocate for s u c h ·~ course. made what an aide called an ··impassioned plea .. for Reagan lo push forward with lht• decontrol proposal at a Cabinet meeting late Thursday .• Felony counts on investment firm defendants upped from 19 to 35 By DAVID K UTZMANN Of tk Dally ~I ... SUft Bail on financier Ralph W. McDonald was reduced from $2 million to $500,000 Friday while the number of felony charges against McDonald and a co-defendant jumped from 19 to 35 counts each. In reducing bail against McDonald, the 4 1-year·old president of Golden Eagle Investment Co., South Orange County Municipal Court Judge David Carter sharply criticized him for failing to put up SS * * * million in a trust fund to protect investors in his company. Carter last week had made establishment of such a fund a condition for reconsideration or bail. which the judge had increased from $250,000 to sa million. . "'You have not performed,'" Carter told McDonald Friday, "and I'm going to tell you that right now. You have not done what you told me you could do one bit." It is believed that McDonald, a decorated Vietnam combat ·* * * lrwestor files suit to get money back An investor in Golden Eagle Investment Co. is suing lo get his money back. Accordfng to documents riled in Orange County Superior Court Friday, investor John P. Evans said he wants Golden Eagle president Ralph W. McDonald to return $19,500 he gave to the embatt l ed firm as a n investment. Both McDonald and the company vice president. David Biggins. are charged with 35 felony counts each in connection J urol'8 pond er Williams case ATLANTA (AP> -Jurors began deliberating murde r charges against Wayn e 8 . Wl!llams on Friday after prosecutors revUed him as a ''mad dog killer" and the defense begged them not to commit "the ultimate tragedy" of convicting an innocent man. "You s hall take this case and try to find the truth about it," Superior Court Judge Clarence Cooper told the j urors after law yers completed their e motional fliiil arcument.s. Cool*'...,... U.. cue over &o UM j&ary Ill 4:1D p.ra., tie .... tbe t~ courtroom In tbe hl&oe ~ eoul'lbcMale tOr UH u. Mbirecaoe room IOtM maay eilll'*8 WOUid not have to .......... with the operation of Golden Eagle. The two m e n have pleaded innocent to the charges. Evans, in court doc uments, said he gave McDonald the mon ey in return for an unsecured promissory note. ·'I was told by the sales agent soliciting my loan on behalf of Mr. McDonald a nd Golden Eagle Investment Co. that the loan proceeds would, in turn, be reinvested in high.yield business investments," Evans said. It is alleged by prosecutors in th e Orange County District Attorney 's Office that Mc Donald, t hrough Golden Eagle , was o p erati ng a high·stakes ''Ponzi" scheme to cheat intestors, who gave him In ~xcess of $11 million over a six·month period Wginnin1 last summer. For their money, investors were told they would receive interest payments of between 10 pe rcent and 30 percent per month. The Investment funds were supJ)OSedly being used to provid e s hort ·t e rm , high ·interest loans to bO~rowen on commercial real estate ventures. However , authorities allete lbat McDonald was not actually investiq lbe money but.,...... ~fine o11 earty lnw•tot1 wldl. money obtained from later lnv"ton. A court hearlD1 on Evans· lanutt ii sebeduled for AprtJ 7 In Oraa1e County Superior Court. veteran who lives in San Juan Capistrano, revealed to the judge on F eb . 17 the whereabouts or more than $5 million in cash during a special closed hearing in his chambers. Carter indicated Friday that he was now lowerin g bail becciuse the prosecution had come up with new Cigures to s how that less money than originall y believed was unaccounted for in Golden Eagle's overall operations. In a related development Friday, Carter ordered both defense and prosecution lawyers to work through the weekend examining about 200 bags of evidence seized in the Feb. 10 raid on Golden Eagle's offices. The judge ordered the attorneys lo check in with him every four hours to tell him their progress. Carter ordered the weekend work because of complaints by defense attorney PauJ Mast, a former judge, that he had not yet seen documents confiscated in the raid. By law, the defense is entitled to see whatever documents the WITHDRAWS The Re,· 8 S1m~I Hart has asked that his na~ be withdrawn ·as nominee for seat on U.S. Civil Rlcht~ Commission and President Rea1an has 1greed. Hart was opp(lled by civil riah\A aroups. prosecution has i n its possession. Deputy District Attorney Tom Buck said a ··more thorough accounting" or records seized in the raid on Golden Eagle's offices Feb. 10 indicated that about $2 million is still unaccounted for. Last week. Buck had said that as muc h as $8 million was missing. That figure , he acknowledged "Friday, was based on tbe rough calculations or an Internal Revenue Service agent who reviewed documents seized in the raid. About SSS0.000 in cash was confiscated by officers who took McDonald and David Biggins. a San Clemente resident, into custody. • Buck said new calculations s how that about $3.3 milllon In cash and receipts for property can be accounted for. It ls also believed that about $5.2 million in interest was paid out to investors a nd a nothe r Sl million·plus is attributable to commissions paid to salesmen. This leaves about $2 million which cannot be traced as yet. Authorities belleve Golden Eagle's total assets come to (See BAIL, Page A2) C'rystal Cove park r eview slated in. SA Me mbers or the stale Parks and Recreation Commission will review plans for development of Crystal Cove Stale Park March 12 in Sant.a Ana. The commission meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. In the Santa Ana City Hall annex auditorium, 23 Civic Center Plaza, Plans c.11 for picnic areas along a three·mile a rea between Corona del Mar and Lapfta Beach and publlc acce .. to beach areu. Al to slated for park development are bl~e ·ln c:a mp1round 1 and an underwater park in the area otf Cryatal and Moro covet for divers. Most of tM 2,751·Kn park will be left ln open·~· Officially, White House deputy press secretary Larry Speakes said, "The president has not made a decision on natural gas deregulation -whether to accelerate it or not -and I would assume that it would be next week before he does make a decision." However . adminis tration sour ces, who asked not to be named, said they believed Reagan had decided to drop plans to submit a bill to Co n gress i n the face o f reluctance to take up the issu~-in an eleclion·year. The decision came after Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker, R·Tenn .. and House Republican Leader Robert Michel of Illinois met with Reagan Thursday to advise him against faster decontrol. ··we've got enough problems without dealing with that one," said Michel, who told reporters there was general agreement in L'nder t he decontrol law pass(•d in 1978, prices on natural gas discovered since April 197 .. an• being gradua lly lifted untillt all controls are removed on Jaq. 1 . 1985 Thi ~ ··ne "' gas"~ r e prese nt :-. (ill pe r c ent ot supplies . Edwards and 1Jther supporte~ of raster decontrol !)ay the plan lea vcs the pnn · of ··old gas,'' 40~ percent or u s supplies. frozen rorcver .. Reagan's decontrol bill called,. for faster price hikes on new gas s upplies and the inclusion of old gas in the decontrol timetable. Consumer groups charged this' .,., ould c1ouble homeowne rs' bills,• forc ing the 60 percent of the• counlry whi c h heats with natural gas to pay $40 billion mon · Panel se t s h earing on San Onofre appeal i . ~ A fed eral appeals panel will hold hearings on March 12 in San Diego lo determine if a low·PQwer test license for Unit 2 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station should be sus pended. The U.S. Atomi<.' Safely and Licensing Appeal Board will hear the appeal from groups objecting to the issuance of the low.power permit for Southern California Edison Company's 1.lOO·megawatt reactor. Edison Co. crews began fuel loading operations last week a ft er the U .S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issued the permit.. Opponents of the $3.3 billion nuclear gener atin g station , three miles south of San Clemente, claim that seismic hazards in tbe area exceed plant design standards and that emergency evacuation plans for residents near tbe plant are lnadequ.te. The federal 1overnment'1 atomic Rafety and llcen1in1 bo•rd approved authorlaallon for a low·Poftr license on Jan. 11 followln1 ten1t.by bearlns• throqhout the 1ummer ln San Di•IO met Anahelm. The appul board, wbicb bu three members who a re .\ administrative law judges. will hear oral arguments in the c~ beginning at 9 a m. The hearmi" will be held in the San Diego County Administration Building Room 310. Jf,00 Pac1f1c Co~ Highway • The hearing is open to· lhe: public. ORAIGI CDAIT WIATHll : ... Morning low cloud s 1 g i ving way to partly • cloudy afternoon. Highs ln the sos. lows 45 to 55. llSIDI TDIAY Wh at do tht lttltr4 AF'L-CIO atand /or? For ,,.. aolutiort, '" the Qui.I on Pa~ A7. 11111 · c ...... c........ C..-• c ....... c........ ........... lwMt• I 1 ......... MOVED OUT Assemblvman Ross Johnson. R·Anaheim. batking an a\,ld it of CapHol Restoratiol'\ Gala . found this sign outside his offke door Frida~'. Thursda~· his request for an audit was rejected . Johnson was mo,·ect to ............ a s m a l l (.•r offic·l•. hut D c mot·rati c· Assembl~·man Lou Papan. ('harman of ·Rull'S Commiltel'. insis ted the mo\'e was m•c.•dNt to a('l'ommodall' two ot twr tnmmit ll'l'S. Diab lo r:De,sign error found in •t b'· ~~'11Valves similar to Three Mile d q . ,;rn"LOS ANGELES CAP> -Yet ~ n&nother safely-related design error. this one involving valves ·.<11ike those that failed in the .,~·Th ree Mile Island nuclear •t> mishap, has been found in the l!!10iablo Canyon nuclear power .~·)Money supply • • rises agrun plant, a federal official said Friday. As a result, the controversial reactor probably won't gel its suspended testing license back until summer, a federal official said Friday. engineering and reactor owners were expected to meet requirements and demonstrate compliance through s upporting data . As ked if PG&E had "let down" the agency, Crews said. "That's correct ... We had sort of assumed that design is being done by professionals in the area of engineering and would not require our close examination." Ruling rejectio.n fe~r_ed Bergeson doubts high court would uphold access decision lb I ODI CADENHEAD · Of ........... ._ A11emblywom1tn Mad a n 8er1eson t.old a Newport Beach audience Friday that the state Supreme Court would probably overturn the recent appellate court rullng striking down the state Coastal Commlsalon's right lo require pcblic access lo beaches. ' Mrs. Bergeson, wbo ravon tqe r uling by the appeal court, spoke Friday to me mbers oJ t he O rang e Co unt y Coast AssoclaUon at the Irvine Coast Country Club. "We're just going to have to burry and replace the Supreme Court because 1 'm not sure we're going to see the decision handed down that we want al the stale level," she said. Orange County offi cials have said that it is unlikely that the 2nd District Court of Appeal declaration Wednesday In Los Angeles that access guidelines are unconstitutional will have any effect on the Orange County coastlloe. In the p ast. the s t ate commission has made public access to beach propetty a r equirement for development and i mprovements along the coast. ·'I think that the decision by the appeal court was In line with what we've been professing for years." said Ms. Bergeson after the luncheon. Assemblyman No lan Frizzelle, R-Huntington Beach also made an appearance before t he association and discussed increasing en~rgy costs. Responding to criticism from constit u e n ta who have complained that their utility bills have doubled in the last year, Frizze lle said Gov . Edmund Brown Jr. was lo blame. Frizzelle said Brown's desire to use low sulfur fu els and the curtailment of nuclear and hydroelectric energy has forced utilit;-companies to increase prices. ·'The public utility companies have no optJon bul to use the moat expenalvc reaourcea," eaid Friuelle. "The aovernor restricts the amount of eneray use. Thia policy Is detrimental to everyone, especially In Oranie County with the areat technJct1I capacity." During the luncheon. the WORRIED Assembl \'woman Marian Bergeson 'or Newport lkac·h i s c o n re r n e d t h'(.' s t a t l' S u p r l' m e C o u r l \\ o u I ct O\'erturn a n•c-enl ruling s trikin g down Coa s tal Commission bea<:h puhli<· arress requirements Elsie Conaty service held Funeral services were held today for longtime Ba lboa Is land resid e nt a nd local librarian Elsie Ries Conaty, who died Tuesday at the age of 67. A native of Chicago, Mrs. Oranae Coast Asaoclallon, a aroup that promote~ coastal Interest.Ii, lnstadloo new officera. New otrlcers lnqlude: Y.en Fowler, president: R.I. Morris, vice president: Don Walter. vice pr esident : J ack Feehan, ~reusurcr; and Ralph Kiser, secretary. Sitton bed • capacity up to 128 Despite the addition of 20 new beds, Orange County's home for neglected and abused children remains overcrowded. Opening of the additional beds this week brought the capacity of t he Albert Silton Home in Orange lo 128 beds, according to William Steiner, director. In J anuary, however, more tha n 200 children required emergency shelter care at one time, Steiner said . Children who could not be cared for at Sitton home were sent to foster families who provide care under contPtttual arr angements with the county. Families a re reimbursed between $463 lo $654 per month depending on the age of the child they care for. Steiner sa id mo r e roster families are needed . particularly since no further expansion can lake place at the Sitton hom e due to space limitations. An orientation for prospective fos ter parents is sch eduled March JO. Interested persons may contact 634·7584 for further information on that session. CM·officer hurt in crash ~f,er. drop 1NEW vodK ( P J -The nat ion's basic money supply r ise in m id· February. the Federal Reserve Board reported Friday, leading a n alysts lo predict interest rates would end a steep week·long slide ,and level orr. "AU of these problems that we· re ftnding with the design of the plant a r e, in var yin g degrees, related to safety or we wou.d not have suspended the license," said J esse Crews, the U .S . N ucle ar R egulatory Commission's. western reeional director for reactor prt>gtilma. He sa id the builde r s ina dequately considered that earthquake motion will increase with the height of a structure. The u8 lity bad desiened all equipment above noor level to meet effects expected at 140 feel, Crews said. Officials, residents discuss CM parcel Conaty served as librarian at the Balboa branch library in Newport Beach for 20 years. She is survived by sons Frank, Paul and Lt Col. Peter Conaty or Newport Beach. She also leaves a son, Mark, of Oak Run. Calif .. and a daughter. Ann Blacker of Forestville, Calif. A Costa Mesa police officer was injured in an auto accident late Friday night. authorities !'hid. Officer Douglas Silber s uffered a broken hand ~hen.his car was rammed by a vehicle westbound on 19th Street that had apparently run a red lig.tll at tlarbor Boulevard, officers said. Silber had been turning from The Fed said a measure of funds readily available for s pending, known as Ml, rose $1.2 billion in the week ended Feb. 17. to a seasonally adjusted S447. 7 billion. The previous week's $.1.1 billion decline was revised to a $2.9 billion drop. : Donald Maude, chief financial economis t al the investment firm of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, F'enner & Smith Inc., called the report .. a mild disappointment : .. tbat probably puts a temporary hold on the decline in I' ales." Prior t o la s t week 's unexpectedly sharp decline in M 1 . interest rates had been adily climbing since early cember as Ml also surged. he interest on federal funds. tbe overnight loans qr reserves t&nong banks and a peg for most ~hort·term Interest rates, rose f.rom an average of 12.04 percent in the week ended Dec. 9 to an ayerag_e 15.61 percent in the ~ek ended Feb. 17. But the Fed tfported tb•t in the week ended Wedn~ay, the average federal f~nds ,r ate plunged to 13.86 ~rcent. ~The prime lending rate. the base UQOO which banks compute interest charges on short·term businesa loans to their best-risk customers, rose from 15.75 percent on Dec. 1 to 17 percent on Feb. 1.7. It fell to 16.5 percent Tuesday. . eµ:.herger , tHU88ein due H ere a r e the guests on Sunday's news shows: •'This Week with David Brinkley" on ABC: Defense Secretery C..par Weinberger and Kitlij-Rmeein of Jordan. ''Me~ the Press" on NBC: Sa 1 v ajlo-pn re be I I eader Guillermo Unao. "Face th~ Jlfalion" on CBS: Sen. Bob Dole. But the power-operated relief valves, m o unt e d atop p r e s s u r i i~ r a n d s t e a m ge n erating vessels, are substantially higher than that, he said , a nd "you w ill undoublably find that <earthquake ) acceleration is higher, and they may well have to add supports or strengthen the supports of those piping systems." Whe n similar valves stuck open at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania in 1979, reactor cooling water escaped and a relatively small problem grew into a m ajor crisis. Dick Davin, spokesman for Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which owns Diablo Canyon. said Diablo was diHerent since "unlike T MI, our valves are remotely oper ated. When the valve stuck open at T MI , they had no way lo close it. We always bad the capability ." This problem. like the two sets of mistake s that led to suspension of the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. ·s unused fuel loading and low.power testing license last November. dales lo a 1977·79 redesign project to strengthen the $2.4 billion twin r eactor complex again s t earthquakes. That "seismic upgrade" was required after the Hosgri fault was discovered a bout three m iles offshore fro m the ocean.front plant. near San Luis Obispo, about midway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. The errors. embarrassing to both the utility and the NRC regulators, "have given us reason to r e·exa mlne the surveillance we do over deslgn activit ies" or nuclear plants around the country. Crews said in a telephone interview. Crews said most inspection erforts had been concentrated on construction rather than Cl•Hwted ""'11alng 714M2.-n AJI odler ....,_. .... M2-4V1 MAIN OFFICE DI W• a.,. 54., c:.t. llilleM, CA. _11...,..! ... 1M,C ... MIM,(A ...... Cepyrltllt !wt~ C.lt l"Wll ... ~· ... _ ....... ...,.._. ....... IMllW., ... ~~ i:::.=..==..:'Cd ..... Cosla Mesa city officials and homeowners met Friday for the rlrst time in four years to discusa the future development of 68 acres rezoned by a 1978 initiative voters used lo stop a controversial development near South Coast Plaza. ·'I thought it we n t ver y w e l l ," s aid Jon Paradis, vice.president o f the North Costa Mesa Homeowner s Association, the group that backed the initiative. "We're opt imistic." The meeting between the homeowners and city officials came two days after the stale Supreme Court turned down a request lo review an appellate court decision that invalidated the initiative. The deci s io n Thu r sday seemingly put to rest fo ur years of legal battle s between the deve lopers and the city and cleared the way ror Arnel From PageA1 BAIL ... Development Co. and South Coast Plaia to proceed with plans lo construct more than 650 ho m es and apartments. The S upreme Court review was sought by the City of San J ose. Doug Clark. Costa Mesa's assistant planning director, said the believes it would be highly unlikely that the developers The family asks that memorial contributions be made to the Friends of the Newport Beach Library or the American Cancer Society. From PageA1 Harbor onto 19th. .... Ttie driver of the other vehicle wa s reportedly arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. AIRPORT PLAN • • • would choose to construct the period of the plan. four nights relier by returning to Hatter's 537 apartments and 127 homes would be available . AirCal. court for a stay order. approved by the Cqsta Mesa Republic, PSA. which operate A1rCal, Peterson said. intends City Council in January 1977. Super 80s, could seek those to do just that. He said the "I would t>e very surprised if flights. Conceivably. so could airline will argue that the access t hey wanted that." said Clark. Frontier. which soon wi ll take picture has changed since legal "I'm pretty safe in saying that delivery or Super 80s. proceedings first began and t hey won't build the plan that Western would not quahfy for t h ose ch a n g es s h o u J d be was approved." any of the flights because it has considered before the issue is Clark also said he doesn't no plans to purchase Super 80s. ultimately decided. know what the developers witnt. It now operates Boeing 737s on Some o ( those ch a n g es. During the meeting Friday its two daily flights to Salt .Lake Peterson s aid . inc lude the homeowners asked city officials City. development of t he r evised to conside r rerouting South The revised plan is designed, a ccess plan . demands from Coast Drive If a development on. airport officials say, to comply various airlines, including PSA t he property is approved. with Hatter's order at the same and Western, for increased Homeowners contended that time, they said. it provides a fli ght allocations, and a recent Inc r eased t r a ffic from t he mechanism whereby overall jet ruling by an Orange County project will clog the roadway noise can be reduced. Superior Court judge which bad near South Coast Plaza and the AirCal spokes man Mark the effect of blocking an airport Greenbrook housing tract. Peterson s3id Friday company mas ter plan. Clark said that city officials offi cials are disappointed with c...;ou nty ott1c1a1s sa1C1 the hope to set up a meeting the latest court ruling. However. revised access plan likely would about $11.5 million. bet ween the developers, the he noted that the appeals court be consid ered by supervisors _at The lower figure for missing homeowners and city staff soon. said AirCal could seek further a myeting March 16. funds is significant for bail --------~----------------------'------------purposes because Carter said ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~-r-~~~~~~~~~~~~, there was more likelihood that McDonald would attempt to flee if t h ere was more money unaccounted for. Friday's hearing, witnessed as before by mol'e than so Golden Eagle salespeople and investors who crowded into Carter's Laguna ·Niguel courtroom. was supposed to mark the opening of Mc Donald-'s and Biggins' preliminary hearing. Instead, the judge agreed to delay the preliminary bearing tentatively until April 12. Buck said that additional felony charges were being added lo the original complaint against McDonald and Biggins, bringing the total for each to 35 counts. These charges include grand theft, cons piracy to commit income tax evasion and selllog securities without a license. The two derendants have ente red Innocent pleas to the charges against them. Biggins is frte on S25.000 bail. From Page A1 ·MURAL • • • cont roversial p anel d epicting tile bOO<ted heads was not based on a clear·cul racial issue. Instead, he said, the IHue la wbetber ,...Judice -s uch u symbols ol lhe l<len -should bl dlldl&Md openly. H• Niel \be mural probatllj would be hun1 on t he H11rrianilJa Buildtnt wall -for. whteh It wu tailored -In .atlj or mld·APrtl. ITS THE "LOOK" Madagasque Livingroom Suite 1495°0 Tables Additional IMMEDIATE DElNEAV huge setectton of hondmode Chinese. Pakistan. Indian ond Dhurrv Rugs. Sole Subje<t to Stock on Hond SOUTM 9AY AREA: lSSO Moholo P1oce (213) 537-3421. OMNGECOUN'TV: lnTheAntlQueGuld: on th9MeuonN,. Hcllbor~toAltmklfwy (TaheCenlrdEd) 1 bk tr>Moholo. 1801 Eost Div., Ad .. Santo Ano (71 4) 540-0S2a AEOOM>O MA0t ~ N. Harbor Or. (213) 379-1794 WEST COVINA: 1114 W. Gotvey Ave. S. (213) 962-3597 . PAlM SPRINGS: 180 s. lndlan Ave. (714) 320-5740. UJESTSIOE: In The Antique Guild: 3225 Helms Ave.. \OI Angel9a (Ill 3) 936-8581 (The Old Helms lohefy). LUest CO\llna k>sNon P~ lot across from Bulotl<s. PASADENA: 1 W. Colfomlo Ave. (213) 449-2053. N.W. Comer d Cal'omlo & Fok Oo6e. OPENING NIGHT Actor Ren Cross is fla nked bv rilm director Louis Ma lle and Ma lle's wifo. C<J nclit'c l:krgen. at Kenney's res t aurant 1n New York . Cross is A,...,...... appearing in the new Broadwav show .. Lvd1e Bn•l•ze." which is directed b~· Ma.li e. Oral Robem has money ironies Singer Tony Bennett is winning praise for his oil paintings, a nd ha ving recorde d 89 a lbums and nearly l ,000 songs , his ambition is lo paint full time. Financ ial troubles are facing the Oral Robe rts Mini s tri es, and the evan ge list announced a fund-raising drive for $120 million a year. At a news conference. the Tulsa evange li s t cited "another financial crisis" resulting from a decline in contributions after his City of Oise jockey Mur ray Kaufman known to millions as "Murray the K" and "The Firth Beatie" was eulogized by smger Tony Orlando as the strongest, bravest and kindest man he had ever known. And Orlando, who was 16 when he met Kaufman at a Long Island, New York, rock Inflation saw to at that last year's British coins aren't worth quite as much this year, but Queen Elizabeth II saw t.p it that at least they're the proper s ize and weight. The queen presided at the 700th Trial of the Pyx , the yearly test o( the size, weight and quality of the coins of the Faith Hospital opened in November. The ministries are "not broke, but at the rate we're going it might not be that far away," Roberts said. Roberts' ministries include operation of Oral Roberts Uni versity, City of Faith and th e Oral R o b erts Evangelistic Association 'n' roll show, said "I didn't really know him until five moflths ago." Kaufman had peen battling lym phoma, a form of cancer, for more than two years. He left a Los Angeles hospital last week, returning to his Studio City home, where he died in his sleep Monday. He wa s 60 realm conducted in Britain since the time of Edward I. Elizabeth thereby became the first monarch in more than 300 years to supervise the count personally. It was conducted at Goldsmith's Hall in the City of London. the capital 's financial district. Bennett. in London for a IO·city British concert tour, revealed his second talent under h is rea l name, Anthony Benedetto. '·He's obviousl y been influenced by Matisse and has a feeling for paint and color," said the Blackman Harvey Gallery's artistic adviser , Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton, who d ec ided that Benedetto deserved a showing. William J . Small resigned Friday after less than three years as president of NBC News, citing "differences in manage ment s tyle, .. the net work announced. NBC said a successor to Small , whose resignation was effective at once. would be named next week. S m al l t oo k ove r a struggling news division in September 1979, and despite some successes, primarily in the area of personqel, was unable to gain significant ground on the competition. Partly cloudy Coastal LIQht v•r••bl• wtnd\ niQM •nd morn,no hOun ~cominQ wP\t to WIUll,.•HI 10 to 18 ~nol• In •lternoon WHlerly \Well I 10 J '"' P•rll• CIOudy ·U.S. summary LlgM .,,o,. anCI treei1no ••1n sprt•d •trO\\ Arlitdn\41\ Into Tenne,se• on frida'r And rein COl'llinued In IF'te Ml\\IUIPP• Dell• A winter \t0<m •p•ellCI • ttw Inc he• of snow acron nort~~rn ff1'41\. wttP'I UP lo• Inches al th• town• ol M•l•Clo• •nd P••I• Hl•YY Snc)lllW rt•t hltd 'l.oUthWe\ttrf'I Arlll.•ns..io, wtwre M•rtv l 1n<l'\4r\ of tfush w•s reoort.o ne•r T•••,.ll•n• Lloltl ••In ..,., tr•e1lnq ••In 1•11 over Tennett.ff: •nd the iouth•rn A11"•lec.lllen1. •NI • winier storm w•tch ••• In efle< I for northern o.«vl• S<'-ls w..-. c-ee••v 1n three counties In lht C•rolln•• at lem11er•I..,.. ptum,...teci •nd "'°"" tell. full t-CIAV\ •It•• IF'te .,... hH "'41@9rtt WHlher Temper41lu•H ••ounCI Ille MllOn •I mlCICIO FriCl•Y ••nQe<I from 4 •• C•ribo<I, Maine to 111 •• f'0<I Mv•"· Fl• For loCl•v •<•ltt ••CI t"unctertlorms w trf tOrfC•\I ove-t Ille 5oullle~. W•lh \now •trO\S lhe ct ntral APP•l•ch1•n• •nd Ille northern Pleln• Llgfll r•ln w•• fore(eSJ ovtr tM Pac.1•1< NOf'thwttt H lghS In Ille 10\ Wft4' pr9dl< led In the northern Pl•ln• arlCI northern New E 1>9l•nCI, In Iha JO\ •nCI 40\ from Ille mlCl·All.ntlc GOA\I lhro119h the Olllo Velley enci ltw centr•I P1e1n1 Into the nortto.<n RoOIH. In the SO\ •nd .OS In the South, .,,., In Ille 10. In soulllern fClorlde. lht d••-rl Soulllwest and Southern Catltornl•. Temperatures NATION HI Alb<lque ·~ A1llev111• JJ All•nl41 J\ All•nlc (IV 36 B•lllm0<• )/ Blrmlnqf\m " Bl•m••O 14 Boise u Botton Jl Bulle lo n CllerhtnSC .., CMrlllnWV .. Cheyenne s.. Chk•90 " Cincinnati • CJevelenel u COlumtlul u Dal·l"IWU. l7 Det1ver 40 DesMol~ ~ Detroit ,. RIPuo .. l'•lrbotnU '°' Hertford » HeleN 47 HOMtulu ,. lfovtloll 41 ll'dll•lk " Jech1w11e u K•M Clty ,. ..., ........ ..., .......... Lo JI J7 lO •• ·~ J'4 °' lO 15 °' >-II IJ " .. 07 II » 20 II 00 ,. . ·t1 14 " 4J • t• 47 ii l•IV~ 13 .. l1Ule Roe• 31 H LOUl\Vtll• 41 n ~mph I\ 3A n Ml•ml ,. •• M•1w•uk• 31 11 MOI\ SIP )• II Na,IWlll~ J S n New Orlons 61 n New Vorll l6 19 O"• C11v 0 ,. Om•ll• )1 10 Pllll•dphl• lS II P'-nl• 13 u Plll,burg!I JS 06 Por11an<I Me 14 09 11 ... ,., Pll•nCI Ort •S '3 C!:i]]) Rap1C1 Clh •• II .. , ... Rf' no s~ 16 ~ c .. lrl Wot~ Richmon<! l8 H -S•ll Lot 60 JO ········. \••1' ·"•to• Q,.1..,A•rt Sulllt <S 40 rrn:rrm ------SI lOUI\ l8 73 SIP T •mPA 80 "° St St• MM!e 1J ~ GL08Al SPOk•M ., JO Tuc10n 10 4S HI lo Wohl1>9tn JI n Amu erciam l6 71 Wichita 0 76 Alh•n• SI .. B•rHn ,. ,, CALIFOllNIA B'Alrn ,. .. HI Lo Cairo n s.. Al>"lt V•lley n 31 Careen " ., 8•k•Hlie10 .. " HOfl9 IConQ 57 H 8aritow 1• .. Jeruwlem ., .. B••umont 6' )S Jo'burg 11 ., Bio BHr s. 10 Lime IJ •5 BhllOCI 61 26 Ll•llcm SI lO Blythe 11 lO l-0 J1 C•t•lin• ., JO Madrid Sl l6 Culver C•lv ., JI M•n•I• " .. Eureka jt .. Mew: ow 1S " Fre\no 63 47 ...... 0.1111 ll •7 Let"Kaster ., l6 P•r1s 0 ,, long Be.ch "' .. Alo " 11 Los An~le'\ .. jt Rome 54 :M M••v•vllle SI .. SAO P•ulo 13 .. Mot\ro-..1• n 'l Sl"9•PO<'t " 7J Monterey 5' JI Stoekholm l1 H Nffellts 11 SJ svonev 11 70 Newpon BHCh ltA so TOllvo .. :M D•kl•nCI SI SI Vlenn• n n Onl•rlo ,. .. PH•Cl•n.t .. .. CANADA Paso AoOle\ SI so HI LA Alverslellt 6S 41 C•l1t11rv 01 <03 Red Bluff 52 0 Edmonton 04 u Rtdwoocl City 62 S2 Montrul 1S -04 S.u•mento S6 .. Ott••• 71 -o3 S•llnn SI ., Reoine 14 OS S•n Bern•rellno .. 40 Toronto ,. °' San G•l>rlel •• ., V•ncouver 0 ,. Sen Dle90 "' 14 Wlnnl119Q 09 01 San Franc:t><o sa !O S41n Jo•• "° J7 l'ANAM S..nl• """ ., .. NI y S<1nl• Barbara "° " Ac•pulco " IJ S•nl• Crut "° 57 Bart>aclo• 114 10 S•nl• Marla j6 SJ 8@rrnuda 60 u !>•nt•Mon1<a 40 u Bogota ., ,. 'itooton ~ •i Cur•cao ... 15 hllOeY•ll•Y .. ,. Gu4tel•l•f••• 14 0 T.,.rmal 1• ·~ Ciu_1..._ ... 10 TOfr•M• .. ... 1u.,9ston .. 10 Yum• .. .. Moflll'90 Bey IO 70 SU Rf RI PORT ,..,. ..... ..... ,_., ..... , .... ... <II A¥t M .. ..... Avt MH D6' Zllntl ' , 1t I , "' Santa Monk• t 2 ' 1t 1 J w NewPO,, t 4 14 t 2 "' S.nOl990G-, t OutlOOll fOf Sunelev· Little clleno-. 4 u 2 , w We're Lis.tening ••• ~0•• U\ Ck-••..,,_.., .... ,, M•1atl•n MtrlO• Mon•frrfy N•n•u ~n Ju•n, PR St TllO"""' Trln1Clad Tides Ftr,t •ow "'"' hlQll Second low S.conci hlQll TODAY 83 61 .... 48 43 ,, s.t u 11 71 70 11 ll 5 11 • m OA 1t 11 •.m •.• J 7J p.m 0.7 11 JI p.m 4 I Leukemia benefit scheduled P a r ents Against Leukemia will sponsor a spaghetti· dinner and dance March 6 at the Ga rden Grove Co mmunity Center to b e n e f i t l e ukemia research. Dinner will be served from 7 to 9, followed by dancing until midnight t o t h e mu s i c of Accumulated Foreground.· Tickets are $7.SO per person. Parents Against Leukemia is a s mall g r oup of parents wo rking together to raise money needed to com bat the disease. For information, call Ev e ly n Selover at 534 -7335. What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below IUMI your metsa1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropri..Ce editor. ~same 2't·hour anawertna HrVlce may be uttd to record let• ters to tht' editor on any topk. Mailbox tonlributort must include their name and t.tephone number for veqflcatlon. No clrcutauon call•, pte~e Tell ua whal't on your mind. -- Orange Oout DAILY PfLOT/81turd1y, f'1bru1ry 21. 1tea aw lftQ MAULi ................. A f\a11-p1t1 ad for a luxury Newport IJ1aeb coodomlnlum compla hu cma1bt th• eye ot at leut on• lnteneted party -the 1tate Coastal Commlhlon. •• H '• lnaccurate," aay1 commlulon attorney Tim '!lcbenberc. "Inaccurate and mialeadlng.'' Tbe ad, boutlna that prlc• at the Sea Island complex off Jamboree Road near Newport Center have been reduced by u much as 1210..000, made prominent mention or lb• commission. Developer Robert McLain -. ln the ad -says that because the commiaslon i.a now out ol the alfordable housing business, bis firm can avoid s ubsidizing "millions o( dollars" of low-cost housing. Principal named for Kaiser school William Knight , 39, has been named principal of the new Kaiser Elem entary SchQOI in Costa Mesa, it was announced this week. The El Toro resident a nd current principal of Harbor Vie w Ele mentary Sthool in Corona del Mar will take over as the first principal of Kaiser when it is converted from a middle school to an elementary school in September. said Superinlendent John Nicoll Earlier thi s w eek the Newport-Mesa Unified School District voted le\ close Evening High School, Lindbergh and Woodland elementary school and to convert Kaiser Middle School to elementary. No one has been chosen yet to replace Knight at Harbor View. Knight came to the district in 1968 and was a teacher and prin ci pal at P a ul ari n o Elementary School before his appointment al Harbor View. Tb• ad claim• tbat'• wby prtc11 at Sea 111an4 art blinl dropped. "No way " count1r1 llcbeabera. o1Jte•1 u1tn1 u1 u ID· euuae becau1e be can't aell bll wlltl at the lnllated prlc• he wa1 ulr;iol." Condomlnlu~• at the pardally constructed development bad been priced u blJfh as $'100;000. Further. Eicfienbera Hfl, developer McLatn etlll must fulfill hls obllgatlon to the commiuion by buyinc options on 20 condominiums at the Villa Balboa, a 450-unit complex near Hoac Hospital. McLain wu not available to rebut Eichenberg'• charcea and nobody at the develQpment firm would say how many of the condominiums at Sea Island have been sold. The aHordable housing condition between McLain and the commission -Eichenberg says -works like this: The commission a llowed McLain to provide low-cost units al the Villa Balboa because the develQper said his Sea Island complex would be too expensive to include affordable units. The commission agreement calls for McLain to purchase options on condominiums al the Villa Balboa as units become available. The options, in turn, are to be turned over to th e Orange County Hous ing Authority , which has the task of selling the units to low -income wage Art auction due in Orange An art auction to benefit the Arthritis Foundation will be held from l to 5 p.m. Sunday at the La Linda Plaza Warehouse, 1926 W. Orangewood Ave., Orange, under the sponsorship of the Orange County Chapter of the Building Industry t\ssociation of Southern California. Admission will be $10 per couple, which will include a wine-tasting reception. 11m1r1 at priot1 rU1ln• from '27.000 to "° .ooe. But probt1•1 a.ro11 wbea houslftl authol'tt1 otnclal1 coWd flnd n o low·lncome home 1hopper1 who could afford the low~Olt unlts. The cat.ch, it tumed out, ii that whUe the prlce1 were attracttve, the monthly pay m~ta. because of lnterett rates, weren't. A sbort tlme later, lealllatlon was passe.d that takes the eommllliOn out of lhe busineu of reQUlrine low·COll houstna u • a condition to development. And that haa trigg~red the I atestl!f!'t. Mc • in hla ad, says be no longer 'has lo buy the Villa Balboa units. Eichenberg says he does. ··He has unW Auiust of 1981 to fulfill the conditions," tbe co m miss ion attorney says. "There's not much we can c)o until that date " As far as the ad goes, Eichenberg says: ·'He can say whatever he wants. I don't care. But the truth is, he's lowering prices because nobody was buying his places." Boats, other . items set/or • auctwn Six s ailboats, a power boat and a rowing dory are among items being sold by the Coast Community College District. Other surplus items include audio cassette players and record ers. mimeograph machines, turnstile calculators. wooden cabinets and adding machines, say school officials. A II items will b e sold by sealed bids submitted to colJege officials. For a complete list of s urplus items and information on bidding forms. contact Glenn Farmer at 556·5754. Bids will be opened oo Ma~h 5. A--OK SERVICE CENTER" Barqain Hunter Specials New Steck Ffom ~t Dealer-* loss, Yu Gain RCA CLOSE-OUT All Consoles at Oealer Cost, Cash & Carry All Sets Include Full Factory Warranty SMUii 23"Tlbl• Model Remote Control, Time & Channel Dlaplty. Cable rMdy With 112 channels. IH.00 cn111 Remote Control Consol. 25" dlagonal aorHn, random acce11 electron lc tuning, Infrared remote, digital chMMl lndlcMof. 1aw1 Warrtnty. 799.00 -- CTltlt 19" Random Access lnfrlfed remote control. Dlgllel Channel Indicator. Top or the Una model. Check the price on this onet CTllOl 13" Color Portable. ComH with private earphone Jeck. Walnut graln ceblnet. 26t.OO CT- CTnll 9" ADOC Electronic ber tuning, qulcl( start •Yltetn. 1uto. frequenGy: control. • : SJJt.00 : Orange Co11t DAILY ~!LOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982 ·Decision on lieight detayea TheColh• Mesa PlannlngCom· mission hatl decided to wait untll March 8 before maklnl any decision on a plan that could lncrease dramatically the hel1ht of buildings south of the San Diego Freeway on Bristol Street. With the exception of the five·story Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St. and a three·story complex at 2900 Bristol, all bulldinJ(s south of the freeway are 30 feet high or less. Planning commission chairman Wa lter Davenport s aid the commission needed more time to study the plan that cou l d pu s h allowable construction between the San Diego and Corona del Mar Freeways to 150 feet or 10 stories. Cousteau kin If:> speak at UCI Sunday WHAT'S A CENTERIDE? Mimes attracted st a res Thursda~· from e mplo~·ees a net s hoppers I ea vi n g N e·w p o r l Ce nt e r ··centeride" is an Irvine Company·fundt>cl share·a·ride program 'Centeride' debuts J ean·Michel Cousteau will speak Sunday at UC Irvine's Crawford Hall .about a summer program for ad venturer~ interested in oceanography. Transit program survives rejection Son o f ocean explorer Jacques · Yves Cousteau, his film·illustrated presentation will center on "Project Ocean .search," a summer program in which participants accompany him on one-to three·week expeditions to remote regions. The speech, co·sponsored by the university and the Junior League of Newport Harbor, is tbe second of a three.part "Explore Our Environment" series. Tickets lo Cousteau's speech are $4 for students and $10 for -eneral admission. A final remnant of the Irvine Company's now·dead Newport Center plan was given a coming out party at t he c ircular s hopping and professional center Thursday. Irvine Company's top brass, at a n evening r eception at Neiman·Marcus , for m ally unveiled a share·a·ride program they are calling "Centeride." The program originally was imposed as a condition to the company 's plan for expanding Newport Center , a project that was repealed early this month by the Newport Beach City Council. Irvine Compa ny President Peter Kremer said Thursday Redevelopmenl chief named A San Ch:mente woman who has been instrumental in the r enovation of San Diego's do\fntown has been na med new re"evelopment di r ector for Co~la Mesa. M a rilyn Wolfram , 39, su0ceeds William Dunn who will retire April 9 after 27 years with the; city. l\tfs. Wolfram is assistant vice p r ~siden t for Cente r City Development Corp., a firm in vol ved in San Diego's redevelopment. Dunn became the city's first redevelopment director in 1977 after serving as assistant city manager. In the last five years he has overseen the purchase of land for the Casa Bella senior citizens' complex, the fire station, the Neighborhood Community Center , tbe· expansioo of Lion's Park and the Fidelity Block. ''1.111 TAI SA.-S 12 '-Y-T•s..9p OfHM.970 that his firm intends to move forward with the ride·sharing program despite the development setback and continue funding it through June. He said m ethods will be considered by which Centeride can be equitably funded by participating Newport Center companies. Kremer said Centeride will be the firs t transportation management program in the country that has been developed and totally funded by private business. The transportation program wi ll consist of organizing employee car a nd van pools, encouraging Newport Center workers to increase use of public transportation a nd persuade firms to stagger work hours. The idea, Irvine Company officials said , is to reduce peak·hour traffic at the center. So far, the Irvine Company has spent more than $200,000 on the program. The development firm said the program will become self·sufficienl. Eventually , Kremer suggested, some organization - perhaps the Newport Center Association -will manage Centeride. "WE.(ARE" flea AU Of YOUI HEALTH NEEDS lfOI Emr aar IVINHC'WllilHD •f:OO ... 9:00 ll'M MOVIE AND VIDEO RECORDER $1 QOOPER DAY Retun01blt aecumy dep0111 will oe required The Video Station Newport/Irvine 2201 Mar11n •103, lrvlne In In• Hora Hui Plaza, nHt lo Aegl1lry Hotel, --~-_, ... ,....,. o-........ __ .. ,,... ._,,, ...... 955-1070 ,. __ 0...,.'" --..mv 1re1 NO peraonaJ ti"'• r~•red 14J0000 200i.-W • 12' NTO -11•-111.1•1. Exhibit & Sale Directly From Peru & Other Countries Feb. 27 & 28; I 0-6 pm Native Folk Art What a Choice-- either way, • Weavings • Baskets • Carvings • Dolls • Je\vefry • Clothing • Masks • Much. Much More! EBELL CLUB HOUSE 515 W. l .. DD 11¥cl. lc6oa-CA IOll l .. oa , ......... , 1714t 621-3214 · New Pro Foam Perm automatically assll'es perfect c~. Cai't overprocess. Special price; reg. •45 ... '32 ~&~: • you win MEN'S DRESSY CASUALS in luxuriously constructed lace·up and slip·on styles. Handsome leather uppers··lo ng lasting unit soles. A dressy shoe built to last! Sllp·on style in tan leather. Lace-up in brown leather. 39.99 each Shoea ar• available only at the MIUer'a <Ntpoe .. non. ...... below: COSTA MESA 1 "lth & Orange (Mesa Center) Mesan to head therapy · center J amea C. Owena_ of Costa Mesa bu been elected preaklent of the board of directors ol the Aid center open in Mesa A new South County Social Services Center has been opened ln Costa Mesa to serve Orange County residents receivln1 financial assistance from the county. The new center at 290 Fischer Ave. also will offer counseling for adults and home visits to blind, disabled and elderly residents. Jn the past Orange Coast residents have had to go to county offices in Santa Ana to receive food stamps and aid to fam ili e s with dependent children. Information about the center is available at 834-6229. D D Ea s l e r Seal Society's R ehabilitation ln1tltute of Oran1e County. Owens, an executive wi<h Cabot Management Company of Newport Beach, has served for two years as vice president ol the Orange County Easler Seal Society. The rehabilitation institute ls a non-profit facility servln1 the physically and functionally disabled. Therapy. treatment and services a r e provided without regard to handicap or ability to pay. Owens is a graduate or UC Santa Barbara a nd has a master's degree in economics from Cal State Fullerton. The Newport Harbor High School graduate has worked as an investment officer with the Bank or Newport and as a portfolio manager for Wells Fargo Bank. Also elected to the Easter Seal Society board was John Newman or C osta Mesa, treasurer. ON ALL 13': 19" AND 25• COlDR TV SETS WITH ELECl'RONIC TUNING AND SELECJED AUDIO PRODUCTS. I I :::::-:---=~~ I· 1·~l--~~ 1 1-·l ~I'····: '= :.~ I -I --_ ! I Model 5054 J-JI Tiww Merell 6, 1912 Model 5054 ...... Price ., 079.tl Special Price s 8 6 9. 9 5 PLUS 560 REBA TE With Remot e Control CHECK OUR LOW SALE · PRICES Then CJet an additional rebate from · Ma9~avox ... DILIYBY • Search pressed for sloop, p<lir SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Coaat Guard airplanes and helicopters conUnued searchln1 Frlday for a $75,000 sloop wlth a two-man crew ml11ln1 ror four days, offlclals satd. "We co.ntlcted a 12,000.square·mlle search Thursday wlth two lon1·ran1e planes and two hellcopte~. We're golng out again over virtually the same area and perhaps a llttJe south of Cape San Marlin," said Coast Guard spokesman Anthony Tarrant. The mlsslng crewmen are Skip Wright, 40, of Richmond and Chuck Baggett, 37. Tarrant said. the 36-fool sloop was being delivered from Santa Barbara lo Monterey for owner David Borton of Sunnyvale and two partners. Tarrant said there was no indication or bad weather in the area lhe sloop was traveling. "We're really quite disturbed," said Borton's wife, Laura. "I just hope those guys are all right. When we met them after hiring them through an agency, they seemed like two able seamen. They looked like they could handle anything." The sloop was four years old and in good condition, Mrs . Borton said. LIFTOFF W es tar IV communications s pacecraft joined three other Western U nion S"atellites in o rbit afte r being launched last week al Cape Canaveral. Ronald L. Zishka, Ph.D. Counseling and Psychotherapy Associates Announces the opening of his private practice in Individual Psychotherapy, Marriage Counseling, Communication Skills. Divorce Adjustment. and other services. 16 years of successful practice in the East. Low Fees. Based on Sliding Scale 1533 W. Baker (near Harbor) Call for Appointment 631-2696 and ask for Dr. Zishka License #MG014433 At any time ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH Super Boardwalk &Sidewalk Sale SHELF-CLEANING CLEAN SWEEP OF QUALITY CINIQ<JE ITEMS Relaxed browsing and shopping ... sipping and supping ... don't miss this sale among sails event of great savings and enjoyable shopping at the Lido Marina Village Super Boardwalk and Sidewalk Sale! Friday, Feb. 26, 10 am-9 pm Satarclay, Feb. 27, 10 am-6 pm Sanday, Feb. 28, 11 am-6 pm r - ' RCA XL-100 19" -- . Orange Cout DAILY ptLOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982 Degree claim held false A.uw. oil Party leaders suspend support of candidate filters WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP> -U.S. Senate candidate Bruce Caputo did not receive his ma1t.er'1 de•ree from tbe Harvard Bu1lnea1 School "with dllllnction'' as Is claimed in aome of hl1 otnclal blo1raphles, a school official confirmed Fr&day. In New York City, leaders of the state RepublJcan and ConaervaUve parties Friday suspended thelr support. for Caput<' j n bis bid to eet their nominations fof the U.S. Senate. The former Westchester County, N. Y ., Republican congressman. already under fire for · "exaggerating" about a mllitary career he never had during the Vietnam War, couJd not be reached 'immediately for comment on the report, raised in a copyrighted story lo the Watertown Dally Times. "I'm not going to comment on that right now," said Caputo campaign spokesman John Sheehan. In several editions or the official "Tbe New York Red Book" and in ~'':! ,---;; ii l ••o ~ : RCA 'I -; ColorTrak 19" \t -- t the 1977 "Conere11lonal Directory," Caputo la listed u bavln1 received an MBA from Har\"ard In t98'7 "with distinction.·· ) checked W~SHIN'OTON CAP)J -Chrysler Corp. has agreed to a Federal Trade Commission •' request that lt notify .J 700 ,000 owners or :) Plymouth and Dodge•11 cars and trucks about a •, potential oil filter I replacement problem. ~ Since the dlscloaure last week that Caputo had not bee n an Army Jleuttftant or 1 draftee u be had earlier claimed, several powerful GO,P state leaders have called for 'him t.o withdraw from his race to unseat incumbent Democrat Daniel Patrick Moyn.lban. A statement Issued by Caputo was a c:Jvllian employee m the FTC s a ~d the , ~ the Pentagon during part of the si tu at ion in v o I v es ,3 VletnamWa.r. 1971-ao mode ls with ": Republican State Chairman George Clark and Conservative Stale Chairman J. Daniel Mahoney are going to wait and see how badly Caputo has been hurt by his false claim of military service before deciding whether to support him, according to Serphln Maltese, Conservative spokesman. "Essentially it is a new ballgame.'' he said following a meeting between the candidate apd the leaders. 1600cc engines and .,, 1974 ·80 models with 2000cc engines. Specific models are the Dodge , Colt. Challenger, Colt,; hatc hback and 0 ·50 ,. p 1 c k u p a n d t h e • ., Pl y mouth Arrow, .. , Sapporo, Arrow pickup J and Champ. -;' The FTC said t h at . some filters may leak or rupture. .....,.,.. r•ll•98" 19 d•9QO"AI L r.,~XL-100 For A Low Low'2f4r' ........... 9-'ta T-WIHI Al ColorT"* ,_._.....cw, '31,.. Ce6orT"*lOOO wiHI l..._Acc"•l-" WW. n.y i...t'49,.. ac1.·.v....,1ut ColorT .... l.-ff wltliiT_C.._.. 5-4 c.-For Price. ·'. . '. A SelectaVISion b ·s~~i~ ~;::R!~r· 8-HOUR VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER ~ . ·: . . '. MODEL VFP-170-8 HOUR ,ORT AILE VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER. 14 DAY PROGRAMMABLE TUNER • FULL SPECIAL EffECTS IY REMOTE. MOW PRICED TO CLEAR. MODEL VFT6SO-t HOUR RECORDER-14 DAY NOGRAMMAIU •WIRELESS REMOTE COMTROl • CAILE ... READY. STATE Of THE ART. CAU FOR '9UCI. MOOU CCOl I Mow lack In Stock Clltd Priud Special For This Sale. Hurry For TI!is OH, RCA's Availability Is Awftlt. SUPER VIDEO CAMERA SPECIAL MODEL CCOIO MOW A Low Low S699°9 12 VOLT BATIERY C~ARGER FOR PORTABLE VIDEO RECORDERS: REG. s 139°0 ~~~ s sgoo YK250.6 HOUR VHS TAPES THIS WEBEHD ONLY s12 25 LOWEST PRICES EYER ON COLORTRAK 2000 RCA 25 'd1agona1 Color'Trak 2000 with Infrared Remote Control EElE!I RCA CoforTrak 25" RCA ColorTrak 25" - ciagonai -• .,.,..,... lo• A•!lcJf!A 1S '' aqon• 25".UH.l CH4HHILSOUMD WHY IUY AT AIC7 Ask for terms • Vin or Master Charge Accepted • 3 Year Picture Tube, 1 Yr. Parts. 1 Yr Service WAJranty on 1982 CotorTrak and System Ill Coneotes • Distributor Authorized Service on Prem1HS • All Available Modela tn Stock • No Commls11oned SaJespertons • We ~now Our Product lnaide a(ld Out Not Juat The • Price • Quality • lnt90rlt~ • tb'Msty. • Mod~I Gf A9•61• ?~ O•aaonat ,;;.,; J.l ~ -J Moo~' Of ll76J 111 ;'!t th•Qonat 1 •••• aaoowttUUT t., ....... HUMTl ... TOM IMCH qAU.t ... Hlt RIPICES "THI STC>al 1"AT AFTM SALi SHYICI IUILT' . . I M>1 Jt' f .~ U'''Kfl ,,., t hJ 1,11 Mooe< c;rR16~A ~ ll••CIO"I' SUPER SPECIALS IJ"Z-.C.._ s25goo lt"Z..-.~ s31goo ~~Mhdll s31goo 21-............... s&2500 21 .. Hhc'w._.. .. SJIPO zr z.. ._ .._.. s75900 . sapo , ............ ·-' • ' l t ' ! • ' • • • ' . • : t \ ly MICHAEL WllJ..lAMS C-"'\iWlltt• SA MENTO -Magic to 1M ls telev o. Everyone knows lhe performing entertainers who do magic tricks are doln1 just that, tricks. Sell-proclaimed magicians do not re•Uy saw women In half, or pull rabbits out of hats. There is a lways a s leight-of-hand or a split-second distraction which accomplishes the Illusion. But television is real magic. Invisible projectiles of energy rocketing through the atmosphere that are colJecled by pieces of metal anten n a and mysteriously transformed into colorful, complete pictures and sound is magic. Have you eve r cons idered a ' phonograph? A dead piece of plastic rotating beneath a sharp needle to produce the sound of a symphony is more magical than any card trick. No technocratic leader• hold more power than the reUglows leaders did ln the distant and not·ao-dlatant pa.at. WhUe the religious leaders could muster crusades against their enemies, the technocrats could wii>e out millions of people by pushing buttons, or by accidentally pushing buttons. When contemplating nuclear power or other magJc technology one must always consider who will be ln charte of the magic. There is no trick to thermonuclear war. It is a physical process of electric impulses, computer response, aero- dynamics. radio wave steering, energy production for thrust and then a sub-atomic reaction and ... boom. Magic is very powerful stuff. --- • ,. sleight-of-hand, no mumbo jumbo, just results. ,· U.S. magazine sales brisk in Russia WELL, THE physicists would have terms or rationales for the chemical • reactions involved with radio waves or sound reproduction, but we all know naming it isn't explaining it. It see m s people , especially Americans, have lost their sense of magic. Television is old hat, nip a switch and bingo, '.!Family Feud." It is amazing how people can sit for bour.s staring at the magical television watching shows and comme r cials, without ever considering the incredibJe physics behind the television set. It seems modern people have reversed understanding of true magic. Ancient mystics understood that . sleights-of-hand ar.e cheap, while honest magic is rare and powerful. Ancient mystics would also agree that powerful magic like technology should be guarded with caution. Advanced levels of technological magic. such .,as nuclear power. experimental medicine and serious weaponry , should be carefully monitored. By MICHAEL Z. WISE A_i. ... -tW'*" WASHINGTON -Although the United States is frustrated by Increased jamming o f Voice of America broadcasts to the Soviet Union, it enjoys brisk sales of a magazine for Soviet readers that contrasts daily lite in the two countries. America Illustrated is a slick monthly publication of the U.S. International Communication Agency. For the pas t 26 years it has been distributed in the Soviet Union under an agreement that allows the sale of up to 62,000 copies. In exchange, an equivalent number of copies of a magazine entitled Soviet Life may be sold within the United States. .. We are a palpable witness of the United Slates in the Soviet Union -the only one." America Illustrated editor Robert A Poteete said in an interview. by subscription and at news kiosks by an official Soviet agency known as Soyuz.Puschat. .. Soviets keep collections of them and pass t hem from hand lo hand, .. according to ICA spokesman Joe O'Connell. AMERICAN <JFFICIA~ say demand for the magazine is tremendous. but that Soviet authorities are not always cooperative in distributing copie;. .. When the Soviet Union is displeased with us politically it elects not to distribute a certain number of copies each issue,·• Poteete said. About 8,000 copies of the last issue were returned to Washington, a move regarded here as reflecting tensions that have been rising since the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the recent military crackdown in Poland. A large number of Americ-a:'s articles are reprints from U.S. magazines ranging from Life to Public Opinion. However;the ICA publication, like most other agency materials, is not legally distributed within the United States. In setting up the predecessor US. Information Agency, Congress wrote the prohibit ion against domes tic distribution out of concern that gove rnment propaganda efforts might be aimed improperly .at the American public. · Wicks America a nd the dozen o r so other ICA m agazines can be freely examined by members of Congress, journalists and research scholars Recent articles deal with the political ~ ideology of the Reagan administration, J trends in contemporary American THE 1956 EXCHANGE agreement literature, the refurbished Baltimore requires that the magazines be harbor and the history of the American TOP LEVEL sc i e ntists cfnd ··non-political," Poteete said. He adds supermarket. bureaucrats control the powerful that "'it is nonetheless possible to Th e super mark el art 1 c I e magical forces or split atoms and publish su bjects very thoroughly illustrates how the magazine can point spliced genes which lhe average person without v1olatlng the spirit of the out the disparities between American cannot fathom Wh o controls the agreement ·· and Soviet soc1el1es. The relatively technocrats? America Illustrated is "by no means brief text is accompanied by six Throughout most of history, large an competition" with the VOA. Poteete full.page color photographs of the vast 'civilizations have been dominated by sai d ... The Voice of America is array of items in the average American religious leaders who were believed to undoubtedly o ur most impo rtant s upermarket, a s howplace which 'ha ve magical or spiritual powers communication with the Soviet Union," Poteete terms "one of the crown jewels ·beyond the grasp of the average person. he said of America." In retrospect , these self-appointed But. the edJtor said, "it's possible to High-quality photos of supermarket religious leaders did nbt deliver too compare much more of the feel and aisles on those six pages might dazzle many miracles to the populations. actuality of life with the magazine than even the American reader. But the text But loday·s technocrats do deliver 'it is on the radio." hints that the items on display are not .. miracles ... Everything from television America Illustrated, popularly called .... w within the budgets of every American. to rockets to electric can openers to America,· costs the U.S. government "Gee, I'd lov~ to help out but "Customers . who saw food bills rise the dams.needed to run all the elt!clrid about $2 a copy to produce and is I'm cutting back on foreign week by week often blamed the most t gadgets. distributed in more lban 80 Soviet cities a id." visible segment of the system the "·-·A n d i n m any ways. these for 50 kopeks, about 75 cents. It Is sold supermarket." the story reads. All the ~:--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ i': ~ The congressional I I I I I I , Feb. 8, 1982 Early March Mid-March Mid-April Mid-Maly same, such a collectton of goods is unimaginable in a Soviet store The articles are r e printed from domestic magazines with little if any editin g. Most of the changes are intended lo insert explanatory material for Soviet readers wherever necessary, and to remove criticism or the Soviet Union. The magazine does take some veiled Jibes at the Soviets on occasion. In a recent article commemorating the Baltle of Yorktown. professor Irving Kris to! wrote : ''The American Revolution was successful in that those who led it were able, in later years, to look back in tranquility at what they had wrought and say that it was good.·· SOVI ET CENSORS look closely at the magazine before it is distributed, and have been known to block its sale because or what they regard as an offensive item. "The Soviets go over this magazine with a very. very fine tooth comb before they distribute 'it." Poteete said. The agreemenl to exchange sales of America Illus trated and Soviet Life appears to have become a solid feature of relations between the two superpowers, even If Soviets grumble from time to time about Jagging sales of their publication in tbe United Slates. "Life for our magazine is a bit difficult," said Soviet Life managing editor Felix V Alexeyev. Soviet Life has about 40.000 American subscribers but moves slowly on newsstands. he said. Its recent issues have featured the 55th anniversary of th~ Soviet airline Aeroflot, the daily routine in a woman·s watch factory and Lake Ladoga near Leningrad, where "the best fish swim near the bottom." calendar September I . I • I . * President Reagan presented hlS budget for fiscal year 1983 The fiscal year begins on Oct 1 * Leg1slat1ve commtttees 1n Con- gress consider new programs tn the t Udget proposal and restora- tion of authonzation f0< lapsed programs. If they are rejeeted or not OOr'lSidered. money cannot or- dinarily be appropriated. Appropnallons commtttees deter- mine allocattOnS for government programs They can propose more or less than recoiTl- mended * Legislative and appropnations committees make budget proposals to the budget com· mlttees by Mareh 15 Tax·wnting committees then weigh budget proposals and determine how much revenue Is needed Pro- posed means of raising revenue can differ sigrnltcantly from those recommended by the President * With 1nforma11on from all other committees tn hand, the budget committees draf1 the first budget resolution and present tt to the full House and Senate by Apnl 15 * Congress adopts the first budget resolution . which establishes goals tor revenue and spending tn broad governmental catego- nes Approprialtons committees then set allocations with the goals ol the first resolution as a guide * Congress will adopt the second budget resolution. which estab- lishes bmdlng levels of revenue and spending tn broad catego- nes. The deadline of Sept. 15 1s not always met Appcopnaltons committees then flt all allotments lor specific programs into the overall ce11tng set by the second resolution for broad cat09011es I ' l. New D e bt Commission: Useful watchdog or more By THOMAS D. ELIAS Another new state commission. Ho-hum. Thal was the response from most headline writers when the Legislature almost unanimously created something called the California Debt Advisory Commission. OAANGECOAST llilyPHat Tht' comment page of the Dally Piiot seeks to Inform and Stimulate readers by present· Ing a variety or commentary on topics or lnterest a nd 1i.1nmcancefrom Informed ob 1ervan11ndspokMmrn Thomol P. Ho.lq , PublUhcr ...... y. ~•bnl•ry 27, 1912 • But state Treasurer J esse Unruh, charged with keeping California solvent, had a completely different response. He called the bill that set up the commission "one of the most important laws enacted In recent years." Unruh was excited because he's pushed for the commission since 1975 and because he'll be the chairman. TWO ASSEMBLYMEN and two atate aefHltONt the state controller and the governor will join Unruh on the new group,' which will analyie every proposed bond issue or promJaory note ·to be issued by any local aovemment or dlstrtl'l In Calllorula Tll~ commlaslon can't atop anyone from going deeper into debl; Its Job will be lo cry out aa loudly as possibfe wben anyone Is about to 10 dan1eroualy into the red or when proposed. lnterest rates are too hi1b. How useful l• \l' tbis ln the day of Proposition 13, when no sovemment or· district can raise laxes -needed to pay off bond issues -without a two-thirds vote in favor? The answer varies. Doubt.eta 11y the commission will be just another layer of government, slowing lhinas down a bit more than they already are,• as proposed new debts must be reported to the commlasion at least 10 days before becoming official. But Unruh think& otherwise, and Unruh's financial estimates hue conslslenUy been more accurate than anyone else's over the last live years. . "TIUS MIGHT BE recanted •• a fiscal Paul Revere, soundiaC t.bl alarm whenever questionable bond tehem• are being hatched or o-.&ra1eou1 interest rates are beJn1 contemplated," he 11ld ln bis annuaJ mes$•18 to the Letlslature. Unruh adda that "with lbe UowJeclae tha\ someone la loolllnc over their shoulder, 1ovemment a1eaeies and the ( ' Ullflllll FICUI ever·creative bond underwriters ... will be much more cautious about tumbling deeper and deeper into debt, and at hl&ber and higher interest rates. That should be good news to taxpayers and c<>nsumers wbo pay tb6 debl." T he treasurer, whose interest ln rtnance dates back to his mid·1960s pronouncement that "money 111 the mother's mllk of poliUca," says the ·•trattk cop" commission ii needed to blow wbi.ltltt before Callomia cities and cOUlldee nlld Uawelftl • broke aa Cleftlad or !few York. But tllen"t ltlll UM lNue ol bow much control U. ltlt.e should bave over local spendtq. VI,; rn paOf8llTION II IMilllout runds, t.ht Leslalature alnldy controls many local 1>ryrarn1 ranstna from ' control? schools to welfare. The new debt watchdog will also give the state a de facto final word on new construction of public buildings, p arks and oth~r projects us ually unaffected by the bailout funds. For not many local elected officials would buck t he tide of ne1ative publicity if the debt commission raised a ruckus over some of their planned s pendin1, even tr i t really were justified. So despite Unrub's hi•h hopes, the jury hasn't yet decided whether the new commiaaion will be useful or just another excessive layer of sovemment. To be UMl\al, tb• eommilllon will haft ..... nltraJDt -a.ope for Ml cooperation from the tocal oftldala it will pollee. But bow m-ft1 piowerful ..,......ent aaenclee bave ever Uled .-....! r~ ~ .... a ff'ft·,,,_.. ___,,, flolH ill .bda MoMca ..... _..~ .u.-•.• , ... --- This week was a yabba·dabba-dooay,when all of Uncle Len's friends turned their talents to drawing Flintstone characters. The ramily has been around so ,long that Pebbles and 1Bam-Bam, who used to be babies in the series, have grown up and begun a cartoon show of their own. Uncle Len can remember when the Flintstones began, way back when he was a mere lad. Everyone loved the way Fred · FI in ts lone would ye 11 ,· "Baaarney!" when he -nd his neighbor, Barney Rubble, got into trouble. No, boys and girls, Uncle Len isn't so old that be remembers the REAL prehistoric times. He just feels that way sometimes at the end of a long day with the big,. runny people who run the newspaper. It seems almost everyone chose lo draw Fred Flintstooe this week, with a few sprinklings of Wilma and their pet, Dino. First place goes to Heidi Landess, ti, or Fountain Valley who drew a Fred Flintstone so real you could almost hear the s h oill. She gets $5 and congratulations. Second place was a tough decision, but Kevin Presley I 9, or Fountain Valley took the $2 prize. His brother Keith, also 9 , heads the list or honorable mentions this week. You boys can't fool Uncle Len -l 'U bet you're twins! Uncle Len always wanted lo be a twin so he could de> naughty things and blame it on the other guy. More honorable mentions go to Molly Deneher. 8. of Newpe>rl Beach; Misty Bulley, 7~ or· Corona del Mar and J . T. Klingenmeier, 8 , of Laguna Beach. J .T. must be using initials to pfactice being an executive when be (she?> gro~ up. I Uncle Len's good friends at Wilson School in Costa Mesa came through with another fine batch of entries, including a complete scene by Dylan Rogers, 7. Since everyone had sudi a good time with cave men this week, how about going a step farther back in time next week? Even before people were around, dinosaurs had the world pretty much to themselves, I'm told. They didn't all look like Dino fu the Flintstones, either. Some were huge, others quite small, some had big sharp teeth and .. Rock out r •• FIRST. PLACE WINNER Heidi I..o.ndess of Fountam Valley SECOND. PLACE WINNER. Kevin Presley of Fountain \/alley • others ate plants. Some could even fly. If you need to know more about them, your school or public library might have some interesting books with pictures of what the artists thought these anima l s looked like . <Remember. no people were around in those days to know for certain.> Be sure to draw with black ink on white paper cut 4 inches square and send your entry to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 so they get here by Wednesday. See you ell next week. Stlldents plug three R's -Teens develop reading skills, friendships with patients By CATHERINE WILSON ........ ,.,.. ..... MERCED -A convales · cent hospital might seem Uke an odd place lo plug the three R's, but not lo some Merced High School students. The pupils are the backbone or the Ready Reliable Readers program. About 30 students with poor reading comprehension visit Hy·Lond Convalescent Hospital on Fridays lo read books, newspapers and newsletters to patients. The purposes are lo impro\·e the students' deficient reading s kills and to provide companionship for residents, who are mostly in their 80s and 90s. • 'lnitiaJJy, students were kind of frightened by the idea," said reading teacher Doug Creighton in a telephone interview, "Then you could see the glow on their faces as if they 'd done something very important." 1 Although Creighton is uncertain of the e ffects on reading abilities, he said the Three R's program showed students "re.ading is a skill they should treasure, that's good lo have and lo keep." The visits started this fall after the program gained the backing of school officials and Sharon Haynes, activity director at the hospital. "I tried to live the students some cold. bard facts to weed out thole who weren't really interested," Creiabton satd. To hla surprise, there were no dropouts. · · I Mrs . Haynes gave· the volunteers a brief hospital ·orlentallon, tellin1 atudenta about wheelchair movement, tire safety and qulet apota fOr readln&. Tbe prosram la open to ..., atudenta who failed the state .... -4,_.__ comjeteicy test and aH takinl a remedial ~nt and wrttlnc course. Or1nge COMt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982 DRAFTED? -Three.year-old Peri Shaplow of Yorktown, N . Y.. holds a draft r~gistration reminder sent to her by mistake. Women· aren't required to register nor are 3-year-olds. Peri says she's not worrying because she·s not going anyway Club takes new direction NEW YORK <AP> -As New York's ethnic population has shirted, so has the role or the lOS·year-old Boys' Club of New York, says Robert T. Olson, executive director. Where once members were predominantly of Italian, Jewish and Polis h extraction, today the youngsters are largely His~anic or black. s ing le · parent households, reflecting the national trend away from the traditional family structure. closing time when the situation calls for it. "Even those boys who did not get jobs learned a lot in the process," Olson adds. Al one time, the club stressed sport and recreational programs almost exclusively, Olson says. They're stiU important, he adds, but the organization has started new programs to meet today's needs. •'High-school guidance counselors today have so many students to look after that they cannot give the attention they would like lo give young people. We're in a position, however, lo give individual ongoing assistance to members," "A special scholars hip fund we instituted in 1957 sends 20 boys annually to prep schools," Olson says. "More than 400 to date have graduated from prep schools and gone to college. Some of the college graduates have entered busines:;, law and medicine. Counselors with master's degrees in educational counseling, he points out, can. help boys pick the right courses in school. "While we've added new directions over the years," Olson says. "all our programs continue lo have two things in common -they help members and they need money.·' "We now place e qual emphasis on educational and vocational guidance and health education directed al combating drug abuse and venereal disease," he explains. The growing need for counseling and guidance, notes the director, also stems from the fa ct that many of today's members come from "We also offer a vocational guidance program which last year resulted in finding 52 summer jobs," Olson says. "A program we introduced this year includes 12 h our -long sessions that provide simple but import.ant information on how lo be good workers. It covers such subjects as promptness, being respectful and working beyon(I The club's primary source for the funds needed to adapt and expand its programs is its annual "AJI Sport Halls or Fame. dinner,'' that honors current inductees. of the ba~e ball. football, basketbaJI, golf, hockey and tennis Halls of Fame. · world scope (10 point• for .. ch queetlon enewered correctly) 1 Vice President George Bush and Secretary of State Aleunder Haig addressed the AFL-CIO executive council meeting in Florida to 1ain support for the new Rea1an budpt. TRUE OR FALSE: At the meeting, AFl·CIO Presi· dent Uine Kirkland supponed the President's economic prognm. 1 The letters AFl·CIO stand for .. 1... an organization which represents about 15 million workers. 3 A federal appeals coun decided that the Rea1an administration (CHOOSE ONE : c.an, c.annot) give tax breaks to schools that discriminate against racial minorities. 4 President Reagan placed a wreath at the tomb of George Washln1ton in Mount Vernon, Vir1inia, to commemorate the first President's .. 1 .. binhday. a·200th b-250th c-300th S President Jose Lopez Ponlllo of (CHOOSE ONE: Mexioo, Nic.ara1ua) recently urged the U.S. to avoid the use of military force In Central Amerlc.a. newsname (10 points If you can ldenllfr thle pe,._ In '"-newt) Roben Mugabe, leader of the youngest indepen- dent nation in Africa, recently fired his chief polltlc.al rival, Joshu1 Nkomo, from the Cabtnet. This brNb up 1 co1lltlon government that had run the country '°' almost two ~ars. Nam. that country. match words ... le1fy vepcab&e >-eicalatOf IMo avoid or shun -'· Answers appear (upside down) below quiz • news picture (10 polnta If you en•-r thlt qu"llon correctly) Governors Charles Robb of Virginia, James Hunt, Jr. of Nonh Carolina, Edmund Brown of California, William Milliken of Mk:hlpn, Herry Hushes of Maryland, and other llate chief executives met recently about a wide range of topics, including President Reagan's plans for a New Federalism. TRUE OR FALSE: The majority of the nation's governors are Democrats. peoplewa1d1/sportlight (2 polntt for tech qu"tlon 8M-.d correctly) 1 lee Strasberg, one of the world's most respeC1ed teachers of (CHOOSE ONE: acting, dance). died recently at age 80. 1 Also dead at age 61 is Thelonius Monk, pianist, composer, and one of the fathers of modern .. l .. music. a-rock and roll b-juz c-country and western 3 Wayne G~tzky now holds vinually every NHL scoring record, lndudin1 most BOiis in one season. The mark of 76 goals in a ieaSOO was Mt In the ~rly 1970s by (CHOOSE ONE: Bobby Orr, Phil bposito). 4 An NHL rMord went to the (CHOOSE ONE: New York Islanders, Colorldo Rockies) who won 15 consecutive sames. bttaklng the old record set In the 1929-JO season. S 8ecaute of • torn shoulder muscle, contender Gerry Cooney posq>oned his bid for the WBC Heavywelsht Championship from Mardt 15 to June 11. TRUE Olt FALSE: Cooney Is K'heduled to meet champfon Michael Spinks for the title. • roundtable Crelebton and team teacher ,~ ct1ecu11l1n (no DOON) Kim LaUCblin deal with students leschew Are the benefits t0 be derived from off-shore drllllns for oil ................ ..,.. HANDeO• -This year-old· Shepherd-Doberman mlx has a IOOd dlspoiltjon and would make a very good friend. II you'd like to take him home, contact the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter. 20612 La1una Canyon Road. Telephone '97·3SS2. Oil tbe low -of t.be reactinc ... n .dventure • worth the ~I rilkl Ind the dangers to hum.n llfel un scale. On the averace, tbe lOtb· these rtskt Ind danpn be ~uced or elimiNtedl to lltb·1rade students read below the ftftb-srad• ~. YOUf' ICOH: ., .. 100 '*"" -TO!t ICC>ftll 11 .. to,...... -1.~.· 71 to IO polntt -ooocs. ,, .. ,. l*ftte -, .. The poor skill• are not._ ____________________________ •_va_c_._1_nc_ .. _,_1~_1_a __________________________________ __ detrimental ln the readin1 pro1ram bec:auH students "talked llow ...... IO petienta• could ,rup wlaat tbeJ ••re •&Jlnll 1' Mn. u.,.... noted. r Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Saturday, February 27. 1982 • Clamp Lamp Tnls contemoorary desfgn ramp ermer stands bY t~s dlflnltel Plummer·s value on fine quallty contemporary and Scandinavian furniture at always low warehouse prices! 1 5 Itself or cups ro Shop and eompare ! , $ .Jnvthlno Avallabletn various colors S24 val Now vou can get genuine reamer and still ~e monev• The sOft reamer cushions come In a terra com color which blend In wlttl any decor This sofa fe.ltures a lustrous rosewood finish 82" SOfa $979value $695 A / •• A. N1te stana unit. arawer & c. 2·Cloor cabinet 31'/1)(15'1> )( 23'1· s 98 s12s val Swedish White Lacquer \" D 2 shelves 19v. x 15'/, x 23'/• $ 71 S93 val o. 2 shelf bookcase 31'11x15'1, x 20''• s 59 8 , .~- . DE's19n 'IOur own nen OE'<lroom conao or apartment 1tv1ng room w1m mE'SP ultra conremoorary wnttP 1acouer moa u1ar units Arrange or stack tn a. 3·arawer dresser 31'1 X15'1.><23'1• $125 S165val . 577 val . E. Stereo oench 59x15''• x 23'1. s 125 5165 va l F. 3 arawer cabinet 19•1. )( 15''> )( 23''• s 99 S129val a1mo~1 anv conf1qur:111on vou can mink of Finest Quahtv -tm!Sil an.a c onsc r-uc-t100 A1T1<111nq s.t Ot.lQP or owe c..ana . .sneif s.oace. Imported Teak Bookcases TW0for$178 lllese gOOd 1001t1ng flame-grain teal< b001<cases are a special Otrect 1moort purchase and are an $ 99 unbeatable value Crafted of me finest teal< veneer w1m adjustable sne1ves mev measure 76" x 12v, .. x 35 ·sack panels are constructed w1m EA matcn1ng PVC Also avallable m rosew ooa at slightly higher onces. Woad Folding Chairs These folding chairs are made of handsome SOiid natural wooa and wonc fer you 1n everv s1ruatlon1 No matter w hat your seating neeas-dining entertammg card club breakfast nook -you name 1t1 Why' Because we ve pncea tnese sturdy Chairs so low you can buy them fer anyttung and evervtn1ng1A522 value CHAIRS Teak & canvas Chair ff r - Teak TV/ serving cart Multl·use tor TV stand o r food service. Large easy-rolling casters $69 This Bauhaus· Inspired occasional chair Is a classic Of modem aeslgn 1r·s maa eOf beautiful teakw1~a aurable canvas seat YOU'ii simPIV never get a m ore comtortable chair at this price anywhere else• FOUR$49 ~RONLY s14~. SolldTeak Dining Chair These dining chairs are a solid aeal solid teak tnat 1s1 Thl"y re covered in easy-to -clean a urable fabnc and at these onces you can affOra as many as vou need! $99 val • Famous Design Leather Chair This contemporary design with walnut shell frame & caramel color reatner Is perfect tor living room aen \\wi-....·..::~, / o'. Offtce S7'8va$ 399 PLU How aoout a great ·IOOklng 6-drawer • --dre~er tor mis fantastically lo w Plummen pncei' The price may t>e exceptionally low. bur me value 1s exceedingly high• This fine piece is crafted of tne finest teak and designed In the smartest conternporary srvre At mis once. you can t attord to wait buy as many as you need right now• Swedish White Lacquer Wall System White Patio Furniture ~ table 35 a1a S p1asr1c slats s outaoor a1ning 62 Srac1<1ng chairs w1tl"29 SSS value S42 value Outdoor stacking 24 srackmg cao1es 22 cnairs s 111• a1a s 53S vatue 5 36 va1ue 4for$69 s1oet>o.Jro ~19n ~arurH 4 lar9t' center orawer\ w1tn two s1101ng do<>r comoa~ts tor ta roe items on e1tner sioe Hutch ~nures 91ass siioe" f()r oeaut't •no oust ffee storage ~~{~~~ .. 1~.'275 $~n~1 '0n<J s195 BR'S · INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE AmlaoChalr Stressttlf s engineering In a warm rosewooa flnlSh frame Ottoman Included. ChOlce of reattler corors. S895 var I \~ ill Beautifully designed ana made of $199 fine warm t eak It extenas from 35'/z .. x 53" to 35Y" x 92" Even more 1mpartant. 1t sells at tn1s incredibly row pnce• The matching chairs are upholstered. seat ana back 1n vario us colors and o~r you the same beaurv Teall Side Chair $ 7 5 Teall Arm Chafr $ 89 $109 varue .. .. . $135 value .. Adjustable Teak Drafting Table Versatlre dtamng table tor the student o r professional. Dr.rwl~ard can be raised o r lowered and tlltS bade and forth. Features 2 convenient storage drawers. Rugged teak construetlon. 51 v." x 27" $409 value. Hand~anv stereo runer pl,)Vb.Jek t.JPedeck ~rtea t« ttlat new Video cMsette recoraer 59"X17' X27Y1 'H $155 vou a~ planning ro bUV PASADINA. 180 s. Lake Avenue . (213) 449·6741 !TWO blocks south of COIOl'<JdOI WIST LOS ANCIUS. 12241 W llshlre Blvd .• (213) 820·3918 nwo blOCkS ~tof Bu)lOYI SFYAUIY • 12240 Sherman Way, No Hollywood • 1213) 765·0401 tBetweenHollVWOOd Fwy&1..aure1canvon1 SANTAANA• 1540 E. Warner• <714) 557·0611 1ExltDvtrllld on'NeWOOttFWVI SOUTH IAY • 23855 Hawthorne Blvd .. TOrr3nce • 12131 378·9473 10ne blOck north of coast Hwv1 MISSION Y1IJO • M arguerite Plaza • 17141495·3252 u1etwel!n crown vattev & Avery PltWVI ~ 10to I -SUNDAY NOON to S t I All rumtture cratteo of me flnest ~ -manv lttmS n unessemt>teo In cartons ror easv DICI< uo. Prices and rnercNncnse suotect to stodc on f\and - I Daily Pilat SATURDAY, FEB. 27, 1982 • ENTERTAINM ENT TELEVISION 86 88 Area AYSO teams to get their kicks in Europe. B4 . Edison's _drea:gis fried again by Servite Friars eliminate Chargers from CIF 4-A basketball playoffs with 58-54 victory By ROG Ea CARLSON _ _ _ __ _ Of .. Deity Niie ..... Lu!r)' Walker. "It has to be our biggest ~in." backd?Or play to Andy Maruvich with 1 :32 lert lo ··we were taking a gamble," said Walker, •'You ... ~ntn>eat>le to make-a lay1n," said-a--ma.ke.1t_S3·•9. then SS-49 on Osgood tree throws. alluding to his t.eam's delay game "But we've It began as Ir Servile High's basketball team was going lo pay a big price ror the Friars' stunning upset or Edison High in the football playoffs, snapping a 32-game winning s treak with a 14-7 shocker. dejected Edison Coach Barry Leigh. "I'm not After that i{ was }Us t a matter oLmaking free done that ever since league began." ctissapointed with our defense, but our offense . throws as the Chargers could only foul and pray Walker's playe rs were busy cutting down the . we tried ·em all out and even drew a new one." after each failed opportunity, but all hopes were nets afterward a symbolic gesture of winning a The Chargers began with a diamond and one dashed by Osgood and St.eve Beuerhe1m al the c hampionship it was that kind of a game. "This But when it was over, the Friars had done it again, they have knocked the CIF 4-A's top-ranked team out or the playoffs again. I Mark Goudge on Servile guard Tim Osgood> and line. is s imply an amazing team," said Walker of his eventually went to a triangle and two to try to The Sunset Le ague champions were still in 18-9 Angelus League cha mps, who face Inglewood thwart the Friars, who went to a very eHective command at the half (33-31> because of the next in the semis at Long Beach Arena. delay game in the second half on ce they got the lO·for-14 shooting (71.4 percent) from the field in "'They played a tough, nasty defe nse," said Servile battled back from a 21-10 first quarter deficit to lake a 58-54 quarterfinals victorr before a turnaway crowd of 2,400 at Valencia High Friday night, a verdict almost as stunning as the football conquest tfie Fffilrs postedlfrNCWember. ~dvantage <37-35 wit.h...3_:56 left in the third period). the first 9uarter. Leigh. Edison was never to regain.J.he lead, although But nothing would go rigM for Edison in the DiBernardo started as if he was going lt> the Chargers did tie it at 46 with 3:52 left on Rick thi rd quarte r , attempt after attempt going personaJly run the Friars all the way back to Di Be rnardo's layup off a feed from Chang. m-and-oul. The Chargers missed 9 of 10 in the third Anaheim, scoring 12 of his team's first 28 points It was lied again at 47 and 49 <the laiter with quarter arvf during the final three quarters could <20 1n all ). and Chang was crisp from outside, -""We-beat the CIF's No. 1 ~m. -Orange County's No. 1 team and the best player in Orange County C Richard Chang)." said Servile Coach 2: 11 left on a pair of Jeff Stephens rree throws >, connect <?n only 10 of~ (26.3 percent> . scoring 17 of his game-high 22 in the first hatr but the Fnars turned their delay into an attack Servile. m eanwb1le, controlled the game with DiBemardo also had 11 of his 18 rebounds in with a six-foot shot down the la ne by Osgood and a 1ls delay, never losing the lead. <See EDISON, Pa1e 80 * * * * * * * * * Eagles fall by wayside Estancia loses 62-55 to Hoover By JIM McCURDIE Of tlM D.Uy ...... Sr.ff Sea Kings post 45-42 triuntph By JOHN SEVANO Of tlM Oltlly ~llM Sta" All season long guard Chris Lynch has been the focal point of Corona del Mar High's orrensive atta c k. As Ly nch goes, so GLENDALE -Estancia's Jere Gardner gazed toward the Eagle bench, took one last look at the scoreboard, and threw up his hands in frustration-: The Eagles had run out of miracles. The scene was a jam-J>acked Glendale High gym, and Gardner had just committed his Cifth personal foul. Hoover High of Glendale had spread its ortense and ran 4J seconds off the clock before Gardner finally grabbed Hoover's Joe Hillman to stop the clock. Not only was Gardner forced to leave the game with an intentional foul, but the man he had to foul was Hoover's best free-throw shooter. It was that kind of night for Estancia. ;=~:';:;;;;:;:~=.-l-4~iJ·-~~aU.y do.th!?. S ·a..Kin&"· With that in mind, Pomona Coach Willie Allen wasn "t about to let Lynch run loose against his Red Devils, so he instructed his players to e mploy and box-and-one defense, specially in lbe hope it would slow down the 6·2 senior. The Tornadoes of Hoover used some deadly free-throw shooting and timely rast-break baskets to PACED EAGLES E s l a n ria·s Brian Midlan{t poured in 1-1 points. but lhe Eagk:-. we rl' t•li minall'd from l hl• Cl F pla yoff~ h' ll1Hl\"t'r Hig h .of Glendal<• beat E stancia , 62-55, ~ _ • advance to the final four of the ualley p eads Cl F 3-A playoffs. ESTANCIA LED early in the first period but spent the rest of the game playing catch.up H Hoover took the lead at the 4:23 mark and never relinquished it. Estancia made a run in the third quarter and had c losed the gap to 44-43 al the outset of the final period. From that point on, however. it was just a long series of frustrations for the Eagles. The bigges t s ource or frustration was Hillman. The Tornadoes' 6·0 sophomore point gua r d hit a ll eight of his fourth -quarte r free throw attempts to keep the game just out of Estancia's reach. It was HiUman who was the key to Hoover taking the fir s t -half l ead a s h e hit four-of-five shot attempts -a ll from long range -in the second quarter, was six-of-eight in the first half, and finished with 26 points to lead all scorers. WHEN HILLMAN was n't shooting down the Eagles' championship hopes, 6-3 senior Kevin Brown was . Brown had six points in the final period and finis hed the game with 14 as he was on the receiving end of a number of Tornado fast breaks. E s tanc ia employed a zone press throughout the game but it had Jillie effect as Hoover demonstrated a solid transition <See ESTANCIA, Page 82> • innocent SML_F~~lS~Q_J API _ Basketball star Quinlin Oiiley· pleaded innocent in municipal court Friday to fi ve felony c harges stemming from an a ll eged sexual assau lt on a nur si ng s tudent at the University of San Francisco The nation's fifth leading scorer for the 16th-ranked USF Don s, Dailey . 21 . appeared r elaxed in the brief arraignment be fore Municipal Judge Lucy Kelly McCabe. He s ported a new look with bis head shaved bald. Dailey, who· was expected to play in both USF games this weekend as the Dons seek a berth in the NCAA playoffs. was o rdered to return lo court M o nda y for an eviden ce hearing. At that t ime , McCabe said. she will set a date for a preliminary hearing. McCabe signed a gag order requested by defense a ttorney George Walk e r barring attorneys from discussing the case. Dailey was arrested earlier this week for attempted rape a nd four other c h arges in connection with an a lleged assault Dec. 21 on a nursing student in a USF dormitory He 1s free on $.5.000 bail Daile y, a 6-3 j unio r from Baltimore , is cons idered one of the top college guards in the country . Well , the plan worked . Unfortunately, for Pomona. it didn't s top the Sea Kings from reaching the Cl F 3-A semifinals for the second year in a row as the defending Cl F cha mpions posted a 45-42 decision over the Baseline League ch ampions before 2.300 Friday night at Orange Coast College Lynch, who was hounded by one red-and-white Jersey after another for most of the night. s uffere d through h is worst offensive of the season. hilting just -t-ef-ll s hots from the rloor and finishing with a pa ltry 6 points. H I S FR U.S TR i\ T I 0 NS offe n s ively didn "t deter his d e fens ive con tr1bul1ons, however, as Lynch res ponded with four key steals all in the second ha lf and s ix rebounds. four of those coming in the crucial fourth quarter when the co-Sea View league champions outscored their opponent 11·5 to wjn the game. ··we knew he was their best player and their lea d e r ." admitted Allen or Lynch. ··we tried to s low him. but you can never totally s hut a kid down if he·s a player and he is ··He did what he had to • and he did it in the clutch.·· Back-lo-back steals by Lynch early in the fourth quarter, one which res ulted in his only baske~ of the night. helped keep Corona del Ma r (20-4 > in the game until Kurt Petersen·s jumper with 2: 39 remaining finally tied the score at 38. POMONA (2 1·6) had led throughout most or the contest, thanks to the inside game of Zenon M Clhat's his name fo lks!> and outside work Ken Hall and Kitr1ck Taylor <the latter two with 11 points each ; M had 10). But the Sea Kings, with (See CdM, Pge 82) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- UP FOR GRABS Corona ckl Mar !.. !\'11k(• llt•s:-. t ll•ft i battles for possession with Ton.' TuC'kl'r 1:'>:!1 of Pomona while Ciurth Olson 0 .... ., ...... -.. ,~s-... I o " k s o n rl u r in g F r i cb .' . ~ < ' I F :l .. \ quurtt•rf1nal g<1me ;11 ()r.1ng<1 <"o;i~I CollqH'. St1<.1 K ing:-~Hh illl('('d. 1.-, I:! Angel battery needs a charge Pitching woes remain but Boone should step in to catch By JIM McCURDIE 01 t11e Dltlly rll• StaH The Angels' pitching staff or lack of s ame - has been the focus of much or the attention as the club began going through the spring training motions this week . Can John D'Acquisto become reacquainted with the strike ione? Can Ken Forsch be expected to improve upon the results he produced in 198P Can Mike Will dispose of occasional rookie jitters and live up to his potential~ Or . should the ground crew at Anaheim Stadium be r eminded to make sure the Angels' bullpen gate is always well-oiled? Sooner or later. howeve'J, the attention may shift to behind the plate. MTager Gene Mauch has quite a c ro wd back there. what with acqufsilion of Bob Boone. After 10 res pectable seasons with the Philadelphia Phillies. Boone was obtained in the off season a nd fi gures to be Mauch's choice for the st .. rting catcher spot. That's bad news for Ed Ott and even wo rse for Brian Downing. who was forced into playing len field last year when Ott joined the Angels from the Pittsburgh Pirates. Downing has come full circle with the Angels: from the leading right-handed hitter in the American League C .326) In 1979 lb an awkward transition to the outfield to his most uncomfortable role of 1982; trade bait. More on this later. J ahhar quiets critics --and 76ers, 116-11'4 For Boone, the move means handling a new staff of pitchers and facing American League oppos ition tha t he's completely unfamiliar with. He says feels like a kid again. "Well, I'm excited about lt because It's just like a completely new lease on life,"· tl1e 34-year-old Boone said. "Frankly. it's li.ke being a rookie in spring training. By cuaT SEEDEN Of .. Ollly ......... INGLEWOOD -Kareem AbduJ.Jabbar did a pretty good job of silencing his critics Thursday night in SeatUe. The U·year veteran scored ,31 points in the Lakera' Important divisional balUe with the host Sonics to the tune of a 104-98 come.from-behind vi'ctory. And wtlb Dr. J and the Phlladelpbia 76ers suppl)lin1 the opposition Friday nl1ht al the Forum, Jabbar and the Lahn knew things weren't IOinC to get euJer. But Jabbar, lookinl more Uk• U. apry youn1 UCLA centeT ol 7e1teryear, oeiilt a tremendous off.the-bench •hootinl perfcJnDnn by the 76ers' Andrew Toney lD 1partln1 tbe Laker. to.• 111-114 double overtlme victory before 17.505 acreamlng ,_._ "Simply awesome." offered teammate Jamaal Wilkes. who added 24 in the Lakers' win, their sixth straieht. "Tbal was truly the Kareem of old. "He has received a tot of criticism lately." Wilkes continued. "And you know he didn't get much rest last night." Indeed, 33 minutes in the Ktn1dome Thursday night, a Friday mornjng retum to Los Angeles and the presence of the NBA'a beat teem (record-wise) could have set the stage for rewer heroics from Jabbar. But thanks to the absence of an Injured Bob McAdoo, Jabbar found himseU on the playln1 floor ror 49 mlnvtes Friday night. Only :.Vllkes and Magic Johnson, who played 50 minutes each, saw more action. ''.The bil guy never let up,'' added Lakers Coach Pat Riley. "A lot of people say Kareeni has a difficult lime mustering the effort. But he knows he is needed qut there. The guys are telling him, 'win it for us."' And that's exactly what Jabbar did. He scored nine points in each or tbe third and fourth quarters and for good measure, he pumped in nine more In the two overtime perl~ He also- hauled down four important OT rebounds for a game-high total or 19. The victory , meanwhile , s napped Phlladephla's 10-game wlnnln1 streak. But more lmportanUy, Jabbar helped the ~ers maintain their 2~·game lead over Seattle in the Pacific Division. "I mentioned last week that I thouaht we were turning the corner," Riley sald afterward. "Now J .. can say we have." But the Lakers needed every ounce of slrenlth <See LAKEU, Page 82> · 'll's a complete change and it came at a time In my ca\"eer when it was teaUy needed." Boone, son or for,mer American Leacue All.Star third baseman Ray Boone, was recognised a-s one Oflhetop-aerensive catcben ln the National League and was a Gold Glove winner ln 1978 and 1979. lle'R confident that his experience will help him malce a s uccessrul transition to the Americu Lu1ue. "l think lhe handling or the staff will come in the rlMit few daya of spring tralnln1." Boone said. "lAamlng the hitters ls just something that will take tome time 1otng around tbe lea1ue . Hopdully, I'll .be able to pick up on It prlU)' quickly." t ., Malava11i now r e ady to co~plet~ ~s staff Rams Coach Ray Malavasl has Ell taken a long time in compleUn, his 4. • coaching staff, but apparently all remaining vacancies have been filled. The Rams are expeeted to announce Monday that Joe Reslic wi,l 1take over as the team's offensive coordin!ltor, former R~m wide receiver Jack Snow wlll be hired as the club's wide receivers coach , and former Baltimore Coils head coach Mike McCormack will assume the offensive line duUes. The acquisitions were supposed to be announced Friday , but the Rams are apparently In a holding position until Restic can acquire a leave of absence from his duties at Harvard. Resu e has helped Malavasi coach the Ram quarterbacks in recent years. Quote of the day \ Russell Slaermaa, a noted classical pianist and sports aficionado, commenting on the efficient play by Washington Bullets rookie forward J eff llulud tn a part-time role: "He's like a good bassoon player. He doesn't have much to do, but he knows exactly when to come In and do it,· and when to leave." • Magee honored by Coast writers All-American Kevin Ma1ee .or m UC Irvine has been named Player of the Year, and Fresno State's Boyd Grant honored as Coach of the Year by West Coast members or the United States Basketball Writers Association ... Danay Evans pumped in a career-high 26 points Friday night as fourth-ranked Oregon State rolled over No. 20 UCLA, 72-58 to clinch at least-a tie for the Pacific 10 Conference crown. The Beavers, 14· 1 in the conference and 21-3 overall, can wrap up their third straight Pac-10 crown with a win over USC today. The Trojans raced to an 80-68 victory over Oregon ... Center Wallace Bryant scored 20 points and Jobn Martens added 19 as 16th-ranked USF routed Loyola. 96-73 in the WCAC. Jets come back to tie Buffalo A power-flay goal by Morris liJ Lukowlch at l : 11 or the third period ' helped the Winnipeg J ets claim a 44 , tie with Buffalo in the Nali6oal Hockey League Friday night. With the deadk>ck. the Sabres took over sole possession or second place in the Adams Divi4ion, ooe point ahead or Boston ... Iv~ Boldlrev scored the winning goal on a 20-COOf shot orr a brttkaway and the referee disallowed a late Colorado goal to help Vancouver shade the Rockies, 4-3. From Page 8 1 Haywood INda ch•ge for Bullets 8peacer H eywood scored a m 1eaaon·hlflh 27 points end rookte Praak Jolaa1oa •cored 1lx of WHhin1ton'1 Ctnal aeven polnlll as the Bull4'ta hunc on lo defut Kansas City Frida)' niaht, tOO·M. tbo fourth 1tral1ht loss for the Kinas and 14th I n a ro w on the road ... ~rtl» Giimore hit a hook hot with 25 aecon.da rebia n1nti to break a 110.110 deadlock and Ricky Soben udded four points after that as Chicago downed Atlunta, 116·110 lo overtime ... Boston turned buck a lat SM Dlet o rallf and, with Lart'y Bird scoring 2 4 p oints . h a nde d th e C llpp ~r s u 1 2 2 ·110 setbuck ... Guard Don Base, popping repeatedly from the outs ide, scored a season-high Navwooo 23 points and handed out 10 &$slsts. leading Indiana to a 108·100 win over Sen Antonio ... parwln Cook made a steal and layup with 40 seconds remaining lo lift New Jersey to a 11 0 ·106 triumph ov e r Portland ... Forward Lea "Truck" Roblnson scored 32 points 18 in the second hair -and guards Dennis Johnson and Walter Davis combined ror 44 more as Phoenix defea ted Den ver, 131·122 ... With Moses Malone and Elvin Hayes com bining for 68 points and 36 rebounds, Houstol') won its 13th game in 15 tries. a 111-95 win over Golden State .. Jack Slkma con verted a pair or free throws with eight seconds remaining as Seattle knocked off Utah, 98-97. Stadler ups lead to two strokes Craig Stadler birdied two or his l!I last three holes with ··shots I didn't expect to make" to finish off a 69 round that expanded his lead to two strokes Friday in the ses:ond round of the Doral Open Gotr Tournament in Miami.· Andy Bean, who missed mos t or last season with a hand injury. hit his first drive of the day into the water, but recovered for a 69 that Jert him two strokes back at 137. J ack Nicklaus holed out a 98-yard pitching wedge second shot for an eagle-2 on the fifth hole, but could do no better than a 71 that left him at 138, three back . . . PaUl Rlno shot a career-best 65 to take a four-stroke lead over J anet Coles after two rounds or the LPGA A r i 2ona Coppe r Cl a ssic in Tucson. Martin making new friends Oakland Manager Billy Martin's • pre-season si2eup of the American League Wes t upset Chi cago White Sox Manager Tony LaRussa, but Martin offered no apology Friday. "Tell him he's got to win first before be pops off. Nobody wants to listen to a loser. They haven't won anything yet," Martin said after reading that LaRussa was critical of Martin for failing to list the White Sox as probable contenders for the division title Oakland won last year ... Los Angeles Dodgers owner Peter O'MaUey will make the first s tep a c ross-country night -in an attempt to get the s talled negotia_tions w~th pitcher Fer nando Valensuela movmg agam. He'll meet Sunday with a gent Tony DeMarco • and attorney Dick Moss, Valenzuela's advisers ... Veronica Bell, a 21 -year-ola junior al Cal Poly Pomona, shattered the American women's ind<>Qr jump record, leaping 21.11;--, in winning the event at the USA track and Cie ld c hampi o n s hip s in New York. .. LAKERS EDGE PHILADELPHIA • • • from their regulars and plenty or help from unheralded Jim Brewer to hold off the 76ers. added a basket and converten a free throw for. a 116-111 lead with eight seconds left. Toney s tall wasn 't through. His three·poinl play at the buzzer made the score just that much closer. Mater Dei allows too much early I By ROBB MUNSON Of•.,..., ...... ·-Not 111 dreams come true. Maler De l High basketball coach 8111 Alexande r can verily that. HJs team's-ques t to reach the ClF 4-A semifinals ended at the hands of a tough Inglewood te am , 53·50, Friday night ut Sa nta Ana College. "We let them get too much of a lead," said Alexander. "We were intimidated ut the start or the game , but we made a great co m eback. Yo u know, we 've never been down by 15 points." With 5: 29 left in the third period, Inglewood held a 36-21 lead. The Sentinels had scored eight straight points to open th~ third quarter , but Mater Dea retaliated quickly by scoring 10 of the next 14 points. But a gain Ing le wood took contro l, a nd with jus t 5 :32 re m a ining had an 11 -point advantage . And th e n the fire wo rks s tarted. Mater Dei ran orr eight s traight points . With Inglewood le ading, 49-46, the Sentinels attempted one-plus-one alter a Monarch foul. but missed the firs t shot and Mater Dei pulled down the rebound. But the Monarchs turned the ba ll o ve r , and Ing le wood proceeded to score four straight po ints with just 16 seconds r e m ai nin g. The Mo n a r chs s cored four more. but time ra n out. From Page B1 ·'Inglewood hit some tou1h shots tn the fourth quarter," said Alexander . "We knew we could combat their quickness with good fundamentals . But we got caught up in the first half." Alexander continues: "Going Into the game as the underdog, we were tight. We wanted to try to stay close to them until the fourth quarter. But they dictated the tempo In the first ball. Sophomore Matt Beeuwsaert d o minat e d play for the Monarchs. scoring 24 points and grabbing 14 r e b o unds . Sophomore Mike Fie lder also w as effective < 12 points, 6 rebounds> as was Chris Jackson (10 points, 5 rebounds >. another sophomore. Beeuwsaert. a 6·5 center. held lnglewo6d's 6-8 center J erome J ohnson lo only two points. But Ingle wood us ed a balanced attack on offense, and a tough back court press to oyer~ome Beeuwsaert and teammates. "We lost poise in the fourth quarter,'' said Inglewood Coach Art Bias . "Mater Dei fought hard. But we made the plays when they counted ." Inglewood was led by Cedric Catron with 12 points, James Hurr 10 points, a nd reserve Andre Walker with nine points. The Sentinels' s hooting was better by a 58·41 ratio, but they were outrebounded . 31·l7. ESTANCIA OUSTED • • • gam e and got numerous easy baske t s a fte r breaking the press.· M ea nwh i l e , E s t an c ia appeared to be getting the type o f s hot that Coa c h L a rry Sunderman was looking for, the ball just wasn't dropping. The Eag les hit 47 percent or their field goal attempts (23 or 49 ) but many or the shots that were missed came from within 10 feet or the basket. S t eve Krai s a nd Bri an Midland led Eagle scorers with 14 points a piece bu\ it wasn't enough to compensate fo r the missed opportunities. A s u s u a l , Ga r dn e r quarte rbac k ed the Estancia offense effectively, f[llding and hilting the open mjn, but al limes he appear ed hesitant to take what a ppeared to be good shots. The senior point guard shot only twice in the second half. both times penetrating the lane to draw a foul. Gardner finis hed with nine points and teammate Randy Tift added 10. Chris Maydole hit a 15-foot j umper to pull the Eagles to within three. 58-55, with 1 :06 remaining but Hoover went lo a vari ation of a four -corne r s offense lo run precious time off · the clock. before Gradner fouled Hi llman. With 25 seconds to "play , Hillman sank both free throws and hit two more with 14 seconds left to clinch it. Hoover will meet Los Altos, a double-overtime 80-78 winner over previously unbeaten San Gorgonio. The semifinals will be held Thursday ni ght at Long Beach Arena F r ee gift a t Los AJ Rac ing f a n s a ttend i ng tonieht's Southern California R acing Associa t ion h a rness meeting at Los Alamitos Race Course. will each receive a free tote bag. In tonight"s feature. Craig Del and Leopard top the fi eld in an Invitational Handicap race that will bring together s ix top notch pacers vieing for the $12,500 purse. DEFENSIVE ST AR Chris I \ nc·h muv have been held t;; "" points F r ida y ni~ht. b u t hi s ci c•f<'n s e wa i; in:-.t rumt•nt~I in Coronu d('I Mar· )'I C l f' victor~· From Page 81 CdM ... Mike Hess directing the offense m Lynch·s "absence," wouldn't w i ll a s P e t e r s e n (14 po ants i. fl ess < 11 l and Hank Goebel (8) picked up the slack. Finally, a pair or Hess free throws wit.h 1 :07 to play gave the Sea Kings a 40 ·38 advantage they would ne ver relinguish. The closing minute round Hess and Lynch accounting for one steal. l wo re bo unds and five free t hro w s be twe e n the m to preserve the victory. ··w e just fought hard, .. s aid Cd M Coach Jack Errion or his tea m 's performance. "l thought we played like we normally do. We scored 45 points and stayed tough. "I· m not surprised ! a bout the Sea Kings' successi. We may not look like a rugged team. but inter nally we ar e." Errion had praise for all his pl ayers. including Lynch. ··fi e contributed as much tota ll y as he usually does when he"s shooting."" complimented Erri o n . '"You c an 't underestimate the job he did." L y n c h , who c am e into Friday's game w ith a 16.2 average, just s miled when asked a b o ut hi s tou g h night offensively. "Everybody has a role on this team and mine is to get points.'' suid Lynch. ··Last year it was pa ssing and d e fe n se. Whal s t a nds out this year is my scoring because or all the points. bu t f like t o th i nk I "m a complete ballplayer.·· Lynch added the box-and-ooe tactic used by Pomo na was nothing new. ··E very team in the league has us ed something like that this yea r at one time or another." he said . ··That's fine with me. too. because we have other guys on th as team like Hess. C Dave l Va ns teenhuyse and Petersen who can shoot. And. as long as they make their shots I don !t need lo shoot.·· The Lakers' biggest nemesls Friday night was Toney, the 6·3 guard out of Southwest Louisiana. who came orr the bench to pour in 27 points, tops for the 76ers. He overshadowed Julius Erving thoroughly, even though the Doctor made his presence known with 22 points. 6 rebounds and 4 assists. Toney is billed as "instant points off the bench,'" and he lived up to that reputation. The Lakers defeated the 76ers (40-lS) on a night when Michael Cooper scored just t~o poin~. and Nixon contributed just 13 before rouhng out m tbe second overtime. The loss was the 76ers' first in the month of February. FREE, TOTE BAG WITH EVERY PAID ADMISSION SATURDAY · Arter Jabbar's two free throws with two seconds re maining sent the game into overtime . tied at 99, Toney supplied half of his team's points in the final two overtimes. Jabbar scored rour or the Lakers' six points In the first overtime. but it was BTewer's tip-in with 36 seconds remaining that got the La1ters even and sent the gam e s piraling for yet another fi ve m inutes. The Lakers opened a four-point lead in the second overtime as Norm Nixon hit a pair of free throws and Wil kes converted on a two-0n-0ne fast break with Nixon for a 111·107 lead. But Toney quickly responded to slice the lead to 111-109. Even arter Magic scored and Jabbar * * * * * * LAKE:• D•llaLI T,,. 1.•ken •nd lh r•l•loon•hip IO the NBA"\ and 7Mf's N W a romalch Sundav. 1re<1t09 °''""",,. whk ll'Was Feb 16. March 7 Ill Phlladetpl\I•. and the Westphal. \tie veteran frM -n•. 9ame wlll be teteulwo ,..tl-lly on slQned .,. offer sheet wltlt ,,,. New C 8S-Tll A trip to Phll ... hta Is bed York Knie ks on r.....sav. O'Brien lies -· tor IN ~..-. Thay ha ..... 'I ruled IM I '"* Feb ,. ..... ,,,. <IOU wo n l ll e re In the ir l•ll 10 not._,... lo tr-1-• which are outln9s Plllf-lphl• dme Into p•rl 01 the rlQhl ol Orsi •••~al Frid•• ni91\t's ~-wllh IM 11 .. 1 procu• Th•I means the S.altle record in l"9 N8A, but 11 ,,.., Played SyperSonlo cM1 eltMr metch New tust 16 ~~ atJ<tlnst teams •lll'I Vo rlt'• otter eno sion West~• ... 1 1s re<ords better then SOO .... ,.,,, the <l•Y• u plre mu lnQ wu tpha l a Sher\ are only U tn lhOM Q•me> In contr e il. the Lak@rs were 11·11 KnlO or rHCh en __ , with .aQalnst t-with wlnnll'IQ recor~ Ille Knoe'1 wltllin IS day• fn whicll -orlor to Fncuy """"' oamt Ttwlt"• t"' Sonics would receive a Pla.,.r. a 6H percenta9e NBA dr•llPK1'.ca\l\or e comblnationof Commiu-Leryy O'arien Frl<l•y , any ol u.ow The l.akers· 911me Issued e clarill<a llon of Iha ~ ... I with I,,. Cle..,.le,,,, C.vallers •I the WH'-1\al rlQtlt Di '"uw l ••llHilon Forum SUnd<ty wilt llf9ln et 2 o m . .. llPICINTIA ~glosAlamitos THIS WEEK ONLY Feb 22 thru Moy1 2 YIAllS FOil $ 99. POST TIME 7:30 PM Facilities feature: * ,......_. liltJICtill * Mltillll c--.. * ..., Fil...,. * Cttl .. • s.r. '""' • .,. m. liPt .... ,..... lestilf • ~.,.fit .... a.. ·~u.a.-c...s-* ........ * Ut..._. • .. 11111•1111111 COED 7 DAYS A WE .. 957-6226 Call for Dfrection1 ~ ·• NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY . • Q.OSE UP ACTION ON CAUFOP.NIA'S ONLY ~ MILE TMCK • HOME Of TME P.ICHEST H.AAHESS MCE IN TME 'trul • TME HATlON'S TOP OPJVEM ANO mer HAP.NESS HC>fl.SES * ALLS~ EXACTAS-* FABULOUS ~ICK SIX f"w eu_,,__,..., .. ,..,,.,,~...._ • CAU. kw 1UP1CWD0t dlMet 19teNOfk>ns • For jjlbmallol1 (213) faMa61 °' (71~) 99$.12~ UJEW -WTO# .. ,.., - l Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982 .... CdM, Huntington Beach • • nines post wins • J·· Fountain Valley, Westminster beaten as high school baseball gets under way --·--· J,!1.\--'!'l.'1 •.iiiiMt -DilJu ,.,. .............. rhl I .. -;~------------,.. Hunttn1ton Beach will play a doublet·header al 111 IASSlnMTI JmlS CAW Coron• dol Mar unleaahed a 12·hlt attack to pound MIHlon Viejo. 21-1 whUt Huntlnctolrltefth scored a pair of run11 In the nrat lnnlnc ot a first round ciame In the Troy tournament to deftal St. Paul. 4·1. In hlth school baseball action Friday. - .Jwno today 'falnst !I Modena with the first aame Ml noon. Foun aln alley ancJM1Htr ttttwJll-pl•)' • ----------------double·header ut Hart Park In Oranae with the ""li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii----------flrat aame at 4 and the second at 7. P 0 lox tM A9dondo IHctl 90277 --Ctl tlUI an .... ,., "~7t•I Fount•ln V!Alley lo11t to Valencia. 4·3 whlle Lakewood defeated Westminster, 8·3, In other aamea. Dave Rohde was 4·for·~ with two RBI to pace the CdM Seu Kina 11ttack whllto three other players hud two hits lncludina Scott Loos, Gordon Moss and Jim Murphy. CdM scored four runs In the first lnnln1 on a double by Rotide, three errors. three walks and a Clelder's choice and that was more than enouah for the victory. Pete Duddy was l ·for·3 with Cour RBI tor the Sea Kings on a sln&le. sacrifice fly and fielder's choice -Brian Patrick. a senior first baseman for Huntington Be1&ch, tripled in the first Inning for Huntlncton Beach then scored what proved to be the wlnnln1 run a moment later. Patrick then doubled ln the mth and came around to score aaaln. Fountain Valley moved In (ront. 3-0, but walks to Valencia batters ruined any chance of victory In -a first round &"11• ollht.l&Aruournament. . The Barons scored a stnale run In tne ffrst on a- w alk to John Elliott, stolen base and two Infield outs. In the third, Steve Trapp belted a sln1led and plnch·runner Scott Sharr stole second and scored on successive errors with Gregg Arnold scoring the thJrd run on another error. Bobby Ghee drove in two runs In the sixth Inning to put Valencia In front. 4·3. Corsairs lwst GWC Gauchos win; GWCdumped Gaucho five faces Apaches Other prep double·headers scheduled today Include Costa Mesa at Laguna Beach < 11 a.m >: Irvine at Capistrano Valley <Noon>: Estancia at Dan• HH111 I 11): and University at San Clemente (noon>. * Rustlers-trui1n ph Golden West opened play with a pal.r of victories In the Citrus tournament and Marina High posted a l ·O decision over Pacifica High In women's softball action Friday Golden West posted a 5·0 shutout over Saddleback In the opening game or the tournament with the aid of a home run by Donna McElrea. then with Tammy Delp pitching a three·hitter in the nightcap. defeated Fullerton, l·O. The Rus tlers return to action this morning agllinst Ventura in the double·loss elimination event that concludes today. Sophomore pitcher Julie Larsen had 10 strikeout~ and allowed only one hit ror Marina in the first game of the season for the Vikings. 3~01's COMPARE DUI SRE~TION! LIASI Ol IU'tl In Newpott 8Nch Roy Carver BMW I 540 JAMBOREE RD .• NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 714-640-6"4 Golden West College can avenge two earlier defeats tonight when the Rustlers face host Santa Monjca CC In round two of the Southern California Conference's Shaughnessy Playoffs, but they'll have to stop the conference'& No. l and 2 scorers. Brad Kenney was aided by a big five·run eighth Inning as he posted an 8 ·3 victory for Saddleback College Friday afternoon over West Los Angeles College in non.conference baseball action on the loser's field. Marina's lone run came in the bottom of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ seventh inning .. Wouldn't you know, we had to U CI eyes second in Santa Barbara SA A BARBARA -Needing a victory to secure the No. 2 seeding in the upcoming PCAA tournament, the UC Irvine basketball teum meets UC Santa Barbara here tonight 17:30) where a capacity crowd of 5,700 1s expected. The game can be heard on KW VE·l08 <FM >. The Anteaters <9 ·4 in conference. 20·5 overall J are coming off a tough three ove rtime los s to Cal Stale Fullerton, 68·62, Thursday night. The Gauchos (4-8. 10-15> were 19·16 overtime losers to Long Beach Stute. UC I may be without the services of All-America Kevin Magee, who is possibly suffering from gout Magee underwent treatment all day Friday in the hopes or playing tonight. Meanwhile. Saddleback, which dropped a playoff game to Riverside CC Wednesday night to determine the Mission Conference's entry in the state basketball tournament, tries to reg roup when the Gauchos host Southwestern in first.round Shuaghnessy action. Both games begin at 7: 30. Al Santa Monica CC . Coach Jim Greenfield's Rustlers have a couple or scores to settle with the Corsairs. SMCC needed a shot at the buzzer to score a 76·74 victory over GWC in first-round conference play. The Corsairs then topped the Rustlers 101·89 in second.round play at GWC. In both games. Leif Hodges, .and Mike Gerren provided-t he Santa Monica fireworks. Hodges averages 18 8 points per game, while Gerren 1s right behind at 18.4. They sparked the Corsairs to a 12·2 conference mark and a 22·8 overall record. b4K!l.P!lWOOD ---<--- -·--~ -· --. --- 1 "x6"x6' SALE Kenney walked three and struck out 10 in going the run ninf! innings for the Guuchos. In another game, Golden West suffered its secand defeat or the season at the hands of the Fullerton Hornets. 7·2. At West LA . the Gauchos loaded the bases in the eighth w-ith no outs when Bob Perry belted a single to gel a run across and two walks forced in two more runs. Golden West, playing at 8-1 Fullerton, scored first in the third inning when Marty Boyd reached third on a lhree·base error and came home on a ground out by Doug Irvine, But Fullerton scored four times in the bottom of the inning to take a lead it never relinquished The other GWC run came in the seventh as Dan Larson·s single scored Roberto Villareal. wait until the last inning to score our run, .. Ma.r~na Coach Betsy Ward said ... But It wa11 an exciting opener for us and Julie did an outstanding job.'' The lone run of the g<lITle came when the leadoff runner reached first oll an error and Terri Craft singled. Another error loaded the bases for the Vlkes and Patty Cavanaugh then belted a single to get the winning run across with one out UCI nine rolls, 14-2 UC Irvine scored a season·high 14 runs. Friday afternoon. fueled by a seven·run explosion in the seventh inning, as the Anteaters routed visiting Cal State Dominguez. 14·2 in non·conference baseball action The Anteaters !7 ·6· ll collected 13 hits in the romp, including three each by Dave Glick and Mike Rupp. Rupp drilled a pair of doubles. picked up two RB I and scored a pair of runs. Glick also added a pair of RBI. Andy Bisnar got the start for the Anteaters· and coasted through seven innings before giving way to Gary Brahs. The l\nteaters erupted for fou r runs in the fourth inning, added three more in the bottom of the sixth. and then put the finishmg touches on the win with the big seventh inning. COLLEGE BASKETBALL UC Irvine vs. UC SANT A BARBARA TONIGHT 7:25.p.m. K-WAVE FM-108 Presented By: Anheuser·Busch, Toyo_ta, Repu~l.ic . ln1uronce Broken, Tiny Noylor's, Irvine Cond1t1on1ng and Injury Center ..,_ __ An ln9lebNCht Company ,roductlon --- CEDAR FENCING Reg. 1.19 99c Mediterranean-Styled Condominiums on the Bluff 1 "x6"x6' REDWOOD FENCING S9UAll TOP llAUTIFUL STOCI 1 "x4"x6' REDWOOD FENCING CO••B> AND DOG IAUD 2"x4"x8' REDWOOD SMOOTH FIMCE RAILS 3:'x4"x8' REDWOOD POSTS PUSH STOCI CWllAT qMAUTY 6' REDWOOD LATH ~-IUY! 4"x6"x8' LANDSCAPE TIMBERS NlllC• TllA19 Reg. 1.69 Reg. .98 Reg. 2.49 Reg. 4.99 Reg. 16.49 Bundle Reg. 5.99 LlllNT9TO ITOCI OM'HAMD Of9t7Mft HOUIS SALE 79c SALE s1s1 SALE s34s SALE sg~ 14t•J07J ~:-:: 969 CINTUIY PL COSTAMHA INTEREST IS AVAILABLE {13.50/o A.P.R.) Details at the Sales Center I • RXED RATE FOR THE 1st 5 YEARS A visw .•• A practically maintenance-free lifestyle, and Huntington Beach, too! Welcome to an uncommon residential opportu- nity, and a luxurious new, practically maintenance· free lifestyle. It's all available NOW, and in your choice of 8 architecturally designed 1 & 2 story floor plan arrangement. ranging In size from ap- proximately 1524 to 2142 square feet. Outstanding appointments for vour elegant, ne.w 11/e•tvle In- clude: Carpeting • Wood-burning fireplaces • Microwave, plus a continuous-cleaning oven • Cathedral ceilings • Ceramic tile counter tops • Distinctive hard-surface entry foyers • Private patio, deck or vieW balcony • Double, attached 2- car garage • Red tJle roofs • Pre11ed steel bath tubs • Onyx pullman tops with oval basins. Communftv omenftle. Include: A completely furnished recreation bulldln~ with lounge assembly room and men'• and women 1 shower, pool, hot water swlrl- pool spa. Open Datty 10 to a except Frtday 81 Sl1n1I L1ndm1rk Propertits Inc Ont ol Tiit s11n11 Comp1nlu 2 & 3 bedroom•. 2 & 3 bath• from $139,950 to $179,950 Y Oft( town Ave. •LANDMARK YORKTOWN (22) map not to acale (714) 963-0042 (114) 963-1072 . l I ? . I Ki6k~r8 ; see · the world •ICTmM .... M •llCTITIOUIM#tlHll "''"'_....... tllMll,.Tlamlrf IMMllTAftM91fT MMllfAftlllNT ......... In Tiie ltlleWtflt ,.,_It Mlllt ----- A Y SO teams await cultural exchange trips to Europe Tiie lel ... iat H tMll It ..... n. ..._i.t "'-.,. ---Tiie ltl\MIAt .. , ... h ...... ....,._.., ......... : ....... ...... " .... c.AUllllt • ......,. A 'M U .. f(T"ONICI. ,_. tN l ANOS OISUltUTOttt. *' Mll.U• tu~ ... •1 IC~ l·l .C.-• ... CAtlYt ..... Dri .. , C.. lllllM. CllllWNe hHtltr AUllltt, (Hie Meo, c.wt.C. .... ~.-IMM t. ....... M'1t 0.. tlm. ( .. ...,..... • ..... , ... , ....... ·~·· a .... o::,:-.... c. ..... Back In tllt d1y1 wbeo Llltlt Lta1ue dominated &a4 youtb •occ.et. •J•~ vtrtuat11 DOD .. lilta, ll WU a W, WDc J•l li"lrfve 4$ mlautea up or •wa tM fl'efWay to IDOtbtr dty for PGtl·HllOft .,_bill toumameata. Toda,y, Amtrle11 Voulh Soeeer Or1aollatloD team• .... bos>Plnc • Jtta, talliq oa for plaett their.,...... have OGly read about. AVSO tlftldall have tciae to IJ'fat lenftba to promote tM eulturtl·txehaa1e pro1ram, and younpttrJ IA Oru,. Coaat·artt A YSO re1k>aa are certainly hnin11Mtr ehanc:e to see the world. In fact, aoccer aomethnea tekes a back sett to the learnlnt proceu which occura when l'Oun11tere ,from the U.S. venture into the unknoft1'. The youth• will atty with hOlt families, adjust to the food differences and at times recelfe a refreaher course on • 11~1e which la forelrn to them, IO to lpeak. Here's what's in store for some area A YSO teams this sprtnc and summer: \ Cermany in Au1uat, but exact data have not beto flnallled. • • • , A YSO Re(lon 109, ln Palo Alto, has been beseiced by Medtllu. The nuty little Mediterranean trult Oy isn't interrupt1n1 the aatnee, however. The Mednlet are partlclpatinc. It seems that six of the ee teams an Reclon 109 have selected the name, "Medllles." In recent play, one of the Medny squada had ita hand,, full, however. It wu up afainst the "Helicopters." ,....,. ,,_ Ml,_, ,_ ... T .. M. IMltl, It' Mlfrlll -.... Ctl...,_.. ~--. ltl1 IC.,.._. Tl.it II aMllc ... .., • IW O.W., C..--. ~ c ... e-...C....1U'*1· c-.,c.-...~.... ........ ' fMl1, ,_..,O ~.,,.11...,0rl ... Tlllt ....... It ~tef We l•L..,.,.. Tift..._ k ~--W ell lellMW,Glll'WMetlN!J t.,,_llfM Tiiie .......... _ .._. .... ~ Tlllt........,. ,, I~-•Y • IW*YM.Jet ..... 111( c-ty Clef\ el Or ... C1111ty M .-......,_ tMtt•I...,.,,.... 5to••r M. Jera11u. ,..,_.,..,,._ Tlllt...................... T•M.llNll ~ ,._ C-lp C-IHtl If OrMtt (....., ell Tiiie ......,_ •• "'" .._ ... Tllit .......,. w• tllell wlll .. ,....._ er1111t C-o.ilf 'IMt J-...... ,_ C-ly ,.., • ., o. .... c-. ... c ... , Giff\ .. °' ..... c-,. ... , ........ 11.Mlrcllt.ttll .. ,.,_ ,..,_, .. ,. . --"*' .... a-.. c..t'Oelty ,...... ,._ ,..,...,. • ·-· ·-, .. •· 1a.-. .,, "" ..,..,, ~1 .... Or~ c .. .i l)ajly l'lltl, "*''.,.er.,., .... 0611r r>t1t1, __________ 1, ... •,•J.J0,11,1 ..., '" •.u.•.n.•• si...a. --,-IC\"'*'1---aw--.. -.. --...... MMllTATl•wr Pal 1111( flll 11111 ne lallaWlllf "'-It ftllll ,~..,....... --,-ktt--, .. ~-9"'"'--.-.. -~ --,-,-(T-,-,..-ous-.-u-.,-.. -.-15--1 ... '":::'~ ~HOLIUL •• ltu llAMI IYA'NMINT ..... ITATIMIWf llAMUTATIMIJNT CMfMf '4twe, Geel.e MIN. CA*"• TM ,_.....,. "'-1 ere fell\f TM lelltwMJ ,.,_, trt Hillt Tiit lollowlftt pertaft 11 ftlnt HINllY IUHO PAl!ll, ltU ~-l ....... CMCWdse-1,C-. ...... CA.,_, OH ·Lllll "llllOlllllL Ml 11v11 ... n .. · Tllll ~It llNWlM 1111 all HltVICIU. , ... , ""'""·-· ~~";:.:'u w. 1•11 .... OIVOllC! CIHTllU 0, llllllvlfw! :.:: ,..o, .. -Twtlll, CelHtnlla •* '· .._, , ... w. .... .... ~:~=:::: :.: .:::· ~ _, ..... """ A"""4fl!,Ct.._. Jun Ort•n•otd. too Perk Tiit. .. ___. w• Hied •1111 lM Tllf JaMtt Oreup Inc., a hwtlYll 1..-Jlf.JW tallltll A•tft.,., ..._.,, .. t<ll, Calllttftlt C-ly Clefl t4 Ortfltt , ....... , "' Ce1H9rflll ~·'-e.!lioll ...._.,, AMllelll\ et. 9 ' ' • fKJI , .. J, ... -· •Ml, "-"· ta, Tlll41ft, Tllll M!Mtt II C-ltd 11• a PllMM ~-".-......... • '"'' ....... "C.olldll<ltel..,"' ,. .... 1-0r.,.c..t1o.llyr>llel, Tlllt MIMI• It <..-.Clef •Y ....... __ ..._ IMM-...... u.-.n.1• S1MI ,.._.-, ~P '--,,..,,G_ TMJ_O,_IM. Tiiie ~ -"'" •Hll 1111 Tllh ........... ••Hied wllll IM---------- 1.J, '*-· ,_, c-•v c""' ., Or•• c..iv .. '-'' c..,. e1 o.-c-y "' NU 1111( Tlllt .._..... -,.._.. wflll 1111 ,..,_,M,ltll. J_,-,21,14'1. ~:r ,.:, °'-c-otY ell ~ er.,. CMtl o.i~'= NllltNd °' ... CaHI o.i:::=. NOTIU:::. '.:..":::" SALi " ..... , .. IJ, •. t1.AMrcllt, lta UMt , ..... u.-.v. •• -.a NOTICE IS HlllHY OIYIH, -, IEGION tit -A 1roup of Division II boys (ages 15-16) trom thil Costa Yest reclon will F p 8 travel to York, England for two weeks, beelnning rom age 1 ,,,.. ...... Or ..... C ... OallY~lel. -----------4• Fri.er. Merell tt, 1•. alt:• Aug. 11. Before retumifli on Aq. )&, the boys will also travel to Glucow, Scotland for more ioccer:--EDJSO N UPS ET IEGION S -This Fountain Valley·bued A YSO Region will send a boys team, comprised of Division II and Ill players and a girls tum in lbe same a1e group to Wales and Entland with a possible stop in Scotland along the way. • • • I'• 11, 11,Mlrdl•, 11, lta l1'C ------.-_____ _, flll -9'<140 •~ el .... -.,, In ""' •-,.._ .. IM ______ .. _, .. ___ -1 .. 1 HI• let <MMll119 TtvllM't ---------~ Stitt, wlllllft '"' eltlett ti ltlAL ,ICTITIOUSIUMNHt PICTITIOUSMlllllllS UTATI SECUlllTIES SlllVICI, The Region 5 youncsters leave for Nelb, w-.s on June 24. Before returning July 15, lhey'lt trhel to Anglesey Island, also part of Wales, and fin ish up their cultural exchange trip in Redhill, England. ~ REGION 85 -Plymouth, Englau.d_ will host this group of Saddfebac\'"ValJey boys ftom July 24 to Aug. 7. The Region 8S team is comprised of Division Ill players, ages 14-15. REGION 17 -This San Juan Capistrano A YSO reejon ventures to Cuxhaven. WesJ the first half, but despite all of lbat, the Ft4ara were still within easy ranae. cot lbe lead and then did what they had to do. The Chargers, who entered wilb a 24-2 reconi, were guilty of 21 turnovers <Servile had 17), the most crucial coming durinc that span when Servile snapped the 49-49 game wllb three buckets. Those three buckets came after Edison bad the ball, but Lelgb elected not to bold it during the final two minutes, instead attacking, but missed shots and turnovers crippled the decision. "Hey, we were geUlna great shots," said Leigh. Edison's game was stricUy a two·man affair <DIBemardo and Chang), while lbe winners went for balance (Beuerheim for 17. Osgood for 15 and Maruskh and Krallman wilb 10 each). NAMISTATIMINT U.STATIMINT llCMef.C-*'tll.,_y,Wle , .... ITIOllSIUtlNUt fllf lallt wln9 INtHll It dtlnt Th lollowlftf 1Nrton 11 doing 20t,lllh0tyt45-l.tAM,c-.tytl ~· ............... "°""'"' 11• Ora11tt. 5Aale el Callfttftll, lllAL ..... SYATIMlllT "00L HllV ICH, "" $tutll HVDllO ENGINEEIUNG, M60 HTATE SECUlllTIH SEllYICI, f Ot ltllewlllt INfMft " ci.lftt Cult Hltll••y, L•1wna ,lftcll, Ntl!Oftal Aveftwe, Cotl• Mtu. Celllornle u r,.ralltft. o filly ...,, ........ , Ctlltorlllt_,1 CallW"9aftW _._Tr------· l(llllll SOl"tWAlll , llU Jt<k HlllW'11, .. t "-Sir"'· Ctlvffl E. ••o. JOIO Nttl .... I, .. , .. _ ...... ,.,...,,., lft ,._.. Wttl<Hlf Ort .. , Slitte •1•· ..._...,, Cotll Mtw, Ctlllomlt t2U7 COiia MHA. Calltonlla tM11 <t'1eln 0... 14 frvJI .. ectllad .,, IH<:·,c;:'~~t lltr , ttU Thlt Ml-11 <-<lff tly a Tlllt MIMu It <-lad tw lft MICHAEL J. WAGNEll, rt<O<-.... ,.,~ lllCll•l4wl: N°'tfl'lllW '· 1•. In llofll IJGO Of $Jlftlft ... f'l.C• ..... ,." •••0. J•O HllMIH!t Ctl•lll E. Itek Otflctal ...... el Wlcl CeuntY. ,, ~~....:It ctftdll<ltel.,, tll llllt ..,._. wH llltd wlfl IN Tlllt --WH lllad wllll 111t "9t IS.JD, llteor•r t IMI,_ NO llldl•klwtl: c-ty c1erti of °''"" c-1y .,. cew"'' c1er• of °''"" c-ty M '*· "' ,_ t11 • .,_., or *I .. " Klm ll.Ktller ~IO,lta. ftllfwa<y>,1'G. lft P•Y-or Pfff0t1•111•(t of 1111 Tllk tlattfNftl 11111 lllM •1111 ..,. ,. .. I ,._ ol>l ... t._ _..,.tel """•!If. lncfWdMt 'Couftty Clerti el Or .. '°""'' ... """''"*' °''"" (11611 Diiiy Pllo4 Pwbll"*I °'-c .... , Dally Piiot ""'' "'e.cl\ ... ·-· NoCk• of wlllcll ,...,...,.,. l. t•. FtO ll, 10, 11, Marcil•. 1"1 Ut~'. ''°· •. U, 20, 17, ,., Jl«J ::.. I=~:: .. •:·~~ ,,.,,., ----------1----------Cownlp, fl P•tt OJ, lltco•dtr't P1tllll-°'""" C•M D.ily Pli.t, -lfl .ftllf -lfl llll( IM!r........C Ho :liUtl, WILL SELL AT l'tll.t,IU0,17,lta tlNZ. ~ IM ~ PU8LIC AUCTION TO fHE •ICTITIOUSIUMNIU PICTITIOUSIUMNIU :!!.,~;En ·~c:~ . .=.0;.,cASH, NAMUTATIMUIT llAMUTAftMINT tallllt~c1.:o .,...,, ....• i.A:.: Tll• ltllowlnt Ptrttft It dolftl Tht lollowlnt Pt•Mn It dolnt "'4klolti -,1 ._., •-•lcrtlllt ....... ......_.. _,_ .. , ""'°"· .................. yj .... .... Pl(Tt,._.IUllNltl S"OY TYPESETTING & JOHN 80HAOEO TILE ANO fOtft H-leUaft ..... l<llM lft lllh T ... .:=!':!=".',. ff! GllAl'HICS, 1111 H..-11..-.. Ullll ll EMOOlLING CO./THE LAV ANO lltt., tll pey-.i llW 11-el Yle, ---· C4,C..MeY.C. tt.at SCULLlllY, Jtt1 Grau Lane, C_.. tll rltfll, 1a1e -·111-1 lltlO tw H, HILLGlllH LIGUO• Ht I I Gwr ............. ft.>11HA~-. MHt, CtlitonolafK» ., Tr1tt1"· In !Mt ••a• ,.._.,,. • Calla......_Ce.ti.» Jollft Nltllol• llo•t dfO, ,., tlluttt lft tald County fftCI Sltlo, Sl.,c--...ca.tMJJ Tllk .....,,..." ~...,...,.., Green-,.,. 1.a P\Mftto, C•lll0<nl• ·•-·-· W"" "-& Y"" S ,.....,., .. "'-'•""* 9176'. Lal J.I, Traci 6Ja. ...., 171 . ..._ ,. ....... ,. ... ,C--.0 n.t1 ~L.'--11 Tlllt .....,,,... I> c.-..tad llY.., U.U,l11tkotMtllMiKei'-...,._, Pirate runners win CdM wins TNt .....,_ It <-ltll Illy "' Tlllt -w• lllfd wltll 1M iftCll•I0\114 In IN ofllc.e o4 Wie C-y el Or-18111v~ I(....._ c-tr Citn. el Or ..... CMll!ty "' JGIWI..,._ 541-,.. .. ,. *1-"_.,.,.. · ....._ ,..._.,It H'2 Tiiis -•• ftled wllll ._ 0r1 ... Colla Mft4 """°""• Tlllt ..__ -"IM -lllt • Pta9l CouftlY Cltrtt el Or-C_., *' Tiit -"""" "'~ •l1<ltlm1 C-ty Cltf'll el Or ..... C_.. M ,......_ Or-CMlll Delly Plloe f-..aty l. lta. Ill llt04Nty I• MY lllCtrrKIMU In nd · h CIF match seco stmig t meet in eighth OT Orange Coast College followed the 11().met.er high hurdles and up its first victory over tooltserondinthelOO. Fullerton in track in 20 ye~ Steve Odgers posted a double with a convincing 108·36 win in the javelin (184-8) and the over Santa Ana College Friday long jump C21·6> while Crai1 afternoon in community college Glicken woo lbe shot put with a action. heave of 49-8¥.i and placed third In another nteet, Palomar in the discus. edged Saddleback, 77-68, by David Ashford had a big day winning the final even • the mile for the Gauchos, winning the relay. The Orange Coast women topped Santa Ana , 91·30 and Saddl eback romped over 'f'R4CK Palomar, 82·20. On the high school scene, m· f.--V M. It ,._, , .. ti,•. ?J, ~II•. lta Ul.C Pvbll.-Or-Cotti Otlt:1Pliot, =~.::..':. -... °' -<- ,_...,. 0..-. C... Deity PllOI FM t , 11. 20, 17. 1• SU.C Sol• Mle wlll bf ,.._ wit-I Vince McGuiness scored a , ... '1·,.·11·-·•· '"' ., .. , NU Illa .,,,uh. upreu ., 1mpll ed, 0 oal with one minute remainino ----------t----------------.-------....... ,n. llll t, poueulu, or a 6 --. -SUP I• 1011 C 0 U a T 0, r--. .. IM _w....,._01,loW1ltfy ... llflntl1NI in the eighth overtime period r--. ...... CALIPOllNIA, COUNTY D• -·-•OlllW ..... .,_, ..... .... Friday to give Corona det Mar·s ouN01 •1CTrr10US 1u11•1u >e<w•t0 .., ..., a.. oi ''"''· .. 1111 ITATIMeWTCM'AaAllOOlllMINY 7'0Cl•k ~ on .. WKt NAMISTATl-HT lnletKI -....., ""'" H .., ....... Sea Kings a 2·1 first round ClF Of'UllO,. P.o ...... Tllo '°'-"" __ , ••• 11o1,,. "'"· """ --11 .,..,, -· 2. A p I a yo ff v i c tor y over PICTtTIOUS IUllMll •AMI s.n1a AM. CA mm ...,,,,..., "' "" ,.,,.,. ...,.... -1111.,.,, .,. """ in ' T ... ......,.....,__ __ MAa•IMIOPYAZOUll CAI PRECISION AOHESIVI -•11tn,-f111t lett,<llW9"-8rea·Olinda soccer action. ...._ .... ,1c1111eus--.-: PETITIOHU: JISUS VAZOOEZ PACKAGING co. 181 P.A,P co .. S4t ...... .., ,,, 1111 ''""" -OI '"' The two teams battled throu .. " MIDWAY INOUSTlllH, !Slit llESPCHIOENT: KATHLEIN SJONE Pl"'°"' Orin , Cotl• Mot.'"'''' VNlfd br '*°""of Tr1111 .. , _, Mfwl. Wdwef ClrJ. Catl..,.,,la VAZOUU Calllotnlenu.. T,_ lotat -ol tfld oelltiottklol, seven fi ve·minute periods tMU. suMMOMSCPAMILYLA•> 1., ... L-,-0omu. eos L...-1nc1ue11,. ,_111, o.i1ma1.., ..... WilhOUt SCOring a goal before Tllo fltllllOUl llll\IOeU name CAM llUMlllll ~ DrlYo, C..-,Calllornltttnt. <""•Oft -,._of .. TMltt, MCGwnes. S gave lbe Sea JCinao rtltrrecl town llltcl In Ot-Co..My llOTICll MaryOO ~. ,,_ llt<k"1, fl tfte tl-Of 111111411 "'*klllon of !Pih -J11t1 U,tm, ., ..... .._..._, .. ,..,...., "'"'"""'Oekl.Catlfwftla Nolk•.••11'•"· the victory with hia goal. MlcNfl n.-Hrtt. 11:a l!atl ............ -.... -.... Tiii\ MIMH I• <OMllClff Oy • D•ttO: ,....,_, u. ltll CdM scored ita first goal when 1111•-.0r ... c .. .._,,.,.., ...,. .... rw ....-..... • -··•~: 11.._.._.... Andrew Hall '"t'c'-ed the ball to TMt ....,.._<_1tc111y .. ...., ... _ .. ....,, .......... TL.Gonwz s.n1e ••• ~ & & illdlY...... If,_ ................... el M Tlllt -w• llltcl wllll IN .. • T ....... , Andrew Hallworth to tie the '*-1-""' ....,..., .. ,.._,,.......,,. ""'"'" Cle•k of°''""'"""''• o.J . ...,._,,,..._ Huntington Beach posted a 91-39 decision over Pacifica while the Oiler women won, 78·38 and Irvine topped Mission Viejo, 59·57. Tlllt ..,_ -llled wltll llt ............. -,_ ....... w F-.i.,.,1, 1"2 -N . .,_, •• 100. 200 and 110 high hurdles, game at 1-1. c...-, o..-.. 0r-. c-tt ......... .,..,,_.............. ,,_ ...,,.,..,ee..,,. ;,..,, on the --'--•-a MW\ relay Dave Martin "'-d an .... : .. on '*-" "· i-. AYtto1 P1AM1.-°'-coas1 0611y Pliot, 111•1 tSW11e runn-.. . WWUIU. 'l'IN IUI ---,...,,. Ulltf M , ... ••••Hall•. I I , .... '"JO. 17, ,. UMI ......_Or-C..M .,., ..... team and placing second in the the winning goal by McGuiness ,_0r .. c-.1>t11v"'•· .,....._..*d*-•u..• 1<•v.i.woe.1i.--.. long jump. in the 39th minute or overtime. , ... 11.• 21• awcu. 1• me. ..._. • --u.. ,__ . PIU llTa freshman David Howani won CdM eoaJ.ie Jeff Jacobs bad an --------~ ::"...: • ...._ ..... 1a ....._.•~==~=,,.,..~---- the 5,000, Brett Jeisy the discus outstanding day in lbe net for NU Illa 11u ................. .....,. .. su•nt0acou1tToPCAL.1P0•••11 ----N-,.-91-S7-1--- NU Illa for Coach Gordon Fitzel's OCC Pirates, freshman Steve Southward posted a good early season time of 15.3 in wiMing tb and D O'Do U the the Sea J(in11. He bad nine _________ .,.. • .....,. • .. _.., -cou11TYo•o1tA.NOi J>" row an nne nAna..TOUloAJIOCMtMe•T ...... ._..ta............. Ollo:~~':'...ow NOTICE OF DEATH OF j avelin throw. saves including a penalty tick OPUllOP -•• ._................ CAUSIPOll DOROTHY CLAYTON At Huntington Beach, Richard save in the ftllh overtime period PlrnTIOUSIUtffelt1•AM1 :::.,.. ...... -" -,...__' cMA11G10P•AM1 c o Lay A N D o F Vanguards await Fresno Pacific WHITTIER -Southern California College, coming off its biggest win of the season, ventures into round two of the NAIA District Ill basketball playoffs tonight against Fresno Pacific al Whittier College (6). Coac h Bill Reynolds' Vangua rds improved their overall record to 20·9 Thursday night with a determined 88-83 ve rdict over Azusa Pacific In first·round playoff action. The Vanguards had dropped two previous tussles with Azusa. Tonight. guard Chris Rankin, who leads hls team ln po.inta tu .01 and assists C4.0l, leads Fresno Pacific C18·13) a1a1nst Southern California Collece. The Vikings topped Redlanda, 88-52 in nrst·round actJon. . - Brimwasatriplewinnerinlhe that kept the CdM team in '11•1•11•"1"•11•"0"111 .. tTOTHEllDPOHOENT "'""~"""._le•tioMl4 pET1 TI o N To loo 220and 1 gl·ump bile Gus t t ' d t ti ::i:::-i_,:-e1 ""•kut TM_.._.""'"'"'• ""1tloft J.t.ctC &S•MASTASZEWStC•. ...DMINISTER EST ... TE . on w con en ton an even ua y <_..,,.,. _. "*"-" 11 _1111 w11""'· '"" ,...1111 .... , J10 .. .. Quinones dominated both aJlowed them to post the victory. Gllo~~~ .:.,~",.'=~~~~~~ '°"" • ._w11111o1•0evse1"" si.s-1 -Sima su--.1""' NO. A·112171. distance races for the Oilers and cum" -,.,.. "'" -. 11 -.,. -,..., -"" ••n e1 t1o1t '""" T o a 1 1 h e i r s . Tiie l'lcllll°"t lwtlfttU Hem .,...,.,_....__,, .. _,.......,.fer an_, <"-lflt ·-from benefic 'arleS dltO Randy Kendrick got oft a good G Id W . .....,,.. .. __ ,1...,..,0r 111• co11" IMY •nt••, 1,..."'."' JAC1C STASZEWSK11o JAC1CSTMY 1 . , e re rs throw Of 14$-4 in the diSCUS. 0 en est W1lt8 C.UlllJOft,....11, ,., <"'41 ....... lftlyl!cti .. °' _, "*" -lrom SIMASTASZEWSIClloSI~ dnd ContinQent creditors Of C • • M • o"' <Oftttrftl~ ~,,,,,.,. ol ·•-rt•, ITMY, -""'tly D 0 R 0 TH Y CLAY T 0 N Pally Navarro bad a 124-4 ~.. ~ "'v EL 0 p Ell ~1 .:.::...::.. cllllO c··t:..., (~:. IT IS HUEIY OllOEllEO 11\al •II COLBY nd h Full rton toume ICALll'OllNIAI, INC .• Catllornl ---· -·-· .. N a persons w 0 mark in Winning the diSCUS e y COfporotlOft, ftS -•ot Strwt, '-I,-,.. fttt, <OJU, •M-ll ~ftlOftt lntftHltO lft .. Id Mtlttr ''""'"•·CA •oOJ '"""..i1e1 .. ,...., 11e .,_..,.,,. ,,...., -.. tti1• covn •t 10,>0. m a y be o t h e r w i s e throw for the Orange Coast Tiiis --.. WM <-.CIH by (0..1'1 TN ttrnl•ll-ftl or w-·· Marc.II ll, lta, In"" to..1'1r .... el interes ted in the Will College women. She also placed Racing to a 41 -29 halftime '°'-"'°" 1a111ne of ,,_y., -··.,..,., Dept. 1 10 "'•• '""'" ""Y 1111, and/or estate: th. d · th hot t bulge, the Golden West College C••m• Do•elo por <ovr1eu1Nr•1tc1--"""m...,a11G '""k-IOl'c...,..of--lr m es PU · k b II 1Calllot111•> inc. """"· ,...._.,....._ A petition has been filed Peggy Kruicksbank captured women's bas et a team held 0t1eH _ 011TtOJ-..,.,11,1t11 1T1SFu11THe11011oe11eo1""t• by JOH N BAN CROFT th 200 nd 400 t es (o off Fullerton, 84·72 Friday night v1ce~:1• LUA 111ANCH. <OPY e1 "'" -· 1o "-.,_ 11e COLBY JANET ELAINE e a me er rac r . th fi al f th H 6e' Tiiis ._...., .. ., llllCI With "" Cltrll publhh•d once • WtO for fo1tr c 0 L B'v d the Saddleback women while in e in s o e ome..., own cewntr c1en o1 °''"" c .... n1y.,. &yJENNYV.MOllEHO, t11tttu1 .. --. IH'IO< to"'* doy et , an JANE Janine Tribolet had a toss of tournament. Foti.J, 1ta. ~Y Id ""'""in t,. 0.11, Pllof, • C A M E R 0 N i n the Krl's Kroyer scored 16 and ~ .... c.,.,.,........._,._...., n•••P•"' of ,..,.,.1 '1""1'110" Superior Court of Or .. nne 122·2 in the discus for second ......._KMMll•H--.... .. , . .,,.........._. ,..,,,.....,tfttt-.oi0t.,. u " place. Colleen Barry 14 to lead Orange -~IM.se* AMlltllll.CAt-. 011e.t·'-Y11,1ta. County requesting that Coast to third place lo the ~._..,CA_ ITMtm.r Mtru.s..n J 0 H N BAN C R 0 FT Liz Mueller won the three " ............ .,,,. JUClttOIU. COLBY, JANET ELAINE · ht t f p t ar Fullerton tournament with a """41,,.0r-c...c"·'•PlG1fa•"'-l'Wli-0r.,..c .. t10e11 Piiot. ~c-i we1g evens or a om Lo Be h " ---.,.. ·~. , .... u.•.11.1ta '...., ,..,.,u_0r_con11>a11yP1iot. COLBY, and JANE including a near.national reconi 63·57 victory over ng ac .. •.1>.10·"·1• ~ _________ .... 1, ... 1u1.Mer.•.1i.1• m.a. CAMERON be appointed performance of 151·10 in tbe City College. 11------------1 NU 1111( as personal representative javelin. She won the shot put at UC Irvine's women's team, Pll.IC Illa NU 1111( to administer the estate of 38·3o/.e and the discus at 133-6. behlnd 19 point performances by 110T1C11•vm11011os DOROTHY CLAY To N Lill Bess woo four events for Ka tberine Ha mil too and 1tOTtea1wv1T1tt011os .. c"" °' "llOPOIAU: *'" NOTICl•IMTtfMlatos COLBY, Newport Beach, D lh , _ l l ed uct1PT"" ""°'°5.\U: S..IM ,.,...... ..... , Wiit .. _.,_ .., 111ca1" OP ~u: SM1t:1 c A ( u n d e r t h e Huntington Beacb, posthaa oro Y ,_w s, cap ur an ..,........ llWll w111 .. ,..,. ... .., a.c11y.,,,..,.,~ • .....,,., """9MIUfl 1*'1 w111 .. ._._.., · · · · lbe I d .... t easy decision over host UC ww ettv••,.,.,,.,ect.,. .. ......,,., ,,. c11.,,,, ,,..._...,..1e FacN1t1t1 ""c",,,,,,...,.,act,,. .. _...,,. I n d e p e n d e n t v1ctones m one an .. •Pe '"' cur .............. le Pa<ll""' c ...... --. 0-.. .. IN .-t, "' .... ,,. City .. INIM-l'lltllk f'a<llltltt Administration of Estates jump and botb_b,....urdle __ r_a_c_es_. ___ s_a_n_t_a_e_a_r_b_a_ra_._7_1·_4_8_· __ ~~?.':~~~ .. ~.":'-:": fr'~~ ~a':'i.~~:. c:;!,,~n: ~:'-i..~~.:!.'"::;.!,": Act). The petition is set for AT LAST! .. : . . ·. 111H Jtmbtru lloed, lnlftt , Calllot'lll.t "'"· -· l'IO ......... 11100 Jambttu llotd, lnlne hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 1 .. --------------------cao1o""' mi.. 11111111·• 11.m . .,. ~11J.1e. cai11on11e ,,,,._ w11111 1·• '·"'".,; 700 Civic Center Drive MH0 • '°· tt :•:~';':::': :0:,."~;:: ="•~":.OP W0111t: n.. _ West, Santa Ana, CA 92701 ..!:~~'::!.T~Mo~~~ ... :.:: ~ l'alllty IKMtcl .. ""' ~ ,, '"'',,, ,.._,,,,.., ""',...' (;; on March 10, 198'2 at 9:30 Facmiy """" e1 1-. SMd C...\'Oft C·llllY• ,._ 111._Citye11,,,..,., Getter IO<atfct et mtt ~ c...\'Oft a.m . • !!I!!!!!. e ....,. .... ....... ---· ......... ,.,_..._ ·---.......... c.. .......... ,,.Ill!!!!.: ~ fll ',. ·• "fWUC 1111.a*l. • ... .... ·• -...... .. .... ·• ............... ~ Tropial Fish• fresh• M.ine A~u.ium Supplies • I .... Speclll Feb. 27. 1112. Merch 5, 1il2 Oymnocorymbu9 •Miii: ... It Is reputed that 1,, 1930 When I first came to. this country from P•r~y. I sotd for as much as S10.00 I pelr, but I am IO hardy that anyone Clf'I afford me mw. Enchantl"O tPtlY descrlbeS mt with my "Black shirt" end llf9t t>t«k anal fin. Set mt It Aqultlc Tropkels wMtt I em on salt under the name "Bleck Skirt'' for only .8'. . , -fl1l-W • ....,. ca.ea.... • ., ... ,aft •CorMr ............. •• FHRUARY SKI Plus Selected Clothing SALE 30%0FF SAVE50% Cron-country Ski Gear Dlecontlnutd North Fece Sid...- NOl'th Fact Mlttrel Ski Jec11et ~143.75, REG.UT.SO Plus Much Morel FllDAY, FlllUARY 26- SUNDAY, F.BIUAIY 21 ~ .......... .. ,..... ............. . ., ..... .,_.,. "' ... . = ............ . ·----,. ..... --........ --........ - IMfAAllA ,. .. nue '" Ill• City of lr¥1fte , Callftrftlt, Tiit _, <onthll 01 ..... ""' '" lllt Cllr of •••Int IF YOU OBJECT to the Collfornlt, Tiit -~ con1hh of <-l•lldl,. Wlldlllt&. •-ltlt • C..llforftl•. Tllo _, <Ofttlth tt ti f ... Iii ............... _COM .... _lflf. ••llt, .... lfll, YllllllH, "Wlllf, C-trlKti,. 11\1~, ff!ICl"t -gran no 0 t,.., pet on, Pllll"•· ttr•l<t ltltnd, '"'""• "'*'..._ ..-, .....,..k .,,....,, we11t, t•a4111t, 111111110 , po•"•· you Should either appear ~=::.:..•:11~.:_:-;::1~,:; =z:=.r.:~,::"'· =-::~~=:at the ~1 ar~7g and s~~:~ '''"· -'"'" ,,,., ll•mt "•' 011111111• o• '"Ol'OIAU: Tiit ,,,.,....,..,E•"""'-•umm1e11. your o . ~c ons o.r 1 e _, ....... ""' .,. ,_.,.... .,, 1111 ,,....... will• pY11t1c1,'""" w ,,,.••••o o, ""°l'OIAU: TIM written ob1ectlons with the Co11tr•ct Doc-••••· lft11.,..,·, ,.., "t:top.M .. °" 1Nrc11J,1-.1n ~will 11t P\llllkl' _... -court before the hearing. E111111 ... : Pf.-. ""City ., ,,,,.,. eounc11 a.'""-". rtad '' t:IOp,m.,.,, MM<11 to, tm, 1r Your '"""&ranee may be O,.•u1"" ...... ,...,.. ...... ,, Tiit nteo JamHro lload, ''"'"'· h c"'., '"'!flt c:-11 Oii"*" ,..... ,..,.;;.-;,.';,..;'k";;;.:._ CM......_ 11100 Jami.., .. lloed, "•lft•'. In person or by your ...... 1:•~.-Mwdl 10.1•.111 0 I' A'., •• COii T II Ac' Callfornle. attorney. "" City .. '"'"" C-11 a.~ DOCUMaNTS: "-· S4ie<lfk.at .... , 0 • T A ' .. I • G c 0 II T • A c T I F y 0 u A R E A l71tO J•m•ortt lload, 1,.1"'· en.i all Ct11tre<1 Oe<wMtnlt for DOCUMl1tn: "°"'· ~Hketlon1 C R E D I T O R Cetlfttllle. <eMtr""'91 fl llll °'9nll .... ~ alld ell Conlrect Oocvmefttt ror 0 r a o • '1.1N 1 HG co 11,,.,. c T 'acllltr, Cir> ... 111eo1 •....,. t...UrvdtGn., , .. ,,,,..,. ,.,,,,,... can contingent creditor of the OOCUMIENT1: "-· 541e<Hl<ali... ,,_ ... City .......... Plllllk ...-. C•I•, CIP .... -· .. oettl-deceased you must file '"d all Cont••<! Oo<wmo11h '" Ootartlftlftl, 1111 McGaw •-. ,,.,., ""City tll '"'"' l'lletk Wot'• I 1' Ith t"-rt c-ttvetlt:I., .. ,....,..., ,.,...,. lnlflt,t11HlnM.A1-ata .. _.,._ Oo11ar1-. 1111 McG•• ,. .. ""'· your Cam W '"" ~ 1<ac11"'·"",...,_., .. ..,_ .. .,. .• ,.., .. dW'lld,.Mdlwtlf ,,..,,..,~,. ...... .._ ... ,._or present It to the 1,_ ._°" .. ,,,,..,."*I< w.n.1 .......... ~ ... , .. NI.., t4UO.•w11111t c,..,_1.,M<11tet .. personal representative Detanllllllt. _, McGaw •-._ ... ...._.<-.rt.,ttt.• *<--.i.-,w111 .. ,,....., I t d b th t 1m:..~A•-if• '"' ...; , •• .,...._ eUHAH111 1ac11 .., • ...._..,...,,..,,,.... appo n e y e cour .. su.a .. , .. ~._e.c11 .. ., ~.,... w ._,_.."" • ,.Hll'OSAL •u•1t&1tTll: lee~ within four months from ,.._., o.c-.:e, w111 .,. _..., ,.,..,... • ~· "*' • • • ,,_, 11a11 .. ac_,,...... " • the date of first issuance ._.,.......,dartt•ts.a ..... 111 ... .._. .. "" "" ,_..,. <"'11'" • Uillller'• <Mn er •.., of lettM1 as prOYlded In "llOll"OIM. CM'AltANTll · ledl tf tllO ............... lll9'l'Mlt le lllf ..... Ill lllf .._,. ..... 1191 IDrt"'4 ,,....... ..... eu......, ., • en, •• '"'"·"11tt1c 1<ec11111 ...... .., .., f(Q ..,..... 1o 1111 Section 700 of tt'f Probate <er'lfltf., Ulllllr• clllt'., •""' cer.w ..... • • .., ..... ""' "" cuy •' ,,., .... ,.,..uc •ac11111t1 Code of California. The ..,111 .. -•...,011 ~ ......,,.,...,,.... ... ~#Ill c..,.,111o11 • ,..,._"""'"'time for fifing clalms wltt .. ... -...,nc..,.... .... __,,_,~...., ... o.Nt .._,, .. ...,,,........,.~""· t I I t f cu, ,, ,,.1 .... 1111'91c '""'" .. .., tMet111ct1e11 .. , ... °"'"'-Mt:lf ..., • C11111J«1 Wltll .. ~ no exp re pr or o our '*""'...., • • ..,..., .... • ....., ,_.ttv 111 ec~, """ .., ~ ., "" ""'-Ctl' months from the dlte of :'i!."':=:: :=:-O.:: ==::,.:;.._<~ ~ -~ Wllll CeM•-1 th~ heouarlMngAnotY kEedXAaMbolvNeE. •<"""'°""., .. "*""',._ •f otlef..._ ~ fec1111, -llDIT .. :a.wtwc---.i. T '•""' 111 a~.-Cllltf9lt ,.... 1 • o..n1w ....... " ., MllMI C..Ci1M9Y-,...1,.. the flit keot by the cour1. 0.CIOll!e!lb. cc ... ,.. ....... lttlldl~I ''"' 0.-ll(tl .. AltWllM• •• IAllllMI If you ere lnttrnted In the ero ITEMS: ''" "' '" ••the""'""'° ., (•.....,.. "'°"" Cllltk ._..._, •.....,.. estate you mey file a ~==-"""' ...,,"' ,_... ::.."':'l?i.....,. .... ., .. ,,,. =-:,•.:=.=c'::i'9:"" request wtth tht court to OWNll'S llC>"T •HHVIO: °"""' -.. """ .. rtll<'l lllY o..er _... .. """ ...... "" rtctlvt "'9Cl•I notice of !:,~~':':.',~.":: :':'.~· .. -:;:..~ ::~· .. -=.~ t1t11!,.tl•n~loofrty o.!..t'lts1tat1 '"'-"'""" 111 • w • " "'* ....,..""'°"""· ....,... .... ~. . -., -lht,.... ons, lllftrtlllltllt ....... " .. °"""· "°'"' M1Mt•n••T'°"1 ,,. NCMICT ADMIMtTUT•: ,,. accounts end reports "'°''CT AOM11MTUTt0et: '-tMhet 11" • .. 1,..•1•"" .. "*•' 11 • .. ..,... ....... •""' 'described In Section 1200 s te11trec1 II tt • ••-••• .. .. CllY tf IMM,•..-."' llt CllY ti Cltf fl lrWe, • ..-i. •Ct"" of t ... • "•ti...._' .......... t· City ................ "" .. ,,.,...,.... , ...... c:.. ..... ,,.. ........ '-""'" eer.--....· '"" '""' ""'"'' ....,_. t!Wlt ·~ ,_.,.. c.,.,..., ""--. .......-. "1111s ..-. All......_ rN11w tt w. ~ Codt. All...._,..... t1 -.:r:.: '1'tw ti.,._.." ... ..," ,,_ te ...... ., 11111 Nt • Witter Htl Her•ele, .,.., ti:.:=: =....:c: :rr:=.~ =--..,,(tty :=:.~,:= ....... City Att•r•,J• It Ltw, ,, .,.,..,CNI,...._ ,.,._-..,, ,.,,___.,, MyNll •· Ml'"9t, ttt . -~..... °"""°"°" °""'°"°"' Mt"""' (Hfft DrlH, =----= . °""':-. °""':"' l•Ut UH, Mew,ert ...... .._ 0.,tllMlt °"".... • .. ~& ..... : .... •u -.._..._Cll,._ ~ .... Cll .. -11Mt ... ..., ..... ~~~.. :::t:-~ .... ~ .:::-.~c..-,.., ,:n-.~c..--:...: \ f •• I -·-.. ~·---- I NIA WHTlltl* CONl'l••Hc• Lall«• Seettl• P-1· 0o ... ,.su .. Portt•nd S.110~ l'a<fflc Ol•ltlM W L 40 11 17 .. 30 2A 30 u H M IS 41 ~OIYllllM Itel. 01 .102 - .. 1 21'\ S1' IV. so • !21 10 ,.. 2AYt S.n AMonlo :16 1t HS - HOulton " 14 S11 4\'t Oenv.r 21 ti SOO IYi Ute" 1t JI .m 11V. 0.llat 11 JI n1 11 Kenw1 City 11 ,. >1• 1t l.UTIAH CC>ffl'l•INCI A._lcOM11M P"lleOtlOl>l.t 40 IS ~Ion >t IS NewJtrMY ,. 1' wu,.11191on 1' 11 NewYorll JS n C..,trel Dt•bl• ,.,, - n2 Yi 491 13 ... 1 IJY, .,. 11 Mllwauk• lndlene Atle11te Detroit 40 IS ,, 31 1• 1' ,. 31 21 M 11 ., 111 - 416 15 .•53 IS '"'<eoo Clevel1nO . .u. 11 311 19 ,.,....y•asc ..... t..aken t 1', F'tlll-111111• 1 u 12 oU Bollon 122, San Oleoo 110 New JerMy 110. Por11elld tel• Chlugo 11', Allanle 110. OT lndlane 108, Sen Antonio 100 WHl\lf19lon 100. K .... w. City.,. Eomllon 11 t, Gol0.11 State ts S.1ttle '9, Ute" '1 "-""' t3t, 09'1ve~ 111 T ........ •1oem .. Kansas City at O.troll Por11-at New York Houston et o.lla1 P"ll-lllN• ., Otnwr ukera 116, 76era 114 m ""'" l'HIUU>ILPHIA E~lft9 U, B J..,..1 11. c JonH 11, ,_, 10, Holll111 •. BM1om It, C"'reton 1. T-y 11. Ml• O. Rlc: ... rd-. 2 Tote ls 50 tJ.U 114 LOS AHOI LIS R.,,,bts 10. Wilkn 14, AbdUl·J•bNr " Jo"""'" 11. NhOll 13. C-r 1. Br-4, .Jor-4. Totats .. 14·ll "' Sc-lly~riMs PlllledtlpNe )) ti 11 31 I t -114 Los At199~ )() 31 17 11 • 11 -11• Tllr--n• ~·· -T-• Fovl't4 OVI -C JOMS. B JonH. C-r, Nl11.on Tot .. 10 ... 1s -Pllll-pNa 31, LOS Anoele• JI Technlcall Loo At1991e1 11._1 Otfeftte A -11.50S COLLEGE life Bible 78, Christ Col. 57 CHltlST COLLIOI T He11u11 I , o ... eker •. H1rtman I. M. Henson ti, Elcllelbef'99r•. Pul1t , Burln9rld 1. ScMOler 1, Huacller t. Totell: 25 1·11 SI Lll'I lllLIE COl.LIOI Irvin 10, An<lerton II, Nkllel ?1, Pero 16. Morre! 2, M•c"-·· Wllltutt 2. Tot•ll 36 .. 10 7t Helltlme: Life Bib ... 36-11. Total fouls. L.111 Blble Coll-11, Cllrl• Chrlll Coll-1S HIGH SCHOOL S.rvlte 58, Edison S4 t:OllOH StaPllellS 4. Goucl9e 4, Bl-I 2. CM"9 22, DIBernarOo lO, Moore O. Smltll 1 Tote ts: to ••24 54 S•ltVITt: -C'-"911 S, 8-"'91"' 17. 019ood u . Maru•lcn 10 ltrellm•" 10. O..C,,.rme 0 Jo&llri 0 Event 1 Tot•ll 11 , .. ,.!It Sc _ _.,o..nen Edlaon 11 12 1 14-54 S.rvlte 1' 15 11 ,._st Total '°""' Edi_, ••. Servile 11 Foulecl ovt: GOUOgt IEdhoft) ltrellm•" 1Serv11•1 Corona del Mar 45, Pomona 42 f'OMONA Hell 11, I" 10, S-ard o. I Tvcller •• Wlllof\ o. Torr, 4. T •ylOr 11 Tota•s· ,. .. 100 cO•ONA Dt:L MAit l vnc" 6, Hn• 11. Ollon 4, Goebel I , VanStunllu"' 7. Peter,.n u Totew 1t 7.14 o Sc-lly °""11en Pomon• 14 11 11 1 c-n• dtl Mer 17 17 10 ll~S Totel touts ~a 11. Corona Oel Mer 10, Fouled out M (Pomot1U. Hell I Pomona> Hoover &2, E1t1ncla 55 ESTANCIA Gerdner t, Kr•ln 14, Ttt1 10. Mldllnd 14 MeyclOlt I. McCa,,111 0, Jot1t1•lon 0 Tot•ll 2l • II H HOOVE• Hiiiman 16. VOVt>q •. ,.,., o. Brown l4,Carrl04!r 1J Tol•I• U 1.-1tu Sc ... lly °"" ...... EJtancle 11 14 11 17-U Hoover 71 16 I 11--47 Tolel louh .E•tencle 11 Hoover 10 Fouled Oii\ Gardner I Ellat>ci.1 COUIO. WOMEN UC lrvlne 71, UCll ... UC lltVIHI -H""'llttft It, ....... 4, L-1• ''· lllCMn.tn t, l et.er 7, Sim,... t, Penflll 1, Come• 4, Orem1 o, Roy O Totell· '1'14' . UC UHTA IAAIAltA -O.Arehal 4, Lech 0, a-. •. f're11111111 '· LAClvtmNI 0, Mlkolekeklt t, !099fldorltr 2. Pierce e. Moore J, Senclle• ), Griffin t. How.II o, Remlrei 11 To1111: 1t 10-20 41. H•lltlme: UC ln-lne, :IO-lt. Totel IO...ls: UC lrvl11e n . UC Sent• Barbera 14, Fouled Ollt: Lewis IVC lrvl"411. laker cue; /rvl,,.1. Mltcotoalil1 cue s.ma l•rbarel TKllnlcel lo,,.lt Gomer CUC INIM), OeAr.i<al IUCSBI, UCSI coecll. COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN GokMn W11t 84, Fullerton 72 OOLOt:H wnT-c1e ...... 11I.1Crlll0tla11 10, G11tllrle It, Porte 2, Herrlsoft IS, R•m--u. AH 10. Matlle~ n Tolall. 4t ...... ~ULt..t:•TOH -P°""'" t, Carter lt, Heyes I, Hltcllenll 11, Harten •. Lehner J, Willer 11. ~ 2, W••ley 11 Tota11· D ~14 77 Hetltlme: Go10e11 Well, 0 ·1'. Total foul\· Gol.,.,, W•S'l 17, Fullerton 12 Orange CoHt.63, long BHch 57 o aANGE COAST -EHl119er 10, CerrClll 3, M1rk •. Senovlken •. Kroy•r •• P•r'er •. B1rry 14. Tot11<: 29 S·U •l LONG 1£ACH hylor J, Lawrence /, Griffen 4, Jondle n. FettMr 1•. Smith 4. JollnM1n• lotall"; n1·1.19s1 Hellllme: LonQ BHcl\. ]l·H TOtel fouls: Or-COHI 11, L0"9 BHC" 13: Fouled out: Cerroll (Or""llf' Coe">. Cr•'9 Stedler Andy Bun J•O NtOleu• Mlk• N IColettf' Scott Hoel\ Eric B•t19ft Doral Open CelMlemU Seve 8alll'Stl!rM C•lvlrt l'Mle Jerrv P•l• Booe•~ NICk FelOO W•YM Lev• Jim Albus Tom Wei~OPI Glbtly Gilber1 Rey Floyd Torn McGinnis Hu1Mtr1 GrMn BoClbV W-lns Jim Booros BerryJ-kel Jim Kiely twoA<*l Ed Flori Biii Sa,,..r J1.n Neiford Ste•e Benson M•rllJames Tom Jenkin• Geor9e Burns Jim Den1 Ed Sneed Jim Colber1 J oti n F OUVM C"IP 8eck JOlln DeForest Rica Pearwn •·Olea Slderowt Merk M<CIWYll>er Barney T """-' SalpO-ay P•tLI.-., l.eonard1-- B rvce F leklltt Pllll Harteocll ..... '" .... , 137 11-11-t• ... IO-t• .. ,0-t)t •1·1' l)t ••·11 140 ... n 14'0 10.10-1411) 12..._14'0 ... n -14'0 ... It 1411) 11 ... t4IO 1 .. 11 t4IO 10.11 141 11·10-14t ,, .. ._,., n .. ._,41 67 14-141 •J.13 141 10.11-1'1 12-70-141 10.11-1'1 11-10-141 11·11-1•7 12·10-142 6f.1S-143 ... ,S-14.J li·11-t4.J 10.13-14.J 11·11-14.J IQ.1)-14.J 10.1 143 19-74-14.J 70.1)-143 ... IS-144 10.14 144 10.'4-144 1M2-t44 11·72--144 11·12-IM 11·11-IM 10.14 t44 111)-144 11·7>-144 lPGA tournament lltT .. ...,I Patti RIUD JIMICOIM AmyAkOll Beverly Klau Ay11to0 "6molO Vu•o Mor'9u<hl Kathy Hite Pat Br.Oley Holll• Stecy Keltly YOUfl9 TeulM-iy SllelleyH..,,.1,. Sally Little N•ncy L-1-Mellon Nancy Tomk h Laura Hurlbut Sydney Cunnl119,,.m Becky Purson Carole Jo Callison Lynn Adam• AllM1n5Merd Bet" Oertlel T al<UkO Olt$ako Allee Rl\Jman Pim Gletien Gell Hlrlll• B•rt>era ..-OJCneU K•l"Y Martin Penny P1111 11 .. s-t:i. 70.70-140 71·10 t41 1--141 10.11 142 11 11 141 74--t41 ,,... 141 12·10-111 7l.. t41 12 71 143 JS...-t4.J 1).70-143 14 ... 143 11·11-143 ' 7).10-t43 ,. •• 14) /J..10-t43 /J..11 t44 n n tw 7).11 144 11·1l-144 111~144 ,,.,, 144 IJ.17-14S 7•11 us 11-14 us IHJ-10 72.73 10 Community cotl•ge O.....W•d,Y-•11 400mectleyr•leY-t Oolde11W•1,J :11.1. 1,00 fr t Bu"'-" 101. t :U.3; 2. LUllCI (GI, tl·JU; >. UIMllon1t1 (111.11:5' I JOO Ir• 1. Ball (VI, l.!JO.I; 2. W-101. l:jl,t ; J. L4"e11~4lllCI (VI. 2:00.4 !JO lree-1 CINveneer CV), 12 tt; t . Sll-1111. ttM, I Bwl'O CGI. U.11. 100 IM I StepN!nlOft IGI, 1,ot •; 1. lftOflM (VI, 2:ot.J; 3 Umpllenour !GI. ,.,, t Olvlne-1. Monteno (Ill, t» tO, J. Herllold CVI, Hl.tO,). Pere• (GI. .. so. 200111 -1. C1ee-.r IV), t :ot I; 1 Getes 101. t · 11 •• a Ille) H1199n1 IGI • ..., F- 101. 2:u 1 100 tr .. -I a.11 tvl, SO tt; 1 L-(GI. SU; J, Wt19N IGI, '2.& JOO Nell -t. Pwtrowtl<I tVI. llO Uma. 2 l119f•m 1111, "°time. J. Staoi-ton (GI. no llm• SOO lr-t lurt:IWll (GI. 4:•1.1. I. lserTO (01,, 2A 2. 1Ulm~u 1111, S:U 1 100 brHtl I HerrlM>n IV), ,.,. 1; 1 S"'llOfl IGI, 1 U 1, J , HflO.WeNI 1111. 2 31 7 .00 fr" rele1-t Golden-· J: ti I Women COMMUNITY COU.IOE ~·-··" ....... ~ JOO meo .. y retey-1, Oolclen 'Wes1. t :O..J•. JOO IM -1. ~ IGI, 2:14.Jl, SO Ir-I Sanders IGl. 21.22; 100 t1•0-t. Sflleld• IGI. t·OO >I; 100 llrfffl-1. Baker IOI. t· 11.14; 100 lrH-1. Parrllll !Ol, J:1UO; so lly-t S.n1>er9 1111. u .•1; Olvlne-1. Pwlllll CGI: 100 free 1. Himel IV)., 1:01.0 ; 100 fly-I Oe11boU911 (Ill, 1 Gt.SS, SO be0-1. Sllleld• CGI, JO S•; 100 IM-t Oenbou9h 1111. 1.ot.91; 5001.-1 Perris" IGJ, S:J2.61: SO brust 1. Whitman (Vl. ,..IJ; 200 1r .. relay I. Goldtn w .. 1. 1:4.lt. • WCT tourn•ment (eto-. lt.llyl 0..11erf"'81 Siltele1 Vllu Gervlalll• oe1 Tomei Smid. 1.s. w. Vljey Amrltr•l Ott Biii Sc.,.lon, .... 6-t, .-1 . Buller Moltr•mOtl Balai r ... ouv ... 1."4 Women's tournement (•10 ......... , 0...t1erl!Aal s ....... An.ore• J-def B ... 111 •• Potter ..... I.. Cl•WI• K-Ott Wendy T urno..11. "4. 4 1. Sylvie Henlka del Vlr9lrtla Au1lcl (rellreGI I Men'a tournament !11 ---.ey, -•k•I °""t11rfl ... I Slftete1 Jimmy Connor• Clef Mii PUf'cell ... 3. •·1, "'"' S.v1-a.1. Olc:k Sto(llton, 6·3, 1·6 Loa Alamlto• l'atOAY'S alSULTS , ............ .._~, l'l•ST ••ct:. One mile i>«•. Glen lrtn (IC-I 7.00 4.00 3.40 Alllley Lord tSM.llll S 00 J.00 L• Petron N CTOdd Ill 3.00 AllO raced> J.,.t A s..-nlt. "•ver - N. ""°' Bound For GIOrv A, AllW 8-. TOl>Ll"41A Time 2.0. ., EXACTA 12 SI paid »I 00 SIECOHO •act:. One mit. P«• Mo•t Hapeiy Popler cPari. ... 1 • ao s IO •.20 Fellimento (Koenlel 12 '° a.4'0 S<okll Time·-CWltllerdl 3 lO Aho receo Oenc1t10 Storm, Scotch Double, s.-O....ce A. CNr1trt• Play Time 7 031 s THl•O •ACl.OMmllo pace MkoNt ICra-dl 10 10 5 60 •.lO hp On Wood IA<kermanl 11 00 4 Ml VHIOo CC-lend) • 00 Also r<Keo B•ron·• C•oe•. Pinc" tilt. wenoto, El Rey Rico. 1tot1wOOC1 H1wn. Merry LeuH T lme 2 0141~ n e: ltACTA 1 .. 11 paid"' 40 ~OUaTH RACE One milt pa<e Sir Relll IGrvnOyl 6.00 lndlen CNtl (AnOerMlnl Howdy Ster 10-rH OI l 20 760 4 4(1 ]70 ) 70 Aho rec•d Dant•·,. Ende•vor- MlchellP, Bodv c .... .-., I( B ICtt>q Tim• 1 01 4/S Fll'TH •ACE. Orte mtlf oece Hll c ... r ... I K"91>1er I 1• IO • 00 4.20 Ora noar" Me'(f1, cc-1ano1 Joo uo Gellaudtt !Cr~nl 6 10 College basketball heads TV Doral Open golf, Hearns fight also scheduled today Following are the top sports events on TV today. Ratings are: I .t I I excellent; / 1 .t ......orth watching; ./ .t fair; I forget It. 1 p.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: UCLA at Oregon. Announcers: Phil Stone and Lynn Shackleford. The Bruins are ineligible for post-season play and the Ducks have ellmlnated themselves. But today's game could be an Interesting matchup, especially in the "Pit" in Eugene. 2:30 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ GOLF: Doral Open. Announcers: Vin Scully, Pat Summerall, Frank Glleber, Ben Wright and Ken V1nt\lrl. Craig Stadler holds a 2-stroke lead going into today's third round of play with Andy Bean In the runner-up position. Stadler fired a 69 Ftlday to bring his 36-hole total to 13S. 9-under..par while Bean also had a 69 and 137 total. 3 p.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: USC •t Oregon State. The Beavers are seeking their third straight Pacific 10 Conferftf\ce t>asketbell tltfe •nd a win today could cl:ch at least • tie for the championship. Or on State Is 13-1 on the year and three oam&S In fron Of tht TroJens and Washington. 3:30 p.m., Channet 2 ./ ./ ./ CU SPORTS SATURDAY: HHrns vs. O.raldo. AllMWlan: Ken Squier, Gfl Clancy end Sugar Ray UC>Nrd. Former WBA welterwetatrt c~~ ~Thomas ttiarns, hii Sfii>pecl'Up to the mldilfiM"'ijjhl classlo fl9M the r'UIOld Mar<os Gef.edo, / Bp.m., Channel 9 ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Pepperdlne at San Francisco. Announcers: Gary Park and Dan Belluomini. OTHER TELEVISION 11 a.m. (5) -WCT TENNIS. 2:30 p.m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES 3:l> p.m. (7) -PRO BOWLING S p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS RADIO Basketball UC Irvine at UC Santa Barbara, 7;30 p.m., KWVE (108 FM); Long Beach State at Cal State Fullerton, 7:30 p.m., KWRM (1370) and KLON (88 FM); UCLA at Oregon, 1 p.m., KMPC (710); USC at Oregon State, 3 p.m .• KDAY ( 1S80). Hockey Chicago at Kings, 6: 50 p.m ., KPRZ (1150). Basketball scores cc::.r Ore90f1 St 72. UCLA 5' USC IO. Or99011 M C:.llfomle Q , Ari ION " ArlCON St. 70, Sl1111Wd •t H•'V.·LH 1199'" 100, ""' -•kO .. Sen Fre11elKO ... lo'IOI•,, Pe-Cll!!916, s.Ma Clere 74 ---T Ht•EI P-M. Air l'.,C\9 U Moftt-U, H. Arl-.U Ntv .·R-Q, Mollttne SI. -2 f ,......... 111.·Clll. Circle Jt, WIL"°'* ley .st .... 'Ttmplt'7, At'llOlflC-'I U.tt Col11mble 61, •-U 1111\t U. ftwdMm '1 ~.,.~,. PflMttell ... HM,wd • Vei.74,C.M4"7 I hit ... ~.T-y . ........ _, Sovltl l'letlet 66, H C..C:llttMttt tt s.utll ......... 11, JttltM!lwlll• ,, too AIM ,. .. V-. Whe lt1v~ 11.IYwt J-. ,., ...... HI AIW """If Tl-a""' U••M:TAI C ll ~W41 2• u• ..... •• ...... rOlfl HV•NTlf•~l.OMMlle.-.e. Teel H_., IK ..... I n.. .... ,. e-1 II Mein (0Wdf"HVI • • UO ~"-··-· . . .. AIM rMN" fr11e Trl<I•, KOfla C6.,.t, Y_. Ntv, 0-p Wood•. lmablll .. r M Tl"1e 2·Ql 2/S. JI tXACTA (4" Hid tt1 tO U f'ICtt Ila IW.1-14_.I oeld tt,m..0 wit~ 11 •lnnlfle llckeb W•• hor .. tl. tt l'lck SI• COflaol•tlon ptlCI .,. '° wit/I JtJ w111111no Uck•ll llollf llOf'Mtl. p Plcli Sb tcretch C011MJetlon oekl U1.20wllll 1 wlnnln9 llC1Lel• (IJtrH l\or<Jet, OIW .cratC.111. El OH TH ltACI. One mllt NU 8remble Scramble (Todd Ill Strlkln9 M (Aubin I Rendom WINI IC-lenCll 1\00 ''° 00 .... •00 ,., AIH ••<•d· 8rllllant A•b•I, Moody Blue N, 1..oqen'1 Dream Jec111e. Clauv Home Ciiano. Tlfll•• t•ff4/S U lltACTA ( ... ) peld '" 00 NINTH •ACI . One mlle 1M<e Orv Sao IGoudfeeul I oo • '° 3 40 C-.> D"'Nlne ITOddl "oo 1.00 Er11nlll ICre-.ii fio Atso ••t•d Gerry Ayr. Repu1 Reel, P-n•• Jee•. Like A Sllo1 Tim•: t 01 •ts. U lltACTA 17-11 oeld l~S 00 TINTH aACI. One"'"• P«• No Eat."'w N lloneol H 40 ti '° UO We lover Row 1She•r9ftl 1 00 • 40 Tarwater IU<>uq,r·Hul t tO AIS<I rKed S1!9l119ht Gel, S ..... y Hiii Oortna, Flora Oor N. Summer SfleOt. Allw Mkleber, Caleb4"" Time· Jen 1/S 12 Ill.ACTA (4·1) P•I0 \1'4 .0 ELEVENTH ••cl. o ... mil• P<KI Rey 0.1 Camino (0-rHul I '° • Ml a.oo SNcly 0.1 (TOdd 11 l 1.)0 uo Alldv'1 Mtrlno IAl!deraonl uo Alto raced: Treeaure H,,.111er. Aild1'• Unlore-11bl1, MkllHl's T!Qer, Sporty Old Al. M.V.P .. H"'~tlln' 0"'°" Time 1·03 U I XACTA CI SI po1d M• 00. Atteno....ce· 1.ooe NHL ~ltlELLC<*1'•81H~ S"'Yh Dl)'lt .... w L T 01' Edmo11ton 40 t3 II M1 Cal9e~ u ,. u ,,. V~ov-,. 11 1J 125 Klfltt 11 31 13 J•t Cotor•Oo I] 4IO 11 I .. Hwrl•Dl•KI.., Mlnnetc>U ,. 19 11 11J St. LOV .. 1• ll 5 244 W(nnl-71 21 1] 134 Cllk-,, 31 10 , .. Torot1IO 11 :n IS 141 Oelrolt 11 JS " m WALl!S COHl'l.•IENCE Pllrkll DM1i... NY lslenotn 0 ,. • ,.. HY A•noen 7t n to 111 Phlladelpllla 31 15 5 143 Plt1sOu'911 ,, 30 10 733 Was,.ln9lon ,. 34 • 14J Adems Dl•ltl.., Montre•I u 11 u ,.. Bull•lo ll ,. 11 24'0 Boston J4 10 • U I o ...... c 29 2l 12 ,., Hertloro 11 30 ,. 101 1'11UY1 Seem Bull•IO •• Winnlpe9 4 V encC>UVW 4. COIOr-l T9'1r•o-.. Clllc-etlt ..... NV R""9t~•tBoston Hartford et WHlllnoton Pllll-ll>fll••t Ce19ary, n To'°"'° •1 Montr•••. n 0....llec •t HY l•lande" n Edmonton at PltU""'911 11 Buftl lO et Ml.-iote. n Detroit et St. lolir1, n 'Y' • • . .. Women's softball COMMUN ITV COLLaGI Cl_T..,rM-1 ~West s.~"' OA 741 110 no 111 211 Ut , .. 110 ,.. 111 2'3 ,., 134 141 ,.. 751 ttt "' 113 1'5 :161 ,.,. .. 61 61 •1 rl 10 SI " 54 .. • '° .. •I 56 ., u 11 1' 70 • Golden Wttl 011 OtO 1 S 1 O s.odlebitc• 000 000 ~ o 4 3 All•n •nd Hummer, Lo<k~ •n<I Rub•l<e•• 38 Bird (GolClf!n WHll HR Mc£1rH (Golden WHll c;......, West I, F ... ler1o11 0 Gold•n West • 000 001 o t • 1 Fuller1on 000 000 O O > I Delp .Ind Mc Elree. WIM end AOOlnger 28-G•w (Gol-Wttll High 1chool Mert11a 1. l'eclfk a o Peclllc• 000 000 0 0 1 Merine 000 000 1 t • Sm•ll•Y end Bia'°"; l •rwn Ind T"••ll ·~..-.THE EARL'S l'\-•HIATl .. O ~-· ... "··~ ,, l « ;.,.,, • '-., ..... ,.,....co,,.., .. ,. "'' C> u I c~ ~~ .. ~~~ 'f'°"' .,, ... COlf.UllUA641•1289 1,.,..._ .... MllSIOtl vuo495--0401 11927 c.-c.,. ..... ,Cl•" oe.,o ,...., •••• .,,, ,. .. ~ .. .,, RENT $500 ~!~ INTELLIVISION VIDEO GAME & CARTRIDGE Relun<lebt• H CUrtly depot4l will be required The Video Station Newport/Irvine 2201 Mlrtln 1102, IMne In the Hort HYI ~.n. n11t to Atglatry Hotel, .,_ .,_ J_ W.,M Air.t. a-........... ,._ .. ,,... a-.,. .. ,_ -955-1070 HEAVY DUTY BENCH MODEL DRILL PRESS Commu,.y cotle .. Of ... ceett 1-. ._. A:lt • c .. ,..... • .,..... .. ~, tot I "-"~IOI, II I, t ......,_.,._ 101, It 2; a ltottt>ur9 CtAI, It, 200 I IWlllYlld 10 1, t2 t;)t •...-we <WI>. tn. • JM11•• tM>. 1u. .> 400 I Cflrl•llM 1$A), n.I; t or....., (01. SU. l 1-t IOI, SU MO I Vu<llVlll 101, t1H ,O; lrtwfl COi, t;OO.o; Oyer IOI. f 020. l.SOO 1 Fl\Nf ISAI, •:°' O; l Het91c! (01, 4• ltl;) Oercle 15•1. 4'12.t S,000 l lurke 101, 1'; '1 O; a, Sim,..,. 101, tt·J0.7, J, FIUetraHt 101, tt:ILI. tlOHH -I k11thw.,4 101. It.I ; J. Clledwlell (5AI, lt.O; J. Garcle tOl, 11 0 *•H 1 WellCer IOI, 1.01.0; 2. ,.. .. r_ IOI, 1 •01.•; J. no l"lrd. 400 rell}' I Senta Ant, 4•.S. t,.00 rtley I Oren99 Coett, a1U .t . HJ -I. Gerrttt IOl, W ; 1 $ulllve11 101. H ; J Ceml"ill IOI. 6-0 1.J -1. Odeen IOI. 71~; J Gtr•ttt ISAl. Jo-11; 3 8erllftl01, JM T J -t Stoll ISAI. 41·•, 2 Btrntt 101. AQ.O, J Gregory 101, lt-t. PV -1 Frlnlt 101, tM, J LV11io tOl, ,, .. , 3 MYlr,,.ao 101. 11-0 SP I. Olkhen IOI, •M.11.. J. Htrn- CSI, O•tv•; 3 CMtlllo ISAl. 4~ OT -1 HHI,. IOI. 1:14-3. 1 HOiden 101. 1)1-0; 3 Gl1<ktn 101. tJ0.11 JT 1. Odcltn (Ol. 1~. 1 ~y IOI. t .... S, 3 Holelefl 101.1~ ~...._"·~-· .. 100 1 A>Mord CS). 10 S. 2 GIMO !SI, IOt, J Fti1N11 (Pl.109 JOO-I -'-d ISi. Jlt, 1 G-1$1, 11J;3 F-CPl.11 J 000-1 Heti.y CPI 49 0 1 Wiiiiam• (Pl, )ti 4, J. Me~ll CSl. SU I00-1 AJ" CPI. 1 U.•. 2 Nieto ISi. t Sf J; J Estr6CM ISi, t st 1 I ,SC»-I. J etlHOn I Pl. 4 07 o. 2 llert CSI. 4 Ot.S, l 01-CSl,4· 111 S.000-1 H-1rd ISi. IS 11 4. 1 Jen•tOfl I Pl, U :1'.t ; 3. GuiW> ISi. IS » 0 110HH 1. A•Mord ISi. 14 O; 1 Jeck-. (Pl. t• 0, l Fishbeck 151. 16 1 4001H 1. Smith IPI. 53.S. 1 Webb CPI, n .t ;" Rull CPI, Sl.29 400 relay-I. SeOCllel>aO, 42.2. t,600 retey-1 P•lomer, J. IS 9, HJ-I. Frencls CPI. ... 4; 2 Frenc" (Pl. •·•: 3 Asthltrl• (Sl, 6·2 LJ 1. Jeckwn <Pl. ~1-l; 1. Ashford 1s1. 10-4, 3. F r•ncl• I PJ. 10-l TJ 1 JIClllOft IPI, 4f..6'4; 2 Gatet ISi. O·t '"· l. Cllrte ISi, 43 .. lt.t. PV 1. Lundv•ll (Pl. 1..0; 1. Cllel Moore ISi and Steffen IP), tl-0 SP-I llew CPI, O·/""; i. lnt1I• ISi. •N "'· 3 Breotord I Pl. 39'110"•· OT I Jef•y 151. 143-0; 1 F~ CPI, 131 .. , l Alktn IP). 1,._. JT 1 O'DonMll ISi, lit ... 1 Cll"41 (SI. 11' 1 J Balmt< (Pt. 16S. I High school Hllfttl..,.... -..Cll ti, l'ecifka,. 100 I Brim IHI, 10 S. 2 Oarten (Pl . 101. 3 V-0....IPI, IOI. 120 1. Brim IHI. 1• J; 2 Yeti Dem IPl, 744 J O.rltn CPl.7•6 •40 I T,__ IHI . 54,S, 1 Bt""°I> IHI. 54 7. 3 P-S CHI. SS I NO I ~ IHI. 2 OI •. 1 Marti,,., IHI, 1121,3 HOOQes CPJ,1 t4.I Mlle t Oulnc>M1 IHI, 4,31,1, J. Kl119 CPI, 4 •11. 3 HernanOer CHl.4:54,7. l·mlle t Oulnonu (HI. to·o• 1; 1 tiolldey IH1, 10·1s 1 3 Oueva CHI. 10 1t.O. 1)0Hti~1.G•rCI• lttl, lU;-2..MMUn CPI, 11 •; J ReYnolOS I Pl,"° ti,.... J30Lti t Reynold• (Pl. 42.3; 2 G1rcle (HI, 0 .1, J Martin (Pl, 0 .4. 44() rel1y-t tiUt1lln9ton BHcll, 45.0. HJ-1 Mlttermeler (HI. s.t; 1. s.nertleld CHl ,5 .. ; not,.lrd. LJ t Brim IHI, 21·1fh; 2 Mlttermet.r (HI. 10.1"1. J C•ll•way CPI, IW...... , I T J -t Callaway (Pl.~~-1. S.Uerlleid IHI.], ... ..,. 3 Mlttumeler (HI. 31·5 ~-• PV I Grim (Pl. 10-6; 7 JOllnston CHI, "''· J, BrylN\ IHI. 9-0 SP-I Benglord IPI, SQ.I; 2 Moore (HI. 41·SV.. l P~t>ello IHI, '3·2 OT-1 Kendrtell IHI. US-4. 7 Harri-. lH), UI·•; ]. Wei•bender (Pl. 131-0 Women COMMUNITY COLLEOI Or-CMsl ti, S-. Alla JI tOO t Snel>ks IS-'I; IU; 2. ColOttrt (01, 13 .. ; J Terry 10>. IJ •· 100 -t -· ISi. 27.4: 2. COll)ert COi. 11 3; 3 Heyes (0).,. 2. .00 t Ste.em IOI. 1:02.t . 1 R-• IOI. I 07 I 3. Crowt,,.r tOI. 1 10 1 100 -t Gras. IS-'I. 1·11 •; 2 R1noer 101 1 U 3, J ZMH'ldtnll COi, 7·33 t t.500 1 Mey ISAI, S:C».O, 1 like 101. S Ol l . l Dul» COi, S.11 2 J.000 1 l .-Vtw COl. 11·02 t . 2 0..... COl. 11 en'· J Ml"98 CSAI. 17·00 • IOOHH 1 Terry 10 1. 20.4; 2. - IOI )() 1. 3 no tl\rrd fOOIH 1 Terry IOI. 1 30 1. 1 no •e<ond or third 400 ftla, I O•lnc)e Coast. SJ • t.600 N!l•Y t Or•nge Coast, 4 1'.0 HJ 1 Rooke 101. 4-10. 7. SllenU cS•I. •.e. J A•lon 101. •-6 LJ 1 Colbert IOI, IS 11, 7 OOVer> IOI, ti..1on. 3. no '"''d SP -1 MU5sman COl , JS.-4, 2. DUQan 101 ,. .. ; J Nav•rro COl.11-4. OT 1 Neverro IOI. 174-4 1 MuumM 10). 1 IU; J. Miine ISAI. 9~. ~C"llll,l'al-~ too 1 Reye• (51. IJ O; 7 PenOlelon ISi. 13 5. J. Menorum ISi, 14.0. 200 1 Krurckll'l•n~ ISl.11.S, 2 Penoteton ISl.280.J Kou~i•ISl.191 .00 1 Kru1<k•l1•nk ISi 1 ·03.0, no ..cOllO or third IOO I Holing.> ISi. 2 ll o. no -ono or third 1 S00-1. Ke•9v (Pl. S 04 •. 2 Cunnln91\em CSl. no time. 3 Lindsey ISi. no time l .000 1 CUt1nln9,,.m ISi. 11.40 . .,, 2. Llndwy ISi, t2:01 0, J Rubino ISi, 11 t4,0 H •I I(.,_.. (ti, 11.11 t ,._.. lllM'lltlfWd M-t v .. Wit It), t 110 .. ,. ---. •lty I ..... Mcll.~U t ttlty I ._.._IL,4'10) U ,.._ tll. 111~ •... ~..-or llllrd ·~ ~ Cjllj, .,... t. WeNrllll Ill, U , 1 tl'91M1otr 111. ll·i OT I Her (I'), t»'6, I TrlW19t 1$1, lt2-2, * -($), ·-· JT I r (l'I, UI It, t Jt(--Ill. * 11, a tSl, , .. ' I tt, ... vltltll coe t 111. 1).11, t Cl'*I• 111, 1J G , J WU 1MV>.. 11..U. MO I (I), 27 .. , f Wl"'""1! IMVI, 21 ... ; J rlllilNtl (MVI, 21 '9 ... I Ve I (II, 1 04 •.S, 1. Smltll (II 1,ot Jt, a Or Miii, I 0. .. tot 1 V 1 (I), J.ID.U; 2. Mtfll CMV)2:U•;J IUCMVl.I dt Mlle I S. rwllltt Ill. t 00 tt. 2 um ••1.•·02 I.* lrle11 IMVI,• ,, I t •flllla I. Ill, 11•41.t; 2 Creel¥ (Miii. IMU, l ot (II, 11 st. • IOOLH l.l .. 11 "A;2.SpenallelMVI te.t: I TlllO•d (Miii. t tJOLH 1 LH Cil, ti, t TlllO<'CI (MVI. U.J; 110 third 440 r•tey I Ml VlalO, » Ot. 2 Irv Int Cll-llflecl Mlle reley I lrvlM LJ I J-IMVI, 14 2 ...... J J-. IM\11, 14 HJ t J-\ (MV). • , 2 Arena (MVI. 4 l, nollllltd SP I _,on (MVI, '""· t Gelll1 IMVI JO.I 3 Horn Ill. ~o OT 1 N"'1on (Miii. t U.. J Gellln IMVI, 11 .. 1'1 "-....... IM<lt "· ~ 100 1 MtGo•er11 I Hendrt<U CHll. 12 S, 3 vur (Pl. 1).0 U0 I McGo'<er ti (Hf) I H l $jleftcer CtiBl.lO.I, J 8urdkk IPl.31 S u o t llenctert>Yrtll I Pl, t 04 I. 2 Spencer IHBI, 1 07 t . 110 '"lrd _, t Brrll CPl 7 1' t, 1 Tu.,., lti81. 1 0 4. l Fllltn IHBI 1 54 • Mlle I Brlll CPI. I 0. 1 7 "'" IHBl • OS 3, 3 V"'°'rly IH81. • ot 1·mlle I /'N.Alln IHBI. 13 13 s_ ) NI• CHBI, 1J 13 7, 3 5'o•tl CPI. 13 0 •40 relay 80111 teem• dliquelllled Miit rel•y NOi contu .. d HJ 1 Enola• (Pl, 4 tO. 2 W.olf IHBI .... l 8urOIC~ IPl.4 l LJ 1 ~' lti81, 14-0'·"> 2 B1111r-lti8I. l>-1' >. J Nellon IHBI, u .. T J 1 &en (H81. 27·5, 2. laltet'°" (Hf)), 21 l, 3. Woll CHBl.13-1 UOLH I Beu (HBl, u 2, 2. B.....il(k IPl.US,J Rober1S (P1.SU. 110 LH t llft• IH8), 1 ... ; 1 E119'- I Pl. tt.1: 3 Burdl<k I Pl. It.I SP I Meaurtnn (Pl .... 7. 1 Utu IHBI. 3 ... ; J Helson CH Bl, JJ.J. OT t. Ulu (HBI. tlt-0; 2. H-rk .. IHBI. 11-10; J Me1Clr9ftas (Pl.,..._ ~ • • . ' ~ . College UC Irv .... 14, CS "-n ..... t 7 cs oom...,., 000 IOI 000 2 • 1 UC lrvlM 000 4I03 l'Oa-14 13 1 Estev" Ceylon "'· N•<90ft 111, Winfield ltl •l'ICI MC-BNIM. Br•ns tt l •nO Barnerd W Blsnar (1 11 L E•l•v•• 2B OeCellro ICS Dom1119.,.ll, Awpp 7 IUC Irvine( lB -Beller ICS Oom1n9uu1. Cummlnes (UC lrvlnel College aeorea C1l Stelt F,,.1 .. rtonl, FrKM>Sl•t~ • Stanford 6, C .. llornle 1 Community college p;.-..-1,a.. ... WHIJ Gotdet> WHI OOt 000 100 1 I 4 F"'ller1on 004 000 03•-I 11 1 Meven Jlf'CI Sc11u111, ~"°1• ano Oe•ll 1B Sc,.ullr CGolden We•tl. Ve9e tFullerlortl, HR O.•ls 1Fuller10fll S.,.._111, Wfft LA J s.ckll•ll.c• 100 010 050 8 13 7 WUI LA 000 300 000 30 • J Kenney end Irwin, Newns. Metk 111. M•roh (II 1no MArrln w -K~nn•• L "•wn• 2B LH ISi, 18-MerQll ISi High 1chool Ult-6. W"1mlflatM J l ellewOOCI 310 000 1 6 • 1 WHtmlMl•r 000 020 t-J 4 • Yuk• and IAIUffl B•H•y end Humeri-. 11-G-CWt,.lntln\terl Co1M ll, Ml ..... Vle)e t Mluion Vie lo OIO 000 0-1 • 1 Coro..a Oel -4IS 011 a-U 11 l P~ne<le. Rainer 131 encl S.uter. -..e. W yftn 111 e nd Me11>ort. w W"lle l Pllenetl• 71 Ro~o* ICdMI. Moll ICdM). Holll• IMVI VllMcla•."-lloValter3 Va .. ncle 000 OU 0-4 J f Fovrtteln Velley 107 000 0-J J 1 Sero, Jeckson 141 ano L.yon•. RornlM, Greoot C•I -Traop W JKkMn tt~l l -RomlM 10-11 11 ArllOld tFourtl••n Vallol JB ~ CV•lenttal H ............. -114, St l'..,t t St Peul 010 000 0-I • 7 Huntlrt9'on 8-h 100 070 • • 1 o Mor•t.•. ,,,..,., "I •nd Candltl, Beerd Latimer 141 ano Slllrtey w Latimer L - MoralH 1B StM•lewru CSPI. Merclei ISPI. Patrick (HBI JB Petrick CHBI Men's soccer HIGH SCHOOL Clf 'Int a ... ... c ........ , Mlir 2, 1 ... .oli""• 1 Corot\• det M•r \COr•no H•lfwort1'. McGulne\S 1 h.p., 2 cyl., 7 cfm, 100 PSI, with reoulator, air hose and spray gun •495 1'12 h.p,, 2 CYI., 20- gal. tank, 8.6 cfm, w/alr hose, r .. gulator end spray gun, 125 PSI 2 h.p., 20-911. tank, 10.5 cfm, 125 PSI, W/llr hose 3 h.p., J0.911. tank, 1a5 PSI, w/alr hole 1nd 1lr rttul1tor 1695 •359 '369 $499 s $pffd. bell, ~-1 bearing. Sl"chudl TVm.epin& ltftgell90 !Ible • NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact th• DAIL y PILOT fOr Information regarding the county requlrementl for ualng 1 Flctltloue 8u1lnH1 Neme. 142-4321 ~.332 .. 21 PIECE HIGH SPIED DRILL SET Wllh-'llO• 1 /18" to 1/2" Aeg • .-.oo NOW$ .. two-thirds mark In Here' a anotb que1Uons which 11-polnters. We'll l. Ardis Ank on traded that moolektr for something a lltUdl'lore Hollywoody. What? 2. U you we/4 visiting Spencer Farms, you'd likely be In whab:omic strip? 3. On "H81PY Days," what b Potsie's real first name? •· A teen-aie tlrl named Caril Fugate was ~e real-life mode' for a role played by Sissy Spacek 10 what movie? 5. The 1.w firm or Cedar, Cedar, Cedar and Buddineton IS prominent In what classic movie or the Thil'Uesf 6. I1iy the license plate of Lily Tomlin's station gon in "The Incredible Shrinking Woman." 7. Nane the athlete who ruffled some feathers with his i>bse rvation that " I'm the straw that stirs the drint." 8. a Arundel shows up on stage in what play? ··~ • " • 11 9. Name (a) the movie in which Harpo Marx broke the bank at roulette and (b) the number he kept wlnntnl( on. 10. Geor1e had reached a point in his career where he couldn't stand pat any lonter, and his new name was tired of the buddy system ln what· movie? Laa& Week'• Auwen 1. Peter Lorre (name chante) 2. Shoe (Bumpkins the butler) 3. "The People's Choice" (Cleo) '·"Les Miserables" Oon1eat sentence) s. Baby booties (A1ar'a present) 6. The Doors <Psychedelic Ran1ers> 7. Dick Groat (basketball-baseball star> 8. "Guys and Dolli" <Arvide Abernathy) 9. (a) Sheridan Colle1e. (b) SZ,000 ("Bedtime for Bonzo") 10. "Altered States" (movie riddle> f Smd your.cm.tt.on't to TRIVIA, clothe Daily. Pilot, Bo:r 15tlJ, Coda Meto no>. All entne1 m¥lf be received bl/ Wedneldai/, othenoile hall the plaa/er'1 lost acore will be. awarded) THE PORT THFATRF t 'It ,'+1r EVERY MONDAY A&.L SEATS $2.00 uco· TOONAZZI (S'91 of le c ... Au• klli.. ·1 In ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plua "Cousln- Couslne" (PG) 1 I {1.\'-...t ., .. ,, ti._~ 1"'4A (,ft MAµ "Diane Keaton and Albert Finney pve the kind ot performances that in the theatre become legendary." ...... KMI, THE NBW YORKU MAGAZINE SHWT ~MWN ~ Brea Plu1 529 5339 COSTA MlSA (0Wat0S Sou1~ CoJ~• Pia/~ (71 415•6 2711 .. LllOCOlOI" -~-__ _..... ___ .__.... ___ ___,..,. .~-...... NOW PLAYING COSTAMU DUIMI( WUTM1nn11 fdwlfds ~ Cen111 ~ UA Twin C.nemn 979 4UI 634 2553 898·1243 MIUIOIYIUO Vlejl) Twin 8306990 (MO•~ro_,,__..,) Help pt event llRTH DIPECTS N~W/DAl~Y ATIN.E d;p Support l ~£9!).£>f J21nm .. At A Six Cine omes Martel H•min,way P£t9mUI. 9EST (RI 12:30 3:00 5:301:00 10:20 ,. w::; Li:;-:' '~ Kate JHICton ~LOVE (Al Hlt10fy Of The WorJd II R) _,'A'f" =z=IAI I Mvh!M ..... Ali =='~""'1 Oholt i10f'V IR ---1~ &ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS IPOI• AIWWQM~ 111~1 .. 4\f\IQUN . •"'9-NOW PLAYINO ~---c..... __ ...... eo. ... "'~:Mt I·-·-·-.. -=-. ... ·-....!-"'--J There's more to love than ... LOVE Impressive .. The most impre11ive physical re-creation of prehistoric times ever put on film." -David An.sen, NEWSWEEK Magic M ••• every piece of magic end skill hes been used to free our imagination. to let it soer."-Sheila Benson . LOS ANGELES TIMES Extraordinary "In the great tradition of EXCALIBUR and RAI OERS OF THE LOST ARK." -Merrill Shindlu, LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE Perfect "QUEST FOR FIRE is extreordinaril>· successful ... it's just about perfect." -Pet~r Rainer, LOS ANGELES HERALD EXAMINER Adventure "The movie adventure of a lifetime." -Klr•H.,.9cu11, THE DAILY NEWS . ·---·-.... 7 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS '" A LADO CX»/11AHI WO ....... tllOS. -....... '"_ . .::"~....-=o ·---.. --................ •BARGAIN MATINaRS • Mond•y thru l•turd•Y All Performanc:H belore 5:00 PM (E1.,C l,edll E11t1t11Mftt1 IM Hlldtyl) --·Uft-"MAJtlNQ LOW" 1111 ·----· "OU.TH Wl9" II" ..i ·----_ ... _. __ ~ ''THE AMA'nUfl'' 1111 .__,_ ... '"""" ..... -. ui-....... ,,...,._ ------'"Alootl Of TME LOST MK"1 ---·-..... -" .. -LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN ..,. ___ _ "OH OOLDlH l'ONO" -,,._ &1 .. ••f 1:80 Mt• "CAHNIAY "OW'' -, ................ Oii _ __, __ _ •n•~-. foc111ry 01 Concll•"ooo 213/111·91~ "CANNPIY "°'*'' -·-·--"'"--c.-n ,__...,.._ "TAll'S"-'~*'•••.._,... _°"_,.,__..,...,_ ci::;:._ ......... -:..""1::.:o.::: I "REOS"-,~-.~-- LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WALK IN. Focutty Al Del Amo 21J/614-t211 --·-......... I 'RAIDERS Of' THE LOST ARK""" , .............. ,.... I I L-'GUl\l.l _Olm!.,.. .. ,. __ "MAKINO LOY£" 1111 tt--•. 1 ... 4 •.I•,~. UM --..... -~ "CHARIOTS Of' FM!" '"' , ... , ............. .. SO . COAST WALK·IN Soull'I Cooal Htwoy 01 l roo<hray 494-1514 -MT-----"OHOST ITORY" _, -.....~,. MT ..... &'t.....-. ..... _c__,._,.. __ "TA""-..._..,..M..,.• .. , ...... .., ....... ,.., ... ... -..1-..., ,,,...e·1s \ ... ,.,.,,:00 ..... ,\Yl"•e:.ts IMPORTANT NOTICI! CMILORI N UNDER 12 fRU! """' .,. • .,.,_ 111111 ''''" F•• 15 30 • ht Su• l4ela4·30 ,. Qllf.R SOUNO • YOUll Mii CAii l\AOIO 1$ YOUll Sl(M(JI If HO •M CAii MOii) "'"14 l(jljlTOI ~SSOl\f l'OSIT10ll -llMIG Mii l'OlllMU i•N..l CM.fl~ GI Olll * MOIO I ANM<I'"' ANAHEIM ORIVl·IN 1,.ewoy ti ot lem<>f' St 179•9llO .. ·---°'~ "W'tNOWALK!R" --"MONCO BILI. Y" ,.. Clllt I I SOI/NO ftlf,,..APAgl: BUENA PARK ORIVf IN lJntOlft -'" Wet! Of a..011 121-4070 " -...... ~ .. '-'• LINCOLN DRIVE·IN ltnc-04n Ave W•tf Ol lno" 121·4070 '''llfHllu:r' '°" O.•oo frwy ot lfoo41"""' (lo> c ......... -. "DEATH WISH II" llt . "'-' .. "THE BU"NING" Ill CHlf FISOU*O . -------.. ~---­""ros·· '"' -''ltftMH!CY" - Ct"t "sou...J °" ____ , ____ _ "VIC! IOUAO" Ml -"HAROCX>fll!" Ill --11.&1'--"MAKINO LOVE" llt -' HISTORY OF THE WORLD l'A"T OHE" "' --·-· "O!ATH WISH II" Ill -"THE 8\MNtNO" fllJ fU•24'1 Cllll fl - ... '"1;,~;~J ' llA-----c.~ ,__"""°" "ON OOLO«N flONO" 1N1 j "TAll'S" -~-~-;THr EUCT"IC "°"'°"""" "MODPN l'"CMILl!MS" ----·--"CHRISTIANI! f ." "" -"MATMU41P"111 Cl'9l·lllOIMO " .. """ .. LA HABRA •1w1 ·~ .-.MvW•WtOI•~ "TH! AMATl!Uft" 1'11 -"~H COMFO..T' 1111' c""'"-..,. ___ _ "ON QOLOUI fl'OND'',.. -....., .. _ ..... _ ·--"TM nl!cii.IC ~N" .,_ 17M .. 2 ---.... , ORANGE DlllVt IN lo•"O ""°'-t J1oi.c-.e 5N·7022 ··-·--· .... -"V'ICe IQUAD" ... -''MAMCOM" ... ' . MISSION flllrvt IN . . . --------·~r ... . .. ... .. Orange Cout DAJLY PILOT/Saturday, February 'Z7, 1182 Ann-Margret prepares to face ~nother crisis · .. LAS VSOAS (AP> -Aaa·llll1Nt can look back CID 1111 .. th• YNr .... ftnlebed three atw movl•, 1tnn1thened her boW u Lu v.,u· )eadlu lady, ed&ed 1raetl\ally 9ut .o -and learn.a, once aim. to cope wt~ tbt epecwr of deatb. Her hancll dance ucltedly. her 1reen eyes 1l1am u ah• talks about tbt thne movie1. There have been 31 alnee 1h1 beaded weat 11 a 1tar·1tnlck teen-aaer from the O.lca10 suburb of Wilmette, met rejectlon ln Laa Vecaa, then nturned to conquer tbe town -thanks to the 1ood tute ol Geor1e Duma. But the aparkle dims, the voice fadef to a whisper when asked about ber husband, bualneas mana1er and close confidant for years -actor Ro1er Smith. Pianist replaced Pianlal Lillie Krause bu canceled her Sunday appearance with the Pacific Orchestra due to Ulneu, a symphony spo~esman announced. Mias Krause will be replaced by pianist Charles Rosen who will play a Moaart piano concerto. Rosen, who holds extenalve academic credits in the field of French literature, bu performed throughout Europe and America and has recorded numerous works. The concert is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. ln the Good Time Theater at Knotts Berry Farm. Tlcket information is available at 7Tcl-3158. 600PAYSl0 COCQS JSl,AND Surf Theatre 121 5th St. -Huntlngton Beech 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. .~~10.1 Thl9 .-you cen ... AEDS •t tt-. thMtrM •UWAMI •WPllT EDWUll C... WOT •CMUD• Newport 11t11Ct1 844.0710 Westl!WISltt llt 3935 . 0mnge 134·2553 • .._.6CCU"TU ... .____.. SUNDAY,,l&Jadt PATTI PAGE A deeadt 110 SlnlU. wu bl Loi Aqtl" w6en 1punkyftdhHd think• that mlaht buJ moup time ahe IUf'feNd a near-fatal fill, a f .. t, head·ftrat, to flnd a eure for th'e mu wbo rev.....S IMr onto the •taa• ol • crowded lhowroom at the troubled career and cban1ed h~r llft 1D tile Sahara Hot•l ln Lalre Tahoe. mid 'SOI. • Smith elole ~private plant becauae there were "We Just havt lO deal wltb it a dQ at 1 tlm•,"· no commenilal fllCbtl lolO the mountain rt110rt at she said recently followtnc oae ti Mir lbowa al nl1bt and no charter• available. Jportna the Cae1ara Palace. "He can tell wbm be IN up'bow protesta ot doctora, he aplrtted hla unconacloua he' a 1otn1 to be the reat ol the day, wbltbw it'• wile out of a Tahoe hOIPital few. a 400·mller 1oln1 to be a food day or a bad day. Wbm bt'I lD pre·dawn Olcbt over the Sierra Nevada to ezperts bed and cannot move for elx days at a Umt, tt at the UCLA MecUcal Center. He lnslated that her bothers me a treat deal." crushed facial bones be repaired f1'0m lnslde her She aald the problem seems ta remluioD DOW, moutb t.o avoid •carrint one ol Hollywood's most but adds "we never know trom day to day what's beautifUl faces. goinc to happen.•• Told first that she might not live, then that ahe would never dance acaln, she returned to the 1ta1e Ann-Margret's dependence op Smith la 10 weeks later "because I won't allow any fear to well-known. He quit an actinl ca~eer wbJcb overcome me" and to prove lo ber father -dylnl included TV's ''77 Sunset Strlp" to spark a of cancer -that ahe could retum. resurcence that has made her one of the hottest Now. doctors at the Mayo Clinic have properties in Lu Vegas and a two-time Academy delivered yet another cballence. Smith bu been Awards nominee. diagnosed u sufferin1 from myaathenia 1ravia, an "I realized a year ago in November, when he incurable muscular wastinl dlaeaae. Docton say was diagnosed, that I had to become much more that with care he could Uve for JO yean. 'lbe independent, stronger. ln order lo help him ." ., ........ PERILED -Roger Smith. shown with wife Ann-Margret, is suffering from an incurable disease, but she still holds hop e. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~- So your car won't start and your bills don't end .•• Forget your troubles and.take a friend to ... IMA at.-.,.. Plan E:dwn Slddleliecll 52U33t 581-5110 COITlMIU Nmll Edwlr• C.-C.. &lw11is Woodllndga .,. 41'1 ~51 0855 1 :.~.=,1 "NUMBER ONE PICIURE OFTIIE YEAR .. :~,..--n Nomluted for 10 Academy Awards .......... BEST PlCTIJRE -ORAMA BEST DIRECTOR Marie Rydt'll On~ohh~ Vnr'11 to Bot. CHA .. ~I MOMION "DEATH WJ..~Jl':J."> ... -., ........ ..... -.- '=1t'ITt Al\?CE .. llWJCE ·==· TIUCLASSIC J-D llOIUIOlf MOVIE OI' AU 11/llC. CHAAUESWC* ... 'DEATH WISH It" tit> ... -.--UT_ ... .,, .. -. --- -----... -, ....... .............. I cl .... I I cl I I I) 0 c I N I f\, ~ {1 •• I ,... ,.'. ,_ ::. : ,;, A . I~ ' I' l-1 I ' c: ~ ~ I , cL\ .. rr t "'/\ r , r '1 1 " r. < f< 1 • t A / r. ' ' , • ·:. '' ' )R 1 ':IH .-1 ' JOHN HURT "NIGHT CROlllNO" (l'G) --"MAKING LOVE" , .. , fteOM ,,, t ...... n. AiMllt• -~_,Oii,.... _,,,.,_ ... _, __ .,.,,,..,_,.. "DEATH WISH .JI" ... --"'_ ........ -.-.-fll . ' . ~ .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/&aturd~. February 27, 1912 ..OeMCWll • • • • "llleewr .. tlon" (1N0) lllen lu~. hm IM!Nrcl. A"• • -..... MO __,., I WOfl'llll !Inell ttllt en. '* 1N IOlll- ty to llMI otwe M II I*• MCUttd beolUM of llef r~ to claim a divine lnfluanoe. 'PG' l:OO, .... llMUTM .... DIM'Y T-.TAU< "OnONth" ' · 1 VllWPOINT . IA TUN>.\Y IMO=~~la lllLMl'IATUM MOYll ••'At "Botd«Nne" (1180) ChlrlM Ironton, 8'uno Kirby. A pol~ off~· dlt- cover1 a tnwgg.llng ring op«atlng elong the Melli-~ bOtdw ~ trlM to keep Incoming 11len1 from becoming ''"'" to ruth· leM tweatlhop ownera. 'PO' (l)NOVll **'A ''Smokty And The landtt 11" (1HO) Burt Rev· nold1, Jaeki. · Gte11on. Sheriff .Buford T. Jutt~ cellt In hi• two lawman i>fotherl to 1toci a retired booliegg«, the Bendit, from tr1n1portlng a b1by -*Phant. 'PO' (%)MOVll * * * "The Doge Of War" (1910) Chrlttoc>her Wiik· en, Tom Berenger. Alter being tor1ured and deport- ed by.,.. Atran dlct•tor, • rn«oenary returne 10 IMd a l'ftOMIOn. 'R' e:1111N1W1 l:IO DUl'TY'I ~· I THAT'ICAT ,ACUITTIM ~THE llCOHO'CINTUll\' I 8"Al<OUT CAPTIOHID ABC NeWI ()) VOICIOF AGNCULT\Jllll I rrt YC>Ufl' IUllHlll DA.INUGOLU MOVll * • • ·~ "Pert 2 Sounder" ( 11178) Harold Sylvelter, Ebony Wright. A rura l bleck famlly of anare- Cfoppett atruoglt to build • eellOOI In Loulalana dur· I the ()eprHllO!l. 7:00 KIDIWOAlD 8 TH! l'UNTITOHE8 llO l&.U! MAMLE aJ IU~IHDI DAW\' ANO GOLIATH ~EAL TH IH'TE1'HAT10NAl "°""' 7:111. MNllO ANO THI l~==INE 9 NCHIE NCH I IC008YOOO I =AND GOLIATH UNOIMTANOINO HUMAN llHAVIOA .MOYie • * "Whlta Weter Si m" Keith 'Lareen. A mou11teln 11'1111 tr1Ye11 the Nortll-t W11h hit hulN!y Mareftlng tor the great White water . rout1101Jth. 'G' 1:00 I ()) POPIY! THE RIFLEMAN REAL E8TATETOOAY MOVI! **'A "The OHert Rall" ( 11153) Richard Burton. Jemee Muon .. • UNDaMTAHOING WACI ANO TIMI CB)MOVll **'h "Sphinx" (111811 k111k Ll ngetla, LMley• Anne Down A rutn .... blecll market an1tqut1 ... ring attempt• to 1109 tn l!gyptotoglll lrom dlecov· Iring the wherNboult ot I prk*ala 1ta1ue Ille w• petmltted to view 'PG' . (l)MOVll! * •'h "Rock1how" ( 11180) P1ul Me<;ertney and Winge. T'hlt record or the band'• U.8 tour 11\ciudll J)trlorm•nc.e of .. Jet," ''land 011 The Run." "Siity LO\l't Sonot" and eome old IMtle bahel1. 'PO' l:IO • Cl) TAAZAH I LONE MNOllll D 8ICIO11.Mlll flOW8' HOUlll I Mf,,U..c>L. -~/~ DAYIGAHCI • TOM ANNOUNCIC> ·~MOVll !it•* "The' Other Side Of The Mountelf\ •• Pll'1 II" (11178) Merltyn HUMll, Tlmotlly IOttomt. Former champion tkler. Jin Kin· mont, rencleted a QUldr1· ~ by a traolc eccldent. ....... wl1h Mlt-dollbt ,..., • -love~-·'* ~ . .. I UIAYI IT TO llAVllll 9 LAYlllHI& ~ • • "Nightmare Ill The lun~ (1Nll JCIM Dtrtk, MIO"-· Co untry Johnny Cash guests on the "•Barban Mandrell " show at 9 tonight on KNBC (4 ) • THI UNOllllQ..ouHD CONHIOTION Thi• documentary ohronl- clel Illa poeltlOn of Cllri .. !lent llvtng In communltt· co11tro61ed n1tlon1. Art Llllkltlt• and Mra. Atek • 11ndr Sotlhenlltyn arl r.atufed. I NIW VOIC! ("! Q AMIAIOAH QOYIANMIHT euov11 • * • "Elvlt" ( 111111) Kurt RulMll, Seeton Hubley Elvia Prffley rl-lrom poverty and obeeurtty to echle'tl1 feme and fortutt• u • euper11ar mullcal pet· rormer. t:IO • Cl) 9'IGI 9UNHY I M>AONJNNIA I 8 IPtOl"'-MAH OZZIE AND HAMl!T 9 H!ATHCUffANO ~OH THE AUN Johnny Mann ho111 a doc- umentary about the 'mil- Ilona Of Ohlld refugell In lheworld. • GUfTAA WITH ,NOEUCI< NOM> • AMMICAN . GOYlfMitlHT 10:00 I "ACI ITAAI · IHA"NAHA 9 THVNOAlllA / OOLJ>ll.eo&.o I CAA CAM CENTIW. 8HOW MY PEOPl.E THIS OU> HOOll 8ot> Vlla a11d Norm Abfa.m tffr down th• panemng In the ~1 rec room: upt lllrl. tne ,_ kl1Chen count• toe>• ere lnttallecl. ; ~OTER'S l"IPl!LINE Speach, llHrlng, and ten· guega problem• are eJ<plorecl It '#911 U llOW P\lbllc awarl""8 c•n help tl'lell chlldre11. 8COLLEOE IASKETIALL Ragtonal cover1g1 ol Georgetown II Conneci~· cul. Jamet Madlton •t Old Dominion; Clncl11nat1 II Florld• Stata: Purdue at Mlcnlgan St•••: Tutti at 8rldley. (8)MOV11 • • "Bronco Biiiy" (111801 CHnt Eallwood. Sondra Locke A former lhoe 111eetnan lrom ,._ J•My realli• hil drNm of per- forming In a Wiid W•• lhOw. 'PG' Cl)MOVIE • •I.\ ··somewhere In Time" ( 11180) Chrl91oc>h« RMvl, J ane Seymour, ObMIMd with the portrait of • 1et11-cen1ury ectr-. 1 moderrHS1y New York pllywtlglll UMt llypnotlt to trivet beck In lime and meet her. 'PG' 10-.30 I AMINCA'S TOP Tl!N WILD, WILD WORLD °'ANIMALS • "Pangulnt'' Among the Icy wutM there .,. only • few true lnl'labllanta euc11 u the pangulnl. I ::;::,=~llC PMOT08HOW POfmwTS IN PAITELI (1:)MOVIE ••'lo "Return ~ ITl«lt" (111781 Ellubetl'I T •Y10t. Joaaph lottoma. A former adr-wftO la l .. Clllng al I tmall college lorm1 • tll9Cllll retatlOn· 1hlp with one of her llu· deoll. 11:00 I AQNCULTUl'll U.S.A. WCTnHNll "$200,000 World Ooublta Seml·Flfl .. 1" 8 @ WHKINO INCIAL "Scruffy'' An orph11141d MPY 1Mrn1 the value of l o allr'-ndt. (Per\ 31 (R) IOULTMIH THIMIOK8 COOKJNQ Ml)OCAN CAI.~ 11tl0 Cl) 8'.AOMTAlll MllNWHIM 9 AMINCAN IAHOITANO G WILD. WILD Wa..LD Of'ANIMALI "Th• 8"" The lntrlcet• 11atura Of tne "91' IOClety II l llplored. • MIA CHILD AHO ~OOM,AHY • CALUQAAl'HY -AFTERNOON----- 'l:OOI Cll ~ LOIT IN IPAOI .MOWI * * * ''With 811 You Ot4 l!fetoll" (1"8) Dorlr Dey, ltllll K91th. o.tptte the feet tll•t their Cllllldl'9ft don't get elong, a wldOW Mel • widower cleolde to merTy. • ADAM-11 UAlloy and Reed forget 10 lf'oO by the book" when ell· ll'f a traMo Ylolalor wno turne out to be wanted ror •Tntd robbaor. • klMOUlll .. "S1lad1" I NUDLEClllAFT oou.aoe IAIK!TaALL 8•11 Diego Slit• II Brig· him Young ~MOVIE • * '-\ "Cteopetra Jonee" ( 1973) Tamara Oobeon. Shelley Wlntere. A kltat .. trllnecl i.m... agent for the United 8111 .. govern. mant trlla to bteak up M lllagal drug op«atlon. 'PG' Cll)WHAT ON 1Nm17 01'9on Welle• takM an 1111ertelnlng looll 11 man Wlcl hi• WOfld. (J)MOW ••·~ "Blow-Up" Cllleel Devta Hemmlnga. VIMIM Aedgfaw. When • young London phot09fapfler h .. 90"'9 of hit plcturM blown 11p, lie di-• whit ~110 be• murder. •MoviE • • ·~ "l"lncl'lelltt Grana Prix" ( 1980 Animated An• !'Ila cer dellgf\ II atolel\ by en ax-colleague, a brllll1 n1 mechante decldla to build an ewn tll41M racing rnecnlne end con'll*• with hi• '*"-" 'G' (%)MOVll • • * "Flrtt Famlly" (tg80) Olldl Redner, Bob N-hart. The 11xually reprMMd d•ugllter of the country'• welrdelt prall· dent111 famlly complk:elM her r1ther'1 attempt• to conduct the atlalre of 1t1ie. 'R' 12".IO I ()) TOM AND""'"" Wl!ltC!NO Hll'IOU "Kenny Singleton" G MOW *t "~a" (187t) Fred ~llllllMIOn, ..... Vega. A CMI War IOldler returnt frorn battle to find • l>lnd of rn.ar8Ud«I 1111 revagect hit llO!ne. • ADAM-12 • COLLIG!I'~ CANINO Bruce Senion• demon· llr•I• hOw to \-" your dOQ to ttay on commend 111d how to brMk a dOQ of r:.(Rl NUOLICMn' l<IOeWOALO l'N tured: an Interview with "Siiier Sledge"; 1 repon from the Phlladelphll Acedemy Boyl Cllotf CIDMOVie * • '-\ "The Man Who Saw Tom0<row" (tll81) Dow- me 111ary. Narrated by Orton Wellla. Fooi.oe Of -ti he predleted end drematlc r.-er•tloM of hie Ill• ooml)f!M thll looll at the 17th-century Frencll l)llyalcltft, utrologar and myttlq. Michal de Noltr•· o.m.. kl'IOWn H Noltra· damua. 'PG' 1:00 I (J) l<'WIOf<Y l(OALA OOUHI ~ UCLA It Oregon • THI MUNITIM • MovlE *'* • "Blue H1wall'' (1H 2l El\llt Prealey. Ange- le L-bllry. When a IOl- d I ar re turn•. to hit Hawlllan home, he lakH I job with • 1our111 burN u egllnll Iha ~ of hit ~an ta. • MOY!! ••'A "C111nov1'1 BIO Night" (1 .... ) lo& tiope, Join l'ontalM, A taff6t'1 apprent~ vet• Into trou· Die wt\en he maquerldM at the OtM I lover C ... no- VI . • NIVAOA'IWl4..0 HOMll: AAHGI WAl4 ITALIMATI • OAOWING VIAN "The NewbOrn" 0 MOVll ••'A "ftureult" (18721 8el'I Guura, E.G. Mir· llhlll. A polltloll ectMIC matOflet wit• with an aeant wtlo tr• to •toP IM !Of• mer lfOlft oeatroylrlo • 1 ~U.l.ctty, 1 1:111 I (I) IO llllNUTa '""'°°' NOYA "The Mttrold Anet TM OirlOMllt' A redllll MW CHANE LISTINGS "*'Y ... --dlno-.,,. Cllecl "" .,_ ,IO ~~., ........ ........,_II .......... • l<NXT (CH I e 1<N8C'(NIC) • ICTLA (lncf.l e l<ABC CAICI • l<,MI CCIS) 8 KHJ· TV (Incl. I e KCST IAICI e 1<TTV (Incl.) e K~OP.TV Clncl.l •• ettc l TCPll) e 1eoc1 IPHI \. o ai;.Tv I Z·TV " HBO c (Cu,.mul J} (WOAI NY., N.Y DJ (WTBSI I (ESPNI I C lfto.id I me I • S.OClleflt • tC.Dl•N•ws N1twor111 ~Q . •W1rftNIYIAM ''TN Growtno tn19nt" • (CMCWll '* * • "Otl QOCll lootc II" (11101 Qffr .. 9vf111, ~~God rt turn1 to ,.,,,, and ollOOMt Ille rount ..,,. tero1ar1••••--....... to ............ rr.tWfM= .. ,.. ,,.., .....ci -IMIO.TWe • • ... ,,..... ""*' ... tloft find ''* "'* -,., ..... OlfW OM> ...... ,, ........... ............. "°. t:4f(I)~ *. "Hill' CountfY'' ( tN 1) Tlf!lotllY lonOIM. Uflcll P\#1. All ltO.-cl oonWn -.. ,,., • ...., olri· lrilnd ... to tne moun- 191na. •PG' l:OO 11 WITH YOU 91WGAWl lll.AHD • MOYll ..... .... .,,,.,. .. (1 ... ) Adell\ w..t, lur1 W110 "'"""'oet lltmen Incl ~ .,.. lhrMttned by the oomblned for-of lout Mlterdly lllldelWot1d r:w.. "Friendly 11111" (IHI) CerOl lurMCI. Ned ... tty TM llOfl' of 1 oout>1e WhO try to find out w+Mit rMlly happened to their eon In Vietnam. • VHDIMTANOIHQ HUMAN llHAYIC>lll "functlonll Of l'he lfaln" Cl) DAYTONAIUPIA ; ..... 8MOVll * * * "Ryen'e Olught•" ( 1'70) Serlfl MllM. Rob«t Mlt~ .. CB)MOVll **"' "Bordefllne" (1HOI Oh11111 lfoneon. lfuno Kirby. A l)otte. off\oer ell .. COWfl I emuogllng ring Ol)lratlng along the Milli- can botd« ana trlla to keep lncomlnO atlen1 lrorn becomlnG .. .,,.. 10 rulh• .... _,-"Oii O'#Mn. 'PO' (l)MOVll • * * "Two Weeki tn Another Town" (1982) Kirk Oougtu, Edward G Rob· tnaon. A mlaguldtld actor llndt h1pplne11 In 111 Mlllllllt prOduelf'• job. t-.30 . Cl) DOAAL-U.ITIAN ONHGOt.1 Third-round play In thl• 1250.000, 72-hole TPA eve11t (from thl Doral Cou!'llry Club. Miami, Fla.). • QILUOAH'l llLAHO The PrOffflOr dlegnoMI the Skipper u tufferlng from • vlllmln deficiency. ••. 8 ~lllAY l..IOHAAO'I GOLDIN GLova-- • ~A OOWHI: IXOILLDIC!IH !DUOATIOH Tl'le founder of Ohlcego'1 W"t Side Preparatory SchOOI pr_..11 her phl- I01ophy or education dur· Ing I ltetUfl It tM Uolver· tltyofDell• • UNOIMTANOIHG HUMANllHA~ "SentMY Pa~" 9 ""°""8llOHAL IOWl.IM TOU.. $200,000 Toledo Trull -PBA Nlllonel Champlon- t hlp (lrorn the Imperial LanH In Toledo. 011101. S:OO G COU!QE IAll<!TBALL use at Oregon Stat• 8 MOVIE ••'h "J ack And The Beanllllll" ( 111521 Abbott end eo.1111o. Buddy B- • MOVll • * 'h "Lo .... In A GOldftWI Bowl" (19811 Tommy Sande. Fabian. A pair of COiiege lluOanta apendlng t platonte V9"11on II I "8ell hcM.a .. lnt•rupl· ed by 1 confuMd Cout IGuar~ NOMI GAl4DIHE" 1:80 Cl) 1'°"1S SPl!CTACULA" 10-round mlddlawelght bout betwMI\ Thomu Hearnt and Marcoa Getat- do, Tamera McKinney, Cr111th Cooper and Cindy Nelton 11.ke OI\ Ille wortd'I beat IN!llfl In the oient ll•· lom at Aapen, Col D "'°"8llOHAL 90¥/LIM TOUfll 1200,000 Toledo Trull PBA Nlllonll Chemplon. 11'119 (lrom uie lmP«llll LlllM In TOiedo, Ohio). l~AOIHElll * * * ,,._ "The Wiid Chlkt" ( 11170) JMl't·l"llrr• C.gol. francol9 Trunaut. An 111h· century ph)'llel111 1nempt1 to ctvlllie • 12-)'Mr-okl boy found tMno wlld In the lorMta ol France. (%)THI IHCMDleLI JEWSL "°'8lln' 4:00 e GNZZl..Y M>AMS • O'flWILUI "Golden loy'' When en Ivy Leaguer return• to the block to coacm kid• In rec- quetball, rum«a IPfffd that he II I hOl'nOMIUal. Q -~ llOlOGY aJ IHTlln'AINM«NT THllWllK Int.,....._. with Tom Jonee, OICll VM Oylce, Ann and Nancy Wlllon, Chr11topllef Atkin• and Kim Novak. (8) ITANOING ..ooM ONLY "Simon And Oartunkll: The Concer1 In The Partl" PIUI Simon and Art Oar· tunkll perform meny old favorlt .. In lhall' ""' lotnt oonoen tn 11 ye111, tapect dUl'lng the IUfMllf Of '8 I Ill New York City'• Central ,enc. (l)MOVll **"' "lomawh•r• In Time" (1l lO) Clvll1optw ,......., Jane ltYmOUr. ObMINd wlttl the portrelt Of • 19tll>Century act ...... a rnocltrn-dtY New Yort! pleywrfgtlt ...... ~ to trawl Ne* In time Ind meet her. 'PG' • um.a JOHHNV JONm Tllll rwl¥ll OI 'tit 1904 Georft M, Cotlen tllUlloll OOlftlld1 100ut en • Anllfl· Olll jOlllf¥ .... tl'lll IO .in tM """"' ~ ..... ... ....,.... .... Gl¥9Mr ._.,.. To lltoedwly'' encl "YWll Doodle Den- a;·~~ ... ,.,...,,. pelfonM .... "°'" 1111 oumnt IOIO..,._ .. &:.:"'MADI IN ... WI. ""111 .... I ....-~ ... u..cwe ·~AU. ... ., ..... .., c.llowey. Cltol ~ • .... MltlNn, Ann Miller Md otlWt tot a tfl!Me lo tM "*" l'IWtlCell Of ...... KOCE 8 7:00 .. Mutlnce at the llUou." Jlm my Durante ond Lup e Ve lci featured ln .. Palooko " -~C*THI """' JOflMy MMn tlolte I clOC- umtMltY ab0\11 the 1'1111· llonl Of cNIO ,..... In KABC~ 7:30 ··omni: The New Frontier. · Robots or past. present ond future dlscuased . tn.WOfld. • CMIAT ~ "lrldatlllld lll1vlelt1d: Julia" ltbuti.n .... KCET.@ 8:00 .. Llfe on Earth ... How Iguanas and torlolses survive on the. Galapaeos Islands. on Illa way to a owe. Lady M llONl\alh It monelly Ill, 11\d A41• Mottrem 11 In hot purwtt Of Jult1. (Part t ) Q e WOOOWNOHT'I '"°' KNBC IP 9:00 "Burbaru Mundrell and the Mandrell Sisters." Oucsts are Joh nny Cash . June <.:lirter Cash. S~c photo. left. "White Oalt lplf11" Roy UncHtlllll aplltt and wee ..... cllllr bOllomt . (Al CB)MOVll • • "lronco 811ty" I 19801 Cltnt lutwood, Sondra Loek• A former 1hoe MlMl'nlrl lrom New JerMy • ITA.ATMI< • WIOe~Of' 1'°"'8 World W110h1Nntno Cham· plon1hlp1 (from Liiie, ~ranoe): u.a. Flg\lrt lk•t· Ing Cl\etnplonf "' • "*"' pertormanoe (lrom llldltn-•Polll. Ind.): Wlnternlllon- al Oreg Racing Champton- thtp e (lrom Pomona. Cell1.). G l<O.IAK • MOVll * * * "Lat'• M•k• Lova" (1IMIOI Marlty11 Monroe, Ywe Montand. A wealthy men 11 hlreb by' an off. Broadw1y producer to lmpereo1111e htmHfl. • IOLIDGOLO Hoel Andy Gibb Cohott Marilyn MeCoo Gueatt : George Benton, Air Sup- ply, Al Stewart. Aretha Fra11klln. Ouarterllaah. Dottle WMI, Player. G IOOC!ll MADI IN 01 .... AHY Brull v1. V•~uel• Cl) M'A'S'H III NIWI 8 LAWAIHCE Wll.K ''The Walther" (C)MOVIE • •\;\ "Seven Woman" ( tll88) Anne Banerott, Sue Lyon Women with varying t>ackgroundt and potl· lion• l11terrelat• In • Chi· MM mllllorteehOOI. (D) Ol YMPIAD "1500 M.,er1" Hlghllght1 of tl'le 11188 rlvalry bet- Kip Kelno and Jim Ryan are preMnled. CZ)MOVll *'** "The Oogt Of War" ( 1.980) Chtllloptw Walk. en, Tom Berenger Alt• being tortured and deport· ed by an African dtetator. 1 mercenary return• to INCi a revolution. R' 1:30 I LAIT °'THE WILD NEWS ONO!Ul'ONA ClMllC "A Tale 0 1 Two ClllH" Secret mHllngt Ilk• piece at th• Oefarga'a wine thop, Luc11 Manetta end C11arte1 Oernay marry (Pert 41(RIO ()) WELCOME IACI<, KOTTl!A 9 WIDI WORLD°' I PORTS World WliOlltllltlng Cham· p1on1111p1 (from Liiie. Franc.): U.S. Flgufe 6kat· Ing Champ10n1 In a apeclel performance (from lndi.n- apoll1. Ind I: Wlnt•natlon· al Ofeg RxlnQ Cllame>lon· 1111p1 (from Pomona. Celll.). CB)MOVIE • • • "The Te11111 Month" ( 19791 Carol Burnett. Keith Mltcnett A mlddi.-egtld. d!Vorctld woman becomee pregnant Md decld.. to keep the blby. .MOYIE • • • 'h "The Elephant Men" pg80) John Hurt. Anthony Hopklnt. A dedl· catad phytlclan takH under hie wino 1 hOrrlbly defOtmecl m9n wtlOM "'• untll lhen hid beer! 1pen1 In Cheep frMk •xhlbltlOM. ~EVENIG- ~1e= • * "Ptppl LongtlOCklng" (1Hll) Inger Nllaaon. Par Sundbef9. Buad on tne ttorlta by Attrld Undgran. The ldVll\IUfM of • young Swtldl1h glrl whOM com· p1nlon1 era a monkey and I dappled horM lrl retold I WHITE IHADOW MOV1l • • 'h "Th• Pom Pom Flrl1" ( 11177) Robert Carre- dl11e. Jennifer Atntty • WIM YOU THll'll? "The Oay When The Ant· mall Tllked" Nl11ety.yur- old educat0< Rev. Or. WH· ll1m Faulkner provldH trMh lnllghtl Into Afro- Amatteen lolklOre. Q • IP'OMI AMINOA "NFL Arm WrH lll11g Champlonlhlp" (D)MOVll *'*** "Tet1" (111711) N11t1ae1a Klnekl, Peter Firth The deughler of 1 poor E11gll11'1 farmer becomN the vtellm ot lier !amity'• 1tp1r1llon1 end her 0'#11 t>eeuty. 'R' (l)MOV11 ...... "Rockel\Ow" (11180) l"eul McCart11ey 1nd Winge. Thll rte«d of the band'• U.S. tour tnctud• l*tOfmencet Of ".i.t," "land On TM lllun.'' "INiy UM loftgl" Wlcl WM old ...... bllltdl. 'PG' t:IO 11,,,.,.=:r ™-W..C ~I wltll Tom Jonet, Oloti Ven D)Q. Ann end --Wlllon. ()fir ... Atllllll and Kim NoYlk, I:::. IN THI WON.D • • i,. "~tra Jonte" ( 1171) Temltt OOMon, ~Wint.,.,, A II.,... treiMcl ,.,,,... """ tor tM UlllMcl ...... f0"9m- ,,,... trill to bfMll up "' ~*"toperaMn.'PG' TICIO. It llNQf °'"' .... ~...._ .. 1 --YOU? TMI MMD\' IOYI I ...., .. Mfli&M "" .......... '°"' A ........ ~to trap the ma11erm1110 01 t •HlllM hie dream of per. h~ poecnlng operation l0<mfng In • Wiid WMI • LAWMNCIWIU< lhow 'PO' "Tiie Wellher" (D) MOVtl • OHIOl(IHQ IT OUT * * '* "Modern Romance" FMtur" 1 report on (tile 1) Albart Brook•. Whether tl'le mllltery 11 ful-Kttllry11 Herrold. A fllm fllll"iJ 111 promllM to ldll0< trlea repeatedly 10 YOUllO people: an l ll•lllf IW beell the hetll'1 ot Ille 111 .. eflOW. a profile of a • woman he lovn. 'R' l•mlly or claettc guitar e MOVll maker• Q • • • • "Raging Bull" G MATINUATTHI (11180) Robert De Niro. llJOU Clllly Moriarty. Bo1tng Jimmy Durante and Lupe champion Jllca LI Motta'• VI ier are laatured In aptitude lor vlotance "Pllookl" p g34). bated brlng1 him auceeu In the on the famou1 comic ttrlp ring but dlerupt1 hit pet· CllaraGtll, th• lhOrlS tonll Ill• 'R' 11\Cludl "Callll\Q All Kld1" t : 11 (%) MOVll ( 1937), "Alica In Wonder· * * • "Flrtt F1mlly" land" (1931) ana 1 car-( 11180) Giid• ,Redner. Bob toon (RI Newhart Tha 1exu1Uy I IN MARCH°''" repr"8ecl daughter ol the PIOPLl'I COUR'f country'• welrdett prffl· TH! MUPPe'TS de11llal ramlly compttcatM GuH I' Keye Bellerd. her llther'1 11temp11 10 (%)THE IHCMDllLE conduct th• afla.lra of .llWEL AOHE1'Y 1111a. 'R' 7:IO 8 CANCE FIV!R l :IO 8!) NMHVILI.E MUSIC Cela brlly ludgH: Greg GuMll' Lora111 Lynn, Ron· Morrie, Jim Nabort. CarOl n11 McDowell, Johnny Connor• Gueat Wood• Duncan. R C. Bannon Ernplra (CJ MOVte I LOOI< AT U8 * * * 'Oh Goal IOOll II'' OMNI: THE N!W (111101 Gaorge Burnt. l'AOHTIE" Suu nna Plffh•tt•. Goo Futured. Omnlvec. 1111 return• 10 Ea rth and 11111 robot 10 aet on cllooset Ille young daugl\. 1n11ruetlont trom 1 human ta< or en 1dvenlllng ••ec- 1 voice ; luac A11mov ullv• to IP'Hd 1111 mea- dtecu1... robot• of ttla ~·to th• world. 'PG' put, preeent and Mura. 10;00 U 8 llLL Y CAYIT Al • PMllHTE COMEDY HOUR (Jl OMNI: THE NEW Gu .. 11 Smolley Roblnton. ""°"11E" Rot> Reiner; Shelley Duvall (II MAAllSA: LOOK AT 1 • NEWS MINOW MOVIE Ricl'I Duncan loltowt 1 ••YI "Hlllflolllere" ( 198111 native Sen 04egan °" lier JOhn Wayne. Ketl'lartne Journey to t>ecomlng 1 Rost. A band ol COUrl· Playboy bunny. geou1 llreflghtera batti.t a 8 THl MUl"PETB ~eeular oll·well blue. Ou••I• Mummenac11a11r ID DOOOEA STADIUM: Puppell • THE FIMT 20 YEAAI (B) INTVIHATIONAL The People and -II of FlOUA! SKAT1NO FROM Dodger Staolum. PEKING • AMEllllCAH Oorotlly Harnllt. JO Jo Pl.AYHOOIE Starbuck. Toller Cranlton . F0< Cotoreo Glrlt Wl'IO and JOhn Curry ara 1mong Have Conlldered Suicide I Ill• 1k11er1 IHtured II\ 11111 Whit\ The R1lnt>ow It at1-111r exlllblllon from Enul" Six women ahare m11nllnd C11ln1 their pain. terror and love (Z) MOVIE In • lelevttlon 1d1p1allon • * "High Country" (tile 1) ol Ille award-w111ntng Timothy Bonomi . Linda Broadwey hit by Ntor•k• Purl. All ffC8Ped convict Sl'langa. Q ana lllt lllndlcapptld girt· ID AUSTIN CITY LIMITS trlend Ille to the moun-Larry Gatlin Ind the Ot tlln taint . 'PO' B<other1 per1orm meny Of 1:00 8 Cl) WALT Dl8Nn 11\etr country hll1, and "The Specemen In King Ricky SkAQil• ••hlbltt hll Arthur'• Court" A •P•C• vlrtuotlty with the tlddll. engineer and hi• robOt are gutter and thctrte mando- catapu/te<I bactc In time to Hri 11x111-cen1ury • E11gl1nd 1o:aoe e NEWS (Pert 1) {I) MOVIE G 8 ONE°' THE IOY8 * * "Phobia" ( 11180) P1ul Oliver accep11 two d•t.. M1c11111 Glaaar, Suun to the Merry Widow• 8111 Hogan A group of mental 8 STAR TAEJ< pallentt ere murdered 8 @ l(IHQ'S acc0<dlng 10 their lndlvldu· CftOlllNO t i leara 'R' Nen'1 Pfoepeellv• bull· 11:00 II D • ()) 9 a neu trip conlllc11 w11n a N!WS fund-ralMr 0, Loui .. ·1, I AMllUCA'S TOP TEN wl\o beglnt to ••perlenca M'A'S'H ~mptomt ol lleatl trouble. Charla• becomes th• moet Ill OOlLEOE unpopullr men In camp ~ when he rec.Ive• 1 winier· Pepperdlne va San Fran-!Jed polar llVll from hit ctsco P•re1111 • THIY 1WH l'OA • PRl80NEl'f: Cl!LL THEIR UV18 BLOCK H JoM11y Mtnn nerr11aa the G IOUNDeTAOE pllgllt ol Ethiopian relu· "An Evening With Roberie i!M 1n Somalia. F1ac1c " 111 • concer1 taped ., MOVIE II c11icaoo·· w .. 1 Park **YI "Uptown Sa turday Theater. Roberti Flack NIOht" (11174) Sidney POI· ting• m81\y of her grHtMI tier, BIN COiby. 1\111 lncludlng "Klfllng Me • un OH !Aln'H Softly" end "The Flrtl "Vlctora Of The Dry Lind" Time E...., I Saw Your Fece "(R)O Oevld Atlenborough lot>k1 ® MOVll at llOw iouan11 ana giant • • '+ "Spllln•" ( lH ll 1ortol111 turvlv• th• scorching llMI and ecant Frank Langella. Liiiey· food euppfy on the Gallpa-Anne Down. A rull\IHI ~· ~!!!'!' 0 bllck merkat antlqultl•• {CJ......,,,,., ring lltempll to ttop 1n '* • • ''i "Everything You Egyptologltt from dllCOV· Alwlyt Wanted To Know erlng the wh«Nboull of• About Sex (But Ware l)flcelMI llatue 11M1 waa Afrlld To Alli)" (lll72) permitted tovtew. 'PG' CD> EVIAYTHIHO QOU Woody Allen, G-Wiider. Rick Podell hoeta 11'111 edllll A MtlM of COl'l\lc aketchea IPOOfl Or. Davta Reuben'• comec1y game ehOw wflere belt-Nltlng book In eddl· cont•tenll mull llke off tlon to other ueorted ter· their elothel II they lncor-i!.1~ 1'9etly '"'"' 1 q1111uon Cl).....,,,,,. that 1111 t>ten given them. '* * * "The Conlj)ellttOn" (%)THI~ ( 1 IMIO) Rlctlerd Oreyfull, Mlek Fleetwood perlofma Amy trvtng. Two p111111tt at IOllQI lrom hi• ourrent • Sen FrancllClo mullc eolo llbum. competition find thtt their 11:ao • ~y JOHii io.... for MCh otllef con· G81ATVN>AYNJGHT lllGtt with their prolHtlon· LNI .. ambltlOl\1. 'PG' Hott; EllUbeth Alhley. • MAl4TtH MULL Oueat1: Daryl Hell and "It 8eemecl 'J:unny At The John Oat•. Harry Ander- T1rN" Merry uc>-lnd-com· eon. Ing eomedlana jOll\ Mertln • MCMI Mull In lhll epeollll. • • "The A4111tlve ION· l :IO• 8 ~VAUIY tlon" (1171) 8urt Re)lnOICll, .,.... Md her l9llow City Alctlatcl ~. Ploltoe WOtllan go on ttrllll. d1tecll¥1 D•n Au~11 • n. OLD HOUll IMtchtl • town tot 1 plllt lot> VII• ~lNorm Abr•m I Of lllNetl. \ teat dOwn 1119 pel\llttng In I ~ N8I the blelment rto room: _,,,. upeqn, the new kit~ • • • "f'tver Of No coum" tcpe .,. lnltalled. "-tum" I 1H4) lllobtrt q Mltellum, Mlrllyn Monroe. NO• Cll MCMI ...... C~ -""8aclill And "°'>btft: I...,._ TM laoret Adwnturel Of "A Color.cl Gitt: ~GUiii rom ...,._ And Huett lhanoe" The ~· 'Inn" (l'rllnllt9) ,WICll Wlcl poet wtlOle worll• CrHdon. Anthony I~ 11\1 1111 ptey "'°' Mlollael. TOltl llld Huek CoicH..i Qlrie Wllo Have ...,.,,,.., • plot to oon the 001 1liHr., lulOlcll WIWI TM Minl»R It IM'' It rn:o~ tllelr town°"' Of !!!_~)Q ··~~ (I) .......... ~ANDTHI •• "llut It•" (1P-4) MA......_ e.TW Jolln W1yn1. llttnot Oueete. Jollnny CH ll, 111Hunt:_.., June c... Cetll. ...,... e ITM"9C *** .. ......_, .. ("'111 • 9 LCM •T (1'1t) Qw1toll HeMon, c..-............ ---1--~ ,....._ • (J:) ..... ••• "Tn.Othl'lld90f Tl\I ~ltltl -Pert ff' ( 1t711 Matll)oll H...-, Tlmotlly lottofM. '°'"* ~--. .-~ mont.r ...... ...... PittlC by I 11 ........... . -··-wltll lllf..-114 Wllltl • new iow 1111«1 iw Ille. (ll)MOYll *. "l'aaalllatlon" (1 NO) A youno men'1 lamll~ lnl«fl'• with 1111 piM9' after he tnovae Into an lf*t"*ll diet .. "'*' for Mduotlolle. .,.. .MOYll * • * 'tAN Nlthl Long" (1111) o.n. Heckman, llt'btl ltrelMncl. Alter bllrlt demoted lrOtll OOf• porate e11eout1vt to oMln· et0<1 111g111 rnenaoer. 1 mtc1cli.-egtld men·, life. t tyle Wlcl veiu.. ,,. turned ~·R' 1 l i4' liMOVll **'*Ir "The GrMt White Hoc>e" 111101 Jamea ean Jonee. Jane Aleuncler JICll JOMlon '*'- the llrtl ~ Mevyweighl champtOI\, 11:00. ONI ITV N'fOND "Randervoue" Kite Mall· ...... lled ~ llOllftecl by the Niii)' 11111 llef llulbend l'led died 111 the PllCllllo, bu1 the relu-to balleva It. (l)llZAMI "GulltShop" CZ>MOVll * • • 'h "Lall Teno<> In Parle" ( 19731 Marlon Bran· do. Marla Schnelde r. Directed by B«nardo Ber· 1otuce1 A mlddl .. aged man whoM unlallhful wife racently committed tulcld• and en uninhibited young woman meet and begin • compllcated affair throughout which they remane nam .... 1 10 each other. 'R' 12".IO. MOVI! • • "The Jorden Cllanoe" pg78) Raymond Burr, Stella Stever11. • MOVll ••I.\ "Inn Of The Frigllt· etlld People'' ( 11172) Joan Collln•. J amH Booth. ()) MOVll • "The D1wn Rider" (11135) John Wayne, Mar- lon 8um1 (l)MOVIE • "Tl!• Aw•k•nlng" ( tll801 Cheriton k"ton, Su1ann1 h York An erC11Motoglt1'1 daughter beComM ~by the malevolent ~rlt of an ancient Egyptian qUMn. 'R' -- 1:00 I ..c>cK COHClRT IVIHINQ AT THI! IMPM>Y HOii: 0on Adlml. 0UMtt: lMry Miiier. Richard Lew· la. Edy WAlllml. ®MOVIE • * '.\ "Cerny" (11110) Jodie Fotllr, Gary &ieey. An 1dventurou1 young woman jo4n1 • carnival troupe and team• about lhl hidden emotion• and lru11r11lon1 behind the • eurlaca h1pp1n... of the performer• 'R' 1:15(CJMOVIE * * * 'h "The Wiid Clllld" I 1g101 Jffn.Plerra Cargo!. FrancolJ Truffaut. An t81h· c:entury phyticlan a11emp11 to cMlila • 12 "IU/-old boy found llYlno wlld In the for•t• of FrMOt. 1:aoe MCMI *** "S.. Of Loet Shipe" ( tts3) John O.ell, Wanda He ndrix . .. MOVll '* • • "Five Cam• Beck" ( 1g391 Ch"tar Morrie. John CarredlM .MOVIE "Wl'IO'I Thal Knocking Al My Door?"' (1H7) Hervey Keltel. Zlne Bethune. A young men IMng In New YO<tt'I Uttlt ltafy hM trou· bl• adJutll"iJ when he em1>1r111 on • romance with a blonde WASP 1:'51 AllC NEWS 2:00 NIW8 2:18 MOYie • • "Gal1x1na" ( 1g901 Dorothy Strattan. Avery Scnrelber A robot la mlCM t.n the Image ot • beautltul woman wno doean't 111 .... !!!)' hu!Mn fMllngt. 'R' W MOVll • • • "The Doge 0 1 War" (1910) Chr1t lophet Welle· en, Torn B«el\ger. Alter b91ng tortured and ClepOt't· ed by en Alrlcan diet II or. 1 mere«1ary return• to lt•d a revolution. 'R' 2:ao •D NIW8 2:41 ~MOV!e •••'A "lvery1hlng You AIW•YI Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Alreld To Aattl" ( 11721 l :IO Qi) MCM1 *'~ "Eyee Of A Stranger" (Ille 1) l •uren Tewee, Jtlrl. 111fer Juon Lelah. 1:00• MCMI * * "The Bio Str .. t" ( 11142) He11ry Fono1, Luellle Bell. • MOVll * * *·"' "The s.. Of Qr ... " (1947) 8panow Trecy. K11h1tlne t1epburn. • LOMrTA L.YNH INClAl. 1:20• MOVll * *Yi "Hitter" ( 1H:I) Rtefl· ercl ~uehlrt, Mano Emo. 1:41 Cl> MOVll *!It "Plloble" (IMO) Pllll Mlc"-1 QI...,, luMn \ HofM. A oroup OI mtr1tal pallenll are l'/\11tffr9CI aoootdlnt to their lnclMdu- ll...,., 'A' 4:00.MCMI .... "am.t TN Of19011" (1171) INll I.le, "* euon. 4:11(mMOYll ...... "~ Women" ( 1 .. ) Amt lenaroft. 1111 L~. (1N1) ~· I ' rn~a~~~rnrn Wor'/ishops, iJusical set 1"l'ANGUNG wraw YOVa 'l 'EEN·AGE&S, ... parent·teen work:lhop lel'iea, ta lo be presented Tuesday al 6:30 p.m . and on March 9 and 18 by Te mple Beth David or Orange County, 6100 Hefiey St., Westminster. A DAY OF. aENEWAL. sponsored by the Commission for Charbmatic Renewal for the Catholic Diocese. of Orange, will end at 3 p.m . today at the Oranae campus, Loyola Marymount University. Scheduled leader is Sister M. Beatrice Novotny, an SS.year-old nun. EMERGENCE AND INFL1J ENCE or the Moral Majority is to be addressed by Rabbi Marc T anenba um, a leader in Jewish·Ch rlstian relations, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Santa Ana High School Auditorium. Sponsor is t he J e wis h Federation of Orange County. RABBI 'l'ANENBAVM will be in Newport Beach Monday for an 8:30 a.m . breakfast meeting at St. Mark Presbyteria n Church-Shir ff.a Ma-Alot Harbor Reform Temple, 2100 Mar Vis ta Drive. His topic is to be "Problem s and P rospects for J ews and ChrisUans. •: REGISTRATION is now being accepted ror Camp Haverim, a J ewish Community Center Day Camp in Or ange County. For more information call the South Oran~e County center at 497-2070. CHRISTIAN SCI ENCE LECTUR ER Rose Adams Williams is to speak at 8 p.m. T uesday at First Church of Christ. Scientist, Laguna Beach. 111 LOVE AMERICA" la the tltle of a musical perfor mance by a croup of Brl1ha m Youne University student.a to be presented at 7 :30 p.m . Thursday at the Santa Ana Slake Center, 23 Lake Road, Irvine. A LEN'l'EN SERIES, entitled "Luke : The Theological Historian.'' ls to begin at 7 :30 p.m . Wednesday at the Community Presbyterian Church , 41 5 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach . Conducting the series will be Or. James A. Sande rs. pro fessor of religion , Cla r e m ont Graduate School. . A WORKSrioP on "Myths and Realities of Aging" is to run from 9 a .m. to 3 p.m. today a t the Lutheran Church of the Master , 2900 P acific View Drive, Corona del Mar . NEW COORDINATOR or Hispanic youth ministry and young adult education in the Catholic Diocese or Orange is Jose Armando Nunez. 26, of Bakersfield. · A BIBLE S'l'UDY SERIES for career women ls to begin Monday at 7 p.m . at the Newport Balboa Savings Community Room , 1100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. Adventure With the Bible, the sponsor, can be called at 493-0295 for more information. • Orange COMt DAILY PILoT/S.turdav. February 27, 1912 Prayer Day ,. slated ., Church Womeo United of the Harbor Area will cele brate World Day of Prayer, a service tbal links millions or ~ople on six continenta. Ttie local aroup wlll meet at 9 a.m. F riday at the Newport Harbor Luther an Church , 798 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. The t ex t ro r t h e internation al service has been prepared by women or the Republic o r Jre l a nd a ftd o r Northern Ireland who worked together at a C hr istian r enewa l center near the border of the two Irish states. Ethel Callaha n, an area chairman for the orga n iza t io n wh o recently visit ed t ha t center, will tell of her experiences there. . a lest• .. to._ glYea b7 ~~qp1~ 'RJ&§DA.Y • MARCH & • 8:00 p.m. at Fl.nt ..,.,. ...... of Oarl.t. Sele atlst 83a HIGH DRIVE • IAGIJlVA. BEA.CH FOR 'DIE PUBUC ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY Freedom <ff Worship An '"You've t ried the rest, NOW try the B EST!" l••.Dr ...... C,,,_.... Mew ~ aiowl. ... 1li1t .._...,... arltllmClllrd S--, Serrice & .--C91iircll I HI & .,.,..., .....,_. .._. ..... ~ "Wte4AU SElfitS LOST" 1 tt dtURCH Of ltBJGIOUS SCIBICE' Of tEWPORT IEACH -~U-C-ol~S--l A WOISHIP -t :J O A.M. Cllld c- ,,_ of LJt. .. C ...... Het.y, C.Mst $peal&ft' I 0 I r eo-••dr Strwi, ~~ hmci· leff , ..... " ..... . Yoc .... w.te ...... . . - · Churcn o f St. Matthew by the Sea (Tredrtlonal Episcopal) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday • 9:00 AM (Book of Cotrmon Preyer -1928) Church School i>f0vlded MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona <l•I Mar ,,.. .... _.._. Hallhld-532-2201 ST. JOlefS T .. lf"ISCOPAL C...af'" COST A MISA .., Street -er-. • ._ .00 Holy Co• t •• I• 10:00 Holy he...... 10:00 5-doy Scllool • 'Jllurserv qtire .... a...c...t~t,Ykw 141-Z2l7 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IAAHCHES OF TH£ M()TH£1' CHUllCH THE FIRST CHURCH OF Oill!ST ICliHTUIT IH llO&TON MAS&ACHUHTTS "CHRIST JESUS .. ,...._., 21. 1912 Coste....._ -Rnt Cllimrd of an ... Sc._..... HIOMeMY .. Dr~C .......... c ....... _., ~ -10:00 ...... 1 ..... 1-.JllO....._Y .. Dr. 9 A.MA:JO P.M. .,,._, ..... W . We& 7·7:11 P.M. -9°9:JO P.M. '"• -Ant c:a-c11 of cii.nst. Sclewtlst ·--s....-.......... ~ 4161 tt t 111 • CNNr Y•I Oi.rcll & S.., Sc .... -I 0:00 A.M. CHILD CARE l'l'OYC)£D AT SUHOA Y KRVIC£ llw ... c ...C. .:._Ant a.rctl of Clrht, Sc ..... • a °'"· n • ur• 1eoc• C ..... & ,...., Sc-.. -I 0:00 A.M. ...... ._-JJ ..... St. ~r::I, .._.. -'9nt Ck ctt f1f Clirht, 6 H Hip lh+ff c ....... _.,Sc .... -10:00 ..... ...... ·--214 ,...., .... M•.,.,t .._. -Ant C~ .. Clirht, Sc ...... JJOJ Yle ~ ....,_. leocll C ..... & S.., Sc-.. -9:00 & I t:JO A.M. ........... JJll ... &.w. M-.. s.t.-9 A.M.·l P.M. T--7·9 P.M. CMdC......,._T~-9»1130AM 'oo5"""'T- M.w,.t .._. _ S.Cwl a.rctt f1f Cllrht, Sc ..... JI HhcHkYJ9wDr~C-.. Mw Cllirdi & S.., Sc .... -I 0:00 .A.M. ...... a--H OO "I• I. c ... Hwy~~ we . ..._... nsnMOMY t 1•111eas - I P.M. AU CHUaCHIS AH are C...-"""4ed IOell-IMCllufe"-__ ..._ _.._ ot111eR~A- C.... C... P'rw?WN AT Af!.~YICU WESTMINSTEI WTHBtAN OUOf 11141 .......... . ......... s.. Diep'""· .. w .... h .... -.11.1 -WOISHIP S8YICIS - l:JO & I t:OO A.M. CHllST H (Mluourl Synod) 761 ........ St .. C.-MeM &..-.... Y. T.,..., ,...__ U i.161 I WOISHIP MIYICl -1:11 .. 11:00 A.M. S-.., SdlMI A A4W .... a--t:JO .A.M. airw.. Sc-..-•• "" se...-Topk ,.._ 2lt t t:cJt & I 0:10 A.M. ,,... .. s.ylllg So" ................... C HUlc;H OF IBJGIOUS SCIENCE Membef of the United Church of Rellglous Science • IEAO.lf'I' 1111.UIOE SUl'TI 4& 2m MAIH ITRE£T HUHTIHOlOH lfA~ CA 921141 -·~ .. 00 & 10·IO AM FreedDm Of Wm.,hip A CBAL 18.tM FnM TIE u.Ttl CllllCll OF CllllST. c111•1n cm11 ClllW111ML 61 I Mile .. .,. Aft~ c __ .,..._ 644-7400 D...WW ...... ....._ I 0 A.M. -S-.., w....., Cllufcll SCllOOI -H.,,..y C.. ••1111111 Jotet M. HYMOUK ........ " .... llTNOLDS, ........ I 0 A.M.-S.., W.,..., C ..... Sc .... &....,, HAltlOI a.lsnAM CHURCH IDltc ..... flll ca.wt 2411 lr-ff.•s.-...... 64M 711 ! Attend 'lbe Church of V.our Choice. • ST. MA11C NfSIYTlllAN 'MllDJ ........ Dr. & J I • I H , Me,,,,.rtiffCi° . • .... .._,....,. · •••.r-vw .... , .. ""'-... t ...... ~ .......... a.rcti Sc-.. & A4W C ...... -t:N ••· w......,s.r..tc.-10:N .... ....._., C... • .... s.mc.. ,_..-c11•«-U4t . Fllqmoutli L lllltln:'lllfil111l1I C hurd1 J H2 ..CAD ST .. ...WPc::Mn llACH 642-2140 5...doy s.t-.lc• -I 0:30 Alt. 'TM,.,..... Of TM Sow•r" P..tl:S.w"s•tt PASTO. f OMY cuno ACOl"CIGIWelc ........ THE UNITID MITHODIST CHUICH Costa Mes& NSTUt41T9 ..-ntODIST CHURCH 19th SC & Herbof Blvd Cllllrdl Sc-.. f'.H • ....., 10:41 Charles 0 Clartt. Minister COsta Mesa North teSAw.DI Hunting1on Beech MSTUMIT8 MITHOOtST CMUICH 2721 17th St 636-3537 w.....,~11:11-. N-C....AI ........ Clllrdl Sdlell .... -• U...,. MITHOOIST CHUICH Hun11ngton Beach North coeMtUMITYUMll9 MITHOOtST CHUICM &ee2 Hell Ave 84~1 w.....,aa..r.w-e l:Jt 0 l t:N ~ Dr ....... Steel C:WTCWA HTMISIA Newport Beech 1400 W. BalbOe Blvd 873-3805 Rev. Robert Sheperd. Jr • ...... a..11 ...... t :lt A.M. ~ ............ /DflrC.. 1 ............ , .... W.....,Slrrlet t :JI A lt:OI l :JI S.-.,w..l lt:N Fouruin Vllllev ........ .....,.ITo.c:H 18225 8ulhlrd St .. 9Q.JttJ Or. CarJOll E. Word, Minister .......,.c..... ...... f'.JIA.M. ..... -~ MIWPOIT C..,_...,.. MITMODIST ................... c.-.. ~ 644-0141 WORSHIP & CHURCH 8CHOOl -9:30 A .M. R..,, ~ McMiiian , .......... . _ ..... ., ... ... ST CHllSTIAM CHUICi.H .......... l ............. s.eAYl 0 II W• fMIAM w • ..,. ........... ... ...... , ........ _......, ...... . This Sunday Worship In ST. AteUW"S PllSIYTlllAN CHUaCH 600'St Andrews Road • NewP0<1 Beach • 631·2880 Dr. Je6ll A • ......._, Jr~,..._, Wenlllp 5-nk n -7:JM41 ...t l_O:t 5 A.M. .. '"AIUHAM'S GIEATEST SACRIFICE"' Dr ................ ..... s,....r PaOMAMS 7:JI ......... ~ ......................... '"cprkcc-"• a.Id c... .................... c........ 10:11 aa .............. ~ ...... a.- AIC ...... I '4~l22Z PRfSIYTIRIAN CHURCH Of THE COVENANT JIM ,.,.,,._ l &. c .... ....._ -H7-JJ40 ............. , ...... Sunday Worship & CnurCti Schobl 8·30 & 10 OOA M Child Care Available Cuacu.aftr Pf'Hbytwi• C~h 411,...................... 494-7115 Rev. Arthur J. Tankersley Rev Craig Wtfhams Christian Education Hour 9.00-10:00 AM Worsh1p-10·15 AM -llJIY CAlll l'llOYIOID AT AU SUIYICll CHUICH OF C .. IST 217 W. WIMa, C..te ...._ '4~Jtt I We re A Going Glowing Growing Church SUHOA Y SBYICU lllLI SlUDY t A.M. WOISNP 10 AJ•k & 6 r.M. '1S THERE A CHRISTIAN VIEW OF AIORTION?" ,_, n.....i. .,.._ -D-. C•. , ..... MW.tw ·~ HAalOl I~.,....,. s..._...s.rnc" ......,..... l :ll P.M. , , 0 a $ a Q 0 ,..., S.,,.lu .,.,... ,.,...., .. .. ..... 7:>t , .... Rabbi Bernard J>. King Jamboree & Eastblull Or Music· Ane Shikler Newport Beach. Calif • Educator: Na~ Levin ,_ .. ,........_ell '44-ntJ • i I AftVtOllOAW-• ~=T=E=M=P;;:L:;;::E=S~H~A~A~O~N~.===i ~ ~ · (Conservative~ : ¥ · Rabbi Hershel Brooks . · i 817 WHt H•mllto n, Coat• Mes•, Calif. 92627 • C7 14t Ut-32'2 l.ook111.~ ft1r A C.Mf. Cl1ri$/·Ct'll/1rnl Clrrr ri f,; /11111 tic FM W11r-l111• Al 'MARINERS CHURC H Rny Orl/11111/. /1rr11rl1i11.~ C>tOO •m, Wor1hip ,rnd St•Y School (O h> o th iir...df'I 10:15 •m, Bible Cl• i" s IChildN'tr& Aduhtl ' 1Jisa11 i\r1•11141• nl /nml~nrrt• 81111frMr1I 111111nr r40·60 I 0 Fnr l11fnr111a/1011 • •And tht f'H<'t ol Cod. whlfh •urpuHS all comprthtn• 1ion, 1h•ll ~u•NI your hHrts .ind your mind• 1n Christ Jn u1." P~lllpplans 4 :7 ·. . • .. ' • . I ·I i Attend The Church Of Your C.hoice 'P.ltil :;Suhifay. .. . . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982 .GllAND ,. OPENING of Orange County's Newest SUBARU DEALER Now ... the dealer that has given you 7V2 years as one of Southern California's 1eading BMW dealers is adding the Fabulo us Line of : SUBARU Come ill for ow . INTRODUCTORY SA&E AND SAYE BIG $$$$1 We hoYe tt.. • ... iftclll6M) "- Hew 1982 SUBARU IRA T! SUBARU INEXPENSM. AND BlllJ ~~~~~~~~ roSTAYTHATYMY. We Still Offer What No Bank or Lease Company Can If you want the largest selection of new and used Mazdas, go right to the source. You'll find o huge selection of the hottest selling new and used co rs oround I today G LCs. 626s, RX-7s, ond • ···' rhe oll new B-2000 Sundowner pick-up Sure, you could shop around, but for rhe besr selecr1on, go nght to rnABCLe ·11·ea ........ .-i1a 1425 Bol<er S1ree1 Cosio Meso CA 92626 (71 4) 545 333.4 • ' - .. . MONTH ICLUDI ... 5500 FACIORY REBATE EXAMPLE: Ser. #229633 IRA•D •EW 1981 PO•TIAC PHOE•IX SJ , . -s· EXAMPLE: Ser. #523863 FACTORY REBATE OR · s • INCUIDlta DOWN PLUS TAX. UCBGI AMD DOC. F& 00 5750 FACTORY ·REBATE EXAMPLE: Ser. #509653 FACTORY REBATE FODrtHTO POHTIAC PH~X '81 • CYl~fflf"/u~~~ans .. $6495 lacfory air cond.1 power steering & brakes. low m les. (1ANA817). ova 20 TO CHOOSI FIOMI - '76 Economic~~1fn~r engine. s2495 automatic transm1won. factory air cond .. power steering. wsw tires & on~ly 56.556 miles! (717NWZ). '80 ~~i~~ 53295 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed trans., AM·FM stereo With tape deck & only 43,467 miles. (322VAO). Super economy! Equipment includes 4 cyl. engine. ~~a."c. $4695 4 speed transmission. AM-FM stereo with tape deck & custom wheels. (598ZEE). PONTIAC $49. 9 GUHD PIUX·Y6 5 Option• Include a utomatic tranamlulon, power steering & disc brakes, air conditioning & morel (211WRG~ '78 Automatic~~~~ air. pwr.$5495 ·' 78 vs.:~!~.~~ .. :.~ pwr $5995 st. · brakes -windows -dr. locks, 11. • brakes · windows -door locks. AM·FM at8f'eo & 8 track. Landau AM-FM stereo & 8 track. rallye top. tilt. cruise & morel (991WU). wheels & 37,949 miles. (963VOM). _ _ ' DATSUN ZC)O$X • · TOY~~~~ $ 5 ' "SUP9t SHAarl' I 4 cyl., 5 speed, fact. air, AM-FM 80 • oyl., 5 ·-'""'·' AM·FMs5995 81 •tereo & cass .. sunroof. r111ye 699 'stereo & 8 track tape, wire wheel wheels 1 o 414 miles & super covers & ~.827 miles. (767ZLO). · · eleanl (1e1G711). . - .,, ' ....... ~,i ,.,c .... by Brad Anderson 1oE "Phlll Olsclpllne hlml" -i • ii ; 9 -~ \ -a -•· "&Nlpe one for ME, will ya?" ~EU.. IT LOOKS UKE ~ UAU.Y OtD A JO& ON HERSElf lHIS lWE! THH'U ~TO ~Pl.ACE HEit ON AVALANCHf f . ~ .. l I SHOE b.~W6ia.QS REAU.. V FILL W ~Ef,f ~~~? W~ATARE YOU DOING, • NANCY? ., THEY SAY IT WILL TH.AW' TOMORROW- Ft:NK ~ "INKEllBEA N I .5TIL • .l CAN'i GET og. "Mr MAIL.BOX eEJNG, BUXJJN UP C»l ~ ~EET LAf>T NIEMT" ! DllABBLE ~w f\O ~ \.\(E. 'f~ ~1\.UQ C:~~ SA..o\«11 9'b M~R ~ r----t OM, ~1RIOC .. IT ~'!> J\JSf ... l.>'4 ••• 11' ~ ... i.JW., rr WAS lt1'£.RES1'1~\ 1'H IS WON'1'" HUR1' A t>l"r, MYPeAR t .. -... . . by Tom K. Rya,,_. W&'fte AWAl11N61HAT VA'TA ~M 0tJR COORPINAU OF ~moNAL. AFFAIRS. . . ~, ................. by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller I SO I'M GIVING MY SNOWMAN .A FAREWELL PARTY by Gus Arriola Z--l7 by Kevin Fagan ~ 1"0 ~~ 'fl\E. CE.\.ld~N'f. Off 1"£. ~E£'5E.~ l'MSO ~Fa'. ME. A~llllfll_ .. STOPPING BY Wh ~n 1-1111gt•r Tom Jonl•s appt'<H'l'Ci on Barlwru Mandrl'll '~ ll'll'vis111n sh ow rt•c·l'ntl~. hl· t•xt r:l{'lt'<I lht· prom 1st• that ~h l• would n·turn llH• l:irnr Sht· diet . stopp111g b\' to Sl'l' .J onl·~ <it t'm·~:11·s P<1l<.1l'l' 1n I.a:-. \;t•gas. wh1•n• h l· i:-. ;1ppt•ar ing thrc>u g h Wt'drw.:-;d~1~ HOROSCOPE unday, Feb . 28 By SYDNEY OMA RR ARIES I Man·h 21 April 19> Family reunion coincides with girts, hom e repair and greater d egree of domestic harmony A ccent also on income. locating lost obJl'Cl. pohshmg furniture and sil vcrwarc TAURUS !April 20 May ~I You step from shadows into bra)!hl sunlight M eans obscurity tak es back seat to recognition. You 'll make nght move at r i ght time GEMI NI 1 M ay 21 .June 201 · Foc us on pr omotion, organization, gaining i n formation which provides "story behind story " Di scussion with older individual builds confidence. enables you to er ase num er ous fears. doubts C ANCE R <.J une 21 .July 221 Love is recjprocated; you complete project , you realize wish will come t rue and moral e soar s because you no longer stand alon e. Y ou locate" missing li nk ." LEO <J uly 23 Aug 22> I mpromptu m eeting resul ts in new start in new direction. Cooperate in co m muni t y p r oject w i t hout s a c r i ficin g independence Accent on originality, creativity and ability to imprint individual style. VIRGO {Aug 23-Sept. 22> · You regain sense of dir ection, y ou· r e able to plan ahead in connection with special study, lon g-range communic ation and travel. Follow through on first impressions you learn by teaching and gain through hunch LIBRA <Sept 23·0N 221 . Discu ssion 9f budget, financial st<itus dominates scenario Dig beneath surface ind.cat1nn~. reJect superficial expla nations Change of srene bnghtcns outlook . aids digestion SCORPIO !Oct 23 NDv 211 Check safety devices, l est locks and avt>id taking unnecessary risks Focus on qual ity. check fine print and be willing to revise, review and rebuild SAG ITTARIUS <Nov 22·D cc. 211 . Wor k proc edures under1to transformation New styles dominate. pcr~ons who s hare i nt e r es t s com m uniC'ate and you 'll move with tide m con nection with c hange, tnivcl . vanety CAPRICORN f D t·c 22·Jan. 191 Good lunar aspect coincides with successful domestic adjustment . ab1lit> to get to heart of matters. Pleasure princ iple emphasized and you 'll r eceive "t oken of aff ection " AQUARIUS I Jan al Feb 181 · Emph asis on property. territory and obhgat 1on which had r ecen tly been n eg l ected L o ng.distan ce communication sheds hght on problem w hich had been cause of delay, desp air Young person provides pleasure PISC~S <Feb 19 M ar ch 3'}): Obstacles are hurdled through display of versatility Numerous opportunities present themselves key is to be selective. to avoid scattering forces and to give full play to intellectual curwsity VA readi~s f or r adiatio n vets WASlllNGTON <AP t The government is gearing up for hundreds of thousands of hospital visits by vet erans who believe r adiation in post ·World War II atom bomb tests or the use of the herb1c1de Agent Orange m Vietnam im per i led thc•1r health Medical stat1st1 c1 ans for t he Veteran s Administration estimate a new law r equiring the VA to lreat veterans for ailm ents t hey attribute to radiation or Agent Orange could lead to 612,000 hospital v1s1ts and 17,000 hospit alizations. Estimates of the impact of the n ew law, w hich requ ires the VA to offer treatm ent even though t he agency may not concede that exposure to either radiation or Agent Orange da maged the health of servicemen , appears i n Pr esident Reagan's n f}IN budget for fiscal 1983 . starling Oct. 1. T he law was enacted in November Under guidelines d r a fted lo implement the law . t he• VA m u s t offer treatm e n t a nd examinations unless its doctors establish t h at the condition com plained of could not have been c aused by e xpos ure Con dition s s u c h as tuberculosis or a ppendiciti s are ruled out. For three y ea r s. t h e V A h as given examinations to V1eln am-era veter ans who seek physicals out of fear t h<'ir healt h was damaged by herbici des Some 70.000 have been exam ined Hut the V /\ posit ion was th at neither atom ic radiation nor AJtent Orange caused health da mage other than a P'>S~ible skin condition attributed to hcrb1c1dl'S So veterans were not given medical treatment or d 1sab1lity payment.!> because they could not ~how that their ailm ents resulted from som ethi ng that hap1~mcd to them i n the service. Julius Morrison. a VA spokesm an, said the estimates of 612.000 visits and 17,000 hospit al adnuss1ons may tul'n out to be high Organizations representing Vietnam vet eran s say many of the 2.4 million Americans who ser ved in Southl'ast /\sia d urinr.c the war may have been exposed to /\gent Oran ge The National A ssociation of Atomic Veterans estimates that 250,000 veterans were exposed to radiation during 235 nuclear explosions bet ween 1945 and 1963. Van Brand on of Sucramento. Calif • said t hat while an Army m edic in the 1950s he falsified records of the degree of exposure to radiation by soldiers who witnessed atomi c tests The VA declined to comment on Brandon ·s assertions but an Army spokesm an said they w ould be examined 1n det ail. Brandon . a retired postal worker. said that exposure records on thousands of soldiers who observed atomic blasts were faked while the real readings were ke pt under lock and key in a "hot book .. "We arc hopeful now that other veterans, like Mr. Rnmdon. will break whatever bonds of secrecy they signed and com e forth to tel l the truth ... said Wanda Kelly. president of t he atom ic veterans oq~anization , based in Burlington. Iowa. McCOltMIO< MORTUARIES LagunJ &>t1r h 494 9415 DIATH NOTICES Laguna H111 .. 768 09JJ San J..1an Ca1J•!>lra1111 495 I 77b HA•IOI LAW.._MT. OLIVE MorlUill'(. C.f'll"tl 'lt ·~ Crernacory 1625 G1~ff'r A~• Co~la Mt'.,,I 540 SSSJ f'IUCI l•OTHUS Hll HOADWAY MOITUAIY I 10 Broadway Cosra Mei..i 642 9150 IALn l UGHON SMITH I TUTHILL WISTCLlff CHAf'IL 427 E 17th SI Co~111 Mf'\a 645.q371 ~Ill.I.ER 11011 ,\Ill.I.EH ai:" 111. ot l 111pt•11al t '1111nl\ p!1 ~scd ,11'·" 1111 Fl'lll'uan :.!:l. 19!!2 11111 II Sq11t•nlllt'1 l:; 1!1:1:1 '" Ilk l.1h11111,1 \ :1• \ 1·.11· l'l''lf1t•11t 11f Humh.1~ 11,.,,, h. 1111 rn1•1 I\ I 111111 I 'o'\I a \11·'·' l ',1 '-u1\"1•tl Iii 111' \11f1• ~111dr1·d of H11111h,I\ llt•,1!'11 1',1 d1111ght1•1, (':111 .. mul 1\ n 11 111 Ok I 11 hn m ,1 "'n ILt n n' 11 r o k l.1 h" m J • 1l.•11i:hh•r f);mn.t ul Bomh,I\ B<•tu:h. (.'u . Sl'lll'c ~ Sh1rh•\ o( Okl,1hom,1 ltt•\ .1 \nn ol (.'ol orud11 "11111 mu l.l'l' or Konoi;11s und :1 i:nind<'hllcln•n V1oellut mn "111 h•• hl'ld on .,., ldu.1. f''cbnrnr~ 2fi 1982 from II OOAM lo I! OOPM F'unt•rul -ccn1<'<'' "'Ill lit• lwlcl on S11lur1la\. 1-'c·bruur~ 27 11182 at I 30 l'M 111 the Mclro'!e l'havcl. Anah<'1m In 11<'11 nl tlowt•r~ plc11<1t.> m uk(' 1lon11llon .. to tht> I lt•11rt Fund. Dirc:1·1t•rl hy Metros<' A'bht·~ f''uncral ll1>mc. R34 \9111 mun~ ~·t·~11 .. , ancl wm. a \'C"I'\ a t'I h (' 111 c· m h (' f II r I h (' llunt1ng1t111 llc•a1·h S1•11l111 Cil11.t•n!> < 'l111J as Ion..: m. h" h1·11lth p1•111111f1•tl S11111\lllf.: JI l' 2 "'II!' ;\lal'ICl'l('l' I .,ltlj.Wn of (',t11f11cn1.1 ;11111 Thom.1' Lani.: an 01 < '111111 ,1cl11. a ""'l'I 1'>·tht•1 Cnh• of lllll'n:t l'a1 k (',1 ;inti "'\t•c.11 llll'll'' .ind 11t.•11lww' F1 lt·IH1' ma\ t•,111 II um 12 CM) ClCICIO IO 0 IMIP~1 on Suncl~". 1''c•hru,1r\ 2!1. l !HI:! 111 l'lt'I ('l' B rnihl•r,. Sm It hie · ~1nrt Oun "'ht'l'l' lunecul wn1rt',..·"'1ll bl• c· n n <l u t' l c ct u t I 011 r ~1 1111 Mun·h I 1!)>\2 \l 1th Kt•\ Rolwrl Rc•c•nrcl nrflci8llll){ lnll>rnwnt 11 Ill ht• mndl' In W1•i.1 m1n.,tc1 Cc n1l'lt·r~ Pit•1·(•c llrnlh('r:-Sm1thi.' Mortuar' chl'l'<.'lor:s 531Hl539 SIMl'SON ~ RUTll SIMPSON Th•• passinJ( or MisK N Ruth Sim p:>on on F'ebru11 r'V 25. 1982, ugt> 97 ~curK .• 1 r~sldC'lll o( C'oronu rkl M.u-. Cu (or F1•hncan 25. 19A2 St•n ·itc' will tw' held on Sunduy. 1"1•hncan 28. 1982 Ill I !arbor l.a1111 ~lt-mori:il Park Chapel 111th 1ntcrmt.•n1 <.(•I \ IC' I'~ i mm(' cl I a I e I\ lol l1m 1111! St•n 1e••,, 11n<k01 lhc· cll11•c·l1011 nf ll.1rho1 I.a" 11 Mouul Oh \l' Mori u an ol l'o,tll Ml''J 5'111 S:1M OAKLEY B l-: \T R I Z R l ' K ~ II A ~1 0 K l.EY. 11 rc.,1<1ent ot ~c·"' port lkach & Mall bu. ('a . forcnt•rh or I .os AnRl'le~ & l'ui.adcna. Ca PassNI nwu\ F'1•bruur\ 25. 1982 m Nt•w0110rt B<•n<•h. fltHCI NOTHIU IMfTHS'MOITUUY. 627 Ma111 SI Hur11mgton Seactl 536•6539 LANGAN ovt•r 40 ~·c•11r-s, Ii. unnounn•d H clo1t•d motht•r ot ll,1rhuru ltoq of M alihu .ll•un Woodwurrt ol Ne"'port ll(':H'h & llkhurd Oukle,\' ot Yuhu <.'11~-. ('11 Shl' 111 ulso Mll'\'tved b~· ti ~runclch1ldrcn & I 1trt.'ul grantl!lon. lh•r r11\·or ite t•hul'ltlcs werl' the nralll e l ni<t ltutc & th1: ,\ m c r I<· u n R c• cl C 1• o Iii!. S1>rvke111>rl\'utc. 'ACIHC VtlW ....,.,,u,••• c.mttery Mortuary Chapel·Crsmatory ~ PatecltC Vcew Ortvo New~• 9 .. ch 64A-2700 • W I I. I. I A M i E L t. wit h regrM hy hn nkr~ und LANGAN. n lonK time nephew from Kc•l nwn11 res1dcnt or lfunlin11ton British <.:olumbl11, C11n11du fknch. Cu f'a8i<l"1 u"'M' at No funcrul 11crvlct' w1u1 h<•ld thl.' home of hi" nleCl'. Mur\' 11 t h c r r t> q u e s t Tulbn'I. Bucnu Purk. Cu on Arrun1Wm\•n111 htn•e been Wl!dnelida\', 1-'(•hruury 24. handled b~ l n111<-wood llllll! folio"' Inf ,. lf'nHth\' Ccmctery Mortuur illnc<ci: Mr .u n~un w11'i. lMirn Ml Aul{\1 t 22. 1892 1n APPLEBAUM Kunum, t:oloraclo H1: was tt M 0 R TON R 0 U E R T 1clf employ~ puioll•r an the APPl.£P.\UM. rc11dt'nt of lluntington Rcuch 111 a ror Or•nae, Cu Pu-.C<J 1111\8)' on ' • Pay hi1' d SAN OJEGO (AP) The City Council 1•ve ltselC a 19.5 percent pay raise and, while Mayor P ete Wilson was out of lhe room , gave him a 17 ptrunt pay raise to $36.~ annually, ' Orange Coatl DAILY PfLOIISaturday. Ftbruery 27, 1082 Wildl ife park OK'd __, LOS ANGELE CAP> An 11reem ent baa ht-en r.ached with the •~le Department ot Fish and Oamt to cre1tt 1n eco&o,icat reserve for wlldUCt aro und Lake Mathew• In R lvual de County, th M t1lropollt1n Water Dtatritt says. ,IC'TtTI.,. tutllf .. ...... tf&TSMIMT I '"-, .. '-... ..,_ .. , ...... _ .. IUIHA ~A•ll COMMUN~Y H05'1fAL., st• -..Cll .... ., <I, ·-~--. CAii~ ,..., Lake Mulhews 14 the flnal re,ervolr for Use !Colorado River Aqueduct and provides water for most cities in South4!rn Calltornla. • .. ,11 c--lty .._. .. t; • Ct ll .. flllt Ct l'tlOftli.ii, Utl .. tell l tlll••••<f. ·-,.,., "''" .. "'" ' ·-,.,_ ......... ("9Wttltft, Among the wlldllfo t hat llve near the lake are 1the aold ·n cuglc , the endan gered bald eagle and 1the Stephens kangaroo r at, In addition to a variety ,of w aterfowl. t Ct llltMle ~l*ttlOn, PO httll l o11lt ver<1. ·~ Park, C•ll .. tlllt .. ,. Tllta bv•l~t IC <tMlllctaa Oy t c..--••ton "'"'" c-11, .. _,., •11•"• ,.., ......... . l'ICTITIOU$ •UllNllS NAMllSTAHMINT Corl>O(tCIOn T'*"" a Qoftallw • J' A .. ,.c..,t St<•etery Thi. tltl-1 *ti fll .. "'"" -G"WrllY C .. rk Of Ort119t C ... M,1.., Tiit IOllOwlrlO Ptt\On I\ CIOlllO tllltlMHH ' l"etlr11ary 11, 1"1, I ,,...., ,...,..,,._ 0r"'9' Cotti Delly ....... COAST Ol'FSITE, 711 We\C 11lh 6lrHI, 8 t, Cosl• MHa. Cetltornle '1•11 Fttl. 20, "• M.tir .. 13, 1't1 41Ma. Ror1eld R•v AtUtl, )O(IJ s •••• St•ttl, Costa Me~. Ctlllo•nlt Ht11 fl\lf b\l\ll>ttt 1, (OrlCl\l<led by ... 11\411Yld ... I Ronald Rav lltnMI flllt Jq....,_I ,.ti lllOCI wllh Ille CO..r1ty Cltt~ of Orer1~ Coun1, on l':ttlrlltr\I U. ttti l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAMll STATllMllln "CTtTIOUS IUSINllS NAMll STATllMllNT NS.ti._. Tht 1011ow1no pu \on " d••no 'ICTITIOUS •USINES.S 1>11•1"4ttttt Tiit followlno "'''°"' ••• dOlnO tlllHSH NAME STATEMENT CAI MARIC ~ ASSOCIATES. 18 1 Tht followlno P<tt\On\ ere 001r19 'ACCESSf8lES' >001 Aeclhlll Av..,ue l>U\lnt\\9' EtPI•..-. 8u1ld1no l. Suite IOS, Coste CAA·OOH ElfTERPR ISES, 111141 UP9trl•U Ctrclt. Hunlln9tor1 Buch, C•lllornl• .,._. NEWPOA1 BURGER UOO·A Mtu C•lllornl•t'62' Wttl Pt<lllC Co.o•t H•Ohwty, NtwPOrl M••• $ SchWMll, IS. Mtl,.,lan 8••th, C•••fOtrll• n..l A•tnut , Sol•"• 8e<1Cll, c tlilO•rll• Alt•-r A l tmy, .. 11 AOOk 9201S Gordon F HlelmUrom, llO'i ·u-rleU C11·c1t, Hun11no1on &ff<ll, C1tlllort1I• t2MI C••letn F Hlt•m•irom, 1104t UpperltU Clrcltt, Huntlnoto11 8 .. Ch, Callfornl• ,,._,. Thlt bu"ntu It cOtlducltd Oy tn lr\Cllvidu•I. Cttlffn F. f'tj4tlm>Crom This lttlt,_..I ••• fllto with Che County Cler-of Or•no• County on Febtu•rv JS,,.., F11J'Q4 Publltl'lod Or•not Co.111 O•llv Pilot Foo 11 Mar t , 13, 20, 1"1 111_.1 "ICTITIOU5 IUSINU$ NAMI STATEMENT T "• follow I no per\on h e101no OU\IMU" .. OMES M4GAZINE JOIOI 1~w1 C•nler Or . L.-N•ouel, C• .,.,, R1cl\trd 0.le StrffO, 19"1 P•~ 01tn• S... J ... n C"'"'""° C• '1•1S Tlllt bu•l,,.u h c-ucled by •n 1nd1v1du.I RkN<dO SCrffQ Thit lltl-1 W8' lllf'Q Wlfh ltw Courlly Clerk ol O,._ C®"h on Janu•ry 1t 1"1 F 111"1 PuDll,,_ Ortt>OP Cot\I Ottlv Pilot Feb 20, 21, M11r •·I) 1"1 1'1 81 Orl•t Huntlnqlon 8Hc/', Ctltlotnlt Thi• builMH " c-ucteo by an ,.,_., tnd1v1du•I Glende A l •mv . .,,, Roo' Orlvt, Mer' S Schw•rh f'tunllnoton BttCh, Ctlltorr1io '7~1 Thi\ tletem.111 •et llltd wllh Ille Thi• bu\lnH• I\ conducted by •n County Clerk of Oren~ Countv on NOTICI 01' ~u•1.1c HEARING llll'ORI! THll Ill.ANNING COMMISSIC>fll OF THI tndl•lelual February II, 1"7 FllU7t CITY OF FOUNTAIN VAllllY Alt ••ndet A l amy GtenoaA l•my Thlt >1,1t""1nl Wti hied wllh lht Counly Clt•k ol lht Or•noe Covnry on Pubh•'-Or<>not Cot~I O••tv Piiot. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN f:tt Feb 11 M., • tl. 10. ,.,1 911_.? :nmW•1~~~1~·~~j1 ·~~~:.· l'tl>•u•rv II 1 .. 1 10200 Sl••er Avenue, Four11a1r1 Vallfy, FlllllJ Piil.JC leTIC[ tht PlaMlnQ Commlnlon will !>Old • Puo11,,..., Otanoe Co.o\I Oatlv p1101 ------------Puollc lle•ronoon111e10110 .. 1n91t•"I• Fto U Mtr • 1J 10. 1911 •n.t1 1141 Na.,.. l'lltl!CtSE l'lAN NO. MS Pel1llon tullm1lled Dy H.,old OCEAN Yll!W KHOOL Ol$TllttCT Mortl\ .. d, Fount•ln Valley Ctllte« NOTt(f. INVITINO •10s ON -Joint ............. lo "rtmootl Ul\llft9 0.. u... •••I Tlmt tee-ot <enter rt-ilructure ealitlno ...___ P••k•no --•PC>rolllmt1ely J,090 NOTICE OF DEATH OF ~~.:;'k.""~~~~1!::';.";,:..,, •Gum fu1 of nn• 1 .. t fooo •1111 MADGE T. ELLIS AND Ot\trl<I •PP•ooimaceiv 1400 ~llfrt..fft~C>f 0 F p E T I T I 0 N T 0 O•le ot Oi>ft>•nQ ' 00 0 CIO<lo A M •ddJ1tor1•1 .... IO , .. , ot .... ,,,. ADMINISTER ESTATE Orltllelstl'll,a\•OIM•«h ltt1 center ' Thi\ <on\lilulet lht Pt•<e of 81d Reo1pt lt•-0 9 •· remoMhno ot ll>e "-Pino <tnttr ti NO. A 112360. Slrftt. Hurthf\Qton &•.ch. CA .,.,.1 1he 1outhw•'' <O"'*' of M•tn•h• T 0 a I I ti e I r s NOTICE IS HEAEflY GIVEN lhtl ~·~~~~s'::~n;rN~~~~ beneficiaries cred ·ilor< '"' 8oeroot Edu<ellonof 1neOCEAN VIEW SCHOOl OIST AICT ot Ptllflon tullmilleO by Hu etd <Ind conlingenl c reditors or ORANGE COUNTY IO<tl.O el i.t.a MorthHd Fourll••rl Ytllty c.,,,., Mad Q e T E 111 s and e· St rote Hur1t1no1on 8u<11, ~~·~.:.v~=,::.;:,•:.w::::!~::~ p e r s 0 n '!> w h 0 m a y be C•hforni•. """ •Mt••• up lo !>Ill not Olflce l>lltlO•no ot -oxlm•tt>y '6,SOO Otherw1Se Interested In lhe ~~·.~~h~~ '!:1!11:.·::.~~·:. ~~·;~ tQUtrt lffl ' on lht P<-ly Mlualtd Wiii and ror eslate· lint Re•I Time Compuotr Otntr•ll1 •lono 11\t wuc t1d.-.ol A petition has been filed httproc~'l'ftil Svmmt tno ro1a1e.1 ::~;::•:,,~";'~::.••m•tely !GO' PUil.iC 1111£ by Robert R Wyatt in the :~~~·,:~""r::,:;,'..'::~.:.1 r:•~:: COl'fOITIOfllAL UH l'UMIT N0,.$16 --...,...~=-,---...,...----1 Superior Court of Orange thrtt Ill YH" wll" 1nnu11 .......... , •• P•lltlon Wl>mlll..O by Peter G SC °"" FtCTITIOUI •USINIESS County reQuesl ing Iha I Ill• opllon ol Ille 01\trl(I lollow1no tor.,.,,...,,_,,. h tentlOrl o• lime for HAMa STATEM•NT "' b I R W I I b '""•9011•11°" ot monlhly co.I\ ADo•• ... T h. '0110"" I ,, 0 0.'. 0 n I . .... 0 e r . y a e stated blO• Wiii bt re<et•td '" tht the <Ond•uonat .... iwrmlt ,., '"" oolng 1>11•lrwuat appointed as personal Bu••n~n Oll1<t 01 1,.. O<Nn Vl•w mo1>110 ctauroom on tht cllu•<h ~II• lUCl(Y 1 ORIVE-IN·OAIRY, 1111 r e p r es e n t a t i v e t 0 S<llOol O.\lrtCI al lt~.0 "8" Slrtll ,>llu•teo ~ ... , ... , •lono Ille "'"'"°" WtSI Edl"90'r, S."I• An•. C•lllornla administer the eSt 3fe Of HunllnQlor1 Stach C1htorn11 up I~ ot Euclid Stru t 200' \OUth Of Sl .. er '1'1IU • 0 bul llOI l•ler lt\it~ IM IDove' \Cilled AvenUfP, . Yono 1(-. Cl>O t~t• lo. Ae11et, M adqe T. Elles {under the tlm•."ilwhochl•mtb•d•wlllt>toperwo CONOtTIONAL U51E PEllMITNO.Mt Founl••n Y•ll•Y. C•lllornle "'°' I n d e p e n d e n I •nd Put>ll(ly •••O '°' .... , •••• Of en Thi$ .,., ......... (Ondu<ted ov •n Administration of Estates ON LINE REAL TIME COMPUTER Propo\•1 tor revt,lon of orf'vt01J1.ly •PProveo Ol•M fo• tddlllonal <h.,rch t•(it1tte\ tor tt•• Fount•fn V•O•Y Cll .. rch Of God "°I Talt.M AVH>ue, NOTICE Of< Plll~ARATION p11 1no1v1dual A t) Th 1. · · f TELEPROCESSING SYSTEMS •nd vono Kook Cho c e pe 1l 1on is set or rrl•t•d se'"'"' •no lht' Pu«"•" ot Thlt slal-t ..... lllOCI w1lh .... hear inq in Dept. No 3 al rtlal.O eQUIP<Tl"nl '" •<eora.110 Wtlll County C•••-Of O••...-C®n1y °" 700 Civic Center Dr ive. •i>e<•t1cttl0n•nowonf1101n11\eo1t10 Janu•rvl•.1"1 w I . th c · f s t Of\a1dOISTRICT NEGATIYE-OECU.ATION , F1111MZ es • in e 1ty 0 an a Eact> O.d mull <onlorm •"O be Publl•llOCI 0r..,.. c .. sc O•llY Piiot. Ana California on March ropor1t••• co 1h1t •n•11111on 111e For th• •Irma lder1lif•t4 "'''" '•" ••ten\k · NOTICE 1$ HERE,.v o•ve .. THAT BASEO ON THE tn111e1 Slud,., • "'-"•• OecltraliOft ... , betn P,.Ptre<I The Enwlronmer\11.tt Impact At•••• Con>mtl ltt will <On\IQlfr •PPtOVtl Of IM N .. •-'•• 0.<1•••1-on Fri00 , M.tircll S.J .. Foo•. n. 20, ti,,.., .os•2 24 . 1982 al 9· 30 a .m . lr1\lr11e1-10 B•Odtr> ,,,. Ger1ert1 MUN ICl ~A l COU llt T 01' CAl tl'OllNIA WEIT OllANCE JUOICl 4 l 01n•1CT tM1 tM SC. W"1MiMI•<. Ca '1"3 PLAINTIFF' CRO WELL WEEOON~CO OEFENOA NT LESTER H BERMAN SUMMONS Celt N--.r e11s. NOTICE! y.., Mve --Tiit """ mty ~Hit ttfMll1C Y•• .. 11 .... 1 yt11r llelftt .... NI ..., .. u ,.., '" ....... W11111" • NV\ ReM ll1t 1111.,m .. i.11 I M-. If V® .,;,h to -~ ow ad•ltt o• •n •llOt'n•v '" th~ melter. '°" \tloukl do so Promptly \O th•t vour wr•tlen re•p0nw, II an,, me, M 111.0 on 11me AVISO! Ul1tel IWI W O 41tmtll<l-EI lrlb11tat1 _.. clttldlr cor11ra Ud tlt1 audi•Mla • mtnot QU• Ud ,,..,.,,... -•o ,. JO dlll u • I• l11tom1ac-Que ••-S• U~t..i0ew1!.0ll<llart1 conw100~ un •b<>Qado ton .,,. 4\tmlo difbrrt• h•Cf'rto rmmtCl••l•m•nle Ot ,.,,. na~r•m \Y rf'SOYf'\t• t\Crut•m \U oat ••oun• P"90I \er reo1s1r.eo. • •1ernpo 1 TO THE OEFENOANT A Cl•ll complatr11 hH oten filed by lht pltirlloll -•Ml Y® ~f '(Ou with lo det•nd tNs .. •w tt, you mu't •Uhin JO oan after !Ills "'"'"'°"' t> ••r•.O Oii you Ill~ ,.ICh lhll <0.11'1 • w"llttft ,.~,. fO "" complalnf unle\\ you do w your Clffaull •Ill lie enler.O on appll<alion ot IN plelnt.11 -th!\ court m•y tnler a 1uoom•r1C •oain•t you for IN telltl dtmanclta 111 IM comp1•1nt. wruch could t~\ult 1n oarnlthmtnt 01 ••oo cu1r1q of money or swoperty or Othtr rtlt~f ~.-Qt>eit.O 1n lhir <omptau•u Otted O«~r 11 '"' Rk MNI J. WK ,, Clt'11 Eu~•'--. o.,vty HEii HlltT lUl.IE OlltlEENIEllG JUI OctM Ptrk llv41. ht FIOor StMa Mofti< •• c. ...., nu1 01.-Pllblls...a Oranqe c .. ,, Delly Pilot. Feb 11, Mer •. IJ. 20. 1"1 00~1 1 F YOU OBJECT 10 the cono111on•. ,,. si-111u110'"· ano •II Qrantinq ol the petition. :!~~:..!~!';';!;1'~=:~1"9 1h• you should either appear Th• c111torn.• Sate• T .. wm be'" at the hearing and stat e edd111on to..,. prl<t\ quo1eo Ftdera1 0 b ti f ·1 E•<IH T .. Eumpllon Cu llt1u10 Y ur o 1ec ons or 1 e wlll Mtuml-tftc>ot•<~• written ob1eclions w ith lhe Tlw Ohtric1 ,...,,vtt u.. "O"t 10 court before the hearinq. ••1«1 any or.,, Oto• or to w••v• .,, ... Your annoara be 1rre11u1.,111tt or ir1formthllt\ .,, '"' ..,,,.._ nc e m a Y bid• or 1n ti.. O•ddlft9 1 n Per son or b y y our Oce•n voe ... S<,_, o.sc,.cc attornpy By Stwlle Mtrcu• I F Y 0 U A R E A ~:o °.:.'~~us1"' c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a Publls....., Oranoe Cot\I Oally P1101 con tcngent creditor of the Feb 11 Marc"•·'"' •n11 deceased. you must tlle your claim w ith ttle court o r pre sen t i t 10 the THESE M4TTEAS •re •e(nt ptO<tUecl p,.,,...,., CO II .. P~ L•w• 01 the Staie ot Calllornl• Gov•'""-' C-. U ,000 •I -·· ~ IM Fount•tn Vallf'y Mlll'l<lpal Cqite Tillt lt THOSE DESIRING TO lfllify .,. t•wO' or in oPOOSlllOft to thit prooc1-ts w tU bf' 91w~ •n oooortun1ty to O. ~ •t l ht ouol" "••"'"O II f\1rllle• 1f\form•1ton i\ df'\tred. you "f•• <ontac I tf)f, Pl•n•11119 Otl>trtment. •I "-> Ult •ncl rttler Cot~ •Dov• 1t•m t (llNTOf>C SHERROO, 1 Seuewry ; P1tnnino Conttnlnlon Publl\...0 Ortn9t Coest O•tly Ptlot Feo 11 ,.., ., ~ personal r epresentative NOTICE OF DEATH OF appointed by t he courl J A N E FI LS T R U P w ithin four monlh<i from TOT 2 K E , JAN E F . thP date of first issuance T O T Z K E , J A N E of l~llers a<, provided in FILS TR UP T 0 T Z KE NOTICE OF DEATH·OF Section 700 of. the _Probate 0 ' SULLIVAN , JANE DANZER P. ELLIS A~ Code ot Calllorn.'a. T he FILSTRUP O'SULLIVAN OF p ET IT ION T l1mP for frlinq .c laims will AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTA E not expire prior to four ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. All23S9. , mo1ntt1s from the date of NO. Al12347. T 0 a 1 1 h e i ,.. ~ thP tlearcng noticed above. T ~ a I I he 1 .' s beneficiaries credi~ors YOU M A Y EXAM INE benef1C1ar1es creditor s and contingent creditorsf:f ttle tile kept by the ~our I and continqenl creditors of Dan 7e r p . e 11 is 4 d If you are interested in the Jane Fitstrup Totzke and p er son<> who may e esl a te. you may file a persons who may b e otherwise intPrested in t e r eQuesl with the court to otherwise interested in the w ill and tor estate· • r ecei.ve special notice of will and or estate · A pelttion has been filed the inventory of ('~l ate A oetition has been ltled by Robert R Wyatt in ttie assets and of the oet1hons by He~ry G. Totzke en ltle Superior Court of Oran9E' account s a nd report s Superior Court of Orange Counlv r equestinq that described in Section 1200 5 County r eQuesl 1ng Iha t Ro b e rt R . w ya 1 t be of the California Proba te H enry G T o t zk e b e appoint ed as personal Code appointed a'> personal representa t ive •t o Robert R . Wvatt. repre se ntativ e to admin ister the estate of Attornev at Law, 7691 adrnjnister the eslale of Danzer P Ellis {under t he W estminst e r Avenue , Jane F1ls1rup Totzke I n d e p e n d e n t Westminst er , CA 92683; funder the lndependPnt Administration of Estates (714> 894-4429. Admin1s1ralton of Estates Acl) The petition is se1 for Pu11t1sl\ed °'-couc 0•••v Pilot. Ac t ) ThP petition is set for hearinq in Dept No 3 •t Feb 11, 11, M<ttC" •. 1'91 •20-ll7 • • Y hearinq in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Cente r Drive . 700 Civic Cen ter Drive. W est, In the Citv of Santa WPSI. in the Cily of Santa Ana. California on March f'nUC NOTICE Ana. California on M ar ch 24, 1982at9:30 A .M . llFIEANOACCIOI HTANOHllAlTH 2 1982 9 JOA M SYNOl'S11011TH•ANNUALSTATllM1ENT-4. at : · I F YOU 08.IECT to the vu•aN01001uM1u,,,1 .. 1 IF YOU OBJECT to the qrantinq of the petitiOfl. •• qrantlng of the petit ion. you should either appear '""__.c.::~1~:,".!~'.~~==-~"'CY .. ,c.uf.,,.1,,,... vou should ~ither appear at l he hearing and state To1a1 ac1m1ntc1enel\ n."4,llS,354 at the hearinq and state your ob lect ions o r f il e Totel lltblllllet Utt.-,m YO~ r Obj~C I ions o_r f i le written objections with I r C1pllt1 1N1lduP .... -o w ritten ob1ect1ons with the courl before the hearin . Gros' oa•d In •ncl contubut-.ct \uroh1\ o f $oec lt1 S..rptu• F .. ~ ,.·*·°'' court be ore the hearinq Your apoearance may ur1•nignoe1f11nC1•hurp1.,,1 11u21,.... Your appearance m av be in person or b y yo ... r Gain Cl0Hlfrom0Perat1<111t H."1.s.e2 1 n person or by your .,ttorney '"~~~~~ :~"'•sel tn C•Pll•l •no S11rot11\ 20,>al.541 attorney I F y 0 U A R E flt. 1r1,ur•r1Gt In Foret N•llonwl(H "·""·' ... 000 I F Y 0 U A R E A C R E D I T 0 R o r ..a Acc1a.n1-11ea11hprem1umt ,,., ,.., .. ,no C R .E D I T 0 R or a continqent creditor of tlie ~~~~~-.:::=:1~9.w~:~'~c:.7::. .. 1. a11,1...,, P• •.11•,t1•.-contcnqent creditor of t.he deceased. vou must file Acc _ _,._,lhPremlvm• oirttet deceased, vou must f ile vour (laim with the court ce111or,,..aut1,.nPeoe lff,m ... vour claim with the cour t o r · presen t i t to t~ we ._..,.,,•rtHy '""''"'•Do•• 11emul't 111 ioc•--• w1t11 1iw Ar1nua1 or p r e sen I i t t o t he personal representati~ St•••ment for ,,,. re¥ •ndtd O•umw >i. """''"""to ""'"'"'""' perso.nal ,.epresent ative appointed b v the cou,,t Commlu ...... Of Che St.U Of C•llfomle, -M law wu11 .... o e111111o ai;ip~ented b y t he court w ithin four months froth 4u1 vke w1th1n four months from the date of first lssuan~ = ... ., Tre11tn the date of first Issuance of letters as provided if' P11bllJN00t~ coe.i oe11v ""°'· '"' 11, tt. M•r<11 1. '·*-na ,,..., of l~tters as orovlded In Section 700 of the Probate 1.ll'IE ANO ACCtDaMT AMDMIAL,H SYNOf'tlS 01' THI ANNUA'-ITAT8M8Nf YIAll INOIO DICaMlllR J1, t"1 01' ~Ml.ll'l 1NWltANC8COM~Y 1111"""9tl'tnl~. AtmtMI, N,Y, tMM Tolt l Mtnltlt41t•~t' , $16,J?S .. 17 Toltl llllblllllt\ . , .. .. •. . . . ll,)C»,IJ4 C""'l•IMIOQll .... . • . .. . ................... t,000,0DO Om• HICl111 tncl contrlbvtta tur!ll11t . , , •,e10,.wt 5"<l•l~s ll..no• . JI,'" U11tt ..... luncb (111,._lull l I 2,11),00 Oaln 11.,0ttl f"""°"'"*-'. . , , .. .. ......... , I I tt1 .... ltl(r._ tl>«l'ff•I Ill Ctolltl t llel '""""" d11r'lllt t"S. .... . • • •.•. , ... , .... • ·• M ttt,41J ·---... f.ortt ......... ............... 111.tt7-e<<letflt •flll .... 1111 Of'""lllfl't Ml • • .... '" ......... 1,,_lftttl" ,_. C•I~ I~ . . · ......... 1,1.,, .. A(C ..... tftdllM1'110f"tfNlll!lt OINtl (ti ..... ,. , . .. ... .,. Wt """" Cffttty ..... -·-t--"'_._, Wt111 tllt A-M~ 1W Ille ,,_ ~ 91<-ti, "" ...-'9 "" .....,._, c-'""""" t,,.,,....,c.i....., ... _....... .. ... ,,, .... , ... ......... v-.. .......... ....-y Section 700 of tp,e Probate Code of Califor n ia. T~ Code of ~allfornla . The time for flllnq cla im s wl tlme for fifing claim s w ilt not expir e prior to fo not expir e prior to four m onths from the date months from the date of the hearing noticed above• the hearin9 noticed above . Y OU MAY EXAM IN-. YOU MAY E X AMINE the flle kept by the couii the file ke!>t bV the cou rt. If you are interested In thl If you are interested i n the e st a te, you may flle estate , you may f ile a request w ith the court t request w i th the court to receive special notice of receive speclat notice o f the lnventor v of estat the tn ventor v of esta te auet s and of the petition assets and of the petitions. accounts and report acc ount ~ and reoorts described In Section 1200. dt crlbed In Section 1200.S of the Callfornla Probft of the Callfornia Proba te COdt . Code. R Obtrt R . Wyatt Henry G. 'rotakt, Pro Attorney at Law, 7H Ptr. 151' Eton,. Place, Wutmln11er Aw••••: NtWPtrt luch, CA ; Wtttmlnst•. CA •HUI Ma-SU6•7M·1191. C71•) ........ t ... ,_ 0r.,.. CMtl O.l"f .......... 11, .. ll&ertll t, t, 1, "" "'-'1.,_ Or~ C•'1 l*ly l'ltt4 .,...._Or .... C... 0.. •u• """ •a...t"' ,,. t •J.c ,..., ,, -.~..... , •, • • I .. • The marketplace on the Orange Coast ,:. 642-56'18 M edlan Income of Dall11 Pilot /amfUe1 .. ezctedl p.4,000 a year. Your ad reach.ti the county•• mo1t alfl~t buying au· dience. -···----ltliml: o -.I ~.__.!: I!-~ f .,_, 1 --1 .......... U... ..MM:.. ,.....-,...... :_ ___ ~_: ~kel . -+er .._............,.... _,........ -.........., dl&........ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW YR'S •u••••••t1•••••••••••• --••• .... ••••••••• ...... " ............... -.................... _,, ................. •••••u••••h•••••••••• Flot Ptlnlln by Rlch•rd THE PAPER HANO ER i'or 111 you nffd to know Shampoo & •team clean. ORYWAU.IACOUSTIC GARDE.NINO a.IMt UP YOUI ACT Avail. Mar 20th, ttllablt Sinor. Ur, fna. 13 yr1 of Prol .. quality work flrCIAL about bankruptc/.i call ~ bri,.tee,., whl ~P· FlaUy ~d l •LANDSCAPING W-t>Atl Yard/aaraee ad.Its. R~~"lw ~ lotal cuatomert. fo'r~-~. S\t'H' S47 42.RI ., ,....-7t4Ll35 91 cr,u • 10 mln bleach. &Sd • • Oeo 5'5·70'12 cln·l.IP. de. 1 ton truck __ ~ ~ tj'OU. _Ml·4410 QUALJT'-' ~ &1, D Hall. llv/dhl, rm• SU ; ......,Senk" ..@1_8.1l l'83 (Ub • Tit . er 17 .....,. .·.yo~ rooh m~S70.50; COlll(I h ...... ....................... ,. r~ ~T.. C.-P.... Papering/Pltnllni; ..................... .. at's ALL you p y ••••nu••••••••••••••• , c r . uar. e m. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tree Trim & Removal Demol1Uon·Oradln11 ....... •••••••••••••••• 25 Yl"9 exp. Uc-.--4~1. frffest. Janis 552-0231 TILF. INSTALLED for 11 amtWICIC I SOM pet odor. rpt repair. ELECTRICIAN -prlcc<l H R 1 TrA118port. Asphalt, con EXP ER. P8EPAR F.R Bonded. Ins 'Ref a Color Wallpaper contr11 ctor & All Kinds Cuaranteed 30.d•Y ad lflllders Since l~7 1$ yrs exp. Do work right, frtt estimate on 711).= or~~-~43 crete & tree remov1J. Enrolled to pnctict _ex~rt. 983-0011 Dick Painting LJc 32.11240 0 C Refs John 840 9217 mt.he Add1tlol\I Remodellng mvulf. Rers.5ll·Ol~-laraeoramalljobs. ----Soil prep '· phintln~ bef0tt the IRS. Qualit)' NELSONS PAINTING 23 yrs ·Gar)' Gompr - DAILY Doors. windows. patio NoSteam/NoShampoo Lac t:tllM21 U3·035!' Roto,tlllln&1 cleanup, ()pera~~wp. Comm I atreas. CO&t. s.t9·2418 Int/Ext Resld Comm "9t·4.W CustomC4!ramir Tilc PILOT covers. Frtt est. Reu Stain S~claUat Fut uc·o ELECTRICIAN ha~, oda .>Obs. Free 'Resld I 6'2·1838 FAST . A CCU RA n : Acoustic ceihngs. Reis. Expert-wallrov~rtng in _rrocrU::~~:~~ e t ir-v1c1 l)c. #310942 _ ____}49·2170 dry. Free est. U9·1582 Qual. wort . Reas. rates ~rn· . ·5841bet9am. alt HAULING tudent has ln--l"'x servi"~·your lk'd Fre.est. 837..%637 atallallon Rt" II nm·es -FINE HOME ,..~/U_....... treeest. 631·5072Tom ""' lge truck. Lowest rate 11o'v"~ " '"' l.J 8-r INTIN-G 11 r Ceramtctile & marble In • DlllCTORY M _,..., ,.......t.ry Prompt. Call 759·1976. _1~!.~..!>l'...l!fil>t. 963·6821 Q'u'Au· TAY. nEAS. Consultant AM~•i:nm~·nt stallatlon at sensible DOif NOW! l . PROVEMENTS ...... ••••••••••••••••• TOP QUALITY MAUUNG/CllAMUP n ~1 ~ ""'tl!S Bob67H048 Add1tlons & Remodetlnr New Yr'aSpeclal ! Crpt ELECTRICAL WORK -Cc>Mt.-Tree·Yli-Oarage ___11\ank you, John ~e~al .fa ~us~n:~su ~1~ Larl'l'...~~ an. 6 r.., 1...., • ., If~ Strtlct - A .. ourForat~y_.o, ml ,. ·-i.,,,i.cleanlng. Scotch Reas. ratfS. 531 505_5 •Rental repair 631·0322 John's fast mo vine & PreparaU'on. Avail ror .... e ... no.n•'A" A Y"Ol i-0-1 ll·iPIT~1t _ """...,. h I T d ua "',,_...._UI.._ ••••••••••••••••• •• ••• • -•••••••••••••••••••••• Service Directory ~--Z..-. cuard· Free est. 972·8839 au tn,.., reel Y 'far Evenlng,s &t Weekend or quality \Wit Reas •BRYANT'S • •Expert Tree Prunina • Representative --C-..t/Cw,... Electrlc~r:specialty! •••1·1 _cln·UD eeeat.842• 597 fire or Home Appoint th!it~-Stev~54741! Wallrovenngllemoval CommercialLandscape 642-5671, ext)U --·L ~ ....................... ~=~e3o~!ya1::t~b~a ra7.cTO·R~·rd~·i:t•;;; lloatdt-9 ITl!nts. Jame1 L. Zim BOGDANOV PAINTING Al_!!me~. 642·1343 St-rvu:es _ _ 957·8388 -•iliilililliiiiil~~~-1 ~91192 770·6SS4 RESJD. CONCRETE + •63l·2345• small acCt'ss areu 48" ....................... l'Tl!rmag. CPA. 845'4212 16 yra O.C. Top quality . ......,./Rtpalr Complete Tree Service MacHALI COMSTI si:,~ courts. Lie. 374067 RESIDtCOMM'LtlND !._ldehrK. lunslx?dta !~2i.~\eider. w,f0\J's~~~~h~T~11~Z~ 1-Tu Prep Neat St. Uc. 334950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gen'I t'ln·up & lmg Acca•tillog ····················••4 P/RQtrlies.Fin Stmts Compl. Set-up & Serv Reas. 540-~ Have calculator. will travel~ All acctg serv _Call for annt 760 712L Cu5fom ~homes. lram· 851-1966/841-7078 ~ ... """" _ GI 1 Fr 64 23 Year round bkklng Sml 645~1839·1886 Ne.It patC'hes & textures Lawn re"!>'' 536 0914 Ing, remodel. French Concrete cuttl1ti & re· ~yrs exp. Do my 0"'n r · :eeest. 5-~I business &t personal QUALITY INT/EXT &ttnt. H l·li39 ITrwtDMds doors, skylights & patio pair, patio, decks & cov· ~.Uc d. Al646-8126 H..... ~~~'SCLhoEANINhOI finance 962·S95!_ _ __ Ul•'d. Refs Free est PLASTER PATCHING ••••••••••••••••••:•••• covers 848·3652 en l714)8.1l·S832 ••• , ••c•::.:..•;t:..•:;..•:s-;;r•.,••• ;x,yl at rou! y FEDERATED -••646-1067!• Restucco~ Int ext 30 DELINQUENT · ROBTSTEINBRONER , a. ... 11 Senlcei ....................... Wmg'. Plumbing clean house. 54 0857 Income Tax Service Quallty Pig. Low winter yrs. Neat Paul 545.2977 Jud1C'ial Forerlosurcs (?EN'LCONTRACTOR . ••••••••••••••••••••••• .TREES Drywall · Stucco . Tile WRRAINE'S HOME 631-4871 ~ rates in eHel1 HoneHl. ---• • Hamid I" M<'Grath Es<I Lie •399463 6458456 v w I 'th r "-model. J.B.64,,9990 SERVICE.REFS. relia_ble.l48_·S648_ MR ED S PLASTF.RIN(, 1151·1771 --· ---· ""'per ~oup e . wt re · Topped/remo veil. clean ™' "" Own trans. 962·0510evs --All Types Int ur f:xt it ..a....1 ~ lal t WOt.tld bke office bldg to inc lawn renov. 751-3476 GeMral Maintenance ..... cwr PArNTER NEEDS ~8258 f ree t':>t :T~ •~ C ""°-" c • cleaneve.SS4.fi&S TopQualhy/Reas.Rates •••:••••••••••••••••••• WORK' JO t A--'-'----...., ~ ustom c r.peotry . ~--K&DLandsrape Maint Repairs&Decorallng Pref.bachelorhomes BRICKwnr.K Small · >•rsexp.m ,_,_.., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• decks & patios J .S Co.erodort, G......, Resid/Comm. Clean-up. •OllalitY• Ray 640·514i .... , ext Acousti c ce1hngs ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reading & related bktlls ALLSTATE PAVING Const. Co .. Top quaUt.y ••••••••••••••••••••••• U Haulin•a. ua,.,,89 --..l.~_131439·8907 jobs. Newport. Costa DavlS Pamtin_g_ 847 5186 Drains deared from SIO Credentialed. ex11. l'ar Seal · S · '"'.,...,..., HOME IMPROVEMENT Me sa. Irvine Refs --S · I d coating · tr1pinj! work. L 1 c. 38 080 I ADD'NS/REMODELING REPAIR· PLUM BJNG I will clean your home as 675.3175. College student 7 yri. ex Plumbing Hcpa1rs 111g pec1a 1zu1i: i:ra e~ Repairs.Comm tRes1d. Bonded. Free est . Plans. Lic·d. George THEORASSHOPPER Heating. carpe ntry. my own. Dependable. ---per lnl/ext, ref, l)una Freeest M&MG-129033 lthr4 644-7]79 Lie. 11397362 645·8181 559-!iSlt ___ Pilmer& Sons, !157-6932. Complete latn m!l•~t. elec. tile. Free est. No ~hie. 851·9020 Custom Brick . Stone. 64&18ill(keee trvin&I Pm ale Tutor 10 teai·h Ori Indoor plant spec1ahst Block. Concrete. Stucco ~ --fir~ M--ttW11t b "' h R veways. Parkme Lot ,._ a+ REMODEL/ADD·ONS Domlnir642-4851 jobtoosrnall 84~~ Quality . Dependable Refs. Jo'ree Est. c.9.9492 Bishop&Son Painting -.--· ' --r-a!itC rrenc . uss1an Repairs. Sealcoatmg ""411ptmer &C t LI 'd Ra Y. 5 Hand Y ma a Call Pam & Bob Dwight. "" 30 o .. h ••••••••••••••••••••••• German for tra,el ron S&s.•sphalt ••••••••••••••••••••••• arpenry. c . , __ .. __ . Yd CI -yrs exp in .,.,.ac l'IOPHTY I t " 25yn. lrwm S48·27L9 ~.aptng· nups Se r . 673-7012 M•~o~RY area. Free est 548.1029 vemence or onger erm Lir631·4199 CHAR REN OVATING ---Treetnm-Expert ma int rvice. roo repairs. --~ " MANAGEMENT for study of literature -Compl mttext & boat COMM'L1RESID. Jim851·0129 painting & carpentry. 15 CLEAN-UP SZ,U}iq.ft _675.jljj PITIRS PAIHTING Oran~e Co area. 15. yrs Call Answer Ad ~622. '!!:{:,mr~su~1!~~atFrree~ docks. 25 Yrs. 645·3749 ~~~::.d~f:.·~~~s Mow in&. SlO, SIS, . S20. yrsexper. &46-4336. Kitchens. bedrooms. 10 yrs exper. int or ext expenence. Call for in fo ~4300~_.!l.!._s,_ 1!._Sl.645-4269ev! wknd FINE FINISH WORK J 'JkH Be It J Hauling/ Dumping, Cptt.ry. Hm rvrs. drwl. garaget-~hatever' Moviag'. M2-0458 and rates f"*'9Ser•iu Remodeling/Doors hung G 8~--· nne · . r. $1.S·S:ZO. 754-9904. 955.0095 pn t n g. r n t I f x ·up . ·~ re«'nt University or II •••••••••••••••• •• ••••• ,_..._ -_ ~ 763.f I 12 •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• ..,..___ Randv720·1260CdM en.""".tr. 5529142 Mark yrdwrk. reas. Jerry. linOtS rollege graduatt ~'""JI • .........., SAMEDAYTYPING -·--r· -All OOl'ISll'Ul'llon large & 9.\S-3395 'has dtt1ded-to'tleeome a --AIC MOVING-••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_,,,.., Sen·11•e now sen 1ng ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cabinets Counter tops · · California millionaire Q..uack~careful 552·0410 HANG ING $10 ROl.L ••••••1 •••••••••••••••• 11 AGGRES.SJVELEGAL Doors.Greenhousewm: smaU.DisrtoSr adults. Res.id t comm lindus Ben'sMamtenanceServ by HARD WORK She Slnpj>tng·disronpaper REPAIRS l"ORLESS lm·11I busmessn' Wal Representation La" of dows. Finis h work Wavne539-7112 M.amt. clean-ups. tree Plumb-elec-carpentry already has a good star1 • A·I MOVING 1t VJSA1Mc_ 1145.9325 Shingles. ~la17 307 yr~ t>tl'kll[l & del ~-2724 flces,24hl'S.!>45·8422_ 754-4420 _ c.to.WoocfwortdiuJ ~~ Free est. 641-1096 Paintin2. Call964·5231 in your area and can J:ie i~uh~~hl'ingS~~c~~~ UC.PAPERHANGEH ~X1?.....f2°eeest 702 25 Ty111ng-resumes, term Custom spa decks.••••••••••••••••••••••• -----De~ndable & Honest. provideTOPreferences C J Bonded&guar Nojob Huber Roorinl!alllypes papers. dissertation~. labysittMc) patios. Fr. doors. Lic'd. CUSTOM HARDWOOD Clean·UJ>S, Tree Trim Wtll do any t'Jpe or Home <for st raight people I' ~· ompet~~e {5~tes. toOsmall onoo large New-rel'over del·ks "ord processin g Reas ••••••••••••••••••••••• John or Rick 979 .. 3213 lntenors. bars. mantles. Maint. Res•d 1Comm 'I Improvements Average . $4.S per week overtime _l_ --Free est Tony 898.2728 ~C!41l802 5'-&8·9734 rates L P Off 1 re Babysit.our C:M homes. I ---libraries. c abinets. AmieS48-8414 Reasonable 554.4454 S50 every two weeks STARVING COLLEGE --ROOF LEAK',.?,,, Ser\'1ces 548-1135 yr&up.anytune Qib's Carpentry-remod. bookcases. s kylltes. Fodurtherdeta1ls.c11ll STUDENTSMOVING W~LLPAPER Courtnoht&Son wlftdOwCIHiilft9 642·8482, 646-51!>9 repair No job too sma II r ust mo Id 1ng Refs . 5:~~in~~~re>::.~~. ! HmilacJ 11'41 IROOM §qU.AD co. I.Jc. aTt24-436 All kmds. l"ree est Rooftnl! , .................. , ... , uc'd mot.her will rare for Rel. Free est. 839-6297 ~ -Trimmina. Tom 631·7819 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 673-3121 Insured. 641·8427 SllNroll Lie 330986 t)'ee_ -Est . 586 S2il2 Let the Sunshine In yourtoddlerMon f'r1 , lg r-..air--1 --I OUMPJOBS -W1'J~H USGf3QW ! orm64S-0880 --CallSonshineW1ndow d nutrl.tious me els -r• ~Ct ~ J-•1e's Gardening vi Srandlnavian Woman '=ALI-:a.:....9 ''I a · g Ltd 5411 8853 Y • · •••••••••••••••••••••••=:;.:'.":.: ••••••••••••• cl t 1 • &Small Mo ngJobs illdo STARVINGACTORS WALLPAPERING ~"" ._e·nin . · 645·5313 WeCareCrptCleaners Spring Cleanino Spedal. &m:~~·~v ree54~.~35 1 CallMIKE646·l3!!!._ w ~~eaninR. MOVING COMPANY Exp'd, bonded LaC' •••1 ••••••••••••••••••• 2Q',Month!l'Dii.coull1_ Loving. exp'd Mom will Steamclean&upbols. [.e,·elors & mTnt blinds · HAULING & DUMP ---Fast & Careful Lowest C6 366843 Disrounls on BL'DGET RAT ES Ltr d •RESIDENTIAL • babysit newborn to J yr Truck mount unit rlea ned Ca 11 n 0 w •••M Gar••w , JOBS. ask for Randy. Classlfitd Ads. your 01 Rates Law Allows. M 1C v.allrovenngs f're(' e~t Low min Sml jObs OK ,\\g I st} SJO. a\ g 2 st} old. C.M 556-2724 Workgu_ar 645·3716 t94-2798or499·4044 f)-~esl. Ken839·~ 641·8427 sl.o2!._~c~nter Visa. Lirtlns 673-0853 Rod I 7~·S800 l'."~~t Ins 641-7581 M5 Chn.s9!>7:8388 ~IRED INDEX BUSINESS, INVEST MENT, FINANCE Hv'IM'"~IAl'f\ t\!Atn,\\ .. ' l'U Pit '""'''"""' (~A'I \ lft\hlmit .. Yi •MM Mt.•' ... ~,, »_, ..... .., \lftl11•<n Tn•, ANHOUNCEMENTS, msotms& LOST & FOUND A"'N1YMfrtM"nt' t~ p,o llul '°'"'f" ........... .., f-ff\IUl\411" ....... t ,~ .... 1'•\fo.I sm1ccs EMPLOYMENT & ,tEPAUTION """""' ln,UWtlM'N't J•lfl~•"''"' 11•1•" ....... \I A I MfRCHANDISE 41\lktt111'' ~IJl>41ttn. ... """""~ II« ... ..._. .. , ,...,. \h1n,,,1 t •"if ••' ... lfW I .... .... '"•' t Jrf' 111 \•N •'w,Mw,,,, ,, .. , .... '4h f'411t•"" ft Ahthokt .,,,(td, Jf•C°tn l,,\N8'~ \ltrtUftt'r' \h'4.-ll•IW'I.,_,. )h'ffl11U.-OU"I ~ •ft!..-d "•'"•I IPMrvn·t 1°1 Ofhrr-f\irft i •quip Pth r •• ,_."'• ,._ •• ,,, ~ 1u.-M•1 tun~ ~tl"lf''"''°" !"-few• Kr,t.11r•M H"' ~·r.cllO '"· · ""'',. BOATS & MARIN£ EOUl"1CNT ~·"""' .. 9'oat\ r.1.1n~ 'Wt\lt• f'i>tit' M1mnf• t.(4~tU "'•'' rn .. t"r ""'9h "'rd , h.11rt.r ....,,, "-•• lln•h 'Q1P' Uorh ...... .,,,....,.);!. """"' """'' .. TIANSrORU TION 4••«•" f•Mf)lr>r-.. S.J .. Mt'ftl tJrnrif' t'•r:.. .11•i.11.,., ... .MMOI' C\1 ~ "'""'""' »Dior ltm\ ~I, Kt nt n.,,.,.,,-, .. ''"' Tr•1l+h I ohn .\wt•'"'*'f' t'.trh AUTOMOBILE lo t\H.al '"' ...... \..J t.11. l .. .n.1 ( ht"H .,._ t AUTOS, USED ~ ., ',1. \.u""'I l 1.-.ltMl•f4l- l••'u'\h lw..<1• (Jul.1· ._,~ hMI "''1" lm.-11 .. 1 "°I) •l..e" II" '¥..a• lil•h'ftl. Y\tS \11-1' •• _,I 'lw'l•.9 w.\\ t ,.1,n ...... 1t l'enlu f'h1 ..... ,11i t'ouh41 l•tuwtt1t1o·I \ .. aasiMt.s/ln••st/ ;:~! .... . '"-II ~H\) '"1" Found Husky. white APT. MANAGER St I ~•,> ••••••••••••••••••••••• Barber yltst wanted to Clerical , part t me ,. shep max. Collie mix. Semi.retired cou ple for "'Ork m Laguna Beach SJ.SO/hr Up to 10 hrs per :_ SattltrMkL Co. Doue. Terrier mix. 1B unit. Adults. 111 N"•pl. salon. good en,·iron week. No ex p. Ed ,,~ AJI types or "'•I estate Great Dane. Bloodhound Matntenance exp req ment. 5 days a week S:U-4D40 Dental Receptionist or fire Manager Xlnt pa) w benefits ~ B orflre ~ ;;:,: anvestmentssince l949 mix, Wels h Cor_g1. 646·1801. __ ~11 494·88!!,___ ---- ,.1~, <-1a1.a.... i1t Beagle mix. Irvine •Me.rt Bea"''cian ClEllCA• Dental Assistant Trainc"" I '~~ ~To;' Animal Care Center . "',..__-..., Front -orc.-for Consult· $4/hr. 28/hr week. Mon I 154-3734 PART TJM . Orange Hairdressers to work in ing Finn. Needs person Thurs 6j2 7~·-::,~: 642-2171 5U·ft'-l l Co Swap Meet. Sat an· plush Newport Bea(h w/pbone personality & ~': •f1XED RATE 2nd TD LOST· Burmese ma le d/or Sun. Apply SWAP salon High pay. g d typing skilb. willing to DBfT.Al ASSIST. ~ •t\!Uy Amorttud cat. Dark sable. almost M EE T 0 F F' I C E working ronds, fnn~e learn business F 1T . NEWPORT BEACH .,.,.. •fUllyAsaumable black. Reward. Call weettfldsOC F 7AMdtolCoPM, ~.,,somttt"' dientee ntglish musl be first IFYOU: ':""' •No Pre-p 8 y men l ~l.J876. airgroun s sta pra . .,.,..., '"· lanruue. 642-8444. • Are an experienced Penalty Found ·. Medi' um s1'1ed Mesa. Be ut S e tal I dental assistant. ~ a Y pac ren •. un • Clerk needed immed. to •A.re eager to work m :i AsltforSkip,546-0283 furry animal near que decor . spac10.u1 work drive-thru photo fast.paced progre~sl\e -Dnmr --..,.......,, .or "S ~rson in a ull bul not ntt Call for in-H di •~ L ........... • --1 ~~!!!,d & Ward area I A bATTBm. bOH: d ~a Suhtper opportunfatyl I booth. Ex per helpful office Income property com· ---m ittous oys an service s alon Call tervaew 17 141814·7080. '~Aa.:_ersona rarile11"y Y outito :-~~. L-'-··· ~rcial, lndustr'aal or ,.,...... 5350 I gtrls l0.l3 years old. to Kelley Hannum 645 0662 u• .... ·~ ~. ""' work one or two even · · 642-1270_.__ __ • ave a mature at ~~: OpporiwNty 5005 Apr Bldgs~Com'Eltlt.ve ....................... lngs a week getting •KEMECHAMIC c~s ~SIST I t1hide ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loarateon cr lt or quily Attanti1Ma11ar newspaper.subscrip· &Counttrperson. Ex· F'time vp' prer 'but •Have good vuhal MORRO ••y ~· lst. 2nd or. 3rd Open24hrsada tions. Transportation 'd 1 · " S , skills \a~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" T.D 5 Cou rles} t o 7daysaweek and constant adult ~ w/ oral refs not ne e . o ups •Areanon-smoker Equip rental center Brokers 714 760-1551 69 Gorgeous girls to supervision provided. ea\ri~t~~~n~;!~t sandwiches Apply i~ 1 • w 0 u 1 d en j 0 \ :i ~t business w1xlnl lot _ Sleve Q_r Q!iane __ pamper you. J aruut, Call l to 5:30PM. ask for person 3·5_pm M · F challe:ngmg career 10 yr lease Nat'I & local ... / Sauna • ··als as well as And ,,,2 ,321 •xt Wbeelwork_s.__ -Gower s. t. Restaurant.. .... ..... "all "'".n<9< .,.., truck rental $60.000 P~/llh l 0 u r 1~1 5 _ Ba n k 343 rea. '" ... · "' · IOAT SHOW 1000 Bnstol St. North. ,,-..,,..... ' .,.... .,., J ~~-~. 1~1~5836 aft.SI!.m-=-Lost&Fomd Ameri card, Ma ster --------•I Homemakers, students Ne~Beach. --D&ITIST Associate with $10.000 Charge, Amen can Ex· p T . temp . he Ip COOK$ cash tO join me m ran lo•••••••••••••••••••••• Press. 0 l n er s • 11 Al!l'OMOTIVE Cashier. ticket takers. f)JU or part time. Ex- :;:,; !astic opportun ity I • ... .ts 5100 welrome. 7141645·3433 * LOTMEH! parking attendant. etc cellent benefits incl ins. :;:.; have a company con ie:••••••••••••••••••••• 2112Harbor !!LCM Che\•y delaer orfers full Call Heather at 646·3963 & profit shanng Exp. wanted. l>usy pr act ice. Newport Beach Area Excellent pa) "'1th benefits 6~~4868 • .,., tract that reqwres I day •SPIRITUAL or (>lrt·Lime permanent prer_ but not nee Apply :::,; per wk work This is READING• posatJons to youths to as· F/C looid&teper F/C 1Fn pe_ rson Coco's. 78 B.ECTRICI "'~ ..... buy 1 n g & se 111 n g 1815 s . El Cammo Real, I :...a.. & Vt'Ckl''s slst 111 the body & service Keal biate ll'lvestment hi 1 1 d s "'" ~. i;ervaces & products. 3rd Sa· n Cle~nte. 492.7296. UMMI depts. in varied. In· & management Firm NasB on 5 an quare. I 2·5 years commercial ;;;, I ye~r 111 b~ines~. Can be I f)Jlly lie'.'"' •ESCORTS• teresting tasks. Sec Mr ~ mature, resp tn· · · --exnerience. 646·8200 .,., • active or inactive. Call --BACK & BETTER Slude at dividual to take charge CUSTOMER SERVICE a---10 •. i ::?'~ 1 956-:l>46 or 7ZO._ 114S. ask u-. Ada 5120 TifAN EV"'R! 24 HRS H~··~C~•ro•.....a of accounting dept incl COOIDl ... "TOR .----..-MCl!Mr r .. 1 J 1 M 1 • ...,.,.., "1 vn-"'" oll APIAR ·1 ""' Part-lime. salary open I =~~I or" r. oe t es_,_ -••••••••••••••••••••••• 669..0207 NEWDovPOe/ Ta81IElAsC. H l:f:er thru trial. b!fn & needed to p~ess all or-Experienced onl> _, Natural f'ood Prim~ LUCILLE thanks again I Outcall) __ banlung for numerous ders & rommuntcaltons 644.8990 ~ Balboa Pier loc Owner for saving me part or --------• AUTOMOTIVE acrounts.ConlactJanet for our dtstncts & dis· -----·~ anxious. make ofr yourlife.Bud SALESPllSOH tributors on major F~1tD.avtU =~ 67J.~io~. --I.oat& folMd mo . PROF. ESCORT WAHTED!!! 833.1544 ~:S~~Je~.e ~:si!nsTb~~ ~~ i.r ra~ ~1 iit~~: ""' lftvnt...nt ............. .......... Trish 549-8096 aft. 1pm Unlimited opportunity. IOOKKHPER for process in" all orders Nwnt Bch 840-7980 015 Newport Beach ad· • ::~ ~ 5 Coeds would love lo party earnings to S3000/month vertising agency. Duttes from receipt lo com pie· FlORIST SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Wirt A Top Job in Telecommunications? ••BORED ?** Pert Time · Full Time? We n eed 30 telephone re - ceptionist/s~retaries lo service our computer. legal -medical - professiona l & ind u s t r i a l customers. We will train you on our computers-word processor s & accounting systems!! Flellle!!M Your Own Hours UQUll~ 1. 6.5-90 tested wpm typing speed 2. Must have pleasant voice & manner ?.~ust be able to read-bsten-speak & type at the same time ll:HIRTS 1. Excellent compensation 2. Full time or oart time 3. Flexible hours. choose your shift 4. Paid vacations·holidays-medical 5 Mana2ement advancement nationally SAMPU SHIFT SCHIDULH 8am·l08m 8am·llam 8am·lpm 12pm -2pm l2pm-3pm 5pm-7pm 6pm-8pm 6pm-10pm 6pm-lam 7am Spm 8am·!>pm r2pm-8pm 5pm·lam lam·9 30am CAPRICORN m.ECOMMUtlCATIONS NETWORK 151-4600 Personnel Department .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• with you. Leslie or & demo program No include T/B. PtR. A P. lion, follow up bark or· In \' est or s W an FOUND ADS S y Iv 1 a. anytime . auto. sales experience AIR. payroll. billing. der requirements. Can- ted SI0.000 total or -'-76""1""·9036=-',_____ necessary but sales ex-etc. Resume with salary didate should have a SALESPERSON ; ............................. .. Evenlngs Thurs Sat . I LlG.AlSECRO.AJtY IO.Sl.000. 20'";. 2 yr. loan IDE FREE * ACTlESSES ~~e R~b~:serFoer~: history to: Forsythe Ad· minimum or 2 years ~;~ r:l.1 inJL.ITJY2:i'2~~ M MODELS• Call Tom Aiken al vertislng, 1617 Westclirr ~~1:'n':.r c~T1~;~cea e:: '"''" . rr PLUS ,.. T ca11 H II a -D. 6'200101or details Dr .. Suite 212' N.B. fcood communication & ,.,,., wnle-o 25 , ax • o ywoo 1rector · --· --92660. 11 th .. ,, Credit PLUS sr, or bust· • seeks new talent to de· BABYSITTER --------o aw rough skills a ....., ness net Call Bill 642-5671 velop for TV. movies, wanted. Pref woma nl•--------i must aJong with enjoy. :~: 7S9-«i64 ___ _ cH~-71m1e1r.r7~a2.~~c.'213 1 over 40. Etside c .M. IOOll9BF~C ingworkmgwithpeople N d b VO .. _..., Your home or mine O....iisftlooon-w/Npt B~ In ! 65wpm. 10 key by 1 e' equity s are Lost : Blue Velvet Nowinour6lhYear .-.... · • · · .OuroCCicewillbe !,'!!', part_ner w '25.000 to buy J 1 Bo & t ts S2.50/hr . for 2 sma II v es l me n l F i r m . . • ~ _ ewe ry x con en . bo}'S 548 7136 Responsible For dall:y eating to Tustin "·" X-w1fe out or C.M. con Vic Newporter Inn. NB ..... IOhCll Stnlct1 5360 · · financial transactions & April 1. 1982. Pluse rep· ;:: do 631·91Z7Billeves. or Elks Club. NB. •••••••••••••••••••••••l·--------1 Comruterized G/L's. ly in confidence to Mr . &alldaySundays 2 openings. I temp. ap ~.~hr. 644·8990 prox 6 wks, I P T .. cur General OHire Assistant rent Uhgation ex per req Leasing Agent. pa rt Non-smkr Nwpt Center time Job avail for sharp. 760-8866 reliable person for a I g ir I o rr1 c e . I 1 g ht UG.Al SEC'Y secretanal duties to m· Newport Center re:il elude lyr.in g. phont> estate lil1gat1on r1rm k & ri , 1 needs very expe r 'd wor mg , Peasant Legal/Exec Sec0 )' Xlnt phone manner & ability to deal wlfh peopl<' es· typing, d1 ctaphone & sentlaL PhoneS49·2988 shorthand a must ::~ MaMoytoLCMmt 5025 REWARD. 76CMl645 •THE• UIYSITTH Ana ytlcal m inded Frank Parker. ,,_, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lost: Orange young Tab· Person nee<led fo -meet ptl"IOll. Expr. Required To.a.ba ~cal ,.__.,L 0 _.CE ·• 01i--------• by male cat White 6/yrold girl after school Call640-0123 ~ m ~larv ~n 640 69£0 LINGERIE s11or Mader J~w•ler $10 pei hour Must ha ve 5 year s l'xpert<'nce Dest~. manufal'lure & repair l' ewelry, reshape & rest)' e old jewelry. set & replace prertous or or narnental stones Take ad to EDD. 1001 S Grand Ave .. Santa Ana ~Q.T. 7,90. ~1-010._ '1tthanic. MB Exper & foreign made Vol\·o. BMW & Merced es ~193 _ - PERSON chest/paws COM HVH. • at 1 ·!iSpm & keep until l•-------•t 1154 fl'=z St. Sharp aggressive person '""""1 .,,.. 7"" -s H E approx. 2:45pm every-Ca CA 907 for busy contractor's or E~E·~~~'.,·~.:;i'"' ~~; TO =~ray-&-white F c;;l, *SWEET A· t>'ti>~o~~LME~s~~~ c:r!i~~~~-~tnie.";,!:~~~ <~6Js-s153_.4_5_ ~~~·n:f.P1~h fil~nrtf · Maintenanl'e has openmgs for clerks &~Is. 5411 6444 C M ~cHelMr Manne EngiO~ -Di s · lr1butor ne<'d s a me chan1r's helper. Dulles include t>ngine preparation. v.arehouse. and ser,11ce Exper pre ferred Call for 1n \~,:r;'11""" ;:,: PERSON collarw1rabiestegfrom RTS• live nr Stonecreek ne n ~osition . no --------• S48·s.5_il____ O..Sitt ''"' .,... Saudi Arabia, Laguna .._.HR. ESCORTS Elem .. Woodbridge, week . Call: 573.4403 C•'-r Stnkt 1.1....J..... ~t Main tenance pos1t1on ~ .......... *• ~~. Don't Deal with a Niguel. Reward.643-0158 o""UTCALLONLY Irvine. Student ok. _.aft ....... 6""'E"'"v._,es"".'------,,_.. available New3ort ~'""'"'"'"' -aft SOm ._,,.......,••• Join our P ogressive Beach Area Sen re-111JOS IMPOITED MIRftLEM"'N . . '"""'LNwp1tBlvd. Ref 's. Please call ca.aa"'c••1 SM.ESOFFICE staff and 0 el the most Sk p k ,,_,': • '11H Dea Directly ~h-a Ui&t: lge bl.k F dog. pt c<ihA MESA 552-<*il after s:30pm. Seekl~omTo ne to Challenging positions out ol you~ career. Op· ~'.S:lte1~1 lrvfue CA lerv1ew 556-8620 _ _ A"' 11"""'" •110 Lab/Shepk w /blue col· 641 1122 come Into my home a exist in oor Semlconduc · ptys unlimited. If you ~~: .. 11N••· :~~ LENDER lar, Dana r olnt. 953·2696 CAt.i F'OR 1---------1 few~ a week for ap· tors sales omce for are into hair call. 92'7t4 At~!!)tiot1..Sare MANAGER-APT. ,M111tt •,~l'. tEO yrs~x nence $100 REWARD. Blk WE SPEC! L n--i.•-g prox 4 hrs ~r day to custome r service 546-7186,ukforGlorla MAllAIUC• Sel8rnlun·1,rett.Airdedultsro.1unpNlewpfotr !:•i"'1 ·•·•& TD's-. EKEND A -c·-for my c mo old .... P .... tatlv•s P · ~'* im ... .,. Lonlhaired cat. "Meat· -~ "' '"' r ........ n "' : rior Housekeepers needed STAIT Hiii u.t-,,.., SlO.OOOUP balf" &73 -8972 dys. ArtislJDes\tn Cnslt. wltl HIWACCOUHTS baby. Please call Cllltomer service ex -Some exp. ne-c Call. The Los Angeles Tunes Mainten=ri~X1P req :;::· 0 ;~~ 91iiaCndltAV:.•· 97~le.v. do custom oil paintings COUNSILOI 641·1250 perlence, map ap-Ann 492-6l03EJCt 145 Is looking for well· , . -'~""'• i:r. 4 ~ ~· for home. 857-4146. FULL TIM E Pill.Ides, typing 45wpm, 1 · groomed, enthusiastic Manicunst. H•1r West. '"~" '~ ' Found: Bike. CdM area. Experience preferred, a.•ICA~ CRT exp. preferred. Housekee~r .1 t l N.B. Must do acrylic ~~.111,ft•• ~~ ~pers~:11~ p~ope~y Call to identify. ~ fo r our Huntin gton •ALl'llD y XJnt benefill package Ii Someone to do light ml:,..? d~a;foruf re: nails. Louise 873 4186. :;::~1."11,,,. ,ai 844-6006 ,... BeacbOlnce. Aulatanl to Off ce Mir. salary commensurate cleaning l to cook for 2 hours work u pJtime 67MS44. __ _ :t~ :;~ O...A..cW Found: M Wire haired ......... •••••••••••••• ConUel:JotlnJune Typlna. Ille bookkeep· wllb u per1ence. Please super children. C1ll sales rep Hours are 111,.1• r.i. F ox Terrier. vi e. ,,.W....., 7075 841-4lll Ina, payroll l busy llJllly inperson: Mn. Bowman '79·1532 from 4pm.tpm 'train· ..... ,,, 11'; 972·2231 Edwards & Slater. H.B ............. ••••••••••• ,Ph0ne1. $$. to •tart, PLISSY dworSSl..a.2eves. Inc wm be provided. ~: ~.! 1&2.-3913 Youns married man CAlJfOINll nlau commensurate SIMICOMDUCTOIS Interior Dtslgn/S1,lea. Your earnings as a ....,... VI;,) Open 7 days 8:30 8: 30 would likt odd Jobi eves wtth adl ptablUty to job · -1'41 Kl lier Ave.. c a r e e r 0 p p t y . Tin.a sales rep. will be .. 41.11111 .. · Vllo Found: walking cane. '1 wkendt Can do • fEDW position. 40 hr week. Irvine, CA. 92714 $15-125/hr. No exp. nee. baed on a guaranteed :;:~ ~~1, Harbor Highland• area, variety o; ·~ndyman l Call~,!12 Anne. btwn '\VUltraln. 552·*>23. boWl)' wage or '-~.50. + '"'',.... ~~2nd TO to $1 mill. EZ N.B.ooWta.64f.l~ fo:i· 972-1625 eves: aak --•Lem e.12--.. ..... oraat·0751 ltMl'OUI commli11ons. f::_:,._ ,:.-; qualiry Downey Sav· FCU'ld. Small male doa. or BUL '1i22 Edrftrer Ave Dentalolflce Menaatr Since thl.t lt a new prd· ~~·".... :f~ ~f~1M1 r MeQuarrle, red/brwn lon1halr, Vic. Man with Intellectual I Huntlnaton Beach "cA N.8. ratoraUvt prac· IMYIMTOIY ASST. anm oPPOrtunilles tor MA11m~ Join our multl·mllllon dolla r com p any . Oivmlfy your lnt'orne . Wint motivated ah1rp men°' women for mitmt po1llloal. Stt your own bOura F111tutic In · come. No aelllns re ~'!d.~· ,.TIS. O _.A MacArthur ' Bur. ~ lffb ll\le 1 ,...7 ' lice afflll exp. tum Aiial.tt1ft&-&i -()t)etatlons advancement are tx· Mllt Trwt .54f.• In~ a1 cook. at· Equal()pportunlty OPPOJn*ITY oritnted indlv. looklna ofCorl)Orate mall/atoc:k celltnt. Cell now ror ______ _ ,,,_.. -•fJ'h llJI Foq,d t".-...blkelnW. tendant !_!_eld,erly or Emnpplc>k>llft r knocks:."' •hen you forabllhlY rea~ilble room•. Dellverlu, mor.lalorm1Uon 1bout ,..., .....,..,.... cock lfC,.,.,..., or 9 • • ..... 0 11 .. ;uon R1tunhn1 a Ol*ltlon of machines th$t l"'at opportunlt,y. ,..,..~,..,~·•ea • .-H&'7 -.. ............... ,._area. Pltut call lo t iOo I ., c"ri UM,... .. ·I-uni • II lev•l of .. teem. alllpphl(, rtcelvln•' Call Mon·Ftt, 957-2311, ............ .. ... J'OlllMlf toa lrvlnt •Ntwpor t Boch ~(Y.H!·Plf! ,.e:."a•r peAr!o•,·e 1 1 1 UJOU'~ 1tm p&letd a PUot OUIHMd Ads to llt fri•f• btHflla. 1111-unin la o1n c1' at llM _.__... =Hltdloeot · lnlll deed ll"ettmenta. a.t: r Clbhualap mll, M!l..ftM tum" ' a..... ad._JOU'rt la :::::e Or•e Coatt 111!.'J ~~lu If E~r. pr.~ r~1llloi =· --· - -·-.-. ,_,ull Call for latut ll1t. llro,.a(btll•· verl ~ ' tM-I TIJll-_..,._ ""T.l!t~-l•l11d lnulAu.L -:..e~-1· ,.B... : .... MILYPILOT-1"l!l:... ........ I~ 1n . ,,....,,r•• ·~.I ~....n.t-~ ---~.,,.. llU. kl. ........ nni. C.U: TIO-OIOt; ±!Jii tt· .. •••• --= ;,M~--r~ "!_~WAllTgADI e .. :v..~ GI~, ~fflla, ClaUd'1 ,.L &--N'-~r· tt rtHltt. PhH1 ' '-, _ , :--fits.& Claulfted l:IN:a •• ft-I ........._r'' " ·--; I , " (Xfice work. mature en · div., will train. 9·12. Mon·Frl., all day Sat ~3500. Part Time/Sales Meed Xtra MOMy7 Positions available de· rronstratlng products an grocery stores in you area. S4/hr. + bonus 17141963·3107 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line MUSTSElL Mahogany <foul>Te bed ~•th mattress. Muon shaped mirror on head board. ~080 631-7197 art 6 • • Bring them'of mall them with correct cuh to Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St .. Coata Me11, CA. '2121 our famous DIMES-A-LINE DIMES-.~-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR tNFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-567B, ext. 319 . • Each Item muat be priced with no lttm over $50. 20c per ltne -$1 .00 mlr lmum. • No llveatock, produce or plant• •• No commercial ad• allowed OVAL gold shag r arpei SSO • whole roll Black vinyl couch $50 Aquarium heater S2 Resin. rock hanging lamp S20 Matching 3 way SIS Beige lavatory, new S25. Wood crates SJ ~0·4576 ALL wood king size headboard $30 . Two king size box springs $30. Mirrored clear glass tile 12inxl2in $7 a box or doten Shm Jim exercise cot. great ror the tummy SIS Johnson control box for boat wit h Johnson motor $2.5 673-3561 ruRQUO ISE 9fl wood trim. six cushion couch S50. 536-3645 ANTIQUE water cooler. novelty S25. Smaller drawing table Sl2 Antique 1t'e cream parlor chair $35. eorree tables. 3. S2S each Antique large trunk S50 Two Cherub lamps. marble base S20 each. Old antique adding machine SJO. Antique Philco radio upright S25 French provencial large coffee table with marble $50. Antique English chair $40. Gold Louis V boudoir chair U O. Antique furniture. dresser . velour SSO 524·77~ BABY ~ulk er $10 Child's oak chair St 5 ll oover up r1ghl S25 ~!echamt''s creeper $15 Portable Black and while TV's SIO and $15 Night slund. white $12 Clairol hair seltl'r S6 Ice box. portable metal S7 2350 College Drive 556 ·8842 arter llam Saturday or call BIKE mens IO·si>ttd. has new enamel . tare. saddle, cables, brake shoes. looks. runs new $49 cash 548·8066 OAK t'ha1r St $10 TRUNK S35 Two pine \'W Bug header~. good Bl<OTll ERS portable DOl'BLEbedheadboard KING ~Ile bed SSll AMERICA:" ~l:rndJrd '1 11t:\\Y clul \ tre t• ~1rrors be,·eled and captain chairs v.1th for Ba1·a Dunc bugo" f lat bed Sc ~ing $10 Cashmerl'roatS25 B··sk"lh•ll h.,ickbo~rd .,, h ....._ h I a ~ " , • tul ll'l S2!'> WJll hun •• prun~·1 Jll ~•eel rramed S..'i~< Leaded r ush1on S30 •ach S30 S 2 <, I 9 6 6 '' W mdc me ~•< ... ui tin Lad1e~ Jllt'k"l a nd "' ~ '" ·• • h u K ' and r1 m S20. Srt or sink $15 Tota II PortJ ml'ludri. hladl' and saw 0 1ass v.1ndows StO Oak each Three rush seat S"uarehat'k gas tank stilt' es ..,5. enmore blou~es SI SJ Toaster " .. h 1 weights and benl'h $15 P<tllv S2S 12 \'olt lonii l'\l ens1on S20 Bentwood chairs S15 bar stools $1 2 each. SIO 1971 Chev« truck upng l vacuum<' taner $3 Road master bike c•s.6.,..,.. ' S20 G E t bl .,.. ''° nutbo11rd t1·olhnl' m11tor 5411090R each. Bentv.ood Hat Antique Junior chair left render S50. Front por a e SI S 20 Mule Team. S2S 2 mirrort'd ~hdinR ------- rack S35 Magazml'rack SJS 832·9349 bumper braces $10 Recordplayer.pla~sall m1n11ture model SJS NEW electronic parts doors 4810x861 n StO KllWI'\\' bike. iireen S6 Camel back trunk r ender well $10 Lert si7es and speeds S20 Golf club6. assorted S2 T\' radm tubes 25f S2 24 n lo th t SJ5 0 t rr r I r hood S 0 K 1 n g size q u 1' t ed h Pl b 1 80 d rt h uch B1·fold dool". !>4an h1 r t• younR~her vers u oot stoo VACUU M t'l•aner SS ronl spnnR I t'ttr um mg va ves ress spo s oes. wide 515 ''cllo" iiucu•n " 11 i.. uutgro~n l at $20 B-" k " u 1 k · bedspread. cost $100 seU 50 s 1 I k SS 57 R • 20 ,. .,..room roe ing Lamps SSO 5 Gallon "'a p e 1 n g s 1 z e for S20 50 Gold Vain c I A um 1 nu m 1 e new · aJa. bcdspreall s15 2 ll1thl 1n urcal shC1Pl' S35 rha1r S35 Safari rhair texture coaling paint h e ad hoard w 1 th m 1 rror tile 12x 12 JSc crutches $8. Car juck $5 Cod poles S22 Old poles. swag lamp firt chain SW _96_2_1_41_18 _____ _ S4S Pine blanket chest SI O 2 fans SI . 53 compartment~ $30 each Craftsman inside s Le\'el steel shel ves reel~ SJ-516. Saturday 545 0694 29411 MJUI S50 BentwoodtrunkS20 Blenders$2 lrons Sl .50 Pullman . de luxe S20 Hand tools ~SS 490 Costa Mesa Stret't. Costa 'lesa EDGER S35 R~I Rear 0 M 1ke sel I ' 2· 121 i M'll' c ~ •• Bag••er S3S 2193 Rur I Id kitchen tool s Eltttric can ononer SI porcelain sink 2hnxl7in Small Pet travel cage osta11'esa " a ut SlO o.. r~ $40 Doubl II h $.15 Cash only 897 3489 Plat'e Costa Me sa ....c-..-.cture prints ., r corree S8 Lawn e ga on was S4 Bamboo shade 36in BE o ROO •1 furn 1 , '" CO UCll IHI brown " 1 un Saturday 10am·3pm and frames SI Brass Mowers S5 Ollch Purses tub SIO 4 inch PVC pipe FILE cabinet. Jumbo SS Two hand powered nagah,·clc chair oreen SJ·S45 nur ~nil ~tools coalbucketSlO.Cobbler S2each.ScreendoorS5 Sl per square rt J Mt•at Grinders S1 5 rabri~ ollom~n"n5 1 ~el S2ll Tabb S..'iS.10 'ilL\'ER by Roi:cr~ Bench corr~ table SJ5 Bowling ball SS. Coca adjustable crank type ~~~~~=rc::~nets:;·~~~ 548 7011 2092 Wall111·e 642 2204 La nip!> S2·Sltl l\itrhen Tru~. tea pot. Mfree DI A MONO plate step Heather t'ha1r SJS. Iron Cola cooler SJ Elector patio umbrella5 S5 each. as table $12 Cruflsman AH• Costa Mes<1 --------I ~a re S 1 SS C:h .11 r s and ('reamer and sugar. bumper ror ru11 size bed $10 Pme table S4S Popcorn popper $3 need covers 481n width ,, mo~er SS fireplace -DRLlMS ~ Rallon. rle11n $2 $1 0 Tooh SJ SS all forS35 S48-0008 tn.1ck m Tacoma mags Jewelry bo~es S2 Glass Crot'het items SJ-S7 Fiberglass cloth St 50 ~aeen $25 Wrouaht S<H'•\. blat'k nauRah~lle S7.50cat'h 642·2204 Oa \'hed SIO P1t·1urei. - 71n and Sin with G60·15 stemwan! 5()( 35 piecl' 2135 Parsons. Cos ta yrd 6 l2inxl9ln shutters .. SSO Tape deck. Rt•el to ---S2 Slll Lots or to"· KING nak headboard P T ii hi S25 Sh Ile S •< h T iron hanging lamr>. new R l' t' I p I a v" r 11 n ,, · tires to fit Ford S lmg oppy ra r na Mesa 642·4361 • u r ..., euc wo · · • u SOFA bed S30 Purtable doll~. chshrs. tluthmg. SJ() 1-'ll'cplat'e S30 Twm $2.5 each. Antique Horse 1622 Monrov ia 11n 9inx78in shullers $5 ~~~~~0~1~~ ~el~;~ r ecorder. srieakers black and white 19in TV hookb. 1e~l'ln 25<.' SS chine~ st~le bed. bras!. collars $25 each Sperry parking lot I Bet ween each Parrot rage SIO. helmet $15. Steam iron included SSO ~7682 4$30 Six drawer dresser S1h·cr~ Jrl' SI . Salt Jnd I nm oo red S20 ~ 7259 Mult1·Tester with all 16th and 17th. 2 blocks SRNOdW rhains 14en SIO J61nl xl2f!.~wrouc 11titl 1r0td1 $2 Books 25r SI 50 VACL'L'M cleaner $25 S20 FM AM tape player pepperi. SI Collcctori; Rt>T OT I I.I.ER San s acressor1es $40 westofPlacent1a a ar detet'tor SJS ra11ng-.. rysla an G Folden" bike S50 Bovs 2spe;ikcrssa> 536·5796 books SOr ·SIO Nancy 645 7286 Sankoy cassette det'k ornate brass 3 tier I assware 25c S2 bike sis. Power mow~r Drew S6 Saturda\ and engine m Rttords S2 · · f"U R Seal coat. black. SSO Small draH1ng chandeUer ~. tfoover Saturday and Sunday LAO I ES Sehwmn R1kr Sunria.' 31o2 c· oral Books St each Treadle r 11 1 ..th S50 M' bl S35 G c t 11 u 9 2 513 N1trdssus. and edger S50 euch S50 oo.4534 b s 0 11 d PIONEER AM /FM MXP u en,.... irro1 ta e .. E. portable ons e a on vacuum Corona del Mur fl'• Electric mower sso . Ave . Apt A 4 Blocks ase 5 ar wood stereo tube model S30 r or d oo r or w a 11 cassette pla)"er SIO SIS. 75 12xl2x4 Vista El w e ?t t 0 r s P 1 r e 8 table m l.t'ather shtter u·1'th S""ake-Mart•I 24inx72in . ...., ""·7676 Large Bean bao SB. blocks 50c each. Glass blot'ks north or Coast e<'lrtc m9wer SSO 'lll CE red bri ck~ 20c S<o Rab I th ~ "" '" .. ....., .,.,.. • llwy.1 Elertnc ed"erS10 Push each You haul 7~91.,.,., ReSldurant. Harbor " ~S <' 0S es. tube type H1F'i stereo Trundle bed ~ 1thout mirror 37inx38in S.S. 1953 m 0 we r S 1 0 Seed 1 ______ ._,_0 "_ Blvd . Costa Mesa t'amen; ~ 10 . turred receiver with speakersSMALL low round mattress SJS . Arter Republic Ave .. Coals SOCCER shoer. Sl·S4 --luv~ and dolls 50t'S2 SJO Ma r1 ne rad io marble lop table, fant'y !Oam only 540.9779 Mesa. 642.al62 ORA PERI ES to fit Srt Sp'l'cader $10. Washer p R ES TO press u r <' 01~hl'~ Hk' $1 B11nd~n telephone transceiver, caseSS0.541 ·5002 t.ARGE pols rrom w1dcby84mches long . dryer. dishwasher $SO Calt'ulator S20 Photo rookers 121 SS l'a1·h I $Sil l'utorr !t<I~ SSO ed ...,.., Sold ~ Open weave. beige each Satunia) arter 12 rtood lamps Siii $15 Pn•s to ulum1num AnllQU"'c·hoold~ks.so ne cabmel ..-v. I s u ALl •.... don S3 Busy SJ·$7 ~-'72 Toyota 2000 l 3 22 1 Fl Clothes t'h1ld1 ens " ,, I · 1 !MIR ROR d b k l "' -" tones excellent Just o pm ower · · mulll cooker fn. p11n tor> L' 1 d .• 0 r r .. 1 $ 1 0 State AMtF'M Mu Up ex an rat' e s box .... GM Love seat Station wagon rront end "lean.:.. S50 . ._.0 ¥~G d I d " ' u h d S20 o-· t t' d ..., ' ...., .,.;r""" Strret.Costa Meta , mens an a aes . vent SIO New l'Orn ,\nuur1•1m complnte •• stereo w1l recor · °"1ge overs u ie SI O. Assorted boy ossemblyS50 Tire and 2Sc ·SIO Bike parts ., ' " ..., changer and speakers armt'hair S2.5 Blue and clothes, infant lhr\l site wheels $5 each. Starter PATIO ru rn it u re . ANTIQllE burret WI. s Sl ·SlO. Shutters S5·Sl0 J>Opper. used oncl'. ~cu Gus rn~rn<' with gear $45. AMIFM clock, light green hand quilted 4, 2Sc·S2. Toddler bike and altrrnator S7 50 aluminum. 4 Chairs S10 p I et' e c h 11 d re n s Toys 25c·SIO Saturday buttering. 4 quart S5 2• box Ul Old itMndstone6 weather radio S20 queenspreadS20 Small $5. Assottedtoys25c..s:J. each Radiator S25 '63 earh. t Chuise ,20 bedroom set S39 L.arge d s d 10 5 3230 piece Ht John~o n 50c S9 each Alrhohol Buill·in comer seat $50. dark green wool carpet Child's security aate S2. Oodce slant 6 3 quarter 644.4579 load or pine firewood ~~nne:a~t()(,ta Mesa Brothers 1 ronst one stove $25 Axle with T ypewriter portable $20. Two bookcases $5 lO·apeed bike In pieces. ton parts $5-S50. Baby 129. Beau\tful drinwood w h 1 t e <' h 1 n a SJ 5 I Ires SIO 5 pound Anu1ls $1S. 8 track tape euts $8. each One bookcase SlO. some missing purts SIS. crib. SIS. 325 West Bay. ACCOVSTIC 0 1 ror lamp or t~ble base REMODELING : Three Wc 5lin11houi1t' roaster S3 each 75 pound Anuils BABY bassinet wilh two Variable strob light Sl2. Houserul or draperies Electra·Broom $8. Child Costa Mesa. 548·5908 Fish lank $40. u1Ja;..!:!!·. SIS. Tether ball pnlc $7, section snxsrt window. broiler and rabinet S.S. $15 ea<'h S.S spoon~ 10 mattresses and four IS lnrh lire and wheel S20 tor all. Hummock El ectric organ $7 . . 11 .,..__... Hampster cage $3 20 srreens. S35. :t Traverse GlassslippersS2euch.8 for SI Hardwood Rems shttta. all like new 13$. $20. 8 track 1tereo with S8 . T or tol se s he II Needa work: Irons & jMEN S golf clubs $35. II r 5 S50. Front door S50. In ch bicycle without rods 144m. 961n. 96en SIS decora!,fd salt di!>hl'll S5 $0c·S3 Birch ph Rems Infant and toddler record changer and et11ere S40 Walnut Humldltler 12. Ha ir Dresser S20. Barbie :~~( '::~.S25w:~t!~I~ rear wheel $12 12ft Gold drapes. 144.lllxMm, 646-6714 S4 each W1tcr pumps,, lothll\f ne eond'llon 1peaker1 128. R1dlo aquare cotree lable SSS. dryer $2. vw U'rt and D r~a m House _ S~S. sh ding glass door with s Mlnx841n slideor door. ce AM p E R s ~ l..1t r g e S2 each. Mll n11le SM, ;mo. 10' rr~ boys1 and control buildoier, as It Short black lace rormal rim StO. 734 Joann Antique end table SlS. clothes 50c-S5. 964-4326 panels $49. White toilet 361nx4Sln window S30 for colcman Ice chest 125 3 l.ethal ducllnit Yo-Yo 1 1 Hult h T $10 21JOOoc:torsCircle, 130. Black vel vet Street. 1 block above BB 4un UO. Check or962·3158 19 200 powid'c.apaclty all 84H 843eves, gallonc:olcmanlhermos tusl>d1.earthYo·Yoand ~a~. and llOd. Soe~~ apt D., Co1t1 Meu. upelM SlO. Deal1ner Wilson olt ol PlactnUa. writer 112. Cowhide •71 SQUAREBACl< front garage door hll'\&'6 with BOOK shelf SIO Double SlO Mthl drop led the "°" unknown red M · R i In 842-7Sllll dreues. pants. site B-12 Sundayonlyll-3 110011 110 each. Girl's sprU\&S SJ2. Aluminum b Cold lnit t e ble us Yo·Yo SIO all $0ft air , •1•c ytara. tte v " S3·S20. Ladles shoes 711 bicycle S20 Children's len fender $50. VW 4 lu& slldinl wlndowt •each. •d SO Rtfrl1crator MO 8837 hose ss Scl~~r11 J1t11 blanket• and crib HIGH chair eonveru tc to 8. 81., 12 lo $7 . gimu and b ook s chrome rims 115. SV 30flredCOGCretetdilng M$.Couchandlo~ueat · 15 Spniy p.lt)I sa_ all .... ~ ~:te~!a, B~~~i.rco~~~~ child's chair 135. 0. E. ~ Handbaea '-'·SS each. T E NT 1 h IO U 0 . lOe·SOc. Saturday 9.a. 11cner1tor starter 110 bl~Jc .,. 4ltx:61\ double $30. TablC!lS SS.$8. Lim Pt OARAGE door OP\'n~r. Two rolor TV· a i s25 .. Stubbl.a, OP abo,t1. speed automatic record Jewelry SOc·SlO . I Hone)'well auto strobe 2680 Santa Ana. Costa Re1ul1tor SlO. 6V 36 slren1th window •lass S3•SIO. Twin btds US complete U S Door ti.ch One wlnf!cd tllS)' • player D>. Child's blk< Heritage rrv ine. uo. $50. Polorold 40S Mesa. month battery, l year uo Clt'b Ladies ~~ch. Oinina lAlble m hlngu with ufely rh•ir uo Ruhber CI I n n e I a h l rt I · seat $3. Child's picnic »2·l4S6 ' film rack holder for old SIS. '17 11qu1rebact rlotht-S, sites IO J6 SI$ Patio (umlture ~ Cal aptln«s S20 $$7_..., tublnt SM ot !In ~lttf Otb·Kolh. down vest. table 1$. Girl's clothtt h S 40. Vtltage 1WOODEN SI.a~ siu parts Sl-$50. Ladles aol.f Mulmum baby rlothos bed a .Drtsser 10. Cias tube $1 Cool Antiqur shots &-• The baby, SCk to•· Sttam Iron 14 1FUR Seal coa t, black. re11ulator for enlarger 1 b•by crib S4S Baby crib clubs ~ e•eh Anllq~ $5. 336 Cabrlllo. Co.ta s\o\'e S50. Chll deak SMITH Coron11 portublt' bln'!C!I s:i each. Chev' dothtl art U1e btat lronln1 board ind covei full lengtl'I 5'CI Mirror US. Busle r drum maureu 120. Baby KJ;ylng cards SS ISO Meu, Saturdiy •nd 118. ~·2987or667.)I~ electric typewriter $4(). pttrti1 $$ ror 1111 Civil •y~u1:~27fl4".d 1a9n4~w~.e8r~: 19. "tllct.toaaler 110 tor doo r or wall motorbaaem ZXIToy swlllt 110. Infant seal ·4161Clltf. Sunday. BtCY"L• ,,..,_... • .,. 848·79 dcrcnN.., 111navrr u ~ .. ~ Carvlf\I Steak set • l4.lruc72l.n s:as. "4·7878 Robot and ~· SSS S3 Quttn alae Water v " .,. ~ ...., --....------A u t 0 Em 1 ~~'I In" A.lallftm A¥enue. Coata TV t.abk Mt SS. AJI lr Cbalr bc"1I jd ntw btd mattma Ill Stereo TWO 1)co KO lraiu LONG redwood bo11ea hU ru11s Ito. Sn~w BA8Y hlah ch1lr lllld Analym SIS )lt~e. 315 llaa. fOOdeondltJoft,Ml.mt FOOSBAU. table sas. 11ptiolttery . •ens and apealltra US. tratk, nd transform: wlUI 10U 12 each 2111 ch1ln1 S4. Se•ln• ?J .. • .. YPt"' 1 12 t11(h , 1troadwaJ,Colta lllt11 _ TALL metal ublatt, Plt'binlto 115. AM)qDt lk'Mt "= abt UlO. 644·'7f0 Corona del txttu, new SU, KuUe Harbor Blvd "U ". l'fta c911ne a"d ubtnlt .,.. 1 · ,_ ·~ ••rt llwn, s ttor*I' DISPLAY cablut. IMM Kodall camera Reny Captain• at11. tao c111 1k1'1 •It• COltdl•a.f4$.lt4' ta. A.rtlltt. ""' • , ,,_ •*= rtV! *a"' fiWati ~ ... Ida, .. wtlDut, l\Uo l&ll J1la UO. Lar-11 ••toa' chair 115 TTS·SHT WAlft'ACT10Nt • T7rOU1 tltndla11 SIO. IM ,_. .. ...._ Qlut 4itplay fOl.lftltt BIDSIAft, "°'*•sold •'°'la·~- Wllll•MJ-wldt•.Ml·... Mrbeme .. ffU.. rooatllRVllWy._ a.liltMI ...... --111111 •&.IL ~, ,-.feNl'n t11•.Mt·• ........... ---. r -·~· • --· -' •• ' ................................................................... l4 Ufll\&toYll shaf( ru1. Xlnt cond $65 T•H Chandelier olc11ant ery~al, dbl bfvtl prisms • w/swags, 11 lhthts, toist $1800., SIOOO 000 85G-0»$ ............ ..-i Beautiful antique burlf'd walnut din. roum llet. buffet~ 6 chairs, ap praiseo al $2000. take 1000. SSO....Q.195 All COMrllSSOI I hp port. BU*s iiAo Binks pressure pot SlOO Sl6-tll2 S pc butcher blk 11.•r iron din set, SlOO 8' cotton Mitctl••oa velvet tan sofa, $150 IOI •••••••••••••••••••••• ,._, ~ 1090 ~~rt.6"-LOSING LEASE, quit· _...,.... Waterbed, lhe f1nei.t ting business. selling out ••••••••••••••••••••••• ma d e K 1 o g s 1 1 e ALL supplies and hx Gulbl'3$eo Realto Organ Beauty rest Flotation lures including w/2 Leslie SP.kn, perf rmttress combo Perr Display cases, wailing cond. Sacrifice $1750 cond 6 mo old CObt room chairs , Beauty 847-5672~- '81 c..iusk Mustang, v 2ll Scoek PB. PS. auto, great cood SM~ IM6 ~2 708uickC V.T. $23$0 Restored. WTCM 80 Resale Sales. 443 w. Bay, Cotta Mesa ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~2963 __ " , · 1s1U,1~9 b Mo.Ped tor s•le. '77 Pugh 1951 Wtllys W1i1 g, new 4;8 Unll ilte Sr. rand Newportcr. Good <'Ond eng, Ures brakes $1500 new 27QJ1l' Cru~. l.oran $299 7 ·1570 080846-4005 · C, P ul11rl11 V H F .. I Ctaatlvt flnancln11 78 Motobecanl! Moped, 1952 Morns Conv. new avail Newport Yacht x.lnt coud. S2'7S. lop, eng, brakes, p11int Excban1e. 675·1800. -_499-2526__ _ S2000 Firm 559·1273 PUCH MAXI MOPED '60 Ramble; SW atit:k, Looks new, brlghl overdrive, good surltr ellow _f:!Q. 6'5·6~ .!!'.!m.J2!5. 97g..~ '81 Pucb, blue. x.lnt cond $450. 4WlwttDri•ff '550 WH FOR BOATS ....,,___........,Jjj ___ 615-3479. • •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 F2SO Perfect cond '78 27''1'l BAYLlNF,R Motorcydes/ ""per "l••o new paint J1°rla" F1y . bridge. .. Scubn 9150 i.IXXI ~n:tned. tires & del Ii fia~10. bail. tank. ••••••••••••••••••••••• nms. Book val $8.000. Pl m er, outnggers. '73 Kawasak'l 100 Enduro. asking S6500 Robert 3S1mp.1en .. AM" FM 8 Good "ond r>CJ\ 080 UJ\ "•73 u9 7u1 tract stereo with trailer ' · .-,. · ~~ ..'!!- ,., lillar rore!car' JOtlitSOM & SON U..Cft ...... .,., 211211 ubor Blvcf. Calta M•a 540-M30 Premium price• paid ror any 1All'd rtr (for 1111\ or dome allc I In aood condition. See Ua First I SOt 1 I 11 , "'' 'i I Dadge1 l888 lto1rh111 nh·d ft~I~~·~~~ USED ~·~'-RUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR Fiii APPIAISAL Cormier DeL1llo CHIVlOL(T 1.8211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 147-6087 or ,54Ylll Call 646-2843 Wiii sell Call.: ~SW.J:!es__ "78 Subaru Brat, 4 wheel balant'tofloan. '73 Honda 450 CB DOllC dnve with topper, goodl--------• S700 or best offer. Gd rood. S3000 Call 661 6325 Will trade MG for VW or SUXIO. wlll sal· ror '• Salon ha1rdryet's and Piano. sma II antique 640-il94. hydraulic chairs, rn1r· t}tg.lish upnght w1siool '12 TOLL YCRAFT. Ex-cand or66l-74ll GuodRunnangCar .. 9111 ... ............................................. 1'tw.tlldMlt ,.,.~-: -..W Or &.MM~ .. Mc1.crttl IMW!I ~Or&.HM r10.. ...... rt.1 J 4J 5ll·5lll "UD 2oosx 51 .1tert0*3215 a ~o..l&.e$t31 IH HONIA 'IO SlOOX, aold, xlnl flMTA HIA cond, eir. t•pe deck, 5 .MRI M 1pd, llK 1nl, suoo ..... 0 s•VI! 494 8734, (2l31432S997 A" A Must Sell lmmedlately GUATs&ICTIOM 1971z Xlnt cond. reblt CIVICS tnLINl-1' u.s-3012 11ft s ACCOltDS OUHGIE C~MTY'S ,_,... '723 ,ltRUDES I" ••••••••••••••••••••••• CJiftJ430 ~ -'80 • T11ra11. 11nlhrurltr ""'° ' . w red leather. 15K mi. 301 w warner. '~ blk · tat ua.ooo raah . '!tstors.M1fn Sas·Ser~c~·!:!a!!,!11.. 2,!3·538·9620, 213·822·6297 9 7lCl ]{)( ll\KVtK Rat 9725 ~ •••••••••••••••• R:ll.S·~·ltvfW ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76XJ12L. J111u.r. Ex 611.-*i111u11~aH11J1 cepUonally cleun & In • ~li},04 flMJ64><-* f•MtASTIC * good cood $6800 080 '79 S281. Anthracite. red M Call Paul 714 833·2212 leath. sunroof Xlnl. •FIATS• 8 30AM 5PM 13950. hm6111623 14 Jag XJl5 52K miles HUGE Ong 011.ner Servire re· i 4 BMW 2002 air. st1~k. am/(m rebll trans. Xlnt ~.495:5862 '80 320i. F pkg, orig owner Days 1'1141 761·2604 : eves · 1213 1 !'B-~7. - SEUCTIOH rords since llew. S7,000 PIE-OWNED 640-89'78 FIAT J....-XJ6 ..... tTC'"I"' 1980 Sldan Wh ile ~ "" ~ 11. buck1k1n leather 1n· Sf't~1~/ I /91 tenor Full pwr. stereo TOCllOOSE FROM cassett,. lo m1. Mint Examples rnnd S16.9SO Pvt Ply '75SPIDE!t $3995 00-2179 t44VCN 197S Ong owner, ~aut '77 SPIDt.:R S479S car 11. 1th tender lo\log 164.SZD 1:are S6800 846·8098 969_:S388 Trwb 9560 4t9·4722 '80 Yamaha YZl2S. xlnl •••••••••••••••••••••••1·-------1111111 ' 2 blue striped crushed rors. shelves and plants. Uke new. tuned SfSO P~ Cruiser 24 '. 305V8. Also, make.up. shampoo 847'5672. ?25 hp. Mint cood. Like ''elvet L. R. chmrs. $150 and hair products -~---Co 'd 1 '77 SPIDER S49SO •--. 9732 97~S -pr 2hassoeks $10 ea Call 6ll·S?S4 or Story & Clark Console new. v storage, o ___ 968·2966 after6 898·"""" French Pro\'. Beaut. hrs, sips 4, galley, head cond, never raced, ex· lrasi l?SO. 642·8917 • lr'Cltd Htw 'I I Car or Truck Needed have $800 C AS II •846·5172• MODELS IM STOCK 'TI SPIDER S499S ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7412 Jensen Healey ~-"-"'"-'-tone & rond Sl27S. &rul11nstrumcnts. Dual MOVING Furniture for L 8 d 1 es . h a v c a 548-72'12 axle trlr. Many extru:. sale l BDRM set 8 NAUG HTY LADY ---;--- -71'!{~·~3 pieces. l set 3 pietes. 0<' llome Party. Lingerie. Piano. Stem~ay. (;rand, 28' Cns·Craft Express casional chairs, roffet' lollons,potionsandlots 1901 · 6 ·flam e 1968 . Clean! Fast ' lable,2endtables.naug. rmre fun. Call Alison mahogany, Sl8.000 Ne~rt Slip asking 'n HONDA XL 7S XJnt cond, $295 Pvt....l!!!1Y~ 833·9442. CM•y LUV rlclnm! 1-t lo n . I 8 8 3'f I Prlce:S6098 , GM re bate:SSOO: sale price is Autos, Imported NOW! C lluk ••r 9••d Hl1ctlM •f DIMOt ••d QUALITY rRl ·OWMID AUTOMOM IS tt wtl ........ .,...... 1ACP577 '78SPIDEH 06.ruPQ '79SPIOER serS7199 '80SPJDER setii.'>133 ss795 Roadster New lulu~ mtr. 2S mpg., All rebll S6195 $.S400. 874·7676._ 1980HOHDA OWMrMust StlMow! OHLY $5591 ' HOW AA~ Cht•rotet Dove/ uail Sts ••••••••••••••••••••••• . KannaNI Ghia 9734 $6995 ••••••••••••••••••••• .,. 9701 "68" RES'rORED $3350~ 711' sleeper sofa. color 968 0178. Salts Reps 49!HS26. •10 Trade-'. Flnanc· 1V, console stereo :.el, I ee<led • " solid ma ple toble + 4 I!.__.._. ----SewitgMachiM• 1092 avail P.P.673-5200 Only 7.400 miles Excellent shape Call~·9399aft. 6 m. NEWPO T BEACll Ul·UH ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Fiesta, great rund. 36 mpg, 57 M, amifm cassette, radials. $305(). 848·8599 or 213/249· 1085 NH MILLER Count y 's sharpest "'"" 1BSE962. Resale Sales raptam chairs. other oc· LOVE IALLOOMS ••••••••••••••• •••••••• 40' Owens Tahitian. llve· caslonal pieces GJrage Helium Bouquets SINGERSEWING aboard sllp avail. Call, sale items also 239t Bay Delivered. Perfect for . MACHINE DEALER , Judy or Harvey 642·4644, farm Place. Santa Ana everyOccaslon.8'73·4419 in CdM goes dlScount ttwn. 9AM&~PM. He1ghls 1 Back Bay > -Example· Touch Tronlc -'!!&. 1 l 4 1 5 1 o 1 1 .i MICROWAVE T.V. ~. lislll099. now $699 24' Seabird. swordr1!>h ln•ine Mesa lo upper AMTIHHA 675-3663 332 Mar:tuerite. boat & lra1ler Complete baytumlert 11 blod' 12 24 Hrs uninterrupted ----SIS .000 Bare boat. '78 Yamaha 650 Special, lo mi. clean, new tires. SllSQ. 494·7~ evs ·71 Honda 350 Scrambler New chain. good llres S350.980964·2140 <;,hns block to Ba\ Farm!> Mov1es$l4S 957-~ SIRatrAtMea 2000 ~o.ooo.~alLl9S·S865 I 2aj_~!:!cS~On ri_ght Rela1l sho~ c11se. Sl.50 Eledron1c louch ieWIDg •$97,SOO• '81 Honda 900 Cusl. Im Kn tbl S'S-I. Lh·1ng rm Camper, $250. frou patio machine Large wood «>' Medallion art ubm I maculate cond. $2900 '74 Chevy 4.x4 truck. a, ton, has a c cess ~/080 646-1430evs New & Used Foreign & -1 ' Oomesl1c.CarSalesman 1.959 fo'ORD ' ton Pickup wil.b years or expenence Ser\'1r e bed S800 will rome to your home ~:!OM Get the mosl for your i4 Cbe\'y ~. ton Pickup. trade & gel the best xlnl pnce on your car Sma H 646-!!_90 I rtt ~11642 s169 _ JJfa Romto 9 705 ch:ur S60. 2 end tbls $40 tbl rhrs,,S250~2 cabinet with stora~e. traw. t~n dsl. VliF I 640 461S Allxlnlcond 840 1401 N ••ver u~~" S8001of hr. RDF. D S. lolally de 1 ·7g Honda XL-185 88 ----COHCERT TICKETS • " .oe:u "' rorated I.ow hrs Dir . '74 COURIER ••••••••••••••••••••••• WALN UT BEDROO~t ' RodStewart Cars s.56-6303eves&wknds demo Newporl Yarhl Cpl~· 1xcellent cond . FORPARTSONLY Alfa1600 SET. incl heud & root J Geils. Nell Dt'l~ll . Exebaa ~. 61~1800 ' 85~·~ ter 5 30 Rob CHEAP 536·9832 Vetoce COtlnnioe? 11111 ...... CalwCa. In TODAY! Ul.lS • SllVICE LEASING SADDLEBACK IMW U402~E NW\'. MISSION YllJO Avery Pkwy off l·S 831-3WO 495-4949 Closed Sundays board to bed. mirror for ZZTop.SSS-8525 ~ 109 '7.t Bailiner M1squally, , .. _.. __ L._, s:i-~ All part~ to convert 101 large \Qnll). IJr ~e --;-___, n b . ....... OMC nc -~I -1600 lo Veloce. exr --------dresser rann must )ee Leon Franks Pa1ohng •••••••••••••••••••••• Y ":fe, "" • " lewt/StoracJt 160 '72 Oat.sun pick-up xlnt p1Stons $1400 979·2748 loapprec1ale .. Ous1 pru ·FLO RAL 24 ''•36" Rosslgnols F~ romp ~~C ,&At.tradio,bait ••••••••••••••••••••••• rond AM/FM stereo. after6j>mor11.•knds. or d r a" er s 11: Ir I.' J t framed Sl800 646·65.§7_ 19Scm. M ark~r bind a . tnm ta s. m water R ic-NT 2 2 . L u v e.ooo_ 833-2038 9720 IQJ..401 $700 rn~h 19441 . mgs, used lw1re. New llunt. Hrbr. ST500. c. r" ..r~ Audi 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Continental. <.: M SaL I . MEW .CiUIHU c. SUO. Will sell SL95 . t213JW2·2036_ Motortiome. sips 6. Sel • '67 FORD TRUCK •••••• ... ••••••••••••••• Gl"IT DATSUN 1~ T,nbaf imt1at1on mas&, 552-3.S~--Stolen 18' fbgls dory. cont. S29S wk. + l<Jr ml. ~ion, xlnt rond. SllSO '81 Audi SQOO Turbo M --4 high. Sep1k ri ver. -g. C""'°u"'A on lrlr ~~ SEETOAPPRECIATE 2000 rm leather int Q.[IDAMCE SALE BEAUTIFUL sohd oak headboard for dbl bed, perfect cond. SSS OBO !179-4ll8 art. 6. Mahog china r ab1ne1 S2 S 0. cot n er <' h 1 n J ca binet S25U , l,11c droplear table $250, Ken rmre rah M-'~ mal·h 4947296arter~f!!· _ ICMEISSLSKIS 1"1·'n JA7r•_,ol $\OO're•"ard Rent 22 · lux . 16171 C_h~Ln,HB. · . LM ft , . Slie lfi w/boots and •· . .. . ~ t m lps 6 self c·ustom alloys. Must sell. <.:ui.tom Bed!preads. king r\les. ln dreat condition. for info leading lo re· mo .o ome ·ks · · '66 Eronoline pick up, 5 Sl9,500. S.'13·03Ql! • sized. na\'y blue w1gold lke .... "w. Sl•B/OBO lum.543-5087 cont. S29S w + 10' ·mi. window, Needs botl y J'.. ., 640-&SBS 1980 Audi sooos. fully wheat ~attern . SlSO Call 524-5225 days Mon· '67 Californian 28 SF. TS. ----· -~~__,_493-8622 eqwpped, leath. sunrf. • · · · ' Queen sized . Flor~I. Sat· EvesSun Tues. ....,n'd fast must sell For renl. 81 Tiaga mmi Clas.sic converted U P S. lom1, musl sell S99SOor • · · bule green w1lh white __ ,L_ -----~...... • 'A • rmlor home . Sips 5·6. daisies mo 120.1211 Spotting Gooch 8094 ~~~ ~~4~1ay lse generator. air. awning ~~~~~ ~l~~P~~ylm3~~a beslofr 646 9159 Flre~ood split. seasoned •••••••••••••···~··••• 645-:.>0!l or:,962·99?6__ _Ft!>Q.S48·97S4 ..._ ... HtcMy 9709 E 1 ,' t . g Total Body Buildln& Rtwt/ O . ••••••••••••••••••••••• urad)PS~;·5 oran de Machine 1Un1 \•er11l a.tw 9050 Trailln,TN'ffi 917 ?9Dat.sunK10eCab '64 3000 MK 3 SJ,900. 0°1° · d co{1 · Gvml J mos old new •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 spd. A·l cond, many FIRM 673 47SO or 2S4S Harbor Bl"d Costa Mesa _ lJ 4,/.5 §_o._6 4 I 0 MOTORS Factory Authoriied Sales & Serv1re 120 W. Warner St «l mile no or South Coast Plaza l 557-2132 Get Read) t'orSpnng' 1970RAT 150 SrlDER COHVYTllU ONl.. Y 35,000 miles on re bwlt engine. AM FM stereo. 4 speed l rans . new brakes & t~n ne11. lires Private party 51600 best offer MUST SELL' Call Rob at 7~0286 after S p m & weekends i9 Strada s spd. am rm stereo. A C. excel cond $3700, 495·4782 ·n Fiat 128 Xlnl l'ond $1500or best ofr Call 545 2022 '76 Fiat 12831' llatchbark . ~ood l·ond new 11 re~. am rm ~~ Houseful of furniture' Some antiques. Baldwin piano Sun pnl) IO 3 Cash onh 460 E l!lth St . C ~1 6ill·0210 548~ e 1' et re · s m~ y si!oo.'11en S800. 5s6-L098 . Y"CHTl ... I!. 71(1' MmHent trailer. Ex· _xtras, 14.1!!2.: 851760 8074 49'1·19"18 ask for Kell_L qua n Ille' a';:.>' 1 · or63l..ms.1 "" nw rel cond Ideal for sma II -• --- 964-2140 - - ---COHSULTAMTS m $320,obo,S48·6356 Yem 9570 IMW 9712 I l·asselle. lo" mile!> S'lSOO 675 9961 1975 DA TSUM · um Flat Bm a ~ dr Lo Simrmns cnb mJtt S80 Youth bed mall SllO i:h1fferobe 545. set Slllll Gd Cond 641 8771 WALNl!T table . 54 round with 14eah. 6 chairs ncaptam 1. e\ rellent t•ond111on S.'>UO rash 1944 Con tinental. C ~ Saturday 10 4 Large c1mmg tablr & R • C'ha1rs. S200 642 Jt08 Nt::n:R us ~:t>. t1 un1., S200. glabS lop d1ne1 l~ S22S, Sofa Ion· 'l'a l~ $300. Qn Bd r rn S5KU Mall box sprint(:-T" 1n $80. f\ill $90. Queen Sl30. ~1()RE' 7.10·0901 .. Double bed S20. 9 dra"er dresser S3S fall C\ rus. 4994688 Games A rnde; Video Sci.Iba W\er's spear aun, aiarte./Power & Sail --••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••• •• Shoot Pon on ~e PUis large. S3S. Npt. Bch.. 67S·29GO ""1lo Seniu , Ports is Wllldow Oodee \Ian Lo l1ass;cs 4fiou1 • 7!!0-8310 "YQUI' Year Round & AccniOriH 9400 Miles. gd paint. &.u W & ~mt· __ ·S46·~1'.a.lo, Oi..Wr rv.ice_ .. _ 1 .. •••••••••••••••••••••• ,17thSt.CM64S-2244 ~ ~ B ,\thlellr Club mem tW\ Shreo 1091 IMh. Sell 90601 66 Chevy van. new ti.res benhip. $ISO Call •••••••··-·•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTIHTIOH & dutch SSSO Arch 851 0376 d)S 1157 9586 B£AUTIFUL 2S" R-c"A early new & prart1rall) MG 631-7630e\•es EH"> color1Vsale 2)r~rn· perfect Hobie 16 1 OWNERS ·75 l>odge <:on\ Van. Sohdb1rchdropleart1ble ty,$1~ Fre.edell\~ry Colored sail & 1ra1lt•r TONNEAUCOVER auto, crwse,? l. p s. 11.llh 1 captain's chairs, _.JY J~ s 646·1786 $.1.~ fits MG's. ·71 '81 p b. sl.ereo u ssette. .inllque oak dresser .MailJla\'ux s· peran con· 847 5023 I Never used. S75 map. sink & cooler, un c1ulrh side chair ·and sole TV, am rm phono. ail Boards & Equi P· Mana 63l·1797 Ive msg belie\'able extras S49SO square table Ladies $400 i~ ___ ~nl.C-OSIS800ne~.sell ~·-- Cruiser bike <.:B ·Radio ORA .. ~GECOlJNTY'S forD>O S6SO Also used 1'16 Dodge Van. 360 eng . I and mike Misc 536 7393 LARGEST Fal Head S111I~ Sl30 SSAVE SAVES owner. xlnl rond. trlr til715lh Sl llunt Bch 641·6819 WITH USED PARTS hitch. 557-8776 . -VIDEO SALES -··--w~ed MUST SELL 13 ft Soflboat Imported car parts --..,, Ul'aut1ful white wedding Dl!.._.TALS Cyclone Very fast, xlnl IMPORT dress Lonf sleeves. ---'ft~ cond Many specia l AUTOSUPPLY pearled top, ace. Newer RCA·HITACHl·SONY reaturt>S Inc yd dolly 101 N. Manchester ~ed & unallered. Site 5 QUASAR-MG A SANYO Cos1 SlfiOO. sac Sl.000 Anaheim 776·9900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CREVIER BMW 9590 Slip also S200 968·5880 JVC·PANASONIC·ETC 968 7919 afler6pm __ _ ·11CAL27. hinged ma11t Good sail ln,·entory WEHH:D YOUR GOOOUSB> CAR! Anythlng considered. LITE BODY WORK •. 1977lhru 1980 1976 RMW A dynamite "' 2002 "11 h 4 s peed UNF.NS. CHJNA. r11gs AUINSCOUMTED pa1nl·up lo SO'~ orr your k transmission. sunroof bodr,sboeesJ 536·9832 and air rond1tionmg ALFA ROMEO. All parts Very clean U2SXNZ). SU O@O 846 8888 1210HATCHIACK mileage AM FM 4 speed trans . air cond. stereo. air. 5 ~pd. fog & super sharp! tStk. liltht.s .. Must sell $3900 37891. <2'74MMPI Sale 000. Pvt Ph• 544 8272 'cedal --~ pn AIB'f'lal 850 Spyder Look:. OHLY $269 5 sharp. nds some enR IOI WITHAM VW 11. or k s 6 o ti o B O 7600Westminster A' e t.7>9713 Weslmmster HoftdD 9727 638-718!18!.l!.15.5 I ..................... .. ~ '72 510. 4dr. 4s pd . am:fm 8 trk Great cond. $2000 17 14 > 894.3406 is Datsun 710. clean & ong. 66.000 mi. S2250. 58&-0011 1976HOHDA CVCC l DR S.speed. stereo l'assette rrunt. ex1:ellenl mileage. 233PDA $2950 DICK MILLER MOTORS 120W Warnrr 5S7 2132 1979HOHDA ACCORD S speed lrans . air l'ond & stereo radio with cassette tape player ((829161. clothing. etc, fro m esl3te or 8$ yr old. l!M4 Contmenlal. C M Slll l(J.4 (nOelljl!,I') _ NE\'E'R UNDERSOLD •EXAMPLE• SB.ECT AVISIOM to convert 101 1600 to $6995 J 1 m Marino \'eloce. eltC. pistons '!'.~ksw~n,_842-2000. '8 .,.,,,.,,.,,, pd $1..,.,.,97927.a ft 6 lfl )ll Or-..,.~ 1~"-.Ss rpe.ac. """· · "°a er pm _., '81 3201 Sunrf. A1C. al pb r d knds """"H bo-r Blvd. • 1 p;, . pw, am m qua . Mo\'lng SofJ bed $175 Qn bed $100 K11 table EU_,Jke !i_e~ 6~2 8538 Left Hand GoH Clllbs Complete sel. $100 or or- ~Ll~0189'---­ RCA (268 m>MOVIERENTALS WfBER 'S \llDEO WORLD i9 Downeasler 38'. fully loaded w1Farrley Jib, B1m Mar auto pilot Xlnt rond Owner purchased new boat. needs to sell $66.000 1714 1628 8438. l.!!.'.'>~6246 ~ --'-----~ ar oy:.. AM FM ster wliext.~·4198 1967KarmanGhiamotor._ COSTA MESA 67J.Q2l eves "74''2604SpeedS36SO , Good for dune buggy. 40 __ ....._~...:ILlll--1 19'14 2002. ~ cond, Needs S7tTWQ. Resale Sales. OHLY $6995 MAIERS CADILLAC 2800Harbor Bhd COSTA MESA _--.:uc..oJ'-0 443 W Bay, Cosla Mesa ~2963 Maida 9731 ............•...•...... lST TIME EVER! FLEET PRICES TO THE ru1uc AT S4'114,4114, nm Ourtetire ln•tflfoty OH SALE ,. 25, 26, 27 & 21 Jusl one example during this gigantic 4 day Sale I BRANDNEW 1912 626 2D AM FM' stereo. allo) ~t..els, radial tires, S- speed. rerhnmie seats 1600709) $7250 FREE CREDIT CHECK NoObligallon All Trades Welrome ma:ma 2031 [ Isl St Santa Ana 714~14 '7 6 Mca.do CoNllO 5 spd. xlnl cond. am fm cassette + 2 xtra sno11. l1res. $2700. 673·50~ __ STUDIO BEDS Comer table & bolsters. xlnl cond. bro~n lone'!. $200. S40-0l t7 Sola & chr. gd cond $1SO b o B1keknew boy's 26'. i~m ... ~s~ nJ.L Drum sel w lh Hat $250 Wetghl bench 11. leg lift and iron weights $125, speak and spell S30 f,\eS96=!-~-_ 149 RlVERSIOE. N 8 ___ 548-2213_ ORA."JG E COUNTY ·s LARGEST 14' Laser Compellt1on _H.P S75. S41H82S. WE PAY clulrh. 400 720·02SS 443 W. Bay, Costa Mesa. Sailboat, S12SO 11. dolly --------•I even~ & weekends 645-2963 !9ntcond 875-1798. TOP DOLLAR Bm ·79 320!. lo mi. all '76 Honda Cl\'lc good 'Ill RX7 GS. 24.000 miles. 7 4COUllER xt SlOCJ\I\ d '732401 1 rood S2500 or m~ke or stereo cassette. air loclb, Sllp1/ FOR PARTS ONLY ras. .<NV or lra e ~u nr "•EA ... 1 .• 1 r~r_64().9649, 673-2'777 cond . moon roof, xlnl Girl's bdrm set. I-• l'nch Pro\ Cost $900. 'ell ~. k10gs1ze bed. S7S . full. $3S. oHic·e de'k ~ chairJ $150 661 2°3!1 Maple md table. 2 Ives. fl chairs, xlnt l'Ond. $175 &.57·1494_ BARGAINS !! Must Sell , This Wknd. Antique's, day bed S25 divan bed $45. sin&le Barker Bros springs & mattress & frame $25. viture dm rm tble w 6 uphol rha1r~ $100. Mag. color t v $100, down l'USh chair $75. umb. end·thle S20. rec cab Sl2. book rase~ 111.lSC. chairs. end tbles. dishes. pol & pan11 _546--8527 - TWln beds Xlnt cond . wllinens. Make offer French Provmc1al drsr 962-lm2 Hones '°'° ••••••••••••••••••••••• • For Sale PO A Mare. 8 l yrs, $200 call Candy • 642-7a72 \:..-:vm!ntnctd rider. Ex· erciM ·a ure for your • hottt. Pay ne1ot1able. ·•1oa uo _ , ............ '°" ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOME FURNISHINGS fl'om estat~ of &S·ytar· old. 1H4 Conlmeotal, C.M. Sat 10·4 <no nrtitr Exercise Cycle. Tunluri. flywheel. ergo meter. S2SO 963.:4103 1312 ru rt 2 dr refri11 fnr Sl7S 9' Teak Architect's desk $150. M6·8181 FOR SAL&: 6 ... rough'l iron fence pieces. gate $275 080. 1139-1436. Jim Beam Old Masters series or collectible bot· llesS3 ea<"h 759.0000 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS EAchew -Unity - Mound Donkey TWO KIDS A local furniture com- pany c1me u, with 1 great Idea. They cuaraolee their sof111 for wlichever comes first - ten ars or TWO Kt BIGSCREEM HEAD9UARTERS J\tCA.SONY ·RCA ·GE tUTACHl-QUASAR All DfSCOUHTED NEVER UNDERSOLD WtBER 'S VID60 WORLD 14.9 RJVERSIDE,N.B. --548·~13 _ "'--L-9070 CHEAP S36·9832 FORUSB> CARS for lrgr ca r D}s ~ .1.-. " -cond Et d--' .,_.. •• ..... M"l!. ... O... 720·0133 ·, eves wknds Auto. A\-, AM FM . '80 H d A d 4 d . x en ..., warran ~ ""•" " mags. Runs Slrong ' 00 a ccor · oor. ty llACM168 t 497-6333 ••••••••••••••••••••••• N. B. Slip Up to 36'. Water/power, nr Lido ~Z756 67' slip, Newport Sch .. private boat ooly. Van seats. ht·back hrwn vinyl, passenger rerliners, good cond. J.@pr. SS1·316S'--- . -hJl¥11/ shore Cl•llca •. with 9 n skiff. • .................... .. POWTIAC6),SUIUU ~·!!!196 ...,""" 5speed, beige. xlnl l'Ond or_sss-2620 ..,.,.,.., 752-5860 -2.480 Har r Blvd. 1910 3201 o~.94~ • 1-Maw••.._ t740 COSTA MESA 5 spd, air , s nrf , 9dHonda Acl•ord LX,. 5 ••• .. •oo••••••••••••••• 5il:4l00 5U·lill BlauplunkAM IFM cass. i482t0.2dr,stk,l own sp . cust rims. mint '6S230SL WE .Uy Pvt Ply Sl29S. rond Must !!ell $5!150 Sl•.~eam 646·21~ -645·7578 ~S-82B2 Q.14)320.8886 CLEAN CARS W.1, New 9100 Allto1, Hew 9100 Mtoi, Mew t100 W.1, Hew 9100 AND T~t.te:K S •••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• CONME:LL CHEVROLET '~ J l,1· ••• ' • ' •t-''"~' SU-1 200 11 lOOSD 5/K miles. sil/blu. snrf, $33.500. 646-5192, 955-1120 ·~ MB 450 SL. Cham· pagne. leather cassette 73 Celica ST. auto. AC 559-5127 stereo tape, lo mi. very good cond St900 OBO. 964-TT~ '80 JOOSD. 18,000 m1, white w/bamboo int. still under warranty. '71 Corolla 2dr. radial 675-1579. tires. gd cond. S II 00 ~lll6j 642·8982. '68 MBZ 250SL, rare club cpe classic. remov. top, auto, mint cond. $17.500. (714)720-<rZOt 1981 VW Sdrocco. A dynamite ·s· model. speed transmission and air conditioning. Only 19,000 miles. Like new! (lCGfll66) $7995. Jim Marino Volkswagen. IM2·2'XX>. 1974VW DELUXEIU$ 7 passenger model. <Stk. 3234 ). (714VQH ). Sale priced at OMLYSZttS IOI WITHAM VW 7600 Westminster Ave . Westminster 6Jl.7110 IU-7551 ll8I VW Diesel LS. A 4 door luxury diesel with 5 speed tranJmisslon and rat"tory air conditioning. 5uper clean. (366ZSSl. $5995. Jim Marino Vdkswagen, 842-2000. il Super Beetle. sunroor. AM /FML !~cellent cond. S2:Dloroatorrer 646-8129 '69 VW Baja. 1835cc. Zenith carb, new paint, brakes. and Interior .j bucket seats, aluminum dash and panels. clean. S'l300obo9'79·6216 Andy '67 Squareback, reblt eng, quick pickup. am/fm 8 trk. $1800. BZ1.Q545 ii SUPER BUG Ftesh paint, new en4. Orig. owner. 79,000 m1. .5»7435 '65 .. lolGa New motbr. Sl 600. Rebtilt trans. rull roll ca e. 17500B0760·3875 7tCollY. Beaull(ul ·black on black. 13,000 mi. U1es regular gas $8950. 71M>-»75 p. p. 72YW SUPBllfTU Eicellent condition. nm. paint. upholstery. carpeting and engine AlLNEW! 714 /528-1024 '161!? ~~-·-­.. ~·-... .. w m ... 1151 USE YOUR REBATE AS PARTIAL DOWN PAYMENT Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Febru 1982 vor.xSWAGBN RABBITS & P/U's ·--Gas or Diesel $ 3 SO Factory Bebate Payments as low as •380JtmlllarinoBebate $148 59· •700 B ll*BATE • #16163 (2875) Take Your Bebate In Cash --Or Use Toward Down Payment! 1981 & 1988 VANAGOlVB 1981 & 1988 V.W. JB'l"l'A'S s1aoo Jiii 11.ABIJfO BBBA'.l'JJ $780 Jiii •••mo BBB.a~ ' 1981 & 1988 SCIROCCOS 1988 QU.AB'l'UMS $380 Jiii 11.ABIJfO BllBATJJ $380 Jiii MABIRO BBB.A.TB 1981 & 1988 ISUZU SEDANS & COUPES 1981 & 1988 ISUZU P/U's $380 $800 JDl•MABIJIO BJIBATJJ JDI M&BIRO BllB.&.ftl 0 =~ ~WIFl!i~~ 0 n n 0 o· 0 0 ~ _·.o 0 0 a a 0 . 0 ~~J~-. 0 . ' S---Orange Count)' ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982- Worl~·wide comparison shows U.S. housing costs less By BE't'H BALDWIN ...... s.c..-..... How doe~ California houainc compare to the rest of the United Stat.es and the world? Accordinc to the National Auociation of Realtors, the cost of California real estate ls probably the highest in the country, t hough low~at in comparison with its allies. The median price ol an ext.ting California home ill June i.1 WU $105,838. The 11 western states reported the second hiebelt median cost ol $93, 1o0. The least expensive houses were found in the North Central 'States, where $55,400 was the midway cutoff in housing prices. Homes in Detroit for example, fell in the $58,000 range. Sioux Falls, S.D., had a midway range of $54,000. building season a nd scarce materials . In tbe 1'{etberlands, where affordable hnuainc is produced by the 1<>vemment, 50,000 people are on the waitin& U.t. Watts said probably another 80,000 people didn't even bother alcnlng up. Prices begin at about $300,000 for a 900 square foot unit. ln Hoq Kong the real estate values have been goinl down, even though it is still one <A the m06t expensive places to Uve. Residents who think they've got problems l easing land locally may be interested to hear that a ll of Hong Kong is leased from China. Estimated costs of a 1300 sq. ft. home S00,000 <te>0,000 ., . 300,000 200,000 100,000 USA I Switzer· lcrd Homes in the South may have had a higher median cost than the northeast due to the high housing demand in Miami and Houston. The Southern composite media n cost was calculated at $671400. Houston and Miami bad a miaway figure of $73,000. The overall midway price of all homes sold in June was reported to be $67,900. ln comparison, a single family home in 1970 was $23,000. Some experts predict that by 1991 the price of the same home will be $191,000. Financing in most European and Far Easte rn countries must be provided by tl~c seller of the property, with down payments ranging from 50 to 70 percent . Interest rates range from the Philippines' ·22 percent to a real inte rest rate of 40 percent adjusted for inflation in South America. The country with the highest inflation rate ln the world is Argentina, with 130 percent. Brazil has the second highest rate with 95.2. Housing Price Trend• In Orange County and Areas of the U.S. N"evertbeless, Americans are lu~ky, according to Gary Stine, former Irvine Real Estate board president. "Foreigners see our prope rty here as a bargain, including the financing," he said .. Gary Watts, who trains .'R'eftl ·: • E s tate agen ts and travels extemively, illuminated thb point with a few personal observations: In Scotland, there is at least an 8 to 10 year wait to buy or rent a place to live because of the short Great Britai n 's fina n cing structure for housing is the only one that is anywhere comparable to ours. In England, while financing co~ls are as low as 12 percent, buyers can write off interest costs on the fll'St $50,000 of a mortgage l oan, with a maximum tax deduction of S7 .soo annually. Tl'lis boils down to three main reasons why fortigners are coming to Callfornia to buy housing and not vice versa. Firs t . they want "capital preservation" provided by an investment in U.S. properties, which traditionall y go up in value. 1975 1en 1979 1911 Averages .... Prtce, New HomH• (3rd Quarter of v .. r) North North U.S. Eat Central $42.200 $47,400 $42,900. 54,000 52,900 54,800 74,200 70,600 73,700 84.400 87,800 75,700 ·Bureau of the Census. U.S. Department of Commerce South $39,200 48,300 66,300 77,800 SPECIAL FEATURE OPEN HOUSE DIRECTORY PAGES 10-11 Secondly, Ame ri can lending insUtutioM put up more than half of the investment required to buy a house . Thi.rd , government instability forces many investors out of their own countries to seek i nvestment protection in this country. • ·Real Estate Research Council of Southern California Semi-Annual Surveys DEADLINES ForTueeday through Saturday publications, 5:30 PM the pnlVioos day. For Sunday and Monday publications. 12:00 noon Saturday. ERRORS ~isers should checll their ads dally and report errors Immediately. Th• DAILY PILOT assumes llablllty for the first incorrect Insertion only. 642-5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate adYertised in this new.peper Is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 wtiich makes It llieg.1 to adYertlse "any preference. !imitation, or discrimination baled on race. color. religion. sex. or national origin, or an Intention to make fJl:'Y such preference. limitation, or dlscrtminatlon," ·Ads 1n this category must be pre-paid Average E1Hm•ted Price of Sample of Existing Hou ..... (October of Y••r) Orange •••• County $43,600 $44,300 60,700 70, 100 86,300 93.400 100,300 118, 100 This newspaper wlll not knowingly 1eoept any advertialng for real ......, which Is 11'1 violation of ttie law . Open 8-5:30, Saturday &-noon (Cloeed on SUnday) 330 W. Bey St .. Costa Mesa, Ca. 92827-988.1 .. --Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 'O, 1982 a * IZ.9% .. i&HT HAnoa YllW HOMI * Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2 bedrooms, · den, fireplace and s pa! Low interest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach, 759-1501or752-7373. * Si&S TO llACH l"'--AMAMC ... AYA&Aa.I * Gorgeous 4 bedroom detached home l block from ocean on FEE land. Only $299,000. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * I Z'1'•"-FINAMCltt6 *. available on brand new townhome! Featuring 2 master suites, enclosed garages and private courtyard. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 7sg..1~1or752-7373. •JASt••CUBPLAM4 * Extremely popular 3 bedroom plan featuring magnificent decorating, fireplace, gourmet island kitchen, formal dining, family room and in-house laundry. All this and more for only $389,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. * IACK COUNTRY YllW TUaTUllOCI YISTA * Fabulous view from this 3 bedroom end unit. Featuring fl.replace, formal dining, gourmet country kikben a nd private courtyard1 Assumable financing, owner will carry. Only $280,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759·1501 or 752-7373. ** PA••MO HAllOll YllW HOMI ** Tot.ally remodeled by craftsmen! Featuring french doors, wooden shutters, plank floors, used brick and pool and s pa. FEE land with great terms! 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. - * P.ANOIA.ttlC IA Y YllW * * SICumTY IUU••C * Breathtaking view from professionally decorated PENTIIOUSE ! Featuring master suites and all amenities. $450,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 7sg..1501 or 752-7:r73. * Sl.000 -ATI * On brand new town.home! Featuring privacy, 2 master suites and den/loft overlooking living room. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 7~1501or752-7373. • 12.9". •U&HT HAUOll YllW HOMI * Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2 bedrooms, den, ft.replace ahd spa! Low interest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * WATllROMI' HOME PIUY ATI llACH * Sensatiooal 4 bedroom home smack on the water! Featuring french doors, fireplace, professionally decorated and private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 and seller will carry AJTD ! 2670San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2l70 Saa .... Drift llewpolt l1aclt, CA l2llO (714) 759-1501 L1AS1 WllH vriiOM TO IUY $10,000 moves you into this luxury townhome on a private lagoon in a guard gated community. Gourmet kitchen with Jennaire and random oak planked flooring. $1200/month. 556-7035. * TUnl.BOCI S 1,,279 PB MONTH ••• * Is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 bedroom executive detached home. Featuring formal dining, family room and fireplace. Only $213,500 FEE. 2678 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach:759-1.501or752-7373. SJOIO-ATI Superb fmancing at a low interest rate available on this bright and cheery four bedroom two bath home PLUS the seller will give you a $3000 rebate at tbe close of escrow. Asking $119.000. 556.7035. I 2% MOMIY! Spacious four bedroom pool home on large lot in desirable Westcliff area. Sellers wm help finance by issuing a trust deed at 12%. Ideal for large young family. Otfered al $339,900 with ooe year home protection plan provided. 556-7035. ZBODOWMPAYtt811' On the water. Price slashed $10,000 to $214,000. Owner will finance totally. Professionally decorated tbru-out to model home standards. 556-703.S OWllB F9ll.NCIN6AT 12% Executive home with soarin~ cathedral ceilings plus a solar heated pool and spa. Professaonally decorated throughout, it's I ideal for entertainment. Fabulous landscaping front and rear .. Offered at $239,000. 556-7035 MASSIYI CUSTOM FIRB'LACI Spend those romantic evenings basking in the glow from this massive fireplace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideally located close to Westminster Mall & Goldenwest College. 9032 Adams, H.B. 556-7035 •;, ACU ISTATI Completely remodeled home witJl new kitchen featuring custom oak cabinets, built-in microwave and trash compactor. Large formal dining room has built-in oak buffet and cabinets. Huge detached garage has * bath & couJd be easily converted to guest house. Sacrifice for $174,900. 556-7035 * PAMOllUtlC OCEAN AND IAY YllW-CUHHAY• * Unbelievable VIEW home from spacious 3 bedroom home on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club and Channel. $650,000 FEE with great terms! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *LOW, LOW IMTIDST IATIS * When you take over existing financing on super town home! Featuring 2 master suites, fireplace and $137,500 price. 2670 SanMiguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. ** .,-llSTOllS ** Bring builders and contractors!! Have two units now-build another later? Developing Costa Mesa area. Great financing. $135,850. 759-1501 or 752-7:J'13. HUITlllTOll IEACH OFRCE I032AdWAft. Hlllltl ..... leaclt,CAl2&11 (714) 551-7035 -- . * NEW AT W AT El.FR 0 NT L>teMAll IAYRlONT UTATI Hiat.oric Mediterranean landmark eat.ate witb eo· on Newport Bay. Sweepi.nf, panoramic view, rrom tbe Pavilion to the mountains. An authentic architectural statement of bygone days throughout this -3-atory residence plus 4th floor observation tower. Tbe quality and craftsmanship in this dignified structure offers spacious rooms It privacy, in addition to generous indoor 6 outdoor balconies, paUos and courtyard entry. This mapilicent villa off era two winp for private Uvin1. This includes 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, a formal dining room, 2 kitchens, formal llvinf room, large family room Ir much more. A separate. sell-~t.ained master suite. L&rfe pier and noat will accommodate a 60'. plus two other boats. A detailed brochure wm· be available upon request. $2,650,000. fee land. Adjoining euest apartment. plus 3 car garage available for $395,000. on a separate 4Sx 100 f\. lot. * WAlBFllOMT CONDO-VIEW Beautilully decorated, bright and open 2 bed.+ den and atrium. Seeurity building with boat sUp avail. Many deluxe features include mirrors, shutters, new carpel Ir palnl plus wet bar. Privacy and elegance at a reasonable price of $590.000 with a Large 2S year assumable loan of $230.000 at 10%. 631-1400. * ATTEMTIOH DEV&OPHS! Prime Newport lot near Hoag Hospital. Best use: multiple condo units. Owner will help finance. Drive by Ir don't disturb. 1425 Superior. Large 50x230 ft. lot. $398,000. *'IMIT~"· Great location and great 4 bed. home on a large lot on a private lane. Remodeled and ready tO move In $U9,000 with good terms. 631-1400. LIASf/OPTIOM ~UMITT! New luxury condos, Just steps to Newport Bayfront and walk to beach! Great location le unusual quality lo this 2 bed. townhouse condo. Owner ortera flexible turns ol $15,000. cash down, $2000. per month lease and a one year option to purchase for $319,000. Four total condo units available with flexible financing plans. Brochures Ir details available on site at 209 • 21S 19th St. otr Balboa Blvd. 631-1400. COIOMA DB. MAil CONDOS Soaring 26' open beams, solar glass. new sp_a plus interesting levels and generous rooms. Unique 3 bedroom plus den on comer, with many amenities and lob ot square footage. S3SO.OOO. We have 2 available. one at $325,000. MAGt .. CINT UDO ISU Perfect In every detaJJ on Udo Isle . Gorgeous Country Freoch 4 bedroom, 3~ baths. 3 fireplaces, plant.at.ion shutters, brass fixtures. Hardwood noors. beautllul Ulea, golden oak staircase, matching wall coverings. Master suite with spa and fireplace. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens. View from master suite $560.000. 631·1400. 1WO UNITS + IAL IS. Woods and warmth in a 2 bedroom home plus 2 bedroom apartment with deck plUJ guest unit with bath. Step1 to north bayfront. A valuable rent.al prop- erty. $360,000. 673.a>O. UTTLI m..1LKAMCI Charm. ele1uce and every decorator am.,uty in this 3 bedroom home wtlh bri~ patio and french doors. Also ooe bedroom plus mald's unit on corner. Easy steps to bay. ~75,000. 673-4!900. 1510 Abalone Place, Bal. ls. NIA.I MOlrl'H IA YFIOMT Only 4 years new with appealing interior. Large 4 bedroom. 3 bath home plus 1 bedroom apartment. Three flreplaces1_c:.~thedraJ ceilings . 30 year loan for approximately ~.000 assumable at 13. 75% owner motivaUld. SUbtnit all offers. $460,oOO. 673.QMIO. IAUOA ISL LOT • PLANS Drive by 309 Sapphire a.nd call for details. Plans for single family home approved and ready to build . Reduced to $329,SOO. OW build to suit for total pacltafe. SS00,000. llG CANYON *ll VllW View from all rooms! Courtyard entry to this townhouse with 2 bedrooms plus den. Privacy and serenity. Beautiful decor. Tennis, pool a nd spa. S3SO,OOO. 631-1400. EXCmNG OCIANNOMT Only 7 years old on beach wi~ spacious 3 and 2 bedroom units easily rented on summer/winter basis. RedU<.'ed lo 16'7S.OOO_ 673-6900. . · Vu-LOCATION-VU! Especially large tri·level home with beautiful decor by decorator throughout. Hospitality and luxury in this 3 bedroom, formal and mirrored dining room. huge family room plus large billiard room suite. For the "health enth~iut" a sauna room plus private spa. UNQUESMONABLE VIEW OF OCEAN AND BAYFRONT close-up. Owner will help finance 1895,000. UDO ISLE CLASSIC Tot.ally remodeled and decorated 2-story in the best Mediternnean flavor. Open-, bright 4 bedroom. 4 bath with 2 patios for entertaining in and out. Stained glass'l and open beams. OW finance with low cash down payment. 5"5.000. WXURY WATElt PIMTHOUSE FANTASTIC large condos ON WATER with great VIEW. A "rarity" on Balboa Island, these two townhouses have boat docks and are larger than most homes. Each unit has 3 bedrooms, 3 bal.bs, 2 car garages and patios. Sold furnished. Great rentals or for year 'round residence! Owner flexible or will consider exchange. $1,100,000 FEE. 673.QMIO. llAUTIFUL ON WATH! Impttcable quality and good taste lo this warm and open family home on the water. Classic interior with 2 bedrooms plus den and large landscaped patio with •P•. fountain and fire ring. Your own boat slip right out your door for 4S' boat. Owner will help finance for qualified buyer. $618,000 on fee land. 631· 1400 WXUIY PIMTHOUSE OM W ATM Interior is rtabt out of Architectural 11lgest and offers dramatic quality living throughout. Spacious 2 bedroom plus den with seductive master suite with fireplace. Brass. leaded glass and antique accents. Boat slip available . This is only fo r the discriminating. $725,000 fee. P99MSULA IA YfltONT FH Larae and apacioua with forever VIEW near yacht club. Two-sloc'Y s bedroom plus paUo and areenery. Assumable loan of '900.000. Sl.550.000 FEE. Owner will exchanie. IMAGMATIVI OCIAMROMT ••• "One of a kind" and never to be dupli,ated ! • Architectural delight on many levels with two llomes plUJ a 2 bedroom apartment and guest quarters. ·Jn a premium location. Sl.950,000. Call for a private viewing! OCEAMFllOMT -J UNITS Large beac.h lot with existing units h a great area. Owner will caTT)' Isl T.D. $640,000. IHCllOllLI U .. A ISLE "LlNDA lSLE-2-atory with 4 bedroom plus maid's room formal dining room, large family room with step down bar and country kitchen. Landscaped lo perfection plus bridge over d ip-pool and s pa. Sl,395,000. Slip for 3 boats. UMOISTRUCTEO VU ROMT IOW Premium strttt with estate size grounds. 75 ft. frontage. 2 legal lots and panoramic VIEW or ocean and jetty. Early Newport residence with the charm and quality or bygone days -wood paneling, , moldings and large rooms. Sl,350.000. 631·1400.- OH WATIR-ROMT IOW Newly decorated 2 bedroom. 2 bath co-op. Gorgeous Catalina and turning basin view. Assumable loan. Seller will usi.st In financing. Boat slip available. S28S.OOO. ENCHANTING WATHFIOMT Courtyard entry into coordinated elegance and good taste. Highlights of this home include a professional pub-bar with large family room. formal dining room with fireplace, separate glamorous master suite plus 3 bedrooms. Pier/slip for larger yacht. Reduced to Sl,.500.000. IA YFllOMT-4 llDIOOM'S Unobst.ruded wide .. waterfront" view from this open -and spacious home with large brick patio and pier for two SS' yachts. Convenlenl location and especially large living room, elevated dining room. large bar, family room plus island kitchen. Huge m aster suite ~ with marble fireplace and breathtaking view or all. A r:U")' comlort.abJe noor plan with a reeling of privacy! $1,950,000 includes land. 631-1400. HAUOll RIDCH-RINCH MANOI 180 degree VIEW of Bay, Ocean and nlglit li&bts. Mainifi~t quality and detail throughout this S,600 sq. ft. Residence. Formal home with 4 bedrooms, library, formal dlning room. immense family room and glamorous muter s u.ite with fireplace, sundeclt sauna and spa. Impressive and custom for the particular homeowner, in the best tradition of this Louis XIV Manor house. $2,200.000 fee. MEW ESTAD-TIMMS COUIT! Convenient La1una Beach address away from the crowds. but cloae to aU. A nature lover's paradise on L88 acres with commandine pastOf'al VIEW or ocean, hills and nlgbt Lights. Tot.al security. privacy and serenity. This quality traditional home on l levels offers the dltimale In finished detalla. Four'bedrooms Including 1,000 sq. ft. master suite, tennis room with full oak bar with brass rail. family room, sauna room. locker and weitht exerdae room, wine cellar and olber details for the dl1crimlnatin1 ! Your own re1uJaUon lighted and feoced tennis court with ample observation arua. For a viewin11 and appointment. 673-8900. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC . REAL ESTATE -Sales, Rentals. Property Management 315 Marine Avenue Balboa Island 673-llOO 2436 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 131·1400 S...AHDSHOW ~750,000 Secluded walerlront home with 36' boat shp and wide water view Conversation rirepit an living room, fireplace in huge master bdrm suite Wlth 2 walk in closets. 4 skylights, wet bar. beautiful plantation shutters thruout. Don't miss this property. Call for financmg possibilities. Condo in Vall. Colorado included ln package at this price. Truly a year round par kaRe. Don't miss at, l'all Coldwell Banker now 894 7521 $255.000 SWIM. SUN, GOLF Spacious and elegant and location. All wrapped into this 4 Bedrm 21'.z bath pool home. Close to rwy & shopping & goU course Features include: huge family/living rm. den and master bdrm wlrireplace. Plus large bonus rm. Call 894-7521 IH-l.AW OUAITMS Located In beautifuT Westminster Village. Elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath has l bdrd and bath downstairs.' Large Uvlng/dlning room, den w/wetbar & fireplace + 3 car garage. Close to Westminster Mall and Fwy. Asking S2SS,OOO. Call 894-7521 INVESTORS SPECIAL 6+ bdrms in downtown Hunllngton. Beach! R-2 zoned for 3 units Assume large Is l Asking $150.000. Call 894-7521 Z&OPHCBn' INTIUST Seller wiU consider 1ero percent interest orfers. This former model home bas the Island location and quality you want. From the gated courtyard through the double doors and expansive tile entry. Your eye is taken back by the soaring celling_ and double fireplace. Your home provl<les spacious livillg and dining rooms. 35' main channel boat dock, bubbling spa. Gourmet kitchen, securitv svstems and wetbar. An Exclusive By Coldwell Banker. call now 894-7S2J. WIMIW INC..,_.TBMS Tl\is new home bas raised entry, large living room, spacious din.Ing room, bright kitchen with bay window. loolrlng al huge spa on Redwood deckmg. 3 large Bdnns. 2~ bath. Great terms complete the package. Call Coldwell Banker for details 894·7521 TALL&PIOUD Double entry greets your guest Warm interior design accented by bold use or glass and plants. Unusual. but tasteful. Act fast on this executive's special. Just listed. 962-5S8S llG&VACANT Brick courtyard entry enhanced by lush plantines. Spacious rloor plan o ffers sunshine kitchen with adjacent laundry room. Family room w/cozy rireplace. Solar heated pool, large cov. patio. deckinl( & fire.pit -all an a very pravatl' i.ctlin g. Reduced lo $155.000' Now vacant rot fast Possession' Hu rry call 962·5585 $16,044! That's aJl one needs to go subject to thas loan balance! Hidden on quiet cul de sac sats this sharp famil1 home. Large open kitchen. Covered patio Near new carpets & roof. Owner is ready to iO at only $123.000! Hurry -can't last, call 962·SS8S. SHOWPLACE TWOIHOME Tasteful. custom wall coverings enhance this spacious ramily home. 3 big bedrooms plus 37'X18'bonus game room complete with full bath & bar. great for seea~ate guest or in·law quarters. Seller walling ~o obtain financing to fit your needs. Just hsted and anxious! Don't wait -call 962-5S8S. SMART ST All SIJ,900! Get off on a smart start in '82 with this spacious end unit condo. Quiet courtyard !oration. Sl0,000 down & owner will carry balance with payments to fit your pocket book! Al this price and terms at can't last! Hurry & call 962-5585 51DllMIAR6AIH $141,500 Spacious s Bdrm plus 2~ bath ramily home, orrers formal dining and bonus sized ramily room with wetbar, serious seller will carry balance with reasonable down. Hurry. act now, 962·5585 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATE °"11 )our own pool. i.pa & pullmJ! i:ret'n Sil·~ IC! tennis and i:otr Trl'al yourself lo rl~rt II\ ang 111 lh1i. i.1Jal·1ou~ custom holTV' Pntl'il fur bclm~ rl'1>la<'l'ml•n1 Be llrst ('all l'KI\\ . ~5 o:Jtl3 NEWPORT TRIPLEX Only $205,0lkl' F'axer is ideol for hand) man. bullcll•r or In\ cstor. l l>lo1·k to h<J) Do, d<.'la) Call today 645·0303 SI 22,000! MESA VERDE l'<m ) ou believe this price an prest1g1ow. '-fosa Verde? Owner b anxious you gam ' Spal'IOU.S home \\1th loads or privacy und t•a!i) l'arc yard. EnJO) Costa Mesa's best adclr(>Ss no\\' Call 645 0303 EASTS ID I CHil.MH Is fresh as spring! Brick fireplace, plush carpets, hardwood noors Cheery kitchen. Large covered brick patio. Separate garage. Huge yard. Priced to sell fast. SllS,000, hurry! Call 645-0303. TROPICAL Sft.IHOOI Gently swaying palms beckon you Enjoy prlvac.Y" and seclusion beside sparkling pond m your own back yard paradise. F'ruit trees, separate storage a rea. Charming home reatures brick fireplace plus .. large bdrms. Only $122,900. Call now, 645-0303 -TOllACH Approximately l ~ miles along regional trails. Exquisit• townbome reature1 Ule entry, fireplace. 3 king size bdrms Charming covered patio and mini yard. Near acres or park and trail!!. Take advantage now of this terrific buy. Call 64S-0303 WIMILETON WINHEI! Excalang near new home' Soanng ceilings, 2 f1replares. wetbar, gourmet kitchen with sunny nook. spectacular master suite it''•th skylight Loads of used brick enhance fountain. spa and gazebo. Community pool ,' spa and tennis courts complete this winner. fantastic opportunity! To see call 645-0JOJ NEWPORT RIVIERA Only $129.SOO! · Huge town home has coxy f1n!11lare. C'heery family room .. rermdeled kitchen Kang saze master suite Sunny pn,·atP patio Community pool. spa & tennil. IX-st hu) ' l'all 645 0303 EASY UVIMG Would you like the convenience or a condominium but. security, privacy and appreciation o( owning your own home! You can have it all! Unique designer owned bungalow, charming Eastslde Costa Mesa. One of a kind. Hurry! 645-0303 NEWPORT -.UFFS Excluslve Newport communJty, spacious 2 story condo overlooking lush greenbelt. Enjoy prestige, privacy. low maintenance and convenience every day! To see -call today, 64.S-0303. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 8:30AM TO IPM W. Huntington Beach (714) 194-7521 (213) 598-3328 at Edn'ds & Edinfer, H.B. E. Huntinrton Beacb (714) 962·5585 (213) 592·1525 at Brookhurst & Garfield, H.B . ..... .. ..................................... . Costa Mesa (lf 4) 645-0303 at Hartl• & Wdsln, Cata Mm · .. - 6--0range Cou,•ty Real &tate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982- SEE CAT ALINA! from thit becutiful VIEW home. Traditional CME 000 =to with ... 3 ba1, fant. rm & poot $590, with the BEST llRMSI ()pin s.nlay 1-5. RAE ROOGaS 631 -1266 ·NEWPORT HEIGHTS That OWtMER XGE ... and want to ownll COUNTRY mn Im it M' 3 car =Owner finance. ,000. W 631-1266 LOOK AT TIE OCEAN! ~y the SPACIOUSNESS of this 4 br ..._ with a VIEW. The --.... OfffRSI flr9Clt ~ at S269 ,500. RAE ROOGBtS 63J,J PEEK A VIEW! DELUXE Newport condo with o VIEW. Security coqHx. ASSUMUlE financing. $127,900. RAE ROOGBtS 631-1266 COSTA MESA BEST BUY C4 yourstff . . . ~ lrg. fa1n. r1n . w/~a=; ldkhm. Reduced to $115 . HANDLEMAN 631-1266 MOTIVATED SELLERS Unkp Mesa v.. location. .... fain . ,..,, fwtnal ~es, GOOD FINAll:ING. JACKIE 631 -1266 POOL & SPA Pion for the warm day1 ahead in thi1 oemct Meta V ...... home. Assumable loans, txcet cond., prime loc. Asking $215,000. JAOOE HANOllMAN 631 -1266 DOVER SHORES This a.uty Im been aballdoned by the f-.IY. forldDlurt i1 neart Call to lff thi1 ... = 1tyte pool on fH land hont• today. Mcca.land 631 -1266 MESA VERDE Perfect 1tarter or tnv•trnent prope~ Al•-$6l500 f.H.A. loan and ........ asry SI0,000 -2br condo with attached G'oJ.:6 $96,900 -Anne Mccasland 1-1 ISLAND DUPLEX 2br -2 bath each unit in great condition. fH pr~c:Jo with a rea1onoble price of $2 5, and rea1onable down and wdlAe Int• est. Cal Curtis Htrbert1 Sr. 631-1266. CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT YARD . 39 ,500 sq ft land. 1,280 sq ft office. Central OC, fennl. Cal Curt ftert.11 II, 631-1266 EAST SIDE fix• 2 8edroolll Otl.Y $119,000. cat Robert MJ•u 631-17.66. NEWPORT BLUFFS IS PETE JOHNSON 3 u52 to offtr, .r:::! from $205,000 to $325 . Cal Pete IOf'I 631 -1266. SANTIAGO DRIVE IS . BEAUTIFUL he lcnl Pool & apa, frplc & ntalfer. Owner wil ~ m.nc.. PrUd at $C99,000. Call I Pefe 631-1266. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Gated drive, Mdi.W 5 Bdrm home + Mpaide ...._-in-law cpwters. SI 86,950. Ttnn1. ~ MiaM: 631 -1266. $25,000 DOWN $1225 mo. Vilwt Vitwt 180 degrw viewt Uh new lg 21r, 2Bo condo. Undcl Hart. 631-1266. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Ttc1.,_. w/,.... for 3,000 sq ft home, own.-wil Clllist in financing or trade. Undo Hart 631-1266. EXQ.USIVE ~ ~ lsting, white picket fence, ric cottage, new cph, drps. $169,500. Unda Hart 631-1266. INVESTORS SHELTER five near new units. Seller may accept ecpty in a ""sale fallliy home os down poytl*lt. Assume over $270,000 1st TD. full price "160,000. HmTY Frederick, 631 -I 266. • / --. . --Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Febru.,Y 27, 1~ All Around The Town • • • SAVE THIS PAPER AND SEE THESE UHl9UE OH IALIOA ISLAHD -Large 3 Bdrm + den borne, right on the Grand Canal. This home has its own dock & income unit. Owner will help with financing. SEE RITA BOLAND AT 123 GRAND CANAL. OP84 1·5 PM SAT/SUH UHfquE IH SEAWIHD -Dramatfc Portofino model with enclosed entry, Mexican pavers, skylights and French doors. This home will' knock your socks off! SEE NATALIE FOGARTY .AT 2221 PORT LERWICK. Ofl94 I ·5 PM SAT /SUH UtilqUI IH JASMINE CIE8( -Popular plan 3, one level, 3 Bdrm, family room in CdM gated community. Fully sprinklered, .well maintained and, take note; this home even has a spa off the master s uite. SEE DONNA SCllkOEDER AT 6 JETTY. OPEH I ·5 PM SUHDA Y UM9U1 IN llG CAHYOH -One of Big Canyon's best buys. This plan 4 Broadmoor has 4 Bdrms a pool & spa on a quiet cul de sac street. Sophisticated owner so submit on terms. SEE BONNIE BARRINGTON AT 6 WINGED FOOi'. OP94 1·5 PM SUHDA Y Ate A PHONE A.MD CALL THI FOLLOWING A&afTS FOi MOii INFO OH THESI PIOPMTllS. UHIQUE IH NEWPORT -Charming remodeled Westcliff home with pool & spa. Good financing available. Ask for Natalie Fogarty. UNIQUE IN SliWIMD -Call Rita Boland about this Newport Hills Monaco model. 3 Bdrm, Mexican pavers. fruit trees and a low price of $269,500. . UMQUE IN IA YSHOIE.S -View of the bay, country design & superb detailing make this deluxe home unusual. If the skylights, 2 fireplaces, coupled with antique fixtures & cabinets don't take your breath away, then the gourmet kitchen or master bath will. Call Bert Reedy for financing or bring $650,000. UHf9UI.,. COSTA MESA -Five condos are for sale thru Tom Boland. All on the same street, all about 3 years old , all with tenants. The owner will trade, sell or pan with one or all. Call Tom today at 675-6000. UNl9lJE IN NEWPORT BEACH 4 LISTINGS IN THE EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY OF IEACOH IA Y On the water, with a 60' front overlooking the five channels. This duplex has 3 Bdrms up & 3 Bdrms down. Owner will help with financing. $1,250,000. On the water for lease, fully furnished month to month and only $3600. On the greenbelt this 2 Bdrm 2 unit duplex has great tax advantages and needs TLC. Only $395,000 . Also on the greenbelt but for lease at $800 you get 2 Bdrms and a large patio. CALL MARILYN HODGES FOR BEACON BAY DETAILS or stop by her 510 So. Bayfront open house on Sunday on Balboa Isla nd . The view of t he Pavilion is spectacular. (7 doors from the ferry 1·5 PM). UMl9UI HOMES HAS 5 7 OF TH I llST USTIMGS AU ilOUM> THI TOWH. MCIFIC CQ\IT HJGHW\V AT MKARTHUR 80C.ILE\NU> IN CORONA DEL NAJI - \ ' --.--. ,._.~An Advwtising Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. February 27, Ha&2- U ... DUIE ON 9'Y81 US HI.I. This new custom home offers the ultimate in elegant living. with warm woods used lbruout, beautiful bevel leaded wioaows, a library, family room and elevator. There is a master bedroom suite with balcony overtooting the coastline Ir city lights. There are 4 additional bedrooms, pool Ir spa, air conditioning, alarm s,Jllelm Ir 3 car garage. Offered at $2,500,000. SPYaASS BaAMCI From this rare Delmar model 3 BR, 2 ba with formal dr Ir fam room, fabulous motmtain and city light views. llotivated seller will assist with financing. Offered al $549,000. • HOIDI m Iii SAC-.CI Spectacular view and price OD this newly listed 4 BR Lautremont model. Professionally decorated Ir landscaped. What a value at $729,SOO. BUOY 1ME WIW From this magnificent 3 BR, FR, 2¥1 BA Casablanca model in tbe Crest phase of Harbor Ridge. Offered at $625,000 with Low interest assumable f mancing. EASTaWf -STEAL This beautiful 4 BR 3 BA home bas it all -magnificent view, parquet floors, large custom designed family room, ph~ exceptional low interest usum.able fmancing. All this could be yours for only $299,950. Call now for further information OD this fabulous new listing. NICI SLAStB on this 4 BR 3 BA Tradewinds model! Spyglass Hill. llotivated aeller will eomider trades, try lease option. Ready for immediate occupency. $459,SOO. •AE $10 ....... NMm Anxious seller is offerin1 this cbanniD& Rancho San Joaquin villas 1 BR le loft totally ~ condo with terrific assumable financing at an unbelievable $1S9,000. Call tGday ! VWNBAIU ~ .... Near million ·S homes, 210 degree vieW and superb financing $395,000. .......... Wt hr Wt ...... ....,~ ...... ,.,.Wt FwW. .................. ....................... ..... ......................................... . e111 till I S1M till ttez 81aar... lllJ ·-.. 1112 Ssms.. llU lltJ ........................... , ........................ , ....................................... ~············ .. ··· .... ~ ..................... . DCma ft.LAM COteO Adult complea, 2 bdrm, 2~ bath, pool, clubhouse, double garage. Walk to shops le market. Sl49,500. OCIAH Yfl!# 12% interest! Assumable loan. The most beautiful view awaits you in this 3 bdrm retreat. Decorated in the finest taste. Priced al SZI0,000. WOOll--TOWMHOUSI Immaculate 3 bdrm. 2~ bath. Largest Parkside model. Family room. Fabulous recreational facilities. included lakes, pools, tennis. Assuma~ loan. Owner motivated. Ba.ANCI OM LmO S bdrm, custom decorated, is an exceptional value. Formal dining room and f amity room. Lite, airy and spacious. llAUl1fULL y MMfT.- 3 bdrm, 2 bath Westclifr home. Close to schools, part and tennis. Room for expansion. Good fmancing at $185,SOO. OCIAMROMT 61HTS 2 bdrm, 2 bath each unit. More than 1 parting space per unit. Prime Balboa Peninsula area. Opportunity for creative investor. &UIFff Ver/ private upgraded condo, 2 bdrm plus loft, 3 batb.1 with view of bay and beach. 3 patios for entertaining. Owner very flexible on terms. MIWPOIT CIE5T 3 bdrm condo with ocean view. Pool&: tennis, walk to beach. Owner lo furnish new carpet. Owner will carry large 2nd. $1~.ooo. IAMl mo -13% ~ 2 story, S bdrm, corner lot 20% down, bank often 13% new loan for 30 years. This home needs some TLC and save • SSS! CaJJ for details. other terms available. New listing! IAYROMJ Need a home for your d:S' boat? 4 I Bdrm, 3 bath, YOU OWN THE LAND!! Main Lido channel. Shown by · appt. <Illy. Owner will carry Isl T.D. With~ down. $1,.200,000. BUCB>SI• Five pride of ownership E. side units. New price is $339,500 and owner will help with ~ing. There are two 2 Bdrm Wl.its and three 1 Bdrm units. Call now. E. sm conAH 2 Bdrm 2 Ba, new CfPl, patio cover " garage. Assume existing financing and owe with small down. Full price Sta;,500. IETTT COU AMD PHYWS SA.CHS . A~OF II.AL ISTA.11 PIOfUSIOMALS IM1'I YOU TO Nl\ww A MEW USTIM6 JM6 JAYA. IOAD. teA. YBDI.. C. MBA su.AY r• UIAIY ZI 1-4 011IER LISTINGS AV All.ABLE: 3 Br, 2 Ba. Co&ta Mesa $125,000 3 Br. 2 Ba. Costa Mesa $119,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Newport Beach $139,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Pool Santa Ana $ 92,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. CoodoSanta Ana $118,SOO Call us for a viewing appotntment. Ast for Betty or Phyllis 546-JJU THE REAL ESTATE RS MBA WOODS Beautiful custom c.abiaetry by muter craftsman really sets tbis J Bdrm 2 • --apart. Lovely aaaebo Sim.£ STllY POfECTlll 2Br. den (or 3Br) has it all. Vaulted ceilings, cstm shutters, mirrored doors, ceritral air, formal dining rm, enormous wrap-around patio. by Rogers Garden & much more! Superb decor throughout this Newport finer townhome. Free &: clear. Submit on your tenns. Now only $2.55,000! Call NANCY ltlal•eo Gm• SUNS£JS.Nl-SPA 38r Calif. Ranch, gated for privacy. Views tbru walls of glass. 2 frplcs, family rm. formal din rm, nook & more! View from secluded mstr suite. sunsets, Newport 2 Ir be yond. Minimum down. Anxious owner. Assisted financing. Now only $298,500 ! Call MAMCY~.O....../A.fjf. I 75t-IZ21 644-661' MIWPOIT llACH $119,981 2 Bdnns plus den, 2 bath. Interior just redecorated. Owner wide open so off er your down and tenns. JACOBS REAL TY 67'"'670 2919 .... ,..,. .......... l• aJC USO usal!1%0natRU!uss BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selection of ~ at this time. All floor plans. GOod views, cood financing, good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you. OftM 1--5 653 Vista Bonita, view 300 Otero. 3 Br 2619 YISla Omada, view 1982 Vista Caudal, with land 2l.X11 Baja, 3 ,Br. 1 level $295,000 $225,000 $265,000 $325,000 $1~.ooo HD.EN B. DOWD MMIM ... be&riJlg rruit trees. Low rate, new loan a.aibble: hll price S.STO NIWflOn' ICH! Ji·1&-...,P&n! suuoo lota1 price. 3 Bdrm 2 blth. (alftily room, brick firelUtt. A-2 lot. Room mW~ Alley uttsa. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call • foe more, i•· _ ~ _ 11•11 r--~Clll'--!m""!'-IY-=--ISl-MUX---......__ , . .... -s ........ ForW. Ho.... For w. ~For Wt ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ 100~ ••• ,.. 1002 LA.uMA MHMJ& OCIAMROMT Gated Community Of "The Shores." Custom-Built 4 Bedroom Home On White Sandy Beach. High Beam· Ceilings, Graceful Circular Staircase. A Truly Magnificent View. Owner Will Help Finance. $1.450.lnl. EMBALD IAY MOOBM Ocean View Home. Superb Modem Styling. Sharp, Clear, Clean Features. It Sparkles. It's So Clean. • Excellent Financing. Undoubtedly One Of The Best Priced Homes In Emerald Bay. $695,000. ADI UPPll lASTILUff Individual Home -Lar11 .. r.o· "ooms -Seperate Master Suite -Cs· ~ \ View Of City Lights -Great Neightx \. ... Park Close By ~ Fast Escrow. Lis . ~.500. A "Joy Of Newport Listing. ltG CAMYOM Spectacular Gotr Course View Location! This Elegant New Listing Offers Privacy. 4 Large Bedrooms •. 3 Bath.5. 3-Car Garage & Lovely qardens. Y~u Will Enjoy Entertaining In This Dramatic Home. Priced At $850,000. Very Motivated Sellers. Excellent Terms! Pl.ICE llOUCTIOH LIASl/Of'TIOM OI SAU Like New 4 BR 3 BA Home In Beautiful Westcliff. Detached Home On Fee Land (You Own ft ). Owner Flexible. Priced At Only $275,000. SADOU UP .. HOISi COUNnY Dramatic Rome . Approx. ¥.. Acres -4 BR · Pool · Spa · Park 8 Cars + R.V. -Great Location · Keep 3 Horses. Maybe More, On Your Own Property. $289,000. IAUOA ISLAMD $30,000 Down Will Buy A 2 Bedroom 2•Bath Home On Little Balboa Island. Asking Price. $349,500. Owner Will Finance. Submit All Offers. IAYSHOllS Prime Bayfront View. Pier, Dock. Quality s Bedroom Jn Desirable Gated Community. Private Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Even If Purebased With L~nd, S2 076,lnl TctaJ Price Is Lesa Than Equal Locations With F.qual Amenities. Only $975,000 If Lease bold. WP9I LOCATION On Quiet Cul·de-Sac In Old Corona del Mar, Just Two Short Blocks From Beach. Comfort•ble Home On An R-2 L-Ot Offers Relued .A~ospbere, ~ypical Of This Desirable Community. Realistically Pnced At $290,000. ~CMAIMR Not Only Loads Of Charm, But Owner Financing. Secluded Duplex Located On A Quaint Street tn Corona del Mar. 2 ~ Units Are Surrounded By Lush ~.A 2-Car Garage, Aad Charm, Charm, Charm. Offiml At $272,000. Olll lMAL 11&.UHS 1 Another A-.-el . Delores Model · Vacant • Ready For New Owners . Three Bdrms. 2'h Baths · Built-In Bookcases & China Storage · Large Courtyard Entrance . End Unit On Beautiful Greenbelt · Price. $218,<XX>. A "Joy Of Newport" Ljsting. ---------.. --Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement lo the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982-9 I L \H.H()H. R E~\l . .tf\' IAYflONT HOME , Just listed! Spacious family home with 60 feet on the bay and private pier and float. 4 bdrm. plus a convertible den, formal dining rm ., deluxe workshop and cheerful bay view kitchen with adjoining eating area. Large brick patio on the bay ideal for entertaining or sunning. Priced to sell al $985,000 L.H. 11.UffS ~"PLAN Terrific location overlooking the pool. Extra size 4 bdrm. C Plan with real old fashion terms -only 10% down and owner will carry a 30 year fixed rate 12th% mortgage! Full-price $299,SOO L.H. Quick escrow is possible. OCWRONT CAMEO SHOIH Spectacular setting with waves breaking on the rocks and beach below. A lo vely 4 bdrm home, lite and airy with lots or glass to capture the view and lush landscaping. Formal dining rm., family rm .. proressionaJ workshop and even a wine cellar. $2,900,000. OLDll DUPUX Located in Corona del Mar just 2 blocks from town . A super location investment opportunity. could use a little cosmetic type fixing to maximize rents. 2 bdrm. and 3 bdrm. units. Priced virtually at lot value at only $289.500. WISTCUFF * S 129.500 Another new listing! No , that's not the down payment -that's the full price for this sharp 2 bdrm. condo just a short walk from Westcliff Plaza. Choice first floor location with private enclosed patio. Nicely maintained development with beautiful swimming pool. Owner will finan ce. LOTS & ACREAGE OCIAM VIEW LOTS Prime Corona del Mar location with bay and ocean views. 4 contiguous oversized R".1 lots can be purchased individually or ~11 together. QuieUocation away from summer crowds. Owner will finance with 25% down. $595.lnl per lot. Cuts~ HOISi UNCH Secluded but only a few minutes from town or Dana Point Yacht Harbor. Fabulous view all the way from Saddleback lo the ocean. Build the horse ranch of your dreams on the terrific S.5 acre site. $695,000 owner will finance. APAlneff SITI 7.3 Acres on Highland Ave. in San Bernardino. Hi.gh visibility site near crosstown freeways easily accessible to the whole valley. Approved for condos. Surrounded by development. $2,100,000. INVESTMENTS l#tLIOA ISLAND COttt .CW. IUUIM6 On Marine Ave .. 100% occupied with 3 apartments and popular Miooe's Restaurant. Asking S-498,000 with attractive term1. COITAflmA ~CIMT• Prime comer location on West 11th Street leued to 4 re!Ulble tenants. Offered with attractive owner financin&, $477,000 L.H. M CAMYOM •OAIMOOI $750,000 Fantastic Plan 4. 4 Bedrms. Family Rm w/fireplace; formal dining rm , 2~ baths. Newly decorated in sort pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng it window coverings. New marble entry. Love:i,= it spa. Spacious yard. t4 M TUI IOAD SAT/SUM 1·5 M CANYON COUMTIY CLUI Magnificent location o'looking 8th green or golf course. Luxurious majes tic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdrms, lge formal dining rm, family rm, billiard rm, refrigerated wine rm, " 6th baths. Marble, rmest wood paneling, great storage, air cond .. + many other custom features. $2.150,000 incl land. &aANT WATBRONT -NI LAND Extensively improved. 4 bdrms, 31,; ba. Teak library. Rich oak wet bar. Gourmet kitch. Superb master suite w/rosewood paneled sitting rm. Luxury throughout. Decorator's masterpiece. $1,500,000 including land w /56' front on water. Lg. boat slip. H CAHYOM ""8SAILLIS" Located on largest lot of all Deane homes. Beautifol golC course view! Professionally landscaped. Private park-like setting. Lovely lge pool. spa, & gazebo. Gated front courtyard entry with fountain. Marble foyer w/ glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den. formal din rm, 41'2 ba. $950,000. HAllOI YU HILLS MOADMOOI View or ocean, bay & Pavmoo liehts. 4 Br, 2\ilh. fam rm. 2 fplcs , community pool Cc parks. $420.000 including land, or $.m,000 leasehold . Only $fi6.5 per yr ground rent until 1991. Owner will help finance. 1151 SUIRJME WAY SAT/SUM 1-5 LU MOO& HOME DOYll SHOUS Elegance describes this nr new 4 bdrm i fam rm. Library with fireplace. Spacious entry. Formal dining. Huge kitchen. Gourmet's delight. Bright, cheerful throughout. Pool & spa. $625.000 including land. MIAT ASSUMAU MWfCIMe Prime Harbor View Homes location. 4 bdnns, fam rm, 3~ ba. Guest or teen-ager's private suite. Spa. Community pool. $345,000 including the land. s.si.ooo dn . Owner finance. 1107 MIWPOIT HUS DI. SAT/SUH 1-5 HAllOI YllW -W YAID Quiet, park-like setting. 1'19' wide rear yara. Rm ror paddle tennis and pool. Great ror orchard. Picturesque cul de sac street. 3 bdrm~ ram rm. $379,500 including the land. ~now. LOOI AT 1"151 LOW PllCIS 2 ... c ....... _._ .... s ... .... ..... s., ...... , ... l ... .....,vn .._. .......... Vin ... s 74,'50 $175.000 Sltt.000 SJH ,000 S40l,IOO I ' . . j 19--0range County Aetl Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982- 2323 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach 631-1400 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 502 "I" St., Balboa Peninsula. NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat /Sun 1-5 1312 Seacrest <HVH > CdM 760-9333 $379,500 .. Sat 1·5 1842 Port Westbourne. HVH. N.B. 759-1501 $241 ,500 Sat 12·4: 30 ••322 62nd St., Nwpt Shrs. N.B. 759-1501 $249,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Rd, Cliffhaven. N B This Weekend ! 759-1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun I ·5 •llOOSa ndpiper. HV11. CdM 644-4910 $405,000 Sun 1 ·5 25 Rustling Wind. Trtlrk. Irvine Keep this handy dir ectory with you this weekend as you go house-hunting. Alf the locations listed below are described in greater detail elsewhere in today's DAILY PILOT classified ads. Patrons advertising open houses tor sale or r,ent in The Dally Pilot may list such information In these columns each Saturday and Sunday. 759-1501 $280,000 Sat'Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands (Back Bay). NB 631-1851 $259.000 Sat1Sun 12-5 2001 Yacht Resolute. Nwpt Bch $489,000 Sat 2-5 HOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM 1600 Balboa Ave, Bal Isle, N.B . 759-9100 $349,500 Sat 1-5 4 Melody Ln .. Irvine 675-5511 $149,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 218 Baltimore , Hunting ton Bch 963-6767 $138,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 909 Van Ness, Costa Mesa 675-5511 $140,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 U pllts INCOME CI Ill 244 E. 15th St.. Costa Mesa 675-1771 $245,00o Sat 1-5 2 la pllll FAM IM or DEN 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Isfand 673-6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 227 Via Orvieto, Lido Isle . N.B. 644-9060 , Sun 1-5 #2 Maritime Dr. (J asmine Ck>CdM 644-9060 Sun 1-5 8 White Wa ter. Jas mine Creek. CdM 644-9060 $335,000 Sun 1-5 2221 Mesa Dr .. Back Bay. N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 3 Woodland, Woodbridge, Irvine 644-6200 $159,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1706 Mira mar. Balboa Penin Pt., NB 642·5200 $325,000 Sun 1-5 1561 Mira m a r . Balboa Pen in Pt. . NB 642-5200 $339.000 Sun 1-5 JHOROOM 1437 Serenad e Terr. Irv. Terr. CdM 673-1181 $398.000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1245 Blue Gum. Newoort Bch 645-9850 or 548-t..iSl Sat/Sun 12·4 •1974 Pt Locksleigh Pl CHVH) NB 644-2573 $274,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 •2531 Greenbrier Ln .• C.M. 751-3191 $145,000 Sat 12-4 2421 Bunya. Newport Beach 675-1771 $275.000 Sun 1-4 3024 Ocean Bl., Cor ona del Mar 631 -1400 $1.350,000 Sat/Sun J-5 ••126 E. Balboa Bl (BalPen) NB 1·524-5980 $1.495.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 212 Via Eboli. Lido Isle, N. B. 673-7300 $487,234 Sun 1-4 ••510 S. Bayfront CBal Isl > NB 675-6000 $995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ••1418W. Bay, Penin. Pt., N .B . 67s..6161 $1,200.000 Sat 1·5 312 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $425,000 Sun 1·5 325 Rochester. Costa Mesa 645-9096 $152,000 Sat 1-5 409 Columbus Cr .. Corona del Mar • 673-8550 $345.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 943 Darrell, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $110,000 Sat 1-4 2716 Shell. China Cove. CdM 644-6200 $695,000 Sat 1-5 1436 Serenade Terrace. Irv. 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2001 Arnold <Central) C.M. 642-5200 $98,500 Sun 1-5 •425 Gloucester <Cape Series) CM 642-5200 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 l II plus FAH RM or DEN 1206 l)(lrset (HalecresU C.M. 545-7091 $128,500 Sat 12-4 1900 Commodore Rd. Baycrest. NB 631-1476 $360,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 542 Hrbr Isl Or. (Promontory Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1993 PortSeabourne CHVH > NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2635 Solana Way, Laguna Beach 494-2894 $345,000 Sun 1-4 123 Via Genoa. Lido Isle, NB 675-1771 $399.500 Sal/Sun 1-5 2725 Fremont, Costa Mesa 646-7 171 Sl29.999 Sun 12-4 2901 Catalpa, Eastbluff. N.H. 720-1211 $260.000 Sun l ·5 2113 Miramar. Penin Pt.. N.B. 675-6161 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 #7 Bordeaux, Hrbr Rdge, N.B. 644-9060 $589,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 200 Via Genoa, Lido Isle. N.B. 644-9060 $745,000 Sun 1: 30-4 : 30 120"Shorecliff Rd. Shorecliff. CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Blvd, Bal P en in, NB 644-9060 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •452 Broadway. Costa Mesa 645-9096 $197,500 Sat 1.4 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Is le , NB 644-9060 Sat 1-5 1907 Tradewinds, Baycrest , N B 644-9060 $325,000 Sat 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr . Irv. Terr, Cd M 644-9060 $335,000-Fee Sat 1-5 2048 Commodore Rd .. Newport Bch 631-0680. 645-3758 Sat/Sun 12-5 2612 Redlands (E /Side> CM 642-6368 $149,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 2127 Aralia. Eastbluff. Newport Bch 642-8235 $279,500 Sat 1-5 2345 E. 16th Street, Newport Beach 645-0303 $249,000 Sat 1·4 With all the interest in real estate as an investment, don't forget that your home is also where you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing needs now. For a good balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Each one is requtred to be a real estate professional, actively engaged in real estate, and publicly committed to a written Code of Ethics. REAL TORS® are experienced in helping you find the right home for today and tomorrow. It could also take a heap o' looki n'. Before you start, call a REAL TOR® first. CB Of4'.l,t')1'' 31 • -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. February 27, 1982--11 . ·. - -----:. .. ~-· ~~ -. ... . ~· .... __ ...., -. .....-.... -. 4 IEOROOM 222 Coral Balboa Is land __ 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 14142 Serenade Terr. (Irv. T er) CdM 759-9100 $378,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 760 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle . NB 673-9060 $575,000 Sat 1-5 ••2804 W. Oceanfront, Newport Bch 631-1400 $725,000 Sat 1-5 •1720 Candlestick Ln .. Nwpt Bch 752-1920 $324,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2842 Alta Vista (Bluffs> NB 673-8550 $325.000 Sat 1·4 •1707 Bayadere Terr (Irv.Terr > CdM 644-6200 $975,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ' 4 II ,.. FAM RM or DEH ••2.5 Warmspring <Wdbrdg) Irv. 751-3191 $4..25.000 Sun 12-4 213 San Pablo, San Clemente 498-3848 $217,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 * 1033 White Sails, CdM 760-1756 $397,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 31851 E. Nine Dr., Laguna Niguel 495-2016 $390,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1412Santiago Dr., Nwpt Beach 631-1266 Sat 1-5 20521 Montauk Cr.;Huntington Bch 962-9597 $227,500 Sat/Sun 10-5 2220 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 760-9333 $6.50,000 Sat/Sun 2-6 #7 Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge. NB 640.5777 $1,595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, Npt Bch 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 105 Via Ravenna, Lido. Newport Bch 673-6900 $445,000 Sat/Sun.1-s 2221 Francisco Dr., Newport Beach 634-3646 $295.000 Sat/Sun 10·5 3202 Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde, CM 545-9258 $139.500 Sa 1-5/Sun 11·5 1251 Surfline Way, Harbor Vu , CdM 644-4910 $420.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 14 Burning Tree Rd. Big Cyn. NB 644-4910 $750.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 1807 Ne~port Hills Dr. Hrbr Vu, NB 644-4910 $345.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 i4 Monterey Circle. Newport Beach 640.9900 $459.500 Sat 1·4 HOO Essex. Newport Beach MG-7l'll $269,900-Sa 1...5/Sun 12-.5 18 Cherry Hills Ln, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $1,395,000 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/S un 1-5 * •1617 Baysid e Dr. Yachts mans Cove, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $1,795,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1306Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $550.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isl.NB 673-2556 or 675-3048 Sat/Sun 1-5 333 Poppy. Corona del Mar 67S-55ll $598.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3484 Wimbleton, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $239.900 Sat/Sun 12-4 133 Via Undine (Lido Is le> N .B. 675-7298 $735,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2862Tabago (Mesa Verde) CM 642·5200 $173,750 Sun 1·5 222Via Koron <Lido Isle) NB 642-5200 Sat 12·4/Sun 1-5 5 IEOROOM * •7~ Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $1 ,500.000 Sun 1-5 21 Mon~co. H arbor Ridg e. NewportBch 644-6200 $835.000 Sat l ·5 5 IR ...... FAM RM or DEN 204 Kings f>L , Newport Beach 673-2102 $790,000 Sun 1-4 ••824 W. Bay, Balboa Peninsula, '· NB 631-1400 $1,550.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 126 Via Lorca, Lido Is le, N.B. 673-7300 Sun 1-5 6 IR ,-FAM RM or DEN 68 12 Defian c e CS&S Tra c t ) Hunt.Sch. 963-7077 $245.000 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACHEt.OR * 100 Scholz Plaza #205 Ver sailles. NB 673-7300 $97.900 Sun 1-4 ·~ 2 IEDIOOM *2600 Block of Santa Ana Av, CM 631-6194 $129,500 Sat/Sun 11·5 4325Senisa. Univ. Prk Vig I, Irv. 552·7500 $125.000 Sat 1-5 600 E. Oceanfront #3E. NB 752-6499 Sat/Sun 1-5 209/215 19th St.. Newport Beach 631-1400 $319.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 •25 Canyon Is land, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265.000 Sun 1-4 :30 • 1063 Dove r Dr., Weslcliff, NB 673· 7300 $149,500 Sat 1-4: 30 300Cagney #101, Versailles, NB 673-7300 SI27.000 Sun 1-4 2277 Pacific Ave., Costa Mesa 673-7300 $189.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •501St. Andrews. Nwpt Hts , NB 673-7300 $162.500 Sun 1-4 2277 Pacific Ave., Costa Mesa 673-7300 $137,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 411-411112 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $605,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 IR plus FAM RM or DEN 1404 French St., Santa Ana 541-8670 $94 ,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 *IO Crest Cir. Canyon Crest , CdM 673-8494 $165,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •IOCurl Dr., Jas mine Creek, CdM 640.1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11-4 •503AvenidaCapana, Bluffs, NB 673-7300 $395.000 .;; Sat 2-4 #2 Maritime Dr, Jas mine Creek , CdM 644-9060 Sun 1-5 l IEOROOM 2559-F Elden (E 'Side) C.M. 675-1771 $159,000 Sun 1-5 •SS Ashbrook, Woodbridge. Irv. 673-7300 $164,000 Sun 1-3 9 Encore Ct.. Ne wport Beach 546-2313 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 3 IR plUI FAM RM or DEN 701 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar 631·1400 $325.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEOROOM 33839Castano Dr., Dana Point 549·1400 $169.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE I IR plUI FAM RM or DEH 300 E . Coast Hwy # 113, NB 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 . HOUSE FOR LEASE . 3 I_~ plus FR of DEH 2033 Port Weybridge. HVH. N.B. 759-1501 $1350 mo Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUM FOR LEASE 3 IEOROOM •304 Columbia, NwptCrst. NB 673-7300 $900 mo. Sun 1-5 * Pool * • Waterfr•t * • * Waf•froel & Pool \ ... - - - I\ - ---......-..-·-----=--L..___ ___ _ If you're in the mark et for a home of you r own, you're probably in the market for a home loan , too. A conventio nal mortgage is usually the first kind that comes to mind , but other alternatives do exist. Th ese include • privately insured loans·• GI-insured loans • FHA/HUD*- insured loans• Farmers Ho me Administration loans • urban "homestead" loans •"house -to-house" loans • variable interest rate loans •graduated payment mortgages an d eH UD's subsidi zed homeownership program. To learn abo ut these possibili ties, talk to a memb er of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® before you start looking. REAL TORS® are real estate professionals, and forms of financing are part of their expertise. They can tell you what's avai lable in your comm unity, and how you ca n qualify. Creative financing cou ld make the difference between a home that's just right and one that's just affordable. ·For valuable advice and assistance, ca ll a REAL TOR® today. *Federal Housing Administration/U.S. Department of Housin g & Urb an Renewal A public service of the ..., .. Ctassineds 642-5678 --Orange County Real EstnWAn Advertising Supptement to the OM. Y PLOT~. Fetw.y XI, 1912--11 , ......... s. ......... w. ...................... ........ ....................................................................................................................................................... ... ._... IHZ 1112 ,_,.. I._.., lllZ lwriil . 1111 ltaa.. ..~NZ._.. 1111 Its•.. tll2 ....................... ....................... ···················••4 ........................................................................................ _!!!,! ................... ~ ALOTFOI 5 ~~:1ot. 'thU ~~••il)' home has ex...-.s •itlt a 4tb 8dnD + family rm. Total IMa1 space around 2.000 S4 ft. Alot ror alittle prire sm.ooo. biab auwna~ VA lst SlOOS Pl/110 . Don't Delay all Diaaa l.oday. Diana . ·Volpe brt .-».formal dlaiaJ. 1'81 qtn. •Tsep. ea· lraare. sets.000. 2157 MJRAllAR. OPEN SUN 1.S DAV!DSON REALTY I I .I TELL MORE P£QPLE ABOUT YOUR SALE!· Signs are great to give directions to your ~ Sll~.bu1 to let peopi. know you're having a sale, you should Sciledute an ad • to run in the Classified section of lhis new~! h's the best way to tell peopkl what , you're selling. when and how to get lo the Mle. · · Call tQday and i.t us help you wont Y9Uf ad IAl.YPUT. · · CWSlll1'5 -1e2-s111· THE :REAL ESTATE RS . ---- 9 R&'M~ Tr• eci•t1 4bd 2ba Aaa•eim lase. Boat, airplane. auto, etc~ llike IM0-5614, 530-SICM STARTING ' A NEW BUSINESS? Aoc.;6• .t c•1ni1a •••11• Md Pu I 11171 C.. (lee. 11-to 17'., .................... ....,.~--·· ...... .., .. c...., Clarl ... ......... , ...... '"' ....... . •iz::r...._ ....... ... ............ Tiie 2 2 ...... ,...... ., ... ..t .. IUU...,, 1111 ....... , ... ,... '•u•-. ..., ..... ..... PfOOf Gf ... to .,... ca••lfdel •ca.,.. , . Tiie QA19..Y PILOT plOulmll _. !fllnt ........ , ........... .. Uwe .... MCJLLMJ ..... ~ ,,, , .... .., ........... 0..... ~Ct .. ll ._...,..,_ ·---0111• ..... ~ .. LWL -~.ta • 1111.• ...... , 0 1 11 I ........ -, . ~· THE :REAL ESTATERS ------ SPACIOUS .~e\. jl>. ~ tUt open feel· .,. dais luJe l Bdrm 3 batll llome. Includes ....... rll'epit. French lbn ad much more. Grat ter1DI available, calUwcWai.11. -..1111 THE :REAL ESTATERS DA V!OSON ~~ALTi MT USlll THI LOWIST PllCll HOWi IM NIW1'0IJ IMCH W"lth all new carpet and paint, and 1H4% assumable financing. Move real fut! Call now. 752..- Plan I¥ Realty '"' D.4V!DSON P. t A L T Y lflmsE Sal &: SUD. 1-S Harbor V1e1r Billi IBSANDCASTLE CORONA DEL MAR Bel. 3 Ba. Fam rm Form Din Rm. 2 fplc Bia Bonus Rm. FEE. Can.yon View $550,000 l.Ot'ETf A CURCI · ' OMcie (1t .. lls.8550 Aea.f71 41&4-4·t.l67 THE :REAL ESTATERS ,,_ ·-. .. .... . .. -·-•'-. .. ..... .. _ ·-·-..... ... ·-""'-..... --.. _ ·--= ....... f:l ..... .._ ·-.,,_ .._ . .... ·-·-·----""" n-n• .. .... "---,, .. --....... 59 :::-' ....... -. .._ --"':9 , I - __ ......... . ..... -.. 14-orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the OAJL Y PILOT/Saturday, February v . 1982- PIMNSULA HOMIS 2113~'MU ._OPIMSAT/SUH l·S Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm. ocean view. $425,000. f 411 W. IAY OP84 SAT 1-5 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bathSl.200,000. Oceanfront, jetty views . Marine rm . 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 sq. ft. Sl,385,000. UDO ISLE HOMES 70I VIA UDO HOD SUM 1-5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1.500.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm .. beam ceilings. $420.000. UteA ISU IAYFIOMTS Lagoon vie~rom 6 bdrm. 5 bath. playroom. dark rm. den. $1 .350.000! CAIMATIOH COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath. 2 boat slips. $1.900.000. TU5 YISTAs.MISSIOM YIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house in lakefront comm . $795,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR : . ' ·. .... "')., , ,._ awtt•t& MIW HOMI DeligbtfuJ 4 Bdrm with traditional design, library, den. formal dining, bay view. Corner location in Old Corona del Mar. $650,000. OWC. HAllOI YllW MU Attractive 3 Bdrm + family room. many special decoi::aling features. inter-com, central vacuum. ·huge tree covered lot. $379,500. owe. OCEAN Y.w DWLD Large 2-sty 4 bdrm. 2 firepla·ces. + 2 Bdrm over garage. Steps to beach. $395,000. Easy terms. FOA REAL ESTATE 1 70 E 1 ?TH STREET. SUITE 200-0 COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 92626 IAY FIONT HIDE A.WAY Vintage 2 bedroom cottage located on the quiet side of Balboa Island with its own pier and dock. 2 bedroom income unit over double garage. Seller financing to qualified buyer. Own a piece of the Island - call today. 549-8547 SICWSIOM wmt COMYHIHCE This French Normandy home. snuggly sheltered under great sycamore trees in the quiet gated community of Bayshores. seems worl~ apart from everything that surrounds it. A separate guest cottaee will welcome house guests. 'Enjoy your spa or a refreshing bay swim just steps away. Make an appointment to see this lovely 3 bedroom. den home by calling 549-8547. YACATIOM AT HOME Resort luxury in your own backyard with a sparkling pool and spa. Sumptuous master suite + 3 other bedrooms. Located on a quiet going no-where street in the Mesa Del Mar section or Costa Mesa. Call for details and appointment. 549-8547. GRAITHIS Seller hu~!ced price S6.000 for immed sale. S2S K d ow n , $1023 Pl/MO moves you Into a rountry kitchen for gourmtt dining, Uving rm wtfri>lc. lg lot. RV access, 3 Bdrm +NO QUAUF'VrNG. Sll9.SOO. Don't Delay call Diana today J>iana Pietenpol·Volpe ,._.SULAPOIMT PLEASURE' YOU 'LL TRE~URE. Just the home for lively young.sters-3 Bdrms, 3 baths. huge family room. 2 f1replaees. 2 car garage. AND walk to swimming and beaches Owner will carry 2nd TD. C.U for detaUs. . 642-5200 A PETE BARRE TI REALTY 1------•eor-.. Mer 1022 I INVESTOR ON~Ll!§NDO I Northwood. Irvine. xlnt I location, uparaded. low OOwn. $82,900 TI!REE BEDROOM Heritage Park. Irvine, nr ,ea rk, pool. shopping. 10 , or less down. SI05,SOO. TiiREE BED ROOM Terrace . Newport • •••••••••••••••••••••• CdM a.n.tr Dplx willfllta.cu 3 BR 2ba or 2+ iiiei\ in ownen unit · also 2 br rental cottage. All in sharpcond w/excel loca· lion. Owner will carry lge 2nd TD. Best buy in tawn for only l280,000. c:.1644-7211 Beach, 21, Ba overlookt -------Green Meadows. •Int cood. low down. $129,900. ruLI.OCEAN VIEW •JASlllNE CREEK• 1llREE BEDROOM rN/N/AGT FINANCED Turtlerock Vista. Irvine. -""'"'640-~lS=LSo...../-..l·nl=--·S'"""l..,..Sl..__ nice views. good up· 0c .. ,.,._.eo.do graded eon<!_~ S299.9SO. la CcM JE Y J01"4F.S83l·1266 Unobstructe<r Ocean ' Chanel View. 2BR. 2BA. Pool. Jae. Boat Slip Avail. S52S.OOO. Prine • Only. 641). 7373 COUNTIY CUii UY'"6 Located on 3rd green o( the private Niguel-Country Club. One of a timited edition ol wtique Links Pointe (airway homes. 4BR 3 ba. with tasteful decor. Assumable Joans. Call now for information. $390,000. AESKlENTIAl REAL ESTATE SERVICES -------~-""!"'!"!~~--~!~ ..... !!~~ ~~,Ht~~l I YIEW . EASY TllMS 4BR, 3ba. fam rm. Great floor plan. Assumable loan plus sellers help make this one of the best buys in Laguna Niguel. WAHL lllAl.n 495-2016 FOREVER VIEW! OF OCEAN & MMHf1' LMMtTS OP9I SPACH & PAllS ••ND MEW TOWMHOMI$ Deluxe, 2 master suites, large airy rooms. Great financing. Country atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All for the loW price ol: SU7,00l I Sl",000 -HAL w PAT IAUa A6TS. 67J.7JOO IAYCllSf'S ll5T IUY! sus.ooo Traditional custom home. 3 bdrm, family. room. French door leads to beautifully landscaped patio. Owner will consider all offers and will help with financing . IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 AEYPALOSAPPNYEIYEJD E & P A S L I l I X A J Y Y R A D L ' £ £ M U A l If 0 R T Z l Y l U ASAYANNAO REFRSEA taOESOPll EPI TSTVT NTYAPLT SllPASETS AStNAD ELAtP PETSU •YAHMO DKKEMRAOPNO APOlCA SSLTAYAllPPAC YKENUAETALPPTt0£tNA ADEPOPVASHAAPR•NELN SPHDRCLLA ANIAIXCLNY D P R A I R R f S ff II 0 D l 0 0 P N M KAKRRl&QPAAIJlRUATG JFIWROOMKL lllSZN~YP ~·: .................... . ............. ......, ................. .. = 5 •..;=! t:. = = L PA.MOaAMIC YIEW Of OCIAH~ Cameo Shores, south of PCH. See sensational sunsets & shimmering sails! 3 BR, fam rm + many extras. Priced to selJ al $729,900 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (Xl.2) ':::' S©\l~lA-"£~s· :: . .-i.,cut 1. l'OUM • ,_ ""'" cl ... ._...........,~ ... ,.... ............... _.. ,~ i ct i Er I TIHUY Ii' . I I' I' I . ...------. t 0 U H 0 M I ! A local furniture comp1ny I I I r ~ c1me up wllll • llfHl Idea. ~ Tiley gua11ntM UM!r aolH lor ........................................ ...._. " whlclltVer COINS llrat -ten K 0 Y E II 0 lyura °' --. I' I I' I !•~.:-"-~~ YDll ...,1,__No JW- yr new. 1398.000: 709 • Defer part of monthly 709'i Orchid. Ca 11 ryment on Balboa 8S1-9W0wner/bkr. ::~f:.°!e~rty. Low ¥11....,-0c .. •u-..&... ... ..._ Solar pool/spa. 4 bdrm. ~•·r• "'"' s:ll7.SOO. Sam Ag!, ·--•'•7•S.•2•16•6--•I 780-1756 ~n Sat-Sun 1-1'5. 1033 Wlnle Sails c.to.UH... Charming • bdrm-.-3'" ba. 2 sty Don Peterson home. breakfast room. Fireplace. many xtn. U .000 222 Coral. Open Sat Sun l-$. Wiida Mpt. Owner a . 67S.ettl 'fft PIOPllT~ ~joy vi~ing die-ocean and -night light~ from this deli11M111l 4 Bdnn home. F'ormal dining .,_ ud family room Prime a~a wlllt com-i-------•1 IDIA'llly pool. Exc.llent financin1 available' fllMCHllMMCY OPIH SUH 1·5 215 .... ,~ ..... 3 6drm. 3 ba • rorma I dining rm. den plus 2 bdrm apt. 16~0.000 . Owner will carry loan. •UM•OLD •a ALTY NVaaTMaN1'11 a1:i .._._ .,..,..,. C>elbOe ....... 0 875·4822 ATWT APtrfMt,ecl"9 Super locauon. Llrge usumeble loan. Fixed rates. reallslic sales price. motivated seller. can .01 ._ ....., ...... 1007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M21.tl00. 641-1200 j PETE ' BARRETI REALT Y ~Ken .... lty O...s.t/S-1-5 ltifS.rellaCle 'I' err IRVINE TERRACE 3 Br 2ba. pvt yard. cwtom deck. sp•. Ind bey view. S388.000 with land. OMt SAT /WM 11•6 '7J.l 1ll N:fWJllory'bti(h house 1--llllilillilili'lliiil--B•Y • otttn views OrfMsldeofBalboalsl Have 1omtthl .. You ltll Ollwt Ave.·or Jllh. want to tell? Claslfied 1'1~•-1113 ..... ..ti -Call -..1.:::z::::..c~ril:.::in:a..::in:.:.re..::.:a:.:.r_1 NOW, tt2·Wll. • --Orange Coonly Real Estale/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27. 1982-IS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• c.-....... 1022 w... 1024 c.e.MeM 1024 .............. 1040 ............. 1040 ...... .,.. 1044 .... 1041 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ °"9 W S-I ·S 110G ... •M Low Do .. 1190.000 in asauma ble loana. Remodeled z bdrm. Ni~ patio. R·2 tot wkh plans for unit. Only 1249.500 owe 3rd. Owner Act 640-1430 I 957 •9303 eeft~ ~~~~~r& 3 Bdrm home w /frplc. + 2 Bdrm apt. Only S212.000. owe wfl40.000 dwn. Joyce Wallie. agt ~Serin"C...SO 425~ .... o..wv.s-1.5 Hid4en nay amidst Lrees and lush landscap· ing. this 3 Bdrm single slOI')' end unit 1s very special. Not often available. this home has the benef its o r clubhouse. pool and put· lirli green. plus its ex-cellent location. Sl45.000 with owner Cinancing. 642-5200 ,_.,Gold Ma.. Y •Owa n.. L..ct Lar,.-R·2 IOI "''ilh nice 41(~ ....... TO THI~ E m e r • r·d B • y remodeled 2 bdrm ~ _.. _..., whitewater view . 2000 home: L<>w Interest WM'( & Bl 2.SfnDJ tit Owner retiring to the desert and sq. rt .. uoderirouod ftoancing Open Sun 12·4 nua Ull .JtW anxious to sell this lovely 28r 2ba 1 Wille cellar. jac. · sec. '~~wuson.7141545-2901 Near Golden West College. Over 3000 story condo in University Park. f~r:~.d!n·_.J~~e~ 213/6119-43S4 sq Ct. Family rm/wet bar. format· Owner will carry lge 2nd with 16% dn. gourmet kitchen. For d.uun. · g rm, 2•1.. ba, 2 (rplcs. 3 car gar. Offered at$12S,OOO. more de ta i Is ca 11 By owner: two 2bdrm n 494·8284. owner/bkr. houses on I lot. Assuma spiral staircase. Dramatic home -ft.a' SI .. too .... w-·-4 S392.000 /oHer. Open ble II .. ~. 1st To. owe picture perfect in &t out. $50,000 dn v... •-r• '" VWWIUWWI Sunday. 11.5pm . 1867 ~!~. ~~inl ~~~~~~~ poss. XJnl assumable loans. Asking Vacant 3 Br. air cond condo with Lowu, No. Laguna $ k $48,500 lsl T.D. at lOo/o fixed rate. --640-7464. 24.5,000. Agent will wor terms to suit owner will carry lge 2nd. Present all THIS PRIME E. SIDE you. As k for Mar ger y Sargent. oCfers. OLDE HOUSE lmmac home on large 963-7077. Res : 960-8037 ~..a.. --J.1. 11•7100 Remfnli«"Dt of a bygone 1.. ~ .....-.,. era. Is just a short stroll R·2 w/uuildable poten· D.M. .......... ....... from the surf. Warmth llaJ. Assume loans. only and charm abound from $155.000. Ca II De II o I the "olde" bnck ent11 6:1J.126e I~~ ....... !!~~ 3 Br. ,,,7~0ixistmg BEAJ THIS ,...,....och 1041 ri~~re.1°i!a!:~n~;iF. 1--------·1 I MESA VERDE 12010 S55K at 101 1 r; SIOK ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111gs. wood floors . lo the VIEW down. willt'arry Owner. I modernized t'OUntry nd .rmt6y~~ ora. SAT I ·5 call962·S689. 12 973 A steal' Sparkling 3 bd, 2 kitrhen. Seller anxious ol ocean 8 Spyf'lass * * I c:omr lo Stt 1880 Maui • 0 ba rondo, Crrl. beam T•rms a"a1·tabl• u,1.th J PETE BARRED REALTY Hill. This exceptional WI LA SPA 3bf older home. t'nr lot. ceal ""'ltO e garage " • " ~ Plan6 ·-Jum1'ne Cr~k c:..~ious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba Ci rt'le and see th IS root r owe teHKtive rate .• .... . ' 10\ll' askln& price or only w .... "'" ._" custom bit exttuhve 3Br new & um. · fl · I 1 pool. clubhollse Owner """"UV\ CALL has luxury appoint Beautiful area. llS.000 MlSA YBDE 213-447-7680/«11·327_!.__ 1nancmg 1 . carry loan. llS9.000 Peg .,.,;,,.-.. meots throughout the dn Asking $240.000 3 8 d rm . 2 l> 8 1 h . pool homt' on qwet t'UI· $35 000 All RJ MISSION REALTY ~ and a rounds. En· Sllmi mo pymt pp Agt . ~sac Seller wants to l:l<XXl dn Beaut. lge 4 br __.!ll_,_,_d!, 494-1578 98.S So. Cst Hwy. Laguna the .. • r 7~ 7089 fireplace. Sl20.000. ITO\"t ran .. will carry a home 1n H 8 . or 3 br in ':!'J 17 I ........ _ft]] I 'JO'/ secuntyo a gat-OPEN Fri 10·2. Sat Sun 2nd at 12,, Terms & FV 962.79408 tuownl Mo 11111Bfw6-1.u .:u.:u::n• ed community Ex· COLLEGEPK3BR 1-4 r1 ·b·1· I 4 Bl 38A Ocean vrew. 1 bd'rm. 2 ~ IOSS cellent financmg -take ..Nr allsthools A c Gar 3205 MONTANA ex• 1 •ty preni · I( • , ba Excellent financing L*rvnr'M over ~-Call today Or Opnr, Nu R·uor Oi1n1Cappel.63l·l2" B~e~~~t!: will OWNER TRANSFF.R · 12:.>~ (99.2355 .··.·.··.·.··.·.·.··.·.··.·.·.--·.·.•.•• formort1nformallon. S83.000 In assumable loy~~IJtr. ~!:'2_lstTD 9!!0-3346 RED! Mu~t nil no~ TRJ-PLEX SM.OOOdown loans. Submit dn. pay 4 Br 212 Ba nook. Camily Absolutely impeccable 2 Assume 1st TO 9•t' • PA.llf'UCE ESTATES Noquahry1n1. $125.000. rm. 3 car garage. pror st«}' 2 yr old on cul·de· owe Balanre al 12'' w.-M.T~Co. P-i-1..f...f.C-T --------landscapeil . 2 patios sac witb ... 'Humungl&S Principals o nl y 4 Br. 21, Ba 2174Sq. Ft R.eaJtoc\ 644·4910 ~xcellent value 1--------•I w rovers. wallpaper & bac~ard AND. GET Panoramic ocean views. ==-=-----:::.;:..:;...= .. , R-rarel-story custom paint thru-0ut. nn · .YOUCANTAKE $32S 000 Broker BE'ITER THAN MODEL $117,500 F·fourBdrms IOo/o DOWM security system. crown g"'cJJ~~NiV~TAN· 499-_152111_· • NewtwnJ\Jt. E-EZtosee Pricel9dilctloll mou lding. Mex ican Isl at 12,2r; S"786 mo. YOUDESEIYEA HA.5 EVERYTHING Cul·de-sac street Sun &Sail II Club s.t& S-1·4 C·Cashaccepted 'f:i0~~u~~dos ~'sl~~! pa_vr rn°fring,I 2. u~ 174,500. SweeptngOcean View. 2]J' .....__ ...... T-1218.500 ba ds •-· bn r rp cs. b t·ID 2nd at 13"•" S901 mo. ashort walk to the beach _.. • . ge yar • patios. stereo ca bin el & 05 yr.). M .500. and this new 3 Br 2'~ ba 20 mi n to Newport Center COlhaMIM I 024 CHA.IMS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Units + Separate Col· BY OWNER·4Br. 2a a, tap. Great Owneu.Unil or Rmtal Prop. Cabin Crptc. lg ram rm. many Like Int. Eastslde. xtras. newly rfltecoral· Creative Terms. 1or; ed in & out, oversized 2 Down. Break even car 1ara1e. 20'J down. 8_._ AsHDc SIS0,000. Owner ll4e.500. '"r. finance. (Mesa Verde W-a6 Attal 3217 Wasb10gtoo FAHTASTIC FIMAM. Call for appl. 1714 I lmmac. 3 Br 2 ba + !lllM106 15~add--On, RV l('Cess. , $121 .000. ... _ .-. !ti>lc. Only St8K dn ~ "" 09'C ll't Make oCr $107,000 i. ..._. Sl21.SOO by owner We leeH et I J % ~ .... 709~----­ ISI 167 •J $5000 below appraisal. Nice 3 BR ii~ ba. shake Beallliful Part Bnstol root home in excellent Condo Low down. area. s,s7.3137 ...::: .... ~=;:..• -----· C.-.. W. IOJJ C.-.. M• IOU ....................... ...................... . OVTSTAtelM& YllW HOMI OM WYGU.SS What a setting ! This lovel.Y s bdrm home oo Seygtass HJU has one of the best views of Catalina, Newport Bay and e ntire coastal area plus an exquisite night li~t panorama. The versatile Sout noorplan bas the security an priv~cy of a courtyard entry, Cintsbed 'bonus room and outstanding views from all second level bedrooms. The large main rooms and back yard with pool and spa are designed for easy entertaining. Make an appointment now to view this luxury offering. Sl,100,000 Myrna Boom 551-8700 C.M. .~suuy Now, Sl70.000. bookshelves in ram. rm. 3rd at IYr straight note holl'll!. designed for easy OPIH~AT SUM 12-4 High assumable. Must t s•c ooo · A · bl C4yourse .3 rm. lrg see to appreciate. erms w , . living. va 1lo e at ramily rm , w rm 327 ST.,CM. 1219000 n..... S S A truly Cine oppty at s:MS.000. 1210,000 with $160.000 al 12VJ fixed rate & Cully arrx>rtized. w/frplc. upgraded A&ent,Gl~l · · v~n al/ un. $193.000 Let's Ualk· EdnaA.Lundberg kitchen. Reduced to 1--------•1 1141963'6163· Pri vale turlceyl now! & Assoc. Nopoinu or qualifying. n6-ll347 Owner/Agent 1115.000. trtu. 11t.1t _P .... art~Y--.·------1 OPEN HOUSE Call 49H894 JACKIEHANDLEMAN -11.urr LOWDOWN! SAT-SUN 1·4 83H266 CAHYOMCOMDOS 4Br.2ba,£amnn.frplc. 60PLYMOUTH ~~CoST-:.. I Warm. woodsey and rorma I dining. exec NORTHWOOD . . le"ln COut Koya . By Owner. 3bdrm. ~ba. LOWDOWM , .. 2 .. , -HERIT~Gf woaderful. Great views home. Newly redecorat· Wamer·a SMl·9400 Spect acular view or spa. many rustom xtras. 2BR2'tba ~ 1 "''Ives brukin& on lhe low down. Oex. terms .,... Assumabe Sll9.500 IESTllYIMi sand from lb1s 3 Mus t act quickly $169,000 $114,500 at u1,r:. owe balance COHD08UY! bedroom home with 3 n~216Z1- '7S.1771 "ilh low down payment Immaculate Northwood car garage on large lot LIL-•-vi.a.. 1067 ~Y 1227.500. I Br overlook Ing lake & Situates near homes -• "'"l"" Open houseSatiSun l-5 stream Pool . jacuu1. pnced from SS00.000 to ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2m21 MontaukCr HB 1enn1s, upgraded . Sl.000.000 It's not as 3Br. 28a Mission V1e10 Call Jim. Owner Agt. $84,500. Xlnt Cinancing. large nor as pretty but 11 Twnhse. good financing, 9'19-5370or962-11597 Ownerfi73.l923 has excellent owner owner will carry. Good I •,,~-4 Br 2ba. w 1Crplc • •• r $167.000. $40.000 dn --------H.ti 1• I 042 Ownr fuun at 11•,'k. or .,_,.... I 026 ... •••••••••••••••••••• assume $97.000 Isl at •••••••••••••••••••••••BEST BUY. Trinidad 10':t.&T428 Sl,IOO DOWN IJld. Prime loc 38r 3ba . 1 Bfl and ronv den condo owe at 14~ int. Bkr. SB.L.8Y OWMEI w/pool and spa. Mini TDmGoUier646-llZOO Woodbridge 2bdrm con· · • Sl"" 900 30 do. $4,000 Under market ocean view. .,..., . 1-..L.... I 0•4 Xlnt fi . S uv• .)Ir rixed 14' 2'4 loan! ..,,_ ,. inanc1ng. 122,'1\ft/. ~c. Qwn.L... 63 l ·6666 ••••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -=-640-~96U5-"'='"". __ _ Lovely & mo otd , watk to TUITU ROCK $5600 DOWM beaeh, 3 BR 2'<i bi. fully BYOWNER IUYS upgraded. ior~ dwn min. Vacant, clean. ready to 10.78'l int. rate a\•oil. move in! 3 br. 2 ba sgl WOODBRIDGE m>,OOO. family Broadmoor COMDO 661· or661·92SS ~U752·1324. Beautiful upgraded 38r I.I AC ISTATI Superb early California design Ind q111llty COD· structlon. Felluring IRVIME'S IESTIUY! 411. l IA u.•.t•s D<iWn Coodoend unit w1xtra I~ paUo. .. A Dollhouse Call Peg Dameron ~ ........... 12 REIM~ -------9i~~r,· ~... 1041 OWNER HELPlNG TO ....... •••••••••••••••• fiNANCE. Spacious 3\1 Fantastic buy! North year old 2 storr w tram end. 3 bd, 2 ha. lg, llv . rm. formal d1n1ng, sun· frpl. brtfst area + guest km livln& rm. "Huge" quarters. Walk to beech. yard w/klddie's play Assull?' loan. Owner aru. 1pa. Quiet cul-.de. belp f1.n1nct. aet.000. sac cloH to sc.hls "shop· Pea Allen Rltr. •9'·1578. -...-lillillllililii..__I pla1. CHECK THIS FINANCING-SELLER $10,000 DM./ ............ I040 WILL PAY POINTS for lwO..W 4br Jba ar bdl Sl.SSK. er eirlltin4 lo•n, nJl purch .. e. H R, ntba, finanang. $295,000 terms. priced under mkt SIHSATIOMAL value. $118,000. ..ocean views l rom this 2 QUAJL PLACE bedroom condo with PROPERTIES firepllrt' and decks. 7Si•l920 Community pool and Mlwporf leodi' 106' elev1tor Crom garage. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 124.S,OOO. A ~f!M~~~JM~th GAL.UY DllYE room for outdoor enter· 3 Bdrm bome on one of tainlng. Great invest· I.he largest lots in tht ftnt potential with its ~~ Perfect for. enl~r large assul'llJlble loan al "81n1ng ~ Cam1ly hv less than current rotes. 1ng-i;pec1al Ceature.s in. Owner says "Submit all ~lude large Corma 1 din olfers" Sl38,500. mg room. d~o. break Cast • area lo kitchen. and .. , . custom designed patio •11.1 :S and spa. L.ARGE take- ..... •" over financing a'•a1la ..... c........., ..__Ol_I '7141494-1177 OCIAMYllW 4 br. 3 bi. cuatom o.k ble. S299.500. 642·5200 J PETE ' BARRETI REALTY On. sec. syst. Quiet --------street. lge pvt lot. Low ma1nt. landscape. Walk to town, schools or buch. Owner fin. or lsetopt. M37,500. G'J·lU0/151·3»7 HIAIT of LAGUMA Huie private fol with ocean view. Two 1 Br un· lt.a • sleeplDI SOGJD, Multaee! ! 1319,0IO • -•MHM••······ .. •·· ffi tqalt1 !nd. Tab Leaae-tlfh option ,0 IUXdD OWC.Sll001!10· •ttfyln f . A trut cJ1n1n1rm.ramtm,2car --------• ~_,,.-... •·12%7 • 1110 a J~too. ~ fllcd yrd, ocean vu. !!!:!!!!. Wll"fttt Act· · ~,000. 41'7·1061 ~=· ... l'tA JP'. - -· .. la..-orange County Real Estate/An Advertl~ing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sat~rday, February 27, 1962- H.Ms Por Wt -"-ts For Wt .. HMMs Fclf' Wt Ho.Mt For Wt Ho.Ms For Wt Ho.Ms For W. Homes For~ tto.Mt For ~ ·········•············· •••••••••..•..••.•.....••......••.....•.•.......•...•.. ~............. ....................... . ......••.....••••••••••..••................•.•••......•.••••••..••.. ~~~.~ ... !~.~! ._. I 06t ~~~~~ ... !~~! ~~'?!~~~ .•• !!.'.! ~!'!!~~~ ... !!~! !~!'!!~~.~ ••. !!.~! ~~~.~ ... !~.~! ~.~~~.~ ... !~.~! OCEAN YU OPMAUWEEK IB..OW MAlkfT! OCEAN & BAV vu: 4 BR Wt BO NUS RM. POOL, SPA AND CITY UTES~ Assume 11. 78'i . A steal at S39'J.900. Won't last. Pal.rick Tenore. agt 759-1221 WTILUff- WSl orTIOH J Br 2 Ba Family room, DUiing room. frpk, gal ed court yard , up-graded. S260.000 _ B,r0wner720 121J FORECLOSURE -Fixer-<.keanrront duplex. 2 lge JBr 2ba units Try low or no down Lender Owner can be \'ery creative ~l'!ya R.E. 673·1~L _ H.tMlr Yt.w Ho.ts $195,000 iaAs-W.L099s oo this beautltul 4 Bdrm Portortno model in Harbor View. Separate mother-in~law qrtl'li, alrrost new carpeting Close to pool...S319.SOO So. Coif. Reolty ~5605 6~619~ OpN s.t/S.11 I ·5 1900C.-odort Rd. 3 bdr & den, excellent rrnancing. $360,000 631·1476 VRSAIWS OCUHVlEW Beautifully deCC}{j!led 2 Br. I Ba. condoljl'adult community. guar ded gate-, pool, spa & r~c. room Owner may ron sider low down pay ment 1194.SOO. For de tails call Sandy A lex ander Bkr 67~·2749 F.tcrstic HOMt Ong Model of Bayl·re~t Mt1\'C in cond. 2 fplc~. Ii: family rec rm Beuu pool Excellent fin. Open house Sat & Sun OHLY ONE LffT! Peninsula Pt. ocean front -just beach. no sidewalk See and ma ke ofr! HI-RISE CONDO ON THE BAYFRONT with unbelievable 11e.,. .$475,000. Boat s lip available 67j.f6Jj 67H4'44 Canal Front. Newp,ort Sbores. 4 Br Den S25.IXX>down. Owner will carry Must sell' Make oner' Tennis. pool. walk to beach. Agent 646 1044 or~2.805. 3 br. 2 ba Good fin Fee land. By owner $279,$00 ~87S5 or 644· 7220 ft<ADEW IND S ~t•=L7r l-.iCaiiiiiiilliiiAgt-63iiiil.m·0680-- UDO ISLE BARGAIN! $287.~00 . DOY&l SHORES EXEC.HOME onHSAT/SUH 11·6 New 3 story beacb bouse Bay & ocean views lkeans1de1 Balboa Blvd 1911 Court Ave. nr 19th. 67:>-2291or848-3133 IMME0lA TE I IRAHD NEW LIDO ~SSESSIOM CUSTOM HOME Lol'ely home -~ BR 2' • I lKIO sq. n. of traditionnl ba. liv rm. ram rm. 2 eleganre + 3 rar gar & Cd for D.tails. Med. style courtyard Pool. jacuzzi, overlooks bay Galaxy Dr Formal Dining Rm. 2 frplcs $739,IXXI fee Ample_parking in rear frplcs. lg pool. Orig Fin boat yrd on bst Lido St nish sauna. alarm 4bdqn or +3bdrm + BURR WHITE REALTOR . l~C. 67>4630 --~-2510 646-4848 PANIC! P11 yments late ' --------1 Sacrir.ce almost all l'W loJ!le'¥ ColNlo Ellgant Enghsh motif rro"n mo ulding . harxkarved frplr. shut · ters. brass appts. etc 2 br. 2 ba. full sec 10',', rui a1·11I Lease opt equ1t} 3 Br home $180,000assume loans Delia63H266 Directly from owner den l. ~ba. lrg din rm. $29!>.000 Open house ram rm. Ind!) se"•mg Sal Sun I~!> 2221 Fran-nn, Opt maid's fm. a CISCO Dr NB I Bl~ n frpks, inrl ll'ldsrpl¢ & Irvine & Tustin A\' I t:all spklrs, srr pre-wire. I~-~ rrpts Or1en Sat Sun. New cus tom home , Newport Heights, spar 4 BR. 3 fplc's, 3000 sq rt Quality construrtion. S42S.OOO Ownr a itt !148-6100 or634<l64G P1a 1 ~pm , 210 Via Sa n Remo 67:> :J0.18. 673 2!156 Owner AJ:l . $283,250 9~1120 BAYSHORES 3 BR 2 Ba. p\'t balcony olf master suite. gated community w1tb 2 bearhes $349,:>00 26:>1 CrestYiew Open Sunday I :> A_&t &44 2282 UDOISU IAYFIOHT $1,000 000 CHEAPEST l UMTS OH WA TEil W/IOATDOCI IN m:wPORT BEACll S4SK down, assume long term financing. owe balance at 12'. w NO PAYMENTS $$49.000 Pr1n only Owner 67~7104 Olarming 2. tidrm plus den. 2 bath. pier an~ slip to arrommodate 40' boat North side For an JUST LISTED appolllltnl!nt to see this ~HOUSE exctus1\e property, call w.;s... 1·5 S !).tO.llSI 1720Caidnticll. b . ~°B9il!l.-~~..9.,Rt!.n. Barcrest, N 8. area.ioCJ -. " f'v• ..... 1.11 Sanfo1go. so o( lloh 1ng Room. 2 !o'ireplares. da y I Lullurious 4 Br. 3 l'ar garage + large 1••------•I 3Ba custom Ivan Welb Hobby Room Pool sized Home . pool. covered IOI. beaut landsraped SUPEll DEAL! pa 11 o. b ca u t if u 11} 0.wner "111 ass ist at BluHs Condo $192.SOO. lnds<'pd. l'athedral ce1 t financang0nly$420.000 EXCEPTIONAL 1ng. ne" luxurious ()pen Sat Sun I 4 30 f'1NANCING 3 Br 2 Ba rarpelln" Owner f1an r Robinson Rea I tor 1 . 1nu al 12'. " Ith s ., .. , . t le\·e , end unit . 2 " ft ..., 541-5647 palJOS. frplc, lovely! As down Mot11ated. lea\ sumable financing 121,. lllg area, will sell qwck low down. OWC balance. ly at $324.SOO In abo1 e AMual lease $;124. re· mkt homes al a belo" neg. date 1991. Alilcnt market price & terms IOo/oDOWM Prestigious bch area. wlk to wtr. 3Br. ,3Ba . sunrm, gourment 1 it. xlnt lg lot OPEN SAT 1SUN 12·4 1245 BLU£GUM AO. ~or 548·0581 m.12801957-2504 QUAIL PLACE PROPERTIES Pric.cl to Sd 1:12 1920 MEWPOIT HEIGHTS MOYE RIGHT IM llSS.000 . Lo v ely Versailles Penthouse condo Largest I Br + rumpus rm. 2 ba. Nicely -------•I decor a t e d A 11 Pnvary & seclusion are some of the ament1es you will love in this 38r home w spa, towering trees + room for ex· pans1on Seller ha:s NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 BR 2 BA. with separate office. Great starter with very low cJown . Sl~.IXXI 1610Tustin Open Sunday I ·!I _ __....A~644·2282 Upgraded Palermo with 1>001 In H, V .H. Pnn. on· lv. S IXXI. 160-IMl63 _ WISTCLIFF Beauil1ulfy decorated and designed 3 Br 2ba w/grut <i(ficelden and 2 frpks. Assume lge 12', In w 20'-:. do $2119.SOO fee land. 645-74-0ll amenities owner. As· sum. 11a,r; In. By &;!1_~10 or 213/283:!333 f'llCEREDUCED rmved. Assume loan of on w\ singfe story 3 or SllO 000 at 10.a~,. Call to ~ Br home wilh pool. -DianaA .631-1266 Finan avail. Open Fri 10-2 at Aleppo , • F.astbluff. ()pen Sun 1-S • ' Eileen Artukovlch Rily. -1200332 TW11 ll9J Ptrl•d Owwhmd1 Beautiful, large 5 bdrm + den, 41, ba home on estate size lol w /2 f1rplcs , Jae + OUTSTANDING VIEW $790,000 Atlraet1ve -------•I fuianring 204 Kings Pl, Newport Beoch Open V1EW-YllW Newport Beach 3 BR, 21, ba condo. Formal dining room, plus living I room with fireplace Large 10X28 balcony w orean Hew $325.000. I CUSTOM MEWPOH 1 Sun H . 646 3328 or ~02. ----- H.tMw Yt.w Homs Beautirul Carmel with solar-pool. 3BR, 2 full BA . Pr Iva te Pro· 2Br, 2Ba Villa Balboa fess1onally l1nd11c1pe Condo. full secunty, oc.n yard. Cfntral A/C ' ~iew twm muter suite. filter, S27,,500, soa. '1 dlll financing. 1189,000. mortgage auuma ble. QUAIL PLACE fftllcltTtMlorH~ : 3 BR. family room, den1 : formal dining room anu breakfast nook. a: fif'!Plam !'Tench doors •ncf windows thruout. Priced lo sell ms.poo. ~- f«arec:all844·2573. PROPERTIES __................ ......... 752-1920 Ul·IHI .. Ocean + N1~ht Light \'1ew 3 Br 3 Ba Condo in Newport Crest Ten ms. pool. spa S24!>.000 Call Delores for l~rm~ TSL Properties. 642·1603 EXCLUSIVE Newport Hl!ls listing. w hlte picket renri, used bncll <'Oltage, nh• rp~. drps $169.:>00 Linda llart 631 ll66_ S20IDOWH T.,.o blocks to bCIJt'h owe 14'' pool "tenm:. 3 RR 2 ~-onl)· $141.!IOO l. II Rk r 960 5580 760-9501 llGCANYON Gua rded rommun1ty Beaut 3 Br 21, ba home w mirrored walls. lots of marble. 3 rar gar. RiOO 1XX1 DI II 644 ·Oi..S Lido Waterfront 3 LARGE UN ITS on SA NDY B£A C ll St.300.000 w•ith SG00.000 assullll ble 1st Rita Writtr. Ml. J .SM.710 Adult Mobile Home Park ontheRay. 2bdrm.2ba. S46,IXXI, I bdrm. dl!n. I ha $60.000 2 bdrm. I ba fu rn 145.000 2 bdrm I ba $25.IXXI Open Sat Sun IPM lo S PM 300 t: Coast Hwy Unit :-lo 113. Newport Beach Bkr 6J!>-3347 Pete Barrett RealW presents SPACIOUS, NEW UDO ISLE New custom home reaturtny the fin est in design and quality. Soaring ceilings. skylights , 4 fireplaces. and custom tile. Large. f a mily r oom ope n ing to entertainer's dream kitchen with separate wetbar. Beautiful detailing thruout with custom built armoire bar in living room and fabric covered walls in elegant master suite with its private swideck~ Plus 3 additional bdrms . On large street to street lot. Zll YlA IOIOH OfllH fOI YOUI IMICTIOM SAT 12·4 & SUH 1·5 64.Z..1200 PET BARRETI REALTY "• . ' N~ BLUFFS IS PETE JOHNSON . LH/ apt or b.y 24°':) sq ft , 4Bdrm Condo. sunny patios. near pool. Brand new inside. ft.t 1-.d. S325,000 ft-H to lomi Open country setting, warm & cozy 3 Br Condo, only $229,000. l11Yntor Special 2 Story. 3 Br. 212 Ba, good location, sharp price at a solid value at s~.ooo. Cel • PETE JOHNSOH Ul-1266 ·IAYffOMT Available Immediate ly -01ay leue option Rustic home with 3 Bdrins and shp for bout Well located for mornmg sun and vie" SSS0.000 includes land 642-5200 J PETE BARRE TI ··. REALTY s.a.-• 1076 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IYOWMH 4 bdrm. den. Family room. J baths 2400 sq rt . Large lot . coo l. panaromic ocean view S..-rwt j FE F Priced at bank ap :>bdrm, 3 ha. 3 car gar , E EE praisal 1217.000 SIS2.000 Next to rommumty pool BEACH assumable financing al ~blocks to Community I BARGAIN 1211": 498 3848 Prine Sd1ool 2 houses from owe lsl for 10 )ears OD onl ~ P~rk SJOO.~ Sl!lO.~ tbu; JBr beach home. Sclllht AM I 010 auumable loan f et• xlnt cond St ep~ to ••••••••••••••••••••••• land beach, owner may take s br, 2 sty 1167,SOO No 700-1298 ~es & trades. Diana quaL 18K dn Isl al 432 FULLERTON C 1631 1266 9' ,r~ Xtras 833 3352 Sl98.:>00 Sult, leas-1 ~~-~ I 091 lion. rent Opn Hse ,.......,._.....,. Sal Sun. o" nr UJH ••••••••••••••••••••••• &16-1220 I EAT OFF TIIE FLOOR H.UIOI RIDGE Award-winning Casa Blanca with spectacular view of ocean & city lights 3 BR, fam rm -& formal dining. Gated courtyard entry & spa. Custom earthtone decor t h ruout. Great assu mable financing S575.000 Belle Partch 644-6200; evenings 759-1078. J Pete Barrett l~alty presents COUNTRY CHARM lltCUFf HAVEN A unique home custom built by present owners. A rare find with 5. Bdrms, view and pool! Beautifully maintained large living room has high beams. natural woods. huge fireplace : childrens wing opens to skyllt family room, pool and spa ; big open country kitchen has ''mile long'' bar which lends itselr to informal gatherings. Spacious teen /guest/in -law apartment has surprising bay and ocean view . This lot wil l accommodate boat or RV storage. Call us for your personal showing. PET BARRETT REALTY \4,. ·, ~ ' • ol this gorgeOU!I 3 Bdrm Seeing 1s bellenng \'A FHA welcome Only SJ19.900 Bkr 848 0907 8:18 .11709 Ollltt' Real Estate ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ....................... . 25' Alrstream " room. I across s treet from beach. S6000. See at llun llngton by Sea Park. 21871 Newland. Space llO. H B or ca ll I· 737 · 9'166 2 bdrm I bath. ne" carpet & drape) Beautiful adult park low~ce rent 1)16 8612 Newpon Beach Uc AnL:i bayfroot Park M 1n1 cond '78 dbl "Ide. fireplace. brick patio. S60,IXXI. '63 double wide. romer lot $39.000. 8111 .Qn!!!d 675·6161 ... "operty I l so ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,}~!',;~:,'r1~~ean \iew rondo. 125.000 equi t~. Tenm ne&. 11!.I 6168 C...h!JLoh/ C'YPfi 1500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pacific V~ lot for &ale $600. __ 548·1964 C:-rclet "•rtr 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VACANT NEWPO RT WAT ER FRONT Will take ai· boat in Can nert ViUafe. ~000. Barrejl Rl!Y 642·520L IAYAtOHT Commert1al waterfront free & dear. 4 + lots. sm:tll manna -<>range County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 'n, 1982-t 7 .......... Ote.rlfflhhft ............ ............ ...... ...... ,.,d ........... 'hd .............. d ............. I t d .................................................................................................................... ••-!! .. ••·············· ................. .._ ......................... . C rdll ...._,. .... ,.., 2000 ...._,..,,..., 21N ....... c.NMeM UJ4 C..MtM )224 I' F , • .._. JMI ...... .._. lJ41 ... u . ., ''" ....................... ....................... I 0 I I JIM ................................................................................. ...!:_•_.W•••• .-.£................ APPLIYAWY ·-••._ ............... CUT6 tbr.wortshop ms Cottage Duplex. S81btoorean. Elegant2 OC~ TaSNlw IOUHITS WANTED·Houseonpdo pr.klds.TODAYS36S Newly reconditioned. Br. PamUy Rm~ Den. MOIUHOMES ~ITllACH Hi; vlslbHHy. C-3. ~ean View. 120 ft. (l'Otl· taae. UM existing build· in& ol 4000 sq. I\. or build 10,000 sq. ft. Owner will carry. rm.ooo. 631-7300. !Walt.or. SMALL AUTO-REPAIR Suitable location for auto repair, wholesale business or conversion into small office build· in&. Lot is 65XISS OwneT-will carry financ-ing. sm.soo. Berrett Rily 642·5200 Near new 4·plu. 2 Hi h biE 1 Ille ror liicome proper· OC·RENTALS 7S0.3314 niewcarpets, paint. I Br. :"~Plush crpts. 21y l.'t mi ol pvt bth, 2A hr ~nn., 2 bath each Wlit 9 ~8 ~~s ~ r ~~:-ty. Prin ooly. 642..o369 O<>RENTALS Noom. 2131411-1671 d · k ':[ bt glass. 1un· 'Wcurily. lots of coves & with fireplace. enclosed or -n . . . l..Sbr's l200tol2000 El "de Coua 2b lb ec . car prv rocks. 2Br. adlts only. palio, garage. 9~,·; I.St. ange. _.,,ooo. 3Units. ~K Eqwty. 750-l3l4 1-d " ge. r. a, garaee. fully m!I int. only·nodoe.s. 4 to choose Pos cash flow Nov" Soc.If~ East.s1.deCM ays patio. yd. gar. SS95. yard Nopets lnqwreat from.EOtoSIOOO. C714 1 ..... , 645-6266 BACHELOR wfpallo Si27Ullh St.960-63.ll aa $159.SOO. Bill Grundy, 54'-5605 --~.~o.-. --llOHIOF $375. Ulils pd 63,..320 --· · · 16 --Rltr,67~161. __ ~rdetires residential THELUCIY FIW all _ HOMES FOR RENT 2BR. t"'BA. frplc, View. ••lunl's •for income prop In ex· ~t ln Costa Mesa's 3' 4 Bdrms. $'100.$'125. New Carpel. Older Cot ~' ch for 212 acres Patent· NEW EST gal ed 2 O llO de& view from every Fen ced r a rd s ' la.11e. tll.<.ll Mo. 675-0349 7.1 XI «ilOSS MESA Yml 4-lle1 ed Gold Mine or Mother Townhome VILLAGE rm. new Bluff l'ondo 2 garages Kids & pets Kigh demand r~n~al -2?.llO Lode. Price negotiable. COMMUNITY. 2 It 3 Br BR. 21'1 ba, micro, spa, welcome. 54 S·2000 New home Mex tile. sun area. Assume existing ten ~umablifD. all 2 (714100·1802 212 Ba. l600-l800lq. ft. or Sa>0.541-416$1675-1781 Aeent no fee ny, vu. 2Br. ~n. lg L/r. ruumclng of SlSO.OOO .at Bdrms plus endosed Trade "'Auit~ IJl your Irv ~e luxury. Garages. Nu 2 stry 3Br wtden or 3 Bdrm 2 Bath. Ilk ___ deck,f/p,Sl000 494·&267 1or; and owner will ""4 d t ..... · t B p l/j 21 b 2 e new. • ..... · lb r 1 carr Full~rice gar ages, pri de or or Nwpt ch hse for y_ro-u!"'. •n mas er 4 r. oo ac. 'J a. Old Town Hunlington 111Vv1ew, r. 11>c .. .,. Y ·c 11 _,. 0 ownership. For more in· custom Cota De Cua sui te. d1!1Lnl rooms. car garCautoJ. Nr S.C Bdl. $'1SD 536.2353 after gar. patio.pet SSSO -.ooo a .,,.,. · rocaJJ 546-58> 1iofre valued aU330.000. ~burning fireplaces. Plz.a. LH SlOOO + ssoo 6Dm OC-RF.NTALS 750-33.J4 A Heritage Investments GOLDEN m1cro-w1v.e ovens. dep Hm Sl&.()776 Bus --.,00 2 bd b ld LLSTA fE PROPERTIES private patios & Y.ards. I 213/B7200Mr. llo. · 3room beach hse $300. Pd •• rm, I'• a ry I" j G 1 d d d -util N ls S43 0362 r rm. ,ar. ocean view on ---------__ 7~1589 __ .,,.,a_r eoe1.r _provil e · 4 bdrm 3 ba 2000 sq ft 0 pe · · '1 bus ine. 6 blocks lo ' ...... ...,_ 2 DELUXE 4-PLX. take ...,.ganl IVIJll ony LS _.... 'N .b k Ba noans5'1·9646 --NK T I T I Acft'12t 000 Sa.ft ~·--minutes from Fashion ,..,.....,. ear ac Y. ocean ·""" emp e er· 8Dlh me 'Cotta-Mesi. IY OWMB over hi loans. Ask S290K .... Island. 7 minutes to S.C. ms. 6'75-4277 Bob. ~-race. 494-0lS4 -- Bkr. SSllO; 760-9501 Z.4Plael,4200 sq. It. 612 ea. On pml--0pen. Prin ....................... Plau or O.C.Airport. Lf!3Br2ba (rplt' close 10 ..__. J242 MiuloaVW.. 3267 ' 614 Cal~ Campana. only. Ail. S49·l366 .............. d Just east or NeW{>Orl school & iou crse 3726 ····,··················· •••••••• :~ •••••••••• C•do••lwfTow•· San Clemente. S249.SOO ....................... Blvd. & so. ?f San Diego Iowa, $'100 531H4S3. 2br ux condo on Lagoon. HOME FOR RENT ............. 1700 each. 523.160 income Mamt•Dftet't, .... I.a.cl JI06 Frwy.StartmgatS900a , ."" 2fp.gar&manyxtra,. 3 Bdrm. $615 Fenced ••••••••••••••••••••••• each. 536.000 down in 11...t 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• month. 631·5439. 2473 Nice E. Side 2Br. !Ba. yd. $900/mo Ca 11 eves · yard ' gatage Kids & Huntington Landmark 1982. 911 Isl T .D. ....................... ..... .. rfr..t Orange Ave .. Costa gar, pet. refng1stove .. 7141840-6309:8312932 peU welcome S4~2000 condo-Pacifica. end 114/498-5907. PALM SPRINGS CON· 4 bdrm 2 ba 'Mo to Mo ~-----~-mo1 . 752·2282 dys. nw J244 Agent, no fee. unit. assm 30 yr ftxed · --~; S64.90o. As's un;ie ll50MotoJ~e 1st. · HURRY ' I 2b 1 _....., eves. --- rate S88.000 at 1212r;, C.0\'lll~oo ~·Plex '" x~t 9.s/T lst f\irn. t~nnis. 00·1610 S48-8647 =lig~ti~S,.&,'r 3 Br. I ba. garage, ~e ~=~~;~·;•;r~·;b;~ tleulCaJ'f a..d l2H rug 000. 714-536-~11 H.f Bl, at3'°"2· 3BBr.12 n.. spa, etc. 320-9544 or , QC. A 7<"-33· t• yard. ch1'ldr6n/8:ts ~ P k I r-"' c t r u. U,!93113 p s ,. ...................... _ J 124 tl'V" " , ~ • gar. ar . poo • ••••••••••••••••• •••• • • .,. . _. • • · _.. --SliSO. Sn Park r. Kurt .,..._., enclsdrgarag~. $285( .0005 n.. SW~o ......__.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. enclsd garage. ll6Jl-1211i6 ~.J!!ZUmo. 833·9057 OC-RENTALS ..... S. llOO 12~ mincing or -~-n 4br 2ba lg bonus rm Adl.lltsnopet.s.$525/mo. RANCHOSANJOAQUIN l·Sbr'sS200toS2000 ....................... years. Submit down P•Y· 0.-1 2450 gal-E s'ide S82S • mw. Wllsoo. '31·48111. SANTA ANA HTS. 3 Br. Townhouse. spht·level. 2 '15G-3314 7-days ?STOIY DUPLll menL Agent 857·9525 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . 642-'nn ram rm, frptc. $600. Br. den. on golf rourse. llG e• ··yo ... ~1-2119. Pm City, UT lux. lime . ----LeY• "-! lsttlast + S200 dep. 2...., Ba AIC view $975 ;"" " GrNllwl-M ~.Assumable! shr Distress sale Keo E/side3br,cmr lol.lgyd 3 bdrm~~ ba.uwater. FUJJerRlly.S46.Q8l4 · · · ' O.~C....W 4 bclrim •. t'ba m upper. 2 PnmeColla Mesa hsr + 1•'ms.m.on9 w/jac '2 car gar 1825 gardener included. S795. 754-'1900 --3 Bdrms. 2~ -Ba ·Pool bdrm lower. 2 fplcs . d 1 ...,.,,000 0 541-3793. __ 2dlildok.&M-m8 Exec.4Br.custom home. Woodbridgr Cottage. Jacuui•Tennis.Newly Some ocean view . px. _..,, · wner o.e.,~ -3f11>k.pool,spa,private Charmin& Decor. Nr dec.-.VacantSJ.200/Mo. Owner carry T.D. of rN~~~mit. BYCO. "•rff 2550 Ml rt-~1t Jl6f 4 Br.·Vf' co;:g0 "'D~Y street Rent or lease op-New.2BR.2BA. Dblgu. W...,M. T-'-Co $220,000atl3'f. _ · ....................... •~--. amen es. · s lion . Sl200 f mo f11>lc. AC. NO PETS. Reaiiiii\ , -r"i(...,1·0 ....................... 673-lm; eveslWS-2439. 18OS I 64 4 8 O 2 7 . Lease. $'185. Own /Agt Mlw~u$2H,500 ~ SlffNt' YA.L.UA&E CaMtrY Village _Mobile Nice t'IHn 2 Br. 1 Ba. (714)997 8600 ask for 759-1~ WISLEY M. TAYLOI Two on 1 lot. Olfe IBr COASTAL Home Park ~m1shed 2 enclsd garage. yard. Pat --CO. hollse + one 2Br house AlOtcTACiE Br. 2ba, pool. adlts. no new paint & carpet. No L ~~ 3 Br 211 Ba. FR .. f11>lc. IAYFROMT Redors 644.010 w~ara~u . JUST I 2 Acre oceanfront ptts, r~ lo shops & ,..,.,_ SS25 + serurit{, 1 8dr L d ,•1 dbl gar. bit-ins. S82S. 2 story. 4 ~ bdrms. 2 R UCE l Slu Ulh I I • restaur ls .,SO 0 u "'"~ • · ·• arge 644-1480 661-4220 baths . C ire I' I 1 c e. o ""·"""· parce "' rxpans1ve . an · •• m 1 r· 2:544 Orange. house . bath. Small pet OK . .=:..:..:...::= gorgeous view. Pier and Eastside Costa Mesa ReahorS48·1168 rugged headland views, 1-525-1648, 1·772-1801 --·-----&4.S-130r'· · or condo ·'The Lair.es" ~ .1. ~lu 5102.900. Great bell access . mutual 2 Br." Ba. ~II carpels, · -Xlnl. loc. Beaudet'. ref M""lllllll't• Century 21 Gold Coast while water vistas. ly incl uut. 673·3685 or 541.zm $395/ 5481855 2 bdrm. 2 story. 111 ba liili .DOOOpermo .AYlll. ~~~n 963·'7600 or ~ 40l-PLD~1 LES w~ter sysdtem.C paved1 ~·"''T-O~ enba~yJa•rrge.Pr1eot c1. e0d 15Wmo1. 2 Br. zh Bad. New req'd. no pets. S650 mo. , -=-=-'·=--=------• -~ ~ pnvate r s. oasta -"' •" d • · carpe s. was er/ ryer 64G-4050 2000 91~ deprecation. permits to build already 2 m and en. 2 • w~r/dryer area. No hook-up. all bul It-ins. -=-='-=""------1-PNperff :M'ldn. obtained. Owner fin . bath. private patio pf!ts S500/mo. S48·S442 clO&rloshopping.small 3peopleonly.2AOOsq.ft . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 12.nownerfin1nc1ng SIOS ,000. SEA COT· Available through or770-5629. yard.CallforAppt.TSL 4bdimhome.greeobelt. Assume ex is tin& 9"2 to Management Available TAGE R. E. 707.937-0423 6/30/82. SJ. 700. month CHOICE I. SIDrr. .!f.gmt. 642-1603 __ cul -de-sac. upgrades. loan · 0 .W.C. 2nd. "-·--r/B-.. er9«34u Broker 6317300 " Avail 311 Unh·ersltr Spacious well kept Tri· vw•n: "'" ~· '" ' · · 2Br, 1"·1Ba. frplr. bltn D.a PoW 122' Park Appliances inc H CANYON LSE plex near So. Coast PALM SPRINGS $64.900 * * 15 UNIT range/oven. dshwshr, ••••••••••••••••••••••• $9501 mo . N 0 pet 5 . 2BR McLain Condo Plaza. New carpet & !'Um. Condo. 9.5'; 1st. 15% DOWN 3 BR 2\' BA + bluffs Con· patio. Pool. $!!00 mo .. no Dana Crest. 3Br 2ba . 759-0600. $1125 per mo. Call Gerry ~.tin two units. Built· Now rented at S900 per t .6to9mo's,St600/mo. ~1Ham1lton. f11>lc. oi~ yard. 2 car 6'73-776lor760-U97 , d d' """"""••or""'•3tl3 ·•'f l 2y v CollegePark .4bdrm. 5• eoce yar mo,_,......, __,. Owner w ill carry a...,u Clun2Br I Ba enclsd garage. rs.new ery l•--------eoclosed garages. P.S. bel~all2'k. Recent· Alt.760-9678 gar .. private yird. NO dean.Av1i1 March.C1ll zi,ba. s plit-level. OPEN THURS.·SUN. C ....... -..T Jy r efurb is h ed. PETS.~.5'48>66811 eves&4.S-1771or960·S844 poolispa. grdnr & pool HC:AMYOM WEEKLY. 817 Jenn\fer .--..-u 9 M i d sen. No pets. SIOOO/mo. L u 11 u ri o u • l hr e e Lw c.M. J IN'fS OM WATll ~.:.it!'~ri·rord~\.ibte .._.. U.fwiihlM4 lmmac. twnMe. 3Br 2ba, ,...._ a..d U40 -"m ........ SiB=·----bedrooms. Two baths 12HOMIS Ld is l32x300 f ttl Super F.astside ~ation. All have 2 bdrm, firrplaces It 8 have 2 oaths. Well bu.ill stucco It wood . ms.ooo. ~WHa iUI~ ~ * fi/3~~~ 1Mt LC.... ...... eel W/IO T'OCI _,..,..,. --••••••••••••••••••• encldbl~11.nrS.CPl1a •••••••u• .. ••••••••••• Woodbridge Condo ror Formal dining room IN Nl!W"~R BEACH (~i~""°""rldlt -Jl02 Pool. kd• ok · $600 • I " ...... I blkto "'""· "'· ,.., ,..,,,.,.. '". !i""' ..,."'"' ;, m'1 S4QC down . assume long ._ ... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 541-73'14 Adu lts over 40 pref. palkt. La.ke. pools. ten tones. 3000 1q. rt term rinancing. owe ~n Garden Grove 4Br l~b·~ E.sidelludiobouse kllch $350/mo. IUS.S'1SODermo.5S9·4839 J.acuui olf master balan~ at l2'1 w/NO SSl·3'M nu .cpls, BBQ. cova ' ba. yd . util pd. 960-3012 bedroom. 3 car garage PAYMENTS $5411,000 . .,. .. rn11H l'b\,ln1M petlo,lgyrd,8682Twana t'Dl/moS46-42531ftS 3 BR 2ba c ondo llDRw/SPA S20~0 month. Yearly Pri I o --~,ph536·lf~ -== K"d / t 1 2000 f\"bfautf. f1SD mo. lease. Call 631 -7300. n on y . wner .1.~ R-3 Br 2 Ba lllOO/mo Isl 1 s pe s we come M 1.. p t . It R• Realt«. 87S.710t. ~· 2700 I Br house In Lakeview. last&sec' MposiC.°Call : Pool. lttlnis. Avail now o ... o. a n c .. max .,.. _______ _ 15 UHITS ~ Oregon. Laundry r~i S48.allan 5 S600 642·6998 or eves '7S9-l22l 11t. .. ••••••••••••••••• •••• ford yard. $275 mo. Uh . --963-8741 Open house Sat. Pool. 3 POOL HOME E. SIDE 10 Acres a voe ados. pd. Bob Meyer 586-3500 NrSC Plaza. cleap 3 br. 2 -"="°""'"'oc"'-R-ENT--AIS---br. 2 ba, super clean. 3BR Fm home Bk Bay Rancho Cal. 12'1 int. etc or Ml-71522 hm. or ba. (rplc. atrium. ram. 1 _:.5 .,,...toS2000 ~-07%7 , evs S4J.3S98 Sl.200/mo Call Suzanne COSTA MESA S16S.OOO Xlnl invest. <ft.503/947-2232 rm. O'looks park. 1825 ...,.,. *"" SeTlera w~ll carry $67-38 ........__ •• .._.... ~206 mo.~19 7~3314 7-days University Park: Coay 675·3"5Hnt Slll.000, Wllque It de· •6 ~OO ch _ ._ ~ 2 66 K . i L DUPLEX l ll H t 2BR 2ba w lf11>lc Drive 9-r Harbor/Ocean Vu sin blelnvut.mentCall•· acrer1n '•••• .. •••••••••••••••••I ria tn ane -UD · byt8222Mayapple. JIR.2ba.$ll&Smo.239 BobCott. a&t 752-IS20 flU00.000, 1$736 per Blyfl'Ofl\. be1d1, 2 Br. 2 «Harbor• Virtorial Lse inalAJCJ Ave. Ocean view. $175/ino. 644·6397 or Ocean Vn.175·2967 -----------~--.-........-.-~·~~~-acre). Central CalH. Ba. 1 lat sp .• 123 E. or lse opt. 2 Br 2ba volleyball crt, J Br 6'4>1396 ......._, Dmlnlll coast. 140 exl.sUng legal Baylront Ba Ibo a twnhle. 2 car gar. encl 5.\50/mo: Z Br $150/mo . ..!!!:~!2.------.. -------• ... S. 'llH ... S. llOO parcels Outstanding Island SlzOo winter. patio. Lse $175. Sale orrentfftli~duplex tor UNlVERSITY PARK 4 IAYRONT .. ~ .......................................... re~reatlonal oppty. SWOOaMual. Herb. days tt,.S00.6'4M211 $1300/mo . Call Bob BR 211 ba. near parks. Pier and illp-(or large OC14M AtOM'f' DUfUX I °"9 DOWM Fantastic opportunity for 1 or several friends to purchase newly remodeled duplex right on the sand on Ralboa P~uJa~ Under marke' for quick sale at se.ooo on fee land. 2914 Oceanfront. Owner. -Call ~for 838·3232. Pnnc. QlllY. Owner : 213/478-3577 •Br l~· Ba I fi ( .1 Meytt S..35001 ofc ot =· S8'7S mo. Barrell boat. Furnlahed six 1:irRwt\.·1.,.., -• • . '" . ar e am1 Y •1-...__ Allv ,~,. ~_,, 1r.1:==.:.:-=·----c.r-...... JH2 homt. Built o elect .,._........... ..:=1--..·-bedrooms. fi ve baths. Fallbrooll Ranch. 3.2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltltcheo, .h'?li.ly r m. 3Brcondonr Bolsa Chica STIPSTOPOOL dT~i0nn1.1.roo_.m0u1rnt5d 11 dennd acres. 100 trees all Ir· 8r:. fireplace 1t1 hvmg rm. & Heil. llOO/mo + last f GOL1tCOUISI .. ~ ~ rigated. 3 Br 2 ba home . · acular Ot'elD & t'ily cal'l>fla drapes 2 car mo. 846-l?Cl aft &pm. ancJM>'°San Joachin beacha. ~rt term Or 195000lltTDal9r&.2nd Ibis view from every pra e 'patio si2s1mo years lease SSSOO nisn.ooo at l2~. A room.Lar1e2B~.f.11>lc. lnc1:f.:'washer dryer. VACANT38R.2Ba.pre· 2br.clen.2bacondo.lm· month.Broller.&3l·?300. SfEAL! TRY s143.soo.1 many amen 1t1 es . refn'de Avail lmmed· stiae nelgbborbood. mac. M7Stmo.1$S·U20 All 1 siax>tmo. Call Anthony " · · · $750.912-4471 KeJth 4 bdrm. 2~ ba S950 per .631-1579 I days 642-5757. eves & 3094 Yellow1tones orr Altnt'tlve 3 Br. I~ Ba . mo. Woodbridge DOYa SHOIH ._... I ...W..Qt.-0. !:.~~~arlnlo . 'l' ·S· re n c e d "a rd • 213-ISS-1911 Nr. new 4 f>C&m ,~ram I . 2100 ,.,._, lat. u t. secu.. 1 ---=='-='--'-='=---• b 1 . •· •11 2BR, 1~ Frple, Patio. ! re~uJ . A•enl. mlc.rowave. 1675/mo. rm. ome n quiet . ........................ Gar. S1W Pt Set Dep, ~__'!_...... •atts eves, "3·67117 lbr, tt-""ALS ll50 secluded Wutr llH <:i:'===~~ ~ZJJ.Gl.11811. Eva, ;.i;; 3 BR. (pie, llns. ar.-2ba "7S ~ryr~~:·r~c: , c:Uor Z12 atrtt Patcat· Pldo. '"$mo. Beachwalk Townhft for lbr,lba tl$O 11u1e r1m. llkchtn. Pool .. Gold ..... on llot.IMf LEM! OR OPTION 4br ..... ~ rem mo. lit l11t $300 4 br. 2"' ba moo ..... IUOO/llo. Lode. No lesa tbn 2be w extt bm. 11400 ~l:*t~vnt Ill deo. ZBR tBA call Dolli b2blc.o.talltta$l150 w-AwM. T..._.C. lfllll000.1141642·180Z. llD.0wnr/A&t.7SMOOS. ~liTGtJtW!edl, arPaUL__,. LeR.ailorRltYID.etCIO m -··144-411'0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I 1-I i I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I. I I I I I I f I \ , - • IS-orange Counfy Real Estate/An ~Ising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Februay 'D, 1982- ............ I , d . c I I I .. ....,.. : t d ,_ I I d " ...... ....... .. $ I th ....... ••••••••••••-• .. •• HlllllUleeeH••••-• U .. 'a Id )4ll IHI II-••••-• HHHHH ... -•••••••• •••••••••••••-••••-• IUl••;,;;;;• .. •H;;~ ..... J14' •~ put._. JJff ~ pat INdl U6' -So.~::.:•Pl•••••••8•••••12•: It tk_w.._. J741 ~ p ,.._. l?ff c....._ 3124 ..................... .. ,, , , , , , ..... •••••••••• 1111,.,,............... \.Alll:M au .1 r w ......... •••••••••••••••• .............................. ••••••••••••••• ....................... ,_ _______ _ Cual Ftoot. Newport Buul Oteu view, hr let. T~. pooll. tt1..• f1Nl$T MeOCCtMCY! Shora.48r+.Ltueor NewpottBR .. ~·~pool· 2 :S.c:5°mdwtr.Agt ..... \:tai.eU.lag! 1 ~~'a:~Wlilin· MOO/m>. Z Br. t Ba. ••MEW•* Olltioa to buy. SUOO/mo. ~"2 -. teani&, • Bl!IUllful part-like SW'· d 'd. $425 D'IO. lll aad Adults. pool •. beamed *~ lllSAS '* 'fami.s. pool. walk to •1111 to beach. 950 11'11 rouadincs. Terraced 1 · d ttiUac. laundry room. Mitoneo~ •pt ~ada. Agent Mf-lOM or or lease optioa. M6.o&l6 THEILUff'S pool. SUnlleti aas bbq. as\· 1100 attunty t · No PtU. No last mo. ZBedroom 66,211!5__ orl46-tl22 ~ foUi bedroom. sparkling rountaias. ~m.ne rent.. 642 l&03 Lrg I Br adult. near ZblbCromoc=un br,3be.2cargar.Nwpt three batb condo Spacious r oom s . s.a1 • ]776 TSUIGMT .:__ alloiil. pool. all util pd. padclieleftn.!_d.sNI 11 & CAM Y 0 M Crest condo , 11000. "Guadelupt" Model. ~rate dlnjng aru. ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• a...~ Ai!J t.•Uloarovia.$41--0336 balroniesor.,,.,.a COteO 131-CNIO .Near shopping and Walk -an tlostts . 2 Br. 1"2 Ba . walk to Large 1 Bil down 1295. Cute Bath. Close carports 3 Br. full golf course HarborVuKaolJ3Brt'Oft· scboob. 11115 mo. Year· homtllke kitcbt!n • bNcb. 225 La Pak>ma . w/palio • yard . up Bueti. Utilities pd. allllliJ~eill•eptelec view. lelois, pool, s pa. do.~ l900str. Lots lylease. Btoter'3l·7300 ubftts. Walk lo Hunt 8. .637-7918. ·~~)' 6 uUaedral Somtfumavail. '9 ~ ~e. $1300. 644·7424 of storage. Comm. iD&lanCetiter. cetli•• frplt, d/w. pool, .,.., ,..14 Allant171~1 c.!-:~·"8 _, r::! is $ 200 l Bdrm·fUl'll,$485 s.A...... ]716 -_._ '" ,.._......., -· _ _ Jtma . 1 /mo . SoCoast Pl 8 12 -••••••••••••••••••• 91-. tar port. No pels. tit. d 1 2 BR 2tl8 condo. U hr . . .144-5591 h Tau.~ r pw 14 No Pets. La&una Beach. beaut. ~ 6 private. 1465 6 Lit ~bl apt, g oe. senirity. • ... pool. spa. _,,., BLUFFS. Spa~IOUS· r sec. eHas. oo . Utilities free! f .,. 2 BR ~ .3'WHarlL ~1.447. N . ' adults. 1295. ar 2ba io 4-plex. S47S. SO ...,... f.:ll •ru. • spes. S550 iacl waler. wu.. sua... . s a . 1511 . ltlhSl. w-d bk-up, prv patio. 17 /mo. 7S·4-4114 lll 3bdrm, family room. 2..., 9157.Q222 LAQU.INTA H .. RMOSA u una. satellite V. QUIET ADULTS over 3S, lsd 322 wild-or m..ms '-......_ itb la l · "' ·d •100 .. ·-"-·-i Br .... ...,. lbdnn. 1tovel refrig, W. mt gar. No pets ev/wbcky. ~ib.smok~ep~. 3br,2bl.~rSCPlau. :1J~4.wt;~ki~b: ~~~r ... Wa . i;".':ij.....:~i!c7o Sidt.SJ16/mo. _&6MM~------- H.tler-Yilwtt-Nopets.~mo. 958. Pool. JU. rtt rm. FAfiaetr .c ' . pets. LEEWARD APTS. 64M3l2. 211dnn.2ba.Cresb as nt w. Slaller 4 Br. 21, Ba. Just m -S33l S&S-lUl.S643ZS I .. =· 211111'\illerton,Ql.Q317. ISJD/mo. 2 Br. l"'a Ba. lmclgar. s:;oo. ~ated, close to Qliet3BR.2t,,BaQ>ndo. NmrSCPlua,3 .Bdrm.2 4\i: V d 11fEVICTORIAN: Nt!W· towoho111e. carage, Dee 968-'608 paol 6 ,.rt. Sl.225/mo. Pool. Spa, car. Smart full batbl, 1111&la1rs. Pool ._. 17• -··•••••••••••••••• 1y deeor. 2 Br w/gar.. lalltldry room. sma 11 WALK TO BEACH. 1 Br iatlud1ag gardener. decor.f7SO/mo.75-9100 .trdubbome. 9ISO mo·--•••••••••••••••· .......... JIN ~c~•drapes,blt· anl.~.=-,appt.TSL s tove' refrig~ ~1135. crC.81. Ask for Ana. lll 6 1Mt. Geny Jones, L&.mury stlldio. spa. TV, -·-•••••••••• m . patio. Adults. C.11 • 1mo 535-7979. 2 Br. I Ba Newpo rt 2BR2Ba.fpk.~ebrkk .'3l·m5.!#. llllicf servite. pboees. 2 bdrm. l bl. F.nd pr. ~l.SP~.&JMl20. lbdnninlriple1near So. WALK TO BEAC H Hfi&bls. Very pfivale. plltio. romm tennis ,. Te t 1 11 S125wll. •2227 CvM! a. yurly 117 'G Vittona 70 Cst Plau. Xhlt coad. BadL AQ¥e • refn&e garage. ou r Hoag. beaches. Avail now. "' '' d )525 ~Studio apt. view. 1 mo. No pets. Roomy 3 Br. Towntiouse j Garage. No pels. 1425 Gas • water paid ~ llOO. Act. 4i75·H59: --·••••••••••••• blod:frombut'll. E• Tl4/m-tl20 ~ in,:!et adult com-nD.ll:D-1293. mo.535-1979 HABBORVUROlllES m.-. ~ deeorated Jbdrm ~33». New !er I Br w/rrplc .tr fu; ty dttora~ed.i.._,_,. ]126 DILUll2• t IA J II{. 2 t.. comm pool. w/ltlt bd gar nr ... J7ff ~&: Yrly $550/mo .~· l':i~spao':.16 -·••••••••••••••••• l mi ~acll. frplc. ~cl ~/IDO. '44·!405 s.c. Pl.au. Adults ooty. ................... m 'f utiL . 673-GZ :,c DO pets SS7S lllo SUoer nut. small I Br. pr, disllwasbtr, blt·t.ns. 3 BR 2 Ba. pool. dialD& 2~ Sff:?ft!S z 0 0 Pt! t 1 C 1 1 1 ant .•o~thing 1tn • .........._ p • I -17 ~ ...;.1 or ..... ~ · Villa with courtyard. smoke alarm. balcony !liilmil. · • Mnl32!1. •~.•al ID a 2 Br. -" • • -~---•• .... _.... qiHt. DO pets. SJ7S WI· WM' ...t. S4'S before II rm/ lam rm. llOO Clay. ...-. aear pool • lm--~-t ---•••••••••••• a.i-3 Br. Pool. R-rm. f r ,_., ,.... NB. Sl.OllO per mo. Agt. DiL Wallt to beach, slat " • C'OID.-"' Y """"' .. ~ un.. S. um. 493.._.., -'PM'""""""'•~Mll5=----S41·5GZ cmd. Avail 3/10. $795. nf ....... ,_ l f 1d fin? llo.. -.1m. OCl.ltlROM1' Utils paid. Walk So. MS-7Zl. 151 _ -·-•••••••••••••• 2 bdrm, 2 balh, new Coast Pin.a. C.11 collect ~----~----- -. ........... paimt &: carpet. Yearly 2D/l'T7.-. OCEAN VIEW! !ti 2+2. .. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ .. , _·--············· lease~ cau Llada or rpk. split level lls 00· ... 2br,2~ba.pool.tee• Le Studio, over dbl ArU'~lS. IMSTANTIM! mo.~I nas. llOO mo. 644·1.442 rara&t!.S.OOmo.utilm· Nu2638R;.2BA.yearlY. ~~.!!~~tu~ z..ta ocean vi.:;'·• m.m~ d . lit 6 last + SIOO Stt. t)pk. bit-ms. gar, par\. room. C.t ok. RuJ SUll· y. pnge. c JI. 4 Br . 2 ,, 8 a . 2 fircplacu . put tan g Oftll. &anttner. VACANr 4Br 28a, pool •. f15.l&l iag. Close to bay 6 "1· 'Ibis one wont last. :z.;~ ~:.t:, Dr. 09en daily . 2242 14eZBR l ba. yurty. l OCDD.8rtr'75-49IZ. 'r.il.11 ml642,f412. Heat b e r . S I 4 O O gar. S1G01im + util. Agt. 9.epa to bead!! cute I br. 2 Br. 1,'2 Ba. Townllou.se~ I W , .... JI Onr • · ~ m-G2 ...._ yd. qw. et s~reet. caragt! patio sma II -·•••••••••--••••• lt700/mo. Realtor: Joyce Edland __ __,MZ:.=--'235 Ideal ror cple No kids or ' ' Wlf ........ (banlront 3bt:. 2ba. UJ>· ..... , • h ..... u-t51 · fl id yard. No pets. 1510.WWWff Amh per, fbt.stc vaews. 7400 -••••••••••••••••••• ._.... ...._ one ...-. -· mo. u 1 pa • MS-C7 Ualum.. I bdrm lpt. AU W. Omfrt. 21ge db. 2 W-mkr RenlaJs. •rBlk rr and"'°bedroom-" . av.ail 3/4i '73-4414. . UliJ pcl All amenities. 4 leaee ~· avail. in elec. gar drs . Is~ ...... 18R~.2BR•uc. _,_, n-•.-.. lbr,2cargar, •/Ot>tner ..... lt. --. -_... ........... ___... frplc . micro. dis . .----T;.;..;... _____ --------~~-Somedlstress /mo.Rds.642-897:3. _SmcJ!,p!IO,l"lJ.9325__ _. UNAWD. 15'15.2br, 1111 ba. No pets. 1525/m>~JlU r Delne poolside xlra . E WHIFFLETREE ----3 Br. 2\41 Ba. 2 s tory BAY FRONTAGE beacb. Oeliwood lleo offet's lit. last fr Stt. Avail. bqt 2br 2 b1 bltns j 1 Z-J Bclnn Apts G _ __.~·;..:7.::I0-:....;9571=::;.._--1 Towabouse Pool/tennis . 2 Br 17u:. ut·J pd 3/Lm-4119 Bachelor. ~:!~~e ~riu. d.wtlr I ~ m11n' kach' ~ Sama pool .tm~:· PROPERTvHOOSE . ~· -· 1 . ·M~,... 1J tm.Patio . .,,..,.,e/n:.• g, AdNMJ. ...... SSOOm1) ._. ' • · WESTCUFF 6e31150 642.1010 Till 5·27 . 303 E •• 1 ·, Otcaaf~l 3 lJR 2 Fla =oprd. no pets ~no.--· · etc.-.osJJ~·---v-pn·..-.te estt11li•e 3 -~A·-_attt_. 1..8711.156. o--BA. pnmt .area. xlnt S4l-GllOI --........:... -----"'-· 2 Br 2 Ba •--2 8 -i ~!!: ~ •• • -• CODd. no pets. SHOO/mo. :::.r,.,__ l52S Sb 2BR 2BA ,...,... · a....., r 4wBrs.:.r/2dBra"r~'~rmerig. DQ.USIYI ~·~bloctlto nnd, •f1-.illl 714-337·2414 da ys BEAUT1P\JL2 Br28a Min.t ~Bcb .ldui 1!11oft.2'2 8a.2.241sf. a u".,., 1$16.00 "mo IAYsmECOYl s:i(I mo. till mid-June .... r I 7J4.m..MD4after5 MesaVtrdt. .. __ . -·-1 N. p .... tilt Heman tub. 2 mble • ~ + ~aut Q>lumbia ~10. And Muc:tt More' -----Garden Apt. s .... ., ,..,,.... · o "'~· frpl, cmtral nc, W D Gardener• pool modef,fullct«t+waler ~r<kururontRt'tl FOf amontt1.or111te-cu't-lteclllll Frplt,l..edry.Dsbwshr @!:330'1_$ll39 ___ iw.>.wtt·blr.846--9SOI. ~:~';;' Agt. \W. ~e2 BR + dt!u.. tal 3BR 38A. prime ameModelsooendllt\I --................ Enclaledgarage.'525 12 1 lbr collages . -"9=:»~S ____ _ fpk. vaulted dgs. 2 car atta. iJnt cond. DO pell. 911ml0flpn HoPltl F:=tc ,..., ~1111£! S46-4014i la>S38$1im. 12 bill lo ARLING1'0NAPTS "-tier-.,._ Le.. pr. Lovely decor for Call For Your Reserva Lara and rooms. 1 Br Elside. small but ~-~'fi:~r~· :pt. Spaciola5, quiet 2 br. "' 4Brlba,frml8ininc.r r. llW)st disttiminating. I lion Now! 714.3371.414 l:~~-~•12 _ cozy w lots or n ul ----· .:. ·-ti. t~ Adults onlY slQd)'. beaut dec. lge lewl.SJIOOmo_lse.Agt. ~714-m-8MallerS Olkwood C.W .. Mw JIJ wood.DO Adult.son.ly ....... Nopm.Nrtbebearl1 ~1~~~1~ -..i7 Dix furn. 3 br. 2-ba apt. o.denApa1t1ea -................... ~l-8522.. --·•••• .. ••••• 9"656 . '12JllO/ Agl Bob Ottall • bay YW Crom Nmr tJw oceaa. lrg 2 Br. BialL I BR. quid bldc. lrr.:=======~=======1;;1 :'0iwit!~:159.iz21. 38rbome ......... ms Slllldect, avail. immed. NMlpolta.cta/No. maa y amenities . small dogs accepted. BlyfnllllSBr ...... S32SO Wiatt!r MOO/mo, y rly 8:~ S750/im. Days 642-5757. bltns. 213-498-'716 or · E1ecutlve bomt nr twitbdockl lllOO/mo.61S-S204 ,...u. .. .-·~ ews6wbcb631"630 _ 711-816 I Wtstdilf Plaza 3 BR 2 Waterfront Homes · --'' ... ,_., .... BA lg patioljacuni. Rltn.lnc. 631·1400 C.W .. W. ]722 ....._......vSo UNUSUAL I BR apt. 3 • l Br. Duplex. garage .. ~ l900/mo. lnclud ••••••••••••••••••••••• • blks from b eac h. lal.Wldry room. 1365. No ~ St!rYice 6 •ard. 409 1 bdrm. 1 bl rum. us 1700 MICtl& SStS/mo. util )n t l ....... ~,.,.. ., _.. (Oo.ef • IMI) 0-sse& c=.: -- ·Kennebunkport? Didn the win the Monaa> Grond Prix in ~ gnolla '31-2914 6 3 Br 3ba condo. Lge cou Poppy. S400 mo. Ownt!r C114JI06ns __ __ _ ~ 2 BR. sm yard. &CZ-3015 unit. 2 car gar. S950/nio 78>-14JO. 2 Br. Bay view. Close to attach. car. '525/mo. 900 If you re not surt who (Of what) ~nybUnl\port Bl)'!lborts 2bdrm. sle,.. m .A .6'1~ .---beac h. Avail 3·1. .ft541-4845 was.OonHtlflbad-)"ot.i"renotalonc!. ~fl)~ ..... c ... ~-J714 -----, 875-9005 t.o bly, guarded fate s. a • ]27' --OCEAN AIOM1' _..,mo. . -1 br. s14>tr clean. encl. Kennybunkpon IS ore of 14 dtstinctJ\lefY comm. 50Clle rum. Avail -·•••••••••••••••••• -•••••••••••••••••••• 3 bdrm~Zba. AvaiJ mon· 2 BD>, Iba. steps to bch. ~· ~ulta. no pets. 279 dlffff'Mt~t ftoorp&ansat Seiwlnd Vlllq t.o 7/1. S7SO/mo. <21J) 2 Br. den, 2~, ba. Adult, CASA DE OIO thly 'til summer 1750. $HS/mo . D. Pash. 11. Walson. Apt. B. in t-+JntwlglDn Beilch.SNMnd Vilq iu ~ 97-0al; 12~f72.SI01 Pool/t ennis 1695. ALL\Tl'ILJTIF.S PAID ~:ll>lO , Bemu Rltr7Sf.1221 S mo.MS-1119 of tot.illy ~proft!ISIONI pUnnind For least: Eastblufl CC'lOD,at-~ --SHORTTf!Rll -So. olhwy. Ugbl, s pac. 2 The kind ohtttnt.too ..,., de9iefw beotifldly dttorated J 11t.-L-Compart! before 1ou ,._ __ ,_, • ••ar t .. _ br. sunclect. ~t gar ..._ l •• 2 la. 1-Br 21~ n.. IMJialt o..-er --rent. Custom de1i~a un·•111•-· • ·~ "" -1~ lfOar.eopees. tsSO. A ptrf«t blend of nature '1nd ...._ _ ~ ,"!"'..:.., .,......._ll·. C _''WWW 3271 BB beacb aplJ avail. bv Rap. adults uuv:• l&SO SiMIN,56<-'"""-' _ _, _ ,.. ~~-"""' • fellta:res: Pool. • ~ ~ . nestled 111 a fort5l With babtlltng brookS n qi.-t n1t0/m> Adl&ltl oeJy ---.. •••••••••• <"O•·rd/anfe. sur· week ot mo . Agt , . 2 Br. u1per apl. ponds.cOOlldbylllnnloaiant>reezesAOdto ..._.. · · 4 br lmM w/ganleoer. rouade wUll plush m.111!_ ___ IBr,lBapt.apt. wuber/d ryer ht. · ape 6 frpk. -.0 mo. 1.-..ca.,.;,,,• No..... a..-1 B l50l mo ,... tNt tennis courts. swwrnig pools. a .,.:uw n •-2 br, I be dapln m.111,..-.-.. .-.-· ~ VU. lmmat. 2 r. ' ,... Htlsd aarage. all -r I I ... · !Br.Iara f19m.-S j mature oely, avail. 3 ~1 amealtiu. carpets. ac~IOQCJonnew~iOCI ::,:;~.':~:em;s...-. JZll ~;r/'Wllsoa ''::~ fllD. llattb.Juae. sa. .... Jll4 drapes. ~/mo. 71~ ~UrlOyou'wgotapiuqonewoutd l1ID f73.el'4 -................ · • -@J.tl74 .. _ ...... -........ Hamillon Ave. '42·1'°3 proudly c.a11 homf.(Ewn ~) ·. · . Ab1ot11tely fabulous ~_........... <keadnint lbdrm, fura. la~~~-oraft7,7t0-0'7M:..... Ont<lndt'llllO IJedroom.ont<lndt-obMl'I 8tNihll ottaa vaew. Z lloUle 3BR lam rm. P.!! ~ b . T ' ~ Br 2~ Ba Coodo tea· ZBA. Bat toC Ill to 1 . D7S. Drive Y P . Ull.fum $:\00. aU Newty • Gas pd. SllllU I Br. I peraon only. ~ts from $f'IOOO aiS. r4· i pa. walk lo s c Plua· G1 ated 1'71~~.?11 I ~.....?»· m.,!L~ dys; epoolncl ~r .. dA/dwal sber. !!J!.~ta .c .. P7!! mo ~~ICl'IQllOll Vl1119f ........ _,. "ear•v or . . ,, L-..... ~ nou•v.-I ._._.eves Wanwt. • • u ls. no ··-· .. ~-··_!!!V --1 v calllaL, a1c, e....._.. .,ar. ---MZ leaseotition. 5",.W, S1SD.CaDnes5-10pm ~Nhl:mbrLR•batll.I z•hli•t · · Near S .C . Pla za 64Mm.. S9«i55. All atil llKt Mesa Verdt, I CoedO wD OttU Yiew. 1100 °'' tat Mo. RenL Br~w park-like a.t Jbdnn, 2be i.oc-. Intel lltl CIMi5Ulll3 ~I Ele1ant1~nisbed ! ~2Br, 1 Ba.ms. ~flool. spa, tar port, yrd, clospoole 1:,~e1a11, _ ............... a ('ild ad~& Is ~}': &yrne.1r;:. sar1 • ..!_h8a.~.~ue· ....,:'5· 2 Br. SSSO tm5Hwlb11Qt011~111gtt.n ~lleldl.CA nimm, •• ,,_ "'°' llOllEPOR RIHT allla.erw.,totetl -~ "'();. aJ. · · -. --014) 8!MM961 ICHICa. J 8*m. 1175. fCTtttd .... abeiit t.11it Mf\IJtt ~ · .-, 8M.'belor 6 l Bt. Apta. All SO. COAST AIU from ltlf S.. ~ Fl'lfWly drM nanri on lllcrl to ... a br .... 9*¥d -,,..... " ...... ~. l(.ldl • ,.,. Mtt lo oner. Mk Larfe IBR. Util pd. S""· ..... .., pell. Pool. bbq 2 Br. I Ba. A1C. pool.. rec Mcf'~. °'"' ... on MlfadOln to s.-no V111gt. ~belt, new crpl. wkomt. S&S-2'IO. allallt our low rat.-lo-mi.. Quirt SUQ, M21 &. 6 utltd «•ra1u lacil . •«· 1att1. 110 F\lm!fwigu~·~~ IOAM 'tll~ ~~ 1 .., ree. ...,., aaJiSt. ~·· Ill). at ms ~· SSJD,..P ,. 911.3552 1:1.!J:::=;:::::=:=:::=:=::::::::=:::::;;i;l!iiE35!!!!!!!9'l --------._ ---"' .. --Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the OAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 27, 1982-ll Afol ..... u.fwa. .Afalwilh...._ ..._ 4Hll .... le51tw. 4300 ....... Sltw. 000 ...... OMcel.iiil 44HOMNllllW 4400 ··············~········ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..,~ 4350 ............................................. . I' 1 ....... 314G Ml c•tai.... ll6t J>\'l. tot. no smokin1 or Pror. Mt•' over 30 to Prof. woman w/ H.S ....................... ,,. ________ 830sq ft , l'rptd. newly de· -... ._ ............. , ....................... drink.Ina. q\,liel M over a hare 2 Br . 2 Ba . Senior needs F Lo share Ganiae S.SO mo 2864 La ..-IT c---cor •• air. incl all utils. MAlltBS WALi ,..., 30.128S/mo ~-0637 Nt'lfl)Ort Beach Condo. COM 0ttanside l400 + Salle, C.M. Call after .-...-rv _... 1 -Ample prig. Ideal for Ltg 2 Br. Townhouse ••NEWPORT Room. fmle prd. in ~~nrlds ut1ls . \1.Pennv800·2S2·77@L_ 6PM.951·2740__ bca••Offlct law. acct~ engineer, Apartment. Frplc. IDIDTM£NTS Cluistianhome.1200•mo -H.semate. 3S+ wanted by Double garage ror zJr.:~ etc. Nr.o5 wy & Bearh enrlsd gar. patto. Near ,.,-,. WI ind. lg yd w pool, Shr lrg IWl home w1pror prof. female w 1rurn. stora&e only .$90 'mo :::,. 1..e.!' · Avail•· Blvd. IM7·7727 M·P, 8·5. }lioUfarbour Children llfUOK. 646-61187 person. lst, tut & dep. Look together. beach H.B. 96().s.26() Call Wm. F. Cote PIOflSSIOMAL OK Sm mo M0.6807. COUMY'IY CLUI Room/p\<t BA. kilt'h pnv ~mo. !166M79 -area. Francie: 831·0116• m mo llunt. B. zo x 18 for more information OFflCE SPACE New. nr Hunt II arbour. LIVING IN W •D. Fum. Quiet K'f.I 495-2178. double garage. nr Beach t Cote Realty Nr. O.C~ Airport ~.2ba. r11>k. S6SO NEWPORT ;~w,00:::~; ::~. ROOMMATE · ~~~~os:!1C:::a3bpe~1~~ 3~~=~e64:~~:rage & lnvestm~t Sl::.s=.6:~1r WALK TO BEACll . IEACH employed non-smoking FINDERS . &1s.assoaft.6· Nr Ntwpor1 & 19th. Al • 640-5777 _ ___,5.._.,•l.K.:;;llU,....l ..._l4.__ Bachelor. stove & geMlemen, writing Oldestadargeatagencri. Persontoahr3brhouse. leyaccess.640-8107 _ 300 SQ. rt.+ patio refriae. Gas & water A luxurv community on book. seeks quiet spe>t on All "lients a"r .... ned w·1 h on the beach. N.B. 1275 balcony a"ross rrom n:.iu. l."m1mo. S36·7979 the B~~k Ba"· Spec-Penln Pt. Rers . John ~·os4crer~r;~ces. incl. utils. 673·8225 -.._•--A-a 4400 KOLL llYIME ' ' , 6'1J..8l,.,., --l~S'L 'M~ Westcli!r Plaza. Avail an ~Br. 11, Ba, 2 stor)' con· tacular Spa. 7 swim· .... its: Cosmopolitan Female. Nwpt Bch 3Br ....................... Apr t I. S2 4 0 1 mo . do. $500 /mo . Br)'an mingpools.81ighted ten· Furn. room. kitchen GoodMomlngAmerica. Condo. rurn. non· L617Westclirr.N.B.Waot 2400sq. t.tota . sq. 171Cl648.4884. (714 1995.6166 wkdays, nis courts. bike trails. privp.C.M.1200mo. TheTomorrowShow srmker. S'l96 incl. util. financial Inst. 7000s .r. ft.deluxeoffice.LSOO SQ. <213l92il-4040messn. putllng green . S49·8677 •12 orf• to all new Don 63l-08LS. Sat/Sun llt.floor.AgentS4J.S032. ft.warehouse ...._.. ...... 4450 Bachelors. l and 2 Olde rr h clientswhoneedaplace. 9-6. Co.rfesytolrlln ••••••••••••••••••••••• Int. 3144 bedtoorna apartments. r wate ront me. MIWPOIT 641-11H I EXECUTIVE _ (7141151-4760 SloreorOffice. l350 sq. ft ••••••••••••••••••••••• and townhouses from fem non smkr. 21·,85. Rmmte wanted: N. B. • SUfJES Mesa Verde Area W.u ....... soiu"•• SS40toSIOOOpermonth $250 mo. all pr1v apt. 3bdrm with nice .N KOLLCIMTEI 545-4123 2 bd~P. v e:Yni ce On J1mbortt At 67UQ 3 BR 2 sty, NB. nr beach. \'1tw. call 760·3868 NEWPORT with laundry room and San Joaquin Hills Road OCEAN breezes. jog or tennis. S350. S40·9712, Udo Isle. M/F non smkr HlllTA&I Ele&anl Exec sultes in Ca==rdcll encgarMi-3873 (714)644·1900 bib to beach. Lite. brite 76Mlll0,631·3618 m>tmo '2util. PLAli presti&ious Joe. Incl ......_ 4475 -rum rm for busy work 675-9449 New lwcury Office space sec re ta rl a I. recep· ••u•••••••••.•••••••••• ... ,,_,. .. _.. )I" NO FEE! Apt. & Conde · . · M/F -3 BR Park in Irvine 's ~ualest tionlit. telephone ans & Prime Tustt!' & S_an ••••:;;•••••••••••••••• rtnlals.'Villa Rentals. log penoo. Pool, Jae. Newport Twnlue Pool/ Fmle w1nu roommate to t'tnter! Easy Fr'wy ac· more. O!ca from SC3S Clemente retail or omce m.4912 Broker. :.:t~~le~~Pn~ati:!!· spa/ tennis Vu back share F.V. Condo. rrptc. ceu. Avail. now! Call I rm On-call of cs 5165 sna,.., 130-1470· 831-8699 te'TUMIAVI I.Mee lBR Util pd. SPot· NoMmoke, nondrl,;-k: Bav.Jan7S9·0Cl!8__ washer/dryer. ~riv. ba. i details ~ zmo~·r'1,ry_~.&~!ge. less Quiet SW. 2421 E 1\1, kit. pri\•. Rers. S300 2500sq n rondo to shr, lg f!f·590096J..X~ w .. ednds." :1.u1j HMZlO Q~A l1HlR Ji~~~:~!;;!'.~.~ .. !~.~~ ....,., """ .... .._ lflOISt.645-47L8 __ incl.utils.631·2288 rms on beauti ful ...,,. .......w. ays. PANIES A professional NB 3975 Birch 8860sq BEACH l bdtm. bright Steps to beach. 2 Br. I': NB. Room. pvt bath. Grttnbll & view or the MtF 4 BR lue. Newpe>n •DILUXEOfftCIS• en\•lron ment (71 4 ) ft 0rless MIA.zone so· and Ill")'. 17 blk ()(ean. Ba. f11>IC. Jmmaculatf kitdi priv Non smoker, bay. W pools. SS7·7883 or Shorts. near beach, From l room up lo 2000 ~J.4681 per SQ . f L Ag e nt )'Tly. refrig, homed mnd .l650.m ·2S07 An. S27S.63l·7215 640-'339 pool. 4c teoniJ. W D, lq. fl. From 11.16 ~SQ . .,.1<1t......,.rS e.DOUSS S41·5032 ceilings No Children or 5:ct B Ba r 1 . Rmmte wanled. male fpk. pr. Pia.no. $3SO + fl. No lease reqwred. -~ "' ..=.:~=-· -----pets A\'ail Mar J $495 IOUS3 R2 • pc, Companion. em ployed O\'er. 35• emlfcl'd. qwet. 'autiLS48·4340 A&lj. Airporter Inn. 2172 Answerin& & mill ~3000--sq. fl. b> Npt. ""r mo. 36lh & Balboa .gar.S850 Lady for Newport apt Ii al h Dupont. Ca ll AM ser vlceJ, conferenre fwy & 405 fw)' From ,... 673·8060atent _ Pn\•_ Br & Ba. S48·4017. ber . l.aa c 494·6Zl6 Sbr 2br/2ba apt, Lag 113J.3223. room AQJ. OC Airport. $504 Mr. o ·Keer e Ana Oa)'& 615·2699. .... b bch h S Bdl. e>«an \'U, terrue. SlOO/im 7141~1-·lJ.4_2 8Sl -Eves673-91~ -WATBFIOMT Large attractive room1 '"&:'m:nre. S290 ,:· + ~~ t::m.6«109 .W-2308 11TH STIHT -='"-'-="------ 2 Bdrm 2 b.ch near t,,. WITHD<>a steadil)' employea uti.l. Cluld? Employed. F to lhr Laguna Bearb COSTAMHA OfNrlce spaBcLedon busy COHST.CflCLE beach. MOO per mo. Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba person, 40 years + '92·7343 evs wknds home Nonsmkr. re(s. 2or3roomofricesuites. ewport 11 • Appr~x. 2500sq. fl. umt incl. 322 (yearly ). 7sz.Zll41 w1spe in mstr Ba. J>lt·in Ref erenres ·with or 641·84 dys --. 3017 ft 211 A/C. plenty or prkg. Util ~1 .... squt.i'lsft .... ~ON/moe~;Po1nrt· sq. rt.of office+ 5000 sq k.itth .. C11>lc. dbr car without kitchen prlv. -,._ -·r· a . m. incl. Avail. QOW. Call ,81 ... vd. "'--t""a JUM•oaw. Se• rt. fenced asphalt CO\ Bayfronl 2bdrm. l rar garage. + 2 additiOfU)I ~,. House to share in "'·"1. In Nwpl. Non-smiting Realonomics 675-6700 ~ H ~ ettdyard. gar. nr Lido Island. olf·stspaces.n300. Male room.mate ne-... ed S300+40'lutllities. rem only. Pool. quiet. Manager. .... ............... ytol..a. ... SiOOtmo . Annual lse. ~ 645-6330 1MS1ctal '3l·3S2ll 600 sq fl Mesa Verde ~7S 700•., 558--0933. -fnsJ~PropM'7J:667o ~';°u~~r ~;i::~n if!IO~: _F _or_M---'lo shr 2Br duplex _,re""m=lS.::::30::::..:l::::o..,_a::::h::::r::.lg_3_1tr~.1 area .. ~·4123 "':f.O~rt·~=f"' lndus~~4~a:~4units for 3 bdm. 2 ba, close 10 646-UXl9 C.M. wl M. 1230 + • 2 util 28a t.t in Nwpl B~h. 1 ocean< 6t5·4912 da. lbr. w/farage, lndry rm. &31-2858Jerri $276 mo. Michelle BAY FRO LIT PACIRC PLAZA i~~i~Av~· fo~~q rrs..1211 eve, Bk_r _ __ ~utns. NwpJ, Hgts. Room to rent in Newport . S48.al87 " Old Spanish Haclendd 11.t.~ 94. Beach. Soare rooms gathering Primeoffice.673 1003. setting. 3900 sq ft . <will ltl!d. occupan('y. omce 3Br.2Ba.l''1blocksto · 4 ·0395-7S4·156lor673-4S38 dust! M•ke money. Fema le w,child will divide> deluxe ofrice &warehousespacewi1h ocea n $ 1 SO ' m 0 · Versailles bachelor con· a;; the be h N meet Interesting guests. ttiare my home in H. 8. Costa Mesa. 2SO sq. ft. space avail 7 /l 82. with rafl)et.s, drapes & wet· Owner Agent 675-2373 do. Walk to beach. . ac . :-KJlocn. Bttome Bed and S2Ht mo . Call He suite.S175rmo Utils in· pew or gardens & bars.3&'·4l'asqn.Call or77t).&s98. Out.standing. amenlties,,_~iew. 2 br. S4 imo. BreakfutHost. Wr ite..or 114 ~ cld. 179 W. l9th. St. !Spamsh rountaiM Wall ~4463~_:f'n.j-.L Lido bayfront. on Lhe comp!. sec $485/mo ~11.10bn,~3&S3 -call 6051 findley. Nou 6 3 BR Zba house with all ~l-89'18. to wall carpeting. A C. 1100 sq rt 2 o~'ls water. 2 br, 2 ba. newly 113.l-~ aut. vu rm. steps to Tanana -A 91356 <2 I anwmlles Non-smoker. 520 & 572 sq. ft Sl 00 per utilities & Jamtorial in· o,head door. front &-re: decor . r11>k. S'9V7S Lmod UDO Waurlronl 3Br Iba bcpn.~ 1;mfi "ph':'~ i~!~ 344-7878 . S22~ + •i util Days sq rt.. 397~ Birch .NB eluded C?n"enh1Sentcloca· arentry. frwy close. top yrly lease 413 ia I <> on sand Y bea c h _,. nu Rm + pvt bath Orean 83Z 4763. e\'es 836·5757 ~entS4J·S!132. lloa 234 E 171 t. osta rood $385.675·6251 Sou d I u P s I a Ir s I S900 mo Ritu Writer. ~ S48·~ \1t"'" Sea Terrace Apls. ask for Rod DANA POINT's best toe Mesaorcall 645 3120 ------ 673-1283, 675·3551 A_. 7SZ·5710 U-e.-&.. Motets 4100 Laguna Niguel S267 50 200'to500' at 71l' incl all l rv1n; Airport exec Storage 4550 .._....., 1 ti 6617943 llousemate ~anted . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br. 2Ba 1~nhse. 11ara~e Beautifol ba)' vie~. lower ••••••••••••••••••••••• + i u 1 s. -family almosphere in Y__til.~lanilor 97~·1120 suite. nice ofhres 1n Garage for rent on w OJllr. sm patio, 547~ duplex 2 Br 2 Ba SEALAll( MOTR Ba) front. pvt beach. Bal Ne~port Bearh. near ance space for rent. 385 friendly atmo~phere Balboa Pen next to t'un Ol>.642-4387 garage $800 mo No Wli)' rentals now avail Pen Sgl t' wants to bhr bearh and community sq. rt second rtoor Ans serv inr l Typing. Zon 10• · 20• 1 Sl~O 3Br. ZBa. f11>k. sm patio. ~U fn5-0236 .... 613-7Gp~ SlOS & up Color TV w same Resp person. pe>ol. $300 a month Prestigious Westchff ~erox avail.:_9S7·933l rm ~j.~\73~JSJO g,araaew opnr.t600mo 12 blk lo bch~rm ba Phones in room 2274 quiet h\lng Ari 6 & ~80 areaSl.OOsq rt Medical EXECUTl\'ESUITE 642-4S7 Refno . no k1tch. ~w7f.~rl Bh·d CM w16\d,67S-2025 Fto hr "' br, Z ba a~t. ~C81164.s~l Nwpt Cenler. ocn vie~. RV. boat. auto slorage " ....,. ....., ~ rorner ore. S500. full Fenced. stture. S30 mo Lar11!2bdrm. 2 ba. rpts. Pl> mo yr!Y 99~· . Pmle. Zl +. respons. C.M.$250 mo + 1, uli s service. 7599036 Qlr;taMe5a.646·1666 wa.lk·in clostt. nr ocean Across from bch. Lrg Inf tto.s 4175 clean. i.hare nice CM ~S.S611 an 6 S2S.S Mo-PnvateoHice tlt'".llmo.548-8190 bnght 2bdrm. 1700 mo. ••••••••••••••••••··~·· apt. w spme S22S mo Roommate. non·smkr ror parktnglkitchenettespc PnZ-N;wpor1 Burh of ..... W.ted 4600 .,..tv,"'-"" """'" !bard & Care ror ladies ~1·15!4 1 18600MainSt Hunt Sch rice space Newly re ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br yearly. Near besch ,.'ii _,...,....., blfl lg apt, Nwpl Ct. REF.INEO I d t h Pl R E · ----or couples. Best natural Roommate F prererred. 2 area 5215 Carolyn Dally Janlr All ulll pd rrodeled. beautiful Call a )' o s r m.5. a6y73a _1900· · Garaae Apt . steps to food & care. New rac1lily BR house. 2 car gar s,s7 24211 A\•aiL now' <714J848 ·3133 Mark 673-6606. w same. WA l. K T 0 beach & tennis courts. ror special people. c M. w o. 2 blk~ to Main bch ·------~--8CH 720-<1375 • --------•I $320 mo incl util Prkg ,,..,.,. Sb ~... · Uc -<Xficeapare. 750sq rt. nr ------. · .,.,,,.,..,1 --S365 includ. utilities r -.vuuu, orn view, w •Hu NT 1 NG To N Harbor & Baker, ssso Coufle desires furnished nu THE BAY ~{3. Avail no ~· Yacdioel ... ah 4250 497·2621 N.B + much, much BEAClh rm.5460571 ap . or home rental "" A-r be-h L-··••••••••••••••••••••• TEMPShrLUXTwnhse more.~mo.S48·3S38 10105/Fs.Hte ---BalboaBeachareaJuhe Luxurious. open 2 cross rom ar . g OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. w/vu al PK NWPT. Re sp. fem . to share • •3Pri\'a(e01'r1ces <Xfice for rent(· nr Costa or July. Wr ite R. Nonn. bedroom hideaway over· tBr+den Vrly S435. Avail. now. Weekly thru Ev ER y T II I N G Eastbluff condo. NB. • •2starr Areas Mesa POC!t Of ice. Park· 1S91 E. Prince. Tucson. looking Newport Bay. Adlts. pool. encl gar, nu summer. 673·7873. ruRNISHED ! Avail 3.1 S'Z751mo. Avail 3115 Teri * • Wetbar jin~1111·s.iooliliilmliliio.1548lilii·l5804liliililiiillilAz..iil8S7ll11i9.liiiiiii. Plush carpeting & cots 640-5078 . to 7.1 ssoo mo Call 644-43119,644-6650 ___ Available now·lst Floor drapes enhance !his one S.a..tlh 3176 PaJmSorings adre1131MBRon2· An s ~er Ad • 6 12 . Quiet fem.ale to share lg Z CaU mc1iu11-111:t.1 ol a kind upstairs unit terey CC> con ° . 642-"300 214 hrs bdrm ..,_C II r which is also eraced ....................... Sa. f'urn . wtatrium. ' -:..:·---apt . .._, a a ter MIWPOITllACH with Danish fireplace MrSC6"'1Hosp Golf tennis. Dally, Fem 23 +. 2 sly condo. 645-2318 --AIRPOR't:--C-u.stom of· spacious dttk mirrored I bdrm, stove. cpts, wieklf & monlhll rales Frpk. W/D. RZO Ind utll Rmmte shr nu Condo (ll"f$, eoo to 1800 sq n. wardn>bedoo;"plcture avail Mar 6, S370 mo. avai . 714 -55 ·8001 ~1473,9SS-0900 C.fll. non smk. W/O From90'pera/f. windows 0Herln1 a Call 1!9J.I644 Al\ 6.30 9-SPM, ult for >{ark. DANA POJNT. Sha re S29S. Leave message Mullan llllv. S.0-ZlllO panoramic view of the ,.... 3190 Manurolh 3 bdrm condo. hC?use available now . Joan646-9926 -~!~ .. '°fi V~~tmep:: .. ••••••••••••••••••••• &-SUOmi'!_~ I Bill831_1257 496,2989 Fem roommate for I ~u Oil ru 4(.e2Br,chlldrenok. Enc 499-: I ---belulHUI Promontory execup an Bto5pm. pr. S43Styrly . 16596-C PALMSPRINGSTAN! Share 4 Br. home btwn Pl. VIiia. ocn view. 17141120.2473 Alliance. 640-5078 1 Br. den Condo. Mtn. Bay" Ocun . Avail 1st. tn>lc 2Br ZBa. 675.Q27 .,,. Mew C:..C ... " --------._ 4000 pool vu. Newly furn fnS.3637aR 6PM. --2BR NB 1pt to share Fulhervice/cusCom 4bdrm. 2ba. frplr . ••••••••••••••••••••••• SZ50/wk. S60/day. A\•ail.1Spectacularvu,11ec. gal~. wife ma le over 45. office4cdelltspace. sndttk. patio. duplex. Laguna Beach Motor Inn, 3-22. l714lSSl-42SS. 1 pool . Jae. S345 mo' SJ97.SO t 12 util. &45-7460 Nr. O.C. Airport ~~ewport He11hts1 815 No. Paci fic Coast .Monterey cc. Palm j +Mimi. 760·9307 ___ all6PM ''Seeto=clate!" m>. l-77WlOC. Hwy. Laguna Beach. Deser1. 3 bdrm. wep. p has 2BR Apt to share Respon. sgl F wanted Lo 1.._ __ •7ililililia ___ 11 2BR. stove, refrig, gar. Dally,bWI eekLoly, Klt.chen rumtwpoolronh do.A\0'•0111 wtthF50+.szoo+11utll. ahr~•n vu hse in Lag•· )'rd. 2 blk beach. S600mo a\•ail1 e. w winter ror Ma r e . SIS . 5cs.0606 Bdl. No pets. $350/mo. yrl. 641-1105 m 3Slh rates.-~ l.J46.21M anytime. Larle 3 Br. Condo on The incl ulil. $1856. Cliff Haven, 2 br. l bi. Wortiin1 fem .. 25-40, It MAUI, fhwall. ocean Bhlf1, bayview. to 1hr MIF nnmt.t! to shr with 2 new crpt1 fmh paint. I* bd1. N.8 , 11nf11m .. rroat l br condo, w/pror. Wornu who othen, 3br borne, pvt rrptc, ut IA kit. No pell. noft·lmkr mo 175-170$ :,u 1wk, 2 br S39a wk. travel•. Beaut, rur'l_, POOi, jar. H.8. 949,4911; lllilo. M2·213C alt. 4. .-M.'iO/mo. 780.IOSC. ~M4-...._...:i*>...._ ..... M_.it ...... ch..__ __ ' .. '°' AlllTIOlll WRll - - ' - Americans have been overcoming obstacles to home ownership from the first settlements to the present day. And even with the current climbing costs, most Americans still think it's worth the effort to afford a home. Why? All the benefits. Good housing. Good investment. Good inflation hedge. Good tax bene- fits. What incentives for saving enough to make the down payment and the monthly mor.tgage installments! When you're ready to buy a home, ask a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OP REAL TORS® for assistance. REAL TORS® have the professional training and valuabl~ informa- tion available from a national organization plus the local lowdown and contacts you need in the community. Owning a home is a great goal. To wind up with a prize property, talk to a REAL TOR® today. A public service of the ~Piil Classifieds 642-5~78 ID REALTOR ® ...