HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-02 - Orange Coast PilotJudge halts bin::go An Orange County Superior Court judge has fined bingo promoter Franklin Delano Rose and ordered him ·to "Shut down bis "donation" bingo games because they are an "attempted evasion of the lottery Jaws and a · s ubterfuge." In a ruling a nnounced Monday, Judge James F. Judge fined Rose $5,000 in civil penalties for unfair business ·practices s t em ming fro m operation of bingo games 1t~f Colonial Manor HalCway e Inc., an alcohol reha bilitation center in unincorporated Orange County near Santa Ana. Judge Judge said that thE!' ' permanent injunction he issued •would be lifted ·•when and if (Rose)" is issued a license to operate bingo games in the county. The injunction against .Rose l'lad been sought by the Orange County Dis trict Attorney's Office, which alleged that unfair and unJawful business practices were in use at u(e bingo. parlor al 9842 W. 13th St. The judge agreed, staling that while Rose and Colonial Manor • Halfway House proclaimed that bingo games were free, they •·a ct~d to ma ke it difficult, inconvenient, embarrassing and unpleasant for one to ask for free bingo." Calling the games free, Judge ruled, was merely a means of evading lottery litws. "The c9urt finds the practice to be unlawful and unfair ," he said. Rose previously had been acquitted of criminal charges or running a lottery at Colonial Manor. Rose, who had no comment on the ru ling Mo nday, uses proceeds from his bingo games to fund alcoholic recover y projects. But Judge said in his ruling that while Rose showed that "some portion of the proceeds goes into the treatment and care of alcoholics." not a ll proceeds are used in that way. "It is, in fact, conducted as a business," Judge said. Shocker: electric 1,hills to dip? LOS ANGELES CA P > Southern California Edison Co. anticipates lower energy costs through 1982 a nd proposes sharing the bre ak with consumers by reducing their electric bills an average of $2.32 --. month. . • How.ever, the $254 million reduction s uggestion comes . wbUe the uUlity collects a $172 'million fuel ·adjustment approved from January tbrou&h April, and while it peUllona the I •ta te Pub ll c Ujl l I it i es Commisalon for a $1.2 billion I lncreue effective in January 1183. An Edison •Pokeaman who declined to be idenUfled called the propoHd rate decreue a firat and denied lt ... intended to •efuae crlticlam of it• bJWall-dollar request. ''Lota ol llme1 you may think we're dnWab, but ln tb1a HM I deD't .... IO," be Uid, DOtina U..t r.111 price ~ti are a rear1J rouUDe. Stele law orcten ut.Dlll• to ,... olt•P' In thelr tu.I CCllta to-...n. DUIGI COAST O RANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Tax increases nixed Reagan resists 'Potomac pessimists' budget moves CHEYENNE, Wyo. <AP> -critics as "pessimists on the President Reagan turned aside Potomac." • calls lo raise ta•es and cut The president said he is open d efens e spending today a n<l to s uggestions lo. cut the deficit, promised that his economic particularly proposals to red~ce program "will guide our country federal spending. out of this dark tunnel of "But as the volume of voices recession and decline." rises in debate, there is one Faced with a growing list of thing I want to make very clear: con g r essional proposals to my commitment to cutting laices revise his big-defi cit budge't", and rebuilding our defenses 1s Reagan sa id Washington every bit as strong today as it · · s e e m s p a "a I y zed b y _was lhe day I took offi ce There handwrin_ge r s." and derided mus t be no retreat in these Plane lands at CdM school; none hurt Four people escaped serious injury when a single-engine plane in whJch they were riding made a crash-la nding at 8:55 a . m . today on a baseball diamond at Corona del Mar High SchooJ, a school official said. and tried to return to John Wayne Airport but couldn't make it and decided to land the plane on the baseball diamond Gene Meister. plant manager ii91•it · for t he high school, said the .__._..__ plane ''tore out some fences on Meister said the pilot's wife a nd the couple's two small chifdren also were in the plane . Their names were unavailable this morning. He said lhe plane A~WI.._... THE ODD COUPLE .h'ff K11n1c·t·k ";dk' ht·1w:1 1 h \nna Ma~ a!. circu!:. truek ... unload for .1 pl'r 1111 rnant·t· in Cht(·ago Konicek pla~·s Dsnk' thl' elo\\ n 111 t he Shrrrw l'11Tu~ the way in ." He sa id no buildings were hit and nobody was injured. He said the pilot told him he lost oil pressure over the ocean remained intact. • A spokeswoman for the high school ·said the plane landed on the varsity baseball diamond between home plate and third base and tore up a dugout. Nicaragua 8trocities real? Photos -of San dinista terrorism acknowledged to be fraudulent WASHINGTON CAP > The State Department 1s standing by its aliegations about Nicaraguan repression of minority Indian tribes even though a key piece of "evidence" has turned out to he a hoax. Department s pokesman Dean Fischer acknowledged Monday thal published photog raphs of atr oc iti es purp orte dl y committed b y Nicar ag u a ·~ left ist S<1 nd1n1s ta arm y were fraudulent The pictures were alluded to three days ago by Secretary of SLale Alexander M Haig Jr .. who was unaware al the time they were spurious. The photos were published las t month by the Sunday magazine of the conservative Paris newspaper Le F'igaro. The ma g azine's e ditor Interj a ith session focuses on refugees By JEFF ADLER Of t1M Dally Pllet Staff The central moral issue facmg Christians and J ews today 1s the fate of the world's 16 million refugees, those attending a n interfaith breakfast in' Newport Beach were told Monday. R a bbi Marc Tanenba'1m. natinonal inter-religious director o f the Am erican Jew ish Committee , said the world suffers from an ''epidemic or d e humanization " and th e "power of redemption of live!!" Iles with adherents to the l wo faiths. The interfaith breakfast, the laraest ever held in Orange Count)', was sponsored by the Amer1can J ewish Committee, the National Conference of Cbrlatla.na and Jews and the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Councll. It wea h eld at tho combined St. Mark Presby\erlan Cburch·Shir Ha Ma·Alot Harbor Reform Temple in Newpo rt Beach. In making his plea for world refu1ees, Tanenbaum told the atory of a refugee he met while on a f1ct-llnding tour of Vietnam and Cambodia. ff• laid the refqee, •taDdlnc a I o JI J • i d e t~ e I • a k I n 1 • dilaplelated bollt ln wllf ~b he hid ,-eaped. told of b1a diffovery of the dark s ide of the human c;pirit. "It is the knowledge you a re abandoned by the world," Ta nenbaum remembered the refu gee saying The rabbi pointed out that millions of refugees are in Somalia, Kenya, the Sudan. Ireland, Lebanon, other Middle Eas t countries and Uganda~ . He called the Jewish and Christian communities in the United States a ~·community ol COflscience" that together can help save the lives of many of these threatened peoples. Questioned about the role of Is lami c ad he r ents in the interfaith dialogue, Tanenbaum said that despite setbacks, Jews and Christians have been "working quietly to build ·· relationships" with Muslims in this country. Described as one o f the for•most J ewis h ecu"'ertical leaders in the United States, Tanenbaum was the onl)' rabbi who attended the Vat.Jean U council and WH a tounder ol the JohH Vatican Inter.national Consu.ltaUve Committee. • In t979, the clernman waa Invited to tbe Ca_mp Dnld aum mlt meeunc1 to dlacuu tbe state of the natlon trom Ilia Jewish perapecllve wltll Praident Carter. ? • acknowledged today in Paris that the photo was old. and its caption was incorrect. One U.S. oCficial, who asked not to be identified. said the department was informed of the hoax late last week and added he was puzzled as to why Haig was not alerted prior to his appearance Saturday before the Conser vative Political Action Conference. Haig said the lack of attention to the pictures by the American news media demonstrated what he described as the imbalance in press coverage of the Central Am erican situation. "I want to ask the question why the very. very impressive photographs which appeared in Figaro, which graphically and horribly depicted the genocide occurring on the East Coast of Nicaragua, have not received th e s ame attention as the alleged· righl·wing atrocities in El Salvador are receiving," Haig said . The remark drew prolonged ~pl a use. Despite learning that the photo's caption was inaccurate, Fischer said the administration stands by earlier allegations that "a number of repressive measures" have been take n against the Miskito Indians and o the r tribes livin g in Nicaragua's Atlantic Coast area. \J . N. Ambaaaador Jeane Kirkpatrtck also referred to the alleged mistreatment of the Indians in testimony Monday before th,e Senate Western Hemi s pher e affair s subcommittee. She charged the Nicaraguan regime with "a pattern o f syate m atlc reprealon'' of the Mlakltot. In Par is today , Henrl·Cbrl1tl1n Giraud, the editor of the newapap4't_'!, Sunday macutne. in whim lie pboto appeared. aclmowleQed t.bat tbe photo wu made iD lt'rl aad that the caption bad been .,.,,.... Olraud called the error "unfortunate" and "deplorable" but said it did ··have the positive effect of drawing the world's attention to the plight" of the Indians. The published caption read: · 'Tbe maiSacre of fi ercely. a nti-Castro Miskito Indians by Nicaragua's Socialist-Marxist ba rbudos <beard ed men, a reference to Cuban advisers) last December. Two hundred Indians were cul to pieces by grenade and automatic arms. Neither women nor children were spared_." But Floris de Bonneville, editor of the Gamma Photo Agency, which s upplied the pi c ture , sai d the s lide it provi d ed clear l y sa id "Nicaragua September l978." De Bonnevil l e s aid newspapers usually call Gamma to obtain their captions but Figaro Magazine did not. ' Two women killed by car in Dana Point Two e lderly women from Canada were struck and killed by a car in a D..-ia Point c rosswalk Monday night, according to officers. Lucile Quim.c_t a nd Lorna Stonehill, both 76, were in the Ruby Lantern -crosswalk when hit · by a car driven by RandaJ. Ward , 27, o f Dana Point, according to the CH P. CHP Officer Mitre Job.naon aatd Ward swerved to paN a car wbtcb had stopped to let tM womu pa11 and •truck them b-ot h . M s . Qulmet wa a pronounc:ed dead at tht ac!ene and Ila. StonehllJ wu dead on arrlval at lllNioa Community Hoapttal ln lll111on Viejo. Johnlon 1ald the lneidlnt l•. Wldtr .1nv-.t11at1on. " area;;." Reagan declared. The president s poke at a R epublican fund -raising reception· .for Sen. Malcolm Wallop," R-Wyo., who is facing re-election this year. Reagan also planned to campaign in Albuquerque. N.M., for Sen. Harrison Schmidt, R-N.M., and fly on to his California ranch for a vacation. Later. in. Albuquerque, Reagan said the admini~tration was willing to consider any com prehensive alterhatlve proposed by Congress "as long as it does not compromise the fundamenta ls of our tax cut program." Mocking con gression al proposals lo revise his budget plan. Reagan said, "M.any of these are not budget alternatives al all, but politiciaJ documents designed for saving certain legislato rs' p olitical hides rather than s a\t"lng the economy.·· Bj1ck in Washi n g ton , Republicans were looking for ways to shrink the politically damaging $91.5 billion deficit the administration is forecasting for fiscal 1983. Senate Republicans said the president probably would accept reductions in the Pentagon's budget and some tax changes. On the stump, Reagan pleaded for time to let his program work. "The economic mess w'e are in has been piling up for decades and will lake some time to straighten out," he said. "We must "lick to our course -a diffi c ult but straight road to recovery.'· The president declared: "This nation has turned away Crom the dizzying years of tax-and-spend. We will not go back... · Reagan said jpcreasing taxes is not tfie way-lo balance the budget. "Under past leadership in Washington," he said, ''our taxes went up more than 200 percent in the last 10 years and the budget stil l wasn't balanced... - Cautioning against a ny cut in defense spending, Reagan said the president alone is the person ··who has all the facts with regard to our national security: We dare not reduce our defense budget." He did not disclose any ot the information he said he alone has. R eagan · s aid most of the money in his $221 billion defense budget for fiscal 1983 is for m a npower maintenance and readinesss. DRINGf CBIST 1111111 Partly cloudy lonigb(. Mostly fair and a little w a't m e r We d n e s d a y . Local gusty winds throuah We dnesday. Chance of rain near zero tonight and Wednes4ay. Hiehs 6S to 68, overnight lows 45 lo SS. .111111 TDIAY So»thnn Cdiorrt1o ColMge of Costa Neaa hot tit• unenuloble to.sk of t~ to •top the uftdef.ated B.Olo· Colle~ twlcttboll t.am. &.. Cl. llDll \ '· I I . I . , ., r sh pcObei' • • :J:r 'F Af! ·p~lenge~ stq!e~ent on tight. air traf fie ~ ~lSHINoTO., (Al» -AJr Ru\ tbe Eaatorn pilot, c~lculat~d t)'at at one l>oint , tr•ttlc al National Airport wu Lawre~e S. Jones today f.9ld a Uiere was less than on• mile O;• 1cftl• When Ail' Florida P'Jl1ht '~a(IOttal Ttt~atl(>n S.iety separation between the two .,t>: IO cfided that ..otb•r Jet waa ~C)ard .b.f•fin·e-'lhll' he was not J~tllnera. , • touc;bln1 dowq oo the tame .' 'ataqne<f.by the sep11raOon. The figures, which •.ho~e'! ~ rua•11 eYen before the BoelD& Jones 1 a 16·Yt•r ~H\ern Eaistern Flight 101 toucbecl r ·, 1~..-..olf.inv.~aatorsn)'. veteran, acknowte-daed . down on runway 38 a• the Air 1 IA~ feeler re1ulaUOna however. that bla co-pilot Floridll plane was aUU on It.a >eJ: requlff two-mt e aepare\lon re,ma~ed at one point, "It looks takeoff roll, were baled in part. J • between departini and arrivtn~ fllCe .this )s gotng to be c;tou." on readin&• 'from lhe filtht data plan ea the ll\Yettl1atol's Saylns he4-had land~d many recorders from both plane•t c~\culad9P1 indicate an Eastem tlfnes' at the airport, Jones said, 1' he Feder a 1 Av la lo n :t~· Alrllw Jet brkfly shared the "As flir u I was concerned, this Administration cb&Jlen1ed the ''~ 6,~ TW\way with the Air was a proper separaUoo." calculaUona today and Francia !~~· F'6'tldi plane. . NTSB investigators have McAdams, who head11 the NTSB •• · • 11 • • lnquiry, said the data would be 11'· Ttt~ first public forum on • 1, plans to improve transportation ",systems· along north·south . cdrtJdors ·in Orange Coun.ty -inC,\udi~g the Newport·Costa Mesa Freeway -will be held tonight at Costa Mesa City ~~II. I ,.... :Jl e !sMiiQ{l o't't(anized by-the co unty Tran s portation· Commtssto11 wm begin at 7 p.m. ····and is scheduled to last two •'·hours: . ·', TWo north·south systems ex,ist • ,i n 0 r a n g e C o u n t y : t h e '•,N ~ w pol't ·Cos ta Mesa and , 1,0i::af\i~ /reeways. All other ·' major J.ransportation facilities <fun 1enerally in an east.west cc"h'ZtP"tion.~"hcordinJ ~ tr~rtalion analysts. . . . Tratrlc along the two freeways s ex pected to increase rastically. during the next 18 ears as population within three iles of them is projected to row by 27 p ercent and mployment is anticipated to ·row 29 percent, experts say. Al tonight's meeting, eight reliminary options tor mproving-the traffic flow~IJ reviewed by staff membttf'S ~ he commission and consultan~. hen members of the public ~JI et a chance to speak on ttle llernatives. ~ • Jearunne Kahan, comm1ss1on ide , said the options are xpected to be reduced to three y Augu s~ and a final .ecommendalion will be made to e five·member transportation mmission in N~mber. n_ :-·, The options include proposals make only small changes in e system to others that involve xtending the Orange Freeway the Pacific Coast Highway or dding mass transit rail lines to 'h e coast along MacArthur oulevard and J amboree Road Newport Beach. Not included are separate roposals on whether to modify r complete the Newport·Costa esa Freeway to the coast ighway. Ma8sachusetts BOSTON (AP> -Voters in six assachusetis towns Jlave verwhelmingly rej ected elforts o loosen property tax ltmits s tablished by Proposition 21h in statewide vote 16 months ago. ' I n elections Monday in incnendon, Stow. Holliston. akefield , Freetown and anton, voters refused to allow ~eir communities to assess tliigher taxes. CHARGED -Angelo Buono s ). t s i n L o s A n g e I e s, -·couTtroom listening to opening argumehls in tl}e .. Hillside Strangler·· case. in which Buono is a ccused of kilting IO women and girls. Public funds for Schmitz defense hit SACRAMENTO !AP J -A ·citizens"group is suing to relieve the taxpayers of footing the lega l expenses or state Sen. John • Schmitz. target of a $10 million libel s uit. The group. Citizen Advocates, s aid Monday lhat the use of public funds to pay for Schmitz's 'legal de{ettS:i is....";wasteful and unlawfifl. · 1t ·a-sk e d the Sacramento County Superior Court to . bl~k ~a.yment of the . funds until t~ suit 1s resQ.lve<f: Schmitz was sued Jan .. 22 by Los Angel~ attorney Gloria Allred for statements contained in a press release in which he described her as a "slick butch lawyeress." The same re lease. on the s tatio ne r y of the Senate Cons titutional Amendmertts Committee which Schmitz then chaired, c harac terized some· rndividuals who attended a statewide series of committee hearings as "lesbians" and "queer." The hearings were held tale last year on Schm1tz's proposed constitutional a mendment to equate abortion with murder On Dec. 29, S chmitz was s tripped of hi s committee· chairmanship and other Senate leadership posts . The Senate later reprimanded him. The Senate Rules Committee' has dedded to pay Schmib'.s legal fees because of what it cal le d an "obligation" to "protec t the s tate from liability," re-examined. 4 The NTSB 'lnvestlgatora and o ther 1our ces emphasized Mon~ay that no llnk had been round between the degree of separation and the accident, which killed 78 people when the Air Florida jet bit • a busy commuter bridge aDd plunged into the Potomac River. But one pilot knowledgeable about conditions that prevailed on the snowy Jan. 13 afternoon. at. National Airport said, "For this t ype of weath er It's extremely close ... The pilot asked that his name not be used. The calculations developed by th~ trfSB's air traffic control g~up show that .Eastern Plight 1451 touched down at 31 seconds alter 4 p.m. EST on National Airport's runway 36. At the, same time. according to · a transcript of the Flight 90 cockpit recorder, the Air Florida jet was still struggling to get off the ground at th~ other end of the runway, having just reached its point of no return. FAA spokesman Fred Farrar said that even if it were found that separation rules were violated the reason could 'have been the inability of Air Plorida Flight 90 to gai n proper acceleration during its takeorr. The air controll er handbook requires that a minimum of a two -mil e separation b e maintained between departing and arriving aircraft. But Farrar said that as a practical matter controllers are told they can bring an arriving plane lo within two.miles "as long as the departing plane has started i~s takeoff roll." A report submitted by the NTSB task force's air traffic control co mmittee concludes t hat "compilation a nd e xtrapo l atio n o f radar information indicates" that the separation between Flight 90 and Eastern Flight 1451 ca me~ less than a mile ( .89 nautical miles) eight seconds before the Eastern jet lal}ded. .. The transcript of the Air Florida jet's cockpit recording showed the Air Florida crew appeared not to be concerned about the incoming jet. The air trnffic controller handling Flight 90, however. warned the pilot when giving takeoff clearance ·not to delay because. he said, the other jet was only 21"2 miles out. Y08emite park route reope n ed YOSEMITE NAT I ONAL PA RK <AP> -Highway 41 into Yosemite National Park was reopened Monday; less than two weeks after it was closed when a IOO·foot section s lipped down the mountain during a storm. Park officials had estimated the southern route into the park would not be open again until Mar c h l°". Ho w ever , t he contractor completed repairs more quickly than expected , said Lisa Dapprich, the park's staff assistant. doesn't ·stop-' landlords hey wait .to convert SF apartm~nts to condos SAN FRANCisCO CAP> "....: ~that over sees condominium ··P eopl e are generally either a mightJit rainstorm nor convccsion. apprehensive about a possible e tedium of tht'& ~nights keP,l After the last appJlcaUon was· moratorium on conversion ... e hopeful Crom "'aiting outside taken "I announced to the mob real estate is not selling very ity Rall for a chan~ to conv~ do vnstairs -I shouldn't say fast ... most property owners partments into c<>ndominiums. mob, they were very well like to have the option of selling In a city where ~odest homes organized" that applications for instead of renting, the value of ordinary neiihbo}'hoods set another 1,500 units would be property goes up ... and it's or $150,000, stanalng in line for given out on a stand·by basis, easier to get a loan," Wong said. ore than 60 hour~ was a smaU. ·vong said. Judy Hawthorne, who arrived rice for some to pay for a shat Since many permits issued in at 5 p.m. Friday and earned first t getting a condominium ,.1~'!vious years have not been place on ltne, said she was onversion perml lh 1983~ 'utillied. more units might be offered $25,000 for her spot. She By 10 a.m. Mon<fay, the 46t.h permitted lo b eco me keptit. • raon in • line snaking in tbe condominiums in 1983, Wong "I'm st.ahding by to stand by,;• unda of City Hall-had signed said. • said J oan Crowley, who just f li Uo f lh l t ··10 1~ it took four weeks to moved here-from New York. p 1~~ u!fl; ~ t>.t :an4:mim fill l,Ooo and another four weeks In line since 9 p.m . Sunday, umber of apartments that can • to get 1,000 for stand-by. This. her m1mber was 85. She said it converted in a Yt\r, said Raf ye,.r we tot 2,500 in fi ve holl1'S," was wen worth her while to keep one. chief of tlie" city office Wong said. readin1 a paJjerback novel, wait I • ... 0AAH0E CQAST lilly Pilat Robert N. Weed ....... lhonws A. Murphlne .... L Kay Schultz ......... _.._"'~ Md\891 P. Hervey __,....., Kenrwlh N. Goddard Jr. ~ ...... Qwtll H. Loot ........... for a chance to register and hope that those well ln front of her rnlabl later decide not to convert or t.t1 to qualify. Ms . Crowley, who owns a two-unit house, says lt makes sense to permit condominium conversion. ''If 1 sell" instead of rent , "l get a bil chunk . . . There are a ll these bii houaea in Saa Francisco. People don't have aervanta anymore1 marri•I• are bnakinl up, ...-Un1 bUll are enormous.•• ~nd, fhe Hid, "tbe city wouN 1et more real estate texet." Durlq lb• weekend, U.O., waltlnl IDOOMd ID aleeplq .._ or Ht ln beaeb ctaaln mid ••~~1r_.,...,.,,,ii:- ~.~~~~~~.....-~~. Lllbl a~n that did UWe more than dampen u. Oraace Coa1t late Monday and euly today are ex~ to 1ive way. to clear aktea and warmer iemperatuna by Wecm..day. National Weather Suvlce offlclall 1atd the oorthem cold front that moved lnto the county Monday wu expected to drop at ,least &aall an inch of rain but fell far abort ol that figure. Jn S,Ota Ana, .10 of an lnch fell while rain aau1e1 in Colla Mesa showed .11 of an inch dropped during the brief storm. Huntington Beach weather watcher J . Sherman Denny said his gauge measured .11 of an Inch of rain, bringing .the season ' total up to 7.14 inches. He said last year at this lime. 8.21 inches of rain had been recorded in Huntington Beach . ''I'm afraid the storm's just about over and that's really too bad," Denny lamented. "We 'really have to get with it if we hope to catch up with last year." He said last March was a wet one. .. ·~wi........ ' Weather bureau orfictals predicted temperatures showd drop to about 53 degrees tonight cr nd reach a h ig h of 68 Wednesday. TICKER MUSIC The wtnd section of the London Symphon~· Orchestra warms up on the floor of' the LOndon Stoc·k Exchange in readiness for a concert ~in•n lalcr Monday night for me mbers and fri.ends._ FromPage A1 DEADLY FORCE EXAMINED • • • because of a breach of policy. Like Fountain Valtey and Laguna BelJCh. Irvine !;las a wri~ten policy on firing a gun. ~ch J)Olicies have been revised many times over the years, officials say. ~ The policy for Irvine and Fountain Valley are similar. Firearms are permitted to.J>e-f~red in self·defense or when a suspect may cause serious injury or death, in defense of another offi cer or a crime victim, to prevent a crime in which a-human life is in seri2us jeopardy and to apprehend a fleeing felony suspect who is ·considered violent and is a threat to use deadly force. Fountain Vall ey police ''generally" prohibit the . use of warning shots or attention shots except to stop an attack by a group of rioters or for s ummoning aid when other communications aren't available. Firing a gun from a. moving vehicle also is "generally prohibited. ··Most police officers go through their entire career and only pull their triggers once or twice ton duty >." explained Fountain-,Valley Police Capt. Bill DeNi s l. ''In my 17 years as a policeman I've fi red on two occasions and both times to get somebody's attention." Fountain Valley's use of the word "generally," however. still leaves open the option to use firearms. Huntington Beach Police Chief Earle • Robitaille said his department's deadly force policies closely foll ow California Penal' Code guidelines. Additionally. warning shots and firing from a moving vehicle are prohibited. -Robitaille said officers ,who have been involved in a shooting .are not· 'automatically required to meet with a psychologist, though he said such aid is always available . He added that ·a s uperior1 has the right to order an offi cer involved in a shooting to obtain such counseling if it is believed necessary Robita ille a lso obs erved thal many departments are reluctant to' adopt deadly force polic ies much toughe r than the state code because such policies may expose them to greater liabihly an civil suits. At the Laguna Beach Police Department, re!ftrictions narrow the options for use of deadly force. · Warning shots are not permitted under any circumstances Officers are prohibited from Its d1tflcult to know where to begin to tell you about my ·1atest gemological experience I just spent a wo'nderlully exc1t1ng four days In Los Angeles! Well. I know that begln.s to sound doubtful rrght away ... but let me explain The Gemological Institute of America is c urrently celebratlng its SOth anniversary and sponsored the lrrst International Gemological Symposium All the top luminarfes ol the gem and mineral held were invited to pre•nt papers on subjects of their expertise . . . lilty·llve ol the_ brightest minds 1n the gem world holding forth on their favorite subjects What an Incred i bly wonderful opportunity for tt>e 700 paf11clpapts from 32 different countries! White It wasn't possible to hear all fifty-five preMntatlons . . . l'Ometimes there were three eestlons running concurrently . . . It was po91lble ~Y carefully organizing one'• time 10 work In tw9nty11X of them •.. Ind I dldl M1ny of the ache~uled apelkers were tnenda of mine to I PlllMd thoee ~nd went to heir onea that are len • av1llllble to me under ordlnaty clrcumat1~ .•. thoM from • Keny1, Tokyo, RuNla, W•I Germany, S.wltzefland, Englar'ld. Auatralfa, Brazil, I ~ AfrQ, c.n.da. and the Netherland•. I'm aura the general public would '9008ft'-eome ot the temou1 NrMe •.. Carro411 Chetti•'"· 8•'1l•mln ZUl:Mt, ~CIWlrd Tiffany, John .....,.... <hratd Rothchild. Geo~11• Kaplan, Edward Gubefln, aiJd Or. Arohle firing from or at moving vehicles unless in seledefense or the defense of another officer or person. The police may not fire at misdemeanor suspects or persons under 18 unless they're threatening the life of an officer or other persons, which such action endangers the life of others or in cases of crimes against property. ~ Above all, Laguna Beach policy repeatedly states use of deadly force is an option only when "other means have failed." Those rules and otben make Laguna Beach'' regulations pe rh aps the m o s t s pecific of any law enforcement agency on the Orange Coast. ··Basically our rules are more restrictive and defined than the California Penal Code," said Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell. Indeed. Laguna Beach also r equires mandatory interviews with a psychologist for police officers involved in a s hooting incident. "Being involved in a shooting can be a traumatic pe rsonal experience," Purcell explained. "We found it's better to have a mandatory 'shall' policy. ·'There's a s tigma that's placed on any officer." be said, of psychological counseling. "Some call it the macho image of lhe officer. He is hesitant or reluctant to come forward to fellow police officers all the way up to the chief to s ay that ·1 think I need help.'" In Irvine, warning shots are prohibited and meetings with psychologists are encouraged but not mandated. · Though not all police agencies agree on the need for specific rules on the use of deadly force , Dr. Arnold Binder, who directed a recent UC l study on force. noted Orange County has pioneered innovati v e law enforcement procedures. "I would .say we have the most progressive police departments in the country," the social ecologist said. "l don't think I'm exaggerating wht!n I say that." , The $361.000 UCI research project, funded by the National Institute of Justice, examined 14 me tropolitan police departments over a two· year period. Binder noted Orange Count.,y was not included in the fesearch because there were not enough instances of use of deadly force. And he s aid many of the recommendations in the report have already been instituted at county law enforcement agencies .. K1lokeri nos. These have authored books that hav popular readership among non- profesaionals who enjoy gem subjects. In that lour days f gathered lots of material th1t I can share with you In ma,,Y. many future Gem Wise columns. It w. 1 great learr1ing and sharing experience for a ll who attended. MY contribution was my black opal pendant wh4ch I wore to all the social events. I especially enjoy wearing II when I know I'm going to be In the company of people. who recognize its unlquenna Ind appreciate Its rare beauty. At the' dinner-dance Ill the LA MuMUm of Natural Hiatoty I met Dr. Kalokerin•. author of "In Seuch of o-p-.1~ and "Auatrallan Precious Opel." His f.ce lit up when he NW the pendant and he aald "Ah, aupeft>, SUPERBI It ahoutd be In a mueeuml" I told him that maybe aomedlly, but fOf the preeent I enjoy weering and aharf~ It with the ope! lo¥ers emong my frlendl. I .-nc1 him that It la carefully protect.ct In a bent! veult l'ftOll · of the time and I onfJ tllke It out on~ epeclal OOCM6oM. Dr. KaloMttnoe tlCOfted 1n9 to the guarded ro~ thet hO\ml the HIQOn 98fft 9Chlbll atlhew.i~ ....... my bl-* opal ~ -°"" In that dlepta, •nd .. both ~mlne .. ..,_._ln_ '°" u.c"" ....... a .. .. Mii my bteolt -'**"' .. . noWIJl?hiei.one.-.aDM for ................ . have aotM ~ ntoe OINll lewtlry In ..... "°'9 M .. .... Jell ••• ~ ... -- ............ HAPPY 90TH Actor William Demarest (centerl is feted on his 90th birthday during his 10th annual golf tournament in Palm Springs by former president Oerald Ford (l eftl and TV host Jack Barr y. R ooney developing Iowa project The people are wonderful." Rooney and Richard L . Travelial UDCler U.. nam11 Mr.!-_Jnd Jfn, H&rdJ, Pr1M1 Qua. and ••••• Dlw 1rrh1d h••• from a laham11 vao,uon, 1 trtp which provokld royal aqer over ptotur11 of tb• blklnl·clad prtnc111 publl1h1d in two London tabloldl. The royal eouplt arrived at London'• Heathrow Airport on a commerc(al airllner, landing in heavy fol which forced sevenl other ftlabU not equipped wlUl a b1lDd landiq system to divert or wait until the weather cleared. The 20-year-old Diana, who , ls expecting a baby ln June, wore a blue and white gingham smock and an1ora jacket. Her blond hair was deeply bleached by the sun. , - A group of Churches of Christ in far western Kentucky issued a public ~hallenge to astronomer Carl 'Saran to debate t.he topic of creationis m versus evolution. Sagan, however, says he h as no lime for suc h ·'Pseudo-science.'' The challenge was issued in a full page advertisement in The P a ducah Sun newspaper. Actor Mickey Rooney, who says he has had a long love affair with the st ate of Iowa, is joining his Des Moines bu si n ess partner i n dev e l opi n g a f amily --i;ecreatlon complex ~n the southern part of the state "I fell in love with Iowa, and I've been in and out of the state, unnoticed, over the past 30 years,·· Rooney said. "I feel so at home in Iowa. Da.vis .Sr . sa id th ey purc hased the Southfork Marina on Lake Rathbun at a _public sale ro.r $335,,.00.(L They sa id they plan to invest another $200,000 to add 20 log cabins . a swimming pool , a restaurant with a dance a r e a , a c h il dren 's playground and shuffleboard and horseshoe courts. Sponsored by 23 Churches of Christ. the advertisement beg ins, "We c h a ll~ng e-­ evolutionists to engage in a · four-night, public , oral debate on the question of the ultimate origin of human beings." A forthcoming biography of Lyndon Johnson says the 36th president insisted that the Holy (;host visited him during the early morning ·hours when he received his ,daily Vietnam briefin gs. In the two-volume work, ''The Politician." the autl1'>r. Nancy Reagan's "elitist" patronizing of the fashion industry sets a poor example for women of lesser means. says Joan Mondale, wi fe ·of former Vi ce Pr'es1dent Walter Mondale. Mr s . M ondale t o ld reporters after a speech to the American Associ ation of School Administrators in New Orleans that the ti rst '·· Texas Observer magazine editor Ronnie'Dugger, writes -that LBJ asked one of his ambassadors if he thought God was making earthly vi sits. When the unidentified ambassador said no, Dugger says. the president related his spiritual enco unters. ' lady's support of designers is "great for fashion, but it has pretty limited appeal:"' "How ma ny peopl e are there who can afford to go out and buy a Sl,000 dress?" she said. t • Last month, however. Mrs. Reagan said she had decided t o s t op a cce pting the designer dresses. N O THA NK S Ast ronomer Carl Sagan has turned down a church bid to debate creationis m \'S ('VOlution Chance of slwivers Coastal Partly cloudy W•lh <llance of s-ers too»y F•lr 1111s atterllOOll throu9h w.dnndey, So11111w .. 1 wind• of IS to 2S mph al llmH looav. lhlfll119 to nortllwe•I on Wedne!lday Lows 101119111 H to SS H 19ns Wedfte sdey In 70s EIM""'-'• from Po•nl Con<•phon to the llM•l"n boroer .,,., out 60 mn.-s: WlnOi ol 10 to 11 '"'°'' with IO<•llv ,,,,,...., 9~b today LIQl!f .. rlabl• wll>ds lon•9"' W••t•rly swells Of 2 lo 3 ~ P"r!ly c iouov with chenc• o• 1ton• \now•r~ Clu<lnt ton19111 Cn•c<190 Clnctnn•tl c1 ... 1.nc:1 Columbu. Oal·FIW111 Denver Des MOlnei Oelroll Oululll e1 Puo F~Nni..s Har11ord H•IM>a Honolulu Houslon ll>dnapt11 Jatk•nvlle Ju~•u IC•11• Cllv La\V~ Llltle Rock Loullvlll• U.S. summary · :~.~"'' Mllweull• Slorm1 •--Patlll< Coa\I on Mp11-S1 P Mondey, wllll llron9 wind\ •nd NHllYllte ll ••vr rain hilli119 .norlllern New 0"'-'6 Ull!ornla, Ne" York Rain alto w•• ·sunereo from Los Nor1oll• A119e1u lo ... stern MOnl•n•, with Olll• Clly snow 1•111119 ewer lhe Cascaou •nc:I Omahe llw l)l9her ,...,.\.!!HU of the Slerca.. Oti..- IMveda. Pllll~ A <old -v• 9f"IPC>e<I llw northern "-nl• Plelns and -England, white on lhe PlllllMlrQh Soull••HI 1kle1 weu cloudy •llJI Reno lempereluret were mild. Richmond Tll• Nallonel Wulllor S.rvlu S.11 LO• fOfe<HI tor today utteci fO< "'°"• SHiii• ralff' over lht Pacific COUI, wllfl SI Louh s.-_..,.119 lhrouqll ltw no-n Spollane RocklH -,_,he northern Plall\L tu<MHI It also wltt .,_In Ille Northff\I -Tulsa rain will fall over Ille mld·Atl-llC WHlll119I,.. •t•tH, -lklel wlll be dear over Wichita / . th• Gulf COHI and Ille \OUlherl\ Pia Ins. - T•m-lltur• arounci trw nation •t -PST -a\' ren9flCI from • above t9f'O In llmes1one, Melne, to 11 CAUFOUUA AppleV ....... In H°""""", Fla. (;ood, air today Th• Air Oualll y Manaoement Dhtrlct llH pr"lcted 90od a ir quality In •II area.of U. Sovth Cou1 Air .. sin w t-y. with • Pollutlon Standard lndeaof 41. Betienfleld 8•••1-Buumonl 819 Bur Blsl!OI> BIYth• Clltalln• Culvff City EurOe Frono Lencast..-..._ LOntBMCfl Lot A ...... Ma~vlllt Monrovia -----------Monltlllel• Mon•rey •• SS 45 50 •S 60 S4 ., n ., °' l9 .. 11 66 SJ 41 21 .. 10 ., S1 u IO ll • 21 ., ., ., 44 70 541 .. .. ,. S3 S4> S3 60 SI ., 50 " 11 SI 60 .. " 70 .., n " 71 '2 u '° S1 S7 .., u · St • 62 .. '° .. 1• l3 u ,. 24 :w.. JI JO ?O 10 ,. ·20 II l3 u .. ,. .. 10 21 . , l9 31 )I .. ,, 11 JO "' ,. M 36 l:2 S4 u " u ., ,. •1 ., JS ., .. ., ,. JI Hewpor1 8Mch Oak lend Ontario Palm Sprll'IV' Pasadena Puo ROl>IH Rlve"lde Red8h.tll R.-GodClty Reno Sac r amenlo S.lln•• San Berna<dino S.n Gabriel S•n Fr enc I.co San Jose Santa ANI Santa Barbllr• Santa Cruz S•nl• Marla Santa Monk• Sto<kton TaMeVllltey ll T!Wnnel .i Tarrance S1 • • 50 S2 • S1 '° ·SI SI 11 61 S4 SI " " .. S4 Am1teroam AttleM ...... oil 8al1laclM hi rut .... r .. 8erll11 Boeot• ·arvuela 01.0eAL "0 46 U ~ o • .-1c--.,. » Geneva M Havane 60 H-IC-M Jarvwlem 43 Jo'burg SI ICiev IO Lima 50 .L.bbon SS London 0 Madrid si Ma"ll• SJ #Mxlco Clly SO MontrHI S.S MoKOW SJ NHMIU SJ New Oelhl Sl Nicosia .SI Peril M Rio SO Rome M San Juan SI Sao PeulO • si,,..._. 41 S\OCllllOMt SS Telpel ' T94 Aviv TOllyo :' ~ Tdronto SJ .. V_,c_ ti 12 Vienna .,. n 7S SS • 12 Ca19ar., .. Jt Edmon-.. .. Montreel M 41 Ottawa 11 "R ..... le .i 41 T oroMD n uv...c- 11 • Wfnnl"9 PM AM&•tCAN "' s I 17 10 7 1S SI 10 Temperatures MIWll- Needle• 9'Alres c;.a1ro c-.. C.•~ O.ln flrllllll1wt " .. "' . Maa.. MIL Albenf AJWCIUI AmeflllO ~ ... A...,,lllO A tiff ta At111111t<C1\' .... _... 8""'191M1 ....... di ....... ·-· ....... C119rlltnlC Cllef'IMftWI/ CIW'9NW "' 32 6S 7S 2A I 42 M 44 0 S1 17 • 10 .0 " M S1 .., ........ ..., ........... ': :$'., 1t M • Ot n J1 • II ... .., . tO IMCll 41 ZUIO\a .... .... .... • ...... Dir J J w Acepuleo ........ •ermude cw-.. ,..., G ,.a'1I .. ' . o ........ HH8flll .tclftel'9n ........ ..., ..... .... .,..,._.. " 7t • 11 .. " . .,,. .. • • 11 • • .. .. • • 14 $Ant• Monk• • J J w Mt1tlc•Clty ....... "9'/ N•-IMJ-.~.R. T..-..... Tr~' VereCna " n G Newll041 • I 3 W :t2 S...Olaeo~ t J It I J W 21 OlltlMlltwrw.a .. ,; 1nc~_. ........ We're Listening ••• . What do you like about the DaUy PUot? What clon't JOU llkt!.., Call the number below and ,_.. mena1e wUJ be recorded transcritied and delivered to the .,,,.,,...ate editor. The same 24-hour answerfnc HrYtce 111ay be uetd to nWd I«· ten to the editor on .ny toplc. llallboa ~but._ mlllt lMlucle • thelr .._me and telephone number for veriftcation. No citculatiaa calll, pleaae. · . ' Tell UI what'• on YOUP IDind. 84118088, • ,. • -------~-----• - '. Or8"ge COMt DAtLY PILOT/Tuelday, March 2. 1112 Moos e, se hiors .fT!W nlli· .. I Ne w carpet .at Mesa hall smoothes ruffled: fe.tbers' A dllpute over a ababb)' piece of oars* that ltd mtmbtn ot tbt M001e Lodi• to . look the · doora of tta Cotta Me11 t\•ll to a 1enlor cltlatn hot lunch Jfroll'am has been aettled. All the problem• that peaked la1t month when a SS million law14lt was filed acalnat the lod1e have been swept under the rua, IO to speak. Everyone seems happy again, NeUJport Bay bridgewo rk nea r fi n ish? The Pacific Coast Highway _ bridge over Newport Bay could be completed in eight weeks -if it doesn't rain. · Dennis Stellenberg, structure superintendent for the Kasler Corp., contractor for the $8.9 million project, said that. if the weather remains dry. three lanes now closed to traffic will be opened in three weeks and bridge construction will be complete in eight weeks. Workers now-an Tesurfaclng the three traffic lanes soon to be opened, he said. Then, construction crews will roeus on completing the bridge's median strip, to be built out of red concrete cobblestone, aqd the turning lane, Stellenberg said. ..... and they can thank Roser Al~ for tbtlr 1ucc••· Aiton owna the Carpet Barn ln Costa Meaa. He donated 145 yirdl ot plush nylon call* to - the lOdge last wee~, aUOwini· officials to tear out the old carpet and purge their problem• wltb the seniors at the same llme. "He went out or hJs way to help ua ," said Moose lodge secretary Dan Reddick. "He told us to come on down to the store and pick out anything we -,vanted." Tbln1s werel)'t always so easy, however. Jn fact the . conflict between tbe loyal Order ~f MOOAe Lodge No. 1457 and officials from the Transportatiop Lunch and Counseling program got downright dirty. It began Jan. 13 when TLC workers attempted to move refrigerators, a dishwasher. microwave oven, tables, chairs, s ilverware and files to a new location at Rea Middle School in Costa Mesa. Moose lodge members refused to surrender the equipment until a carpet installed by TLC two years ago was_r:~laced . "WJiit fol owed-was a series of charges and counter ch,rges that left the relationship between the lodge and TLC as worn as the tom, shabby carpet under · dispute. TLC filed a SS million lawsuit against the lodge. And Moose lodge members returned the 9qU\pm1Dt only altar U Oraqe !coanty Superior Coun Judie i0rdered them to. , But while the returned -equipmeqt. enabled tbe bot luncb pro1ram to pt back to normal, 1l left lodte memberl coollal ' •tbelr heels on a seam,,,apllt carP.et. 1 In Jtepped Aston. The 33-year·old Co&tA Mesan explained that be wanted to donate the new rut t.O help end the dllpute between the loclie and the senior cltlzer, croup. ·'My grandmother Coet to a similar senior pro1ram ·la New Mexico," said Aston.-f•(f abe didn't have th•t I don't know where she'd be, I J\lll .-lfl'&ed to do something." • Shirley Cohen, director of TLC, said she hopes the attoneys for the lodge and the bot lunch program can come to an agreement to end the $5·milllon lawsuit. "It was really terrific of the carpet peopte," said ?tf s. Cohen. "Everything is goinl re-11y fine. The seniors seem real happy." Bomb t h reat h oax --SAN DIEGO <AP> - Passengers on a Western Airlines flight for Las Vegas were two hours late departing after authorities emptied the plane in response to a M>mb threat, a spokeswoman for the airline said. No bomb was found in the Saturday incident. ~e''· . . .. 8('6wef J ~"' "" -rvo . p~? Use /111$W~f /It/· service when placin.g your ad ... a Daily Piiot ad number will appear in your classified ad , . . . we take your messages 24 hours a ~ay ... you call in . at YOlf r . convenience during office hours and get I . the resPQ nses to your ad ... t h ~s . se ~v.:io e · is oni v .. $5.oo w.eel<. For more Tnforma- tion. and. to place your ad ca 11 642-5678. .. • • I 'I s Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tue.y, .,.aroh 2, 1982 • WASHINGTON <.\liJ. -A 'top. -.· 0 Wlthin months ot the CCMIP1 en ta Io 11 o rr l ~ t• l s a ya ·. U.S. intelligence detectetl t.be eftist-ruled Grenada, a ti~. 11 arrival or Cu b a n 'mllltar~ rlbaa and nation, "hdi. personnel •• who report• ••iii co base available td. ~ establishing tr~ ... • n ." mlssioMther r D e d C . I k 1 e.. ·,ow ~ visi~flll!lll ol. d y of defense for 1 ie1• . ' y was ~ ~ al llClll'" iiffe til•t c ry pt~ ,, j~fif)anuar:~t-ol.a ark:W jhe ale Arm ~ ......... U.S. irMUl._noe rv.mitttec. \n listuw· •)ija.-:w-1.ing thf ~ • at were,fJlt~iet gairir:_ of~~ ever •tnu.·anc1 u world. :Y' •wirii "'\hat, althoul.lr" still A, I& I k 1._ d i d' n q) , .11n . eou\ruc.tion, It has a a · • in nh recent .• eqUll}lftd . !Jl>halt ranway ti tt was laraed that a Jtttt~earJy two mllea and !JIPIL•U.S. otelligen~ -tstaableofbandling Soylet anct ~t es r--e n ad a-:. '1:.QbaD trans ports and otber .._...__.......M·tionaf 1'}obUizati~~ -.J:.Uie lltc.raft. i ltig new'"airfield Tbe Vnited States r ecently n . with qaejor Cuball dm.cluded a deal to aell F-16 'PS be u-.by SoviQ ·t141hter planes to Venezuela and d nes. d'cl minislHUon officials hne . ence Sdbrces. who j uslille.d tbe sale befote clillecf to:be identified, saia Consrfis by saying the planes e •la fem e n t. b y the aJle neeesaary ~o help prdtect vernment 'mipistir.-identified '2.Ml&aela aeamst the-pwi.,.._ ly ·u •1StrachaD.~ was the tbrea~ flliom "Soviet bulll MlG-23 t • ..,.,roation 1tbat the air-P,l•• atiae.puban air force. e ...W* useq'for anythiJtL_ _ Sup]iortina ,l~ belief that tM e;\ Gie-fourist trade, whicl) II new alrftekf ts likely to be med ~~was advertised Whet\ b)' Soviet and Cuban aircraft ls a · ~15tartedJn 1979. repQfl t ecel ved by U .S . t w~ not clear when or where intelligence that a Soviet air ~trachan" made Che remark defense system will be installed .itributed to him in the U.S. in the vicinity of that field. intelligence report. Grenada is The number of Cuban military strateg ically located on the and civilian advisers in Grenada eastern rim of the Caribbean, is in the hundreds, according to north of Venezuela. · U.S. sources. With the total ..:'Altho u g h t h e R eaga n popu l ation of Grenada administration has concentrated numbering only about 107,000, I I! public statements of concern U.S. offi cials consider even a "' w.fl W'l it aay s are few h un dred C ubans as ban ·~a ck e d g u e r r i I fa ·. representing a major Jjresence movements in Central America. and innuence. i·s administration and the Along with keeping tabs on rter administration before it pr.ogress of the new airport, U.S. 1ve bee n worried about intelligence .has t urned up rceived Cu ban effo rts to so-far-unconfirmed reports that ~blisb footholds among-sviall the Cubans-may be building a JRcJ. impoverished island natiol)S. new base for s ubmarines or. Vl!_t!'e Caribbean. other naval vessels. ~)\fetely. three years ago, a · The intelligence sources sajd &fup by the leftist .. New J ewel there is exten&ive dredging of Movetnent," headed by Maurice s hip c hannels but that the Bishop, took control of Grenada. evidence is inconclusive as to ich became independent in whether the channels will be 974 after having been a Britis h used by naval craft or other lony. types of ships. " JUST TRAINING Troops of the 25t h U.S. APW ........ exercise· Tectm Spirit "82. -'Ptre annu al maneuvers involv(' 157.500 troops and will r~n through April 26. Infantrv Division arrive at Osan U S Air ln se south of Seoul from Hawaii t o pa rticipate in the U.S.-Korean joint milltar~ Gourt to-study generic drugs Georgia · school board selection ruled unconstitutional WASIDNGTON <AP> -Here, at a glance, are highlights 0£ U.S . Supreme Court action Monday . CONSUMERISM The court agreed to rule whether . increasingly popular generic drugs can be sold before they ·are reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. . The justices s aid they will review a lower-court ruling last year that FDA approval is not needed before a generic drug is offered for sale if only the drug's inactive ingredients s uch as coating and capsules differ from those in a brand-name product. -Gene-rie-dr11~-are chemieal- equi valents of higher:priced, brand-name prescription drugs. RACE Without waiting to hear oral arguments, the court ruled that the way the Thomasville. Ga., school board members were select e d for 61 years is unconstitutional. The court uphe ld a federal appeals court ruling dismantling lbe T homasville system. in which the board and Its retiring m e m bers ap po inte d n e w members . No black had ever served on the school district's · board until a suit was filed in 1979 challenging the way board m embers are chosen. The court also refused to free A lower court, ruling that the 1977 s t ate l aws a r e unconstitutional, said it cannot withdraw its consent once that· North Dakota's gover nor had ap proved the pro~ose d migr atory bird sites. J\ vitaJ portion of the hM>itat of U.S. migratory w~terfowl is located in North Dakota. Bridgeport, Conn . from COU RTS-PRESS complying with a sweeping TJae court rejected a Texas order to remedy past racial bias ne ws paper's attempt to curb in the city's fire department. judges' power to exclude the Without comment. the justices public and press from pretrial let stand a lower -court ruling hearings in non-crim inal cases. that ordered the city to freeze By the an 8-1 vot~. the court promotit>hs and-otref jobs toa rert fntacl a T-exas judge's fixed numbe r of blacks and decision to close a pretrial Hispanics. , cil hearing in a lawsuit over alleged FEDERAL LAND b a n k m I s m a n a g e m e n t . The jus tices agreed t o Attorneys for the bank 's consider reinstating a series of directors contended that a North Dakota laws that curbed public airing of the charge.s at a the federal government's ability p r e l iminary hearing would to acquire .. waterfowl protection ··impinge upon the oper ation area~" formigrat.ery·birds·:· ···· 1tftd reputation'~ ofth e bank-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=--~~~~~~~~~~~ Reagan's aid plan ~assailed - MANAGUA, Nlcar11ua (AP> -A &polcumao for the Sandinista National LlberaUoo Front, whlc;b doa:alnatea the Nicara1uan aovernment, 11ld Monday that the pl1n PrHident Reaaan proposed to aid the Caribbean ls too small to solve the reaion'd problems. Commander Bayard<!._ ~rce, coordinator or the rW>nt's political commission , told a national labor group th1t Coat.a Ri~a alooe would need a:aore ~han three times the $350 million l\eagan proposed in additional ~ergency aid for six ~conomkally strapped countries in Ule reglon this year. ''Therefore, it is obvious that President Reagan's economic plan will not solve at all the problems of the countries of the C a r i b.,b e a n a n d C e n t r a 1 America," Arce said. It was the first comment from a Sandinista leader on the U.S. appropriation announced last Wednesd ay to ai'd nations su ff e r i n g s h ort -t e rm balance-of-payments problems. Bes ides Costa Rice", they included El Salvador, Honduras,· Belize. J a maica and the Dominican Republic . Reagan s aid he excluded Nicaragua, Cuba aod Grenada because they are "totalitarian" and threaten the r egion's security. The ne ws paper Barricada, voice of the Sahdinis ta front, s.aid last week that Reagan had resorted to "new aggressions" in his plan. The Reagan plan, intended to h elp 17 friendl y nations in Ceptral Ame r.ica a nd the Caribbean basin, also would allow duty-free entry of most ,, products from the region for 12 years and provide tax incentives for U.S. investment. The Reagan administr ation h as been s ha rply critical of Nicar agua for al l egedl y handling arms shipments from Cuba intended for guerrillas fighting the U.S.-bscked jmta in El Salvador. Call 642-5678. Put a few word's ·-··-··--··..to work tor you. 'I ---- I. Neighbor to throw pgrty during couple'8 western stay SANTA BARBARA <AP> -Prnldent and Mn. Rea1an - comtn1 West thls week will apend four days at their rartch, l n c ludi nc one day at a nei1ht>or'a ranch at a party for about 300 frie nd s and ac<tuaintances, the White House annolinced. The president and first lady will .journey a few mlles from their Refugio Canyon ranch to , the Santa Ynez Va1ley on Sunday to host a nationally televi se d s alute to country-western music featuring MerreHaggard. · 'Phe event wUI ~ the main Item on the agenda during the president's visit to his Rancho del Cielo ranch from March 4 - the Reagans' 30th wedding anniversary -to March 8. It will be 'Reagan'$ seventh trip to the ranch in his 13 months as president. Local Republicans originally had hoped tbe partJ would be a smatt 1atheriq at Rancho del Clelo, mainly for local party workers. That bu evolved into the party for • -. plus two d<>zen or so local residents -at 1,200-a c re Rancho Sierra Grande, hosted by Stuart and Lynn Glldred, tbe1r aons Stuart Jr. and Tyler, and daughter, Tiffany Ann. Olldred, a native of Mexlco City who was educated ln the United States, ~lbt the ranch for more than St million in 1975 when it was known u Wine Cup II and was owned by Reagan's close friend, actor Jimmy Stewart. • Guests will drive to Santa Yn ez Valley H igh School parking lot, then be bused to the ranch a few m iles. west on Re fugio Road. The festivities begin at 11:30 a.m·. a nd the Reagans are expected to stay . for about three hours, the White House said. f' ''We're his ~&oeest neighbor to the north, and he ( Rea1an) wanted to come to a workine ranch that had some historical backaround," Gildred said. "Wben l heard he planned the Ra1gard show. I sent blm a • letter inviting him to use the ranch," said GUdred, who runs cattle on the s pread and also trains cutting horses, used on ranehes to control cattle. Theme of the day -will be recognition of country-western "Stars of the Future." The Public Broadcastina Service wiU tape the fesUvlties as part o! a series of Sunday afterpoon salutes to the American arts it has been broadcasting from the. Wh ile House. It .will be broadcast at 10 p,m. April 2S as part or that series, according to a PBS spokeswoman in Washington. Hlindreds 'pick up' bargains Scavengers prize market discards ; health ri~k told LOS ANGELES (AP> - Supermarket discards intended for the garbage dump are prized Missing boat, 4 Dien found SAN DI EGO (.AP> -The Coast Guard says searcher s found a 24-foot pleasure boat • reported missing for a day with four men aboard. It was idled in 'the water by engine troutiie south of the Coronado is lands. The craft, ~elly Lynn , was towed in by the Coast Guard cutter Point Brower with the four, San Diegans ag>oard in good condition late Suncjay. Chief Mark Ravenscroft said. as the ultimate food bargains - eagerly claimed by hundreds of people who pick through the giant trash containers at the re ar of Los Ange les area grocery stores. ·'Sometimes I open the door and there's about 30 people out here. seriously," said Tony Aguilar: a receiving clerk at an Alpha Beta s upe rmarket on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood . A figure of 1,000 supermarket garbage pickers in Los Angeles would be "conservative," one county health inspector said, but other health officials a nd police say they have no idea how many peop~e do their s upermarket· shopping by scavenging through a store's garbage. "lt's not so much bums and hobos: it's· people in the upper and middJe classes too," said Mike Westerveit, who has worked a total of 13 years at Ralph's s upermarkets in Beverly Hills and South Los Angeles. "There are some who have really high intelligence" and are trying,, to stretch their food dollar in tough economic times. he said. Or. Betty Agee. deputy chief of the CommunicabJe Disease Sect ion of the Los Angeles County Healt h Department. said: ·we know it goes on. I don 't know of any way we would have numbers on t hem ... We've had no reports of any. disease outbreaks associated with scaven in . " 7 Ofange Oout DAILY PILOT/Tut!dav. March 2/tt82 UNUSUAL "GAVEL"' Maurice Jordane. right . receives short -handled hoe from Supreme Court J\ii;;tice Cruz Reynoso. as Jordane is sworn in as a Montere\' Count\· municip~I judge. The hoe was formerly used A,.W~ by Mexican field worke rs that J ordan.a worked to outl aw in the late 1970's when h8t was with A g ricultur al L abor Re l at ionlii'! &a~· n tJfJ :>c Attack on gypsy. moth de:,bate~ SANTA BARBARA (AP> -fruit trees in the northeastern residents and enviro~me~lali. Agricultural offi cials in Saqita United "States has infested the said an environmental imp Barbara County· hope to begin hilly Montecito area eas{ of report prepared by the count · an eradication prouain against here. agricultural commissioner th~ voracious gypsy moth next Four egg masses found in weighted toward aerial sprayufi month, but a decision hasn't traps since last month have of the pesticide carboreil. ~ been made yet whether to use begun to hatch two or three oppone nts argue d tbat t~ 'aerial or ground spraying. caterpillars a day. compoun~ dtcreases the bumM The moth, con!ridered the most body's ability to ward ~Jl serious pest of shade, forest and At a hearing last week, local viruses. ' ~~~~~~~~----,,~~~~-:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ Pi.one.er I 0 spends lonely anniv~rsary SHUTTERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHU 11 ERS • MOFFETT FIELD <AP> -Pioneer 10, the first spacecraft to Jupiter, celebrates its 10th anniversary today alone, streaking' through the d a rk reaches of space beyond the orbit of Uranus. 2.5 billion miles from the sun on a s iJent voyage out of the solar system. Despite its decade-lopg jaunt through space, complete with bobllJardment by meteorites and a battle..with Jupiter's mighty radiation belt, all of Pioneer lO's function, with one exception, continue to operate and return data on the extent of the Sun's atmosphere to scientists on earth. And that excites experimenters like Dr. James A. Van Allen of the Univ4)nity of Iowa, who awaits data fro m t he s pacecraft ''with intense ..J!JCCitement, because we think the SUD is typical of a majority of the stars ln the universe. It's the only· star we can measure ff'On\ 'close up: "Finding the extent and exact mechanisms of the sun's atmosphere will ten us a .peat deal about the Sun itsel!, about interstellar •u surrounding the solar syst em, and hence about stars io_ general." Since Pioneer 10 was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 2, 1972, it has. traveled 3.27 billion milf#i~ received oveL 40,000 commands from Earth and transmitted more than 125 billion bl~ ot scientific data to waiting scientists. · Thal data, transmitted by an 8-watt radio, now takes three hours and "'2 minutes traveUng at the speed of light to return to the receiving station at the Natio n a l Aer o n a utics and Space Administration's Ames Research Center south of San Francisco. . · It was the first spacecraft lo traverse the asteroid belt. Fears that swarms of tiny meteorites might riddle Pioneer 1t were laid to rest when it was discovered that the belt was made up mostly of clumps ol mat..rtal, not small Individual particles. n.....-:r.:----··· . ------. . ......... .. --..-.--........... ....... _.__ ·c==~ ---·-........... -. ----: ....... -._ .. _ ... __ . --. ,_ ....... ,. .... __ ,.. ... ir •• _. _____ ......., . "Equally Effectl11e 1o; Adulb"' Designed, Finished --..Jejf- lnstalled - -~ - 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARl(ET TODAY •.. AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714) 548-a41 orS48-1717 19n Placentia Avenue• Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • ·SOUTH COAST PLAZA An Extraordinary Bridal Show JEWEL COURT Arranged by Gene's for your viewing . Sunday, March 7, 2 p.m. -.. ~&bl Video KINDERGARTEN IS TOO LATE!! ·Your baby has an overwhelming desire and ability to learn anything, and YOU are ~r child's best teacher . . Glenn Doman's '!How to Multiply Yqur' BabY'-1 lntellltenee" course will teach vou hOw to give your chlld the chance to learn m.atll, readl•lc_ music, art, gyWics, Mil,... .. Yntua .. s fr~m b~-sixyunofage. --. ~ ;a.:.-•• it:.iB~'...-. Teaching your thUd Is great tun, you'll -.c~~ closer friends 1 .. v1:=:ed live at Philadelphia's " In for the Achievement of Human Pelentlel, this 5-day course-will help you enhance .,., Mby's visual, audl.y, ,......., Uctllec..~....,. .. , aftcl moltlllty . 4evel1pmeRI. uon'f mlss this unique apparttwUtyl COURSE DAT•S: Mlarch 8-12 9am~m P.LACE : Holiday Inn Laguna HUii .. .. J .. . - V ~LOT/1'•~. M1tah 11 1111 ._, . I ~. ~~--.---i-i~-------- t-oaStal Commssion 1! oversteps the mark l • ; ' An. appellate court rullof So far as Orange County ls ~ declaring the. s tate Coastal concerned, the court. order ls not r 1 t Co mmissiop's g uidelines on expected to have a major effect. I RUblic beach access along the . The Blue Lagoon community ln 1 ~ast unconstit utional hardly South Laguna , which was comes as a surprise. ordered to provide public access ~ The court. struck down the across its priva~ ~arking l.ot in .. rrent guidelines; which require return .for a ~mat to build a ltublic. access in r eturn for p~otect1ve sea wall, presuma~ly building permits, declaring them wall take adva~tage of the rulmg to be so broad they could be to re·app\y. 11bplied to types of development So too co~ld the Emerald tflat have nothing to do with Bay cdmmuni~y, whl.ch was oublic access . ordered to provide public beach ~ Acknowledging the general access before buil.ding a new ~ oeed for -beach . access, the clubhouse ~d tennis courts .. As ; t~ree-judge panel .declared ttia~ for the Irv1.ne Coast, t~e rubng '· ~he commissi~n •s aggressive ·could have httle effect smce f!10St application of its guidelines of t~e beach area already 1s a r1nores the rights of private pubhc sta~ park. p'roperty owners. The original Th~r~ is no doubt the Coastal inte nt. said the court. was to ~omnuss1or,t has be~n successful a9sure that major developments m prese~mg pubhc a~cess .to along the coast should not be many mil e~ .o f CaJ1forn1a ~rmitted to block. beach access. beaches. But 1t 1s absurd. as the r: . . court concluded, to suggest that •· · In ~pp~1cahon. however. the minor additions to an existing ,, co mm1 ss10 ~ generaJly has private ~ property constitute an ~e m~nded that access be "intensificationoflanduse"that , p1ov1ded ~henever a beach justifies dedication of ne w public : property 1s r e modeled or access routes. ) enl ~rged ---:-even to the e:ct~nt of The commjssioh's arrogant • a dd mg a ,SJilgle room, bmld1~g a a Ppr 0 a c h ha s pr 0 v 0 k e d sea~a ll to pro.l e.c t against legislative action twice in recent . erosion, or r~butldtn_g a home years. Last year . the state destroyed_ by fire. as. m the case L eg i s lature re moved t he ofthe Maltbupropert1es. co mmission 's authority to ln a response to the court d emand so-called .. affordable fuling that ch'!racterizes the ho us ing " in a ll new coastal r\jgh-handed attitude of the de velopments. It could hap~n ( oommission. executive d~rector again. · MiChael Fischer declared. "Big T he question is on e of d eal !" The appellate court int ell i ge nt ba·lan ce . injunction presumably will be Unfortunatelv. that has not been '( S"ppealed to the stat e Supreme the spirit. o f the Coastal Court Comrnission. ·· 1 : • " .I Watt's double talk Interior Secretar v J ames W.att surprised television viewers last week bv announcing on an · interview.-tiow that he will ask Congress to approve legislation providing for a moratorium on oil and gas drilling and mining in l th'e nation's 80 million acres of • ' wilderness areas until the year 2000. At·the.outset. it appeared the c'C:>ntroversial Cabinet member had finally decide~ to respond to complaints of environmentalists t hat he is bent on destroying the • protected areas. • But when details of h is ~ proposal came out the next day. : a \'ery different picture emerged. ~ Under_ the Wilde rness Act of i 1964. all wilderness areas would ! be closed to mining a nd drilling,, i activities permanently starting 1 at the e nd o f 1983. Watt 's i proposed amendment to the act ~ would extend that protection onl y · for 17 years. then automaticall y r eopen the areas for leasing. } barring congressioDal action. ' Additionally. it would ttirealen some 60 million acres w!h i c h ha ve been und e r ! c~nsideration for inclusion in the 1 W7 l<terness aTeas by gtving • C~ngress deadlines to make up t it$ mind on the additions. H the l deadlines were missed. the lands • n~w held in reserve would again ' bd open for leasing . l 1 Describing Watt's proposal {as "a duplicitous hoax." leaders : off environmental f roups accused H he secretary o deliberately mi srepresenti n g his true intentions to the people and trying to mislead Congress. The groups vow to join forces block congre8sional passage t the legislation. Unfortunately. the timing is ot very good for Secretary Watt. Earlier l as t month he roused the ire of congressmen y r efusing to let people in his • de p art m e n t provide congressional committee staff members wi th background information pr ior to committee hearings. as has always been the custom. · That was capped by his flat refusal to provide the House Energ~· a n d Commerc e Committee with a number of subpoenaep documents dealing w i t h Can ad i a n ·e n e r g y a nd investment policies. Watt said he was withholding t h e data o n o rd ers from President R eaga n and on grounds of executive privilege. Committee membe rs said the cla im was spurious. that the documents had little or nothing to do with nation al security and hadn't even been reviewed by the president until Watt sought to make the executive privilege claim. So the committee voted to cite the secretary for contempt of Congress for failing'to respond to the subpoena. If the full House concurs, he could be subject to criminal prosecution. Watt says he will go to jail r-ather than comply. -underthe circumstances he hardl y finds himself in the best pos ition to pus h h is land management policies through Congress. Watt has insisted throughout that his views coincide precisely with those of the presiden t. giving rise to speculation that he may be being used to push a hard line that would be politically '" unwise for the president himself. · lf that's the case. he is a good man for the job. apparently quite impervious to criticism of any kind. But sooner or later. even the president may have to realize that the . line Watt is pursuing. with or without presidential blessing, is a millstone around the n~k of the administration. pinions expressed in the space above Me thole of the Dally Pilot. Other Yl~ws ~··· r1tssed on tnis page are tnosebt tl"teir a""'°"s and artists. Reaoer comment ~s 11\V•t· . Address ,Tne Dally Pilot, P.O. Bo• 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 921>2'. Phe>M•(114) • ·4321. • fibt bla town appeals to you 01U Polbter1 asked 1,SOO urnallsm ltudents to name tlle Uet where they'd like to work .,_ aduMiaa. They lilted, in order: 1. ew Yon CltJ. J. Wuhlnctoa. D.C. JM Mp1el. '· Olalcato. ADd I . I all•. No nurse or doc'°r bu even heel\ kDOwa ,to eatcb .. leprasy from a patlnt. 9o contends a lllaml denD....,._t named Nardo Zalaa. Polltlcal polls are banned b\ .rraace • week before national elecUona. all ·-"'· """I ... ··' Chips down • ID Silicon Valley Word is seeping out that the bubble is about to burst on what has become known as "Silicon Valley," California's center 'of high technology. If it does Charlie Olson aod his fellow orchardists 'fill have the last laugh. -Charlie Olson is dead and most of his fellows have long sinc.e been driven out of what was once the fruit-growing Eden of the world. Filled with ~autiful orchards of Bing a nd Royal Anne che rries. Blenheim and Moorpark apricots. peaches, pe,ars and prunes, the valley's products were treasured around the globe. OLSON'S .• ORCHARD now remains the only stand of cherry trees between San Francisco and-San Jose in this once fertile valley and is a living monument to his bitter battle t o pres~rv e agriculture in this region. His fruit stand on El Cam ino Highway at Sunnyvale, where cherr ies are so neatly packed row on row in a style .-ng forgotten by most, still is a bufding attraction during the fruit season. ' But few now remember. the glorious days when the 250-square-mile Santa Clara Valley. blessed with the ideal com bination of perfect c limatic condmons, rich soil and ample water .. produced an abundance of fruit the equal or which could be found nowhere else on earth. Gone are the days when. standing at a vantage point in the Saratoga hills. the entire valley was blanketed with the s pringtime blossoms .as far as the eye could see. In their place, in the nllme of "progress," came the post-war high technology, computers; semiconductors and other electronic miracles. More than 800 s uch firms now pack the valley totally changing the face of the earth and gaining the name of "Silicon ... At the outset this conversion was greeted with whoops and hollers by the land speculators, real estate · brokers. builders and businessmen 'who saw ; . fARl WATIRS millions of new dollars pouring into the area. Never mind the destruction of this one of a kind fruit growing region; big bucks were ahead. Olson a nd the other orc har.d1sts fought a losing battle as they tried to resist the takeover of th~r farmlands. But the speculator>s wete formidable. They got the assessors to change the property t ax assessments from farmland to "the highest potential use." driving the cost of farming sky high Olson and others banded together lo take the fight to Sacramento where they pleaded for property tax relief. Alas. that relief for farmers was too Jong in coming for most. Gradually. one by one. and then two by two, they capitulated untrl almost all of the orchards were no more . Determined to remain. Olson even withstood a low bfow by the city which inexplicably ran an unnecessary highway through the m iddle of · his orchard bisecting his ·farmland in an effort to dislodge him. The industrialization of the valley brought a buildin g boom and prospenty. e~ploding the region into the fastest growing area of the state. San Jose zoomed from a sleepy farm center or less than 50,000 to well over half a million. The quiet village of Sunnyvale soared from l ,500 to more than 106,000 In 1980 the electronic firms produced better than $8.5 billion in products. BUT UNLIKE the orchards which, had they not been uprooted would remain a stable economy, the tiigh technological industries _are facing a crisis. As Time-magazine recently reported , "a few serpents" have crawled into this seeming economic Eden. An innux of immigrant labor, M e~ican. Filipino and Vietnamese, paid exceedingly low wages, has resulted in social problems. A low level of smog has settled over the vaJley creating .health hazards Crime is on the rise . And property for industry as well as homes has become too expensive. The average home now costs $128,000. making 1t difficult to recruit the highly trained personnel essential to the industries According to Time the signs of ebb tide are upon the valley . New companies are now looking elsewhere to locate as are established firms wishing t o expand . L ik e loc usts. having devoured everything in sight, they are now ready to move on; wh.ile some will r emain the hey-day is over. Wh en history weighs the long-last.mg benefits of the orchards against the short-lived gains of the electronic boom and the ecological and sociological impatts or the two. Olson will loom as the prophet whose voice went unheeded to the great loss of California and the world. And Santa Clara Valley will be remembered only as yet another victim of the false god of progress. Will computers replace bookshelves? How many books have you read? If you had to write down the names of the 100 greatest books of all lime. how rar would you get? "The Valley of the Dolls" and "The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet" ere not among them, I'll give you that much of a tip. A. great teacher named Stringfellow Barr had a revolutionary idea for educating his students when be was president of St . J ohn's CQllege in Annapolis, Md. His idea was simply to make them read the 100 best books of all time. ~hat was it. The four-year college course consisted of nothing but those 100 books and he made up the list. STRINGFELLOW Barr died last month and I thought it would be interesting to give you bis idea of the 100 best books. I went to a lot of trouble to get the list, but now that I have it, I'm not going to pass it on because the chances are you wouldn't even read the list, let alone the book.I on it. I never b e ard of half of them. Ptolemy's "Almuest"? Aristarchus's "On the Distance of the Sun and the Moon"? I see a few familiar faces OD the list: "Gulliver's Travels''; llontaicne's "Essays"; "David Copperfield"; "Tbe Constitution of the United States"; ''The Bible": Marx 's "Das Kapital"; ··Ham let··: Darwin ·s ·'Origin of Species." Is there anyone alive who doesn't wish he'd read m ore? I have this terrible guilt feeling about not reading as much as I ought to, but~1 don't see . ,~~ -110-Y -H0-11-Y -_ -~ any prospects for improving my reading record now. It t~s so long. Whenever I have time enough to sit down and read a book, I get up and go do something e~. "l ',d never read a book;" President Woodrow Wilson said. "if I co'1ld talk for half an hour with the man who wrote it. II I agree with that. I think most people can tell yotr everything they know in half an hour, and after that they're just padding il out. I sure wi$h I could have spent half an hour with Plato. His book "The Republic" is on the greatest books list. We have it on our shelf home and 1 often try to read it. I'll take it down and start into it, but I never get very far. · -That while the islands hue tripled ln population since t•. the number of reclstered vehicles has risen by a full mapitucle, from 4,000 to 40,000. (And non-natives now far out.n.unber naUve lalJnden). -Tbal the S25 million the U.S. paid to acquire tbe Vlr1lns ln lt17 from Denmart WQ our costliest ter:rkorial acquJaillon: S300 an acre, compared with I~ ror Alaska and r, cent.I for the PhUlpPines. Sorry about that, Plato. but your book just doesn't grab me. I know you've got some good ideas in there. but you gab too much before you get at them. Plato, or course, wrote his books in Gr.eek. so there isn 't much left of whatever literary grace he had. Most books that have been translated sound like the instructions that come in Eng_lis~ for a toy mad~ in_ Tokyo. A lot more books are bought than read in this country. As a writer I'm certainly not going to object to that. but there's no doubt people often fake an interest in books that they don't feel. Some books are used like wallpaper. A full bookshelf with its variety of colors and sizes presents a pleasant face and at the very least makes the owners look as though they wished they read books. l'M SUSPICIOUS of people whose s helves are lined with books they haven't read. but mine are, too. I tend to read the same three or four books over again instead of picking up a new one. Most libraries , don't bave all the books on Or. Barr's list, but J suppose it won't be long before we all have computers where our booksherves are · now and we'll be able to call up any. book we wish. Someone will certainly offer a chip ror sale the si1e of the head of a pin with every ~ne ol those 100 greatest books on it. I'll hate that. I love the books I hne on my shelves, even..1be. ones I 'll never read qain. They're old friends lookinf down at me as I live my life, lgnorin1 their wisdom. Just ,iancillg at their titles once 1n a while brinp a •arm 11ow tbat no computer will ever duplicate. U I ever read Strinlfellow Barr's 100 p-eatmt books, I'll do lt on the paper oo wbleb they wye written. .... IOn -Hwy by I r ....... • •• "Caddle" (1ff1) HM\ MOrM, .leak T~ aon. A YOUflt WOfMtl IM\l9t her OOMfortllDM M!utb#I "°"" end ,..., oruer .IMbend, ~IM<I IO tlM IUll r~ tor IUPPOl'tlng r,., cf'lltdlen br doing Wiiii.. Odd JoOe -C4ll\ get, 10:00. a l'UMINOO ~ I i I -... I I \ ' -EYENltG--·. ... !&...~· • ..,.. IHADOw .THI.PW .HAWAII~ I ...... IWPO«T UNDIMTANDtHG HUMAH~VIOA 1is- • *'A "Uttte Boy Loaf ' ( 1878) John Hvgr11-. Nethan De-. Aurel Au. tr.a.ii lermers ambeflto on • -Ch to IOc:eta a 4. Y9V-Old IOel In the bulh, SHY ORPHAN -Leslie Landon tries to decide if she s hould adopt sh~· orphan . played by Tina Y others on "Fat~el' Murph~·" tonight at 8 on KNBC 14>. IOl'ne 1ntlgllt Into bll8lnea8 lunch time dMknaklng; en attempt II mede to debunk myth• about N• and ft ,NIM.. v l'BJD ~ 'LAmwe a 8H1Rt.EV & OOMPAHY Attenbor~ lllu1tratff the "911 end fdVIAllQM otlle....,..Q • HltNA "Lltr. P.eent '9ndlng" The promleal ... pat1le of genecic 8nQlnaarlng and 111 ""'*' on lnduatry, mad'- olne end U1W81'9lllee .,. examined. Cj) ~ TYrona tr1M to fotoe ~ lo UM hie I*· ~ Md palUGal power I'°~·-= 19 HMTTOHMT A ~ o.teolor who 11 being llelp8d by the Harte le lrlllMd fof mut'cW. Q ®MOYll * * * * "Reglng Bull" (19'0) Aober1 Oa Niro, C11t1y Motlefty. Boxing cNmpiOn Jake La Mott1'1 1pllluda for violence brlnga him ~ In the ring but dltruptl hit per· IOflal Ille. 'R' .MOVIE • • • "Flrat Famlly" (1N01 Giid• ~.Bob Newflart. The NllUllly r.-.ci Cllughfer of the COYntry'I wWdM1 prell- derltill tM\lly CIClfnClllCa1• lier teltler'• 1t1empt1 to c:oniklct thl 1tfalr1 of 11"8.'A' 'G' ())MOVIE Lenny Ind Squlfgy dac:4de to ln-t In lllent rnovlel. D EYEOHL.A. F.lllurect; a rtlPOfl on a m1guln• thll go11lp1 1t>out the 1tet9; • profile or Rick 8'>rlogflald; per1 two of 1 report on peydllel. (B)MOVIE • • • ··The Longeet Yard" I 1g741 Burt Reynold•, EOdl8 Albert. A fonnar pro quenertledc doll'CI time In • ~ Pftlon .. given the )ob ooectq • group ol COIWicta lor 1 nc>-lloldl- b 1 rred football g1me 8Q8lnlt U.guarda. ())MOVIE 10-a. NIWI NATIONAl MOGfWIHIC INclAl ''The Shettle" EJctrlOfOJ. f'lllrY undalwalar IMm foot· I • of hOw """'' fwd, . ,... Md wily tfl9Y lttecl< I 8Ul.LMVE M0 A'S 0 H prcMdM • ,_ P8'9P9C· tlvie on thll lllcinlllng and * * * Yt "The W.y We Were" 11g131 Barbra Streiund, AoOer1 Aactford. A young collage c:oupl8 In the 18308 dltcover IM1 IM!r pofltlcel dltteranc:ae lf8 ltrong enough IO jeop. ardlze INit matrlaga. lltMOVIE The ottic.<1' waelely poller g1ma 11 1111 40.77Jh i. ln1errupled by thrM MP•- r111e -ganclee. * * * "Ttia Comc>elltlon" (1980) Alctwd ~. Amy IMllg. T'Mo planlata II a Sen Franciaco muatc c:ompetttlol1 find """ tflW IOlle for 8ICfl other con- -,__ lilll;Q ())MOVIE • TIO T Ill; DOUGH • MACNa I LEHMA ~ I ~w.GAZJNE * ** "The Other Sida Of Tha M0untlln -Pert H" p g78) M~ H .... tt, Timothy Bottome. Fonner champion lklet, Jill Kin· mont, rendered a quac1r1. plaglc by • tragic aocidant. 'wr•tlel ~ with Nit-doubt when • ,_ love enter• her Ille. Beltlmor• Orlolae ~ Jim Palmer'a ,_ Clr8lf .. en unmr-model; • line of ·•mug.proof" c1o111- 1~ .-...or1e1. lllctl wtttl """ profaealon. el ambltlone. 'PO' .MOVIE • • ,,.., "Cr1zy M1m1" (lg75) Cloffi l.Mdlmen . Ann Sothern. A ltruggllng tamlly runt Into tough luCk In AtlllnlU end endl up 1 crlmlnel bend on the lem In Cellf0tnla. 'PG' t1:00eae(l)OIB. t:ao . W£LCOME BACK, KOTTER • KCETNEWSHAT WITH ClET£ A08E.RT8 • IM 18•1U8 N"°"1 (l)IBNEW8 di 8AAHEY MILLER 7:00 I cea HEw8 NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN I MCNEWS YOU ASKED FOR rT F .. tured: "JI~ Kita Werf11re." • M0 A•S•H Turned CIOwn for a future poeltlon 11 home, Chltlel II eo lr1te he ·~ to'• talk 10 111yona In the unit. • JOKER'S WILD • OVEREASY 9 YOU ASKED FOA IT f .. tured· "Por!ugll'• &Ill Wr11tler1" Ind "S50i000 J..,_Flth." . ~MOW ***'h "The Young Lov· ...... 11gso1 Selty Forreet, Keefe BrUMlle. A promi. Ing young dllnc:ar It strk:tt· en with 1 parelyzlng di•· -· 8:00 8 .(I) SIMON & SIMON A.J and Rick ere hired by • jeelou1 wtle to follow he< hult>lnd. •a f'ATHEA MUAPKY The Gold HIN ld1oOI holdS an open hOUN tor pro- spective 10opt1ve perent1. • MOVlf * * * Yt "8adltnobl And Broomstlcka" 11g71) Af'19111 lanlbury, D1vld T CHl'lllnloo. During World Wit II, 1 novice aorc:er- and h9r thrff young trlandl 181 off tor • meglc: llllfld Where Iha lntendl to teem enough . ~• wttchcfatt to uae It 6geinll the Nazla. 'G' 8='0 G di LAVEANE & SHIRLEY Lanny 1nd Squlggy'• frlen<llhlp la lhrMlened by the ra1ppefranca of Squlggy't llther. Q • AUINTHEf'AMllV Ar<lhle 11 outregad etter raoaMng wflet he conald- •• to be quMtlonabla medteal c:era. (Pw1 2) t:OO 8 (I) MOW NeWI • IATUAOAYNIOHT Hoat: Steve Mertln. Guest: Van Morrreon. I KOJAK THE JEFFER80HS • IAHFOAO AHO SON • DC< CAV!TT • CD>MOVllE • * "Chattert>o11" ( 1977) A young woman's unique anltomlcal detormlly brings ·he< lln1nc1ar sue-· cesa but ruins he< socl1l Ille. 'A' CilMOVJE * * * "All Night long" p g81) 0-Hacic'lnen. B~I 9t1'9119nd: Attw- belng demoted from c:ot- POf•te a11ec:utlve to c:hlln· ttora flight ma~. a mlddle-egad man'e llte- 1tyte ll)d vlluM 11e turned ~.'A' "Women Alone I Being Single" Guest: alnger Mu· lne Andrews. (A)Q ID Ota( CAV!TT •••• "Slngl.n' In The Alln" ( 1g52) Gene Kelly, Dabble. ~·· During H~'1 tteneltlon to "An Innocent Love" (Pramlare) MalieM Sue Andenon, Doug McKaon. An unusual romance deYllOp8 ~ • ti- )'91f-dd c:olege Oitl and her melh tutor. a 14-pw· old boy who le enroa.id at 11:acl 8 Cl) ALICE (J) TIC TAC DOUGH di ENTERTAINMEHT TONIGHT An lnteMew with NICI(" NOite. IB THE MUPPETS Guest: Charles Av11vour. (D)MOYIE * * * "Modern Rom111ce" pg811 Albert Brooll•. Kllhtyn Harrold. A fMm edllor tries rapaetedly to win blck the ,_,. ol lhe wom111 he loYee. 'A' CIJ THAT INFE~ FE.EUNO . 7: 1f Cl) MOVIE the talklee, • top ailent stair fella In love with • aplrlted ~. • 9 HAPPY' DAYS Chllehl trlel to P<Ol/9 to Howatd lhet he II worthy of Joanle.Q 8 MOVIE * • 'h "My Sitter EMMn" ( 1g55) J-1 Leigh, Jaclo Lemmon. Two 1111 ..... one an uc>lrlng ac:tr-and the other e wr11er. strvggle f0t I brMk In Gr~ VU- tirP.M. MAGAZINE Blltlmora Orioles pitcher Jim Pllmer't ,_ ~ ·u an underwear modal; 1 llne ol "mug..prool" cloth· Ii':" ... the -9Chool. D IB 8AET MAWNCK A l'IOll8llat hit• llx gun· men to go alter M....nclt e O THME'S COMttANY While poeing u 1 doctor, J~ enc:ount.... • , ... patlent and an Hger lntarn.Q ··~ PLAYHOUSE "Sandburg -Ech088 And SllencH" John Cullum llera In • dow-drame on the Nia end worll of the lete Cert SencStM-g. Q Alice It llClld with • huge tax bill left ~ by her lete huebend. (A) 88TOHIOH'T Host: Johnny Cerson Gu.t; PllUI SoMno. eg MCHEWS NIGHTUNE • AU IH THE f'N.tlL Y .LOY!.~ STYl.E • KCET Nl'WUEAT WfTl4 Cl.fTI "°9EJllTI (C)MQYWE • • • "The Flrat DMdly Sin" ( 19&0) Frank Slnetre, , Fl)'I ~. A veter11rt New York Clcy police detee1JW. wtlOe8 wtf9 II IUflerlng fJOl'll a .rloul ... ,_, trtel to cetc:ti • brute! klllar t8"ortzing Mll'lhlt· ten. 'A' * * * "Aoy1I Fl11h" ( lg75) MllCOlm Mc:Dowall, Alan Bat•. The nocturnal 81C8')1det ol the .-..ti- buck ting Cept +.arry AUhman llnd him In the erms ol the notorlout courtesan Loi• Mootez and on lhe wrong aide of the powerful Count Otto von Blemark. ·pa· 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Fa11ured: 1 profile ol J11MS Snyder, Jr. 22· )'Nf-Old0eon of Jimmy the Greek. who 11 valiantly lighting cystic llbroel•; • • • "7g Pane Avenue" (Plfl 21 (1g1n Lalley Ann W1rren. Polly Bergen. A strfft·wlte young girl unju1tly sent to reform • ec:hool Join• en underwor1d houM ol P<Ollllullon upon, herr ...... • PUDOEMIAK A4tgulllty tchldulad pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge braeka. (D)MOYE • *'h "Shogun ~" ( 1981) Tomilabufo Wlkly· ema, Mllahlro Tomlkewe. A former ltiogun ....-,, 12:00. SHA NA NA GU811: T rlt\I L099Z- • UROHEARTH "Lordi Of The Alf" Wlth the lll•t techniques In neture photogrephy, David who -maneuY81'1d out of hit poeltlon by • ruth· IMI d8rl of aplee vowt to lake bloody,_.. 'A' CZl MOVIE • (II f'AHT ASY ISLAND An ••~larlold model d8alrH to trMI men u 99JI objac:ll Ind • man dr..,,,1 of l8edlng • oommando rllkl. (A) CHANNEL LISTINGS fJ KNXT ICBSl 0 D KNBC INBCl ·ii e KTLA (Ind.) It. e KABC IABCI '"C' D KFMB ICBSI Cl) D KHJ -TV (Ind.) ll2'J e KCST (ABC) IEJ • KTTV (Ind.I (SJ 'e KCOP-TV Clnd I " Qn.TV Z·TV HBO (Cinema.I IWORI NV , N. V (WTBS) IESPNl (Showtlme> 5Pot1111ht *•Yi "Aoc:co1n Chicago" Matcallo Mutroiennl, l-.. ren Hutton. A nlllve lmml- gr11rtt bec:omM lnf9'Ualad with Ula ~""' modti wll088 car ,,_ CN8I' '*"· 'A' e:1se LHONIMTH .. l0tds Of The AM" Wlttl the lllMt lec:tlnlquM In neture photography, Dtvld Attenb0tough lllu1lr•IH the -Md ldvantegea ol the ....,..,, Q • MOV1E *** "Geronimo" (1962) Chuck Connors. Kimi!• Devi. Aaballlng egeinll the graad end tyranny of en lndlen agent, Geronimo ~-on the U.S. • ~DOUCM.M Coho•I: Dom 0.LUIN . Oueat1: Bobby Kelton • Wendee WlntMt, Sean Moray. eLOVE.~ '1YLJ ...... . .a KCET (PBS) • (cat>le Ne~ Network) HO 8 (fl TOO Cl08E f'OA COWOftT I::::: ON 80CIETY ·~·~ "The Wrt We Were" (1873 ) 8erbra e KOCE IPBSI Murial II lntut1aled by ttle 1 Young kept bus.Y at 75 Commercials for grandchildren'~ fund RANCHO SANTA FE ~AP't -Actor Robert Young, who turned 75 last week, s ays he enjoys life tremendously and "I feel better than I did 20 years ago." But he does wrestle occasionally over hls decision to do those Sanka television commercials. The silver-haired Young starred In 80 motion pictures before moving in 1953 to "l"atbet 1Cnows 'Besl" -and fhen ''Marcus Welby, M.D." on TV. He wanted to slow down, he says, nolln1 ''my contemporaries keep droppin1 olf every once in a while." ' ··After Welby closed down in 1976, 1 was sort of cut loose from any activity," Young said in a teJepboDe Interview. "I was reluctant to aet into commercials. Then my wife came up with a marvelous su11estion, sayln1 •maybe you'd feel better U you considered lt a trust fund for tbe arandcbildren'• education,. and tbat'• what •'ve done." Youns wW shoot 15 spots lbil .,ear. eaeb tUiDC "Jat a day to make." Oeealionalb. he 1ald , "a frieDd .W telepboae after aeeln1 one and 11y. ~~~ .. 1.1 HI you·r~ ,•till up and ''I think an~ wbo bu been In old fUma and worbd ID I ..,._ .... e kmd al launonallt7, In 1 'laM, •fer u the publie .. c:cmeerMd. '' Wd v-.. Re and his wile, Betty, whOm 'be met. when he was a sophomore ano sn~ 11 freshman at Lincoln High School in Los Angeles, have lived in this exclusive San Diego County community tor 27 years. They married almost SO years ago. · · Young's run name is Robert Geor1e Young and "until I was 12 yean okl, I thought I had been named for Geor1e Washington because I was born on bis birthday, but no." Tbe son of an immitrant Irish carpenter, he lacked money lot eol1ep but bis dnma t.eac:her at Uneola Hi1h helped bim 1et lato Uut Pasadena Playhouse. Youns quit after 40 plays to drive to Carmel to look tor 1 banklnl job but the car broke down ud hil brother ·•talked me 1$ ,_. back home. When I 1ot there, I found a'\elent agent bad been lookinl for me ._ a 1reat aurprile." Youas wu 23 when.be m• bit lint film, wianlDI a put In I Cbarh C'baD movie callel "l'be Black Cemel" wbea an aetol' named Frukie Alben wu late lo reDOrtiu. In -the ffl"lt 16 yean ht WU ...... coatraet to 11011 but k>aMd out to odMI' et.U..MOMaaeewalUdte .... hl• Dam• to Robin r,1.,_, v ..... dllclOMd. bu& decided ....... Tbe YCMmll ... ,_,... fgM'd ... • ·-- Orange ao.t ONLY PILOTn'unday, yarch 2, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KNBC ., s·oo .. FMthcr Murphy .. Open h o use t\eld for prospective adopliv~ partH\ls , ~~ phttlo. le ft. KTLA 1J A:OO "Singln' in the Rain." Musical starrin ~ Genl' Ke lly , Oebbie Rc~·nolds . KNXT U 9:00 .. An Innocent t.ove ·· Melissa Su(' Anderson and J)oug M('Keon in premiere movil• KO CE 9 10 -:io "National Geographit Spl•t·ial. ·· nderwater· film on h ow :,hurks feed and wh~· the~· attal'k . 11,.iNlld, Robert Radford. A young collage couple In the 1830• dlf()OYer tl\llt ''*' polittcll dlffarenoae are etrong enoutn to 189P- 1tda their menllga. . lltMOW • • 'h "f'o11"" ( ttlO) Jodie Fooar, lelly l<*Cllf. man. The~ ol brC>Mn homM and uncaring Pfll• ent1. lour '-"·llQe glfll lry to IOOlhe their emotional wound• lhrougl'I drug• 80<! Ml!. 'A' 12:06. Cl) WMP .. CN:IHHATI ~ geta promoted to orMllf newtc:U'8r, ceu~ problam1 l0< Lei. IA) 12:10 (8) MOVIE * • •. ,.., "Eyewltneu" (1981) Slgour09Y w .. -. Wllll1m Hurl. A •vltlon r8j)Orler t>ec:ornes Involved with • Jenltor wno may know more •bout 1 mur· d8r th1t he wttne.ed than helt1aytng. 'A' 12:30 D 8 LATE NIGHT WlTH OAVIC> L.ETT£RMAH GUMt: Dr. Armand Bto- d«lr from the Muaeum or Medic11 Quackery. 8 MOVIE • • • "A Song Is Born" I 1948) D111ny Keye, Virgin- ie Mayo. A young woman wented by the pollca ,It hidden by 1 group of mllllc 1)(01-a. !=: • • • "Royal Fluh" ( 1976) Malcolm McOowall. Alen Bites The nocturne! etc•pedes of the twuh· buckllng C'apt H1rry Flathman land him In the arma ol lhe notorloua courtesan Lola Montez ind on thewrong "ilda of the powerful COUfl1 Otto von Bismark 'PG' 12:40 1J (I) MCCLOUD , MCCioud Is held rllll)On•· bte '°' the ~ of 1 modem-d1y c1ttle rustler (A) 1:00m MOVIE ** "She Played Wllh Ara" ( 1g58) JICk H1wlllne, Arlene Dehl. An 11aon inYaellgator meata up with • lovely female firebug. • MOVIE . • • • "We're No Angela'' ( 1g551 Humphrey Bogert, Aldo Aly. ThrM ~ convlcla Ilk• over •a Franch lhOp. 1:10D MOVIE * * "Ale>" ( 1g10) AnthOny Quinn, Claude Akins, Bl.Mid on lhe novel by Cl1lr HuHlker A young Indian encounter• govern- mental Interference .nen he announces th .. P~ nl•. Arlzon1, rlghtlully t>elooQ• to the 1nc11an1 1:2&~= It**.,., "Ever(lhlng You Alw1ya Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Alrllkl To Alk)" 11972) Woody Allen, G-WI~. A aer111 or comic lketches apoolt Or. DIYld Aeuben'I bell-Mlflng boolt In lddl· tlon to other UI0<11d tlr· getl. 'A' 1*> 8 EH'TPTAINMENT T()HtGHT An Interview with Nick 2:0015 * * * "FOr1 Apeche, Tlw Btonx" ( 19' t) PllUI IWw· men, Ed AMter. A tough cop t>ettlel crime Ind c:ot- ruptlon In New York City'• South Bronk neighbor· hood. "A' (l)MOVIE • • "G111xln1" I 1geo1 OOfothy Str111en, AY81'/ Schreiber. A robot II made 1n 1he image or • beau111u1 ""°""" whO doesn't hive In)' human IMllng1. 'A' OMOVIE ·-"PerlldlN Al~' 11g18) Sytveller Stallone, Armand Aaunle. ThrM 9Cflemrng brother• rrorri the Half'• KJtChen NCtlon ol New Yortt City combine their tr llfl o4 t>relne end brawn In "*' etfortl to ct"t• better llv.. IOt themNlv•. 'PG' 2:11 Cl) Movie , • •'h ''Rocco In Chtcago" M1tcallo MM trolannl. Leu· · ren Hutton. A naive Immi- grant ti.com• lnllluated with the baautllul model ~ cs rune over him . 'R' 2:201 NEWS 2:90 MOVIE \. • 1h "Forbidden HJ'ven" (1936) Charles Ferrell,• Cherlotte Henry. 2:408 NEWS 2:S6 8 MOVIE * * * "The Flrat 36 Houra Of Dr. Dur1nt" (t975) Scott Hytlndl. K1therlne ~ono. An ~ .. le> young -gaon llnd1 his Cir-11 111ke U ht cc>n- fronll the realities of medl· Cltllhlcl . ~MOVIE * * * '-' "The Howling" (198 1) DH Wall1ce, Patrick MecnM. A woman reporter Is meneoad by a killer who -. to be 1 -awolf. 'A' SIOO. MOVIE * • .,.., "Born To Be B1d" ( 1~50) J0111 Fontllne, Rob- ert. Ryan. . 3:30 CJ) MOVIE * *l'i "The Shogun W11rrt. M ! Gr'andl2«" 11 g9 1 I A114- me&ed. A ~·tobol defends EMth whar'I II IS lnvlded by Vegen lnvld· ..... 4:008 MOVIE • .. , •• Seo My Life" 11g41) MlchHI Whalen, Rote Hobert. ®MOVIE * • • "Simon" ( 1g80) Alan Min, Austin Pendle- toro Sclenll .. I It I blutr._ ty mlsdlrac:tld think link c:onw-• bumbllng col- lege P<ol-thet he II en alien from outer ~. 'PG' 0MARTINMUU "It 8-Tled Funny At The Time" $evarll up-and· coming comb join Mllflln Mull In P<-llng their n1ghtaub '°"*-whlctl 1t'e-dnesdat1'• Da11i l•e Mo,,le• -~- 7:00(C) * *''°' "Cliop11ra Jones" C tg131 T1mare Oobaon, Shelley Winters. A 1 .. rlHs. multl-1kllled bl.ck wom1n works 11 1 government nuco1lc1 ~·· m • * "Thundert>lrdl In Outer Space" Pu1>99t1 The Thund«blrd• race agelnel time to tloe> 1 roellat lrom coUldlng with the aun l.'00 (8) • • "Bronoo Biiiy" (1980) Clint Eaatwood, Sondra Loc:l<e. A lormet 11\0t laNllman from ,.,_ Jerwy rMIW. hla drNm ol perto,mlng In 1 Wiid W•t lllow. ·PG' (ll •••"Never So F-" ( 1960) Franlt Slnllre, Gina LOllobrlgldl. A faarlesa offlc« IMda 600 men In NbollQI effor11 IQllnll the J1P-during World Wat II. e:ao ~ • t • • "Teas" c 1g1g1 Nes11u111 Klnsk1, P11er Flt"th. The dllUghter Of e poor English firmer becomes the lflc11m or her llmlly'a asc>lratlon1 1nd her own t>eauly 'A' D * * * ·~ "B«lknobs " And Broomsticks" ( 1971) Angila lansbury. David TomHn11on During Wa<ld Wit II, 1 novlc:e SOf<*- lnd her three young Irland• Ml ott IO< • m191C llland Where stia Intends to INrn enoUgh lboul wftcherelt to use It egalnar the Nedi. 'G' ., t:30e •'h "Lu~ Teuo" (1934) John Wayne, Gabby , Hayee. A cowboy tries to c111r his sidekick or , cl\ltgee of 1rrned robber'y 10:00 (}{) • • ''°' "The Cat Ano The C1nary" ( 1978) Hon0t Blac:ltman, MlchMI Gi llen Helrt bll11e for a lor!une 11 the IPOOkY e111t1 or a d-.l8d mllNon1lre. ·PG' 10'.JO Cl) * * • "One· Trick Pony" (1980) Paul Simon, Stair Brown A onoe-popu. lar ~,,,., is pressured by everyone around him to droe> hie style ol ll'>Ulic Ind write songs that cen bring him b~ to the top 40 'R' 0 * * * "The Other Side Of The Moun1aln -Part II" ( 1978) Merilyn HHHtt, Timothy Bottoms Former Chlml)40n 1kle<, Jiii Kin· mont. rendered 1 quedrl· pleglc by a treglc accident, .,...... With Mii-doubt when • ,_ IOve ..,,.,, her life 12:00 8 • • • "Alncho Notor1- ou1" ( t952) Mulene Dietrich, Mel Ferr1r. Seek· Ing lhe killtf of his llancee. • eowboy runs ecrosa 1 dllft<».hlll q.-end • gemblar who may hold lhe key ····~"Diamond Hald" (1963) Cheriton ..._~...._A ......,H.::t.--• ....... ..... .. OOPOlll ...... ..... to IMl'Y • ..,...,... ................... Mt•~ ....... • • • ,,. "Al!ell Md ,_r ladln1n" (19411 JoM w~. Otlll,...... A Quaker Qitl M\lfl I :J 01.t1 ..,..,,._ from .,,.,,... CC> ••• "'tfle ......, Cfwonldl" ( 11711 Oocu- inent.wy, ., ..... br :t ,~~Ti. led~~ lnMota. whldl 'MY-*"' tiff; put them Into dlf9Cll end -"A~ llon w1111 man, tli tevtil6td. • • ') CZ)*.• ''M ~ LOfll'i (1911) G.le HMtl~ 88'llfe 8Ue1Mnd. Atili beHlg '*7w>t.i ltom OOI• porel• ••ecutlve 10 Clhllln· ttor• night menager, • ~eeed tMn'• ..., --and vllluM ere lur""' up11d•·down. 'A' • 1a:ao• •••.& "Aocklhow" .,. (1g80) Peul MclC8'1~ Winge. Trilt r-d of band'• u.s tour pertormanoM of "~ "Bend Oo TM Ai.n.:.' "Mh LOY9 Song1" Ind --c;.d Batie t>llltllds. ·PQ· 1:00@ *·~"Any Which Wfl;. You C1n" I 19&0) ctlJl1 Eutwood, Sondr• Lootr.e; ti.fore Mllllng down lldlti hi• girl Ind pet OI' MgUtait, • b1t•lllted lighter llgni up '°' one 18'1. Iller•~ mate/\. 'PG' , CJ) * * • "~er So F-'"' ( 1960) Fr1nll Slnllra, or- LQ11obrlgld1. A IMr!Wa otncer read• eoo "*' 11J. ..at>otaoe et10r11 egaln.i the Jep-during World W8111. r 1:30 ~ * *.,., "Seven Womer(' ( 1966) Anne 811n<'10lt. sJ. Lyon. W-with v~ baclcgrounda 1nd l>CNI; t1on1 lnteHelll• In 1 ov; neae mlulon IChool CZ) •• "Sc;h~k" ( 1g13)' JOhn Landis, Seul KahWI, A monster. belleved to be a genetic "mlMlng llnk," goes on 1 rampege of tff~ ra<. 'PG' 2-.30 0 * * * "The Ei.ctric H0tS«nan° ( 1g1g) Aoben Redford, J-FondL A Las Vegu eowbOy 1tN1t ' S 12 million thOfoughbred h0<se to save him from tU explOltallve owner1. 'PG' • 3:00 8 * * It "Where The ~ Fern Grows" ( 1974) J&MM' Whitmore. S.Verty ~ llnd. A [)epr•slon-«~ youngster llVlng In OlcrlhO- ma~ a o-. fonO- nesa for • pllr of hunting dog a. • (}{) • * ·~ "Sptolnx" C 198£4 Frenk Langet11, Les Anne Down. A ruth bl11Ck0 m1rket antlqul11M ring 1ttempt1 to ttoe> an Egyptologlat from di~ enng the ..ner .. boul• of • e>t10eleN st1tue 11'8 __ permittld to view. 'PG' 3:30 CJ) • • '" 'The Shogun , • Warriors Grendlzer" ( 1981) Animated. A powec•, lul robot defends EMtt\ wnen It 11 lnvlCMd J>1 Vegan lnvadeta UIO CC) * * * "Thi othirlf Slds' Of The Mount11n -Pllfl .... C 1978) Merilyn Haaaeu.. T'lfnOthy Bottomt F0trner ChamPton Skier. JIR Klrl· mont, rendered • QUldfl- pregtc: by 1 tragic ecclden\, wrestre. wl1h Mll·doubt when a ,_love enter a het • Ille. CIJ *It* "All Night long" P98 t) Gene H1ckmll). B1r1><a Stre1 .. n0 Attar being demoted from c:or-. pOtate e11ec:ullva to eheln· sl0te nlgh1 men.0-. .• mtddr..egec:t man'• in. 11yle 1nd veluet •re turn4td • upski&-<lown 'A' 4:30. D * • "Thund«blrda In Outer Space" Puppeta The Thunderblroa ,_ egaonJI time 10 atop • roc:ket lrom c:ollldlng """'1 ~ the tun. JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk- W~AT CAN 1 00 ABOUT F LABeY vOWL9, RICHA~C>~ ONETHING~U CAN DO DEAR. tS 10 CLENCH AND UNCLENCH YOUR IEETH "80JT ' -rweNTY llMES IN A RO\N/ AL.WAY6 REMEMBER BEFoRt:: 'YOU T~'< SCMETHIN$ L.IKE THAI. THOUGH, TO CHECK. WITH YOUR DE~TlST R~T / I . "· ... MARCH 4, 5 & 6 10-8P~1 BONUS I A FIE2 Rmd Mcl"WIJ .._. .Adea ADd Trawel-Oulde ........ J"'U INill lllto o.-IEIJ!CT DRIVER Pl.Na ' Must Dates If You Want Lower C.ar ln•urance Rates ..... •' ·. 7777 EDINGER AVE. , ( ............... Cents) 10-8PM Huntington Buch HONORED Newscas t er T o m Brokaw has won the Joe Quinn Memorial ·Award from the Los 1 :Angeles Press Club. ·for contributions to :1i>urnalism . .. . :.Q.ff slwre ~leases . . fought MALIBU (A P) -A "citizens group has asked q ov. Edmund Brown Jr. on Monday to make an effort to hall a proPQSed sale of 12 offshore oil drilling lease trac ts between Point Dume and the Palos Verdes peninsula. . "There's only a 4·5 p e rcent c hance o f finding oil or gas." ¥alibu Township C:ouncil president Sidney •"rnstein said Monday in issuing the appeal. "Tbe mud and drill cuttings would be dumped back in the "'"ter." . Re said a U.S. Bureau ol Land Management environmental report on the proposal estimated that 6001000 barrels of test cuttings from the 20·mile stretch of ocean floor would be dumped back into the sea over Cb~ next few years, ttireatening to ''tip us o-ver the balance'· eeologi«aily. 'l'he 1uniocorporated town~p council wants Brown i9 is~ue a formal protes'i"'fo Inte ri or Secretary James Watt and, if Watt disregards the protest, a lawsuit to slop any drilling. Marines to land tn Cu6a 'WASHIN.GTON (AP> -The Marine Corps is p~eparing for a practice landing at the U.S. naval t>~se in Guantanamo Bay. CUba, this spring, a~cording lo Pentagon s~urces, ' Altho .. the exercise \fill proJf bly be seen as s(ressi~l tJ.S. concern ·about CgVal America, Pent a .. n off i c i al s .. asking not to be named, said it will be a routine reinforcement exercise of the kind the Marines have co ndu c ted periodically. " -.Details were not a"ailable, but t h e sources said it appears the landing will pro bably Involve a r"inforced Marine bettalion that usually numbers about 1,500 'TQ_en ~ it put ashore by Nu1 amphibious ships. Acconflinl to Marine r,cords, leathernecks st aged two practice landinp at Guantanamo Jut year. ILOT/TuHday, Maioh.2, 1982 • ON (~P) -II Ip Nancy Reacan htr lmac• of' uaate, Whitt Houae addea. ii. will bt U -year-old James . oeebuah. He u named Mrs. Rea1an'1 chief of staff because he pays atte on to political consequences an knows how to avoid co troveray. 'I am always saying to myself, hat's ~ consequence of this decision?' " he said In an Interview. "I am an external relations person. I am a constituency relations person. I am concerned about what different consUtuenc.think." That trait was noticed wh•n Roaeb~h was ht.Nd on at tbe White Houle aeven months a10 lo promote Presl"eot Rea1an's pro1ram to 1et the private sector to support social pro1rams. Accordin1 to Craig Fuller, assistant to the president ror cabinet a/fairs and Rosebush's 1>-a tr on, he "paid enormous attention to detail an4 was alwaYs f lookinl at how things were ioin1 to be perceived -was thet~ a chance ror mis~erceplioq that might be dama11.rig'?'' He also managed to get the job done without much or a staff. Those qualities impressed Michael Deaver, the deputy chief of ataff who over1ee1 Mra. .Bea1an'1 operation. At a result, Roaebuah,became the flrat lady's chief of staff Feb. 1. His salary rqse from s:i0.000 to $58,000. Durin1 bh flrat month, Rosebush has made lt clear he intends lo keep a low profile. "I Ju.st want to do my Job and fad~ into the woodwork," he sald. ·~1 don't want rny naine in Upts." Althou1h he a1reed lo answer several questions for The Associated Press, he has refused to grant general interviews. Rosebush said he wants Mrs. Reagan "to be perceived by the American people as truly what she Is : which ls an absolutely • outatandlnc peraon wbo'1 contitbutlal a ,..at Mal to tM countr)'." RosebUlh, Who dtd not know the first lady before he toot the job, traveled with !Mr two w-.ks aco to Texas and Florida, where 1be vlaited dn&1 treatment centers. En rq_ute to Florida, he walked throuah tht Air Force Jet, ~ntroduclnf himself to the reporters accompanyin1 Mrs. Rea1an. After landin1, the ftnt lady's other staff mep.nber. scattered to various cars in the motorcade, but Rosebush cot into her llmouaine. While be has not yet tfeld her handbag -a traditional duty of Ml' chW ol 1Litt -lloMbuah let it 1Up tl)at lie Md brouabt U..u. to Oiae ot U.. dnal Protr•me, fearfw that Mra. Rea1an would bunt lnto lean. Durtn1 her fint year ln the White Houae, Mrs. Rea1an bu 1enerated controversy for what • 1ome perceive aa an extrava1ant lifestyle at a tlme many Americans are sufferln1 from the recession. \ Roaebulb's job conaiat.a mainJy of coordinating Mrs. Rea1an's appointments, travel a.nd social arran1ements and servlne as a sort of companion when she ls on the road without her husband. • ., 4t•.....,1A•c...tv1 • (Hint: it~ not Carlton.) N ow is the Lowest lOOs. But it's easy to see why some people think th e right answer is Carlton. Carlton's been advertising itself as lowestjor a very Long time. And, injact. at one time. it was. But that time is long gone. Look at the chart on the right and seejor yourself. The truth ts that today, Now lOOs Sof1.Packjjlter, at 2 ing, contains half.the tar of Carlton lOOs Soft Pack filter at 4 mg. Which is the lowest lOOs? No need to guessT Now. NUMBERS DONT LIE. NOW lOOs ARE LOWER THAN CARLTON lOOs. sq/I . , •o/I loo, poclt ]QO' poclt S regular S m.enthof lOO's bOX NOW 2mg t.ess than 0.5mg 2mg Less than CARLTON 4mg 3mg 0.5mg Compe1111ve tar levels reflect Doc '81 FTC Report , BOX BUs: lm thtn O.~ mg. "tlf''. 0.1 mg. rncpttne. BOX 100'1: ttss then 0.5 mg.' ''llf, less thin 0.05 .mg. nicotme. ev. Plf citlretta. FTC Report DEC. '81: SOFT PACK 85's FtlTfR. MENTHOL: 1 mg. "tar1', 0.1 mg. nicotine. • SOfT PACK MJO't fllT~R. MENTHOL 2 mg. "taf". 0 2 mg. nicot• ev. per cig11ttte by FTC method. • I -rl CA VAL!CADE COMICS STOCKS .• 82 83 8 5- .. The mt+•ical "Pajama Game," ,. currently staged at the W e s t m i.n s t e r Co m in u n i t y Playhouse, is called the season 's • most enjoyable . See' Page 86. Xin y · Ga;~~Ui ·~aintains ·identity . - But some fear confederation with Senegal will ·me~n end of their nation ' ' ' • By BORIS WEINTRAUB Gambia' independent ror 1T Se negal a nd the Gambia - y.ears. Earlie r a tte mpts to "the" distinguishes the nation ...................... 1en1c. WASHI NGTON -* The West African nation or the Gambla probably should not exist. In f ac t . when it gai n ed independence in 1965, fe w thought it would s urvive. m erge t he two countries, lh r fro m Zam bl a -have been which many of the ·same tribal exceptions. g ro ups appear . fo unde r e d Tho u g h pre d o m i n a ntl y becauseof it. Mos le m , bo th ha ve 'bee n But now, as a result of a coup p ro-Western democracies that atte mpt in the Gambia lasl have ejected Libyans aus pected It is tiny -about four-fifths the size of Connecticut. It has only 601,000 people. It is poor. And it has boundaries that made sense only in the colonial era, when the British ad ministered t he narrow str ip of land on either side of the Gambia River inland from the Atlantic Ocean. summer, a confederation called of fomenting discontent. Both "Senegambia" has been forlfte<I. i. bave to~rated leglll opposition Gambian leaders had aked IDd bave held free elections. for Senegalese t roops to put Neltfi~r has seen a successfUl down the rebellion. Afterward pO.ap. The Gambia, best known to Americans as the place to which "Roots" author Alex Haley traced his ancestors. looks like a fi nger probing some 200 miles into the heart of Senegal, whi ch ''People wanted a change. Sixteen years of independence didn't prove useful to them." • f' s urrounds it on three sides. 'the two nations decided to move Senegal is much larger. in size ahead with the confederation, ln a nd popul ation ~ its c.-wital, w..h ich each will a;tain a Dakar, alone has a population of separate id enlit}', but atiare 800,000. some poW&rs. But Senegal is a forme'I' Tlaere a r e G a mbhna , Fr ench colony, with Fl'eftch as h o.wev,r , wh o fe ar, ~hat its official language llnd with conleder11tion will mean f.t.e tDd cultural and economic lies to ·ol their nation:The541 Gallf..-. Franc e . The Gam bi.&.Qses particularly in the edueeted Englis h as its official langliage. e lite, fear that the larger a nd 1s c ul t ural l y a n d coun t r y in s u c h a merger economically li nked to Great inevita bly swa llows up the Britain. ,.. smaller partner. > This "colonial overlay," as_,_.,O n a co n t in e at wJaere one Ame rican expe rt calls it •. lna.h.b\lity and a ntl-1festem . has been enough to keep the fe.elings have been 'lbe notll}. THE CAMBIA IN BRIEF .\HI:.'\ 1.lll7~Q \11 l'O r, hO I. 000 REl.IC:IO'\ \IO~LE~I . ~TRADITIONAL, EHLA!~ C II RIST I A '\ "'"'ll""""-<.r-« 1.ITEH.-\C'Y 10 PF.RCE~1 SENEGAL MAU .. Both are poor. The per capita annual income in Senegal is $430, and in the Gambia is t286. Life expectancy is ba rely over 40 yea.ts. In botl countries there ii heavy reliuce on a single $:rop, peanuts,' known locally as O-Oundn\lta, though Senegal has made som e progr ess in introducing other industries. Dependence on the nut crop s ubjects the economy to the va gJri• of the we ather . Severe drought has been common in -rec~nt years in the Sabel region, thoucb ~981 r ainy aeasc>n was e'x c e 11 e n t , p r o m i s l n g a n improved harvest. A bad harvest leads to a sharp drop in Gambian exports, from SSS millh>n In 1979 t o $31.5 million in 1980. Imports turned upward from almost $l41 million in 1979 to $163.6 million the foll owi.rig year. Meanwhile, the r e was a decline in t h e number .of tourists. many from Sweden and others lured by "R,oots." Many Gambians fear that tourism, by bringin g in outsiders with different values, will destroy traditiona l Ga mbian values. Those values are bas ed on re ligion. a village structure led b y an elder, and a communal syst e m in which women lo colorfuJ garb help with farmin1 and prepare meals or rice, coat; fish, palm oil and groundnuts. T h e difficult e c o nomic situation, plus a perception of corruptio n a nd a tac k of dynamism in t he government of P r esident Da wda Ka1raba J aw-a r a . the nation s leader since. independence, broucht support for the coup that be1an July JO. ··People wanted a change,'· said Galandou Gorre-Ndi.aye, first secretary of the Gambia Em b as~y in Wash in gton ln explaining the attitude of many Gambians. "Sixteen years or inde pende n ce d idn't p rove useful to them. Tile gove rnment had imposed a tax on essential commodlea, which m ade life harder . So p e ople were disenchanted." ,,,,. ·But, observers agree, the coup leaders quickl y alie nated ordinary Ga mbia ns. Tiley r.ele ased convicts and acmed t h e m , e n a bling the freed pris oner s to kill ene mies: estimates of the death toll range from 500 to 800. Rebell also took hostages, including J awara's wife an(l children, and broadc&§l- antl-religioua, left-winl sloians. Jawara invo ked a 1965 d e fe nse trea t y and a s ke d Sehegal to aid bis outmanned "fl e ld force ," .S enegalese soldiers quickly restored order and put J awara back tll control. Sa undra A le x a nde r , an Ame rican graduate student at H o ward U n i v e r s it y in Wastiin,u>n, D.C .. was in the Ga mbia at the time,· helping build a village . community center in a project sponsored by 0 Reration Crossroads Africa. "The left ists ha d already taken over the radio station the first morning," she said. "By then, they had already let the prisoners out. We didn't go l<i work that day. "The next morning the local po l ice t ook u s to a m o r e protected compound. We stayed there , 18 of us in a two·bedroom house, for six days. We listened to Senegal radio, Radio Gambia. a nd the BBC. and a ll ha d different stories. "Finallx. a Gambian fi eld force major came through, and when he learned there were ... ,_,~....., GAMBIAN PURSE :\ G;imb1an woman earrics <ill her neces~itics in a pot nn ht-r ht•ad . rathl·r than in a purse. More than 85 pl•rN•nt of the <;amhia ':-. population is located in rural art•as elo~t· to lhl' Cambia HI\ l'I' com mon ique iss ued a fter Diouf's visit to the Gam bia in Nove m b e r sai d th e .confederation would t>e "based on" integration of the armed forces. economic and monetary union, a coor.dinated for!'!hth . Senegal feels that 1f it has to bail out the Gambia. 1l wants a say in how security fo r ces are organized. • The Gambian s fee l that though they are the s maller partner, they bring something of \'alut· lo the confederation "Here you have two democratic, ·•Our Cl\'tl ser va nts are l'Ompt•ll·nl and experienced ," ~aid (;orrc-Nd1a ve ··we have a n ver . v. h1ch t~n be used for irrig<Hion . a nd hydroelectric pro-western states friendly to the U.S." purpo"l'!>. There is a tourist infra .... tructun· lo complement Americans there, he came tn. By then, the area had been cleared. They put us on a truck the next morning . and we traveled north. The road was lined with mJlita ry vehicles. all Senegalese. People were so different. so silent." . The troo p s r e m ai ned , i nc luding those In the capital city of Banj ul. But the coup attempt led to talks between J a wara and Abdo u Diouf. Senegal's president. Within week~ a_ move toward confederation was a nnounced. A / , • _1 , • , • , that c1f Sl·negal There is a tot of · pottcy, ·and.cooperalldn In otlier virgin land. a port that cou.'d be ar.~as . . . > 1l4'nefwial. C1nd an international The Seneg~lese are worrie~ airport · a bout the kind. of s ecuri~) Sona· dNatb re main to be problems an .~nfr1~ndwly Gamb1:i \\ 0 r k t· d 0 u t f 0 r t h e cou l~ pose, said alter C con ft·ckration. which beca me Carrmgto~. U.S. ambassador to off .. 1 F •h 1 1982. President Sen egal in 1980-81 and now . iu:.i 1: • • • director of the Department of U1 our of ~c.ncga l w.111 be International Affairs al Howard pn·"11knt uf St•ncga~bia. a.nd u · ·1 Gambia" J:.i~<ira will be vice ~!~~~'/·are miles of border presidl•nt whe re things could happen T hl' d1rc0 /\ml·nca n stake ~n T hen• i s s mugg li n g . Th e the un•a 1s not 1:.irge. There 1s Senegalese were worried when little L' S in vestment 1!!_Senegal,_ Cfle 'Libyans ~nn1tre Cnmbia virtuan~ none m the .Cambia. ( Dam collapse recalls black wall of water , 125 died in West Virginia when 40-foot tidal wave roared down hollow LORA DO. W . Va. <AP> - Wh e n a coal -wa s te d am collapsed two months ago in Kentucky, Okey Davis vividly recalled another coll apse a few hundred feet from his home, one that killed 125 fr iends and neighbors . ''Yes. I thought of the flood," the 40-year-old coal miner said. noting it was 10 years ago. For residents along Buffalo Creek in southern West Virginia, Feb. 26, 1972, was the day the world changed -Buffalo Mining Co. 's series of coal-waste dams failed, unJeashing a 40-foot-high tida l wave of black. cold water tha t roared down the narrow, twisting hollow. "It happened about 8 o'clock in the morning." said Davis, a s m a ll m an w ith kn otty , wor k·ha rde ned muscles. "I hea rd the explosion whe•n lbe lower dam gave way; it sounded like dynamite.·· He pointed to a 00-foot wall of coal refuse -rock and slag h a ole d from th&. m l nes - blocking a narrow, side hollow. ''Thal waa the lower dam, where they kept the coal s ludge. Two othe r d a ms. on up the hollow, were the fi rst to go. They trapped fresh water up there to use to wash the coal in case the creek got low in the summer. The y had about two miles of water backed up." The lowe r dam had been burning for m onths, •s is common in Appalachia where slag hea~ are a byproduct of the·major industry. "Jt was on fire underneath," Dav.is said,. "When •all that water from up the hollow put presJure o n it, the cases. exploded. We stood on the porc'b and watched waler pour out of that hollow for a •good 30 minutes." His house was proteclecl by a shoulder of earth, but bUlldred.s of other resldenta bad no 8*b luck. By the Ume the tornat pou,...a into the:Biandotte ~·w '!' Man, t away, ~~of bomes ad • llv• ~ bell91Wftll •• .,; ,. • ·-1111, Aldildse la. anotber ..-ctent .. un't ~raft .... __ ..a . ''l brid pe up a. Ua•..., of the halloW to check tl9 dam at U1e request of the 1'__.t Guard,. ofllcials at Locan, who ~--l.etlnl~.ca•"•• Hh1. Mf wat ldl'll09Qhre .. J saw lhla bls, black wall of water comln1 toward me." Aldridfe Jammed hl1 p6elrup into .....,.., turned around aDd 1ped back do.m the hollow, bODkiDJ .... born and ftuhlnc bilbudHpt.a. "TM .... w• rtPl ....... mt. In hid, tbe ftnt ma I ..- • tM ............... .. ............ , ...... .... out to see why I was honking." The fi rst communit y Aldridge 1 reached was Lorado. ••My oldest son had worked the hoot owl shift. at the mine and be hadn't gone to bed," recalled Reba Sanson. "He was standing at the door. watching the rain when Billy Aldridge drove up and yelled, 'Hit the hill. the dam's done broke.' " • She grabbed her baby and led her five children up the steep hill behind her house. "We just barely made it. TtMt. water wu black as coal and t(' w• roaring something awful," Mn. Sanson said. "It not only took the houses, but it even lGOk thelr foundations.'' An army of relief workers arrived in t.be following weeks. Trailer campa and soup kitchens were set up as cre ws went through t.Qns of muck ln search of bodies and survivors. In all. 118 of tbe 125 bodies were found. More lban 4,000 people were homeless. Grief, guilt and anger were the primary emotions among the survivors. For a time, many children weal into screaminl fill when lt rained. A grand jury later criticised the coel company but relWned no. indictments . A a-.t.10 · MinlDI oftltlal's remarll · 0.. the '6auter was an '"Aet of God" broucl1tatron1 crltlellei . In 1111 lut week aa IOVWl'DOr, Arch A. Moore Jr. ..Wed l50 mWton ill lawsuita acainat the mine owners for $1 million. The a1uement was dl1cl0Hd 11'10dtha ....... Today, some town a alone Buffalo Creek have. okl bouaee while others have only mobile homer and new deve~. But moat of the fOOi•a deva1tatton la no lon1er apparent ··we IW1 ... a te• ..,,_ Creek aunt"" about tldl time of tbe 1ear,·• Hid Dt. Me CS.urcla ot tb• Lo1an-llln10 .11.aaa llMltll c.ar. t I ~ ,, Ir I . ' \.. I .. ' • .t II • I ·1 I •• r ., II '. I I f 'l Oranoe Co•• DAI'-y PILOT/TuMday. Ma,.," 2, 1982 DEAR ANN L ANDERS : I um un attractive SO-year.old woman and could pass for 40. 1 was widowed al 46 and remarried ~year la ter lo an alcotiollc who was abo a crook. Within three months I divorced him. A business friend of my first hus band's <a dead ringer for Cary Grant> separated fro m his wife a few months ago. On an impulse I wrote him a note and sug~ested we ought to get together a nd add a little spice to one a nothe r 's li\'es. He did not res pond. Last night 1 saw .. Car y" at a party . He was extremely cordial but did not me ntion the note. l was hoping he'd ask to see mt> a&ain, but he didn't. He is the best catch around ~nd l like his style . Should I write him another note'? Give him a phone call "? 11'vile him to dinner'? Help! I need some LOOKING FOR . THE SUN T h e Solar c hallenger. its wingspan 47 feet. ha ngs m an unfamiliar position near rather dark ceiling of Anaheim Convention Center. It was part of •ANN LA •ERMA B MBECK \ I •HOROSCOPE . ~u tdanc~_..SHORTAGE OJ<' MEN IN N.J . DEAR SHORTAGE: IUde all writing Instruments and put the phone where you can't reach It until the impulse to contact "Cary" has passed. He knows you are available, and tr there' any inter est you'll hear from him. The world has changed a lot In the last few years, but men still Ukt• to do the 1>ursuing -even the ones who DO_N'T look like Cary Grant. DEAR ANN LANDERS· I moved to this city from Texas and got in with tt g roup of n eat kids. One gu~· (I'll c<ill him Alex l seemed special. <incl I ha\'e St't'n a lot of him late ly. We 're both Hi. Last night when hl' caml' lo take mt• to a part y, he acted stran~e as if he had been drinking. I didn't say anything until a n e lectronies in<tustn trach.• s ho\\ '' h1('h dosed this weC'k The ·plunt'. wh1th t rnssed the• Englis h Channl'l piloH·d t)\· .Janit<.• Brown. h i~ driving begun lo frighten me. Then he said he had been sniffing g lue. but it wus nothing to gel e"Xci te d t1bout. He wa nted m e to tr y it it wasn 't dangerous. just a terrific u pper. better th an booze. 1 have nl'ver known anvone who did g lut' and would like lo find out 'for sure if . what Al01 suys is true .. LI NDA .. I N BALTIMORE D f!A R LIN DA : Glu e ·s nUfing is extre mely dangerous indeed. The rumes c an damage the brain. the liver and othe r vital organs. The effects or glue·snirring are ver~· much like intoxication from alcohol. When the high wears off, the sniffer often wants more. This can lead to serious impairment or judgme nt. c aus e an a c cident or ove rdose and e ve n death. If vou can't get ~ ...... ~..,....,. __ •~ powert•c1 h~ 16.000 photo\'olta1c l'ells that run a small motor. It is 30 f('l'I from prop to tail and W('l/..!h~ 21i pound~ l this dude to drop the glue -drop HIM. He 's bad news. I How much du you know about pot . cocaine. LSD. speed. PCP. uppers and downers. glue and herom? Are all these drugs dangerous" Ger Ann Landers· booklet . ··The Lo~wn on Dope ... For each booklet ordered. send $2 .00 plus a long. self-addressed envelope 1.17 cents postage J to Ann Lander~. P 0 Ror I 19'15. Chicago. Ill 60611 HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY QMARR Tau~us: Try new approach ' Wednesday, March 3 . ARIES <Ma r ch 2 1-April 19 ,: Wide r contacts a re required if objective is to be ful filled. Avoid being too provincia l in. selec_!>on o f pl a ns. associa te s . TAURUS <April 20-May 20 1: New approach necessary if ~·ou a re to cas h m on products. talents . Highlignt in ventiveness. initiative. pioneer ing concepts. GEMINI I Ma~' 21 .June 201 · You·+t r ise a b o v e p e ·u y · po l i t i c s B ~· s h a r i n g k'nowted-ge-. ieaYfftrrg proC"ess wrtl be s ti mulated. CANCER <J une 21.Juh · 221 : Check Gemini message. Look behind scen<!s for a nswers . Oivers ificatton is necess an- Establish lines of com munication . · H~useWife wo;rking to reiire~ent LEO (Ju l~· 23·Aug. 22 l · Objectives are fulfilled if familiar with fi ne print. subtle nuances. You·11 detect trend of future . F o llow throug h on knowledge acquired t hrough unorthodox so urces . . VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept 22 I : lndjvidua l ~·ou respect o ffe rs guid a nce which will eventual!~· open doors to progress. Anal~·ze information . compile data . A lot of p ro fess ions enjo~· limtted lifespans. Dancers re tire when the e ner gy goes Athletes retire when the legs go and sex symbols retire .when t he chins fall in their . soup. When the time comes. no one wants to go. ... A~a _perforn;µng housewife of 30 years. I'm ready to go . I know. I thought l had 20 or 30 more good years ahead or me. but I'm lying to myself and am read~· to hang it up. IT'S BEEN COMING for some time POT SH01S BV ASHL61GH BRILLIANT ~ ~·----- THERE'S PLENTY ·OF GOOD HEALTH NOW ON TM£ LDOSE-.... SE£ MOW MUCH 0~ IT YOU CAN C.~TCH . now. Likt• a cluncer. the c•nergy j ust isn't the r e wh en I net>d 1t T h e r e ·s n o m otivatiQ(l_. r no longer care tha t m~· dis htowels look .like thC' sea l o r a mechanic"s p.:ints or that m~· cook ie shcc•t w<.1s born the same year as Alan Alda . No longer <.·an 1 leap into the air in glor ious .exhilar..alion whe n my launctr~· sm ells fres h or glidt' m~· hands s moothl.' across a bathtub that ctocsn't feel gritt.'· Like a ballpla~·er . I've lost m~· timing T here was a moment when I knew exuctlv whw a child was going to s plit from the kitchen aQd lock hi m self m the bathroom to keep from doing dis hes. but no more They get away from me . My average for crcati\'l• meals used to be stunning . A couple of years ago. I batted .355. I've been in a slump now for five years. , .reaching my all·lime low the other night __ when I ser ved a bowl of cott age cheese and leftover pizza. Face it. the bod y 1s,J~One Those legs that used to run trays up to the bed room 18 times a dav for a common cold ha ve more rid ges than corduroy . The f-Orm that used to drag out ever y m orning a.nd feed everyone now burrows under the covers like a lump and whimpers . I TOLD THE F.AMILV last week ... 1·m fin a p y retiri ng ." My h u sband s a id. No refill good advice rou1 HIAlTH DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN daughter who h as mononucleosis should rest in bed for a t least a week. Serious cases need even m ore r est. Kissing disease , ·as this is sometimes called, is often o verlooked. Be thankful your doctor has made the diagnosis which is often missed as being j ust a seve re sore throat that requires only aspirin -and no need for rest. The' liver bears the brunt of the attack. Although m ost patients -recover . at least from ~ to 35 people die from it e e ch year fn the Un_ited State~. Dr. Sttincrohn welcomes questions from r~aders. He cannot C11UWCr all individually belt uU incluc:k thoM of ~ral inttte1t in his fOlumn. Smd your qwlffolls to hi m in corr of the Dot111 Pilot. P 0 . Bar 15'i0. Coato M•ta. CaUf. 92br. . ~ flMA IOMIECI LIBRA <Sept. 23·0ct 22l · Fa\·orable lun a r aspect coincides with domes t ic a d j u s tme n t. acqu is it ion of n eed ed ma t erial. AT WIT'S END "You've retired even· week since we 've hN'n married.·· · SCORPIO I Oct. 23-No\· 211: You're cocn mended for mone~"-sa vi ng effort Idea s c li~ techniques a re streamlined. P isces individual becomes valuable ally. I tol<t him ... Th.is is different. I want lo mo\'(' OVl'I' and let a ~"l>unger wom an ta ke my placE:· I want to retreat from life and take m~· pl<.1n• in histor~-. leaving the house onlv for <.1n occasional award or a tribute cer.e mony al Ke nnedy Center. where they can dig up o ld h o m C' m ovi es a nd testimonials of Uie housewife I used to be . This old soldie r from t he ut ilit~· room is s aying her last goodbye ... SAGITTARIUS <No\' 22·Dec 211 Bl' awa r e o f lega l rig ht s. perm issions . Discuss io n with a tto rney m ay be on agenda. Part ner or m ate confides proble m CAPRICORN <Dec 22·J a n. 19 l Amici pre m ature starts. a ttend to basic chores a nd deal with Aries indi\'idual. Burde n will be removed. AQUARIUS !Jan. 20-Fcb. 181" Status quo is shake n : you· 11 make new st a rt. vou'll be in contact with people whose ide a s are construct ive. origin~!. My hus band s a id. ··Before ~·ou go. could you drop off the do~ at t he vet ·s and m y j a cket al the cleane rs'>" Someho.w. J t hou ght m~· leaving would be inore poignant t ha n that PISCES <Fe b. 19-March 20 1: Good luna r as pect coincides with settle ment of bas ic issues. including property r ights. Check secur ity measures. GOREii 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF North-South v ulnerable. South deals. NORTH • KQIO ~S.2 0 A9'2 +532 WEST EAST • 16 • Jt8Z ~ 8 (;;) QJ 107 0 KQJ'11 0 JOU +QJ714 +AK SOUTH +A50 <::> AK953 0 1 •••ts The bidding: S.•" WNt Nwtl &A 1 0 t o 1 0 a o I <;, r ... 4 o OW. p ... , .. , .. Opening lead: Kinr of o. A timely penalt.y double ' can dramaticallJ jncreaee your reward from a hand. But. t0met.im" a dooble can tjp dedanr otf &o a wlluaiq line. Jt.. ii clilDcult &o fa&&ll Eut. for makJns • penallJ double of low heartl. ,\fter eJ4. IM thousfll. he waa lookini •a, fov trtcU ,. Mt .... hand ~~ a ,.n.er who t.M made a t.wO.leve.I overcall. A mother lode seemed to be oe hand! But Weit. mu1t be blamed-both for bi1 feather- light overcall and for hla deci· slon to sit for t.he double. Since hit valuea were all d i1trlbutional, he 1bould have made a prudent. retreat lo five diamonda. We~t led the kiDJ of diamooda. and declater waa not delighted with Wt proe- pecb. lt ... mec1 ... wouJcl have to loee three clube and a ~-two. But tllen wu a mace u the dla~· tlon WU friendlJ. Dedaret won the ace of dlamoada ud ruffed a diao IMH. He aoued io tale • queen of apades ud W a 1cMir &nmp fNm du-J. Eu\ "1td the ~• ud tlw ·1ua1 -~-~badl to with th9 killl ol· .,... ... ruffed .-a. dilw+t. m '9 euW the ..o1 ....... oc1.i..1lreat laW IO follow ud WU ..Uble IO rd, the OHtnct ............... Peelarer rufhd hil laA .,.. ...... 7.Wt"~ lrieblatai. .... lle ...... my'1 last diamond. If Eut ruffed low or failed to ruff, declarer would score his nine of trumps and the ace would be the fulfilllng trick. So East ruffed with a trump honor and declarer countered elegantly -he di1carded a loalng club! Then he All back witla bia A·9 of trumps poised Oftr Eut'a Q·T and waited for two more tricks. and hl1 too&ract. 8141.tkre bee.11 H bidding, and QO double, deelarer wollld turelJ he•• drawn two rouncb of tna•pe at aome ~ and gone down. .... ., ., ......... . ....... &lie......, - ................ llnl& ... ...,...... 7'1 ,,.. · •••'t! ClaulH Qere•'• .• , ..... o.u lrNp" ... ..... ,.. &lie ............ . ....... .......... , .... .. ...................... ... 1J1r I I ltl iill Ir. =· :ri :' .:a.:J;! 0 .. 1.·· •• ,. •• , ... iili•t r•. P.O.._ -N•• it, JIU • .,.._ .... ~ rartl .. N ... ..... ~ I I I . .... F.\MIL\' c1ac111 • "ls that the same old tantrum or ore Y01J 1 • wOtting on o new OM?" "Fiii 'tr up." l I , . I F · MARMADt:llE by Brad Anderson D~Nl8 TME MENi\CE ~ 3-2 "It's the equiWllent of a doggle bag .. fron:i the finest restaurant in town!''. GARt 'IELD CRUNCH I MOON ltlt:1.LIN8 ACROSS 1 UltlmO 5 8Uny8n 9 Squ9lchld! 2wordl 14 wMtfly 15 Frenotl rMr 11 lnellglni 17 Polllfl rMf 11 Flirt 1tAIMw 20..,..., Vlnolflt CRUNCH . CRUNCH CRUNCH llCMIDAT'I "1Z.Zll IOLVB .J b Jim Davis THAT FROZEN PIZZA WOOU1 eE MOCH &EiTER IF' ¥00 M~fP rT FIRST HOW DARE YOU CAL~ ME S HORTY ? Ft:NK l' •tNK ERB Ei\N DEFI~ 'THE RX LOWI~: (1..) GEN1R4 WHY . 1s~1-r c::ioci ORS MAVI!! NO S•NSIJ OF HUMO~, PQC.1"0R? 3·L 'IOU' flE CO\.O ANO '40V IA)At(1" 'fO l:.E 1 O"Of,R 'fMt. 6l.Aft\(f, 1 ? O\(~'f . WH8N YOO a~-r 1"o OUF( 1"AX &RACKe-r, W HA,-'S F U NNY ? by Tom Batiuk 1J...e..~~ .wU"mlh\. Wo.nt. O'n. ~1.c.c.k.. ! • i , , •i .. .·I 2 • I r ~I ,. . , I '' I ' ,, I ,, • •• I ) ""'SRINOTON (AP> ·the Gtneral AccouMina Office 11y1 the 1pace a1ency wlU loee mllllona of doJlara on each shuttle nll)lt becauae it 11 aelllne the m1hu to det•nae, com~ercl•l a.a forel,...n at .,.,.,ln price.. -... fM·Pl'Oducias CU'IO WlUI it become• operatlonal later thll *ar. T-e GAO 1tudy aald the projected COit of a stand.rd siace. shuttle-ml11lon had lncrea.Md from $18.l Jililuto lo JW\e 1t18 t.o s:n.t mUUon u ot September ~980. ''I\ ii lronlc that at a Urae •whft NA&.411 pro1r..,. are 1ufferin1 due to budle\ conth'alnll, they1 ..-e locked into a ptlctn& policy that' encou ... 1e1 STS, <Space TranapO\"tatton Syetem) uae a& NASA's expense and• at Ute e•penae'of Its 1pace1 acience, appllcationis and aeronautics proaram," says a new study by the GAO. The ncure1,·which are bued on the value of a dollar ln 1975, do not include the Increases reaultlng '(rom lnrlaUon. Accordlna to the Consumer Price l11dex, 1oodl that cost Sl in 1975 co•t $1.75 b)' tbe end of 1981. · DesilJ\ chances for safety and other reuons, material qoet increases far above tbe Inflation rates and a shorter lifespan for tome or the sbutUe com1>9nent,t have made t he shutue more. experulve than pl~rs antlclpated. ' T~e Naliol'lal Aeroo~uttcs and Space A mi1U1tralion has booked Shuttle ruabts lor years in adv~. The 1,ln1tUe is scheduled foll' it.I tbird te t f\111ht on ~arch 22 but won 't carry 1 I I ·i. ·eonStructioo ::·av::n:llat Heritage Bank. ¢0NOE NSED6TATEMENT OF COflfDITION December 31, 1911 (~) , ........... ~ .... ,_. ASSETS: Celfl, Cerllfkftnol o-11 ond Olhff c• · ''"'"~­I.MM Oft llHI l!ltoto l.Hfl• &ec......s i,y Sevl"ll• Accounts OttlerAuets U,rtl,JU J6,16S,1t7 •'9.S" Mft.W TCIUIA.llb MJ.JW.9'11 . Resldendal . c.ornmerdal Bulldlngs: LIABILITIES: SMlllQll AccOIMtl Tak.eoul COminllmen• required along wtlh leases. Advenus ,,_ F-ol H-I.OM B-Advenu Poymtflts trom Borro_,, I.NM In ProcMa ln<o,,.. and P;ooptrty T"H .,...,....,,"'_ U:UO.GI •.uo.• .0. J,1'5,0M ,..,,, 1a.-. t71.IC2 .. consact: . ·Jdf Johnson SOurh·~ COU...y/ln'lnc • 1UJ1l5l..6050 .. Ohr l.i*llllet s•o,,._... """W ~ T owl Uollllllltt ond StocllllOlder'• l!QUltv !4,M.J91 Behind th• bell. Behind the famous Seacoast stlckar. Behind .all the state-of.the art protectron deYiCft w• make aod install, Is s._coaet central et.tion. . Wften an alarm go., oU 9n your pl"Oper'ty. we ~t.. th4 sigrml In • nearby, 24-hour·a·jjay ffintral IUllo.et If the 'iJVn•I ~dica fk'e, burgtaty or hoodup, we II the police or fire apartment. Since our central station Is UL llstad . our central station customers can qualify for e sizable discount on their insurance. PICTITIOUI a UMM•ll MMM STAT•M9MT Tll• ... ._"'9 -It dol1t9 liwi-M: YAMANO INTEllHATIONAI., lo.el Alle<N llh•er ,. .. ., Fouftloln Volley, Celll. '210L 0-.ld K. Y .......... lo.41 Apo<IW alv..-, F-.ln Velley, Cellf. '210L Tl\lt ~ 11 c-ted by .,. !Mlv ........ 0.-K.Y- -Tllb ~ ... llted wlUI Ille CoUMy Clen ot 0r.,... c°""'' on Fe411. s. nc. P1am PvtMI.-Or .... Coelt Oolty PlloC, Fe411. t , 1'. D, Mot'cl\ 2. 1'12 ~ , Pl<.'T1T10Ul'9UVMUS MMMSTAft ....... T' Tiie fol-lnt1 per-sore "°'119 IMIM-es: SUPEllBOOll!S. 11' E. 111" StrHt, CosV Mete, CA t2'27. llTH ST. FITNESS Pl.ACE. INC .• • Colllomla c..._.otlon, llt E. 1111\ SlrMt, Cotw Mete. CA mn T"h butlness h conc1vc1..i by • C4'-0llon. lttl'I SI. FllnMs Plo<e, Inc. Oenlel 0. Dar,_, Prn And to increase our reach, make response time even faster and Improve efficiency we 're corriputar1zlng our station. , But improvements aren't new to Seaco11t. We've been getting better for 21 ~·And tOdaywe're the le&Oers In the security business In the harbor area with OYef 10,000 customers including a wide range of big and small retail, industrial and 00f1'tmerclal ~blishmenta. Ttllt llal......,I • ., lllecl with ll't Co11n111 Cterll ot Oren99 County on Feb. 11, nm. Flan. P11bll-Clr9"9t Coell Deity P11ot, Fe41. U. More" 2, t . 16, 1"'2 1*"2 To rind out mort about Seacoast centr,al station wnte O( come by our new facility at 2488 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Kidder, Peabody invites you to attend a seminar on how your portfolio can benefit from an inve•tment in com modities th rou1h the profession ally managed account. ... P lace: Kidder, Peabody&. Co. Incorporated 610 Newport Center Dr., Suite 1290 Date: Wedn esday, Much 10, 1982 Time: 5:00 P.M. We will focus on the specifics of a Managed Commodity Account and how it • can protect .yOJ.it assets against inflation and . give you a hed,e against disinflation. • is dq;igned to opdmu~ rerum and lessen tisk. • aives 'you a d~plined, futl;time diversified trading &flproach. • • • • minimum.in.vesnnent $50.000 To mak_e your re1CrVation1 pl~ trlrphone Mt. Susan West at (714) ~~70f(), or use thr coupc;m below: ,----· I I • • ~:~~~~::~ r_,..,,. . •1 fl~• V~l W ~_.... lf'fit~ L•t..,...I" I I 6 to N.-.rpon C-w Drf¥e. Suke 1190 • NwtlpMr a..eh. CA 9l66o -·6o..,......offbt-WwW.-l ~ Pta.~e -. _ ___,.Jt) IC VCM M•c.h IOthecml.,., I.,_: I cmlld Mend. bur 11.-w14 le h>te lntonn.cion. ~ ~ ' ~I I Orange City . Bank . names VP Jerrr Holm has been appointed senJor vice president and' branch manager of Orange City ·Bank's new Huntington Harbour branch. He lives In Fountain Valley. Adolf (Al) M. Coteatblo has been elected vice president of Santa Ana·bued EECO Inc. and president or EECO Computer Inc .. a recently establlshed, wholly owned subsidiary. Kevlll M. Terry has been promoted to vice president ats We lls Fargo Bank's Newport Financial Center-Regional Commercial Banking office. David H. Lane has been named director or architecture and construction or Rosewood pevelopm nt;-a Newport 8each ·based architecture and construction firm. . Sbaron E. Latto has been appointed vice president, commercial loans, for the Newport Beach office of City National Bank. • llocer A. Palmieri has been pl'OR\oted to vice president of H yp movation Inc., a Los Angeles·based personal growth and development corporation. Palmieri has been a ' long-time resident of Laguna Beach . Irv Ramlln has been appointed vice president of mnlreting of Irvine-based Media Systems Technology Inc. . Barbara Scam an has been named. tax manager at the Orange County office of Main Hurdman, certified public accountants. . Bernard E. Schnelder has been re-elected president of the Newport Center Association board or directors. Harold Hayes of Westminster has joined Carl Karcher Enterprises as director of facilities maintenance. MargrJt Cargile has been named a vice OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK CAPI COIOGH , J.-1• t.'1 tnBl<Wth 11"° 12" Penlor ' HASDAO QUO(otlons ComCIH j() j()V, lwoSoUI U "UV. P-E•P '"°"'lno "~I bld1 CmlSllr ""' 121'> Jom1by 17 17'1• Pelrll • end lowetl offers bv CmwTel n 13 Jerl~o llY> II Pe1tlb0n merllel ~ 8' Of ConPap 74'1> 24"" JlllyFd V. Ill PlllteNel 4 p.m , Prlc:M do not Cordi\ :io :iov. J,Otlyn s 32V. l'l~ PlerceSS ln<l~r.tollmor1n4> crosTre 13"• 23V. k eliSt pt-tt•Ji 21 Plnl<rtn tnarkdo-°'comm-cuorFd s .,, 1 Kelvar ,,,.. "" PlonHIB IHlon tor ~y Crcllron 414 411) Kamon , 11'1• I~ Plullne SloO 8111 A~ 0 a0.1 t llYJ ""° Kell!S.. 43 44 Pos•I• • AEL.1114 -..lOlb 0.~ -'4--UVt KewHel ..... 14otGM-AFAProl 1111> 13 08Mr 5:\4 S 21·'1 Kltnlloll 1 ..... 11.,._ Pr1Steyn ~~c~r~l ~ : g:~~~~· ·r~ m:: ~:::a· ,~ .... 2~~ ~~·.:, ~~i::u ~ ;~ 8T:C~i~' Jv. 2!"' ~~!f:v •;~ 1::! ~~.:,~.:;, AllBth t I~ !ti.lo OlanCru ~ 37 KuH<U HV. 14'14 OVellrCll All(otnc VIII •lh Ooc11ll 1 ZS'"' :• l onc•ln U 'h 2"'° Ao99nl>r All.. 2\1. 2:.., OollrGn ..... 11 .... landAH 41/o 411'> A•Y<"tn ~~::• !?-• ~~~ 8:~.~~ l~ l1~ t~0 f~ fil; ::;:;~ AGrHt I~ ltV. 011nkO I 11 .... ""° UdStor 1 ... '''-RoodEx AlnGo • ....., -Ourlrn I 11"' Ill\ 1.ln8<1I 41 41y, 11-y AN•tln1 l:Mlo 14 t:atnVnc · 1)\1. I~ t..09eCrn '~ 17v, II ow Ion "'°"°"' IO'h ·-Econl.ob .... , ..... MCIC .• ~ l1"" llovw AlhAMo "" .... EIP .. el " """ MGF Oil ~ 7 s.<111.r AW.Id l IM lO t!ld«Be S'h • MocllGE 14l't IS Soteco AMdllo '"" .-. , .... \1(, • ,.,.. MoQelPI • ·~ SIHelGd A,..SA IC*~ EtMOdt , 14 u Mer:mP 4>1\IJ 44h SIP•ul An9AGd ""' """ EnrOev 13 IJll> Mo At s.,, s"' S<rlpH • AopleC -11..., EnrMellld Mo krt I 41 .... 41'-$en'°' Al>ldMI 1'..., IS I 11·1• 114 Merion 64-S Sv<-r A.-....Gp Ill< Jlh En.II•" 1 , .... Mo..11.P 21 ,. S..ctntl ' AMICBI t 22v. l2" lntwltll ~ 10\f> MoyPt UV. I~ 5"-AUG"-t • ~ U CIVISI. •"> ''" lii'ArnOll. 71(. 7..., Sflwmlll AlloflRI -~ q_IOll 1 1 ... M<Cortn ~ 1' si.roR1 9alrdCp no. '" vlFSC ,._.. v. Mc,,.,., 1"" 1"' Sllkon11 BotlyPP ~ ~ l"'•rmGtt ~ ,. .... M<O\lay 1~ U SC•IWlr a-HE 10 1014 Flclkor ,....... J7 MldsaW 11 1714 SwEISv "',.... ·-~ • F B S n~ l3 MdldCop '" 10 Slanclyn ;"1~: 0 20V. ~ ,:e:.~· -37 ..... MldlA•• 1).1' ... SldMkro 8~~.,:.. ~ ICM FIEmllS 1~ 17\lo MldlBk • 2114 JIY, Sldll•r BMllM SV. ~ FIWnt'ln .,.., 40.C. Mllllpr 17"' 17'6. SlonH hnlPI FlooBU n ttl<o MIUVIG .,..., .. SterlSI 1 1s-i., 1 ... Ftk\or ,..., ''"' Mo••• • -•11<o 9eOI. \ 30\to J0vt FloHFle 261.'o ~ MonlCol ~ BevMol UV. ..... Fl11rocb .,... •v. Mo""CP IT"-11 Blbl>G 13 Ullo Fon•IO 21"' 11"'-MoofePd 21•1o 21 Bird~ '"' I FO<MIQll ,.... ,.,, MoroRn ..... 10 Blr1cl'lr '" 4llli Fr•nl<Gp IO II Mortnlll A't • Bl oo I 11.'t Frenl<EI 1~ l•V• MolClub ~ 6 president in Crocker Bank's Domestic Branch dlvisioft. She Uves in Newport Botth. I . . . .. Richard B. Cohen, owner or Richard Cohen Landscape & Construction Inc., Mission Viejo, baa been elected 1982 p resident or the Lon1 Beach-Orange County chapter or the CaUlornla Landscape Contractors Association. Arthur T. Saltaer has been elected chairman of the Fountain Valley Community Hospital board of directors for 1982. Jo~ Hagedorn has been named assistant vice president/assistant to the director of marketing at Heritage Bank. Robert C. Trost of Newport Beach has been appointed vice president. finance for Capro Inc., a Garden Grove-based manufacturer of computer systems. · Dale Edwards has been named vice president, engineering. of Santa Ana-based lnfoscribe Inc. He lives In Fountain Valley. J ames W. Witmer bas been promoted to president of Irvine-based Deepwater Chemical Co. Co. Gary Nell Peterson has been electe<J president and chi ef financial offi cer and Lyman I. Clark executive vice president a nd secretary of Newport Beach·based Regional Design and Construction Information Services. . . Harold D. Qaulls has been appointed parts, planni~g and ad m ini~tration manager and ••TMu John R. Ables parts marketing manager of Fountain Valley·based Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Americ"a Inc. UPS ... ~, .'"!- ·---• I V. ·~ · .. " S"" • 'II. ~ + 1v. .... + "" •V. • ' s,.. .. " It + 2 s • .... ' • \It U"1 + ,..., ''"" • 1\oa Siio + Ill 4 ..... "" 2"" • ... S"" • Ill ..... . ... """ . ' 74\lt • 2 4... . ... ''" .. .,..,, ,, • t ,..., . "' '1\lii • .. DOWNS Pct UP n .1 Up 1' 1 Up U2 UP IS,O Up 14 7 UP 11.6 Up 12.1 Up 11 t Up II.I UD 11.1 Up 11.1 Up 101 ~ ::1 VP 10.0 Up 10.0 VP t .S Up t.A Up t .J Up Lt Up II Up 1 7 Up 17 Up I• Up L4 Pct a:;.,.; IV. 1'-FrMSG l4W U 1111 ... uer 11 It. enoTotn 15\lt 1~ Fremnt 12\lo 12 Horroc 10 JI SUMMARY I 811C1111M '" , ... ""'''HB JI"' 211 N010 17Yot in. NASDAQ_ 2 Butte ls 11 21Yt GnAutm 4~ 4 =~ '!r.f •;"' •;v. ! Home VandEs Micron ..., SlrulO RoblPor H11<rp s T•v• ElronE• Dor., LOSI Cl>Q s .... -lloo , ... -... ,.,. -..... s -"" OU It> Off ,,.. 0" IJ.J Off IJ.0 Off n s Off 10 t Off 10.6 Off 10,0 Off 10 0 ()fl 10.0 ~:t'~ 1~ ~ Gg:~~~ I~ 17 Nk kOG 12Yt 12"' NEW YOflK IAPI --Kliv1 0...,.. S CPT l 14.,. U EF I'& "t Nlcolel tOto 11 lfw.<ount.-llOCU ~led by NASO. • " n " Nleltn A 42~0 4.J N•tne VOiume Bid AoJ!ed Cl\Q 1 CalWtSv ltll> J7Y> OroS<n s 1'Y, 1 Nlettn B 42:.., O'll. MCIC 41S,l00 32" J7'1'o ~ I C.,.rodH 2VJ J'll. GrOAdv 65 ., HoC•rG\ IJ'h IJ!'t CompC s.. nt,'°° 171.\ 171/o t CopEn 11·1' <'o Glllnlll n u , NwlNGs ll'tt "'"' MedOyn 71S,:IOO I 11.\ • 'It 10 ~=~r, • 1~~ 'f,;! ~''":'It ,!"' .~~ Nw\IPS is-. in. s11mm0Md 2• . .00 , ?J.JJ • • .., " Co,•Cp I'~· 1,,~ Ham I< J J" No•ill J2~ n • .. 6nRsv . 2•.200 7 7V. 17 • ~ ., •rdw e •• Nucr , 4"' 411> Nike B . 111,IOO Jt"° Jt" n CherAlv ltll> J7"" Hrpllow ,.. 10 Nut:fv 1 ~ 2IV. BrwTom "'·'°° ISYJ IS"" • ,.,, u C"rmS • "'-,,,. Ho~p ~ 7'V. O<uMr 17"" ""' T ompoa IM'°° Jl~\ J.4...., II. IS ~C;•tU:--181 ' :1~7''h :,r-~=<~~ ' :ri: :"" ~:::z.~ = : ~:r.:.~ m-:: 1~~ 1 ~~:-: • ,.., :~ •• 14eMdF JIV. ti"' Ol\Ferro •v. '"' 11 C""bb .. 4'\'t Holobm 2" 7:W. OtterTP 17,., ""' Advencecl 474 It Clrfko ~ 7 Hoover •~ t PCA Int ~ 4.., Oe<llned )02 CllrSoG• ~ , ... HorltR• JI,\ • PabslB l1"' ,1 ... uncll•noed 1.:Jts 71 CIUUtA J.4V. 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AIM« IM 1 SI 22~ l't AMP In I .Al IJ UI 50\l'>-I A-o AO S U IS + Vo ,,._., "111 ·-"' A..._ n1AO S 121 t1¥t+ " AIM&er 1.W J 111 ~+ .. Amstjllf .41 .. 1 S .... . Amsted 2A l * »Y. .... . A11e ... 1 f2 "' 22Y,+I,_. Aft<Mr ,.. • 21 1~ .... AnClay I.JI S 61 21V. + YI AllllrG" ... ' • ,, ....... "-lk AO IJ 60 DV. + -. .......,. 1..a 9 -G'A + y, Alllalf1 .1612 1't ISV.+ .. AMA A .92 S •12 IP!o + .. .... y ... • I Mio + .... ....... .:IA 12 1'7 14 • \;> ~llPllfltlt .. » It ..... ._._ .... 10 flYJ+ .... Al'CN , . SU 27\le-2\olo Arc .. l'fl. 1' .. II 2'\111-11.i. ArclWOn .1«1 6 162 M ..... ArlrPS t.» 6D60 ,_+ 14' A"'aat M S SS ,_ "' A"'la a .a I 411 14\to-1 ....... ty ' " 1\lo ..... Arm-.. 10 '"' ..... Arm<o 1M 4 114 21YJ + ~ A""< pl t. IG . • 1 17.,..._ \lo Armr llJf us .. * » ..... Arnlh. IA 4 12 "'• .... AmlWln 1.10 1 142 IJVJ ..... A..C. 111 6 t 16""-"' ANOWE .1642 IU ~+ \lo Artro .JIM I I~+ \lo Antin 1.12 a is I~+ "' AMrcO .ll lJ -~ Y, Asl\IOll 2.41 I m 1~ + .. AtNO P''-• . .. J2,_. + "' AtMO "'1• .. > JI._+ 14' AMOG IM I «It ~ "' A•O llJf US .. 12 -+ v. AMMn JI* 11'11.-"° AtfllOM 1AO S %2 2A -~ Ate:YEI t.12 S 112 1nll+ l't AtlMtre .Oflt 4 IOJ I -1't Atlltkll IA S-~­Atlltc llJf tM .. 2S «1 -1 AIMQ J 41 1n• ..... A-'1 .J21' SS ~+ l'o AllR>t I ... M 527 2SYJ + A'W't'Q UI S set 16\lo+ \II :=t ·?:1~ .,\! ~:;1: ·-~ 7Ut'J ~ -A.,...n 12 ft 2Al4 ... ------1!.::'n ..... ,,: I i.i 1~ ....u ue • ,. .. u" 2.... 10 r.. ,. ' » .:=£ ,:: ;1m :::t:.•ut .. di I.JI II I ~.::; = ~-=tt flf 2 .. S cd511o-H6 ""y ).JI s 11 .. + " o 1.16 6 ttl IS\lo-.... MAm I.SI 6 tit 1' + loll ""'~ 'dt ~· .. Tr 1All s JO ~+ -. rjllf~,i .: I~~ AIM 1't Ja .. .,. ltl • I~+ .. .,.,.. • . .. 1 .. 21 -" :r.~ .;:·~ ir. '~::::: II l.»J6 SP • + .. Tr• A'6 ... ~ 14 lfl " • ,.._ .. Uf: B =:= ....... , .... 171t "-.... ..... .., a.a . n .,.. ..... ="' .•ihw ., ..... 0 I.lilt .. .,...__ ~ .. --~ .. fttc9" ~ I 2: a.,..-; : -•• 7 2' -· .. 11111 .M t • MY> ..... ti~· 'j ~ =: ~ • , "' J4 + 114 ,, .. 1111 ..... ................. 1 ........ 5' ... "'"*'·· •fl•I'• .... I.JI . , l1Mt IA .. .,. ·-, .. 5 ne IMu ef IA•..., ,....._. fell for tbe Dintb 1traic.ht month In Januuy1 ud t.be 0.1 perct0r decline would have been mucn worae ti the lmpact of severe wlnter weather bad been Included, t.be Commerce Oeput•ea& reported. Tbe Index would have declined 2.8 percent for tbe montll, but department officla11 deleted etteeu ol oae lndlcator, the average workweek, which wu •harply depreued by the bad weather. The index bad decllned 0.3 perc~nt in each of the precedln1 two months ... Ford M.cor-C.. '• union workers overwbelminsJy approved a 21h·year conceasloo pacta1e, cLeartq the .,ath for an aoticloated reaw:nption of ta1ka beUM• the United Auto Workers and Geeeral M•n Corp The drop in. 11 .. llM JlfkeS over the put 12 months i• chiefly attributable to the fierce compeUUon in gasoline maitetln1. aceordin1 to the Lun•bft-1 IA!Uer, a weekly oil industry newsletter . Retail prices fell about 8,41 centa a Ullon over the past 12 months, the newsWtter'a author. analyst Daa Luadber1, reported . . . The U.S. .Air FOl'ce bu awarded a ~.8 m.UUoii contract to .RodtweU la&etudoeaJ eor.. to contiaue ' the manufacture or "smart bombs" at Its facilities northeast of Atlanta . . . • Raytheon Co. has received a MO~ million contract from the-Kta1•• of Sa... Arabia for conitnued work on tbe. improved Hawk Air-Defense System . pan Savings and loan associations in Callforala, Arizona and Nevada saw a net new savings inflow of $343 million in January with jumbo certificates of deposit getting the biggest boost, the Federal Home Loan Baak of San Franctse. reported. The inflow, which follows two months Of oulflows totaling $452 million, contrasts with an oulflow of $177 million in January 1981 . . . Coatlneatal AUUDes, which lost $80 million Jut year, said it has borrowed an additional S2S million and that its audit.ors plan an orficial notation on the airline's 1981 financial statement questioning the company's chances for survival ... Pullie Telepbone & Tele1rapll sllareltolders have voted ta approve a merger with Padfte Transltloa Corp. America• TeleplloDe 4 Telep ... owns all of Pacific Transition and 91.5 percent of the common stock and 78.2 percent of the preferred stock in Pacific Telephone ... BHtriee ltk4• Co. -i'S negotiattng to ouy Coca-c.ola BoUUa1 Co. of Sao Diego and is close to an agreement · to acquire Coke's Saa 8eraardla9 franchise, a spokesman for Beatrice said. Beatrice recently bought Cou-Cola of Los An~eles and Nortbwat lndustries, beverage business ... Whittaker Corp. said it would appeal a federal judge's decision in Chicago clearing the way for Brunswick Corp. to sell its Sherwood Medleal Prodacta subsidiary . . . Applicati90S to establish nationally chartered banks in CaUforaJa almost tripled last year to 73 from 26 in i1~ .. ~tie l\ate ~ filings -lined to .ta 'from ~. acc6rding to data supplied by Edw C1rpenter A Auoltatea Inc. -.,...._,......,_ ;ua11a Si New World Computer Co. of Irvine tor the quarter ended Jan. 31 had net income of $58,158. or 1 cent, compared with a net 1065 of $151,702, or 3 cents for the like quarter of faacal 1981. Revenues were $531,887, up from the $57 ,236 from last year 's quarter'. METALS--.y c .. ,., n -.eo <•DO o pounct, U .$ 411tClllelMM. ....... cMltJ. pouft4I n. 4~. """41 ... 11....-.d, T ....... Metals w .... <~11• 111 Ah"',._ ~n~o _..i. ,..,y • Mert9'y QJS..ol jiff flalll. PM._SJCUlllro¥ot-H.Y. SILVER ..... , Handy& H.,,.,..., t7.11Spet'tr..,-e, ;QLO QUOTATIONS . .., ..... _ ..... ,,,_ S.1«•~ ......... lces ..... '1': ~: ,..,,..fl•"'9 ... 1S.offll.llJ. U..: ....,_,, ...... ,.JS ..... l.JIS.1 '°"': sm.11,..,a.n. ,,.....,., .... ,,., ...... ft. a.nc.: ..... fllllfte ..... °" "-'1 .... . ... ..... MolHly & Mff.aa: only dolly 41-• •1.ts,lll'ltfA •..-..i ...., ... ., .... 1161111.. "" ., ... . I .................. ., .... ~ .... ~..,.,,, .... 1.ca. S~MIOLS =~-.............. ............ -11.. --·· .......... -~ ·--:-..... ,..... ...... ... .... ==-~--­~:.-=: .. J..:.. 5-...---....... , .. ..... ................ .......... 1 ........ ............................. -.. ................................ ______ ....,.. ..... ....... ....... --....... , ....... _ ....... _ =.·.r...: J It --.r:.::: ....... ~ ... ··=::.: -... •Mt ..-.... ................... 9. ___ .....__.._ I I • 1 r .... ~=.::z--··= ~ =,fl'lllP._,_-:\: . ==~··==-------...... ---..... I •I I .. I . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tutlday, MArc n 2, 1982 I 'Raj Oma Game' sparkles I I •~ 1'<1111TtJS . f'lbn. trutllft ' rrom Jolln 0 1 , Moi.t notable amOn1 th.ls covey o1 .,._._....,.,.... sl dh·e• llark H«mlOD aad clowns Is Mary Murphy as the Thtt,rt's a certain chemistry refllrapMf ~nt ltity, ~ lllrtallous otnce bookkeeper whole er•ted by a Kent John on musical ~adiativc wol'k • Lh • ·••rte 1,.ogene Coca rueilil gyrallona atop a at the WtH1lmlnljl r Community -•m •ny in • trn•ll ttor t~hof' hlrdllke physique reap repeated T u~r that s_,"m unt'rrln&.lY to ti•~• Is partl0411arly 1m.,,.1lv.. howls. A1i her jealoll , company man brinf out th bHt ln all concerned, The production numbers are packed s uitor. Ri chard Morrill excels In and "1'ht Pajomu Gnmc" keeps this with pizzuz. halting ao apex In lhe some broad, slapst~k shenant1ms, bappy tradition Intact. trcnctically complicated anthem to highly secure In a role assumed lato · Although the vintage musicul about tht• complU\Y picnic, "Once a Vear In rehearul. labor-manage ment relulions In a Oay." . Calvln Coker, a new and welcorOt ~mall Midwestern town Is a-bit dusty J ohnson's •'J>ajama (lame" veers face on fhe local tceo.: brln! ~n the suttace,.Johnson's eneraeUc, somewhat from the traditional amiable autho.rlty to Mis asslgnme llilgh·tempo production polishes it format of two attructlve romantic as lhe pajama plant superintend~n • •ith equal portions of artistic apl~mb leads with pleasing voices and a pair w Inn in g e mpathy f>eyond the •nd elbow grease. The result 1s a of comic secoad bananas, shifting boundaries or his r9le . Barbara . tr and and gloriously entertaining m o r e e m p h a s i s to t h e Keller is excellent ln th "!>Ori~ 'J)~ venin1 of theater. laugh-generating portion of ttie show. part" or the union stafwart, and her Even the minor moments of an aeyond the top roles, v\rtually dttets with Coker a re partic:ularly l"°'mensely hummable score gel first everyone is funny. enjoyable. ·* * * "PAJAMA G,,.ME" musical by George bolt, Richard Adler d J erry Ross. directed ... N~Wt' OAl~Y A INE · At A Six Cine o mes The CIA tnllned him. brlefedhlm,8h'M4hMI, Mdthen... titer ••daned '*"- Clark 8ur1on H the leche"" union president, P~ Walker-."~ • lhe chunky a.creta ry Md • Miida as the stubborn coropu1 preslleml all contribute In lar1• mt...-e ~ s how's lnlecllou• zest. Olber effective perrormances come from Karen Matheny, Lynda Towler, Oon Berret\, John Moreno and Kyle Burson, w~ Wayne Mayberry hu a neat ciun., u a Jurly ph1nt worker. . , Johna.op and l\ls troops, both onstau and olf, may be pardoned If their pride la showing over "Pajama Qame," the seasol\'S most enjoyable commuotlf theater production . Perrormances continue Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 th.rough March 27 <with an extension likely). Kent Johnson. stage ~anag er Flo ~ackstock . technical «Urector Ca rol Beckett, ~t design by Bronson, • .Ound and lighting by Charles Chandler and .Carol Beckett. musical director Mark Henson, '):horal direc tor Tim l'Jelson, choreographer ~oberta Kay. presented F ridays and Saturdays ~8 :·30 through March 27 the West min s ter Aadlrnv A_,, Nofftl9 ~l~~Je:JO ;/o''Passes No Ec:on. Seau ===::> Martel Hem1n111111!1Y ll'E~BOT , IR) 12:30 :3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 J' ~ 2 7 2 M a. p I c S l . , WN'f.PJiS OF · om munity Theate r . I ~mvAwa.rc1Nonw,,. r eslom1n s tcr . 127:fo~50 5:15 L ft.eservations 995·4113 c:::;7:.::::::45:::;:,0::::::::10::;::::::==> -· • THIE CA$T I llici Sorol<lrl C•tv1n Coker ~flE&'W>f. JrE iiiib<tWllllam' hr~r•l(ettor ,0 27j(i sf£ 1 • ••MfYi . • M.,y Murphy 9:55 70mm : , Hlnn . Rlch•ro Morrill conomv Seats I I ' . I • \ I I • : i ; I I I t llr•I • Cl•rk 8urM>n c:::======= M.tie . . P•llroc W•lktr eir HHk>r 8111 M•lktn ~I• . Lvn<I• Towler ... . John L Moreno Po9 Don B•ntn ... l(.,en M •lheny JM ICylf 8ur\On Worhn W•vneM•YbeN'V, Or-JohniO<l,Ml<"HIOIHI Son1•Xorill01 AnthOnvF•.-- Use the Daily Ptlol "Fast Result .. service directory Your service is our ·specialty Call 642-5678 ext 322 Diane Keaton 1n SHOOT TH£ ltlOOfl (RI 12:15 2 :40 5:10 7:40. 10:05 din• Alexander TCAOSSING (POI 2:40 S:OO 7 :15 Economy S.etong 1st Hour Only · STADIUm ~ Jcuzqn Oriv~-ln coll 6l9 8770 ~ R-lutoonary Cone·FI Sound Y.-W ..... ._. ,_,., jlO ............ " ""' ..... ~ ,. ...... ft • ._.. --.i .. -. .. Kate Jackson MAKING LOVE IRI History Of The World l(RI I MuMmmad Alt BOOYANO SOUL IRl Plu'! Ghost Storv CAI c:::====::=I I~ SHA ... llY"S llACHtNE IR "'°°"""" A~ NorTw19 A .. ~. (POI • 3rd Hit! 8uU1n' L..ooM (RI Oron·tns OP"' 6:30 NIGHTLY Unct.r 12F R~EUnleANoted Magic " ... every piece of ma~ic und .,kill has been used to free our ima~inatinn. to let it soar."-Shtila 8 tnlo11, LOS ANGELES TIM£ ..... -.... , .• , ... ~'°' 751 j184 4CIOH-lC.rUt4"0-~ COi!ANUA There's A Lot Being Said About LOVE .,_ ... """'''-"" ~ 1 q/e11frW Partl by William Shakespeare -All the pageantry and spectacle of Renaissance England is brought to li fe. Featuri ng Shakespeare ·s inimitable comic creation Sir John Falstaff; and Prince Hal. ·who leave the reveries of youth to battle the treacherous enemies of the crown . -ut: MOW Pl.A YIMG :..- M.-cll 2 thlou91t April 4 Ma1nstage Curtain Times: Tuesday-Saturday at 8 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Sat and Sun. Matil)ees at 2:30 p.m. Limited Seating Still Available 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 For ticket information or reservations. call (71 4) 957-4033 A oubllc service oresentat1on of the DI.I" Pilat 1 BE AN ICE SKATING ·~ at an · /, ' IG~ GAPADES -CHALET- • NEW CLASSES STARTING REGISTER NOW for internationally famous Ice Capadei Chalet Ice Skating School. Whether you'.ve ice skated before or r;tever ice skated in your life, one of these classes is for you. . • BEGlNNERS WELCOME! • 2701 H•rbOr Blvd. Harbor • Ad•m• Cost• Mes• 979-8880 *BARGAIN MATINEES* Mond1y tfl111 S1turday AU P~rtorm1nc~1 before 5:00 PM (Except 1'*'81 Enp11ment1 and Hotldlya) I.A Mtll.A(1A M .. ll Muooo 01 lo1ecron1 LA MIRADA WAllMN ff•·2400 I --· . "111A1" Wlltt II" flt ·~·---· ... ··-- ............ a..,....,.~ "'Ttil! AMATEUR" .i1 1 tt: ....... """t ..... l'°"~-,.·--Ull9-- ....-----~ "ON GOUM[N l"OHO'" lf"I • 11:• . ., ....... .,,., ..... "CAIMEIY i.ow· "' ........ I;», ... C*-~--­...... -. ·~IOUAD"fll ................... fec1111¥ OI Co~lewood 21J/U1·9llO "C.....-n' ROW" t"lll ·---·-.-_°",... ..... -~ .. --... -----·· .. _....,_,..,_ "TAPS" t"lll -°"" ...... ,_._ __ a:•-.-.. -.-I r'RIDS"t"lll . •tll.-- LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAii< IH # ~MDelNf'<O t I 1 ~lJ/.,....281 .. ~ ... ~..... l:<4 --·---Qj(M 01F tlW t:0ST AAIC." -r ... .-.:" .... -,,,. f I --.. ,.,,__ ••llAl(INQ LOY£ .. tlll . ... .,.., ... --. ..• ~~m--= ............... _. -Soulll Coo" Hnray J oltroodwoV 494-1514 -c.-.·---"T..S"-. __ "_ .... ___ _ ..... ,.., • ._~ Bteit6 15 \-4 ,_.. 6:Clt \...-t \t.--t18;45 IMPORTANT NOTIC~! CHllOIUN UNDlR 12 FlllU! "••M< , .. W11ne1 Mt" '''" '" 5 30 • S•I $eo ! H•h4 30 '"' CIOtf.A SOUlfO • YOUll AM CAii IW)IO IS ~ PfM(1I If NO AIOI CAii MOIO WITH OllTOI ACtl$IOll' l'OSlllOlt -....0 Ml l'OllTMU t•loll. CJN(.fl llWHll DI Oii AM IWJIO "N4H!•M -... ·-· ANAHErM oR1vE-1H .. DEATH WISH II .. fll "-"9 frH•ot 91 01 l•"'O" " "THE BURNING" .ii 1'19·9150 Clltf "'°""° -.. -.-.-------.. -._..---.--.. ------~ "WINOWALKER" t"111 '"'IDI" .. , --• '··MONCO Ill.LY" --·'"'°"*er - Olllf 1t SOUllO Ct"t "' ~ 9 1;Hi;.& PA.Qr BUENA PARK DRIVE IN -llftcolft "... ., .. , Of IU\Oft 121-4070 llllfN!i .• I 11&toi" •v-... ., Ol '""" ,, .. 121·4070 ---·--••(:HR1tTIA .. ,,.. flt -·~TH9'1ft"t111 ft IOUllO " "'"''-.. '-A HABRA u111't'1 'ilf °"----·-·--··VICE SOUAO" fl> -"HARDCORE" fll -OtmllNI """--"MAKINO LOVE" 1111 -••.-STORY OF TitE WORLD l'AllT OHi" 1111 ~·-· ··OEAnt WttM II" fll -"TME 8\MNtN0"" 119 Ctllf fl SOUllO ltocn ll•G SO 04 Go!Gefl GI-F1_, 191·3693 -C.-'·--"TAH"tNI "ue "fltODEJ'N "'09LOIS'" fNI CHll·ftSOUM> ..._ ...... cwua1•.uw ··THf AMATftM" t111 -"90UTI4UtN COWOflr' ... I Cllll " SOUllD ""~--­"°" OOLoaf ~·· lf"I --•--_,, -6 --•-n. lLICT1'1C HORllMAN'',... ~ .. ~,..2 - ....... ___ ._ ___ _ "¥tea aouAO'' " -·" " ••tfM .. ,. I ' J .... . ... M1 c;s10N n111v1 1N . . . ................. _.. . .. ·~~, .. ,_ ·~ ..... --M.L-M'llNOl10CNO llGMCMO .. .. ,, Loe,....... • ROMANCE? Mary Murph~ shrugs off thl' umnrous udvan{'('S of Clark Burson in a musi<':.it numh('r fl'om "Thl' Pajam:.i.(~t1m(•" at th<.• We~t mmst<:r Communit~· Theat(!r .!.:r,~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!11~~~ ..... ~~~~~~--~------~--~-....t .... ...;..~--~---~-------~;;;=:;;;;:;==:~:::::..;:.:;:;:::::;;:..=::=;;;;:.:~~~ -~-~ TUESOAV,MARCH i , 1912_ I .. :CllSSlfllD cs . '- It's David. (SCC) vs. Goliath (Biola )' Vanguards (21-9) to face No. 1-ranked E~gl~s (34-0) for district title Bx BOWAllD L BANDY • !'It..., .......... WIDTTIER -It could easily be termeCJ a David and Goliath confrontation .between two Christian colleaes in the finals of the NAIA District 3 basketball championships Wednesda}' nltbt at Whittier Colleae. The upstart Soutber.n California CoUeae Vanguards don't have a starter over 6-4 and will be decided underdogs, deitpite their 21·9 record. The Van«Uards are playing Blola, tbe No. 1 ranked NAIA team in lhe country with a Oouy 34-0 record. Biola is led by _ Wade Kirchmeyer, a 6-7 senior forward and an All-American last year, who is , averaging 17.0 point.I and 12.0 rebounds ~game. ---- BUT THEY AIM> BA VE a 7-8 giant on the bench in the person of George tbe district cbamplon.ahlp ln otder to qualify for Kanau Clty . Only one at-larte berth la available and that for .*be team that ii ranked No., l that might not win a diltrict Utle. 8;~'-r:·r:g1:1~~ ~&C-r~o':cC1ak1:1~ Reynolds says. "I think we'll do it a little differently this time than we did when we lost by three points during the regular season. "IN THAT GAME, played Id our · gym, we tried to slow It down and fell behind by 17 point.a ln the flnt half. When we started to run more in the second half, we cut their lead to three at the end of the eame. Jn naming a starting lineup for the game, Reynolds said he would not make any cbqes from the five players that have started moat of the year. Al forwards be will have Rick Porras (6-4, s r ., 21.3 average) and Mike R ob erta (6·2, Jr .. 16.5 ); Danny· Mortensen (6-4, sop&.) wlll start at center; and Mark Roche (5-11, s r., lS.8) along with Rick Pluimer (6-1, soph., 7.0 and 8 assists) at the cuard positions. "One of tbe key players for us, however, is Dave Corsi who comes off the bench," Reynolds says. ''He 's our sixth man and when he's in the game, he gives It 120 percent. He's only 6-2 and a sophomore but be will come in and play post for us. Against Fresno-Pacific the other ~gbl, he scored 15 oointa. •"BE'S EXCITED about the chance to boost when he gets Into a game.'· Others 4lxpected to ~e action i.Qclude Paul koMnann (6-7, jr.>, the tallest player on the t eam and Rich Rogers (6-2, jr.). . ''Hohmann will give us some rebound strength but he is hampered by an lnj ury," Reynolds says. "Rogers could see a lot of action if they play a lot of zone defense like we expect. He's an excellent outside shooter and he could be a vital factol' for us." WHILE BIOLA is undefeated this 1eason and has been at the top of the NAIA national poll most of the season, the Eagles have had a couple of narrow escapes in recent games . Westmont and Azusa· Pacifi c both took t hem .to overtime l>efore losing and sec dropped that three-point decision after trailing by 17 in the first half. · -Bell, .pr~bly the talleJt player in college basketball anywhere In the .country. Biota is assured of a berth in the NAIA national tournament beginning in Kans as City next Monday. SoCal College must win the game and.with it "We'll start out running Wednesday night because they have a big height advantage over us. We have nothint to lose and everything to gain in this game. lt's a great opportunity tor us just to be there but we'll try to treat it just like a normal aarne. "They may have been taking us too lightly the last time we played but that won't be the case Wednesday night. I'm sure they'll be ready." play against Biola. He went there last year and was the last player on the roster. With all o{ their players returning, he didn't see much chance of playing thi8 sea.son· so be transferred to our school. But whether the much smaller Davids ( at SoCal College can slay their taller · and undefeated opponents, remains to be seen. AFTER GOLIATH -SoCal College basketball coach Bill Reynolds leads his t eam against Biola We dnesday. . . .......... CONTRACT MAILED Dodge r pitche r Fernando Valenzue la and Dodger officials were unable to reach an agreement in contract talks Tuesday . The Dodge rs malled Valenzuela a contract for a reported $300.000 Tuesday . Will power play work for Dodgers? LOS ANGELES (AP> - Fernando Valt!nzuela and his representatives have been unable to agree on salary terms w1tb the Los Angeles Dodge~. So the defending world champions , obviously out of patience, have unilaterally renewed the pitching sensation's CGDtract for 1.982. its original offer when It renewed the contract. T hrough his representatives, Antonio DeMarco and Di ck Moss, Valenzuela reportedly had asked the Dodgers for at leaat $1 million for the coming season. The club reportedly opened the negotiations offe r ing $300,000 and had raised it during taJb,, but not significantly. The two sides, includlna Valenzuela, met for more Ulan <See POWE• PLAY, Pace C2) "He's so hyper, we like having tum come off the bench. He really elves us a They'll be using a round ball but no sling shot in seeking a trip to Kansas City. Shuler rekindles his life Wrestler became.a Christian.after.a number of run-ins with the law By CURT SEEDEN Ot .. CMMy ........... In th e A c ad e my Awara-nominated film , "Atlaatic City," an aging hood tries to rekindle Ute days ihat were in a town that has deteriorated much like his life. In many ways, Athletes in Action wresUer Don Sbuler's life parallels that of tbe hoodlum, portrayed by Burt Lancaster in the· movie. ~ • SHULD, JN FACT. was in Atlantic City tut week. But unlike Lancaster's character , b e has not re ached the ov~r-tbe-hlll stage. In fact, he can thank AIA, his decision to become a Christian and his wrestling prowess for keeping him out of jail and away from drugs. Some significant changes have occurred in Shuler's life, ever since he was tossed ln jail for the secq_nd time while attending Arizona State University. A stay in a jail cell - probably the same slie as a wrestling mat -was the final rung on a ladder . that was going nowhere but down. •'Fortunately, I lost all desire to take drugs right after I became a Christian," Shuler says. "My life is pretty well straightened out now." INDEED, S.BULE&'S problems with drugs. his troubles with the law and a , s h ort te mper that once triggered fisticuffs with some hecklers are behind him. S h u 1 e r .. i s a n. Olympic-caliber wrestler, as ; be proved last week in Atlantic City. Competing in the "USA vs . tbe World". sports show, Shuler defeated his Bulgarian opponent in the 180-pound weight class. His victory was taped by ABC television which will air the show this Sunday. Now an assistant coach as well as a wrestler for the Fountain Valley·baaed Athletes in Action, Shuler, age 27, i.a sWl looking for a s hot at the Olympics. It's a s urprising goal considering Shuler dido 't like wrestling his first time out. "Yeah, I didn't like it at flrlt," he admlta. ''I Joined (the W'A9tling team) in my· sophomore year in blah TURNS IT AROUND Wrestle r Don Shuler has turned his life around and 1s now hopeful of representing the United DetfV ...... ,.... - States in the 1984 Olympics. Shuler is a .former Santa Ana College standout school. I always got beat so I quit." Ro bin is now S huler 's wife of four years. They have a one-year-old boy named AT THAT TIME, Shuler Br i an and I i v e i n was atte nding school in Westminster. J apan where his father, a "I wasn't very interested car eer Navy officer . was in spiritual things," Shuler stationed. "When I returned recalls. "But I went with her to the st ates, I gave it R b' B'bl d another try and liked it a lot < 0 10> to 3 1 e stu Y one more," he recall:;. But the Monday ni ght anyway. It satisfaction that ca me with was during my junior year. wrestling didn't spill over'-In fact, it wasn't long after I had been thrown in jail again into the entire makeup of the this time for stealing food. young man. J was just about as low as a "When I was 16, I spent guy could get," Shuler says. three weeks in jail for possession of marijuana, but ''THE LORD TOOK away that didn't stop me," Shuler my desire for drugs and gave s ays. "As I look back, I me the power to keep away wonder bow I managed to from them," he adds. play s ports, much less . Shuler's arrival at AIA has graduate." completed a transformation. Shuler says his life took a · "I ha~ a. fulfill ment I've new tum when he met a girl \ never found anywhere else. n a med Robin during his "--ll's not with just AlA but junior year at Arizona State. being. a Chris~ia.n. I can do •'There was something anything and stil_I have the different about her life that I peace and security I have was attracted to. She said the rig~t now," he says. difference was that she was a . A former wres tli ng Christian." s tandout at San ta Ana College, Shuler has several goals in sight these days, ranging from completing bis d egree in a rt at ASU to competing in t h e 1984 Olympjcs in Los Angeles_ The wresUing portion of~ Games, in fact., is just a fe_w short miles down the road at Anaheim Convention Center. "But it seems like anything can happe n before the Olympics." Shuler admits. "Last year. f broke my leg a week before the trials . It laid me· up for four weeks." FOUR WEEKS sounds like a short healing period for a broke11 leg. But Shuler, l·n ln attempt to strengthen the br e ak in his s hin bo ne , actually rode ·a bicycle with a cast on his leg. "The doctor s aid it was good for condition ing . But other people shouldn't do that. This was just an unusual break and bicycling was good for 't ,. 11 ·S bqle r s ays be has no •(See S&:ULER, Page CZ> Tbe Dodgers said Monday. night ,in announcing their decision that Valenzuela, who became the first pitcber in major league history to receive the Cy Young Award and Rookie ~ of the Year award in ~ SfJDe aeaaon, will be the hiahest paid second-year big leaguer in lbiltory. Terms were not announced. Anteaters would-lie · happy , to J;each final 48 V ALENZ'uELA. WHO eamed a reported $'2~ as a rookie \Qt 1Uf, WU 13-7 with 8 2.48 earned r.un avera1e lo tbe ; at.rlke·interrupted season. He led ..... m..ton ln lbutouU wlth elsbt ... atrlkeoata wtttt 180. . It la belined that tbe coatract calla for tbe,21 -year·old Wl-bader to reeetn Sll00,000 ID 1•. tbl club'• oritiaal Otter. n. Al9ociat..s Preu ... told .,,. a ~ dme to u.. Dodlsl tlbat lbe N= JAa~ team · mad• a la offer durint • .. _.~, l..a WeQt back to By IOHN SEVANO °' .................. . l"or more than three mootbs now, basketball team1 acron the nation have been vyinc for a' spottn the presti&ioua NCM tournament. Thia wee", all their work and bope wtll come to a climax. Sunday afternoon the NCAA tournament committee wUl announce it• '8 selectlona for tbla year's champlolllbip. UC Irvine ~ like to think It wl11 be one of tbem. Tbe Ant.eaten, boweYS, dies I'* ~ fact tbeV curT'tM 11-5 l'eeoN II U. bin ltn the tebool't ......., uad ...., 11 H:: ·a doa>inatlq AD·Amel'lea ti & Maaee, aren't the sboo·inl many niiabt expect them to be. Tbe latelt rumor belnl circulated ii · that tbe NCAA will pick two PCAA memben -Fr.no State and UCI -to ·compete at clltterent refional sites. Tbaf rumor ii pndicated, t.boqb, on tbe I aet tltber rr..o State Oii' UCI wins the apmnm, PCAA tournament which ·betl• w.-..da7 at tbe Anaheim 'Conventloft Ceater and runs t.broqb 'FridaL• ftnale. If ., CIUlel' ~the ftve PCAA scboola wen to come out Oil top, UMD that WCMlad NdJ tlll'8w tlM NCAA'a plu tor a loop. Tb• ;11t anea weeks of coal•••'·~ llave deM llOtllbl1 more than :.,pfovlcJ• tHdlDI• aad ........ ·-- faxorites for this week's tournament. It's the winner of the three-day 'lffalr, not the PCAA champion .(in this case Fresno State), who gets the automatic NCAA bi~. Thus, if Utah State CUCl's opening opponent Wednesday night at seven o'clock), Pacific, Lon.1 Beacb State, Cal State Fullerton or San Jose State should pull an uptet, lo1lc would seem to lndlcate the NCAA ·a second choke from the conference would be nationally ranked Fresno State <24-~. mHnlna UCI would be lell out in tbe Cold. Esamtially, It was a rub ol uptets tbat prevented th~ PCAA from q.uaUfJint two team a, tn tbe NCAA todrne)' lNt year ( ont1 f'r-.no St.te .. made it). With 28 automatlc seeds that leaves only 20 at-large berths. Naturally, a highly res pected conference like the ACC would command as many as three or four possible bids . Therefore, if a team like Maryland s hould win the ACC's post-season tourney, the NCAA would probabl7 tWJ invite Virginia, North Carolina, Wake· Forest and possibly North Carolina~ State. Obviously, those at-larle bertbl can be nabbed up in a hul'f'J. That'i why the. Anteaters elt.ber bave lo win UM tournament, or bapl like MU · trreano State wj na and t.Mre aren't 1(8" va. P.P ca,· . Orange Oo._, DAIL "I PiLOT/'T'utlday, M8iic.h i. 1882 QUSBSO CAP) The Lo• AnttlH kln11 were m11m1rlsed by Quebee'• power IMY1 but atm mnattd to tmer1• wllh a 5-5 National \Jlockey Le.,ue Ue •l•lnat tM Nordlquea. t ... mu advanta•e and blolMr Peter 1cond another to 1lve the Nordlques a 2.0 adv&Dtafe. Murpby at 9:12 of Lbe lbird period lhet provided t.be K1ftp with the Ue. True, the Ue extended Loi An1~1ea· wlnlea atr.lk on the road to lt 1a1M1, but after tralllnl 4·1 midway tb.rouah a wild second periC>d Mqnday nl•ht, the Klnp were relieved merely to eam lie deadlock. Real Cloutier also aco\"9(1 fw Quebec wblle the Nordiques enjoyed a manpower advantaae. The 1oal1 were part o4 a flve·aoa1 outburst ln the nlae-aoal second period. "I "WU really happy to aeon becauae I have not been f.•ltJn• ma~ toa1a lately,'' aaid Murph)'. 'Now we JUI£ want to t•t ready for tbt playoff a and 1.ry to play better defensive hockey. "The Quebec power play was wortlto1· extremely well." said Kln11· Coach Don Perry. "~y don't ahoot much from the blue line and they try to move the puck ln close tor ..one tood ahot. We bad some problems a<ljuaUnc to lhat 1trategy. '' ''You never know what to expect In a came like lhat," sald Perry Of a pme wblcb aaw the-team• held teONJe.aa in the tlrat period. "We had a few problems with the Quebec power play but we came back• •t.tonelY lA t.be tblrd •.• Michel Goulet and Miroalav Frycer &lao •cored for the Nordiques. Marcet Dionne, Dave Taylor, Charlie Simmer and Jay Bells all scored second-period eoata for the Kings. The Nord.lques didn't pl~y with lhe same verve that bad lifted them to '"'ccealve lle4 on the ro'-d ·a11in1t Montreal Canadlena and New York lalanden. M arlan Stastny aeored one or the· power.play goals whlla Quebec enjoyed a But it was a goal by defenseman Larry "We dlcln't play with Intensity all through the game," uid Nordlques' rorwarq Dale Hunter . • .Magee is UCl's All-American-boy Yaz not ready for retirer1'8nt Veteran Boston Red Sox star Ill Carl YHtnemaki says he's ready to make a comeback at age 42. Yastrzemski reported •lo the Red Sox' tralnin1 camp Monday ~nd said he is optimistic about bis chantts to rebound from 19lU, one or tbe worst seasons ·or his career. "People keep asking me if I'm going to retire. I Cell them 1 might play for anoth~rfive years.'' he uid. "I feel tha~ good. I'm going to have some fun this year." ... Dan Ford, AJ Bambry, and Kea Singleton will be the starling outfielders when the Baltimore Orioles play their first exhibition game next Saturday, according to Baltimore manager Earl Weaver -: . . One-time Angel pitcher Ed Figueroa joined lhe Oakland A's at . their training camp Monday. Figueroa is . , The. 1. 981 -82 basketball season m considered a longshot to-make the A's start this tsn .t q.wte o~er yet, bu~ alre11~ UC year but bas been promised a position in the Irvine s Kevm Mage~ is starting to organization, probably as player-coach for th~ reap the rewards of his season. _,class AAA Tacoma farm club ... OuUielder The 6-8, 227-pound Mag_ee ~as selected last Ken Griffey missed workouts with the New week as the West Coast District Player or the York Yankees for the third da·y in a row. Year. And, on Monday UPI announced Ma,ee Griffey had fluid drained from his left knee a had been named to the 10-man All·Amenca week ago and is expecting lo resume workouts team selected by the. United S~~s Basketball Wednesday ... Atlanta Braves pitcher Phll Writers Assoctal;ion. ·Niekro resumed workouts Monday arter Magee was Joined on the suffering a pulled hamstring in bis left leg last squad by Ja'!les Worthy and week . Meanwhile, outfielder ClaadeU. Sam . Perkins or N_orth Washington reported to the Braves' camp. C~ro_l~a. Ralph Sam~son or Washington was late reporting because ot his V1rg1rua, Terry Cummmgs or daughter's illness. D e Paul , Dale Ellis or Tennessee, Ricky Pierce of Ri ce , Eric Floyd or lsianders get Bossy with Leafs FromPageC1 UCI •.• a lot of upsets nationally. "The problem is that every team gets new life now,·• says UCI coach Bill Mulligan. "A team that had a mberable season can turn everything a round by wlnnlng the tournament." Utah State presenla a pe_rfect. case for such an argument. The Aggies, 2·12 in conference, 4·22 overall, bave_suffered through their worst regular season in the school's history. Ironically, last year about this time, the No. a:-seeded Anleaters played the No. ?·seeded Aggies in the first ro.und or the tournament -only to come up a surprising 93-90 upset loser. "I don't think this year's team has as much talent,'' says Mulligan or the Aggies. who UCI defeated twice (71..SS at Utah, 104-72 at Crawford Hall), "but they're not dogs either. They're a lot better than UOP (which fioisbed ahead or them) and they beat BYU at BYU and Utah this year." ~ ... , ......... ..., Georgetown, PauJ Pressy of Tulsa and Bill Garnett or iuon 'Wyoming. Landon Turner of Indiana was an honorable mention. M lke Bossy scored his 47th and ~ 48th goals of the season and Bat.ell Goring and John ToeeW each added two goals apiece to lead the New York Islanders to a 9-5 win over the Toronto-Maple Leafs in NHL action Monday night at Toronto. The win was the Islanders...JJth in !heir laaL-20 games arid stretched their modest unbeaten streak to four games. Tonelli, Bryaa TreUler and Bossy-'8.lso drew three assists each, giving their line a totaJ of 14 points. New York.set llD NHL record la s t. month by winning 1S cons ecutive games. . . NHL super scorer Wayne Gretzky or the Edmonton Oilers and Minnesota North Stars' rookie Neal Broten shared NHL Player of the Week honors for,lhe period e nding Sund-ay, Feb. 28. Gretzky continued his record-breaking pace with six goals and four assists during the week while Broten was honored for collecting 11 points in four contests during the same period. · The Aggies' problem is in their shooting, which was 43 percent for the year (their worst in 17 years). UC I. meanwhile, leads the nation in field goal percentage at .562 percent. On paper, the game looks like a mismatch -but then last year's was SUP'Pbaed to be, too. LEAP FROG The Sax brot,,he rs pl a~· leap frog at the Dodger spring t r ain ing camp in \'ero Beach. The top player is Steve. heir-a ppa rent to !->t•c·ond base and on the Magee, a first-team All-American last year, has averaged 23.6 points a game, 12.5 rebounds' and shot 64 percent from the floor in leading the -Anteater.; to thefr best record (21·5) in the school's history. . bottom is brothe r Dave. a e<.i tch<.•r in l hl' m inor leagues. From Page C 1 · Currently, Magee's point total, rebounding and field goal percentage rank him Nos. 3, 5 and 5 in the nation, respectively. Last year, in those same categories, he ranked third. second ·and rourth. I f U C I s u r v i v e s j.t ~ opening-round game, the Anteaters would play the winner of the Cal State Fullerton· Pacific contest Thursday. The other semifina l wo uld find Fresno State (which received a first-round bye due to UC Santa Barbara's ineligibility) against the Long Beach State-San JOSE State victor. POWER PLAY • • • As a s idenote, the U.S.B.'W.A. named Fresno State's Boyd Grant as District coach of the year. '/ 0111a»te1of the _day I• Earl Weaver, reiterating, in a roundaboflt way. that 1982 will be his last seas on as manager of the Baltimore Orioles: ·•If OJll>-When I come back to work, I don't know. I don't know whether it's forever because I try never to say never. Maybe by June of 1983. I'll be looking .. But Austin can't answer Avon's call_ ,. The -NCAA playoff crunch is just beginning. Jaeger faces unseeded foe three hours Sunday and held another session Monday. The meetings proved fruitless. DeMarco said by telephone that he would wait until the contract arrived by r egistered mail b e rore i ssuin g a ny definitive statement. '. "WE ARE GOING to wait to receive the contract because they didn't e xt e nd us the co u r t e sy t o m e n tion the amount." s aid DeM a r co , '.referring to what he was told by the Dodgers over the telephone "We're going to wail a nd we'll see what happens. right no~, I'm retiring." · Tracy A,ustla has been forced to • withdraw fr om th e Avon Championships being held this week ' at the Forum because of bums suffered when boiling water-Was spilled on her back and arm. Austin s aid the burns were sustained in a restuarant accident in which an employee spilled a pol of boiling water on her back and on the left side of her arm .. ·.· A match between golfers Jack Nlckl11ts of the United States and Seveitano BaUesteros or Spain will be played at La Moraleja G<>lfClub in Madrid on July 9. The 18-hole match will be played as part ol a series of events organized a round the 1982 World Soccer Cup in Spain. The winner will receive $10,000 . . . The Ladies Professional Golf Association has announced a new $4.5-million prize money program through the creation Qf a Mazda-LPGA Se ries as the s port's first bonus-point system . . . ABC television has extended its coverage of the Kentucky Derby with a new six-year contract that t"W1S through 1987. LOS' ANGELES CAP) -"Fernando would like to be ID Aqdrea Jaeger , the top Florida when we ari'ive at an •,• .. Raiders-NFL trial stays in LA , _ The 9th U.S. Circuit Court ·ot • Appeals has refused to order the f t Oakland Raiders-National Footb'll League trial moved from Los Angeles. The court denied the change of venue sought by the ~FL! saying l;hat it bad failed to prove a change ID tnal location was warranted. Attomies for .•. NFL had claimed that it would not be possible , to obtain a fair and impartial jury in Los Angeles. . . Baltimore Colts Coach Frank Kush named former Green Bay quarterback and assistant coach Zeke Butkowski as offensjve coor_dinat or and quarterback coach. . . Tom Bass, defensive coordinator of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers the last five years, · has accepted a similar position with the San ..i. Diego €hargers. Bass, 46, was hired to succeed Jack Pardee, who resigned after one season Television. radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: No events scheduled. remaining seed ln the $150,000 a r r an g e m e n t t h a t is Avon Championships or Los salisfactory. We maintain that Angeles, faces unseeded Sabina w e a r e f a i r a n d n o t Si mmo nds of Ita ly in a unreasonable." firs t -round sin gles matc h When asked if he was upset by tonight. what has happened, DeMarco Jaeger, 17. took over the s aid, "No." favorite's role when Tracy Valenzuela , from the Mexican Austin, the top s eed in the state of Sonora, has no recourse women 's tennis e vent was in the matter except to remain forced to withdraw M~nda y on the s id e lin es . As a because o ( (I r s t . an d---)OeCOnd-year player. he was not second-degree burns suffered eli~ibl ~ for e ithe r s al a r y when boiling water was spilled arbatrallon or t he free-age nt on her over the" weekend. re-entry . draft. Under terms or Jaeger, seeded second, is the Basic Agreement. a team coming off an impressive 7-6, 6·4 can cut the sal ~ry of a player vict.ocy over Chris Even Lloyd who~e conj.ract 1s renewed by a in Sunday's title match or the maximum of 20 percent. Avon Championships of Oakland Clubs are allow_e~ to renew the tournament. contracts of eh~1ble pl aye rs between March 1·10. fomona rally· Just enough to beat UCI Has it really been 20 years? Steve Brener. the Dodgers' publicity director , issued a statement Monday night quoting both cJub Pres ide nt Pe ter O'Malley and Vice President Al Campanis. Cal Poly Pomona came up with three runs in the sixth ip!ng to overcome a 1-0 deficit aad beat UC Irvine , 3-1, in don-conference baseball action Monday at Irvine. ·~rvine had gotten out lo a 1-0° lhd in the bottom of the fourth i~f "1 when rightfielder Ron a.1mmings scored on a single by <fltcber Steve Barnard but the lieuatangs took the lead two innings later. J im Carmichael led off the P~mona sixth with a single, then catcher Eric Stewart and third baseman Steve St.enley bit back-to-back doubles, the lat~ scorin& two runs. De1i1nated hitter Pete Chanaala kept the ra)ly aoin1 with a trlple to drlv-e iR. Stanley for the game's tut 1!91. c. -• Stewart bad the hot bat for Cal fitly Pomona, going 3-for-4 with •odoub1¥. 0 }1ustang starter Steve Gomei' 'WDt Urie distance in plcklna \Qt me wtn, 1t.rild.n1 out three ancl ... 1t••1 four while 1catterllla. -.~vea Anteater bit.a. :::J'be lot• dropped Jr'vlne'• · r.ord ~ .... 1 In the atill-yoaar lm88MOD. • 'the ADteat.en are 1cbedulecf lo tra"1 to Cal State Domlnpe9 -U. TtlandA.r for a 2!IO 1ame. Wilt reminisces on anniversary of 100-point game NEW YORK (AP> -Wilt Chamberlain seemed surprised that 20 years bad gone by since that incredible game in which be scored 100 polnts and set eight National Basketball Association records t.bat sUU stand. "Twenty years? I didn't realize I was getting that old," Chamberlain, 45, smHed. "Frankly, I didn't even know the anniversary was coming up until you fellows mentioned it." It was March 2, 1962 that Chamberlain, then in his third year with the Philadelphia Warriors, became the only NBA player to score 100 point.a in . a game and forever inscribed Hershey, Pa., in the mlnds or sports fans for somethina other than candy bars. IN THAT came, which Philadelphia wort 169-147 over the New York Knicka, Cbamberlaln set reeords for most poh\\S in.a 1ame; most polnt.a id a half (58 ln the second b.alf) ; most field 1oa1 attempts in a quarter (21); halt (37) and same (63) ; most field goals made in a b~f (22) and came (36); most free throws made ln a came (21). •'I en.Joyecf some or the thinCS lhat happened ln that game," Chamberlain said, addln1 deadpan, "eapecrially the 21 tout ahota." 1 Tbrou1hout bis career, the 7·1 superatar was booted ~ lau1~ at for bis oft.en-frustratlna C'..ollege..baaketball eeoree efforts from the tree-lhrow line. "I just lost my concentration somewhat most or the time," Chamberlain explained. B\Jt not that night. He missed only four times in 32 lries. IRONICALLY, be found the touch not in Philadelphia, where it was not unusual to bear boos when .Chamberlain m.i&aed foul sbots, but some 90 miles away in Hershey, where the Warriors would occasionally play home eames. The small arena inspired him to go for triple figures, Chamberlain sald durina a vilit with hia Wilt's Athletic Club for the USA-Mobil track and field meet last Friday nl1bt. "I wasn't aware of bow many points I had until I hit 75, and tbe fans started to chant, "We want 100. We want 100. "' · Chamberlain reached TS pointa in the fou.rtb quarter, and 101De write~ who were there recalled that pubUc addl'e4I UOQUDeer Utve Zlnkotf beaan to anDCM.mce Chamberlain's J>O:lnt total al about' that time. -, . THE FANS allo were cbaaUq, "Give 1t to. Wilt," whicll were the ••me lmtnlei:loDI lliYen the p1arera by Wanion Coach fr1mlc McGUUe, wbo sald be had a feellnf wbla Qlamberlaln luid • polntl by the end o the third quarter that 100 polola WU poulb14t, - L• Se•.,, lw.llMll 11 ~en,~ .. Ctll Of9• ... ~ Wot'1 a.ammates, wt.o bad a.. tdddmf him that winter about .,......_ CT llllDte a tame, really didn't IM9d MeG.&e•e ont.n. Tbey, too, were caQ&llt uP In the •Jel~ · r 1 .· ''lb tammat.11 -.. _.. or Ii coudoul ..rtort tbaD I did,'' 0..bertaln reealled. "'t:tr took It upca u.m.lne to ..... I IOt u.e . Guy ....... ~m•dDUI ,_. ... panl. A.I Alli"• who .. 10W IM Wantcn' ooeela, ud tM et.hen ... tMJ Pft ol tlll•lltt1 tlD .U. ... 1 _....,.,..._c ..,. . .. "·"""". . ,.~." ........ ,.'. -""':* -... ,_ ...... u, MkM!lek .. ,_~ .. Sot t.be 100... • "WE HA VE TRIED hard to sign Fernando a nd we ha ve made a number of ver y fair offers." said O'Malley. "Many proposals were exchanged and considered, but we were unable to o e r s u a de F e rnando 's 'representatives how unrealistic their demands are. "Our only alternativ(' is to From Page C1 SHULER. • • plans for ·going over the 180 1>9Yod mark. "The next step is 198 and the 198-pound guys are about lwo feet t aller and quite a bit stronger," he explains. Shuler has alsQ~en na med an assistant wrestling coach at AIA, a tlUe that has al!lo tn?l'ped him develop. "I'm a person who likes to analyse things. I llke to help people out. I think I can not only help tbem improve in their .wrestllng but also h elp them personaliy. You deal with a lot more thlnls than Just wresUlng when you're coaching," be ••YI· With the 198' Ocymplcs stUI two years off, Shuler plans lo return lo ASU In the fall lo eam hi• dear•• •nd teacbinC qpdfldift_ H•Ja.majorina in U\ ) wltb an tmphuia In aculptlq. It ~~n. Sb.altr'• life 11 Indeed bePmlnl to take shape: renew Fernando's contract ·• ··The renewal notice is an a cce pted and ag r eed-upon procedure provided for io the Bas ic Ag reement negotiated bet ween the Players Association and the clubs an~ one major league teams have used many times," said Campanis. "We ex peel Fernando to honor the c·ontract. wl)ich is now in effect and to report immediately." <.:a mpanis said in the renewed c ontract, "F e rnando will receive the largest salary for a second-year player in major league history " The Dodgers left for their s1>ring training facility in Vero 'Beach, Fla ., las t Wednesday wi thout Valenzuela. All major leaguers were required to be in camp Monday. In Vero Beach. Los Angeles Man ager Tom Lasorda said : "The guy <Valenzueht) did a great job fo r us, but the Dodgers have made .him an outstanding orrer , a more than' generous offer 1 doo't want to see those guys < DeMarco and Moss) lead him down the wrong path. The .people who are advising rum are asking for something that is beyond what he is entitled to." Hano Ho wins Ahmanson secon«!race Morrie Kirk's Hana Ho from . Ba lboa Yacht Club was tbe overall and Class A winner in the slow-moving second race ol Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Ahmanson Series. The race was from Eagle Rock oH Catalinr. Island to Newport and finished on a dying wind with the last boat not finishiing until 8:34 p.m. after an {I 30 a. m. start at Eagle Rock. Second overall and the winner in Class B was Ron Melville's Bi gwig rrom BYC and third"wu Spirit, skippe red by Allen Brown, Voyagers Yacht Club. Handicap winners in clus. IOR-A -1. Hana Ho, Morrie Kirk., BYC; 2: Briia, Dennis Choate·Dlck Meine, LAYC; 3. Raider. Jim Linderman, BYC. IOR·B -1. Bigwig, Ron Melville, BYC ; 2. Spirit, Allen Brown, VYC; 3. Shenandoah, Bill Palmel', NHYC. IOR·C -1. Insanit~. Wayne Auslero. NHYC ; 2. Callfonala Gold, Fred O'Connor, DPWYC; 3. Thumper II, Jim Luccbeal, Capo BYC. . PHRF·A -1. Rawhld8.L IC-.y Kuhn. Cll>O BYC ; 2. uelplJil, 'Mike Boxer, BYC; 3. Tory, M . Dodds,NHYC. • PHRl"·B -1. Nuate Too, Jim Nufent. 'BYC; 2. lmpet.._, · Phil Gla11ow , BVC: I . Contention, Gordoa Gralllam. 5.5YC. ~ I PHRF·C -l. Qullt. ...... GoodlJlc, VYC: I . o .. ...-, BUI APPlt VYC; a. "'-le. 11111ii Humana, BYC. • I T NBA W .. TeaMCOM,eaeNCa PedtkOMt* w "' "'«-•• ~ 41 IJ .,., '"'"• 11 ,. ..... ,.... Ptleellla a1 ... .s.t Wt Go1•11StMe JI u .w ' ftorllMd " ,, ,511 II S.1101e9D IS 41 .2" UV. MWwfttOlwllll9 Sen AntOflN 16 lO ."'3 t+ouslOfl " " 561 411> Oenwf " a .509 1V. 0.llH It 17 .»fl1 Vt.II It 11 .»t IJ IYnwaClly 11 40 .JIO 1' IEAST .. IM COM,ell&MCa A..._OI......, w BoolOll .., PtMl•cl91ptlle 40 New J•t•Y " WHhl"91on 11 Mtw York t• ~IOlvlJI• Mllweu•" 40 lllCllAM 21 Atlente 14 O.lroll JS Chi<-n Cltvtl-IZ _,...,..Sc_ No 9•mff t<-.tf!CI T .... tM'•O- Sen Diego .i New YOl'lf. New Jtrtey •I W!k:!neton O.lrolt et Mllw ... Phll-pftle •' CNceoo BOSIOll el 0.llH Sen Antonio et _,IOfl K•nws Cltv et Ultll llWll-"' o.n .... Phoenix et Portland Cleve I-et Golci.tl SI.tie NBA loe«Mrs . ,,..,...... ....... , SCOlllNG L PU. o• IS n1 I• .Ill v. ,. ·'°° 1211> a ... I I) ,., .441 1• " 113 " ..... 1. JO ..... u 11 .439 ISV> M .J93 II 4l 111 1711> G l'G n -A"I Genin, S.. AlllOfllo » '1S 312 1136 n .1 O.nlley, u1.n S. 61' "67 1719 J0.7 M<ll-. H~ 56 Mt 41S 1107 JO.S EnelUh, 0-.,..r S7 S17 270 1-11 l Erving, Ptlll. 56 so 1'7 1m zu 91rd; eostan -SS SM U2 12'3 23.l A~ ....... U »• SJ tte 1m U.S ''"· ~ Slet• S4 ... , 324 1157 Zll K1"9, Gold9n StMe SI ... 241 ltK 23.1 Wllll•ms. S..llle n Sl1 214 lUS z:u llEM>UNDING Malone, Hou$ton Sllf.ma, Seattle B Wllllems. NJ Tl'IO<TlplOft, Por~­ Blrd, Boslbn G Ott o.t 'Teot A"I 56 374 ~ 114 14.S S7 IS.. stt no 11.6 ,. 141 455 102 11 1 S4 116 451 '37 II 8 H ISi 03 •11 11 I ASSISTS G tff.A"I Moore, S... Alllonlo SJ 50t 9.6 JMNI-, Ullen J4 4tt 9.J Arclllbeld. Boston 47 413 1.1 Cllffu. P1111-1p111a S4 457 a.s Huston, Cleveland SS 453 1.2 IFIELD GOAL PEllCINTAGI Giimore, Olic..oi> $ Jolln""I, K-.s City Kl"9. Golden Sl•1• B Wllll-.NJ •-hi-. L.Men IFG IFGA llltt. 31S S'M 631 1M 43' 601 4" m 511 361 u1 sn 4,. m .1611 . ,. " .... " 191 "' -.., .. 167 .. let •1.1 " ltt ..... . " 11 ti 17' .. . " ,. • * u u " ..... U 1t 11 1t M lfHl70U 1• ,. • .. 1.6 ,, 14 • ,. u 11 • , It 1.6 10 t ' .. 1.t M ,.. ...... nA PCAAle9CMrs ...... e ... l'T TP All"" Me9". UC IN"-,. Ht 1'1 MS IU Watllnlfl, ,._Hie K 11' "' qt at Wood, CS~ 1' 111 1Jt "' lt.4 ........ u It. .. ,., "' ... 11.6 Grqory,L.ISt. 14 m 7• o• 11.J ,.,...,_., ucse " 1..s 11 411 1t.o Wlllel41on, UC ll'V)llt .. 161 .. ~ tU M<N•••1. SJS n ,,. .. m 11J.1 Hl~lnt, F,_SI, H US e.3 J1' 14.t MIHll, CS F-It ltl M 416 It.I 0...1 .... -..~ Reboundl"ll; Mt9" IUCll U.S Ht., AllCMr'°" (U<:$111 11.1; McNHIY ISJSI •• t ; Cunnl ...... m IUSUI U ; N••I CCSl'I •·•· l"lild GMI Peiufl.t.oe: M6eM llJCll ~.I'll. IU2·3'll; ....... <UCll "'°" 116M•I. Thom1uon IFSUI Sl.O'llo ltl-151). ,,... Tiit-Pe«Mt .... : Wltlelelofl IUCll IU% 161·111; -erd <UOP) n .t'llo OMSI: WOOd CCSIFI IO .. % (1~1111 AH11h: WOOd (C$1'1 1 1 •vo.; B«ve-IUSUI 4.4; McOofteld . IUCll 4.1. T_,,W.-... Scorlne: 1 UC lrvlne, n 4 ev9 ; 1 CSU Lo,.. BeKll, 61.J. Oetenw 1. Fr-.o St.W, .. o ev9.; t. San JOM St.le, n.s. Scorlne Mer9ln: I. Fruno Stele, .. u .1: t. UC lrvlne, +9,7. Reboundlno Mer9ln: 1. \K Ir vine, +6.t; l. S... Jose Si.le, +-3 0. Fr" Tllrow Percenta9e· I. Paclllc, U .2,. 1~1; l. UC lrvlM n .9'1;. l~S.saJ), IF!ela Go•I Perctn'-(Otfentel: 1 UC Irvine, S4 1,. l1'M·14121; 1. Fr-.sno St.I•. '°·'"" 1'1S.12111. Field c;o.I Percen169e (Off-) I FrHnoSlate,4l~l..0-10.Sl;1 S...Joea Stele, 45 '' ISl).11241 COLLEGE Top20 NOr111 CMollna (361 OeP..,111•1 3 Vlr9lnle ISi ' or..,,. St. m S Mluour1 • Idaho 1 Mlnnewla I Geor--. 0.C t WHI Vl1'9inla 10 Tu1se 11 Iowa 12. Fresno SI ll MemPhls St. ••· Ar-enses U.l(enh•OY 16. W.tlf.e Forest 11. Kanw•SI 11 Alabama 19 UCLA 20 Al• ·Blrml"911tm 24·2 1.1•2 1 .. 1 1,lb 21-2 1,097 21·l 1,0cl 2J.l 1'1 14-l 1 .. J4H no 2W 724 ,.., 611 lM 56$ 20-S 561 2•·1 S60 11-4 S4l lM -20-4 .,. 1 .. 1 15' ?CW 153 -llS ,... 114 2).1 107 NCAA tHm loaders· ,~ ...... 121 TEAMO,IFEHSI Long lslend Tuas Soulho<'n Norlll Teus Slat• Ho.Ill on TUU•Artlngton Falrltl9fl Ol<klnson San Fren<1Ko Virginia TKh NW LOU\I.,,. Al•o.rn· G l'tt. ""'· 24 1132 •.• 2S 1101 M.O u 2017 1:1.1 24 ,...., 11.0 JS 1021 I0.9 2S 201l IO.~ l7 117' IO.S 14 1'2J I0.1 1• 1t20 •o 14 1911 7'.6 TEAMDEIFIMH FrnnoSl•te Prlnc•lon North C.,..,llM Stele Wyoming ColumDI• J•m•s -son TUH·EIP"'° Aul(lef\ or_., State N.c>r•SU G ..... ""' 24 "'" u.s 21 ICIM 4t.2 11 1331 .... 21 1171 SU n IUO SU 2S IJll 514 JS l)U Sll " lllS 54..1 n 1l!t1 s. • " llll 54.9 Women'• tot» lO 1 Loulai-Tech CM> ""' '·* t C.lleYMV SUllt U.7 1,1t1 J Old Oolnlnlon ti..) I, 111 4. so..1_.11 Callfornl• t~t 1~ S. hllH 1'>J IAl7 t . Lono liN<ll SC tit ti S '10 1. Ruton• ... m I . Meryl-u.. ~· 9.0 r-.on .._. ,,.,, 10, NOr1h CMOllna Stalt U.S U' II T enntt-1 .. 9 e.32 11 P-SI .. • 11·5 SM 1J Kentucky tt·1 4t2 14. SoutllCMollne 21·7 ..., IS Me"'f'l'ls State ls-4 CU 1'. VIII-• t).3 JM 11 Arl~-StMe JU m 11. Oeorol• 11" 111 It. IC anus SU.It U ·S IOI 20. Olllo Slele 1 .. S 'II Other teems recti.tn9 votes Oii el IMll 20 belloll C•IPll•t>ellc ti order) Auburn, Mlnlnl!IP HIGH SCHOOL CIF playoff• S&MllFINAU T ..... •A -LK-1r..u va. St. """'°"' I .... , •11.0ftQ Beech Arena 11:0 1 l·A u Serna 121·11 n , eurrOU(lfl1, 11,IODecrt" C21-S) et L-Beech .t(rena. m l·A -Avlellon 121-7) vt. SI. J ..... ll+-Jl et Htll<ock COlteor 11 :JOI l·A -Sent• Cl•r• 120-41 vs Bennlne (20-41 el R-Hlth (1;JO) Sm•ll sci-11 -Clledwlclf. (14·21 n . Ctos~ 11 ... 1 at Pall-C7:J0) w • .., 4·A -lngl-(21 .. ) vs Set'vltt llM I •1 LOftO llNClt Arena II: Ul 2·A Clplstr-l(.elley 11M > "' lA Hel>f• 121•1 et Long BHcll AreN IP p.m.I Small i<'-I• ~ Rio H-Cl .. 10) vs . Montclelr ""i>(1 .. 1) et LA B...CIA t1:JOI T'lllonMy, ).A -SI. Bernard l:ts-21 VI. Corona Ott M•r 120-41 et Loft9 Beach Arena 11 p.m I ) A Hoo,.., 11S.1l vs Los Altol 114-SI •1 L0119 Beacll ,.,_ (1:4JI Women NIGH SC:HOOl. CIF,i.,..ets t-luh, T ........ 1:•1 4·A Rlve,.lclt Poly 111-01 vs. Sen G•brlel (1MI •I Scllurr HIQh ln9lew00<1 116·ll vs Gallr 12•·31 al (trTllos HIQh )...\ E1peranu ll.._.I vs. Al.....,,y IU.11 el Chamln- Alle Loma 121·l l ... Burrouo1>1, AIOQecr~ n~n et Trone cw-.y> . l..t. MOr•no V•llev 114-3} vs Ml»lofl Viejo l?S.J) •t El Toro Valene .. 1n-41 "'· Artn•• n1 11 e1 Ge11r l·A L• Reine (22-4) vs Vtlley Cll<ISlllln US.II •IArtHla · San Bernardino 12J.41 ••· lllm Of the world 111·11 t1 Yucetpa HIQh Sn\allSc-• Twenlynl,. Pa1m1 12J.1l ~ Merle-et tlS-SI M TaK COi._ Alo HOftOO 121-S) v1 Sherm•n lndlen 117-ll •I Ar11nlJlon NOTICE OIF SALi 0, AUTOM081LE NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVE N IHlfW.,.1 IO Sect~ J071 •ncl l071 ol the Cl•ll c-of 11w 51•1• ot c a111ornta lhe ~.G AW TOWING. 132 lndusirlal W•Y. c ... 1a Mesa, 0r..,.. County, Calllornla 9Ul1, will Mill el 1H1bll' aUCllon, •• 132 1noustrle1 W•y, Coste Mtse, C•llloml•, el I • m on Friday, the 1'111 oay of Mllrci'I, ltl1, Ille lollowlnQ eutomobl ... to wl1 . MUNICIPAL COUllT STATE OIF CALllFOllMIA NOllTHOllANOICOUNTY MUNICIPAL OISTlllCT un-.......,,.,.., MN- IFICTlTIOUS •USINISS NAME STATEMENT IFICTITIOU5 •USINISS NAME STATIMl!NT Tiie lollowlno persons •re doln9 bu\lneuas· veer Of pw· 1tn ; M<I'• of Car Oehun ~; Vetlkle 1.0 No HLS ~; Lkenw No. (Stal•I ... s swv Cetll. S•ld Ml• h for the puroou 01 wtsllvlne lien of 11w un0e-.19,.., for Towlno end Stor-. Daltd !Ills 2nd day of March, 1"1 G 'WTOWING 137 lndu>triel Way Cost. Mesa. Ca. Publl>hl!d Ora"QO! Cout Dally P iiot M•rcll 2, 1'111 1 ~1 .. t l f'-.CAtlUJ PLAINTIFF ARTHUR FARAUGIA t nd OOAOT H Y FARAUGIA DEFENDANT WILLIAM W BARTLET'T, ... lndlvldu•I eno 001"9 Buslnes1 A• GOLD COAST COMSTAUCTION, e nd DOES 1 lhro..9h ZS, 1nc1ullve SUMMON5 IOltflnCe ........ C ........ lloll CASE MUlildlll: A~l .. NOTICE> Y .. ,._,.. --. Tiie tMrt ....., Ml* ........ YM w-..i Y"' _.,. _,., "'""' Y• ~ 1111111 • ,...,._ II-Ille l111otmatleto '"'-· AVISOI U-Ila MM ..... a ...... T hr follow1n9 person• a re dot no buslneues AVALON CELL.AAS, 1' CCWPOr•lt Piere. Ste 150, N--1 Beach, C•. ""° Auocl•ltd Brver•9e Comp•ny, Inc. I• Oelaw•re corPor allon), J210 EHi ,..,. SI~, V.,non, Ct llfornla ~, Thh business is conoucled by • COtl>Oratlon ASSOCIATED BEVERAGE COMPANY, INC By lls PrMldenl fllk Sl_,,.,.,.t WIK lllfO wllfl lhe County C .. r~ of Oranoe Counlv Oii Feoruery 12. 1'e7 "~ Publl~ Orenot Coe•I D•lly Piiot Mar 2, • .... 23, 1912 •41-11 SUPAE M E PACKAGI N G SYST~. llJ7S SolM\ L"'l)s Strtel, Anaheim, (.a ltfornla '*5 Supreme T-. inc .. • C•llfoml• corporation, tPS Soutl\. ~Is Slrtet, Anehe>m. Callfornl• ntf>S Tiiis bus•nHs Is conducted by • corPoratlon SUPAEME TAPE, INC Donne(. Y Wtl, Presldtnl This .U.,._ "'" hied wllll llw County Clerk of Or-County on F el>tu•nr -z.. 1"1 • LAW OPf'ICIU ICU, WOMO, Yfll a l'OlllO Ollve c...-. Sollte • M1 s-91 Olive ,.,_ 1.."A ....... ,C..I• FllMl1t Publl-Or ... CMU Delly Piiot. Qrange Cout DAIL V pt~O_T~.ldey, March 2, 1912 -•'i. , ...... J -NHL ~U.COMPl .. llCI ..... ........ ¥t L T el' •• ': ·-"" 41'11* -VMt..,_ 14 f1 \4 m .. .., c .i .. ry ,, 11 u ... . ,. •1 ..... 17 JI .. "' "' • C•r-14 .. 11 ...,.,.6w ..... ., '" "' .,.,_ ..... l1 19 .. -M " KL..,lt ., . s JjJ m " ~ tt tJ '* 2" m tJ Clll< ... n n t0 ru "' " T91'tflt. 11 II .. '" = ,. o.tr.it , ... It m • WAl.lllCONl'l•IM~I . ,.tllricll Div.._ NY.hl•fltMO «I ,. , .... ~ Pllllfftlpltle u ts • Ui '" .70 MY llMten JO D It t~ to " Pl1119urtf\ ,. 31 10 2lll 175 ,. w .. 111ng1on 20 as • UI M1 .. ,._Olv..._ -····· ,. ,, .. ,.. , .. • Suff•to » ,, 12 td m ,. ..... .. JI . ,., 119 1• Quebec " 23 " "° 11$ 12 He'1fOfCI 11 n u 10I 219 • ........ .,..lcwet tu ... s, Ouebec s N-York ltlendtrH, Toronto s T ......... 10- WINllpeo et Pflll-lplll• (dmonllOn •t Montreel C•loa'Y ., N-York .. ,_,, BoJ1on et $1 Lou>. Klnp 5, NordlquH 5 LO.A"91tles o • 1-S Out be< 0 S 0-S IFlntP ....... None, Pena111e1 -Kor•D, LA, 1· ••; Aocllefor1. Ow, IS:OS. 5acAMPerlM 1. 0.-bec, M Stastny t9 IA Stettny, P StHlllY). 2'00, 2. O<abec, P . 51•slny. IM Slutny, Pkllelt•>. 3.11 '· LOS ......... Olon11e J'I, S:40 4 Quebec. Goulet 16 ICote, Aubry ), t 00 S. OueDec, Fr ycer 20 (Cloull«J, 1;11_ '-Los A191a1, Teylor 36 (Nk l>Ola•. OlonMI, 11:1J 1 Los A"91t1H, Slmrner 10 (Charlr•wl. 1J 41 1. Lo• AnQeles, Wel9' 1 !Foal. 14: SJ 9 0..be<, · CIOu ller 30 CP Slutny, A Slestnyl, 1' 19 Penaltl91 TayM>r. LA. 1:n ; We111, LA, 1.'7. f'rycer, Out. S!b?; Plchelle. Out, 10:•9; CNr1r•w. LA. ll•H ; Smith, I.A, tl·H ; Cote.Out, II: St. Tlllrf Peri-' '10. Loi A-tes, Murplly 21 I Dionn<t, Slrnmerl, 9·JJ P1Mtl1tt1 -N- S"4ts on -· -Los AnQe .. S IJ.ll+-JO Outbec-1-15. 0oeu.. Le>5 Angel••. Leue"' o .. tiec. Boucllercl A -IS.29.. ~ I I . .. COLLEGE ca1.....,-.1,uc1,,.,.,., C•I Polv Pomona 000 00> OC»-3 I O UC lrvlne 000 100 000-1 7 o Gorn., end Stewart; Cowen. Br•M Ill end Bernard. w Gomez. l Cowtn 28 -Stewert IC.I Poly Pomona> 1; Si.lnley , ICel POiy -.-.1. 3B CN-lt IC.I Poly Pomona) • High school H...........,_,.,s,11.,..-.. u1 Hunlln910n Bffcll 02 to IS I 9 Esper•nlt Os.cl Cl) • 11 I Stud, LaUmer and Sltlrlty; W•l•h, Gothan m. Dunun Ill -Leech w - L•llmer (J.(11 L -W•lsll lU Wren CEsoerenr•I JB -SUQ"' IE111tr•nt•I. HR Mor•les (Esp•r•n1•>, Ounc•n CEsperenttl. PMrlO IHunt1119t011 Beac111. 0-.. 4. ,_...,. Velley 7 Fountain Vtlley 000 100 1-2 s 2 Downey 000 101 a S I Bun, Gf't9" t•I -Pran. ,,_,, -,Ao..melfotls. W Cr_,, (1.(1) L Burt 10 11 2B Hunler I Dow n•YI. JC1n9twMr<1 I Fountain Valley I LoeAlelllMoa MOllOAY'la .. ULTI ........... ...._ ........ , l'tatT UC:I. OM Mlle. 14UllWo"•~IK_...,I J.t,OO 1UO 1.JO MalOOll HM'! (W'"'*"") 4 00 t,IO Olllcll L¥f'Y llJtlMllllll ... Al" r--1 ~ ~, TM """"•Mn. M, Afldy't .,_, WlllWtllewlf., Str ... MHI< . Tlme1t ·ou11 ti IXACTmSI "Id $11 SI. HCO-O llAC•· OM ll'llle ....-11Atv.• 1eou.r. ... 1 r 4.• >• Mt C ... "11111.-~I IUO IA HVl'tic-....._CT_I 1M Aho ractcl; Orame'a C.,olu . Cflm Youf .. 11, Mk:ltl911n Hell, Ster AdlM Tlm,1t ;10 TMl•O llAC•. Onernlle. Ktnwyn N I ci.-r) 10.00 • 00 UO Brei'• 8oY N 1wi..1et) I At ,_. Rtyel S ..... I IL.uno10f'dl S 00 .AIM, • .., 5orY Hltf\. Siar Clle<k, Oltlle"• Hope, Al9'11 On Aed. Arden'• Perry, HOalM. Time t ·•4/S. U UIACTA CS-11 N l<I111 • l'OUlllTM llACfl. One m1r.-. - Tlchet R_,, CB•YIHll •.tO J,20 UO Nobel VIC:IOf'y IPerkerl 2.. 1.40 S,_py Ao<tnty IAut>lnl uo Also rk..,, -•Y'\ Wll\ Son9. I·-· A I Todd, Gellon't MIHV. Flylr19 S<tueel Time 1:10 '"™ llACll. One mile. uHJ H_.,,.S fle11ty'1 Ore«n CK-I 4.00 J 00 2.- 59,,._ o.-(~landl • .. s.- SmlllnQ Po9 IV•ll-n9'1trnJ 1.40 Also reud Cerdlo KICI. wtnoy Aen ... Our Jell, Welcome 1"'11, Tll•n lrl•ll, HIQllltnd Cllamp Time: t 1tO n IJIACTA 12·•1 palo llS IO 51JITH I!~· One mlle M<l>ler Eq1ren IC-1-l 4 .0 A•O•I Knave tACkerman) S~l•I Outllly (Aublnl uo 2«1 2IO 160 JOO aouw, AllO raced TuU.naUu, Flytno H•dO•orow LYll•. K-uoy IC 1ne Time 1 07 l/S SflVIHTtt llACI. ON mllt H H Cll-r l'T-1 1UO t.• 4.IO Knight's Honour (Slfftll) S,IO J.40 Bye Aw•y tOunnfQanl 10.«1 AllO receo Joe Lord, Tualalll llloOt. Anenl•s. IM Graham Bell. FltmlnQ A Time 1 101/S U UIACTA IS-41 paid 47 40. 0 PICK SIX l .. S+M SI paid '7,471 .. wllll two wtnnlne llckat< ltl• __ , ti Piek SI• consolatlon paid "°·'° 16 tJ winning lk het> (live "°'ses) EIGHTM llACe. One mllt I HJ Doi w ... Dot Weve (0.\0meel 43.60 t .60 •.«> LIQhlnln Slim (Baker> 2 .. S,00 Teneye IA4amsl 1a.-Al•o rec.a. Flare Gun, Sunni Beecll, Mlllerick, Pelt'\ ~I ~e Uoon e St.,, Country J.,,ke Ttma 2 lll/S U l!XACTA l._.1 paid l'2 20 NINTH llAC£.One mtlt Bruk wind (Wllllem•I 6 to J 00 l «1 Ooooll GOlll IOennlSI 4 IO UO Golda Meir (Grunoyl S.60 Aho reetd Bye Bye lrttl, Summer Frolic, Pinch Htt, SuPtr Sue, Tine Kn19f11 Time 2 063/S TENTH llACE. One mlle RICNtOH..-er IAcktrmenl 14111 120 100 Taroort Bta<k CBlaOman) 7.40 S60 Jereml_,,., 8o'( ITtt>ltrl IJ 20 A ho ••c•a lc11r. Ald'•n. Couue eu, Underreltd. {uaU.lli Chief, Sllul11 Time. J.1114/S ti I JIACTA 1 .. 41 q!ld "4 40 £LI VENTH llACI. Ont rnllt Instant lnwnltv (0. ..... rl I 00 J 10 4~ Lym.,., CNrmer IWllllam>) J 00 3AO H•ICyon Ht•o ILort90) J.AO Aho rtceo Sc>er,.le ArQll, Monllonor O•le Tht C#'Mdy Award, Dun'1tr. Al\OY"I Oun, KlnQ's Oouo+t. n flllACTA l'">I e>atdU4 40 ""·-· 4,S47 ...... ..... ,. I ~ ...... ) I ~IM ....... etfiov• 2. "'"''" Je.flH a. ••t-•~ 4. A-Smltfl s lfttlM .... L WendyT~I ). Pemllw1- •• Sylvia Haftlu 9 MlmaJ-10 Mery lAu ~ ..... r ~ . . . . .. " .. 'I f Women'• softW .J COMMUNITY COLL••• ~Weltl,lllltM ... t Rto Honoo too oo-1 J 1 C::.Olclen WHI 210 112-S 4 1 sm4111. Muno1 m .,,., o>er; At>e11 - M<Elru. w Allen IJ-41. L -Smit.II. JI - B 11 yeu ( Goldtfl )l\'est). VolloybeU COMMUNITY COU.1011 B•ll 51 cltf Go!-. W~, IS-7, 1).IS, IH, IS.II Monday'• tren .. ctlon1 •ASllMU. "-"IC# LN9llit NEW YORK YANKEES -~ JoM Pacelle.1)11<~.lo•-.,..•r-«t. IFOOTaAU CMMIM,_ ........ WINNIPEG BLUE llOMBEllS -~ Wylle Turner, defensive back, ...., Lyle B•utr, off-1 ... QUMd. ......................... ATLANTA FALCOHS -Nemec! Wa- Mc Ouffle -lel l-..scoech. BAL Tl MORE COL TS -Nemed Zeke Br•lkowlkl offensive coordlnetor and cwar ter'beek 'OK II HOCKEY ~ l!!dl!X LMIK....t RllltTFOROWHALERS -liramtd JoM Cunniff 1.-1m -co.di. NEW YORK RANGERS -AM'-d Mike Alllson, ltfl wino, lo Sprlnefleld oi Ille American Hockey LeaQut. GOU.IOI ARKANSAS Announc.O Ille rn19Mllon of Fre<I won ~n. us~ant lootbell cot<ll. BO ISE STATE -A,,nounced Ille rul9n•llon of MIU Mulla lly. •llllellc dlre<lcw INOIANA STATE -N•mtd Oeve Schtlll\ne lleed bt\Aeto.11 coech, etNcllw •• "'--°' -1-~y. IFICTITIOU5 •USINl!H HAMii STATEMENT FICTITIOUS aUSINllSS NAME STATIMINT FICTITIOUS 8USIHIH HAMii 5TATEMENT t NOTICE INVITING •IOS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN llV~ the Board ol Tr-• Of the Coe« Community Coll-Dlstrlc1 Of Oraf\911', COUflly, Calltomte, wlll receive Mated, Olds up to 11:00 a.m ., -.Y. Merell< 14, 1"1 al Ille Purd\ASl"9 Otciar1,.,.,,I' Of said Clllteve dhtrlc1 IOCAled ., 1l7Cl< Act•ms Avenue, Coil• Mesa ,! C•lllornle, al W!'tl<h time wld bids w1111 1>e puf>lk ly_..., _ rNCl lor: The loll-1"9 persons ••• dOll'IQ bullnrua•· THE BAXTER GROUP, Ml6 VI• <>Pono. Suitt •S, ~ BNth, C• ,,~ - Chesler E Bayfln, Jr .. 1210l lsl•rnott. El Toro, Ce. '1630 -Nlclloles J ~re•, 2726 N Lowell une, s...u. Ana, C•. n10. MlcltMI W. Miller, '°81 COiiier une, Wes1tnll'lller, Ca '2"3 Tllh ~Ines• Is conductec:I Dy a generel -1nenlllp. MICllMI W. Mll .. r This sta-wes 11100 wlUI ""' County Cltl'll of Or.,.~ County on Fel>Nery Zl, 1"1 FIW» Publl1'*1 Oranee Coast Delly 1>1101 "'"'. 1, 9, ... u. ,.., ..... , The fOflowlno Pt'"°"' ar• doln9 bu•lneuas Tiie lollowln9 perso11 15 dolno blnlfttUAS' COAST CLEANERS, I Wlndflo-. Irvine, CA tt11S. Gene Edwua P ic kard, Slll University, lrvlne, CA '2111. Tiiis 'boniness Is <_...,lied by en lndlvid,..I. O....Pkurd Tiiis st•"-t w•• filed wllll Ille °"nly c .. rk of o,..,.. Co.inly on Feto.S, 1"1 ,.,_ Pu&lllslllb Orenoe Coest Dally Piiot. '"· •. 16. ».-rel! 2, 1912 U7-t2 IFICTITIOUS aU51NESS ..AMI STAT&MllHT PURCHASE OF INSOKINETIC 0 Y M A M 0 M E T E A ,• INSTRUMEN TATION SYSTE~ W/UBXT , ORANGE COA S TI COLLEGE • All bids are to be In tc<orcsance w1111, 111e Bl<I Form ln•fruc llons endf c onolllom -Soe<Ulcetlon1 whlcll, ••• now on file end ,.,.y be secureo In Ille office Of lllt Pwcllnlne Aoent of .. Id c Oii-dlSlrk l. It trl-1 ,._.. -lcllr c-n u•. ,.,,....... -·• • • , .... ua 1a ft•termaci... -•'-· ~ If vou wk.h to \etll lt\f advt<e of •n •ttortWy '" tru\ m•tttr. YOU S"°"td 00 •o protn911Y ,14 111•1 your Wrtllen response, II eny. mt• bl! 111.0 on ltme March l , '· t•,:ll, 1~ tSl-11 1----~-IC_T_l_T_l_OU_S_S_U_S_l_M_E._S_S __ _ NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF I NCOME TAii PREPARAT ION , NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF BOOKKEEPING ANO ACCOUNTING; HORTH AMEAICAN SCHOOL OF CONSERVATION ; 'NOATH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES. NORTH AM E R ICA N SCHOOL O F DRAFTING; NOATH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF FIREARMS, NOATH A M ERICAN SC H OOL OF MOTORCYCLE REPAIR. NORTH ANltRICAN SCHOC>t. OF TRAVEL; NORTH AMEA\CAN SECRETAlllAL SCHOOL, THE BARTON SCHOOL; JEWELAY DESIGN CENTER; THE CUSTOMIZING CENTER; POLICE SCIE N C E S INSTITUTE ; MEWPOAT/PACIFIC HIGH SCHOOL, 4361 Birch Street, Newiiort Beech, CA t1t60. N O R TH AMEAICA N COA RESPONOENCE SCHOOLS, INC e ~tlomia <~•llOfl, •ltl Birch StrHt. NewPorl BH<h, CA The followln9 per"°"s are doln9 buslneue.1 M C O PAO PE RTIES. •IOO Mac A r Otur Boul•v•rd. H•wport BHCll, (allfoml•,,.., Etcll ~ mv!il Wbmll with 1>11' Dtd • caillier's ci.u, certllled en«~. or bidder's llOnc:I m-IMIY•ble 10 llW order Of the ea.st Corn......,lty C<Oll-' Ol1lrlc1 Board of TruslHs In •n l"' •movnt not less then five percent U'I of lfle sum lllc:t AS a -antee ""'' lhel Oiclder wlll ..,,., ,lnlo IN pr--. C011tr.c1 II Ille ..,,,. i. ew•-101 him. In Ille e--.t of tall.,,.. lo en1e<; Into w ell contrec1, IN Pn><-of Ille, chK• win be forfellecl, or In""' c••f of a IMlftcl,JN full.-. ,...,_ Wiii be• torfelled to selCI cotieve dlstrk l ! AM._ TS.N0.1- NOTICEOIF TllUSTllH' SALi SI Ustltd-• !oelllcll•r t i conwJo Ot un a~ en Hlr •"""lo, Geberit hecerlo lnmedlet•m•nte, de ul• mentre, W r-1• tscril•. II hay .ttQune, _.,. wr reotllrtdt • tltmPO. 1. TO THE DEFENDANT: A clvlt complelnl lies been llled by the pte lnllff -Inst yo.. II yo.. wllh lo defend this tawsull. you mU'lt, •llhln • clays _, lhh il•mrnons 11 .. rwo Oii you, Ille wltll 11111 co..rt a wrl111en r.--wi IO the cornp1...,1 uni.-.,..., de> "'· YOU< ~eull will be entered Ofl e ppllcetlon Of Ille plelnllff, AN! this cour1 may enter • IUCIQrntnl •Qtlnsl yo.. lor Ille relief clemancled In - compla int, wlll<ll could rHull In 9ernishmtnl ot wa9U , !elf.Ing Of money or property or other r·etlef r~ueiteo In Ille complelnt. OAT ED: Oece,,,.,.r n , '"' ROWl1R Alll. Clerk IFICTITIOUS 8USINEU NAME STATEMENT T "'" fotlow tn9 person h dOlr\O t>u\lness •• MR. BAYNARD INGE RSOL GOLDMANN ENTERPRISES (MR. 8.1 G I, 21(Wt Condado lA,., MIHlofl v lcjo, CA 92'91 ALAN WADE SATTERLEE. "170. Condado Lane, Mission Viejo, CA ,, .. , Tflh bu•lnHs II condu<leO Dy • llmlleO i>artntr5hlp Alen SMt.,lee, General Part~ Tllit ~U.1-1 "'" 111,.r wllll tlle Co..nty Cit"' ot ~ .. County on Fet1.•, t9'L IF11UM Publl~ Or-Coesl Oelly Pllol, FtD. n , -rc111. '· ••. 1991 u ... , IFICTITIOUS aUStNIH NAMESTA~IM&MT The lol'-lnQ lltflOlll ert doing IMltlnen es: LIFEPOWEll,-1,101 'Kenley Or ., WHtm lnster, CA fHoU. Marv -yuml VleWk·H•fl. 15101 He1'1ey Or., -tmlnster, CA fH&J. ! Men--119. 19 Surttldl Ct. NewPort 8-11, CA '26611. Tlllt -.&MM •• ~-...... NAME STATIEMl!NT "" l ollo•lnQ Person Is. doln9 bustnes•••· M .'I FREEDO M EHTERPRISES, • F•lr Drive, Cosle -... c..t1tl7 Slllrley A Bouherdl, t70S SMrlnvton Pt., X-104, Ntwj)Ort B•acll, Ca. tt.., -Thi• buSlneu I• concluct~ 1IV en lncllvld ... I Sfllrtev A. &...~rot Tiiis JWMmlnl WM lllfO with Ille County Clerk of Or•n11t Counly on ""° Thi• buslneu h conducted Dy a COfl>Of •I Ion. • Morin Am e r i can Corr es~ ScllOofs. Inc .Jettt:'rf A. B rt II . Vke l'<M ' Secrel••Y Tiiis st.1.,.,...1 was 111.0 wllfl ti. Counly O erk Of 0r.,. County Oii Jen tt.t .. L 'tu.I IF1UMJ Pul>ll"'"" Orange Coe>! Deity Piiot, Publl~ Orange CMS! Dally Piiot Feb H , -rcll 2, 9, It, 19112 IS5'-12 Ft.ONary 11, t"1. ....... ,_.,,..INp, . MiarY VlasM·Hlltl FeD. U , M<lr 1, 9, 1•. 1"'7 111H1 Tlll1 _........ WM filed wlllt Ille County Clerll of 0r•"9t COUflty on FM. S. 1"1. f'-------=------- PIU. rtllJC 1111( PubllsMcl Or•noe Coast Delly Piiot, .,_ ___________ _ IFtb. •. It, 23, M<ircll J, 1"2 StS-G l'ICTITIOUS •USINISS MAMIE STATl!MENT The lollowlr•Q Pt•SOM are doing buslneuas "CTITIOUS S.UllNIH NAME STA\eMl!NT Tiie foll-1"11 perton1 era dolne bu•lnnses· Vance C -Pt. 3000 Sand Hiii Road, Bulldlne 4, Suite 110, -nlo Park, Cell..,.,... 94025 Ted R. Cerpenler, uot D<>ver Street, S..11• 450, Newp&rt Beech, Calllo•nl• tiwo Cllarlet D. o.ly, 4100 ~Artllur Bouleverd, .._. a..ct>, C•lllorlll• 91663 Tiiis twslness Is c-ctecl by e Qefttrel -1nenl>lcl• Ted R, CMl>tl\ler Tiils ,..........,. wa• mec1 wlfll ""' County Clt<k of 0r.,... County on f'tt>ruery ». 1m MALCOLM I DAI. Y ......,..,,etlAw , 41• MtcA,,_ ............. PO •ta lilt, M.-.~ -II, Celltentl• t26U '1-1 PubU .... Ore ... Coast Dally Piiot, M<orcll 2, 9, "· Zl, 1"1 ••...i No blcldlr ,.,.Y wllhdr-his bid lor • per '4MI for for't, .. ff,.. IU I cle'FS ·~·1 Ille <l•lt wt for ti. -nl"9 lllereot. Tiie 8oenl ol T~ r .. rws \IW Clllivll990 of rejecll .. eny -•M bids' or"'io we Ive any lrrt9ulerlllu tK • lnform•llfle'S In a .. y bid Gt In Ille I bldd•no. • I NORMAN E.. WATSON .rJ S«ret.ry, lloercl Of TruJlen Coest Cornmunlly .. Colle!IR OblrlCt •• PubllSlleel Or""Ot C...~I Delly Pt Feb 23, Mar 2, 1"2 lSl-t? By. Ettller l Duron, DtiMV PICTITIOUS •U51Nl5S MAMIE STATEMENT l"ICTITIOUS •U51 HS FOAMAT PWOTOGRAPHY, "'" ttAMa STATUM! Allenle Ave . Hunlln91on Bffch, Ce MAN~G·E~E~~ =A~;E~siD~~L~ ~---------------------.--------A. OF AMERICA; IDI CONVENTIOH P9)C fl1ll .._ -·~ Tiie followln9 P•non Is dolnQ buS~Hft! The lollowln9 "raw .,_ MANAGEMENT INTIRN ... TIONAL, 11-------------I·-----------......:: On Marc.II 2A, ,,., al 11 :00 e.m FIR S T AMERI CA N TITLE INSUAANCE COMPANY, e C•lllornle corporetlon a• Tn.SIM, or SutcHM>r Trool" or Sutlstlhrtl!d TnnlM, of 11\al ctr1•ln Oeeo of-Trull n«uteo by DO NALD B. BROWNLEE, en Uftm•rrl•d m•n. and recorded November lit, IMO as Instrument no )I.ISi, In -II 131Sl, Pt99 12J, of 0111<1•1· A.cord• of Or•nee County, Ce llfornla, and pur.,..ant to that certeln Notice ol Oefe611 and E ttKllon 10 S.11 llwrevncler rf!CO•Otcl November 13. 1911 as lnstru~I no. 1-1. In book UlM, P•O• HS. o• Ofllcl•I Records Of Mid County, will under end PUfJU•nl lo wkl °"" Of Trust Mii •I IHlbllc auction lor <t1h. l•wful money of Ille Unit.., SU.las oi Amtrlce, •\ , ... m•ln e11tr.nce lo First Amtrl<.,. Tiiie lfllurenu Companv located el 114 EHi Flltlt Slreel, In Ille <111. oi SMiie • Ana, Celllomle, ell lllet r'91'F, llllt and lnterut convevect to al\CI ,_ held by It under told Oe•d of Trust In Ille -rty tlluated In said County and St•I• desert-••: KLEIN I CUT~•. INC. UlJ N. a.-ay, Sit. lM Seftta AM. CA '11tl Tet:(Jt4),.... Pul>llsllecl Oranvt Coell Delly Piiot Mar. 1, 9, 16, », 1"2 9-1 BllYCE INOUSTAIAL SALES . .01 so. L•mbert Drive. Fullerton. CetlfOmla 9M33 Bryce C.Uor, .01 So L•mbert Drive, Fullerton, Calltornla ttUl blnfneuas: , Bruce H ... rneyer, Mll Allenle REAL ESTATE MAGAZI' .... -...-.-. ~ve., Hunll"910fl BeKll, C•. '2Mt m, Se•wlnclDr., ,.._1*1 ltN<h. ca. • Charles H.....-yer, "'ti Allal\Je .,.., Aw .• Huntlnvton Beach, Ca. '2Mt Merk w. -Y. MS Unl,..t"llty Tiiis buslneu Is tonducteo by • or .. Coste~. ca. m21 nerel Ptrtnershlp 4000 MacArthur Blvd , Sulle >006, Newport llNCll, CA ttMO FRANCIS E. GONZALES, 7211 w . ICno• ·-·Sent. Ant. CA '2104 . BEN OLIVARE.S, 1125 Weelllerly Orlvt, lOSAnoele-s. CA~ Lll"I AMO ACCR>aMT AMO MULTM IYHO"IS 01" THI AMMUALITAHMIMT Y&All •Moeo oaceMe•" "· ,.., DI' PM Lll"a IMSUllAMCI COMPANY • ,,, ....... ,.....Or. Lot IS) oi Tr.tel No. ~ es per i--------------Tiiis ~lflft~ Is concluclad by an lncllvldual. Tiiis ~neu la <_...,,.., by en 8Nca Haoemtver Tiiis butlness h t01141wted Dy • eanerel peftftenNp. M<IP recorded In 8-112. Pt99• J? to Piil.iC •1'( • lncluslve Of MIK•ll-s Mal>\,'"~-------------Bryce Caslor lndlvldual. This •et-was tllecl with Ille Maril w "'-try County Clerk of Dr•"Qe c-1y on Frenc:ls E Gonules Ille Offke of Ille County Aecorcl9r ot IFICTITIOUS •USIMl5S Mkl County. HAMii STATIMllMT Tiii• J1.W.._I Wal llled •1111 .,,. Counly C141flf. of Oranee County on Fet>ruery 2', tt112 Tiiis 111.-..-. was fllf!CI with nw '•~•rv 19. 1m. County Cten. of Or•._ c ounty on PlaMS Tiiis statement was filed with lht Cou,,ly cier11 o1 Or•nee eoun1v on Feb. 1'.19112. Tiit slrut a ddress or other Tiie following person 11 doing commOfl CIHIQNlion ol Mid pr-rty t><ostnns as IF·l-lt Pul>llsMcl Or-Coell Deity Piiot, iFt~•'Y 11, IML Pl>bllW.O Or-CoHt Deily Piiot ,...,.. , • .,. n. -· t.' ••. 1"2 1'3-91 '1DM7 Publl"-d Or-CMSI Delly Piiot, PuDll-Or91'19* 0.tl Delly Piiot Feb. U , ,,_.r, ?, 9, 1', 1'82 1'2-t? Feb. JJ, March 2. •. It. 19112 I02 .. 2 ls purpor1ed lo be: 302:l Country CluD INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Orl•t, COllU. Mew, Ce '262' Self aele wlll boe made wlllloul TECHNIQUES, JSIO~~er9u:r11e coven•111 or w•rr•n1y e11preu or Perkwey, Sutt• B~. nlon '«lo I II I • C•lltornl•tMt _.,. -_.,. ---mp N , H lo I lie, POSHUlon or Peul CrernlK, UOl• Sonollt, ..._ ... llllol 1 ~ _,.,L '9CTITIOU,8USINIH tftCtlftlbrenctl lo wtllfy .... unpaid Minion Viejo Cellfornl• .,.., ·-· STATIMaNT b•l•n<• -Oii ""' note or no1H Tiiis buSI~ Is COndUCled by an 'ICTITIOUS 8U51MIU "CTITl'OUS IUll,.•H Tiit lollowlne persons .,. dol"9 l'ICTITIOUS 8U$1NllU M<llrtcl by sekl 0.... of Trldl, to wl1: lf\Olv""'91 NAMI STATllMllMT ..... STATIMllMT slnesaet: MAMa STAT•MeMT U2,t77.1),~ Ille fGllOwlnge1llmat.cl P~t Cl•mlk The 1011Gwlnt person It 1101110 Tiie followlnv per.HI\ h dolllO Clll!ATIVE SOLUTIOHS, U011 The followln9 perso11 I• doln9 COlb, ·-Md --.. Ille Tllla ~WM'"" wtllt -IDUllnat.ttt: butlntsses: Moulton...,.......,,"'-HINs, CA -liwu•: • lime ef 11111 lflltl•I pUbllcetlon of "Ii' °""'' Clerk ot Or•noe CoulltY ... "" c D c 0 N s T II u c TI 0 H • a H OISTRl•uTOR, .,., w. MOE/GAS« ELL OIL a GAS 1"1, .... l«ef5Me:'11M.'7. Fabnleryt, '"'· COMPANY.Un 8olteA ........ u11111. ~Art111W91 ..... s.tl•AM. c.. "* WILLIANl«SUSAN STUART, 1•11 uoo Ptl ..... RNll, Newport he<h, CA OA TEO: ,,..,,_... n, lt'2. ,...,,. If_.,_. 9"(11, C" "'49. 8vn Huat Teo, ttt N. Altfdlfl Or~ A-, i,..-....._,CA fM», "* f'IMT AMEtttCAH TITL~ ,_~,.,,... 0...,.. o.st Delly Piiot, ALBEllT AOY 110$51, JR., JJitl Anellelm, C..... lllOatE"T WALLIN, 14 Acee le llOaERT S. HA#ILL, General lNSUllANCI COMPANY. M<orcll, 9 .. 2) "" ,. ,....,,Id Orlvt, Hunllntlon 8etcll, CA Tllll """""' •• CoMuclM .,, all ... UM, lnllfle, CA 927,., ,..,.,,.,., UDO PrlY•te AMCI • ......_.. •c.llfonllecerpo,.llon ,-,,__ __ ._._._._. _______ _,,.,.... lncllvl"'-'· '1'111• _,,_,la <eftclUUed by • 8eecll,CA~. By; OANOllMEllOD, -If' -Tllll boll!MH Is c_...,led _., tlfl 8U11Hlltl ho Ml~p. Tiiis IMl9tllftl II C-led by e -•• Otfk•• • ~ -·~ lndlvlclual. , Tiiis ....,_t w• lllN wlfll .._ Wiii*" A. Stuen 1iml-~Ip. 114 E.st Flf9' Stf'Mt , ,....,., lloy Rosll, Jr. C-IV Cieri< et 0r•fl9' COUfll'I' on Tlllt ~ -fllell wltll 1116 "-'tf•. Hemlll ..... AM,C..ttm 1TATeMllMT~A .... ooNllieiiT0 Tlllt M""'-t was fllell wltll .,_ IF"'1HI 17 1• otonfY Otfit ot Or..,.. C_.y Oii Tllla ~ -tlMll with IM Tel: 11141 '*'3211 OP UY 0, COUlll't Cl•rlt ot Of•,,.. COUllly on r, ' . '1ma IFati. 19, 1"1l. • ' c-1y Clor1l ot Or~ c-ty Oii '°'*.._ Or .... COMt o.lly Piiat l'ICTITIOVS aUMUM MAM.ti IFMI, It, I'S! ....... ..... .. ...., Oraftllt Geet1 Deity Piiot fltwft f'ae. 11, t•. 'M.r.__· 2_._•._1_ .. _1_m ______ ,,_..,_"'tl IM":.~.:::.::: =.::t ~= PWllllNCI Or .... C-t Delly Piiot, ..... H , MM. 2. t, 1', tm 1DG-,:-e:i-=:r.::1~ Ofjly :=:. ,....,.., ~ C... o.1:1=. -· -SUPlll••• l'ACKAOING SYSTEMS ,-.u.~t,9,16,,. ....... -·-l"A.U ,Mel'tfl!,f,16,ltll ma ,--. -llloL •I 16761 H•lt ,.,,.,,..,., lrvlne, ,_-JM. ... 1111( r = _. : ~:£;l.~'r=· .. :::1~~ ~-,.= ":!,,., ":t'::::S.r,:,'• ~ "~n':MauC,!:lm ~· -~ ==- ... -•. "" ,. MuA• t.TATl~ .. T Tiie fot,...1118 --• •n tie!"-· ..,._ ITATUtll"T l'IC'nnGUa llUMMIM SUPlllEME INOUST111es. • -_.. llutlllftt•! Tl!• •1thowl11• ,.,Mft It doing ~ITATWMe~ C.il..,_,.c...,Mltfl Tll• foll•'1lfl9 ""°" ft fol11t FLAMINGO LINOllUE AND IMllll-·~-Tll• lellowlnt ""Oii h Hl11e Tllll.......,. Wfl cl9ftd\lclH llY • -IMHes; WINI ~ 1711 a. °"'* MWy., CALll'QWl'flA I.ACING GO., OM.I ....i-et: c...,_a-. MOI! HAMttL Aa-l•ttt, •1 ..._ .. ,,,..,.~-. P'•<lfl< CNU Hltllwe,, • 1tl, , I' I fll 111 0 ' I IT AM ti I ~11.._,.I,'-...,,..,• ,. .. -....~ ......... 11,~liNdt. MAIMAlll.-r MAIW W'la0-111 ......... ea.dl.Clt.W41 UNLIMITSD ....... ~ Va~ --.. (wtf9),tC-AlrWIM.CAft714 ' WlltllM kttt A.-.,,.... 1710 Ttell.o...t.ea ...... TMI ............ -ti• wltll .,_ . lllOlslllT I , HAMILL, Uff ITEVl!N OOlllDON -'°"MIOtl t :::.::~~t Hlellwey, •IOI, ''•flll A, l"lflllJe, Mii l•lt GeuoitY ~ fll Or ..... c:.u..ty tfl ,.,, ......... ....,_. 9'«11, CA ~. IMM, CA "714. ' 111M't1, Ca.-.. ·~ TNlll, ~. ~. _... ....._._.,,.,..._...... ft!!'• • Tllff _.._ lt ctMlll• "' 4't It ,......,.. 11't' ell Tiiis ......_It~·-. Ml ,...,,.._II !Mii~. ..,L__ I ........... ~. ' eru ...... v1a1..-. ,..... ....._. -,..., ..,.. ... ,..,...,..~.._ Wlft.1t•~ ,,..._l'ltll .. • .._,. 91111ty Cleft! *' 0....... C-..ity w Tlllt ......_.. -...... -'111t ......_,. -flltf ...... "' TMt ............ ,.._ -... CMI ~...... .. ... 1', la l e_,, a.t1I "' Or ..... ~ ... c-•' c:...-"' °'""" CN!ty ... ~C'*ll ., ~ CWll'Y ... ............ ,._. ..... 17,ffli. ,..,_., .. ,,., I" 11rl1a• • a.a,......ce_.. ,._, . ~ ,_ ........... or.. c.-Deity ......... Cir .... c.... o.lly .... ,........_.... '--.. ,, """ ....... Or-. c.. Olilty "* ,..... Or-. Cllll o.lty """ ..-Cflt,t. t'-0."" tii'4iil,...i..aJ..IMrdlt,t, "· ._ _. .,..: tt.Mlrdtl. '·,.;,. ,,.... -..-. '·'· ",.. ,.... ,..., ......... t, ,._,. .,.. Merci\ 1, 19, ••. tl, 1"2 • .,._., ,.,.....,N.Y..... ;• Total edmllttd •-.. . . ·....... . • · .................. "• 11•.VS~ I Tote! n.tlllltlff . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. • • .. 11,~ Cepl .. t pMcl up • .. .. . .. .. • .. • • , ................ , .. • 1, .. . Gron pelcl Ill-contributed wf"l)lu• .. .. .. • .. .. . ... .. . .. .. .. . •Alt~, SCI« lel Sur11h1S IFunOs .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. ll. ~ unut19"1edluncls<eurplusl ... • .. ............. H 1,1n,4til' G•ln ll.oMI lrom operetlons.... . • .. . ..... ,.. .. • H t11 .... lncru• (~rt-I In CtPlt•I and Surphn clur!nQ1'1S ...................... ,.. ....... . ... , ................. f.I t)l.~I ln.surance In Fen:e: Nellonwlde .................................. Jll,ft7M 1 ecclCleflt encl HNtllt premlurns -net .. .. . . ...................... ..-.M lnwranc. In Fcirc.a: Cellloml.t B..,,.,,.. ........................... 1,1 ...... J A<cldellt ...i llNl1119rtf'nflllM -O(ract: CelffomN : ......•.•..•....••••.•• We Mf90'( <9"tfY 1-- -,_ -lfl etc-e Wltll l'fle ~ st•-' '°' .. .,_ ....,. o.c...,._ "· "" -• ... ............,. ':'!, Commtu....., of the s.-of C•''""""· --• i-. J ,,,_T .... ........... ·~ ......... ~ ,....,..,.. OraftQll coast o.ltv Pliot. ,..., t7, • Mercll 1, 2, s, 1ta 1; LIP.AMDACCtDtllTAMDM.,.._nt' J SY ... llOl''TMIA~ITAftM911T-1? YIAlll a MMD •:a..a II, 1'M 1 rt ......... a..._-~ . 1 111 ....... ~0lfw,P,O, ....... .._.~.:........-- TNI ................. 1 •• , .... , •••••••• ·• ..................................... ! T•tt........_ ..... 1 ........................................... .._... .. , c:...itai..-................................................................. ~ ~~lfl..,.<•rlllu9ell--"'• ........................ , ............... • ~ ...... ,._... ................................................. ... u.....-..--(..,,..IK) ........................................ ns.•1A o.111 ( .... , ,,_ 9'W ..................................................... ... lilt,.... <o.er...tl 111 c.ttet eftll ._.... Mll'l1'tl .................. , ..................................... a,w ... I.,..,.~"' ~..I{ ...... I ......... '.' ............................ ....,,.,. .... ~... ...-1..... -................................... .lfPI ·•--111'9rcll:~ .. A<cltt9'•1t1'-:~...._,_. ................ -.1-UM.• Aedlllllt• .... ~-0~1 ~ ...................................................... ... ---~----..---... ---.---....... ............ "'-= .............. "· -............. ...., Cerllt11le1_,.... ..~............ • ... .....o. .~ . --.v.r. • I ---~ ,,..., ......... ar..c-.. Dalty ~ ........ " ..... """'- .... N~ o.-me Club •JOran,t OMft1 wm l ee'l d lta f'ftnua l Untven.a Notre Dame •Nlfbt dbUaer Mareh • .. Mtmc at t :30 at the b R••ta\&rant In t!m, I I ueet ~tr wUl t;e· ,,_ ......... Or .... Coe• Del'\:!! Mer.1.• .... u.• . IH e-h afLd Conk1tn , ~-~ctor of tldormatJ"9'. ___ _,._...,_ __ ....,. ________ ....., ••·r' v l c e a a l t h • ":I~M •NUS Gh:\1veralty of Notre Th• 1011ow111t ,-;~ .. ._~. 11.ln~ D41me ""''""' •1 · • r • O N·LI NI Pe lll SONN a L .Notre 'Dame alumnf# u111v1c.:!t nu· •••ch '*' .. I· JWtenta • fo•tods 0 .... m JA~fs'=·VP INC ... t.lr~ u n i ¥er a i t y a r e ea111or1110 c.._-Mleft, ,,.,,, N-.,.n i n v l t e dJ" t 0 at t e n cl I . AV.II~. P,p .... 'A T,111. CA Tic k ets are $15 per ~ia ...,.,,..., .. c_. ..... ., • pioson. For information c .. "'•'/1111· --i II n•.i-~1t1C. or reser xat Qns ca a.J ... 1.,..r. -.. ....... flP-0211. -Thia .. .._ -flied wl1" tM County C .. rk eof 0r"99 C_t, "" s -..... "· ,.. ,.,Giit u~8 man P .. •11-0Jc.,..c.oo.s•Ooll't POol. ~b:mended F•b.?t ~llfi . 11M2 l aff Sit . ..a-iald J . zer, aon 91 Kenneth Wa nie.r of 1741 ona, an4 Betty J . e of 58' Yorkshire , both of Costa Mesa, lib been decorated with t1'h e A i r... F o r c e mendation Medal at e Air Force Base! IZ. -Wanzer is an avionics test speeialist with the t06th Component Repair S.uadron. • He is a 1974 graduate ol 'Estancla lfJ.Jb School, .~ta Mesa., "'CTtT~I 8UllMRSS NAMAISTAT9MaMT Tiie following perso& h •olnt bulln.UM: E. ·~ J . of T!8 ElllON, 19745 Coollll"4 u ne, H11ntlnoton Booch, Collforlllo ftMI EON Ill Giibert, 197.S Coellllno Lone, Hllfttlntton IMlldl, Calllornla .,... Thlt butlfttH Is conctocWd"'1!¥ an lndlvld ... I. Edno R. Giibert Tiiis s~t WM fllecl wltll IN County Clerk of Ore119t COlintj on February 2', 1"2. ...... P..eHI-~~II Dolly Piiot, Morch 2. t . 1•. u, ltG tn "'CTITIOUS aust••ss MAM9 ITAffMI MT The loll-lftll _,..,...,s .,.. dol119 buSl"4H M: ' NU 1911( I ALTA-OENA 'bftlVE IN DAIRY. _..:":.,:; _______ .....;. _ ___, 101S Baker Strut, Coste Mue, • • Coll ........... ICR °"'**'••1PON11a t1.tTY CllOftll S.C. Let & $euft11 Soo1i L.M, lice 11 .,.rebv given \hat '"° HJ• Fernhlll Circle. Hu ntlnglon l'9r*I will not 11e ,_.llble for eeoch, cotlfomi<l t7'4t Olttldellb or llotiltll!H Contrecteci bY This b"llneu It Colldwctod by ..,.,.....,. mYWlf, on .. •tt.r ""*nct-wllo. te. CNnt s..., Loo f od W. Ill Cley of Morell. lta. Tii is ,...,...,_, wu lllO<I wllft !tie '" lllk,..,,, Hebert County Clerk of Ore1>99 COOJnty on 2'or Eldefl A-. Fe~"•ry 1'. ltlt C:O.UMeN,C.'2621 ~1Mll lil!lblltlwd Or .. Coolt Oelly Pllol. Publllllecl Orange eo.11 Oelly PllOI, Mf(~h 1, ~· t, ttta ~ Morcll 2, t, It, u . ltG _., IATH llTICIS ....... "ICTITIOUS au1t••11 IU~••io. COU•T OP C~llOtlNIA MAMafTATWNNT c:outtrfO,OttANOR Tiie lollo•l"11 porton h •~nt ltoTtc•cw••u t .. -lno .. os: OPSAU8Y•a "•RR Ill a. W COMPANY, I.TO, 1*2 NO. ..... Mllllh n A-. 1.-.lne, Collfornle 0.: ..,_ s, tm '21U -TIMe:t:•a.M. Robert o . 8rl9ga, Gener ol ~n Perlnor. ii 8..con Boy, Newperl PLAINT,,.,: $ANET SIL.I/A: Bffdt, c.ttfomle ~ O~l'ENDAHTS: HOlllAC£ FRANK Thia ._,,,.., la condllclod Illy • .SILVA..alai. -- llmltH -"'9nftlp.-Hotko It 119..e.y 91...,. INI on Aprll ~ 111-.n 0. I r.... s, lta •I llw'llour of t :JO o'cloell e.m. This ~ -fl!M wltll llw In DetNlrl,_,. 22 of ,,.. ...,e emlllecl Co..nly Clerk bl Oro1>99 COlinty on co..rt, 700 Ch•k eanwr o..h .. Wetl, Fet>r .. ory ». 1"2. Santo Ano: c.tlfomlo, the ._ICOllOft 1 ,.,... 01 Robert H . ..Slotlller, llleferoo, IDr fl'l.IC>ll-OrOftQe Coo1t O•lly Pll<M, c..,u,Metloft ot -· se1e MCI _. ~rctn, •. 1', n; rt12 t4s.t1 ttwreon, t1w111 -on '*"''°"Y tor ·'~--l'ICTtTICMIS IUlf ... 11 NAMI ITATIMRNT The followlng P.rso11 11 dolnt llvllfteH M: OY NASTY EIHER Plll lSl!S, H11nll....., H¥tiour, 5"119 '°2, 1*5 Ai90ftquln Sl,...t, -llnvtoft llffch. Collfornla ftlMt Pa"I M. Vance, "7J SNrll Ori.,.., H"ntlfl9lon llffch, Celltornle n... This Ml,,...s 11 <Oftductecl 11'1' .., lndlvid"°I. PuM llAn(e Thi• II.II-wes filed wlu. IN Co..nty Clerk ol Or•• County on F et>ruery 2'. 1"2 ,._ P"llll"-Or0ftll9 Coost OoUy Piiot, IN!rch 2, t, t•. U . UIJ "~ "'CTITIOUS I USINHS .. ...._STATEMENT h0¥lftll. · Tiie AllP!lutlon '°' Sole conc.ema Ille tenet Olld bi>llcllngl IOU9'* ot 1ti1 Art•ll•lm A"'*""•· Co1to Meu, Collforn .. -•"h r-1 •-· yow Ill~ '* rwelv.d en Off•• lo _, ..... Mlct -1Y "" u.. tum of "5,oot.00, ..... Tiie .... ,, to .. In <•IA. et c .... Of eterow, llllrtJ-40yt lotlowlng c.itt cOftflrmM'°", enlt 11 aw jec1 lo ~ In _. ~Qry prellote termt, lhO lnltlol 0"9r1lld 11elnt Ille '"'" ol IU,1'0.00 Ill oec-.nco -Ille ~· rvlff of ttlls co.irt. AllJ ~ ..,..,, .... .,to 1nc.... - bid -lie~ to*-''· ot Ille tlf!lo of que!lt'flftll far lflo coun Old on Aprll S, Ifft, 10 percent ol the P"'<llO• price In c.esl\ « c--· check with Robert H. Stopher, llleferoo, N ici turn Delng fotff!Ullle Ill Ille ev4111 h PIA'C..._ -II foll lo compi.""'*wle Tht loll-Ing ,..,..,.,, ere dol119 · BOWDEN t1ullntuM: For l"rthOr lnf0<metlon, PIHM contoct Okll llleuler, Rto1t9r, liO' E•st 11tll Street. Soni• An o, Collfornlo, '2701, TtlopMno, (7141 "'""15, .. "'*office of t.ho Referet, I~ lllt event IN -•• noe avolloble. Doled: F*'-Y II, ltG • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y !IZ,. SLAGLE E D N A A u D R E A OANCEW£Alll ETC .. 19312 s .. ,,. x~d·~JLAL ) hS LI AG LC~· BOWUEN • .age..li.-a.l: . Per1•0;7...~~~-s1erre "-r10. r~ ""' v1 n a e m , 0 of Huntington Be ach, Ca. irv1ne c. nm P assed awa y on February Pass ed awa y on Sunday, J0on. Petrlco o "'."'· " R~~loCIN.;,,~r:.~·-+-~-­ lllC>elH T M. STO~MR• p I L STOf'ttRlll & STUMLRY . ..,,..,. ...... ..... lr<flst 2Ji. 1982.•He has be e n a F e brua ry 2 8 19 8 2 a ,Go1c1e-.1rv1ne,eo.n114 r11Bident of the Long Beach p a c i f 1 c a H 0 5 P 1 t a 1 T1111 b<dlneu I• conducted by • ~.0 .... 44$7 '-AM, Ce.nm C1MIMN U1 uea since 1941 and moved to Huntington Be ach. Ca. Mrs' -r••~~P· 0 11ange County in 1953. He is Bowde n was a m em ber of Jon<>wens Plibllsliea Orengo Coel1 Oelly Piiot, M<lrc h 2, t, 1"2 730-42. s~vived by his w ife Or pha t he Huntington Beach Senior This " ......... t WM fifed wltll , ... or Anaheim, Ca .. child re n Citizens a volunteer at the ~":'IY c~·~~· Or•nQe c ..... t, Oft Ille Ganath of Huntington HU11 t ington Beach Thrift • uorv · · f'tlWJ .Beach , Ca. and C la y ton S hop, 8 membe r o r t h e PlibH"*' Or-coo" 0011, Piiot ------------ Slagle of Long Be~ch, Ca Lincoln County Cha pte r of 'F~. "· n. Merc.11 2. t. 1"2 74CM2 •Mtm a 11d 3 g randc.h 1ldre n . t he Wo mens De m ocr atic '::~!.=',': <4-Jlveside services will be Party and a pas t matron or PIRI •lll COU'fTY O,OAAMGE he ld on Tuesdar . March 2, the Eastern S~ar Bel<1YH _____ ..._ _ _.'-_..._ ..... .,.:-;--.1fl°'*'::'.:'.,.a..,,. 1982 at ll:OOAM at Har• m other of JeM ;.;t. Bowdeb ,tctmou$lull.a..i.i.··.~ s..e.AAe.CAtmt Llllw n Me m o rial P ar". or Newat1c Ol'lto and David MAMUTATaMiNT~ ~UIAH OP Services under the direction Bowde n or' Finley, Ohio and ~~~0!~lng ...,_ 0" dol119 PETITtOHIElll: TONG VAN Olifarbor Lawn·Mount Olive Nina Brodr ick of Bonsa ll, R. G & G POWERS. -E. '""St , NG~~~:o..OENT: MUI THI LE M.ertu ary of Costa Mesa Ca • also su rviving are he r n21. ccaw-. CA m27. su....,..,AMtLv uw1 S40~S4. b rother J essie Dobbins and 3 R-.i G<°"' Powen. •1 Am"'" CAlaNUMea•: D""761 RIEGER ._ . •f,"-18-dl.CAt2*. NOTICRI s 1s t t:"rS Wilma Do b bins . G1tohtt."-n,•11 Am..,.woy, ~...Ill.. 'EVER ETT E M E RS ON L oue lla Stra c h e n a nd ..__,._,,,CA'*° ..::-:........,_-::.:::;:.:: B t E G E R . res i d e n t o f Mildren Gearhart Fune ral Thll l>l>tlrttit II cond .. cled bJ 11eon1 .._ -,..._......,. • Newport Beach . Ca Passed services and interment will lllnboncl111~.·.:...... ._,._ ...... = 90 ;*• ...... away on February 28. 1982 be in Newark, Ohio. Pier<.'e Tiii• _, ••a 111eo """' t11e u aiett u 11 .. •••oa••••· 11 Bo rn J une 18. 1896 i n Brothers Smilbs' Mortua ry County CWk of o •• ,,.. c-y on .. ._.,,_....._qa.•u..• L;u Ca Ye tt e . I n d i a n a . r o r w ard 1 n g di rect o r s Feb.'·,..,. ,., ... , ...._ .. • - -"'-,...._. Survived by his wife Linnie 536·6539. P.,b11.-0r.,.. coo11 Dolly Pllol, ....... • • ..._ LM '° ......_ ... A.1 Sieger. son Everett E. BOWRING Ft>b. t, 1•.n . Mon:h t, ,.., 63242 ~~,;,,v. to _k ,,.. 8'vke of.., Siege r , J r. of Tustin. Ca., TH ELMA C. BOWRING. a -atto~'•'" ""' ,.....,, Y"" IM4M do ~j,~ghter Joyce Gill or Costa resid e nt of Oceanside. Ca. ..C l91Xl :.~~:i:y:V.::'y:"i~.=:=.~ ~~sa , Ca .. 4 grandchildren. P assed a way on Fe bruary s1 us1ec1-to11e1tare1 conwJow 2 (g r eat -grandc h i ldre n . 25. 1982. Survived by her •M14n '""·~..,•st• -to. det>e•I• sis te r s Miltie B assett of htis band J ack Bowring , 2 "'CT1Jtousau1tN•ss 11ecer10 1nmedlotarnen1e, de ut• · f MAMESTAYCM«NT menoro, su r.._te o •lt9AC'-, ii F lorida and Alice Travis o sons Kirk Bowring a nd Allen The followlno per,...n• are doing hoy elg..,., ...--r90l•lrod.t • F ulre rton. ea .. and brother Bowring of Costa Mesa, Ca .. bolslMHM: llempo. Lawren c e R . B lcger o f 1 dau~hter Kiki Ahrens of woooa1uoGE TOWN HOMES. 1 TO THE RES~OEHT: B ~ n Id c M 8 11100 G11i..n •. 1.-.i...cAn11•. T11e ,..".....,.,,..flied. pe11tton ll .. er s le • a. r 1eger San ie go, Ca .. 2 aunts werm1ng1on-...e..-c-ny, conc.ernlftll -,ourmorr~.1t yo.,1011 w!UI a reside~t of Newport Mary Sa rve r of Ka n s a s , a co111wn1o coriooro11on,11100 G11i.ne toflle•-•ltlllnJO ctanof t"6 Bea ch . Ca . since 1946 a nd Missouri and Opel Thom a s -. ...... 1rv1no. CA n n•. clot• that ""' ""-11 '°"'" on ..a. h t f E. G. WermlnglOft Enlerptltat yOli, y-......,.. _,be~ -w.,,. t e owner-opera or P o f O maha , Neb rask a . I 1nco r poreled, ~-f•lllor nl o tll• '°"""'°'enter o lutt..,..11t "tHe1 Lee Ha ven Trailer Park g r a n dda 111 h t er K r ist y ,.,.....°'_· 11100 Glh-., ,,,,llM, CA con101n1nt 1111wnc11 .. or otMr ~ In filewport Beach. Ca. for ~ Ahre ns and other lov in g '2114. concor111,. •M slon or ~°""'• years. Funer al services will r r ·i e n ds a nd a re m i t ". Tiiis -1 ... u 1' <Oftd..clM "' • -' ..........,, <lllld c"*"'f, c1111c1 be I h d h ., llmlted ~-~. ottDrMJ ton, coets. -IU<h he don T urs ay, Marc . Graveside services will be eor-o11on N-: otiler relief""'°' lie giro.., 11y 1i. 4. 1!182 at ttOOPM a t Paciric held on Tuesda y . March 2. w..,......... __ .._, c ... rt . TM oorn•s-• ., ...... ,, Vi~w M emo r i al P a rk 1982 at l :OOP M at Pad lic ~w-lfttton =~'"':;.-.::;·:.::: r rt,t'e rme nt P acific View View Me m o r ia l P a rk . """*"' rew1t. M'ernorial Park._ ".'lew~ort P a c ific Vi e w M ortua r y CorllorohnHwne: O•toc1:~J0.1t11. Bf'!lch. Ca. Pac1f1c View directors. ~"::',':9".,_-~~A. BRANCH, Mt>ftuary dir ectors. PEILIGRINE E.G. w..,........., By: HANCY WAGGOHIE"- 1\1 A RY P ELLJG RTNE, a P""'*"' OecolltJ res ident o f Huntin g t o n Thi•_. •H flied w"" t1ie VANDM>a.UMT•••.•NC. y Ctertl ofOr .... C--,on JM, t MtW. ,,.. ...... m £ • Beach, Ca. Passed away on • n11. .._..AM. cu u. :!~====::;;===::;;~Sunday, Februazy 28, 1982 at "1t:tta T .. : 11w1 Mt-au Huntinatnn Jntercommu nity Plibll"*I 0r...,. c-o.11, Pltoe, Publllflecl 0r-.. eoost Oolly Piiot .ll.ll..-L.AW~MT.OLIYI e~• , ... ,,16,t>,~h2,ttl! UH! Feb.1',U,Mercht,•,1t11 nM2 ·~~ Hospital, Huntington Beach, 1L==------=--.....:...----Mortuery •Cemetery Ca. Funeral services and _.,. ...._ _.,. - iA Cremeto rv d' .._ ""'~ ..._ ...,, ..... 1625 Gisler Ave . inter m ent a re pe n m g a t i.;'-----------,.._ __________ __,, Costa Mesa P ier ce Brothers Smiths ' lltOTtCRTOURD•To•s NM1• 540-5554 Mortuary. 536-6539. I•> A bUfll "..,.., 11 •biol to be NOTtc:aO .. SAUI O, 91 lllJ !Cl PllllCI •OTHHS : UUNOADWAY MOITUMY R1i .11 Jrp f10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 01 IAlT1 & IB•HOH SMmt & TUTHIU -WIS~LJPIF CHAPti. ob 4'l7 E 17th St h £ Costa Mesa 001 ~~9371 n -"'ICl~I . .SMlqtl' M Y sl . '27 n St. ·n~ ~nt 8Hch Jn.I ~ .. JONES mode. •RAL f'ltONUY AT F R ANCE S DOROTH E A Cbl Tiit -01111 _,,,.., ...,.., "''"AT•SALa of ... ,,....,_ It: c.. .... "' .. J ONES: dec!eased Februa ry American Telephone S..po1y , .... ._......c.rt ..... 26, 1982. Eterna lly belovecl Corporot1011 , "' Molller Road, , .... .,c.t...,.., ._ .. w ife or Willia m Mos eley e .. ,11~.CA M>IO ~ .. °" ... h f 1" ed Tiie ,.._ -llllllnoll oelllr-tn Ill• Motter of lllt IE1lot, J ones u. mot er 0 wV tfletro~ll: WILLIAM EOWAlllOS FORT .... and loving c hildre n ·w l11iam T•....,_ Ed!Qlloft Anetym & Oect-.cl. M 0 s e I e y J 0 n e s I I r Molllocft Compenf, Inc,,., Alta YllU Notice 11 11e .. 11, given that Ille d d d d ht 0..1"9 RI ...... N-Jor1ef '7.,. _..,.., wtll Mil ol .......... -~ f e ce ase > a n a ug er 4 11• other .,_;,'""' namtt •ftd '° '"° MtNml..,.. _ ~. 11111.l«t S h e l l ey Jones O w e n s . oddrenH.,.... bf,,.. tr•lltferor to cOflflrnwtlonoftaldS.-w cwrt .. Cryptside services will be wllhl11 '"'" .,..,. pHt so far wefttr lN,.. .. , et ~11. 1t11. h e ld al Pacific View •-ton.tr.....,...on:. •t th• Oflk •., Good. Wllttraan, Memon.al Park Crypt·'•"-Amtrlcea Telephone S"P"'' s&Woffoy,JOOOeamp,.Drf.,., 'lfVC'O c.,_......, ot s.. CollfWllNI, mr N••.-r1 .. och, Colllornl• ,. ... , i n Va I e nc i a Co u r 't on Hiii A-• ..,...,. "OH. S4lllitt c....,, of 0r-... •• ot cat""""•· Wed nesday, March 3. 1982 at a 1•.ColU'MtM,c.ittom1o-. a11 UM ,._...""°._.._.... .. ._ lc l Tiie l•utlon an• t•norol dK....S MU. 11-Of ........ •• 11 ·00AM.. •otcrl.,lloll Of lllO ~-rt'I' .... -... '""'-ttut Mil ~ tNt QUINN •r~-; ...... ., _.. ._...,. ....,._ T H O MAS FRAN C I S 2'1'-.. ""' •-. •"' ~otllff..._.,,_or..,.,.....~ QUINN, resldeni,oCN&wport·~:~.: & *· C.W Meta, :::.:..1~::::.::=-.°'1n= Beach. Ca. Pusea .away All Ill~ ofkltfW"'91111411 ..,. ... ·'fie certol11 111 ... """''' F e brua r t ie:. l 982. Born •••"''" ..... ._.,.. c.Mo ""'"° l_lfllilW"".,. °"'.!'~~~· J a uary 2t 1903 ln J e-tocot...,..,, C-'Y f!f 0r-... -., --· n • ~-., <411 -,,. .,._ ..,.. "" ._ .., ., "ortftttlarty -.CrltlH •• ,..,_,. City, N~w, Je~y, Survtv~ • ...., -'th"" ...,. ....,,_" .. • ...... , by his daoth~er Letitia c_..,...._1 LM ,. tlf Troct •aw :3 Q uin)'! a nd' a s.l st e r MAL.tou11 & D~Lv, •11 rocaNM 111...., 1u ,. .... w ---~ I(.. ..., Ull..·• Ma<Anfllfr.........,.. ~:o i4iw tn1. Mtlcietlet-.,._ '" .,. Oftloe Bem-w raue r "" .. ...,. Ntw'9rt "99Cll e....:...i. · IMf't,. " , ... C•11n1, Recor••• 01 Or•• .. Covl~ •ct-< .he r 1ctMldrtD. '* ' ,1 ' " ; ee-ty, 1 ra n ~·c h i Id r e n.·1 • n d 101 TN&.-. .. ..,., 1. ~'" • ,,.e;. ~IV 11.-M! ,,_ 1reat·1r~ebilcl Recitation a.ct...,'*., tlie C--clltfC•. V.,1\1 l lroot, Ger•on Ornl, of the Holy n.o.aO. w-Ul be oni !: =--=. =.: ::..-'::: Cal~':~ 111 tewfUlt4..-~ Monday.,l!laNJa, l ,'JJ81 at c1olfll11Mf .. '*t11t1 lftlltU~ ....... rCMlfl fl 8 · 30~M at D·cltle.. •\11ew "'••Ill~'· '•lta, ,.,,.,.,, .. ,, '°''· "' ,.,. c1111 •lld "'* ~• M. t ,.. ... ~ I u .. 0 , Toi•'"-l•uc•"9tt ~·~· & ••••· :'41 •r note toe ,._ '' or uary -•P.t ., -•.... ~ ~. 111e.....,..._" Mtt.11t1 ~ Trtt•t. -•-. Chriau,n Burial ,vill be at. Alt• vHea .,, .. , ....--., :.A~~ " lO:OOA,. .. iru,&day, Ma~h Tiit ::'-. _, fl!Me dlljMs 11 ~ • ...:: ... .._....,....., 2, ll«t -~ ~1 o«.-Mti1 MefcJI ~ "" .... " ..................................... --. Car111e) ~UaAIJc C~11nh.1 "'"••• .-. .. _. ~ ..,. ... ....,, .. "':.:"" ..._ 1u 1 w .. t Bilbo-. r~U~•··· ~~·~·~,,,, "':.-=:::::'.:',_..,.,,,. New.,ost 1Mlt~~..' · __ ....._ --r .. ut., lnte...,,_ ... ~!"Ml a i.c, ,...,:"'1't Mt rMrt.a Pm.' N . ~.~· •i:-,,_. Be ae lt. Pi•UI ~ ~............ a.-..~....,....., Mort.Mft'~ ·-• a ,,.,, t. ,_ a' '• --=........ • I 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ·- CLASSIFIED INDEX .... ... ...................... Tt ... Y•M,Cll 642·5171 *SllFllUU 0-11 :::::=.,, ~-... ,. c_,.,. •• , c.. .... u.. .... OT.,. , __ v...,, ._..._... ..... 1o-... ~ ..... ...,.__ ....... N .. ..,1 =~.::. lloor-· r..1 ... t ... ", .... ~ .... i.. ...... . -~· .... -:::·,-::.. ~ umm ___ ........ A,.n_.fllCt.fOf "'-14 ~r-'1, t ......... ,,,rr,,,.,h \ O.Mrrr• .. •'''-"1''" ............... "'"" 1-.. .. f"'t •h ~ ..... '"'"""'*"',.hr .. """'' ,,.....,.. .... h..-fl• IMwMt1•I t•u..-1h ...... ,.,, 'wlf' .., ..... tlfUlf' 1 flt l'th .. , ..... ,. ,....,,.,, NtlM.,I '"•ftilet'f il ,.,,.., t!W9 1J1.""''h ,.,, ... IM lll'il""• i'ff'tl MotllM...., ••,.I" Hr11''" ",.' ·~· .. " t ""-""' Mtt1I t_.'"'""•Mt11 ICllTALS It.-.,-t\1.-,....,._. ,.....,_I ttl1,-,..~ .... 4 llt¥-t llfr••fl1 Af l i ........ lf'UAfttM" •11rtt fi~lufl+U1h11~"' 1tf ,_.,.._'W\ •. lf .. tl"91o1..._._,, I •I i::::~r::· "~"."' .. o\tih l ...... \r-• t Yn 1111 t ,., k1•lllh• Ml•""• & H1..,,..t ll111l1h "···· 1 ... w1t."' .. . "'-O•lho I M• ... <11 \. ,... ... M•fllf .. 1 ..................... *''' ............. w • .-.. , .. , ....... t~:.~~IM~:--.:~ ........... ................ ,,,, w .... """ .. h MlllESS, lllY£S r M£NT. rtNUIC( 1• , .. "" .. .. 1• ... -14111 , .. . .. , ... , .. -Im ,.., ·-..,. -1• , ... ·-·-I ... , ... lluo ·~.., I~ ""' , .... ,..., . ... ..... -I M EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,,,. ... ',NofiH: A I rul estate i d · v ert1Se d 1n lh1 ~paper is subJect t the Federal Fair Hous ing Act of 1968 wh1c makes 1t illega l to ad veruu "any preferenre ll m1l1t1on . o r dis l'nmlniitlon based o rare. color. religion sex. or nat1011al origin, or an intention lo ma k any sut·h prd trc nrt', li m itation . o r d is 1·rim1nation ·· W J .. , ~ TI11vew~paper will no< ..... ,..., hl•J - ~.:: knuwinj(I)' atl't'PI uny udvert is 1n i: fur rl!a1 ClltOll.C Whlt'i'I Ii; ID \llOld- lmn of lhr law - lHD .... ..... IUOIS: Advertisers ~dwelt Hteir ads ... , ..., -rtpOrl .,.. . ~': ron .._di.tely. Tlte ... , ....,,. "'" ,.,., :~ I DAILY PILOT ··~· :':': Wlility for tlle fi"t :~~ h•correct i111n tio. :.:. ..,. 1r" t•u .... ~~ ...................... . 1002 .....•.........•....... "'-•""'" .. ,,....... .. .... STEPS TO NEWPORT ICH! ............. ............... #JH l1t10 ... lrt•M •--tt.«t11+' ~I· l""N"•MI • 01tf,J ''-" \It-\···•........ • ..... ,. \I, •• ," .... , ••• ....~,, .... ,,. "'' '-llCUIENTS. PltsOllALS & - LOST & FOUND ,,...,,~·"to"'' •1111 I u l't•il ..... ,,,,...... \.1~ ·~ ........ .,.. ,.,, l'Pt'lf"""h • ... ,J -. ... 111\vl .. • ••" houl• •l•I sm1m .... , .... , .. , .. , ... , OlrtOJMllH & N!PAUTION ...... ,. ,,.............. . .. h ...... '"'' ,. ... lllott••..-··· \f . t t • , ...... Kt.u .. MEICHAllDIS( H...~t." \f.-•••• I .,•.-t••. t; 1U·t•• .. ... ...... ......... \.,.. ."" ... "'' ..... ..,... ..... .. " .... . ... ~ .............. , , ...... !\ '""''•' \I.et 111 ... l ~ v ....... u~ .... . w.~,11.,.... ........ .i •• 1 \1111•1•..,I ftt•h•t1" 1'11• ... ,. ......... ''""" l'.-4, .. ,_ .. ''"'"·~ '-•ui. w.,.,,, ... """"'''"'' ., ...•. ....... ,,. "' ., .. "'t111•to1 ..... ... ... ..... ., .. -· .. , .... ""' •.. •t<• _, -. .,.. 11·,, a hari::1111 ' s121u •10 l•ilal 11r11·1• :I llclrm 'l li;tlh.(:1111~ .. ~ firt•µlan'. ll 'J. lnl lluom In hrn lll \Ill'~ ·•u:.ci'" l'11ll u:-''" 111111'1' "' formalmn. !'>-Iii 2:11:1 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS VIEWTOWHHOMES M:1,.k r ,111tt·:o \'11•°"' of!' tll.·t·:111 ,\ N1~ht llJ!hl~ l)lu.•t .\n'.1 l'ark:-UIX'll •11an ·:-Sl:li .lllHI :\ 1111 ~·111. lluJ ••r l';it 1\1:1 ~ i~I ·~·~ t:'i:I ~;11~1 FEE LAND NEWPORTBCH Sp.11·11111:-r.111111~ l1t1nh' "ll h 1·111~ r1n·pl;11 , .• 11111 lh''A :oh11tt1·r,. \1,11 111 -~;.tl'lll .11111 "' . µ11111 Ill rrn111 ~.int l'.111 llll'A . liiJ !l.S.'tcl THE REAL ESTAT&:RS ~~T.1111 lh•1 ""' '"' IOATS & MdlNE lOUtrMEllf .... Uy o-.nt'r. trach• 01· 'alt'. ht•11111 honk'. \ ,.n ,., l'lllSl\l' ;11·1·a l'ltt,.,• hi loof'of.11 t\ ...... ,,,.,"' '""" '"''""' \1.., .......... ,.., l\•.il•l'ttotl'• '''"''Notti I ~.111•1 ""••"''--'' 14.~•h "'I'" 1 .... ,, ..... , ._._ ........ . ,,~ ........... . TUNSPOITA TION \1111..,h I ..,llltj•I• '4a. """' •'"'""'""r• \l.;lrlll ... U•111tw• ....,.,_,..,.r'" "'-trf•' \l.•·• 11 .... "' ... "~ ''""'"°" h .u rt frMtrf\. I fthH .. ,.. SI 11µ $11C:'i.l~-l ~ 11 11 :: • I ..... ha. :! "''lhar!', p\lltt•. ;:~; s:11111a 110111. ', ,11·1·1· lt•I .... .\111t1 "lll'lllk ll-1' h•I ~ "'I .,,, ,..," rnalurt• l l't't1:-. Fur Ult•rt' "",cll'la11,. 1•,11111\1111•r ,, ... il'.! 733 ti ii ti ' fl '\I :;:, LOWEST PRICE '"" :~ CDMHOME .............................................. .,.,.. IMi~ IOIJ .............................................. PMNSULA HOMIS flemodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm with ocean view $425 ,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 sq.fl. $1 ,385,000. ll»O ISU HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lge llR. 2 boat slips Sl.500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. LINDA ISi.i IAY~ONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm , 5 l:tath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,()()f)! -·~ CAIHATION COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath. 2 boat slips Sl,900.000. fUS.YISTAs.MISSION VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm . 4 bath, guest house in lakefront comm. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J-l ' r ev' <I• (J• ,, '• b t>h i '~I NEWPORT EXECUTIVE l\•aut1ru1 4 Rdrm hnmt' 'Allh 1·Jtht'<1rJ I 1·1·1hni: in II\ ini: rcM1m ~\·Jtun·' rrun~ up11rad1·~ plu:-H\' Jt'I'~~ 1\~surrw• 1~1 und :!nrl lo°"' 11111·11•:-1 h1an' JrMI ~t'lh•r °"'ill all.11 ht>lp f111ann• Onl~ t..!lill.l4i10 l>Mi-7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS l'n'l<tii:11111s Estult·~ 111 rash11111:1bl1• Mohh•r l'a 1111111 i\11:ih1·1m 11 111:-~ l~ocl. :t h.1 f II <; II 1\111 I ai:oon ,\ 111 .11·1 1 \ 1·1~ 1 ..... 1,.1·;111<•11 lh-1·•11 .111'11 11,1 I. ll,11'111111! $4ttfl IM~I \ 1· 11 r 11 II , •• 1 I I 1 ; I~ !Ii~ i J.13 DON'TMISS, THIS CONDO 1.u" t'' I p I I 1· t' cl .1111' tl'Alll'r 'A Ill r111.1111·t• .11 lei\\ lllh'rt~ 'A llh :!II' 1111 I ll 1 i:hl ~ 11 p)!1 ,11 1•11 I'll\ .tit' hx·:111 . ··um m11n11 \ 1i.xlf:Y.f1·11111 I•'• 1m m ;11ul 11·11111, 1·11111h Wt"1·1 l.1,.1 .1t $11~i !llkl r:111 1~;;1;1 THE REAL ESTATERS IESTIUY! .1 H1 h1111w 111 r ,1,.1 ,, ~h~;I ()\\ llt'I II 111 .1;.,.1:<1 I \\ dh (111,1111·111)! :.<1 ::111""1 l'all !l'i!l-~11 ALLSTATf REALTORS •DESERTED ••IARGAIN IAYFIOMT JUSTUSTED l'rwate pier and fl oat 60 feet on the ba y Spacious ~ bdrm home .,., •h lil rRe ba~s1de patio 1rleal for l'ntertaining fam1lv room Mn\ eris lo ~h bdrm. plus there's a formal dining rm and a <ernf1r worksti~rr ou1s1andini: bayrronl bu) at SS&.000 L H \ HI\ 1•11111 ul Jl.1111411 ll11•·•lm1·11t Co MACHHOUSf Onh· S21S.OOO 6. ,,.,.,·ntr ....,1·1 h1•lp hnJnn.•. 3 Hdrm.•. '! l\Jlh)'. Crpk rrnurl\'11'11 l.11t·h1·11 '"° hll"' 11l'Amcl TR,\DI T 10 \r\l RL\lJ' 631·7370 Cole . , °'~·j RubOrs .•. 875·551 t«:::..;/) ""'"""' .. ' t•.an• AIHMlllLC •••· 1!211.1n 1 Rt'<l11<·1•cl ai:;i111 .... II\ Ollll\ ah-d St•ll1·r \,_. M t':la \'t•rrlt>,. hn1•;.1 • \ ,1 Mo UoMhokt Worries Lffse hos bee11 n· M¥ahd .ct is fiHd for 25 yrs. T otCllty ,.._ .wet lniM Terrou llcht31ohot. w/fo"'ity r oo•. $349.500. h ........ .,.....,.... ............ .. .... ,., ..... ..,.\,lhtk• 'P-., ...... , t "'""" t •"-"tl lP'lu-t1•h '"'"'" ,_ ............. .. \1111.-v. ........ .. AUTOS. IMPHTED ht AH.ti \ .......... ftrt .. \otJ• '""'''"""""'' ..... ....... ov-1.'tloft H.th-'111 •·rrr•11 ...... .......... J.ti:Y.-. Jtll .. .., ~ .. rm..tuu.ft1,. ....-... ... ..... ,tt .. ~t'ft1'1lt•f''"' "" lli.k , .... , t'MMitl• "'"14•"1111 ~-·~ Mn ••h ...... ""''' ....... , "'" .... 3-!Nr" r~"' .. fr1vmpf\ \ ............ . \ ... \\1 MTIS, 111 AfTIS, nll .. si1mabll! (111J11l'llll! l'111~ ~!: ftrrpl~tt·t~. bt":iut1ful :\.!' k11l'11en r 111·1·n ·d patu• r.: l':'lil ll0\1 . O,J.855(1 • : filiMi1 i ,;. ::~ $7900 DOWN ;'~ TAKE OVER • ,. Loans or SlOi.l\lO at :111 ::1 1 effecti\E• interest ratt' uf :~~ 13'. 3 Bdrm :? bath. ;!~~ dougle ga ratit'. on a c : larite lot A must ~t't' for ~I :1; I --ic; -'"'1 ----""" --Al -M l --.. :. w;1 onh· Sll5 .tl00 1.."a II ~2313 THE REAL ESTATERS ..... ... ., .... , .., ... l'anL m1111•r \1 .1111,. 11111 • l.;1r.:1• 3 ltrlrm. :! bjth h11nw F.1m1h r.•1•m llnl'I .. f1r1•pl.1\'t'. q 1111•1 I rt>t>.hnl'd SI n'l•I Cl1tH' tu shopp111i:. t•Jll 111111 ~2313 THE REAL ESTATERS \'m ;ullt'!' C11n<h1. Si!l.!111t1 l'\:lt'ht>lor \\ brlrm. ilm\ n payt flt>x1bl1• \I t·r1•d11 niS·Otll~ t'\ I'S & 1\ k 111b Byo1111~r AISOLUTE STEAL bclilcflt SIS0,000 NOW $525,000 SPYGLASS IYOWNER O\\~ER f l:'\.\:'\Cl:>.ti libr ~·~bJ Hl-1,qll ~ Rorlt't:ll R.1~ C:lllO"nt'r, i~!l 11;3; .. , .,. " .,. ~~ ... , .. ~··· ,.., COLI OF NEWPORT MALTORI ?SU I . C:.-t Hwr. Cor ...... I ... 115·551 t OCEAN VU 0....AI WHtl ll\.'t:.'N & fl.\\· \'l ~ It R W l\11 :'\ l' S ID\ . l'\HIL. ~r '· & nn · LITES Prllf 1k r11r:th11I 111 °"' .1rm 1•.1r1h1<11w;. \> •nnw 11 ~~· hl'11•\l nw rl. ,. 1 .11 ~:1!1!1. i11111 \fon't l .1 ~1 l'.1tr1 d ; T<,lllf'l' J 1>'1 ;;,.<1 1::~1 •IAYFIOMT• IOATSUP ssss.ooo wow· 1.11 .... ,·~• 11n• , .. 1 hJ 1 !runt h1•nH' 11\ tu i.11( l.\ rt in ::-: 1 .. 1r.:,· ~ lldl'ft\. :I hath. clouhlt• ru\i>lan •. l~l\ t'rl'll 11.11111 plUl' n1111·h 11111n•' Will .\ITO 11 r t r .1111• f '" V~1~lhhdf Ha~ ~l'rl•r1•> ur ....... • ------==-==---: .. CANYON "YllUILUS" Located on larllielt lot ol all Dean4' homes. BeauWul golf course view ! Profeaalonally landscaped .. Private park·Uke setting. Lovely lge pool, spa lr 1azebo. Gated front courtyard entry with fount ain. Marble foyer wlgllttering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den formal din rm, 4'h ba. $950.000. ' WISj.IY M. TA no• co .. UAL TOH JlllS. ............. MMltflMW•'POltl"MlfW CINRI. H.I. '44-4t I 0 ........... MtM 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , 2 Unlb~.!~, Cot· tqe. Oreal Owner• Unit « .... Prop. CablA Like lot. £a,talde. Cre~Uve Terms. lO't Down. Break even Sl•.5CJO. Brkr. t ..... MOMONIY DOWM (\oquaUftectl>U)'erl Me11 Verde c .. tom. 3bdr1D + bonua r1a , 2~ba. i frl>tet. lr1 yrd. SU5,000. Owner /Bkr 14$-9717. -r MWt • • .............. -'tifml't1• ........ . ,........ .......... ..................... ... .... !~ .. •••••••••• .............. •'•••••,!•·,~·~ 116t ......... ,,., ii efwt u ' C.-4111Mer IH2 MaM t JJM ..... H• ... •••••• ••.••••••••• ....................... • J6ff , ................... ••• .................................. ~.,··••••o•" ~-· ....... "............... llNl -In o.c. BrHd .. ~ .... frplQnU .. OP "-p flA ~ao OillUou 10 atrtl 41 I Br, J~ Ba, Dea, F~m Cit ho 48 ,. ,.UO, ~,v. .. 2 lot1 ID Cann er y ~C'OIMlo • .Z.oooeqlll. "*'· '° rwUmJdl. Od.. rm • L • .. ~/ 1 'm • = ll4'~ 1~ r, OC·ROO 750-fht. Vllla1e. O«n• bualneu. tf.T.,_ nea.151.Qle rtllrement wooded 11.-1mo.-14M · · · Owners rellrfna. Owoet 111.llO•lllO '-2 BB 2 ~' ba twnbh 2 Br, l 81, "2-Moot wW c:arry lat T.O. Cao C1• ... '1Leh/ 481', 2Ba, gvt beacnt1, r...1aic1e soo Dr., Cll fl u ctl ' be pur~h ... wiUi or i ~ IMO ~..:.. 11050 mo. Mill now, • rs mo. '1 ..,,.......... I wkhoullnvenlol)'. ...................... ....... 1100 Kktl. Peta OK. ft. QIVI 'Ml<!ZS5 I I a Padlk View lot ftw aa&e1 ....................... (714)7»0272 D-."411t JJH ~... >• •· 10 Acre• avoc.a~oa . • ... , .. _ .......................... ., ........ e a..,.,~ S.·1814 Rucbo Cal. ll'I> lat.. · ~111 .. Dua Cr4•t. 3Br ab•. l.q. ~a .b~ l500•id ... c•o••::••••~:,·,~••••••• C__:_._, J~.oto Xlnt lnvett. ~+ faml~ar· ~maanlvldelaw: frplc, nlte yard. 2 car A/C, v • r ' 2 H K.I n.>TUNJ'l'_vlEW ' -• N•·• .. "" aaraie.2Yr1.new.Verr. 95ft>.w 1•·7Tl5 '1 Spec~2Br 2ba home Pr•t+f 1600 101. poo /1pa, 12000. diNa. Avail March. Cal) •~{ on M rcb Summit. •••••••••••o•n•H•• ........... H,500 a c re raacb , ••a&t. eve1'6t7'1lorN0·58'4 Mt ,,,...,_ ~ Owner · nanc:ln g or ,.. 119,500,000, (1736 per •••••• .. •••• .. ••••• tweoptlon $259.000 Duplex. +.Bd It 3·Bd, 2 Ba _ MIWPOIT llACH aeH). Ceotrat Calif. CMIW... 3zz4 tkzlltsl• IHdt 324t OC·;R£NTALS • f~ U.,.. V..,. l .E ea . orean,v&&, l tot rrom mah vrilblllty. c.s. cout. 1.0 eid1Uo1 te1al ••••••••u •••••••"''-'' .......... ••••••••••••• 1·5br atlOOto~,... 4f7·176t beac:h. 5 ofr·sl park, Ocean view. 120 rt. froo· parc:ela. Out1tandtn1 C111'El br, workabop HOMES FOR RENT 1S0-3aM 1·~ Ownr will help fin t.aae.UM exilUngbulld· recreallon•l oppty. 1ar.kidJ,TODAY$365 3•4Bdrma.S700.S72.S. in WTSIDICOMDO LAIMForett 10 55 S349.000 Hamo Rlty inlol4000aq.ft.orbuild Prine. only. Owner: QC.RENTALS 750-UH Fenced rcardir " IAYMOMT ,U WITH CLASS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 879-2320 JO.ODO aq. ft. Owner wUI (D-.~. 1an1e1. K ds " pets 2 story, 4 + bdrma. 2 3Br,arullbalhs. 1_l:A;tii~~r~:-~!llll!!l!!ll~~!llll~ carry. '715,000. 631-7300, _ OC·RE?rfALS welcome . 545·2000. ba~~i.'L f irep)a~N lntert0m, A/C, wet bar.1 PARK PLACE _ Realtor. ltll•!t.le JIOO 1·5br'aGOOto*2'f A1eot.noree. gor~ •lew. Pier IMJ plushcarpetandspa. ESTATES WAT OHT 1------... • -•11 -00.3314 7. ays DUPLEX -119 Hunt· slip.$3000per mo.Av~ .. ) $I St,000 4 Br. 2\1-J Ba. HOME --------••w·:=••H••••••••L•I•;• 11-..I OF lnlltOI> Ave. Ocean view, Feb. 1. • 2174Sq.Ft -IV"TEIE"CH "-"'•r+l'I ZOOG ,..,,.,...,; ouaeon go vn -,-" " " •••A •or income p..._,..r ~LUC"Y NW voll eyball c:rt, l Br 1 BE:TTER THA N Sensauonal 4 Br home ............. •••••••••• ...., '' •v.,.. • " ty PrinooJ.y 6f.2·0Me Re n Cosu Mesa'• SIOO/mo: 2 Br $600/mo : • MODEL s!Tlllck on the water!! AIPUVAU.IY . • NEWEST gated 20 orrententire duplexfor associ ated ~ w • I IJ r ' ... er o mon y payment oa B8'lboa Island property. Low down or trade. HASEVERYTHING f eatunng Frenchdoors. TaSlttlhr 3Unita.POKEqulty. Townborne VILLAGE $1100/mo . Call Bob SHARP USTSIDI Cul·de·sac street frpk, professionally de· Near new 4·plu. 2 Eastslde CM. COMMUNITY. 2 "3 Br. Meyer S86·3SOO. ore or 6PLIX Slln&Sail HClub corated & SANDY bdrm, 2 bath each unit ~ 2\.t Bl.1600-l&OOsq.rt.or 6161·1622bome . " * ONLY ISo/o DOWH 20 min to Nev. po rt BEACH Only $249,000 & wilb f1re9l1ce, enclosed pure luxury. Garages. and owner wtll nuance S2 Center ~loanellerlw1ll carry 80'"k petlO, 1ara1e. 9~<% lit. Trade F,quity tn your Irv hydro-tut. in' master 3 Br condo nr Bo lsa Chica " Heil..$600/mo + last mo.846-1141a(t8pm. ~---~..- Canal Front. NeWPC?i{\1 Shores. 4 Br + . Leas~r, option to bey. 115-00fl .} Tennis, pool, walk · et beach. Agent 646· 1044 y . .......,,...,.. 67S.Jl66 to qualified buyer. Well MOVIH' OH UP JO.OOOwilh Sl60·000 a 13' 0' 7111'1501 or Pos cash flow Now or Nwpt Bch hse ror suite, dininc rooms. localed. good looking 6 GI ve yoursetr Mesa at 1212 fixed rate & fully 7~7373 SlS9,SOO. Bill Grundy. custom Cota De Caza wood burning fireplaces. ••••••••Ill units+ 4 car garage+ Verde in '82. 3 Bdrm 2 amortized. lUtr,675·6161. bomevaluedat$330.000. mlc:ro ·wave ovens , ample parking. Below 11 Ba home w/many extras No points or qualirymg GOLDEN private patios " yards . Attractive 3 Br. 1~. Ba . r enc e d y a r d , microwave. $675/mo . 968-3495 eves, 963·6767 timesgross. on cuJ.de·sar. OWC lrg 770·0347 IUHITS PROPERTIES Gardener provided . 2nd T.D. Full price OwneriAgent 7.1 X'1 'ilOSS 152-1589 Elegant livin1 only 15 .... Pvlaail• 1007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~2805. ,· OPIHSAT/.SUM 11·6 Ct1Toclcrf 644•7Zll $134,500.751·3191 I ---~-_._..,._ ___ High demand rental minutes from Fashion New3atory beach house Htwport leach I 069 S.Cltmtnte I 076 area. Assume existing UTJUJY BONDS Island, 1 minutes lo S.C. Ba,y&i oce.an views t••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• financing of $150,000 at Plaza or 0.C.Airport. n..achwalk Townhse ror days. llGCAHYOM LSE-:~1 - 2BR McLain Coo-cfi(t.ll., SU25 per mo. Call Gerf11~ 673-776lor 760-1397 : OreansldeorBalboalsl USOOOO IY OWMER 10% and owner will .. A."...ttdorMtter J"it east or Newport""" f 19~~~:rv~~~~~h. ---------1 Waterfront 4 Br home, 4 lidrm, dell, Family c arry. Fu II p rl c e for, improved real Blvd. & so. of San Diego = fa~·2~~ ::~It OS:-------.... -." ....... ,leparkibfl in rear ~!!!!!!!l•l!!!l•••••I m down. arrordable, room. 3 baths 2400 sq rt. S240,000Call 979-S370. estate. MuJl be clear or ~wy. Startina at S900 a or Paul. 536-3079 llG CANYON :11 I """' low111terestloan I La r i:t> Jo t• l'ool . ·A near clear. S2SO.OOO to month. 631·5439. 2413 Luxuriou s three ear-dllw.r Lill ..... ~MM [;~ R-2 lot with nice ••••••••••••••••••••••• COUMTIY8"MJSH DUPLEJf 4Br +2Br. 1 yr new, $398,000. 709 " 7011~ Orchid. Call aS1·9U5 Owner /bkr. remodeled 2 bdrm home. Low jnterest flnancine. Open Sun 12·4 1010 W. Wilson.714/545·2901 213/689-4384 Best buy in c dM . Lrg 3 tiim--·v·A---·1 Bdrm home w /frp le. + 2 CDM DUPLEX ., Bdrm apt. Only $262,000. owe w/S4o.ooo dwn.. ~SUMABLE J o.fee Wallie, agl llSTIHWEST 118,SOO bizya 3 Bdrm. 21.i baths and huge fen ced back yard. Neat and tidy with remodeled k1tc~en and baths, new paioL and drapes. Very conve· nient to s Lores a od schools. 641-5200 $129950 panaronuc ocean VLew.1 LLS'rA'rE SIO Milli~. Your IC· ~ran1e Av.e .. Costa lbrhou.se,lblktoocean, bedrooms. Two baths. 3 Br 2 ea.' affordable Priced a' ba nk a p· '" ,-countan~s approval esa. Adults over 40 preL Formal dining rooiil.'"" beach home with un I praisalS217.~ Sl.SJ,ooo j ...,A•EJ••"""~•T•OR,,.."""1_,: soli c ite d Refs HURRY!lg2brw/gar ~/mo lbchlydecoratedinmIR!" believable terms. assumable l11u1ncmg at . (umbhed. tropi.cal patio $400 96()..3012 ed tones. 3000 sq. rr~. Callformore mfo 1 12'>'· 498..a848 Prine IYOW.,.El ,,zo1JerGroup~·8349 QC-RENTALS 750-3.JH Jac:uul o(f maste11• on!,. ' " 3 B R 2 b a c o d o bedroom. 3 car gar•'";·• DOCISIDE R.E ' -Z.4Plexea.4200sq.rt.612 •~ n · S20SOmont.h.Yeaa ' Hlftfo&Crai O 'I • IS a.~ & 614 Calle Campana, --• 2 Br. enclsd garage. Kids1peta wekome . ~ 9 ·"'" an _, San Clemente. $249,500 •••••••••••••••••~•••• Adults.nopets.$525/mo. Pool, leMls. Avail now lease. Call 631 ·73 . _14~~0_8_ 1 .. :!!:~~ ..... !?!.~ each. $23.160 income "'*'"'-.w..cl m W. Wilson.631-4889. SOOO 642·6998 or eves Realtor. Canal Front, Newl)ort FANTASTIC STARTER each. 136.000 down in ••••••••••••••••••••••• 963-8747 '!!!!!!!!!!Jlf••••l!!!I• Shore s. 4 Br Den 2 Rr 2 ba home in area 1982 . 9"4 Isl T D. C...MtM. · l IJ4 • Lo•elvHom! OC RENTALS Super Harbor/Ocean Vif"' e .OOO down, Owner will ~Ith lake. poot and rec. 714/498-5907 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bdrm; ~ ba. water. l·5br"s S200to S2000 3 BR. 2 b\-Sl~ mo. · carry Must sell! Make ra,.11 a\·a1'la...,0 Only 4br, 2ba, lg bonus rm. gardener included. S795 Ocean \'lew.6 2967 ' ""~ ..._ ... EW E 'd ....,< Zchlldok 644-2778 756-3314 7-days olfer' Tennis. paol. v. alk Sll16.000 1 F'llll:" gar. ·SI e. """"· $129,110 to beach Agent 646-1044 log..toVihge R.E IMVESTMEHT 642'1737· 4 Br. 3 Ba condo. many l Br beach. SJOO. util pct -------~ 4 Bdrm. low interest I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ orMS-280.5 497-1761 Private ownership or E/side 3br. crnr lot, lg yd a.menities. $800. Dys Male preferred. 836·9629 P\er ~:iy:r:>~ large A PETE BARRETI .. REALTY loan. Below ma rket. sa!ety deposit box. Ap· w/jac & 2 car gar. S82S. 673-3335; eves 6"5·2439. aft. 5. boat. Furniihed inix Hurry! ~~61-FORECLOSURE Smwta A.no I OIO predation potef\lial. tax 5411.3793: b hi8'i ___ ..__ ____ 1 llDUCB> 112 ••••••••••••••••••••••• benefits, blgh securlly & ________ 12 Br. 1 Ba. F'uU carpets, ~-bedrooms, rived adt · ~; C...Mft9 1024 $6,0001 -nxer-.. Clos:i..ic .. wtal_privary. fWhd•leect. 1140 enclsd garage, fenced H.rtaolr 3242 dTi~innnglsroocmo. uarnts a.,.nd ' 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ownerwill c:arryrioanc· Oceanfrontduplex.21~e ~ lnfo.714·536·7546 •••••::-";•••••••••••••••backyard . patio.••••••••••••••••••••••• "' ing rnr 7 e s t b lo 3Br 2ba units. T.ry low or her/d N 2br tux condo on Lagoon. beaches. Short term OP . ~PUl itCJU~f * MBA VllDE * WITJI POOL AND SPA REAL TY / ':'" Y ar a e y.i. no down Lender Owner H-~ BGHJ'4PUXES F.tlllalttd,...._. was ryer area. 0 years leue . $5501 markt!t rate. Soper de· can be very creative Ullll:' ,....... -"U one ol a kind. gorgeous 2 pet.,. $500/mo. S48·S442 2 fp. gar & Cmalnly itlras. rmnlh. Broker. 631-7300111 Specious 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. Beautiful area. $15,000 · dn. Asking S240,000~!!!!!!Jlf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I luxe ·4 Bdrm with up. Pl RE 6731900 Flexible _._""'" bdrm. 2 ba tow nhome orTIG-5629. S900/mo a eves' ""!!!!!!!!!ll!l!!!!!!!ml!fl!!!!l!•l!!!!!!~·-grades.Quiet~ulde sac. aya · · _·__ _ 91%depreciat1on, with den and spa . --------1 714/84(>.6309,831-2932 ..,,, siu.9oo. act now ~liew Homs financina l2.9%o!~~ftnancing Perfert"for the relocat· CHOICE£. SIDI HUMBOLDT ISLAND 11 G CA HY 0 ... H $181k'i/mo pymt. PP. Agt_ Classified Ads. your or 166-7189 stop shopping center. .• ,.,.. 1002 Ge•:• IOOJ ........................ ···········••····•····· F~ Plus Cjty Lights -Exclusive Newport Beach Spyglass - Beautiful Capehom .Model W /Four Bedrooms Plus Family Room - Courtyard W /Pool & Sp-a -One Or The Most Terrific Views In All Or Spyglass. $750.000. ·--............ 759-9100 # 2 Corponte ,.._ ....,.+C...... CHARMING OCEANFllNT ..................... 2 .... 00M •It• ~M c .... •t cltupllcote toclor.1 Affot mJilJ tlf $550.000. --.---· WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAlESTATt SMK. llcni.k. Po~~ Mt w. C-1 ~ 3IS MM.. Aw ""'"'1 Buch Wioe hlend Ql·MM 67Uf;M ' I S H E E C M I* I ·1 I I 540-USJ 3 br. 2 ba. Good (in. f'ee An 1 mm a c: u 1 a1 e 4 Manag·-nt Avai·labl6 ing renter Steps to 2Br. l'f.Ba, frple. bltn 4 BR w/40' dock. C,.....DO »• b d 2 b h "'""' "' Oc 1r t I range/oven, dshwshr, vn . .J lanci By owner. $279.SOO. e r oo m. '• al Owner/Broller9M-34S4 • ..!!fl.:a go . eon s , $2000/mo Yearly 3 Br .• full golf COW'M -. HERITAGE Sot9-8755or644·7220 .. Classic .. home. conve. """"""'',.. pat.kJ. Pool. $600 mo.: 00 Waterfront Homes View. tenni.s, paol, spl".:· REALTO R:i OPft4 SAT /SUH I 1-6 !'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ti New 3 story beach house ment to South Coast PALM SPRINGS 164.900. -960-S807 pm.3Bl Hamilt~n. 631.1400 tease. SllGO. "44·742''' ~~l~I~:~ l~:~;iel2.~C:-t =··~~. 9.5r~ UJ.. ............. J t .. 2.bdrm. E. side, WS/mo. ....... 3244 Bkr. II d I 11 O .. ~er wtll Aarry small ren\ at S900 ~r ••••••••••••••••"~'' .... + 1150 sec. S?J...clff; 2 BR 2ba __ ..,_ ... hr. ' twlllcloa leodi I 040 Bay & ocean views ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean s1de1Balboa Bl\'d "" ' rm. J20. or 568·3113. C•n-.. Village Mobile 549-2515. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"'""v· "" serond at 12'+' Settled P.S, ·' ~JPark Furnished 2 --------1 Twnhome. new 3 br. 3 ba. security. Lge paol, spa;. l5(XX) dn. Beaut. lge 4 br home in ll B. or 3 br in F.V.962·7940agt 1911 Court Ave. nr 19th 675-2291 or848·3133 on a ('Orn~r lot. special Br. 2ba. pool. adlts, no 3 Br, 2 Ba, $775/mo., Isl. patio, gar. Park. paol. S7SO/rno. 754·4114 Ekt• reatures include wood pets, close lo shops & lut & sec. deposit. Call . jac. 1975/mo. 833-9057 322 wkdya. or 493~2Mt Ample parking in rear P a~~~ ~~~f ! I a t e ' I noonnii. we.tbar. walk in MESA VllDE 4.r.Jo restaurants. $7"" mo yr. 548.Q!Bal\. 5 ev1wkpds •I· pantry in kitchen, large _ .,., RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN :.pa and bnrk firep1t in · SZJ7 LSOO ly incl util. 673·3685 or 4 Br. 1~. Ba. tar e ram ii Townho~ s~il·level. 2 4 Br. 21-1 Ba. nook. family nn. 3 car garage. landscaped. 2 patios w'covers. wallpaper & custom paint thni-<>ut, security system. croflln moulding, ~x ic an paver nooring. 2 used bnck frplcs . bit-in TV s t er eo· c abine t & bookshelves in Cam. rm, High assumable. Must see t o appreciate. $219.000. Open Sat!Sun 714 1963·6163 Pri vale Party. f*lllO yard Forma-l-.4in· lO'A: assuma le TMO~.~a~ll~2H-:~~~~:!t~!::=11liCo~meAe..'-a8w~·lfi1tliiin~e~le~crtt':. !Br. den. on golf course. IO.I? room, fa mily room Barme P ua e~c ose Sacrifice a lmost all I equity 3 Br home $180.000assume loans I Delia 631-1266 and rireplace,..'•U musr garages. prt de .o f 1--------•I kitchen. (amity r m. 21'.i Ba. A/C. view. $975. J ~ o··-~ .. ·p For more 1n UDO •"Y_O...,. r•-11ce in living rm. '1S4-7900 - s.ee.. ' Red.uceA• $168 .. 000 fo .. ~;~-~ · -"' "' """" "" """___.... 2 bedroom and den. z, carpets. ctr.11es. 2 car (altror detalls. 979·2390 lkrit.acelnvestmenu bath. private patio., g.arage. patio. S825/mo. TARBELL Av all ab I e through lnclds washer dryer. 6/J0/82. 11.700. month. refrige. Avail. immed. Brc*er,631-1300. 3094 Yellowstone, off f l/1 ASSUMAILE! 1091 ......................• '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Paular in o. nr S .C. Plaza. 1st. last & securi- t y required. Agent. 957-0701 or 957 ·06&1. Owner wUI carry 2nd. QUALITY well kept Tri· SMllWftfnd NEW ('AINT · Comer lot Plex near S.C. Plaza. 3 BR 2"'2 BA + blutrs Con- s bdrm. 3 ba, 3 car gar 3Hr v. wood rlrs and lots New carpet & paint in 2 do. 6t.o9 mo's, $1600/mo. Next to community p<>ol 0 f "h 8 r m As k ing units. Built-ins, fen red Buutlful 4 blocks lo Community $90.lloO Name your yard & en ~l oae d Agt 760·9678 Greenbrook 3 BR. (pie. School. 2 houses from term.' Bkr848_·_0709 ___ garages. Open THURS. patio msmo. 3 Br 2\.'J Ba, F.R., (rple, dbl gar, bll·ins, $825. 644-1480, 661-4220 2 bdrm, 2 story. l ~ ba condo "The Lakes" . Xlnt. loc. Beau de~ rd req'd, no pets. S650 mo M().4Q50 Park $300. 000 S 190. 000 lhru SUN 817 Jennifer 111!3!"!Br~3b!llla-.. •. • .. •. "tllllSOO~/•mo•I 640-6161 assumable loan. 1-'ee ---·A~.L-1.... • --c M TOP VALUE .. Sparkling .,,.,_,.. "'"" "'"' .........,, · · 4 Br near the Harbour land 760-1298 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------i Bl!at4; Bach, . . S625 E/side Cottage, 2 br, 1 ba , College Park . 4bd rm. 2.,.,ba . s plit-le,tet. pool/spa. grdnr & paol serv No pets. SlOOO/mo. mso. Gorgeous upgrades -------MobileHOMl1 2BrLidoMobile .... $700 patio. yd, gar. SS95. Under mJrt at $!27,900.-------11111( ForSale 1100 NptCrest3Br .... SUIOO BACHELOR w/palio Bltr848.-0709 HEAR •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• (SUMMER RENTAL> s:ns. Utils pd. 63l-4320 H"" ... G HOS.,... ... L . 25· Airstream w/room, Ooeanfrontl\ug ... $4500 agt 3 IDI w/SPA 2000 ft beauty. S7SO mo. Mo/Mo. Patrick Remax 7:8-1221 agt. '--r-11" across strfet from WaterlrontHomes -------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bdrm, 2 bath condo. bearh $6000. See at Hun-IMCOMI PIOPHn Realtors 631.1400 Nu 2 stry 3Br w /den or KSTIRVIHE Patio. double garage. tingtoo by Se11 Park, CDMduplex $347,SOO 48r. Pool/jac. 2.,.,ba, 2 1044 SlZl,OOO. 21871 Newl11rid, Space '1 prime units $405,000 car gar( auto), Nr S.C University Park:· C~zy COHDO IUY! RorMcCardle, RJtr. 11 o. H R or ca 11 5Wlits Perrb S116,000 EMI'ER WEEK Pl.za Lse $1000 + $500 2BR 2ba wlfllllr. Dnve lmmaculflle Northwood 541_1729 1 737.9466 Orean front 2 Br, agt. dltp. · Hm 536.0776, Bus: 1 b$7y751 1 a222 6~4a_y6a39p7p le. I Br overlooking lake &""i!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'llil!~ ..,.. ---752-5710 213/328-7200Mr. Ito. ~ ..• .J!O·. • or stream. Pool, j;icuul. I"!' 2 bd rm. I bath. new .,.. ~ tennis, uperaded. llGCANYON carp e t & d r a pes . DimoSammer at Winter 4 bdrm 3 ba 2000 sq n SIM.500. Xlnt financing Guarded community I Beaut iful adult park, ratel. 2 Br, 2 Ba, view c:ondo.'Near.back Bay. UNIVERSITY PARK 4 BR 21'.i ba. near parks. pools, SIS75 mo. BarreU Rlty64M200 Owoer673-l923 BeJiut 3 Br 2''l ba home lo.,. space renL 646-8612 full spa, etc. 642,5465 Sm . 675-4277 Bob. w mirrored walls lots I ----COVINGTON 4·Plues HameaU.Plll•d DISTINCTIVE DESIGN The dramatic desien for I.his home is perfect ror O( marble, 3 .car' gar I Newport Beach De A~za rrom $250,000. ,<>ran~e ........... :: •••••••••• 1.4 3Br2ba, frplc, close to S600000 Call 644.0448 bayrront Park. Mint Co. Call for details, pnn ._... i•A• ldlool & goU crse. 3278 ' · cond '78 d"'I wid e. -ru &..• 50-1366 -• lowa.S700.5.:J6..14S3 r I •. 'tl l' vuq. "&" ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1rep ace. n~ pa 10, Garde G •B "'b · 4 bdrm, 2~ ba S9SO per rm. Woodbridge 21J.J55. 7988 the entire family . 4 , ---------o1 $60.<XX>. '63 doltble wide, tho t•DeMtt, n rove., r 1..,. •i NiceE.Side28r.1Ba. yd, comer lot S39 000 Bill lltOff J400 nu . cpts, BBQ, cova 1ar, pet, refrig/stove. bdrms, 3 ba. BBQ and an enclosed patio. Ex· cellent locaOon near sc:hools, tennis and pools. S252.000 and you own the land. For Classified Ad ACTION Call a · Daily Pilot AD· VISOR 642·5678 Grundy675·616i · ........ ••••••••••••"• ~pb·1'~i48::2Twana "30 mo. 752-2282 dya, ,--PALM SPRINGS CON-a &6W261eves. SEU.. i~le items with a DO. M4,900. Assume 1 1 Br bou.se in Wevlew, 3 Br 1 ba citaie tge Dally Pilot Classified Ad 9.5% 1st. Fum. tennla. Oregon. Laundry rm, Yard. chlldren/pe~ ot. 642-S678. spa, etc. 320-9544 or med yard. S275 mo. Utll .SO. 577 Park Dr. Kurt llHTALS I br, Iba l650 2br +den 2ba "75 abr.2ti. saso 4br.2\.tba $1200 3br 2ba CAata Mesa S1 lSO Le Raisor Rily 833-8600 Mtwporl ~ I 06' S68-3ll3. P.S. pd. Bob Meyer 516-3500 DGl-1266 ~~jiiiiiiiiiiii•"i""i"l""ii"j""il"ii"l".i"'i ..... , •. ,. -.Sh•~• ........__., ofc: or Ml·1S22 hm. or --------\ ·-~ "'--~-1 ......... -~ • B to h Htti1--e Park 3 Br 2"'2 . "v• J450 vi~ • .-.,~·"""" ~, •• r.cus m ~JIM!· ..--a rpl pool ht Bl, vaulted ceiUn1s. air. • ......... •••••••••••••• ..... w.d )206 c:, Ren ' ap~, pn a e frplc, ref'H1.. walk lo Park ~Y. UT tux. time. .. ,,, .. ••••••••••,.••••• ltnttl i . S It or2 0 Oea/ae OP· pool II tennis cru. ms. abt Diatresa aale Ke.o o n · m o . 7111).'isu DS-OT7t · • lllyfrmt, beach, 2 Br. 2 ( I 0 5 ) 6 4 4 _ 8 0 2 7 , -~~------ , Bl. l gar •P· 123 8 · (7141997-1600 ask for 1 mo. leaN with ""lion to Olt .. ~ Bayfroot , B~ lb'oa Pat ...... "•;;t;'°'' JHO • ••land .. 11200 Windler. . extend, MO aq. n .• Br. ..................... f!g~~l.Herb, •JS '51$/0I0.2Br.28a. New ups t adu . all ap . 2 Br. 1 Ba. Newpor t .illi lty -..PhntTWi.,....----1 garage. near Hoa3,,.. MS-~. ,,,_ 3 BR 2 Ba, pool, dining1 rm/ ram rm. 1100 Clar,.; NB. Sl,000 per mo. A~ t 541:5032 •• 11 4 lease options avail. (/(1 the Bluffs. Some distreN situations. · ' , · Agt 760·9678 ·)._. •11 ·1 WESTCLIFF i. : Very pnvate execut1y11:1 4Br. 2Ba pool ho~,;, wshrldryr & rtrn1:: a v a ii . S l 6 0 O m '!°-i ' Gardener & po°"'' services inc I. Lois All il 631·12llJ8or~lQ8 LJ. H.t.orlw.~'.I( 48r 3ba. frml ~lning. fl.1. '. study, beaut. dee. I(~'· decks, fab. view, PV,'f i ~Mded gate, pool/t~R rus. S3200/mo . Agt. &fl~t orDovieKoop 1ss.122r Executive home nr Westc:lin Plaza. 3 BR 2 BA lg patio/ jacuz~ luse S900tmo . incl1uli "\ pool sen-ice & gard. 4&' I Ma gnolia Ul·29 14 & 642-~1.5 Bayshoru 2bdrm. steps to bay, guarded 11te comm. some fum. Avail to 111. rJIOllfl>._1213 1 191-04U: l2LUl72·5101 Bhtfs. 3 br split level on 1reenbtlt, new crpt. 85() 494.QOI 4 br. 3 ¥. 2car gar. Nwpt Crest .~o,iado, $1000. mom, aat-044!0 ~et 38R. 2~ Ba Condo. Pool. Spa, aar. Smart de<'«. rtJOtmo. 1sa.1100 or-..olllO. Mk rw Ann. SlqUtsTa• Off*>LFCOUISI IA YFIOMT A home with the ultimate reatures for a lux~us life style. 60' boat slip, 3 BR, fam rm & formal dining. Stained ,glass everywhere, J enriatre, ""'"-' •· earpeta, waaber/dryer plillll'a, a'reenbtlt, cut. Yr* 15 UNIT ,._., ._._ •i•• i.t·up, all bllilt·ln•, cte.uc. University Part. ~:mf!t=ll~JiJBni :r - -• .. &ce to llloppbaa, amaU No pets. SUO I mo . ~.Tl~ &POOL Masterfully upgraded Rancbo San Joaquln. 1 2Br I dell, 2Ba' t O'\i, d Wft I (Jlt lie option. 11911.000. 51120 .... Mell 1041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cent ral vacuum & air eoad., marble fplc, extensive security 1..ystems, bayside patio le 2nd. ~tory balcony Sl, 750,000 J!Ot>bi :R>an 752-1414 (Xl9) ~ I J ·llAWIW UASI 2 BR, 2 BA 'den. ~antucket Plan decorate& ln =rt.h toP,O -private gated J ommumtJ w/pool Ir _9l1. ', 19 • ontener incl.$~ .... s.1ePll ... m> . .. . 15% .••• ;:::r;;;~·~i:; 1ri Call lot Al¢ TSL _._, __ . __.._____ !.-. ~ Dootb.6 tra~ Ow.oer wlll carry l&t* Nw from ever7 Mcmt.142-lG "-.... J241 nb. W .. tobeadl, Jdat ~at 1.2'ft. Rtct0t· ~. J,artt 2 Br. fn>k, 4 8r 2be lloue. llna .~~;................ coed. A•all. S/10. ITtS. ~~~:,~:.r~~:.~:t:d =:~a~a1~; Y ... Avall 1116, 11501 OCIMlllOMT et.aoo. _. call,lordNlla daJI' t&z.5751 eves 6 mo. Llt/lut+• '"· MOl&IMOMU Ir~...,· " · , "'*m..ao: -..0411.•t-11•... "'a of pvt bdl, II hr Lee2br..... . , lccl'· al ..... .u-' .wt\J, Itta of ~Vtl • ail, --'o, 9"0MU • ,..., LIM! OR OPTION 4tw a... 4 Br. 11 .. v ... '°*'· llr, ..Sha oaly, .ur.ma lealll Jbt ft e&et hUD. 11400 ..... QUWna 6 a .. 11 ~-. 4 to Cbooce " . -. 1,,_ ,.... .-oa. mo, 11t. +lat ~•1o11000. <TH > vA£Mff .... • .-. peo1, ,_.,__.,--...,.---·-.--·-ta l"IUL Call 711'1111 • ..-.,,. u llJ . uu .-......... .,.....,.lliiiiil( •-•wlalilll. •t~~ Vin Rcat ~or-. UUt ···~--,....,.. .... eu,.t.Olllir ~ 0:-'~~ • Ike V111ar PIH9' ~-.,..~ 0e '•ai,a..: • . - =-=-~-~ llw' ............ r.·~ ::\!:I I & M. l fir •If. W, ,,.,.,.. a,~· eltt. "'•ta, 1H .... ". ·-ti~--· • ·~,.~~ID Yl'S SPECIAL "~'1.&7 Per In 11 ~t'1 A l.L )'011 pty • • for a all day ad 1nlhe 14' D•tlY PILOT 111 SBVICI , DlllCTORY 0011'NOW • MtlaForS_.. •'II Your 011\y Pilot < •h8trvlce D1rel'tory • 1• Represent1hvt 64~5671, ... 322 Orange Coat DAIL V PILOT/Tutlday, Mnh a, 1112 ~1NE flNISll WORI\ Rl'm>dellnl{ Door ... hung All t'Onstrurtion, .large & small. Oise to Sr adults Wayn~539·71 l2 Mowlna. $10. SIS. $20 Hauling/ Dumping, lls-120. 7~·9904, 9$5·0095 Mark Otan·ups, TreeTnm t'm.,_ . H1u11•sh1 ..... ,..... . ........................................................................................... ~~~~~ ...... ~ .. !~~ ......... :. Ca=·MalOAI')' WllltaREALLY ?iLEAN VAN 0 £ N lt t! R C: l'AJHIEJUU!EUS MllW'SPLASl'J'tRl~Cl Orywau~sr::~~e ~~~1~$~~~m ~~~~~r~s\£~~~ w,ORK2 30>'"'11•exp1'111ott ::~ rn.,~:;ei.~~. Remodel. J.8 648·9"0 --trimming, dean°1.1p. tx nCOWI ,' <'~ n(ll - ROBIN'SCLl!:ANING lna'd /bonded /ll (''d. Davl1 P~lnllng 8416186 "' ti I ~r1l r.hb1ten1nce ~rvlet> a lhoruuahly 9'Jt.!146 <.:ollelle student 1 yrt u •••••••••0 •••••••••••• Rfpain & Oecoratlna clean hou•e 5-40·085'7 .,_ Pt'r lnl/ex~ ref a 01118 Drama clttr~ rrom $10 •Quality• Ray 840-$10 ,.._ Dfb ~ • Plum bins Repalrt TopQu1llty/Rus Ro~s ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646-16 U1eeptrylng) Pteeeist. N&M iU·IOU HOME IMPROVEMt;NT Prd. b11chelorhoijle11 BRICK WORK · Smu II R!Jhop,Soo Putntlllll -· -.... REPAIR0 Pl.UMBING (213)•39.8907 job11, Newport. Costa 30 yra exp. 10 Heuch ~opcrflf M•191•lf Hotin&. carpentry. Mt-n, lrvinl' Raf• an.>a ~"rl*est. 5411.1029 ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• el«. Ule. Yre~ ut No Cl.1$U, 6'7S 3J7S fll0'8TY JObtoosmall 645·2811 Kltdlina, bedrpoms. CuitomBrick,Slllne, PITll'aPAJNTfNG ~GIMIHT ~;-aar•&•·whatevcr! 0 ' t Or /•.. 1• Ra y s Ha n d y in 11 n 1 A rtctnt Univer•lty orll Ulock, Concrete. tucco. I )'I'll e~r, m or ext an&ll .....,. a_ru. " yrw Service. root repairs, · Unoia college gruduatl' Iler• ~)'ee F.st. s..u 94U2 _ ·045! experience Call for lnfo painting & carpentry IS hu decided to become a Plllllltnl & Pa~r Hang· and rates yrsexper 646·4336. Ca lifornia mllllonaire MASONRY ing. prd v.orkmllo•hip. '6M112 ~,ert'l'rtt Pn.tn1n1• ~rnelbudmape &ervltt1 t$7 ... -eompiHhr~ Sclrvirr etn't rfi\ u,," 1rni. ~fflOV $36 0914 ,tnmto.,dl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ()f.LINQU ENT! JudlNal Yore~losure1 fUrold f McGrath l::aq 1131·1771 T~ ···~·················· fteadlf11 & related skills Credentialed.• exp. c·ar ing. Sptt11lmnl( l(radci. lthr4 UH779 r...tl')' Hm '"""" dr -, by HARD WORK Shr $2.50/Ull ft 675-4394 Frtti'llt Hank. ~$-5206 .. OF. MGMT ..,..,, • ·,... ~. w • 11lreadY.1has a good start -, ~ r-" pntng. rntl f x up, ln youf-area and ('an Mov"'9 '.-riftCJ By OCIP c,Orange C:. Pnvate Tutor ~o teach yrdwrk. reas. J erry, 11rovide TOP rererenees .................................. , ........... ~v Prop l Ed5~·~_4.? bask f'rench. Ru b51an, llM-~ tror straight people I --A.IC MOVING-HANGlNG SlO/ROLL ... Gfrman ror travel l'on Average $45 per lteek Qukk rarerul ~2 0410 Stnpping.dis~on paper ...W1 .. lng veruenre or longer terrn Ben's Maintenance Serv. S50 every two "eek:. VISA MC 645 9325 n••••••••u••••••••••• for study of lileratur\' Plumb,elec·l'arpenlry For further details, i·all •A· I MOVING* J 0. Hom Rer.nish1n11 Call Answer /\II •622. Pamting. Call 96H231 THE IROOM SQUAD Top Quality. Specia 1 LJC. PAPE•R HANG ER Antique. kit. t"ab1nels. 6"2·0>0, 24 hri. 673-3121 <·are 10 handlinl( 25 yrs lkmded & guar No Job fme painting. 645·0664 Carpentry. remodel. re· pair. patios, parnt1ng. ~·uidows. drs. q ualily work. 545·2!!01 exp Competitive ruteh UJOl>n~ll ortoo luge. R~ -TYP-9 S.Vlct Hot~leanang. eff1,·1l•nL Nooventme. 730 1353 Freeest Tony898·2728 .::::~••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rehable.xlntrer --SAME OAYTYPING S""ARVING COi I L'(' L' QUALITY REPAIRS F'OH LESS after6996·4093 11 arw "' ',r, rr. • Ser1·ke now servjn)! rt1aint Resid. Com m'I. H-""J A rnie S48 8414 ••••••• ••••••• •• • ••. •• • Housekeeping You '1•e tn11el the olhl'rs ('arinl{ makes lhe d1H floor~. e1t•rythm1196J ~ STUl>ENTS MOVING Papenn1u Paint in I( Shinl(llls. flat JO yrs local businesses' Will (.'() Lil' 11T 124 4:1ii t'ree e~t Jams S~ O'l3 l exp l''ree_es~ 72°~272S pickup & del SS&-2124 Expert Reasonablr Gardening, rlean ups. Tnmming. Tom 631-7819 Jesllie's Gardening Clean-ups. tret' lnm & ma int sen S40 8035 DUMP JOBS & mall Moving Jobs Call MJKE 646 1391 HAULING & DUMP JOBS, ask for Randy, 641·8427 HCMetJttinq ••••••••••••••••••••••• A1111I Mar 20th. reliable adlt.s Rer ln11ured 641 IS427 Huber Rooling.all typei. WATCH US GHOW ' Wallpaper c·onlractor & Nev.recover.decks Typmgrer;umes. term , Sfl\llVING AC:TOHS MOVING COMPANY Fa.~t & l'arerul L~·esl R..tes I.a" A llo~) "M C \'1sa Li t Ins 673 OM3 Painting l.Jil'3282400.C I paperi.. dlssectal1ons, 23 yrs Gary Gompf Lln41t~; ~~7.34 word proces~mg Reu& 4944366 lt(){>f"LEAK??HH• rales L p Uff1 <·Q Courtrighf&Son Senices 548-7135 Hoofing ---• Jo'ree tbt 586 5292 Wlftdow C~ Hand1 i20 1~'60 Cd:\1 Re5 romm St'dl<·oal, ·r•· , · . ~ P,airs. resurfat·e. Free lah11w1s._ tnunft·r lops. C.tonl Woodwortc"'9 ..•.....•.............. CUSTOM HARllW 000 lnll'riors. barK. mantles, l1branei., l'abinets. bookcases. :.k) lrtes. rust moldinit Refs &16 IXS"l JapC91e~ Gordtner · CLUM UP YOUR ACT Freeest. Kenll39·503S :rODAY' Yard.l(aral(e &l0·1286 tncom1 Tax · PalntincJ . F.xpert ~allco1•erini: in slallauon Reas prll't:S Coru.ullant Asb1.:11rn1•n1 58111590 .. . . --..............•........ ·•t..ettheSunshine In" Call Sunshine Window est 545.4269 ei 0 "kiH.I Dn1irs. (,~l't•r1hou:<t• win -'-~-do"' ~ llll'h "ork labysittinc) j~~~I ..•••.................. Bdt5)'sit, our Cl\! homl'o. 1 l\1 q om 'p ,1 ti,.(' k.'" yl"lcup. anyllme patwo. F'r rtoor~ l.1<· d. !'In up. ete I ton truck. GARDEN IN(; , g> 631 1993124 hr:» &LANDSCAPING Japaoese. Geo ~!I 11Y72 Derrobllon-Gr11d111~ Transport. Asphalt. rnn MOWING CLEAN·llPS crete & tree rt-mol'al. Drywal Hauling · La ndscaping Soll prep & planl111g ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••• ••• ••• •• ~inc painting ll) H u·hard EXPER PRl::PAHER 1 Smor Lie. ins 13 }rs of Enrolled to pral'l tl'e happ} h~al 1·uotomrr... before tht• IRS Quaht) Thank )OU fi31 4410 at reas. c·osl 549 241 8 WALLPAPEHING Exp'd, bonded Lie C~ :W-~3. Discounts on "allrol'erings Free est. • •••••••••••••••••••••• BUOOE'T RATES1Llc'd Low rren Sml 1oba OK Freeest Ins &41 7581 Rod I 739 5800 Secrttarfal ServlcH Fi\ST ACCl'HA1'E Custom Pointinq ••••••••••, .. •••••••••• Clearung. Ltd ~·8853 ~n Monthl}',Dtsl'ount • Rt:'il Dt~NTIA L • 'AVg I Sly SOO : Ill')! 2 ~IY $<1.S. Chns 9!1HIJ88 .''•642-8482, 646 5759 .lohnor R1t·k !179 :12111 ••••••••-••••••• ••. ••• frtt E:<il. G-12·!l!l07 Operated eqwp Comm 'I Llt''d Child« art'. 101 tnl( l~1b ~ l'aqM1lr1 '••mod. DRYWALL Al"l>L!STIC • • & Res1d'I. 642·7638 &iri & companrnnsh1p rt.'1>•111 :'\o Joh too sma 11 lh rs exp fu II) lll"d & GeMral ~vac:H I <!.'>yr~ t'xp· Lie· 4f139~t P..-Rt1110vol Office Services ln!'ome Lax sen l!'I' your lbnded Ins Refo Color •••••••••••••··~.··••••• Tvpmg secretanal --------· holl'l! by appl ~3 68:!1 e"perl 963·0911 lll<'k ! • HRY ANT S • boOkkl'epm" 644.5050 fent't'd ard 555.30911 IM f'r1•1· '"' x:r.i H:!97 I insured. 532 5549 •••••••·~··••••••••••••,HAULING sludent hao --Y --• Rolot1lltnl(. l'lcanup, lgt' truck Lowest rat<' a-w.-t Corpet Service Bedrical hauling. odd jobs ~~rce I Prompl Call 759 i976. ....._..,.. cy ••••••••••• • •• • • •• • ••• • ••••••••••••••• ••• • • • • • t-sl 494·$841 l>t•f 9am aft Th k J h 1 Wallro1 enn)! R((m<J\ al " Personal & ~u:.rm•s, In NF:l.SONS PAINT ING AllTyJ)l•s ~ ().\2 134~ Tiie l'Cl ml' T ll x n 1• l u r II Int Ext fll.'~td l'1>mm •••••••••••••••••••••• Pn·parat1on A\·ail fur Al'OW!llt' l'C'ihni:s Hl.'fs, Plaster/Repair c~tom l'eram~ 'file OPPORTUNITY kn0t·ks -oft~· wht-n ~ 11u UM' rdult ~l"ltmi:: Daill Pilot ('l"''1l1t•d \1h Ir l'l'al'h lhl' OrJng1· l'oa'I mark.-1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W (' l' l l'I El f'.'l1'Rl''IA"' d · 1 an you. 0 n 1 For all vou nel'd h• !.nu" 1 ,. dr<' rp t.'dner~ · • " •• prll·r . 6pm I 1 E1t•nini::. & WeekL•ncl Of ll!''\I ....... ,. ~t .. .,., ''"37 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r I' ' ' "'" "' ' Prompt sen F'ree e:.l rrr(' or llome ,\ppoint Ne.U patchel> & h•·cture' l'hul·k 615 140!! n~t bankr upt n . e.dl , <itc.im d t·dn &. up hols nght. rree e~llmale on -John·~ fast mo 1 rng & 714 835 !1!62 Trm·k moun t unrt large or small jobs Groclltg hauling Trt•e yd l{llr n.-nti. Jame, I. Z1m -, QuJhll Pt~ Lo" "lllll'r Free Ht. 893-1439 Phom·t.n .~.~11 Wh!Jll!ll(hl IS,l'llOll~h. ltul IUl\t' are roo man,·. i.l'll lh~l extril "halen~r 111 , das~ifi.ed_ 6~2 iti(i;. Work )!t1<1r ti4.'i 3716 Lie :J96621 6i3·0359 •••••••••••••••••••••••' l'ln·up . freeesl. K42 45~ TltACTOR. 1df'UI for NoSleam ;-.;uSh;impoo Stain $pcc 1a1r,1 f ast dn i'h>t> l''' K3!) 1582 l.ll"O ELECvl'HICIAN small actes~ area~. 48" HAULING/CLEANUP ~oal "ork Rt.>ao rates "Kie Kubota ~k1ploader Const Tree· Yd Garaj?e i'Tt't'esl &31 S072Tom mhr lns'd 6425006 •Rental repair 631·0322 n.-rman CPA 645 4212 ralt~ 111 t·fle1·1 llune~l. , --Q>ram1c· t1l11 & marhlr 111· relrablt• 144!! ~I! •1'1 .• A'iTER PATC.:JllN<; slallatron at sensrhlt' -------- f'Jo:DEltATf:l> Restut'C'os fot 'exl 30 lloh 6-s u••Q • SEIJ. 1dh• 11t·ni. with a vrs· ~. eat Paul••• 297-1 pnC't"> 1 , . .,.,..., ..... • I Nev. in town ' Class1f1ed lnrome Tux S11n 1!·e .,..,, hel Da1h, Pllol l'laso1f1t:d · can P you meet man) 631-4871 ,\d Want Ads -~a_ll 642 ~78 Classified Ads 642 5678 '1f.1oornee<!s i;..g 5678 . . \ . . ~I~. Estate-the Complete O.range COOst Market Place_ ~!~!.~=~~ ... .leo.u,,~~l:J 3425 .............................................. ~~'!':.~~.~ .... I~*:.~ .... ~.~.~ .... 1 ~!.~: ....... ~~!.5 ~~~!~.~!:. .. !?.~~ ~~~.~~ ..... ~~~~ .Wwnorl leach 3269 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .W-rlleoch 3769 CorOMdet Mar 3822 Costa Mesa 382~ '-1.~°" leoci. 3840 .W-rl leach 3869 !bard & CJre fur lad•<'~ · ~1al' l·.ir \U, '. 01. ,.,1,. ISli We:.lt'lirr :'\ H WJnl ··r-.. ,..... '_,, • ..,. ··r-I nh I Sflt, ll ·'• I!~ rinanrn1I ln~l illOO:. f •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• ~' t u,t,l l'laia 1 Br" :.!.a ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••' ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• or eoup l'~ •l\·~t natura 1 W 1 eth N h I ., B f I r0oct&l'arr Ne" l;ll'lhlyl pon. J~': SJ45 n1t1 Isl Ooor ,\).!l'nLS-11 5032 •J Rr 2•, Ila ~ 't"f'\ hr ,,., 11·11111'. puoh ;1n som ini.: xtra earl ('()('('an. rl( • r. Small I Ir I pcr:.onnn ~. Dl•lu\t' poob1d1• \Lr.; :I Hr \ ·irh 'I;. h · ·h f11r '·"'"''"' ""OPll· l '.. t h:.kp.: i611!!3U7 To"nhou~~ Pool lt·nn" '11.i:. ~!ill1ntl111r \J..'l 'Pl'l'lul in a 2 Br m.in ) amen1l1l·~ nn pt'I ~ $315 mo lari::t• 2br 2 ba l11tn .. '·. t:H i .11 .,,_,~,.. m EXECUTIVE SUITES r<>"PERTY ll<>L '"t~ 91· I!''"' To"nhou.-.e l.'omplt'ld> $150 rro Dais •'42 5757. b-5 8074 r 521 7408 ·ls hr . ~. S'f<!.'> l'l.1~ a H "· 00 34111 Lar"e 3 Br Condo on The ULI ., -... -rum..,.Sl!9S"~o 7&09117 I &."lmru.'6.11 663o I I 0 • l " l'l mllt'' hl'J!'h I lii3 l!lOll .. 6U38SO 642 111111 ---_ C' c:. I Adull~. no P<'l~ SSlHlmo JlO\ltn & l'.\RE IJdil·~ Bluffs. bayl'1e", lo !!hr ~j rn .• ,l l'IJ/J: llr \\ ~I OCEAH FROMT U:-lt."SLIAI. I nR llpt :I • so. COAST: AREA 531;.8362 t'hlf ll;111'n. :! hr . I ba. &<'UU&Jlt•i.. SP4lol· Malural °" pruf. \Yo ~'\~ "hi.! I 11111111.-.-----11!1!1!.. hr i.~· Tt·n111s, l'oot;.. :.t .... b I l I k r I I 2 Hr I Ra . A l . pool. rer fl('" i·n1t frl·'h '' i1nt L'0111I & c·ar•. lndr.1. nu travel • AeaiJt furn I JBrholllll Si75 •.. I t J uurm.2 a Ava1 111t1n I s rum 1t•a1· 1 . far1I . set· 1?alrs. no I ' " .. , . r ' IN HERITAGE Ba\fronl 5 Hr S325ll 'l»l> ~..,o 1111 °"a l'r thl) 'hi ~umlTlC.'r SiOO 11r $515 mu. u L 1 I 1n1· I 1 pet:. ~I p p !1611 3652 • DELUXE 2 IR I IA frµl1· 1•a1 in kit "'"pet~ fat rl (' M &12 3-131 $4.SOlmo 760·~ PUU \J..'1 '157 n22~ S25Cl per "k 675 2illil hi3 ~i I . . I m1 114.'ac·h. frph l'nl'I !NAI l\.t:! 2134 f2().~to~hr dlx 3 br :! ha Ne" luxul'} oHire spare '"1lhdotk iSTl'.NNING lar~e 1 & 2 l(ar d1'h"J$hrr hl1 m... VacatioftR...tals 425 in In me·~ bu~1e i.1 Waterlronl llnm"' l'1•11b11lt· iundu J Br, 2 SllORT TER.\I 2 Rr Ha~ "l'" l'low to , Hr 2 Ba ~arden apts srrokl' dlarm: hJlrnm UL>O WJt1•rtrnn1 :rnr lhJ •••••••••••••••••••••• apt on Balboa Pen1n t-enter' t:asy Frwy ii< Hltrs. Inc 631 IHK• h.ith:. 'JtmJ Jil!'U/ll. 3 llr~anfron1 & nl·ar tht• hl'd c·h ,\ 1 J ti 3 1 P!IOI ...,...·S45S . 7111 w Watl'r pd 546.~ hdon· 11 1111 'Jn 111 h ,. J 1 h Ol'E,\.'\jffl01'T 2 & 4 Hr f>i!'>8550art 6 ress Amil now' Call 1)(111b. ~ ldc>~k' fro m ...,.,., PM 11!13 0465 Silt l H W t \ I W kl th f d I !'.out h l'o,..,t l'la.&a heal'h :ipl~ ;J\atl In S.'>51Jrno.6'i5·90oli It mo Ila ri 1·r. :\a1 no" et') ru Fro ~hr La~•,1!h . O<' t.'ta1s 6'"0·'"210 Wa+~t Hfl t< m mi• .a 6423f.W THE WHlffU:TR ~:E home '1on:.mkr n•f, • I "' "' house. t ba mo lu mu 615 llliO 2 ~F:U. Iba. sle~ t>o· bl'h 1w1el) larj?C 2 Hr I Ba f S69S mo .o I ash. J"l near Santa Ana I 2 3 Bdrm At>l' (;) m. \1·ru~' from h1 h Lr!! Palm SpnnJtS area 1.\lon 529:1 4!1'i JOii J l :!pm S325 mo ii l iiJ llWI Townhouse "·"anfront I bdrm. furn I' ~ .. Rll •9 1221 I ,.. ~·a. Sauna. pool 1 .. nm" I hn"hl ~bdrm . SilHI mo . lllft')' CCI l'ondo 3 BR 2 I '"' ,e,,.;,>. ri.. Country Club. ne " t''.J'1,,..,.,.,,,19 ,rl,""".'"" ... 1,.3 I JRR 2bahous('\\tlhall e,·e:. Uniumished 3525 s.'>511.. unfurn S50t) Till .. '"'"'" ''"''"" Ba , furn " atrium I ••••••••••••••••••••••• J J( ll3J 37•3 d 2 Hr /\pl with pnrnle t•arpet. decks & .:aral{t' I · · Gnlr. Len n is Dail). amen1t1e~ Non smokt•r. •DB.UXE OFflCE5* From I room up to 200fl sq. rt. 1-rom SI 16 a sq rt No 11.'ast' required IL\RBOH \'H:W llO~I ES ~f"I' denirated 3bdrm Ulll' J • y!i. l 547!'> rm 541H936 MARINERS WALK IS. Clemrnte 3876. "cekly & month I) ratr:o S22!'l + i, ul ii II J) ~ lieljul 1 Bclr 'RI '1Ut ~ '1" nfu.l. " alll'htl 1:11r nr 7)}1H2'1 ell'" "knd~ pa 10 bis.6522• !I !'l l.rg 2 llr To" nhuui.t> I••••••••••••••••••••••• a 1. a 11 7 14 . 5511 8 0 0 1 832 H63. l'le!> 11:16 5i5i • .\dJ A1rporter Inn 21i:! Dup.1nt r a 11 A M 83J.322J 1deall> lotJlt•ll 111 SC l!IJ1a \•lult~onl) Lr.: 1 Hr adult near ,\p.irtmt>nl Fq~l1 . HrSCGet1Hosp 9.5PM .a.skfor M.irk askfornoo schools & Fa~hum bl 1111 11 ,. I' (' i' I I SouthlocJ-ta 3716 CostaMHG 3824 ohop.. pool. all util pd l'fld,.rl gar. pa1111 '\j1•;1r I hilrm. ,t01 1• i·pt s. SI 2.01} mo 115;, I" I h 121:i 1 ti:! 3.1~"1 ••••••••••••••••• •• • • •• ••••••••••••• •• •• ••• ••• lfl8.1 Monro''1•1 5411 OJJG llunt llarl)(>ur l'htltlren a\ ,111 im!Tll'<1 . S35S 1110 :\lamrroth 3 bdrm 1·1111du llou~ 1' 111a 1 e " .in I l' 11 · ~I Ml ft ~te,;i \ erdi· S.l8·11222Mil!'h La11una Beat•h, hl'aut R R OI\ $.'>75 ll'lll 114111111117 ('alll!!ll t&l~ .\fl Ii :lll S&5 SllO ht fam1ll .ilmosphl'rl' 111 rum siute 2 HH . ~pa . I I • 2 IR. 31 . f.').10 mi 2 Hr 1 •, Ba j • ~991~ •1... ~t'"ll~>rl llt'at•h. lll·a1 area l'OOl.11 11.\lf. A...-_nts Fumished \aunJ ,Jlt'llll1• T\' ~l·wl\ dct•or Ga' pd to"nhou"c" i:arage . .. ...,.,.. 5-IS ~l23 lllR"'m hon• .. ll'H.11 .:.:;.:·;:••••••••••••••• r1•11d ... nr' SJOn "k <'ntl.J?ar d ~d :.hrr IJondn room 'mall \Hl.11\C:TO~ \l'T.S •AparimtnhFurnished hl'J1•h Jnrt rnmmunr11 , .. ~ • "' k , d 1 Spal'rous quiet 2 h1 l' or' ......... -i-L.-d 3900• M on11•r1·~ CC l'alml poul SJ011 a month BAYFRONT Balboa Peninsula 3707 i ll t9!l 222i pool bhq A u h nu .1Jrd C~ll for JIJPI TSI. """'"'>ft'C' ,,..1• c.•2 .,.,,3 ha t"nhse Adull' uni) •••••••••••••••••••••••i ()e,,.,,rt 3 hclrm. °" t•ll i5!107811 ,,. " '" ·oAJ• M11m1 642 1603 o.... If ,.. :'\o fJl'l S Nr thr ht'.lt'h SEAWl .... D I fum b1 puolrondn 1\\Jll ... h I t n11n!O H'I' 6i31003 !Jro 14656 .... I r 0 r ~1 ;ir (' h s I J 0 0 I r to "' r :! >r. 2 JU Jpl, . l.MMIOO ED 0 2CCBPMCI YH! I bdrm in Lnplt•x near So VILLAGE j 11•c "'134 an\t1m I CM $250 mo + '· ut1b Costa M~.'sa 2541 .'q ft Wmll'r lh'nlJ 1, 1 ~Rik fr B1h IBH S.lbO '1BR S515 · ~~ Call Su/imn•· 675 3445 \gl•fll ..............•........ RluHs, 3 hr < h.1 '11111111 nil newly del'or S11:1;, mo A~. 640·4640 Nwpt Hts J Hr 2 Ha . ~.'C\Xl. lsl. last t tlcp A 1 all now 1;.15 HOO Smi;lo· s.~,111 i:;1·1 •13zs _...._ I ....................... H\\ rno:--.T \(,r. hea1·h. lalx>alst..d 38061 ptt•r ~ Rr ~~>'J l 'ul pd ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·r 1 I I 5 :! : ·~ u :1 ~: 2 hdrm. I ba En!'I g11r Eel~""·''''' llli l2$1; 1\1ail Mar 'li ~·(';Hly lca.w S5i5 mo No pets ... •mo r a l'"l Plaza. Xlnl rond. ~J Spaciou" '·'·"P 2 o7"1 "' · e. 675-5612 art 6 • swle SI ,5 rm l lib 111 Pool. beamed ce1hn1t. Garage No pets S425 !'\ &2 bd I laundry room No pets mo 8J3.9'l93 Br 2 Ra Nr bt·h Child • l'\\ I rm U\Ur~ Lrg l:ltl? !War t•abm pool'! rid ii9 Y. l!llh St Nohu11 rro rent --01\. no pets IW"I area aph Ill It plan~ I Hdrm I tbl, t•olor ll' .. 2 fpb: sips Quiet remale to 'hare lg 21 ~18928 TSL MGMT 642 160311 txlrm apt Mm mo 2 mi. lm·n>1 from S.l!ll. 2 bdrm from I 14 545-0016 bdrm apt $230 Call artt•r I . , . ~ ~70. To" nhOUSl' rrom 6, fi.45.2318 ~ & 572 sq ri SI 00 per SIOll orr ~st-l\I~--Rent to beat•h (;all aft 6· 30 Bachelor. 3 blks lo heal'h. S610 + pools. ll'nn1~. ,Rffttats to Shore 43001 -~ . sq fl . 3975 B1rc·h N B Spac10US2 Br. I Ba. S395. pm 631-4816 stoic. refnj?. ot1ls pd.I "alt•rlalls. pond~' Cas •••••••••••••••••••••••1 Rmmte shr nu Londo Agertt~I SQ.12. Jlir.l'i Ba S42S.l.aun 2 m1 frombearh.Jbr,2 <12*''191hSt 9680020 :iTI for rookrn~ & heating ProfShr2RR.2HA Cdl\I C'M non omk \\' n -, dry f I S48 9556 Gpm paul ~'rom San U1el!o H.~e I Hlk fr Brh. F Pr('( $295 Lea' e mt·s~Jl!t DA.'\A POl:"T's hei.t lor 3 Bc~,Ba. lJ<tdol 1·ountr~ DI'< furn :J hr ~ha apt E' &"kn~.:~714 613 9120 kit~. IR yd. gnfnr md 1M Mtn & ba1· \It'"' from • Ba~ k Ba ) J 1 t• a 'undl'tk. a1 Jtl 1e1med. Ne" l!(e 1 Br w frplc & L' u • I sc 11 I nark1n1? Yrly S6SO mo -ac .. ~ --~a. ~i3~ily Cun~ ~i25 ;~ • fl'"Y dri l'C North nn 558 ~I I. bi5·96l9 Evt·~ : Joan646·9926 :m· toSOO' al ill' m<•I all Bal'helor& 1 Hr ;\pts ,\·II $ha mar. · · ·l .,._. 3844 Beal.'h to Md'adcll•n -I -L't1I &iamlor .9i5 lt20 $725.','!1° &10 5715. r.l'e~ n lll er ,.1 1 11111 . yr) ,.. · c::!WHI mu 1;;5 521H m!'l'R util AJ(t 673 4062 adult. no pets Pool. bbq 6l"71!(H882. ••••••••••••••••••••••• then We!\l on r-1t-Faddl'n Shr lrl! lux home 11 prof Reospon Sl(I F' wantcil tr IJUO !SLi\~O 2 BR • , de.o Frplr patm a1J1I ~~ac:h 3748 lolboaPet1'"wlo 3807 & enrlsd garagt>s. •Spal'IOUS tbr. poolside. WALHUTSnUARE 1 t~ Sea" ind \'llla~r pcr..on l~L. lasl & dep shroc{:an 1u h~t' 111 La1t O'rire~p.H't' tor rent. 335 Sl)5 rro. 63l·227G 2 bdrm. S6SO.\ en ni .. e 1 d41119J.51~ 526.5 rm 966·8-li9 _lkh :"\n pet~ SJ:>() mo sq rt H·1·ond floor ne"lydecor. londscaped "llh laundn.· rt)()m andl -mrlul1I 499·1856 Prestqpous We~trhrr garden apt No pets. ., .. __ '"000 •1 oo ft ~I d 1 3 11?. S90U mo \ ~' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••·~···•••••••••••••·~· 644-7211 Jeante Luxun ~1o1ho. ,113 T\'. Nu .2 & 3BR. ~BA. yearl}. Neivi¥)rl H1¢tS 5 Bdr Ca~ Cod . den. i.:amf l"OQlll, 3 car ~ar . 3000 + sq n. Walk to hi Sl'hool May go le<i~e option c lllMlana, a~ 631·1266 . .,..-- lo~Leos.t 2 B~ j!' Ba. fabul<l11~ 1u Ir~ 11VinJC rm. r.50 mo BOb' or Dovie Koop 1$.(221 J"'"' - S..Nan ~ 3278 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 brii<luse w.gardrner. spJ ·.&· rrplr, S!JOO mo 6J3.~9~·3395 ....... 3280 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4bdr;rn. 2ba. lrg hom~. re· mdftt\d. earthlont>s ~11'1>· + lut + SJSO sec. "'3'.-4899, 645· 2971. 1.f~ I f llllltlfw 3291 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JWPf..E FOR Rf:NT 3 etfttn. 1675 t' cnred yaMJ' garaJ(e Kid~ & ptts ~lromt. 54$-2000 A .. l noftt. -__ , :- ma 111 ~t·n 11 l'. phones. f'l'plc, blt·ms. gar, park· Sl:!.'1\\k l!~I U~7 ing Close to ba~ & ocean Brkr67S·4912. Uh lri.....,t Al en<'gar846·8098 -"' ROOMMATE arta~ ~q . c ice1 LarR~ 1T8h iftw n S340 Agl 54R 4827 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• M F'rmmtetoshr w1th : Rlclg Call6.\S·6.SOI w palio & ya rd, up !_JI~ • _ Mtwport leoch 3869 Laguna Reach Motor Inn. FINDERS others. 3br home , 1>1 t 1''\Jm Nu1h11 Jpt 111ew. l hlu1·k from bearh 544.3339 NO LEASE REQUIRED • Specious studios. !)ne and rwo be<lroom 11~ menls FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED Oa-wooo also orterS" 'All Utitllles P11d •fm~e Occopanc:y '$1 Mlltlon In RecrMtlon And Much MOlt1 For ~ monlh °' a hie· l!m8 MoOels oe>en daily 9am to 6om No pefs Sle115 to beach. cute 1 br. huje yd. quiet street. Ideal f<Jf <'J)le No kids or pet$. $475 mo utll paid. Yfb'. ava11 316 673·4484. ~trying - Smatf Ba chelor $337 )'early, uttlll paid. '' block rrom Ot'Clln 201 E. ~alboa 675 9$6 2. 152-6925. w balc:Ooy &. calhedral fl RE p LACE. P oo I. ••••••••••••••••••••••• : ~ ~o La~~~'!'c H~·i:~t Oldest & largest a11rnr) :1~\1~~·<'~ 1148 ~917 mbng. frplc. dlw, pool. prh ate patio & dis· panl NEWPORT Daily. Weeki). l\itrhen All <'bents screened w11h spa. l'ar port. No pets. hwashers m XTRA l.G I "" available Low winter photos & referenres <.Uet & private. $465 & & 2 Br. garden apts. on COUNTRY CLUI rateos. 4~·5294 Credits Cosmopolitan ~.:.~'!arle.549·~4!:_ Easts1de. $4601$560. LIVING GoodMorning-America. QUIET ADULTS over 3S, 5:7·2841 _ Barhelors. 1&2 bedroom Rmml v.anted to shr 2BR TheTomorrow Sho" wts&townhousel> Apt CM area S275 Mo •11 ort • to all ne~ imfum 1 Br. upper. S340. 2 BR. garage. near So From S540·SIOOO 644 1900 Incl otrl Call Stl.'ff11.> rhents who need a place Beaut! landscapfn~ No Coast Plaza $41\5 mo afters 306466104 ~RT 641-1899 pets. LEEWARD AM'S. Agt 64().6161 NO FEE' Apt. & Condo """",.-"' 20'lO Fullerton. 631 0397. rentals Villa Rentab F'orn room. k1l r hcn -.... -.. !!l!l!l ... ---1 Busi man shrfurn 2 hr.:! ba delux<> apt. pool. $'.!!Ill Wkd)'S 631 011 ~ f roommate. on bl'ac·h San Clemt'nte. S290 +mo 641·2684 dyi:.. 492 7343 l'\ l'~ -9'a Point 3826 675 4912 Brokl'r Roomy 3 Br Townhoos~ •••••••••• ••••• .,.. ••• •• pn 1 Jt.<; c M. S200 mo ~sq rt condo to shr IJ.! Share m) 2Rr 2Ha furn 549·!1677 rms on be;1utdul C M pool. ~auna r1•1 apt in qwel adult com· 2 Br 0 c ea n v 1 e w . Large IBR. Ut1I pd Spot 5fodtrn.. i Br frplc S600 plex. Newly decora~ed. balcony. garage. clean. less. Quiet. $425. 2421 E NB. L11e room & full bath yearly. ;ves 640 5719, rireplr e. enclsd patio & 3tQl2 "A" Cordova Dr. 16thSt.645·4718 Sep & pvt entranc·e Greenblt & view or the rm. ds h"s hr. l'la' bay. w pools. 551-7883 or 642·7319. 731·5831 · ·o.p SJS.1441. 11r1ge. Adults only. 21l/W ·2651 tcollectl ----View or bay & open 64().6339 NEWPORT HACH AIRPORT CuAtom of fil'es. 600 to 1800 !\q fl From 90' pers •r' Mullan RllJ 540·2960 execuplan "A Mtw Cottctttt" FU1tscrv1ce. rusfom ofri~e & de~k spal't' Nr 0.C Airport ··see 1,4ppre,·1ate ' .. 7¥·8978 -------SorrY.•opets.S575Mo -------Ste1JStobeach 2Br,l'1 oreanNon-smokerUSO: Fmle. 21+. respon:-.. ,.._tic View ~3111or675·Si49 Ocean view 3 Br 2ba. Ba, frpk. lmmnculate 646-Sl55 clean. share nice CM MEWPORTCIMTR Large derk and rooms, -----patio. dbl gar. S600/mo. cond. •· 673·2507 Agt. apt. w•same. S22.\ mo Loe_.__. Offlct Resp roommate t'1I M pool. rrpJr. rarpnrt $325 t ulll 720 1"95 . ylyleJ'IS0.642-3912 a,.Br. 1\.t Ba. Townhouse.. C.11496-4179 -----NR Room. pvt bath. 631-1564 Qwet Fem wanted to ~ - ---.,.._ -----garlfge, lpallo. small W•TaFttOMT kitch pri1 Non smoker, shurl' (.' M upl. P1H1I S..Ct <:l-ettnfr<111l. prime urea. yard. No pets. tSIO. • ltoch 3140 WITH DOCK $275 63I 7215 floomm;ite F preferred. 2 Spa Boh 915 053' wk . 500 to 2000 sq ft A1111l1 3 Br 2 Ba rrplc No pets. ~41:17. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Real nlre 2 Br 2 Ba BR ho'"e. 2 t·ar 11ar 64J.llll6 blefor Lease 1 ye a rs I e Its e at --WtfftefNt .... w/spa in mstr Ba. blt·in Male roommate needed w o. 2 bl~ to Main brh Call Wm t' Coll' 11350 rro. 67Hl904 aft !I. BEAtrrlF0L2 Br.2 Ba Unlu.m. l bdrm 5pt. All kitc:h., frplr, dbl car ror2brhousemCM No S365 lnclud' utilllles Mature. rr11p t• dtsire~ formore1nformatinn 317·~l4da s. Me11Verde, utll pd. All amenities. garage, + 2 additional drugs please Sl90. + 497.2621 home or apl w :.amc. *-Cote Realty ·------Garden Apt 846-~19. otf-•t spaces. $1300. ~1039 w rum hr ~dM . NK or r· F'rplc, Lndry. Dshwshr. --J.l. .__ M T94 p Shr LUX Twnhse Lall lkh S22S 72'1 1419 & IR\'~lm~n USI THI Enctosed1arage.SS2S. m.6l?3 .. ...,. ~~0 EMP Mal Fem. Ille YI/Yu at PK NWPT • 640-5777 DAILY ,ILOT DMMac:e 548·4016 • •MIW• • chores.salary, pr ba. lo Ev ER y TH 1 NG Will share.2!tr.2 &.11pt i--.-----• •W lllSAS• 2 Bdrm 2 bath near the renl.545-8378, C,M F\JRNIStltD! Avail 3.1 w hber.~ Mle prer Oakwood "FAST . Beaut. 1 BR, quiet bldg, Adltorienledap~ beach. 1600 per mo. --• ---1 10 1 1. ssoo mo. Call ASA. WSA. NA TU~·· Gtnt.n~ments llSULT•• small dogs arcepled. 2eedroom l)'early).752-21'1 Near O.C.C .. pool. Non· An s wer Ad ,6 12 . l~.494·6216 .. · r·· bltns, 213·4H·67N or I b' ... r smkr.1170. $4S·2SIO. 0.11 ICOU. CIHTll New=rt ---.... ,No. SllvlC I - -i a .... rom ocean ...... 28a l h .. • •M MH300. Z4 hrs. Share 4 Br "°'*' wn ..-~ ~ ••-I peddlet.ennlscts -~. wn se. garage ....,,, . ___ •• 8801rv11" DlllCTOIY -------bakonlesorbtyard w/opnr, am patio. 1475 ----:;-.........., .. 100 '9n. 21 +. 2 sly condo. 'Bay • Or:u11. •u h "' Ill 16ml l br, MPtt dell, encl. . Clf1>0N rro MMSJ -• ~ W /D S220 I I til now. 87~·283'7 afUPM. _..four bedroom. • C7Ml.,....t1CM "4 For Result pr.Adults,nopeu .278 aU ·"apdexcepte~ · · .. ••••••••••••••••••••• .._ ... :.. .... :-nc u ---, MIWPOIT Eltaant f:xtr t1ul te; tn preall«lou11 lor Intl 1ttrft1r11l. rterp · llonlat. ltlephdne ans • m>rt or ra frotn ••ii mD. OO·Ull ofu $11$ mo . TH I H £ A D · QUAITllS C~ PAMD:A....,_ tHirH .. at. (Ut• thr1t bltlt con4o. t611;aart~ ~tceCall w. Wllaoa, Apt. B. -38r,Zlle,trplc,1m p1U01 SIMAllMOT& -"···-·~ _ .. ,.. ,.,. .. •of•I. =::1100 *'St ~_ • ..,71 t1PJ1-.•111t ~=·"·KB pnpw/opnr. •mo. Wkb ,_.la DOW "'"U fw · 41H ••ffl•• ucl 11111.1 _.,... _, (7t•>•ta ._., 11• 6 llP· Coltr TV. Di\NA POINT. Sllart _..,,, _ _...,~ sa••·Y••"' ~ tQ ... JU -~J· ... ••••••lll ...._..in room. mt..._. availablt aow. Jcw=••••• ~~ .......... I.. M-,, Ntwpor\ llvcl. Cll , aw Nr. • •• A1· • ~ !!!!!!!~=~~;::;;:J~!!~~::!!lll.:ii~ ... ii.ii-~·:..:·~·111~~d!~!: --•·1111.--.., , ... • .; • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tueldi1• M•ch 2, 1882 ~.~ •• ~.~ ..... !? ... ~?~., .... !.~!~ ~:~.: .... !! ... ~.?!!! .... !.. ...~ 711 ...... ,_... ~ck"' £/aide . • e.er ................. . ...... Le.I C.M. • n11r Jr~ln't· st WlliM: PIT bloirktlp. ~llMTALAat ,_., 1llC.'Olm "°""' com .... · ln1.10Ur pl1ro or mlne. ""\iOOine. ,,eiclble hn. llfAIL arel1l1 ln-111tri11 o; --Cell Donna-._.. J:Jpenenre pre,e11ed. I op1ratlffa ~ IJ.11. 11-7J Aulatant m.aa1aer, rt· Giiii ~ .. Apr llldp CoaptUUvt '°-'Surfboard Her bit Pltut call, 55'1-0Jja, al C.,Orat.e mall/•totlr '"''"' Medtd for tall p 1 -.................... ...... 4101 rl&eGQ\'Ndttor ~qldty .,..,,eallto'ldt.ntlfy Odo~lt1&• •llident 1eek1 CLlllC .. •/ rooms. Dtllverlu, ~·u~~ !..e~!!':!a,t Hud•:.~~ •n~:.~•,.q1 ............ t•0 • LolM lit 2nd or trd •t4Zlkurt nv na poaltlon a(l. -operation ol .UchhtH -•-w _.,.-" · 91 C'll., 4403 IUll•I...... .a.,n ltrtla. -•q. T.D'i c~urtHy to -t~. Xlnt. r ecord. •ALllltDAY ahippfn1. r'1ceivln1: Near Dltuylll\d. -'--·..,..,-· _ __.,.._ · Auwula1:-I lll-tll a. ...... MlA tone, 50' Broltn7l4/'1IH55l n>UNO Mt ol' lreya on sa.M. Aulatant (o oftfie Mar. Helvy Ullin& involved. Walnut Man ° r • Sall boat lnatructot aervln, cMIXH•t• ''" IQ. ft . A&ent SttveorDuan• bkitlttJa.olcltr, v1c Em· ....,.W 'frpln1, Ute bookkeep· Eaper. prat. Fauuoo M 7 H 214 • Meded in Nwpt Buch. ~. ~· 0C Jrptrt. Ml.sm. poria Pk. Trtlrock, rrv. ·-... li!lllcf 7t0f 1111. payroll 'Ir buey h land (nvettrntnt 2$.ZT' crul1fna 11llbo1t 1100/l'llD, 141•1·1142 not aq rt 2 ffl m.2182 .......... , ... ••••••••• pbonea. 15. to 1tart1 Pirin. c•11 : 760·0501, Qf!RCI ASST Wetkendl now full·llmf otrlce •P•U o11 ...... ,., Ollleld tooc:. tro!t .~',!· I I p---1... -...._., • ._. PllJea commen1uute t :ao.s:ao. ~man offlct In COM Summer in~ludin& .,. , • v--USO to work part Ume in wlh. adapUbilltY l4 Job wee IL end C 11 · Newport Blvd. AppN1. .,...,, fl'Wy clOM •. top Leif & ..._.. ••••••••n•••••••••h•• Youth Shelter. 642·2331 position. •O hr wdk. hOllle. needtt ldrHt1 pfloni " 6'$-7l00 • · a · • aq. n. IMO/mo. la· tm.•.87~&251. .. ..................... d lllM C.ll; Miry Anne Mwn L•ALSICUTAIY peraon ° ea w tb ---·-----cl* iiile. M50 Newpi>rt ..... Lall&.... Hot ,.!! OllllC)t ADVERTISING 9-l2~ot8St:o-t&1 2 opeaiQaa. • .1 temp. ap. CllltomeJI. Some typlna. ~ Blvd. Colla M1ta. Set W 11~t1t111Perk,711 ............. •••••••••• .,.,..n2' hn 1 daf • Jr MDW.d pro1t 6 ril. t P(t.., cur-~·d. Altnoon•. 5 dayt. -'-M1n11er , t,.. &. Pacific 7dayuweek Poa1ilii'Qn open 10':'1m. Cllrtl-fltl... mitUU1ationeaperreq. m.1a . .-yoqte,adlngThe Pen- . Mf• Industrial Par~. 811 Gol1eoua Jlrls to med ate employment. Lawoffice. Musttype45 Non,tmkr. NwptCenter. nnaver. 'the Reader· Irvine Airport Utt. ID WlliWtr Ave. 1500, pamper you. Jacunl. Experience In concept wpm, have ow·n car 111Hll8 o Id dept. ol Tb~ Pen· swte, nice otflftl la llOO. 3700 sq rt units. Of. FOUND ADS Sauna. Locals as well as development design I Good job for on the b I RDER DESK GIRL. nys1ver Is accepting ap· friendly 1tmo1plltre. ~ Warehouse space ~our 1•t8 · Bao k and layout. Must be able self-surter. C11t· 9.5 I.MAL SIC'Y ~ •. lel~pute·,'0::,!tir·. pUcations for rutJ.llme Ant.~-Incl. Typtn1, W/tar,ets,' drapes, wet 'I fl(( merlcird, Master tocreaw and design all weekdays,640.9952. Newport Center re.I call&.5.Mt·llS? ules positions. Clear Xeroxavall. 96H33l bar. to..a. "2·'8CM • Charae. American Ex· print Including di re ct · • estate lltigattoll· flfm printing, good spelling & Call press , Diners ul l mail brochure, trade Clerk ntl(!(ied immed. to needs very hper'd PA!NTER <expd & ap· afriendly•Sf!1ile are the Pl1~ Newport Beach of· 4550 : ~~cRamebo. 714/~5-3433. ads, business cards. work drlve·thru pholo Legal/Exec. sec·y. Xlnt prentlcel for 3 man ~le requirements. We flee apace. Newly ,.. .. ... •••••••••••••• 64J..5671 r r Bl. CM nyers, etc. Creativity a booth. Exper. helpful typine. dictaphone & operation: Good at· will train you to a.ssist rmdeled', beautiful. CtU Gause for rent on mWiU but not nee. Call for in· shorthand a must. tituOe. neat appearance, our customers In com: Markf13.6606. Balboa Ptn.onext to Fun 1100 REW AR 0 . lfl k 1 :-a. & YIC' .. ,~,S s49.9166 terview: (714)874·7080; Salary open. 640·~. reliable, own transp. 00 ))Oiiing their ads. Apply: Dlsqrt,crptd,newlyde· ~sri.~~~~~JQ~ISO lAnehalred cat. "Meat· U9N R l .C.Aclnrtl111MJ 642-12'70. UNGERJESHOP tracts. Ca ll Richard l&llOPlacenliaAve.,CM. cor., a/c, incl. all utU1. ball" 673-8972 d ys' •ESCOITS• 2691 Richter Avl'. COOK'S ASSIST. h~ upenings for clerks 631-4410 leave # & time SALES Ample prkg. lde1I for RV. boat. auto storage. 97$.377lev. BA<l<&BF.Tl'ER Suitel20 F/Ume. Exp'd pref. but &modelB.548·6444C.M. tocau. Looking for experienced aw. acctg, eagineer, ' r · mo. • . 24 S ---__ not n e c. Soups / saleslady. Golf Shop I Fenced sttu e $30 TH.AN EVER ' HR lrvine92714 etc. Nr 405 Fwy le Beach Co8t1 Mesa. 646-1666 Found: Bike. CdM area. 669·0207 APT. MAN AG.ER sandwich"s. Apply In Maintenance .sales. Salary + com· Blvd. 847.7727 M·F, 8·5. S T 0 R A G E Call to identify,, I Outcall) Semi-retired couple for person 3-Spm M . F 0. Sitt PART TIME mission. Newport Beach 6'4·6006 Gower St. Restaurant, Maintenance position 6-9pm. Expandin g youth Golf Course. Contact 300 sq. ft. + patio WAREHOUSE : 34X12 l8unil Adult&, in Nwpt. 1000 Bristol St. North. availab le Newpo rt counseling fi rm has JohnLeonard:7Sl·4653. balcony' across from ,NB area. $175. 642-2255. LOST: Burmese ma le ~would love to party Maintenance exp. req. Newport Beach. Beach Area. Send re· openings for 3.5 shan> Westdiff Plau. Avail in Af\er5:30call548·1SS8 cat. Dark sable, almost with you. Leslie or G46·1801. sume to 18001 Sky Park outgoing mature peop\e SALESPERSON Apr 11 . $ 2 4 0 I mo . black, Reward. Ca II SY Iv i a . an Y l 1 m e . Attendant. Live in. Asslsl COIMfer Penot1 So. Suite C, Irvine CA to rmtivate ambitious (714 "'"' •GG• S.Sl·l176. 761·""""' Mature ""rson wanted 92714 Attention Sara lG-13 yr olds: Call 2·Spm. ,,........,.,... """'° disabled professional r~ ---\" 642-4321, ext. 343. Ask for --------I REWARD' t ----woman. Costa Mesa. Dry Cleaninll establish· And Prime Office Space, · Lost while ATTEN ION . T1Jnn1s ment. Exper or will MillAIUCK rea. •• ••• • • • • • • • u • • • • • • • • c at w / g k 645·235 7 '"!!!!!!!!!11111!!!1!!11!!!1•!!1!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!! Corona del Mar. 10'70 sq ray m ngs . players. Washer pull -----lrain.499-1985 START HERE 1- 67 ft5-. 95 s 1 u 0 i le. $850 /mo. &pa,._..,, SOOS Family misses him very stopper on Chamberlain ---The Los Angeles Times -r 1 much. Ple!lse call days, 6·2,6·0. •nn..1Tioi..a.. is loo king for well· PllSOH FRIDAY I .... ••••••••••• •••••••• 556-3880 ~ "' ~ " ,. __ ..__ S SECRET• •y --------IYOllR C 0 · eves. 631·8010 ---Ambitious boys and ~..-r erYlct groomed, enthusiastic -CU.,tom exee.utive Orri""· · ~ ICE .. Beauty Barbara. · . ,_ .. ~1 ..t...&1 -....0ple to earn up to For busy windsurfing ~... salon 1111 c t M 1 gm_, 10-13 years old. to ~ ~vnYtl "" b · M 400 SQ. f\. Pvt bath with · . 05 a esa; k S LES OFFICE. $46-SSO ""r day for a few us mess. usl be or· In Hlmtin"'on Bch Both Found ma'le Wh ' t 1 ~r ono or two even· -... ~ ganJ·-"' & bl shower. Balbo1 Pan•· ... · . · ippe · Su & k Challenging pos1·11·ons hours work as p/t'1me """'· neat a e to .. w .. pri ....... to ~ .. 11 Call br1 di G Id gar Sp1'c ings a wee gelling h di . SD>im.642-4623. ....~-811 ,.,,09""' · now. n e o en 8 n_ewspaper subscrip-cxistin ourSemiconduc· sales rep. Hou rs are an e a variety of oa.r ..,, Retriever. yellow , t " I ff' r from 4p 9p & t · dut(es. Send resume lo: tions Transportation orJ sa es o ice or m· m ram· for Plant Store. pa rl or full time, exper. only. 'the Bizarre Bazaar. 645-3392 10·6 SALFSHARDWARE FIT position in retaJI hardware store. No Sun- days or evenings. See ·St.eve. H.W. Wright Co .. ~26 Roc~tster. ~.~_. SECRETARY Nwpt cntr financial Ta..a.Mhrttt .......... &WtrY 210 Newport Celltt'r Or . Nwpt Btat-h ---- Wlll()f9ATOI Nwpt C.enter brokttage firm, early hn. •*lary open. Call Ma rjorie 644·3442 I~ WORD PROCESS~ SEC'Y Type 65, ~!ft" benefits. Beautiful. .o&. fK'eS. No fee to appU. rant. Mary Hickle Agencty. t < 714 HM0·2920 YARDPO SOM Responsible wilh valid Calif. Lk. 1.971 l'lacen tia, Costa Mesa 1·2 PM~· ····················~·· .wfqiltt 8005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Victorian loveseat. ti', rust color. t ulted batk. rosewood frame. 1600 J!!!Jl . ..[T~ 152.8 - Antique ornate iron and brass dble bed. Mall 1n ~'.!!~~·1113 --.~ 1923 Remington Caih Regisl('r, $350 Make tlf· fer646·W96 female wire haired Fox Models Es and c·onstant adult cust omer SH\'ICe ing will be provided. 111W.17lhSt .. BoxG·6. terrier, lri colored, Male corts supervision provided. rtopresentatives. Prior Your earnings as a ~~--92627_ · terrier, blk & tan. male 631· 7908 Call 3 to 5.30PM. a~k for customer service ex-Times sales rep. ~ill be Spanielmix.blk,liver& Andrea, 642.4321, ext. perience. m<1p ap-based on a guaranteed "'-ASTICSMIXEI white. Female Shepherd 343 pitudes. typing 45wpm. hourly wage of SJ.SO + OPERATOR tri -colored puppies. -----CRT exp. preferred. generous commissions to m ix adhesives. COfP. Typing, word pro-CLOCKS. wall fr. $250. ressing (Apple II ), lite Amer. oak curio (•ab, SH, phone Hanking S475. Oriental vases $45 securities bark grnd. &$75. OBO. 631.5979 F/f84Mon-Fri Call for --------............. Rthil/Ofce~t Prime l>usiness location toLo. 5025 on busy Pac Cat Hwy .................. •••••• Ideal for retail or office 2nd TD to Sl mill. EZ use._ 11000 to 3,000 sq rt qualify. Downey Sav- ava1l. ~:I ::~ M<Q•"d' 114-645-1100 -.au · Exec. Ste's. l'\J ll service, fnnt greatly reduced. ' , DeMI 5035 754-6789 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• C:O-rcial Sallltr Mtg. Co. ..... 4475 ~ types of real estate ••••••••--••-•n mvest~nls SID!=e 1949 ... Prime Tustin Ii San Special!Ulcj ill • Clemente retail or office 2ect T1b male mixed beagle, r.no.af Services 53601 ----Xlnl benefits package & Sinc·e this is a new pro-coaters & sealants . black & tan, female •••••••••••••••••••••••· AtrrOMOTIV E salary commensurate gram opportunities for Permalite P lastics mixed Shepherd. blk & SWEDISH MASSAC E • LOTMEM! w4h experience. Please advancement are ·CX· Corp ., 1537 Monrovia bm,644·3656 Relaxing.non-sexual Chevy dclaer offers full apply in person: celienl. Call now for Ave~.:B· _____ _ Robert 661·7820 00·8) or part-time permanent PLESSY m>re information about SCDIM l[JS ------positions to youths lo as· SIMICOHDUC TORS this great opportunity. PRE-SCHOOL M '1. fa:..,_~ sast in the body & servil'e 164l Kaiser Ave.. Call Mon-Fri. 957-2361. TEACHER ANS ~ depts in varied. in lrvine.CA.92714 ext.1204. 8:30AM-tt:30AM. Tue. WERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~rdtin1g tasks See Mr. MANAG ER-AP.T :r~f>1~ur. N.B 962-3257 Scheme -Blank -Jobs W-"-~. 7 075 u ea Semi ret1'red I r --------- Fr. ....,. H~ R C Dental •Secy A re you · coupe or 1ar -Vortex ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• ..,.,,A D ht •roltt 18 unit. Adults. in Nwpt. ~Ttaclttr For HB School Exp. pref .. over 18. 960·8788 FACTS Man with intellectual Dove QuailSts. searchmR for a pro-Mamtenanceexp.req. A teen.ager is someone background seeks li\'e· NEWPORT BEACH gress1ve, quality ore w~ listens to ever· in position as eook , at· -where your outRoing 646 · 1801 ything -TV. stereo, tendanl for elderly or AlITOMOTIVF. personality & dental ex-two-~~ne con· rook, secretary (or pro· SALES,ER-50 .. --RJ'rlise 111 handling M a t~~M~~!:1e l.-0 versat1ons ~verything fessional person. Call WANTED!!! . lelep~. appointment manage a large. q uiet but FACTS. Answer Ad ~ 6 2 1 . Un limited opportunity. st·heduhnf( & patient t'Omplex in Costa Mesa F d 642-~. 24 hrs. earnings to $3000 month t-onlact is apprel'iatcd & Salary + Apt. 675·5949 . IETAIL-SPACE . •FlXEQRATE 2ndTD oun : Small dog in & demo program No rewarded. We are a ----- Harbor Blvd, Costa •Tully Amortized virinity of Admiralty Intelligent, semi-retired auto sales experience highly motivated. car-MAMACIEMEMT space. 730-1470; 831-8689. 642-2171 545..06! I PRIMTIMG camer.a1 plat.erorun . . ~istant. Mon. Tue~. Fri & Sat. Will work vertical com mercial l'amera. Knowledge of PMT pro· t'eSS helpful. Xlnt for col· lege students with relat ed <'lasses.Apply in person: 1660 Placentia Ave .. C M. Mesa. 972 sq. ft. Avail • •f\illy Assumable Way· Hunt. ff.arbor· 33 yr old gentlemen, net·essary but salt!s ex-mg team who is happy to Hardware retail. Assis· now. •No pre .pa y ment B ·ll84 athlete's cond, lookini: perienre pref er red offer lop salary & xlnl tant manager. Retail ex· ReaJooomics Penalty SELL idle items with a for run. travel. & work of Throdore Robin s Ford. benefits incld medical perieore req. Laguna . Ask for Skip, S46.0283 Daily Pilot Classified ~Y sort. l'\Jll or part• Cal 1 Tom A 1 ken al insurance to a dedic-ated Beach. 497·4403 lh Ad. Ume.496-9729 642-00!0fordetaals. r professional. s1600 1r · ---MARK -- .... ····~··-··················"~" llabys1ller wanted . ~:~'~t~i..:ewport Joi_n our ~~:illion Rel~:03~:.=sliotts mature older woman for __ _:__ _ _ _ _ _ do 11 a r c o m p a n y s.. JuaR CaDiitra.o • 8 • Tues & \hurs eves DENT..ALASSIST. Dil-ersify your ·in<•ome. •PriNate Oesks • •D •y WEEK SPECIAL 6 9 JO Ea s r C.M. NEWPORTBEACH Want motivated sharp •Luxuryoffice A • 1 ~-7~~aftGpm lFYOU : me~~rwomen for mgmt surroundings • 8 01ys • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars • Babysitter wanted full • Are an exper1t•n1•ed hposillons.,. Set you_r own -Great walk-in business I . . dental n•1.stant ours. r ant ast1<· in I •Compuny pa1·d appt. 640-2350 Appicmcts 80H SECRETARY Trade mag azine publisher needs supe/ reliable organiied hard worker for t•hallenging . interesting job No SH. Mainta.in computerized d rculalion I isl. Some computer expcr helpful. Wid!! variety or o(c duties. Non.smoker pref. Fringe 'benefits Seek permanent person (714) 549-8393 ------.._ -- SECRETARY/- WORD PROCESSOR NB. CPA firm. seekmg responsi ble person Word Processing exp. preferred. Call Kalhie 7fia.0511 . STORE MAMA GER John Wayne Tenms Club Pro Shop Sales exper neeo. Top salary. Call [,ori between 9-5pm 64G-4020. ent o s HEY! ......•.............• ,. HARBOR AREA Af PLIANCE SER \'!CB We bu) used applianQH Wt sell re<'ond .. g11ar, appliantes S49-3D7i Washtrs dryers. late mode Is. S I O O up . Deli veq, gua r Masterchar~e Visa. 636~~m~s ' -I IUY APPLIAMClS. ~-957~ Se'ars 17 I CU (t refr""lf'"":-- \\ 1remaker. almond: S200 641-1399 afl 6. I __. Freezer $200. Wasb.er~ dryer. d W. ~ml reCru: Sl25 ea 646-5848 forN•d Air l'\J rnace. 1'raser & Johnson ~fr Model IOOCI. 100.0UO BTU. Sl60. 642-0594 Bachelor·~ k 1tt·heneue. see ad m Class 8025 ~ OHO 642 0701 Refr11c s1dt' h~ side Amana. 20 ru ft S280 ·.-···~2·6724 • • lime i;1tter. ma lure, my Ar ~ .... . l'ome No selhni: re-· It's easy to place your 8-Day Week Class f ed b I d I home. Must be reliable • e eager to WOrK IO a I ..... ., • ., advertising . I I Y ma1 . a n It • 7141964_3419a(t 6PM . . fast-paced proi:ress1ve qwrni . .,...,·6705. •Strong management t--------~costs rust $8 -thats only a dollar a day! To qualify for this Office 1 1 M support • special offer. you must oe a non-commercial user offering I ---. ---...tllave II friendly outi:o· edic~ • •lntem at1onai referrals mg personality. ladi .offict A11nt..t •Up to Sl.000.000 legal .•• merc handise for sale up to $800 per ad. and.the price must e P IAIYedSmER •llave a mature at FUii tune . salary open., protection be n d. Th erson ne ed to ml•et l.i.tude Send resume tn P.O. Box • 1 your a e cost stays the same whether ycur ad e 6•yr old girl arter school . 2932 M . 'v •Financial Stabilitv needs eight days selling tune or JUSt one. • at I 55pm & keep until s·k•11llasv. e good verbal 92Wi . 1ss1on ICJO, Ca. •Growth opportunities • 2 45 Call in Confidence .BOYS-GIRLS How would you like to e.am as much as $50.00 a week? Do you like drhe m imv1es. picnics, pizza parties. beach parlres. plus many other things? Then you would probaby probably enjoy workinl! for us. QOALIFICATIONS: Ga, range. Gaffers & Sat tier. dble O\ en . SlSO or- offer Refrigerator likt• ne\\. f'rost f'ree S 155 893 !Kl60 ( approx. : pm C\•ery. •Are a non -smoker ---· -! 49·~1341 • day. Mon.Fri. MUST BE .... RSERY S I "" e Use one word 1n 1 each box About 4 words make one DEPENDABLF:. Must • w o u 1 d en; o y a "" ALES ------~- • clas_sifted line of type. Minimum ad IS 3 lines P lease print • live nr Slont'<:ret'k l'hallenginjcareer loolonl( for personable.i RESTAURANT Elem .. Woodbr1d"e. Pleasecall644·059S neat. energell~ person Now hiring waiters • plainly. • .. able to grow with a well · · lrnne. Student ok . D--..IST established Co. Min 1 waitresses. bus persons. Ref's Pie 11 '""• Lunch & dinner sh'1'•s. • • a~ e l' a t""' b yr retail nursery selhno ... ,..-------------------------------, 5.52-0461 ft 5 30 wan"''" usy prat•tire. .. Apply in perf!on, Mon. .• I -a er · pm . Newport Beach Area. exper req·d Fitime We d . 12 ·5 The I . . I • Excellent pay with Stas rtmg salary Sl ,OOO to Cornerstone care. 300( I Over 12 years or age. 2. Ntat. honest and de· pendable. 3. Work after sctiool and Saturdays. CALL TODAY ~ 537-5936 or 531·5257 8AM1o IOPM s • I • • benefits. 1,400 per mo . Pd 8 · 1 S I AKER or lralnH 646·4868 holidays & varations nsto t.. Costa Mesa • f I • Sat. & Sunday 10 pm till ----.-_ Hospitali zation ins I tcorner of Bris tol & f I • 6 am. Winchell's Donut EX a\'ail. Interview by appl. Bak_e~):. 5!15~70. ~-------• I I ~~use 253 E 17th St. seeking~~~ Assis· only. Call · Mon thru Fri. !i• -------·I • t c 11 RUCK DRIVER • f i------t-----1-----+-----....J.-:...:.:.:.:-J ant a for appt. 6-7441 With pirkup. Part lime ~. 1 IO • Barber Stylist wanted lo 848·lll95 Toi1lacl' your ~ssaiee Retired OK. VEFO. 785 I r------r------+-----+-----+---.0_ . .....:.-J work UJ Laguna Beach Fem--a.-ie-h-el_p_w-anted . ~~~~NURS~RY -before the W 16th.Costa Mesa. • I • salon good n · reading pubht•, 13 20 . e nron· perm-P/T. c areteria. . STOP'.'· h --------- ! 1. ment, 5 days a week. G 11 one TYPIST • 1 • ca11 494.8888. real job. e'l$y hrs. No Take time to relax and Daily Pilor I 1_5_80_ -.-JBe.a.uti'ci·a· 0 -------Eves or wkendi.. -Ca.II; shop .at home . Jf g. ~i.m-Classified. ti-12·5tiill Experienced person. • • 673-4403 pie with Daily Pilot Must type at lea~t 60 · I • Hairdre5sers to work in Classifie<j Ads. And if l--------·I wpm Im med la l e. • I Add a .eo for e1ch 1ddttlon1l llne for I times plush. Newport Beach Aora1D":i9Hr you ha\'C something to fastest draw in the permanent opening. • I • salon. High pay, gd Part·time.salaryopen .. sell. call a friendlv Wesl .. a Daily Pilot Must be responsible I • working conds, fringe Experieocedonly. :a;s567·sif8ied Ad-Visor at Classified Ad. Call To-I Call Charlene. 631·6941 • p bl benefits. some clientele 6'4·8990 day642-~8. J Nwpt Ek~. t I u ish my ad for 8 days starting e pref. 642-6164. e : Classification e Beauty S·p-a-ce_r_e-nt-al-. -un-i· • que decor. spa clous Aoriat Dtl•e,ry Reliable. S4 per hr. full lime. 2642 San Miguel Nwpl lkh. 640·7980 :e I Name ' area. Super opportunity · f • for right person in a full •. I A.ddress • service sa lon . Call SA~'~lsoN I C Kelley Hannum. 645·0662 Evenings Tburs-Sal., e I tty Zip ___ Phone _.._____ e BO"'TSHOW &at~daySundays. Ch k M 0 • "" $4.2S/hr.6'4·8990 • I ec or . . en closed 0 Homemakers. students . ------ • I • P IT. temp. h el p . GARDEMER I Charge my ad to: •. Cashier. ticket takers For apt. complex in • parking attendant, etc' Co5ta Mesa. 512 days a • 1 t O ~ #_.._ ___________ Exp.___ • Cal1 Heatherat646·3966. ;e:;s.=.1mo. 645·338l • • F/C·looldleeper F/C - • I r D • # Real F.state lr\vestment HARDWARE -----:------------Exp.____ • & management Firm La,guna8e1ch,asslstant • needs mature, resp in· manager, retail ex· .• L ___________________ .,.___________ dividual to. take charge perience req.497-4403 e r····••••• WE 'LL. PAY THE POSTAGE ········-····1 e ~a:::if0~·;,A~~pt8!~~: Housekeepers needed. • I I • ledger thru trial bal. & So~ exp. nee. Ca II : I lj 111 NO POST AGE I banking for numHous Angie, 492·6103 Ext 145. • l -. ~:i;::,~:~y ! ••. accounts~~~ct Janet HOUSEKEEPER• • l _ 1 · Uve in or out. Full or' • I IN THE 1 Q • IOOllCHPltU• p/Ume. Cleaning, laun· • i U~ITE06TATES ' ~ • and general office , dry,litecooklngfor smJ BUSINrlSS REPLY LABEL ,. phones. payroll. typing. family. Nice NB home C • Will tr1in to use small Rers please, salary •• 111 ''""~-"AMIT NO 1uos1u 1ru. CAL1FcJl111• '?! ·• computer and word pro· negotiable. 541.2525 or • J .._ _______________ _,,,i•----;-cesser NNC ELEC· &4i281l IS 'OITMIE Wl.l IE PAID ev AOOAESSEE ' 6 • TRONlCS 714/8'5·8000 -------• i ' ·Or1"91 Coatt D1ftyPllot ' Mr. W•bOfl lNTERU)RDESJGNs • 4 llily Pi•1at i .• · t000••F1« Eat1l.4~1:~w1na ••• A I •· I Poeltion w/Nr. Bch, ln· Oran1t .co. Interior a 1 • I v e I t me n F I r m . 0.lpll Trlde P\lbllc• ' • I · .-I. RelJJOMlble For dell¥ don It ***• for Sala e 18 , • I i lnende1 trlDlldloat • tt.p. Qua11ntc1 i.a• and : • I •. Compu&trlaed OIL'•· tutnti"lsrilof'J. tap· W. ley •· I ~ An1l1Ucal •\nde4 SP*DUel.Callforappt: Celle ..... CA m2I I • (lllml. £llpr. RequiNd. .'fK,...,,..l lllNC.roy ' . • Call-.01.11 . ,, ........ •••••.f-•••'-••• ... •~••-•• ~ 11 •1'''1. .. .:: · ··nu't 14NTBD ) ) • GoodEC11aiags • S,,.rTrlpl • &re.f Pit.. . . .. . flttilco b fri CJ 14 t·u ft. cros~ (rre1.e Xln! t'Olld ~175 lt73·44Sl'aft<>r6 Rc rr1 g . fro i.tfree 1<·ema ker hkr nt"1~· $2~0 S.llH48..~ G t:. Washer & Or\'er I yr old ~150 for· both Refnl(. 2 yrs S300 bst 499-5001 or ~99 421!:1 Gas StoH l!alom'. dble O\·en St.SO + M aylag eltt dryer ohve St50 asked l(d working refng in ex change for 1 of ilents 497.4724 licyct.s aoiq ·····················'· Schwinn Bikes S50 ea. 20•· girls. 3 spd or coastC'r hrks. gd rond. 833·1857 ------· 3 Wheel-3 Spd Schwinn Town & Country. very clea11 $225. 960·3470 --- ---- Mens 27" !Ospd Schwinn $90 Mens 26 .. 3spd Schwinn $80. Phone 1»1·1275C' M area ' --------.... ,. MklRcJ Materials 8025 . . .............. _ .......... . HOW 25•/FT'.:; Red.wood 2x6 ii eek 1o1.t. 4-20 long, also redwoOd fencing Lowest price guar Jim or Ken anytime. 646-9885 " Bachelor's kitchenette~:.> burner elec cooktop. l¥t .... SS Si 0 k. ( 0 rm t p ' I counter. gorl(eous fini~:; r abinets S800 OBh ~~ .Oh.L . c:.. ..... & II ~........ aoao.,, •••••••••••••••••••t••1"r• Rollie !vdn lens. z.'8.-' I meter <' o up I e d I . w grip. mint· S4t«> v 675-1521 .... . • • Orange Oo•t DAILY PtLOT/fueed1y, M1roh 2, 1112 ~'"448'~~ .. ~~=~ ~ ..... .!.'!' ~ 111 .. -~.~ ........ !!.~ • At:"1 tW ~!~ ........ =-~W1•JClll,Wood ~ ............ ,, Ian ..... I 84ialf• .................... , .. • ........ trictl P• ~rait1&re tl5•: ...., •&a.t•MW.Nll wo.•••at paldfotuyucer llMlt • · .. ..,. LIM •Tt U4M ~dltloll •• -· Alao YHd Sti.y ,..,Uc11 : plclupe lfftl,.ordornetile) .,.. :t: · ,,~ ._. .,.., ,Buutlrui Pet Head Sella •uo. t ~· • to ~~· In &ood eondlUon ~--t 11 • • -1 u .\urst colora. ...... from' (006761) wt . SHU•firttl * :L1 ' 1 1 i 1121t019 c1 n m• t .uo81), Pricet nutln& a rr-Jwlty fl.Hu, o.,. ~-;..i or 17141 'Tl QM. n. baaed ma1t. et '"' • l J..'h. Oflmlt'-•.dHklM,e#I Uf.SIZSdJYJQrevea Oood 11U laveator1 OMLYH.ttll ·111•Ar ~tiV'1"yr tbWtle. l•Cb &olf _.. . lll.OGCIOBOMC- ......... ~JW. ~fl!:~I. · -1 sit dnam *· tymbala, Pertur w1Med, '11 , • •••• ttMdt 6 lt4we. lt111t : •. · · · r 1 -• IST ATI SAU * M&ll •tOBO. •·OW Er1t'IOG SS'. Gd cond ~ •• Alro. 7 ......... ,.,, I 81\·7541,'81·$891 -...-.Wk/Nil, 1150. ht , 1407 M. Oi•t ' Ftttdft Ttleuater and IMh. .._ / Mt:llitl ....... 25 ••~• ••.u. Cit111001mpllfier. l500. ,._.,_-r 9070 .... -• ' ~ •• •"-"'· • • t lll-OtQ ....,.. ·~ "I\" Peopl.t• ~••t.4-, ...... , .. •••••••'•••·~· .:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= ~. T~31, noo to ~tde Grndfather ~ & ~. 8. Slip ,Up to 36 4WlllHIDrhn tHO S~ Peta loarded ' tl/)(k Helsey Eper.ne 1011 Water/ wer. nr Lido •••••••••! .. ••••••••••• ·e..ntd. S.·M ,, aiTffftna tu u t oi ~· ••• •fi••••••••••• ecl.87 2756 '79 Nso. 'Perfect cond. ~---.rrr1n,.-Cl'U1eton Chl'na'. 2 Ot1t•, .cl\aira. files . --A. II ::.._ Super clean, new pamt,, ~ Lab P\I"' (7> ~ beW.1 Br HI.JI, Amli111 Pl"'Jtnllter, typewri ters, -P....,. NtH ~.000 mi. Lifted. tire& & ~.,a., '"•~ hi& It Amana uprgl fri r. addin1 machine, misc. Pf'lme tOC, ne~ to husly rtw. Book val. $8,000, .... H. &-. p Lotl ol clothes. lots of ete. 549-1'74 '~can. 714~·4419 asking $6~00. Robert .a.J.:...a... y ." .. I rum~ sliver ' brlc·a · an f , f I 67, slip, .New. port Brh., S40-347S. 549.7541 ~""' ~ ",.~ brae * utniture or sa e -: . ... tt.,,• ... -if::.::1.v•• M/C.,Vlsuccepted •l di s~unt prices. privatetioatonl)' ·11 Toyota 4X4. muy l.SED m1~~RUCKS COME IN OR ~Ll''OR FUIAPPIAISAL Cormiet·DeLlllo C .. VIOLIT 182118EACH BLVD . HUNTINGTON BEACH , ff.. to t6od h<AWe · MOUND 6tl-C17U. 642-4644 xtru., Im mac MuJt , t Hol&nd, spayed 2 ... u . see! 850-330026· 11 oe ·1 Allee H ''•• 1 ... ~10,5 r•••-ov.er lease . SllJis, sail bo11ts v..., _ _ d I • ·ams Io_....... Ro,-.allu llS. plain elec lc wtrondock. Free T-1... 9560 Car or 'fruck Neede '!!! t '''<• 11 1•10 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""'-r .i~ Aop1'er. Super prldng, everythln° Isl ._ havel800 CASH 147 .. 0l7 or 54t·l3ll ----Bea1•l K t ,......,.... """' ... e ••••••••••••••••••••••• •",..·Sl72 • .J , .. W..ST tt ~~low illllt11• C1dl111C'I In ~Cllif0ml1 ! Mftttdet Beot T9 3000, &:.:.C::~~iiiiiii~iiiiii~ Sliver, •lllllf. •Int rond. 10 Cffita: M1ny 1tr11. SI 7. 90 0. pp ' Dy I ' 2IK _,, _,. --1-1 Of -------1 Ul·8288 eva/wknds ~U-,_. .,, MAMlS CftAC • 1irslvd. C08TAMISA '81 mx.) apd cpe, 1/c, ~ ------'T7Cd\', lolded, loC'll, tan 111. pb, pw, am/rm Quad, _'T7_M_r_cedd __ 'ION>--31--1 '81 Coroll& S/R. ) 1pd. lo ~ out. IHl.htr, full wit ext. 549-4198 -~ MlJllOOti t~.tH~:e: lift.bk ..... mt pymat + wan. thru July '82. 46JC , ·140.1860_ '73 240 z u l.1 n i s 1 3 • 9 s o . ~ .=~• '0"' °'~~~ 95IOO. f1~U21 · S ...... , ~.1 .... 11 0.perat.e-Must sell-d 1 d ~ ' -~" M k rr 675 6311 .l•' · t•b • 'T1 El Dora o. x nt con , Auto. AC , AM /FM. a e o er. · . 'l>CeucaGTL~t lt.Xlnt low mltuae ... ully 1111111. Runs Strong! _Ev_a_. ______ t'Clld. Lo'<led. $7100 or IOlld4idlowlll!r 540.5122 moo , S400 de~ take ov4i' S180 ....:.._..;, _ _.._ ___ _ u 548,9435u Lse pyrntt492-1.t70 C... H 17 'Bl 280ZX: 2+ 2, 3000 mlles, leather int. 9800 + TOP. 548·7o.4, 497,5109 '75 '5QSL, mftatuc bl. • ..................... . 74.<WXI m~ enJ rebl\ at _______ _,11 C.maro 221. 4 speed, 70,000 rn1. superb· cood MUST sa&. Met brown, p /W, Tilt thruout. S21.!IOO. Will 12 Celie& (lt J,.lllback. Wheel, Air. AM I FM '74 a&OZ, new pa1ol, tires ver.L ev ry 0 .. eo IS • ......., m es consider tums. PP. Sii e f•ct ry on. :fn ea •MA ii ~ lion.:l!IPD.3800.rl.Btat Mot. $10,000. Days + Alpi19slereo. 14100.l!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ offer over SHOO Call ~o. Eves84S 0948. • .. "h.W4•••• ••• ;t"'01 ardas .1 1" !.'!!.· °'al! Call now 536·6565 class. Best in Nwpt .,..., • n lf,. on es en _,.,, ' 873-8711 1118 PM •.,..... M•w 'I I ...._,I IUY * * Twi> captains beds *75 ~wood.:xec. desk. Very QnvLUY ,,,._, 71Dtitt.200SX S48 704<.m·S109. 92-Lm . '80 MB 450 SL. Cham· 'l!!!!!!---1!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!ll!!!!!f "18, auto, AIC. tilt wheel, pagne, leather cusette cnue control. P /S. P / B. ~med Furniture ' ea.04-4.9GS,6431770 .,·L~ ~.1_ A~rox 4x6' Upto20' SISO/mo. & up 11 ton . I 88 3-'f I . AMlol,~ Sspeed,slereo$3275 .,OQa '-vtN JO' ....,,. 233 l""h S Pr1 Ae S6098 . GM re· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 213.~ -. "'6·5931 =ancultlOlf.• I will '--"L. IOJO $325/olr. 673· to ....,.,, '" t • 7 """""""' '" SELLf V _..._, I C N t B h bote.SSOO;saleprice is ~ '9 01 '80 300SD, 18,COO mi. " or or ou ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ewpor e1ir ••••••••••••••••••••••• '80 '310GX. gold, xlol white w/bamboo int, 558·S1.1'.L.i flltt..,_ 9770 AM/FM. cus, new tires *ST91S &ttrTt<)N .... i.. T~ "-AP,P. I090 67S-0238.67J.7092 OMLY $5591 N •. u .... •' •. d k 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ii brakes Im ma c 'll). '6S VW left ' n ght $4,lllO. 552-1539 ~.1616 1-W\.us ..,._H SICUll • .. •••'••••••••••••••••• -H~••D CL-.--•-• ew"' so:u. Orl'11(n "' rood. air. tape ec . still under warranty ~ ---•!1!•r1-Private ownership of Gulbrasen ReaJto Organ vn--"""" Oo~stk Car Sulesman spd, 11 K mi, SS400. 675-1579. Je..iG· INN.ERSP RI 0 safety deposit box. ran w/2 Leslie Splrs perf TrnspartatkNI Dove/Quail Sts. wth years or rxpenen~e I 494-8734, 1213)432·5997 --------.- b N tast1c rac1hty. total q>tM{ Sec:rlfict '11750 ••••••••••••• .. •··~···· NEWPORT BEACH will romr to your home --'68 MBZ 250SL. classic, ·~ FlrM ~~~ess pri_v,acy, 2A hr. arcess, S47-54li2. 1 C'!'fll'I. S./ IJ).0555 ~ I.he most for your 16 8·210, 4 dr, 4 spd. Air, auto trans, mint cond.· .. ·-·HVer ~ ... wprth private transaction ..., 9120 -T--trade & get lht' bt>sl runs great. $~900. 117,SOO OBO. (714 I door, '73 left door. SSO --------- each. Western style whl "19 Berlln~ta, 27,000 m1 , rims for Super Btetle T·top, AC. PS, PW. tilt Si!Oea. 548·9'744 w hi Io a <I e d SS 700 '77 BUS, con v I b to ....;64.S-864...::..._1:.:..• _54_:1-_24_:1_2 __ _ .~car. ~~l,Never room l?i'ano, .sm•.11 antique ••••••••••••••••••••••• l959 t'O RD ,., ton Pirkup pnce on your car ~mall 7S4-3913; evet & wknd s m-0201 -~queen n . worth l,nfo. 714·S36·7~6 Thglish upright w1stool. Pullman camper. steel Ser\:1ee bed $800 ree. CaU642-6169. 8S7-4843 ------ ' ~cuh 09IY1 1211 del. _....__, Like new tuned. $850. skln, insulated. storage. 639·~ ----i3 MBZ 450 SE. Best of· ~lybo•.»4-mO ""''"'°'WATCHES , 847-5672 ' nts Ford 8' bed, $800. ------Nfal-o 9705 '78 210 2·dr, 4·spd, ract. fer.Must..s.ell.4911.,5061.Dr ( 1 H l l!.J JI DiStJ:ibulor prku O~a{I . IM2·1980; 8411·19!19 ••00uuuouuuuuu air, Xln! l'OOd. $3000. 4'99-428l,.. '82 mo.iiels. Brand new. STROUD UPRIG HT ---'74COURIEI Alfat600 67!1,~ -------- L lo"pripe.8S0·053S. P~WS.Can deliver MotoriudUltt 9140 FORPARTSONLY VtloctCot1••nfott7 --'7tlOOSD camper. no poptop , '80 Camaro V6, 3 spd mech. sound S4000. i taodard , T ·top , '644-0262 AM/FM cass, $6200. Cal. &lg 1835tc eng. rblf 9S7-l220evs. trans. new pa1nl, Maga a..rWt '920 wt ra«nart dechr'omed, ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• llabotan double bed . --67~1057 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHEAP !136·9832 All parts to conv{'rt 101 77 200 SX SOK mi. Price Must sell or take over ·with maltN!as. Moon .CMtl1ry 1071 . . r . PUCH MAXI MOPl-:0 ___ ?n± 1600 to Velot·e, u r 12700 lease. Newport 760·6285 sblped mirrPf.• bead· ... -, .. ~ .... ·•••••••••• s.wt.)MocW..1 1092 Looks new. bri 11ht ptstons. $1400. 979·2748 963-0493 S27oo<>Bo&46.s'J/Js SEE US FIRST! bolrd. 1•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ye1Jow.S36064S6278 '!i6Econolint>pirkup.5 after6pmorwknds -9742 MIOOBO ~r7797,art6 AUtCOMPRES 01 w1ndo11>, Needs body __ __ FMit 9725••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Ill V.W. Van, runs gd. Wehave1Joodselect1on body totaled. S600 0 80 ! of NEW & US E 0 55710 Ow-vrolds ! I tlP PQrt. Binks $150 Slilmr-A...._ 2000 '81 Purh. blue.' xlnl work. $600. 493·8622 Aid 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'SJ Ost Rabbit. I 'Owner. Binks pressure pot SIOO Eied"ronk touch sewino rond.14!IO. ..,9Dalsun Ki·ng Cab •u0•0•0•••1··~·0 GF'elSReady , ATT81110M 50mpg. X.lnt cond. $.\!\00. I IUY MMfJUH " 67!1·3479 ' '81 Audi 5000 ur or pnng G£7~33 536-91)2 ma~biJle, !--arge wood --5 spd. A-t l'.ond. many 2000 mi leather int 1970FfAT MG All5.callMZ·S304 "" cab1n1l w1lb storage. MolorcydH/ I Ktras. S4700 760·8074 t ii M t 11' OWMllS.". • ri.li beds I l lpq.' 0 80. N,.,er Uled S800Jorfer. Scoolen 9 I SO -----t'\15 om a oys us se ISO S'9Dll TONNEAU COVER '71 Super Bffile. sunroor. ,...~ crib,'$50'. washer/ 1010 ~evee & wknds . •••••••••••••••••••••••. "79 Ford FtSO PU. u tras, ~19.500 SSJ..~ COMVEITllLI Fits MG 's. '71·'81 AM/FM, excellent cond. .__ -•• ••• '73Kawasaki IOOEnduro xlnt r ond SS300. •-&.1...L1...A... 9709 ONLY35.000m1les onrt-Nevt'r'used,$16 flnorbestofref ~r·•= oueau•u•••••••u••• "'--• ...._.,. M FM &46-8129 ;;.,..... ti d LOSJNG LEASE, quit a.n.... 1091 Good cond S3!IO 080 7»-8004 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• built engine. A · Maria63J.'7797 Ive msg ;:ioua Birch r·•Dd ma e tiaa ...... iness. selling out ::::?••••••••••••••••• Call· 64().~:!~· -'64 aooo MK 3 Sl,900 stereo, 4 speed trans.. '69 VW Ba1a. 1835cc lwia bed tra_me, com· All~pplies and rix· CHEVLUV FI RM , 673·47 50 or new brakes Ii two new • Zenith carb, oew paint, pld.e. ta. CAii : 631·4638 t,,,,_111• Alud'mo KNEISSL SKIS '73 Hooda 4!IO CB DOllC , '76. air <'ond. auto trans. .&-7-1948. ask for Kelly tires Pn vale party 'ti! MGB'convert. New Fr .., ~~ ' " She l7S wt boots and $700 or best otrer Gd XJnt rood. $2300 or best · ---------SlliOO/best offer. MUST End & Brks. Clu\t'h, brakes, and Interior . ~Cabn~ flfasrftrs Display ca.ses, waillng poles.lngreatcondit1on. c--" o<rer 770 4074 IMW 9712 SELL' Call Rob al Runs Good . S2l00 bucktixat.s. aluininum ' · room chairs. Beauty L.k Sl58/0BO ....,... • •· d hand Is clean ~. 1Jus stle!ves. 1nt Sal~ hai·rdryer• and 1 e new, · 96().5388 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 768-0286 aiter 5 p.m .,. ~2560 as. ,PIM . """• Antiq4e Wt XI t -" Call 524-5225 days Mon· --'73 Dodgc Club t·ah • • weekends SZ300obo979,6216 Andy ~ S790~l,.w~ ......., 1helves and plants. · F · I 2 8 3 P ·-... cond. .never ra<'ed. c>. 840.4793 7 6 1 a t ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72YW CONNH.L CHEVROLET .. _,.I! 1 ... ' ,.... ' ' \f .. SU. I 200 l9TI Monte Carlo . Loaded. 12650. 495-0398 'Tl Nova Hatchbk Auto.' PtS. A/C, .dot rood. lo mi Bst ofr. 644·6541 ·--- '70 Malibu 2 dr. runs good, needs light body work 493-8622 _... -,i..:;,:,· 0 I hY~,tulic chairs, rnir· Sat: EvesSun·Tues 1IO Yamaha YZl2S, :clot ton Sl.800 &' . -liiGI '744 · lllnln• rm lbl w/4 chairs A,l.so, make· up, shampoo TV.a.lo. lr $7"" "'2 8917 Hlltrhback. good cond. '73 MB SEL. 1 -~ padde;cf.can~ back and'-lr products. RIA. Stw.o _. 1091 as. ""·'" · VGM 9570 new ti res. am / rm Xlnt Cond. Mon· Fri, Al1fjque W\, S6&5!141·5002 'tall631·9754or ...................... '77JiONDA XL75 ....................... rassellt".-fow miles AflerS.645·2434-SUf'a IEETI.E '78 Caprice, 55K . very Excelle~l rondit1o_n clean. most xtrH. 2·dr -afler6,898·ill08 BE-AtlTtfUt.-~C-A -Xlnt rond.$295 '7TFord Club Wal(OO CREVIER nw -S2500.675·9961. ~"chi"~ desk.' SSS. Lad 1 es . h ave a color TV sale. 2 yr wrn· Pvtparty,8J3.9442. E250. many extras, low . l?~l .hdbrd, S75. Bunk NAUGHTY LAOY ty.Sl48.Freedelivery. mi1es.S4200.675·121l ~· SllO .. cbrs. SS·lS. Home Party. Lingerie. TV John's 646· 1186 "1910 HONDA E e c. I 11 I t a r ' S 8 0 lotions, potions aod lots PIOMHIJ.SAMYO OWMr MMd SH MEISTEI '590 111eElcltilMJ 'IZ IMW'1AnHen! -~ '750 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tires. Pilot. U~holstery. I classic. $4500. 842·4127 carpeting and engine ALL NEW ! 7141528· 1024 c.,.-••••••••••••••••••••••• H3l '74Super Beetle. S2.395. 918-&Cl! more fun. Call Alison Lowest whOlesale prire Stl Mow! Ltbfan1eoval shagrug 968·0178. Sales Reps on new c a r Only7,400mlles f lhl rood. $65 Ta II needed. stereo cassette. Dis· U:xrellenl shape WI MEl:D YOUR GOOD USED CAI! Anything ronsidt>red , 1977 thru 1980 A rew remalnin)} '81 Models & Demos are still available ! We specialiu in: European del ery and rlawless oa"llwned BMW's HllDA SANTA ANA PORSCHE/ AUDI __ _!!li~!.Z-211 o 1.3631 Harbor Blvd. •73 Super Beetle. new '79c-aarXR7 FUiiy loa-decf. xlnt t·ond 60,000 mi , S4000 bst 857-8434 ca.fil'l'l dk. bwn. $60. 2 pc. ---0-_d--d--k-. -tributor price. 85().~~-Call ss.9·9399 art 6pm Jljsplay rabn't. walnut CUstom"" sprea s. mg Se bl Garden Grove pamt & seat covers, ask S...Senice-lfflilMJ l lllg $2100. SJG.4743 Dodp 99lS t1Q, Coffee tbl. glass top siud. navy blue w/gold STaE0/$99. '71 Honda .350 ram er d:Wl·m wheat pattern. SISO . Brand new AM 1 FM New rhl11n. good tires ::.::Jo Qlleen sited · flpral, USMlle stereo. clock S3SOOB0964 2140Chris ~ re Customer Servi Comta Isl! Sales·Se · e·Leas1ne 2Xlll w. tsl. Santa Ana l7141 835.3171 Closed 5'111da y AMO SAVE! GllAT SklcTIOH 714 636-2333_ J.981 Vapagon. 4 speed. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Ill DART Auto, rass spkrs Nev. battery, starter H OO. phon 661-2371 ~.~cher bllEJ~i'. Iron bolet1reen with w~1Je ~~~rs Sale ends -8;~ ;;, Cus~. 1~ ; set. 1100. 8 cotton d.altesS150. 720-1211· · maculatecood $2900 CIVICS ACCOlbS PIB.UDES Takeover lease. no down. sunroof. Concord stereo low .,. payment.s. 924 Best orrer 760·8872 or ye vet tan sora, SISO Games, Arcade. Video VIDIO AUDIO 640.4615 Pwsdle. "19. 6411-28'13 64M6S8 $·Pllhft. 6 · 91oot. Pong, Drive Pins. CASSmES M1111 bike. super rood .. Wltetbed. the fines t Class1cs,4ttotal Al.I brands, wholesale Very low hours. s1 2s ! §.t de . K 1 n g s 1 z e 5-49-1174 546·3642 pnce. 85().0535 firm 494 4365 1 . )leputyrest Flotat1on mattress combo. MU'.u.~~~--=-+-._,,...~~u_;~·~-Motor Ho.ti. S*I--~ 611!¥>. old Cos t l!Huillw w Uow~~~~e Pnre Ratt/Storege f 160 llOllO; will saC. for .. 1 dreu Long sleeves. .....,........, •••••-•••••••••••••••• pearled top. laee. Never 6*,!4&4. used & unaltered. Size S .Manchester home spk rs. R E N T 2 2 · , I.. u x 2~.11~. stri""d erushed Slip also. $200 968·5880 12" base. walnut l'.ab . Motorhome. i.lp.-. 6 St'lr ~ af\er6pm. SIOOea. 546-2011 _ ~'!'t8585. 129!1 "'k + I& mt • L. R. ~hairs. $150 ---'------.....,_ ."1a.ssoc:lts,Sl0ea. IUR'-.• ••y 7 ~Mari" 968 ~;, •~ R e n t 2 2 · I u x '->·~ · ·a.JIG Protect your valuables, Rt · f motorhome. sips 6. sclr Kit 'tbl 194. Liv ing rm priva~e ownership o •••••••••••••••••••••• ~t. $295/wk + I()' ml cf1Cir S60, z end:tbls S40 sale~)I deposit box. high GeMr.111 90 I 64().8S85 AlfiHnt cood, 840· i40t security. at med .(tuards. •••••••••••••••••••••• , 24 hr. :recess, t otal 12· inflatable sport boat. AMloS....,ice , .. , &a ~' : privacy ~. !!.!v87in7r8ude & xtras. & Accet1orit1 9400 '•19'..\\rfl solid, oak l.nfo. 714·~·7546 _,., ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~d or dbl bed. ~ codd, S85 OBO L.-fttt.dGoffCW. 1.3' S.400 f>VON . 40 hp fia..uieatt. 4. Coaiplete set. $100 or of. MerC'. Trlr. cover. Many ATTINTMG IOM · •, fer. 76C).0189 extras. $2200. 675-2708 Sians crib/~ll S80. Scfi't 'chr. gd cond ft50 1Mh-Uailil111•ce/ TOH~mJvER Y.outb bed/matt' SBO, bto Bike. new boy's 26'' Senice f02 Fils MG's. '7 I· '81 ,, I .. Or-.. C...ty 2925 HarbO~ Blvd COST A ~H~SA 979-2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS AUHMAGMOM flOWTIAC/SUIARU 2480 Haroor Blvd COSTA MF:S/\ 549-4300 549-1457 WE BUY Q.EAHCARS AHDTRUCICS CONHRL CHEVROLET .,._,.tl,ri•·H • ,,~l\\lt'\ su.1200 ciilllerobe 545. set $)80, ltl!lf91. Cash. 8'9-l1'1'5 •••••••••••••••••••••• Never used. $75 ~-11W.-n\1~,·.· Capt. Alfrey/Electrical Mana631·7797 Ive msg .. GH IUYER _ ... ~!lll • -Drum set w/Hi Hat S2SO. &igineer w/'JIJ yrs expr. Top dollars for Sports N&VU UiiU#..atcJu Wentit bench w/Je1 fifl i .. t retuned rroml11!!!1!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!!!!1'1!!!111!!!!!!1!!!111!1111mml!_!ll Cars. Bugs. Campers. Ill», &lass , ~p dinette ud Iron weig~ $1.25. Carib. elfen 0011Sult10p LITE BODY WORK & ,. 914's. Audi's MOOB.S IH STOCK MOW! Cll1cll ••r 1••d HlecHee .. D MOt ••d 9UALITY Pll ·OWHID AUTOMOll.IS • wtl ....... lrMHt .t 1Ua. C4ll or COIM In TODAY! SAUS • SMVICE LliSIMG SADDLEIACK IMW ll4tJMAa~ ,..WY. MISSfON YllJO Avery ~wy off 1·5 831 -2040 ftY949 Oosed Sundays Qn Bdrm SSBO. Eyes,963-8503 _213_/WJr._J_.;.'32 _____ , body shop est S36·9832 JIM MARIMO ---!Sofa/love seats sie.U add spt,U, $30. oo all yacht systems. paint.up tow: off your Ask for U CMG R box springs: Twin txerH,,e Cytle. Tunturi. loah. Mc.;. YOLKSWAG!H 11w Most hdtiftc) llS90,QueenSJ30. flnheel. ergometer. ...,.... 903 AJ...FAROMEOPARTS 18711BearhBlvd. ,..+Of Yow I ~E! m_.r SZS0.,863-4103. .. ... ••••n••••••u•••• All parts to convert 101 HUNTINGTON BEACH IMW '-chow Or MOWti: 5o1~"$m. . C '81 Mere 9.8 018 motor. l600 to Veloce. exr _ _!~2:20~0__ U..CMldle ..w.-..:.~ ... $1 ..... "it. table UY, cu fl 2 dr refn&/ n r xlnl cond 10 hrs. $800 p•~tons. S1400. Denni~. Mc1 --IMWI! ""' um -• s115. 9' Teak Arctillect 's firm. 964-Dl "' WE MEED ·~ • ~:~;~::38 ~$LY6-8181 ... ---.,-°'"' ___ 9_0_4_0, ~~~ art er 6pm or YOUR EXOTIC t., Or UGH di' Cond. ~"'""' tpnes. sme ol ~llec.'llble bot· l'Hff FOR BOATS . ,, '"'74 COURIH - UA"l ll"'..-eac · WU • FOftPARTSONLV OIANGECOUHTY'S r .. ! ·~-v II ~ ' ' ' 759-0060 $36-1191 CHEAP .I S36·9832 540-7430 'tll 911T. 80.000 mi. many xtras . mint r ood 644"'2lll . J>I W Warner. 17 blk --~---. westo(S Mam '72 Porsche 914 Good cond. New clutrh Ca II '76 Hciftd11 Ct~r. ~It eves 75J.!1817· rood S2500 or make or ---- fer64Q.9649. 673·2777 '76 911S Terca. blark 19 Honda /\1·t•ord LX . 51 SlS,IXX>. 752.9523 ~pd. c·ust rims. mint! ------- rood Must sell $5950 '72 PORSCHE fl 4 67~8282 _ NEW custom paint. new rhrome bumpers. rom· ...,.... 9730 plete engine overhaul ••••••••••• • ••• •••••••• Ti rl . ce Will '74 Jal( XJ6 ~2K miles. s:S tS:: 1~[~u';,er· with Ong owner Serv11·e re· $4100. P.P. Call 549.9866 1 l'Ord! sm<'e new S7 .000 days, 7so.1973 eves. ~8978 -------- ---------~JM«)llfl AD~ aM'EO ~lfl'Ot fllAIMl>.- t CtOSlO SUNDAYS 11 Dodge Charger 8000 MUST SELL! nu. Estate sale Must h 14 VW Squareback. gd quidate Call 548·9326 or rond, xlnt pnce S46-0J9S S46 7713 ----- '(II VW Bug. re.bit en ~•••••••••••••!!.~~ New patol, gen Needs '78 F'iesta Ghia Sunroor uphol. $1700645·4~ GooQ ~..s, red SJJOO '75 Rabbit. S2300. ntw engme. cltan 64S·4400, 6T.J.8523 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• #I VOl YO DEALER IN ORANGE COUNTY I SA.LIS. SBVICE AMDLIASIMG OVERSEAS DELIV ERY EXPERTS EAIUIH VOlYO 1966 Harbor' Blvd COSTA MESA 646-9303 540.9467 '75 YO&.YO 164E Loaded-S3995 675-4016 73MercM__.1 BRO'UGHAM~ "V-ERV GOODCOND. 860·2066. ~ SAU SALE SALE We have over 30 1979 and 1980 Fairmonts. C1ta· lions. Monte Carlos and LTDS These are F1eet Return Cars and bemg orrered lo the pubhr for bttwten S800 and Sl200 below whol esale Blue Book All excellent ma1ntamed and rarr') Warranty. F\lrtber 1oro call: Joe Cat r on, Dom1nis ·C ook - Mc F arland C o •~nvpor t ·~na hei m IJ2..l!T4. 59·~ '"'""'° 'I\ Ing 53409 675-6087 ----------*'aPf 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Bobcat Sta Wgn. ~ spd, AC. PS. snrf. 54.000 111~ .. PP. Sl995 OBO !ls Mm '12 Mere full size wal(on Excellent cond1tion 1·963·2778 ttlO ~ t952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~tab\;,&/ ~lsters. Jim Beam Old Masters -. ..................... 1~-~---.-.-.-~---;~-;--~•l liiib ~~~t"~ ebiW. xlnl. 'tl7s. t:0~-... d1'rec:t'di*! re· Ltri&LIN ER . ~.mdta~~·6 Sy.s(coms ro,l}~i l e -&ST ~ -~ O' "'!qi'""'" "'2'7'Mt BAY Van aeats. hi-back brwn -3JOOW Coast Hwy 7tii4adoCo._ S~xlnt cond. am/fm cassette. + 2 xt ra snow 5elllt '66 MUST ANG V8. auto. ,760 '7lHGAL $1610 PS Looks and runs Xlnt C'Ond. 962·3466 g~at S22!IO. 1·533-4242 .. ..;; !~J~~=ek~:~:~~.st "Victoria". Fl y bridge, v 1 n y I, passenger Newport Beach ·~RX? GS. 24.000 miles. l1tt 19821 °""' Jied. full Size, Like ....,, VHF radio. bait tank, recliners, good cond 642·9405 Sales·Servke·Leas1ng stereo/ r ass ette. air ARE HERE! ,,.;... $150. Wood stove, rancy cast depth (mder. outriggers, SlOOpr. S51·316S rood . moon roor. xlnt 900 series 3 doors. 4 ti res $2700 67 3-5025 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ 7 ii.• hi 3Samp.gen.,AM&FM 8 ~-WA...,TED' ~ · irop. comp. w/c mney tnckstereowith trailer. HS" wide tires w/Amer. " • 1'L/I cond Extended warran· doon & Turbos ava1la· ~ftllllf~lble &/lupipe. SI.SO. 646-S8t3. ,,.,11 ,,~ ......... Will sell mao whls for Ford P.U. Late model Toyotas and ·S\1W ty. '1ACM 168) 497·6333 ble NOW ! Come in & ,,,._bo ....,00 .._. _.._ " V I C I I s --ONltll <c.o ~ dri Rold ft Trat k s..... a ~ • ..._ ••9'' • ..._,_~ofloan. $100/bsl olr. Stockland o v o s . a u ee-.....-~_. or.._._v. i c..Ai.i... t SUO ~-•· ........,,.., TODA:V!!' ~lf.t0!11"'~ Mapzine'schoiceorthe w~._ 'OJ se dV~. Appel, 'R71illt, ~!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Shell '70 Ranche r o Mlra•alna t740 8.ESJ' sports sedan or .._ "' , -.· 4 ~.S5l·ll4t.7pp .... Cris·Cra•. Expms. S7Stbst.S46-9S39 Sll•n•~I ·so 320i, F pkg. orig ••••••••••••••••••••••• the'IOI! -• •• owner Days . 1714 > 1966. Clean ! Fast! BMW e:n,. le trans 1969 781-"?604: eves: (213 1 •Ml,,......., llACHIMPOITS 12X1S Emerald 1reen 11110n t arpel. Ex. cond., llltst otfu. 84C).83!4 aft. Newport Slip, •.sking , t1eOO Best Offer Takes 431·S.s57. -.dMwc-*t 941 OoveStrffl. NB. $1().SOO. Trades. Fm1nc· ln·287'7 "" ...,._ •·• to 1... 71W•t .._..,ail,P.P.673-5200 c .... ...,. t720 = ... lt1N7 1989Harbor81vd .C M. ,i,_ &...a..::....&...-c..a. ~•4'-fHJ erUO.t•'7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "-~· HouRA ol Im· 6111·7170 Bed tide commode ('()It •: °"'911 Tahiti.an. live· ~.,..... """'"°" · . ......._ ..... ~ .-. •-•i •a 8 d .r 1 •board slip avail Call ••ff•H••••••••\•n•••• --------1 1111~ Dlfl'thl porta Dlrttt lease and 60 -sin ..., < ran ... ew · ' IMPORTANT mM~ .JUft moa. sensible Prrnts . ...,. t1'62 ~•tool *·!e •ludxorfflrveyitz.4644. NOTJCETO T• Dlllar Q.rt•IMI'( SALE o I • I 2 t 3 o r ~··•••••••••••••••• &*.fMUPll. RUDtRSAND .,,_... """""' 714/MERCEDES ts 213 Cl..+MICOUMTY'S '"" ,. 'piJn.~ER w'ANTED ADVtRtlsps I .. -1 ' • I OSl714/8.T1·2333 MIWnT ' .~====;;---................. ,.._ ...... 3' rt Searay &lndcr NB ::J,,TM.~pr~ceb o l\p1rn1s '1 For Your Carl .. .... is 3tOD bit I ' l Authoritfd W ... .a w-t.am •1r11n: ' ...... flJI md + equity de. Ye ~.. y ven c: e ' • w e n OU I SUBARU DEALER -~~ -"' " ..., 11 the ehk le JQttMSOM&~ I fact. aux. ~ank, air •, Hawill tlclltt ISIO 'tJOlit.S51..f327 ~luailied adve;tlsinai' UN Mir sltteo, cass ..... pb, •1 &•UI pay p>ret im., SldpJatk, open. coJ1&mni dots not in· •T.f:rbor; • • "'4•.87$-tUI · JIOhn. Ka1ntr11, Im· elude 1111 •ppllcable l lllleaa s.• __ ...,.. l 1mec COid. Aak ln& 'toet, U~. tt¥tdet j *5ffa"1orltvd. '15%308L.mtM .. _... _, Sl$,J30,~·-==;::I ~-=·=tC. I zt;;:4111 111!~ • ...., doN6MDta11 ~.Your No_. to tnvel aU 0..r .halt 1111>vtd • '°"' '78 Regal L 1m1ted . ded, pwr everyth1ojC. xlnt coacl. Only $.\200 754 -. '686 ryl. nttds work. hob· by 111vest type S800 BS.5-2791 D. 760 9284 E 0 • L oi ;, oe.111111111 9955 Cecllec 9t I 5 ...................... . ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• '80 Otds Clitlass. Lo M 1 ~nt Cond Full Pwr' & Equip . 17675 830·08!11 644.~ . . . . . .. . ·go Cuti as ii <.:a la ill. 14•8ed. "'hll,t' 111 blu'' ,~,. tot S8000 Mitl'h J. U3·9311. art 5 It M.nd,631·1• ...... HS7 ········~·············· i 1 Runabout. run~ l(C)CICI. ltuiod .~ondlUon. St2j)l1 r.ves, all 5; 30164·44119 ""'*""4 tt70 ... ".._\;... . ....... . ......... ,... UD• --*'la OU ......... D ='..!'!-U!U49&!11 . ... ...,, .. ll*ifted ~...,,... -~ ..... ~.· ., ... ...u.r. ~· ..... -i.';.•-...-.:..:t*f~iiii~=-~•a~yrrr~ii;iliiiEi~ ) • , * • * .... 111111111111 llllY Ml ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Niguel pilot crash-lands at CdM High School PROncTIVE FOAM -Two NeWp<>rt Beach firemen apply a coat or. foam .to sinelP. erutine airplane after emergency ..., .... ~ ........... landing. The craft was landed on varsity basebal1 diamond at Corona del Mar High School. 87 STEVE MARBLE Of tlle DMly,... ,_ A Laguna ~iguel pilot avoided disaster today when ht! landed his sputtering single-engine airplan~ on a Corona del Mar High School baseball fi eld and led his'wife and two young sons safely away froqrthe wreckage. "That's the shortest night I've ever taken," said pilot Carlos Be rnhard, who took off from J ohn Wayn e Airport just minutes before bis bumpy landing at 8:55 a.m. Gordon-Moss,-a junior at the hi g h school -and a second 't>aseman on the school's team, said he ran to the crumpled craft and helped pull one of the children and the pilot's wife from the plane .• "I was walking across th& quad when I saw the plane," explained Moss, a student pilot himself. "I dropped my books and ran toward the field." U.. &aid while Bernhard wu helplng his Wile, he carried one of the children away from the wreck• "in case there was an expJosfOft. '' Bernhard said he was over the ocean when his plane developed engine problems. Oelly~­LANDING SITE Pilot set his small plane down in centerfield of the Corona del Mar High School baseball field. in. Just barely," Bernhard explained. The pilot, his wife MarJene and their two sons. 4:)'ear-old Jerr y and 21-monlh-old Richard. suffered minor cuts and bruises. The family was taken to Hoag Memorial Ho s pital for treatment. 1. ·-tw-cull n -ew budget sessio11 He said he headed back towardi Lh& aiFport lookinc rot-a place to land. He sa.ld it was the first place he saw that be could land his plane. The Laguna Nigu~e+l-mnHa11~~~--. ·Governor reportedly set to.announce .second special meeting on Wednesday "We jus~ barely made it back landed his craft in the center fi eld area of the high school varsity basebaJI field, ripped Out (See FLIGHT, Page Al> SACRAM ENTO (AP) ...:.... Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. will call a second special session of the Legislature to deal with budget deficits, the Sacramento Bee reported today. The special session, like the one that ended last week, will be concurrent with the regular session in progress . The advantage of a special session is. that majority-vote bills can take effect in 90 days, rather than next Jan. 1. The Bee said Bro wn will announce the second special session Wednesday when he briefs lawmakers on the budget situation. Unlike the federal governme n t , the state government cannot print money and is required to have a lnterf aith session focuses· on refugees By J EFF ADLER Of .. Delly ..... ,.... The central moral issue facing Christians and J ews today is the fate of the world's 16 million refugees, those attending an interfaith breakfast in' Newport Beach wrre told Monday. Rabb Marc Tanenbaum, natinonal inter-religious director of the American Jewish Committee, said t he world suffers from an "epidemic of dehumanization" a nd the "power of redemption of lives" lies with adherents to the two faiths. The interfaith breakfut, the largest ever held in Oran~ County, was sponsored by the Ame rican Jewis h Committee, the National Conference of I Christians and J e't's and the I Newport Mesa lrvirie Interfaith Cjuncil. It was held at the i combined St. Mark Presbyterian Cbufch,Shir Ha Ma-Alot Harbor Reform Temple In Newport Beach. Tax limits firm in Mueachusette BOSTON CAP) -Voters ln six llasaachusetla town• b ave · overwbelmlnaly rejected elforta to IOOHD property tax lillllta atabllebecl by PropoelUoD 2~-tn a 1tatewld«I YOte 18 montU aao. · ID elecUon1 Monday In . . Wla~beadoa. Stow, Ho1U1ton · ;Wakefield, FreetowA &JLd , CaatGD. YCUrl refuled to allow tlMlr comlDuD!Uet to aue11 · .......... taae. ln making bis plea for world refugees, Tanenbaum told the story of a refugee be met while on a fact-finding tour of Vietnam and Cambodia, He said the refugee, standing a l o n gside the l eaking, dilapidated boat in which be had escaped,_told o,f his discovery of the da rk side of the human spirit. "It is the-knowledge you are abandoned by the world," Tanenbaum r emembe red the r e fugee saying. The rabbi pointed out that millions or . refugees are in Somalia, Kenya, the Sudan, Ireland, Lebanon, other Middle East countries and Uganda. He called tbe Jewiab and Cbrls\if.P communJtlea in the United S(a~ a "community of conscience" that to1etber C'all help aave tbe lives of many of these threatened peoplea. Quest,ioafMI about the role of Islamic a dbeienta lD tbe interfaith di'alolue, Tanenbaum aald that despite aetbaca, Jew ~ and-chrl1Uan1 bave bHn ''worktn1 qul-.tly to bu lid Telatlombipa" wfth lluaUms ln Ulla country. . 1 DHcrlbed u one of the for~t Jewltb ecumenJcal· leaden lo tbe UnltecS States, Tanenbaum wu the oilly rabbi who attended tbe Vatlcan n council and was a founder ol tbe Joi•t Vatican International . Conlu)t.atlve Committee. la lm, tbe clerpmu wq t••lted to t"• Camp DHlcl 1umadt meetbap to dlH-. tile atate of the natlon from bll • hwl•b ev•pectiv• wltb Prtlldtm'JINI'. .. balanced budget. State Controller Ken Cory is expected to tell tbt' lawmakers that there will be a $200 million deficit in the $25 billion-plus state budget which expires Jwie 30, despite nearly $500 million in budget-salvaging steps taken in the first special session that ended Thursday. Some experts sai.d that if the recession continues unabated, the deficit could climb closer to $500 million. · 'the Bee said Brown was ready to endorse at least two new steps: a severance tax on oil, gas and minerals, and a rewriting of ProPosition 13 to raise new taxes on commercial property. Details on the new commercial tax were not available. Shocker: electric bills to dip?· LOS ANGELES 'CAP> Southern Califom1a Edison Co.' anticipates lower energy costs . t hrough 1982 and proposes sb a rlng the break with consumers by reducing their electric bills an average of $2.32 a month. Howe\>er, the $254 million reduction sugeestlon comes - while the utility collects a $172 'mllllon fuel adjustment approved from January throUlb April, and while it petitions the state Public Utllltiea Commisaion for a tl.2 blWoa increase ertectlve lo January 1983. An Edison apokeaman wbo dectlned to be ldentilled ~alled the Pf'9P08ed rate decrease a . first and denied it WU intended to -defuse critld1m of ill bllllon-4ollar request. "Lota ol tilMI you may tblnk · ••'re clevUilb, but In WI cue I don't think IO," be Hid, DOtinl that fuel price acUuatmata are a · 79•r'1 roatine. State law orden utlllti• to 'pw cMMI" ID IMtr tuel COit.i .to ........ , r The governor dropped a ~ milJion oil severance tax at the last minute before submitting b is 1982·83 budget plan in January. But he said 'it still might be needed if the recession continued, as it has. Other possibilities include a 10 percent across-the-board cut for the last four months of the budget year in state payments to doctors and others who 1>roVllh. de Medi-Cal care, and a tax for e ·first Ume on major healtfi plans such as ~lue Cross, Blue Shield and Kaiser Foundation. William Hamm , the Legislature's nonpartisan fiscal analyst, bas prepared a list of ·possible budget cuts and money transfers totaling $155 milllon. Asse mblyman Ric hard Robinson, D-Santa Ana, who spear h ea d e d the budget-balancing . fight in the first special session, said he bas another bill that would generate $322 million through budget cuta, tax collection speed\ll)s and confiscation or surpluses in some state accounts. CHECKUP -Richard Bernha rd, 21 months. sits in mom ' Marlene Bernhard's lap while paramedic Mike Newburr'v ·examines him following emergency landing at Corona del Mar High School. Jerry Bernhard, 4. looks on. Senate OKs m8jor ~ti-hosing hiU ORAIGf CDAST llATlll ~ . Partly -cloudy tonl1ht. Mostly fair and a little w armer Wednesday .. Local IUt!tY wjnds through Wednesday. Chance of rain near zero tonight and Wednesday. Highs SS to a . overnight lows 45 to 55. ~ • W ASIDNGTON (AP) -The Senate approved by a vote of 57 ·37 t he most s tri ngent .anti-busing le1islation ever approved by either house of Con1reaa today. CriUcs aald the measure poeed a d i rect_ threat to basic con1Ututlonal rt1ht1 and predJcted it would die lo the Ho,.e, which bas ,approved a .weaker veralon ol tbe le1t1lation. "The fi1ht Ii not over," aald Sen. Lowell Welcker, R-Conn., tbe ,..... o1 a 1mall croup o1 Uberalt who ban fouthl the lttillation for nine moatbl until they abudoned the ftlbt lut week. Noaetbele11, today'a vote ·marked a major vlcto_17 for S.ate caaeervatlv• MUllll to retene ••Uoaal po~er OD • nvm~r of 1Mlal ]Han bJ- limiting the power of federal Judges to act on school busing, a bortion, school prayer and other constitutional questions. The Senate bill would aeverely restrict the authority of federal courts and tbe Justice Department to use businc of pupils as a means or achlevln& racial balance in public scboola. As the debate wound down, Sen. Dale Bumpers, D·Ark., condemned the anti-busln1 measure· u "the be&tnninl ol the end of constltutlooal tu•ranteea in thla countryt'' Supporters said the an\1-buatn.1 bUI i1 aeeded to counter tbe • •tyraaaJ of UDeleded courta'' wlaieb _... cbUdrm tranaDOl"t*i H~Ye dlltancM from home to tet.ool .. ......... doela't work," ..... Sen. 8-lett J ...... P.·La., a ta.Ml apw of tMlDW ...... wltit S-. J ... llelml, B·N.C. llilll TlllY The PBS pru~uatolioa tonight of "C arl Sondburg-Echou ond Silnc:es" touclwa "' all '°"' a.critic. Sft Page .47. JlllJ .. . ,, \ 0ra!'89 Coe1t OAILY PtLOT/TUMday, March 2, 1112 I ·~aslil probed . . -·r-;u·challfnges stat~t on tight.ai~ traffic WASHINGTON (AP> -Air ~ .utme at NeUonal Airport ,, .. ~ tl1a.t when Air Florida f'U8bt to cruhed that another Jet wu "touchln1 down on the Hme '""'"A1 even befon lb• ~llll ''" Utt~ alt, lnveat.1,1at.on say. .. Allboulh federel ruulatk>M :irequlre a two-mile aeparaUon between depart.las and amvtn4 plane~, the 1nvuti11t-ora ,~alculauoaa lndlcat• an Eutem ~lrtme. Jet. briefiy 1bared the 1 !z•·foot runway with the Air "7 lorlda plane. :'North-south • transit \ :'lanes ered . The· first public forum on . plans to improve transportation ,systems along north-south corridors in Orange County - including the Newport-Costa Mesa Freeway -will be held tonight at Costa Mes~ City Hal~. The Session organized by the .c o u n t y T r a n s p o r t a ti o n· Commission will begin at 7 p:ln. and is scheduled to last two ~ours. . Two north-south system e t in Orange County : h e Newport-Costa Mesa and Orange freeways. All other major transportation facilities run generally in an east-west configuration, according to 'trans~rta~on analysts. Traffic aJong the two freeways is expected to increase drastically during the next 18 years as population within three miles of them is projected to ,grow by 27 percent and employment is anticipated to grow 29 percent, exp'erts say. ~At tonight's meet~g. eight reliminary options for JDproving the traffic flow will reviewed by stall members of Uie commission and consultants. :then members of the public will ~et a chance to speak on the -.Iternatives. :~ J-eaninne lrahan, c:ommlss1on aide said the options are expe~ted to be reduced to three b y August and a final •commendation will be made to tjle fift.meniber transportation ~miiilis on in November. t. • The options include proposals make on4' smJll chanees ln e IP.t••• othenr:that invo l(xteDdiftC the Oran1e Freeway tp the Pacific Coast Highway or jdding mass tran. sit rail lines to ifte coast along MacArthur ~oulevard and Jamboree Road ' But the Eastern pilot, calculat d that at on• point Lawrence S. JoMI, toda)I load a there wu &eta than one mile National Tranaportati~ Safety 1eparatlon between the two Board hearln1 tbat he was not Jetllnen. • alarmed by the separation. 'The n1urea, whlch showed Jones, a 11-year Eastern Eutern Fllcht 1451 touc·hea veteran, a ck now I e d 1 e d, down on ruf\w•y 36 a1 the Air however, that bis ccr·pllot Florlda plane was still on ltl remarked at one ~lnt, "It looks takeott roll, were baaed ln part. like this ls 1otnc to be cloae." on readinc• from the ru1ht data Sayln1 ..he had landed man)' recordert from both pl•nes. times at the airport, Jones said, The Feder a I Av lat lon "As far as 1 waa concerned. this Adminlatratlon challen1ed the was a proper separation.·• calculaUona today and Francia NTSB investigators .have McAdams, who heads the NTSB inquiry, said the data would be re-examined. The NTSB investigators apd other sources emphasized Monday that no link had been found between the . degree of separation and the accident. which killed 78 people when the Air Florida· jet bit a busy commuter bridge and plunged Into the Potomac River. But one pilot knowledgeable about conditions that prevailed on the snowy Jan. l3 afternoon al National Airport said, "For this type of weather it's extremely close." The pilot asked that bis name not be used. The calculations developed by the NTSB's air traffic control • group show that Eastern Plight ___ 'f -er.. 1451 touched Clown at 31 sec.onds .., • .......,. af_ter 4 p.m. EST on National~KER MUSIC The wtnd section of the L6ndon S\'mphon\' Airport's runway 36. At the. · · same time accordin1 to a rchestra warms up on the fl oor of .the London Stock t ranscript 'or the Flight 9() Exchange in readiness .f~r a concert given later Monda~· cockpit recorder, the Air Florida night for m embe rs and fru~nds._ jet was still struggling to get off the ground at the other end of the runway, having just reached its point of no return. From Page A1 Ltiht tbften that did UU11 more than dampen tb• Oran1e coast late Wonday and early today are expec:t.ed to 1lv1 way to clear 1kle1 and warmer temperaturet by Wednetday. N attonal Weather Service offlclall aald lbe northern cold fronl tliat moved into the county Moocj~ wu expectea to drop at ,least halt an lncb of rain but fell far abort ot that fl1ure. lo ~Ana •. 10 of an lnch fell while rain 1au1e1 in Costa Mesa showed .11 of an inch dropped during the brief storm. Huntiogton 'Beach weather watcher J . Sherman Denny said his gauge measured .11 of an inch of rain, bringing the season total uJ1to 7 .14 inches. ""\. He said last year at this time, 8.21 Inches of rain bad been recorded in Huntington Beach . . ' "I'm afraid the storm's just about over and that's really too bad," Denny lamented. "We ·really have to get with it if we hope to catch up with last year." He said la.st March W.Jlll a wet one. • Weather bureau officials predicted temperatures should drop to about 53 deg~es tonight and reach ·a high o f 68 Wednesday. DEADLY FORCE EXAMINED • • • CHARGED -Angelo Buono s it s in Lo s Angele s cou rtroom lis t e ning to opening arguments in the "Hillside Strangler" case. in which Buono is accused of killing 10 women and girls. FAA spokesman Fred Farrar said that even iC It were found that separation rules were violated the reason could have because of a breach of policy. ·firing from or at moving vehicles unless ln been the inability of Air Florida Like Fountain Vallt.y and Laguna Beach, self-defense or the defense of another officer or Public funds for Schmitz defense hit Flight 90 to gain proper Irvine t)as a wri~ten policy on firing a gun. Such person. The polic.e may not fire at ml.ademeanor acceleration during its takeoff. policies have been revised many times over the suspects or persom under 18 unless they're T~ air controller handbook years, officials say. threatening the life of an officer or other requires that a minimum of a The policy for Irvine and Fountain Valley persons, which such action endan1er1 the life of two. m 1 l e s e par at ion be are similar. Firearms are permitted to be fired others or In cases or crimes a1ai.n5t property. maintained between departiltg in se.l!-defense or when a suspect may cause Above all, Laguna Beach policy repeatedly and "arri vlng aircraft. But serious injury or death, in defense of another states use of deadly force is an option only when Farrar said that as a practical officer or a crime victim , to prevent a crime in "other means have failed." Those rules. and matter controllers are told they which a human life is in serious jeopardy and to others make-La1una Beach's re1ulaliou-• can bring an arriving plane to apprehend a neelng felony suspect who is perhaps the most specific of any la\\' wit.bin two miles "as long as the considered violent and is a threat to use deadly enforcement agency on the Orange Coast. SACRAMENTO <AP l -A departing plane has startt<I its force. "Basically our rules are more restrictive citizens' group is suing lo relieve takeoff roll." Fountain Valley police "generally" prohibit and defined than the California Penal Code," the taxpayers of footing the A report submitted by the the use of warning shots or attention shots said Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell. legal expenses of :.Lale Sen. J ohn NTSB task force's air traffic except to stop an attack by a group of rioters or Indeed , Laguna Beach· also requ~res Schmitz, target of a $10 million control committee concludes for summ6ning aid when other communications mandatory interviews with a psychologist for libel suit. that • •co mpilation and aren't available. Firing a gun from a moving police officers involved in a shooting incident. The group, Citizen Advocates, ext rap o 1 at ion of radar vehicle also is "generally prohibited. "Being involved in i shooting can be a s aid Monday that the use of information indicates" that the "MO$t police officers go through their entire traumatic personal experience," Purcell public~ to_pay for Schmitz's 'separation between Flight 90 career and only pull their triggers once or twice explained. "We found it's better to have a k&aJ ~ls "wasteful and and East.em J:ligbt 1451 came to (on duty)," explained Fountain Valley Police mandatory 'shaJl' policy. unlawful." It asked the less than a mile . Capt. ·Bill DeNisl. "In my 17 years as a "There's a stigma that's placed on any Sacramento County Superior policeman I've fired on two occasions and both officer," he said, of psycholoeical counseling. Court to block payment of the, times to get somebody's attention." "Some caJJ it the macho image of the officer. ~ matfltall .. uit is.relOlved. Se • et Fountain Valley's use of the word He is hesitant or reluctant to come forward to -::S~bmitz wu sued Jan. 22 by rvICeS 8 "generally," however, still leaves open th.e fellow police officers all the way up to the chief Los Ane.eles attorney Gloria· f J option to use firearms. to say that 'I think I need help.' " · Allred for statements contained or VO unteer 'Huntington Beach Police Chief Earle In Irvine. warnjng shots are prohibited and in a press•reJease in which he • Robitaille said his department's deadly forl!e meetings with psychologists are encouraged but 1---11 .. Newport Beach. described her as a "sl.~ic~k~b~u~tc~h~-114~.-l!Tlmr-lHr.~E"lrf'iSnlT~~·~· ~elosel-y follow Galifemia Penal Gede --tntteH:t-tmftit&ftnd&e1t1lr:ee~dr.-. -- law y e1 ess." guidelines. Though not all police agencies agree on the The same release, on the Additionally, warning shots and firing from need for specific rules on the use or deadly ' Not included are separate proposals on whether to modify or complete the Newport-Costa Mesa Freeway to the coast s ta l ione r y of the Sena le Edna Audrea Bowden. a a moving vehicle are prohibited. force, Dr. Arnold Binder. who directed a recent Cons titutional Ame ndments Huntington Beach resident who Robitaille s aid officers who have been UCI study on force, noted Orange County has Committee which Schmitz then was active in many community involved in a shooting are not automatically pioneered innovative law e nforcement chaired, characterized some· organizations, died SundaJ:'.. at . required to meet with a psychologist, though he procedures. highway. · individuals who attended a Pacifica Hospital at age 74. said such aid is al..4ays available. "I would say we have the most progressive statewide series of committee She was a member of the He added that a superior hasMt~e right to police departments in the country," the social Fair seeks talent hearings as ''lesbians" and Huntington Beach Se nio"r order an officer involved in a shooting to obtain ecologist said. "I don't think I'm exaggerating "queer.'' 4 Citizens, a volunteer at the such counseling if it is believed necessary. wpen I say that." The hearihgs were held late Huntington Beach Thrift Shop, a Robitai lle also observed that many The $361,000 UCl research project, funded last year on Schmilz's proposed member of the Lincoln County departments are reluctant lo adopt deadly force by the National Institute of Justice, examined 14 constitutional amendment to ~hapler of the Women 's policies much tougher than the state code metropolitan police departments over a equate abortion with murder. Democratic Party and a past because such policies may expose them to two-year period. · Amateur entertainers are l)eiog sought by the Orange County Fair to perform during the Orange County All-American fair on July 9-18. On Dec. 29, Schmitz was matron of Eastern Star. greater liability in civil suits. Binder noted Orange County was not stripped of his committee Funeral services and burial M !)le Laguna Beach Police Department, included in the research because there were not chairmanship and other Senate will be in Newark, Ohio. restrictions narrow lhe options for use of deadly enough instances of use of deadly force. And he leadersbip posts. The Senate She is survived by her sons, force. said many of the recommendations in the report . Singers, dancers, variety acts ..,d clowns are invited to brush off their top hats and polish their up shoes. later r~primanded him. . Jerry E. Bowden and Devid Warning shots are not permitted under any have already been instituted at county law The Senate Rules Committee' Bowden, both of Ohio; her . circumstances. Officers are prohibited from enforcement agencies . has decided to pay Sc.hmitz's· daughter. Nina Brodrick of legal fees because of what it Bonsall. Calif.; three sisters, , Anyone interested in auditioning can call 751-3247. called an "obliga,tion" to Wi lma Dobbins , Louella ''protect the s tate from StrachenandMildredGearhart; ·liability." and a brother, Jessie Dobbins. Rain dQesn 't stop landlords They wai~ t~ convert SF ~partments to condos SAN FRANCISCO 0 (AP) _: that oversees condominium ·•People are general ly Neither a mighty raiastorm nor conversion. apprehensive about a possible the tedium ef three ~ghts kept After the last application was moratorium on conversion ... the hopeful from waitmg out.side taken ''I announced to the mob real estate is not selling very City Hall for a chance to convert do vnstairs ~ I shouldn't say fast ... most property owners apartments into condominiums. mob, they were very well like to have the option of selling , In a city where modest horn~ organized" that applications for Instead of renting, the value of in ordinary neighborhoods sell another 1,500 units would be property goes up ... and it's for $150,000, standing in line for given out on a stand-by basis, easier to get a loan,·• Wong said. more than 60 hours wH a small 'Vong said. Judy H~wthorne, who arriv~ price for some to pay for a shot Since many permits issued in at 5 p.m. Friday and earned first at getting a condominium .J .. '!vious years have not been place on line, said s he was conversion permit in 1983. 'utilized, more units mlght be offered $25,000 for her spot. She By 10 a.m. Monday, the 46th p e rm i l t e d to become kept it. person in a line snaklog in the condominiums in 1983, Wong "I'm standing by to stand by," rotunda ol City Hall bad signed said. said Joan Crowley, who just· up for an application for the last "In 1980 it took four weeks to moved here from New York. of 1,000 units -the maximum fill 1,000 and another four weeks Jn line since 9 p.m. Sunday, number ot apartments that can to gel 1,000 for stand·by. 'Ibis. her number was 85. She said it w converted in a year, said Ray year we got 2,500 in five hours," was well worth her while to keep JVong, chief of the cfty office Wong said. reading a paJjerback novel, wait lor a chance to register and hope ~ ORAHOE.COAST · Illy Piiat Thona1 P .. Haley I .._..... ... ~ fa«lll ... Oftic.< ~ Robert N. Weed ,,_.. Thonas A. Murphlne ..... L K8Y Schultz ............ .. 0o-.11~ 1 Md'99I P. Harvey ......,..,.,_ twwiecn N. Goddard Jr, ~-Chlrtll H. LOOI ....... ..., MAIN~ •wne a.ya., C-. Meu, CA. ,...,..._:._1.,...c_-...c._,.. that those well in front of her might later decide not to convert or fail to quaUly. • Ms. Crowley, who owns a two-unit house, says lt 'mules sense to permit condominJum convenloo. .. U I sell'· Lnatead of rent, "I · iet a bil chunk . . . There are ~<._....._,. .... c. .. -...c.i.._... all these bll housea In San ..+fiNi~=~~"" '¥utr1tr.M.n-.... Franci1co. People don't have --· 1 , 1eryant.a anymore, marri.ates are breakil\I llp, bealln1 bUla are enormoua." · And, the 'aa.kl, "the ell)' would set more real esta~ tlixea." Durins tbe weekend. tbole waltint lnooeed ln lleeplne ball or aat ill. M.acta cbllU -aa4 chatted with Mw-found fri-.la . • ' It's dllllcull to II.now where to begin to tell you about my ·tates1 gemological experience. I 1ust spent a wonderfully exci'ting l our daya in Los Angeles! Well. I know that begins to sound doubtful right away ... but let me explain. The Gemological Institute of Amer ic a 1s currently celebrating its 50th anniv8fSa1Y and sponsored the first International Gemologlcal Symp osium. All the top luminane&. of the gem and mineral field were invited to present papers on subjects of their e)(pertlse . lltty·hve ol the brightest minds tn the gem world holding forth on their favorite subjects. What an I ncred i bly w onderf ul opportunity for the 700 participants from 32 different countries I While It wasn't poMlble to - hear tJjf fifty-five presentations . .. sometimes there were three aesslons running concurrently . .. It was possible by ca'htfully organizing one's time to work In twenty-six of them ..• end I did! Many of the scheduled 199lkerl were friends of mine IO I pMMd thOM and w.nt to hear onaa fhat are leas • avali.t>t. to me under orttlnwy circumstances , .. lh<>M from ·Kenya. "Tokyo, Ruula, Waat Germ,ny, Switzerland, England, Auatralla. Brazil, SOut.h Africa. Cenada. and the Nalherlanda. I'm aura th• gener.i public would recognize aoma of the lamout nemee . " . Carrolll Chatham, Benjamin ZucMr. Edward Tiffany. John SlnMnkM, o.r.ld Rothchild, George Kaplan. E~ward Out>elln, end Dr. Archie @ EiEM WISE Kalokennos. These have authored books that hav popular readership among 'non- profeaaionals who enjoy gem eutljec:ta. In that four days I gathered lots of material that I can ahate with you In many. many future Gem 'NIM columns. It~ a great learning and sharing expertence Tor alt who llltended. My contribution was my black opal pendant wtuch I wore to alt lhe social events. I especially enjoy wearing It when I know I'm going to be in the oompany of people who recognize its unlquene99 and 8P9f'&Clate Ila ,..,. beeuty. At lhe dlnner·danoe Ill the L.A. MuMUm of Netural Hititory I met Dr. KAllok.erin•. author of '.'In Search of Opal" and, "Australian Precioua Opel." Hla f1IC8 tit up when he aaw tM pendant and ha aald "Ah. superb, SUPERB! It 8houtd be In a muNUml" I lotd him thel maybe ~. but fOf the pretenl I enjoy weerlng and ahaling It with the ope! '°"'9 among my frlende. I _,,., him that It la caralull1 prot.ded In a bet* Yallt mo9l of the time and I only t.ke It out on WlfY ..,.alal oc:caa6oN. Dr. l<ltlokertno. eecorted me to the guarded ro~ thet ~ lhl Hlaton geftl .... at the w.,~ oomP9"id "'f .,... opel ID lht Of"9 In that dlaplay and we '°'" ~ .. tMftnlll"lft- you think I'm ~ • _. • ..., ""bleck -........... . noWIWf'TNl•-.... 11• ................. have MIN "'Y nlOI .... jeWllry In tM ltOf'I ... -.. • &'tlllll>'w .•• OMl9 ... .............. HAPPY 90TH Actor William Demar est t center I is feted on his 90th birthd ay during his 10th annua l golf tournam ent m Palm Springs by form er presid ent Ger ald For d <left > ttn<I T\' ho~t Jack Barry '1looney developing. I owa project Actor Mickey Rooney, who says he ha·s had a long love a ffair with the state of Iowa. is joining his Des Moines bu s in ess partner i n d evel o p i n g a fami l y recr eation complt'X in the southern part of the state. "I fell in love with Iowa. and I've been in and out of the s tate. unnoticed, ov~r the past 30 years:· Rooney said. "I feel so at home in Iowa A 1 rorthcommg hiol,!raphy or Lyndon Johnson s ays the· 36th prestdent insis ted that the Holy Ghost \'1S1ted him d uring the earl) mo'rning hours when he r<.·<.·c1ved his ,daily Vietnam briefings. Jn the two volume work. ''The Politician," the author. Nancy Reag:.in's ·'cliu~t" patronizing of the fash111n industry sets a poor example . for women of lesser means. sa ys Joan Mondale>, wife of fo r mer Vice Pr<'sidcnt Walter Mondalf'. M rs . MondalC' told reporters after a -.pccrh to the American t\<,soe1ation of School Adm1n1strators in New Orleans th CJ I the first The people are wonderful. .. R ooney and ·Ric bard L. Davis Sr. sa i d th ey pu rch ased the Southfork Mar ina on Lake Rathbun at a public sate for $335,000. They said t hey pl an to invest another $200,000 to add 20 log cabin)'. a swimming pool, a r est aur ant with a d ance a r ea. a c hild re n 's playground and shuffle boar-0 and horseshoe courts. T exas Obser ver m agazine editor Ronnie Dugger, writes that LBJ asked one or his ambassadors if he thought God was making ea rthly v1s1ts When the unidentified ambassador said no , Dugger says, the president related his spiritual encounters. lady's s upport or designers is "great for fashjon , but it bas pretty limited appeal." ··How many people a r e there who can afford to go out and buy a $1.000 dress7 " she s aid. Last month. however. Mrs. Rea_gan said she had decided to s top accepting th e designer dresses. The royal couple arrived at London11 Heathrow Atrport on a commercial a lrlloer, landlOI In heavy foa wblch forced several other ffilbtl not equipped with a blind landing system t.o divert or watt untfl the weather cleared. The 20-year-old Diana, who l• expecting a baby In June, wore. a• blue and white glngham smock and an1ora jacket. Her bl<>nd hiir was deeply bleached by the sun. A group of Churches of • Christ in far wes tern Kentucky issued a public challepge to astronomer Cart Sagan to debate the topic or cre ati o nism ver s u s evolution. Sagan, 'however, says be h as n o time fo r s uch ··pseudo.science.·· The challenge was issued in a full page ad vertisement i n T he P a d uca h S un nt;wspaper. Sponsored by 23 Churches of Christ, the advertisement Qegi ns, "We c h all e nge evolutionists to engage in a fo u r ·night, publ ic, o r al debate on the question of t he ultimate origin or human beings." P o rtug u ese Pre m ier Francisco Pinto Balsemao ~aid that Pope J ohn Paul II confir med h e will visit Portugal on May 13. The visit to the famous shr ine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima is to occur on the first <Jnniversary of the attempt on the pope's life T he na me of P a lom ar Airport at Carlsbad i~ being c h ange d t o M cC l e l · p n ·P alo ma r A i rp o rt in honor or the late Gerald C. Mc Clellan, who pl ayed a major role in establishing the field Sa n Diego Co unt y s upervisor s a pproved the change Warme r days due S rrwg '·'~ ... I Ora"91 Cout DAIL. Y PIL.OT/TuNdey, March a, 1112 ,.,, Moos e, senior~ .f:rie nll . . New car.pet at Mesa. hall smoothes 'r uffled featliers A dllputt over 1 1blbb)' p6ece of carpet· that led memben ol tbt llooae Lod1e to Iott the door• ol lt.t Costa Mesa hall to a senior cltben hot hmcb pro1nm has been settled. All the problems that peaked last month when a $$ million laws uit was tiled a1ainst the lodge have been ~wept und.,r the rug, &o to speak. Everyone seems happy again. Newpo rt B ay bri dgework near fi nish ? The Pacific Coast Hi gtlway bridge over Newport Bay could be completed in eight ~e~ks -if it doesn't rain. ""'\ Dennis Stellenbe rg, structure sup,erintendent for the Kaster Corp., contractor ror the $8.9 million project, said that, if the weather remains d ry . ttlree lanes now closed to traffic will be opened in three weeks and bridge const ruction will be complete in eight weeks. Workers now are resurfacing the three traffi c lanes soon to be opened, he said. 'Then, construction crews will focus on completing the bridge's median strip, to be built out of red concret e cobblestone. and the turning lane, Stellcnberg said. I and th41.Y can thank Rorer Al'°n for their 1ucce11. Aiton owna the Carpet Barn In Costa Men. He donated 145 yurcts of plush nylon carpet to the lod&e lu~t week, a Uowl.oi· orrtclols to te ar out the old carpet and purge their problems with the seniors at the same time. "He went out of his way to he lp us," said Moose lodge 11e~retary Dan Reddick. "He told us to come on down to the s tore and pick out anything we wanted." Thin1s we ren't always I °' e asy, howe ve r . In fa~t the conflict between tbe loyal 0fder of Moose Lodge No. 1457 and offi c ial s from tb e Trans portation Lunch and Counse li n g pro1ra m got downright dirty. It betan J an. 13 when TLC workers attempted to move re frigerators, a dis hwasher, microwave ove~tables, chalu, s ilverware a'nd fil es to a new locaUon at Rea Middle Sc hool in Costa Mesa. Moose lodge members refused . equipment only after ~n Orankt ,County Superior CO'utt 1 Judi• .ordered them to. • · But while th'e re('urn•it equipment enabled t~ bot lunt~ program to get baek lo 'normal, It left lodge memt>ef't ~ool1n1 their heels on a u am-sp,it carpet. In stepP.e<f, Aston~· • -l The J3..year·old Costa Medn explained that he wanted t o donate t he new rug to help e~d t he dispute between the lodie and the senjor citizen group. "My grandmother goes to a simila r senipr proCJ'Q\jio N., Mexico," said Astf>n: ~·tr stile didn't have that l don't know where she'd be. l just wanted !o do something." . i • Shirley Cohen , director of TL . said s he hopes the attorneys f~ t he lodge and lhe.JCO\ Jun program c an co rn ~ •to agreement to end the ss-milllon lawsuit. "It was really lef'rific ·or ~e carpet people," said Ms. -Cohen. .. E verything is going really fine. The seniors seem reaJ happy." to s urrender the equipment until Bomb threat hoax' a carpet installed by TLC two years ago was replaced. What followed was a series of c harges and counter c harges .that left the relationship between the lodge and TLC as worn as the tom, shabby carpet under dis pute. T LC filed a S5 million lawsuit against t he lodge. And Moose lodge members returned the S AN D I EGO CAP ) .l.. P assenger s o n a We's t e rh Air lines flight for Las Veg~ were two hours la te departin\t after authorities emptied the plane in response to a born~ t hreat, a spokeswoman for the airline s<Jid. No bomb WJS foun¥ in the Saturday incideol. l\ Coasta f "P A.Ir Ouelily M•n•Q•m~nt 9 11t •t t "*'7 f>t'~O~<ted Q10o.:L.£.LL---~mlJJlt-~~~-~...,d_=-f~~:tl.h~:.......::;_1r-Quahty tn •II are~H of tlw South Coeist Air 6,es;1n tor too.tv wit,,• Pollution Partly clouc:IY 1on1g111 ""° mos11. '>Mndard 11'\df'• of•' fair and • 1111~ w•r...w• Wf'd.,.,\d•Y ----------Loc•I ousty WH1 lo nor1''lWl'\I wind\ IS lo 2S mp!\ 111rouo11 W tON'\Oh Chan<• of r•ln rw•r lf'ro ton1qru •M W4'Clnesoav Co•st•I lllgh i.s WHIM \d•~ ov•rnlg1111-•S Wat"' ~ l11ltnd high •• W•Ont•0" 1 ovttnlgN •-ss Ehe'#herft, liQh\ vdr•dbt .. w1na• 1ont9111 WMt~r•v •wtll• 1 1~ l lf~I F•lr wit~ lfQht Yart"bl,. w •n(j'\ lontghl U.S. summary Ar c tic •Ir brought blllfr tempt1•tures and \now "to f!lforHt 0 111011 ..., .. stem MonfllM tod<ly es • mhrture Of trttti"q rein, •l•~t 1no •now sw"P! 1.,10 ttw <Ml••• third of Soutll 01kol1. 111~ N111on11 Wu1h1r Servke wiO Ctoudy ~.-,ft"; r-atn ano 'now d omln11eo Ille •••• we.i o• Ille llock lu ....... v•••·forc. wind• pounoeel the COHI of Or"90" Ci.veil llto co.,4rt>d tl>e Mtnln•PP• Velley f'hroufll 1111 Gr.at Laktt re<11on 1...i 1111, llortllorn Ohio Valley to th• "°"llern Atta"llc Coast •tetu 5<11tert>d SllOW '"'"""" ootteo 1111 -r MIHIHlppl Valley muc:n Of New Encillno -New York '1111• 5<11tertd r.in-• demoen..i '"" cenlret lllgll Plains, 1no clouot coureo Ille c.entrll 1nd •oulllern Plelfls Sl<lff ~ _ .... ., CIHr from"" tower ...a mid M~tlH•~ V 1110 lo the Allen lie Co"'t Temper.iurH •round tlle Miion .. riv !Oday renged from 1ero •t l1111r.,1tlonel Fa111. Minn , to 68 In Ko Wen, Fla. ,. California Alter a tl9hl 1torm !Mt trl-uo • rnll ol ftnOer·bendlftO k tldtnh. slllu were u .,..:110 .to ciur b't' tonight, with drY -.11""r 11 1 .. i.1 tllrougll t1'I --· tne Neuon11 WHli..t Servk1 Mid. f'ore<•I.,. 8otl W.11\11< wlCI )lie rell\ 11111 be91n Monclly dropped _, --"'Of.., lncJI of r•ln on ~1 Of tM i.... A...,.._ blstr• eno 1 lltlle "'°" '"""-· W•l>ller said t ltet for II•• JYly•tO-J UN .. ton, S T7 ln<lll' Of relll ,...,,. .,..,, r-ecord9d, compared to •,» lllchft lest ~· HerM•I, 11e Mid, 1,t 10.Jt In( ..... Temp.,1111res 111011111 •nr•g• """' ,,, ... '°" ond lowt lft , ... 40s •llf '°9 OYer -t of IM ,.OIOI\ tll••U91t W-soey, ,.1111 clltllter 64!)rl Ill Ille 40s -nlgllls In ,,._ willor IOJ ond -10\ at mountell\ -.•-wntaselcl • .,.hly,...o .... ..., .......... 4 ~·'•tdrf II~ 00 ~ ,,_ """-bv~300"' ~·~·' .. JI> ...., _ ClllQr ........ ~" ..._, -S..ndt) II l'O<I OU 1'111 ,_.... ~ ~ 11y r '"' wit ._..10 1111 Mdrou•~""~"' ._.. . ! Te111pe ra lures HI l.O Pep Atbanv JJ 1J 10 AlbUQUP ~s •• I 4tna•illo H 4q ~ .4t1(."°""QIP" 1S • ., "'°""VlllP S1 11 QS1 • -Allaata 38 JS ' Atlante C..t'r' •• JS c:mrn ---6••fl"10ff' so lO '\_ 81rm1n9•m S1 37 81s.marc.,_ 11 • OS 9CMW H l8 ,. Boston )4 ,. " Ptt•nll, Ore S6 •l lO LonQ &Mc.II Brown~¥1t~ 71 37 R•Pld (II'( ., t2 OI Monrovia u S7 CM Bulla to ~ ll 01 · Atno ., SJ ·°" Charl•tn SC ., 37 S6 ,. . OS Mt. Wiison •6 ,. 12 cnartstnWV )1 S.lt L•ke SI ... Nt WC>On 8M<ll u SS SI St•l111 St " ,3J Ot11arlo • c,,.n,.,,. 51 .0 Sl Louis 62 •S 6S 60 Chicago « JI .2• St P·Ta,,_ u 33 Petm Springs 11 S.t Clnc1nn.i1 SS a SI Ste Mari. ,. 3 10 :::::s~:;: t.o .., 10 Ctev~l•nd ., ll Sool<•fte so ,, 40 Sin B~rnardlno SI so CotumbuS S2 37 TucM>n II SI 60 so Oll-J' l-W"°> u .. Tiil\• ,, S1 ~nJose •J S7 ,J6 O.nv•r "° 31 WHllfftOll\ SI JJ S•nt• Ana 71 SS .OJ Ou Mo•n<n S• JS S•nta '''" SI S6 '° Detroit •O lO Wl<hlt• 67 SJ T •-v allev •1 )lo Oututh 21 J El Paso 73 .. PAN AMElllCAN s=-a1rben11~ 12 ·1S CAl.IFOllNIA Aupulco 'IO n Hullorcl JS 2S B1u ,.ue1c:1 67 SS 11 8arb•doi " 10 oe Helen• •• 23 Blythe • 13 a~rmud• .. " 16 Hot101V1u 11 ., Euro• "° 0 tO Bogota .. Hout Ion .. 53 Fnt1no S7 u J6 Cur•cao .. 17 lndMpll• SJ J6 LaM•tlttr S1 •S 10 ,rffPof1 .. J.a< l<Vlvlle 61 • LOS Aft9elft 6S SI O' Guad•l•11r• ., .. JUM•U ,, fl M1rylvltle s• Sl Gu_,_ .. " IC ant City .. SI Mon .. ,..., "° -HA¥•M ... ,, Las Veoes 70 so N-1 .. ,. Kl'IQlton .. .. Lollle llocl< ., ,. 01111 ... 0 62 S6 MonllooBev ... .. 1.oul•vllle ,, • Peto lloblts SI S2 .'5 Mlrellln II st MtmPllit u ., Red Bluff st so ... Merld• 11 .. Mt amt IO SI lleCIWOOd Cl1v "° S6 .II Me •l<o Cltv ; .. " .12 Mllweuke. ,. l6 .01 S.Cremenlo SI St 1.11 Monterrev ,, so Mp!$ SIP 21 ,. .03 Sall nu SI « .JO N•H•U 12 " NHllVTlle " •• s... of100 " SS .OJ 'Siii\ JU., ., n New Ort~.ans •1 " Sit\ Fr enc IKo SI $3 .. TttwclQl!t)ot 11 " New Yori< " 37 Slnle Bertaera SI S4 .• «> Trlnldecl .. 10 oe Nono" ... JJ S...tlMM!e ,. -v .... cria 73 .. Oll• Cll• 70 50 Slocllllln SS SI Om•ll• SI ,.. T!term11 11 -CANADA O,,•ndo .. ., Ukltll S9 -Clloery II ·S Phlladpl\NI •• 30 89"11_ 10 S1 Edmon Ion • -4 P-nl• 71 .. .., . ...... u • Mol\trHI ,, 10 Pfthburgh "' 31 Bltllelt 61 so Ott1w1 11 • Ptl•nd,~ . 31 11 .u Cltlll"' ., SI R90lne 1 0 TorOllto u 10 -• WlnnlllOQ 10 .. Ticks TOOAV •lilllilljiilliliiliiia.;~---------· S.COt\d lO" t 10I p.m. U WIDlltUOAV .... ... 9Nelt .... Miii Z.um• J • S.nt•Mon~ 1 • Newport 2 • , If ~Dle9o~ 2 • "· Diil_ tor...,......r· 1nc,_tn.wrt•~· ............ Ayt IMa OW ' , w 2 I W J l "' • 1 .,, We're f istenlng ••• FlrJl lllllfl 2:.st1.m. 4.t First low 10:4' e.m. O.J SlcOlldlllQll S:4'p.tn. U SKOlld ._ t :4'p.m. u $111\ rltH 6:20 1.m ~.,. Mts 5:51 j>.M. ,,__ MU t:t1 I .Ill. -Wly, rltet IT:Ue.m. • Wbat do you Uke about the Daily Piiot'> What don'.( you like? Call the number below and your mn111• wlll be' recorded, Lra nscribed and delivered lo the appr@s>rlate editor . The same 24·hour answering service may be usedi\o record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox conlribulora/mu1t Include • their n-me and telephone number ror verification. No circulation caJl1. please. Teti lJJ what's on you,. mlnd. ON SAFE 'GROUND Pi lot Carlos Bernhar d of La~una '.'ii.1wel dc!-.cribcs bu mp~· landing to officer Rirk Aradll·\ of :'l:c•\\'port lkac·h Delly l'llot ,._'°I a k MMI 1tM1ti.r Police Depar t ment following incident th i~, m orning at Corona de l Mar High School .. •) From Page A1 FLIGHT. • • a fence and carved a trench down the lhird baseline before sla !l'ming mlo a dugout The fi eld was to be the site of a h igh school baseball game today . It was unc lea r. this morning whether the ga'me would be played . "I guess the game will be canceled.'' said Moss. "Tl's ltind of a bummer when you have a plane sitting in your dugout.·· Ne wport Beach fi re m en spr ayed down the c rippled airplane w;th a thick white foam to contain the gasoltne that was • leaking from the wreckage Bernhard, who was standing on the ball diamond t a king pict ures or his c runched plane, s aid he didn't panic . "N o r eal pro ble m s - ever ything's okay," he kept repeating. admitting he didn't recall s lamming through the. fence. He said he didn't lower his l anding gear and had little problem keeping his cr aft from flipping over as H did a belly ride through the ball field's inrield. .. ' .. ' ·I In ve s ti gat ors f rom th1 Federal A viatwn Adm inistralion wer e s ummoned to the highi school to study the airplane LO det e rmine wha t we nt wron~ with the craft. -· "I've been fl ying for 3(} years," u id Bernhard, "and this is my first accident. I trus~ it will be my ~ast." ' Moss said from his own flying! experiences, Bernhard 1Ha1de a good landing. .i "It was ~xcellenl ," ·the. yo~ student pilot said. '·'A. little fest maybe. but perfect oth than that." I' Tax increases nixed ~ Reagan !e~ists 'Potomac_pessimists' budget Il!oy~s 1! CHEYENNE, Wyo. CAP> - President Reacan turned aside calls to r aise taxes a nd cul d~f ense spending today and promised that his economic program "wlU guide our country out or this dark· tunnel of recession and decline." Faced with a growing list of congressional propos als lo revise his big-deficlt budget, Reagan said W ashington "seems paralyzed by h andwringers," and derided critics as "pesslmist.s on the Potomac." The president said he is open lo s uggesUons to cat the deficit, particularly propoaals to reduce federal spending. ''But as the volume of voices rises In debate, there is one thing I want to make very clear: my commitment to ~utting taxes and rebuilding our defenses is every bit as stron1 today as it wu the day I took office. There must be no retreat In these areas, .. Reagan declaJ'ffl. T,,e president sgoke at a Republican fun -raising reception for Sen. Malcolm Wallop, R·Wyo., who l1 facln1 rt-election this year. Later. ln Albuque~que, Rea1an said the admlnl1tr1t.lon was willing to cons ider any compre hensive alte rnalive proposed by Congress "as long as it does not compromise fundamentals of our tax program." th~ . cut \1 ',\ Mission Viejo .. Co ... ' aids Music Centei:.i {\ •l 1, ~·1 .. , ,, The Mission Viejo Co. baa pledged $100,000 toward the construcUon of the future ~ million Orange County Music Center in Costa Mesa, il was announced Monday. The gift from t he Southern California development firm and its parent compan y , P.hlllp Morris lnc., br.ln1s to $20.7 million, the total bumber or contributions raised toward the con&tn.tction and endowment of a maln 3,000-seat theater and a 1,000-seat theater to be built near South Coast Plaza. "We are eitt.remety pleuea \o receive lhla lead erablp commitment and tr\llt that lt wlll be the firlt of many from buslne1se1 In the southern portion of the ffUntJ,'' uld Henry S.,.ntrom, m"'6e ~ trustee chairman. HJ Music Center omci•ls plan tij' build the perfot'l:nlng art,~ complex on five acres or Ian donated by the . Segeutro .family at Park Cen~er Pri\'.f S u nflower Avenue tn Sout Coast Plllla Towq •.Cei... or Bristol Street and the S,n~e1 treeway. . 4 ·'For two de.cad~• o ur company has been nouria~td by the creativity, vitality· and diversity or Orange County," said Philip Reilly, pres1dent of Mission Viejo Co. "We are pleased ~ have the opportunity to join wlt"b other corporate cltiaens 1ocr the community at large in"lhla effort lA> provide a focal point re.-the cultural life of our COWl\1 " he added. Groundbre~~ for eem~-ir,'a · to -rmir lD July. .. I I Orange c'out DAILY PIL6T/Tultday, March 2, 1'82 - am11raign sta~ed Y3. draft resisters ASRf NGTON CAP> - U·draft lfOUpa announced a ouQter· lnti mid a lion•· palp Monday to combat ernment efforts to 1et young n to re1lst.er with Selective vice. he announcement from the mlttee Alalnst Realstration . the Draft (CARO), which cribel itaell as a. coallton of anti-draft organizations, eomes a day after the expiration =the srace period for young n to reciat.er without fear of secutJon. .Ye~suela euts erude oil price NEW YORK (AP> Venezuela has reduced the price ol lts lower-quality crude oil by -..50 a barrel and Great Britain if1 on the verge or cutting its P,dce for the second time this Y,ear, industry sources say. Monday 's developments underscored a trend in oil prices. £hina warm V .S. 'On Taiwan d e als PEKING (AP) -China ~arned the United States today Jt:'ls "preparing for the worst;• in ' Si'ho·U.S. relations if the Reagan administration ins is t s on l~hg-term arms sales to Taiwan. 1• It was a strong hint that the t;!binese government might reduce the level of diplomatic relations between the two c\luntries, as it did last year with the Netherlands because the !>utch government agreed to the !illle or two submarines to the 1'lationallst Chinese government dn Taiwan. £hapman breab . 26-day fast :'4ARCY, N. Y. CAP> -The i~nfessed killer of former Beaue qhn Lennon voluntarily broke a 6-day f'ast about 40 minutes aiter he learned of a court order authorizing doctors to force-feed lim, officials said. ! Mark David Chapman be~an taking Uquid nutrients alter -be saw a copy of an order iNued Monday by State Supreme Court j J ustice John R. Tenney. Soviet. promiae Poland aid boo•t MOSCOW (AP) -Soviet leaders assured Polish Premier Wojciech Jaruzelski that \be Kremlin will step up economic aid lo hls martial law regime, official Soviet sources said today. The sources, who asked not to be identified, said President Leonid I. Brezhnev and Premier Nikolai A. Tikhonov told Jaruzelski during two days of talks here that Moscow will provide Warsaw with more aid than had been agreed to only two months ago. Tass flay1 V.S. onAtlanta trial MOSCOW CAP ) -The official Soviet news agency called the • trial 'that convicted Wayne B. Williams of two murders a farce and claimed Atlanta ·s black community fears "new bloody sallies of racist murders." Atlanta authorities .. are in a hurry to stop an investigation into the atrocious murders of 28 black youths, .. Tass news agency said today. • Salvador rebe l11 trappe d on hill SAN SALVADOR, E l Salvador (AP) -El Salvador's defense . minis ter says government troops have trapped hundreds of leftist guerrillas along the slopes of a volcano during the past week and have killed 12% of them . "The s ubversives are de spe rate and t h ey are defending themselves as best they can, but I can assure you that they are trapped ." Gen. Jose Guillermo Garcia told reporters Monday. -~-......... CAPTURED -Passengers on board United Air Lines Flight 674 subdue a man a rmed with a bottle of liquid who was yelling "Cuba. Cuba" in this dramatic photo taken by another passenger. Two die in violent smashup in Tijuana TIJUANA, Mexico <AP ) - Speeding at 70 miles an hour, a c ar went out or control in Tijuana's busy tourist district. killing two people and injuring 11 others, police say. Authorities said several of the injured were in crit.icaJ condition today. Called one or the city's worst a u tomobile accidents, the tragedy occurred Monday along Avenida Revolucion, where Lbousands of tourists shop daily in this border city. . "It was just carnage," said Charles Walll-man , a retiree from San Clemente . who witnessed the crash. Bodies were covered with colorful Mexican blankets as ambulances worked in relays to cart the injured to hospitals. Ernesto Vizcaino, commander of the Tijuana municipal police, s a id the driver of the automobile. identified as Alfonso Grajeda, 20, of Tijuana. will be cha r ge d with vehicular homicide, drunk driviog and property destruction. The northbound car first slammed into a power pole then careened down a ~rowded sidewalk, bowling over benches and mowing down pedestrians, Vizcaino sai d . Several storefronts suffered damage. One witness. Juan Jose Gomez, 29, a San Diego cab driver. described the .scene as . "bodies and-shoes lying all over the place." The accident occurred about 1:30 p.m. at Third Street and Revolucion. One of the dead was identified as Enrique Herrera, 54 , of Tijuana. The other victim was not immediately identified. presents . J Hija~~ foiled J ·b~ passengeri • MIAMI CAP) -Pa11enaera on a Jet that bad landed 1n Miamt uld they wore puttln1 on a -c~r'ade to convince a would·be hijacker the plane was in CUba when a burly auto racer awoke from a nap, sized up the scene and bowled the man over . The burly passenger and the captain of United Airlines Fli1ht 17-4 wrestled the man to the noor of the Boeing 727 jetliner at Miami International Airport and the passenger, John Celestin of Chicago, held him in a headlock until he "turned blue." Guillermo Lazaro Major·Oiaz, a 23-year·old Cuban native, wu arrested by FBI agents and charged with air piracx and using a weapon in the commission of a fe lo ny, authorities said. "I didn't have time to be ' s'cared," said Celestin , who was credit ed with ending the hlja~king attempt. "But now I'm shaking." Major-Diaz was allegedly carrying a bottle of clear liquid that he threatened to ignite with a pocket lighter unless the Chi c ago-to-Miami flight , carryl.,,g 9'l passengers and nlne crew members, was diverted to Havana. authorities said . He shouted "Cuba! Cuba!" and told passengers he wanted to visit his family after the death of his mother on Sunday. Passengers said the captain deliberately flew the plane south of Miami to the Florida Keys in an effort to make the hijacker believe the plane was headed for Havana. Instead, the plane actually circled back to Miami. The jet landed at Miami International Airport at 11 :50 p.m., about 45 minutes after the would·be hijacker announced he wanted to go to Cuba. said United spokesman Mik~ Beirne. The plane's emergency escape chutes were extended and about 20 passengers escaped, Beirne said. en-1be .captain headed back to talk to the hijacker. Celestin, a bearded six-footer who was dressed in a three-piece suit, said he was awakened by other passengers clapping their -hands and chanting, "Cuba! Cuba!" The passengers were trying lo convince the hijacker U.e plane had landed to Havana. Cel•Un said. ,. PaHeneer Joyce Wilson of Miam\. said she believed the hoax WAI a SUCCHI aod that Major-Diaz believed be wu ln Havana. But witnesses sai d Major-Dlai, possibly having seen the emergency chutes, ~ried to light a napkin stuck in the bottle. "I saw he didn't have a fun, so I rushed hlm," Celestin said. ·'He just crumbled when I hit him." Celestin said he held the man untH he "turned blue." ·'I was try ins to break his neck." be said. Beirne said the unidentified captain acted properly. ''He's in charge of that flight and takes responsibility for what happens. He just decided this was the thing to do." Beirne said. Cancer claims tnunpeter Charlie Spivak GREENVILLE, S.C. <AP> - Big Band-era trumpeter Charlie Spivak has died at the age of 75. Spivak, whose theme song was ''Stardreams," died of cancer at his home outside Caesar 's Head. near the North Carolina border. Born in Kiev, the Ukraine, on Feb. 17, 1907, Spi vak came to the United States when he was 3. Raised in New Haven, Conn .. he began playing the trumpet when he was 16. Spivak gained fame as a sideman in the bands of Tommy an d Jimmy Dor sey, Jack Teagarden, Ray Noble, Bob Crosby and Ben Pollack. He later toured the nation with his own band. In the 1920s-he played with Pollack's band in 1935. That led to Dorsey band in 1935. That led to ·a job with Noble's U.S. Band. Spivak's dream of starting his own band was realized in 1941 . with the aid of Glenn Miller. whom Spivak c alled h~ "guardian angel." Resear.chers must djsc.lose f~nances SACRAMENTO <AP> -The 1tate Falr PoUUcal Pracllces Commlulon says University ~ California researchers must disclose their private Cinanclal Interest.a, 'the FPPC's compromise decision on a 4·1 vote Monday was prompted \>Y disclosures of teachers' Involvement in genetic research companies, But UC was sued by California Rural Legal Assistance, which r e presented farm workers opposi n g UC farm mechanization research. It was the first time that state conflict-of-interest laws have been extended to teachers at the elite university. More showers due in north? By The Associ.Jted Press The Pacific storm that whipped across Nor t h ern California Mo.nday moved into the Rocky Mountain states tochy. leavin g in its wake scattered showers that could continue tonight from Monterey to Ukiah. to leave her $194,000 estate to her "adopted family." On a 4·3 rulln1 Monday. the high court reversed a ruling by Los Anaelea Dis trict Court Judie Max Wisot ln favor of Diane Black Rombatia, who had app ealed the 1975 will of Frances Bums Black. ' Mrs. Black, who died in 1977, had left the bulk of her estate to will executor Gene Ray Bouch. bis wife and t.beit two children, with $5,000 going to the National Cat Protection Society. Reagan meeting with bo.ard due · LOS ANGELES <AP) A sch edl4led IO-minute meeting between President Reagan ;uld :the county Board or Supervisors will not violate a California law barring closed-door meetings of elected bodies because no official business is planned. a board spokeswoman said Monday. Reagan was sch eduled to arrive today -a day after First Lady Nancy Reagan's Monday arternoon arrival ..in Southern California. Supervisor Pele Schabarum .announced late last week that Reagan had "slated a private meeting" with board members for Wednesday morning. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Oil lndu•try analyst. rredlcted sharply lower relal · 1ae0Une prtees in the West after three m.Jor oil companies caDCeled price rebate. to selected dealers in favor of acroaa·the·board wholesale price cuts.. , 1 Standard OU Co. or CaWomia, Shell OU Co. and MoblJ OU corp. cited "competlttve •m arket conditions'· in dropping the rebates. c riticized by some dealers as unfair and difficult to obtain. SOCAL said its C hnron division dropped its wholesale . price an average 6 cents a gallon in the Los Angeles area. Shell decreased wholesale pric8' by 7 or 8 cents for all grades sold in the West, and Mobif c ut its wholesale prices 4 to S cents a.., gallon. Hellbert E. Hart, wbo tracks the industry for stock brokers, predicted on Montlay that other major companies would follow the price cuts and that those would be passed to motorists as retailers struggle to offset declining gasoline demand. Steve Shelton, president of the Southern California Service Station Association, called the rebates' demise "the first good news on pricing in a long time." Lower wholesale prices should trans late into smalle r pump price differ ences between gasoline grades and possibly gas wars between major-brand s tati ons and traditionally cheaper independents, he said. • 0 0renge Coat DAIL y PILOT/'fuetd1y, March 2, 1882 • H/F • "' INVITIS NANCY Shannon Campbell, 15, of La Verne. wrott! to First ·Lady Nancy Reagan inviting her to visit Los Angeles Children 's Hosp i ta I w h ere M iss .C a m p b c I I r e c e i v e s treatments ror leukemia. Mrs. Reagan accepted the invitation. Court date slated for TV's Carson BEVERLY HILLS (AP) "Tonight Show'' host Johnny Carson has been ordered to appear in court March 23 in connection with a drunk driving arrest last weekend, police said Monday. "But I wouldn't put much faith in that <the court date> because that kind of thing normally gel'> delayed and delayed." Lt. Russ Olsen s;tid. Capitol ~alapa~l J $70,000 in debt .-: . ~ SAC1l'AMENTO (AP > -The Assembly Rules Commlttee learned while conslderln1 a Reo~bllcan's dem1nd for an audit of Capitol Restoration Gala funds that the private 1ala committee has a $70,000 deficit. It happened Monday near thf end of nearly four hours or sometimes rancorou1 excbanfes in a stuffy hearin1 room when Rules Committee staff member Richard Ross piped up and •aid, ·'The Gala CommJttee, not t.he st.ate, ls $70,000 abort of covering Its bills." Ross said he has asked the Legislature's lawyer for an opinion on how lo make sure the state Is not liable for the private committee's bills. The hearing had been called on Assemblyman Ross Johnson's demand for an audit or the $134,000 in state money that went to the committee. , The Rules Committee agreed lo an outside audit by a firm just hired to check the entire $60 million Assembly budget. And it decided to hold another hearing on the Gala soon. Johnson. R-Anaheim, says his demand so angered Committee Ch airman Lou Papan, a Millbrae Democrat, th.al Papan moved Johnson to a s maller office and cut his staff in half. The Democrats have a f9-31 majoriL.Y on the Assembly floor and a S-4 majority in the Rules Committee. HAVING HIS SAY A s s e m b I ~· m a n R o l' John son . R -Anatfei ' demanded an audit o $\34 ,000 in s tale money tha went to the Capit<>sli R esto r a ti o n Galill Committee • · ·lJJ Nov e mber t h at t-he g~ committee would not collect "is < much private roone y ff anticipated. ·'This was not unlike many unilateral decisions I'm calleld upon to make every day," RWI said 1i2 He described how he decia. what color carpets to install·tft legis la t ors ' offices, wttal stationery to use, how fast lf.6 The National Weather Service forecast partial clearing today from the Bay area to northwest California. However. a pool of cold air left behind by the storm syst em. could spawn more showers a nd thunderstorms ton ight across the state·s • northern half. Pair fined infraud suit Dealers had complained that re bates rewarded the wrong retailers l)ecause the reductions were intended to boost sales at low-volume stations instead of rewarding strong selle rs Carson was released from custody on his own recognizance after being booked .,early S aturda y morning f or investigation of driving under the influence of alcohol. Police said a sobnety test showed he had more.than the legal limit oC 0.10 percent alcohol in his blood. The Gala , a week-long cele bration in Jam~ary when the restored Capitol was opened. was primarily finance'd by $600,000 in private contritiutions. The Gala Committee was run by business groups under a state contract, because the Rules Committee decided a year ago not to spend state money for the celebration. deliver legislators' newsletter9, and s imilar i terns withoU\ asking the Rules Committee. o > I L Forecasters said 24-hour r ainfall totals ranged from 2 to 3 inches in the Northwest and northern mountains to 1 to 2 inches in the Sacramento Vallev. Pre-printed will up~ld in court SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -A -wm '!!1R>\JlcJnT be rejecteit solely because it Is-wriUen on a pre-printed form . the state Supreme Court says, upholding .a Long Beach woman's attempt . LOS ANGELES (AP) Two men who offered a Palm Springs house as the prize in a supposed charity contest will pay fines of $25,000 in a consumer fraud lawsuit settled bef6. v ::;perior"' Court Judge John L. Cole. Mark Miller, director of .the Vri1Y-e·cr:.~t es 0 i a.bet es Foundat1on, fid his father, Marvin Miller, also pledged lo avoid i llegal lotteries n Monday's stipulated ju~gmenl. Pilot killed LEMOORE NAVAL A I R STATION <A P > -A Riverdale man , Jackie Wayne Silkwood. 27, was killed when his _plane\ crashed 500 feet short of the runway ,.i:lt Lemoore Naval Air Station. He was trying to land a T·34 trainer. Setting of a Beverly Hills Municipal Court date is a routine procedure following such arrests. · Carson was arrested on his way home from a restaurant.• where he and his wife had dined _with friends. ·Banker gets 4 SHU1 I ERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHU 11 ERS • • years 1n pnson SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -The Crocker Bank executive from San J ose who admitted diverting $11 .4 million worth or loans to his own use races four years in federal prison. David Estes, 36, was sentenced Monday by U.S. District Court .Judge Spencer Williams, who also imposed a $20,000 fine. He gave f:stes 60 days of freedom before reporting lo prison. Estes pleaded guilty last De~ember to four counts, admitting that he diverted the fupds to his own use. "From the beginning I recognized my guilt," Estes told Williams. ''Whal I did was criminally wrong ..... The judge termed the crime "serious" and noted that Estes signed an agreement with the bank to return SS.5 million in cash and property as restitution. Estes had taken ou1 loans to finance real estate and construction projects between 1976 anct 1981. . Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Ward said he repaid 41 of 45 loans through sales of property and new loans but fell behind on the last four loans. .The prosecutor and Estes' attorney, Pat O'Laughlin, clashed over what happened to what the government said were $6.8 million in gross profits resulting from the loans. ,._. . Designed, Finished ,.......,. Installed - 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call(714)548-6841 or548-1717 HDllWOOO MAllUf ACTORY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 'J262.7 Ross said the Sl34,000 paid the $50,000 salary for GaJa director Pau l Kinney , a former Democratic staffer; the $30,000 salary of a staff person named by the Senate Rules Committee, and $54,000 for other staff and office expenses. Ross said he and Papan decided to spend the $54 ,000 when it became apparent in After the Rules Commitl~~ decided on the audit, JohnSOft remarked, .. I thjnk this is as~ forward. I think <Ne're 'oing•re address these questions... no Johnson asked for the auatl two weeks ago. But last we~. Papan told J o hn'son, vii& chairman -or the GOP cau·cf.lr. that he would be moved from bis office near other GOP leade~ a s maller office two floon; upstairs <?.'- II -· · ... -.. SOUTH COAST PLAZA An Extraordinary Bridal Show JEWEL COURT Arranged by Gene's for your viewing. Sunday. March 7, 2 p.m. Ward alleged some went for personal use and that some was put into the properties, but tt1~re was no documentation as to what happened lo $4.25 million of this. The defense contended that all funds had been accounted for and that $8.5 million was the amount actually mi~sing and repaid. ~~· 808 service ended TURLOCK <AP) -The city of Turlock will ab~on a six-month experiment in municipal bua service a month early because 90 few people were ridi~~ them. _ _ ~ ,,...._....,, ~·-.,,. Jw;te-Mr• ...... ,_._..,. ,..,.. ....... wrttr. • msmmr11 nm u. P.O. Box 814 Redondo Be.Ch wrT7 w Ctl lJIJt J77 ..... w n.7t4 BEDWEllER LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED .,..,.._ .... ,.._ ..... ____ .... _,, ......... ----...-.-----........ -·--· , .... ,. ........... ..... ---·-........... ..._ .......... _ __ ..,....,..._ .. ________ _ • --"lk4t 0 ---ll'tM ___ To .... ir •• _..., ____ ......,.. "Equally Efft1Crivt1 for Adults" r------···•••••••··-------~-~--•: ... tic ,ACIAC ..,.....'10ML, LTD. t 31' FlrM Stf'MI I HlaOOM, WI 54457 • : ~MINTI' ~AM£ -------- : AOOMM ---------~ l en ____ _ ProUClly presents an entire ev~lng devoted to outstanding ldenc• programs . ' Video KINDERGARTEN IS TOO LATE!! , ' Y:our baby has an overwhelming desire and-ability to learn anything, and YOU are your chi Id's best teacher. ; ,., Glenn Doman's "How to Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence" course will teach you how to give your child the chance to learn matll, reading{ music, art, gymnastics, and ~ 1anguages from birth to six years of aoe. · T'achin9 your ct\Ud Is great fun, and you'll become even closer f rlends ! , Videotaped live at Phllade,phla 's I nltltutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, this 5-day course will help you entaance your baby's visual, auditory, manu111, tKtlle langua .. , •nd mobility development. b0n1t miss this unique o~unttyf _. . COURSE DATES: March 8-12 9•m-6pm PLACE: HOiiday IM Laguna Hiiis ,. tt - ! I '-I • \ I ~EVB•m-... ,U.,.~ • wMn'i lttADOW I THl.6 I L40NI HAWMfWa.4t . ····~ UNDll4TNDNG HUMAN 194AW. 11:e-· **'A "Uttle Boy Loet" (1878) John H~. Netllen 0.-. """' Au-. trlllen fllrmert llNMwtl on • ~to ioc.. ..... r;ir-old loet In tM '-"· CI>MOYll * * .... '"The Wtiy We Ware" ( 11173) Barbra 8tralaend, AoDel1 Aedtord. A young college couple In tM 18309, dlacowt INI IMlt polHtcal dlfltt•-.,.. "10l1Q ~ to )aop- #dlla their nwn.oa. .MOYll * ... '"The °"* Ilda Of The~ -'*111'' (1878) ~ HMaat1, Timothy ~. Former c:hamplon ••• .. Kln- moftt, ~ aql*9rt- pleg6c by • traeic aocldallt. ............ ~ Mien a MW~ an'*9 hat ........ UO. WILOOMI Ma<. KOTTM • KCET NIWMIAT WITH CUT'l ..O• tt a I •••IMPORT 8NlW6 MIWIYMILUR 7:00 I CM NlW6 NICNIW6 ~DAYIACIAIH I ABCNIWt YOU AllCm "°" IT Feet~: ''J~ Ktta Warfare.'' • w·A·e·H Turned down tor • Mura poaltlon at ho!ne. Chartea la .o lr"IM he ""'-to talk to anyone In Ula unit. I JOKBfl WILD OVPIAIY ''WOIMll ~I a.Ing Single" au.:~ Max- ine Andr-. (R)Q I DO<CAWTT TIC TAC DOUGH IENTP'TAINMINT ~arvlaw wtttl Nie* Hcilte. 8 THI MUflNT9 Ouet1: Char ... Aznallgu,. (D)MOYll * * * "Modem Romanoa" ( 18111) Albert Brooke. Kathryn Harrold. A lllm editor tttaa r~edly to win badl the '-1 or the woman ha 1o¥ea. 'R' SHY ORPHAN -Leslie Landon tries to decide if s he should adopt shy orphan . played by Tina Yothers on "Father Murphy " tonight ill 8 on KNBC <41. eoma lnelgllt Into ~ lunch time CIMl-!Nklng: .,, attempt la made IO deblri i•,::: z ·nd LAVlfWI & IHIN.IY &~Nf'I laniiy and 8qulggy dldda to..,.,,... In ....,, mc>'Aaa. • IYIONl..A. FMtured: a repott on • llMlfadnl lh•t goaalp• about the ttn; • proflll ot Rid! Springflald; part two ot a r~ on ptydltce. I~~ The °""*'t' weekly poker 0-at the 40771tl 11 Interrupted by three aapa- ,..,. amergMclee. I TIC TNJ DOUGH ~ILIHMR MP'C)RT I ::'MMWINI Baltlmor• OrlOIM pftdllf Jim Palmer'• -C*Mt .. .,, undei-model; • line of "fnlllHl'OOf" c:lotll- 3 ;=:o "°" rr "-t~: "Portugal'• M Wreatlarl" end "S60,000 ~..;.FWI." ***'A "Ttia Young Lov· .,... ( 1850) 8ally Fonwt. K .... er--.. A Sl'ClllW- tng young d-It lltrlc*· "" with • paralyzing dt.-..... t:oo . Cl) llMON' llMON A.J. end Rlctl are hired by a )eeloul wtta to lollow her" llual>and. • D 8 FATHUI MURPHY Tha Gold Hut IChOOI hOlde an open houea tor pro. epec:tlW adopttw perenta. • MOVIE •• *. "Slngln' In The Rain" ( 18!52) Oe1M Kally, DaoC>la R9ynolda. During Hof)owood'• tranaltlon to the talk .... a top lillnt llar .... In tow with • aplr1ted -· •Ill ~DAYS Chadll tr1ea to prOYa to Howerd that ha la worthy o4Joania.Q G MOYIE •• 'A "My Silt• Ellaan" (1H6) Janet lAlgh, Jedi LMnmon. Two .-tan, one an aeplring act,_ end the ott1ar • Wl1ler. atruggte ror • br9llk 1n o~ w. AttanbOfCNtfl' llluatr•t• the ueet and adveni.- «the...._~ .MOVA "life; ,...,_. P9ndlnt" 'nll PfomlaM and """ of gaMtlc:..,...,... ..... end "' ~ on lndultty, ,.... .. and Ill....,.. .,. e.llarnlnad.Q ®MOYll * * * "The l.ongeat Yard" .-l1'7~)< 8url Aeynoldf. Eddie Allllrt. A tonMr' pro ~--tlmeln a Southam priaon .. gMln the lob c:oecl*'t • gr()Ufl of OOIWtc:t.e for • ~ barred tootbaU gaJN r~.,... ***"The~ (1880) AloMrd """' IMnQ. TWo ..... • San Frandaco .,.,. oornpe&lllon find tllet .... loW '°' .at\ other ~ fllcCI wlll It'* PfOhlll~ .. al ambltona. 'PO' .MOYll •••. ',.\ "ladlu'lobl Alld 8rooll'l1ttck1" ( 11171) Angela ~. Drlld T omllnaon. During Wol'lcl War II, a ncMo9 __.... and hat thrM young frlenda Ml ofl lor • magic: laland .... aha lntenda to lallm ~ atlout wltcftc:raft to ii. " aoainat thaNam.'O' l:IO. 9 LAVVINe & 8HffV..EY Lenny and Squlggy't frilndtNP .. tllreataned by th• reappearance or Squ!ggy'• father. 9 • AU. IN THI 'AMIL Y Arcble-, ... DUtrllglld .,.., recelvtng wtlal ha OOtlaldo- art to be ~lonabla madlcal care. (Part 2) t:oo. Cl) MOYll "An Innocent love" (Premiere) M...... ~ Andlraon, Doug Mc:Kaon. An unu1ual romance d9\'alopl ~ • 111- ~-old college girl and her math Mor, • 1...,.... otd boy ""° .. enrolled .. IM-acftOol. 88-.JMAvwm< A nowllat hltea abl gun- man to go llller ~. e a THfB'I °""'AH'( W9)lla peeing • a doctor, ~-encountarl • ..... patient and an eager lntam.Q ..... 'A' 10:IOI .... • NAT!OtML ~INCCA&. .. ,,_ Stwtla" flcW9oriM- MrY Ulldelwatef lilm foot-.°' how~ lead, ..... and why ~ attadl ~ • ,_ penpec:. IM on thtll fMCINtlntl and ~llah.Q CI>MOW! **'A "Cruy Mama" (1876) aorta IAec:hman, AM Sothem. A 1trugg11ng femlly rune Into tough llldl In MlanaM and ende "" • c:rtm1na1 band on IM lam In callfotnle. 'PO. 11:00eeeC1>aa ... • IATUN>AY NIGHT Hoel: Steve Martin. Gu.I: Van Morrlaon. ·~~ • IANfllbN> AHO 80H 1::.CAWTT - * "Ctlatlerbox" (1977) A ~ng woman'• unique anatomical dalormlty brlnga her financial euc-· c,aa but """' her IOdal Ille. 'R' CZ>MOVll *** "All Night long" (11181) o.na Hackman, Batbra .Stralaelld. Aflet being demoted lrom cor- porate uec:utlve to chaln- lltor• night man.gar, a ~aged man'• 111-- atyta end Valuea are turned ~.'R' lt:IO • Cl) AUCa Allee .. taoad with • hl'99 tax bll left ~ by hit ..._ huabaind. (R) •• TONMaHT HOit! Johnny Caraon. au.t: Peul Sonllno. e 9 ABC N9WI ~ • AU. IN THI 'NII/II. Y •UM.~ Im.I • ICc.T NIWMIAT WITH CUTI AOWI 6 (C)MCMI •I Or11910cmt DAILY PtLOT/Tueede~. March 2, 1882 KNBC 8 8:00 "Father Murphy." Open house held ror prospective adoptive .par nll See photo. left. KTLA • 8:00 t "Slngin' in the Ratn." Muslcar sturrint Gene Kelly , Debbie Reynolds. KNXT 9 9:00 "Aa lnpoccnt i..ove." Melissa Sue Anderson and Doug McKeon in premiere movie. '• KOC E 9 10 ;30 -"National Geographic Spec ial." Underwater film on how sharks feed and why they attack . lftlaend, AoWt ~d. 1:IO="'ANmlr A ~ c:ollafe ocMlple In the 1'30e ~ ..... An lnlrttaw with Hloll .., d d ~ tt1a1r Pollloel ..,..... Holt9. "e 11e• a If • .. ..,one.,...10-. INIM Da11•l•e Ma"les -~ "'* l'Mrftlea. 2:00 .'!!.'!! • MCMI __,,,,.. ..,.__ **'it ''Fox"" (ttlO) ***"Fon AiHICM. The ~~~~ Jodie FOIMr, lltlly Ktler•, Btonx" (1111) Paul .._. man. The \4ctlN of br~ man, Ed MMI. A tough 7:00 CC> **'A ··C1ao9atra new-and ~ per-cop bettlea crime and oor-Jonee" ( 111731 Tamara anta. tour ........ glr1a ~ rupUon In New Yori! Clly'e DofMon. Shatley Wlntare. to aootha their emotlonal 8outh Btonx neighbor-A IMrleaa, mult1-1klllad wound• lhr~ druge and hood. 'R' black woman work• u • Mil. 'R' (I)MOVll government narcotic• 11:11. Cl> wt<# IN • * "Oalaxlna" (11180) l!l""I - - C9tCINNAT1 Dorothy Strllltan. Avary • * * "~l>lrda In 8llleiy 119'• ~ 10 Schfalber. A rotiot It made Outer Space" Puppet•. on-air -.cMttr, ctiualng In the ll'naga o4 a bMutlful TM Thunderbird• r- ~obllme for Laa. (R) WOfMI\ who ~·1 .,..... agalnat time to llop • 11:10 (8) M0\111 ~ ~ 1ee11nga. 'R' radial lrorn eollldlng with • * * '41 "Ey-ltnH~" • ....., .. _,.. the eun. (1881) Sigourney w~. *** "Pared ... Alley" 1:00® ** "8'onco811)"' W~ Hurt. A te6avlllon (1978) 8)'1YMler Stallone. (1910) Clint Eutwood. r~er becomaa llwolved Armend Aaaanta. ThrM Sondra Loeb. A tonner with a )anl1or wtio may aollMllnQ brothlr'I from "-~ trorn ~ know more aoout a ffKM· 1111 Hell'• Kllc:tlan aacUon JarMft rM11zea hie drMm dar that ha wlt'*Md tfl6tl . of New YOt1c Qty OOITlblna o4 performing In I Wild . ha It~. 'R' .. trllllil of bralna and W•t ltlow. 'PO' tl:IO. 8 LATI ~ wmt br-In tt1a1r af1or1a to CI> * * * "Never So Faw" DAW> LITTfMMH Cir9eta ~t• llYel for (1MO) Fr-* Slnat.ra. Olna Ou.t: Or. Annand lro-ttM1_,-. 'N' L.ollobrlglcfa. A IMrllM '*"from Iha~ Of 1:14CZ>MCNll offtoer IMds eoo man In ~ Ouac:kary. ' **'-+ "Roc:c:o In Chlcae>o" Mbolaga effoft1 against • MOVll Marcello MaatrolaMI. L.-..-Iha J~ during World • • • "A Song 11 Born'' ran Hutton. A na1w 1mm1-Warll. (1948) Danny~. Virgin-' grant blcornea lntawated l:IO(C) * t * * "T-" (18711) la Mayo. A y0W1g woman With the ~ model Naatual• Klnlkl, Pater wented by the po11oa II wflOM oar runa -hltn. Firth. The daughter ot • hidden by a group of muatc: 'R' poor Engll1h I armer proleaaora. l:IO I NIM beoomea Illa victim of ner e ~ l:IO MOYll lamlly'11 uplratlonl and CZ)....,,.,.. *'A "Forbidden HalWan" her OW1'I bleu1)'. 'R' * * * "Royal FIHh" ( 11138) Charle• Farrall, , • * * * •,; "84ldknob1 _ (197!51 Malcolm McOowall, Charle>«• Hanry. -And Broom1tlok11' (1871) Alan Bat•. The nocturnal 2:401 ..WS Mgela Lantbvry. David eacapedea of the ... .-. t:M MOYIE Tomllnaon. During World bucllllng Capt. Harr., * * * "The Flr9t 38 Hour9 War II, • novice eorcar- Ftaellman land him In Iha Of Dr. Durant" 11976) and her thrM young arma or tha notorloue Scott Hylanda. Katharina Mand• Ml olf for • magic c:ourtaaan Loi• Montez Halmond. An ldeakllc: llland Wtiara aha lntaodl and on 11\a wrong aide Q4 young -gaon !Inda hie to learn enough about Iha ~ Count Otto ·car-at llalca aa ha con-'Mtdlcralt to uaa It agalnet Y0118lematll. ·pa· tronta 1,... ree1111ea of mec11-the Hula. 'G' 12:40 e Cl) MCClOUO cal lthlc:e. t:ao • *•,;"Lucky Texan" McCloud la held ~ CC> MCNll (1934) Jolln Wayne, Gabby b1a for the ~ o4 a ***"A "The Howtlng" H9)'9a. A cowboy triaa to modem-de)' cettla Nlllar. (11111) DH Wallace, clear hi• 1ldaklck or ~ , ......... M • cflargaa of armed robbery. 1:00 .--mu-~. " woman 10:00 CB) * * ·~ "The Cet And -·-l'9PQl'tar .. rnan..s by. ** ··SM Played Wlltl . kllar who -10 be • The Canary" (1978) Honor Fir." ( Ul68) Jadt Hewk1na, ...-elf. 'R' 81ac:ttman, Mlchall Gallen . ~ Oehl. An ar90l'I lllO e MOY1I Halr'I bMtla tor a fortune a1 Irr 11t91f0t me.a 14) wtlh **'A "Born To ea Bad" Iha apooky •tat• of • a~ twnale ~· ! (1f&"') dlloN8aCI mllllonalre. 'PG' • MCMI I I r1w1"""'c.iF~,Rob-tOsaO(I)••• "One-Trlclc *** "We're No Allgall" t:aO(I)UOYll Pony" (1980) Paul Simon. (19156) ~ = , **~"TM 8'logl#I Wam-8lalr 8fqwn. A ~ Aldo Aly. Tine or..--.....118811 Anl-lar pettormer la praaaured convict• take over . ._ --by everyone around him to Frandl lflop. ntated. A ~ 'robot drop hll 1tyla of mullle and 1:10 e MCMI dafirlda EM1h whan " la writ• eong1 that can bring * * "Flap" (1970) Anthony ln¥eded by Vagi111 ~ him bade to Iha top 40. 'R' Quinn. Claude Akin•. .,._ e • * * ''Tha Other Sida CZ) THAT WINOft 7:11 CZ) MOYie J_---t--jf.t,.:iiM[. iiAiiA;ZiiE--t---1~ ... :181CA•~:-:N~1--;---·· "1lla-Rret-~ -Sin" (1HO) Frank Sinatra. Baaed on the ---M-+~111.11.•.-''l'•ll ~Sall~M-:-y-Ufe--.-. 1-1-.. -1-1 ;--N-riwi ounliilil= Part II" Clair Huffaker. A young Mlchaaf Whai.tl, RON (1978) Marflyn H .... tt. * * • .. Royal FIHh.. 8altlmor9 OrlOIM pltehar l'l.A YHOtMl (197!5) Malcolm McDowell, Jim Palmw"e -~ "San<lbufg -Ecno. And Faye Dwlewey. A \lltlfen New Yortc City pot~ delactNe, ~ wife la . • aa an ~ modal: a Sllancea" John Cullum Alan Bawa. The noc1\lmel llna of "lllUQ-il'oot'' Clotf'I.. eun In a clocu-drama on eacapadaa of the awaah-a ~MOYIE iaa. ..._ ..._ ...... __... .... I buckling Capt. Harry .,,. .... .,.., ....,,. ""the ate A Im <Ari Sandburg. Q aahman land h In Iha • • • "711 Park Awnua" e l'\.IDQe IMM IUfter1ng from • ~ .._ ,_, trlea to catott • bnltal kMlar terrorizing Manhat· tan. 'R' arma ol Iha notorloul courtaaan LOia Montez (Par1 2) (1ll77) L.eay Ann Ragularty IChadulad pro- and Iha l6de of WarNn. POiiy 9afVen. A gtammlng may be delayed -Ml>HIGHT-on wrong 1trMl·WIN young glrl due 10 ...._._ breatla. tt1a power1u1 Count ono ......,,.. YOn Bilmartl. 'PO' unjuatly Mn! to reform (D)MOYIE 7:JO . 2 OH THITOWN achoo4 jolna an undalworid **'A "Shogun Auuain" 12:00. 8HA NA NA Ouaat: Trlnl Lopez. Featured: a proflla ol hcM.a of proatltutlon upon (1e81) Tomiaaburo Wakay-her r.._ ama, M__,.o TOll'llhwa. 8 9 FANTASY 181.AHO An aJ1-cantertold modal daalr• 10 tr•t man u MJl object• end • man drMmt of -IMdtng • oommando rWd.(I\) J-Snyder, Jr.. 22· • Uf'E oN EARTH A lormar etlOgUn .....in °fM'-old '°" of Jimmy Iha "Lorda Of The Air" With who -manauYared out Oraall, who 19 valiantly llghllng cytlle llbrotll ; Iha lal•t tac:hnlquaa In of 1111 poaltlon by a Nlh- natur. ptiotogn1phy, Oevld .... dan o4 eplaa YOWi to CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT ICBSI cm ()n..TV D KNBC (NBC) CZl Z·TV e K 'fCA II ncf. > CR) H80 e KABC <ABC> (C) (Clnem,,x) •KFMB IC8S> (I) (WOR J NY • N Y D KHJ·TV Clnd.) l!lJ (WTBS) • KCST (ABC> (I) IESPN) e KTTV (Ind.) ()) ( Showtlme) 'e KCOP·TV llnd.) • Sc>olllght •• KCET <PBS> • <<:able News Network) • KOCE (PBS) take btoody r-.. 'R' (%)MOYIE **'A "Rocco In Chicago" Marcello Maatrolannl, L.-..- ran Hutton. A Nlve Immi- grant~~ wlttl Iha ~ model ....,.. cw "'"' -119"1. 'R' t:11 e LR ON IM1'H "Lordi or The Nit" With IM~~ln na1\lre phoeogr11ptiy, OeYld Attanborough llluatrat• Iha -and advanltigea of Iha teether. Q 9::IO 8 9 TOO Cl.Oii '°" COWORT Murlll i. lnlurlaled by IM • MOYll * * * "Oaronlmo" (1M2) Chuc:ll Connor•. Kamala Davi. AaOellng agalntt Iha 9"Md end ~ ot ., Indian ~t. Geronimo ~-on the U.S. • MIKE DOUGLA8 Cohoal: Dom 0.lulM. 0-11: Bobby Kelton, Wandee Wlnten, Seen Morev· • LOYI, A....aAN ~ ··--·-· • ~ONIOCETY (l)MOVW "" '***'it "The Way We Ware" (11173) Barbra 'Sandburg': A · Love poem America's growth reflected in his works NEW YORK CAP) -or course, English teachers should' make PBS, ··earl Sandburg -Echoes and Silences" tonight's homework assignment. Sandburc touched all disciplines or lhe humanities He was a poet, bioerapber, journalist, singer and down-bortie philosopher. But history teachers would be .negligent if they, too, didn't assign this two-hour documentary-drama. ~andburg ·s· own experien ces, observations and writings reflected America's passage into adulthood ln lhe 20tb century. Actually, let's just make "Carl Sandburg" must viewing for students ol all a1es; the story of his life and wort will touch us all. It airs at 9 on Channel 28. I Actor John Cullum is the explorer on this procram. He visit• Sandburc'• birthplace in .lllinoia and late·ln·lile farm in North Carolina, learnifti about America'• "Proletarian Poet" from bis famll1 and frtenda. s inging, rhyming and philoeopbizing in "An Evening With Carl Sandburc." Sandburg was born on the prairie in 1878. His parents were Swedish immigrants, a status that may have made Sandburg more appreciative and observant or their adopted lanc:I. They lived In Galesburg, Ill., the second house from the railroad tracks. His early experiences included delivering milk, waeb~n• dlabea, barveating wheat and filbtlnl in the · Spanish-American War. Before be bqan colle1e, be took tbe West Pomt entrADCe exam. Sandburg's keen wit and eye captured an .America outcrowln1 itl adol•cence, nexm, its muscles. He was proud tbat American Federatioa of Labor organl&en quoted h11 poe!Qa. Industrial America's •kysc:rapen and ener1y fasdnated him. Cbicqo was tbe "city ol tii1 aboulden ... q but.cber, toOI maker, stacker of wheat, player of railroadl and fretibt handler to a nation." lndlen ancount.,. gowm.. Tlmotlly 8ottom1. For,.,_ mental lnlertwance when Hobat1. champion lklar. Jiii Kln-CB)MOYll he announcaa thM Pno. * ** "Simon" (1980) mont, rendered • quadrl-nh1, ArJzona. rlghtlull)' Alan Arkin, Auatln P~ plaglc by a tragic ac:Qdent, ~ tha lndlwM. ton. SdentlaU at a~ wraat... with NII-doubt 9 when.,_ low.,,,.,. her t1t CC) MOY1I ly mladhct«I tNnk tlnlt Ille. • • • 'h "Everything You convlnca a bumbling ~ 12:00 e • • • "Rancho Holorl· Always Wenled To Know laga P'ote.Clr that he la an out" ( 1852) Marlane About Sex (But.. Ware aliar'I from outet epaoa. Dietrich, Mel Farrer. Saait· Alrald To ~)" (19721 'PO' Ing Iha killer of hla flanc:ea. Woocty Allan, Gana Wiider. • *"'11N MUU. I oowboy runt actON a A.., ... of comic lkatcn. "It ~ Funny Al The d~ ~ and a '90C)f9 Or. David Aauban'• Time" S-al up-and-gambler who may hold the beal·Mlllng book In addl-coming comlc9 join Martin ~ • lion to other uaottad tar-Mull In P'_,tlng their •.**'A "Diamond 119'•· 'R' nighlelub routlnaa wfllch ~ .. (111&3) Charlton JOHN DARLING by Armstrong &· Batluk Wl-IAT CAN 1 00 ABOUT F/..A88Y ...A?WLS, RICHARPf A L-WA'Y5 REMEMBER BER::lRE~ 'YOU T~Y SQl\ETHll'G LIKE !HAT. THOUGH, TO CHECK WrTH MARCH 4, s& 6 10-SPM llONOSI f, VOUR DEl'l'Tl'?T FlRSI.' · .. -................................................ , Must Dates If You Want Lower Car Insurance Rates A F'lll!E Rmd Mc...., "-I Ma.~l'rMel<Mde ..... ,_ loell Meo ow ll!LECT • l>RIWR PlArn 17T1 EDINGER AVE. o ..... ,.._.._..c.nt.> to.&PM .Huntington. Be.a, ...... a. ..... Pz Cullum'• dt.coverie~ are oun. He •ct.I out and narrates, wi.lb tbe aid ol •relllval film aad vlata1e atill pboto1rapb11 key epilodu in Sandburl•1 Ufe, In tbe last 30 mlDutAll, Callum aad lat• audltaee ·are 10 coaafortable wtU. SndMrl tlalt eetor ea embodJ Sadburt on nap, Sandbura, wbo died In 1117 Wd be YOU-aT 71 A needed four tb1np in life: to Ila; out o1 """ "' -ctor Robert jail t -·' rt .. 1 --............. Youna, who turned '15 lut wetk, and ~.i"":i~u~· f!; 1at'b:.D.-:'d 1>oae1 with wife Betty at tlMtr· outakle. • ,Rancho Santa Pe home. Youna 1ays ••earl l•••~•r•~ SelllM•4•••94•~~-be--.teelt-beUer lh---dtd•Jft'l'I· Slleneee" ja. remarbble '°" pollD~,. aio. r ~..__;__~~~~~~--0~----------------------~~~~~i-----~~~ .. The' Founlaln Valley City Council will coaalder an olftdaJ city response tonight to the eroposed renami ng of Mlle Square Regional Park. The proposal has drawn overwhelming opposiijon from callers to City Hall. ' The council's position will be presented to the Orange County Board of S up e r visors Wednesday morning during a public bearinJ on the suHeatlon that Mile Square~ reriamed tn boDor of the late David L. Baker, a former aupervlsor who waa active in developlllg parks. · Mile Square ls a county recreation area. located within Fountain Valley. County supervisors have final say on the namec~ge. Supervisor Ralph Clar' proposed that Mile Sq~ 9" Officials set-policy· . . on off shore oil H untington Beach officials h ave ap pr o ved an e n vironmental policy recommendation that requests federal safeguards against oil • spi lls but doe&n 'l oppose Landfii-i_ .. eyed as • nutsance Huntington Beach officials have sta~ted proceedings to declare a 38·acre mud dump and landfill near homes a public nuisance because it allegedly creates dust pollution. On a 6·1 vote, t he City Council instructed city ~taff officials to schedule a public hearing on the Steverson ~rothers D ump, also known as the AsCon Landfill. If declared a nuisance, it could be s hut down o r ordered to eliminate the dust problem, say city offtcia1s. The dum p is localed on Ha milton Avenue and Magnolia Street across the street from both Edison High School and a tract o( homes. It was used for oil drilling. muds in the 1950s and 1960s but since 1970 has only been used for i n ert m aterials s uch as concrete. Sta'le health officials say the dump may contain toxic wastes from oil drilling mud dumped there previously but -..hat it poses no health threat-m-tts-,,l'esent condition. i n ere a s e d 0 ff s b 0 re 0 i 1 exploration. The statement will be sent. to state officials this month regardini schedw.d ,lease sales of offshlfe oil traeC. ~.i.e. Federal wate"* be-;~ mljel pl{.the coas&. · · · ~Uy, the ... areR' · ~ offsh~ H .. ,. Weft,)wo ins~ wa J ·t..'Wo in federal waters. City officials in neighboring Newport Beach and Laguna Beach, where the re are no offshore platforms, oppose the scheduled tract leasin1 because or what they say is the danger of oil spills. H unlington Beach Council members unanimously approved the policy statement M·onday and will send it to official$ of the state Office of Planning and Research and the California Coastal Commission, say city officials. The federat Bureau of Land Management has scheduled lease sales of oil tracts oft the coast of California this June. The Huntington Beach policy oasicall9 asks for close "federal monitoring" of the offshore platforms and proper "training and e quipme nt to prevent accidents and spills." Heist attempt suspect held after chase A 32-year-0ld Garden Grove man was arrested by Huntington Beach police after be allegedly atte mpted to rob a local restaurant, then led officen on a chase ending at the Newport Freeway and MacArthur Boulevard. CAVALCADE COMICS. STOCKS 82 . 83 ~s renamed for Baker but asked that the city's position on the matter be presented at the Wednesday hearing. Fountain Valley Clty Clerk Evelyn McClendon said that by early today the city ha d received 83 telephone calls from e eople opposed ~ the Mile Square name cha.nee. . She said three people have • calleclto endorse lM plan. Reservations regardllll the Mile Square name change have centered on t he lmp~c t on nearby buslness~s that incorporate the "Mile Square" name or use the park in tlescrlbing their location. The' council had asked the Fountain Valley Chambtlc of Commeroe to relay the opbUons of its members regardinc the proposed name change, · Deity ............ ., ......... _ BRIDGE MEMORIAL The reconstructed Santa Ana Ri n •r Brid_ge linkin Slater Avenue in Fountain Y-.alley with Segerstrom Avenue in Santa An a is dedicated in memory of the late Edward Just. former Fountain Valle~ mayor and executi ve director of the Santa Ana Ri,·er Flood Protection Agency. Participating in the ceremony wt'rc. from left. Orange County Supen~tsors-Thomas Rile~· anrl Rog.er Stanton and Ed Jusl's wido~·. Nola ,. ' R~~i'ring ~~wife. works ·her way out the cJOOr, See Erma Bambeck, 82. But Pat Crocket~. e.-ecutive direct.or of the cNuJiber, sa.ld today the otganiulion has receive d on ly one l etter regarding the Mile Square proposal and will take no position on the matter at tonight's council meeting. First Dlstrict Orange County Super visor Roger Stanton, a former Fountain Valley City Councilman, Ml not yet tu. a stand on the •le Sq1&are aeme change but 11 ex p•et•d to endorse whatever decision t.be Cit y Council reaches, accordinJ to Scott ~organ, a Stanton aide. ' '/ Fountain Villley Mayor Hen 'if 1 Nielsen said he plans to appear •>\. before the su pervisors t Wednesday to present the city's, , 1 / 1 oosition. 11tl HB treasurer raps attorney; criticized. .. ~·r 1 By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. Delty ...... S'9ft Huntington Beac h City Treasurer Warren Hall was criticized and called a nib a fter he asserted tbat CSl7 -AL-to~ ... ~~ Gai l H.atton ta~ lne(fi•.·· ' ~ Hall .. Qhed his l~cis · Jt'Urj ntJ public cJilijjen 1'891on• Monday ni#"• .cwr.-' Council JQHting. ... Hall said Mrs . Hutton is a "millstone around the n~ck of the c ity" because ef her "big-spending traits." As treasurer. Hall handles the city's self-insurance program '8nd criticked Mrs. Hc.tton ' for hiring whaC he says llre too many outside private attorneys to handle city legal matters . Hall also supports former City Attorney Don Bo nra who's trying a political com eback against Mrs . Hu,tton in the April election, for city attorney. Ran cc>ncluded by asking City Council members to join him in s upporting Bonfa, but that wasn't the reaction he got. •·1 don't want to hear the diatribe that you just ridiculed -t-he-cily-3.Ltorne "th.·.:_ said Councilman Jack Kelly. Council man Ron Pattinson ag r ee~. ~aying Ha ll h_as~~ :"l'unmng ballle" wHhl .Mrs. ,. ) R4t\'\'\ 8Nl i~~ouldflM , Y!\4\ n~~ C'i\y co·u'hc 1 l p od\ u rrl ·for campaigning.. . ··~e·re bere to d6 business a nd not to 'li sten to this... . . , '' Pattinson told Hall. 0.11,~s ......... CRITICAL Huntington Beach Cit y Treas urer Warren Hall sparked heated words after criticizing City Attornev Gail Hutton. --:. Mrs. 1-Jutton had temporarily lert the Council Cha mbers before Hall approached the podium. After''the meetirtg',"she said Hall's comments were a .. political broadside" and she declined further comment, Coun cilman John Thomas ·Vall · ) then s houted at Hall : "You're the ey pane biggest nake 1bis city has and the biggest ripoff.·· Thomas said he made that statement because Hall holds the elected position of city treasurer and is also a regular city employee as investment risk manager. one osures . meets tonight tll County fire program set Fire, which yearly kills more than 7 ,000 p eople , i njures. another 230,000 and causes $5 billion in property damage, is getting a new loo~ from the • federal Emergency M a nageme nt Age n cy in conjunction with the Orange County Fire Department. Jabla&i1e~ jl~~ailBe:= W C t t d t h d 0e~:~"8:::· allegedly est oun y s u en s onore The Fountain Valley School ) f Dis trict advisory committee • considering school closures will ~ 1 l conduct a public hearing tonight at 7: 30 at Harper School, 18615 " r Santa Ynez St. Harper is one of five district , ,, schools targeted for closure ,,11, during the next· three years i..tl under the committee's tentative . ,,ti The department's public i nforma tion captain, Sherry Bunting , is h eading for Washington D.C. "to assist FEMA offi c ials i n the development of a fire safety program that ultimately will be distribtlted and utilized by fire departments throughout the United States. entered the Denny's Restaurant • • - at10136AdamsAve.,Huntiuton Students from Huntington G lick, Ro bert L. Jen kins, Beach, at 1:55 a .m. Monday, Beach and Fountain Valley were Thomas A. Markin, Michael S. indicated he bad a gun in bis among the 1,478 undergraduates McClure, Colin A. Miller ; vest and ordered the cashier to who won places on the Cal State Also, John Montanye, Renee fill a baa with money. j'ullert.on dean's list for fall 1981. M. P alilucci, Constance R. 'Owens allegedly Oed when the To qualify, a student must Prendergast, Ina M. Quinlan, cashier summoned help, and earn at least a 3.5 grade·point Mary E . Saputo, John F . restaurant employees gave a average on a four·point scale. Sawyer, Paul S. Smith, Anna M. description ol his car to officers, Jlun.tington Beach student.I on Stiles. Camille R. Summons, police said. lhe dean's list were Howard JC, :r r in h. V . B i n h T . Tran , The man's W12 Volkswa1en Aihara. Kathy L . Ambruso, Heidemarle K. Wertb, K~ L. waspursuedbyofficersM.ichael R o bin A . Ca ce·u~. Pattl Whitesell and CalYia 8 . Dillon and Carrie Drayer, who Cbikahisa; Maureen S. Clair. Williams. arrested him at the-Newport David J . Cusenza, Jean I!!. Fowtain Valley student. on Free way and Mac Arthur Danielson, Thomas A:. Fillmore, .the dean's list were Midbael P: Boulevard, police said. . Arthur T. Gardner, Nancy E. Adams, Karen L. Bavin, Cindy (. Brewer, Thomas M. Farrell, Lazaro E. Fernandez, Ruth E. Gray. Roseanne Greenfield, Laurie A. Harder, Cynthia E. Ha rdgrave, J ennife r Hetu, Kir s ten Kirleis, Scott P . Lambden; Also, Kev1n M. Lee, Gordon S. MacLean , Gar y D. Maxey, Rebecca M. Minick, Patricia J. O 'Connell, John V. Pasierb, Carol J . Skands , Darleen A, Stivers. Jeffrey G. Tatro, DoMa L. Thorstenson and Sharon M. Wolf. Clock turned back;.f~ie ·nds catch up Laguna Beach Art Museum.antique show handsome By NORA LEHMAN Of tile DMly ..-1W1 IT'S YOUR HERITAGE, TOO: The 10th annual version of the A£filiates of the Laguna Beach Museum bf Art's Antiques Show over the past weekend was handsomf: indeed. -. It was fun to see so many familiar faces among the gala guests -not to mention the 32 California dealer ~ who provided beautifully mounted displays upstairs and downstairs. I saw Barbara Busby. Laurie Pelllsero. Sylvia Bishop and of coune. Marl• and Ken Bird. Marla ls president of the board of trustees. Arnita Albriibt and the William Toneys came throuab tile pau from Miuion Viejo and Beverly Qaappell Tuttle came up from Lapna HUia. It was good to Barbara. Duarte's attractiv.e· face with her attractive voice. We've talked on t he phone scfmuch we would have sworn we knew each other. Harry Axene, looking perfectl y marvelous . was there with you·know.who looking perfectly marvelous: Laguna's mayor. Sally Bellerue joined the crowd as did the Bill Farriogtons. the J06eph Jahrauses, Fern Taylor Pitter. the AA4y Coarlsoos an~ Richard Massen . ' Arnotll the Emerald Bay contln1ent: the- Ted 'Petetaona, Jae~ Boyles. Tllrl Magonicals •d .Jim-Baldwihs ~w Leah Lyon with Iler lovely prints. -'own from Palo Alto. and '?Om Stansbury rm11ming his booth. I suspeat M "hadn't J'e9Cbed ~ ?(e~, Beact). 1hop ~l all that '11a1, but stq;P.(!(ltn~ way'fforri Thtee Arch Bay to set up in tim~ for the party. ' Julie Cohen. 190king more Chanel than Chanel henelf, was holding ~wn the fort (or whate\7er they call fQrts in tlie Orient -she's an ·Oriental antiques dealer in Palos Verdes l and revvtn1 up for her Friday lecture on four centuries of Chinese furniture. . · Slipptn1 off into the night, I knew the. · valet parkers were 1111<1 to 1et the apace tlley'd aDottec:l me. Parkin& ii a problef'I' eyerywhere. . . b\11 everywhere. pro"°5al. ..,.,, This proposal calls for closure ,(., of Bushard and Wardlow schools \ next fall, Harper in 1983, and •;,, Fountain Valley and Nieblas ,,1 schools in 1984. •l•lt These proposed closures and ., z: the creation of three middle . ~ .. j schools will be the subject of /;•f f hearings throughout the district 1 \ during March. The district's ! lf boa rd o trustees is expected t.o ~ 1 cons ider the closure oand conversion plan in April. ,. NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS ' UOTATleldtlk'-11DI ••aeuo• , ...... YO••· ......... •aCJ•iC ...... ~TOW DlfllOlf A•D (JltCl•••TI noc• XCMAite ..... lfD •1"'0911D l't ••I llAH ANOtMJTUIU • ~ . ..,.,, ~~----------------F l•r eo,,.. haa oontlnued its reor1anh:atlon by naming. chairmen to oversee the company's four major groups. Those selected, au of whom will report to the new president and chlef operatio1 offiter, David S. Tappan Jr .. are: Buck Michl, named chairman of the Engineering and Construction group. He continues 4lS ·chairman and president. of Daniel International Corp., a Fluor subsidiary since 1977. -Jobn C. Duu n, appointed chairman of UH! Natural Resources group. He continues as chairman of St. Joe Minei:ats Corp., which was acquired by Fluor last year. -John K . Pike, promoted to chairman of Fluor Distribution Cos. Inc. H. Leon Shackelford was promoted to president of the uoup. • -Ross A. McCllntoci, appointed chairman of Fluor Drilling Services. J . tobert Fluor If was promoted to president of the division ... , , California home resale volume for the year ended Dec. 31 totaled 332,969 units, a 28.4 percent decline from the 465,186 units recorded for the year earlier, the California Association of Realtors reported. In Onnge County, volume dropped 21.5 percent, while the 12-month median home Prke In the county rose 6.4 percent for the year. UTlll <;:::?,._ ___ _ Yields on short·term Treasury 1ee11rities rose slightly, one week after recording their biggest lplunge ever. About $4.8 bi llion in six-month bills were sold Monday at an average discount rate of 12.786 !percent, up from 12.695 percent last week. The government also s9ld about $4.8 billion in three-month hills at an average rate of 12.45 percent, up from last week 's 12.43 percent .... The gov4trnment is lowering its int.erest·rate ~iling on federally backed slngle-famtry bome loans to 15.5 percent, officials Of the Depart ment of H~using and Urban Development said. The one percentage point decline in the ceiling for both level-payment and graduated-payment loans wipes out an increase of the same size announced Jan. 25. officials said. ITITI ~~---------------~------~ ~ I Francis Ford Coppola's financially troubled Zoetrope Studios, unaided by the disappointing box-office returns-of "Ol'le From the Heart." has laid off 20 e mployees A Union BanJt attorney says he plans to appeal a judge·s decision upholding a Jury's $7 5 million award • against the bank in a fraud case. IDlll a A Hong Kong-based financial institution hu offered to acquire 80 percent of Hibernia Bancshares Corp .. the parent ho~ding company of the Hibernia Bank. The bank . with more than S920 million-AA. assets, has 34 branches in the San Francisco Bay area and deposits a bout S790 million . METALS..,.., C••"r 71"'-'tO c.11u • 001111d. U.S dHtlneU-. IA .. 111 CMlb e POUf'd, ZllK CJ c-• POUf'd, 4111,..r.a. Ti. W..l'OD2 ~els WtO <-II• 1111 a........., 1 .. n, ... t, • '*""'·" v Mff<W'\I U7S.OO .,., Ila.a.. ~t ....... UO.OOlroyOI., HY SILVER ~' Hendy & H""""", '1 "°'per l•DY OVllCa. SYMBOLS .......... -............ 11111\ ~ ...... -. ............ .. _.......__,._ ............. . ., ............. ....._ . .,._.. .. -· ---·==-~-.., .. .:::. .. .:-:t=-...... ..,..._, ••• ......._ __.__I o..MfM ...... "'.-.... 1•-· .............................. ................................ ~ ·-----.............. ~ -,... All-·-· ~!911 .. _ .............. . ..... " ..... r:-----................... _... ............. -.. .. ·••111$• ............ ·-.,.,, ................. .... ...,_'===-...... 9.Kh"=-:':-.u= r=~':."i.-:S.: ... ~ .! .. -. .. J NllA wanaaN CON,l alNCI LMl•• s .. 111. f'tloelll.11 Gol-St•• Portttlld S..nO .... l'KHlc OM .... * L ~ •• 41 11 ,101 31 10 .... Iv. JI tA .SM ..... J I U .$i,4 t t1 · t1 .SI' 11 . u 42 .26$ 2:Wt ...... Olri•'-s.n Alllonlo M JO .Ml HouttOft 31 U .5' I 41'1 Oenvtr tt 21 .509 1\.'I 0.llH 1' 31 .i>t 11 Utal\ • 1t 11 ."9 11 l(a11w• City •• 40 .310 It EASTEaN CON1taa ENCE AtNMIC Ol•ltlea ksion PhHedelpllla Ntw Jtuey WtllllnQIO!I Ntw Yorll W L l'~G8 .o um - 40 ,, .713 "" ,, 2' ·* IZl't n 21 ... , 1J 16 S3 441 ,. c:..tnl OlvltlM Mllweuket Indiana Atlanl.• O.troll Clllc~ Clevel- 40 ,. 21 SI u JO u l1 ,, ,. n u -....·.1c-HO 0-Kl\Muled T ....... '•O-San 019 •I fjtw YOik Hew -'«MY et Wallllnolon Oetroll •I Mllw•u~ .. , P1111ec1e1p111a at Chlcaoo 8otton M o.llH San Alllonlo al H0111lon Kans.t City al Utal\ 1nc11 ...... o. ....... p~ ... .....,,_ Cleve'-at~State NBAIHdera '""'-"' ..... ltl SCOlllNG .11J AMI• .444U .4.Jt IS .... Jt3 II 211 27V. 0 11"0 l'T l'U a.,. <Hrvln, San AlllOlllo 53 615 3t7 173' JU Oanttey, UI"' 56 616 .. 7 111t 30,7 Malone, Houston 56 646 <U 1101 JO.s Enoll•n, Denver SI 5'7 no 1444 u 3 Ervlno. Pllll s. 542 1'1 1m 2< 1 lllrd, BoJlon SS n• 2n 1m n.i • ........, ...... LA J16 S2 '91 1217 t3 S FrM, ~ Slete 54 462 n < 1U7 23.J Klno.~State 5' .., u1 1226 n .1 Wlltl•ms. S..ltle SS Sl7 ,,. 1255 22. llEM>UHDI HG G Otf Def Tet A.,. Malorwt, Houston U ST• 440 11< 14.S Sl km•. SH tlle S1 154 J66 no 11.• 8. Wiiliams. NJ 5' ,., .SS 102 11 I TPloml>'l)tl, Por11ana J-4 ·~ 0 I ~I I I.I Bird, 8os-SS UI OJ 611 11 I ASSISTS ~re, San Antonio J .......... L.aUn Arcl\llMllCI, Boslon Cllffh , Pllll-P"•• Hullon. Ckwlencl G Mt.A-. n 5119 u ,. .... u <7 <13 I.I 54 0 7 I S SS <S3 1.1 l'IELD GOAL PEllCEHTAGE ) l'G l'GA ~I. Glim°" Ollc-J1S ,.. 6.JI 5. Joflnson, K-ft Clly 1.. <l'I .01 Klno. Goldon Slate '" m 5'7 B. WllllM>t. "'J 361 6.31 sn AW.1-J-. Ulltn tta 179 .5'1'1 I I PllllC llmCE .. . UCl1 ....... · .. ":.~':.~ a. 1tl '1 .., IJ.1 16 IH 4t .. tU ,. 11 11 "' .. .. 70 ........ u u • • u IJ,.tll'OU U 14 11 4j J.O 10 10 • *' u ""•a.ta n • a " 1• It t • tO 1.0 ........... ,, ... ltCAAleMen tcCMllH e N n Tl' All9. MAteff,UCI,...... K m It! .... J Wiidt~ '-Ill< at 111 lft tll ID.J Wood, CS N ltntll 2' 1t1 IN tM "·• H~t, t.,8$1. t6 1'1 U tff 17.6 Ott90ry, 1..1 M. 14 m 74 414 17 a AnderlGfl. UCQ ,. l•J ., 0 1 16.0 Wl\lal-, UC Irv .... M t•7 .. lfj IU Mc:H .. 11. SJS n IM .. m IS.I Hl09lnt, ,,_ 54. U JU "' m 14.t Ml•on, CS Flllltnlll " ltl a. 41• IU . 0..-,.., ..... u...n AtlMIUftdl ... : Melff IUCI) 12.S •"o .. AnderlOfl IVdal 11.1; Mc:NMlr CS.JS) t.S; Cunnlnohal'n IUSUI t.4; IMjlll ICSl'"I 1.4 . l'leld GNI "9f'ctlfl .... : 1N9't tUCll Mol 'll. CU2·3tl~ -leldoft IUCll M.~ ll•7•2tl>; Thompt011 <FSUI Sl.0'11. ltHl1). Fr .. Throw ,..rc.ntagt: Wlli.lelon IU(O G,•'11. 161·»1; -we! !UOPI a .I'll. (7M SI: WOOd CCSFI llU"-11~2111. ~ltlt: W-(C$FI 1 7 ave .. Ber9"0" IUS\JI 4.A; Mc:OoNICI IUCll 4.1. T-L.-.a S<orlno. I vc Irvin., '7.• ave.; J. CSU Lono BN<h .... ,. Oe+tnte· 1. FrftnQ StalAI, 46.0 •vo.; 2. s...· Jcu Stai.. -u .s. Scotlno M1rg ln: I. FrtlnO Sl11t, + U .7; t. UC lrvlne, •• 1. R•llOUnellno M•reln: 1. UC Irvine, ••.t; 2. Sen Jow Sl•I•, +3.0. Free. Throw Percenta9e: I. Peclllc, U .2'11. (4Al-.OSI ; 2. UC Irvine n.~ 14JS-jl)I. Flekl GCMll Perctnle9e (OfltNotl: I. UC INIM, S6 J'li. C7'M-1'121, 2 Freano Stitt. •·'"' 1615-11111 FlelCIGoal ,..,Ufl\a9e !Off-I 1 Fre•noStale.<JA 1*-IOtil; 2. S...Jose Sl•te. o ,•% Ul>-11141. COLLE OE Top20 1 No rtll OlrOITna 13'1 7 DtPavl 1141 3. Vlrelnla ISi • oreoon St. 131 S Mlt-..1 • ld•llO 1 Mln..aita I Geor~.D.C. t WHt VlrQlnia 10 Tulu II. Iowa 12 FreWIO Sl. U. Me mphis St 14. Arunw• U Ktnlueky 16. woe FOt'fft 11 K•nwsSI. 11 AlatMlma '' UCLA 10 •11 .. Blrmlngl\aln 1,lt2 1,122 1,097 1,043 r.1' 7M 13A n4 617 j6j 5'J 560 ,.., -.,. 156 ISJ 115 11' 107 NCAA team l••dera ('""-"' l'"t&. UI TEAM Ol'"~UfS• L.ono hleno To .... Soul l\ern Nori II T eus Slate HOU l ion TUH ·Arllngton F•lrl1IQ11 Okklnsan <';..f'-fl"-iMCbco Vlrolnl• Tech NWLous1 ..... Alat11m• G l'ta. A-.. ,. 2112 ... 2S 2101 94.0 U JOn 13,I ,. , .. , 11 0 u 70tt ... . U 10U ... s 11 2.11~ 111.J ,. 1'23 ... I ,. "'° ... 0 ,, "" "·' Frttno SI•<• Princeton 'TEAM DEFEHH G ,, ,.. .. ""' 1092 45.S Norn• Carolina State Wyoming Cotumbl• James Madison r .. ••·EI P'"" Ru1Qefi OtlQOft State Nebru u 21 ,, 2S ,, u u ,. ., 11 1034 4'.2 llJI .... 1211 51.1 1150 U.3 1311 SJ.< IJ<M U.I 131' ,.. .. 12'2 Sol • 1311 ,,._, NOTtce 0 11" SALE .Mc/tocll'AL COllllT MN '"'4 HIGH SCHOOL CIF pl•voff1 .. Ml,.NAU .,..... f·A -~ (:Z.tl vs. S\. AllU-Y 11 .... 1 at I.Ong BNc<h A.-Cl :U I >-A -Le S.fne UMI n . Bur .......... AkleKret* 111-51 et L""9 Beech "'-· 111 l·A -Avletlon 1:tw 1 "'· St. JOMl>lt 114-31 •'Hancock College 111aol l·A -Sant• Cla ra 110-4/ 111. e annlne (10-t) at A.,._ Hltlt C7:IOI Sme ll «Moll -O..ftllc• 114·l> n . Crour-11»)-' Pl"llMldn <J;30) ........ .., 4·A -Ing'-121 .. I VI. lw~lt. ni.tl •I Lone llHctfiv-~:01 t"A -~-V .. lt y llM I '" I.A H•Or• m_.> ~ LOflQ BNcll ""-17 p.m./ Small .a-It -Alo H-(1 .. 101 o, Mentclelr Pree> ttl-1) 81 LA 8-41 .. cr:ao1 .. -T-..y S·A -St. &.rnerd CU·2) n . Cor!)na Ott Mer 110-41 ......... Beech Ar-11 p.M.I J.A -Hoowr 125-11 vs. Lot Altos CJ4-SI •I LonQ Beech AreN 11:0 1 Women HIGHKMOOL Cll' .. a,.eftt C...,.fNls, T ....... , 7:•1 •·A Alversldit Poly 12'.0) ••· S..n G•b•lel 12.S-21 al Scllurr HIQll 1 ,_ ln11e wood U .. 3) ••· Galir C2t ·11 •l Cerritos HIQll :I-A Eilleranu (2A-<lt •. n . Al~ ID.I) .. C ... ro1..- A'1'1t Lome · tTt.Jt •t 8urloll9 ht. llktllt<rttl t•71 M Tr-(-yl 2·A Mo.--Veney ~14-JI vs. Mlulon v i.1o (15-11 et El T.,,,, Vt lencle (22-41 .... Art .. I• 117·71 •• Gellr i..A L• Rt lne 122-<ll vt. Valley Cl\rl•llen 12.5-11 t i ArtHle St n Bernardino lt.l-41 n Alm Of Ille world (12•21 ., Yucaipa HIQll S....11 Sclleeft T"l,entynlne Palms CU.II vt. Merk-.t 0)-SI al Teft Coll999 Rio H-111·51 o . S,_rman Indian 117·11 et Arlington OP AUTOM081LE STATE 0 11" CALll'OllHIA l'ICTITIOUS 8USIHISS . l'l!H"'~1rl 1~.11 l'ICTITIOUS 8USIH•SS HAM• STAT•M•NT NOTICE IS HER EBY G IVEN HOllTH OllAHGECOUHTY HAMI STATEMENT DlltSlllnl IO Sections 1011 •ncl lOn of MUHICll'AL DISTlllCT Tll• lollowlno ~·-· .,. Clolno Ille Clvll Code of IN SleCe ot Celllornle U1S a...ti ... , Ave. llUtlntu •• 1111 Under~. G & w TOWl ... G, 1n .... _,CA'26» AVALON CELLARS." Corporetl 1ndurtrlal Way, ~t. Mtta. Or•noe " LA I N T I F F A R T Hu R. Plat•. SI• 250, N-por1 Bta<ll, C• Counly, C.llfornla '2627. will Hll •1 F AR RUGIA 411CI DOROTHY 926'0 public euctlon, •1 112 lndullrtal Wey, FARRUGIA Auoclat.a Bever-Company, Cosll ~. Caltfoml•, 11 I a m on DEFENDAN T WILLIAM W. Inc. ta Oetewar• corporallonl, 31'0 Frleley, !tie 19111 CS.y 01 BARii EJ-T an lncll•klu•I end·-9'~crt--"'·H~ 76111 Stree1, Vernon, C~!lforllle llleloll-lno•u1omo0lle,towl1· Bu •ln••• A • GOLD CO AST -·~ Yur al car: 1m: M•k• ol cer· CONSTRUCTIO .... •no DOES I Tiii• butlnH•" conducted by . Del)un Couc>e. V.tllele 1 D. Ho . HLS 1hrOUQh 15, Inclusive corpor1tlon. JO~; Llceme No !St1111 tU sw v SUMMONS ASSOCIATED BEVERAGE C•lll. to.flne.-...c.....i ... 11 COMPANY, INC Said sale It for 11\e purooH of CASE NUMa•a 1 A_..1.. By lti Pr"~' sat•llylne ,..., ol tr.. Unde•llOnecl lot NO Tl CU v .. llave --. Tiie Tiit. ll<lternenl wes filed wllll "" Towln91nc1Stor-. <•rt may dKJdlt....,... ,.,. w~t County Clerk ot Oranoe CounlY on 0 1teatflbtnddeyotMarch 1tn .-....... ---,.._. F-u•rvtt, 1~. G & W TOWING ltlll" • .. ,._ llud llM h1fwmatlell 11"1""1 1121nc1ustrla1 way M~.501 U-Ila •Ide ---Publlstwcl Orenoe CN S! 0.111 Pllo1 Cost• MeU. Ca. Mar 1. t . 1•. 23. 1"2 t47.f1 Publltl\ecl Orit~ Coast Oelly PllOI II trllMIMI --dt<ldw ,_,. Ud. Mtrcl\ 2. I~ 91H2 ,.,,...-. _.,. .. JO dlaa. U e la Tiie followlno Ptnont e re dolno l>U•lntts•s: SU PREME PAC KAG ING SYSTEMS, IC1S ~ L.twll Slrw1. Anehelm, Calttornle n.s Su-T-. In<., t Callfomla c.orporatlon, 1'7S Soult\ Lewis Slreet, •na11elm, Cetlfornla tms Tl\lt l>Usln1u Is conclutted by • corpor atlon. SUPREME TAPE, INC. Donne C V. Wei, PreslCllttll Thi• sinon-1 wn lilt<! with tlll County C-of Or•noe County on Fet>nowy :Ill, 1-. LAWOl'",ICH au,"°"°· vet a l'OMO ouv•c.-r,~- Wl s..tll. Ollff ~ L•A ....... ,C."'14 ' .. ,,,..,. Publlihtd Or~ COHI Oally P llol, ........ ~U.COllfllHlllCI ~~ ... .. '41 ))0 .... ... ,. t1 14 Dt .w .. tT' 1f -i!!', 11 » ,. , ..... 14 • 11 tol '" ....... o ..... " ,, " ta Ml 11 » t tU U• """"'m ta .. • 10 ,,. ,., 17 UllH61" It » 1J "' ... WALllCC*PllalWCI l'all'ICllOMllM "" • ti -.. • ,. 71 ,. sr .. fO • HY 1111...,.,.a f~ II 1 M tot ., l'hllaoeltlfl•• u a • w tn 10 HY 111,...,-t M n 10 U. 141 70 l'ltttburQll J4 31 10 1" 271 M W11hl,,_ 20 JS t UI 161 4t .._D.,_lllM Mont,.•I ,. II •• "' 1'4 • luttato n 1t 12 JU tm Tl IMIOn l4 21 I U I 21t 76 OU111t< ,. n " "° us n HertlO(d 11 32 14 20I Jr. 41 ..... , .. ~ ICi"ll S, O...WC S H-YOl'k l•l•nelertt. Toron10 S T ...... •0-WlllllllM!lal PtlllMe!Dbl• ~ton t t M4111tr••I C ... 4U'Vlll-Yorll 151-r\ lolMn el SC. Louh Kinta 5, N.ordlqu .. 5 L,H A1191... 0 < 1-S Olitbt< 0 S 0-S l'"lnll'.nM HOl)t , Penattlu -Korab, L"I, 1:4': AO<hltfor1, Out, IS: OS, ... ,. ...... ,.,O .. be<, M. Stell'W n IA. Stastny, P SIU.In VI. 2:00. 2, O\lllbe<, ~ StHlny 3e CM. S1ettny, Pk ... 11•1. >.11. l Los Anoe~. OlonM "· S:«I. 4. OU.we, Goul•l 3' !Cote, Aubry>. •:OO. S. Ou•bec. Ft'r<er 20 (Cloutier), 1·11 •• LOI Anool ... Taylor >t IN"ltolH , Olonnel, 11: IJ, 1 Lot A119tlt'I, Simmer 10 (Cl\artrewl, IJ'H . I. LOI A,.lff, -IS 1 CF01<1, 1' SS t. 0\11119<, Cloutl•r llO IP, Sta•tny, A Slutny), lt:lt. Ptnalll•• -Teylor, LA, 1.22, W•ll•. LA. 1••1: irrycer, 0... S'W; Plclltllt, 'Que, 10:4t; Chartr1w, t A, 11:"9; Smith, LA. II: St; COie, Out, 19,St. Tllltdl't,_ '10 Lo. AnQelH , Muf'lll\y 21 !Dionne, SCmmtrl, t ;J2. "-lllet -N-, Sllols on -1 -Los Anoeles 12"2+-JO 0.M< .... T-ts. Goan .. -.Lot Angtlt" LttMl'd. 0...119<, Boucllercl A -u ,2ti ~ . . 1f " COLLEGE Cat ....., ,..._. J, UC INllM I Cal Poly ""'->a 000 OOl 000-3 I O UC I rvlne 000 100 000-1 7 O Gome1 Ind Sl-•rt; Cowen, Brelll 161 INI Batnard. W -Gomer. L -Cowen. 2B ~.s•aw•rt IC.I Poly Pomonal 2, Stanley . '°' flotv Porn<IMI !8 Cl\anoala IC.I lilely Po._,.I High achool ........... _II U , E-eou.o I Hvnll"91on a..c11 01 ~IS I ~rtnra OSO 0:S-I 11 I Btard, L•llMer and Slllrley; We1111. Golllen (2), Dunean UI end Yecll. W - Latimer IJ~I L -W.lsll JU -Wren IE•parenul 38 -Suoer IESl>ffa n1al HR -Mor•I•• tEspe r en 1a>, Dunca n CE~r41ntel, P.,rlck (Huntlnoton Bee<hl .,._.., 4, l'-Wln Valley 2 Founleln Velley 000 100 1-1 S Oownfy 000 201 a ~-<1 s t Burt, G"'90< 141 Ind Pren. Croom -.Roum•llollt W -C._., (1~1 L -Burl 10-1 I 1 B -Hunl er Cbo,.,ne yl, J 0119twun1 CFounta•n Valley I. LoeAI. .... ......v-.•1w"n /1 .................. ....., "'l•T IUICl.~fftllo. :.t>• Hll!lilf"t~ll(~l 10 0 )ta r.- Helcy9" Hlltl CW~I •·• t.a OillclrtlirTr(l.l!IMtlltt I jiM f .i.1 .. rec.Ml; iio• ~. ''-I'~ JN'I, M, .,...,., lrtMe, Wl11terl\1wk, M•• .... Me9I(, Tlmt ; l_:OU fS, U UACTA'l\.SI !Mid V1.~ llCOtfO llAC•. 0... Mlle ........... ''*'*-' ... , ..... C• .. •lu (.._....I IUO I A. Hurrle-Rou• CToddl < ,,,,. Al .. recM : G••m•'• C:h•lc.t, Ct litl Yourwtf, Mkl\l9A"! !1•11, Stat Adlo•, Timi• 2:10 TNlllb aAC•. ONt mllt. Ken1nnH (~rl 10.GO I.GO 4.00 er11'• Boy Ht~> I,~ ,u p ROH i 519MI (l..ilnlM°cfl S• At.o raced· SorY Hlefl. Ster c ... <11. OC..,... Hope, Al9lll On lted, Arelt n't Pt rry, HektlN Ti.;.1;0l4/S, U UCACTA CS-II palctt77 IO flOUllTH•ACll. Ont "\lie~ Tich i R_.,, IBer i.16) '•.20 U O 2M Nobfl Vlclory (Parqr l ' 2 ... 141 Snodpy Apdney CAUllinl 2• Alto raced: Mtry'1 Win Sone. •~-. tt f Todd, Galion'• Mluy, Flylno 5Quect. Time· I 10. l'lf'TH llAC•. Ont milt. uHJ HtnrV't "-"rr'l On..., CKueOl.,.I 4.00 J 00 ta Sefl°9a 0.-l~lendl 1.40 SM SmlllrlQ Poe> IVellandinQh<lrn) 1.40 Also,_, Cardlo Kid Windy R.,..., Our Jeff, Wttcome '""'· Tii\n trlth. Hl9111-Charnp. Tlmt . 2: 10. SI I ICACTA IHI paid llS IO. SllCTM ltACE. One mile. M••lar E.-u IC_I_) R•oel KM ve (Acurma<1l S119<lal 0....ltty (Aul>lnl • '° 2 '° 2.«I , .. u o Also racecl. Tutanakeu, Flyln9 Htefoto,_ Lynx, K1ntuckv K1no Time: 1;07 115. J 00 8oxcer, SIY•NTH RACE. One mile . H .. ClTflt)er (Todd> -• 14'.it. a.oo ~.• Knlghl't Honour ISIMllll -j,IO J,«I Bye Away (Dunnl-1 10.40 Alto t4Ktd: J oo Lor .. f (Mi..,_f A ... Ananias. Mr Gral'tlm Bill, Flefftl"9 A Time: 1:10 1/S. "' ttllXM:TA CJ.41 pald47 ..... 0 l'ICX SIX t•s.+2-MI palcl '1,4" ... •11111 1wo wlnnlno t1<11.11t Ill'! tloftlHJ.1 11 1 1'10 SI• conlOlallon paid •'9.tO to 11 wlnnlno tick.,, !live Plo,...tl. EIGHTH llACIE'. One mite_' IHJ 00! Wave DofW1ve (0.-rl o . .o • .O 6.40 .. Ll91\1nl11 Sllm I &allerl 1,61 J.00 ten1y1 CAda~I 11111 AISo rec.a· Flent Oun. Sumat Beacll.. Mlllorlell, Pa'*'• l'9t, Onc.t Upon 1 SIAlr, Country J.,lee Time J 11 3/S. U •XACTA C!'41 pakl lt2 20, H I NTH •ACE. Ono mlle. Broallwlnd (Wllll•m•I '·"° J.00 J.40 Ooool\ GOS11 t<>enn1s1 4.111 uo Gold'l,Mtlr IGrundyl S • .O Alao raced: Bye Bye Trac.}. S<jm-r Fr'Otlc, Pln<l't H11, Super Sue, Tina KnfQlll. Tim•. J 0113/S. T£NTH a ACE. One mlft Rkllare111anowr IAO trmanl ljl -"l 10 1M Tarpo'1 Sieck C8la<k"'411) f 40 UO J•rt m lell'a Boy CTHsierl 1J JO Aho r•<•d· Kflr, Aldan, Couuea11, Undlrreltd, Tuetal>I Chief, snu1u Time: 1:07 <IS U I XACTA 1 .. 4) P!IQ ta-o . .O ILEV•NTH •ACE. Ont mu•. ln1ten1 Insanity co._,,.,, I 00 3 JO <Ml Lumber Charmer IWllllamSI 3.00 Mill Haloon Hero !Longo) 7.40 Alto ••<•Cl S9,trkl1 Ar90, Mon•lenor Oale, Tiie C--, Award, o .. ns1or, Andy'• Dun, Klno't OouCM U UlACfA ,,._~I pel<l Jl4 40 Altenclen<e 4 Soll ~ I I . . .. . Women'a .oe.11 COMMUNITY COL ..... ____ ,, ........ , AloHondO 1• 1»-1 J I Golden w..t 2IO 02-'' 4 I Smith, Muno! Ill -Ola1; Allt n -~Elrt•· W -AI ..... IWl. L-Smtll\. JB - 811yeu I Golcltn )"flt l. Moncf•y'a tl•nuctlon1 aas•uu. ~ ....... HEW YORK YANKEES -~ J-Pec1tla, pllcl'9', to•_.,.., <•lracl. l'"OOTULL. ~ .............. WINNIPEG BLUE BOMllERS -5'erted Wylie Turne~. defensive *"-M'4I Lyle Bauer, otftntl\19 ouatd. ............... u..-· ATLANTA FALCONS -..__. Wt- M<Dutfle -W tMms coach. BAL TIMOAE COL TS -Ne med Z.tke BreO owtU. eff..itlw c .. 1'cH.-ter -.,iarterbao. C09Clt. NOCICEY ............. ...,.._ HAATFOllO -ALERS -,._ -CUMlft Interim....., C09C1t.· NEW YORI( RANGERS -AH19MO MIU Allison. lefl wino. 10 Sprlnolleld o1 Ille "lmtrlc., HOCkty U 19119. COLLEGE ARKANSAS -"'--tO ,,_ rHIQnetlon ol Fred von Al>llen. eulStant l-11111 coec:l't. BOI SE STAT E -Announc 1CI Ille ru lonatlon ol Mike Mullelly, etl\l•tlc 01r..:1or IN OIANA STATE -Nt med Oan Scllelll'tlte ....., -.U..11 <oe<l't, _.Ive ac IM •nd al POS1·tenon play. •I 1 rCfllllJC '9JICfl I MUC1Rt ., ,, l '"' FICTITIOUS 8USIN•ll NAM« STATEMl.NT , a Tl\e totlowlno ~rson1 ere dotne buslMH H ; THE 8AXTER GROUP, ~16 Vie Oporto, 5'111• SS. Newport Beach, Ca .,..., Cl\oter E Bolin, Jr., J1I03 ISlamore. El Toro, Ca . 92630 Nlcl\Oles J . Ooues. 271• N. Lowell L....-. SM\Q ;J,na, C.."fl'1'06 Mlcl\etl w. 1Mllf•r. 9081 Colllor Lant, Weltrnlnsler, Ca. 92613 Tl\11 IWSIMH Is conoucltd by • oenerel partnenlllp, Mlcl'tetlW.Mlller Tll~ P...,._t WH llltd with "'9 County Clerk ol Oranoe Cou1111 on l'ebrwery ti, 1"2 F11111Sl1 • Publl•twcl Orenot Cool Dally Pltot f"•r. ~· '-."· "· I~ ...... 2 l'"ICl'tTIOUI 811MfMU NAME STATE#EHT Th• lotlowino pertont are dolno .,.,,,,..., .. HORTH A.MElllCAN SCHOOL OF INCOM E TAX P RE PARATION: FICTITIOUS 81JSINEH N-1. UAHMt'" Tl\e loltowln9 Ptrlc>ft It doln9 ..,., __ . COAST CLEAHEllS, I Wlnclf-, lrvlne, CA'2115 Gene Ed ward P icka rd , nu Unlvtrsl1y, lrvifM, CA t27U. Tiiis butlnets 11 conducted 1>y an 1 NOTIC• llWWIHO 810S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN llWf tr.. Boero of Trusteu of 11\o CN t c -muntty Col•eee Ol"1k1 Of Or.,. c -tl'. Catlfarnle, wllt rtc'elve tMltf bid• 11p to 11:00 a.m .. -.,, Marcil lndlvleluel. 0-Pl<kenl u. 1912 •• 11'11 Pur<f\Mlno Depart~ ol said. <ol"9t dl5trk1 localed at U Ada m i Av•nue, Colle Met -----.,...ttfnmta. 11 wttlch time w td bid• wl This 11-mtnt WIS filed wlttl ttlt ounty Clerk ol <>reno-County on ell.S, 1"2. 11"1.a. ,.,.,lsNll Or--. COlst o.lly PTio., ,ell.t , ll,U,Marcll2, ttll .,,., Tl Olll •Wt N • ,. • ~Jf,Pl .... .,T Th• l~llo'!'llri9 ~r'4111 fre doln9 blpubllcly_...itnd rffdlo<: l PURCHASE OF IHSOKINETI D 'Y NAM O M ETEA i INSTRUMENTATION SYSTE WI U B IC T. O R A NG E COAS COLLEGE All bids are to bl !ft eccoreleft<• wn Ill• Bid Form Instruction• e n Conelctlon• and Soe<lfl<altOl\t wl\k .,.. -onttltenclmey .. _....., 1 '"' offk • al 11'11 Pwchaalno Aoent u kl COl"9t dlsttlc1, • PUIUC llltl March 7, "· 16, U. 1"2 U l-12 1-------------htformec..., ",. •'-· II vou wllll lo --1111 aCl•IC• of an NORTH AMERICAN fCHOOL OF BOO KK EEPI N G A N O ACCOUNTING, NORTH AMERICAN SC!:i2.2.\......Q CONSERVATION; HORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF .AN I MAt SCIE NCES, NO RTH AM E R IC A N SC H OOL O F OAAFTING; NORTH AME RICAN SCHOOL OF FIREARMS; NORTH A M ER IC A N SC H OOL O F MOTORCYCLE REPAIR, HORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL 01' TRAVEL; NORTH A.MEAICAN SECRETARIAL SCHOOt; THE 8AltTOH SCHOOL; J EWELRY DUIGH C.'IO'Ell; THE CU$TOMIZ.IHG CENTER; POLICE SC I E N C ES l ff 5TIT U TE ; NEWPORT/PACIFIC HIG+4 SCHOOL, 4361 Birch St-I, Newoort BN cll, CA f2660. H O R T H A M ERIC AN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. I NC • • Calllornla coroor•tlon, 4361 Biren SlrH I, HewPQrl 8uc11, CA f2MO booslntO H 11 ' • HI • MCO P llOP E,ll T I f S, <100 Mtc Ar lltur Boulevlllrd, N1wporl Baecl\, c:.tlfomle t'M6l Eacl't bidder mu11 ...,,.11 wttl\ " bid e cl sl>Mr"s "'9Ck. <•'11flecl Cl\oc: or lllelder"s bond m-peyebtl to 1 order of t,,. c.. ~lty eou Dhlrlct 8oerd of Tr<nlM t In • amount not let& tr-five ,...cent u,., Oil Ille sum bid at I ..., ... 1 .. llle1 I bidder will tnler Into ,,,. pr Contract It 11'11 Mme Is awa.-t lllm. In tho 1-t of tanure to enl kll• wc:I\ contr~ !tit proceeds ot 1 cl\oc:k will .,. tor1eltecl, or In -u ol I bond, t._ full tum 11\ereof wlll torleCtecl lo wlel colleve Cllttr tct. PUIUC llltE enorno In thlt manor. 10U~,_ld do ,...------------- 10 promptly H 11\al you/' wrl11•n FICTITIOUS 8 USINI H <eSPOftM. ii •ny, may~ flCeaon lime NAME STATE,...NT AMa..t7 SI usttd-• toll<lter el conwjo a. .... !,~~::~•.owing PH son Is doln9 'T.S.H0.1-~:,:~m':d1';'11:,:::;':'~~·a~i:::: MA BA YNARO INGEASOL T·u"sOTTEICEES'OS~'I maner•. tu·-·· •K•ite, sl lley GOLOMAN"' ENTERPRISES (MA. .. .... 1 f)UeCle e91 1 ee1a t B.1.G .1, 170l6 c~ u ne, Mlulon On Merch 24. 1912 It 11:00 a.m. • ~~:o THE ~~';.l!~~ANT~ '.:'::':ii lllcJo. CA n m . F I R S T A M ERIC A N TITLE complaint l\H bHn ltled by tl\e ALAN WA DE SATTERLEE, f>'M INSURANCE COMPANY,• Catltornla Plelntllt ~lmt you II YoU wish to Condeelo Lane, Minion VltJo, CA corporellon H TrustH, or Succenor defend 1111• •-wit. you must. wltl\ln t26tl • Trust .. or Sutl5111u1td TruslH , ot 11'111 Jt day• after lhls summon. 1, Wrvod Tiii• t>uslntts It conducted by • ctr1aln Oeocl of Tru•1 executed by on YOU, Ille with ""' covn a writ fl mlltd Ptr1nenlllp. OON AL D 8 . 8 ROWN LEE. an rHPO~ lo 11\e tomc>lalnc Unless YOU .-1 .. Setterlel, \lnm&.tJ'~IUI .. c.erde4 CIOSo, your dltfl<I" wltl be ... ,.,., on c;....al Peft~ Novtmller 2', 19'0 n In~, .. ~, no ~l<•llon of .,,. Plelntlff encl this Tiits lta1-I ·-111.a wllll 1M Mo!J.J, 111 -• 13152, P~ IU, of court ma'll ..,..r • 1~1 -inll County 0-ol Oranoe County on otflelal Record• ol Or•,. County, you tor 1,_ relltf clemendtd In 1,_ Ft b •. 1"2. ~:~~1~'~!.:ic:;,d~~u~~::::, ~~e<•:i::. tompl•lnt, whlcll could m ull In l'"IWH to Seti 11\er-r ra<ordld Nov.mbff. 91rn!!".'_m•nl .of waeu. I eking ol Publl"*9 Oranoe Coost Oelly Piie>\, 1J ltll ... lmtrument na IAOOI In morl•Y or prol)trly or otl'ter relt1f Feb. 12, March 1. '· 16, 1tl1 15+12 b~ok "'" P•oi JO 01 0111~1•1 reciuested lnthecom1>laln1. ___________ ...__ Records al U ICI County, .:.111 under and DATED: Oecembtrtt. 1911 PlmJC llllC( put1uant to said Deed ol Trull Mii at R.ot»rt R Riii, public '"°"'on lot ,_..,., lt wtul ,,,_., Cltrll of 11\t United Stain Of Amorl<•, al Ille By Ell,., l Ouron, malr\ entr•nco to First •-•lean Title o.iutv lnturan<e Compan'r loceled el 11< KLEIN Cl CUTI.Ea, INC EHi l'lftfl Strwt in tile city Of Same 2m N ......... ,,Ste. 29S Ana, Calllomle, all Ille! rlQl\1, 1111t end $Hta Au, C.A '"'6 Interest c.on.....,..s to encl now l\eld by 11 h t: 111•1 ~ undtr H id Oetel ol Trut t In 11\e Publl-OrtnQe.COHI Oally Plio. 11t-r1'1' situated !JI selel Counly tna ~r. t . t. 16, U. 1'12 , ,...., Stat• described n : Lot 133 of Tract No. 33'.J •• per 1------------- Mep rotor-In ~ 112. 1>191s l 1 to PllUC •Tt£ 41 lncknl,.. of Mlsc•ll•ntOla M•PI. In ------------ 1119 Otfk 1 ot t ... County Aaco<Cltr Of ~ICTITIOUS 8USIN•U S.ld County. NAMI ITA'TI M•NT Tiit tlree1 eddrou or oll\er Tl\1 lollowl"O ~rton h dolne common dls'9natlon Of salCI pr-rty l>utlntH es· Is pur--lo bl: J0'2J C_,try CIUtl INFORMATION MANAG EMENT Drlvt ,CmtaMesa,C.a.'2•2'. TECHNIQUES HIOI Marguerll• Se id u le will tM mecle wl1hou1 p SUll ·B-Ml ...._ v~1 cove11111t or warr111ty, ••Pren or •rtcwey, • "'"• .. ...., ""o. lm11lltd as to 1111• poueu lon or Celllornl• '26'2 1ncul'll~•nc.u 10 sailtfy ttlt unpaid Paul Ciernlk. U026 Sonolt•, l'"ICTITIOUS 8USIH•SS NAMa STATEMENT T "' ltllowlng oet1on 11 dolne bull,,.HH: B"YCE INDUSTRIAL SALES • .01 $0, Lim bert Orlve. l'utltrto11. C.llfOf'ni. n.sa Bryce CestOf', t.01 So. La mo.rt Orin, FUiierton, Ct ltfomle t1'3t Thll butlMH I• condUCled by •n lndlvkluat. BrKtCHlor Thll ,._t WM llltd wltll ,,_ Covnty Clerk Of Or11>9e County on Ft0r11ery2', l"2. ,_,..,, Publl"*9 Orenot CN Sl Oallr Pllol, Merell 2, It,"· u . 1"2 • ......, PICTITIOUS 8UStN•SS NAME STAT•M•NT Tiie following Plf'SOlll ••• CIOlno bullntun: LI F EPOWER, UIOI Henley Dr., Wt1tmlmter, CA '2413. Marr Meyuml Vl•Yll·Heft, u 101 Hanley Or., WftlmlMWr. CA '*3. MerC911e llllaMI... It klrftldl Ct., Htw..n le.II, CA ..... It • Thh Mli!ftt II ~!"' f f t l'"ICTITIOUS 8USIHISS NAME STATEMENT Tll• following person Is doing butlneu"' M Y F REE OO M EHTEAPlllSES, • Felr Drive, Cootie Mew. Ce.m u 51\lrle y A. Boullardl, 110S $ ... rl"91on Pl., X·104, Newport BH<h. ca. n..a _ Tlllt buJlnets Is condu<lod by an ff>Cllvlclutt SNrtty A Bos.Pwrdt , Tiiis Jt.lttment wn flied will\ t,,. (:°"nly Clerk ol Oranoe Counly on Thh twtlneH It <onduc 1ee1 Cly • corporation. H orth A m e ric an Cor rHponditllct Sc-•··'"'· Jelfrer A. Brlll, Vk • Pres. & S.cretery Tl\I\ statemtnC wa> flltcl wllh tho County Clerk of Or-County on J en. Jt, ltn. .. ,_ Vanota C, Mallt, JCIDO Sand Hiii Road, Bl'IMllnt •. Suite 110. Menlo Perl!, Ctllfonlla ttl2S Tt4 II. Carpe11ter. 1401 Dover Strn t. Sult• 00, Ntwport Beech, Callf0mltf2MO Cllantt 0. o.i-. a*> Mec:Artl\ur Boulev•d, Newport 8MUt, C•llfonll• '1'63 T.,,, llllllMH Is condu<ttd by • ,,.~a· !:!'r ... n 1s s'rn.f •'"' lf'9 No bCdOlf' may wltllclraw l\ls bid I period for lorty.fl\19 (45) CleYt afte ttlt date tel for lfll -nine I..,_. Februe.ry 17. Ital. ..,.nc .,...,i.. """· -,...,.., VlaM41~eft • ~••nu PublisNO l)r.,. CoaSI Oelly Pllol, PvbllSIWCI Oranot Coall Delly l'llot l'etl. 11, ~ 1. t. 1', 1"2 IS~ CounlY ~k el Of .... Counly on Fet>ruery 2', 1f1?1. Tl\o BoerCI ftll T,...._ r--. t prlvl.leoit Of re)Ktl.ng.M>y -111 ~ to welve any 1rr..,,11r1tlu o lnlormtllll" In .,,, bid or I" t bleldlno. f.O. J>, Mer 2. t, lt;-1"2 no.t? This *'"""'I,_, filed .... 1tto Counltl "Cler'11 M'c>r.,. County· on l'et>. s. 1tll. •• • • • ..----"'""==--..;;. ___ ...,a ~•mm PlmJC '9JI( "'1blltMct Oranoe c-Dally Pltot, t------------Fei.. t, 16, n . Merci\ J, 1"2 Sts-a FICTITIOUS 8USINESS HAMll STATlllllDIT \, The lollowlne ~·-• are e16l110 -------------buSl!lt$l es· FICTITIOUS 8UStN•SS NAM« STATIM8NT Tl\t fo llt wl'!Q .. ,'°" 11 dol•e ""''""'at! REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE CO., m S.ewlnel Or .. NtwPDrt heel\, ca. '2'6l I I Mark W. ,__,,,. >tS Unl~y br.,Colt.l~w1c1.~ 1 1, Tiils llodl-11 1<~ .., 'M lnellvlcluat. 1 • Mar1t w. "'--y Tllll 11-t WM llled wltll IN County Cltrt< of Or•• c-1y ... , F9br1.1ery 0 . 1'91. ,. ... PuMllNCI 0rlfl9' C..~ Delly Pli,t Ftb. n . Mar. 2, •. 16. 1"2 7t2'tt l'OAMAT PHOTOGAAPHV, 1411 Atl.anla A ..... H11nt'"91on Beec:ll, Ce. "1 .. 8rtkt H ... mt~r. lttl Atlanta Ave., Huntlnocon e.ec:11. ce • .,.,.. Cl'tarttt Ha.,.mo..,, 1411 Atlt nt• M • .. HllllUncJIOn llMdl, c.. t1646 ll\IJ bwlness It conducttd br • IMr•l~lp, 8NcliHeg11me~r Tris l&ail-wa• llttcl Wiii\ Ille ovntr Cltrll ol Orenoo c-ty e>n Fltlniery It, Ital. ,, .... .f>uMIOWll Orenoe coa11 Delly Piiot l'tb. •u, #INr. 2. t, II. 1'91 na.G MALCOUll I OM."f ' AfterMp Ill &.aw ...... -........ . "° ... tu•. FICTITIOUI 8Ul lNISS N_,... ileMll, catlfent&a t1t6a N""'11E STATl #•NT ,. ,,_, Tiie to11ow1no ""''°"' ••• dot"9 Pulll~ Or*'lle Coast Delly Piiot, HORMAN E. WATSON S.Cf'lltety, BoerCI Of TrusttH COM! Community Colltgl Dlttrkt ' ' Pullllstwcl or..,. COi• Delly P .t P::et>. u . -· 1. ,.., u l>Utlll.U es: MtrU. t, •. 1•, ,, I* t"-G MAH~C:e~E;.~ ~R~:E~sTo~~L~ 1-------------1·-------,,.-------- 0F AMERICA; lbl CONVENflON ~ llnC( ~ ... HK 11"1 ... Publl"*9 Or .... CMl1 0.lly Piiot, Feb. U , Ma<cll 2, t, 1', 1'12 lln.e1 l MANAGEMENT tNTEaHATIONAL, .... -----~~----~1-------------'lP ~=~ec.:=~~·::.:o· Suite 3006, LI~• ANO AC:Cil>HT MONllALTM FRANCIS E. GOHZALES, '221 W. SYWOl'llSO~TMe AIHIUM.STATH•WT l(,,q11.A-~ta Ana, CA '2704. Y•All INOIO OIKIM9•1111, ttll BEN OTtVARES, 11U w .. 1 ... rty '. 0' Orlw, Los AnQtltt, CA toOJS. ~LI,. INIUaANC• COMl'ANY • T!llt buslntU •• C-Cled by .. r' ,,, ............. Or. oene.r•I P1r1ner1Nc>. A,,,...,, N.Y.... _41 F•-•s f . Gonales Totel edmlhtcl eu.ts ................. '. .......................... Sl6,Vs...,, Tl\ls stet-I WIS flied with Ille ToUll n.tblfltle .................................................... 11,,.... County Clerk ol Or•noe County on C..,Ctal P9ICI"" .................................................. ,,..,.. l'"•b It, ••. Gr'Ms peld tn -contrll>u\ed turpl11t .............................. •.ltt..ut 5-l•l~sl'"lllldl ............................................... 11.• u ... ......., ..... (*orplu•I • • . • • • • • • • .. . .. .................. .., t. lJ'JM Gal11 (l.6til lro'!n-nitlons ..................................... I-I tl7,Wlt Iner-CO.C-l In Capltal tncl ~ •• -all -dyrl"llt7S .... ll .................................................... H .,.A,~~ 'ICTITIOUS 8USINISS ~ ... ,_ I lnwrance ln Fore.: Hatlonwlelt .................................. a11,ft1,~ MIUlon vi.io. C.lllornl• t:i..1 blllllCI OU. Oft Ille nolt or notn Tltlt butlnetJ It cond<l<ttd by en ta<und b'f wld o..d Oil Tn.tt, to wit: tnellvkklal SlJ ,J00,00, plus lltt fol-lno ttllmetM Peul CH rlll• .. AM41STAT•MINT _, 'Kc1"flt9M~lums-Mt •• '. ............................... .... '\r.~ous 8USINlll I 'ICTl.'-........ ss . . . • :-:~1no porto111 .":' Clotno l'"ICTITIOUl8USl.MISI -·-~lp'C•lnfll"(9.; C:elltoml• 8UllMlp_ ............ ~ ................ I.Mot .... fTATIMllMT !IAMllTAT1¥11WJ: I I NAMIUTATIMINT Atc!*ntlftll'-llfl~s-~:(ellfomlt ...................... "8' Tiie loltowl110 "'son h dolnt Tltt foltowlnt "''°"'It ddf.ltt ' Clll'-TIVE 501..UTIOffS, UOll Tiie f•llowl111 peNiioll It dolft9 We ....... Cllinlft ..._ ----"'--· - -~ <oltt, •~ -eclvaMtt Ill .,,. Tiiis ~t wet llltd wl1'1 Ifie time of .. lnltlel ..-ket!Gfl tf tl'tl• t y Cltr• °' Or•,. c:-ty °" IM4":~~0 COHSUUCT I O H -•-•: r \ n ·~ ,._...., .. ~~ .. ~.CA ... =~l(fl..l..OIL ~GAS1•1, ~~~~=.::..~:"tew~ .. -.......,, -k l Oil S...: ""i"· F ..... a-t Itel. OATEO: P::*-\>U, ltn. •--• • • COllilll'ANY,Sll1 BolwA-,U111t 1, ~:..::J.r.==:c~ WILl..IMllerSUSANS'TUA•T.14111 UOD Prlv•ttoad • ...._,lffdl.CA • ,,,,....,...,............ f H-"'9tDn IMCll. CA """· .\)ft ..... T-. .... , ..... Of., ":·....,... Hiii•, CA m u. ftttO. ~ v ..... M, v.-.. ~ FlltST AMElllCAH TITLE INSURAHCE COMl'AHY, a C:.'"""'i. COf'pOl't tlO!I By: OANOllMt!ltOO, ~-Offk•r ' 114 £Mt """ "'"' .... ,,.,.., ~-'2702 T'eh I 1141 St94211 .. , ... ,.,, .. 1.,... Oranee c .. tt Oe11, Pl ... , ~ell 2, t, 16, ~· 1• '4 ALlleln llOV lt0$SI, J R., Utl AMMlm,Ca.99D4 •O allT WALLIN, U Act<lt llOl llllT I . HAMILL, G-al r11111.,,..,0l'aro-C-Oellyl'llet..fl-.t1, .. Merdl\,l .l .Hlt ftMlll. AQu«lus Orlve. H1111tlft91on IMcll, CA Tiii• _,_ II cOllMt~ ._. ...... l....W, CA '27l4. I l'ett-. UllO l'rlwta ....... Newpot1 1 · .q WUI' -Tltlt ~ 11 c-uctacl 1W ., 11111\"'*~· • .. Tlllt ~I*• 11 ~~t" by t J -· -_,,. -• _,.. """K llldlvlclllal, Tllli tteMmetit' we. fii .. wilti .M• • lllern A. M•n llm llff .,,,, • ......,. ' J ~ ,..,_ ~ .. ,.., d .,..., 1nc11~1r. 1~·.,~-'""' ~. c~~~ ~ a -.. ... CA,..., ' , , • ; :! ITATl•ln'O~AIWIOONMUt°T' Thi• !."::!.O'f!:':i:t wtti."" ~~~,.:, °'4"t ~--Y, .... :::.~ ~..!ltllco'!~1t This =.:.1".:1~.._ wttll ~ H ,•· 1a..';1A•OACCIOl11T_.MIM.1" ............. Or .... C•M Dolly Plio. Ot'UHOfl c-1r Cltr1t .. OHnoe c~ '" .. ,..., ... , •. f'91, C-ty GMtt .. Ofe119t c-.... M ........ OflTMI A~ITAftllllllT-}! "CTITIOU8 8UM••• •"-'• l'et>. , •• ,., 1'1'4Hh llld o. .... Ceetl Delly ...... .,...., ..... 11,.,. I· ' "9A• ••MO............. rt TM Ml_.,. ll9<WI -lllet ... 4411 ,._. , ... U , MM. 1. •• l•, 1W 7SMI ,_ltMd ar-. c;..,. Delly Pllet.. ,_.. .. t. F' 'r -·'·'·'"'-., .... 1t11 -f1f .. fkllticM WllMl9 MIM ,_.,..Or .. C*ltlt Oelly ....... ~\3 Mi1Pd11, t, If,'"= 1 ~ ........ ~ C..,. Deity ....... ,__ ..... Ulll--~ ill 'I 5UPREME l'ACICAGING SYSTEMS F ... Ja.Merdlt,t,1 .. ttll ...... 'M!mift#I/'" •• • -·--=· ~-..n...m.a,t .... t• .... -~c..roen..•.0. ... -. .......... c.....~ ' ,..111a a• ,., .. H•I• A ............ 1.... • I • I"!'"" , , l ----r . ;TelME--c ............................................... .,.,.. ---------Cellfwftleff1M. W llfll ,.... ""'IK ... .. T._.411 ..... , ...................... , ..................... ~-,erftTw....,..... T"• ffc tlH•~t 1tu1lfte11 ft•M• . •t1 ~ ...... 1 J • C..-.. wpil •• .;:1u ................. 1., ....... u .. , ... , .... -.1 ............ .e iillM'fiiTi:raMl•T -reterreo .. .__tt,._..,·c.-iy PtCTinout.U..eie•r-' ,~ftA~,1 11.,' t. 'tcn"'°"'_,,..... ; -=··-,.. ~,_,.....,~ .... y ....................... ~ ... ,.-T11e Mli.."'41 Mr-• ere H1119 on N~J,t"' n. "8 -"'l'JfN .,,,. I! ..,.._ITAT8Me•T fl ......... .... ............ ., .... ,• ............................... ...... ....,._n: · SUPlll!M • IHOIJSTUE I , I llAMelTATWMSM?1I ~ Ir' P ' •, ttlt ftllowlftl INfton 1'1 ...... • 1 RAftMINT 1( ...... ) ............ , ....................... , .. , 111,•1• (~Ll'°"fOA OlllML IUl\llCll, Ctll,.nilet...,.,.,ltn Tiie ft llowln1 ,.,,.,.It dtl119 ~1.AMINOO LINOllllf Alfbl .......... T::J:•ll-lnt perMft It ... 1n1 Oelll Cl.•1 '-""'"""""'•"·~ ............ , ,,., ........ M.'9t,lilt :.. ...,._ ......_, C... ,.._, GA ,;;:.:--. -.. ' -=~-LL .... _ •• :i:R:;,l!l\Ja:<;f'" ""''" rl<~l't=:·.'l'~.:':'.~i' ·:~ -'o":' OI !! ·.~ I' AMP I ~;~.~ .... ,.,.,.,,. .... : ... : ... ,.,.,,.~ 'J!(fl,:,.J. =· M Or ....... y .ist ••rU,L...,._, ~0r1 ........ n,....,..~. ~!......Mlt,.Y llM•Otlt M.M ....... llecfl,Ca... V-1~~" ii...,_, I H•a .......... ,.t•"•••••• .. ••"""I'"" ,....:.=-.i.~":':'-o... TIMI ::;:i:•".., Wlltl .. '='HltT •· H'-MILL, UM twtllt~~~J1:tlsoel 'f ~ecfn~.!:~"=~';,'·;1:£~~ Tnlll;., ... i.. "'"''''· 1111 ••" =.,_ .. 'W&:~i::" ~ .. ·:::~:::::::::::::·1,::r .,,..,CA.... CW111Y°"' .. Orwtl9tG.....,.., ... fll'I•• ........ ...._, llMdl, CA c-IMN,°""' • .. ........... ea... 111cuu ... TNl&.0...1CI..... ....... .......... .......,._~, TMt ...... lt~teltlti¥e lftdle .... lti¥f............... .. ............_ • -.,.., .. ,;;;,;;.;;;;;;_.~---. ~llF1A lt~'9-fNl..._11___,W• •4z'&'I................ .. ........ ~ ................ ... .-ref•--. " _...._....,.., ~ --..,.......-""'''Tl -••• • • .... u=-.-•.,;;.;,;••·=·a .... ._. -....J,~ •U, ..... Y......... T'Mt ..................... I ............... ...., t ...... _._ _. ................ II , .. ..,. ......... 0......ll,Nil ...... ~ ""' .......... •.,... .-.. ,.....,. cet111tw c... .. Clf'lllet c""t"' "' -~ ~.-..1 Q:,E·y,... -""'""" 11111 --,.. .-• .... _ ...... c.............._...... 11 c-fy Cl9rtl ., Or.,. c....iy "' Qlll& CW=• '"· t•. ••· ~ r taioihJ"'. w ., ~ C....., "' c.-., CW1t w a... Cellllty e11 ,......... .......... • "'-'·"-•• t '" •"·Fi-, ,M. .......,....... M t ... .,._,...... fl-.......... Cil.... I b:ft , ' .,_. ..... ,_ I ___ ,...... ..._.°""" Ci8llt Dair........ ....._..,_.. C:........... ...._Cir-. Gell~..... C'lllll...W.J'JJIL. °'91111 4*11 ~..... ....._ ... C1M1 o.llY...... ML......,. ~··'!t!'t~t,M . .... ~U.t,'6,a.t• ..i.lttc~a.t .... ._ ~ ,_. "'9.ill, t. ,.., rr r,.,_ .-:U.1'.* ,... ...._...,,.,_._-.i,. •-e.tDlllylMIA. u11-.1 -·--::~ S f'ICTITIQUSMISIHllU 'J •• N-a ITATIIMaNT i.,,.Tll• lollowll\41 person Is doing -.utlnfll •s: hr E, •Rd J. •I TllERON, 1'14' COHllln• UM, Hunllnoton B••<ll, Celltor..i....- l dne It. ~ "70 CoHtllne , Huf'lt~Oll ~II, Celll0<,.le Is busiMM II ~UCled bY en ld\NI E-R.Gllbe1'1 ~II N...,._. WM filed wllll the Toiinty Clerk ot Or•nge County on lf,.-ruary M. 1"2 flt ... ,,, Publlslled Or-CoHt Oelly Piiot, Merell 2. •. ••. 23, 1"2 U2-«2 • • • • • • • • rt it:J.gpt hanCl'lfs · you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot dassified ads. Call 642-5678 f'ICTITIOUS •UllNIM ~ STATIMl!NT su~••I04ll C-OUltT Of' CA'-IPOaNIA The I 11 I t I COUNTYOf'ORANOI! lluslneu:,.ow no person ' do no NOTICl!Of'Nl!Aal ... R ~ W COMPANY. L TO, 1"'2 Of' IAU •Y ltlf'lall Mllll ken Aven1M1, lrvln•. Calllornla NO • .,.. '2714 DMe: .-.nl S, 1'11 Robert O ertoos, O•n•r•I TIMe: •:••..,.. Pertf'ler, SI Beacon Bay. NewPOrt o.1-n 8ee<ll, Celllornla f2'60 Pl.AINTIFF; SANIET SILVA: Tiiis butlMH I• conducte<I by • DEFENDANTS: HORACE FRANK llmlled ...,-tnerllllp. SILVA,et•I . R~ o. Bri09s Notice b MrWy Qiven u..t on A11<ll OJ This statement wo fllff wOh Ille S, t"2 •I Ille"°"' Of •:JO o"<IO<k a.rn. 11Ct=:-===-:::-=:=:=::-=~:-=:~-----------...l County Clerk of Orange County on In 0•PM1,,._t 22 of Ille •Dov• enllUed llJH lmcls Februery M, 1912. tCliln , 100 Clvk Center Drive West, f't .. t7 Sent• AM. C•lllOf'OI•, the App11cet10n Put>ll-Or'9noe Coe'1 Diiiy Pilot, of Robert Ii-.s......,,.,, ReterM, tor March 2. '·I•, JJ. 1.., ":M2 conflrm•tlon Of sale, salo and order .--------------I thereon. w11 ~on ,..ularly..., 0 .,, WILLINGER York. Friends may call al MICHA EL <ROHONCZY1 Pierce Brothers S miths· WILLINGER, a resident of Mo rtuary until 9 :00PM _,,. • heertno . r;-.-m1IC( The Nll>lluU.., tor Se .. c;onc.er•u the lanes -bullOl"llf located at "17 f'ICTITIOUI •UllNl!U Anehelm A-.enue, Coate Mu a , ...ae area tor the past 25 lon1g ht. Rosary will be years, having-lived in Santa recited Tuesday. March 2. i\na for 20 years and Tustin 1982 al 7 · 30 PM at the £«' 5 years passed away on mortuary. Mass of Chnslian _Marchl,1982 Hewasarlivt' Burial o n Wednes day. "1l l h e C h a m b e r or March 3. 1982 al St. Simon Glo mmerre or Santa Ana ·and Jude Catholic Cburcb -during lhe 1960's He was with the Franciscan Fathers at:io active n the Operatra in officiating Interment will be the Los Angeles area for 20 m lloly Cross Cemetery. Los years. He is survived by hts Ange I es , Ca P ierce wife Els ie. daughter Elsie B r o l h e r s S m i t h s · aioallos o r Hunti n gton Mortua r y dir ec t ors ~11ach. Ca. and predeceased 536·6539 m! 1964 by his son Michael. PUl..ASKIE NAMl!STATl!MaNT Calllornle and with r--1 .,_,...., Tht lollowlnt perion h Oolno your Referw IMs received Ml ofMr .0 bu•lnus•u . , llUf'ChtW Yid --1Y 10< Ille ,..m of DYNASTY ENTE RPRISES .. j,000.00, u Is. The ...... to be In Huntlnqton H~ Suite '°7 1..,j c•. t i clote Of esc.-, tNrty_..,Yt AIQOf'iciuln Slree .. H;.,,tlftoton hach 101-lnQ C-1 conflrmtlion, Md Is Calllornla ~ ' subl•<I lo overbid In the or,.lntry Paul M. VeMt, 4'13 Sherk Drive prob•t• lef'rnl, the lnlll•I overbid Hunllnoton~ll.Ctlllornl•tl~ ' lltln9 111• sum of Ul,7SO .OO In 1,.;.~·~~r>H• Is c-ted bV an :~oc'=• wltll the ~le rules of p.,, M. V•no Any ...,-iy wlslllnQ lo l~r-IN This stettrnenl WU llllHI •1111 "" bid 11\all be~ 10 Cleposll, •I Ille County Clerk of Or•-county on ti,,,. Of "'°"ltytno tor Ille c-1 bid on Febf'uar'y1', 1"2 Aprll S, ltl2, 10 percent ot 1111 , , .. ,. PWCNM price In c;asn or cesllier"s Published Ortn119 coatt Oell'f Phot check with Robert H. Stopher. Mercl'l J, t, 11. 2J, tte n~ Ref.,.ff, Yid sum belnQ lorfelttble In IN event the _.Chete 11\etl lell lo <OMC>ie1e IN .... ~'lso s urvivin g are 3 FRANCES C P ULASKIE. &ra~d r h1ldrcn . J oseph, passed ~way on February For lur1her lnlorm•tlon. pleaM contecl Ol<k Aftsl•r. Retllor. ICM Eest 11111 Street, S•nt• Ana, Cellfornl•, "701, Tel•~. 11111 Sit-835, or~ Offlce ot the Refer", '" U.. •venl tne lwoker Is not avall•ble ~r1nne a nd Mi r hno t· 27. 1982 10 Costa Mesa. Ca. FICT1r1ous 1us1Nl.U "l"'ITk' .. ' Sh bo NAME STAJ'EMIENf • 1nlon."1. great.grandchild c was rn on September The 1011o•lno person• ••• doing t..eri Mari e P ilkinton 22. 1894 in Dl'wey Rose. t>ustnHus· Jumber room visitation Georgia She was a resident OANCEWEAR ETC. 1'312 Sterr• d f A h · C Perla, Irvine, Ca. 927U .Hes ay, March 2. 1982 from o na e1m. a She ts Joy LH<>weni. 1,_, Sterr•'"""•· ~OOPM to s ·OOPM at Harbor s urvived by 3 sons. Loyal 1rvln•. C•. 92115 Oeted ~y 11, 1"2 . RObert H. S ....... r. R ... , .. R0411!1tT N. STOPNl!lt STOf"tfl!ll & STUNLl!Y •-..raatur. ..... •1rct11t pwn Memorial Chapel, H e.ng s ~l er and Jack J an P•lr lc• Owens . 11 l M I H engst l d R 11 GolclenbW>, lrvlne, ca. 92114 ps a esa. llo Y Rosary p 1 k: e r an ° Y This buslneu 11 conciuct•a by • ~ d M a s s o f t h e u as 1e. l daughter Mary oener•l .-IMrsl\to. ~urrection on Wednesday. Harrison. al~o survived b} 2 Joy<>wens rch 3, 1982 al t.OO PM al daughters·l!'·law Louise J..,o...n. If I d G Tiii• state,..,....t was llled with the maculale lleart of Marv engsl er a n e anelle county cier' 01 Oranoe county on ~.0 .... 4'17 S.. AM, Ce. t21tl 17M) M1-7Sfl Publl111tct Or-Coast Delly Pllol March 2. t, 1"2 7~ ~lholic Church. 1100 South He ngstler. l .son ·in-l aw F111ru•rr•.1"2 Center St .. Sanl'tl Ana. Ca L.ela nd Harrison . also ,.,.,.,, ~•n S S l I F d Publlstled DrMIQt CCN$1 Delly Piiot ""r ment services w1 II be 1 e r · 1 n · a w r 1 e a Feb. 11• 2J, Mercl'I 7, '· 0 ., ,_, • e}d al Good S he pherd M c M a h o n a n d 7 su.-.~~~•T (lmetery, H unt1ngt bn grandc.h1ldr e n , and 3 _,,. ~ Of'CAUll'ORHIA e a c h, Ca The fa "1.IJ.). great-grandc h1ldtt-.ri Stie ~ .,.,..,t COUlnYOf'ORA...,. rt>quest.s in heu of floW'~~ was active ~'the sevet'el H•O•~c-won ... * ... donatiorui ~ 'illllde to }'Q\Jt organi7ation~· u 'fotfolA"ll '~~~~::JI~. . .. , s.t11U!:.~tr11tt fa~orile charity. Servfccs Charle't''M~rttt>er of the Tl'I• 1oi1ow1n9 ,...,... • .,. doln9 ~••1,.geop • l!Qder the direction of Baltz Newport Lady Anglers Club ou.ir>H•H PETITIONER: TONG VAN ~~-rgeron·Sm1lh & Tuthill and a past member of the R G. ~ G. POWERS, 411 E 11th s1.. NOUYEH w l liff Ch R d d R •nt,C•te-.CA'Ml7 RESPONOENT :MUITHILE es c ape! Mortuar} o an eel Club. a R-.i c;...,1 "--""·IOI Aml90s SUMMOMSCPAMiLYuw1 of CosLa Mesa. 646·9371 c ha rler me mber o r the Nev. ,._.... .. ct1,c•92..o CAME MU-ER: otmu ·' P ELLEGRINE Shuffleboard Club. Desert GIHh H. ~IOI Am190s W•Y. lltOTICE t M R -~~CA~ ~-~-~~-' A.1Y R. PELLEGRINE. Hot Spnngs, she was past This bustn;u Is conductea bf _.._ ... ,.._......,.,_....,. a c,e 84-.-a. i:e.JW-den t o f member o! ihe..Angel Yiew "''M>end-wif• .... ,,. ..._"" ,_.. ......, • Hu11tin1?ton Be a ch. Ca Cr ippled Children's Hospital R c; ~ ... ,. ........ ....., ....... .....,. Passed away on Sunda.". Guild nf Desert Hot Spri·ngs This sttt..._1 was 111ec1 wttll .,,. AVISOI ·' Y C.ounty G .. ' 01 0 C UUe .. Ila ai..e ... ,,. ...... , Ill f5l~b~uar y 28. 1982 al ondwasacliveinlheArlisl Feti.l,t"2r renoe ountyon 1r1-..1...--.c'*-•U ... • 1:4ml1!1gton Intercommunily of the Desert. also other f'taNt -...i. • - -u.. ,.__.. Hiosp1tal. Mrs. Pellegrine Civic and Commulfil y Publl-Ortn119Co.11oa11y P11ot, ..._ ..... -. .. LH11 1....._._ was a member of St Simon affairs i n Desert Hot ~eb ..... n .Mer<h 2·1"' ..,,..,, ~~':9,;,1"'1oo-1t111eac1vk•of •n and J ude Catholic Church Springs, s he was also active ~ ettomey In '"'' matter. rou lll04Acl do abd the Huntington Beach in the American Legion NIUC •'llE ::.::,.i;~i'..,':.~Y:'fi1;:':.W.,,.; 3ehior Citizens Club. and the Auxiliary of Palm Springs. ~ SI usted~uotkttar eicon•Jo de G ra ndmothe r 's C lub or ca . a nd a I s 0 th e l'ICTITl~t~SIHess "" ·~ ... •51• esunto, ...0.rlt America. Beloved mother or Republicans Woman's Club NAMl!ITATIE Ml.NT h•c•rlo lnmealetement•. d• HI• J p II s . m•nera, IU rnpuHte 0 •199«1on, 11 ames e egrlnc or Lake ervices will be held on 11u!~~.~o~~~wln11 "''so"' •re <1otn11 h.ty ••oune, llUede Mr r~lstrtda • Arrowhe ad, Ca .. John Wednesday, March:l.1982at wooo&R IDGE TOWNHOMl!S oempo ll;iniel Pellegrine of Yurca 3·00PM al Waverl} Church. 17100 Glllotte, lrvtne. CA '2714. • l. TO THE RESPONDENT: V U C Do T l\e P9!1tloner hes llllHI • petition .a ey, a.. nald Daniel 1702 East Fairha\'en. Santa Warmlft910rtManeooment Compeny, concernlno,..,.,,. merr1-. 11you 1•11 R,eHegrine of Huntington Ana, Ca . with Rev. ['r. •C.lltor~•<~•tton.mOOGlllett• 1otll••.._sewllhlnJO cr.Y1 0ftht Beach. Ca .. also sur viving Charles Simon of the Church A": .. 1~ '::.~~~~:~n Ent~rprlH• ,..t, that ws """'"*'' 1' ...._.., 'ii 3 d f R I you, your • ..,., ff\ay be entered and s:e gran c h ildren. 3 o el1gious Scienc e ncorporateCI , • C•lllornle the co urt..,.., enter • lud•rn•llt g t..e a t · g ran d c h 1 I d r en . o r f 1 c 1 a t I n g P r ! v a l e ~~•tlon. 17100 Giiiett•. Irvine, CA c..,,.,,.tno ll'l~tlve °' otller .,....,.. b_eloved s ister of Ann entombment al Fairhaven Thi• 11us1neu Is c-..cted by• concer11ln11 OMslon 01 •ro~rty, • Siragusa of Garden Grove, Memorial Park. V1s1talion llmttlHI par1-p. =· =· ~.'!~ c::!'.':;., :C:': Ca; Isabelle Dixon or Long o n Tuesday, Marc h 2. 1982 WCorportllonName: I -r relief •• ,.,...,. be or-ad by Ille Beach. Ca .• Carmela Brock from 3·00PM to 9:00PM at c::::-~ court. Th• .. rni.h,,,.nt Of .... , ~'e w.e s t minster. Ca .. Fairba\'en Mortuary. J-1'.w~ ~~:_"':;ocS::.:!!·.:..,•.i:; tt'rlgehne Lai:taro, Frances HOOKER PnslOlnt mull. C•..,.ngelo. Mamie George. I VAN H. HOOKER, ag~ e~::::-~::-: DttlHI: ~ 30, 1•1. ~Y Benevento and Frank 79. a resident of Hunlingt.on .enwiirhn tncor.--~A. BRANCH, Carrier aJJ of Bwfalo. New Beach, Ca. Passed away on ~tnvt.., ey: HAHCY WAGGOMflt. Y Qr k a n d Catherine F ebruary 27. 1982. Survtved This ste...._. wet mec1 Ith the ~' c \>PPello or Elma. New by his wife Ila, son Ivan H. Counly C1e.-o10f' ..... COUl\t:onJ .... ~::-:~~~~INC. ;;;:========:;:-i Hooker. Jr .. s tep·son Walter 2', 1"1 s..u A ... CA"116 N Dagney, l grandson and 2 Publlslled 0r-coast 0.,."1,.111 .. 'a, Tel: 17141 Mt·s.J MAUotl LAW~MT. OUYE P.Oi Mortuaiv • Cemeteiv Ji Crematory ~i·. 'JI It .. IC! r "" . 111 Jq• 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa S.W-5554 "HCI •OTHHS IB.1. llOADW•Y MOITUA.IY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 OC IAL T2 It IHfHaOH SMITH a TUTMU • -WHTCU.. CHAPlt. .01' 427E 171hSt ti'· Costa Mesa 001• 6*-9371 .OI l d d h ~...... y . Publlalltd Dranoe Coast Delly Piiot g r e a ·gr an a u g le r s , Feti. •. '•· n . Merc:h 2. tW2 •K-tt F.o. t•. u, _c., 1, •. l"1 7lMt brother Gale Hooker. sister~.----"--------",.. ____ ..;;...._::..,.. ___ _ Carolyn Richman Chapel M.JC .-m fta1C -ser vices wlll be held on1.·----------·1..._ _____ ... _, ____ _ Wednesday, at l :JOPM at NOTIUTOC••DITORS NS.ti• Westminster Memorial Park <•>A buMI 1.-..r 11 .._,to 119 NOTICIOf'SALl!O, Mortual')' Chapel Private maele. HAL~RO~••TYAT inte rment. Westmins ter lb> Tiie-.m buslnes1.-" ~••vATllAt.e ----+-°'tile lrentf-It: C8M .... A tt7 • Memorial Par k Morluarv Amerlcen, hlephon• Supply 111111a....,....c_. .... directors. · Corporallof'I, 191 Mahle, "oed, Slale .. caffllenla,lw .. SLAGLE Bur11119.,,,.,CAMllO c...ey .. 0r.,... W.F <BILL> SLAGLE. The name and llullness addf"s Of In the Matter of the E•l•I• tlletrans'9rwl1: WILLIAM EDWARDS FORT, . ., resident of Anaheim. Ca re..,._. l!~ton Ana1v1b & C>eceaMd. Passed away on February Me•-C-y. Inc., '1 Alla vist• Hot'<• 11 11ereby given that the 27 982 H h Drive, Al~, lffw NMJ 114S.. ""*rtlOf*I wtlt Mii M Prlv• MM, , 1 · e as been a Al 1 otl\•' llustneu namH a11d to the lllQloftf.,.. ll!"t llWOw, SlllljKt resident of the Lon& Beach addrHHI u•d by the tr•nsteror to contlrrNtlon ot salCI 5-lor C-1. a rea since 1941 and havjng within thr" ,...,., past so fer en w .,.., tM,.. dey et Merdl, 1"2. ed to Or C ltnownto!Nt,_ ...... _, ., ,,,. Ofllc• Of GOOCI, Wll .. m•1t, mov ange ounty in American Telephqne Supoly s&Walley,.OO~Qrl.,., 1953. He ls sunived..by his ~etloftotS..C~.ttU" lfe"P•rt .. ac:h, Clllfornle fl ... , wife Orpha of Analieim. Ca .• Hllf •-. hlNllM "G", ~ ttt CeuflfV af or-. ..... et c.l*"'la, h 11 d t I G & .... COil• ...... C.lllofftl• ftUt •II lfle '""'· tltle ..... lfllffftt ., ..... c ren a a n ath, of «> Th• 1acat1ot1 •11,. ,.,..,11 .-Cffled.ctM11-.. -... ... _.. Huntington Beach. Ca. and descrlptlen .,. ti. """~ to ti. .. ,...,._ tate .,... "''-'"' ei.1·1119 C layton Slagle qf Long trenttenW-: ....,. •..., ._. '*.....,.. 8 ea e b C • a .. d 3 nu,__."'" .+.ven .... eyii..1,. 11YciloHeti.0111ewer ........... .._ ' · .. "01' SWltel tcllS & ,_ c...te M1M IM1t ., lft ........... tfiM 9f .... 1randc hlldren. Graveside panlorn1e...,. ' · -.c ........... .._ .. ..., ...,-.... service& wer e 1 beld qn All 111•9!~.!!J<~ ............ t• atrtlle orta1" ... , ~ty Tuesday Mar;cb 2 1982 al ~~!! -•t "'9 C•i.. Meu ~ "'111e '"'"' GaNlft <He .... . 00 M• "• • _ .. _......,,. e-., .i °'..,.. ••"' ~ 11. A at n arbor Lawn 1•1 The .._.. -"" *" e11 w "'"<•l•rly -.crll!M •• ...,._,· Memor ial P•~· Ser vices -.r "'*" .......... "'~It te • ... -.1• ' under t.-be. di rect ion of <_meted_..; ~"'°'Tract 4"t •"' ~ H•rbor r ·-·MO :nt OIJv"' ... ~ MALCOLM & OALV, .,.,nit ....... "' .. t'7 ~ .... M ef, .._ ... ';' q "' ....-Ar1tlur ......,,_, lt,0, 9"' tttt, Mla9'i-..... 11'1 .. otflH f/f Mortuary Of Co•t'i1 Mea,. ~ 8"dl. ~. -~-tt tlte C:•1111t• l'•cerder et Of•11 .. 540•5554. ' • I "91, ~ , 1 . ~) 1'111 i.. tfMlfff It ~t .. • c_,... 11-·•· llMI D Nttlell •• .t'h ~ltfce., f'e, I S!!\•f, Oer011 Gr•w EAT HS i, I l: =--= ::-~-::.,..,.. (~ .. -: CMill lfl lewM ' ' , ,, cMl"'"'19¥MfttM · "a. u._.....,. er CMlfl1t~ RSEWHER , ~ 1.'•1111. <10 r•I \, ,tl'IUl1it11t, H it, er Jel1 CHll • .._ ~ r•1.,.,,_. ...... AMI,,., vl .. llt ff •¥ 11ate ltcll ..... ,, MMtlMt ~. ~--. " Me"9• .. '~111t DM4I 111 1'11 -~v::. °''"· ~. ~:.A .. a T~.cr:," J:SCONl)Lac) (A Pt .::. ... ~ -... .... .. • ........... 111--. ... TtieReY .._.r .. L -...... ~.. .....,... .... ........, ..... u . °' ~ ~=-· --.:.. .. .... ===e==---Hnlc• ~..._. b)' .. ~ 10r • 1"ll .,.._IS...._.,,~ .!u11da1 ~-~ "'"' ~P!!!Je.a • •)~ · ' '\lrt on e o\I I\• • -~~· l ~ .:\&E1_.. --Jntertt · •, ., ~n ,, ........ ...._. · ..--........ I ......... .,..c.... . ar-a...a.. .... ~ .. ,.. . .. ... ... .,...~- D -· I L Y ·· ·1 p .I L 0 T c l A s s I F I E D 4 4 2 • IW £STATE Anf'.-•klr'-"' A;w.t1mrRhJ• '•"" ~ ... f'r"I'"') ................ ,...,", 'f'fftl'll'ftl.a1htftfl'\ :·=--=~:'~:'~'' 1~ ... ,,.,.,1'il ... 1it 1~t-.11r-.+1\tfl lfttijfh ,., ..... \\ • ..-.,.., •• , .. , • .,.,,,.,h . ...... ,_ "'-... \itoftt ... lll'lr ••h l'f~ llll•••Or .... rll!h-owof\ tlteACt'lu 111111 illUll ,Jf uwM\ l'f•itt IM n' "'ll•tr i't•-'t' k...-..,..,_.,..,u,,n1"" ""•' ... 1 ....... h.-lllt1 H.tt-.l t1t1 .. tr~.HM1'\I lEMlAlS ... "'''"."'""""''" 11..MV"I. I 11lwr'" h1J '"~'."""'"'"' lolfV ..... 111\t•#tt\•Utlt , ................ ~ .. t+tl , ........ _ ... " ................. "' i:=::~:r::· ,, ..... , .. "'" I Ml..t• '1•·•·••11•'" H•Hft ........ k..,,,.1 lluh• "·•·I '· ... ""'' ....... , .... ,. ••• h .... \ ...... ~ . ._ ...... ... .......... ... """ .. . ......... ''""' ... ................ , '"'°u~ .. til•f'lld tt • ..,... ............ . .... ·~·· t4.,.. .. , ........ . '4·~ ...... , MINESS. umsr MEMT. flllAllCE ·---hl'l>lt·•f" ................ ,,..,, l•'• ... l'l•M Hl"l'lfllltl, I•'• rn .. "" 'A ~'1111 •I '4·•· .... ,_. ,,, .. ' .......... , \11•1«•&.•' II•' AllllDtlllCUIEM TS. PCISOllAlS & LO.SJ & fOUllO. \1•1>~11'11111111• ........ .i 1 .. ,.1, ..... .. l1Plol ........ . I'""..._. ... . ...... , ....... . ., .... . SEIVICES UlrLOfMEMT & mrAIATIOll ,-.. ........... , ..... ... ....... '"" ,. Ul,fj;" •M• .. \4 1, t MDICllAE( \•1-K.u~ -..~W-4..-t1..a ··-·-· ............. ..... ., .... ....... ,, .. •'-.... ,. .... ~,-vi.-u ...... "'·~·~········ J_ ... ,, ,,,,...,.. .. , ....... , \11 ..... 14 ..... _ )&..., , M.,..., .. ,, • ''"' I \t1t-.. l l11r•ltw!Htl" ...... ···""· ...... , .... ... ~ .... 4•kt••· v-...... \1.," ..... "--"'•f\tl1•••f "f1•1 k••lo1w1 ufl: Ou ........... , , " .......... , ..,..,,,_ eom & MAlllfl EQUlrMlMl luntf,11 Uu..t11 \I mr! ""'"•t• Hu.t11 """'" f • .-11, l\1.11• ••••••• ... 1 .. 1 ..,,,,. '"•11•1 .~ ... 1 "''' ..... ~ .._.., ....... ' t-.•.th 't•nl A"-• '""" ......... c. TUMSP111lA TIOll \1t1l.1h 1•11111--.vw H.~ ..... ., .. '•"' ......... , .. ~·-....,.,.,,'" ... ""' ... , .. "' ""'""""' ... ... '''"""" ,, .. ," ........... hf•h \4111.,.,,....., ...... ,, ... AUlBMOlll.E ,,..,.,.. .. , ,.""" ............. It .. ttf'IJ•·" ... ~'·"·""· ......... t ...... ·~· ............ , .... '••h .... \tll••l .. .1Ht11-. , ........... .... AUTDS, lllPOITEI ,,_.,.,1 \M• IC·•""" .1 \'91111 \wti.111 tl1•k' ..... ""'" ~ '"" 0.fhW* ........ , ..... , ,. ..... ,,, ... ,. J14IM"n k .. rff\,Hl.-hl\1,1 ~-·­lh,1t.a "'''"'""·~·-, )hl >Ill~ ..... , PMM_.1,, ~ ......... ""' .. ""' Mtft,.w!• ~1 ... ,,_,, . .,, .. , .... ?::!,. ,~..,. .. fovwtlf'I \Wh•"•'• \thfl .......... ....~,...-Wt ......... Wt A •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -IOlfo ... ltll llill ... '"" Ill! liM .... .... ·-'"° -ll»T -11i. ,.,. , ... ·-·-·-'"" ..... .... t,llO . ... '"" , .... ""' l•:N ·-,. ... ,, ... .!..' .. J "" ,.., "" l\ .. , ,..., rlUff 3Ut .... 114(/ .... .. ~ .iJtJ ICo Cd• 1..:'i "'"'J .. ..,. ... ··~ Uh l'"l•l ... loh ll•• EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,_...,..1Hotic•: All rul eslitle ;id ve tt1 s ed 1n th1 newspaper is subJert t tht' Federal Fair Hous 1ng Act of 1968 whit makes II illegal to ad veruse ''.any prererenc11 limitatio n. or dis cnm1nat1on based o race. 1·olor . reh111on, sex. or national origin . or an mlenllon to ma k uny surh prereren1·e. l1mt1at1 nn , or d t, 1·nm1nation .. 1lus nt'w~pap1•r wtll nut knowtnl(ly a1·t·ept any ad\'crtlstnl( for real t'slak'whfrh •~ in viol:i lion or lht' law ~ aaois: .AdY...tis•n ...ad clwck their ods daly md report er- rors l1M1tdiatefy. lite DAILY PILOT osw..1 l ciliity for the first iacorrect in·urtio11 Olly . .... 1----------1 •.•.............•...... 1002 ••••.................•. :.::~ STEPS TO ::·: NEWPORT ICH! :;:: It ·~ ;1 hari:;.i111' $1:!14 !Niii total prit·•• :1 llolrm :! · hath. fanuh 11•.1111. h111·I. lifj:jtl;11·1•. fl:! 1111 lltHllll 111 hw hi 1\ll•'.I a1'1'1''" ''"' (';ill II" ftll 111111"1• 111 ~,;: frn·ma I 11 m. ~Iii :t:l 1 :I .... ..... ... -..... ..... .. , ..... •\ti ... •I•' .... . .... .. ~ .. .. .., -.... THE REAL ESTATS:RS YIEWTOWNHOMES I M.1,;1t•r :.lllll':. \'11•\\ 11f I On•;111 ,\ N1i:ht lli;ht' t)l11•1 ,\r,•:r l',rrl.,:.. 011t•11 ~11;11·1•:< Sl :ri 111111 \1111 ..," lf:tl •If" 1';11 )!h i ;,1 !l!ll:i. (,j:J j';U"I FEELAMD MEWPORTICH Sir.11·11111:. f:rnuh hunw "dh I'"" f1r1•11f.11'l· .11111 lh'\l :.h1111t·r, \l.1r111 "~""'Ill .11111 :.11.11 I. hill! Ill" 111 r1111I \.1111 l':ill llU\\ • li.:I !(.\,'141 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS II~ 1•wnrr. tr:uh' 111 'al1•. l"'.1111 h111111• I \'rl l''I. l'llll-11 l' :trt'.I ('lt1:.t• In Sl11p $11<.~.11'~1 I fl II :! " ha, ~ \l t'I ha I'' p .1t111 :.:11111:1. lllMol. 1 • .llTI' lt1I .\11111 spn11kl••r:.. 1111,. ••I I ru11ur .. trt'\'' ~·111 1111•1 \' 11..t a 1 I:. 1· .ti I 11\1 II•' r i1r..' i:t:l tiii't; I I ! LOWEST PRICE CDMHOME I S!A>.IUl Rffiut•t•cl ;ii:.1111 I ~ n•Jll\ :th'<I sl'l kr .\:. suin.1blt.' fen:1111·111i.: l't•/\ I rtrt'plan. b,·auufu·L1 k1tdl('1t. l'uH•n>cf pattt• ~ l'all 110\l. blJ-~I ; ti~l\il1 i .._,... 1002 ._,., IOOJ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,._.SULA HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm. 3 bath. mstr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfront Slips for 2 boat~. remodeled 3 bdrm , 3 bath St.200.000 Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. UDO 15&.I HOMES Prime Lido Nord bayfronl. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lge L. R. 2 boat slips Sl ,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. UHDA ISLE· IA YFIONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm , 5 bath. playroom. dark rm , den. $1 ,350.000 ~ CAINATION COVE Sped<1cular. bayfront •view 4 bdrm 4 bath. 2 boat slips $1 ,900,000. ' ' TIES-VIST As.MISSION VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath. guest house in lakefront comm. $79.5,000 . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR Joli Boy\•d• Dr•v• "< i\ bl~ 6161 NEWPORT I EXECUTIVE H..·Jut1ru1 4 lldrm h111n,· \\llh 1·ath1~lral l l'thni: in lt\ln.I! "'"'"' F1·.11u11•, man) upi:r;.ich•, plu' II\ .un.,.!> ,\,,ullll• ht JHll 21111 '"" llllt•rt•,1 h•Jlh anti :-dlt•r "'111 "''" hl·l11 I mann· 011h ~:!till . !~Ill tj.11; 7171 THEREAL ESTATERS l'n•st11:11111, E:-tJll'' 111 ra,h1on.1hl1' ~111hl1·1· t'.1 11\1111 \n.1h1·1m 11 111, I 1.,~1 :111.1 F IC 1; II l\•11 l.11.:01111 \ 111 ,II 1 I \I' h l.1111l,1.1pc •cl lh-•111,111•11 II~ I. I l.11 cl111i: 1411;; 1~~1 \ • II I II II t' .1 I I I i ll !17~ jJJJ DOM"TMISS THISCOMDO 1.u"' l'' I Ill 11· ,•II .1111' lllUlt'I \\tllf111.11111·,1t lt1\\ lllll'rt~I "'II h :!ti th>\\ 11 ll t.l!h I~ 1111).'.I.1111·11 I'll\,,,,. lu1.1llllll t'tllll J.lllllllll P"OI. J.11·11111 I<'• -ll~·m .11111 1,•11111, , 111111, \\'1~1 I l.1,t .11 ~11-; !-Ill l'all 1>11; ilil THE REAL ESTAT&:RS IEST IUY ! 111 ht1111t· 111 ('11-1.1 1 ~h._,I ( h\ llt'I II 111 ,l"f,'I I \\ ilh 1111.1111·111).'. ~·~·· ilclcl l'.111 !l'i!I ~r.O ALLSTATE. REALTORS •DESERTED ••IARGAIM ~1e,..1\1•n\e 'r ..... , •. \ .1 l';tlll. llll lll'I \\ .1111' 1111!' l.tri:« J llclrm. :! h.tlh h11111,• r .1m1h 1111•m I hrirk llr1•pl.1t·t• 11 u1t•I lrl't' h11t"<I ~tll't'I l'hl>l' ltl ~hl'IJl'llll! 1·.tll lltll\ ~:.!JlJ THE REAL ESTATERS I IAYFIOMT JUST LISTED Pm ate pier and float 60 fert on tht' ba' Sparmu:. 4 bclrm horn(' ""h lari:t· ha~:.1dt• patio 1dt'c1I for 1•nlt>rlatntnl( fc1m1I) room 1t>n,t'rtS lo 51.h bdrm plus there's a formal 1hmni: rm ;md a 1emf1t v.ork:.hpp An out:.tJni11nt.t hJ 1 frnnl hu~ al $!1115.llOO L 1'1 \ 111 "''"Ii Ill I I .11 hut 1111 l'•I ffil'lll l'o IUCHHOUSE Onh S215.l'•lt> & 11\l nt 1 \\II.I hdp 1111.tn«' :t llctrm.-:! l\Jth~ rn111 11•nutit'l1'<11.1kh1•11 .\ '"'' o(v.1~tcl TRADITIO\AI. REALTY 631 ·7370 Cole -: Of Newport,J Realtors. :/) 675-5511~_; No lffHftold Worries Lease hos been r e· novoted .wt i1 fi1td for 25 yn. T otolly rt · wwed l"ifte Ttrroce _, l ...... 3 lo hOlllt w /folft ily roolft. $349,500. COlE OF NEWPORT REALTORS ,.t'l'lt.1111~,. r11nc111. ~i!l.:-111 I R.1t•hel11r 11 b<1 t m '""' 11 p;t~ I rll':t.lllh• II lT1•1fll ni~·t~l4 1•1 ,.,. it "'knd~ Ryn\\lll'r. 2 I IS I . C••tt "•Y Coron• ••I M•r 675-551 1 OCEAN VU OMti Alf W eelt \11.'t:t'\ ,\ 11.\Y \'l . I HR \\' H~I :'\\":' U ~I Ptl\ll. !'\I'\ ,\ \'ITY l.IT~:S Pr.11 th« ,1r:1t«1t 111 '' .irm 1-.1r1 h111m·• \:. •llrtll' 11 ill' hl'lt"' 111.trkl't ,II :::l!l!l.lllltl \\1111 ·1 I.ti-I I' .11 rid. Tl'llllr,• .1._1 ;,\oi 1~~1 $7900DOWM TAKE OVER loans or S 107.l 00 a I .111 e<rectirt' interest rat~ ,11 lJ', 3 Bdrm 2 bath. dougle 11aragt'. un .1 large loc. A must $t't.' for only Sl l~.lhlO l' a II -~231.J ~!tlillil1 «'Il l ----· •. -= tlQI ---..u -.... -11111.l :! -= .. ... ... ., .... , CUA. \,, ••• .. AISOlUTE STE.AL Rtdilc.ct $150,000 NOW $525,000 SPYGLASS BY OWNER O\\~ER t"l:'\ \'\rt,,; t!br 4 I :bJ 4 )l~h\l rt ~Rodl'p R.1~ f all 11\lOl.'r. a.<1 tljJj slu t .ti •IAYFIOMT• IOATSLIP $555,000 WOW' t,11v. ··~I prh ,•,I h.1~ fl·1111t h11111t• (I\ tt.\1.1\(l.\ n1n::' l..lrti•' ~ h1.lrm. J hath 1l11uhl,• fll'\1pl.aw. n1\ t'l l'tl lloll llt \)lllll m11\'11 n••h" \\1H ,\IT n \Ir t r .111 ,. ( ,, r t~~thlulf ll.1 ~ ,h,1r,•, TUESDAY,. MARCH 2, 1912 CA\l'A"LCADE COMIC$ STOCKS Retiring housewife works --er .~ut the-door.· See Erma' Bambeck, B2. Doee l..af\fna Beach need an o-ngoln1 cable t e l evhion committee to serve a• a • watchdog for the town's cable -.,.viewers? · City Manager Ke n Frank thinks not. But Laguna Video Club president John Schw"artz says just such a committee 1s needed, and h~ says the city has an obligation lo monitor the Storer Cable TV operation. City Council m embe rs will meet in City Hall at 6 o'clock ....- toni1ht to consider Schwartz' proposal which would reacUvate the defunct cable television committee. ' ''Too much· resJ)onslblllty ls falling on the shoulders of the La1una Video Club for what is done and what is not done concerning local televlsloa." Schwartz said in a teleplloftt' interview today. ' But Frank, ln a memo to council members, saya there really is no need for auch a .. -j; Laguna'S bus.depOt Will open Momlay, .. :-~· panel exeept whe n th ~ franchisee re<Juesls a rate hike. La1una cable c ustomer• currently pay •ts ~very other month for the hookup, which e nables many Lagunans lo watch the Qormal television channels. Storer sought • rate increase last. year, but it was turned down by tbe City Cowilail. . Aad, since the lranebiae . between Storer and t6e citr runs another 10 years, Frank said he aees no pressing need for a sep arate cable television committee. "What would the committee· do," be asked in his agenda memorandum. ''For one tbin1," Sohwartz counter s, the city nee4s a watchdol panel to keep tabs on the Laguna Niguel-ba~ cable .operation. I 'But Frank said any problems with t he cable firm c an be worked· o ut betwee n the franchise and city personnel. He cited as ari exa'mple a recent proposal by Storer that would have required the video club to use ~ inch cassette tape, rathe r than the 'h inch tape ·currently used by the club. <Arter talks with t he city, S torer agreed to provide equipment to meet tbe needs. . But providina a ~ lnc playback machine to broadc• the club's televised City CouncQ H meetines and other event.a will r1 ~esult in a technical quality ~rH tS not as good as the ~ inch mode, Storer officials adt:nlt. : H 1 -111 Sc hw artz believes aD, established cable committee will 11, be better suited lo deal wit&W ' problems that arise between the"' city and the cable firm.. : -. Vi~ers miss ~· _, Carson show ~t' · in Laguna ; 'i!. but will it work? It was an unusualg 10n1 ~\ _...,o=n=-=ec.-:y mg l ror as many u ~ .. By STEVE MITCHl:LL buses pulling .onto the jM'opeft.j ... ~ 0t1Moaoy .. 11ecs-•·<from Ocean Avenue. · . 0 ran ge Coulitx 'l;r ans it • Ttittre are marke4 ilpa~ District officials say ~there's .. ']liovlded for two OCl'D ,buiel' really no problem that a little and a smaller city bf19 to loecl masterful m aneuver ing can't and unload passengers once the solve. • vehicles pull in from Otean. And t hey say t he newly "But if a county bus pulls into expanded t>us depot between the middle spot," one of the Broadway and Ocean Avenue in workmen said, "the Laeuna Laguna Beach will open as Beach bus can't move ~t." s c h e du led n e x t M on day And if a county bus Ii loac;lill1' mornin g , des pite doubts or unloading passengen lo tbe expressed by several workmen far rtght slot , the middle bus on the site. must pull way to the right of the "I don't know how they're lot to get 0 9 0 Broadway, be going to shuffle 40-foot long said. buses through-there," said one "l don't know how they're of the workmen, shaking his going to do It ," one or the head. workmen shrugged. "lC.s.. a case of a plan-that -But -OCTD officials say there's looked good o[)..l)aper, but l don't re.ally no ma:i<>r pro~lem here. think it's "going to work." the "The turrung radius ls pretty workman, who declined to be tight," admits Madeleine identified. said. <.-Bickert, a spokesman for the It seems a large, attractive county transit agency. gazebo-style passenger shelter ·•But the engineering people tucked into the far left com er or te ll me evc:ry bus can clear the the I°' will hinder the flow or passenger shelter. They say it DEPOT DILEMMA? -Newly expanded bus depot between Broadway and Ocean A venue in Lagutl~~ach might pres~nt problems to drivers. Workmen believe gazebo passenger Delly ..... 1'9ff ,_ shelter <right > wi ll hinder co unty and city b~s access to Broadway. But OCTD and local officials say it ·11 j ust take a little C'l<.•,·er maneuverin~ to keep things fl owing. Will open M'arcb 8-without....:any modification to the ~ign." T erry Brandt, Laiuna's director of municii>al services s aid he walked through the ex- panded , 15 ,000 -s quare - foot-depot Monday. "It looked to me like there's quite·a..bit of room," he'saiL"I don't see us being stuck in there." But, he said, were a county bus to block the exit for the, s m a Ile r , 28 -foot mu nicipal buses, "We can tell t.he county guy to' back up and then we can take. off." "We haven't tried it yet," he said, "but I don't think it will be a problem.". · He s aid he'll wait until Monday, along with county transit officials, to see j ust how s moothly the new depot will operate. Laguna Beach residents Mondafv night. · Jl• · That's beca use Job.nn1~1,,. Carson's "Tonight Show" didn't 0 ,. find its w a)' ont<> the tel~vlsioll'l1 I • sets of cable subscribers in tbe111 ,. Virginia Beach area of the city. · j ,·.1 A spokeswoman tor Storer ., Cable Television said service to;,. .. subscribers on Solana Way andn '• Rock Ledge Road was cut abou(· 5:30 p.m. when a car rin over·•~"} G cable connection. : , ! ~ r.- Two women t:~ :; c • killed by car r:· -)l Two e lde rly wo men fro~·· Canada were str.uck and kil~ · by a car in a Dana Point" • c ro ss walk Mo nday night.:••· according to officers. ;:" • Lucile Quime t and Lorna;.;d' Stonehill, botlv 76, were in the .-• Ruby Lantern crosswalk when • hit by a car driven by Randal .... Ward , 27 , o f Dana Point, ·•· accordjng lo the CHP. • :< • 1111 CANDLEBAA CONTINGENT -Ted and Pat Atbo were enjoyinl Peterson, Catherine Kiester, Marie Pesslo · Galleries' exhibition. CATALOG ®MPARl80N8 -Polly Royce was on a busman's holiday in Doug Hardacre's stall whe re J ack and Jud~· Perry were considering wares. -Clock turned· back;.[i-iends clltch up I Laguna Beach Art Museum .antique show handsome Bv NORA LEQMAN Of tlte Dally..,._ S- fTtS YOUR HERITAGE. TOO: The 10th annual version of the Affiliates of the Laguna Beach. Museum of Art's Antiques Show over the past weekend was handsome indeeC:I . ' Dua rte 's attractive face wittt her attractive voice. we·ve talked on the phone so much we would have sworn we knew-each other. Har.ry Ax e ne . l oo kin g perrectl~ marvelous , \Vas tbere with )'Ou:\criow-who looking perfectly marveloue. · ' _ Laguna's mayor. Sally Bellerue joined the crowd as did the Bill Farringtons. the Joseph Jahra~s. Fern T11ylQl' Pitzer. the Aau <;arlsons aqd Richard.,...eri. ' ~~lie Sftlerald BaF '*1ttqent: the- Tetf>etAltsas. J I Boyl1' ~ Micoriicals tn~Ba~ , • ... 4 rom Pa"li Alto. ana· I iaft" '9Jansbut)I Ill his booth. I SUS ... hadn't ~-Lnn with· he»!"ely prthts • It was run to see so many ramWar faces ibed his Ne!iJ>011 Beaett -shOJ al ~l that among the gala guests -not to mention the 41 "-~ri,Oll rua wayfftrfi'· .. ·Asirh 32 C 1. f i d 1 h id d l'l\ Rt11p n me for the party. a 1 orn 8 ea ers w 0 prov e Julie Cohen. lookln1 more Chanel than beautifully mounted displays upstairs and Chanel henelf, wu holdln1 down the fort (or dowr8~8arba.ra Busby, Laurie Pemse.:O. whatever they call forts ln the Orient -she's Sylvia Bishop and of course. Marla and Ken an Oriental antiques dealer in Palos Verde11 Bird. Marla is president of the boatd of and revvtn1 ~P for her Friday lectur4)on four trustees. Amita Albrtlht and the WUUam centutiel of ChlllHe furniture. Tonep cap tb.roulh ~ ~ from MlakJn , * mlo tbe IQhl. l new. Uil- . Viejo aac1 Biverly Chappe&l 1\atue came ~I~ vUli .wue s--.tbJ •. !f!!! from Lapne~. · · t~' me. -ia T1'&Uf~ ' rt w11 1ooc:I tcr· finally put Barberi· ev~ .. ' Jlvi~" . . ' 0 0 -·- ptay mesmerizes ·Kings QUEBSC <AP? -The Loi ADltlH IJUnca w•r• meamuJ.nd. by Qutbeo' power play, but atlll man11ed to tmer1• with a S-6 NaUOftal Hockey Leasue ile two -man advanta11 and, brOtMr Peter teored uoOa•r to 1lv• u....NorcUqutt a--a.o · advantaae. Real Cloutier 11lao scored for Quebec wbUe the Nonliques eajoytd a manpower advantaae. The 1oatla were part of a nve·loal outburtL In the nine.·coal eecond ~riod. Murphy at 1:11 ol ta.. third period that provided tbe Ktn11 wtth t.b4 tit. -- "I wu really hQP1 to score becaUN I have not bffn f.•tUnf ma~ toal• lat.tlY," aald Murphy. 'Now w• juaf want to 1et ready fc>t the playolfa and try to p~ay better defeoalve hockey. . a11lnat the NordJquea. True, the tie Htended Loi Aa1elff' wlnlftl atreak on tM road to 11 tamff, but I after trailing 4·1 midway lhtouah a wtld second period Monday nltbt the Klntl 1 were relieved meJody to eam lf. deadlock. ·'The Quebec power play wu wortsm1· t extremely well," satd Ktnfa' Coach Doe Perry. "Ttley don't shoot much from the blue ltne a'nd they try to move the puck ln -..._ "You ~ver know wbat to expect ln a 1ame like that," said Perry of a pme which aaw the teams heJd acorelea la the nrat period. &f ic.hel Goulet and Mtroslav Frycer also scored for the Nordlques. Marcel Dionne, Dave Ta,ylor. Cbarllt' Simmer and Jay Bells all scored second·periocl 1<>ala for the Kln111. "We had a few problems wltb ·the Quebec pe>Wer play but we cime back· strongly b\ the t.btrd." The Nordlquet cltdn't play wttb the Hme verve that tiad lifted them to succeaalve tles o n the road against Montreal Canadiena ud New York IJluclers. I clbae for one 1ood shot. We bad some problems adjustln1 le, that stratefy." I Karlan Stastny scored one of the power·play goals while Queb;ec ef\joyed a I .. Magee is UCI's All-American boy - The 1981·92 basketball season m· isn't quite over yet, but already UC Irvine's Kevin Magee is starting to reap the rewards of his season. The 6-8, 227-pound Magee was selected last week aa the West Coast District Player of the Year. And, on Monday UPI announced Magee had been named to the IO.man All-America team selected by the United States Basketball Writers Association. Magee was joined on the squad by James Worthy and Sam Perki ns of North Carolina, Ralph Sampson of Virginia, Terry Cummings of DePaul, Dale Ellis of Tennessee, Rick,y Pierce of R i c e , E-r i c FI o yd or Georgetown, Paul Pressy of Tulsa and Bill Garnett of MAOH I ~yo~ing. Landon Turner or Indiana was an honorable mention. Magee, a first-team All·American last year, bas averaged 23.6 pofnt.s a game, 12.5 rebowids and shot 64 percent from the floor in leading the Anteaters to their best record (21·5> in the school's history. Currently, Magee's point total, rebounding and field goal percentage rank him Nos. 3, 5 and 5 in the nation, respectively. Last year, in those sam e categories, be ranked third, second and fourth. As a sidenote , the U.S.B.W.A .. named Fresno State's Boyd Grant as DiAtrict coach or the Jeat: Earl Weaver, reiterating, in a, round a boat way. that 1982 will be bis last season as ma nager or the Baltimor.e Orioles: "If or when I come back to work, l d • • . . • forever because I try never to say never. Maybe by June of 1983, I'll be looking .. But right now, I'm retiring." · ·• • Raiders-NFL trial stays ;~ ~ . _ The 9th U.S. Cir cuit Co-,rt o( .• Appeals bas1 r~used to ordei the • t Oakland Rtrtd~·National Foolball League trial moved from Los Angeles. The court denied the change of venue sought by the ~FL, saying that it had failed to prov~ a change in trial location was warranted. AUornies for NFL bad claimed that it would not be possible to obtain a fair and impartial jury in Los Angeles. . . Baltimore Colts Coach Fraak K"h named former Green Bay quarterback and assistant coach Zelle Bra&kewakl as offe nsive coordinator and quarterback coach. . . Tom 8au, defemive coordinator of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers tbe-INt-tlve years, has accepted a similar position with the San Diego Oiargers. Bass, 46, was hired to succeed Jack Pardee, who resigned after one.season But it was a goal by defense man Larry "We didn't play with Intensity all through the game," s ald Nordiquea' forward Dale Hunter. From~ageC1 UCI ••.• · Yail. not ready for retirement · Veteran Boston Red Sox star Ill Carl l'utnemald says he's ready to · make a comeback at age 42. alotofupsetanationaUy. Yastrzemski-reported to the Red Sox' traln.l.ol · "The problem Is that e¥ery camp Monday l\nd said he ls optimistic about team get.a new life now," says his ch~ces to .rebou~d fro~881, one of th~ UCI coach Bill MulU1an. "A worst seasons of his career. "People keep team tha t had a miserable asking me if I'm going to retire. I (ell tbem I season can. turn everything might play for another five years," he s11ld. "I around b Y w i {l n Ing t b e reel that good. I'm going to have some fun this tournament." year ." ... Dan Ford, Al Bumbry, and Kea Utah State present_ll a pe.rlect Sln1le&oa· will be the starting outfielders when case for such an argument. The the Baltimore Orioles play their first exhibition Aggies, 2-12 in conference, 4.22 game next Saturday, accordin& to Baltimore overall, have suffered through manager Earl Weaver . . . One·time Ancel their wont regular season in the pitcher Ed Figueroa joined the Oakland A's at aclu>ol'a blater..y , lronicall~,-last- thetr 11'atn1ng camp Monaay. igueroa l s-ye;r about this time, the No. considered a longshot tO make the A's stall this 3.seeded Anteaters played the year but bas been promised a position in the No. 7·seeded Aggies in the first organtzation, probably as player.coach for UH-ro,,inct of the tournament -only Class AAA Tacoma farm club . . . Outfielder to come up a surprising 93.90 Ken Grtney missed workouts with the New upaet loeer. York Yankees for the third day in a row. Griffey had fiuid drained from his left knee a "I don't think this year's team week ago and is expectin& to resume workouts has as muc h talent," says Wednesday . . . Atlanta Braves pitcher PbU Mulllaan of the Aggies, who UCI Nlekro resume d workouts Monday after defeated twice (71·68 at Utah, suffering a pulled ha mstrioi in his left leg last 104·72 at Crawford Hall), "but week. Meanwh i le, outOelder Claadell they're not dogs either. They're Waablngt.oa reported to the Braves' camp. a . lot better than UOP (which Washingk>n was late reporting because of his finished ahead tlf the1n) ang daughter's illness. · they beat BYU at BYU and Uta · this year." Islanders get Bossy with Leafs The' Ag gies' proble m is in Mike Bossy scored his 47th and li1 their shooting, which was 43 48th goals or the season and a.&c~ percent roe the year (their worst Goring and Jolua Tot1eW each added in 17 years). UCI, meanwhile, two goals apiece to lead the New York le ads the nation in field goal Islande~ to a 9-5 win over the Toronto· Maple percentage at .562 percent. On Leafs in NHL action Mond~~-:-l>a)>e~ ma::,ame loolr&=like a The wtn was the Islanders 18th in their last 20 mismatch -but then last year's· games and stretched their modest unbeaten was supposed to be, too. · streak to four games. Tonelli, Bryu TroWer I f U C I s u r v i v e s i t ' and Bossy also drew three assists each, giving op e ning -round game , the their line a total of 14 points. New York set an Anteaters would play the winner NHL record las t month by winning 15 of the Cal State Fullerton· consecutive games. . . NHL super scorer Pacific contest Thursday. The Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers and other semifi{lal would find Minnesota North Stars' rookie Neal Broten Fresno Slate (which received a shared NIU. Player of the Week honors forJbe_ first·rouod by:a dut. to UC Santa period fU!dil!.&_.-S..wLcf » Jeb. 28. .G.uU-A.a.;·._,...._-'MUJ.1AULJ' :L....1J0 ~·1¥ibillty l against contmued ms recorct-bfeaklng pace with s1x the Long Beach State·San Jost goals and four. assists during the week -while -State-vtctor. Broten "u honored for collecting 11 l)Olnts in The :NCAA playoff crunch is four contests during the same period. just beginning. Austin can't answer Avon's call ,Tracy Aastla bas been forced to withdraw fr o m the Avon Cbampiooahips beiqg held thi&-'wee&--11 at the Forum because or bums suffered when boiling water was spilled on her back aDd arm. Austin said the burns were sustained in a restuarant accident in which an employee spilled a pot of boiling water on her back and on the left side of her arm. ,.,. A match between golfers Jack Nkklau at tbe United States and Seyerfuo Ballesteros of Spain will be played at La M.otaleja GolfClub in Madrid on July 9. The 18-bole match will be played as part of a series of events organized around the 1982 World Soccer Cup in Spain. The winner will receive $10,000 . . . The Ladies Professional Golf Association has announced a new $4.5·milllon prize money program through the creation of a Ma zda-LPGA Series as the sport's first bonus.point system . . . Former assistant football coach James Walker has been named to succ~ed St. Paul Hlgh's Martjoa Apclch, who r esigned recently tor an assistant's job at Northern Arizona Vniver.sity. . -.· ·Television, radio TV: No event.s scheduled, RADIO: No events schedUled. Jae er faces •mseeded foe LOS ANGELES (AP) - Andrea Jaeger , the top Temaining seed in the $150,000 Avon Championships of Los Angeles, faces 'unseeded Sabina Si mmonds of Italy in a first.round s in'gles match tonight. Jaeger, 17, took over the favorite's role when Tracy Austin, the top seed in the women's tenn is ~vent , was rorced to withdraw Monday because of fir s l ·Mld second·degree burns suffered. when boiling water was spilled on her over the weekend. Jaeger, seeded second, is comin,g off anl mpress1ve 7-6, 6·4 victory over Chm Evert Lloyd in Sunday's title match of the Avon· Championships or Oakland tournament. · Pomona rally· just enough to beat UCI Has it really been. 20 years? Wilt reminisces on anni~ersary of iOO-point game Cal Poly Pomona came up with three r uns in the sixth inning to overcome a 1-0 deficit and beat UC Irvine, 3·1, in non·conlerence baseball action Monday at Irvine. Irvine bad gotten out to a 1.0 lead in the bottom of the fourth, inninc when righlfielder ROil Cummings scored on a stnale by catcher Steve Barnard but tbe Mus tangs took the lead t,,o innings later. NEW YORK <AP) -Wilt Chamberlain seemed surprised that 20 years bad gone by since that iocredible game in which be scored 100 points and set eiaht National Basketball Association records that still stand. "Twenty years? I didn't realize I was getting that old," Chamberlain, 45, smiled. "Frankly, I didn't even know the anniversary was coming up until you fellows mentioned it.'' . U wu March 2, 1962 tbat. Chamberlain, then in hi• third year with the Philadelphia Warriors, became the only NBA player to score 100 polnta in a 1ame and forever imcrlbed Henbey, Pa., la the •1Dda of sporta fans for something other than candybws. IN THAT game, wblcb Pblladelpbla won l .. U'l over tbe New York Kaleb, Cltamberlaln , tit n•ds for most points In a a.me-. mOll pomta ill a ball (51 in t.be second -~u most fttlcl 1oal •U.mpta in a quarter (Zl> i (17) and 1ame ,(0) ; most fJeld 10ala maae in a ball <•> and -Jim C.rmichael led off the Pomona sixth with a sincte, then catcher" Eric Stewart and tbird baseman Steve• Stanley blt back-to-back doubl~, the laU,r scoring twq run&. Desisnaltd hitter Pete CblftlMli kept t.be ral11 IO_ing with a triple to drive I••• (JI); mo1t free throws made bl a 1ame (28). lD 8t8nle7 for U. came'• lMt .. I~ some of tbe tblap that baPPtMCI lD run. tbllt pme," Cbamberlatn said, addlnt deaclpu, Stewart had the bot bat for Cal "HpedaUJ U.. •foul shota." . Potr Pomona, goin1 a.for.,. with ..-=ttout hls career, tbe 1-l superstar twodoubl•. . -·•u aad l.au1hecl at tw ... ._.~•Una .......... rter8teff~ Wdt tM &lance la ptekiDC 'If• fAll.we baaketball AAAre8 the wAn, ltrikinl out three _. · -. ,_,_ walktq four while seat...._ HftaAlll1•r bits. . efforts from the free-throw line.· "I just lost my concentration aomewkat most of the time," Chamberlain explained. But not that nicbt. He missed only lour times in 32 tries. IRONICALLY, be found the touch not In Philadelphia, where it was not unusual to hear boos wben Chamberlain miaed foul shots, but · sorne 90 miles away in Uenhey, where the Warriors would .occaaion~a.c>me gam".· The small arena iDa to IO for triple figures, c.bamberlaln d1lrinc a vlait with hi• WiJt's Atbletic Club for * USA·llobll track and field meet lut Frida1 nllh~ "I wun't aware ot how many points I bad unttt J hit 7$. and tbl faaa •tart.IL to chant, "We. want 100. We want 100.'" Cbamberlabl reaeW 'fl polatl la UM fourth quart.tr, and IOllfll wrtten wt.o ._..then reealled that public ~ ••=-~ft Zblkalf bgan to anDQ\IDC9 Cham...S:Dil ·pcijt tOtaI ~t about that time. • , .~ .......... LEAP FROG The Sax brothers play leap frog at the Dodger spring training camp in Vero Beach. The top player is Steve. heir-apparent to second base and on t he -bettern--ls-brether-Ott-v~dtcher in th~ minor leagues . From Page C1 POWER PLAY • • • three hours Sunday and held another session Monday. The meetings proved fruitless. DeMarco said by telephone !bat he would wait until the contract ar.rived by registered ~a ll befo r e iss uin g any definitive statement. '. "We are going to wait to receive the contract because they didn 't extend us the courtesy lo m e ntion the ,amount," said De Marco. referring to what lie was told y the Dodgers over the telephone "We're going to wait and we'll see what happens. "Fernando would like to be in Florida when we arrive at an arrangem e nt that is satisfactory. We maintain that we are fair an d not unreasonable." When asked if he was upset by what has happened, DeMarco said , "No." Valenzuela, Crom the Mexican state of Sonora,. has no recourse in the matter except to remain o ·n t h e s i d e Ii n e s . A s a second-year player, be was not eligil'.>le for eithe r s alary arbitration or the free-agent re-entry draft. Under terms of the Basic Agreement, a team can cut the salary of a player 'whose contract is renewed by a maximum of 20 percent. Clubs are allowed to renew the contracts of eligible 'players between March 1-10. Steve Brener, the Dodgers' public ity director, issued a statement Monday night quoting both club Presiden t Peter O'Malley and Vice President Al Campanis. •·We have tried tla.r.ci to sign Fernando and we have made a number or very rair offers," said O'Ma lley. "Many proposals were exchanged and considered, but we were unable to oers u ade Fern a ndo 's 'representatives how unrealistic their demands are. "Our only alte rnative is to FromPageC1 SHULER. • • plans for going over the 180 pound mark. ' '1Tbe next step is 198 and the lll·pouncl guys are 'about two feet taller and quite a blt atronaer," he explains. Shuler bu also been named an auistant wre•tllnc co1cb at AlA, a UUe tbat has also helped him develop. "I'm a person who Ukea to nalyee thing1. 1 llke to help people out. I think r can not onl1 ~•Ip Uaem Improve In their ·wr::_~ wt al10 help t.bern pe . ·You dtal with 1 lot more tlllnp than Just •reetllnl ..._ JOU'N coacbln1." be..,., Wltll the _. Olrmpla llWI renew Fernando's contract " ·'The renewal notice is an accepted and agreed -upon procedure provided for in the Basic Agreement negoti~ted between the Players Association and the clubs an.d one major league teams have used many times." said Campanis. "We expect Fernando to honor the contract, which is now in effect and to report imm8'Jiately." Cam anis said in the ren111:.wicu...._,;• contract. "Fernando will receive the largest salary fQr a second·year player in major league history." The Dodge rs left for their spring training facility in Vero ·Beach, Fla .. last Wednesday without Valenzuela. All major leaguers were required to be in camp Monday. In Vero Beach, Los Angeles Manager Tom Lasorda said: "The guy <Valenzuela) did a great job for us. but tbe Dodgers have made him an outstanding offer, a more than generous offer. I don't want to see those guys I De.Marco and Moss) lead him down the wrong path. The .p eople who are advising him are asking for something that is J beyond what be is entitled to " Hano Ho wins ~ Ahmanson second race Morrie Kirk 's Hana Ho from Balboa Yacht Club was the overaU and Class A winner in the slow-moving second race of Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Ahmanson Series. The race was from .Ea1le Rock off Catalina lslanCI to Newport and finished on a dying wind with the last boat not finishi.ng until 8:34 p.m. alter an 11 :30 a.m. start at Eagle Rock. Second overall and the winner in Class B was Ron Melville's Bigwig from BYC and thlrd"wu Spirit, skippered by Allen Brown, Voyagers Yacht Club. Handicap wlMers in claa. IOR-A -1. Hana Ho, Morrie Kirk, BYC; 2. Brisa, 'DenniS Choate-Dick Melne, LA YC; I . Raider, J im Llnderman, BYC. IOR·S -1. Blgwl1, Ron Melville, BYC; I . Spirit, Allen Brown, VYC; S. Sbenandoo, BUI Palmer, NHYC. ' JOR·C -t. lmanity, WQM Auatero, NllYC; 2. CaUIGnlta Gold, Fred O'Oonnor, DPWYC; 3. Thurpper 11. Jlm LuceMsl, Capo BYC. PHRF-A -1. Rawblde, &.., Kulm, Capo BYC; t . DelMla. Mike Boxer, BYC; l. Tory;M. Ooddl. NllYC. Th ... dro,ped lr~':f reeonl to ...... ID Ulli ltdl· -,.,. off, Sbuler .... to ~ ... ,;:;) ....... •NaJ .. tbe fad .. ..,. Ill• ttecre• ••d teadalac PHRF·B -1. NUiie Teo. Jm Nu1 .. t, BYC; I . 1•11111&••• PbU Qla11ow, BYC; I. ConteaUon, a... o-. save. lmHMDD . TM~areHll ...... .. ..... to Cal~,,_.,."" . Bllll 1'andl1 ,_. t:• ..... ' & ............... . ............ ffU•n D•l•r'a Ufj .ll ............ \Me-..; POF.C -I . ._, .... ....,.,. Goo4lal, VYCi I. 0.11l'PM9ci BUI .Qlll. VYC; a. ma 1'1. 8lli Hum-,BYC. p By GLENN SC01T °' .. .,...,.......... -Allhoulh it may not apply at. UC lrvine, a new policy forctnt conflict-ol-lnterest disclosure" by faculty researchers funded by private sources got a bad • grade today from Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. E~perts say the policy passed ~ . . .. Qn a 4·1 vote Mqnday by ,tbe state's ·Fair Potltlcal Praet.(cee Commission ls the first ln ~ nation to requiu public disclosures by univeralty researchers. The action follows revelations or professors who profited by winning research grants fl'OQI private firms in which they W a personal financial interest. Most caaea involved 1enetic en1illffrina firms. Aldrich said today that be la not aware of any such cues at UCI anp said professors would be hard preaaed to keep such rela_tionships secret because private companiea are required to disclose ownership in Crime · victim :ltM sought Agran proposes creation of Irvine program • By SANDIE JOY OftlleDellyf' .... 5wtf .. applications. Because the univeralty system already can monitor 1ucb cues, he said be jolns most other .top administrators in opposing the commilaion'a action as creating another example of outside government involvement. The meaaure, he said, wqukl ea•e unneceaary delafa and eoeta. Several campuRI spattlve to the issue have· propoMd their own self·policin1 system . that would. require private funding sources linked to profeuors to almply drop their back1ag, he said. . · "We didn't feel this is a necessary requirement," said Aldriob·. "The university has no • :\': Retiring housewtf e works he'F-WGy out t~ do<#:r- See Erma Bambeck, B2. dltrrcµlty ln letting people know · what its research Interests are, especially when they involve doing business where a faculty member ls p e rsonally involved." Aldrich said he also concurred with UC Ac"8d e mic Vi ce President William Frazer, who said Monday the commission action could create cases where research decisions are based on politics and professors lose some or the' oademic freedom. Under t Monday, principal researchers Of\ a project will be required to disclose publicly all personal financial interests they have in their work. If there are possible copflicts, a unlveraJty r6vi•• panel wiU evaluate the attua• and decide whether to aptN"OVe the project. The conflict-of-interest policy ~ I should affect no more than $ ,,. I per~ent or all UC research /1 pro1ects, 11ccordinc to the 1 • commission. , / Until this week, university , / professors were exempted from earlier requirements for pµblic disclos ure lo prevent s uch ''l regulations from impeding free - o'U g ht. However , the modifications were made after C alifornia Rural Legal Assistance, a public-action legal organization. sued the university system. Contending there isn't enough aid for victims or violent crimes, Irvine Councilman Larry Agral\ called today !Dr creation_ -0{ an Irvine progr..am ol. Aid to Innocent Victims of Violent Crimes. pafable under an Irvine program be limited t<J' '25,000 t m~imum paid in a lump sum or over. five yean. The mdlley . would h paid, be said, enly . _.after other COJllpen1ation urces had ~rmlned;-;-­ While praising the "spontaneous aene'tpstty" of Irvine shop owners, em~ ancl f'esidents who have -contributed to a private fund to • I . UCI . student predicts outcome Voting favors $23 per ·g~rter fee ·for .fifnd raising - • I The proposal, issued ln a statement to the City Council and city manager, comes in the artermath or the Feb. 18• pre-dawn mui:der or Pedro ' Alfaro at Winchell's Donut Shop in Irvine. Al a political ~ostieator ... volioJll\14:1ents8';Nfd.thata• He also has noted that • UCJ studlnt leader. But Ca ..... '. -pei:-' ~~F fee ta-:;.ropnate students won't beein payinl the ! ts ti•M on the martl. tow~N ;llsing $4 mUllOJl_lor U.· $69 In annual fees for the center., .. ' · help tbe Alfaro family, Agra notedi " ... the nearly fl,000 in prttate dooatiou raised to date represent but a portion or the funds necessary -to sustain ·the surviving six members or the Alfaro family -Mrs. Allaro and five young children -for the Whil k. l 1:::.6'-ft $10 mlOion centeu inudtDt;.. until It is built, probably not • . e wor mg .a an . \,.~ feadenl'•a,re hopi~10 ·•~ ... until 1986or87. : '· 1 table lut week lD. the obb~ ol sem.e JIVtngs to their fands. . Thus, he would rather &eave • • 1 the. U~I Administration University administrators, the sensitive negotiations on a ·~ .• "My personal belief is that in cases of lo ca l c riminal violence,'' Agran said, "it is not enough to leave victims to rely upon these federa! and stale sources of compensation, plus whatever private aid may be forthcoming ." Bui l. d 1 n g • refer en~ um including Chancellor naniel constitution to the students ln , "• coordinator Caracclo predic~ed Aldrich Jr .. are trying \<? keep power then, when the fees are that 70 percent ol the votmg those st'rin gs from being being paid and the center ia , '• ~tudenl! would approve a r~ attaehed -at least for another completed. . 111 · immediate rut.ure." mcrease to help pay for a /our or five years. • While he said today be la II. campus events center. The student council won "delighted" with the pasaaee ol 11)' The councilman has asked that his proposal be considered at the Irvine Cit y Coun cil meeting March 23. Specifically, he proposes that eligibility criteria for 8J! Irvine ala::-program.-c.oincide with criteria under the state program of Aid to Victims of Violent Crimes and that benefits be limited lo persons victimized by c rime within the cit y 's boundaries. "As under state la\1," he said, "compensation would be limited Delly ........ "-- A ID VICTIMS -Irvine Co uncil.man Larry Agran seeks a cifv program to help victims of violent crtnies. to cases or death or major d·isability as a consequence of a violent assault." . Agran ha s suggested .. tentatively .. that benefits A1ran proposed an Irvine aid program be administered by the city itself and be budgeted along with other city programs or that it might be administered and underwritten as '11 add-on. to the city's ins~ance ·pollcies. T h e c o· lLD c i l m Lil recornrnended that the city attorneyprepare a reporT, including a .draft ordinance, providing for an aid program. He also said he'd.like to see a specific staff recommendation regarding the desirability of a reward proj(ram. Five days later after all the approval on the re ferendum the referendum, Aldrich added ·~ 2,911 ballots had been counted, ballot on a seco~d i.ssue, that a that many things can happen in leaders of the Associated proposed constatut1on for the four years, and the measure Students such as Caraccic center should be required before ca nnot be considered an • announced that 69.8 percent of the $4 million is given to the absolute com mitment,ror , the ballots supported the university. The const itution funding. . increase would give students seven of 13 He called it a .. venture of · seat.S on a governing-board f01' faith." Carraclo was 0.02 of a percent the center. The center will hold from 6,000 r off. . -In .other words, the tudents to 7 ,000 spectator seats_ for such Whether he lS as succe~sfut a want final say on use and design events a s intercollegiate diplomat as a sage remaips to of the center before they basketball games, lectures and be seen, ~wever, because the con~ribute ~he $4 mi llion. co n certs , a ccording to next polittcal battle for the Aldrich, predictably, says such preliminary plans . Crawford students may be as rough as the a require ment is premature Hall. the current home or the last. because the funding isn't worked bas ketball team, has a capacity ' Now that a majority of the out. of 1,600 . --. CANDLEBRA CONTfNOENT -;-T.ed and Pat At'bo were enjoyln' Pation CATALOG COMPARISONS -Polly Royce Peterson, Catherine Kiester, Marie Pesslo Galleries' exhibition. waa. on a_ bu~an's holiday in Doug Clock turne.d back;.frie·nds _catch Laguna Beach Art Museum.antique show handsome By NORA LEHMAN Of l ... Deity ""', .... ... IT'S YOUR HERITAGE, TOO: The 10th annual version of the Affiliates of the Laguna Beach Museum of Art's Antiques Show over the past weekend was handsol')'le indeed. fl It was run to see so many familiar faces amon1 the gala guests -not to mention the 32 California dealers who provided beautifully mounted displays upstairs and downstairs. I HW Barbara Busby. Laurie Pelli1ero. Sylvia Bishop and of coune, Marla and Ken Bird. Marla 11 preeideftt of the boafd of trustees. Arnita Albrtiht and the William Toneya came t11rou1h tlle ~ front lltuloft Viejo and Beverl1 t'happetl ·Tuttle ca01e up from Lasuna JQlll. . ,. It was 1ood to tlnally put Barbara. . o I Duarte's attractive. fa ce with her attractive voice. We've talked on the phone so much we would have sworn we knew each other. · Harry Axene . looklng perfectly marvelous, was there wi\)l YoU·know-who looking perfectly mervelous. Laguna's mayor. Sally Bellenat joined the crowd as did the Bill Farrtngtcins. the J,.eph Jahra'*8, Fern ~Pitzer. the A Smwald iOnti.._n thei ./tl/M [ftQcl Richard . ,.. Te<\t~ .Jiiek Boyles, Masonlcals ..And Jim IJlwiils. f . ~ lAa .. ,on with lier ,_,. prlltp, do rom Palo Alto. and ,,._ Ster-.,. ntl lng his booth. I suspe~rfle hadn't tfactwd ~~Beacb~-• an U. ay, Id • on'bl!s W8Y'4dft1 Tll'rte Arth Bay to set up ln time for the party. Julie Cohen, looklnJ more Chanel than Chanel herself, wu holCllDI down the fort (Or whatever tMy call forts ln tbe Orient -she·1· an Oriental an~un dealer ln Palos Verdes> and rewtna \IP tor her Friday lecture on four centwill ~ aw..e furnltun. --. "' 111to me ~. t a.w tJ&i; ~l!t ......... ,. a18CI ... ~ ?"" ...... ;'d ~me; p~~J ...... ... ..,......~ ..... jwilii'e. ' : By GLENN SCOTT CMtlleDeltf,_IWt - Altbouah it may not apply at UC Irvine, a new policy forcing confllcl-of-interesl disclosures by faculty researchers funded by private sources got a bad erade today from Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. Experts say ~e policy passed on a •·l vote Monday by the state's Fair Political Practices Commission ill the fint ln the nation to requir' public disclos ures o y u nTveralfY researchers. The action follows revelations of professor$ who proflt'ed by winning research grants ftom private n.rms in which they b.d CAVAt.CADE COAAtCS STGCKS a personal financial lntereat. Moat caaea Involved 1enetlc . en1lneerina flrma. Aldrich said tod•Y tba1 be 1a not aware of any auch cues at UCI and said professon would. be hard pressed to kee,p aue.b rela·tionshlps secret because private companl• are required to · disclose ownerahlp in appllcaliool. Because the university system already can monitor auch cues, be_ aald be..joina m09t other top admlnl.atraton ln oppoaln' the commillllon'a action u creating another example of outside •overnment Involvement. The measure, he'"°dld , would cause unneceuar..v delay1 and coM.I. • Several campuaes aenalUve to the issue have proposed their own self-pollcin1 syatem )hat would req,u.lre private tunding sources linked to professors to simply drop their backtn1. he saJd. .· Retiring hOusewif e works her 'WClY out the door. -See Erma BDmbeck, B2. "We didn't feel this la a necessary requirement,'' said Aldrich. "The unlverslty has no difficulty in lettint people know what its research lnterests are, especially when they involve doing business where a faculty m e mb e r is p e r so nally involved.'.' Aldrich said he also concurred with UC Academi c Vice President William Frazer, who said Monday the commission action could create cases where research decisions are based on politics and professors lose some ¥ or their academic freedom. . ~ Under the r ulea adopte4:.S Monday, principal researcberi on a project.. will be required tb _ - disclose publicly ,all person.i financial mtere5ts they have ~ their work. If there are poulble confli cts, a universlty r~Vtew ' panel wi ll evaluate the situation ·and decide whether to approv~ the project The conflict-of-interest policy should affect no more than $ percent or all UC research project s, according to the• • commission. Tbe eo.ta 11..a City eome0 agreed Mond.Q to replant.._ SO tr.. that •ere toppW ., cltY. ~en, causln1 an ou1aJ from 1'91ldenta lut October. • , The decision wu a victory for the Parkway Tree Committee, a aroup of Collete Park h o m e o w n e r s w h o h.a d recommended that the city replant the trees and consider root prunin1 instead of tree removal in dae future. Councllmu Donn Hail estimated UJat It wW coet about· SS,000 to replace the treee uprooted from the Colle1e Park streets, It also will cost the city about. $25,000 to prune about 220 trees .. threatening the city's sldewalb -soutlnJf ..F..air-Driv.-, accordlDC-to=- clty reports;> . Detty ,... ..... ""'91 WINNER -Corona del Mar High School senior Neils Mayer has capt ured seventh place honors in the a nnual Westinghouse Science Talent Search contest held Monday in Washington O.C. that attracted 40 top science students from across .the co~try. He wins a $5.000 s-cholars hip. ''This is a grand finale to a long-running soap opera," said Karen McGliM, chairman Grllie citizens' committee that bad recommended prunlnt .and replanting. A report presented by the com millee and city ataff members 'Monday Die recommended that •I·• . Santa Ana suspect h1inted in slaying trees be used to r:.rJace taken out lut fall tbat ~ pruning be consict.red wbenewr possible. However, the report says tbat trees causint extensive gutter and sidewalk dama1e will atW be subject to removal. Detectives were looking today for a Santa ·Ana man who they say is the prime suspect in the so· called "lovers' quarrel" slaying or a 27-year-old woman in Costa Me..:>a late Saturday or early Sunday. Costa Mesa police Lt. Jack Calnon said police ar~ searching for Rodolfo Al varez. 37, of Santa Ana , in connection with the shooting of Maria Barrera, 27, of Host families rwededinNB Orange Coast families are needed to host foreign students scheduled to attend Newport Harbor Hfgb School duringtbe 1982·83 school year. The American Field Service program will sponsor three foreign students between the ages of 16 and 19 to live with families in the Harbor Area. Anyone interested may call 673-5580. 1725 Santa Ana Blvd., Ana. sant:-E.E. Bieger Lt. Calnon d eclined to be specific but said Alvarez is a "prime suspect," based on information collected by detectives. dead at 85; rites slated Calnon said Alvarez, who is Funeral services for longtime 5·5, 180 pounds and has black Newport Beach resident and hair, brown eyes and a small mobile home park owner mustache, is believed to be Everett Emerson Bieger, who driving a white Pontiac Firebird died Sunday at age 85, will be with red pinstriping. held at 1 p.m. Thursday at } Pacific View Memorial Park in The vtc~m dled as lbe result Corona-de! Mar. of a gunshot to the throat, an A native of Indiana, Mr. autopsy has revealed, said Rie1er bad been the owner and Calnon. operator for 36 years of Lee Haven Trailer Park She also was shot in the hip, He is survived by his Wife leading police to theorize sbe Linnie; a son, Everett of Tustin . may have been tryin1 ~ nm, _and a Claupter, Joyce GUrol a war when s.he was hlt by Costa Mesa. He a180 leav• four gul)flre, according to Calnon. Ir a n d 'Cb i 1 d re n and l w 0 "Our motive is possibly a 1reat-grandchlldrea .• lov ers' quarrel or lovers' Other survivor.a are llittle dispute," said Ll. Calnon. He Bassett ·of Florida, a slater;' said that both the victims and 1'lice Travis of Fullertoa, a the suspect are believed to be sister and Lawrence R. B&e1er illegal aliens. · ' of Bakersfield, a brother. HOUR-LONG RESCUE -Newport Beach firemen lift top of ~rumpled car away from Therisa A. Meehan, 25. who was critically injured early today on Superior·Avenue wh en a vehicle driven by 41-year-old Rober\ Keller ol Cotta Mesa crossed over a center divider Dlllly ......... ..,.ic.... ........ and struc"k the Newport Beach woman's car headon. Keller was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. police said. It took firemen. nearly an hour to pull the woman fro m her car. Sh,e •. was taken to Fountain Valley Com rnln'lity Hospital Trauma Center. · . ' .. nr UCI student predicts outcome Voting favors $23 per quarter fee for fU:nd raising As a political prognosticator, UCI student leader Bill Caraccio is, right on the mark. While working at an elections table last week in the lobby of the UCI Administ r ation Buifding , r e f e r e ndum coordinator Caraccio predicted that 70 percent of the voting students' would approve a fee increase to help pay for a campus events center. Five dayi later after all the 2,911 ballots bad been counted, leader& of the Ass oc iated Students s uch as Caraccio announced that 69.8 percent or the ballots s upporlfd the increase. · Carracio was 0.02 of a percent off. · Whether he-is at successful-a diplomat as a sa1e remains to be seen, however, beeause the· next political battle for the students may be aa rough as the last. Now that a majority of the votlne ftudents agreed that a S23 per quarter fee is appropriate. toward raising $4 million for the $10 million center, s tudent leaders are hoping to attach some strings to their funds. Uniyersity administrators, including Chancellor Da niel Aldrich Jr., are trying to keep th ose s tr ings from being attached -at least for another fo ur or five years. The student counc il won approval on the referendum ballot on a second issue, that a proposed constitution for the center should be required before the $4 million is given to the university. The constitution would give students seven of 13 seats on a governing board for the center. In other words, the students want final say on use and design of the center before they contri bute the S4 million. Aldrich, predictably, says such a r equireD\ent is premature because the funding isn't worked out. H e a lso has noted t hat students won't begin paying the $69 in annual fees for the center until it is built, probably not until 1986 or 87. - Thus, he would rather leave-t the sensitive negotiations on a constitution to the students in power then, when the fees are being paid and the center is completed. W.hile he said today he is "delighted" with the passage of the referendum, Aldrich added that many things can happen in four years, and the measure . ca nn ot b e con sidered an ,,, a bsolute commitme nt for · funding. He called it a "venture of faith." The center wilfhold from 6,000 to 7 ,000 spectator seats for such . events as intercollegiate :,.,. basketball games, lectures and :,. • concerts . accordi n1 to: pre limina ry plans. Crawford: Hall, the current home of the . basketball team, haa a capacity: or 1,600. : Clock turn~d · bljlck;.f;rle·nds catch up Laguna Beach Art Museum.antique show .handsome BY NORA LEHMAN Of tM o.lly '""!" ...... IT'S YOUR ·HERITAGE, TOO: The 10th annual version of the Affiliates of the Laguna. Beach Museum of Art's Antiques Show ov~r the past weekend was handsome indeed. It was run to see so man1 f•millar faces amona the gala guests -not to mention the 32 California dealera who provided beautifully mounted dilplays upetaln and downatain. ' I saw Barbara Busby, Laurie Pelllsero. Sylvia Bllhop and of coune. Marla and Ken Bird. Marla 11 pretldellt of the board of trustees. Arnita Al...._ and the WllU1m Toneya came ~ Afle ~ from llluiOft Viejo IDCI ••etb' 0.Qplll 1'lttle CuM ... from LquDa HUii. , It wH 10od to Olaalb pat Barbar Orange eo.lt DAILY PILOT/T'uelday. Mwch 2. 1912 ""J edbte:r crash. probed 1 e F A:A chOUeiagea stat~t on tight. air traffic WASHINGTON (AP> -All But th.• Edtern pilot, calculated that at one point \ratne at NaUonal A1l'llOl"l wu Lawrence s. JQMI, toc1a1 told a thert wu leu tbu oae mil• •· ao UOI& .._ Air non .. ftebt National Tt.-...portauma Safety separation between the two "' IO crMMd that aaotMr Jet wu Board beartq that be wu not Jtftllnen. · • toucblpe clown on tb• Hm• alar.mM by tM MParatlon. Tb• ft1urea, wblcb •-ho~~ ~(.nmw11 tvtD before &he ~ JonH, a · ta-year EHtern EHtern Fll1bt 149'1 touched 1Trrllftedoft,lDv..U,atanlQ. veteran, acknowled1td, down on runway 38 u tbe Air AJt.bouP federal na1l1aUoM boweHr, tbat bl• eo-t!!:! J'lorkla plane wu •till on tu J:b:?: ~=·~~-= ~t':~~ =~=:et~~!!... ~:!~:=1~ ;::: ::'M,:: g:: 'planH0e lnveat11•tors' · Saytna he had landed many recorden from both plan•. cueulaaom lDd.lcate u ~ times at the airport, Jon .. said, Tb e Federal Av I at I on ~ AlrHMI jet briefty 1band the "As far u I wu concerned, this Administration challen1ed lbe h~·•·toot runway wltb tlae Air was a proper separation." calculations today and Francia . ,Florida plane. NTSB lnveatlcatou have McAdams, who beacb the NTS8 ' inquiry, said tile data would be ~orth-south re-examined. '4 • · .. trans it . .. l . ' . The NTSB investig._tors and other sources emphashed Monday that no link had been found between the degree of separation and the accident, which killed 78 people when the Air Florida jet hit a busy commuter bridge and plunged Into the Potomac River. I ~lanes e.yed · But one pilot knowleqeable about conditions that prevailed on the snowy Jan. 13 afternoon at National Airport said, "For this type of weather It's extremely, close." The pilot asked that his name not be used. I II• The. first public forum on , plans to improve transportation ,systems along north-south . corridors · in Orange County - including the Newport-Costa Mesa Freeway -will be held tonight at Costa Mes~ Ci~Y. H~. The session organized by ttie • county Transportation· Commission will begin at 7 p.m. "and is scheduled to last two ,• hours. . 'I ·: Two north-south systems exist 1in Orange County : tbe Newport-Costa Mesa and •Orange freeways. All other major transportatic;>n facilities run generally ln an east-west ~onflguration, accordin& to CHARGED --Angelo Buono s i t s i n Lo s A n g e I es, courtroom· lis tenin g lo opening arguments in the "Hillside Strangler·· case. in which Buono is accused of The calculations developed by the NTSB's atr traffic control group show that Eastern Flight 1451-t,ouched down at 31 secondS after 4 p.m. EST on National AirpQrt's runway 36. At the, same lime, according to a t.ranscript of the Flight 90 cockpit recorder, the Air Florida jet was still struggling to get off the ground at the other end of the runway, having just r~ached its point of no return. f trans~rta~on analysts. Trame along the two freeways is expected to increase I drastically during the next 18 years as population within three ! miles of them is projected to lsrow by 27 percent and employment ls anticipated to grow 29 percent, e~'say. - At tonight's meeting, eight preliminary optio11s .r<f?. improving the traffic flow will be reviewed by staff members of the commission and consultants. ITben members of the public will' Igel a chance to speak on the (alternatives. ~ JeaniMe Kahan, commiss1~n flide, sald the options are iexpected to be reduced to three y Au1ust and a final eco~'Lion will be made to e ve-meaiber transportation mmission in November. Tb ..... include proposals 1 killing 10 wome n and girls. Public fun d s for Sch mitz d efense h it SACRAMENTO <AP) -A citizens' g10up is suing to relieve the taxpayers of footing the legal expenses of state Sen. Johfl Schmitz, target or a $10 million libel suit. FAA spokesman Fred Farrar said that even if it were found that separation rules were violated the rea8on could have been the inability of Air Florida Flight 90 to gain proper acceleration during its takeoff. The air controller handbook requires that a minimum of a two -mile separation be maintalned between departing and arriving aircraft. But Farrar said that as a practical matter controllers are told they can bring an arriving plane to within two·miles "as long as the departing plane bas started its takeoff roll." A report submitted by tbe NTSB task force's air traffic control committee con·cludes that "compilation and extrapolation of radar information indicates" that the )separation between Flight 90 and Eastern Flight 1451 came to less than a mile . make only small chan1es ln I e system to others that involve xtending the Orange Freeway i the Pacific Coast Highway or ding mass transit rail liftee to The group, Citizen Advocates, said Monday that the use of RUblU: f\lnds to pay for Schrnill'I legal defense is "wasteful and un I awful .•• 1 t asked the Saerameoto County Supe!'ior Court to block payment of the funds until the suit is resolved. Schmitz was sued Jan. 22 by Los Angeles attorney Gloria. Allred for slat&menls contained in a press reJease in which he described her as a "slick butch lawyeress." Services set for volttnieer- Edna Bowde n e coast a long MacArthur ulevard and Jamboree Road . Newport Beach. The same release, on the· station e r y of the Senate Con stitutional Amendments Committee which Schmitz then chaired, characterized some• individuals who attended a statewide series of committee hearings as "lesbians" and "queer." I ~ I Not included are separate proposals on whether to modify or complete the Newport-Co.ta Mesa Freeway to the coast highway. Fai r seeks ta'lenl Amateur entertainers are bein1 sought by the Orange County Fair to perform during the Orange County All·Amencan Fair on July 9-18. 1 Slnaers, dancers, variety acts p d ~towns are tnvited to brush off their top bats and polish their ~apsboes. . Anyone interested in iuditioning can call 751-3241. The he~riflgs were held late last year on Schmitz's proposed constitutional amendment to. equate abortion with murder . On Dec. 29, Schmitz was stripped of his committee chairmanship and other Senate leaders hip posts. The Senate later repnmanded him. The Senate Rules Commit~· has decided to pay Schmill's · legal fees because of what it called an "obliga.tion" to ''pro tec t t h e s tate fro°'I liability." Edna Audrea Bowden, a Huntington Beach resident who was active in many community organizations, died Sunday at Pacifica Hospital at age 74. She was a member of the Huntington Beach Senior Ci tizens, a volunteer at the Huntington Bead.i Thrift Shop, a member of the Lincoln County c h a pte r of the Women 's Democratic Party and a past matron of Eastern Star. Funeral services and burial will be in Newark, Ohio. She is survived by her sons, Jury E. Bowden and David Bowden, both oC Ohio; bu daughter , Nina Brodrick of Bonsall, Calif.; three sisters, Wlltn a Dobbins. Louella Strachen and Mildred Gearhart; and a brother, Jessie Dobbins. Rain doesn 't stop laiidloi-ds They wait to convert ·sF apartments to condos SAN FRANCISCO '<AP> -that over~ees condominium '·People are generally Neither a mlfbty rainatorm nor conversion. apprehensive about a possible tbe tedium o three nlthll kept After the last application was moratorium on coovenion ... tbe hopeful from waitin1 oulltde taken "I announced to tbe mob real estate is not semn1 very City Hall for a chance to convert do vnstairs -I shouldn't say fast ... most property owners apartments into condominiums. mob; they were very well like to have the option of selling ,, In a city where modest bomea organized" that applications for instead of renting, the value of in ordinary neithborboods sell another 1,500 units would be property goes up ... an~ it'~ fo,r $1.50,000, standing In line for given out on a stand·by bas~. e_asierto get a loan," Wong said .. more Ulan«> hours waa a 1mall ·vong said. price for some to pay for a Sbot' Slnce many permits lsaued in at 1etttn1 a eondomlalum )~'!vk>ua yean have not been convel'lklll permit In lllS. 'utilized, more units mi1bt be By 10 a.m. llondpy, the 4lth perm l tt e d lo become pel'IOll In .a line 1nakla1 ID tbe condominiums in 1983, Wong rotunda o1 City Hall bed 1iped said. ~ for a appUeattoa for tile lat _..,In 1lllO it took four weeks to 1,000 mdta -the maxt-,m nu 1,000 and another !Our week• mw ol apartments tbat can to ~et 1,000 for stand·by. Thll, eoaTSted la a year, 1ald Bay year we tot 2,500 la five houri," ODI. cblef of the cl\7 oftk:e Won1 aald. ~==:-c.M ..... CA. ... .-..i ... , ... C.... .... CA.- ~ "9 OrN CWI ....... O e..-,, ·. ____ ._. .......... ~.-.......................... _...., 12 ,_..,....,. ..... ... • Guerrillas controlled from outside? WASHINGTON (AP> - Leftllt suerrillas in El Salvador are not only 1upplled from out.Ide but also are actually under ••extemaJ command and control" by non·Sal•adorant, Secret.at)' ol State Ale.....-. Ill. Hat1 Jr. auert.ed today. AP ........ TICKER MUSIC T he wtnd section of the London Symphony Orchestra warms up on the floor o f the London Stock Exehang~ in readiness ~or a concert given later Monday Right for members and fp~nds ._ From PageA1 LICbt lbowwl tbat did Utile more t.bu dampea tbt 0r_,e Cout late llODday &Dd early today are apeeted to II" way. to clear 1klH and warmer teml*'*tunt by Wednelday. N atlonal Weatber Service oftleiala Mid tbe nort.bena cold front that moved Into the county Monda.v wu expected to drop at 1lea1t ball an 1ndl of rain but fell far 1hort ot that ftpare. In Santa Ana, .10 of an inch fell Wblle rain 1auJes ln Costa ·Mesa showed .11 of an inch dropped during the brief storm. Huntington Beach weather watcher J . Sherman Denny aald his gauge measured . u of an inch of rain, bringin1 the season total~ to 7.14 inches. He said last year at this time, 8.21 inches or rain had bee n recorded in Huntington Beach. "I'm afraid the storm's just about over and that's really too bad." Denny lamented. "We 'r eally have to get with it if we hope to eat.eh up-with last-year. u He said last March was a wet one. T • Weather bureau officials predicted temperatures .$hould drop to about 53 degrees tonight and r each a high of 68 Wednesday. DEADLY FORCE EXAMINED • • • because of a breach of poUcy. ·firing from or at moving vehicles unless in Like Fountain Valley and Laguna Beach, self-defense or the defense of another officer or Irvine bas a written policy on ftring a gun. Such person. The police may not fire at misdemeanor policies have been revised many times over the suspects or persons under 18 unless they're years, officials say. · threatening the life of an officer or other The policy' for Irvine and Fountain Valley pe rsons, which such action endangers the life of ace similar. Firearms are permitted to be fired others or in cas-es of crimes against pl'Operty. in self-defense or when a suspect may cause Above a ll , Laguna Beach policy repeatedly serious injury or death, in defense of another states use of deadly force.is an.option only when offieer or a erim~ victim, to prevent a crime in "other means have f)liled." Those rules and which a human life ls in serious jeopardy and to others make Laguna Beach's regulations apprehend a fleeing felony suspect who is perhaps the most s pecific of any law considered violent and is a threat to use deadly enforcement agency on the Orange Coast. force. ''Basically our rules are more restrictive Fowttain Valley police "generally" prohibit and defined than the California Penal Code," the use of warning shots or attention shots said Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell. except to stop an attack by a group of rioters or Indeed. Laguna Beach also requires for summe)ning aid when other communications m andatory interviews with a psychologist for aren't available. Firing a gun from a moving police officers involved in a shooting incident. vehicle also is "generally prohibited. ~ "Being involved in a shooting can be a "Most~ce officea.o th!'9!11h their entire traumatic personal experience," Purcell career andoruy pull ffiear triggers once or twice explained. "We found it's better to have a (on duty>t explained Fountain Valley Police mandatory 'shall' policy. Capt. Bill DeNisl. "In my 17 years as a "There's a stigma that's placed on any policeman I've fired on two occasions and both officer,'' he said, or psychological counseling. times to get somebody's attention." '"Sori1e call it the macho image of the officer. . Fountain Valley's use of the word He is hesitant or reluctant t.o come forward to "generally," however , still leav.es open the fellow poijce officers all the way up to the chief option to use firearms. ---~-""'to.......,sa.._v~that 'Uhi.nk.l.need..bel.p.' ''------ Huntington Beach Police Chief Earle In Irvine, warning shots are prohibited and , Robitaille sajd his department's deadly force meetings with psychologists are encouraged but policies closely follow California PenaJ Code not mandated. guidelines. Though not all police agencies agree on the Additionally, warnin& shots and firing from need for specific rules on the use of deadly a moving vehicle are prohibited. force. Dr. Arnold Binder, who directed a recent Robitaille said officers who have been UCI study on force, noted Orange County bas involved in a shooting are not automatically pion eer e d Innova tive law enforcement required t.o meet with a psychologist, though he procedures. said such aid is always available. "I would say we have the lllOSt progressive He added that a superior has the right to police.departments in the country," the social order an om cer involved in a shooting to obtain ecologist said . "I don't think I'm exaggerating such counseling if it is believed necessary. when I say that." Robitaille a lso observed that many The $361,000 UCI research project, funded departments are reluctant to adopt deadly force by the National Institute of Justice, examined 14 policies much toughe r than the state code metropolitan police departments over a because such policies ~ay expose them to two.year period. greater liability in civil sutts. Binder noted Orange County was not At l)te Laguna Beach Police Department, included in the research because there were not restrictions narrow the options for use of deadly ehough instances of use of deadly force. And be force. said many or the recommendations in the report Warning shots are not permitted under any have already been instituted al count)'-law . ctrcumstances. Officers are prohibited from enforcement agencies. Ifs difficult to know where to begin to tell you about my 'latest gemologlcal experience. I juot spent a wonderfully exciting four days i n Los Angeles! Well. I know that begins to sound doubtful right 8Wlif'/ ... but let me explain. The Gemologlcal lnsUtute of Amer l c , is currently celebratlng Its 50th anniversary and sponsored the flrat International Gemological Symposium. All the top lumlnariH of the gem and mlneral field were invited to pr.-nt papers on subjects of their expertlM . . . fifty.five of the bfigtlt•t minds In the gem worid holding foJth on their 'favorite oubjects. What an I n c r • d I b I y w o n d • rf u 1, opportunity for the 700 • ~from 32-dl,,.,.,,t countrieal While It wtan't po191ble to hMr Ill fifty-five pteeentatlona . .. eomet!Mee ,,,.... were ttne ..ions running concu~. ' • It ... poe91bte by ceNtuttr oroan11tno one'• time to work I_.. twln~ll of tMm ... and I d6dl Many of th• acheduled ' .. ........ frienda of ,..... 80 I pellld thOl9 and Mftt to ht•r on•• that are IH• ' 9veillbla to ma Yndlr OfdWwy cfrcurrlllancea . . . .... '""" 'l<enp. TokyO. A~ Watt Germany, lwltnrl•nd, England, >uatralla, lrulf, I loulh .... ~ Ind "" ............. .. ,.. ..,,. .... ..,_.. "*"° ...... s1nan111 .... ot ...... ftllMI ••• C.......~M ....... I a.., ..._.. Tlftenr, John --. Gerlld' ~ 9"r1a,. Al !L, lct•Md .. ~ .,..., ArofU• @ 6EM WISE Kalokerlnos. These .have •authored books that hev popular reedershlp among 'non· profe.ionals who enjoy gem eubjects. In tNlt four days I ga\hired lots of maitetlal that I can share with you In many, many future Gem WIM columns. It .,.. a great learning and sharing experience tor all wno lttended. My contribution wu my blacil op.i S19ndant wnlctt I wore to all the 10Clal eveni.. I esp.clally enjoy wearing It when I know I'm going to be In the compeny of people who reoogniZIO Its unlqueneas llnd tippf9Ci... Ito nn beeuty. At the dinner-dance • the LA. Mu_,,.,, of PUlural Hltltaty I met Dr. Kaloherinea. euthof of ~;1n Search of Opal" and "AulnllM PNdou. Opel." Hie face Ht up when ha uw the. SMndant and t\• aald "Ah, ~. SUPEMf tt ohould be in_. ~· .. ' tcMct him that m.-~. but for .... pr.-nt I 9"foy weering and eNn1'19 It wHh the opal lcWar'8 among ~ friends, I _,,. him that It I• oarefullJ ptallatld In ...... .,.. ..... of ._ lime and I Of'4Y .._ It out on~ oocaaioftl. Dr.II• .-oNd me to the tYanted rocyn ttlet ~ .. Hbr90ft -.....,.. .... W'.i~ ..... ld ..., ........... "' ..... ...., ....... ..... ..... ............. _ ................. a,.. .. ... ................. .. ...... ,....._ .... ,. ........ , ....... . ~=r=·~---= • ?111'1 ...... l I I j -I • CLOSING 825.82 Floor Corp. has continued its reorganization by1 naming chairmen to oversee the company's four major groups. Those select~. all of whom will report to the new president and ·chi ef operating officer, • David S. Tappan J r .. are: -Buck Mickel, named chairman of the Engineering and ConatrucUon groul?. He continu~s as chairman and presidebt of Daniel International Corp., a Fluor subsidiary since 1977. -John C. Dunun, appointed chairman of the Natural Resourc~ -group. He continues-as chail'man or St. Joe Mjn~rals Corp., which was acquired by Fluor Lalil year. -John K. Pike, promoted to chairman of Fluor Distribution Cos. lne, H. Leon Sbulcellord was promoted to president of the group. -Ross A. McCUntoclc, appointed chairman of Fluor Drilling Services. J . Robert Fluor II was promoted to president of the division . . California home resale volume for the year ended Dec. 31 totaled 332,969 units, a 28.4 percent decline from the 465,186 unjts recorded for the year ear lier, the California Association of Realtors reported. In Orange Coualy, volume dropped 21.5 percent, while the 12·month median home price in the county rose 6.4 percent for fhe year. 111111 ~--~----Yields on short·term Treasury securities rose slightly, -one week after recording their . biggest plunge ever. About $4.8 billion in six·month bills were, sold Monday at an average djscount rate of 12.786 percent up from 12.695 percent last week. The go~rn°m ent 1tlso sold about $4 .8 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 12.45 percent,' up from last week's 12.43 per~ent .. The government is lowering its interest-rate. ceiling on federally backed slDgle·famlly home loans to 15.5 percent, offi cials of the De1;>artment ~r Housing and Urban Development said. The one per centage point decline in t he ceiling for ~th Jevel·payment and graduated·payment loans wipes out an increase of the same size announced Jan 25, officials said. IJATI ~-----.---.... , Francis Ford Coppola 's financially troubled Zoetrope Studios, unaided by the disaP.pointif!g box-office returns of "One From the Heart, has laid off 20 emolovees . . . 11111111 ;t; The c0mbined earnings of the Suta Anlta Coa. for the year ended Dec. 31 were $10.9 million, or $1.87 a share, compared with $8.9 million, or $1.62, for 1980. ,Revenues for 1981 were $82.7 million, up 23.S percent .fcom the year-earlier level. ·STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ~­IC ll\llr1 E1Jl0ft ' IEchllnlnc llM AIM< T&T ~~ E.cc:r. TH Viti nwe1 cm UnlT .. ~~ 1,:i.JJ,D 909,000 1'1.000 i'7,..a Sil,G SM,100 ::-.= 4SS,100 442,7CID ClS.SOO 42,000 431,tCID 42.1,100 a.ACID UPS AND DOWNS NIW "°"9c W'>-TM -"O "91 ,,_ .. -YOftl ....... E.a~ -1>.i ---- -.... Ul> O.. !Mel __ .,._ ....... ,.,_"'.-. ..... -ol-__ ._,._SI __ _ -...,._._ c~.,,, .. •• ,.,. ......,_ ----c-... -oc.-...-. --~, ~· ~: ~ 1-. + " 514 • ~ •11o .. " f1!\ + -II~+ 1 ,,_ + ' tlll .. "' IV. + Ill '"' + 14 13\o't + I 1014 + " ,..,., .. -SI + 1"' 1"-• " . Vp'1'cli4.t ""' ... Up 11 .. ""' 16.7 Up JO.? Up o_,, VII 10.0 UP t .O Up U VII LS Up U Up U VO U UC> U Up 7.t ""' 11 UC> 11 VP H MOALS lfEW YORK (AP) m.w1 11rl<fl today. c;•p"r 71~IO centJ • pound. U.S. CMtll11elloM. UM 21 ceMt • ...,._, :ti.c a -• IJOU"d, clltllver.ct. Tia S..11112 Met .. , w-com-It• lb 11~1•nc ... u•~.H Y Met"c..,, ms ao ,.., fl•~ ~UO.OO troyot., H Y' SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ., , .............. . S.IKM-ld90MI 9"1Cnt-r• ~· ~ fl•lllO Ut.J oo. 1111 ••·'" L••,.••: •lter110011 Ila I no Utt .ts, 11~11•"9fCl. P'we: "'9.11 • ...,,,,n .,,....,., UM."·"" M " ~wtcll: l.ftl flalno u.1.00, "" n ao bid. IMCID-911. Ke11'9y a Ker.,..•: Oflly d•lh qw.t• I» 1.25, UN:hefl9ed • ........... , Of\IY O•llf Quot• ""' U, 1111Cllel\9ICI • • ..........,, only clelly qwe. I.Wk ..... S.S7U11 -hel\9ed SY"'BOLS .t ..