HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-01 - Orange Coast PilotMONDAY MARCH 1 1CJfi.' AP ....... GOLDEN OLDIE -E lizabeth Taylor and her former husband Richard Burton (left l celebrate her 'soth birt~day in London with Zev Buffum. producer. of ··The Little F oxes." which she· 11 star in for a British tour I Liz, Burt-on deny 'third time'~ rumor· LONDON CAP) -"Elizabeth and I will never remarry," Rij:hard Burton said today, squelching a roar of romantic rumors reverberating since his weekend reunion with Elizabeth Tulor, their ..Ji.I.st meeting in five years. lJurton and Taylor spent much of the weekend together. holding hands, dancing and talking, but Provost aids chase, capture of suspect only a few hours of it were in private. And three of he r children were reported on hand then. The reunion was a bonanza for most of the British press. which "' specula~on tbe possibility that they would marry for the third time. "We haven't discussed it '<marriage). It's not going to happen." Burton was quoted as saying today in an interview with the Press Association, Britain's domestic news agency. "We love each . other with a passion so furioas that we bum lne another out," Burton was quoted a s saying in the interview at his s uite in t-Gndon's fashionable Dorchester 'Hotel. WASHINGTON (AP) -Purse "I've got two certificates snalchings rarely attract much which prove that I was married allenUon these days, but when to Elizabeth al one time or Kathy Tollerton's purse was another -and we don't need grabbed, five motorists , one another one," he was quoie<I as bicyclist and a church provost saying. took af~er t he s uspect and Earlier, William Hickey, the caught him. . gossip columnist of the Daily Mrs. Tollerton said she and~ _ Express suagested th~re nrltht her husband were ~alkinl home 'be a c~nnectiQn with Visa from church .services at the Taylor's coming British staa~L Was hin1ton c .. thedral in debut in "The UtUe Foxes." fash ionable northw est HWhen 1 uked Burton lf bis . Wash~ when someone r!lD well-limed mettina with Ua .. _ past her and grabbed her was love rekindled or merely the ··•boulder bag Sunday. most outra1eous plug London "I was yellin1, 'He's got IJlY bad seen iq years be could only purse,' and .. my bus band ran reply wearily, ·Goel knows,' " after him , ~he said in a wrote Hickey. -telep~ interview. -''I .Ull love l!:llsabetb,'' the · The commoUon attracted the 56-year-okl Burton told reporters attention of bicyclist Lewla Saturday nllbt. Re1enaleln, several other And Use 51)..year-old actrtaa 'cilbem and the Rev. Charles A. said "we've 'always loved each p e i: ~-Y.J _ __P r o v o st of t he olher" u they drove off tofether Wa•ll.UIPJll' cathedral, who was to a party Sunday nllbt. 1tuck m traftlc nearby. <See uz, •ate Al> 1h1en•tein 1blfled bis ' l0-1peed bicfele bltD blab ...,. and took off after the ~ r ---vaniahea· tnatclllr ,.tdle tbe Rev. ~ ploll:ed up Mn. TollertoD ... .LA .rou.A (AP) -aeieardi ll•bmll ID 1111 w.na· • ......_ equlpmeat v.lued at up to ~·!"'ld·a...i:... ,_ ··-...... ......,from tlae ~--dll.-. ,__ ... plapta stonroom of UC la tM ..... ....... •• ..... Dt ....... 1t'N -.-at ... ...Sft ht 1...,-...Utodraw_ ~.1~~ la fllc:al 1911, ( ... OIAIS .... Al> a~. . •• ) .. • * • • • * Ylll lllDlll llllY_NPll ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ' , 31 arrested at weapons lab One demonstrator found inside classified qrea at Livermore facility ,'1. LIVERMORE <AP > -At least 31 demonstrators. including one found inside a classified area, were arrested today during a protest of nuclear weapons development :it the University of Cali fornia 's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. It was the s econd mass demonstration at the facility this year.· On F eb . 1, 171 demonstrators were arrested. All but one of those arrested were booked for investigation ol blocking a road way. One unidentified person was charged wi.th trespa ssi~ after he climbed a fence and dropped into the laboratory compound. The laboratory is owned by the University of California and performs nuclear weapon s · research for the Departm'ent of Defense and the Department of Energy . It has· be en a l ong-standing symbol of anti-war protest and the center of much controversy among the, UC Board of Regent s. Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr., a Beatie all>uni dUe? . Old, tinreleased recordings m~y be combined --· -·---"'='*---LOS ANGELES CAP) -A Johnny Preston's '~Leave My new Beatles a lbum? It's a KittenAlone." · POSSiJ>ility, thanks to the dozens EM-I also bas a five-song of unre leased · · Fab Four'' Beatles audition tape and other recordings languishing in record "demo" songs as well as tapes company vaults. of familiar songs that differ s ignlficantty frbm the final T he Los Angeles Herald album versions. However , Examiner reported. that later because of legal obs tacles , this year EM I Records may chances are that these and other release an album of tunes unreleased recordin1s will not· recorded by U)e Beatles before be offtc:ially made available in the group'.a members -Paul the our futw'.e,.a.ltbouth 5ome McCartney, George Harrison, bve surfaced recently on Ringo Starr and the late John bootleg tapes. ~noon ,-went . their separate The newspaper said a number ways in lt10. The album would of soap appearin1 on a tape include the Mitch Murray aoq played clurinc the "Beatlefest" "HOJV Do You Do It" and _~-Loe Angeles may have been i llegally removed from the vaults or EMI. • · The hidden recordings vary in quality, from excelle nt to unfinished, but even the poorest of authentic Beatles tapes would be extremery v"aluable .fo 'Beatie . memorabilia collectors. There are, for example , hours and hours of s tudio tapes containing everything from outtakes and sone scraps to jam sessions and-t'ebearaals:- "T be recording studio was their laboratory -they left the tape machines running all the time," formt?r Beatles press a1ent Tony Barrow once ~aid. <See BEAD.ES, Pa1e A:~ member of the regents, has to.it been opposed to the university's involve.ment with ~acility. Protesters g'a&ler today in the rain ·a half, miJe m the facility and paraded. with arms linked chanting refrains such as "We Shall Ove r come" and "Power to The People." When they arrived.at the south. and southwest entrances, the demonstrators sat down in rows bloc king the entran ce of e mployees arriving for work. UC police methodiCally placed each demonstrator under arrest . There was no resistance. Among the first arrested was .Uu:...!\~v. Cecil ~llial!lLJ>astQ.r_ Ofi'fre "t.1i'de'Memorial Church ln San Francisco, who said, "I very stro.ogly feel opposed 1 to nuclear weapons development. William s. n oted f or anti-poverty work, said "The nuclear arms race is ··ued to urban poverty and money that is spent on weaponry couJd be useft instead to help those in poverty in the inner-city." Another demonstrator, Bob Jones. 53. of M artinez, a psychology teacher. participated because "I want to be a symbol of the opposition to the arms rac.e. I think all .the experts agree, we don't need anymore nuclear weapons." ...., ............... ......., MIDGET MIXER Mic!get Ocean Racin_g Club racers in Series winner was Allan Rosenberg's lnteqse from 'Alamitbs Newport Harbor Yacht Club'·s Corke tt Trophy series , 'Bay Yacht Club. <Story on Spoft.S . Page Cl>. __ scrambled.Joi:. position at.. st.art of ~day '"6 dista.Dee--race. · · • Stewardess: 'I'm not ready' • I t ,,, • Survivc>r of cra8h killing 78 describes last mome1.1ts .. W ASIUNGTON (AP) -The sunlUi'lll-atewardeu from tbe Mr Fforida flilbt that cr&lbed into 1'ie Potomac River t8ltifted toda)f tnt tbe ·plane betaa abuddertq u it toolr off llDd that ta U. lec:onda before btttlDI ~~· •.ater ,7'81 wracke~ bJ "YIOJent M!DNtlonl. Once tbe BoetDa TIT bit the water, Kelly Duacan told a beartq, "MJ llUt f .. Uq WU tbat t wu floaUaa. . - . I felt I WU dJlbl ud I Just 0-.aN, 'I'm not,,_., to die'." .... ., ...... ,, l*PI• died .. U..Ja IJer.b. , • , .. .,..,.... .......... National Aliiport runway, lbe felt IOID8tb.iDI WU wroq, Ill. Duncan told tbe Natloaal Traa1portation Safet1 Board· beartnc. ''The takeoff WUD't U loud U It uaua.lly ii. It Mellled Db an UDUIUallY loq time ........ we pulled oil &M ...... ., ... Federal laY_.t11aton IY•• .aald tbey believe lee la tile en1m• may ......... • IDdlcatGrtop.. .......... ..... rea:rc. u eo *9 -••• ti :=r:.r.---......... ~·· ahoraft. wltla' tt , ....... ,., ...... . ....• . '•i·-~~r ·aRAlll ClllT IWlll Mostly cloudy tonltbt through Tuesday. Cbabce · p f rain 80 '9~t tonight. Hitha 58 to 82. 11111mat - Soviets receive pnotos, data. after ~oft ldnding MOSCOW (AP> -A SoYltC 1pac. probe made a aoft lancllnl on the planet Venua lodly ua wa'i YDdlDJ back pbotofrapba and •fnform•Uon from aoll aamplH, the official n•w• -,.,e11ey TUI rtportecr. The Soviets and the United ..,.Statea have prevtoualy landed , unmanned space probea on Venua, the nearest planet to Earth. Tass said a second module is due to land on Venus on Friday. 1 • Tass said a module descended #rom the unmanned Venus 13 spacecraft "this morning after a four-month flight. "The r esults of the n~w cosmic ex pe riment will sig nifi cantly w i den the information about the planet nearest to the Earth," Tass said. mlDU&H today, accordlDI to Taaa. Venua 1J wu launched Oet, •· Taa1 tald Venu. 14, lauocb9d Nov. 4, will reach the pa..,. Priday . Both cl'aft were lauHhed from a 11lellttw 1Jl earth orbit Tue Hid. Th~ SOvJet Union started ltt Venus reeeareh pro1ram 1.n 19U. A year later, the U.S. 1pace probe Mariner 2 passed by the planet. · In 1987, a U.S. pro~under the Mariner program and a Soviet 5 f eated dead in plane cra8h probe r.aehed the planet wttbln a few boun ot each other. Tbe Sovllllt probe truamttled lnlormaUon for about U mlaul••, ttopplnf after temper__.. above 500 desreti .rahreahett were ncorded at what wu later determlned to bt about 20 mile. from the planet's aurface. The u .s. probe, Mariner 5, passed about 6,000 miles from the planet's surface. The U.S. launched two Pioneer spacecraft ln December 1978, one which went into orbit of the planet and the other which split into nve separate landing space probes. · Tass aid its current Venus p robes will test the ground surface of Venus ln an ertort to determine what elements are pre se n t on t h e h o t , c:loud·covered planet. • The news agency said the probe had already sent -back pbotograJ>hS and scooped up a soil sal'l1J)le. RENO <AP) -Five people were believed dead alt.er their i1ingle-engine plane crashed and eirploded into flames on a mountainside eight miles west ot Reno, Washoe County sheriff's authorities said loclay. 'he mother ship, Venus 13;-.. passed al a di.stance or about The de sce nt vehicle transmitted information from the surface of the planet_ for l27 From Page A1 POTOMAC • • the s~cond witness to appear at the opening day of hearings before an NTSB boa rd or inquiry. Asked whether she now plans to continue working as a flight attendant, Ms. Dunca n told her questioner, .. Yes, sir, I will." She said she bad had to sWim to the surface and then fought through pieces of ice back to the tail section, where she awaited a rescue helicopter. Describing her nearly 30 minutes in the icy water, Ms. Duncan said she had opened a life jacket for another survivor with her teeth because he r hands were too cold. A tt-~h-~f-the ques-tioning focused on whether the plane, which wailed for more-than 40 m inutes in a steady snowstorm before getting takeoff clearance, had been properly de-iced. Investigators have concluded th'at the plane's de-icing was completed at 3: 10 p.m. EST. The flight began its takeoff roll just before 4 p.m. "Testimony to be ptesented later at the hearings is expected to s how t hat an American Airlines ground crew de-iced half the plane more than an hour before takeoff and the other half a lmost SO minutes before takeoff. The NTSB's chief investigator, Rudolf Kapustin, the leadoff witness, said there has been no evidence found to indicate any st ructural· or mechani cal f~ilures of the plane's tw"O engines .. But, be noted, as has been made public previously, that the plane cockpit's voice recorder indicates 1the aircraft was not getting enough thrust as it rolled 4 ~own the runway. . From Page A1 BEATLES ••• There is also an unreleased Beatles film docume ntary, originally compiled and edited between 1968 and 1971 for Apple Films, a division of the group's _ company, Apple Corp. The unreleased material also includes 34 songs recorded by the Beatles for the-'British Broadcasting Corp. between 1962 and 1965. Twleve of the titles never appeared on albums, including -reportedly -songs by Chuclc Be rry a nd Little Richard, as well a s others gathered by BBC researchers working on an upcoming special comm emorating the 20th anniversay of the Beatles' first appearance on British radio. A dozen years after the Beatles' breakup, Beatlemania persists -at least to a degrees. The newsp~r reported that the, group's original albums still sell a million copies a year in Great Britain alone, with various Beatles repackages also se.lling in the millions. The idea of a Beatles museum to preserve the mountains of memorabilia bartered at such -gatherings as the· Beauereat is gatherin1 steam, and the ne)Yapaper said Paul McCartney recently made a number of purchases at Sotheby's in LonClon with such a museum possibly in mind. Sgt. J oe Martin said the plane burned on impact Sunday on the northwest side o f Peavine Mountain.- 22,32() miles, Tass said. The news agency said Joint Soviet-French experiments were carred out ,during the flight to Venus . ............ SMOKE FLAP -Ri chard Moss. ·38. has been booked for assault on charges of stabbing a woman in the chest after the pair exchanged words about her s moking in a San Francisco elevator. Moss says he was attacked by Doris Collum. 26. and was acting in self-defense. Two victims of Newport er.ash named From PageA1 CHASE • • • attention to the thie f, Mrs. Tollerton said. As the group began to close in. A man and woman killed in a the man jettisoned the stolen fiery high-speed collision in purse , but the caravan or cars Newport Beach last week have and the bicyclist m aintained been identified as residents ol pursuit and cornered the man. Santa Ana Heights. They were On~ cnotori.st managed to nag a apparently on their way home P.ohceman and the man was from work when their vehicle t aken into custody, Mrs . spun out Of contro , police said. --Tollertmnatd:-. "He wasn't in very good ·Through tile use or de n tall shape, he. kepl getting winded," records, the two have been said Regenstein. "His se~ond identified as James Ray pro.blem was that he stayed Padovan, 41 , an d Linda (running) on the sidewalk the tfa rgeret Kurzyniec, 32. Both whole time we were chasing lived al the same Santa Ana him," instead of ducking into Heights address, poli~e said. alleys or wooded areas. Tbe couple were killed last ''The community is very Wednesday wben their pickup concerned about crime and we truck spun out of control on have a cr ime watch i n the J amboree Road and slammed cathedral co~mu":lty," said the Into a power pole, police report. ~ev. Perry. I lhmk 4he purse . s n atcher was scar ed. He The truck, officials said, probably dldn'l expect all of this· erupted in flames following the to happen." accident and ~~ed the bodies There were no Injuries in the beyond recognition. snatching or subsequent chase, Bla~e kilu 2; arupect arre1ted 'SANTA BARBARA (AP> -A $250,000 fire that destroyed a drug a6use trealment cente.· and killed two m e n was• allegedly set tSy a resident of the program, police say. . · The pre-dawn blaze on Sunday also forced the evacuation of 80 people fl"'QIJ'l an adja cent hotel. Mrs. Tollerton said. District of .. Columbia police, said the suspect, charged with robbery in Sunday's incident, also is being held as a fugitive from justice in Bru~swick, JIJ.J . FromPageA1 OAAHOI COAST Diiiy Pilat CleNMed ...a-.1141142-M11 . . All oetter detl•""** 142-4121 When ihey leri the party, and ·reporters asked whether they were thinkin1 of remarrying, be s napped, "We are," but abe shouted1 ''He's married, and I'm marriea." His aide Jo LusU1 sald angrily afterward that Burton meant botlr were already married. ThorM8 P. Haley ,......-~~--Offlctt Robeft N. Weed ,,...... Thomas A. Murpt'llne ... LK8yScnulU ==:.---~P.HaNey ..... .,..... MIW•llMI N. Godd8rd Jr. --a.tie H. Looe ...... ----·------- MAIN 0PPa .... .., ... c-. ..... CA. MeM ...._: 991\ 1,..,C-..._., CA. ... c.ir,,..... ... Or .... c:.ilt ......... ~-... _..._ , ............................. .. .,.......,.._...._,, ........ ..... ..... ,"'' l•• .. ~-. -Mi u Ta y lor r ecently announced that s he a nd her sixth husband, U.S. Sen. John Warner, were ae~ated. Burton and hll third Wife, 33.year~ · Suaan Bunt, split lut AUl\llt. The Sun tatd Burton. told ltl reponer: "Of course, I loft &1118....._ -ad I love Sulla. I '°"' -llltb, d•lllll It ... And wllat t'd hw thetn do ll for them to come lnto tbta room and n1bt !tout between tem .•·,. . WABASHEO An eastbound semi-trailer crossed the Interstate 7.4 bridge over \he Wa bash Ri ver near ~Ovington . Ind .. where a n .............. ice jam threatens the span. u111c1a1s say 11 the river continues to ri&e it will be necessary to dynamite the ice flow to prevent damage . . Weather howls · up north Storm-weary 4 residents fight 'heavy rain, winds SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -A Pacific storm expected lo Vefll ~ts fury on the Bay area today mstead bore down on the Pacific Northwes t . sending isolated pockets of heavy rain and high- winds whipping ac r oss s torm .wear y Nor thern California. Nearly two inehes of rain fell overnight on Mt. Shasta, and heavy rainfall was reported from San Francisco north to Eureka and mland to Red Bluff, the National Weather Service said. The rain was expected to lighten as the cold front passed through the area today, with s howers continuing through Tuesday. High wind warnings were in e ffect for t h e northern Sacr amento Valley, as well as Humboldt and Del Norte counties. '"We are expecting 2() to SO mile-an-hour winds," Del Norte County s he riff's dis patcher Thf'resa Bostwic k said late Sunday. '·My front door keeps on opening up by itself." The National Weather Service predicted that the front crossing the ocean from Hawaii would drop up to 5 inches of rain ln thei San Francisco Bay area, where a violent storm Jan. 3-5 killed 31 and caused al least $280 million in damage. But forecastel"s said Swtday that -rainfall would not reach projected levels. ~en -r.dtes-m eras;- police hold driver ''Total rainfall amounts are now expected to be in the l· to 3-inch range rather than the 3 to 5 inches forecast earlier," forecaster John Plankinton said in a special weather statement. Plankinton sa1d t'oday's front was moving much faster than January's storm, which dumped up to a foot of rain in som e areas in 36 hours and triggered a spate of killer muds lides. A fatal traffic accident late Saturday on Irvine Center Drive near the Laguna Freeway was the second in six months on that stretch of road But a city traffic specialist said today Irvine Center Drive has not had an unusual\y hi gh number of accidents. and the 'two crashes were not similar. Jeffrey Tripi , 19 , wa s pronounced dead at the scene about 7 p.m. Satur:day after the car in which he was a passenger swerved off tbe northbound lane and s mashed into ·a utility pole, tearing lhe car's top off and leaving the vehicle in two major pieces. The driver. a 17-year-o ld youth from La Habra whose dame was 11ot released, was arrested on su spicion of felony drunl<en driving and manslaughter. He suffered minor injuries. T he juvenile driver was going as fast as 80 mph prior to the accident, investigators estimate. The crash six months ago was the r esu lt o f so ber but inexperienced driver who lost control of her car, said Dennis Wilberg. manager of the city's transporta•ion services. / "Up until this lime. there has not been a particula rly bad accident history in that area,'' he said. ''We've had accidents out there, but not an excessive amount.·• . The speed limit of the street is SS mph, with adv.isory warftings to reduce speeds in curves, he added. Road w i dening and ne w interchange projects on the · drive are expected to begin late this year or early 1983 as the city prepares for development in the Golden Triangle, the area within the intersection of the Laguna. Santa Ana and Sa.1 Diego . freeways, he said . Crash k-lls pair riding mot_orcycle Two men were killed Sunday when their motorcycle collided with a car on Newport Boulevard near Cowan Heights in O range, the Ca lifornia Highway Patrol said. Officers identified the victims as Terry Frost, 22. address unknown, and Daniel Roberts, 24, believed to be a Marine stationed at the El Toro Air Station. Bo th m en were on the motorcycle headed southbound on Newport. The CHP said it was unsure which man was the driver. . According to officer s, the motorcycle crossed the center divider for an unknown reason and collided with a 1980 Honda . car. Frost and Roberts were taken to UC Irvine Medical Center In Orange. The driver of the car was not injured. .. The big difference is that stbrm sat off the coast, and this storm looks like it's going to keep on going," Plankinton said. The initia l fo r ecast h ad warned, "People should take steps to protect life and property before Sunday evening." The rain was expected to spread southward over central California t oda y. turning 1showery tonight and laperir.g off Tuesday. Plankinton said. . Snow was expected to fall to aoout 5,000 feet in the northern Sierra Nevada and to 9.000 feet in the southern Sier ra.' 4 • ~ Meaning of story altered by typo A typographical error • changed the meaning of the lead paragraph in the Sunday Special story. It should have r ead : The pros pect of u~i ng treated wastewater to keep parks. golf courses. greenbelt areas and playin g f ields gree n has promi>te'd five area water districts to seek construction of n e ·w · or ex'panded w a t er treatment and delivery systems. The word "prompted" was inad ve rte ntl y printed a s '"promoted.'" classic windbnz.akczr. .. th<l original G-9 windbnz.oke.r, 'idrz.ol fur g>lf' or outdcx7r "Ml.Or. mack or ·ligh"t~~t c.otton-poplin wilh e ttlrtan 1iniaj. aveiloble in na~l, british tan, navy or nzd. mnz, fbr us in cmglond. . H lb8Non ,.land• NeU1port 8Hdt•7J4/844·8070 iooi ~ Blvd.•*'8aaoooct VW..•2131•19·1127 ( \ •• I .. • • win een-ager invents Video game; ~sses $60,000 ORINDA . Cellf. <AP> -THa.~a1er . Tem McWUUams lnv•D\ed a vtdeo ••me ln four monb • ..,... •.ooe 111 •·· 1••r end 11 coacoetta1 a tbree·dttn..a1toul apace 1eme he bope9 to manet IOOD. Bill be 1ald lt' 1 DO b1' deal. u Orlida tcbool'11Clmce falr; tbt ltaDlord Relearcb l.DIUtute A r t U l c l a l I a t e 111 re a c e t.altot .. )' ..,. ~ad the bo11 were ln•lted to bulld wlaatever they-,teaed. He'• been dolq Juel that ever aince. "Some people ere now callin1 me Richie lUcb," be aaid, "and "It'• cruy," tbe lt-year-old lllramonte Hilb Sebool Studm& aald of the publicity b• baa aenerated. ''I don't see wby it'• bappenlnc: There. are a lot ol kids my a1e developln1 1amea l at 1cbool aome people are ukin& me when I'm gonna set a car, or ii they can borrow some for computer firma." · Whep he waa ln the seventh 1rade, McWiWams and a friend built a prhe-winnini robot for mon•y.'' • After the Stanford lab took notice ol McWUUama, he alal"ted workinc with computers .at the University of California ........... INVENTOR -Sixteen-year-old Tom Mc Williams stands next to computer s howing "Outpost. .. a vid eo game he programmed and copyrighted earlier this year. His royalties and fees so far have amounted to $60,000. Lawrence Hall or Science ln Berkeler. tau1ht hlmHll ho• to wrl\e orouam.e tJ>d worked u a clerk In a San Francisco computer store. Wfth tua earnincs. be-boutht mi Ap~ II computer aod added to bll tomputer techniques, developing ·'locks" to block th~ft of lnformatlon stored by computer. • Executives of Sirius Software Inc. of Sacramento saw hi.a work and hired him to develop their computer program protection systems and to invent new games . • •·outpost," which puts the player in the midst of a cosmic baClleground lo defend a space statlon against attack, was the first. The game, commerciall ~ available in a 51A-;1nch floppy disc. took four months - working part-lime -to concoct. The game has sold about !i,000 units since Its introduction in November; and the royalties, co mbined with f ees for computer program protection wdt-k, have grossed $60,000. "It seems he accomplished these wonder-tut things in spite of us," his mother, Marge, said. Her SO!l spent so much time in computer work, she said, his father worried that he wasn't devoting enough time to other, more traditional games such as basebal l , football a nd basketball. Reagan plans 4-day ranc~ • vacation WA S HI NGTON CAP) - President Reagan will speak in Wyomiqg.._ New Muic.o....ancl Southern California next week before starting a four-day vacation at his California ranch; the White House has announced. Ttte president is scheduled to go to Ch eyenne, Wyo .• and Albuquerque, N .M ., fo r fund-raising rallies for GOP Sens . Malcolm Wa l lop of W yoming and H arrison Schmitt of New Mexico. who are up for re-election this year. On Wednesday. Reagan will address the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and then go to his r anc h near Santa Barbara, the White House said. He is scheduled to r eturn to Was h ington the following Monday. wet weather seen Bvtfelo Cllerl1t11SC Ct1erlst11WV ci......-c111ceoo Ctncl11Mtl Mostly cloudy tonight through Cltvtl•fld T.,.telay. Clwnc• .,. rain .0 perctnt Colum- tonlght. ~ O.ys. Oal·FI Wlh Coastal high~ Tut.oay. owrnlglll Denver ._ n. watt< 51. Des Moines Inland high u Tut.oay. owrnlglll Detroit ._SS. (Muth EIMwllert, 1'9hl varia ble winds El Paso becoming ,,_.ly -.th to 1out11 .. '1 t Falrba,.lts to tt ti.-ton19M. Wind waws from Hartt0<d t to 2 -· WHlerl~ swells t to l Ifft. lffltna Clouoy with a chance for rain Honolulu non!Mrn wettn ~Ing sout!IW•rd Houston tonl9flt. llldllaplll Jac:ttsn"11• ----------J.-au KaMClty US lHV~ • •summary Llttltltock 1..0ul1v1m1 iltlll .,_ llngaACI over nortMrn Mtmpftls NllMHOte and upper Mkhltan. llOflt Miami drl11lt was scauereel over th• ~~:"""st~ •C-lln.5, .., _,y Kies COYolrtd ...,.. .. • most of tt1e rest o11IM netloft. Nast.ville lta 111 was forecast acrou the Ntw Oyr'-- Pac:lflc ~ lllto Ille Plai.eu rf91on, New -...0 .,_.WM expedeel an>uncl llte Norfolk I-er GrNt Lattn and N-Er1111en0. Okla City wltll rain In the Mldclle Allentlc Coast gn'•"" 1.-1es. Sunny ski.s were lone•~ tor Pr1 1an0o0 .... ,_ most otller areH. h I• ,..,.., TtmpWl!turM •-Die nation at P-nlx mlddeY s..-y r..., tror-1 -ot Plttlbul'Qfl I dtttff 111 ~. olt.alN, to a P11and, Mt hltll ol 15 It\ Miami 1'11-. Ort . llepld City ------------RtftO :Extended 'forecast COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AltEA$ -weonuday through Frida y: Felr -warmtr Ulrovgll period. l.oc al gu1ty winds In Salt L•llt St•ltl• SI Louis St P·Tempa SI Ste-It ~­TUCIOft TvlM Wastllngtll Wichita lt IS 0 • SS S. JI S1 JO 4S 1' SI 16 JI " so 24 oo~-~ SS 33 60 JI SI 21 " 19 32 I• (14 •• 37 s .19 )t 20 flwHu' SI 23 filI!] 71 n l o ... • , 0 ~ n n s. so ,. . S7 ~ 71 44 SI 37 S1 :II S2 J9 13 70 JS l6 41 24 .. J9 so 0 41 :kl 44 ,. 60 31 SO XI 71 M o n 1t n 0 23 ,, 4 SO XI so 22 •S 1' '° n .0 M S2 13 11 '2 IS -I u ,, 7• 44 '3 ,. , ... S1 77 . 01 .02 .01 CALll'OltNIA Balltnf lelct &.rs tow S..umont BltBHr BIYIM Catallna Culver City Eurelta Fresno uncasttr LongBeac:n LosAngai.s Merysvllle Monrovia Mont.btllo Monte,.y Nlt.WlllOll Nttdlel NtwportBMch Oaltl...O Onterlo Pa1mwlfl9S PewMN P-Rotlltl ltl,,...sldt Reel91ufl ltedwoOCICltv 70 49 15 49 70 40 S1 22 11 so .. 44 71 SI '4 44 •• 43 u J~ n 47 12 J7 •I 4S 7t 44 ,. .. SI .. '° 0 ,, S2 .. .. 6J )4 t2 '° II St 77 43 11 0 41 SS 40 6J Sl NOAA Vi 0~•' •f <••••"•. Sacramento SallllH San Bernardino San Franc!K_o Santa Ana SantaB-... Santa Merla SanlaMonk • Stockton TehOeValley Therm•I T0<ra11ce Acap<ilco a ... .,... a.m- Cow11<ao Fr--1 Guatlalll..,• Guedel-Havana Mone.to Bay Meat tan Marlde M .. koClty Monturey Naueu '3 .. 70 .. .4 II ... ., ., ,, 11 .. 70 12 '° 4S u .. 1S 40 '1 S2 IS .. 6S 4S ., 4S •l Sl u 44 SI 1' IO 4' 70 .. 74 n .. 1J 70 44 72 70 .. S1 u u 41 ., .u .u .01 .01 mountel"' Weclnelday -ThUncley. •---------------------------., HIQM It\ -•I ereas •2 to 71 end San Juan 13 ,. St. Thomas IS n ... IOw .. t.oJI. H .... .,. ,_._.,., .. le •Mlll-.S2'11nt. . Temperature• ·-? Ht La f'CI' • :II 12 4J • "' 2t tt 2 u » .. » . ,. 47 • .. ,. ts ,. . ,. " " .. ., .., ... ......., .......... T .. UCl9ale» ., ., SURI RIPOil~ .. ·. - Ttfflldeo .. n Vwac:rua 7J .. ... t I I It It 1t 12 ide• ........ ._. TODAY A'W Me• Ott s.c--•: .. p.m. TUIUINY w "'""'._, t:40a.m. u "'""-•:If e.m. U W ~flllll 1:9'p.m. u w Secaftd -•:oitp.m. U W Sun Mt1 S:9111 p.m., rl•t •:tt a.m. , ..... ., . _...,, WU It: ti a.m. Tw.May, rllat to: M a.m • ·New Pilot price 84.75 atai-ta today Home. delivery chutes for the Orange Coast Daily Pilot will be ·'4.75 per mon\h effective toda)'4 Coet lncreaMI ln all upeeta of newss-per production, lneludlq 1 DIWllll'1at and cliltrif:MIUoa, make• tbe 7kent lncreue DeeelNl'J. In a contlnulDI effort to lmpron·clellftl'J Ml'Yiee, Delly PUot ean1en, no operu. I"' independent busineaaes, wlll, have the opportunity to eam 33 percent of the reflected increase. Dally Pilot home delivery coets have not lncreued over \be pal\21 moatbl. Slalle ~y neW11tand pricel will ~ at 25 c:eall ud SO cents an Bundays. Orange Coat OAJL Y PILOT/Monday, March 1, 1982 ·.~ ........... LOVABLE FAMILY -"Silver Tabby," an American short hair. and her male and female kittens play in Best of Show trophy at Empire Cat Club exhibition at Madison Square Garde n in New York OPEC losing clout ,-- Wor~wide oil glut cripples cartel's market power NEW YORK (AP) -The reported U.S. deciston to halt oil imports from Libya is not just a signal of American irritation wit~ Col. Moammar Khadafy .. but a clear sign of the declining clout of OPEC. The signs are everywhere. Oil sales by the Organi-zation of Petroleum Exporting Countries have tumbled to lhe lowest level in more than a decade: Some members have ,been forced to borrow money as export incomes dwindle. J The cartel's pres"ident. Sheik Mana Saeed O taiba of the --1.Lojt.ed..Arah Emir.ates. uses-the word "crisis" to describe the new pressures on OPEC. More importantly, countries outside OPEC are taking the lead in setting prices. This week Mexico cut its price by $2.50 a ba rrel, to $32.50, putting it below OPEC's benchmark of $34. Great Britain, which now charges $35 a barrel, was reported ready to drop its price. "Suddenly OPEC is on the run," Stephen A. Smith, an energy specialist a,t Data Resources Inc:, an economic research firm , said. "The whole tone or the oil markets has totally reversed." As a result, No 'r l h African nation 's prices of gasoline and other high·quality oil , the companies petroleum products are falling now are turning to cheaper oil sharply in the United States. available elsewhere. Administration officials say The timing is ideal for lhe President Reagan will announce the boycott of Libyan oil next administration to place a n week. embargo on Libyan oil, analysts The Reag an administration say. There is a huge oversupply of oil on world markets that has accused Libya 's leader. Col. would make it hard for Libya to K h ad a f Y • 0 f Pr 0 m 0 ting sell the estitnated 150,000 barrels terroris m. · of oi l a day that the United Thal the United States would States now buvs . even consider cutting off oil imports from Libya underscores The United States can turn to the shift in power from the other suppliers -most likely oil·rich countries of the Middle Nige ria, Alger ia or Great ~ to the big consuming _B..ti1.ain.....ly~.e no ~t countries of the industrialized on U .S. cons ume r s , but the West. headaches fo r Libya could be lo 1973, Arab members of enormous. OPEC slapped an oil embargo on the United States and, the Netherlands for their support of Israel in the Yorn Kippur war, setting off the surge in oil prices and stunning Western economies. Since then, Arab n ations have fr equently threatened ~utoffs for political purposes. · · "'N6w, the tables have turned. Whereas Libya once dictated to American oil companies what price tbey would pay for the Libya's troubles stem from its hawkish pricing policies, unalysts 34i!ree. Through last summer. while the world was awash in oil, Libn kept its offi cial price at $41 a barrel. But the world's major oil buyers s imply refused to purchase Liby an crude a nd exports dropped to 600,000 barrels a day. . L1 bya now is producing at estimated 800,000 barrels a day, after cutting its price to S37. . • DU1IRUe &DiJtafm!• .... eotkll SflN fRftNCISCO SJ9 SflN JOS£ J9 OftKlftND J9 R£NO 42 S65 65 65 65 . t One of the best on-time records going. That's style. Fares that save vou money every day on every flight. That's style. too. AirCal. We d0.more than get you there. We get you there in style! PHOENIX 42 64 . '( ----~---.......... ----_..... flESllO J6 55 UIS V!CiftS ltO 59 "LowCal fare\ reQU•re advance pUrthase. Seats are limited and othef' restrictions apply . . . . 8 er.no• OOllt DAM. y PILOT/Moftdar, Mll'Oh 1. , ... ' . U.S., SOviet ~rms -_sales m _oun_t WeapOns outstrip economic. aidJor. "Underdeveloped nations By a . GaEGO•Y NOKES ._ .... ,,... .. ~ 1 WASHING TON -Arma sales rather than economic aid ia becomin" the local point of the U.S. and Soviet rivalry for t'ht hearts and minds of underdeveloped naUons. The point is made in a study of global arms sales by Andrew J . Pierre for the Council on Foreign Relations . He says both s uperpowers now sell a greater value of arms to Third World nations than they give in economic assis tance. The United States is the world's leading a rms supplier, with saJes estimated at about $16 billion last year , a record. The Soviets are next and Pierre says they could overtake the United States this decade. More than three-quarter& of the global arms trade now goes to Third World nation s. according to Pierre. That's a change. Until the mid-1960s, most weapons went to developed nations in NATO or the Warsaw Pact. Co n sta n t -doll a r a rms purchases by underdeveloped countries totaled $15.5 billion in 1978 compaff)d with ta.I bWlon in 1969. Constant-dollar nauree mean t he price effetts of infiation b.av& been discounted. "No area bas not seen some growth in its imports," Pierre writes. "After the Persian Gulf a nd Middle East, the most notable increases have been in arms sent to Africa and Latin America." The United States accounted for 45 percent of the total arms sa les to underd e ve lope d countries, followed by the Soviet Union, 28 percent ; France, 20 percent, and Great Britain, 5 percent. Pierre concludes that arms sales "may now be the prime instrument available to the Soviet Union, and a significant one for the United States, in their rivalry for the allegiance of much of the world." In s tatement that may s urprise many Ame ricans, Pierre offers one possible explanatlon why thls bu bappened: ••A contrlbutln& factor to the em eratne importance of arms transfen u an instrument of the East·Weat compeliUo~as been the relative decline of ldeoloay as an element in the continuing stru1gle, because of tbe d iminishing attractiveness of botb .the United St~tes and the Soviet Union as models." Whlle many .Americans may react with disbelief to the notion that other nations are no longer eager to emulate the U .S. economic and political system, there is plenty of evidence to support Pierre's contention. One recent example is the U.S. sa l e of $8 .S b i l lion in sophisticated radar aircraft, -missiles and other weaponry to Saudi Arabia. The amoun t was a record for any sJngle arms deal A high Saudi official didn't exactly endear , himself lo adminlstration officia ls when he said recently that the Saudis view the United States as "an arms merch t and we pay cash.'' . The Reagan a lnistration ha s nfade m a ·o r and controyersial arms dea s since Ca rter af.proach waa very succesatu , he does warn of pitfalls ln the present policy. The now of sophisticated arms to underdeveloped nations that have not had them before may encourage these nations to settle their disputes by force and make the wars worse when tbey happen. There is the added d anger tha t the s uperpowers could become involved when their client slates are at war. Another adverse conaequence is that poor nations m laht be diverting money to arms that is needed to feed their people and to improve their impoverished economies, he said . Pi e rre said the cost of weapons purch ased by poor nations almost equals the total econ omic assistance Uiey receive. Thal, he said, raises the question of whether the rest of the world is n 't in fa c t subsidizing a rms purcha ses under the gµise of providing economic aid since the poor nations seem to be spending almost all the aid they gel to buy weapons. ·~-....... TOGETHERNESS J e ff and Teri Litton of Spoki.lnt'. both 21. a re processed into the Marine Corps. thl' first married couple to join together in two years . Sgt J S;rnehez helps with the identification· work. They'll be stat1onl•d apart for their basic training but may be reunited at a l~ildie dut:-· station. Water. everywhere, hllt. none to drink Reagan goes right to the top Fund-raising letter begins 'Dear Mr. God .. "coming to office with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Venezuela and has s harply inc reased overall global arms and security aid whil~ holding the line on huma nitarian and economic assistance. It has stated its readiness to COMMACK .. N.Y. CAP> -A lette r from l he president thought so highly of his work He KEY WEST, Fla. (AP> -Key West is having its winter water shortage, and while tourists are being kept happy with bottJed water and booster pumps, the _.locaUolk.s...b.ave to grin and.hear the drip, drip, drip. The. Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority cut water pressure lo the minimum this week after h eavy w in t e r de m and endangered the island's one-day reserve supply of 7 million gallons. ·on the first noor, pressure is normal only at mealtimes; the rest of· the day. it just trickles out of faucets. On the second fl oor, forget it. "It's giving us a fit," said Edwin Fulton, manager <ff the A& B Lobster House. Fulton, whose business is on the second floor, said he instaHed a booster pump to get wate r to his 180-..s..e.aL.I~staw:~ after ~ severe water shortage two years"' _ago. ''I· ve been able to maintain the restaurant because of my pump. If it hadn't been for the pum'l, I would've been out of business," he said . The Keys draw their water through a 130-mile pipeline, built in the f!arly 1940s, that flows isla nd to js land down U.S. l from Florida Cit y, where it joins the Florida mainland. s e 11 a r ms to Chin a while President Reagan seems to show he does not mess added that the letter implies Reagan is ready "to continuing to sell a rms to with middlemen when it comes to campaign give the ck!vi l his due, and put God on the Taiwan and has made clear its contributions. presidential task force." willingness to negotiate a major . A three-page le~ter bearing the president's He also intends to offer "a little prayer" that arms deal with Jordan. Israel signature was delivered to the Rev. Doyle Reagan policies work a little better than his ~ an<f Turkey-contTilue a~ trnugtrerty, --,,:f.fo1l"-oMft-C·~norc1f of Go~-rn--· compulerized mailings.-- major recipients of U.S. arms. Commack. · ,.,, . h Syria, Libya ·and India are ."Dear 'Mr. God," t~e letter reads. "I. _am .. Worm ivas rig t major Soviet arms clients. calling u~n you to ~ake a m~t unusua.1 sa~nf1ce. In fact, Pierre ,says the most The sacrif1c~: $120 m ca!'lpai~n contnbut1ons to BANNE;R ELK. N.C. CAPl "'7' The mayor of di s tinguishing c eat u r e of keep Republican senators m office. Ba nner Elk predicted way back in Octo~r that the President Reagan 's foreign ''Right now we Republicans only have a slim cold and snow would come early this·winter and be policy, froiv that of the Carter four-vote m_ajority lead in the Senate. ~ha~·s all !.. followed by a n unseasonably mild spe ll in administration, is the emphasis Assurtng Mr. God that he 1s in good Fe bruary and a cold, snowy conclusion. He knew o n arms s a I es. Former company. the president continues: because he read it on a worm. President Carter sought to "Believe me, I'm not asking everyone to join Mayor Charles Von Cannon says people may diminish arms sales and curtail J_his club -only proud, flag-waving Americans have scorned his use of a woolly worm to predict them entirely to nations with 11Ke you who I know were wimng to sacrifice to the weather, but so far. he says, the caterpillar he poor human rights records. keep our nation strong." looked at in October at the Woolly Worm Festival Wblle Pierre doesn't think the For his p~rt. Daugherty was "thrilled" that in Banner Elk was right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ....... , ....... Fi•• SENIOR CITIZENS ,.., ,.., ,_, ........ Tlli11•. You'w ·heWd grMt tNnga •bOUt th9 Yoga CentM ~ 1970. theN busy SW-Wed deys don't you owe yourself one mght a wMk to leem how to relax and Yitalile your body at will! AlsO, you can eneble 'fOAJtl mind to experience yOOf lnnef Superconscious Self wtth ltl wildom 8& power to change thingSI ,;. "'.., ••n mm. llLI •at-• -.n•amm•m1n••• -···-··· Tllll'I • • .al'I ma. Yc~J'I be taught the higher Yogas by one of the tew masters in ·- $1.00 Hearing Test~ Set For Newport Beach· ELECTltONIC HEARI NG TESTS will be given a t Newport Beach Hearing Aid Center Mon., Mar. I, Tues., Mar. 2, Wed., Mar. 3 9 A.M. to 5 P .M .. Construction . ll}ODeY · available at the wor1d todey. RerNkrilhna AnendeJI it tntern.11on111y known • • mallet, not orl(y of Yoga but etso or ~•physics and Mysticism. A practical. unp1etentious. humorous. Western· botn Guru, he transmits enlighterung consciousness as well as ......,..._..., ,~ .._,. _ marY91ous ~·~I~ 0...V of TOQa....,......,,., encl ....... . ~ COME TO THE FREE DEMONSTRATION. Tara and Larry F , EE .. demonltrete the netural and eeay ex~ of Hllttw Yoga and ltlOW you how 20 mlnut• a dey can vttaltle 'fCM hMrt. =-~.tir;:;·:::..~ :~~::C:: =.!'~ DEIOISTIATIOI Hearin~ tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid Specialist. who is hcensed by the California State Board of Medical Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser . Anyone who has tr ouble hear ing or Wlderstanding is welcome to a test emploiying the latest electronic equi~ment which will determine his or her particular loss. You will see a modern hearing aid so tiny it fits totally within the ear. · NEWPORT BEACH HEARI NG AID CE~TER 1600 West Coast Highwa,y Newport Beach 646-8266 Heritage Bank. . Residential · COmmerclal Bulldln~ Takeout COminltment required . along with leases. Conlac1: ·Jdf Johnson SOUth Orange County/Irvine 7'41851-4050 American RedCroes + Together, well· being. TIMlon II reMOneble and tN benefb .. prlce6ea TOIOllOW A11oyouwll!teemttwFu11Breett1 -C8naddYl'Wltoyow11te. ..,, MAI. 1st at 7:31 •t the YOGA CENTER OF CALIFORNIA .. E. 11111 ITIEET. conru;;ii~a1aTi',..,.. n.flllllltllMMS?twts} , . ~ . Fitness s-p'e-ci~a1s---.. AEROBICS Ua•ledOHw u .. clt i-4 IJC._MI C.lllVISCll• Fiims 540 , ..... Unlimited flSits • Free Aerobics • WiPf Central . • Equ•rnem Desiped F•W ... • rn and T• • Fr11 lilest Pass OPIMTO THl ... IC IO&&lr6p.& Bad Back? CALL FO~ AN APPOINTMENT TO AVOID WAIT ING ~tterBaby . Video KINDERGARTEN IS T.00 LATE!! ¥our baby has an overwhelming desire and ability to learn anything, and YOU are yourchild's best teacher. , Glenn Doman's "How to Multiply Your Baby~s Intelligence" course wilt teach you how to give your child the chance to learn math, reading< music, art, gr.mnastics, and foreign 1anguages from b rth to slx years of age. Teaching your child is great fun, and you'll become even closer friends! Videotaped live at Philadelphia 's _ Institutes for the Achievement of H\,lman Potential, this 5-day course will help you . enhance your baby's visual, auditory, ..,.,...,, IKtll• langu .. , and mobility development. b0n1 t mJss th'ls unique opportunity f COURSE DATES: March 8-12 9am-6pm PLACE : Holiday Inn Laguna ~Ills SEA OF SHEEP Traffic was delaved wtlen Cl;lUdio Dunalde or Etchebehere Ranch in Lemoore. directed a flock of sheep across ........... High~ay 41 between Laton and Riverdale in Fr~sno Count~· for f ecding • Firm fined huge sum Mining company hit for polluting ~acr~'!1'~to River r WIS;; WU voii 7oia vou vOisvOis~v----i ioii 'Voii Vois 10isw~ ~I . ."3~2 MON .. TuEs. & WED. I• ;11 Pre~ent ~is £'!?.~g~!-:~ 2~!~~!:!~oW'coupon !! and get doubte the savings from Vons., Nat to I nclude retailer. free coupons. I I I coupons greater than one dollar or exceed the value of the item. c: 11 I . K I Limit one coupon per manufacturer's coupon and limit 3 coupons per customer. ._ 1 I rl Excluding liquor, tobacco and au dairy prodycts. • -1 I I~ Coupop good Ma~ l, 2 & 3, 1982 I UOIS VOIS VOU-VOIS MOU V4U VONS VONS VOQ:-V.-.S VOii VOii VOU YOU VOllS VOIS I r--------J------------------------~-~ I VOIS, VOIS VOii VOIS VOIS to1s VONS VONS YOU VOii v• VONS VOIS VONS VONS VOii YOU I •I *332MON., T<JES.&~o: 1: ii . DOUBLE COUPON 1: I 11 Present this coupon along with any ~ne manufacturer's "cents-pff' coupon 1• cs and get double the savings from Vons. ROt tO include retailer, free c.oupons, REDDING (AP> A judge violating a cease and desist caused by rain and spring water I> coupons greater than one dollar or exceed the value of the item. I has handed down a $16.8 million order, also for about 1,000 days. flowing over the metals in the I: ' C§I judgment against Iron Mountain T d A 'd t f th mountain and that the only real I~ um·1t one coupon per manufacturer's coupon and la'ml.t 3 coupons 'per: customer. • . •I Mines Inc. for poll uting the · e rman, presa en ° e solution is removing the metals. .. Sacramento Ri ver. Sacramento-based company Arman said the construction I; Excluding liquor, tobacco and al dairy products. • 31 . w~ich bought the mine in 1~6, of Shasta Dam and a debris dam !ii: -·-_ __Coupon _go~ ~rch J. 2 & 3. 1982_ Ill T he de.cision b y. Supe ri_o~. s~~~e WOl;!ld move .~~, ~ett-Spring Creer·~ggravate<hhe I Court Judge William -Phelps last a<i ne Jud~menl. 'ke saia. he problem. I VOii YOU VOU VOIS VOlll YOU VQ81 VOIS VOll .. V91 Wiii VOii VOIS VOIS VOIS VOii WIS .. week was in a suit brought by recentlys1gnedacqntract w1tha·• t-------------------------------•-•-th·e ·state's Central Valley. ·major company with_ a new The mine started out in the tlOIS VOii VOii VOii WOii VOii YOU VOJIS VOii VQ .. V0111 VOIS VOIS VOIS VOii VOIS vnu 1 Regional Water Quality Control technique of removing the 1860s as a gold and silver mine, 1 ., c: Board. pollution. but became the 10th lar gest I . 11332 MO~ •• TU~. & WED. 11 copper mine in the world by I · I The board-says water draining "We intend to clean up the 1901. State records show that :1 ooue· LE ~ouPON c-·· fr pm t·h e mine 1 O mi le s ~ater for the state of California more than $1 billion worth of ~ northw..est of Redding contains a nd to go ahead with our metals, at today's prices, were copper, zinc. and iron that is long-range program which is IS taken . from the mine before • 1 Present this coupon along with any one manufactµrer's "cents-off' coupon a·. polluting Spring Creek and the years of mining," Arman said. mining stopped in 1965. and get double the savings from Vons. Not to include, retailer, free coupons, II Sacramento River. The board He said the mountain still . Arman protested a recent •,. coupons weater than one doUar or exceeq .the-value of the item . c: I says the polluted water kills con tains minerals-vital to Tepo rt by th e f e d e ral • 0 fi"h national defense. o •I "f • Environmental Protection I> Limit one coupon per manufacturcr·s coupon ·and llmlt 3 coupons per customer. M The amount of the judgment Arman d en.led that the Agencywhich saidtbeminewas 1r-o Excludlngllquor,tobaccoandalldairyproducts. ;11 was based on $10,000 a day for pollution was caused by the among the three worst pollution 111 Coupon good March· 1. 2 & 3~ 1982 •I polluting the river for about mining, whic h was done by sources in Cal.ifomia and among ~ MI l~days and~•ad~a_y_f_o_r __ P_re_v_io_~_o_~_e_r_s._H_e_s_a_~_i_t _~ __ t_h_e_1_14_w_~_t 7~_t_h_e_n_a_ti_oo_. __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Ancient • tissue 'I studied BERKELEY (APl A bit of hardened tree resin purchased from a Polish amber salesman has given scientists a view of fly tissues 40 million years old, the o ldest tiss ues ever exa min ed microscopically. There is even ··an extreme longshot" that the tissues contain.DNA, t h e U n iversity -o f California scientists said I ast week , although most studies indicate that DNA degenerates after one million years. The muscle, fat and other cell tissues or the Oy "corresponded to what one would expect ,to find in a routine examination of present-day insects," said George 0 . Poinar- Jr. and Roberta Hess in their article in this week 's Scie n ce magazine. P oinar , an entomologist, said that COMJHfl'iSOfi of the n y-s tissues with that of its descendants may help s h ow how qui c kl y · evolution works oo. the cellular level. The fly itself look& ·much like the current family Mycetophilidae Dlptera. The small , brown female fly apparently settled into sap from a conifer tree on a spring • day along what later became the Baltic coast, the sdentlst.s said. It apparently li vecJ during the early Eocene, .. at a tlme when early deer , hor ses and rhinocero1e1 were eppeariq on earth. Our exclusive Brookslinen ·for women ~ ~ ~. Ir::0~=Jnt:~: ::~ ~ "\ handsome blend ~ adds to linen's ~ distinctive t~xture, ~ the crea~e-res1stance ~ of polyester. Each ~ of our attractive ~ separates is. fully ~ hoed. In blue.~ ~ ~~-___,-Vp_16 >:!'gu lar,_ ~ 6 to 14 petite. ~ 3-butron jacket, $200 ~ ;a..lo.oW.~ ... --ront.pleat.skir.t., $95 - Exdusivt cotton gingha"" shi71 with pleat front, round Cf liar. Taritr!~/lo chtcks of brown-blut-tan ~,. havy-pinlt-grey. 6to 16 , $36 ,· "'' . . LARGE AA EGGS DOZ. IN CARTON Sllf'.'i PRICE Llf'.'IIT 2 SLIM PRICE BACON SLICED REGULAR LIMIT I PUR. OVER LIMIT I .59 .. • z • ·.99 .. 1 I ,-•-' I i I • I I . · • Orange Coa1t DAILY PILQ.T/Monday, Maroh 1, 1912 The children need • comm unit)': Thcrt• is one 01'ang" <ia 11 go\'ernrnent aun<:~· ttJJ,t h~• proved . rfmu rkilly resilient in the foce trl mut'h Wd\'C'rsit~· the . Al beQ ttfon 110111 for cl~~ndeat • c hi OranJ . acilitf I!'! wht•& C' ub tter~ and uhi:tecfOned C'h • r thl' county g~· \\rh<'n e · s he lter is neeclect he reporll•d io~identl' of ·abus e in lhc <.'ount\:"' h1t :f 11\rrc.•ased 125 fM:l't·on't o,·(.lt t.he past fh'l' 't•ars. \h(.) cte~ on lhC' homt_; ha\'(' lx>l'n g-rear. ltlC j)(•l'mlss iblc.• CUf>Ul'll~ h as oft-et1 hl'en n •a('he<I . ()r l'X<.'eed ed. Children who cannot he t•a1'ed f o r a t the.· h orn<.• are sent. to lemporar~· l'ost<.•r fumilies. wh1d1 p r o vi ct e s 1 rp 1 I a r l ' !ll l' r g <.' n c.· y s hclte1· t'arl' undl•r c.·nnt r~\,rtual arrangem<.•nts with the c.·ount~· To · copP wilt& th<.• ·increas ing need for c•meqn ·ney slwltt•r b\•ds. th<' ('ount~· has l'Xpanckd Sitton h o m <' l o 1 2 8 h t· cl <; a n d 1 .., support ~Ul~ to t.•xpunn th<.> fos tl'I' ~·)l'ogram rrom th<.· 1>rcs1.:nl ..-.... lOOlwd s . B.Ul more 1s .nl!Nh.'<I Thul 's wh,· plans w~·r announrcd lus t ~Lc'up· for <'W>1\,"i tr u t lion of Oran1tt"''UOd ... ·']\~\\ home ro .. dl'pcndrot <·h~. Thert.• is.~ •toun'ilswc.•11 of 1rnp_1xwt for 01·a ttg-t•woocl .. Jus t ftftW hU'gl' it is Will hl'('OITil' k now'n Thu r s da " wh<.•n th \• non~1>rofit Oran~e,\•oocl hoard of directors nam<.'s se\'<.'ral ma1or contributor:-,\t lhl· s aml· t11nl'. Orangl•wocHI "Ill kiek ofl 1i... form ~1I fund r<11s 1ng l'umpaig11 • About SO 5 million is nl'l•dc.·d to construC't t h(' 154-beci fad l11 ~ at thl• sill' of the <''ds ting ,\ltwrt Sitton llomt• Th a I 1.., a <' o 11 :-1 cl l' r u b h• a m o 1111 I o I m 11 n l' ' Bu l I h t• prnhll·m of <'h1ld · :d H1sc.· and 1w g l<.·c·l 1s a eonsicll'ral)lt• oiw. too ( >rangl'\\'Ood ckst•1·\·t·s l'\'l'r~·om•s ~upport. and t·ontrihulions The Caribbean plan . ' P.1-¢ s i cl t' n t H t' a g u n · s R l' u g u n a t 1 t• a s t h a s long-awaited plan to <.1 id some.• suggested doing ~oml'thing ahout n eighl>Ors-to the south is <J good it Rut. .hr n·. too. as in thl' l' S firs steJ). put som e cumpromis<.·~ fin<Jn('ial pn!'!I urc h l' f'<H't•s a wilt"'bl!'"l1l!l'de<1 •md the progr a m !'1tuatio11 !w rnh<'ritl'C1 hut diet not will take time to 1mplt•mcnt. ('rcall'. Wh11l• Rea gao cun bl a ml· The pres ide nt proposed $350 FU! c I Ca s t ro . mos t o I l h c.· million in ceonomie fundin g problc~s ,W<.'rl' th<.·r<.• long hl'fon• principall.'· for tht• troubled· Ca.stro anti. in fatl. ht•lpt•d him ('OU ntric s or El S ah·aclor. into powt•r J a m aica. Cos t a_ll!g_._!l~ .. li""l.:.~.._,-____ ..,ij..,.u,...r..,ri .... r .... i11A'n ... L·-.s -.hil\:.l' ~i.LSl;J.J.cd-_ M---Ho n cturas and th<.• Domlnit·an sornt• t•('onomil'S Rt•n ·ss1on. 1111 Republi<'. That in itst•lf pos es priN•s. <l e p<.•n<lt-nc•e un su~ar problems in our rl'<'l'~s ion . · trade and hauxit<.'. a downturn in He also o\·e rrulNI somt• touris m :ind n 1nnus prol)ll•ins adv isers and s poke loudly ;.1bout plilg ll\' othn bas in t•otmlrit•s . t h l' · · S o ,. i <.· t b a c· kl' d Initial reat'lion has g<.'lll'ntl l ~ C uban-man ug<.•d s uppo rt for bt'en pos itl\'C'. from hasin offi ('i ~ll s \'iolt•nt rc,·ol ution 1n Ct•nt ra l !'l lud ~·1 11 g cl <.•tail s of th e Ame rica ." proposing SfiO mitl11111 fa r -rang ing plan. The \'iew:-of mort'inmilitar~ assistant·~ :'\lcxit·o i.lnd Ven e zuC'l a 1n While we do not qucstron this particular will ht> important dang e r . the churae l C'riz<1t111n And certain!~· gi\·e und tak<' again raised the SJ>l'('tcr of pa ~t w ill he r<.'f1uirt•rl on both sidt•s. U.S. colonialis m and ciistra<'li.'cl Th<.• L'n1ll'rl States canno t t ie from th<.• pos itl\'l' a s pN·t s of dl'\('I Opm e nt sole!~ to t rade. in\'l'Stmcn t a ssistante m1d a nt i-communist po lltic:s fi na ncial aid propos a ls. The ac1dit ional (unding for El In addition . ..t he presicl<.·nt Sah·~ ror example. pos<.•s th<.· pointed to the l'X odus of refu~<.'es J!"l"e ate s t po I e n ti a I for fro m Cuba but s kirted· an <'untro\'ers ,· im migr ation polit~ Still. t he LS. this timl' has The Carihht•a n bas in poiws ;.1 proposed srndin g businessml'n. C'h 1c ken·or-r g g prohll'm: without I l' c: h ni l' a I c x pert s and 1_n\'estment: lht·rt· 1s no stabilil.\' a dminist rnturs instead of thl• And without ..,tahilit~-. there is nn Marines. Hutt<.•r 1s a mu('h h\•ttc.•r m\'estment approach 1 han guns . ·• . Schmitz seems .forgetfel State St•n .John Sl'hmi1 1 b nothing if not t onlusing In one brea th ht• c-laim~ lht• furor O\'e r his wiclcl ~· publir1z<·<I r e m a rks rd<.•1T1ng t n "hard .Jewis h and I a rg11ahl~· 1 f'emalt• f<t c es .. and t·;.tlling a frmin1s l a l t o r n t' ,. · · a s I i c· k h 11 I c.· h law~·t'ress:. has in fa ct he lp<.•d his c ampaign for the L'.S. Senate and brought in a lol of conlrihution:- :'llow. hc.1\'ing b<.•t•n s tripped 111 his s tat e S<.>n atc rnmmitll'l' c h airmanship and rl•mo\'(•d from the national tounC'il or the.• .John Ri rc h Sociel\· b\•t·ausc.· of I hos t· remarks. he see m s In be.• fa ult ing thc media. Schmitz ~ay!'I he.· will not g i\ l' up his membership 111 th<' Rir<'h Soriet\' because ... , set· no r ea scin to give you ~u~·s in the merlia·that c:omfort. just s o you <·ould \\Til t• about J ohn Schmitz 'kirked nut h~· the John Birc h Sotii·t~ · .. The m edia. Mr. Sl'na tor . f.!l'I no co mfort from n •po rtmg ~·our o utlandish remurk ~ Anet in • ... u gg(•sting that th e.• nwdia m;i~ in :-o rn e ''a~· lw n •:-pnns 1blc.• lor k\•t•ping this n m of \\orms opt•n ~OU Sl'l'ITl In fOl'P,t'I hem II ;ill s t a rll'd · Th\• rl'marks i11 qut•st11111 \H'rc.· not pit-keel up h~· tt rl•portl'I' 111 an inll'l'\'ll'\\. or in .c·m·c.·nng nn e of ~·our s p<.•cthc.•s. anct thc.•n hlown mto a hl•adline The" \\'l'l'l' wrille n out 'c.•n (' a r er ll i'' ·' i n ~. () u r () \\' n p rt• s s r c I e a s t• . 1 n s c 1· i h c.· cl on I h <.' I l't l <.• r ht• a d of ~· o u r St' n a I l' commillel'. a nd cl1st rihull'd lo lhl' m t•dia In 'ou. w ith tht• n•n ob\ iou:-1ntt .. nt1on nf hann~ thc.•m puhlis hecl The rt·s ult. of <.·ours<'. was tht• publi cit~· ~uu clearl y s ought . Whl•t h<'I' or not ~·ou a lso sought tht· SenulC' n •primanct an'cl tht• Rirth SoC'it•ty nus t <.•r is bes idt• th\• point . .Jus t don I Ir~· lo put I ht• respon~ib1hl ' for I his ffil'S~ on lht' ffi l'<fa Yoti'H· h<.'('n ho1stl.'d with ~ nu11 Hwn 1wtarrl . Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views e>C· pressed on tl'li!> page are those ot their a utnors and artists. Reader c,omment Is 1nv1t ed. Address The Da ily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (7141 ;642·4321. .L.M. Boyd/Writing trick You want to wrlte gag lines? Nothing to lt. Take any three unfunny unrelated words at random. Sheep. Jacket. Saddle. Link them in a lively Una.: "This jacket fits like a saddle on a sheep." Not funny? Keep t.ryinJ. In no time at all you'll hit a .. combination that's humorous. ORANGE COAST llilyPilat Q. Qo camels bite people? A. Do indeed. Kick. too. People have been killed by camels. Q. Isn't It traditional that all the French waiters wear mustaches? A. On the contrary. French chef&, yes. Fren(h waiter, never. .. • • 'Safety net' misses WASlllNGTON • J e wel Wins ton Williamson is one of those faceless Americans who has slipped through Ronald Reagan ·s "safety net." The preside nt had promised that his net would catch the tgM.v needy who might be hurt by Cederalbudget cutbacks. But like all the others, Williamson has • a face the weathered, wrinkled face of a 72·ycar,old man who was born and raised in the piney woods of Dodge County. Ga. He yas a cabinetmaker until poor health forced him to retire 12 years ago. His wife died in 1972 and left him a1one in a world that has now passed him by. He has two sons. but they arc only a little better off than he IS. THE OLD CODGER IS stubbornly s elf-reliant the s ail of the ea rth in President -Rettgtli'H! romantic view of Ame rica. Williamson doesn't want som ething for nothing. and he doesn't want Lo beco m e the ward of a n impersonal government Hut he is too drained of life lo provide for himself. lie nee ds help. A few years ago. he w<1s filed away like an anonymous st atistic in one of those cattle-pen nursm ghomes. He had $4 .20 in his pock et when friends, res ponding to his pleas. managed to get him out. Now he h ves in a public housing project in Alma. Ga. "f got this place to live," he wrote to me "The rent was $30. $t5 to get the light turn on . $20 to get the water turn on. There was so many roaches. I paid $30 to ~et it s prayed. "I had no furniture paid $50 for a second hand bunk bed and mattress . I gave $60 for a second hand cot. I had to s it on the cot to eat chicken winj(s and neck bones About six months ago, a little girl g<1ve me a table and two chairs I lo~t my food stamps. all I JICI 11111111 but $14 worth and get a social security for $174.90 . .. . William s on heard about a government program that helps the nee d y pay their he atiJig bills He appli ed . but he was told by a functim1a1 y . · 1 know you need lltrrp arid need it bad. but r m not goine to s ign you up bttause you live down (here on s kid row." The utility bills keep going up "My electr.icity bill last month was $60 10," Williamson wrote "I cut the heat orr at night and keep il down every day Now. this month. the weather been so bad I know it lwill be1 S80or more "Last summer. I was so hot dry , I had Lo buy air condition. It cost $452. $52 down 38-months no pay J. I had to stay ins ide like I do now. I got an oxygen lenl s ide my bed. I have to pay about $30 for medicine myse lf the Medicaid don't pay for . _There a re lots of old people s ick m these apartments." A representative of the Alma Public Ho using Authority ac knowledged the •J a few accure1cy of J e wel Willia mson's c laims. but told my associate Sam F'ogg. "I didn 'l rec.1lizc he had any serious pr.oblems When he comes in he.re. be. likes lo make little jokes .. WHY DID Williamson wnte to me? Because registered letters he has paid for out or his monthly pittance have repeatedly gone unaoswered by state a nd federal bureautrats .. Please print this in your column so the President will know we didn't get a penny," Williamson wrot~ "If he knew. I believe he man enough to see the next lame the poof needy would gel their s hare The only way the President will r eally know 1s for you to print I thank you .. Jewel Wi ll iamson conc luded with an obseur.atwn lhat may mako.-no &eAse to- the c o l d ·eyed budge t -cutt ers in Washington But. it speaks volumes for the poor a l'ld e lderly ~ho are being syslt•m a t1 c all y r o bbed o f the ir dignity ··1t 1s not the money:· he wrote. "It is the way we are pushed around. I s ign this with m y hand on the Bible. so help me God." Footnote Smee he wrote. Wil liamson has been having trouble saving enough for the elcctnc1tv ball. He called - collect. from a pay phone and said he's afraid "they'll cut me off and I m ay have to go back to another nurs ing home: I don't want to do that aj?ain." Then he e1dded: ·Tm not mad at Ronald Reagan. What bothers me is the money is n't ge tting down to us that need 1t Somt'thmg is wrong · · · Get the people off governmenf s hac~ The ne". new Federalis m is here. In a major pohcy statement. Secretary of State llaig said that domestic opposition s hould not pr~v ent t he f e de ral governmenl from sending troops to El Salvador if it wants to "If we were to d eterm inc our foreign policy based on the lowes t co~mon de nominator of the national mood ... he s aid in a television intl'rview. "I think we wo uld be o n ve r y fallac ious ground .. A PORMERLV unidentified White House s pokes man confirmed that General Haig's remarks constituted "a giant s t r i d e f orward " in the admmistration's.domesllc policy. "Now that w e have gotten government oH the backs of the p_eople," Presidential Adviser Ellington Pricely told reporters. "it's high lime weo got the people off the back of the government. .. Pr icely told r eporters that it was the lowest common d e nominators -or "LCDs," as they are referred to in Was hington -who .. constantly interfered" with thP. orderly workings of government. ·'This· adminis tration has been continually harassed by LCDs." he said. "You wouldn't believe the amount of time we've had to waste answering letters a11d phone calls from LCDs complaining about this or that. If it's not some little old lady whining about he r food stamps being cut o(f. it's a coal mine r grous ing about unemployment "Why, JUSl the other day we had an l'nlire g r o up of LC Ds who c all them s elves 'The Children's Defens e Fund' beefing bel'ause we cut $8 billion --i' ART HDPPI "S , in ~o poor kids from the budget al'ld increased residential expenses for the White HQuse by $800,000. T hey actually s ugges ted we e liminate a $400,000 annual s ub5idy for Defense Secretary Weinberger's private dining room Whose dining room 1s it, anyway?" Pricely said that getting the people off the back of the government meant the administration would "no longer have to listen to such claptrap" and co uld pursue its aims unconcerned with public opinion. . ·'The pres ident will be a ble to stand up to the Russians all he wants without worrying a bout what some cowardly LCD in Kokomo thinks.'' he said. "And Mrs. Rea gan can borrow as many Lear jets as she'd like from Lear jet des igners lo help out the Lear jet industry .. ··As for you m embers of the press." concluded Priecly before storming out the door. "you won't have us to kick around any more This. gentlemen. is our last press ..:onference." ODDLY ENOUGH, most LCOs I've s poken to out here in the provinces approve of The New. New Federalism "Ever s in c e Rea g an g o t the government off my back." said my neighbor Mr Crannich. "whatever they wanted to do back there has been no concern or mine ." Didn't he want to hear what Mrs. Reagan was wearing or whether Mr Reagan was chopping brush on the /South Lawn·> ··couldn't ca re' less." said Crannich. "That General Haig. who 1s cle arly a hig hes t uncommon d enominator, is right as rain: If they want to gel into a war in El S alvador , that's their bus iness. I'll he a good s port and wish them the very best of luck. I JUSt hope they can raise the money back there to pay for it .. Did he really think we could get along without Was hington? "Don't see why not." he s aid. "AU we have to do is form a government or the lowest common denominators. by Uie lowest common denominators and for the lowest common denominators " I shook my head. "It'll never work." I s aid. City and country folk don't see-eye to -eye A friend down from the country for the hoUda}'S was expatlatlng at lunch on \he ·~ru<feness .... of crty dwellers. a well-worn topic I have grown tired of hearing about. I agreed with much of ·~ IYlllY IA.Ill ~ what he said. but pointed out that rudeness takes different forms and different faces. Almost all rural people. for lnstance, have a residue of hostility toward c)ty folk, but they would never diaplay it as such. They are much more oblique and subtle than they are alven credit for beln8 and enjoy nolhlna better than .quietly turning the tables on some presumed wise cuy from the ... city. road. "About two miles," he said. When the ur left, he turned and said, "That branch office is closed for the season now -but he didn't ask me that." He didn't ask it, and he didn't get it, and went several miles out of hJs way to learn the truth. His informant was both courteous and correct -but was he really being helpful or mischievous? There are s\mply different sorts of "friendlinesses" in urban and rural regions. The city person may be curt. brusque or indifferent, but he accepts strangers. is tolerant toward deviance and s low to make moral ot social judgments based on superficialities. He is democratic In that he treats everyone with equal lack of r espect. piqued to learn that the natives still regard them as .auslandua. only slightly more lofe rable fha n the weekend trippers . Rural people will do anything for you, but they won't accept you. City people won't do anything for you. but they will accept you. Whichever you want. you can find but you can't get both together and will only lose a lot of sleep trying to. 111111• Won't "punlshlnc'' landlol"dl onlY mue the rental pktun worse! . HOOL.SSS ....... ..-..-................... . l waa getting gas at the Yillaae pump nol lon1 aao when a lar1e out-of·slale ear pulled In and the driver-uked peremptorily, •'Where'• the Marett • bank?" The operator polnled up the THE IUJllAL OWELLEa la polite and concernfd with those he knows or can easily Identify witlt. but uneasy with the alien, t.be unc0nventlon1I, or an)'one who seems con1plcuou1ly dJfferent. People whose famllln have had summer '*'" ln t.he same place for 50 years and more are always -~................... ' ....... . ...... .-..y ............ , ii $ • closure trQhed By J EFF ADLER ., .. ....,~ .... , .... Investigators from two agencies want to know why a ,Santa Ana real estate loan servicin g agency closed its doors last month after it defaulted on loan payments totaling as much as $500,000, according to authorities. Both a state Department o!. Real Estate and a Santa Ana police spokes man said they are interes ted in determining whether fraud or embezzlement played a part in Professional Controls Inc'. 's alleged inability to make good on real estate loan obligations it was contr..acted to handle for its 1,350 clients. "All our investigations are ..aimed at determining whether there 's b ee n tr a ud , mis representation , dishonest dealing or some implication of wrong-doing," said Randy Brendia, a real estate manager with the st at e Real . Es tate Department. The 11-year-old firm. once located at 1921 N. Tustin Ave .. in Santa Ana , acted as a perpetual escrow agent between buyers and sellers of property who used creative financing to close the deal. It was allegedly Professional Controls' responsibility to pay insafance pmi'l'i'Ums~ taxOills and m a ke all !'JlOrtgage payments in teturn for-a monthly ser v ice fee . The majority of the company's clients were Orange County property owners. • Sixty checks written to pay·for. the first installment of 1982 Or~nge County property taxes were returned for insufficient funds, Orange Coun'ty Tax Collector -Treas urer Ro bert Citron said. The checks totaled $56,039. According to Santa Ana police detective Chuck Magdalena. o( the department's fraud division, the company defaulted on some aspect of one month's payment for almost all of i~ cli ents. Magdalena J>Qinted out that even though Professional Controls has defaulted on almost $500,000 worth of payments, it' is up to each individual property owner to make them good. .. .;. , .. CAVALCADE COMICS. TELEVISION / What next? Julie Andrews plays a woman masquerading. as a man pe.rforming. as. a woman. .83 Earlie r-thi s month , Professional Control$' accounts were taken over by another firm , W ester n Data Management, of Irvine. Western Data handles a ccounts for approximately 22,000 customers. However. thi s firm was ordered to close today by the Real Estate Department until it obtains a real estate brokers' license. WALLOWING IN THE WINTER -For an escape from the balmy weather at home. Indian Guides from the Orange Coast YMCA headed for Camp Arbalado at Barton Flats in the San Bernardin o Mountains . Todd Koehler. upper right. was a·mong the first to Delly Niil ,...,. ~ •k ... ,,. 1( ...... s lide on tires down the hillside. Then he joined Ben Shapiro on the b~rs. leaving the tire for Lee LaFlamme to tackle. The Costa Mesa contingent was among 150 sons a nd fathers representing tribes from Orange County an<t Whittier. -Revo.lt by-Western Wealthy spurs Eastern cynics MISERY & SUFFERING DEPT. Given the opportunity. it ·s difficult to res ist the te mptation to poke josh at the more affluent citizens alonJ! this t_>est of all possible coasts. Most recentlv. the Wall Street Journal. a periodical of certain repute. ·round itself with the opportunity. The J ournal jumped at it. The case in question is the curr.ent hassle bet ween · Newpmt Beach and Irvine leaseholders and the Irvine Company. wherein '· The Committee of 4000 is " · ;:-...\ ~pposing lease payment -· 1 mcreases Tl. IDD ... 111 ~ I Taking off on this . nrn ~ particular circums tance. the · Journal devoted a lengthy Page One piece to thl' subject. plus map to show folk s from Omaha or Green Bay where Newport Beach is. plus a lengthy continuation of the story on inside pages. "ANGER IN PARADISE," the Page One headline proclaimed. "Soaring Rents Spur a Revolt of the Rich." The inside headline back on Page 24 was even larger as it called attention to ··a Revolt of the Wealthy.·· As for the story. it was a pretty good reprise of the hassle between residential leaseholders and the Irvine Company. It was pretty much tongue-in-cheek as it pointed out the renters revolt involved "rnilli'On dollar homes" and the "guarded comP<>und of Bayshores where 'John Wayne once lived" and that Barbara Young. leader of the-revolt "lives in a house she guesses is worth abou~ half a million dollars:· BEFORE SETTING this stage, the Wall Street. Journal writer suggested that this scene in Newport Beach ls .. an unlikely place for a lent-control movement.'' • So. by noting that Mrs. Young drives around on her protest rounds in a Mercedes Benz, you can see the Journal folks were havln1 a bit of fun at what they figure wH the exPen:M of the affluent Newport SMiety. -Truth ts, of course. that not everybOdy that lives on . . Vision you might dream up after r~ing Journal account. of Newport ~each affluent marching in protest . our enchanted coastline resides in a castle. Som e places Newport Beach residents among the clientele . still use wall heaters and need a new roof. All thal however . wouldn't have been ;is much run NOT ALL BOATS BOB upon harbor waters with· music ~aftlng forth and ligh\s twinkling across the bay. Some sufrer peeling paint. leaking timbers and actually sink at their moorings . While the Journal also delighted in noting that auto dealer Roy Carver sells more ROlls·Royces than anybody else in the country. they neglected to point out that Volkswagen dealer Chick Iverson does a pretty hefty trade, too .. As a matter or ract. if you ply the used car lots or nearby Costa Mesa where it may be a doll•r down and-a dollar when they catch you, it's possible to find some · ror the Journal as making the affluent squirm and bring a little bit or c'heer into the hearts or those wh~pay high furnace fuel bills back there to the east.· MEANWHILE, IRVINE Company executives on the other side or the debate probably weren't cheered too much by being characterized in the Jour~_al as (ilthy rich land barons. So here alone the coast. we'll just have to grin and bear it. -Look at the brighter side. Maybe the Journal article will dlscouraae anybody but millionaires from the next heavy rni(ration to Califomia. But don't bet on tl. ,.=..,,,..,- .. .. 1 I 1 •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE ' .. . Grie:Ving sister filled wi~h self~Ri!y, anger .. . DEAR ANN LANDERS: You've been like a close friend at QUI' breakfast table for sd many years. and how we are turnliag to you· for help. I'm writing about my sister. Celia and Bill h a d a wonderful marriage. Three months ago, shortly after they celebrated their 20th wedding a nniversary. Bill s uffered a •sudden coronary and died within hours . Celia considers Bill's death~ a personal insult rrom God. She is filled with rage and has become so vindi~ti ve anll unpleasant nobody wants to be a round her. .. Frien~. family and bei9hbors quit pa~ calls week1 ago~y just couldn't take'tler outbursts of self-pity and person al attacks. She screamed at me last week. ··sure, it's easy for you to say I should be grateful for the good years we had! YOU s till have your husband!" How does one deal with a person who HIGH LEVEL CLEANIN8 -Hu Yaobang. chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party <fore.ground 1 can't come to l'erms with grief? Please' don't suggest professional help. We have done that a lready. and she thinks ·all psychiatrists are crazy. What now? -ALSO GRIEVING IN N.J . ·DEAR N.J .: Stop catering t~· your slater. Treat her as you would any other unpleasant acquaintance. Wbe a she discovers that h er behavior ls unacceptable, she wtll stop trying to punish every.-e for the misfortune In her Ufe. Or -sbe will fldd herself very much alone. DEAR ANN LANDERS; Our church group has a social club for "Over 60' · - moatly widows and widowers. with the exception of a few who have never been married. We meet twice a month in our homes and have a good time. Several weeks ago l bought a new wig. It looks very natural aqd 1 have received many compliments on how nice my hair ........... pitches in to help sweep Peking sidewalk. Other mel} are unidentified. . loob laC.ly. When folb. comment. I say. "Thank )'OU." I don't feel it is necessary to say more. Lut night we had the "Over 60" ineetlnl at my home. A member brought her wklOwed brother fro1Jl out of town. The Jlnt thing he said to me was. "Whal lovely hair you have !" Before I could say. "Thank ~ou ." Mr. X, a loudmouth member of ton~ standing. blurted out. "That's_ not her hair -it's a wig!" I told him in private to keep his oig !J10Uth sh.t about such matters. He said letting the man believe it was my own hair was the sam e as lying. What is your thinking on t his matter~ ' -SEDALIA. MO. DEAR SED: SOme women don't mind If the whole world knows they wear a Wig -others would just as soon keep it quiet. ltt-s up to the woman to decide how she t. _, ..- wishes to deal with it. Whe n you received that ~alee compUment, lt was not. incumbent upon Mr. X to offer a statement or origin. He was out di line. · Discover how ro be date bait without falling hooR. line and sinker. Ann Landers· booklet. "Dating Do:s and Don't&." will help yo u be more poised and sure of yourself on .dates. Send 50 cents along with a long. stamped. self ·acJdressed e1welope with your request to Ann Landers. P 0 Rox 11995. Chicago. Ill 60611. . Shoppers guide d~ta There are two kinds of grocer~· s hoppers In ttlis----Worla. There are -chose who shop in the daytime and those who s hop at night. The differences between them are vast. . Daytime s hoppers try two or three carts until they get one with the wheels that go in the same direction. Nighttime s hoppers grab the first onC' by the door even if it has a brown piece of lettuce caught in the seat. Daytime shoppers enter the store and ask. ··Where's the sale detergent? .. NIGHTTIME SHOPPERS enter tht• store and ask ... Wha t time-dowlf\!itrSe? .. Daytime shoppers have li·sts and when they buy an item . they mark it .off with a sharpened pencil. . Nighttime shoppers come in for a quart of milk and will leave 15 minutes and $73 later. Daytime shoppers put on their ~lasses a nd pick up cans and boxes to examint· them care(ully for content. . Nighttime shoppers close their eyes a nd pick out anything that feels like you "just add water ... Daytime shoppers us ually shop alone and regard it as a pleasurable social • experience. Nighttime shoppers usuall~· have a child or two in the cart· and regard shopping as a punishment from God. flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END Da~·time s hoppe rs bu~· tofu and plain yogurt. · Nightliml' shoppe rs bu~· potato chips and a six-pal'k DAYTIME SHOPPERS r e ad the sensational tabloids at the che£~VL..P.UL don't buv fflem . !'Ji ghttime shoppers bu~· the tabloids at the checkout but don't read them. IJ <1ytlme s hoppe rs will a s k the managenf the• produce is fresh Nighttime shop pers will <1 s k the manager if th<.' beer~s cold. Da~·time s hoppers have a handful or . coupons and don 't seem to be in an~· particular hurry . Nighttime shoppers are double-parked a nd will gi\'e you a hlank check to let them out. · Daytime shoppers squeeze the fruit. Nighttime shoppers squeeze the toilet tissue POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT Sagittarius: ·Str_ess partnership MY STRATEGY Tuesday, March' i ARIES ~March 2l·April 19 >: Special errands dominate agenda. You're able to collect bills. fees: It will be necessity. however. to make trip and personal appearance. TAURUS < April,...20-May 20 >: Study Aries message for valuable hint. Accent o.n payments. collections and completion or HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA a~signmen t. You require additional information prior to beginning project. GEMINI <May .21.June 20 >: Highlight independence. originality, new starts and willingness to pioneer a project. Take c,ban.ce on your own abilities. CANCER <June 21 -July 22>: You gain acces5 \o information which previously had been canfidential. You change mind about places, people. LEO (July 23·Aug . 221: You're invited -»EAR DOCTOR: My doctor .. ves me an unaaual reason for refuslng lO'preacnbe estrogen. \ am in my ~·menopaas~ More ala• most women my age, I'm 1&111 s ufferl•I from bot fla s h es aad Dervc•RHI. I'm willing to take the chance of taking , estrogea iB spite of warnings abcMlt getting cancer of the uterus. I lmow tllett a re some women who "'at to take hormones so they can s tay young and look weU. That's not my problem. All I WMt to lte ts more oomfeftable. Why ... , •Y doe&or prnefllte M&ro1e11! Be 1a.y1 &mle's mere da=me 1.W.1 a heart au.ell thaa de ca•er of my u&en11. Isn't that so 1 aew? I 've never bea"9 that bormoan cause heart attaeb. -MRS. H. DEAR MRS. ff.: There's alwa)'a aometNa1 new in the w_, ot theories about the ceme and treatment or illness - whether it's involvement of the heart or anYtbllia-elle. YCU' dDctor bu .andoutadly re8d tbal • estl"Ollll teplacement in Poll·...,..•••I · women Increases the rtai of mroeardial Jnlan:Uon (heart attaelo .. ta. help celebrate special occasion. Focus on bµsiness meeting. sales· confe rence. chance to fulfill aspirations. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22 1: Goal is alte(ed: you gel what you want ir you realize rules have. c hanged. Emphasis on revision. review. details connected with business or car eer. LIBRA <Se pt. 23-0ct. 22 >: Spotlight on com munica lions. travel. publication'. education and a re -evalu'ation of spiritual concepts. Sense o f perception i s heightened. SCORPIQ <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Budget is stretched for purpose of improvin g domestic environment. Genuine bargains are available if you dig deeP'. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 211 : Go slow. lie low. define terms and avoid s e If-deception. Lunar emp hasis on partnership. joint efforts. legal papers and marital s tatus. CAPRICORN <Dec . 22 -Jan . 19 >: Practical matters dominate: you·n discuss terms. money, time and need for speciaJ material. Scenario highlights pressure. ch allen ge, intensified relationship and opportunity for greater rewards. • uncertam · r . t'!~R '-~!!!~ ' ___ ... (_ -~ ~ --. • But recent studies yield conflicting results. For example. C. Bain., M.D .• and colleagues present an tnteresliftg repGl't in the medical periodical. CircGJation (July. 1981 ): A quesiionnaire was sent to more than )00,000.women between the ages of 30-55. A group of 123 post-menopausal women with heart attacks were identlfied. Their use of estrogens was compared .with a n age.matched control group who had no history of heart attacks. Altbou1h the use of estrogens waa similar. there seemed to be no poaltive asso~ialion between poll-menopausal hormone use and heart attacks. • U your doctor la aware of this study, Mn. H., and 1UU lnaiate •nut prescriblns ntropn for you, he m~ lllte &ood reuon not to clp IO. Better folloW llll advi~. tr you 'r• 1t1ll uaconvlnced, 11k for eOIP ... lcwt AQUARIUS <J an. 20-Feb. 18 1: Focus orr affection . romance. emotional responses and ·confidences confided by mem ber of oppos ite sex. Rambunctious young person demands attention. IS, WMENEVER POSSIBLE, ~.~ TO '. ------=-_.., -.._ KEEP OUT OF PISCES <Feb. 19·March 20 1: Deadlock is broken through intervention by third person. Long-range decisions. poli cies will favor· you. l GOIEll 011 BRIDGE · ) THE AR.ENA. ,., ... ,.."~ 11-..~ ••• """"''' ~ C>•I C~ ,,...,_ "9 t ......... 5,.-""<. BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF 1 Q.1-Botb vulnerable, as South 7ou bold: •Um <::i A8 OKJN •AQ95 Tb• b6ddiDa bu proceeded: .... WMl N..di Eut 1 O P .. 1 <::i P ... INT P .. I• r ... 1 What act.ioD do you take? A. -Partner'• rebid wu not fordog, and you have little more ttlao a minimum open· ing bid. Nevertbele•. we 1ugae1t a raiae to three dube. Yolll' excellent Ot for partner'• teeond ault and ace in hi.a fir1t auit make your band wonb more. tb&4 it iJ>- pean. Q.J-Both .ulnerable, u ~7oubold: •a o• OAlotTI •• Tiit Mddilla .... proeeecledi N_.._ ....... _. ... 11" ... ... ...... ' . WU& ldloD do you tau? A.~ Ena lJlough · part"r ,.... wtpnallJ, he CUllOt ha" aueb .... than u open· lat Md tar Mm reop9nhlr dou· we. Tllat gt._ Jour '* UM._ ....._ of power. aDd liDee JOU Un I aood 1uJt to leal, you ea.a expect to defeat one no trump e..U,. P.... • A.-Your plethora of tens and nines made your hand 'a trifle too strong for a one no trump~pening bid. Now. you can expreu the full value of your hand by simply rebid· ding one ne trump. In thl1 type of sequence, that show1 a hand that wu too strong to open one no trump originally. Q.4-As South. vulnerable. you bold: •Al(I <::i tl Ol(Q7 •AQJM The bidding bu ptoceeded: Nertll Eut S..Ui w .. t l ........ .. ....... ' What do you bid now? A.-Yolll' main concern is the heart ault-partner can ban a eound opening bid wtthou' .tther of the two top heart t.onors. Bid four ~-U partner does not b6cl fov hearU in reaponse, JOU ean 1how your excellent ,,... &ad concern about hHru by bidding five spadea next. That abould clear up any doubll about what you DMdtoreJam. • Q.1-Netther vulnerable, u 8ouU1 JOU ltold: . • &JT14 c:::i&QIT O Al •Qt The blcldlq llaa proceeded: ....... Ntrda.:..& ....... 1 0 ... I O· ... I• PMI ' ~ W~t • JOU bid now? A.-r.t,... ..... to, .... ............. ~-........... ,.. ...... . ....... wu.. ... .. mean that you ahould now commit the hand to 1lam. However. you should adviae partner or that possibility. The simplest way to do ao is to tell partner of your dia· mond value -cue·bid four diamonds. Q.1-Both vulnerable, aa South you hold: •IU763 <::i J8 OltJt54 · •s The bidding hu proeeeded: Weet Nertll Eut S.-. t <::i r• r .. ' What action do 7ou take? A. -It is true ttlat, in all prob&hillty. you have a bet- ter spot in either diamonds or spades, but there i1 DO • aafe way to explo"9 the poasibiHtiea. When it loob u if.,-our 1ide hu It potential mlafit, get out of the auction as quickly u poalble-pua. l .. AQMANCE -Randal Saunders and Susan Zaguirre discover each other as Verdon As hlly Simpkins watches approvingly in "South Pacific:· pl aying at Sebastian·s West Dinner Playhouse in San Clemente through April 11. 'Centerfold' .tops The following are Billboard's hot record hits · for the week ending March 6 as they appear In this · week's issue of Billboard magazine : HOT SINGLES 1. "Centerfold" J . Geils Band (EMJ-America) 2. "Open Arms" J ourney CColumbia) ' 3. "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" Joan Jetr & The Black hearts ( Board<:Yalk ) 4 ... Shake it Up" The Cars <Elektra) 5. "That Girl" Stevie Wonder (Tamla) 6. •'Sweet Dreams" Air Supply (Arista) 7. "I Can't Go for That" Daryl Hall & John Oates (RCA> 8 "Mirror Mirror" Diana Ross <RCA> 9. "Leader of the Band" Dan Fog~lberg ( FuJJ Moon-Epic ) · 10. "Take it Eas) on M~r-Band <Capitol > .. ·r Orange Cout OAK. Y Pf LOT/Monday, Match 1. 1982 * Julie· Andrews wears ., 8081'8011.U ......... .._ ....... HOLLYWOOD -El1bteea montba a10,' JuDe Andrews kept bearln1 cbucklet from the attlc ol her SW. chalet. "What'• ao funny? abe called to hel' hutband. . •·r u tell you later," replied Blake Edwards troqi hia ~µn, room. Film aiacllencta can now ahare what w .. amusinC Edwards. It's the new MGM releau , .. Vietor. Victoria,·' atarr lnr .. Julie Andrews, James G~mer and Robert Pl'eaton, and the • director-writer said he believes the film la his belt. That ls an uncommon piece of hyperbole from the man who made "Oper ation Petticoat," ' 1 Breakfast at Tiffany's," Days of Wine and Roses," "10" and all those " Pink Panthers.'' ANouws Miss Andrews, whose film career in rec~t years has been mosUy devoted to her buaban4's movies, also is pleased with "Victor. Victoria," and not merely because of Its showy role. "I like It oot only because it is very funny," she says. "I also think Blake raises a lot o( pertinent questions con cerning our sexual attitudes: Who are you? How do you feel about your~ell? What are your preferences? How does it matter? ·'Those things are treated in an amusing but also a thought-provoking way in the movie," Miss Andrews says. The plot runs like this: Miss Andrews is a starving opera singer stranded in Paris during the 1920s. She teams up with a-homosexual cabaret performer, Preston, who teaches her to pose as a man doing female impersonaUons. The ruse works until s he falls in love with a Chicagoan, Garner, who is puzzled by bis own affection for the presumably male entertainer. Confusing? Not the way Edwards writes and directs n. - "My agen foun<it he story in a wonderful black·and·white film made by UFA in Germany in. 1933," Miss Andrews relates. "IL was called 'Viktor, Viktoria,' a nd it was written by Hans Hoemburg, w~lso wrote the original film on Ike Turner acquitted TORRANCE (AP) -Rock musician lke Turner was acquitted on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon in a shooting last April 13 that injured a newspaper delivery man in theilnkte. Turner, former1¥ of the soul-rock Ike and Tina Turner lteview, was accused of firing two shots at which Billy WUder baaed 'Somt Like ft Hot.' "The same director, Rbelnbold Sebunael, made • Ftencb vertloo, then u ~U.h veraion wu made lo the 19308 with Jetale Ma1thews, '' she says. · "Blake wrote the script quickly aft-er finlshln1 ·s .O.B. · It took him three to the mQntha, whereas • ·s .O.B. • wu wrltten~v r a period of 10 yeara. "I don't com t ·too much while he's workina. After he has lnlthed, be will Jet me read a script, and then we will dlacuss lt. As a wile, I pretty much have a cut lftsUnct about what Is pleasing him. And I knew be was very pleased about 'Victor, Victoria.' " The script presented the actreas with an unusual chaUenee : she had to play a woman masqueradinl as a man performing as a woman. "The choreocrapher, Patty Stone, set up the numbers as If I were a guy," she says."'J don't do very inucb in the way of movement. The chorus • Oscar Fever --*URQAIN-MATINe• .. Mand1y thni Saturday All Pertotm•ncH before 5:00 PM (Exce,t 1!*111 EfttltllMflll IN ltllldlys) --·llA'lll-"MAICING LOVE" .-i , _ _.., __ ,ltjll --· "0U.TI4 WllH II" "1 '~····;···--_ _....,. ... ,...-'° .... _ "CANNUIY "OW" -, .......... ,9;41 Andrew Francis , 49, outside ~e~ !!!Blewood . .r--..cn...~ home. Francis dehverea-tne· u · lfiY Dai y .~."" ~=--Breeze in the southwest Los Angeles suburb. "'·-. •oc111ry 01 Cono1ewood • in 'Victoria' .. . 1uy1 around me do the movtn1. tD the aceot1 wl)ere I Jail.>' Victor, I w., t.rrin1 to thtU 11 • man thlAkj, behave u a man beUvea. For lllltace, I noUced that when men sit down , they don't cro.1 their legs Immediately, as women do. Mtb are not as fussy with their hand.a. "One th1n1 amazed me: bow any mao un survive in a tuxedo? To me lt wu like beint l.n a vise.'' the actress says. "Partly that wu becaus. my bosom was atupped down. Blake and I considered a Une tor the ads: 'Try to tlod what you saw in ·s.0 . .8. · " The reference, of course, to her OO.Om ·barlnc scene that created a publicity stir laat year. An uproar was anticipated from the fana of Mary Poppins and Maria Trapp. "I was geare d for the hate mall," Miss Andrews admits, ''but to my delight, nothing happened. Everyone seemed to ac~ept the scene in the good fun with which we playe41t." NOTICE 0,. TllUSTll'S SALi T.S.Ne.7-J · All E NOW!~A~Y At Ari Six in o mes · There's A Lot Being Said About LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IH 211/111·9llO AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY •> duly a1>polnled Trusle• under Ille follow11!9-.Crl-deed of 1""'1 WILL SELL AT PYBLIC AUCTION TO THe Hl(i.HEST BIDDER FOR Cll$1/' IP<tyable al tl.-of w le in !awt"'' money of TM l1nlled Sta•ul •II rlQftl, 1111• and lnlffest conwyed to -,,_ held by II unditr Yid °"" of Trust In Ille pr-rly ,..einatl•r de\<rl-; ~------~-.-..-." TRUSTOR, PAUl. S V OAV.S •"" • Aaodlrny A-.:1 SHELl..Y LYNN DAVIS RE! IPGJ BENEFIC IARY GERRY L 12: 4:308:30 TH O M PSO N •nd JE AN Y . No aues THOMPSON. llUSl»nd •nd wife .. No Econ. S.ats jolnll1t,,.,.ls RKO--.ni.r l ... ,. H lnslr Ho. sn2 "' -12'10. -not of Oflklal RKords IA. Ille of11u ol llw R•corder ol Orlln9t County; Hkl- ol lrusl ducrlbu Ille lollowlne pr-rty: . A,_,.,,.,.., Eslala In •nd lo LOI 21 -Ille NOf111erly 21.00 !Mt of l.ol 2tln 81oclr.1lol TrK1 Ho m , In !he Cllv ol Htwpor1 Bff<h, COUftlY ot Or•llQ•. Slate ol C.lltornla, as· .,., M•P .-cord9d In -n , -· S -•• MIKell-s M~. In Ille offlu of Ille counlv rocorder ol .. 1c1 county t 1<1tpll1>9 llwrtfrom Ille Northerly 11.00IM1oll..Ol21. fU Prosp•cl, Htwporl 8eacll. 'C•llfornla ~ "(If 1 slrM1 .odreu or common destvnallon Is sllown aboYe. n .,arranty Is o lve n •s lo lfi comple\t1WUorcorrect1WH) .. Tiie be<Wfk l•ry und., w kl l>ftd of Trusl, by r-of• ""9•ch or del..,11 In Ill• OOll9Alk>ns se<urlt<I 111ereby, llertlolore eucuted -delivered lo 111e u~ •writ-0«1a r111on ol Oef•uft ...., o.m.nd for S.le, .,... wrllten notk eof -.Cll •nd ol tle<llon lo c•uM Ille undersl9Md lo wH ..,.._ pr-rty to wllsfy w kl OOll9Alk>ns, -111erwi.r II• undltrslQMd cau~ Yid noll« of bn«ll ano of e1Ktlot1 eGi be recorded Howmber 11, "" at. IQllr. No. ltOll In bootl lf2'l. -"'· of ..... Olfklal '""°"" ~ Mle Wiii bit m.di, bul WllllOUt cowenanl or w•rr•nly, upreu or 1 ......... •eoM<llno lllle, POHHSIOn. or 1naom11r-.n. lo i;aey lhe ,.,,..•lnlno pt'lllCljNI M1m of the not• (S) S«Ured llY UICI OMd of Trldi, with lnterul H 111 .. ICI -proYided, •dY-n, II any, .,..., tht ••l'M of Mid DMd of Trinl, ._.,, cller .. s •lld upensn of Ille T,..._ -pl IN ll'VtlU c,..lleel Oy ulCl~offnm. Said wle wlll bit held on WeclrwSdey. M•r<ll 1', 1_, 11 1:00 p.m. •I Ille Chipman A-entrance to Ille Civic cent.,. lkllldlnQ. lOO E••I c._...., AYenue, 11'1 Ill• Cll y of Ora no•. ""'lfornla. Al Ille lime ol Ille 111111•1 out>tk al!Ofl of ltlll notl«. the tot.i -ol the u11p1IC1 ~l•ne1t of tll• obll11allon MCured by Ille·-dHCrl--of trust 11141 fftlmlleCI c.sts, e-~. -edYanc,ft Is Sl2,'16.J3. To~ l"9 -""'9 bid. 'YOU ~., call C7IO tl74't6. Dale: FltlrUlrf 1t, 1911 AMERICAN TITLE CO. as sa Id Trustee, By: T.0. Set'Yk lt Go.. ...... By·~Nelc•. Anltlllll Se< ... lolry 0rw City 81\'d. West, 0.angt,Clllf.t1 ... 17141 ~ Plibll.-Or-Coetl D.ily Pllo4, ,,._r 1, t. IS. 1"2 • Olan• Keaton In SHOOT T.-lilOOll (Al 12:15 2:40 S:IO '1:40 .. 10:0$ STADIUffi ~ Scr<Z<Zn Driv<Z-ln call 639 8770 mR'&"-7.~~ RevolutioMry Cine-Fi Sound 111.., ""'., .... .. .. ""-. ...... .... ............ ,,., .... ~ ... -.......... ...-..... ...... ,..._Millt....,._ Kate Jackson MAKING LOVE (RI Hinory Of Thz World I !RI LOVE ._,.......,a_..,.~ n. CIA tr•• Nm. ~ .................... ............. they ellMdow-..d Nm. .Magic ..... every piece of magic and skill haa been uaed to free our imacinatlon, to let it soar."-Slui"' a.....,, LOS MGELBS 11'618~....,. .____-.. -c econ ,_...,...,._ "TAPS"-1~-. Seti. II; .. -· ... LA KE WOOD CENTE~ SOUTH WAlll' IH. f()Qjlfy Al Del Nr.o 211/6M-t211 . --·--..J 'RAIDERS 01" THE LOST ARK" ·-· .... "·~ "~· I . I L,-.GUNA _ _.. ...... T0.-10..-- "CANmY ..ow'' -•t:a.--1<•1.- _.,.....,... ... .,. __ "MAKINO LOV£" 1111 , ....... a:411,••·····""' -CllOUAIOO--.. CHARIOfS 01" l"IRE"' INI •1tt.,•~··~~.,. so. COAST WALK ·IN Soulll Coou Hlwoy a l t rooOwoy 494-1514 _c._,. ___ .. TAPS"-.........._,.,.._ Mt ..... 1:,...,..1:, .... ......... ~,o ... e·15 ,,. ~-·6:oo) ... ;~,.., .. e:46 IMPOfHANT'NOTICl! CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! H••t .. , ... w ..... 11 .. llKw flO 5 30 • $11 Swn Hth4 30 rM CM-R SOU1C1 • 'IQlll All CAii IWIO IS YOUfl V(N(JI ,, Ill).,. (All l\l!Olll Wl!lt ~ ~' l'OSITOI -""" uo llOllTllll 1• Al! Cllll-ll 011M.-s &:ID Oii 1111 IWIO ANA>lflM ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN ~tlot l-SI 179-tl50 --------~~ "WIMOWALKElll" --''9'K>HCO BIU Y" - CIM fl SOUllO ftUIN A PA~• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN Iii!~ t "". ". '-'• LINCOLN ORIVE·IN ltnco•~ A•• Wetl ol Cf\Ott 121·4070 lla--·--"CtMISTIA• , ... ,_ -''oaAn.tlP""' Cllll·HIOUllO I •lo"'~ I lA HABPA · u ~! ·•• c,.... .. ,._ .. "Dt!ATI1 WISH II" I'll ....... ··THE BUflNING""' Clllf II SOVNO ,, ACADC.,... A.Mo.;.;;....n;;-- .. REDS" "1 -"PROPHECY"-e1-t ,. S011110 °" ____ , __ ...,..._ •'VJCf SQUAD" tltl -"H.,.DCOlllE" 1111 _.. oorT1lUll un --"MAKINO LOW" .. 1 ..... "HISTORY 01" TI1E WORLD ftART ONE" .. l ---"D£ATI4WllH11" ,., .... .. THE BU..NIHO""' CNIEllSOUllO leocft 11\0G So Of Gor-0-0.. ,._, 191·3693 _c._, ---"TAn" ... "'"' "MOOOtN "'°9LIM$" ,,_ Clllf·fitolMO .-. ... .._.wit•e•~ "THE AMAftlM" .-i -''tlOUneN CC>flWCMT'' .-i I Cllf II SOUllO ""----"<* OOl.OIN HHe•.,.. -..... _. ...... _ ·--..,,. ... ,CTittC~· ... IJHMI --... ORANGE ('II'\ f IN "'"'° ,,,... ,,.. asiola c.-. IN·7022 ........ _____ _ ·wia~·­·••CGM"11t MISSION I ••vi •N ' . - --·=1--.,,. AMA IM",_ -''IOUT't9M OOMf!CMt .... .. Orang• Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. March 1, 1982 11Claire's havin' o birthday party and she wonts o doll stroller, o monkey swing · . or a mini-kitchen!" .. M.\RM:\Dl.KE by Brad Anderson ~) "Mom, I wish you wouldn't send Duke for me in front of the guys!" WHEN 5AM DRIVER l'El.L& LINDA MAY'5 AGENT THA'f HE 5HOUL.D NOT L.ET HEI' RETURN TO WORK.THE YOUN6 AC TRE55 6REAK5 lNTO TEAR5' ACROSS 1 Fllel higtl e Rage • 10Mlkes· *-• 140ofe.ir:g 15 Arab r\llef 16 PtlCid 17 &Mntlel oil tlGluaplece 19 t<lnd ol sldr1 20~· 22 Mottled 24 Loeter 21~• 27 -~ 30 To..i.M>fd 31Cellt -- 32 Tram 37~ •Golt 40 ., • .. ...., .. u.. .. ~ ,, flq:dll JI .°" ..... ...... 58 EolOED 59 Buahet 61 T ennls $h0t 62 Allldlmtnl 63 Iroquoian 84 Expel tmeots 65 Bird·• cry &&Gest• 67 Outck drlrlk DOWN 1 TlllllM1d, once 2 Prepoei11on 3 Anent 2WO<da 4 Oulckly ® DID THEY MIS PL.ACE THE DECIMAL POINT.? ~~ SA TUllDA rt ptJmE IOLVID 5 8lg t19'> 25 Tlrt type e Subjugltor 21 Henpecks 1 Cup 21 T urldet\ • lnMlllct ctMlrnblf • Qltte 21 All - tO Storm 33 Comc1ed '' _..... Clly 34 Specie 11 Ooctme 35 -~ 13 0.ogMOrt .,. ... ltCMrMlll ...... .... JIJolnld II~•--UCilltOlll•• t' ii ' I • ' " . ,. . "' .. by Virgil Partch (VIP) .... c:::::;> "I hate Mondays." Hank Ketchum ~' " l ~ j by Ferd & Tom Johnson I/JELL, M.Me FIFI [)I[) SAY IT'D BE A STUNNING OUTFIT. OKA'( MIRED HANO ... HERE'S WHAT I WANT YOO TO DO ... SHOE HEMS UPPOR ™E S~CRT JVM~ ... HOW DARE YOU SAY 'THAT--· •T~Kl. "l~KERBEA~ DEFINE ™E FOU..OWIN6 : -9"' .-1 • .. • CALL HER BACK AND SAY, YOU'RE SORRY .. ~Y Tom-K. Ryan A COMA~He S"Tm'EP IRMA, I'M SORRY I .SAID YOU WERE DAFFY---I MEANT T O SAY--- ol\J MY H EA 17. by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller (I. )·REBATE I WASN° 1 6€.tMC. CIM1l'-L ~ I l.llA'S S\M~L" bOIN~ 'fo COMME.N1" oH ~ NICE. Ii LOOKf.0, 'fOO 61& J£RK! ~ WHAT MAKES OU "'Tl-tlr"tK 1HAT1HIS WAS PLANNED ? . by Georg'e Lemont • 1 I J T •• e KNXT lCBSI e1<Nk <NICI e ICTLA (l!W.)' e KABC (ABC) e IC"FM8 (G8$) e KHJ·TV (Incl.) • KCST <AK ... e K TTV Uf ... 1 'e K'COP-TV OncU •• KCET (P8S) e KOCE (P8SI (I) On-TV (J) l-TV ®HBO • rD {Clnemu) ,,• m>'(WORl NY.,N.Y. GI lWTBS> ~ -~ <9--(ljlPH) S fttlowttme> .·• Spotllilflt ••• (C.ol•News~k) .· 'Divorce Wars~: . ....... .......... .. ~ ............. . ..,.. I llo:•'t ..... ......... !ft, ...... (I)~ • • • '"n..Ooet Of wr· (1MOI Olw11111N w-. .-.T ... .....,.,,,.., r.:. ........... Mowe" C1'HI 0.. ......,_., .---Wtmn. A $1rM1e ..... .., ....... KABC • T;80 -"Eye on L.A." Report on peoPle who claim to have psychic powers . ...,....,..,.. ___ ....,,_ -~-------.a --wy ,...,,,. to ..., 1 r11 DUIOll, 'ft' .. (I)....., .... 4111t(Jl)MOVll ----·---· ............. lflC#- .... lna .. Of--................ KNXT 9 8:00 -"Mr. Merlin.'' Zac to take part in hilh·1tate1 plna pong match. • l ••• ""-0...11111 I" (1MOI Nalwd ~ Aliff 1n4nt. TWo ......... a .... ,,.....,,.... . ~ .... **'4 ..... TM~ ....., .. ,,., .. ~. ,._ ... Jourllellte ........ ~'*' Jiii 111IOl1tlado• ""°'*" ~ to OO'flel' totne KOCE 9 8 :45 -Bernstein /· Beethoven ." Leonard Berns tein conducts VieMa Philharmonic. OOOlJ l lltlGn lllld tMI ....., low fot .., Ollw -.... tNlt pr~ tf ll'nllllofW.. 'PG' (J)oooecll 909 TO THl~At of ............... lrld ...... of .. .... 'IOI end .ny '10. .• ,.. KNBC e 9:00 -"Roy Acuff.·:.. Minnie Pearl hosts tribute to the . fa\he r of count~y music. See photo, left. Coolie flnda ... "-"• • "*Y plloe #but ""'' by wlltl tM lllllp-of her f\1andl . .MCMI ***~ "M1nll11t1n" ( 197'1 W°""f A.llln, Diane Keaton. A New Yorti City comedy wrtttr llt'aalll up wtlh "" tong.time glt1-friand to IQUlra around an (l)MCMI ***~ "TM Ult Of M-_.l~(tln) Gl'IMlft a.- Jl'WI. <JoM CleeM. In .... ""' oemuty, • .,...., .. • ~proclmlmeda,,_.. lflMcl~tN ....... of a et..e Nllglow ,...:. mm....-1111--. 'A' -.... OW9 109 ~ ... (I) ~CAlll ... e MCMI ~Mand In 1M ~of .... ''Wtwl'I .._ "'-Y-_.. ~ ~ 1-o.d _,.. 111161 ,..._ Slllerl. ~· of Charley'• ,..._ O'TOCIM. A conlUlld (C) MOYll youno -..... help • • • • "Nor1h By Nof'lh-lrom an even more _. .. (lNt) Caty Ol'ant, ~ =· Eva Marte a.int. An._. How ''adof>t+dllld'' TV Ullng man'1 ... II ctllftf9d lflOWI help chlldren find dtMttcaly wtler'I ht_ .. ,.._ OOod ~:on tilt r• tlklrtb'•aAaoent •• , with QOUl'ttry ""* ...., 10:GO. (I) LOU CIMNT Roell'• dooged lnvaatlga-Bar1wa Mandr... tJon Into wartime prom-. • MOYll • UM. MmllCAH eTYU • IU)Rf NIWlmAT: CAIMIOMA 00Nt111•11~ ~ ._.wn'H GC>009YW ''The o.iti Of lvtin ~·· A 9'0llP of~• patient• axprffl hletr oplnlonl .,.., ..-a a dtwnattulton of TO-.o(t olaaalo view of tM man, ~ofdylng. 11:41 CC> MOYll * *'A "The Anfll Wore . ~" (1NO) Ava Gatdtler, Dltk Bo9111'de. A prialt IMwa 1111 order to 1'9tum to a llllOl'ld '°'*ad by • ~ ..,.,,_. -MllflGHT-* * * "79 Part! A--" Ing IM• an ernbarrllllng (Part 1) (1977} Leat.y Ann lturn •.•• NlW8 1~· IHANANA wwren. Poly Bergan. A "'°""8 IN • Ou.ta: Martha "-- llrNl·WIH young glrl ~Alff and The Vandalla9. unju8Uy aMt to reform The Hfe and wort< of marl-• di MOYIE acflOol IC*'l In Ulldelwotld time ...... ,., John Stobart •• .,., "LO...-For Rant" ,_of P"*IMlon up0n ,_., ( 1979) LIH Ellbachar, htt ........ .,. IMlured. Q Annetta O'Toole. Two • IHOQ( Of' TH! NeW ....... Nducad .... • GNAT ··---l'Vtwe That WM" In young ....... VJ ~ """ I.ht glamorout Ille of IN "Brld11head Revl11ted: tilt conc:tudlng progrem of big dt)', .,. loroad to The u.-Hoc*" Julie hit algllt-part ..,..., Rob-become high-priced antrMll Ctlat1el to find art ~ ~ the t -11. (R) . Sebeltlan In Morocco and 1mpec1 ~hew had G MOYIE bring him bactc to -hit on modem art. (R) **'~ "Olamonda'' (1978) mothat; Lady Man:tlnlaln, !'9.~··eyawllnau" Robert Shew, f\lcbard wno11c¥nQ .. (Part no Round1t ... A 01r1tt thlaf ()) ~/IRNM (1981) Slgoumey w-. trlet to rob the.., ... oi.. CB) ...,,.~ Wiiiiam Hurt. A laieYtelon ~ EJu;ftange'1 bufdar· **Yo "Arly wti1c:t1 W'1 repot1er ~ lnvot¥ed proof vault, wNttl - You c.n·· (1NOI CMnt wlttl a janitor wtlO may d11lgned by hit' twin E.altwood, 9ondt9 Loc:U. know more about a ITV· brother. .._._ ----..__ with der trial he wltne.ed than • Ml(E DOI IGI A8 .......,,. ....,,_.,, ....,...., htll---.... 'R' hit gltl Md pet orangutan, 10:aO 1 .-; Cohot,t: Pat Boone. a bere-lllted llghtar Ilona TONY MOWN'S , Oueltt; Junior Waller and _ ::.l'. •P':. i.t.~llllve=..i'-+--~R'°""------t-. ~~~W_ ... _. "The OU.-e.ttle" T"""' • i =•UP.~ Brown rftlawl blacll P,:,~ mu~ MtlRICAH * * * 1-i " Man h aJ tan · • tlclpallon In ltle mltllary · :'Love And The ()\Alty eon. CID UP TO NOW ICienoa' .....,, (197.8) Wrxxty Allan, ~ Tilt latmt _,II, ldau . ~ ~on. A New Yortt City ~of t,.,wto to*'- ..--. wt1ter brellll up and newlmlikara are paro-'* hulMnd. "lo\le And ;;-hi. 1or9'tlme girl· dladAn a 1«1et of comic The 8IO Surpriaa'" Dk* friend to -...... around an lllatc:hm. . glY9I Nan a blrt~ pr-.....,.. 10:11 Cl) MOVIE .... .--....... ..-.... 1~ ent. ~ ··--1 . ....., ..... ~ ** "Sch1~~" 1·~t73) uol"WR",.,.yATI John l.Andt1:S.U. ~ ~ ...,_..., A monatar. ballaYed to be .MOVIE Benjamin apota • m11111a a genetic "mlallng llnk," * • • "MHn S1r .. 11·· being 'lf'Mlled Into Fort Ooat on a r~ of Jar· ( 1973) Hlf'l9Y Kaltat. Rob- Br8dley buf cen't oat eep.. • rfl/f. 'PG' en De Niro. A lmll-tlf'ne Win l.wll to~ her. 11:00 ••• ())a. hood and hit lneaponalble • AU. IN THe FAMILY :W:.1\lflDAv NIGHT friend find plenty of trouble Arc:hla 1-a .for hit llfil In New York'I Little ~· before an operation u HOii: Richard Ot9)'fua. 'R' thlnga oo ffom bad to ou.t: Jimmy eun.t. Cl) MOY11 WOtM.(Part 1) • Ko.we *** "NI Nlgflt Long" • ~IMN< • ™EMFEMONI (1981) Oar19 He!*men, ~ ldl9dulad pro-• .MNP0N>AN080N a.bra Stralland. AIW ,,amm1ng mer be~ I DO<cAvUT being demoted "°"' oor-• due to plldga brellll.' "'°""8 IH POt8te aucutt¥a to ~ Ne ..,..,... / ~Alff 1tora night ftlllNIOW, a 9IETHOYIN The ... and wortc of ~ m6ddl1 9d man'• ... Leonard e.m.a.tn and ltle """ '*"* Jotlft 8tobart ltyte Md ....,. -turned Vienna Phllhlirmonlc per. .,. '9etut9d. 0 upeldMlawn. 'R' • tonn Baatnoven'1 Sym-(D).MOYIR 1l:I08C9LATENIGHTwn'H phony No. 8 In F Ml.jot. ***~"Gimme ShelW'' OAYIOL.ETTEMtAN ~ 88 (19701 Rollng StoNa. _,.,_, Ouailts:-~ crlOcl - HO e ()) M ·A ·a·H teraon Altplanl. Thll docu-· -'T Hawti_,., BJ and Cftarlel mentary of the Rollng 4 1Slek=:=v Ebert. IUffW a~ barrllgl of Stonee' 1"9 Amerk:lln NIW8 prafarenllal lrHtmant tour lllCludel--of the 12:.40 ()) COL.UM80 from the enllltecl panon-rioting and murder at an A fading actr-plot• the net wNrl tNy -plaoad Altamont ~ frM on the mmp'1 l)(omotlon concar1. -.eh of a longrhatld ooe- ~ CIOIUmnll1. (A) 1•• MOYll ·l:=our * • * "Wiid II The Wind" ( 1H71 Anna Maonanl, ""1ltony Quinn. Trouble et""'9 .._ a young man .... In low with the -.... of hit Ol*dlan. CIDMOYll ~ ""'*' '-!Jll'f 'A' 4:80 (I) WILOOME TO MIAMI, CWANOe Floride .. doudad with prtjudloa Md probleme lot Mike wtlO ll'IUll oome to or1'lt wllfl 1111 Cuban her'-... Tmw•dq11'• . Da11tl•e Mo11le• * *.,. "The Pollman Alway• Ring• Twice" ( 118 1) Jac:tl Nlctloilon, Jelllca Lange. A young woman and hat io.... ptot to murder,..., huaband. 'R' (l)MOYIE >A ''8M'1 19 AnC1 Reedy'' -MORNIG- 11NO)A young girl long9 to .._. /'IJ'\ * * * "T.._ T-.._ -~total fulftllment. ......, \&I ... ....._ 'A' Trap" ( 1966) Debbie Rey· 1:21 CC> MOYll! noldtl, Frank Sinatra. A * * * "The Changallng" 1ophl1tlcated b1chalor (19801 0-ga c. Soott. down on marrlaoa l'l'leel• 1 Tilah Van 0.-e. A wld· i!!_I who II apt him. owed muelc pror ... or t:ao • * * "Red River renll an Old l'IOUM that Ring•" ( 19311) John llj)pMf9 to be haunted by Wayne. Raly Corrigan. The a r...._ 1P1f1t with a 5(). ThrM MeaquilMft Mt out year-old aCor. to aetttt. 'R' to nab • gang of callll 1:80. INTlllTAJNMEN'T thi.v.t opatlllng along the TOHIQHT Rad Al-. Bo and Jonn Der~ di$-CC> * ..... ''Tilt y~ c:uae the r ...... of Mir Old Lovan" ( 18501 Sally For· explollatlon film. r•t ~· Br....... A QI~ Pfomlllng young danoar le Cl)_, ... ~ S1tldtan with 1 perlfyzlng ** "Hlgf1Country"(l981) d ...... Timothy Bottoma, Unda • * * * \o\ "Scarface .. Pun. An ~ c:onv1c1 (1932) PIUI Munl, 0-ge and hit ~ girl-Raft. A ainall-llme hood- lrtend llM to tilt mouo-lum r1lel to tilt top Of the ta1n1. 'PO' heap during Pronlbttlon. l:tO I~ 10:00 CID * .... "Trll>VI•" ( 18801 _,,.~ Jack Lammon, Robby **~ "Arly Whk:h W>Y e.n.on. An l<raapontlbla You Can" (1980) Cllnt &roadway preu •o•nt -•&eH• .. 1•t~~~~dta-4.ocMl...--t--~Pfll~~~ .... _._~ 8efofe Mtt11nQ down wtth life and hit tatlYOUI rlll· 1111 girl Md Piil orangutan. tlonlhlp wlltl his grown a bare-ft918d fights 81gn1 ton. 'PO' up lot one lalt, lucratlve Cl) * * * "The ~1-match. 'PO' llon".(1980) Rk;hard Oray- 2: 161 NIWI lull. Amy lrvtng. Two plan- t:aO N1W1 1111 at • San FrancllCO • l:IO M"°8lalE mu1lc competltton find Oat 1n lhac>a, lode good, that their love 10< each and ..., grMt wt1t1 l111J other confllctt with their ~ 111,_ progrem. prot...ional 1mblllon1. {H)MO\ ·pa· • t:al .... ~ Of A Stranger" · 11:00 0 * * * "PatadlM Alley" (1981) LaYt.i T-• ....,_ (187111 Sylwltar Stallone. niter JUOft ~ An Armand Atlante. Tht .. lnqullltlve TV repofte< IChemlng btolhtrt from 11 .. t 1 madman r~ the Hlll'a Kitchen MCtlon ble for 1 -* of r.,._ of New York City combine murdln. 'R' ..., I~ of btalnl and 1:11 • llltCMI *** "L0¥1nf'' (1170) Oeotva Seol'. EYa ....,,. 8alrrt. A ~art.Ill II ~by guaet9 ... 1wtnolng party u he maa•low to•- blfor9 doaack*~ -.... le1t (C) MOVIE •• * • .. Animal Ct'ac::lt. ..... (1830) Mani Brottllra •.. -.. -~ ~. Iha Afrtcan explorer, and hit &MY partnert do coiielc*mia damage to a aoc~y matron·• party. ~ ii their elfortt to -I• benar ltvee for • ..,,.__.PG' 11::IO CC> *•Yo "Aatum Eno•o•m•nt" ( 1971) Eliza- beth Taytor, Joaaptl Bot· tome. A tocmar actr- wtle> II i.ecHllO II I lln8ll colllOI lorme a epec1a1 rllatlonahlp with one of her lludlnll. 12:00 G * * ~ "The Bella Of New Yortt" (1962) Fred Allaire. Vara Ellen. A tlde- wallt mTNlo!! linger cap- turaa tM ,_, of 1 debo- nelr pleyt>oy. • • * "S.O.S. Pacific" (19641 Richard Allenbot· ouefl, Ive ...,_, ,._... ormfl ..... llttMdad °" 1111 i-.nd l*flf wed '°' ......... ., ....... .... ~°'~ ••• * Mo.ril eom. 111and.. ( 1140) John WfltM, W,,_ ll'ldfaOlt A ...... llWtMI ...,,.... wtlll • r\ltl)llMI guerrlla .... Wfttf~-• IOwnful of -*' and cM- dten. C8) * * ~ "The Man Who ilw Tomor-row" (1N 1) Oooumenteiry ....,,~ by Otaon w..... 'OOtllOI of _.. ,,. pr'9llctecl and dfwnette r--IOl11 of hit ..,. CIOlllPfila ,.. look at I~ H~lury Fran(lfl ~. •trofooar encl myetle, *Ml de .Jlottr .. Detne. llnown .. N°oetr• damul. 'PO' Cl) * *. "All Night Long" (19811 Oarl9 Hadlman,, Bllbr• Str•Nnd. Altar being demoted from eot· porlle eMCUllYe IO ct\atn- llora night INlftaOat. • mlddl.-llQad man'• llfe. llyle and.....,..,. turned_ ~°""'·'R' 1*1* • • "c.ddle" ( tH 1) Halen Morie. JIC* Thornp- ton. A young woman IMvee her comfortable IUbuttlerl home and hat cruel huaband, determined 10 take NII r~bllity for 1UPPOf11no her c:Nldfan by dOlng wtiet-odd Jot>• the can eat. Cl) * * * "The Tender Tree>" ( 1t55) o.bbla Re_y. noldl, Frank Sinatra. A 1op111111c11ad bachelor down on marriage ~II 1 i!!_I who trapa him. l:IO W * * * "Royal Flath" ( 1975) Maleolm McDowell, Alan 811•. The n0C1urnal aecaptc:lel of the nutt- buckllng Capt: Herry Fluhman land him In th4t arms of Iha notorlou1 cO<Jrt111n Loi• Montai and on the wrong elde of the powerful Count Otto von Biemarll. 'PG' 2:00 ® * • • ··s1mon" 119eo1 Alan Arkin, Auttln Pendle- lon Scianllltl I t I blz.arre- ly mlldlractad t/\IM tank con111nce a Dumbing col- lage prof-IMI he la an llllarl from OUllr ~ 'PG' 1:00 8 • * • 'Geronimo" (1882) Chuck Connors, Kamala Devi. Rebelling agalnll the greed and 1)'1· anny ot an Indian agent, Geronlmo declarea wer on _-lba.LJ..S. 3: tll CZ) * • * "'The Dogs Of War" ( 1880) Cnrlltopl'ler Wlllten, Tom Ber~. Alie< being tortured and daoorteO by en African ' dlctetor. e mer canary retum1 to 1411d e revOllJ-uon. ·R· 4:00 CC) **yr "St0<les From A Flying Trunk" ( 19781 Mut· rey Melvin, members of the Royll 8111411. Three Hana Chrl1Uan Ander_, stories 111 btoughr to Ill• through ballet, Hve ICIJon and anl· mat Ion 4:30 0 * * • ·~ 'Scar11Ce"' (1932) Paul Munl, George Ratt. A ltTlall·llma hoQd.. lllm rta. 10 the top of the hellp OU<lng PrOhlbtllo I. 6: 11 (%) * * • · · Flrtt F llftlly'' 119801 G11<1a Raid..-. Bot> Newhart The sexually rec>rNMO daughtt{ of the country• ""91rdast pr-. oant11I t1mlly c:ornpllcat• htt f1tner'1 atlllmPll to conduct • th• 1ffalr1 of 11a1e. 'R' &:to ~*** "Oh OoOl 8<><* II" (19801 George Suma. Suzanna Plelhetta. God r1furn1 to F1tfh and ct1ooMI Iha young dtugl)- llf ol an e4ifarlltlng exec- utive to tpretd h11 ~ Hge to the world. 'PG' boerd. (I) MOVIE 8C9..0VACUP'F ... IO *** "Popeye" (1980) ; Y1AM THI f<*G Of' Ro01n Wlltlam1, Shelley JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk COUNntv MUllC Duv911. White IMtdllno for MtlWl6e Pearl hoatl ""' lllalether, the~: tribute to the hither of the Inf Mllor vlllta a quaint OrW!d Ole ()pry, fMtut1ng hMll9t wtwe he l**a UP a 1nMY of IN top ,_.,. In follftlllflg Md 1 •1nny b~WAM: 11ilo;r;---~ • A}.OYI ITORY 8 aiTHE ..t Of A nierrtad coupte become CAMON ~ ...,... durtllg tM ~8~.J.,nn prooe. of ""* ... ....... Bob ......,,. TOfll Selec* and.,._ CIA'· • Linda~ (A) tin ttar. • 9 MC NaWI I ....V..... NIGIHTUHR ••Al•/ • ALL.INTMU'AMLY WINCHIN Who.'s Winn.er? MY GUEST IOD~Y IS IHAI 'INACKY WE.16HTWA'1CHER, RICHARD 51MMONS .•• IHE MAN WHO H..a · MADE Hypgw:.TNny : AN ART FORM.' Show captures human moments, trying situations 8)' FRED &OTllENBE&G APT ............. NEW YORK -Television ia most enJi&btenlnc when it becomes a mirror,·capturlnfour most human momenta mad our most trytnc aituatkms ... Divorce Wars: A Lo~ St«y'' on CbaMel 7 at -t-tontgbt ls Ula ilDd of f ., reflection. "!!nry divorce depends, ultimately, on the peopte," aays one character in the movie. "It's like a·war. You can fi&bt to the lut mu and end up with a lot of devaataUon ud tel a lot of innocent people kllled. At· a certain potnt, nooe ol it b worth it." Tbat'a tbe boUoln-Uae leaaon • in toldOt'• preMDtatloD cm tbe ''AllC -,,...._ ol tile ......,,, tbe Mtwork'• ........... for apeelal prod11ct1• tat wtll ne•lr lie eadf1illed .,.. 0 11ortr aad Mlnclr Vlalt f'antHJ lllaad.'' Tom Selleck of "Masn111, P.I." plays Jaellr ...... a drhn divorce lawrer wbo me...,. Ida nee.I la Ill• b)' tlle c .. M wtm. 1111 ...a v111oa 1a U••• ,,.,,.u :::c;;r-.. °' ell & ea•• r .. ._ show. Richard& and Phil Ganyon operate San Die10 teminars on how to g~t c~en and win at games. 1 r I • cSrangp Coaat DAILY PILOT/Mondar. March 1r 1982' # .. . l · · . · han. . . · , ~sir: · · · -·. . aHier Cal\a b\ C\ernens ' 1111.r. Scoff-. "'' ~ ..,-han~'f.:>o, 12.a~ . }Ii, M . P~nnon Thanks, Mtt Fi+ch · ,, . Thanks Mr. Barro n·--L . .J . .LJ· AA . . . Thanks, ~s."Duncan ~ . ne '-''·Ms· r..IUl~ras n~ 'rlS.~111.t>t-s . · 't'oUre welc.0me, Mr·:-'°P · . · \..\ello, M.s. Hut'sf-. Tha11.ks Mr. Grant · ki /.le/~, fat~ Reas?anks~~ 8Val:nz.ueta l,\e.\l~, Mr. Ba1;,~ 1hanks, Mr. /-l<ift:hin5 ~;., Mr. Fotd ~ . '· r: · . ·re we.\come, Mrs. Ctai.9 '· ~· Morgensh!rn GOod rnorning! Mr: Rogers . ·'<00. . · 1 , Good mo . )6°t-e We/co~ . an Th~nk yo· AA ne//o . A-11 . rn1n.9, A1 c-l Afs A~· .. . : r.-S\ake\1'\ . 4,r1r. Rarnanis , ,.,,,..s. Cunnin h t:~/aughf-er ·'VJVe;, ~,.~ We\lo, t'ir. Gonz.a/ez -tlello, Ms. Kirn 9rn=~ . · ~r . · ~ellO, Mrs. Sane!!i-k M. Lee 1-l~llo,Mr. ~per H1, Mm·% Choce . . 1nan 1t>4 . rs. \~~ ( 1nanks M M n I • I-JI Mr. Ferrati , . cw:-v-.e · · . l t: a _S<Jtno-fb l-lello,1 Mrs. Y~ .. H;,·Mr. ~t~~oon,Mr. Thanks ~!~~Y~~~re11"~=~ _ - ---:_ ·~ --~~,~-·ph·t\• , '•t.;;.f!Z/nski M .e o, ir1r.vv11~orr \}e\lo,Mr. Levy. [:p>" . ~anks,Mr. ' •ps · Goodbye Mr. Chips ' . We ..,amise to •nile. 1b say '"hi'' and ''tlmnks!' ·Arid.to cal -every-11.r name. . Or Jiu get a dollar. On the spot. ' We've been learning a lot of new names lately. Because we've been helping a lot of new customers switch their accounts from banks t9 Fidelity Federal. More than 42 thousand in 'the last year alone. . They like our interest rates -the highest rat~s allowed by law. They like our name-calling guarantee: we'll use your name and make you feel welcome.or hand you a dollar. On ~he spot. If that doesn't seem like reason enough to switch your account to Fidelity Federal. just remember the last time you fell into the clutches of,an unfriendly, indifferent banker. And keep that picture m mind. when you walk into • I 1 f .. -Fidelity Fed. • Where more than 700'of the nicest name-callers tn the--·------ business are standing by. · Ready to help you switch your account. To call you by name. And to do one heck of a lob with all your banking needs. 1 At Fidelity Federal. we· re on your side. .. KAREEM-ED Laker renter Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was a prominent figure tn Sunday's one-po int win o,·er Cleveland at the Forum. He pulls down a rebouno 1 ~eft 1 Westhead still can't • figure out his firing But he refuses to hold. any grudges SAN DIEGO <AP) -Three m o nths after h is s uaden dismissal as head coach of the Los Angeles La'kers, Paul Westhead is still asking himself why. "I still can't piece together any signif\Cant eviden.ce that I macte serious mis takes," said Westhead, dumped Nov. 19 when Valenzuela talks 1nake progress LOS ANGELES CAP> -Los Angeles p itching sensation Fe.rnando Valenzuela and his r e presentatives m e t with Dodgers officials for more than three hours Sunday and "some progress" was reported in their contract talks. Another m eeting was sc h ed ul e d for today , a spokesman for the world champions said. Steve Brener , the team's· publicity director, issued a s tatement saying that although a contract agreement for 1982 was not reached, "both sides reported some progress." The statement also said that the time and site of Monday's meeting was s till undetermined, and "both parties agreed there would be no further comment at ,this time.'' Lakers' star Earvin "Magic" ·-Johnson said he was unhappy • playing,under the coach. Westhead, wh~ided the Lakers to the Natio Basketball Association Lille i the 1979-1980 season, remains without a job, but hopes to return to the NBA soon as a head coach. "If I haye any choice·, I'll stay with the ' pros," he told Tom · Cushman. sports editor of The San Diego Tribune , i n a n interview. ' "The only job I. have now ls picking up the kids at 3: 15," he said. • The Lakers who 19t off to a Z-4 star t , we re o n -a five-game winning streak when Westhead was fired by team owner J~ Buss. · Johnson, citing dirrerences )Yith Westhead, had demanded to· be traded, saying "I can't play here anymore." Since his dismissal, West.head has refused to lash ou~ at Jo~ Bus.s or the Lakers. "MY FEELING was that so many good things had haP-.P-ened, why should I tarnish them by .... reacting publicly ,•to something. already done," he said. _ "The experience overall was one or ups and downs. There was t he obvious e xcitement. or winning the championship, of being involved with some of the great players in the game, or achieving a certain level of p'.ersonal competence. "On the downside -and I've gone .over this In my mind meticulously -and J still can't Ucl ls RE' _..DY piece.together any aitnlficant /S evidence that I made aeri0\11 .mistakes. I had accepted the idea FOR OPENER 'that if you win, you're loved, and . if you lose, you're 1ooe. Durinl The UC Irvine basketball the time J was with the team, we team will open the PCAA were 10 percent Winnen. post-aeaaon t ournament Wednesday nllh1' when it baWet ~~~~~m=p == = Ut~h State at 7 o 'clock in tbe dkt.a.a-ttar ..... •-·~ Anaheim Convention Center. • -.,-,__,, Other ftnt·round patrinp find (1181),especlallylnll-'1tot apc Cal State Nlert.on taD1llnl wt&b beln1 out for as· 181DN. II u the University of hclllc in tbe 4 economist c'-"ed claarta like o'clock opener witb Lone Bneh tboae he'd ftnd no nUOD b' State meetin& San JOH State at chan1e, but -for whatever t . rea~ -they sokl me lbort Ver/ Jf tbe ADte.ten wbt ~D fut. · plar Ill t o•elld Tlniri"cia1. Rl• fee1ta11 tod•J towaH c~p 1ame .. PriclltJ. ~--T "A IUOd penoa," Mid T an on 1ale llt UCI ' 9ltllud. Ww• t and •· ucl at u. Jerrr BmaT ••a. ·--" ~ O.•..._ c.e.r betwem 11 lmpoulbl• p,r to deal WU. adl. Ta..,., r,_. ......... .. ......., ... ID laardjlJIMll ... o.lty ..... ,......., •1c-.-....... and swin_gs in the air < rjght l under the .watrhful eye of teammate Jamaal Wilkes. Jabbar·s s kv-hook with two seconds left gave the bakers a 102-101 vir"toi-~·. Intense winner in yachting's <Jorkett series See Page 93 . L&kers pull : . . . escape act -. Lowly Cavs prove pesky ... ·! By CUllT SEEDEN Of .. Delty ........... INGL-EWOOD -Magic J ohnson and Bob McAdoo were missing from the Laker lineup Sunday afternoon. And, for the .better part of the first hall, ·so was any enthushtsm from thi! rest of the Lalcers, -Fortunately for Los Angeles, Sunday afternoon's opponents were n one other than t he Cleveland Cavaliers, winners of just five games on the road this seas on and only 12 overall. Cleveland, a team molded out of several questionable trades and often maligned for inept management by owner Ted Stepien, did everything possible to take advantage of the al;>sence .of Magic and McAdoo, however. THE CAVALIERS built a 19·point advantage in the first ha lf, dominating the game so much that Laker Coach Pat Riley set a halftime goal or a IO-point deficit on which to build for the remaining 24 minutes of action. half of the Lakers· curreftC sev e.n-gam e winning streale whi ch h as moved the m 3~ gan:ies ahead or Seattle in the Pacinc Division. But ~xpanaing that bulge was a much bigger task than the Lakers expected. To begin with, Magic was missing from ttie lineup because of ijle death ol his grandmother. THE GUY WHO sparks the Laker running game flew home a nd is expected to rejoin the team for Wednesday night's game against New Jersey at the Meadowlands. ··We miss Magic in so many ways," admitted Riley. "He j ust adds so many dimensions to the game." · Without Magic, the Cavaliers a lso added a new dimension to the game. It's called surprise. "I know they're struggling, but Cleveland has a lot of talent. Cleveland played as well as anybody could play against us ," Riley praised. The Cavaliers , after falling behind early, 11·4, made the And th~t·s exactly what the Lakers look lazy on a lazy Lakers did Sunday afternoon, afternoon as Cliff Robjnson and culminatin g lbe.i.1:-comebaek-vet-enn ·~ Jinnes Sll6..._ effort with a 15-foot s ky book s parked t h em to .a 34-25 from Kar eem Abdul-Jabbar a d va ntage · after th e first with two seconds remaining for quarter. a 102·101 victory before 14,882 The Cavaliers shot a sizzling fans at the Forum. .714 percent~ge in that quarter , "I thought we had to s cramble connecting o;, 15 of 21 shots from when it counted," said Riley. t h e fi e ld . T h ey a l s o after the game. "And Kar~D) · o_utrebounded t.be t,akers in Ote ~as alw~ys the~e at 'the ng~t h~st quarter, 12·5, which can be time. Hes been mstrumental m d 1re-ctl y att ribute d to the our last three games." absence or McAdoo who is still Those three ga11;1es -vi~tolies nursing a pulled calf muscle and over Seattle, Ph1ladelph1a apd will not accompany the team on Cleveland -account for nearly CSee LAKERS, Paite C1> Wheelock happy he took his shot But majors didn't work out for him ByJOHN SEV~ Of ... INlly ...... Staff Ab, it's almost that time again. The .crack of a bat ... the chatter around an infield ... the sounds of leather. Yep, baseball is just around the corner. Yor many veterans, the star t or s pring training represents a grueling six weeks of labor. For many youngsters, spring training represents a chance -a hope -of catching on wi~h the "Big Team." F ormer UC Irvine standout Gary Wheelock knows what the latte r is like. From 1974, until he le rt the game in 1980, the rlght-handea pitcher yearn~ ror that golden opportunity. . Wheelock was drafted by the Angels during the summer of '74. He was assigned to the team's Quad Cities farm club in the Midwest (A ball) where he arri ved with some impressive credentials. Wheel9ck was 17 ·2 for the ---.LOOKING BA.CK -. Anteaters his senior year with a 1.70 ERA. In his career, he was 37·10 with a 2.28 earned run av~ra.ce. The right-hander (and then desi1nated bitter , too, with a .309 average in 1974) led UCI to a pair of NCAA Division II World Series tJUea ln '73 and '74. · He wu also an integral' part or UCl's 32-aame winning streak during the 1974 campatp. In fact, Wheelock recorded the liJlal vkLory In tl'i• ~ttond Series, burliDI the tJlteaters to a 14·1 decision over N,ew ;Orleans. In ~~ came. Wheeler pitched a five-blt1'r as be struck out 12, laclu~q the laat seven in a row. , Pltcben with tllloee kladl ol cnd•l•I• uaually ft•ure to be 1boo-IDI for tbe maJon. But Wheelock became victim to .... , ..., ~-eJed hopelula become •letlm &o -the aumben 1ame. Y• ... , ..... It eom .. to :'·--=rli J• --,_ .... ~Ill ............ lllulb I piQ9r a lpot Ge ttie ............ Wh~e~ Of •11 effortl wu • . .......... 1 MEMORIES -For mer UC Irvine s tandout hurler Gar.· . Wheelock fondly remembe~ h i s s t i n t i n t h e m a j or. leagues. . ' . . . 88 of those coming in ~ season. . Was there dis~pP._Ointment?. Bitterness! Resentment? Maybe for some, but not for Wheelock; who watjust happy to have bad.· the chance. "I'm g lad I did it," aaig, Wheelock from bis homt IK IJe llevue. Wash. "It wu something· l enjoyed and J'al glad I got a chance to play ln tM big leagues. . ·• • "You know, at Irvine I nevw tho\Jgbt about the ba. Jeapes. It was the farthest thln1 from my m ind. I was wrapped up iD college and winnin1 tbe = Series at the.time. raever dreamed a bout tbe blll le · ... I certainly wun'f ~ OD it." .:, Wheek>Ck spent 19'14, 'T5 ... almoet all of 'Te bl tilt ~ farm ayatem . Hh fir• - appearance in a major 1 uniform wu at the tallnd of '71 ..... qaiDlt tM llb-· TwlM.ltw•aa ~a.·• lllOOD ..... too. ..,,. wwtm-~·~ftn( IH t ••P•r•••e ,. ~· . .,.._ ........ .. Hl'J ...... " J111M , ...... K ... , ftrit time f ..... • ... t ... GUY, .... CI> I J. .. f' • From APdlapatclle• • • · ARCADIA-He's a special horse, E this oqe.eied, claustrophobic colr named Cuaaleria. • "When he first arrived in California, J thought, 'You poor devil, you've 1ot to 10 throucb all the wars of racing and you've aot this handicap'," recalled 'trainer Ron McAnally. "And what it something happens to y~r good eye?" · "I have a real~spotrorbim." Mc.\ilally also has high hopes for Cassaleria, wb~ despite his problems has emeried as one of 1 the too3-vear.:Olds in the countrv. "He's a goOd Kentucky Derby prospect now, and I think it would be just excellent for him to win it because of the handicap he has," said the man who also trains John Henry, the 1981 Horse of the Year. Cassaleria. bred bv James Brady of Kentucky and owned by the 20-20Slable group that includes Brady, McAnally and three others, has not finished out of the money in nine career starts, with three victories including the El Camino Real Derby at Bay Meadows. His next scheduled st;lrt is the San Felipe Handicap at Santa Anita March 21. Quote 'of the day Tex Winter, basketball coach at Long Beach State: "Money. It's all one game,i whether it's football or basketball. You've got to be successful to exist. Bowls , television, basketball playoffs. You get to the Final Four in basketball, and it will be worth $500,000. You get into the t-0urnament, and It's worth $1.20,000. I think it's bad. I'm n ot so s ure a lqt -of administrators don't make budgets counting on that money. I think it's b1td. It puts an awful lot or pressure on the· coaches today." . h . "I Jo rw...,,.,.. hll former matt1 .,_. , ...... ~ ll ol hla al 28 potata la the loarth qual'Ur to rally the Pboenlx SU. to a lOMI victory over S•attl• In &he National Batketball Aaloclation Sunday. Joblfaon, a former Sonic. llelped PhoenJx overcome an early 11·PGln& chftcit ..• llerun1 IUq pour.t ln 28 polnta and Wedd F'" chlPI*! tn wttb D leadtn Golden State to • 10~-17 rout oi IAtl•nta . . . Scortn1 a Jcar..r-bilh • polnta, 1.-., DHla paced lndJana to a lit· 10 l trt d mph o••r DetroJt . . . aay Wllll••• not~hed 23 Poiota to lead New Jeraey put San Dle10. 110•95, the CUppert' 10th loa • tn their la s t 11 1amea . • . •icky Soltera came otr the ben~h to score '°" .. '°" I 18 of his aame-high 28 poUlta in the rourth quarter to lead Cbicaco to I 11 .. lOC triumph over Midwest Dtrialon-leadlng San Antonio . . . Key .. Grevey scored the 1ame's las t seven points in overtime, belph~g W ashlngton record a 113-109 win over New York ... Lerry Bird shook orf a blow to the head that kept him out of the third quarter and scored 11 fourth-quarter polnta to lift eoston to a 106-102 triumph over Milwaukee. The victory was Boston's third strai1tfl. white the Bucks were losing only their second game ln their laat 15 outings. 1 ·canucks ·salvage tie ·with Ftyers Gary Lupul scored.. his seventh lii1 goa I of the season with 3 : 25 " remaining Sunday oi~ht to give Ute Vancouve r CanuclCs a 3·3 tie with the Philadelphia Flyers in the National J{ockey League. The single point moved the Canµcks into second place in the Smythe Di vision, one .. point ahead of Calgary .•. Wayne Gretsky, the NHL's record-breaking ~corer, colleded two Edmonton goals and assisted on anothef as the Oilers defeated Was hington, 4-1 ... Aaron Broten scored the winning goal in the second period a s Colorado topped C hicago, 5-3 ... Right wing Willy Lllldstrom scored two go_als and added an assist to lead Winnipeg past· St. Louis, 5·2 ... Dino ClccarelU §cored with just 11 seconds remaiJling to propel MTnnesola to a 5-4 triumph in Detroit . . . Veteran Gary ' Edwards, in his first start as Pittsburgh's goalie, stymied the New York Rangeis with 36 s ave s as the Penguins prevailed 4·2 ... Goalie Deals Herron posted his second s hutout of the season as Montreal blanked Griffou 'not a ronlacement' Hartford. 5-0 ... Defenseman Stuart Smith "'' ..,,.. _ was recalled Sunda by th~ler~. __ _ en Grtffey is stffi ·a bit illa t Ii ease at staking out the right field O Yankee territory that once belonged kamoto captures LPGA tourney to Reggi~ Ja~ksoa,. but he'~ tryin~ not to let ~t. Ayako Oka~oto sank a 15-foot • bother him. I don t. feel I m takmg anybody .~ birdie putt on the second hole or a· . pl~ce now tha~ J_tegg1e has gon~ to the Angels, sudden·death playoff with Sally Little ·' said th~ $~ m1l~1on-a-year outf1elder'who came to win the LPGA Arizona Copper Classic from Cmc1~~at1. : .. C,l,audeU Wasblngton was Sunday. For Okamoto, a native of Tokyo, it was re~rtedly .. oo his way to the Atlanta Braves . he r first LPGA win In the United States, spring trammg camp Sunday, and the absence althougti she has won 20 tournaments in the of the starting right fielder and leading hit~er a Japan LPGA ... Lucille Lee Of Orange year ago .~ad Man~ger Joe 'J'.orre mildly defeated defending c ham pi on Shirley conce~. He ~sn .t have a. we1g~t problem, Muldowney in Sunday's finals of the top fuel so theres DO quesb.<?n tn my f!ltD~ he II be ~e~dy ·category in the Bakersfi~ld Fuel and Gas to open the season! Torr~ s~1d. But ye~. it is a championships at Famoso Drag Strip. The problem to the point you d. hke to get him here match of the two women in the finals was the a n d .. c a u g h t u P I n t h e w h o l .e first time the situation ever came about in the thing. . .. Catc:her Charlie Moore dropped ~1s history of professional racing. request for the Milwaukee Brewers to trade him I after talking with General Manager Harry. Dalton Sunday. "He'll be competing for ~n outfield job," Dalton said. ''l'in very pleased about it. I feel I've picked up an outfieldet' and kept our catching strong." T elevisi()n, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Hockey -Kings at Quebec, 6 p.m., KPRZ (llSO). Bean postpoD.es celebrfttion Inquiry, prompted'by viewers' calls, delays outcome MIAMI (AP> -Andy Bean had to s urvive an inquiry into a possible rul~ infraction -an inquiry prompted by numerous telephone calls rrom television viewers-before he was declared the winner or the Doral-Eastfm Open golf tournament Sunday. There was no penalty. Officials, one or whom was on the scene when the incident occurred. ruled &here was no infraction7 But, at least for a moment when he waa coming down the stretch locked~ a multiple-man struJgle ror the tiUe, there was some · doubt. It was not until be had been interviewed by officials in the scortngtenttbatitwasresolved. ''I think the camera angle showed something that really .wasn't," Beansaid. The incident occurred on the 14th hole at the Blue Monster . course at the Doral Country Club. Be&Q bit his tee shot under a tree. · ·'I was standing about 2 feet from where I would stand to bit the shot," Bean said. "I wanted to see If I could take a full swing and I took the club back. A limb was in the way. I couldn't make a full swing. So I told .Dennis Chis caddy) 'I'm Just gonna have to punch it out'." He then took-his ~lance and played a half-shot out to the fairway. Viewers who telephone d . claimedBeanbaddislodgedsome -leaves on bis practice-swing and that it appeared be bad improved his lie, a rules infrac~ion calling 1 for a 2-shot peqalty. "Fortunately, an official was sitting in a cart not 15 feet away," Bean said. "After I'd bit the shot, I heard something from a spectator that I miihthave broken a rUle. I didn't think I had. I didn't think I'd done anything wrong. •·But I went back to the official and asked him. I said, 'If there's any question, penalize me. I don't wantanydoubtaboutit.' "He said, 'Don't worry aboullt. There's no penalty.' "The camera angle made it Area gridders lwrwred tonight (Sea\)'). 3 .8 <Bondi >. 3.5 <Batchelor) and 3.4 (Reyes). Othen from Orange County to ~ honored include Foothill'• re•a Haly, Pacmca·a Doa bitael, Villa Park'• areal. Bl•baar, Senite'a Doq 8\llllr, Fullerton'• Mike WUJn, Oraqe 1.utberan'1 Nathan Nebeo, El Dorado'• Brent Hoo.ver and Fullerton Colle1e'1 Jeff Bucbn. • Alto lD line for hoeon ae Rear Madral (bl.) Tbomm J. HamU&aa ad Elvin C Dueb> Drau. look like I was doing something I wasn'tdoing," Beansaid. Bean, sidelined most of last season wttb a band injury, scored the eighth victory or hia career with a closlng 6land a 278total,11 shots under NJ'. A single shot back at 279 were Scott Hoch, Mike Nicolette and Jetty-Pate. Hoch had a 89 tri the mild, cloudy weather, while Pate l\nd Nicolette._ enjoying the l:iest tow-namentofbis4-yearcareer-bad matching 70s. .Jack Nieklaus, only 2 strokes - back when the day's play started lhnd apparently poised to make a run at the title, never 10& untracked. He made double bogey-7onthet2thholeandhadto birdie the 18th for a 74 that left him well behind in th~ pack at ZM. I Ray Floyd, winner or this event the two previous years, never really aot into contention. He finilbed with 10 and a 286. · CdM plays Thllnday .. .. / . . IN CONTROL Kurt Rambis. all 6-8 of him . skies to get r ebound Sund a~· as ~ ........... ., ........ _ Kareem Abdul-.Jabb'ar watches . 1.akers escaped with 102-101 wtn. From Page C1 • • ~-.~ < LAKERS SLIP P AS.T CAV AI,IERS. !ts mfee-gai'i'iFSWing tiroug the last. THAT PUT .an extra burden on both Jabbar and forward Kurt Rambis, and both emerged from the game with more than . impressive statis tics .. Rambis scored a career-high 12 points and also turned in a From Page C1 career -best rebounding effo-rt with 17 boards. He .even delighted the crowd with 4-of 9 free throw conversions. which is better than average for the 6-8 workhorse. "Yeah; it's just a matter of confidence," Ram bis admitted, trying to hold back a grin. "I have lo have it right in my head GARY WHEELOCK • • • three runs in the first inning. I remember I was throwing the ball hard, but I was so excited I just tried to throw it by people and that never really worked well in the big leagues." Wheelock ended up pitching two innings that day and surr endering six rW\s -all earned -for a less 'Chan glossy 27 ,()(f ERA. The following season he was picked in the expansion draft by Seattle and spent tfie entire campaign on the main roster posting a 6·9 recor<I (for 17 games) and a 4.91 ERA. · Arm trouble then plagued the right-hander shortly after and Wheelock was sent back to the minors for '78 and '79. His last - a nd final -chance came against the Twins in 1980. He pitched three innings before a 1 i n e d r i v e.. off t he bat of Minnesota's Glenn Adams bounced off Wheelock's right wrist tlnd put t~ right·hander nut of baseball for good. "H e CAdams> wa s a l e ft -handed hitter and I remembe r throwing him a fastball away ," recalled Wheelock. "He hlt it right up the middle . . . he seemed to hit a lot or them right up the middle. Luckily it went to the second baseman for the third out." Unfortunately for Wheelock, it put him on the sidelines tor two· weeks. In I.he meantime, the Mariners purchased Dave STAY ALIVE DRIVE 55 Heaverlo from San Francisco. By the time Wheelock was ready to come back, the re was no room. "I knew I was n 't going anywhere with the Mariners," said Wheelock. "so I asked for m y release." Seattle obliged. Today, Wheelock is in his second season as a pitching coach with San Antonio of the Lo s ·Angeles Dodgers' organization. Wheelock admits it's quite a change going from the instructee to the instructor. but he's adjusting. ··coaching is different and I still have a lot to learn." he said, "but I had a good time. It was fun for me. Actually, it's the best time I ever had in my pro baseball career. "The most important thing in coaching is to get along and try to understapd your players and r ealize everyone is different. The fact I played in the big leagues has -grven n1e some credibility ... In Wheelock's heyday as a major leaguer he· comm anded a salary of $35,000 -which is· admittedly small in respect to whet-players are getting today. As a roach, however, It's even worse as Wheelock gets a paltry $15,000 for his services. "Coaches definitely aren't in this game to get rich ," he explalned" "But I'm not in it for the mon«:y . It's something I llJce doing. I just like baseball." when I'm up there (at the free throw line>." Jabbar, meanwhile, bes ides tossing in the ga m~-winning basket, led all scorers on the fl oor with 32 points, winning the battle of the centers with the Cavs' James Edwards who had 25. In the six victories prior to Sunday's triumph, Jabbar was averaging 25.8 points per game. Ile turned in a seasonal best 41 points in the Lakers' victory over Philadelphia Friday night. "The wav teams have been' playing· us lately, we just don't get the <fast) breaks that often," Jabbar explai n ed of h is emphasis on offense. "We·re having to go to our set game more often. Ear,,Ly in the season. we were trying to run an the time and our guards weren't always taking a good shot se l ectio n . Now . they 'r e (opponents) getting back on defense, forcing us into the set offense." THA'f ... OFFEN~E revolves around Jabbar who can either go to .the basket via sky hook: slam dunk or whatever, or pass off to an open guard "when they triple team me." he added. lful with h seconds remaining in the game Sunday, and the Cavalie r s ahead 101-100 following an Edwards basket, the Lakers called time out and it was pretty obvious Jabbar was designated to lake the final shot. And just like he calmly sank two--kee-throw:i 'Friday to send the game into overtime against Philadelphia, Jabbar tossed up a perfect sky hook that ten tbe Cavaliers winless in nine of their last 10 games. · * *· * LA•E• oa1eaL11 -TM C.vellers cur,.,Uy own Ille ~I l'Konl In the HllA Hon\'lalty, llte only OOoCI tNno th9t COINS CMll of• yeer 11 ... .,,. -cie ... ...., fs •a;perien(lft9, Is • iwwttv 900CI sMI come coll•te drtoft llme. Howe ... r. 119<-In lttO. Hie Cevt -•lnecl 0.. ~ .. !~.., Ille L•-••s. In retUNI, LOS ...... ,., 1"9<e1Wd IMC.YI' lksl.rovnd drtofl choke. AllCI tllet me-, tM L•-•rs ,.. ... • sllot et •lenlflO VfrOlnfe"s 1-4 • .._.. '-"',_ -If ~ clKldts to •-Ip Ills -lor yHr to turn pro, DIVORCED? s•ARATED? Zillgitt and Wrigh~ • intur:mce asnits' and brolrcrs ,. ~ . 1 . ' IOrwtgeCo.t DAIL"'( PILOT/Monday, Mllf'Ctl 1, 1982 SLOW OOINO, COMING -Hana Ho <77007>. Morrie Kirk's Santa Cruz.so from Balboa Yacht Club, jumped off to a good start in Saturday's first race. to Catalina Island and led tne fleet home in Sunday's windless race from DellY ...... ~ i.y A-LKl!Nef the island to Newport. Hana Ho was unable to save her time in Saturday's r ace which went lo the Choale·48 Brisa. CO·Skippered b~· Dennis Choatt' and Dick Meine. Los Angeles Yacht CIUb. Whitbred race still in doubt. ·Tw'!'french yachts bat~ling for aggregate· time trophy :::., race due to damage· and the many hazards in the race : MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina -As yachts headed home to Portsmouth, England, on the last leg of the Whitbread Around the World race speculation mounted over the eventual overall FLYER -Crushed finger to a crewman on leg handicap winner. two. .,. or the.6bree principal trophies awarded by the FCP Challenger -Miscellaneous penalties. Royal Naval Salling Association of England, the Skopbank of Finland -No major difficulties. Roaring 40s award has alJ.'eady been won by European University Belgium -Dismasted BOATING Ceramco New Zealand. It is anticip~ted ~-'t_E!.ttL_.n.n.legJbr~ ___ __,_..._...,__ -----------====-- will wm the trophy Forifie best elapse<rtime. Gauloises 3 -Dismasted on leg three and -' ~ T.he ~tbread. trophy for the best aggr.,at.e retired from race. handicap time wlll be hotly contested on the Save Venice -Br6ke forestays on leg one; fourth and final leg by Charles Heidsieck Ill and suffered damage to hull in leg three; retired from Kriter IX, two French yachts tbat are both named race. for champagne companies. _ Berge Viking -Protest lodged against her in Charles Heidsieck holds an 11 ~ hour leg one by AJaska Eagle for alleged illegai advantage over Kriter IX. although Kriter bas a communications. slight advantage in IOR rating. Flyer, currently Ceramco New Zealand -Dismasted on leg third on handicap standings, would have to finish 90 one. hours ahead of Charles Heidsieck to win both Charles Heidsieck 111 -Forestays parted elapsed and handicap honors, a formidable task during leg one; broke boom on leg three. for-muter skipper Conny van Rietschoten. La Barca Laboratoria -Dismastea on leg The first yachts are expected in Portsmouth one; did not compete in legs two and three. about one month after the re-start. Outward Bound -Delayed starting· leg two Only 10 of the original 26 starters have come due to a'rreat of crewman for alleged drug throu_gh the first three legs with no major offenses; charges later dropped. difficulties. Disque de Or 3 -No major difficulties. Here is a recap of the start ing roster, Walrus 3 Berlin -No major difficulties. including yachts which have dropped out of the Racing uni·on plans races The United States Yacht Racing Union has announced that the 1982 U.S, Youth sailing championships will be held at the Fort Worth, Tex., Boat 'Club :June 28 to July 2 in Lasers and Laser Ils. Competitors will provide their own boats, However, some boats will be ava1lable for charter. USYRU's Olympic Yachting Committee will again sponsor a two-day racing seminar June 26-27, open to all Youth Championship participants. The winners of the single and double-handed events represent the U.S. at the 1982 Jntemational Y a c h l Ra c i n g Union '-s W or 1 d You t b Championships at Lak~ Como, ltaly,.SepL 1-14. Funding for the U.S. team will be provided by the U.S. International Sailing Assoeiation. The winner or the single-banded series will qualify for the U.S. Single-banded Championship (O'Day Trophy) ·Aug. 16·20 at the Mission Bay Aquatic Cent.er, San Diego, to be sailed in Lasers. The top single-handed sailors will be invited to compete at the National Sports Festival July 22·28 at Indianapolis, Ind. All expenses. including transportation, will be paid by the U.S. Olympic Committee. Interested sailors should write to the USYRU One:Design Office, Box 209, Newport, R.I. 02840 requesting notice of regatta and entry application. Hobie Midwinters set fbr this month More than 350 Hobie Cat sailors from California, Colorado, Utah, Wyomiqt New Mexico and Texas are expected to compete ID the Hobie ltidwtnten Weat Re1atta at Saa Felipe, Baja Canrorma~Jlircti~~ · .. The ·evenn. l~y the Baja Califomia State Tourtaml>ept.-aad tbe CoDvadioe Bureau of llexlcaU. The 11.idwtntera West marb UM flnt major reiatta for the year ln tbe IOUtbwelt. Sklppen will be awarded points toward the tan national champklmblpa in the respective c....... . ct .... ICbeduled to race at Su relipe are Roble 14 A, Band Turbo; 1e A, 8, 0 and novice; and 111 A, B Mid •vice. . ' Contrail fmiahee firet· ROLL VGO -Dis masted on leg one. Traite de Rome -No major difficulties. Ilgagoma ~ Started 24 hours late ,i.D leg one; suffered mast, radio and electrical problems on leg one; nearly engulfed by .a wave oo leg two - skipper Roberto Vianell9 suffered an •cute case of frostbite in his attempt to right the boat after near engulfment. · Xargo Ill -No major·difficuJties. Krit.er IX -No major difficulties. Alaska Eagle -No major difficulties. 33 Export -Dismasted on leg two; missed leg three; questionable for lea four. Bubblegum -Hit •whale on leg one and broke steering C"a bles -continued on jury rudders; radio and electrical problems on leg one; leaking deck, rudder failure and loss of radio on leg three. Swedish Entry -Retired from race after sec;ond leg due to lack of financial backing. Euromarcbe -No major difficulties. Croky ~ No major difficulties. Licor 43 -Retired from race. Scandinavian -Retired from race in lee one . due to mast and electrical problems. Vivanopoli -Delayed in fipishing leg one having been seized off the coast of Africa; missed legs two and three. ·United Friendly -Started leg three with damaged mast. Mar Bihan -No major difficulties. Sailboard flap , tiine extended · The International Olympic Committee's executive board has granted the International Yacht Racing Union's reque5t to extend, the time for reaolut.ioo of the Olympic boardsalling nap. The IOC bad previously inSlrl-Cted I)'RU and Windg.lider, selected as the sailboard forr the 1984 Olympic yachtiag aames, to resolve cllfficulties that have resulted ln several court acUona. The extension ca~e during toc·s week-long annual meetln1 with lnlernatlonal sports federations held recently in Paaadeo~. ~ , IYRU bad prepared a report cltiDt the reuom it felt an extension wu neceuary. IYRU president Beppe Croce and secretary 1eneral Ni1el Hacking. presented the report to IOC president Juan· Antdnio Samuancb and prosram eo•ml•loa chairman Arped Clanadl. . McLean wins match race Doug McLean of Del Rey Yacht Club was the winner of a Prince of Wales Bowl elimination race in the Marinadel Rey area Saturday in a match race series against Steve Gillon, King Harbor Yacht Club. The regatta was sailed in Santana-20sloops. The Prince of Wales Bowl is for the Uni\ed States Yacht Racing Un ion mat c h r acing championship. Skippers and crew sail a ladder·t)'pe elimination for the' rjght to ,r epresent their USY RU area. Calif.ornia is des ignated Area G. Tupman victorious Tom Tupman of the host club defeated 23 rivals in a five race Lehman-12 regatta for'the Mann Series Trophy. Second was a boat co-skippered by Mary O' Brief\ a nd J im Buckingham, NHYC ; third was Tom Schock, NHYC; fourth was Bruce Ayres, NHYC, and fifth was Pat Seaver, NHYC. Intense is Corkett • • WIDner Intens e, s ailed by All a n Rosenber g of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club was the overall winner Sunday in the four-race series for lhe Corkett Trophy out of Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The Corkett Trophy is symbolic of the Orange County Midget Ocean Racing Club championship. Forty-nine boats in two classes competed in the event which was m arked by strong winds for the. first two ra~es Fr.i day , a moderate westerly for the 15·mile distance race on Sunday. One of Sunday's two closed courses races was canceled because of light wind and a deep haze which reduced visibilitv. "10R C is be c oming increasingly popul ar in Southern California with stations in Marina del Rey and the Los Angeles·Long Beach and San Diego are as. International · headquarters for MORC is on the east coast. Class trophy winners: CLASS A -1. Picante, Bob Hatch, LA YC ; z. Fast Lane, Sh adden-Cole man , LBYC; 3. Main Street, Rich Marzinger, Sl BY C ; 4 . Hot F oot, Ron Doug~rty, SDYC; 5. Intense, Allan Rosenberg,ABYC. CL~ B-1. Expoobident, BiJI Me nninger, LAYC; 2. Pocket Rocket, Blair Francis, SDYC; 3. Sea Dr~am. Paul Yates. CYC; 4. No Pain, Charles Bartell, LBYC . 5. All Spunked Up, Scott Ramser , NHYC. · Li1ht tq non .. xlltat wtnda alon1 the coast were mettnc 11ow ollrfCSt use ncoacrrace-or--..,. ' Newport Harbor· YICM Club'• Ahmanson and Dtctsa.on aeriet from Catallna liland to-Newport lateSunday. • The aeries started Saturday 'with a race from Ne~rt to Eagle Rock off Catalina l•land and the neet bedded down at ~ E[';er-;1d ~o~~ ~tgrda! nl&~! .B0A.TfNC .m tto r · 4 • e :=:J I betore starting the second race home Saturday. Morrie Kirk's Santa Cruz-50 Hana Ho, Balboa Yacbtctub, was !the first boat to fifilsb Sunday at 5 p. m .• followed a few minutes lat.er by Mtke Braun's SC·50 Shandu, 1 Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, and Brisa, .co-skippered by Dennis Choate and Dick Mei.ne. LA YC. Choate said the race started Sunday at 11 : 30 a . m . in a moderate 12-knot westerjy, f>ut by 2 p.m. the wind shifted to the ~out h and s hut off almost completely. In Saturday's race the overall ha ndicap winner was Brisa. ;.mante, a Choate-48 slster ship sailed by Mel Richey,_ scored second in Class A behind Brisa, but was dropped to fourth overall on her handicap rating. Seco n d ove rall w as Fla mbuoyant, co-skippered by Steve and Barney Flam. Long Beach Yacht Club, and third was Bigwig. Ron Melville, Balboa Yacht Club. • I Class winners in S~turday's1 r ace: CLASS A -I, 8rlu, C'-le·MelM, LAYC. 1. Amante, INI Rlellley, LIYC; l . Free E~M. Olclo. E"lnQtr,NHYC. CLASS 8 -1 Flarn0uoyant, Stew and a.., --Fi..-n. LllYC; 1 819*~. ROft MelYltle, BYC; J A~aCIOU$,Mll(el(-f.1.AYC. CLASS c -'· Insanity, Wayne ·-•Tom Omohundro, NHYC; 1. Calltorni. Gold, F.rH O'~onner,O'PYC • PHRF·A (Ok.._, S.riff) -I tf.,.,_., .J- Oii.on. LBYC. 2. Tor,, Bob Ooclcl5.fNHYC; J Ma1ar191, eo'-nt•r. eve. PHRF·B -I. Contenllon, Gor<lcn Gr-. SSYC; 1. N119le Too, Jim N""nt. BYC; J. lmpe1-.s.PllllGla-.BYC . PHRF< -1 Foll GIOVe, .J-EHi~. AM YC; 1 Scctcll Mhl. Oon """'""011. llYC;, °""'· R09er~r19, VYC. Coast Guard sets exams U.S. Coast Guard Flotilla 15 has announced dates for its program of Courtesy Marine Examinations. The courtesy . inspections are available to all recreational boaters. rollowiog are the dates and places set up for Uie CM Es: Dana Point Marina launch ramp -March 20. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lake P erris Boat ramp - Ma rch 27, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunset Aquatic l:.aunch ramp <Huntington Harbour), April 10, 10 a .m. to 3 p.m. Dana Point -May 8, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunset Aquatic Launch ramp -May 22, 10 a .m. to 3 p.m. •• • , ~ I 1 .. ' , .... .J.------~--........ --~ .... ~1!!!!1'!~"""' ........ ..,,,,==:":''e"'---~-.~=-.:.-="""'"" .... :..."""~;:J----""-........... ""'""""""~-.~--~------------.... --~~--~---~~~~-~, ............... ~.~r:=r:::I•"';•"""'""" ..... ----.... --"""'""' .......................... ._ .... _. ...... ~ ........ --............ T.:a , .. . Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Maroh 1, 1982 NBA waneaNcON,•••Nc• ,.eclfk,DlwW. . w L l"d. o• u11 .... 41 11 • 101 Seattle 17 20 .... 3\o'J ..._.. .. SI 24 • SM ll'J GoldanSWle 31 u .SM • P'wtl•l>CI H 27 .Sii II San Oleoo u 41 .a.a Ul'J -..Div._ San Antonio ,. 20 .MJ -Hovaton n u .561 4\o'J Denver H 21 .SOt 1\lt Dallas " ,, .Dt 17 Utah 19 11 .Dt 11 Kanus City 11 40 .>to " IASTEaN CON,Ea&NC& AllMtkDMai. 40 u .721 BoslOfl PhllaOelpflla ,... Jertey WaP,lngton Hew York 40 " 713 \It H H 500 J 2\o'J 27 •. '91 IJ 2' J:J .441 14 c-.101w1Me11 Mllwauk• 40 16 7U lndl•... 27 31 ..... 14 Atl..,ta 24 JO .444 U Detroit JS 32 4Jt U\lt Chlc990 21 M ,m 11 Cleveland U 41 .211 2711> ~y'ak- Ullen 102, ci. ... 1-101 Boston IC», Mllw..,.... 102 Golden State IOS, Atlarit. 11 Wa1hl"9!0n Ill, H-Yorll 10t Coll Clllc990 111, SanAntOftlo IOt Hew Jen.y 110. San Dle90tS Pfloenfx IOl. SNttJe ti fnclla,..112. Detroit IOI T ........ tO-Ho o•mes sc,_lecl T-rao-San Olaoo at H-Yorll Hew Jervy •t WHhfflQ1on Detroit at Mllw•llk" Pllllade~ a1 Chlc990 Boston at Dallas .S...A-.lo~ Kanus City at Ulah lndla,.. at Denver Phoenix at Portl-CleJte._ at~ State • Lakera 1021-Cavmllera 101 CLEYl!LANo -Rol>lnton 12, Wedman S, Edwa rds u, Huston t, Siias 16 R. B,_ t7. HUllC!ercl J. Aesl~nl O. Wilkerson 4. Totals: 4115-24 101. • LOI ANOELl!S -Aambll 12. Wllkn 26, Abclul·J-r 32, C-o. Hixon 17, Jordan 2, J. Brewer O, McGee l , LandsC>eroff 10. Totaw 43 l~J:J 102 k-lly~ Clavet•nd M n 1• H-101 Los Ange!H u 20 u n -102 Fouled out -Rol>lnM>f't, Wecim .... Total fouls -Cleveland 2', Los Angeles 24. Tt<hnlcal -WflltH. A -U,112 COLLEGE Howtoo20fered H-Ille T119 1' .... ty i.ams In The :.~::~::!!:.~· cdlleQll -•lb\!I poll I VlrOiflla 127~) tieat Wake F ... ·esi .... ; I09t to MarvtMd .... 11111 J . Nonn C«ollna 114-21 Cleal Geonoi• Tac1171-M; -t 0..... ..... J 0.P.,1 (J6..11 beet Furm.., 7S-i4. Cleal Notre Dame 11_.. 4. Ore90R S!MA (1'·Jl -t UCLA 72.jl; Cleat 5-.m Calfloml• 4S-3' • S. Mluourt Cn.3) lost lo Kansas Stale S7·56. . . 6. West Vlrolnla 114-2) Cleat Plttst>urall 12·11; lost to Auto-n , .. 4. I. K...WCky (21)4) Cleat Mlulutppl State ll-)ol, IO'AtOLOUts5-Sl .. et4-11. I Tulu (2Ml Cleat ~tMrn llllflols U..1; -t Oral R-rtl ,tl-70, -to Bradley°'2-7' loll. t I d4111o ( 14-21 CINI B<M1e S\ltt .. ~ 11. • 10 Memphis Slate C21 ·4l loll lo Loulswllle u-41; _, Tu!MW ....,.,. - St.Louls ... n . 11. I-• l~SI Cleal Wlt<onsln 1 .. u ; lost to Ml~ SJ.SS Holl 12. G~ 123-41 Cleat Providence 60-42; C>ealC-lkut60-42. U . Minnesota C~SI -• M1<n1a-. 61-SO; -1-a SMS Clot) ' u Fr""° Stale 124-21 Cleat Peclflc S1~; be.t Ulah State,,.., U . Ar-an .. s C21·S) CINI Soutl>em Me-fs1S4-S:J;C>NtTexetTe<h '7•1. 16. San Franc:hco 114-SI _, Loyola. Calif ... n ; -to ~lne 106-llO. 11 Al-12041 Cleal A'*'m 74-72: l<KI to V enclwbllt 11>41. ~:=.:::{!:~~:...~:.= ~~nla 1' T-11MI IOSt to Gaorofa ..wl; lost lo AUl!Wfl S.S4. 20. UCLA CIMl 1oSt to Or...,. S.-n.se; -~ .... Colleae acorea IA TUillOA Y'k. li•llTe ICOttH Alce60, TeusSt u Arti,·Llnle Rock 67, Hard1 ... s1m- s.an1e P«fflc ... "-' 5-ld 11 SUNDAY'SKoaH Lovlsvllle IO. Ma.._ite 61 O.Paul II, Notre~" ,.. ... ~. ...... .,, Al•.·Blrmtnoh•m ••. Va . Comm-lth&3 COLl.EGE STANDINGS Pedflc-10 eont.rence C.. C-'M9- WCAC W L • L IS 1 tt I 12 4 ,, • llS ll 7 11Sl1 1 10 6 16 It 6 10 11 14 1 10 u 13 412 '" a tJ 1 t7 2 u 7 It c-t. w Ml--L W L " IO I 1 1 I I 1 0 ,. 6 I U S s " 10 6 16 10 6 IS 11 10 II IS 10 ·101S 12 I ta Big Ten Conference C.-f, .. ._ W '-W L IN• IJ 4 • s Ml-eaca 1t • 20 s qiw.s.... 11 s • 1 .....,. 10 • ,. • I~• • 1 " t ~ t 1 12 IJ Mldll9aft S.. 1 t 12 t4 Mldllpn S II 6 11 Nortto.......... 4 •• • 11 WIK~nlln 3 13 J It Big Elgh! Con,.rence (~) ,cw. A•O-W L W L Ml ..... rl 12 2 !J I K_.154W tO 4 JO 6 OlllallofN • ' 11 • ,._.,allla • 1 1 1s 11 Olllallofna Sia.. 7 . 1 IJ II Iowas._ s t 10 " Kansas 4 10 ti n Color-3 11 II U Southwest Conferenc. ,,._, ArkanMs ~!~":&M Baylor TCU Taus Tech TexH Alce SMU C .... AllO- W L W L 12 421 5 11 s JO 6 to •• 11 t • 1 " 10 •11212 I I 16 IO 6!01610 • 10 u u I u • 20 Metro Conference CaM. A•G- W L W L ~mPhls State 10 7 21 • Loulswllle I 4 II I Tulane I 4 17 1 Vlrolnl• Tech 1 s 11 • Clnclnn_.I 4 I U 11 f'forkla State 4 I 10 16 St. Loul~ 1 11 6 20 Big S6cy Conference ,,_I C .... AllO-,W L W L lclal\o 13 I 24 2 Montana 10 • 11 • Heweda·A-t S II 1 Weller St•te 6 I U t2 B<MM State 6 I 1J 14 ld•lloState s t 14 n Monte,.. State s t 11 II Nor1Mm Arirona t-tt • 20 Southeastern Conference ~.-MO- W L W L Kentucky 13 s 20 • Tenne•-IJ s II I Alat>am• 12 • 20 • Louisiana State 11 1 14 12 MIHIUIP9f 11 1 16 10 Geef'tl... 10 • I " fO Auburn 1 11 n 1a V-rl>ln 7 II 14 12 Mlsslulppl StN 4 t4 1 11 Fk>fkla 2 16 S 21 Atlantk: Coa.t Con,.rence Vtrolnla 11tort11 c-1 ... :-,i t:=na St. Maryland Ovlle Clemson Geor9la TKll C.-f. "" ._ W L W L 122211 12 2 24 2 • ' It 1 1 1 2t • S t IS 11 •101014 ' 10 ,. 12 3 It 10 " Mld-Amertc:an Conference ,,_., Gmf. ,..._ W L W L llall Stat. 12 4 16 1t Bowllno G,..... 10 6 16 10 Northam Ill....... t 1 IJ 11 Ea.tern Mk...... I I IS 11 Western Mk....., I I 14 12 Ohio U. I I U ti Miami, 0-I I II U Toledo 1 t U 11 Ceftlta l Mic..... 4 12 10 U WHtem Athletk: Conference c-t. A••-• L W L Wyomlno 12 2 20 • San Ole90 State .to 4 " 1 hHt-EI PelO 10 4 It I Hawaii I 6 16 t Brl9h•m Youno I • " II Utell 6 I 11 U New Mulco 5 t 12 14 Air f'orce 3 1J I It Color-State 1 12 1 11 MIHourt Valley Conference u·-• c•. o..wa11 W L W L Bradley tl J 20 • Tulu 12 4 21 s Wichita s.-12 4 n ' Hew Muk.o Stat' 10 6 16 10 Dr•~· 1 • 12 14 SoutMrn llltnok 1 f 11 1J Cre!911ton 4 ·11 1 It -·I Tun State J 13 11 ,, lndl•na St... l u • 11 Mafor lndeperidenta 0.PAUI Ma,_tte "04yton Hev..S.LnV-IMwO.- -f~~~ Penn SI. So. MIKIM!ppl Teft..--St. Hortfl T net St. E. llllnols 111.<hkaoo ewe• 899(1st W. lfllnols Wls.-0,_,llay ... C-0.-Wll,.,...... No ....... s.c -11na SW*-c:.ftlllbe41 Hotreo.Me U.S. lntwnatlonel Valper•llO T au s-S... Antonio PaftAmerlc., NlchelltSt. GA'ilist. Utica Col .... W L 2' 1 a I II I II I II I 14 IO 16 II U II U II II II 14 12 14 n 14 ti n IJ IJ IJ U IJ u 1• 11 IJ ti ,, 12 •• 11 u I " . " t II I It s " s • • n 4 n PCAA pelftngs Cat,.......CW: II c.Mwl WeDM•IOAY'l eAMel 4 p.m. -C.I tt.te F11ller1o11 n P•dflc 7 p.m . -UC ll'YIN .... Ulell si.e.. • p.m . -L°"' 9Mch s..-n . S.... J-s.-. , CSern lllnalt Tllurtcta y anct UMrn.....,.,rlClllYI SCOREBOARD communl'.1 coffee ... ,. 00&.H WHT ti) ., .... , • ..... Halton II ,.. llowen II SU ~':! • • -II Jlt J.c:OO. ,IN l!\lef11.9rt u " OVrllAm 24 140 My lea u 114 Marllno 1 I ltevls 21 Bradley I McGee J • OllANOe COAST 11•u1 ,, ... , .. 0 ,..._ .. alley II 6U G.Kr_..... 21 310 aeldwln " 111 Tllom•• • '" T . K rOlllllelcft 21 131 C•lhoun 24 • HenM>f'I 17 4S Malhl•u II ,. Hattan 20 26 Olmalante 10 • SADDL&aACK 11 .. 111 0 P't. Turner JO S71 Doyle JO ,., Wllflle-1 JO 356 Oodcls Mite hell Hiii Reid FUKhar Bryant Ground AHCI " Ul 21 110 11 UI 20 • 11 " t2 • It 4' 2A " Senta Anita SUNDAY'I ••IULTS ... ILi 11.t 1U IU 6.t ... u 4.t 4.0 J.O 2.0 u A\lf. tU 11.0 6.S u 4.1 u 2.6 u l.J 0.6 A .... 1'.2 12.1 tu 11.4 10.0 t .2 4.• u u u u ':':::i ~I.~:.,~:: ... "'"" .. , Pl•'• Prince Al 1eas..,,..> •.oo n.oo uo E-Seft ~f!llocay) ---1.00 l.AO &oict OIM>lay (TOfO) t.20 AIJo raced: Decoclecl, Oonalcl, M•JutlC -Court, Spinoza, O"p Blue Water, Plreta, The Bio T., He Man Sam. Time: 1:•21s. S•COMD llACIL 1 1/16 m CIK. Pannv•-CLlpNml .. ., 1uo e.eo H•tMnoto cca.-1 ,,.. 2• s. ... ntll Dwarf CCordtrol •·• Alto rececl: Brooll't N' eruca, Allled Com,,,_, Tlmtlerl.Ck. ..... -· Flawlfll ~. 5-1Jve, l'H,_ Fou..-. Roi-H-nla-r, EMIY Matter. • Time: l :G. SJ DAILY oou-.. 12 ... l "611 $61'.a. TH 1 ao llACL 1\111 !""-• turt. "attl's Trtumpll 1"--J · .. 16.Jt SM UI • ..,..... cSM1111e1 a.• ue IMPKh CDll ....... 19) 2 .. Alto rlad: Y_..., MwtN-, """' OfUeM. ...... S-.. Tlfft9: 1:47 1/J. POU•TN llACL 6\ll ._,...._ Tftf Of T .... CSMlel •.» la... t.Jll G1'9yS-..(.._I tM U1 AluN!la IMtCar,...) 1M AllO ,_, .. , Gefttle H-. Soft Softt, Nancp'1 9-. R ........ UllforoeftaMe. Hatty Sucrw, UpCIMe. SWppln F-.y, J ..... y l'actDr. Time: 1:14J/J. "I "N aACa. I 1/16 mfl<K. Journey At SH l....,.,11_1 4.<IO J .00 2Mt R"Yel Cllptiw <s--tlar) e.• ••1 A* Ma IMtCarronl I.• Alto r-: 8-. K-11111, 5"ttan 0 1 Swint . Frisky PurchH•. Court Compllance. Mu .. ve To Garcle , 1teco11flrm. F'" Out\I. Home C""'1 llulln. Time: 1 :41 11s. SJ EXACT~ U·Ul "'°"m.so. lllCTM llACE. 1111' mlln. EM Tou CMtCarronl 7.40 Roek Softly IOelal'!Ous~ye) Western 10..rral Also r•ced. Mof\tc o, Paft<hl<uy. Tl171e: 1:0 2/S. l.IO 2.60 , .. 2.60 l.00 Grf stie. SEV•NTM aACa . 6\o'J turlon9s on turf. Vocalist CMtCarronl 42 oo l•.20 s.«1 Clletuw 0-Cer CPlnceyl 4,60 J.20 Brlo111 Ycly CValenNela) l .IO Allo raced: 6aclutlve fy ll•IHd, lllh.,.,.., Courtly c.n._. Pink Saffr, What Heaven, Undlf19 Lady, S-d o ....... Tim.: 1:W2JS. SS •XACTA C~I "let Ma.50. U "ICK SIX Ct ... 2·S·1·tl paid •tt.Jts• -12 w1n111n9 11c11.~ Uh1 IMJtSft,..-V l'lcll Sia c-atloft pa14 Ulif .dl wltll 11l ttmt119 lttk-·1- Mrtfll. -• ... HCOMD •AC•. 011tt mlle pece. '**" o.. '"'*'-' n . .o uo J.• Del_,. Cua.~ J.00 Ut 4U't Mer-. I I a.• • Al• r_.: Mlle Oei41, ~ a9M, Cef.!::1tf:;'tf....,· T~~DllACa.OMmlle"'•· T~n:,.=..,,,," ..... u.-1.• MHterVelUe( ........ ) ISM 7.IO OlemelM .._ 10.-r) l .ot ' Alto r-: "t'Oltl' Sil'-'· Doll Cers Star, Lucky C•d A, Kiwi .. ,,..., S1ed99 Ha"'1'1Mf', ltell<IWll. • Tim.: 2:04 1/S. ta I JUCTA CJ.ti palct MM.•. POU•nt •ACI. Olltt mlle pace. fir~.... .... uo a.I C"""'4> CGoudrHoil 2• 2.60 t.M fllll l"«UC ( .... erl Allo r•cH: Desmond, vkior, MllWO. ~­BY• By• 11me: 1:)1 4/S. Pl .. TM •AC•. Onemlle pace S<rumpy (Gr-ml 6.40 J.IO 1.00 HorOel Tryax (Anclersonl J.tO 4,00 CrulM•wev CAMl11 uo Alto recect: korlflo 0r1 ... , 1-.. uc Kl:,:.~~~i~r1tcl LIOlll, GunDerrel. U •XACTA t•JI pakl '2'.IO. SIXTM aACe. One mile 11«e Leopard (Aaarmaft) J.20 2,40 2 20 Cr alt Del IGouctrHul l .tO 2.40 KC'1H4l'IDllCP-.,l 2.40 Alto recect: IWchMl'I Glory. f'lylnt Riva I. Time: 1:•3/S. 1ev•NTM •AC•. One m11e11ec•. Sea RoverH IT-I 11.20 t.60 2.60 Mac Adlos A (KueO!arl I S.tO 2.40 Almetos (Anderson) 2.10 Alto r a ced. Southern Allylhm, Stalker, Tlw ~tro H, Not>le Alno, BuCk Fifty. Time: 1·,.11s U eXACTA l:MI "kl .SO.<IO H ,.,Cl( SIX (~7+++21 palct .. out with ll wltw1lfl9 tkMIS (lt\te horNll. U P lcll Sia c-tlon .,.Id •1t.<IO with 471 wlnnfn9 tlckab (four Mr9"). '2 Pick Sia scratcll G~tlon paid UH.OD with 2 wlnnlno tlcllets lthr" horN•. one scr•t<lll. E IOMTM a ACE. Ona mlle pace · Ma<llOL,H (Af!de,_. ·• UO 2.60 UO ~ fMal«I J.IO JAO Tlma ~ -1"°'-.1 UO Also rKM: Master Joke, Wl11l•r Qualle, R•-'• Golcr, l>lne Alona, Locallsm. Time: ''" J/5. U •XACTA C•11 palCIUA,00. NIMTM llM:a. One mlle pace. T1.~cu11~1 r t.211 4.20 J.«lf trlah ...,_CT-II) 7.Jo •.20 ~rktAwlllftl 2.60 AllO raced: T•ll-. Froaty Hunter, Allely'I Hound, ... k ..... C-ta.-V UM.-.-. Time: l:•11s. ta • XACT A 12> t I palct t.Sl.20. WCT tournament . (atO-.ltaty) ~ .. 1 .. 1 l••n ~ def. Vltas Geruialll•, ~I. • 4. • 7. •·> CL•ndl w ins $100.000; Gerul•llls wlna SZJ.0001. Grand P rtx tournament Cat-.,..,, Mellkel SMtlietP-Jlmmy C-S def. Jol\en Kriek •2, J-t, •·J <Connors w1n1 M0,000; i<rie-wlnt uo,0001. Dit9lea , .... I Victor Amey•Haftll Pfister clef. Mal Purcell·Tracy Delete, •·3, 4 ·1, •·l I Amaya, Pflsterdlvkle •11.0001. Women'• toumament (a!Oatl ..... ) ~p- Al'ldre• J.._,. C!Jf. tfifrs E ... r1 Lio~. l•.M (~rwlni.U0,0001. Padflc Coeat Doubles ........... , ........ Rlckr Leech (lA911 ... BHCh l-Tlm P••H !Sent• A11•I def. John Van Nostrand CP9pperdlne U.l·Blll e.x1er (Pe-rdlNU.l,M ,M . SeMlllult L••<h·P•wsat del. Dan Salli CUCLA).ROClt>le Venter CUClAI, ~7. ~2. 6·1; Va11 .. _,..,.llaJ1ter Oel. Tom Leona rd CFAll~)-Jerry v.., LI .... CCorOMctell!Mrl,M ,M • -~~~ f I . ' ., .. C~el.WbeN a min beloims . • DorelOpen letw.Mi) ,.- AllCIY hM,IW;OllO "'*72..._271 Scott Hoch,SUAQO ... 10.71..._27' Ml .. Nlqiltttt,UJAQO ~10-11·10-Ut Jerry ".t•,122AOO 10.,_1C>-11' Cwtls ltr-..SI0,9'0 70.7 ..... 7-2'1 C.Mfl Pwtlt,Sll.t!O '7·11·10.71-211 C,rale S!Mllw,.10,9'0 -7~7l-•1 Jim Oeftl..... 1H2·12•7-212 Eric ••tten-".000 '1·12·12·71-2«2 Sew ae11--.-.100 .,.71-75-41-ISJ Eel "'-N,t6, UO 70.7).7Mf-2M Tom WellllOPf, ... llO ... 7Hs-.t-2M Barry J -kel, ... 150 7E5t7).70-214 BoO«>y Wac11tln1 .... uo 67·7 2-71-214 Nici! Faldo, .. ,ISO ~12· 71-214 Rick Pu.-. .... 100 70.14-10-6'-JtS Woocty 81<~,200 12·74-1°'4t-2tS Barney '""'-.... 200 n ·12·11·10-2tS lsao Aolll, .. ,200 70.12·12·11-JtS Ed Florl, .. ,100 7J.70.71·12-2tS L. Thll\9tft.12,11S 10.14-1--19' Ray Floy<UJ,1'1S 7H0-7S-1'C>-2 .. Tom J-IM.U,115 12-11·1).11>-a Biii Brtn0fl,'2.7ti 10.1s.11.10-n. Jim Nelfonl,U,115 12·70.7H>-"6 Hut>ert G._,u,m 12•,.12·1)...."6 Phll Hancock.U.130 11-1H .... 1-H1 Larry H•l-.U. Ull 7Hl·11·70-H7 ktl EH-.'2.llO 7t ..... IS.12-217 VMCe Heafner,$tMO 72-75-74-67 HI Geo<oa ~.s1.110 10.11-14-11-211 Wayne Lewl,•tMO •~71-7).7S-Ht Jim Coll>H1, ll,620 70.7J.7S.71-Ht "Jofln FOUQH.St,6JO 4"74-'74-72-Ht Tom McGlnNUl.620 n• .. 14-14-1" 8ol>by HlcholUl.2'° 74-1)-7 .. t-HO 8ol>by Cole.Sl.2'0 71-74-74-11-HO Glbtly Glll>H1,.$1.2'° 11H1·11·n -HO One EG_..,,.t,HO 7~74-72-71-Jill Jim AIC14n,$1,HO 11• .. 14-1• 2'° Tom 5'1-.•1.2'0 <f0.7S-71·74-HO Jim B-.•1,290 ... 1).14-15-HO Steve Beftson,sm ... 15-l~n Ht Mike Sulllvan,•m 72-7).74-71-HI Scott Wellllns.•m 12-7;)-74-12-2'1 Jett s.n0en.•m 14-12·11·1 Ht -~ .. 1-r.nn 11-7).71"76-HJ Perry A,,_,VJ3 74-7HS-n-m Sk"ter Heatll.VJl 7).P).7).7)-HJ Mille McCllllOuO".J113 10.1S.1).1t-H2 Hal Sutton,$1D 10.1s.1~1t-m Biii 5-der,Jl'D 71-11·7HS-2'2 Bruce OouvlMS,.733 7HS-11·7•-m CllAf'IHCOOCly,.... 12~7H7·71 -m Mark M<Cumt>er."'4 n.12.11>-13-m Gr .. P-.,*4 71-74-71-17'-m Mick Soll,"611 7HS.7S-12-2'M Lee Trevino""° 7S.71·7S.73-2'M Jerry H-.1,S.WO ,,.1~7•73-J<M Larry Mitt""° 7l-14·74-7l-2'M •Dick SICl9rowf 70.74-7HS.-2'M J-ny Elarn,Mo60 ,,.71-71·76-J<M Clllp h<ll.S6» 10.11-1/.IS-1'1 llNu B..._..,. 6 .. n .1os-m Lyn LotU61' • 1H1·1S-1S-1'S .....c..m.atl.J411 11-74-17·71-~ Johll 0.Fnt ... 11 11·1~11·1J-,_ Mark Celvcchla, .. 11 10.11·1>-16-1'1 ken G,_,MOO 11-10>.1s.1s-2'1 Pat Ll.-Y,NOO 12·1J.11·1._7'1 $alp D-y,MOO 71-72-73-IO-2" Miile Smlt!l.$.512 10.7HS-7._2" Tommy Vlf'tlN.1512 1).7).74-7 .... 2" Maril J-,'5C 61-IS-1~1' -2" NIM<oel Plftwo,'5M 12-7~7J-l00 Frallll c-."'4 70.71-73-lOO Cllarles Krenllill,"'4 70-11·1~71-lOO Davlct T...,,..,u.t n -74-11·71-lOt Ray Barr.u.t 12·7S-7~7-1 Mauhlra KrmUS17 7H~l~lt J07 Lon Hlelsen,W7 1).7).1._.._.,, Jim Kiely 12·10.71-WD a-Am.t- LPG.A tournament Ca!TIOC-1 a-011-.111,7!0 70.JN~ 211 Sally Llttle, 12.lSO 1;i..10.n..._211 Alfly Akot\.tl,750 71-70.70.7J-214 Lynn AelerM,S.S ... ZS 12·7H0.11-2tS Patti Rluo,S.S,6ZS 71~7)-I• 2tS ,,_ Joyce,_..000 14-1 ... 1-11-• lleclly ,...,_,.M,000 7)-7~72-71-216 J -t C<MeaJA,000 70.70.7Hl-1" S.Cnnl,,.,_,U.lSO 74-6'-71·7>-217 Terri MoodY,U,250 72·71-12-77-211 Myra YanHooue,lJ,625 11·10-14-61 HI Katlly Wlltw1h,1,62S 7S.IH2·70-2tl Chrl• J-...,u .•u 12.11 .... 10-,. Marlene FloycUI,., 7~7)-10.l~lft Kathy Martln..s1.-. 12·7).7).71-7" Haney WM-tn..si.-. , .. ~14-12-Ht P.t Bradley,$1.... 7).4 .. 74-17-7" Yuko Mr9C111..S1.-. l1·11·14-1l-21t Donna ea.oni.s•.-. 1 .. 1,....n-m Jan F•rr•ls.Sl.311 11-7.........._HO Karolyn l(rUmn,11.•1 74-72·7~71-2'° ~ DanleUt,lll1 7HJ.7S-71-HO K•lllY H"-.St,HO 7...,_71-72-HI LAUra Hur1bt.Sl,l50 7).70.,..7t-2'1 Allton ShNrd.$1,0U 7J.7Hl-70-H2· Mary 0w1'ff,'1A2S 14-16-11-n -m TatsuloOMl!.o,$1,0U IHJ.74-74-2'2 C.J . 011111.Sl.OU 1J.11·14-1 m B•~r• Mo-.,$1,m 11.1 .. 1;i..1 m co.11 H1r.e.,•t,ou ZH J·ll-U-m a.v ... ly IC1-.Sl.OZS 1,.._n.1 m !Yttly YOU111.Pll 1u .. ,..n-m Patty HA'fft,1711 n.1._1 .. n-m Alke.av-,pe1 7NH4-75-m ,..,,. G letaft,$111 1J.72-7J. 7~2tJ •'H•ncy Tomich 11-12-11-11-m Betty Bumtnctt.tui 7S.71·17-71-2'M Lori Gart1ec1,tul 7~1l·IJ.12-2'M SMiiey HMNln,14S4 7.Ml-1'·11-"4 Tiie,... HHCtol'l,UH 74-75-7•70-HS Penny Pvlt,SS7S 12·7>-IS.7S-2tS Marlene He0alt.$$1S 74-72-74-75-HS •-AlftM- •-WOfl plaYoff ·' • NHL CAMPeELLCON,eltENCI! .....,..ow ... Edmonton Vanc:ov..., Ca1tary ..... c-r- W L T 0' GA ""' 42 IJ 11 JSS 2A6 ts 24 11 14 221 1*3 .i ·u 21 u,.. m .,. 11 n ,, ™ m 47 14 <IO 11 201 '" Jt .....,..DW.._ MlnnelOla St. Louil Wlnnli>eo Chlcaoo Toronto 0.1rol1 27 " 1• 2ll 240 13 27 32 S U2 216 5'I u 21 13 1"I 2n n 2J 31 10 21' H7 S6 27 31 " 2SI "° so 11 3.S 12 m u.. ... WAL£5CON .. all&NCa "*k•Dl• ..... NY lslandtrs 41 14 7 .)tt 1t7 ·ti PhllaOelPlll<t J2 25 6 2U Ul 10 NY Ra119en JO 21 10 2:16 242 IO Plttst>urQll 24 JI tO n1 275 SI WUlllf\910n 20 1S t HI ,.3 ft ...-D1vt.-Montreal Buffalo Boston Quebec Hartford ,. 12 ,. ,.. , ... , ~ ;~ 1: mm ~ H 1J 13 211 210 11 ,, ,, 14 lOI 21• ... ., s-y'•k-Mlnnesoca s, Detroit 4 Mon1ru1 s, Har11orcl O EclmOflton 4. Wasl\lnoton 1 Pina-., 4, NY A_,.., 2 Winni-s. SI Louil 2 Color-S. Chic-3 Phll-pllia l , V...cou .. r 1 T........-.o-1u .. , a1 0ue1>e< NY 111-rsal Toronto T-r'•Games W.lnnlpeoal Phll-IPlll• Edmonton al Monlroat Calgary •I NV lalanders Boston II St LOUii Misc. . . · Surfing COMMUNITY Clk.Ll!GE Or ... CMtl 1', ,_Lema .. or.,..~•.LAMa..-o Or-GMsl lop llnl.,,.ra -Bryan Merleaux, Wood Weclclutacl, Mike 8ennett. Tom Mc f;lroy. Dou9 ~•cKenrie, Tracy Prouse. Dave weroln \f n" rklerl. Mluv Pr tor ltoP women I Weekend tranaac:tlona aASEaALL A~-~ NEW YORK YANKEES Sltnecl Afcll Cerotw. catcher. 10 • one·veA< COfttr.c.t. TORONTO BlU£ J AYS -Sloned Mltcll Wtb<t•r. Jay Schroeder and Aon Shepllarcl, oulllelcler\, Brian Miiner. ulcher, and Maril Elcllllorn, pllc...,r N.t ..... IL-· ATLANTA BRAVES Sltnecl 'lick Mahler and Boll Wal~. pltchen NEW YOllK ME TS Signed Ed Lynell. pllcller, Wally Backman, lnllefdu, -Mille Howard, oulflel<ler ST LOUIS CARDINALS SIQnecl Joe OeS.. hrsl t>aw"-. A""'y Rincon ano Dave LaPolnt. pitcher•. ~d Mlh Ca Ilse. 1111rc1 t>aseman aAMCETBALL NatleMI --ff As-latleto DETROIT PISTONS -SIQMd Stew Hayes, centtr, to• 10-day cqntract_ "OOTaALL NatlaMl,...._..L_ SAN DIEGO CHARGERS -Hamed Ton Bass defensive coordina tor HOCl(EY NatleM!HkUJLe .... HAlll'FORl> W11AlEAS -Recalled Stuart Smllll clelenseman. from Bln011amtOfl ol \lie Amerk4'n H«tty l.e90ue . LOS ANGELES KINGS AHIOfled Steve Je-n1en, forwa rd, •nd tan Turnt>ull, _....,..,.,to New Ha...., of the Amerl<an Hock.ey Leaoue. COLLEO& WASHll\IGTOH STATE -Nemec! Jim Burrow ofienslwe lootbell c-Olnator • . . . ' mti:;-=.-:=:::::::;;:::;;:::;::;=:=S~====-=~~--~----~~-==--==::!:=~~=-·~~==-~~===============~~~~=:s:e~::::w·~,,,_==~:;:::;;=====:::=::::.::::::::==:~-=~:::::;:::::_-=:==::====~t •· Garage sales, yard sales, rur'f'.lmage sales, street sales ... no matter what you call them, the id_ea is the same -TURNtNG THINGS YOU NO LONGER · NEED INTO CASH. When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a Rttle extra cash, have a garage .sale! So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make mon·ey doing it! lt,'s fut'), it's profitable, and ~ollowing these 10 steps will make it simple. · Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates af'ld times of your • sale. Weekends are usually good,' but many successful sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sale run at least two days-· some people may not. be able to co me on any single day. ~ What to s~ll. . Everything! That is, everything you haven 't used in the • last year. If c.n item has antique value, or is brand-new; or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whoJe house. Look everywhere, and list everything. Fwnffure. This is your main-attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price · furniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the clasaifieds1or compartsons), but high enough so you can come down a .little when someone shows jnterest. Rockinq chairs, chest of drawers,_ tables and chaff's are-all very successful at garage salesr so : feature them in your ad. Antiques. Smaller antiques should be grouped, and kept close at ha'nd wher~ you can watch and talk ---------_atiout tbem. Nostalgia i~are Vf!ry popular -display them well. · --- ..... ) • Clothing. M~ke sure clothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. separate kid's th ings by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a _. on clothes except for unusual • items, which stiould be tagg8d wittt an explanation {like, "han~mbroidered flowers, · a ress worn by Mae West)."· · Appliances. These will sell for a fair rice WJIY if --tney wor . No one w111 take your word fo.r it. Have ~n exten.siqri co~~-~o t~y ~n be-~~sted ; .or better yet, have radios playi~g , old~TV sels-fufnea-ori . etc. Ma~e sure buyers understmid they are sold "as is". Plcints. These usually go fast, but keep them out of. • direct sunlight. A good Idea is to nanie your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper, Maggie), and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. ·Write your ~cL · ·Here is a suggested ad: "Gara~ Sale-desks, II Bentwood rocking chair, tqys, infaqts' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many Oadgets, lots of . unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just weat of Main and 2nd." i. ·r, Use this sample ad as a gwidlt. le sure to Ust unusual it~ms. ee·as specific as ~blf. Give directions if .. · \ needed. Don't use ab~'.-many people won't : bother to de9ipher them. CMJTtON:oon't adMrtl• anything you don't raaMy· haW. Every item In the ad must be on hand at th9 .wt of the sale. ~ . . . " -~Orange Com DAil Y .-tLOT/Mond-. Maiott i, 1982 -~raJe .. · .Sale · Where to advertise. I 't ·Place yoyr ~d ~here it will be seeJ'I by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The 11 Daily Pilot is read by 88,CX>O adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, ·Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntington , Beach and Foont~in Valley -guaranteeing you wi de exposure. And With the Pilot, you 're ri.ot paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or·Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 times or more, and start it a few days before the s@le so bargaioJlunters can hmte plenty of _ notice. ~ake ·a sicjn . To help make your sale successful, make a few signs II from cardboard and letter with a mag ic marker. A good ·sign size is 14" x 22". · Pl~cin9 your sign~· · The morning of the sale, bert not before, place your • signs. B~ SrJre ar\d' add your address and any directional arrows. Th is should be done about a half '" hour before the sale starts. Place· your sign where it can be seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and -pedestrians. CAUTION: Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and-duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town 's planning department or clerk .. Markin9 prices. Mark pri~ wt)ere they can be seen clearly. Oftrce II supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work well •. or yQu cary use masking tape. However · you mark them, make prices low. Garage sales are for barQain hunters. Remember, whatever you can't sell y9u II have to drag back in the .house and store again for another year. . __.-::;... --- This doesn't have to cost much, and creates a friendly II atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer . &fld perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensiye' items li.ke donut~, or t_he kids could go in business for the day, with a lemonade stand. . ' .,, . I • • Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or II bo.ards used.as, shelves betweeo two chairs. Don 't . cause peopre'to ~nd over unlesS ;ou can 't he1p it. Use one table as a desk wher, you'oan see everything and take mon'eYi. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes w~rk fine). and make sure.aormone Is appointed "cashier" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend whQ can heTP answer questions, relief for lunch, etc .. ·. ' '" Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Mor}c!ay, March 1, 1982 .,.... " ·-. ., I • Research Results ConclUsive: ., . . .. .. J • ' l ) 2·out of 3 smokers choose MERIT low tar/good taste · combination over leading higher·tar brands. __ Taste way qut of proportion to .. - tar. That's the MERIT message . And, in extensive tests against cigarettes ·.having up to ~ice the tar, the message came through- loud and clear. M ERIT Taste Scores. In· impartial new tests where brand identity was concealed, the ( overwhelming majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to -or better than-leading · higher tar brands.· : . Moreover, when tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the . MERIT combination of low tar . and good taste. "Best~Sting Low~Tar .. . . · I've Tried:' In a separate part of tbis study, smokers report that MERIT taste is a major factor in completing their y successful switch from higher tar brands. Confirmed: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers say MERIT is an easy switch, that they didn 't give ·up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best-tg.sting low tar .they 've ever tried : Year after y.ear, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste ~ltetnative to higher tar smoking-is · MERrr . . Kings: 1mg "w;·0.5 mg ftictli"8-100's Rat : 10fftg "tw:·.~· ~tt'!'l'~~·~ 0.7 mg n1co1ine-100's Men: 9 mg "1ar:· · 0. 7 "'nickine w. ""cignnt. FTC Repon Dac'.81 , .. MOTtC• TOc••OITO•S T._ · TO THIE C•EOITOAS OF GLEN It. MOTICa CM' T•UIT•a•s SAL• LOVIE, TltAH~EAOlt. • Fot9<-•Ne. TSOl5'1 Pu,._. to 5ec11onU105 -6107 of ON MAlt()H 2:1, 1tll. et 11 :OD A.M. Ille Uftlform C"""'1et'C1411 C-. you CAL I F 0 AH I A LAH 0 T IT LE ere llereby noUflecl et followa:1 COMPANY, Hduly....,lrllecl T ........ TltANSFEROA It .....,. to ..... e e Ullder -pur-1 to Oeed f>f T-1 lr11111ter to IN ........... lluyer'1 .. KUtelfWMICHAIELL.FUAIANl,e T•ANSFEltlEE·I• bulk e ll or 11 ..... "*'·a Trwll« tor IN -flt sub1teftllel per" of ,.,. meter'le11, eftd security of 'ANITA MA A IE IUPPllH, mercheftdlH or other THORNELL. ff &eMflclery, deted lftVeftlory, eftd equlpmeftl of 111•1 MARCH ..o; 1• llncl, rec:orOtd .... cert.kl ~ -Wt... Tewm, ·-Instr..,,..,,. Mo. lt01t °" MARCH 14, ... Tift Uzde ell o1 wftkh 11 locetecl el I* of Offldel AK-lft Ille office of '752 Selnt Clelr. Coli. MeMI, County of Ille Couftly Recorder of Or•ft .. • Or .... W»,Celllo!'!)le, County, Stele of C.ell .. rftle WILL • Tll• PteMftl ft•MH •nd l>Uslneu SELL •AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO addtUMI of the Trensleror end HIGHEST BIOOElt l'OA CASH, Tr11111 ........ , CASHIER'S CHECK o• CEltTIFllEO" _ TRANSFEROR: GLEN A. LOVIE, CHECK IPllY ...... llfM of sele '" 152 Selnt Cielr, Coste Mela, Cell""111e lewtvl ,.,..... ol ~ Stetell '9t: IN ..,.., • THIE LOBBY OF CALIFOUNIA LANO TRANSFEREES : ALVIN F. TITLE COMPANY, 1010 NOltTH BOEHM; DORIS L. BOEHM; GIEHi! MA IN STR E E T, SANTA ANA, H '" FAULSTICK, 1192 Celllornl• CALIFORNIA ft1Qt ell rteM title -,.,_, •21, a-Peh, CAllfornle lrllef'eltaanwyeclto--heldlll' It "'21. u11der said Dffd o f Trust lft Ille AJL..oU.er buSlftHI .,.,,, .. eftd ~ lft\Mlted Ill Wlllt C.Ounty •nd ecHrestet u-by Ille Trefttferor State det<·rlllld •: wlthlft IN ltlr• yun IHI past, so fer LOTS I ANO 3 IN BLOCK U2 OF Hk-11totNlr-ef' .. t er9N-. CORONA OEL MAR, CITY OF Tiie bYlll trensler 11 to be NEW~OAT BEACH, COUNTY OF c-IN'9d•I BllllMlt~ty ORANGE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. WOfld, 2530 _,,, Gre .. , s.ita AN, AS PEA MAP RECORDED IN BOOK c-ty ol Orenge, Ctlltornle, on Of' J • p A G IE s 4 I A .. D 4 2 0 I efter Aprll 1, 11112. MISCIELLAHIEOIJS IV.PS, AECOAOS Tiie 1-* 6ey to enter ctalrM In !Ills OF SAIOCOUHTY. ncr-ltMan:t.,.Jl, 1"2. EXC'a"ING Tl41EAEFROM TH• Oeted: ........,23, 1"2 SOUTHIEASTll!ALY 5'.00 FEET 4U¥te P....... THE•IEOF. DwteL....... Tiie 9ttte1 eddreU e MI Olllt' .._ M. Pe.lllkll com-*"-lion, If ~. ol Ille Tr_.._ rul pro11trt'I' described •bove 1 ... Plltlll-Orenoe Cotti Ot llY Piiot,. pUrPorted lo bet 403 FEANLEAF, ,f!l!r<h 1, 1tl2 t11.-i. CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFOltNIA I !f'Jt2S lllOMIN•H P'Oi. ~BLIC OP,.CI CCANOIOATOS PA•A OPICIO ~BLICOI .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN -I tll• lollewl,.. perso11s lllaw• .... ,. -'!letltd tor IN oftlce1 hffelneftt' -ftliaMd to be fllled el IN 0-.el flhtftlclpel ll!lecllon to be lleld lft tllo City of F0Ynlel11 Velley Oft T-y. the 1•or,ot Aprtl, 1"2. tNOTtc;.A SE OA POA ESTE MEDIO -1o1 ~ cencllolMos ..... side •-lllllldra -· IOI Gfkl• ""I -.ro _......_ -_.,, 9C~dos en la GeMrel El•cclon Mw111c1 ... 1 -,_,. 1...-r •ft I• CludM ........... Velley-.tl .. UdeAllrll,cl*,tl21. ................ Cltl'C-11 (Pere Socio de le Junie M<lllklpoll THIE UNDERSIGNED TRUSTEE DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOi. I NCORRECT IN FORMATION FURNISHED. THAT Mid sele Is mede wll'-1 (.._.. ., • .,,_, r ........... title, ~---ances,w estt 1-..itftyOftltle. I THE letel -· of Ille -eld belanu Gf said ollll9t'1lons IOQll~ •Ith --· end ""mated «•sh ellCI ••-·Is UCW,'°5.1'9. THAT NII<• Of bruc" of .. 10 *"""°" -eleetlon to sell Mid rN I -rty wes rK.,,_ es lns~t No. 10» on NOVEM8Elt IJ, 1'11 ol Offkl•I Recordl 111 Ille office ol ti. c-ty ~r of ORANGE C-llly, sc-GfCel~. ~rui1e, Of jNlr1y condlletl"ll Mile: CAUPCMINIA LAMD Tll'J.I c;oMPAllY .. UNIY•MALCITY PLAZA UMIY•llSAI. CITY, CA. t~ ATTN: f'llNtlla.OMla• IHIPT. Y ... ter ..... Cll Cttl)flNPm V•--m DATED:-'-Y11,1- DANIEL B. MORT()fj LINDA.MOULTON BETTY MIGMANELLI CHA•LES W "M IKE " MICHAELIS ltEN MOU.ANO "tl!DVOSS JAMES E. NEAL BEN"· NIEL.SEN JAMES k. CREIGHTON •oY ltOOGEltS E*"' McCleftdoft Qty Clertl of -City of FCIUMaln V•ll.., (iec ....... lo Muflki.ol. 141CJumdde~ln Velloy.~ DATED~10,1tl2 ( tt•,..,..,.., * 1m1 I '°' .... c.... Deify ..... .... Mwcfl 1, Ha IOG 8y CALIFoANIA LANO TIT\.IE COMPAHY ByCam\IM..........,, '-9ciosin OHker - PvblllNd Or ... C.0.M Oelly Plllilt. Merell I, I, IS, 11112 _.., Anybody need a bridge? SHEBOYGAN, Wis. · <AP) -Rosemary'' --· IF YOU · Miley says the town of ~ have• servi\e tA> offerorl •Sheboygan Falls bu a 8DOdl to sell, flace an ad eal deal for someone fA the Da I)' Pilot itb an interest in · a..ifted Seetlon · · ·1 history: a 1912-vintace ~Hme~~S0.;;::5671::;;;;;:' ====;;;;;;;;:\ h ig b way brid ce tb at. ~ otherwise will be 1 destined lror the scrap' heap., 110 BroedWBY ea.ta Mesa 642-9150 ·'The bridle b as' considerable ~historic .merit and, located in· a park or golf course wbere it wouldn;l be au bjected to h~ a vy traffic, it could l'aat another 40 years or so," abe 1ald ol the Rio Road· ·Bridie, wbicb spans the 1 Sbeboypn River three miles northeast ofj {»lymou&b. "We must be •able to find an adaptive· luae, other than for 1alvate." 1 I As president of• Sbeboy1an County ,Landmarb Ltd., sbe lb • 1 m o u n t e d a cam.,.ap to ftnd a new 'Joeetkm for tbt &tklce. l • Tbe ......... •boat tO feet laa,, wdeecrlbed u 1 u~flltllltPrat& J trut deal1n, a ••ttimea called a, rumltle brldl•" , ........ of tbe DOlH f•ade Wbea T•llle1H1 --~. , Bel•1t• Da110'!1 ...... _ ............ Palll, aalC; , ........ ··~ nplj ..... ':..":... --= . ' J t D A I ·L y p I L 0 T· 6 4 .2 •• tUtmm v,,.,,,_~ \f«1 ......... '-" ...... ,.~. ~·l"r.-n• '''"'t ......... \ ,,,., (\IMMfffi.11·,~·' ,~ ....... \.ttr ,.....,,'" ' ..,, ""'"' .....__, .......... "' J,,.,...tflillH"' ~ ...... ,.. ~~!:'.~ftllt"f~~ 'l...-11 hr...,,N__, , • ...,., ........ Ill -~ .... ·---· "''" 1w t111.,.11.rt't•Y ...... -.... ........... ,, ........ .,. ............ ~.....,. lf.i t.M..Cr "••-.I ll.ULS ._~,tW•\ll<od ~··'·'~ ~.-., .. ~."' ................. fll .......... l .. ............... ,. '~'·' u.w, ...... ,fl 1-.,,,.. .... ~ ....... Afl•l.,.," ..... "' ...... -..... ,..,. ............. ~ ,_......_... ,_.,._.K..-,.j.. \., ..... Mii.th ......... ..,..,,, ... t ... ..,, ....... l .......... _ ...... _ ......... ...... •nit•••" 'S1v 11 ..... ~ llSllSS. llYEST JWTJAllCE ~ ...... ~ .......... llh ..... hllll l~I '"' ..... ,.. .... -...... ""*' ............ ~-... ~ 'Mt\J~Ttt. -ll£1TS.. rEMALS& LIST l f.., --· ... _ ,,,.. .. "'"'.,..... , ... , .... -......._ ........ ,,.,"'. SlMlS ..,.,_.. 11Wn1•~ EWLIMIT l ,.,.. V...,..,,,IWn.t'I .. , .. , • ....i. ,...._.,..,... V&t IOIMIS( ........ ---::i:::; ......... r...,.,.~ ... . ... ......... , .. --............ ........ ,..........,, ..... Ho..., ~ -·-· -....__.,, .... " ..................... t••--• .,., • .., ..... =~~ --·-............ _ .. ;:T'..., .... ,).ln ... IUTS &IUllWf [IR(Wl '"" ... .... lfl• • ,..,. IQI i.r ..a --... ... ,..., .. ~ , .. .... .... , .. -, ... .... '"" ..... .... ,,... , .. , ,..., '"" n~· , ... .... -. ... ~ : ... , ... :iw ·""' ..... !:.. -- \l•\I ""' ,., -"" -~ w. -. .. ----.... ""' l.'lat l.."'1 ... ... ..... " '"" "" -""' ·-.... .... -'° -- -""' ... .... --- -;.r., : .. --.., -.... -----.... -.. : -------_, ... -- .... ---·-----... -· ... ... '1• ... ... ... ---c.a --.. '"' -- ---... llU •1 -----------= e --•• I ., Lor1191 COl8l DAILY PfLOT/Monday, M~ch 1, 1982 ........ Wt ....... w. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111M1e11• .. •••••••-••IOM--, •••II ,.., _.. .. ••a,.._ ..................................................................... PIMMIUl.A HOttlS Jtemodeled , decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boall, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean" jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. L.o ISLI HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath: Lge L. R. 2 boat slips $1 ~500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + 1'4,rge rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420.000. DUfUX COIOMA D8. MAI '-' pe-reiinll t money niter In old Corona del Mar. 2 bdrm. bouae + bdrm. Janie apart· ment. Super location . Creative rinancln1, m .soo. 17141 '7M411 lllJIH ...... MARIOR A Division of Harbor Investment~· • Orange Cocut relident• boMQhl 0% or : all MW cara told in t~ cotmfy lalt 11"1' even though they comprise only~ of the county's population. ........ Wt I ..LAND M1W!9.IT ICM Si*ioul amhy Tiome wlth eor&Y fireplace and new abutters. Alarm 111tem and 1parkl1n1 pool lo front yard. Call Sl6t,to0 Brand new townbome, 2 master bdrm suites, each with balconies. 2\'J bath . fireplace skyliahts. mirrored wardrobes, microwave oven, trash compactor. A Southern California , :t aft. ~~~'!1 1n OWDel'I u rut . also 2 br rental cottace. All In llwpcond w/excel loca· Uon. Owner will carry ltt 2nd TD. Best buy In town for onl)\-$280. 000. c.1644-721' UNDA ISU IAYFIOMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm. den. $1,350.000! &11:SUME LOW ~an view at this price ~ will soon be history. ,. 0c .. ,,_.c_. .. c ... IMTBEST LH With 2oll down. 143 Popular 3 Bdrm 2 bath financing available. Trade equlty 4bd 2ba Uoobatructed Ocean ., Anaheim hse. Boat. Chanel View. 2BR. 2BA. 1irplane, auto. etc? Pool, Jae Boat Slip Mlke840-S614, 530.5904 Avail. SS25.000. Prine floor plan in a fine area Generation Realty of Costa Mesa. Great as· 549-1400 sumable loan and sellerlaiiiiiiiiiimiillliliili•ll CAINATION COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath. 2 boat slips Sl.900,000. will lallor to meet buyera needs. Best buy aU129.000. Call 646·7171 tlWM1 AISOt.UTE STE~L ladllc.ctSIS0,000 MOW $525,000 SPYGLASS oJl.R-~~l~NG VIEWTOWMHQMES ~:;..GUSH Masur suites. Vu~w or OOPLEX 4Br +2Br. 1 Ocean & Night hght5. yr new. $398,000. 709 ' ~et Area. Parks, open 709v. Orchid. ca 11 spaces. $137,000. Xlnt 8S1·9WOwner/bkr. fin. Hal or Pat Agts • _751·~. 673-7300 Coehl Meta I 024 TllS-YIST As.MISSION VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath. guest house in lakefront comm. $795.000. Sl~,·lSO 6br/4~ba 4100sq ft ~, ~ Bodeea Bay ------· Cele. j) ••••••••••••••••••••••• •MISAYBDE * WlnfPOOL AND SPA Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. Beautiful area. $15.000 do. Aski[\g $240,000 Slim/mo pymt:PP:Agt 700-7<*1 · IARGAIH' . eauowner. 159.0137 Starter condo! $µper1--------•1 Of••Jl>Wf. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR · : " y., d t [) • ~ • •. • fi 11 ) 6 I() W LSl.LY ~ TAYLOR CO. Ht:A LT< ii\'.'-. ..... :11 I l ~Hf) LIU MOD&. HOME Elegance describes this nr new 4 bdrm & f am rm. Libra r y with fi replace. Spacious entry. Formal dining. Huge kitchen. Gourmet's delight. Bright. cheerful throughout. Pool & s pa. $62.5.000 including land. Dover Shores . private and quiet Bdrm 2 bath. I story near schools and s hop ping Good assuma bl4 loan. Try i.ma II dowt1. Call us. 546-2313 ASSUMAILE ..t.OWIMT" One ol the finest rondos in Costa Mesa Dt'slra· ble end unit. larJ?e livlnic area. fireplace. l'ountry kitt'hen with bui ltin desk. utility roum. 3 l\ujte bdrms. sundtt·ks . mUfh. m11<·h morl'. Only $136.900. u11 now. 1·alJ fM11 RCTaylorCo YILLAPAllC Cllstom lot near million S homes 27 de~ree view and superb financing. SlllS.<m . W0Blr11a. •75·5511 WooclNidcJ- Da•a111e 2 .. ....__ ... ......, .. gr11ded, .... utry & Mirrored ....... fiood ... CHAIMEI 2 Units + Separate Col· tage. Great Owners Unit cw Rental Prop. Cabin Like Int Easts1de. Creative Terms. 10~ Down. Break eve n $141.SOO Brkr --~ttt TD-frt:==~~~ -~.:=----~ COLDWeu. BANl(eRO IAYSHOIES Sltt,500 l;owest prire in de· h11htful water 1mcnled owe • 2•d. v •ry .tl•aled. $149,000. 4 Mltodr La.. '"*· COU OF ..WPORT MAL TOM HULee.tNwr. c:..-..... e75·1111 ...... slmd 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• area Extra bpenal.l•--------1 VA ~SUMABLE $129,!IO CMIAT ASSUMAILI AMAMCIMfi Prime Harbor View Homes location. 4 bdrms. ram rm. 3'.n ba. Guest or teenager 's private s uite. Spa. Community pool. $345.000 including the land. $.52,000 dn. Owner finance . Vacant. t'Oty s tart er home.. Lari!' )Carden & patio. Cull for terms un very l•-... jlmll!ll.----1 f u vo r a b I 1! I cu s e . Deter part or monthly payment on Ba I boa Island property. Low down or trade. 4 Bdrm. low interest loan. Be low market. Hurry! 645·9161 •IAYflOMT• IOATSUP WISLll tl TAnOI CO .. llALTOIS 2111s-....-....... 1111,000 WOW!-T.owl'st prll'l•d bayrront homl' ON RALBOA L'OV,.:s l.ar.:1· 4 bdrm. 3 hath. 4foubl1• fin-pla<·e. 111vl•n•1I pal111 MfW?OIT CENTll. M.1. 644-4t I 0 ................•...... EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,...._,'sHotiu: ATI-reil utate ad· ver tised in this DrNSJ>aper is subject to the Fede(.al Fair HOU5· inl Act of 1961 which ~kes it Illegal to ad vertlse "any preference. limitation. or dis crimination based on race, color. religion. sex. or national origin. or an intention lo make any such preference. limitation1 or dis· crimination. • • This newspapu will not llnqwin,ly accept any advertising for rea I estate which is in viola· · Uonoltbelaw. mlOIS: Act.trtlHn ...... ~ ..... --=--,..., .n. DAILYN.OT •-• ....., for te-. flnt hlcerrect l11ertl01 -,. HllMlforS-. ................. ~ ..... I002 plus mu1·h mun•' Will AITD or t ra11l' ror LOWEST PRICE Eastbh'f Bay,;hun·s1 or., .. .,,, CDMHOME ~.cm. Redul'ed a11um .._.layP,.op. · by rmtivaled seller As IHlton sumable rmanl'inic. (;01,y •675-7060 * I rire,la<'e . beaut1ru~·-------­ klt1·hen CC>v'eled p:itln. calloow,673·8SSO P'resthtious Estaks in fashionable Mohll•r l'a· !J.i!!f f j!:!~ ~~j b~~~,h~~ ,'~1.t,~ ~:=! lal(oon Attra1·t1 vl'IY landsuped. Det•oralcd Mo a...fVM By L Harding. $495,IMMI. on thisTneal":J-·!Jdrm. A I' 0 r n R (' u I l y laree yard. near M lie ?.14197~·7J;l3 Square Park_ Askinll $81.900 Submit your terms. Murchison Enterpirses --556: 113;! DOH'TMISS ntSCOMDO Lowest priced an owner will finance at lo interest wilh 20r: down Highly upJraded private location. com mwilty pool. jacunl. re room and tennis courts Woo't last at $106.900 Call 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS •TUITUIOCI • SI 27tPllMOMTH II Ali you pay when you takeover ulstin1 lat T.D. Spacious 4 br tx· ecl.t.ive detached home featurtna rrmt din. rmty rm ' hplc . Only W.SOO. FEE. 7S9·150t or752-73'13. ~ Walk er Blee LUCKY 13 • $13.00o-dOWn. $1300 mo. eoir 3Br W/pool " spu. F\th price Sl~.000. Call m .m1 . C:::::. ',I I ' ..,..., f I[~( ~ 'f j ~ • ,I ') C>C;IANYIEW Beaut1lully appointed Nwpl Crest split-level twnhome. features 3Br. + den. parquet nrs no. and a ren'll rkable ocean View. Seller will be very cooperative w trin anc· . . c:::::. .. ..,..., • I• I , llSTIUYI 4 Br borne in Costa Mesa, Owner will assist rib fin-.cln1. Sl20.000. Callrrt.5370 ALLSTATf "EAL.TORI Versailles Condo. $79,900. Sacbel« w/bdrm, down PQt n.xible 'ft /credit . '1S-Oll4 eves ii wltnds. Bz2"'*'· ....................... ~--····· .. ~~~;..;:;;;..;;~:;;;:~ ':::' ~ lw\-4£~s· = ...... --~-".'IA I bai'b 'C:t •Illa 1 -----..... .,QA, .. ,..... ____ _ .................. .,~ ................ _ ...................... fi"ri'1 It M 0 A & E 1-.. 1 1 r r · I lndudt>s plun." for U · pans ion 644-toH .... sty. llltr. "'"*' . OPEN HOUSE IHAl TY / ~ .1002~-.. --1002 ••• ·~.... • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• Ji"'!!!!!!!ll!!!!!ml!!!!!ll!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!!I!!!!!!! CONTEMPORARY Nl BAY Opew 9d !oh of wood, CJl•u Hd ........ Yo.4J 2-story 9'o•• wlt9' ...... cftUets, ....... •It• wlt9' ~ O.ertDoliiilt .... ,,... ,.. 2 otller-IM•aa•, ._.,,...ct cliil"'9 ,.... &c .... ''Gold Coast" locatioa. e.. for .... s °" .... •••1181• . S4ll,OOO. ' WATERFRONT HOMES, INC MO MONEY DOWM tto qualified buyer) Mesa Vet de custom. 3bdrm + bonus rm. 2' ~ba. 2 frplcs. lrg yrd S2~.000 Owner Bkr ~9m Stl,500 12"eLOAM Best value in Costa 'Mesa. 3 Bdrm 2 bath. large lot. new roof. good location Call S40·1151 to see. ·u_,. HERITAGE REALTOR:> • ~ REAL ESTA TE v s.ir. ~ "'-"Y ~ .,..,.. I 026 24J6W CowH...,, twwport St.ch Hl-140t Dir ~ YOUI DllAM 1m1AT In gorgeous Erwin Lake, Big Bear. Cl~ to skiing, lake:" elc. Two flat buildable adjacent lots. Call office for directions to property. Mountain air -Mountain view. $27,000 Julie Van Wieren 551-8700 <XlB> &lllll &IAll/OPllOM OI IALI ·Excellent Terms! Larae Assumable .Loan Witb 30 Year llxed Rate. Owner WW Cam Larse 2nd T.D. At Low lateJ'elt. lmely 3 BR Encl ' Unit, W /Wrap Around Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Llsbt, Cheerful Home. Only $210,000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I.I ACISTAn Soperb early Calirorni1 design and quality con· structio11. featunn' custom pool and spa. antq Mexican pavers. 3 fireplaces. sky lights. air cond ' moch more . Beaut. hill and vallt)' views. Sma 11 orchard. Plenty of room for tennis court and horsl'S or. fered at Sl.200.000 Ask for Linda. Wlha. & ~eltt 1.1 4tJ..2752 ......... Kii 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3br older home. cnr lot. [ft' roof ' furn. owe . 213-447· 79>. 448-3271 SSOOO dn. Beaut. lgt 4 br hon in H.B. or 3 br in r.v. 952.7940 act 4 Br. 2'2 Ba. noolt. famill rm. 3 cu garage. pro . landscaped. 2 patios w/roven. wallpaper ii cl.LStom paint thru-out. leCUJ'lty system. uown mouldlnc. Mexican paver Ooorin&. 2 used brick frWc:t. blt·ln TV stereo cabin et fi boobhflvee In f1m. rm. Hilb uaumable. Must ue to appreciate. SZll,000. <>Den Sat/Sun . Tl4/NM1l3. Private Putr· . ..... 1044 ....................... TmtllRC -~~ra. I bl . .__,, Model Ill Tbe Ttrract . · ra•t•ltlc f 1uli1 t ....... ~--· LENll&,,l • A ,... llllllltery w W... 11r1 1 ................ ... Ev8ytlllac ...... ··•· Inf di1\aJ11ce .. prlctd llllfow•~!•qllin ... mt.GOO .• ______ __. ............... ... MOWISMTM ....... &1•.U ........... ~ ~ ....... "' •. tlle 'DlllJ Pllel Http can hr ..... ell '"ll•h• u. ... ,. ... . ... JI'! ....... NI• .... .,,., ... , .. , . ............. ._ ~ ••• ,,, ..... 11 _...'!!!!' ..... P •!1!9! .... :'1111'1111 ~ .. er. &AllUL ' , " ~ . . . ~ Ti..{~ p: !» •. . . . ... . ,-- l:... "'I " ,'' 1 ~~ :_:i .. .. . \ ,. How's this tor a good answer: money. Read our newspaper, and cash in on advertised values. discount coupons. food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week. We also save you time. Which is important_ for busy women managing a home. children and many other responsibilities. In the market for tun? We cover weekend enter- tairlment and special events around town. rrv and ' movies. Recreation, sports, hobbies, a Whole package of interesting news and features to give you a lift! Whenever you have the time. S9 if you've been feeling a little ftOpworoJ.atelY. get some help. Get the paper. .. ~ . -.--- .What's In It 'or you? Th• answer appears on every page of • II -642-4321 •• i I _..,,,, ,.. __ I I L • • ~ . • ' FORECLOSURE -Fixer-Oceanfront duplex 2 lge 3Br 2ba units Try low or no down Lender Owner can be very creatl\e Pia a R E. ~73-1900 WESTCLIFF Beautifully oecorated !Ind designed 3 Br 2ba w great office den and 2 frplcs Assume lge 12 ... , In w 20'i dn. $269.SOO fee land. 645. 74c.I ~Yi•wHoMH 3 br. 2 ba Good fin Fee land By owner $279.WO ~9·87~ .Qt 644. 7220 OPEN SAT 1.su ... I 1-6 New J story beach house Bay&ocean \lews Oceanside Balboa Blvd 1911 Court Ave nr t9th. 675-2291 or 848 3133 ·Am le al'kin in rear PAHIC! Payment s late! Sacrifice almost all equity 3 Br home . $180,000assume loans. Della63~ 2='~:.! 2 b1tb. prlute p1tfo. Avall1bte throuara •111112. suoo .. •llUL ll(iDr, IJMIOO. ' Driveways, Parkin$ Lot Repain. Sealcoat10g. S&SAspball Lk631-4199 Ra/comm. Seakoat. re-pairs, resurface. Free est"64.5-428J e vs: wk n d MspittlncJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• For all you need to know about bankruptcy. call 714/835·9162 1 . ·1 ~.............. ...................... ~~.............. ~~~~l~!f.~........ &;-.. ··:rrc .... •• OUMPJ08S Pttlonal' Busin\u In NELSONSPAlNTING Nutpatchtt,tt!(,JurH 3om~a rr~:t. •SmlUMovi,.&Jobl come Tu Retur Int/Ext Retld/Cotn m frft..nt._ l!H.il llfkt'JSHOI ~ MIKE64t·U9 Preparat~n Avell lo Acc'll.lllUc ·ctll~n •· Rtr11 , .. .,,,. 're'· .J.() -KMlt.INOlrDUMP .Evonlno,WeekendOf· U 'd est. -~37 P&.n.")iERPA "'" Cerimtclllti lrmarbltln· '-""'""""--1 JOBS, uk for Ra.ndy, rlee or Home Appoint· qual.lt Pt ~ I t Restuccos. lnttuxt 30 at•llation at aenalble 841-8UT menta. Jamu L. Zlm r1w/1n !itect wlf~;c~r Jrt. .NeaL PaulW·2?~7 'M , ilob_81S.$048 J-o-tvt-·1-r1 .... 1"""'t movana • nwrman. CP~. eu..t212 l't'lia I • 848·56411 ' M_Ji £D'S PLASTERlNG Trtt S..lce baulln~ Tree/yd /aar FEDERATBD T)'l)t'S Int or Ext ...................... . cllM&>.l:!:eeHt.842·~7 l.ncomeT11Servlce PAINl'ERNEEDS ~-Jlree~~t •£sptttTrttPrun1n1• lbm1de•lm1 1131·C87l WORK!30ytteicp,lnt ..._..,9 ConimtrclaJl.1nd1npe ...U11-=::='---1:.Jjt:.%:==1 ......... •••••••••••••· ext. Acoustic ('elhn&s ••••••••••••;•••••••••• Services t57..&311 GIDtral Mlillt.nance Want 1 REALLV CLEAN ....,_., Davis Paintin _M7 5186 Drains cleared from SIO Q)~eteTree Service Rapa"°"'Decoral1n1 HOUSE? Call GlnJham •••••••0 •••••••• .. ••• Collfae atudent 7 yrs ex· Plumb1n1 MepallJ Geft'l ..a...·llP' 1rr159 • lit •Ra 840·5144 Glrl. eeest. 645-5123 8RtCKW.()RK: Sma II .. l r D t'r est M&M 642 9032 1 ......... "'m HOME IMPROVEMENT R08lN'SCLEANlNG-Jobs, Newport. Cosl11 g:_· ://ext, re i ana _!L:_. --..: · '$... ~enov. S36· 14 REPAIR-PLUMBING Servic athoroucbly \teu, Irvine. Refs -1 ~ee_p_lr.iin&) ~M•191• .. Trwt.,..;.--- He1tin1. carpentry, clean house. ~O..o85 875-3175. Bishop&Son PatntinK ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• el«, Ule. Jl'tee est. No Custom Brick, Stone, 30 _yra up In Buch PROPEITY DELINQUENT' TopQuabty/Reas. RatH II!!·.,.,~ ~t S'8 IO'l9 ~4.&u•L.i. Judicial For"""l""'urta Pref bachelor homes Block. Concrete, Stucco ,....,..,.. 1 --~ .... _ 121~'39-8907 _ _ Rel Free ~t. ~9·9492 mtaS PAIMTIMG Oran~e area. 15 > r~ Harold F McGralh F.sq Quality . Dependable M. ArO ..... RY 10 yn ex~r. 1nt or .fXl expenence Call for info ~1·1771 _ C.11 Pam ai Bob Dwl11ht, ~ " ~~ -' and rates. TMtoriftci 67 ·7012 S2.10J~5-4J94 -..tJl·l 182 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-==~~--1 ~~~ H~nr\1"ix~~~1: ~l~~n~~!ooms MoYllg ~!'!! ••••..••••..•• ~••••••••••••••• ~ll~~'.a~exdp~k;~~~ Mowing, SlO, Sl5,. $20. yrdwn . re as. Jerry, garans. whatever! ••••••••••••••••••••••• HANGING SlO/ROLL REPAIRS0FOR LESS int,. Spes:t,z~ng grades Hauling/ Dumping, 965-3315 Arecent.UnJVersilyorll -AICMOVIMG-Stripping-disroopaper Shlnglts. al 30 Yrl l_l_t. __ ._7 __ ~szo. 754-9904, 9SS·0095 Beti's Mainteoaoc.'e Serv. llnois college gradual< Q!Jlck:_rareful 552·0'410 YJ~ M5 --64_5-9325 ~·Free est 7JO 272S Pnva1e Tutor to teach Mark Plumb-elec·carpentry lw decided to become 8 •;...I MOVING• UC. PAPER HANGER lfuber Rooftng-1U types basic Freneh. Russian: Resld/comm /indus. Pain · . Call964·5231 California m111ionam Top Quality. Special Bonded & guar. No JOb New·rtt0verdeck Germa n for travel coo Maint..._ clean· ups. tree Dependable & Honest. by HARD WORK. Sht care In handling· 25 yrs toosmaJI or too larj!e. Llr hll802.~·9734 veruell('e or longer term lrim, rree est 641·1096 Will do any type or Holl'll! already bas a good star1 exp. Competitive rates. F'r~L J.Q~_898·<!7U ROOF LEAK'?'?~?' ror study or literature Pete Improvements. ~~f;; 1igia re~~:en~~~ Noovertj_me.J30· 1353 QUALITY Courtright & Son ~nsw~r Ad 11622 Clean-ups, Tree Trim Reaaonable. 554.4454 (fontrajghl people I STARVING COLL EC E Papering/Palnt1ng Roofing " 1.,_._-~1~; Mainl. Resid /Comm 'I. ...... Average . S45 per week STUDENTS MOVING Fr~est. Janis 552 0231 f_'ree Eat 5116 5~ .!~•••••••••••••••• Amie$48·841_4 __ ....................... SSO every two weeks CO. Lie. •Tl24·436 Wallpaper contractor & s.ctblaltt.g SAME DAY TYPING Expert. Reasonable HAUUMG/ClUHUP For further details, rall lnsurec1 641-8427 Paintmg Lie 328240 O C •••••••••••••<••••••••• Servi re-now serving Garden10g,clun·ups , Const.·Tree·Y<l-Garage THElllOOMS(i>UAD WATCH USG_ROW' 2J yrs Gary Gompf Bl'DGETRATES Ltc 'd IOCll businesses' Wi ll .Inmmln.&. TJlm 631·7819 •Rent.al re air 63-1--0322 _ 673-3J tl_ STARVING ACTORS ~ Lo" m111 Sml Jobs OK J>i~Ai~el 556 2724 _ Jessie's Gardening Q.lAH UP YOUR ACT Hou1nfftiltg MOVING COMPANY Expert wallrovcring 1n free~ _641_7~1 Typini-resumes, term Clean-ups. tree tnm TODAY ! "Vard /garage ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fast & Careful. Lowest stallattnn. Rea!>. pnn·s s.cretorial Sen·lcH papers. dissertations &malnt. serv. _?10-8035 cln·up. etc. I Ion t.ruck . Avail. Mar 20th, reliable Ratt'S Law Allows. M C Consultant Assignment ••••••••••••••••••••••• word pr()(esslng. Reas _m:_s:U·1993 !24hrs) mtlts.Rer. -p:~t/lns sn.08.~3 581-8500 OffiuS..-viets rat ~s L.P. orrirc Demolltion·Grading -~J~ WALLPAPERING Typing senetanal .Se!"~~ ~·7135 Tran.sport. Asphalt, COD· lllcCM9 G ••••••••••••••••••••••• Exp'd bonded Ltr ~~mg &44 5050 W'mdow Ca.-1.w. • crete & tree removal. ••••••••••••••••••••••• F\ne pa1nt10P by Richard C 6 366M3 Discount-. on ~ So EXPER PRE "·---I> Tia... ••••••••••••••••••••••. ii prep & planting. . PARER ...,..,. L1r. ms 13 }rs of wallcovenngs Free e~t -"Let theSunshineln" Operated eqwp. Com m ·1 Enrolled to pra rl 1 ce happy local customers Rod 1-739 !i80tl •••••••••••••• ••••• •• •• CallSunslune Window &Resld'l.642· before the IRS. Quality Thankyou 631 ·4410 p R ol TILE INSTALLED Clo•nlll",Lld ....... u .. •••••••••••••••••••••• l t ••9"•18 ---,,..,. ....,. AllK d G d .... (\I .;J'IO~ R 111 I HAULING tudent has a reas. COi ·'" • ..., c.. · · "'T"' tn 5 uarantec oor: Mont~ly Disco!!fil_ haolot ing. c eanup. 1-t.ruck. Lowe•t rate FAST -ACCURATE fOft'IPa,..titta ....................... Rers John840·P217 ·uiing. odd jobs, Free .. ~ " 25 yrs exp. Lie 41f.tt14J •BRY1lNT'S• ----•RESIDENTIAL• est. 494·5841b~9am , aft Prompt. Call 759·1976. Income lax service.your Bonded. Ins Refs. Color Wallcovenlfg Removal Have somethini: 10 sell' Avg 1 sty SJO. avg 2 sty 6pm. ----Thankyou,John. hom!byappt. 963.:6821 e~rt 91!3-09_1.!_0ick All~. 6421343 c1a,:.1fieduds doilwell ~Chris_957.:~-- •SPtllTUAL Lost· F Chihuahua mix. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltEADIMc; Lost. Blue Velve t brownt beige. o/ery Linda&Y' ., JobsWanted, 7075 ApartmentManager Ex A\,IOMOTIVE 8 S El C * R l j Jewelry Box & contents. rnend~ on . 16th St ICkl S ••••••••••••••••••••••• penenced couple Beaut * LOTMEH! 1 15 · ammo ea · Vi<' Newporter Inn, NB. N t ..;5 C~ld 's ""l. u 'th II I maintained 44 units. I ~~!'!: ... ~!.~~,:~.~.~ ...... ~!.~~ ..... ~.~.: .... ~!.~~ ~ ......... ~!.~~ ~! ..... ~.~:.~ ..... ~!.~~ ..... ~:':'!::! ..... ~!~~ San Clemente 492 7296 Elk Cl b NB wp ... . .... •ESlORTS• man WI tnle el't ua ('he\'' delaer offers run • • • 1 or s u . . • ..,_ • ...,., •-""' d k Costa Mesa Nu pet<. ' fo\ill hl' REWARD 7608645 """""""" BACK BE'rTEI' uaCni;roun sees live • vr =rt·lime permanent ___ ._ ________________ ._...,. __ _. . . . ---... ---~---·5l50 TilAN EVER ! 24 lfRS in position a!> rook, JI ;\pl + sal;lry bonu:.. positions lo youths to as- R .... ton--..a30010Hlcel..... 4400 C:O....rclaf , 1 -·t •-h" F' 669_0207 tendanl for 'eldcrlv or 642·4~.wkdy~~4 s1s1111· the body &serv1'ce _.... , 1·--a 1r 11:-..-..1 530 ~ ·gray "' w 1te cat, ••••••••••••••••••••••• __ .. , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rtlltals .. 75 .,_. .._... collar wirabies·tag from · lVUt<, secretary for pro APT. MANAG •:R depts. in \ 11 ried. 10-, "'fi r l 38S ••••••••••••••••••••••• s ud A b" L Aa.t--&:s Mass~ I Oulcalll ressional person Cu II .,_ ed I r ter-llO' " task• See Mr. Fmle wants roommate t I u ace space or ren . ••••••••••••••••••••••• a 1 ra 1a. aguna "'._....... ....-rru·reur coup e or ..., .. ., share F.V. Condo r Ice sq r~ .. second floor Prime Tu st an & San Niguel Reward 643-01 Open 24 hrs ad . Ans "· er Ad • 6 2 I 18 wul Adults. 1n Nwpt Stude al washer/dryef prlv rpba Prest1g1ou$ Westchff Cletrenle retail or oHice -a.fl.~'!!:.-7days a week •ACTRESSES Hefp642·U>O~h~s._ ~laintenance exp req HOWARD c~-,rolH gar. 96J.9S84, ~liends & area $1.00 sq (t Med1ral spare. 7J0.1471!,_83}!69!L FOUND ADS 69 Go rgeous girls to MODELS• WWJRV 71 OO 646·1801 Do\'e Quail Sls Bid Cal1645 ~1 SIOO REWARD Blk pamper you Jacum . NEWPORT BEACH 557-SOOOX 306, wkdays. · · tftdiatrial lttfttal 4500 Lonfha1red cat. "M~al· Sawia. Locals as w-:11 as Hollywood Dare rt or ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Afftftdant ---- Shr. 2br/2baapl, Lag. ••••••••••••••••••••t•• IDrfR££ bal " 6'3·'8912 d->'' 1ouris l s Bank seeks newtalentlode PARTTIMF: Oranji?eAU'l'OMOTIVE n~i. $255Mo-Pr1vateotrice' NB 3975Blr h 8860~ Mt 97>3771e Ame ·r ad M ster velop for TV. movll'~. Airlines Ct Swap Meet S·l ·n ""''" ocean vu, terrace. parkin~/kitchenette s~c · .. l' · ' · Call --~ ----ri r · a com mA re 1 a Is 1213 • ,, '~ '1 . SALESPERSON .494-6109493·2308 ft.orless.MIAzone, • Charge. Ameriran Ex· ~ • A" ht rlorSun A8pl v SWAP 18600 ain St.Hunt Br . rt A t Found· Bike. CdM area. D · 11 llOl 3711 . 752-6285 lg M E E T r' F I ,. E WAMTED!!! F lO shr Laguna Beoch Da1lyJantr Allull'lpd per s q ge n ' press. iners a " . . S4!·5032. 642·5678 C'.alltoidenlify. welcome. T14f~S-3otJJ Now1nour6th1'ear "eekends 7AM to I PM t.:nlim1led opportunity, home. Non.smkr. refs A\'ail now' (7141848·3133 644·6006 2112 Ha!_bor Bl. CM A d OC Fairgrounds Costa earnings to SJOOO month .497·3017afl.2 m 1100 sq ft 2 offices. ,.,,_.MrviCH5l60 tten ants \1esa & demo program No 3 BR 2ba o•head door. front & re· Or T b ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-------•I i!Ulo sale~ expenencf house with all •H UN TIN G T 0 N arentry, frwy close , top Lost: ange young a · SWEDISH MASSAGE necessary but ~ales ex-arMnilies. Non-smoker. BEACH• l'OOd. ·S251. by male cal. Whit o.1 r....... ..t...-ti rri ( d $22S + l't util. Da ys 1080 SVeFJlr•'t• ~· cftest/paws. COM lfVH. nc axing, non.sexual .--_, c ca tr ATTENTION: perience pre erre . 832 .. M Ind · Ip k 711 ... -._ ...._ L.---..1 • s F A b't b s d Theodore Robins Ford .47~ eves 836·5757 • •'3 Priva e ires esa u.stna ar . 7.,.,,..,,,,., ru ---'" •• or m 1 1ous oy an . askforKod. * •2Staff Areas W. 17th. St. Pacific L.A. CGlif. Positi0tt rt· girls 10.13 years old. lo Call Tom Aiken at Housemate Wantod , • •Wetbar Sh.ifs lndustnal Park, ·-work one or two l'\ICO 642·0010fordeta1ls_. __ ~ 1835 Wh1"tU"er Ave lU\11. -.cl"H --wlc contact, 1n°s a ·• tak acc tt 10 u ~;n~ily r:l'f::~~.er~e!~~ ·::v:.:.~U-"'(~:.:.~4.!.!1~=848=no'-".;:.::~:..:15:...t-Floor 1000. 3700 sq fl units.Of: 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL :d...i:-:1ronl, and ne~spap"er~ sub.\tnp" -------- be -nee-warehouse space ntrt. ftelibility itl lions Transportation IAIYSITTEI ac and community MEWPORT llACH w rarpets, drapes, wet • woril ~-Must and constant adult Person needed lo meet ~s3oo a monlh AJRPORT Custom or bar.642-4463,642·7~ 8 O•yt • 3 Linet • 8 Ooll•rs be U.S. citiiet1 or rt-super\'lston pro' idt-d 6 yr old girl after school rices. 600 lo 1800 sq rt . CA--..a550 '• Call 3 to S.~PM . .isk for at I 55pm & keep until F lO shr 2 br, 2 ba apt, C.M. S250/mo. + •,, ulils 675-5612 aft. 6. From~ pers 'f --r , cJistered ditt1. Somt Andrea. 64 2 4321. ext approx. 2.4spm e\ery· Mullan Rlty. S40·296:Q._ ....................... It's easy to plac e your 8-0ay Week Class1f1ed b y mail and 1t· c~ Is pnferr•d. •343---.-----•I day. Mon-Fri MUST BE 1 ________ ~~~~e.P:~rne~rr~ Jo{~ costs 1ust $8 -that s ontya dollar a day! :ro Qualify for this Applcants must~ 18 • DEPENDABLE. Must Roommat o k r .,_ s o special offer. you must be a non-commercial user offering --of-. ha•• a~~ live nr Sto ne creek e,n n-sm r or execuplan ....,ne (l0~1x20~,). 15 1·-· _,.. Elem Woodbr1'dge btfl lg apt. Nwpt/CM mo.673-~673·3939.:__ merc handise for sale up to.$800 per ad. and the price must mini...,. h•i9hth of Irvine. St ucten'\ ok · ::1e.!:,.,S215. Ca rolyn. RV bo 5'1" wr.t.1. w•1'11ht 1-ff Ref's. Pl0 ase call ,,,, _.., . at. auto storage. be 1n your ad The cost stays the s ame w hether your ad "" .. '7 '" • ~ "A Mew Co11e .. t" Fenced. secure. s.10 mq. need·s eight ..4ays se.lling time or IUSt one proportio" a11d bt 552-0461a ner5 JOpm Quiet female to share lg 2 fo\111 service custom C06U. M~a 646·16§6__ v _ 1 • .wtll cyoa111ed a11d bdrmapt.S230 C::all11rter of(ice&deskspace ~.CaUl4 151 ---61 ~Z.118 Nr. o.c . Airport S T 0 R A G E U d h Ab I 4 d k Barber Slyhst wanted to R .._ C d ·'See to Appreciate'" WAREH OUSE J4Xl2 se one wor 1n eac box OU wor S ma e one Oft S.ft. hb. D work m Laguna Beach mmle sur nu on o 759-8978 NB area sm . 642 2255 f f M 3 I p 28 or .... _. M-ch I, oublt Check C M non smk W D ClaSSI ted line 0 type 1nimum ad IS 1nes lease print --salon. ~ood ennron· s:i95: Leave m'essage 1--------•1 Mter~30rallS48·l558 plainly tot. schedultd for an ment. 5 da\s a week Joan646·9926 ~nt In your tht Bargains C)ll 4~·88118· Respon. sgl F wanted to lusiMss/lnvest/ r------------------------------, ~or Hftd yaur r.,. Beautman shr ocean vu tue in Log MEWPORT CENTER FWlclKt ~ to Pacific fx. " llamiressers to ~ork 111 &h No pets. S350 mo Excetleftt Offict ••••••••••••••••••••••• I p 0 lo 8072 tn lhe I plu.~h '.lit~ pon Beach ioclutil.499-1856. SDCIC lll'ffttmttlf I P""' · · · I Oath P1lo1 salon ll 1~h pay, gd sooto2000sq ~ Ava ila· Opporlwlity 5015 .._-----+----~-'-----,._ ____ -f=.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ S.F. Intl. Aif?Ort, Sa11 Classified "orkmg ronds. fnnge M/F rmmte lo sbr with 2 ble for Lease ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 1 Fr a 11 sci s c 0 , C A loda). benefits. some chentele othen, 3br home. pvt CallWm.F.Cote ln ves tor t s Wan · 11-------+-----"4,._----+------+-..-.~=-.;.....ij '4128. Must be ,pref 6426164 llOOI, ;ac. l:f.B. 848•49i7. rormoreinformat1on ted-s10.ooo t otal nr S 00 I b · V•LUES 644-2030, Milch. 1 I I ava la It to start "' Beouly Spa~e ren tal uni Busi. man shrtum. 2 br. 2 Y pa y. mt only mo. (200'7, I 1-------+-----"4,._----+------+-------4 .. __.., "'mtQ!la • · GALORE que decor. spacious . t Cote' Realt 10.SU>OO. 20r;. 2 yr . oan • ~ I .. , t ly ' . . ba deluxe apt. pool. $250. & In vestment sec. l PLUS 200'ff Dep. I · 1 O .60 EOE. area. Su~r opportunit.ft Wkdys631-0115 640-5777 wnte-()frPLUS25'h Tax 1-------+------<------+------4'----.-"4 j~~~==::!~~:'I ~----~~ ~':r~f~~~'il~nin C~url 050 ........................ --Oouble garage for 'storage only . S90 I mo H. 8. 96()..!i260. 3 car garage or storage Nr. Newport &·19th. Al· ley access. 640-8107 Offlcel..tal 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1617 Westcliff. N.B. Want financial inst. 70005.f. 1st. floor. Agent ~1-5032. EXECUTIVE SUITES ' IN tan'AGl PU1A New luxlll')' omce space in ITvloe's busies t center! Easy Frwy ar· cess. Avail. now!-Call for details. · 111.1211 640.42]0.. * DILUXI OFFICES* From l room up to 2000 1q. ft. From Sl.16 1 sq. fl. No lease requl red. Mr Airport.er Inn • .2172 =l. l:all' AM . 17THmHT COSTAMISA I fl' J room Otfkt fllilea. ~·= .:rc:i1 Utll Reta..ig . f1W100 ..... ft ..... ..... HHPI L --~~t ~~~S ~~ l~r ~Ni ! 13.20 Use the Datly Pilot Kelley Hannum. 645-0662 J.59.0564 1 1-------+------<,._----+---.....---+------4 "Fast ResuJt" service No need to travel all over KOUCEHTEI MEWPORT Need eq u1 ty s h are El l E ·l · partner w/S25.000 to buy egan xec sw es in X-wUe out or C.M. con· presligi()\IS I oc. Jn cl do. 631_,.1.,., B_ill eve..L._. secreta rial. recep· .,, '" tionist. telephone ans & MoMy to LoC1f1 5025 rmre. Ofcs from $436 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. On-call ofcs $165 2nd TD to SI mill. EZ mo . T ff E H EA D · 1·r D S QUA RTER S CO M 9ua 1 y. owoey av· PANIES A ( . 1 mgs Mr. McQuarne . ; pro ess1ona 96J.26ll environment. (7 14 ) 851-0681 ~s. Tn11t o.idi 5035 BUSINESS ADDHSS. Answering & mail service, conference room . Adj. OC Airport SlOO/rm. 7141851-1342 Orrice space on busy Newport Blvd. Approx 8l sq. ft. S«O/mo. in cl~ utils. 2450 Newport Blvd. Costa Men. See Manager. "Tstrt~~r.- lrvine Airport exec. suite, nice offices In friendly at~1o~here. Alll;..:RrY-in n>lni .. Xerox avail. 9,57·Wl Prime Newport Beach of· flee space. Newly re· trodeled. beauUfuL Call Mark m-eeot. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 15 80 dlr'""'OMI Your town lo look for a•rage IOAT SHOW -• P.• ., "' Homema .. e .... stud•n··- 1 sales ... you'll fin them ,.. • ~ ' "' 1-------'------"''------.._ ____ ....... ____ --1 service 1s our n'ght b.. · Cl ·n d P T . t em p he Ip . add $2 60 f h ddttl 111 f 8 ti I .,re m assi ie • I L.----"---· __ o_r_•_•_c_• __ o_n_• __ n_e_o_r __ m_•_• ___ __, spedalty I To place rour garage Cashier. ticket takers. I Call 642·5618 ext. 322 sale ad, cal 642:5678 parking attendant. etc. , 1 Publish my ad for 8 days starting _______ _ l Classification _____________ _ I Name-,--_______________ __ I Address ______________ _ I· City Zip __ Phone ___ . 1 Check or M.0 . enclosed O I Charge my ad to: I 0 ~ # ________ Exp. __ I D • # _ __,_ ________ Exp. __ L---~--------------~-----------r··••••••• WE 'LL' PAY THE POSTAGE ! 111111 BUSINESS REPLY LABEt llOSTAOE WU BE PAO ev AOOACSSU Or19·Co11t Dilly Piiot ' lllil Piii . I . lo1190 •.. .., •. Coltl ..... ,CAlllll NO POSTAGE NECESSARY If MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES .' ---_Call Hea~er jlt 646·3963. , t ___ co=-a __ > > WANTED . < <--ccs---> > 'tlewspaper Carriers for ~outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & NeWRbH lteach \ ... r t I ~=r~a~'~n-ve•tmen Fi rm . Reapoulble For daily fimDclal transadioaa • Computerized G /L'a. · Analytical ' minded penan. Expr. Required. ca11 MO-Ol.23 afme~~t•ln. Experience preferred. Pleue call, 55'7-0182. CLlllCAL/ 6A&.MmAY AslistaDt to omce M 1r. Typing, lite bookkeep· • ins. payrolJ Ir busy phones. $5. to s\art, raises commensurate with adaptability to job poeiUon. 4-0 br weell:. Call: Mary Anoe, bt wa ~ 12 48:J.-OllS or 831-0751 CEEll HCMl .. llAl · SA .... SILOAM Cleft needed lmmed. to work drive·thna photo booth. Ex per. helpful a. ndt nee. Call tor In· tervlew: (714)114-7080; IG-1270. ~-For elderly ttrean Lad7. 1:30-ll:JOPll. $100/•ll· ly .. Call: before ZPIC. •tMI • $11,600 MAMA6H Mature couple to a manage large, quiet complex in Costa Mesa. Salary + Apt. 64S·l:llll 675-SIN9 -- CONNH.l CHEVROLET ..... •!' • r~ \ \• ~ ' S4b-I 200 CREVIER BMW 1'he bdtWtci '12 IMW'~ Jien! A few re ma 1ntn1 '81 Models & Demos are still available! Wt> specialize in: European delivery and flawless pre-0wned BMW's. Where Cust.ome r Service Comes lst! Sales-Service· Leasing 2al W. Jst, Santa Ana 1714) 835.3171 Clolled Sunday MOORS IN STOCK HOW! Clltc• ••rt••4 11ltetf.. ef DIMO• • •·4 9 UAL IT Y ,.f.OWMID AUTOWOIUS•ftl ................ _. r'l a. Ceil or COlnt ht . TODAY! SW.S • SllYICI LIAS.MG SADDLES ACK IMW 21402 MAIGWRfll P'IWY. Ml SSIOM YllJO Avery Pkwy ott l·S 131-~ '9S-4949 Oosed Sundays tl.MetthciffltcJ 'artOfYow IMWflwcltaMOr &.HM c.w .. Mcl.Cll-ettlMW!! a.,0rL..oN lyO.."'-e"-! (7141522·5333 ORANGE COUNTY'S ~ST _ ·ti Jg SaJes.Ser\'1Ce·Leasing 'IVt' CARVER ICU.S-fVtCE·IMW IMTDATSUI a.OUNCE Sllf f • .. ------~ -~~·-....---·. • • '71 Hoftda Clvl<'. J. tcllld. moo or ma llf of, ferMD-1141,'7~2777 '76.._.C-- it Honda At'C'Otd LX. $ IPd. •Iii-~. am fm 'Pd, <'Ult rima. cnlal ~. • 2 xtra i1now I ~..a M t II HA ~.tz'i'GO.fn.$02$ 'tl mzJ(: z+ z. JOOO ~M.,. UI It' -··-........... '740 ! ..U.. lla&bel' iat. SIOO + ."""4--••••••••••••••• TOP. '9M 8'1·$101 ........ ' '74 MllZ new-palJlt Urea •••••••••••••••••••••• ........... • 1 + -a&ereo. • .. 100. '76XJ12L. Ja1uar. Ea· .......... .. ·~~·· + ··------~ TWMtcwtt lt-11114'. nuctuwn. 1111 MODl'.l.8 r __.. luw im. ,.)'ft•nlli. 12A llP!llK NOW!!! '11 -·· ft'tallk bl. f'onlc<tw, it, 141·2143· twtll• S.rvlre·l~a.lnl( , ..... l'l\I. l'fttC rt•bh Ut 11% l'orllt'h•'. 'till, l(t""I s~ .... -~-10 ...... ml. •lllJ('rb c.'OOd d b I ---..-""-lltruout -t . .00. Wiii ''°" . "'''~II / t' l(t" ........... .,. •,too. ORO, Ml·J1311 -• ::'rl.der Jt'rll'I• • i• a•' '9 tllT. 1111 uoo ml Mllft)' Q l·tMO 49Mt4t ·• VW Raja, IH~rt'. i'..enltJI rub, 8'• P1tlnt, brallet.•d l11lt rlor. buc:·ket aelU. 11lumlnum d• llftd ,.nei., fie.a. moo obo ma1' Andy 'Jl'fW --------xtru. ~Int ~·01111. IWMRU '71 WMWN . .... .a.a. Movlnic. mwil llt'll 132116. •:,u~ ~Ion. '7Z 1•onwht• 111.a (iood .-r.flllJ, lllZ·IHM 11rt'll. pulnl. uphol11tery . t'tllld. "''• t•lutl'I:• t'ull ,.,... 9765 t'llr~llnl( 11nd cniclne l"n'll 7$1·911111 • -•••••••••••••••••••• AII.Nl'!W! ._ MB 450 St •• C.'ham · .__ 9755 n U.'lk11 ~'T. 111110. AC 714 /$21-11124 ...,._., lt-atlwt' t'llllM'llt• -!IM'f'llO hlPt'. lo mi. \'t'I)' i 41.:.o..... .... ... •-•• 39< W $127 ••••••••••••••••••••··~ llt•llt .-.incl. $19110 0110. .....-r ·~"""'· ... "· •to 30880. IM.clOO ml. MIAT 11114·7'HI.\ Jtl/5'J.JI 10 whit«> w/bumboo int. 511.JCTIOMI ·71 t'orollu 2tlr. nuhal 1'73 Supt•r. lk•cllt'. ~l'W 11111 undt'r wurr:snly llNAUlT tl~'t .tlrt'1i. l(d 1•ond $11110 paint Ir 11tul t't.lvcr11, u•k· m.1519. Sl'Cillr11111rid wui:ilf\ll with 1146-1118: 1'42-*2 1na: S21C~U36·4743 /t.0011.Mlu l~t ( ,,..1,1 Mt-.1 <,.t() 111()() COHHEU r HfVJl(Jlff )4b I t Ji. •••••••••••••••••• • Oldl Cutl111. Lo Mi. Xllt c.d. P'\IU Pwr A :.i-a1n fJITS. UO-Gltl, imMOlllfJCarlo, ow. 71 C.... ......_ -.W. PB~·PI. AV. 1il50 firm 'IO Eldorado llarr\tz 4f5..cml , Lve muaa e W.T1t0 M=70M,1'1.St•. ceptionalb !.'!:: -410BOID ... .. IOOd toed -· • ..... 1 ·a Milz ~I •. r11rt• dub '71 20051 Call Pnl 714 /133·2212 eom:f:'L °' Im· ,,.. au1il'. rl'lllll\'. lo". Rllny nptioo:c tu 1"ht11111t• T t 111711 ·1111tu,1 l'l'bll w1rt•1•t•ipt11 (mm an• 11\'lltluhh• now 0l 11, a. ' wai:'.'"· nt'W paint ' Int. flaw: et11ck. all eqyipment. i7 Nova Haub.bk. Au.to, 10 Cutlau Calal1 . II 000 miles. like new PIS, A/C, xlnt c:ond, lo loaded, white w /blue r00.1se11.,sse-5JZ7 _ ~ mi. Lotr.644"541 vejour int '°°°. ~Itch '70 Ma1tbu ·2 dr. runs J. W ·9381. aft. 5 le $ ,ttereol32'7S 8:311AM .. PM ports Dil'f't't ~AM' and .0 11W>. mini t'tincl, Sl7.5CIO. 2 &46·5931 i4 Ja1 XJ6. 52K miles. mos. senali.le "it)'mltl. t7lfl~I · '80 1118X. foJd. alnt ~~ own.r. Service ff· D i a I Z I 3 . o r ._ 9741 CIGDd. alr. tape dttk. s ailltt new. S7.000. 714/MERCEDES as 213 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~lK mi. SS400. s.o.1'11 or7!4L@7·2333 . .tW)4S2-~ lHo"m'!~.J'Wh lte 74450SlC llult Sell Immediately w/buckskln leather In· Si Iv u 6 f u e I b I u t• • 1l71Z Xlnt cond. reblt ~. f\ill pwr. stereo CUstom lo;adM, Covt'r · enc. imp. 645-30l2 aft 6 cassette. lo mi. Mint $l~.7so cond. ~days 644·~ M . 9725 &fS.21J"·950 Pvt Pty ---~aul W ....................... --='-===----Get Ready 1975 Orig owner. Beaut ~ se~ing! _'67 Con· ForSprlng! car with tender loving veruble Classic St5.000 lf70 RAT care. . 846-8098 • or ?f7.}-0l42or67J.7081 tlO Sl'tDB J---9732 '75 3t00. whale in ' o~t. COMVBT•E ....................... (act. au x lank. air. ClNLY35,000mUeson re· ·74i,; J e nsen He aley stenio. rass .. ps. pb. 4 built en&ine, AM·FM Roadster. Ne w lotus spl~.6751528 · atereo, 4 apeed trans.. nr. 2.5 mpg .. AU rebll. ·ss~L. cream DI'# brake• Ir two new . 87,..7676. .S14.000 =it!ri~f~~. PJu'lT ..._..... f7l4 _<ill_IJ20.S886 AlTIMTIOM .. OwMllS TONN EAU t'OV 1o:1t Fits MG"s. '71 ·111 Nt'Ytt Wl('(f, S7$ Milria631·7797 lvt• m11.: 'llJ MGB Convert. Nt•w l"r End Ir Brh, Cluh'h. Runs Good. $2 100 586-256() at: W••h. 5 l4ptl, i\M /l'M . k fl250 661·~ OIN44ll CO•S.T t'Mll, Sl9!15. 645 :112.~ ~04• • THI WMST good, neecb light body ftnd. 131-18126 ... ~/.... 'IO Ct>lft·a· Many xtr;f:f Y.e.. 9772 ;A~ -ml. ~I. IW(). IG77 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• ot I~ low work .am HH milta«t C11dlllau In Dedft ~ ttJS _ ........ _ ...... ~ .. 252A"ITarlior 111,.,1. 541;.ZA~ l'N'<rR~~~:~~~~. 5611123 1~7770 ...... 9770 Southern Calironua ! .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 79 Plymouth, bea,ut. hke 'Ill DART. Auto. CHS/ new. PS, PB, air, new · NAl•S spkra. N~w ballefy. tires. 49K ml. S2950. .... _.. 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••• -,-. ..,_.~ VW lt•ft ' ri,:ht ••••••••• • •• •• • • • • • • • • • dnor. ·73 lt•ft 1t11or ~I #1 M•LfR IN US A t•1111t. Wt'llll'm i1tyl1• whl KA · • · rimti for Supt•r lk•t•llt• CARVERR:Jt(.'E. eol'u. 5411.9744 70Ywc ... Good t-ood. ffrw t iro·~. "::':~~,:'.,:~w rud10. $3$00 b'7S 57!'!3 O OSIO SOHOAYS '70 KUS. nt'w pa1nl. 1ww M11'11tli11 tir~. nt•w sun 9 7 60 roof. W0-8719 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·77 RU S. t1on\ 1nlo Tiie I 912s · t·umper. no pnptop. . ARE HHE! =~~sound s•ooo 900 series 3 dour:;. 4 SALIS. SllYICE ANDLlistN6. OVt'.RSF.AS-i>ELlVf.HV t:Xl't-:RTS CADILLAC starter S400 . pbon ~5'5~1~·2811_1 ----- 2600 Harbor Blvd 661·2371 HH COSTA MESA ll~ge Charger. 8000 •••••••••••••:••••••••• 540· f ILft ma. Qtate sale. Must Ii· 73 Pontiac Grand Pnx. • • · · Y.J/ '°'-ql.idate. Call 541·9128 or decet car. reasonable '77 CdV. loaded. loral. tan 54e-0195 cir. S.4m in ' out. leall!er. full R--1.---99 .. 0 n. II rWrd tt70 warr lhru July 82. 46K. "'"' ,. S58l> 67S· IS28 ••••• •• •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• • • • • • • •• • • • • l~UllE YOLYO 1966 llarbor Blvd COST A M t:SA 6.._UOl 540.9461 '77 El Dorado. xlnt 1·onct. SAU SAU SALi Lo ~J~~ 2St,_~9'72 T· '75. Y,OLYO l64E . low m1lea1te. Bird. f\111 rwer. Xlnt 640.5122 cond. Ca l ·sank or Load('(1-$399S fi7S·4016 .JJ -We have over 30 1979 and ·71 uiu~ De Ville. Low 1...,. f'ai·rmonts. Cit•· Anrica Tl'\llt De~t '76 Vnh•o 24401.. ulr. ·1 rl S21CJ\ ....., , ... ••1 .. d 3. rru es. ow P ce ~ uons. Montt' Carlos and -w .. a · radw. lapt'. lo m1lt'al(e. Like llt'W 645 5146 mll$t ~t'll. Rt>:1t urrer · - -LTOS These isre Fleet y... 9974 SELL! Call Rob at ~··~~··••••••••••••··~· 4505a 1979 7a<m after 5 p.m. & '68 R~RED $3350. •LOADED• weekeGds County s s harpes t Qr~/ev760"8321 i1 MG Midttel. SllAltl'. Car Cover. So(t Top. TooMau Cover. Mu~l sdl S1SOO 080 S45.m74. 546-~, doonl ' Turbos a\•11ih1· ·111 V W Vun run~ •d '7 44 ble NOW! Comt• in & · bKly. totak-ct 'sooo (11.'h; drive .Rt!ad ~ Tra1·k e9·57JO · ~7 11964. C:--0 9917 Return Cars and being ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• olrered to the public for ·14 Veea. new black ... ~ , ... _~ '81 Camaro Z28. 4 speed. betwttn S800 and Sl200 paint. \'al,·e job. See to --,.,_ Met browo. P W. Tilt below wholeolt' Blue belif\·e . 646·8189 · lBSE962. Resale Sales. "19 Slrada 5 spd, am /fm 4'.1 W. Bay. Costa Men JOO CD '78 *"°· A/C, excel cood. ~2963 Supercood. 43.000ml -a..182 . 645·$168 .,.,_, 'l!O RX7 GS. 24,000 miles, - - '731lBS£L. Ma&azine s d1u1t·c or lht• Xlnt Cond. Mon·fo'ri. BEST s ports 11t'dan of I the '80s! ' 78 FI at : 128 3 P stereo/cassette. air Metcedes Bent 79 3000. Hatchback .. good cond, cond., moon roof. dnl Silver, sunrf. dnl cond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• new tires, am /(m cond.Extendedwarran· $1 7,900 P P Dys, 75o..tltOOW91 cusette, low miles. ty. (lACMt68) 497-6333 851-8288 evs/wkndi> Greaf~ai>eSZ.000 '74': IEACH IMPORTS 811 DoveStreel. N.R. 75~0900 19111 Harbor Blvd .. l'.M. '2500.175-9961. or~2l620. ~ 63 Hi811 ill-7170 1 .. ............. ••••••••••• Wheel. Air. AM FM Book All exrelltnl - . ., l.>sl Rabbit I ownt>r Md. 991 O Stereo Cass. 4000 miles malntalntd and ra.rr~· ThPSe hllle ads reall~ SOm1>11. Xlnt 1·ond S.'IS(lO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mint SIO.OOO. Days Warranty. Further info w 0 r k ! J 0 i n 1 h e ¥U .. rall642·53(M .. 70 .. C.V.T .... 3SO fl:'S;~lO_.t:\·es~·Q9~. -r ail . J oe CHron. thousands of other Pt'O-Read ... _ .,., D 0 "? 1 n 1 5 · C 0 0 k · 11le in this area who are u"' class1fled ads Rt•stored. WTCMR O. "77"Sl1rk.S2950 M c f ar land Co regula r use r s or ..J.11.e best dtals in Resale Sales. H J W. 290ZAI Resale Sales. Jll'e 11oport ·Anahe1m I Classifi ed Call our .id ~~men t renta l s~ ~~Costa Mesu . :_~Bay.Costa Mesa 8J2.s:n.a.SSS·59S8 taker_!l6.aZ_:S678 I I MATCH Tf'IE t!IUMIERS OM THE • .A TlAS CHIYS&.aft.YMOUTH 2121 ~or Blvd .. Costa Meee. T"el. 546-1934. 3 blockal 'lf>uttl bf San Diego Freew1ty off Hert>or Blvd. Complete 1~ ahop. S.lea. Service. Perts. S.Vice Dept. OP9n Mond9y thru Frklay 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. end 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. · llACH NOln'S .. Do'M StlMt. Nftlport a.en. Tel. 752--0800. Call us, ... ,. "'-~ialiata for Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, Saab & ~···· T~l IOllMS FOltD . Modefn ..._ eervlc., par1a, body, paint & tire cfepta. Oofnpetttlve ratae on '-& dally ,..,,...., 2080 Hllft>Of' ..... CoMa Meea. 642-0010 « S«>C11. - MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES' ~DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beech. Tel. 833-1300. Al the triangle of JamborM, MacArthur & Brlatol behind Vic· toria Station. s.Jea, S.r'viee.L ... lng & Parta. Fi.et dla-oounta to the p<tbllc. • . NAIHSC~C-. ~ 2600 Harbor Blvd., Co•ta Mae.. Tel. 540-9100. Orange County's Largest Cadillac dMler. s.i.. S.Vic:,. L._. ing._ . • DAVID J . PHIL&WS IUIC&fOMnAC-MADA Laguna Hiiis Sa .... Service • L..alng ~4881 Alicia Pnwmy . 837·2400 • • IOI LOM6Pll POMTIAC 13800 Beach Blvd., w .. tmlnnw. Tel. 882-«151 . Orange County·a .okteat and largest Pontiac dealerahlp. Salea,' Service, Pans. • SAIL CHIYIOLIT 900 South COMt Highway Ulguna Beech "arr(• ........... ,.., .. SALES HOURS: Mon.-Frl. IH, Sat. •5. Sun. HM 414-1131 54l-tM7 COST A MISA DATSUN 2946 Halt>or Blvd., Coeta Mesa. Tel. 540-6410. Serving Or.nge Counfy fOf' 16 yeers. 1 Mlle So. 405. 1 • SUMSIT POU, IMC. (Homa of 'Willie the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd., w.tmlnster. Tel. 536-4010. • • SANT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E~ 17th Str .. t, S.l\ta An& Tel. 568-7811. Your• Original Oedl~ted Dataun Oea!er· • MllACU MAIDA W."'9 '"°'*91. Our new loailion II 14215. a.., 8trNt. eoeta ....._Tel. 54W334. ~-~a vtalt our tlntnd new ahowrooll\ and .. wtty ... ,. the 11 Mazda ....., In loulhern Gellfamia. a... 8eMoa. P.-and LMling. • ~ AtW•ltMAIDA '"OllrO.C. .......... .. ,,.. ........... c..- 801 S. Anaheim Blvd.. AMflelm ... 1.,. JU9t north of e.ntl AM 'rwv. on ///lllhelm IMI. c.t ua ftntl ' 'WIMtHMOTO .... IUT'WOlln'HtTI'' MM UA~. IMC. 730 w.'ffth St.. Coe• M~ 842-1944 Vou'reln for ••urprlaeat DOM l..Mli~ • IOYCMrillOl&.I~ .1MO MM191• ....... Ne a•• llmlh ........ ....., llMoe. ~-Md~ ·' IJli , t 4 , '\ f ,. , • , •, ~ ! I -~. -· --··---, ... J ..._ ...... ---. -. . ---· ............. GOLDEN OLDIE Elizabeth Ta\'lor --iind her form er husband Richard Burton 1le ft 1 celebrate her 50th birthda~· in London with ze,· Bufman. producer of .. The• Little Foxes:· which s he "ll s tar in for a British tour Liz, Burton deny 'third time' rumor LONDON (AP ) -"Elizabeth and I will never re.ma.rt~." Ri chard Burton said today , squelching a roar of romantic rumors reverberating since his weekend reunion with Elizabeth Taylor. their first meeting in rive years . • Burton and Taylor spent much -0f the weekend together, holding hands, dancing and talking, but only a few hours of it were in pri vate. And t hree of he r children were reported on hand then. Provost aids c~se,captur~ of suspect W ASHJNGTON (A P ) -Purse ~matchings rarely attract much attefltimt these days. btit when Kathy Tollerton's purse was grabbed, fi ve motorists, one r>icyclist and a cnurch provost. took after t h e suspect and caught him. Mrs. Tollerton said s he and• her husband were walking home from church services al the W as hin gton Cathedral in fa s hio n ab l e n ort h west Washington when someone ran past her a nd g r abbed her shoulder bag Sunday. . "I was yelling, 'He's got my purse,' and my husband ran a fter him," s he ·said in a telephone interview. The commotion attracted the attention of bicyclist Lewis Regenstein , several other citizens and the Rev. Charles A. P e rry, provost of the Washington Cathedral, who was stuck in traffic nearby. R egen s tein s hifted his 10-speed bicycle into high gear and took off after t he purse <See CHASE, Page AZ> The reunion was a booanu ror most of the British press, which speculated on the possibility that they would marry for the third time. "We haven't discussed It (marriage). It's not going to happen," Burton was quoted as saying today in an interview with the Press Associatiop. Britain's domestic news agency. "We love each other with a passion so furiow. that we bum one another out," Burton was qu o t ed as say ing in the inte r view at his s uite in L~ndon's fa shionable Dorchester Hotel. ·'I've got two certificates which prove that l was married to Elizabeth at one time or another -and we don't need another one." he was quoted as saying. Earlier, William Hickey, the gossip columnist of the Daily ~xpr~ss, suggested there might be a conn ection with Miss Taylor's coming British stage debut in "The Little Foxes ... "When I asked Burton if his well-limed meeting with Liz ... was love rekindled or merely the most outrageous plug London had seen in years, he could only reply wearily, 'God knows,' " wrote Hickey. "I still love Elizabeth," the 56-year-old Burton told reporters Saturday night. And the 50-year·old actress sajd "we've always loved each other" as they drove off together to a party Sunday ni(lht. When they left the party, and reporters asked whether they were thin.king of remarrying. he snapped, "We are," but she shouted, "He's married. and I'm married." His aide J o Lustig said angrily afterward that Burton meant both were already married. • M iss Taylor recently announced that s he and her <See LIZ, Page AZ) -_,.Crashes in county-. claim three lives Three \)eople are dead and two remain in critical condition today following separate traffic accident.a over the weekend in Orange County. Laguna Hills resident Jeffrey Tripi, 19, was killed Saturday e~eninl aft.er the car he was rldln1 ln swerved off Irvine Center Drive in Irvine near the La1una freeway and slammed into a uUlitr pole. Irvine omeen uld the car - driven by an unidentified La Habra 17-,...-old ,outb -bit the pole IO bard tlaal the top ol U.. car .., ripped off, IHW.1 -aalo ia two thunb. t •• The driver suffered minor injuries and was arrested on suspicion of felony 'drunken drivl.n1. eolJce said. It was the second fatal accident on the road i tre\eb tn the put six months. An Irvine traffic specialist, thou1h, reported that Irvine Center Drive hu not bad an uDuaually lll1h number or accidents and that the two fatal • cra1bel wen not llmUar. • "Up until tldl time, tlMn bu not been a putlcularl1 bad accldeat ldltorJ in tllat .,.., .. 1aid o-11 Wllberl. e1t1.tnme ( ... QA ......... AI) , I l•<ANliE l OUN I y ( A L I f <>H N IA 25 CEN TS 'Coupty. buy Qf ·Ziggurat posed Nestande pushes Niguel building for lo_cal agencie~, courthouse, jail 'I ~ ~ruce Nestande, chairman ot the Orange County Board o( Supervisors, pr'oposed today thal th e county acquire the mllllon-square-roo t C h e t Holifield Federal Buildinc lo Laguna Niguel from the reder-1 government. Nestande said the building, which ls now largely vacant, could be used to house a variety of county agencies. An aide to the supervisor said a courthouse. and possibly a jltl would be among possible uses. BeatleS album on the way? The county already has a regional civic center in Laguna Niguel, but it is currently filled to capacity. the aide sajd. Nestande's proposal for a study on potentia~qulsi~ion of the so-called zrnurat building is scheduled to be considered by the board or supervisors at a meeting Tuesday morning. Old, unreleased recordings may be combined LOS ANGELES <AP> -A ne w Beatles album? It's a- possibillty, thanks to the dolens of unreleased "Fab Four" recordings languishing in record com.pany vaults. The Los Angeles Herald Examiner reported that later lhis year EMJ Records may r e lease an a lbum of tunes recorded by the Beatles ~ore the group's members -Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and the late John Lennon -went their separate · ways in 1970. The album would include the Mitch Murray song "How Do You Do It" apd Johnny Preston's "Leave My Kitten Alone." E Ml a lso has a five-song Beatles audition tape and other "demo" songs as well as tapes of familiar songs that differ significantly from the final album versions. However. because of legal obs tacles, chances are that these and other unreleased recordings will not be officially made available. in the near future, although s~me have ·surfaced recently on bootleg tapes. The newspaper saJd· a number of songs appearing on a tape played during the "Beatlefest" in Los Angeles may have been i llegally re moved from the vaults of EMI. The hidden recordings vary in qu ality from excell ent t o unfinished, but even the poorest of authentic Beatles tapes would be extremely valuable to Beatie memorabilia collectors .. There are, for examp1e, hours and hours of studio. tapes containing everything from outtakes and song scr.aps to jam sessions and rehearsals . "The recording studio. was their la!:>oratory -they left the tape machines running all the time." former Beatles press agent Tony Barrow once said. There is a lso an unreleased Beatles film documentary. originalJy compiled and edited between 1968 and 1971 for Apple Films, a division of the group's company, Apple Corp. T he unreleased material also includes 34 songs recorded by MIDGET MIXER Miqget Orean Ra,cing Club racers in Newport Harbor Yacht Club·s Corkett Trophy serif.'s scrambled.for position at start of Saturda~"s distal'M'e rare. t~e Beatles fo r the British Broadcasting Corp. between 1962 and 1965. Twleve of the lilies never appeared on albums. including reportedly -songs DY Chuck Be rry and Little Richard, as well a s others gathered by BBC researchers working on an upcoming special commemor ating the 20th anniversay of the Beatles' first appearance on British radio. A dozen years after the Beatles· breakup, Beatlemania persists -at least to a degrees The newspaper reported that the group's original albums still sell a miilion copies a year in Great Britain alone, with various Beatles repackages al::;o selling in the millions. The idea of a Beatles museum to preserve the mountains of memorabilia bartered at such gatherings as the Beatlefest is gathering s t ea m . and th e newspaper said Paul McCartney recently made a number of purchases at Sotheby·s in Lo ndon with such a museum possibly in mind. Nestande said consultants will be a s ke d t o a n a l yze the feas ibility of acquiring ttie building via a joint venture involvi ng private enterprise . An aide to the supervisor sa,jd r ecent tax law changes give grea ter fl ex ibi l ity for public/private acquisition and use of buildings. The fede ral governme11t acquired the Ziggurat in Maren, 1972 from North Ame·rican Rockwell Corp. which built the s ix ·story structure in 1971. Rockwell (.lever occupied the building because of the slump in the aerospace industry in the earlv 1970s . Tht> federal government has becn'uri a ble to m'ake the building attractive to its various agencies, primarily because or the high cost of housing in s urrounding communities. The building currently houses a branc h of the Nation a l Archives, the Internal Revenue Service. the U .S Geologic Sl!.rvey and recently provided temporary s pace to worker:; conducting the 1980 U.S . Census, o.lty ...... .._ .. , .._ ~, Series winnt>r was Allan Rosl•nbeq(s lntenM· from :\lam110~ Ba~· Yar ht Club. < Stor~· on Sports. P;,ige C:l 1 Police seize 31 protesters at Livermore Stewardess: 'I'm not ready' LIVERMORE <A P ) -Atleast 31 demonstrators. including one found inside a classified area, were arrested today during a ,protest of nuclear weapons development at the University ot C al itpr nia 's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratoey. Tt was the second· mass demonstration at the faclllty th1a year . On Feb . l, 171 demonstrators were arrested. All but one or those arrested were booked tor lDvesU1aUoa ol blocking a roadway. One unidentllled person was chatted with trespauin1 arter be climbed a fence and dropped tnto the laboratory comPoUnd. The laboratory ta owned by. the University ol California aDd performs nuclear weapons reeearch for the Department ol Defense and the Department bl Enersy, It bas been a Ion 1 ·standin1 1ym bol of uti-war protest and the ~ ol much CICllllroversy amOll,I tM UC Board or Re1ent1. 0n: Edmund G . Brqwa ,r., a member ol the ....-u. bu ... bton:;;;; ao tbe •Hl'llll'• (.. • ..... Al) ~ Survivor of crash killing. 78 describes last moments WA SHINGTON (AP)...-The s urviving stewardess from the Air F lorida flight that crashed into the Potomac River tesWled today that the plane began s huddering as it took off and that l.n the secon~ before hltUng the water was wracked by violent sensations. -· Once the Boeing 737~ hit the water, Kelly Duncan told a bearing, "My next feelinl waa that I waa noattn.1. . . . I relt I waa dying and I Just thoulbt, · 'I'm not ready to die'." Seventy-elabt people died in the Jan, 13 ~ruh. Even before tile plane left the NatlonaJ· Airport runway, she felt aomethinl Wal Wl'OQI, lb. Duncan told the National Tranaportatlon Safety Board beartna. . "The takeoff wan't u loud u it usually ta. It ... med like u unuaually ao., Ume befon we pulled olf the .,. • ., . ·~ Federal i••Mtlta&ra baH Hld. tbey beU.•• lee la tM euta• ma1 llaft c .... • tadlcat.or to "" tM pllal 1 t.aie ........... ..... .... ., tlu'ual lie ......... d .... .. takeaft roll. T•• alrcrtft , wttlt Tl . \ I passengers, began losing altitude almost immediately a fter takeoff, struck a busy commuter bridge and plunged Into the Potomac. Seventy-four people on the plane and four on the bridge were killed. As soon as the aircrfaft was in t,he air, Ms. Duncan said, it .. started lo sbudder and it got increasingly more violent.''·. The s tewardess, who was s ittin1 n ear the re8'r of the plane, s aid s he d ld l'l ot remember the impad. The Air Florida f light attendant, one of only rive people on board to survive, was the second witness lo appear at lhe opening day of hearings . before an NTSB board or lnqulry. Asked wbe\ber she now plans to continue ~rtlne as a flilht attendant, Ma. Duncan told her • que1t1Gner, "Yes, sir, I will." She laid ahe had had to swim lo tbe IW'f llOe and then foueht tbfOUlh p6eee1 ol ice back to the tall Mltioa, where abe awded a NHDa belleopter. DHerll»la1 her nearly IO mlaua. la tbt lcy water, lb. Duaean ....... bad opened a life ~ llDr llDGlber IUrvlWW " ' with her teeth because her hands were too cold. Mu c h or the questioning focused on whether the plane, which waited for more than 40 minutes in a steady snowstbrm before getting takeoff clearance. had been properly de·lced. lSee Pf>TOM.AC, P.a1eA2) llllCI l:UIT 1111111 Mos tly cloudy tonlgbl through Tuesday. Chance of rain 80. percent toni1ht. · Highs ~ to 62. 111111 TlllY ··Divorce War•: A Looe St ory ." copturea human momenta ond tr11ing situoUoiu on .TV '°"'""'· Sn Pa~ 85. 11111 ' .......... ~ ce.--. a..... ~ Ci • ......... ........ ·-t7 '"'" .. ,. I MOSCOW (AP> -A Sovttt apact probe IDaM a IClft landlaa on th• planet Veoua today al waa ....Un1 ~k pMtocraplll aod loformatlon from ••H .... PIH. tb• offlelal DI .. •1•ney T ... reportef:- ' Tbe....,. and ... UnltM Stat• ~ 'previouely landed unma..-.. pace •robea u Venua, tW eareat planet to Earth, " ... said ' HCODd FromPageA1 CHASE • • • snatcher wbUe the Rev. Perry picked up Mrs. Tollerton and her husband in his brown MercedM •• and followed in pursuit. Four other drivers joined bt the chase, honking· their horns· and fiaa)ling their lights to draw attention to the thief. Mrs . Tollerton said. As the group began to close In, f the man jettisoned the stolen ! • purse, but the caravan of cars i ' and the bicyclist maintained · purs\tit and cornered the man. I i i t I One· motorist managed to flag a policeman a nd the man was taken into custody, Mrs. Tollerton said. "He wasn't in very good shape, he kept getting winded,'' said Regenstein. "His second problem was that be stayed (running) on the sidewalk the whole time we were chasing him," instead of ducking ·into aUeys or wooded areas. ' ' -· pnbe Ud already· ••t back' ~ Ud •cooped up 1 1811 aemp&e. • Tbe de1cent vehicle tr ... mJtted lalorrnaUoa Crom tM IUl'fllce ot the planet for 1J'I mlnute1 today, accorcUa1 lo Taaa. Veau1 1J wuJaunched Oct. IO. Taa1 NW V•ua 14, lausaebed Nov. ~ ..tU reach tbt plaet Friday. Both craft were 1 lnto ilve separate l1ndtn1 •INI#' launched from a 11telllte In earth orblt, Tua tald. The Soviet Union started Ill Venus research procram ln 1961. A year later. the U.S. apace probe Mariner 2 passed by the planet. fn 1W7, a U.S. probe uuc1er the Mariner pro1ram and a Sovitl probe reached the planet wtthln a few hours of eaeh other. ''The community is very concerned about crime and we have a crime watch in the cathedral community," said the Rev. Perry. "I think the purse s natchet was scar e d . He probably didn't expect all of this to happen." There were no injuries in the snatching or s ubSequenl chase, Mrs. Tollerton said. DEATH SCENE Irvine Police Officer Jim Potts surveys car torn apart Saturday aft er ripping into utility pole on Irvine Genter Dallr "91 ...... -., O.ry • ....._ Ori ve. Passenger J effr e~· Tripi .. rn .. 01 Laguna Hills died. Driver had been dnnkmg. police said. District of Columbia police said the suspect, charged with robbery in Sunday's incident, also is being held as a fugitive from justi~ in Brunswick, N.J. From Page Ai PROTEST·. • • , involvement with the facility. Protesters gathered today in the rain a half mile from the facility and paaded with arms linked chanting refrains such as 1 '."We Shall ,Overcome" aod "Power To The People." i When they arrived al the south. ' and southwest entrances, the .I . demonstrators sat down io rows blocking the entrance of employees arriving for work. UC police methodically placed each demonstrator under arrest. There was no resistance. Among the first arrested was the Rev. c.cctl Williams, pastor of the Glide Memorial Church in Sao Francisco, who said , "I very stroagly feel ·opposed to nuclear weapons development. William s, noted for a nti-poverty work, said '"I'he nuclear arms race is tied to urban poverty and money that Is spent on weaponry could be used instead lo help those in poverty in the inner-city." From Page Ai POTOMAC • • Investigators have; concluded that the plee's de;icing was completed at ~~10 p.m. EST. The flight began its takeoff roll just before 4 p.m:;-- Testimony to be presented latet ,t the hearings is expected to show that an American Airlines ground crew de-iced l'\alr the plane more than an hour before takeoff and the other half almos t 50 m inutes before takeoff. The NTSB's chief investigator, Rudolf Kapustin, the leadoff witness, said there has been no evidence found to iorucale any structural or mechanical failures of the plane's two engines. From Page Ai IJZ .•• sixth husband, U.S. Sen. John Warner, were 1eparated. Burtoq and his third wife, 33-year-old Susan Hunt, split last August. The Sun said Burton told its ' reporter·: .. Of course, I love Ellzabeth -and I love Susan. I love them .bOth. damn it ... And wball'd'have them do is for them to come fDto this room and fight it out Wtween them." From PageA1 CHAS.HES KILL THREE. • • specialist. "We 've bad accidents out there, but not an excessive amount." · Meanwhile, two men riding a motorcycle were killed Sunday wht>n they struck a car on. Newport Boulevard near Cowan· H eig hts in Orange, th e California Highway Patrol said. The motorcycle riders, taken to UC Irvine Medical Center io Orange . wh-ere they-were prooounced dead , were identified as 22-year-old Terry Frost , address unknown, and Daniel Roberta, 24, believed to be a Marine stationed at the EJ Toro Air Station. The driver of the car was not iojilred In Fountain Valley, 16 ·year-old Gunnar Swanson s u ff ere<l. crUi-ea l inj uriea Saturday morning when he toppled from b1s mo-ped under tbe-.rear wheels of a truck. The Fountain Valley youth was taken to Fountain Valley Community Hoapital where be has underg-0ae surgery ror internal and chest injuries. Police. _officers s aid the teen-ager w.as driving alongside a two-ton truck o n· Warner Avenue near San Bruno Street when the truck made a right turn. The mo-ped rider, police -said, clipped the truck and slid under its tires. In Mi ss ion Viejo , an unidentified 17 ·year-old was seriously injured Saturday when his motorcycle was struck by an oncoming vehicle on Moulton Parkway near La Paz Road. Police said the driver of the car, 33-year-old Cheryl Brad$ of Mission Viejo, was not.injured. Traffic otl'icers report tl\at her car crossed over a center divider and struck the motorcyclist, who was rididg io the oppoeit.e direction. Addlne to the grim weekend statistics wu the identificatiOn of a man and woman killed in a fiery high-a_peed collision in Newport Beach last week. · Throwgb tbe use of dental re~ds1 the palT kthu last wediiesaay on Jamboree Road -bave been identified as James Ray Padovan, 41, and Linda • Mar1eret Kurzyniec, 32. Both shared a Santa Ana Heights address. · Politt-said the couple were apparently on their wa"y home rrom work whe n the pickup truck they were riding in spun out or control. careened ore a median strip, plowed into a power pole and erupted in flames. · .3 suspects ai:rested ID-Mesa burgl.-y ·,. Costa ""Mesa MC>lic._ arrested •-three Loe Angeles County men earl1 this morning on suaplcion of burglarizing a Costa Mesa appliance store. Police officers Tom Pipes and Mike Howard were patrolling the area along 17th Street at 4 a.m. wh~n they heard the sound Meaning of s tory altered h y t y po A typographical error changed the meAning of the lead paragl'aph in the Sunday Special story. lt s houla b1lve read : The prosp~ct of using treated w'letewet.er to k~ep parks, golf CO\ll'Se&;' greenbelt areas and _pl~y~ lielda green has pro.mptJd Uve area water districts to seek eonstrucUon of new or e~anded water 1lrelt..dMat and delivery systems. l'he word "prompted" was ln1dY~ri~ntly printed as "promoted:" of breiking glass, P,Olice said. ' Officers report~ that they saw th e trio leaving Davis-Brown, 411 E . 17th St .. with videotape recorders. One of the suspects, Gregory C. Calhoun, 18, Long Beach, was arrested three blocks away followipg a foot pursuit. A broadcast of the suspecl'S description and van 'l"esulted in the arrest about an hour later• by Newport • Beach police of RQOsevelt Roy, 18, Long Beach and Charles Dotson , 35, LOs Angeles alon_a Pacific Coast Highway. All three remained in Costa Mesa Jail this morning in lieu of $10,000 bail. Atlanta probe. to be closed? "' ATLA1ITA (AP) -Wayne B. ORAHOE COAST a .. eMM ........... 114.4142.-n Williams fears be could Jose his chance to be cleared of his two murder convictions if the books are closed on most of the slayi.ap of YOU(ll J>lacka that borrifted Atlanta lor nearly two years, 1U lawyer says. Diiiy Piiat _ Thom11P. Haley "'......, _Cllllll ._ ...... Ollie.< Robert N. Weed ,._.. Thomas A, Murphine .... L Kmy Schultz .......... ........... _ __._. MchMI P. H9rvey .......... ~,8'ddard ¥· Qw1el H. Loot .,.... ..... All otMt .......... MMJ21 Alvin Binder, the Mississippi law1er who headed Williama' defeMe during a sensational nla•week trial, said Sunday that Willia~ was upset over, reports that authoritlea now plan to cloae the boou 011 27 sla)'inCI. Binder aald Wllllam1 hoped the iD•ettlptiaD WllMald continue so ... ,,.... ......... t.ed . A Sllp•rl•l' Court Jury delllJlrated 12 boun Frid., ad Satur .. , Wore flndin1 UM ·=~•r·••• fr•e ·l 1aee ltl raplau and aapb1af ta ltGUl ~ftilty ol mu.rder In the deatbl Ol Nathanlel Cater, 27, and llmmy Ray r•yne,21. Ram ple ads - • • mnocen t 1n - driving c a se. Lo s Angele s Ram s quarterback Dan Pastorini has ple-aded innocent in H a rbor Municipal Court to a charge or misdemeanor drunken driving, according to the clerk at the Newport Beach court. The plea was entered late last week and a pre-trial con!ereoce was set for M ar~h 25 in the courthouse. Pastorini , 32, of Newport Beach, was arrested Feb. 14 in Huntington Beach after failing a roadside sobriety test. Police alleged they saw his Porsche going on Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach at speeds as high as 100 mph. H e wa s r e leased from Newport Bea'th Jail Feb. 15 after posting a $1 ~500 bail. Susp ect h e ld in HB the fts, rape a tte mpt A 26-year·old transient who officers say posed as an electric company employee bas been arrested in connection with five burglaries and an attempted rape, all in Huntington Beach, police said today. The man, Tom Ross, was arrested Thursday afternoon after he allegedly gained entry to a local home saying he was a utility serviceman and a t t e m p t e d t r a· p e l h e 22·year-old wo an who lived there, police lnfpr••tloa if or ·a bout 11 minutt1, 1&0,ptn1 after tempwatww alMive 500 de.,._ F1hrenbelt .were recorded at what wu later -.rmlnecl to be about JO mllet from the pl&Mt's surface. The U .S. probe, Marlalr $. pMMd aboul 1,000 mU11 rr. tile plaMt'a aurtace. The U.1. launelled two Pioneer spec_. ill December 1'71, one •eta 'tNDt Into orbit ol Uae probtl. A 5 -year -old San Juan Capistrano boy drowned Sunday In a Pond in the rugged back country of Cleveland National Forest, according to an Orange County Fire Depa rtment spokesman. Capt. Steve Wbiticker said efforts by two physicians, a p1tramedlc unit and a Marine Corps helicopter crew failed to save the life of Antonio Lemos. Whiticker said the boy at about 1:30 p.m. fell into the pond, located in Verdugo Canyon on the James Ranch about. 3 miles south or, Ortega · TaN -1d Jll current v.._. probn will teat the 1round turf ace ol veo .. ln u e1rort to determine what elementa are present on lb• laot , cloud·covend planet. The mother •hip, Venua 13, paaaed It a diltut• ot ...... 22,320 riillet, T ... Hkl. The newa a1..ac1 11ld jo6nt Soviet.Ptincb eapertmentl were carred out dmin• the m.in to Venus. Highway. He aajd two doctors who were on an ·outing' in the area tried to revive-the boy before th e arrival of paramedics. . Whiticker said a paramedic ambulance was unable to reach the area, causing paramedics to be delayed. A Marine Corps rescue helicopter was called from EJ Toro Marine Corps Air Station to fly the boy to Minion Community Hospital in Mission Viejo, Whiticker said. He said the youngster was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital at 3 :21 p.m. Test drive of auio , .leads to ·slaying? Police said today they believe a Huntington Beach man was shot to death Friday while allowing another man to test drive the 1979 auto he was attempting to~ell. Westminster ~olice officer Earl& Graham said police were sear ching toda y for the prospective car buyer and the dead man's missing auto, ,a white BMW. license number 412 XNJ. Graham said the car's owner. Ro y Saburo Naka se , a 36-year-old printer, was found Friday night in a vacant field at Hoover and Wyoming streets in Westminster. Nakase was shot, once in the chest, a pparently by. a sm all caliber handgun, he said. The printer was trying to sell his auto and left on a test drive Friday from his home with a prospective buyer, police said. He said officers believe N akase was shot sometime during the test driv~ and his body dumped in the vacant Westminster lot. Slain womanfouml,; cops seek id,entity Police are trying to identify a young woman whose body was round Sunday in a Costa Mesa pa rking lot by an DH-duty police officer on a family outing with his two sons. Police Lt. Jack Calnon said the woman described as possibly of Lalin aescenLhad been shot. He declined to s pecify the location of the bullet wounds. She was believed to be in her late 20s, about 5 feet 4 inches and weighing about 150 pounds. The woman's fully clothed body was di&covered about 11 a.m . by an off-duty Jngl,ewood officer who had laken his sons go-cart racing in a vacaqt parking lot at 1650 Sunflower Ave. Calnan said it appeared that the woman. wearing a red dress and high heels, had tseen killed at the scene. An ·autopsy will be conducted today to determine the cause and time or death. Thi~~es get $106,000 in Newport Beach theft Burglars took more than $106,000 worth of jewelry and other valuables this weekend from the Dover Shores home of marine engineering firm owner Jose Rosan. P.olice said the intruders tipped over ·furniture, emptied drawers and lelf other items· strewn on the floor of the house. Rosen told polk-e that when he returned hOme Sunday, he found· all the doors to his house were open and his front yard covered in toilet tissue. He said the burglars took jewelry, a sterling silver set, a television, video r ecorder, camera gear and $500 in cash. Desert shaken RIDGE~REST <AP ) -A moderate earthqual<e with a- preliminary measurement of 4. 1 rumbled under the desert floor 11 miles north-northwest of Ridgecrest on Sunday night, b1Jt caused liWe ground motion and no damage, officials said. classic windbrQ.a.kcz.r. .. tha. original G-9 . wind~Ktz.r, idio1 fbr ~lf or outdoorwusr. mad2. qf' l~~t cotton· poplin with a tartan lininrJ. · evailob l<i in na~'\., britishtan, navy or Nd. mode fbr us in qngllltd. . .. . '· .. " .......... "HUSBAND'' WEDS -Ben Gazura an<l. his bride. German model Elke Kriwert. are joined b~· actors John Cassavetes. left . and Peter Falk, aft er their wedding in New Yo rk. The three actors starred in the film "Husbands" .together. The couple were to hone~·moon in Brazil after their Frida~· cercmon~·. Brady retaina aharp memory . Presidential press secretary James Brady, 41, who suffered brain damage after being shot during an attempt on Preside nt Reagan's life. retains his near-photographic memory, his wife says. In an i nte rview with People m agazine , Sarah Brady said her husband did, A Syracuse newsp aper began a drive to keep New York Mayor Edward Koch out of the race for governor, saying his interview with Playboy magazine proves "the biggest rubes live in Manhattan." The combative Koch is quoted in the magazine as ca lling s uburban l i fe "s terile" and rural life · .. a joke." The remarks stung New Yorkers outside the city, whose support Koch is Less than an hour after the ~uilty verdict in the ·wayne Wiiiiams murde r trial, commemor ative T -s hirts were being sold at $4 .25 each in the cQurthouse press room in Attanta. The polyester-cotton blend shirt. available in a range of sizes, bore the message in white letters: "This T-shirt Coastal Mostly ctoucly lonlghl 111rou911 Tueldey. C"-"to of r•l'I 10 Plr<llll tonlgllt. COOier O•y\. Coestel lligh S6 TUMday. owrnoglll low S2 ~-. lnl•llO lli!ltl •2 Tunday. o~IOlll 1-ss. Elsewflero, lloht v•rleble wlnO• toec:omlng ..-tly •ovtll to 'iOUthwHI a to II lt-s tonlgllt Wind ., • ...,, from 1 to 2 Ifft W.1torly •-ts 1 lo J 1111. Cto110y wltll • <ll•nce lor r•ln northorn w-· Sl)rM0'"9 sou111W•rO tonight. Belllmo,. Blrml119hm Blsm•rck Bolw Botton Brownswil• Buffelo Cl\erlsln s<: Cl\erlslnWV ClleyonM GNu9o Cine Inn.Ml Cl1ve11nc1 Columbus O•l·FIWlh Denver 01\MolroH O.troot Duluth EIPHO Felrt>anks Herlforo Het .... Honolulu Houslof\ tnctnaptls -----------Jacllstwt11 lunee u 1 V.S. summary ~::~~ ~lltle Rock Gele wamlnQs -• post.a toOey Loulswllle · al0ft9 tM cont • wind, rein •no Momc>llb ,_ pelt.cl the Pklfk Hont.wnt Ml•ml ano snow loll In Ille nortllern Mllwoulte. Rockies. • Mpls-Sl.P Scatter.o .,_ CIOIMO ,,,. ._, Hesllvllle Mlutulppl Velley •llO 1111 u-r Hew Orlffns GrHI Lakn. A.it1 -· o ... r -Hew Yorll Clfltral -»Utlllm Atlanlk U•teo Horto11t mo.,.o 1111o111e A11an1k. Oltl• City Eerly momlnQ skies wen lelr ower Omolla mucll of tlll rest o4 Ille n.Mlon Orl•nclo Tiie lot'KMI cellacl 1or 119111 snow Phll•~ sce ttoroO lrom llM Greet L•ltu P'-nia across _,...,.,. H-Engle..o wltll PltlfbU'Ofl rain mlxeo wltll •now wld•ly Pll•nct.Mo scatterao o.,.r the_, Olllo Velley. Pllend, Ore Felr SJ<IH-. eapecteo o-mucll AeplO City of tM rHt of -nation. A-Tomper•turu erouno tho nellol\. ~~,":"..~ early !Oday rlfl99d from IS bel-In ... .....e HouHOn, Millne to 70 In Kev west, Seattle Fla SI Louis . StP·T- St Slo Marie Sooll•ne· for a time, have trouble recalling recent events following the s hooting, which occurred nearly a year ago. Every day, a White House van takes Brady to George Was hington University Hospital for 41fl hours of physical. occupational and s peech therapy. seeking in hi s newly announced · gubernator ial campaign. Th e Syracu s e Herald-American blas ted Koch in an editorial a nd printed its coupons bearing a picture of the mayor and the words, "I don't think Ed Koch would make a good governor.'' Readers were asked to sign the coupons and mail them to "Stop Koch," ca r e of the Herald-American. ma de of fi bers from the· Wayne Williams trial, Fulton Co. Courthoose, Atlanla , 198 1-82." D eput y S h eriff T .H. Connally, who organized the entel'flrise, said 260 shirts had been pre.ordered. There was a waiting lis t acrd another printing was being conte mplated, he said. 41 10 41 '5 21 0 58 41 ,. 10 .... JI i. 4J Q .09 s. :12 41 :n 0 33 St 2S JI 24 so 24 U 4 tO :n SI 31 JJ 10 33 ll •• "° s ... ,. 11 " 33 71 ., 62 41 SJ 21 st 4' i. 10 S7 ~ 71 SI 58 JI/ S1 JI ,n 11 , 11 ., JS JI " " ... JO so " 41 21 u l4 60 i. so 32 11 ~ 0 1J ,. S6 47 2S " ·3 SO 4S so 24 U SI 0 ,. • 60 41 60 .. S2 JS n s. u ' u.. 42 CM .o JS 11 f\1u on Tulu Weslllngln Wlclllte CA&.IFOllHIA B•lte,.flolO Bly Ille Eurek• FrHno L•M•Stft' LosAngelft Marv•vllle Montuey Hoeclles Oekl•riO PMOA-Red Bluff Reowooo Clty ~<r4'mento S.llftas Sen Diego ~n Francl~o Sent• B..-. Santa Marie Stockton Thorm•I Ultlell Barst-Big BHr CaUlll\I Lono llffcll Monrovl• 76 u ... S1 70 11 '1 .. u 12 ., SI 7t •> 67 so ., 60 ., 73 .. •S .. u IO 60 7S S1 .. 72 79 .............. , .... 1 wbGloe wile, .... Della u ra1111, 11 1uln1 hlm for 4&vor• ID Loi Anpl .. , left th• Di plomat Rotel la Hollywood , Fla., In the middle of the nJaht laat week to Ml=to the nlntb floor ol the r 1 ln lhe capital oflbe B amu. A Lot An1relea J udie awarde4 the .. helka a three-week t e mporary s upport payment of .f75,000. The theik't lawyers lnalat the Callfornla court haa no Jurl1dtctlon 1n tha case: ___ ~ · E~angeliat BUly Gralaa•, tireless after over 30 years in public llte, Is back in Britain saying he has -no plans to retire and announctna a bUI)' proaram or crusades. Graham, 63, ln Britain for two crusade meetings and a var iety or perso nal appearances, said the Billy Graham Evan gellstlc Auociatio n , b ased I n Amsterdam, is planning a conference next ye ar for "itinerant evangelists" from around the world. For three months later this year. Graham added, be will hold a series. of "spiritual awakening" mission s at universities in New England. Whil e high sc ho o l classmates in Orinda try out for the football team and s trugg le t hrough math classes, Tom McWUllam1 is· earning a 'li ving zapping• electronic alien s and advising co mput er manufacturers. "There are a lot or kids my age developing games for comput er firms ,'' the 16-year-old says. He 's al r ead y earn ed $60,000 for his computer work and he 's wh ipping u·p a second video game he hopes to market soon. · ··Qutpo s t ,'; his firs t commerciaJ game, has .sold 5.000 copies as a 51/ .. -inch floppy disc. J eane J . Kirkpatrick, appointed a year ago as the United States' ambassador to th.e Un ited Nations. will pr~side over the Security Council during March. The council pres idency rot a tes amon g t h e 15 countries on the council in alphabetical o~der. A sheik related to the Saudi Arabian royal family and de fendant in a $3 billion divorce case has moved his entourage into the top floor nr the Paradise Island Hotel in Nassau, Bahamas, is land newspapers reported .. .. 40 1t l1 Ml. WllM>n 60 4l Newport 8ff<h M " OnUrlo 11 SO Pelm Sptlnq$ " SI P•..Oen• 11 4J Sen BernarOlno 7S 40 M S1 so ~"YA.NI n 4 Til'-V•lleV SI 1' ~ so u HI Lo~ l'AH ANll ltlCAN 41 A<•PlllCO .. Berboclot " S.rmUCMI ~ Cur•c•o SI SJ S6 FrMPOrt JI GuaoeleJar• ,. G""'*'-S2 14 HaveM SJ '' SS SI 01 Moni..ooBay Mat•ll•n ( 4' MorlO.a Me•l<o Clly 4' MonMrrlY "' Hes .. u 64 ~nJuan, PA. " n St. T llOtnaS T~l9etc>o TrtnlOao "' veracru1 47 u CANADA 9l 74 .. n 10 " .. 7S 14 70 II 4' .. n ., 70 ., .. 1' SI II '3 .. S2 70 41 11 •1 U , 74 ., n 11 ., .. n 73 .. JI , I ·I 01 . .. Extended forecast COASTAL 'AN O MOU NTAl"I AREAS -WoOnosOey throuQll FrlOey: Fair -wa,,,_ ""°""'' perloO. Locot oustv winos 111 ,,,._.alM ~ anO Tlturtday. H'91tt '" coastal .,.., 62 '° 1t ~ 1eW 41 to M. H .... Ill mounttlns 46 lo sua·f RIPORT Calgery EOmonlon Monlreot OIUw• A911ln1 Toronto • Vancouver Wlllnlpeo ·2 24 ·l 24 .J ,. ,, S<f .... 1- ,. 1 ,. .... ._"" .... Temperatures •-... ,....,.. ,._" .. ,,,,..., ... ,...,, .... ,. .... -~cty ... Le ~ 1t t U SI .. ,. ts 4 u ll .. J7 --.1' .., ...... .., h ........ . ~ ,.., I I ' ' ., O.t ... I ·~· ..... f. -------= ,._ ... T...-. " St S1 S1 S7 SI ,. st ,. S1 Tides TOOAY •-•-' 6:41p.m. t.I TUHOAY Flnt 111911 I: 40 e.m. 4.1 Flrttl-t . th.m 0.7 Se<ollO 111911 J:SI p,m. U S.COllCI -l:DJ P.m. 1.3 kn ..U S:JO p.m., ri..s 6:71 e.m., TllHOey. Maon •h U : II •·""-T""41ay, fllff tt:»a.lft . New Pilot price 84.75 8tart1 today Home delivery charges for the Orange Coast Dally PUot wUJ be ·$t.75 per month effective today, COit lncruaea la all upectt of newspaper production, ln~ludln1 newaprlnl and diltribuUoa, make the 75-cent lncreue -.....,. In a contlnulnl' eftott lo improve delivery Hr¥1te, Dally Pil~ canien, wbo apera&a r independent businesses, wlll have the opportunity to earn 33 pe rce11t o f th-e re1lectei1 increase. Dally Piiot home delivery. costs have not inci-ea.Hd over the past 23 moatbt. Sin .... eopy newtllaDd prices will fesna1n at 25 centa and S» c•ta cm SiundQI. LOVABLE FAMILY -"Silver Tabby," an American short hair. and her male and fem ale kittens play in Best of Show trophy at Empire Cat Club exhibition at Square Garden in New York. OPEC losing Clout Worldwide oil glut cripples cartel's market power NEW YORK (AP) -The reported U.S. decision to halt oil imports rrorri Libya is not just·a signal of American irritaUon with Col. Moamniar Khadafy, but a clear sign of the declining clout of OPEC. The signs are everywhere. Oil sales by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries have tumbled to lhe lowest level in more than a decade. Some membets have . been forced to borrow money a s ex p ort incomes dwindle. The cartel's president, Sheik Ma rt a Saeed Otai ba of t h e United Arab Emirates, uses the word "crisis" to describe the new pressures on OPEC. More importa,ntly, countries outside OPEC are taking the lead in setting prices. This week Mexico cut its price by $2.50 a barre l, lo $32.50 , putting It below OPEC's benchmark of $34. Great Britain, which now charges $35 a barrel , was reported ready to drop its price. "Suddenly OPEC is on the run," Stephen A . Smith, an e n e r gy s p ecialist a t Da ta Resources l nc.. an economic research firm, said. "The whole tone of the oil markets has totally reversed." As a result, prices of gasoline and other petroleum products are falling sharply in the United States. Administration officials say President Reagan will announce the boycott of Libyan oil next week. • The Reagan administration has accused Libya's leader. Col.· Kh ada f y , of promoting terrorism. That the United Slates woUtd even consider culling off oil imports from Libya underscores the ·shift in power from the oil-tich countries of the Middle East to lbe big cons uming countries of the industrialized West. In 1973, Arab members of OPEC sla~ped an oil embare on the United States and, the Netherlands for their support of Israel in the Yorn Kippur war, setting off the s urge in oil prices a nd stu nnin g We stern economies. Since then , Arab nations have frequ e ntly threaLened cutoffs for political purposes. Now, the tables have turned. Whereas Libya once dictated to American oil companies what price· they would pay for the . . North Afr ica n n atio n 's high-quality oil, the companies now are turning to cheaper oiJ available elsewhere. The timing is ideal for the adl'l'linistr ation to place an embargo on Libyan oil, analysts say. There is a huge oversupply of ·oil on world markets that would make it hard for Libya to sell the estimated 150,000 barrels of oil a day that the United States now buys. The United States can turn to other suppliers -most likely N igeria, Algeria or Great Britain. Analysts see no effect on U.S. consumer s. but the headaches for Libya could be enormous. Libya's troubles stem from its h awkish pricing po licies, analysts agree. Through last summer, while the world was awash in oil , Libya kept its official price at $41 a barrel. But the world's major oil buyers simply r e fused to purchase Li by an c rude and exiJorts dropped to 600,000 barrels a day. Libya now ls producing at estimated 800.000 barrels a day, after cutting its price to $37. ..._,_. --CDMll One of the best on-time records going. That's style. Fares that save you money everv day on every .flight That's style, too. AirCal. We do more than get you there. We get you there in style! Sftl f RftNCISCO SJ9 SftN·JOSE J9 OftKUIND J9 RENO 42 PHOEN1X 42 fR£SNO J6 UIS \4!QftS tiO 165 65 65 65 6" 55 59 ... , - r ... . . . ~ t . . MOSCOW (AP> -PretidtM Leonld J. Brelhnev of the So¥let UnloQ ,...&eomed Oen. WoJdeds J aruaelald with comradely hup and ld.aaes today. at the start of the PoUab Communist ruler'• first Kremlin · vlalt. since he decrNd martial law in Poland Dec. 13. Sovlet national televl1lon abowed the 75-year-ola SoYtet leader walking stiffly across tbe tarmac at Vnukovo Airpbrt with other high-ranking Soviet officials, to greet Jaruzelsld as be Jtepped off the plane from Warsaw. Stock excha'nge rocked by blast NEW YORK (AP> -A Puerto Rican nationalist group claimed responsibility for setting off powerful bombs that rocked the two major stock exchanges and other buildings along Wall Street but caused no injuries, police said today. The four blasts .-which sources said packed the power of three or four sticks of dynamite -shattered windows at the New York Stock Exchange and s urrounding buildings and blew out part of a wall at the American Stock Exchange s hortly before midnight Sunday. police said. Plane hijackers warned br Britain STANSTED, England Jl..P"°-"Don't ..come to Britau)", ·• the British government warned hijackers todaY-aft~r the talteove~ Tanzanian airliner ended Pft'cefully with the surrender of four hijackers and the release of their 82 remaining hostates. "The message is that hijackers coming to this country will not be perpiilted to leave," said Prime Minister M ~rgaret Thatcher as her government prepared hijacking charges .,., .... four Taa1..._1 ~ Ml•ed t.1111 Air Tan1•81• Jet.bair durhal • dom"U~ Rt1bt o~ their .East African bOmetiiG. -. Teanu&er1 b~lc freiglal contract WASHINGTON CAP) Me1nber of the Teamster• union have over.wbelmlnfl'Y tatltied a 37·month national freight contract grant&ni maJor wage conceulona to the financially ailing trucktn1 Industry, unlon president Roy Lee Williams announced today. Williama said Teamster truck delvers and freiaht handlers • approved the labor s~tUement "by nearly a two·t.hirda vote" in a mail referendum. Court to rule on generic drug• WASHINGTON <AP> -The U.S. Supreme Court agreed today to rule whet he r increasingly popular generic drugs can be sold before they are . reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. The justices said they will review a lower·court ruling last year that FDA approval is not· needed before a generic drug is offered for sale. . Social Security -. .~ .......... A LOT OF OOMPH -Andy Jones, 12. of Newton Center. Mass., tries to play what has been described as the world's largest tuba. The instrument was on display at the Third Annual New England Tuba Festival during the weekend at Boston's Berklee College of Music. ' DSTRO!T (AP) -It W&ll\'t vote of 48,883 t.o 15.933, or 13 UI)' tor Ua.tted Auto Workera. percent ln favor. mem .... to stve an eaUmat.ed UAW President j)ou1lu 'l bUb JD wace c:oncesalOM to ., Fraser aald Sunday tbe vote l'Ord Motor Co., but when it ' · u n q u ea ti on a b 1 y • ' w aa came to voting they heeded their influenced by the number of union leact.n and remembered Ford workere on indefinite their laid-oft colleagues, unJon layoff, "plus the fact that Ford officials aald. . has bad some plant clo1tn1a The UAW announced Sunday within the past year." night that Ford workers raWied Jerry Herodoo, bar1alnin1 • propo1ed new contract by a committeeman at Ford's Wixom assembly plant in suburban Nixon library put on hold DURHAM, N.C. (AP> -Duke· University officials have sidelined negotiations to acquire Richard M. Nixon's presidential library, citin~ poor economic and-political conditions, a Duke attorney says. "At the this time, the.trustees have de<:ided not to aggressively pursue an agreement," Eugene J . McDonald said after a meeting of the Duke Board of Trustees. "We are still exploring and will re main alert to possi bill ties.•· M c Donald also ~ai4.the , university did not think it could count on required congressionaJ approval for the library because 1982 is an election year and the House and Senate are bogged donwn in fede ral budget . considerat_\ons. ..,. ..,. Detroit, said accept1tnce of the new Ford contract would "relieve the tension." "No one likes conceulons, but most guys felt they wece livini up some things to help out their laid-off co-workers," Herndon said. Union concessions will enable Ford to resume Supplemental Unemp!oyme nt Benefits paymepts , which provide eligible laid-off Ford workers with up to 95 percent or their take-home pay. The payments to workers with less seniority were cut off in February beca\tse the Ford SUB fund was depleted. Under the n e w pact , Ford must -immediately deposit $70 million into the fund. Ford workers agreed to accept a wage freeze for the duration of the 3l ·month pact , defer cos t -o f -li v ing allowance payments for nine months and forfeit eight paid personal holidays. freeze propo'aed · W ASHING:J'ON (AP> - Congress may free~ Social :{\issinger claims Nixon unprepared Security benefits at least NEW YORlC tAP> -"No temporarily this year without modern president could have wailing for President Reagan's been less equipped for political blue·ribbon panel on Social lire" than Richard M . Nixon, _Sec11rity re!oa:n_ to.Jiniah Jt.s_ __ accordingld!Heru;y.Kiasinjer~ work, says Sen. Bol> Dole. In the second volume or his · Dole, R·Kan .. told fellow m e moirs, which is being mernbers of the National excerpted for a second week in Commission on Social Security Time magazine, Kissinger says Refo.rm .at its Cirst meeting Nixon was "painfully shy" and Saturday, "We may have to do dreaded meeting strangers, something on a temporary basis character traits that led tQ his in Congress thjs year with Social isolation in the White House. Security, notwithstanding the The current installment or president's indication that we Kissinger's memoirs deals with should not." the Watergate ·scandal and its nrew Ill T1a1i11 11tl Fiatl des-truction o f Nixon 's presidency. KissingeT says Nixon. who appointed him national setYrilY adviser and-secreta-ry of state, was "painfulcy shy . . . fearful of rejection ... deeply insecure," and isolated himself since he •'dreaded meetin.&.. strangers." Kissinger says Nixon felt threatened by his opponents and ·his animosity fed on theirs. leading him to actions that eventually ruined him. YHr l11er Power ta Cll1111 Tlli111. While there was "no excuse fer the extralegal methods that went under the name of Watergate." Kiss inger s ays, ixon'a oppooentg were vicious, self-righteous and occasionally brutal. Kissinger praises the role or hi s o wn f o rm er d e puty , Alexander M. Haig J r .. saying "only those who lived through . . . those months can fully appreciate the debt the nation owes" Haig for "conveying' the impression of a functioning White House" as Nixon's chier of staff. But Kissinger says Nixon aide John Ehrlichman "responded th a real that·was-sometimes excessive" to dissent and news leaks, and that H.R. Haldeman' was "con vinced that image defined reality." Haldeman, however, was not responsible for the !>resident's isolation, Kissinger sli'ys. And "although he eventually was destroyed because he carried out the president's wishes too literally . . " SENIOR CITIZENS $1.00 Hearing Test~ Set Ybu've ·heard greet things at>oot the Yoga Center since t970. I thele bUSy pressured days don't you owe-yourself one night a WMt< to !Mm how to relax and vitali?e your body at )!till! Also. you can tMble your mind to expec:lence your Inner Sup_erconscious Self with lta wtadom and powef to change things! / Ill~ Mii 111U'8. llll WIY -Tll For Newport Beach ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS will be given at Newport Beach Hearing Aid Center Mon., Mar. I, Tues., Mar. 2, Wed., Mar. 3 --·-• M1111 If llllTl'lm --·•-11. ws • • 1!111'• .... 9 A.M. to 51>.M. vou·1 be taught tne htQl'lef Voges by one of J'-tew masters in tne WOfld tOday. R9mekrlehna AnandaJI is internaihonalty known .. 1 ~ not onty of Voge but atso of MetlphyliCS and I Construction Myatlclem. A precticel, unpNtentlous. hvrTIOfous. Wes1ern· Ramakrishna Ananda "bofn Guru. he trenemlts enllgtltenrng consciousneu as weo as ..,_--"Y-*' ..._'-eno ~conc:eptl end techniques_ 0...u .. YQOa ,,..,.._end -·· pnyooca Hearin~ tests will be co~duct~ by a Hearing Aid_ Spec~t. who is hcensed by the Cahfonua State Board of Medical Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser. Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding is welcome to a test emploiying the latest electronic equipment which ·will determine his or her particular loss. You will see a modern hearing aid so tiny it fits totally within the ear. av:= at Heritage Bank • Resklentlal • COmmerclal eulldlngs: Takeout COminltmenf reflUlred along with leases. COn&act ·Jeff Johnson SOUth Orange COUnty/lrvlne 7~ lleri~11ank ,,...... Amllm9 ..... to..,. "' Hdl» as nUJdi a~)Ullca& Amerioall BedCn:m + 10gethel; COME TO tHE FREE DEMONSTRATION. Tara and Larry F , EE .. demooatm• the natural and wy •x•cieel of Hatha Voge aod ltlOW you how 20 minut• a day can vftallze you hNrt, lur'8I end bf.in, lklw down the~oceee. tone and trim DEMOISTIATIOI YG"' bOdy, and «11b1e you to • woodlrM ..,. 01 TOllO·•llOW wel· being. TIMlan II NMOf\lbll and IM benelfet.-. priceteet. p A11oyouwl!i.m~Fu1Brea1t1-eanlddv-ratoYQ#lit9. ·..ar, llAI. 1st at 7:31 at the YOGA CENTER OF CALIFORNiA • __ J.!. "°" .:J!!!'! ..__,. '°""""'*"'I 441E.17111 ITIHT. AITA mu,_ 141-1211 ,,.,.,.,, r1111111Mlt/1Mt¥Sttwt11 ~ fitiiess AERlllCS Ui:ladOHw U•cll l-4 IJCe. ... laillldflrtlll· llbn .... n. .. ., ..... 1111 Cslil•"•, Fiim . .Pecials -s40 , ...... Unlimited rlSits • Free Aerobics • Wmpt Centrol • E .... Desiped F•W- • Fi1n 1111 T • • ffll llest Pass NEWPORT BEACH HEARING' AID CENTER 1600 West Coast Highway Newport peach 646-8266 CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO AVOID WAITING ~&l~ , Video f' KINDERGARTEN IS TOO LATEll Your baby has an qverwhelming desire and ability to learn anyth_ing, and YOU are your child's best teacher. Glenn Doman's "How to Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence" course will teach you how to give your child the chance to learn matb, readlngc music, art, gr.mnastlcs, and foreign 1anguges fron, b rth to six years of age. Teaching your child fs great fun, and you'll become even doser friends I Videotaped live at Phlladelphla 's Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, this 5-day course wlll help you enMnc:e YOIW uby's visual, audl~y, :='.1ei:,~tr,5 •t'::f s m::,•~:t opportunity I COURSE DATES: March 1-12 9em-6pm PLACE: Holiday IM t..guna Hllll - 1 j I ~ LON G B E A C H (AP> -; A ltO·foot anlab·recbtered car10 abip received mlDor bow amqe after it bit a brellkwater m IAq Beacla arbor, apparently beeame ol COGl\laloa about ·· Uptl ma.rltha\ lbe harbor •traoee, the Cout uard.uid. , No injuries were reporUd ln tbe accident Su.nda.v .. altbou&b the vHMI, the Axel Maenlt, susta~ some dami1e to the bow under the waterline, said Lt. Scott SetUmo. Tuo freed the veuel from the breakwater about three hours after the accident and the abtp sailed to Berth 228 under its own power. ~ Bailey arre1ted • 11" • SAN FRANCISCO <Al>) -F . Lee Bailey, the : namboyant Bost.on defense attorney in some ot tbe r---- ------------------------ -------~ 1 .. nation's most celebratecf"t:riminat cuea, bu been I VM-VHI VOii VIII WM VOU VOii VOii VO• VOii VM-VOii VOii-voit VOit VOii voa1 1 arrested for investigation of drunken drivin1, 1 I .· . •3'2 MON •• TOES. & WED. =I authorities said. = {. · The lawyer refused to take a blood, breath or 1 1 1 r\et'\.UBLE COUPON ~II ' : Utine test to gauge sobriety alter the a rrest UV • i' : Sllnday at Laguna and Union streets, said Deputy I "' I Al Dworkin. ,1 ~sent this cpui>on along with any one manufacturer's "c ents-off' coupon c: 1 2 in 1loop re1c ued I e nd get d o uble the '8vings from Vt>ns. Not to indude retailer. free coupons, 1 i SANTA BARBARA (AP> -Two men aboard a • ....... coupons greater than one dollar or exce~d the value o f the item. I . sloop that drifted, dismasted by gale force winds, NEVER TOO LATE? -Jack Arak. 77. a nd h is II I , for rive days were reported sale and uninjured wife Lillian don't quite know what to make of I Umlt one 'coupon I*' manufacturer's coupon and limit 3 coupons per custo.,.er. I after they were rescued just four milel' from his letter from the Selective Service Sy~tem 11 · EActudlng llqu~,'to~co and all dairy products. I' where their voyage began. telling him he had until today to register for . Coupon good Mar(\h 1 • 2 & 3. 1982 I The 36-foot sloop J .B. Express was Wwed to the draft. So t.he Thousand OakS' man tried to I · .. Santa Barbara by the Coast Guard cutter Point do so at his post office. where he created a bit I VOii VOIS VOIS VIII 1111 VOU VO• VONS VONS VOU VOIS VOii VOIS VOMS VOU VOIS VOii i ~~~~~~~~ti~t ~l:e:ng1!: a'!;:~a~~!:T~e :Ua: or a stir. r Viis ;;.i¥oii;;. Voii~ois v0iivo1ivoi you Yo.; vo1i ¥oii vou voiS Vc*ivOis 1 . tri_p to Monterey. I .. L J .B. Express crewmen Skip Wriaht. 40. of Ma d •332MON .• T<J ES. & WED. 11 R ichmond, and Chuck Baggett. 37. were n accuse I uninjured. They had been trying to deliver the ,. DOCJBLE COUPON · cl sloop for its owner, David Borton of Sunnyvale, · Ii and two partners. · • k• Pr~pt this cou pon along with any one manufacturer's "cents-off' coupon Pem. hoapi tal p,robed . m sm 0 mg row I and get double the savings from Vons. Not to inclUde retaiJer. free coupons. 1: RIVERSIDE ~AP> -A state controller's audit coupons greater than one dollar or exceed the value of the item. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A man accused of t! cl scheduled for release today says a Perria hospital stabbing a wom an in the chest during a dispute g II wher e 11 P.alients were allegedly murder ed over her cigarette smoking in an elevator said be > Umit one coupon per manufaeturer's coupon and limit 3 coupons per customer. altered minutes or the hospital board in a possible was once a two-pack-a-day smoker and often asks 2 charged excessive amounts to Medi-Cal and I Excluding liquor, tobacco and aU dairy pro<'ucts. I' l to t t th · · tt · k' g Coupon good Mar1:h t, 2 & 3. 198 I . "attempt to .mislead the_Health Audits Bureau P.e<>P e pu ou eir c1gare es in no-smo m auditors." , areas. · · VOii VOU Y0111 V011$ VM VOa VOii VOii VOIS VHS VOIS VOii VOii VOIS VOIS VOii Von I The mismanagement and "improper acts" the • . Richard Moss, booked for in'-'estiiation or' t ... .. . Communily Hospital of the-v.alleys-i&-accused of--assault With a 'cfeacUy weapon, and released on , vo.i Viis VO.i Voii V'cm voii -v.;.-~=ivoa Vo'1i VolS Viii VOIS ;,; voii 'Vois I include overcharges to tbe state of at least $3,500 bail, said he acted in self-defense alter the "'""• 'fV"" SS63.~1 according to tt~e re~rt obtained t1t the woman jumped' him Friday. 11 ' •332 MON., TOES. & WED. I' Riv.ers1ae Press-Enterprise. . . s I vc ia·w•chool• io~to.et • rele~!:if°rom:~~~~~i:c~=:~~:~rt~a~~ :,I DOUBLE COUPON 1·.· SACRAMENTO <AP) ~ c.;ritacmng-the Saturday. She' declined to comment on the case, University or California for "continuing to pump saying, "U you want to hear..,.,hat I have to say, I Present this coupon alo ng with any one manufacturer's "cents-off' coupon I' meet me in court." I free out laW)'ets," the powerful chairman of the Senate· I> and get d o uble the savings from Vons . Not to include retailer, _coupons, I Finance Com mittee urged the university to close Moss, a part-time campus secretary who said 'I · coupons greater ttfan one dollar o r exceed the value of the item. c I its four law schools ~o the state can save money. be ii WOJ')ring op a master's degree in psychology I Sen. Alfred Alquist, D-San Jose, said state's at San Francisco State University. is scheduled to I El. I . dwindling revenues and gloomy economic outlook appear in court March 4. Umlt one coupon per manufacturer's coupon and llm1l 3 coupons per customer. should force the university to "question old 'I Excluding Uquor, tobacco and all dally products. I' assumptions and establish new priorities ... in an He said be is sensitive to cigarette smoke, I Coupon good Mar1:h 1, 2 & 3. 1982 I era or demand for technically trained gr aduates especially brenclosed places, and is polite when he . 0 • .• __________ u_~_ci_g_~ ___ be_m_u_f_~-·--~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~!~ TV star Carson booked BEVERLY HILLS <AP) -"Tonight" show host Johnny Carso11. s topped f o r an out-of-date car license plate after dining out with M s wife , w as booked for investigation or drunk driving t his weekend, police say. The arrest took place at 1:30 a.m. Saturday after· Carson was stopped while driving north on La Cienega Boul evard south of Beverly Boulevard, Lt. David Griffey said Sunday. The street, lined with chic restaurant s . is known as "Restaurant Row " and Carson's p u blici s t , Jam e-P Mah oney, confirm~ that the popular I entertainer and bis wife Joanna had just been djning out with friends .. "Carso n , who ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ -----------,. Our exclusive· ~ B:ooksline n ~ Ir=~=;~~:~ t .. handsome blend ~ \ adds to linen's ~. distjnqive texture, ~ the crease-resistance ~ of polyester. Each ~ .... • LARGE AA,. EGGS DOZ.JN CAgTON SUM PRICE LIMIT 2 .69 SLIM PRICE ! ·BACON SLICED REGU'l..AR LIMIT I PUR. OVER LIMff 1.59 ' . normally abstains from any form of alcohol, adm its to tiaving bad wine with friends at · dinner ," Mahoney said. "Carson can't recall I receiving as much as a I parkiilg violation in the · t • past and he sincerely ~ I of our attractive separates is fully lined. In blue. 6 to 16 regular, 6 to 14 petite. I ~ ~ l ·LB. PKG. .-99 1 t 1 regrets the inddent ." , He added that the I arresting officer stopped 1 the car be<:ause it did 1 nol liave a·u~ae plate : strcker required In California each year U> ! s h o w t h at tb e f r eglatratlon is up t o I date. "He (Canon) wu not dr l vlng irre1ula rly ," M~honey . said, adding I t hat Car son . wntln1ly . s ubmitted to a lieJd sobriety t..t . S1t. Tom Van Andale · said Carson's blood· , alcobbl level wu found . to . be lo Hcea of . l Ot percent. ' , ~ 3-button jacket, $200 Front _pleat skirt, $95 Exclusive cotton gingham shirt with pleat front, rou"" collar. Tott1rsall checlu of brown-blue-tan of navy-pi'fllt-1ro 6to16, $36 • I ~ VON& ENGLISH MUFFINS :-. I I I I ·I I KAREEM-ED Laker renter Kareem Abctul-Jabba r was a prom inent figure in Sunday's on e -point win O\'er Cleveland a t t.)le Porum. He p ulls ctown a rfbound 1lert 1 . . W esthead still· can't ! figure out his firing But he refuses to hold ciny grudges "' • • SAN DIEGO <AP> -Three •. -months-after his s udden dismissal as head coach of the Los Angeles Lak-ers, Paul Westhead is still asking himself why. I "I still can't piece together any significant evidence that I made serious mistak es ," said Westhead, dumped Nov. 19 when Valenzuela talks make prQgress LOS ANGELES <AP ) -Los Angeles pitching sensation Fernando Valenzuela and his r epresentatives ~et with Dodgers officials for more than three hours Sunday and "some progress" was reported in their contract talks. Anoth e r m eeting was sc h ed ul ed for today , a s pokesman for t h e world champions said. S t eve Brene r , the team's publicit y director , issued a statement saying that although a contract agreement for 1982 was not reached, "both sides reported some progress." The statement also said that the 1.ime and site of Monday's meeting was still undetermined, and "both parties agreed there would be no further comment at this lime." .vc1 IS READY FOR OPENER The UC Irvine basketball team will open the PCAA post-season tournament Wednesday ni&ht when It· batUea Ut11h State at 7 o'clock in the Anaheim Convention Center. Other ftnt-round pairlnas find Cal State Fullerten tanilinl with the University of Pacllic in the 4 o'clock opener with Loo1 Beach State meetina San JOH State at 9. If the Anteaters wtn, they'll play at I o'clock Thursday. The ebamplonsbip 1ame lltl"rtdQ · · Ticket.a are OP aal• ai Uc1 between I ud 4, ud at the Convention Center betwffft 10 and I . Lakers' star Earvin "Magic" Johnson said he was un_.!Y'PP¥ play ing under the coach. Westhe11d , who guided tbe Lakers to the National Basketball Association title in the 1979-1980 season, remains without a job, but hopes to return to the NBA soon as a fie ad coach. "If l ha ve any choice, I'll stay with the pros," he told Tom Cushman. sports editor of The' San Diego Tribune, in an interview. ·'The only job I have now is picking up the kids -at 3: 15," he said. The Lakers, who got off to.a 2-4 start, we re o n a f4ve-g.a-me winning streak when Westhead . was fired by team own41 Jerry Buss. · Johnson, citing diffe rences with Westhead, had demanded to be traded, saying •·1 can't play here anymore." Since.his dismissal. Westhead has refused to lash out al Johnson, Buss or the Lakers. "MY FEEUNG was that so many good things had haP.P.ened, why should I tarnish them by feactinl publicly to something already done," he said. · ·'The experience overall. was one of ups and downs. There was t h e o bvious excitem..ent of winning the championship, of being involved with some of the great players in the game, of achieving a certain level of personal competence. "On the downside -and I've gone over this in my mind"A melkulously -and I still can't piece together any sianlficant evidence that I made serlou.s .mistakes. I had accepted the ldea 'that if you win, you're loved, and · if you lose, you're gone. Durinl the time I wu with the team, we were 70 percent Winners. ''The champioaabip spew for ltaell, but I actually tbouebt we dld a better job the foUowlal year ( 1981 >,especially i~ U1htoflla1ic belna out for 35 1ame1. II ui economist checked charts lllle thole he'd rand no realOft for cban1e, but ~ for whatever reason -they sold me abort very fut.'' Hia feelln11 today toward Jobuon? "A iood penoa," n.ld .,, •tbeacl .. Jerry Bua? "He wun't • impoulble 1uy to deal with. • Trutblully. I found blm to be , e1peelall1 JOOd In bard Um•.•• • l ......, ""' ...... .., •1e...-....... and swings in the air (right 1 under the· watchful e~·t· of teammate J am aal Wilkes . J ahbar·s s k\'·hook with lwn seconds left ga\'e the Laken a 102:.10°l \'ic.tor). LIT flNCI 00 -Laker guard Norm Nixon hret away tor two of his 17 points .sunda~· O\'V the defense of Cleveland'~ James Silas. . . Intense winner in yachting's Corkett series See Page C3 . Laker~ pull .. es~ape ·act Lowly Cavs prove pesky .. By CURT SEEDEN OftM~tyl"tNellMt I NGL'EWOOD -Magic Johnson and Bob McAdoo were missing froD\ the Laker lineup Sunday afternoon. And, for the better part of the first half. so was any enthusiasm from the rest of the Lakers. Fortunately for Los Angeles Sunday afternoon's opponept~ we re none oth e r than the Cleveland Cavaliers, winners or just fi ve games on the road t his season and only 12 overall. Cleveland, a team molded out of several questionable trades and often maligned for inept m a nagement by owner Ted Stepien, did everything possible to take advantage of t he absence of Magic and McAdoo. however. THE CAVALIERS built a 19-point advantage in the first half, dominating the game so much that Laker Coach Pat Riley set a halftime goal of a 10-poinl deficit on which to build for .the remaining 24 minutes or action. And that's exactly what the Lakers did Sunday afternoon, c ulminating their comeback effort with a 15-foot sky hook from Ka reem Abdul -Jabbar with two seconds remaining for a 102-101 victor y before 14,882 fans at the Forum . ·'I thought we had to scramble when it counted," said Riley ..!fler the game. "And Kareem was always there at the right time . He's been instrumental in our last three games.'' Those three games -victories over Seattle, Philadelphia and Cleveland -account for nearly half of the Lakers' current seven-ga me winning strea,k which has moved them 3..., games ahead of Seattle in the Pacific Division. But expanding that bulge was a much bigger task t han the La kers expected. To begin with, Magic was missing from the lineup because of the death df his grandmother . T HE GUY WHO sparks the Laker running game flew home and is ex pected to rejoin the t eam £or Wed nesday night's game against New Jersey at the Meadowlands. "We miss Magic in so many ways," admitted Riley. ··He just adds so many dimensions to the game." · Without Magic, the Cavaliers also added a new di mens ion to the gar'ne. It's ca lled s urprise. ·'I know they're struggling, but Cleveland has a lot of talent. Cleveland played as well as anybody could play against us," Riley prnised. · The Cavaliers , after falling behiqd ea rly, 11 -4, made the La ke rs look lazy on a lazy afternoon. as Cliff Robinson and vet eran gu ard· J a mes Siias spa rke d them to a 34 -25 advantage after the firs t qu.arter.. · The Cavaliers shot a sizzling 714 percentage m Chat quarter. connecting on 15 of 21 shots from lh e . fi ,e ld . Th ey al s o oulrebounded the Lakers in the first quarter . 12-5. which can be d i r ectl y a ttribu te d to the absence of McAdoo, who is still nursing a pulled calf muscle and wall not accompany the team on <See LAKER S, Page CZ> Wheelock happy he took his shot But rrrajors didn't wor~ out for him By JOHN SEVANO of tile Deily !'JI ... S'-'f Ah. i('s almost that time again. The crack of a bat . . the chatter around an infield . .. the sounds of leather . Yep, baseball is just around the corner. For many veterans. the star t of s pring t r aining represents a grueling six weeks of labor. For many youngsters. spring training represents a • chance -a hope -of catching on with the "Big Team." - Former .UC Irvine standout Gary Wheelock knows what the latter is like. From 1974, until he left the game in 1980 , the tight-hande.d pitcher yearned for that golden opportunity. Wheelock was drafted by the Angels during the summer or '74. He was assigned to the team's Quad Cities farm club in the Midwest (A ball> where be arrived with some impressive credentials. Wheelock was 17 -2 for the LQOKJNG BACK Anteaters his senior year with a 1.70 ERA. In his career, he was 37-10 with a 2.28 earned run average., The right-hander (and then designated hi~ter. too. with a .309 average in 1974) led UCI to a pair of NCAA Division II World Series titles In '73 and '74. He was also an integral part of UCI's 32-game winning streak during the 1974 campaign. In fact. Wheelock recorded the final victory in the second Series, hurling the Ante~rs to a 14·1 decision over New Orleans. In that game, Wheeler pitched a five-hitter as he struck out 12. including the last seven in a row. . Pltcbers wlth those kinds of credent.lats usually rigure to be 1hoo-lns for the majors. But Wheelock became victim to what many starry-eyed hopefuls become vlcti m to -the nwnben11me. You 9", when it come• to HH~I, J:::! becauH you're ....,.. It n't •utomat.lcall,y earn a player a 1pot on the 25-man l"Olter. Wheelock spent .even years trytac to make hil stay with the M1 de ,ermu.at. The total reaul\ of h11 11fort1 waa h lnnlnp pitched In the· m~n MEMORIES FotmC'r l'C lnine standout hurler Gar\' Wh eelock fondl~· rC'mC'mbe1:s h fs s tint 1n lhe majo r ll·agues ... 88 of those coming in one season. Was there dis a ppointment? Bitte rness? Resentment? Maybe for s ome. but not for Wheelock1 who was just happy to have hao the chance. "I'm glad I did it." said Wheelock from his horn~ in Bellevue, Was h . "It was. s ome thing I enjoyed and l'rft glad I got a chance lo play in U\e big leagues . - ·'You know, at Irvine I neva: thought about the big leagues. l( was the farthest thing ftom m;. mind. I was wrapped up hi college and winning the World Series at the time .. I never reaJli. dreamed about the blg leatu*- . . . I certainly wasn't counttq on it.'' · ••• Wheelock spent 1974, 'JS Pis · almost au of '76 in the An1e1s• farm system . His firsC: appearance in a major leaaoe uniform was ~l the tailend of tbe '76 season agaln~t the Mi~ . Twins. It was an oudftl lte'd just aa soon foraet. too. . · "The hills' were raJ ftnt and last experience la t9'• bl& leaaues -end neltber one wu very pleuant,'' jolted Wh..aock. ''My fint Ume r lhlnk I ta" up , .. GA&Y, •••• Cl) I \ , •• .. .. . -----~-------..------------------· .. , . NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS : .... ._~~-, ........................ WK.~ ..... ~. ••no•• • ., CH•C-n'l"'9 ••cu .. et.,.. ••,.."'• 1v , .. , .... ••• ••n•••• Tiie lllde• of Lead .. , llldlca&on ftU ror tbe ninth 1tralgbt month in January, and the 0.1 percent decline would have been much wane U the impact of aevete winter 'Weather bad been lneluded, the Commerce Departmul reported. The IDcMX' would have declined 2.8 percent ror the mootb, but department officials deleted effects of on• lnclieator, the average workweek, which was sharply d•,.-eued by the bad weather. The index bad declined o.a percent in each ol th* preceding two moot.ha . . . Ford Motor C.. '• ullion workers overwbelmlntly approved a 2~-yea.r concession package, clearin1 the path for-an anticipated resumption of talks between the Ualted Auto tlfonen an~ ~ral MoCon Corp Ttte drop in 1aaollae prtcea over the peat 12 months is chiefly attributable to the fierce competition in gasoline marketing, accordinl to the Laadberc Let&er, a weekly oil industry newaletter. Retail price~ fell about 8.46 cents a gallon over the past 12 months, the newsletter's author, analyat Daa LW1dber1, reported . . . , The U.S. Air Force has awarded a ~.8 million contrpct to Rockwell lll&eraadollal c.r.. to continue the manufacture of "smart bombs" a\ its facilities northeast of Atlanta . . . Raytheon Co. bas received a $605 million contract from the Kingdom ol Saacll Arabia for continued work on the Improved Hawk Air·Defense System . ,nan B,.. ..... _ ...... __ _ Savings and loan associations in Callfonala, Arizona and Nevada saw a net new savings inflow of • $343 million in January with jumbo certificates of deposit getting the biggest boost, the Federal Rome Loaa Bank of Sa, Fraaclsco reported. The inflow, which follows two months of outnows totaling $452 million, contrasts with an outflow of $177 million in January 1981 . . . Contlneatal AlrU.es, which lost $60 million last year, said it bas borrowed an additional $25 million and that its auditors plan an official notation on the airline's 1981 financial statement questioning the company's chances for survival . . . Pacific Telephone & Telecraph sllareltolden have. voted to approve a . merger with Pacific Transltloa Corp. Americu TeleplloM Ir Teletrapli owns aH of Pacific Transition and 91.S percent Q,f the common stock and 78.2 percent ot the preferred stock in Pacific Telephone-, .. Beatrice Foods Co. is qegotiating to buy Coca -Cola EoUlln• Co. of San Diego lind is close to an agreement to acquire Coke's Saa Beraardlao franchise, a spokesman for Beatrice said. Beatrice recently bought Coca-Cola of Los Angeles and Northwest llld•tries beverage business . . . Whittaker Corp, said it would appeal a· federal judge's decision in Chicago clearing the way for Brunswick ·Corp. to sell its Sherwood Medical Prodllda subsidiary . . . Applications to establish nationally chartered banks in California almost tripled last year to 73 from 26 in 1!81, while state bank filings declined to 18 from 35, acco.rding to data supplied by Edward Carpen&er & Associates lac. IAllllU if; New World Computer Co. of Irvine for the quarl-er.-en.ded Jan. 31 had net income of $51U58. or 1 cent, compared witb a net loss of. $151,702, or S cents for the like qu;art.er of fiscal 1981. Revenues were $531,887, up from the $57,236 from last year's quarter. ' Gold, metal@ quotations Gol,d By The Associated Presa Selected world gold prices today: Loadoa: morning fixing $358. 75, off $3.85. · IANtoe: afternoon fixing $361.25, off Sl.35. Pana: $358.05, off SZ.12. Frukfart: $360.00, off $4.99. Zwicb: Late fixing $359.00, off $3.61 bid ; $361.00 asked.· Handy & Harmaa: only daily quote $361.25, off $1.35. Engelhard: only daily quote $361.25, off $1.35. Engelhard: only daily quote fa~ted $379.31, off $1 .42. Meta/A NEW Y<>R~P> -Spot nonferrous metal 'today: ~ Copper 77~.ao c a pound, U.S. destinations. Lead 28 cents a pound. Zlnc 43 cents a pound, delivered. Tia '8.6080 Metals Week composite lb. Alambuam 76-77 cents a pound, N.Y. Mercwy $375.00 per Oask. Platlnm $343.00 troy 01 .. N. Y. Silver Handy & Harman, $7.815 per troy oun'ce. l;olJ. coim. prices NEW YORK (AP) -Prices late Friday of ,old eoins, compared with Thursday'& price. &rqerrud, 1 troy 01.,)ne.oo, off $4.7~. Natle leaf, 1troy01., $379.00, off $4.7J. Mexku ao peeo, 1.2 troy OI., $451 .oo. on $5.1$. Atll&rlaa UIO crowa, .teol troy 01., $158.50, off tt.50. Source:-t>tat.Perer• NEW' .BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAILY PILOT fir lnformai1on regar~lng tli• county requlrementa tor uelnl • F1Clltloua Bualneaa Name. l' Mes& gets Specific on GeneFOI ~laB By JODI CADENHEAD o1 .. Deity ...... MMe tdftor• Note: During .a rttnt mt•nMio CO$la Meia smk>r ~ Jlllce Robin1on e:.cplaaned how rtridm1 will be . affected bJ1 tM cft11'1 Gftam:U. Plan. In the coming month& the City Council wUl u t prioritN• for .adopted goo~ .and public hearing• will be held to po,.ibly rt'ZIOM ao~e city. area&. Q: What l•. Geneul PIH! A : Basically it's the Cit y Counciflla.-statement of. intent regarding the development of the city. It includes the goals and policies and objectives the city will u se to develop programs. Q : Why is • Gemmtl Plan Important~ A: It sets out in a document how the council wants to see the city deveJoped. It also provides d evel ope r s with broad para meters of what the city. wants. Costa Mesa's plan covers l a nd u se, e nvironm ental resources managem ent and -commun ity development management. Q : What did tbe City Council's •doptlon or• Geneul Plan lut July mean? A : All the council adopted we re goal s . policies and objectives. We're going through the1rocess now or dealing with )!lJl use and zoning issues. Q : The r e were sever•I development options outU.Ded In. the pl•n, could you ellpl•ln them? . A : Option 1 would reduce intensity. Option 2 would leave the city the way it is. Option 3 would mean higher density in residentia l and more intense commercial development. What the council will do is. use diHerent options in different parts of the city. Q: What effed will the plan have on the city's population? A: The current population is about 82,000. Under option 1 the city's popuJation would be about 91 ,000 by the year 2000. Under option 2 it would be about 105,000 and under option 3 it would reach 107,000. The biggest increase would co rbe in the a r ea or employment. We'd double the number or jobs in the city ii we go with option 3, from 45~000 to about 89,000 by the year 2000. Q: What areas of the city will be most affected by the Gener•! Plan. A: All areas. There are in different pl anning areas. Mesa Verde will probably be least affected because single family residences make up a bout three-fourths of the area. Q. Wh•t is the llkellboM of a' homeowner having bis or her proi>erty rezoned? A : The city counciJ has taken a pretty long view that anyone with i:esidential zonin, will Detty~ ....... ANSWER MA~ -Costa M esa se hior planner Mike Robinson tells how General P lan will govern the future of the city. remain that way. But -ju~t ~ecause you have a piece or single family property ·doesn't mean you're imml#De to change. Q : Wh.t h•ppens to a homeowner If the property la rezoned? A : If a property is rezoned to a lower density homeowners have 20 years to com ply. If it's rezoned to a higher density then it's not a problem because you're under the maximum. - Q: Does tbe General PIH call for greater or less density In the city? A : The council members will have the option of increasing or decreasing the density where they feel appropriate. · Q : How will thl plan be Implemented?. A: Public hear ing9' wiU be required and notices will be sent to property owner s . Also, individual public hearings will be required in each of the study a reas. Each area will have a neighborhood advisory group. Q : What r ole will the nel&bborbood dvlsory groups play? A: They will act as a focus to the public participation aspect or the land use studies. They'll advise the council. Q : If one of the groaps ls opposed to a )M'oposed aoae change IQ tbelr area , ~ow effective will it be ln preventing a zoning change? A : The council will rely on the advisory groups . If they can provide justification for their position their argument will bt>. a lot stronger than just saying we don't lijte nigh density. Q: Wben will the neighborhood advisory groups be established? A: As soon as possible. We're sending out letters now to all interested groups in the area, such as homeowners groups and the Chamber of Commerce. Q : How can someone join a group? A: We haven't established that yet. The council . wlll choose from -. list ot candidates. Q: Wbea will tM Geneul Plu be lmplemea&ed? A: We hope to get the land use 1'•ue done by the end or t.be year. 1be .rest will be an oneoing ·Process. . Q:· Bow were tlte U4 dlfferettt policies Included In lite General PIH establlshed! A: Staff members developed the polic ies and had public t hear ings at which time 'the co mmunit y ,' plannin1 commission and City Council expanded on them. • Q : How wW Uiose poUelea 'M pat In prlorttyf A: The council said, this ls our s h o ppi ng list . They will prioritize them aonu•lly - review1ng a certain number every year. . Q: Oae of the policies Woeld require homeow•era to ._tall 1moke deteeton upon resale. How ...W aometllJJl& llke &Mt beea'-"d! A: Probably by an ordinance. · Q: ()yeraU, how do you tJalak the G•eul· Plan will •fleet Co1ta •esa? A : It affects everyone because It's the · statement of intent as far as bow the council ( e e \_s t he c 1 t y s h o u I d be deve loped. It t alks about services that may or may not be offered. It has a potential for impacting everyone ln t he city. ' Q : Row wlll ·the bHlae11 com mUlll&y be affected! A : It could be affected ln some of our strip development aloo& Newport Boulevard from 19th to · Mes.a Avenue because one of the plans under consideration is to convert parts of that to high density residential. DMty ..... """"a..~ -STRETCH OF SOLITUDE _,_ Ellen Walrath of Irvine med itated. a bove. during a ··Total Yoga Experience" conducted at Oran ge Coas t Co llege by S w ami Jnanananda. manager of the Siddha As hram in Los Angeles. Don'na Hoffner. right, was coordina tor for the works hop in relaxation te<;hniques. · Sexuality, maniage .seminars offered Seminars on sexuality and second marriages are being offered at Orange Coast College. 27 and April 3. Parents and children ages 11 and 12 from 10:30 a.m. to noon, and parents and children ages 13 and 14 from 12:30to2p.m. Colleges laud four students "CTITtOUS aUllNIU NAMI nAflMllNT Tiie IOllowlna perlOnt e re doing _,_ .. : $TA MESA EMERGENCY CIANS, JOI Vkl0<le Slroet. IMM. CA '2627. T.cJl6 NOTICI M T•UUla'I SAL• c ~·:~:-: ~ "::~~ c:::~~ o . F«ecio.~eNo. TS•JU61 ~aLICOI c ~~ 1"':~~~ !'• ,~ ~'o'\~ T\~ ,.OTICE IS HEAHY GIVEN _, COMPANY, H duly -lnled Trust .. Ille followlng ~rSOflf M ve !Men -r end ...,._, to Oeecl of Tr.. Mmlfl•'"! tor IN offk H ._,.IMftff necutedltyMICHAEll l'UAIAN I.• ~lo fie flllld •• -~I ""9M ........ Trvsl..-tor .,. -flt Nh1111c1 .. 1 EIKll .. to .. Mid In end u cu;u, of ANITA MARIE I ll• en, of l'ou11teln Ve lley o" The sexuality seminar is for parents and their children between the ages or 9 and 14.. OCC human sexuality instructor Shirley Lampert will direct it. Work.shop sessions for parents who atte nd e d a recent orientation are scheduled for three Saturdays, March 20 and The fee is $8 for a single parent and child, $14 for a couple and child and $15 for an entire family. For further information on the seminars at the Costa Mesa campus, call 556- 'f'our Qrange Coast students were lauded for achievement at colleges and universities. Susan Chaffee or Costa Mesa was named to the dean's list for the fall semester at Pacific Colleg~ ~osts told -DEAR READERS-: Therec are very few• services that have ' price ran1e of $125 to •lmost $10,000. The annuu cbu&e of a colle1e education, however, fa.Us into that cate1ory. For example, dwina the 1981>-81 school year, a student could baw paid •.200 for a year at Harvard ipcludlq room and board, or u Uttle as Sl.25 for tulUoll alone •i \ tbe Univenity ol.. the SUte ~ New York Re1enta External Desree Procrain. "t The NatioQal Center for Education . ~tatistks ha.I &atbered coet ialormltlon fn>ID , ; nearly 2,000 public •M private four-year colle1e1 ~ unlvenltles m the U.ut.d Statet. Tbe report includes twU01i' Wormat¥m for both ...... IJ'aduMe ... II' .. ltudmtl, whether tbere 11 ID llHtate md oat« ... tetll tWUOG cbar1e-, ud room and board fte1. AltboNb the refQlt nfteda e..,... for the ldloolrw ~ ti.u Mlpall • ...,.,.. coeta bltw..,. 1ehooll for &be eamlq ,..... For ,_.. copy ~ "CoU•lt eo.ta:• MD!I sa to ' .. the eoiisume nfOrmation cent~. 222!. PWeblo, Colo. 81009. Where'• T. Tal Cookware? DEA& PAT OUNN: I've trted le locate> tlae aew llle ..... J'ten for T, Tai Cookwue, lNt ltana't W 01 l11ek. ne old ......_ waa P.K./Q I& .e Pnd9dl la Olup. Tlall .. ten..&ne e.Mwan tM& yea eu ~ for Jaalf.prtee. Ma1llle 1• • ,..., readen. bow~ tM9 eo•puJ II tee.W. E .W.,B ........ Beacla ' A YS had no luck locatln1 tbil firm, but perhaps our readen can help you. U so, JOU'll be contacted .. - . '. University in Oregon. LI n d y Le e c.h o f Huntington Beach was s imilarly honored at Miami University of Ohio. B a te s Co ll ege sophomore Ruth Slocum o C Cos ta Mesa was named to the dean's list :at her school in Maine. Paul Christiansen cit Laguna Niguel was awarded a juris doctor degree from West ern State University College of Law in Fullerton. He has been certified as a candidate to take the state bar examin•tion._ ARY A. MURCHISON, JR., .0 . NC., e c;.tlfor'nle ~•lion. to1' Arc:lllbeld A-. C-ue-.e. CA t27:10. , LUTHElt M. HANO, M.O., INC.,• ,CelHOrnle ~ellon, olOO N. lut.l StrMt, G..-, CA tt:io.. MICHAEL OOAOON MORAIS, M.O .... Vie Correl, A-'"'· CA t2IO~A0l M. UMOF, M.O., INC., • Cellfor11I• corporellon, H UO 91ue*•lltf' I.MM. H""tlngt.,. lleecll. CAnwt. Tiiis bull-It cotMlvctecl f)V .,, vnlnc..,.....,, •MCletlOn 04Mr lllOn .,.,_nNt>. lloery A. M11rclllHn. Jr., M.O •• lnc. llo!ltY A.~ J r . ........... Tlllf *""'*" WM llled wltll IN C-1Y Ci.rti of Oreno-C-'Y on J.,,, 0 E T-J,IN IJllldevofA"'11,t"2. TH AN LL. iH Benellclery, ci.ted (NOTICIA SE DA POR ESTE MAllCH 64h, 1'10 and rec°"dod e lnslrumenl No. 1601' on MARCH i•. MEOIO -IOs $!9UIOnlft <Anll ...... 19'0 of Off k let A.cords In the off Ice of lleft lido ,.,,.,_ -• IM ofk lea Ill• County Record., of Ore ngo -I dell4ro monclonecloa -_..,. Cou111y, State of Cellfornl• Will 'KVP•llM "' le ~rel elecclM SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO IMvnlclpel que t~re 1.,._, .,, le HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH Clvcl.M de..._.,. Vellrt ....-., et CA$HIEA'S 01ECK OR CEATll'lfD die UdeAIWll.dt 1"21. CH~CK (peyellle et lime of .... '" I 1ew1v1 monev of united s1e1 .. 1 tit: 1N 11• • ........,. ..... aevc-11 THE LOBBY OF CALIFOONIA LAND ,(Pere SoclOde le Jvnle Mun6c'--11 Tl•TLE COMPANY, 1010 NORTH I MAIN STREET. SANTA ANA, Y ... for .... 111 CALI l'ORNIA 9'1101 ell t lgM 1111• -Y• -.._Ill lflt-tl ~toeM-NICI.,., It under Hid Oood of Trtnt 111 tM DANIEL a . MORT<* .,._rty sltlltlted In Mid G-y eftCI LINDA MOULTON Stel•-n.d M : aETTY MIGHANELLI LOTS 1 AN!> 3 IN BLOCK U2 OF C H A A l ES W. ' 'M I K E '• COllONA DEL MAR, CITY O F MICHAELIS '111117 NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY 0 1' KEN HOU.AND PW!lllwd Orenge CMlll o.tly Piiot ORANGE, STATE 01' CALIFORNIA, FREOVOSS n , n12. FM! U ~II I I IS t"2 11..ft AS .. ER MAP AECOllDEO IN M>OIC JAMES E. NEAL . 'r:c z+ ' ,,;,, e , J , P A G E S • 1 A N D • 2 o t aEN II. NIE~N I[ -.., : MtJC:lll.ANf.OUS MAPS. RECOR OS I JAMU It. CREIGHTOH ,......1911( OfllSAIOCOUNTY. I ROY ltOOOUtS r--------Po--~t : EXCEPTING THERE,-ROM 1141 E""9tMcCleMlft ~tenTIOUllWllN•U SOUTHEASTERLY St.00 ,-EET CCllty~!!.!!! NAMelTAT11MINT T"IREO... ty,...--va119y Tiie follewl111 ,.,.eft ts 1101111 Tll• •''"' acldrou ond ottt.1 (S.C:lwtaf'lo-=:::• ........, ·~ ~-"'°" dttlone•'•· 11 .,,,, of .,.. I ~:C.,~ laU~f~:e u5 :~c::.!.A ~~ .. ~.~ ;:~~;:-::·:·~~R~e-.~~ L:DATEO ~,.. ·-..........._,,,CA....,,_ COR. ONA OEL MA"-CAllf'ORNIA 1,-ECKA: tt• .............. 1•1 I LOUIM OAVl$0tll, ,, ~ ..u ~ 0r ..... c.. Oelfl',...... c-t.~9-:11,CA~ THI VNOEltSIOffEO TltUITIE .tt.~l,IW NMI Three Oran1e Coast , ™' ..._ is ~..., -. .... DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY 'o" women are amma 2S""" .....,,..... INCO .. ltECT IN,.O ltMATION . ---,.,._ ~Oe¥tlell f<UltNllHIO. _.,_.. natlOD1Vide named Tiiie ....._ -ftled wltll... THAT Mid._ I' m.O. wit'-!. ,te'TtnouleuMM .. Outltandlna YoUDI £-'' c..,.·of 0t.._ c.vMv • _..,.,..tW.c.,,...,_,..,1tto, .._..,.1'U911T W ~Am--' .... ·r•.tt.tW. ....,..,.,.,RMWllW..-,w.. TM ......... --. -....... ome UI c11C• UT • ,,... ._............. •• ............. tbde '-~u_e_·s board o.f --~ ... -°"""'·'·'~'-Deity~ T"I ..... -·of tlle llllCUTIVI aut•"IU a v~. . _..--.... '"""!-... -~· .. NH ....._._ ~!llVICIS, 1171 c.-C)rM ...... Fifty-one wlnnen -. ....~.:.:,;:--c i::c,"•.,......a..o, , .. .._,. one from each atate and THAT MOc. ot •eoc11 ot , • .,. S.M.l11rtWt.1'11t.._v .... USI THI ='"" ... ~" ... 1'*'"' °'~ ""--.....,~ .. Puerto Rko -will be .... ,:L ':'=.-:::_'~a."':-' L~ .. -. c ..... 1 ,....... u•. chosen for award• DAILY PILOT · 1rv1M,Clll9MIMt11W ' bearln1 the name of =-===:~..,-~ TMt :=-.: 0 11 "'""-. • their home 1tate, and ..,AST --,L~ ~-.°"'91 from tbole 51 wUJ be ·USULT" • ~ ~~=:~ .... ! T111a '=-: =:-c:,~ ,c b 0 •• n t b e Te ft lllYIC'I ..... ~c::r~ ' . ,..,_., .... Outttandlnc Youn• DlllCTOIY ui111H-.crn.u.ttm 'Womm ~ ~mirfea. ant1t NHP -•••Pf. Loe.a ..... cbORi ror Reeult o::~.,.., .. ... are i..uaa ·l:IUott a& Service Call a.cau ...... a LMtO Coeta ..... Jmlee ••i-••11 :~..:.... W1ma aad Mlcb'll• ... JU ,...a ••°""* Scbal•, ... ~ ...... .. ~:::r Cll9ll.,.... = 11 I ~-P.~ '"'= .;;snfe"W,ir; .. .._UN 1--.._...aDI--" , ............. ~··"·-T ........... .-.. •••••••••••••·············•··••••••••••••••••...._, ,..,~jt··························~····················•!!''·-­~..-.~······································v··········· ---.,. .......... ~...,,._.. ................................ ...... ...... ...,,...,,__.. .................................................. . 11.......-._._1~1 .................................... •·••·"'"• .... CL.-).,.._._,..._.••············•··••••••••••••:•••••••• C•) ttJ, .. 1iic.-co.:-1 • c.-. ...i IWlllll .............................................. , ................... (~) ...... ,. 11111111(_111,": ........................................... au,.,• ·~.._...., ..... ~_ .......... , ..... , ................ "-..... l!1Mft ... lft'9ltt4,.....,.... ~··~·--·-~--~l.----.ClliNll .... -....~-0~:~ .••••••••••••••••. ;.;.;::, ---~·-----•-IPl• .... tM ............ .., .. ...., .... o.c..-r "· "" .......... ...._ C....."""'9rtf tllel._ef CtllftflN, ............. , , ...... ,.... .......... v ............ ....., .,....._°'.._.c ... o.11., "'IOI. l'a ».•-.c• t, a. a. tta ttMI. ll1'8 ANDACCtDaNTAllON~1'.ll IY~fl 01' TM8 AMMUAL ITAT81MMT- Y8A" 8MHO Oa~• 11, ttll .. ~ .......... u...__c....., ,_......,.C:...-Olrw, P.O ........ ...._...._-.~ ... T ... l~Aab ............................................ U, .. ,711..IM Toul 1...Ult ............. , ....................................... a.-.tlt.G ~1...Wup .............................................................. .. Or-paid In and contrMMl1ed Wri>ha ••••••...• w ........................... 11 S,.Clel _.,... Fundl .............................................. It, .. .., u_._.....,. 1---) ........................................ "'·"' ... 0. .. (~I I,__..._ ........................................ 14,"1.SO IM-co.cr.->•c.-.. ...is...-. ..... ,.. ........................................................ ,....,,JU 1-lijlCllMl"erc;t: N9t-.................................. tt......,..... Acc ........ ._111\ prtf'lliuftls-net ... " ......................... IMMt,ate 1--"' ~: CalHeml4i Acc...__ Ill F9w: ~ 9.U-..................... t,1M.6W.W Acc-..e•--~-Olt'ec;t: -c............---............................................. ltt.>O ... w...._cenlf'l'-.. .. .,.....1...,.-111~ • .-ti.~ St. ...... tor .. -W11MC1 o.c.-11, tt11 .,... 1it t11e •--• C_m.......,ef l"'9 SIMe 9f Cell!onM.t, ~ 1itlaw. Wllllem o. 91Mep .... Vice OkaV.,Treliefl ..... "'*llMd,°' ... COHI Oeil'I' Pltoe, FeO. 17, a Mw'cll t, 2, l, t• ftMI '~ 11111 llll!ll • SLAGLE Mildren Gearhart. Funeral W. F . (BILLI SLAGLE, services and Interment will resident or Anaheim, Ca. be in Newark, Ohio. Pierce Passed away on February Brothers Smjths' Mortuary 27-, 1982. He bas been a'r o rwarding directors. resident of the Long Beach S36·6S39. area since .l9il and moved tol BOWIUNG Orange County in 1953. He is THELMA C. BOWRING, a survived by his wire Orpha!resldent or Oceanside Ca. of Anaheim, Ca., c~ildren1Passed away on Feb~uary Ila Ganath of Hunljngton12s. 1982. Survived by her Beach, Ca. and etllyton1hushand Jack Bowring, 2 Slaele or Long Beach, Ca.150ns if;irk Bowring and Allen and 3 gran~chlldren . Bowring of Costa Mesa, Ca .. Graveside services will beh daughter Klkl Ahrens of held on 1\lesday, March 2.1s.an Diego , Ca., 2 aunts 1982 at ll:OOAM. at Harbor Mary Sarver of Kansas. Law.n Memorral Park . Missouri and Opel Thomas Ser•ices under the dlrect!on.0 f Omaha, Nebraska, 1 of Harbor Lawn-Mount Ohve gr a Addauahter K ri sty Mortuary of Costa ·Mesa. Ahrens and other loving 540-SSM. 81.,.,. .J friends and a family ., · r.vEn Graveside services will be !!VERETT EMERSON held on Tuesday March 2 BI EGER, r esiden t of 1982 at l:OOPJ\of 'at Paclfi~ Newport Beach. Ca. PassedjVlew Memorial. Park. away on February 28. 1982. Pacific View Mortuary Born June 18, 1896 inldlrectors. L a r a y et t e • ~I n d i a n a . PELLJGRJNE Survived by his wife Linnie MARY PELLIGRINE. a A. Bieger, son Everett E. resident of Huntinaton Bieaer, Jr. of Tustin, Ca., Beach, Ca. Passed away on dauahter Joyce Gill o~ Costa Sunday, Febru&O" 28, 1982 at Mesa, Ca .• 4 grandchildren. HunlinJtoo lnlercommunity 2 g reat ·g~andcbildren. Rospit.al Huntington Beach sisters Mit.tie Basset.t of Ca . F~eral serylces and Florida and Alice Travis of interment are pending at Fullerton, Ca., and brother Pierce Bl'others Smiths' Lawr ence R. Sieger of Mortuary.~. Bakersfield, Ca. Mr. Bieger JONES was a resident or Newporf FRANCES DOROTHEA Beach, Ca. since 1946 and JONES, deceased February was the owner-operator of 26. 1982. Etemally J>elqud the Lee Raven Traner Park 1 wife of William Moseley in .Newport Beach, Ca. for 36 Jones 11. mother of loved years. FuneraJ services wiJJ and loving chl1dren ·wrnJam be field on 'M\ursday, Match. M o s e I e 'I J ones 11 I 4, 1982 at l :OOPM at Paci.fie (deceased) and daughter View Me m oria I Park. 'Shelley Jones Owens . Interment Pacific View Cryptside servicet wUI be Memorial Park, Newpom held a l PaclficVlew Beach. Ca. Pacific View Memorial Park Crypt 1628 ltijortuary directors. i1l V a 1 en ci a Court on BOWDEN · Wednesday. March 3, 1982 at E D N A A U D R E A 11 ~OOAM. BOWDEN, age 74, a resident 1 QUINN ·of Huntington Beach, Ca. THOMAS FRANCIS Passed away on Sunday. QUINN, resident of Newport February 28, 1982 af'Beach, Ca. Passed away Paci r i ca Hos P 1 ta I • February 26. 1982. Born Huntington Beach, Ca. Mrs . Janl ary 22, 1903 ln Jersey Bowden was a member of City. New Jersey. Survived the Huntington Beach Senior by his daughter Letitia Cit~ens, a volunteer at the· Q u i n n a n d a s i s t e r HW\tinaton Beach Thrift Bernadette Krauer of West Shop, a member or the 1covina and her children, Lincoln County Chapter of g r a n d c h i 1 d re n a n d the Womens Democratic (great-grandchild. Recitation Party and a past matron otjor the Holy Rosary will be on the Eastern Star. Beloved Monday, Much. Lr -1981 al mo1trer of Jerry E. Bowaen 16 : JOPM at Pacific View of Ne~ark, Qhio and _David Mortuary Chapel. Mass or I Bowden or Finley. Oh10 and Christian Burial wUl be at N,ina Brodric~ .or Bonsall. ,1o:OOAM on Tuesday, March Ca .• also su.rv1vmg. are her 2, 1982 at Our Lady of Mt brother J~1e Dobbins a!ld 3 Carmel Catholic Church . sisters Wilma Dobbins. 1441 West Balboa Blvd., Louella Str-achen a nd Newport Bea~h·, Ca . HAlllOI L.AW~MT. OUVI Mortuary • Cemetery CrerMtorv 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa 540-5554 PmCl•OTHBS 18.l•OADWAY MOaTUAllY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 MLT26 ... aOH SMITH 6 TUTHIU. WISTC ..... CHAP8. 427 E. 17th St Costa Mesa 948-9311 NICl.Ol'tmS IMITMI' MOllTVMY 827Maln St. ~ntlnaton Beac:h 63H539 Interment at Pacific VJew Memorial Park, Newport B each . Pacifi c Vi ew Mortmary directors. MOTtcaTDc••o•TCNts TO THI CtllOITO•S o• OLIN "· LOVE, T~lltO". ~. S.CtllN ·--·*of tlw Unfferm C~lel Ctlle, '°" ere ll•r•b'I' netlfled H lolle#a: TAANSP'ERO• Is ee.ut tit m .... e lreMffr to IN _........,. ~· TAANSFIAIE·ln b11l1t e11 er e 111b11t•tlol pert of Ille moterlet1, 111111111u, mercllentllH or otller lnventery, efttl ""1.....-t of tllo ceruM .., n Wiiie Tewm, - M Tin Llale .. , llf Wflkfl Is IKMIMI ot 7ft Solftt C191r, C.... Meu, Count'!' of °".,,.. ..... cellfwnle, Tiie IWftetlt -..... Wtlnttl etltlre1tff tf IM Tren1le rer •nf Tr~-: T•ANWlllC>lt: GLEN A. LCWa, 1'1'9Waolr.CAIM~ . . TltANSl'E•EIS : ALVI. I'. 90eMM; OCMIS L. ~MM; CllNE M. l'AULITICIC, lttl Cellferf'le .,...., •n . .._ ,..,_, C41...,. ""'· All fl~._., .... ,..,.. .. ,,,_ ~---11'1' tlle TreMftftt ......... ""',..,., ............ ,., ............... -..... . T llt ••Ill trolllftr It 1t bt OllM ...... .__ Oso twott• w.N, ....... .,,..._ ..... AM, c.-, " 0... CoMlnlle, -., .-r ...... .... Tllt,..., ..... e1o1me111wa .. ~-~ ..... ~......, .. ,... AMllP • .-_ .... '-.... ............ f I p r,....... Or'lllillt C.-Dell'( ......, '·· .,, ... •YOU , ... ,.. ............. ... ID*to..U.Dlattuadi 'f• Ute Dall7• Ptlot1 a 'fled 8tdlcm • . ·1 .......... --- 5 6 7 8 D ~ I L y p I. L -o T c ·L A s s ll F l I I E D .6 -4 2 • 5 6 '1 . a· CLASSIAED INllEX )• .,.. f nr AUii 542\'i&71 .Sf ISAU •.loH.i _,.,... ............ j, I ."""" ... .,, , ..... ".,, .... ,.~ !':i'.!-I t.......,.\.;tu .... ..,.... ..... 11 .... ........ .,.,. ........ -........ "" ... ..~, .. ,, '"~_..,.. '-9\1rw'•f tlrMlvMlt •fN' .... 'lilllllll4 , ... ,,..i .. .,. ~ ... .,... .... _ ---umm VttauW,.._ .. ... h • .,.tw., ~:!.':rr.:~ ' ,,.....,,,~,,-~ , ..... ~, ,_ Otieilf""''---~ ............ ., ..... ......... "..,,., ~~"•"' [ ....... "'* _11.,,11vl'r\· ~.t...,u• ... _.., ,~,,_,, .. ,., .. 4'¥ttll.-,h ... ,..,,,,,,.._., ,,.. ..... ...-t &ut tMat ,,,.,...,,. ., .. l)it .......... IOOAlS _,,,,.. .... '""""l-'111t'...._ .... ·~·w.-1 .. \~ .. hn ,........._,,., , .............. .,. , .. ....._ . ., ~t ... °""""'\"' ~·""' '•hl.rw• ~~, .. , ... ==-·~·· ............... ............... ~··--~ , ............. . .... --146! ... -.., .. .... .. ... ·-"" .... .-- Jitf ..... .... -;.:. -M --r .. ---I -. .. 1\)0 ... ..,. .,..,..,...,rr ..,. , . ..,........... ... """ ,..,.,. ..... ~, .... ~·....-'"' ,.,..,wl.tW-" ·-..... __ l~ ~ .. ._..,... .. """'..... .. -.SS.lftUJ. Ul.FIWICt ....,._._I...,' .. ~ ..... ,.. »• '"'"'...,. o, .. ., ~ ,.,) IMNW11t •1"'11~ )i!l.9 "'-' .. ,.... 3ICI ..,,,, .. ~ ... ~,,,, .. n1m1[[M(JfS. POSllAl.S & llST&fMI ,,..... ..... "" ··-w... ........ ""'''-.... _. ...,,.,,..,.... r'-'-'' SIM£S "'""'""""-' EIMlllT& ....... ... ... ... .... ---- l ... lll'-A HOMll Remodeled, <htcorated 3 ~dl. 3 bath, mstr bdrm with ocean view 1425,000 . West Bay bayfroot. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath Sl.200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine rool\l, 4 bdrm. 3 balh,.3700 sq.ft. Sl.385.000. WO IS&I HOtB Prime Lldo-NQIG' bayfront. S bdrm, 5 bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips St,soo.ooo .. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 ttaUt + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $0Q.OOO. LNA.. ISU IAYRONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, S bath, playroom. dark rm. den. $1,350,000! C_....TIOM COYI Spect.scular bayfront view 4 bdrm , 4 ~ boat slips fl.900,000. Tl&YISTAs.MSSIOM YllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath. guest house in lakefront comm. S'mS.000. BILL GRUND Y. REALTOR . . . . " .. . ' . . \\ t .... ! ! ': ', TAYLOR CO HI ,\ 1 J 11L..., I' I'' l• LICI MODIL ..,.._ Elegance deseribes this nr new 4 bdrm & ram rm. Lib.rary with fireplace. Spacious entry. Formal dining. Huge kitchen. Gourmet's delight. Bright. cheerful thrQughout. Pool le apa. $625.000 including land . Dover Shorel. WT ASSIMA•t·RMAMC ... . Orange Cocut reftdnta bought 42% of all neur cari aold In IM count11 laat ""°' even though tMJj com,,,;. onlJI 30% o/ the count11 ·1 population . DUPLD ,.c="'m~y imker ill old Corona del Kar. >bdrm. hOUH + bdrm. 1ara1e apart· ment. Super location . Creative !inanclns. •.soo . 1714167M4M lllJI 611-1111 NAR801l ''"·'°' Brand ... town home. aster bdrm ulilu each wiUI balconies. 2Yl bath . rtreela c t , ekyll&hts. m 1 rrored wardrobe1, microw~ve own, trasb compactor. A Southern Cahforni1 &ll!SUME LOW ocean view at this price ~ will soon be history. IMTERIST LM With 20% down . 14% Popular 3 Bdrm 2 b1tb flnlllCing availablt. floor plan in 1 fine area • Generation Realty ofColtl Mesa. Great U · 549-1400 sumable loan and seller lliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiil will tailor to meet !Mo'ers needs. Best buy Jl 1129.000~ Ca 11646· 711 l •aa• AISOWTI STEAL ••c-4 SIS0,000 MOW $$25,000 SPYGLASS oJl8-~~l~Nc Sll.750 6br/4"'1ba. 4100 SQ ft ' 25 Bodega Bay · IARGAIM! Call owner. 1~4131 Starttr. condo! Supe.J•-••-----1 privatt and quiet. Bdrm 2 bath. I story near schools and shop ping. Good assuma bl4 to.ii. Try smi.11 down. Call us. ~·2313 THE REAL ESTATERS RCTaylorCo .. VII.LA PAIK Cwitom lot near ,.million S homes Z7 degree view and superb finaneing. P5.000. 3 erl 'T!~:S 1n owoen unlt · al.lo 2 br rtntaJ c~taae. All in sharp cood w/excel loca· Uoa. Owner will CllT)' lie 2Dd TD. Belt buy l.n town ror only RIO.GOO. Ctill 644-7J 11 /Jn "<:i. i}~ , r , . • • C.l'r "; c_ h) ~ .H .. >'• ..._ J ac .. ,,....c .... Trade equity 4bd 2ba Unobl~~un ' Anaheim hse. Boat. Ol&MI Yiew. 2BR, 2BA, airplane, a uto. etc? Pool! Jae. Boat Slip Mike840-5614, 530·S9CM _ Av1i . '525.000. Prine Y11WTOWMHOMES OnJ .6*7!73 Master suites. View or COUMTIT USH ~ , ..,. ht 1. ht OOPU!X 4Br +29r, I ""ean 1•ll 11 s. yr new. $398,000. 709 ' ~et Area. Parks, open 709111 Orchid.. C111 ~ces. Sl37 ,000. Xlnt 1Sl·&13S0wner/6'kr. ·1~~:.:~tfaJo C-. Mete I 024 ------· .-=. .. j)) •at .. •n-sst: ... WOCNlwfdp DD.HM 2 .......... . w..., ...... d ... • •••••••••••••••••••••• •~YBDI• W111rPOOLANDSPA Specious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. Be1ut.1ru1 area. SIS,000 dn. Asking $240.!>00 Sl&a>/mo pymt. PP Agt. 760-7089 -CHAIMEI 2 Units + Separatt Cot· ta~. Great Owntrs Onit or Rental Prop. Cabin Like Int. Ea s ts1de. Creative Terms to•-.. Down Break tven St~.500. Brkr. " RCTaylorCo ~ I \'\_) ntry & •lrrond -*•s. Good ... .-bl• I at TD & awe • 2.c1. v.,, .... -.ca. s 149 .ooo. -,...:M..- ASSUM AILE "'LOWIMT" Orir ol the fmesl 1·onctow 111 Cost.u Mt'Sa Desiru· ble fnd unit, lurJ:t' livin.: area. firl'f)hll.'e. t•ountry kitchen with !Jui ll in desk. '46£tlity room. 3 -bcTrms. sundN·ks. much. m11t·h mort•, Only Sll6.lll0. :1\1 now. !'all *l . COLDWC!U. BANl(eRO IAYSHOIES .. Melody w '"'"· COLE°' -...oAT RULTORS HtlL~Nwf. ·c-.. _ S15·55t t Sltt,500 -. L.owest prtt·r to dt• ..... ......, 1006 Large R-2 lot with nice remodeled 2 bdrm home . Low 1nnrul r1nancmg ~n Sun 12·4 . 1010 W W11son.7141S4Htol ~IJ/689-4384 VA ~- A.UUMABLE $129,110 --............ .._,._ ,.,. -.,, ,_ Prime Harbor View Homes location, 4 bdrml, f~ rm. 3'h ba. Guest or teenager s private suite. Spa. hl(htful wuter ori~nted .. ••••••••••••••••••••• area. Extra 5pet·1ul.l--------•I t'OZY sturler hom~ ()e(er part ol monlhly Lar11t ~arlten & patio fayment on 811 lboa U.11 for terms on \t'r)' I sland prz.rty Low r---------1 r ll v 0 r ab I l' ll• ii s l' ....... -lndudt's plun~ for t'X uuw" or lr · 4 Bdrm. low interest loan Below market. Hurt} ! 645-916 l ...._ :=... _ Community pool. $345.000 lncluding -the land. $.'52.000 dn. Owner finance. : Vaca.nt. = WIS&IY M. TAYLOI co .. llAl.Toas = 21tlS. ............. § I ~-~·~'POl~IT~~CIM~~··~~u-~~!!!!!'!!!~~!!!!!!!!' 1 :j....... -.. . ..................... . --· -------... --------... .... ... ... ... .... ..... ... -.... ..... ----... -- ""' -• 1M ,,.. "" '111 '"' '711 -'ITU .,... 'll'l'l m. tlJl -... ,, . ti• "" .... -'111 fl• mo ml fllO rm = --1llJ '"' '"' - EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY . , .......... Moffcr. Alrreil estate •d· vertised in th is newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair HOOS· ing Act or 1968 which makes it Illegal to ad· vertise ··any preference. limitation. or dis · elimination based on rice, color, reTI&1on. sex, or national origin. or an intention to mah any such preference. limitation,· or dis · cri min1tion." This newip1per will not knowinf ly accept any advert sin& for real estate which Is in viola· tloo of the law. mottS: Act.trtlHrs ..... dtlCl ..... ..,, ... ;,:::..,.. ...s . T1tt DAILTPILOT •-• ....., for ... first S.corr.ct l•atrflH -,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWISTftlCI ·-~~~iculn by n»Uvated seUer. A~· ... i. fin1ncin1t. Co>:y fireplare. buutlru kllcben. Covered paUo. can now. 67J.&SSO tfM1 q..1,,-M on ~\l:t~3drm. large yard. nur Mlle Square Park. Asklnic 117.900 Submit your terms. Murchison Enterpir5ts ----~1?32 O<irTMISS TtlSCOHDO IA•••t. prlud-an owner wUJ rlnance at lo irUreal with 20'-' down Highly up11raded private location. com munity pool, jacuzzi. re room and tennis courts WOll't l11t at Sl06,900 Call ... 7171 THE !<EAL ESTATERS •TUl11.8lOCI * Sl.27tPllMOMTH Is ilf you pay when you takeover exlslln& let T.D. Spadoul 4 br U · ~ve detadled bome featurine rrml din. fmly rm ' frplc . Onl y fl13,SOO. FEE. 759·150? or?S2-ms. ..,,,. Walkr.r & Lee •IAYMOMT• IOATSUP $$55,000 pansion. •~sty, lttr. '44-9060 675-21,6 . OPEN ~wu ~E RlAL'Y / WOW! l..ciwl•sl prin•d ~ 1002 ._.. 1002 bayrront homt• ON ----J!-•••m!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!! BALB!U.A ruv a.-;s_L_ar f.!C • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·.. • • • • •• ........._. •• • ....... . 4 bdrm. 3 IJulh. doublt-• fi!'l'lllat-e. l'll\'l•rl'd pul in plu. m11t•h mun•! Will AITD·or lradl• for FMblulr fr:.iyduir<'sl Cl"???!! - ...... , .... op. IHhrs *675-7060• I Prestiieious fo:."tult•i1 tn fashionable Moh IN Ca · nyon. Anaheim llilli<·4 bed.31>3. t'•R. G1R. K<>i l111oon. Att r;1t·~i n•ly landsraped Det·oratrct Ry L. Hardini1. $495.000 A ro rn •R t'alty 1.l4frIH333 LUCKY 13 • su.<iio-dOWn: SIJOO mo. Coir 3Br W/pool " spa. F\tl prire SIM,000. Ca II 7$1..3191 c::. ',f I ' -t-"; '·J .• '• . . • ' ---. ----- IHTIUTt 4 Br -ti'ome in Costa Meil. Owner will aulst wil.b flllUdn&. $120,000. eau m.mo ALLSTATE Rl!ALTOM . VS'l&illea COndo, 17t.900. •dlelot w/lldrm. down P9Yt flexible w /credJt. m.GIH eves Ir wkndt. toNmfOUIY Nl BAY o,.. 9d lots of wood, C)lesa .. d ........ YM94J 2-atory llom• wltla ...... c ......... , • .,. Miff• wltla Wc9t.::-;1:11~ ........ ,... ,... 2 ... ...., ,. ........... ............. "GaW Cwt" loc.tioa. C.. for .. .,,, °" to. •••lleltl•. $431,000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTATE s.i.. fltftt• l'T·-"Y ~ 1430 W COOl4 Hwy m ~ ,..,. ,......._, &ech Biibo. w.nd Hl·l41t '7Uttl IJ!IMACNAB HI~- IUl.D TOUI DllAM UTllAT In gorgeous Erwin Lake. Big Bear. Close to skiing, lake. etc. Two flat buildable adjacent lots. Call office for directions to property . Mountain air -Mountain view. $27,000 Julie Van Wieren 551-8700 (Xl8) MO MONEY DOWM (to qualified buytr I Mesa Verde. c.ustom. 3bdrm + bonus rm. 211ba, 2 frpk1. lrg yrd. $235,000. Ownert Bkr: 6§.-!!711:~---- Stl,Sff 12".LOAM Best value in Costa Mesa. 3 Bdrm 2 bath. lar~ lot, new roor. good location. Call 540·1 IS i to Stt -~s ... HERITAGE REALTOR::> 112' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.IACESTAn &li>trb early California desil)I and 11.u1llty con· atrucllon. Futuring ~om pool and .,a . an&q Mexican pavers. 3 riNPlacet. sky ll C'ts. air rond ' much more. Beaut. hill and valley vltWI. Small orcurd. P\tnty of room ror tennis court and horses. Of· rend II Sl.200.000. Ask rorUnda. w...&wftlau 4tJ..Z75J II M __ .._. 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3br older home. cnr lot . new roof ' rum. owe. zu..447·76I0:441·32'71 l!OOO dn. Beaut. l&e 4 br hon ill H.B. or 3 br in F.V.962-7M>a1t __ _ I 002 Bx owner. 4 Br. 211 Ba. nook. family nn. 3 car garaae. prof. ludecaped. 2 patios wtcovttS. walb>aper ' custom paint lhru•ut. t«Urity system. c.own moulding. Mexican pavtr noorin1. 2 wed brtct frplcs. bit-In TV altreo rab laet Ii bookshelves in fam. rm. fll~ asaumable, lil&ast ue lo-1 ppredate. ltlt.000. Open S.t/9uD. 714 /MS·llU. Prlute rw . ............. •••••••••I•••••••••~.::;:~;:::.;.;:;~ ~~~lA-4~ ·= -------.... ., CUf .. ,_ ____ _ ............... ., .. . .... .........w ... .. ..................... ' FUil[$ I I' I [ I ·I -t " 0 A·' [ I · 1 1 r r I L[IHJl 11 I I r I ~ GA llU L~ arrrs llASl/OPllOM OI SAU ·Excellent Termsr Large Assumable Loan With 30 Year Fixed Rate . Owner WW Carry Large 2nd T.D. At . Low Interest. Lovely 3 BR End · Unit, W /Wrap Around Patio On LUlh Greenbelt. Liebl, Cheerfu l Home. Only $210,000 . 9llftMIAI IQMll. r#.1 IWIOM lffllTOIS AUl'active Spanish 2 Bedroom Fu.rnlsbed f.Plex. No vacancies. Good Location. South Of RivenWt . Excellent ,Terma. Reduced To '121.500. lit ·IM4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• T9tllRC -~. 2 ba. Wlndlot llodtl .. Tiit Terra ct .. lvtlJUa6n& wlt.IUa ••· la1 dtat .. ece .. prlrtd below marte\ !or q II ...SUI,•,. • • • snatcher while the Rev. Perry picked up Mrs. 1ollert.M and her husband in his brown Mercedes and followed in pursuit. Four other drivers joined in the chase. honking their born&' and flUblng their lights to draw attention to the thief, Mrs. Tollerton said. • • As the group began to close in, the . man jettisoned the stolen purse, but the caravan of cars • and the bicyclist maintained pursuit and cornered the man. One motorist managed to flag a policeman and the man was take,n into custod y , Mrs . Tollerton said. "He wasn't in ve ry good shape, he kept getting winded," • !taid Regenstein. "His second proble m was that he stayed (running) on the sidewalk the whole ·ume we were chasing him," instead of ducking into a eys or OOCJe<l areas. ''The community is ver y concerned about crime and we have a ~rime watch in the cathedral community." said the Rev. Percy. "I think the purse . s n a t c her was scared . He probably diAn't expect all or this to happen." , There were no injuries in the snatching or subsequent chase, Mrs. Tollerton said. District of Columbia police said the suspect, charged with robbery in Sunday's incident, also is being held as a fu gitive ' from justice in Bruns wick, N.J . From.Page A 1 I PROTEST. • • 1 involvement with the facility. Protesters gathered today In the rain a half mile from the facility and paraded with arms linked chanting refrains such as "We Shall Overcome" and "Power To The People." ~ When they arrived at the south. ~ and southwest entrance's, the ~ demonstrators sat down in rows blocking the e ntrance of employees arriving for work. UC police methodically placed 1-Jeac~iemonstr~tor under arr-est~ There was no resistance. Among the first arrested was the Rev. Cecil Williams, pastor DI the Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco, who said, "I very s~ngly feel ·opposed to nuclear weapons development. ·William s, noted f o r anti-poverty work, said "The I nuclea r arms race ls tied to I· urban poverty and money that is 1 ·spent on weaponry could be used instead to help those in poverty in the inner·city." 1 From Page A 1 ·PoTOMAC • • Investigators have concluded that the plane's de-icing was completed at3:10 p.rn. EST. The • flight began its takedf( roll just · befol'e 4 p.rn. • -Testtmo~to be .presented later at the bearings is expected to s how that an American Airlines ground crew de·iced t\alf the plane more than an hour before takeoff and the other half almost 50 m inutes befor e takeoff. The NTSB's chief investigator, Rudolf Kapustin, the leadoff witness, said there has been no evidence found to indicate any structural or mec h anical failures or t he plane's two engi_nes. ' · I . From Page A1 sixth husband, U.S. Sen. John Warner, were separated. Burton and bis thit'd wife, 33·year-old Susan Hunt, split last August. The SUn said Burton told its reporter: ••of course. I love Elizabeth -and I love Susan. I love them boda, damn it . . . And what l 'd have them do is for them to come i{ito this room and ~ight it out beJ'ften them.'\ .. ORANOE COAST DEATH SCENE Irvine Po~ce Officer Jim Potts surve~·s sar tarn apart Saturday aftPr ripping into utility pole on In ·ine Cente r · o.lty,..... ,,_...,Gary A-- 0 rive. Passenger Jdfre~· Tripi . _HL. 0 1 Laguna Hills died . Dri,·cr had been drinking. police said From PageA1 CRASHES KILL THREE. • • specialist. ''We've had accidents out there, but not an excessive amount." Meanwhile, two men riding a motorcycle were kUleii Sunday whf'n they s truck a car on. Newport ·Boulevard near' Cowan Heig hts in Orane-e . the California Highway Patrol said. The motorcycle riders, taken to UC Irvine Medical Center in O r a nge wh ere they-were pronounced dead , we r e identified CIS 22·year-old Terry Frost, address unknown, and Daniel Roberts, 24, believed to be a Marine stationed at the El Toro Air Station. The driver of the car was not injured. J n _Fa u n t a i n -Yall e--y~ - l6·year-old Gunnar Swanson suffered c ritical injuries Saturday morning . when he topeled from .his mo,,ped under the rear wheels of a truck. The Fountain Valley youth was taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital where he has undergone surgery for inte rnal and chest injuries. · Police o(ficers said the teen-ager was driving alongside a two.-ton truck on Warner Avenue near San Bruno Street when the truck made a right turn. The mo-ped rider, police said, clipped the truck and slid under its tires . In Mi ss i o n Viejo , an unidentified 17 ·y.ear,old-~ ~seriously injured S11turday when his motorcycle was struck by an oncdming vehicle on Moulton Park.way near La Paz Road. Police said the driver or the car. 33·year -old Cheryl Brady of Mission Viejo, was not injured. I Traffic officers report that her car crossed over a center div.ider apd st.ru c k the motorcyclist, who was riding in the opposite direction. Adding to the grim weekend statistics was the identification or a man and woman killed in a fiery high·s peed collision in -Newpori-Beach la&l--week . Through t he use of dental NlCO rds, the pair killed last Wednesday on Jamboree Road have been identified -as. J"ames Ray Padovan, 41, and Linda Ma rgeret Kurzyniec, 32. Both s hared a Santa Aria Heights address. Police said the couple were apparently on their way hom'e from work when the pickup truck they were riding in spun out of control, careened off a median strip, plowed into a' power pole a nd erupted in flames. 3 suspects arrested· in Mesa ~~glary Costa lf esa police arr•t.ed three-Lol Angeles ~ounty men· tarly this morning on suspicion of blll'g.larizing a Cosla Mesa appliance st.ore. Police" officers Tom Pipes and Mike Howard were patrolling the area along 17th Street at 4 a.m . when they heard the sound Meaning of story alter~d by:typo A typographi ca l e rro r changed the meaning ol the lead -paragraph in the Sunday Special story. It s hould have read: The prospect of using treated wastewater to keep parks, golf courses, greenbelt aTeas and Pla ytng fields g r een has prompted five area water districts to seek construction of n ew o r expanded water .tr.attnenl lllldltelivery systems . The word "prompted" was inadve"?tently pri nted as ''pro~:'' or breaking glass, police said. Officers reported t hat they saw th e trio leaving Davis·Brown, 411 E. 17th St., with videotape recorders. One of the suspects. Gregory C. CalhoWl, 18, Long Beach, was arrest ed three blocks away following a foot pursuit. A broadcast of the suspect·s description and van resulted in the a rrest about an hour later• by Newport . Beach police of Roosevelt Roy. 18, Long Beach a nd Cha rles Dotson, 35, Los Angeles along Pacific Coast Highway. All three remained in Costa Mesa Jail this morning in lieu of $10,000 bail. Atlanta probe. to be closed? ATLANTA .(AP) -Wayne 8 . Williams fears he could Jose hia chance to be cleared of his two murder convictions if the books are c losed o n most of the aJay inp or young blacks that horrified Atlanta for nearly two years, ~lawyer says. Ram pleads • • mnocent 10 dri~i~g case Los Angele s Ram s quarterback Dan Pastorini has pleaded innocent in Harbor Municipal Court to a charge of misdemeanor drunken driving, according to the clerk al the Newport' Beach court. The plea was entered late last week and a pre·lrial conference was set for March 25 in the oourthouse. Pastorini. 32, of Newport Beach. was arrested Feb. 14 in Huntington Beach after failing a roadside sobrjety test. Police alleged they saw his Porsche eoine on Pacific Coa.sl 1-0ibwu in Newport Beach at speeds as high as 100 mph H e was released fro m Newpurt Beach Jall Feb'. 15 after posting a $1~500 bail. Suspect held in HB thefts, rape attempt A 26·ycar-old trans ient who. officers say posed as an electric company employee has been arrested in connection with five burglaries a nd an attempted rape, aU in Huntington Beach, police said today. The man. Tom Ross. was arrested Thursday afternoon after he alle-gedly gained entry to a local home saying he was a utility se r vice man a nd attempted to r ape the 22 ·year·old woman who Lived ~ere, police said. Daily Pilat Thomae P. Heley M=NOfflCE !!''.-:: 1._SL,C....MeNi.CA. -r_..tt9.c..llMeM,CA .... Alvin Binder, the Mississippi lawyer who headed Williams' defense during a sensational nine.week trial, said Sunday •' ,....... _ Cllllf ._"' ... Olllcet Robert N. Weed ~ Tllon9a A, Murphlne ..., . • that Williams was upset over, • reports that au.t.horitles now plan to close the boOks on 27 slayinp. Binder said Williama hoped the tnvesUaat.loD would continue so he would be •xon•ated. A S11perlor Court Jury dellb9rated j2 .. rrtdQ and Satarda7 before flndla1 UM 11 · 1 tar· e I• Ir• e · I &a e e =::r••pHr and .. ...,... -~otmurdelrli tbe d..abl (j Nithanlel Cater, 27, and Jimmy tt.1 PaYMrll· t t nformatlon for a bout 15 ..mlautea. 1toppln1 aftef temperatures a bove 500 de,..... Fahrtnhe~ wer• recorded at • what waa later determined to be about JO m.Uet ftom the planet'.- surface . The U .S . probe. Martner s. paued about 6,000 mllea from tbe plaMt'J aurfact, Tiie U.S. launebtd tv.>o Pic>Mer sp1tctcratt 1n Decem"r 11'71, one which •"1t into orbit ot the pro bet. . Tau aa1d itl curr.nt Veaus probtt will teet the around aurface ol Vtnus In an ettort to determine what elemeotl are pr eaent on th e i.ot , cloud-covered planet. The mother ship, Venu.8 13, paued at • dlatance or 'about 22,320 miles, Tua ••Id. The newa aceocy aald joint Soviet-Freneb expertment.i we" carred out durtn1 the m1ht to Venus. · San JUaD. boy, 5, drowns in pond A 5-year-old San Juan Capistrano boy drowned Sunday in a pond in the rugged ba&k country of Cleveland National Forest, ~cording to an Orange County F fre Department 1 spokesman. Capt. Steve Whiticker said e fforts by two physicians. a paramedic unit and a Marine Corps .helicopter crew failed to . save'the life of Antonio Lemos. Whiticker said the .bo'y at about 1:30 p.m . fell into the pond, locate.d in Verdugo Canyon on the James Rancp about 3 miles .south of Ortega Highway. He said two doctors who were on an outing' in the area tried to revive the boy before the arrival of paramedics. Whiticker s aid a paramedic ambulance was unable to reach the area, causing paramedics to be delayed. A Marin e Corps r escue helicopter was called frp m El Toro Marine Corps Air Station to fly the bQy t o Mi ss ion Community Hospltal in Mission Viejo, Whiticker said. H'e said t he youngster was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital at 3:21 p.m. -Pest-drive of auto .leads to ·slaying? ,, Police said today they believe a Huntington Beach man was shot to death Friday while allowing another man to test drive the 1979 auto he was atteJDpting to sell. Westminster police officer Earle Graham said police were searching today Cor the prospective car buyer and the dead man's missing auto, a white BMW, license number 412 XNJ. Graham said the car's owner, R oy Sab u ro Na'kase , a 36·year·old printer, was found Friday night in a vacant field at Hoover and Wyoming streets in Westminster. Nakase was shot. once in the chest, apparently by. a s m all caliber haadgun, he said. The printer was trying lo sell his auto and left on a test drive Friday from his home with a prospective buyer, police said. He said officers believe Nakase was shot sometime during--the- test drive and his body dumped in the vacant Westminster lot. Slain womqnf ound; cops seek itlentity ... Police are trying to identify a young woman whose body was found Sunday in a Costa Mesa parking lot by an off·duty police officer on a family outing with his two sons. Police Lt. Jack Calnon said the woman described as possibly of Latin descent had been shot. He d eclined-to s pecify the l~ation or the bullet woun~. She was believed to be m her late 20s, about 5 feet 4 inches and weighing about 150 pounds. ' The woman's fully clothed body was discovered about 11 a .m. by an off.duty Inglewood officer who had taken his sons · go.cart racing in a vacant parking lot at 1650 Sunflower Ave. Calnon said it appeared that the woman, wearing a red dress and h1gh heels. had t>een lcilled at the scene. An autopsy will be conducted today to determine the cause and time or death. Thi~ves get $106,000 in Newport Beach theft Bur glars took more t han $106,000 worth of jewelry and othe& valuables this weekend from the Dover Shores home of marine engineering firm owner Jose Rosan. Police said the intruders tipped over furniture, emptied drawers and left other items s trewn on the Aoor~r the house. Rosen told police that when he returned home !:iunday, he found alJ the doors to his house were open and his front yard covered in toilet tissue. H e said the burglars took jewelry, a sterling silver set, a te le vision, video r ecorde r . camera gear and $500 in cash. Desert shaken RIDGECREST (AP) -A moderate earthquake with a preliminary measurement of 4.1 rumbled under the desert floor 11 miles north-northwest or Ridgecrest on Sunday night, but caused little grounlI motion and no damage, officials said. classic windb~akcz.r. .. th<Z. ori~inal G-9 windbnz.okrl.r, idtz.o1 fur ~lfor outdoor~r. mack or 1i~1:Jw'z.)4ht cotton-poplin wilh e tert.Bn 1iniaj. avaiktblcz. in natural, british ten, navy or nz.d. moda. fbr us in <lnSll'nd.. .. _ .. - -· .. _ ..__ ·-· __ .. ..._ ..... ·-............ • ------ .--~ --· _...,. . ·- • ·~· ........ GOLDEN OLDIE ~lizabet h Ta\'lo·r a nd her former husband Richard Burton (left 1 cele brate her SOt h birthda~· in London with ze,· Bufman. producer· of ··T he ~itllt! Foxes ... whic)1 s he 'll s tar in for a Brl6is h tour ·Liz, Burton deny 'third time' rumor LONDON CAP> -"Elizabeth a nd I will never remarry," R ic hard Burton s aid today. squelching a roar of romantic rumors reverberating since bis weekend reunion with Elizabeth Taylor, their fi rst meeting in fi ve year~. The reunion was a bonanza for most of the British press, which speculated on the possibility that they would mar ry for ttie third time . • "We h aven 't discussed it (marriage >. It's not going. to happen." Burton was quoted as saying today in an interview with t he Press Association~ Britain's domestic news agency. • .. Ym ·•lllll llllY NIU <JH ANC.t I UlJNI' 1Al11 ()H NIA i'> C l.NI~ County hu;y of Ziggurat posed Nestande pushes Niguel building for local agencies, courthouse , jail Bruce Nestande, chairman or the Orange County Board of Supervisors, proposed today that th e count y a c quire the ml 11 lon-sq uare· foot Ch et Holifield Federal ltuildlng in Laguna Niguel rrom the federal government. Nestande said the building, which is now largely vacant, could be used to house a variety of county agencies. Beatles album on the . way? Old, unreleased recordings may be combined LOS ANGELES <AP> -A n ew Beatles' album? It's a pos~ibility, thanks to the doz~ns of unreleased "Fab Four" recordings languishing in record company vaults. T he Los Ange les He rald Examiner reported that later this ye~r EMI Records may r e lease an a lbum of tunes recorded by the Beatles before the group's me mbers -Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and the late John Lennon -went . their separate ways in 1970. The album would include the Mitch Murray song "How Do You Do It" and Johnny Preston's "Le ave My Kitten Alone." EM I also has a five-song Beatles audition tape and other "demo"· songs as we ll as tapes of familiar songs that differ s ignificantly from t h e final a lbum ve rs io ns . Ho wever , • because of legal obst acles. chances are that these and other unreleased recordings will not be officially made availa ble in the near future, a_lthough so_me have surfaced .recent.ly on the Beatles for the British bootleg tapes . • Broad ca sting Corp. between The newspaper said a number 1962 and 1965. Twleve of the of songs appearing on a tape titles never appeared on a lbums, played during the "Beatlefest" including reportedly -songs in Los Angeles may have been by Chuck Berry and Little i llegally removed fro m the Ri ch a rd . as we ll a s others vaults of EMJ. gathered by BBC researchers Th~ hidden recordings vary in working on an upcoming special quality fro m e xcelle n t to comme mo rating th e 20th unfinished, but even the poorest anniversay of the Beatles' first of authentic Beatles tapes would appearance on British radio. be extremely valuable to BeaUe A dozen years a fte r the memorabilia coll ectors. Beatles' breakup, Beatlemania There are, for example. hours persists -at least to a degree. a nd ho urs of s tud io · tapes The newspaper reported that the containing everything from group's original albums still sell outtakes and song scraps to jam a million copies a year in Great sessions and rehearsals. Britain a lone. with various ·'The recording studio was k I I their laboratory -they left the .Beatles rep·ac ages a so sel Ing in the millions. tape machines running all the t ime," forme r Beatle s press The idea of a Beatles museum . agent Tony Barrow once said. to preser ve the mountains of There is also an unreleased m emorabilia bartered at such Beatles film docume nta r y. gatherings as the Beatlcfest is originally compiled and edited ga theri ng s team , and t he between 1968 and 1971 for.,A-pple newspaper said Paul McCartney Films. a division of the group's recently m ade a number of company, Apple Corp. purc hases a t Sothe by's in The unreleased material also London with s uch • a museum incluqes 34 songs recorded by possibly in mind . An aide to the supervisor said a courthouse, and possibly a jail would be among possible uses. T he county already has a regional civic center In Laauna Niguel, but it is currently filled to capac ity, the aide said. Nest.;lnde's proposal (or a study on potential acquisition of the so-ca lled Ziggurat bunding is scheduled to be onsidered by the board of supervisors at a meeting Tuesday morning. Nestande said consultants will b e as k ed to a n a l yze t h e feasibility of acquiring the building via a joint venture involving private enterprise. An aide to the supervisor said recent tax la w changes give g r eater fl e xibility for public /pri vate acquisition and use of buildings. T h e fed e ral gove r nment acquired the Ziggurat in Marci), 1972 fro m North American Rock well Co rp. wtiich built the six·story structure in 1971. Rockwell never occupied the l)uilding becaus e of the slump in the aerospace industry in the early 1970s The federal government has been un able t o make the huilding attractive to its various agencies. pri marily because of the high cost of housing in surrounding communities. The building currently· houses a branc h o f t he National Archives, the Internal Revenue Service, the U.S . Geologic Survey and recenlty provide<I te mporary space to workers · conducting the 1980 U.S. Census.' Burton and Taylor spent ~uch of the weekend together, holding ha'nas. dancing and talking, but only a few Hours of it were in private . And three of h er childf'en were reported on hand "We . love each other with a passion so furious that we bum · one another out,·· Burton was ·then. 'frovost aids o .. chase, capture of suspect WASlilNGTON CAPJ -Purse snatchings rarely attract much attention these days. but when Kathy Tolle rton's purse was grabbed. five motoris ts, one bicyclist and a church provost took a fter the s u s pect and caught him. Mrs. Tollerton said she and• he r husband were walking home fro m church ser vices at the W as hington Ca th ed r al in fashionab l e n ort hwes t Washington when someone ran pas t he r apd grabbed her s houlder bag Sunday. "I was yelling, 'He's got my purse,· and my hus band ran after h i m," s h e s aid in a telephone interview. The commotion attracted the attention of bicyclist Lewis· R ege n s tein , sever a l other citizens and the Rev. Charles A. P e rr y , provost o f t h e Washington Cathedral, who was stuck in traffic nearby. Regens t e in s hift e d h is 10-s peed bicycle into high gear and t.ook off after the purse <See CHASE, Page AZ> f q u o t e d a s s a y i n g i n t h e i n terview al his s u ite in Lendon's fashionable Dorchester Hotel. "I 've got two certifica tes which prove that I was m arried to Elizabeth at one-time or another -=-and w4'<1on1t need another one," he was quoted as saying. Earlier. Will iam Hickey, the gossip columnist of the Daily ~xpress, su ggested there might Lfe a connection with Miss TayJor 's coming aritish stage debut in "Tt\_e Little Foxes." "When I asked Burton if his well -timed meeting with Liz ... was love rekindled or merely the most outrageous plug London had seen in years, he couJd only reply wearily, 'God knows,'" wrote Hickey. · "I still love Elizabeth,'' the 56·year-old Burton told reporters Saturday night. And the 50-year·old actress said "we've always loved each other " as they drove off together to a party Sunday nii;t ht. When they left the party, l\nd reporters asked whether they were thinking of remarrying, he s na pped. "We are," but she shouted, "He's marr ied, and I'm married." His aide J o Lustig said ang rily a fterward that Burton meant both were already married. M iss Tay l o r re ce ntl y announced that s he a nd her (Sff UZ, Page AZ) Crashe~ in county claim three lives Three people are dead and two remain in critital condition today following separate traffic ~cddenta over the weekend in Orange County. · Laguna HJlls resident Jeffrey Tripl, 19, was killed Saturday evenlni &Iler the car he was riding in swerved off Irvine Center Drive in Irvine near the La1una freeway and slammed into a utility pole. · lrvim olftcen 1aJd the car - drl ven by an ualdenUfled La Habra 11·JHN>kl 1outh -hit tbe pole IO laard 'that the top ol tbe car was ripped off, leavtq tbe auto lD two chunk.a. T he driver suffered minor injuries and ttas arrested on sus picion ot felony drunken drlvln1, police said. It was the aecond fatal accident on. the road stretch ln the past six montha. An Irvine traffic apeclaliat , tbou1h, reported that Irvine Center Drive bu not bad an unusually hi1h number of accldenta and tbat the two fatal crubel were not 1lmlJar. "Up untU lhil Ume, there hU not been a partlculatly bad aceldet history la that area," taJd Deanla Wllber1, ctt7_tramc (lee caA .... , .... AJ) Deity_,......,.._.~ Series winner was All an Rosenber g's lntens<' from Alamitos Bay Yacht Club < Stor:-· on Sports. Pa~e C:ll MIDGET MIXER MicJget Ocean R acin~ Club r arers in Newport Ha rbor Y acht Club's Corkett Troph ~· s e ries scrambled for pos ition at start of Saturday 's distance rat·e. _;_;,__;....:....;;__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Police seize 31 protes-ters at Livermore LIVERMORE <AP> -Atleast 3i demonstrators, including one found inside a classified area, were arrested today during a protest or nuclear weapons development at the University of C a J II or n la· s Law r e nee Li'v er019re National Laboratory. It was the second mass demonstration at the facility this ye ar . O n F e b . 1 , 17 1 demonstrators were arrested. All but one of those arrested wer~ booked for investigation of blocking a roadway. One unidentified person was chlJ"led with treapassin1 arter he climbed a fence and dropped into the laboraton compound. The laboratt>ry 1, owned by. the University of CaUfomia and perform s nuclear weapon1 research for the Depanment ol Defense and the Department 'OI En er 1 y . It b a 1 be e.n a long -standln1 ·symbol of anU-war protest and the cent.r of much controversy amOQI tbe OC Board of Re1ent1. Goy: Edmund G . Brown Jr., a member ol the ..., .... hu kmi been oppoeed to the Ub.lvllfllt7'• (lee PaoTBIT, Pap Al' • Stewardess.: 'I'm not ready' Survivor of crash killing 78 describes last moments WASHINGTON (APJ -The s urviving stewardess from the Air Florida flight that crashed into the Potomac Ri ver testified t oday that t he plane began s huddering as it took off and t hat in the seconds before hitting the wate r was wracked by violent sensations. OnfF the Boeing 737 hit the water, Ke lly Duncan told a hearing, "My next feelint was that I was noating. . . . I felt I was d.yipg and l just thought, 'I'm not ready to die"." " Seventy-eight people died in the Jan. 13 crash. Even before the. plane left I.be National Airport runway, ahe felt aomething waa wron1. Ma. Duncan told the National Trana\)ortation Safety Board hearmc. "The takeoff wasn't •• lo\ld aa tt usually ia. lt aeemed Ulle an uruttually lone Ume before we pulledolfthe nmwar." Federal lnv~•tlaatora have aald they believe Ice ln the en(lnes may have cau1ed an lndlcator to ti" tbe pilot • falle re1dln1 •• to tbe amouat ot tllrult be WU aettlnl dvrinl Ull talleo«roU. The alrtraft, with 7t passenger s , bega n los in g altitude almost immediately after takeoff, struck a busy com muter bridge and plunged into the Potomac. ·Seventy-four people on the plane and four on the bridge were killed. As soon as the aircraft was in t he air, Ms . Duncan said, it "started to shudder and it got increasingly more violent." The stewardess, who was sHUng near the rear of the pl ane, s aid s h e d i d n ot remember the Impact. The Air Florida fli ght attendant, one of only five people oo ~rd to survive , was the . second witness to appear at the opening day of hearings b efore an Ni'SB board of lnqulry. · A1ked whether she now pl811!1 to conUnue workin1 as a flilht attendant, Ms. Duncan told her questioner, ''Yes, s1r, I will." She said she bad had to swtm . to the aw'f ace and then rou1ht throup pieces of Ice back to the tall Hdion, where 1be awaited a re.cue helicopter. Deacrlbln1 h er nearly 30 mlnulle lD the icy water. 111. Duncan aaJd •he had opened a llfe Jacket for another 1urvtvor wi th her teeth because her hands were loo cold. M uch. of the questioning focused on whether the plane, which waited for more than 40 minutes in a steady snowsCorm before getting takeoff clearance, had been properly de-iced. <Sft POTOMAC, hit At> DRllCI CIAIT 1111111 M osUy cloudy· tonight through Tuesday. Chance of rain 80 percent tonight. Hi1hs :56 to 62. 111181 TlllY '·Divorce War1: A l.ooe Stor11 ," copturu humo" m o menta and tr11•"11 muatioru on TV to.right. Sn Page BS. litlll .... --..a ... L.M..... M ~ .. c..... .. ~ DM c.-n .. c ........ .......... ...... M a M L M .......... .. A H • . DoW Jones Final UP 4.00 .. CLOSING 828.39 The Index of .Leadla& lndlcaton fell for the ninth straight month in January. and the 0.8 percent decline would have been much worse If the impact of severe winter weather had been included. the Commerce Department reported. The index would have declined 2.8 percent for the month. but department officials deleted effects of one Indicator. the average workweek. which was shar')>ly depressed by the bad weather. The index had declined 0.3 percent in each of the preceding two months ... Ford Motor Co.'s union workers overwhelmingly approved a 21.h·year concession package, clearing the path for an anticipated resumption of talks between the United Auto Workers and General Mo&on Corp The drop in gasoline prices over the past 12 months is chiefly attr ibutable to the fierce competition in gasoline marketing, according to the Lnndberg Letter, ~ weekly oil industry newsletter. Retail prices fell about 8.46 cents a gallon over the past 12 months, the newsletter's author, a n;alyst Dan Lundberg, reported . . . The U.S. Air For~e has awarded a $55.8 million contract to RMkwell Inte rnational Corp. to continue the manufac.t,ure of "smart bombs" at its facilities northeast of Atlanta . . . Raytheon Co. has received a $605 million contract from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for continued work on the improved Hawk Air·Defense System • 11111 ~-----...,, Savings and loan associations in CaUfornla, Arizona and Nevada saw a net new savings inflow or $343 million in January with jumbo certifinteror deposit getti ng the biggest boost, the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco reported. The inflow which follows two months of outflows totaling $452 million. contrasts with an outflow of $177 million in January 1981 . . Continental Airlines, which lost $60 million last year. said it has borrowed an additional $25 million and that its auditors plan an official notation on the airline's 1981 financial statement questioning ttrr company's chances for survival .. · Pacific Telephone & Telegraph shareholders have voted to approve a merger with P acific Transition Corp. American Telephone & Telegraph owns aJI or Pacifi c Transition and 91.S percent of the common stock and 78.2 percent of the preferred stock in Pacific Telephone ... Beatrice Foods Co. is negotiating to buy Coca·Cola Eottling Co. of San Otego and is close to an agree ment lo acquire Coke's San Bernardino franchise, a spokesman for Beatrice said. Beatrice recently bought Coca.Cola of Los Angeles and Northwest Industries beverage busin ess . . . Whittaker Corp. said it would appeal a federal judge's decision in Chicago clearing the way for Brunswick Corp. lo sell its Sherwood Medica l Products subsidiary . . . Applications to establish nationally chartered banks in California almost tripled last year to 73 from 26 in 1980, while state bank filings declined to 18 Crom 35, according to data supplied by Edward Carpenter & Associates Inc. 11111111 it, New World Computer Co. of Irvine for the quarter ended Jan. 31 had net income of $58,158, or 1 cent. compared with a net loss of $151 ,702-, or 3 cents for the like quarter of fiscal 1981~ Revenues were $531 ,887, up from the $57,236 from last year·s quarter. ~OCKS IN THE SfttlLIGHT AMEtlCAN LEADERS .. W VOi* ~-S.leo noon "'""' -"" dW'ltflfh _, ...... -............ t""--II~ ... _.., al,_.._ 5H t'SAole l,4l6,40D 1714 . ..,, E~*lnl .... 200 284 ·~ -. IBM Ml'.100 UV. Norlf'ICI P$ 5'0,ICIO 11 -" "'"" 11'111 •.100 1\lo MolO<Vle '14,000 s.~ + 1'-'\ :.~T 4'1,G ,...,~ + 14 ouaa l:RI. -Y. MAOOM 'l',700 "" -n• Sony Corp »1,1• 1"6 -~ ~~ JM,UIO ~ .,~ JJUOO f1 -I'> Nars.N w,a J1"4 +IY. Pfllla Elac m:: 1~ Mobil I .22'-.. METALS HEW YORK CAPI met"' prkti tedfv c ...... , n ._.,tO cents a 11ound, U,$, UPS AND DOWNS destln•tloM La.-2t cenb • "°""4 l lM 43 Ctflls a pound, "911 ... tM Ptl. u.. 4),1 u, l~.7 UP IU UP• 12,J U, IU UCI 11.S "' 't1 ~ ... I• UP 7.$ UP 7.1 UC1 7.0 Up ,,, UP ,,, "" "1 UP •.S VO •.S Oo u . •• ' Ti. \4.tOID#le\als w-c-•te 111 . ... ,.._. 1t.n cents• _..s, H v Men_., '37S 00 per Ila.-. ,.,.,..._,oo.001rov 01 , H.Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tiie ·---..,_ Sei.<tM -lei .... IM'lc;H tMlly: ~;....,... ,. ..... '*'l. ... U.1$. ......_; ....,_lllll"'\WU:S,efftlA .. _.J '*-OS, ... Slllt. .,,....,., '*.!t· Off ...... z.rtdl: Wtt flW1"9 QSltAt,.,, SJ-61 i.lcl; ... , ....... "•••' & "•rtt1H : .,..,. delly -~ .a.1.lS,oflfl,U, ........ : """ ........... 1.u.. -SI.IS. ................ ..,,., ..... ,..,._ W'Jl.9'1SUt. SYMBOLS