HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-03 - Orange Coast PilotIUlll ClllT WEDNESDAY . MARC H 3. 1982 BUT. OFFICER Johnm· Carson. who "as arrt.•stt.'rl ror drunken drivin~ ov('r the 'wel'k('nct . opt.•ns his Tuesda ~· n1~h1 monologue aC"companieci hy a "polin•m;in ... ;~t'tuall ~ an actor rerruitl'ct for lht.' st.'lf·l<1mpo11ni1ig "kit Carson 'targets' himself over arrest BU RBANK (AP) -A nervous but game Johnny Carson joked about his drunken driving case in his first ''Tonight Show" monologue ·since his arrest, but later told late-night television vie wers "you will never see me do that again." ·' l wish I could explain to all or you that I was doing research for m y new special called 'Johnny Goes Home to t he S lammer '," t he 56-year -old com edian joked Tuesday in a reference to his recent television ~cial about returning to his ftomet.own in Nebraska. Carson was accompanied onslage for the taping of his show by an actor dressed in a police officer's uniform. The same actor later ushered the host off at the end of the show. Carson, who earlier in the day was c h a r ged with two misde meanor counts and one infraction· stemming from his a rrest Saturday. devoted the first few minutes of his standup routine to the incident "You don 't know how nice that sounds." he told the cheering studio audience. "Would you like to be my character witnesses? ··For you people watching this show at home right now, please do not adjust the color on your set -it is just me blushing. "What luck I have -my lawyer is F . Lee Bailey." Carson added later, referring lo the prominent criminal attorney· who also fa ces drunken driving charges. Bailey pleaded innocent to the c h arges Mon da y in San Francisco. Despite his bravado, Carson appeared somewhat flustered. and forgot b is usual announcement of the night's gu est s at the e nd or the monologue. Off camera, he thanked the studio audience for "not maklhg <See JOHNNY, Page A2) • * * • * • Ylll llllTlll llllY Ml OAANGE COUNTY. CAL1FORNIA 25 CENTS ·. • . -· Reagan warned about economy Banking, housing leaders say budget deficits threaten U .S., urge action By Tlae Asaoclated Press Leaders of tke banking and housing industries warned President Reagan today that huge federal deficits threaten to r eturn the countr y to the economic conditions or the 1930s, a nd urged him to solve the problem even if it means raising taxes . · The appeal came after the government reported Tuesday that saJes or new single-family homes plunged 22.8 percent 'in January from December, ending t h ree s traight m onths of increases and falling to the second-lowest rate in the 20 years such figures have been kept. Reagan. in appearances Tuesday in Wyoming and New Mexico, said he would not retreat from his tax -c ut program and planned defense buildup to reduce huge budget deficits. Despite deficit s widely projected at over $100 billion in the coming years, Reagan said his economic program would .. guide our country out or this dark tunnel of recession and decline." But Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker warned the Senate Budget Committee that unless the deficits are cut, the economy could "slip bfck Into the morass again." In a letter to Reagan released in advance of today's delivery, the ban king and hous ing organization leaders s aid : "More than anything else. it is the spectre of an overwhelming VOiume or deficit financ!Rg which haunts hous ing and 'That's shortest flight' Pilot, family walk away from CdM school crash By STEVE MARBLE Of tlM 0 .. ly ,..._ S'9ff A Laguna ~iguel pilot avoided disaster Tuesday when he landed his sputtering single-engine airplane on a Corona del Ma r High School baseball field and led his wife and two YQltllg sons safely away from the wreckage. "That's the shortest flight I've ever taken." said pilot Carlos Bernhard, who took off from John Wayn e Ai rport J'!st m inutes before his bumpy landing at 8:55 a .m . to contain the gasoline that was leaking from the wreckage. Bernhard, who was standing on the ball diamond taking pictures or his crunched plane, said he didn't panic. RELATED PHOTO -A2 ·'No real problem s everything 's okay," he kept repeating, admitting he didn't recall slamming through the fence. ' Gordon Moss, a junior at the high school and .a_.~:.&,;<,"'"'--1 baseman on the school's team, said he ran to the crumpled c raft and helped pull one of the c hildren and the pilot's wife from the plane. He said he didn't lower his -1-amting gear and had little "I was walking across the quad when J saw the plane," exlll ained Moss, a student pilot hirftself. "I dropped my books and ran toward the field." He said while Bernhard was helping his wi fe. he carried one or the children away from the wreckage "in case there was an explosion." Bernhard said he was over the ocean when his plane developed e ngine problems. He said he h eaded back towards the airport looking for a place to land. He said it was the first place he saw that he could land his plane. "We just barely made it back in . Just barely," Bernhard explained. The pilot, his wife Marlene and their two sons, 4-year-0ld Jerry and 21-month-old Richard, suffered mjnor cuts and bruises. The family was taken to Hoag~ M emorial Hospital for treatment. The Laguna Niguel man landed his craft In the center field area of the high school varsity baseball fi eld , ripped out a fence and carved a trench .__ _______ _....__ __ _. problem keeping his craft from DeHyPI ... ,..... LANDING SITE Pilot set his small plane down in centerfield of the Corona del Mar High School baseball field. down the third baseline before s lamming into a dugout. "I guess the game will be canceled," said Moss. "It's kind or a bummer when you have a plane silting in your dugout." Newport Beach fire me n s prayed down the c rippled airplane with a thick white foam flipping over as it did a belly ride through the ball field's infield. ln vesfrgators from the Federal Aviation Administration were s ummoned to the high school to study the airplane to determine what went wrong with the craft. "I 've been flyin g for Jb years,'' said Bernhard. "and this is my first accident. I tr ust it will be my last." Moss said from his own flying experiences, Bernhard made a good landing. Man pleath guilty in $129,000 scam A program manager for Children's Home Society in Santa Ana has pleaded guilty to a c harge of g rand then in connection with the alleged embezzlement of $129,000 from one of California's oldest and largest adoption agencies. ordered and the Santa Ana police department was notified. ·, The deputy district attorney added that the agency deserved, to be "commended " for the way. it handled the situation . Renick faces a maximum five-year term in state prison. financial markets and poses the threat or economic and financial conditions not seen since the 1930s." The letter came from the heads of the American Bankers Association . U nited States League of Savings Associations, t he National Association or Realtors, National Association of Home Builders, Mortgage Bankers Association a nd National Association of Mutual Savings Banks. It s aid persis tently high interest rates "are creating an ecol')omic and financial crisis in this country" and called for s lowing s pe nding for both defense and social programs. If necessary. it said. previously ena<:ted persona l income tax cuts sllould be...de!erred or taxes should be raised. Energy i.ssues led the stock market in a broad retreat today. Trading was active. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials fell 8.66 points to 817.16 in the first hour. Losers held a 4-1 lead over gainers in the over-all tally of New York Stoc k Exchange-listed 1ssues. OC nixes new panel for airport The Orange County Board of Supervisors has let it be known that it wants no further time spent on proposals dealing with c reation of a multi-agency airport authority to administer John Wayne Airport · Responding to s u ggestions contained in a management audit or airport operations. the board said Tuesday that it saw no benefits to creati n g an agency com posed or county government and cities which have a strong interest in airport operations. An airport authority. under s tate law . would be a • government agency independent from county or city control. Most of the board's members agreed with Supervisor Thomas Riley when he said: "I think we have already provided -through the many different types or community groups -the opportunity to parllcipate in the direct contact with John Wayn e a nd its operator." The county has primary responsibility for management or the controversial airfield. Conflict policy rapped at UCI Entering the plea Tuesday in Cen tral O r ange Co unty Municipal Court was Ma rk Thomas Renick, 28, of Midway City . He s urre nd ered to authorities earller In the day on a $50,000 warrant. Others charged in the case inc lude Kri stine De borah Conner, 30, of Santa Ana, Bruce Joel Alder, 28, a Denver-area· r esident, J eanetta Fisher or Corona del Mar, and Steven Haymer of Garden Grove. The joint powers s uggestion was one of five "a lternative approa c h es .. to airpor t management lis ted in the inte rnal audit of John Wayne Airport operations . Chancellor critical of ruling on research disclosures By GLENN SCOTT O( .. o.lfy,.... .... Although it may not apply at UC Irvine, a new policy forcing conflict-of-interes t disclosures by faculty researchers funded by private 'SOUrces got a bad 1rade today from Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. Experts say the policy passed on a •·t vote Monday by the slate's Fair PoUtJcal Practices Commission is the rtrst in the n•allon to require public dhelosures by university researchers. The ac:tioll fol&owt revelatiom ol proteuon who profited by wiJuainc rt11earch P'•Dtl from prb:ate ft.nm in which they bad a pertOUI financial Interest. lloat c•H•. lnvolved 1enetic 1 ............ ftl"IDI. , • • Aldrtcb Mid todQ that be II Mta...,..olu1Mdac ... at ·ue1 Md uld pn1...,. would .. • .• ,, be hard pressed to keep such · relationships secret because private companies are required t o disc-lose ownership in apptfcalions. Because the un,jversity system already can monitor such cases, he said be joins most other top administrators in opposing the commission 's action as creating another example of outside government involvement. The measure, he !laid, would cause unnecessary delays and costs. Several campuset seneiUve lo the issue have proposed tbeir own self-polietn1 1y1tem that would require private fund.inc IOUreel linked lo proleuort lo simply drop thel.-baclrln1, he sald. "We didn't feel thl• l• a neceAary requirement,'' ..W Aldrich. ''Tbe m1tventty hal • d1Mnlt1 ID ..wna people lmlw· what tta reMareb llltenaa an, It . I> , especially when they involve doing business where a faculty m e mber is personally involved." - Aldrich said he also concurred with UC Academic Vice · President William Frazer, who· said Monday the commission action could create cases where researchlledsions are based on politics and professors lose some of their ac,.demJc freedom. U oder the rules adopted Monday, principal researchers on a project will be required lo disclose publicly all personal liaandal interests they have in their wortl. H then are poplble conmcta, a untver1lty rtvtew panel will evaluate the 1ltuation and decide whether lo appnwe the project. Tbe eclllllct~l·lnlerelt poljcy lbould affect DO DION than 5 percent ol all UC reHarcb projeeta, accordl•• to tbt· comm•loa. Renick was one of four people sus pected or embeuling the funds from the 91-year-old adoption agency. The other three have yet lo enter pleas In the case. Deputy District Attorney -<rom Buck said the Midway City man pleaded guilty lo a single count of grand theft that included the allegation that he took more .than $100,000. Renick was allowed to remain fr ee without ball and was ordered to return to Orance County Superior Court on Ma~h • 12. Coast Guard saves woman off La Jolla LA )OLLA <AP> -A Coast Guard helicopter scooped a woman scuba diver from the ocean after she and her male com pan loo were battere d a1ah'llt rocks by poundtn1 •waves at Point La Jolla Cove. It is alle1ect that Renl~k and bis co·defendants aubmltted Invoices rrom phony day-care centers lo the Chlldm>'• Home Society for payment of Hl'Vlces never rendered. Buck said the four 1plll up &he fund• after p aymeni. wu recelWld. The money all•aedlY l11tlDllUlinl. Nichelle Rebril, ti. of San Die10. waa sulferlna severe _ facial bnaiael and hypotbennla wben rescuen plucked her from the 15-desree surl about' 8:45 p.m. Tue1day1 Petty Officer Tony Cbllelll Mld. The 1emi·conactou1 woman •Hn't able to climb Into the re1eue ba1ket 10 re1cuer1 muewwed it ... ,......,. blr, Tbt CbUdrm'1 Society ltlell dltcownd tbe .,...... .......... •arl1 January. AD aucllt wu l beHid. • ' DlllCI CIAIT 1111111 Some cloudiness but mostly £air today through Thursday. Highs 67 to 73, overnight lows 48 to 53. l@llDI TBllY The building and devtlopment indutr11 i• entering a new era, occordfftg to Ro11moftd Wotaoft , prufcU1at o/ the Newport Development Co., in a .,,.ech to the BuUding lnduat r11 Attof;loffon. See ~ 84. 11111 ._.,_...,_DI L.M..... Al ........ ... ..... c.. .. 1-i =-' .• et-• •1111.. .. u.umra .. ...... . . ........... r..:ccr ... .......... 1£1 3 W ASHJNGTON <AP> -The U .S. Supreme Court upheld today a wide-ranging l aw deal&ned to restrict the sale of drue paraphernalia and curb so--ealled "head 1hopa." By an 8-0 vot e, the hiah court ruled that the law enatted by Hortm11.n Estates, Ill., did not go toe> far in restrictions on the sale ot Llems intended for use In Uleaal drug.taking. ' The h ead s hop issue h as become controversial, as more loca l governments enact drug p jaraphe rnali a laws lo an attempt to curb drug abuse. Potentially va1ue or arbitrary l nt ~r pretation 11 o f the ordinance," Marshall said. Roach clips and other device3 tor s moklng""'"arijuuna generally are considered the m ost typ ical forms of drug paraphernalia. Violations of the Hoffman Estates law are punishable by a fine of up lo SSOO. The license required under the law costs $150 A 'head s hop s ubject to its res t rictions must also file aHidavits that the license and its employees have not been convicted or a drug-related offense. PROTECTIVE FOAM Two Newport Reach firemen appl~· u c:oa i 111 fna m to si n~lr enaine a~rplane after emergent.·~ ~ "-' ...... ., .. ...,_......, landin~. The (•raft was landed on varsitv baseball c1i:Jmond ;.H Cor ona dcl Mur 1 ligh Srhool. Flipside Records Inc., which sold about 70 items that might be subj ect to the dru g paraphernalia law, challenged the village ordinance, saying it was too broad and did not give suffi cient notice of what was legal and what was not. From Page A1 JOHNNY ••• Quieter jets ordered Burbank Airport panel to phase out old planes IH'HIMNK IA PJ Burbank Airpon commissione rs have dccHkd that carriers new to the ai rpurt must fl y the new, quieter gcnl•ral HHI of jets and that vx1sting airlines must phase in the JCts h\ t990. T h 1· B u r b a n k · G I e n • d a I ~· P a s a d e n a · Airµort Authority passed the ne\\ n•gulallons aimed at no lsl' t·o ntrol despite opp11s1t111n from the Feder<ij ,\ viat111n Adm1mstration. Thi-onl\ jet that fits the n•qu1n•nw1its 1s ttie DC·9 Super KO. al1hou~h the Boeing 757 and ot her wt' planned for future p-rotlu1·t1on will meet the standarcl' also, s aid Samuel L. Jonl's. airport manager of <·o m mu111ty relations. T'' o tom missioners opposed mandatin~ that new airlines rom·f'rt lo the $23-million OC-9 Suµt•r 80.., or be banned from the airport Thl' FAA's w estern r<'~inn din•clor. H,C. McClure, wrote saying that the rule is discriminatory. It would "grant s pecial favorded status to incumbent carriers." McClure said. "We know of no noise·related bas is for this double standard." But the majority said the rule is needed to comply with feder al a nd state noise mandates. "It distinguishes betw.een new carriers and existing carriers: the question was whether that was reasonable to make that distinction," Jones said. Me s aid the airport handles up to \OO commercial jet arrivals and departures dail y, and complies with government noi se guidelines Wit h t h e new ru l e . the com missioners have created ··what they believe to be a reas~onable hurdle for new carriers ir1 the inte res t of prot ecting t he noise ceiling they hav,e.:: . A n effo rt by the Orange County Board of Supervisors to force Westllrn Ai rlines to use only DC·9, Su per 80s at J ohn Wayne Airport was overturned by a U.S. District Court judge las t year . Burbank Ai rport offioials ,say thei r rule is different because it doe~ not s pecify use of the DC·9 Super 80. In a related development. the Burbank Airport Authority voted Monday to seek a meeting with Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley and City Council members to clarify the city.'s position o n participating in operation of the airport. A ssc mhlyman H oward Berman. D·Los Angeles. s aid he will propose legislation to allow Los Angeles lo be represented in noise matters at the Burbank airport · The authority has understood Los Angeles did not want to be represented, J ones sard, a nd wants to find out if that has changed Nestande taking plan to feds I Supervisors back proposal to buy Niguel Ziggurat 0 ra ng1· County Boa rd of Su p e1' 1 ... ors Chairman Bruce ;\lestandl' 1s planning to meet with fe<l('ral officials this week 1n WJ..,hington D.C to see how r pc·cpt 1 \ ,. the~ are to selling the f'llu nt~ the million-square-foot Cht>l llohfiold federal building in F elio\\ :.upervtsors agr eed Tuesda~· 11 would be a gooo ide'a tu look 1nlo the financial tt•asilnlit> of having the county atqu1rl''lhe s1x·story facility. Ne~tandc said he would bring up th1· "ub1ect d.u.rln g a Wash1ng1on vis it t his week '' lwr1• hf' wall also meet with legislators and offi cials on a variety of topics. The federal government acquired the Holifield building, known also as the Ziggurat. in March 1971. North American Roc1<well Corp .. the previous owner. had never ocrupied •he b11ildiD8 because of the slump in the aerospa~e industry in the early 1970s. Des pite its owne rship, the federal government also has not made m uch use of the building. which. according to Nestande, has about 400,000 square feet of unused office s pace. Nestande said Tuesday that possible county purchase of the facility was "worth looking at" because there 1s good access lo the building an1 it could house a va riety of county aJ.?encies. Orange County already makes use or a regional civic center ~rte in Laguna Niguel, but it is filled to capac1tv. South Orange County is one · of the fastest growing ar eas in the region. Ncstande alrea d y ha s s uggested that a joint venture involving private enterprise could be used for purchase of the building · Plnlip Dick, SA novelist, dead at 54 Sheika reunited with her children Phllql K Dic k . an a ward·\\ inning science fiction writer who turned out 35 novels and six short story collecttons durin~ his career. died Tuesday in Santa \na at the age of 54. Dick a native of Chicago who s pent most of his life in Cahforn1a. won one of science f1c l1 on :. highest honors. the Hugo Award, tn 1962 for his novel, "The Man in the High Castle." In 1974. he won the John W. Cantrell Memorial Award for his baok. "Slow My Tears, the Policeman Said." Dick's latest and final novel. "Th e Tran s migration of Timothy Archer," Is to be published in May. lie was a resident of Santa ,\na and died a fter a brief 11ln('S!' Troops depart -AMMAN. Jordan CAP > Jordanian voluntee rs to help Iraq fight Iran i n the 17-month·old Persian Gulr war d c p ar t e d l o d a y Co r lb e battlefront , Jordania n state radio reported. ORANGE COAST NASSAU. Bahamas IAP) -A tearful Sheika Dena al Fassi. locked in a billion-doll ar divorce pr oceeding wtth her wealthy Saudi Arabian husband, saw her children for the first time since January. The reunion came Tuesday, hours after t he sheika and divorce l awyer Marvin Mitchelson tri~ to fight their way into Sheik Mohamed al Fassi 's heavily guarded quarters on the ninth floor of the Paradise Island Hotel here. The sheika has file d a $3 billion divorce s uit against the Saudi Arabian billionaire, whom she mar ried eight years ago when s he was 15 and he was 19. In a Tuesday court order here, the sheik was given temporary custody of the four children. ranging in age from 2 to 5. Under the order. the sheika was given righ~ of access and was tQ.. be allowed to visit the c hildren for two hours each day in the afternoon and morning. When Mrs. al F assi saw the children Turret, s. Hessah, 4. Abdul, 3, and 27-m onth·old Faud, it wu.for the firS'l lime in' three months. "Very g~. Ve,rr g~. _My Daily Pilat MAIN <>WICE ( Thomas P. Haley l'IAlll-1rcl CIWI ~u1t .. Olllce• Robert N Weed ,,,..,..... ThGtmas A Murphtne ......... L Kay Sch ultz _........,. ,,.. Olrlct• Ill °""',.._ Michael P. Harvey -... ., Kennet • 9oddard Jr. C.-0... ChMles H Loos •wo•• •w..e 8eyst,, CeAAMeu, CA. Mell.--: ... 1M,c--. Mea, CA. ftlM c.-. ...... ,.. °' .... c:.11 ,....,......c.......,, ................... tHwt,.......-..;.1~--.,.,, ................ -... ~ ...... ..-<let """ ..... ewyr' ..... -. children aTC line." she s aid alter the visit. "They wanted me to buy them chocolate, candies and toy~ before my rrext visit. They we r e very, very happy a nd everything went nice." The court order will remain in effect pending a Baba.mian Supreme Court hearing on custody scheduled Thursday. Lawyers for the couple had agreed to temporar ily make their four children wards of the Supreme Court of the Bahamas in a rare Monday night session of the court. "Our concern was that the children might be taken out or th e Bahamian jur isdiction immediately," said Mitchelson. ··we had to come here to prevent the children from being taken to Saudi Arabia." Earlier Monday, Justice Dennis Malone ordered the children turned over to Mrs. a l Fassi, who has asked a Los Angeles court for a S3 billion settlerr.ent and won custody or the children there last week. When t he sheika and he r attorneys attempted to ser ve the order on al Fassl Monday a Ci&ht ensued. A. group of nearly 200 bodyguard~ prevented the shelka's party from leaving an elevator in the hotel. Two of Mrs . al Fassl's bodyguards were arrested on assault charges. ''The California court ordered him to give her custody of the c hildren ,"' Milche lson said. "Neither party wa~aav~the. United States, He Ignored the Callfornla order." Al Fassi has taken over the ninth floor of t he Paradise Island Hotel sin ce leaving Hollywood, Fla .. on Feb. 23. Mltcf.etson told reporters he and bis client came to the Island country to receive a fair trial. ··we didn't have to come bere to the Baham-.. but we came because we believed there. 11 Ju1tlce here.'' Mltchelaon aald . • Three seized on hug raps A week-long investigation by Costa Mesa na rcotics detectives c ulminated Tuesday in the arrest of lhree people a nd the seizur e o f three ounces o f cocaine with a street value of more than $10,000, police said today. " Detectives also confiscated $3,000 in cash during the operation. Arrested on charges of selling cocaine were Dana Clyde Nelson of Newport Beach and William Herbert Stull and Rodolfo D Fernandez, both of Costa Mesa Shark hunters combing seas HOBART, Australia (APJ Austr alia's c hampion sh ark catcher is hunting a giant killer s h a r-k k now n as · · 0 Id Granddad " off the southern coast of Tasmania island. Professional s hark hunters were call ed in a fter "Old Granddad" .. killed Geert Talen. 32, as he was spearfishing 120 feet away from the beach. Local fisherme n say they will not venture out to sea until the 2l-foot-long shark is caught. Talks urged WASHJNGTON (AP> The House has overwhelmingly adopted a resolution urging President Reagan to press for ·:.unconditional discussio ns" ng naajor poHlte&I aetion in war-torn El Salvador The Supreme Court rejected that contention today. ""M a n y American communities h ave recently e nacted laws regutalip g or prohibiting the sale or drug paraphernalia. Whether these laws are wise or effective is not, or course, the province or this co urt," Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote for the court. "We hold o nly th at such leg is I a .Uon is not f acially overbro111or vague if it does not reach constitutionally protected conduct and is reasonably clear in its application to those affected," wrote Ma rs hall. one of the Supreme Co~rt 's most liberal members. Thirty states and several hundred communities have enacted various types of drug paraphern alia laws, which frequently are challenged in court. M a n y o f the l aws ba r possession or sale of drug pa raphernalia. The Hoffman Estates law, on tpe other hand, r equires a license to selLitems "designed or m arketed for u se with" illegal drugs such as m arijuana or cocaine. The 1978 law. also b a r s s ales to min ors and requires stor es to keep a log of purchasers' names. The vill a ge is located northwest of Chicago. In upbolding the la ':'\· the Supreme Court a lso indicated today it would look to t he village's good faith in enforcing the measure. "Nor do we assume that the village will take no further steps to minimize t he dangers of a rbitrar y e nforceme nt ." Marshall wrote. "T he vi llage ma ado..Qi admlnlstralive regu at1ons that will sufficientl y narrow m e feel that I murdered someone." A rter the ~onol ogue and before his first guest appeared. Carson s pbke more seriously about his a rrest. saying "it would be probably impossible for me to do this whole show tonig h t wit h o ut s aying som e thing about wtiat h as ha ppened." He said that he was stopped by a police officer because he did not have a c urrent license plate sticker about two blocks from a Beverly HHls restaurant where he a nd his wife Joanna had just finis hed dining with friends. "Subsequent to that I compli~d with ev~ry r equest made by the po1ice, whic h included a test to determine whether too much wine may have been consumed with our dinner," Carson said. ··That's really all t he further I want to go with it, except to say that I regret the incident. and I 'II tell you one thing you will never see me to do that again." A compla int filed by Los A n ge les Depu t y Di s trict Attorney Philip Wy.nn accused - Carson of driving under tne influence o r alcohol , driving with a blood alcohol level of .16 percent, and the infraction of driving without a license in his possession. An arraignment was set Ma r ch4C?3 in Bever ly Hills Muni cipal Cou rt. where Carson's lawyer can appear for him. For first-time offenders, the mis demeanor counts carry a mandatory penalty of either at least two days in jail or a 90·day • restriction whereby the offender can only drive to and from work. In either case there are also fines rangmg frem $375 to 5500 and a requirement to attend an a lcohol education class. MID WINTER SALE only 2 weeks left Taste means Drexel. And Et Cetera . Have a party to show olf these e1egant enter- tainment pieces .from the Orexe~ Et Geter~. collection' Each is an example of the·ore~e! genu1s for intelligent design. blended with meticulous craflsmansh1p Drexel uses rare woods. patiently hand-rubbed finishes. carv- ing. magnificent veneers -all to create unequalled excitement 1n home decoration 8flng Or~xet• taste into your home• This handsome hall chest is t ypteal -superbly · .Pr'1>0rt10nE!d. ltnely crafted dramalt- . catl"y decorated With accents of the Ori ent and finished in a charcoal lacquer. this is a treasure you'll own with pride' OPEN SUNDAY 12:30-5:00 A .......... DEBUT OF NOTE F'urmt•r D<.•m Ol'l'atll' Sl'na to1· from South Dak o t a and pr(•s identi al c·and1d<1 t t• Gt•or1H' McCo\'t•rn .sits at lhl· piano bcforl' pn•sL•nti nJ! <i l't'l'tl <il in his Washington. D.C. horn(•. Fnt•nd!'> and poltt t<'t•I Pl'l'r!'>. inc luding St•n Ed" a l'd Kt•nn Nt ~. }.!athl•n •d 10 h<.•ar Mr Gov<.•rn . who has ht•t•n " sen ous st ucknl o f t ht• pia no for only sh: m onths C' Actress scolJs theatergoer Kathar ine H e pburn stepped out of character for a m o m t'nt lo sc old a theatergoer \\ho put his feet on t he s t ugc wher e Miss Hepburn was starring in "The Wes t Side Waltz" on Broadway. "You must take your feel off the stage," the actress said to the male patron in the fron t-row. center seal , who had crossed his legs and put his feet on the rim 5lf the st age She picked up her lines and the show went on. but during her curtain c:.11. according to compa ny m a nager David II e d ..g e s , t h e s a m e theatergoer stood up and let go with a camera equipped with flash bulb. Cameras are fo rbidde n 1n Broadwa v theaters. · ··You must never again do a t h i ng ~k c th a t in the t he a t c r .. " M 1 !:. :i If e p burn admonished him. .... ................ ii &M •llUlll 1rttol1 ~I& ••ltroUld -ud11& dlnetor D1 •U l &ot l&•aa la coatrov1r1y l11t f 111, l1 11non• the wlnntr1 of the tm Otor .. Polk Awarda tn Journall1m. Oreldtr, 1n 111l1tlnt rnan11tn1 editor or the Waahlniton Post, won the m1111lne reportlna award for "The Education or David St~kman," published ln The ,\tlanttc Monthly. ABC New1 tnd The New York Times each won two Polk awards. whlch are presented by Lons Island University and honor a CBS correspondent killed in l9t8 when he tried to reach 11 guerrilla leader for a n interview during the Greek Civil War. Joan Kennedy says that with her divorce pending, she ma y have found a n ew career pres enting the ·arts lo children on cable TV. Mrs. Kennedy, wife of Sen. Edward Kennedy, 0 -Mass .. also said she is learning how to fend Cor herself and • her c hildre n a s a working molher. 'Tm learning what it is like for a woman to be living a lone and handling a ll her a ffairs by herself." Mrs. Kennedy' said in an interview Tuesday on ABC-TV's "Good Morning America." "I've never been doing better in m y entire lffe," she said. Dyla n Thomas' son s aid his dad would have preferred the drinks that followed more than the sl a id memorial ser vice tha t enshrined the Welsh poet in Westminster Abbey 29 years afte r his death. Ente rta in-er Danny Thomas says he'll return to the · Copa s howroom h e opened three decades ago in hopes of rcsun·ect1ng "the good old days" of a bygone Las Vegas era lhomas said he ho ped other e ntel'-l.aine rs who had played the fa m ous Sands Hotel showroom would follow his lead and "give back some of what this city ha::. given them " T he 70 yea r -old entertainer. who will return for a week-long engagement Marc h 17. criticized stars a nd agents for demanding exorbitant pay at a handful of Strip hotcrs Most Strap hotels have gone to stage or p ack age sh ows b ec ause entertainers· sala ries have soared as high as S350,000 a wee k H ote l s sti l l maintaining a star policy a re charging S35 to S50 a pe rson for dinner-less s how' Thomas. who died in New York of alcoholism at the age of 39. joined Shakespeare, Chaucer and other hallowed • names of Britis h literalure wben his daughter. Aeronwy Thomas-Ellis, upveile d a plaque in his honor in the Poet.-'s Corner of-the abbey. dfterl hl9h• 1' to u ao to .. lhur\day LOWS •B te>S. Coastal W inds 1n afternoon weir,.t to nortllwHt 11 to 12 ;.not• We•lerly swells 1 lo 3 fttt F •Ir Wt<IM•d•y afternoon. Snow show•ri 11noerJnQ o"•' htQh~r r.ano~\ ot Northern ana C.•ntr•t c.aufor111• C•••'•"9 trend tontQM ano Thyri.Ottv Snow 11:.,_.1 ~•r c 000 fe.t in nortf\ 6 000 feet tn \Outll rnog U.S. sum11ia ry A new storm \pre•O \now ano tree1fng rain OYf'f much ot the MIOWtlt on Toe"WS•v w1H'\ lr•Y,lf'f\ •dvlsorle-s oostfd from Coio••<IO to TM t>net ra.nstorm of the rwst t.o Clays llH <IHnwo t,.. ,,.,._ of smoq Ult Au Q\.lallty Man.Qll'ment Olslr1<t \alCI TUMOay P•nnsytvainla Tiit AOMO said "" oualllv \lw:>uld ~ gooCI fn all POrllon• of 1~ South Cout l'lr Basin lod•Y. "'''" • POllutanl s!Anclaro lno.• ot O Snow. occ•sion•HY mi•eo •Ith free11rwa r•tn ~ \.fttt fetl ov~r trw northern U'1lrd of llhno1s w i th , accumutahon. Of UP to • tn(h•• E ¥tended ••P•<leO by UH' morn1n q f:-1wf' _.."- fn(h•\ ol inow ff'll et Clf'vf'l•nd f Onlo. In a Sh ·hOur P<!fllld O rec as l And tr"vtl•rs •ttvl\ortt\ werf' pcKtf d over w.st~n ~nnsyJv•nl• norlh•rn Oh•o northern tno••n• touttlu uorn w1.con11n. northu•I and central fowA nortne•~t •nd c•ntral Nebrat-.•. •f'\tern and c entr a l Nortn Dakota ar"d '"' mountelM ol ColOr.000, T revelers M1vl1orj,.\ for 01ow1n9 '"°" end t~ti"9 ••In w,,.• ooste<I O•tr eastern Mo<ltan• •n<I ~r1• ot Fr IO•V·5'.i"C)•Y f•ir •no w4r-mt.r Fri<t.ly Varl•ble h1Qh tto\ldfness S•turClaV Par11y c-and cooler Sunday Coa\tal nlQhS F<1de1 and Saturelay 1n ~ wltn lows 4l lo H Mouf\la1n. lll9M Friday •nCI Saturday SS to U with lows mostly In 30s AbOut I to 8 d&qrtt$ cooler Suncl•y both OtJIOlas. w11n warnings ot snow and gusty wind• o••r Orp9on s ~•scaiM -S4•klyou mountains •nd the Lake T-Dawn • Temperatu.res TemperothKH otround the natiOn t i mlddey T~Mley rM19t1<1 from l at warro•d, Minn .. to 7S at lmoerlal, Calll,, al>d Browns•lllt, Tues. Alb<loue For today, snow was IO<"ecast lrom A•tle•lllt Ille GrHl Basin .croon rne northern Atlante Aoolu , the Mlstovrl Valley and Ille Atlante Ctv .-thern Pl.tins lo the nortllerr1 On10 8 etUmon Vellty Aal11 wes tortcau over 81rml"9flm Artlenus, the Te~~~ Valley and Blsmanfl. tne tou1hern Onlo Vallo ll\r0U9n IM Bots. central Allenllc Coa•I 51'<>-" w@•• BOSIOfl forec ast lrom Wts111n9ton l o 8ult81o Nontlern C.lllornla. Cn.trlstn SC Hl91'1s in the tuns were prf<lleted Cll•rlstn wv o•er Norttl D•kota a nd nortnern Ctleye,.... Mln-.e; In IM 30s trom iouttle"' Chlcaoo New En9la110 and tne nort hern Ctnclnnatl Atlantic Cout tnrouQll tne 01110, Clevtlancl Y•lltY, Mls50Urf Kan1H and IM Columbu• nortnern Aoc:kl_,, In Ille"°' alon9 tM oa1.F1 w in nO<'lllern Pa<lllc Coast, In Ille 70s· Denver alon9 ttle SOultlern Catt tornla CO<lsl; Ou Molrws ,,.., 90 In >OUtMrn F1orlda and In O.troll , ... ".)ICI..,, In wuthefl\ r ... , El PHO · Fairbanks Hartl0td Calif or11ia Helene 1-+onotulu NATION HI Lo 61 .. se 11 ., ;i.. s-u s-)0 " lt oe 03 41 l7 J9 ,. 21 Jt .. ,, 43 n S1 31 n 1S s-29 JS 13 •• )3 61 46 " 3• 3S 71 31 H 11 .. ,. ·" 31 1S l3 l t lJ 61 The ser v ic e included hy mns. prayer s, s pecial music by Welshman Daniel J ones. a boyhood friend of the poet. and the reading of his .. Poem in October" and ··Fe rn Hill " Fair skies • -.. ---=== -..o•• \ o .. ,. · HOU\fon lnon.tpll\ J•c;~\nvllf Kan• City las Ve<ae• Liiiie Aoc:k Lou1njlle Mam phis Miami M itw•ukflf' Mpls SIP Nullv1lle New Orle•ns NtW Vork Okla Ctty Oma II• Phlledpll1a PftCM'nt' Plll\burgll Piiand Mlt Pttano Off AaplCI Cltv Reno Alcnmono Sall Late SHiii• SI Lou .. SI P·T amc>a Soo-•"" Tue win Wasll;nqtn Wlcnll• CALIFORNIA Ae>ole V•lley Bak•r1fleld Bar\ tow Beaumonc 81g Bur Bhnop 81yllle Calallna Culver City Eur•~• Fresno Lancaste< L0"9 tie.ct\ Lo• Anvtlft Marysville U Sl ~· 36 71 31 S7 J9 67 ... .. , ... •S l8 " '1 11 se 11 11 13 " 10 38 67 olO •• 31 68 so l• 11 '1 )0 11 ., ,. JI 31 l1 S6 0 ,, ,. 43 )A 63 ll Sl 43 Sl 41 63 so 68 46 .. 31 n s1 S6 ll 61 '1 Monrovl• Montebello Monterey Ml. WllW>n Nee<llH Ntw POr1 S.41<11 Oakland On1ar10 Palm Springs PaH<leNI Peto Aob4H Rlv~r>lelo Rtd Bluff AtdwOOCI City Sacra mento S•lfna' S.n 8 ern.e1'ct. no !Min Ga brlfl Sen 01900 San FranclKo Sen JCKe Santa Ana Senta Barbar• Sa nta Crut !>ante M¥1t Sa"t• Monica Sto<kton Tanoe Volley TMrmat Torriince Yum• CANADA HI L• C•lo••Y S7 ..,. Ed monlon 61 SS Mon1ru 1 .. 0 011 .... S1 0 Aeoln. 30 30 S• S6 Acepulco SI BotrbaCIO! •l Bermuda St c~cao O F on SJ Gu elafare S7 Guotdel~ 51 Klnosion PAN AM ., "' St ~ 74 u St .. 7S ., 60 se 60 St St St S1 u u S6 St "' ., 60 u u " » 79 •• 71 "' OS 04 ,. 1l 05 HI .. .. 10 .. 7S 1t .. .. .. II II .. SURf REPORT Montt908ey Mt1at1en 'lier Id• Mulco Clly Monterrey NHWU San J u..,, PA. TetUCIQalpe ·Tn11ldMI Vere Cnn n n .. 73 .. --w, ...... Del • ..., ............ .. , .. ...,, ..,.. ............... A .. Mell Otr 1S Tides l11m• Sa11t•-· Sllrf A•t , , , It 11 It u 1 ) W$W 2 ) WSW Fl"I Iii.ti ,.,.,,_ TODAY 2.ttu11. Nftll9<1 ' ' 1 w Sall 01 ... C:.O...ty t , l w <>;itio. lor TlllH'May LI m. (1\en91 We're Listening ••• S.Cotl4 111911 S.cond IOw tt:4' ··"'· S:41p.m. t:4'p.111. What do you Ilk~ about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your mesaa1e wlll be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. '; Tbt same 24·hour answerlna service may be used, to record let· ters to the editor on any loPic Mailbox contributor• muat lndude lhelr name and telephone num* for vertncallon. No elreulatJan calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind , ... Sl " ;i.. Sl SJ SI ~ SI ., so 0 46 S2 so ... ... .. se " SJ S2 SJ so S4 St ., n so St SI Le .()S -01 12 10 .()I Le 10 n " 1S ... 45 ... .. n S1 u 41 .. SI n 51 .. ... ••• u u J.S ., Orange Collt DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1yt M1111h 3, 1H" •• SMILE, SONNY Four·\'Ntr-olct Lama rr Burke of Boston ('as ts a \var.'· j.!lant·<' at a larger -than-life model of .hum<tn ll'l'lh at a A ............ dental health fa ir in thl' <·11 ,"s Childn·n·s .;vi use um Coast druggist pleads guilty Prison term s possible on narcotics charges A 59-year-old Corona del Mar p harm acist a nd his female bookkeeper have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of s elling ad dictive drugs lo customers without prescriptions. Pharmacis t J ohn Raymond Gearing also e nte red a guilty plea in Harbor Municipal Co1,1rt Mo nday on charges he faked records of drug sales . Gearing, a Laguna Nigue l resident, is the owner of Jack's Pharmacy, 3025 E . Coast Highway. The pharmacist could face up to two years in s tale prison wh iJ e bookkeeper Anita Poek e ntrup Gab l er , a 42-year -old res ident of Dana Point, faces a possibl one-year sentence. Neither Gearing no r Ms . Gabler have prior c riminal r ecords, urange County Deputy District Attorney Jack Sullens said. They we re arres t e d lasl De c e mbe r f o lt o'wing a two·month investigation. Police Alcohol, sex topic " of lroine symposium ··Alcohol a nd Sexual Functioning" is among sut>;ects to be explored during a two-day sy mposium on adva nces in a lcoholis m research opening Friday at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. The symposium, sponsored by the Raleigh Hills Foundation and the Ame rican Medical Society on Alcoholism. wiO focus on clinically re levant alcoholism research. Withdrawal" and "A Clinical View of Alcoholism a n d Genetics.'' Among speakers are to be Or. Jack Me nde lson of Ha r vard Med ical School and physicians from the Salk Institute. Rutgers University , the University of Texas. University of Colorado School of Medicine and Mount Sinai Schootof Medicine. sa id unde rco ver officers purchased morphine and more than 2.000 pills at the pharmacy without prescriptions. P o lice m ai nta i ne d t h at Gearing had sold more than 27,000 addictive codeine tablets in the past s ix m onths plus quanlilic s o f Demerol , a m"phetamines and cocaine G e aring a lso could f ace d1sciphna ry action by the state Board of Pharmacy. I n related court action , 29-year-old James Cunningham of Corona del Mar pleaded guilly to ct\arges he attempted to bribe Ge aring after the pharmacist was arrested. Cunningham faces sentencing later lhis month Processing 'one stop' plan d e layed Ope ning of Ora nge County government's "one stop" center to eliminate d e lays in the processing of development plans 1tself·-has been delayed. Las t Sept. 21. at a press conference to annoupce plans Other topics to be covered include "Subcultural J>at ms of Alcohol Co n s umption ," "Alcohol's Effects on the Brain." "Behavioral As pects of Alcoholic Cravi n g a nd Symposium participants are to Include m edical and rounseling personnel from both public and private health care facilities. for the cenler, Envir.on.ment,-.w----i Late registration 1s available by calling 641-1616. • Management Agency officials said il would ope n by spring of 1982. San Onofre Unit. I closed for ins pection In a memorandum circul ated lo EMA e mployees Fe b 11. agency director Murray Storm s aid opening of the center will be delayed until June . ··OJJr original es timate of a Fe bruary comple tion da le was !.O mewhal optimis tic," Storm sa id Unit 1 of the San Onofre Nuclear Geoerating Station has been shut do\V,n for between 12 a nd 14 weeks to p e rmit inspection of previous repairs to the power plant's s tea m generator as well as new work on the turbine building: A U.S. Nuclear ..Re:g.ulatory Commission official said the 436· megawatt. reactor. was turned off last' weekend as part Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Certified Getnologiat, AGS WE'RE MOVING ... but not very far When we started business here in 1946, we had some hopes -and determination -to stay around (OT .awhile and bu11d a successful bus iness ·fn Costa Mesa. We've made lots or good friends over the years, and the major benefit of that Is that we are _able to continue to live and do business In this great _1>lace, among people we liJte. Later t h i s mon\h , .we will show another. more tangible result of these good years: we are 10ln1 lo move to a new. expanded raclllty Just a few doors down the street. We wlll know the exact date of our move in just a few daya. Our friends have erpiQ out 6uslneas lo grow to make thl1 eJtpaoalon DfteUal)'. •• ,... f.ood •bout tbat. But, we didn t wan\ to leave the oht netcbborhood, We feel commiu.d to ta.. bealth)t rede•elopment of downtowla <Mt• ..... Md ..... to • owputb.Yopllll .. a...,..,. tis-' wlll, illDir Giii' pry. .. tlae aru. We want to •an tMl lcle. of the planned three-month shutdown. T he center is des ig ned to assist developers in gaining approval for housing projects in a minimum amount of time. By reduc in g proc e ssing time . offi cials say, housing costs will be reduced. The official said one major area of work would be to determine If repairs to previously corroded piping in Unit 1 's steam generator are holding up. The center will be located in what is now a large confer ence room in the county Finance Building in Sanla Ana. Nearly $70 million in repairs wer:e necessar y in 1980 1md ·i-981 -to rteplace. the piping, which caused a lengthy shutdown of the unit. · · · The project is estimated to cost about $410.000. • A . Time is Precious Who makes the llnest movements In precious watchesr The Swiss. of courK. These thrtt exquisite, fully aufrantttd SwlH made ladles antique platinum w11chu cell It like lt Is in sn.mntna style. A. This bquene shaped ladies ~itch wi~ platinum band •nd CaK ts encruated with 88 diamonds totalina approxhruittly one ind • half c•nts. 8. Rccnnsular face ladies watch has 56 round and aix andu1ted b~ diamonds totalina approxlmuelr 1. 76 carats. C. The wide mesh platinum band Is• apec.ial touch In chis ~tate w.cc.h which displays 198 round dltmonda •nd rwo marquise dt.monda t0tallna approxlrNtely 5.lS ants. MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY 1823 NEWPORT Bl.VO COSTA MESA ~ vaAAS IN THE SAME LOCATION ~-M--CMroe Pti()N£ MloM' f • 1 • . . OranoeCoa1tt>AJLV PtLOT/Wedneectay, Marcti 9, 1111W-- ... •• rnillu~rnm Bail deriial uphel High court upholds Nebraska's policy on certain crimes WASHINGTON <AP > The U .S . S upre m e Cou r t has a ppeared to make it much more difficult to challenge a state's denial or pretrial freedom to all people accu sed of certain crimes. By an 8·1 vote. the justices ruled Tuesday that a pretrial ba il. controversy from Nebraska had become "moot Y or legally Irrelevant. The court had been expected to use the case to decide whether Nebraska, or any state, can deny pretrial release to people charged with murder, treason or serious sex crimes. In other action Tuesday. the high court· Unan im ously overturned a ruling imposing a lO·day limit . o n th e tim e P.eople who successfully sue state or local gove rnments can collect their lawyers• fees. Ruled uncons titutional a 1980 la w ai m e d a t he lping wor kers who lost their jobs when the Rock Is land Railroad went broke. Congress Illegally singled O\.lt the company for s pecial treatment, the justices said. The Ne braska Constitution was amended.fty popular vote in 1978 lo ensure bail for people a waiting t ri al on criminal cha rges "except for treason, sexu a l offe n ses involving penetration by force or against t he will of the victim, a nd m u rder. w here t he proof Is evident or the presumption of guilt great." Eueene .L. Runt s ubsequently was .c haraed with forc ible, first-desree sexual assault in Omaha, and was denied bail under the state constitutional provision. Acting on Hunt's appeal, the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Aopeals r ul e d th a t th e s tat e constitutional provision violated the U.S. Cons titution 's 8th Amendment protection against "excessive bail." Th e ruling c arr ied no prac tlca l e tfec t for Hunt, h o wever. B y the time the a ppeals court ruled he had been convict e d of fi r st -d egr ee, fo rcible sexual assault and was s erving an 8· to 15-year prison sentence. · Burn creain studied in deaths Doctors say product may have killed 9 patients C HARLOTTESVILLE , Va . (A P > A commercially produced cream used to fight infection in burh victims may have killed nine patients al the University of Virginia Medical Center over a two-year period. university physicians say. Th e substance. Fur acin Soluble Dressing, can cause ac ute k idney failure . Dr . Benjamin C. Sturgill, professor of pathology in the University of Virginia School of Medicine. told the United States -Canadian Divis ion of the· lnternation$1 Academy of Pathology in Boston this week. T he university's burn center used the cr eam on p a tients between July 1978 and July 1980 before discont inuing its use, Sturgill said. Ten patients died during that lime, a nd clinical obser vations, laboratory tests a nd autops ies indicated that nine of the patients, with burns over 15 percent to 64 percent of their bodies, h a d a toxic synd rome s im ilar to t h a t produced by drinking standard a ntifreeze. F u racin Solu ble Dressing co n tain s 9 9 .8 pe r cent polyethylene glycol. a highly soluble a lcohol t hat carries the drug's antimicrobial deep into burn tissue. -whirlpool' Undercounter Dishwasher ..._..CK4004 5 Cycla/Optlons model future• ocluahle tn-the- door 1llwrware bulte1 plu1 porcclaln-enanMlcd tub, 4-color front panel pack and m~re. -Buy Now! ----- Offer Ends April 3, 1982 ol Al'f1UM CU ... AID DEFENDED Sl·t·n•tan 111 St.ill· Alt•x ancl(•r llatJ,! ap1w.1r:-. a:-. a "1i11t'-.-. hl'lon· th(• Houst' ForC'1 g n .\lf;11r-. C11mm1tt<·t· to dl'fl'nd lhl· Rl'agan adm1nislr.al1on ·:-. propo:-.;il to resume mtlit ~ff.\. aid 10 ('hilt•. :\r).!c•ntin:i . ~· NUTRITION~ VITAMINS THOMPSON BUFFERED-C 1000 CALCI UM 'ASCORB ATE $5 45 90 TABLETS REG. 8.95 • THOMPSON VITAPLEX MUL Tl-VITAMIN . A ND MINERAL $5 25 60TABLETS REG.8.95 • RADIANCE A'CIDOPHILUS •PLAIN FLAVOR •STRAWBERR Y 16 F L. OZ. REG . 3.49 $2.49 RADIA CE T I ME RELEASE c VITAMIN · 1500 MG . WITH ROSE HIPS 50 TABLETS REG. 5.95 $3.50 RI CHLIFE NU1 'RI LI FE MULTI-VITAMIN AND MINERAL $5 25 60 CAPSU LES REG. 8.95 • GROCERIES GAYLORD HAUSER SPIKE SEASONING NETWT.30Z. PANDA ALL NATU.RAL LICORICE 99( •RASPBERRY •B LACK 7 OZ. $1.09 HAIN NATURALS 'IMITATION CATSUP NET WT. 14 OZ. HEALTH VALLEY ST ONED WHEAT CRACKERS NO SALT NET WT. 61h OZ. $1.05 99( CAROFFS CARROT.CHIPS •SALTED •UNSALTED $1 . 29 NET WT. 5 OZ. • LUNCH COUNTER Deluxe Hamburger (Served on Whole Wheat Bun) Choice of: Cottage Cheese, Fruit, Potato, Kidney Bean or Green Salad . $1 '.95 .............. a n <1 G u a t e m a I a H c· :-. a 1 d h u m a n n g h h ral'lOl"S \\'Ollld ht• ('011Sl<ilol"l•d l'H'lon• ;Ill\ mon<.·~ 1:-. ;wttaall~ d1 s patdwd 111 thl' na11011 .... 1n till' tt•:-.lamon~· on T11l•scla~ ·souT·H COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL .. PRODUCE VALENCIA ORANGES 25( lb. ALFALFA SPROUTS ORGAN IC SPECIAL $4. 95 BULK PRODUCTS WHEAT 43( lb. GE~M CAROB 99( lb. CHIPS BRAN 19( lb. FLAKES HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS Ml LL CRE.EK ALOE VERA CLEANSING BAR 5 oz. R EG . 2.50 $1. 75 Ml LL CREEK ELASTIN SKIN ELASTI CITY $S.50. TREATMENT CREME 3.4 OZ. REG. 8.50 NATURE'S GATE HERBAL TOOTHPASTE •CINNAMON $1 29 •LI COR ICE S OZ. • AL TA-DENA DAI RY OUR LOW EVERYDAY V2 GAL. Ml LK PRICES . , CERTIFIED RAW $1.12 CERTIFIED NON FAT .87 HOMOGENIZED $1.01 LOW FAT .95 NON FAT .78 Sale Prlcn Effective thru MARCH 15th 1982 r . Studems outwit memory baiiks SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -Some of the most aecret information locked away ln computer memory banks la guarded by systems which have been outwitted by undergraduates al UC Berkeley. computer experts s1ly. The technique Invented by the students is "the most serious computer security problem we have ever encountered,'· said Charles Wood . a computer security expert at SRI International in Menlo Park. "l'd say this probl~m is one of many in the computer security field," another expert, Stuart Lynn, UC's director of computing, said Monday. "What's alarming is its simplicity." Banks. governme nt agencies. resear ch Institutes. "almost all rields" use computer syste~ vulnerable to the t echnique, Lynn said. Although any system can be protected against it, Lynn said computer terminals might have to be altered or replaced to do so. / The technique, discovered about a y~r ago by· the s tudents, was reported in J a nua r y by lnfoWorld, a computer trade magazine. and in the most recent Science magazine. "A nice thing Lo point out is that our students acted responsibl y . They didn't abuse this method, but notified us that there might be a problem." Lynn sald. The techniq ue causes computers to confuse signals from various re mote terminals. Jt allows a person using a .terminal lo reach into forbidden computer files any time an authorized person had punched his password code into the computer from a separate terminal. The illicit user essentially sneaks tnlo the system behind the authorized user's password and through his terminal, gaining accees that will allow him to read or alter information. . Although Lynn said the students found the system while worl<ing with a system called Unix, Science m agazine said Air For ce com puter expe rts had independe ntly discovere~ the technique a decade ago, but little action was taken because everyooe with access to classifi ed computer system memories had a security clearance. Airline ticket flap heating up SANTA MO NICA (AP> -Mayor Ruth Vannatta Goldway and her hus band claim state Attorney General George Deukmejian "violates public poli cy" with his opinion they could be sued fQr accepting free Laker Airways tickets to London. The Re publi c an prosecu tor s aid t_he Democratic polilicjans prompted "s1gnifica-nt Issues" by talcing the trip las t Dec. 18 State law bans such gifts to offi cials and mandates ouster for those who accept them. The mayor an~er husband. Planning Commissioner Derek Shearer, said they didn't know about lhe law and pald for their tickets when informed. ~-.. =-·--~ ~ •• The Saving Place"" Pull An Easter Bunny Oat of Our Hat When you make a 95¢ Deposit on yoo.r Portrait Pad<age. Mahe this Easter a holiday to 111!11 ien lber with 8 Pnksisbllli Pol1rait ~ Ard With the valuable coupon beow, you can sele.d a a.ddly Easter Bunny. Portrait Package Includes: 2-8a10.. 3-Sa71..S l~Walleta 95~/$12.95 Dlpollt/y~ ..... Prb • - - - - - -Valuable Coupon - - - - - -I I a, ... ...,.. ........................ 15¢ ...... I : .......................... ,.. ..... 9-y. : I THESE MAilat: WED THUR f'ltl SAT SUN I DAVSONLY -IS '4 ts M 17 JD:\I~~\': lOAM ·"8PM SVNDAY: IOAM · 5PM l!CS Beacla Boulevard WESTMINSTER t HC~T%°M~~rd f • Ma,aolia Strttt 8\JNTINGTON BEACH ...._ Camh10 De Estrella ...,.. SAN CL EMENTE ! ::..-:..--:&:Tr-.:.=...-=··, : I · "r...... I ! •••••• V.,.....Coapon •••••• ! s ·More felons sew to prison SAN FRANCISCO (AP I -California judcea are sending more felons to prison since a law waa passed requiring limits on terms, acc9rdin1 to a lhree·county study of robbery and buratary cases. But the study conducted by Jonathan Casper of Stanford University on a $103,950 federal crant found oo evidence that the determinate sentenclna law of 1977 was responsible for the Increase. II the la w were having a dramatic effect on the number or people sent to prison. commitment rates should have risen more sharply than jail sentences In the stall!. Casper said. Jail sentences In California are not covered by the law. The law defines limits for sentencing and parole eligibility. It eliminated the practice of sending convicted criminals to prison for indefinite periods. The National Institute of Justice study was released recently in Washington Its findings failed to support predictions by many criminal justice experts that determinate sentencing would cause a sharp increase in the state's prison population. HIGH BUT NOT DRY Kt•\'IO Sim:-.. t I. nf Rectding. ponder:--his prediC'ament from atop a fire h~·clrant during pounding rainstorm "'hieh d roppt•cl mon• than thn.•e ineht.:s oft <1in .,. .. ,..,..... tn som e areas. Redcting's Sl•a:-.on rainfall tot :ii of 48 inc·hl•s is douhh.• whut t ht• art· a l'l'<'l'I\ t•d last ~·ear Wh at's more. Casper said his study indicates enthusiasm for determinate sentencing may be waning a mong supporters who found lawmakers tempted to raise terms • The researcher studied San Franc~sco. San Bernardino and Sarita Clara county cases from 1974 to 1978. Wed. thru Sat. Morch 3-6, 1982 c::::ll • .... Open Daily 9-9 Open Sun . 10-7 , 2.77 3'x50' Roll Potyethylene I( mer!' AOYERTISliD MCRCHAl'IOISE POLICY °"' ..,. ................ "'9•• ....... .................. .-.ftN .......... ........... " ............... .._ .. ""9 ......... ,., ..-«'"'-" ~ .. ~· """""" ....... , •• _.. • ,...,. _... •w • "•"' C'-<' ~, ...... tot ~~("'~ ...... ~ .................. IC .. ~-.. .................... ,......., .... ....., ......... (_......., ....... ~ ..... .. ,,,,__ o-,..ac:t ........ ... c ........ .-. .............. . CAFETERIA · · · · • SPECIAL · :· ~~J'~ (:"· -:31·.\ frU; ' • I ) t.btfl \. -. ~-~ --Ham • Au Gfotln Potatoes .v.n YYJson. •l... .tt...,.,etot>ei 2 o 9 ,,,., or J r• 11t.W PLUS '1•'..l'I • ________ .,. l pu:Y.l"•) c. Unfinished Particle Board FumHure Dre <:ut smooth surfocod ready 10 assemble A. 36"x36" Bookcase 8. Little Giant Storage Unit <42•841"> c Enclosed Storage Cabinet (30x60') 8.88 19.97 18.86 'h"x10' PVC ' Sprinkler Pipe ~."x10' PVC' - Sprinkler Pipe l .. • Ell ,,,... . Coupling 'h" Cut-off Riser Plostlc·Pop-Up Head Full. 'h. v •. Each Bross lmp0ct Head Spray Guard ... 6-Stotlon Timer .. ll," Anti·Syphon Valve ..... ~77.25.4 7 ~ (.or oo useo IOI re root•ng o oomogeo •ool or pun1ng on o new roof 1 $QUOre A 1moll1r K "'ort 1n <1-1to1n or•o1 mof not cU\pfoy ~h advtrll\td modtl It'll wlfl .,o,•how•• orde1 fat yov *324: I. 2 •1 FOi 17° 17° 10° 10~ 6.37 28" Garage Door $Pftng• Your Choice 88° 7.78 19° 34.88 13.96 -1~spout lums on 01 'lu!J of! 11 (!Own OUIC)N'IO!oCO ly tn c tuoes 1 7 !> w'llt t)ulO 2 Way-Powered Color TV -set tn tine Quick s1011 colot poctve 1uoe stondold AC nouse cune<'lt cor/ooat odoOtor cord inclvoeo twin leJesc:opc \/Hf onleonos looo UHF ontenno .116.88 30-Gallon Watef Heatef Unytron Plus Colof TV L•wtion Plus· one ovnJn-trre system On&-ounon plctl.N t>olonCe conllOVeosv odj\Atment <ml> ~Whirlpool s299loool .~~ Qualtty Gas Dryer 3 Drying 1ompero1u1e sot&ef1om 5 11rried cvclos P\Js~ •o start t>11non 01Jto..,,ot1c doo< )hut on to•oe !> o cu n o•v•no o·um l::::,oo I <ml>[· Whirlpool $347: 5-Cycle WalMf fom.ty-we cCX>OCnv 5-outomofte CVCIOS Energy-KMnQ water temoeroture Jelec:'IQr With d ""°"'/rinse Comt>tnOfiOnl llleoclV I00<1c dtener OiSpenM!I • .. ... <f ~ i ... • .. " .. . • .. ( ~ .. .. .. • .. • • • • • • . • . • ·~ .· Tiny Dela~are river to L 0 W I R A l.L 0 W A YI Clll:IK, N.J. cu~ -Otftelall ln tbh Dthwart Rlvtr communlty, troubled by what hlPPMM at-Thr• Milt 11land, have Ml ulde UO mlllton to bt uud ln cue or a nucleur accident at the nearby Salem OtneraUna Station. 11 Aa far a• 1 know thta l• 1 ftnt an1whtr• ln tht Unlttd Mafllt Hid ltobert A. TrHt, d_,t)' m1y9r ot the town1hlp of 1,TOO l)topi.. ". . . Th• maln reuon the ordinance came about W.1 becauae of some or the lhlnl• that happened at Three Mlle Tht ftvt ·m•mbtr aomml\\11, wlth two D1moorah, two Rfpubllca11 ind Tr111. an lndtpendtnt, voted unanlmoualy to 1et llP tht emer1ac1 f Wld and a thfM.mtmbtr panel a:> ovenee It.a dlltrlbutJon. for nUclear di1B1ter · J t•• Three ~tl• llllftd n~11r Mn'or llm&&1l I . Donel1on. · laltm ·I and U art lotawd power plant where Ut• na n11 Tb• .-> mllllon w11 11ner1t.d about ftvt mlltt trom t.ht otnter wor1t cummerol1l nut ur l1r11lr (rom tax mont>' ol town on 1 man·= p~wer ac:cldtnt ooourr•d In cotlto\ICI lft th• ttTOt trom tht tormatlon of 11nd and .l'41rch 1.971., own1r1 ot Sa&em I and U f llln•1 kn.o.wn aa ArU ··1 don'twanttoaound Uk•th• Publlc Service £1ectrlc •Ou, •l•nd. Both plan ta art Jshtod." True uld local ofllelall toured Middletown . Pa . home of Ooomaftay Squad, bul 1ome Phll1delphl1 El~ctrlc fl Gaa, op1r1Un1. and conatrucUon la property could be rendered AtlanUc Electric and Delmarva 1otn1 forward on Hope 1 •'*4 uninhabltabl " 1111 Township Power' Light companies. 100 yards up river. MARCH 4, 5 & 6 10-8PM BONUS! A FR£E Rand McN.ly RMd AllM And Travd CluJde when )'OU look Into ow SELECT DRIVER PlANI MONTGOMERY WARD INSURANCE CENTER . ' 7777 EDINGER AVE. O:tuntlngton Beach Center) 10-8PM Huntington Beach Fonam lnauntnce ComJN1ny Ex.ecutiwe Offtce: J 40 South State Street O'llc::ago, Dllnola 60603 Brlng The Entire Family! BaDoona ~ Key Chains • Free Gifts The Latest lnfonnaUon On ~r~d Car Insurance .... NU:.fhit A Drawing For A Brand New TeleYl!llon INSURANCE FULLERTOft: 1331 South Harbor (714) 870-5256 Jllll8810ft VIE.JO: 27000 Crown Valley Pwtcway (714) 495-3344 ,_IC 1111£ ruauc MOncc P'ICTITIOUS llJSINl!SS NOTICE 01' NON·RESPONSt81LITY ' l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT. Notice I• fl•reby QIYPn '""' tfle NAME STATEM;cNT Ttt• tollOwtn9 per\On IS dolnQ undtr\iOned wHI not be ff"\POn\lble for f tlf rollowlnQ ~rson\ •re dolnQ t>u\lneu H . •ny debh °' llabWli .. con1racttd by bu\lne•• d\ PERSONAL MANAG6 MENT anyont otNtr tMn myself on or alter GRAPHICS rwo. IOU Brioso SEAVICES,2.c>'n P•rkfllll RO<Od, LOe lfll•dllf Orlv ~ Suite tOI, Co\la Meu Forni. C•llfornl• 97~ O•ltd 1111\ h i d•Y of Maten. 1~11 Catt1orn1a ,,,,, MH F Tr•ll. 2"'97 P•rkflill Road, Rk Nn:J Hellen Paula J ltttmaotr 1•90 Park L•U Fo.n t, Calll9f"'l6 92630 1li01 EICMn A•enU4' Nt wpar'I NewPOr'I Bu en. Callfornl• T Ill\ bu\IMn I• conducteo by an ~tA Met~. C• '1o1I •7600 lndlYld ... I PuOtl\fltd O.•not Co.\I Oaoly Pilot W•lflem 0 L•noae•Q, tO'IO p., .. Tiiis ~~;·~., 111._, wllh the _Ma_•c_n_2_1_._'·_t.., ______ ,_J:M_2 :i:;rin NewPOrt Buell C•lll~rnl6 County Cterk of OratlQC' County on .. IAl 11' 1o1111nc Tl"• busont u '' conouctto o, • Fet><u••Y n. ,_, tl'lU61t ----"'-9"'-__ "" __ E ___ ll•~r•• 0.,..,...r..,,•P PubllU'ltCI Or-Co.\I O••IY Pilot. Ns-tt•tl p...,,, J Zettmaoer Feb 1•, Mar l. tO, 11. 1W7 112.-i l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS FtU6i. NAME STATEMENT Tiit fo11ow1nQ persons art do1n9 bU1iMtta,-· 'ICTITIOUS I USINESS OT A 11 30 Balo.er S!rett. Cos1• NAME STATEMENT Mew , C111tfornl• '267~ Tiie followlnv person• ue dolnll OTA·lf, • C e llfornoa llrnoleo bu•lntH "'· partMr\hlp, 3..S B••tr Strfft. Co•t• I•) SCIENTIFIC HATCHERIES; MeM,Cafifornl•9'2624 Cb l SCIENTIFIC HATCHERIES, Del f•CO, Inc • (.a hlornl• INC., tUl Evelyne c 1rcl.t , Hun11n11ton corpa,.llon, 3-IS 8.ktr Strffl. Ca<I• eeacll. c.A .,...., Mew, Cefllomi• 92•,. DALI.J'S EARL WEAVER. Ph O , Tiii\ bu1lneu I\ conducleo oy • •nd JANET CAOMLE WEAVER, ttS1 limited PertNtn.l\1p Evelyne Corcle. Huntin111on lk.ch, CA OTA If • Ca1tlorn1• .,.... ' -1><1r1n.,.\hlp M:IENTIFIC HATCHERIES, ~ l.co In< INC.~-. <:Mllornll (OfPO<llton, 81Sl • C•tlfornC• Cc><POr.OhOfl, Evelyne Circle, H1.W1t1n111on BNCll, CA W•vne W Arm•l ronv. n..... Pru lo.n1 Tllll bullneu 11 conouctt<I br •n Tiii\ Ital..,_, .... flleo wctn tM 1no1v10...,l •nci. corpor11ton County Clerk or 0'4tn9" County on o.t1e1 &rt we1ver Feoru••v 1 1WJ Scltflllfk H•t<Ml'les, Inc 0.llH Earl Weaver. Pt9s.1Clent Tiiis ,__,_, was lllt<I will\ ttw County Cieri! of Or-County on J.,. 11, t .. 2. F1Ull6 PubflsfleO 0.•llQC' Coast Delly Piiot, Feb. 10. 11. H , ~"11 3. 19'7 666-11 '111211 FICTITIOUS IUSINESS Publl-Or-Coe•l O•ify Piiot, NAME Sl'ATEMENT T"'' \t•tef"nPnl ••°' f1lto with the C.ounly (lerlo. of Or~~ Covnly on FH> U , t"91 Put>lflhed Or•l>Qf' COiUI O•llv PC•ol, Ft b H M•r l, 10 17. 1'1i7 87().f7 PUil.iC NOTICE NOTICE 01' TRUSTEE'S SALE T .S. Ne. ll·s.M On M•rcn 12. 1"'7 61 tO·OO o cloO An Easy Money Checking Account at Allstate Savings pays you 5.25 % ( 5.47% 'Yhen compounded daily) on your 'balance. And earning 5~% is definit._ely better than eami f!g nothing. Theres no service chruge .. if you're at least 62 yeari of age, or if you maintain a minimum b~ance in your account ( $ 500 in a checking accountoran IRA Account, or $3,000 in savings). \\\th prices the way they are today, its easy for people to run snort of cash. So we offer $ 500, $1,000 or even S5,000 in overdraft protection once you qualify. Q.ir Check Guarantee Card ass ures retailers your check is good for any amount up (o $100. And with our Bill Call System™ you don't even need to write checks. Just pick up the phone and call us, and we11 pay your bills for you (with your money, of course). \ Another way to avoid the bother of writing checks is our Visa debit caret You use it like a credit card when you shop, and the amounts are automatically deducted from your checking account. Allstate Savings has a wide array of financial services that help people deal with the unique challenges of todays economic climate. So see an Easy Money Counselor about·it. And start with a checking account that earns you money. Because these days. you need all you can get, Vle're All In This Together. Allstate Savings & Loan, a member of the Sears family. Over $3 billion in assets. ~u "~"" 1~•1111 ... hhA! ,,., .,, <A~~"•"•".,,. r ..i.r-ch. ".ru.rd~bln .,,.1~ ffdrnl ,n151.,.,nom-w.o..5ocwl ~"'.nl ~ Oue.J.n lmwaxr C198l ~ S..uwlt Loon AXLINES VILLAGE SHOES 10110 ADAMS. HUNTINGTON IE.ACM CM•d to AIMrt10111t LIQUIDATION SALE r,------;;F=•=b=. 1=7::;;, 2;;;;;•.;;;;;Ma=.rc_11_>_. 1_0_. t_.,., __ ,_63-12_,--fi;.;!~.!,,~o!~"'"lnll per son• .,1 OO•"Q • m ., Ille Fron! Entro1nct ot S.fKO l •tlf' tn~ur•nce Compal'\¥. 11S N 8rooclwn City of S.11,.. Count'r of Or•nv• '" th• St•t• of C•ltforrtl• S A FECO TITL E INSU RANCE COMPANY • U>r-•llon," Tr~tM under tfle Oeecl of Trv\I '"Kuled by PACIFIC SONS,. hmlle<l paflMt1llio, rKordedJune 11, 1'•1 .. 00c: ......... 1 no. t .. 21 In -l.ott -•S3 of Offlcl•I Recoro1 tn the office of the Aecoroer of Or•no• Counly, C•lllo rnla, by , .. '°" ol •r•un in lhe o.>Ym<!nt or O•r'for m~nc• of ooho•tlons \•<ured l hertbY jnc lud ln9 1ne breu11 or oel•ull, nc>fl<e of wlllcll ,.,. re<oroeo IOjJO/tf AS OOc:umtnl no l6'1t In - 10 72 P•llt 1U 7 Of U ld 0 111<1•1 RecorCls will \tit •• OUl>lt< auction to llW lllQllHt ~ lo. c•>fl lfl lawful ""''"' St•1n wn,_,.+11-------it:! .. fli.,..P1Hli:+lll~ ... _,."d--ll~~h~-t:::l-~"'l'Ll'"1~~~~kl•~L------­ NOTICE OP' TaU5TEE'S SALE l..-Ne.~ T.S ..... 721- T.0 SERVICE COMPANY ••duly iPC>Olntt<I Tn.ostff .,,,.., Ille fOflOwl"ll oucrlbed deed ~lru WILL SELL .r.T PUBLIC A ON TO THE HIGHEST Bl 0 FOR CASH f 0•1•ble •• time ol \alt In 1awfut moMy of Ille Unlle<I Slates> all rl9llt, tltit •net lnterHI conveyed to •net now held by II unci.r wkl 0.0 of Trust In Ille pro111tr1Y herelnefttr dHCrobl'd. TAUSTOfl MELVIN H ~NCHEZ •nd KAREN B SANCH.fZ. llU$0.net •nd w lfe 11 joint ,..,.,,., 8ENEFICIARY LINCOLN SEAVICIE CORPO RATIO N.• COl"POl'•llon. , AKO!"-Oc._, t6, neo H Instr. No u~. In -1l7'2, -ueo o1 Olfkl•I A«or9S In the Otll<t of Ille R~coraer of Or6f\9t County; Hkl -of lrull "ucrlou tno fottowln9 pr-rty- PAACEL 1; L.ot 1 of Tr.ct llJllO, In the City of Irvine. Counly ol Oringt, Sf•te of Ct llfornl•, '" per m1p recoraeo In -~. -· • •nd 5, Mlactll•-~. In Ille ofllu of Ille county recor.-r of MIO county. P.r.AC1!L 2: E .. emenls as sucll euemef'fb .,. Pi'rtlcul•rly wt lcwtll In Ille •rtlcle .nlltlff "Ea•menh" of Ille Oeclerallon of Co•tn•nls, C-ltlons -Antrlctkln• recorded In ttook 117'6, P•ll• •10, Offlclal Record1, of said County, w1111 •nv •mend"*"• "' SUPOl•..._ls tl•••lo, under -uon fle.oi"9S In well Article entlllfd 4K follow> "Owner> R'9hl• and 011lle1, Utlllllu •no Cabl• 11) ICING ANO ASSOCIATES 11) N E WP O RT I R V1 NE A R EA LOCKSMI THS Ill NEWPORT 8EAC~ LOCKSMITHS, 10 IRVINE LOCKSMITHS m BEACH CITIES AUTO LOCIC EMl:.RCENC1ES "I BEA C H COA ST H IG HW AY LOC KSMIT HS 111 N EW P O RT CENTEAIFAS"410N ISLAND AREA LOC KSMITHS , II) M ISSION LOCKSMllHS Cql OANll POINT LOCKSMI HIS. !IOI SAN CLEMENTE LOCKSMITHS ; 111 t SAN J UAN CAPISTRANO LOCKSMITHS, 11,1 E L TOAOILAIC E FOREST AREA LOC KS MITHS Ill) EL TORO LOCICSM tlHS 110 LAKE FOREST LOCKSMITHS CUI LAGUNA ARE4 LOCKSMITHS flot SAOOLE8 ACK VALLEV .r.llEA LOCKSMITHS 1111 ~IAPOAT AREA LOCl(SMtTHS, 1181 AIRCRAFT LOCKSMITHS; C1'J MOTOR HOME LOCKSMITHS 1201 C'AP IS TAANO VA LL EV LOCKSMITHS 111) MISSION VIEJ O MO BI LE LOCKSM I THS · (72) GOLDIE LOC ICS, HOME LOC·lt & Kev SERVICE Ill) GENESIS V ; 12•1 GENt:SIS MARKETING, 12SI G ENESIS INT ERNATIONAL; U6) THE FIFTH C ENERA_TLON,_-19j_t M•cAr tllur Boulevard, Suitt 101, Ne•POr1 Beacn. C•lllom ta 92660. A A Klno. 2S4SS ll•rton Roao, 101 B. LOIN Lindi, C•llfom1• 913$0 f fll• ~lnen Is conouc1.., by 1n 1nd1v•d u•I AA KinQ Tnt1 stalerl'Wfll ., .. flfecl will> 11\a CouMy Clerk 01 Or•not Counly on J•nuary 1S, 1117 ""' ... PuOtl•1't<I Or•noe Co.st O••fy Pilot, Feb 14, Merell l 10. 11. t'I? 11w2 •"Y C0Yet'Wt11 Of' •Mr•nty. ••c>rMM.4 or lmpfleo •• to !Ille, poHeulon, or tncumb••n< ... lor the pu•P0\9 of P1Ylng ot>lloatlon~ .ecured by ulcl Ottd of Trust, tfle 1111er•>1 conveyed lo .. Id Tru .... by wld OeeCI of Trldl Cn property sltualltd on the County ol Or•noe. 'Slit• 61 Calilornl• and ducrob•O •• Tiie Sou111weuarly IU OH fHI Of Ille NortflwHlerty UO feel of Int SoulllU\lerly two and one.flail ecrn of LOI JU of Ntwl)Ort Hel11hl• In tfli, City of Costa -w. County or OrdnQt as p er mep r-.ortleo In Book • 11a11~ U o r Moscell•'-" M.le». rtco.os 01 uld Orenve COUttty, C•fllorn1• Tiit u"""lcl oatan<-e •net f\hmale ot (Olt.S, • .,,..,W'S ~ ..0Yllntt \ a '5 of M•rcll 12, "" i. U•.t34 9J ... o amount will Inc: rt•• unh l date of ute T fie 1tret1 ae1oru1 •nd otller com mon -IQnaUon, If any, of IM re•I properly oucrtbed •bo>1t h puroortaci to oe· unknown · Tiie 11noen19ne<1 Truslff dlo<falms •nv lltblllly for •ny lncorre<tneu 01 Ille slrHI ldtlreu -other common Oe1111n•tlon, If •ny, sl!OWn flefeln. OA TEO Fellt.,.ryl, 1"'7. 8 enefl<l•ry: KATHRYN i . bAGGETY-, •n unm•rrlt<l woman. Aodreu: 1'20 Jellerson Way, La9un• BMcll. CA, TeltPhone 171') 4'4·Sl'2 SA,.ECO TITLE INSUaAllCll COMPANY,• c...,.,atlet'I T,,...... ACl.,reu lOl W Siii St., Sen Bernu.,1no CA '240l Telepllone· (7U I ..,_,.Slt av Kev H-•k k•. AUISIM>I Secretary Publlthecl Or-Co .. 1 O•ity Pilot. Fao. 17, u , Marci! 3, t"'7 662~1 Telnlalon", "'SIOeyard E•sements". •------------" "Support •nd Sttlftment" ''E"cr-oach~nt'' end ''Community Fct<lllllH Eewment''. 't!XCEPT THEREFROM all 01t, 9u, miner•!\ •n" other hydrocarbo"', below • ~ of toe> f"t, wtthout the •'911t of aurfKe enlry, u """"" In Instruments of record. Addreu: ' Robin, ,, .. in.. C•llfornl• mi. I If • Ureet .oor,n or common dul9nallon I\ •llown ebove. no w•rr•nty I• 9l ven as lo Its comt1l•-or<<1'-IMM.I TIM '"""klery -r salcl 0..0 o• Tru11, by rMton of a brH<ll or o.teutt In lhe obUoatlons M<ure<I tlle,.by, herelol<I'• ue<llted ...., O.ICvere<I to clle 11ndenl9necl • wrlllen Deel••· •lion Of Del•11t1 4111d Demand lor S.I•, and ""111ef1 notice of b,.•"" and of ttecllon to c-tfle un.,_...19...., to Hll u ld pr-rty lo Hllsfy ul" obll9allon1, •nd tner••ller Ille 11nder1l9Md ceuMCI ••lo notice Of ttr .. <lt end ol etKtlon to be recorded Hovemw s, 1'91 M lftttr. No, 60J7, In ~ 14 ... Hiit 1'4, 9' salcl__9ffl(l•I Records. S.lcl ............. ~. bul •lt'-1 covenant or warr•nty, ••P••n or lmpti.cl, ,.,...,.. l"I•, --JoH~ton. or ...c11"'4W-.., '° pey tfle ftmaltllfte ~lflCl,.i ~ of Ille NCe M<UrH ty .... 0..0 of TNIC. """" lnternl ft In .. Id ............... ~ ... If ally, Wtd« ttw -of Yid Oee4 of T,...t, IMS, <IWl,_I and •ll!Mfltft Of .. Trv ........ ., ........ ~_., ••Id OeM Of n· ..... s.lcl .... wlll ... llefd on _..,, AUl'Cfl IS, ltet at t : 00 '·"'· •t tlM C""""8n AWllll<I et'ltr-• .. tN CIYIC c..-llllldl"I, ~ ••tt c11....-A•en11e In Ill• city tf o..,.., CM.._.., At tll9 time tf tflt ll'lttlel ..-.1u11o11 of WI ,._,, .. IGWI o,,_.i Of tM 11n,•llll Mla11ce of 111eoailt•tl•l'I _..,.,.., ......... _,,... ... . tnltll Miii .......... , ...... ......... 111111 8h81KH lt tlM,lff •7• "Tt .............................. , .. ,,,.~ ..... 0.1 ,......., It,, .... f ,0 ltf'lotclt~ • ...... T,,..., Cllrlt T aa.-, ,,. ......... ,...,., -C....DllfllltS.. ...... 11( S.Dltttl.(•.•• CTMJ .... l'WlltllM ONlllCt Coett o.ltY' ,,._, , •. n .... ~11•.t• 7a.et I LIFE ANOACCIOIENT ANDH•ALTH SYNOPSISO' THE ANNUAL STAT&M•NT - YllAa llNOIED OllCU••lla n , ,.., .. Pac:Mlc M-f Ll .. 111--•C-Y 1• N...,.n C...tff Olne, P.O. 101 .... N..,.., ._, C•llferMo ~ To1e1 •Omitted .. wi. n•.ns,u. Tot•t flaollltln 2.be,.,,cu C•Plt•I oeld UP • . . . ... , . . .. .. ...... .0 Crou P•l<I In -contrl~ surphl\ •. , • 5'>Kl•I Surotvs Funo• Un au 19"1!<' '"'''" hurplu 11 G•ln ILOISI from oc>erallon\ .. tn<rHM 10.CrHM) In Capllal and Surflfv• ourtnv "" . ....... • .. .... •.. . .. lnwrance In F<l'c:e· N•liOflwlde . . . . . . . • . .. , . • . ......... i.,°'6.24'1090 Accl0tnt~Moatl.1'0remiums -net . •····•····-·· •••••••••. 3'1,611,UO lnturtnc• In l'Cl'c.t; C•lllornl• Bu•lnt» P19t .. , ................ l.11•.614,"° .r.ccioent 8l'lcl M61tll P,.mlul1)• -Direct: ~ellfornl• 8U\lneH P199 .. I. ........... '"""""' ........... lff.341-* We llffe6y cer11fy 111•1 Ille •llo.lf I-.,.. In K<-11n<e wllfl Ille A"-1 Stetemenl for Ille ve•r •-O«emlltr 11, 1"1 -10 lhe 1--• Commtulonet Of Ille St•I• or C•lltor nla, --"'to law. WlllllfYt 0 . 811._ AHt. Vk e Pl'ftlOenl Olc1I \ten T rel Jen A»t .... ,...,., Publl"*' 0.M91 Coelt O•lly Pttoc, ...... 21, 2e. Ma)c11 1, 2, J, 1''2 RRSTCOME FIRST SllVID QUALITY FAMILr SHOES! SALE ST ARTS THURSDA y I MARCH 4th l 0 A.M. SHARP • 11.3 OUR RfGtJLAR RETAIL TO ~3500 •! ...: ;-.. .. • NEWS CHIEF Reuven Frank was . named president or NBC. News Tuesda~-. network s ources 1s aid. • Recipes to fund D.C. trip LOS ANGJ;LES (AP> -High schoolers hoping to travel on your stomach cooked up a • fund-raiser for public consumption of Nancy Reagan's c rabmeat casserole and Barbara Bush's "sinful" lemon bars. Recipes from the First Lady , the vice president's wife and Secretary 0£ State Alexande r Haig Bre among dozens for sale in "The D.C. or Bus t Cookbook.'' which student publishers at Sa nt a Monica Crossr oads School devised to finance a week 's study trip to Washington. • , ................. 11 ............. . ........ 14 ... _,.,., .... .... ................................. ..., .................... ,.ia .... ................................ ......... _ ........ C.Clll. , ....... . ..... c..,e..11.-... ............. '9 ................................. .., ........................... --.. _.., 11111111 It "° 11111•. KITCHEN· VELOUR TOWELS SPKIAllUY 11• Cot10fl/ potye1ter btend with fo1hlon kitchen prinh. Slight lmperfec tion1 won't effect UH. Hurry. while 11odl1 lo1t. u u f\j (}l I ll.J f\. CABINET FOR All YOUR STEREO COMPONENTS Editor Clara Sturak, ~~~3~J is: .said Haig's recipe for 111t!llt.1'ill marinated flank steak - with instructions on how to broil it -•·was wonderful, perfectly 99! STOCKS LAST Haig, "ll 's li~e the simplest • recipe or a ll for the cheapest steak you can buy." Mrs. Reagan also included her culinary secrets for pumpkin pecan pie and Baja California chicken. Mrs. Bush spice d her suggestions for tacos a nd lemon bars with personal comments. · · i made her le'l'lon ~r.AJ' E-NVELOPES & WRITING TABLm :s=· 79c •Hs...,tly....._.. ···~s..tty ....... •7S a...,.AMr... ....,_ SIU •1 H ... ,..., Wt4 ,...... NICI DECORATOR WALL MIRRORS YOUICMOICI 14'' Rectongle, Sl1t9le or Dou· ble Cothedrol styles. Good look Ing .and proclicol. bars last week," Miss i--.-----------------llMIN~.-.~¥t-1vri __ .,.... __ ..... ._.~,,...,t­Sturak said. "They're just sugar and grease. They're good buMhey're just sinful. They're so sweet." l,J .S . Sen . S .l. Hayakawa. a former semantics professor , added an etymology lesson to his recipe for sukiyaki cacciatore, the California Republican's version of the Japanese m eat and vegetable dish. He explained that the , Japanese name for the dish is o-karibayaki. "0 " is a prefix of honor; "kariba" means hunting but is replaced with the. Italian word , cacciatore; and "yaki" means to cook or broil. Miss Sturak said the book's first 1,000 copies sold well enough at $7 eac h to warrant a second edition. After the initial $3,000 printing bill, ~profit target is $4,000 to offset the trip's $788 -per -s tudent pricetag. · Truck load Plant Sale. Huntington Center dally ttwu Sat. Lge. 8" pota 2.88 ea. 'CORRECTION "' the .. .,. Merch 3rd edvertlelng ••otlon there l a an edvertltet11en1 for "Openlnt 'l•c•" acutptured c:.pet, Nie prtced et 14.• lq. Yd. t ....... '''°' •• oerreot; howeftr, the 19eedlnt dehrlptlen ladlo.ete•, ....,.....,, ................. ...., ........ d.n. .... ..,.. .......... Jd.doetnot ........................ ..... ,... ,.,,., ..... ..... Seats 1 COMPARTO 55c NAT'l llANDS SllllNG FOi t7t SALE PllCI 1 ,_..,aun ............. ,~ . . ,,.. .... a.,.__ .......... . SAUSIA•IS ~WE•ESIAY LARGE PACI COOKIES IN A VARIETY OF TAm FU VORS Svg~~-~!d ~:~~~~de. 69 c Macaroon, Nuta & Choc- olate, k•d Fruit su- 14··0Z. PACKS: na Animoh, Dupl.11 cooltiM. NICI FAMOUS GIFT WRAP 3 PACISOF 2SHlm .... c Eoch pockqge with two 26x20" 1heet1. Mony pot· terns. Mode by top nome moker of gift wrop. UTH SIZf DIODOUNT 3 s I SOAP Ul!S, 4-3/4-01.......... fOI UGUID lOTION DITllGINT, 99 C 32·01., SAU PllCI ............ . NATUIAl VIGnAIU 249 WATIVI, 14-01. SAUPIKI ..... . . "' eSANYO SANYO AM/FM CASSmE RECORDER ~~!;,!~c·o!.549' 5 trols. ACIOC op· erotion f MZ-52 .€10AL SASSOO~ ........ : ------· ..... VIDAl SASSOON LADIES' T-SHIRT SPECIAL BUY s~· \ Rob knit T ·lhtrt with cop 1leeve1 & round ntJCk \ 100% cotton Solid colors. S·M·l Hurry in' wtllll STOC&S LAST ' • " • U r Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, March 3, 1982 -No fancy 'packaging' for AmeriCa's voice Th~ job o( any Pl'CS\dcnl ls H tnxi~g "One and one cou d hordl~· be~rudge its holdt.>r ~rn oecasionul bit of whimby to amuse himself a net his a udience. Hi s littl e •loke about "packaging" truth at tht• \'mcl' ol America's recent 40th birthdu\' celebration did l)oth. B111 11 \\'ti :. inappropriate . • After declaring that. "Tht•n • is no l!reater weapon than till' truth ... it r emains the ultimalt• weapon in lhe a r senal of democracy." Reagan went on to add that there's really nothing much wrong in embellishing tht· truth occas ionallv. And o nce again ht· harkt•d b a <: k t o h i s fa ,. o r i ll' h 1 I o I au~biograµhy. about thl' tim<> ht· W<J S a radio s ports annourwc·r and de veloped quite a s kill 1n c r e a t i n g d r a m a t 1 t' " p I a y · b ~· · p I a~-' . a c C' o u n t s of baseball games · from tht• h;1r1· bits of information comi11g 111 h.' tt>legraph. The details. he exµlainl·d. ma ~· not ha\'l' been too pt't'l'l'lll accurate. but "the truth got thl'l'l' and. in other worGs. it l'an ht• attracli\'(•)~· packaJ!ed .. That sort of "patkag 1ng" ma~· ha\'l' sen·t•d its purpo~t.· ;1:-. entertainment whic:h is all thc baseball ra<Uo broadeasts \\'t'l'l' But it is quite 'anotht•r m ;1tl l'I' for the \'oic(• of Am1:r i('a that broack<isls <fail.'· in 39 la nguagt'" to Hl<) million people around lht• 4,!Jobc and is l'equired b~· law to "scl'vc us a consistcnth· rcliubk und a ut horit tit i \'l' source of l he 11l'WS." It 1s that reputation l'or con sistenc~· a1HI n•ltuhilit~·. a:. o µ 1'° s l' d l o t h (' t h i n I.' \' l• t I l· ti propaj.!andu dforts of some nth~ go,·t•rnmC'n ts· hroacka<;ls. that hct s g1\'en the VOA it~ hi~h le\'l'I of ert•dihilit~· a mong lls t <.>l'll'l'S Apparl•ntl ~· so me of th <.• pres ident ·s n~w VO,\ appoinl ct·s s h a re h i s ~· 1 t.' w t h a t t h l' hroadcasts should b(• m.ick mon.• s I r on I! I~-pro m e r i n.1 n and µnt i·So\'iet h~· sla nting thl·tr l'mphasis Our 111H'l'l':.l undouhlt•dh' would ht• IH'lll'I' "t'l'\'l'<I b' a :-.trongl•r \'nit·t· 11f \ml'riea. \,·1th mo r c ereat1\'t.' progrumm1ng. more ~talCinJ.! a11d mosl of ;ill more air I i mt.' and a <kquat t> l'quipnwnl to makt.• s un• \\'l' an• g t• l t i n g o u r m l' :-. s a g l' p : 1 s 1 "tammi11g" l'ffoJ'b ~ Rut 11ur forl'ign lis k1wrs ;11·t· not nai\·<' ·And wht•n tht•\' !war lht• \'niet• of :\mt•1·11:a lt'ltlng tht• truth ahout ourst•hl•:.. \\arts and all. th(•\ are mon' inC'lined t-4) f<"t'I th t.·~ t;m hellt•\'t' "h;,it "l' tl•ll lht•m ahout lhl• Ru~s1a11s . ·th<.· ~ i d cl I c• Ea:-. t a 11 d t lw 1 r n \\ n l'Olllll l'il'" It "'ould ht· 1111lo rt 111w1l' to d a mag l' t ht' n · put at 1 n n fo r ('l't•clihilil .\ tht• \'().\ h:i.... l'<ll'lll'cl o ,. l' r t h l' ' l' a r :-. I I\ I on mu<' h ··p:1C·k;ig 111g" ol 11" t r11th Dodger blues curable '.'Jormall\'. it would ha\'l' lht· makings of ·a hlorklnrst rr stor~ Rookie makes good. wants morl' mone\'. holds out. 11 But thls 1s 1982<.\nd Dodgt'I"• pitcher Fernando \'alt•n1.ul'l;1'.., salar·~· holdout. whit<.• s till Ill'\\ ..... ha s n 't aroused that mul'h mterest or . ~·mpath~· from mn ... 1 of us After all. the ~·oung~tt•r l rom !\kxko is demanding Sl million to pitch in 1982 after onl~ otll' outstanrling season and onh half a season at that. • · Ferna ndo wasn't aboard la:-t week a~ the Dodgcrs fl (•\\' to s pring training in \'l'ro lkad1. Fla :\nd hi s agen t. Ton~ DeMan'o. h111ts or threall'n~ that --he might s it out :-. • ::- t he~· set•k puhlic s upp<>rt Yawn. The 0 o d g er s h a,.(' " on pennants without him and "Ill do it again. with or wi1hout him But not nc•tessaril\' this ,·ear "ht•11 I the\' han· to rebuild thC'ir tnl'll'ld lineup That ma.' h<.• morl' signi ficant than Ft•rnanclo"' pitc h mg ' Fl'rnando a nd h t~ agt·nt .1~k Sl million The Dodgers an· !'\aid to he offering SJ00.000 not ;1 princcl~· sum C'Onsirlering that th1 • media n salur~· for ma ior ll'agut· baseball pla~·prs is \'l'tJOl'l\.•d to lil• about S235.000. We c a n a µ p r e c i e:1 lt' t h a t ~·oung Fc•rnando marri<'ct <luring the off -season ancl has morl' financial respons ibilities. Wt• an· aware of last week's dc.',·aluation • di I hL' pe~o I>~ :\lt'\lt'll ~'tllN' 1t ls not our monl'\ .-an<I "llH'L' f'<.'rnandO l'illl ;irgut• th;it ht• ,.., at lt·a :-.t l\\Wt· a~ 'alu<.1 hll' a s t ht• us ual 101trtH'\ man 111 <11111· lt•a).!twr. \\l' ""' J.!iH· tht• ki d a h.itr million dnliar pa.' ntl>'l' and ,1 lllll'·\ l't.11' <'Ont rat't l.l•t htm procluc·t• aJ,!<1111 ;ind t lwn n<>l!ntiall' o r ;1 rb1trall' or" hatt•\'t•r \\'hat \\'(•'ct n••tll~ l1kt• to "l'<" of COLll':-Ol'. is ti l1 ttl<.1 flourts h and flash and imag111atton 1n tht· whnll' rl n.'an businc•:-.:-.. '.\1a,·ht· i n c· n ·as i n g hon 11 s l'.., f 11 r t' ;, (' h g amt' ht• wins O\ t•r 10. with thl· honu:-<1m1111nt made puhlil' just h l' r 11 1' l' l h l' g a ml' .. \\'at(' h f't•rn~111d11 go lor I ht• Pol o-Golcl I oc1 a~ a ga 1n:-l th · Ru m Cit' a s at l'\:tl L'nwnl · Or 01 <1\ ht• ha n• t ht· hon us t1cun' d1·a,~·n from a hun('h of n11mh1•r slip ... put 1n an old rl':-.in hag. \\ith th<.' h1 g numh<.•r rlas ht'd on tht> mcss a gl' ho;ird 1n tlw fourth inn111g ;1:-.s um1ng ht··.., ~11 I I 111 tlw g a rnt· al I h;1t prnnt Thl' prom1H ion po ....... iliil1t ll'" "1·1· lim itle~-.: \\'<.• ha\l' l.!l'l'etl l'l'"Pl'<'I for both thl' h<1 :-.t.•h.ill ;incl lhl· bus mt"':. an1ml'll ol t lw Onclgl'r organi1.a11011 <'il'arh ont• 11f lht• lw~l m thl' gamt• .\nd \\l' d1in t wa nt to g 1H· Ill\ a hit• Tomnl\ Lasorda an' add1l ional uleer~ Rut wt• hoJ;l' t hl' Dodgers c<111 ('ome up with snmt'l hing to kl'<'P the n e,l.!ot 1at ion from brC'oming anothC'r t~·pi t«.11 dull haschall s <1 t ~r~· hat l ll' of g l'l'l'fl n•rsu .... I.! l't.'l'cl Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot Other views ex-pressed on tn1s page are those 01 1neir authors and art •Sts Reader comment.is 1nv•t ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P 0 Box lSbO, Costa Me!.a, CA 92626. Ph0ne·(71 4) 64;/·4321. L.M. Boyd/Elevator test Elisha Otis in 1854 s wore his newfangled elevator would not fall, even if the rope broke. Hardly anybody believed him. So he hoisted himself in one of his contraptions to the top of Chicago's Crystal Palace. And gasp' -personally cut the rope. The elevator held, sure enough. But al the time lo onlookers who didn't understand the mechanism. it was a pretty scary performance. The whisky t.urned out b y Crawford's Distillery in Scotland is 80 proof. and employees there are authorized two bteaks a dJy, during which every employee is permitted to drink a gill of scotch . That's four ounces. Q. How did that dog breed known as the Chow Chow come to be so named? A. You'll ~all chow chow ls the Pidgin English name or an oriental ORANGE COAST llilyPilat mixture or ginger. fruits, peels . h eavy syrup, whatever . Ships· captains returning from China with various cargoes simply labeled said cargoes as chow c how instead of itemizing everything. And the d~ they brought back wound up with that label. too. Language specialists insist Chow Chow is derived from the Cantonese "kau" dog. But the old seamen didn't pretend to care about all that. The. dogs were just cargo. Chow chow. Ninth most popular name among 28-year-old women nationwide is Barbara. Among 28-year-old men. the ninth most popular name is Georee. Q. How many peases does a typical NFL football team average per game? A. Now. 30.5. In 196S. please note. that average was 17.5. Thomiis P. H•l•Y Publlsher 'TltomesA.~· Editor . 81rlNIH KNlbicft ' Edltorlal Pa99 Editor 1 ' Spies exp~rt medical snoops WA SHING TON -Medical snooping has long been an accepted form of espionage -possibly dating back to the disclosure that Napoleon was suffering from an intestinal disorder at Waterloo. Accordingly, the Central Intelligence Agency has developed an abiding curio'sity about the ailments of foreign leaders with seeming emphasis on their t\eart conditions. kidney functions and bowel movements. THE SPY AGENCY has its own medical analysts. as well as consulting s pecialists unde r contract , who s crutinize ever y tidbit of medical information that might help diagnose a foreign leader's physical well-being or deterioration. No possibility is overlooked. The CIA went to elaborate lengths. for example, lo obtain samples or the late Nikita Krushchev's excrement when he visited the United States in 1959. A similar exercise was directed at Egyptian King Farouk during his last, dissolute years of exile in Monte Carlo. The trouble with fong-range prognosis ts that a head of state is not likely to s ubmit to a physical exam by the CIA a nd is more likely to take every precaution to cover up s igns or debilitation. But the CIA has its methods; it can even examine the back of a man's head halfway around the world. Take the case of Kim II-s ung, the North Korean dictator. who will be 70 in April. For years. the CIA had received reports .0 r,_~ ~ -JA-Cl-Al_D_IR-11-1 -~. from its various sources that Kim had a "la rge, cancerous growth on the back or his neck." At one point. the raw data even had the Korean leader "terminally ill because of his cancer " The mystery or Kim ll-sung's neck is detailed in a "Top Secret Rurr Umbra" CIA report shown to my associate Dale Van Alta . For a long ti m e. ,Kim seemed determined to keep the CIA from diagnos ing the growth, whic h was c har acterized as "a tremendous tumor" and "the size or a s mall fi st." It was first spotted in 1969. but Kim let his hair grow long enough to cover it pretty well, and evidently took pains to avoid . being photographed from the rear But then Kim threw the CIA a curveball: He commented on the tumor himself, and said it "may be a type of cancer." THE CIA ANALYSTS weren't fooled , though. They dis missed Kim's offhand diagnosis as a "med1catly disingenuous comment." and proceeded to reach lhei{ own conclusions from the few phofos and films available to them. ''These pictures anti descriptions have been reviewed by a number of medical analysts. including cons ulting s pecialis ts in dermatology and pathology, .. the CIA reported. "The unanimous opinion is that the growth is- benign a nd is almos t certainly a harmless fat tumor. a hpoma The chances that it will become cancerous are extremely sm a ll , and s urgical excision usually is indicated only-for cosmetic reasons . . . The possibility remains that Ki'm will elect at some lime to have the growth removed; this will not be significant evidence that it has become malignant." ' C IA m edical ex p e rts say Kim's long-range prognos is. however. is n't good and point out he has a history or cardiovascular a nd kidney problems that couJd recur anytime Toymakers reviving military themes NEW YORK -Five gold-uniformed private "Soldiers led by a Captain Eagle dropped onto a pier in the East River from a helicopter hovering overhead . . c hecked their weapons and began moving inland. The man who Cinanced the invading troops, Martin D. Abrams. announced: "Military themes are back in America. The need for the military has regained the respectability it lost during the late '60s and '70s." THAT IS THE kind of thing they do to get publicity at the annual Toy Show. Abr ams is the chairman of Mego Corp .. which was introducing an army-sized line of military toys called "Eagle Force." "Makers Bent on Military" was the lead headline of Toy Trade News on Feb. 27 . "Makers Back Military, Buyers Are Divided ," reported the February issue of Toys, Hobbies & Cr arts. "The indications are good," said Craig Coll ier of Consolidated Toy of St. Louis. ''During the Vietnam War people were turned ore, but now they are getting over it. There's a nother generation of kids out there." "Military is in resurgence because of a c hange in the political attitude of the country," said Mark Nuccio of H-G Toys lnc. of Long Beach, N. Y. "The government is putting more money into defense. It has a higher profile with certain tactical groups being promoted. such as all the maneuvers that occurred in the Middle East last year." The military boom at this year's Toy Show -aimed al that new eneration o 1 s ou ere -ts a ascinating case s tudy of lhe synergistic relationship between commerce and government in the United States. The toymakers are RICHARD Rf fVll not responding to a greatly increased public demand for war toys -that's what the line "Buyers Are Divided" meant in the Toys, Hobby and Craft headline. The m anufacturers a r e betting that the R eagan administration's militaristic bent will create the market. The toymuers also see themselves as performing a national service. "We set out to develop a toy line which wouJd capitaliie upon 'and reinforc~the renewed sense of national pride. strength, courage and determination sweeping America," said Abrams of Mego. "Our military toy. then, is. we hope, going to reinforce an accepted American concept: Terrorism is wroog and shouJd be stamped out.'' Eagle Force will be sold, like some Reagan military programs, as an anti-terrorist force. "Captain Eagle." "Goldie Hawk," "Zapper" and other die-cast metal Force members are trying to stamp out villains like "Shock Trooper" and "General· Mamba " An old favorite , "G I Joe" -the soldier doll -is being reintroduced after years of retirement. Joe is also after terrorists now , villainous dolls in the paramilitary uniforms of something called COBRA. THE TELEVISION commercials will soon begin. The rhetoric will be modeled after the talk coming out of Washington these days "Research has shown th.ere is a potential consumer resistance (or military toys due to the connotations of war that they hold ... said a Mego offi cial. Alan Chernorr "The Eagle Force Hgures we are introducing are positioned not as a war toy. but as protectors of freedom and justice." There were also a number of books and booklets at the show. One called "Toys Are Teaching Tools," pyblishM by the Toy Manufacturers of America. Inc .. said : "Today's toys are tomorrow's adult tools. scaled-down versions of real-life objects. With them children can create imaginary lifelike s ituations. Toys help children to assume adult roles and to experiment with the objects. machines and technology of adult society . . . Children gain a sense of values from their toys." So. that's what our children will be taught this year. There's no gracious 'goodbye' in English Melvin Maddocks. in The Christian Science Monitor. raises, but does not resolve. "the case of the vanishing goodbye.'' A friend of his complains that nobody says goodbye any more. People terminate u telephone IYlllY 01111 conversation without even a "ao tong," a "lake care,'' or (the worst> "be good.'' I think one of the reasons ls that English lacks a friendly phrase comparable to the French "au revolr," the German "auf wledersehn," the Spanlsh "hula la vista," or the Italian ·•arrlveder~l." These rorelsn farewell• hold out promise 81\d bope of another mHlin~ before too long -"I'll aee you a1atn: or Its equivalent -whereH "aoodbye" In Engllsh sounds so curt and dre.adf\ally final. , Subltilute phrases auch 11 ''See 10'1 later" have taken hold in order to IOflen the lmpacl "Taite ca.re" bu a tender . - effect. but it. too. lacks the promise of renewal. And "Be good" is as fatuous as "Peace" is contrived anii trendy. "Goodbye," as every schoolboy knows, is merely a shortening or (he old "God be with you," similar to the · French "adieu." which the French rarely use, except for a long leave-taking: they have three or four different variants for "until we meet again." The Hawaiian "aloha," used ror greeting and parting. literally means "Jove." English, for all its strength and s uppleness, is not a ceremonial language : its purpose Is to get t.he = said, not to make other people feel or Important. Elsewhere, a man •meeting a woman for the first lime wUl say "Dellghled" or "Enchanted," or some auch conventional nattery: the ErtiUsbman drawb "bowjude.w," and the American bray.a. "PJeued tuh meetcha," WE A&E. as LI well·known. one of the very few major lan1ua1es ot lbe world that lack• both a formal and an Informal "you." In m'Ost tonguee. one does not addreaa a auperior, a dl1nltary, an older person or a 1tran1er with the same "ff>U" used lni talkin1 to • close friend. I Our grammar is more "democratic." I suppose. but while it equalizes rank. it also blurs distinctions. Moreover. irT my view. it cheapens relationships, or al least. devalues them. American s. especi a lly . are uncomfortable1 with titles and other honorifics: we call a college head a "prexy,'' a professor a "prof," and an M.O. a "doc." My favorite locution. though, belonged lo the late Mayor Daley or Ch icago who, on state oc c as Ions. adverted to the Loe al archbishop as "His Immense." lllllY• Cities could ptck up a fe-4W bucks by char1ln1 a S5 or StO fine for alsns not removed the day after a ·1ara1e aale. The address 11 rt1ht OD the alp! ANTl·CLUTl'&R __, ___ .......... =----·-__.,.................. .-,.,, .. .................... ""'1. • ' I I' ·-EYBM -e:oo1••--~Mllll..I • HM MIQTML1. Loe Angelle Lall.,.. vt New~Hec. e TH1.:a:aw .HAWAII~ I ..... MPORT' l'WCUOMl'T C-.Nlwe MCNIWt NICNIWa MOVll ••~ "Cleopetra JonM" "(1973) T..-a oo.-n, SMiiey WIMara. A ,__ ..... mull..... blacil WOl!MlftW01111M8~ rMnt narcotlca aoan1. ®MOVll . • * "The Black Hole" ( 1979) Maximilian Schttl. Ro~rt Foret.,, Yvette M~. The er-of a luturiltlc "**"'I> d• COVtrl anothtr VHHI perc:had on Iha 'edge of a formation wnlctl pulls 111y. thing ,_by lnlo 1 Qlant void wtlar• time and ~ OUM to axial 'PG' ())GEMINI Scott Balo end DMny ~ lo star In a comic IOok at the oompllcatlons which ariM during a Harvard ttu· dent' a blnhdly perty at hi• family'• South Ph#8dalpllla home. .MOVIE ••• "I Sant A latter To My l~" (1981) Simona Slgno<at, .i-.. Rochefon. A mlddl•·•ged woman who hll spent moat of her adult Ht• caring for her lnV111id brother dacldas to wma a latter to a~ per lonely ,_,, column. .·PG' CZ)MOVIE '* ** * "Alt Quiet On The Weatern Front" (1930) Lew Ayr•. Louis Wolheim A Garman youth eagerly entera Wond War I, but aoon to.. hla enchant· "*'' .. he eat• • fltsthand view of Ill ~or and destruction. 8:30 . WEl.COMf ~ KOTTER • KCE NIW88EAT WITH C&..ETE AOeERTS • II 181NE18 "90AT <l>8NEWS 9 BAAHEY MIU.EA 7:00 I C88 NlW8 N8CNEWI HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ·-· I A8CNlW8 M•A•a•H Cot Polter 1tr1k• up a warm trfandlhlp wtth 1 vi... ltlng hMd l'IU(M . I JOKER'S WILD C>Wft!ASY "Employment" GuHI' 8C10f Burgasa Meredith. (RIO An Interview with Morgan FaltcllMd • ell THE MUPf>£T8 Gu.I~ Ban Vereen. ca:>MOVIE • ••,; "Dangerous Davt1" Bernard Crlbblna. Bill May- nard. A m111 and hll lldek· lck IOlvl a 15-year old murder. 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN F .. lured. a Cloe« look at the aupertlltlon that CHANNEL LISTINGS f) K.NXT !CBSI 0 C!> KNBC INBCI 1 0 KTLA ~Ind.) H e KABC !ABCI ·c Q KFMB ICBS) m D KHJ· TV (Ind ) @ 8 KCST (ABCl f • l(TTV (Ind.I $ II) KCOP· TV 1 ln<U " 8 KCET (PBSI • G KOCE IP~SI FIERCE FIGHT Verbal battle ootween Alexis <Joan Collins 1 and Kr~·stle I 4indu E\'ans > erupts into hair-pulling fight on .. D~·nasty" toni~ht at ,\O on KABC 171. fatllOUI ~ !)Me -ay In llfOUClt ol ltw-: meat the IWUlt WflO CfMted the V1tp Ok'I: explore the l'*'I of maraju8na. I • ,.AMll y l'BJO LAV... l 8HR.EY lOOfA,.AHV The glrta trick Rleflle and Pot• Into taking them 10 a higtl IChool dance 90 Laverne can wtn the grand ptlzl of 4 tta.vfelon Ml. • EYEONLA. Featutad; a rll>Of1 on "aenaual •Porta", part th•ee ol 1 repon on psydl· lea; 111 interview wtth Timo- thy Hulton; I look 111 wom· en carpenters. • M •A•&•H When Hot Lipa decidet that IHa la l)4lalng her by. the dumps Frank and req~ll a transfer. I TIC TAC DOUOH MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT ' D IN CONCERT AT THE MET A )Olnt recital of arias and duets la g,_, by •-Pla- cido Domingo and meno- l<>j)fano T1Uana Troyano.. wt111 Jamea Lavine con- ducting the Metropolltan Opara~tra. CJ) R.M. MAOAZIHE An interview with Joan Collins ol TV's "Oynuty''; 1 l«Vkla that provi<les an elabor1te bleaklast in bed. 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured: "Bruce Lee Lives On." ~MOV1E • • • "The Hellstrom Chfonlde" (1971) ~ mentary Nanated by Law- rence Preaamen. The var- ied survival techniques Of Insects, whleh may eventu- ally put them Into dfrect Ind euccesatu1 compatl- tlo n with man. are reveeltd 7:411 CI) THE VISrfOA Miok Fleetwood perlormt songs lrom his curret'll IOloalbum. 1:00 8 A1NOUHO BAOe. AHO IAMUM & BAILEY CIACU8 HOit Richard Thoma pr• Ylewa the I 12th edition ol lhe Ameilean tradition, with guests Peul Sorvlno, Gunther Gabal-Wllllamt and Lou Jecobs. a a REAL PEOf>LE Feeturad e lemlll umpire; 1 dog w1111: a mountain ~ IQlis--rcy slopes; th• Miu Bald America contetl. • MOVIE * * * >..; "HJoh • Society" (1956) Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly The arrlval ol a pho- l:>grapfltr Ind a repot1er gives a bf~IO-be eecond thoughts about htr upcoming society mer- rlege. 8 (II THE GREATEST AMERICAH HEAO Ralph tries to l><lng 1 ClStl skiing Champion In "°"' the COid On TV Z TV HBO- !Cinema.I IWORI NY , NY I WTBSl IESPNl <Show11me1 Spotlogtot <cable News Network) . ,. .... ~ An Interview with JOWi Collini of TV'I "Oynaaty''; a a.111aa that ptOlllcMI an , elaborate b<M6clatt In Nd. • MOVIE * * * "79 Pllk Avenue" (P111 3) (1tn) ~ Ann Warren, Polly a.gar,. A llrMt·wlae young girl unfUIJly 1«1t lo retonn ICho01Joln11nundafwof'IO houae of proat"utlon upon herreltua. • IN C0HCPT AT THf MET A Joint recital of atlu and dua1111 given by tenor Pla- cido Domingo and meno- 90prano Tatiana TroytnOI, wtth Jemea Lavine con- ducting the Mattopolttan Opara OrChtelrL ~:::tf AffNM '* *'A "Thi Cat And The Canary" ( 1978) Honor Blackman, Michael Gallen. Haire blltlll lor a tonune at the IPOC*Y •tall ol a d-.ed mlMlonake. 'PG' (J)BIZAME "Guilt Shop" UMOVIE • • '"' "The Flefldl•h Plot Of Dr. Fu ManchU" (1980) Petet Sellar1, Sid c-. The FBI end Scotland Yard's Oat Neyland Smith pur-the 188-yeer-old arcnvtMain u he Malehea lor the lngredlanll, Includ- ing the Crown J-els, used 10 make 1111 llfe-pro- long1ng elixir. 'PG' 1:30 G YOU A8KE.D FOA rT F .. tured "Ftanca'a Wint Swtmmera." • AU IN THI! FAMll Y Atchle -a way of get· ting even wlth a practical joker pal by arr englng a date for him with a profee- llional llfMll lmparaone. tor. CJ) TO BE AHHOUHCED (I) NA TIONAl FINALS OF THE 1te1 llNO LAFf Off The beat new comedians ire featured a ltia reglon- ll \Odnnete of the Big Leff Off compete ag&lnsl one enother IMCI)MOVIE • • "Schlock" (19731 John Landi•. S1ul Kahan. A mon11er, belllVed to be 1 genetic "mlNlng Unk," goes on a rempege ol ter· ror. ·pa· t:OO 8 Cl) MOVIE "Oelpetlll U-"-;Prem- ler•> Helen Hunt, Dou~ McKean A brother and aialer bec:oma victims ol teen-age drug lbuM and a high school guld1nce counMIOr trlal to put an end to It a a THE FACTS OF LIFE Steir and Jo dllCOVtlf that they have become closer than they had expected. 8 0 THE FALL GUY Colt runs Into• former gJrl. lroenc:I wtlO ~· his http lo escape from her hu .. band, • mot>-cootrolled politician . • 8UlL.8EYE (!)=GRIFFIN • * * "Slty Hungry" ( 19761 Jett 8'1dgea, Sally Field. The ottbeat ICfon ol an old Southern .lemlly tries to 11119 1 MllTIY gym from the hands of real estate epecutatora. ©)MOVIE • * "This la Elvia" (1981) Oocumenttl)' Fllm fooUlge Ind dram1t1c rt-erMtlonl ere used to tell the etory of Elvla Pr•ley'a 1111 and car-. 'PG' ------------------------4· ,P How to fl V) ak1te safely. Oscar Fever . . is coming 1. Al ways 1Jse \ dry string, wood and paper in your kite. 2. Never use wire or any metallic material. 3. Don't ny you~ kite in the rain . 4. Don 't •. cross streets or highways when kite flying. , 5. Al ways fl y your kite away from TV. and radio antennas. ~ 6. Always fl y your kite far from power lines! Don't try to retrieve kites caught in power lines! SoutMrn c.Jifoml• ltl/1on , -~LOVl,ll*IY ~---THI IOOV Tiie ~MCI ...... of tJloM undet'golno Md ----wtlo heft undet' ... ~ A IOoil 11 the,,,_..., ... ... Md '90't• tlltn .. GCJtNne Ill) on Home 8o• °"'"' tO:Ol 8 . QUIHOY QvlftCy lllea to exonerate a ""'• WtlO ... dWo-d l~Ri=~ ~IMAK ~ lllMdultld . pro- ., ....... mey be~ duelo~bt*a. <JI) eTANDNI :.ooM OM.Y "Sllnon Md Gat'funklt. The Conoart In The Pwk" PM Simon and Alt 01t- funkel perform 111tny old favortt• In tN1t flttt Joint c;oncat1 In 11 )'Ml'I, taped duf1ng the~ of '81 In New Yori! Clty'e Central PIR . (l)MOVll ··~ "Smoltay And The Bandit II" ( 1NO) Burt ~- noldl. Jaeki. Gll11on. Shariff Buf«d T. Ju1tlce calla In 1111 two tewmen brothers to 11op • retired ~lato«. the BMdlt, ftom traneportlng a baby elephant. 'PO' .M()Vl( * • • "The Elactrlo Hor .. man'' (1979) Robin Fled- f0<d, Jana FondL A LU Vegas cowboy ltMll a $12 rnilllon thoroughbred horM . to eave him from hla explOitaUve OWf\eft. 'PG' 10:08 CI) MOVIE •• 'A "Rocco In Chicago" Marc.llo Mutrolannl, Lau- ran Hutton. A naive lmmf. grant bteOfntl lnletuetad wtth the bMutlM model whoea car runs over him. 'R' 10:301 NEWI • THE TNAl. CW WON<EAOUO The problamt of • young ChW-W0111er with his amp1Qy91't and lhe Ch!MM 1epa1 eystam la dramatized. 10:46 flD PAVAAOTTI: KING OF THE HIGH C'S An In-depth portrait or this greet tenor. bOth at home In Italy wtlh hi• family and In conoart during eome of Illa moet 1xcltlng perfor· mancee, la pr-tad. 11:008DDCll9Cll NEWS • SATURDAY NIOKT Hoel: Rey Chatlea. II K~ ·~J9RMONS e 1ANFOAOAND80N • DICK CAVETT CC>MOVIE . * * * "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978) Marilyn Haaaeu, Timothy Bottoms. Fonner champion elcltr, JIM Kin· mont, rendered a quadri- plegic by a tragic llOcident, wrattlal wtth lllf-dOubt wtl8t'I • new tove enters her .... ca:>MOVIE •• "Roadie" (1981)) Meat LOii, Kekl Hunter. A rock music roadie late nothing get In hla way In his purault of the girt of 1111 dreams. 'PG' 11:30 8 MOVIE * •o..; "Th• Drowning Poor· (19751 Peul New-man. Wririi WOOCIWatd. A weetthy Southam oil heir· esa hkas a prlvete ln\'9111· gator to tlnd lhl author of 1n lncrlmlnlllng latter. D 8TOHIOHT Hoet· Johnny Carson Gu.I: Mlchllll Caine. 8 9 A8CNIEW8 HtOHTUNE • All IN THE FAMILY While Archie Is circulating I petition In Ille neighbor· hood to keep more btack families from moving Into the ara,. Edith ecc.pta e dinner lnvtllllon with Iha Jeff«aonl. • LOVE. AMUllCAN STYLE • KCET NEW181!AT WITH ClETE A09ERT8 ~~WHITE l!.ICAP£ "Thief" (198 t) J1mes Caan, Tuesc:ley Weld. A maTter tat1cr1cker ~ Involved In the world ol proleulonal Cfime. 'R' 11:46 (I) MOVIE *** "e>n.Trick Pony" (1NO) Paul Simon, Blair Brown. A once-popular performer la prattured by evervone around him to Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. March 3, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KO E -7:30. KCET D R·oo . 111 Concer1 ttl tht! Met ·' Arius and 1ltwh h' t t.> n o r P I a l' i d o n o m i n ~ o .1 11 ti ffit;<ZW·SOIJl'Uno Tallafl~f r1·ro~ 1100-. KNXT fJ 8:00 .. Ringling Hrol\ und Barnum & Ba ill'\' ('it·t·us ... Ric·ha I'd Thomas hosts I 12th (•dition or Anwiwan tr1.ulat1on .. Ot•s1H.•1'alt• Ll\'l''> . KNXT fJ 9.00' H('lcn llunt nnd movit• premiere ubusc· DOllj.! MtKt•on Sil.Ir 111 :1bo111 lt'<.'n a ~t· d1·11~ KNX1' tJ 10 '00 tries to exonerate a 1w~ligt'nl hum1d de "(,111n1.·~ " QUllH'\ lllll'!'I<' <'harg<.•d "11 h 4-0I (8) MOVll ••• 'All ktlMd Uc>" ( 1978) Wlgt Dlbtttl, Nino ltlgnamJf\I O!rtcttd by L.lna Wt1trr'Wllat. A orOYP Qt ~thtit n lt"""'8 try to tlnd wtllllh and ~ II\ NOrtlllfn Italy 4:IO. VOYAOITOTHI IOTTOU Of THI llA "ltubmarlne 81.!'lli Htta" •:AO m tAAYllA..V ll,,D. Ooob11 fatf1 lot a girl, In rnott w1y1 than one •:"6 (%)THE IHCAl~ JEWEL AOHf..V ' Tlaur•da11•• IJayf l•e ,tfot,lr11 • 1:00 (C) • * •,; "ShOOI The Sun Down .. ( 19llOI Clvlttoe>h« Walken, Matgol Kidder In '938, IOU< dlspet•le mil fill uae en old m1p 10 Ht(Ch le>< burled gold 'PO' (HJ * * * 'The Electtlc Cir°" Na atyte of mu.ic and toc.i levels, 11 111 up to HotMman ' 119791 Robert wrlta' eonga 11\al can bring atteck the problem ol Rec:llO<d J11ne FonOI A him bac:a to the top .o. 'R' i antzad crime Lu Veges cowboy llMll a 12:00 . SHA NA NA Nl!WI S 12 m1U1on thOtoughl><ad Gu"t: Ch1r1" Nelson 1:JO EHTEATAINMEHT hO<M to N1v1 him from his ~lfl: • TONIGHT eJ(ploltallve ownatt PG • 0 LOVI IOAT An Interview with Morgan * *' 1 A Global A woman l>tcom4ll an FaJrchlld. Allafr" 11964) Boo Hope. w.r-dtdlcatad mother, a 8 NEWS Lilo Pulver A baby. lound former 0 .1. Wld a u.s.o . (I) GEMINI by e b1che10< 1n th• lobby girl we reunited and • l0t-Scott Baio and Denny Altl· ot Ille Ur>1teCI Nauons 11 mer llow-ay return• u a lo lier In a comic took al c.1a1meo bt all m1 mamDe< star entertainer. (A) the oompllcatlon1 whlctl n11oon• G MOVIE aflM during 1 Harvard SIU· D • * 'n A Thunder 01 • • • "Where The Red dent's birthday party at his D1ums i 1961) f11cha1a Fern Grows" ( 1974) Jamea lamllY'• South Philadelphia 8oone. George Hamllton A Whitmore. Beverly Gar-home. &e810ned captaon or the land. A 0apreu1on...,, 1:36 CID MOVIE U S Cavalry 11<1es hard on ~ter 11v1ng In Ottleho-• *.,., "Any Which Way a green young heutenant ma develope a deep fond· You Cen" ( 1980) Cltnt 11111 ou1 ol WeSI Pornt ,_ for a pair ol hunting Eastwood, Sondra Locke 9:30 61) • • 'The Lonely Trail d~•· Befc><e aettllng down with 11936) John Wayne Ann e MIKE DOUGLAS hit girl 111d pet 0111ngutan. Ruthe1l0<d A gang or out· Cohoete. Larry Gatlln 8l1d 1 bar•llatad ltghter signs laws t&rronzes local ranch· the Gatlin Bfothar• Band. up lor one last, lucrative ers un111 one man lakes G~ts: Karry Anderaon. match. 'PG' con1rot The MHllrt. Tom 2.'00 8 D NEWS C • * * • Animal Scribner. 8 MOVIE Crackers ·111130) Mar .. • lOVE.AM!AICAN •·~ "T'18 Crosby Case" Brotherl. M11rge1e1 STYLE ( 1934) Wynne Gibson, Dumont Capta1rr Spauld· • AMl!AICA; THE Onllow Stevens. 1ng. the African e~plorer, SEqONO CEHTUAY g MOVJE eno hos zany partners do (J) ~ WOMAH • • ·~ "Roel.show • 1,9801 considerable damage to a 9 --..~"" Paul McCer I ney ana society matrons party • '* "FunhouM" ( 1981) w1nq,s. Tnls record 01 lhe 10 00 t1 * • • Wnen Hell was Elizabeth Berridge. Sylvta band~. tour includes In Se.soon 119791 Hal HOI· Miies. Four teen-agers perlo1mances of . Jel," brook Eva Ma11e Saini spend a lrlghtlul night In a "Band On The Run," "Siiiy Caplured by lhe Viel· carnival funhOUM Inhabit· Love Songs" and some Old namese. an Aflletlcan Id by a demented barker Beatie ballads PG ndval commander sum- end his monllroua aon 'R' (%)MOVIE mons hos woll pewer to Cl) MOVIE • * * * ·All ou181 On The mentally combat h16 tor- ••• "Thi Dogs 01 War" Western Front I l930I Lew turers and org.inoze other ( 1980) Chrlllophlr Walk· Ayres, Louis WOlhe<m A p11soners ol wer 1n10 form· en, Tom Berenger. Alter German youth eagerly •no a resistance alltence being tortured and deport· entttrs world War 1, bul 5, * * Hopscotch' ... by •f .._ __ d'~ soon IOIM his ancnanl· 11980) Waller Ma11hau, ;:.,~ rr;:~"";~t~ mant 15 118 gets 9 firsthand Glenda Jackson A former a revolution. 'R' view or 111 hc><ror and on1e1119ence aoen• '' a1aec:1 12:30 8 ell LATE NIGHT WfTH deltructlon. Dy an Old llame on aoc:1g1ng OAVIO l.ETTl!MIAN 2:30 a:) MOVIE the KGB ana the CIA who Gues1s· comedian Eteyne * * • * Tees" 11979) are trying to prevent nom Boosle<, authOt Quentin Nastass1a Klnskl Peter from PuDloshong his mem· Crtap. redlo peraonallty Forth The daughter 01 a gs R Alan Burke. poo1 English farmer * * ' Hone~auckle ·a MOVIE becomes the v1etom 01 hei Rose 11980) Willie Nelson. • * • "MlsalulPOI" ( t93SI femoty·s lsp.retoons llnd Dyan Cannon While on Bing Crosby. w c. Flekls. her own beauty 'R tour a lens country· A gamble< from Iha Nor1h 2:36 8 MOVIE -.. estern s1nge1 t>eCOme1 ...... •·• * * • 'Thing• To Come ~volYed with the 680uctove lnvol...., In murder -I• In love with a Southern bel~. ( 1g36) Raymond Massey . aughtllf ol hos sidekick ., NEWS Raloh Richardson even thougn he sllll loves 12;41 CC> MOV1E 2:40 8 NEWS hos Sta) -at-home w11e 'PG * '* "A .,...,..1 FuH Of Rein" 2:60. MOVIE 11:30 C * * From Noon Toll • ...,,.. Tnree 119771 Charles ( 1979) Glanc:er1o Gjannlnl. * • * "The l ast D11ys 01 Bronson Joi! helend A Candice Bergin A macho Pompeti" ( l935) Preston o1111er os recruoted into a journalist and a Nblrated Foller, Beall Rathbone. rag-tag robDery gang photogr'91* reflect on 3:10 8 MOVIE 12:00 O * * "S1e1111 119501 the high Ind low points of * *~ "The Mad Ghoul" Ann Sne11dan victor their etormy marriage. ( t9431 Evelyn Ankers Matuie A woman troes to 1:00 • MOVIE 011yid Bruce reason w11n members of • * * "Fun Of Life" ( 1957) 3:30 MOVIE ner family alter en uncle .Judy Holllda)I, Rlcherd * • "Thundetbitds In Out· does and ,5 bulled on tne Conte. A man dllf\lpls the=--1----"'--"""',...... Thf..£.ew mem-~1---spot llv8I ol hil IOl1 and preg-beta of a space shop must m * • * Juggetrnllol nant deughter-ln-law. atop• runewey rocket 0t1 a I 1974) , Rlcllard Harris, G) MOVIE coutalon courae with the Omar Sha11t A 11011d11• * * * "War And Peace" Sun cruise Decomes a noghl: ( 1950) Audrey Hepburn. 3:36 ®SNEAK PREVIEW mare when the author1t1es Henry Fond.t Sued on A loot< al the movies spe-ol a luxury loner rece<lte an the novel by Leo Tolstoy crata and sports events ominous oomD threat and The lives ot lhrM lemmas coming up on Home Box an extor11on note demand· are greetly attectad by the Ottl08 Napoleonic wars. 3:461'9"\ THE VISITOR "'9S10 5 m1ll1on \A.I 61) * * * The Coun· 1: 10 D MOVIE • Mock Fleetwood peflorms lerleot Traito• 1 !9621 Wit· • "Stroke Force" ( 1975) songs lrom hos current loam Holaen Liiii Palmer Cllll Gorm1n. Donald solo album Trie Brt11Sl1 government 8'1111/y A spacial unit of •:OO g MOVIE blar.~ma••S J neturahzeo law enlorcement agents. * * • All Night long Sweae onto t>ecomong a combining the beSI tetents ( 1981) Gene Hackman spy against lhe Nalls dur- of police lrom federal lo Barbra Slreosand JOHN DARLING /, --· ., ~ WOtlO WW II, 00 *"°' "Cl\llkChln Md The CurM Ot 1118 Dr-.on <>-i" (1911) P.W u.tl• ntN, Ndlatd HMclft,Qftettle Ct\all .. aided ~ .. ~ bllllO Ottlldton In ...... tlllf'IO °' l'Mderl. ·..a· ........ ,,,.,~ Plot 0t Or. Fu MaftGtlu'' (1NO) P.i« ....,_, lld C.-.at. The Fii Md lcot• ~ Yll'd't OM~ &Mith ~aua 1118 t ... ~.-, wcnvlllaln .. .Jta Mlfd1ea IOf lhl lngt9d- lanll, lneludlng tM CtOWll ,,....., UMd to INll• hit llfe-pfOlonglng tlbdf. "°' ClJ * •• "1118 Ooet Of War" ( IHO) <:nrla1~ Weltlen, Tom ..,..,..,, Al1ar being IOttl.lftd MCI ClepOtlad by II\ Altle#t Cllctaror. • m.,c:enary return• to lead a rw¥Olu- ll0t1 'A' 1:00 CA)**'~ "A Qlol>al Alfu" (1HAI 8oO Hco9. Lllo Pulver. A l*>y. IOUlld by a baonatof In 1"8 IObOy of 1111 Urntecl Nltlona. It ct11mad by all the member n1t1on1. 1:30 (CJ •••.;"Shoot Tht&un Down" ( 1980) Chrlatoe>Mr Walken, Maroot KlcSdtr In 1838. lour ~aper1t1 mis- fits uM an old maip to Match for bufled QOld. 'PG 2.00 0 "'* • "I Sent A Lett• To My Love" (1981) Simone S1gnoret. Jean Rochelett A mlddl.-aged woman who hu ~I moat ol her edult 1111 c;ar. 1ng for ner Invalid !><other dec;tdes to -•te e letter lo a newsp11P8f lonely hear1• column 'PG' ~ (2. • • • "Royal Flelh" 1197~1 Maleolm McOowall, Alan Bates. The' nocturnll eacepadee ol the 1wUh- Duck 11 ng Capt Herry Fleshman land him In the arms of the notorious courtesan Lola Mon112 ' and on the wrong aldt of the powerful Count Otto von Bismark 'PG' 2:301H ••'>"~herein Time (19801 ChrlllOphll' Reeve Jane Seymour Obsessed with Ille portralt 01 a 19th·Cenlury abtr .... a modern-day New York playwright u5411 hypnolie to Ir avel bacl< on time and meet her PG 3:00 0 • • The Legend 01 Custer ( 1968) Wayne Maunder, Shm Pickens. The military career ol the colorful Amert<:an colonel teaas 10 hos lemoua Ust Steno ¢, • • '\ ·T111 Lest Snow Ol Sprrng (1977) Oleg. no58d as having leukemia, a 9·year-old DOy and hie lelhftf begin a short, dlttl· cull P&<IOd 01 reacQullln- tence alter YeatT> Of MP•· rallon !:30 S • * ThunOerblrdS In Outer Space The crew members or a space ah1p must Slop a runaway rock· et on a eolhsoon courae woth the Sun. 3·•5 l'Z • • • ' r 'The Liie 0 1 811an ( 1979J Gr1hem Chapman. John CleeM tn the first oen1ury, a bungler IS lalsely proclelmtO 1 mess;ah and beCOmel the leader or a great religious movement agalnat his W1Shes R •:00 0 * * '1 · A Thundet 01 Drums (196 tl.-Biehard Boone. George Hamilton A aeeaoneCI captain ol the U S Cavalry rodes hard on a gr111111. young heutenent 1u11 OUI of West Point 5:20 ._r * * "High Country" 119811 Timothy Bottoms. Lindi Purl. An eacepad convict and hos hand•· capped gorflriend llee to the mountains 'PG' 6:30 l¢ **'•"lheAngel Wore Red 119601 Ave Gardner. Otrk Bogarde A priest leaves his O<de< to return to a world rocked by avoolent w11 THE GIFT SHOP WORTH FINDING! ERIN GO BRACE Savings up to 35% • IOIOT COWi FOOD PIOCISSOR • COOKWAll • llAU. COf!Pa & SILYM ACCISSOlllS • W 1"0Y&IOCH...t POllC&Aa• De PAllS CHIMA • flOltltM CIYST AL ., ....... • IMCOl.A Y..,.. na.s •SICS DaYll • fULL UNI OP IDTCtmN UTINSILS + St. Patrick's Day in the Main Brace • • Complimentary lnsh Buffet including corned bcerbriske1 with hard rolls. potato chowder, faesty mustard and cheeses • Leprechaun brewed green be~ and lnsh Coffee • Artisuc shamrocks cosmetically applied to face and hands • I nsh Ballads (with words provided for aspirant balladeers) • Green cama11on~ for all guest\ -I Mai.fh 17, 1982 -Froi\ 4:30 PM In th e Main Brace at drangt Co11t DAIL V PILOT!Nedn•ldlY. March 3, 1982 OperO 'Susanriiih ~ set at ()CC CuUale Floyd'• "5uaannab" ope111 Friday 11 the second production of the season for the Five Penny Opera Company at Oran1e Coast Colle1e. Olrected by OCC music proreuor Carole ctonne..th'...Carole Boeller1 • .Jounder or the eight.year.old perlormlna 1roup, t e 1 opera Is set In a Tennessee town and focuses on a 19-yeur-old 1lrl persecuted by taJse accusations. The lltle role wlll be performed by Deborah Aston, with her brother and guardian played by Edward Robin. Other principal phayers are. Juck Grubistlch and Jertery Gernsteln. Completing the Five Penny cast are OCC istudents Gretel Hines, Charles Poper, Virginia Welker, Louis Sultcliffe, Xan Marlin, Ma raarel Brown, Nicholas Krupka and Audrey Kasparek. Performances o{ "Susannah" will be given Friday und Saturday of this week and March 12 and 13 in the OCC auditorium. Tickets may be ordered from the college ticket orfice In the administration building or by calling SS6·SS27. Those wishing to join the Five Penlly Opera Guild should send a self-ad,dressed, stamped envelope with $25 to the gulld at 2701 Farview Road, Costa Mesa 92626. The donation provides , J four opening night tickets and an invitation to the post-performance reception. ·~:·:~"' OPERA STAf\S Headin~ the cas t of tht• opera "Susannah·· at Orange Coast Coll(·~e are <from left> Edward Robin. Deborah Aston. J <trk Grubisht·h ;md 1knt·l'ling 1 Jefferv Berns tein Artworks displayed at college An exhibition of monoprint s a nd lithographs by painter and watercolori s t Joseph Raffael comes to the Fine Arts Gallery at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo Thursday through March 26. Raffael, a resident of Northern California, gathers much of his inspiration and subject matter from the woodlands and pastor al settings surrounding his home. A reception fo r the artist is scheduled at noon on March 9 at the gallery. For information concerning the exhibit call Saddleback's box offi ce at 831 -4656 or 495-2790. o~ p l-~..i...------------"----1 Use the Daily Pilot "Fast Result" service directory. Your service is our specially Call 642-5678 ext 322 N~Wt' ~Al~Y A I E · At A Six ine omes M•riel Hem•nV"f!Y PE.-.uL BEST (RI 12:30 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 I' rn A~,.,,,,.,_ I I •N:.. l'~.t' J~j809~~f>1omm Dl•n• Kealon In SHOOT Tl41E llOON (RI 12:15 2:•0 5:10 '7:•0 .. 10:05 STADIUffi tl Scuzczn Otil.:cz-ln co ll 6J9 8770 ~~ Revolutionery Cone-Fi Sound ••wAM(M• .... , ............... 1t .,.&M _, ................ , ... ....... " .......... .... ... _.. ...... _, ... t..119 .. Kate Jac:k1on MAKING LOVE (R) History Of The World •!Bl I Muhammad A lo BODY ANO SOUL (RI Plus! Ghost Storv IRI c:::c:=:::::=:: , I c=~:c:·•:c:::::ntA="-1!=~1:::::::1,_c:'ll SHAAKY'S lllACHINIE ( R ~A~~ AllTHUll (POI &. 3rd Hill 8u1t1n• Loose (R) ~~ There's A Lot Being Said About MAKING LOVE ·-... ~(1-'(>o~ Magic " ... eve ry piece of magic and skill has been used to free our imagination, to let it soar ." -Sheila B ePUON, WS ANGELES TIMBS Exclusive Or•nge County Eng•ge!"ent ....._ds SOUTH COAST PU%A RW• TOWM CINTM MH-rwY.AYHtlfOl 751 J184 ACIOH N0M '-C. P\AIA ltOTa ""t COSTA-A Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special •2.99 ••IA It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp. our crispy fish nllet, plus fryes, slaw f, hushpuppiesl Shrlmply delicious! • *BARGAIN' MATINRRS • Mond1y ttlru l1turd1y All Performance• before 5:00 PM (Eue,t ...... ( ............ IM H~ayt) I A U olo A ' .. ,_.,.,! Muooo 0 1 to1ec1on1 LA MIRADA WALi< IN •••·2•00 ---..... -··MAKING LOVE .. 1111 ·--- ..... M Y.-:• -=---r°"9a ~ ""THE AMATEU.. .. fll .~ ... ,...... ... ___ ...... "RAIDERS OF THE LOST AIUl"1 ---·~-~-'"',...,. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN ......... ___ _ "oR GOLDEN PONO" -··~•, 1:11, ..... t;•. 1*itt -c: -" -..,.,.,., ··TAPS"-,., ... 1=-,1.-.e:-.- LAl<EWOOO CENTER SOUTH WAlK IN. Focully Al Del Nno 211/6M-t211 --·--1 'RAIDERS Of THf LOST AflK",..j .•. _ ................. "' --· .. OEATl4 WISH II" f'l 'a:-.:•••• .... , ... ....,_....,. .. ro•-10uw-. .. CAHNUn ROW" -1~-=------·~ Focully al Condlewooo 21J/131·9110 "REOS"Polll ,_., .. _ ~ owntlM Uft .M(X.,. "MAKING LOVE" 1111 1r--•l'Al..t:M ... 9-••• --.... --'"CHARIOTS M '"'l" -' .,.__..,, ....... $0..,111 C.00 11 ltlwo.- ot l1oodwoy 494-1514 -c: IM)OTT·· -...,.,.. .. TAl'S" "l *".,.., ..... .. MT ...... tltM -... 1.tM.• IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllORfN UNOfR 12 fRU! ""'"' 1of Wll ... M ... l~lu fh 5 30 • $11 Sun Heh4·30 ,II (jljf..f1 SOU100 • 'IOUll AM CM MDCI IS 'IOUll SlfMER 1 f HO NA CM llAOOO Wlllt lllHITIOll 'ICCl$SOllY POSITOI --All l'OlnMU I• AU CllE-f1 DIWMIS Pl Iii NA IWJll ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ft•••oy fl o• l•mon St 179·9150 ...... ___ ._,., ··wiNOWALKER" --.. 9"0NOOBIUY"- c1111. ft SOUND 9Uf ... PA Ill BUENA PARK Ull lVf IH llftCOlft ... Weol Of Kn<>" 12ht070 9UffliA P A'-'~ LINCOLN DRIVE·IN unco•n A'IJf We., ot Cnolt I 121·4070 Ei.lllf ilP"I Son D<eoo ,,....., 01 l•OOlllluno (lo ) 962·2411 t\I 'V .... ,qi.' Hl·WAY 39 Dll lVf IN C:MMUll~­ "0£ATH WISH II" t'lt ....... ·THE BURNING" t'll Cllj( ii SOUllO 11 ACAaDnA'ww ..-,.Tiiiiie- ··REOS" "' -··PROPHECY" - CtNt h W>UfllO .,... .... .,,.. .... , ................ "VICE SOO.O" flt -"HAROCOf'E" "' --IM CATWMOl-"MAl<IHQ LOY£" 1111 "'ua "HISTOftY OF THE ~LD ~ARTONE"1111 -~·-· .. 0£ATl4 WISH II" fll -··TffE BIMNINO" 1111 Cllif fl SO\lltO ko(ft 8'¥0 So ol Golelen GICl'lt l1etway 191·3693 ... __ --I -c -" 'l"MmllllWn'OW "ON OOU>IN '°"°'. -.. TAPS" -...... I .._,. 'Tl4E ELECTRIC HORSEMAN" '"' "MODERN PROBLEMS" - Cflj( "IOUtlO --f#·-.-.. CHRISTIANl F ... fl! -"OEATl41Ht~""' Clllt ft SOUllO • 1-4 j,fi .. A LA HABRA OlllV( IN -....... _,_..__ "THE AMATEIM" 111 -··tou'THERN COIU<MT" 111 Clllt fl SOUllO ... ___ _ .. OH OOlOt:.N l'OHO" -----ft-.. -a..., .. -• ..,..... ELECTRIC HORSUUN" 17MM2 -- ~ .. •; .. ORANGE DlllVI IN )<)1110 ~"" ,...., •Joo,. con ... 551·7022 .. ,.._,.. ... __ ......,._ ··va~'" ... ~ .... ... ,.. ... . ... MISSION 0~·1v I 1N . .·· ._ ..... .._ ...... ._ .... ,......._._, .. ....._ "TMI AMA TIU.-" "1 -"tolfrHDN COWO..T· ... ...a.T-·---"-.oeT ITORV" fll -·'1Y9UNM(·· ... --.. -IL W Mn» Y COUMYO -"'°"'9U MAYA 7·"' 00"9 .... .. , . . ~'tH £1'10 ~ llllyNat 8~ -1'-(}, UC Irvine tangles 0 ~ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1982 (.) with Utah State ..... ~ as PCAA tourney 0 CAVALCADE 82 ·~ ~ COMICS ~ 83 ~. ~c begins tonight, 86. STOCKS BS ---/969. . Third World nations Pesticides big pro~le~ • • ID · ~arm worker~ suffer from poisoninp By DAVID L. LANGFORD pesticide sales reported by 34 ._ ..... ""-wnw U.S. companies last year. GUAMO, Colombia -The · And in developing nations, birds are only tourists here in where a\Jthorities say farmers the farmlands or the Magdalena often appl)' up to 30 times as Valley, they say. visitors from m uch pesticide as they need, th.e- the 8 r e e.n s 1 opes or the highly toxic powders and llqulds s urrounding Andes Mountains are peddJeq and handled Uke so where the crop dusters don't fly. much sugar and honey. "You must go to Guarno and Gildardo Vega and his friend see what has happened," Dr. Carlos Ballestro, 38, a mechaJ\ic Je~us Hidrobo, a worried who repairs pesticide s praying watcher o r h is cou ntry's equipment,tellofaweddingina environment, had said back in village near Gl.l'amo where the Bogota at the N a t ion al guests. drank rainwater caught University or Colombia . in a discarded pesticide barrel. · The road to Guarno climbs two Seven people died within a week. m iles high and th en drops and In Bangkok, Thailand, last twists on a harrowing three-hour summer , 300 schoolgirls were run. peasants coax laden burros hospitalized after they drank a l o Jl g t h e r o a d s id e . fruit drinks made with sugar Brightly-painted buses jammed packed in a DDT sack. with· people race into the blind In t he Chaco province or curves side by side with tank northern Argentina, agriculture t rue ks m arked · · Peligro. · · officials say, Catalino Alfonso Danger. · sprayed his cotton field just On the lower slopes, banana bef ore a rain came. The trees begin to appear, shading insecticide washed in to a t he coffee trees that provide sluiceway his family used to Colombia's chief export, $2.36 collect drinking water. His two billion a year . daughters, Ester and Mabel, Al Giradot, the highway died. · crosses the Magdalena River T h e W o r l d H e a Ith and str aightens o ut across Organization estimates that at broad, open fields or cotton and least 500,000 people around the rice, 75,000 acres or each that world gel sick from exposure to produce two crops a year in this pesticides each year, resulting tropical climate where the in 5,000deatbs, mostly the result seasons don't change. of careless handling of the toxins At first glance, it could be the by farm workers. Mississippi Delta or South The dilemma is that pesticides Florida. It is flat, hot and still. are necessary in a world where, The air ~meUs of' bug poison. according to most estimates. 500 "If you see a bird, it is a million people don't get enough tourist bird," Hidrobo had said. to eat, strains of insects and "If it stays around long it will be mites that have deve loped dead like the others." · resistance to poison doubled Gildardo Vega, a 32-year-0ld from 182 in 1962 to 364 in tin farm worker, confirms what the and malaria and 'Other lnsect- p r o r es so r had sa id . He borne diseases a r e on t he remembers a happier valley, rebound. before the fumigation planes The crop d·usters were quick to arrived. take to the air with malathion "Twenty years ago, people when the Mediterranean fruit fly could live off the land," Vega returned to Ca lifornia and says. "There were monkeys, Florida last summer. deer, quail." caiman, armadillos And in the Guanacaste region and -rabbits. You could go down or Costa Rica, farmers are and throw a net in the river and mixin g l eth a l pesticide get a dozen fish . Now it is "cocktails" of DDT, toxaphene. empty~ endrin a nd parathion and "I could wake up and hear the sprayina their crops 10 limes as song of a bird. Now I hear an often as they did just five years airplane." ago, government orriciaJs say. Jn the struggle for s urvival Still, little is known about the against pestilen . man long-.range -effects of man's invented pes · i e . In the ex posu r e to low levels of ...___.,...__..-&->~..&..<; ... , a V a e y a n1-1d~-1>p~e>&slui~eH:idteet-:-. --------- elsewhere in the Third World, he "Frankly, the research is still is still trying to learn to use it. in the twilight zone," says Doug As bugs begat "super bugs" Costle, who was head or the resi s tant to the known Environmental Protection pesti c ides, more p otent Agency under President Jimmy chemicals came on the market Carter. following World War II, up to Here in Guarno, Dr. Marco F. 1,000, many evolving from the Micolta. 62, has been leading a nerve toxins developed by the "doctors revolt " ~a ins~ the Nazis. Some were round to cause indiscriminate aerial spraying cancer, birth defects, nerve or pesticides s ince the crop disorders or sterility and are dusters began arriving in the now banned or strictly regulated mid-1950s. He says 60 or the in the United States. region's 20,000 residents died of But the United States and DDT poisoning between 1954 and other industrialized nations still 1956. fr eely e~po rt banned or Micolla, who estimates he has restricted pesticides such as personally treat ed 8,000 cases of DDT . en d r in . die l d r in . pesticide poisoning, reported to heptachlor and 2,4,5-T to the the Tolima Ministry or Health Third World countries which that in the early 1970s, 16 have little means. of controlling c hildren were born at the their'USe. Exports accounted for hospital in Guarno with cleft one -fourth of the $4. 7 billion in palates, or split lips, including POISON IN THE AIR Children play at tl'lf.; entruncc to thc.•ir home in Guarno. where farm workers and their fa mtlics who Uve near rields can't escape the effects of a~rlul spraying One locttl doctor has treated 8.000 <'al\es of p~stlcide poisonlnlit in the ;arect. ., I ., DEADLY CARGO Engines arc left running anc1 propt•ll(•rs often spra~· poison il)to workers-fac·c·s ''hen crop dusk r airpl:..ine:-. land to n ·f1ll t<1nks with pe~tic 1dc· <JI t he• Fan ·a six in six months in late 1973 and early 1974 . There would be others. with the latest victim born in November 1980. " "The mothers didn't show any signs or poison ing, but had handled pesticide early in their pregnancy." Micolta says. According to the Colombian Arg ic ulture Institute , 24 diHerent pesticides containing a mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T , the key ingredients or Agent Orange. were ·being sprayed in this area. In all , Colombia permits the use of more than :rJC> or opinion on whether a product is hazardous or not," says Jack D. Early . president or the National Agricultural Chemicals Association. "It really comes down to what we face in this country -the benefit-risk equation -and each country s hould make its own decision." The U.S. Stale Department echoes that philosophy. "I think our basic orientation ls that every nation is sovereign ana has a right to make its own decision," says Sue PaUerson or the ~late Department's omce ol "In two or three days , they stdrt shou»-ng the symptoms.'' · different pesticides, including many banned or restricted in the United States. Five days before he Jert the White House, Carter signed an executive order restricting .the export of hazardous products. The order was recommended by an inter-agency task force that had spent 21,? years looking into a controversy surrounding the overseas dumping o f s uch products as Tris-treated clothing and the unregistered pesticide leptophos that killed 1,000 water buffalo and several peasants in Egypt. Within a month, President Reagan lifted the order. saying it was excessive governmental interferen ce in commercial affatrs. "It comes down to a difference Environment and Health. "Safety is not an absence of hazard ... s ays Fred~rick J . Rarig, a vice president of Rohm & Hass, a Philadelphia-based industrial and agricultural chemicals com pany. "Safety is an acceptable level of hazard." The problem in the Third World lies largely in careless handling , the misu s e a nd overuse of pesticides and a lack of government controls. "To control the pesticide companies you need to be as strong in money as they are," says Naty Vega, head of Costa Rica's two-year-old pesticide commission. "We can't check them because we don't have the peop le or th e l abor atory facilities." As an example of the type of DUITIR AT WORK A crop d'1stcr s prays fields around un inhablte~ thatched hut in Gullmo The World Hculth Organi'zatlon estimates thut at least 500,000 pcoplt1 worldwide get sick from pesticidl' l'x1>0sure eu<'h ~·eur. resulUn~ in 5.000 dettths. . · • -~-.......... fumigation airport · outside Guf:lmo. Colombi<J Empt~· {'ont <1i nt•r:-. pik llll on l'itllllh . ll'aklrt.I! lt•thal prn~o11 onto lht· gro und abuses she would like to curb, Ms . Vega points out that crop dusters are paid by the amount of pesticides they s pread. "If a pilot has half a tank left. they sometimes just dump it, in a lake or in the forest ." she sa ys. Many farmer s i n Latin America still use "bandelleros," peons with flags who stand in the field to mark the spot for the plane to make its next pass. Leila Solorzalo, who for seven years has been head nurse at a Ministry or Health clinic in Cana, Costa Rica, says she sees two or three cases of pesticide poisonings a day during the months of heavy spraying. "The farm worker will keep the same clothes on for several days," she says "He will sit down at noon in the middle or a sprayed field and eat the food he has brought with him in a pail. "Even though they 've been told to wash their hands and their rlothes. they don't bother until they get sick. In two or three days they start showing th e symptoms dizziness. vomiting, headaches. s pasms." Here in Guarno. Julio Rivera is a health inspector for the state of Tolima. Once a month, he rides his bi cycle five miles along a dirt road to ins pect the two fumigation airports in his charge. The road winds pa s t open-sided thatched huts of the campesinos . many wearing white Panama hats with wide 'black bands a nd machetes in leather sheaths strapped to their waists. Women and children with long car)vas sacks work in the fields , picking cotton by hand. On this day at the Farca furn igation a irport outside Guarno, Rivera found dozens of empty pesticide cont ainers piled on the ramp, some leaking poison onto t he concrete, a violation of regulations that could bring a SlOO fine. Workers quickly brought up a truck and began cleaning up the mess. None wore gloves or other protective clothing, another violation. A plane landed and kept il.s engine running while a worker plugged in a hose to refill its t a nks with pes t icide. The propelle r ranned a s pray of ·poison into thewurk'ers ' faces. Luz Tovar, 27. lives on a side s treet in Guarno with her hus band, Pablo. 31. a clerk in a judge's office. The youngest of their trr ee children. Pablo. was born in November with a split hp ··A truck would go by in the street and pull up next to the ho use ." Mrs . Tovar recalls. "They would stick a tube in the house and spray with some sort of insecticide. They didn't tell .us anything about getting out of the house." ··About three hours afte r Pablo was born. they brought him in for me to see him," she says "He was in the arms of a nurse. The doctor had already told me he had been born with a s plit lip. but when I saw Pablo I was shocked. "I cried and cried all night." SPRAY VICTIM l.u7. Ton.II' holds hl'I' son. P llblo. hnm with a l'll>li\ lip "Thry would stick u tubt• in the.• homll' and spruy with ~omc.• sort of insectiri<k." l'luys the molh<'r', who sui<t l'lhr was "Shocked .. whl'n :-<he saw ht•r son. .... .. . I • • ' • • I I ' . ' • I t .. II • i Orange CoHt DAJL V PtLOTIWednHd1y, March S, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •HERBCAEN · •HOROSCOPE I , J &u n collec io~ triggers -relatlVe's • I DEAR ANN LANDERS: M\' sister has two sons) 10 und 12 ~·cars of a~e . Her hus l}al'd wns in the Ma rines. Thl'ir hom e is filled ~ith ~un. . toy as well as the reltl ones. I am worrlt•d sick that one of these duys someone will mistake• a real (!Un for a to~· and a t nt(;!ed~· wi II result. The~· sa~· 1 · m Cl'UZ\' With a ll the killings last ~·ea r a n d attempted assassinations b~· nuts. wh~· is n't somethini! being <lone to crack d own nn the eas\' access to h ancl(!uns ·.• \ M\' s ister a nd her husband SU\' all bo,·~ s hould be raised with guns so lhl'~: will bt; a part of their li\'CS. What is your opinion" WATSON\'ILLE MY DEAR WATSOS: Guns ar<' for killing. Why s hould killing be part or a"'·one's life? What can be done about lht• nuts who alread~· have guns is a serious proble m . But we can and mus t d o something .about the sale of "Satu~a y night s~cials," those pa1m·size killers that can he 1>Urchased over countt•rs like a KEEPER OF LUMMIS LEGEND ·Oudl(·~ Gordon. in fron t of the Lummis house in Lo:- A n~eles. has s pent the last .io .n•;Jl':- researching and writing atxlut tht• exl'it ing and acl\'enturous life of Ch aril's F Lummis. :1 packagt" of rl~arellt"s. no questions asked -or in almost an~· pawnshop. Thl'y also ~lill\ be ordert>d tl1rough tht> mail by an~·ont> who has the pric~" What is needed ls a stronl( federal gun law. The stale laws aren't working. Th.-se recent figures are enouJh lo make an .\merican hide-his head In shame. 1980 llANDGt1N DEATHS JAPAN 48 GREAT BRITAIN 8 CANADA 52 ISRAEL58 SWEDEN 21 WEST GERMANY &2 l'NITED STATES 10.7~ DEAR A'.'lN LA~DE RS : l'n•. bt'l'n goin~ with this lo!irl for sh; months. Sht• is 17. nr~· prett~-. plent~· mixed.up a nd unmotin1l<.'d. Sht' sa~·s. "I'll ne\'l't' mak(• ii Ill lilt• rm a lost•r .. Wt•,·t• clom• a lot of talking. anc1 s h1.1 lw s a terri hit-g 1·uc1 gt• aga i nsl hl' r pa rt•nt:- ht•t· <1 use l ht.·~ didn't PiJ.\' (•nough altt'nlion .. ~ ......... friend of pn•s icknts and fa m ous painters Lum mis. who onC'<.' workt•cl a:-. t hl' Lo:- .\nJ'!el('s tit~· librarian. is trecf itl.'d h~· t he Sout hern Califnrnia Historkal S<ir1N\ ''ith s a\·in g four mbsions from cien1_,., · Cancer: Success~---due Thursda~·. Marc h I ARIES (:\'tareh 2 1· .\pril l!l 1 Tr a nsa<"I ion i:-t·ont' l u<lt-d pro1wrt ~ ~etttrit ,. and mathitwn~ l'Ottlcl ht• 1m nlH·d You 'll . hrt'ak lrom i)as t pattern-.. and poltc 1es Opt 1011:-. an• 01wn 'mi"ll lw mon· in<lc.•pendcnt h\ j..(l'lling to ht•arl of rnatll'l'S TAl'Rl1S 1 April 20-!\fo_,. 201 .\c.·<·t•nl on relalin•s. e;.i lls. s p et'ial r<.'q ut•sts from persons ir1 trans it Famil.' mt'mht1 r drsC'usse:-a rw~I t.•gg Firs t 1mpre:-.s ion:-. pro\·e corn·c.·t intuition 1s on targt.•I lncitndual who lauiaht. ault'd in past. will he hatk on sc.·t•nt' GEMINI 1 !\'ta,· 21-Junt• 20 1 · Finandal opportunities com.t• from s urprise sm1n·es. You'lt ha,·e l'hancC' to expand horizons. to clis ph1~· \·ersatilit~· and lo obt ain material t h a t p r c \' i o us I y \\' a s u n a ,. a i I a h 1 l' Sag ittarius and anotht'r Gemini pla~ 1 m port ant roles C'A~CER 1 J une 21-Jul\' 221 : You s ue· ceed on "seC'ond effo r t ... Past errors an• corrected. ,·ou n'build on solid hasl' and attr act ne\\· a llies. Accent on <"l'<.'ali' it'. cha nge. \·ariet~-. s pecial appearanc.·c.•s and the location of articles that had ht•t•n lo:-1 missin~ or stolen LE 0 I .J u I~· 2 3 ·Aug 2 2 1 Seer C' I maneu\·er that uppear eci to backfin.• will actuallv work in ,·ou r fa\'or You're ablt• to anal\'ze mo\'('s. to stuch · confident!al data and 'to gain ac1nrntage. nn•r C'Ompetition Aspect s arc exce ll ent for mt•dta appearances VIRGO I Aug. 23·Sept. 221 ~ Emphasis on pleasure principle. renewed domes I il- POT SHOD BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT WHAT, YOU TOOi , I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ON E WITH T'MOUGHTS A N D FEELINE.S. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA h a r mo n .'· . a h 1 I t t ~-I n f u I fi 11 h opt' s . a s p i r a t i o n s R u s i n t• s s t.' n t t• r p r i s <.' o r 1nn•s1 ment that had bet•n dormant will gain nt'\\ l<.-ast.• on lifl· Finant'ial pictun• 1mprm·cs Tattt'tb. Lihra. Scorpio person:-. pla~ kt·~ rolt•s LIBRA 1 Sept 23·<kt 22 1 Tt•rms wil I ht• ctC'fined . m nli\·es c·om t• into fo<"us. Emphasis on C.'art•t•r . prcstigt•. <.'Om munit.'· prnjerts and ('amaraderie with t•mplo~·l·r. prnfrssional ~u1)('rior Goss ip. falSl' rumnt's will he exp<>Sl'd You 'll lwnl'f1t a s result promotion C"ou lcl ht• tn sight SCORPIO «>rt. 23·'.\in,-. 21 1 .\l'C'ent on p roclu<"tion. long-range• poliC'it~s. possiblt· tra\·l'I plcm and m<.•thocl of rommuniraling in meanin~ful. gt:aphic mann(•r. You'll be dealing with praC'tical pl'opk• who demand n•sults. not l'xc·uses . Oispla~· etbilit~· 111 handle responsihilt t ~· · SAGITTARll'S ( '.\:o\". 22 !kl' 211 , You obtain factual dat<1 c·ont'l'rntng ensb. in \'estm cnt pott•ntial and financ·i;tl status of professional assodatl's A~s 1gnrnen t or pro1ect needs adci it ion al work : rl'linqu is h outmoded procNlures. Aries natin· pla~·s ke~· role. · CAPRICORS (Del'. 22·.hln. 191 · You l'Olllci gt•t new d(•al. Contrnct or agreement m i g h t b e r e n l' g o t i a t e cl . F o t' u s o n in<ic pende n('t'. ori(!in a lity. break from past and a bility to c~tt through red ta pe . Y'ou fj?ct to heart of m•Hters. me m ber of oppositt• sex exprt>sscs \'iew in dynamic manner. . . AQUARIUS < J a,n . 20·F eb. 181: Time is on ~·our side pluy waiting game . Somt' p erson s a tt e mpt to chide you into pre mature stt1 rt . action. K~y no\\' is lo f o c us o n basic c h o r es. r u I cs a n·d regulations . safet~· 'measur es. Streamnnc S('r\'ices. correct tect;mical errors . PISCES <Feb. 19·March 201 : Focus nn · s ignificant ,chanEteS. deC'isions associated with ('rcath·e pro.iects. agreements in\'ol\'ing m ember of opposite sex. Rarrier t o progress is removed. lonl{·dls tance communication fh11nes green liflhl fo r tra n~l. publis hinl(. education . r .. to h~r when ~hl• was growin~ up. H (.•1· fa ther ll'an!lcd a Lol and hc1· mother ,,·:.rs hus~· with hl'iditl' and b(.•aut~· shops. She 1:; in thcnrp~· now. hut doesn't lik(• her dol·tor a nd sa~·s he is n 't hl'lpinJ! Whal <·un I do " "R tCK . . . DEAR RICK: Urge her to 4'lwilc:h to another therapist. Munwhile, rt"mind hc•r to acce pt responslbllU~· for herself. Man~ people sut'ceed'ln life in spit<• of parenting. U ~·ou don't helleve me. look a round. l'.''t•balls . So I clo I lw lll'sl I <·•rn with gla:. ... r:-. ancl am lha 11kf11l to God I <·:m st-t>. Sorot· pt•nple don't know what ·s important in lift· P lt·asc· lt•ll tht·rn F'O ~f) Ol' I.:\(' HHIDE DEAR A!'l~ LA'.'lOERS Al a lun<"hl•on ~ eslC'rda~·. I O\ l'rhearct som l' womt•n talking ahout "those dumh bl'iciC's .. who takt~ weddin).( 1m·tun•s with _,,w11· gl;1sst•:- on I felt l ike b utting into tht•ir ('On\'ersC:ttion a nd te lling th(•m ;.i thin).( 01 I\\ o. hut I dictn·t han• the• nt•n ·t• So I'm lt•lling off stciam h_,. writing to ~·m1 DEAR FO~ I): Ob\·iou'h. ~ ou :otft· lhinl(!. otht-r ' d on't. Tha n k' for tb1· tt ~··· -opem· r. 'f'l'nd1my 1111111 lm ls n/>'1111 t/11• /(11'1.'i "' 1f11· t·<111 hi' ens11 nr c11rk1t'<lrrl .l1111 Lmu/1•r.~· h1111~·/~t 111111' \\'/wt ·muf \Vlle11 111 T!'lf Y11111 C11i1<1 \h1111t S1•1· t'f/11 'f>t'lf tJ11· <fill1•r1•111·,· Sv11rl ,111 I happen to be one ol thost' "d11mh hrides·· and. hcli(•\'C ml'. I \\ould nrndt rat ht•r han.• perfect \'ision I t an 't \\'t•a r tontaC't IC'nst•s hecuu~t· of lht• shapt• of m.' (' (' II I \ Cl/ 11 II If II' I /// (J / 11 II $1 '\ f Cl Ill/) I' r/ ~('/I C1drln•:o.!wrl ('111 i'lr1111· 1nt/1 1111111 t>l'(/111'\I ,!,. 1\1111 l..a11da., /I < J /111.r I l!tfli ('/11co1111 (II lillli // • Tourist's vtews THANKS TO TOM Room''" who rt•ads a n<f'lltlips l'\·er~·thing. w e C'an °ll'll you that N ig uel Buxton. lra\'el editor of' the London Sunda~· Telt•gra ph. has bN•n louring the L' S .. with m ixed feelings mixed He is \'er~· good on. California w11w:-.. whirh h e sa~·s a r e. ~·l'S ... , l'r~ good ind el'd ... w he reas ":"-Jt•\\ York s liill' 'C'hampagnc.·· ought t o he used onl~· with caut ion for was hing the ear .. Buxton likt•s Los :\ngel t•s ··the <irt•a is oftC'n s mog ·frt•t•· and "the J . P aul Gt•tt.' Museum in Maltbu IS more (•nio~·ablt• than h a lf tht' museum s tn Europl'.. hut San P.ran('tsco C'Omes off less well ERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO and '.\1rs .. J am<·~ c;1asl·r ;1t1l'ndl'd thl• Dem L u<·ast>s' part' \\'hat 1h1.·' ;1n· 110\\ 1-.. an~ lx>d~ ·s g u1.·"' Our town has "a wonclrous ,:-ettmg. hut js itself neither as beautiful nor as eteg;rnl as the Americans pretend. and. hesid<.•s i1 :- good r itizC'ns . t0ntains a sizahlt• eolll'clio11 of renwrkahl.' na·st~· pt•oplt• Whl·rt· drug-ridden ·ga~· ltherat1onis t:-' tan marC'h a tho usand strong ii is no use.• pn•tt•nciing that the sc·ene is all quaint t·ahll' cars and great \·iew~ o l t he· ha~"· Takinc cr it icis m in st r ick is our Ion)! s t11t . hut I find a bit of a non st•quitur lht'rt' .. O~I.,\' I~ )1.\RI;\" '' ·'" 1l·d1ou""' "' onh -111-S F . hu1 -..1t1 l ;11 SI l-..ab1.•lla ' :-.th.ool in Tl'rri.J l.1111.la. f1r~1 !.!racier Kl.•d11 P ugh. l'i. was :iskc•d h.' 1\·;11.·ht•r '.\1arilyn · L~ nth what ht·" ants to du \\h1.·n lw J,!rn\\:-. up · I \\ ;,rn t 111 "or k I 11 r 1 h 1.• D 1:-.11 l'' Corporal 1011." lw n·pl11·d l>l·t·athl' I 11\\ n. parl ol ii in .... 1m·k' .\ml al lht• B:1<·1d 1 St"honl h.1ndl•rgarll'll 111 Kt•11tf1t'ld. Tl'aeht•r Ral' P.11ldcwk npt•m•d a <·;rn ·of g rape· tlll<'l' fnr fl\ 1· 'r o ld F.llen '.\food.'. who took ;1 o.;1p ..... m;1l'kl'd hl·r It~~ and s aid. ":\hhhh B\' l'alll'rrwt ·77 •" Qllfilf AS LONG AS we." rt• p u tting down C'ilies. Ron Wren suggests tha t C'ambriclgt•. YI a ss . ho mt• nf mighty llan·arrl. t"an challengc> Chico as gourmt•t t•<1p1tal of thl• <.·ou ntn -. :\I a \'ercii llaC' I Bou r<lt·~ux 1 wine-tasting in et Ca mhrid gt• lloward .Johnson .S f' 's lfl'nn· \';mclenoort Ill. lht• importe r asked that· a {'b1.•t•st• .. not too s harp. fair!~· bland" IX' s<•rn'<I hl't Wt'l'n tas tings. :\ few mmutt•s lal1.•r. a wailt't· plared befor e (.'<ll'h t'Xpt•t1 a d 1:-h Of c·ottagt• cheC'S<' By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna.Beach 0'1Wr\RD: Good Pell'!' S u ssm an pho ned tht' <hkla nd '.Vfusl'Unl to protest its C:tl'CeptanC"e of a ga r mt•rit from ~ann Reagan an Aciolfo "lmmg<.• suit.. onl~ to h e told b' a huff,· stafft•r that ":\'tr:-. Reagan ii; u famous C 0 aliforn1an marril'd to a famous Californian We also han' E arl Warren's s hirt '"Is that a nother sc.·oop" HERE'S THE l'.'lCOMPAR:\BLE Otw of so<.'iet\' columnists. Anne Germain iif tht• Mon tere~· Penins ula Herald . tm·cring the party scen e a t The Crosh~·: "Thl• Obatds· guests includl'd the E n zo CeC't'ones (Sarah Cole ma n 1 w ho an• putting up with Sarah':-mothet~. the DuC'hl'ss of ;\iant ht•stt•r .. Aul ,iu st barcl~"' Anne 's <"aption und(•r a photo of a finC'·looking couple : "Tht.• former Mt· Cl1SJ ( .. ~,_ .... ~,.,.­ ''I'm coming out. I don't want to see any preppies lurking around." t .GORIN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. West deals. NORTH •7f2 Ii:' AQ.110 0 J983 • 83 WEST EAST • ll • 9 Ii:' t1e532 <::;1 1( 84 O 1' 0 A ll Q toe +llHZ +Q915 SOUTH • AQJIOUO <::7 V.W OU •AIU The blddlOf: Wet& N_..Eut ._. r .. r .. 'I ot 4 • , ..... ,_ Openln1 *d: S.ven of 0 . Man1 ptOPI• laaw a 1"1df" lq rnpen for &M eoa man. Al tM llrtdp uWt. ht le ofte• Y.....ted. llere't OM la acUoe. TM~ It of oa17,._. inr fn..,..t. Eut t..lcl a eouncl opealns Md and Sou&h bid wi.& t.. thourht lie cou.ld .u •. w.-led Ilia t.op diamoed. East won the t.en and con- t inued with the king and ace. Declarer ruffed 1¥ith Che ten of trutpps and West sluffed a club! Declarer was convinced that the !Ung of apades wat to hi.a right. Since he wanted to get to dummy to take the trump fineue in tue Eut held a guarded king of 1padea. declarer conceded a club. Eut won and continued with t"e queen of dlamonda. and now Weet overruUed with hia king of trump• for a on•trick .. t . Perba,,. 7ou don't fuU7 ap- precia te Weat'a bit of laruny, but let ua looJ( at what happened at the other table in the team mat.di from which thl• band wa1 taken. Hen. too. the contnct •u four.,... and here, ioo. th. defenden at.arted wllla three round• of diamond•. However, thJ1 dme when d9Clarer ruUed, W Ht over· ruffed with the kins and 1hlf\ff to a dub. . 'Ded&nr won the ~ of ....... ~ .. clubs and drew the outstand· ing trump with th~ace of spadea. Now declarer crou· ed to dummy by leading the t hree oftrumps to the six. On the ace of hearts he discard· ed a club. and then led the queen of hearts for a ruffing finesse. Eaat covered with the king and declarer took care to ruff with a high trump. He re-entered dummy by leading the four of trumps to t he seven and disposed of bis remaining club loaer on a high heart. So declarer ended up with t.en trieka. losing 01ll7 two diamond• and a trump. Baw7"he8,....._a... te dHltle trHltltT Lt& ClautffGena .... ,_W ,.... •• y....._. ... _ el DOU.LES 1er.,1aaldte _. ler eakull&. Fer a..., el Me DOtJaLES \ukaM. .... H.81 .. ~.0 ... 11:(,• ......................... ... Ill, ~ ........ N.J . ..,.... .......... ...... .. New"''"'''h , '1 THE fA~llLt' c1aca:~r "/{\ommy, if I ever get tattooed, where woold you like to be on me?" -'.'IARMADLKt: by Brad Anderson ~ 3-J (>19U\Jl'\ft.oJHMtS~t' 1nC "If you hit Marmaduke with a snowball, he hits you with a BLIZZARD!" ® E 0 0 0 llOO~ ll l ' LLI NS ACROSS I Ragout 5E~ 9Cut t4 Nol on 1ape 15 USSR city 16 POftuguete city 17 Second 18Footblllef 20 Encitded 21 F..-. enlrnll 22 Awn 23\Jtttrtr 25 Loci! 49 Tafe 51 Sapience 54 Moltusll 58 Headwear fof Sandy 60 Town: Du\ch 61 Project TVEIOAY'I PUZZLE SOL vtD 63 -·I-ling I ~r...~ifrti:ofrtilrtc:lilliilil 64 Pent 65 Willi 88 Heraldic bMflng 87 Dobbin ea Dlll!Wt> 69Contt~ 27 Bird DOWN I , 29 Cutting toot 30 ,.. drink l °'°"" ' " f 34 Wood ' 2 Shinbone 19 Abject 41 Friend 36 TIWMd 3 All over 24 frlcil ewnt 48 Atlllt 38 ··c.11 Me 4 Oelnper 2t Enfor~ 48 Homeltteder .. 5 P9ddetd 28 Ser~ city 49 Rhyme 31 Post·tAnt dO: a Running w4ld 30 0tt1C1 so C.1ty a wordt 7 PolltJcal 31 OIMIOnd·llk• S2 <:i.. or 42 &poule e¥tnt: 32 8utden Clw• 43 eon.Mleflon 2 woro. 33 OoYt eo••· S3 Sidled 44 a-p1eoe1 a Poner 34 v.,,· Pr9f. 64 lnlertock 45 Oeb10t t Wrtnglee 35 G.8.S. 6S Prtpolltlon 4fC>no'1l'tllm: 10Ptlcll 37~ H"°'* Al*. I 1 V..... ment 57 W"'- 47 ~ 12 Eelltof'• WOfd ,. "°'* 5t 8Mf Of - ' 13 Eltwlle dMce 40 Goof a Cf9lk ,.. > ' • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y, March S, 1982 .. BIG Gt:OBGt: by Virgil Partch (VIP) PMNl:TI ·by Charles M. Schulz ..--------. "That's the most excltl"9 thl"9 l'ye ...,, on the tube this whole HHon!" __ __;. __ ;;::;;;;;.;;, __________________ ~~~ •I'M JUST GITTIN' RfAO'r' TO PLAY Al.ONG WHEN '1'0U START TO &OW 'rOUR CNJN HORN 1 ~ 1 2 3 4 14 HE HAO l'ttOMISEO TO TA~ \.tlllDA MAY TO OtNNER ! Wl-IE~ ~E OOT THElt£. s+IE ~Af> IN THE MR ~HERE ~HE'O MAOE QUITE A &CENE ! by Ferd & .Tom JOhf'ISOn J I §110[ ~~'~r<. I'M ie.rnNG '(OU ~N OUR P~1r-~~ ~ ... I INSISTON GIVING YOU A FREE SAMPLE OF OUR RUG CLEANER tT~ltY "1~8't~Rllt:A~ WELL, I'M ·NOT OPENING THE DOOR DEFINE ™E FOU..OWING : (3.) GONG UO BRABBLE WAA'f At.E l'M 1-.1 .. (, ~ 'b> 90\M(,, ML~uL 'fo ~~ ~ &o&'~ LE<. \'ff\ '1'EAC\.11NC, IOM fo et f 14DMINb ()l)CI( OR.SMOCK ' _J i I r I ! " "E COO\.O &f, <$ l.WAlVASl.E. ~9.>IS'fANcE. 'fo M .. J06 A'5 A 1'4Elll~,..Vf.R f{E.fvR1E.R ~ Ii'~ A (,RE.Al 10£.A 6£.CAV!>E. NCIC~ ~vE I\ ~A1\JOL SEM~E: C>r Q\REC'flON ! v:J Mj we Neec::> YOUR eeP, M~S. PINe ' NO, 1-r JUS"r Mf:ANS we Neec:::> YOUR eec:::>.' by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller c••_,_,,._ ... ~ I by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston 0 0 . . Orang• Cout D~ll Y PILOTfNednelday, Matoh 3, 1982. ·~ atson . tells of new era · in hfilldfug IY STSV& TalPOU ...... .,... ..... The bulldin1 and development industry la tattrin1 a new era wben the industry'• true proftulonala wlll be able to showcase thelr aJdlla by foeterlnc new methodl of development ~d flnanctna born durtna recent'economJc turbul~nce. He delivered th• fortcaat In • 1peech Tuesday to the BulldiiS' 1 Industry Alaociatlon of•Southern CallfomJa'1 an.re County Chtpt.er. Wat.sol aid the new e.ra will be quite dtrterent from what he called the "wheelll\J·detlin1. horse-driven era" of the pa.at. That'• the asaeaament or Raymond Walton, president ot the Newport Development Co. and former praldent ot \he Irvine CoA · That era was characterl&ed first by steady poat.war arowth, aided by euy llnancing, and later by a phenomenal 1rowth ot real estate values tbat Watson ~ult ••d• many builders end --··construct1on~­ av::= at Heritage Bank. • Rr.sldenllal Only Answer Page offers you ~II this: · COmmerclal Bulld ~ Taheout COminltrnen& required • California's largest paging agen( • lnexPfflslve-fess than 75¢ a day. · along with leases. • Wide-area COYeflQt-15,000 square miles. • A location near you. plus fie.d representatives at your beck and call. ,. • 24-hour service. We nMf sleep. • Free unlimited beep log, dellvefy and full maintenance. Conlact: ·Jdf Johnson • Quantity discounts. . Sotdh Orange CourMy/lrvlne 7141851-4050 Keec> In touch with home. office. answerif19 service. school. kids. babysitter, etc. Save time. oas and money. c.11..-,11r ......... llllll 1frll .. .....nt1on1 '1he better beeper': @) fl~Sl\IER ~[jE~ 731-7777 Call tolHree 1-800·252·9161. Or call lnf0tmaliofl r0< the Answer Page office nurt$1 yoo AQtrll IOf RIOto Rtlfy C«pofJllOft NOW MAKE· THE MOST OF REALEsTATE INVESTING AND TAx PLANNING. Announcing two important seminars·.for serious investors . The Real Estate Services Div1s1on ofSecumy Pacific Bank anJ the law finn of Davidsen & Marsen. specialms in real estate and tax law are holding two limited-attendance seminars on the expanded options available m ~u in real estate invescm~nt. •In-depth. • Innovative • Up-CO:the-mmute. SEMINAR t. INNOVATIVE TAX AND INVESTMENT PLANNING. a..:-----• -----..-'T1,.,.ax.,_,an.,...d investfuent planning to ctchieve your per- sonal investment objectives and reduce tax habiJicy. • Installment sales and tax-free exchanges.. • Income splitting potentials. • Full specrrum·of tax savings and estilte-building tools. SEMINAR 1 WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY. MARC H 9, 1982. 9 A.M. to 1:45 P.M. SEMINAR 2. THE REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE: CREATIVE INVESTMENT, TAX AND LEGAL PLANNING. • Real estate analysis and investment policy. • Real estate syndication. economics, risk and qual1cy assessment. • Real estate tax ~tanning. •Tax shelter aspects of real estate· sales, leasebacks. other tax planning techniques. •Changes caused by Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1982. SEMINAR 2 WILL BE HELD ON 1HURSDAY. MARCH 18, 1982. 9 A.M. co 1:45 P.M. All seminar sessions will be held at the South Coast Plaza Hotel in O range Councy. California. The fee for each seminar is $55, ind uding all seminar materials and the special luncheon at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. Actendance is limited, so enroll today by completing and mailing the enclosed application form. together with your check payable to Security Pacific Bank in the amount of $55 for one seminar or $100 for both. per person. You can also make your reservations by calling (213) 613-4259 or (71 4 ) 759·4173. _______________ .. _____________ _ SEND nus COUPON WITH CHECK FOR IMMEDIATE REGISTRATION- To: Richard E.G. Park. Vlce Prcsidenc & Divist0n Manager Real Estace Services Division H40-6 Securicy P:idf'ic Bank 333 South Hope Srtttt Los Angeles. CA 90071 NAME \. NM~ P'ICTITIOUS •USIN&SS NAMISTATUUNT Th• 1011owln9 per\ons ar• c:toln9 f>usln.nH: NA TIO NA L CO P Y CORPORATION OF SOUTHER ... CALIFOIUl1A, 3100 Alrw•y A-. .... Sull• 11', C«1• Mew, Callf0<n1a '26U. L.F , Sims, Inc., a Oetaw.,• corporellon, )100 Alrw•y Avenuei Sul1• 116. COlll Ml!Y, Calltornla .,.,., Tiiis buslntn II conducted by a corp0retlon L F Sim\. In< L.F. Sim\, PrHIOtnt Tiiis statt,,_I wM Iii.cl witll IM Covl!IY Clerk of Oranve County on Februerv 1. 1"2 ,.1a1• Publi\hlc:t Or-'""'' Daily Piiot, Feb 10, 11 .,., Ma<c,.3, 1'112 ... ,..i l'ICTITIOUS •USINEU NAME STAT&MENT Th~ 1011owln9 per.on\ a,.· oolno bU•IRH•H SUN COAST GE NERAL CONTRACTO~. 13117 p,.,., Pol<!le Drive. Sult• 100, Le9una Hiiis, Celltom la ml3 Sun Coa H D••elopment CO<potellon, • Cell*"la CC>t110'alion, 2l111 Pfau Polnl<t Drive. Suitt too. U9una Hills, Cellfomia .,..U Tiii• bU\ln .. • I• conc:tu"•c:t t>y • corPor•tlon Sun Coe\I Oeve._.,....,. Gorporatloll S«telMY Tiii\ Sl-1-1 WM file<! w ltll Ille Counly Clerk of Or•n9f Counly on Fel> 11, 1"2 •1a.a Publhllec:t 0r•"9* Coa\1 Dally Pilot, F•b 14, M.tt J, 10,'11, 1"1 e11.c NOTICE OF DEATH OF MARIE J . HIGGINSON AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A112314. To all h ei rs , beneficiaries, creditors and contingent creditors of Marie J . Higginson and persons who may be otherwise interested in the will and/or estate: A petition has been filed by Samuel R. Higginson in the Superior Court of Orange County niquestlno that Samuel R. Higginson be appointed as personal representative t o administer the estate of Marie J . Higginson (under the Independent Admlnlstratfon of Estates Act). The petition Is set tor hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic· Center Drive, West, In the City of San1a Ana, ~lifornia on March 24\ 199'1at9: 30 a.m. F YOU OBJECT to the granting ot the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YO U ARE A C REDIT OR or a contingent creditor ot the deceased, you must file your claim with the court or present It to the persona' representative a ppointed by the court within tour months from the date of first Issuance of letters as provided In Section 700 Of thJ orobate Code of Callfornla. The time for tiling claims wlll not uplre prior to tour months from the d4at• of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the flle kept by the court. If you are Interested In the estate, .you may file a request with the court to receive special notrce ot the Inventory of ..state asJlts and of t he petitions, accounts and reports ca.scribed In SectlCM\. 1200.5 of the C•llfornla P~ COClt. ~•l•r C. •r•dford, e141., Ateomey •t uw, ISO N1w1tert Center Drive, Wtt ~ NHr.: .._ .. , ~~=-~D.." ... Nl.U.llWdll;•,• = • developer& "look Uke mlraclt workert." Watlon aaid the lndu1try fices the uncertainty of cha.nae now because or decreued demand and the chan1ln1 face of flnanclna broucht about tn part by inflated land v1luea and the economy. Ke said some lessons can be leamtd from Great Btltain, whlch has experienced double-dl1it inflation for more than a decacte and the chanctna modes of Investment lh•l 10 with It. The British experience, he uld. wu an evolving experlmentaUon th1t 1ncluded the dfscontlnulng of flxed ·rate loam but a seekln1 of any aI~rnate linancfng instrument that promtaed a fixed rate. What resulted was, in many caaes. b111lness Investment In commercial propertiea bou1ht outrl1ht and developed for a fee by professional d evelopers. The advanta1e was that t he developers did not use their own money and the buyers could look forward to a fairly 11fe return. It's a strategy that his firm has employed but that is still seeking a large pool of Investment cupital tor expanded use in the ·United States, Watson said. That capital can be found in this nation's pension funds, a t6 billion pool of which only an estimated 3 percent Is invested in real estate, he said. • Jn contrast. some 20 percent to 30 percent of British pension funds are invested in real estate, and the investment ·in Europe as a wbole is about one-third, according to Wa~on. U.S. pension fund managers have disdained real estate investing in favor of safer commercial le nding and bond· or stock·based portfolios. Watson said, but the low ~iel<b on such portfolios in today's inflationary climate will change that if the new investments are sold properly. It is under this new system that those who know building and development can prosper, he said. Though many made money In the 1976·79 real estate boom, "the weakness of it was that it made an awful lot of people think they knew the business'. It lowered efficiency and it didn't teach skills." Watson said current economic conditions are not like past recessions, where investors simply wa ited for a return to business-as-usual. "We're going through the most dramatic cha nge," be said': But he added that building an~ aevelopment remains a "great field" where those involved have the satisfaction of seeing their plans grow into a community, ' · OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS sceasuc; p \ • LOOK TO BRITAIN R a~·mond W<.itson clt(•s Eng land's experiments as a s tep in tht· riJ!ht direction. Social Security eyes 1 I computer overhaul I WASHINGTON <AP> -The Social Security Administration, warning that its computer system I is on the brink of "a disaster or epic proportions," has unveiled a five-year, half-billion dollar rescue • plan. • ··we can't afford not to do it," Social Security Commissioner John A. Svahn told a news conference Tuesday. _ _ "It's almost a miracle that they're able l to ... get 36 million checks out every single i month.'' t Social Security makes up to $1.2 billion in l overpayments annually in part because or a I three-year backlog in keeping track of how mllch its beneficiaries earn, he said. I DOWNS ....... ~ OIQ I IE.Mlevr ,. -4 J 0..-114 -" J ~< ...... Ht -.... ' Comb'' ..... -1\IJ s UnT'ek11 S\IJ _, ' Conel<ll 41/t -"" 1 NUCrp ' J~ "' • a=vs w. -"" 9 e: l'-11 -..... 10 Jlh -..... II ,..., -1 12 ' ~ -"" 1) $~ 12" -1'-14 V!o ..... u 4 -..,, .. ~rpwt 2 -Ii. 11 ~l't 2 -14 " =· 411. -..,, It 10 -·~ 20 NYTlll 2 .... -... 21 ISSC 1 -~ n =r:n ... Jiii -'Ill n as -50 y Oett-. 1'4 ~ H.trbftO ·~ -"' Pct • Up lS.0 Up n .2 Up 200 Up IU Up II.I Up IS.I Up 1U Up IU Up 14.2 Up IU Up IJ.J Up 1JO Up IU Up 12.S, Up 12.S Up 12 s Up 11,• Up llJ Up 10.9 l • t I ,-• I :-"'011:S.---+1 Up tt.J Up IO.l ~ ::·:. Up 10.0 Up 10.0 Pict. Off IU Off 161 Off IS 4 ()If ls.A Off U4 00 14.J Off 1p ()If I ' OH 13 >-Oft I U Off 11.a Off 11.S Off 11.• ()If 11.4 Off If.I Off II.I ~ 11 I IOS OH 101 ()If 10.0 Off '1 ()If 9.7 Off 9.S ~ '·' t .l . . I' I I I ! • I I r .... ·' UPS , Corp. ·names officers .U 6 I J.luor ~. bu..conUoued.iu reoraani&atioo bJ_ riamlnt chairmen to oversee the company's rod.: m ajor 1roupa. Thote selected. all of whom will report to the new pttaident and chief operatlna officer. David S. Tappan, Jr .• are: -Buck Mickel, named c hairman of the Enelneertng and Construction group. He continues aa chairman and president or Daniel International Corp., a Fluor subsidiary since urn. -Jolua C. Duncan, appointed chairman of the Natural Resources group. He continues as chairman ol St. J oe Minerals Corp.. whkh was acquired by Fluor last year. . -John K. Plke, promoted to chairman of Fluor Ulstrlbutlon Cos. Inc. ff. Leon Shackelford was promoted to president or the group. -RoN A. McCllatoc:k, appointed chairman or Fluor Drilling Services. J . Robert Fluor II was promoted to president or the division ... California home reaale volume for tt\e year ended Dec. 31 totaled 332,969 units, a 28.4 percent decline from the 465,186 llnits recorded for the year earlier, the California Association of Realtors reported. In Orange County, volume droppe~ 21.5 percent, while the 12·month median home price m the county rose 6.4 percent ror t he year. 111111 <;:;z.,_ ___ _ Yields on short·term Treasury securities rose slightly, one week after recording their . biggest plunge ever. About $4.8 billion in six-month balls were , sold Monday at an average discount rate of 12.786 percent, up from 12.695 percent last w~e~. T~e gove rnment also sold about $4 .8 b11l1on 1n three-month bills at an average rate of 12.45 pe,rcent,' up from last week's 12.43 percen~ .. : . . The government is lowering its interest-rate. ceiling on federally backed slngle·famlly home loans to 15.5 percent. officials of the Des;iartment of Housing and Urban Development ~a.ad. The one percentage point decline in the ceiling ror ~th level·payment and graduated:payment loans wipes out an increase or the same size announced Jan. 25, officials said .. nan B-----~ Francis Ford Coppola's financia!IY tr~ub!ed Zoetrope Studios, unajded by the d1saP.poinlH?ll box-offi ce returns of ··one From the Heart. has laid off 20 emolovees . . . Ellllllil $ The combined earnings of the Santa AnUa Cos. for the year ended Dec. 31 were $10.9 million. or Sl.87 a share compared with $8.9 million. or Sl.62, for 1980 Revenu~s for 1981 were S82 7 mitlion. up 23.5 percent from the year-earlier level. '°"" 8 I 1CHll 12 17 ~ 1SY> • 111 -v. . "' -11.11 • 14 + ... -~ -\11 • Ill • 14 + "' + \lo _.,, _, -\c. -1\lo _.., -v. a~ :..:~ ""' .. D~~wt'Ltf!~PAV!.RMJl hOl. IOI' T.,.....y, -· 2. ITOOtl ~ Cl9lt QI » Ind °l::'A1 :r .. 12U4 125.12-U 1 20 Tm DUS >M.st DS 21 131.7'• l.IO U Utl 1117,,. 109.51 107 7• 101.Sh OAI .s Siil J».• no ... ~ .. m .10 + 0.11 11N11n .. .. .. . .. • • .. • .. .. • •,740,a ~~~ .......... , ... '... ::m:: " Slk :::: ·::. :·:.:... 10 '*·· WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK (AP) ~r 1 AdYerad T~/. De<••,. m ¥:c.i:-=:. 1'0 ..... """' 10 ........ J7 METALS Prev. Cloth •ll Jl2 1112 u ... Pr~v. cty. 2'l m .. 10 '° HEW YORK (AP! -The folloWlng llat lllO'#I 1119 New Voni 5'IKll E.C-. Mockl .... W-..U ~ t\eW IOM up tlll ,,_ end ......, ... ,,... .... °" r:;unt flf <'-It ,._,.._ of vol.,,.. No~~ trM!llv Delow IZ ... IMI· ""9f, NM end Ptf'Ctnc.et Cl\llngK ere Ille ctlffe-'*-Ille prevlou1 clOllllQ O'lc.e end tocMl'ft t~m. pf'ICe. C•,~r 11 ... ·IO CtnU • oound, US dolln•tloM. LeM 11 cents• _.,.i. z• 'l<eflb •_.a, ... ,..,...,. Tl11 s..1002 _.,$ w .. ~ comoos111 lb Ai."'"-1 .. 11 ce<>O e peund, H Y ~...,,~ 00 oer 11•~ ........ L.MI O'll Pct. 1 =be ' • \lo u~ u.1 t ~ ~ + ~ "" 11.S , .....o€ .... JV. • "' "" 1:1.0 4 ~F J ... + V. Up 11 I S ~ S + Ill Up 11.1 • l'let 1 tmpt S14 + Vt Up 10.S 1 Gon«AirLlll lllo • V. UP l.J I l'lelllty Fin llto + '4 UP l.J • Pwrlt c-JV. • "' ..,., 1.3 10 9"1"9ct 1114 • 1... ..,., • , 11 ~l.1Gllf ""' • ' .. u t2 e i.c 1cw. + ll6 VP 7.7 II . mnltad 12\i + 9-UP 1.1 14 1.ISpl 51 + l"' Up 7.7 16 ~ llll 7V. + V. Up 1.l 7 FlfY.-S "41 + VJ Up 7.0 • II JftlfCDI pf D\lt • l\lt utt • I " C-"'"" • • Vt Up • 1 »~'11 .-+\11 \lit U 2! II + '-Op •.O n Wien 1 11\lo + I Up U U Arw#IAr pf9 •111 + V. UP S.• t4 AMIOIO¥ t »~ + 114 Up H 2S CT\ .Corl> 2' + "' Up S.• M ~O S.050f J2ll6 + 1116 Up S.• 11 lttcOlll\t!q .. 4ll6 + V. VP S.• IALH ,.;:: 1='Wt~.' .. :~~ .~i:oc"Q·=· II'~ dey .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. SIAIO,CIDO ............................ tt-=: Moftlll ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • 1'1f::: Yeor .................. " :a1Cl'OOO T-"°"'... .......... .. • • Jen 1 '-dllllt .............. 2·~·fil·~ "" .................. 1e~-............... -... ··-·- GOLD COINS Pl et-UQ 00 lroy 01 ., H . Y GOLD QUOTATIONS 8yT ... ~~ S.tected _,d 901d Pl'k H TueldeY' L..-..: morlll119tlkl11Q u.,a.oo, ...,,us. L•11ct•11: •11•rfloon 11•1119 SH1.ts, llftehMOfd Ports: UM.11. ""$112. ~ Fr......_.: UM.","""'-" 1•~11: Lele llMlnt WI 00, "" U 00 lllG; ~.oo • .-ea. H•11cty a Morm••: only delly qvol• u.1.1s.~. E•t•lll•,.: only dtlly ouol• U61 tS, uMho~. .......... , only deity qUOle leb<k- U7t.lt,ltl'ICl\Ol'IOld SYMBOLS 1 I ; , Orange Co11t DAILY PILOTtNednMday. March 3, 1982 Fenian do won't go to V"ero • LOS ANGELES (APl Awurd -wlllnlnt( pitcher Fernundo Vulcnzutila will not re· port to the Los Angoles Dodgers tralnlng camp ®Lil agreement is reached on a new contract, th<' lcft-hunder's agent said Tuesday night. Tony DeMarco said the contract the Doqgers renewed without ValenzuePD 's approval Mo nday rright was for about same amount the club had been offering during unsuccessrul negotiations. The agent said he would discuss contract with Valenzuela and the pitcher's l~y-~ today A Dodgers spokesman in ,,. a n nouncing the unilateral renewal said the salary would make Valenzuela the highest paid second-year player in baseball history. As usual. no figure was made public. but the amount has been estimated at between $300.000-$350.000. DeMarco said he did not learn what the Dodgers had decided to pay the 21-year-old pitcher until Tuesday night when he spoke with club lawyer Bob Wa lk er. "He mentioned the amount."' DeM arco said. ··rt was an ·amount that we're going to put to Fernando and to our lawyer. and we'll have a s tatement tomorrow.'' Asked about the amount. OeMarco said. "It's about what they orrered before .. DeMarco said Valenzuela had n·o plans to go to the Dodgers' camp at Vero Beach. Fla. "He will report when we strike up a n agree ment." De Marco said ... Fernando wants to go to camp a s soon as possible. but he wants to get a deal that is s atisfactory. that is fair to both sides ... ............. AIRBORNE Dod,!..!t'r 111t'H·l1kr SIL·\ 1• S:1\ d1,pl;1\ ... m11I '-l'ason fo?·m ;It \'t·r•> Ht•:ll·h \\11rk11u1 T 11l':-ch1\ .. • Chang: He's ·No. I G.a r dner , Hughes also land first team berths By ROGER CARLSON Of .. MWlltletMMI R1~hanl Chang, the 6·8 three-year starter for Edlaon 111ih's Charaers, has been named the Daily Pilot 's Orange County Player of the Vear following hia standout senior season iA which he led his team lo the No. 1 ranking from s tart to linlsh. .. ~.Cban&,.rutaded.lor the University of California at Berkeley in the-fall, where he is expected to fit in as a wing player with bis excellent size and range, averaged 20.8 points a game for the Chargers. a team with four different players averaging in double figures. A model of consistency. Chang scored in the 20s in his first nine games and was in the 20s 16 times in all during the Chargers' 24-3 campaign. "" EDISON DOMINATES the selections with a second team player (Rick DiBernardo) and a third team player (Jeff Stephens), in addition to landing Coach of the Year laure ls <Barry Leigh). Di Bernardo was another three-year starter for the Chargers, and when Chang and DiBernardo • were sopho more st arters, their coach, Leigh. s aid: "You guys are going to make me a great coach." Leigh's predictions were pretty close to it - his senior-dominated team became Edison's first varsity litlist in basketball in the school's 13-year history and the 24-3 record is obvious ly head and shoulders above anything recorded at £dison. Two other Orange Coast area stars were chosen on the first team -Sea View League MVP Jeff Gardner of Estancia and Fountain Valley scoring whiz Jeff Hughes. Gardner led Estancia to a portion of the Sea View League title and a 22·5 overall record with his playmaking at point guard. generally picking up as many assists as he did points. while Hughes was a one-man wrecking crew for the Barons. scoring at a 20.5 pace despite consistent double coverage. T H £ ORANGE COAST AR EA'S general superiority during the season is reflee'led by the Cact four have earned berths on the second team and another trio were named to the third team. In addition to Di Bernardo. second team pl.ayers Include Ocean View's Jim Usevitch. Costa Mesa's Ken Bar.dsley and Corona del Mar's Chris Lynch. the latter the only.player still active. Lynch led Corona dt'I Mar to a share or the Sea View League crown a nd into Thursday's CIF 3-A sem1 rinals at Lo ng Beach Arena against top-ranked St. Bernard Burdsley w1.1s a pillar of slren11th ror Costa Mou, leadJng the Mustanas to their Orst Cl F playoff berth in 16 years. Th(' UC Irvine-bound Burdsley scored in double figures 50 straight limes al.i a three-year starter. US•~VITCH, A RESERVE on the freshman tum, became the focal -point in -Ocean View's game, providing s>COring t20.Sr and strong rebounding for the Seahawks. Third team selections include Marina High's Rick Smith a nd Huntington Beach 's Billy Thompson. in addition to Stephens of Edison. S'mlth led Marina to the No. 2 spot in Orange County and was a two-year starter for the Vikings with his overall play. while Thompson. the only tSee ALL-COUNTY, Page 87> Mulligan: We don't want NITJhid ' . UC I:vine (21 -5) opens PCAA Tournament tonight against l.owly Utah State (4-22) By JOHN SEVANO Of ,,.. DAiiy Piiot SIAff Two years ago when Coach Bill Mulligan assembled his UC Irvine basketbalT team for its first workout. 1:1 goal was set. .. All we wanted to do was get into the NIT or ~CAA tournaments.·· Mulligan remember ed . "Well, here we are now. in a position to do both, and we don't want to go to the NIT That really makes things difficult .. The difficulty obviously lies in the fact UC I has narrowed jts options . Over the next three days. beginning tonight <7 o'clock I with Utah Slate. the Anteaters have only one objective -to get an NCAA bid. Of course, there are six other teams. including nationally ranked Fresno State. standing in the way or Irvine's goal. In order for the Anteaters to get an automatic spot in the prestigious NCAA Torunamenl. they would have to win the present PCAA Tournament. The same naturally holds true for the other s ix teams. Last year at this time Mulligan and UCI raced a similiar situation. Having finashed third 1n the PCAA in 1980·81. the No. 3 seeded Anteaters met the then No. 7 seeded Aggies. who they beat twice during the regular season. In the first round of the PCAA tournament. however. the result was a 93-90 upset win for Utah State UCI enters play tonight as the tournament's No. 2 seed behind Fresno Stale. based on the final PCAA standmgs. Mulligan doesn't feel the Aggies can duplicate the feat this time around. but then anything·s possible. "Hell. everyone is startmg all over again." says Mulligan. ··Utah State can erase a miserable year by winnmg this tournament " Other first round games today find No. 3 seeded Cal State 1-'ullerton vs. No. 6 seeded Pacific (4 p. m . l. a nd No. 4 seeded Long Beach State vs. No. 5 seeded San Jose State <9 p.m.>. Top-seeded Fresno State received a first round bye due to UC Santa Barbara's ineligibility. The Aggies 'finished 2-12 in conference. 4·22 overall . the worst regular season r ecord 1n the school's history. UCI. meanwhile. fm1shed with the best ~cord in its school's history (21 ·5l and its best finish in five years as a PCAA member (seco d place>. Impossible mission f Qr Corona del M~? Sea. Kings face No . -1 St. Bernard By ROGER CARLSON Of,,.. DAiiy Pl~ Slaff LONG BEACH Corona del Mar High basketball coach Jack Errion has been faced with a lot of assignmenL~ in his 25 year coaching career -but it's doubtful the Sea Kings' veteran has ever been faced with what's ahead Thurs day night. St. Bernard High's Vikings. the Mission League champions out of Play a de! Rey. furnish the opposition in the C IF 3-A semifinals (7 o'clock> al Long Beach Arena. and it's a team considered something s pecial. The Vikings are 25-2. losing only at Lakewood in ear ly December (51 -49) and t o Calvert Hall (65-64) of Towson . Md .. in a Las Vegas tournament on a lasl·secQJld shpt. Calvert Kall enjoyed the nation's No. 1 status in pre-season picks by Street & Smith. St. Bernard captured the p restigio u s Sa n Dima s T o urnament of Cha mpions in December. edging Edison for the title, and has been ranked No. 1 in the CIF 3·A since the start uf the year. ., "You have to classiry them as the No. l team i n Southern California,'' says Errion. "I've talked to a couple of people who have aeen them and who have played the m and you get the same thlng. "It's 1 team wl,lh a lot of talent and il's not just bulll around ont or two players. "lt males 'it Cllfffoult lo &et a ~ real good defense out of every player. but as far a s we're concerned, undoubtedly that is what it's going lo take." An example or St. Bernard's wealth or taJent lies In the fact 5 -11 j uni or guard Bobby Thompson isn't even a starte r - yet he was a n. all tourname nt selection at tbe San Dimas tournament The lineup ror the s wirl Vikings includes 6·6 Ronnie Grandison. 6·5 Kevin Vidato. 6-5 Robert Howling. 6·3 junior Corey Gaines and 6·0 Keith Ramee. Also tough off the bench are 6-4 Phil James. 6-0 Chris Was hington and 6-7 sophomore Leonard Taylor. "We have tq be concerned with their full cour't pressure a nd from keeping them from the offensive boards," says Errion. ·'Those are the areas that are the most important to us. The kids know how good St. Bet'nard is, but this is an opportunity to see Ir we can play wilh someone that good. "It's not something we'r e dreading, we're kind of looking forward lo something~like this, .. says Errion. Corona d el Mar's starthtg line up includes All-Sea View League stando uts Chrla Lynch, Mike Hess and Hank Goebel along wtth Garth Olson and Kurt Petersen. Also expected to see actlcin is Dave Va~teenhuyae. It's been this combination that (See IMPOSSIBLE, Pa•• 81) UNDERDOG CrlM <.'oath J ark Err ion and his S('a K i n gs far c St . B t' 1'11 a rd Thursday night Ex-player , 80, nixes A's offer PHOENIX (AP > -Bernie OeVivelros, a n 80·year·old 'rormer tnlllplayer Invited to the Oakland A's spring training ca mp to teac h s lidi ng techniques, has sent word that h e's not physically up to handling aucb a job. "It would have been nice for him lo get out or the house." said Manager Billy Martin, who once was coached by OeViveiroe and asked him t o come to Arliona tor a week this month. DeVl velros li ves n e ar Oakland. an<J Mirtln uJd he would try to get. him to do some 1peclal coachJng at th• Oakland CoJiaeum ..durlne the 1982 b11eball seuon "I think we're better than we were a year ago." s ays Mulli gan . "Whether we're stronger physically I don't know." Mulligan's team s -in either his brief college or lengthy communit y college career have never rared parti c ularly well in post -season tournaments. In his 14 years as a community college head coach at Riverside and Saddleback. Mulligan's teams qualified for the state tournament 10 times. but never won a title .. I've been through .that before." says Mulligan. refer rt n g to his team's I a ck <o~r,.:_s~u~c~c!e;ss~rli~n~-~;,;_-~~~~~S:~~~O:--~"-: post.season play. "In onl.y4Wo or t-ho!!e yea1 s di feel I had a team. that was capable of winning it all .. Those two years were in 1974-75 at Riverside (when the Tigers finished 27-51 •and 1979-80 at Saddleback {when the Gauchos. with sophomore Kevin Magee. were 34-1 > "I thank the secret of a program is to be a contender every year . not just some years." defends Mulli gan Asked how he feels about UCl 's chances this year , Mulligan replies · "I sincerely believe we can beat anyone in the tournament. I also think there are a lot or teams who can beat us ... UC I defeated Utah Stale twice during the conference ·season -71-68 al Utah State and 104-72 at Crawford Hall. o.11, .. ,,_. Slaff ...... PLAYER OF YE AR Ed1,ll11' Hl<'h.11 d <·h.tn~ ha~ hN•n selto•elt.•d lht· < >ra11gt· < '011111 ' Pl :•' L'I' of th(' Yt•ar h~ lhl· D:11 h P1l111 Remember national pastime? Oh for the days wit hout q,gents,. arbitr ators and attorneys The game of baseball. I take a solemn oath. is still played on a field where two team s of nine men compete under the auspices or a set or rules and regulations basically unchanged in more than 100 years. The conception that the game is played indoors around a negotiating table by teams or men with pencils and Celluloid eyeshades was to come later. Baseball was as American as -what the hell -apple pie. It was a part or a lifestyle and therefore contributed to a way of life. A man look his family to the baseball game and a special togetherness came or it. Indeed. baseball was •a ritual. Very lives were based on some or its traditions and were better off for it. THE NOTION T HAT the national pastime Is a study In hosti1ity where the winner is judged by the percentage he claims was to come later. It was called the national pastime because it indeed embraced a na tion. There were national heroes and local teams and baseball was played at the picnic grounds on Sunday. Baseball inspired enduring words in story a nd verse a nd song. '.'Casey at the Bal " and "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" were classics when written and the ball journaUsts were the bards or the times with wonderful words like batsman and s talwart and mighty. The thOughl that great writin& .comes Of! contracts, with or without loopholes was to come later. WHEN SPRING CAME, baseball enhanced its glory and its warm th. ll would not be lon1 until summer was here and the ball park would be open and all the sounds would 1race the aJr. The sport.a writin1 people were at lt agai" In the spring, he ralding annually "the aound of horsehide on wood." The ""pk:lon that the aound ol btseball was the thud ol a Judie's gavel wa1 to come later. The paatlme did not ehen1e. really, and neither dtd the playert and their potltlona. There had always been a pitcher and a catcher and a batter and lnfteldert and outnelden. Then w aa a man on deck and another in the hole. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER There was a man in black -dark blue. actually -wtio was called the umpire a nd he was the villain and a nation found therapy in suggesting in mock m alice that someone should "kill the ump.'' T HE POS ITION or agent. negotiator. attorney, arbitrator. investment counselor and players association executive director were to com e later. No business. no war . no sport. no form or art produced such lasting heroes as baseball. Babe Ruth. Only baseball could have created a name that· would endure forever because a (al man could hit a ball further than any other hum;an being and continue to plod through life with such bQyish simplicity. Less than a perfect example of sobriety a nd tempe~ance? Perhaps. but such dialogue would not survive because of all the legends. "those or baseba ll would be the most difficulUo tarnish. Lou Gehrig. A naUon mourned his early death and wept goodb ye as though to a passing president. • LITl'LE IUDS STILL recognize the names. Stengel. DiMaggio , Hubbell. Cobb. Dickey. Herman, Musial, Reese and Durocher . Names Uke Miller and Grebey· and MQss and Slusher would come later. Konest.ly, baseball is still played on natural grass on warm dars and eventful nights . The rules have n't changed ve ry much, not even the costumes. There are atm heroics and excitement and there are still traces or srown men playlnt a little boys' came. II you loot for them. Thole who would destroy baseball by Its very bumWaUon wo~ld come later I ' 0 Otange tout DAILY PILOT/W•d,,tld!f, March 3, 1882 a OV tBsk not easy one, but COifiesh undaunted I don't thin I there'I 1ny doubt -F.dllOn -, K01tln1 wlll be handlln1 the lreahmen 1od IDY llll'INI players on I.be South roster ror th• football coach Blrt Workman 11 a helluva recruiter, ... E,. ~T· • Cotlleah ll atlll determlnln1 bJ.a ao~more atatt. Shrine Gamt In Pasadena,. the selection of only a penon who can Judie talent and perauade with !:!! ~ ~ •·r ho,pe to aet conat.tency, · aaya Colneah. two (Ken Laszlo and Pat Cemcn) for the Orange the best of them. ROGER "The wbw and l01ae1 will take care of lbtm1tl~ff. County aamc und the lack of rour·ycar scholarship Ht demonstrated that facet of hls aame a few Hopefully we'll be a11re11ivt and have fUf\ J don't qffera to anyone from the Viking squad. yean aao when he waa an uslatant ~ach at CARLSON think we cun bludgeon anyone to .d~ath or ''Our coach (Dave Thomp:sonJ hasn't been Whittier Colleie. out·qwck everybody." aaktd to talk at a single clinic," continues After checklnft out \ht avalhtble talent at Colne1h says his defeoH and olfenae wlll be Done1an~ "I cwi't believe we can ao 11·2 and to the Oran1e Co•at Co e1e Workman decided there separate e ntities and that he'll oversee the CIF aemlflnal1\ yet our kids aren't aett1ng were two players he was interested In -center a head coach at the aso of 30," aaya the 34-year-<>ld proaram. "The coaches I have are 1reat co1chel anythlnl, no 1cho1arahips. · · '' Russ Purnell and wide receiver Steve Colflesh. Colneah. they'll do wh•t they do belt; My rote is ptttua the A~ .fut count, Edison hat 15 .11i«nint with- rumell went on to become Workman's right ••• ~:J WM.9rtec:~.~ l'_jO~ at 29 (Buena Park1.J>ut I kldl up to Pia)', ag~eplq thlnp or•anlaed," M (our•)'ear ,.coJlege~ Eountain Vall .. y has 4, ()c~an · hund at 'Edison for· years pnor·lo acceptlng a Joo · pataed lt up tor an aaslstant'a Job at Ocean View. says. Vlew 2, Mater Dei 2, and one"each from Estancia, as an assistant at USC a few weeks ago, and now When it didn't work out for Russ I felt this would • • • El Toro, Newport Harbor and Huntiniton Oeach Colflesh has made a move, too. be the Um. to put ln my appllca~." The rest, basically, have been shut out. Colflesh Is the new head football coach at So Cotnesh, 34 and a product of Colta Mesa THE SMOKE EMITl'ING trom the Marina Ocean View, replacing Ken Moats. High, takes over the task of trylnc to make Ocean High fortress is coming from Athletic Director • • • "lt looks like I knew what I was doing, didn't View a title contender In the Sunset Leacue. Andy Donegan, who says: I," says Workman, recalling his days at Whittier. lt's not the easiest task around, but Colflesh "I'm tired of seeing Marina Hlah athletes THE VIKINGS OF MARINA arc picking up former Westminster assistant Jim O'Hara. Newport Harbor assistant Larry Doyle and ex-Mater Del player George Johsz and former Marina player Kent Tucker for their football staH. Pqrnell was the heir apparent at Ocean View, appears undaunted. "We've got 1reat kids and I snubbed by AU-star committees, local coaches and , but withdrew · a~ the last moment when USC feel good about It," says Colnesh, who baa Inserted college recf'\&Aters. beckoned, and that's when Colflesh entered the ex-Fountain Valley assistant Stan Clark (offense> "Our kids deserve better and it's a renecUon arena. and Jeff Chilcott (defense) lnto his operations. on us <the coaches>. ' "When I got out ot college I said I wanted to be Fonner varsity coach Ken Moats and Jim What Donegan is referring to la the absence of Darren Moon will be working with the quarterbacks during the off season before leaving for Portland•State. · Pir~tes' B~sley ·player of the year • Orange Coast College scoring m sensation Chris Beasley. a bright spot in the Pirates' d ismal basketball season, was named player of the year Tuesday night in the South Coast Conference. Beasley, a 6·2 s wing man from Costa Mesa Jiigh, averaged 26.7 points per game for the Pirate'li who finished in s ixth place with a 4·8 conference record. But Beasley's s harp outside shooting kept Coach Tandy Gillis' squad within striking distance of the South Coast Conference's Shaughnessy Playoffs up until the final two games. • Beasley was also the conference's .No. 2 rebounder, hauling down 8.5 rebounds per outing, despite his s mall size. Joining Beasley on the All·South Coast Conference first. team are Mt. San Antonio's Pete Williams and Derek Moore: Mike Whitmarsh of Gros-smont: Dan Wright of conference champion Fullerton: and Tim Kuyper of Cerritos. Quote of the day · J ess Neely, former Rice University football coach: .. I'd like -to see-footbau- pl ayed without helmets and masks. I never used a helmet or mask. We didn't need either one. We didn't have spearing, s triking a blow with a helmet. I don't think it belongs. There was not any hitting with our heads." . Gretzky, Oilers t1e'Montreal Montreal s Kelln Acton scored twice. while Ed'monton's Wayne Grelzk~ upped his National Hockey League record points total to 183 with two assis ts Tuesday night ·as the Oilers and Canadiens skated to a 3.3 lie . .. In other action. Bryan Trottfer scored three goals. giving him a career season-high of 48, to lead the New York Islanders to a 6·3 triumph over Calgary . . Willy Lindstrom scored five goals to lead the Winnipeg Jets to a wild 7-6 victory over Philadelphia. ' Reggie Smith up ~arly. out early Reggie Smilh too~ the field early ii on his first day in a I San Francisco uniform Tuesday, but left early when he felt some cramps ip his legs after two hours of spring training prattice. "There's no hurry. no reason to try lo do it all in one day.'· the 36-year-old former Dodger said . ~Ainge leads Celtics past Dallas Rookie guard Danny Ainge; m pressed into· full-lime duty by injuries to other players, had a career-high 17 points and led the Boston Celtics to a 101·97 National Basketball Association win over the Dallas Mavericks Tuesday night. Ainge scored 10 or his points to stave off a Dallas rally as the Celtics won tbeir fourth stralght game. despite being without the ser vices of Larrv Bird (broken cheekbone> and Na.le Archibald (strained wrist ltgaments). . . Two baskets by Albert King and another by Buck Williams in the final three minutes of the second overtime.period led· the New Jersey Nets lo a 130·124 win over the Washin2ton Bullets ... K e lvin R a a sey •1Noa scored 10 of his 30 points jn overtime to lead Portland past Pfioen ix. 119-108 ... George Gervin scored 38 points as San Antonio held off a late Houston rally for a 119·117 win.,. . Reggie Theus paced a balanced Chicago scoring attack with 22 points as the Bulls downed Philadelphia, 112-109 ... Beraerd King scored 28 points in 26 minutes to lead Golden State past Cleveland, 117-108 ... Randy SmlJh came off the bench to score 24 points in leading the New York Knicks to a 108-101 win over San Diego. . . Brian Winters s parked a fourth-quarter rally to help Milwaukee down Detroit, 101-91 . . . Erllle Gfunfeld and Eddie Johnson combined. for 25 points in the .final quarter in leading Kansas City over Utah. 125·117 . • Magee among Wooden candidates UC Irvine's Kevin Magee is m listed among the five players picked by media representatives as being the leading candidates for the 6th Annual lobn Wooden Award, given to the college .basketball Player of the Year. Magee is joined on the elite list by DePaul 's Terry Cummin gs, Georgetown's Eric Floyd, Virginia's Ralph Samp son and North Carolina's James Worthy. Television. radio , Following are the top sport~ events on TV ton ight. Ratings are: ",;excellent; .,., " worth,r watching: "" fair; " forget it. [-) 6 p.m., Channel 9 I I I I NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at New.Jersey Announcers: Chic'k Hearn and Keith Erickson. With a 31/1-game lead and the most wins in the NBA this season. the Lakers hope to improve on their Position for the playoffs and a home court advantage. New Jersey is currently in third place in the Eastern Conference Atlantic Division RADIO Basketball : PCAA Tournament -Cal State Fullerton vs. Pacific, 4 p.m., KWRM (1370): UC Irvine 11s. Utah State, 7 p.m .. KWVE <108 FM): Loog Beach State. vs. San Jose State. 9 p.m .. KLON (88 FM). Lakers at New Jersev. b p.m . KLAC (570). Hockey -Kings at Toronto, 6 p,m .. KPRZ (1150). Ski' Repcrt -Snow conditions in Southern California mountains, 9:43 a.m .. 12:43. 3:43. 7:43 p.m .. KNX (107G). ' Sailors give coach first win Chargers, Monarchs win in baseball tournament play ~Morning showers took their toll on Tuesday's prep baseball schedule, forcing postponement of s everal games, while Corona del Mar Hlgh w as forced to reschedule its game with Santa Ana due to a light plane crash which damaged portions of the Sea Kings' field. The p)ane made an emergency landing on the CdM campus, skidding lo a stop between third base· and home plate and taking out parts of the centerfield turf and one dugout along the way. CdM's game with Santa Ana was rescheduled for today on the Saints' home field . weather and Basketball scores Col .. ae TOUlllNAlir•NTS (flnt,_.1 Mle~~· W Mkhl9efl U , E. Mkl\f-•t 9owll"9 G<Wll II, Ml-I 7t H. llllftol110, Olllo U ... Coll ............. ~. St. 8oneventur• "· Gto•o• WHlll~Oft .. Pltttllurtl\ 6', O\lqUtSM., Wett llt ...... e ti, MeueclluteUt 10 ""' .... ' "· ,._ I ...... ., ICACM1•111.-l..oftll ls.t.,.U.5',$4 l"renct1,N.V ,, 8eltlmcn '4, T-M .. Sten• e . l'e1r1...., OIC-tMClfl II ROO.rt ~~·=•· Mf,,. 8otl0ft u. ,., .... ., c-... Nl ... rt'llt, ..... M ..... lrtff ......... ~. N~ew ... C*lellt!N IC. 4t °"'.,_.,,. ''· •-• $4, '1 . l(-lt.71,1(_ .. M l....,rl 71, c.lel'Mo .. Ma.I W°'Y~ I.•~ fn.-. IMw 11 0.1 • ...,... c"" .,, o.tl'9ff" JI..,..,.°"",., ~-"""'" " w-tV .... ~• , .... c,........., •• ...., ... I..._ ... " 111 .... M M,Or•O N ............. Or.-.. ...... -"---"·~" NtitreO-•,N ·-· I Ctevtlancl 51. "· ~SI. •1 Soul II l"torlde IS, O.Or9le St. ti N•veaa LH V•9H ... H•••d• R1non , .• $1 JOtetll\67, Avlttloft•t lenlll"ll..,._•Cler•'2 SfNll ldleetf trosll'Ollfl 11, CllMWlc 11 71 Wom.n COMMUNITY CCK.L•O• ~ .. , ... Go,..; W... ut, SM 0"9o CC 11 Nl ... ICttOCK. Clfl......_., .... ._ 1.,.""-""'V 66. Sen OlllWttl l 1 Oellt ... t....._. .. a.A " .. '""'•u. «llMfM•• • ... Mlgleft V .. lo ... """'-\/ell•'l' 17 """'•"· ..,_ .. " r ..... . ....... , CIW1tllMll '9, Le b1M • U11 ..._ .. ,,. tJ, 1111111 ef tM ..... .. u ..... ._... '~~·,.~ .. Ill .. ~tJ, ~ IMl!tli!U . aviation emereencies permitting. Woodbridge will travel to La Mirada on Thursday to make up Tuesday's rainout. /l:L few area teams were able to get their games off despite the unfriendly sides. Mater. Dei and Newport Harbor were both winners in thf' Newport Beach-Santa Ana Elks Tournament. Here's how it went: Newport Harbor 8. Saddleback 7 'fhe Sailors rallied for two runs in the bottom of the fourth to overcome a 7·6 deficit and give Coach Rolf Schwalbe his first varsity win. Karey KoUna tripled to drive in Mike Handler with the tylne run, and then scored on a sin.gle by Jerry Piaskowiski IQr what proved to be the decisive run. Vishna Batoosingh keyed Newport's four-run first inning with a triple that drove in two. Newport will meet the winner of the CdM·Santa Ana game in Thursday's second round. Meter Del 12, Eatencl• 4 Rain cau.sed anything but a power outage at MaUr Del a• the Monarchs had four extra-base bits, lncludin1 Joe O'Connor's aecond·lHinl 1rand slam. · • · Mike Kelly alao had a hot bat ror Mater Del, tolog 3 for 4 wtth three RBI and three nma scored. Rieb A(ulm and Mike Llndltea added thl'ff hits a plecte tor U. llonarebs. J lm McCatUU paced Sl*enda hllten with two hits la three •l·blll ancl oee RBI • Edleon 3, Nortlll Torr•nce 2 The Ohar1tn advanced lo Ute Mmlnnals ot the El S.IUDdo Toumament with a wla that boosted their reGOl'd tq , ••. Mike DdeDon went I for 3 with a triple for t1M aaar,.... wlallt Todd Mabe contribuc.d two bite. o,.. a .. ., pkll.cl llP the wbl ln relief, improvtn1 hll ~to ~t. From Page 86 ALL-COUNTY. • • junior selected, was the catalyst to a big season for ' the Oilers despite their faUure to crack Into the playoffs. · First Team Player, school Richard {:hang, Edison • Rich Thomas, Foothill Jeff Hughes, Fountain Valley Tim Osgood, Servile J eff Gardner, Estancia Second Team Rick DiBemardo, Edison Paul Thomas, Brea-Olinda -Jim Usevitch, Ocean View - Ken Bardsley, Costa M~sa Chris Lt-sh, Corona del Mar Tlllrd Team Dan D ga , Capistrano Valley Rick Smith, Marina Billy Thompson, Huntington Beach James Hill, San Clemente Jeff Stephens, Edison Ht. Cl. Avg. 6·1i Sr_ 20.8 6·6 Sr. 24.7 6·3 Sr. '20.5 6-3 Sr. 19.7 5·10 Sr. 12.2 6·4 Sr. 15.8 6·4 Sr. 18.4 ~-W2 Sr. 20.3 6-4 Sr. 19.4 6·2 Sr. 16.0 6·3 Sr . 22.9 6·5 Sr. 14.4 6·1 Jr. 12.9 6-1 Sr. 22.3 6·2 Sr. 12.4 Diab lo women reach finals Mary Madigan scored 29 points, a nd team mate Cindy Rohrig added 26 to spark M_\ssion Viejo High's women's basketball team to a 68-57 victory over Moreno Valley in the Cl F 2-A semjfinals at San Clemente High. The vjctory sends Coach John Hattrup's Dia·blos (26·2) into the 2·A finals against Artesia Friday night at Long Beach Arena. Mission Viejo received a strong defensive effort from Jane Harre who held Moreno Valley's high-scoring Sonja Carter to just 12 points. The Vikings end their season with a 24-4 record. • * • LAGUNA HI LLS HIGH is seeking a replacement for Chuck Gallo as head rootb-all coach with application~ taken until March 26. Applications are available at the Saddleback Valley Unified School District om ces at 25631 Diseno Drive in Mission Viejo. In addition to the application. those Interested should submit -6 resume to Tim Sullivan, assistant principal at Laguna Hills. • * * FOUNTAIN VALLEY -HJGfl footbcrl1 coach Mike Milner denies he has applied at Long Beach City College, as reported by the Long Beach Independent Press-Telegr a m, nor is he a candidate for anything at Long Beach State. "I'm going to be right here at Fountain Valley," says Milner. "I didn't apply ror a job at either school." Milner, along with several assistants. was at a football clinic in San Antonio during the time h~ was supposedly c hecking out Long Beach possibilities. • • • CHECKING AROUND Former Newport Harbor High linebacker Don Barker completed his four-year tour with UC Davis by being named co-Most Valuable Player for the Aggies Barker was called "the heart and soul or this team:· by his coach, J im Sochor ... Edison High's Theo Langford has signed a n a tional letter or intent to play at Northern Arizona. and Craig Dumity made it official with Weber State . Fountain Valley receiver Joel Seay is still vacillating between Harvard, Yale and Princeton Newport Harbor football coach Mike Giddings says he doesn't make hls line men run wind sprints. ·'They just double up a lot as wtde receivers in practice," says Giddings .. Huntington Beach has added Val Keller as its volleyball coach and Ro~rt Mitchell as its swim coach The state finals in basketball from Oakland on March 19 wall be televised by KTTV <Channel l1 l The-boys final 1s scheduled for 9:30. following .the ~iris' £inal at 8. Saddleback, San Diego CC to tangle From Page 86 f IMPOSSIBLE MISSION. • • -has led the Sea Kings to a portion of the league title and a 20-4 reebrd after an 0·2 start in The last time Saddlebac;o11k......--.ufth~e Marina Invitational in early College and San Diego City December. College met on the bas ketball "A lot will depend on Hess." court, Gauch o Coac h Bill says Errion. "He's not the only Brummel fo und the right factor, but what he's required to weapon lo hand the Knights a do, to gel the ball up, get things defeat. s tarted and keeping things That weapon -center Rick under control . . . · Doyle -scored33 pointsagainst "Goebel and Olson are San Diego CC, and Brummel important on the defe nsive isn't hiding the fact that Doyle boards. They have to limit them may be the key to tonight's to one shot. M i s s i o n Co n re r e n c e "Lynch and Petersen -if Shaughnessy Playoff contest they have so percent shooting between the two teams at nights it will be another plus. Saddleback <7 :30). ·"It's a challen~e. but the team The winner of tonight's contest atlva n ces to the state community college tournament against Long Beach CC at LBCC Friday. ··San Diego will definitely force the action ," admits Brum-me-I, whose Gauchos defeated Southwestern 70·60 last Saturday to advance to tonight's contest. "A key will be how well we shoot our free throws. We only shot 29 free throws the last time, which may be an all-lime low." - Besides . free throws , Brummel must also worry about the 1·2 scoring punch provided by Reggie Home and Dareyle Johnson. Horne averaged 23:9 points per game while Johnson ' finished the regular season with a 17.1 average. The Gauchos, who received doubl\!·figure efforts from all five starters in the win over Southwestern, are led by swing man George Tum er. Lakewood breezes~ Burroughs wins ... LONG BEACH -Dwayne Murphy scored 21 points Tues day n i ght to spark. Lakewood High to an easy 62·42 victo r~ over St. Anthonv . ·propelling the Lancers into the C I F 4 ·A m e"1 ' s b a s k et b a I I championships. In 2-A a~tion, Burroughs High of Ridgecrest needed 18 points from Dalton Heyward to score a ii2·56 victory over La Serna. Both games were played at Long Beach Arena. Tonight's double·header pits CapJstrano Valley ( 18-8> against La Habra (21-6> in an all-Orange County matchup in a 2-A semifinals game at 7. followed by giant-killer Servile ( 18·9> and Inglewood (21·6) in the 8:45 4-A game. is looking rorwctrd to 1t and I'm reasonably C'Onfidenl we C'an make a game out or at "But we re also rc<1hst1c to know the qualil ~ of the opposition " The Sea Kings have been winging it at a consistent paC'e, 20 wins in the last 22 start s will attest tu that. ';We've been prettv muC'h at the\top of our game ·ror quite a while," says Errion .. IL might appear we're not bccau!><' or not scoring a lot But wc·\E~ been pretty consistent and I · m sure we'll pl_ay the same way · The Long Beach Arenct and the pressure of the semifinals 1s nothing new for Ernon he took the Sea Kings LO Cl r crowns in 1977 and '81. and to the finals in 1980 And he is a w a r e of the potential piUalls when playing in spacious arenas. in contrast tu the average high SC'h ool gymnasium "It's a different experience." says Errion, "but I don't thank it's going to bother us .. Errion has been an underdog before. so that's nothing no,·el and he says it's a help during practice. "We might gel a little more effort practice-wise, .. says Errion. "But if I had my choice. there isn't much doubt what I'd want." The winner meets the survivor or the 8 :45 g·ame between Hoover (25-ll and Los Al~s (24-5) Saturday evening at t e same site. West Virginia wins tourney opener COLLEGE BASKETBALL From AP dilpalcltes MORGANTOWN, W. Va. -Greg Jones and Russel Todd led a blistering West Vlritnia attack as the nlntfl-ranked Mountaineera de feated M4ssachusetts 91-70 Tuesday In the flnt round of the Eastern Eight Conference buketball tournament. . The victory aends the Mountaineers, 2J.2, Into Friday's semlflnals aaatnst St. Bonaventure. which beat Georae Washington. Todd scored six points and Jones t ltht durina a 20·6 spurt that save the Mountaineen a 21-polnt lead, 68-41, with 11 :04 to play. . . • TulH 108, Creighton 81 TULSA, Okla. -Freshman St.eve Harris acortd 15 points, all In lbt ~d half. 11 No. 10 Tul•a rolled over Cretaht.on lMI la Ute rtnt round of the Missouri Valley Conference ~urumeat . Crelcht.on, led by Daryl &covaU'• 21 polnu, recovered from u early lM deftdl to trail Jut 40"'8 at halftime. 1 l ' • UC Irvine . vs . PCAA TOUINAMENT ' TONIGHT 7:00 p.m. K-WAVE· Fl-108 • ~ 1£.. An~...» Teyota, i.e~ ~ c.:: Tiny No '• rNine Ceftdltionlftl -----......... c..n,."' ...... iltea --- 'J ( ... ~ > . NB~ ••n••N CON,•••Nc• 'tcHlc DMt .... w L .. ct oa Ulllwa Suttle Golden St.le P-nl1 Port lend S.n Oleoo 41 " 101 J7 10 J2 " JI tt 30 11 u ., MW-IOM• .... S.n 4n-37 20 Mt Houslon J2 ,. U2 s 0.nv•r 2' 2t MIO Ill> OellH It • W It Uleh It • m 11 Kenws Coty It 40 322 It a4.STl"N CON,IAaNCI lk>slon Phlledelpflle N•w J•NeY WeshlP19lon N•w YOfk Mlh .. uk• lndlena 4tl•nte Detroit Chicago Cl••eland 411.,.tk Olvk .... f W L .. u 40 11 ,!: 11 l3 C-r•IOlvk .... " I• H JI 24 30 2S l3 2l )4 12 '4 r ..... , ... SUr .. New York IOI, San 01•90 101 New Jeney 130, W11hlnq1on 12• Mllwauk.., IOI, Oelroll" Chicago I 12, Phlladelphla 109 Boston 101, 0.11 .. ,, San Antonio "'· Houston I \7 KanwsCllv 12~ Ute h 111 Indian. 1:12, O.nv., 124 Portland I 19, P'-nlx IOI Golde11StateI11. c .... 1..,<1 IOI T""9lll'1G_,n Ukers •I Ntw Jerwv Sar> oi.oo•t Ptlil-•Plll• Molw..,k• el Atlanta lndler>eet KensuC•tv Ulahet-nl• Cleveland el S.altle i>ct. oa m -'~ '"' JOI 1211> 4112 14 lj() " 11• -O S 14 444 Ulh .431 1•11) '°' 11 214 """ COMMUNITY COLLEGE All-South Coast Conference ,.mTH m P'leyer,.c- Chrls Beaslrt. Or..,ge Coast Mike Whllma~h. Groumonl Oen Wr19ht. Fuller1011 Tim l(uype<,Cerrllol O.rek Moore, Ml SAC Pele Wiiii""''· Ml SAC SK-THm Ht. Cl. •1 So ... So ._. Fr .... So ... So W Fr A .... ,., Ill 17 0 .. , U 4 us An<lre Smith. Fuller10ll • 3 So 14 8 ltendall Wellinq, Sant• Ar>• •·• Fr S 9 Greg WHI, s.n1a .11n• l·2 fr 1• 0 Larry'while, Groumonl ... Fr 1•. I Robert GllSI••••. S...ta AM •-' Fr I I , Player ol 11'111 vur-Chris Bu1ley, Oranqe Coast Coach of the veac R-r S.e, Fullerton COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN Gol~n West 112, San Diego 71 SAN DIEGO CC Wynn 10, Sotom.., 1, Murrwvi.,,sp.er 40, Smith I Totals 3S 1"4 71 GOLDEN WEST Clement\' ltrtkorien 13, Gulhrie 14 Harrlson I, Ram .. -.,. 10, Ru II Malhnn 20 Tot•I\ j() 17.u 111 H•lflime Go'lo.n wut. 411 Total IOUI> s... 0-City 11, Golclen Wol• ~ f I . . . " Hf11h 1chool IMW Del 12, IUlMKle 4 Est•ncla 020 110 G-4 • o Meter Del 040 110 -12 14 I JollnMlfl, UlltOll U>. Tally (41, Rochelle UI. Colvv (., -B•yer; ~eth, KIOQll 141, Slomp 16) -Livernois, Peru (., W Spa•th 11-41. L -John\On 18 -ltellv (Meter Diil, Llndst.., (Mater OeH 3B -McCalllll IEst.-n<la>. Rl911s IEilen<lal HR O'C"<>nnor IM.llef' Dell, Llvtrnol1 •-er Dell. N._t H•r1MW I, ~O 1 S.OdlebKk 060 11»-1 u 4 NeWPOr1 Harbor 00 100--t I 4 Galvan ..,., Torre>; NUQenl an<! hrry w -Nugent (1.0) L -G•lvan. 18 Kolina (Newpart Harbor), Baloo>lr>gh INewPOrt Harbor). North T:r= 3' Ner1~ J,.r~M'J-1 l 5 EOl\On 100 000 tt-l 1 l Gorski, Strong 181 and McKlnno, Tekklnen, Overeen (3), Cloney 14) and L1119.,d. w -Cloney U•ll. L -Stro119 38 -DeBenon IEdisonl. HR -Gor>kl !North Torrence> Men'• soccer CIF .. 4 .. LAYO,-FS *'-·-S.llL1 Ma 3, Marilla J "Ml M•rlna KOl'lng Norris Gre-.,-. Sant• Ana <1<oring· Rocha 2 A•lla Ot-S<or.1 ..... Culver City I, Edison 0 17 ol) WHI Torra nce 1. Oomln~1 o C•r>Ycin •.Simi ValleyO Dos Pveolos 3, Redonclo o Claremont S, El Modena I Walnut J, Muir 1 Damien 1. Cna,,,..11s1anch O 1..4 Webb'· Apple o Sanla Ynri S, Mevob<an 1 LA B41P1isl2, Sovlhw~stern I 13 Oii '• Ontario Chrlsl•an 2, Chamlnade 1 Women's soccer ~:.'l'R'!:JS Unjvenlty 1. T11Slin o Unl•ers•tv 'l<Ofln11 Connolly Otl'lllr S<°"H PacofKa 3. San Clement• I VPl•n<l I, Villa Pa•• 0 Rolllnq Hill• I Cypress 0 IOI) w Torrance 3 Arcad•a 1 Mora Costa 4. T1oy O Palos Vtr<IHS, Alem•n• 0 Wofft9n'1 to11rnemen1 --.... , .. ,...._, " ................... Jt Olltle o.! MM $ml1il, H , H , 1 ... , Y•-• Vff"'Mk o.t (laudfe Montier• ... 1. 1 i. SYivie Henlka Clef Plfra 0.ll'lllft ... J, • 1, lar1>ar• Potter def Pem c ... ie. 7-4. ,_., Ml,.... J--d9f $1\erOll W•lol\. 14, • t. Mery LOu Plalek def Kallly J0tela11, .. ,, ,. • Collea• ............ UCl"flMJ 11 ...... O••ll (5lf!nl0r<I) def. 5flyotr, •·1 • ...,.,.. eondUrtnt CltMfordl dftf OU... M , M r CorM (St.,ford! 0.1. MCPtlerton, S.11 •·21 • ); McK•n CS.fllnford) de! N•lton, ~3:6-1: Robinson lStenford) dtf Remo\, .. 3. W, 1-S. Herding I Stanford) def Zoller, .. l . lt·l l>WllM• Sny<Mr·Ou-CUCll O.I. o .. 11-4ron\, • J. 6·4; McPherson-Zoller cuc11 del. Mc KH ... ROOln.Mlll, , .... 14, Ram<K·N•ISOll IVCll 0.1 S.mcM .. Mlller, .. ,, .. I Loa Alamfto1 TUISOAY'S AIHULTS ( ...................... ""·-·· ..... t ... ) F"l ltST ltACI . One mile Pina Hall S.turn IKoetl•> 37 40 10 ao 4.ao Epic Fer• (Vall•ndlnQllllml 12 10 4.60 Glamour'\.19S (Katamler I 2.60 Also reced H-ver Ster. Steady ,,.,_, ThrH Sttp, ICIHl119fr. Redsl'OI Time 2 031/S U IXACT4 (1-6) !Mic! '331 20 •ECONO AACE. One mile Malor Merk•nl•Y (Aubin) 2S 00 4 40 •.80 Cepliln su .. ,, I Paror> 4.2 3.00 IC P IClllll 00 Also reel<! Imp Imp Imp, Ole>el Engine, Sir Mon1erey, Cnlp 011. Stag Bowl Tlmo ?·O. THIRD AACI . One mile Beronttl Cllrl• IAndlrson> A1199la K•Y (Sll••l Arverne'\ Glrl (Grundy I • .., uo uo 3.00 2.20 l .40 Ve Bene. Monterey Allo rauo. Good Ra•en. Sund.ck, Bull.,ed Popcorn, Htelh•r. Mlstae Winier Time 2.~4/S U I XACTA 14-l) •Id l ll 10 F"OU•TH A4CI One mile Ambiance (Vallandlnql>am) 7 10 2.IO 2 40 Sliver'• St.,i.t I Parker I l «> 210 Offker (Aubin) loo Al\o ra<1d Flyln9 Tonva. Ar>dv"s For91111>1e, AndV'• Ursul• Holly'$ ... av.~ ~~uola Meolc Time 2 ol 11s F"IFTHAACI Onemite Swee I Sue IAulNnl s oo ·2.ao 120 Pronlmeker (Crane) 160 2 «I Country E•press nosier I t.ao Also reel<! P~ Jov•. Bye Bye Scotty U11f0f9e1a1>1e Star. Tlmo 2:04 31.S U E )(ACTA IJ..4) !MIO \fl IO SI ICTM AACI. One mllo Oranp•rk Mayfly (Copeland> Sent11• Rose (Grundy) Sly Lit I OunnlQAnt Gofchacovered, Time Tim• Trecer. Time ?·013/S U ,00 •.«> UO 1.IO 4.4& l .60 Proterred, Nenlqun, SEVENTH RACE. One milt Bryan ITodcll S 10 l.IO UO K•vw• J .... IROMnl 1 10 • 10, Harov Mac Faoer IStemt'rm•n> l 60 Al\O r•ced Tuoor Bav. 81•rney W•v. Gotc"'•coverfrd T 1m~ Prtferred. NentQun Ttmt Tr.cer Timo l 01 l S UEICACTA IS 7)1M10'3l 60 u .. tCK SIX c•. 1 3 l·S> T ... r. wuo no tl<k~t\ with t.1• w innef'\ Pt<k Si• consol•tion P•10UJ4 001ol3wiM 1nq11cuu (lt•thor"'I 11eMTM •ACI, ON l'llle Oe,.llM IKllftltl') , to , .. Ut CllM<MI .._, IOllMl841ftl ti M UO J_, ,..,,., ltreeNnl •• Al .. r~· "90IW .. It.,., Of"Y a.tn. Arl'llttrelle, (..,lier'• IMat•, Mlnhter, o-••• 11ev... Time: J.01 llJ ti aXAC1'A CJ.1> H id $11 00 lllllTM •ACa. OM mll• Ma~ ((regNnj I 10 J 60 J to , ... ht •• H-(L.ofteot) , 00 i .. Perllno cu.rr1111 • ,. '";\'J\f"reced Mu111 Henover, Wtltekl Supre,..., J-Honclo, .11rmero J•mH Tim•. t·OJ t /S U aXA(TA 14 1) pale! Ut IO Te NTH •AC•. One mll• Pla<e,...11 le ( Pertiet) 4 00 1 60 J 20 Jam .. Grettan IA/Icier ton> 1 80 1 60 Blu• Summtf I l0"9Dl 4 to Also raced: Bleck e..,...r, Sor•'• &ett. Ten Perceoter, X·Mv Olr9'1 ltnlgll, K•nd41e BO'I'. Time: t:cn. ·sr1ncrA <•SJ>tlll ltt IO Allenclence: 4,617 NHL CAM .. alLLCOH,-eA•NCI s....,-Ol•kl ... w L T Of' GA Ed,,,_ton ., 13 12 "' 14' Vencnu.,., 24 ,, 14 211 233 C•19ary 13 ,. IS 2'9 m Kl~ 11 32 u 249 191 Coto redo .. 40 11 101 2'1 NWr1S 01w1 ..... Mlnne\Ot• 11 19 ,. MJ 700 SI. Loult 21 n • ,~ 271 Wlnnipeo 2) ,, IJ 146 ,,. Clllca90 n l1 10 111 2'1 TOfonlo 11 33 ,. 716 1" Del roll •• u 11 na 214 WALES CONFIAENCfl Pelrlclt DM tl.., • NY lslenclers 44 14 I JU ?OS Pnlladelllfll• 12 u • 161 u• NY Rangers 30 ,, 10 734 241 PllUburQh 24 31 10 231 21S Wtshlngton 20 lS • 2SI ,., Montreal AdamtD~ 3' 17 1 19'1 111 Bulfelo JJ 19 ., l4S 203 BM ton :l4 21 ' 2S3 211 Ouebec 29 23 .. 1'0 275 HertlOfd 11 31 14 10I 27' T-y'15corH Winni~ 7, Phllaclelphl• 4 Edm011ton 1, MonlrHI l NY hlandtrs •. CelQarY 3 8oston 2, St. L.Duls 2 T ...... 'tG-ft ltl ... 1etTCln>n40 BollOll et Pltt~r9'1 Edmonton el OueDll< Cal9"rv et NY Ra119trs St. Loub at WeshinglOll Harllorc! et 8111feio Winni~ at Cllic- OetroCI al MllV'llt~a llencou.,., al Color- Thie .,.•k's lrout planl1 .... .. ., .. .. ,. n 60 " .. j() .. ts 70 10 S8 49 " ,. 11 12 .. LOS ANOILf!S Ca\lelc Leke, Castalc la900", Crv1tel Lalle. S•n Gaorlet River IE.Ml-Hcw1h Forh l •1v1•1tDI Htmel L•k•, Pe rrh R.wrvoCr. SAN aeANAADINO Cuc e - monge-Guesll Perl< Lake, Gl•n Htlln Puk Leke, Mol•.., Narrow' Park L•k•. SAN DllOO -$an Vico111e Re10rvolr SAN LUIS OetSl>O .11141\Cedero Lakt, L419un• L•ll• SANT4 8AA8AllA 01vy Brown Crffk -'M•n1MW1 Cr..._, S..nt• YM\ Ahfer VENTUAA M<ll11t1a Creek Plru U.ke. Revu CrHli, Rott V•llO L•~.. ~­Crull !Upper ~c11onl Venlure River (NOr111FOflll INYO Cotton-Creek. D1a1 Lallt, O.Or~i C,_, lnclepenc!Pnc• Crtek Lor'llt Pine Creo , SllepherO> Cree~ Symme\ Cren . Tul11t ,,...,. Men'• vott.ybell MIOH KltOO&.. La Oulllte clef Unlver•lly, u 1 I) U. I' IS. 1 .. 14, tS-10 Meler 09! *'· ~ICIOI, 1~11 ,..,,, IJ U 1S-IL H6Qh echooJ vouevbalt o•AlH>t COUNTY AANKINOS I l -9"ch; t Cott. MHa; ) 1an Clem•n"; • Marine; S E•t•n~la, • Unlv•rtlly, 7. Fountain Velley; a. 0.,.. ~I M•r. 10 H""tlnoton Hlah IChool golf Cet •--s-~-. 1rv1 ... 1 , ...... UN_.uty 191, Gftla Mele ta JI Wff<ly IU"lver>lh l. Heu11hlon IUnlverslly> :19 -Lucu IVnlv•rslly). Holm•s IVnl•ersllvl. •3 Borel• CUnl••rsltv>. Ouelllte f~la M .. a > Note Miki 0...111 .. CCO>f• Mele) -• "°"In one on par-3. 1n.yerd elQhl "°" ~ . ' " " Wornen·a aoftball HIGH SCHOOL H11.,..,....._1tl.~AaHllhl HunllnQlon Ba.tch 021 001 34 e J Leguna Hiiis Oto ooo 0-1 1 2 zecce, Pllllllps C•> ..,d COOf>er. R•no to , Spr19C1lns -Mao ranka. w Z.cce L Spra~ 2B Oliviera IHunllnQton Beach , R1no (Hur>tlnqton Buell! > Tueaday'1 transaction• iASl84 LL 4-k ... u-l(ANS•s CITY ROY•LS -Acquired Harry Btaek. pllcller. from S••lll• to comp111e a Offl ft>at sent Manny Cattlllo to Ille Marine" tut fell. HEW YORK YANltEES -Sf9necl """" M<G•fflQMI, oitchtr, to• OitW·Y••r contr«t l'Uo-1~ CINCINN.11TI REOS -Signed Bruce Bere11yl, pilcl)et, encl German 8arranti, lnllelcter. toOl"lll-ye•r cOlllr.tcl\ FOOTaALL ~ Net_F_llLa- NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS -Na....O 1 ... ew Erber, offensive coordinator. Jlm "-lore. defensive coorclinetor and Cle.., Bryent. runnl119"beck coacn SAN DIEGO CHARGERS -Nemec! Chuc I< W-r, llnebecl<tr CCMKll HOCKEY Meti.-tH«ttyu- OET ROIT RED WINGS -5Pn1 Jim ltOfn, clel•nserT\111\, to ACllrondec k ol lhe Amer1,.;. Ho<ll•Y Lnoue. Reta.lied Greg Joly. deftf'IWman, from Adlron<1ao NEW YORK RANGERS -Recalled MIU Baomal'. rl9'1t wlftQ, lrom Sorl119llekl of the American Hockey Logue Sent Pitier wallln, rlgllt wlnq. lo Sorl119flelO PITTSBURGH PENGUINS Tr•dl<I Mark Joh"'°", center. to Min""'°" '°' the North Star> 1982 saconcl>-round Or.tit choice COLLEGE C.11LIFORNl.11 Named Nate Wright encl Larry ltui-lch at!llSlant football coac"-5 C.11L POLY·S'-N LUIS OBISPO -H•rt'.o Jim S.ndP..-. head kootball coecn V.11NOERBIL T -Name<! Bob Bru>ll otflll\I .. loolbell coor<llnator ... Vikings, Chargers efuninated Martna came about as close.as a team can come to r eachinl the Cl F quarterfinals but, a rter a tie I n r eg ul a tion a nd n i n e overtimes, the Vikings came up Just short, losing 3·2 to Santa Ana in CJI'' 4·A's men's soccet playotfs Tuesday. M a r i ,n u . t h e N o . 1 rt!presentatlve from the Sunset League, got goals from Garry Norr is and Lee Green but it SOCCER ra. was n 't enough as Century League champion Santa Ana countered with two goals from Armand Rocha and one from Juan Avila to pull o ut the dramatic win The Vikings had scored a 1-0 w111 over Rolling Hills in the firs t round of the playoffs while Santa Ana routed Cerritos, 7-0 In other 4-A action. Culver City eliminated Edison with a I ·O win in two overtimes. The Chargers had beat en Channel L eagu e c h am pi o n S anta Barbara in the first round but. like Marina, couldn't quite hang o n i n t h e seco n d -r o und cliffhanger. W est T orr an ce b eat Dominguez . 1-0. a nd Canyon beat Simi Valley to set up one 4·A quarterfin a l whi l e Dos Pueblos beat Redondo. 3-0. and Claremont downed El Modena. 5 · l . to ad vance to a noth er quarterfinal tilt. In women's playoff action. University got by Tustin. 1-0. on a goal by Maureen Connolly. The Trojans will meet Rolling llills in Friday's quarte rfinals. Rolling llllls eliminated Cypress with a 1·0 second-round win. Rustle r women top San Diego CC Five players finished in double figures a s the Golde n West College women's basketball team broke the century mark for the second time this year with a 112 71 win over San Diego City Tuesday in the Rustlers' gym, Carol Krikorian led the way with 23 points while Marcia Mathews and Janet Ramaekers added 20 each T h e win i m p r oves Gold e n West 's non-conference record to 10·1 l i \ I \ At the Pilot, people make the difference. I \ . • • • people lik~ these in the Editorial Department ·· 1 like the opportunity to travel all around the county and meet Lots of different people The Pilot gwes me that opportunity ·· Pat O'Donnell Fountain Valley As an award-winning photographer. Pat takes pictures of sports and news. then de velops the film a nd prints the photos. ,, llard·h1tl111g n<.'\\S stories and photos art'n·1 just gt\'t•n to nt.•ws p<.ipc..•rs like gifts Train ed. t<.i lented reporte rs. photographers <.1nd editors have..• to know how to ··dig·· them up. The~· have to hav(' <1 no~<' for news Tht'y han• to know tht• area they work in Thc..•y ha\'(' t~l bl' \\llling to put in long hours They need good. relaablt• Sotll"C'es The.·~ have to Ix• likC' our rt•porters. photographers and editor~ And with un editor" ho he-is 30 ~·cars of experience co\·ering the Orangt· Coast to h elp guide our staff. you can be assured that what you read 1n the..• Pilot is accurate. comprehens ive local news and featurC' CO\'C'r<tgc.• Finding good people \\ho enjoy their work may take longer and cost more. but at the D<1ily Pilot we kncrn 1t·s wor th it becaus<' people do make a difference. ·· 1 thmk the Pilot 1s d1f/ere11t becawie of the speed and accuracy we need ~o work on mult1ple ed1t1ons ·· Jerry Hertf'nstein, South Laguna A copy ed itor, J e rry is responsible for writing page one headlines. correcting gramma r and checking stories for accuracy. lai~yPilat "We are the only community newspaper that unit report event11- that really affect people's lives People look at us as a neighborhood store · · Jodi Cadenhead Newport Beach J od i covers the Costa Mesa ··beat." writing on eve rything from the city councllJ.o people. features. ."Wflere ~pie make the difference." 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 642-4321 NEWPORT BEACH •COSTA MESA • IRVIN:E • HUNTINGTON BEACH • FOUNTAIN VALLEY •LAGUNA BEACH ... . . . " # ' ... ' l1HyPllDt WEDNESDAY, MAR.'3, 1912 MICROWAVE RECIPE . SLIM GOURMET OUT OF THE KITCHEN SUPERMARKET SHOPPER C2 c~ C7 C10 ' Grow. a garden from produce . C6 '· And how · does y-011~ garden grow? Dig/or the edibles By MA.RV JANE SCARCELW Deltf ...... ~E4111ler Someone once said there's no s uch thing as a free lunch. II so, then there's also no such thing as a free salad. In other words, if you want to enjoy fresh lettuce, carrots and peas from your own garden this s ummer, now is the time to reach for a shovel. "Rule Number One is that 75 percent of growing vegetables is in the soil preparation,·· according to Chuck Marousek, a nurser yman and vegetable expert who works for Lloyd's Garden Shop in Costa Mesa. "The planting beds should be thoroughly worked with mulch -t~e more the better -each year," he says. "Gardeners can use comm erc ial mulc h or leaves, but should avoid grass J Ullings because they carry bugs and diseases.·· Planting be d s s hould be elevated, even if with cement blocks or railroad t ies, he says, and home gardeners can take a lip o n wateri n g from co mm e rcial growers : "Irrigation is the best watering technique," he says, "not s prinklers . The r oots need water, not the plant." Fertilizers s hould be high in phosphorus, which helps in root formation as well as flower and fruit production. "The two most common errors are in rushing to plant too early and in picking the wrong areas to plant,'-' Ma r ous ek says. "Early March is best to plant almost all summer vegetables except tomatoes, which should wart until May because they n ee d warm ni ghts f o r pollination. .. A!ld most vegetables need all-day s un. Peas and beans need to climb, so plant t hem FUTURE FOOD Chuck :\1arous<.'k at l.lo~"Crs Gurcten Shop is surrounckd h~· seed packets as hl' <'hecks th<' st ra\\ ht'IT~ ernp enough to go outdoors. Just as many home gardeners begin to see the fruits -and t he vegetables -of their labors. t h ey als o s e e unwelcome visitors. Harvest" and "The World of produce enough to feed your half Herbs ~nd Spices.·· of tbe block," he says with a For problems not explained grin. there or more specific advice, he ~Radishes are easy. and kids s ~ge s t s a s king a loca l e n joy growin g t he m ," he nurseryman. "But don't bring in suggests ... Lettuce is easier in a leaf covereJ with bugs and containers than in the ground. wave it a ll over his garden because it's less bothe red by shop," Marousek adds quickly. snails and other pests. Carrots "You can grow vegetables making a 4·inch circle with his seriously or for pleasure," he hands .• "I buy watermelons an points out. ··If you 're just thestore now." growi n g them for fun . Because gardening can be a containers are best, because trial ""and error effort, he they cut down on the weeding recommends keeping ,records of and pests, as well as forcing you s uccesses a nd failures t o to water correctly. It's a more eliminate repeating mistakes. controlled situation." ··People trust their memories. I ~ \ · a gainst a hot wall and provide a trellis. Tomatoes climb. but they shouldn't be planted a gainst a hot wall unless they're right by the ocean with a cooler climate. Otherwise they'll fry ... He recommends gardeners know their own climate since wind patterns can diffe r even between the front and back yards of the same house. "Other th ing s like your vegetables. too .·· Marousek admits. "Controls for bugs and other pests ~an be biological or chemical The etlemieal eentrels a re much easier. but people have lo be careful and follow I a bel directions strictly ... "If you thtnk it's bugs or are better container plants, too. ~e, put the sample in-a e s p e c i a 11 y w he re s oi I When pressed to name the:_~b~u~t~t.:.:h;:.eyL..:.s~he!!o~u!!.l~d!!.n~·t":·-· ~he7~~----:1 most dlrtlcUll·lo·grow summer " n expensive notebook with ..... Home farmers who begin with seeds can ease transplant shock by s tarting them in peat containers which are popped into the ground still surrounding the tiny plants when they're big For weekend far mers who want. guide books , Marousek recommends a series published by Ortho. including "All About Vegeta bles ." "All About Tomatoes." "12 Months of plastic bag so it doesn't spre.~ preparation is poor . If t he· to his healthy plants... ,...-'--..ground is hard, you'll get a For green beginners or people 2-inch carrot instead of a lO·inch with brown thumbs. he lists the carrot." easiest, sure-grow vegetables: Other easy-to-grow vegetables ··zucchi ni is terri°fic. The rule inc 1 u d e o rl'ro n s . cherr y of thumb is to plant two seeds, in t o m a t o e s a n d e v e n case one doesn't come up. The nasturtiums. the leaves of which one plant that does grow will can be used for salad greens. J foods, Ma rou sek d oesn 't good records s hou ld s how hesitate. ··watermelons ... he res ults in the garden by the t¥d says. ··I've tried for 20 years to year. grow watermelons in different "If you prepare the soil well, parts of California. and I've feed and water properly and never had s uccess with them. keep good records. pretty soon It's <!epressing . because the other people will be asking you largest melon I've ever gotten f or advice in growi ng wa·s about like this." he says. vegetables ... Getting down to heart of the art~~hoke story TAKI A 0. -Sprin1 artichokes are served with a basic dip which can be varied Yfith herbs for a fresh taste. ---~-- , .. So there is som ething new under the sun, especially the bright sun of a spring weekend morning when artichokes show off to their m ost glamorous a dvantage in this c r eative · spring herb dip for artichokes. Try this delight on your family or guests as a bountiful hors d'oeuvre or sprightly dinnerside dish . You may find that the spring artichokes now available in your m arket have a frost touch which growers call winter-kissed. Frost makes them s low in ma tu ring, improving flavor . You ' 11 recognize this by the touch o f bronze on leaves; remember it m akes the taste even better. Nothing is less trouble to prepare th an this versatil e vegetabl e wh ich lends a gourmet flair to any course. be it hors d 'oeuvres, salad, soup or en tree. Another bonus : Children love the novelty of picking leaves off one by one as they eat them. Nutritionally minded parents a re delighted to learn that a rlic hokes contain the B vitamins and vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, calcium, a small amount of protein and are very IOW in fat. C&EA.'11VE SP&ING BUB DIP FO& ARTICHOKES 1 cup sour cream \4 cup finely chopped raw celery, cucumber or carrot v. teupoon salt Addltlonal raw chopped ve1etable for gaml&h, optional 4 chilled cooked artichokes Combine sour cream. chopped vegetable and salt. .., VARIATIONS: Add any or all of the folao.lne LD1recUenta: 1 le.spoon dill weed, \4 teupoon bull leaves, 1 tablespoon . minced Inell onk>ftl. Garnish with blta ol chopped vetetable. Chlll, lf dlalr.d.-Serve as a dip for artlchoku . II akea .4 servings. Note: Creative Herb Dip is a lso. excellent when warmed in saucepan and served hot. LOW CA.LORIE CREATIVE SPRING HERB DIP FOR A.RTICHOK ES 1.4 c up finely chopped celery, cucumber, or radish 1 cup (8 ounces l plain yogurt 1 ~ to 'h teaspoon salt Additional raw chopped vegetable for garnish, optional VARIATIONS: Gently s tir any or a ll o f th e f o ll owi ng ingredients Into Basic Dip: 11\t teas j)OOl"I dill weed. 1-\ teaspoon garlic powder , 1.4 teaspoon b;lsil leaves. Garnish with bits of chopped vegetable. Chill. Serve as dip for artichokes. Makes 4 s"er vings. BASIC DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING A.R!J'ICHOKES Wash artichokes . Cut• off stems at base and remove s mall bottom"'feaves. If desired, trim tips or leaves and cul off about 1 inch from top of a rtichokes. Stand artichokes upright in deep saucepan large enough to hold snugly. Add '.4 teaspoon sail for each artichoke and 2 to 3 inches boiling water. Cover' and boll gently 3S to 45 minutes or until base can ~ pierced easily with fork. Add a little more bolling water if needed.) Turn artichokes upside down to drain. II artichokes are to be stuffed, gently spread leaves and r emove choke (thistle port.ion> from ·center or artichokes wiU. metal spoon. A.RTICROKES AND EGGS BENEDICI' 4 art.lchokea. prepared for stufflnt (see bulc: directiona > • 4 slices Canadian Bacqn (at least \4 inch thick> ~:Tf'anc1atse Sauce tneipe follows) (8" •A.ftlclllb.• .... Cl) . • . I I • •. ., Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wtdne1day, Maroh ~· 198~ I ' . . -Peoples ·of the world. loVe staying . ' in a stew H v TOl\1 llOG t; Al'Wl••• ....... WriWr lo c k t'o uncooked lngredJents and let the dish Rimmer, gr1du11ly releasing various flavors. 6 medium polaloea, oil In pol. Add about 1 cover and simmer tbout m u a h r Q_ o m s • a n d pceledandquartered teaspoon salt and~ 90 minutes till meat ls simmer ~5 mlnute.1 2 dozen small, fresh teupoon pepper . Add tender. Add waler. If more. Add mushroom5 mushrooms. s o Y s a u c e , liquid bolls down too and simmer 8 to 10 more 111111111 · , Wh11t 111 the most 1>opul.11 rtl!!h the world t>Vl't ' Ac·i·ordlng to u ll111h'<I N11llon11 survey. II I~ ~II'\\ 16 -°unces dry-red 12 s ma 11 w h Ile Dredge meat with Worcestershire, bouillon much. Add re maining minutes. Serves 8. Good M 8 n y stews, wine onions, peeled... flour and brown in olive and wine. Bring to boll , Ingredients , except wlthadry"".hllewinc. espeoially those with ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~~...;;...~~~.......;~~~:;__~~~~.:_..:.....:....:.;:_...:....:..:..:..::..:~ Wlw11 I wu:. coverinat lhl' l ~ councils about :i dl'l'Utk a~o. otricials took time out to check 011 11ulionul di11hQS:...-.--.. Of :-.1111w 70 nations the-., 1>ollcd , 40 listed :,tc \\' 1n one form or .an o ther as thei r favor1tl' f>ruhably no form or c o oki n~ is more sa t bfying than the tossing or one's favorite 1 ~g.,red1enu. into a pot and watc hing the mixtur<' simmer while a tantalizing aroma wafts through the kitchen. meat, are better if they -a re allowed to stand over nicht In the refrigerator. (lvlng the eomponents a ehatnce-to· blend more closely. A favorite is beef stew with a stock made from boui116n, red wine and soy sauce. Here's the recipe. BEEF STEW 2 pounds beef round, cubed 3 t ablespoons all· purpose flour 3 tablespoons olive Sall and pepper 2 ounces soy sauce B r o w n e d s t e w s oil pro\ 1dc a richness that emanates from various juice:. af t e r th e rn gredicnts have been 1 tea s poon Worcestershire sauce browned. , ~notht•r way is to add 2 cans 1101/IJ ounces• each) beef bouillon . ' Make stress wortc for you, not against you! Attend Hoag Hospital's informative seminar, "Success With Stress." It will help you cope when you're under press~. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian presents Success with Stress ' ) Monday Introduction: Matth ts, 1982 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. JanefKelly, R.N., Communi ty Education Tupics: . t· i MICRDIAVI Clllllli f %cipe l t ; • I • l EGGPLANT P ARMIGIANA I l'gg 1 • ('UP flour 1 tt'aspoon salt !i 1 ~ mC'h slices eggplant 1 1 cup oi l '1 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 21 ounce jar Italian cooking sauce 1;!1 t l'UP S) -I ounces sliced moziarella cheese In .i pie plate. beat the egg. In another pie µlal l', l'Ombine flour and salt. Preheat a brnwn1ng dish a t High for 6 minutes. Meanwhile, dip eggplant slices in egg and then in flour to coat. ~hen browning dis h is prehC'Jll'cl. add 2 tablespoons oil. Cook 4 eggplant slices m 011, uncovered. on High for 2 m1nu1es on each side"or until browned. Drain w«ll on paper towels. Wipe dish to remove CXCC'S!-o (Ill. PrC'hcat browning dish al lligh for 3 minutes and repeat browning process with remaining oil and eggplant slices; drain well. Place 1 layer of c•ggplant in bottom of browning dish. Sprinkle with half the Parmesan cheese and half the cooking sauce and top with half the mozzarella.· Cul remaining mozzarella in triangles. Stack · rcm a1n1 ng eggplant in baking dish and top with n•m ,11ning Parmesan and cooking sauce. Cook CO\ l'l'l'<L al High for 10 minutes or until heated th1 ough. giving dish half a turn once Lay r 1·ni.11ning mozzarella triangles on top and cook, r el\ •·n·d . .at lligh for l minute . :\1;ikc•.., 1 servings. ANO WE HAVE 1Nf S/Pf FOR tillMT GET·TOff'TllQI. GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTIME HONEY eAKEO NAM ---· JJOOE Coast~• (714)673-9000 --l'he Vloge Cenler • 1222 So 8roadvst (Al 8ot Rood) • (714)~2A61 •,..·BellowerPloloNorTn • 2460t~wav .-(AIBToroRood). (7\4)6.l7·J822 WWJW ..... 1Q()69 Becxtl It.a (Al Garfield rext to~s) • (714) 848-.8575 -· \4l9N Tustn(Acrossfr(lr'n fO'f()IOolO'"ar'Q9) • (7\4)991-9900 ---~· 11-<134HwV m(IO'cl'O~ogePozo) • (7l4)J46..31194 ~ · 5'110 Mrgton Ave (In Hc:waron ~Center) • (714)~¢081 -•u----=~.w71M'f--~ .... ~---~ ...__. ____ ..,.. rAsr1· .. 0111 YOU BllY! Copyrtght9 '911 Honey l<*ed Hom, Inc. We've reduced the price of Mainstay Brand Dog Food signific·antly! So compare ... and save every day on this 100°/o nutritionally complete and balanced Adult Dog Food .. No other soap picks you up quite like · Coast® SEE FOR YOURSELF! Save 20¢ with the cou~n below when you buy two any size ban of Coast! r~;--------~---~~-----------(1]1 i SAVE-20~ · 1~ WHEN YOU BUY 1WO ./)~~,,.f-e 1WO ANY SIZE BARS OF UJOD•' i Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Grace Hoag Conference c.enter 301 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA What is Stress? Causes of Stress Stress Management Techniques Benefits of Stress Speaken: Martin Brenner, M.D .. Psychiatry Douglas Kahn, M.D .• Psychiatry A osp1ta es yteJilan. ommunity • ucation rpartml:'nt. 301 ,. .,..... Newport Bouleval'a Newport Beach. CA 92663. THERE IS NO for further ADMISSION CHARGE. Limited seatin11 available infol'DUltion: Name_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m4> 760-5923 Daytirnt' Phont· ( )_• ___________ _ \ " • · .. . . .... Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Wednesday, March 3, 1982 .. ' ...------/' ___ lW.-_,...• 0 F VALUES __ F.dllloD_xu _____ _ IMPORTED POUSBBAM Lean and Sliced to Order. Reg$4.49 lb $3.~5 lb Mild Wlaconaln COLBY LONGHORN CREESE Reg $3.49 lb $2.98· lb Flshennan'a Wharf. TARTAROR . COCK.TAIL SAUCE 8 oz. Reg $1.09 89 ¢ lb Irvine Ranch Fanners Markets MACARONI SALAD Reg $1.19 lb 98 ¢ lb ALOUE'l,'E CREESE WlthHerbe 4 oz. Reg S 1.69 $1.29 Available at the Tustin and Newport ·stores only! · . , . P R. 0 V l,I I 0 ,.N 9 * Knudsen YOGURT 8 oz. Reg 51¢ Generic APPLE JUICE 64 oz. Reg S2.29 1---t-H-- WHOLE BEAN COFFEE Colmnblan J:>e.camnated. Bulk only. Reg$~.l91b $4.49 lb 1RVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS NEW.LOW PRICES ON EGGS! . 1rvtne Ranch fannert Market. 11 coounltted to 1Pv· lnc lg cuMomen the ftne9t and freebe9t ea-.. well• the loweet prk:iee. C4mpare our quality and prtc;e. and you'll never buy ecp anywhere el8e. Our hem are led a nutrltioue feed accenting com and 80)' me.I wltb no c.hemkal addtttvee. lrvtne Ranch Fannen Market. recetvee lta ecp tre.b dally. Jumbo Extra Large large Jumbo 20 count Brown 20 COWll . . Limit ~hts Reserved No Dealer Sales. $1.08 dcmm $1.04 ckrzen 99~ ckrzen $1.79 ~t $1.85 nae $2.53nar "' BullkerHW NO OIL DRESSING ltalllm, Vlnalrene, GYJlllY a Herb a..ket. .. l2oz. Ret8U9 $l.05 Pure & Sbnple KETCHUP U Y, OIL Rec 8L49 Pure&. Sbnple MUSTARD • 8oz. Rea 79e I\ ~F.ut PILAF · Rlce&Wbeet 8oz. Ret8ll9 Wm. 1: Tbompeon ADULTPLEX ...... .. ... $6.4 7 95~ 49~ 79~ Va TA YOGIJRT COVERED ALMONDS .. Only .... $140lb $2. 79 lb YOGIJRT COVERED PEAN1JT CLUSTERS • 816 Only. Rec IS.05 lb $ 2.59 lb TRAD.MIX R-*d, wllh or without s.lt. Bulk Onty. Rea SUI lb $ 2.29 lb $1.55 ' t .. EATS STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST Reg $2.29 lb . Oven-Ready MEATLOAF Reg Sl.98 lb $1.89 lb $1.69 U> VEAL CUTLET Reg &6.98 lb $4 .98 lb MARINATED BEEF BACKRIBS Reg $L79 lb $1.19 lb LEAN GROUND BEEF Reg SL791b " $l.49 lb SIDE OF BEEF Average weight: 375 lb. Cut and Wrapped FREE! $'1.39 lb HINDQUARTER OF BEEF Averaee weight 200 lb. Cut and \\Tapped FREEi "$1.69 lb Available at the Tustin and Newport stores only! 4 ." l 8 I A J 0 0 D FRl3BTROUT Rec $2.98 lb $1.89 lb MABIMABI Reg S3r49 lb $ 2 • 69 lb HALIBUT FILETS Reg 85 .98 lb • $4 .98 lb Frozen SILVER SALMON WbOle or Half Reg$4.98 lb BLUEPOINT OYSTERS Reg39e each $3.69 lb 29¢ Available at the Tustin and Newport stores only! BAKERY Homemade Natural Sprouted SEVEN GRAIN BREAD IOO% F1ourleee 24 Oii. Lollf . $1.39 Homemade Irvine Ranch Fannen Mark& CINNAMON BUNS Pw+"s• al. $1. 79 . Prkea .,00 through 3/9/82. Ston HOflrs: 9 om to 9 pm. !kwn Days .. .. Storr /lours: JO am 10 6 pm. Seven Days Wh~re Tradition u Coantey Fraluiea. IRVINE STORE 14002 Myford Road At Santa Ana Freeway 838-2851 TUITINITORE 13152 Newport A~ At Irvine Boulevard 838-9570 • 1 , . COITA MESA/NEWPORT STORE 2651 lrvlne Avenue South of Mesa Drive 631-4404 \ Orange Coaat OAIL Y Pll.OT/Wtdnelday, M~ch 3, l982 • vegetables ·cr~ate e~sy, JoW-calOri~ soups • B '1 8 AR 8 AR A a oup . Mekee tour ldea : tblnly 11lce e Optional · butler GIBBONS se rvlnas, under 80 2·ounce knockwurst end llll 111110 .naavorlng;orbutter salt lo t as te w it h Wor cer1te r1hlr e <and butt e r fla vor ing, If de11ired I. Pour Into soup bowls and garnhsh with chives. parsley or dill. Makes four servings, 105 calor ies each. contl'it With no rule• I/ vou'rt not .a WJUMr ne%1 month, don't gi ve up looking' Wt might u~e 11our recipe when 11 ·1 mor e 1u1table to the lfCUon. All recipes publi.BMd unll be awarded a book P r lnt ct.arty, g11~ your name, address.and zip code,.and send your enlrJI to SLIM CO U RM-ET JtE A DER RECI PE CONTEST. P .O Box 624. Sparta, NJ 07871 Qui c k a nd e as y calorles each. fry it •lowly ln a 4 leupoons minced homemude soups lh8l MEAL·SIZE SOUP -nonstick aklllet to melt chives. parsley or dill art1 llghl ln tiffort Bit well Gerda suggests adding 1 the fat. Add the browned C.:omblne potatoes. as c alories •rt1 the cup diced cooked roHt knockwurat allcea to the wHl. receive a cop_.y of 2· ()\Iler ribe celery, o nio n, celery, wate r , winners ln thl11 month's beer or 2 thinly sliced s o u p Ju 11 t bet ore my "fntematlonall ~Um thinly sliced salt, pe pper and bay Slim Gourmet Readt-r low-fat frankfurters to aervln1: 180 calories per Gourmet Cookbook .·· 2 cups water s alt leaf. Cover and 11immer Contes\. the mixture lo make two serving. Harper & Row.) and pepper lo taste until very tender , about These satisfying soups meal-siie maln-coune Another blender-elasy POTATO SOOP 1 bay leaf 30 minutes. Remove bay luke half an hour or less servings, 145 calories pot1tto sou.p suuestloo 2 potatoes. pared. l and one·half cups le af; puree s mooth in to prepare. each with roast beef; 215 corne_t t{rom Marea.ret dlced sktm milk blender. Return to the You COil ""n my new · · L t g ht .o. n d E.a s y Cookbook" by enterfng your decal-Onzed recipe m our friendly . and m/ormal Cathy Se niti o r c alorie s e ach with Bristow or Baltimore. 2 onions , peele d. 1 t eas p oo n same pan; stir in milk F a irhope. Al a .. is a frankfurte rs . Another Md. <All the winners sliced Worcestershi re sauce and heat gently. Season cookbook winner with ·--------------------------------------- her French onion soup. "' You might like to copy ,. ut s • '/ h e r shortc ut serving ta n trick. Instead of putting · . bread and cheese on top o f ·t he s o u p -a n d m e lting the c h eese unde r the broile r - Cathy simply puts the bread and cheese in the b~ttom of each soup bowl and pours the hot soup on top. The c heese-to pped bread flo ats t o t he surf ace and the cheese is nicely melted. EASY FRENCH ONION SOUP 2 large s weet onions. thinly sliced 2 t eas p oo n s ma rgarine 1 ta blespoon flour 3 c ups boi l i n g Cat-skimmed c hi cken broth <or 3 bouillon cu b es a n d boiling waler> ~ 1 t e a s p o o h Worcestershire sauce 2 slices thin. French bread 2 ounces part·skin shredded mozzarella <or low.fat Swiss-style diet 1 cheese Spray a nonstick pot with cooking spray. Add onions and margarine. Saute o ni ons unt i l t e nde r . S pr inkle on flour. Cook and stir unti I ble nded Add boiling c h i cken broth <o r bo uillon cubes a nd boiling-water. cook and s tir un t i l boui ll o n di sso lv es1 a nd Wo r cestershi re sauce. Co ver and s immer 15 minutes. PllCES mwm ) NJ. IAYS .... -. •• I 7 I I 10 $T4T£11 8AOS 1..0Z •• 79' cmDllDS ~ STATER 8AOS 1-0l 88' Sl.ICEI llSll IDTS IA OV VIAOIHIA t2-0Z •• 98' 1W FIAllS - 8EUA DOH.HA ,. •1.11 ' ITAi.Wi SAUSACE ~ 1er11le• ••II a...11-•flr*W1~ SLICED TO 0f00£11 • 1 78 all KAI .. u • AHV SIZE PttCt CBWCllESl ALEX"S IACAmSAUI \HI 11.29 "Ll •• c CHUNK llOHT IN OIL OR WATER FRESH FROZEN Hamlnlraer Patti• 3 LB BAG EACH •3." ' .. lnY•r This I • '5EH 91.Aot CUI CtlDllAST BEEF llOUHO .. IOAST -IUM HU C.WCA s.tlUIOAST • BEEF LAllOt to;O •llAST -...uu mllDT ~· . ,, . KELLOGOS Fresh Pork Loin Sale! PORK LOIH I~ TO Jl,I AVG Sirloin Roast ... La •I.S9 c;ou+jlA• SNU Pork ·Loin Ribs lB •I.S9 l'OMLOIH Rib Chops .... POlll\ le •I.79 !!!~Chops Pork Sau1a1e la •I.89 lB 99e La 97c La 11.89 u 11.98 LI 11.99 LI 11.99 \ 8EH81.AotCVT tmSTEAI ~Hlr -STUI 8EH I.ARO( ENO 19STUI ... 11.19 u 11.78, LI 11.89 IOHllU.ll IH• AO<INO •2 an Tf STUI LI .... FAfSH U ""' NOi TO UCHO 22'• • 1 89 -llIF FAT U • geo~ .9rwr.1aQs --\ <i_~ ·. >:: ~'-2~, FRESH SKINLESS Perch Fillets ·~~49 HALIBUT ' ARM I HAMMER OEHERAL MILLS Meanwhi le. p lace thin rounds of French br ead 1n 2 bow l s . Sprinkle with c heese Pour h ot soup over bread and cheese and s er ve immedi at ely Makes two lunch-s ize STARKIST TUNA CORN FLAKES BAKING SODA TRIX CEREAL l;er vings, 235 calories each (170 calories each w i th a lter n a t ive in gred ients> A crunchy vegetabl e soup-in-only 10 ~ i.s th e wi n ni n g s uggestion of Martha Kaczma rs k a o f Manchester. N.H. CRUNCHY VEGGIE SOUP 2 cups tom ato <or tom a to-vegetable 1 juice 1 2 ·ou n ce ca n mushrooms. undrained l cup raw shredded c a bbage (Or bagged coleslaw mix 1 2 outer ribs celery. thinly ~I iced 1 c"up Fre nch -c ut gre en bea ns. fres h . canned or frozen • 1 green bell pepper, • seeded and diced 1 cup fresh bean sprouts !or 8·oun ce can. dr a ined I Combi n e all ing redienL'l. cover and s imme r 10 m in utes. Ma ices six servings. 40 calo'ries each. A hearty potato soup s ubtl y s piced wi th ginger is the winning idea of Gerda Friend of Tarzana, Calif. GERM4\N P OTATO •'SOUP 2 potatoes. pa red . diced 2 carrots, pa red . diced 1 r ipe to m a t o. peeled, diced . 1 s mall o ni o n . peeled. minced 4 cups water pinch o f g r ound ginger Salt and pepper to taste Optional: l beef , bouillon cube (or subslit~le 1 can beef broth for part or the water > Combine ingredients. Cove\-and simmer untU potatoes and carrots are very tender, about 20 to 2$ minutes . Se r ve Immediately, or puree In the blender for a thick, Try this chunkier ve r sio n o f fast-to-the-oven cookies made from ttoro·bou1ht refri1erated cookle dou•h . Shape quarter·cut dough pieces into bell.a Roll balll ln abo\lt ~ cup finely eltopped walnuts to coal before· bakint H label directa. IATH M.D. TISSUE -------- Tmtt~ice .­ Cli11 f rM =w. .... .. , ..... ~. ~•••.-Alff"-' Alpe r.-.-= F•~~~.':j.,.­ llellal*llS = .... 1r ... ,. '2.DI I "'°' 51.76 t .. ...,:tt • ,_, '1.77 I . ...,.ar I LAUNDRY DETERGENT ' ·-Rlnso ....................... -....... ,,.~z •I.36 I LAUNDRY DETERGENT ~ Wisk .............................. 6'.·0Z •3.38 ' FABRIC SOFTENER • Final Touch., ......... 96-0 Z •3.29 ' ANYDAY PANTILINER Ne~ Freedom ...... »cT •I.89 MINI PADS I Ne~ Freeclom'. ..... »cT •2.I:J gllom ffie Stoteit Qo1tdett EXTRA FANCY CRISP RED DELICIOUS Apples \.AllOl 'MIOY -l'UlllTll • 11acm1 ........ 1A21 ua ..o • ..._.__ C NTITIIEI ...... Liii ,~ Wiil 1'\1111 ~ NAVll,I • llllB ...... Liii . iiiil1lili .Ll11·· iiifilEll '..L111• 11-0Z ~ ... ' ~~ • VAll1(11(S ~ft NOOll\.ES Qua~ity S g mt11gs 8l1ot's ffip gtolei\·s Qua.\Ctntep/ Clam Cbowder ~.:\lk, • .., I Sa1t :ro: • ,.,, 51.76 Pimpple ~-:.-.=-· ft.... ... , .. ~O'l!lr..•• .. ..... "'•II ,.1ce ;;c, .. .., ........... . Pnctl• ........ ,. LlllllJ Lite ..... ..,, f...111$ ""' ••••• .Je1 ul o:. rQlit-:ro~~, •Ol&t • ..,,,'1.59 I .. o,5t •..... 11 I 1 '°'57c • ..,.,75' Bllfni ~ ... . 1-tOI. Stag Qili ~ ...... . Malt-Hui ........... .. h=fl~:':'!'' ....... b SilS s:; .. t .. .,, Sl,07 .. ,. ... s1.29 .... ,sl.B Wll•11 rov allop Sr•r•1 Sroa took /or ou1 Stater Savers ~Srar., S.-a lfldtc•t• 1t•m• .. 111c1111e .. - gNwt • ·~'·' ,_ f>Ol•rr t1l1cou111 oy th• me11ut1ctu,.,., W• pau lh .. e H,/nga 011 10 you by fur1n.1 tw1ucl11g our ~'1 /OW-low ,,nc.. on ~~~ltllftdl'ldl of -01a11d ~~~:!::ltflllla HCh •1111 -r _. ' GUYY OAJHES TDllll 1£Ull.l\IEll/8ACON I MIR 000 FOOD •' • . ••• S2.98 ""' 74c ,.., Sl.34 "°' '1.59 .. 0119' ...., S1.J9 t XE LAUNDRY DETERGENT Cold Pcnver: ..... . ' CARNATION Collee Mate ... DESIGNER BRAWNY TOWELS ' 84·oz83.I3 16-oz •I.7S ' LEMON LIME OR ORANGE DRINK Gatorade. _ ....... 32.oz 73e I GENERAL MILLS CEREAL. ~NEY NUT Cheerios ................... 20-oz8 2.I9 I GENERAL MILLS CEREAL / Lucky Charms .... 14-0Z •I.67 r, .. S111~ s.!~!~!~~~~!~~!.~~~!~~m•••v·~ l•C111f•O Wt PHI IMH lt>l'C .. , •. .,.ng1 on to '°" •''" Pfte.• "'" ...... ·~ft °"' tow. fOW ..... .,c1., ptkH \.. CRUNCHY FISH OOR'TONI '(l!loaen ..,. :it.. t ... .u. mil .. ::;;;-' ·-11.21 ,~.HC*SV l!Wt....,., , IOUflOOUGMLILACK MUD, WHIAr MIAO <tl°keat qjOUh Cat CBeell.C\AJlM ~ S£t.quoll I STATER BIOS. HEARTH llEADI t'Jo ~ C<lA110tto11 v«eo~l -.-.Ill ,IU....,. ~\OM I.ell .... ,. ... • ~•t«IOTT\• •1• 11111 WI• ::cm.\\ · ... C11_, WlllS mm1u ..... .. ..,._. UIMlll ...... Ol&.Y •<Cr• =r. .... •11• lmlcllll m-.~ ........ 1.~'lll CIM llm ~ .............. ,~ ~.11. 1.811a-.. ................. u ... U You A/w~ Save At Stater Bros. You Always Save At St•ter Bros. • \I • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, Maroh 3, 1982 \ a ., .. Salley lasag;ne withOut meat Hallan cooklna orten lend• llulf to the veaetarlan touch. and laaaane ls no ucepUon. The ricotta and m ouarella cheeses ;.; combine with wide noodles to provide protein. Flavor comes from the tradillonal tomatoes, o m. .. Jl lo .. ..J> a.s Le a~-d tomato sauce combined with such vegetarian delights as green pepper, zucchini and even a carrot. VEGETARIAN LASAGNA 1 large onion , chopped 2 cloves garlic. minced 1 medium green pepper, chopped 4 medium tucchini, coarsely chopped lh cup chopped celery 5 tablesp00ns olive oil 2 cans (l pou~d > tomatoes in tomato sauce 1 can (8 ounces~ tomato sauce • 1 can (6 eunces I tomato paste 'h cup dry vermouth 1 medium carrot . chopped V.. cup chopped fresh parsley 2 teaspoons oregano 1 teaspoon each : basil, salt 'h teaspoon thyme 'I• teaspoon pepper 9 wide curly lasagna noodl es, cooked following package Classy cooking FASSERO 'S International Cookware in Corona del Mac will offer Diane Heiser. resident chef, teaching lamb preparation at 7 p.m. Thursday. Betsy Moulton will instruct in first·course salads at 7 p.m. March 10. Cost is $20 per class, and reservations are available at..673-2343. KITCHEN THINGS in Corona del Mar offer a class by Roy Pingo in French desserts Thursday and another class in fish sourne on March 11. Kay Pastorius will _ _...,,...s,..-·ruct in ndian curries March 10. Cost of the above classes is $20 each. Betsy Moulton will offe r a course In a complete Easter dinner on March 30. Cost is $23, and reservations are available by calling the store at 673·3444. SHERMAN LIBRARY and Gardens in Corona del Mar will offer a· c la ss in cooking a French dinner March 9. A Chinese dinner will be taught March 23, and a Mexican dinner c lass will be March 30. All classes are held rrom-ll i!.m. to i :JO p.m., and fee for each is $20. Call 673-2261 for information and preregistration. WILLIAMS-SONOMA In South Coast Plaza qill host Gerri Gilliland teaching a course in recipes from fam ous Irish inns and castles on March 9. Tarla Fallgatter will teach uses of phyllo dough in dishes from hor s d 'oe uvres to desserts on March 16. She will return March 22 with a c lass in cooking spring lamb and asparagus . Call the store at 751-1155 for information. Ruth Rodriguez, former chef and owner of Mexican restaurants in .t he Southland, will demonstrate cooking March 8 at the Caste del Sol Recr~ation Center in Misalod Vfejo , Call 837-6921 for information. -... -BIO:Jl-t'estaurant- kl Anaheim wij1 offer a .cour-' ln preparing an En1Ush High Tea at 10 a.m. Friday. . A coune ln an elegant ladles luncheon on March 18 wlll feature boned chicken breasts with rose petals and accompanytnc dishes. The restaurant. ls 1ponaorin1 a culinary tour throUCb Pam May ,J_ to U to Include demODltnUon cl ..... a La Varenn• Cooktn1 lcbool . Call tlu rntaurat at IM·llM ~-----------------------------------· ECllllY IWI , Arrance 3 noodles on top: do. wlth one third rlcolla : arranae one fourth mourell• cheese dlrectlona tomatoes. tdmato sl\lce, on top, and 1prlnkle with 2 cups Cl pound ) totn•to paste, vermouth, one fourth Parmeun ricotta carrot , pars ley and c he ese . Repeat l 2 o u n c e a seuonlnas: brtoa to a procedure twice. Spread mouarello cheese, cut bO l, tllrrln1 to break up rem alntng h uce over ln tt\ln slice~ tomatoes. Reduce heat all ; top with remalnln1 t 'h cups grated and simmer covered, for mozzarella cheese, and Parmeslll) cheese 30 minutes. Remove sprinkle with remalnirrl ITALIAN TREAT \'eJ;tetuhlt•s tnmbim· \\ i t h (' h t' t' ~ (' s l (I I} r o \' i,d t• a last ~ . 1H1 l n l in 11 :-. I <.i "' a J! n t• tlbh ln large try pan, ook cover-and boll-to reduce-PaTmenn diee5e. Bne - onion , garlic. green sauce to measure 5 at 3SO degrees 30 to•~ pepper, zucchini, and . cups. minutes or until bubbly. celery in olr over In a rectangular Let stand 5 minutes medium heat for. 15 baking pall, spread before cutting l nto m in u t es. s t tr ring about one fourth sauce squares. rreque nuy . stir 1n over bot~OP· VOis REAT PECIALS PLUS SOMETHltt'.EXTRA PRODUCE W.A0 F A\Oll!T( Romaine Lettuce &.Jl~ • TIJl"oQrl Crisp Crunchy Carrots !IUJ(IWC Crisp Celery .,-llllft-_(yT t9UI Whole Watermelon l'l~'<rri~ (A .29 LB .19 [A .49 18 .17 rA .99 FROZEN FOODS •Ol ""G "-'P'~ VA'f'C'11 "'i Banquet Cookln' Bags 1' Ol l'llG CO'lllN' r 00" Oh Boy Deluxe Piua J)OtJ..CI V\~. senec• urape Juice .39 259 .79 H EAL fH £BEAUTY llOl--Oll'IOI.• Pert Shampoo a Baby Wa1hclolh 168 101 199 '• Com Starch S f r~VI Cf SEAFOOD l 8 )49 l~) 19 ~ 199 MEATS r~M!C<ece:r-l,Qf'tcur Porterhouse :steaks IAat,!U'c;-~-1.0l"CUT Top Slrioln Steaks L_Alll.f •l'tO ~r -llON£L~S 11111 CV!. Spencer Steaks ~~~lreaks· T "81.L Qo() llf Cf -IOl't£ll'-S Sirloin T1p Steaks '"lll(•l'tO Corned Beef Rounds •l!l5H 5q!Al!f ~~ ~ °" Lamb :shoulder Roast l it 2 38 ~ Lii 2 38 UI 2 98 l8 258 l ll 249 UI )49 U1 2 09 Lii } 59 1.8 } 79 Lii } 99 IA ) 37 DELICA TESSE-_N tl.Ol l'llO--MCX-~aua:5 Cheese Spud Slnglea &::.enT=Slfctde. IOI ttl\O •~~T ~ Vons Slc:ed Beef Bologna tOl "IC•lli'oMAlPVl- t(nift Slced Swlu OieeM o::.,~~i*ne }59 149 119 .85. )25 .89 WE'U DOUBLE lliE DIFFERENCE OOR O<JARAriTEE OF VONS LOW PRJCES to convince you d Vona commitment to low pricts, -·re meklng this olfe<. f you can find lower prica Ottr11U thl• -it et any Olhef supemiarlu!t. Vona w1n poy you double the dillremlce. Just ah<J> at Vona. Buy 25 different Items wOt1tl •20 or more. Compere prices on the same Items at ert'f other supennatket. •f their total ls rower. bring your itemized Vona receipt end the Olher mari<et's prices to Voos and we'H pay you double the difference In cash. Vons -Low prices you can be l)eve In. 32-0UNCE BOTTLE _ LIQUOR J:dc-~Whlskey 7 99 ~um-~ aytor . cea.n 329 '&~rot J Scotch 1899 ~=b~n 799 si~'Wctka 699 C'°.-~ Chardonnay 2 39 ~1\tce &andy 899 VONS BAKERY --~Olt~OOUQHIS-."' Gel FOft< Split Mufftns ~,~~~ .,,.., ~ r.oc Oii C)r'C)n Vona&egela INiOI ~·a Hft'lllan Rola .49 11~ .99 .89 ll'AOICHl-~,---... '4: 10 89 Home &eked Brelld • D:\IHY PHO [)(JC J ~ ~~ ~Julct 191-01'-UY""W;fl[S ~Yogurb ~-".~ .69 289 .33 .89 "'9CU!PftCTMni<MS. TMIC.llft!).,lllittltCH4TO~ 10, 1"2.CN.l(21J)'7t 1400FOfll.Oc:AllOl'IOFSTOMl'll!NIOT\'OU.l'.c>TAU.mNMD "'9CU trll ... AD!J'nCTM AtVOM, Jn« W. 9™ It .. ''°° W. "C:O aw...,-,1 w. eont IT" I.Qt NQLD, ~ DIROO • ......., MD 1.M ~ IAt.alfMTA& QCM1TT1Q °"'-'· lllOtT tTORD Olt1' IM to~ 1 DAft A waK. BIZ .XJY OORAFl.ME ~~ OISHW~l'fO FIRE LOOS 3-ttOOR 2.19 22-0Z. 1.28 2-HC>Ult 1.96 1.44 CO!'!l>laett.•~ .., a.c,.._....,. ....,_,_.., "'* ·-• ~·e..rrw.,..-.,. ... °'' ....... •Hll •• ,.. ....... ~,O<ll _.,. 11-0Z -CHOCOLATE CHIP. MACAR . OA TM~L ICED RAISIN LIMIT 4 (Purchase ~r llmit·reg. price I 15> J09 ·~ ONSMiLD CHEDDAR R£CiOl..AAJ'IECES i.a. ·~ r~Y PAOl-LARCE PIECES GROCERIES GROCERIES a 1')0U'!C!-Uf': Vons 1'pnCOt Halves IMXr<:E(.Al't Vons Stewed T<>rMtoes cg~~tti°Sa~ ~~Com Flakes .43 .39 .49 )84 ) 21 )25 HOUl<t""'G nestle Hot Cocoa Mix -OI JAii rotUl "'11(1> Taster's Choke Coffee 1~en ~ Pme Sol otslnfec:tant J!W llll-Vonl Liquid Bleach )29 510 119 .69 UOl llll-~-lll llOU:.,l ) 15 Palmolive uqulc:I /{IOCt llQ!'-'\~ltt>COlOllS Vons FKlal Tlssue .53 PLAY VONS $2,000,000 ~1•lw·t ii: I 1;1 :+:, i ;t; I THCXJSNfOS OF Wl~NERS EACH WEEK Here are just • few from the second week ... JllNfta--l'()Oj(U M. w.1111111 --_ .. -~MUI! ~WlJI -CllOUM ·--_ .. -INGIAaoetal -""""'" Cl\llOI.~ --_ .. , __ -oor.TTt IJOOllWMJ( "''°"" -.. _ ·--IC.NAlleOll aeM.MU -"fWTOl't -, __ ·--~"'" 1111\llOC:UWC ---... ---~-llQWI DOIWQ.IE2 --™ __ ._ ---I llNtd! OGftA .~COT't _,CASTU.o ... __ .... _ -- ' '""' ........... ................. llPllRlllR...... ....... ................ ______ ~......,............. .......... .,. ......... Ril. , ........ v..., : 1"9M11na11aT'...,._ · · c.e...._ ....... c1at1tw ...._ ,...,_..,_. r ,. 1•1.1n..,..._.o....a... -.c.....011111-.aDelOlta11 _...,......._, . . r ... ,.=.:,,~ • J \ Prange Coast OAtL·Y PILOT /W ednHday, -March "3".1982 ·Indian curry g o es nutty Ation1 the Ma labar 111•0 •1111 r e m aln J ni l e ntll a, Coaat ot fndla, cHt-.ew remalnlna 3 cups water, nul1 1ro w bl& and coconut and ral1in1. navorfw. The dellclou" Reduce heat to low and kidney 1h1ped n ut ls crumbs medlunt aaucepun with 3 s im mer. coverc..-d to~ 20 used extentlvely ln the l cup •rat~ carrot cups w1&ter and sail. minutes. cuisine of India because ·~cup minced green Brana to boU; cover and In a mixing bowl . it's a fine source or pepper s immer over low heal combine reservt.'<1 \.\cup nutrients , especially v.i cu p min ced until tender, about 4,5 lentlls, remalnlnar ~cup protein. parsley m inutes. ' onion, cashews, bread Actua lly all nuts, 1 ~ t easpoo n s Heat peanut oll In crumbs, <'arrots, green including cashews, -can gro\lnd cumin Dut c h oven over pepper, parsley. cumin, --add t&xlur&,·f~avo,.. ·and l teaspec)n crushed m edium heat. Add t C-U'P s-arttc 11n d pe p-pel'. .. .. CURRY FAVOR Cashl•ws ancl lc.•nt 11~ ad<I prntt·m to a s1uc~ Indian dish nu t rition t o a wide freshgarllc onion ; saute un tl~ S hape into 24 l ·ln c h variety or recipes. They 'I\ teaspoon ground t ender. Mi x in curry balls. Add nut balls to can be u sed t o give black pepper powder and ginger root. s au ce . Cove r a nd c onv e n ie n ce or . 3 cups hot cooked Cook 1 m inut e . s im mer 20 minutes . e v e r y d a y r ood s a long grain brown tlce Reserving ""' cup lentils Serve over hot cooked made-by-me look and ,___P_l_a_c_e_l_e_n_t_1_1_s __ 1_n_r_o_r_n_u_t __ b_a_l_ls_;_1 _a_d __ d __ r_ic_e_. ____ -:-------------=----..:....--~--~,.........--_;_----------------------------~-----------that 's ce rtainl y appealmg to busy cooks. T he accomp anying recipe for Nut Balls in Curry Lentil Sauce uses cashew nuts in the nut balls. The combination of o nion , curry a nd ginger root. added to the l ent il sauce. le nds a certain Clavor pizazz. Serve t his dis h with rait a (yogurt, mint and c u c umbe r sa u ce), brown rice and crispy In dian bread ca lled papade. ' .. Nt.rr BAL~ IN CU R R Y L EN TI L oil SAU E <Makes 6 servings) l cup dried i entils 6 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons peanut l lf.r cu ps f i nely chopped onion 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 tablespoon minced ginger root 1-2 cup s hredded coconut • (! cup dark seedless raisins ~~ c up c hopped cashews l 114 c ups dry bread Veggie gardens F ro m T he Associated Press Fruits and vegetables you bring home from the s hopping center can pr ovide fun and knowl e dge f or youngsters and adults -during the winter. Wh a l yo u no rmally mi g ht toss in the garbage pail ca n produce an attractive house plant. Some of the things you can use are pineapple ---o-p-s, onio~ca rrOls, bee ts, s weet potatoes. garlic or seeds from a grapefruit, orange or lemon. • The pineapple top will give you an a I most instant plant. Buy a pineapple with a fresh, stiff, green top because yellow or wilted tops are more difficult to root. Twist the top out or the pineapple. clean off so~ or the loose pulp, then remove some or lite s mall leaves at the.base of the shoot. Take off just enough to expose· the lower portion or the stem and som e of the swollen spots that Will develop into roots. Next you hJlv e two choices. Either place the top in a glass of water. keeping the plant base const antly submerged. Or you may plant it directly in a pot of well-drained soil in a sunny window, keeping the soil moist. The plant wi ll live for a long time, once rooted . ' and properly cared fo r. Sweet potatoes grow fast in·a planter hanging near a window. P-ok e toothpicks halfwa y up t h e p otato side and s usp e nd it hal f s u b m e r g e ·d : i n a container of water. Small "eyes" will tell you which end is the top. Soon attractive green vines will appear. Carrots will make a t e mpor a r y, fe rn-like plant. Cut off the top of a ~arrot, stand it in water , pebbles or soil just deep enough that the top is, not quite covered. You can do the same with beets. Both need bright ligh t. For a hangin1 plant, hollow out the lhlck end of a carrot. " Make three holes for 1trtn11, rm with waier -and a fern should pow rrom the bottom. Start cinl~ bulbs or 1arllc dOVel bJ atickinl tbem in the top of • Jar of w1ter or planting . them in pol& of IOU. You can set addlliqaal id••• by lookiftl over the bl111 ln your loc1I .JUpenMrket. I . I '/ , U.S.D .A . Ch oice Blade Cut ChUck ~·Roast per lb. 4 Stick Special Meat Values •••••••••• Save .40 111 •• effl Clluck Sava .ao 111 .. 814'f Chuck·Bonelea_!.. _ 1 99 7-Bone Steak Cross Rib Roast1~"Wc~'1 -::· • la•• .40 111 • .-... Clluck ~ 1 29 •••• 10 111-urae Fancy './ 7-Bona Roast ~~o?~ ':' • Fre.sh Stewing Hans i:t' .59 ii&i's.i&W''•eat~~~AJ':' 1.99 siiiCilCiid's;~~iae ':' 1.99 •••• • 40 111~a..• chuck ~.... 1 59 1P.0110r11ka *s'"a' u··0s·a,...g..,a -,b' • 89 0-Bona Roast 1'i~':'. • ·· ••••••• Special Fisherman's Cove Values •••••••• , • .,. t.ao .... ,,..t-o.!•011..i Halibut Steaks Save .•o 111.·Frelh Fiiiet ol Dover Sole 1.09 .49 1.59 ••••llillilll•ilm• Special Dell Values •llillllilllllilll•millliiim- '"'' .oa.A111 . .f'rult on T09 ...... ao °"'« L .. 41"'9 l ra,.41 "'--.Cl\o!IH cwm Double .coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturer's "~en ts off" coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item Not to include "retailer", "free " or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed lhe value of the tlem. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products Li mit Qne Item Per Manufacturer's Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon effective March 4 thru March 10, 1982 C'§tla . Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturer's "cents off" coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item Not to include "retailer". "free" or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the item Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturer's Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon effe tlve March 4 thru Mar 10, 1982 ... *"Save at least a buck a bag'' refers to minimum Savir!gS from p rice comparison 01 standard Size grocery bag of PLAINWIAP... p roducts vs. name bra nds. 1WNWRAP... savings avera ge 30 %. Com- pare quality, value and savings. Special Grocery Values $ave .08·AISI. VtrlttlH .55 lave .21·Smucller'1·SlrHfberry Cup-0-Noodlas 7"1 ., Preserves .... ••• )It< Sava .08·Lit>by'1 lite .73 ..... 20· Thri•H>ry Pear Halves 1• Ot Cat Food l'-... ••• ... •••• .:ao.s.neca 1:53 Swltoll a Sav•·A110rttd V•lue Pak Grape Juice .... Hershey Candy 10 . .. PK• •••••••• Special Produce Values iiwl VFr'ucil'°'"1 ' ••• . .25 i'i~i8''i8~n°s'"'Ooub•• t~; Specla l Value·Fr11h Butter or Rid LHI Special Velu•Fr11h, Flavorlul Salad Lettuce •••h .33 Ciiantro 1.39 2.55 1.79 .29 .15 ••••••••• Special Bakery Values••••••••• ·:... 1. 79 ii8f'hlTi'reid~Whn•OfWh~I·;:, .59 ·~~ 2 ,09 cii!k"iii' Choe. Chip f.1s 1. 39 Save .tO·RelphH't tlte Charry Danish i iiiiie ... Pie ••••••1111• Special Personal Care Values ••••••llil• 11:. 2.09 iiia1.i.ptiew1 Razor. ~ .. 1.29 Sw l .. h & a. ... Antaclcl Mylanta liquid Special llauor 1a ... to.1to ..... L•-... •·-.,...., 3 38 '-•••too ... .._.,.....,... . ......, Amaretto 11•:: • Cll••P ... • u•::: Vasa Yogurt .................... Cll•ll I GIOlia .,. cup .49 ;: 1.35 Prices effective March 4 thru March 1 O, 1982 -. Orange Julca "r.~ 1.89 sfiiOiciiild.r . ': 2.9 --~ Adfft11Md ll•ma In tltla ed .. the aame prtc. Of lower In all 1tor11. Price• other than adYertlMd p~H may vary depsndlne upon local compsJltlon1 coat factora or geographic loc:atloft. • Snl1191 , ..... lo pteflow Wffk · 1 "81p111 fHI«, or i.11 u te pt lor 10 lnltl11 price r~ucffefl 11c....,.. of tdwlftl•• or promollonll IHIC:H Ce,yrlgM 1M2 b' .,.... Gfooery Co,,..,_ All Alghte AtMfftd. • Wt fl""9 the right to lfnttt or,.,_, ..... to tofnnMn:lel dM9trs Of who6eHlera • :J I --, \ ,. .. ,,, A ~. ... .. J I Id ·••1 ~. . ~· ) \ Oftl .. , 'V t • , ,, •• Wedne1da~. Maroh 3. 1982 Entertaini ng Complicated BJ MUY JANE ICA&CEUA) .................... There you 1lt at a friend'• bou.ae enjoyln1 an evenJn1 of convttraaUon. It hun't been eaay, but you've mana1ed to dlet o« 10 POundl and are 1oln1 for another fl ve before endln1 the torture and hlttln1 the 1weeta and breadl a1aln. You've spent the whole day avoldln1 calories and f ffl 10 alim and vlrtuoua thJt you're armoat unl>eara6le. Then tit~. ~t"ll. -·atet>'S"OUl ofthe-Kltchen. --.. - •'I've juat thrown to1ether a little somethln1 for us to eat," ahe announces, sta11ertn1· out under a platter so loaded with whipped cream it makes her knees buckle. "You'll love It ... "None for me, thanks. just black corree;" you announce firmly. 'Tm on a dfet ... Your ho&teSs looks at you U •if "diet" were some other four-letter word and says, ''Oh. but ·Ill If TIE llRIEI you HAVE to have some. It's my mother's recipe, and I spent all afternoon making it especially for YOU." Then she runs through the standard reasons why you sboµld eat massive chunks or her caloric delight, ~uch as: "You don't need to lose weight," "One llttle piece won't.hurt," and "It's not good to lose weight too quickly , you'll make yourself sick." Common sense tells you the woman would say the same things to a person who had to be weighed oo truck scales. You· re slue k bet ween the unpleasant alternatives of blowing your diet out or the water or insulting your hostess, because she's decided to stake her entire reputation as a cook on forcing you to eat her dessert. • Alternative scene: you've planned a dinner party for a number of weeks, working carefully on the menu so it's elegant, attractive and tasty. Spending more money on foodstuffs than you ever thought possible, you've camped out in the kitchen for two days beforehand so everything will bejust right. When dinner rs served, one person refuses to eat the fish because of an allergy, two guests are vegetarians and won't touch the main · course. and five ot)lers are on various fad diets clipped from this month's magazines. From what you can gather. they partake only of fresh papaya juice, kiwi fruit and vegetables en_sting in an "r ". Some are counting calories, some keep track or carbohydrates while others are concerned with the molecular structure or the enzymes as they react to the subcutaneous rat cells and lymphatic system. • - ·Either way. the hostess takes ao aspirin and wonders why she didn't have the evening catered by Chicken Delight. Hospitality goes so far back in antiquity that cave people were ofrering choice pieces orr the mas todon haunc h to dinner gues ts. especially if the visitors carried big .clubs. but (See 'KJtc:laea ,' Page CS) .. " . ... TH• ' .. EARL'S l'l~· .. ATINO ---........ St lot ,,,,~~ ~·'•<.9 f""e ll"'t. .ti 'fOUI Door . ~c ... seo.~ ""'""' '°"' ., ... COSTA .. .,.141-1289 I.,....__ ..... ION ~95-04()1 2.u~c-­.11,_...._,...., eu..-,~ow, I STAY ALIVE DRIVE 55 , t _Ulllfl lmulCE 25th year Anniversary . f -~~ in Lhe II arbor Area FAIMEIS_..£· ., 441 ow .... ,.... ...... ....,.. IHcll, CA '11·7740 HAMBURGERS NEVER ••• Tasted so good for hot & spicy use • b get your $2. 00 IOVlngs on Brawny: .. t. Cutout the k.mberjack from the front of 4 Brawpy packages. 2. Comptete mall-In c~ate bek>w. Send It and ll.m- befjocks to; "Brawny Bucks" offer. P.O. Box 518. Young America. Mlmesota 55399. · • I. We'I send you a "Brawny Bucks" coupon book con- t<Jk'W)g $2.00 worth of coupons. (Five coupons. each good fOf 4Qt off when you buy any 2 pocks of Bro.yn'!t) Brow~ the economy towel. saves you money every day with a retail price up to 20• less than other leading paper towels. And Brawny hos scrub strength to handle even the toughest clean-ups. Get Brawny-and save' Mall to: "Brawny Bucks" Otte<. P.O. Box 518. Young America. Minnesota 553?9. Here ore 4 Brawny lumberjacks. Please send me my "Brawny Bucks" coupons worth $2.00. rings • prices ~-t:oci..,la'8avce 11__,UW'K1n-r-tt-~~--~- hambur,er. : .for that Far East flavor use Sweet 'a 8oar. Add 2·3 tbsp.sauce, chopped onions, and 1 egg to 1 lb. ground meat. Mix well. Cook as usual. FREE ! Recipe Book Write WOODY'S P.O. Box t1U . Lona lle8ch, CA 90801 AVAILABLE AT EL RANCHO • GELSON'S • HUGHES & OTHER FINE FOOD STORES , . "ICTITIOUS a USINHS NAMa STATU1MENT Tiie followl"O perto" Is dol"O IMdlM\s OS: • ART HUR JAMES~ ASSOCIATES, 201' Creell:vlew. L ...... Hills, Colllomlo 926D. Arthur Juno Soll••. USU CrHkvlew, i....,,... Hiiis, Collfoml• "'"· Tllll MIMM It conchlCtH by .., lftdlvl<NOI. ~J$e ... Tllll ~ ... Iii.ct wllll Ille COUftty Cle'11 of OrMOe C°""ty on f'Hniery 11, 1"2. "'um PublllMd 0r0fl9t COMI Dolly Pllo .. ..... 24,lille«lll, 10, 17, lta ....., , ................... .,...ITATe•llT TH ... ,_ltle ,_,_ 11 delftt -......: JlLNT ll'"ODUCTIONS. Utl f'olrvlew ""'""°• C11to Meto, ~-- . I .. ICTITIOUS a u11Nass "ICTITIOUS •UllN•SS NAMa STATllMaNT NAMIE ITATaMeNT Tiie fol,_lno person• ore dol"O Tiit followlno .,.,son It dol"O Outlnou es: IMnlneu .. , SWEET CREAMS ICE CREAM BOB f'ARRAN /FARRAN ll'ARLO lt, 411 17111 Slreel, PVaLICATIO NS/G AR Y B . Huntl"OlOfl Beocll. c ... lfOfl)lo.,.. ELLISTON/JOHN ELLIOTT, "" ,.._,Mortin, Jr .. JOt 20lll Streot, WorMr A-. Suite F, f'OUftl•I" Hu"tlllOtOfl lle9<11, Collfornlo,,._ Volley, CA'210L Tlllt """""' Is c-tod by on J A M E S WA I H W It I G H T lftdlvldl>ol. "LANAGAN Ill, 1121 Nl"1""9 Drive, lt.-r1Mer1inJr. ~11Mm.CA~7. Tiit. ...__. w• Iii.ct •"" ... Tllll """'-• It <~led by .., Cou"f'\' Cle,_ of 0ref>9e County on IMlvlduel. f'IClnl...,, 1, 1'91 J-W. Fi......,. • "' Tiit. ... ....._. w• fllect wllll "'9 PllOIU.Ncl 0r0fl9t CoHt Dolly Pl'°'· Counly Clerll of Orof\99 COUftlY on ,..,. 10. 11. 24, Mor.>.,.., , Foo. 11. na. ,.,...., l'ublltlled Or0fl9t CMta Dolly Piiot, FOO. 17, U , Morell), 10, lta 75741 "ICTITIOUI aUSINHI HAMii STATaMmNT ,-ICTITIOUS aUllNHS Tiie rollowplno person Is Oolno HAMii STATllMmNT butlnHIOI' Tho fol_,,,, penont .,.. Ool ... THE WHITLEY COMPANY, H76 llutlftOSIOI: Pullmon S4rwt. Sulw "'· COit• Melo, VIDEO PARADISE, 122 Urd Colltornlo '"'2t. Str•I, .........., llM<ll, Cllllfomlo. Terri L. Wllllley, 2"9SI SU-Dennll A. Young, 3922 alrcll ll'lk•. '#Ill, l.11911!\0 Hiiis. c.lltomlo Strwt, s.u Ano, CMlfomlo 92707. 91'53. f'leyd ~'. Koylor, HIO "D" Thll ~It C-'941 "'M ar ....... s.iaAM,COll..miett"7, IMlvi.uol, Tiiis IMKIMH ,, <•ncluctOd ., T.,.,1-tley IMI• ...... Tllil ........... WOI filed wltll IN OIMl1A. y.,,,,. Counly Ctffll 4" Or.,,.. CeuMy on Tiiis .......,_. -111ec1 witll ._ f'OONet'T I, ta C-ly Clenl et Or.,,._ C...ey 111 . ..,.. ,__,, "·,... ....,......,Or ... C°"'Ooltyll't,_, ._... ..... "· 17, "'· Mllr'd!J, ·-.,.... ............. Or .. C.tlt Dolly ..... ...... 11. 24, MwcllJ, ... ,. 1'641. PIU ll1ll PIU19111 I Follow your team in the ' K.ELLOGG S HAS £.OWERE.O ~R.Al<fS PRICES '? THEY'VE. cnrPRJ~S OOALL -SIZES. AtJD IT'S NOT JUSI A LIMITED TIME OFFER. • ~o WOtJoeR. KE.LlOGG''S CORN FLAKES _C£12£At...IG AMERICA'S FAVORCIE. ... , \ I • . ·selecting mushrooms • ••• Out of. the kitchen with hospitality · F rom Pa1e CT • need all the encouragement they can 1et. Serve them on a plate with lota of parsley. In thott dayi dletlng waH ta problem. You lost But •uesu have som e res pontlbUltlea, too. weight when the spear-thrower's alm wu otf, AJ\houah no ooe can foresee a spread worthy STUFFED M\ISffllOOM8 ti•resh m uhroom 11 may be white. cream or tan In color, dependln1 on the variety. When buying mushrooms look for those which are closed around the stems by a thin veil and show 1 no.b1eml4hes~ ' As mus hrooms Qge, loss o( moisture causes the veil around caps to open. Such mushrooms are perfectly good to use, but will have a stronger flavor. To e n joy fre s h mus h rooms at thei r b es t , h and le the m careCull' at home. They I should be kept cold and I humid , but with I adequate air circulation. If you buy fr esh I , mushrooms Crom a bulk d isplay and carry them hom e in a plastic bag, remove the mushrooms Crom the bag when you get home and store them in a dampened paper towl on a rack in the refrigerator. Mushrooms are high in potassium and supply o the r m ine rals and vitamins. They're low in sodium and calories. too -onf! ~up o'f s liced mushrooms has only 20 calories. MUS H ROOM STUFFED POTATOES 4 medium bakin g potatoes l 1h teaspoon salt ·~ teaspoon ground bl ack pepper •,:i cup m il k • (approximately ) 1 cup fre s h mushrooms. chopped •. 2 tablespoons onion. cho pped 3 tablespoons butler or m argarine, divided I teaspoon fresh lemon or lime juice 2 fresh mus hrooms, sliced Wash potatoes a n d b a k e . u n w r a p p·e d . i n 450 -degree oven, a bout 40-60 minutes or until chopped fresh onion 3 tablespoons fresh lemon or lime juice Slice mushrooms and place In gla ss o r earth enware bowl. Co m blne remaining ingredients In saucepan and simmer 15" minutes, Remove from heat and pour ove r mus}Lrooms . Cover and refrfgerate several hours. Makes about 1 quart: 8 servin~s and no one had lnvettted cellulile. . or King Henry vm when you just dropped by 1 ~ to •-. pound mushrooms, medium to Today's guest-host relationship l1 more for a chat. a 1uest on a restricted diet owes It to I urge complicated. A food offer meant to be 1raclous bia hostess to warn her ~orehand If he's 11!1 cup cru11hed so<ta crackers can end with both -1de1 tee Una •llthtly brulaed. Invited over for what's sha&>ln• up to be a bit v.i cup soft butt.er Wh5'l's the answer? Probably a UlUe more meal. ~ v. cup wine (any variety' common sense and communication from both The cook may not restructure her entire I tablespoon soy sauce sides. • m!u around one person's problem, but at least l teaspoon garlic salt Hostesses should realize that a polite sh knows what's happening when he boycotts a \'4 cup J ack cheese, s hredded refusal of foocUan't personal rejection. Even if a dis or two. VJ cup melted butter for tops gu-est can't11roduc-e a·stgned 11fedlc111 ·documen ost-su~ts can-'lrrnt-wiU eat mushroom~·. -. M Ix together the. soda crackers , bu\.ter. attesting to aller1y. he s houldn't be pinned to a nd here's an easy recipe for stuffed mushroom wine, soy sauce, garlic salt a nd cheese In a the floor and forced lo s wallow generous caps that can be used as an hors d 'oeuvre or small bowl. Clean m ushrooms and remove helpings of the house specialty. side dish with dinner, If necessary. stuff the ste ms <can reserve for soupS or stews>. Stuff And most of us would agree that dieters , caps ahe~ of time and refrigerate to broil just mixture Into caps, put in baking dish and broil whether for medical or weight-loss reasons, when you need them.-about S minutes or until hot. LUCKY OFFERS LOWER PRICES OVERALL AND NO LIMITS! We the low BLADE CUT 89 E!~~K STEAKlb • wno1e eoov. Soutntrn Cr~A • . r week ••• rice ·1e er! LARCE END ,,199 TOP SIRLOIN .. 21a RIB STEAK STEAK Bonded&fff BonelfSS Bonded Bttf l.Oln .. tender . Cut a slice from the top of each potato and scoop out the inside. Mash unHI s mooth , adding salt, pepper and enough milk to make a fluffy consistency. Saute c hopped mus hroo m s and o ni o n i n 2 t ables poons butter or margarine and lemon or lime juice. Add to potato mixture, mix well and place in hollowed potato nei l.s:-. Sa vom s lices in l tablespoon butter Use as garnish on each potato. Bake 25 minutes or until brown in preheated very hot oven (450 degrees I. Makes 4 servings. NOTE: If oven is in use for baking at a lower temperature , bake pot atoes at the sam e time but increase tbe baking from to to 15 minutes. M US HROOM STUFFED ONIONS 6 large onions 1112 teaspoons salt. divided 1 cup chopped fresh mushrooms 2 tablespoons buUer or m argarine 1 teaspoon fresh lemon or lime juice 34 cup packaged bread-stuffing m ix 1;4 teaspoon pepper. · ·water or white wine 3 s mell fre s h mushrooms. halved Peel onions and wash. Place in deep saucepan with boiling waler lo cover and l teaspoon salt. Bring to boiling point and cook, covered, 10·15 minutes (or until partially te nder>; drain. Scoop out centers and save for stuffing. Saute mushrooms in butter or ma rgarine and lemon or lime jui ce. Chop enough reserved onion centers lo make 1 cup and add to mushrooms with bread stuffing, 1h teaspoon salt and pepper. Fill onions with mixture. Place in baking dish with Y• inch waler or white wine covering bottom of pan. Bake uncover e d in 350-degree oven 35 minutes or until done. Garnish wjth mushroom halves sauteed in butter. Makes 6 servings. M A RI NATED MUSHROOMS 1 poun d fre s h mushrooms 8 tablespoons olive Oil I ~ c up dry white wine 114 teupoons salt \'t teupoon cay~ pepper V. teaapoon dried leaforqaao v. cup cftopped fresh panley · 2 t ablespoons SIRLOIN .. 21a TIP STEAK eonoea Beet irouncs ptDEL '-'ONTE 43 A ~~~N BWt~. r~h~NJo, •• 169 r ~~!;~~~SH.89. pt SHASTA 89 ct ~~~ERAC~~ Btl . ptLEO'S SLICED 39 6 !~S .2v.oz ,., • GENERICS COFFEE CREAMER "°'_ 129 ~ ..... 139 I\ BONELESS .. 167 TURKEY · ArmOUr. F<ozen Buttff B~teo ptDEL MONTE 45 i> E.2i~Kffnel 160Z C¥1 . or cream StVle ·rTOMATO 7-3 JUICE · · U dy ltt 46 OZ Cjn. LENTEN ITEMS FILLET OF POLLOCK Frozl!n .. 129 FILLED OF 239 ~NADIAN COO ui. SNOW CRAB CLUSTERS IMITATION CRAB MEAT FrOZl!n FILLET OF BUTTERFISH Fl'OZff'! .. 398 3sa lb / .. 119 SMALL SHRIMP ...... 139 ~~~=:a ... 548 «eyBup man utnl savings. Key Buy' ire item~ pm:cd btlow their heryday di~oun1 pricn u 1 rnuh nf manuf1cturcrJ' 1c:mpor1ry promo11nnal 1llow1nccs or uccp11onal purch1'" Vo1111 find llundrcds of Kc) Buy 1tcm1 C\Cry 11me )OU ahop. /fo II Ple.t ,,,.,..,,.... lnttcad ol pmn, •tamfl °' 1tmta1d11 io attr11Ct aitto•n. wt orrn ~ pridfts. ""'"'• you 1 lo•er 011cr1ll food ltill and no cps1ly frill•, LONDON BROIL 199 STEAK BonelfSs Bonded 8fff lfound lb pt TOMATO 3., ct !~E 1so1c~n• ~ T·BONE .. 221 STEAK 8onOeO Bttf loin r LADY LEE CHEESES Mild Cneodar Of MOnterev Jack 90,P•• 119 ptMENNEN 119 '!!!2,!TIC~soz - 591t•. Ume Of Herbal ·-·-;--. _,,,----....• --::< ".' FRESH ITALIAN PINK SPINACH SOUASH GRAPEFRUIT Cuny ' crisp Excflttnt OUlllftv cox11e11n Rnest ·~··29 ... 39 ~.25 FRESH RUSSET RED· RIPE BROCCOLI POTATOES WATERMELON 1~ COOd Elting US NO 1, 8alc\n9 SIH F\111 of Rlvor, t(t¢. U> •• 1 n ... 39 ... 25 ... 15 °"'--=---~'° .. -en;. --llf9tl!W .. Soni•-· . _., '"""~ .... or-t.111~~ 1 , \ \ "' .. ' • Providing healthful s~acks~___..~ Snulllnl 11 u auaeb a Ill lara• mlxlnc bowl, . { from baldnf ab..U. Yield: about 5 &>aen. part of t1'• American beat mar1arlne and dlet H turlt•y ll It Chfflt until very llaht Than-11lvln1. and nutty. Stir In the ~ FalJIT BAM We ar• a nation -ot cup cruahed whole 1ra(n l cup pitted prunes. a n a c1'er1 -.co Ute c ere a I. Add ti our finely chopped > break1. mld·afternoon mixture, mlxtna until % c up d r i e d s nacks and mldnl1bt well combined. Portlon apricots, tinely chopped refrl1eralor rald1 aro dou1h ustnc rounded Va c up seedless partofthedaUyroutlne. meuurlnc teaspoon. raisins , coarsely Since an l1111>ortant Coat with fine cereal chopped portion of our nutrient c r u m b a . Pl a c e on 'h c u p r l a k e d ' Intake eometi from these u n r.r ea a e d b a k In 1 coconut ---any-hour foods, snacks sheets. Flatten with fork ~ cup a ea am e s hould be choosen dipped in flour. Bake at seeds. toasted r 'carefully. 350 degrees about 12 2 cups whole grain To round out the dally minutes or until lichtly wheat cereal, crushed to diet, select snack foods browned around edtres. 1 cup 2 tableapoona mar1artne or butter Stir to1ether f runes. apricots , ra alna, coconut, sesame aeeda and cereal. In small saucepan, heat honey and mar1arlne until marcarlne la melted, stirrln1 occasionally. Pour over fruit mixture. Mix thoroug~ly. J>ress mixture evenly into 8-inch square lf8-n. · Chill tborouchly. Cut Into bars. Yield: 32 bars, 1 x 2 inches. '· f CHEESY SNACK Ct:rNll adds u c:runl'h IO <•h t'l'M' ('fllC'kl'l'S ~oo d fo l' l'uling un~ ti m<.' that provide nutrients Remove immediately 14 cup honey that may be missed at ,.----------------------.-----------------------------------------,--.,...---------,.-----.------------------------------------------------------~;~~7iC4f f&~~~ lOWER PRICES : OVERALL suppJy carbohydrates, . . ~li~~~:~i~~~~· ... DOLLAR · DAYS. SALE! is a fresh and delicious ' pick·me-up. Ready-to-eat cereals also can be combined ' with a variety or ingredients to create special snacks. Crisp Cheese Crackers are nutritious and eflSY to make, and feature any of the four varieties of flaked whole grain cereals -barley, com, rye and wheat. Because the cereals have no added sugar, they are good mixers with savory ingredients. Crisp Cheese Crackers are a vaJuable source or man y vitamins , minerals, protein, and e ner gy -gi ving carbohydrates. Dried f ruits like prunes. apricots, and r aisins also mix well with ready •to -eat cereals. . They a re a good source of iron , an especialty important· nutrient for women. · Fruit Bars in - corporate these dried frui ts in a healthful s nack which is sweet without adcied sugar. CRISP CHEESE CRACKERS ~ cup all-purpose flour 'h teaspoon salt Dash ~a y en n e pepper J2 cup margarin~ or butter, softened 2 c ups (8 oz.) shredded sharp cheddar cheese ~up flaked wnole grain cereal, crushed to l(;i cup l 1h cups whole grain cereal , any variety, crushed to.fine crumbs. Stir together flour, salt and pepper. Set aside. Artichoke from Page CJ Panfr y Canadian bacon s lices until browned and done ; keep war·m . Cook artkbokes according lo basic dire c tions, s pread leaves open like flower petals. Poach eggs in boiling salted water. Place bacon slices into artichoke center , covering heart; top with poached egg. Spoon on Hollandaise Sauce and serve immediately. Makes 4 servings. · HOLLANDAISE SAUCE Blend 3 egg yolks. 2 tablespoons lemon juice, ·~ teaspoon salt and. dash cayenne in electric b l,ender. Us Ing low speed , slowly add If.a cup h ot melted butter or m argarine. To keep warm , pour i n to heat-proof dish and cove r . Pla c e in saucepan of hot water. Stir occasionall y. If s auce <t hicke ns too much, add 1 or 2 teaspoons water; beat until smooth. HAM AND EGG STUFFED AR'nCllOKES If.a pound cooked ham, diced (2 cups) 1 i m a ll on ion, Chopped 2 tablespoons· butter or margarine 4 eggs, lightly beaten Pepper to taste 4 artic h o k es, prepared as directed for st uffin1 Hollandaise Sauce In skillet, aaute ha m and .onkJn in butter until onion la crlap·tender. Add e111 and .....,.r. Stir over IDldlum beet UDlil •Ill AN eaoked. Fill arU~bokH .u .. e11·ham mtxt.n. Sene wttb ........... llalft and popoven or eon ~~l-~ dellnd. Mak• 4...-vuap. WH...,._ Slal9 GllM" Delicious Apples •I C-lllla V*Y llM Ot Wit Grapefruit C1os,. GtWn Cucumbers MAllCH 9 IHZ All OUANTITY lllGHTS USEllVlO NO SAU 10 OEAlfllS OR FOii Rf$AlE OR COMMERCIAl USE ·-uoz. HU"flY lhA frtll• IZ·314·0l f'9s 3 ... 1 . 00 ~ 5·;;;.~~~··oinner 3 10. 01yftl Detergent 5::.1.00 ~ IO LB. BAG 4.00 7.00 !l! Fiiiet Sole .:ia. WMll 0< Hiii ~ Pink Salmon liquid Iha~ Joy Detergent s-C11b 3 1~it~' 4. 00 ~ Arm & Claw 2 ·LTR. BTL. FAMILY PACK F•u~ W-Olt f1y1n9 Ch icken Le gs .99 lb WllsDA S Whtie Boneless Ham lb 3. 49 u S D A Chooc:e f ru h S110uld11 Lamb Roas t B~~"ch Carrots 3 •u 1. 00. Ht F~·it~s-c~;~·Chips2 ~~·: 3. 00 ~Smoked Halibut lb 3. 79 H! A;1~~~tf~;'k~ys LB. LB. LB. II .69 ID 1, 49 lb .58 Look For Hundreds Of Dollar Day Values In Our 8 Page Mailer ~--~ .. J ( ...,.... ,.,_ ..,. °' u. '" Ht Cottage Cheese ' 3 ll(l / s2 PJol. (.,~ S••-"''"' !H Macaroni & Cheese ....... ._C*, .. L* ........ ._..., , .. "'"" /1~/1 lltFoley Kitchen Tools .,, . \-··-... r. .... ( ~ Jtl1ty""" """'" f -· RrYogurt · .. I Ora.ng• CoHt DAIL v PIU?TtN9dnMday, March 3, 1982 I Chil.keri 's airline tickets f Or--Chex Cereals ay MAaftN SLOANE I l\Mlll lt WU bound to happen. Flrat the alrllnu offered 1uper dl1c:ount c6upona. Now ~public Alrllnea la ofterln1 a free child's ticket In return for five proof ·of.purchase seals from certain Ralston Purina cereals. ahoppin1 experiencea proofs ot purcbaae while 11•11111it lllllllll . . aend the form, lhe 40 the form and 1tattmenu ma rker1 froni tw o appear In this column looklnt ror the required rl points and the bonus tolallng 60 pound s . 36-ounce boxes of Top receive a copy of my refund forms at tbt cerllllcatc. Expires Expires July 31, 1982. ~holce and the realater • refundlna maaulne, s upermarket , in • Juoel,l982. TENDER VJ'l'TLES. lJpe wltb the prlce • T h e Na t i o n a 1 n ewspaper a and Receive three cans or and tw o we lg ht TENDER CHUNKS Receive a $1 coupon for cTr cled. Or send the j Supermarket Shopper. magazines, and when Briabt Eyes. Send the statements from any R e fund . Receive a t wo 24-ounce Tender form, the starred price Write to me In care of tr ad Ina with friend•. required refund form I.Iller Green. Expires refund of $1, $2.25 or VI t ties . Send l h e m a r k e r Ir o m one this newspaper. Offers may not be and the entire labels July 31, 1982. $3.7~. Send the required required refund form 4·pound, 8-ounce box. 9f c LI p • N • FILE available in all areas of with Universal Produci M.E.O.W. Account $2 refund f or m and Ii n d t h r e e Top Choice and th"e REFUNDS the countfY. Allow 10 Code symbols from any DI vi den d Refund . net-weight statements proof-of-purchase seals register tape with the Pet Producta CFlle lZ·B> weeks to receive each 20 cans of Bright Eyes Receive a $2 refund or a from Ke n ·L Ration from 24-ounce Tender price cir~led. Expires Clip out this rile and refund. _ Cat · Dinners. E~lres $2 refund and a SO-cent Tender Chunks dry dot Vittles. Expires Au1. 31, April 30, 1982. Sound like &!1. unlikely com bl nation?~. keep it with similar The following refund June 30, 1982. cou o~For:j2,.J1tmdJhe ..Jood.Jor...,$1..-$end. lh&.--1982. HerM • Hfu.d -form ·· casll7off coupor1s-=--0Uersarewonh Sl0.29. LlTTER GREE"N"" r equired refund form form and statements TOP CHOICE RefuJld to write ror: Flex beverage refund offers This week's offers have Coupons. Receive three and 40 M. &. 0 . W . totaling 20 pounds . For Offer Receive a Sl Refund Offer, P.O. Box with beverage coupons. alotalvalueof$26.04. 25-ceot coupons for Ac co unt Divid e nd $2.25,sendlheform and re fund Send th e 1191 ,Maple Plaln,Mlnn. for example . Start BRIGHT EYES Three Litter Green. Send the Stamp Poin(s. For $2 statements totaling 40 required refund form, 55348. This S1 offer Here is how Republic sees it: "Anytime we can get a kid onto one or our planes, we're going to have him or her as a customer for a lon g time," said a Republic spokesman. collectlna the needed Free C ans 0 ff er. reQuired refund forJn and the 50-cent coupon, pounds . For $3.75, send th e s t arred o r1 c e expires JuJy 31, 1982. ( .~~_.;.__ ______ ....:____,,...-----~~.:.:.....:.=--......::...::..::....:....;;__: __ ~..:..=:::...:.:~ '; The same reasoning could certainly be applied to the U.S. auto Industry. Can you pi cture sending in Green Giant ingredient statements in r eturn ror certificates e ntitling you to wire wheel caps, a stereo or deluxe bucket seals ror JOUr new C hr ysler Cordoba? To qualify ror the free ticket offer, ch ildren must be between the ages or 2 and 16 and must be accompanied by an adult who pays full fare. The offer is good only on domestic flights. The cereals included in the promotion are Wheat Chex, Corn Chex, Rice Chex, Bran Chex, Wheat and Raisin Chex and Honey Bran Chex. The offer expires Aug. 15, 1982, and travel may take place until Nov. 15, 1982. Ralston Purina says that this offer ha s produced cereal sales above the company's expectations and that thousands or certificates have already been sent to consumers. Can we expect to do more flying with box tops in lhe future ? Judging by the reaction at Republic, we can. "We 're very excited about this promotion," s aid the R epublic representative . .. W;e • have already received more than 3,000 free travel certificates. and our phones are ringing off the hook.·' Doris Hewkin , manager of cons umer affair s for Rals to n Purina, tells me that no refund form is required to send ror this offer. imp y se n ave proof-of-purchase seals from any of the six.Chex cereals listed above to: Kids Fly Free OH er . P .O . Box 1512 3. Belleville, Ill. 62224 . SMART SHOPPER AWARD Today 's Smart Shopper A ward goes to John J . Gass of the Bronx, New York. He had five coupons. each of which gave him 50 cents off the purchase price of four cans of Del Monte Tomato Sauce. His supermarket ~dvertised doubl e eioupons as well as a special on Del Monte tf>mato s au_ce of Clve cans for $1 . "I ended up getting the 20 cans free," he says, "and when I got tiome I sent in the 20 ttlbels for a $2 refund! llow's that for a bit of smart shopping?" Ga ss and ot her readers whose s mart Tomato • • r1pemng Don 't expect t~matoes, which aren't f¥11Y red when they reach market in winter and early spring, to ripen if they are kept relriterated. Tomatoes that are liabt pink but still firm will tum red and attain better flavor if placed in a. bowl and kept al room temperature ·for a day or two. Then refrigerate them. Good ripening c:ondJUon for tomatoes is a temperature of 65 to 75 4le1ree1. Overbe8tln1 them on a stove or in direct aunllpt will soften them too mueb. Aleo, blab humidity •t I• a I ate 1 m i c r o · eraanilm 1rowtb ;l lew bumldlty can cHae ••laydraUon and mrlveliq. A plMUe bq with air ••ti cut lDto the alde will help control IM&mtdltJ. U.S.O.A. Choice Seel loin or Rib Cut CLU B STEAKS ... . . .... U.S 0 A Cho•<• 8eef ... Center Cut CHUCK STEAKS ..... . ..... LB 2. I 7 . l8. 1.39 FOITIR FARMI STUFFED GAME HIN. .•.• 99 2'·01 Morn N Fre.h STEW VEGETABLES ................. . 9 ·01 Mr\. Poul's light Boller ZUCCHINI STICKS . .69 WllGHT WATCHIRI FILLET OF FISH ~ .... 1.59 fL. .......... ~ _... ..... ........... . 8.2-oz. IJudft 30. Off AQUAFBlll · TOOTllPAlft ... 1.3 5 ....... c-..., F-.. Ho<t.ol. \(' ....... MASSENGlll TWIN PACK ........... 1.37 foo"""""' Solt.1-..d. l-1 lfl REACH OR REACH PLUS .................. M BEEF lOIN OR RIB ClUB UMIT4 - Z. U S.0 .A. Choice S..f, Chuck Cut llulli M Pottiet·Oo.t Not E:acffd 22% Fot 7-BONE ROAST ....................... La. 1.29 LEAN GROUND BEEF ......... Ls. 2. 19 U.S.0.A. C:hoice S..f...Chuck Cut t.onell Gr. Seef·Oo.t Not hcHd 15% Fot O·BONE ROAST ................... la. 1.69 . CHOPPED STEAKS ............... LB. 2.49 U.S.O.A. Choice Beef Rolled 8oneleu Chuck Cu.. E R. Hot & Mild SHOULDER CLOD ROAST ....... Lii. ~.•9 ITALIAN SAUSAGE ... LB 1.69 El Ron<ho E.R. Port., S.olbni"i RANCH STYLE BACON .......... LB. 1.39 BRATWURST 5AUSAGE LB 1.69 Alo\ko Jumbo Frozen fiM!ii(: (We're glod to cleon I 8 9 DUNGINISS CRABS ...... ~.c.~~·~·~-'~~-~~~~-lB • Fre\h Fillet of Pocific Frozen·O.fro•ted Cocktoil Size ••• lllAltN• ................ LB. 1.69 COOKID IH•IMlt ' LB. 3.99 Alo•kon Frozen·Center Cut Fre.h ... 8-oz. Jor HAUBUT IOAKI ........ Lii 2.•9 ltACIRC OYITIH EA I .49 . Frozen Food Sale! SARA LEE POUND CAKE FAMILY SIZE .09 .. 12-oz. Romon Meal 7 9 WAFFUS ........ . cOiLW•P .• 79 1'·o&. Down loke 8onu• Pok HOME MADE WAFFLES ................. 7S 19·01. Von 0. l(omp • S..f & Cheese ENCHILADAS ............................ 1.89 BAllOUIT F._RllD CHIClllN ~WHOLE 2 59 ~ 'Z·LS. • 1~···· -------..,.------ONION RINGS ...... . .. .'I. IS I 0·01. Green Giant in Butter Sauce , ' PEAS, NIBLETS CORN ................. as GRllllGIAllT COB CORN ·~ .:.1.25 HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE 8-0Z. CAN UMIT 6 --~··- lni.rnotionol, 6/Pock Mini wtlite & Mini Wheat S.01. Vivo ltolio11 PITA BREAD 1/2PRtCE-S.t.lE ................. •9 SEVEN SEAS DRESSJNG .................. 79 12-oz. Aul. Var. 10-oz. !1o9ged Cookie• FRITO CORN CHIPS .................. 1.39 POGENS GINGERSNAPS ...... I .19 2 ~ -oi. lond 'O Froll. All Vorietie• uu ·· 3 F • , CHIPPED MIA 11 ..... -........................................... ~ 4-oa. S!itN 12-01 si.o4o< ~ OANOlA <;OOKEO HAM ...................... 1.09 SALAMI CHUll ................................ 1.19 ...... ""9Mt 32-ot ,. ..... wt.elo .. Hell ROQUEFORT ORfSSING ..... ...• . I .19 CLAUSSEN PICKLES ......................••... I. I 9 Ovenr.ady Of lluttermillL C·5·0Z 1 BALLARD BllCUITI ............. TUI( .................................... 5 ~ 'I RED DEUCIOUS APPLES WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY LB. room~ tH£ rN,trr IN-..... ~"" o..__.,...._c.. ~WM ns-,_. SOY SAOCE ............................ •.al 1.J.OZ. IEAN THllEAOS . . . . .. . . .. . ... . . .. . . . . . I .SI o,.., .. ,1a........ • ..... ~"''_·._~1~e... SESAME Oil .......................... S:.SI &•, MACKEREL ............................. I.It w.1-'-...... --.. .. 1.7~. .... 7.9 ..... ,.. SHAVED IONtTA ......... : ........... I.II • '9(0. OfMAE RAMEN ........ r .................. JI t ..................... L~.....,,;:.;_'f';"l~,C=---===1.0llll I I ............ ., ........ ~ .,....... .... po··, ~ ......... ., ............. __ ...... .,_ ............... .. .... ...... ~....,.~ ............ --............................ . ...,,,..... ................................................. -... ...... ..... a.. ................... 0,.... c...lla tt.Olllr .... -...... ,, .. U S 0 A Choice S..f, 8onele11 loin ':ut 4 99 NEW YORK STEAKS . LB • frhll f Fom", for roo"i"9 large meaty fryen STUFFED CHICKEN .. La • 79 FRllHPORK SPARERIBS Eo~;,~"!::our I 3 9 Vero be< I La. • 13.~t Von Oe_.omp;lig11r& crnpy FISR STICKS . I0-01 S.rdM!ye w/Chee>e Souce BROCCOLI & CAULIFLOWER 11 ·01. N.R. Bottle, 1.79 .83 LUCKY LAGIR 8- 7»Ml t~ @J 2.39 PLAIN LABEL BRANDY ...•........ 3 .M 7)() M( [)o,l 00 l~ PLAIN LABEL RUM . 3.19 ~ . ' ~ ? , I • . . \ I' .. SUPER SAVINGS '""-·" PUJ$ $1 .91 f.f,T 2 l POlYESTfR aAOtAl IOOY 'UES + 2 PLUS 1 STEEL &ElTS ftO U C \Ill ,ll!Cl ,,.. _,1,u.euu P195'7Sl14 $55.M $2..16 n<>S/75114 .$59.M S2 .30 P21Sl7Sl1' $61.M $2.47 • P21517Sl15 $64.M $2.57 P225'751tlS $67." $2.73 $69-" $2.93 P235/7Sl15 .,.~MQNTff uMmD WARRANTY* . PEP _ BOYS STll GIVES A LIMITED ROAD HAZARD WRANTY* ATNOEXTRACOSTI "" "" IOrl OIWll A &MflO W~ ON COINal ,_ 'GI A INQl9 ..... °' MONN ------~ ..... ,_ ·-CM"1111: ..... ....,_, ..... t-.:JllCllJ'""""" ,...._ ...... ....,.._.,~..._ON llOIAM a&INO l'llCI • 1'1111 Of...,..., NOTUDl-IN llQUIUD ............ _ .. PAGU W TO A la.I Of 2 MUS •2A ................. ,__ ........ -. 66 • u..i.-....... ~..,. -..... ..., -.... ............ -~ .,_,.......... 66 ,..., ............ .. .-AT•• 10 nm au. snna IA. PEP BOYS SERVICE EXPERTS WILL ... • htttoll New AC·Chompion or Motor~roft Sport Pl1191 • ln9'011 New l'oifttt ~Rotor• :4 • lnstoll New CondeMOr • II • Adj11sl Corburetor S'll?Otiit OWeli & I 1m1119 • CTL. • Tn• ..... , &Cho•o••.SY'-~:... • INSHCT... . • 32" Distributor Cop -Spor~ ,."9 Wires -I CTl f Air f;lter -Cront.cow Vent f ilter -CMS Vapor Conit..,. Fitt.r -PCV Volve I CY\. ... JI• 'NOTA~l(Allf OH llfClllONIC IGNiTl()NS CM$ ..... ,...... ..................... c...r. .... t t ..,_, .. ._.. Orange Coast DAILY ~ILOT/Wednt1day, Marct\._3, 1982 IUY SIVEUl & IBP HAleY FOi RASHUGHTS, TOYS,CAllRAS,£TC. . DURACELL MllTl-PURPosE "C" ALIALIJIE "AA" GEAR O'IL BATTERIES l S.A.I . GllADIS ''c" "AA" 90 or 140 WllGHT 2 PAK 4 '"It 139· 1'' ELEaRIC FUEL PUMP REPLACES MOST FUEL PUMPS ~~ MECHANICAL 01 fLECTllCAL Gfd 011 " o 32 OZ. CONTAINER d l .. IACl,.I 129 tt O"'"'&u 1e"1 dlff•r•iit1ol & ...... ,, ... hi, • ..... -IA. SpH dt atort•"'I · •••M•ftolet •opot lock. OIOI>' mo .. -ltolh"f,· W/PIUS4'11 ·=--:.~~~~: 112 •oat ... od .. el } 11tMU~TOI 1...011 CAIS HU<;lll I (A. U.. CAWtll G E;;;;LIFE REMAIUFACTUIED rm AIR PARTS SPECIALS! FI LT E RS IY AMEIKA'S llST KNOWN PAITS llMAUACTUlllS EASY TO llSTAU Oii MOST CARS --- \ .-~~JI #1258" WITH EXTRA MOUNTING IRACICET FOa HOME OR EXTRA VEHICLE IA. ca/fax PUYS 76 r1ErlOGIAMfD TUNES MUSICAL HOii ALTERNATORS FITS MANY AMlalCAN AND IMPORT CARS 25~0FF " PIP IOYS IEGUWt lOW PllCIS SPECIAL VALUES FOR 'TODAY THRU SUNDAY s.1a11111u,.1o1 CO!!!.~ I ':!!;~!!~ GA~E!'!"E ~!,!!~!! 12~M!!~c~ss w~~!!!.BI SO. OF SAN DIEGO FWY. PHONE: 870-0700 KATELLA' EUCLID PHONE: 94'·607 PHONE: S47-7477 PHONE: 893·8544 PHONE: S49-1533 PHONE: 638-0863 OPIN MON. YHIU Pll. I A.&·9 RM./Mt I A.M.·6 RMJIUN. 9 A.M.·S RM. ' • • \ 'l ' ' I I I taxretum DEA• PAT DUNN: 11 &llere •n)' mlalmum 11e lnvolved In tbe requlrements ror fUln1 • (edenl tu retuat Aad, are atudenl.I exempt from Income t•xes! -T.W., Newport Be.ch If a person ls requir ed to file because of the a mount or incom e, the a ge is immaterial. If a child ls unable ror any reason to m e a re turn and has sufficient Income to be liable for taxes, the person legally responsible for the child must file the return. A student is like any other taxpayer. Mos t scholarships are exempt from tax, but a student must report and pay tax on any other income rece ived, unless the total income is below the filing require ment amount. Labela loat in mail DEAR PAT DUNN: We have the same problem as an9tber reader of yours who ordered labels from the W. Yarbrough Label Co. We also did not receive our labels, ·which we requested lo October. Hope you can help us too. -H.M., Corona del Mar Your labels were mailed in November, according lo Yarbrougtt's customer ser vice representative. Since it appears they were lost in the mail, another order is being sent to you. Yarbrough's cus tomer service ho urs a re fro m 2 to 5 p.m . weekda rs. The phone number is (213) 930-1676. Mil.dew booklet availabl,e DEAR PAT DUNN: A couple of.months ago you had an Ite m In your column that told whe r e to write to orde r a booklet on removing mildew. Could you repeat that information for me? Before I had a chance to clip out the column the paper went lo the Newport Beach recycling plck·up, so I was • out of luck! ... -R .B., Newport Beach "How to Prevent Mi ldew" can be o rd e red for $1.50 from t he Cons ume r Information Cent.er, Dept. l~J. Pueblo, Colo. 81009....~ • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat .... 1 Dunn. Pat will cu1 red ta~, getting "' the answers and action you need to • solve inequities in government and business. Mod your questiom to Pal Dunn, At Your Service, Orange COIUt Daily Pilot. P.O. Bor 156(), Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be a1U1Dll1'ed, but phoned inquine6 or letters not including the readn'6 full name, address and bwtnesa hour6' phoM number cannot be cmuidered. Thi.! column appears daily er· cept Sundays. '· DllTH llTICIS A conteet to find • new loeo for tb• Or11111 County Developmental Coetortium bu btft opened to ...U.tl and lntt,...ted .,...._. ID Oranc• County~ The COMOrtJum, which eoordlnatea plum.Ina effort.a and development •mon:s •tnc•-and--·for.""-"!~~t-1""' other 1roup1 aervift1 U.. d.11ab&4d, la Meldq loeo deslina dlfferent rrom many now ln use. The loto should reflect the phUOIOpby that children and adult.a have value u bumu belD11 and-eilizena recardJeu ol diaabilltr, •ttOl"dina to the Jroup. The 1010 abould •;avoid commwucatin1 plt.y , charity or helplessness which hu piqued the i mage of the disabled ln the pu t," a release H1d. The wlnnlna utiJt will receive. an awud ln March. Entries should be limited to one color and be submitted to Area Board 9, 2S> S. El Camino Real, Suite 110, Tustin 926S>. Deiadllne Is Mar ch s. For intormauon call 731-4787. Expansion plan eyed OAKLAND (AP> -Consultants to the Port of Oakland ha.ve unveiled a $114 milUoo expanaioa, plan for the Jack Donelon Square area calll.~I for a waterfront hotel with a view ol San Franclaeo and 800,000 square feet of office space. PICTITIOUS IUSINIEU N&Ma STATl!MIENT Tiie lollowlng person II doing buslnauas: R.N.G. ENTERPRISES, 1'1U I nverneu, Hunlinglon •••< 11, Calt10<nlat26"66 Robert N. Gr ego ry, ttl ll In vuneu , Hunttn9lon 8aacll, California.,._.. This busln ... ,, COllCIUCltd by an lncllviduel. Robert N. G~y This mt-t w.is 111ac1 wllh the County Clerk ot Oranoe County on Feb. 22, ltG. "~ Publlfllad o.....,_ Coa6 Dally Piiot, Feb. 14, Mer l. 10, 11, t.i2 _..., FICTITIOUS IUllNI" NAME STATEMENT Tll• followi"9 persons are 001"9 bustnau n : PROFESSIONA L TOUCH SERV ICE COMPANY, t6m Clla,....1 Lena. Huntlr>Qlon a..<11. Callfor11ia t2Mt David Roberts. 411 Concord Avenue, Mofwovia, ~ttfornl• '10t6 LH Tr1mol• . .,. E. Palm AWflue. -nrovla, Celll0tn4a '1016 Tiiis business Is conducted by a v-neral .,.....,.nlllp. · O.vldR~s ThlS. su t......,t •as lllacl wllll tl)e County Cten °' Oranoe County on Mercll l,1W- PIM111 Published 0-•"91 Coast Dally Pllol. Mar l. tO, t7, 2•. 1"2 *"'1 NOTICE Of' A,.PLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP DP ALCOHOUC aEVERAGE LICENSI H~ To Wl!om II May Conc.,.n JOE W. MOON Is -4vlno to Illa 0.paflmant ot AIC-llc a.vereoe Control tor u41" On S.le S..r & WIN (Pub Eel Pl) losell ak-IC ........ s el UIJI Trft1111 l..aN, Sci«• 121 -122. H11nttnoton 8Nch, Cellfornla Pu6111"9d 0--Coatt Delly Piiot, Merell I. 1'11 t~ ~------------~~-PIO Illa "CTITIOUS ausH•&U NAMSSTATIE.NT Tiie lollowt119 per.o<11 ere clolno bus,neu es: EK ECUPLA N. 1 .. 2 Le119ley A .. nue ISuile Cl. lrvlM, Cellfon\le t2114. Chesler P,_rtlff & lnYff~1 Inc .. • Oel•w••• c0tporellon, lnv 81u• Key, <=«-de! Mer. Celtforftl• t2~2~is bu\lnen Is conducted by a corporation Cllester Propertl n & lnve11menc1, tnc. N.L. Cllester. V,,., lntni Operations Tiii$ II-WM flied wMll IM County q ert. of Oranoe COUl'ltY .. .Febl,l.C. ,.,_.. Publi~ Or.,,.. Coast Delly PllOt, .F.o. 10. t1, 24, -clll, 1"2 6UC!. FICTITIOUS aUSINESI NAME STATEMllNT Tiie rollo•lng persoll 11 dolno b<llln*SSH. • SYMPHONY SYLKS, H S• La Casile Avenue. Fountain Valley. Callfornla t270I. Bart>ara Jo Relay, llS4 LA Ceslta Avenue. Fountain Valley, C:..lllornla t210I. Tiiis bUllneu Is conouctect by en lncllvld11et. S-aJoRalay Tiiis ,. ... ,.,....t was !lied wltll IN County Clan. of Or•"99 C"""IY on February u , t*-""*"' PObllfllld Or-. C'OMI Oal1'(1"ttot; Feb. 2•. Merell l , 10, 17, 1"2 161-tl. f'ICTITIOUS aUSINIEU NAMI! STATIEMllNT Tllse lottowlno parson Is doing business as: VI C'S LAN DSCAPE MAINTENANCE. 232 Al ... rt Pleca, Costa-... Cetllor'ni• m v . Victor Lee Sllve, 2J2 Alt.rt Pl«•, cos•• Mesa, C.lllomle mv. ~llll -lness Is C'--"' -lncllvl«Nel Victor Lee Sliva Tiiis ....._ -flied wMll Ille c-1y Clark of ~ ..... c--, °" Februery 11, 1"2. .. , ... P11bll""" Or.,,.. C:0.. Delly PllOt. F Ml. 11. U, Merell I, 10, t"2 -· APW ....... CUSTODY GRANTED -Frank '.\k Kirv;eY. 3i. and ..;nn '\1dc i . h ug a fte r court ga\'C' fathC'r custod~ of ~on . <.>n:1m g four .year cour t b attll• bl•twl'l'O ~cKin~<'~ and hi:-fo r m t•r wife . :'vtc K insC'y . c rippled \\i th arth ritis sin\'l' t ht• :tl.!l' nf :L haci tx-en unabll' to finci work dt•<.' to hb C'ondit 111n lit• \\Ol1 rustod~· after gett ing a job a s a switr hboc.a rd opt•rator in a Salin a s hospit ~1l a-II Smiles put. ·women at. 'disadvantage' C LEVELAN D (AP > - ·w orking women put them selves at a disadvantage by smiling during conversations wtth men on the job, two researchers have deterll)ined. The study gr ew out or an int e r es t in impr o v i n g nurse·doctor inte raction. The researche rs-had noticed that doctors frequently interrupted nurses. m ale because m en interpret a s mile by a woman as a sign or submissjon ," Camden s aid . Camde n says the solution s hould not be for women to s mile less, but for me n to change their r eaction. "I object to the basic premjse that women have to change," Camden said. "Why should 52 percent of the population have to change so that the 48 percent WILUNGER Tuesday, March 2. 1982 from dau ght e r~ in·la" Lou 1st' NAME STATEMENT ro essors ar am en o · 'ty doesn't have to -feel uncomfortable ." Tiie loltowln9--P«-S ULdoino t>usl...si es; Ero sh goal_ is mone~ ~ WASHINGTON CAP> -:J year '• college freshme n a'• m ore Inte r este d In m a k ln e m o n ey and are m ore con1erva ttve than a ny othel' class In recenr years. Ir s1Jrvey- s hows. . The Ame rican Council on Education and UCLA released t h eir 16th ann ual s urvey or entering freshmen. The 1:iur vey was based on questionnaires· completed by 284 ,938 o f the 1.7 mil lion fres hmen who entered college last fall. It found that 65.2 percent - nearly two·thirds -r anke d "being well-off financially" as a very important goal in life. A year ago 63.3 percent fe lt that way and in 1967 only 43.5 percent d id. At the same time, 67 percent said a very im portant reason for going to col~ge is "to make iv ore money.·· Tha t compares with 63.4 percent last year and only 49.9 percent in 1971. Alexander W. As lin, a UCLA education professor and survey director, said, "T his increasing ma t e r i a li s m h as bee n a ccom pan ied b y inc r e ased political conser vatism." Conservatives moved ahead of li ber1lls in the poll , with the numbe r. of st ud ents labe ling themselves conse rvatives rising from 17.1 to 19.6 pe rcent. while t he number calling themselves libe rals fell from 19 6 to 18.I percent. • 'f.her e were drops in botti the "fa r right" fro m 1 2 to 1.1 percent and the "far left'' from 2.1 to 1.6 percent. As tin said the m ajority of st udents alwa ys has identified itse lf as "middle or the road, .. Including 59.6 per cent this year. But he noted that, "Whereas s tude nts on the left of the politic al spectrum outnumbered thos e on the right by better than 2 to I -38. l versus 15.2 percent 10 years ago, those on the right now sli ghtly outnumber those on the left 20.7 percent vers us 19.7 percent." He a lso cited conservative t rends in de cre ased student s up port f o r le g a lizin g marijuana, down in 1981 from 39 3 lo 34 percent. abolishing the d eath penalty, from 34.S to 30.t percent. and for sc hool busing , 45 8 to 43.8 percent Astin also sa id the re was some evide nce t h at h ig h s chool "gr ade inflation" has ende d , a lth o u g h 20.6 p e r cent o r freshmen still report getting an A a verage in high school. In 1969, onl.t 12.5 percent had an A a ve rage. l\1 ICHAEL c ROHONCZY 1 2 OO PM to s·OOPM at rfarbc>l' Hl"ngst ler and Gt-anelt~ WILLINGER. a resident of Lawn Memorial Chapel. Hengstler . I son·ln ·la " the area for the past 25 Costa Mesa . Holy Rosary Lel and H11 rr1 son . a lso years. having lived in Sant'a a n d M a s s o r t h e s i s l e r 1 n I l"t.v F rie d 11 Ana for 20 years and Tustin Resurrection on Wednesda~-. M c M a h D n a n d 7 for 5 years passed away on March 3. 1982 at t:OOPM al grandchildren . a nd 3 Ma rch I . 1982 He was a<'li\'e Immaculate Hearl of Mary Jtreat ·grand children She i n t h e C h a m be r o r Catholic Church. 1100 South was acltve w1th lhl' several Commerce or Sant a Ana Center St .. Santa Ana. Ca or ganizat ions as -ktllows . during the 1900·5 He was Interment services will be Ch a rt er Me mber o r l he also active11 the Opcralru in he ld at Good Shepherd Newport Lady Anglers Club PANACHE IMPORTS, llJ 11111 Place. Ca&IA -w. ~lltof"Ne n.21. Emily M. Musl•lne. ltJ 11111 Pl•<e. cG&i. Mew, CallfO<ftia n.i1. Ellr-0. !ihHAr, -T..-t. Cleveland Slate University and Carol Kennedy of Ohio State Un iversit y s pe nt three years r esear c h in g male .fe m a l e convers ations and interactions in professi911al and laboratory settings. Fabric works sort of. Newport 8Hcll, Cellfomla,,..,_ Tllll buslnan Is conclucled by a oeneral oertnent>lp. · ElfrlecMI G. Sl-.arer Tiiis ,, _ _,,, was fllecl wltll tlla County Cl.,.k of O,.,~ County "" Feb n. t'll2. the Los Anoelt•s areu for 20 Ce m e te r.y . Hu nt ingt.on and a pust member I)( the f'llUD ... B h c Th r I R d I R l Cl b Publl•hecl Of'enQe Coast Dally Piiot, years l k 1s survived hy his cac .. a . c am1 .\ o anc ec u . a Feb ?•.Marchl,io.17.1"2 16~. wife Elsie. daughter Elsie reque~ts m heu or rtoweri. c·h arter ml'mhc r uf t hl' Ch a t los or Huntington donat!ons be made to ~:our Shuffleboard Club. Desert PIUllTU Beach, Ca and predeceased favonte chant~· Services Hot Springs. she was past ----------- m 1964 by his son Michael under the dir~ct1on or Bal.tz member or the Angel View P1CT1T1ous 1us1NEH A I s o s u r vi v 1 n a arc 3 Bergeron·Sm1th & Tut hill Crippled Children's Hospital NAME STATl!llMNT .. w I rr Ch I M Tiie lollowlno person Is dolne gr an dchildren. J ose ph. estc 1 ape ortuar~· Guild of Desert !lot Springs bv$lnesus: Co r in ne a n)l MI l' ha c 1 or Costa Mesa. 646·9371. and was active in the Artist MANNY'S &All. u21 Nor111 Pilkinton , l great·grandchild PELLEG IUNE , of the Desert. also other Falrvlaw,Seni.AIM.C.llfornlat27°'. J eri Murie P ilk in t o n MARY R. PELLEGRINE. C 1v1c and Co mmun al \' str.:~~~~~=.- Slumber room \'1s 1t atao n age 84 . a r es id ent of afra1r~ 1n Dese rt Ho't Tiiis ~neu is conduttM "'.., Hu ntington Beach. Ca Springs. she was also acli\'c 1no1v1d ... 1. -.;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ilPassed a way on Sunday. an the Amen cun Leg1or Tiiis ..,.=1J,;..~.!; ..ru1 ... ' Nentune Societv F e b r ua r y 28 . 1982 a t Auxiliary of Palm Springs. c ...... ty c1an of ~ ... C-lY .,.. t11EMf:"tiON au•uAL AT ge"' Huntington lntercommunily c a a n d a l s 0 t h c F.oruerv 22. 1tin . .LAL].A'll Hospital. Mrs . Pellegrine Republicans Woman's Club Pt ... U'f<.r ~ be f S S Publls-Of'-Coas1 Delly PllOI, Our literature tells the: was a mem r D l. imon Services will be held on .FMi.2•.Me~~J.10,11,1t12 ~. complete story of our. and Jude Catholic Chu rch Wednesday. March 3. 1982 at societv. and the Huntington Beach J:OO PM at Waverl y Churct\. 14.,,. '1:41w_,......c:-._. Senior Citizens Club. and the 1702 East Fairhaven. Santa ~==~~~~~~=!....J G ran dmother·s Club of Ana . Ca. with Rev. Cr f'ICTtf1ousauS1NEU HAAIOI L.AWK-MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa 540-5554 "llCI llOTHHS llU llOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALn&IHGBO .. $Ml'TH & TVTHtU. WISTCUff CHAPll 4'l7 E 17lhtS1 Costa Mesa 646-9371 ,_ClllO,,_S SMmtl' MOITUMY 827 Main St. Hunt1npton Beach 536-6539 PACMC ·YllW ••D"•• , ... c:.n.eery Mortuary Ch~M:femMory 3500 P.c:irlo View Drive NewPort Beach &44·2700 Am erica. Beloved mother of Charles Simon of the Church · NAMIESTAHM9NT James Pellegrine of Lake o r R e ligiou s Sc i e nce .,.!~~0~~~1n~ oenon' ... e1o1,,. Ar r owhead, Ca .. J ohn o ffi c i a t i n g . Pri\•a t r SURFSIDE STEREO. 40 Nerti! Daniel Pellegrine or Yucca entombment at Fai rhaven D• La Ealr•ll•, San Cl•m•"'·· Va lley. Ca .. Donald Daniel Memorial Purk. Visitation ce111orn1a,.n. Pellcgrine or Huntington.. on Tuesday March 2. 1982 1 1JOMtlllc-•.!:.....E!.1•· ma Parmemo, B h C I . . • rv ne ........... n.14, eac . a .. a so . surviving from J:OOPM to 9:00PM at J11ne v . ...,... ... , ms. Pe~. a r e 3 grandchildren. 3 Fairhaven Mortuarv lrvlM,Cetlfornlan.14. g r e a t . g r a n d c h i I d r e n . · Tiii• 11u11neu Is coMu<led 11y • be Io v e d s is te r or Ann HOOKER oenerei -1"9nl\ltl. Siragusa of Garden Gro\'e. IVAN H. HOOKER. age r111, ,._~:,~·~led w1111 t11e Ca .. Isabelle Dixo n ur Long 79. a resident of llunlington Co11nly Clar k of Ora110• Co1111ly Beach. Ca .. Carmela Brock Beach. Ca Passed 11wa\· on F•llf'u•rv1.1t12. o f We s t min s ter. Ca . Febr.uaf'}'. 27. 1982. Survived PublllMd Of'-CMStOelt~= , Angeline Lazzaro. Frances by his wire Ila. son Ivan H Fe0.10.11.14. Ma+-c~1.1c ~11..a. Colangelo. Ma mie ~rge. Hooker. Jr .. step·son Walter, ______ ..._ __ ...... ....._ Lucy Benevento aod Frank N. Oagncy. 1 grandson aml 2 PIU 1911( Carrier all of Buffalo. New g reat·granddaught e rs. ---------~­Yo rk and C ath e r i n e brother Gale Hooker. sister Caoppello or Elma. New Carolyn Richman. Chapel Yor k. Friends may call ut services will be held on Pierce Brothe rs Smiths· Wedne~day, at 1 :J()rM al Mort uar y until g:oO P M Westm1ns 1 ter Memorial Park loni"ht Rosary will be ~ortuar) CbapeJ. Private I ed• ;....~.. h 2 1nlerme nl. Weatmln.1 te rec t ·~ay, Mitre • Memorial Park Mortuar\' 1982 at 7 :30PM at the 1 • mortuary. Mass or Christian d rectors. Buri al on We dnes da y. SLAGLE Marl'lll 3, U182 at St. Simon W.F, I BJLL1 SLAGLE and 7jude Catholic Church.. resident or AHbeim. Ca. with the Franciacan Fathers P111ed away on Febnulr officiating. Interment will be 27, 1982. He has been a In Holy Ctou Cemetery. Los resident ol the Lon1 Bue A n 1 e Ie1, Ca . P I e r c e area since 1941 •nd h1vln B r D t h e r 1 S m I t h s · moved lo Oran1e County I Mo r tu a ry ·d i r ec t or s . 1953. He 11 1urvived by his 538-M38.· wire Orpha of Anaheim, C1 .. •' •• P\JIA.8IUIE c h ildren Ila Gtn ath o F RANCES C. PULASKIE. Huntington Be.ch. Ca. an pasaed away on t ebruary Clayton Sl11le or Lon 27, 1982 In Collta Meaa. Ca. B e a c h . C a . a n d She waa born Oii September 1randchlldren. Gnvesld 22, 1194 In De"'ey Rose. servlt'U were he ld o Oeorcla. Shew• a resident Tuad1y. March 2. 1• of Anaheim. Ca . She Is ti :OOAM at Harbor La aurvlvtd by 3 sona. Loyal Me morial Puk. Service Hen11 tler a nd Jat'k unde r the direction o He n11lltr and .Ao l ly Har bor IAwn·Mount Ollv Pulukle, l claupt« Mary Mortuary of C01ta ll•aa H1rri9on, alao IU"lftd by 2 540-$554 . • ' ... f'ICTITIOUS IUIHllEM .. AM9 ITAftMC .. T Tiie fellowl"O Mrl4HI ll ..... -•u n : THE GREEN DOOR. Newae"41 : ..... ,. , ... 9Ncll Ill .... ," .......... ...... ~,... ltellHt• Mule Rl ... ey, tltt Mvfl.t .. r DrlW, Hllllll,,..... a..dl, ceia ...... -.. Tlll1....-..11 < ...... ledll¥911 INIYa.... ~M.lt ...... "'" ......,_. ..., fllM -'WI .. Ceut1ty Clerll of Or ... C-.. 911 ,. .... n.•• ,.,_ ........ Or ... <:..-Dally ....... ................. '7.19 tt+et They said they found that women smile more than men and that their s miles are not interpreted the same way m en's smiles are. The researchers will present their r esults a t the Western St a t e s Co mmun ic a tio n s Convention in Denver . "In a male .male conversation, the s mile generally wards off interruption, but a woman's s mile invites interruption by a SAULT STE. MARIE . Mich. <AP> -James M. Halliday says he 's "pretty sore" from a chest wound he inflicted on himself while demonstrating a sample of bullet·proof vest fabric. H a llida y w as hos pit alized after he fired a .22-calU>er riOe at his chest to show friends the fabric would stop a bullet. police sa id. The bullet ma de a hole three.quarters of an inch deep in the 19-year·old Lake Su perio r State College st udent's chest. .. llOunt OP TRUTH" A llil'I tobctw-s n.•,>h ca of Roml'·ic rumnu14 "Mnuth or Truth·· nn .. I s aid Police Sgt Wayne Girke H a lli dav . w h o i s fr o m Che boygan·. told po lice he ha d t ried the stunl once before and s uffered only bruised ribs "I was just expecting a blac k and blue m ark ... Ha lliday said from his bed at Wa r Memorial Hos pitol. He said he plans no furthPr tests Of lhe vest fabric. Poli ce did not know how he obta ined the fabric and Halliday declined commt'.i}t. J Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedne-dey, March 3, 1982 I --,---, •• The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 ~ Median income of Dafly Pilot families exceedl $34,()()() a year. Your~ r"ac/Ms the county's most affluent bUying au- dience. EQUAL HOUSfNG OPPORTUNITY ,... ...... Notk.: All real estate 11d-v e r t is e d I n th as newspaper is subject tp the Federal Fair Hous· ing Act or 1968 which makes it illeg11 I to· ad- vertise .. any preference, limitat ion , o r d1 5 . crimination based on race, color. religion. tlllO sex, or national origin. ::: or an intention to make 1a any such preference, :: lim1tat1on. or d1'S :: rrimanation · · , .. 1'lllO ?IW DOI JlOli 21(11 llOO nlO KW This newspaper will not knowinsly accept any advertising for real estate which as in \'1ola- tion or the law. :: ~--------1 l!llO ~ F\tr ... ,hft JU» ~ l aflHN\JMid J:.W """"'"''""' lol :Ill» fan6N1UfthHft\ ti.in >G r ........ ,t.r )0) T ... llllloon fl.r• ~ r .. -... lol )IZ) °""''" ..... ,. :WO o.,lt•,. l •I - ""' •• ,. JT~ o\fU l •'w-" .. Alt-' t")lir•., ' -.1 BICI --R-611<wrd - aRORS: Ad•ertl1tn . *-ldcJ.eck"'-lroch daily .ct ,..,.... tr· rws ._ • ....,. Tlte DAILY PILOT otwm1 labilty for the flnt i11eorrect in1ertlo11 ~· Hirui> MIAf'h OW f,~~Uh !1: ~--------1 \'IC'.u<ift RrtU•b 4.ZIG ~~~~·:.1ri::;:: :: ....... for Sate ~~..!':~:~.. :.o: ••••••••••••••••••••••• k"::':'~·· R••l•f :: ,GeMraf I 002 ltot•,, .. aMfd MQOj eeee ••• e e e • • e e • e • • e • e e • Mt.W "'"'"'•'' tl50 · lllSUl£SS. INVEST· LOWEST PRICE MOO, ANMICE CDM HOME :::=:=-JM ~.000. Reduced again ,.,....:,., ~ r :~ 1· bJ motivated seller As ::=-.:':'.!:"'" : rm~le fin anring. Cozy =:.:~~: : I ~[ce:en~cCove~:d u~~[.~~ AlllllHICEMENTS. catt;;; m-~ -~'~:~ .,. :t1am1 t!;.~...... mo __ ...,.. • ....... : Find out about the high :;.,':'(.{!;,,.. t: ea.ming real estate sales rm.a· -career opportun1t1es SCIVICES 14' i t h T H E R E A L s.n.,. 0w....,. ...,. ESTATERS L1rens1ng EMPl.OYllEllT & school fees completely rtCPAIATIOtl refWldable to'6chool or ,._.SULA HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfroot. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room , 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 sq.fl. $1.385,000. UDO ISU HQMtS Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lge L. R. 2 boat slips $1.50-0,000. . Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420.000. UNDA ISU IA YFIONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm , 5 bath. playroom, dark rm . den. $1,350,000! CARNATION COYE Spectacular bayfront vie w 4 bath. 2 boat slips $1,900.000. bdrm , 4 TIES.YIST As.MISSION VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath. guest house in Jakefront co mm. $79.5.000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J-11 Boy\'d• Or ,,. ,_., f\ t>lS 0161 'E'-.;LEY '.'\ ~YLOR CO. H.EALTOH.S ~111cT W·Hi llG CANYON IROADMOOI $750,000 Fantastic Plan 4. 4 Bedrms: Famil1 Rm wifireplacc. forma l dini ng rm. 21·2 baths. Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & window coverings New marble entry. Lovely_pool & spa. Spacious yard. WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO .. RE.ALTOIS 2111 S-J ..... Hlh Road MEWPORT CBfTB. M.I . 644.49 I 0 ,.,. w. ....., For w. c_,.w ....................... .............•......... ....................... ,...,.rty '600 COlfaMtH 1024,,.... ... -rtlt .. 0 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......................................... !!.~~ ::.:-r.:. .. ~ .... ! .. ~. --------· 1-------i·-----..-r llSTIHIMI 'S-.Net COMDO IUYI 5 bdrtn, 3 hu, 3 c·ur gar RCllylorCo uft~~1f1~ACe,t43 DANA POINT $25,000 . rroves you lnto tli1i. love ly 2 Bd 2 8a with OCl!an view Try lease-opt s 1S.9, 1115() RCl1ylorCo ~I 1 )•it)() Of-=-~/, le·b a. QJ 111.551!_. TAWJWBm;t ,.:: •F.xcellent 3 Bdrm. 3 bath, exception1lly nice °pr'opf rty S49S.OOO •One-0r-a lund 2 Bdrm, dining room . w ith ch:aracter $339,000 •Quaint 2 Bdrm + bonus room Cape <;od. great lorauon, S32!i.OOO •llal'ienda duplex 2+2 with country k1 tc·he11. May trade! $289.500. 642-5200 A PETE BARRETI ··. REALTY OwlMt' Says Sel Mtw 8'om w/3 le•els eon..cWM• 1022 for CJl'9Ci.. II• MCJ + • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CJHlt 41trs & tpa. ....._ i. t•try way. CdM Ci.arw.r Dplx 4 ldr111, library & with financina ,., Now of· 3 B.ffiba or 2+ i:ud\ ID S 9 owners unit alsu 2 br at 5 8,000. rental l0oltag1•. All in sharp c:ond w eiH·el lora COii OF NIWllORT tion Owner will rarry ~TORI lge 2nd TD. Best buy 1n Utl L C-Nwr. town for only $280.000 VA I SUM ABLE $129,IJO. • Bdrm. low interest Joan. Be low market. llu tr)' ! 645-9161 . OPEN HOUSE REAi IY / Best Buy m 0.C Rrand new cstm home 4 Rr 3Ba $144,500 75 I 3297 Youn9 Executive Hi9h Assumable! A one yea r olcl 4 bedroom. 212 hath hom1• located near S-Outh Coast Plaza in the hub of Orange Countv formal dJmng room for enter tain1ng. family room and COL) flrl'pluce A:. lmmar-ul81e-Northwood Ntxt to community pool I Br overloolun1i lake lit 4. blocks to t ommunity streim Pool, jui·uui, School 2 hou11ea from lenn11. upgraded Park $300.000 Sl\111.!>00 184,500 Xlnt rinancrng a~ uma blc lo11n ~ ee Owner67~1923 lond 160-12911 SIQUESTllED Offck>LFCOURSE NEAR <Xean view 120 rt rron lage Use u istin# build mg or 4000 sq ft. or bu.i Id 10.000 sq rt Ownl'r ~ 111 cany $715.000 831 7300. Realtor 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &POOL ~,,_ I Mu terfully upgraded H w HOSP TAL Rancho Sun Joaquin. 2 m. 2 bath rondo CDM DPLX 2Br. den. 2Ba. IO': dwn Patao, double ga ragl'. IY OWNER or lse option 51119.000 Sl23.!IOO. Two 2 bdrm units. M> ot ~1 ~ RoyMcCorcle,Rltr. PCH. corner lu l . e•ECT "'CUL "'R 548·7729 single story. di\•1ded by '1W' "' "' garages. assumable I 0 7 VIEW Isl TD or $100.000. owner llG CAMYOM ~ill as:.tst rmanre. fee. plus PRIVATE SPA are Guardeo community immac. 5290.000 521 JUSl two or the outstand Beaut 3 Br 2', ba hohle Camat1on A\'e . CdM ing features or thlll 4 Call673 "'"1.67' <142 bdrm home ao Turtll' ~ mirrored ~alls, lots ,,.... ",, 11 kHohJ d s ofmarble,3 eargar \Ol" 1,, an t......-p--..... 2000 La vishly upgradt'd $600.000 Call644·0448 -• ..,... .. , Good locat1on on qwel , _________ ••••::.:_·:·~:·L•L•:•y••••• <' u I d e · s a c s t r e l' t ... .-.-.. 11:: ., ,.. .. w .ooo lnforma tion on HST VALUE IM Tax Sheffer l'xreptional financ·1ng MEWPORlHGHTS Near new 4 plex 2 ll('ingoffered. l.argt• sunny rondo. 2 bdrm. 2 bath each unit bdrm. 2 bath. rommuni with f1replal'e. l!nclosc•cl ty pool CIOSI' to eHr patio. garage 9·','. lfit yth1ng $162.SOO r oss1 l'os cash rio~ ~ow 1"1>1tleueo lion $159.500 Bill Grund}. Rltr 675·6161 t ___ c:_1_-;_._;:_:--_1 __ ... sume high loan balann 022.860() and owner ma y as:.1~1 W.1 I IUMfTS · 7.1 X's GROSS High drma nd rent a I area AMume ex1st1ni: financing or $150,001) at 10·. and o"ner 11111 1 c·arry Full pri ~·c S!40.<KXI Call 979 !'1370 ilSOlUTESTEAL ~ a.due.ct $150,000 MOW $525,000 SPYGLASS with finanr•n#: Submll all offers' S2o.l.900 Ca 111 loday.979.2390 't523 CAMP115Dl·IRV11fE ------• BY OWNER OWN ER FINANCiNG 6br1412ba 4100sq rt ~ llodc11a Hay Call owner. 7!'>!1·0737 1006 .................... ~ .. COUNTRY ENGLISH DUPLEX <!Br t 2flr. I yr new. $398,0llO 7f~ & 70912 On·hid t'a ll 8.51·9135 Ownl'r lbk r ATTH: IUILDHS URE VACANT LOT South of P C II S2IO.OOO Owner ~ 111 subord1n;tte 675-1771 .TARBELL 3 +FAMILY $107,500 ,\ssurrll' In w 110•. dwn al 131 ,r; or with 20', dwn II'/. Call Ruth Laurie Ill Ir &16-4380 NO MOMEY DOWM llu qualified bu} erl Ml'sa \'erde r u:.tom Jbdrm + bonu:. rm . 2' >ba. 2 rrplc:.. Ir~ >rd S235.000 o~n l'r Rkr· ~-9777 • 9.5% <.:ozy 3 bdrm. I bath. din. rm l den. rover<'cl patio, $107 .500 Agl 646·4380 or ~~1_!9 CDM PUPLEX mtJMABLE v .A LaCJ-aleoch 1048 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A Lot For A L.fttte I acre + bldg site. gent ly sloping parcel short d1i.tanre from tennti. & beach Ownr ha~ 1n eluded plans for custom \ilia Sl25 .000 Sper tacular vie~~! MISSION REALTY 494.0731 OCEAMVIEW 4 br, 3 ba. rustom oak firs. set' sys t Quiet street. lge pvt lol Lo" mainl. landscape Walk to town . SC'hools or beach Owner fin or lse opt $437 .500 497·1430 951 3557 LAllJllM MicJ-4 1052 •...••................ Best buy in CdM Lrg 3 M~A DEL MAR 4BR Bdrm home wifrph'. + 2 hardwood noor beauty Bdrm apt Only $262.000 Assume Slll.000 12', COASTLINE \'I EW Ouplrx. 4 Bd & 3 Bd. 2 R;i t•a . ocean \ u. I lot from hea("h. 5 llff·~• park , Ownr ~ill help r111 S349.000 HdmO Rily 879 2320 ~t:WPt>RT II EIG !ITS Area 2 bdrm. I ba S625 per rm. no pet!> 64S SW WATBtFROMT HOME PRJV ATE IEACH-Sensataonal 4 Hr homt-I smark on the "ater'' Feutunng Frenrh doors. frpk. prorcs~1onally de curate d & SAND Y RJ-:,\C:ll Onl> $249.000 & seller ~·•II r arr\' 110', loan at 13', i!'>9 l501 or 752.7373 ~ ALLSTATE REALTORS ... IYOWMH 2 4 Plexh. 4200 sq. rt 612 I.: 61-1 Calle Ca mpana. San Clemente $2~.500 11arh. $23.160 income earh 536.000 do~ n an 1982 911 h t TD il4.498·~7 THE NEW IMVESTMENT Prl\ate ownership or safety deixmt box AP· preciat1on potentrnl. tax benefits. h11ih becuntv & total pn\'acy · Info 714 536 7546 EIGHT~ PLEXES ONE OR ALL 91'• deprec1at1-011. -· ,...,,..,... _ your choice. Extensive , .... _.,.. 1111~ sales training. For m· ""'".,_."" "• r 7'00 fonnauon, call 7~1·6191 MCJCHAMllSE SUBMIT OWC w 5-40.000 dwn V.A loao. Offered at Spacious Wr 2ba home 1 Joyce Wa ll ie. -ag1 $147.900. on Monarch SuQlmlt. 1i---------,--------•1 631-1266 lilfvler, lrolif'r Own er f1nan r 1n11 or !Mer part or monthly 5j._0114 leaseop11on S259.ooo SanCW.nte 1076 WalkerG Lee :w .dn 12 9', owner fmancmie ~lanagemenl Arn1lable 0~11er Brokl•r 955·3454 AwUuo tit':: M 11er11I• C1nwr" & f:.q~Pmf'"I c.u °"'' fhtlO'Otil C•nttS.t. --c.--r ~-· 11..-.,. llllM'tllMIOW't 11--v. ... ..s ..... .,.Ml, ....... . Olli«"''" 6 !Alwd ""' ~--=~~:~,: 5port ... Ceod• !itort flnct1,1rar~ lu ~if'ec1...,H1f"'1 5'.trfO IOATS & MAllN£ £QUIPM£Nl Gt11Pr1I t:! ==~~M ~:;& ..,,...ff lolb Rf'M Ottn •t -.s.11 -..s11,. Dot" _,,...... ...... -..sc. ••. TUIMITATIOM Atr«•ll C•-•Mt.ll.,. DH'\mC1n =:~~s.-....· ~llmo 'llltll"" Tn~Tra.tl l::!~~~t!U~tr1' AUTOMOW. -c...... . ~Yn ~IU..c-e flttrr•,._ Ve.1tln =~~.~ocl' Tr«U ~-A ... i.. ..... A-W..Ct<I Afl8S, IMNITCI li<Mfol Alt • .C...o , .... A*• Httk'~ »llW l-•1 e:.-o .... ~ h H•(I t\•t ·-· J•l(tUr J-K .. lnMM\fi'l11 ~ ..... •• ,44 'lf'fn 't.•••r ~\, llC• 1111<• , ... ,.., ""'·""' ........ "-'" -""'" 11oo .. -.... lll<"""" f.,.C• rn ..... \Mh ••g.>A Veht Odft•l "*" ... ,, UTDS, .UI \' .. ~ C••"" ,,... ...... , ........ .... , ... _ .. c.r.-l\MtM :i:r ::;.i,. •••«tt• .. ll«<W) t:.::L.. ···-,,,-~ ........ °""""'"''~ \..C• .......... l 'I" -VIEWTOWNHOMES 11110 Master swtes. View or YOUR CASH DOWM eou Ocean l Night lights for this neat 3 Bdrm. 2 :: Quiet Area. Parks. open blks to Male Square -spaces. S137 ,000 X Int park Asking S87 .900 · no :: F\n. Hal or Pat Agts ~a_!!fying. AB\. 556· 1732 OH THE WATEtl payment on Ba I boa LC1CJ1910 Vitlocje R.E ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20', down . seller w111 1 1sland property Low o..r Filt•cittq 497-1761 IY OWNER carry~·. AITD at 12r; downortrade. Cute 3 Br 112 Ba Mme. 4 bdrm. den. f amily 4 bdrm. 21~ baths. 81us .. .._.sty RJtr I ----with spa. new copper Ldlefonst 1055 room.3baths 2.ioo sq ft PAUi SPRl;-;Gs $64.900 F\Jm Condo 9 5', Isl ~o~ rented al $900 per rm 320 9S-14 or 5611 3113 PS much~re IN~LU ES I 675-28,6 . CostaMeso 1024 plumbing k 2 r ar •••••••••••••••••••••• Larl!r Int , coo l . LA.ND . $335,000 ' •I••••••••••••••••••••••• I garage Assu111e Isl l panarom1c· ocean vie" IDjS 751·990S, 673·7300~_.__,G\1 GREE~ c:a~h -By owne~de or sa e ror WHITF: l'lc:vh.int\ lalboaloyProp. !lalboaP...;.wla 100~ •MESAYHDE. I owe lrg 2nd Asking PAllCPUCE Pm ed at ba nk ap l•neuuunenuuuu WITH POOLANDSPA SUJ.OOO. ESTATES prainlS21i.OOo Sl6~ : beaut. home. \'ery ex· ~1th a l"h•~~•lil'd \11 : elusive area Close to t"all li42·5tii8 *675-7060• OPEN SAT/.SUM 11·6 Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba 4 Br 21, Ba assumable rin11 m·m11 at I MESA VERDE 4-Plex --------.. NewJstory beach house Beautiful area SIS.000 2174Sq. F't 1211' • -198 31H8 Prin e S227 SOO I Bav&orean views dn As k1ni: $240.000 Rf:Tl'ERTHAN onl) 10'. assumable TD all2 1r11 Strip. $185,000,. 4 BR 2~. : ba, 2 wetbars. patio. lllll sauna. pool, 12 acre lot = Auto spnnklers. lots of -mature trees. For more . Ocean s1deor Balboa Isl St6'li mo pymt f'P \J.'I :'t!ODEL S-Juall I Bdrms plu!I end11sed ~..,......;;;:~--I 1911CourtAve nrt9th 7_60-7<el liASE\'ERYTHl~G Capistrano 1078 p rag es. pr1d t> o r 675-2291or8411 3133 CH .. •Mr.R Cul de-sac st reel I 0~11ersh1p r or more 1n ............. ,.. A I k -11:: Sun & Sail II Club ••••••••••••••••••••••• fo1'11ll ~ 5880 · mpeparin&mre.!r_ 2Untt5 +Separate l"ol 20 min to Ne"port f'ANTAS11C STARTER Ht J : details call :: 702· 733-6776 - :::•--------1 ::! DUPLU ::: CORONA DEl MAR "" A perennial mo ney :: maker in old Corona dcl Mu. 2 bdrm. house + I ~,. bdrm. /iarage apa rt· :S Cmer~at.t 1· v u,per~ n 1a0nc ac~ inogn · -~ . -$289.500. :: 17141673-4400 ,,.. 121Jl6J .. JIJI --,,,., -fill f111 "" rm r,.., '(ID •10 HAAIOA m:ii----.. -.. --: YT.I; ---------'(11$ EE w~1?:l'!ta\~e~U~Br •111 house on large lot. Easy ~!: RV access. l>rime cor r.r. ner location with ruturc ~! commertial rtential :! Owner wal a ssi s t mi w1fanancing. Full price ;\; S13t.500. """ .... -'"' fl fl c:::. ',f ' . _.,....;' J ,, •• 1f ', PANORAMIC VU---ON WATER All NEW mid dbout to be coepMted 4 bedroom phis dtt1 home Oft o quiet Newport St. Spa i*s sundeclc plus botMIS room. How's HM fffM to seM<t your colon. Sl,500,000. Fff 631-1400. • WATERFRONT HOMES, tNC REAL ESTATE S.s Affl•.-1• P'°""''' ~~I 2436 W Co.i i Hi..v JtS Manne Ave Ncwi>or1 Be.c: h &!boa Island Hl-1400 67Utoo POOLSIDE SETTING Elegant Condo -Neutral Tones Two Bed rooms. Two Baths Formal Dining Room -Gorgeous Sunsets -Super Financing -Low Fixed Int. Rate -Shown By Appointment Asking -$220,000. A "Joy Of Newport " Listing. ® ·--.............. 759-9100 uc.,-•,... .. .,,,,.. c.....,. -~~-~--~ -11sr1u" '::~~· s~Ro\\~-~t.~s· :::: 4 Br home In Costa MllM.., OAY 1 ~----- Mesa. Owner will assist • ._,.,. '-•• o1 Ille wMh rioancing. 1120.000. '-tn0..i.l9d -• i-. Call 979•SJ70 io.,. IO '°'"' t-""'l>lt -· ALL. t''PATE. f CAR Sl I J. c. . -~--_' r I I I I J Fl'M lctill Cl1I i = 11-5111 . I POSOT I I' I I I j t I S N A P Y j I Wiie: "l"m not OOlng to ltt 1 1 r 1 1; =r~~ =~· .. ;::: .--------"Tiit HIMS are SliPOOMd IO I E' N s E l T I V'4 "°~encl or•1. not•"--· . I r I I r .• ~'!': :-~~~ ~ ...... """" ''°"' ... Ht 3 b.1ow 1 ~,,;~~:w,'mt•~ iN I' r 1, I' r r I I VNK•N4Ll •eovt u111t$ I ' I ro 9f! ANSwtt • • ICIAMUfl AllWWI .. " USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST RESULT" SERVICE DIRECTORY For Result Service Call tage Great o~ners L'n1t Center 2 Br 2 bu homt' m are:.t en ag!' n\estmenls or Rental Prop Cabin ,.,_________ S2tO.ix.1"11h Sl60.000 "1th lake. pool and rer Li kl' Int East:.1dr $98,500 al 12•2fixed rate & full\ ~•1•001·!.\..J11 rallable Onl) 9Vi AS<pMAILE! Creative Term:. HI'. rt d · " '"" ('"· ~ I JO/o LOAM amo ize , .. ,,l'r w1I rarn 2nd Down Br...ak t'\l'I\ »est \'alul' in l'o~la No pmntsorquahf)ml! LogunaVilloqeR.E {Jl"ALITY~ellkfplTn Sl<ll.500 ~~k:2ti6 :'tlesa. 3 Bdrm 2 hath, 77o-o347 497· I 76 I I Plex nt>ar • l' Plaw larize lot. ne~ roor. Rood I Owner Ai:ent :"lie" rarpe1 & paint in ~ 642-5671 ht.JU fvtwe Gokt Mine Large R 2 lot "1th na rc remodeled 2 bdrm home Lo~ interest fananrmi: Open Sun 12 4 1010 W Wilson 114 s.tS 2901 213 68!H~4 ----------------, - STAR GAZER'~~. t---..-.....,..,..--9, Cl.A Y l POUAN---.-----1 K r-o...11~c..<1o K Y Ate•'d"•f to •'-• S•on V To dovtlap "'""'9< lo• Thu,.dor •fOd -ch'"'"~"'!! to......t." ol VOtll Zod<X borrh \'9" ltf'.c•• """ ..... JJ•..,j ,. .. ,,_ •o. n•..,. ....... •••ll .,_ ''"'°""" ... u ..... Q•-.. .,,.. •H ..... ,. ··-........ ••Tlw• ,.,,......, It""" l.1-~ .. , .. M hc:tt .,~., ""•' . .,°""" ....... .., .... ..,_ .... ., ... .,..,... ....... ..... ,._. ,._ ,,,.~·til ''°"' ,._ "' ... , ... ,., ... ,,_, ,., .... " .. ... .. .... .... ., . ...,,, llfMriili!wt ., .... .. , .... llC)I 16 .. 1reo-.-1r1-. .. ,.".,.,. :~ ,.sen --._.. rV eJIAJ•U'K •""... IU u ,,.:(. ··~ ~ .. 1.'\~ (.,:-: ..... , ~~ ... a ,,,,If COOKING 8 E R I S P W N A E R C 0 E T 0 C H E P 0 A C G R l H 0 A K E U R S H S A T s v 11c o o K t " GIN q c E r o E R A A F G l WC 8 A ST E 0 VA ~p 0 I H R E R 0 I E F Y D 8 A A l 8 T E H N I F 8 0 Y N S R K R V W I 0 A S E E A R 0 H A C F S I A V 0 U H A R A l V T A l U D M R E 8 l R I C C E 8 0 T A T M 0 R R 0 I S A C L l E N ~ E R P 0 0 I 8 C A P C U I P E I 8 I K C A P l A S G A l 8 A M I 0 L A R " I X K E Q H M R 0 K N $ F 8 A 0 8 A G C C R ~ U K C }. P I E S R 0 C D l 8 0 0 A R I N E R T D E l E E T H 0 0 l R P A E C ~ I " ELOREPARCijCEROATSAO .-. • ._ • .....-. =::: .-• 1t 111.I like Fry --~ .... .. ""~ 14111 ~ ,_. ffi-... -Crtct'91 .... c.... locallon Call s.io 1151 10 WeshMtster I 098 uml~ Bwlt m' ft-ncl'1I •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ J r d &. t-n t. I o ' t· tt Mewporileoch 10691:"11!'.:W l'Al~T Corner lot 1?ara11es Open Tlll"R!'> ~-·HERITAGE REALTORS 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JBr ~ "ood fir.. and lots thru SL"~ !Hi Jenn1f1•r •Canal !-'runt. :-le~port 41( c harm ,\s k 1ni: Lane.C'.\I Shores. 4 Br De n 1 $90.000 ~ame ~o u r . , S25.000down.Ownerw111 l 1erms Bkr8411 070!1 CO\l~GTO!\ ~Pie\<:' carry Must sell' Maki'' f~om $2!'>0.1100. OrJn!?l' ......... °"leach I 040 d rer' Tenms. pool. _walk I C>tlwt-RHI Estate ' ~h·c~1~r1~~~W;:,;1~. pn11 ••••••••••••••••••. •••• to. bearh Aitenl 646 1044 ••••••••••• •••••.••••••I · MJO dn. Beaut. 11-te 4 br 0~~·2805. Mobile Homes LAG.UMA IEACH hom? in H.B. or 3 br in FORECLOSURE For Sole 11 ool Comm r 1ndw~ 14 unit~ f V._91?2· 7940 agt • •••••••••••• ••• •• 1 ••0 •• 91 2 lllnt•:. l(rn~s 0~ nl'r 4 Rr 212 Ra nook. ram1ly -Fixer -. 2S" A1 r:.tream " room. fan A!>km~ S.5_:'10 IKMI fh rm. 3 rar garaize. prof Oceanfronlduplex 21i:e , across ~tree t rrom 0"11er &i!>J-17, landscaped. 2 patios 3Ar2ba units. Try lo~ or : beach $60IJO &>c• al llun Mo.toift De1ert w rovers. "allpaper It. nodo~11 Lender o~nt'r l t1n1?1on b) Sea Pa rk I Resort ' '2400 t l th t can be \'eQ r rcatl\l' 218i l 'l;n"land. s·pann rus om pain ru ou . Plava R E. 673 l!IOO 11 0 11' 1> . '1'1 •••••••••• • • ••• • •••• ••• secunty s)·stem. crown ' 1737.sw; ' 11 r r a l'>\L\1 Sl'Rl~GS l'O\" mould11~. :'tf e x1ran OPEHSATJ.SUM 1 f-6 DO. $6 1 9011 ,\,!\u mr gaver noonng. 2 used Ne14 3storybearhhou11e 2 bdrm. I hath . n e~ 95'. bl Furn l<•nni:.. rick frplcs. blt·m TV Bayloceanview!\ r arpet & drape ~ spa . etr 320 9!1·11 nr stere o cab in el lit Oreanside Balboafll\d Beaut1lul aclull park. 568-3113 P S bookshelveii ID ram rm Hlgh assumahle. Must 1911 Court Ave. nr 19th low space rent 646·11612 Tift <i.-fl-'"•rvol 675-2291 or848·3133 N t>~ _-" m..-see to appreciate. Am_ple:J>arking in rear l'Wport ,.,-arh Ile An7.u OwMnhip 2450 $219.000. Open Sat'Sun. bayfrnnt Park Mint ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714 /963·6163 . Private US0,000 cond '78 rlbl "1de. P:irk Cit). l'T lu~ lime Party~ Waterfront 4 Rr hom<'. f1replar~. brirk patio. :.hr Dislrl'~!> ~.ilt· Ki•n No QUALIFYING l• I 20'. down. affordable. ,;().(XMJ 6.1 double ~•de. 760-t5l5 833 o-79 ' u low interest loan romcr lot $39.000 Rtll ' ' · de-sac + pnvacy. Sper G nd s..,< 61"1 tarular Pool upgraded 1 SI 29,950 ,ru Y "" " • 38r. Just $135.900 Ukr 3 Br. 2 Ba affordable leodl fllroperty 1350 848-0709 beach home "'1th un ••••••••••••••••••••••· i·. believable terms M ... UI • K--lli • TOP VALUE Sparkling Callrormoremfo "' --r-4 Br near tht' llarbour DOCICSIDE R E '•ownership. fine ocean • Gorgeous upizr ades , • • vie~· rondo. S25.000equ1 Under mkt at $127.00<> ,,.... & Crolg 0 lrie11 t,y. Terms neg 1151 6268 • Bkr 848-0700 _t4Hlot C-rclal • CorW .. Mw 10-22.__ 1022 ~ 160.0 • ................. .. ~.. ..•••...•••..........•. . tr a new house will ease If it's got handles you'll grab a. sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. Cal.I 642·5678 - your spnng fever. turn I to classiried. 642·5678 .. _._ _____ _ RESIOENllAl ACAL ESTATE SERVICE'S ILUllPS S 115,500 Brighten your da y! Grejlt opportunity to buy a 4 BR home for a fabulous price & owner financing. Beautifully cared . for with sunny patio near pools, schools & shops . lrtt. I 044 Im. I 044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• D~ 611AT fOl UVIMG Bctt utlful pool/spa home in desi rable Irvine location. Lovrly c·o mmunity racilities plus parks and gretnbells. 4 Bft . cnthtone decor, Meli<:an tile in kil/fam rm area. Owner says SELL! sns.ooo Myrna Boom 752·1414 IX.20) •• Orangw cOut DAILY PILOTIWedft.S.y. Marcr(3, 1882 ..... PIC'flTIOUt autl•IU flAMI ITAHMe•T Tll• ltJl••lllt M rt41f! la f1l111 'aA'oe:~~ Ol'COIU.TOlllS, .. ,. t w ·--· P-1 .... 1 ~I--Ortf\11 C .... Deity ll'IJot tAWOPMH..---' MICNAl'-P, P.t.•• __ J lfflllt ltft Dr'I ... , Hllfltl119ton 8'11<h, ellfltrll .. ..... lhllerl O. Hern111111•. ttU 1m~ Oflw, Hllflt1neto11 BNCh, lll!lrnlt ,... • Tlllt ...... ,.., It <-llCI by on llllllvlllvtl. ....,, o .... ,.,. ..... Tlllt •It-wet flie.:t wllll tfll c-tv ct.<tL Of Or•""' coun1, on llQrc.11 I' "" 1'110 P11lltl"*I 0raft99 C:O.ll Deity Piiot, MM. I , I0, 17, 14, ltlO M.a ""· 10, 11, 14, -· ,, "'2 61).1 t•t l all PattK-Piie•, hltt l •MI ~ ... 'T.:: il: CMft Dally Piiot, //I \1 ..... 10. 11. 14. Merell,_ •• ....ei I .. Wiila I l'~ITIOUI IUSINIU _.,. -~ ITATIMllNT ~ llllllllK Tll• 1011owtn1 person It d1l111 t----------....-- llutl-11: ...... (t i '" SAlllOO DESIGNS, 1111 PICTITIOUl aUllNISI MESA UPHOUTllllV, IMS ~lor NAM41 ITATtlM8NT llvcl., C-lt ...... Cellfornl• .. ,, PlllllD $¥ .. , 15656 HI ... l(flOll Tfle lollow"'9 l'lt-1 t re HI ... .._.., Enclno,CMltwftlt tltl6 -IMH"' f'ICTITIOUS8Ull••R Tiii• Dolllillftl ,, '°"4UCllCI •Y •n u aoL SPECIALTIES. uo MAMll STATIMllNT llldMdvat Syc.._. A-. f\IS11n, C.lllon\le Tiie 1o11ow1 .. , _..,., ,,.. eolno t2* llllMlleHet: Tlllt =~., llled .,,1111 l,. L11Clly Lota ti, 1a.s homer• SOUTH c o As T EH G 1 HE COllftlY Ctar1' •f Or•nQe Co ..... y ... Awnw . '"'""· C..lfomM'2161D. llEaUILOEIU, »c2 Enlo~IM, COile Merell 1 1tl0 StllH Kewete, U S6 Sllnlf MMe, Calltor'llla 9263' ' l'tMUJ 4"9-.L•All9tlH,C.etlfclmla....._ lll lmotu Compeny Inc .• • Publlllhed Or ..... C.oHt Deify Piiot 8. Mt• Ive'-!, 4* Acrmlreltv Ct lllorn le corp ore tlon, IOO l'ICTITIOUS aUllNISS Mer J 10 17 24 lta "2..; Way, M.,IN dot lley, Cellfornlo ""1. l nterprlM, Cotta AMiii, Celllornle NAM• ST.t.T•MRNT • ' ' ' ' • · Kin Settelda, ISi W-k ll """· 9»1' •• Tiie tollow lnv pertoft Is doing _.,. ·-· nw , So\ltll Peudeno,CelllWnletlOJO. Tiiis 1>1111,..u It conoucteo by • llllslnest as: ,._ 1~ Arllol 5-lcl•lllls. 13'$ 5¥<.....,,. corooretton. SOUTH GO.UT BOAT YARD. H10 ------------......... .,.,Twin, Celllornl• "*· RI_ C.,,,..,,y In<. Ne woorl Blvd .. Newport Bue~. l'ICTITIOUI •UllNRSS Oeoroe Hvllert. 21S Wffl JeftU Ml< .... 1 Ill M<O...lel. C.lllornl1 '*3 NAMI STAT•MINT llloed, TllOY .. nd Oe h , Celllornl• P,..lllOtnl Pet• St-•n . 31"'2 West Str .. t, Tiie lollowl,.. oerM>nt ere doing ttl60. Tiils lie'"'*" w~ llllCI wltll uw 5ovtt1 ~. c:.tllo<nle t2'67 1111.llMH 01: OOft 4'ndt<lld. 1:104 Bloyd Slr .. t, Covnly Cler1' of Orenoo CouflCy Oft Tiiis -lnets 11 cOftducted l)y on HALLETT MARKETING, THE l(elM>, W..,,,""'°"'8616. Februeryt~1tll. lndlvldutl HALLETT COLLECTION, 1'251 S.1111 Tllll IMltlnftl 11 <OtlCIYCte<I llY • ,.._St.wen 8erblre I.Ant, HuMlftVl.on Bee<ll, CA llmli.cl pe-S/llp. Tiii• ~l was llllCI wltll 1111 ~ Lucky Lora tl. Genere l GO\lnly Cllf1' of Ore1>99 County °" L U 4 NH E H A LL E T T • n 0 Pert,..r MAr<h 1.1tl0. BURDETTE L HALLETT, 1US1 This 1111-t wes llllCI with t11e 1'1Mt• S•nte 8e rllere Len•, H11~tl11g1on County Clerk of Orenge County °" 1'11Mff PvbllsNd Oraft99 Coest Delly Piiot. Fiii. 10. 17. U, M¥. J, 1"2 •11-12 P11blltlwd Or-Coast Delly Piiot, Buch, CA'2Mt. JtnYery IS, 1'12. M•r 3, 10. 11, 2•,lltlO tlo-e? Thh buMn4tH It conducle<I by I 1'1'1971 f'ICTlTIOUI aUSINISS -··· pertne,,,.lp. Publllhld Orengo COHI Delly Pllo4, NAMI ITATI MI NT ~u:::n-~•llett Feb. 10, 17. 24, MAr<ll 3, 1"2 6M.f2, b\l!i':.!.::~•:owlnv P•"on I• oolnv 7 568 Tiiis Ital-I wes llled with 1111 -II'_, Cl) J MC C (t'Hld4tntlel OUlldlft9 ,.. l'ICTIT10US aUSINISS Counly Clerk ol Orenge County on r-.... ,_,~ <Oftsullent) 121 JOSEPH McCARTHY ......,...,..._ __ _.c ~"7~ -i, (\I') NAMISTATIMINT MArcll I, lta CONSULTING lresld.,,1111 l>lllldlng ,.., ~ Tiie loll-lnq persons are dolno 1"1Mla NM16tl ;on1un1nt, 1J.I ~lnl Jemes Piao. b\111 ... u 8.l! Pvbll"*I 0raft99 Coell 0.lly Piiot, l'ICTITIOUS auSINI SS HIW-1 llelcll. C.llfomle tMl. ff c E Ill Ill I T 0 s d F F I c e MArcll J, 10, 11, 2•.1"2 ~ NAMI STAT•MllNT JOffl)fl lllfl M<Cenhy, ™ S.lnt lt's~f#·SlllPU 111 l'llllie tllls DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE. Tiie lollowlng -tons ere dolnv J eme1 Piece, Newport Beecll, llalllOlllOllS 11tW faslllOll JIOlll11 Ho J Corporate Plu•. Suite tOJ, NU l9Ja llllslt>Hu.s· Calllorftle ""63. Just two 1111 pees tor 6rtu. ...... -00'1 llMcll, C.lllornle""° p E ,. F 0 111 M A N CE T I 111 E Tiiis bull-•S <ondUcled "" .,, lllell .....,t beetll!ful Mu•n lft Herold G. -~. 61S Bayside OMPANY, iJ171 Pe-terwu, s.11 lndlvldual. ,..... .._ ~Ive, ~ 8el<fl Celifornla •-... ,. Ceplstr-. Celllornle nus. ~I. M<Cetthy 'lltld colon. tmbtOlder h1cllltPIS Zald 4. Asterebadl, 21 W~ltewoocl, STATllM-:::s-..-::00.MINT lnterMllonel Tire Group, '461 Tiiis fllle"*'I we tiled with -Pl!lenl 7561 hssut lllflSlfr tor ltvl .... C.llfoml• '77U l'ICTIT10US •uSINISS NAMI llslllr• ............ Sult• 420, B•V9rly Counly Clerk of Or•noe County "" dress with mot1'1 Stm a.1• Feroult J . Kubbe. 2S•lS Boone Th• followlno pe rsofts lleve 111s,Cellfornlet0212. Februeryl, 1"2. i, "f1T,_ 1 • ....,"ff1',,,..-..,. intluded. Pl1ce,L-Hlhs,C.lll0<nle'7453 Pulormenc• Tire, In<.• 1'1-1 tlli... tllc..i.1 .. Tiiis lluslnen Is conoucted by • • .,.,,_ 1,. UM of -lklltlous •lllornl• co'l)Orellon, 3.J171 PeMO Publltlll<I Orene, C,P8•1 Delly PllOt. SZ.ZS tor Mell ptltt11. Acid generel pertnarll'llp. b\lslness....,..: e rv118, Sen Juen Ceplstrano, Feb.10, 11, 14, MArcn). 1912 •n.-z. SOC each pattetn IOI PoSlllt Herold G. Mor-eel H.M.I. EN.II DEVELOPMENT, alllornl• m1S. . and h1ndl1nc Sn• tt: Tiiis stet-I WH lllecl wllll I,,. ~~~::re" Blvd., HW!lift9t0ft 8"c;ll, lnt~natlon.tl Tlrt G'°"p _.,.II' -( l"IS S"iitdrt,. ,,... ~stop Mict ... County Cler-of Orenge Countv on Ent ed Tl 1 <>-rel """"' ,.,"' " " .. ·~· ·-MArcll '· 1"2 Th• FlcllllOUI Business N•m• p.,;,., rH, n<. -------------; lrom Wft to SUpptr tN!tu to tlle Nttdltaeft o.,c. 105 P .. b11v. °'aft99 eo.11 0.11~,~~~ ~:~~~ !': ·= ~r ~=.1~~;-=. ~,.~i!i!~~·' 00•0bo, "~c:;.~'::!:~:.::::s ~~ co;:.11!1~~t ~ :;.'= :11r~ cw. Sta.. .. MAr. 3• IO. 11• J•. HG 'IOt-t1 Fl':: .... o Ev E Lo P M E N T Tiiis ... ._, w•• llleCI witll Ille The 1011owlng person I• Oo•nv diessalloouldlldielc:MtrlSt. , ... IT 11111 PIW ._, CORPORATION. e C•lltornle CountyCllrflofOr-CountyonJeft bU1lnn1u· Pnnlld P.ltltl• 9319 Mas ~ C.. , .......... ~~:::~:!°".,;.~·o ao. ue. C.dltt. 20 • •ta. .,,., uS:~i~~~!!,~ :,~:~.;~ !.P~ Sim a. 10. 12. u. 16. ta -Im lllMIKnft e...i.s 3 l---.. -l-CT_l_T_1ou_s_a_u_s_11f_IE_S_S ___ I HECTOR MAlllSACH, INC.. • Publhllecl Orenge Coell Deily PllOt, To ..... CelllOmlenu> Silt 12(bd~)OllSS2S/l)'ds. fret jllttetM lllSldt 170 best NAMI STATEMENT Celllornle cor-etlon, 16162 BHch F9C1. IO. l7, 2•. Merell J. tta Norm•n M111ltt•. 2J07• Vie 60-f/IU, jaclld Ii. )Ids. •>NIU !Klt.ttS. dolls. QUiils mortl Tl\e toll-Ing person• ere dolno 81vd .. H""tingloft heel!, CA '7M7. 642-47 Ceru•. Mlu lon Vle10, C•llfornl• SIM SZJS .. -...... Knit. Ciocllet. Emb!Older SI ~ b\lslnH•~ Tiiis .,.,..,_. w .. <onduct.d "' ,·------------mt1 Mill* .. ed -Is AUCUFTIDlll1.$2.11• THE MINI BLIND LAUNDRY. 0-Mrel~ w 1911( Tiii• bullMU 11 conducted by ... -......... Clllhl ... * 1""9 M........,le A-. ••. Ntwoort ' ==~:Inc:. -------------! lndlv~~manMeni11a =~ ....... W.S -........ ~ Bffcll, Calllo<nl• t2t63 President f'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS Tiii• st•te,,_I WH flllCI with IN ''"'"' ....... ,,,,.. lls.Ma I Cllllltl OI ,.,.. Giibert E. Helllly, 30t\lt t.Jotl• E ...... M&~1 sTaTI MIMT ....., ..,_ N4 ..,...,.._....,. Corp. "...., ~ " County Clerk of Ora11-Countw on Delly --.. l"'l= .............._=="' Strut, fil•wporl !keel\, C•lllornl• "• ldW ~--· Tll f II I I d 1 ,.. ' rwuo --.,,.v . .._..,, • o ow 110 person t o nv Feb<uery n , 14111. ll' t -... " ' 'tnf ........ ... ······· ..... 111••••••••••1•••• • .4 .... •1•••••···--···· ............... . Oit.,,.__., ..... ~ M1~ . ,.._ . J~M • ~ •110 ............................................. . '"'•NJ • LA.:..........__... J 1 •.1. • Ir, I Ba coedo, many ....................... --, -amenltle• poo Oya ••15 UIT ....................... m.•;tva"5-iul . • ~r:~:T! Mo. Met clfu 2 Br, I 81 . 15% DOWN ll50MotoJun111t. encl1d 11ra11. yard, Ow n.er wi ll c ar ry Na-O 1 new peild fr "~'"'· No balance at ~. Recent· L I 3 B h '*'· '5ZI + Neurlty. I y re t u r b I • h e d • ~~/~ryr. efun t:J.; 25'4 Oru1e. bowe D, u x1rou. Motivated .-,5 IQd utU. to June ~..:·mt~.'------ i tlfOl'detallt 2IOl.h. Alier Properties 2 Br. 1 It. Full ctJ1)itt_s1 w....-..1L.u-m.ocxi aaclld 1er1ae. ftoceo nvvw••-. backy ard . patio. lluJI c.e. MeM JI 24 wllhtr/dryer area. No I •••••• .. • .. •••••••••••• pet.a. tlOO/mo. $tt·....Z SSl·lMt £/aide Jbr, cmr lot. IJ yd ormaa. ·· .. ~· "'"'·'"._ w/jac • 2 car -.ar. 1825. 2bdrm, E. aide, SS?S/mo. o.tof SNM 5'37t3. + JU() 1ec. 87J.48tt: ~ Pr.,.rty 2600 H '1 .,_ lted9 J 140 ..::~=~:.::15""'". ---- ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. 2 Bl. ms1mo .. lit. OkJahoma 10 acres 45 ,.1ltW,.... l11U 1aec. deposit. Call: min. to Fort SIJlith. Od. onufa klDc( 1or1eou1 2 5-9...a aJ\. 5 retireme nt wooded bdrm, 2 ba townhome . b 19 8609681890 with den and ap a . E/1ideC4U11e. 2 br, 1 a. . Perfect ror the relocat, patio. yd, 11r, 159~. ltmdltl.hrw, in& renter. Steps to B,\CHELOR w/pat10 ...... 2700 Ocean, aolf, tennis, 1375. UUll pd. 63H320 ••••••••••••••••••••••• shoppina. • ... 10 Acru avocados. &e0-5807 Nu 2 stry 3Br w/den or Randie> Cal. 12'1' int 48r Pool /J'ac 2\.'iba 2 $165.000 Xlnt Invest Mupottltedl ll6t car" aar<autoi. Nr S.C 55'1 ·32118 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pha. Lie I 1000 + $500 --C.noery Village Mobile ::ti Hm ~..., ""76 B · 26,SOOacre ran ch , HomfParkFumished2 · ~..,,•us. Sl9,SOO,OOO, ($736 per Br, 2ba, pool, adlls. oo /328-7200 Mr. Ito. acre>. Cen~ra.1 Cahf. pets, close to shops ' 4 bdrm. 3 ba, 2000 sq ft coast. 140 existing legal restaurants. $750 mo yr. condo. Near back Bay, parcels. Outstanding 1y incl uUI. 673·3685 or s.675-4277 Bob. rerreatlonal oppty. 1·525-1648,J.772·1801 Ni E s ·d 2B B d Prinr. only. Owner: ee · 1 e r,l a,y . <D 1562. gar. pet. refrlg/stove. S630 mo. '752-2282 dys, Mii.. 2 ~~~~OJ:J 2 642-~leves. lb..... 2100 bath. private patio. 3 Br, 1 ba, gara~. lge ft ••••••••••••••••••••••• Available t hrough yard, ctuldren/pets ok. 3Units.S30KEqu1ty 6/30/82. $1,700. month ~· 577 Park Or. Kurt ~~M Bl'Olter. '31·7300. 6.11-1266 Trade EqLDty 1n your Irv or Nwpt Bch hse ror eustom Cota De Caza ll>me valued at $330,000. GOLDEN PROPERTIES 752·1589 __________ 1 Ekec 4 Br custom home. 3frplc. pool. spa, private street. Rent or lease op· 3 BR 2'-1 BA + bluffs Con· do. 6l09 mo's, $1600/mo Beautirul A . 760·9678 tion 11200 /mo 1805 1644 8027 . 1714 1997 ·8600 ask ror Pat. 38r Jba . . · · SlSOOtmo '515/mo. 2 Br 2 Ba. New UTILITY BONDS Beaut, Bach ... · · · S625 carpets washer/dryer 2 Br Lido Mobile ···· $700 hook· UP all bu1 lt·ms "A"NeclorlMthr Ni:J~1J:rRENTi1~ ckR to ihopping, smali ror improved real < Yffd.CallforAppt TSL esute. Must be clear .or Ck;~~:~~~o·m.':500 M&mt 642· 1603 near clear. $250.000 to ~allots ~ 631-1400 4 Br !ba house Mesa ._. SlO Million. Your IC· Verde Avail 3 15. $750 count ants •P'Proval mo. lst/last+S200 sec .. , s 0 Ii cl t ed. R e r 5 EASI'ER WEEK &lJ.2100 dys~ 851-1789 ev I runushed. Ckem1front2 Br. agt. ZollerGroup54.'i·8J.49 752.-S'710 . Laree 4 Br. Mesa Verde . , ---=.,:,,.,:.:.-__ --1 Home. Children Ir smatl • Will trade %400 sq t Qijoy Summer at Winter pt't OK. $750. ut. + last : Turtlerock Vi sta 3 br rates. 2 Br. 2 Ba. view mo. rent. Call 7.51·1728 J condo for desert tennis (ull SP!, etc. 642·5465 aft 6PM or w s. ~· 67S·l058 - -4 br. 2 ba, lge fenced yd ,.. ..._......,..slMd 2449 Vassar Plare .,"3 Preuo.nt b\ls1 ... n .. : .. ,Q621 m ... a• Sl.. ... ''"'IT IT 1,t=""' :t.:n:o-w1111am E. Vier, 11SSI Bonner tt I ENRIQUE'S HOUSE OF WAX tS7 .-SS, ~ Drive, Slnle A,.., Cetllornla 91705 c::~:y c4:~ ~-=..:.leclcC::..~v 1!: w 17111 St.-. COile Mese, Cell~I• F:b~~~~r ~.~l~c:-.:; Diiiy r::;; t'!,'l;!~ =Mm. UI---SimJl.56 Tiiis bu1lnen 11 conoucted by • F.O. 11, l"2. ,n•21 "" --flld l~,...... Qiilta * 9e"'ral pertnenlllp. PulHISN<t Or•not c .. ~ OeHy Pllol, Enr'-R -IM, UIS E. 14111 -II' ·-Whit IW I .. , Ille U7 ...... 'I' lllllill Giibert E. Heinly Fett 11,24,MM<lll, IO, 1"2 1S~ s1 ... 1. Ho .••• Newpor1 8ucll. ~ ·~ "'swen .. ow N[W SPRI"'-125-hW- Tllls stat-t was lllect "'11" tr. -------------iC•tllomle tMJ -------------SUMMCR PAnERM CAIALOC l'"-.. ~ •• ...____.._ CovftlY Clerk of Oran90 Counly on -If' -Tiiis bullfwu II c-IH by an l'ICTITIDUS I USINIS5 ~-. •-~.......,. ......._ .,..._.,.. .,._. MArch 1, 1"2 f'-.Jlt ,.,~ Individual • NAME STATIMI NT --__ ,_ -~ ln.stiedl '•' '*E' F1MIM -------------! Enriclue's-ofwu "'•lot-no persons ar~ c1oh•o ol f11t Pllln C.Upon Oler lZ2sa.ft 'I' M Q) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avail. Mar 7 S750 mo "\' GtMr..r 3202 ca 1100-0029 tier ' ~ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• £. Sicie. I Br. 400 sr Lg Cardrn Grove 4Br 11.ba. Yard Gas Paid nu cpts. BBQ. covd mo S48·484S PubllV. Oraft99 Coest 0.lly Piiot, NOTICI INVITING a 1os EnriQ\11111. _I,.. • b111lftftt IS' 100 st}les Cll.ala& $150 • ~· lg~j4~2Twana 2 BR 2~ b;-t";nhse = . Easi.1de S725 mo ISOO MAr l ,10,11,t •,IC t14"t7 alOITIMNO.at Thll lit-I w~ llled with Ille Ill NEWLAND PROPERTIES; AU.Cliflllmf .. $t11• l~~,..,ei.a.t -------------NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllet l(ounly Clen of Orange Counly Oft (JI NEWLAND REAL ESTATE; Ill ll~c.dlll 1111~lflfi-~' -II' llnW'C Welld -II wlll \!! ro<elwcl ""JFebrveryt2.1"2 N EWLAND RE.t.LlORS; 141 UJJ-lfltf........ Mlillf...., ~ r-.... ,_,~ , tho City ol cdsta Mitu,' lo wit: T"" I l'lu.D H EW LANO ASSOCIATES; CJ 1 lZJ.iiid. 'I',. -lls.lllf lfl tf tNctill ---.. -ICT-ITI_OU_s_a_u_s_t_N_l_S_S __ City Counc:ll, P O . .Boll 1200, (Oil• P11bll>lllCIOr-CoellOellyPll01. NEWLAND REALTY, 11• Ad•m• l~'"'J::: .... -llU.,W.Cift Mita, c:.tHomla m211t, °" or befo,.. Feb. 24. ,.,,., 3.10.17, lta I07-G AvtnY•, • 10S, Hunllngton 8••<11, .,,.... • l&S..+1111-.i. • _J NAME STATEMENT llW ll0\11' ol 11 :00 a.m. Oft Tllur'ldey, C•lltornle, """· Boolls llld ldd 50C ·-Tiit lollowlng persons ••• doing Merell It . 1 .. 2. It slllll bl ,.,.1-------.,.-.-nf'-r____ Gerald L. (Oftl4t't, 1771 Ory1>1111lo ucll lor ~ t•d ~ l~llltllt CNdllt bllslneu n : rtlPOftSlblllly ol IN bldOer to dell,,., l'1nlLllf '"" Drive, Huntlnq!Oft S.e<ll, Calltoml• 112.._ Qilill DESERT ENTERPRISES, 1001 w . Ills btd tot .. CllV C14tr1''t Olflo by 1111 111.-.... C*tlll l • 1 1 Br house tn Lakeview, ~n David 646·32SS Ore11on Laundry rm. --= fncd yard. $275 sno. Utll 2Br. nr So Coast Pl~ia. pd. Bob Meyer 586·3500 $575 mo l'Ull rec fac1I I< olc or 66!·7622 hm. or sec. '74-8200 _ __ Ore. 503/947-2232 Dme,.. l226 La Yell Awnue, Suite 600. Oreno-• ..-r -Id llme. Bids Wiii.,. l'ICTITIDUS aUSINI SS .,~llyllls A Rllyln, 10301 J~on~o::.,._'.·L!~~~~~~~l!.__J_.JilJl:JllOlt-lblDlllltS..4+--:--~=--::;;i--' Cellforlnl•1 '1'61E O I Pllbllcly -d aftd reed •-et NAM•ST4TIMENT HuntlftQlonBMcn.C.lllomle~. W II em slerm lier, Jr., 11.oo • m .,. u• ~~.Jll~~~-!!-~~"'t-f°"'llwi;,v-,,....s....;.....,......, 1 Clf'Clv<I ... ---+.LCo~...,._..,........,....,1u1r 1n1~ Vlvos · 11 · :·:.<--' .;;;;,... ~-11 ie. ''' lollowl11Q -_,. *'" dolno -'Tiiis ""''""' s c prtc: ce1>11 °" , ..... ICllv. ~•c b\lsl,,.H 11 e19ner11 pennarsnlp 3Brl~ e, dbl garS59$ clean. Avail March Ca I Murthi.son F.nterprises eves00.1771 or960·S844 Trull oeted Ac>rll 17• .. .,,. 633 LldO 1'12, In Ille C-11 CIWlmbeF'I, City KORONNE INTERNATIONAL Gar.idL.GOftl4tY P•rk Wey, NewOOf1 Buch, Celll0<nle KAJJ_ 11 Felr rive, Cosle Mue, lllEATIVE DESIGNS llOJ W"tcliH Tiiis sit..,_. wM flied with - ttt6l Galllo<ftle m•. for '"" lurftlslllno of • I C t c·~~ of Ore-C°"nty Oft Jolln w ~. Trvs1ee ol 1111 'T E M P 0 RA R y PE RS 0 N N E L Or Ive, Newoort BHcll. Cal lornl• oun Y -· • • ._. Henoesh lnte< Vlvos Trusl. d•le<I SERVICES MO .... ,., •• ,. l'IDUS 41191111 t tm • Hlr'*o Kuroll••• lnlernetloNI, • Thh bu1l~s I\ conoucted by • Acldltlonel ,wt• of lh4t -~llflcof•llGnl elltornl• <"'-•lion. 1'°3 W"4cliff "\lbliSN<t Or..,ge Coa51 o.i1y Piiot, -Mrel .,.rtnarllllp mey be otlte ned •I 1"' ""ce ilW Drive. Newoort 8Hcll. Calllorftla F.O. l•. Mer<ll J, 10, 17, lta "5-t1. ~ · Pllr<ll•slno Aoent •I n Felr Drift, -_....:;. ____ ...:.__....._ ___ _ Jolin W ~gesll, Truslftt Cost• Mffl Callfornla Bleb Sllould lie -Tiii$ •ltl....-t WU llled wllh ,,,. rewrned I~"" .. ....,· ..... Of , ... City Thi• l>lllln•n 11 COflCIUCled by • co11111y Cltrk ol Oranoe Counw on Clerk. wltllln said time limit, In,. O<POr•~~ol(ur<*•w• Int. February 2S. l"2. see led en"91-. ICMnlllle<I on tho E-0 Miiier, AccOWltent f'ICTITIOUS aUSINIH ,,.,.,. outsld4t Wllll Ille Bid Item Number eno Tiiis stat-I wa\ llled wlt!I tho NAMI STATIMl!NT J4CK~t.'!!!Dl"t ~UCKLINO Ille Opening Oett. O\lntv Cler~ ol Ore1>99 County °" Tiit lollowlng persons ere dot110 YI a :..i I Eech bid slllll speclly eacll end Februery 17, 1"2 bUtlnttt es. M•.::1=:~ ~ .. "" every Item u H I lorlll In .... 1'1antl HARBOR ST.t.R MARINE, ltci).C N...,.-t 111<11 C. nM. """clllcellons. Any Ind •II exceptions Pvllllsllecl Or•not Coe1t D•llY Piiot. Superior Avenue, Colla M•u. PYbllllled Or-coui D•lly Piiot, to 1111 spec:lflullons mvsl ""' <1""1' F•b 2•. ,.,,., l. 10. 11, 1912 an.n C•lltornla mn sl•led In Ille bid, •no lellure to w t -------------1 Jolln P. Glkk, u.J "'-"' Drift. March 3, IO, l7 • J•, lta ~. forth eny I ..... lft Ow SP«ffk etlOftS -If' -RencllO Petos Vlf'CIH, CllllOmla to2'74. .,..II be~ for ••IKllon of Ille ,._ "91~ Cerolln• A G llck, •t •> l'ICTlTIOUS IUSINISS 111.t.MI STATIMENT TM lol-lng persons are doing b\111,,.un: PLAZA VERDE LIQUOR, UU Ml" Vlfda Drift Eut, Units 121. fl.B. Coste~. Calltorftle nt21ft. w 1111am s. u wton, 4091 E .. t u Ptlma. Suite B . .-...-1m, C.llloml• t2t07 Nen<y J. UW10t!, 4091 EHi La Pelma, Sult• B. ""-""Im. Celllornle '21117. Ml<Nel E. Ptmell, 4091 EHi La Palme, SUit• 8, l\llelleim. C.llf0<tll• nt01. D•YN fl Parnell, «>ti EHi 1..41 Pelm•. Sulle B, Meflelm, C.lltornl• nt07. Tiiis llllslness Is conducted by • glfteral pen ... ~p. Wllllem S. UWlon c~~Y "c'::::'::~ (;~n:'° c:!::'Y ": F.Wvary u. lta. 1'1'"77 Plltlll"*I Orenoe CoeSl Dally PllOt, llQrU. 3, 10, 11, U, 1"2 -....i. bid. Mclnero,0'4ft, RlftCllO P•IOI VardH, Eecll bid lllall set lor111 tho full l'ICTIT~aUll•IU Celllo,..,...Q74 IWI-• -'"""""" of Ill Pl"OftS NAMll STAT11MINT Tllll lllnlMU I• <-.Cled 1:1\1 on end pertlet lnl.,.sl«I 1 .. Ille-•· Tiii lollowlllQ PlrwM •re dOln lftlllvld1191 If IN bid 15 by• corporetlClft, •1111• lfle ll\ltlneu as: Joftn P. Gllck ,..mes of IM afflcen _,., cen slon en SAIL AWAY llOAT lllEPAllllS, MO Tiiis SC..-wn llled with Ille AO'""'""' on betMlll of the COfl>Of•llon Witt l7lfl Street, 1"1, Colle Mite, County Clerll 01 Orenoe c-ty on end w,.t,,.r more ,,...... -oftlur Cellfornla m2'7. Fellnlery 11, 1"2. must sign. 11 Ille bid Is llY • lllol>lrt c . Schmidt Sr., Utt l'lllttl pet-1,,.rlllfp or • lolnl wntvrt, llet• 8urnlng Trff COf'ona Calllornle PllOll.-Or..,ge Coall Delly Pltot, Ille IWlnMS--reswtof •11-rel tlJIO ' ' Fiii, 17,24,MM<llJ, I0, 1"2 6tl.C. oanners -lolnt V'IMurers. II Ille David L.. ,..,,,._ Sr • .,, 011,.. I'-------------' bidder Is • toll proprlelorslllp or llllv••"lldl Cell!Omle '"°7 ' •nolher enllly llWll Goes buslnen l'an i r El SeleM '91t 018,.. ~r 1~ .. ::~:::...iw~iw "::!', ~~ llllverMdo, Calllomle m07. ' ~ -·o~11on rotlOWI--1-"OBA Thll lllltlllftt Is. cofldu<l•d by a FICTITIOUS aUSINISS ·-·•·-.... ..,. Mel~... NAM•STATIMINT ltlle llcllllout nemel": provlCMd, oe r ,,_, E sdvnlclt Thi lollowlng persons .,. doing -•wr,"" fictitious,.._ l lWll be Tiiis -· wM llled wllll Ille 111111n .. s11: uuo unless lh•re Is • current Covnty Clerll of 0.-~ c-ty °" 8 &8 BUILDERS. 1310 •1ebeme f09IS1ratlon wllll Ille Oren~ C:O..ntv J M l'IZ ' St Ml Huntlnqton S.«h Celltomla Recorder. In Ctll of corooretlons. _,., • • l'lll1S7t n~ . . 1'*'11* ... nemn ol -Presldlftl, PllDllllllO 0..,,.. Coast Dally Piiot, R.O.n w • .,... Reed. 1310 ... , • .,.,... ~=~~=-.:;·:c~C:.:. .. Fell.17,14,MardtJ,tO,ltn . ~~ ::~·· HWlllMton S.ec;ll, Gell'°"'I• Mlse ,_"""IN '19"t to reject ..,Y f _.,. -Outten 8uddy Confer. 210 or all bldl. I ,.._ -~ II Ho. 8 H II 1 Beecll O•llCI: Fetlruery'6, 1"2. ~:;::111:.,.. • un "II on • Put>tlllhed 0r8"Qe C•Ul Delly Piiot, l'ICTITIOUS IUllNISS Tiiis b\ltln•n Is conducted by I MArch J, l"2 '7~ N~ ITAYWMllNT generel pertne,,,.lp. S ISON lllBCOlllOS, 60l·A Hiii Gutta..,.8ucldYConfer SlrHI, HlwpOr1 8MCll, C•lllornle Roller1 W•YM Rffcl n.w.1. Tiiis sleflf,.,...,.,I was Ille<! wllll Ille "-------------. ------------,:--~ Jelln """' lllol•ll•. -.a J4tll CO\lflty Clerk Of Oranqe County on MOlllTGAOI LOAN OISCl.OSU"I ST4T•MaNT StrH I, HewPClrt BH <l'I, C•lllernle F.oruerv ?2, 1"2 H•-of Dooosll«V lnSllMIOft CITIZEN$ IANK OF COSTA MESA. "'63. Relevtnl SMSA Metwlm, Stne• AM, G.-~ •-.O· .....,. ....... rtoo """' llullMU I• <Ol'ldllcl4td bY ... l'l at.JI P\111111111<1 0raft99 coeu Delly Piiot, M .. 1 lo IWl .. 1. Peoe Ho. P191 I of I. lndlvldvel . .. ...., ... ~ .... ,.., ... 1........ ---·· . F411:1 14, MAr l. 10, 11, 1912 ~ .,_., 0-" 1-..uc..,...._ Tiiis st•te"*'t was Oled w1t11 111e 4'I 11 Ip N• f............ c.ovnly Clarlc .t Oronge Covftty °" """---·~..,.. .... • ltlO ------------...... T ... OllOINATIOell F u•rv • . .. , ... lo<'*' 1 -.....-....................... , Pvbll .... 0raft99 Cont Dally PllOI, l'ICTITIOUI aUllNHS ~ ...._. .... ............. FOii. 10, 11, 1•. Mtf'<llJ, 1"2 61H2' NAMa IT,'1aM•NT '-" ... Ck~..,N•at • .,-~ Tll1 111~owlnt pu son Is 1101110 Zt11tPttlislenlittnlefllltdrm, .. IUITUCT TOTA'-TOTA'-..... TOTA'-MOltT...... '9JC ll1IE IMl~~l(I; 121 ,ANTASYLANO, llleft,.Olltfllltfle.,, flltM C llPC009 R•llDINTIA'-IM .. llOVIMeNT l.OANSOfltMU'-TI L------------aN4 Ctilltomlt Sll'fft.C•l4llMSl.C~ sesft AiP1::;111tlaltle...-t ~ ~:!:,.-C::~L°!:.=• D.::~.'..".!.. "~":'.~:s.:::s '261'SITSVKO KllllCKL, ~U4 =-~.:iAOlltolltlt 1'""'9Y ....... l ........ , Tiit followlnt "rlOft 11 delnt ~:"nit Sll'ftt. C•ta AMtu, CA ,riMld hC!lr1I ntl. MllllS ~:! '::' ·~ iz= ~ z:· ...... =~:t:OUl .. MINT ltUT•i. ni. "*-• I• condllctff ., Ill Sim •. 10, If. u. "· 18. 1 . I l ' TOT~. ti .,.,,.. I ' ANO Al .. "AL T, 10& JAii! StrMI, IMM Nll. Silt 12 (W 34} tlllls l 3/1 ......... • ......,. a.di, Callttnllt'*I. , .... =.:r:: 11199 ..... .. ,.,. "'*" '*"' 14•·• ..... G1Wc11, mt 1tt11 s1 .... 1. c-•Y c1er11 o1 0r....-c~ .,. s.. SUS llf • ...... r.::::..: w;:~_.:. i.y a.1 ..... 1,1m . a.. Me llf •,.... llf 1 ••• llMllV .... ...._~·--......... Onftet OWi Dal:: .... =· .... ~ ==: --'-~ ... U.-M TMt ......._. -11111 wM t11C. .IP.t4.~lll.lO,t• 70 .... ,....,. ....... , ~-!! '""" °'" .. Or....-C-'Y ... .....,_________ .,.., ,... =· .. __,,11.1•. , NI.JC 1111( m ......... .. tt• . .oo• ........... , •• 2~ ~1-°8'"'.,'=' •IL ,_ .... ..... ""·' ..... --... ._ -. -,ICTtTIOUl•UM••• I •• • .. --. ·~· ...,.. n•n•n I Wlllt tllll I -1 n.i Ille ....... ' Na.IC 1911( , .............. ·-· .... "''" ...s ..... rw sn: . .., .•.• r-----------... . .. " • ,· AHOCIATll ....... SUlllP ,Arna ~t . '::..~:=,.. ..... --· OfW!e9: ,.....,.. s.. ................. 111• t tll .. l11t ,.r_ It .. lftt .-.. W OIClll, le1• ::::1 r. --~I Olir ~-. ·-T---.~-J T STlll,.ING, m t......,,_, ~llll 5. .._... tltte Ml ..... C:-.~~=--· C• ,,_, '-" •--""· Ct llfMlll =· ,.,,,-p p ..,.., ...., ,.,. .._ 11 ~ ... "" •·I wrX..,....1 Tiltl ......_ 11 t.....-" • ..,.,,...,: t " ,_...,. ---:........ .. •. o.c. 't =.: .;, Tllll ----.... .. .. '1111 ......... -,.,. .. ~ ... .. • c-" OM fll ~ c-tY "' C:-r c .... et ...... ~ Id llf ...... --'*""Ya.,.. ....._...... .._ ,,........,..C:....Olltf ............... . ..... '5 • . ............ c;.-°"" ......... ~ C.-Dlftr • .... ,.... ... -........... tl..17.k-.aa. ... "f t I • • • • , f f'orCluslned Ad ACTION C&lla 556-1732 IHll ...... •edl l240 .................... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------lsBlkstoocean. EleJant2 ·' .... r.a.d 3206 Br. Family Rm It Den ••••••••••••••••••••••• lmO Mo. Plush crpts. 212 Bayrront. beach. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Cedar Ir glass. sun Ba I gar sp 123 E deck . dbl car er v Ba yrront . Ba I boa garage. fully ma int • • Island $1200 winter. yard. Nopeu. lnqwre at S1400annual. Herb. days SZ7 l-8lh_St. ~~ 2131478-3577. HOMES FOR RENT C.-. .. Mw lZZZ 3 ' 4 Bdrms S700·S72.5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fen ced y ard!< ' Soertacular ocean " city fights view from every room. Large 2 Br. (flllc, many amenities. $1200/mo. Call AnUlony days 542-5757. eves ' wknda 631 earages Kids ' pels welcome. HS 2000 ~noree..__ __ ...,. DUPLEX 119 Hunt ington Ave Ocean view. volleyball crt. I Br §00/mo 2 Br S6001mo LE~E· OR OPTION 4br 2be vu exec hm. $1400 mo. Ownr/Agt. 759,.8006. 3 Br. 2\t'z Bl, Den, Fam rm. L n dry rm , or rent entire durlell ror $ll00/mo . Ca I Bob Meyer 586-3500. ore or ., &61·7622home. 1 nm. 640-14" Attractive 3 Br. P·• Ba renced y a r d . microv.·ave S6751 mo 4Br. 28a. pvt beaches. 968-349.5 eves. 963·6767 110$0 mo, Avail now. da}'S. Kids &i Pets OK. Beachwalk Townb.se ror --.i..:<7~14:.:.>..:.;120-0'Zl:::..:=2:.._-1 rent S7SO. 1st lut P00 del>. 2BR 2BA call DollJ ... Hill Sped.lt11rar ocean view. or l>aul. S3H079 .. ; 3+ family, formal din· bl Ing,, pool /spa, S2000. 1 br house. 1 k to ocean. 13331 Adults over 40 prer . la>-a&t. $350/mo. 2 Br. large den. frplc. ----'96().=-.;;.;30~12~-­paUo. &S. M0=8087 3224 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUTE 1 br, workshop £.'it~l&DA7~4 3 BR 2ba rondo Kids/pets welcome . Pool. tennis. Avail now $600 642·6998 or eves tl63-8747 oc:.RENTALS l·Sbr's l200 to S2008 750-3314 7 ·da s .. , OC·RENTALS ·1.5 br's S200 to $2000 7»3314 7-days •OHIOF l Br. beach 3 blocks . patio no pets 5390. ulil .: ; pd. Ma.le preferred. &9629af\. s TNI WCI Y MW Q)mpl. remodeled 3 Br 2 Reni bi Coat• ·iln a'1 Ba. nr beach, rr plc . NEWEST aated 20 clawroot tub, oak , Townbome VILLAG cabinets. Ir blt·lnt. $7$0. •' • OOIUIUNITY. 2 • 3 B $111.23.\1 " 2~ Ba. l .. llOOsq. ft. of , ' pin luxury. Garages, t•••• J24J bydro·tubl In ma al er -• .. ••••••••••••••••• ault•~A rooma. 2br lwc ('(ICldo on Lacoon. ~rO·WUt '!p~:~: 2 fp; Sir . many xtras: sirivate peUoa It. yarcfa. steo/aao . ~•II U H . Oardtaer pro•l dtd. Tl4/!IMD. Ul-ZIJZ •• • fltlllll ll•lns onb IS HUll'80LDTISLAND • t: mlnutee froa Faallloll HIR.w/40'docll. •• llland. 1 mleut• to ~ DODO/mo Yearly -~ PIHe or O.C.Airport. Watef{niat Homiea • .;. Jual 111t or Ne1!f0rt @H.ac> BIYd. 6 ao. ol Sin ~l_eJO "'9 HU Frw)i. Startiaa at '900 ! 1 ..................... . lllODtll. UH Ut, 24'. ,...._,otwlbr,3b., . =·•An .. Coall NiDP~~· .;_ HUIUlY I lalllr=r RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN oo'Allr.Jr'.,..14 fotn&J••·•·mt.2 i ---•·••.-..eeurw.' liliiiiliilll!!m!!!-lliilm!l2 Ir. earl .. ~··· ~II. A/C. Ylft .... 11 AMI........ -· ..... . ' ., .lllt_.,uplD a'*I· tnW ..... tn. ,; ~ ...,. w ol ,_,own! A ~· a..._ 1 ~1•l""' 111111 "'to a.II "°"9 ._.Lr: _.. "Tie La .. 1". ... ll is Wllll I .OW. • i.lni:-1 Watlf, Dll. .......... llf Hit Cl111lfltd ••. . ... ~-... -M . n ••• .. f ---.. -... -·~~~! . CcJE ta Cail iiMis,l11crwl l••nl I ti ... , · t't 11•-1 ....... ....... f tr •1 • llltll TI'S Ii .......................................... -.... .................................................................................................................................................... . •W Vfl'/ Jov'8c •m would CHAil HNOVATINQ IC60Ludseape Malnt. Cpllly, Hm rpr1 drwl Ho1111keepln1 You 've STARVING AC'l'ORS WALLPAPERING BlJDOET RATES/Lle'd fln'lll lhlbcareforyournew ~.lol/t•t•lloel Reaid/Comm.Clean·11p, pntn&, rntl ~x .up : trltdlht Olhera.C•rinl MOVING COMPANV Exp'd, bonded. Lk. ~~.1111 smljo::1~1 •JMIRL lllom\olyroldnl1bt1tn .l!!!'-..... 15 "5.37 JuuUn .541·2411$ lttwrl. rue. Jerry, 1111k• lhe dllf. floor1. F'utlrC1ttf1d. Lowt1t C./..U.Dl1co11nta on ,.... Ill,_.-·-WIJ~ !! ~~t8:" wkade C111torn •e• ctetlt•. IAndilclJ)hl1·VdClnupt 33115 --M3·WI -~Law Al~~~/C ~·~;~~· frtt ett. Scawtul .. S..lc• ~ -· ve •11nm· • Fr. dOOIJ, Ue'd W •tl41 Tr.tlrlm·E'llDCrt malnt. Canltntry, remodel re· ~ltanlnf ror you! ·-c "' - -.. • ..................... . a )'O\l y all .Call •141·, 5 orRkkf71.a2ll All ~lion, larJe Ir Jlm&Sl.0129 pair. patloa, p1lntln1. Calli.forthe~1t. ,..... r.--a-•11 OHlc.eS..lctf ton _If!!. &b'• Carpenll'y·rtmod 11n1U. Dile to Sr. adulu. Moww 110 m a. 0 window•. dr1. q1111lty •aw~--••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'fiPlrla.secrttarlal aocta,19.d ' ' ••f rtp1lr. NOJoUooaman'. W1mem.m2 Hautrn&/ i>umplna. M$.290 .._T• ~ paintlnf. by Richard •BRYANT'S• _bookk.te.11ln1M4·SO&C!. ht t ....................... Rtf1 Freet1t. ut-at7 C.... WMlweftilt lls.l20. 754·8804, iM·~ JACX OP ALL TRADES ........................ $nor. Uc. M . 13 yr1 ot :i¥1covcr1nlf Rt"f v31U3 1'lt .DAILY ':i:'.= need to know •DOOROOCTOR• ................. , ... ,. Maril Calldayornl1ht, £XP!R. PREPARER ~~l cuato~.~·1 -~ IM ·l 4 uo•uuouoooeuu•• Pl.OT nptey.eall ff.-." ,qua doon, CUSTOM HARDWOOD Ruld /comm/lndus . •Jatltl'15·301h 'Enrolled to practice -1! · -........ ,..,. c--Ce 1 Til laYICI 71' llG dtadbolaa weat.btt1trip, ll)ltrion. ban. mJllllel. MainL dun upl, lree HANDYMAN etc Mike before the IRS. ~uallty e.e-P..... .. ........ , ...... , ... , Pro::~::.~~ t!t DlllCTOIY ~ ~· 8809 llbnrlu. cabinet•, lrim. Fr t. 641·1096 .Kent. e.ui;.,b · elec a re .~t.549· UL 25 yrs exp. Cli.-4~1. Nt1lpatthnlrtext11re1 _ Chucll875-140I l)OlffilOWr ~ J ~ CIUI Ca bootcutl1 allylttes, Pete --carp~ntry . a'r.plcs :. F~T · ACCURATE Bonded. Ins. R~ra. Color lnutf. ltl'!JO! . ~rr• Strvltt Directory ~tatlve '41-1671, est HJ Acc1mttb; •••••••••••••••••••••• P/R Qtrties·Fio. Stmta Compl. Set·up 'Serv. Reu. 540-583i Hav.e ulcul1tor. will lrt•el ! All 1cctg serv. C.11 for a pet, 760-7122. ...... •••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... ~!.e e~r641.=t~ri cusl. molaln1. Rera. Cleu·UJll,TretTri~ 1 Repair lnatall. ns/ref. lncomet.axmvke·your ex.11!!1_.esi.001!.P1ck r~TERPATCHING ~~1T.Jt~!1J'!tm:::!Tbi 91!~ sp,n . P.S. l lovu_o_u __ ~ Mal.nt. «~ld./Comm I. 1..~ -J!ome by ap~. -1163-6821 NELSONS PAINTlNG Rcstuecoa lnt/u t 30 ~-Bob6'1S so. ~ Rec. d 11 ,..~·-•--Cablnft.l •Carpentry AnueS41.Al4 ....._ ~l'10fl•I' BwilntH In· lnl/Ext Re1ld/Comm .1.._n Neat. PaulS45·M1 ---- n.....-.. lndo. l'lllJ e "i • ,,_,.... _ ... ,_ Small jobs' repairs Ex rt Reaaonabl • ._.,, come Tax Return Acoustic ceilings. Kera. • -E N" f,... Strllct ._..., w ••·pat o .................. ,... Fr L 645-2003• • G ~ : I e ....................... Preparation Avail for Uc'd Free est. 83'7·2637 MR. ED S PLAST RI u •••••••••00•00••00000• covera.Free"t Reu WeCareCrptClu nert --· aiw::rung,cean·ups, DUMPJOBS Ev In ltW k dOf ~----AJITypes lntor lM Ex rtf P nln1• lie. 1111*2 S.t.21io 8team clean ft upbols. Drywtl Trimmin . Tom 631-78111 •Small Moving Jobs nee"' or g~omee\ epnpoinl. Quality Plit. Low winter 1145-82.58 •'re~ ~at: ~om':iertf:L1r:dsc1pt FINE HOME . Tnick mount unj.t •00••00••••••••00•••••• Jessie's Gardenln(I Call MIKE 646-1391 mrms James L Zim: ralit:esb'~ !!!c;1;,. Honest . .t +b 1 -Servk-t11 957·U88 INPn,QV"'MENTS Wort uar "5·3'116 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Clean·•-.tre.trim . CP · re 1 "'·-·"'"" -. --Addit ~ ... d 14yrsexp.f\illyiic'd' 'mlillt ;'tv llAULING,OUMP J.!!...~~.645-4212 -PAINTER NEEDS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ComplettTreeServire Uons' Remo ~lii\c. Shampoo ' ateam clean inaured. 532.ss,i.! . . 540.8035 JOB.5, askfor Randy. FEDERATED WORK i 30 yrs exp int/ Or11ns clearedrrom SIO C.en'I ctn.up 4drrig. Color bri&hteners. whi ............... II J.-.. G.,....,. 641·8427 Income Tax Service ext. Acoustic celilng!I. FrPlumbl~1~teS:21~33 Liiwn_!'eoC!_v. __ 536·0914 e1pt1 • 10 min. bttaeh. ~c !'t~est. k!." 839·5035 ~~UP YO~I ... CT 631·..Sl l Davis Painting 847·518G _tt!St. __ ·-Hall livJdln rms 115 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• --"" -- - ---.._ ..... .._.,,.,~ --.,.·~1 _,._,w av room fi 50· couch El..F.CTRICIAN -pnc.+d GARDENING AV! Var /garage # uplag Qillege student 7 yrs ex ttop1uryM•111• .. :::: ................. . SI/ chr SS. Gua'r. elim. right. rree estimate on ft LANDSCAPING cln-up, etc. l Ion true\. •••••••••••••••••••••• perl Int/ext, rers. Dana •••••••••••oo•••••••••• DELINQUENT? Uc. •3tll92 770.6554 petodor.Crptrepair. lareeorsmalljobs. Ja · Geo.545·7072 .Pi.631-1993 24hrs> VANDENBERG .fl4i.l811Hkeept~> PIOPEITY JUdlcial Foreclosurts MlldtALI COMSTI. 15 yrs exp. Do work .!)c. 11396621 673·0359 MOWING · CLEAN·f.! PS Demolition.Grading LANDSCAPING ·Lndscp Bishop It Son Painting MAHAGEMEHT Harold F. McGrath Esq . Cuafom -lfomes, fram· elf. Refs. 531·0101 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Hauling · Landscaping Transport. Asphalt. con· lllllnt. romm/resid, tree 30 yrs exp. in Beach Orange Co. area 15 yrs 8.51 !]7_1 _ Ing. remodel, French NoSleam/No Shampoo Qual work -R t Free F..st. .... -~·9907 crete It tree removal. trimming, clean-up area. Free est. 541J.l029 experience Call for Info T......a.... doors. akyll&ht.s • patio '°'"et . eu r1 es Soil prep ' planting. lns'd/bonded1hr'd --an<I rates _...., cover1 8483652 StainSpecialist.Fast eeest. 631·5072Tom Gu& 1 <>Ptratedequlp.Comm'I 979·5146 ma~iPAJHTIMG •. ,."., .••• ., ...................... . . . dry. Free est. 839·1582 TOP QUALITY ....................... .!ltetld'I. M2·1638 IOyrs exper. int or ext -™• Reading " related skills. ROBTSTEINBRONER. r.-../U........,a-w EUCTRICALWORK TR~CTOR . Ideal Co.~ 552·0458 \ PROF. MGMT ~ntit;lec:I .. exp. car· Drivewa.,..,Parkin.,Lot GEN'LOONTRACTOR _,.... ,._... ..... , Reu ra•~ ... 1 .• "cc: small 1ccess areas. 48 HA.UUMG/Cll.A~UP BRICKWORK · S II p t' •. p 1,, By OCjp .(Orange Co. 111g. Spec1almog grades ~~ " Uc. #JllM83 645·6456 ••••••••••••••00••••••• • ..,.,. oN ..,.,,,., wide Kubota skiploader. eoolt Tree· Yd Ci age . · !"8 oin ing • aper .ang· 1 p Ed 534 69 o I lhr4 644-7779 Repairs, Sealcoatmg. New Yr's Special! Crpl RESID/COM M 'L/l ND .P1 hr. lns'd. 642.5006 • f!en~l rep~ir · 6:{~ JObs, Newport. Coslll Ing, prof workmanship _.!!!.. l'O.J>. l _ -· 4 ....:..:.=-~~~---- AUSfATE PAVING Sealcoaling. Striping Repairs~mm./Resid. Uc. 1!387Jlil IWS-818 Sft S Asphall ._., S..Clllht ~.cleaning. Scotch ~yrs exp. Do my own Mesa. (rv1ne Refs. Free est_. Hank,545·5206 ltfW.W.g Private Tutor to leach ---'Li=':::c..:63::.:l~...f:.:1.::99:........ __ 1 Custom Cl rpen try. Free est. 972-8839 \work. Uc d. Al 646-8126 H• lliw HAULING--student has ~3175_. __ ••••••••••••••• •••• •••• ti.sic French. Russian. Res/comm, Sealcoat, re· decks ft patios. J .S. ,._....,/C ........., -..... : ................. lge truck. Lowest rate. C~tDm Brick. Stone. p~ J.D. Horn Refinishing German for travel con· Pllrs resurfac r re Coos~. Co. Top quaUty --"' OllCnmr ltfilll1L.a.... Carpentry . M "sonry Prompt. Call 759·1976. 1 k" . venience or longer term .. e. • Li •••••• •-., .. Th nk h Block. Concrete. Stucco .... ••••••••••••••••••• Ant ques, ll rabinets. , tud c lit l .. est.~42189evs/wknd wor . c. 380801 . .. ..... •••••••••• ............... •••••••• n-"1ng ·Plumb1n11 -a o.!!.._JO n -Ref HANGINGSlO ROLi fi . .,... ior a Yo era ur .. -Bonded. Free est RESID. CONC~ETE + Hand stripping, repair· '"'"" r. _s. fo'ree f..!t. S49·~2i.. / • inepatnt.!!!.&:.. ....... 0664. Call Answer Ad 11622. s.c.s.5511 Sport courts. Lie. 374067 Ing. A.ntiquu. rattan. Drywall · Stucco · Ttle John 's fast moving " Stnpping-disr on pa~r •~ --~-U>O, 2A hrs. MxMH'-. Bob85H966t84H078 new rurn1 ture Cha'1r ~el. J.B.646·9990 hauling. Trett/yd gar MASONRY VISA/MC !Ms.9325 _...., ' ..._., -l Fr --C-••••• •••• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • T~ W.lc• ....................... f1NE FINISH WORK ,..._=n&ng •~le... c 1 n in g . rus h i n". General Maintenance £..ft· · ee est 842 4597 JZ.iOJ.., ".111·41!! U ·PAPER HANG ER REPAIRS FOR I ESS Jr-'I Ba'-ll our"""M ho J 0 ·-... -Un ---_....... w• S A " 0 -I .,..u Bonded •-N . b · ' • •••u•••••••••••••• •••• '"T" • '-1 mes, ncnaNC &/Doors hung · PECJ L-any chair. ncpa rs It Decorating t• -• .i.. u__~ • guar o JO Shingles flat 30 yrs yr,up,1nytime. Randy720-1260CdM :~··0•00 ...... h00•0 • anycolor.handstripped • allt •Ra 640·5144 :!~!!!~~•'•••••••••• _ ... ..., toosroallortoot'arge. Fr ' · ·Typing.res~mes. ~ern, 642·8482, 646·5759 ""' . • .,.,.per ~ouple »11t ref. or reglued, 119. 75. A HO ....................... free est. Ton 898·2128 ~ _!e~st. 776·2125 papers. d1ssertat1ons. U 'd Ch'ld I , ~binets. Counter tops. would like ofrtce bldg to Touch ol Class Interiors ME IMPROVEMENT Want a REALLY CLEAN -.UC MOVING-, ---Huber Rooting.all types v.'Ol'd processing. Reas c 1 care •. ov1ng Doon, Greenhouse win· cleaneve.554-6655 7 w 7th S · REPAJR-PLUMBING HOUSE' Call Gingham ~ck~clrerut. 552.0410 P Ql.}AL11PTY t" New-recover.<ferks rates . L P . OH tee Can!' companionship. dows. F inish work. ~:17j21 t. A2. C.M. Heating. carpentry, q,ui.Freees!,_!455123 ---apenng am Vi g Llc 11411802.S48·9734 Ser\'1ces 548-7135 fencedyard.SS6·3098 7S4...f420 Ccllllracton,GtMral ' elec. tile. Free est. No ROBIN'SCLEANING •A-I MOVIMG• ~ee~\, l.l!nis552·0231 --- -w..ctowci--:- What a Wonderful Work' ................ ~ ...... C.-dl•g I job~small._64l28-11-Service athorou ghly Top Quality Spel•ialj R<>g~~~~~tl~:., ... ......., Stop!! Taite lime to relax or Shopping. n ght a· ADD'NS/R_E~ODELING ••••••••••••• .. ••••••••' Ra Y , s Hand Y m_a n _!'..lean house. 540-0857 care in handling. 25 yrs Wallpaper rontractor Ii RQOring ··.~~~~h;·s;~;hi~·e•i:-~·· ~..isbopltbat Dboimel .Pll~·s "OUr rin11erl1™" e\"erY Plans. Lied George TREES I Service. roof repairs. T Qu U R R eNoxp Co'!'pelillve rates. 2P3ainting GL1c 3282G40 O.Cr F'ree Est 586 5292 Call Sunshine Window ~fn~ A,; ~nd ·~~ d a)'! 0 a 11~."' P i Io I PUmer,Sons, 557-6932. Towed/removed. clean painting" carpentry IS ~er ab~~hel~~~o~:s ov~rt1me-.:. 730·1353 -~~· ary omp Orange Coast Rooring Clearung. Ltd. S48·88S3 you have something to Classified Ads: To plal·< Ha ve some l h in g you lawn renov. 751·3476 l:l"!t'X r. 646.4336 c2131439-8907 SJAfri~~~~~~~~ Expert wallcovenng In· • ite.roorrng Repairs JJY; Monthly Discount sell, call a friendly )our ad, l'all _6_42·567f want tD sell? Classified New in town? Classified l Ben's MaintenanceServ Housecleaning, eHil·ient. CO. Lir. •Tl24·436 sta.llation. Reas prices. Reas. rat~s__ ~·1733 •RESIDENTIAL• Classified Ad· Viser at az:ici let a Classified Ad ads do it well -Ca ll can help you meet many , Plwnb-elec·carpentry reliable. xlnt rer. Insured. 641·8427 Consultant Assignment Avg I sty $.1(); avg 2 sty ~ V1sorhelp you.. NOW1MZ·S678. olyourneeds.642-5678_ Palntmg. Call964·5231 Hannah996-4093 aftei:.§_ _W~_T'C USGRO~ 581·~--ClassifiedAds 642·5678 .Chris957-113118 I' ~·-P ' ,. , . ,• ! . ' . > ,·,~ • .. ~{. HamtsU.fwllillted ...... U.fuselaMd HwftU.fwli1Nd HwftUafwli•d If lwllhF.niillil.d Alalw•h......_ Aprwlw.ts......_ Apelw.ts......_ R°'- ~··••••••••••jj4• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ml portlHcll 326' Ml.,.t•ocll 326t S.Cll•• 3276 Ml.,.tleocll 3769 llllOaPtselitwle 3IO CotteMese 312~ lnm 3144 Laguna Beach Motor Inn. ProC Shr 2BR. 2BA CdM ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 985 No Parirac Coast ~ 1 Blk fr Brh. F Pref 3Br2~Ba.F.R.,frplc, 4br.3ba.2rargar.Nwpt Ocean view. Spanish Want some th1nK xtra •,blkto Bch,bach.New Blchelor6tBr.Apt.s.All WAl.HUT~UAI~ Hwy. Laguna Beach. 5511-SJll.67S·9619Eves dbl gar. blt·lns, $825. canal Front. Newport Crest condo. SI 000 style. 4 Br. 21 t Ba. Wood s pec1 a I In a 2 Br rpt . P-_3.l_nl. yearly Avail adult. no pets. Pool, bbq 2 bdrm S650 very mre Dail.>> Weekly. Kit~hen 2500 sq rt condo to shr. lg 644·1480, 661-·4220 ~. 4 Br +.Lease or 770-0453, 631·0460 derks, frpl c .. pror. de· Townhouse. completely nowJJZ:!. 675·9229 ' e nc lsd garages· with laUndry. room and available. Low winter rm 5 0 n beau l du 1 UNJVERSJTY PARK ' re:::s~ ~i. l~~'~o ...___ SHOllc ~~-e~'~m~1~irres~a~~ lum~ . Mo. 760·9ll?. cW M• 3Ui ~"1:~63:!0 2 mi enc: 11846-8098 .rates ~-!1294 Greenblt It view of the BR2~ba.nearparka •. bt'a~A&ent646-10«or riswrv•• !baffii"' pets SllOO /mo + ~,c;>"1 .... •••••••••••••••••• .. to beach. call art 6.30 ...,.. ...... 3152j'Rmmtwantedto shr2BR bay.w1pools.557-7883or PoQk, ~ mo. Barrett ~28. !.~. n .. ~~.;.. ~ ten~ Sttunty +S200 cleaning. 3 ~· 2 a. u1S7l ~n Near the ocean, lrg 2 Br, -1!!!!· 631·4816. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Apt C~ area. 1275 Mo. 640-6338 !Uty&&Z-5200 .-~ beac Ca.11 Ron 213 1924 ·7896 lhly Ul summer or many amen 1 t 1 e s · ----New lux. rondo. beaeh 1 Incl uul. Call Sterrie Shr lrg tux home w1prof 4 bdrm, 2~. ba 1950 per 2lf 'i~!i~c~~~o. ~W~~aW. 31~i~·~~~~ daily. 7141492-9763 eves ~ rwk.67S·20IO ___ f7501mo. Days 642-5757, 2b~/'0r be~~h$4;5bi9~ blk. 2 br. 2 ba. frplr. alter5·306!6·6104 person. 1st, last Ii dep. rm.Woodbrid¥e · Sll.25permo.Cal1Gerry 8Sl-&D>. ltw~ __ ~-ltwknds631·6630_ sh3u1r:'/~~~-522,-1734 ~/n_io.661-11453 NB. Ro~m. pvt bath. S26.'irm.:...966·84~ 21.8·355· 988 67J..776lor76().l397 s.t.AM 2 Br .. Apt with pri\·ate or780-Ul82 ... rt•---L. 316t latch pm·. Non smoker. Prof Woman seeks --~·----r •pow--_t21S.631-7215 Chns L d , I ••••••••••••••••••••••• pal.IO. •Spacious lbr poolside ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----uan a ~ to ive in 4bdrm. 2ba . lrg home. re· 673-6522, 9·5 1 d 1· d · Male roommate needed Cd M home w son It Mesa 3124 garden apt. No pets ftft d 67S.604 lbr, i e"°'ALS S650 --------•l~e 2br.2~2 b1. pool, ten· <!bf' +<Ien 2ba S97S llG ~I.HYON nis. S900 mo. 644-2442 3br,2ba S8SO Luxurious thre e XZ7,63l·67SS modeled. earlhtones. 1 --, newiy ecor, an sraped~ p1n1 NEWPORT ror 2 br ho~ in CM No dogs Rent negotiable tlll5/mo. +hist + $350 lliiJlillji11jljU:;~U~~uu•1 J340 Agt 548 ·48 27_ COUNTIYC rugs please. $190 + --I ----sec. 673· 64.S·291l -1 1 ._ 2 II ] II 731.fill29 --rotar vu. sec gate. Wftt islht' l2tl Newfy dttor' Gas pd F'lREP-L-ACE Po;j' Ba heloUVf~bed EMP Ma l F'em Ille pool. Jae $345 mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• encl gar. dJwasher. private patio' It dis I aifsltto'!~houses room chores.salary pr ba lo ...±lL'I~ 760-9307 4br,2~b• 11200 bedrooms. Two baths. VACllNT 4Br 2Ba, pool t---....2ba Costa Mesa 11150 Forma I dining room. ope n d a 1 l S' . 2 24 2 LeRailor RIJy833-liOO Richlyderorated in mut· Hea the r . S 1 4 O O Heritage Park 3 Br 2..., Ba. vaulted ceilings, air, rrptc, ref rig.. walk to pool ft teMIS crts. 1775. 552-8313 Exec. home 6 mo. lease with option to extend, 2400 sq. Ct. 4 Br. up· grades. all appliances, greenbelt. cul-de-sac University Park . No eets.1859/rno 759·0600. Comp. redec. Turtlerock ed tones. MO sq. Ct. Ownr/1 . 955-0809 J1cuui o (( ma sler Orean!ronl 3br, 2ba, up- bedroom. 3 car garage. per rntstc views . 7400 $2050 month. Yearly w '0c f 21 dk 2 lease. Call 631-7300. · n rt. ge s. Realtor elec. gar drs. lse · /mo. Rers 642·8973 HOME FOR RENT pool. bbq. Adults. no hwa.~hers in XTRA LG I ~om.J.54Q: tOOO 644 1900 renU4S 837~C.M. Large 3 Br CC?ndo on The 3 Bdrm. S67S. F'enced . 642-5073. It 2 Br. garden apts. or -, -Near O CC .. pool. Non· Bhlrs. bayv1ev.•. lo shr yard & garage. Kids & ~ sludlos. one Easts1de. 14601 SS60 NO F'EE .. Apt " Condo smkr. $170 545·2510. Call w pror Woman "'ho pets welcome 545·2000. andtwobedfoomaoart· IMMID OCCPMCY! 557:2341, l rentals. Valla Rentals. ~M travels Beaut rurn ~. 00 ree menls FU,.NllHEO $400/mo. 2 Br I Ba . · -----1 67S.4~12 !lroker -$450 mo 760-8056 --- and UNFU,.NllHED. Pool. beamed eei ling. Dh 2 IL 2 IA Nwpt \'IC. rm in h~e ror --· -Cauhn•I•• Oakwood al•A otters l11.1ldry room. No pets. No pe ts. '500 365 1=Q1~'!\ u.t1~24~~k male. kit. priv S300 mo Fro.30toshrdlx 3br. 2ba ---------13 Br. 2\>i Ba. 2 story U.fwnisMcl 1425 ""' Nolastmo.renl. Avocado.759.1914 l6lhSt 645:47i8 ±utils 557.7118 apt on Balboa Pen1n Super Harbor/Ocean Vu. Townhoose. Poollteon1s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •All Utilitlel Plld ~ r.tGMT 642 1603 . ---. --. E d CM F\J . 6'1~8SSO aft. 6_. -3 BR, 2 ba. ll185 mo. 239 PROPERTY HOUSE ·1~ 2 BR, garage. near So Slei-; to ~arh 2 Br. !1 1 ls1 e . . rn. rm , in F' h La Be h OceanView,675·2967 642-38SO 642·1010 n--SIOO of( Isl Mo Rent Coast Plaz.a S485 mo Ba. frplc Immaculate r all utils. $27S Call lo s r gun<1 ac SJper Harbor/Ocean Vu 3 BR. 2 ba. 11185 mo 239 Ocean View. 675·2967 .~j., Spacious 2 Br, I Ba $395 Ai! 640-6161 ~ j6SC!, 673.2507 AB\ Ch~t1na. 557-27~ home Nonsmkr rers Soa~r~~t!Jroom. Recr9lltion 3 Br. I'' Ba 1425 Laun· 2 BR 112 ba. bltns. studio Room needed for yng ~ 497 3017 aft 2i>m 3 Br 2 Ba. Cam rm, pvt --------•I atrium, l blk park ' pool, $950. lst It last, sec dep .• incl. gardener. ~r';::C5·B~ · ·: .".~ three bath cond o And Much Moie• di}' rac .• ~.!_MS 9556 patio, gar. no pets S550 WATr:IFIOMT ITl>ther Exchange ror 3 BR 2ba house w11h all (withdockl "Guadelupe·· Model. l•--------1 ~!857~~·4291 WITH DOCK babys itting hs ekp~ amenities. Non-smoker. w rf H Ne hopp· g d Foramonth.oraltl&· I Real nire 2 Br 2 Ba 9.S7·8390. $225 +•, ut il Da ys Rltn~~c. ronl °SJ~~4oc sc~s.s 11195 ~-y~~r bme Models OQ811daily IAY TIMIEIS E Side Tn·plex. lg. qu1e1 ""./spa in mstr Ba . blt·in Hohh. Motek 4100 832·4763. e\'es 836 5757 644-5444. Jl!fs. GREAT . NEIGHBORHOOD Woodbridge cottage home. 3 bdrm. 2"'1 ba, 2 s ty , fp c , rutt y landseaped. 1-495·6696. 8tS-37~ Pier~Y~t:r larfe lylease.Broker631·7300 911nto6QmNopets SPACIOUSIBr 28r. lndry, patio. adlt~· k1tch., frplc, dbl earl••••••••••••••••••••••• as1trorRod boat. Furnished six --------Calhl'dral ceilings. walk ~~.S7J.±500 11arage, + 2 additional! Jf;~~•l(MOT& Housemate v.ant ed. .._...__ f" b h Waterfront. Bachelor Bah. M A ts olf·stspaces. Sl300 -~ r I , t h ~vums. 1ve at s. house 1 b Oekwood 1n closet, dishwasher, 1a ar P · ly rentals now avail am1 ) a mosp ere 1n dining room and den. . a. mo to mo. Poolside condo, 3 Br's. 2 ~-_._ .__.___._ fireplace, garage. pool It Large I Br. carport J.l. Prop M_.,, I 1105 & up. Color T\' Nev.']>Ort Reach. near Tenois courts and 1325 /mo . 7141773 ·404P balhs.sauna.jaruizi.3 'loa9'"""'....,...'"''111nia laundry fa ci lity . pool.laundry Adults,nc £~113 g75·6670 Phones in room 2274 1 beach and rommun1ty Y~;~-l~~~-ter;5g~ =MR VIEW ROMES ro°ul:h ~:~~~k~lr:~:." Newporta.ch/No. $450/rm,~~.wll.B3aySt. f5~~-931 W 19th 2 .. ~rmb 2S6b0a0th near the ~w7f.~rt Bh·d CM .f:J.7aoS300 a month /rm.Call642-3669-: 880 trvme ~ u.:ac . per mo_ .'!!'!'......, _ " ----month..BroUr.631-7300. Beaut. 4 Bdr sgl'l'tory Cit 161n) Deluxe 2 bdrm . I bath. !..Y~•!IYl 7~·2841 _ Rtst......_1 4175 F' to shr 2 br. 2 ba apt. ideally located le (714)145-1104 Adulls.nopets.S4SOmo ..._ C.M.SZSO mo +•,utils scllools It Faahion lsl ToMlfllamt 2854 Hkkorv Pl 3 bdm. 2 b<i. close to ...................... , 6'1~5612 ft 6 Nr loll course" pool. I I~ C ... ..,. y 0 .... $1200/mo . 85 5-1646 UafwlilsMcl ]525 NewpoftlNch/So. Uh.lrit#Bi...Aln -B--· -"-.:.. d ocean 675 ·4912 d a. Board Ci. Care for lad1t's ,,. a Rancho San Joaquin, 2 w "'" " fl48.B222Mitch. •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• 1700 1ethSl Larg~ l K dbwn 1 r. g~rage. yar . Ne t[IS.l211ev!._Bkr i orcouillH. Best natural Qlietfemaletosharelg 2 br, den. 2 ba condo. CONDO Newly decorated 3bdrm (OoYere1161tt) w/pat10 ' yard. up pets.KidsOK 1450/mo 3 Br.2 8a. l'2 blocks to'I foodft care Newfar1hl\' bdrmapt S230Call afler 187$/rm. 955-1120 3 Br. run -golf course POOL HOME twnhse w /attehd gar nr (7M) 142-5"3 W/~lcony " cathedral I 641-0763___ 0 c e a n . s 7 5 0 m 0 for special people c ~f 6, ~2318 a-a.~L. 32 .. 1 view. lmnls. pool, spa. lBR ta~i1:i':n~~ &y S.C. Plaza. Adults only. celling. rrplc. d/w. pool. O..Poiat Jl2f Owner1Agent. 675-2373 ~·3481 . Respon s11I f wanled to --.----.. lease. 11300. 644-7424 n 0 Pet s . c a 1 1 spa. car port. No pets. 770.. ... .,., • h ........... •••••••••••• Blu. 67S.344SA ent. ___ Qllet ft private. $4.65" ••••••••••••••••••••••• J!_ ~·--BOARD It CARE-ladies s r O<'ean vu hse in Lait 2BR, l"'lBA. frplc. Vlew. 2 BR 2ba d ~ Bhlfs. 3 br. 2 ba condo c2m47J..3.129. SolA'--l7l6 ~2.650Harla.S49·2447. 2 Br. ocean view . Cliff Haven. 2 br. 1 ba, &l'OUples.Spec Natural Bch No pets. S3SO mo New Carpet. Older Cot· . con o. r all d .... c Agt ....,..---balcony. prage, clean new crpl, rresh paint. FCJC?d 'Care. lndry. nu 111~l ut1I 499·1_8:!_6~ tale tsSOMo 675-0349 secunty. Lge pool. spa new ec. -If .... ,.,.l*d ....................... QUlET ADULTS over JS. ~"A' Cordova Or. Crplc. eat-in kit. No nots fac1l ..C M._642·3..SI · · $750/mo. 7S4·4114 Ext 64IM&I0,644-7020Ted ....... t"'" .. '" .... ' Laguna Beach, beaut unfum I Br. upper. $340. 213/402·21657 tcolleco ... ~ M f rmmte to shr with Z ~ ~Br~~:~.il~ e~: ~w~· or 493~255 NS:,.:!~ts~. l:;t : d::: ..... ,...... 3707 ~:'na~uisl:t!1 1,~· 5/~: ~~li~1:~nf~s~ Oce~n view 3 Br 2ba. UDO Waterfront JBr Iba !~.~::'!.~~ .. ~?.~~ =~ac3b~.~-0~:49~~~ dedt,(/J>,$1000494·8267 2 Br. 1 Ba. Newport Avallnow.64S·7400 ....................... ma id nf'\!. 1300 wk . i!OOOF\Jlle 631-0397. f:!\f·db1.p:r.S800/mo. on s andy beac h OCEANFRONT 2 &4Rr. -~·20:Ml,M1tch ,,... 180view\ 3br. Crpl<' Heigb&a. Very private. 3 Br 1 Ba. beaut. country Winter Rentals. 12Blk (r 7)4-499·2217 __ Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse 496-4l --S91H>/mo. Rita Wr iter. Avajl now. Weekly thru F:roommate, on beach &ar:=!!liO.J>elSSSO garace. nur Hoag. kitch. lg yd. grdnr Incl. Bch.1BRl460.2BR SSl5. W....,. a=in quiet adult com· ll••B9•1Hc• ll4C AllJ 52:51l!_ surrimer 673-_7873 San Clemente. S290 OC:-ll~~LS 750-3314 ~9095. Ba c k Ba y 1 r e 8 • &ngle, $3(>0. 673-9325 -U.tw.illled . Newly decorated ....................... , Waterfront. dlx 2 Br Palm Spnngs area c Mon +mo 6H 2684 d ys. 2 Br. 1 Ba 442 Monterey 3 BR 2 Ba. pool, dining ~/rm. 84().57~ves. BAY FRONTAGE beach. ....................... ~ace. enclsd patio" Wlf ...... A8h qi.let. private. S7~/mo, terey CCI condo 3 BR 2 "92·7343eves Dr .. Ctlrr section. rm/ ram rm. 1100 Clay. UDO ISLAND 2 BR + pjer. 2 Br $750. Ulil pd. laltaoallllltd 3106 ~~ge. Adults only. Unlum, 1 bdrm lpt. All Dock avail. 673·6336 " Ba. rurn w atrium Share my 2Br. 2Ra rurn, lllOO/tm494·01S4 NB.11.000permo.Agt. den .Frflc.patio.avail till 5-27 . 303 E.•••••••oo•••••••••••••• ,nopets.SS75Mo. uWpd All amenities. 642·~--Golf.tennis. Daily. CM pool.sauna.rer 5002 F.d ewater.1·871·2860. 2 bdrm. Iba. Encl gar. ~338lor675·S94_9. __ 1141!:06.!.L _ r-"L....--'-317-6 weekly Ii monthly ratcf rm . d5hws hr. Cla\" 1-... ]JSO 541· --3115. 900 /mo Agt ----A ·i M 8 I Br T h .---. avail 714 ·558·8001 642 7319 73l ..... 1 · _,.....••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 •---· ~·-.. avail. 1n 64f.7211Jeame ____ Dix rum. 3 br. 2 ba apt. va i ar · year Y 2 lVt Ba. own ouse. Deluxe poolside xtra •oo•••••••••••••••••••• 9-•PM k( M k : • ~ ..,._ "'"" orean' bay view from lease ss7s mo No pets. garage, patio. small ,,..._. 2b 2 b bit -"--~5 _or ar R:fs roomma te CdM . Laa. V11. 3 br. 1500 sf theBhis.Sc>rMdistress Newport Hgts 5 Bdr. ---~--k. avail. 'immed. Ev,wknds714/673·9120 yard. No peta. 1510. -"~ r. 1' ns. MrSCG•Ho• M1mmoU13bdrm condo A/C view re( 2 1ar aituatiCJM Ca Cod d ~ dswlv', I~ miles beach. 1 bdrm, stove. Cpts. . frplc. carport $32.~ ' . zti 333.7715 · All: 780-@6'18 roe:. 3 ca~ 11!~.'. ~m: Winter 1600/mo . yrly New lge 1 Br w/frplc If ~4137. Adult.a. no pets. SSOOmo. avail immed .. 1355 mo. S&'S·SllOfnight. t .!'~ii i20-t495. •zs• MJ fl Walk 10 hi·achool. @IQ/mo. S75-S204 -pa~lng: Yrly S6SO/mo BEAtmFUL2 Br, 2 Ba . 53H382. Oall891-1644Aft6 :30_ 499·5304 Quiet fem wanted to ...,_..,... 111 • ~TCLIFF Mar· go lease option. eo.NMne 3724 ll)('I UUl.A .673 Mesa Verde. DBJJllJll I IA Monterey CC . Palm share C.M apt. Pool. c;::;r;.;·;9;,·;;;~;;:~ v"!. re:ate ere:uuve Cal Diana I 631·1266 ............................ , .... )107 FrplcG~tf~ h I mflleidi, rrp c. encl Desert. 3 bdrm. well Spa. Bob 97S--OS36 wk . Sbor.c5-bome..~ Ci ate ~~~r/d:yn r:r:r;, ...... u.. CASA DI 010 ....................... EM~g.;.,'e s:sor· gar. dishwasher. blt·ins. ....................... ~~';' b'~/hond~.I ~~~II 6,41-1~ guud.Nearpool.bnch. avail. I UOO mo . 2 er;f!ftiaT>ufoua vu. AU.1JtfLltlESPAIO riuZ'3BR.2BA.yearly. D&Mace 5*40i6 am>ke alarm, balcony. SE W D ~~anytimt>. M11ture. resp. F desire!\ 1175/ leoe. o~ n er G at den er ' po o I lrg IMna rm. S750fmo. Frplc. bit-ins. car, park· Water pd. S4fl5 before 8 A IN home or apt w ~11me. --orC.92M MniM lnd . Lola A«t. Bob or Dovie Koop Compare before you Ing. Close to bay & Beaut. l BR. quiet bld1. J!M....•0465 j VILL•GE PALMSPRINCSTAN' w1fum br CdM. NR or Gt-IJlllotMS-OlOI 5 1 rent. Custom desitn ocean-Brtr675-4912. amall dogs accepted. THE WHIFFLETREE " I Br. den Condo Mtn. Laj.lkh.1225.720·1~19 ......... l2'7 ~~~' 2 Br' ... _ ,_ ... _ ..... r feal11rt.tt Pool. BBQ. !l'Jll to beach. C\ltc I br. bltns. 213·498·67841 orl l·Z-3 Bdrm. Apts. Gym, New 1'2 bdrm luxury pool vu Newly furn WllJ1hare2 Br. 2 Ra . •Pl ·-.. ••oo••••••••oo•oo ...... , \vnvv ..... eov'rd g1ra1e. s ur· hCige d. ulet street. Sf7..-. --Soa.Slun1.pool.tenn1s. aptslnl4plans.1Bdrm S250/wk.160day Av111I wtllbtral Ml e. prer 3Br.fntlt.vlew.aece11 4 ,frm 1.1r. Hoa& Hosp. N!IS/mo . rounded with. plus h ldeat?orcp1e.Nokldsot tbr,super elean. end. ~.Q&ll. ~-T .2hbdrmfrom 3::.~._i7t~l5Sl-42S5. ASA. WSA. NATUR· to t...b. Ave.it lmmed. 1llld)'. belUt. dee. lat Av ilnow ~&46·4Ul llndl;capina. No pet.. peta. 1'75/mo. uUI p11id. pr. Adults. no pets. 279 ..,,v, own oust from Lr« Big Bur cabin. pool 1srs. 494·6216 ~ ITeri. clttq . faJ», v&.w. pvt s BR. 2b1 t n condo IBr.fum rroml465 yrl)': avail 3/6 613-4484. W. Wilson. Apt. B .• ~2 ~SW.ALIC ~-+1,~~t~nGnls . tbl. rolor tv. 2 rpts. ft.-• Br ho ... !~ ~ _ _.. JJ" ~ •*· fOOltten· W/pool pliv, Ea1tb1urr. 2 Br. fllt"O. rrom $540 ~tryiq m>,MS-1819 ..... ,~--Tow-nllouse ···on•I .... ...,. .... s . IS ~ 14.'4$-IH6. ~rt .. . me '""'" 1!' -ilaa. ~/n. Ail. Bol) avail Apr lat. Tenant JISW Wlllon 642·11111 ---Apartment. Frplc. (or cookln1 ' hut1n1 Ba)' fc <Xean. A\'all • _............... K • 75'·~ ,.._AM'e byippt.ll50. . ' --Small Ba chelor. 1337 SQ.COAST AHA enclld 111• patio. Near paid, F'rom~tl{o ...... se.tn 000 now.675-263hrt $PM l~~::~~ lbtcutlve, home nr "'!1 1eo..80'76 or owner Ba chelor Unlta. utllsl ~ly, ullls paid, •2 2Br,IBl,A/C.poo1.rtt HUnt.Klrbour.Chlld~11 l'rwy drive rth on ....................... ~P J>enot\ eed«I t 19-Jll• T.da.YI WeltdlrPlllal.JBR J ~-.0122 paid.weekly. 8 1Hrom()('ean.201E. fHll .. sec. 11tu . no OK. 75/mo.MC).tl!L_ Btaeh to cFadden iihr 'c .M' 3 ~r homeo IA la p1tio/jac11:ni. 642-1»4 •boa. 175·9562.. .P.P •·3'SZ ARUNGTONAP'l'S· 1 lhenWettonMt'f adden ROOMM• . .._TE <'lo·~ to hl'Uh ,; . =llOO/mo.' lntlud POOl.·JACUDI .......... J7411 Sl'UNNlNG tar l '2 Specloua, qllitt Z br. l''i l~14Sta~:nd Vfll•l!~. ,_ ~rt RI 129S1rno In IAYlllOMT 'te • 11rd, 40t JIALCOtml ....................... 1 .....a&Yltw . Br. 2 Ba. 1a:l:n apta. bl twnlat, Adults Ml)'. IJ !8IS 91. Fl~ERS ~I ~ll.Sttve,6464395 z ...,. 4 + Wnna. 2 a nolla ISi ·21l4 6 I New--BCl'rin-Condodrr Luxury atudlo. 1p:t, TV, I La ... cteti ancr rooms.. Puol. SllS·IW. 110 W. ~ ~. Nr the be1ch: ... 40 Oldnt "" IW lo !!hr lit hdrm P"' b1tla1 . flrt,ltte, jg: --~~~:~":iac.:· :::!t!.~~ phones.; t_ll_lt .MZ·•IZ _ 11th. ~--'" .... , ............... Alltli~1f:.~.~e~~{h bl!UI, mlmo. t;all 41~ ~--· itta-4 •,.a.re. zw,., •l:f: Mlltt •'•iry, .. c!OlfCt ~-~•----i ~Mlllroat. prime area. Lr1 \Br tcl11lt. nttr •. 'tckM. •"•:? Z NB.l#roomtfullbath. =•reftNnfftl 165111'1 ~f."'"'"" ...... ~.::i::: ::.~ a::l\!':i.. ..... ~":. .. ~'! ll:~."T':·~·r., :r..:::!;.:.'~~ &. '..·ii!'.~~~~ ~ '..•;i.r~·~e;~ _.;..r::r..:!~:. ~ .. a::i ~··= to ~.SUit•. 121JI II ff 3 8 tr SHORTTIRM l•.175al4 aft S. •t•. Z 8r. I ~ Bt. . Ol'IM Noft·arnoker~. ,,_.,._"'".,_ • lll0 ... 1'514 . lllmoclllllll>rkn CZlll"2·SI01 r:w:houi!' 2 e:; Ottlafn1111 .. .,., u. ·• towahoatt, 11raae IMWor,JbH1a\obt1t1ll, .!11"'5 ---·~ off• to all n.w Ii ; ..... llar .... l leYel .. --w"'8in. AHll btadl apta a.aU, laf ~~ vr.g.=/mo. l1cl IH .. '1 room, 111111 lloft, mri&. utlll pd, clllliwllOllldaplact 1'.:'.!Jt~rt!.' -----11111-r~ ... crp&A • .,-lit ..... , ........ , •o. At• ........ lrs.IMT ;:.;.;.-· TIL •"'ldlll.l1Mm1fl. -H!·lm Ill. ...... , ... .. ===::::::::=::ie~=====.i JtM_..._ -. I ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wldn11d1y, March 3, 1112 IOIO 1'&8'kt ....... P•1 J1 IJI MlflpWmlil Jt ........................................... .. On1,..., 1001....................... ....................... llARBORARKA ... ~ .... ••••••••••••• •"CTOll 81t11Ay Spart rtfttal, un Ho111tkttptra nuded Nunlna SICllfilY APPtJANCESV.HVICE YOUR CHOICE lltauty "" qut decor. 1p1tlo1.11 Sen txp net. Call UM Nwpt enrr--rfoantl1I Wtblly l*'d1ppll1nrn atlm l In t'ost1 Ml'n, 1 • ...._ ........ llrfa Super opportiinl!fi AIJl'e. • 1103 Ext 145. COnv. Hotp N 8 area. t'Ol'P Typlna. word pro Wuell rtrond • •uar in tlllnhn&\oo Brh Both S.A M fft.\s ritw lil~at tor i1fht Ptl"lon 1.n a fv I H<l.ISEK Et;PER Pol. attitude ' imUct NU n1 tApple JI J. ble aJl!)l11ntf't 549 Jq'11 Pri.t•fd lO sell tull now. for 'l'V, ll'l)vM!~. le <'Om aerv ~• ulon. Ca 11 Uve ln or out. fl\ill ot ftffded. xlnt beneflla. Sii, pbont. B~nllln&I W11hrr14dryers. l11t11 lltrll49 0'!<» rrw~lall Entertalntra K~llt.Y..flaMum 845·096! ro· Cl ins la ""II.......... H<'uritlea b1tk1rntt modtls SlOO up 4400 G111ld Coop 12 1s1 Hlkt Mechanic . u bi.tCO:ro1lor1u~l11-.--·.-_._..._~---·I F'tr8-4Mo1vtrrl Callfor Oelt\ler)'. f.uar ...................... • 0 ••••uuuuu,uu• .. Ill It 464·111l,l21311S2WS penrncent'<'etnry 2148 family. Nice N'B home 111 aj>jlt.M()..23SO M11stcrcharar .Vlu Roomma1e 111•1nted tit Ntwport Ruch nnr Y.!!-~ ,011 N<!111•inour6lh Vear NfWPC>rt Rlvd. Kt-rs plnu. uluy OfRC~ASST m•n••y 6.162840Ktnil g Lt l br. 1 ba. Jat 11 11 -1000 r• ...... ~ .__ .... •~1 5l6 otl bl C•A 2c2c or .,.,__ l" .. ln ~M - ""'\ et5 613 19~~ If 8 o.a ""'P 1q , • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""~ _....., ct• ~~~Ci.HK Ml 1 e • ....,. .. .. VI"' mao ~... ' r r 1 ma a a i 1 n l' 1 IUY A.,,LIA.MCE 8 S 3 Waterbl'd. lh llnut IW\ldt . K1n1 ,11*' Beautyrnt t•10111lon m11Urru rombO Perl CMd 8 mo old C:oi11 s1<XX1 v.111 uc. ror •,.. 640-iA'fM 2 blUf 6lriptd cru•hed vl'IVM I. R. t'ha1rt. S1$0 pr 2 hQ.SOckS SIO ea 961129~ ''""""'"'' · ~dnoororfkr~.•m Need equ11v 11 h11rr ••••••••••••••••••••"• 1 d · -" 642·21111 hon-.netda&rtalp ne publlaher nred-~up1·r • 3 Prot M 1 F' to i.hr 2 br vr i>le parkln&. well m11n par1ncr w/S2$ Ooo to buy SWEVISllMASSAGF. ~MbllUnl:i~~l n~~~ prr1on lo dul with l\'Uablt orianiu d h11rd 1.t'll 9,,7 1 N R P&n $300 mo Kn lalnt'd bldte Vicky day~ X·wlle out or'C.M l'on Ht>lu1n~. nvn ~t'xuul hilVt bkkpa backaround. Need~:='J':.~an 4 r1.11tomer1 Some typina ~r ror eh1.11le11~wg, li4.•11n. 11 1 l'u ft rertl~. ~Tm tr7S·4600 114 645 4800 do. G3L91Z7 Dill 1•vfs Rob!_r1001 7112() iJO II) IX' versatile. urcurull·. WI)') week lo keep house !..~'71.,!'f\nOOM, ~ day1. lnlt"rutlng Job No Sil wi1cem11 kt-r, 11 lrno n . Kll tbl 194. L1\•lng rm thulr '60. 2 tond-1bli-5411 All xlnt rood. 840 1401 Oan1 t't. shr 3 br h51.' l.\L~tom l'XC<.'Utlve orni·r ~tol.oml 5025 nexlble,d1•t11ilm10dcd 11nd care tor eheertu11.-11;'"'iiiiii .... ______ I Maintain eomputemed j200.641139'Jnh II ~~ow 11111113112.\7 400sq. (t. Pvt bllUt with =.! ................ , ••:T-~ Ill key by touch Ir~ husband recov1mn1 ~~puul~!~o:x~srthe~g~f. Pdrryetezre.rd 1 S2w'OO. ~mw1a!~rtr•1r.; -•,~... ahower. llulbo11 Penln. 2nd TD to $1 rnlll. f'~Z ~t 1Yl'tlP,i1?'!..,.kNI~~ tt>q .. x1 1 0 1 1 1 from Ulncu Own OROER OESK OJRl., · r r " " .. Simrron crib ITlil h $80. Youth b<'d m1111 $80. c·hiffl'n>bt' $45, ct SlllU f,11. (~md il41 8771 S ........... ••••••••••••• ,, vu ,.,, 39$ lrurusn.64 ·8421 anatelel)honea,&0nwfll. Wide va ri ety o o c Jl25t'li.64&·5848 ~ pion-..4142-4623. qualify Down ey • av· htnenu <.:all Mrs. '..It: • duties. Non·sm oker forllM OS 175'+ln Adv. clr~lgn of. irnis Mr. McQuurrie. Bre ke7S26171 HOUS II '"~· com:uter exper, pref. Jo'r lnge benerit~. ~'orn·dA1r ~~irn:ll't'. Movm11 Sof11 bed sm ••••••••••u•u••••••• rict' ne111 Hay " p O 91!;!:.2611 Jobi W..ttd, 1015 uv1<:~1N. 11 re h1dy ca S.tj4 1157 ~k permunenl person Fhser Ii Jvhn~on < 0 3 t ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOAT SHOW for 2 yr old 'rl and PAINTER <ex pd ' ap· {714154.9·8393 Moch-I lOOCI. 100,000 Nc:r~~~ irl~t~~t~I ~.~~" c·ublnets . ~,Tl'ftt 5035 ft!~nkwhhd1ntclklcrtl.1111l Homi•ma,ers. studenb housekeeping or 5 prcnticel for 3 man SECR£'rARY1 !!nJ,JtOO 6420594 ~ lx'<l SIOO Kil tubll• $'15 Like N<'" tl42 115~ le.Y acccu 640·8107 . .,..c (!rvun see s ave· p T . t em 11 h e Ip Bdrm home References operation· Good O l · WORD PROCJo:SSOR Bachelor's k1tehtncl~t' Proress1onal orr1ce spa<'e ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ill Pollllon as cook, 11l tbhier. ltckt•t takers. reqwred $90 per w.:rk titude neat appearunce. NB. CPA firm. set>king stt ad in Class K025 OHie• R...tol 440 I + secretanal space if Sattler Mta. Co. tend ant ror elderly or parklnl( allendant. etr + pvt room w t ho th rellable. own tran~p. nu respona 1 b le oe rso n ~ORO 642·1Y701 •• .. •••••••••••••••••• reqwred. Avail 5·15 All types of "al estate cook, lJl!('retary for pro· Cull lleatherut 646.J966 7~2197 tracts. Call Richard ,r d STUOIO IJF.llS Corner labl« fc bol~tt·r~. xlJll l'OOd, brown tonn. ~.5400117 J6t7 Westcl1rr. Nu. Wan Orange Coa~l Financial rnvemmenl55mce 194!1 feulon11I per!ion C11ll 631-4410 leavt> 11 ' time Word Proeessin)l exp. Refrag. side by bl e fin11ncial Inst 7000:s f Cenler. Costa Mesu. $32S S,.ClallilMJ i. Answer Ad • ll 2 I . IOOICKlEl'IMG 1....-.ct lo Call preferred, Call Ka1h1c. Amana. 20cuft 1280 1111.. floor AJICnl ~I ~2 + $175 957 1414 hd TD• . 642.UJO, 24 hrs ana genera I 0"' l'l' A.ccomt .,.. Par1·time 759.Q.5!L 642·6724 Maple rnd lublt>. 2 IH'S. G l'h111r... xlnt 1·ond. Sl75 11.57 1494 EVECUTIVE Share rum oHice space 1n ..... ., .; •11 545-0U l lntelhgent, semi retired phones, payroll. typ1011 Jo'GS has opeolllgs '" •st P/Hm w. 1--------G1as1,,rr.adnbl(~. uG·~!n'e. rSsl~"Su0tr '"" COM on PCH $150 mu tt'16.':A.I -----33 yr old gentlemen, W1ll tra1n to ust> i.mall rustomeraervicedtpt to r--" >I .. '" "" SUfTES 673 Q.?80 •FIXED RATE 2nd TO athlete's c•ond, looking rompull't and "ord ~ru service automoblll' lH' it °'9CJt eo.+y **~INt ARIES•• oHer. M2 87f.6 N OHice s pace avuil •f\JllyAmortlud (orfun,lruvtl,,"orkor resser. NNC 8F.9.L .~ coonts.Muslh11vegc>ud One&IA lead To res()(. t90S24= nerngeraior like nt>w. lleedstromthani:rnictbll' Soli. bed. rull 1ze l.1kc ne" SUO 7s.I &27 H~t·T ... G"' 1 d d"sk. h •f\Jlly Assumable any wrt FUii or part TRONICS 714 5110 oral and wntten com menca s ~ c Joun $IS. for~t f'reeSl 55 $!5 Teak sidt'board $200 ER "" ., Inc u cs ' Pont •Nu Pre Pu ymcnl lime 4969729 Mr Wat&On n\wllcallons skills Ex 1ng Nat'I marketing Ac,'lClkR.F. $14.400 HS390f.O Teardrn1ng rm set $ISi> Pl.Ali\ ~mo 641 0763 Penalty peraenre desirable firms 15 now expandin~ fo:Xp.Consultant Ours s..<.6·Sl!l9 New luxury on1-ce space UllUTIUGTO"' Ask for Skip. ~6·0283 Wanted p T bookkl't'll Starting sal.iry rom ' needs intelligent. L.iz Reuiders Agy lnr l'hllc Rffri in ln·ine's bui.1es """"" " 1ng,yourpl11eeormmt' IOOICKEEPEIF/C mensurate with ex adaptable people who .ao20BlrchEst'64fWE IHu(t.cr~s!!lret'7eXlnt Bt>aut runed "hile renter• Eai.y f'rwy ar IEACH Red&~ Lo•s Ccill Donna 839 5904 Position w Npt Beh In penenre and ability F.x ervoy pubhe rontact. We Newport/833 8l90 f'rt•i• l'OOd Jl 7 S 673 4453 after G 1ehe1 snfa It 101 e ~t'JI l'l'SS Avail now ' CJI 6S0.785or2.lll s lsu11es lneu~ prolli!rl>. c•om Collei:e student lll't•ks i.es tmenl fo'irm l'ellent Cobenl!fitsandu ofrer p/11me employ· l.Jkene"~!J~.6452.12!1 fordeta1ls for 1mmed orr f'ull merc1al. lndustrrnl or driving positiun aft HesPonsjble t'or datly career advanreml'nt ment for ma lure 1n-lt t>f rl ~ · fro~l frt•c · rarH·d Pru' i.ola & W.:.lZJJ .64.0·4230 Service gross lease from Apr Bld!(S. Comµtltlivl' 2pm Xlnt rl'l'orct frnancial lransart11m~ &t potential. l"or uppt r ail d1v1duals who ure in· 1t't'rnakl'r hkl' nt'" $250 matching t•h;.11r In xlnt 9&' Mam & fo1onda nr rate on <.'red1l or to:qwty !J63.2196 Comruterizerl G L • s. r aubnl'S49·8009 terested In suppllment-S48 4485 l'Olld rur reuphobtennit •DB.UXE OFFICES• Par1f1ra Hosp Ownr Loans. tst, 2nd or :Jrd A 11 a yt 1 ca I m 1 n d ed 1£'-S rng their Income Salary Student Jobs (i .,; WUbher & Or) t•t. I c 17 s UBO 4 !17 ~215 I'\'~ From I room up to 2 BobJarrard T D's Courtesy to HtfpW.t.d 7100 IJl'l"Wll. Expr Hequ1red. ~ &excel. bonus incentive EY yr old $350 rur IJi>th 'I sq. rt From $1 16 a sa l71.l841·lJ 33 Kn>kt>rs 714 760· 1551 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call 640·0123 FMld G,..... S.nlus For interview apJl(>int-1ovU1RLS IMng. 2 ) r~ $30() bbl 7 fl sofa $125, ;i i:rl'l'n fl No lease require SteveorDuaM ACTIVITIES lmw•uJrobn rrwnt call Mr Mc·Krn· How would you lih to 499S061or499 -121!3 (;~1i~{;e1~·1~:,1.~ss7~'.~n~~ ~~P~~rr°rtcra'i'1" A2~· fusine.ss 0 R...+al 4450 2nd 3rd·4thTD':. Full ttml' POhttion INTF:RIOR DESIGNS 1100·5455776· eamas muehasSSOOOu Gas Stovi• calori1·. dhl1· $25 . dhlt• mall s100 833-322l ••••••••••••••••••••••• Judidal Forel'losurcs avallabll' for activity l'~ <;A.SHIER SA.LES REP week 1 Do you hke drtVl' oven $150 + Maylal( l.'lel' ff.17·2181 --· StoreorO<fire 13SOsq ft Harold F Mc<;rath. per coordinator ~orkrng fo\tll t1mr 32 hr!. per !-:stab and i:rowinl( PA.AT TIME m ioovies. picnics. p1Lza dl}·rr ohH· SISO asked 1 600 sq. ft. l\lt•ha Vt•rtk MesaVerdeArca AllvalLaw 8511771 with ilC'llH' Sl'n1orl Wl't'k Must bl' able to Urunge Co Interior 6·9"m Expandlngyoulh parties. beach parttl'S. gdworkmg n·fni:'" rx Clawfmtroundoaktahe area. 545·4123 • -· Cilizens 4ooo lltla rla 11urk Sat & Sun. Otht>r Designs Tradl' t'ublka counseling firm has plus many other lhings'! c·hange for I of 11c•ms Leaf. 5 hidderbat•k i•hr:. 54 5· 4 !23 A.11ftCM1K ..ts/ Wav NBG42·586l hrs lo Ix· arrunl(ed APll· t1on is loolung for Sail's openin"s for 3.s sharp Then you would probuby 497-4724 l'tdrct cunrl 14 2s Newport a.ach p~ . ~cWI AuJst,._t Iv 111 verson K erm Hep Quahfied lead> und outgoin"~ mature p_eoplt> Firobably enJO)' working Frigidatrl' wu~hl'r SISU 700.ll06 · P'~ !_rfc_~g ~oo~ Pnllttal~Qfu ~rc':tTon Lost & foilnd to work part time in :!~~r'Jf:J~a~~e. 2666 ~~ri~r~alec~WrJr ~~St ~~l3moy~·~1~l' c~Ti~~~~s QU~IFICATIONS ~~n1n~~,~1· ~~~,~~>!le8r1,s1s !~.~~ ...... ~?.~~ on b:!sy ~~:s~st llwy. ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Youth Sheller 642 2331 -7_14 ?72-2251 Miss Conroy 642·4321. ext 343 Ask for I Over 12 yt>ars uf age 'w """ ,.... """ " Costa Mesa. 250 sq ft . Ideal for retail or offiee Lost & Fo.d 5300 ADVERTISING CLERICAL/ Andrea 2. Neal. honest :ind de· 22 cu ft llotpo111t S S "ht loys Club swte. $175 mo lftlls '" use 1.000 to 3.000 ~<I rt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jr. A.rt Dlredor GA.L FalDAY pendable. s I 7S 1a: h '> du l > Ru,.....~ S.W cld 779 W 19 th St avail Pos1t1on open for 1m A."SIStant tu orf1<'t• Mi:r iMYENTORY ASST. 3 Work after sc.'hool and washt'r " m1n1 "ai.h S,\T ~JAR o. 8 12 noon ~!:~ 714 &IS 7100 mediate employml'nt T\'ping. hte buukkt'1•11 Assisting 1n operations P'LASTICS MIXER Satur~s. $"1.50 &12 4127 I RE:\ SC II 00 I 60 l S20&572sq fl SI OOp<;, Exee Ste's F\ill ser,ire. fQUNDADS Expenenl'e 1n 1·011c·t•r>1 1 1ng. payroll '& busy o<Corporatema1l stoek OPERATOR C LTODAY ' GE 12 lh "a'hei rull l~~r;:~llc::'eel~~ld Dl<.>~jl sq.rt .397581reh .:'\ B greathreduced I development. de\l)(n phones SS io start.• rooms Dl'lt\l'rtei.. to mix adhesives. 537·5936or531S257 '"!.elertlOll SIOOorbe~tor """""' &IZl60 3 ~g_entS415032, • 7546789 andlayout Mustbtoabll• raises commensuratt' operallon of marhml' aters 'sealanb 8AMtolOP.\1 fer960 3778 ,_,.,.., .. DANAPOINT'sbestloe . ARE FREE t.oereateanddes1gnalll with11daptab1ht~ tujub sh1pp1ng. rece1\lng Permaltte Plastirs S 200'toSOO' at 70-Incl all C:O....rc1ol pnnt including d1ret•t pos1llon 40 hr W('t'k. lll'a\'Y Lifting ln\'<Jhed Corp .. 1537 Monrovia licyclH 80201 w••r.uousE ... 7~ Call mail brorhure. trude1 Call !llury Annl'. bt"n Exl>t'r pref Fai.h1on N 8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""'..n UJl!ljamtor9 7 5·1l20 R...tah .... : ads business rardb.I !11249309~or83107Sl Is land lnve:.tment Ave!J · Sch"1nnB1kl'~S50l'a 20 · S~LE • •••••••••••••••••••••• , .. 2 5678 n (' l I L' c II 760 0'01 ... __ Tele~hOM A.dv. Solt1 Is pd l " b l afire spare for rent. 385' Prime Tustin " San .. • yers etc rea 1v1 ~ a rtrm a · ., ·1 PrMdaoofTtoc,_.-ror erforming arts. g1r . 3 s or ('Oas l'r •• uts. o '>. Hrev. ~. sq. rt serond floor Cl"mente retailoroffice must• Cleril-fileRoom l»SJO. Fur HlfSchool Exp sforts ~ublil·ations . brk!.~gdrond83318Si brassr1111n~~. all ~•Zt'S Pet 1ous We stchfl " 5_ .. f·fl.1.6 l.uwomce Mustt)'pe 45 prer.,oveq8.~8788 all ne" ~t'\t'ral r 5 •g d 1 S""re7»1470 831-8699 $100 REWARD Blk _, -" wpm . have own c·ar Pl F ood future . 3 Wheel3 Spd St·h"1nn th~··and "Pfcro• 3.ooo area SI OOsq ft Me 1ra ~----' .. d I 1 •-c ~ 0 A Bld~l 64S·6501 RETA.IL SPA.CE Loogha1red rat. Meat AIDES Good Joh for un the b<1ll LEGAL SECRET ARY PRINTING stea y em P O) men Tov.11 .. ountn·. \t>r) \'tis o1l f11ter e oth . metJI -· · ball" 673--8972 dys. Wanted mufn1ght aide self'llt11rtt'r Call ~ S 2 opening~. I temp. av Camera,plateroom as S§l-7~ clean S225 9603470 filter cans 011 Filtt'r MEWPORT IEA.CH j Harbor 8 !''d. C M. 972 975-3771" 11 JO to 7 30 A.\I Sun "l't'kdays, 6411 !1!152 prox 6 wks. I P T . eur s1stant Mon. Tues. ~·n It TEXAS OIL COMPA NY Mens 27" 10!.pd St•hwtnn Compan~ qwt Sell ,ill AIRPORT· Custom of I ~a~O:ov~:~~ow. 675.5700 LOST Burmese ma le through Thur worktnl? Clerk needed 1mmt•d to rent hllga11on exper req Sat Will ~ork vertical urgently needs person $90. Mens 26' · Ji.pd 0Tn·hand1se cheap Bub fices. 600 tu 1800 sq ft I -cat. Dark s:iblr. almr1'9t with the elderl)' 4000 work dnVl'·lhru pholo Non·smkr Nwpt Center commercial camera. with .se..v~r.al years.good Sehwinn S80 631 ·1275 Koop 7~ 1221 _ f'rom90'per s f. lftdllstriolRtftfol 450 black. Reward Call Hilaria W;i y NB booth F:xµt•r hrlpful 760-llflll6 KnowledgeofPMTpro-work record for Costa CMarra 1Jwln'S250l'a Rlkl• S38 Mullan.RH '..540·2960 ...................... 5513876. 642·~1 but not 1w1· Call rur in resshelprul Xlnt lor 1·ul Mesa area bu siness a..ri.&..,,0...1 ...... _..! 1 8025 ~'k S9 5 If Ihle S.'iO. -· N.B.J97•B1rch 8860sq. ••·t f' t · _.7141"7470110 1U!.."LS""''Y legestudents withrclat sales rep Sales ex -,_..,,..vw.nas 0 • 1 b · 2 • " REWARD! Lost while Apa!lrnen~" anal(er .x 1.:rvicw .. " · u;v~ ...,.. ed C'lasses.Apply 1n penence not nec.'essarv ••••••••••••••••••••••• lad) golr 1 u s S :>. I rt. or less. MIA zonl'. SO< cat w g rav m k 11 gs. ptfneneed. mall!re 1.'0U fl.12 1210 I Newport Center ~l'a I ""rson 1660 Placentia We train Write L> S .... OW lS• 6 FT 975 0321 or Sat Sun \Jam execup an per sq fl Agent f'amtlymisseshtm\'ery pie Heaut ma1nta1nccl Cooldurlargey;iC'ht.full · estate litigallon r1rm ~ C M " 541 5032'" much Please call tlays, 44 IJlliti.. Costa Mesa No I ·needs ,. ery ex per' d Avl'"' · D 1 c k er son · Pre h · Hed"ood 2-.;6 l'Ckrni:. * EST ATE SALE * 1100 sq fl 2 orfttt>s. SS6·ll80 eves. 6318010 pl' t s i\ Pt ~ orpartt•~~ 197~ I Legal Exec. Sec'> Xlnt rT/flMJSEC'Y Southwest~ r.n 4·20' lonl( ':lbo rl•d"oitcl M h4/5/6 "A. Hew COflcerct" o heud door. front & re Barbar~ salary bonus 642 4W7. ' ' t> pmg. d1ct a phunt' It I Tvp1ng. f1hn1?. phones. Petroleum. Bo~ 78 "I fenctnl( Lo" r~t llfll'l' I 24arc07 H Olli F\illserviC'e <"us om arentry,lrwy close .1op wkdys9·4 COOK'SA.SSIST. shorthand a mu at 2·spm daily, in small Worth.TX 76101 guar J im o r l\t•n l . Yt' omce & desk spat·c rond $385 675.625 1. found. ma le Wh 1 ppet. fo' ltmt• F:'lp 'd pref hut I Sala!)' open 640·6960 financial piano mg nf Transl'nb1ng &t front of anytune. &16 !18115 SA.NT A. A.NA. "~t~.ACp·~~~~~~· ·• b rind I e Go Ide n Se~1r.%t~~e~N1~~~l~~ for I not net• Sn u P s ~ S.Crdory . fire Cd M 673·2717 f11•e rad1olog~. 25 32 hri. Barhelor'i. kttl'hen!'ttl' 4 Ti•:'°"' tod4Pf't 759. 8 :'tlesa lndustnalPark.711 Retriever. yello". 18 urut Adultl>. In~""' sandwiche~ Appl~ rn •I NA , Rt>a<'h 1'.x· pr~k Call!l-S.64~·!1400 j bumer eler cooktop II!<' ller:.chede Grn ratht-r •--..iiiiiiliii._ __ 1 W 17th St Pad fir female "·ire haired fox " per:.on J Spm M F · " ' ff f Real Eiltate Sale!> -- 55 s 1 n k f 0 rm 11 . u I rlock. He1Sl'~ Epergne. muffs lndustnal Park, terrier.tncolored.Male Matntenanc<'l''tP ri·11 Gower St Restaur.int.I pand1ngBrani·h o ireo 1000/o CO.-tslotts TRUCICDRIVER muntergorgt<<1ui.fin•~h ~1erl1ng ieJ &et ut NEWPORT CEHTEI &clleftt Offlu 500to ~ft A'a1la ble for Lease Call Wm F Cote for more mform:i t1on ~ Cote Realty & fn,·e tmenl 640-5777 1835 Whittler Ave 1500. temer. blk & tan. male &16180I llXXI Bn~tol St ~urth. r\~t~r5~o;k~ov.lneiaa"I s..--C.DistrCMO With p1C'k•:r Part t1mt• rabinel~ $80fl OHO l'aqleton China 2 1900. 3700~ft units. Of Sparuel 11ux. blk. h\er ~Attendant L1,e 1n A!>!'tt~t 1 ~t>wpurt llt'uch I seeretanes "ith htiga •J>n-\·ate O~ks Retired O . \'Ef O. 785 &12 070I beJ.Ut Kr sets Aman11 fire ware douse space "'lute. female Shrpher disabled profe!>i.tona I tion. ""'""'ratt' and real •Luxury offlre w 16th. Costa Mrsa rni: "Amana uprg1 fnr "eal'l'l'tS. rapes. wet tn·colored puppies. "oman Costa !lll':-.a C~P•rsott ·-·...-surroundings IC:-ras & Lob of clothe~. lots of bar 642·4463.642_7604 male mixed beagle. ~2357 .\lalure person "antl'd estalt exper Typing 80 -Grl'atuMc inbus1ness &,iptmnt 8030 furn. !>ther &. bric .i u--4550 black & tan. female Or\ Cleantnli! c•st;1bh~h I ;h~~h~:dq ~~l:f~ld -Company paid I TWX OPERA.TOR !••••••••••••••••••••••• brae: . :;::;:r.••••••••••••••• m1xedShepht>rd.blk &: ~nl t:'tper or "'II Benefits and sa l;ir)I ad,·ertmng l Good typisl fur TWX Rolhl' t"in len~. 2 RF \I C 6.\1~aaneµtC'd Garage for rent on ~.SW·36S6 I An&ITIOH: tram 4991985 I i'Ofllnrnsurate with ex •Stronl( managt'menl maehme Will tram Ex I I meter 1·uu I ·d 1 MOUND Balboa Pen next to fun found Sma 11 doR in , Ambitious bo} ~ anc1 :;.CaJ!J~u ~nn-'# support--re ent OPPortunit1es ft " gra P m 10 i S 11111 Sl );D.\Y 200.; CIJ~ \ B Zone t!O'-nt-2&47-1. -USU nc1n1ty of AdmfT'3ityt JHAs-1043-~ · I Oav :.hift.cafele . style •lntl'mat1onal referrals rompan\' benefits Call 675·1528 parts Jµµh.inrt'~ 1 . 11 mo 6732943,673·3930 Way. llunt Harbor work Onl' or two e'en l'l'l>'taurant Ra<'Qut'l ball MAIEA.IUCIC •Cp toSl.000.000 legal Elsa.~·3880 n..-8040 ~i!i!n!I It\'. boat. auto storage nt'"'Spaper subHrtp healt cu in r\'lne -e~ •f'lnancialStab1lity ____ -•••••••··~··••••••••••: Sten-o gt'.ir Htn t'el1c·J 838•1384 1ngs ll "eek gellinJ! h 1 b 1 ST.o.•THPE protection I .._,. fenced. secure 53(1 mo Pound ch1rken. •: s1rle lions Transportation I 973-08389-4 1lle Los Ang~ s T1"f1 5 •GrowthooPortunities TYPIJT KE~-~11():'\0 Pup~ \K( "h('('I:. fl}rn lamp' CosljlMesa 646·1666 C M near ln1ne St and constant •,.dull u.o.•ow.o.•ESA.LES is loo k1•g or we Call1nConfidencl' ' <11amp ~1re .\t.f Pet & rlothm).! rnffl'l' m:tkt'~ ••0.4038 su~er\•1r1on pro,•1ded I """" """ groomed. enthus1ast1r 3 341 , Experience person s how P' i PI ' h J •er ST 0 R A G E """ 0 Part time l'rown I 49 ·1 ' It . wmu!l I 1ron t•nar!( KOUC&l-TER WAREHOL'SE 3U12 FoundSurfboard,llerb1e Cal3lo530PM .a!'tklur llurdwart' 11124 lr\'lnC ~~~~dea~r~ru:re'~ I ~ups~.tyrm~e~~:'.~~ 213 Ql7l3l$afitopm C'lr .\l'Jl'la ra . ~lsn NEWPORT NB ar"a $17S 642 2255 Fietcher. rall to 1dent1fr Andrea. 642 H 21. l'XI '\ve. NII .. _,_ ~......_ ~ prtime R.ctf.ilMI Cieri& · Wireha1red fol\ Tl•rner \'1eJo. !lam :-OJI \IJrrh Ii ~ 343 r """'" -"'" "" wanted rcfr Retail permanent open1n2 f I ll.'.J04i27 Elegant Exec suites'" Afters 30call548·1SS8 ~7423Kurt Dl•ntal Sery Ari• you sales rep Hou rs are l'loth1ng Store in Must be (espons1hk puppies. ~t all' & ('rnu l' prestigious loc Ind Space available IOOO·ISOO F'OUNO sel or 4 keys on ~can•htni.: for u pro from 4pm·9pm "tram-fashion Island Full Call Charlene. 631 li!l~i ,\KC 11 "kJ>o 525 11 ~dGoods 8065 secretarial , ret'<'P ~I fl. 3(Y pr i;q ft Lake blue key holder. vir Em AUTOMOTIVE 1?rrssl\'t'. qualtly ofr In)! will be provided t ime position Mon N~tBeh. ~lll 0472 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tiomst. telephone 11 " 5 & forest area Contact pona Pk Trtlroc.'k. Irv * LOTME"'•. "ht•re rnur outl(OIOI! Y.our earnings .as ~ through Fri 8·30 to 5 30 >\KC \'t>l1011 blk LAil lk'aut l\ara~i;.in ruJ.! ;:reO~~~~I r~~~ ~~~~ I.ff at 01opt1es SS9·4H8 ~·2962 Chev•· delaer offer~ lull Pt·r.;onat'11y & d1·nt11I ex Times sale5 re~ ~ 111 bt ~:xper prrf Plea~e \'all TYPIST P\J~ S "k'. bro-. n 'lrt>. fl'V!d,1ll1on tit',t)!n si;c~1. T F HE A I) , pt'rllSl' 1n handlin!( based on a guaranteed for lnll'rVll'W 6"4 ·S070 Work In the ofrtc('~ or II( hl'.id' S2511 $21111 I 'l\<11 l'ollll:tlll~ ht•d\ s ... mo 11 , Lost . Ba b Y ll r a Y or part·ltme per mu nl•nl telephone, appointment hourly wage of SJ SO +I a.~k for Katie or Sharon SOOT of Oran!(e Count~ s 95; 2!llll <'a ~!l4 4 !1115 Ii 1:1 I 7ih QUARTERS CO M 11uNMss/l11v11t/ Cocka11e l. vir N"p 'pos1t1onstoyouthstoas \l'hedulln)! & patll'nt generous cof'llm1ss1ons ftnl'Sl firms Good pa 1 • , PAN)ES A profrs~1onal Rnc.K~ H gt s REW AR 0 ' stSt in the body & ~l'rl'ln· i'Of'ltac.'t is apprN'Hlled & Smee this 1s a ne" pro I R.ctDtiCMlfst henrflls & fantastic l'\ I ! SHOOT A:-.;1~1 ~I.~, Jnt.try 8070 environment 17 14 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~t913 _ T depts m \'<trtl·tl. in rc"ardt•d. Wt' are a gram opportunities '°1 1,only Nlwport Center , perienre Western Tern \ourpetpho1o~rap~g36 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.Sl·~I 'lusMM teresllng task5 See Mr h11thh moll\ all'll. rar advanrement arl' ex l.,aw Firm seeks par~ I poral"' Ser\'lce~. 13132 rnyour holllC' 964 ' HIGH SECURITY tuSIMESSA.DDRESS ~-u.. 5005 Sludea'-mg1eamwho1shap11,,tu cellent Call now rn '11rrerecepl Hou..,;9A~J..+'N1• ewport A\'e . •Atl'AKCMaleOalmal1on IH l'rl\.ite o"nt•rsh1p ol Ans we r1 n g & ma 1 I _,.,...... ·-.. , lt.EV'ARD FOR IMFO HOWARD Ch.•rolet otrer lop salar) & xlnt rmre mformution 11bou.t to I 30 PM Call Jane Irvine Blvd 1 Next lo rros old Good d1,pm1 saret~ clt-p.Ni hen fan service. conference ••••••·~··••••••••••••• leading to the recovekry Dove QuailSts benefits ind<I med1t·al this great opponuntt} 6400800 lr\'1ne RanC'h Market • uon $65.964 5152 IJ,ttt l.t<·tl11' tuial room. AdJ OC Airport Own . your own 1 ran ol Powerlite racing b1 e NEWPO RT BEAC'll tn.~uranre 10 " dt•dit·alt'd Call )Ion F'r1. 957 2361 i31Hi282 I •~ h ('h h h 1 . ' pm cin ?I hr ai·t·c·s~ "'IOO mo 71• a.113 .• 2 Sportswear or lnrant taken from condos near · f 1 s1600 11 ext l204 RKft»tlTyDist ........ g air 1 ua 11.i HI · ~ l n ~---"°" • Preteen Store. Jean Pro England " Memphis. ALITOMOTIVE ~~1~f~(11~~~ Ne" port Acti,·t rnl'eSlfte offlrc· WIREOPEIA.TOR male. ped1grl'etl S200 Prt' ati· t rcin~ar 10 !msq ft. erptd, ne"I> de· gram tALSO SllOE. H.R Chrome frl¥!1e . red SA.LESPERSOH Oearh 631 .24~ _ Se!1.~~~:;J~~:i for has opening for a ~ell Nv.i>l Center: brok.era1u• 1 963 :WW roo'fnro -;u SJI> ;s 41 ; ror .. a r. 1nrl all ullls ATHLETIC S II 0 E handlebars, ~heels It WAHTS)lll l8 umt Adults In N"pt groomed. personable m firm. early hrs. sala~ Doberman puJ>'o J\ "l' i I . Ample prkg Ideal for STORE > Offel'ing all brakes. black ~niseal Unhm1ted oppo'riun1t~. Mamtenanee exp. req di\ 1dual Must be C\ open Ca II Ma qone I "eeks blk rust St50 l~l cmIEH w A. TC HES law. acct!(. enginel'r. Nat1onall} Known PleasecallS36·9832. eamlngsCo$3000month DENTALASSIST. 646.1801 penenrrd "Ith typing 644·~12 ~ \'ai·incl96436.S..i Distnbutorprm•i.onJll etc Nr40S Pwy It Beac•h Br ands suc h a s & demo pro1Zram No :->EWPORT BEAtll skills 4S·60wpm Real WORD PROCESSOR •l'oodl ~ R . Pcopll·• fl2 rmctel~ Br.inti nl'" Bl!d, g.n.7727 M f'. 8 S Jordache. ChiC'. Lee . .,._ .. _ ... Lab puppv. blk. auto salei> exper1enC'e IF YOl' MA.MA.GEi estate exper desirable SEC'Y Type GS. Xlnt : T ('up~. To\ S 2011 to lo" pnrl' K50 OS~ 1 -vi. Vanderbilt. Cah•1n ruwiu , rv but sale< "X • Are an e\perwnced Mature c 0 up 1 e t 0 Call &nan 631·02t3 f I r I ~ sq + pa 10 l\lem. Wranglero\•er 100 app':'x8 k w557 6268· peraence prererred den1alass1stunt manage 11 large, quiet fi " f 1 1 ""'"' ' ... -.......-., 300 ft l ....-12 eeks VH' Oe<'l'Ssa., ~ • 1 benehts Beaut1 u 11 """' pat~ Boarded & u-a,.;__. 8078 balt'on~'. acros~ from other brands $7.900.00to Hb_re: ~ er . -Theodore Rob1ns F'ord •Are ea~erio "urk Ill a rompl"" ·1n Costa Mesa IC't'S .. o ee o apµ • Groomed $46 28411 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Westctilr Plaza Avail in 1 rl b · f d , ss ve ... rant $!9.500 me u es rg1n PtnOMh 5350 Ca 11 Tom A 1 ken al ast paC'e pro~rr 1 SaJary ..±_~ 675.5949 I M~ry Hickle i\l(en('\ HIJt'k Lab Pull' 17 t S.'iet /\Pr 1 I S 2 4 0 m 0 mng 1nventory. a1rla1r •••••••••••••••••••••••· 642·0010fordela1ls oHke. (714>640 2'J20 t'a S"C't'k~ A.JR COMPRESSOR 17!41646·4884 for I to Fashion Ct'nter. • •Have~ rriendly outgo MANAGEMENT -5411.5445 I hp port R1nk~ SlSO Pn me Office Spa ee. 1ra1n 1 n g. ti x tu res. Atlantis Massaqe Ba bys 1 lle r wan I erl . rnl( persona ht~· Hardware retail. Assis k SltlO Corona del Mar 1070 sq Grand Opening Promo· Open 24 hrs a daf mature older woma n for • llave a ma lure nt tant manager. Retail rx RITA.IL Mltchundise 3 Dachshwtd PWtl llin s pressure pot ft . suite $850 mo Lions. Call Mr Loul(hlin 7daysawe4:k Tues & T hurs !''t'!> lilude. perience req. Laguna Assistant manager. re· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mm. AKC Adora't1l~. lo\' 536-9832 .[7~9511) t612J835·1304 69 Gorgeous girls t.o 6·9:30 Ea st C M •llave good verbal -~ac~49'7·!40:}_ tall experience req .,..._, 1005 eahlt!, health~. II "ki;, pamper you . Jaruzz1, S48·71~aft6R_m skills M-"'cal llordware, L aguna ••••••••••••••••••••••• shol~$20(h•ac·"5492!1!\5 Wnnd Oupll t·ant•r Use "'6Wll M service when placing your ad .... a . Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad ... we take your messages 24 hoors a day ... you call in at your convenience during off ice hours and get the responses to your ad .•. this service is onlv $5.00 week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad call 6'2-.5678. Sauna. ~als as well as Babysitter wanted. fllll •Are a non·smoker ~t'UJ ffl ... I t_... Brach. 497 4403 Victorian loveseat. 6 ·. F-to y~ 8045 ma t hine. dupltt'alt•s m. 3 to u r.1 5 t s . Ba n k .,......., 6·ill"r. matur". my • W o u Id en Joy a o c• """ s _.. rust color. tufted bac·k. ·~ d 1 Gt A d Maste r "'""'" '" "' h II 0 ' 0 Aar"er "·I Li· ....... salali" ON>n, Sail boat instructor ros"wood rrame. $611'1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrtll.•nsions up 11 " meriear · · home Must be reliable. ca en.,m.,, ' ' ru "~ u .. ~ (j " S 28 ' r ret' to )!Oucl homr lonR Custnr-. SllHHi !'<'II ~~rf~'. 'b'in"ee:~ ;~j 7141964·3419 aft GP M. PleasHall_ 644 0595. ~d ~fi~s':n t~fe1~. ~a~ ~~c~~:.'n~P~a~t!~~ irm 67 · 15 Bassett llound. ~11a~ i·d fur S6'XI fi.12 iil2. !I s welcome. 714 645·3433. D&ITIST mi. Weekends now. full ·time Antique ornate.' iron nnd rcm1le Ahl't' 5-ltl !l:lt;s 8 21 l2 llarbor Bl. CM wantt'li. busy pr;i('l1re. Sum mer 1ncIuct 1 n I( brass dblr bed Matt 1n , Miscell0Mou1 80 O IA.IYSITTER Nl•wporl Bearh Arl'a ~at A.nlstOltt we r ken d s (.'a 11 rl'd $350. SS3 1113 rvn.hre 8050 ...................... . LiHla & Vicki's •ESCORTS• BACK' BE'ITER nlAN EV ER! 24 llR~ 669-0207 t Outram Person needed to meel Ex cellent pa y "1th ULTRA SLIM Corona 6457100. 1923 Remington ra~h ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOSl~G I.EASE. quit '6'yr old girl after Sl'hool henC'flL, del Mar offers a unique Reg1Sler. S3SO M akl' of * * I BU y * * ling bus1ness. i-t>lh nJ? oul at l:~m Ii keep until 646 4868 employment opp for a SALES . fer646.m96 ALL supphl's ;ind ft~ appro'?. 2 4Spm evrry rredical assistant. Fo t)ijoy reading The Pen· Good U!>ed t\1rn1tur(' & lures 11C'ludmg day. Mon·Fri. MUST LI F. EXECUTIVE rur1her mlorma lion nys1ver., The Reader· S wall l'l' $250, 1\pphanres OR I "111 Oispla) rases. w:i1t1rig DEPENDA BLE Must seekln~ p::rrt lime Assis 675-Zlll ad dept of The Pen Amer oak runo rab sell or SELL for You room rh:urs. llt<;iul ' live nr St onerreek tant CP ll for appl -------nysavtttsacceptlngap $HS. Oriental vase<. $45 MAST9SA.UCTIOM Salon hairdryer~ and Elem . Woodbridge, 848 ID95 MUSICl~NS . plications r~r rull-llme 'f7~. OB0...:.631·5979 HW6l6, Ul·tU5 hydraulic ch;ms. m1r lr .. i·n .. Student ok 1 d Plenty olauchtlons. in sales positions. Clear V D mn1.shehesanctplant~ R;r·s ... Pl ease ea 11 female he P waole · lerviews avail Com· prinhngl.good spelhng & ~ ,..~ X2l KING INNEHSl'R l:'iG 1\IJ10. make·UP. ~hum1.11H1 u ... ,....,1a"er5.30pm pee rm . PbT CarheterlNa. puteri:i.ed referral rlub. , friendiy sml~ are the I Pretty 1 • 48 t:XTRA FIRM mrittress and hair produt·ts ~would love to party l.ii~iii.i'""iiiiiiiiii"m••--1 real JO • easy rs 0 t.3.Sree guarante~. basic requirements We ~ HB_963·2073 -St'!. never usect. worth Call 631 97S4 or with rou Leslie or Eves or wkt>nrli; Call · Tllt.._S..WC. will train you lo assist Giveawayprires' Oak of ~.sa<' S248del Nt.>\W aflrr6,119lit>KI~ s y h • 1 a. any Ii me , ----.-.L..---6734493 ut ,.777 l l -~ our customers in com· fice swivel chair. S95. usl'd 1ween H . worth I. 11 d 1 e s . h ,, , e :i 76J:0036 IAK~ or T ..._... Aorist hlnry -IPL• .. ..1 IJ(l81ng their ads. Apply Ciun case. $125 F.mp1re s:S9. cash ooh . S2 Ill rlt>I NA G 11 T \' I. ,\ () y ATTENTION· Tennis ~!m~ Wi~~~~I:~ PB:,~~: Reliable. S4 per hf. full MUISBY SALIS l~Pl1tentl1 Ave'J CM ~:rr~Ol~a:1~~m: Usually home, 754 mo tlotlomt' rarty l.int1l' 1 ru·. players Washer pull House 2$3 E 17th St. time. 2642 S11n M1gut>l u>oldnglor persouble. SALIS ::a. jellycabinet.SllOO Coun· IOOS. pohons und Ill~ stopper on Ch3mbcrlaln ~_:.. N~ Bch. 64().7980 ntit. eneraeUc person Looking ror experienced ti)' store counter 14 '. MUST SELL ni>rt• fun Call 1\ hson §:~6-_oo._ Barber Stylist wanted to ROllST :t!b~s~~w C.,1,th ,;i;,ei: Slllesla~!I· Ootr S~op llOO. Oak rolltop drsk. Maho11an.)I <fouT1Tr b d 1 ~~78 Sale~ 11 eps ., ...... 1111 .. 1111111111 work in La~una Oearh SALES r~RSON yr reuil ourse'1' selling sales • .,. 1ry + tum· Sl.500. Oak rolltop file with mnllress. Moon I u lon . good en vlroo· j Evenil)!81'hurs·Sut . ex' r re 'd Jo'/llme mission. Newport Beach cabinet. 24 tlwrs, $1600. shaped m1rmr on hNtrl IURGUllY 1 ment. s days a week. & all day Sundays. St~ng saia,.Y Sl.000 lo Golf Course: Contact Bo ok c es('. Pren c h board , r'rolt'ct your rnlunhll'S, ~11494·8898_. __ f4.25j_!!r. 644-11990 11 ,400 per mo . Pd. John IAonud.151·4653. ~•lnut. all glass dC)()n . l'iOOOBO 631 779hrt fi prlval(' ownrr~hip of bolidaya Ii vacallons. S~S PllSOM 9 . tall, 9271\0 Hrs 9·5. sarety rlcJlfll'l•t l'M11t. htith L.&.....LJ.. llc--6... -.uf~DBPn ~ . C'iAIDIHH Hosr.•••llution Ins .• ,,.,,. en• "'·o-, p,.rt or l ~<17J.2 a.a•ym•aurrual serunty.11rmed rt1111rrl11. -_ ... Priv1t .. ,. u6.-CcfM.-f,l L'or "'~I. comlplex In I b l '"" ~ '" .. -rv " 2• hr ........ ~~ tot"I " • r .. aval . lnlttv ew Yapp · full lime , exper. only. • 9 "3 " """' ' " 631711 perlenced banqutlS 1 C.0.la elllll, 5'' dlly~ o I call Mon thru Fri 8 _ I~ ~1-111.. privacv • Sit. Ii Sun. 10:30·5. Also , week. 982$/mo 645·3381 on>'· ; ' The Blurre 041111'· D ·1 p·aot 11· oraniu.•oval ahll~ ru1. Info 714 53fi·7S14i M~~~~~~~ 1-111 runctlons Con •, orll7$.S949 _ 641·7«1 MS.Xlla 10.8 • 11 V 1 d 85 T 1 ":.' n-M r Thurs _@ VDSNURSf!RV -.,-:L~H ... RDW•RE • cllSSifieds Int con S a ........ ..._...a_..C......_ 11" -r I ' · I Hair culler l menlcuri~t ~ U1" ,, ,, ubn't dlt bwn. 1110 2 J)( ..,... .._ _ - Sun. 11\. !..t612·3Sl! 1 w/tollo••lng, 70,.4 or Nursiftl f tr IJC*lllOft In retail • WOf1c for dtiplay ubtl't. walnut ~~~~ct SU•l nr ttr IP YOU BP.autlrlan • 1 rtot. modem saloll, PCH MUISIS AIDI hardware stort. No S-.n· you Cill S70 Coffee lbt. al1111 top hivuwrvltt toofrtror HllnhsMrs to work in It Ml£.Arthur8'73 2552 f.•ptr'c1 , ill •hlrti. dan or •¥•nlnfl•· ~ • M2 5671 $3U4l-5002 ........to••l.l.fla-anad phdh Newport Bt1ch Ola•. HOlp. Nnt Bch. Stew. H.W. Wrl&llt Co . • a-.:.."'-... . 0nun Ht w1HI tht mo_ -""" .... d NAIDWAll llriuyour smile. l Joia .. .._..., C.11 tvr ..-" ~fC buldltr btk/wr. ''°" Weipt bmt'fl w/ltl lift In th Da 11 Pilot =-,"!::c.f.8Tita~t La,...."Btat-1\.wistnt U.ff\oeet'Qjrmed .. cltft·mliliJ;k:'.;-~IOt 1 • Cll9'11111. dill. aet. $100 I ' tGtic. • iroa wtt11lt1 llZS, a.tlied StetiOn • .....,... tome clitn&elt mana1tr, retail U • tlltllt~~l o.u1 Piiot Claumect velW'ft tan aofa. 1150. !lt•La~apttl IJO. Plme"2.5f71. ..,,eGtlM. ..-J-4403_ _._ 141 ~1 ll'f~ I-• SUt• & Spice • ' ., •••• •• ';-....; •••::"""' •w.w ''" ~..................... ..... ..... .... ;; ..... ~ ......................................... "...... • .......... -.... •.!! Sola• ,du'. ad C'Oftd.:t.11 ......... •••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• WI .. .., ..W t71J ....... t7R b 0 Bile MW boy ..... 8r.AUTU'UL U " RCA ... 1GIR•.~~ IN-llYJ (Glor 'N ult. h r wm· 'II,.... Mt C.t, lll· CLIAMCAIS A•TIUCll F.llltttle Cree. TllftU&ri ty. ll• Frtt •11v.ry. mu·ullluolld. -!!l!lfMtl, eriorntler: 1'VJollfl'•1411'18 MO..g_ ~ IUUU Start 25" l'Ok>r ~niOle fllll bike, •11ttr ~.: LI~ au ,ft I dr rtfri11rrn tOllCh tunlna. dlx t •blnei Vll'y low lloura, lln at Tt6k Arehlltrl'a II~. '4.2·4412 J!rm. • . __ ·~141-ma . Al.,-! vldeo '"mt' w l5 11 Honda C8l2S, lo ml. Jl111 BetJll Otd M11ter1 rwetlte. S200 or best or txctJI cones.-.. . u r<Ntl ~ .. 1.~.lit "' "'" I J00 . . Ortngt Collt OAJLY PtLOTt"tdntldav. Mitch 3. 1982 ., , ..nee or collet•tlbl" bot rer. 8"·9tW7 evs 9'3~13 __ lift $.1 ti cll ~ -7»0060 ..... ,...... Molor-Hema.Wt/ (PLUS TAX & UC. ON APPAOVED CREDIT) Y•t com s m o b1 I l' ... ~... a.t/Mwett fl61 ltl4'phone, dlrrct dial re ...... •••••••• ••• •• ••• ...................... . ady, IZ800 OUO. Must ....... 90 I R ENT : 2 2 ' L u x aUlhla wtt~ 613'8810 ............... ~•••••• Motorftc>me, 11111 I Stll· WOOd atove. f1anc1 <'Ill J E E P S • C A R S . :'~ wk. + te>t ml ll'OI), come. wLchill)M'Y PICKUPS -~ liO\!.fil.ee,,l~O. 646·5893. from $35. Av•ilable at Ren l • 2 2 ' I u x . loul Gov't AucttoM rmtorhollW', sips II. selr· AMI AIT For D1re<'l ory Ca 11 ront 1295/wk + 1or1mi. Dall, Appt). Rot he. Sl.lrplus Data Ct'nlcr 640-858S. cthe!'$~4~152 2234 415·330-7800 -- 12Xt6 Emtrald green 12' 1nn;t-able sport boat 4111os.r.lct, Perts nylon carpel. Ex cond , w/9hp Evinrude fl xtraa' &Ac~ t40 Oest olfer. 840.8324 art. ~. 998-8778 • • .................... . m. --~----------13· S·400 AVON. 40 hp Bed side commode rost Mere. Trlr. cover Many tll6 sell MS I Brand New > ~xtras p200, 67s-2708 ~ers!Q;c!! 494·96S.§ ENJOY THF. HAR BO-R Roll·a·WI)' Bed, I~ new. TAD kayak $400 (2nd pd Sl49. Sears Will sell kayak in r I r r e e ) t!_s. 536.8079 675-6275 Natural red fox roal, I yr loah. Mailttwct/ ~st sell f>St·9~9. Service f020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• New rull site mauress II Capt. Allrey/Electrkal boxsprings set. $60. Engineer w/30 vrs expr 15().5832 j us l return e'd r ro m PanAM Boarding Pass Canb orrers consultings (2forll Worldwide. on 1111 yarhl systems Worth $2500. sell $125. 2131592· !432 7 9320 _ Manne Eleclririan TINMIS. CLUI Design1install repair Family Memliersh1p __ Q!lal. l!ork 549 2520 Nwpt Sch Tennis rlub ~ MariH ~so ~,...,.. 9030 ----'-'1 st-0268 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fiy lhe world via Pan '81 Mere 9.8 0 B motor. Am! 2 for 1 vourher. xlnl cond. lo hrs. S800 good till May 31st. StOO. firm. 964·2087 __ _ S.-4957 750-6747 IMh. , • ..,. t040 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• C~H FOR BOATS Kaiser -Stoop Pansy -Nestle STEAKS '78 271-,rt BAYLINER Wife: "I'm not going lo "Victoria". Fl y bridge, let you barber ue VHF radio. bail lank. anymore .. Husband depth finder. outnggers. "How come ? .. Wife· 35 amp. gen .. AM Ii FM 8 "The ashes are sup -I track stereo with trailer. posed lo gel hot and Call 646-2843. Will sell ra . not the ST EA KS." balance or loan Designer has Beaut. silk __ _ norals. access .. g1(tS. 28' Cris-Craft. Express. Party plan a\•a 1L,1966 Clean ' Fasl ' 675-7753. 1 Newpart Slip. asking Camper s1x-pac stove tcell SI0,500. Trades. Finanr· box . rloset table . ingavail,P.P.673·5200 $1001080. 960-7108. PARTN~R WANTED Gas healer. St2S. Upright :M ft·Searay Sundrr Nll freezer Sl75. Drapes. slip St31 mo + equity de various sz. 536·8201. it. M7-9327 __ AnwtmOM MG TON~t"~<lvER Fits MG's, '71· '81 Never used. $75 Ma.ria631-7797 Ive msa ALFA ROMEO PARTS All parts lo convert 101 1600 to Veloce. exc. pistons. $1400: Dennis. 979-2748 after 6pm or ~~ 74COUllH FOR PARTS ONLY CHEAP 536-9832 Van seats, hi-bark brwn viny l. passeng e r recliners. good rond. $100 pr. Ml·316S 1., Dlllar Pid For Your Car! JOHNSON & SOM IS 450SL, melalllr bl. 74.000 mi. eng rebll al 70,<XXl mi, superb cond lhruoul. S2UOO Will rons1der terms PP. 644-7266 ~f:r~:cl IMIWl~'-'ii~ii!IMlft '80 300SD . 18.000 mi. i.~·~ ':~~ lJ!~r~t:'rJ: Colla Mesa 540-S630 ·~~~~Aitl""'I!~..._ while .. bamboo int. $100 bsl orr. Stockland Premium prices still undl'r warranty paid for any used rar 67~1579 Shell '70 Ranr hero 1roreig·nordomesl1c·1 -'74Super Beetle. $2,395. $15/bst.546·9339 ingoodcondition. • '68 l\fBZ 2S<ISL. c·lass1c. 213/5!2·21 IO - BMW eng Ii trans 1969 1!'1111.,SeeliiUjsiFl!iirsli.tl!lll!!~ '81 ~X. S spd rpe. a r. lMlo trans. mint rond. $1600 Best Offer Takes • 15,pb,pw.am1rmquad. $1 7.500 080. «7141 '73 Super Beetle. new SEE US FIRST! We have a good selection o r NE W ' US EO Chevrole\,S ! CONNELL CHEVROLET •,,.!J, '•'I • r-I \ \1 f , , 54b-I 200 831..:2877 __ __ wit exl. 549·41~ ~(!201 paint Ii seat rovers. ask· 732401 '73 MBZ 450 S~: Best or tn~. ~-4743 -71 Nova Halchbk. Aulo. ~forS. SHARP Cl.UM!! rer l\f ustsell 499!i061or 1981 Vanagoo, 4 speed, PIS. A c. xlnt rond. lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Au lo. At. AM I f M . $4283 -sunroof. Conrord stereo. mi. &l orr. 644·6541 IMPORTANT mags. Runs Stronl(, Best orrer. 760·8872 or NOTICE TO $3500 '79 300 SO 646-46.Sll. '70 Malibu 2 dr. runs READERS AND ~8 ll:irbor Rh·d .... 94~. Must sell or take over ---------good, needs light body ADVERTISERS _.!.!.....,_. ....,. *-le_ase __ Newnnrt 760-6285_ MU~T S~ worit ti:.<11493·8622 • l'tj!,ta .\l,•1.;1 ~ OJ.10 --r-· k d -~ The prire or items '81 280ZX 2+ 2. 3000 Must sell 1979 300 SD Ex· 74 VW · u~re ar · g '78 Caprice. 55K. very advertised .by vehicle WE IUY miles. leather int. S800 + cellenl rond. rond. xl~l.~~~ rlean. ITlllSt xlras. 2·dr dealers in t he vehirle USEDCARSlc TRUCKS TOP.5'8-7044,497·5109 760-6285 ____ .,...,. class1t'. U <;M 842·4127 classified advertising COME IN OR ;4 360Z, new paiAl. tires 'lll· VW Bug. rebll en . ---~ --rolumns does nol in· CALL !-'OR + Alpine stereo. $4!00 ..,... 9742 New paint, gen Ne~s 68 II No\'a. strurturally elude any applirable Fl& .._ ... AISAL 548_70441 497.~109, ___ ....................... hol t700 645·4666 perf. nds some .en~ taxes. llrense. trapsfer Cor~~·DeLillo · --work. Makeorr 979·8671 fees. finance charges. • '71Dats.200SX ·73 Super Beetle. must ;---I I --d ~d 1979 24' Skipjark. open, reesforairpolJution coo-CHIVIOUT 51__.,slereoS3275 ATTENTION sell ! 1600rc. new clutrh 81 Imp~ a. x nl ron · ._.._.., IOI IJOhrs Manyxtras.1m· lroldevirerertirirations l.8211BEACHBLVD 2~.646.5931 MG II valve J o b . bra . ong patn.l. auto trans. •••••••••••••••••••••• mac rood. As king or dealer documentary HUNTINGTON BEACH -OWMHS ~las ra ials. Sanyo v3 ood'tires&.42·417.!.. All 1111 &.t-G· .... tar J.52SO.MHS66 preparalion.charges 1:1n· 147-60l7or '80 3t0GX. gold. xl nl TONNEAUCOVER a /mcass.$2800 0 BO. C:C..,.-993lt l,,x~e1f~i'co:d1tion 74 BayUner. 24. FB. 225 less otheA 'lS_e specified -3331 rood. air. tape deck. 5 Flt.s MG's, '71· '81 63~·142'1, 751-BtM_ -...................... . Just like new. Beautiful OM~. 278 ~rs. CB" AM bytheadverttSer Car or Trurk Needed I ~:~13~1:e~oo Never used. 175 ·75 Rabbit. $2300. new '79 Couaar XR7 I St ar-burs t color s. radio .. bail tank. tnm ...... / have S800CASH -Maria631·7797 lvemsg ~~~ rlean. 64s..t400. FUiiy loade8. xlnt cond.1 5129/0BO. Ca ll (7 14) tabs. In water Huntg ClilllJc. 9520 •846·5172.! '76 S.210,4dr.4spd.Air. u·~~-'lib.ooo mi. $4 000 /bsl l 82S-4l89 pm or 1714 1 Hbr, no trlr. $7500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• runs g re al $1 900 ..... vw b 1 h ....... ~ • .... •"""d 213592-2036 ™·3913·. eves It wknds t744 1""" us. x nl mer · ~~---...,. . .-. ays or eves. -'------MOD~ ....... ! "-I ,....... --' body ra1·r all r· ,,_ I _.,.~ ~l:~--""'!IU.· . ~· "-'-tt35 6 II( drum set. cymbals. '79 Sea .. Ray 26' "Sun· Shay rep cas·. pkkups reipt.s Sl.SOO 631·5982 or .......,.. stands Ii hdwe. Must !lanrer Twf!. all xlras &t roupes. 4 lo rhoose ~··••••••••9••7•0•1• i8 210 2-dr 4·spd fo<'l ·73 MB SEL 842.6229 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell! /080. 962·0822 ncl lrlr. Fish & ski. from ! 1006768) <Stk. -I air xlnl ~ond '$3000 Xlnl cond Mon· Fri. Art ------'81 Dodge Charger 8000 -S26.000 Cash or terms? A.,,,.,.,1 p . t rt' ••••••••••••••••••••••• rn ·~ I S 645-2434. 642.f>SJ2 '78 VW ronve rt Lld nu Elitate sale. Musl Ii Fender Telecaster and 979-3200 547-6649 """""' · nces s a ing ~ le Used. Foreign It 1 -~ -; ~ 9750 Edit .. air. tape. like nu. q11dale. Call 548-9326 or DELllERS ____.,. '79 GRANADA GHIA ~mt48$7~1'•2~;~. s13&&1 cl. fin chgs , tp. lie.) A.P.R 2075 uo Cash pnce $4599 "' • 128JXWP) '79 MUSTANG GT ~~:S7~:~2:r~:s13&&1 lie) AP A 20 75 Cash puce $4599 MO. (HP0789) G1psonamp_04ur91e3r.$500 Wellcra~rt 26. Nova or at ,.......YSt,,51 Domestk .CarS111esman1'77200SX80K m1. Pnre 1 18K !!!!,Jm<>J~8~ 546-01~--96.1· V'f"O.. ' • with years or expenence I $2'700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '82 vw o· I L ~ho~. twn 188 HP. will rometo~ur ~me _ • J~~~~!htt~e~.~~e~as!e~·~F;~~~~~~~·~·~4;0~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flute. Gemienhardt 2SP tandem tr lr. RD f . I Good credit. Jus ••••• xlnt . · trade Ii get the est · · ew r u ~ · :f-07i:ls avers. '78 Fiesta Ghia. Sunroor. _63l·2339. ---facto~ fighting . ch rs, price on you.r car. Small brakes, ball .. S500 It as PORSCHE/AUDI ----, Good cond. red. $3100 New Gretsch drums. 5 bimlni, covers. stereo 8 fee.Call642·6169. 'S.!!!!!l>i!Y~· 964-4848 13631 Harbo Blvd ii VW Super Bug. $800 ~- plere. walnut finish. trk, trim tabs. lmmac .u.1-1-0 9705IAat t725 GardenGroH' ~g. good. Body needs .631·3016eves. cond. SI 1.900 O BO. -. .,~ .,_. -• •• w--" ""' 7•"° Eves --1or839-7203 !••••••••••••••••••••••• _._..-.. 1c..-eos CJ "''"'"""...,., 5.1.•ics"lES ... LE Offlct hnlihn & ~ Aii:;roo............... Get Re~dy, _J J4 636-2333_ ..W 7611MNt - 1 ! ~ • • &...lplMllf IOtsloah.Soil 9060 4WhttfDrfyn tSSO Y.toctCoe•tnicNl7 For Spnng. ·72 Porsrhe 914 Good 4 spd. lo mi. mini We haveoverJOt979and ...,.. · ....................... ....................... 1910 llU ... T ... __ ~ P sa"""' 11••••••••••••••••••••• • ed All parts to ronvert IOI n• cond New rlulrh. CaH uuuu•n. nre .~.. 1 1980 Pa1rmonls. C1ta ClOtt furniture for sale "J~ ;;:iih':1ngven'::rsyL '81 Toyota 4X4• mMany 1600 to Velore, exr 150 SPIDEi ~v~_751 9817_ J>!P 714-~0·9134 ti<w. Monte Carlos and al d iscount prires. xlras .. immac. usl pistons. $1400. 979.2743 COMVEllTlllE LT~. These are Fleet 641-0763. $15,000 080846·8888 __ see! 850-3304 526·7108 after m or wknd~. -ONLY ~.000 miles on re· '76 911S Tarl(a. blark YW PilTS Return Cani and being Ta ke over lea se $20.000 Equity in Scol· rNCJu t560 W 9707 built engine. AM-FM SIS,OOO 752.9523 ·73 Bug renders. front otreredtothe pubhc for Royalfax llS plain tsdale. Arizona, R.E. • ••••••••••••••• stereo. 4 speed trans. -hoodboa..:...buSempers. rundning betwttn S800 and ~1200 d · • Su will trade for sailboat •• ••••• , •••••••··~••••••••••••• new brakes " two new ,.... II or Ira e or below wholesale Blue ~Plfrc~rop1e~~r Ca11Betty (6021941·8599 •lnmdMew 11 '81Auch5000Turbo tires. Private party N°It~'~Hpa~!t~~ew deal. Book All excellent a · 8 now, · --C.TY LUY Pkll•! 2000 ml. leather inl. $1600/besl orrer. MUST 494·2407 maintained and rarry Lg wood exec. desk. Very Venture 21 w trlr. oul· , 2 t 0 h . 1 8 8 3 1 ) . custom alloys. Must sell. rhrome bumpers. rom cond. Appa>x 4x6' board. u lras. Sips 3 Prire : $6098 ; GM re· 19 . 553-0309 SELL! Ca 11 Rob at plete engine overhaul. '70 Westlahha. Warranty fUrther info /olr.673-3327 .646-3151 bate:SSOO:salepnceis ~after 5 p.m " Top performance. Will Xlnt.roodition. call '. J oe Catron , L t. L 23' Aquarius Sailboat. OHLY SS"'91 ...... He4ty '70t weekends. sell lo Isl t>uyer with s;JSOO. 5'8·~5. P. or~ ai nr ii sa ncd o oc ko I a rge, exe.ru 1ve Gil h d lps 5 .,. •••••••••••••••••••••••·16 Fiat 1283P $4100.P.PCall549·9866 y_,_ 9772 "' r shaped sohd walnu a . ey, ea . s . HOWilD ClltY,... '64 3000 MK 3. $3,900. ood d dus 760-1973eves ..... o Ne.wporl·Anahei m desk and a walnut rol Traller.S3SOO.f>S7·fil7_ Dove/QuailSls FIRM 673 -4750 or Halch~ck. g run · -'---••••••••••••••••••••••• ln7.&374.S59-~S8 _ __. 1 d k . · new tires . a m t fm .___. 9755 y " ..e-"'ni. sa es es + ex· Pa~tner ~anted 77 NEWPORT BEACH 497-1948,ukforKelly cassette low miles. -#I VOl.1 ODEAli ecut1ve chair. $1.100 for Encson 35 . Gd cond. lll-OSSS .67 ....,,,. Red Xl t -61s-99&i ••••••••••••••••••••••• J'N'ORANGECOUN Y! --:--79,L..a.... -al1831-6528 • 68J.754S 661·5991 -------""""· · n · app. ....,.,.,. · ""lic"T .....v ----i=. -1959 FORD•.; ton Pirkup Gd. mech rond. Org. u-...1.... 9727 • ~ tt ... i H .,_YICE -~kin~67S.6087 Pits 1017 ·77 Santana 525 Race . Service bed $800. 700. 760-68ll ~ SB.ICTIOH! -- ••••••••••••••••••••••• equi pped. s sa ils. &:B-2044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• REH.AULT Ill's AMOL.liSIM<i Mtrcwy 9950 Rare ring-necked Parrot, $14,000. 645· 7950 day. IMW t7 I 2 SH Sedans and wagon& with OVERSEAS-DELIVERY ••••••••••••••••••••••• beaut. 2S" wrought iron 64S-42.39eves. _ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• HnMDA many options to r hoose EXPERTS '76 Bobcat Sta Wgn, 4 ra e both ISO. 839~156 ..-. Cl'-/ 74 COUllll &· Uft from are available now spd. AC. PS. snrf. S...000 1 Tame . 6 mos old Blue ~-r-9070 FOR PARTS ONLY at· EAILEllE ml. PP. Sl995 10 BO -OIEAP 536-9832 ~ .. .,.A ANA "8.1."1'-.fCO"ST Y~O ~14!!!7_ Crown Amazon w/t'age ... •••••••••••••••••••••i-.-------•I Mnl """"~ A $500.Alt6,645·7823 N. B. Slip Up to 36'.1• ....... DS ... VE•. AMC/JHP 1966 Har rBlvd i2 Mercfull s1zewagon W L'd """ "' COSTA MESA Excellenl rondition ,..., °"9llM lffO ater1rzwer. nr I 0 '66 Econoline pick up. 5 CKWEI auw GUAT SB.ECTIOM RIHAULT ...................... , 1259. 67 2756 _ 11>•mdow. Needs body lllfl • CIVICS 2524 Harbor Blvd. .H6-tlOUU!t.tiL l-96;;l~7B STRO UD UP RI G HT .. at ..... forrnt work ·493·8622 1lltlldtfllt'l2 ~ 645·7770 75VOLV E ~ tt52 PIANOS425.Candeliver Prime~'ftextto Rusly i9DatsunKingCab ..W-1~tfen! ACCORDS lolsl 9756 Loeded· O 1t1t 4016 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675-7057 Pelican. 714-&i6 4419 .s spd. A·l cond. many A l ew · rema ln1ng ·91 -aUDES oyc• ·----'E6 MUSTANG vs. auto. --xtras $4700 7"" """4 Mod 1 ' o .-" ••••••••••••••••••••••• PIS Looks and runs c-..a-.M--LL•• 1092 Sli"". sail boats 26'.36' ' "' .,.,....,, es emos are #}DEALER IN U.S.A. "-· ............ _ .. ..., -·· ,... "' d f PU still available! We un7430 . ---.J!eat$2250. l·S33·4242 ••u••••••••••••••••• •• eler It wtr on dock. Free 19 r or 150 • extras. . Ii l E .rtu-. ••••••••••••• •• •••••• •• --------•I prklng, everything 1st xlnt co nd . $5300. specia ze n: uropean ~I w. Warner. •., blk D""VCAR\fER ... U#" 9905 '6116cyl.needswork,hob· class llest in N'8iJ 75N004 delivery and flawless westolS M . N...11 --. by/invest type. S800 S....-~ .... 2000 67~11 ·1118 M pre-OWntd BMW's. . am ~ J C'_~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 855-2791 D 760-9284 E. ETectl00.1r ·fouc6 sewing -CHEY WY Where Custome r '76 Honda Civic, good N.....JLL..J NJl\....C:. 71 Mere Mllrtlllls ----' --machil)e. Large wood Up lo 20'. SlSO/mo . II up '76. air cond, auto trans. Service Comes lsl! cond. $2500 or make or-16CJ~IV-CIMt!I BROUG HAM~· V-ERY Oldl•tllt t955 rabinet with storage. to JO'. $250. 233 19th. St Xlnt rond $2300 or best Sales-Service-Leasing rer640-9649,673·ml_ '*""'°"'IOCl<ltwi6'C>_. GOODCOND.860-2066 ...................... . Never used S800 orrer •C. Newport Bear h otrer 7704074 2D8W. lst.Sanla Ana {IOSEDSUNDATS ------~Olds Cutlass. Lo Mi 556-Gl.1eves ' wknds. 61S-OZ361673·1092. -;3 Dodae Club rab. ~ (7141835·3171 '79 Honda Acrord LX. 5 ------llldt ttl 0 Xlnt Cood. f'Ull Pwr Ii .. Closed Sunday spd. cusl ri"!~i m~~~ s..lt 9760 ..................... ~. Equip. 17675. 830-0891. ~--IO•J fr•1~ort..._ ton.Sl800B4o-4793 ~ust 5 SS ....................... 7JIEGA1 $1600 644·28!!_ _..., n••••••••••••••••••••• 9570 1'11t 1912t Xlntcond. 962'3466 'BO C~tlas s Calais. ••••••••••••••••••••••• C •..a../ -'19 Acrorci LX. 20,000 mi, '78 R I L' . d I d hi bl DmSS&.S«IS••ua.-91•0 ....................... 5 spd, all opUons. sun-• AIEHHE! ega im1te . oa e . "'' le "' ue Size 175 w/boois and ._ • '77 Ford Club Wa,on roal. stereo cass. S6500. too ierfes 3-cfoors. 4 loadtd, pwr everything, velour Int. SBOOO. Milr h POies. in great condition. •••••••••••••••.•••0••••• ~. many extrH, ow s..aao. doors ' Turbos availa· !!~t...tond. Only SS200 ~l..!."63·91381~ art· 5 ' Like new. $1 5110BO CAMPER! 10 • . pen miles .675-1211 bit NOW! Come In le ,~.......,. -........ _'-' -.: '"" Call 524·5'225 days Mon· Ro1d, se f·containtd. ....... '73 drive Road Ii Track HI 5 PWo Hl7 Sat;EvesSun-Tues. $600 or best offer . W..eed 9190 MOD&:S ...................... Magaiine'srholceofthe ................ ; ............................ . TY ..... -893-8053 ... ••••••••••••••••••• IM STOCK i4 Jaa XJ6. ~K miles. BESI' sports sedan of CONr94PLATIM<i 1 i 1 &nabout. runs good. .... SMrto 1091 ..ttl•lltdllltl tt40 WI ... '°"' MOW! !:10*ntr. rvlce re· Ule'tOs! CADaUC? lood ron~1llon. 4s1200. .............................................. ca<>ODU-Cdl C•••• ••t"t••• lincenew.$1,000. 11.i.CHIMPO'IJS We~1111U.ln ieases ves,art S.}(1964·489 PUCH MAXI MOPED AnyUW.1toaakMNd ; .. ....._ .t DINO. _ Ori Be 1 -iil~e§lrffCrf . for tlle buaineu ex · i 1 Uftback. clun aood PIONlm/SAMYO Looks new. bri ght m t.1vv1• ••• flALtTY .. ,., ,, owner. au 112-MOO · ~ve•erofessional ltalllpora.lion S800 0 80 ~mt4~~52~~~-s·12239 cl fin chgs laX he.) A PR 2098 Casn pnce $3799 MO (272TXE) • 178 VOLARE for 36 mos Def pym1 $4020 06 (1n· ct fin chgs. lu. he) AP A 2120 Cash pnce $2799 (947W<D) '7 5 FORD ELITE tor :!ti mos Uet pymt $4233 22(in·s106 53 ct lin chgs . 1ax he.) A.P.A 21 20 Cash pnce $2999. MO (8161<YU) ' 169 GALAXIE 500 tor f8 mos Det :"::n~:s~,~~:s1oe1s ljC) AP A 21 6-4 Cahpn~s1799 MO ~$501) • ~t~':ale/~c: )'tllow,$3&0.MS~-p 1t.owM1 D car •llh ~~oving 1•tuib0r.tllvcl..C.M. '-ttlllld'°" m.~.L7S2·8900X_264_ stereo/cauette. Dis· '8l ~~~.xlnt ~ .::...-: ..... /'7JI • ' Of"Mtw ltlZ ..... tH01 .. -------------• trilJl!l~rice. 850-~. -"""79 111 ......_ '762 C1 •• ~• •••"•••••••••••••••••• •" ..... ic ...... .-,1 01 ....... , ••ie All "'"' i.i• .,.,... -....... •••••••••••••••• _.. -PLVM FURY " ..,,, ~ _..,... ...... ... ... ~IO>Js'' ,._..,,._II • 10 nY7 GS ... 000 II .. •-•••H•H•tt•tt••• "9w II Stedll '" · lie . doc & Sll'OCJ lees ()l(f'1 r •D1fl'' •8 11ou1s Br. n• • M•I FM t,•::r:s/ #I 111 n..-c..., - -l\A • ""· m es. . Needs minor work. 1700 1ller"'""~to0n "' " ••so """"-H.-...rbor-Bl"d. TOOAY! . stereo/cauette. air o..-.couMTY'S ~ orbeltoffer. 893.(IO» '="". casseu e ·stereo. clock -•· cond.. moon roof. xlnt MIWllT ----llrner Ir spkrs. Sale cnds "..................... COSTA M!SA SMB•9'1Ct t'09ld. Extendff warran· Aut.horited A., 1n f rWrd H10 f"n &'iCHS3S ,_, Yamaha VZl2S, .1tlnt ,~._•&A LIA.... I ty. UACMt•> 4'1·1333 SUBARU DEALER /~ r ................. , .... , ~"UDIO cond. n"er raced. U · -LC.A.WJ s•ftftl iaa•cK I orSlf.JllO. 71100 11.ul~•l\M( ISTATISALI •wsv• tr• ~~1;_ WEPAY ~"' i --c-"''''Mo...,, .. 40 •1100 Le"'""-.fclr-1inT· CASSITTIS ltlOHOMDA -.tW 4IOYI.. lt7t 8'rd hll power. Xlftt All braadl:-wfloleult C>mrMnt TOP DOL&;AI ,..., IU&lt -ill>Abtf>• eond. Call Bank nf eri<'!·---WNwt l'OIU.CAll "'"· PtW9/tY*'PL •MODELS Tlll'M! little 11ct~ rc1111, AmtrtraTruat~ ~ • ~~·••lltt ALAMMAIHOM .._..,. •CD'71 HllEPIOW'!t work ! Jo i n lhe --~-•tel• J 1.w ntt · ,,_~ .... ~·ee ~ .. ~..., °"'"' ..,_.. •••• ~lAMll• ~ ~ttc:':hn~ ._ · tt14 _.. ..... ,.. . .!!,!!:.._ ~... .w. Cl """" I I .---.." ......... " ............... """· , ...... 11,...... • ~ . Oolld........... lmJ. ............. I IA;ty • ,.., ., llUll 0 •74 ........ blatk IJ" ....... fall.. """ Ciala, "" UNI ..... ..... , -~ .,_, Piiot Clanlftff ... ~~ ~ our .. ..... YIM .... Ste 10 a ·us.m •OB011tm0Cll!ria lfHJM.,. M. Plate ttMtft ~-.,,..,..... ~ m ... . . . IMMEDIAIE IEll~ERY INCLUDING: * 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION ·* 2.5 LITER FUEL INJ ECT ION ·*TRANS-AM * 4 WHEEL DISC BRAKES 1982 FIREBIRDS _ __.... __ .. __ ·-~------ ... ORANGE COUNTY'S BEST SELECTION I 'EVERY NEW PONTIAC J-2000 EVERY NEW PONTIAC-6000 MILEAGE UM If\••• number1 tor .......-y.,.,,,,,,~ INY •l'l del)eftdlftO Oft '*1"'"0 -" tnp ~II and weethet c0Nt1hon1 -~moiegM Wiii pr-,o.- .EXAMPLE: Ser. #5231163 FACTORY REBATE OFHR EXPIRES MARCH l f st. s • s EXAMPLE : Ser. #509653 ·FACTORY REBATE ' OHH EXPIRES MARCH 31 st. BRAND NEW 1·911 T-1 ~000-· OR . Ate ONLY 33 PER .MONTH 5500 FACTORY REBATE f'llCI Mttl. ....... ..._ k. •he. .... Sttl.H hw9 .... SJH .H ta. StH.H DMY le-ca...UO.H Fie,._, l lOO.O ...._ ter • ..... et St H I.to hw9 P.,...e. celll er ...... ._, H J.JJ ,_.. __... ._ H ......_ IJOtt.10 "--• c ..... A.I.I. JO.JJ4'lle. ~,.,.... prtc. 171~~70 • .,,._,.M ~ . . '786cyl., :.!~~:ir, pwr. $299 steering & brakes, AM·FM stereo & cass .. wsw tires. (706Wl<U). FOltD PIMTO '76 Econo~1c~~!C:1~;d~r engine. s2495 automatic transmission, factory air cond., power steering, wsw tires & . only 56_.556 miles! (717N~). _ · __ ,81 ~~~ $6495 4 cyl. Of' 8 cyt. Autometlc trans .. lacfory air cof'ld. power steering & brakea. lo~ mhes. (1AHA817). 20 TO CHOOSE FIOM! _ , '78 ~n::i~ s3295 4 cyhndef engine, 4 speed trans .. AM·FM stereo with tape deck & ,only 43.467 miles. (322VAD). Super econo1T1yl , '8·o Equ1pment~~~cyl. engine, $4695 4 speed transmission. AM·FM sta<eo with tape deck & custom wheels. (598ZEE). '79 Opt10~1 ~~~omat 1c $49. 95 transmission. power steering & disc brakes, air conditioning & morel (211WRG~ '78Au tomatic ~~r steering 1 $3995 windows. factory air cond , vinyl top, ltll wheel & rallye wheels. (001TXB~ '°"'1AC ft.AMS AM '78V8. auto~~s~.~~ .. air. pwr $5995 SI • brakes · windows · door locks. AM·FM stereo & 8 track, rallye . wheels & 37.949 miles. (963VOM). _ '80. D==X s5995 ·'81" cylinde~~~~. 5 speed 4 cyl., 5 speed trans .. AM·FM transmission . AM·FM stereo, 'stereo & 8 track tape, wire wheel Tonneau cover & only 9867 low . covers & ~.627 miles. (787ZLO~ ' miles! (1Z79363i s5995 OLD• __ ..... ~u s7 ~::.~ sg995'. ' ro:"....-v . va. auto. trans .. feet. air. pwr. st .• va. auto. trans .. faciory air, pwr. ' • brakes . windows . dr. locks: st. · brakes · windows · •eat · dr. AM·FM stereo & 8 track, lllt. 79 ~~::O ~r.!' w= ~:CO:i 1 ' 11 495 . 81 .~~~:(t~~~7~\· tumo wr"" & • ~ Sugg91ted '9tall price may haw dealer Installed acc.aaorlet. I All Cert Sold On Appro¥ed Credit. All Cars Plus Tu & l lc.nM & Doc. FM. All c .. Subiect to Prior Sale. Pr1CM Good Thru Frict.y, March 5, 1982 Feciory Aebale lnotudea o.1er Plrtlctpetlon. ·OPEN DAILY-9 A.M. ro I 0 P.M. WE LEASE ALL . ~ICES ·AND· MODELS • • • • • -11111111 ., .Ml Wf IJNI SDAY MAHLH I 1'1/i:) OH ANGF COll N I Y ('Al l f-OHNIA 25 CENTS Reagan calls l!udget ~~fiCit ~eces~~-ry evil' LOS ANGELES <AP> - President Reagan said today the blJ budget deficits in bis economic plan "are a necessary evil in the real world today," and dug his heels in deeper against proposals td' scale back ·on tax cuts enacted only last year.· ••Decreasing and postponing the tax cut originally damaged our chances of nipping this recession in the bud,'· Reagan said. "A tax increase now might well stall recovery further, suppressing tax revenues and ensuring permanently high budget_ deficits.'' R eagan def ende d his e mbatUed budget plan befo,re. the l.os Angeles County Hoaru 01 Supervisors before he began a tour-day vacation at his Santa Barbara ranch. It was his third speech in two days ln a campaign to squelch proposals from con4resaional Republicans and Democrats to cut his proposed fiscal 1983 budget deficit of $91.5 billion by raising taxes and cutting defense spending. Reagan told an a udience Tuesday in Albuquerque, N.M .• that the alternative to a big U.S. military buildup was "a larger and increased possibility of war." He srud he was willing to run up s ubstantial budget deficits "if that is what It takes I PLANE PREPARED FOR REMOVAL Workml'n un<kr plam· and at lert reao~· C'rippled singll'·engine Reec~c·rafl to tw to buy peace tor the rest of th.is century." The president told the Los An~eles supervif!ors today that ~he only cure for budget deficits 1s to s low the growth of government spending. Reagan, who campaigned in 1980 on a pledge to balance the budget by 1983, said the deficits he projects through 1984 "are much larger than I would like." But, he said, "they are a necessary evil in the real world today. And bear in mind, they would not be signiricantly reduced -if at all -by raising taxes, which is the common e l e m ent i n most o r the curb-the-deficit proposals being bandied about." Heagan acknowledged that the deticits are politically damaging in an e lection year. "It's certainly taking its toll on the nerves or those on Capitol HUI ," he said. · Acknowledging that both RepubUcan and Democrats are complaining about the red ink, Reagan said, "We have begun to hear a chorus or ad hoc alternatives to our economic program from both sides or the aisle -from those who have a lways been concerned with deficit spending but also from some who never muttered a word about deficits over the years. even when past deficits CMily ...... ~.., ....... I( .... hois ted b\ c:ran(' off baseball d1amon<1 at Corn11.1 dt>I ~lar High School whl'I'<' 1t made a hllmP' land1~g Tm .... d .1' sh can~-els .ball game CdM High School home field matchup with Santa Ana rescheduled By STEVE MARBLE Of ... o.ltr ...... ,.... An airplane's abrupt and bumpy landing on a baseball diamond al Corona del Mar High School has cost the Sea Kings varsity baseball team its home field advantage. But the varsity baseball field likely saved the lives of Laguna Niguel pilot Carlos Bernard, his wife and their two s mall sons. sons. · The foursome came through the forced landing without serious injury and were able to walk away from their crippled plane. But the s udd e n landin~ brought a few scheduling problems to the Sea Kings. A tournament matchup between the Sea Kings and the Saints of Santa Ana High School was postponed Tuesday after the single-engine Beechcraft did a bellyride through the centerfield fence. tore its way through the infield and came to a halt near a dugout. "It's the first time I can th.ink of that a game's been canceled because of a plane cras h ," commented high school athletic director Ron Davis today. The game. rescheduled today. was to be played in Santa Ana. Work crews were still at the high school today attempting to repair 128 feet of cente rfield fence that the plane pulled down early Tuesday. Bernhard, an airline pilot, said hts plane was over the ocean when it started sputtering and throwing oi l on to the windshield. Bernhard said he turned the craft back toward John Wayne Airport, where he'd taken off just minutes earlier, but soon realized he'd never make it. He said the engine died just as he spotted the high school ball Veterans' service office hit Supervisor Wieder finds 'many grievances valid' By F REDERICK SCHOEMtm, Of .. o.lly Plleit Staff system was not acceptable, and t hal the information file for veterans services was in poor condition. field. which was empty. The National Transportation Safety Board, summoned to the campus to study the crippled craft. said it will be several weeks befbre the cause of the engine failure is oinp0intett ··All we can say at this point is that the pilot did one heck of a job landing ," a NTSB spokeswoman said. It took Newport Be ach firemen and Federal Aviation Administration officials nearly five hours to get the plane olf the field. The workmen were forced to unbolt the wings and then bring in a small crane to lift the remaining fuselage from the ball diamond. Addit1onaHy, a private firm was hired to remove a quantity of soil soaked with gasoline. The contaminated dirt was replaced with fresh soil. representecl a far larger portion of the gross national product than today's." He declared that the economy ''is poised for recovery but th.is time we will not let inflation take off as it did in the past ." Trying to calm fears among stale and local leaders about h.is "new federalism" proposal to transfer federal programs to the stat es, Reagan sa.id, "Thi1s proposal is not set in concrete, but we think it is basically on target or we would not have presented it." He descr1bed the plan as a .starting point for oegoliations bet ween the federal government and the stales. ··our federalism program will have no losers. This ia not an attempt to dump anythln& on the states and local government," he said. Promising increased efforts to eliminate inefficiency and waate in government , R eagan announced he had appointed J. Peter Grace, chairma n and chief executive officer of an internationa l c h e mical company, as chairm a n of a private-sector surve~ on cost co ntr ol in the f e deral government, a ,i~wly established advisory group. Reagan said Grace promised that he and other members of the team "will work like tireless bloodhounds" in search of federal savings. Nestande set for meet on • Ziggurat buy 0 range County Board or Supervisors Chairm an Bruce Nestande is planning to meet with federal officials this week in Washington D.C. to see how receptive they are to selling the county the million-square-foot Chet Holifield federal building in Laguna Niguel F e llow 'super visors agreed Tuesday It would be a good idea to look into the financial feasibility of having the county acquire the six-story facility. Nestande said he would bring up the s ubje ct during a Was hington visit this week where he will also meet with legislators and otriclals on a variety of topics. The f e deral government acquired the Holifield building. known also as the Ziggurat. in March 1971. North American Rockwell Corp., the previous owner, had never occupied the building because or the slump in the aerospa~e industry in the early 1970s Despite. its ownership, the federal government also has not made much use or the building. which. according to Nestande, has about 400,000 square feet of unused office s pace. Nestande said Tuesday that possible county purchase of the facility was "worth looking at" because there is good access to the building and it could house a variety of county agencies Orange County already makes Three seized on drug raps A week-long investigation by Costa Mesa narcotics detectives culminated Tuesday in the arrest of three people and the seizure or three ounces or cocaine with a street value of more than $10,000, police said tod ay. DetecUves also confiscated $3,000 in cash during the operation. Arrested on char ges of selling cocaine were Dana Clyde Nelson of Newport Beach and William Herbert Stull and Rodolfo D. Fernandez, both of Costa Mesa. use of a regional c1v1c center s ite in Laguna Niguel, but it is filled to capacity. South Orange County is one of the fastest ~rowing areas i~n the region. Nestande already has s uggested that a joint venture involving private ente rprise could be used for purchase of the building. OC nixes new panel for airport The Orange County Board or Supervisors has let it be known that it wants no lurther time spent on proposals dealing wit.h creation of a multi-agency airport authority to administer John Wayne Airport. R esponding to suggestions contained in a manage ment audit of ain><>rt operations. the board said Tuesday that it saw no benefits to c r eating an agency composed of county government and cities which have a strong interest in airport operations. An airport authority. under s tat e law . would be a government agency independent from county or city control. Most of the board's members agreed with Supervisor Thomas Riley when he sai~: "I think we have already provided -through the many different t ypes or community groups -the opportunity to participate in the direct contact wit h J o hn Way ne and its operator." , The county has primary responsibility for management of the controversial airfield. The joint powers suggestion was one of five "alternative a pproac h es" to airport management li s ted i n the internal audit of John Wayne Airport operations. Th e four othe r a reas m entioned in the audit. the board concluded, were at the very least worthy of further study. Operations of the central Orange County office for h andling of veterans' services have been criticized by county Supervisor Harriett Wieder after she made an unannounced visit. Mrs . Wieder mad e the inspection of the office at 1300 S. Grand Ave., Santa Ana, after r eceiving complaints Crom veterans that the office was not s atisfactory. • • 1 found many of their grievances valid," Mrs. Wieder said in a memo sent Monday to James Heim, director of the county Community Services Agency. The CSA provides ser vices to veterans as part of its function. Mrs. Wieder complained that the Veterans Service Office was not marked by signs, that the cou nter arrangement was "unacceptable," that files were "open and obtainable by anyone in the o<fice;" that the telephone: "I think this is symbolic of the feeling veterans eet that the county is unconcerned with the operation of the ve terans services office." she said in the memo to Heim. Bill Hodge, an aide to Mrs. Wieder . said Heim has been asked to prepare a report on the complaints by March 15. Man pleaJ,s guilty in $129,000 scam The board orde r ed both Airport Manager Murry Cable and C hief Adminis trative ·O fifi cer Robert Thomas to report back in 60 days on the feasibility or these other proposals. Schmitz drops out of Birch Society 81 .IEFf' ADLEa °' .. .,.... .......... State Sen. John Schmit&, R·Corona del Mar, said today he has resigned from the John Birch Society as a '•matter of honor." The RepubUcan candidate for the U.S. Senate, a Bh;ch Society member since 1M3, said he resl1ned Tuesday because .~ WH "9fused the opportunity to 1peak to the or1anlaatlon'• Nalloul Counell when It meetl In Loi Aqelet next week. Sd1mlt1 wa1 removed from '"'lM •member NaUonal CountU "·Jast week by tbe CouneU'• ' ...... «M!Ulll .... ~. ~ He caued Welch's refusal to allow him to speak to the council a "breach ·or cMvalry" In his resignation letter addressed to Welch. Schmitz sai d he was disappointed the society was not stickinc by him u he had stuck by It during hla 18·year association. "For 18 years t put up with the controversial statements and wear tt u a bad8e of honor and then I make a couple of controversial 1tatement1 and I'm mnovect," Schmit• 1akt by telephoM trom hll Sacr•men\O hotel room Wednelday. <SM aauun. ••1e AJ> ~ In a separate. but related report, the Santa Ana veterans' office was labeled "horrendous" by an monitoring committee made up of represenlaUves of various veterans or,anizatlons. The county's ve\eran services program bas been under fire trom various veterana' groups since last s ummer when supervisors agreed lo combine the veterans' program with the county's consumer affair s program . Veterans ' representatives say they want th,e office to be independent. At that time, supervisors, at Mra. Wieder's request, formed the monitoring committee. It bas examined other veterans offices In Placenlla, Huntinston' Beach and Oran•• and made recommendation• to improve them. j , The committee concluded In Ill report that the 1upervllort 1bouad NeValuate UM dtclaioll to mer,. tbe veterane atf airs and; ~UIMl"fUnet.lona. l A program manager for Children's ltome Society in Santa Ana has pleaded guilty to a charee of grand theft in connection with the alleged embezzlement of $129,000 from one of California's oldest and largest adoption agencies. Entering the plea Tuesday in Ce ntral Ora n ge County Municipal Court was Mark Thomas Renick, 28, of Midway City . He ,urrend ered to autboriUes earlier in the day on a ~.ooo warrant. Renick was one of four people s uspected of embeuling the funds from the 9l·year-old adoption a1ency. The other three ~ve yet lo enter pleas in the cue. Deputy Dlltrlct Attorney Tom Buck said \be Midway City man pleaded pllty to I llAllt C0\8\t of 1rand 1.heft that lncludtd a.he alle1atlon that he took more than 1100,000. Ruick wu allowed to remalft frH wltbout ball and waa ordered to return to Or_a~ County Superior Court on Marcu 12. l l is alleged that Renick and his co-defendants s ubmitted Invoices from phony day-care centers to the Children's Home Society for payment of services never rendered. Buck said the four split up the· funds after payment was received. The money allegedly is 1till rm11ing. The Children's Society itself discovered the Irregularities in early January. An audit was or dered and the Santa Ana Polllce department was notified. The deputy district attorney 11dded that the arency deterved to be "commended" for the way It handled the sltuatJon. Renick · facet a maximum five-year term tn state prison. Othen cbar1.a In the UH include Krlatlne Deborah CODD9! 1 30, of Senta Ana, Bruce Joel AJder, a, a Denftr·area re1ldeat1 Jeaa.tta '61ber of Corona del II ar,. and 8'even Hay~ ol Garden Grove, llllCI CUil 1111111 Some cloudiness but mostly fair today through Thursday. Highs 67 to 73. overnight lows 48 to 53. llllDf TIDAY Tht building ond ·development indw1lr11 ft cnt•riftQ a MW mi, accordiftg t o Ra JI rn o it d W a ho" , pr11fdent o/ the Newport Deuelopmnl Co., in a qeech to the Building lnduttry Auociation. SH Page 84. • .. •• u •• Orange Coaal DAIL~ PILOTjWednnday, Maroh 3, 1ff2 . 'Reagan warned ahOut economy . Banking, housing leaders iay budget deficits threaten U.S., urge acti<in ·. · I By fte Aultla&ed P'"' Leadffl of tke banlt1n11 and houaln1 lnduatrles warned President Reaaan today that huce federal deficits threaten to return the country lo the economic conditions or the 19308, a nd urced him to solve the problem even lf il meaos raisins tais,e,a. The appeal came after the aovernment reported Tuesday that sales of new single-family 1 homes plunged 22.8 percent In January from December. ending three s traig ht months or Increases and falling to the second-lowest rate in the 20 years such figures have been kept. • \ v Reaaan, ln app•arancea Tuesday ln Wyomln1 and New Mexico, uid ht would not r etreat from hh taa-cut proaram and planned delen1e buildup to reduce buae bt.ldttl deficits. Deaplle. deflclU widely projected al over $100 billion In· the comina ,yHr•~ .Reaouaid his economic proaram would "guide our country out of this dark tunnel of recession and decline." But Federal· Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker warned the Senate Budget Committee that unless the deficits are cut, the economy could "slip back into the morass again." Got a court fine? Plwne and charge it By PIDL SNEIDERMAN Of ltl• D.tily Pi ... Staff .--. People who must pay certain fines at West Orange County 1 Municipal Court can now simply J e t noise rules set at Burbank BURBANK (A P ) -Burbank Airport commissioners have decided that carriers new •to the ai rport must ny the new. quieter generation of jets arrd t hat existing airlines must phase in the jets by 1990. The Burba nk -Glen · d a I e · P a s a d e n a· Airport Authority passed the new regulations -aim ed at noise control -despit e opposition fro m the -Federal /\ viation Administration. The only jet that fits the requirements is the DC-9 Super 80. although the Boeing 757 and other jets planned for future pro duction will m eet the standards also, said Samuel L. Jones, airport mana ger o r community relations. Two commissione rs opposed mandating that new airlines convert to the $23-million DC-9 Super 80s or be banned from the airport. The FAA's wester n region direotor. H.C. McClure, wrote saying that the rule is discriminatory. It would ··grant s pecial favorded status to incumbent carriers," M-CCl,ure said. "We pic k up a ph on e and say. .... Charge it!" The new telephone payment plan for holders oC Visa or MasterCard was put into effect Tu esd ay t o s a ve traffle offenders and others a trip to thP Westminster courthouse Court officials hope the phone option will reduce the current long lines at the cushle~'!I counter and cut the number of bad c h eck s r eceive d in payments. Un veiling the plan. West Court Presiding Judge Joanne Ha rrold n ote d that c har ge ca rd paym ents only will be accepted for "out-of·custody situations." s uch a s t raffic vio lations. pa rking tickets, city fines and bail for some misd emeanors such as petty theft "In othe r words," she said, "you're not going to be able to use plastic money to get out of jail." Western Union has set up a -toll -free-telephone number for West County offenders. To pay the appropriate bail or fin e, a person mu~t give the Western Union operator his case or cita tion number and his ch a rge card number. Western Union charges t he fine to the violators' Visa or MasterCard account and pays West Court. usually on the sam e day the call was placed. For its trouble, Western Union collects a service charge from the offender, starting at $6 for fines up to $100. Wes tern Unjon offi cials said the Westminster courthouse is the fi rst in California to offer this charge-a-fine service. ln a ltsller to Rea1an released In advance of today's delivery. the banking and housing organ ization leadera said: "More than anything else. it Is the spectre of an overwbelm.iJl1 volume ot d eficit financing which haunts hous ing and ClnQttcJa.l rnarttet.s and poses the threat of economic .and flnanclal- conditions not seen since the 19301." The letter c11rne from the h~ads of lhe American Bankers Association, United States League of Savings Associations, the National Association of Realtors, National Association of Home Builders, Mortgage B a nke rs Association and National Association of Mutual Dally ~Ii.-$1.tfl - QUITS SOCIETY St alt' Sm . .Jo hn St'hm1t11 ha:-. n·i-iitm•d from tht• .John Rirc·h SoC'it•t\· afll'r bl0111g remn\'(.'cl from lhl• g r o up ·~ :-o;a t i on al Coun('ll .. From PageA1 SCHMITZ. • • He said he was removed from the council because "I was getting the Birch Society bad press.·· If he had been allowed to speak at the council meeting he would have presente d not a de fense, but a counter-attack, Schmitz, a form er Marine. said. He added he was surprised by his removal because he didn't know what he had done that was "non-anti-co mmunis t." He in s i s ted h e s till i s anti -communist and wi ll conlmue lo s ubscribe to Birch- Savln11 Banks, It uld persistently hlah lnter.,at rat.es ••are creating an economic and financial crisis In this country'' and called fpr slowlnc s pendlnc for b0$_h detenae and social programs. lf necessary, it said , previously en1&cted _person•l income lax cuts should be deferred or taxes should be raised. Energy issues led the stock market in a broad retreat today. Trading was active . The Dow Jones average or 30 industrials fell 6.09 points to 819.73 In the nrs t four hours. Losers held a 3-1 lead over gainers in the over·all tally of Ne w York Stpck Exchange-listed issues. 2 Anaheim ex-cops indicted Two former Anaheim police officers surrendered in Superior Court Tuesday arter the Orange County Grand Jury indicted the m on charges or using excessive force while members or a special task force. A third former officer was expected to surrender 'in court today on similar charges. Surrendering Tuesday before Superior Court Judge Luis A. Cardenas were John R. Jansen., 43. and John C. Everley, 32. Both men were fired by Police Chief George Tielsch last month f o ll owi ng an i nt e rnal in ves ti gatiol\. Jansen . a s e r g e an t • a n d E v er I e y • a detective. -had belonged to a special crim e task force. The Grand Jury , i n its complaint issue d Tu esday, c h arge d t h e m en with conspiracy to obstruct justice. false imprisonment and assault under the color of authority. An indictment is a fo rmal charge made against a person by a grand jury. It does not establish guilt or innocence. Anaheim police officials said their c harges against t he orficers stemmed from six separate incidents dating back to 1979. None or the incidents, Tielsch said. involved extre me brutality. APWI ...... STOLEN ART Stokn ll~ali;111 ;1rt r1·1·11\ t'l'l'd 111 '\1•\\ Y11rl-. 1-. displa~'(.•d h~· Willll'rt :'\1d10b. ol th,• l. S Cu,tnm ... Sl·n H 'l' A Roman Catholll' prit•"t. Rt•\ l.nrt•nw Zol'l;.1 11 ... tt·d ..... .1 \'at1ean d iplomat at thl· l 'n1tt'd '\.it1111i-.. ,,;a:-. f1't'l' 1111 hnnd T ut•sd<1\' aft<'I' his ;11·n·-.t on I' hart!~·~ 111' ... llHl l.!!.!lin :.! t h1· ;11·1 antn lht• CS. Thn.•t• othl'r own \\'t:n• al~•> '('l/t•d Sheika reunited with her children NASSAU, Bahamas CAP> -A tearful Sheika De na al Fassi, locked in a bUlion-dollar divorce proceeding with her wealthy Saudi Arabian husband, saw her children for the {irst time since Janua ry. The reunion came Tuesday, hours after the sheika and d i v o r c e l a w ·y e r M a r v i n Mitchelson tried to fight their way into Sheik Moha m ed al Fassi's h e avil y guarde d quarters on the ninth floor of the Paradise Is land Hotel here . for two hours each day in the afternoon and morning. When· Mrs. al Fassi saw the · children Turrel. 5, Hessah. 4, Abdul. 3, a nd 27-m onth-old Faud, it was for the first lime an three months. "Very good, Very good. My children are fine," she said after the visit. "They wanted me to buy them chocolate. candies and toys before my next visit. They were ver y , very happy and everylrung went nice." The s'heika has filed a $3 billioq divorce s uit against the Saudi Arabian billionaire, whom she married eight years a go G~ sla ughtered ? when she was t5 and he was 19. .In a Tuesday court order here, ANDERSON (AP l -A the sheik was given temporary The court order will re main an effect pending a Bahamian Supreme Court hea ring on custody scheduled Thursday. Northern California man has c us tody of the four children . been booked on ch arges of ranging in age from 2 to 5. stealing eight saddle horses. Under the order. the she ika was seven of which were sol_d~to _ _.....g....,jven rights of access and was to slaughCeffiouses. police report. be allowed to visit the children Lawyers for the couple had agreed to temporarily make their four children wards of the Supreme Court of the Bahamas in.fl rare Monday night session or the court. I know or no noise-related basis for this double standard.'· lttc'tr.mtWacl<, admanislrallve office r for the West Orange County Judicial District. said officials at the county's four othe r municipal courts are studying the charge plan and may implement it in the coming weeks. Society publications. ----------------------------------------- 11 But the majority said the rule I is needed to comply with federal and state noise mandates. "It distinguishes betw.eeo new carriers and existing carriers; the question was whether that 1' was r easonable to make that l distinction," Jones said. He said the airport handles up to 100 commercial jet arrivals a nd depar t ures daily. a nd complies with government noise guidelines. Wi t ~ t h e n e w r u l e. the com missioners have cr eated "what they believe to be a reasonable hurdle for new carrier s in th e interest or protecting the noise ceiling they have." An effort by the Orange County Board of Supervisors to force Western Airlines to use only DC-9 Supe r 80s at John Wayne Airport was overturned by a U.S. District Court judge las t year. Stowa w a y, 14,found MELBO U RN E . Australia (AP) -A 14-year-old girl was found stowed away on the U.S. aircraft carrier Constellation 50 miles off Fremantle, in western Australia. The girl , who was n ot identified, was found during a routine search or the carrier, which left Fremantle earlier Monday. She was immediately put aboard a helicopter and taken to an Australian n·avy base, where police ke pt her in c ustody until he r parents arrived. Judge Harrold said West Court now handles about 600 over-the-counter pay ments a day. With the new charge plan. s he said , "It would not surprise me to see that cut in half." The tele phone number. for those who might have occasion to use it. is 1·800·648·4920. Philip Dick, S A novelist, d ead at 54 Philip K . D ic k . a n award-winning science fiction writer who turned out 35 novels and six short story collections during his career, died Tuesday in Santa Ana at the age of pl. Dick, a native of Chica~o who spent mos t or his life in California, won one of science fi ction's highest honors. the Hugo Award, in 1962 for his novel, "The Man in the High Castle." In 1974, he won the John W. Cantrell Memorial Award for hjs book, "Slow My Tear s. the Policeman Said." Dick's latest and final novel, ·'Th e Trans migration of Timothy Arche r ." ls to be published in May. He was a resident or Santa Ana and died after a brief illness. Asked whether his candidacy is being isolated b9 many political organizat ions. Schmitz 'r esponded, .. , am being attacked by left-wingers or non-political orga nizations like the John Birch Society ... He said, however, that mail and telephone calls supporting his Senate bid have continued to increase. Schmitz has been str ipped of hi s Se n a t e co mmittee cha irmans hip and formally reprimanded by the full Senate for remarks he made concerning women and Jews . - Th e l eadership o f t he California Re publican Party has disavowed his remarks as has the O!'ange County Amerkan Independent Party, of which he was on ce a m e mb e r a nd presidential candidate. Coast Guard sa ves woman off La Jolla LA JOLLA IAP> -A Coast Guar d heli copter scooped a woman scuba diver from the ocean after she and her male companion were batte r ed aga inst rocks b y p o unding waves at Polnl. La Joll a Cove. Michelle Rehrig, 18. of San Diego. was suf(ering severe facial bruises and hypothermia when r '?scue rs plucked 'he r from the 65-degree surf about 6:45 p .m . Tuesday, P etty Officer Tony Chilelli said. The semi-conscious woman wasn't able to climb Into the r escu e ~asket so rescuers maneuvered it underneath her, . he said. . CIHelfted edftnt9'ng 714,1142-1171 Mark Dickinson of Coronado, All ottter depertlMnta 142-4m also J8, managed to free himself OAAAOE COAST Daily Pilat Thomes P. Haley ..__~f-111• .. Oii~• Robert N. Weed • ..._ Thomas A. Murphlne ..... L Kay Schultz Ylot,.....,. .... Owecllot tA °'"'"~ Mich•I P. Harvey ..._.ow.. Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. O.-Dlred9' Chlr*t1. loot ........... MAIN OfflCE from his gear, ride waves into ••• eer1t~c-.-...CA. shore and clamber up the rocky Mell.--: ._,,..,c--....CA.... bank at the resort area 10 mUes c...,, .... ,.. 0r.,.. c.tt ,......,. c:.-. north or San Diego, lifeguard ,.._......_,~.....,,..,,..._.,.... J h Litll Id .,.,,, ...... 111re111 _., ... ·-,..,.. ....... o n e sa . 9"<lel,..11I ll•n•c---. Miss Rehrig was hospitalized •-,._ ,... ... 119111 • c.. .. -.... c.!lfttllla. f bs U B Ibo N al 1u..s 1~. ~n,tietl "'~·i.rt4.7t.,....., or o erva on at a a av ,ty_.. ..... .-...,. Hospital, although Little said. Tiit 0r-. c.-c o.i'T. =..=...,. •-she was in good condition after = -:..=.~ . ..,._~ !;.::"': emergency room treatment..· ,..,.,. ~~,....,.., c....--. Dickinson wu treated for ~=~= ::.= bruises at Scripps Hospital and ...... " ..... a .......... ,... released. "1MINI ....... II ..... ._,.._, ~.o . ._.,.Cllli .~.... . A beach·walker saw the pair t VOL. 15, NO. 12 s\ru1attn1 and called ror help, .__..,.._......_.._ ........ ___________ 1 __ ._ __ . officials said. • MID WINTER SALE only 2 weeks le ft Taste means Drexel.· And Et Cetera . Have a parly to show off these elegan1 enter· ta1nment pieces from the Drexel~ Et Cetera collect1on1 Each is an example of the Drexel genu1s for intelligent deS1gn. blended with meticulous craftsmanship 'Drexel uses rare woods. patiently hand-rubbed finishes. carv- ing. magnificent veneers -all to create unequalled excitement 1n home decoration Bring OreKel' 1aste mto your home• This handsome hall chest 1s typical superbly proportioned, l1nety cralled, dramat1· cally decorated With accents-or the Ori- ent and lm1shed 1n a charcoal lacquer. this is a treasure y<>t.ill own with pnde1 OPEN SUNDAY 12:30-5:00 .1 - A~~ DEBUT OF NOTE Former DemoC'ratir s<'nator from Soµt h Dakota and presidential randictatc George McGovern sits at the piuno before presenting a recitc1 l in his Washington. O.C. home. Friend~ and politital peers. inc~cling Sen Edwarcl Kenned~'. ~atht•rc.•d to heur Mcc!'ovcrn. who has bC'C'n a serious student of tlw pwno for only si:x months . Actress scolds theatergoer Katharin e H ep burn stepped out of character for a m o m ent t o scold a theatergoer who put his feet on the stage where Miss Hepburn was starrin g in "The West Side Waltz" on Broadway. "You must take your feet off the stage." the actress said to the male patron in the front-row-center seat, who had crossed his legs and put his feet on the rim or the stage. Ente rtainer Danny Thomas says he'll return to the Copa s howroom he opened three decades ago in hopes of resurrecting "the good old days" of a bygone Las Vegas era. Thomas said he hoped other entertainers who had played the famous Sands Hotel s howroom would follow his lead and "give back some of what this city has given them." She picked up her lines and the show went on, but during her curtain call , according to company manager David H edges, the s am e theatergoer stood up and let go-with a camera equipped with nash bulb. Cameras are forbidden in Broadway theaters. "You must never again do a thing like that in the theater ," Miss Hepburn admonished him "The 70 ·year·ol d entertainer. who will return for a week-long engagement Mar ch 17, criticized stars and agents for demanding exorbitant pay at a handful of Strip hotels Most Strip hotels have gone to stage or package shows because entertaine rs' salaries have soared as high as $350,000 a week . H otels stil l maintaining a star policy are charging $35 to S50 a person for dinner-less shows. W.._ ......,, aulbir ol Hat •ft""•• 1nt111 Uau ••bro It buC11t lilt ltfr D••U '"•ll••n tn oontrov1r1~ l11t I• , t1 1mont tbt whtntH of UM 1111 o.r .. PoU& Aw1rd1 ln jo~rnalllm. Oretder, an 111htant man11tn1 editor of tht W11hl1J1ton Poat, won tbt m1p1lnt reportln1 award for 'Th• Education ot Davtd Stockman," publllhed in The AtlanUc Monthly. ABC News and '.rbe New York Times each won two Polk awards, whlch are presented by Lona Island University and honor a CBS correspondent killed ln UM8 when he tried to reach a guerrilla leader for an interview during the Greek Civil War. Joan Kennedy says that with her divorce pending, she may h ave found a n e w career -presenting the arts to children on cable TV. Mrs. Kennedy, wife of Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass .. also said she is learning how to fend for herself and her c hild ren as a working mother. "I'm learning what it Is like for a woman to be living alone and handling all her affairs by herself," Mrs . Kennedy said in an interview Tuesday on ABC-TV's "Good Morning America ." "I've never been doing better in my entire life," s he said. Dylan Thomas' son said his dad would have preferred the drinks that followed more than the staid memorial service that enshrined the Welsh poet in Westminster Abbey 29 year s a fter his death. Thomas. who died in New York of alcoholism at the age or 39, joined Shakespeare, Chaucer and other hallowed names of British literature when his daughter. Aeronwy Thomas-Ellis, unveiled a plaque in his honor in the Poet's Comer of the abbey. The service in cluded hy mns, prayers. s p ecial mu~ic by Welshman Daniel Jo11es, a boyhood friend of the poet, and the reading of his "Poem in October" and "Fern Hill." Fair weather-/ inally Coastal The Drlef raln'1orm ot Ille PHI t- dOI hu CIMn..0 "'" \Illes ol • .._ the Air Quality Mtl\t9fmtnt District w ldTutt<Yy Some ctoucllnou but mOJllV t•lr tod1v lllr°"911 Tl\urt<My. Co•1tal tl lg" '1 Thu,.day , ovunlght 1-41 W•ter60. l he AQMO llkl l lr QU1llty ll'OUld be good In all _.11on1 ot Ille South Coot Air Buln toC14y, with • POiiutant st.llndarCI Index ot 47. lnl•ncl 11191> 73 Tllur\Clty, ov•rni9ht •-u Etsewr.er•. ,_,,,_,, winds 10 10 Temperatures 70 knot1 with 4· to 6 loot UH de<rtHlnQ tonl91>t over the outer co111at w.itr1 from Point Conception fo Sin Nkolu hl4ltld tn otller •rut Albany 10 to :io knott '"'' •v•nlnQ w1na1 Albuque wuterly I to IS knots Tnurwo Amerlfto •tternoon. Wesltrly swell 2 to J feet An<horatp Some ctouellneu Dul mostly f1lr All>evltle tllrouQh Tl\urwlty Atlante --------------------All•ntc Ctv B•lllmore V S Blrmlr19hm . . summary Bl1marc11 Boh e R1ln end JnOW tell todn over Ille Central Pl•lns, ,.,. Ohio Valley •ncl the mld·All•ntlc CoHI whllt a mixture ol rain. lre.11no rain •lHI •nd sno\ilf moved ov~r ,,,, ,mlCl·MIUIHIPP• V•lley and lht central PlalM Rain •nd snow continued over much of ,.,. West. Fair wuthtr p,,.v•lfecl from,.,. wiutMrn Plains lo lht soutl\em Allanllc Coot end from Ille ,,_r Mlulnlppl V•ll•v to Ille northern Allollel< Coast The lor«nt called tor ....,w from the northern ano ctntral Pl•ln1. •cron lht MlulnlPe>I md Ohio V•ll•YI aod Into ,,,. "-'tchlitnl S llowe,. were t•e>ecttCI lrom Oklohoma and Ar•ansu throu9h Tenne1s. •net Kel\hKkY 1no Into Vlrt1nlo -North Qrotlna. Su""v lklfl were upecttO tlHwl\ere. Temoer.e.,..n around the nation t orly today renotCI from U In HlbOlno. Minn., to 67 In Key Wnt Flt. California SoYllltrn Cellfor11I• wlll floe mostly l•lr weallltr llHou9h f11urtday, wltll mOll .,. ... 1 tet11119 1l19'1tly w•rmtr _,,.,. Bolton 8rownsvlle B11t1110 Ct>artstn SC Ct>trtllnWV CMvenne c111caoo Clnclnn .. I CltVtllncl ColYmbus Oel·F\wtll O.nvtr 0.1 Moln.l Oelrolt Oulu th Et Paso Har1ford Htlen1 Honolulu Houlton tndn•Plll J•<UtlVllt Juneau Kans City. LHV~ Little ROC'k Loulwlll• Memphl1 Miami Mtlw1ultet Mpts-S\ P NaSllvltte N•wOrlNM NewY- NOrlolk Oki• City HI U ~Cit ll " 61 0 11 n JI ,, . 67 )6 67 •1 S4 1' S6 n en 67 ., 12 1 OS ., 33 .02 3' 20 77 S7 ,. • 03 M 41 6J J'2 °' n n OJ l6 19 IS S8 13 20 )6 10 62 41 18 .H " S4 .. 1' JI ZI .30 JI 13 14 16 ·II 71 SJ ,, 17 33 2' .04 .... • ., S7 54 23 .13 71 3' ,. ' S7 » " ... " SJ " n u .. S4 7l 61 )) ·1 .u 74 9 70 !O 70 ... .. ,, 67 '° .... Om•ht Orlando Phll•Clpl11• P~nl• Pltt1burQh Pllend,W . P11 ... e1, °"'· R•pld City Rtno Salt \.ne St LOUii St P·T•,,._ St Sit Mori• Sl)OUne l.wcson Tulia WHl\l~n Wichita CALl~llNIA BOtrtlletCI Btytht Eurei.a FrHno \.1nca1ter I.OJ Anotler. M•ruvllle Montt .. y NHcltts Otklend PM<> Rot>! .. RtO 81..tf RtdwOOCI City Setrame11lo S.llnu San FrancJsco Santa Bwtler• Solll• -·· Stockton Thermal Ukiah n 21 1• !O ., ,. .07 B•rllo .. .. 41 77 S8 l6 12 J7 10 "'0 ,, I? BIQBHt n B1111op Ctl•llna ... JO " u JO M S6 .s1 1.ono Beach U SJ .04 67 ... u Monrovia .Ot Mt. Wiison 40 "' .71 u si .10 '' J2 S7 )6 ti NewPOrt BNch .JI Ontario •• S4 u ll .. 0 .. ·17 •• 37 n !O 1S 0 S6 )6 ., )6 .. Palm Sprft19S Pallelen• IS SI u ... 17 San BtrnanSlno StnJoH Sant• ANI S1 ... IJ s• SJ 41 M S1 .IS .01 Santa Cruz .01 Tal'IOe 11•11.., 60 so ·" ,. n 67 ., 01 79 54 4S .0 u '° .01 st ., ·°" .. S4 " u .. H - 76 s• so 60 37 ·°" 60 .. St '6 .IS s• o .41 St .I() .2' S6 ... :IO ., 43 .01 ., - ti 1• H llAN AMelttCAN ACaPlllC.O .. 10 17 Bt rbtclOl M 11 Btrmud1 70 ti .S6 8-t• 10 c .... 100 .. 1s FrMf)Of1 1S M Gutdal•I•• 79 45 GuleltlOllPt .. M Heona n -.'2 Kl1141"on .. 41 Mon"9DltY " n Mazatlan ti n Merida ti 6J Mtxl<o City .. •1 .Ot ""°"'"'''' 17 .. ...... ,, 17 S7 .12 S.nJutn .. n St. Thomes 41 .OS Tt011<1Qalpa 7J S1 Trlnlcltel .. " .16 Vtrt<rut 7S ... U CANADA caioary Except tor -<loucllrwu todey, Los Anoelft encl wrrounolnQ •rtH wlll M mostly fair, the ,,..llon•t Wtalhtr Service U ICI. SllOhtly warmer temoereturta, r-lnQ from Ille Y-r tOI lo 1M I-70$, •re °"Cllct.cl ThurlOtv ,...,...--------------------------------------!:~C::~c:" s .. 4 ·IJ 74 .4 23 .] 6 , 1' ·I Guity we1I lo Mrtll'#ftt wlndt of 20 to JO fnClll wlll dtert-tonltlll In "'°""taln-1 Hl9'11 lfl L.,. AnQelts will be 72 T'INrsdty. T.,. San Fernando. San Gebf'l•I tflCI S.n Btrnttdlno valley1 wltl lltw hlOhs of '1 ton. H ''"' In Ille s.nta Molll<t •• ., ., .. -Senlt 1tr11era •1111 v...wra c.unty <oettel -I Wiii .. Ill IN ,,.._ to --. The L.oflt 9Mctl 1olld Ore~ CO\lnty lftettopotllon -• wllt -hl9M from 61 to 7J. 111 meullltlft ... s, llltM at ,,.sort levels Wiii lie 0 to SS, tnCI !Owl tonlQfltwm r.,.from 1t to U H ltlll Wiii .. ., lo 7J In "'"' ... 11 .... 111IMlow?Ol1111 ... _, *ttf11, CMtllll tnd llllffinftlatt ... ,..,, wtt1 -llltM ot v .. n SURf RfPD9T We're Listening ••• Ot11wa RtQINI Toro1110 Ven<ouwr I Winni- $a<onCI- TOOAY t:4'p.m . TitUHOAY " " ' ·12 1.S Fl"t 1119" • 4! 11 t .m. S.J First'°""' 11: s. a.m. .0.4 St<olld llltll 6:4 p.m. u Second -11: It 11.m. J.J Sun rl-t :ll a.m. T"""41oy. Mil S:st11.m. MOOll Mil l :JI am T'll11r1M1a y, NIH 11:41 p.t'll. What do you like about the Dally PUot1 What don'( you like! Call the number below and your meua1e will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour anawertn1 servlH ma)' k UH~ 'to recor~ ltt· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their n\me and telephone number for vertncauon. No ctrcolatloft calls, please. "Tell ut what's on your mind. ~~.~~------------ . Orange Coat DAIL V PILOT/Wedn11d1y, Maron S1 1 H2 H/f' SMILE, SONNY Four ~·ear -olcl Limarr Burke of Boston t'asts a war~· giant'(' at a larger·lhan-lift• model of human tt•t•lh at a A~ ......... rll'ntal hc·allh fair in tht· C'it~"s Children's '.\1U!'>{'llffi. Coast druggist pleads guilty Prison terms possible on narcotics charges A 59·year-0ld Corona del Mar pharmacist and his fe male bookkeeper have pleaded guilty to misdem eanor charges of sell in g addictive d rugs to customers without prescriptions. Pharmacist John Raymond Gearing also entered a guilty plea in Harbor Municipal Court Monday on charges he faked records of drug sales. Gearing, a Laguna Niguel resident, is the owner of Jack's Pha rmacy, 3025 E . Coast Highway. The pharmacist could face up to two years in s tate prison while bookkeeper Anita Po ekentr up Gabler. a 42-year·old resident of Dana Point. faces a possi ble one·y~r sentence Neither Gearing nor Ms . Gable r have prior criminal records, Orange County Deputy District Attorney Jack Sullens said. They were arres ted las t December f o ll owing a two-month investigation. Police sa id undercove r officers purchased morphine and more than 2.000 pills at the pharmacy wit,hout prescriptions. P o lice maintained that Gearing had sold more than 27 ,000 addictive codeine tablets in the past six months plus quanti ti es o f Demero l , amphetamines and cocaine. Gearing also could £ace disciplinary action by the state Board of Pharmacy. Alcohol, sex topic of Irvine symposium I n related court action, 29-year·old James Cunningham of Cof!ona del Mar pleaded guilty to charges he attempted to bribe Gearing after the pharmacist was ~'"T'ested Cunningham faces sente"'cing later this month. Processing 'one stop' plan delayed "Alcohol and Sexual_ Functioning" is among subjects to be explored during a two-day symposium on advan ces in alcoholism research opening Friday at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. The symposium, sponsored by the Raleigh Hills Foundation and the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, wifl focus on clinically relevant alcoholism research. Other topics to be covered include "Subcultural Patterns of Al cohol Con s umption ," "Alcohol's Effects on the Brain," "Behavioral Aspects of Al coholi c Cravi ng and Withdrawal" and .. A Clinical Vi ew of Alcoholis m and Genetics .'' Among speakers are to be Dr. J ack Mendelson of Harvard Medical School and physicians from the Salk Jnstitute, Rutgers Un iversity, the University of Texas. University of Colorado School of Medicine and Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Symposium participants are to i n c lud e medical and counseling personnel from both public and private health care facilities. Late registration is available by calling 641·1616. Opening of Orange County government's "one stop" center to e limina t e delays in the processing of development plans itself has been delayed. Last Sept. 21 , at a press conference to announce plans for the center, Environmental M anagemen Agency officlals said it would open by spring of 1982. San Onofre Unit I closed for inspection In a memorandum circulated to EMA e mployees Feb. 11. agency director Murray Storm said opening of lhe center will be delaye<i until June. .. Our original estimate of a February completion date was somewhat optim istic," Storm said Unit l of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station has been shut down for between 12 and 14 wee ks lo permit inspection of previous repairs to the power plant's s team generator as well as new work on the turbine building. A U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission orricial· said the 436-megawatt. r eactor was turned off last. weekend as part • Gem Talk WE'RE MOVING ... but rwt very far When we started business here in 1946. we had some hoi)es • -a nd determination -to stay around for awhile and build a successful business in Cost~ Mesa. We've made lots of good friends over the years, and the major benefit of that is that we are able to continue to live and do business In this great place, among people we like. Later this month, we will s how another, more tangible result of these good years : we are going to ·move to a new, expanded faclllty just a few doors down the street. We will know the exact date of our move in just a few days. Our friends have helped out business to grow and to make this expansion ntteuary. We feel good about tbat. But. we dldn'l want to leave the old netpborhood. We feel committed to the helltby .redevelopm.nt of downtown Cotta 11 ... , and we want to do our put by openlftl' a new stare &!lat will lhow our pri~ lD lie area. Wt want to lh.,-e tblt rlde. of the planned three ·month s hutdown. The center is designed to a~s 1st developers in gaining approval for housing projects in a minimum amount of time. By reducing processing time, officials say, housing costs will be reduced. The official said one major a r ea of wo rk would be to d ete rmi ne if r epai r s to previously corroded pipihg in Unit l's steam generator are holding up. The center will be located in what is ~w a large conference room in the county Finance Bui I ding irr Santa Ana. Nearly $70 million in repairs were necessary in 1980 and 1981 to replace the piping, wli1ch caused a lengthy shutdown of the unit. The project is estimated to cost about $410,000. A. Time is Precious Who makes the fines1 movements in precious witches? The Swiss, of course. Th:se thrtt exquisite, fully auarantttd Swiss made ladies antique platinum watches tell It like it is In stunning style. A. Thia baauette shaped ladles watch with platinum band and case is encrusted with 88 diamonds ~ling approximately OM and a half carats. B. Rectanaular face lad tea watch has 56 round and she anduated bagucne diamond.I totaling approximately I. 76 carats . C. The wide mesh pladnum band l.s a special touch In this estate watch which displays 198 round diamonds and two marquise diamond• totalina 11pproxlmatcly 5 . .35 car1t1. MeM8ER AMERICAN OfM SOCIETY 1823 NEWPORT Bl.VO COSTA MESA 33 VEAAS IN THE SAME LOCATION BankArll9"Gard-Maa•r CN!Qt .... ONE Mf..340l J I I 1· I '"' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednuday, Maroh 3, 1982 ITTl'fl'ROfjlf'fl : U.S. seeking air bases ~nnan~~~~~-~~.~-Salvadof•n . fl.Jl.~JU~U L!J W WASJUNGTON IAP l Tiie teollmony attrtbu~ to the Do· 1111 •llfl Tu.eaday tn a 1lmple -11aault forcea which he reluaed" to APOLOGIZES St>n Bnh Pac k wooct . H ·Orl' . t'<il lt·cl a . · · prt'I t ~· tqh('t '· P n •...,tclt ·nt R t•agan on Tttl•:-da~ .i nd a pologi.~t·d tor h 1-. p11 hi t:-.lwd ('l'itiri:-m nl lh•;q.!an l11r an "i<lc<il1 zt•cl' \ H'\\ ol \mt'rt(';t tha t t:-pre<lnmtn.1111 h "hilt·. male an<l Prott•...,tant. muck in a pn\alt• ITil't•t111g \\tlh eong n•ss1nnul ll'adt•r..., o e f on, e o e part men t l 1 · · tense Department's top 1clenU1t I case brouaht by Ellen L. Kaplan Identify. uplorlng the poulblllty of which inadvertently was made or New York City, who uld Mrs. Testifying before the Houae gainlnc acceu for U .S . public. Kiuinger grabbed her u Foreign Affairs Cofnmlttee, warplaneJ at ba1e1 In several ln an article...publlshed by The Wllllum F. Baxte r was promised Newark Intematlonal Airport. Huig sand he could not provide co untries in th e weatern Army Times -a privately by the omcc or Government • b k" more detall11 because this could Caribbean, Penta1on olflclal11 o wned weekly newspaper -Ethics. So vieU ac ing Jeopard 1 z e Am eric an aaid today. Pentaaon oWelal Richard D. I/ermo_..• VO t i" n u l _ J ., • intelhgence sourc~a. The officials refused lo DeLauer ts quoted 85 sayln,a r I ..... ·-e Po ana m i itary ldentHy the countries which U.S. that the Soviets by about 1990 • k f WARSAW Poland <AP) - survey teams ha~e visited to a lso are expected to have in In RU e reeze Poland's mllttary premier and examine air taclllhes. orbit a manned space complex P UTN E , V t . (AP ) ·c ommunist Party chief, Gen. Frf!nch president visiting J.arael "The Defense Department ls from which attacks on ground, Vermont resldepts ha,ve used Wojciech JarU<telski. r eturned workin-g-towud deve-loping sea and atT targets-co11td 00 thefr annual town meetings to from Moscow with strong Soviet JER USA LEM (AP> President Francois Mitterrand or France arrived on an official visit to Israel today -the first ever by a Frerich head of slate. access agreements with la unched. s peak out agulns t nuclear backing for his military co untries in the w.e,s tern / l" t weaponA by a margin that 'crackdown, a.__pledge or more c a r lb b e an. a.r e a . the srae ' roops surprised even an organi zer or economic aid arld a warning that department said m response to t ttl the disarmament drive. opposition to martilil law will be ques tions. "However, since no rOW Se ers . "It's a giant step forward," crushed. final decision has been made YAMlT, lsra e h ·O ~c up1e d organizer David McCauley said "Any attempts at resuming and no agree~ents haye been Sinai <A~) -Jsrae h troops early today, adding that the vote actions aimed at wrecking the He received a warm welcome 1n r ecognllio n of his new even-handed Mideast policy. reached, we will refrain from swooped In before dawn l?day for disarma ment from 146 or the economy, reviving anarchy and identifyin g a n y s p ec ific and be' an .h a u 11 .n g 175 towns that cons idered the unrest .. will be further cut Four Israeli Kfir jet fighters escorted Mitterrand's plane to a landing at Ben·Guraon Airport outs ide Tel Aviv. and Israeli Preside n t Y1t zh ak Navon greeted Mitte rrand on the r ain-swept tarmac countries." ultra -n at1o n a l1sl J ew1~}l issue was a bigger win than he s ho rt in a m ost resolute G rrillas claim : squatters out of. settlements m expected. manner, .. Jaruzelski and Soviet ue the eastern Slna1 that ~vert to Kissinuer k in Pres ident Leonid I. Brezhnev to 'rout' army Egypt on April 25. .'"'O said in a joint communique ,. A festive air prevailed in Warrant issued issued Tuesday after two days of SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador Yamit, the largest settlement, •>t lks in Mosc9w. lAP J -The leftist guerrillas as Israelis opposed to Jsrael's N EWARK. N.J . <AP J -A N S l d r ever sed the government 's withdrawal from the territory on bench warrant has been issuesi. on,. a va o rans casualty claims in the fighting its southwest border sang and r o r the arrest or Nan c Y "di "ll Assad, H a bi b ~et on Mount Guazapa as unofficial did folk dances in the town Kissinger, wife of the former Qt Rg guerrt as sources reported the army's big square. But some resistance was secretary of state, for failing to w As H 1 NG To N t A p > DAMASCUS, Syria IAP> - Syrian President Hafer Assad met today with U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib despite vociferous attacks by the official Syrian media on the American diplomat's mission. offensive north of San Salvador reported by extremists who a ppear in court lo ans wer Secretary of State Alexander M. !lad ended. barnc~ded the houses they were charges that she tried to choke a Haig Jr. ·said Tuesday the Without going into details, the occupying. woman. a newspaper said today. mi I i t ary operations of the re b e ls' R a dio Ven ceremos Conduct probe The Star-Ledger reported that Salvadoran guerrill a movement cla imed the guerrillas killed or Municipal Court Judge Robert are being directed from outside ~ounded ~ goyernment troops seen in suit in heavy fi ghting a round the country last week. "The army finds itself in a complete rout," the broadcast said . Sp ace lasers due in 1983? WASHTNGTON (AP> - Sophist icated orbiting laser weapons could be put into space by the Soviet Union as early as n'ex C yea r , accordi n g to WA S HI NGTON (AP > - Ju s ti ce D epart m en t investigators plan to review a judge's allegation that the nation's chief antitrust enforcer failed to disclose his past lies with International Business Ma chines Corp. before dropping a suit to break up the computer . giant. Another review of the conduct of Assistant Attorney General -whirlpoor Undercounter Dishwasher ~CK4004 5 Cycla/Optlons model feature• excluelw In-the· door silverware batket plut porccleln -enemeled tub, 4-color front panel pack and more. Buy Now! Offer Ends April 3, 1982 ol A,1'1.IAHCEI ~-NUTRITION~ VITAMINS T HOMPSON ·- BU FFERED-C 1000 CALCIU M ASCORBATE $5 45 -90 TABLETS REG. 8.95 • T HOM PSON VITAPLEX MUL Tl-VITAMIN ANDMINERAL $5 25 60 TABLETS REG. 8.95 • . RADI ANCE ACIDOPHILUS •PLAIN FLAVOR •STRAWBERRY $2 49 16 FL. OZ. REG. 3.49 • RAD IA NCE VITAMIN C 1500 MG. WI T H ROSE HI PS 50 TABLETS REG. 5.95 $3.50 RI CHLI FE NUTRI LI FE MULTI-VI TAMIN AND MINERAL $5 25 60 CAPSULES REG. 8.95 • GROCERIES GAYLORD HAUSER SPIKE SEA SONING N ET WT. 3 OZ. PANDA ALL NATURAL LICORICE 99C •RASPBERRY •BLACK 7 OZ. $1.09 HAIN NATURALS IMITATION CATSUP NET WT. 14 OZ. HEALT H VALLEY STONED WHEAT CRACKERS NO SALT NET WT. 61h OZ. $1.05 99C CAROFFS CARROT CHIPS •SA LTED .•UNSALTED $1 29 NET WT. 5 OZ. • LUNCH COUNTER Deluxe Hamburger (Served on Whole Wheat Bun ) Choice of: Cottage Cheese, Fruit, Potato, Kidney Bean or Green Salad $1.95 ·soUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL • PRODUCE VALE N C I A._~~-------- 0 RANGES 25( lo: ALFA LFA SPROUTS 35C ea:- LEMONS ·25( lb. ORGAN IC t>~~~~ -("~ f 1 . TWIN LAB L-TRYPTOPHAN 500 M G . SPECIAL $4 • 9 s· BULK PRODUCTS WHEAT 43(: lb. GERM CAROB 99(: lb. CHIPS BRAN 19(: lb. FLAKES HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS MILL C REEK ALOE VERA CLEANSING BAR 5 oz. REG. 2.50 $1.7S M ILLCREEK ELASTIN SK I N ELASTICITY 0 TREATM ENT CR EM E $5 S • 3.4 OZ. REG. 8.'50 • · NATURE'S GA TE HERBAL TOOTHPASTE •CINNAM O N $1 29 •LICORICE 5 OZ. • AL T A -D ENA DAI RY OUR LOW EVERYDAY 'h GAL. Ml L:K PRICES CERTIFIED RAW CERTIFIED NON FAT HOMOGENIZED L:OW FAT NON FAT $1 .12 .87 $1 .01 .95 .78 late Pricn EffKtlve thru MARCH 15th 1912 ' II .. .. : •• . Paraphe rnalia flap h eats up SACRAMENTO (AP> Racl<ers or ii bill to --outlaw dtug purapnetr\alla say Assembly Spea er Willie Brown bl ocked il after gelling $16,000 in campaign contributions from the industry Brown's press aide, Bobbie Metzger , conceded Tuesday that the speaker opposed the bill. But s he denied that the $16,000 had anything to do with it, or that Brown had -as acc used -reconstituted a committee lo block the bill. The dispute a rose when the Ass embly Criminal Justice Committee canceled a Monday hearing on the b11l , SB341 by Sen. Newton Russell, R-Glendale. Protesters sentenced LIVERMORE CAP> Thirty-one anti-nuclear protesters have been se ntenced for t heir part· in the most r ecent de monstration at the Lawre nce Livermore Laboratory. The majority pleaded guilty or no contest to a mis deme an o r c h arge o f o bs tru ctin g a thoroughfare during their blockade of the plant to protest nuclear weapons production Eleven chose to serve 10 days an Jail . two chose to pay $210 fines, two pleaded innoce nt and the remainder were sentenced to seven days of volunteer work. Riles op ens canipaign LOS ANGELES (AP) Wilson Rates, facing his most difficult c hallenge since first elected in 1970, opened his ca m paign today for a fourth term as superintendent of the public school sys tem. rn a statement prepared for news conferences in three cities. the 64 -year-old Riles ca me out swinging al conservative opponents . '"Our children, our schools and our future are too important to become pawns of a goofy pohta cal j unta," he said Sp a deaths probed LOS ANGELES <AP> A man and woman found dead in a hot tub at a Venice area spa apparently died through a combination drowni_ng. .-drng..over.do.se a~Q\h~u·4ni~!.i~ialo~d .... -- However , a final determination ma) take several weeks pending toxicological tests. the coroner's office said today Ctaodia H:mt!, 34, or Mar Vista and Am bronia Bates, about 40, of Los Angeles. were found floating face down Monday in the hot t ub they rented six hours earlier , said police L.t. John Zorn Nancy visits hospital LOS ANGELES I AP J Nanc:. Reagan. vis iting the cancer ward of a children·s hospital. got a lesson in brave ry as she watched young patients perform "surgery " on dolls .. I don't think they had it tha t way wht:n I was a child." the firs t lady s aid Tuesday as her guide 15-year-old Shllnnon Campbell, explained that she and other cancer patients simulate on Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls the painful bon~ marrow sampling and spinal tap procedure" they must undergo themselves. ~-........... ~-• The Sav1ngPlace .. Pull An Easter Bunny Oat of Our Hat ' When you make a~ Deposit on your Portrait Package. ~ thts Easter a holiday ~remember with a Pio&ssb aal Pomlt Pad<age. And with the valuable coupon bdow. you ain selec1 a ax:ldly Easter Bunny. Portrait Package includes: 2-8x10., 3-5z71and 15-Wallm !!Yr.!a9! ------va1aa&1e Coupon------• .I I C-.IMICM1fl911_. ,.._ M. .......... 15¢.... . : ........... , •• , ....... ro-a-~. : I THESE MARCH : WED THUil FRI SAT SUN I DA\'._S ONLY -03 IM es .. 97 JO.\llX : lOAM"°· 8PM SUNDAY: lOAM . 5PM I ~ Beacl1 Boulevard • WESTMINSTER I "=:OM~~rd f Magnolia Street Ht/NTINGTON BEACH' pi Camino De Estrella · a. ... ...:::!cN'f.!.. ....... : ..... .._ ... 1r1, d f .._._ .. 1111 ..... d I .,,.... •I : ••• ,.. Vala.W.Coapoa •••••• ! 4 • Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT/WednHday, March 3, 1882 H/F ~· Closed ·hearing law out Governor signs bill repealing 11o:year-old statute SACRAMENTO <AP> -'ll\e no.year.old atat.t law closlng a preliminary hearing to the public at the defendant'A re9ue1t has been repealed. Gov. Edmund llrown Jr. alaned a blll l'ueaday letUn1 Ute jud1e decide whether the beartna should be open. The m easure, AB277, by Asaemblywoman Terry Gosgin, 0 -San Bemardlno, was ·sponsored by newspaper publis hers. It takes effe ct t Jn m edtately . ·· Preliminary hearings are held to determine whether there are grounds lo hold a cr\.a)lnal defendant for trial. Cases are often settled al the bearings by plea bargaining. The hearinp also decide aometlmea·cruclal questions of admlltlna evidence from pollce searches, and can give each aide a preview of the other's ca.<te. A state law that dates from 18'12 req&&Jr ff the judge to close a preliminary hearln1 at the defendant's request. The purPoSe of a cloaed hearing ls to keep pretrial publicity from hurtlnt the defendant's right to an unbiased jury and a fair trial. The sta te Supreme Court upheld the law earlier this year against newspaper challenges that contended H violattid constitutional rlghu or freedom of the press. and the 11nderlying right of the public to be informed about government. TV's Carson jokes about case . ........... NO CREDIT .\tla ntic· Ri<'hfie lct Co will bcc.:oml' the firs t ma1or o il C'Ompan~· to do ""a ~· with <'l't'ctit C'a r<b . l'fft•c:ll\"l' \prtl l:l Th<' firm s;,rn1 111 Lo~ ,\n~l'lcs tha t 11 wa s doing so in •a n dfort to tri m gasoli1w t·osts for mulorish BURBANK (AP) -A ne rvous but game Johnny Carson joked about his drunken driving case in his first '"Tonight Show" monologue since his arrest. but later told hjs late-night television viewers "you will ne ver see me do that again." "I wish I could explain to all of you that I was doing research for my new special called 'J ohnny Goes Home to the Slammer,'·· the 56-year·old comedian said Tuesday night after emerging on stage with an actor dressed in a police officer's uniform. The same actor later us hered Carson off at the end of the show. Carson, who earlier in lhe day was charged with two misdemeanor counu and one infraction s temming from his arrest last Saturday, devoted the first f,ew minutes of his standup routine·to the incident. "You don't know how nice that sounds," he told the cheering NBC studio audience. "Would you like to be my character witnesses? ··For' you people watching this show at home right now, please do not adjust the color on your set it is just me blushing." .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ ~· Open Daily 9-9 Open Sun . 10-7 _..SPJlllkL•Ls.xmm.JMRRl.1§.L .. ~-1:-fo Unfinished Particle Board Furniture A. 36"'x36" Bookcase B. Little Giant Storage Unit c.a2xM") C. Enclosed Sto rage Cabinet CJOaC>O"> ... 8.88 19.97 18.86 Rbetglou Roof Shlng ... 'h"'x1 O' PVC· Sprinkler Pipe lf.""x10' PVC' Sprinkler Pipe lf•" Tee Jr;'' Ell l,. .. Coupling w· Cut-on Riser , Plastlc·Pop-Up Head Full. 'h. ·~. Each Bross Impact Head . Spray Guard 6-Stotlon Timer >f•" An~yphon Valve ............. . l'' oo useo •Of ,e • " 1 "11 o oornooeo '"°' OI pynor>g on o ne..i roof I SQUOre A '"'olle• I( mort 1n cetto1n orH' moy no·t diiftloy •0<h odvett11•d modet llut ..,,11 wot•ho"'• 01cle t fo, yov $299 Portable Color TV \Nllh cleol Unvt•on Plus p.clule IOllQ la runei outomofoc t run.no ono one-outton oolcY'oe conro°' '°' tost odju1tment .38° :x •1 17~ 17° . ... 10° 10° 68° 7.76 .. 19° 34.88 .... 13.96 I urn~ on ot ous> ol1 01 00-Nn OUIOtTv:JhC'° · y ,.. cluele1 175 NOH OU'D $258 2 Way-Powered Color TV Set 1n.1ono ouoe~ start colol pelu•e t tvt:>e srondold AC l)Ou50 cu11ent COi/DOOi CJdOplor COid in<:ludeO lwtn tete5COPIC VHF omennos 100P VHf ontenllO Unytron ptus Color TV linvtron Plus· one guo/in-hne M!em On&-button PICture DC>lonce conll04/eow OCIJl,lstment K mart• AOYEATISEO llllEACHANOISE POLICY °""" "'""' "'"""419A • .. "--• ........ .....,........_M•'9<11..-.., ........ "-~ ........ ,..._. .......... ... ~---'""'...,,-...-, ...... ....,,. ......... "...._c ...... -......... ._..""'"~~--~·· ....... ,,,.u ..._.. .... .......,.., ... _...,~•c........, .... ....., ...,_ •• •c...,..1 .... 19dwe...-;:,:.0:_11::C.~ .. ,:•..:.,~tM °"' CAFETERIA · - SPECIAL • <m> . Whirlpool $299= Quality Gas Dryer 3 Drying 1emperohJle salec110ns 5 t1mec1 cvctes PuSl'l·to-slo1t oonon ou1oma1oc door shut on large 5 Q c11 n dry•nO o•um . . ·= ., ..., ..... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1982 CAVALCADE CO MICS STOCKS B2 83 BS · " UC Irvine tangles with Utah State as PCAA tourney begins tonight, 86. Mile Sgyare to . retain its name County endorses plan to name golf course in honor of Daid Baker o.lly ~, ... -•Illy ~•trick 0'0-11 .LIVELY-CUNCHTIME -When t he Peru Crue Pl'rformC'd at noon at F'ount ain Vall('~· High School. clrummt•r ~ark Whitne~· and lead singer rknry Noppt·nhurgt•r t•nth11st•cl lht· crowd while the<t?tlilarist hmn•d out of ht~ ..;olo Orange County s upervisors decided today not to rename Mile Square Regional Park in memory of the late David L. Bak e r but endorsed an alternative plan to name a new golf course at the park in honor of the roriper supervisor. The su~rvisors' action came at t he e nd of a brief public hearing during which lhe board learned that the Fountain Valley City Council was unanimously opposed lo the Mile Square name change. . Mile Square is a county recreation area located within Fountain Valley. Supervisors have final say over a ny name change but had asked for the city's view on the proposal. On Feb. 16, Supervisor Ralph Cla rk s uggest ed that Mile Square be renamed for Baker. who died Feb. 6. Clark said the form er supervisor had been active in developing many county parks during his service on the board from 1962 through 1974. During Tuesd ay night 's Fountain Valley City Council meeting, Mayor Be n Nielsen reported that telephone calls to City Hall had totaled 97 against the proposed name change. and three calls in favor. Opposition had focused on the long identification the city and its businesses have had with the name ''Mile Square." The council voted to oppose r enaming the park for Baker but agr eed to s u ggest county supervisors instead rename a new golf course at the park in Baker's honor . City and county officials are cooperating on plans lo build a second 18·hole golf course in the Park maintenance bids sought Huntington seeks cost estimates from landscape firms Huntington Beach officials are asking private companies if they can m aintain parks for less money than it costs the city. City Council members decided M o nday t o a s k privat e landscaping firms to bid on m aintaining eight city parks, including four parks recently de veloped in Huntingtnon Harbour. City officials say it costs up to $3,000 annClally to mow , edge, fertiJize and maintain an acre of greenery in most of the city's 50 parks. However. the four city parks in Huntingto n Harbour cost more to maintain, about $5,400 an acre annually. say city officials. This is largely because or increased transportation costs to get to the parks, which are separated from major roadways and· each other by the Har.hour's Services set today for Ivan H. Hooke"': A funeral se rvice was scheduled today for Ivan H. Hooker, a 30-year resident of Huntington Beach who was a popular piano accompanist al loca) Uona Club breakfasts for m any years. Mr. Hooller dJed Saturday al •eel: · A ve ol Kansas, he moved to . ttler ln 1940 and later came to HunUnat.on Beach as a r eal ealfte cfeveloper and lnauranc. bulmasman. He was active la the Elka Club or Whittler and the· Huntlnfton Beacb lbsonJc Loc11e. ~ la ... d lUon to "i• piano \ playing ror the Lions, Mr. Hooker frequently performed music at local convalescent homes. He is survived by his wldow Ila of Huntington Beach: his s on , Ivan Hooker J r ., of Sacram ento ; his s t ep-son , Waller N. Dabney of Hunlihtton Beach; his brother Gale.Hooker of MlnaelfJ)olls · hJa sister Carolyn Richman or Whittler; o ne 1randaon a nd two great-granddaughters. A tuneral service-was to be he ld today at Weatmlneter Memorial Park, followed by private bur1aJ al the park. • ocean channels. Darryl Smith, superintendent of the city's landscape division, says maintaining the new parks would require purchasing new equipment and hiring additional workers. He says the first year cost of maintaining the parks would be less if the city hi red a private company. However, he says it's unsure if over the long run the city will save on mQney by private firms. "This will give us a chance to evaluate and compare the park maintenance costs or the city and the .private firms." Smith said. · There presently are 440 acres of developed pa rk land in Huntington Beach. Smith says his crew of 30 people tend each acre once a week. The city's park maintenance budget is $1.1 million a year, he said. Smith says the level of maintenance al the parka has b een decrea si ng si nce Pro(>06ition 13 reduced revenue from property tax. He uys city plans to develop 15 more parks would extend hia crews and expand the budget. Last year, the city ,experimented with low maintenance parks tlll\ had "natural troundcower" and bark 1roundeover to-redu~ mowtn1 cost.a. undeveloped northwest corner or the park . bordered b y Brookhurst Street and Edinger Avenue. The council's position-was, s upported by First District Su pervisor Roger Stanton. whose district includes the park The supervisors approved the motion to name the proposed recreation facility the "David L. Baker Memorial Gotr Course." 7 6 teachers to be laid off Declining enrellment, cutbacks force trustee action By PATRICK KENNEDY Of tlll• Dally 11'1 ... SQff Trustees of t he Huntington Beach Union H igh School District are mailing layofr notices lo 76 teachers because of d eclining enroll m en t a nd projected cutbacks in specially funded programs. . The layoffs will reduce tile district's $50 m illion budget by about $2 million. say district offi cials. Enrollm ent ts expected to decline by 700 students next year. Currently, the district has 18,200 students. They live in Huntington Beach, Fountain Va ll ey, Sea l B eac h and Westminster. Various state and federally funded programs , including vocational, bilingual and career oriented courses. are expected to suffer funding red uctions in the 1982·83 year. say district offi cials. Basically, 35 teachers are be ing laid off beca use of declining .enrollment --a.nd-the rest are being let go because funding is being reduced by the state and federal governments fo r s pecial programs . s ay district officials. The la>offs will keep the di s tri ct's s tud ent·t o - teacher-ratio at the district Laguna artist Alfred Dupont dead at 75 Alfred Dupont, the Laguna Beach painter who became kn ow n as one o f t h e authoritative seascape painters o f his time, die d Tuesday afternoon at 75. He apparently s uffered heart failure while driving on Ford Road in Newport Beach. according to witnesses who ~aw him slump over the steering wheel or his car. The car jumped onto a median in th e busy Ma c Ar t h ur intersection and collided with a traffic pole. No one else was involved in the accident. Mr. Dupont was pronounced dead at Hoag Hospital. He was a regular exhibitor at the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts ln the late 60s and early 70s. His work Is featured in the internationally known book '•How to Draw and Paint Seascapes," and he Is listed in the "Who's Who in American Art." He was bQrn In New Jersey In 1906. but came to CaUrornia as a child. Educated at the School of Arts and Ctaf'ts in Berkeley and the Mark Hopkins Art Institute In San Francl1co. Mr. Dupont la survived by hla son , Colyar Dupont of San Francisco, and hi• dau1ht•r, Vivian Strlcklet of Seattle, Wash • formula of 26 -to·l in t he sys tem's six comprehens ive high schools. School officials note that if a large number or teachers resign, retire or take a leave then some of the laid off instructors could be rehired Rehiring could o c cur in s pecial programs if the state or fede ral government provide a higher level of funding than is ptojected, say district officials. State law mandates that preliminary layoff notices to teachers in public education must be delivered by March 15. Final layoff notices must be delivered by May 15. say district officials. Valley to buy lot .for police station Tt\~ Fountain Va lley City Cou ncil has agreed to pay $620,000 for a lot immediately west of City Hall as the probable site for a new police station. The 44,300-square-foot vacant lot is now owned by Safeco Ins urance, which operates a r egion al h eadquarte r s in Fountain Valley. The property faces Slater Avenue just east of Brookhurst Street. between the existing Ci vic Center complex and a Crocker Bank office. C ity Ma n ager H o w a rd Stephens said the council now must decide how extensive a station it wishes to build. p He said his staff expects lo present a proposal to the council in two weeks, calling for a two-level police station with p ar k ing l oc a t e d partl y underground. Huntington police auction announced Bicycles, eight ·l rack tapes and a sewing machine are among the items that will be auctioned by the Huntington Beach police department at 10 a .m . March 13 at Yorktown Avenue and ~ain Street. Terms of sale are cash only. Other items to be auctioned include speakers and boat light fixtures By agreeing t..1 ~··rchase the Safeco'property, the co1:ncil ras ended its deb:>te c v.-r w~e1 e the new station shouJ.1 b-" loi::i•ed. A cons u!tar;l hat! ~;..ggested three city-owned lots as possible locations for the ne w police station: acreage be hind City Ha ll. the land now occupiea by the existing police station and prope rty al the City Yard, located off the San Diego Freeway at Ward Street. But Mayor Ben Nielsen said the council was dissatisfied with a II t hree of these s ites . He pointed to the low visibility of City Yard site and neighborhood opposition to the location behind City Hall. Also, rebuilding on the present police station site would require temporary relocation or the department. City Manager Stephens said the Safeco property is being purchased for $14 per square foot. which he said is slightly below the city's appraisal. He said the city will lend money to its redevelopment age n c y to pur.c h ase l h e property. He said the funds will be repaid through increased tax revenues derived from other redevelopment projects. Stephens said Safeco officials are including a stipulation that the company can purchase the land back from the city if the poli ce station is not built on the property within three ye'ars. -By PHIL SNEIDERMAN • Workslwp slated for singles A workshop on "Living Single in Orange County" is scheduled on Friday, March 12 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. ·'Commonly overlooked ways that single people can meet one another in Orange County will be outlined," says a college spokeswoman. Lecturer Al..._ Garner, author of "Conversationally Speaking," will talk about how to avoid the pitfalls of single Jiving; where to go lo meet the kind of people you want to know and othe r o ppo rtuniti es for loc al s ingles. Registration fee is $3 and must be made in advance. For furth er information. t e l ep hon e the co ll ege community ser vices office at 891·3991. •Swimniing lessom being offered The Huntington Beach Com munity Serv i ces De partment is scheduled lo begin taking registrations for swimming lessons on March 19 a t the city pool on 16th Street and Palm Avenue. Tots must be at least 6 mo nths o ld t o take t h e lessons. There are no other age restrictions. Lessons start on March 29, say city officials . For further information, call 960-8884. --~ •Bloodmobilea due in March C..:.... - The American Red Cross • will sponsor 23 bloodmobiles during March throughout Orange County. · During F e bruary the Orange County Community Blood Center collected 6,4S2 units of blood . The blood which ls collected from volunteer donors is provided to patients at the county's 39 hospitals. Times, 4ales and telephone nu01 hers ror appointment.a ror bloodmobtlea durlnt M ercb are as follows ; -t.uuna HUii, March t, saadteback Comn\unfty Ho1p6tal, 2"51 Via Estrada, .. ... 11 : 15 a.m. to 4 p.m .. 835-5381. ' -San Juan Capistrano, March 15, Clansey Escrow, 33161 Camino CaplsU'ano, Suite E. 1:45 p.m . to 6:30 p.m ., 831-2005. '.-Huntington Beach. March 25, Pacifica Hospital, 18819 Delaware, 12 :45 p.m . to 5:30 p.m., 842-0611 . --Laguna Nl1ue1. M•ttb 25. Red Cross Office, 11111 Camino Capistrano, ll!tl a.m . to 4:30 p.m ., W.All W 131-'512. -Lalf\Ula Ntcuet. Marela 31, ·Crown Vall91 Oovenaal· Church, Meoo La Plata, 2:11 p.m . to T p.m., c-.1w. NYSE COMPO ITE TRANSACTIONS G .,...~ WOfATIOllfS t•Cl,.llD• ........ "'' .... 'l' ......... u . ,.(,,.IC,,..,, .. , .. , •• , •• " ••• Clatet•ur1 noctt •'":' lllCMA .. U llltO 1af'Ott"O aY flll llA•o.UIO 111ntNU •. .A•~'~ "-'" ... I \oil• Itel \.le., • Itel .. lh ... , .... ! .... ,... ,.,, ... o.M c11t ' ,... 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Pttrlll •.•• IC'2411J _, 1.12 •• ,......._"' ,· ... 1JO ~" BtNl .1'e S I'll , .... ~ °""9IY .. 12 SI I~ '-... llflt 2 • to 2''--'h IMfMltl 1.tS 6 4't 24"+ 1" PelRI 6.*.. 71 ~-l'i't ,1211 1 S J · · ··• =-;._ f ~ ...... an.r .• 14 ~ . ,_. OIStlllt. 1.12 6 16 11111.. . HeraJ 1 1 s 1D """· -• ... .., 1' JD .-. •• • • ,.,,,., ,_.. 111607 ~ "° .rt 1 10 1114 • " ii ·1-20 • ,~ T=.,... · ·;.: OtttN .Jt 1 ,., ttlQ•,. °"Ii !M • * .,.,.._"' Hermcrs .6'10 J24'17V.-~ MarkCJ .JZ • tr ,..._"' ,. ..... , 0 •, .. ,_, 1 rltcP n 1 t' ·~·"" . • -... --. Stl IAO • PS 2014-IA !i '·Ji,. 1100 ....... + 'h Hemllfl ,«1 t 11541 ,_._ '-~!'! 1.,. 1 =-"" pj;ji.~ n : .. t 4j. U~ v, riot •. 1 II ft7 2Alolt... •• me 11 ... l' I• 17 -~ a1e1'llr .• • 221 20lll-14 1. • • 1100 ~ ••.•• Hetti• .• •.m m,.._,..,. ,.._,'* . ii ST ••• ,, P"llell , '"° 14 • 14 111\1 1.20 .. CJ 1•11o-~ WlllflrO ..... es t .. ah\Ml 1,M 10 6 2S -IQ I· .. 1 11'1'»+ " Hel'IC • 1,JO 4 21 1.-+ Iii = j6 m 'Ill-... ,.llllE pf uo •. 1200 2,.,._1.,.. 'If t 17 21 -,. W!ftOlt I.It • Jt • "" al•'l -•• 102 1..-"' ,, •• n .. a ttl4 + -.. H•rtSM 1.12 1110 n-.-IA '·U 'l 'IG1 n • "' Phi£"' 7 .. .Ill) ,~ v • ., • -1-. WIMllet tft • 111 lleCllO .,. 10 "" 114'-"" lfl( f.'2 .. IS it • Yt Htr1t4 ·'° 10 4J • -1\lo MA al. "' ~ .. \II P111lr ... l.7S :: :,uo ;."": 1111 1. • ' ---141 iWWJ .121 •• s ""····· e111r,l"w t .14 6 C2 tt-" I ,r a.a .. 1 14~ IA Hat& 1 .... I 10.n -" *"'" 1 . 1J *It 2 + ~ !'lllll pf 1.15 , &JO .. .,.._, , • M It ... ,_, 11,. t ... 1 •IS ..._ .. 1" •le rJ11 I 1 ltt ~" dtr 1.tO 1 11 ti,...+ ~ ""'"£1 1,84 • '2 U -~ llAtl o., .• 7 " ..... ~1£ ftft.52 •• dCI 61\'t-lll't I ~ II ""'--,. =t t~ ~ I -.. :: a1ttaL 1.14 t I I~.. j 6 • .,._ Ha 'l'ftA · 42 414t •••• Me-. ·" t 165 ~ 11 lllf 7 75 -o ""' ,. tc 11 ,_ ...,_ \.; • ,,_._ aiuH1t 1.tt 11 11 »-.. l 11 " ~· ~ ~111 1Dl3 n ~ 111 --.it 1~, ~ tt\11-"" """"* i'.» ·; •·1 , .. =;:; j1j * n -1 ~ IAD s io.a1._. ~ ·~!. IM 6 11 --..... Ill I > Tt l!! ~ ... ~' ,14 6 II ~ '°' MeMI '11~ ti ,,_, •· f>llj!Mr tAO • Int *'-····. ,_It! a 21\ji-I 5•·-ft I! ......... ~ -:Ml! ·:: ',,.. '~ \II . 11 ''i ~ -= HeclOM '' 11: Wt-Ill I' .. II! 2~ IA Pll llllCI •• 1 'f 1114+-14' .,.. " ---~ :i;, ~ fl!t:' '"' :: .. 11 t .. t m ri .. ~; • ;~i] 1~ =: .:: : .:. -u:+·i4 .. ~H .: m:+~ ""~1~r,.1 ·~4m1.~,~~~ ,11,'·~,· ~ ·~, -~. ·1·~· ,i,Rh111_~ ...... tlA 7 l20 •""-'-II. 1,.--Ii *19t!C I I -" .#W.Stt!7 15'1>+ Wi VH AO , • ,..-.. I &S .. t t .._ ~ f: " 11 tlll..... 1111 1, 1 • ~ .... lrlM I.JO 10 :Q ti ti.-.... wt •• "5 IM+ Ill " Avt .ti 6 tt4 1' -14 ,I •• ttl -" _ 1.-..., 1 ue s CJ 11.._ ~ • • ....... '",. .• 11111..,.._114 flf 2.... " ,..,.. v. ,. 0 , .. • " 11 _-. 1 .n '£ -.. • • •6 ! ........ ,r 1.11 ., tl •. :.,, II ·,·, I ... Ml "-"''"' .... •• It ~Ill •yOS 1.11 6 t09 ts\.\+ ,. .. , f s 1M S~.... l.te <11 ~ • .. ~ ••••• , ... ' " -~ "' -... 'Ii §"" , ... lll "' MeE ta •• , ,,..._ ~; UA 1 fO ., ... " t.;1 . . ..,.. .. • ····· •• tMlfl~" I · •• • ~JI:::: ""' I.to 6 Ht It. jlll( m I! 9 •n~t ,. 1 1 1 ... .._ .,_ 1 t +Ill ---Y 1.-11 I ~ Ioli ~ II Fi ... .. .to I • "-" Mt ",, • "GS _, l l ..,,. ,, 6 11\11-\'I ,·~ ~~ -~ i· ,i •. ni=· ~ i.wn. ,,. ~..... 1 • :! 111 t en ~-1~ llAc pft •• I •1110 ~11r• teo 7 ... i~" ~ . .. ~>tTltA • '! 14 "1.-a J65•1" "=,,., .Mt61W ~~Mc J.i !t01• ~+1 111ttf21l to• \II '1" -=:• 1 4 1• ~I\ .IOD ltl ,_._ 't t t + ~ •cal M• 4'14111-~I* O 1.M 1 9' 11~ ,. tt1fi ··~ 11"4111 =" . t II' . • ,---. '4 ,. I.JD 1 ts M . .. .. • • -.. !IMtf' .• • 1 ~· " If 2 • !w 11\lo-,. aft K '· n ,, ... .. . ' "' .... 6 1 =~·" -1,a t 11'111 ... ,. ... • a:.1:;; • t 6 ~" /*lllt t .. tt t7-fit•~!!! ,I •. M -.. I, 1 ~ t ,m:::;~ • ,ti I ·==·~ ti., $ 141 21 ---1.. I... t-• f J:g M4-IA •1M11 ... •• 901 ti.-,._:'H 1 t t tt '-• .J • " ,_. J 'J.: ~1= ··~ ·t~ a§' ·::11 ,,. ~:.:·-=:r• ·'! t '~ =-=. ... ~~ m·~"= = F;--au-R· .. ··ia· ••11u J! • • --· -.. :: .. "n.::.~ •· a ---... • "'· • • --~ ...... y•r ' ~. ~ a.-" 111 M ~411! ~ ~ .~Ii ii Jfl'-.... Tai if» J 1 •••.• • ,:,~ t,:i 1=~;~ ;; a:.: e,~~ i 1 ~·:=nM~~ i ::!ir; iit.~i~ Jj ~[·,::·5 bo~:SWw~~~ .. ~ ;;&rH::~~r! r -!·; ,,; ::.~ 11 ~,.:: ~ .m.1 .,1i::w-'.::.. I '1"''1 •' I"'· ::iMI :::·; h ave flied • 018 .5 mlUton 2ll tt "'* .. 1 + .,. ~a••oii := B '"' • i4 , \ • l?J , ,....;: 11 tt ..... cla11-acUon tu.it acaimt the Sov'•t .. S , 1 -:1· lfi::",·14 .: 1 .. : .g i"~ ~-;; l: ,. ;Ji» t ~ Untoa. -~ -... t ... n ! I -.. J "' Th, nlt1 flied Tuaday tn U.S. 1""1~,'~1 ~ Ii :!lfl_~ ... ~ iV'='t· :i'I! • l: ':l't.; ~··~ 1' !!~ ... ~ Dl1trid Court by Carl Jlarb It Co. J 1'i ... + 1t 1 • r 1' -1 • la •····· Inc:., aakt for repayment plu1 ' • .. •• ' • • ,,. • • • ~ '· 1 • -~ interest few s.,ooo holden ot lbe boDdl .:r ..... , : = ,:. :'.::: ,l tU I I .,,.,:· ... ~~, .. ::: ,. .. - AUantlc RleblleJd Co. s•id it will atop acceptln1 credit cards. Including its won. al Its 1as atalion1 next month -a move It uid will sa ve the company $73 million u year. At the same time, Arco will trim prices to.dealers by three cents a gallon, • savings it hopes wlll be passed on to motorists. Arco's move comes only ooe d1ty after three other major oil companies said they would drop dealer rebates in favor or lns\iluling across-the-board wholesale price reductions . . . BankAmerica Corp. has reorganized its orldwide retail banking and consumer services. Principal retail banking units In California, lhe United States and abroad have been realigned under James 8 . Wiesler, executive vice president. Before the realignment. Wiesler was head or Bank or America's North America division ... Whittaker adrp. said it is extendin'1 withdrawal rights on its tender offer for Brunswick Corp. until March 8. The Los Angeles conglomerate is engaged in a legaJ battle aimed at stopping Brunswick from selling its Sherwood Medical Products subsidiary. Contlnental Airlines named Frank Rothman. head or MGM ·United Artists. a director or the airline. That was the only news released as company directors met 'ruesday to discuss the company's precarious financial situation. Continental, which lost $60 million last year, has total debts of about S200 million after it borrowed ao additional S25 million last month '111111 <::::1~---- Federal Reserve Chairman Paul A. Volf ker told the Senate Budget Committee that he expects a short.term recovery for the nation's economy. but cautioned that tne comeoack may collapse without congressional action lo slash budget deficits ... The price shocks that hit the country"beginning with the Arab oil embargo are far from over , the Energy Department said. The DOE is .predicting, among other energy price increases. that gasoline will sell for $2.20 a gallon in 1995, not counting the impact of inflation . . Braniff International said its domestic employees will receive 50 percent of Cheir previously stalea gross pay this week. The remaining 50 percent will be paid March 12 c.a.1n.1 ...... d ----------- Envirotech Corp. was merged into a wholly owned subsidiary of Baker International Corp. Envirotech shareholders will receive 0.4 of a share of Baker common stock and S3 cash for each share or Envirotech common stock .. Orange County, Phoenix and Houston ranked in the top three in business frowth during the las t four years. according to The Newport Economics Group, a Newport Beach economic research firm 'IAlllllil i1:; Sears, Roebuck and Co. reported that its · net ~rlor the fourth quarter of 1981 was slightly lower than lj80. Income for the full year rose 6.6 percent to SG~. l million, or $2.06 4 share. compared with S609.8 million, or $1.93. Revenues for the year totaled $27 36 billion. an increase or 8.7 percent from . total revenues of $25.16 billion a year ago ·sTOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORI( (API S•to. T ... 1 prl<o elld ,,.1 <"6r>QP ot 11\e 1111ee11 mcttl ecllw Nt• Vor' Stock Eoc11An0t iSsun lrHlllQ n.at1on•11v •t mor• IMn JI Se•n._ 1,1.0.IOO E UOll t '6S.AOO K melt '5', IOO IBM •0.100 AIMl'Tl.T 5",too lchll11l11< S1•,200 0.fl ~ f1J,400 Gtn e1tc SJt,JDO Solly c.ori> SM,IDO Eet« K.odell ..., .200 P-<ent ' "2,200 ClllC0t1> 444,too fu Utll ""·'°° FttdMol Ql,400 UnlT.. •33,400 AMERmAN LEADERS . "" -v. .... , .... . '"' ~ " "'" -.,.. • v, . ~. . "" . ,,.. ,,. ..... NEW YORK 1•PI Sale> Tues ptl(~ •lld flel cl\A-of I"" Ion most ""•• Ame•k.,, Stock E•<"""9e lu~ 1•-na n•llonelly •t mon l.,.n t I w.,. e w ,roo Oortlt ... rl s 201,IOO AZL At1 1'1, 700 HouOllTr 11+,eoo Wlllltllall a 1to,400 ... -01 .,,~ lli'tclWE 1 '7,'IJO ElfQn 0 tl,500 o.11911 11 M.100 lltllldlll> II Sl,200 UPS IOLD COINS )014 I I 10-. 12 11 s.-. UV. 11\!o !:t~ ".- + "" -" 2 -Mi -1'4 -" -.,.. !ttW ~I( •Al'l ~)ffl lett T-, if t•ld c.I"' ,..,.,...,... wlll! M41May'I ••w. • .....,.., t '""-~ AntJ .... """' .._. ,_.,, .,...._, 1*1Ul,fllf .. U. ...... ..... u 1.1"91' .... tdl.71,.,,. .... . ~. c-. .... 1"9y .......... ...... .. """• o...-.,.,. NEW YORK IAPJ Final Oow..JO!lft ·~ tor TUH<Ny, Miff 2 STOOCS JO llld Ti.11 :r .. ~ ~-r;, 10 Tm JJUS :M4 SI JJS.21 l3I 1' • 1.10 IS Ull 107 .. IOt SI 101 76 IOI S7 • 0 II •S St>. J1' • lJO .. l21. .. l2S.20 • 0 II llldvs •,7.0,toO i1r.~ . ... . .. . ::~= U Siii ..... ... •.... ....... 101166.too WHAT STOCKS DID M5W Y0'-1( IAPI Ml>r 2 KEW VORIC IAPI Ml>r. Z Pr.., T°":l. dy. METALS ~ 212 7tO 10 J7 10 m .,. 10 ., Ce,."r 11'-·1' C.flO t poul\d, U.S . ci.1t111e1I011J L•ed 27•Jl <•nit• pound. 1111< 41 t...is • OOWl<I, ci.11verecl Tl• w.n• Met•ll w .... com-It• ID A--Jt..nc..,1~e ~ ... Y flMrcwy UIS oo ,,., lleta '"'•I"'-' uu.oo 1ror 01 .. N. Y Halldy f. HtrMtll, t1 6'0oer lrov ..-•. GOLD QUOTATIONS a,no,._1a..,~1 S.lecl9Cl-ldooldll'latttoNy· L.9MM: mornlllO 1111119 US1.t0. 9ff M.1S. U....: ....,_ fl•lllO OU.JS."'., ... ,..r111 OW.SJ, off ... ,., ,.,_..,., ..,.,..01, off M,74. l•l"kll: Ute fhdllt SHLOO. Off It• W ; us.s.oo ..... Maa•y & Mer"'••: Ollly dally q"9t• UJUS, Off .7.llO, .............. : oNV defly Quote QSa.15, tft ., so . .......... , Ollly delly tt110M ,..,tc..J U71 ....... .,,.,_ SYMBOLS _,..., .... .,...,_,, llW\. ""-............. __ ....... .. ---.. ,.. ............. ..... ., ---.... , ........... .... ===--~~-..-l ..-.--~--­.................. 0..-.. .. ,... 111 ,,_.lllt , ....... . ~ ...................... , ~ .. ,.. ...................... .. .................. --.~ :1.::. ': .::.-...: =~-:. .......... , ........ r:-..... ....... ............ , .......... ____ ......,., __ =-·-· ···---, ..... _ ...... -... ....... ,.. ...c... ............................ ·--= ---------.... ='=~··-··-·· ............... "~~ , ................ ~ ...... • \ .. , • • .. H /I' Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT[Wednelday1 March 3, 1982 ,..~..------....-..m...ii. • A conteet to ftnd a new loeo for tbt Oranie County Developmental Conaortlum b11 ~ea opened to artJ1t.1 and tntereeted penou In or-.e County. settled - LOS ~GELES CAP> -A do millton laws uit ac•in11t a contract bridge lc.agua by two l-0p .bridge players who had been expelled tor alleged cheating has been dism issed before going to trial, a defense attorney said. .. DEA a PAT DUNN : I I tllere aay minimum a1e Involved la tbe reqlliremeau for fut•• a federal tax retun' Aad, are 1tudeata exempt from Income &axes! -T.W., Newport 9eacla If a person is required lo file bjit.ause of the amount or income, the age is Immaterial. H a child is unable for any reason to me a return and has sufficient income to be liable for taxes, the person legally re:sponsible for the child must me the return. A student is like any other taxpayer. Most scholarships are exempt from tax, but a student must report and pay tax on any other income received, unless the total income is below the filing requirement' amount. . Label.a '°'' in ma~l DEAR PAT DUNN: We have &be same problem as another reader of yours wbo ordered labels from the W. Yarbrou1la Label Co. We also did not receive ou labels, which we requested in October. Hope Y'* can help us too. -H.M., Corona del Mar . Your labels were mailed in November, according to Yarbrough's customer service representative. Since it appears they were lost in the mail, another order is being sent to you. Yarbrougb's customer service hours are from 2 to 5 p.m. weekdays. The phone number is (213) 930-1676. Mildew booklet availabl.e DEAR PAT DUNN: A couple of months ago you had an ite m In your column that told where to write to o rde r a bookle t on removing mildew. Could you repeat that. Information for me? Before I had a chance to clip out the column the paper went to tbe Newport Beach recycling pick-up, so I was out of luck! -R.B., Newport Beach The comortium, which eoordlnatea plumln1 effort.a aDd development amoa• a1enciet alMl other tnJUP• aervlna the dllabled, ta aeekln1 loco desiana dUfe.-.nt from man1 now tn uae. , The loto should Nfleet -the phil01opby-1hal children and adults have value u human betnca and citizens reaardless of disability, accordiq to the aroup. The loeo should .. avoid commulcatln1 pity, charity or belpleaaneu which has pl.,-uecl the image of the diaabled ln the put," a releue aald . The winnina artist wlll receive an award in March. E ntries s hould be limited t.o one color and be submitted to Area Board 9, 250 S. El Camino Real, Suite 110, Tustin 9268>. Deadline is March s. For information call 731-4787. Expansion -plan eyed OAKLAND <AP) -Consultants t.o the Port of Oakland bave unveiled a $174 million expansion. plan for the J ack Dondon Square area calli~J for a waterfront hotel with a view of San Francwco and 800,000 square feet or o ffice $pace . ~.:.-~~~~~~~~ l'ICT1T10UI •UllNIH NAMa STATa..-NT Tl'le lottowtno pen on '' doing bu&lneH•&: R.N.G. ENTERPRISES. 19713 tnver neu. Hunti ngton 8eecll, Cetllorni. 92646 Robert N. Gr e9ory. 1t1n I nverneu, Hunlln91on 8eecll. Cetllornle.,.,.. Tllll buslnn' 1, conducted by •n lncllvlcl.,.I. . RomrtN.G._y Tl\~ llat-i Wff llteCt wtlll IN Co..nty Clerk of 0t•"9t County on Ftb. 21, ltl21 l'IU.U Publlshed Or~ c ... ,. D•lty Piiot Ftb, 24: Mfr. J. 10, 17, l'!'J aot.n l'ICTITIOUS •USINllU PIU lllll PICTITlout 8USINlll MAM« STATaMIMT Tl'le lottowlno _....,, are CIOl119 b•"lnttl a.: Ex 5CUPLAH. 102 l en9lo Avenue tSUlle Cl. lrYIM, Catltoml• '2714. Che"9• "'-rtlK & tn...stmenb, In<., • Oel•••n cor-•llOft, Jnt Blue Key, C-ci.I #.¥, celliclml• mu.' -~. Tllll bv&IMH I• conduct .... .,y • cor-•tlon Clluter ,.ropertles & 1n ... ~1......u,1nc. N.L. Cheater, V.P. '"'"' otoer•,l-Tl\11 ~ WH Iliff Will\ tl\t County Clerk of Or..,.. County oa ,Ftll.t, 1"2.. ,.,_... Publllhed Ot-Co.II D•llY PllM, _Fet>. 10. 11, 14. ~_ell J, lta -~· NA.Mil STATa MINT l'ICTITIOUS •UllNHS The followl119 perMH\1 ue doln9 NA.Mt! STATWMaNT ~MMll M Tiie fo llowlno perton 11 dotno P R 0 F E SS I 0 H A l T 0 U C H bu1lne11 91: SERV ICE COMPANY. "1n C"-RMI• SY,,_PHUHY SYLKS. 1154 l e l•n•. Huntington 8ucll, C•lllornl• C•stt• Avenue. Founteln Vetto. t2M'I Cellfornl• '21111. Devld Roberts, 421 Concord 8ert..r• Jo Reio . lls. Le C.~lte A~nue, Monrovle. c.Jltor"'lle •101• _,_...,.,., "8unUln' VatMIY, C•llloml• Lff Trimble. 13" E P•trn A ..... ue. '270I. Monrovl•, Catllornl• '1016 Tl'lll llUSlnen 1, conducted by en Tt.h business I• CQnductec:t by • lnctlvld.,.I. A ........... CUSTODY GRANTED -Frank ~rKinse~-. 3i. and son ~kk. 7. hug after court ~a\'e father custod~· of .son. ending 'four·vear court battle between McKinseY and his former wife ." McKinscy. crippled. with c:u·thriHs-s.ince tht--:'l"g{'-nf :1. - had been· unable to find work due to his condit 10n He won rustod~· after gettin~ a job as a switchboard opL·rator in a Salinas hospit al The settleme nt reached before Supe rior Court Judge James G. Kolts dis missed the 1977 suit with prejudice and .reinstated thf phtyers -Or. Richard Katz of Beverly Hills and Lawrence Cohen of Los Angeles -to full members hip in the American Contract Bridge Le ague if players agr ee not to play as partners until M arcb 1 , 1984. according to attorney Robert Kelly Jr. The lawsuit was filed when, Katz, a Beverly Hills physic ian, and Cohen, a professional bridge player, were accused or using ··coughs and sniffs '" to signal certain methods of bidding and pl ayi n g d u r i n g a 197 7 tournament in llouston. Thei r suit contended they had been coerced into resigning from the league, the country's principal contract bridge organization. Ka tz and Cohen s aid In a sta tement T uesd ay they were '"de lighted" and felt vindicated by the out.come or the s uit ··All who read the agreement will ·see that Wf! rccei ved $75,000 and that we are admitted lo the lea g ue and that the ACBL is going to provide us with general releases. We felt 1t was complete vindication,"' they said . .. It is unfortunate that the matter had to lin~er for so long before good sense prevailed and that the ACBL. through its own trea sury, and through the aid of its insurance company. had to e,x pen d close l9 S~00.090·~ s upport what ·all see as the charade it~as . .. Personally , we a re sorry that fa mily consjderations induced "How to Pre ve nt Mildew" can be ordered fo r $1.50 from the Consumer Information Cenfer , Dept. 199J, Pueblo, Coi0-:- 81009. oe.wrel pertne""lp. 8et11«a Jo Raley Oa•'d Ao•ra - -r1 ~ -llliif wlttl IM --ou r wil lingness to 1;cttle. "Tiil s stal-t wM llled wilt> lhe County Cieri< of Ore,,._ c-ty on Co..nty Clerk of Orenoe County on Febnlery n , t"1. 4 especially when not one ACBL expe rt who was dpposed claimed t o ha ve a n y inde p e nde nt knowledge of the system we were pl~mg .. We ..were falsely accused of c heating and weren't given a fair tiearing:· they said. "Got a problem? Then write to Pal Dunn. Pat will cut red taPf!. getltng the aruwers and action you need to solve inequities an government and !Jurineu . Mail your questiona to Pat Dunn. At Your Sennce. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Ai many-letters as pouible will be answered, but plioMd inquiries or letters net including the readn's full name, addreu and buliness hours' phoM number cannot be con.sidered. Th i& column appeara daily ex- cept Sundoya. '' , WILLINGER held on .. ~. ~1arch 2. MI CHAEL WILLINGE R 1982 from 2.00P~t to 5 OOP.M C ROHONCZ Y 1 a resident at Harbor Lawn ~temorral of the area ro; the past 25 Chapel. tosta l\$.esa. lloly years. having ltved m Santa Rosary and Mass of the Ana for 20 years and Tustm ·Resurrection on Wednesda). Cor 5 years. passed awa~ on March 3. 1982 at I OOPM al March 1. 1982 lie was at'll\'C l mmmaculat e Heart or i n t he C h a m be r of Mary Catholtc Church. 1100 Commerce or Santa Ana South Center St . Santa Ana. durrng the 1960l> He "as Ca Interment servit·es "'II also active m the Ope rat ra be nel<l at t;ood Shepherd tn thC' Los Angeles area for Ce metery. Huntington 20 years. He is surnved by Beu ch, Ca The fa mily his wife Elsie. daughter requel>lS in lteu or flowers Elsie Chatlos or Huntington donations be made to your Beach. Ca. and predeceased favorite <.'l1arr ty Services in 1964 by hrs son Michael under the direction of Baltz Also · survivin g arc 3 Bergeron-Smith & Tuthill grandchildren . J oseph. Westclirr Chapel Mortuar~ Corinne and Michael of Costa Mesa.646-9371 Pilkinton. I ~real-grandchi ld SLAUGtrrER J eri Marie Pl lktnton. J O HN RE Y.NOL D S Slumber room visitation was SLAUGHTER. diei:J Sunday ajghl February 28r 1982 al •.NOiiiiiiii~;;;;;;;;;;;un;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;Soc=•1.;;;;e;;;;t;;;;~Oiiii"lthe Veterans Hospital m La Jolla. Ca. lie had lived m CAE TION llURtALAT EA Ca liforni a all hrs lire and 646-7431 , s~r.v~d _inwl he1d WRainboHw Our literature tells the· D1ns1on m or ar I e complete story of our: was a Civil Engineer by societv. profession. He leaves his 14...,. l:.lfllr_,......c-,.. wife Helen. 2 daught ers .:!:~~==~~==~!-lRul h Sla ugh ter Keith. Rachel Mane Daywalt and l HAllOa UWH-MT. OUYI Mortuary •Cemetery Crematory son John Fletcher Slaughter There are 9 grandchildren. Gary John, Ronald James and Gavin Richard Keith: Mer<lll.1912 fl1M117 Publl''*' Or-eo.11 D•llv Piiot. Mer l 10. 11.14. 1912 _,,, NOTICI 01' A .... UCATION FO• CHANOl INOWNl•SHl .. 0 ' ALCOHOUC •IVIE•AGI ltCINSI 1-1).tl To Whom It Mlliy Con<"'n: JOE W. MOON I& epptyl1>9 lo tlle Depertmelll ot Ale-tic a. ... rave C trot tor "'W ' On Sale 8eer & Wllllt l.r,)b E•t Plftos.lt••c-llc i..,.. ... , el ISIJI Triton une, ~ '21 ...., tn. HunllnQlan 8eecll, Calltornl•. PublllMCI Oranve Coetl Delly Piiot. Merell J, 1"2 tff..12. Chapt•l o f Fa1rha\en Memorial Park Cemeter\. 1702 Fairhaven Ave .. Santa Ana.Ca HEUSSER JO ll N HUESS ER . a resident of the Costa Mesa area for 15 years Passed awav Oil March I. 1982. He rs surv·I\ cd by his .,Oil Wesley o f Co:.ta ~1e~a . Ca . 3 g r a n d c h 1 I d.r e n a n d 2 g re a l · g r a n-d <' h i I d r c n Services will be held on Thursday. March 4. 1982 al 10 OOA~1 at llarbor Lawn Memorial Chapel wi th i n ter m e nt serv i ces 1m mediatt:I ~:-following Services under the direction oC Harbor Lawn -Mount Ohve Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554 DEATHS ELSEWHERE REDKEY, Ind. <AP1 - Zoe S. Wyatt, 102, lndiana·s fi r s t woman e le c ted prosecuting attorney and a one-ti me guberna tor ial candidate. rlied Friday. 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa 540-5554 Andrea Kathleen, Sha wne NEW HAVEN. Conn Ma rie and Heather Rachel ( A P 1 -R o I 11 n G . '9HCI HOTHHS l&1. llOADWAY MOtlTUAIY 1 1 O Broadway Costa Mesa &42·9150 IALT% & IHGHOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLW CHAPll. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa e•&-9371 ,..c1.onms SMITMS' MOllTUAlY 627 Main St. Huntlnsiton Beach 536-6539 I '•c.IC·¥11W t•ID«IM 'All C«T'9tetv Monuarv Ct\tpel~matory 3l500 Pacific View Ori Ve Newport Beach 644-2700 Daywalt: Kelly John. Kyle Osterwels, 74. a retir ed David a nd Shannon· Lee Yale professor of history Slaughter. A twin sister. and oratory _and an expert Thedora Spencer. lives m on the Amencar:i South and Bakersrield. Ca. There are urban history. died Sunday also 2 sons-In-la w. John Daywalt and Richard Keith and I daughter-in-law Linda Lee Slaughter. He loved his family and was greatly loved by them. Graveside services to be held at Pacific Vie w Me morial Park al 2:00 PM on Thursday. March 4, 1982. ln lieu or nowers the family has s uggested a donation to the Veteran's Adm inistration. 3350 La Jolla Village Dr .. San Dleao. Ca. 92161. WATSON JONSIEWATSON,rcsident or Newport Beach. Ca. Passed away on February 28, 1982. Gladys L. <Jonalel Watson., widow ol Gunnar K. Watson, reside n t of Newport Beach. Ca . dJed on Februarx 28. 11182. Lovlnc mother ol Penny Woodall or Fountain Valley, Ca,, Wendy Watlon ol Sacramento, Ca .• Cbrla Wataon and Steve Watson, both ol Lahalna. Maul , Hawaii. In lieu of nowers the family requests donatlona be made to the American Can~r Society or Hoaplce ol Or-.• County. Friends are lnvlted to attend a memorial urv•ce on Satu•1~ March e. 1112 ~t 11 :•11 to be held at tw. TEL AVIV. Israel <AP I -J oel Sussman, 71. a former presid e nt o r Isr ael's Supre me Court. died Tuesday. NEW YORK <AP 1 Philip K. Okk. S3, author or 35 science fiction,, novels. including the 1962 Hugo Award-winrung "The Man in the Jligh Castle." died Tuesday. LANSl0 '" Mich. 1AP 1 - Donald Ha~worth, 84, a one-term congressman rrom Mlc hl1an·s 6th District In the mid 1950s, died Thursday. KYOTO, Japan (AP> - Tel ... uke Kill111aH, 86. a prlu·wlnning J apanese film director. died Frida~. Hi• Wm '"Jltokumon · <Hell's Gate>. won the Grand Prix at the 1954 Cannes Film Festival. MIAMI tAPl -'l'Mtat Sl••· 52. an a«onwy, who defended Dr. Mart.In LU\her Klna, Jr., and other civil ~ acUviltl durin1 the i , dtel.t 'nmilday. ""'"' Published Or41n9t C.,.11 Oally Piiot, Feb. 24. Mere" 3, 10, 11. 1ta .. !..,· PICTITIOUS •UllNaH NA.Ml STATIMaNT Tl'lse lottowln9 per1on 11 dolno blnlneUM v 1c ·s LAND SC APE MAINTENANCE, 132 Alber1 Place, Coste Mfta. c;allfomle '2U7. Vl<lor Lee Sllve. 2:12 Alben Place, Cost• -· Callfomla t2tJ1. Tl'lll lluSIMH II condu<ted a, an 1nc11 .. .-1 VIOor Lee Sllve lllk ....,,_. w• flied wit!\ ... County Clerk of Ore,,.. County on Fel>Ne'l' II, lta. ........ PutlllSllr<I Or-Coelt Delly Piiot. Feb, II. 1A. Merdl 3.10, 111a ....a l'ICTITIOUS •USIMISS NA.Ml STATl!MaNT Tiie rollowlng per10111 are dolno 11<11lnn 1_. PANACHE IMPORTS, JU 11111 Pt au. Coate Mew, Cattfornl• 92621. Emily M. Mustelne: JU 17th Pl•<•. CO&UI ~. C..lltoml• '2627. EUrledtl G. Sheerer, JOI T..-1, Newport 8Ncfl, Celllornl• t214l. Tl'll• bu1l~1 h conducted by • ll'l'M' e I pertnen!llP Elfriede G SM.,.r • Thi• ll•Mmenl WM ,...., wltll ... Co..nty C .. rl< of Orenve County on F.O 22, 1"2. l'\Gm Publl•hed Or~,.,.,, Oelly Piiot, Feb 24. Marcll l. 10.11. lta "9-41. l'ICTITfOUS •USINHI NA.ME STATaMINT Tll• 1011owlno per1on Is dolno ~MMUH" MANNY'S 8AR. 1$21 Horii\ F•lrvle•, Santa Ana, Cellfornl• 9'210.. Manuel J. HolQUln, 1114 Welt 2nd Strfft, S...l.t AN. C•tlfornle '2103. ,~""' 11 condu<ted 11'1 an ~IJ Hoi9U"' Tllll tte-t WM filed will\ IM co..nty Cieri< of 0r•"9t County on Fet>Nerv 22, 1"2. "' ... PubtllMCI 0rW>99 Coell Oally Piiot, Fell. 2•. Men:ll J. 10. 17. 1ta ....ct. l'ICTtftOUI •UltN•ll . NAMESTATUMINT bu~:.~o;~1n9 --· .... del ... SURflSIDE STE•EO, QO Nonll Oe l• E1tre11a, Sen Cl•m•ftt•, ca111orn1e mn. J ........ P. Elin , 1775' P• .......... 1 .... 1ne. cellfonlle n.1 .. JUN V. Aborllll, 1775' ... l!Mftt9, 1 .... 1ne. C.tllornla 92614. Tlll1 bUslnen 11 conclvcted by • eeneral -1ner1hlt». J-V.'"'9fMI Tiiis ... _, WM "'" wl1" .,,. Co unty Clerk or Orano• County Fet>ruery t, 1912. ,.,..., Smiles put women ACBL <1llorney Ro bert E. Kelly Jr said costs o f a trial, at 'disadvantage' CLEVELAN D CAP ) - Working women put the mselves at a disadvantage by s miling during conversations with men on the job, two r esearchers have determined. T he study grew out of an i nt erest i n im pro v ing nurse·doctor interaction. The -Fffffl'dters had-noticed that doctors frequently interrupted nurses. Professors Carl T. Camden of Cleveland State University and Karcher to get Scout Award Carl Karcher, founder of the Carl's Jr. restaurant chain, will receive the "Good Scout Award" Thursday at an annual luncheon sponsored by the Or ange County Council of the Boy Scouts or America. The event will begin at noon in the Disneyland H otel in Anaheim . Ka r che r will be honored fOT his years of service to Scouting and othe r community projects. Carol Kennedy or Ohio State which could have lasted S IX University spent three years weeks. persuaded the insurance researching male-fe male company, Com mercial Union, to conversations and interactions agree lo the settlement. in professional and laboratory Katz and Cohen. both 39, had settings. played together s ince t hey were They said they found that students at the University of women smile more than men Wisconsin in 1961 But after the and that their smiles are not laws uit was filed. neither has intffpreted the sa me-way·nn.,..1e"'n....,.s--ipn<ll1'an;ynsed in na 1ona l competition. smiles a re. • . they sa id. The researchers will present Although t he players said they th eii-res ults at t he Western had no immediate tournament St at e s Communi c at ions plans, they said it was important Convention in Denver. they put the s uit behind them. "In a male-m ale conversation. the s mile generally wards off int erruption, but a woman's s mile invites inte rruption by a male because m en interpret a smile by a woman as a s ign of submission," Camden said. Camden says the solution should not be for women to smile less, but for men to change their reaction. ·'I object to the basic premise that women have to cha nge," Camden said. "Why should S2 percent or the population have to change so that the 48 percent minority doesn't have to feel uncomfortable." Gann in hospital for heart attack SACRAMENTO <A P 1 Paul Gann. co·aulhor of Proposition 13 apd t he 1980 Republican .f'Om inee for the US Sena te, has been hospitalized following a mil d heart attack , an a ide reports. Gann. 71. was stricken Sunday at his home in the Sacr amento suburb of Carmichael. ·aide Bob McElreath said Tuesday. Publl"'9d Or.,,.. Coett o.lly Piiot, , Fe!>. 10, 17, 14, Mercl'I J, lta 617.ta. l'ICTITIOUS 8UllN•ll M.,_ITATIMlllfT Tl'le fo1tow1no 1Hr10fl 11 4101111 11WIMua1: THE Ol'EEN ooo•. Newlef\41 c ...... ,. , ...... h ""'" """' ..... llff<ll, Cellfomle""' .... ,,. Merl• •lclewo, l tti. Mun1ttr Drlw. H11nlif19lefl a.ec11, CallfeNl&e .... Thl1 ..... tli~ll'I .. lndh•'tlp!'· .._,,.M,,._.,.y Tllll .....,,_ -..... "'"' .. COUfllY C:lffll of Ol'aflll C-'Y • l'ee.u ,1• . ~ ,.......,.. 0r-. c.... o.lly f'Het, F•. U, M«. If 10, It, 1'91 • It .. 1 I 0 110unt Oii TI\UTH" A gtrl touches replica of Rome·1 rawvous "Mouth or Truth·· on displa~· al a TokYo departiDent ~-• . • '1 I ..., .... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS STOCKS 82 83 BS . 1969 . UC Irvine tangles with Utah State as PCAA tourney begins .tonight, B6 . -~aguna .oraers committee to monitor cable . TV \. La1una Beach City Council members agreed Tuesday that a cable television committee should be re-established, if for no other reason than to keep tabs on the ever-c hanging, complex telecommunications industry. • The council unanimously 1 ordered city officials lo come back later this month with a proposal as to the scope of the . co.m m lttee. whicn wrllDe foUowed by appointment of five members to the panel. The council made It clear Tuesday that they do not want a committee that is "out to get Storer Cable TV." but rather a panel that will serve to advise the council on a range of subjects. • The decision came despite a recommendation from city officials that there is ·currenily n o need for a cable TV committee. City Manaeer Ken Frank said Storer currently Is seeking no rate Increase, a nd therefore, questioned the need of a cable committee. · But a half dozen speakers told the council a committee could make recommendations on a variety of issues relating to CRASHED -• Ne wport B e ae,.b _p o li {'(.' investigate the accident on Forct Road in which Laguna Beach artist Alfrect Ouponl o.lty PIM« -., Rk ... N IC-I« was found dt•ad of a hea rt at{ack .\I right is ~cwport offil'N Rick Rraclley Laguna artist, 75, .dies Alfred Dupont suffers heart attack in his car in Newport' Alft<ed Dupont, the Laguna Beac h painter who became known a s on e of the authoritative seascape painters of his time. die d Tuesday afternoon at 75. He apparently surrered heart failure while driving on Ford Road in Newpo rt Beach, according to witnesses who saw · him slump over the steering wheel of his car. Childbirth classes set Tuition-rre e c la sses i n c hildbirth education are scheduled to begin Monday in Room E-1 at Capis trano Valley High School, 26301 Via Escolar, Mission Viejo. The classes are sponsored by the Capistrano Adult School and run for nine weeks. Hours are from 6:~·10 p.m. The car jumped onto a median i n the busy M a c Arthur intersection and collided with a traffic pole. No one else was involved in the accident. Mr. Dupont was pronounced dead at Hoag Hos pital. He was a regular exhibitor at the Laguna Beach Festival or Arts in the late 60s and early 70s. His work is fe ature d in the internationally known book "How to Draw and Paint Seascapes," and he is listed in the .. Who's Who in American Art ." , He was born in New Jersey in 1906, but came to California as a child. Educated at the School of Arts and Crafts in Berkeley and the Mark Hopkins Art Institute in San Francisco. Mr. Dupont is survived by his s on , Colyar Dupont of San Fr ancisco, and his daughter, Vjv ian Strickl e r of Seattle, Wash. SUCCUMBS L ag un<1 R e a c h paint C'r Alfre d Du pont . 75 . d ied <t ftc r s u ffering heart failurt• while driving in :'\lcwport Beach. cable television. Ed Van Deusen, a local artist . s aid dec isions on politi cal matters. such as should council c andidates be allo wed to advertise on the local Channel 10 station, as well as other issues, s hou Id not be left t o the discretion of an o ut-of.town corporation. .. In the e nd, the City Council is the boss." he said . Bob Gentry . himself a council candidate, said council rejection of a Laguna Video Club request for a committee would "be a s lap in the race of a group that has helped the community." In a pproving the committee concept, council members said they wanted a well·balanced panel, with repres entatives of S t o r e r a nd o the r groups involved. "We want to a void the advocacy role, with Storer being the bad guy,'• s aid Council mah Neil Fitzpatrick. Ma y or Sall y B e llerue suggested the committee's first project might be to review Storer's franchise with the city. She said lhe city staff should re turn in two wee ks for a discussion or the purpose of the committee, and a definition of res ponsibilities. Laguna Canyon target ' Jurors hear roadway 'dangerous' in injury suit BY JOHN NEEDHAM cJI U. Dell'...._. StMt Jurors in Orange County Superior Court heard testimony Tuesday that Laguna Canyon R oad i s a dang e rou s l y overloaded , winding roadway with fluctuating traffic speeds and blind ~urves. Attorneys for two Laguna Beach residents in a lawsuit are trying to prove that the city and the state of Californ ja are partially res pons ible for a Canyon Road crash tl\ree years ago, in which the Lagunans were injured. • The pair claim the sla te and city knowingly maintained an unsafe roadway at the site of the collision just north of Big Bend. Former UCLA traffic safety res earc her De rwy n Severy testified that the frequency of acc idents along the 7 .5·mile state road is "extremely high.•· He said vehicles drift across the double center line into oncoming traffic. On March 16, 1978. Peter Moir, 28, and Diane Gonzales. 19. were driving south on Laguna Canyon Road at about 11 p.m . when they were struck head.on by another car. Laguitan joins state BlcohOl-hoird- Laguna Beach resident Jerry A. Hook has been named by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. to the n ew ly created California Citizens Committee on Alcohol Beverage Control. Hook; operations manager for 7-Eleven Stores of Southe rn California. said the committee will act as a liaison between the bus in e s s and res identia l communities in dealing with applicants for a liquor license. Hook said Gov. Brown formed the committee because of the latt er 's .. co n ce rn f o r Panel OKs time-share • conversion establishing a common ground for the rights of the commercial and private sectors." Hook. a two.year resident of Laguna who formerly li ved in Mi s sion Viejo. is one of 20 appointees statewide named to a one-year term on the committee. ··1 s ee the c o mmitte e formation as a positive step," Hook said. Although guidelines have yet to ..be established, Hook said he believes the panel will advise both the governor and state A I coho! Be verage Control . headed by Baxter Rice That vehicle. driven by Lisa Chaffin, 21. of Mission Viejo, c ro s sed o v e r from the northbound lo southbound lane and rammed Moir"s 1968 Ford Mustang, a ccording to court tes timony. Santa Ana attorney Gene Golds man is charging that C altrans s hould h ave constructed a median barner a long the length of Laguna Canyon Road. similar to the median strip lrvm Canyon .A.~rP" Ori ve to Forest A ven_ --:-n the roadway. He maint:ains !:uch a barrier wou11 h i!\'C prcventtci the a ccident. The s uit a l:ete!t that the absence of a CPnte r barrier cons tituted a known traffic hazard, since numerous other accid~nts hrui~r~~ ---· ----i:aguna-Beach is named as a co-defendant in the suit for p u rportedl y mai ntaini n g inadequate street Hghting in the Big Bend area prior to and at the time of the accident. •·What we ha.ve is a large number or c rosso-v er-t ype a ccidents." Golds man said. ''The fr.e queru:y of these a c c i dents and t h e r oad conditions contributing to them should have resulted in barriers being built.·· Since 1975. there ftW.ie been 22 traffic fata lities on Laguna Canyon Road and ·numerous collisions . Caltran s recently completed a $160.000 widening project from El Toro to just south of the San Diego Free way. A request to convert a 56·room hotel into timc·share units was unanimously approved by the Lag una Bea ch City Counc il Tuesday. but the panel said it may soon impose a moratorium on s uch conver sion s in the future. • 'Whee/,atholf' to raise /wub Council members attached 37 conditions to a r e quest by owners of the San Maarten hotel at 696 South Coast Highway to conve rt the nearly one·acre complex to time.share units. Participants in Saddleback C oll e ge 's an n ual "Wheelathon"' hope to r aise up lo $10,000 in the event s cheduled on the Mi ssion Viejo campus track March 13 from 12:~ p.m. to 2 :~ p.m. Handicapped s tudents, m embers of the faculty and local r eside nts will be running laps to work off - pledges or financial support from sponsors. All proceeds will go for the p,urchase of equipment for the learning disabled and r e habilitation lab at Sadd leback . For more' information, call the Special Services office at 831--4612. Last year , 45 participants raised $6,000 for the college. Laguna subdivision approved ~ Split vote OKs 12 new homes for Top of the World But Mayor Sally Bellerue said she wants the council to consider imposing a four-month freeze on future proposals for conversions to give the city time to study the ramifications or such changes. For instance. she suggested, the city should gel a handle on how such own-your·own units will affect overnight visitors to the Art Colony. •Art festival jurying due Jury ing f or th e 1982 summer Fes tival of Arts in Laguna Beach will be held April 17 in Irvine Bowl on the festival grounds. for jurying. The jurying will take place between 10 a .m . and 3 p .m. and deadline ror art pickup is Sp.m . ! t r ,---- ' I I I I I I I TENTATIVE TRACT 10054 De¥, ....... TRACT APPROVED Laguna Beach council members have appro\'ed a 12'-lot subdivision in the Top of the World community that will see a 300-f oot extension or Alta Laguna Boulevard. In a s plit vote Tuesday. Lagun a Beach City Counc il m e mbe rs approved a 47-acre s ubdivision in the Top of the World community that will see 12 new homes added to the neighborhood. The council, with Mayor Sall>: Bellerue and Councilman Neal Fitzpatrick opposed. approved a requ est by Alta Laguna Associates pres ident Leo A. Fitzsimon for the subdivision located between Park Avenue and Alta Laguna Boulevard. The approval came des pite objections from city officials that the developer will be immune from paying a bout $11,500 In park and recreation fees as a result or the new r esidents brought Into the community by the project. The council majority. led by member William Wilcoxen, rejected the park in-llcu .!ee requirement, citing the large am'?unt ol open apac~ provided in the proJect area. Park fees. which are based on the amount Qf density or a project, go into t he city's park in-lieu fee to provide r ecreation a l s ervices a nd .facilities. The city's genera l plan shows the potential for up to 49 units on the reverse-L shaped parcel above Canyon Acres, but geologic a nd other fa ctors reduced that number to 19, then to 12 as the project went through the government process. The property includes nearly 37 percent with s lopes of SO percenc or. greater. and nearly 80 percent of the par.eel contains htnd with 30 percent or better slopes. Seven or the dozen lots will be located on Park Avenue and the remaining five would be built on a n ext end ed Alta Laguna Boulevard. The developer will hav«; to extend that road 300 feet ' Other questions that might be e xplore d would b e how time·share manager s keep up the own.your.own premises, and whether they are selling well. She cited other communities, such as Palm Desert. Rancho Mirage , Palm S prings and Carm e l whe r e gove rnme nt agencies are taking a second look at time-shares . In the meantime, the council endo r s ed the Mediterranean-st yle hotel's <!on version . with s tipulations ranging from installation of new water heaters, to providing wheel chair ramps for the handicapped. And a final condition. which the city attorney said h e believes can be upheld in the courts, would allow a bed tax to be applied to" the project. Hearing sche~uled on pa'ct Laguna bicyclist injured by ·truck Lacma Beach Unified School Dl atrid tr'\lltees will conduct a public hearing on lhe lrtltlal contract proposal for non-teacbina employees when they meet nuanday. School bNrd members will meet at 9:30 p.m . at achool dlatrlc\ beadquartera, HO Bhamont St. Tbe public is lnvtt.d to •lteDd. ~ Co llective bargaining contracts tor all d iatrlcl emrloyees, lncludui1 teachers, wll npire. in July. Non·teachJnt employees are aaklnt for an 8 percent pay hike for the 1912..U school year, In addition to lndlvldual tncr~ues to refleet the median pay level or the· Oran1e County Salary Survey. The barlalniog Jroup ls also A Laguna Beach woman was asking for three additional paid injured Tuesday when a delivery bolldaya, includlns the day truck turning onto Oeean before Christmas. the day Avenue sideswiped her bicycle. befor. New Ye1r's and Martin Susan Newman, 25, received 'Luther Klna'a blrt.hday. cuta and bemd 11\Jurles in the 8:55 Upward adjuatmenta have a .m. accident at the comer ol al10 been propoaed in the south co11t Hishway and dlstrJct vacation schedule and . Ocean. 'J'be vtctlm was treat.d pay ratu tor_Jon1 ·term ·and releaaed at South Coast employ-C-Medical Center. Artis ts who live in the coast a l s trip b e tween Newport Beach and San Cle m e nte are eligible to enter examples of their work ' A fee of $5 per medium s ubmitted will be charged . For more information, call the festival at 494-1145. •Umdidate sets fund.raiser An auction to raise funds for Bob Gentry's run for the Laguna Beach City Council will be held Saturday at the llotel Laguna Riviera Room. On the a uction\ block, beginning at 7 p.m. will be vacatjons to Puerto Vallarta, lunch with a famous l'lew York theater critic. oil portraits, tarot card reading, interior design consultations. and even 10 h o urs of baby sitting s ervices. , A donation of $10 is requested and the auction includes no.host cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. For r·eservations , call 494-734i. •Library room to be cledical,ed A new 365-s quare-foot addition to the Laguna Beach public library will be' dedicated during cere monies beginning at 1:30 p .m . Friday. The meeting room addition was made possible through the bequest or long-time Laguna resident and library patron America C. GrUfWl. The re~ption will include music by the Laguna Beach High School string quartet, a s pecial children 's program at 3:30 p.m .• and light refreshments. .. •Subdiviawn to be conaidered Llcuna 8 eacb plannlnt commlssionen wlll meet lo n i 1 b t to conslder a developer's request to dlvlde 2.8 acres or land in the Por\arlna tract Into tour ' - res1dentlal Jots. • The request, soupl for property on Davta_ Wa, ia Portaflna, will ........ .., the commtaloa bee..._ I& 7p.m . l I I I . - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1982 CAVALCADE COMI CS STOCKS 82 83 BS UC I rvine tangles with Utah State as PCAA tourney beginsitonight, B6. 5 lriine's favorite shingles, on 'shakey' ground ly GLENN SCOTr materials. -Of, .. .,........_,_ On Thursday, fire departmen•· a 11 new bulldin1s to be already has come from tne '!ntreated wooden shakes or spokesmen will take their c~ constructed with a fire-retardant wooden shak e and s hln1te s hinclea may. be the favorite t 0 the Irv 1 n e p 1annin1 roof, which could be tile, asphalt industry and from the Orange roofll\g materials ln Irvine, but C<'!nmisslon, which will meet at or wood treated In a factory with County Chapter or the Building officials for the Orange Co, unty ?:30 p.m. at the City Council special liquid chemicals, said Industry Association. Fl Depart nt sa th e too 8 o b H e n n e s s e y • t h e .A s s o c i a t io n Exec u t Ive re . me Y ey r . Chambers. The issue is the filth department's assist·ant fire Director Philip Bettencourt said c ombustible and should be and tast•on the agenda--and is chief. in a letter to the city that the prohibited. expected to involve a lengthy . Because o( the hot Santa Ana disrussion. The law would require citywide prohibition would force winds t~at periodic.ally b~ow The planning commission wilJ existing buildings to use the up the cost of wooden roofs by 50 over Irvine and the mcreasmg be asked lo recommend that the fire-retardant matertals when percent because or the expense threat of rooftop fires caused by ~ity council pass an ordinance owners seek building permits to of treated material. A typical the use of ~ttle r~kets, the prohibiting new use or untreated re place their roofs , he said. 2,000-square foot home would d~pa~tment as as king for a, wooden roofing mate rials Existing structures would not cost an extra $2,000 to build, he c1tyw1de ban on new usi of anywhere in Irvine. otherwise be affected. said. t t d d r· The wooden roofing matenals un rea e woo e n roo tng -The ordinance would require Opposition to the proposal industry added In a separate OPENS TONIGHT A s mug Da\'id Pric·z plays a lt•;HI rnlt• in Woodbridge High School's production of ··The ~an Who .Came to Dinner." which runs tonight through Saturda~ .at .. 7: 30 p m. at the campus theater. 2 !\fradowbrook Otht•r e<J st mt•m bcrs are. from left. Grace RodriJ?uez. Guylt•nt• Lain. Reri Ransbottom . Tom Klem and C'i nd~· Cortc•s t• letter ihe real vlll.Un Is nbl the wood but the Southern California brush that often is the means ror spreading the blaze. . Hennessey said today that all parties seem to agree that fire -retardant materials should be required· in outlying areas . such as Turtle Rock , where hazards from brus h fires are highest. Differe nces center on whether the ban on popular untreated woode n materials s hould include urban settings, he said. His colleagues firmly believe it should, he added, because of the hot winds that can fan flrea .anywhere and the ne w but dange rous fad or launchln1 bottle rocket fireworks In residential neighborh(>Ods. De partment fire fighters recently saw a house near Fairhaven and Santa Clara' avenues in Orange bum an.er a rocket ignited its untreated shingle roof, he said. Shakes are hand-s plit. irregular wooden roofing mate ria ls . Shingles are the thinner and mo re uniform variety. Irvine City Council . , race now up to six; O'Neil takes papers A sixth candidate entered the Meanwhile, a s pirited race race for two openings on the also is shaping up In the June Irvine City Council Tuesday. election to the Irvine Ranch B a n y O 'Neil ; 34 , vice Water Dis tric t 's Board of president and manager of the Directors. Three incumbents arc trust department at a Bank or vyi ng to he ret1.1rl'\Pd to four-ye:sr California office in Newport terms against two <: .. -'!cngcrc; Beach, said he is "99 percent who have previous ly he ld certain" he will camaign for elected dffi ces m J;-v;:\t. election to the council in the Incumbents are Feer ~wan. June 8 city elections. Ray Auerbach clnJ l>t:lty Olson, He took out election papers who was appoint~d to the board Tuesday at Irvine City Hall, by its members last year to joining five others: incumbent re place the vacating Wayne J,,Jlf_D'~--8.a.dla.r.a-xc~iP~ ,fLa.rk---· -~-.s ----=- Willia m Pozzi. John Nakaoka Th t h 1 and Jacques Warshauer. . e wo c a lengers, C. The c andidates have until Or ville Retnhardt and Frank March 12 to submit completed Hurd, both had sought that election forms to the city clerk's appointment. office. So far, only Nakaoka has Reinhardt is a former water done so. district board me mber who was A resident since 19'77. O'Neil defeat ed in the June 1980 said he is making his first bid to elections, and Hurd is a former be come invo l ved in civic membe r o f th e Board of activities. and described himself Trustees for the Irvine Unified as a moderate. School District. Bandits hit Irvine e atery Two men. brandishing what Irvine police described as large bore handguns. Wednesday made off with approximately restaurant's safe in the office. While one robber went with him to the office, he said. the other held four employees at bay. His nanics plan pro tesLat U CJ ____ r>4'.~~~t.:!E,~~;~{~::;;;; r police the robbers confronted him i n the kitche n a nd The store had not yet opened for business. The robbers reportedly made their escape in a late model white car driven by a third suspect. police said . Group says Educational Opportunitjes P rogram services bein g reduced demanded mon<>~ fro m the By SANDIE JOY OftMDallyl'lltle SIMI UC Irvine Hispanic students. con cerned over what they p e r teive as a c utbac k in se rvi ces of the sch ool 's Ed ucation al Opportu nities Program (EOP >. plan to demonstrate from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday in front of the Administration BuUding. EOP, which was established at !JCI in 1968, is designed to a ssist enrollment of minority and low income s tudents at the university. Terming Thursday's planned protest "a Third World student concern," Loraine Gulierre.z of MECHA said demonstration leaders hope to attract at least 150 participants including UCI students. faculty and starr. Sh e said the pro t es t is ..s upported by M ECHA. the umbrella organization for Chicano student groups at UCI. as well as by the Black Student U ni o n represe ntin g 1 6 organizations a nd the Asian s tudents. Specifical l y . s a i d Ms . Gutierrez . s tude nt s a r e co n cer n e d about an administrative policy lo split EOP into two parts. The"program had been headed fo r seven years by Manuel Gomez. who went on leave in 1979 to do a n inte rnship in Washington. D.C .. and, on his recent return to UCI learned the EOP directorship no longe r existed and EOP functions had been divided between two offices. Gomez reportedly refused the university's offer to head its Office of Gov e rnme ntal Relations and Developmental Programs and, instead. had tried to get his post reinstated. According to "La Voz Mest iza," a UC I s tudent newspaper. Go mez called the administrative fragmentation of EOP .. blatant colonialism" and said it's s lowly regressing the program to an obscure role al the university. The paper also said it had culled data concernlr;ig minority and EOP enrollmenf from three different sources and which indicated a stagnation in recruilme nt efforts and cutbacks in tutoring by the Tutorial Assistance Program for EOP students. Also, the paper predicted that special financial aid packages .................. ..._. C"AI HI D CRUISER -Three vehicles lnclud1na this leanlnfC land cruiser collided 11t 4:30 p.m, Tuesday at Barranca Road and: Culver Drive In Irvine. There were no sel'lous ln.luries. which traditionally have been offered to EOP s tudents won't exist for the next school year and that the future of other EOP services are in question. A s poke s man for th e univers ity's pos ition on the studl!nt complaints was not available at presstime. Victims s ue over state of Canyon Road By JOHN NEEDHAM Of Ille o.lty l'ttllt St.ff Jurors in Orange County Superior Court heard testimony Tuesday that Laguna Canyon Road i s a dan ge rou s ly overloaded, winding roadway with fluctuating traffic speeds and blind curves.· ·Attorneys for two Laguna Beach residents in a lawsuit are trying to prove that the city and the state of California are partially responsible for a Canyon Road crash three years ago, in which the Lagunans were injured. The pair claim the state and city knowingly maintained an unsafe roadway at the site of the collision just north or Big Bend. Former UCLA traffic safely r esearcher Derwyn Severy testified that the frequency of accidents along the 7 .S-mile state road is "extremely high." He said vehicles drift across the double center line into opcoming traffic. On March 16, 1978, Peter Moir, 28, and Diane Gonzales. 19. were driving south on Laguna Canyon Road at about 11 p.m. when they were struck head-on by another car. That vehicle, driven by Lisa Chaffin, 21, of Mission Viejo, crossed over from the northbound lo southbound lane and rammed Moir's 1968 Ford M uatang, according to court tesdmonY.. . Santa Ana attorney Gene · Goldsman is char1ln1 that Caltra n a should h ave cooetructecl a median barrier alone th• len1th of La1una Canyon Road, 1lmllar lo the median llrlp from Canyon Aert1 Drive to hnll AWDue OD tbt ro11dway •. He malatal111 1uell a barrier would bave preftftted tbe acddent. •Irvi ne a rt exh i bition slated A three-part exhibition of artwork will be featured beginning Friday at the Arts and Crafts Center in Irvine's H e ritage Park t o co mme morate Na ti on al Youth Art Month. The center will offer a free reception from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m . for the exhibition "C .l.R.C .U S .. " which inc ludes posters and circµs memorabilia from the 1940s to present, illustrations bv Rick MacGregor titled "The Mythic Dream," and a rtwork fr o m c hildren around the world collected by UNICEF. The exhibition will be on display until April 2. Art workshops for children also will be presented on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon in March. Fee for each is SS.SO. - •Irvine GOP c lub aets dinner The Irvine Republican Club will hold its second anniversary charter dinner Saturday at the Registry Hotel. Assemblywoman Marian BergelOll, R-Newport Beach, will be featured speaker at the banquet. which will begin at 7 p .m . with a no-nost cocktail reception starting an hour earlier. Persons inte rested in attending the dinner can make reservations by calling c lub President Ba r bara Johansson at 559-8760. • 3 Coast re aidelW honored Three Orange Coast residents were among seven persons honored recently at the annual ball sponsored by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge in Los Angeles. Newport Beach resident Dr . A rnol d B ee kma n. founder and ch al rm an or Fullerton-based Beckman Instruments, was honored for his achievements In science, Industry and education. E .H. Clark J r., also ot Newport Beach, was cited for heading \lP one of the five best-managed companies in t he country , Baker lntematiooal Corp. . - Also honored was U.S . Mar ine Corps Brig. Gen. &le ~ard M . C oo k e , com mandina 1eneral at the M arlne Corps Air Station in El Toro. • Tnute~ po•t paper• due March 12 Nomination papers now are avallabJe for an election to a vacant county Board of Education seat for the district that includea parts ol Irvine, Mission Viejo and Et: Toto. The unexpired term in Trustee Area • ends June JO, tt84. Trustee area 4 allO taeludll ...,u of Anaheim, Brea, Nlerton. La Habra, Plae..Ua, Yorba Llada, Su ,1 I .. ' \ Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT(Wednnd1v. Mafch.3, 1982 ~. Reagan warned about economy Banking, housing leaders say budget deficits threaten U.S., urge.action By Tiie AIMtllted Pren Leaden of tke bankin1 and ho uatn1 lndustriea warned President Rearan today that huae federal deficits lbre_aten to r e turn the country lo the economic conditions of the 19308, and urged him t'b solve the problem even if it means raising taxes. The appeal came after the government reported Tuesday that sales of new single-family homes plunged 22.8 pe rcent in January from December, ending three stra ight m o nths of incre ases a nd falling to the acond-lowe&l r.ftte in-the ~ years such figures have been kept. Rea1an 1 In appearances Tuesday ln W'/omln1 and Ne w Mexico, sat he would not retreat from hi s lax·cul .program and planned deCense buildup to reduce hu1e budget deficits. Despite dertctts widely projected at over $100 billion In the coming years._ Reagan. said . his economic program would "guide our country out or this dark tunnel of recession and decline." But Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker warned the Senate Budget Committee that-un1e~s-the deficits are cul. the economy could "slip back into the morass again." Got d court fine? Plwne and charge it By PHIL SNEIDE RMAN Of 9'e Dally Pltee Staff P eople who mvst pay certain fines at West Orange County Municipal Court can now simply J e t noise rules set at Burbank Stowaway, 14,found MELBOURNE. Austra lia (AP> -A 14-year-old girl was found stowed away on the U.S. aircraft carrier Constellation 50 miles orr Fremantle, in western Australia. The gi rl , w h o wa s no t identified, was-round during a routine search of the carrier, which left Fremantle earlier Monday. She was immediately put aboard a helicopter and tak en to an Australian navy base, where police kept her in c u stody until h e r parents arrived. Philip K . Di c k , a n award·winning scie nce fiction writer ·who turned out 35 novels and six short stoi-y collections during his career, died Tuesday in Santa An a at the age of 54. Dick, a native of Chicago who s p e nt most of his life in California, won one of science fic tion's highest honors. the Hu go Award. in 1962 for his novel, .. The Man In the High Castle." In 1974, he won the John W. Cantrell Memorial Award for his book, "Slow My T ears, the Policeman Said." · Dick's latest and final novel, ''Th e Trans migration o r Timothy Archer," is l o be published in May. He was a resident of Santa Ana and died after a brief illness. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH.en.d ~714Mf..M11 Al ott. d•arneftl8 MMn1 Thon'es P. Haley "--~ beclllM Ollie"! Robert N. Weed ~ Thofres A. Murphlne ..... L Kay Schultz *'.._.... IN.,....., flf C)perMIOl\o Mch•I P. Harvey ,, ........ 0..-. t<enneth N. Goddard Jr. 1 _ ~0.-.. Cher1es H. Looa .............. I j In ll letter lo Reagan released In advance of today's delivery, th e bunking and h o using organ{utlon leaders said : "More than anything else. It Is the spectre of an overwhelming volume of de ficit financing which haunts hous ing and financial markets and poses the threat .of economic and financial conditions not seen since the 1930s." The letter came from the htiads of the American Bankers Association , United Slates League or Savings Associations. the Nationa l Associa tion of Reallof$" National AssocialloJl of Home Builders, Mortgage Bankers Assoc iation and National Association of Mutual Cory d ecides • to run a g am for c ontroller SACRAMENTO <AP) -Stale ControUer Ken Cory of Orange County e nded 18 months of political speculation today by pulling out or the race for governor, announcing he would seek a third term as controller instead. Cory h a d talked about challenging Los Angeles Mayor. Tom Bradley for the Democratic nomination for governor since late l~. and in recent weeks he ha d been rumored as a Ukely cha llenger instead for the U.S. Senate seat being sought by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Cory made his announcement unexpectedly ln an address to a special joint session of the state Senate a nd Asse m bly on California's budget crisis. After o utlining a d ismal scenario or diminishing state revenues and the prospect that California could end the year with a deficit of $100 million to $200 mllllon, Cory startled lawmakers by urging them to put their personal polttlc.at ambitions utde as he wu and work together to solve the fiscal problems. ••As a step ln that dlrecUon, I will tfll you J am 1otn1 to put my penonal ambition aside, I , wlll not be aeeklnl the poaJtJoq 1 would like t.o have, the otnce of governor. or the office of Unit.cl States senator. But I wW run for re-elecUon. Savln1s Banks. It uid persistently hlfh Interest rates "are creating an economic t1nd financial crisis In this country" and called tor s lowlna s penctlng for both defenae and ~ocial programs. If neceasary. it said, previously enacted personal lnco'™' tax cuts should be deferred or taxes should be raised. Energy issues led the stock market In a broad retreat today. Trading was active. Tbe Dow Jones aver age or 30 indus trials fell 6.09 points lo 8~.73 in the first four hours. l.osers held a 3·1 lead over gainers in the over.all tally of New Yo rk S t qc k Exchange-Listed issues. 2 · Anahe im ex -cops indicted A~WI ......... STOLEN ART Stolc.·n ll;.llia11 art n·1·m l'rl'd 111 :'\l''' Yori.. p .. ·clts pla~·t•d b~· W1lht•rt '.':t<"hob. ol tht• t · S C11:-1om:-Sen 1c1• A Roman Cuthol1e prit·st. Rl'\" Lorl'llZO Zorza . 11:-1 l·d :1:-a \';Hican diplomat at lhl' t ·111lt•d :'\:.1111111:-. \\:I'> frl'l ' 1111 hond TUl'Sd<J\ after hi s arn·st Oil <·h a n !I.'" or .... mugghn:.! .. tlw .11'1 into thl· l' S. Thrt'l' othl'I' nwn \\en· a b o s1·11t•d Reagan po.licy hit in LA. protest MID WINTER SALE only 2 weeks left Taste means Drexel . And Et Cetera. Have a party to show off these elegant enter- tainment pieces from the Drexel® Et Cetera collection• Each is an example of the Drexel genu1s for intelligent design, blended with meticulous craftsmanship Drexel uses rare woods. pat1ently·hand-rubbed finishes. carv- ing, magnificent veneers -all to create unequalled excitement 1n home decora11on Bring Orexe'1 tasle into your home' This handsome hall chesl is typical -superbly proportt0ned, finely crafted. dramall· cally decorated With accents of the Ori· enl and finished 1n a charcoal lacquer. this is a lreasure yclt.J°ll own w1lh prtdel OPEN SUNDAY 12:»5:00 . I I 11 I I I I # 1111111 ClllT lillyl'llll WEDNESDAY, • MARCH 3, 1982 CAVALCADE coMrcs - STOCKS 82_ BJ 85 /969. • d I.. • UC Irvine tangles with Utah State as P('.AA tourney be gins tonight, B6. Ne:wport-Mesa tnistees urged to cut 90 teachers By JODI CADENHEAD Of .. o.My ........... Newport-Mesa Unified School Di s tri ct o tficials h ave recomm~nded laying off 90 teachers In June because of declinjng enrollmen ts. Assis tan t S uperi nte nde nt Ke vin Wheeler told t r ustees during a study session Tuesday that the redu ctions could save the distric t $2.4 million next yea r. Newport . PrA hits arcades By RICHARD G REEN Of tlle o.i1y Pllet Si.ti Afraid that s c h o<>t c hildren may be blowing the ir lunch money on video games. the Newport E le me nta r y School PT A wants Newport Beach city officials to enact an o rdinance reg ulating the quarter-eating machines. Trustees are scheduled to vote o n the di s tri ct 's r ec · ommendatlons next Tuesday. Include d in the number o f teachers who will be sent notices ol intentions for dis missal by March 15 are 30 on a tetnporary status and 10 who have offe red to resi~n. said Wheeler. Th e di s trict ·s ....-e c · ommend~tions included : Laying off 19 teachers ana fo ur principals as a result of the closure in June of Evening High School, Lindbergh and Woodland e l e m e ntary sch ool s. the conversion of Kaiser Middle Sch ool to an elem entary school and the conver sion o r a ll e l e m e nt ary sc h oo l s to kindergarten through sixth. Laying off three nurses in the district. -R ed u e t io n o f three psychologists . Also, the following programs would be completely elimlnlited fr o m th e hi g h sc h ools· badminton . bowling, foreign food s, golf, guitar, jewelry, piano, printmaking, s urfing, s ailing. s horthand, s ilk screen and speedwrltlng ·'This is the only place where we can look at a large amount of money," said Wheeler following the meeting. "Th~re is very little to cut anywher'e~lse " Newport-Mesa Federation of Te8chers preside nt Adele Kopecky urged trustees to look for other areas lo cut. "N e wport -Mesa s c hool district sees the way to deal with financial constraints by cutting away a l what we offer the students." Ms . Kope cky s aid. Wheeler s aid that the layoffs will be based solely on seniority and that teachers who came to the district a fter 1972 would probably be most affected. * * * "We feel this is the most we can lay orr without des troying the educational programs," said Wheeler. Last year the district sent notices of intent to dis miss to too' teachers and 79 were actually laid off. said Wheeler . Addit io nally , all a dminis trators. e xcept for Superinte nde nt John Nicoll, wer e given notices Monday of' possible reassignment. * * * State aid shortfall jolts N~M officials The news Tuesday of a Sl.2 bus iness d 1 rec lo r T erry million budget c ut from the state Zimmerman. appeared to be a heavy blow to th e fin ancia ll y a ilin g Newport Mesa Unified School District. Dis trict officials received word of the impending budget cuts for the current school year j us t hours before announcing plans to lay off 90 persons in June in orde r to help balance the 1982-83 budget. Faced with a possible deficit of $350 million this year. state officials told the district that they will also only be able to h<tnd over about saoo.ooo in block grant funds, or $117 ,000 less than was e xpected. "We're just going to have to clamp dowr. 'ln hir inc and c;tnp buying suppllc:;,'• :limme rman sa id . "Wha t I 'm cor:cerne1l abo ut is rne:-tinG th!' J11I} 1 p ayroll. We'll hc1 •. c ~c b1 • .. l'Ow. I 'm hop1r.~ w P ~·a n ~c rap e throuJ?h." "I don 't know how muc h longer this can go on," said Supe rintendent J ohn Nicoll this m orning. "This is a hell of a way to run a railroad ," he s aid re f e rri n g to t h e s tate 's anno uncement jus t four months A Ith o u g h budget s are PTA Preside nt G eo rgia Ma honey has sent a letter to the c ity Pla nning Commission . reco mme nding that no new video arcades be approved until s uch an ordinance is in place. -·-T~~itf~~-is-to oe~­ g ranting approval Thursday night t o plans by Huntington Beach businessman Roy M Kouchi lo o pe n a six·gam e arcade and bicycle-rental shop at 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. bf!fore the fiscal year ends. s ubmitted to the state every --'Fhe--dtstf't...T('f'"wtti. 1! budgo..--t-~f--Y~t-em&e-F;---0-ist-r-icts- $48.8 million , received Sl.2 don't generally know ho w much · · 1 think the machines are . good for kids." Kouchi sai$1 in a t e le phon e inte r view th i s morning. ''1'he f!overnment is buying video m achines for use in Army training. "My intention is to ask kids for written coosent from their parents befo re us in g the m achines. I'd like to have nice relations with s chools and parents." Kouchi also said the Newport Pier area arcade wouldn't open for business until the a fternoon hours. "The PTA wants the Planning Commission or the City Council to adopt some guide lines on these arcades, partic ularly the hours of operation and how c los e they can o pe r a te to schools," said Ms . Mahoney "lt 's particularly difficult if the m achines are o pe n before sc hool because students get sidetracked and lend to spend . their lunch money ther e and then the kids' performance goes down in the afternoon because they're hungry." Th e Newport Beach c ity Pl a nning Commi ssion ha s approved the construction of three arcades over the last year, one on Newport Boulevard near City Hall. another on 23rd Str eet and Balboa Boulevard and a third on 20th Street and Balboa Boulevard. Plans for the latter were ultim ately denied b y t h e Newport Beach City Council. c R A s HE D :'Ii e w po rt n e a C' h p o I 1 c.· l' in\"C'Sligate the a c·tident on Fo rd Road in wht<."h Lagunu R('a<:h artist .\11:.rNI Dupont Dally ...... -..., •1cun11 K-i« ,.,·as found cl<.•;HI of a hc.•arl <ill ack .\t ril!hl 1~ '.'\ewport offic.·c.•r R1 C'k Rradlc·~ Artist Dupont dies Lagunan known for seascapes Alfred Dupont. the Laguna Beach pa inter who becam e kn ow n a s o n e or th e authoritative seascape painters o f his tim e . died Tuesda y afternoon at 75. He apparently suffe red heart failure while drivi ng on Ford Ro ad in N ew port Beac h , according lo witnesses who saw him slump over the s t eer ing wheel of his car. The car jumped onto a median in th e bu sy Ma c Arthur intersection and collided with a traffic pole. No one else was in volved in the accident. Mr Dupont was pronounced d ead at Hoag Hospital. He was a regular exhibitor at • the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts in the late 60s and early 70s . His wor k Is featured in t he interna t ion a lly known book "H ow to Draw and Paint Seascapes,". and he is listed in the "Who's Who in Am erican Art." He was born in New J ersey in 1906, but cam e to California as a cbild. Educated at the School of Arts and Crafts in Be rkeley and the Mark Hopkins Art Institute in San Francisco. • • Mr. Dupont is su rv1 ved by his son . Col} a r Dupont of San Fra ncisco. a nd his daughter . Vivian Stric kler or Seattle . Wash. S U C CU M B S I , a g u n :1 B l' a l' h p a 1 n t l' 1· \ 11 r l' d D u p o n t , . ) d 1 l' cl a I l l' r 'lll fl'nng ht•<Jrl failun•·" hill' d n nng m :'\<.'\\port lk;1l'h Signal offer snubbed Residents of the tiny Newport S h ores co mmunity ha ve snubbed a month-long offe r to purchase · the land unde r their hom es from a one-time o il firm. T he offer to let homeowners purchase their leased land from Signal Landma rk Inc. expired Friday. Many of the residents of the we s t N e wport B eac h ne ig hborhood ha d complained that Signal was asking far too much for the land. Signal. whic h has refused c 0 m m.e n l 0 n t h e 0 f f e r . effectively had given residents a c hoice bet w een bu y ing o r waiting until 1984 whe n the g r ound l eases com e up for readjus tment. Ne wport Shores resident Dr. William Thibault, lead er of the community's new ly fo rmed Committee or 400. sa id several residents have m a de counter o ffe r s to Sii?nal .i n hopes or lowering the asking price. H e said to his kpowledge, Sign~l h as rejecte d these counter offe rs. many of which were less than half t he dollar am ount Shmal was asking. Dr. Thibault also s aid that the land-owning rirm has shown a willin g ness t o m eet with Individual res,idents but not with the Committee of 400. The committee Is a copy of the Committ~ of 41000 a grou of re sf dents omg bafUe wi e trvh•e Company over leasehold • property. Residents or Newport Shores have c harged that Signal is attempting to unload overpriced• land ln hopes that ll can polnt\o these sales in 1984 when leases are adjusted. In 1984, the lease calls for residents to pay 6 per~ent of the falr market value of the land to the nrm. HAPPY 81RTHDAY IONG -Casa Bella resident Rosetta Bent plays pia,io cklnated ti~cenu~ to the senipr citizens by the Cos ta .................. _ Mesa Rotar)' Club. The event marked the 17th amiversary or the service or1anlzation that now has 901 .000 members.worldwide. D r . Tb l b a u It s a I d th e nel1hborbood committee now hu foc\lled tta 1l1ht1 on l994 and hopes to ne1otlate with Slpal before that lime. -8' S'J'f:VS1MARBU: . J, . ,. million less than the $17 million or the pro mised funding they t h a t w as p r o m i s e d i n wi 11 r eceive until the end or September. according to distnct February, s aid Z-immerman -By JODI CADENHEAD UCI Hispanics set to protest 'cutbacks' JJy S ANDIE JOY Of Ille Dally Piiot St.ff UC Irvine Hispanic students. concerne d over what they per ceive a s a c utback in se rvi ces o f the sch ool 's Education a l Opportunities Program I E O P l. plan to d emonstr ate from 11 a.m .-m-J p. m . Thursday in front or the Administration Building. EOP. which was cst<t blished at UC! in 1968. is designed lo a ssist enrollment of m inority and low income students at the university. Te rming Thursday's planned protcsl .. a Third World stude nt concern." Loraine Gutierrez or M E CllA s aid demonstrat'ion lead ers hope to altract at least 150 participants ant'luding UCI students, fat•ulty and staff. S h e s aid the , protes t 1s s upported by MEC HA, the umbrel la organization for Chicano stude nt groups at UCI, as well as by the Bla ck Student U ni o n re pr ese ntin g 1 6 o r g anizations a nd t he Asian s tudents pecif1 ca ll y, sa i d Ms. Gutierrez. s tud e nts are c o n ce rn e d abou t an aaministrat1vc policy to split EO P into l wo parts. The program had been headed for 3 ven years by Manuel Gomez. who went on leave in 19 79 to do a n interns hip in Was hington, D.C .. and, on his recent return to UC! learned the EOP di rectors hip no longer exis ted and EOP functions had bee n d ivided be tween ~o o ffices. •Schneider retains center helm Newport Beach attorney Be rnard E. Schneider has been re-elected as president o r the Newport Ce nter Association. an organization -repr esenting m er chants at the shopping and business center. Serving with Schneide r are vice presidents Jon Q. Loeb, gene ral m a nager o f the Ma rriott Hote l. and Richard Marowitz, owner of Newport Children's Bootery. •Chamber birthday bash slated · A day -lo n g celebration ll}a rking the Newport Ha r bor Area Cha mb e r o f commer ce's 75th birthday will be held Friday, March 12. Events Include a n 8 a .m. breakfas t -"Nostal gia ,.. Morning'" at the'-Salboa Pavilion and a 6 : 30 p .m . dinner-d ance at the Balboa Bay Club. The cost for breakfast is $12 and dinner is $37.50. For reservations, call 644-8211. • Man, woman of the year •ought. T he Costa Mesa Chamber office at 2960 Harbor Blvd. of Comme.cc.e is .accepting. _fie.a.dline..is-.A11<pnH·.-.1 $.,.., ___ ---+--- no minations for Its annual Tb e winne r w 111 be Man a nd Woman of the Year · a nnoun ced M a y 5 . Awards. Consideration will be given Those i nte r ested ' in to leade rs hip , length or applying s hould submit a r esid ency and community res ume to the Chamber service. •Audience 80UiJht for talk ahow Newport Beach residents are beln.g urged to take part ln the taptn1 of a television talk show featurln1 aay w ..... and Petet "~·-· paat and current pre1ldent1 ol the Irvine Company. An a~ce ol 25 la belnc • • sou1ht tor \he in·studlo show, to be ltlmed 5!30 p.m . Thursday at tb • Teleprolbpter 1tudlo1, 901 W. Slxteeatb 8tnlt. . For 1eal1ftc resenattc.t, call 142-579'1. l 0 ... NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS l~OU1'10lltlNCL.UOI THOHOlll TMINUt YO•&,MlDWHf flACIPtC, fltW, llOtfM,OITIOI• ~O CllllCINNllfl OOO .. Cl•A ... U .... 111"9TI 0 ev , ... •atO A•D "'""" f n ~I ' 0 ----5 N .. CLOSING 815.16 ·IJITI AtJantlc Richfield Co. said 1l will stop accepting credit cards. including its won, at its gas stations next month -a move it said will save the company $73 million a year. Al the same lime, Arco will trim prices to,dealers by three cents a gallon. a savings it hopes wUI be passed on to motorists. Arco's move comes onl y one day after three other major oil companies said they would drop dealer rebates in favor of instituting across-the-board wholesale price reductions . BankAmerica Corp. has r eorganized its worldwide retail banking and consumer services. Principal retail banking units in California, the United States and abroad have been reali gned under James 8. Wiesler, executive vice president Before the realignment. Wiesler was head of Bank of America's North America d1v1sion . Whittaker Corp. said it is extendinl! withdrawal rights on its tender offer for Brunswick Corp. until March 8 The Los Angeles conglomerate 1s engaged in a legal battle aimed at stopping Brunswick from selling its Sherwood Medical Products subsidiary Continental Airlines na med Frank Rothman, head or MGM-United Artists. a di rector of the airline. Th at was the only news reJeased as company directors met Tuesday to discuss the company's precarious financial situation Continental, which lost $60 million last year, has total debts of about $200 million after it bor rowed an additional $25 million last month ·111111 ~------ Federal Reserve Chairman Paul A. Volcker told the Senate Budget Committee that he expects a short-term recovery for the nation's economy. but cautioned that the comeoac1< may collapse without congressional action to slash budget dericits The price shocks that hit the country begjnning with the Arab oH embilrgo are far from over, the Energy Department said. The DOE i!'> predicting, a mong other energy price increases, that gasoline will sell fur $2.20 a gallon in 1995, not counting the impact of inn ation ,. Braniff lntemallonal said Its-domestic employees will receive 50 percent of their previously stated gross pay this week. The remaining 50 percent will be paid March 12. C~ll~IT~Y~d--.-------- Envirotech Corp. was-merged into e1 wholly owned subsidiary of Baker International Corp. Envirotech shareholders will receive 0 I or a share of Baker common stock and $3 cash for each share of Envirotech common stock ... Orange County, Phoenix and Houston ranked in the lop three in business growth during the' last four years. according lo The Newport Economics Group, a Newport Beach economic research firm. ~TOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT l,OIZ,IUO 1,014,ICI) 173,JOO 10 ,.00 111,<IOO Ul,700 6.JS.400 6'0,* ~.300 ,..,IOO 512.100 L,,~ '°'· 100 501,IOO UPS AND DOWNS AMERICAN LEADERS METllS NEW ~ORI<. lAPI -1•1> P•IQ• todf'r C••P•• 11~·1• ctn1$ .l pound, d .. tln•llons i.e .. 11·%1 <•nu• ooun<1 lift< •I c...is • _., otllwrod Tl•" n .. _,,,'I w,... comPO•ll• lb Aluml_ 7 .. 71 CHlh. ~ N '( M•rcury UIS.OO~r "•'' Pl•tl-~.00 troy 01 N v u $ ] I ~t I