HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-04 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • • • IUJJGI CUil YOUR HIMITlll IAllY PIPER THURSDAY. MARC H 4 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Gas price to drop below $1 a gallon? FRESNO <AP> -The bygone days or buying regular gasoline ror $1 a gallon may make a comeback in Califo rnia within 30 days. T hal is the predict ion or Jim M arkari~n. a Chevron station o perator in Fresno a nd past pres-i d e nt or the Ca tirornia Ser vice Station Association. "C.o mpetition probably wi ll drive it below $1 a· gallon for no o th e r rea son t h an s o m e inde pendent wants to be the first:· he said Wednesday in a telephone interview. ·-r11 s tick m y neck out and s ay that." California prices have been inc h ing dow n w ar d since J a nuar y, not a bly i n Hodesto where several companies have sold .regular at $1.039 a gallon for a few days. T h e Califor n ia State Automobile As!>ociation serving Northern and Central California on Monday reported average pe r -ga ll o n d ec r eases in F ebr uary of 2 .1 cents fo1 regular . 3.4 cents for unleaded and 3.7 cents ror pre mium. M a rk a r ia n saw l i t t le resistance to a drop or a few pennies in Modesto But he a lso forecast decreases below the d o ll ar m a rk e l se wh e r e , including F resno where the lowes t pr ice for regular was $1.29. With a new station set to open in less than two weeks. Carl Bo vett. pr e s ident o r Bovell Petroleum in Modesto, said. ··If we get any break In prices at all. we'd like to o p e n u nder a dollar." Major gasoline dealers at fi rst delayed joining independents in pr ice cutting but now appear to be catching up. "The m a jors seem to be fi nally pulllng their heads out or' the sand a nd lowe ring their prices." saic! Aoyett. whose compan y d ist r ibu tes to 100 stations ,.. Air Florida -de-icing mix dido 't do job? WASHI NGTON IAPJ -The solution that re moved ice and s now from Air Florida F li ght 90 before it took off pnd crashed was susbstantially we ake r than the setting on the de -ic ing m achines showed, according to federal investigators . Tests conduc ted by the FBI on t he equipment used to de-ice Fli ht 90 show d that while the m o r e wate r tha n American Airlines officials had thought. Lynch testified that he thought the tank from which American Ai rlines gets its g lycol was nearly 100 percent glycol. FBI tests or samples, conducted s ince the cras h . s howe d the solution to be between 83 percent and 87 percent. ~"'-t-"'"".n'.'"".o:-'z"":::zlere a di ng i ndicated a Crew saved from burning fishing boat ,,,...,,,..... WARY GLANCE .\11 ;1rml·d Pola"h ... 11lcl1 l't ''".ii dwd I" .111 t'l<krl~ wom;111 '"' h l' •;t;ands l!llanl .11 .1 \\',1r ... :I\\ .... 1 n·l'I inll'l'St•c·tion \L 11or llll l'l'Sl'<·t1on:-in lh1· Pol1:-h 1«1p11al ;i nd nt ht.•r t•1t1t•:-han• ht'l'n J,.!ll:Jl'llt-d h\ .11·nw d ... old it•r, ,1111·1· m <1rt1al l;I\\ \\a' dt•<:lan.·d 111 DlTl'nlhl'r in ~e~rt attacks' '1deo games ) PTA By RICHARD GREEN school because stude nts get Of'" D••Y "14• """ sidetracked and tend to spend Afraid t h a t school c hildren their lunch money ther e and m ay be blowing their lunch then the kids' perform a nce goes m o ney on video gam es. the down in the a fte rnoon because Ne wport E le me nta r y School they're hungry.'' PTA wants Newport Beach city The Newpo rt Beach city officials to enact an ordinance Planning Commission has regulating the quar ter·e ating a pproved the cons truction of m achines. three arcades over the last year. PT A P r e s i d e n t G eorgia one on Newport Boulevard near Ma honey has se nt a letter to the City Hall. another on 23 rd Street c ity Plannin g Commission , and Balboa Boulevard and a r ecomme nding th at no new third on 20th Street and Balboa video arcades be approved until Boulevard. such an ordinance is In place. Pla ns for t he latter were The commissioh is to consider u ltim a t e l y d e ni ed b y the granting approval Thursd ay Newport Beach City Council. night to pla ns by Huntington Be a ch businessm a n Roy M. solu tion of 25 percent glycol mixture only a solution of 12 percent to 16 per cent glycol probably w~ applied . "What the operators thought they were getting is not what th ey wer e li(e tting ," s a id m vestigator T imothy Bors on a fte r a d ay ·.l o n g h earin g Wednesday into the crash by the National Transportat ion Safety Board. Flight 90 took off f r o m National Airport after waiting for about 50 minutes in a steady s nowstorm. fai led t o gain altitude and crashed into a busy co m muter b r idge bef o r e plu n gin g in to the ice-filled Potomac Ri ver . Seventy-eig ht people. includ ing four people on the bridge, were killed. Robert F. McKeon, one of the American Airlines mechanics who de·iced the Air Florida Roeing 737 that rateful J an. 13. told the board today he had set his nozzle a t a 30 percent glycol solution, and had no reason to be lieve that mixture was not spraying the airplane. McKeon said he de -iced only the left side of Fligh t 90 a nd that another technician d id t he right side. Geor ge Lyn ch. Ame r ican's ma intena nce s uperintendent. said th at si n ce the c ras h , Am e rican changed proced ures so the nozzle mixing device on the de·icing machine is not used. Board i n vestigators . meanwhile. have been told that tests of samples of glycol in an air port storage t a nk conta in Ko u chi to o pen a six-game arcade and bicycle-rental shop at 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. ·'I think the mac hines are good for kids,"' Kouchi saisl in a telephone interv ie w thi s morning. "The ~overnment is buying video machines for use In Army training. Ari~s t Dupont dies ''My fnterilion-is to ask kids for written consent from their parenla before us ing the machines. I'd like to have nice relation s with schools a nd parents." KouchJ also s aid the Newport Pier area arcade wouldn't open for business until the afternoon hours. ''The PTA wants the PlaMing 1 Commlulon or the City Council lo adopt some s uldelinea on these a rcades,· particularly the hours of operation and how clo1e they can operate to 1choola1" Hid Ill. llabOIM.Y. "It'• particularly dllftcull af the madllnn are open before .. L~gunan known for seascapes • • Alfred Dupont, the Laguna Be-a.c~h painte r who-bttame k n own a s on e of· the authoritative seascape painters of h is time, die d Tues day afternoon al 75. He apparently suffered heart failure while driving on Ford Road i n Newport Beac h , according to witnesses who saw him slump over the s teerln1 wheel or his car. The car jumped onto a median In lhe busy MacArthur Intersection and colllded with a traffic pole. No one else wu involved ln the accident. llr. Dupont WU pronounc.d dead at Hoa1 Hoepttal. He wu a replar exhibitor at ' the Laguna Be ach Festival of Arts in the late 60s and early 70s . His work is featured In the inte rnationally known book "How to Draw and Paint Seascapes," and he ls lis ted In the "Who's Who in Ame rican Art." He was born In New Jersey in 1906, but came to California as a chlld. Educated at the School of Art.I and Crafts in Berkeley and the Mark Hopkin• Art Inat1tute In San Francisco. ' Mr. Dupont l• survived by hJ1 ion, 'Colyar Dupont of SH Francl1co, and hi• dau1later, Vlwlan Strickler of Seattle, Wula. M ALIBU I AP l Eleven c rew m en w e r e r esc ued u nh arm ed tod ay after thei r 95-foot fi shing boat. t he Southern Monar ch . c aught fi r e t hree m iles offshore. a ut horities said. County lifeguards and the crew or a second fishing boat. the Sea Christina. made the rescue southwest or Point Dume s hortly after dawn. the Coast Guard said. The Coast Guard received a di s t.re.s.q sign a l fr o m th e Sout hern Mona rch at 6: 10 a.m. and disp atche d a he licopter. said Coast Guard Petty Officer Tony Chilelli. But the cr ew of the Monarch was ta ken aboard the nearby Sea Christina a nd the helicopter was recalled. Th e lifeguards ' Bay Wa tch Malibu motor launc h and the Coas t Guard cutter Walnut, a buoy te nd e r fitt e d with firefighting equipme nt. rus hed to the scen e three miles southwest of Point Dume and put out the above-decks blaze aboard the Monarch within an hour. However . Chilelli said the fire continued to b urn below the wa ter level. The smoke could be seen as fa r south as Orange County. IUCCUMll Luw-un<i Re u (' h 1>u i n ll' I' . \ If r (' d Du1)0nt . 75. rlh.•cl uftc.•1· ~urfl'rtn11 ht•un t'u1lm·,. ·whill• drh·inar in '.'lt•w1>on Rcul·h • The frequcnl price t hanges have pleased motonsts. "They seem to love 1t." ht- .>a1d ··w e·ve seen a lot or them come down out or the mountains with motor home!. or barreb or whatev('r. That ·s a good SO miles I'm not· s ure lht•\ save anything hy drt\'lng thal r~r .. Howeve r . l)l)lh men t•xpctl price breaks to be s hort li\cd "I think evervbodv·s about as tow as the~" c~n gii for no ...... Boyett said Markar1<1n re marked. ··1 don't think it t·ould go muc h lower llhan $1 a gallon > I think it's hottomang out now. The majors are taki n g one hec k or a reduction in their selling price .. He al ~o warne d that the n1mpet1t1\'t•ness means that mon.· brand name futt-serv1<·t- dea lt•rs wi II go out of bus iness "It 's not Just a matler or price wars:· he said "It's a matter or <'Op1 nl'( w ith al l t h e other economic realitae~ ·· ,, ........... FATE WEIGHED S1•11 ll;ll'l 1..,1111 \ \\'1ll 1.1 m -. I>'\ .I .111d IH ' \\ 111• .11".llll'lk 11 ·.1\' 1 lw ( ·.1p11•tl .11 1, 1 t h1· 11r .... 1 d.I\ "' d l'h;11c 11n \\'ill1.1m .... li''"''hk ,.,11111 ... 11111 lrnrn 1111· S1·11.111-111 t h1· \\ ;1k1· ''' h1-. 1·11Jl \ u·t 1on 1111 111 illl'n 1·h.11 ::1•-. Senate pondering Williams' expulsion WASHINGTON <AP > A ~o m ber Senate is trying to decide whe the r Harrison A. Willia ms Jr . s hould be expelled for his Abscam o ffenses or given a lesser penalty beca4se he was the victim of a runaway FBI campaig n "to destroy a good ma n." In an extraordinary session. with Vice President George Bu s h presidin g , the Sena te began debate Wednesday on whet h er t he New Jer s ey De mocrat s hould becom e t he first senator to be expelled since the Civil War. · Votes o n w h a t kind of discipline should be imposed likely will begin M onday. Williams. who h eard some colleagues take to the Senate floor Wednesday to call for his ous te r, was scheduled to speak in his defense today. Although the outcome is not certain, some sen ator s are s aying privately the c a s e against Williams is so strong that expulsion seems extremely likely. ~en . Alan Cransto n , the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, is leadint an effort to censure rather than expel Williams because or a lle1ed "abuse or power" by the FBI. The opening ar1uments a1ainat Wllllams were deUvered ln the-fQDDl'OUI Southern voice or Sen. Howell Heflin, a bear·Uk• former chief Ju1Uce of the Alabama Supreme Court, wbo u1d 1111 flboW Democrat all'Md t.o tab • bribe .. ,..~ hll OHt at the expenH or the public." ' Censuring Williams rather tha n expelling h im would be tanta moun t to pulling "the Sena le sta m p of a pprova l on cond uct which we all know deep in sjde. to be wrong," Heflin said. "We would be t elling the American public . 'Yes. the Senate is a cl ub. No. we will not expel one or the m embe rs of the c l u b for bla ta nt conflicts of i n teres t. for b r ibe r y, fo r accepting a n illegal gratuity, for failing to report a n attempted br ibe."' IRllGI COAST lllTHIR Fair through Friday . S lightly warmer days . Highs 66 to 70. Overnight lows 45 to 47. 111111 TllAY The U.S. Supreme COllrt as pondering a decilion on where to draw the lhte btlween a ,,...,.,., rlgltt to read and a 1chool board'• authorit11 to ban boolu. SH Page A3. 11111 I .. r • -0r.,,. Co11t DAILY PILOT/fhurld1y, March 4, 1982 Mile Square to. retain· its name Bcounty Mputies ousted County endorses plan to name .golf course in honor of David Baker Oallyl'llel5ufl ...... QUITS SOCIETY SI ;1tt• Sl•n .Jo h11 Sdlmit1 ha:-n·~1g111«l fron1 ttw .John Bireh Sol·tl'I ' a ft t•r hl'ing r(•mm l'd frnm I It l ' /.!I' 1111 p .., '\ a I 111 11 .1 I ( '11111wil. t Oranae County supervisors h1cva dedded not to rename Mlle SQuare Reeipnal Parkin memory o,_ the· tat.e Olvid L. Baker but endor1ed an alternative plan to name 1tnaw aollcouue1tl the park In honorortheformersupervisor. The supervisors' action came ut the end of 11 brief public hearin& during which the board· learned that the Fountain Valley City Council was unanimously opposed t o the Mile Square name change. M Ile Square is a county recre ation area located within F ountain Valley. Supervisors have final say over any name change but had asked for t~e city's view on the proposal. On Feb. 16, Supervisor Ralph C l ark s uggested that Mlle Square be renamed for Baker. who died Feb. 6. Clark said the former super visor had been active in deve lo p in g man y Schmitz drops out of Birch Society By JEFF ADLER Of the D•llY •llot Si.ti Sla l e Sen. John Sc hmitz, R-Corona del Mar, says he has resigned. from the J ohn Birctr Societv as a "matte r of honor:· · Tltc Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. a Birch Soeiet~ member since 1963. said he resigned Tuesday because he w•1:. refused the opportunity to speak lo the organization's National Council when it meets in Los Angeles next week. Schmitz was removed from the JO-me mber National Council l ast week by the Council's executive commit'tee. · He called Society founder Robert Welch's refusal to a llow him to speak to the council a "breach of chi valry" in his res ignation leUer addressed to ..Welch,_ _ Sc hmitz sa id he wa s disappointed the society was not sticking by him a s he had stuck b y it ~durin g hi s 18 -yea r association. ··For lM years t put up with the controversial statements and wear it as a badge of honor and then l mak e a couple o f controversial st atements and I'm removed," Schmitz said by telephone from his Sacramento hote l room Wednesday . He said he. was removed from l h e council because .. , was getting the Birch Society bad press ·· • If he had been a llowed to s peak at the council meeting he would have presented not a defense. but a counter -allHck. Schmitz. a forme r Marine. SH id . He added he was surprised by his removal because he didn't know what he had done lhat was "n o n-anti-communist ·· Ile i n sis ted h e s till i s anti -communis t and will continue to suhscribe to Birch Sociely publicalions. Asked whether his candidacy is be ing isolaled by many political organizations. Schmitz r es p o nd e d . "I am being attac ked by left-winger s or non-political organizations like the John Birch Society ... He said. however. that mail and le ephone calls supporting his Senate bid have continued to increase. Schmitz has been s tripped of h is Se n ate co mm ittee chairmanship and form ally reprimanded by the. full Senate for re marks he made concerning women and Jews. Th e leadership o f the Califomta· Republican Party has disavowed his remarks as has the O'range County American Independent Party. Pac-Man takes bite out of archriva ClllCAGO <AP) -Pac-Man. the video chase game where it's gobt)le or be gobbled, has taken a big bite out of its archrival, K.C Munchkin. A panel of U.S . Court of Appeals judges rule d that Pac Man's "gobble rs" and "ghost monsters" a re protected by co p y r ig ht agai n s t "substa n Ually si milar" characters in the K .C Munchkin home video game. Atari Jnc .. which makes the popular Pac-Man . had c;ued Nort h ·American Ph111ps Consumer Electronics Corp .. E co1Wmy woe 'part of cur~' WASHJNGTON (API -High i.nt e rest rate s and une mployment. an unexpectedly severe r ecession. J>usiness fa ilures and record budget deficits "are a ll pa rt of the cure" fo r ending infl ation , budget director Da vid A . Stockman said today . Stockman said the nation has no choice but to s tick with PrcsiJent Reagan's policies ii it is lo "end the curse of inflation once and for all. even if it means s ho rt-run economic a nd fiscal . difficulties." Current. economic difficulties. however , are proving much worse than t h e Reagan administration had expected, Stockman. director of the Office or Manage m ent a nd Budget, I acknowledged in a speech before the Chamber of Commerce of 1.·h;;llt, Thomas P. Haley ,_..,.Cllllllboc-,Oll- Robert N. Weed ,,_.. Thomes A. Murphlne [dllGr L. Kay Schultz ,...,,,_ ... o.--~ Mtcheel P.. H'1rvey ......... ow- ~h N. Oodd1rd Jr. ~~ QwtnH. Loos ........... developer of K.C. Munchkin. The appeals court ruling blocked the sale of Munchkin games and sent the case bac k to U .S . District Court for a full trial on t))e copyright issue. The decision was seen as a victor y for Atari. which has c;pent Sl.5 million in advertising and has orders of $24 million for the home vers ion of Pac-Man In Pac-Man. "gobblers" emit gobbling sounds as. they are pursued by "ghost monsters" The Munchkin characters are "ghosts" and "gobblers ... In an e arlier ruling. U.S. Distric t Jud ge Geo rge N. Leighton said the two games were not similar when examined io detail. and refused to enjoin the s ale of Munc hkin games. The judge agreed with North American's argument that the Mu n c hkin maze s hifte d constantly while P ac-Man's stayed the same. Girl robbed at knif epoint 'JACKSONVILLE. Fla. 1AP1 -A Girl Scout was robbed of $40 by a knife -wielding bandit while she was delivering cookies in her neighborhood. police said . "I didn't know what was going on," the girl. Tonya Rosina Lockhard. 11 , told police. "I was scared and thought he was going to hurt me ." Girl Scout offic ials had told the girls not to go alone, 1>ut she did not think "something like this would happen to me." police said. •• ( county park11 durlr11 his service on the board from 1962 throuaih 197-4. Ourlng Tu esd ay night'• Fountain Vulley City Council m eet ing, M.iyor Ben Nielsen reported that telephone calls to City Hall had totaled 97 against the proposed name change, and three calls in favor. Oppos ition had focused on the long h.lenllflcution thf' city and Its buslnesse have had with the na m e "MiJe $quart!." The council voted to oppose renaming the park for Baker but agree d to s uggest count y supe rvisor:, instead rename a new golf course at the park in Baker's honor. City and county official~ 're cooperating orf pluns lo build a second 18-hole golf course in the undtveloped northwest corner or the park , bordvred b y Brookhurat Street and Edinger Avenut!. Tbe counc1l't1 positiou was s upported by f'irst Dis trict Su pervlsor Roge r Slunton. whose district includes the park. The su~rvisor.s approved •'he motion Lo nu.me.. the. proposed recreation facility the .. David L Ba ke r MPmorial Golr Course " TwQ. berllf's deputies have been suspended after an alleged Juilhouse brawl that left an inmate hos pitalized with a ruptured s pl een , s h e r iff's ookea_me.o .said. · "' The inmate. William Edward H i n c h . 3 4 , o f Norwa lk . underwent s.urgery at UC Irvine M e dical Ce nte r and wa s reported in good con dition Besides the ruptured s pleen. Hinch s uffered multiple bruises and scrapes Tuesday, Orange County sheriff's Lt. John Jewitt said. Neither d e puty was injured. The two d e puties. whose names were withhe ld, will continue to be paid while an investigation is conducted by department personnel a nd the district attorney's office. Hewitt said Wednesday in announcing the suspension "Because the deputies have not yet been arrested or charged with any crime, we are not yet re leasing their names." said Lt Andy Romero. llewill said a fi ght broke out when the deputies were leading Hinch from the jail's· housing sect ion to an area whe re inm a t es are released 0 1 exc hanged . The r e was no immediate disclosure or what may have triggered the scurne FARM BUGGED \ l•.tll' 111 l't1111 ,1.111,, t1.1l\..,l11rJlH•d 11\111 ,1 !l .11'1'' 1.l11•1pill.11 .... ~ .. dl't'11r;1ll'" .1 l.1r11w1" ... l1l'ld 111·.ir i-:11111 ·''·' l '.1 Pl·l'h.t(I' ,, ... .I 1\1'\\ k llld "' ... l'.ll'l'C'lll\\ Hinch had been brought to the jail from Los Angeles <'ounty J ail on Feb. 23 to answer local misdemeanor cha rges or being under the i nflue n ce of a controlled s ubst a nce. llewitt s a id lie said H in c h fa ces prosecution on similar chargel> 10 Los Angeles. " Veterans' .service office hit "The sheriff will do wh atever 1s necessary. including going to the Orange County grand Jury 1r needed, .. Hewitt said Supervisor Wieder finds ·many grievances valid' He said the name of the deputies would he re lea sed upon • completion or the investigation. By FREDERICK SCHOE M£HL Of t"• D.tlly Pllel Staff Operations of the centra l Orange County o ffice for handling of veterans· services have been critirized'•by county Laguna panel to 'monitor' cable TV? Laguna Beach City Council members agreed T uesday that a ca ble television committee should be re·established. if for no other reason than to keep t a bs on th e ever -changing, complex telecommuni cations industr -. The counci l unani m ous ly ordered citv offit•ials to come back late r 'this mbnth with a oroposal as to the scope of the co mm itt ee . whic h will be followed by appointment or fiv e members to the panel. The council made 1t clear Tuesday that they do not want a committee that 1s "out to get Storer Ca hie TV ... but mt her a panel that will serve to advise the counC'i l on a range o r subjects. The decision came despite a recom m e ndation fro m c it y oHtcials that there is c urrently n o n eed for a c abl e TV rommittee. Ci ty Manager Ken Frank said Storer currently is seeking no rate increase, and therefore, ques tioned the need of a cable committee But a half dozen speakers told the council a committee-could make recommendations on a variety of issues relatin2 to cable television. · Ed Van Oe usen. a local artist, s aid d ecisions on politic a l matters. such as should council c andidates be allowed to advertise on the local Channel 10 station, as well as other issues, s h ould no t be l e ft to the discrelion of an out-o f-town corporation. "In the end, the City Council is the boss." he said. Bob Gentry. himself a council candidate. said council rejection of a Laguna Video Club r equest for a committee would "be a slap in the race of a group that has helped the community." In a pproving the committee ooncepi. coqncil members said they wanted a well-balanced panel. with representatives of S torer and other g r oups involved. "We w a nt to a voi d the advocacy role, with Storer being the bad guy,'' said Councilman Neil Fitzpatrick. M ayor Sa ll y B e ll eru e suggested the committee's first project might be to review Storer's franchise with the city. She said the city starr sbould return in two weeks for a discussion of the purpose of the committee, and a dertnlt.ion of responsibilities. • Camp defended · SAN DIEGO <AP ) lmmicratJon and NaturallaaUon ComsniaiOMr Alan C. Nellon haa denied lhal conditions.ill the El Centro alien detenUon f aelllty art "inhumane,•· 11 alle1ed by Arizona Sen. Dennll DeConcinl. . .. !'>uperv1sor t1 arriett Wieder after she m ade an unannounced visit. · Mrs . Wie d er m ade the ins pection of the offi ce at 1300 S Grand Ave . Santa Ana. a fter rece1 ving com p I a in t s from veterans that the offi ce was no! s atisrartory "I lo und many o f their grievances valid ... Mrs Wieder said in a memo sent Monday to James Heim. director of the county Community Services Agency. The CSA provides services to veterans as part or its function. Mrs Wieder complained that the Veterans Service Office was 'Two-injured by land mine SAN SALVA DOR. El Salvador <AP> A land mi ne detonated by a s ti c k in j ure d tw o 'photo,g r a phe rs working for Newswee k magazine 1n northeaste rn El Salvador. a m il itary ~po kes man a nd a witness said J oa nn O m ang or the Washington Post. who was trav e ling wit h th e photographers. identified .the men as J Ross Baughman, a 1978 Pulitzer prize winner. and James Natchwey. She said they had been warned the road had been mined and un sa f e . Baughma n and Na1chwey walked ahead of the press car Wednesday probing for mines with a stick when one of the men apparently touched off a n explosion not marked by signs. that the co unte r arrange m e nt was "unacceptable." that files were "o~en and obtaina ble by anyone in the o((ice: .. that the telephone system was not acceptable. and that tlie informa tion file for vete rans services was in poor condition. "I think this is symbolit• of the reeling veterans get that the county is unconcerned with the operation o r the \'('\eran i, services office." s he said in thl• me m o to Heim. Bill Hodge, an aide lo Mrs Wie-der. s aid Heim has been asked to prepare a report on the complaints by March 15 In a separate . but relalt'd report, the San.La Ana \'cteran!. · office was labeled ··horrendous" by an mortitoring committee made up of representatl\·es or va r ious veterans organizations T he count "'s veteran ser\'ice!. program has been unde r fire Crom various vete rans · groups s i n ce las t s umme r when supervisors agreed to combine the veterans' program with the co unt,·s cons umer affairs prog.ram \'1.•teran s ' representatives sa.v they "'ant the office to be independent At that ti me. supervisors. ,at Mrs Wieder's request. formed the monitoring co~tee It h-as examined othe r veterans offices in Placentia. Huntington Beach and Orange a nd made recomme ndations to improve them The committee concluded in its report that the supervisors should reevaluate the decision to merge the veterans a ffairs and cons umer functions. 'Witches' held • • 01 extortion F REEHOLD. N .J . <AP > Two self-procldimed wit<:he'i who charged a woman $4 .285 to perform a ceremony to cure her or diabetes were found guilty of theft by deception and theft by extortion. A Superior Court jury found Florence "Killy" Gormlln and Lance Rakowski, who both say t hey pract ice the re ligion of Wicca. guilty. They said they would appeal Each faces up to 41 12 ye ars in p rison , a rosecutor said. _ ~--..-an1rc G<>ldstein. 21 ~ of Cherry llill. s aid the two performed a railh healing ceremony on her but she was hos pitalized three days luter fo r insulin shock Youths face weapons rap ,, pl'llct handgun. five sets of m a rtial arts weapons. one billy c I u b-.a n d seve ral kni ves including a dagger led to the arrest Wednesday night of two youths at lr\'1ne·s He ritage Park Teen Center. The weapons were discovered in a car parked outside the center by officer's responding to a reported distur bance among tee-n-agers. • The youths were arrested for possession of illegal weapons and. a fter being held briefl y al the Irvine Police Department. were released to their pa rents. A MUST FOR COLLECTORS: 1llE FIRST DEFINITIVE BOOK ON WATERFORD. Waterford, An Irish Art by Dublin native Ida Grehan Is the flrst major book on this world·renowned cl)'Stal. More than 250 pages tn beautiful color rell the complete hlstory of the crystal and how it Is created b'j hand. $50. §LA.VICK'§ ,......,.Slra t917 Whtt1 rh.t btsr surpmes btgin. F-"kln llllnd l714t &w-t• • ~ lelch AllO r,,...., l.09 Angllll •Sift °"'°. Lia -- I Enltrtatntl" l ltoa Joba r1v t 11td tlut ht h11 performed ln 11cret for tht l rlU1h royal fam ily. lptaklnt I t a p r tll oonftNf\ot t»tfort 1 concert ln AuatraUa, ht 11ld ht had playtd plano "a couple or Umt111 for tht royal family. Ht alto playtd I t Prtan ~adrtw1 1 2ht birthday party. whlch ht d11crlbld u •1 1 v e ry i nteresti n g tvenlna." John ta perform ~ng five concerts in Sydney. He may do a sixth and do na te the m o n ey t o the multi ple scle rosis society, he said. Ronald Galella was the only American photographer "un c h eck ed by i n n e r prohiblliQns" as he sought out J acqueline Onassis and her daughter for cele brity photos, said a• j udge who cited him for conte mpt or court. A" ......... CONNIE'S BACK Dic·k Clark . who k1t1nl0hl•cl Conn1l' F ran cis ' car eer on his .\ml't'1<'a n Randstand s how 111 1950s. chats with the sinJ?er at a eo<.'klail part~ this w<.'ek in '.'lt•w Yo rk. The part~· was to l'Plrbrall' ~t 1s:-. F'r<.1nl'is · (·onl'erl Sa turcla~-. her rirst '.\:(•\\'York a ppearanC'l' tn 15 .\'l'ars Galella faces possible fines or confinement after U.S.- District J udge Irving Ben Coope r concluded In New Yor k that Galella violated a 1975 order barring him from a nnoying Mrs. Onassis and Car oline Kennedy. Alan Alda strikes blow/or ERA Actor Alan Alda says none o f the "d ire eve n ts " pred icted by opponents or the E q ual Rights Amendme nt will come to pass if the p ro posed cons tit utiona l amendment is r atified. ··You wi ll not find a woman in the m en 's room , unless s he is fi xing t he plumbing,'' the star of TV's "M •A •S •H•" t o l d a n audience of a bout 1,200 al Wesleyan Univer s ity in Middletown. Conn. He said he was saved from polio by a treament invented by a wom a n and advised m en that they, loo, have reasons to work for the ERA. "I come from a long line or wome n. myself ... he s aid. Gallella, of Yonkers. N.Y., was ordered by Cooper in 1975 to keep a distance of 25 feet from Mrs. Onassis and 30 feet from Miss Kennedy and to avoid harassing them. Queen Elizabeth II opened a cult ural center in London t h at is 12 year s beh ind sche dule a od S227 million over budget. The Barbican Center fo r A r t s and Con fe r e n ces becomes the new home of the London Symphony Orchestra a nd the Royal Shakespeare Company. The arts complex. originally scheduled to open in 1970, cost $271 million to build rather than the $44 million originally budgeted. T he in a ug u ral concert 1 f "Three's Compa ny," is four a crowd '! If so, TV star J ohn Ritter and his wife. Nancy, h ave jus t been crowdeq. Ca rly Constance Ritter was born in St. J o h n's Hospital in Slrnta Monica, said Rosemary O'Brien of Ritter's p ublic relations firm . Laur ence Frank ano Co. The bab y weighe d 9 pounds. 1 ounce and mother and chi ld were r eported healthy_ Jl was the Ritters' second child Ritte r , star o f ABC 's "Three's Company." is the son of singing cowboy Te x Ritter. f e a t u r es l h e L o n d o n.._ Symp h ony's Italian conductor, Claudio Abbado, Soviet pian ist Vlad i mi r As hkenazy, who Ii ves in Iceland , and U.S.-based cellist Yo Yo Ma , who was born in Paris of Chinese parents. Coastal ' Warmi·n g t r e nd California Soult>ern C.lltotnle ·will be lelr throuoh Frid•Y. wlln a warm lno trend In all erH •. · Small cretl advisory tor oultr c oa slal w•ters between Point C-ption -~kOIH l>l•nd d.,. to northwest •Ind> of 111 to 30 II.nots wlltl S to I loot ..... with wind• decre••lno ••ler 10 10 to 11 knoll EIHwh•r• llghl var la bl• winds 11e<om lno west to southwest 10 to 1• knols atlernoon decr•aslng by evenlno. Westerly sweth l to 4 feet dKrMllnQ to Ito 3 feet F•lr. or•1>9e c-tv c.en ••PKI h191\~'~---l~~p~~~S~~~~·ll~ today ~ld~4-tt~,; ... IOS4. Intend valley• wlll ha .... hlQhs ,..., H today. n FridaY-L-·-so Mountaln1 cen e1tOK1 '-1hwHt •Ind• 20·30 mph oreduat ly clecr .. •lno. Htofts 46 lO S4 -y. $2 lo 60 F rld•y. LOWI U to,. O.Vrts will ,,.,,. west to M>UlllwHI winds JO.JO mpl\ d«rea•lno t~y. -----------~or;~;.,~;~O:t:'!o·~~o ;:;,:.~~ U. .s. summary dewr1nlQtll1' toll locl•Y. IO to .. Frkl•v. LOW\ 46 to S6 CIUrlr19 In mc"1 arHI of Norlhern s.._ Md fr .. dno ,.In l•U •cron e nd Cenlrel Cellfornla, but M>me Ille Ml~ TUH<ley, btenl<etl"9 .,, ctovdlneu 11"9fflno o-nlgti terreln eree lrom Horth Dakota ecrou •nd In ti. ,., -1h. Slo• •ermlno Loullvllle 31 » R•dw-Clly ustern Soutll Dakota end much of trend. Snow level nur 4,ooo 1"1 Memphi• ltl SA Sacramento N•brHlt•. north, •.ooo r .. 1 in the sovin. Mia mt I• 61 :.aunH Fr•ufng rein reech•d from Mllweuk.e ?• .01 San Bernerdlno l>CH"ltlHst COIOreclo ac•OS• wHtern s Mpls·Sl.P 20 09 San Gabriel a nd central I< anus, and the mog Nu hvllle 61 •• San Dleoo preclpllallon chanQed 10 rain In Hew Ori.-1• •2· San F ranclKo northWfltDllta-The Air Ouallty M•n•o•m•nl N•w Y-» 2' ~Jose TIM Grwl Lall.es •nd JIM c•ntrat DlllrlC1 predlcfl OOoc:I •Ir qu.allly 10, Oleta Clly 46 ..i ta Ane Appetech lan Mount ains h ad everyonelniheSouthCOHIAlr Besln Om•h• U 22 Sant•8ar.,.ra SQtlttr41d snow show..-i TMN was today. Phll•dphia )6 14 Stnla Cl'\ll frH1ln9 rein In eattern 1(91rtuc;ll.y, The AOMO .. ,111,..d Pollullon P._nlx 11 » Sente Marl• e nd It rained trom norlh••SI St•ndard lnde• IPSll r•llnos of 42 P lttsl>ur9fl 21 12 Santa Monka ArtcanMS ttwouoh c•ntrat hnneue•. 10< a ll regions. Piiand, Me 21 10 Sloe II.ton Fortodey,~wesexpee141d from ____________ Ptlencl,Ore •SI o h hoeVelley ltl&-1-..-Great U kH across IM R-.Hl<lh n f1 ''-""•' ,,_t!MNY Awar11c11r11ns, nort~ern Tem'.neratu•os Reno ., 32 i'um• Vlrolnla, mc"1 ot Maryland, "'-Ohio i_ ' 'r • ' • .:;:;; Rlciwn.ncJ .0 » v alley. IN! fM cl!ntr•I Mlululppt Sall Leu 41 ,. Vall•Y NATI°" S.ettle 41 •2 Tllundershowers were forecall HI Le St L°"h J.1 JI from IM tow.r Mlu lsslppl Valley All>uqu. SI 42 St P-Tempa 73 4J Amsterdam lhrollQh the T•nnessee Valley, the Astt.vllte 61 ,. St Ste M«le U ·21 1..-11n C.ntral Gull SI•'-• and Ille Vlrolnle Allenta U 41 TIKIOn 1t d I OQOta cN st ecross _.lllern South <:Molina, Atlefttc Ctr • 11 Watlllfl9tn • 3' 1· AINs Mone.IW -Ulilh also wtll fleve laltlmOff n l2 Wichita ,. JI Cairo snow, tllir Hatlonel w .. 111er Service 81rmlnofw'n M 42 CaracH aald. It should "-cloudy In th• llwnarcll. 11 07 CALll'DltlllA Haven• northun •-thirds of the Plains l ots. ~{ : Apple v ellr( ~1 ';: Hong Kono tllrovol\ tM c.ntrat RoclclH and fe~ &osaon 21 _ l ell.ersfleld •2 42 Jel'\lselem over the res1 of the nation. 8uff•lo .,.. Jo'l>uro Hlolts wlll ra1>9e In the '"n' from Cn11rlstn SC 61 41 l erstow •7 '° Lisbon nortMrn Mofttene acrou nortMrn Cllerlstn WV J3 JO ~ "52 <ID Mectrld Ml~•. IM 20s -Jib from Hew ClleV•rww 40 2t llt .. ., 10 Menna Enolefld -t11e nonM<n Allafttk Chk aoo 11 •• lll't!M ,. • Mexico City CN st across the Great t.:ell.tt, t"9 Clnd nnatl 2S 20 C.Ullne M ~ Moscow centret MIMIHIOol Vallo arod from Cleveland 21 10 l!wntlla 54 4S IMw 0.1111 N•ll ruka throuo h th• ld•ho ColurflC>ul JO II l'retno St n "arls panllendle. O•l·l't -14 SJ Lancester SJ 40 lllo T•~atures sllould be In ttM tow Denver 40 tt Long IN<ll U 0 Rom• to mld-'°5 •tono IN nor111ern Pecllk Dea Mot"" 27 21 Los A•les 70 S1 Sen Juen CNtl "1>d near 60 over t"9 <ent,.1 O.troll It 12 Marysvllle •2 O Seo Paulo Attentk eo.st. the T•MeSM V•ll•y. Dvllltll IS ·21 Monrovle ., 0 Slno•PO<• northern T ..... and th• nor~ern Et Pato 71 S> Montebello .. 46 Stockholm coest of Celllornl• with reedlngs In Falrbanb 14 ·•• Monlerey S. ~ Tollyo th• m ld·70s .cross t h• 'Inland Hartf«d » 11 Mt. Wiison 4t - soulllwut. Soutllern Teau and Helene 41 K Nff<lles 72 SI s outhern F lorida •I ll h•v• ::::::::u ~ :;. =ri.rt llMcll • :: U tempereturHln the -IOt.. lndnaplll 12 n ,. .. m~ 14 .. Te.,,...r.turH .. -IN Milon •• JeCllMIVlle ,. ,. ,.,._. " .. mlOda'J' ....,....., r......, trom • tow Of t Ill Hawe, Mont., lo• hl9" of Kent Cltr JI • ,._ ,..,... st ts Las \I.... .a 0 ltlvef't~ it 42 .'.'~-Mc-A.11en_,T_•_ .. _L ___ __,....,.L~M•t1e,,_11_oc_11. ______ " ___ a ...... " ..... '.""'_ ... _________ s, __ .. _ Extended foreca&t S.tWMy•·Monde'J': varl ... e hlell ( .......... SMunlaf. lncnM1119 111111 <...,.._ ~. Cltluely MeMe'J' ""ti a cMllce Of ritlft, WIH'J' Ill IM _ .. , ..... ~-c .. ttel M91• lllf RIPllT ............ A ...... Dir Celtlwv l!Cl!Mfttoft Mentrtal Ott-• lteglne Twonto Vafte°"""' Wlllfll"9 GLOIAL CANAD.\ TOOAY n •• 60 40 s• n 60 0 " 0 u SS S6 .. St .., .. .., " 43 61 .. 61 J7 u 41 ., 3' 37 2t ,. S4 1' 52 Ml Le so 37 ... ,. 10 '2 11 .. ., ... IO ,, 12 ., St SS II •1 ... ., .. .. M ... ti 72 •3 0 " ,, " .. u ... 11 ., •3 JO .. 10 71 .. tO n 40 • n M Ml Le °' .. 07 .,. tt -414 ti .., 12 Git 14 '41 47 41 ,. ·II ~ -...,...,, .... 11 •ltll I••• 41 I• SI. Me1111te l11 llltlls .....,..., -.....,, ff te '5 wlttl 1 ... ......., 111 a......,. s .... -...c-.,-....,. t I WSW I 4 WSW l'ln t hlgll l'lrst IO'# Se<onel 111911 SKonCI- •:lla.m. S.J .., ....... .,., .......... J • w J w ti!~ e.11'1. .().4 •:4.J p,m. J.6 II: 1• p.m. t.J We're Ll8fening ••• Wtt.t do 10U llll• about tbe Daily Piiot? Whal don't you Hile) C•ll the number bel°" Md 10Uf ..... ,. wlll be recorded, trusmbed _. dellnnd to the "''opri•te .....,,, The •UM It .._, ww.-tq tenlee ••r lte ..ct 1o NCOrd let· tera to the ldltor 09t an1 topic. Mallboa eatll ••Ura •• Include t heir ume IM WI• ...... _..,,..~ No *eWMloe u ll1, pie... . Tell UI wMl'I oa ,..... ..... . ; Or•nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thu r1d1y, Maroh 4, 1982 8 MILLIONTH PLATE I ;11\ Etl11111ncl c; Bru\\ 11 .Jr pn.•-.t·n t -. lht· m 1ll111111h pt·r ... 11n al1 1l·tl l1t·t'll"t' p l;il(' 1 .... -..11t•tl I" till· (';tlil11r111.i lkp:1t'lmt•nt 111 \1 11tor \'l'11ll'lt•:-. to Rll'h;1nl A,., • .,.._ ;11ul .Jm l'l' (;ourl1•\ of Salina-. .\I n 1;1r an.• -.on" \l1<"h<t l'I 1lt·l1 •. \t all ,111d <li1tt c hl t•r \krn . p;1rl ol tlH·1r 1':1mil.\ ofH Tran s~t steps weighed County planners study 8 traf fie control possibilities By STEVE TRIPOLI Of Iii• Dlllly P'llet St.If Count y pl anner!> I rying to prevent a future trans portation nightmare in the heart or the county havl' presented eight possibl e plans for t ransit improvem ent s al a publ1t· meeting tn Costa Mesa P resentatio n of the st.•cond phase of the !'lorth·South Centr<JI Corridor Stud\' is one of four sc heduled sti.•ps expedl'fl to result in a plan for h •nlral county transit improvements within a year The study is so named bccau5t' its foc us 1s o n the m ajor north·south arteril•s running through the eC'ntral count~. routes 55 and 57 Coasl ll1ghway in Huntington Reach. Widening of Route 55 I the Costa Mt.'sa Freeway J to the Costa Mt•sa-Newport Beach line !Newport Beach off11:1a ls presently oppose widening the road m that cit~ > W1<lcning of Pacific Coast ll1g~·ay from BeaC'h Boulevard 1 n l!ll'ttttngton Rc<H'h south througl1 Corona del Mar. An expanded rail sy~tems ne l,.,.ork throughout thl· central COii nt \'. Tht• creation of so-called 110\' lanes 1 na med for high oc·c·upancy vehicles such as buses> on Routes 5. 405. 55. 57 and 22 The plan would be accompanied hy road widening problem that almost everyone predicts will get much worse as the county tries to cope with continued growth. Jean1nne Kahan . senio r transportation planner fo r the com missio n and project manager for the central corridor stud\' said officials now feel that· the Santa Ana Freeway plan, the central corridor plan. an d a p l an for t ra n s it improveme nts along Beach Boulevard's entire length are a minimum solution to t he problem • The eight plans: ~1ch will be b o il ed d o "n to th r ee alternatives. use new highway con struction. expansion or existing roads. new mass transit and the creation of special mass t r a n s it h ighway lanes to alleviate the cenl ral county traffi c crunch · on Interstate 5 Current plans call s for 10-year program!> lo be drawn up in about a year that include prov1siom. for improvem ents in all three areas in a few years' time. she said . ~ Among the proposals a re An extension of Route 57 I the Orange Freeway J from its present terminus al Routes 5 an-d 22 in Oran~c to Pac1f1c • Offi('lal s of the cou nt y Trans portation Commission. wh1c·h oversees the plan. said its priority is second only to much-needed improvements on the Santa Ana Freeway. such as widening and reconstruction of thl' intersection with Route 55. But the commission said Tuesday it recognizes that this program alone will not solve the county's traffic problem --tt But the ke ys to a n y improvement will remain a desire for them among voters and a will to carry them out amon g e lected officials. she said. Many are expected to face tough political oppos ition from lhose mos t affected . "ll 's all up to the peopl e. Trans portation is the key to anyt hing that happens in this coun~e said Brown bac k s judge s Asks n ew ap peals judgeships, in cluding one in OC SAN FRANCISCO IA P J Gov. Edmund Brown .Jr has asked the California Supremt.> Court to allow the state to create 18 new appeals court judgeships w hi c h w e r e d ec lared unconstitutional by a Superior Cou rt. A bi l l autho r izi n g the judgeships. and also creating the s tate's s ixt h a ppe llate district in San Jose and new divisions in Santa Ana and Santa Bal"'bara. was strud' down F eb. 26 on the grounds that there was no mone y for the library in Or ange County. Salaries and expenses for the new judges were paid for by S3 million in the c ur rent state budget. But instead of payi ng for the propose·d library in Santa An a with stale funds. the bill b} Asse mblyman E lihu Harris. 0 -Rerkcley. called for soliciting of private donations Superior Court Judge Charles Fogerty ruled that the state can't fund a court that way. and said the provision m ade the whole bill unconstitutional. The ruling ii; important for two rea so n s : it bloc k s appointment of new judges that the appeals courts say they need because of a heavy workload. and it keeps Brown from making so m e p o l i tically c h o i ce appointments in his remaining ~ 10 months in office. Appeals cour t judges are paid $71 .718 a year Brown asked t he Sup reme Court 'to take t l\.e case i mmediate ly If t he court agrees. it could resolve the issue in a few months. in lime for him to make·the appointments. But the court could also refer t he case back to an appeals court. raising t he possibility that the issue would be delayed until after Brown left office. The governor contends tha t even if the failure to fund the San t a Ana l ibra r y wa s improper, that's not a sufficient legal reason to declar e the entire court expansion invalid. R O LEX Orange Cout OAILY1 PILOT1Thurad1~. Maroh 4, 1912 -.. ~., ...... GRIM REAPER Kt•111 Stall' l 'tll\l'l°"ll' 1·111·d .l .111111· Cosn1rnsk.\ portr;"" tlw .. Cram Ht•ap1·1 .. dunn!.! .i -.111d1·nt mar<'h on tht· ('ampth 1w;1r .\kron lkl\\(·1·11 :!llo .111d :11 111 m·archl·r~ took p;1rt t llh '' l'l'k proll• .... 1111!.! -.1 all' ;111d t1·11l-r.il huclJ:!t•t c·ut < 111 vch1t'.1t11111 T911gh driVing law eyed WASHINGTON <AP J • Drunken drivers would race on ·t h e ·apot loss of t heir operator's licenses under Jeaisl~llon proposed by Sen. John C. Danforth, R-Mo.. and pollce could Impound their automobiles If they continue to drive. Danforth announced his proposal on Wednesday at the opening or a hearing or his Senate Commerce s ubcommittee on s urface transportation on the proper role of the federal gdvernment in ridding the highways of drunken drivers. Some witnesses testified that it was a proble m for state and local authorities not the federal government but all agreed that nearly 40.000 deaths occur annually in which drinking while driving is a factor. Sen. Claiborne Pe ll , D-R.I .. a nd Rep. Michael Barnes. D-Md .. already have introduced legislation that would encourage states to impose mandatory s anctions against con victed drunken drivers to qualify for continued federal highw1ty · • traffic safety funds. Sall y Ann Kirkpatrick . representing the Alliance of American Insure rs , urged Congress not to seek a "quick fix" solution but instead to allow the n ewly announced Presidential Commi ssion 9n Drunk Driving, the Life.saver Conference sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and various state commissions lo suggest possible solutions. Russ can't ·detect submarines Soviets would be at dfsadvantage in hostilities WASHINGTON tAP> The Soviet navy still is unable to detect US or other submarines at sea despite a major effort to learn 'how to do it. says a top Pentagon official. Richard D . DeLauer . undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, told Congress this week that "a key deficiency of Soviet naval forces is 't heir inability to detect submarines in the open ocean." DeLauer's report suggests the otherwise powerful Soviet navy would be al a s erious disadvantage at the outbreak of war in tryingto hunt down U.S missile-firing submarines before they could fire their weapons or in de s tro ying other U .S unde r sea craft which attack s urface shipping. .. While thev have an extensive anti -s ubmarine warfare research and d evelopment program . . the Soviets appear to lag behind the United States in acoustic detection signal processing," De Lauer said in his annual report to the House and Senate. U.S. Navy specialists long have claimed a wide lead over the Soviets in anti-s ubmarine warfare t echnology . They believe Soviet inability to locate U.S. submarines would be a powel'fUI deterrent against any Soviet decis ion to launch a nuclear strike on the United States because U S . missile-faring submarines would WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL Oii Y-WALL remain free to retahate against the Soviet homeland. DeLauer a lso reported that the Soviets "clearly lag behind " in some aspects of technology for quieting their own s ubmarines . H e did not elaborate. but this suggests the Soviet undersea fleet remains v ulnerable to U .S . Navy countermeasures because the sOviet boats are noisy. Traditionally. according to U.S. Navy experts. the Soviets hav e chosen s pe e d over quietn~ss in developing power plants for their submarin~. This appears to be the case with the Soviet navy's newest class of nuclear attack submarine. called Alfa. From Franciscan's famous hanQ·painled classics to the timeless beauty of ,Madeira, and Hacienda, there, are savings galo<e in this Spmg Sale. ~ve 36 % off 6st pnce on dinner plates, salad plates, soup/cereals, cups, saucers. creamers, sugars, large vegetables, and 14·· olitters. in Desert Rose. ,4,pple, C.-.fe Royal, Bouquet, tresh Fruit and October. Or save 43 % on the same itMtS , in Hacienda Cole!, Haoenda Green, and Madeira. All patterns dishwasher and microwoive safe The famous hand-painted dinnerware pattern -Desert Rose -has been reproduced on sparkling gl.mware in goblets. double okJ fashioned, iced tea, and juice. and are available al a 20 % savings. ~le ends March 31st • I 32-j • J POTTERY Ea SH 1212 S. Coast Hwy., ~gun~ Be~ch 714 494:.1141 .,._to9pm "Pottery Plus Much, Much More'' Since 1936 -:-Over 100 Open Stock ' Dinnetw~re P~ttems • Bri<UJ Registry• Gift Wr~p • We Ship to AU St~tes ..,.. Behind the bell. Behind the famous Seacoast sticker. Behind all the state-of-the art protection devices we make and install. is Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes ofl on your property, we get the slgM! tn a nearby, 24'-hour·i ·day central station. If the signal indicates lire, burgl1ry or hoodup, we call the police or fire department. You've All Been Asking • WELL ll'S HERE I Since our central station is UL listed, our central station customers can qualify lor a sizable discount on their insurance. And lo increase our re1ch, make response time even laster and i mprove eff jci ency we're compute<izlng our station. But improvements aren't new to Seecoast. We've been getting better for 21 years. And today we're the leaders in the security business In the harbor area with over 10.000 customers. 1nclud1ng a wide range of big and small retail. Industrial and commercial establishments. To find out more about 5eacout central station write or come by our new lac1hty at 2"88 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Iii\ SEACOAST 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD .\I ~CURITY SYSTEMS c11•> 842-3490 "Plummer's has echleved tremendOUs res~from Dally _,Ptlot advertising." Peter Engby General Mlneotr Plummer's 1nternatlon11 Contemporary Furniture Santa Ana Piiot advertising Is QOOd business for Plummer's I ntem•tlon•I Contemporary Furniture NEWNRT SKI COMPANY'S SUPER • -__J .. Sale Starts M·arch 5th Clothlng & Equipment Rentals 2500 w.~o•t ""'· ·Newport~ .. CA .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT(Thuraday, March 4, 1982 • warns 0£ '83 tax liike Governor says he has 'options' to avoid threatened deficit this year SACRAMENTO <API -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. said he has "a list of options" to avoid a threatened deficit In the s tate budget this year , but he warned a tax increase may be needed next year. hMvo already 'been taken by the L ee l s lature and hi s a dministration in the state's S25 billion budget as the national recession has cut deeper and deeper 'into state revenues and hiked welfare costs. Economists have predicted a n additional deficit or •up to $350 million, but Brown said there can adopt very q1,h:lcly. It Is a relatively simple tas k," Brown said. But that o nly delays the problem to the 1982-83 fiscal year, Brown said. "Obv\ous ly mo re c uts are going to be required. Those cuts . are going to be very pamful," eri>wn said. cut the state payroll, Brown replied ltlat "is not something I a m sponsoring," a nd said It could not be done without collective bargaining with state workers Brown on Wednesday cited highe r property ta xes on business and an oil severance lax as possible ne w revenue sources, but said he is not prepared to make s pecific tax hike proposals until the s tate 's revenue picture is clearer later in the s pring. "We've got to cut OT we've got to find some more revenues." Brown was the first or nine witnesses, including politicians a nd s tate a n a pri va t e economists. scheduled to discuss means of meeting the budget crisis, Rathe r than calling for a special session. unde r which Democrats would have more leeway to enact fiscal measures without Republican vot es, Brown called for a bipartisan approach to budget problems. "The cu rre nt year i s manageable . But the next year is going to be a problem , .. the Democratic governor told a special joint session o f the · Senate and Assembly called to discuss the state's fiscal crisis. ·'The moment of t ruth is here now. We've got lo cut or we've got to find some more revenues, and we've got to do it now," Brown said. Brown made no mention of call ing a s pecial legis lative session, which R e publi can leaders had predicted. Brown noted that nearly-Sl billion in .emergency measures are no firm figures. and it may be severa l months before one is clear. H e said if the recession continues, some e m erge ncy m easures could be easil y i mp osed l o avo id a con s titutionally prohibited defi cit in the fiscal year that ends June 30. like speeding up some ta.x collections. s uch as the s ales tax. or deferring (>ayment of some state bills until pas t July l . .. We have before u s a manageable set of options we , "It is. not just cuts that we ought toklook at. We should not to tally c lose our minds to addilional revenues . ·I did not com e he re to dismantle our public sector," Brown added. Brown said he would not spell o ut s pecific tax increases or s p e nding c uts becaus e he wanted bipar tisan cooperation. Instead. he said, he was "laying on tl\e table" some pote ntial Options, including tax increases. Asked if one of the options he is con s ide ring is unpaid furloughs for state workers to Altho ugh Brown did not s pec ifically endorse pe nding pr o p osa l s f o r a n ew con stitutional amendment to partially exclude bus iness properties from Proposition 13 tax limits, he hinted strongly th at h e was cons i dering endorsing those so-called "split roll" proposals ·'It may be necessary •o d iscuss with the business community the possibility of additiona l revenues." Brown said. RETURNS TO SET '.'/ RC 's "Tht.• Powers l'l'llll'nt.'cl lo thl' S(•I 1h1 rd-cit.· J!l'l'l' hu rn.:-. ~on1mtx.·r .,. .......... .\t·tnr Pt•lt'r n artoll. who SI ars Ill ol' '.\fol I ht'\\ St :1 r ... 1:--shmq1 a:--hl· 1 his \\'t.'l'k an l'I' l'l'l'()\ l'l~illl! I rnrn i-ufft•ri.:il 111 lllm1n c :11·1·11len1 111 • ID California race Goldwater .to ln_!!intain low visibility SACRAMENTO <AP> -Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. m ay debate his rivals for the U.S. Senate after all , but says he has no intention of cha nging a policy of re fus ing lo tell the press about m ost campaign appearances. Goldwater . who ha s r e presented portions of Los Angeles and Ventura counties in Congress since 1969. has been co ndu c tin g-a caut i ous front -runner's campaign for the Se n ate, avoiding events that give his rivals equal standing and minimizing contact with news r eporters . His low-visibility strategy in the eigh t -way ra ce for the Re publican nomination for the U.S. Senate has paid off so far in his high ratings in polls on the June 8 prim ary. After several months or gradual decline. Goldwater rebounded to a healthy 34 percent in Me r vin Field 's January s urvey while his Lov:e Creek still unsafe BEN LOMOND. Calif. < API -Geologists say the hillside above Love Creek will always be prone to mudslides like one that killed 10 people in January. and there's no way lo shore it up so 28 families can safely return the re. "Ther e is not a walking geologist who will tell anyone . that you can reasonably go bac k in there and sleep nights." said Tommie Hamner. regional director of the Federal Eme rgency Management Agency. A report by the Army Corps of Engineers said it would be impractical to try to stop a whole mountain from coming.down. Afler a weekend of torrential rains. a wall or mud crushed nine houses Jan. 4, burying 10 people and driving out 28 families. A total of 31 people died in the storm that caused $280 million in damage. t llWI llllYBll n ea r est r ival s, Rep. P e t e M cCloskey .and San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. had only 18 · per cent each. . But the inaccessibility 1las also strained re lations bet ween Goldwater a nd some of tbe reporters covering the Senate ra ce. and has a llowed his opponents to portray him as a lightweighl, either afraid or the.m or incapable of standing up to them in debate. ··A candidate who does not d ebate his· oppo ne nts is not worthy of the Senate . It shows t ha t he knows he ca nno l measure up," McClosky sa ys "His famous father. o n whose name he is running. wQuld not have ducked the dehat.e." added Wilson at a debate Goldwater boycotted last week. Another Senate rival . Rep KILN DRIED WHITE FIR 2 x 2's 8' Loog s129 Reg~169 ea. PEELER POLES 6" Roood 8' LorvJ Bob Dornan, goes even further. charging that the 43-year·old son of lhe 1964 Republican nominee for president doesn'l have the mental "capacit y" .to debate complex issues. Dornan regularl y warns Republican audiences that if Goldwater is their nominee. the _-campaign "will be over in 15 minutes ·-· a fter tfi s firs t confrontation with Gov. Edmund Br ow n Jr ., th e lik e l y Demoeratic nominee. Goldwater fa ced both the debate and press inaccessibility issues Tuesday during a visit to Sac ramento to address a legislative seminar SPQJlSOred by the University of SOuthem California. Questioned by stude nts about the "allegation tfiat he is ducking debates. Goldwater replied that he has made seven joint appearances so far with one or more of his GOP foes. 'ROUGH SAWN REDWOOD 4x4 61 L<XYJ The lorvJ l~ti~ W:xxj $5 29 s3as Reg. ea Re/J. 5!r 47~ REJJ'513 $as ROUGH CEDAR BOARDS 1 x 6's 6' LCDJ Great b FenceS Reo~144 -- ROUGH CEDAR BOARDS 1 x B's 6' L<nJ Also Gceat ftt Hlooes1 ,112 s12a Reg. ,--ea DID YOU KNOW We Dellvs,Cut Lumber & Plywaod ID Size And OVERWHELM YOU WITH SERVICE \. ....... _,,...... ............. . .. Orange Oout DAIL. Y lllLOT/Thured~, Mareh 4, ,.., ·f!lf shore oil fight ,. -ne ea& joint effort Laauna rBeach Is moving ahead in its fight to quash an oil lease sale off the city's coastline in May. But Newport Beach. in the words of Mayor Jackie Heather. "h~sn't got its act together" in a concerted effort to block oil rigs off its coast. Lagun~ h as ,gone to war against efforts to sell 10 tracts visible orr the city's beaches. and has publicly ur"d Lagunans to write Gov. Brown's office as well as Secretarv of the l°nterior James Watt: the slate Coastal CommiS'sion and other ageocies. Newport Beac h is still . haggling over how it wants to approach the problem. whether to object only to tracts that would be sold closer to the s horeline. or come out strongly against sale of any tracts off the coast. And while Laguna has outlined its many objections in ~1 position paper to be forwarded to the governor. Newport Beach council members won't meet again until Monday to further discuss action that cit~· might take. 1 It stands to reason a joint effort by both municipalities would have the most effect in eliminating consideration of oil platforms offshore. Time is running out. The cities have onl\' until mid ·month to se nd documentation to Gov. Brown. and the governor has ont~· until the end of March to forward those conce rns. and the state's recommended action. to Watt. Newport council me mbers should join forces with Laguna post has t e and s ubmit concerns of both cities to the stale. What is at stake is the \'isual , bli ght on the horizon. the threat • of oil spills on fragile tide pools in both towns. and the tourist und n•creation econom~· of the beach ('ities. A di// icult task Efforts of a volunteer com· mittee in Irvine to campaign against a'lcoholism are commendable. if perhaps overt~· ambitious. In seeking to persuade local residents not to overindulge in alcohol. the group sanctioned b~· the City. Council is taking on a s o c i a 1 p r o b 1 e m o f· t r u 1 ~· international proportions. It is u problem that histor~· teaches IJS is difficult to control. The committee is a task force formed a ~·ear ago to organize a public forum on alcoholism. Thl' forum wi ll be staged on !\1arch 15 a t the I r vine Ci t ,. Count i I chambers. But ra'ther than disband once that forum 1s completed. the lO·mcmber group has asked to continue in. a program aimed a t educatin[i!; youth and adults alike about the costs -in money. lives and opportunities a s the result of excessive drinking. Members hope lo focus al· tention on the s ~·mpto ms of alcoholism. on ways of dealing wi th its \'ictims and on related issues. such as whether cit~· laws s ufficientl~· discourage problem drinking. ~o doubt e\'C~n a we ll · mod~ rommunit ,. s uch a s lr\'i ·ncludes those who might ben from a concerted. caring a t t e m pt b ~· n e i g h b o r s l o O\'ercome their problems. But there must a lso be a recognti.ion that Southern California al r<.'adv i b 1 an k et e d with pr I\· at~ p rograms· designed tn help alcoholi cs A grass roots attempt in Irvine is a sign of a community that cares. of a place wherc reside nts still have hope that the\' can.impro..ve their lots. City offici als. however. must be realistic and resist proposals which would require funds for s pecial s tudies or socia l program s that may o nl r duplicate rej:!iondl efforts at thl' local level Huntington accepts oil Huntington Beach officials have formall~· stated the~· don't oppose increased offshore oil explorations if there are federal safeguards to prevent oi l s pills This is a different outlook from that held bv officials in neighboring Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. Officials in those c it ies oppose the upcomin~ federal lease sales of offshore oil tracts. Huntington Beach. however. has a unique histor~· based on oil exploration that compelled its city officials to look on oil drilling more !avorably_ than ne.arb~ communities. The city was large!~· founded on the oil boom of 1920s and annually gets more than S2 million in various re\'enue from oil production. Last year. the city's oil field ranked seventh in the state with production of more than 10 million barrels. Four oil platforms alread~· exist offshore _in Huntington Beach. two in st ale waters within three miles of the coast and two • in federal waters. There are none off ~ewport or Laguna. Huntington Beach council members ruled Monda,· that the,- ran ·t justify opposing the feder~I lease sales this .June because of t h e m a n ,. · b e n e f i t s o f o i I production.· Instead. they recommended that federal authorities closely monitor offshore platforms and also insure that there is proper training and technology readil~· available to control an oil s pill. 11 is-Unde.rswindable. in context with the city's uniqul' history in coastal oil produC'tion. that H4nlington Beach officials are reluctant to t a ke an anti·oil stance. Perhaps city government. however. s hould give more consideration to protecting itself from additional offshore blight. particularly in view of the many c i ,. i c i m p r o v e m e n t a n d beautification projects thai have been so s uccessful in recent years. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Deily Piiot. Other views ex· •pressed on tnis page are tnose ot the1r a11tnors and artists. Reader comment ~ls Invit- ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1.560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Pttone ·C1U ) ·•42·021. I" LM. Boyd/Leuure time ltam No. me In ow Loffand War mp'• file la a poOsten' report on wliat American mlddleclaa women m0tt like to do in their leisure Ume. Readlna boob, S'1 percent. came out far ahud Of maklna love, 21 percent. Howeve.!z _sex beat 1ewln1, 25 percent. ·11aat'1 aoDMthin1. Q. Why la the concept of lJberty alwaya and ever)'wbere penonifled by a woman? Tiie Statue of l:Jberty, for tnstanee. A. Doa't know about "ahHJI and \ lilt everywhere," but 11och has been tfle case In France, and that's· fteN ~rederic Bartholdi sculpted that particular statue. Q. Weren't I.be feet of all Chinese women once bound \lP to mau.them small? . A. Not all. Only in the pr1'filqed ·class. Peasant 1irl1 were expected to work in the fields. Di' you know that Cleopatra bad her own emerald mlne? -~. ~-~· 11~•· :~ ~---· i =-~ ' !tr _..,,.. -~------:::1_ - Bf-ame Brown for utility ;hills Aroused electric consumers, irate over the sudden swift boosts in rates which are making energy costs near prohibitive for many. are expressing their anger at private utility companies.• Their ire Is understandable but they are pointing the finger of blame in the wrong direction. It's a case of wanlihg t(> kill the bearer of bad news instead of the culprit. The public in general caMot be blamed for mistaking the messenger for the villain but the legislators who are joining in the clamor and clucking sympathetically with the consumers are engaging i.n demagoguery. THEY KNOW BETrER than anyone the real cause for the soaring 'energy rates is the governmental policies advanced by Gov. J erry 8Town and acquiesced in by themsefves. True, inflation and rising costs of oil, mainly imported oil. and a cold winter have contributed to make the electric bills shocking. Bot those factors would have been softened considerably had it not been for the kooky ideas of the governor, his appointees to the energy regulatory commissions, and the legislators. Brown came into-office in 1974 espousing "small is better" and other "buzz" phrases designed to win plaudits from rabid conservationi&U and other activists op~ing growth at any cost. Despite the warnings of the utility companies of energy shortages in the foreseeai,1e future unless positive steps were taken to develop new power plants, Brown and hi s e nergy com missions have vigorously blocked ; . IARl IATIRI every effort of the companies to proceed with their plans. Nol only has Brown stood side by side with Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden protesting nuclear power plants as well as dams for the produc tion or hydro.power. he has used the power of his office In every conceivable way to hamstring the utility company plans. -These battles, legal and otherwise. have cost the utilities millions or dollars which now reflect in the rates or the consume r s . Furthermore.,by preventing the development or new power plants fueled with nuclear energy and coal, or produced from dams or thermal wells. he has compelled them , to r e ly far too heavily on OPEC oil. the price or which has soared by reason of ttre Arab sheiks taking advantage of the market. A large part or the blame must fall upon the Brown appointees to the Energy Commission, a misnomer if ever there was one. Created to find viable alternate energy sources, the commission has been in existence eight years, expended a quarter of a billion dollars, over $42 million this year, and has yet to approve one new major pow er plant or d evelop one new workable alternative power source. Ins tead il preaches conservation and contends there is no need for new power plants. The Public Utilities Commission which regulates the power companies and their rates. is also composed of Brown appointees of the same ilk who seem bent upon enforci ng conservation by making the rates for us ing energy so high none can afford it. Those who voted for Brown as governor and who vote fo r those legislators who support his programs have really nobody to blame but themselves. The rest have a legitimate beer over government interre·rence which has resulted in the energy mess. Their wrath should be directed at Brown and his followers and not the h apless utility companies who are themselves victims or the misguided policies of this false prophet of conser vation Watt policies also threaten wildlife I'o the Editor: It is difficult to understand how James Watt, on whom the citizens of the United States rely and depend upon to act on his best judgment and in their best interest can ignore this caJI of duty and undermine the efforts or citi%ens nationwide to conserve and protect this nation's valuable r esources and wildlife. Now, more than ever. we all must be concerned about our grave , enironmental situation. In a time. when ' MAILBOX • air, water, and land pollution are worse than ever, we must adapt stricter laws to protect the cltii~ns of the United States as well as the wildlife within this oatio.n. not we.aken the ones we. have. now. We must be concerned at>out the future. Shouldn't our descendants have the right to enjoy tbe wildlife or the United States Shouldn't they have the right tO breathe fresh air and drink clean water? Shouldn't we? We have two respoosiblllt.l,n then. one to the present citizens of this country and the other to the future citizens of the U.S. MANY OF OlJR rare and endan~red species art jua\ beginning to regenerate and it would be senseless to insure their destruction by debilitating the Endangered Species Act. Ch.antes must be made to strengthen t.hia act, not to weaken it, as James Watt and other thoughtless individuals want to do. These animals can never be repJaced. Once gone, they have vanished from the face of the earth forever. Are we entitled tt> choose another animal's destiny? If so, then we surety do not I have the right to sentence it to inevitable destruction. I would like to see ~retaey of the Interior James Watt removed from office due tp the faet that he is a serious threat to our nation's valuable resources and wildlife. He is an e1ocentered Individual wbo ~s mor~ concerned wtt.b hla own well·belna than with that of tbe nation to which he bas an obU1auon. CHRISTI GARWOOD the ltvme (.;()mpany, and the Irvine Foundation since that time on does not receive one single dollar from the money received by the present owners of the Irvine Company. I think it would be well if you were to put a small article somewhere in your paper so that we don't have a lot of people in Newport Beach thinking that the present Irvine Company and all the money they are making has anything to do with the Irvine Foundation, and that any of the money coming from the Irvine Foundation today comes out of the present profits of the present owners of the company. because that is not true. ROBERT JOHNSON Home loans To the Editor: I would like to congratulate you for your stand-on 6locking home loan assumptions 'as indkated in your Feb. 9 editorial "Home Loans in Limbo." We at Century 21 fully agree that passage of such legislation will indeed mark the end of home resales not only here but across the nation as well. The very •possibility of "locking many people into their homes and preventing them from moVing" is in direct conflict with the right of choice as guaranteed by our Constitution. It is our stance that home buying is the right, not the privilege, or every citizen. Hopefully, we the citizens will be able to make1our voices beard above the cry of the sa\'ings and loan industry. Get the f acta To the Editor: DAVE DAWSON Regional Director On readinl your article Feb. 18 re1ardin1 the proposed trash disposal plant in Huntlnlton Beach, I called Fluor and 1ublequently t•lked with the party wbo boDea to build the energy park at the olCI AtCoft IAndflll site. J am ,. resident In the immediate area, have hated the eyesore ol the present dump and am open minded about po11lbte improvement. I offered to or•aniae a hearln1 with a t-i•nel presentaUoo by Fluor, the develOper, Air Quallty people an d to 1et my n~l1bbon out to it. Certainly much study IOll into a .0 mUUGn dollar· project and tbe health and aaf.U of the ana with two achooll ln Immediate proxhDl\y of the stte are belnt conlldered. We humana create all tbl1 waste and bere la a po11lble eOMtnlcUw way to UM tt for mert)'. To be able to walk to the beacb I have tolerettd tbe aaaltaUoa plant .ate ud t11e Bdtaon plaat ille aa hue m)' neighbors -now as to my desire to have another plant m the immediate a rea. I feel it is my choice . . . and I have a list of questions I intend to ask if we do get the hearing l have s uggested. THE RANTING and raving of Councilman·candidate John Thomas -is only creating prior hysteria, we need to hear in detail what is being proposed. Then as residents we can question. suggest alternatives we might find acceptable. If not then when we go before the Planning Commission we present factual objections not emotional ranting and raving that has in the past gone on in City Hall. I hope some of my neighbors read this a nd s hare my feelings of sensible communication on this vital subject and will join me if the developer does decide to let me have the hearing in advance of the planning.hearings_ - Contrary to candidate Thomas' opinion. I do not feel Fluor Corp. is breathing down my neck I have the greatest respect for the technology they have developed, and I feel myself and m y fine neighbors deserve the right to m ake a free decision based on fact. PHYLLIS K SALYER Look behind la be l To the Editor: It is too bad that the California voters can exercise more judgment picking out a brand or com flakes than they can choosing tbe~andidates for governor. .No matter what tbe labels say on the outside the only way to decide which kind of com flakes you like is to put them in a bowl side by side and see bow they hold up ln the milk. Likewise, the only way to compare political candidates ls to have them debate and see how they hold up under stress. • Mayor Bradley has repeatedly refused to debate state Senate Majority Leader John Garatnendl for t he Democ:raUc primary. The only reason I can see is that he feels he ls ahead DOlW and lf he had to show what he really knows about 1tale 1oveniment be would come out looking like SOllY com flakes, MARY BROCKETT -· I'm dliaPD06nt.td lhat Coaatltne Colle .. (adult eaucallOD) l• spendlDI SM mUlkm far a MW beadquarten wt.a our YOUDI student.I don'l have moaey for a remedial,._.. elua. .. .•. I .•. f Orange Cout DAILY PILOTfThureday, March 4, 1982 HOw em.J>ty schools help ease .. housing prolf»lein Thia la either 1oln1 to come u wonderful news or terrible newa. dependlnr on what you thouabt of your school da.ys. If you liked 1oln1 to school -which I supJ)Ole some people did -then this wlll probab~ deliaht you. U you hated every torture-filled, dreary, borlna hour .of learning arithmetic, elementary biolon and En1llah, thia will make you nervous. h has to do with housing, and a possible new \rend in the housing market. I'll give it to you straight: The school you used to walk to every morning may soon be turned into a condominium. TRIS IS the brainchild of two businessmen in Warren, Mich. Their names are John M. LaFata and Howard D. Austin, and working through a company called the Superior Finance Co. they are in the midst of converting their first elementary school to condos. They think it's an idea that will spread across the nation. "It's a natural," LaFata said. "During the baby boom years. communities couldn't build enou1h claasrooma. There were aehoob everywhere--you turned. Now, a lot of those schools are boarded up and altting empty. They're not producin1 tax 111111111 revenues for their communities. Thil Is a perfect solution." LaFata and ,.ustln have purchased the Robert HesswElementary School in Warren . For years it waa an educational l andmark in the community. Except now, under the new owners, it ls called Grand Ow Vlllage. "There were 30 claaarooms_ in the school, La Fata said. "Each clauroom was approximately 1,000 square feet. "We paid $500,000 for the old school b\lilding. To construct lt from scratch would have cost us maybe $1 .S million. "We are converting each classroom into it luxury one-bedroom condo. We Celebrating 18 years I . in Westcliff Plaza and looki ng forwaro to 18 more . • INTIMATE APPAREL.INC !036 It vine Averute Newpor1 Beach.CA 642·1197 Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon .. Tues .. Wed., Fri .. Sat. Open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thurs. -st(..J s(~!:'c 1 l"( /90 The height of fashion ~ by QAVID EVINS ,. A sleek ond feminine style just perfec1 for your Spring wardrobe Block Potent with White Trim Novy Coif with White Trim. -. 99 Fashion Island ... Newport Beach 759-9551 CLEARANCE s ·AIE Our new merchandise is due anyday so we have to make room for it. SAVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE! have divlded each classroom into a llvln1 room, a dlnin& room,. a kitchen and a muter bedroom suite. Each unit will aeJI in the $45,000·$55,000 ranae. "Lucklly for us, thla wu a school In whleh waahrooms-1f1're built Into eaeh classroom. So we don't have to construct new plumbin& -it's already there, ln each clusroom." LaFata aald that, even before the condoe formally go on the market, he baa had firm requests for half the units. And there ls a part ot his plan that wlll make the whole deal even more profitable. "IN ADDmON to the school building it.ell,. there were 10 other' acres," he • said. "You know, the playground. That was part or our purchase. So we have the addltlonal land at Grand baks VWa1e to build new condos from the ground up." He has answers to every question about how a school can become a condo. The gymnasium? "This school had a multipurpose room rather than a gymn*5lum," he said. "We're going to use It for aerobics Or. Lou Elder OPTOMETRIST ...... 642-0720 1124 Irvine Ave. ·----Newport Beach and other exer~ise by the ~t owners. E\',erybody'a on an exerclae klck, you know. Wu're going to put In an Indoor running track." The cafeteria'! "A party room for the tenants." The library? "We'll keeg It as a library. We'll stock it with books for the unit owners to read. That's kind of a nice touch, don 't you think?" The principal's office? · "No prublem. It's going to be our manager's office." I told LaFata that there was one problem that seemed insurmountable. From the outside, a school looks like a school. There's no getting around It. How were he and his partner going to deal wiUt that? "Nothin_g to worry abQut." he said. "You're ri1:ht -when you looked at the old school building, it did look like ap elementary school. And that wasn't the grea(est ass.et in the world. So on the outside of every classroom we designed a two.car garage and a patio. When this thing Is fini:>he~ you'll never know it was a school." La Fata said that he realizes there are some people who dreaded their achoo! days, and would have nlghtmarea if they ever had to ~o to sleep each nltht in t.he sam~ building sc"nce. were drilled Into them. "But for every person like thal," he said, ''there is a person who feels a sense of beloo&in& with bis community, and actually likes the idea of movinl( into the classroom where he went lf> school as a kid. Think about It -buying your classroom and making It your home!" HE SAID THE reason he thinks he Is onto something hot is tha,t, be~ause of American demographics, first there will be ele mentary schools slltlng empty, then Junior hlgh schools, then high schools." "It's an undeniable lren ,"ne sara. "W e h ave b ee n in a ~ero · population-growth me ntality for a number of years now, and every community is going to have these big , solid structures sitting empty. They're 1 ~ waitin g for co ndominium development " TMINISHllT AMDllST QUALITY SIAIOOD FOi LISS HJIHDL Y SBVICE Cuisinart ~ DLC I OE s 1 J(J>O GRADE .. AA" LAJtGE EGGS SaYe 53• MOW 5 9c DOL s18500 $ '1999 s14999 DLC 7E S2l:IJXJ S l '1999 CROWN HARDWARE Welfclff Plala H.._.VlewCenter Corona del Mer n,l~on'I J SHOE SERVICE for Hand~gs Luggag,e & Zipper Repair ·Regional Repair Center for SPERRY -TOPSIDER l&F LOIN T-IOME STEAK s21a u.. NEW CIOP CANr ALOUrE g9c u.. M.wport a.ocll Stons Ollly Two Newport l0catioft1 3100 IGl»oa llYd.. HewfNri leocll 1150 1"'-A.,. .. Mewport l each I t i L .. Orange Coesl DAIL V PILOT /Thuraday. March 4, 1982 .. ·supre~e-Court ponders schools' hook-Ji~nning i:ig1tts • WASlllNOTON 1AP1 Tht' 11 tude nh who c hullc n ged t he husc lheit declslom1 on excerpts "m o r ul. soctul und pollti cul 'udl(l' the banned booki., which , u s. Supre mo Court Is welghlnl( a lli lund T rees. N. Y .. School Bourd's from books . · vulu es " . lnc-ludl• the Pulitze r Priie wlnnln{I decision on where to druw the llne r emovul or ninf' 1Jook1drom school While i;ome or tht' bunned bc>okti .. Old I unders t und you to s uy .. Th,. f 1 x c· r ... b y B ern u r d . between u student's rlahl to reud llhrurwi. 11nd 1111 ban on their use use vulga r word11 . there I& no pol iticul v uluc11 '!'' 11h e us ke d Mulumutl und Kurt Vo nnel(ut's and u school bourd 's t•uthorlty to in !ht• t llu.srnom usse rtion lhut those banned from unttrlly. wonderlnat wbelher Lipp "Sl11ughtcrhuwu.• F1vt> " ' keep certuln books out or public Sonw or the bookii d eal with sex the I land Trees Junior high and me ant a school board should be l.11>11 11a1tl thc bo ard hud no school libraries und clasi;rooms. a nd dru((s and t1N'U1Hon ally use senior high are legally o b.scene. ullowt.>d remove all books bcn1use :ipplit•a hlt• "rc~ul utions ·· During oral ar gumsmts justices "fou r idlt.'f"' word~ ··J u st rundom insta n ces of thtoy dt•alt with the wrong J><lhllcal ·1 didn't "a.' rL·gu l ut wn~ J i.u1d QUESTIONS rai s e d the que s t ion o r wh at "Whut is u federal Judge to do"" v ulgu nt~· 1i. not a cons11tutiona l part~-. standards ... M ur~hull shot t>u<·k standard!! can be used us the basis Stc vcm1 aske<.1. rcfcrnn_g lo lower bas is for permanently proscri bing "T h l· m <'I'<' a llegat 111n or thc "Hov. <·a n ~ou n ·gulutt• wi thout " .I 11-.t 11·1· .l11h11 l'.111! s I I . \ I • 11 ' h !t ft .. II 111 • ,h.11 p q 11 1•,111°11 .. d Ill' Ill ~ "II I' t' I Ill. t'11url .1n :111111 11 •· for the n a tlcm 's 16.500 sc·hool rcderal c·ourt Judges hieing s1m1lar the se books," said LC\'IOe wor d ·pohtit•ul' clues not taint the st anclunb'' boards in deciding whieh books t•h ull.cngcs ste mming from the He argued that all nine books 1u•tlon," Lipp r('spondcd . adding Juslil'l' l.t•v. i~ F l'owl'll. the a re approved und whic h arc not growing movement to bun books li hould bt> put back in the s chools. thttl h1: \\Ub not asking tht' h1Mh on h 1·ou rt m t•mh<'I w ho ha s .. • don't really know what ~·our from s~hools. J ust.1<·e Sandra l>iiy o ·c onnor ('{)U rt to g1 \'C s chool boards UJl l\l'l'\'l'tl un iJ lw·al .. c·h1111l board :1 lt 1111I 1111 01 st andard Is," Justice John P uul .L t•v t~c s u1CI t h a t t o avoid seemed troubled by Scho ol Board "a bsolute right" to ban un~ hook i.a1d Stevens impap cntly told attorney \'Io I 11 t1 n g s I u d en t s · F i r s t I u w ycr George W. Li pp Jr 's J u:.l H'l.' Thu q :ood Mar:. ha II · b n111 the pnm a r~ lun<·taon or I l'll 'll1',h1 11 •II i\lun II Levine Am endme nt right:., school board s argument that 11chool bo.iirds cun wunkd to know what t•ritt•rta the thl' s«h1111I hoanl lo dt.'te rminl' Le vine 1s n ·prcse nt i ng f i\'e t•a nn1>t act a rbilritrily and cannot . exc lude books to further their ls lund Trl•<::. School Board ui.ed to wqa t 111 l'<Juc·utionul and :.u itublc·•" , ,,·1111111-. . RUFFELL'S Ul'HOLSTERY ............ -'S... lfU HAHOI IL VD. COSTA MISA -541·1 IH - Anrwal Clearance Sale ~avings From 20-70o/o Decorative Hardware By Specializing in the coordination of the dttoratlt'e hardware for your projttt. Finished hardware for: DOORS, BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABINET AND BA TH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4184 Clowd Moncbiys 1514 Newport Blvd. COila Mesa. Caffr. 92627 I .. ! . .. -- American RedCl'088 + v Together, we can change things. Chili·Cheese Omelette Only $3.75 ~--"---- Oourfltet (II/lie SJtoppa H ....... onBeach Pdlc CoMI H.iry So of p,., Newpon8-ch (400 PllCl!oc Coet1 H.iry NOU1 Se"'lng Beer & Wine 15 Convenient Louttont . . ' PRE•PARKING LOT SALE W•-,. to-.... ow Hw lot Nw.d HM Cor•• ct.f Mor' 5twe Co••hted SOM ICONTINUEDI Black & Decker HOBBY CRAFTER wltlr FREE Xacto Knife Set ~'-.'1 L. lg 1J s 19" ,,,,~~ s4I t SALAD SPINNER SWEDISH DISH RACK • Oak Bloc k • 4 Knives • Sharpening Stone GH5 GLASS DOMED CHEESE SERVER Hardwood ba~e WALL MOUNT HAND HELD CUISINART LIST DLC10ES130 DLC8E $185 DLC7E S260 FLEX OGEN HOSES 5/8x25' 5/8x50' S 16.88 5/8x75' $24.88 SCH LAGE. ....., KRUPPS BREWMASTER The finest German Coffeemaker #261 4' FLUORESCENT TUBES • • GE or Sylvania • F40 ON Slim l·DiCJit CALCULATOR Wallet Style MULTIPLE OUTLET CENTER For aJI your holiday needs ... 1288 • Fits Most Gas sea ·~ REG. 39.99 CHARMGLOW UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC ROTl~SERIE s19aa First Alert® i>vPmwAV I' - DOUILE SYSTEM SMOKE & FtRE DETECTOR SA 300 Both Photo-Electric and ronizat1<Jn ScM 29.99 19'' Factory lleb4th 1 O.t9' Yow Cost SUPER STRAINER • Gravy Strainer • Measuring Cup • Other Useful Purpose ..... 15.99 GARDEN SPRAYER • non-corrosive plastic . • 2 gallon PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE PAINT •. .t@jD CROWll HARDWARE ~lra-Of91JMYS WISTCLW Tl.L 1:00 1 CoioMA DIL MAI 11071.CMllHWy • .......... w ....... \~· 673-2100 HAllOI YllW CIMTH 1614S..M ..... Dr. ...... ,. ... . 644-1170 .. D1ily Pilat · THURSDAY, MARCH'· 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 84 BS Gen. James Dozier's feelings . about hard rock are quite understandable to Erma-Bombeck. See Page 'B2 . ' For mushers, the~e's . no place like Nome EDITOR'S NOTE -Tn or 12 home flrst-prhe money of da~• or more belUnd o dog Wd, $24,000, and a bushel of fame. troueling more than a t~ The next 19 finishers alao sha~ milea through Alaako. That con be in the $100,000 purse. cu puni.ahinQ cu it con be pretfJI. Last year, Rick Swenson ol That'• tlw lure of the lditarod Sled Eureka, the only three-time Qog Race, an amwol event aet for winner, crossed the finish line in Morch 6 thii JIN'· Thai-oM-a-little more than-U-punilhfirl $24,000 at tlw finW& Line. days. This year , mushers are talking of a 10-day run to Nome. Maybe. ~V]:.!.~!!!~~~ AN CHORAGE, Alaska For th e mushers ,.of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, the romance of "The Last Great Race on Earth" evaporates quickly in freezing sweat as their INOrld shrinks to the south end of a dog team headed north in a hurry. The 1,000-mile das h fro m Anchorage to the finish line on Nome's Front Street becomes a fight against mind-numbing After a ceremonial start in Anchorage, the mushers truck their teams 33 miles north to Wasilla fol' the actual begiMin& of the race. The trail heads west tol a crossing of the Susilna Rl~er, then on to Skwentna, Finger Lake and over the Alaska Range at 3,400-fool Rainy Pass, where mushers share a gorge wl\h the Rohn River. The canyon narrows to 20-30 The 1,000-mile dash ... becomes a fight .against mind-numbing ex1iaustion. exhaustion, a landscape encased 1 m ice and snow, and, frequently, screaming winter winds . Mushers say they have fallen asleep standing on· the runners of their sled. They t e ll of hallucinations -weird lights, phantom cabins and spectral dog teams. One says she spotted -in Alaska, of all places -a grain elevator looming beside the tra il. ,Another says he has seen his team climb into the clo~ t before his disbelievjng eyes. -The race course generally follows the lditarod Trail, an old gold rush route that slices through the. back alleys or Alas ka's wi ld places - Skwentna , Cripple Landing, Ruby, Kaltag, Unalakleet, Koyuk and Golovin . On Saturday, 57 mushers and their teams will head north in the 10th running. No lditarod musher has ever died on the trail, but the race is b ese t b y d a ng er . The t e mperature can drop to SO deg'r ees below zero in hours, and mushers occasion ally clash with moose in rights -of-way disputes. In spots, a misstep can send a mus her tumblin to serious mjury on jagged rocks or in icy water. Dogs have died during the race, d«:spite stringent health and safety rules. The animals are carefull y examined before the start, and they are checked by veterinarians periodically on the trail to Nome. The race is always advertised as 1,049 miles. and that is refl ected in the Sl ,049 entry fee, but trail changes can slightly alter the distance. This year's winner will take feet, and in places the trail snakes along above the river, says Joe Redington Sr. or Knik, the 65-year-old founder of the Idilarod. "There's always open water near the Rohn River, down through the canyon. It's usually not deep water, but it's wet." he says. Dee Dee Jo nrow e , a 28· year-old fi sheries biologist from Bethel, has run the race twice, and she speaks in awe of Rainy P ass - ·'I never have any trouble staying awake in Rainy Pass," she says. "It takes all your skill. In m y second race, coming down from the pass, it look every ounce of strength lo hold the sled back. The dogs wanted to lope." She is not entered this year. but she plans to be back in 1983. After Rainy Pass, the trail meanders for 40 miles through a desolation known as the Farewell Bum. Ravaged by fire in 1977, it is a 360,000-acre jumble of scorched and fallen trees. Winds often strip the ground of snow. "Even the tundra burned," Redington says. "Sometimes you can -fJ&t.--l-00-mile winds-in that area. The place is just a jagged mess." The t r a i I c r o s.s es the Kuskokwin River al McGrath, then drives north to Ruby, on the Yukon River . It follows the Yukon downstream to .Kaltag, and then heads southwest lo the shores of the Bering Sea at Unalakleet. From Unalakleet to Nome, around ~orton Sound, the trail is a roller coaster of hills and valleys. Storms with blinding clouds o( driven snow frequently ITARTINQ OftR -Sue Firmin urges her team ol huskies · lnto ..._ at she leavee the K1kol1i ch~kpo•nt for llcGrlth. She was one of five women to compete last year. ' REST STOP Ste,·e \'ollertst•n rest~ h1 ~ cloJ,!s ancl his tc.•c.•t cturing a stop a l Rainy Pass dur ing lhl' last r unning ol tht• .. ,. ............ l dita rod Do,e S ll'd Han· from .\nchornJ,!t' to '.':oml' .. \l.i:-ka sweep in orr the ice-caked sound. For Redington, this will be his ninth race.-• .. We're lucky If we average four hours or sleep a day for the first 10 days," he says. "Then we hardly ~et a ny. There's always somebody ready to leave . . . everybody is afraid to take naps because somebody will get away from you." Jerry Austin of Saint Michael has run the race four times He has never won. but he finished ninth in 1978 and seventh in 1980. Mushers used to joke about the lditarod as just a long camping · trip, but as the size of the purse increased so has the drive to finish first. "It's such a push from the s tart that everybody gets grouchy after a r~ays," Austin says. "It seems li ke it was mor e fun In the early years." He estimates he sleeps two hours out or 24. "After a while you get numb." he says. "You st art seeing things after three or fou~days. I see my dogs running up into the air . . . up into the clouds. I see lights Wlder the dogs' feet." Redington's trail vis ions inc luded cabins, lights, "dog teams coming at me Like they were going to run over me. I've had them look real big." Mrs. Jonrowe sometimes had to tum off the miner's light she used for running at night - about 14 hours al this lime or year -because its beam mesmerizes.Jier_ "You start hearing things and seeing things ," she says. "Last year , I saw a grain elevator right outside While Mountain. You often get the feeling that somelhing's right behind you. Tough on your mind." To stay awake, she sings, breathes deep, slips her parka hood down for a few minutes - and thinks about food. Mrs. Jonrowe, 5-foot-3, 120 pounds, is always hungry on the trail. "The first year, I lost about 20 pounds. 1 got so tired 1 didn't eat. The second year. I realized I had to eat. I lost only 10 pounds.'' Re~n says he 's dropped as mucfi as 25 pounds in a race , but Austin loads enough food on his 40-pound sled to eat well. He ac tually gains weight, eating "steak, piua, cookies, nuts, and lot.a of chocolate milk." And at t he end or each Idltarod, he swears he'll not run a1aln. Lut year his team was .. -spookecJ by a Wj)lf or a wolverine and he tumbhll down a 60-foot embankment. He tore the cartila1e In one knee, /but be continued, flnlshin1 in 11th place. "I 1et hurt almost every year," he says. "I'm 1otn1 to quit almost every time. But I come bllck.'' · Mn. Joorowe lan't sure why 1be l'UDI the race. "You for1et about ,everything not connected with tbe clop," she says. ''You 1et to feellnc you're one with them. "It '1 bard to explain . • . All I can NJ II that it's fun when lt'a all ovet wiU.." Bedbaltm, who fot behind his rtrat do1 team n lt4t, baa ....... ,...... "I ._,, feel 8llY ~r than wbu I "T started m\llbln1 ......... , •• to. olcl" TIME OUT Thi~ tll'l•rl llu~k \· takl1S a n•..,t during thl' la't ldil a rocl Slt·cl· Dog Ran·. a battle of t.•-.:haust111n for hol h man il llcl ani mal :\II ctogs \\'(.'<JI' handmaclt• c loth hooties 111 prolt'{'l tht•1r l't.•c.•t from iniur,\· Hi,s ivinter home i,s freighter Shipkeeper guards $50 million vessel against vandals TOLEOO. Ohio <APl -While nearly everything else on the Great Lakes is locked in by ice, John St. Germain is snug in a SSO million winter home -the 1,000-foot Lakes fr e ighter "Columbia Star." And after 15 years of running a machine in a paper factory, St. Germain s ays shipboard life couldn't be sweeter St. Germain, of Ashland, Wis .. was chosen by the Columbia Star's owner . Oglebay Norton Inc. of Cleveland, to tend the s hip while it is s a ndwiched between other Lakes freighters at the Port of Toledo. In s tead o f d ra w i n g unemployme nt during the winter months, when shipping on the Lakes stops, St. Germain Is among the shipkeepers who make up to $1 ,500 a month keeping an eye on the vessels. Among sailors, it's considered a plum, St. Germain says. "I was lucky to get the job." ''I came on board on Dec. 13 and I'll be on her 'til she's fitted out" -prepared for the next 1hlpplne season -after the Lake Erie lee has melted, says Germain, 48, who has shipped wtth the company for three years. As winter master or the Columbia -often he it the only one aboard -Sl. Germain is primarily a aecurlty 1u1rd, keepln1 va1ranta and vandals away from the veuel. The ship haula 58,000 tOM ol taconite iron ore per round-trip from Sliver. Bay, llllna., to Toledo. la a Ila-day trip, the Columbia haula tbNe um .. the taconite that olde r boats can carry. The Columbia's hull boasts huge bays where the taconite pellets are stored like billions or brown marbles. A conveyor bell all ows her to unload on the docks in Toledo in about six hours . St. Germain·s duties range fr o m c hecking electrical syste ms to e~xa mining water levels in the ballast tanks. From the lower decks to the pilot ho u s e , 92 feet above the waterline, the shipkeeper climbs hundreds of steps a day. When the 30 crewmen return for fitting out in April, St. Germ a in will h ave their . quarters shipshape, ready for another season. It's not a lonely life, he says. ''I'm alone on board most or t.he time. But my wife was 100 percent behind my d ecision. That's half the battle," St. Germain says. His wife, Blanche, telephones him aboard the ship about three times a week, as do his seven children, scattered around the country. A television provides entertainment. Books break the monotony. St. Germain says he gets off the boat once or twice a week, mostly for brief shopping trips. Much of bis spare time is s pent walking the ship. The 105-foot-wide vessel has four engines that produce 3,600 horsepower each. "I spent about three months on board this summer. but I'm still making notes to myself about which switch should be turned on and which should be turned off," he says. "You know, I s pent 15 years in a paper factory fighting a machine, and I hated every day or it," St. Germain says. "The people at the factory just didn't. seem to realize that the man eot tired, and th~ machine didn•t." Chip Carter declines race PLAINS. Ga. (AP> -Chip Carter. son of rormer' President Jimmy ·carter, ·says he won't aeek election to Conel'ess, but he. will work in the gubernatorial campal1n of formet' White House aide Jack Wataon. Cat'ter , 32, had been conalclerlnl a race for the 3rd District concreulonal seat belnl vacated tJUI year by U.S. Rep., Jack Brinkley, D-tolumbus. "It hM been one of my Iona Um• •mb•ttona to aerve ln Coa1r.u, and I have l'ffelftd encouragement from many," Carter said. "I feel l would have made a good cong~uman. However, I believe I can best serve the Democratic Party elaewhere." Chtp Carter returned to Geor1ia last winter and ia bu1ineu mana1er for the Carter' family propertiea ln Plalm. He also bu become a ea• t• with an lntematloaal lDV91tlDlll banklnl and markttlnl nrm, the Los An1elH ·baud Flrat. TraosnaUonal Corp. I [ Or 0 1nge Coast DAILY PILOT_[T'hursday, Meech :4.-Ul82 •ANN LANDERS · 1 "' •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE 1.Jailhouse stamp halts sentence (rom girlfriend :; DEAR ANN L/\NDERS: I um \\t'itin~ fron\ the ~ount~· 1u1l Pll'usc cton't J!t't th(• idea thot l um u rriminul. I'm a \l.(>n· decent . ho'norablt> person It 111~t ... ~1 happens I had u few movinl-! \'iolatiuns and parking tickets that aci<kcl up to 52 IO. so I decided to s it 1t out The proble m is m~· S!irl. Sht.' li\·t•s \\'tlh her paren ts in a s mall town in souttwrn llUnois She hasn't an~w<'rt•d an~· or m~· l e tte rs . I ha\'e writt1.•n t 1 u~ of this morning. Do ~·ou think this 1ail thing ha:-- turned t}er off for good" Pleast• hl• a 1ml and h~~ s mooth t hings O\'er Rt•mt.•mbt>r. I am not a hoodlum and I am nnl .i nook. .i us t SHORT ()~ Ftt~ OS DEAR SHORTIE: I know ,·ou'rt• on th<' le vel because your le ttt'r arrh·ed with a s tamp across the front or thl' enn•lopc'. "Cook County Jail." M.aybe those 11 telle rs bearing that s tamp didn't ~o down ver~· we ll with ht•r parf'nts. SOLITUDE Tamm\' Hl'rntek ;incl hl'I' h11rw Wnrt h E\'C'I'\ P entl\. l'l1JO\ momt•nt .... ol so lit udc duritiJ.! tht• nl:f Sl'ilsmi :11 R~ t' lkad1 I wi<ih you had writ h'n to m l' BEFORt: you derid<'d to ~o to th<' sla mmt•r. I would havt• a d\'lsed \'OU to hock ,·our ev~balls. tr nect•ssar~. and pa~ the fine. \ jail record s hould IH• a\'oiclt>d a t all rosts. Wish I r oulrl ht>lp ~·ou hut I can't think or a thin~ I can do. DF..\R .\ \. '\ I. \~DEHS I should hu\ l' <·on:--ultl'd nm lwfon• I ' tlul this loolish thing :'\o\\.'l am\\ 1·1t111g to \\ilt'll othl'l'S not tn makl• llw 'illlW 1111-.t<1kl· My hus hand ancl I l'lllO~ t.'<I ii won1krf11I hit> 111 till' ~HchH'SI \\'l' h.t\l' m,111\ lnt•nd-. th1·l'l' ancl \\l'I'{' q p~1·1 or llw ('Clrnm'unit~·. Eight month-.. .1g11 Harold ;H·t·1<ll•ntalh :--hnl <tncl k1lh•d h1m-.l'll "l11lv l'll-;1n111g h1-.. hunt ill.k! nl'lt' ~onw tH·nplt• -..i11l 11 \\a-. SllJC'idl·. hut I kno\\ lwttt·1 Ill· had l'\'l'r~·thing to II\ t• lnr I wa~ -.cl cl1...,1 r;1ught Cl\'l'r h1:--dt•alh I hal I 111-.1 t·m1ldn t t.1<·t• c1111 f r 1 l' n ti ~ a 11 d a 11 t h l' o I d I ii m 1 I 1 :i r s urrow1d111gs En·n th111g rt.·mindl'd mt• ol \. II ,...., I he•\ 11th1•1 pt'l'•ll\ APWlre..,_.e .... 11.11•· t ill' .1r1·a \\Ith 1111)\ 111w Harold Impetuous!~. I sol<I lhl' houst' and mon•d awa\'. It was a bi~ mistake I um so lont.•sonw I could die. I han· plent~· of mmw~ hut no joy in m~· heur t. Wurn oth<.•rs Oon't flN· whl'n i:?l'ief hits St a,· and cleft.•at 1t . .RELLl:"JG llA'.\1 . W:\Sll DEAR BELi.: Planf's run both wa"'· Go hack homt'. · · DEAR A'.'l'.\I l..\~OERS I \\:tilt to make it <.'1<.'ar that I um not a 11111 abo11I neatness. hut I am a man who likes I hing:-- in their proper plat'l' I h al l' tu 'l'l' \\ t'l'k olcl pa pers pill•cl on thl' floor.· hair in lht• sink and dirt~· disht•s :incl ;1pplt· <·on•s on t ht• window sill • I han• just clt.·snilwd m\· S\\ t'L't it·"·· apa1·tmt•nt Sht• i:--a gn·:11 girl '111 ~o man' '\\a~:--and \\'t.' plan to hl' marnl•d 111 I hl' sµring '.\1 ~ mot ht.•r. who i:--;r ml•t 1t·11l1>1h housl'l\l'l'Pl'I'. h •lls hw to think 1\\ i1·t· \\'ell I h:in~ and I want to marr~ L11111st' an\\\ a\ ~MW lAMDflS Whal do \'Oii I hlllk" . .JL'ST TESTl'.\IC I '.': REAl'MO. OF.AR BE.\l': I think ~·ou art> pit• hothe rc>d h~· l ,ouist>'s slop1•inl'ss. or .'· would not havt• writtl'n. She won't r ha -so ll'arn lo tin· with th<' dirh· dish ha ir in lh(' sink and the a1•1•lt-cor'c·s on t window "ill. ancl ht• 1•n•1Jar4'd to do a lit hous t'work, Rurld~·. . ' . Even 1/ dnnlong 1& the "1n" thing an ~ crowd, it needn't crowd you out. Learn the /acts f r ,\1111 U 111<11•1, n,,,,J,-/,·t H1111 •e· 1111</ Yn11 f Teen-agers Only .. Send SO cents and a self-Oddre11ed~ envelope lo Ann Landers. P.0 Box 11995, Chicaqo.' Ill 6061 J • Survival amplified It w:1s a hit 11f h11m ;111t1l'"' \\ 11r1 Ii not 1111.! .\s lk•I! c:1·11 .J ;1 nw~ I. D11111·1· \\ ...... <k~t·rihinJ.! to I tw lll'l'"' l'Of'Jb hb I:! d.1' .... "' t•a pl I\ It~ ;1t 'lw h.111d-. nl H1·cl Hrig .1111· tl'l'l'01'1'h. ht• :--atd I hl' \\01'!'-t ol II \\ ...... I h·· pl:1111 h11n•clom 111 .... 111111~ tlwi·l· cl;r~ 111 .ind clil\ out Tlwn ht• .iddt'cl Th1·\ p111 l'al'phnm•..., 011 11w .ind pl.1\ t•d h;1rd rcH·~ mthlt' thrnu ~h 11 ;rll d;I\ l11n t.: l>o \ tlll h,l\ 1 ;It)\ 1dt•.1 "h:11 hard rnl'k 11111-.11· 1·;1.11do111 .1 Pl'l'-.c>n''. Ill' \\ ,,, 11:--1llt.:. humor to dhg111~·1· 111, modest\·. hut 11 "as lll<'Oll :.!rt11111-. In 1111· that hl'l'l' \\i1s a m;111Ah11 had ht'l'll ahdurtt•d '" lunatu·s . hlinclfolct\•d . hv;1tt•11. t'h:111ll'd 111 hi:-ht•cl :Ul<l t•\ l'I'\' hour II\ l'«I 111 r;rn f1·;rr ol hb lulttrl'. and .t lw 111w th111 t.: thal_ "a' unht.•arahk \\;1s the· lon·e·d t1•1·d11H! 111' nwk muo.;k .\T TllE \'ERY '\10:\H:'T C:1·11 l>·•11t·1 madl' th.11 .... 1;11t·nwn1 x·, mrll11111 p.11 L·111 -. 111 th1-. 1·1111nlr\ 1111• nnl' ...,1,111cl 11p .111d ;1ppl:tl1cft•d. hlll \\ t•fll 11p1'11f\ .11 1 h1· t'llll f'.11.!I' nl till' m.111 It '~a .... pr11h,il1h lhl· 1111h p.i r·e or I ht• orcll';il 1 h.11 I h1•\ e·1111ltf n ·l.1 t l • I 11 It ·..., Ill\ !.:Ill''" lh;11 111-. llt';rd I'--.t tl l \ 1hr;rt 111!.! fr11rn 1 h1· tl1•1 rlwt ..... 111d \\di '"' -.om1· t1m1· 1 ·, l' "l't'll l1;1rd nw~ hnn ~ .1 1111 111 pill'l'ilh t11tlw1 r 1-.llt'l'' ERMA IOMIECI: AT WIT'S ENO Who ;imnng u:--ha:--nut 1·nlt·n·cl our t·u',: Ill lllllO('t'ntT. 'lll'IH'd 1 IW kt•\ Ill lh<.· 1gn1f1on. ;ind had nur I ;1t·1·-. hlown ol I h\' -..ou1Wl \\;I\ l'" h1.•l11n· \\l' \'11111<1 111rn dt1\\ 11 t tw -.ound :incl n·:--t•t th<· hulton...," . \\'ho .1 m1 llH.! 11..., h.1-. 11111 11wt Jll'l''t'C'lll 1011~ I ;11'1 '" I .1 1'1' \\ h1·11 \\I '111t-11·d .1 -.111.111 llll t lll;ttl.\,fl.:\..:.....,t ;t lll .tlll ,llld ..,:111 111111 Olli ft I'..., I• 1·•111t'I' bt'ln1·1• •ht' h .1 11d rt'l11 nwd and m.1d1· lip re ·ad111~ p.11111 111 IT'S 11 . .\RI> TO RE'1E'.\1RER \\·h;it tht•: \\nrld \\.1' lll,1· 111·11111 · 11 IH•1·.1nw ampltl11·d I >11!' d .1\ I ";1-. 111 111!.!tll:.! I he· twin •1111111· I rum t 111 · h11-.p1• .ii I lw th''' ~1<·r1 · \\ 1•11• 111111' "Jll'olkl'I'' 11 11 •h· \\;di tilt' ('l lJl" \\('11 • rat t l111 t.:. .111d I " ,, d1 .. t1 I -.1i--p1·1·1 hc·r11t·' Irk« c;f'n Do111·r .1111 l'l'!.'l I \ llllfl'lt I 1k1· I Ile • 11'"1 llf II' ; 11rcl111.11'\ p1 ·11plt \\h11 \\hl'll thl'fl\\11 111111 .11~ 1·,t1-.11Hd1tl.ll \ ._11 11.1t1nn l'1';1<·t Ill di\: 1·,11;111rd111:11\ ":" 111-. e·1111n· .1t11111cl1• 11n' 1h1· n1 t.:.h1 m;11 1· \\,1' '" ..... 1\ tlw 11 ·;1-.1 1'1'( t 1•,hrtt !.! Aquarius demonstrates versatility-\._ I \\ :1ll'l11·d 111 111 1111 tilt' lll'\\'t'.I"' 111 1 ht• pi·, ..... 1·11111l'1 l'll1 ·1· I t'll P.t'd, 1 hat m.r\ lw 1 he · nll'k tllll,11 '' ,, .... 1 m.1111r l.11·l11r 111 h r ... '-111\l\.l l 'l h 1·11 I' .... orn1·th111 ~ .tl10 111 l h lt'nlll ~ 111 11 h1111t .~(11•1· h1111r d:1\ ;lflt•I.' d.1 \ lh,tl lll,1k1 •-. \tlll \\.llll l•l '111'\ l\l' ti 11111\ In "'1111 .1 I:.! Ill• Ii t 1'1·11rd dcl\\ll .1 1hr1 •e• lllt h. I h 1·0 ;11 Frida~-. :\'l a rch 5 · .\Rlf.S 1 '.\fareh ~I .\pril 19 • Fam1h d i ff(' n· IH' l's a I' l' ~ l' ' I I l'<I . \-(' l' l' n t 0 11 coopl'rc.1tion. st•eunty . J.!aining knm\ lt•<lgt• wh1rh ;11cls 111 m :1k1n ~ ro1Tt•<·t mOlll'' d (' {' 1 s ion Yo 11 · I L J w as k l' d I o :1 <· t ii..., ml'chatur m lmu.!s l:rnd1nl! cl1~putt· T .\l'Rl'S 1 \pr1I \l :I\ :!O > 1.ont.: a \\ " i t l' cl 11 l' \\ " t· 11 m l' ' 1 h r 11 11 t.: h in\ oln•:--n•so11rc·t•:o-. I 111:rnt·1al hatk1ng .11111 gl'l'l'n liJ.!hl for l'l''l'il l't'h or tran•I proil'<'I GE:\'11'.'il «\LI\ 21 .lum· 211 • l>l't;11h Ulll':J\'l'I in C'lllllll'!'lllHl \\It h IH'l'Clt-d matl•ri;il. mom•\· It 1-. m•t·t.·-.-.an to lw spc•eifk. 1wr~1~tl'nl Pu11le pa•c·t•:o-t;rll 111111 pl~1 c.·t• if aw:1n· nf ~ma ll pnnl r..\~C'•~R 1.J111w :!I .Juh :!2 • Obtain hint from Cl·min1 mt.•ssa).!(~ l>t l! lwneath s urfat·t• rndiC'ation-. RC'fust• to lw o.;atis rit•rl to kncm mt•rC'I~· I hat sonwthllll! h;1ppe1wd DisCO\'l'I' n•;1sm1:--. molt\ l'~ C\ l'lt• h11!h 1.EO 1.Juh :!:t .\11 t.: :!:!• Bal'ko.;l .1t.:1• mane U\:.enng in\·oh l'S po~sihlt• hargain-. p u r c h a s l' ~ r on n t' t· t l' cl \\ 1 I h h 11 m t' i m p ro\'cmc nt. r;imtl_\ me mlwr m;ikt•..., geslun• of c-111wili;1t 1<111 I l armon~ t•an ht· restored • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA \'IR(;o '\11 :.: .!:I S1 ·111 ··~· \\'h;11 ,lpll\':1 1'' 1111 "lll I ,It I ' t'tlltld lu fll'e ~1•pl I\ I ' Kilo\\ 11 ...,,.,. pl.1c ,., "''"""""" .1 .... tht•\ l'"~I Sp!'( 1.11 .... 111eh , .... 1111 .11.!l'IHl:i Y1111 m.i~t· 1·11nl .11·t \drrch 1·11 11ltl r1•,11lt 111 ailrl1t1011.il l11n d" Unit\ St•pl :.!:I <k l .,., ~:mph ......... 1111 1·un•1·r .1d1h•d n·...,pttth 1h1ltt \ 11ppnrt 11n1l ,\ fo1· ~r l':1l!•1 rt•\\,1rd H1·l.1t111no.;h1p inten~11 1 1•-., 1·11mm11m~·nt .._ macl1• ;111cl lnni.,: r.11l t.:l' pro:-,pt•t·t--1·01111.' 111111 -.h;1rp c-lt•.t r t rn·u-.. SCOR PIO 1 0 1·1 :!:! '\m :! l 1 F1111 -.h 1·athl'r 1h .1 n 1111t 1:1 lc· p r1111·1·t l'!.•rt·t•t\l' pot t•nt 1.tl n pe·n 11111·-. 11!., 1·omn111nu·at ion Pt•opk \\ 111 ,.,,,h1tl1 '1'lf1 c·onfi!k thl•t r prnhkm-.. ,111d '''IH t I '1111 to ...,fl.rn· hurcll'lh S.\GITT.\IUl'~ • '\m :!:! l>t'l' :!I • \'1111 J.!<llll :•l'C..'l''' lo 111lnrn1;1t1011 \\h11·h l'l'H•al:-- llC'<'d for n•\ it•\\ t':O-IJl'<'1;tlh "h!..'re· f111<1n<·t·~ Do you know who said ? •••• ··1 ah\'a~·s enjoy m~·se lf It ·~ othl'I' people I ha \'e t mu bl'c C'n 10\·111g <Groucho Marx 1 Who said. "I'm thl' onh· onl' in town who can recognize m~· brother with his ha t on"? Answe r : The s ister or tht> hairlt•s" superstar or "The King & I," Vul Bry not'r stm reigning! Who said . "Do you realize t hat the top three novels In publishing history were b~· wo men.'"1lnd aU were first attem pts" "V.alley of the Dolls" <b~· Jacquclinr Susann 1: .. P eyton Pl ace" 1 b~· Grnce 'Met a lious 1: and' •·Gone with the Wind" tby Mp r garet Mitchell 1 '! Ans we r : It wa. a gentleman n amed I rving Mansfield Ms. Sus ann's hus ba nd. Who said, "My husband and I soh·ed oar argument over bedroom temperature. We got twtn w1terbed1. Hot or cold?" Aa1wer: Shelby Frt~mad. as quoted In Qaote Speakers otsest. ' • Who said. "We dQ not set ve. trn ~· alt:oholic beverages in tbe m ansion J'vo L al\vays remarked that y~'d be surprise~ hdw early peopile go home whtn you don't serve liquor"? Answer: former Florida ' . I Pf ISONAllTY Q.&A. BY MARILYN AND HY GARDNER ~t>-.·e rnor Ruh1n .\:--kt•\\. e u 1·1"-t•nll~· a pmH•rful Miami l •1w~ 1.•r Who · said. "Thr trouble with throwin~ a cocktail part~· is that wh<'n it reall~· ~rts boring. ~·ou're the onl~· one who can't lea\'('"? :\ns w('r : It was come dlennl'· Martha Ra~·r. now well along C'omc>hackN Road. doinA T\' commercials and l(uest spots. Who s uid, "You c an c riticize a m a n·s wife. his c h ildren. in fact almost anything a bout him. But if \'OU c ritirize his ttiste in art. you offend him morlal1~··"1 Answer : He was th~ late alle~ •d "richest mun in the world." J ean Paul Gett~" ~ 11owr qu sttons b11 Hy Go rdnRr .• ·woo Y ntl As~d That:· in care of the Daily Pilot. P.O. Boz 19620. /nn"e. Calif . 92714. Marlltpa and II~ GardnRr tuill an$Wtr.as many questions as they ''a'f in tfwir c"lumn, but the volume of m.a~I m<lke.11 persooal replies impo~slblt I ' • <trl' c·ont·t•rnt•d I nclt\ 1d11al \\ho mack prom1Sl':-ma\ not Ill' in pos1t111n to l11lf1ll thl'ITI . C.\PRIC'OR~ 1 Dt·1· :!:! .Jan rn 1 S:l'a1h progn·ss mdi!'att•rl 1f o h~1·n ant. pl•r:--1~tt•111 lndi\·icluals who h<l\l' hl'l'n 1111htkrt•nt \\il l 110\\ shcm inll·n ·:-1 Emph.1~1-. nn lt·!..!.il uffa1rs. possihll' parlnL•rsh1p. 101nl l'l'l11r1 .... l'm ot1onal and hus1m•o.;..., ;r ll1;r11n·-. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT u= YOU TMINt<. ;\(l l'.·\ R ll' s ( .I ;r ll :w F ('!) I 8 I H ighlight n•r:--at 1ht' humor and ah1ht ~ 111 C'ommun1C'att· 1dl':1:--111 unicp1t• mannl·r F:mplo~·ml'nl pros pt•ets ;1rt• hrig hl. lll'l'!b will he· -.l'nt•cl ;incl -.oe1al al'l1\·11\ me n .•ast•s . COMMCJNIC~TION I!> A~L TALt-<1 p I s (' Jo: s I Fl' h l H. :\I :t r (' h '.! 0 I Emotional n.·~po n sl'S an• h•!..!hliJ.!hll'd Fot11s on SJK'<:ulation. rhildn'n .md all air-. of heart Oi :--c·ussion or displtl<• 111\'0I\ t'" 1<H1rnt·~ or long -ranJ,!l' hnl1d;f\ plan..., vo.u MAvrM'T &l:EN L.1 $TCNIH'i. GO-EN ON BllDGE BY CHARLES H.' GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. North deal•. NORTH •KU3 ~AlOf 0 AQ5 +QH WEST EAST + 714! • AQ1H6 ~QT! ~' O lOUI 0 1'714 +41 +1071 80UTB +•V.W o &.UIU 0 JI +AIUU Tbe biddlnr: N-*" But 8"dl Weet INT r .. I O p .. 4 0 r .. e o , .. , ...... Openln1 lead: Ten of O. Probabllitl .. are jun that -the tlett wa7 to plaJ a par· Ue1alar comblnatJoft, Ott com· blned MlcllDJ. '1l a vaeuum. SolD.U.• ,...,. ........... wi., JOU tltould • tab tlte ,.... •• u ... 0.. W. hMJ1I wen 1up- poned, &ou\h MOnecl tH iUeeU. of a eeieD&lle alMUoa to'6d ... ,lllet ..... tH co.W ..U. Wldle el.a Mute la bJ ·-· ..,..,., '"- contract certainly orrered plenty of chances. West led the ten of diamonds. Mathematically, the beat line lO take ia the diamond fineaH and, U that loee1, to banr o\lt the A·K of trwn,. in the hope of felllnr the queen. That often an almo.t four•to-oM elauee or aoeeeu. But dedarer had pla7~ ~ tbeee par· Ueular opponent• man7 U... before ud knew t'hat W81t would be reluc:taat to lead awa1 from a Illar aplaat a llam co1traet, "pedallJ after a bllacl auc· Uoa. TMNfon. be eleeted to adopt aeotber line whleb, t.houth laferior ln t.heor7. of- fertcl tit• be1t pracU~al cbaaee of laadla1 the COD· traet. Ded&rer rOM ,wlti. dum- IQJ'I aee of dJa111ond1 and dropped the jack troll his ltaacl. He led a tnamp to the k1q aad eoatiaued with a &rump, luertiq tlte i.a from d•MaJ •Ille• W• followed wltll a low lNmp. When that l\leceecled, It wu all over. ftln.,. u.. no •lsht ..... *' ...,., .. u .. WU ..... OD a.-ek It Weat'a cards. They would be wrong-declarer had a sound reuon for hit 1\.range line. Once he a11umed that Eut had the kinr of diAmonda, there was no point to taki._r the fineue. AACI la the bean 1ult, tbe oddt la favor of d.ropplaf the queen -over a n.e ... wen onlJ 52-48. Deda1'91''•. trump na .... 1i,od to p1D ewn lf Eaa- htld botb tile kins of dlamo1d1 and queen of heart&, bec:auN there WU IO ruarantee tha' Eut would defeat the contract bJ euhlnr the kinr of diamonclt aft.r win.Dior th• trump queen. U he made &ll.f other return, dedarer would 1tiJJ make 1ria .au. bi dileardiq dammJ'• diaaoadl oo Ute .. ... elab9, aacl then rumq a diamoad with dumlQY'• lut U'Ump. Bew .. JM ...... die --....... ...., a-.. ~ ............. , .. ..., ........... 0..-. L ........... 11.ll &e -0.--.............. .... •••I.-. P.O.._ •• NwwuA.N.J .......... ~~ ~:. rr'"' .. " .... ,~ ... ~ ..... , .... SNOWBOUND "RABBIT" Sh1rle.' Flunnt·r~ :-.hm 1•b out ht:- Volkswagen Rahbit from a huge sno" hank tall~t'd ll\ dnt'\1llJ.! s now in Fort Fatrfil'lcl. '.'vt uin<.'. tht:. \\l't·k \Va h'h111J.! arL' h1 .... dau ghter. A<.•th . and two grancl c-hilctn·n Lion cubs offered MANILA, Philippines (AP> -Lion lovers rnigbt soon have a cha nce to keep lions in their h9.mes, but they mus t be-prepared for a hefty beef bill, a Manila newspaper said. The English-la n guage Philippines Daily Express said the Manila Zoo. which has severe financial problems, is considering putting up two Art Show Huntington Center daily thru Sun. I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 4, 1982 Rich Getty Malibu nluseum gets richer MALIBU <AP> -The sumptuous J. 111les and hl1h lntereal rate1. Pau l Getty Museum offlcl1Uy la The fund transfer beean once 1tate becoming mllUons of dollara richer as l!nd local tax questions were resolved some of the late oil ma1nate's fortune and should be complete this week, uld moves out of co11rts into the ocean.side William E. Bell, co-executor of Getty's m useum's coffers. _ · 11 ..&--rl Id t r T ill Getty willed his project 4 million ~~ur!'::~ a~dcTr![~~. en ° e shares or stock in Getty Oil Co. before his J11ne 1&76 death, but the investment" The endowment makes the $17 million has appreciated to about $1.1 billion museum the richest in the nation. It had witha4·to-1stocksplit,twomajorstock a $4.S millio n budget last yea r. compared with 127 mlllion tor the MetropolJtan Museum of Art In New York. ··--/ .. Howe"W< the Econom ic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 wllJ compel it to spend 4.5 percent of its endowment lhref out of each four yeara. That means the facility probably will spend SIJO million next year and similar sums ror other years, museum attorney J . Patrick Whaley said. ZI;;:?e~------· ------------~·----------------- • incoWlly The Notre Dame Clu b of Orange County wUI hold its annua l Universal Notre Dame Night dinner March 29 starting at 6:30 at the Catch Restauran t in Anaheim. Guest speaker will be Richard Conklin , director of Information se rvi ces at the University of Nd\re Dame. Notre Dame alumni, parents and friends of t h e unive r si t y a r e invited to at t e nd . Tickets are $15 p e r person. For information or reservations call 992-0211. Truck load Plant Sale ·II.Ill~.. 14.300~~ 14.lll~~w II.Ill~, 6-MONTII ACCOUNT 30-MONTH ACCOUNT Effective through Mar. 8. Effective through Mar. 15. Minimum $10,<XX>. Earns above Minimum $1000. Earns above rate rate for 26-wk. tenn. Yield assumes for 30-month tenn. Interest all funds are reinvested at same compounded daily. Rate announced rate, though rate may change. every two weeks. Compounding of interest not By Federal law, Certificate withdrawals permitted. Rate announced weekly. are subject to substantial penalty. -... ... - Sav~ insured to $100,<XX>. ~~l!.e.~2~~~ "' newly born cubs for adoption or selling them. At way 5 a s 8 I e in . The zoo's budget for lions' feed reportedly is classified.read the ads Huntington Center only enough for its eight fully grown lions which ~ve~2-56J8 daily thru Sat. Yfw IRA or Keogh can earn these high rates. Check with us. -c~o-hs•u•m•e-=abo-=u•t•6•l •po•u•n•d•s•o•f•bee-=f•d•a-il-y.;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;!;;;;;;;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;-t~~~L-g_e_.6_"_po~ts_2_.88~e~a·l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~!!!~-!-!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • Good for you! Classified advertising Is your best choice for help in selfing the items you no longer need. It's Quick and inexpensive. and the Pilot reaches potential buyers who live in this area. Call today. Daily Pilat ........ Classified ads phone 642-56 78 .§ptlnt!!!,~ W2 SALUTES TWO OF HOLLYWOOD'S LIVINC LECENDS . TONIGHT 8 PM CACNEY: THAT YANKEE DOODLE DANDY A profile of James cagney·s 50 year career with clips from his most memorable films -lnd udlng current hit "Ragtime" -and Interview with the star himself. ~ 1:4SPM STARRINC . KATHARINE HEPBURN A two-hour retrospective on the llfe and loves of one of Amer1ca's favorite actresses. Follow your team in the NATURAL BAMBOO PLANTER BASKETS From China HANOINO PALM HEN BASKET BANK From Mexico Decorative basket to keep you company or hold a nest egg. NATURAL RAnAN I BRASS SEA CHESTS From Singapore Wood reinforced chests have trim llnes and Incised brass closlngs. To hold llnent or serve as handsome coffee or end tables. 21· )( 12· x 12· 39-99 31' >< 15• x15' 59.99 35• )( 19· x 19" ·79.99 DIR•CTLY AP,ROU PROM SOUTH COAST PLAZA IUIMTl Y WOT IP llllTOL AT 1111 IUIPLMll (TAii IUTOL DIT Off• PmWAY) .... ...,.._ .,.....,,,,, .... _ ..... ~ ... NATURAL RUSH CAT'S "NEsr· From Mexico ! f 1 . rl I j I -. • <?r1ngt Coast DAILY PILOT /Th ursd1y, Maren •. 1982 BIG GIEORGIE by Virgil Partch (VIP) fi\MILl' CIRCtM "Hide my meatballs under the spaghetti and see if I can find them." "How'd you llke to be my dummy?" by Brad Anderson Dt::\~IS THt; ME!'\' ACE Hank Ketchum "Honest. Marmaduke, you're the only dog in my life." Jl'DGE PARl(ER ::::::: ~""' :::: :!~!' I THE LATE&T WORO I& T~l PREMIER FILM!i 1& l AKIN(:i LINOA MAY OH AVAL.AN CH£! 1 lRIED 10 &EE MIKE el.ITLER Ar>C)Ul [T .. eur WA-5 uN~E ro FIND H1M • i.7""---~1111 'o:l 0 I ~ • THIS IS CALLED ™E " NUTCRACKER SulTE .. ...z<.~ ).1.. \.... \."" \ ' ) • ' w 1 , e 19112 IJlldeO , ....... s~ ""' ~---.:iu...:::r..&...ol ,.OON Bl'LLINS by Ferd & Tom Johnson 1'VEGETABLf:S "THAT ~ROW UNDf:R~ROUND SHOULD BE pur INTO COLD WATER BEFOl<f COOKING. ---~ND "THOSE 'THAT ~ROW ASDVE GROUND S'HolJL.D Bi: PUT INTO 801LIN6 WATEf< ·· WH.AT IF THEY ® 0 ACROSS 59 Partly. Pref WEDNESDAY'S 62 Beckon PUm.E SOl YEO 1 Sheltlf 64 Follow 1 2 3 4 5 DeceiWf 65 Command 9 Fu1ener1 67 Subway gate 14 14 Polton: Pref. 70 Cllamplon- 15 Slnglr ship 16 Utlllte 7 I MIHd up 17 Fruit p4p 72 Fetid tt W...,00 73 Strengthen 20 Bnltilh 7 4 Tax 21 Tipple 75 Ag1s. 23Helflng deYlcle DOWN 24 Hand tool 27 Columbus 1 Wllltlng aid caravel 2 Optimist 2t Nett 3 MelnlngM 31 SWlllowed 4 Widen 35 Perl o4 "lo 5 -Vega• Ver. 48 Simon -: lie" 8 -du Olable 28 Eccenlrlo Amaleura 37 CNM'a Chou 7 Swtettop 30 leaves porl 51 Sdlnawt 39 -flrma 8 French 32 Adapled for 53 Prteenlor 40 Bitter ICUlplor gratplng 55 Entirety 42" lo - -9 Aetllinl 33 Columnltl 57 Ftower «*" 10 Petitioned Bomb«k 58 Beg!nntng• 44 f'Dfl Ind HST t I BtrrlClu<la 34 Spirit 59 Cllquel 45 llfd 12 Scheme 35 Confkll 80 Reword 47 ""*""' 13 Cydedet Ille 3' Oulcll .. -61 Chigger 41 l11c:tlmltlclft 18 Mita 83 Ac1r ... 50 Oftlct gll ohmor. 31 U.oldeltl BMnora -u o.er 22 Olunon 4' SllMll tootll ee -A~ M -OIClfl JI Lerldlrt et" 43 Etflnll 88 A of RPM ....... 21 .. .-: -~ ....... COME OUTOF TIN CANS? ~ PEA L'JI SHOE NANCY, ARE YOU GOING T O EAT YOUR SALAD \v'ITl-IOUT D RESSING"? GORDO Oll.SMOC" Y'OU'Re L.OOKIN ' A"f" AN IN"T'e~N W HO 'S <SONNA ee A GRESA"f" POC"f'OR ONE! PAY', L..APY .1 , by Charles M. Schulz -------- (4.) PREAMBLE NO MO~E ~NALK'i~ I U1 1""UE. ME.~1..S ~ ~'4. M O l'M AAVIN(, l"OSE. N~W OIE.IE.11(. 1''/ QIMJlU{5 ~ °"L~ 300 CAI.ORIE~ £.AO~! ~ ~\J. \ ! ALl/Jl\VS WOMDE~EO WHAT MAf'PENEP TO OLD WORN·.OOnlREO MANP5 HE'S -rnE MOV'EST CHAP COVERl('J(; HIS FACe. by Ernie Bushm1ller NO MAAM--I'M GOING I TO DRESS F IRST by-Toni Bat 1uk by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont WOUl-P YOU ee1..1e:ve: "f'HA"f''S IHe FIRS! CAs-r- :X:'Ve e v e:R Pu-r ON ~ ! 1 I • Orange Coast DAILY PILO'f/fhursday. March •• 1982 ~ony~~~=-~ 1TUBE TOPP.EIS 9" hie bc>Xlne ._.. reln- 1t1ted. Q I WQlllL.D Of Lovt ~IMAK ~y~pro­ grammlng tnaY be~ due to pledOI brNke. (.C)MOY'I • • ''from Noon Tiii ThrM " t 19711 Cf11ri.. I Bronaon, Jiii Ireland. A dfllltr II J~tcl ln10 I ~teci robbefY gano. .KNBC e 8:00 "Famt>." Julie falls for a teachlna as~istant whose in\ercst ls strictly business. KARC fl 8 :00 "Polt<·t• S(luuc1 .. 'Premiere of wild . ian~ Sf.'1ws spoofinJ: C'OP shows Stur~· bt>low KOCE Sf &:00 "Cagney; That Yankee Doodle Dandy ." Film clips from actor 's, maior movies. -~ . • • "Mr lloody "*'" tine" ( , .. t) ~ ICelnltln, I.Ori ....... A lfllll town ll>IConlel • ---OI terfOI durtrlt 1t111r wwlUll v.i- t1na'. o.y denOI. . "' 4;t0. MCWll * ... "lie OMdly ~" cm4J Lfoyd l rld11e•. Simone SllvL WllM9 Oii vacation. an American tJeComtt enllftOled In • ll'ftUOlllinll opetltlQ!I. 4:'9• .-..oH: . WOH*8 The IMF oon'lltooea • aclen- 1111 that II II the )'Mt 2000 10 !Ny CM lMrtl the loca- tloft of -hidden plulO-""""· 4:JO CZ> MOv. ··-,..... ............ ... .,...,.. ... ---... .... ,, and hee4MMil .... " ........ '° ,.-.. IN IUIW'll ~ _,.., --·-~· ........ ~ ••··111M1~w.-. ..... Teny A~ tltel IO r9ICUI • y«illO llldlan gll1 "°"' llldll "P" who .. .,.., "" Wwi* """'· ~ ~~~t (%) *. ~ .. ,..-an .. t1tn1 '*" ~. Dualltl *"'-'-A pelt ~ DevM'a lalatld aorw10t1 ~--llMI~ IMlt eacape. ··---tva.a- t'M • ITAMMI KATHAAINI HINUNf Alm Glf9t, newareete. 111411 Mwl ~ hlglllfhl • two-holfr r .. roapeotlW Oii the 111-and Giii.., Of Kllhlllne Hel>t>Utfl, ttY• llm• Ao1dar11y Award winner and ~ ot An*i-oa·• ~• ~ed and talented actr.._. KNBC 11 10:00 -.. Hill Street Blues ... A rookie cop O\'t!reacts in a t•risis. Photo <it left. *** "The Doge Of Ww" (IMO) CMltopner Walk- en, Tom Berenger. Alt., being tortlnd and deport- ed by en African dictator. • meroenary retumt to IMd 1 revolutlon. 'R' _.CID • *'4 .. ..,,.,_ .. (11111 Frenll Lengelia. LllllV• 1 ANt1 ~.• A NtHeM blacill ""'1191 Mliqultlea r1ng .ttempta to etop en EgypteiOglll lfom dlecov- erVIO tNt ""* •boult of • P'~ ttatua lhl -permitted to vtew. 'PO' ( . ... .. -1~~ 1 ;*~ Loe ~ .... ,,.. New Yortc IWokl •THIMtU•ONe HAWAII~ 1== HUMM~~ ·~-WfTH DOMAl.D DUCk Profeelof Lu~• Von Or-. -'* ,._ DoMld .. the 8llbject In lflOlher of '* nutty ir-- tlgallon• Into human ~. (l)MOVll ..... ~ .. (1980) Aot>1n Wlllltime, Shelley Ouv ... While .w'CNng '°' hie lather. IN~- Ing MllOt vtait• • quaint hatNel wlwe he plcika up. foundling and • lklnny .,....,_.,..PO' • M<Wtl * * "Hawk The Slayer'' ( 1981) Jacll Palanca. John Twry. An actwntlKOUI young man ..,.... the aid of a band of ww'l1on to fight '* ..,. uncte. the -'«d who klled '* lather and .. lloldlng Ill j ~'°''**""· l:aO. WILCOMI Ma<. l(OTT!Jll ·IU:ST~T WITHC&.DI ~Tl I •••-NPORT ..... IAf'NEY MIU.EA 7;00 I C8I NlWI NeCNlWI HAPP't' DAVI AGAIN When Fonzie drW. In ~ IMdll)ll man out of town. he muet Ulan p1ey i role hlmMll. N/ICNIWI_ M0A08°H A ltrong wlndllonn an.eta 1119 membeR of tna 4077th In vwylng .-ya. 1=--~WILO au.t: JIU planl8t Or. BMly Teytor. (RI Q I DOC-CAVETT TIC TAC DOUGH BfT8'TANllENT TOf@fT -All ln'*1Mw with RkNtd Cr--. 8THE~ G~: Vincent Pl1ca. CID THOie ,AIUl.OUI ClOWNI Rldlatd Kll9y proftlel the entert81ner9 who have made the wor1d lauoh - lncludlng Fanny Brice. Charil• Chaplin, W.C. Flelda.and rMrlY otherl. (D)M<Wtl **"' "LL RoOlfl CNloe, U.S.N." (19ee) Olcll VIII Dyke, Nency KWWI. A N"'Y pilot rune Into • band 01 nat!w glftl wtien he la forced to paradlut• from '* bUmlng plar'9 Into the Pacltlc. • CZ)M<Wtl *** "All Night Long" (1981) Gene Hackman. S.rt>rl StreiNnd. Alter being dem<>ted from c:ot· porat• execut!w to dleln- 11or• night manager, • ~man'•.,. WORK SKID ROW Taul'l'Uf! BlaeQUl'. left. and Kiel Ma rtin ~el s(•rnlfori up rn.1: a ssignmtnt on ·H ill Stret>t Bl\ll'S tonight at 10 on KNBC 141. ~ -vwu. .,. turned 7:IO~o;'ti·;~ F•tured: the reunion of populel' folk ..... ,...,, Paul and M9ry; hOW 11.- ,_. 9'IOld the ft: • vtalt with the AabOlt Lady, who llY'9 with hundreda of rab-bit•. tNt rllUh ol • hObby that jlOI out Of hllnd. I Cll ,NAYFEJO LAWME & 8HIA1.EY &COMPN« Shirley hit a Cf\anCe to lhow her pley to • Broad- -y pr~. • MNOIZVOlJ8 A bualneuman who auttars from an anxiety attacti ~to• remote reaor1 whir• he d~ ·~-who know9 of'* J>Mt . • M"A"l"H A oentt• reward• 1119 4017ttl wtth "' ~· Club litter Hawkeye and Tr11PC* -hie ton' I llM. I TIC lAC DOUGH MACNB.. I LEHMlt MPORT I ~MAQAZJNE A d'"""eker who Coptel the lateat In high tllhlon from New York and Pen.: the annual "chltlln ltrut" In Salley, 8outfl ClfolinL 111 YOU A8f(B) FOR rr FNtured: "Flah That Bulld N9eta" and "Flayed AIMI In The PhillpplnM." ~MOVE * * * * "Animal C<ecll· era"'(tt30) Mltll 8rothets. Mergerel Dumont. ~&In Spaulding. the African uplorer, and '* unt partner. do contld9r•ble damage to • aoclety matron'• p«ty. 8:00 8 ([) MAGNUM, P.I. Magnum's ~te 11 lfnpetlled beC8llM Oii aom.lhlng Illa! hlpplMd ~ .-tlet In IN-. e 8FAME Julie tel!S lor • 1eae111ng ...i.tant ~ lnter•t It pur.-~ • MCWtl ** * "TM Band Wagon' (1953) Fred Astaire, Cyo CNrleee. A stw reluctantl) ag<-10 do • 8roedwe) lhow that ~. hit. 8 111 P0UCE IQUAOI (Premlete) I.Polle» captain and hll -ci.tecthle .,. pitted eo-inst the c:tlrnlnal element• ot • large city; L.-. Nlele«I and Alan Nor1h lier. • • P.M. MAGAZJNE A dftMmelltr wtlO copjea 1119 lat.at In high fnlllon from New York and Perla; • 111911 to the Sherman Oekl lkKn Center. • MCWtl • • .... "Aamc>ege" ( 19831 Robert Mhchum, Ella Mar· tlnelll. Alter they rel\Kn to Germany from • N larl, a big game hunter plan• the delth ol lhe trapper to whom he lol1 I.he glr1 he lo"9d • ;l.OLDHOUM 8ob VIII dltc:uMM the wlr· Ing In the br~ and pull tnaulelloft In the laml· lt_rOOM.Q • CAGNIY: THAT YAHICU OOOOLI DANDY Fllm ctlpe from hit major "'.,,. and lhe aoon-lo-be releaHd "Regllme" highlight • tool! at the Ill• of J.-Cegney, INIUr· Ing •• lenaiYe lntervlewl with the .ctor, hi• ool· ~and C:O-lllfl (B)MOVIE * * * "Thi Electric HorM-man" ( 19791 Robert Red· lord, Jane Fonda. "' Lu Vegu cowboy atNle • $12 mllllon thoroughbred hOtM to NY• him from hie ~~owners. 'PG' * * "Hopacoteh" ( 19801 Walter Matthau. Glenda JICl!eon. A lorrner lntelll· Qel\CI agent 11 llde<I by an Old llllme In dO<lglng lhe KGB and the CIA, who are trying to prevent him lrom publllhlng hll memoir•. 'R' OMOVIE *•'It • Honeysuckle Roee" ( 1980) Wiiiie Neleon, Dyan CaMon. While on tour, • Texu counlry-,.,..,.,n llnger t>ecOmeS lnvotved with the MCIUCll\19 d1ugh1er ol hit lldelllck even tl!Ough he 11111 IOvet hll 1tay-1t-110me wile 'PG' l :to 8 111 8080M BUDDIES Kip 1llld Henry reminisce aboUt their college days and hOW they wound up wor111ng lor caustic Ruth. Dunbar In N-York City • YOU A8KE.D FOR IT Featured "Men Rid•• Deadly Menll Rey" and "England'• Space-Age Robot Dog .. • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Slll\el review "The Se<IUC· lion" Ind 'Tm Dancing As Fut Al I Can." "Queal For Are," "The Am11eur" and "Union City ... (%)MOVIE * * * "Thi Dogs Of Wit" ( 1980) ChrlllOj)ller Walk- en. Tom Berenger Af1er being tortured and depor1- ed by an Atrlean ~lor. ' mercenary re1um1 to leed a r~.·R' 9:00 8 ([) KNOTS I.ANDINO An Old name ot V•I'• P•YI her e IUrprlae vlllt, and Karen 11 reunl1ed Wllh h« brother D 8 DIF'F'REHT ITAOKU In order 10 join 1 dub, Arnold llNll a comic book lrom • atore. (R) Q 8 9 SARHEY Mill.ER A 25-year-old S1olen car turns up, and a aanlt111on worker .... ults a candy wrapper dropper (R) c:;J 0 BULI.8~ 8) MERV GRIFFIN 10:001 NUMI 8HIUITMET 91..UO A rookie G0c> -·reactl In a Ot1111, and negotiation. be._ the Pollol union and the city -auepenc1. led~ •• Ntw8 n 20 120 ,AWL TY TOWIM Bu.II attempt• to conWf1 Fawlty Towera Into• gour- met'• ~edlM. (Pan e ot 81 (JDMOVlE "'~ * • ·~ "Trlbule" ( t9801 Jack L1mmon. Robby BenlOll. An ltrellj)OMlble Broadway pre111 agent 1>egln1 to regret hit WNled Ille and hll 1enuou1 rel•· 11onw11p with hi• grown ion. 'PG' BIZARRE "Elephanl Man Slngt" gMOVIE • • • "Allegro Non Trop- po" (19781 Anlmeled. Lii• In lhe macnlne age II Nt'r· 1zec1. ·pa· 10~1 NEWS llUTTtRFUU RI• ettemptl to put - order Into he< Ill• -wnlch the thlnlt• of u an umldy dra-. lull ot thlngl and pec>91e wno bother,_ Cl) l.Aff-A-THON A comedian hott and IOUt comic contestants who compell 1g1ln11 one anolher are INlured In Ihle uncensored oome<ly game lhow {%)MOVIE **'!\ "Paplllon" (1973) Steve Meo-. Ou•tln Hottman A pelr of DeYll't llland convk:ll spend their time _ellnnloi their eacape. 11:00 GUDCll08 NEWS • 8A TUN7AY NIGHT HOii. Ralph Nlldet. Gu .. 1: George Seneon. 0 KOJAK tD THE JEFFERSOH8 • g) SAHFORO AHO~ f9 DICK CAVETT (Q) EVERYTHINO OOU Rick Podell h01t1 an adult comedy game snow whir• con111tant1 mult' tlk• ott their dot'-If they lncor· rectly •n-• qU9ltlofl lhll hU ~ given them. ())MOVIE • • "PhObla" (1980) Paul MlchMI Gluer. Suun Hogan A group of mental patients are murdered IQC9f'dlng to their lndMdu• allaan 'R' t t:30 8 (() QUINCY D elf ToNtoH'T Host Johnny Ceraon GU4l1t1: Jane Pauley. Har· Vff'J Korman. D lIJ) ABC NEWS NtOHTUHE tD ALLINTHEFAMlLY • LOVE. AMEAICAN STYLE • KC£T N£WaeEAT WITH CL.ETE R09ERT8 CC) MOVIE • • 5 Fingers 01 Death" ( 19731 Lo Lleh. Wang Ping A young ChlneM kung tu student mu1er1 hla an to t>ecome • leading expen and n111ona1 OhamplOn. ©>MOVIE I OM lr1ntle8ly ...,cn.. lor • twge quantity of OOC411ne. (R) • MOV1I •'Al "The Legend 0 1 Cu1t•r" ( tHll Wayne M~. Slim Plokena. The military Giii-of !tie cO!Ot"1I Atner1can colonel ~o '* famoue LMI Stand. • Ml<IDOUCMA8 Coho1t: Rip Taylor. ~a: ltantey CW11•. George Duk•. lob Ander· eon. l<C, The Cerlaeonl.. • LOW. AMINOAH ITYU! • '°°"'ON~ CJD Uf' TO NOW The lat•t -t•. ldaM end _,..,. .,. paro- died In a --of comic: lkeechM. !HO. 8 LA ft NIGHT WITH DA\llO l.£Tl'ENMH ou .. t: columnlll ~lien Goodman. • MOVIE * * "TM Goldwyn Folo-1111" (tt381 Adolphe Men- jou, Ella Logan. A lllrn pro- duoer trt• to lnduCe • young girl to .ac:t 11 • judge tor hll upcoming ""'*" r-. 1= • * * "Popeye" (19801 Robin w1111am1. Shelley Duvall While Mltci'lin'I! lor hi• father. the tpined>-4et· Ing lall<>f Ylllt• • 'qullnl nemlet where hi plctla up• toundllng end • 1ldnny -tMlrt.'PG' 12:40 8 ([) MCMIUAN AHO WIR t.00• MOVIE * * •;. "The Ml/1t 01 Z0t· ro" (1974) Frank I.Angella. Gilbert Flol8nd. A dwlng 19th-<*\tury ewordamlf'I eiag.. deedly-duelt wffh lllS~. • MOVIE **'A "Deir Dead OelMeh" ( 1972) ~ MoorehMd. Wiii 0-. When I - Ka!Ptl a ~--..,ino JOb 11 an eat•t•. lhe ~·1 reelln the lerTOr that will fOllOW ... family men1t>ers .-rdllng tor • hidden tr--er• ~ tematlcllly murdered. <li)MOVE *... "Altered s ....... (tNOI W..,,, Hurt. IMalr Brown. A Hervard ldtn- t111'1 genetle l1ructUre II altered wMtl he c:onduott mlnd-41xpandlng ex.pel'I· mentl wllh laolatlon lankl Ind powertul helludno- ~ ~ • • * "Royal Fl11h" ( 19751 Malcolm McDowell. Alan e.t•. The noctumel eacapedea ol the ewaall· buckling Capt Harry Flunmen land him In fhe arm• 'ot 1he notor10u1 courteNn Loi• Montez Ind on 1he wrong elde ot lhl powerful COunt 01to von 81tmar11. 'PG' 1:10 D MOVIE * • '!\ "Black Noon" (19711 Roy Thlnn99. Yvette M\m1eux. A am111 w ... am town la gripped by the toroee ot btactl magic and 'lrilchcrafl. ,:11!= • • °" "TIMI AnQ9I wore "ed" (1M0) Ava Glfdnar, Dirk Bogerde. A prlell ~ hie order to return to a world rOOked by • ~ ..,,...,, 4:10 a:> MOv. 1:IO e INTIMANMH'T TONGHT An 1n1erW1W with fUctllrd Cr9ML * * "5 Finger• Of DNth" {197'1 LO Lleh, Wang Ping. A young C""-lcung lu ttudent maetera hie 1rt to become • leedlng expert and netlonll c:tletnplon. 4:16 (HJ UP TO NOW ·= * * * "The Dogl Of Ww" ( 19801 CMetopher Walk· an. Tom &er9nge1. Afltr belng tor1ured and deport· ed by an Alricln dictator, a mercenary return• to INd a re¥Olutlon. 'R' 2:001 NIWI z:ze HIW8 z:ao MOY!! * • "Th• Diamond Oueltl" (t953) Fernando l.Mnll, Gfibert Roland. A pair ol mercet111lel In lndle bargain with an Indi- an mogul to trade • hind grenade tor • velullble blue dlemood. • MOVE * * o;. "The Bridge Of Sen lull Rey" ( 111«) Lynn B1rl, Francia Lederer. 8aMd on the story by Thornton Wiider. F!Ye peo- ple topple to their death• when a bridge collap-In Peru • MOVIE **""'"The Terror" (1963) Borla Kltlolf. Jedi Nlehol· eon. A French olllce< trl(I(• down • mya19'1ou1 girl to 111 eerie ~antlon owned by • aadlttlc med- man (l)IMZAAM "Elepf\anl Mlf'I Slng1" 2:408 NEWI 2:"8 CID MOYIE • • * Yt "Allee. Sw .. t Allee" ( 19781 Unda Miller. Peula Shepplfd. Member• ot an 1t1ll1n-Arnerlcan I amlly we vtctlmlZed by I P9Ydl0tlc murderer In their mldtt. 'R' (Z)MOVE •• * .,.. ''The Life Of Brl· 1t1" ( 1979) Greham Chap- man. John CteMa. In the 11r9t century, I t>ungler II tJlllllY proclllmed • m9911· "'and~ the leader Oii . ~ r~ rnov. """' agaln9I hie ....__ 'R' Z:ll~MOYIE * *'>' "Shoot TM Sun Down" ( 19801 CMafbpher Wallien. Mergo4 l(ldder In 1838. tour dllc>••t• mil- lltl -.,, old map 10 MWCh lor burled gold. ·PG' 3:008 MOVIE • * "D1yton'1 Devil•" ( 1968) Rory Calhoun, Llln- le Kuan. A diver• group pl-to rob 111 AJr ForCl9 beM ot two Ind a half mlt- llon dollars. HO(l)MOVIE • • 'h "Plnehclltt Grind • Prh•" ( t980) Anlmlled. Atter his Cit d9lign II llolen by an ex-eollelQUe • e • brilliant mechtnlc decide• to bulld an even better racing rn9dllne and compete with hit nerTMllll ·a · The lat•I -ti, ldMI and ,_,,..,, .,. paro- died In • Mllet ot comic lket~ f'rida11'• Dayll•e Movie• 8:00. * .... "l.11111 o.tllngl" ( 1980) Tatum O'Neil, Krll- 1)' McNlctlol. At aummer c.mp, two ·--eoe girt• compatll to -whO wm be the llrll lo ION her virgin!· t . 'R' a:aoOO **"' "Rockthow" ( 1980) Paul McCartney and Winge. l:OO lC) * * * * "Sayon*a" (11157) Mllrlon Brando. Red Buttona. An AmerlGen tel -hll 1 poignant attelr ~~~ performer of ~~ICllng (8) ***'n "Bedknob• AnCI Broomallcl••" (19711 Angela lalllbory' David • Tomlinlon. During World wer II. a novice S01cer ... and her lh••• young friend• Mt off lor 11 magic llland wher• lhe 1n1end• to leltln enough tboul wllchcralt to UM h aoaJn11 •he Nam. ·o· 8:20 CZ> • * •:High Counlry" (1981) Timothy Bottomt, Unda Pull. An eecape<I conlllct and his hand!· c8')ped gtrllrlend llM 10 IM rnounlllns. 'PG' 7:00 0 • * "Hewl< The Slayer" ( 1111111 J ack Pllanee. JOhn Terry All advenlu•ou• yc>1,1ng man en11111 the tkl ot • band of werrlort to tight hll evil uncle. the overtord whO killed 1111 lather and Is hOl<ling an •bbeN lor ran- aom 1:00 * • • "Lott Horii.on" ( 111371 Ron1ICI Cotman, Jane Wyatt A kidnapped dlplomll dlKOYttn the Hlmallyan kingdom ot Shangri-La, • ~ ol at•nll ~ and lmmor· tallty. (I) * * "The Four H~ men Of The~·· CZJ *••"AU Nlghl long" (111811 a-Hlcilman, Barbre Streleand Alie< being demOted from COt· porete executive to chaln- 1tore night rneneger, • mlddi.eged man'• "'• atyte and valuM are turned upelde-Oown. 'A' . 1:30 ~ * * * "Oh Godl Book 11" ( 19801 George Butna. Suunne Plelhelle God return• lo Earlh .,,d Cl\00-the young daugf\· 1er ot an ectvertistng exec- ullw 10 19fM<I hit ~­ aage 10 lhe world 'PG' 11:00 0 * * 'i'o ''The Loved One" (1965) Robe<1 MorM. An)1nell• Comer The to-.ao ~ ***"Caddle" (tNt) Hel9n MorM, Jedi l"hOmP- aon A young woman i.evee her comfortable tubutbln ,_ and her Ctuel hull>ll'ld. Cl) * * ,,.. "Rodllhow'' (1N0) Paul McCatlney and Winge. 11:00 II ••• "AllegfO Non Tr09e0" (1978) Animeted. UM Ji 1111 machine age II Mtlhz*1 'PO' 12:00G **"My Boyt Are Good Boyt" (1t79) Ralph Meeller. Ide Lupino ThrM t--• boyl plan 10 t>t• out of prlaon, rob lf'I wmored cat Ind lllp bad< Into the pen undetected. m * * •n "Herd Cont!act" ( t!Ml91 J-Coburn, LM Rernk:lt. A .,_,tllUI wom- 11\ -• hired kilter to atMuWon 1111 plerll lo com- mit a third murder. • ••*.,.,"Thi Deeper· ate Hour9" (11155) Hum- phrey Booart, Fredric M1t1Ch. A group of eecape<I conYICll hOld a l•ntled lamlly capt Ive In their own l'IOme • CZ) * * • "Cavemen" (1981) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid 12:30 CC) * • • "North By Nortriw.I" ( 1959) Caty Granl, Ev• Marie Saint. An act..t1itlng man'• Mle la j:hangec:I drutlcllly when tie 11 mistlklf'I 10< a CIA 1:00 CJ):• ··The Black Hole" ( 197111 Maalmlllan Schell. Rober! Fora I••, Yvelle Mlmleux. (S) • • ··r111 Four Horte; men Of The ApocolypM'' 1:30 CZ)*• 'lo "Thi Poa•man Alway• Rings Twice" ( 1981) JICk Nlcholton, JestlCI Lange A young woman Ind her loWr p1o1 10 murder her hulband 'R' ~Cl * • •n "llii Sho9U'1 werrlora G randi~••" (19811Anlmaled Apcwe<· tut robot defends Earth when II Is Inv.dee! by Vegan lnvlOerl a:00 IJ • • .,., "Cry Of TM Penguin•" ( 11172) Jofln Hurt. Hayley Mlllt. A young 1>1e>1ogl11 with an eye lor tedlea trlee 10 lmmerM hlmaell In • lludy ol Ant- erctle penguona. a:ao CID * * •;. ''Thi Man WhO Saw T~ow" (1981) Oocumenlary. Nerrated Oy Orson Wellel Cll ••. ,.. "Plnchdlff Grand Prix" (19801 Ani- mated ·G' t:.41 (%) "Coup 0' Et11" 4:00 •• * "Thie I• EMIM (111811 ~twy. 1:00 (C) * * • "c.ddle" ( 198 II Helen MorM. Jedi Thoml>- aon. 1:36® ••• .,.. "e.dtlnobl And Broomatlcil1" (1971) Angel• Lan•bury. O.vld Tomlinson 1:36 CZ) • • •,., "Jebt>erwOClly" \ ( t9771 Miellael Palln. Miii Wall The kingdom ol a hkMble IYTant. Bruno The O.-llonabte, 11 ravaged by a llllhery mori91er 'PG' JOHN DARLING by Annstrong & Batluk ; CHANNEL LISTINGS . -9 KNXT !CBSI 8 l(NBC !NBCl e KTLA (Ind.I e KABC l°"BCI e l<FMB lCBSl 1J l(HJ-TV !Ind.I e KCST l ABCl • l(TTV !Ind.I 0 OnTV 'l Z-TV H HBO • SHOCK OF THE NEW "Tile Fu1ure That Was" In thl concluding progrllT'I or hla eight-part aeries, Rob· ert Hughlt di~ the Impact mu-.ms have had on modem 111 (RI (D)MOVIE • ••,<, "Happy Birthday . Gemml" ( 19801 Medellne l<aM, Riii Moreno. A Har· vard student'• blrthd•y party at hll ltmlly'I Soulh Phlladelphll home ~ an eye-opening eq>erlencl lor hie vistting ClutmltM. 'R' • • "Gllaxlna" ( 19801 Oorolhy Strauen. AVflrY S.:t1r11ber. A robot Is mid• In the Image ol a tJeeutllul woman who doesn't have any human leellngt 'R' 0 MOVI£ OK"'~ NOW '1 WANT E\'Ei-<YONE TD GET UP OFF '(0~ t..rnt.e 1U6HIE"5 AND DO AL.L OF YOU OUT IHE~E Al HON£ ... IC !Cinema• I Cl) CWORI NV . N.V @ (WTBSI <ti (ESPNI s (Show11,_, 9 Spotllghl • *. "OM-Trlolc. Pony" ' ( 1980) Paul Sunon. 8lllf • Brown A onc;e..popul1r per1ormer it prenured by t1V9'}'one around him to drop hie etyle of mullc and WTlte aono-lhlt Giii bring him beck 10 the top 40. 'R' l'HIS E)(ERCISE / ALONG WIT"' US. 11> l(COP· TV II nd. l • KCET (PBS> • 1Ccible New~ NetworkJ • t-.aO G 8 GIMME A BREAK Karl embarr-s Nell Into dieting, IMn g11n1 weight hlmNlf.(R) 11:481 8tGNOf'F 12:00 SHA NA NA Guest: Del Shennon G KOCE lPBSl e a TAXI D O VEOM . 'Police Squad' premieres . tonight New series an unconventional parody of 1950s cop shows .NEW YORK CAP) -From the makers of the movie spoof, "Airplane," comes tonight's new series on ABC, "Police Squad." Television comedies are always billed as wild and zany. This one truly is. But whether it's funny is strictly a matter of tute. Is it twmy to see mid1ets. giants and hunchbacks in various police activities? Maybe. Is it funny that the wife of the murder victim says her late husband's only ene mies we~ Democrats? Probably. Is it funny that a man with a mouth full of dental equipment does a ·drooling imitation of the Elephant Man? Def intt.ely not. But t.bele. and everytbtn1 else m this sho•'• r•pld·flre approach to abeurdlty. will 1et lnt ense viewer reaction. "Pollce Squ•d" la hardly sophisUca~. but its combination of sla.-t1ck. a&tht 8a11 and word 1ame1 will shock audlences. Viewers wm be shaking their bead.a, mutterin1: "Can you believe thal7" It's like Andy Kaufman'• rl11ly, 0D·tbe·ed1e bumor, wblch pro.-n an1er violence and , 1ometlmH, Incredulous lau1h1. It'• dtcldedlr different. Wblcb I.I 1ood ln this aeuoa o1 mediocre COGforml&1. · "Polle• 8qHd" (tont1bt at I on Cbannel T) II better tbM tk Cl~ "Batman" of lbe late 1.,., and It cert alaly lsn' t aaotber-copy·cat ... l comedy to replace another network failure. It pre·empts "Mork and Mindy" for at least six weeks. ABC has put those lovebirds "in hiatus" (wink-wink, pudge-nudge), but don't expect them back next season. "Police Squad " is sort ,0 1 a "Dragnet" in drag, an unconventional, outrageous parody of those grim cop shows of the 19505. And if any authority figure deserved to get his comeuppance it's J ack Webb's tight-lipped superhero. Joe Friday. Leslie Ni e lsen, often cast as a tough-as-nails cop himself. is ,Friday Teincarnat.e, Capt. Frank Drebbm. But, right away, you know that Drebbin arid his cohor11 are not. playing it straight. The theme music, screaming police siren and speeding car seem vintage olden-days detective drama. So does ''Polfce Squad's" big, bold, block letters. But underneath, lt says. "In color." And the introduction or the 1tars provldea more cluee: Re-x Hamilton. as Abraham IJncoln, who •pens f\re from his seat at tbe theater. and apecial auest Lorne Greene, wbo, in th• openin1 credits, ll tolled out or a car. He bas a knlle in hll belly and I.a never 1Hn a1aln. .. The reaular ch1rader1 h•ve "tlle potential to be con1tstentty bl1un. There's a Mr. Wizard-type police scientist. who forsakes roren~ic lab reports for grade·school experiments. Toni ght , he expla ins wh y wate r condenses. He tells a boy il's like the droplets on his mother when she steps out of the shower. As "Airplane" harpooned tbe disaster-movie genre. very little In television will miss "Police Squad's" needle. The police scientist <Ted Olson) disproves the theor y or close-range s hooting \n ton ight's murde r investigation by firing a aun int.Q tapes of Barbara Walters in~rvlews : ''There's complete destruction right up to the point she asked Katharine Hepburn what kind of tree she wanted to be, .. he says. Another weekly character ls the street·smart shoeshlne boy (William Duell), wbo will solve crimes for a price . Tonlabt. ror money, he'll alJO answer a priest'• question about life after death. "Barney MUler," thls Isn't, rt is one of the first comedies to nakedly let vtewen Judie the material w1tbout aweeteni.ni from a tauch track or llv• audience. Althou1h thls ls merttor1ous, lt'a probably len couraceoua tbaa a reco1nJtlon tbat lau1h tracks wouldn't accurately measure the anticipated ho1Ullt1. beadshakes and disbelief from 11'Pollce .. WACK¥ COP -Le lie Nielsen plu~·:o; relentless slcu\h. whose arm at c riminul element ~t rlke run ny bom" Squad'•" off·lhe-wall humor. Althouita "Airplane," cruted by Jlm Abraham& and DHid and Jerry Zuelrer, was nGt epprec:la\ed here, ''Police Squad'' ii won.h tryln1. Maybe, bKawte it'• televlllon, the expectation lJ lower. And on that level, it'a amu•ln•· 'Dallas' wins, • boosts CBS in ratings race NEW YORK CAP > -"Dallas" was the highest-rated show in prime lime for the second straight week and the ninth time this season, and that helped CBS 'Vin the networks' competition for the second week in a row. figures from the A.C. Nielsen Co. showed. ·•Dallas,·· now the No. 1 show in prime time, just ahead of CBS' ''60 Minutes," compiled a rating for the week ending Feb. 28 of 30. Nielsen says that means in an aver•ge minute during the broadcast, 30 percent of the nation's TV homes were watching '1Dallu." NBC's "Llttle House on \.he Prairie" nud1ed uide "60 Minutes." ftrst ln the ratinp slx times thl.I season, for aeeond place, but CBS had three other 1howa in the Top 10 -five in all -and won the n ee with an average rating of 11.a. ABC wa1 second at 17.6 and NBC third, for the el1hlh week In a row, at 16.5. The networks ••Y that means in an avera1e prlme•Ume minute durtnc the week, 19.S perc.nt of lhe country's homu with' lelevblon we,. watehlDt CBS. CBS now hu bee" rtrst 11 ttm. ln the networb competlUon for 1111-11 &bat be1an Oct. 5. CBS and ABC tied for ftnl two wffkl aao. . ~ I I 1 Uurn ur<i TV's "Mr \\Ill upµt.•u r I II I h l' H u I' l R {'\ n o I ch. c; o 1 ni t• Ila"'" mo\il' ·· Jk s t Fru.•nds .. A CGnfe""ce by and ror new wrti.tra wm bt offered lhrouth I.he UC Irvine Extension SaturdllY a'nd Sund11y ln tne Soclal Science Lab, room 248 · From 9 a.m. to4 p.m . ~ d~1 . 1ue11ta wUI ~ •blct to ihare work, 1et feedback and uk quo Uona wtlh Robert Ray, •ulhor o/ "1'h• Heart of I.he Game" llJld "Cage or Mlrr'On;" Roberta Smoodln, author ol "Ul'&us Mator;" David Thoreau, author ot "City at Bay'' and "The Satanic Condition," and Karin Mack, co·auttior or "Overcomlna ·Wrltln11 Blocks." "We lhlnk these recently publllbed wrlten will be able to give other writers a cloae look at what th~ market ls like these day1," said conference director Marjorie Luesebrtnk. "Theae writers are fresh from dealina wlth aaeota and pubUshers, and they're s till very cl08e to their own creative processes. Sometimes, an author with 10 or 15 books under hia or her belt.woo'l be quite so There's A Lot Being Said About MAK I NG ·U)VE ~--•-•-n-~(-1 close to what happens mentally ln their creative procou -It becomea second nature. "The wrltert featured at tbll conference are fresh IUld rea.llstlc. I tblnk the)''lJ alve new writers • 11en11" ot what demanda wW be made on them. The dynamlc111 of publishtn1 h-.ve cbanfed. TheH are no morn Max Perklnses alttin1 back ln New York ready to ball a youn1 writer out of a 3,000 pace manuscript. All our wrltera have been publlJ htld reeenUy , 110 th~y can stve-ll -nfl1sttc Idea of what to expect,'' she said. Thole atlendm1 the two·day conference are encouraged to bring samples of their work, whtch will btf read by panel members and crltlcl•d on Sunday. A panel dlscussloo will open and clote the weekend. The conference may be taken on an either credit or non-credit basis and the fee Is '56. Registration muy be done at ~he door. For more information call 833·5414. INSTRUCTOR Hilda Morales of lht· Am e ri r a n Aal le t Theater will instru<.·t t wo classes u t th<.• I I' ,. i n e C u I t u r u I Center Oscar Fever •BARGAIN MATIN•U.. Monday thru Saturday All PertormencH before 5:00 PM (h• l,.clll fftflllllllt'ltl 11141 Holldeya) • liiif1"'.. -..,.., ' TIM CIA ir.-...ct hMt, brtefed .... ....ed .... , ................ STARTS TOMORROW LA MIRADA WALi< IN M11000 ot to1ec1on1 994·2400 they ••daned Nm. 1he Ai1181a• .... , ..... ., • ..;# ·-·<~· _,., '"" '"".l(J(.ll(J"'.o ..,.,._,..., ... """"'...-~ .,..,~l ............... _,~ .. ,.. O\;rt;Q ~NO' . JAN!; ei!QKIN ·COLIN Bl..O~LY N U::X.~ QQV · ~ ~ · ~ Mc:.[)().,.,1'.LL oYLVlQ MIL~ · ()l;N~ OUILLl;Y · [)IQNQ RIGG ~i; &-'4TW -::' < (;l.1L UNa;Q ll-11; WN ..,._ t>yllX~ P()QTC'O r:..1orqtd ·~ ~ LONC.i.«QV ,> ,._ 'P'Col b'JI r:INIW()NV .:,i.JCJ!"f!;O Coolvmo ~ ONIJ.QiY ~ ~.w tl'I' ()JN OQCOOJQNc; ono QIC.~oQO COOOW1N ("'UIW OV (;UY~LION -~-=?ii• · -~ . .' ..:-: _-;.:: i..C: !!lmo...a ...ma-......... _ ... -~-_,. • .,...~.!!!"-- AT SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES Magic M ••• every piece of m~ic and skill has ~en used to &ee our im~ination, to let it so·ar."-Slseila /Vnso11. LOS ANGELES 1'MES TOWN CIMTlll IMl-flWT.ATH ISTOl 751 j184 ACAIOH-~~UHOTa ~ ce>tu-. · ... IFYOU have a service to orfer or goods to sell . plare a n ad i n thl' D a 1l v Pilot Clru.s1fi ed Sect.ion Phone ti42·5678 " NOWt' OAl~Y A INE At A~ Six Cine GR'les Aod9my A~~ \'f:'l l~~ 8 : 30 Meriel Hem1n9""•'l PE..mML BEST (RI 12:30 3:00 5 :30 8:00 10:20 I rn 1..,,, Non.-I I.. lrjF· ... I ~~ J~j809~~f>fdmm Sr.:W.'fo'=~ BASED ON A 1'.'RUE STORY. ................... .................... .,,....._. .. ~19"' - ~, ....... ..,.~ • • m1sS).!lg. ...... ' ·:::J . ~ .. :s ,. . ._ ..... ,.,., ... if I .. ... , tt-..I•s OU ...... YW •C..l"DI•~ ''Tffl AMA TE UR .. N ........... ,._.., .. --· ··O«An4 WISH II" "1 ·-~-- -~ .... 1111TO•-t0~-. ··CAN...-Y flOW .. -, ............... , .... ----•. ~ ... Of THE LOCT ARK" ___ , ___ ,,.,_ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN .. ___ _ ··ON OOU>EN "*D'' -•t:•,., .. ___ _ -c ~·..--..,.._ .. T.n··-·----- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlM IN. Foc'!fY Al o.e Nfto 21J/6M-ffll .. CANNl!J'Y flOW'' -tt: ........... a'tl.*lt _°"_'-_ .... ,.._ ':::. °"" .. ..._ ..,_--c =---:: I "flEOS"-·-·--- --CATIMOl-••lllAl(INQ LOVE" 1111 11!Al. a:.~ ........... ,,. --·--~ 1'AIO€JIS Of THE LOST ARK" ••• t:a ···~ ... ttl'tll -----"CMARIOTS OF FIRE".-, I ,, ... ___ .... LAGUNA so . COAST WALK·IN So vtll Coot! Hlwoy ol l<ooowoy 494-1514 • ........ 1~, .... e·15 ,_.. ,.,.,:oo,.... :45 IMf'ORTHY NOTICE! CMllDREN UNOlll 12 ""'.., ... w11w •oo '"'• r11 5 30 • Stt h • "•14: a..A SOUND • l'OUtl AM CAii IWllO "-'IOUll Sl'lM8I tf" ltO AM CAii IWllO Will! llHTOI ACUJSOlll IOSl'IOt -lllllC All ~ l•AU ~ DIWMll GI Olo loll MOIO ""'"'"'',,. ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN t:MM.L&I ..,_. • ••0£A TI4 WISH II .. 1111 "'" .. "•••CJY 91 ot l•"'°" n "THE BUANINQ .. 1111 --~~~·~7~9-~9_1_50~~~--.~-,.-v--....!7.~SC::........-ICW ____ ._.... .. WIHOWALKEA .. -··flfl~!' '"' "BllOHCO ... ILLY" -''PAOPffECY" - CHIE 11 IOUllO Cttlt 11 ~ h t NA P•U• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN YtteOl!\M• W.11 Ol !Cft<ln 121-4070 P..;t ~-f ..... LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•ncOtf'\ AY9 •• ., Of llnott 121-.a10 fi,IIJf •"• Son 009110 ftwr ot ""°""""'(Sol 0. ____ T_lo ___ _ "VICE SQUAD" 1111 -,,, "HAADCOfllE" Ill ---..... ... .,. ....... _ "MAKINO LOVE" 1111 "'" .. "HISTOAY OF THE WOAU> PARTONE"t111 CHM ... _. "Dl:An4 wt9" II" 1111 -··THE BIMHtNQ" fll 962•24'1 Cll•! 11 - ... 1....._°"'_;_-;_ft•~-~_;_3_~_' -..,. ____ j "OH OOU>EN PONO" tN1 'THE !LECTflte"':i..HMAN'' • -c:~--­"TAPl"tNI "'" .. "MOoeRN .... oe&.EMI" - CIOlf ll SOUllO ---·-.-"CHfUITIAM , :· fll -"Dl!ATHIHl,-.. 1111 Cllll·JI 10U110 .& ••.tr, 9" A LA HABRA u•mf ,,.,. .-.1&w.-eO..JOOWWW~ ''THE AMATEUR·· fll -"IOUTitll!flN COMr'OfllT" 1111 Cttlf ,ISO\lllO ... ----· "ON GOLDIN f10HD•• tN1 "'"• ,...,..,_. __ ,,.., .. _ ''TMeEL!CTAICHC>ftUMAN"tNI 171-1162 = ----- .. ,. .. ORANGE ormlf IN ---·--.. --.-''VICR IOUAD" "' -''MAMCOM" ... ~ " " .. MISSION D~IV f IN ' . WARNlR 1•1111.1 '"" \ _____ __,.. _ _/ $onto Ano'""" • , .... c ..... 551·7022 _""' ___ .,.......,. ''GHOIT ITWIY" .. -''CVl.INAIC" 11111 --• -~ • ~ .~....,,... r ,. ~ ~·;,.... ---=---.,____ __ ---...... - ~llf'rina to give classes in Irvine . • American Ballet Theater aoloi1t Kllda Mor~ea wilt be • celebrity Instructor durin1 two maatu ballet clasaes Saturda y at the Irvine C~ural Center. Ma. Morales wUI meet wlth Intermediate s tudent.a from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and with udvanced ancLproleuloni&la from 2;30 to•p.m. • The sololsU will be in Southern Calltornla through March 22 while her lntem allonally known troupe perlorma at the Shrine Auditorium ln Lot Angelea. Other cele brity classes are planned . Alexander Mlnz, former princlpal dancer wlth lhe American Ballet Theatre who is well-known for bls part as Drosse lmeyer in Baryshni kov's "Nut<!racke r ," and Mer edith Baylis , faculty member wltb New York's Jolfrey Ballet School, also are scheduled. j l . .. . Huntington Beach stays unbeaten BUSINESS STOCKS C6 C7 in prep baseball . See story, page C2. Riley shocked 'by loss EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J . CAP) -Lakers Coach Pat Rlley was stunned not only by the New J ersey Nets' 111-103 upset over Los Angeles, but a lso by their stamina. "I can'f believe it," Riley said. "Now they b~ve the fatigue factor, and it turns out ju.st the opposite. We've been here for two days getting the rest, and we get killed. It's hard lo Jigure out." THE NETS arrived at Newark International Airport about seven hours before Wednesday night's game aga ins t the Lakers, and were still fatigued from their late-night overtime V·ictory the previous day over lhe Washin,gton Bullets. The Lakers already spent two days resting and practicing in the Garden St ate, -a nd Riley expected his powerful team to demolish the Nets. Ray Will iams, the Net s ' leading scorer who poured in a game-high 31 points. said that hours earlier, 'he wouldn't have predicted such a strong upset. "I wish my body told me when I got in fro m t he flig ht," Williams said. "My body just wanted to jump into bed." "l'M A LITTLE tired from the combination of last night and tonight," said Nets ceoter Leo Elmore, who had lD points and seven . rebounds. "But it's that happy fatigue ... It makes you giddy and lightheade<t In stead of dull." PUSHING THE PACK K e\'in Fuller r111 of l'C' lr·\'im-tnr:-;tlcs to tr\' fol' possession against 1.Jtah State's Haakon Austef1onl 1l«>fl 1. while teaminatt• J ohn Barkey l righll neads uprourt charing first round of the• PC,\.\ o.lly " ... "'9tM '' OMy AM......- T o urn a m en l Wecln esda" night at tht.• Anaheim Cnnn'ntion Ct.•nlt.'r Anteaters won eas it~· to. <Jd,·a nC'e to toniJ!ht's s t.•(•ond round .1ga111st Cal State Fullerton The victory was the Nets' fourth in a row and stretched the ir record to 31-29, while dropping the Lakers to 41·18. The Nets took the lead in the first quarter and never gave it up, even after Coach Larry Brown was ejected in the final quarter and r epl aced b y assistant coach Bill Blair. Anteaters one win away from. finals The Nets built a 15-poin~lead, their largtSl of the game, on lWO 10-0 second-quarter rallies led by Williams. NCAA playoff berth probably at stake tonight as UCI faces Cal State Fullerton By JOHN SEVANO OI tM o.lly " ... S.." There are a lot of ~rs on UC rvme s as etball team who have been in the situation the Anteaters ra ce tonight. Tonight's games opener 64-52. The 49ers, the only team to beat Fresno State in conference this season, qualified by beating San Jose State 71· . take his first shot atte mpt -a free throw -until there was 6:39 remaining before the intermission. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. the- Lakers' 7-2 center , led Los Angeles with 30 points. Norm ~ixen follt>wed with 22, while Earvin "Magi c" J ohnson responded with 18. 7 ng eaC' Sta le -"Mac (McDOilild> and Whieldon picked up the slack tonight," said Magee. who fini shed with 13 points and 12 rebounds. "They had a diamond and one on me so there wasn't much I could do. I just tried to play some adequate defense and grab some rebounds.'' vs F resno State. • 9 Cal State Fulll'rl on The Anteate r s o pened in a man-to-man defense, the first time they had done so this season, to grab an early lead against the Aggies (4·231. BUCK WILLIAMS, the Nets' rookie center , scored 15 points and pulled down 14 rebounds. vs L'C In ·ine For years1 seniors like Kevin Magee, Randy Wb1eldon, Kevin Fuller and Rainer Wulf have been involved in post-season tournaments. And, while ·their teams have orten enjoyed success durin~ the regular season, they've come up dry when it counted. ·'This is it for me. This is it tor a lot or us. Utah State's Michael McCullough hit a jumper at 18:23 of the first half to knot the score at 2, but the next time the Ag~ies blinked it was 13·2 in favor of Irvine and by the time the onslaught was over it was 20-4. .. When Magee is guarded like that we have to look for our s hots." said M c Donald of the e ffo rt he and Whieldon exerted. "That's what other teams a re telling us to do. It would be stupid to pass up a wide open jumper and force it in to Kevin ... Brown was thrown out of the garn e with 10 :53 to play for shouting at official Jack Neiss after the referee called a foul against the Nets. Cliche or not, Wulf's quotes aptly describe UCI's attitude as the Anteaters continue their drive toward an NCAA playoff berth. We ll, outside of Magee, who stands lo have a long and prosperous career in the NBA after his days with UCI. the present is the last hurrah for players like Whi eldon. Fuller and Wulf. "I'm ready to go. Jt's do-0r-die, put up or shut up,''said Wulf, using almost · every cli che in the book after the Anteaters bad defeated Utah State . 90-64, in the first round of the PCAA Tourname_nt Wednesday before 5,227 ,at the Anaheim Convention Center. In tonight's semifinal contests. top-seeded Fresno State <24·2) will play its first game of the tournament against Long Beach State Cl2·15> at 7. Irvine. meanwh1le, will play the rubber match in its series with Cal Stale Fullerton (17-13) at 9 o'clock. The Titans, who beat the Anteaters in triple over time last week at home (68 -62>. re ached ilie final four ~Y dis posing or Pacific in Wednesday's S urpris ingly, too, the Anteaters compiled their advantage without the services of Kevin Magee. The 1981-82 PCAA Player of the Year was o'l the floor durin& the streak, it's just the Aggies' diamond-and-one defense kept the All·American from getting the ball. So, Whieldon and Ben McDonald went to work as they each scored 14 pojfllA. en -· route to UCl's 42·33 haltime advantage. Magee was held to four points during the first 20 minutes. and he didn't even McDonald. who was selected to the All-PCA A second team Wednesday night by t he conference coaches, scored 18 points on 8 or 14 attempts from the floor. The 6·8 sophomore forward also tied a tou rna ment r ecord with 12 a~sist.s. "Why don 't yoiwive one (a foul > to them," Brown shouted. Neiss gave Brown a technical and warned, "I don't want to. hear you again." Brown sat on th e be nc h , but continue d complaining and was ejected. ' Afterwa rd. Brown was apologetic about his behavior. "I'm upset," he said. "I got ki c k e d o ut and I 'm embarrassed. I'm emotional and I was upset." County to host Pentathlop By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tlle Deily ~I ... Slaff Visionaries can easily see the complete layout of Coto de Caza and Coal Canyon, two Orange County sites selected by the Los. Angeles Olymp.ic Or ganizing Committee for the 1984 games. Coto de Caza, a 5,000-acre re fuge in the hills behind El Toro, has been selected as the site of the Modern Pentathlon competition. Coal Canr.on· off the 91 Freeway east of mperial Highway in the northern part of the county, will devote 600 acres to the sbQoting competition for both men and women. But neither taclUty resembles the finished product at tbe moment. The Modern ~ntathlon ii a grueUine five-day compeUUon that encompasses horseback riding, fencin1 , 1wlmmln1. shooting and runnin1 ln that order pn auccesslve daya. Some 22 naUona are expected to enter the compel.Won with three-man tea ma. "Pentathlon competlUon ii a friendly aport and the athletes cet to know each other very well over the years" aaya Richard Stevma, the commluk>ner for the 9"lll at Coto de Casa. He ls al.lo ...,..tt.a of the WraU>er Corporation that owna tbe. (lee~YMPIC, Pa1eCf> , MULUOM MAO•• Vanguards no match for Biola By ROBB MUNSON Df .. DMly Nils- WHITTIER -Before a packed house al Whittler College Wednesday night. the Biota· c Eagles showed the Southern. Callfornia Colleee Vang~ards why Utey are the No. 1 team ln ti:-e nation in NAIA basketball Biola took a 37-15 halftime lead, and then cruised to a 75-<t2 victory in the NAIA District Ill championship game. Now Biola will take its 35·0 record to Kansas City in the NAIA national tournament which be1ina llonday. "We played one of our better tames," said Biol a Coach Howard' Lyon. ··~very .. player did a good Job . <Wade ) KlrchnM,ver was fanta1tJc. He played hard ~lJ of tbe time ... The fame was only tied once ca.21 .. the taller &aala took (8ee~ANGlJAaD8, Pase C4) Whieldon, who incurred a slight twist of his right ankle during the second <See ANTEATERS, Page C4) A family get-together, basketball style Ina Mae Magee comes West to watch her son Kevin, the All-American ~ By JIM McCURDIE Of .... .,...., ...... se... . Her name is Ina Mae Magee and she ha ils from Magnolia, Miss .• a town so sma ll it isn't even listed in the world almanac. She's Kevin Magee's mother -Mrs. All-America. This week, Ina Mae and members of her family hopped on a plane and headed for So uthern California to do a little sightseeing, beginning ·with Wednesday night's PCAA Tournament game between UC Irvine and Utah Stale. Mrs . .Magee finally 1ot a chance to see what all the fuss Is about. ll was the first time s h e bad seen he r two-lime All-American son play major college basketball in person. HER LAST VISIT to the Southland was back In December or 1979, when Kevin was playing for Bill Mulligan at Saddleback College. A lot has transpired since then. amt-Mrs. Magee k4!pl a w•tdlful eye on her sOl\'s progress, despite the 1eosraphlc ll 01 i la lions.. "We see him qulte a blt on cable TV," she said. "Monday, he was· on the news rl1ht as I was getUn• ready to come out here. ''Magnolia's a email town. Everybody calls me to tell me when he'a on TV, even lf lt's 11:30 at nltbt. And-he's always ln the papers." Ina Mae'a point ls well taken. It'• not dllllcult to keep tet. on eomeone lhat baa rt~elved the naUonal attention of a Ktvln M 11ee. Thia wee-alone, Ma1ee bu been n•med PCAA Player of lb• Year, All·Amertu and was llst.d amaat tbe tavoritee for tbe John Woodn Award, given to college basketball's player of the year. · Not exactly an easy man to overlook , especially for a proud mother. Still, It's not quite the same as being there. Wednesday night, mom got to see her son's team advance to tonight's second round with a 90-64 win over the Utah Magnolia's a small town . E verybody calls me to tell me when he 's on TV. even if it's 11 : 30 at night . -Ina Mae Magee Slate team but she didn't get a good look al the kinds of things that have aroused so mucb interest in her son. The Aggies' defense saw to that. A LOOK AT the statistics would seem to indicate that Magee did not have the type oC game to write home about. but those staUatica could be mialeadin1. With Utah State's collapsing defensb designed to atop Ma1ee, the poweriul 6·8 sefiior s imply adjusted hls role and let his team.mates take advantage or the opporlUnltJes afforded them due to double and triple covera1ea. "You mi1ht wonder why I didn't score 30 polnta or sometbin1 Ilk• U..l," M a1ee sald, notlnt he'd Uke notbln1 better than lo put on a ahow tor the family. "It seema llke •II th• PCM teams set their klckl out or 1topptn1 me. That w•• their Ct.he Aal•> came plan ton1•ht, so J Just trted to play my 1•m• and 1et IOO'tt rebo\IQ(dl and help out on .,.,_._ .. Magee's number s for the night: 13 points on five of eight from the lfoor ana three of five free throws, 12 rebounds and one blocked shot. He didn't reach double fi gures until there was just 5:26 left lo play, but the way his teammates were capitalizing on their shot opportunitie.s , he didn't have to. "Randy Whieldon, Rainer Wulf, Kevin Fuller and the rest of 'em kind of took over the show," he said. ,..., , WHILE WE'RE ON the subject of taking over, Mulligan will have some big shoes to fill when Magee moves on to bluer thincs after this year. He might start the talenf hunt in Magnoli a, Miss. -Kevin's so-called little brother Dexter stands 6·6 and has just completed his sophomore season on the high school junior varsity team. He's 15 years old and two inches taller th~n Kevin was al that age. "He's gonna be a pretty Sood ballplayer when he's a junior and senior," Ma1ee said. "He'll fill out a little bit, too.~ ·Dexter, who joined his mother on the trip, says he's ready rilhl now ror a little one-on-0ne with bl1 brother. · "I think I can handle him," be said with a smile. ''Noooo, he 's not ready to 10 one·on-one," Kevin cowiteNCI. "He ml1ht think be ls. He's real youni. . . be'a ltlll 1ot a 1ot to learn." And yet, Dexter la mature tnoulJl to put . hla brotMr'a accompllshmtlltl lnto proper perspective, perhapt expre11ln1 tbe sentiments of the entire Mape fa.U,. "For a person from, Mapol&•. I tllllM he's done real wtJl." ~ l I ' • l • ' .. • . . • • ' • . • . • • • • 1 ' .& . • . ~ 0 . • . • ~ J . . . . Orange eoaet DAILY Pl~OTn"hurtday. Maroh 4, 1~2 ~..,..~----------iiioiiiiiiiiiiiiii---·----... -Teams are hungry, but not for a win -~= •·rom AP dlspalche11 PEMBROKE, N.C. America 's m fa vorltt paRtlme took a back seat Tuesday when a college baseball ~a m e between Pe mbroke State and the University of North Carolina-Charlotte was called after nine innl~ause of hunger. "Jl was 6:25 a · was getting dark," Pembroke State Coach Harold Ellen said. "We have lights. but the dining hall closes at 6:30. I don't have the kind of money those big schools do. "I don't have enough money to lake my team out when we're playing at home. We don't baire those rich boys that can afford to go out by themselves, either. "We call ed It becuuse ·of hunge r and darkness," Ellen said. "I'm going to call the athletic director tomorrow and try lo explain it." The two teams finished in an oCCicial 8-8 tie and will play again in Charlotte Saturday, but game time is set for 2 p.m. -after lunc h. Quote of the day Grant Teaff, Baylor University football coach: (The foot ball talent has become so evenly spread that winning often hinges on a referee's call or turnover or some other break I've never seen so many coaches upset about calls . It's not that officials are making bad calls. it 's just that the significance or the calls is so magnified now." Kings end long road drO'Ught The Los Angeles Kings won their ~ firs t road game in 20 a tte mpts ' Wednesday n igh t. d e feating the Toronto Ma 11le Leafs 4· l in the National Hockey League . Greg Terrton scored the eventual winning goal in s upport of goaltender Doug Keans, who stopped 28 s hots ... Pete r Staslny drilled ho me the tic-bre.aker in the third period and Real Cloutier added his second goal of the game as Quebec b eat Edm onto n 6 ·4 Minne so t a wi n g A l MacAdam scored twice in the final period to give the North Stars a 6 -4 com e -from -be hind victory over De troit . Larry Hopkins' 40·foot ~lapshot .in the third period boosted nu10N Winnipeg to a 4-2 victory in Ch icago . Alan Haworth scored with just 24 S('Conds left to lift Buffalo to a 3-3 tie with Hartford ... Ed Jobnstone's third-period goal sewed up the New York Rangers· 4-2 \'ictory over Calgary ... R yan Walter scor ed two power-play goals in 26 seconds. capping a four-goal streak for Washington in the second ueriod. and the Capitals went on to defeat St. Louis 8-4 . .Second-period goals by Keith Crowder and Barry Pederson scarried Boston to a a-2 triumph over Boston ... Aaron Broten's . t-tot thl/d quarter lifts 76era JuUu £nbt1 scored 218 pointa m and i\adrew Toney added 20 111 lhtt PhiJadelphl• 76era put on t bl11ln1 lhlrd·qlaartc r shootinc display Wt dneaday lo down San Diego, l25 -10'1. Phlladelphlu m11de 17 of 20 ficld-aoal attempts In the third qu11rle~r lricludlnc a strcuk In which the 76ers out oor San Oie&o, 16·2 .•. Sidney Moncrief a <i Mickey Jobuoa hammered AUanha with an l ·2 scorlna run In the third period to ltiud Milwaukee t o a 96 -87 win over the Hawks • , , Mike Woodson pumped In " game-htgh 20 potnt.s to -pOWer Kansas City-lo aa 120·82 victory over lndl•na •.. Gu11rda Oennla Joh•IOa and Walt Davlt combined Cor " points to apark Phoenix to a 115·102 vlct9ry over Utah. which moved the Suns lnfo a Ue for thtrd place with Golden State in the Pacific Division ... Seattle '"uard Gua Wllllams scored 12 of his 17 points in the first quarter as the Supersonics overpowe red Cleveland . 136·107. . Kison impressive tor Angels Ange l pitcher Bruce Klson, Ill trying to come back after missing most of the last two seasons. was in great spirits after throwing batting practice Wednesday at f:asa Grande. Klson. who underwent s urger y on his pitching arm in the middle of the 1980 season, showed indications he might turn out to be a pleasant surprise for the An~els this spring "This was • · the best I've fe lt yet. When I reached back for something extra. it was there, .. Kison said Wednesday a fte r his pitching stint . In the Los Angeles Dodgers· first intrasquad game o f the s pring We dne s day , the re gulars, managed by Coach Danny Ozark, lost to the squad headed by Monty 1t1SON , Basgall, 9.0. Mike Marshall led a 12-hit attack for the Basgalls with a double a nd two singles . . Meanwhile . pitcher Fernando Valenzuela remains a holdout in the Dod ger camp. after the Dodgers had exercised their option to renew his 1981 rookie contract "We have tried during these negotiations to be as flexible as possible." said Valenzuela's agent Tony DeMarco . Carlander all-rookie selection Ocean View High product Wayne m Carlander and J ohnny Roge rs from La Quanta lligh have been selected to the Paciifc -10 all -rookie basketball team . Carlander is a USC student. Rogers attends Stanford Meanwhile. Oregon State guard Lester Conner was selected the Pac-lO's Player of the Year. Television, radio Following are the too r,oortc; event'> on TV tonlqht R atinqr, are· • • • . Pl(CPllent · • worth watchinq · •• fa tr·. foroPt it \ [-) S p.m .. Channel 9 " " " " NBA BASKETBALL· Lai.-.. r<. at N Y Knick<. Announcers: Chick Hear n and Keith Erickr,on ThP Lake r c; hold a 2' ··QamP fPad in thP Wec;tern Conference Pacific Oi vic,1on dP<,p1tP losioq to the New Jf'rc.pv Netc; WPdneo;dav nfQht ThP Knickr, are mired 1n thP CPllar of the ,J::ac,tern Conff'rPnCP Atlantic 01v1r,1on The LakPr<; hMI a <;PvPn.qamP w in c;trPilk l)rokPn bv thp Net <. dPc;o il " il 30-ooint OPrformancP bv Kar.,pm Abdul-Jahb.::i r RADIO Bac;kPtball · PCAA Tourn;imPnt UC lrvtnP v<. Cal Statf' Fullf'rton q nm KWVE l lOR FMI clnd K WRM I 1370\ F rPc,no Stat!' v<; Lonq BPac h Stntf' 7 om KLON 11!8 FMl LakPrc, at N-Pw .. From Page C1 T wo Rustlers, two Gauchos gain honors VANGUARDS BEATEN • • • Golden West and Saddlcbaack co llcl{es are both we ll repT011e ntl?d on t11e1r r c&p ect lve o il -confere n ce bas'ketball tenms unnounced this w~'. l'~or CWC. guard Truietl Hutton, the No. 4 scorer in the Soulht1rn Cal Con(e rence < 17.6 average}\ earned rtrtt·lettm honor . a ong with teammate Dorin Bowen, a sophomore forward who averaged 17 points per outing. The Rustler duo JOJns Santa Monica CC's Leif Hodges. East Los Angeles' Dantie Miller and Los Angeles CC's Kevin Goins on the firs t team. Turner. a sophomore guard who 1,tvcl'aged 20 s points per contest. and Doyle. a 6·10 center who averaged 13 8 points per contest join eight other Missiol) Con f eren ce stars o n th e all-Confer ence squad M canwhile , Sa lid le back 's George Turne r and teammate Rick Doyle earned spot~ on the All-Mission Confercmce te11m. control Crom th' st1trt. Led by the 6 7 All·Ame rlcu n Kirch· mcyer, Bio ta ran oU at rings of points, 9·2 und 16·0, which put the Vangu;trdas in " difficult situation. "Bloha really explol~ed 01o1r weukoe111es," said SCC Coach Bill Reynolds . ··w~ were not as physical as we could havu been, but Biota was really Quick op dtfeMe. We lost polae and were tentative at tlmes r The VanguarM j ust couldn't mus ter onough offense to litay In the game during the first half They shot 28 perce.nt rrom the field and 25 percent rrom thl' line , while committing 10 turnovers en route to a 22-point defi cit lit the half. ' ··w e tried to make up for no shooting, but we jus t couldn't ,' lidded Reynolds ... Biola did the sa'm e things as the last time we pla yed the m , but they were more aggressive." Kirchmeyer had a game-high 20 points for Biola. while Rach Cundall "otched 12 point s Kirchmeyer also haule d down 10 rebounds. Meanwhile. after a poor Saveseo· -1999~ ... 279.95 • lllumlnaMd YU .._..,. end Dulll Record-Lewi Controft •Aux Input-Add Another ea ... u.. a-Track or TV Sound Great-sounding all-ln·one system! Record from radio, changer. or ''live" with mike jacks. Changer features cue/pause lever. dust 1ho wlnat In the firat halt, the Va nguards started otr the second hair by tr)llna to hustte their way buck Into the aame. Although lhe VantcuHd~ forced liiola to turn the ball over 13 ttmea In th~ second half. their shots ju.t wouldn't fell Into tht' basket. R ic k Plui m e r scored ti aecond·h<alf polnts for the Vunguurds. •nd Dave Corsa pe>urtd in eight ulong with nine rebounds. Plulmer alKO bad u handful of a~slsU for SCC. ··Corsi helped tremendously 1111 year," i>aid Reynolds . "fk plays at 125 percent all the time. He may seem out of control. but he goes all out." With 9:43 left in the gume. B1ola took a 55·25 lead when. after a s lam dunk b y 7-8 George Bell , Pal McDougall made a reverse dunk to the delight of the Biota faithful. ··Biol a is a ver y complete team." said Reynolds . ··When we could n't get inside on the m. we would just rush our outside shots. They have ta lented people on the bench. There aren·t a ny weak links." cover. Amplifier has 2/4-spe~.~a~k~e~r----r.;;;~;;,;~~~:]~~~~~~1f----~I--~ switch, separate bass and.~reble --+--backhand shot with 6 '03 remaining gave Colorado a 3-2 victory over Vancouver '1'01 ~ l<nlc k ' Reoort Snow condition<. 1n 5outhPrt'I C.:1l:lorn1a mounta:nc; q·43 am 12 ·43 3 4J 7 43 om KN X 110701 cootrols, stereo headphon Speakers have 8" woofer, 3" tweeter. #13-1207 ·Oilers now 6-0 after two • wins Corona del Mar outlasts Santa Ana : Laguna Hills rallies Huntington Beach kept its record unblemis hed .with a pair of victories while Corona del Mar and L aguna Hills posted victories Wednesday afternoon in high school baseball action He re's how it went : Huntington Beach 8. Irvine 0 Gary Buckels pitched a four hit shutout and had home run.p<)wer from Greg Shir ley a nd Brian Patrick l#S the Oilers scored in every inning but the second. Patrick also had a triple for the Oilers who be llt.'d eight hits and had an errorless game in the •fi eld I rvinc's record dropped to 1·2 with the loss in the non-league outing on the Oiler diamond ' Huntington Beach 5. Pacifica 4 The Oilers won their sixth straight victory i'n an extra inning outing against Pacifica in the Loara tournament Wednesday night. Jim Kennedy singled with the bases loaded in the eighth inning to get the winning runs across after Pacifica had gone in front in the lop hair of • the inning. Shirley had a triple for the Oilers . •Corona del Mar 9. Santa Ana 7 Gordon Moss belted a grand s lam in the fourth in ning as the Sea Kings won their first game of the Newport Harbor Elks Tournament at Santa Ana High. Corona del Mar managed to hold off the pesky Saints who scored five runs in the bottom or the !Sixth inning-to make things interesting CdM also pi~ked up an insurance run in the top of the seventh when Scott Loos ripped a double. Loos tried to stretch the hit into a triple. but the 1.hrow to third went out of play, allowing him to score the Sea Kings' final run. Chrts White started for CdM, and picked up the victory. but he needed relief help rrom Dave Rodhe over the final two innings. Basketball scores . l• T04J=-NT$ I ff'nt ...... 1 UC irvl,_.,., ut•ll State•• ' (II St• l'11llerton ... Pac II It $2 : 1.0110 8Hc:ll SI••• "· S.11 Jou 11t.,.-.. Em CINltC--• Oooln.rtl...it LA Selle 11, W C""'"' St. S4 O•~Hl 61. Temc»!e SJ ....... M~• Pint ..... v....,.n41,,..,lde • tteo Alllluf'fta, Mite .... SI Ii' l•tl ..... ~, i lltt•P\====·· l Cl•M•lty cot .... ..._Ca••••,..,... .... ~ ...... Olf9t" ............ c.MIW9C•....,..... I ,..,....,. ... "'"'• • ., .. ,. ,, ICOMPIOll edven<•s lo Jllte reoto,,.1 IOllr.,.y s.tutdlly el Aivertldtl .... C:..t~•ll'l•yelf Senle,,,,. "· G'°""'°"' 11 CS.11l1 An• ••h•ncu to tl•I• ••olon•I tollrno s.t11n11tv et O•Nl'di Htah echool c1Js-tt1...is 4'A 1n9ltWOOd II. S.rvlte 1' .... c;-.IJlf-1/elitly ,, .. 1.t HMte •l llMlll< ...... ,,.....tel.it ,.,.... .,, ,. .. H-Pr .. u Laguna Hills 5. Sa!cileback 4 Laguna Hills impro\'(•d its record to 4 0 as Ler Plemel picked up the ''i<'lor~· in a relief role Laguna Hills trailed going into the sevl'nth inning but put a pair of markers on the board whl'n Plemel doubled with one out Then an error afler the second out allowed the tying run to score and an infield single by ~ark Marten got the go.a head markt'r across. Plemel then held Saddleback s coreless in the bottom of the final inning. Brent Chappell was 3 for 4 for Laguna Hills Blake Smith scored in the bottom of the sixth for Saddlebuck with what appeared at the time as the winning run. Smith was 2 for 3 for the game Capo Valley Christian 7. Woodbridge 3 Woodbridge pitcher John Moreland was the victi m of some shoddy fielding by teammates as Capistrano Valley Christian scor ed six unearned runs. Darin Da nie ls ha d two o f the three Woodbridge hits. a single and a double, and drove in one of the three r uns. Woodbridge is now 0-2 for the year. Saddleback moves into state playoffs George Turner scored JS points and pulled down l l rebounds to lead Saddleback College to a 99-79 basketba ll victory over San Diego City , College in the finals ol the Mission Conference Shaughnessy playoHs We dnesday night at saddleback. The 6·2 Saddleback forward hit 11 or 19 field goals and was 13 of 15 rrom tne line. The victory puts Saddleback at Long Beach City COllege Friday nTgfit-~> in a first round s tate playorr game. Earlier in the season. during the Merced tournament, Long Beach defeated the Gauchos, 57·52. Long Beach Is ranked No. 1 In Southern California on the community college level. Wednesday night's victory was.the 250th In the lS·year history or the school basketball program . In the gam e 'again11t San Diego, Don Dodds had 21 polnts and six assists while Rick Doyle added 24 points. Sao Dieao held the lead at 16-15 ror tht only time in the aame. The victory wa• the third this year fOf' the Gauchos over the Border City quintet. The Oauchoe hit 57 percent from the Otlcl and held a 14-polnt hatrume advanta1e. .. Magnetic-Mount Mobile CB Antenna CB Makes Driving Safer, Mdre Fun TRc-421A by Rea111t1ce _;gave SPECIAL PURCHASE s40 1588 No Holes ..,..;.......i.,. to 01111- No Toola 59~~ Replace your old antenna- compares to others costing much more! With 16' cable and plug. #21 -1005 Get help, hiway info. or pass the time on long trips! LED channel readout, lighted S/RF meter. Add an external , speaker and it's a mobile public ~ddress system! Better hurry! #21-1502 W1t1'l m1~. mounting hardware :.::-·.·.· By Reellstlc Save5995 s40 ~is W:lh epuker cable. mounting hardware Superb sound at a fraction of the cost of factory "' t EJ t W""-1 ltk> 1 1i med Off Installations! Loudness control, instant manual • "'u o-ec nwn gn n 1 u eject. Stereo headphone jack. #12-1809 • Seperete Bus end Treble. Controls AM/FM Clock Radio With Battery Backup Chronod•t• .. ·229 Handy 43-Range Multltester By Mlcrontee o10 ~y R~•ll•tlc Cut 24ss 24 -38% ~11 0 Off ... _ . . =· _ "'""' ""' ~ CumnVVoli.g. 11 .. ,..,,. a.e.._. 0~... Renge-Ooubler 3788 aoct tw up .. ' Noun Measures AC/DC volts, Dlsplaya date or time. DC amps, resistance, Battery Sentinel warns of decibels. With test reads. R99. 41.95 weak battery. #12-1536 #22404 e.twr• ••tra Personal-Size Portable Cassette Recorder CTR-.. by"..,.* 41'~~ 4Qo/o Off 8atteriet mra Get It at $28.07 offt Bullt.fn mike .,d Auto-Level aeeure perfect r9COrdln~ lnywMrwl ~ oounw and audlbte cue/review let you locat9 Mleotlonl t.t. P•ute control, -Auto-Stop. Only 4~~ #14-882 • • 'AUNNNQ IM .. MCCURDIE Roule~ ~-o~_k~,. so IOK moved 100 runners expected BACK BAY BO()K ED SOUD: It was supposed to be caJled the (>ff Shore Back Bay lOK but organaers of the Saturday, March 13 race will have to improvise on that a bit. ft seems that tbe Newport Beach Runners Association was unable to obtain a permit of the city to use t~e p(>pulat Back Bay route for the lOK.' So, the gl'09p wlll tatce its act up the road a bit to Irvine's M~an Parkf Betwetn 700 ap 800 entries are expected, a fair estiniate vonf ~erlng the Newport Beach Runners Aisociatio '(s about~ members strong. The c'?J!rse is b sically flat, starting at Mesan Park and looping around the San Diego Creek area toward Main Street and beck again to the park. The start \s sch[duled for 8 a.m. Entry fees ire $8 ' with a shirt, $4 without and $.5 on the day of the race. Interestec partie$ can contact Blain or his staff at 966-0556. This isn't t e first lime event organizers have had to ~djust th ir plans due to Back Bay's lack of availability. The Human Race Triathlon had to be held in January instead of the traditional October dat~ because of sewage construction along Back Bay Road. The ·change made for some chilly waters in the ~wimming portion of the event. . THEY RACE HORSES THERE, DON'T THEY?: H~r9ess ra~cing at Los Alamitos will have to take a bacrc Se,tif this Saturday to marathoners and lOK runners! The 7th Annual Los Alamitos Marathon g1lts under way at 7:30 a.m .. followed bv the start or the tOK !at 8. The flat loop course starts at the Los Alamitos Community,nter, goes through residential al'eas arount;i the A mt forces Reserve Center . Orga?iz re1 anticipating 400 marathoners and apprpl'C a )! 600 entrants in the IOK. Joe Carlson of ,~ng Bfach was the marathon winner in the men~. divif ion last year with a time of 2: 27 .33 while i::hris in' Grundy of Pomona won the women's ~lyi~iOfl '."{ith a 3:03.56 clocking. Fountain Valley's ~tnje Wh te won the men's lOK last year with a 30: i ttme. Late ntry fee for the event is $10. T-s hirts and commem9r~·ve pins will go to all finishers. For further ihfo ation. contaet the Los Alamitos Recreauor artment at 1213> 430-1073. - so, v'ou WANNA BE A TRIATHLETE: Well, considerl th t r aiqing schedule of Kathleen McCartnJ_Y. tinner of the women's divlsion of the recent H~watt Iron Man Endurance Triathlon. You may wan, to f hangeiyour mind. McCartn~y. a UC Irvine student and Costa Mesa reside"t, said her training routine reached its peak a~ut ,six'. mon\,hs prior to the event. Duriog the vera~ week. she logged 30 mlles running, s m les svnmming and 200 miles cycling in ~reparatlo' for Jhe grueling event. "It's reaUy derrianding. both physically an·d mentally." McCartney said. "Training for the triathlon becomla lif~sty le," • I And she'll through it all again when she I NO DEALER SALES I _AD STARTS THURS._ BARE ROOT CLOSE-OUTS ROSES HO. 2 ECONO I 19 NO. 1 NON-PATE!n' 2 17 NO. 1 PATENT 3 69 A.A.R.S. WINNERS 5 ff ramoa CUPES 11t. YECETDLES FRDn TREES l a• PA.I STANDARD 3" DWABF 5" GENETIC DWARF 6 79 JUMBO 3 Df 1 ••• I .: . . • .1 .. : 6 ---\14//(f ~I~~-., GROUID COVER , f I t-~\I.' • -·~J'"~~ -~~ CbooH from aaaorted lceplanta or gmcmlaa. (I tried to learn how to aid but by the tlm• I could atanduplcouldn'taltdown.) · PQ TOTAL -fOR LAWIS Feeda yow lawn while It pNHDta crabgruaa and 24 other anaual weeda lllre broadleaf weeda. dandellona. and more. 10~!. McCULLOCH POWER llAC 310 16" GAS CB.1111 SAW Ora9 Coast DAILY PILOT{Thursday, Meroh •• 1982 ' ' #9360 Thia isn't any song and dance. You'll never have to buy batteries and this i• cordleaa. too. Stores 1.n charging unit. -PRESTON& HEAVY DUTY DOT 3 BRAKE FLUID For dlac or drum bra.kea. RHlata fading and talcH the hlSJh temp• tha1 COD malt• bta.k .. fall. 12 oz. QT'. GAL. ARllOR ALL PEDZOIL MOTOR OIL 30 WT. 84•or. lOW/40 WT. 94 t QT. ,.,F-r,.. "'<>TOR Oil I'm not gonna tell you what thl• ~· "'• .... •tuiUa for. You know what to do with It. (What?) ._~---1--~--4:-----t~~...tnyl. rubb.lHT'l....tt...,,...,...--- ComblnH with the material to begins training ~for October's running of the ,___ __ H_a_w_aiian triathl~o~n·:__ __________ -t-lt--311 CdM ~eeks finals in CIFi basketball LONG 1 BEACH -Corona del Ma r High's Sea Kings (2(),4) me et top-rated St. Bernard 125-2) tonight in the CIF j .A basketball semifinals at Long Beach Arena.· Pacing Corona del Mar are All -Sea View League stars Chris Lynch, Mike Hess and Hank Goebel, w~ile S~. Bernard counters with talent in depth, led by 6-6 Ronnie Grandison, who is St. Bernard's leading scorer with a 13.7 average. Also tonight, at 8:45, is the other half of the semis, pitting Hoover (25-1> against Los Altos (2!')-4). In Wednesday night's action, two Orange Cou!ltY schools we~e ousted from the playoffs. as Capistrano Valley defeated La Habra 71-62 and Servile was toppled by Inglewood 88-73. In small schools action Montclair Prep advanced to the finals with a 65-SS triumph over Rio Hondo Prep. Inglewood will meet Lakewood in the 4-A final, with Capistrano Valley slated to tangle with Burroughs (Ridgecrest) for the 2-A crown Saturday. Art Show Huntington Center daily thru Sun. J,-· "'THE ' &ARL'S 11\.C-•MIA~tNO ....... _ ... _ SI l•C 71765;" ~·,~• '"'-Sllf'h ,, "°"' ~ • IC"* Stor• ....,..,, Y0t; Al•t• COSTA MUA641-1289 1U!I..._._ MIHION v~95..()401 i.nc.-c-.,,. II•• ~re..., •I A"'f ~...., I COLLEGE . BASK.ET BALL UC Irvine vs. CAL ST A Tl PUUllTON PCAA ·TOUINAMINT TONIGHT 8:55 p.m. K-WAVE JM-108 ,,....,._d t=~•. Tcwo:to. R•oubllc ~~ ~~~~~M~~ oftd '"""' .., ~"'!"""-Alt·~·~ .... c-.,...., ,, ......... __ .. So.lid atat• e1-c1ronlc Ignition for faat atar1a. antl-•lbnnloD ayatem. and more eafety feature•. 2.1 cu. ID. eoglDe. $20 IWL RDATE Buy Dow and rec:elH a S20 REBATE ID the mall from McCulloch. O.talla In a tore. I\ 8 FOOT ROUGH REDWOOD 2x4RAIL I •7 3 x 4 POST 2 67 Good feoc• mat•rlal. 11-3 SJT 75 n. mn DOTY OUTDOOI EITEISIOI CORD .797 So mayb9 you want to watch TV In th• back ymd or play your •lectrlc Tlolln. ComH with a FREE CORD CADDY. 4 n. SHOP LIGHT 977 .. Get rid of the ltare bulb hcmgtn§ from the celling. Limit of I.,_, cuatomer. TubM •JC1ro. SllL IDJUSTDLE YIRIDLE SPEED Iii UW 2S!! c ... tluougla l ,,, .. eoft wood. l" bard wood. w· a1u11a-ac1 ~ .. .Ucl ...... lpeecl cciebol ~. ~-....... fight deterioration. •oz. a oz.· 88• 149 MARVEL MYSTERY OIL Thie alway• remind• me of 1nalce oil elhdra. You can put It In your oil or addtothegaatank. You can try It. 97t 1ss 5ss PT. QT. GAL. I l] EIERGY SAYER WATER BEATERS w 01 ELECTUl 30 GAL. 11777 40 GAL. 50 GAL. GAS 52 GAL. ELECTRIC 12977 16977 '16977 GlaH llned. com•• with a fl•• year wananty. Sa.. .. the buclca on the ol' heating bill a. QUUER .. Pll ... EBIWBIOOI s-1£--DS ·1~·x1·8'!J88 11no11L LUMBER SPRAY EIAMEL Plllf 66'130Z. I waa acnrlng all my ~oney for a rainy day and then I find out the goHmment aoalcedme. 27" ECOllOllY YllYL CARPET RUDER 39!.FT. Small price to pay for aomethlng that can eaTe a lot of wear and tear o.n your carpeting. A.-allable In gold or clear. PllE BUii ID 67"" 3 .. Wll .... aacmr 5977 Pnt.flnlahed. ready to aaMmble. Mattre .... , extra. C.t.E. FLIP PIOIE D, (Scotty~ th• tnmaportM to Mam \lP tlM lcmdlDg pmtf .) ... almoocl. Nat or almond/ brown comblnatlop. 3777 - ' -(_ ; . NIA WHTUIN eotilfll•INCI l..tilwt S..ttl• Go ... n SI.tie ...... ,.. .. Portl- 5-1101990 l'«HkOMU. WI. ti II •• :12 15 nu ,. 21 u .. ---Ol•1•'- l'CI. oa .. , _ ~ '" .561 • .561 • ,,. It tSI 26 SM\ Antonio Holltton o.nwr o.u .. 1(91\Mt City Utah J7 10 .... -. n 26 UJ Sift ,, ,. -ev, 1t • .m II 10 • .m 1ell't 1t ,. .m 1evi l.ASTl•ll CONl'l•INCI All-le DlYltl• lklston Pllll-lpflle New J.,_,. -•hi,...,. New Yon 41 IS 41 " 31 ,. ?1 ,. ,, lJ MllwaukM lndlena "tlente Detroit cn1caoo c1e .. 1and c.tltr..i Olvltl• 0 " ll 32 t• JI 15 *' ,, )4 12 4S _ .... .,..Sc_ New JerMy !11, u•fft IOJ Pnlledelpllle 1u. Seti OlfOO 107 Mllw..,kM "· Allenle 11 Kenia City 1'10, lnol.en• 11 P,_nlx 11S, Utan 101 s .. 111. 13•. Cl• .. •-101 TM!fM'tG-1.ellt"elH<rw YO<k Clllc190 et Ott~t Boston Ill S.. Antonio Houslon .i Utall Delles 11 Golden Stat• .m - .101 I Sii 12 ., 14 450 1• n4 -... 1 IS ,.,. """ .43t 11 .404 """ . 211 ""' Net• 111, Lakart 103 I.OS.ANGELES A.mbft I, WllkH 11, Abdul·Ja~r 30. Nixon 11, Jonnton II, Jordel't O. C-r I, Bre-r •. L.andtbero., 1. Total~· 4l 11-tl 103 NEW JE1'51Y B Wllll•m• IS, Klno 12, Elmore 10, R Wlllfems JI, Welker S. O'Koren 10. COOll '" Gmlns~I I. Bellew '-Toce" ~ tt·:tt 11 t Scen•yO...mn U., Anot9" 1t t• 21 tt 'ICXI New Jtney Jt ts JO lf-111 Tllr-POlnt (IOll• Nikon c-TOC.I touts -Liiler• tl. Nets 1l Tecnnle111 - Llktrs C....:11 Riiey, Nets CCMCll Bro-2. Belley, NtlJ (iont) A U.•U. COLlEGE UC lrlMa to, Utah St. 84 UTAH STATE -Aulleflcrtd 4, Herrlet 11. CUllfllnQham 16, McCuflOuQlll 10, hroeson 6, OeMuco I, Shew O, Wuhlnoton 10, Anderton t , "-'tnen 0, &tithe 4, Cull., O. TOCelS : 11 .. 16 ... UC t•VINE Wull 6, Mc0one1d 11, MA~t 11. Fuller 13, Whleldon 14. JohnlOl't 4, Berkey 2, Teytor o. Tnornton 2, Clnclo o. Crouley I Totets·,. 1 .. 11 'IO Helltlme: UC 1 rvlne, 42·33 Total louts: Utell St•I• 16, UC '"'' ... 11; Fouled out· Cunnln9111m 1u1111 State), Ttcnnlcet.: CunnlnQflam t (Utah Stele), Utah SI.Ct bench 2 Blol• 75. SoCal Collage 42 S.CAL COLLEGE R_,,, i, PorrH I, Roche 6, Ptulmer 11, Mo,,enton 0. Corsi t. Hoh ..... nn 2. TOC•I• 18 .. U 42, a1ou -Elli••· c-11 11. telrch.....,... 20. Sont<nkf 1 NcOouoa11 •· Heroer 6, Giibert 4, S.IO I 8tll 4 Totals )4 I • 7S Helltlme: Blole l1 IS TOCll fouls· SoCal College IS, Biota ll All·PCAA l"t•ST TEAM ,.....,., KllMI HI. Cl. A ..... Sr. 26.J So. "4 Sr 17.6 Sr. 10.1 Sr 11 t Jr IS I Koln ~.UC trvlnt M LIOfl Wood, CS Fullerton (,.Jlft Cra'9 Hod9H, L8 St ._, Ooneld MHon, l'rasno St i.-1 Roel Hl9QIM, Fr"'10 St .. , Olrls M<Nf'tlr.SJ St. i.-1 HCONOTEAM lllclly Mlmn, CS Fullerton i.-3 Jr 14.3 •lcllard ....,toll, UCSB i.-10 Sr 16.0 Matt Waldron, Pecllk ._, Sr 10.1 Beft McDanald, UC Irvine W So. 10.t B ... Nrd Thmosn, Fresno SI. W Y> So t J l'•ISHMAN T•AM Ml<l'IMI Obon, Sen Jose St. i.-2 4,0 Gary Devis, CAI St. Full •-t 6 6 Andy AOCIQen, Pacific .. s l.S Peul Pl'llfoer, Sen Jo .. St. .., 3.1 Tony NNI, CS Fullerton H 11 I Player of '"" Yffr• K••ln Maoee. UC lrvlne. Coacn of tho YHr' Boyd Grent. Frnno St, FreJll"'6n al the Veer· Tony Nul, Cal St. Fuller1on. COMMUNITY COLLEGE Saddlab9ck 99, San Diego 7t SAN Ot•OO-Hiii II, He><ne 16, JOflMon tt, Smith It, W. TllOmM 2, 0...hem t. Brown 2. S<Ol1 t . Tote I• 26 21·» 1' SAOOLEIACK OOc1c1t ti, Turner lS, Wltnle!fftkl I, Mllcllell S, Doyle , .. Fute ..... 2. Rold 4 Totels tt '1·S1 .. Helttlme ~lebe<k, 4S-ll Totel IOull S.n 0'°90 u. Slddteblck 14; Fouled out FUKher Cs.dclleblOI. B,_ CSln Ole901. Horne (S.11 DleOO). J- l S•n Dlevol, Oenlla m ISen Ole9ol ; Te<llflkat IOU4s Doy .. CSICICllebl<kl. COMMUNITY COLLEGE All·Southern Cal Conference l'wttTffm l'tey .. ,tc- Lalf HOCl9H, Senti Monica Trulett Hatton Gal'*> Wn1 Oentle Miiier, Ellt LA l(avln Cfolr>s, Lo. Anoetes cc Oerln Bown, Golden Wnt HL Cl. i.-s So (,.I So .... So ""° So H So A,.., .... ,,. ., .. 11 s 11.0 S.C9"4Tum Viki N lko, Rio HOnclo i.-s 'So 1U Je" Wul"· CyP<"US •·I Fr. •.s Ed Wefu, CYP'OH 6·S So. 10.6 Ltnny C-r, Rio Hondo (,.1 Fr •.t Ow-1'1 Hurt. LA Harbor i.-2 Fr 12.S Co-mOSl YlllUll>te Pl•Y•" Jud BHrdsley ICypressl end Mlht Gerren !Senta monk• CCI. All·Mlulon Conference l'leyor,~ Georoe Turner, S.-blO Alck l)oyie, Saddlewo Biii Mora9", Citron Henry Fell•. Cllrut Julius Pett'9f'•w. Palomar Mika Ke-. Rl .. rsldt CC Danny P-. Rl••nlde cc. Mike cc.n. Sen Betnardtno •191te Horne, San Dle90 CC EbbltMorl~y Soutl'IWftter11 Most ••lueblt pleyer ,,., ... .-cc> Ht. Cl. A ... .. , So. JU i.-10 So IU (,.I So t•.> S .. So IU .... So 1$,l .... So 1'2 (,.1 So 1'.0 i.-s So 2U .. , So llt .. , So 10.1 Mike Kurw COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOM!N Or.,.1ae CoHt 70, 9'1o Hondo 52 OaAlf•a COAST -Vartanian I, Stt~ 11. Carroll e. ""-rlt 6. l'INlff 2. ...,..llteft 2, Kroyer JO, p..,.., 10, e.rrv 10. TNtl! M >1110. alO NOMDO ""-•llMI 6. llH<tfl t. C-11 I, Peltack 10, Huof!H It Tetet11 26 .. ,,. Helftlme: 1110 HOfldo, 12'29. Tout -.: Dr ..... c..tt S. •ta ....... , .. women·· toumam9nt , ........... , ................ SyMe HMO ... ~ •11 ... 11, .. 1. w i Mime J-~ *'· a-1e ~. 1·11 .... •·11 aMIMtre ,.. ... , def. """ Klyomur•, .. ,. W1 $!Ille ~ Klflt ... lettll\e fk.wlOe, U , M, .. ,; AnifM IA .. dol. CllYdle kOhdt, )•, ._1. Col .. ge ~·•.uc1 ... i..1 ...... . NlllOI\ CCI dot. Sf\ydor, M , 4_., ~. CNMe IUCll dot. Wtold<k199, 1• ... 1. M , $-ne tCl o.I M< ...... IOfl • ..O ... t; H.acflte (Cl dlf . ...._, 2•, W , .. ,, s. .. ty ICI dof Ramos, s.1, i.-t. .. 1; 8..Wm IC) dof. Zoller, ....... ). 0...... 5-S...ty IC> dol 0--~ycser, i.-1, •·•; Mc Phtr.on·lolltr IUCI) def Benhem·M<Na lly , •·J, •·1, 1·6 . AaMH-Htttef\ IUCll dof Prk•·R-, i.-1, 1•J, High achoOI ,....., oe1 u~ c. .. -•"' ""9l9t 1C09a CCMl I09' 10 •ueoger, W . !ell to S<elllOI\, 0.. to.I 10 R"4Klll, M , def, L.Ktt. Ml; Ptwlm ICMl, ~l, 0.., M. M , -· ""4; Richey ICMI losl 1·6, 0·6, 0·6. •·6: Remlnoton ICM) lost, 2~ t•. 1-t, won,._1, ~ Werntr•T1 a n ICM I split wi t~ H•ll·Wllllem ....... M , lost 10 Scl\Mlcll·IJell, U , 1-4; Srnltll·Nouyen ICMI lost, I ... M . lost, 4 .. , 2 ... ~v .... u .w....._s s ...... . J ucl•H M\11 del. Butler. •·2, def. Arvin • .. 1. clef. ICen 1. ... i...o. dtt, S,,.rwood, W ; Trammell (MVI IOSI, .. ,. won, Ml, .. , ... I ; Boyce (MV) lost, H , won, 6-0, 7 .. , •"2; Kfhm IM\ll won,M ,w , 1 ... 1.5. Oto*el Ll11rdl·Wlldtr IMVI dol. OUO·L..,pp!le, 1·6. •·I, Clef. Gralsby•B. L••. ""'· Ml. Nunan·MorTls (MVl tosl, 4", 0.., won, Ml, .. , c---.Mer•~ ... ..-.111\'t ~ Sulll•an (CdMI Ifft Pewtet, H , d9f Denny, ''°"· def. Garbows•I. 6·0 ... 1. SlmanyC, M . Weslttr (CdMI loll, 4-4, +.6, Mfeun, -· .. 1; a,_ .. ...., (C-1 '°"· 2-4, won, (,.J, M , M ; Heyward ICCIM) - 0-ti, won, Ml, Ml • ..0. "-Ew~ ...... IC4MI cset enote·Entott, •·I. •·2, del Tuher 81tu. •·2. •·t. Propp.H-tler IC-I -· Ml,""'· M>llt, .. 2. 5-1 Cotlege woman UC INIM f. UC SH 0 .... t s ....... Me. M~ IUCll Clef Sarrell, ._1, .. 2. W ; KHllr>Q IUCll Clef. CMle, 1 ... W , I•; Nlaon CUCll Oel. Newman. (,.4, '"4; Me. Myers CUCI) lotl Kouru, ••· 2•; ICous CUCll lost.Sulllven, '"· •-4. Mellory CUCll Clef. RObef'ls, M , 1 ... . ~ Mye rs-Myers IUCll det . Kouzu.Newmen, ._4, .. 1; Mallory·K .. tlno (UCI) def Sulllvan·RObertt, 6·1, •·O; Nl•on·KOUS IUCll Mf. CHle·ICerwln, .. 1, 6·1, NHL .._...,.,Sc_ u,.., 4, Torcnto 1 BostonJ.~J Outlltc 6. Edrnoftlon • NY R ...... 4, Caloot'Y I WasN"llflOn t, St. Loult 4 Hartford J, Buffalo J Wlmlpeo4,~t Ml-.iu 6, Ot1ntlt 4 ColorldD J, vane..,.., l , ......... o.- NV Aa.,,.1 i .t PMl..-ipht• Toronto et NY ltl-rs l(lnp 4, Maple LHflJ 1 Sc-."r---. l'lnt ...._ I I 2-4 0 I 0 -1 '·LOS ""9e1ft, Koral> s !Taylor, 01-1. 6:0.. P_,_ -McGiii, Tor. •:40; Boner. LA, 1:11; teetly, kA, 11:J3, S«Mld~ 1. L.OS Anoetes. Tel"l'lon 14 (M . Murplly,K l(ellvl. : II; 3. Torol'tlo, Oerteoo JI 1eenn1no1. 1:14, ....._,11 .. -Johlnllfl. Tor. 3: 1•; Lewis, LA. 5:34; McGiii, Tor, t· S6 TMNl'orlM 4, Los AnQelH, Teylor '1 !Simmer. Olonnel, 1:3'; s. L0$ AnQelH, Kelly 11 (M. Murl)flyl, 19:53. Pentallles -Korab, LA, S:O ; R-, Tor, 6;:tt; Smlll'I, LA, major, t:OI; Boscnmen, Tor, major, t :07; Kelly, LA. 10;1J; Melrose. Tor. 10:23; Taylor. LA. m isconduct. 11·31; Patement. Tor. ~onduct, 17:31. ts on OCMI -Los AnoelH ._11>+15 T °"'° 14-~S-1'. GOltlft -Los AnQe1H, Keent To-, urocq ... A -16,360. • ~ . . . • • Community c:ol,.aa ~" S, Mlrac-tA 4 MlraCost• 010 003 CI00-4 I t SecldleOllCk JOO 000 002-S IJ t lveraon. Crist (IJ -MulllM,. Bryent. Sheet. Ill, Kobel (9) end 1 .. s. Irwin 11), W -Kobel L -Cr1sl tB -Flik , IMlre Cotta), Fl\ueron IMlr• Costa). >B -Tlledoretl IMlreCo\la) E11tnoer IS.Cldteblckl. HR -Henkel IS.ddleblckl. High achool Hwllll llU 8Hcll t , '"'""I ,,.,,.. ·ooo ooo o-o 4 • Hunllnvton BNcll l02 Ill lt-1 t 0 Simms, Titmey t'I -Kira!, Armstl"Of'O c•l ; Bu<kels •n<I Slllrley. W-lh•<ktlf. L-Slmms. 2&-Gebtlel CHB). 38-Petrlck (H81. HR-llrlck (HB), SlllrCey IHBI. H ........ llM<ll s. l'.clfk•. Pacific• 200 010 01-4 4 t Hunllngton 8elCll 000 JOO OJ-5 • I Oftrodt and Flllltfl; Pe1rlck, "ynn (1) and Slllrley W Flynn. L-Ollrod• JB Slllrtey. car-... Mart , SlolU ""• 7 Corone del -000 101 t-' • J Santa Ana I It 005 ~' 1J J Wllllt, A-C'I -MtC11°"; ...... Barreoen 14), Lotier l•l end Cemeco, P.tl.,._, tJ1 W-wNto (2~). 1.----. S -llotlde. 29 _.._(CW-... _,,. H• - 81111 IS.ftll .,..,, Mott IC.or-def Merl C...-V....,Otr.J, ......... a C-VtlleyOwlstlaft lit 090 t-7 6 I Wooftt'.... 000 too 2-J J S ,._r -Slleetl; Mw .. -. Wlto (4), Cool!; <•> anct Nole11. W-l'e1111tr t.-M~tieftd, 28-0ll\ltll !W...-r .... 1, Carlyle ICVC:l, Shttlt ICVCI, lw>Mtt ICVC). --.0...1111 (Woodllridet). ~"""'·' ••1um• ..._,,.. HlllS IOI MO 1-S I t 1 S.odlllbtd1 t• 111 ....... 1 • 111M1<te, fl'lt!'ltl m .,.. ,._, ..,., 1aaer (6) ,.ftd IJ•ktr, Meld•nedt (6), W. l'1tfMt. 1.-e.lltr. 21-~-I (UO 1, ~It Ct.Hl, Met1tn IUO ....... CS>, lmUll ti). 16-Sftlltll (SI, Alvertr ($), """==''°" -...-.c...... ,. _ _.., ...... oee... ........ IOIM*r UlllarlM)/ •I -atoeret ,..,._,: •-_... c--.), ......_. IC.,..... ..... achoot •..-r-" ,,,.. "· c._. ..... y ,., ........... 1• -I. _.._y (I), 11 f; t ltceeer CAI, ti.SI I.,.._ ICVI. II.I- --1. a..ci c11. iu. ' H .... 11tty m . U.t;t.l~(A),UI, fOO -t . .-...,..., 1a1, $11; 1 Wlllte ICVI, M.11 I."°"~ Ill, ... a. .. I • ....,_ Cll, l tOU: t. OOio.Hl (II, l :Ol.1; J, l(emNfU Ill. l !OJ.t . Ml .. -I. LI~ (I), 41•.a. l. MOC. CAI, •144.J: a. Slatk (E),4; .... J. t •mll"t -I. Mole (Al, IO:Ot.o; t, llM,._n Ill, 10i09.Ai J, Huelm Ill. 10:2'.t , UOHH -I. Shapiro IC\/ I, 1',4, \-. flrtloaneu.v CE>. 17.61 :S l'reorlcllWlfl IEI._ 1U. 3001.H -I, lnlltrt Ill, 41.I, 2. F.Wr~ll-(11.42.I , a. Lewi' IAl,O 1 400 rttay -1. C:.. Vellev ..... 2. t Irvine, .. ,. a.e...,ena,4'.1. Miit reley -I. Eaperenta, >:tot; 2 1r~lne, 1:a t ; no third l.J -I. Hlf'kln1 (I), »-4, 2 Rell\I (Al, 1 ... ; J, 1.ewlt IA), tf.l. HJ -1. Wenlell 1e1. """·no MC~· TJ I "-It,_, (If). 4l·t . J $Njllro CC\/), >Ht; Herkln' 111. •s SP -1 Eutt CU, 41~Y>. 2 Otter11t!n ICVI, ... 11. J. St•taly (I), 4""10 OT -I. &.tinter U!I. t"'°"". 2 Olltrtlitln ICY), 11).), J L .. m, lllt-S - Woman HIOH SCHOOi.. • ._ .......... P ,N..._.H_U 100 -I. Fel'htr (M), 11.6; 2 8oulw- IM), tJ.J; »Cle-IMI, 11 J. t20 t. J.cktol\ <El. 2U; t . Rtlney CEI, 2'.t; J. i:.i<i.r IMI, 214 ~ -I. Rlfftty IE>, Sl.•; J. TllOm- (M), 1:01.0; 3 Penl ..... (M), 1:01.4. --1. Hlntkht (M), t :J4.3; t Monlool IMJ. t:i.u: a Pratt 11>.211u. Mlle -I. OeVetlt IE). S;H .I . 2 Hlnrkl'I• (Ml, S:IJ.O; s. Pratt CE), S:M.2. t·mlle -I DtVelll CU , ll:JS,•; 2. Orlv-1111 (Ml, 11:41.S; l Prl<e (El, no time llOLH I E•enJ (NH), 17.J, t Gel'tlemem CEI, 11:4; >.Byers (M), 11.7. JlOLH -I, Event (NH), Sl.6; 2. Walt/I IM), SJ.•;). Orehlm IEI, W.l. • 440 r911Y -I. Mllllkli\. SO. I; 1. New-1 ,HerbOr, W,I ; J. Ed4ton, dl1W1ualllled, ' Mlle '91ay -I, Mllllkan, •·t0"7; 2. Edlton, 4: 14.2. HJ -I. wetullh CE), 4-10; 2. Platfool (NH),4.t; 3, C-IE> ..... LJ -1. Wetutlk !El. 1 .. 2; t Ptnlnoton (M), IS-<!; 3. HtiMll CNHI, 1).1 SP I. TOl>y IE1, u.t; 2 KeClermen IMI,. )1 .. 1'1; ). Dodck (NH), »4 ....... --. lrvlM SSl'o, C ... Veltty •, AM ....... 16\'t 100 -I L-CAI, ll.l , t C°""'r IEI, IJ.S; J. J__, IEI, IJ.I. 200 -I. 8ullerG 11!1. 26 •: 2 ""-n Ill, ti.,> AbiKtln IEI. Jt.6. 400 -1 Bullerd IE), 1:00.0. 2 Beact'r IEI, 1.01.0, 3 Va-r Ill, 1.ot.S . 900 -I \/-1 Ill, t 2•.t , 1 Ar111Ur CE), 2 21 t, l V11de1 IEl. t 219. Mlle -I S V-r IEI, S:34.t , J T Yelder IEt. S ».4, J. Lem Ill, s· ... a. 2·mllt -I V•lder IE). 11.2'0,, Lem (I), 12'43 2; J. o..ior.s (I). 12: .. • l!OLH -1 Lee (I), IS J. 2. Heu (CV). t• I,>. M<Danald CEI, 11.2 lOOLH -I L .. Ill. 14,t ; 2 Artllur IE>. 41.t ; 3. 0.BUSI< ICVI, 49,I " • 4100 reley -I E'Petenre, SI O; 1 t~"tne• SIS; C-Velley, S3 I Mlle raley -I Esperenza, •·06 1; lrvlnt , •·16.S; J. CepoVelley,4:24.t. LF -I Gonntr IEI, IM; 2. Mc0ona1CI IEI, 14·9; >. JoMllOil !El. t4-2'h. HJ -I. 8Ht1y CEl, S.O; 2 Van Beullti CA), ... ; J NtllOfl ICVI, 4~. 'SP I Miiot CCV), ,._.II>,, t . \llln Beutel, (A), 3""0; J, ~luroeon (E). 32-9V, OT I t Teslly ICV), tl·I; 2 Gii (II, '°'2: J . Ven Neu ICV), 17-7. Men'• aoccar Cll' l"la.,...t .... ._ i-A Loyolt 4, Sent• M11 le l ( 10 ot) Cllfflornla s. Cini rat l NoOllff 2, Rl-.rsldo Poly I ll otl Cebrlllo J, M.ier Doi.? 1041 CrHpl 2, .._ I IOU t.~IDI J, St JOfrlflRIKo 0 Servlt• >. Indio I Sterr• Vitia 2, ArtHl• I J·A o ... Hlllt S, leotere I Dana Hiiis 1<0<1no· Ktfly 2, .i.1ters 2, Cook I Otlltr Scores Le Ouinta l , Mltslon Viejo 1 Glel'tdlte S, Murplly I Fullt'1on•.1noi.-o C1111>1W1 7, Hart I CaPltlrano \/alley l. 8tll Geroens 2 B .. orly Hiits 1, Corona Cltt Mu O S•11Ca Peule 2. Burbank O Woman'• aoccer Cll' Oooarttrfl,..I tK•Yeftt ,r._a'('tGamH Mlr1 Cmla et Pelos \lerCIM; Peclllca •I Upland; WMI Torrence vs Redondo or Alla Lome, Roltlno Hiii• .. UN .. rtlty. Woman'• aoccar NIGH SCHOOL A .. s-tLt ..... Kethy 81eltld IEdlsonl. Kim Welull CEdltol'll, ,,_ Gelkl IF-taln Velley), Kelll Winkler (Edltonl. Judy Callllnt !Merine), --C-r (Edlwn). ICellly Lloyd (Huntlnolon Buc111. Kim Sllerp I W •1t mlntter), D e na Ht11tln CWettmll'IHerl , J a c quie Plenl (WHtmlnster). Lome Orr (O<aMI Vlnrl. MVP -Dl•n• 011 ... 1. (H1111t1no1011 8H<lll Sec_,_ Moe Mlgeucl CEdltont, Kathy Munwe CFovntelft Vlfteyl, Jennifer Liiiey IF-lain Valley), Jiii Eldeen (Huntington 8eechl. Sllttley Gunl IMArln•I. Julie Bercsoman (Merine), Jiii Sotncer (Hun111'1Qton Bteclll. Kim Allboncl9nle (Hunllnoton Beacl'll. Sir• Perkar CMerlnal, 1Celll1Hn McFarlln (Wtstmlntt.,.), Lise Nelton !Merlnel. ' Hlah act\ool ltM~ ti, 0-Hltll M JOO medley relay -I Dena Hiiis, I: St.I;, Un1verstty, 1:Jl I. 200 fr .. -I Carlton IUI, l:SSO, J ColwlO IUI. 2·oa.t. 3. PrendtrQHI IUI. t ·I0.2. 200 tndO -1 or--101, 1:11 OS; <t. wemsley IUI, 2:2:U; J. Kerchner IUI, no time. SO tree -1. IC. We"1bollrne (UI. 24.6; 2. S • We.,......,. IU), 24.1; J. Or-m COi, U .1. 100 fly -I. Bartltll (UI, 1:00 ... ; 2. l"r~ CU). t•ot •; I Tree_. ID>. 1:01.s 1001,... -I. MetlN< 101, SS I; J. MCoy IUI, U.S; i, SNl'91\ IOI, S7.t . SOO lrM -t. Certton CUI. 4:'6.1. t. Sch••"" (U), J·,. t ; J, M<Morow CO>. •:1'.t . 1•1N1C.w-1. aerttett (U), 1:0U3; 2. Nall (0),Mtlmt; a.Melf COl.1: ... t . 1• ~ -t, ~CO), 1:m.t; t. Ktf't11Mt(U), 1:0U; l.IKrft'I (U), t:ll.I. • ir .. Nley -t, Unl,....•ctv. no time; 2, ~Hllll,l; .. S, P...._Y...,t•,1t ..... M•1• Mt medley .-., -1, l'eunttln VlfltY. 1:•.1; t. lt.illflt Hiiie, 2:01.1. .. ,, .. -I. ari.M l~Vl, 1 :SU: 2. alN "'">,',.,,,,a. 1. w"' lf!VJ11:00.s. -llldlt -1. M. Weft (FV), l :OU; 2. no 1'9"ftl a,...,_. (l"V) 11 IS ... •• ,... -'· ktlUIU /l'V), Q .t ; •• ,,,...,. '""" 1u1 a. Oe'ltl c111H>, 1u. OIV!tte -I, Cl.,. (lllHl.,114.SS: t, l"rler CPV),11. .. Ml ~ -1. Vwtt 1•HI, &•: t. Ill ....... ll'Vl, t1aJ: a,......., (l'VI, l! .. '4. • '"' -1, 10u1t1 Cl'VI. 91.7; t. -.i. ll'Vl,.tU; t. J .... Cl'VI, M.t, M .... -I .._., (l'V), S!tl.11 t. .,.._, Cl'VI: l:D.t; I. l'llMI ll'Y>. S1'1 ... • IJecll -t, M. WM (,.,,1, l :tt .. ; I, Dawte IMO. ti•.•: I. a1e...._.. ll'Vl1 1:•1. • .._. -1. .._. tl'V>. t:eu: a. ._....,.. 1~ 1.u. a. v-. rllVl. '"""· .... ~ -t ~-" ...... ..... ;L,__.,,...,, .... tL .,. C.-11t,llll(.._ .. .. ltlMllly ......, -I Cer-Ml MM. h ft.J. W ft.._.t ............. ICI, l1M I/ t, Toi.r ICl, 1•11.3; t O,_ nl! tttt.t. W IM-1 ..... ICI, I ; 1• 4; r J.ceM ICI, t : IU; L i.M-111. t •tU. 90 1..-., Mia«• IC), U t . t lflllttl ICI, U S. a. ,...._CCI, U ... "' 11¥-t. ~row CCI, l tOI t, t v.,,., .. (Cl. t Ol.l,l .L1rto11 (II,110.J . t• h·--1 lw'ke ti), U.O; t. •tt1 (CJ, iJ I , a Teyler (Cl, MO, JOO ,,_. I ,....1 CSI, SIM 11 I le-. CCI, i :•e; J.. P....,IMft (Cl, S:~.J 1• M<i.-1, khloeMimai\ CCI. 1.0l.4; 2. &.end9rMf\ ''"· 1.0) s, I . Stl'l111ltr ICI, I 01.4. too bruu 1. Ja,otn IC>. I 00.t ; J PtltrtOI\ (I), 1112 6; J, Vlo\IUMI ICI, t IU. 400frff .... IY I. Cer-MI Mer, l :JJ,t H....,......a..c11.,,c ..... ., 200 l'l'lldley retav -1. H1111tll'IQttn tie.ell. ''$l.Ge11,CM jlOll1 t.6U1. 100 1r ... 1,1e -I. Parnlel'ltler IHI), t:oo.oo; 1. or1ttttt1 IHll, t :OO.ts: a Crott IC), t:oa,OJ. 200 IM I. loeol1ollne CCI, 2:09 01; t FOik ... IHB),2 ot.01, S. l erro CHBI, t It IO SO lr..,.yle I ICIWOOCW "), 11,0., 7 IClrUo (HI), 14.0.;, Horton IH81, ,., .. 100 1Mttl'fl¥ '· Folker (Hit. I 00 10.' Croft IC), l·O. 031 t Wtlte (Hll). 1·ot" 1• lt-tyle 1 S<hroecltr (Cl, St.so, 1 .._. IHI), $4.JI, l. Meler I Hiii, J.l.W SOO lteMIY .. -I Grlflltl'I CHll, S•S1 .J1; 2 Berro (HBI, S;«> '7.1 krlvntr (Cl.6 •.10 100 IMICUt10lte I Parmen11er (HB), l'OJ 10. t Mlltlll CCI, t 0..40, S. Oey CCI, I . 10,1t 100 bree,lrou I Scottollne CCI, I 03 "· 2 Penll IHBl I °' 00, J Klrkwy IHBI, 1 " .. 400 tr-yle relay I H1111t1no1on Btecll. l .3' SO; J Hunllnoton 8eecll, J S. W, J c aflyof\, 4. 12.111. Woman u•~Y ltl, OMA Hlli. n I 200 medley reley -I Unlvertlt'r. no lime, 200 Ir .. -1 Br-n IUI, 2ot1, too lnclO -I. CMr IUI, 2 JJ J, SO Ir.. I S.llng (0), J1.4; 100 llV -I Ruhl IUI, I I• I. 100 lrff 1 Scf\uCIJ IUI, J.I 2. SOO tree -1 Jonnton (U), •·ts O; 100 beo I Smith 10). "° Ume; tm brHJI 1 Kropt IUI, 1·10 I, 4001r"rele, 1 Unl .. "lty, •·tt t ,._...,,Valley 112, llol11 ... Hlltt ti 200 "*'leY rettv -t. Fountain \lallev. 2 06.2; 200 ,,.. -I Arn111rono IFVI, 7•01 •; 200 lndo -I, Clark (F\I), 7•10 •• so lret '· TlleUI (FYI, 71.9; Olvtno -I S<llntklef- 1 RH I. 161.0, 100 lly -I J ames (AH), •·OJ.I ; 100 ,... I Armslrono CFVI. 51,0, soo frta I, Scllulh IFVt, ~.9, 100 blO -I 0•111' CRH), 1: 13.I, 100 b,..HI I Clark (FV). I 10.1 400 lrea r•ltY 1 Foul'lteln Vellev, •· 1J.• c-'"· s-c .. _ .. .,. 200 rneclltv rtley-1 Cot'On• Ml Mer. 2: 12 j ; 200 rre-1 Bird IC). 2·01 6, 200 IM-1. R-CCI, t>l• I; so,... I Ketlles (SI. 2•.S; 100 lly-1. Hervey (Cl, I IS J. 1m Ir-I lllrd ICl. SS.I; SOO lrta I R- ICI, s·• 4; 100 ba<k I C•••lleuQll ICI, 1 16 t , 100 brffst-1 SC.tit IC /, I II 9, 400 trff relay-I. oiwone dtl Mer. • 03 0 ~ . . • • . WOMEN'S SOFTBALL Community collage 0-. W"t U, LA Herier J GolOen Wft1 211 Alli 1-U la I LA Her1'or 200 010 0-> t • Moore -Hummer. McE1r .. ISi, Potlell •nd Mer11nu. 28-Jonnwn (Golden 'Wetl), McElree !Golden WHI), 81rd !Golden weu), Oslerman 2 (Golden We\11. Gtle IGolOen W.ttl, Hummer !Golden Wesll l'ltrct J, Or .... CoHI J Pierce OOt 040 0-S I 2 Orel'IQe COISI 200 010 0-J , l 4 Collln1 end S...nel, Chlmbtrs end CruJ 2B-Zemore IOrenve Co .. 11 l8-Cru• IOr•neeCoestl. S•l'1t1cll 4, O.wf"t t 0.Mrt 000 1IXI 0-1 J 3 Sacldltba<k 001 070 • 4 • s Pl"s and~. Ltnoe1 end Rubllce•a High achool H-'-•.S.Mi .... Newp0rt HartlOr 000 j10 o-•. S O S.ntllGO 000 000 ~ 2 I Mec Kelvey a11d Roe. Merablt W MacKt< .. y ~·.--Dell Mater Otl 000 000 O O I I 8eltftower 203 lot • t I 1 Menclote. Bliler (4) end l(en~'· L•'"°",.. 6n<I Yo~ W ....__,._ L.-Me-.a_ ........... J,0 ... HlllJO Dane Hiits 000 000 o o 1 I Woodbr.. . 000 JOO • J • I Thomes, Rl•lere IS) end CllrhlV. Hern•nOe1 •nd Trtpl W Hern•nder L Thomes Fleld hockey All-~LNtW l'ln1Tff"1 Lise Boer {Edl\Ol'll. Nancy H .. urt IEdlton),,Pattl Cl•enfllOll (Merln•I. Klkl Brown (Marine); Belll Kenny (NtWll0'1 Harborl; H•ellltr Stodderd INewporl H•r110r), Jey l..a(key cwntmlnsterl; Kathy 8ordtn !Edltonl, Tracey Let (Founceln Valley) Alllson Amermen (Founteln Valleyl ; J•nne MCWll11ams INewporl Harbor I ~Teem Mary Oann tEdhonl , Lynn 8eum I Edison>. Y¥ttt• W•l•tr IFOUl'tllln V•lley), J ana Slelen (Founttln Valley). Cethy Hu>drla !Hunt......, 8-h1; Robin Cer-. (Merlnel, Judy Sc,.....u IMarlna l; Jean Or19nu (,.._, He•bOrl. Kiily COUlls C Newporl Herborl . Oonnt M•n•o C W•\tm ln~Cer l , Te rry Gentlll (Wet1m1Mterl Most valueble plenr Cetny SPMlll IEdltonl. Woman'a gymn•1tlca COMMUNtfYCOt.LaOI ~-..c .... 121.•. I.A l"lffc• 7.• vault -1. ~lnoer COCC>. • S; u,.._. b•n -I TrwtJt (OCCI, I 6; B•l•nce beem -I. Hoffman IOCCI. 1 •; Ftoor .. erclM Sprlnoer IOCCI. t .>, A11-eround Sprlnoer IOCCI, :12 l Wadnffday'a tren .. ctlon1 aAM8ALL .. ............. ATLANTA BlllA\IES -'Sloned Dave Murphy, Mfle._,, to• _ _,.,., COl\lta<I • flOOTUl.L ........ ...... " ....... GREIN aAY PACKEIU -H•IMd ..... Ktltt ll 0"9MIVt lleckfletd coacll LO'S ANOl1.as IU.MS -W•lvt41 Oen PettNlftl,~11. MOCkaY ...................... Pr.11.AO~l.~IA 111.Vlf9'S -9'Ke11M l'tl • L~ ... lie, from Metne • ttlt AmetlUll tttckey Lt ...... lleturnt« Ganlle Wllllem., ctMlt, t. AMl<lt. IOCCH ·-----....... CAlllOLINA LIOKTNIN' -..... 0... flt\1"*8, ~ ... e _.,.., Ctfttt"1. MIWtllllwhccw ......... l'HOll!ftlc INFa•NO -$'811ed ...... c.r ....... Mer'll Kttllft. CCM.U•• A•MY -fllH41 l"tM Ot Mlt, lltff ........ _ ... aotTI* UNIVIMITV -,..... lt1'11 MIM, 11M41 .......... -11. IM Mta T"'9r, ........... _, .. ..,......., ~--DITllOIT -........ 0... Oklle ..... ........_ .. ,~, -.--..... ,.......... " .... ,~_. • .....__t .... From Page C1 OLYMPIC PENTATHLON Dl1neyland Hotel , the Queen Mary operator and former owner of the Balboa Bay Club. "This ls a different kind of an Olympic .:vent," be Addis. ''It symbolizes the ancient evenll and has had some outs tanding " competitors Including General George Patton. 411 ' ' T b e p e n t a t h I o n l1""a e traditionally be~n a stepehild or the Olympic competition and each of the events has been held al a dtrrerent location. Only twice in the past have all five events been held at one location like we are going to do in 1984. "By puttV'lg il in one location, Orange County can adopt the event and perhaps become the center or training for future Olympians. In the past it has been held in the boonies. But nobody can call Orange County the boonies and Colo de Caza a ffords a unique facility. It is an outstanding location for lhe eve nt a ~ will provide spec tacular locations for photography." At the prese nt time, the location bas a n outstanding equestrian area which will be improved and become the center of the pentathlon competition. •'It takes a number of years to become profic ie nt in the pentathlon event." Stevens says. "A Swedish national competed for the first time in 1924 and then in 1928 he won tile gold medal. To s how h ow versatile competitors are, he came back in 1948 and won silver and bronze medals in the fencing competition. He was also the captain of the pentathlon team in 1948." Stevens then added: "Orange Co unty youn gste rs have a built·in capability to become pentathlon athletes. They ride. s wim, shoot aod run rllht here and they can learn bow to fence. Coto de Cau can adopt a permanent location ror the m oder n pentathlon compeUUon." ' Stevtin~ expects between 4,000 and s,ooo spectators dally. But he' hu no idea on the ticket price but augae11ted It could be In the $6 or S'7 range. He will also need so m e 250 volunteer worker11 to stage the event but expect.is maoy more to apply. ''We'll screen those who apply before making our decision," Stevens says. "One or my Job8 ils to provide 45 horses with equal ability," he suys. "Orange County owners can norninute their horses for the Olympic competition and perhaps see them competing. We have one horse for every two athletes with some extras. Tbe athlete,_ get 20 minutes to train with tlle horse before the competition begins." • At the present Ume, to reach Coto de Caza, one must take El Toro Road to Trabuco Canyon aod pass .O'Neill Park some three miles. For the Olympics, an entrance will be built' at the Southern end of the six-mile long valley coming in off the Ortega Highway. Facilities are also available at the present tim~ to 'house more than 100 athletes or officials at the location in three·bedroom condominiums . This area is c urrently· a hotel facility in connection with Vic Braden's Te n n i s C<i 11 e g e a n d the equestrian facilities. according to Coto de Caza president Dick Boultinghouse. ~ "l don't know ii the athletes will stay here or at the Olympic Village." Stevens said ... But lhe facilities are here if they want to use them " Boating aplenty Five county yacht clubs plan races By ALMON LOCK~BEY Delly l'llet aMtltof Write~ . Orange Coas t s ailors are eyeing the weather patterns as a full weekend of sailboat racing is scheduled in every Southern California Yachting Association area. • >-Five yacht clubs m Orange 't;Ounty h ave s ched ul ed competition with Dana Point Yacht Club's 1982 inaugural of its popular Dana Point Series expected to get a large turnout for Sunday. Capistrano Bay Yacht Club will play host to dinghy racers Saturday Top-ranked Artists ro Laguna Beach, Estancia , Marina and Ocean View on lhe high school fr ont' posted volleyball victories Wednesday while Golden West stopped Long lfeach. 3-0, on the community college level. Laguna Beach's No. 1 ranked Artists slopped Huntington Beach. 3·0, with Rudy Dvorak and Neil Riddell leading the way. Dvorak is a setter and Riddell a middle blocker for Coach Bill Ashen's crew. Marina: the No. 4 ranked team in the country, won its opener from Mater Dei, 3·0 with Bill Lennertz. a blocker-hitter playing well on the front line and on defense for Tim Reed's club. Estancia 's No. S ·ranked- Eagles had good gaples from Bill Sieker, Fenton Carey and Matt Carrico. The Eagles play al Marina Friday night in their next outing. Golden West posted its first win of the campaign by downing Long Beach, 3-0. Dave Devick, a middle blocker. and Gary Nakamura, a setter. played well for the Rus tlers. From Page C1 Newport Harbor Yacht Club catches the spotlight in Newport Harbor with its One·Design Regatta for both ins ide and outs ide classes Saturday and Sunday. ""' Many local yacht s are competing in Los Angeles Yacht Club's Wh itney Series which will send the fleet off Friday afternoon for a circuit off Santa Barbara, Catalin a and San Clemente islands. In ol'* SCYAa,. .. ~-···· .. PacltiC Mer'lften Y«lll Club -Nllllbu -return !Stein SM~sl Saturday Otl Rty Yecl'll Club -Sunoay !>lo.lpjien r.ce IT l"n-Q s.rits.). S-y S-0.... , CoroNOe C.V• YICM Club -CCIHK W ... ltr Serltt, ~umr. Ootnsldt Y ecnl Ctub Pre<1IC1e4 too race Cpowort SeturGey, Yeerty Serles IPHAFI Sun<Jay san11 c11r• Aeclno Associ.11on -Mldwlnte. Series 1111 cluttt) S.turcl<ty Mlu 1on Bey YIClll Ctul> Sprtl'IQ Sef'lft 1•11 ,,., ... , Sundty Sliver G•I• V .chi Clu1> Sunctu Soulllwt\ltrn Yecllt Club Clla,,dlcac>I Sundty N-•"411•1 ..... \lenlure Yacht Club En..,n•d• T........,p CPHRFI S.1urdo An<1caoa Yechl Club S•nt• BerlMlra Crulw, Seturday, Sunoay WH11ah .. Yeclll Club Su,,dty Santa B11rt>ar1 Va<:M Club ap.r,1n9 Do SunG•y Ante aters' Magee PCAA's top player For the second year in a row, UC Irvine 's Kevin Magee has been named the PCAA 's Player of the Year as selected by the conference coaches Wednesday. J oining Mag~ on the first team are guards Leon Wood of Cal S tate Fullerton. Craig. Hodges of Long Beach Stale and Donald Mason of Fresno State. Rod Higgins of Fresno State and Chris McNealy of San Jose State are the forwards . uc t sop h o m ore forward Ben McDonald was accorded second· team honors. Fresno State's• Boyd Grant was named Coach ofl the Year. ANTEATERS ADVANCE • • • half, poured in a game·high 24 points (tyjng his high for the season) as he was 10 or 15 from the floor "All I do 1s go out and play my game," explained Whieldon. "Ir my shot is there, I'll take it. That's q,e way I always play." In 1.Aking t he open s t.ots, Whieldon and McDonald never allowed the Aggies to get any c loser than s ix points after takini the earlv bulge. The Aggies had cut the deficit 'to 43.37 two minutes Into the second halt. but eight straight UCt points, lncluding a basket by Whieldon and two by sub Curlis Crossl ey. pu t the Anteaters back in command lgaln. The victory, UCl 's 22nd a1atnsL S losses, somewhat avenged a bl\ter defeat the Anteaters l\llfered al the hands of the Autea lHt year durtnt th• Ural r ound of the tournament. Next on UM ladder are th• Tttana. who UCI open'd the · C!ODltNnte aplnat with a 51-5'7 •lctory. "U wt plaJ llkt WI did "'9 fir.rt 10 minutia of tonl1bt•1 game. tJlen we should beat them ," said McDonald of Fullerton. ··We've got to play well because they're gorng to' be tough ," added Wbieldoo. "We're tough, though, and we're a veteran team. We don't give up and that's what I like about us, if we lose we're going to go down fighting. "We're just going to have to play tough defense and put t.he ball in the hole." The Ant-eaters are also going to have to devise a way to '!ltop the Titans' outside 1ame of Leon Wood and Ricky Mixon. The two guards combined to score 48 of F ullerton's 68 polnts the last time the two teams met. •'I think we should beat f ullerton . • . tr we play rte ht." uld Coach Blll Mullican. "We're tolDI to have a mMlin& rl1ht JM>W to •dct. wbat we're colnt to do. "Al tor Kevll!J I don't can lf tbey cul hlsn on u loa• u .. w1g,,~· Which meana lle1ar1. ltlcDooald, WbleadoD, Wulf ml Fuller lbould haw u.e•r UDaa run apln. ... r HWNI anuo~ It/ ROCl!er1 Ollf•ll1 IC•rvwc!y . "°'"" PulllllMO Or-(09\1 O•lly PllOI, M•r 4, 11. 1e. U . ltl2 t S.,12 lllCTITIOUS aU'1NIU NAMR STAflMINT The tollowlno P<t••on• ••• oolno t111slnntt1' TM~ • ., •• ,D -eJiC.b Slreel. Suite IOI, NtWPOtl 8H Cll. "cTITIOUt MlllNHJ • ..,,,... lfAf~NT r "' rotlowl"t perton h oolnt _ ...... ~·L90A PttAllMA.c;Y, 111 Ea" 8el"°9 BoultYatd, Balboa Celltt<llla ., .. 1. ..-1~ tluftl Mer11n, 1$ Ralnllow ltlClfe, trvlN , c:..lltortll• t ll ll. Thi• lllltl,_, h <OfldlKltd 11'1' 11t1 lndMO..el. Mike&~" --... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thureday. March 4, 1982 I' l~~---------------------'9(TITIOUI e USINHI - ..._tTATltMa•T Tiie to1ttwl111 11tr\t11 h eolllf ... ,1_.,, T J 't ~I O UOlt , 11'11 l roOllllU'll '""'· ,...,l•I" V•ll.,,, ColllOr"I• e vot1Yft ..._, l tlU Oovtlltlllte 4"911 .. , Twtlln. c:..lllOf"'• ·~ Thlt butl-J 11 tOllClliCJ9CI 1>y tfl l~lvl0"411 l..iY"H~ '111• at•mt!ll Wll filed wltll U. c-ty CIHt. ot 0••11oe County .,. l"Mru•ry 21, t"2 fllWill flllllllu..d Oranet CMll o.irv Pllo\. tT.AHMCMT OP WllllOllAWAL PltOM flllTM••IMl fl ~•••t1 ... uMo•• l'IC'l'ITIOUt llUtlNHIMAMa TllO ltlltWlllO "''°" 11M wltMr- U • t•n.,el Ptrln., from tll• 111rt11e r•lllp Op•r•llllt tlllNt lllO 11c11u..,, lh16i11tn nome of •UKO C•IATIV• DI.SIGNS •• "°' W.ACllfl Ori .... Nt--1 9Mcll, (A "*· Th• fl<tltlo1" bYllnua 11•m• >1-met1I fOt Ille N '1110ttlllp ••• llleel °" 12-11 .. 1 In llw tGunh OI Ore<109. l'ILIN0,11'1~ ,tCTtt:=:::'vtt•CM MAMCITATllMC•f Th• loi1owl111 HtMflt II .. 1111 ..,u"*•••, NCt COll'Y IYITl "'t, JIOO Alrwe, A-.., Sulll llt, C•ll Meae, C:•lltet1Mo~. L '. Sim•, Int • e Oetew.,e ~•rtot1Uo11, Jtoo .a1nwe, ""•""'· k l• • ••· G•le w... c e11i.m1e mu Tiii• ~'""' It ceMllt leCI b't' e ,.,_ ....... .. ,, Sltm,fnt L. II' Sim•. Pr .. 10tnl Tiii• •l•t-1 "'°' 111.0 wllll 1'N C9.i"h Cle•-OI Or•-~111y °" ~- PIC'TITMIUI ..,.. .... ...... tTAT .... NT ca Tll• followl11t "rMtl I• ••1111 • .... l .. fttet; I I C:UOOLI C:Altl ltlf PIAltAL ' ,,,.,,.~. ,.., L.Mel 0.1 ... C:•l• -......c .......... --. Dolllae .......... lt:U I.Mel 0.1 .... t •t• Mot., C.lifofNe ... Thi• lilWIMtt It ceMll(t.f .., °" • IMtvlO<lel Donlwl .... .., Tlllt ~ w°' tlftf wttll N c '"'nt.,. Cltr-oi or.,... c:-•Y .,, , .. ,u.,y ''· 1"1 '1111• ll'WiMI.,_ 0r.,.. GM• o.iry Pl ... , flM, U . ~rd1 4, ti, te. ltl2 MMJ, l'Yll Nemt enel ACIClteu or Ill• ,..,_ Wllhdrewl'WI Ol!OltOI W. OAULOINO, J A., "01 E 1.emllef1 Affd, • 110, 1.t Hsora. tA tOUI .... ...,.,. •• 1 .. Pllml fM 1e,U.Mwtll'4,ll,l'W .-.., NM1t1e l'ICflTIOYS aUSINISS NAM• tfAT•MINT ll'VlllllllM 0.41f'Ot C.lt OMl't' Pl .... 0.0.,,. w. Geukll ne Jr ..... ll,7$,Mar~ll4, "· t'92 ,, ... PY1111"'9CI Or ..... C.0.fl O.ity l'tlot, ---------------- ""'· ,,, M¥~n 4, "· "· 1"2 __, • The tollowlno person• •re CIOlnO PlllJC lllJC( N .. tlfU lwtltlHt et ; '9CTlflOUI austN•H TH& SHO'#Pl..ACE SOUTH, Jm0 l"ICTITIOUI aUSINRH NAMa ITATHll•NT P111tme" $1tee1 C0•1• M•••. NAMESTATIMRNT f llt tell•wllll ""'"'ere CIOll\(I c.ilforlll•~ flle tollowi119 ""'"' ... ool~ ............ ,. $H0 W .. LACE INOUSTR llE$, llllllntUA\: CAZAOOR. )I) WHI Crl1toO.I, INC.,• C..llfor'7'1a torporatlon RAL, A PWl,.,.rth..Je, J11J Buotn .. , • ·-~ ~-~ tton. Tlllt ~~IMO lt-conOVClM"'"11.,.-ll Ct l\lar Orfv.': S11ll• 140, lr111ne, MHlne C ~. Jtt Trafetter ••II., •ti.,. -..I~' ----Lano, S... Cle"-"· Cotitorlll• m n "ICTITlout MIMMHS MAMa aTAT•MllMT '"• tollowlr11 ,.,....,. •rt Clll"I l>llM""'•t: HAllt AP,ARllN'T, I.el Tu\1111 Avtl\llt, l~lle 1. Co•le Mue. C•lflotnlem» Aollotrl J ec..re111, nut L-.ouc Ct,, S•n J.-Cepl•tr-. C•llWllla .,.,s Y"" Da11lol TllomPIOfl. UUI Sltmon Drive, G.,Cll" Oro ve, C•lltornt•nwJ '----------------------------icallfornlet-.o --lllto ~ WM ffltoll wltft tM COlllllv """ ot o..,.oe c-ty on Febr.,.ry :ll, 1'1U SHOWPlACE INDUSTRIES. C I( Allen. Jr 11' Ee" 10!11 Rober! W Cerrltk. )U w .. 1 INC Slrot, S 4, C°'I• M.w, C•tllornle Crlstoll•I. Safi (len,.nta, Celllornle Tiii• l>ll~IMU la conOutlM by e ge11er•I '*""'""ill "You're a hypochondriac, but you've come to the right man-I'm a quack." Kids losing poverty battle U N ITED NATIONS (AP> -In 1981. the p rice o f a c hild's life w as $100, but a U .N r e port c laims t h e w orld found it too high a price to pay. That s um, s pe n t on eac h of the w o rld's poores t 500 millio n m o the rs a nd c hildren this pas t year c o uld have preven ted the deaths of 17 million youngst e rs unde r the age of 5. a ccordin g to d U .N. repo rt. The r e port , "The S tate o f the W o rld's C hildren 1981-82," was rele a sed h e r e by the Unite d Nations Childre n 's Fund on the e ve of U NIC EF's 35th annive r s ary "While $100 pe r child in aggre gate adds up to rathe r large s ums, it is w o rth reme mbering that the s um is the e quivale nt of o nly s ix w eeks o f what the w o rld s p e nds on arms today," UN I C EF D ir ector James P G r a nt told a ne ws c onference. Wisely s pent o n nutrition, health, educ ation, sanitation and wate r , the funds "could have h e lpe d s lo w down po pula tio n growth a nd a c c e lerate e con o mic g ro wth in the w o rld o f t o m o rrow." Grant s aid. ·'In prac tice. it p ro ve d too high a price for the world t o p ay. And so, e v e ry two seconds o r 1981, a c hild paid that price with its life," the report s aid. And 17 millio n of the 125 million c hildre n who will be born in 1982 a lso will die befo re their fifth birthday . "This h as bee n , the re fore, a n o ther year of 'sile nt e m e r g ency·: o f 40.000 children quietly d y ing e ach day ; o f 100 millio n c hildren quietly a o ing to s lee p hungry a t n ight; ol' 10 m illio n c hildren quie tly beco ming dis able d in mind o r body. or 200 m i llio n 6-11 year olds quietly w a tching othe r c hildre n go to school: o f on e-fifth o f the w o rld's p eople quietly s trugg ling for life itself." the r e port s aid. Forty percent o f the people in the Third W o rld, or d evelo ping countries, are under age 15. T ragic ally, Grant s aid, this trend seem s likely t o c o ntinue . "In m a n y poor nations. the eco nomic tre nds indicate t hat pro gress agains t poverty is n o t only s lo w in g d o wn. b ut is being thro wn into r ever se." The result will be that the numbers o f the w orld's absolute poor a r e like ly to n se fro m jus t ttftder 800 m1llien teday le ene hillien-by th e end of the century . H a lf o f those will be young c hildre n and m o the rs . Grant s tressed th a t the i n ternatio nal community m ust r e alize t hat the old s aw "an ounce of pre v e ntion is w o rth a pound of c ure" is the m ost cost-·e ffective w ay of helping c h ildre n in d evelo ping countries. He cite d immunizatio n , nutritio n a nd health programs, w ith an e mph a s is o n para professionals working a t t h e local level u sin g th e appropriate technology. as t h e best w ay. Duri n g the past year , w ith a budge t o f S300 m illio n . the C h ildre n 's Fund helpe d train m 'o re than 750.000 community d evelopme nt w o rke rs : e quipped 43,000 he alt h centers, 88,000 schools and 20,000 community centers: ins talle d 100.000 new w a t e r s upply syst e m s and 250,000 s anitary latri n es; expande d nutrition programs in 135.000 villages. a nd provid e d m edic ines and vaccines t o fight commo n c holdhood diseas e s . UNIC EF has programs in 100 countries 'Revenooer' • • remimsces BEC KLEY, W . Va. (AP> -C la ude England i s a veteran o f the m oon s hine wars, a "r e v e n ooer " from the days whe n folks relis hed a s ip or white lightnin' from the still out back. For 22 y ears. Eng land hunted moons hine rs for t h e gove rnme nt as an age nt of the Bure au of Alco h o l , Tobacco a nd Firearms in s outhern W est Virginia. He is now s heriff of Raleigh C ounty . Moons hining was a s n a tural as the changing o f the s easons to the d escendants· of the frontie r s m e n who settle d Appalac hia, s aid Engla nd. A s till capable of making 250 gallons of whis key once was found in a c hic k e n coop on the farm o r the governor's fa ther. h e s aid. "It was a God-give n right to them. They felt they h ad as much right to pursue their o ccupation as we did o uts." he s aid. "They thought it was a vocation, an h onorable thing." People also felt It was a right to avoid paying taxes on the ir liquor, which is where England a nd his colJeagues c ame in. On a raid on a single M cDowell County hollow. England and his agents found 15 s tllls a nd arrested 14 people in one day . "A year later we went back a nd got about the same number or people,:· h e said. And the people who kept illegal stills cooking out In the w,pc>ds thought that being c h ased by government agent.a was just as n•turaJ as makln1 moonshine, h e said. "We used to c h ase them up and down the hills . It was a lot o f fun. t never felt better in my life," !nlland said. '"Course, we didn't cat.ch too many that way." Cbuln1 m oonsblnera wu an ~that had to be tau1ht to many ATF aaenta, many or whom •e,.. from cities In other 1C.tea and often tot loet In the West Virlinl• woods. "Tbole mountaln people would make toots or them," Enlland aaid. "Ont time we bad two a1ent1 from Mlchltan co111e bultln• out of Ute wQOda wllh t.helr suns draQ oa what t.My thouPt wu a atUI and l\ bamed out the fellow wu maldn1 molaaes," Jal'!lff Morto". 121 tltll StrHI. Hunllt1Qlon 8H ch, Calltornl• ttMI ferl Gerrell, Jll 1'1h Sl•Ht. Hunll11910fl llHch, C•llfOflll• t )MI ll"Cle C~enl, n1 11111 S1r .. t, H11ntlnloton BM<h. Calllon•I• ,,._.. Thll _l,,H J 11 <OflCIU(teO lly el\ unlMO•llOf'•ttO •HOC 14111on ot.,., lh•n • p•rlner,,.lp l'""" Cer>een• This •lal-1 WAS Hied wilt\ lllt County Clerk ol Ortl\Q4! County on M••<ll J . Ut7 l"IMtt> P11bll111ee! Oranot Co.SI Dally Pllol M., 4, II. 1e, 2'. 1"1 ,.., NMltM fllCTITIOYS a USINEU NAME STAT•MENT Th• followlno ~rsoM ••• Go•no buslneu H FAR WEST DATA SYSTEMS, A DIVISION OF DATA I.AW CO . 111'1 Fiith, trvlr>t. CA '2114 D AT A LAW CO. (t0WA DOMESTIC), IJOI S Allon Wey. Sullt A, Enole-.Color•do l011l 0AT41..AW CO WIHl•m J EeQer1. P1-esldHll Thi~ •lat-I ... , filed with Ille Counly Cler._ ot Or•n~ County on Ftl>. S, 1"2 l"llUJt Put>llshed Ora1199 Co.,.t O•lly Pllo1, Feb. 11, II, H , "'-•<to 4, 1911 61t.tl l"ICTtTIOUS aUSINEH NAME STATEMENT The to1towln9 Pt,.on h dolno b111lMnts ,.,.,,,. Publl'1Wcl Or-Goos! O•llY Pllol, Fall 2S, Merell 4, ti, 11, 1"2 14+11 l'ICTITIOUS austN•H NAMa ITATEMENT T~ ........ 1119 pertOft Is ftolno tN•I· ... " .. B ' l(AYE UPHOLSTERY. 11.0 Monrovia, Ca.le Mew, CA t2U7 w hll•m H. Grtmll<k. )Sl1 ic:1111enc1, LOew-,CA'IOJll. Thi• ""'""" Is <Oflelu<ted bY en lnOlvkl ... t. Wllll•m H Gr•mll<k Tiiis lit•temont wM tlled wltll m. Co..n1y Cler~ Of Or•noe Counly on F•b t , 1"2. 1'1n171 Publlslltcl Or•ft9P c ... ,, Delly Pllol, F•b. ti, 19, JS. -rch 4.~"1 ~, .. , lllCTITIOUS aUSIHISS NAME STATIMllNT Th• tollowlt1(1 ~·•on I• Going bullntUts ADVANCED CLEANAOOM MAINTENANCE. 1)912 He wu Avenue. Tl.el In, Celftornl• •nos Jene! Rtntt Ford, 1>912 Ht-• A ... n .. , TllS!ln, C.ilfot11le '270S Tiiis t>onlneu Is conGu<tf'O 1>y ..,, lncllvlCluel J-1 R.Ford Tlllt sl•t.,,_I was filed with Ille Cou"l'f Cieri. ot 0r•"9' Coun\v on INut..., Miner. '7'21 •n n Pretleltnl Carl • JollnM)fl, to5 ~.,,. M-• JOlltl " lt••CI, )4 Loc111IW004' 1'_,J llorrtHI Tiii• st•.......,t .... tll.O wllh U.. 8oul•vefG. San Marino, Celltornl• 8oulu""1. Elmont. N.-Yoo I IOOl COIHlh Clerk of Ora119t Cou"l't' on tHot Rty McCa•lln, S410 A.,...lcla Ott F•l>rllery J, ,_, Sv•ncl H Nleltlfl. t 1' llatt .. ,DOe Pru lelel\le, •JS Sen Clame ftle. fllU41S Boul•••rO, Bal-, C.lltorl\I• tJ .. 1 Celltor111atit7J TlllS ,g.._I WM 111.0 Wltll lflO C9.inty Clerk of 0.•"'9 c-ty Oii ,_ry "· 1"2 "'"* Pulllbl'90 Or-c .. 11 Delly flltol, PullllMwd Or•nQe Coan D•ll y Piiot, Par T Ron, ''11 P•MPP• 11111, Thi• 11uilneo " conGutl•O by • Feb ti. U, Mer.4, 11. lttl J/WJ ~1ver11c1e. c..tltorlll• '2.SO.. oener•I P¥tner~lp Fell II. U, Mot 4, 11, I'll 717 .. 1 STATEMENT 01" .\llAMOONMENT 01" UH 01" l"ICTITIOUS aUSINHS NAMR Tiie tollowlno pe..-. h•• •t».-neO the use of lhet1CIHlo1Abu'"'"•nemt· Tlll''S l"LOWERS :io.n South Co•U Hloll w•Y. Soutll L•guna, C•lltom" '2tS1 The F'l<llllou> 8u1lneu N•m• ref•rreO to was tlleO In Or•l\90 County on F t i> 13, lt7t Tlmotlly S<aU Rlther-. 3otO? Soutto Call! H19nwey lt41 L•guM Bu<h, C•llfoml• fl.SI Tnls bu>lne•S w•• conducteo bv •n lndMO ... I Tlmotfly S<ott Rlcll•rd\On Tllll '191-1 w•• tiled wllh Ille County Clerk of Or•noe County on Fet>ruary 1', 1"7 1"1- Publlstwd Or•"9t c ... ., O•lly Piiot, re11 11. u . Merell 4, tt 1"1 n>.fl STATliMliNTOI" AaANOONMINT JernH s UI, SUI La C-ecla A•'t' Mc(.fflln 8ouln.,d. La C•n•ot. C•lltornl• This R•IH•wll wM fifed with 111t '1011 County Cler-ot Or•noe County on Thi\ buslnMs I\ <onGucl•G by • Februery 10, ,.., oaner•I per1nen lllp CI( All.,, Jr Tllll •lal-1 ., .. 111.0 wllll ,,_ Counl 't' Clerk ot O••n00t Covt1ty on Feb~Ulty U, 1"2. '1U1M Pullllsr.<1 Or-C-t Dally Piiot. Fell 2!. Metth 4, ti, II, 1'1112 ._.., PUlllC *l~E NOflCI OF lALE TO HIGMIST llDDl:lt Nollu I\ ,...eby given lhet 1110• will a.. reoi .. o for wl• lo Ille tolQhelf blddtr <•) of v.,lous v•hitlU •nO tQulpm-.. , .. , 10 IN> netG\ ot Ille Hunllt19ton 8Ndl Uftlon HIOfl 5<1-1 Dhiri<\, 810 form #4':1 wllll 11*'.lflUllons •nel lnC11ut1no u e<I 1ou11on of llems m,. lie -•lned trom Ille Olstrlcl Purclle slng OeP•rtment , IOH• Yorklown A-. Hunllnoton 8eadl, CA '2Mt Any Item may lie ln•P9<1ecl 11 Ille site w~r• It " 1ocef1C1 durl~ ,.guler t<hool flou•• prior lo M•r<ll u. l<Jt2 flltmt NO Tl CR Ofl TAUIT••'S SALE JEl'l"llRY M Vlfll)(,.., eso. LOAJI NO. CJI• GURltlN1·80lTA VI ADON T.S. N0.1Mtl .. 1*0....11.ltolte-A AMERICAN STAl'E BANK •• OVly N.....,, ... < ... C• • .,... eppolnteel TrustM ""°"' Ille fGll_l .. g Publlltwd Or-c ..... Delly Pllol, tWICtll>ect -of ''"" WILL SELL Fet> te.U,M.atth<,11.1"1 llM 7 "T PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE -------------·!HIGHEST BIOOEA FOii C"SH IP•'t'•ble •I time ot ,.,, in 1ewtu1 tl'IOMy al llw United Stal") all rlOlll. flfl• •no lnterm <onv•.,.O to -now HOTICR 01" TllUlTEE'S SALE lltld b'( II..,..,., w lo 0..0 ot Trull In T.S N• 1-1.. 1111 pr-rty Mn lnefltr 411\<"l>ect r 0 SERI/ICE COMPANY ••duly TRUSTOR AOBl:AT EOW"AD •ppc>lntt<I Tru\lff under tne IOllOWlllQ B"e"E":i:•/:~~r;;..; AM ERICA N Gt ltrlbed OofoO of tru\I Will SELL STA TE 8 AN K, • Co lllornoe AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE <orporlf ..... HIGHEST 8100EA l'OA CASH Recorclecl FebNMy 11 •... , .. ori•lr IP•Y•bl• ., llmt ol .... 1n •awful No 11711 Ill -IJtSO, -1017 OI money al Ille United St•IH I •II rlQfll. Oftlclel Re<.,..ds In Ille Office ot lllt tlfl• ""° lntrrul <O<IVtV&O lo •nO now A•coroer of Oran00t County \llO Geed hold by II Ulleler wld OffCI ot Tru\I In ol lru" a .. crllln Ille totlowlnQ fllt proper1y l>t•tlnanor Gtt<rlllt<I pr-r1y LOI • al T••<I No 1701 In f AUSTOR RA NDOLPH R tlleClly04 N-Pot18et<h c.-t'l of RUSSELL.• m•rrtecl men Ore~ St•lt of C•lltornl•, •• per BENEFICIARY RONALD G LEE. map recorotO In -S1, P69tl. •llO •~Ingle men 10 misc.II~ maps, 1n '"" ottl<t 01 Rtcorclecl Moy 1, 1991 H ln\lr No. Ille county rkorelff of WICI counl't' '70 in -14041 -.Ol of OHl<i•I t"3 S.r-Ttrrece, Co<Oft<I 0.1 Fe1>r11at'y ll, 1"2 l"IU7J4 OI" Publl•hecl Orenoo 1:0 .. t Delly Pllol, USE 01" l"tCTITIOUS auSINEU RocorG• In tn. office of Ille Aecoroer -··CA 01 Or~noe ,....,, •. lalO OHO of l•u•I "(If • ttreet adel•tU 0, common Ott<rll»\tho tollowlr>QP<OPt•lv c:tUIQl\atlon " •hown a l>ove no Feb H, Mtrcto 4, ''· 11, f917 8.47-1? NAME Th• totlowlno otr \ont Pt •v• 10.nOOned 11\e 11se ot tn. flclltlou• bu•lneu name •• BUENA PAAI( COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. S741 8e1Kll -------------·I &lvO .• 8-P1r1t, C•llfoml• .o.21 SU BMARINE e NGI NEEAING ASSOCIATES, 50' 3111 Slrffl, Newpor1 BHCh, Celltornt• '2'63. Loren10 C Miiier, 2~S Illa N'-t1 ... A•venn1, Ntw-1 IW•<h, Ctllforlll• l"ICTITIOUS aUSINlill T lie 11<11110111 t>ustneu n•m• reterred to .....,. wH Weo In co..ncy Ofl J•n...,y 14, 1911 BIO• •llell t>4 tlt•rty m•rkeG "Ob>Oltle Eoulpmont· BIO ., 4tJ, .. •dOftHtd lo Allyn E Rowlt y. Purch•1o1n9 Men•o•r. Hunttnoton Bta<ll Union HIQfl S<l\oot 01\lrltl, tOHI Yor~IOW11 A .. n .... Hun111191on BHch, CA -· ena rtCtl"9CI •t or twforf' 1 00 pm FrlCl•'t'. M•rUI 11, 19'7 •• WlllCll ...... -ple<e IMO• wlll aw publlcly'llpined encl •eeo All U l*lift of a~ enci remove I .,.. Ille ,_,tlblllly of !No succentul Lot ) of lr41<t ....,., in Ill• Cllv Of w•rra nt y 11 g lvon •• to 11• NewPOr1 BNcll, ,,.. County ot O•enQot, <omPltllM1<• or corrtctlltHI ·· f l>t St•lt ol (•llforn1•. •t Ptr m •p beMffCl•rv unorr w td Deed of ''''"· I KO•cled •n 800I< llO, Peoe• ,. 10 1• l)y ... ""' 04 • breech or "''""" In .... 1nclu•lvt of Mlw:•ll•neous M•PS, In obllQellon• secured tller et>y Ille oltlct ot I~ County RKorCMr Of heretotore eoc:lllecl encl oa1111ertd 10 U IO County the u-WQNd 1 wrlllitn Oecl•r•llon 1•!1 B•u wood Slrttt Newoorl of Otlautl ..,.., Oemtnel tor Sele, anel '7~ NAMliSTATEMINT Tiits l>ll•ll•ess IS conClllCled bY en T II• toHowlno PfftOM ert do I no AM EA IC4 N M EDIC A L INTERNATION4L. INC . 414 N. C•mden Otlvt, Beverly Hiii•, Calllornl1 '0110 111-rlll S.lft t•~ woll I» •-lo all QUOt•tlons ..,lf'U valld rtt•ll Y l"1 I•• permit numi..r ll sut>mlltacl with l>iOlorm Buell CA written not•<• of.breech ellO of el.Ct..., "Ill • sir••• aOdrtu ot common to ou~ lllt undtrslQMO to sell ..io deslon•llon is •llown abo•o, no property to setlsfy w1e1 oC>llOttlon•. wa, r . nl y I\ Ol ••n •• '0 It' -, ... ,.., ... tllt -·'°""" CIUWCI comp1e1111tu or corr..:1neu1 ··,TM wlo no11c. of ClrteCcll 111e1o1eJ«Uon1o _ llenetlCl•rv unoer '°'-0..G of Tnn1, .,. A.cord9CI ~ JO. , .... e• lnolvldual buslneu H . U>,...,zoC , Miiier. Owner JEANN INE HA WKES LEGAL Tiii• s1"f......,1 wu tlleo wllll IM SE!tlltCES, 23UI 111" C_,nlr, P 0 co..11ty Clerk or Ot•n9f Cout1IY on Bo•••. Tr-C.W.yon, CA '2•71. FM>r...,-, ai. It&) JEANNINE HAWl(ES. t l44t Ille Tiii• l!Uslneu ••i <OllOu<ted by • CO<-etlon P•'f-In fut I shell be m-wllllln _,, Oav• af Ille _ _."9 of Ille \lft, by ,. • ...,. 04 t 1>,.Jtt. or Otl•ull In tlw lnllr No JAMe. l'lll'nJ CoClornlt, P.0 Boa ... T r•buto PUl>llSIWCI Or-C...sl Dally Piiot, Canyon, CA '2611. Fell. n . Ml•UI 4, 11. 11, ,.., ltl-1?. This -Inns I\ toneluct~ by •n Amer I< en Medlce1 I 1nttrN1t1on11, '"' '""•T-• ~. eon.i-. Jr .. EU< \/kt Pr .. ldenl ano Ille metHlel sll•ll lie removed trom OISlrlC1 prGQerW •• ti. lime of f\lllN't'INM. obtlg•llon• uc11rf'G lnerellv. Seki wit wlll a.. m-. but wllllOlll ,..retolore H tellleo encl c1e11 .. ..-ee1 10 coven•tlt or werran1y, upro1 ~r Ille uncltnlONCI • wr11ten Ot<lerellon lmpllecl •-Ging tlllt . POSWHoon,,,, ot Otl•ull -Demand for S.I•, •nd en<Yml>rolfttH . to pey Ille rM1el11lt19 wrlll•n notice of llr•e<ll •llO of e1..:11on prlMlp11 "'"' ol Ille note Isl \tKl>reG to u111e ,,_ unelen'Of'lecl 10 Mii Hkl by YIG Deed of Trull, wltll lnl•resl •• P•C>Perty to Wll\IY selCI OOllgellon•. In uid note provldlld, eavencu , 11 •ny, allCI tllero.t!H '"" UNMr\lgned ceuWd uncttr Ille le<"'I of wkl OM<I of Tr"''· wlCI notice of breech •llO ot •t..:llon to tees. che•oe• •nel opens.• of Ille tit R•torclecl Nov•m""' l, 1911 •• Tru\IM eno of lllt ''"''' ,,..,tel Dy Instr No. ISS1 In llOO._ ""' -llS selG OMCI Of Tr"'t Seto stle wlll be ot ~lldd 0tt.,.,.1<• .. •,',R1 e<Dtor~~-k··t w11~· htlCI on Frkle'(, -''"" 16. 1'112 el J:OO -------------·! lnellvl-1. This m•ment wM flle.i w1U1 Ille Coutlly .Cler-ot 0••1191' County Ofl Ftllruery ••. 1911. Tiie Bo.,d reurve\ 11\e tlO'lt to rtjKI .,..,. -.it l>ICI\ or '" welve eny lntorm•lll't' or 1rreou1erl1y In tM lllcl01"9 All m.lerl•I• ••• sotel In .,. "•• I•" toftdlllon. Tht Ol•lrlct mekH no gueunlae. wrlnen or 1mp11ee1. es to IM conct!Hon GI .,.y lttm Items m•y I» w11-.-trom wle It ,_.Ired l)(ior lo l>kl 11«.~ttlCt, JNnnlMH_._~ Tiiis slat...-1 wes tlled wtlll Ille ------------.--1 Counh Clerk ot Or•noe Covnl• on P111116 fllCTITIOUS 8USINEH MAMIE STATEMENT The lollowlng peflon I• Got no .,.,,,,,. .... WIX , Doi 0 001..Sl . Cost• Mew, CA '2'17. C LAR ICE IC HAI SI J HARDWICK, a:M·O ()Qle SI . Costa MeY,CA'7•17 This ~ IS Conelll(ft<I l)y •n lllOlvlG ... 1 Cl•I<• J. Hardwl<k Thlt stellt,,_I wM tl141C1 with IM County Cltr._ of O•e"9' Co..nly °" F•ll t , 1'112 l"llU77J Pullllttwd Or•l'llt Coest Dally Pllol, Fell 11, II, U . "'-r<ll 4, 1'112 •JCM7 Feb I, 1492. fllUHe Pullllll'WCI ()re119P C.,.ll DAiiy Pllo4, Publl"*' Orenve c ... s1 Delly Piiot, Fell II. u. ""-' •. 11, •"2 1,...., Feb II 11. 25. MarCll 4, 1'92 *'42 ~ l"tCTIT10US 8USINRSS .. AMI STATEMENT The tollowltlQ person• are Golno ............ ,. l'ICTITtOUS aUStMISS MAM€STATUAENT The lollowlr>Q .,..._ .,. OOlno buMntH•I: ""'" E. Rowley Purch1t1lno ,,,.._r 0ATEO~rtJ4, 1"2 Pul>ll\lleel Or-C.,.11 Oell't' Piiot, Fff JS, Merci\ 4. 1"2 Ml·ll EXECUTIVE MOBILE WASH, ltil Bird\ Sl-1. SuUe OS. N-port BMCll, C.'llMniA '2MO. Stewn Abdnor, •ts Htlft'I, Orenge, C•tllornle t26M BAK ERSFIELD tNVEHOAS . u m u ~. Sull• m , Laou111 Hltll. CA!ltonll•""'3 J R EVANSCOMPANIE'.;, INC .. l"rH•~Y5-r1trC-'1 • Ct lltornle corporetlon, JJlll Le 11'.0. ••• , ... CtCltn•, Suite 303, L•ouna Hiits, :~~;.~:7,.t~ WtLLtl CLA ltK Q tltornl• '2•SJ R-r1 ~n. a73 llelley View, O~L SEAi/iCE COMPANY, • lllUMaU1G, INC.. -,,_ ~ '"""' p.m. •l lllt Chellmln Av..,... et1I•-• <avenAl\I or w•rr•111Y. tapress or 10 tfw Civic Ctnte< Bullcl•no. lOO E•JI 1mplled . .-..;i.r0lngllll<' POSMUlon,or Cto•pman Avenue. In 11\e clfy of eM.umbran<.f'S. to CNY UM rem•lnr,,. Or•n~. C.\ oron<•P<ll •um of tllt nottlU W<11reo At lht 11 .... ot 1,_ lnlllel -lulfon by Y IG Ott<! ot Tru5t, will\ lnttrt•I ., Of '"'' nollt•. Ille 1of•I •mount of , ... ~~~Cl,;:•~:,:~:,G=•~; ·~::; unpalG l>el•no of' 111e obll9•llo11 ,...,,, ,.,.~, •llCI o pens .. 0, 1_ M<u•ed Dy 11\e •bo .. OHtrlllt<I oeecl ot tru\IH ano of tht tru\h cre•tf'O bY ~~~' !:'v!~~';~~ ~':':a:•::'';~ ~IG OHO ot T '"'' S.IG WI• wltl be nelo on FroGav, ""''"' "· ,.., •l J'OO Clttermlne tllt open1no t>IG, you mo cell (1 UI '137 Ot66 • pm •I tnf',c111pme11 Avenue OAT EOFellrueryJ4 1..., en1reno lo tile Civic Cenltr B111101no. AMERICAN ST•OT E BANK lrvlne. c..tlforno•t211) Celltorl\la corpor•llon, llOO Brl,tot Dll"RNOANT: HAL aOETTCHEll ----~~~~~~~~~===~~~E~t~~;;~;~=n~·;"~l~l~V!et~~~~\l~~~w~.i'~~,-~~=~~~·~=:=~~~~-RUTH~TT~I~~·~·~ -· ...•.•. ,, Tiii• "'"Ines• ls tondu<t•G l)y •• " d d I b I • I " A .. 0 v E It This bus1,...,, Is conc:tutltO by 1 QeMr•l l)er1nenl\lp OEVELOll'MENT, 1"0 DOES I :ioo EHi Cf\aPfNn 4venue •n the CllY et ..io Trustee. ofO••l'llt Al Int' llmt' of IM lnlllel PUbllullon B't' T 0 SERI/ICE COMPANY 01 1111\ notice, ltw 101•1 tmount of ,,.. ~~~I• A R'"°"n ~ICTIJIOUS aUSINEH NAME STATEMENT The tolloW'lng pel',on II Going tN•illeSS OS COBBLERS SHOE SHOP, llU Ntwpor t Boult"v•rO, Cotta M•\•, C•lltornle "817. Alpllonw Y•ne1, 1433 GorClon Piece. Senta AM , C•lllOm•• n 11n ThlS bu$1nen I~ collelucted by en lnGlvlduel Al-Yflf"I This ••••-• wl\ tl•eo wllll IM Counh Cltrl< of Or•n9f C011nt'( on Febru••v I•. 1"'1 '1QliJ Published Or•noe ,.,.,, Dally Piiot, Feb 11. 1s. Maren 4, 11, 1'112 ,_, l"tCTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATRMENT T lie tollowlno P•tson Is ooino l>Ut lnen ••· l<:ENNEOY CONSTR., 11010 Sen "'-1.0 SI • 8 , Fowlleln \/alto. CA t270I Oo..ol•• S1'"~ l(..,...Cl'r, 11070 Sen Mateo SI. "B, """"'•"' Valley, CA '2108. Tlllt buslneu Is condu<fecl by en lndlvkluel Ooug1es s K_.., Th is slettmtnl ""' fllecl w1111 Ille County Cit•-of Ot1noe Counl't' on Fell. 10. 1"2. lllnlte Put>ll'1Wcl Orano-C.,.st Dally Piiot, oeneret111rtrwnlllp. OSLSEAlllCE COMPANY Ill""'" xx. llOC .... IW. Steve A-.or Tl'On'IM p LYft<ll, SUMMONS This '""""""' was flled with INo lll(e Pr .. loonl C:AM! NUMaEA 161111.J County Cl•rt. of OranQot County on This stlltme!ll WM flleo .,1111 the NOTICE! y.., Mn -"°"· TIM l'•bruery Zl, 1"2. Counh Cler._ of Ore119e Counly on ••r1 may *<'• -ilo•t .,., wl.....,. 'Ul7U February I•. 1"2 .-...... •-...,, .. , ..,. ,...,.... P11blls!Wd Or-Coelf 0.lt't' Piiot, llOY A. LISiOWITZ wllllhl • ,,_.,._ II-IM lltMrm .. ""' Ftll U,Mo<<ll • 11 11 ,.., .,..._., A..,_yMU.. Ml ... l"ICTITIOUS 8USINl!SS' NA.Mt STATIMENT l he totlowlno pe••on Is dolno bU•lntU as PHOENICIAN FAIRE, 1103 W. B•IDOe Blvd., No ,, Newpor1 Be1c11. Ct llfornla '21163 1(111111 G Feret\, 1103 w 8•ll>ol BlvG .. NO '· Nt wporl Be•t h. catltor11l1 mill fhl1 bullrl rss Is cOflelu<ltd 1>y an lllCllvlel"°I IC.,,..~ G Fereh Tiiis IQler -· ••• Oled wlfll Ille Co..n1y Cler of Oranot Countv on Februery 1', "'1 ,., .... Pul>ll$11ee! O·-Co.SI O•llv Pilot, Fff 1e. U. Mtr.4, 11, 1911 11M 1 FICTITIOUS •us1N1Ess NAM• STATEMENT The tollowlt'IO s>eflons .,. Going buslntu 11· MARl(ET VISIONS, L TO •• ~S Vl>te Bonlle, Ne-1 llffcll, CA '2'60. ,.. •n-~. It you wl5'1 10 --tM .Ovlo ot en Wtw 7•, 1norn•'f '" thi• rn.tntt, """ iihOuld do c..u Mew, C.l.....W. .,,,. •o prom1>fl y so the I your w rltl•n re.-w, It env, m.y bt tiled Oft 11,.,. AVISOI u.-M ~ .. m-. El lri-•I _. d«l .. r cM1r1 Ud. ti~ allClleMla 1 ,_ -Ud, re_.s. *"tre de • diff. Lu I• 1-...e<i... _ ...... ,,,.,, .. Publl•hecl Or-CoeSI Delly Piiot. Fell tt, 1S. />NJr 4, 11, 1'92 ltl.el Ns-tH1• FICTITIOUS IUStNESS NAME STATliMINT Th• fo11ow1no ~rso111 ert oolno bU•ir>tH el INNOCOM P UBLISHI NG COMPANY, lt141 Ste rr• Merl•, Irvine. CA '211S. STANLEY E. SIEGEL, M.O , A Mtdl<el Corpor•flon. • Celltorn1e ProftUIOt\Af cor-ellon. 1000 w La llel•,Or-.CA~ML SHE RAY HALPERIN. 1000 W La Vele, Or ...... CA '2'61 Tiiis butlnen I• conGucted bv • gtntr•l Pt'1nt"hlp Slwf'ry Halperln SltllltY E Sltoel, M 0 Medical CotPOt•tlon Slenlt't' E Slt0tl, P,...ldetll SI Uslecl ~ Salk11"r •I ton"jo dt 11n •l>OOoldo .............. o. dtberl• hect•lo 1mmedlel1mente. Gt u t• men.re. w ·-•~ eurlte. M 11ay •lgur11, _.,.Mr reQ!slr-• tlempo. I TO THE OEF'ENOANT. A clvll comple lnl h11 been ftltG ll'f Ill• pllll\tltt -•..SI you It you wllll tc cleftlld tlll• 11wwll. vou mu•I, within • dly• •lier 1111• wmmon> Is \t,.....G on you, Ille wllh tlM• cour1 • .,..,111.., rn pdn>e lo Ille comp11lnl Un..,.J .,.,.. do '°· '(Ollr clef41Ull will lie entef"N on -tl< .. lon 01 IN> pl•lnl•ff-, -1111• '°"" m•v en1tr • 1~1 ee•ln11 you for Hit relltl cie.......-In tllt compl•1n1, wlllcll covtG ru ull In gernl,llmtnl of weoes. ••-•no of mo"•Y or pro.-f'ly or other refit! requHte<l In IM compl•lnt OATEOAprll IJ, 1 .. 1 Benjomln L Aa11111 o.puty uno••O b4tl•nce of tf\• obh9•t 1on •~''''-"' Se<r•tery 'IK"'"° l>y Ille •bo,..dtt<,,_ deecl 01 o~ City Boultvuo w .. 1. tru•f •nel Ul•,,....lfd t~h. UPM'<'• Or-. CA '1W a~CI aClv•ncu Is S~l ,SI0.11 To 11411lS-1791 c:teterml11t ttw openlrlo b'<I. you m•r Pllbll\lled Or1n91 eo.si Delly Pllol, ull 11"1 '31~ Mercll4, 11. 1e. 1"2 ..,.., Dele ,,_....,y II, 1917 T D S.r•l<e Compeny aH•IG Tru\lft 8• LOfl'lt Wom•n Auhltn1 S.cre11rv 0.... City Blvd • We.I Or-CA 92~ 114 US-1299 Publl•lltel °'""OO C0<0\I O•lly Piiot. Ftl> 1S ..... rch 4, 11. 1'191 &S:H1 NOTICE OF DEATH OF MARIE J . HIGGINSON ANO OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A112314. T o a ll h ei r s , b e n e f iciaries, c reditors a nd contingent creditors of NOT1CEOl"T11un11·ssALe Marie J . H iggin s on and NOTICEl~·~::E,B~GIVEN.lh•I person s who may be on Weclntso.Y. Ma•cll 10, '"'· •• '00 o the rwis e inte rested In the o'ctoc" •·"'· ot w1e1 o .. .,.. '" 111e ,_,, will and/or estate: n t 1110. '°" conduclfno fru•tH '' A petition has been filed S•IU , within Ille ofll<•l Of REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. by Samuel R. H igginson in toc•ted•t l020N0t111 Broeciw•y, s .. 11, t h e Superior Court of *.1n,,.ettv"ofS1nt•Ane.C011ntyof Orange County eq st ' Oranet. Sl•te ot Calltoml• REAL r ue mg ESTATE SECUIUTIES SERI/ICE, • that Samuel R. Higginson CelllGrnla corpot1tlon, u duly be appointed a s personal ·-•ntecl Trvstte -•nel 1>11rwM1t r e p r e s e n t a t i v e t o ~~::':1.:-=ciof oi~r~::'~~'!"11::C.t":~ adminis ter the e s tate o f ROMA MEL TON. 111 11nmerr1eo M arie J. Higginson (under women di» TH E CALIFORNIA LANO t h e I n de p e n d e n t COMPANY, • sol• prop•1•10''"1P Admin istration of E s tates rttorOecl Jenuery IS. 1 .. 1, In 8oolo F•b. 11. ti. 1S, "'-rtJI 4, 1'112 U s.t2 M•lcolm O..n-y McRHI, •H -------------•! Vht• Bonlle, Ntwporl 8Ht h. CA Tlt lt llaltmenl we\ 111..S ••th llle County Cler' OI O••noe County on Feb S 1"2 l"tlt* Publl•lleel Or•noe Coa11 Oelly Piiot, JOHN H. MITCHELL. 11'.0 . aox 05', lllw lf•, CA '"11. (2"1 7»-..... Publl....., Or-C0<0st Delly Pllol, 3'14 01 Om <••• Aecorcn of u lo A c t). The petition is set for .ounty, II P•9• 1703, A•t orGer'• heal'ing In Dept. No . 3 at l"tCTITIOUS aUSINHS NAME STATIMI NT T iit tollowlno person 11 dolnQ llu•lnu• ei SAL·A·OAN APARTMENTS, 1 .. S Pornon1 4.. SU Ca.ta Mete. CA .,.,, S.lvllore O...n.t, 1 .. ) """-•A.,., 03, Cot'le Mew, CA t7427. Tiiis M lntU Is <OflCIU<teel bv •n lnellvlCl"°I S.•v•tor• Oenn.t '2..0. Feb. H, Merci\ c, 11, II, 1'111 t'1'2·11 Shtryl Lynn Sc:MllheM, ..:JS lll•lt l onlte, .......,.,... BMCll, CA""° 1'•11. 11, II, u. Morch'·,,., •11-ft ------------- ~~~;~':":! ':,~~·1:Y .. ~~=n~f.~ 700 Civic Center D rive, perlorm•nce of '"• 01>11oe11ons W est. in the City of Santa >e<u•ed 111erell't'. lncJ\ld1nv 111a1 llrHch Ana. California on March or Cltfl ull, Nollet of wltlcll we\ 24 1982 t 9 JO Tiii• llUslneu Is conOu<leO by e ,,·--------------llmlltel pef1Mf'l/llp. ~otmo. McAMI Thll 11"t-was tlleel wllll Ille 1•'-------------Co;i11ty Cler._ of O••noe County on F•ll •. 1"2 l"IU771 PubllJ!ltd Orlf\Oe Coatl Dally Piiot, Fell II, 1e. U. Merell 4, 1'92 •M .. 7 l"ICTITIOUS aUllNEU NAMa ITATltMl!NT Tiii lollowlt>Q ""'°"' ere dol110 llvslnenet. FAA WEST THRI FT & LOAN, U012 Cttle Ot 141 Pt•te. LIO""" Hiii .. C•llfornte taS> NM11Q recorcled JuAy 7, 1'191, In Soot< 141K Of I a : a .m . MUNICIPAL COUltT 011 THI Offlclal Aoc:orCI\ of w lO C011ntv, 11 F YOU OBJECT to the CRNTltAL O•ANO• JUDICIAL PoOt IJ2:S, R«orOtr'• , .... t\lftMf>I No granting of the petition, DIST. 40••. WILL SELL AT P UBLIC you s hould either appear COYNTYD,OltANGI AUCTION fO TH E HIGHEST t th he · d t STATEOl"CALl l"OANIA BIOOER FOR CASH, lawful money ot a e aring an Sta e i•c1v1c c;.,... onw w.-,,.. un11te1 Slates. or • ullller's <lleO your objection s or f i I e s-AM, CA.,,., orewn on • •I••• or .,.,..,...1 --· • w ritte n objections w ith the P L AI N TIFF BA AB A A A I(. •lalt or fecltf'ft <~ii union, or a llaonl• COUrt before the hearing. TM1 stewment ""' 111ec1 .. 1t11 !flt 1-------------F a r We ll Thrill & Loa ft Auocl•tlon, • Calltom1a torpor•llon. 74012 Calle oe •• P••I•. LeQune Hiii•. C•llfomle~ JACKSON or tecler11 wv1ngs ancl loan euo<lall DE FE N 0 A NT c H ARLE s domlcnfd 1n this state, •II P•.,..t>•t a1 Your appearance may be County Clerk OI Oranoe County on Fell.•. 1"2. 11'1'177• Publl"'9CI Otano-c-tt Delly P_l!°.!r. F.o.11,11,u,Men ll4,t"2 ~ lllCTITIOUS aUStMUS NAM• lfAHM•NT Tiie followlt19 t1•rso11 11 Oolng 11U1l11tuas: A UTO INTERI O RS O F ENGi.ANO, lQZI °'01191 0.1 .. , S.n~ "tl0,CA"101. PAUL STEPHEN WATT5. >021 Ort .... Or1vt, s.nte All-, CA tf107 Tllll ~t Is <ondlKIH 11Y .,. I !If Iv 14111et. ll'ewlWetts This -~ WH lllOCI "'Ith Ille '"°"""' Clerk OI or.,... Gollnh .,, ..... s.1-a. ...... PWll"*' OrMlit Coett Dolly Piiot, ..... "· 11,Jt.~114, "" •s.42 fllCTITtOua lutlM•h ........ tl'At•M&lff Tiii rollowlllt ll•r60f'I It Cl•lnt iDVtllltllft. OltANOI COAST MEDICAL SYITIMI. *"A ~I-M'"\ CtltA ...... ~...,. Defltlf It. M!Mtt'. IM-A Wll- IWMI, C..-e MMe, C411""11te wt1, Tlllt ~ ltt~ ~ _, ........... OMMtl • lll'IMw "",.........,.._,...,.,.... .. C-t• C:ltr'lt tf "'--c..., 911 ~ ..... ,I l"tCTITtOUS aUSINUS NAME STATEMENT 1 he rollGwlno per'°n Is ootno 1>u1lneu es CHAllOBEE PHOTOGRAPHY, >'GI Pet11111 .. Lane, Suite .. c. 1tvlt1t, Callfornle''77U oa11rly o . t heroll••· >'01 "•r•vltW Leno, • •·C. Irv In•. C1Hlornl• t711S. This s; Is <Oftdu<ttd 1>y en ll\Cllvk11191. O.CMr- Tlllt • t -tfltel wttll Ille c-•Y '""' Of Ora"IO c-w Oii Ftllr.,.ry SA1 19'1, l l'ID111 'l P11llll ... Ol'Ol!tt CO.st D•llY Piiot, Feb1 1•, tJ, March'· II. lta '91-12 PEACHEY, 11\t time ot Wle 111 rlqlll, llllt enel i n pers on or by your Tiiis l>llllnt\t Is collelutfed and DOES I lflrOUQll X. ln<lu•lve lnltrHI Nold llV II, u Trusl", In 111•1 attor ne y, llY • r••I pr-rty \llu•I• In WIG co..ncy c-',."=~"111 1ne1 St•t•. clettr111e<1 .. too_,. Lot• I F Y 0 U A R E A <°'90< •llon, PAR WEST THRIFT' LOAN ASSOCIATION Jolwl S. Gtlffflll, J r., Prnlcleflt Tiiis Ill-WM llled WIUI Ille '°""'"' c1eri. °' O.-•-c-•Y °" l'•ll•u•l"f ••. 1"2. CU1t•na KAIOAM ....... .,..t ...... .. , ........ c.......0t1 .... ....... NOTICll Y• -......... Tllo ol Trttl No. JOI In Ill• Cll't' ot c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a Newpor1 8t4Kh, Count't of OrM109, t I t dlt f .. _ cwr1 may tltc ........... 't'ff w"lltwt Stale .or C•llfornl1 u P•• mep COn ngen Cre or 0 • t,.., ~~ .. -:-..':':":.:':. ":: .. ': •11<0•6" 111 a-110. P--" u -" dee ea~. you must file Mtxen•-~ in tht on1c. o your c laim w ith t h e court ........ Ille County AtKot'Otr Of selCI CWflty t I t t t h 11 you wfSh to wek 111t otetvlce or .., Tiii nret<1 aeltlo'Hs or otlltf common or p re Sen o e ::0;~:~~t~1•,.m~~:r· ;:::::,: 0ttltt1•t1°" °' "" ,.., _r1.,. ... persona• r epresentative ,._.,,.,111,,.,,,.,..,t1tflledont1n.o ,..,.1nellov9 deKrlbed I• pyl"pof'tecl '' a pp~nted by the c o urt Av1so1 ~ ....... •-•• • 1111• 1141 Bone••• wn. Newpor1 Bffell within four -nonths from u "*'°"',..... t1tc• ~ U.. Celltoml•. th d t of f ' t I al• a•dl•toe•• • m•• .. ••• Ud, T11e -Wonecl ,..reby 01Kte1rn1 e a e 1rs ssuan ce """" ,.......-. .....,.. • • ,..., "" .. ell 1111111111., 1or eny 1r1<:ornctrlft• 111 o f letters as provlcted in ""'4111..., °'"* c .. tt Delly Piiot, 1.--....... ...-. ..1c1 •ttM! ..,.,_n °• ot11tr com,,_. Section 700 of th.: orobate l,,,lllO, ~fl7U•llM '"·1•.u .M¥.4,11,1'a ,..., 51u•*-•""ldt••l<MM.._ ..... •t1e ... 11ot1. Code· of Californla The -------------:,· un ...... tft .,.. -'I. '"'4'I• Sel• wit wlll be m-wltllOll f · -.~ -. ----hAUrlo llltNflele1'1Ute, dt Hie wltttllly, eapr•U Or lmplleel, time Of' filing Clalm S Will /',~ -·~ ~ ... HK m-r•, au..._._ tterlle, ti ll•Y rettrdftll !Ille, POH•nlon, or not 9>Cp lre prior tO four a""lllle Puede-f091Mr ... a tlelftllo, tfl(lltnlltell<tt, to ulfsfy lflO prln(lpel mOnthS from the d ..._ of fll 1noUseUllNIH ITAHMCMTOPAUNOOMM8Mf l'. TO THE OE'EMOANT· A cMl Ml-ClftM,..tfe!Mf ... '9eti... 8 '" ITATIM41Mf 01' UM 01' <01'1Jlellll hH """ llttd by ,... IOCllrM l»I' tald ~ of Trvtl, -*"' tht hearing noticed above. Tiii 1e1 tw1111 ,_._, •r• _.,.. 1'1Cft"90Uttut:t ... a•AMC ,ie11111" ... M ....,. 1t,,.., w1t11 to 1111t,.1t Otlll..., "'"'' .. ~ YOU MAY EXAMINE Ml-• I Tiie t•llewlt1t HrtOtll hon ........, ttllo tewwlt, l'Ool ""'91, wltfllfl ltwrti..r pM ~K, U tfty, "'*' the fllt k~ by the COUrt • THI! c ORNa~ToNI CAFf;, JDOO 1'9N~ !toe -• ..-. 'kttt!Wt ......... r ""• -h _,.,... , ... t•rmt""""' •!Id lnl«ell Oft wctt 1,11101 stt ~. OifW Mlw, C.tlfof'ftl• eusl11tt•"-: Of\.,...,, mo w1111 ltlls <wl1 • writ-ee111t11C,., atld "''" '°"· c!Wil' ... -If you.,.. ntertlted In the '2021. IMPIRIAL O\'NAITY c:o ....... ,._ ...... C ....... M. Ur11nt .... tx~Mt .. "" TNtfM ..,. • -••••••• you may flle • int-~IMM fll*1c.at1111, 1"' .. • .....,f0t1 11eoc11 et., ..._, e..c11, • ... ..-_."" w11111t "',.....,. tnutt ,,..... "' .... o-of Trwt. r&quest with the court to O•••••r1 ,.,.",."°" UU "•lrt c:•. ""4lcetlOll flf ..-. "9tnllff, eMt ttllt fllt ,.... ...,_.,. el '* .., ... ,.... i I I o.-ltli 14l. eo.to ~ Collfof'ftl• Tll• '9ct111ou1 1111111u1 N•m• cevrt rn-. '""'' • ,....,.,.,.t ....,_ .. 111<1llfl111 _...., Htlrnlllff '9u, r ece vt spec •I not ce of ,..,.. tfltf<,..., • .-w -••"' 0tMte you tor .,. rollt<f .._..... "' "" :...,... • .......... of..,. T,,,., ... th• Inventory ot estete f"°!'!'" O. leftN , tlSJ ..... ,.. Cevflty ... ..,, com•l•llll, wlllCll tovl• ttMllt. Ill et !ht .._tlf ltllllol ...... k iMI., of tlltt assets and of the petitions, o."" ._If, c:.-. Gel~.... M•r•-1e1a11e.•a.1 ••,,.,10 ••'""11-"1 0' ""''· 1•"!flt •• .... k o,t.tr1.1W 7s. eccounts tnd reporta tMat, ' . AW,.LAl ........ ,CA... • =:..,_,...,.Of etllOr f9flef OATl!0...,_..11,1• Tiii• -.M.-11 ~" ~. • T11wo111, ,.,.,M we111. no i..ttwtemt111111. • .-BM.HTATE described In Stctlon 1200.S C1r"9"aM 111 ..... I ._..._.._ .. ._. I~ It., IWlcM ,..._ v...-, OAUDt lfflt ... 1'91 • $fCUIUTIUSllt111Cli, Of the C.llfomll ~te 11 -""'-l :--.... ,...., CA _,4. ..._., 1. Kllllti o c~ ,.,.,.,,11.... COdt lllC, _ TllN ..,..._ -c~ ., • CWt: , • ,,....., ' ,.,__o ~. ___..,~. •rLllftMT.,... ll'f:CHA.1.10 . .1 ,....,...,, Peter C. •r•'9•r!.t ""°.......... ~"""....... o.uty I•,,....... 11411 ••• ........., at"'-"·.,. T"'-......... waLI1111.,.. • '"1' .....,.... -..... *"" -u.Me.,...... -· "• · .. ....,., ............. Ce•ter Drive, ~..:. ---~ ~ ... -_, -...__..... -\ _........., .. -~;;:'&'-'· ..,.. ,,..... .....,........ ,....,_ IJIA}fSMIM ..... CA . ... • ,.....,.. Or'ell9t em..,,.......... ~cir.. c.... Oel!Y ....... ....... ..... °' .. c ... Dell\'....... ......._ 0...... CMtt Dell'I ....... _,.. ....... ..... ,.,,lllltrdl.,'1,lt..-..,.._ ,..._"•'ftat.Mlrtll•,t• .... PW.n.--.ts. ...... .,,.. •n• ...,. •'1a.•wtM,,. ,.. ....._tt.~a. ,,. .. I I • I ' I I • ... Orano• Cout DAIL 'V PILOT!ihuredav. March 4. 1882 " rnrn~~ GTI ~~~ " Try municipal _bonds By MA.&Y FARRELLY When you lnveat, are you coocemed about the aaf ety of your capital and also about earning a iooa return on that capital after taxes? II you are, conalder buyln1 munlclpal bonds. The Interest paid on muplclpal bonds la exempt from federal lncome t uea and often s\ate Income taxes as well. Investors can choose the exact dale on which they want their capital returned since there are municipal bond issues with maturity dates ranging from one month t.o SO years. In general, municipal bon rank second in . construction av= at Heritage Bank. • Residential . Commercial Buildings: Takeout Commitment required along with leases. COnlaC1: ·Jdf Johnson sowh Orange eouncy11rvlne 7U/851...WSO Open an IRA savings account today and get a tax deduction on your 1981 return. You can deduct deposits right up until April 15th on a new 1981 or pre-established IRA If you're under 701/2 and weren't covered by a qualified retirement plan in 1981, you're eligible. (For 1982 tax benefits. work- ers participating in private pension or Keogh plans now are allowed to set up an IRA) Increased maximum deductions for 1982. The limits move up for each wage earner from $ J ,500 quallty pnly to lfovemment bonds. Of course, there are eJCceptlooa lo the 1eneral rule u la the case with most lnveatmenta. However, even in the severe depfeaalon of lhe 19308, more than 98 · percent of all ,nunlclpallttes met their payments without ratl. The term "municipal bonds'' h.as a broader application than the name lmpllea. Municipal bonds are Issued not only by cities, towns and vlllages but also issued by states, territories and possessions of the United States, and by housing authorities, port authorities, and other political subdivisions responsible for providing and maintaining such community facilities as schools, hospitals, power plants, bridges and tunnels, streets and highways, ~HHLLY parking areas, dams, waterworks and sewerage systems. The bond issue borrows money by selling its bonds for the funds it needs. Once It is issued. a municipal bond can pass through many ditrerent hands before it finally matures and returns to the original issuer. Then the issuer pays the final owner the face value or the bond, as it agreed-to do. . In the meantime, because bonds are bought and sold, the price they can bring at any time depends upon whatever potential new buyers arf willing to pay. , There are two markets for municipal bond : the primary market and the secondary mark The primary market Is the market for new bon just sold by the municipality and offered for t e first time to the general 1>ublic. The seconda y market is a trading market in which previous issued bonds are bought and sold. e<>th of the e markets in municipal bonds are large and activ In addition, most bonds are readily marketable f the investor decides to sell before maturity. Mary Farrelly is an account eucuti~ in the Sa ta Ana office of Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Sm th Inc. t~--~ for a 1981 tax break. in 1981 to $2,000. And increase from $3,000 to $4,000 for couples filing jointly. And from SI ,750 to S2,250 if just one spouse is employed. Start your dollarS earning high tax-deferred Inter· est today. (Contributions to existing Keogh plans may be deposited by April 15, 1982 for 1981 tax deductions.) Come into Republic now. Our high yielding Market Rate Retirement accounts can pack a big wallop in your bout with the IRS. 14.303 Axedannualrate 15.59% Annual yield Minimum deJ>Ol!il on these Market Rate Retirement ac;count.s Is $5.00. Rate Is guarantttd for a fuU 18 to 30-month term. Additions allowed without extending maturity. Tu and Interest penalty for early withdrawal. REPUBLIC ~~.~~~ALSAV1NGs \f ~ &NO'AAl'tA 17th St West of Newport Freeway(714)541-5286 ,.;,,, • • • • • • 11111111 ~r:.=~~~~~~~=m::~gg !FSuc l WESTMmSTER 134 Westmlnmr Mall/BolN f, Sen Diego F~ (71 4) 894-5347 --· --•· Head Ofnce: ALTADENA 2246 N l 4'1\t' Avt' (213) 791 ·1281 681 -6611 AlTA0€1'111 • ANllHEl/ol • ARCADIA • 80118Al'1K • CLAREMONT • CLARE/'\ONl HEIGHTS . HACIEl'10A HEIGHTS • LACONA NIGUEL LOS ANGEL£S • Pilll./ol SPRINGS. PASA0£Nll. PICO Rl\IEl!A • SA1'1TI\ Al"IA • Tli00SAl'10 Ol'.KS. WESTMINSTER. WOOOV.110 HILLS Kidder, Peabody invites you to attend a seminar on how your portfolio can benefit from an investment in commodities through the professionally managed account. Place: Kidder, Peabody & Co. Incorporated 610 Newport Center Dr., Suite 1290 Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1982 Ti.me: 5:00 P.M. We will focus on the specifics of a Managed Commodity Account and how it: • can protect your assccs against inflation and give you a hedge against disinflation. • is designed to optimize return and lessen risk. • gives you a disciplined, full-time diversified trading approach. • minimum investment $50,000 To make y~ur reservation, please telephone Ms. Susan West at(7f4) ~-7040, or U5e the coupon below: ,-----n Kidde~Peabody -----, 1. I &'Co. 1 Nco• •o•Atco ,_._, ... M#M"'t '11r• y,,, .,., A•"'ft'H ftHt (tt .... lllfitl 610 New-pan CAnM Drivo. 8'"c. t 190 Newpon 8-ch, CA 91660 -60•'11' ................ . 11 Pic-r-pf.ct(•) IC your Marth 10th ~hw. o I cannoc eamd, buc wouJd Uk~ mon lntonn.tiott I I tr1Y'1 CLUU TO DRUG ADDICTION .~: R. Ph. Many a parent has learned to their dismay that one of thelr children baa become a d.ruf addict. Uaually, by the nine this information becomes known It la becau.e the child la ln eerloua trouble as both a drug U9er and a criminal to procure his daily supply. Look for these aymp· toaw: 1) A toed ICholar becomes erratic for no apparent reasoni!lxZ shy child becou>et tive. 3) A truthful child atarta tellln1 lies and plays truant. 4) A healthy child loees weight and la unable to a~ep. These charac- terbtka lndJcat.e a poeai,. ~~positive, drug YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a .medlclne. Pick up your preacrlptlon ff ebopJ>inl neerby, or we wtff deliver promptly without extra cbarp. A great m•ny people en-truat ua wfth their pre· ecripdom. May we com· pound and dl1penae ~? rAm UDO PHA4M4CY ·~=d~ -:::.- Celebrat.e Life! "" Helpthe'lt' March of Dim• t -~-........ REVOLT -Tom B Atkins att('ndl'I <1 nwctlni! of •rnf.!r~· raH.•puyt•rs in l.ynw<><><I . W:i-.h Do01estic auto sales plununet · DETROIT (AP) -Car sales by the five major U.S. carmakers fell 27.7 percent in late February from year-ago levels, while sales for the month declined 15.9 percent, according to Industry reports. Gen~ral Motors Corp. suffered the worst sales plunge of the Big Three during the Feb. 21·28 period -35.3 percent, while Ford Motor Co. 's sales were off 10.5 percent and Chrysler Corp. was down 8.2 percent. American Motors Corp. suffered a 44.6 percent drop and Volkswagen of Amyica was down 44.3 percent. For the month, GM was off 16.5 percent, .-ford was down 8.5 percent and Chrysler ~ p sales declined 12.2 percent. AMC was off 43.5 percent for the month, while VW sales dropped 55.4 percent. For the year , sales by domestic carmakers were down 16.5 percent. The percentage change is based on a da ily selling rate because there was one fewer selling day in the period this year than in 1981. The declines were expected because late February 1981 was "a monster period" when all the automakers started or expanded rebate programs, which "shoved the industry way up above the trend," said an auto analyst who requested anonymity. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND Ratepayers fight back ~ -SEATTLE (AP) In Albany, Ore: .. hundreds ot people are turnina off their llaht.s ror one hout every 1iiursday n1ahl. In Hoquiam, Wash., a rally to protest electtl~ rate Increases recently drew more than 3,000' demonstrators, while 3SO candle-carrying protesters marched on the utility board office in Springfield, Ore. From Moclipa to Miaaoula and from Airway Heights to Idaho Falls. a ratepayers revolt ls s preading throughout the Pacific Northwest. Ignited by failures ot the Washlnaton Public Power Supply System's multibillion dollar nuclear construction program and fanned by soaring electricity biHs, ratepayers are organizing to the chant of "Whip Whoops <WPPs.5)" and "Two, Four, Six, Eight, Lower Our Electric Rates." "There's a lot of anger out there," saya Jane Van Dyke of the Cla.rk County, Wash.. Public Utility District Owners Association . People are being urged to m e lawsuits, write letters. recall their utility district commissioners and refuse to pay their bills. "It's not the old guard of pro-nuke. antl-nuke," says Robert Ackerman, a Eugene, Ore .. attorney. "They're hurting." • Mostly they are enraged about having to pay more than $2.25 billion for two partially completed nuclear power plants that probably will never be finished. Many ratepayers feel betrayed by their lo~al utility district officials for approving the plants without consulting the general public. They are fearful of an addi\ional rate increase when the supply system finishes its three other plants . It is small consolation for these irate consumers tbat their bills remain a mong the lowest in the nation. They pay an average $26.50 for 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. compared to $50.75 in the Midwest and $75.66 in the Northeast. Last November, voters in Washington St~te passed initiative 394 whicti becomes law July l. It was aimed directly at WPPSS and requires voter approval of construction budgets for all major energy projects. The protest is being led by people like Dorothy Lindsey, Darlene Spracklen. Stan Mettler and Joann Boies -who became activists after their e lectric bills had doubled or tripled. Mrs. Lindsey says her electric bill has gone up 300 percent s ince 1979 and expects a nother increase of 50 percent to 70 percent this spring. Name tmer, un P•llll wt ""dfnFd E•Slmel PaUon S•IKrd s I ICTl!ON ls Sier I Pop 9 'lmPyr""' 10 AloSc"' II Nvcrp \ tJ Am•r~x U G..,,es 14 MSR E• IS P•ll•.., :~ ~.rr.r 11 OMG 121 1' PhOIS un •7 20 MeyPI u;; ~ ~~'lr.I un 14 2l O.OFlCI I .. 14 Pellnd -· 21.hl,900 U Pella pl Ul'S l.A\I C"'3 Pel. 1•. • I Up IOO b\• ,.. 1 Up 17 4 lt"t 1"-Up t•.3 1\'• • ~·· Up 16 I ~~ ~ Up 10 •VJ • "° Up 13,0 91 1 • f Up 11.1 21') ~. Uo t1 1 SI,, • •1 'Up 10.0 Ill. • 4. Up 10.0 1S~SO 1'ff Up '7 1'~ • I'• Up 9 S t "-Up 'I ,.,, ' "" u l" '• Up 1.0 •"'-'• Up 1.0 10'• '4 Up 7• •21'" 1,, Up 7 S 3"<. ~. Up 1.t 3... • v, Up 11 J • ..._ Up •.1 I • ,., Up 6 7 1 • • ..._ Up • 7 f ' • ''• Up 6 1 2 • '• uo '1 2 0 ·~ Up • 7 OOWNS Ll~I c"!. oJ"<'i, l s•1. 1"" Oft u .o 1°1 ... Off rl.I 4 1-.so11 220 1 'n Off 20.0 • 11 2\/o 011 20 0 4\o I"' Off "·· ... '~SOii 114 ,... .., Off JI 2 s ' Off ,, 7 311 " Oii " 7 I~. 1 Oii IS 1 1.\o ,, Ott IS.4 •''9 >. Off IS 4 111-> J Ott 14. 1V• \o Off 1•.3 2V. \o Ott U.3 l~ V. 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Hllnco 7.10 NL lvh FCI 'SS NL Grwtl\ S.l2 us HI Yid IJ.45 14 Slnf'A • IS Nl ,,.. securlllfl Ta Fr• . 7.91 1.2' HI VICI '., NL JP Grtll 11.os 12 01 1'4elBO L27 l.'M lncom S.71 • I Slretlnv 4... S.J.4 tould ...... -C.TNT t .7' NL LI Mun 1.lO NL JP lllCO 7 13 7 7S Mulu•I OI OrNl\e· Invest 7.62 •-Slr•I Glh UMVell -1 ... 1 MMC Cenl ... nl.i Gp: P11rltn 10 03 NL J•nus 7 IS NL Amer 10.01 Nl ()pin II 7' 12. SunGrth t.2S tO 11 ~aluel or bouGflt Grlh 7-SS l.U T"rltt t 12 NL JoM Hancock• G""'th 4 44 '13 TH Ek 16.2'7 17. r .. Mod t3.e. 15.U lvehH PIUS wles Equll S.9:J '• Trend U.17 NL Bond 12.Sl 1J_•1 lncom 7,93 l.•2 Vista 12.• 14. TmpGlb 21 II •...• <"-'~' -.. Cnl Shi 11.'2 NL Fln•lltl•I Proo: Grwtll 1 ... '" T• F,. ... '4S Voyag 10.S1 11.4' Tmpl GI .... 1 JO s.11 hy Cl\art Fd IS-" 11.11 Oyna •.• NL US Gvt 1.0I 1.71 Mut Shr J7.S7 NL Ouaur 31.69 NL Tmpl W 1U7 17.M Able ll •. 22 NL Cllt> Olr tJ.IS NL llldust l... 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Amu 1.0lllM027 .,._ 11mplHD 1ll7'• 1, -~'-1-llJlf2lS •72tllt-y,MonunJIDtUIO ... llo-?~PSvNH2.11ttt71$\lo T..-t?tb • IS 7'-Al'llf'ce 1::a • • 16\/t-.... llamSp IO 10 )~ ,.. • • FMC ''° • 11 UV.-VJ 1iiiirTec :SA it ,. I -1111 Mntou 1 10 JS " 14 PSNH pf275 zjO " • \I) TCll<lt .n • .. " ... ,; Amr< pf 2.60 .. J 77\lt-... llUICO I 119 JOt ,, • .. Faorve .. J:IO 107 .. ....,_ 14 lnrdSn t • -10 ... MonPw , ... ,,. 2.•V.-\lo PSNH pt? 11 5 17~. .. Tekl.mA ' II '" 41~ ~ AmHft ' 10 • tC dlWo-1 llart WI S7 J FabrCI 21 • I """-1111 ln•llco lb 7 !(IQ ·~ MonSI 1.10• 47 14 14 PSNH P" 2S 105 "~ \Ill TelCAlll'I JO 3-" -.... A-pf l.50 . S d6''h-4'h llarl pl I 4) 160 9'1 1~ Facet U 17 6 • V. lnsUnv ·• 4 .... : ... MONY ... i M 5"' V. PSNH plJ 1S • n-\4 T•IOY" 1 • ... 1171'>-l'I AmAar ' .10 :a Ill l..._ 14 NSFd 'Ue • ,, ... ,,. F•lrchd ., 4 In 13 -v. '"1!' • SI 1~ "' Moote<: , I ID JI\/)-"' PSvNM 2M • m Uft. "" T.... I .,.. 1 "" AmArr .. "°4 IJV.. ~ ..... J 40 5 1611 w . I. 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AIMtll l.~ ft ., ~ "" Cklal pt ' . • '°"" .... FFle .. •llv ... JI) 1~ .... >ere ,,, a.12 :: tUO .. • NIHom • " IU... . 11:!.'I:°,' I ..; .·.~OJ",~=-~ TTo!olEd_pl1.» •• l IS ..•.• Amiot l.'64 1 t9 22......, ..V. <hm I~ 'O 1~ .... X ot 1.61 . • II oR-JC }er( pl 7.• .. l:DO 4 -..... NMdCr• A 7 Ml 7"" • .... " " I L>Y9 ·~ -Er:; 21 1 14\4 . ~0n 1 . ..,40 1)4 UJ ~-·~ .,.oca"c•i' , ~ , 11~5 d'?.,!~. ,~ F1191sh xuo n :r. ""' >er( IJf 2.1' . 4 12~ HMO En s '° 1o U.•llt~ • •dad& !-·., 5 1'T1 dU '" Toot . .40t • 3 14 • .,, -··-s U1'-~ • ., -~ •• FIO•IP n 11 UI IUo-1 Jewe!C 2.24 • fl JOV.., NMl11eS J2 w4 15 ,.. "' " ., .... 13 ,, d'l)lf. '"' TOOi 40b ' " '°"' .... Amrep 11 JO 9"-V. oleN s n 11 18 1q , " Fl•EC s •" c] 1xu7Vo-\Ill JewtC pf . S Uh• '-NPrul US. 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LHl!nl 1.0l IO • ~ " OhEd pl J 90 1100 ,. .1 SHOfl ·*to lJ.I 4\!i. \\ USlnd I• .,. ...: .... a.MTr 2.05 S Q2 JJ\le-1.,_ Cn'9 11 .. t:lio • ''t Gelly 1-<> 4 111 d'5V. IV. Ltt!Vel • Jt lV. ... OllEcl pl• 5' HOO JI e IV. t"'"'° IM I 271 21 • V. USLeu vO 11 11 10 1, BHr pf ?.'° • , '"'°· ... cu... I -5 .. .n.11>-" G••nlP lS 5 • LAflmn L ..... ?II n .• OllEd pl T li r•20 U'O + .,.. lllltr .117• .• ..,. 11\lt-~ USRly :io. .. .. ll~ BkTrpl U2 .• I >0'4-lt< Cta yRs 14 5U J2 l'lt GlbrF11 14' l"°'+ "'° ~•..10 6 JJ 10141-· .,_ Ot>Edpfl.IO ' 12"-• lilmbs .IO I0102td43 -IV. USShos 115 S ?Sf l~ '-9-.11. l)dll'>-'-Crt!Oft s a 1'"'-1\ GldLWI .ao. 71 1Pll-14 '--, .... 117 »llo-1\ OllEdl!f t. .... 1100 ~+llli ~A• .n• f/Rdtl\fo-1 VSSIMI 2 22ICl'I u •n' '• llMdCR .4 U 1$3 JJ*-14 Crocll.N UO 7 .. ~ V. GfflHlll .'2 ' ff lfl\-1111 ..... ,.., AO S :lit 1"' + \41 OhtE pl 10.AI. 1llO 71 • • . . • t .6' t 60 17\4-\lo US Tok 2 m ' m &J' hrn<l9 120 • 14\lt + V. CrmK 1 I 04 • 17 16V.-... 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H~.r -J' 17 __ ..., L. ;:.all 1" • ™+ 14 PKTln ·,' I 'i::·:·: ~It '11 ~~ Vlll<nM 2.• I --41'4+ S lllUL t.1' 6 I .,,.._ " fi "' · · · &100 4'~+ lh ~" -f ft 10 • .... LUC ~· I. 7 JllSI lt~ + 'ill ......... ,,. 1' -21 .. . 7 • lit -W-W -e1c18H" "'' 11 tit ~'"' ... '·*' .. •10! dV...... ..::~ i·70 '• ,''ftt .J?Mt-....._ , • 10 ~ "' ,. .. "'lk '·" J Jltft " "'a it 1 1 .. .,.. w1ca.. t," • 21s11 "". 1.-t » ..._ .,._ Jiff' US .. • ltV.• .. AO .... 14-1 _,._. -"111148" Sol t " 1a4' 11 • • heV 1 24 1 11' 72¥>-I\ IAO > 2064 1~ '-tlfl J.7S .. • "Im•+ )! HenftP I ... S 2' ..... MAOOM .tt t61107 .,,.,._ _. !!Im . too i ..... ! "'f • K'"O • 'I M ,__ • 1.tO 6 2AO f7 + \lo .nt 4. It • • t6 » .... ~·~t J.4~7a • · "'! !CH\,.... ~ t_. U 117 A1\li-Iii I" ~'a .,.1 ~ ... .t tt ~ 1111 1111 kf'lt .... 10 m 1°'* 14 .,,. U!S. 75' ~14+1 e .. 1. •. li -v. • 'f I 1--." M., . ~ .... ;§''· ~ .. t m• .. •MCO .)~ U1 IS--1 .... .,, •• • • "' ,,___ '-""' 1.10 ' 21v.+ ~ ~~" . " ==····· *""'".-·i ' n~-v. . ,. -. I ~ "'-~ en ts:io'"' .. "" id ,.. s " ,, ... _ " IA II Jf ~ "' =_,. • " " l.llJ .. "' -~ °'' i u ,, __ ,_ • ~ t .. K if• ., ,, 2t 17-"" ~ipt;~ ~.' !Oli't ""f,l (=n,. ---= .. :~~~ 11' 1:.;a:;.;~ 1Mt l ~~.,. ,_..,. 1 .....__.. ' 1 ••••• elC&w ,t.1i" 11 ''"°•..., •11 ::, .... ,~.... t .to1' dO ~-"ernltill Ulf"'-Vt · ~9'11"911 , IS ttlll-" :: 1 +·'4 •It~"' 1 tlll It.I It\\~" s UIII t\tlantk Richhcld Co. i>aid it will stop accepting credit cards. including its own, 3l It& gtts stations next month a move It ~uid will save lhe company $73 m111ion a year At the same ume, Arco will trim prlcei. lo dealers by three cents a gallon. a sovin_gs It hopes will be passed on to molonsts Arco·s move comes only ont> duy after three other major oil companies said they would drop dealer rebates in favor o( instituting UCl'O~S th~ board wholesale price reductions . BankAme ri ca (.;urp. hus reorganued its worldwide retail hanking and consumer servi~es Principal retail banking units ln Cahforniu. the United Stat.es a nd 1tbroad have been reali gned under J am es R. Wiesler. executive vice president Before the realignment, Wiesler w:Js head or Bank of Am erica's North America div1s1on . WltJU.aker Coro. said il is extendin2 withdrawal rights on Its tend.er offer for Brunswick Corp. until March 8. The Los Angeles conglomerate is enga1ed in a legal battle aimed at stopping Bruns wick from sellin~ its Sherwood Medical Products subsidiary Continental Airlin e.s named Frank Rothman. head of MGM-United Artist~. a director of the airline. That was the only newl> released as company directors met Tu.:sday to discuss the company's precar ious financial situation Conllnen lal, which lost $60 million last yt•ur has tnt11I dcbli. of about 1200 million arter it borrowed an add1tlonal S25 million last month 111111 ~------ Federal Reserve Chairman Paul A. Volcker told the Senate Budget Committee lhat he expects a short term recover) for the nation's economy. but caut1onecJ that the comeoack may collapse without con gressional action to s lash budget deficits . . The price shock~ that h1l t he country beginning with the Arab 011 e mbargo arc far from over. the Energy Department :.aid The DOE 1s predicting , among other cner~y price increases. thal g<J!.oline will !>ell for S2.20 a gallon in 1995. not counlmg lhe impact or infl ation I ,Braniff *ntemallonal sa1tl 1t~ domestic e mplo$'ees wiJI ret•eive 50 percent of their previously slated grosi. p~v this week The remaanin~ 50 percent will be paid March 12. c .a.••~"---r!J------------ Envirotech Corp. was merged into a wholly owned s ubsidiary of Baker International Corp. Envirotech shareholde rs will receive O 4 or a ~hare of Baker common stock and SJ cash for each share of F.nvirotech common stock Orange County. Phoenix and Houston ranked in the top three in business gtO\\'th during the last four years. according to T he Nt>wport F.conom ics Group. a Newport Beach economic research firm STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT 091! !Qltt~ .. }VE~!.~E0S __ AMERICAN LEADERS No-l World Alrw 1 Row•n J G•nOal• 4 PartcrOf'lll 5 Goldw.!Fn • Le•ll1Fm 1 HowellPI• I FreeplMcMrn • SunComp p1 10 Tto11n11 11 Oyco!'elrl 12 L•wltrlnll 13 Mor..,EllQ 1' AmeHeM pl u T .. oo.. It Walnoct 17 Ent•rrtCp II HtacelCorp 1' Not>leAI s t0 TOS<oCp s GOLD COINS Pel I .. I , '" Ott 119 011 "0 Ott ooq ()If 10 J 011 9. 0 11 91 Oii '. Oii 9 J 011 • J Oii •2 011 •.1 011 9' 011 19 Oii 1 1 Ott I 7 Ort L I Oft • s Ott Is 011 ., Ott I .I HEW YORK CAPI Pritt• l•lt t ue\11*1' ot QOld (OIM, COMCMl•H wltll MOlldtY'I ,Of'IU K ""'9f,_, I lfO'r OI .. UH U. oft \.I.ts ,._,.. leef, I troy 01 U IS U. Off \.I l), Me•IUll '° .,. .... 1.2.1r0y QI •• '4$1.75, oft n.oo. Aulr\ell 100 VOWll, . •1 lrov 01 .. u~ 00, ofl ... 00 avQ\ tnr WfO M•t 3 O!»ft H)9h Low CIOM Cfle >O Ina ... JS .,. 01 808 ., llS ,. ID .. 10 Trn Jl5 S. ,..9 I• olS 11 ~et ' 50 I S U I I •Olm61 IOll llv •07m~• 101 w 1 o lt .S SO. m 'l'1 31~ ~ )17 OJ 3?0 O• 5 It lnou• I 180.200 frAn h 1 973,200 VIII\ I 28J .JOO •5 S•• 11 040 700 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI Mar J Prtv Advanct'<l TOO:/. OAy Cle4 Ot<lln"' 11h •S3 Un<h•l\9"(1 t :IA ,, Tot•• l\\Uf"\ <• I My 1'01 ,._.,_ h 1Qh .. 7l )to N•w IOW\ •71 n WHA t ""'EA OIO NEW YOR I< lllPI M ar J p,.., l Od<IY Adva,,tf'd 111 O*' 11n•o &37 Uncll•nql'O •11 Tol•I ,......_ 111 Nt'w h19M • ,..,,""" tOW\ .. 1 METALS Wt'On~saav C•11p•r J1.._.J4 <P"I\ • 11euno de\Un(tUOI'\\ LUd 17·3' ~nl~ •pound Zinc fl ct'!ls • ex>unO dehYe•H Tift '11 n '6 ~l•I• W ..... ConlpGtll• lb AIM ml-..,. 71 cenl\. poW1CI N ., M•r<vrv ,. 001><'• lta\k "'•ll1111m "1A3001roy or H V SILVER W-\Clay di• 714 100 111 190 10 11 H•nav & H.,man '1 •'IO Pf"• lrov ounc• COLD OU OTA TIONS 1, Tllo A.-lelM Press S~•ec led world 901d i>r•< .. Wfdnt•O•v L•"".,,· morri1nv t1a1nq UJ7 10 Oft '4 u Lt -: •lie,.,_., 11.,ng US3 IS oll '1 50 "••h : USO U oil '4 h l"r•n~I-US• 01 oll '4 14 Zurich· LAlt ll•lllQ U S2 00 Oii )t,00 bid. \JSS oo "'""' H•llCIY • Harmon· Oflly d•llv QUOlt \JSJ 1S ott '1 SO E"ttlh-onl• da•lv <!""I• U$) JS otl •I '° Ellt•l,,.td: only d~ll• ouolr tabrl<Mfd U71 «. oll '1 17 SYMBOLS lllft9 • II 1111.... .'4 6 ._._"' -yH , ' • 1 '-11 •JM t= ~ 1.a. J -\'\ t . ._ tteolt 1 I 1 .. ~t v, • 1Jtlt '" ,. n... " "·"''", , ., m....... ~ ti =· , rl i-~ ............. , . ..,. , ,_ .,, 11M t'.10121_, 9514!_ ~ "'! &'°" Ill\-.,_ !:l•nl• . tll17'41M --t '7 I ~~.1· 'jl ... ~ ~·1 ; .... •m; : ,1,~ ==·~ ll't ,, ... , ,. IOI'\+.... I. "JOl!t-14 .... 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";: • m 1 wlw~ ?~ f u ,.,.. ... ~ l•tt , ,, '""--------.,.j·---... --._-..... -;.....;..-.-::;..::;:;;;;.;.;;.a.:::..:::..:...:..::.-..a::=1:.1i:.:.a.~-'..a~;.;.=,.u.:::;;::..::.:.i:..::.;,;.;.;,~::~~~.!:~-=::....J r · .. 11.,.v.:.:1 · =· 1· •• 1: ~+ ~ '""'.,,. , • --. --· ... · -~ - . .. Orange Coeat DAILY Pl~_QT/'llHJrldly. March'· 1 . ' Antibody use-- shows" promise • against cancer BOSTON <AP) Doctors experimenting with untlbody treatment, a promising technique that uses the body's natura l defenses, have reported their first s uccess ln ac hieving a long-Jesting remission of cancer . The researchers said the monoclonal antibody treatment was "re markably effective" in halting a form or cancer called B·cell lymphoma in a 67·year·old man with an advanced case of the disease. The cancer attat ks cells which produce antibodies. The results are the most positive yet in this field of research. Ho we ver . the researcher s cautioned that mo re study is needed before the work has any practical use in treating cancer 1>atie nts. ~ "The Improve me nt of this patient's lymphoma with monoclonal antibody administra tio n is a llDIClll sinele observation that must be confirmed in other patients before we can draw any conclus ions a bout the effectiveness of this technique," Dr. Ronald Le vy, who directed the res ear ch, said in · a statement. · The resear ch was conducted at Stanford University and publis hed in today's New England Journal of Medicine . The therapy uses la rge batches of anttbodies -the disease·fighting proteins produced by white blood cells -to attack a single enemy ·molecule. To prod uce m o n oclo n a l a nt ib o dies, researchers fus e antibody-producing cells caUed lymphocytes with cancer cells. The resulting cells, called hybridomas, retain the ability to make antibodies. Under Jab condit ions, t he hy bridom as can be coaxed to turn out limitless quantities of s pe cific antibodies. which are attracted to cancer cells when reintroduced to the body. The Stanford patient had failed to r espond to sta ndard che mothera py a nd interferon, another experimental t reatment. However . his cancer disappea red a fte r e igh t doses of antibody over four weeks. First his fever and nighttime bouLc; of sweating ceased. Then his enlarged lymph nodes gradually became smaller . His liver and spleen returned to normal, and tumors on his scalp went away The patient has remained free of disease fo r nine months. The doctors emphasized that c hemistr y Involved in this treatment -is s low a nd tedious .Monoclonal antibodies must be custom-made lo fit each patient's cancer. a nd the process takes six months. "The requirement for antibody tailored to eac h pa lie nf puts s erious constraints on this appro a ch," the y wrote Mo re s t re a mline d production methods will be necessary if fu rther tests show tha t the tre atment is effective. So lai', the St anfo rd doctors have tested monoclonal antibody therapy on 10 patients with varying results. Howeve r. the case reported in the Ne w England J ournal is the firs t in w hich long.lasting re mission was achieved The doctors were the fi rst to report partial regression of c ancer in papers publis hed last summer in the journals Lancet and Blood Research is continuing on several more cancer victims. Buy Levy said no more patients a re being accepted into the experimental program . The tec hnique fo r m a king m on oclon a l antibodies was developed in 1975 by Ors George Kohler a nd Cesa r Mils tein at the Med ica l R esearch Counc il o f Molecula r Biology in Cambridge. England New Harrah auto museum planned RENO <A P 1 The Harr a h Auto mobile F o und ation ha s an n oun ced p lans fo r a mulli-million dollar mus eum fa cility her e t o b e c o m e the p er m a ne nt hom e o f th e once-threatened Ha rrah's Automobile Collection. Holiday Inns Inc . h as announced that Harrah's, its gam ing subsidiary. will donate 100 vehicles to help establish the museum's collection in addition t o Ha rrah's Automobile Research Library, considered to be the world's most comprehensive resource material on the early years of the automobile's developme nt. Holiday Inns plans to contribute additional automobiles, airplanes, boats and other materials to the foundation ove r a fi ve-year period. Time change set for express mail WASHJNGTON IAPl -The Postal Service is changing the cutoff time for Express Mail at some pos t offices starting March 14, despite the lack of a recommendation from its independent rate commission. Currently. Express Mail must be at a local post office by 5 p. m . to qualify fo r next-day delivery. Allowing local offices to set different times will mean they can take better advantage of changing airUne schedules. Post.master General William F. Bolger said in announcing the change. The cutoff will be earlier at some post offices. later at others, he s aid . SALE TOLD Earl of Spen('er . fat he r or Prin('ess Diana .. has solrl two 25 ·pnunct . so lid g old w i n e <·oolers lo the Britis h Museum for a h a lf million ctollars. l hl' L o n d o n 0 a i 1 ,. Tclegruph ~aid · 100, 000 ;4udis, .VWs recalled DETROIT (AP> Volkswagen or America said it la recalling about 700,000 Volkswagen and Audi cars to repair fuel pump wlrfng that made .. the cars hard to start during this winte r's bitter cold spells. The cars affected ·are 1975·81 , waler·cooled, fue l -injecte d mode ls , but not Audi 5000s o r diesel.powered vehicles, the automaker said . VW said dealer mechanics will ··update." the wiring Cree of charge. ARABIA BOUND? This L" I tw '.'lorthrop R f"·5F. l't.>connaissanc(' <1i n·r al't. 10 ol w h il'h tht• l ' S Dd'C'nst• Dt•parl mt•nt \\'ttnl' to Sl'll ' ............ to Saudi Arabia. alo ni.: with ri\'(' F ~1F: F planes. in a p1'oj.!ra m t•stim <Jh.•d to t11t•tl S.350 million. Some car owners alre ady have been notified : the others will receive letters about the recall 18J..e this month, VW said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~- Tl1aAak For SJ~/PPERY Penn:zoll 30 weight motor oil keep(l your car running effi- ciently and Improves your mileage. Reg. 1.19 ,,., 1p111l1 ap1old1 One pound box of spackle the entire family will enjoy. Reg. 1.19 69C vary your speeds Black & Decker ~ variable •peed drlll la double Insulated and burn-out protecied. Ideal 21 •• for home or worls.,1hop use. #7127 Reg,. 29.99 .......,.-_...., ..._,,~ _. ~-------...._. .. . .... . ..... tr11 teat l1114rr 4et11111t 20 pound· 'tow auds, con- centrated, gently bright- ens whites and without 7• I presoaklng. Reg. 11.99 lceep your defenses up The Kwlkaet Tylo entry lockaet wlll give you good looks 11 well .. poaltlve 841 protection lrom Intruders. #400TX3KSP. Reg. 11.99. fREE• 14-Piec; X-Acto Knife Set ........ JOU got gllclden, Famou1 latex flat well paint from Glid- den. BMuttful flat finish. Scrub• ci..n, Kld·l•ted Glidden Spred Latex Mml- ataya eolorlut. Euy water ci..n.up. gloaa enamel gives you • 1uper-tough Reg. 11.99 non·Y91lowtng llnl1h. Reg. 18.59 I Annlv,,,..,, Sale 1211 91 ...... Sta"• Today/ ..... Scotti turf llulltler plua 2 22-3-3. Covers 2,000 square feet for a more beautiful and weed free lawn. A . 13.'45 life ltrlMI washerless faucet Top of the line faucet from Price Pfister. With pop up. Reg. 32.95 #8'43-160 24'' ~ Dependable, efficient gas water heaters. Glass llned tanks, hot Wiier reoovery ayatem and high tempera-ture shut.off. ...... Replace your old baltcOck and floet wtttl qui.t, nter- u vi n g Fluldmuter. ~A. Reg. 7.51. 11499 ................... 124.15 ~ ..... Cat ..... LocM-1-6F-,,,~. Sotwci.i.• Trav-fll• SEMES -°'""•> DIPUJMOO & MAHTilll llr-.1 .. 1 .... - /:,"';:::::,.• II l r llOCllAllllS£ ..._ "II!! ..... A•-tu.': llh4.tUll C:.mtru • 1!41\NpnwN c.. 0... ....... v. ,_,_. c ... .,. Sok --c.o.!t """"" u~fM«-\ ,..._,. 11.....-111~.....,.-.ttc.H ~':"!"r!..~:t """ =~:t::. ~ft(c::,. .. , ~'f!...H1n St.,.. llATS & lllAllllE EIMIOIT CcMral ~.Mt1ntSttw1tt ao.c.s lhn"'f' c .. 1, .............. -. ..... ci..n .. -...s.i -.3"' Dech _ _..,.•»• -.sw ... TIMSNITATIOll Alrcrtft C.01'°"_5alt Rn 1 Dtnn<C. .. =="~--· .._H.,.561< 11.-1ttilln. Tuut !".:~~ ... ~ .... Gnnal ~OMOltlE Aatlilfw«:l Ct&U KI l«"elaorl VHHC'Mt ~.~~t.4J rn.. .. "-AIMIA-A-Wu~ AITDS, IMP81TEJ Gfttnl ""·-Awl1 A..U.Hh MJ 1111• c.,.. ~ O....ue f'ttr4rt f t.M -. ,,...., ,_ I( ..... ~--·· .._...... •••d• )ll'h"t"d~• lf•l lie; llCI Upri ..-..... ,. .......... ,.,... .. ·-lloll>Mo1rt ""'" :;.~ .... iwMnl T.,.U ~ ~t•tC'1' v., •• ams, ID (;..,,,., ams.m ........ uu: ..,, c.e ... ... _ l""""'" =i.t· C.-•I IW•""' er ,_tl '--l!annO ..._, ==... -,,,_ -._._ v., 'fftNlMJ ,. ,. .., , ... ,. , .. •• lllll EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY •t111 r.lillkr'1 Mollet· = ATI-reil eshfe· ad· :: vert lse d In th is :: newspaper Is subject to 1w µie Federal Faii: Hous· ,.,. tn11 Act of 1968 which ::: makes it llleaal to ad- 1 ... vertise "any preference, :: llm1tatlon, or dis· 11• criminatlon based on race. color. reli 11ion. 1• sex. or national ongin. :: or an intention to make ,.. any such preference. :: Ii mit at Ion, or dis· :: elimination." 1• -tlllt UDO UDO 1W -Z* - This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertuing for re al estate whk h is in viola- tion of the law. :: 1--------·1 -IUOIS: Acfnrffaen .... ~ ...... .., .ct ,..,. .,.. roni.......,.n. DAI\. Y rtLOT .,._, • ...., for ti.. tint l•corrtct htHrtlH °"'f. PMNSUl.A HOMU Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr ~m with ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1 ,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1.385,000. LIDO ISi.i HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayfront. s bdrm, 5 bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips Sl,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. LMA ISU IAYFIOMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play room, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! CAIMATION COVI Spectacular bayf ront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips Sl,900,000. TIES-VIST AMiilSSIOM VllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house in lakefront comm. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR \; .... f i :•· . •• •• r" ,.. ,..,. . . .... -Thursday. March•. 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. A DiVIMOll of llarbor ln\'t'Slmenl ~ OCEAH I ILOCK Extra large R·2 corner lot. Selle r will help nnance! 1215,000 ! .._.lay Prop. ltolton •675-7060• RCTaylorCo I.USES 3 Beacon Bay·S2000 7 Vienna·S27SO 14 Monterey-$2250 RCTaylorCo r ·-lu l()()() Lawy.,.lt. So.of Hwy Two apoca... 3 Ir 2 .. +a.. ...... u,,., ...... n of oce•. ..._., sp.ct llt toci- Hlt. Adlocut to lnl•e f1rroct . $449,500 COU OF NIWPORT RIALTOAS uu 't. c-• "••· c..-..... 175-5511 PRICED ltEDUC ED on this gorgeous B EACll DUPLEX 111 blul'k ~ from beach and uni} 2 years old. Ocean v1t·~ 2 and 3 bdTm unth J bdrm unit. ~rt'at for owne r oecup ant·y Owner finan<'1n~ availa- ble Only $280.000 t'a II today97~~0 ALLSTATE REALTORS . l -· ............................................................................................ C.... .. M• I 022 Cott. Melo I 024 1 Coet. MtM i 024 ....... I OH .............................................. ····••············•••·• ..................... . CDMDU,LEX Best hllY in CdM. Lr11 3 Bdrm home w/frplc...+ 2 Bdrm apt. Only $262,000. owe w/$40,000 dwn Joyce Wa ll ie . agt S.'ll 1266 OLD CO HONA DEL MAR ltesolving partnership, l'Omer duplex. S399.000. 4 mconr. no negatlvt on llCIYments w 2Q', awn &I0-6175 IYOWMER OupTex on exlru wl<ll' lot liest loc ation. Flexi - ble terms $33!1 .SOO I 942-8S80 Costa Mesa 1024 ...•.••.••............. • MESA VERDE • WITH POOL AN D SPA Spacious J Bdrm . 2 ba Beautifu l area SIS.000 dn As king S2rn.OOO $1600 iro pymt PP. A~t. 76().7~ SHA.RP EASTSIDE 6PLEX ONl Y 15% DOWH MO MOHIY DOWN Ito quttifled buyer l Mesa Verde custom. 3bdrm + bonus rm. 211bo, 2 frplrs. Ira yrd. * ON&. Y 91( DM • Au ume 8~•VA loan Clean 3 Br. SI 14 ,Oj)O Prine Of!! . Bkr. 543.7023 1235.000 Ownt!r /Bkr •f.onclolwl S• ~9777.,._ Vets aun. Mesa Verde Best Bizy in O.C Brand Fixer. $123.000. Prine new cstm. home 48r. ~!.Y· ~3·7023_Bkr. 3& J144_,~,_7Sl·3297., _ 0..PoW I OJ6 f .5°/o ••••••••••••••••••••••• Qny 3 bdrm. l bath. din. 10 78Nc Anyone~ rm It den. covered patio. Lovely 6 mo old. walk lo $107,500. Agt. 646·4380 or beach. 3 BR 21'7 ba. fully 54().81~ upgraded. 10':{ dwn min. 10.78 inl. rate av ail ~SUMABLE Y.A S220!i6~mor661·92SS PAHPLACI ISTATIS 41Jr. 2'~ Bia 2174Sg. Ft B£'M'ER THAN MOD EL ~EVERYTHI NG CuJ.de·sac street. Sun " Sail II Club 20 min. to Newpo rt ~nter 1210,000wit.h Sl&0.000 al 12~ fixed rate It fully amortiied. No points or qualifying. 770.0347 Owner/ Agent MESA DEL MAR 4BR ------- hardwood floor beauty HlllfiMJt01tltoci-10401t1>1..01t1toci-106' Assume $111 000 12', ••••••••••••••••• • ••••• •••••••••••••••• •• ••••• v A loan. Offered at 4 Br. 21'7 Ba nook. fami ly US0,000 $147.900 rm, 3 car garage. prof. Waterfront 4 Rr home, Iii"'""° lrobr landscaped. 2 patios 20'1 down. affordable, • w covers. wallpaper " low I ..5-~4 rustom paint thru out. interest oan. --------1 security system. crown 3 Br f'i!:'a~Pordable mouldi ng. Mexira h MESA VERDE paver noonng. 2 used bea<"h home with un· 4 Bdrm family horn~ bnck frpl cs. bit ID TY belle\•ablelerms. Vacant and ready. well s t e r e 0 c ab 1 n e 1 " Call for more info. cared for. nice ya rd. bookshelves in ram rm DOaSIDE l .E. ruce neighborhood Out HJ h bl M rf of area owners are anx-g essuma e. ust ttMo & Craig O'I H ioos t.osell.Sl73.750. see to a p pr enat e l!O-llll_ $219.000. Open Sat/Sun ---642·5200 714 963·6163 P rt \' ate Canal Front. Newport Part ; Shores. 4 Br Den j PETE ' BARREIT ·.. REALTY ------$25,000 down, Owner will cal'T)'. Must sell ' Mak e ol'Cer! Tennis. pool. walk lo beach Agent 646 1044 ~~2.805 __ and owner will f1Dance to (1uabf1ed huvrr Well lolloo 1st.ct I 006 located . .:ood looking 6 -------· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 uru~ + 4 car f(ara~e + amµle parking Helow 11 LACUESTA IY-THE-SU llrT_.e +lot Poot.ctTtMis R.liblt Filt•cln9 675-1771 FORECLOSURE time~ gross. Defer part or mo nthly I ,._u TAA-6 .... 72 11 payment on Ba Ibo a ~ -r ,.,.. IYOWHER ~ 4M ·Pool -Soo and ~hat '"& no\ all. Beautifully ma intained with ma ny amenities ..... P .. Mo I 007 -that make this home a ..................... .. terrific buy Enter OP84SATLSUM 11·6 Island proper!} Low ~ down ortrade s , Iii .._.,ty, IUtr. I 675-28'6 . . . . -\ f :---1 I '1 ~ 1\YLOR CO. I\ I :\ I I ( ii\:--. '" 11' ' l. I l 1 i fvhn Gold Mine l.arge R 2 lot "'1th nice remodeled 2 bd r m homt' Low intHest fmancm!'. Open Sun 12 4 1010 3Ur. 2Ba on xtra large lot, E. Side lorat1on Lr. ASSUMABLE AT 912'. $139,500 673 2482 S48 s.136 $I 02,000. 4 Br2 Ba near bearh Owner desoirate 90', f1na nt·1 ~11 \'a1 lable 9S7 0899 Af t 6 & Weekends. -Fixer-Oceanfront duplex. 2 lge 38r 2ba units. Try low or no down Lender10 wne r C'an be \ ery creall ve Playa R.E. 673-1900 OPfHSAT/.SUM 11·6 ~~~~~~~~ New 3 story ~a<'h house ": Bay " ocean views NO QUALIFYING Cul- de-sac + pri vacy Spec-l,4cular Pool · upgraded 38r. Just SlJS.900 Bkr Ocean side Balboa Blvd 1911 Court Ave: or 19th 67~2291 or 848-3133 Am le arkin in rear 11• m• -UIO Ult ----Tri) , .. -. .. .. ,, -----*' -----..,, ------------ ••• -------· -tu• llJI tlJI ,.. tlJI , .. '111 ... - llllt -----1111' -- '* ,,.. "" -'112 '11J ml 11711 -ml fl.II fill flJll '1111 ,,. -flll ""' fl<I .., .. ..,. flll fl• ,,. ll1l6 -rill flit "" --"" -mJ -... --... "'' ·= --------..., ---.., ---.,. ,,J~~a,1~?nced right! Laree family home with 4 Bclrma. 2 Ba and big. big bonus room. Owner wffi assist in financing. Fu II price sus.ooo. 151,3191 llG CAHYOH COUMT'IY CWI Magnificent location o'looking 8th green of golf. ·course . .Luxurious majes ti c Colonia l c ustom by owner/builder. s bdrms, lge formal dining rm, family rm. billiard rm. refrigerated wine rm. & 61.f.l baths. Marble, finest wood paneling, great stor.age. air .cond., + many other custom features. $2.150,000 including land. •WISUY M. TAYLOI CO,. IUALTOIStS 2111S.. ......... loed MIWPOIT CIMTB. M.1. '44-4910 3 IDltM STEAL! M0&li)er1ect 3 BD. 2 -------•I BA Hous e on Golf OCEAMYU oc&r.Aft~'Vu. • Course. Only $135.000 . TRY $20,000 DN ! AS - SUME 11r~ INT. Prin. O_nly . P ATRI C K TENORE, AGT. 759-1221 MtMY~ilt 'IJ AISOWTI STE.AL laAlctd SI 50,000 MOW $525,000 SPYGLASS IYOWMEI OWNER FINANCING 6br/41!Jba. 4100 sq n 2:5 Bodega Bay Call owner. 7S9-07:r7 BR W/BONUS RM . POOL. SPA. £i CITY LITES. Prof. decorated in warm earthtones. As- sume ll.78'k below ma rkel al $399.900. Won't la st. Patr ick Tenore, aet 7SH221. 4 Bdrmf .family room. Have you read today's very spacious! Ne_w con· Classcfied Ads~ If not. crete dnve It patio. As· you're missmg the best 1--------su~ble loans at an ef· bargains in town! fect1ve rate or 12"'1'k. - Full price $146,950. C::. ',f I . --t-" ; .• .,J .j lj '~ • • I FOIECLQSURE! Two Beauties: 4 BD w/Pool " 3 BD 'W'fPool. SUBMIT. PATRICK TENORE, Agt. 759·1221 fi1nd out abOut the high· ean}ing real estate sales career opportunities wi t h THE REAL FSTATERS. Licensing school recs completely ttfundable to school of your choice. Extensive sales trainin&. For io-ronnauoo, call 751-6191 YlfW TOWNHOMES Mister suites. \Yiew of Ocean It Night lights. ~et Area. Parks. open spaces. $137 .000. X Int fln. Hal or Pat Agts 751 ·9905, 673-7300 By owner. trade or sale. beaut. home. very ex· elusive area. Close,. lo Strip. $115,000. 4 BR ,14 ba, 2 wetban. patio. sa\8\a. pool. v, acte lot. A~o sprinklers, lots of rNlure trees. For more details call owner ?m.73M77S VenailJa Condo, $79.100. Bacbdor w/bdrm. down P1Jt llnlble w /cNdit. ·~14 evn 6: wknd1 • Bx owner. .--.n ... ,....Lo. Hllf6ntltlectloD ol ,.. .. ....,. adll DAILYl'ILOT RILP WAJll'l'ID A• SADDLI .. IN HOISi COUMTIY Dramatic Home · Approx. % Acres -4 BR -Pool -Spa -Park 8 Cars + R.V. -Great Location -Keep 3 Horses, Maybe More. On Your Own Property. $289,000. SAN JUAH CAPISTIAMO t&LTOP ISTAn • Special 5 BR Home On Approx. 5 Acres. Solar Heated Pool , Spa. Room For Tennis Court, Horses, Guest House. Magnificent View Of Surrounding Valley & Adj. To Miles Of Equestrian Trails. $1.975.000. 759-9190 u c..,.. ...... ... .,....c .... w:::' ~~lA-&~~s· = ..... ..., QAY II, IOl&M----- ·~ ..:.~ ....... '°'"' ,_ .... _. I OOCARC I I r I r I - I KU BLY' l'I r1i - f• t I 0 t ", 1 .. J ............. _ ..... • • • . • . Tiii dOlllt etln toll M 111, It f E P I E T T 'lull 911' "*--. . I' I I' I I • '°"""" .. cto.dlt ..-____ __.__...._, ,_ ~.ct: z 1:1= • ~R!is'"05 r r r r r r r 1 •20=1 "' 11 " 0 1 1. I I I I I I ICIAMUTI tJ .as, .. " n 1111 11• f through the ent'losed New 3 story beach huuse courtyard and see all Bay "O<'ean views that this home has to of-Ocean side or Ba I boa Isl fer. You'd be proud to l.9ll Court Ave. nr 19th own tr. -Only $165.000. 67~2291or848 3133 Call now97~~0 Am le arkin in rear ALLSTATf ~.~~! ... !~.2.~ REALTORS ~~~~~~~~~1• Placin11 a Classified ad is yr new. s.198.000 709 It ueuyas db Un11 your 709•, Or ch id Call phone. Give us a call. ~!;!135.~er bkr We 'll do t he r est. fie•r• 1002 ~642-~~~-----1 ••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• WIST S29t,OOO Walk to the beach rrom this large 3 BR & 2 BR +bachelor duplex with high income & low expenses. Sell er will fin ance & has priced to sell quickly. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 OOVER SHORES FORMALITY . &doMd _.. 11hlh for pri•ocy and Mcriy ..,IJllfd for twfartalltiltcj with ..,..,. •wllM tlwangllout witll pool wt lll"ld ,.tio: 3 IMdroo. fo,...al .... rocm .... f-.ly rooa S6tt,OOO .... 631-1400. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC' REAL £STATF 243'> W l ncnl ~llw NtwPQ<I (lo."' h 631-1400 .... ,,,.,, 11~ M•rnlf' A'" S.ll1udl~md 67Ut00 DANCES 0 H 0 E S l H A H 8 0 T I J E T A H C H 0 T N H Y C H A r, R l P I W A I W T E T A P I 0 Q C F U H I N 0 A C N K U 0 S N 0 M A U A 0 B W A P A L K J L R J £ F P L T A H X R A T C J M K I A K E l 0 U Y £ 0 C T E l f 0 X I Q A W E YR H LT AR AS T CTR RN UTE Y- E Al~::~ f SJE THE ATTA S k T H H U H 1 A R " I W X T A R 0 C W U L S H X 0 J W C H P I S 0 C O T H T H G I J I T T A N G 0 .A U Q F T TLABMQUADNLGALOPATA 0 A 8 A H E R H 0 T T 0 C T S I II T H C I P E T S C II 0 A Z J C H 0 H H G C E J I T L P 0 H E L L I -0 A U Q 0 T ................ ~ ........ 111] CltlCltl MIMI T• ~ Cltllt.-li 0... T.tty T"' ~ ftl TM Mil r.111 • .. ... ClllMltll .. ._ ... C....lyeae T-..-0... W. Wilson.714 S4.5 290l 213 689 Ul4 I Easy! Easy! Easy! The faStest dra"' ID the West a Deily Pilot Cl~fted_Ad 642 S678 [n,oy the beluty ol lhts col- oied and embr01dered fan quilt Add I 10/IWlllC toucil IO I bed 111lh lhrS QUiii of tmb!Oldtred lans w11h eytlet bud•~& alld e1elel ruffled boldet Pattern 7261 t1uue1ransfer ol 24 mollfs, d111r1m IOI )2t76·tn quill L -trr -f1T S2.2S IOI e~h pattein Add &18·0'/0!I___ i-------- lnitlt I 0.44 llGCAMYOM LARGEST Guardeo community Beaut 3 Br 212 ba home MODEL w mirrored walls. lots of marble. 3 car gar 111 V11lag,e Ill Thi~ Ya le 000 CaU644-0448 Model has •l all 4--------bdrms. 21'2 ba .. fam rm . forma l din rm plus a re· rrodeled kitchen (NEW t ile pa1n t ·p a p er1 Loaded with storage spare Located on a ma JOr greenbelt. $209.900 ~wilFMmtet this 2Br unit in the North end Near Crescent Ila y Beach Set-how easy we can shp you IDlo th1l' one I llGCAMYOH McLain Greenbri er spht le vel rond o ~•th fPI! course vie~ Pool spa·teMIS·secunty As sumable loan Asking $265,000 I ~ 1 Walker & lee UDOISU IAYFIOHT Sl ,000 000 v; mc.i.;._ m~T.... '.>Oc uch Pi""" for riostace ~ .::,;:11 •& Su 4 te: lOIJlllMI VHloc)e lt.E NHdtlcnftO..,C.105 -UJ!.IJjl Olarming 2 tidrm plus den. 2 bath. pier and shp to accommodate 40' boat. North side For an appointment to see this exclusive property, call More pl.ty lllan work! Just Ont. OeNy "°' LGCJll'O HicJ-1 I OS 2 ""'" 1*t (no Side te1111Sl fol Ille Ill l'3, OM c...... Sta., ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• pull-oft pants, pedel f)lsllen and , ... H 11111 Prill ..... OCEANFRONT sllorts JOU hwe 111 Md lcM all w.., n,, hlllt ...... l<n dov.'tl, $4500 mo. or summer.SM$S$111dSew! -191? ....._,... c._ J trade S400K eqwty. By · Pnnltd Pattent 9015 Jr. 111155 hee p11ter111 111S1de. 170 best owner. Hi6HIQl3 Wllst Sizes 23*. 24*. 25*. 21, kels dolls. q Its mcite' --- I ·~~.-HERITAGE REALTOR~ 29. Stn2Sli P111U21h11ds45'': rn,t ~ochet, Cm~ SI 50 Newport ltoclt I OH 1*111fMl1IMn 1111. s11orts lit IJ. can IDlllS. .sza _. ••••••••••••••••••••••• \¥.l(llAclH~~ S.. SUS ts_. ............ ce:s _... ............................... =:m.i ...... s..s IMlll lMllOlh!MI 'a'*" o.,t. 442 llt::..t* i:!;.t" :"'-":..a. .. J~ lllt:.°'C.sa.•5' l•n. ,.. -. ,....._.,..... Qllla lit, ... mu--. m..,._ ., .... Wlllt fW I .. r f llld i-. lft.ftlll Olla """' ill our NEW SPll~ 1 ·~a 't ._... SUMMH PATICIM r.AlMO$. maill 't ... E s..-. ..... ...... ln.M ., "" .. '"' htttrll c.... °'* utCNdllll -100 -~ suo. llMllt _." ..... Clldllt ll.C9T..S .. $ZM ... 11 .. -= ll~ c-.. llW...... Clldllt 117.fll .. " •11 PIO I 1 ll~. 1.JNM't...... ... ......... . ~ "=~ .. 1 ....... ClliMI :: .. -.. .. ....: :r..m. ... PIMIMSULA DUPLIX Fabulous financlng -excellent location near Balboa pier. 4 BR up, 3 BR down .. Oood income producin", no maintenance. Only 10 years old. Good condition. $340,000 Julie ,Van Wieren 752-1414 <X21) . I Orangt Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tliuraday, ¥aroh 4, 1982 SMOKY DEBATE Flornl:i stdte s<.•1wt111·, in.iN'l l0d a little ITil'lod1·anw and humor 111111 a dl'l:n1t l1 at T;dl.ih;is~l'l' on a IH'opo-;t·d resolutron lo 111'gt• Congl'l'SS to 1'l'·l'llt1l'I tht· C'lt•an .\it' At·I .\t ll'ft . Sl•n Edge11· Dunn .... I ..... .I 1 \\ ... 11 :.. .i !.!.1 ... nw ... i-ii" Ill· 111<1kt·s ;1 point \I 1 ll!hl S1•11 \\'.11 t't•n I l1·111kr..,011 ;1dd.., h111nc1r h\ ... 11111k111:,: 111 ... 1•\1·r p1°1'"l'l\I 1·1t.:<1r I hr11 11t:h .i I .1<·1' rn.1--I- f'IC'Tlnout ........ . •MllllfATUd•T Tl1• felfn1lnt PtrH" h llel11e M l"fft•t TMI WOOO OOC:fO", HI• M0111 ... le, G..it ArWw, C:A '2•21 0 "10 •t.\.AN l'ltV, 1tU Mell~. ewe. Meu, CA n.21. Tiii• ~· •• (eM\I( ... .., ~ lftlll\I .... OrleA.l'rt Tllh ··~ ,,,, ....... •lltl "" C:..,11ly Cler• of Or.nee C:ov11ly °" llMr<" a. i•. .. , ..... l'llOllllllM Or ... C:..•I Oelly ftlte4, M••<" 4, II, 11. U, 1'12 tU t2 fllCTITIOUI eUllN8U NIIMI ITATIMINT T.,. 101towln9 ptr\on 11 Ootna l>ll~ntUetl 0 & I P"I CIS ION l!HOI HIERIHG. 1W Sl>t""OOO• C:citle Me-..camv 8AIAN JOSIPH 1<e•DLE, u• MMtrwood, C.le M .. e, CA t1'27. Tlllt llutiMU 11 con~hlCl•d l>Y •11 llldh1lct1NI 8 J.l<ffdt• Tl\lt lte*'-t ,.. .. llfe<I wlll\ "'-Govnly Cler-of Or anQe County Oii Mtr<ll), 1"7 1'1MIM P"l>ll-0refl9t CNsl Dally Pffol. Merci'•. II, 11, u. 1"2 tJH1 PICTITIOUS •us•'•n MAMll STAT8MINT TM 1011ow1110 penont er• dolnQ butl...uet: •AME.N'S. 21» PIK•ncle A ......... CCKle MeW, Cellfornle n.21. S1n0o<in Al·B•yl ll, 111 OP•I, B1lllH 111-. C1tlfQrnl1 tt•6' -ilerbere •l·l ey11l , 111 DP•I. Bett>oa tsfencl, Cellfornl• '1ttl Tnls buSl11es1 I• collduct•d by •n lnclfvld,..I. Sanooun Af·B•vell TM• •le""'-1 •H lll•d wlln tt>t County Cler-of Or•llQe County on Mucnl, 1"7 ,., .. ,.. Pubff•hecl 0<•"911 (OA\I D•lly Pllol Florida island bets on sun Mu cn •. 11, 11. lS, 1'82 U4.f7 "tCTITIOUS eUSINEH N-1[ ST•TEMEHT Tourists get discounts if Ol' Sol fails to show each day Th• fottowlnQ Ptt•on 11 dOlllQ busineuas CRITTERS, .. n Irvin• 4Yff'lue, Sulle C, Corut ~. C•ttlornl• t3'17 Sh1ron E t1yne Stymo"r, 20U I Montellil Clrc,., H1111lln11'°n SHch, C•lllornl1.,,,... MA RCO ISLAND. Fla lAPI -Bad weather could be good ne ws for summer tourists at this Gulf Coast r esort is la nd - where th e Chamber o f Commerce guarantees .. at least one hour of suns hine" per day. ··we have a lot of confidence in the weather on Marco Is land." he said. Pl.'rmun(•nt tn<:ligiblt· rt•<;1de nts are Pa nnin g~ -;aid the isla nd's onl\' hotel and a n undetermined number of re!>tauranls a nd -.tor£>!'\ arC' parttt·1pating tn the pro mot um Tiits butlnen " contluct•d bY 1n lndfYHl ... I The promotion. intended to lure tourists in the hot. sticky -.,,_summer months from Memorial Day to Labor Day, gives visitors half-price discounts on rooms. meal s and pu r c h ases from parn<>irrnting m erchants if the s un fails to· appear for at least an hour a day , said C hamber of Commerce spokes man Lou Pannings. Visitors s houldn't execct tu make a killing. Las t !.Ummer the island. located less th:.in 100 miles northwest o f ~11am1 had only three days of qualaf~ in~ cloudiness. said Panning!> Summer is the ratn\ !'\l'a.,on 111 s outh Florida and · aftl'rnoon thunders hower s arC' common But there 1s normally enough s un in the morn1n~ a nd afternoon to make up for thC' s howers . ~lcrchanb i-:"t the idea of a s uns htnl' guarantee from the St. P e tersburg Eveni ng lndc pt·rHlcnt. \\h1ch s ince 1910 ha'> offered frt0l' newspapers if lhe :-.u n dol's n 't s hine . The lm1,1?es t s trt•tth of consecutive .;unsh1ne \\US 765 days which t•ndt•d M<.1rch 17. 1969. The last tlm(• thl' l.'ditors had lo give out fret· p:.ipcr!-1 was 64 days a,1?0. Sl\eron E•• ....... S.vmour TlllS \t.l-t w•\ !tied Wtll\ lhe County (le,., of Or•n~ County on M1rchl 1"7 "1M2" Publl•NO 0r•"9t Coe\I 0111• Pltot, Mu 4 11, II, U, 1"2 9l1-e'l tun.I FICTITIOUS eUSINESS NllME STATEMINT The tollow+no person\ •re dolno buSlllH•U Tourists hoping lo qualtf) for th e discounts mus t reg1stt·r with the Chamber of Commt·r<'l' NEWPORT DOG SHOWS. 111?6 Mc0urmot1, Sult• C, lrYiM, CA t11U MOSBOUR CORPOR ATION, a Ct l1 lo111 I• corporellon. 11216 Mc0urmol1, Suite C, l<Ylne, CA t171• Thi• buslntn .. COMUCltd bv • corpor•tlon DIATH NOTICIS WlLL.ING F.R SL<\l.GHTt:R Mll'llAEI. w11:1.1:-.:CER J~l.-l.:'\ REY:\O LUS 1ROllONCZY 1 3 r<•.,idt•nt SLAl <.:.HTER. cti,;ct Sunrl.1\ of 1 he <in•;i for 1 he p.c..,t 25 ntithl. I' l'bruar~ _fl_ 1982 .cl \'e;i rs. ha\ cn)! h' l'fl tn S<inl ii lhl' \ et~nin-, ""!>of'lla.I in l.<t .. r . . Jolla la lie hiicl h\ed tn Ana or 20 \e<ir" Jnd 111'1'" Cahform<i all ht~ life <incl for 5 Yl':m •. j)J!>!>.ed :JllJ\ 1111 q•n <.'d tn the R atnl:in\\ '.\fareh I. 198~ Ill• l\J '> .ic·lt\t' 0 n 1 w 11 \\' I 11 1 n l h e Ch J m he r 11 I "l!>IU ~1 or< at l Com merl'l' of Sanl .t Ana "J., :.i l" II En1?1nt·l·1 h' dunn11. lhC' t9filh Ill' "J' 1>ro lt·.,~111n lk ll'J\ t'" '"" abu .1rtt\i.' tn lhl· Op«rJtr.1 ''I fC' llelt:tl. 2 d au~hl t·1·.., 111 the Lo'\ ,\nJ!.l'IC!> art•J fot Rulh Sl:.iu11.h11·r Kt•llh 20 \l'OJr!. lie IS "oUf'\'f\l'(J 111 R:H'h<'I '.\l~rtl' l>:.i) \~ah .rntl I his' \\ire El.,1e . dini11.hti·r ~''" J1Jhn f ll'lc·her Slau~hll't Elsie Chatlos of llunl tni.:lon rhl'r<' url' 9 J!I an1kh1lllrl'll. B<'ach. ca and pr('(kn•awct Gun J ohn. Ron:.ilfl .l:1m1· ... in 1964 h\ hi:. :.crn :\lll'hJl'I and G<in~ R1dtanl !'t·llh Also stir\'f\'llll!. url' :1 Andrea l\alhlt•t·n Sh.rnn 11.randchilclren .. ln!.t•ph M<irn: unot _lll'alho·r R.1~·hl'I (' 0 r 1 n n c an cl M 1,. h ,1 ,. I Da.1·wall b:c·ll.' J11hn K' It· Piikinton. 1 11.rca1 i.:ran1ftohdcl l!a\'l!J and ShOJnnnn l.l'•' Jeri M:iric Ptlktnlon ~.laui.:htl'r. A l\\1n ~1-.11•r Slumber room , 1.,1tat1110 "a-. I h1·dora Sp1•nc·t•r. II\ l'!'\ 111 held on Tm .... ch11 • :\1 arch :! BakN~ftl'ld. l"i Thcrt• art· 1982 from 2 mP~I 10 :, '"11':\I ah.11 ::! ~on .... tn la\1 .. ~n ho at Harbor l.:11111 !\!tomm ral l>a) 11:.ill and Ha ·hard Kt•tl h Chapel. (_'.,,1.., \lc'a lluf\ an•I 1. clau~hll'r tn l.iw l.111d.1 Ro~an and )l ;i~., 111 lht• Ll't' Sl.mi.:hll•r lie• lm1·ol hi' Resurrl'l'll!lnon\\.'ednt•-.cla' f.i mth and WJ., gn·ath March 3. 19112 al I IMIP:\1 ,11 Im l•cl b~ thl'm <;ra\l''Hlt• I mm a cu I at c• 11 t• ,1 r1 0 f ~~·rn<'l':. lo Ix• helll al Pa1·1f11· Mary C:athoht· Chut'l'h. 11110 ~ 1c1~ '.\l emnn_al Park al South l'cnlC'r St SantJ \na -001 '.\I rm Thu1 •«l.11. :\IJr«h fa lnlerment .,1.n·tt·l'' 11111 I 19R2 In lwu nl """, ..... !ht· be heJO al t.noc1 Shc·ph<·rtl I ;i m ii 1 has S UJ!J!.l·~l l'cl _a Cemet c r). lluntlni:ton dnn<1l1•m to tht• \t•h•ran, Beal·h . (.'a The IJmtf\ .\dm1~1c;1nittnn .. j3~n L a reque'llS in lteu of fl,1" l'f'" J olla \ 1lla£l' Dr . San lJll',!<J. donation., IX' marle 111 11111t C'J 9211il fa \'Ort le l'h;irtl 1· St•n 11 ,., W.\TSO~ under lhl' cltrcl'l111n or ttall1 JO.'\SIEW.\TSO.'\,re~idt·nt Berger11n Smtth & Tuthill •If .'>t•\\ 11or1 Be.1ch. ('J Westcltrr Cha1>cl ~lortuan l'a~'l'<I a\\:" on Fc hruan of Coslu ~1l''«I fH6·9J7l 211 19112 Gl.t<h ;. I. 1J11n-.rt•1 ------------....., ~ a;it~1~n0 ~'.do:'e ~1 1 ~; ~n~tr ~ f ~ "'I HAllOl LAW.._MT. OLIVIE .'\c11 port !leach. C:.i dtt'cl on February 28. 19112 L.•11 rnc: PUIUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST•TEMENT Tne toflowH'n~ Of"r\<.1n •\ cio1n~ Ouiinf'~\ •" GEORGE REC'• fNTl:A PAISE 1100 ~d«tm\ ~vf•l'\Uf" 11 A rO\td M,.\.lj C•111orn•a ~n•?& G~rO!' P BHk Ill 1-"d•m• A"~n~ 18 A (0\1• """'"' (•'•'"'""~ •1676 PUlltc NOTIE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAIME ST•TEMENT t hf' tollowridnq O*r\OnS •ft do,n9 bU\tn•\\tt\ DETAILS UNLI MITED. 111 P•c1t1c Coa't H1QP'tW!f'\\Y .-.untinoton B••(h C•lltorn•ct t2M1 Tom A 9...,,,..11 111 P.o<tlic CM'1 H 19t"""-'Y Hu nt1nqton 8f'•Ch C aftlornoa '111>41 Thi'\ ~·~'' '' c ""du< lt-d t>!I' rtn Et •t. R S<huf'IL. ttl01 MA.WM •f\O•v•Ou.at L.tnf HuntinqtOf' 8~.c." C•litornt• C.-~ P St<• '1..i. Thi\ ~tal~nl wa l1h·d w1tn tht f y,,,\ bu~l'W\'\ i\ cond~cled by • County (lf'n nt Or•nOf' Count" f)n M•'Ct\ J 1 .. 7 1tm,1.-d oar1~r,n1p TomB...,,,..11 F1•001 En< S<...,.1, M=~b,11~':":.a;~n:.;()ll\f CJtHh :;·:0;, ',..., '\fdt~n~I WM htt!d With '"" PUIUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS N•ME ST•TEMENT T h f •o•tow •nQ P"' '"" 1\ f)Ol"tO bu\tn f'\' ·~ O RAN Gf JUI I f (HAR 8 URCf A /1011 >tA•OO• Boulf'vdr<I Co'~'' Mr \1t C Alf Hu nt• "7677 JO\t P Rttctl ,a()1 ~Mth ••e1HIV Oranqt C.tt1t1orn1.1 'HM.' T ,,., ou'"""'' 1' mnu11 .. n h" ... n 1n01v1fJuM JOY-R""' T,,., \1dl~nl1Pf\1 ..,,.,, hlt-'1 w1tn I~ Countv (IPrll Qt Or~no .. c. '•unty on M•t<ll 3 IOI? F114JU Publl\httid Ot •nQf" (O.\t Dtt••v Pilot M•rc11 • 11 11 1s 1"1 1001 87 PUlllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINEH N•ME ST•TEMENT l hf' totlowtnQ cu r\on '" Oo1n9 bu\.l~U .. i. County (lt ,i._ of Oran~ County °" MM<h J 1"97 F1141'2 Pul)I••~ 0.d"9f' (OoUI Oatl~ Piiot, March• 11 11 1S 19!1 ••1-17 PUIUC MOlXE ST• TE ME NT OF WITHOA•W•l FROM PART NEAS HIP OPE R"TING UN OE A FICTITIOUS BUSIN ESS N•ME l h,., ro11ow1nq person ha\ w1tr,orawn ,,, ,, a""nt'rrtl Oilrlnpr hom fhf 0"tlnPr \tup OPf''~''"9 undrr lhr ft< t.11ou' ~\1nfl\"i nclmf' Of M & M MAINT EN•NCE SE RVICE el 30C Rot at.n~tl Rd C01>ta MflW, C•hfofn1a 0&1• Tr1f' t1r t1t1ou s bu\•ness n•mt ''"trm•nt fot thfi oartMn.n1p w•i flied on AOfll '7 tfl18 tn tnP Counh ot Or4nq~ F ull Na mt ttnd Addrr\' of the Pf'r\on Wtlndrdwinq Manan Eh1aC.th l(pn~CIY lOC 811< kMll Ad Cool& MMa Catllornl• •767• \ Ma,,an E l(~npdy FttttU MOS80UR CORPO RATION Wttllem •ntypa" Jr Pr-eslck'nl Tllh st.11.,ment ,.,,., 111.0 with "" County (lfr-of Or1119e Cou nty on M1rchl. 1"7 "1M2" PuOttsn.d O<-Coest Delly Pllo1, March•. 11, 11, u . 1"2 1~ ,ICTITIOU~ eui!Nlr:U N-E ST•TEMlr:NT Tn• follow1nQ Pf!non ,. do1nq bullMUH' CO NDOR ENG•NEEAING 10~ wot K11ttte Or1noe C1lllor111e ~-•Donald Bt.111 C.Oln~t Tretluco Tree1 PO h • 361 Tr~ Canyon. Celilo<'nl• M 11 Tiii\ bu~ntt\ " C-u<l.0 l)y en lndlvidu..I T,_.e 0-td Bl•ll T"I\ \tlWmenl ..... , ···~ WIU't ,,,.. County Clerk ol Or-County on M•rcll 7, 1"7 F1MJM PubllS-Or•-(OHi Dally Piiot. Mite II 4, H . 11, U . 1"2 • .,._., IJICTITiotK eUSIHE5' N-E ST•TEMENT Th• follo•lno ~•sons •r• doing bust,.eues· THE ME!.A VERDE BUILDING, ISlO Nul""'G Plue. (O•I• MU•. Calllornoa cn.x Charles H Gorham, l1'0, Hafll (Ire le, Cost.I Me ... C.llfQrnla 9762• M H KOii, 116n Arro~. Sant• Ana, Caltlor11t1 t170S Tnti buslnHl •• co11<1uC1ed by • lll!Mrel partneolllp OwlrlH H Gorn.m Tiii• ,,.,......,. w.u fifed with Ille County Clerk ol Orano-COllllly on February tl. 1"2 IJ1Ultt PuOll!ol'eel <>reno-Coell Dally Piiot, F•b. 15, March •. 11, 11, "17 ...a. D•VID C•ALAND Ml,t~IC ll• l?M Str"l ("""' ~W1 CA 01•17 D•VIO BE NTON GARLA ND No •t Mont#Ot•llffl'' Nf"w pn,.I 8f"•' n (A •7'60 Pul)h\""<I 0<•"<1!' (""'' Oelly PtlOt. ----.. -u-.-L-IC_H_O_T_IC_I __ _ MM 4 11 19 1S 1"'1 tSl..e; NOTICE OP COM~~ETIOH t 111s bu11nrn •\ <Ortdu< It'd bv an lndhndu.Jt o ... td B GMland Thi\ \t•l•~t W\)\ lit.-O ~·th lt\f' Cour"IV Clfllrk ot Or~~Of" Counh on Fol) 11 1'181 F1t,.ll Publl~N>d 0<M<)!' (CM" 0 .. 11. Pllol Ma-Ch 4 11 lft 7S 1'187 0/().117 PUIUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS N•ME ST•TEMENT T hfl follow1n9 Pf"''on\ ''~ doln9 b•l''""''.t d\ BUC HANAN RICC I & A~<;O( IA TES 10?0 Q""ll, N•WP0'1 AHCll Calllornl• '17'60 Dlt•" llNVtaOHMIHTAL IMl'ACT ltE"'OaT WHITING ltANCH MASTEa l'LAN Ol"WATEaSUl'l'L V DISTltlBUTION ANO W.UTEW•TElt TltE•TMENT AHO DISl'OS.tl\. tJ•CILITlllS •NO NOTICE OIJ l'UBLIC Hll•alNO Notice ts ntreDy Qlv•11 11\•I the 8oerd of OlrectOl"s of •rvlne Renell Monuarv • Ceme1erv Crema1orv muthc•r of Penn~ \Vcl(lcfall ofi--------- l"'rv N. Alce• 7•171 LaHormow, Laouna Nlquel c1111fornla 91671 8Ml>d•• K 8uchanan, 1100 Estel•• LAn• New00'1 Buch Catlfornla •1"60 W•ter Olst•fct IWI• lound ll>t tottowt110 Orefl En•lr...,..,,...tet lm1MKI Reoorl to i.. In order and hat dl••Cled tl>t ~retary ol ll>t Olll•kl to provlOe PUbflc notlet lntreol •nd to meke Cl>Pfes ••ell•ble for 11Ullllc ln•p.cllon and called 1 publtc 1>tert1111ll>treo1111 6:00 P.M. or as soon tneru 111,. H l 1625 Gisler Ave. Cos1a Mesa 540-5554 "HCI HOTHIU HU. llOADWAY MOlTUAIY 110 Broadwav Costa Mesa 642·9150 1.u n & 10GoUoH SMITH & TVTHtLL WISTC ..... C ... "'- 427 E 17th St Cos1a Mesa 646-9371 "HCIMOTHHI SMITMI' MOITUAIY 627 Main St. HuntrnSJtOn e .. ch 536-a539 • Fountmn \'all"''" l'<t . Wencl' Watson of Sul'r:.iml•nto. c·a . Chris Wats on and Sin t' Watson. holh of l.tth;una. :\l a ui. Ha11 a11 In liC'u of f1011 ers I he fJ mth rl:'q11t•;.h don al tons ' ht• ma<lt• 111 lht• Ament•an Cant·er Snt·11•t\ "' l10~111rt• of Oranitt' C111111t' Ft t<'nrh an• 111111t·tl lo .11 ft-nol a tnl'munal "t'r' t11• "n Saturda1. :\>1:.trt·h Ii l!Jll:! .11 11 OOA ~j to Ix· ht• ltl a I I ht• Chapel or Fa1 r.ha\t•n Memorial Park Ct•m ('tt>n 1702 Fairha\'en AH·. Santa Ana.Ca HEl'SSER· JOHN ll El.:SSER . a resident o( the Costa !\1es;i areu ror 15 yrurs Pas!>ed awa~ on Mart•h I. 1982 He 1~ s urvived b)' his son Wesle' ot Cos ta M{'Sa. Cu , ·:i grandchildren and 2 lfr,at-g r a ndch 1 Jd ren Services will be he ld on Thursday. March 4, 1982 at l O·OoAM at Harbor Lawn ,M e morial Chape l with Interment servlee11 immediately .fo llowi ng . Ser vu:es un<1er t.he direction or Harbor Lawn·'Mount Oll vc MortUit1 or Costa Mun MO·SS.54. ' ' Use the Dally l>llot Pl DDDICll MOlrnAl•S "Fall Result" sen lce ~-..~rfl •rHtorJ. vour l•une Hillt t~ ..-v~ la our ..,, .=;lrano ~ally. -.1~. c ~ 11 • ... eaa_,_.__lt'ft __ e_-1_._*_ .. " ,, t Starting a New Business A cccordlng 10 C•llforni• Bu•lneu •nd Profession• Code (Sec 17900 to 17930) •II persona doing bualneu under • ficiltloua n•me mual me • Bt•temenl with lhe County Clerk •nd h•ve It published four times In • new•p•per aer'ltng lht •re• I n which lht b4.l1lneas la located. The statement 11 required by l•w end 11 neceH•'Y In protecting your bualne11 n•me. Mott bank• require proof of flft"9 to open commerdat accounts. • TJtt DAILY PILOT provide• boU1 fifing and publlc•tlon a.rwtct1. We 'have 111 the ~Hery torme end malnteln • dalty Hrvtee lo the Or•1ttt County C."'1,.IW. lltMr ttop •• ••• of our ... ., • .._. omctt or -piaoAe ttle lltOAI. DlftA!tnmtT M£.4n1 I 1!11t. IU tor more ............. MCI'°'"' .. u,J,~l~r:=:i~~:~s .. !~~~?o~~t':,.~~h:~ 11 pt1rtnrnhio Larrv N RICCI 8llrb<lra K BucMnal'I pracllceble. on Merci\ 12, 1"7, tn tl>t District Office, 111117 9erdfffl Avenue, '"'"'· C•lflomla. OR•FT ENV IRONM ENTAL fhl\ •lat•~nt w&~ 111..i wilh the Counh Clt>rk of Or3n9, CO\.lnh on Mar<llJ 1"'7 IMP•CT REPOltT WHITING R•NCH F114 .. M•STER PL•NOF WAT ER SUPPLY Pul)I"~ 0<4"-(<N\I Oatly Pilot, 0 I S T A I 8 U T I 0 N A N 0 Ma r • fl 19 H lqe1 •40-t'l WASTEW•TER Tll E•TMENT ANO "'IUC llOTIE OISP05"l F•CtLITIES The PUfl)OM of the Oran Et A " to ••••u•t• tl>t f!nvlronment•f tm1>« h fl! the prolt< f conslstl11t of the ldtnllllc1t1011 encl l"ICTITIOUS BUSINESS 1v4!11ellon ol H••••• efl•r11elln N-'ME ST•TEMENT svstems IOr wpplylfto domeltlc -T llt lollowln9 ""'~' •r• dol1>9 I rrta•llon weltr 10 1ht proPOsed ou\lnPU8\ Wl\111no Re11ch Clevetopm•11t as v I SIONAR y MARKE Tl NG ._...,,..,by 11\eOrMOe Counl'f eoero CONCEPT!>, .. ,o Cerritos A:venut, Of S11Ptr•f10tl In Gtneret Pten Unit B. SteMon. C•llforn•• tOMO. •-ment 11-1 Also ln<.t..oed ft an Edw•rd-.. l~S COluu Ctrcte, •netv••• of efltr11ellv• mNn1 ol "llt 8 Huntlnqlon lie.ch, Ceflfor·nl• COlft<llno, trea11ne efld dlllPOtin. ot t1'46 weil•••t•r Qtn•r•lld l>y lht' Donald Moyer\. :1t1 8roo•vle• d•vtlOPmtn1. 8ott1 lnt..-lm 11..,_, ... , Way. Cl>'I• ~. C•fffon1ta 91'17 •· encl ulll,..... (et llulldoul) etternallvM Thi~ Ou•IMU I• con<lu<t•d Dy • ere edd..sM<I, as w-41 es leclltlftt 0•11erat 1>a11n.r\111p neuuer-, lor 'on-1r1e wet..--,_., Ec!Werd Moore urvk•. This st.ttement w 11 fifed with tne Tiit 2,711 ecre·Wl\tttno ftench It County Cterh of Oren~ County on louted In u.. lllli11Corpoftted •re• of Merch l, ltl2 Or111et County lint •ttl of Ille f'1'4191 ClevtleNI H.it...i l"wett, Publlthecl Ore19 CNll Delly Piiot. Coole• ol !fie Oreft Et" ........ ..... M1rch 4, II, II, U, ltl2 "4C2, dlttrlbllled ,. l11•re-... 11< .. I elld -------------•ere en Ille IN •~ll•lllt fer IMIOllc IMpeclloft •I 11\e Dlltrtct Offkt, 1'802 8ardH11 A_, lrvlM, C:A., efld et ------------. lht ro11owl119 llbrerlt ti C:lty of l'ICTITIOUS tUSINHS Ntwpo,, 8"cfl Mennen erench, "°' HAMllST~TIMIHT Oov•r' Orlvt, H_po,, 9ffcll, CA; T II• fotto•tnt person 1 ilolnt City of lrvlllt Vlll¥tn.lty l'or11, 4111 l>1"lnttfH • S•....,,..Wey,lrvlt!t,CA; AOV•L PftlSTIGE HllWPORT. 1"'9,.._. ""°"' ..... ....-ci.. <1re •Ot w co.u t11911w1y, Ill•~ lllv1t1cnt re¥1"1 t111 Of9ft 1:1" -10 ltetll, CA "'6) m•-• cemme11tt titer""· Wrll .. 11 COLITT• M. WAHOE;t., +GI w <~ 11'-d wftft"" IKret«y ef Co.ttl H~v. N.......,,, IHtll, CA IN Ol"'1<t t11 or ~ Matti\ 1', '2...S ltll, wlll llt ~ .., tllt _..,. Tl\lt tutllltu It econCl\lc;lael by 811 ef OIN<"" at ""IM*IC """"' Ofl IMlvlckoet Ma«ll n. It TIW ......... l'l\rlaw ef Coift1011 WIMll Ille Oreft II" ~ll*t Ofl A9rtl t, ni11t .,.._ """ "'" """" ... 1-. c ... nty c1en. ef 0!'•11t1 OWfl!Y ..-a-. J ~ Merell l. ltn • _,...,.,, I ..... ft9RtflW~ Ot9trlU ......... °' .... c... Delly ...... ,,.... ......... 0r ... .c ..... o.llY '"""'· '-----------------'Merell 4 11, 1l ''·IC ....., t't ~;. r • ' ~·.. 1tM4I • 5 6 7 ~a D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s ·s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 , \ a.era"'...... OllerltHt ..... o..f se. ! ....................... ....................... ,. • ..., i•do ...... .._. • ............. • ................... ;1. '-S. 1100 fwS. 1100 Okl1bom1 10 1crta cs ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• mill to Fort Smith. Gd rellrement woo ded m.~J68· llBO OPEH HOUSE SUN. 1·5 •et..._· 2100 .............•.•••.. , .. Top of the line. 1976 Silver Crest. double wide, beautifully furnisht!d . Just bring tooth brush. 10 A.i:re• avocadds rtanl"ho C•I. 12':i Int. S165,000 X Int lnveft. 1~7 32.118 26.500 acrr ranc h . $19.500,000, tS736 per acre> Central Calif roast 140 exi$linC le&al pareels Ouutandfng rl!ereat1onal oppty Pnnc: only Owner 190 W. I Sit St .. Mlwport IHCll , S.dff rcn. s,.c. 1t. C2allfi&. i662. ___ _ ZiOO ........... Exct.,t Mtwportleoch I 069 2 bdrm, 1 bath. ne~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• r arpe l 4c drapes -Beautiful adult park. ····················-·· 5 BR 3 Ba, qwet nbrhd. low~ace rent 646 8612 subrrut all offer:; Ask 111g, szso.ooo. 631 72IS Ne14pon 8tat'h De Ania WANTED: llou.se on Lido Isle for income proper t} Pnn onl"-y-'64-...2-._....00al~- - -bay front Park Mint Harbor Ridge beauMful con<f '78 dbl "'rde. l.AIC'eme Es1a1es home. r1repll1('(', brick patio. ful?' upgraded ~75.000 S60.00J '63 double "'tdt' I()', down A1·a1I now romer lot $39.000 11111 Trade Eqw1y 1n your In or Nwpl Sch hse for 1·w.tom Cota De Caza MITT.' 1alued al $330,000 B.r.Qwn~r. 760-1977 Grundy 675-6161 GOLDEN PltOPERTI ES 752·1589 S.Cltwnte 107 leochrtoperty 1350 ·····;;·~·;~·;~····· ···~u-;:;:;;:.~··· UTILITY BONDS 4 bdrm. den. Family '•ownership,rmeoc·ean "A"ratedorbethr room.Jbatlb 2400sqft v1ew rondo S25000t"qu1 ror improved real Large Io t . c· o o I , Iv Tenns neg 851 6268 l'Stale !\1ust be clear or panarom1c orean 1·1e" • p d b ,._ • I near dear ~o.ooo 10 rice at ank a P ..._rcto StO Million Your a.<'· prarsal $217.000 SIS2.000 Property 1600 1 assumable rmanc·mg al ... •••••••••••••••••••• c·ou nlanls appro' a 12'2', 498·3848 Prtnl' so l tt'llt'd Refi. I rumlbhed o_n_!l'. MEWf'PRT tE.ACH 7.oller Group 545-8349 S..Mpi lhgh 11sibtltl} l' J Wtll lradt' 2400 sq rt C ... tr.o I 071 Ckean vre" 120 (I fron Turtlt'rO!'k \'1sta 3 br ••••••••••••••••••••••• tage Use eXtbllnl( build <'Ulldo for desert 1enni• FANTASTICSTi\RTF:H mgof4000 sq rt or build <'OOdo 675 1~ 2 Br 2 ba home in area 10.IXXl sq rt 014 nt.>r "'111 ._. · with lake. pool and ret· cam S715 000 fi31 7300 fal'tl a\atlabll' Onh Reaf1or ••••••••••••••••••••••• $106,000. · 1 Houses fwftisNd a..,.. VillocJe R.E lncOft rroperty 2000 i:.l.:jJ;d"""""ii006 --tt1~1J61 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s.t.AM 10101 ArPUVALLEY Morlhla~ •••••••••••••••••••••••1 Tu 5"eft~r ' t bdrm 2 ba Mo 10 Mo W'll' T ='e.ir nt'\\ t pie~ 2 sa'JOMoloJune Isl I lftCJ 0 bdrm 2 b;ith t•Jt'h un11 &12 1670, ~ 8641 _ Barter' "11h ltrepl:lH' i•ntlo,t•d I o1eh 3 Br home • pauo . .:;ir;ij?t• !I'' 1~1 Wash di'\ r Blttn kilrh Fi • Po> t•a:.h flu>< \o>< · ftGnClftCJ Sl59 500 Btll Cru.nd' S97S .tnd utd lo June A • t Rllr '675 6161 · 20th . A1qr Propt'rlles ss1s anc e · b1>4UXI A great rental arja for IY OWHER dlhuipsle2xa1nnd S3anbt~• roo,\nmJ 24Plexi:s,111200,sq rt 612 ~~~~•••••••!!.2.~ u le 614 C;i 1: LampJrtJ. • . Heights~ S1tllng on :i San Clemente 52,19 50IJ ~.side 3br C'mr lot. lg >sl lorgr <'Orner lot tht· ra!'h. S23 .l60 uiro'mt• "1a1· &: 2 rar gar $825 duplex fealures reeentl) l'itrh S.'16.0011 duwn 1n ~·379.l remodeled tntl'r tor:. 1982 9 '• 1:.1 TD ~0itleoch 3 140 Owner will t'ons1der t';\ 714 498 5907_ '_., .. '7' ehangt> ror rondo or .......................... ..,. house, help "1th rman1· THE MEW Fvniilhed rftlfal 1ng. $189.900 For dt'IJtl' IHVESTMEHT one ul' a kind. gorgeous 2 rall979-2390 Prt1all' O\\nC'rshqi of hdrm. 2 ba lownhome r • I \ 14tlh dt'n and s p., TARIEU. ~a et~ <iepol\tl lO\ ' P l'torfet1 fur the reloeal prt'l.•tJlfon polen\IJI ta\ •nl? renlt'r Steps ti) bener11s. high ~1·rur1t} & <Ice.i n. l?Olf. tennis . 10'8 .•..................... ,, MODEL Qt:ALITY 3 Hr nt'ar e\rq1h1ni: toc,11 pn ra1·~ 5i.....pmo Info 714 536 i5~1i "'"' 96o 5807 Deeoralor's dl'llghl p 3 n t a s t I l' Ii u \ ol I $119,000. Hkr 1148 UIU!J EIGHT 4 runs ONE OR All 91'. deprer111t 1on 24', dn Hrwpori leadt l 169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• !Other RNI Esfatt t2..9' • 014.nflr Cmanl'IOR ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~lanai:emt•nl \1 Jtl.1blt• ~ HOMrs Ownt'r Broker 955 34$4 UDO IAYFIOt« 2 bedroom and den 2 bath. pr11 ale pal to r\1 atlable I h rou~ h 6 :.J 82 SI. iOO monlh Broker. 631 7300 For Scllt 1100 I l'i\L~t Sl'RINGS 564.!IOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• fo\lm rondo !:f 5·' l~l 25' Airstream " room NO\\ n•nled al S90t> pt"r I across streel fro m rm 321>-!1~4 or !'>Iii! :1113 beach. $6000. St-e al Hun P S 3 HR 2' •RA + bluHs Con- tmgton by Sea P;irk. ---------•I do 6to9mo's. $1600 mo 21871 Newland. Space ~aut1ful I IO. H • B o r r a I I f MESA VBtDE 4.Pltx Agt 760 9i78 1737.9466 10'• asFuMbtf¥o. a112 1 _______ _ 3BrJba $1500 mo lldrms plus cn!'lo~eci Ueaul H<it·h $625 *EXCITING* !! a r::i g c ~. 1ir "' '' 0 f 2 Br Lido Mobile . 5700 ownership For mun• 111 Npt Crest 38r $1600 IEstatfSo~ foi•all~SSSO t 1Sl'MMERRENTAL1' W11h or without furn llrntage ln\·estTiwnl:. C\0C'anfronl Aug $4500 24x64 Greenbner llornt• Wa1rrfront Homes • in Laguna H!lls ni1·1•s1 5 7 UNITS S llO OOO He;ilwrs 631·140Q slar park. 'r oung ;idll~ I ,11 18 1 R l' 't lh wrlcome " r, 3 "' ~ "'t I rarports X lnl t•ond A!>, ~.:\STER WEEK Ocean front 2 Br. agt · Gne•crf r..tr sume ex1Sl1ng f1nancm1l B e a u l i f u I 2 4 x 6 0 , It OWC. Kaeywest Hm . 2Br, 1,lllllJI 2Ba This is the besl buy ·n (O'olll I IK.\IJI 11()\.\i Rt ,\I TY 631·737C 752 S710 En10~ Summer at Winter rales 2 Br. 2 Ba. 11e14 full spa. ell' 642-~ ' CLASSIC MOllUHOME 2706 Ha~~'tlte 206· /\ 54 5937 ' \ / ~ ~,.' ,.,-·I _, ! Jll~:-~ . ·~,~· Starting a New Business Accco rdl ng to C1tlfornl1 Bullnen •nd Profesllon• Code (Sec. 17900 10 17930) Bii persona dol119 bValnH• under 1 fictitloua n•me mu11 file 1 111ternent 1flth the County Clerk and h•we It JM1bllahed f ou r t i me• I n • ntWBplf* Mfvlftg lhe 1rt1 I n which tht bullneH II located. The Bl•temenl l a req•lred by I•• •ncl It MCHHty In ptOttdlnf your bu•lntH ntt1te. Motl banlll require proof of tllltig to open COIWI MtnHI flCCICMHltl, Tiit DAILY ,ILOT proYidtt llottl .... Incl publlcetloll ........ Wt Mwt •" ltle nec. ... ry form• end malnteln • dally H"lct 10 lht Or•nt• County CourttMMt. Otltf ttop _, 0111 of our conwenlent offlcH or pllone Ille LIOAI. Dl,ARnmfT IOG1, hi. JU ftr lllOft ......... """'· .... pat cl'"°"'1 Sllop claulfled lor toda '• best bu1s Ho.es u.t • .isNd ..........•..•......••. ..•...........•.....••. Garden Gro,·e 4Br t-•,ba. 9'/;i ASSUM~ll.il nu cpls. BBQ. covd Owner wflf earn· 2nd patio. lg yrd. 8682 Tv. am1 I QUAUTY well kepi Tri S005lph 536-14~ Pl!'x neur S.C Plaza 1 Br house m Lake1·re". New rarpet It paint in 2 Ore11on Laundry rm , uniL~ Rutlt·ms. flon('ed fnrd yard $275 mo Util Ya rd &t ·enc Io s e d pd. Bob Meyer ~·3500 g11ragl'S. Open THURS. ol'r or 661 7622 hm or lbru SUN 817 Jrnnirer Ore 503 947-2232 Lane,C.M lZN COVINOTO •I Plexe; "6oal.a.d rrom $250,000. Orange ••••••••••••••••••••••• Co. Call for details. pnn Raylront. beach. 2 Br. 2 1 Am 549 1366 Ba . I 11ar sp 123 E. ~_y -~· · Ba y front . Ba lboa L.A<iUt4A HACH Island St200 wintet Comm 'L mdus 14 units $1400 annual. Herb. days 91, times i:ross O"ner 213 ,47s,J.S77 __ fm. Asking ~.000 li)' CorOM de4 Mar lZJl 01\llf.'r 645 3471 I ....................... Lots for s• 2 200 Sile<'tacular oeean It d l) ••••••••••••• •• •• •• ••.. Gg.hts '1e"' from every Old Corona del Mar, room Large2Br f_rple-. 45xll8' lot. So of Hv.•y, many amenr t •es .. plans 11\fl O"ner fin S1200tmo. Call Anthony May coll!nderlraJe Bkr days 642·5757. eves It SC.7513 v.~ds631·6630. • • ...-;;., DtMrl, 1 1 ' LEASE OR OPTION 4br. a...t 2400 2ba vu exec hm. SHqG mo.Ownr A . 7 ••..•••.••............. ~ PALM SPRINGS CON 3 Br. 212 Ba . Den. Fam DO. $64 ,900 Assume rm . L n dry r m . gy ; 1st. ~m tennis. 1325 mo 64().1484 spa, etc. 320·9$44 or 48r, 2Ba . pvt beaches; 931.13. P .S. __ S\050 mo . Avail now. Sk1 Part West al Easter. KJds' Pets OK. New I br condo 2 min \1142 720-0272 from Iii\. 548·3773 l I Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Thurld1y, March•, 1982 •• ......... I h'1 ...._ ...... d1h• "-ilU.tw '1h~ *f ............. .a..4 Af I nft ....... ~·············~·· ...................... . ..................................................................................................................................................................................... . ~·CMllW... 12241 ..... •ltedl U40Mt ''rtltedl U6t ..... p ' .... J707 c:..N~ Jl24 c..t.Mtte JU41......._ ..... Jl4C Nts:artltedl JHt Ntoar O.C.C .. pool. Non· Froommate. oci bt1ch •••m••••••••••••••••• ••nn•n•••n••••••••• .............................. •••••••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• ........................... i................. amkr sno S4S·2SIO, Call Sin Clem111te . J l90 OC·IU:NTALS 30r. 2Ba. 2 ur tcar. encl W!~TCLfff -BAY FRONTAGE beach, SlOO otf lat Mo. Rent. 2 8R II.) bl. bltna.atudlo. MAii~·~ W~L· 3 'm 2 bi. cloH to S.&Ai.i. +mo. UI HU 11. l·Sbr'1S20Qtos:?OOO bckyd,nopet•;,,.~m1o. Very p vale executive ~m2 5Br2f50·3~~I r· &>.dou12Br,l8a.$3t$. Dldo.11r,nopets.$550 Lta 2 r. own OUH ocon~ 87S ·'912 d1, ~1 .. bvkklt .. f.rmrivl.n..,",!e/mofor. :::y~B•,%Ba rum. 7~33 7doya ~,_p~ . ...u;.:_ -4Br. 281 pool home. •M•ewal •1·871 _.. ' 3'Br JV.Ba."25.Laun· ~IM7;Ml·4291 Ap1rtment. Jo'rplc , r7S.l2Ueve,Bkr ..... _,,, • wshr/dryr le refria ~er.:....:_ .:."~ d ·/ac. . .9554_ £.SkteTrt-plex 1 quiet tfl('llld_Jar. p1tlo. Near 3 Br. 2 Ba . lVr,-=-bl_oc_lt_•_l_o utl .M_:Ul8 ~,:': f.h1w::':1:'c{:~ .:, H OMI OP JZ4J av a 1 I. .u s oo m 0 · c..e.Mtte l724 2.Br lndry p1t1:· adlta Hunt. Harbour. Children o cu n. s 75 o /mo . EtsldeC.M. F\lrn. rm, In· SU.7319 731.5131 . ~LUCKY NW ................. , ..... 0 a '1 de nine '1 Lie l pAo ~I ...................... , QUlt:r ADULTS over U.. i!J.p. iza.:wvi OK 75 mo.114 8807. OwnerJA.aent. 67&·2373 cl. all utllJ, 1215. Call --~-Nf~~;~a~a tt.l~u;i 2t>r"l1111 COlldoon Lasoon. ;r.=0,~1&f ... Cil& DI 010 W:':: \ B~ll'"'ir, SS:o Bllh~a ,~8 2 l>r, 2 ba condo. Walk to _or1'70.8588. Christina 1-2783. Re•f roommate Cd M. Townho~ vf l lAG E 2 fp, aar lc many xlras.~ -----Al.LU'fft..TflE'S'PAID pe~ l.E~w1~~n/i>Ts Ltrge 1 r. or port beach. Security &ate. Cliff Haven. 2 br. I ba, Room needed for yna ~i{~·1::S~rt .. S32S 'COMMUNITY. 2 ·, 3 Br. l900/mo. ~a I I eves: w.t..r ·~ "-r?i ml0J\lllerton, 831-0397. pool, la dry' Adults. no =· apa, sauna, tennis. new crpt fresh paint. mother. E11ch1nge ror --2\.\Ba1800·l800sqftof 1J4/84!}83Ul,831·2932 4Ht36i:rrm nlng, /r, Compue bdore you . peta.~.93lW 19th ~64().4424 f11>lc.eat-lnkit.Nopets. b1by11ttln1.C /hsekpa. Quiet Fem wanted to 'Dure iuxury Oaraaes HUMBOLDT ISLAND study, beaut. dee. lge rent. Custom dUl[n Roo~y 3 Br. Townhouse I St.548,()492. _ ~ ~ _ •642•2134 ~· share C.M. apt. Pool. hydro-tu!». In master 4 BR w/40' d()(k. decks, h1b. view l pvt features . Pool, BBQ. apt mNqulell ~dull c~: Deluxe 2 bdrm. 1 bath. AR,LINGT9N APTS UOO Wat'"rfroot 3Br Iba ............. , u-A-L ... , 00 fc.· Bob 9'15·0536 wk. aulte d1n1.n1 rooms. $2000/mo Yearly guarded gate. poo /ten· cov'rd 111r1ge, sur· plex. ew Y .• e..coral .'. Adult.a no-ts 1450 mo Spacious, qwet 2 br, I~ " ._ --,. .:.:.::....:l:.:::m6=------ wood bum Ing fireplaces Waterfront Home a orusr· 0o· fl900vi• K/oomo .. 111rt.1·22~1._b lr·~-~~de I with PI u sh fireplc•ce. eAndc:l""it pal ol .. 2854 Hickory Pl . ba lwnhse. AduUa only . on sand Y be • c h . ....................... Wiii &bare 2 Br, 2 Ba. apt. micro-wave ovens' 631·1400 .. ,,9 .. -w ..... capng.Nopets. 'gara e. u s on Y -_. No ts. Nr the bearh. SSOO/mo. Rita Writer. ~ICMOTB. w/liberal Mle. ~ref privatepatio5&iyarcts' - ---nlEBLUFFS.Spaclous lBr.rum from$4$5 Sorry,nopets ss75 Mo. 1 Br.1arage. yard. No• Agl.7sz-mo . rentabnowavail. ASA . WSA. NATUR· Gerdener prov lded. ...... 3244 3bdnn. family room . 212 2 Br. f~. from $540 -~;tl!LQ!.E~S94~ pets. Kids OK. 1450/mo SSSO S acioWI ahar 2 W1terlront, dllC 2 Br Sl It up. Color TV. §J'S. 494.Ql6 Elq1nt living only 15 11••••••••••••••••••••• ba home with large encl ~ W Wilson, 642· l9ll 2 Br. 11-, Ba. Townhouse. ~1-0763__ Br · 2 '&! Nr bch C~lld q\let, private. $795/mo. Phones in room 2274 ·-""-~--bt-­ minutn f~om Fashion Twnhome. new 3 br. 3 ba. patio. Non-smoker pti!C Bachelor Units. ulils garage. patio. sma 11 Nice 2 Br. 1 aa. Cottage oK. no Jieu. Bui area. Dock avail. '73-6336 " Newport Blvd CM ~ t ~e'!°:.-Avtif. laJllld. 7 minutes to SC pall~~-aar. Park. pool. NopetS. $950 mo. paid, weekly. yud. No pets . 1510. ~ 679 Center 13 or 83J.330'1 642-9666 646-7"5 now. 675-21637 1rt 6PM. Plua or O.C.Airport .J!t.!!.lS!mo 833·9057 731-5331 642·1334 MS-4837. ~ane · Cl b b Just east or New~ort RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN b . --· Bachelor. 3 blks to beach, Balboa Bay u · 2 r. MllD A PLACE? Blvd. &i so of San Diego T . Blllfs. J r split level on Lal)ille 9-ocll l7 41 BEAUT! FUL 2 Br 2 Ba 1 Br. refrif. enc lad gar stove. refriit. utils pd, lovely bay view• $1700 Rw Weekly-Rates Frwy Starting it S900 a B~U!.e. splir"le~ el. 2 reenbelt. new <' rpt. ••••••••••••• .......... , Mesa Verde. $375. 64 . 0341 a ft er 422"1 Slh St 968-0020 art Ill>. rl . 6'().9605. Kltcheneues-Phones month. 631 ·5439. 2473 2,~ O:n·A~'Pe:e;o~~· · 49Hi306 Luxury studio. spa. TV.1 Garden Apt. l · m. · · 1r-eta•• ll76 "Z" channel Movies O A C t · · · 4br 3ba 2 ~ t maid aervice. phones. Prplc,Lndry,Osbwshr. .--Sandpiper 1967Newport M~nge ve . os a 754.7900 -----C '...st 'cocnadrogarstowopo t1-xw1k •"""2221 Ell<'losed garage. $550. New 3 Br. Pool. Rer rm l-L.--~....... ...................... Bl. Cost• ~fesa 645·9137 .... L r.. . ~ ~ D4Mare 546·4016 Utils paid Walk So . ........_ ~ .,,. ~SC~H --3 Br 2~, Ba, F,R · frplr. 770-003 631·0460 ... .. ~769 ---Coast Plaza. H•o1mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• , otlt On, .. _ .. -ach hotel rooms HURRY ' Ja 2br w/0 ar dbl bl · $800 ' 111WBftrt lf-11 ~ """ 1 rm stove. l'1pts u ... ""' • . • • gar. t-ins. · r-· -Beaut. I BR. quiet bid!. 213137H606 WAU«IT S~UAR" avail im'med .• *""" mo'. kitchen It bath. S300 tropital pat10$400 644·1480 661·4220 ... •••••••••••.••••••••• small dogs accept"' . bd "' -d w OC·R£NTALS 750·3314 -_ ... -· --W h t " ---2 rm. IMO. ery nice Clll89H644 Afl6:30 +$300 epos1t .\2306 -"-';......;.;.=--=.:..:;= -2 bdrm. 2 story. 1'2 ba MEWPC>aT SHORI' ant .somet ing x ra bllns 213·498-6786 or 1 Br. 1 ea. good raslSide with laundry room and Oceanfronl. Newport 2 B Id d h k • 2bdrms,den.2balhs'.f2 ~pec1al in a 2 Br S97.oo56 ••"8098 Be-.. ~ r. enc s garage. con o "Te La es' TownhoU!.e. completely loc. Mature adult . ell£.iar.,...,_ __ "' ... I!....__._ .. _~ a"'~67.r41S4 Adults, no pets. $525/mo Xlnt. loc Beau dee ref patios. near pool ' ten furn" Mo 760·9117 t br. su""r clean. encl. SJSO/mo. Casa del Mar UNIV PK Condo 2Br ~ INw ,.....__ mw. Wilson. 631·4889 req'd. no pets. $650 mo. nis. Walk to beach. xlnt -'__,.:... -· ~r Ad~its. no pets. 279 Apt. 147 E. 18th. St See I' 2Ba. ttU\ mo. 6i•.78J7'. cW U.fwWIMd 3t00 lttst Ho.a 4175 64G-~ cond. Avail. 3/10. S795. OC.,..,._. 11:•0.._... w·1 B l'!ifanage_r. 857 1!1\/C.1"""" " •• .. ••• .. •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~"~ ~o..• 8.51-8:nl. ~"'"" "' · 1 son· AP t . · ......, Boanl ' Care for ladies · UNIVE ST p R 3bdrm,2ba.Avuilmon H'5'mo ""1819 SEAWIND 3 rm, a. water, R I Y A K 4 ~· ~ . .,...,. E:astside. large I Ur. up or rouples. Best natural gardener included. S795. BR 2\i ba. near parks. · - --lhly 'til summer s7oo or SO CCO"'ST AHA per. I adult, no pets LGIJllMI NIC)lltl 3152 food & care New facility 2chlldok644·2778 pools.S875mo.Oarrett l..i\e2br,2'.':rba,pool.ten· ~~rw_k 675·20tO Br.'."B&"'C i1 $350/mo inl'lds utils ••••••••••••••••••••••• VILLAGE forspecwlpeople C M. 4 B 3 o.. d Rl.!}'642·5200 · ms, $900 mo . 644-2442 SHORTTERM ~ ,.1'11 'Al g' pool · r~~ Really nice remodeled New lux condo, bea11h I New 1"2 bdrm luxury 642-348_!__ r °" con ° many -X27 631 6755 "" r •-th a.:. " sec. a es· 673·"....,2 lk b 2 b r I a~nilies S800 D s 4 bdrm 2ll.• ba S95-0 per · · --' ..,.,ean ront • near e ~· . P.P. 968·3652_ ---. ")!_• b · 2 r. a, rp r. ·apts in 14 plans. I Bdrm BOARD " CARE·ladies 673-33.15· ev.es 645·2439 Y rm WOodbndge VACANT 4Br 2Ba. pool, I beach apts avatl by S11JNNING larle I " 2 2 br. $355/mo ~2 V1t• {7~/rro 681·8453 from $490. 2 bdrm from "couples. Spec. Natural . . . 213·355·7988 open d a i I Y . 2 2 4 2 week or mo Ai: l . tori a Adults. no pets ....._,. •-...... ~16t $570, Townhouse from Food ' Care. lndry. nu Nice clean 2 Br. I Ba. ~--~--t{ eat her . I 1 4 o ol 67S.8170 Br. 2 &. gar en apts. ~8161 ·--.---" ~ $640 + pools . tennis. racil C.M 642.J48 1 enclsd garage. yard, REHTALS Ownrta .955·0809 Pool. $395-$455. 710 W ---•••••••••••••••••••••••waterfalls. ponds! Gas -L.:--- new paint ' carpet. No 1 br. Iba $650 Ck b b J!llh_. ------p1n11 NEWPORT for cooking It heatfog Y..ocatioll Rewtak 4250 pets. SS2S + security 2br +den 2ba $975 eanrront 3 r. 2 a. up· Lrg 1 Br adult. near wcatfllL..&..I Ml\ paid. From San Diego ...................... . ~ Orange. house 0. 3br 2ba • S850 per. fntstr views. HOO shOJr;, pool, all util pd. '"' -=-a COUNTIY CLUI Prwy drive North on OCEANFRONT 2' 4 Br 548·2778. 4br'21,ba $1200 W. Ocnfrt. 215e dks, 2 1884Monrovia.S48.:.0336_ APilTMEHTS UYl ... G Beach to McFadden Avail now Wrekly thru 2bd.rm. E. side. $5751 mo 3br2ba Costa Mesa SI 150 e~·rrJ a Refs ~2 8J.f3e Beaulifol ·garden apt& Bachelors. 1;:2 bedroom then West on McFadden summer 673·7873 + 1350 sec. 673 4899: LeR~ISOrRl.!1._833·8600 i . . . ~ ~~~0Js:.r·g~1;a::: Patios/decks. Spa. heal apt.s,lownhouses. to Seawind Vtlluge PalmSpnngs "irea IMon· ~2971. Exec home 6 mo lease 3 Br. 2 2 Ba 2 story 1 ·1aundry room. s mall paid No pets ..... From tun.11000 644-1900 171!2893-5l!!!l terey CCI condo 3 BR 2 h d .Townhouse Pool tennis. 2 BR. 2 BA .,,c.J ,.,..,-3 Br. 2 Ba . S775 mo . 1st. wtt option to exten ·1 PROPERTY HOUSE I yard. Callror appt TSL llllW Wilson 63 l·SS83 NO F'EE ' Apt & Condo Room 4000 &. rurn w at riu~ tast ,Sff. deposit. Call 2400 sq ft 4 ~r up· 642-:J350 642.1010 M mt642·1§00. ---rentals Villa Rentals ••••••••••••••••••••••• GolC. tennis. Dail). 548-43118 aft 5 grades. all appUanres. - ---1 bdrm apt S3SO mo 2 mt Dma ,.. 3826 675-4912 Broker Laguna Beach Motor Inn. weelc,IY " monthly rates greenbelt. cul-de-sac. to beach Call aft 6.30 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 98S No. Paeifie Coast avail 714 558 8001 3 Br1 I b_a. garage. igr Uni verslly Park. No 3 Br home .. 5775 Specious s1udaos. one m 631.4816 · 2 Br Q c ea n \' 1 e" . Large I BR U11I pd Spot· Hwy. Laguna Be a rh. !:5~M,ask ro1 Mark_. _ •. 5~hi~::k''rr~K~~: @~Imo. 759·06~ Bayfroot 5 Br. .. .$3250 and two bedroom aoart· .fil!!: . balrony. ~arage. rlean less Qwet S42S 2421 E Daily. Weekly. Kitchen PALM SPRINGS TAN ' 11 631-1266 Comp redec. Turtlerock (w1thdO<'k l ments. FURNISHED 2 rru. fro,m beach. 3 br. 2 ~"A' Cordovu Dr 16thSt 645·4718 available. Low winter I Br. den Condo. Mtn. 3 Br 2 Ba. Cam rm. pvt Waterfront Homes end UNFUfllNllHED. I ~~a,:•~Y cnil. ~:i·1~~ 213/402-2657 1.follrrt I I Steps to beach 2 Br. I', !!tes. 494.5291 pool YU Newly fur!' Exec. 4 Br. custom home. atnum. l blk park & Rltrs. Inc. 631·1400 OakwOOd also otters or?eo.tesi · Ocean view 3 Br 2ba. Ba. rrplr. lmmarulate Rmmt wanted 10 shr 2BR S2SO wk. $60/day Avail 3frplc, pool. spa , pnvate pool. 5950. Isl & last. ser • All Ulilllles Paid . ~-~ ----_ -patio. dbl gar. $600 mo ('Olld. ~-673·2507 A t. Apt, CM area. 527~ Mo J.22. 1714!Ml·42S5_. -street. Rent or lease op· dep incl gardene,. •Spar1ous lbr poolside ea I c I s ff ...l I. 0 n . s I 2 o o / m 0 .• ., ••• <~ ••. Re.rs. Waterfront. B<Hhelor • 1mrnedlet9 · · __!L~~ WATERFIOMT Inc ulll. a I te 1e Lrg Big Bear rabin, pool .,.... ........, ho I b l n--newly decor. landscaped aft~r 5:30646.:.6_104 tbl C-Olor l v 2 fpls ( 8 O 5 ! 6 4 4 8 o 27 ·I ~~-~ ---use. a. mo 0 mo -.-... , garden apt. No pets. Hlllltiftcl°" IHch )140 ~TH DOCK slee 14 545.6916 · 17141997·8600 ask for GREAT $3.25/mo . 714/773-40481 •atMilliofl ln $340. Agt 548 4827 ............... ••••••••• Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba Furn room. kitchen · Pat. I w:o~l~~:goeR~~~~ge eves. ~Mtlon 731-61129__ ----Wffflttn.Aph w,lspa m mstr Ba . bit-an privgs.C.M.S200mo. ._..to st.an 4300 S51S/m>.2Br.2 Ba .New l holTW! Jbdrm.21 2 ba.2 HARBORVIEWHOMES ' AndMuch More' F'I REPLACE Pool Unfum.l l1dimllpt All kitch .. frplt'. d~l.l'ar 549:9677 -'-••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca.Jl)ets. washer ldrJer 5 t y r p r r u I I y Beaut. 4 · Bdr sgl-story · For a monlh or a hie· prl v ate pa 1 io' & dis· util pd. All ame nit ics garag~'. + ,2 acld1t1onal NB. Lge room & full bath. Pror Shr 2BR. 2RA CdM hook-up. all built-ins. landscaped. '1 -495-6696. ideally located lo bmeModetsopenda+ly hwashersinXTRALG 1 -~-I! 19. _ off-st spaces.S\300 Sep. & pvt entrance. HselBlkfrBch. FPrer. close to sbopplng. sma II 846.3753 schools " Fashion Isl. 9am to6Pm No pets ' 2 Br garden apts. on Deluxe poolside xt ra J.173' 'rop M1"1 ."-"-70 View or bay & open ~5311, 675·9619 Ev~-. ~rd..CaJIJorAppt.TSL -ll200t mo . 855 ·1646. Easts1de. f460•$560~ large 2br. 2 ba. bltns. 875-61 . 5·vv ocean.Non-smoker~. Shrlrgluxhomew prof Resp. person needtd to shr C.M. 3 Br home . cloae to beech It Newport Bl. 1295/mo in· cl. uOI. Steve, '46·4395 tUe to shr. lg bdrm. pvt bath, $350 mo. Call days 64G-S200 Shr nice apt w /young oouple. 2Br. 2Ba $158 rm. 549-1514 M/F' 3br Park Npt Twnhse P~/spa/te. n· nls .• vu bar y. Jan 75!!·0048 Roomma te d till 611.S. 2 br. ba . jac. BBQ. 1?75. 67J.19M N.B. ProC M/f to shr 2 br on N.B. Pen. $300/mo Kris I 54(). 7'!77 167 5.4606 Dana Pt. shr 3 br hse. avail now. Bill 831-1257. 49&-29m M1F to shr 2BR. 2BA bch apt F'um til 61 LS. $250 .• Call Tom eves, 673·2147 Rmmale wanted to shr sml 2 BR hse m E CM S265 + util. S250 dep Jell. 631-5913 anytime OffkeR..W 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1617 Weslcliff. N.B. Want financial inst. 70005.f. Lsl. floor. Agent S41·S032. EXECUTIVE SUITES IN HElfTAGE ,I.Ali New luxury Office space in Irvine's busiest center! Easy Frwy ac· cess. Avajl now '. Call for details. gml.642-1603 ~a~g~ s~'::sJoa~C.~ 84B-8222Mi_t_~ Oakwood 557·2841_,___ dswhr. 1'2 miles bearh 2 br. 2 ba. gar . pool. sun· 646-~ person ISi. last ' dep ~ 4 Br 2ba house. Mesa br. den. 2 ba rondo. POOL HOME Dfl 2 II 2 IA Adults. no pets. SSOOmo deck. dishwasher. S6SO. NB. Room. bath. k1trh ~-rm._966·8479 Verde. Avail 3115. S7SO 5 mo 955-1120 3BR.f.~11hSuo~anBnek Bay Garden Apartments No pets. hoo . 369 ~-A\•a1I Mars pnv pvt patio. Non --------•I 551-1211 640.4230 •DB.UXE OHICES• From I room up to 2000 sq. n From Sl.16 a sq. ft. No lease required. Adj Airporter Inn 2172 Dupont. Ca II AM 833-3223. J. rm. lstilast+S200 sec ""' • A d 59 9 THE WH F 67}2287 646-2992 srmk~!:7215 d , ... _ .. 3241 67S.344SAen_t._ NewportBeech/No. vocao.7 ·114 I FLE'l'RE t:: DQOMMATE 833-2100 ys,8SJ.1769ev. 1o.OIJl9NI--880 1rvine 2 BR -;r.a -;ear ~1 1·2·3 Bdrm. Apts Gym . 2 Bdrm 2 bath near the EMP Mat Fe m. lite ~ wge .._ B~. Mesa Verde N;•;;~·;,~~·:1j;~;~~~ ~~r~e! ':fe/ ~o~dgto: 1.a1 161nl Coast ~laz~e. 5485 mo · Sp~. Sauna . pool. tennis. bu ch S600 per mo . t'hores. $3lary 2Br. pr-FINDERS Home. Children' small ny vu 2Br den lg Llr ,,_.,,1.,,.,,,., •• _7020 Ted (7~)MS-1104 Aa: 64().6161 · · etc.846-0619. t_y~arly l 752 2841 __ J!a.~~ M_ --j pet OK. S7SO. 1st + last · · · · · .....,....,...,_.,...... ._. ----Oldest It largest agenrv rm. rent Call 751·1728 deck•f p,$1000494·8W Nwpt Hts 3 Br. 2 Ba . Newport Beech/So. ...~ •••••••• 9 •• 9 •.•••••••••••••• , ~!!.e~tsresrcerrttenncedes w1ih aft 6PM or wknds. U!O view. Jbr. Crplc S825 mo 1st. last + dep. l700 l61h S1 Cr«.""• t br. 2 ba. lee fenced yd . ~E:JT~tj'l7~3314 Avail now. 645:7400 ~·~~~;~~~ • •• ~~1o~~n7f'rr!!t:i~a. 2449 Yassar Place Newport Hgts 5 Bdr. 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL TheTomorrowShow Avail. Mar. 7 S750 mo 2 Br. I Ba1 442 Monterey Ca~ Cod. den. game • • .1, off• to all ne" Call~0029bef.9pm Dr . CliCf section room.3cargar .3000+ SDlys , Jllnes • 80ollers • clJentswhoneedaplace. £. Side. 1 Br. 400 sf Lg /rm 494'°154 sq rt. Walk to hi-school 5oultt LOIJIMO 37 HI .• • MEWPORT 641-lltt Yard.Gas Paid. 3250 May ~o lease option •••••••••••••••••••••••! • C f $3SO/mo. 548-4845 Cill Diana a 6311266 Laguna Beach. beaut , Its easy to plac e your 8-Day Week lass1 1ed by mall. and 1t e ---- BAYFROMT _Prime omce. 673·1003 Co6ta Mesa. 2SO sq ft sl.ite $175 mo. Utils ln· cld 779 W 19th St 851-8928 $20 It 572 sq. rt. Sl.00 per sq. ft.. 3975 Birch • N. B. Agent 541·5032. La v1 b ~ r .._ rum .swte2BR.spa., e costs1ustS8-that sonlyadollaraday'ToQualtfy forth1s 2500sqflcondotoshr.lg 2 BR 212 ba twnhse g. g. 3 r. 1""" 5 layuOllfl•os• sauna. satellite TV . • rms on beaut1Cul Eastside. S725 mo. 1500 C, view. ref. 2 gar. 2 Br 2' Ba. fabulous vu. ma id serv S300 wk • special ofter. you must be a non-commercial user of1ering • Greenblt & view of the -------- sq.fl. 9:1'Vid,646·325S rm . 2131333·7715 ~bli~~gd"c~'!;if~0':;1g 714-499 2227 merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the pnce must bay. w pools. 557·7883 or ex.e_c .. uplan 2Br. nr So. Coast Plaza. ~MHJ-1 3252 1ss.1221 -• be in your ad The cost stays the sarne whether your ad e ~ -SS7Srm.Fullrec facil ' •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• -~.ts • Prof Woman seeks 974-8209 ~ean view 3Br. den . 2ba. 2 Br Ii den condo near Unfwwished needs eight days selling time or IUSt one • Christian Lady to live in "AN.wC:O.C..t" f\Jll service/culfom office & desk space Shores home . Gate Hoag Hosp. S695tmo • Cd M home w son " c. 2 br. 21, ba. bit-ins. guard. Near pool. beach. Avail now. Ph 546·4131 •••••••••••••••••••0 •• • Nr 0.C. Airport "See lo Appreciate'. .. 759-8978 . 67~419.12quiel area S875 t lease . Owner 3 BR. 2ba condo-Wipool lalboa, .... 3107 • Use one word tn each box About 4 words make one • ~5~~1Rent negollable 1 " · · 4.99-36.11or493·9268 priv. Eastblurr. avail N~2·&•j8it•2·5~·~~·a·ri;· e c lass1f1ed line o f type M1n1mum ad is 3 lines Please print F 10 shr Laguna Beach 4 Br. 2 .Ba nr SC Plaza Mlssioft Yl•Jo 3267 A~ril Isl. Tenant show F)-µk . bit-ins. jlar, park plainly • ftonll' Nonsmk r. refs. :J,9~0~~c ld: water .,••••••••••••••••••••• 7A610's8b0y7a6ppl.S8SO.mo ing. Close to bay & • • $2904973017aft Zpm. . en · 3 Br. frplc. \1iew. access -o r owner ocean.Brkr675·4912 • r------------------------------, ~RTC~TEI "'--P--'-' 3226 to Lake. avail. immed. 213150122 • 3 BR 2ba house with all .-n.-v g.., -_.. T · Step; to bearh. t•ule I br. amen1t1rs Non smoker. &uletlt Office ~D······c·······3··B···2·b··· rns 5S9·9660___!n. flOOL .JACU111 huge yd. quiet street • I I • $225 + ., util Da ys s..c. ana rest. r a. M.wport9-ocll 3269 21ALCOHIES ldealCorcple Nok1dsor • I I 832-4763. eves 836·5757 500to2000sq(t Availa frplc. nice yard. 2 car ••••••••••••••••••••••• I New Bdrm Condo. nr pets S475tmo ut1I paid. I I • ask ror Rod ble Cor Lease garage.2Xrs.new.Verri OC·RENTALS beach.frplc.bllns.d1s-yrty.av~11IJ16673-4484. • Housemate "anted. CallWm.F.Cote clean.Avail March Ca 1 1·5br'sS200toS2000 hwasher. smoke alarm. ~l!X!!!.&_ I I • 1 1 Cam1ly atmosphrre ml' formoreinformallon eves~l77lor960·5844 7~3314 7-days I light It airy. enclosed Small Bachelor. S337 • I S I 00 I Newport Beach. near t "' r • _ _,,Oft-CIC11 67J.S006availnow. yearly. ut1ls pa• . '' • I I • ~ •-.. 3240 garage.nopets .S625mo 'd • • • 1 beach and rommunity Cote Realty •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• blocltfrom()(ean 201 E 10 aft pool. SJOO a month & Investment 5Blkstoocean. Elegant2 IAYFIOMT Bluffs 3 Br. 2 Ba Balboa 675 9562 . • I .vv I i9Wl80 640--S111 _ Br....F.a.mil.Y Rm It Den. 2 s~. 4 f bdrms~ 2 Townh(}-u.se . 2 ea r 7~. I I • r to s~2 br. 2 ba apt. -BOMo.Plush crpts.21, baths . ~1 replace 1 garagewtopener. Avail • .,, 13.20 • ~.M mo +11 ut1ls I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Bl. Cedar" glass. sun· ~geousv1ew P1era~a May 1st. S900 1mo FmhllticYl•w ,, 67~5el2a 6 KOUC-EI deck . dbl car prv sli .$3000permo. Avail. 642-9S99. Large-dick and rooms. • I 15 80 • -~• garage, fully ma int. ..r!~~ 642·3912 • • QI.let female to share II! 2 HIWPORT yard. Nopet.s. Inquire at ae-llh 3276 Ckeanfront. pnme area. I •. bdrm apt. S230Call arter Elegant ElCec suites an SZ718th.St.960-6331. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3Br.2Ba .rrplc Nopets e I AddS2.60foreachaddltlonalllnefor8tlme1 • '.§...~23l8 prestigious loc Incl HOMESFORRENT ean view. Spanish I years lease a l • I j Res~n-sgl F'wantcdto secretarial. rerep· 3 It 4 Bdrms. 1700·1725. style. 4.Br. 2•2 Ba. Woo<l $1350/mo 675·8904 art 5 • shr ocean vu hs e an Lag tiomst. telephone ans It r d d •-decks, Crplc .. prof. de· .,.,., 24l4da I oAh N ls .. .,.n mo more. Of rs Crom 1436 en<' e Ya r 5 • cor. w/d. blt·ins. many _-»>_•·-· • °" · 0 pe ...,,,., mo. On-call oks stl5 ~:reg:~~ ~i~~5~2C~~s Canal Front. Newport :~~~~ sT?o~~i~~ .. N: 2~ti·1 yet·:.'~:~%~: • I Publish my ad for 8 days sta rting •• M~~:~:·llo~r with 2 Q~~HlaJ' ~a~: ent no ee. ~C:~ g~/s~~~~ Security +S200cleaning. HXX>E. Balbo_!!.. • 1 Classifi cat ion others. 3br home. pvt PAN1~'. A proressional DUPLEX -1L9 Hunt· Tennis. pool. walk to Call Ron 213/924· 7896 12 bit< to Bch. bach. New • pool. jac H.B. 848·4917. en\•i ron me nt. I 7 14 I ~~::iy~~~i~::.n r'esr beach. Agent 846-1().14 or f~~l4/492·9763 eves :w ai~~~~~w Avail • I Name • ~2030LM1tch._ ~L0081 _____ _ aoo1mo: 2 Br S600/mo : MS-2805. ·• I Address "',. $iWo~::!1.reg~f11cxB~b 21f~!i~HC~~~o ...... ~ ........ !?!~ ~~.~~!'! ... ~~•2•~ • I -----------------------• Meyer 586-3500. ofr or Sll25per mo. Call Gerry 4bdrm, 2ba. lrg home. re· Nearthe ocean. lrg 2 Br. • City Zip Phone • 8617122home 67J.746lor 760-1397 modeled, earthtonea many amenities I Attr~ctive 3 ~r 13• Ba. SIBS/111>. + last + 1350 S7SO/m>. Days 642·5757· • I Check or M.O: enclosed 0 -• (en<' e d y a rd , sec.67J.4899; 549'2515· eves&iwknds631 ·6630 • microwave. 1675/mo llG (:AHYOM LCllJlllCI 3216 2 Br. Apt with privalt •• ,' Charge my ad to: • 968.3495 eves. 963-8767 Lu x u r 1 o u s l h r e e •••••••••••• •••. ••• • •• • pal.lo. bedrooms., 'J'.wo baths. Older 3 br, I ba Ocean _ 673-65221 9·5. I ~ • r F?r~I d1n1ng .room vu. $8S01mo . 30831 OCEAN V(EW 3Br • I 0 L'-I # Exp. ___ _ Bea;dt;,~ ~wr.~e-:le~~:~~~~~~:· MaritxnDr.840.IHt _ w/new cMs/drps . • • . 2BR 2BA call Oolll J1cunl off mast~r Utl Permanent /mo. req • 1 1 0 • # E • 1ul. 531-80'79 bedroom. 3 car gerage. ....................... l.Jl/last+c/ <refund•· xp. ---- 1br house.1 blk to ()(Un. $2050 month .. Yearly HOME FOR RENT hie pn>-ratedl. Cr. refs. L • ( lease. Call 63MHO. 3 Bdrm. --s .. fenced IJ}(futre by mall 9560 • ------------------------------Adults over 40 pr.! . ..,, H 1 D s • Re11tor. yan1 " garage. Kids " unt n1ton r . a n e r····-···· WE.'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ··········-·-· SllO/mo._3012 wefoome. S4S·2000. Gabriel C 91775__ : • ~ H rbor/"-V ent no ree. ,.__..._ ........... _ Jl•4 • 11 NO POSTAGE I 3Kl~~/p!~s·w~fc~~~-3DR.2t..111&\e:.:.Jg ::::::: ......... ~ •• I 111111 NECESSARY : • P9ol. tennis. •Avail now Cktan VI w. 675· u.fta .w.d 3425 I .. JU. J H . l ,, MAILED 1 • SfOO 642·8999 or ues I I a. C .a. N y 0 M ...................... Newfy·-crecor. 0-11 pd, • !. t .u747 • ~ encl \.,· d/waaher, • & UNIT~OT~TEATES g •· OC·RENTA~ 3 Br. fu~~ course THla""s pool.~3Adult•. no • 9 1 • • -o , • t·5br'•l200 toszooo view. tennis. poo1 sf a· itc1ous rour becfroom. . . t BUS NESS REPL y BEL ,. 14 7-dan leaae. s1soo. 644-7 24 t Greed b1a t h .. cMonddo1. ~OC~MC~! • .~ I LA > e . " ua e upe o e . mo 2 r l-1 -~ 1a-,ti.1ch3blockl.f a110 · Near shpppi lna a nd · • · F11tU CL•U$1tUM1T !t!O 1i co''•11111UA,CAL1'01t1111• s: • no pets. $300. utl pd. 2 BR 2ba condo. 24 hr schools. 11195 mo Year· ~ bti med celling. • S '-----------------.. ... preferred. 836-9629 security. Li e pool. •.P•· ly leue. Broter63M300 l:o lat l'OOm. l No pets. J( • POSTAGE Wll 8EPAC 8YAOOACSS£E g • aft. s. '750/mo. 754.4114 Ext TSL aro":r ren · 1142.1803 • ~ Orange Co11t Dally Pilot "'i e PANARAMAVIEW m wkdys. or 493 6255 • • I Ill 4 ,_.. 21, 81 . House on ev wk PboWde <'Ondo. 3 Br•· 2 Bathelor t I Br • .4pu. All 1 " 11•~ ,,. • '*"bluff. View otu1ht1 3 BR 2 ea, pool dlnlni bldll. Ul.IJ&, Jacuad. 3 adult, no pm. Pool. bbq • • Prt .. w ...ct . Pillo . ""'rim rm. 1100 Cliy. pools. 2 block• rrom ' ucl1d 1ar11u.: i e t.mdK_,.. Etc + NB. Sl.OOO per rno, Aat. South Co11t Plan. 1·217• ( • I • 1 1:.. t Sauna W tim. CallMZ:.¥..... I e 101 1580 -- : J!_IPrA · 4 h•• CJ11tioN 1nll. la .. ...... L~ ~kAIJl w n 1 3•" W la • I • __ !!!!DH-IMIMf•.Somtdlstma •l.P~llo • yud. Ufl • .v . r ... •, • o..a. ·-·· ... ' Ir I ........ W/llllt'Ol)J • e.IWriJ • COlta ...... CA 12121 11 •• , "'"''-,,,,.., All· •1m -..... ""'· •1·~· I • C'h•'"' •••· •Ilk , • ... 'T ""· ,.. . .. e . • -. ........ me. ~W:'°.::N.1 ::.-• .r:t.:i...a~ ••••••••••• ee, Use ..... M service when placing your ad ... a Dally Pilot ad number · will appear in your classified ad ... we take your messages 24 hours a day . . . you call in at your convenience during off ke hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is onlv $5 .00 week. For more informa. tion and to place your *I · call 642·5678. ... .. ' .,.... .• ___ .,.., • • cs;; ------ 9111!milillilm ___ •llt ... ' "fltleew' ~ 1 ••••i .._ T-............. ,......,........ Stal'tlirtlil s.rricn _...,....._ Wiit t' ._....., ~ et•eeettttlllteee ·····I ~YI" ....................... ·····•············•···· ......................................................................................................................................... . IKW • For1Uyou11td tol11~ow J~'sCU&tom Carpentry DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC J z ._.1 HAUUNG •DUMP Y-"'r ·ACCURATE C...P..... Nutpatd1n4rtuturt1 OHlctSenkn NrNll aboulbl~':,'!Plcy, c.11 PlfMe call &4,2.9Q09 ari l4yl"lup. Fully li(''d ' .{•Ht M KmW~ JOBS,utdor Randy, lncon tauervlce·your 2\ Yrt exp. Ck 4~1 lntnt. ltJ.1 43' ~~··~~~':!:~ •U.• _ 7l4J-·9162 ~m_P.S.J lo_ye)'uu lnlutfd. _ 51BS4i -~MMJT l!!!!;nebLJ.e.[>l. ·6&21 8>oded Ina. Rt{1. Culor PLASTER PATC lllNU ecp -..; ~ ~1 .. D ...... 808'SCARPE1'lTRY ....... . ,<a~OENlNGNC ~ Ptnonal '8 ualnm In ex rt. 08H Die ~lU<'COt. ln11.-xt. 30 n. ,, 11 .......... ••••••••••••• All tyr.J· No Job too ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~et1r.~~0PL .7012 • .,,.,a~S~~fa~ "ome T 111 Retur n NELSONS PAINTING J». e11t.l'au1M6·2977 .................. ••••••• at t Al.Lyou p y .. WIC.. SO" I e 1m . Rer11.Al!i-6297_ ELF.cTRIClAN. priefd ' ' •• .!. ctn.up, elc. I ton truclc. Prep~ratlon. Avail for Int/Ext Rtaid/Comm MR ED'S Pl.ASTER ING 'u.1tomCeram.1t•Tilt for a ·lflilderi!ilnce \~'1 ,..__. Strflce r1~t. r~ esU!Nte on MOWI NG · CL~AN-l/PS . &1l-lS93 124 httl Evcrunp ' Weekt>nd Of ~tic ceiUngs. Rt'f•. AllT s Int ur l-:xt ProrrypUtrl' f rrr r111 30,dayad Addltlon1 -Remodelln1 -,..-· l•rteoramalljobs Haulin1 L•ndac1pu11 ---nee or Homu Appoint licd....frttesl 837.2637 ••• rype L) ... •\ Chuck6'6140ll in the. Doon. wiildowt. ~Uo ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• I'<' I 7 03!t t't_ee f'JIJ.:.. .:..:J'2L 7 OemoUtioo·G_tadlol nenll. James L. Zlm· -PAINTER N•·•·os ~~ ,. .c· ,.., Cerum1ttUe " mublt' in -· DAILY covtn. Freust Reaa. ~e~m~~':~~1:;~!1~ uc·o £1.ECTRICIAN 1'\111 matnt. ' clo-upa. Trwport Aaphall. con ~1'.!Nn ..CPA~2~ WORk' oom~xp mll ,.. •t g •.-tallalaon. reosonshlt' PILOT Uc 1131~~9·21'!!1. Truckmountunit 'Q\ull.work •Re11.ratC11 Sf*. in comm.• •hop· ~Tr ~e tr: r~tn•.l. FEDERATED ext. Acou1tict'elllng11 ........................ pnc:1"ll flobti1~~ -VICI FINE HOME Work ouar 646·3'116 F'reeest. 63M072 Tom ~·Ton 7~ 2':::aptedpequlpPComm~·I lorome Tax Servke 011vla Palnll'!& 847 5186 Drains ('lea red from SIO T c:-1 ' • -~ · -~--~ ---. &31·4871 --Plumbing Repairs ,... _...-.. ct DlllCTOIY IM.,ROVEME.NTS Slampoo le steam clean TOP QUALITY ... ti•~ !__Id l.642·16311_ __ · Colltge student 7 yrs ex fi)-eeest M'M 642 9033 ...................... . l>OlT NOW! A~U011$' Remodellna. Color briahteners. wht ELECTRICAL WORK ....................... llAUUNG -ttudent has a....c..-. per. Int/ext. rel11. Dana · -·•~xPl•rt Trl·r Prunmi: • A*'-S... cal,. c.,,u · 10 min. blearh Rel!_.r~~ -"1·~5 Ca~nlry Muo~ry lge truck. Lowest rate ....................... 646-~J.k~Jll'!•n&I P'lopttfyM•191•.t ~omlll('rc:iall .. rnd 1o1J><" Your f>"al\y Pilot -Hall. Uv1dln. rn1s $15 ; lt~lllt.COMM'l,/I ND ~ng · Plumbing Prompl.C.llTS9·l976 VANDENBERG Btlhop,Son Puintlng ....................... , St-rvat"I!)> 9S7 838ls SttviceOirectory ~ avg room $7.SO . co1:1rh 2tlyrs 'rxo Do my own Orywall ·Sturro ·Tile ThanJtxou,_lohn ~DSCAPING-~ndscp 30 yrs exp. In Beurh NOPYTY Complell''frl·<•S1•n1r1r Representative --'4 ~ SIO; chr $S Guar .. ehm work Uc'd Al 846-8126 !!_errodel. J ·8· 646·~ • · ma Int, comm/resid, tree area Free est 5411-1029 MANAGIMEHT Gt'n 'I l'ln up It I rrt~ ' .a• l!J.71 d 322 U 91192 17 6554 pet odor. Crpt repiur. --· ' -' General Malnlenanre John ;5 fast movin" " trimming, clean.up. · -· Oranoe Co area IS )'h I.awn rencl\' 531i Wl4 __ .... ili-iiilil'll'iiillii••I c. • . -ts yrs exp. Do work rwllitn RtfW1W..9 Repairs" Decorating haulan\). Tree/yd/gur. lns'd/boodedllir'd, mtl's PAINTING experlenti!' <.:all ioru1fu M«HAU COMSTI. .mnell. Refs. ~1 OIO_I -•••••tt••0 •0 •0000••00 ~Ul • Rat 640-5144 dn_j!>. ee e5!· 842·4697 9'19 5146 HI yrs ex per, int or ext and rates Trwt DHCk Acea llMj Cl!Slomnomes. 1ram No~am/~oSha~poo ~~nd ~~~~p~~=· ~=rt~I~ llOMEIM PROVEMENT HAU!JMG/CUAMUP M•n•r ~-o.t5B t U:flU ...................... . ....................... inc. rernudcl , French St.a111Spec1ahs1. Joasl g r q · Ch · REPAIR Pl UM BING Const3J'fee-Vd Garage ....................... Paantmg" Paper llang· DF.Ll:-JQUF.NT~ P/RQtrllea·Fin. Stmts doOn, skylights " patio _d.!l.:._Fr~est 839-1582_ ~~~al :~nal~~es hi naar Heating, c'arpentry. •Rental re air 6~1·0322 BRICKWORK: Sma II ing, pror workmanship PROF. MGMT H~l~lci1r1 ~f:f;~~~hu~~~1 Compl.Set·up ,Serv. ~ ~·3652 -Carptt/U,e.oft tffy SPECIAL ony charr elec. t.ile. Free est. No ~ jobs. Newport. Costa FreeestJlank,54S·S206 By OCIP lOrungr Co 8511771 Reuonable. 540.5834 ROBTSTEINBRONER, ....................... any c..'Olor hand stripped job too mall.645·2811 ....................... Mesa. lrvrne. Refs . P--'-In~. Prop.I Ed534 6\140 Ha I I ·11 GEN'LCONTRAC1'0R N y · s I' C I 'd St9 7< A . ~ • 675-317S. ..,.....""'J T-'-Stn lct ve ca ~u ator. w1 U , ew r s pec1a . rpl or reg ue . . .,. R 8 y 5 H 0 n d y ma n Wanlll REALLY CL t-;AN ----....................... litfilllMRc) rr-7 travel! All acctg serv. _r. 1139!M63 645-6456 \CSbol. cleaning. Scotch Tourh or Class lnten~rs. Service. roor repairs. HOUSE• Call Gingham Custom Brirk. Stone. HANGING SIO ROI.I. ...................... • ..................... . Call forappt, 760·'1122. .._.. S..cialtt guard.~I 972-883!!. '.II W l7th St A2. C M painlin&" carpentry 15 Girl Free est 64S1 123 Block. Conrrete, Sturro Stnppang·disr on paper J D Hom ReCina~bmg Typing rl')>Uml'~ lcr m ...... Custom r(r_pentry . C.W..t rri• 642.-7712 rse~r~646-4336 _ ROBIN'S CLEANING Rees. Fret Eal ~9-9492 VISAt !'.!_C_ 64S 9325 Antiqllt'S. kit . cab111e1' ~~~r~n:;~;.~~·'W~.~~ ....................... derks " patios J .S ....................... G.•ftllwJ Cpitry. Hm rprs, drwl. Service atboroughly MASONRY UC PAPER HANGER f'l!lej>atntin~ 64S·OOG1 rates L P Off1n• AUSl'ATE PAV ING Const. Co., Top quality R~ID. CONCRETE+ ....................... pn tn g . r n t l r x ·up . c_l~n !!au~ S40·08S7 Bonded " guur No job RoofincJ Semc:es 541! 713~ Sealooaling ·Striping ~or~. dLicF 311080! Sportcourts Lir.374067 TREES yrdwrk , rcas Jerry. TopQuality/Reas Hates ~0/141ft 615·_4ill toosmallortoolarge ..................... . Repairs.Comm./Resld. S.:.~iT · ree e6 l 8ob~t·l96618477078 Toppedtremoved, l'leun 96.5-3395 ·Prer.bachelurhomes Mo~ f'reeest~Tony89821211 REPAJRSl-'ORU:ss WlndowClunitUJ Lie. 11397362 645-8181 --c:c.lrodon, ~etterol l!PSi...lawn renov. 751 ·3476 Ben's Maintenanc:e S.•rv t213 t439-~7 _ ...................... , QUALITY Shingles. flat 30 yr!I ••,•t:.~~h~·;~,;;h1~·l'·~~ ~ • • Driveways, Parkin~ Lot C.,.•ttt ....................... KllD LandscaJ)(' ~hunt Plumb-eler·carpentry Professional? Efrtraent --AIC MOVING-Papenng Painting exp 1''ree est 770-2725 rail Sunshtnl' Windo" Repairs, Seal<'oating ....................... ADO'NS REMODELING Resad Coa:nm Clean up Pamtinj Ca ll 964 5231 reliable housekeeper ~~k-rarefuj. 552 0410 Freeesl Janis 552 0231 lluber Hoofing all ty11e~ t'lt«tning. Ltd s~ lli!5.s S'S Asphalt CHAR RENOVAT ING Plans. Li<''d George U Hauling_ 548·2-189 Can..,ntry, remudd,. re w I rer e ren res l.1 s a Wallpaper rontrortor It New·reeol'er decks 20', Month I) l>asrnunt Uc 631-4199 Compl. int/ext It boat Pihner •. Sons «7-6932 . r-..... 6857 • A· I unv1HG . I • 11411802 548 9734 docks. 2S yrs. 645·3749 -~ ·-I.... Landscaping-Yd Clnu11s pair. pa taos. 11aant1ng, """'~ -Top Qu;;n'ly. Spt>eaal Painting. Lit• 328240 0 c .... r ' . • IH.;$11Jf:NTIAL • Mapitt9cJ ---COMM'L RESID. Trt't•tnm·Exµert mu ant windows. drs. quality Houserleaning, eCfi<'ient, care In handling. 2S yrs 23 yrs. Gary Gompr ROOFL1';AK??'""''" .\q.! I st)' SJO, a1 )! 2 :-.ti ••••••••••tt••••••••tt• f1NE F~NISH WORK . Rem:>d Add'ns Re pa a rs Jim 851-0129 W<1fk. 545-2901 reliable. xlnl ref exp. Compeliti1·e rates 494 4366 Courtnghl & Son ~ l'hns !157 1131111 Babysit. our CM homes. I Rem:>delingt Doors hung Ve!)' reas Lal' 390250 Mowinj.(. SIO. SIS. S20 JACK 01" ALL TRADES llaMah!l!l§-4003 after 6_ N<?..<!.V!a:!.•me 7~ ~~ t-:xpert "''allcovenng an Roofing yr ,up .anylime . _!8!!_<1y720-1260 CdM JackH Bennett.Jr. ll aultng Dumping. Calldayornight. Ii k , stallataon Reas prirh 1-'reetia S&S292 642·8482, &46·S7~ Cabinets. Counter tops. Gen. Contr 552·91~2_ ••<szo 7"·"""·. 9S' """'5 •Jack 67< "'llh ouse eepang You ve SfARVING COLLEGE Tht Bluest Marbtplfu -• ..,. .,.. ;J;>V'O ., \IV'1 """ lned the others Caring STUDENTS MOVING Consultant Ass1gnmen1 Orange Coc111t Roofing Lir'd Childcare. loving Doors. Gr~r:UJouse wak· All ronstrurtaon. lorge &t ~ark HANDYMAN. ell' Mike makes the d1H floors. CO. Lir. 1T1244J6. 581·8590 Re-roofing Repair~ on the Orqe Coln rare' companionship, dows. Finish '°''or · small D1sC'loSr adults Resid i comm /indus Kent Plumb. elcr. everyth1ng963-S26!! lnsured.641-8427 WAU..PAPERING Reas rates 548·1733 DAILY PILOT feocedyard.556-3098 7SH420 WayneS39-7112 _ Maint. clean-ups , tree C"a rpenlry . 11pJ1lcs . llousecleaning for you' WATCH_USGROW• Exp'd, bonded Lie SanclltastinCJ CLASSIFIED Very loving mom would Custom spa dee.ks . c.toMWoodworilien tnm ~rl'e est 6411'1096 Repair. install Ins rer. l"allusforlhebest STARVING ACTORS C6/366843)01st·ounts on ...................... . like to care for your new pallos. Fr. doors Lac'd ~ Pete 751_i589 ""'•_ . .,.,.,. MOVING COMPANY wallrovenngs Free esl BUDGET R 'TES Lt•· d ADS John or Rick 979·3218 00••••0 ••00 ••••••• • •" "'" ........, Rod '""" " • born to 3 yr old nights in ----CUSTOM HARDWOOD Clean-ups. TreeTnm SMALL JOBS plumb, Japanese Houserleanmg Fast " Cart'ful Lowest 1-139·~ Lo~ min Sm I job~ OK my !'ome. Some wknds lbb's Carpentry.remod. lnten9rs. bars. mantles. Maant Resid. Com m I ele<'. r arpentn Reas F..xpenenred Weekly Rates 1;-aw Allows M C r-RttnD•at Free est Ins _641 7581 Yo.. Con Stf 11, f111d 11 possible. H~ve nursery· repair. No job too sma II la bra ra es , r ab 1ne1 s. Amie 548-3414 F'ree est 546·8437 ""·-trans. 642 •196 Vasa. Lie /Ins 673-~3 -r-· T1odt 11 With o Wont Ad S2 hr Call Linda 646 337S Ref Fr · """ " ------........................ New an town" Daily Palol . . eeest.839-6297 bookcases 'l kylttes EX""rt Reason"'ble IH-£... BRYANT S re -' · aftSpm ------Id R r · ,.... " -.., IRc T P~ • . • class1f1eds can help you 642 5678 'The ;· r •OOORDOCTOR • rust. mo ang es Gardenang.clean·u11s. • ....................... °""ax ....................... Wallrovenng Removal meet many of your • .. O:e s an easy w~y or Hang or r.ebang door11. 646-0002_ Tnmming_. Tp!.Jl 631 7819 OUM P JOBS ....................... ~II~~ 642 134~ needs. and belp you rind -- y to sell that bicycle deadbolts.weatherstrip, C bi It Jessae's GardentnlC "SmallMovang Jobs EXPER.PREPAllJo:R ~~a~~~fn~yt~,~~~ rd d bbo ~CollSt.-.t<t ~v:;t1~rf1~~ ~hs~ thresbhol~.638-8809 _ ~m!'~%bsl:~~~~~~~~ Clean·ups .1ree1nm Call MIKE646·l~91 ~~~l~~e ~~SprJ~!/.~~ ha~kxial rustomers ~=t!11p~:·~~,'~a·~Y ~~fi ~~~Ir~: ~:~te Fo1tutdt•Awo-;o1 Oassi!ied' Call 642-5678_,_ Classified Ads 64.2-567_! i''ree est __ 645-2003 &t ma ant ser~ 540·803S Cl_assified Ads 642-5678 at reas. cost. 549-2418_ TI! ou 63!.;~10 ol _your n~. 642 5678 dehvery oC 1h1s seruon Moti~•.Tnt•t Lost&Fo.d 530~ .... Wanted . 7IOOHtfpW..t.d 7100HtfpW..ted 7100 .... WcmMd 7IOOHelpW.t.ct 7100He4pWanted 7100 Deedi 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ............... ........ Found I.ab puppy . blk . ACTIVITIES IAJCEI or Tr-.• Clerll--Aa. lOOlll DEMTIST Haar cutter It manwunst I :O-'TF:R ICJK IJE·:s1c; 'S approx 12 weeks. \tl' Full time pos ition Sat &Sunday!Opmllll Laworfire Musttype 45 wanted. busy pract1re. "follo11.1ng. 70'· or SJ.LESREP ~~;~j~~~~li~:~res Hbr&Baker5576268 a1a1Lableroractiv1tyex· 6am Winchell's Donut wpm. have own car Newpon ~ac:b Area ~~·a~~ehr:;rs;11~.'hrr11 F.HJll and i:ru~•n~ HaroldF McGrath. Lost Mal-;Vorkae. Ter· per rhoordanalorwsork.ang llou.se 253 E 17th SI, GoodJObforon theball EHfellent pay "alh (Jranite Co lntH1u1 ner Blk itan "Cham11" wtt arl ave enaor CM. self starter Call 9 5 bene its. HARDWARE Desa~s TradC' P\lbh<"a 4550 Atty al Law 851,)!_7! Walnut 41 Fullerton. CM Catiiens 4000 Hilaria weekdays. 640·99S!_ 646-41168 Laguna Beach. assistant lion is lookan1': for Sales-...................... .,_rtb/ REWARD642 4869 WaJ1.NB642·5861 IARTINDER Ptr Clerk needed imme<i lo EXECUTIVE manag<'r. retail e>. Hep Quallf1l'd le.uh and P«'IOllKlb/ \J)UERTISING Private rlub cdM . Ex pe_nence r"" ~97 4403 lucrat11e tl'rntOr\ lltjlb arage Cor rent on ~Fot.td ~l ~h!l( CA.dallel.' l pcrienced banquets work dr11ethru photo setkangpartl11Tl('t\~)>1~--1 Six>tenual Callror.ivpt NEWPORT IUCfif 1Jalboa l'en ne-xt to l"un l'h1ld's pet. 11t• 19th II Jr. Art Dittctor Sat It Sun 10 J() s Also bootb Ex per hel11(ul tant Ca I I for a ppt Uousekeepers nerded rn 9i2 2251 ~la)>S t'onr4101 AlflPORT. Custom of-1.one 1101u20•,1. S150 ......... r ............ Urang_e Re~ 6460697 Pos111on open ror am special runcttons Con but not net' <.:all for an Mllf695 Some exp ner Call fices, 000 to 1800 sq ft. m:>. 67J.2943, 673-3930 ._nts 5100 .mediate employme nt tact Bar Mgr. Thurs· terl'aew t71 41874 70811, An_Bte.492 6l03 Ext 145 J\ennel AssastJnl f u 11 6. From90<eers1r ----•••••................. IUCIC C.+.T Expenencl' an ('Oncept Sun art 1.m·JSIS. 642·1Z70 RoralD••i9t•r p:irt tHrlt' Mullan Rily. 540·2960 RV. boat. auto storage CASTING HOW!! Male Mar I vie north end dCl'elopmc nt. cl es i gn • -Part-tame. salary open HWSEK EEPER Call 49H~.~ll Fenced, secure. S30 mo Movie extras. Modeling M a rt go Id C D M and layout Must be able Bake ~1 ecban i r , ex Cocktail/Food Experienc:edonly L11·e in or out. full or IUSIMESS AODREn Costa Mesa. 646•1666-jobs. AU.-lYpes No exp. Reward. Ans to Jupiter 10 rreate :ind design all penence neressary 2146 W~s _644-~ p lian> C'leanmg. laun Ans we ring It ma i I S T 0 R A G • E THl JOI SOURCE 675 40!6, 7~6264 pnnt inrludang dire rt Newport ~lvd posit 1 on ror you n 11 dry. lite rooking for sml ser vice. c11nferenre WAREHOUSE. 34X12 _lim-077711AM·7PM FOLND Orange loni: mall broc:bure. trade energeur person i\ppl} GARDENER I rarrul} ~tee :\B homt' room.AdJ.OCAirport. NBarea Sl7S 642-2255 haire d f <.>m rat ads. business t'ards. llWMGCLHI at Arruardt's, 107 21st For apt. romplex an Rers plt>ast• salu~ $100/rro. 714 /851-l342 _Mter5 .30call 548-ISSS SCRAM-LETS Northwood area . I r1 J Oyers. etr Creativtt) a :;:tb~3n~gr~~~i. n~~~ Pl. NB an the alley ~ =arr:,•, 6~~~~ negotaabll' ~-2525 or New port Bearh near Spaceava11able1000-1500 832·1076 . must' have bkkp~backj!round. behind tbe Ritt by or67S-5949. 642·~11 Hoag Hosp. 1000 sq ft.. sq rt,» pr sq Cl Lakl' ANSWERS Found a very lg Rabbtt, J ...5.41·9166 be versatile. arc:urate. Newport Pier. btwn 9-ll HousffkHDU second floor orrires. am-Forest area. Contact Mesa Verde area. (.' M nexible" detail minded amJ...Fra Sat only GENERAL OFFICE Need reliable ~·oman I pie parking, well main-Lee at Dao lacs 5S9 4748 Accord Bulky 546 1377 1 Wanted.+.!~:~ght aide 10 key by toul'h " ~ood COOt<'S ASSIST Some data proce~smg, days week ln keep ho~t> t.ained bldg Vicky days :).(XX> sq rt fenced nr SC QuaQrkU'ICKPeEl~e Found Bag lop eared 11 30 to 7 30 AM Sun l~pmJt skills req Wall I f time E"xp'd prer '1iut1 Yirill 1ram Mfg Imp Q( and r are ror t'hecrfull 714 r•• "'00 Pl ..,.0 t 1 · I tram on NCR 395 Xln t 1 •. S Airport Area Non husband r<'<'01 eran" ~~'"""""=-'=""-· --aza. _, mo u 1 inr Let's look at the bnght rabbit an Mesa \'t>rdt· 1 through Thur working b r c 11 M no n e < o u P s srmker 20 toJO hrs '" Prime OHice Space , 631-0322 .... ~ side.The~ollarstallgoes 2275461377or5461765 with the elderly 4000 ene 115· a r s t sandwu·hes Apply 1n 957_9323 val from illness O"'n Corona del Mar. 1070 sq ltefttds Want.d 4600 as rar. ll JU5l gets there Found Big while \'l'r) 1 1.11 1 aria wa y NB Brecke 7S2·6171 person 3-Spm M f transy 644·342! rt. suite S850 t mo ........................ QUICKER tan.-rabbit ln·ant• Ter ~·51161 IO•T SHOW Gower St Restaurant. HOUSEKEEPER 675-9510 38 I r I d "' lt'XXl Bristol St North.I General U\'F' I"' ·1 t I ... ~-r. r ean, un urn . ar,· l.ecJd Hoffus 5200 rac<.> 3 2 Cal lo 1 en Apartment Manager Ex Homemakers. students Newport Beach ...... _ Ibo lo c•-.1.. • " " a ure a .. ~ Custom executive office. t/bouse on Bal Isl. yr y ....................... ury 67S 3880 I perienred. mature rou p T . temp he Ip ·-lo 0 y -for 2 r old girl .and 400 sq Ct. Pvt bath w!th rental 7~Jl_!!ves Notice 1s hereb) given PenoMk 5350 pie Beaut maantamed Cashier. ticket takers. ~PtnOlt bouse eep1ng for 5 shower. Balboa Penm that the undersigned 44 units. Costa Mesa No parking altendanl. etc Mature penon wanted ! PIX ~or Ftr Bdrm home Rt>fcrrnc·e, p!O IJlO'. 642·4623 ..... •/l•••st/ will not be respon~able ....................... p e t s A P t + Call llealher al 646·3966 Dry Cleanini: establish I Hours · ~i>~l 101' ~1. 5 reQlllred S90 per "rrk LEGJ.l SEC 'Y ~ewport Cenlt'r rt>al estale ht11?a1ton firm needs 1 er~ ex1wr 'd LA>gal Exec Ser y Xlnt l)pang cl1ctaphonl' 41 shorthand a m u~l Sah.1ry open 640 0060 L. Secretory Ne,.port Rr.irh ~' p.andang Branrh nfftt r 111 a :.1a1or do~nlo~n 1..1~ ftrm see ks lt-J.:JI !>t'rretant>s ~llh ltlH!a lion. t•orporall' onll rrJI eslate expN T1 pm~ >111 wpm r e q cl and shorthJnd bl'lpfu I Benefit~ and 'JIJn rom mensuratl' 11.1tlt e't _2er Call Lu Ann ;~~ 3111"1 175'tin Adv. design oC-FirtcMc• ror _a_n y debl s or AttantisMassa9e salary bonus 6424907. ment Exper or will days per "eek Some + P\'l room" hath fit'e near Bay It P.O ........................ llabtlilles C'untracted by Opcn24hrsada~ ~dys9-4. un~~~~!f1~f1are . tram 499·1985 da1·s 8'1M 4PM as 7522197 MJ.KE J.IUCK Desks" cabinets . lusinns anyone other than 7davsawcek APT MANAGEK ,. ncoedt.'<I F.xpenenc:t•prr-lntwOrtCf START HERE 541"7285 n...........-~ 5005 myself. on or aCler Oct 69 liorj.(COUS girl' to ""ml retired l'OU"lt• rur pbonfs, payroll. typing CounhrH.. rl'rred Good ll'lephon!' Thl' Los Anl?l'I~·' 1 llltl'' ---_,.,...... ,_,.,, 20. 198 l :'>!or ma s pamper you\. J ar u111 ""' ,. Will Iraan to use sma II Day shaft. ca(ete-rra style personalily and ma tun• AccOtlrtt R•D '" look an I! rni "1 11 Share Cum oHace space an ....................... Smart. 290~ Chrr Dr Sauna Locals as ~ t·ll J-. 18 unit Adults an :'>l"P1 computer and ~ord pro restaurant Harquel ball auuude a mu5ol FGS ha~ n11en11h?i. 111 Kroomed rnth""'·l'tll CDMooPCH $150mo :"l/e~rtBearh Ca tourists HJnk ~1a.J.ntenanreexpreq resser NNC ELF:t' bealtb rlub an Inane 1•ustomrr sen1rl'de111tu people to i•Jrn ·JI' t" 67J.«l80 WHOLESALE -' I Amrr1t·ard. ~1as ter 6461801 TRONICS7H8958000 973-M3894 tryouarequahhedfor sen·1t·eau1omob1le .11 s4o~pN dJdflrJfl'" Ortice spare avatl JEANSTORE Lost&Fourtd 5300 Charge, Amenran Ex Allendant I.ave an Assist Mr Watson H~' DW .... ES .. LES the abol'e pos 1t1nn (•ounts Must ha\e l!t1od hours wor~ <h 1, time Includes desk. phone ~ your own beautiful ....................... press. D 1 n er s a 11 disabled profess1ona I -,.. please call for appoint oral and "nttcn cu!l1 sales rt'p llnur' ai 1• pJO/rro.64 l·0763. __ designer jean and welcome 714 64534:13 woman. Costa Mesa Fill "Part tame.Crown ltt'ntat.S4!i·SOOO~;xtS2l munarattons ska.Us f.~ rmm~pmgpm I. lf.un s portswear s tore 2112llarborBI CM ~~7-IOOt<KEEPHF/C Hardware 1024 Irvine belween9AM&4 JOPM.· peraenrl' dl.'s arabll' ani: 111 11 br prnittkd HUNTINGTON fashions from Paras FOUND ADS Coed!. "ould love to party P08ition w NpL Rt·h. In· Ave. N.8 , Starting salar~ mm \our earnan,11-. J" a IUCH Inc . orrers the unique wath you l.eslte or 1es 1ment Farm Delaverymeno\'erlBlorl I mensurat11 ~1th l'~ I Ttan>ssalt>i-rl'P "'ll lll• 650. 78Sor 2.111 s r suites apportumty to sell na S 1 I 1 1 a any t 1 me ATTIHTIOH: Responsible For daily LA Times to homes an penenl.'e and ah1ht' E' based on J l!UJ r,1n1t·1·d for immed ocr Fu II taonall) known brands ARE FREE 761 9036 Am bat aous boys and financial transact ions " C M Jam 6am i'~cono. To Plat'e your rellent <.:o benefits and a hourly wage of S3 511 + Service_srosslease from woolesale direct to the girls IO-l3 years old. 10 Comfulerized G L's rar req No rollectinii career ad\'an<'e mcnt generous rnmm 1~,mns 95', Mai.n " Florida nr public. S20.000. Call·. wurk one or two Hen-A 11 a Y.1 it' al in 1 n de d S400-$4SOlmo-+-i>fmim-.. Fast Result" potenuat. For 111>Pt· t·all j Stnt'e th as 1~ a n•'" pro Pacifica Hosp Ownr lncludes beginning in-iniis a week getting person. Expr. Required 646-0637 Servire Directory Paulint•S49-8909 gram opportuntlit•, (111 lbbJarrard ventory. fixtures. rx 642~5671 S & S · newspaper s ubS<'r•P· Call640-0IZI ad .. Call Now FGS ad1·anreme nt art• t'' tensive marketing It llD'3r PICe Dental Sery Are you II r 17141141·3133 ~nd opening promo __ ----~ lions. Transportation searchino for 11 pro-642•5678 FiftdG,..,.S•nicH re ent Call nn" nr h k and constant adult "' 1-...-rmre informJllon Jbout 144 sf pror. oHice-+ t 'Absolute y nocom SI OO REWARD Bl Modtk Escort• super\ltsion provided CASHIER gressave. quahty oCr ht.JU JfiNl9)Ctlroltt" Ibis great 0111141numt' secretary space. A1·ail pe11t1on selhn 3 r1 rst Longha1red cat "Meal Call l to S.30PM. ask for Full time 32 brs per wbere your outgoing Call Mon fra. 957 2311 1 5-15. SJ2S + Sl75 Orange quality merchan ise ball" 673 -8972 d ys . 631-JMJ Andrea. 642.4321 . ext week. Must be able to personaht~ It dental ex-I as eai1y aR daalinl! your l'X1 l20-I CDast Financial Center FORBROCHUREAND 975-377lev. "" 343 work Sat & Sun. Other pertise 1n bandltnl( llu\'e somethanj! to ~ell'!' phone Gal'ea call Wr 'll #61CM957-1414. INFORMATION LOST : -B~rme se ma le hrs to be arranged. App· telephone. appointment Class1f1ed ads dn at well do tile rest 642-5678 5!'11 adle item.' 642 56711 BY MAIL CALL t'at. Dark sable. almost ly in person Kerm scheduling " patient TOLL fREE black. Rew ard Ca II I AUTOMOTIVE Rim11 Hardware. 2666 rontart ls appre<'iated" 100:527-1010 S.Sl-:IJ76. SALESPERSON Harbor Blvd.CM rewarded. We are a 2920No. Main Street Linda & y· I.'' highly mollvated. rar Mewportleocil Paris.Texas75460 REWARD~ Lost while IClll $ WANTED!!! Q.HJCAL/ angteamwhois happytu lthtll/OfctSPOC• cat w/gray mkngs. UnJimiled opportunity. GALMIP,J>.Y offer top salary & xlnl Prime lfuslness lbcat1on Family misses him very PHOTO MODELS earnings to S3000/month Assistant to o f1ce Mgr. benefits incld mediral oo busy Pac Csl Hwy. ~Ill much. Please call days, ESCORTS & demo program. No Typing. lite bookkeep-insurance 10 a dedicated Ideal for n!lall or omre Opport.ity 5015 556-~. eves. 631-8010 BACK " BETTER auto. sales experience Ing. payroll " busy professlonol s1600 1r 111e. 1,000 to 3,000 sq rt ....................... l}arbara 111.ANEVER' 24 llRS ~~~~ b~~:r~~~ced· phones. SS. to start. qualifaed . Newpo rt avail. Need equity s b are found. male Wh ippet. 669·0207 Theodore Robins ford raises commensur11te Bearh_631·24~ 714-04.5·7100 partnerw1S2S.OOOto bu) bri ndle Go lden !Outralll Call Tom Aiken at withadaptabihtytoJob €xtt. Ste's. f\111 service. X·wife out oC C.M. con Retriever. Y<'llow. ( d .1 position. 40 hr week. DEHTALASST greatly redured. do. 631·91Z7 Bill eves remale wire hair<.>d fox -~·OOlO ~ etai_s_,_ Call Mary Anne. bl wn Chair.11de RDA !or busy 7S4·6789 ------5025 lenier.tn colored.Male WMNplBchboathome Babysitter wanted. 9-12493·g93Sor831·0751 Costa Mesaoffire.Good __ --.:.::..::..;:..:. MaMy to LOCIR terrier. blk & tan. male seeks fun roman11r lady mature older woman for salal')' ' benefits. Call C--rcW ....................... =elm1x,blk.liver4I BoxM3,Halboa.92661 Tues Ir Thurs eves fi>r_aj>j>t,645-6631. •~ 4475 2nd TO to SI mall 1-:z F I Sh h d c I -1·r D S e ema e ep er Investors Needed 6-9 ·30 Ea s t l\ 0.EllC~L oarr .... L"SSIST .. •••••••u•••••••••••• 9ua 1 y. oMwnQey ~v tri-colorcd puppies. PsJ•rhac Researr h 548-7136_!ft6 m. illlry -fevel file rlerk V'I•• A • Prime Tustin ' San ings Mr c uarne. male mix ed beagle. ohn673·Sl43 d r 11 needed for 4·month as-NEWPORT BEACH Clemente rttalloroffke 963-216)1 black & tan. female -. ---Babysl~ter wante . u signment. Wo rk in IFYOU : 1 ce. 730-1470· 831·8699. MothJi411, Tn11t mixed Shepherd. blk " PtnOMll SenlcH 5360 lime sitter. mature. my Newport Beach. Call : • Are an experien<'ed UTAll. SPACE OtMt 5035 bm,S44-3M6 · . 0swED'r~MA~isi\c'F.0 ~~15;a~6~~~ble. 752-t lt1 ~~~s:~~::;ork in 11 Harbor Bfv•.~J;.M. 972 ....................... F(!und: Sma ll d<:>g in Relaxing non-sexual. . ---l\oltell' fasl·paced progressive 1Q,flAv1Hnow. WtWMtG. Co. v1rinlly or Admiralty Robe 661.1820 0081 B~snl~~~re ~:J~~= cifice. ReaJonomks 67S.0700 All types Of l'h f estate Way. Hunt. Ha rbor ----old infant in our C.M. •Have a friendly outgo· Ill eWI ..... 4500 investrnentulnce1949. &'B-1384 -. l'!':y:tttt! home SAM·lPM. no TtWOllAllT•imctt 111C ln&Pel'IOllaUty. • <-&.a.a.... ill Found: ch1ckeft. Etslde ......_,_..._ wltnds. Non·smkr w/re· •Rave a ma t ur e at· .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ~=TD-_.,• C.M. near Irvine St. ....................... 1 lit•. N.B .• 3'7S Birch. 88e0 1_q. ... • uo .o ......... W__._.. 707• cent refs 4r exp. w/n· 2081BuslnessCtr ll209 •Have aood verbal ft. or less. MIA 1one. W '42,.J 17J HS·Glli ....,. -~ --~ r 11 n l s a m us t. N o Irvine 752-116416 er 1 q. rt . A" en t --·-----·d-Found Surfboard, Herbie ....................... hou!lework. just provide ski Ila. ·$032. •F1XED RAT E 211 TO f1etdler. ('Ill to Identify Jnltlligent. semi-retired loving care. 642,90 l2 for •Are a non•smoker. •l'\illy Amortlied •7mKurt 33 yr old gentlemen, Interview. Wiii discuss • Wo u I d e 11 Joy a 1100. s •CJ. rt. 2 ortlces, •1'\111)' AssulNI ble --alblete's cond. looking challfnltng carttr. o/beM door. front' rt· •No Pre · P ayment FOUND set of 4 k'eys on forfl.l'l. Lravel. •·work of sa!yY. a. .. s Pleuecall ~-0595. ar .frw)'close .lop Penally blue lteyholder.vlc Em-any aort. f\111 or part· Babyslller forhappytyr TYPISTS De nt a l Auh ta'-t -cond. .'1MZ51. _ ~kforSkl 546·0283 ~.ri! P~. Trtlrock, Irv. time,49$.9729 ___ old boy. M·F. dys call 5$wpm rep ltt'td.Are yo1ilok· 11 ~ Sall 80·8023 or · , rdln .... ledmlrialPark.7 ............. 'O•l Ba by a r ay Waated: Ptr booU~p 549-. SICUTAIY 11\11orrew1 ~cerMr W. ntll, St Pacific lncomr proptrty, com· Co:lt allel vie N. wpt ii14.. r_our place or mtnt. Wlih-or wlthOUl SIR opportunltiH with fl· llht& llldultriel Parlt. mertlal. lndu1lrl1t or ff a .. t 1 R g WAR 0 1 £a~ll!R'·5804. I ,_ A.al-,,.. cellent poleotlal ror ::::l11":.u~~: Afll 81dp. Competitive ~mi c.tte1• atudenl setka WY~ .Jm -'" '" :'i!!i \~~·~; .._ w•r8ouM , .... ce ~~ mcl'l..~ £..itdty -drivln\~sitlon •ft I ,.... to mttt ul'ln1 cllelnlde u ,__ ,.... ~. lal.""" or J 2 l "Ord '• 1/'ttClldPrt afttr ltMol YIJ w/~ __ drepea. wet T. P'• Courtoy to 111 • n · r e.. "• Ill l :llpcn 'kttp untll pertln to COIJ'pUment !,w.111:!!'t."2-7I04 Brobn714/7I0-1551 =UDH>llMfO 1111 I ..,..,_ 1•'5pa:l tvtl")'· aur1""91 sklli.. t..em ...... .-11 woodwork· Sttve ~ to thi rtcOHl'J v,::r ma rrled ma n 1 d8J 11C.."1. MUST BE Ttn\porUJ S.nlcea Modu n pluaaot ••· 101 1hp, Cot II lol TP lllM at It~ ~r= Uke oddjolta tvn 1 D£PENDABLI lluat. ftA• vlro11•at. Hctlltnt .... clllert> Have ill · · dw t•. c.n 1 a N 11 • wlrtnd1. Cu do a nu nr Sttteeru• ..._,•,.Orfifr • b tufll put.1• •••IHI•-llt V•J ' fl ,_.Nd •ltttti of·bandy1nn l lem., ,oo .. ridl•• • t~':'rptl't-:" Nt~o r t Bt•th . . :11..,!l'll!m:-·•l'f~rtz!L:!.llflt~,--11!~•-~•~ kil7 ......,..n w1tef• 6 •· •• "": ... lnlae . t•dnt o•. ..,m .... ...., .... 1 _____ , 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ( , ___ « ..... ~_> __ > ) 14NTBD ( (--~<05~--) ) Newspoper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT -........... ClalelOecU2 ..,...; blee. U11H1t, latlfl, Ref '•· Plaut ull ti · · .. ..._ ._' • ..... .. ... •atr aa.... • AC1'1otf! ~--==.,..=I:~·~~~~~~~~~~!~ .... = .. ~ a . ...,...~~u ... ~-=a".~~~=::;;;:::;~;::~~~~~: Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Thurad1y, March •. 1982 ,°Ml\iW .... ~ 11H ....,w_.. 710 IOIO ... Wt ............... ;\ ................................................................................................ . tHO .... ~af'W • -. ..... , .••.•••.•...... ..._.~_.. w.ta.m.toa 30 lolu Nh SM Lov· 3 F1mlly Oaraae Sale. AdlViriil ttUtiofnte NwpCC.Dferinilltriie fftata Mt. Slupcrt. Ftl1Sa&. 10·00.Color TV, Mil .,.1a, ror • ••II nrm. u rlY hrs. 11114'1 ·Nt..P CfOllY J$T 5108 ta~d dltlra, cafl)etln1 .Z11i:a..="-o!la:w:.t..a.t.:.11i!!..I ooomeG .. di, ""'°"111 t a .. b}e In· ~P:t"· C1ll Marjorie KINO INN£RSPRINC ~ .. ~~ 1'11J~G-~r :.v'!:.C. w'1fh lYPr:; tJ4-: EXTRA f'IRM mattms --:rr ,. __ --[2 u lit u.towpm. Re1l Ma t 1 l it Mt never used, wortll Slel'fO &Ur. t4jn. Celica Madam• Alnandor ~:.=LI:!=-- _,.. taper. dttlrable ........ ••••• .. ••••••••• ~.uc.1248drl Never wheel&. rurn .. lamps, Dolls. lnt'I. USA. Puuy "'It Sta Ray 28' "Sun Weal ............. full Umie. ullry oe_en. Seftd rt1ume to P.O. Box 2932 MIHIOll Viejo, Ca. ~U•&aaUM~lJ · A•l .. ll IOOI t.ated queen n. worth clolhlng, rolf~ rruikrr. C.l. more. Pvt ply. dancer" Twn, 111 xtraa •-------r DI, usb only, 12111 del · wroogbt Iron, tnlarcer. •118.W. incl trlr Fish ' 1kl. .. , .................... Ui1u1Uu home 754 7350 etc Acac•• Cl • Min -1218 000 Cash or terms 1 ' ital Romln1lo11 Cuh ~ ~ Viejo. 9am Sat. March 8, Surfbrd.,. ~fl81n . C1 rl mm· 547 ... 8 1\failtH, l3:50. Make ol· QM72'1 Hlywaro tm. Slnfle fin. ~ - HTAIL Aaatatanl manaeer, re-tall experience req. Hardwart. La111.1n1 J~•--· -~. shRJl65. 1162·'282 Wellrraft 2e· Nova of ,.. l'VWS· wall ""'-. ..,co, MaboMUST SB.L b d Sat/Sun Must sell. ever .........,.,_~ -f1hore. lwn 188 II P. WA1'.n rs-.., aany cfoul>Te t! ythln& goo . 1213 -tandem trlr. ROF. Van seats. h1·bark brwn Amer. oak c11no C•b. with ma ttreu. Moon McCorm11elt Ln. CM So. ....,_.... IOIJ radio, bait t1nlL xtra vi n y 1. pit u en g er :~,?;1'~.'~1~~;;• $4& ~~ mirror On he lid or S · 0 Fr Y • o t. I ....................... factory fl&htlnll cllr•. recliners. good cond. ~-_ · Fairview~ •f9'111eWr 611iter bhnlnl covers. 1tert10 II 100 r Ml·31& Vmllwt....ur mooo 6317711711'111 llUG£CARAGESALE rn txcellen con~dlOon. trii. tilm tab•. tmmac .. · -Pmly\11f:(48X2ilX23. Oon'tMiasTblsOne' Juatllkenew Beautiful cond. U l.900/080 HS wldetiresw/A~r. Sill boal ln1ilruc tor HB9'3·207S _ I IUY FUR ... ITUt• 1-\Jrn "lot hes ramp St a r· bur at (' o Io r a. 838-8221or839·7203 'llilll whls for Ford I U """"'...._ ______ needed In Nwpt 84.lach " 5 ' ' 'I 1129/080 Ca ll 111•1 -. SlOO/bst ofr Stockh.tnd .._.~ . Giveaway prirta! Oak of· Lts 957·8133 p rlJen " (itCur Items. . , """11\' cash lor best In· Sb 11 '70 R h ULTlrA-'!~\ft~ona ~:ke~~~~J!U.':f:!; fice swivel rhalr, $95. Slmrron11 cnblmutt S80, ~"'ri !J.12• Sut./Sun. 9.4. :~9d pm or <7t4> I ~rctioutboard.deepV $75~bst M6·9~n r ero del Mar offers a unique Summer inc:lud lnll Gun rue. lt25. Empire Youth bed mall $80 , 5l2 Mari_i91d,J~dM -·-a sor ~ hull. 19--21' h1te mudel. . - employment opp. for I we' te nd I C • 11 . dresser. ~. Oak time clu frerobe 14~ ~ct 11110 OU P.i..~ 6 P<' drum set, cymbals Call $4114984 aft 6PM BMW eng. " tr11ns 1969 _. rrll """"b· "' """' .. Uru~s Items. f Mute. sell! 111080. 962.0822 ao.... Sall 9060 (!:11·2877 n-edical aulstanl. For """7100. dock, u"". Old pin" 6' Gd. ''A•"' I"! sz' 1'1 . , stand• " hdwe. Must ---SIOOO Be:it (){for Takes rwtherlnformallon ~··""' yea 111et,S600.Coun u . Sof d :.ullcases. purlles ~ ---••••n••••••••••••••••• 875·2711 ;Jt\L1:67 ry store counter 14 '. 1110v1n11 a be Sl75 II • b I f Fe d• T 1 t d ----':.:..:..=-=c.:_---~Y readln& The Pen· ao. Oak rolltofc desk. ~ lw<I SHIO Kit table '4<1 eb. r.ot cs. ots o n "r e ecas er an 120.000 Equity in Scot· Alltof forS• ~~..a....~ •w n""aver? The Reader· $75 I •ke Ne 642 G<J8 neat stufr Sat Sun 10 AM Gipson ampllf1er $500. tsdale. Arizona . R 1-: -'y $1500. Oak roll op rile " w "" to 4 PM 1501 Anita Ln 963-0493 ·11 1 d f 'Ibo t ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ate opentnfa, ad dept or The Pen r.ablnet: 24 dwn, $1600 i,,.UDIO BEDS --WI ra e or aa1 a IMPORTANT M/F, all types. O)'.llaver Is accepting ap· Bookcase, Fr en<' h Cotnt!r I able ' bol,terb NH Dover Shor~s_. Flute. Ge!'uenhardt 2SP Qall Belt !6021 941·!599 • NCYrlCE TO lHI JOI SOUICI p&lcalions for lull.time v.:alnut, all glass doors. xlnl CO(ld, brown tonl.'s. Cok1• m:1 c·hine , l'ri b. xlnl cond1llon. S200 eves Venture 21' w/trlr, out R1':ADERS ANO • f1188.(frf71JAll~1PV' ::fu"~po:~~~1~!:8l 9 tall. $2700. Hrs 9.5 $200 $40-0117 train. ~u 9 s3e~6t~4 631-2339. board, extras. Sips 3 AOVl-:RTISERS MOVER/DRIVER a fn. IY smile ar .. ~· 642·7712 11:-ire ,.,.,n . . New Gretsch drums s ~.846-3151 Thl' prire or ltl'mS .. "' Maple rntl table 2 he~ 6 h d rf d b h I Must be 22 or older, tx· basic rtqulrements. e t)l~h mantels $250 ea rhairs. xlnt COOi.i. 1175 ' P!~~re. walnut finish 23' Aquarius Sisilbo11l a ve ise Y H 1" e perienced. with good will train you to assist Kitchen cbnt. $850 All 851.1494 HcM•oktGooch 1065 1!.125~!1018eves C»lley head sips 5 dralers 1" the vehirle drivino record. The our to __ ,_ 8S7..... --Tr I 'ttCM ;_<7 4117 rlas51f1ed advert1S1ng S " cus me rs in com· ...... "'"'"eves. Sola bl'd. tull sltl' l.1k1• •••••••••••••••••••••• Offk• ,..,.._. I a1 er J""""'· ~ --columns does not in· d':~r~ngM~0J\ena; ~t: ~~~~~i!d~v:~~~: .... ...:" IOIO new Sl.50 tlt'aut K3ras~an rug. ~pm..t 8015 Par tner wanted '77 rlude any applicable 64l-8427 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7$4·6527 ~~dalhon desibgnd $600$75· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ericson JS' Gd cond. taxes, hrense. transfer · ULIS PEISOM HAR o R , .,,, raptruns e 5 <l'fire fu.m1ture for sale 661·7545 661·5991 fees f1nunce charges. MUSICl~S· iforuJ 1 -l>lii\ .an1t Store, part 1 or APPUA~C~~E~~IC1': l~~dstT~~k·h::~;i~~~ld i::a 4!M400SJ~3·F70 __ at d1srount pr1re~ .77 San~n·a sf Rart> feesfora1rpollu1.1oncon Plenty or aud1tlon1, In· ti"'."', exper on y. We buy used appliances $150 Teak d1r11ni: rm i.el ~ 807 0 -~l·O'ls;L_ --eq UI p ped s a i Is . trol devi ce eert1f1rat1ons t:flervriie_~! !.vr!rirla. l Ccolumb·. The Bizarre Bazaar. -We sell recond .. guar $50 559.51911 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Take over I ease $14,000 64~·7 50 day. or~repdaearul~~ond~h·uamerg•~stauryn· KU'""' IKS-339210-6 a liances. 549.3077 -HIGH SECURITY R Ir 11• I 6454239 ., ' ' ee guarantttd Must sell buteher hllll•k oya ax "· P ain · eves . ess otherwi11t• spec·ified · Mn'sff PERSOM I IUY ., Privatl' ownership of paper dry l'Opier Super 41 n Col M F ul\I\ b h d · 1\eJobSowce ~~ t "PPLIAMCES look dinette w •chr~ $65 saft·t.Y depos.it box, fan· !,)eal!Callnow.536·6565 I ..,.,.,per mo. ))'lea vert1ser. • ~ g a ma ure. ex· Les 957·8133 Pine bunk beds w ma u -• lease for 1 J use , Long _...i__./ · -6L·07ZZll•Zp perienced individual to "'o""'edA.1'rf'urna"e •· h l 2 1d•19' tast1t• r11r1hty , total '"woodexec desk Very BeachMarina --.!..~~ .. _ .... daytime hoµrs 1'n ,,, ., . ' .. l' es . mos 0 " " pnvlle" 24 hr arct·s~ -. 213··98·6157 c•:..-1cs 9 520 Nursing "'""' Oak gosst~ bclll'h sso -'· · -· good t'Ond. Approx ~x6' .. _ .. athletk shoe ' at'tive Fraser ' Johnson Co proorirnvate transaction ttx __ /ofr 67p 327_ -••••••••••••••••••••••• wt••SIS AIDI wear store in South Model lOOCl. 100,000 Antq tab e w POJJ UJJ ~ -IJ EN SALE MacGregor , Ex~r'ldalrsliil'ls.Conv. coast Plaza . Call BTU Ui0.642·0594 lear SIOO MISl' items lnfo 710367546 Large. exerutlvi> L 21 CF9389 EC. Riddle , MOD~"A.'i! u...;.p N t 8 h s d s 963·3667 shaped ol d I l Yach•·. 700 Lido Park Shay rt!phcas • Pll'kup~ ......, · wp · c · Brln2 now en·Mize ports. Bachelor's kitchenette. -u-~ 1071 8 1 wu nu 0 N""e 3 82 & CO"""S 4 tu choose )'OW' s~He 'Join u11 540-4717,askforDave. see ad 1·n Class 8025. Beaut l'urverl while ...._ ........ , desk and a walnut col· r .. ·18-alripon. ..,... Free m•r d d I ·-I r • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ored sales desk + ex· J - -from I !0067611) I St k Iii . "" me .. enta .. SECR~ .a.•y /080 642·0701 ve vet sou "" love seut 218Ct Exe ah bur. s sails. A:nll> Pncea i.t<1rt1ng ems.Call: u '!¥' · Ukenewf495,645 2329 erulive rha1r. St.IOI) for Good "Ond SI eps 4 642·8044 Nwpt cntr r1nanrial Refrig. side by side ---all831·6.528 ' · e al Nuning corp. Typing, word pro· Armna,20curtS280. Carve.;: Pr~v sofa II At~P~M~~t?l1~0R ........_ 1017 ~.831·7366. OMlY$9,995! ceasing (Apple Ill. lite 642·6724 malr ng c :11r in xlnl Hinks pressure pot SIOO ... ~ loah. SHfl'/ LVH SH, phone. Banking/ cond forreupholstering ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dodu 9070 ConP-.v.a1H11.os1 .. ~:.. N'B •mar1e1!s· securities backgrnd. Gas range. Gaffers ' Sal· $175 080 497 4215 cvs 536-9132 Rare ring-necked Parrot. ••••••••••••••••••••••• THEODORE ua INC " " FfJ'B-4 Mon· Fri. Call for tier. dble oven. Sl50 or 5 b ·t h blk I beaut 25" wrought iron n~""ed XI t be r· '"" ...,~ l o('er «".8766 JX' u c er "'r iron both S 839 a..~ ·•p f--t ~ · n neits. appt . ....,.~ ---'_..,. dmset.SI00.2oakbar Wood Dupli-raner c~e...,, -150· ·5IS6 Pn";'i;'.ne'Xiio·Rusty ROBINS FORD Call: 642·8044· SECRET ARY Refrigerator like new. stools $25 ea machine. duphr<1les in .~ Tarre · 6 mos old Blue Pell ran 714-646 4419 Tr 1-cr i ma g a 2 i 0 e Ftosl Free $155. S47·8524 anytime rl1mens1oos up to 66 Crown Amuon w cage 2060 HARBOa 81~0 COSTA MESA 642 0010 OfftCE AS ST -One man office in CDM home needs creat phone person to deal with ctatomen. Some typing req'd. Aftnoons. s days. fl'73.7S3 pu?Usher needs super 893·9060 7 n sofa s125. 2 t?rel·n long Cost ne" SIOOO. Sell $500. Af.! ~1!45·7823 Slips, sail boats 26' 36' -·.a. _ _ reliable organized hard PWlco Refri velvet rhairs $100 ea I forS600,_6t2·7712.._9·5 Bunnys . small Dutrh, on :~e:i:g~;:e"r~~~~g~~,~~ 4 WhHI Drhts 9550 work.er .for ~hallenging. 14 cu rt. cross lree!e Xlnt Gold rerlmer $7S. lamps Miscrl•rovs 1010 ly 6 left SI0.00 from Cub rlass Best 10 Nwp\ ~ ..................... . lnt~~mg J011 No SH. condS175673445Jarter6 S2S dble matt $100 ....................... S«M.11 Mike 675·8074 or 673-8711 'til8 PM 81 Toyot.a 4X4_,_rna.n)'. Ma111la111 con'f>utenzed 847-2181 5Z7 7dl --~xtr~"llia r Must circulation list. Some Ref r1 g. fros tr re e. --LOSING LEASE. q uH --·-lip to 20· $150/ mo Ir i:ip see·-~~ 526· 7108 oomputer exper helpful. icema kel', lilce new $250 t.:lawfoot round u:lk table ling business. selling out "-os & OnJoat lo.90 to :Kl'. S2SO 2.13 19th St Wide variety of ore 5411'4485 Lear, s ladderbal'k rhrs ALL supplies and nx ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!C. Newport Beach •75 CHEROKEE WllUY CLIAMCAIS AteTIUCKS CON,..H.l '~fVllOLE T ' . I ,,, ' ')46-1100 MtGHIUYH TOI!· ifollar1 for-$porh Cara. Buas. Campers. 914'1.AudJ'a A.sk for UJC MGR JIM MiltMO VOUSWA~ ... unff he u h ill vd HUN"flNCTON 8f.:ACll l4~JOOO WIMUI> YOUI D OTIC & IRITISH CAU 3100W Co;ist Hwy Newport Bearh 642 !MOS WANTED ! Litle ll'Odel Toyotai. and Volvos Call us TODAY "! TOTOf.4-¥0lYO ,, ............. . c ......... . "'-64'·UOJ er S40·f461 ..'888 11.H !Jou Hh d l 'ost.J \k~J '>411 0330 ORDER DESK GIRL. ans telephones. some Ill· -fn.g, ~ompute.r ex per. calJS.5, 549-1157 duties. N9n·smoker GE Wash 'D 1 Perf('ct rond $425 tu.resmcluding STROUD UPRIGHT 67~1673·7092. _ 4X4 eref. Fringe benefits. ~·r "old. ~~" rorrybeort,h 700.1106 • Display rasc~. waiting PIANOS425. Can deliver • RE/\LSllAR r WE IUY Seeltperman .. nt perso _,., room cluurs. Beauty LldoSlipforSO '+ Power 'USEDCARS"TRUCKS 5498393" n. ·g, 2 yrs $300/bsl. 6' Gotham Pool Table. Salon hairdryers and 67~7057 Boat. SI0.00 per ft t238MPV1 . COME IN OR (714) · 499-5061or499·4283 like new w•wall rark &: hydraulic rhairs. mir· Beautitrul oak uprfg hl . Private Party 67S·8074 ONLY $3588 PilTTlfi41 6·9pm. EXparidmg youth counseli ng firm h as openings for 3·S sharp outgoin~ mature people to rmt1vale ambitious llH3 yr olds. Call 2·5pm. 642-4321. ext. 343. Ask for Andrea. PLASTICS MIXll to m~~~~vu . coaters " sealants. Permahte Plasti cs Corp .. 1537 Monrovia Ave. N.B. Secretary /Gal Friday. G St . custom cover $1511 h I d I t "veretl ~ano w.'carv or527·7408. CALL FOR '"'. M.S for Irvine tax •-as ove Calonc, dble Lar-metal desk for or ror... 5 e ves an P an s. "' ?. ~ .a.ppR .t.fC.toL """ "' ovenSl.5-0+Maylagelec .. ~ Also.lllilkeup.shampoo 111 • lofr.645-5798 BOAT SLl PSAVAIL g;rm.,1er·D""eL~i.lo investment firm. Legal. dry , -0 k fir'e'· or homt: SH andhairprodurts. a.u.... ,./pd/~ Y executive, word process· er o~ve $15 . ~s ed 6411-8239. Call 6.31·9754 or -... 8093 Npt. Brh. 20·. 25'. 26'. ·~J .. rJA~6(6 CHEVROLET ing background helpful. gd work111g refng ·'" ex· --afters 898·6809 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• 67'. ~·~ 9·5P_M 182lf8tACHBLVD For personal interview change for I or items. Sofa S225. brand new -.._ ~ ~. -:-KNEISSL SKIS HUNTINGTON BF.ACH call Mr. Ste Ph ens. 497-4724 Teakwood wall unit Sy:i La d I e s • ~ a ' e ~ Site 175 w/boot s and T,....ortatiOft roc.JSo Coast Hwy . 641·3764. -Frigidaire washer SISO d':~~e~:l~~1n~a~~~1~: AU r. HT' LA D' poles. In great condition ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Bearh 147-6087 or SECRETARY 1 Ker:irmre gas dryer S75 lingerie che\I $40. Home Part). Ltngene. Like new, $158/0BO. C Sale/ 494-11 3 1 546·9967 , S4'~33I WORD P~OCESSO!t Twinbed .545·981S t•arpet. miH items lotions. potions and lots Call 524-5225 days Mon T:;"· 9120 goodthru3 9•82 (.'.cir or Truck Needed NB. CPA firm . seek mg 22 cu n H.otpoi.nl SJS wbt 842 ~after6 PM rmrc run. Call Ahson Sat Eves Son· Tues -haveSl!OUCi\.Sll responsfble person S17S GE hvy duly 968·0178 S:.les Reps ' -....................... Tn&ks 95601 •846-5112• Word Processing exp. h . . . h 1Gngs12eperanse1.tnple needed __ Spw~Goods 1094 CA MP ER . 10'. Open ....................... ·~.'=-rt·ed preferred Call Kalhit> was .. ~~ ~.,!,mini was dresser. 2 nite stands. I IUlG' ..... y, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Road. self l'Onl<1 1ned . • •-...tH•w 'II --....,..... ,SMlSll ' ·'"'·4u• headboard Sl61l I ,.._ · DLSrounl sportmg goods $600 or best offer -"' ••••••••••••••u ••••••• -==o.==------GE 12 lb washer full 54-0 0768 Protect your valuables. Top names many 1113-8053 0..Yy LUY Piclulp ! Gerral 9 70 I Sery/part lime. hour l -. f private ownership of I 0 c' s . . 11 t 0 n l 8 8 3 I I Clex.ible H8 tBeach II seection SlOOorbesto ·Gcrogt s. 10551 ~fetydepos1tbox high specia s wap· Motoriudlitaes 91 40 Prire $6098 . GM rt? ;;;;·~·u;;i .. ;;;e~;~·ic"' Adams.). ·Prefer S.H. fer. 966-3'77S ••••••••••••••••••••••• serunty. armed g~ards. ~et. C72 SS ••••••••••••••••••••••• bate S500. ~ale pnce IS DomeslJr. Ca r Salesman Nonsl'fl)k"fr.lnteresung WASHER · DRYER 1 24 hr, arress. tatal TY.ROiio, PUCHMAXIMOPF.D I OMLY$5598 with yearsofexpenenre ...rt.Mr.Greer964·9566 DISHWASH ER SWAl'MEET pn.:1ry tfFi Steno 10911 Looks no . brq.?ht HOWA.RDChr•rolet willromttoyoorhome S125each. 646-5848 Ever) Sund a) Sam I Info. 714 536 7546 ••••••:•••••••••••••••• )ello". '360 64:i 6278 00\e Quail Sts Get the most for ~our • 9717 ........................ 77 Colt 2 dr Custom Cpe. 4 &pd. air. atereo. $2650. 831 5976/493 9190 -- .,...... 9 720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GIANT DATSUN Q.EARANCE SALE • 284$ Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa '111 200iX. 5 spd rpe. a r. ps. pb. P"'· am.rm quad. "'It ext,_ 549=-·4.:..:l.::.:98o..__ __ 7 32401 SHARP CLUM!! Auto. At. AM FM . mags. Runs Strong ~ S3500 * •548·9435•. '81 280ZX . 2+ 2. 3000 miles. leather int. S800 + TQP. 548-7044, 497-5109 14 260'l, new paint. tires + Alpine stereo. $4100. 548·7044, 497·5109. 71Datt.200SX 5 speed. stereo S327S 213·596-0598, 646-5931 '80 310GX , gold, xlnt cond. air. tape deck, 5 spd. 11K mi. $5400. 494-8734, (213 )432·5997 ·.:\10 2-dr. 4·spd. fact. air, xlnt cond. $3000 b1S.2253 ----- '77 200 SX SOK mi Pme $!'700 ·75 B·210 Sew dutch, brakes. ball .. S500 ' as· SUfl!!2aymnts. 964-4848 '74 26~PHf Ne'4 pamt. ures. xi.i •n· tenor and engme S3500. 646-FJI Prndlool T toc'-For H8 Srhool Ex p. pttl., over 18. 960-8788 HEY'· ••••••••••••••••••••••• College. Fairvu:-" &: Ari Complete set SIOO or or l2 base. walnut rab . rond s.iso .,, 0555 pnre on your l'ar Small '81 2dr dlx $700 below SludtntJobs licydes 102 Jpm. Orange Coast ' Ldt HcmdGoHCW. Ml!?chesterhome spkrs. ·81Purh.blut'.xln1 • NEWPORT BEACH trade&: gel the best 3 Wbee.1·3 Spd Srhwinn m8loo. Costa M esu Ad ft:r 760 0189 ~_!a. ?46·2011 675-3479. -.....· fee .fi!ll 642 6169 _ bk Only S5400 898·9~3. · PllNTIM'i Camera/i>literoom as· sistaut. Mon. Tues. Fri ' Sat. Will work vertical commercial camer a. Knowledge of P MT pro-cess helpful. Xlnt ror col· lege students with relal· ed <'lasses.Apply 1n person: 1660 Plarentia Ave. C.M. n jTIMESEC'Y Typing. filing, phones, 2·5pm daily. in s rna II financial planning or fire. CdM. 673-2117. Real atateSales I OOo/o C.-inioas -.~.~~ •Luxury office surroundings -Great wallt·in business -C.Omp111y-pa1d advertising •Strong management support • •lnt.emalional referrals •Up to Sl,000,000 legal protection •Financial Stability oGrowth op port un It 1es Call in Confidence 493.u.1 ltcefrila Clertt wanted Ur Reta il Clothing Store in Fashion Island. Fu 11 lime posltlol\ Mon through Fl'i. 8:30 to 5:30• Exper pref. Please.call for interview 644·5070 ask for Kalie. a.c.....-t Lovely Niwport Ce nter Law Firm seeks part Uft recept. Hours 9 AM tol:30 PM C..11 Jane 619-<MIOQ lllCB'T'IOMST/SICn '"lBilnl aJncy. t entral· ly locat.fd in Irv. looltin& for skilled t y plll· receptlonia t. Xlnt tele~e technique a mmt. TYpe $$~WPM. No Slf. Co mpan/ beftefita, room lor a · vanctment. Call before 2 PM c., .... & "'8.~tte· IOYS--GIRLS Town ' Country. \'ery rruss1on fret> to buyers .. ,, •. h d d S 50 Sears 25" rolor console 1959 FORD 17 ton Pirkup ~-6830 How would yau fi~e to clean.$225.960·l470 Seller R e~er\·a ,.,,,.a .. r .r.g .con ; 1 .. touchtunmg.dlxrabinei ~r!':'/ . Servire bed S800 AHaRomo '705 -earn as much as SS0.00 a -lJoru. Info I b o H1k1 .. ne"' boys 26 1150 642.4412 Sc 9 150 ~-~-••••••••••••••••••••••• Fiat 9725 week? Do you like drive· Mens Z7" lOspd. Schwinn 556.5880 lll>j> JOO. Cash. 893·217~ --.· . - -•••••••••••••••••••••••! Alfa lliOO •••••••••••••••••••• • •• In rmvies. picnirs. piua $90. Mens 26 " 3spd Dnim set w Hi Hat $250. Atan video game w. IS ·~Yamaha Y7.t2S, xlnt Vtloce Con•ersiOft? Get Ready parties. bearh parties. Schwinn $80. 631· 1275 Weai:hl bench wdeg lift • cassettes. $200 or bt!~t or rond. never rared. ex . 74 COURIER AJI parts to ronvt•rl 101 For Spring~ plus many other things? C.M. area low Chlb uncl irnn wril{hts s125, rer. &y-918Hvs tras, S750. 642·8917 _ POR PARTS ONLY 1600 lo Velo't·e. CXl' 1970 FIAT Then bou would probaby ,-d CHEAP 536·91!32 piston5. $1400 979 2748 150 SPIDER ~l'Oba ly enJ.oy work·1ng lli&.&...Materialal025 ~-r.soi. ~Pl•ak an spell SJO GE port. TV. 21 ". blk II 1910H,......D" -"JI S T R L' 963 ocM hi d S 00 ""· " after611m or wknd~ C,......VERTllLE orus ••••••••••••••••••••••• A A . 8 12 noon r.\t'S """'" w le. w stan . I or O Mu t "" QUALIFICATIONS ... 0 W 2S ~FT REA SC HOOL fiOI Exert'tM' l'H•lt•, Tunluri. !!est_orr~r 6422377 WMr' 1 1 '66.Econoline. Pl<'k up.:; Audi 9707 0NLY35.000milesonre- Ov " < Harmllon C.M OonJ SelNow d .. , d b d b 111 e g AM FM I. erl2yearsofage. Redwood 2x6 ecklnl?. flyl'heel ' ai:om1:1er.1oats&Marine ()I 7 ~00 it• win ow ... ee s o Y ••••••••••••••••••••"• u nine. •. ~ea~j honest and de 4.2lJ'.long: also redw~><f ~~~:1J:i2.':~;~ ('a II S!.'141 !Jfi3·4lOJ ~,_... E~/eu'ent s~a~ work, S600. "93·8P22 '81Audi5000 Turbo ~e~b-rate~pe:~w~a~:~ ~.Wcake.ft h 1 d fencing. Lowest pnre -t3•:cuft2drrefng fn.r ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• Call5599399aft 6pm '79 Datsunl\ing t.:al> 2000 mi. leather int tires Pni·ate party. or a er sr oo an g u a r Jim or Ken TeW111kle School G rnnl $Ii!"> !I' T .. ak Mch1tect 's ,.___,, 90 I 0 :, spd. A· I cond. ma"> I custom alloys Must sell $!"""' be t rr ... L'ST Saturda(l · R s I " ' __..... ii llond11 350 Srrambl .. r xlras. ~.700 760_80-1., Sl.9 .. ~ 5S3 (''"". uuu s o er '" CA TODAY ' anytirre, 775-1491. ummage a e ~14~ " k S"O 646 8181 • ,. , ~ """' S"'LL C R -... <'-9230 F 11t'l> w . • •••••••••••••••••••••• Newrham. 11ood lires,I ---r. I all ob at <.... ....... <•1 525' 7 _ .. _ . k" h ... eet ""1 . . . l2' I n bl bo " . .t..-.111-U-....t-9709 7"" N>IM! fl 5 •. ...,, . ......,or oN -Bau.dor s 1lc enelte· 4 pnies. book fair Geisln Jim l~am Old Masters n ala e sport al, $350080964 2t40Chns 79 Ford FISO PL'. extras. -.--y "°""""' a er p.m. • BAM lo IOPM' bu.me~eler cooktop., lge 'California c M senes or roHectible bot w/9hp E\•mrude' xtras. . · x Int r on d . S 5 Joo ••••••••••••••••••••••• weekends ____ _ S SS sink. form1ra --"-lles s:leach @!).998-8778 8l llooda 900Cust. •m i5!1·~ 1'64 3000 MK 3 $3,900 '76 F'iat l283P I•--------rounler,gorgeous fimsh. Jw~ S2.50t'a Bike. $31! 7cn.006(1 13 . ., .,.,.. AVON . 40 hp marulaterond S2900 F'IRM 673 ·4750 or 11 t hb k ood d Des .... rr tbl nn ""' .......,., 640 4615 CHEV LUY , ...... ..._ ask for Kell' a r ar · ll ron · cabinets. $800/080. ..,..,, 0 e ..,,,. Merr.Trlr.cover Many ...,, ~. ne"' t ires . am fm T~ c.wt... &42-0'lOI lady golf clubs S25. Sys troms mobile Xl ..,2006752109 Muu bike. super rond . '76.airrood.aulolrans .. 67 :..,,..; R--' XI • 1 rassett•. lou• mi'les I meiHat ....-T 975-032torSatSun9:im telcphone.rlirectdialre er~~ ·-· v 1 h Xlntcond.S2300orbest ~ '""· nt app ... ft mme 11 e emp OY · Dogs 1 040 -ad), S2800 080 Must ENJOYTHEHARBOR ery o" our~. S125 o(fer.770-4074 G~ merh rood Ori: S2500 675-9961 ~i"~at~0:i~~~d~t~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •ESTATE SALE • sell this week'813·!1:8.lO. TAD Jtayak S400 c2nd .~~=1•:. Nds '4k ·;3 l>od;e Club rab ., wtl't'l.S.S,7oo 760-6811 t978FIAT124 school.Send resume to KE~ONOPups AKC. Mwch4/5/6 Wood stove. Canry rast ka y ak in cl rru> s10010 BO . 10 15 1 tonSlllOO IMW 971 2 SPIDEi P.O. Box 10669, c M. ~a:'! ~irep ~r :~1/' 2407 M. Ohe uoo. comp. "'' chimney 67H275 -Meredith. HB 962 6022 840-4793 ••••••••••••••••••••••• a1r. tapedeck cstk3400 > 921&27. ----21311117-1345aft6pm SANTA.A.NA. &rnupi_pe $LS0.646~5893·-lods.Mairwl1R9ce/ ·81 llonda ce125. lo mi, 'OO A•ton PU" ramper.; 5 . ._ $5888 Tole .. wA.ct..S•s Wireha.ired Fox Terrier Tlmt:9an1to4pm FfMEilT StrYic• f02 exc'<'ll cond S800 ~Int running rond • 1 J?<; / fo r 'performing arts, puppies. Male' rema lE: Hersrhede Grndrather Dali . Appel. Rothe. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 95311.573 S2250 ofr 111<1 1 337 Otos. t..}pi7 r?Al"6tKN t bl' t ' ... clock, lle1sey £pergnc. others. S.Sl·3849_. 752·2234 Capt. Alfrey I Electrical 111' 12131 ~2:AOCJ spor s J>U l ea ions, AK C. 8 Wo.S, S250. I' l t r ------""""'ft /30 i7 Honda4G4.xlntrond1· M/F . Good ruture. 846-0C Ster 1ng ea Sl' 0 12X16 Emerald ureen Uli;uoeer w yrs expr. I St d I l Caslleton China. 2 -"' just returned from I on . 9,000 m1. S850 s.J.; Y emp oymen · AKC Yellowtblk ·LAB beaut Br sets. Amana nylon carpet. F:JC rond .. Carib.orrersconsullihgs ~1·~17 Pups. 5 "iWks. brown sire. frig&: Amana uprgl frzr. Best orrer. 840·8324 aft. oo all yacht systems. '81 KL.250 Kawasaki. 1500 TEXA.5 OfL COMPANY lg heads. S250/S200. Lots o( clothes. lots of §>m. ----213/582·1432· ml. new rood. ssoo firm urgenlly needs person 957.2918 fum. silver It br1r ·ll· Bed side commode rost .. an·n~le·ctrlcian 63_1-4794 willl several years good b ..,., II "'5 ( B d N ) '" work record for Costa I SHOOT ANIMALS rar. , d .,.,., se ~ ran ew Design stall/repair '81 SWM 320 Tnals bike Mesa area business Your pet photographed MIC' Visa urceple shower stool 491·9655 -Qual. work 549·2520 Ver y clean . Mal I. EXTRA. EXTRA SHARP!!! '76 CUSTOM LUY PIQCUI' 11866744 l $198 sales r ep. Sales ex., In your home. 964·7906 _J.Utt~Oa,AH_D Roll·a·way Bed. lk new. a•7 ""'8 perienc~not neressary. AKCMaleDalmation.18 2 fam garage sale. ...., -= ~J »/a9. / pd SI"' .. "Aars. w1·11 sell lods.~M.W..t 9030 '" ·~"" • We train. Write D.S. rros old. Good dlsposi-Fri/Sat. IOam 10141 S75.536·1N)79 ,_ MotorHo.1, Solt/ •'>Jfl'T r:,JA~l'Kl'f Dickerson , Pres . lion. 964-5152 Suntan Cir II 0 Furn . C o-;;;-p u t er C RT ~8·1••M•••••9••8••0•/•B•••••t••• a.t/Storoge 9 160 Soutllweatern1 ~c T 1 ADos.520 ere . moor. u•••••"••••••••••••••• So Petroleum. Box 789. Ft. Longhair Chihuahua I yr s:;em'roaist Meredith: xlnt ron~. lo hrs. S800 RENT 2 2 · Lux 000 Coast llwy · Worth, Tx. 76101 1 male, pedigreed. S200 SUNDAY 2005 Clay NB HB 962 6022 finn. 964 2<M1'1 Motorhorre, sips Ii Setr Laguna Beach -_ 963-3014 parts. apphanrrll etr -ao....p 9040 cont S29Swk + 11~ m1 494-11 31 546-9967 I'ramcri~ing ' front of· ,Doberman pups. AKC, 1 646-~-Nutural red rox roat. 1 yr ower 64().8S85 ~ thru_! 9 82 _ fltt radiology, 25.32 hrs weeks. bllt/rusl. Sl50. Isl HOUSE SAU old Must sell ~1-9~9. ·~·~~·H•••fO••••••••••,•••• R;;;'l 2 2 . I u x v-9570 wk. c..u 9.5. 645·9400 vac. incl. 964·3654 EVEflYTHl~G GOES. ~ ""'1 I BOA S · rrotorhome. sips 6. setr ••••••••••••••••••••••• TIUCI DllVEI . •Poodles "R" People• Heavy Spanish wood Womens clot hes. sz cont 1295/wk + I~ mi. ·77 Ford Club Wagon Wkll pidrup. ·Part time. T-Cups. Toy, 1200 to furn. dlnfng table and 10. )-2.14 . Giveaway 640--WS. ~.many extras. low Rdittd OK. VEFO, 785 $500. Pets Boarded II chairs. hutch and buHel. prices. Gd rond H8. --.76Wlni rrul~~ 67~·l211 W.lah,CoataMesa. Groomed.S4f.2MI bed r oom iiroup . 1163-2071 '78 27~ft BAYLI NER .... c. I d CREVIER BMW Tht bcltWM) 'I 2 IMW'1 A~ "fen! A few remaining '81 Models Ct Dem(1s are still available' We specialize In· European delivery and flawless pre-owned BMW 's Where Cuslome r Serv1re Comes lst' Sales-Service Leasing 21.i W Isl. Santa Ana (714)835 3171 _ Closed Sunday TWXOP&ATOI Oood typfst-for TWX m~. Will train. Ex· celleat oPPOrtun ltlo ' ~·bendil3. Call Elaa,W..-0 rep~ucllon roll top New rull •1t" mattress •· Vi or1 .. Fl rid '"' Rtn. Al x nt con Alloa W..t.d 9590 Black Lab P\lpe. (71 S50 ddk. chair, ru.gs. law " " • ·VH· 1rct raadio·. bayltb tang~.. .644-4792 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5..._..._ Fri ~:uprinas set. S60. " MODas ea. ~. books. much more' · ._~5832 depth finder. outri11m , Tl'llen. TN\'et ti 70 WI MllD YOUI IM STOCIC 5'8·544.S Sal. sun ICH 1644 Tustin ~amp. ien .. AM' FM a ••••••••••••••••••••••• GOOD USID Cil! Ave. Cos t a M es a PanA M Boarding Pass lradt stereo with trailer. '79Cornlr 23'. S(p5 6. xlnl Anythfng <"onside red . MOW! 642-6511 (2fortl Worldwide . Call 648·*3. Will u lJ t'Ond. Lux built by Ben· 1977tHru1980 Che• Hr t••• --1 Worth 12500. sell Sl2S. balanceolloan. dix Corl> Askin& f6SOO ~ ......... .t DIMOt !e'!!,St.t\lub. 1»·9320-Call Ted wkdys bwn ; ~ 41 .9: ~Lt.': : coffee table, otller Items TINMIS CLUI . 38' Cm-Cran. E-,resa. t. m $56-5125 AUTOMOll 11 • ..e d fumlture' clolhlng, FamTif Meinoers hip 196S. Clean 1 Fut! AlloSrfla, 1'... • .._ .. .,..... F t d b 3/e/82 Sat IMPM . Nwpt Bch Tennis club Newport Slip. ulin& &Ate ...... • 9400 . , Al 11 ree o JOO · ome. 1841-A i C M R bt $750 SlO,SOO. T d Fl #I i.-=~ ...'fi':'~~/~~d L. Burdl~ta759: 221 ° · 1~·0268 tn.c'avall, P.P~t1J20:t• ....................... Z!m ;-;;:;:;r= CttTOoc:: M •010 Tu Sale; 18101 SL Croix, Fly the world via Pan ~· Owtna Tahitian+ ti vt· ATTIMTIOM COSTA MESA SAUi • mYICI Hunt. Harbour. 840·61~ Am! 2 for t voueher, aboent slip avall. Call. f7'•-•1500 ........................ Sat. March 8th. ~ Ull ~h 31st. SIOO, Judy or Harvey 842·4844, • J!".Ac LM•ll * * 1 IUY * * Ftl/Sat/Sun 9,5 at 9151 7 41 -lawn 1 HM. ,.,,,,.,fl.,_Arl•S rR WE P •y SADDLllACIC Good •hrniturt' HunllDJlon Sl, H.8 1o.iantr hu beaut. 11111 PAITNll\WANTED •n:!'Jb~iJ "' 9i1W • ADPliaattt-OR I wlll Everythinc muat go. I norala. accea1 .. gins. M ft Searay Sunder NB NeverllHd. m 'l:OP DOLLAR llilw$a.LforYo. P\lm. cpt1. major• ~rty p lan avail alpltJl•+equityde· Ma aarm lvtma flOIUlmCAIS .. ., ... ,. MASTmAUCnOM uan anll111cea Ola· nP_,_ . ---. lliwt. 1 j~lllMIH::!lilLI ...._ cloUMs 11ct mutb Camper slx·pau ta.e, kt ·~.,,. ............ ,.=. ,;..,;Skl=pj"""an--opn--MAM MA...aM • A~~-.. •· arm. box , clout tablt, lllln.'ll111r.U...&m'. PGllllM:/-MU .... ,r_,. ""'"" GcOUINtalla · Wit • wiG flC!D/080,•11•, '11lH u1•. A1kl11 -~.-xl.· lll·M ... WMITI ........ ' ~.. a. Gll...._,SUS. Upri1bt ....... QOlld&undlys ~-M =.,•a -·Alll.W. '"""lltl. Dreptt, RM • '7'111.WMI.,..• IMfW lft.1417,,._ _____ _. roc.JSo Coast Hwy:, Laguna Bearh 494· 1131 546·9967 _.Jood lh,rul'.,9~2 _ He.do 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SH HllDA SANTA ANA AHDSAYE! GIU T S&ECTIOM CIVICS ACCOIDS l'ttauDES 548-7431 :Ill w. Wimer. 1; blk west of ~M_ain;;:;:.... __ _ ·1e Honda Civic, &ood cond. S2500 or mah of. f~ M0-9&!.f .1..613-2777 __ '79 Honda Arcord LX, $ •Pd. cust tlms. mint cond, Must sell $$HO ~---11 Arcord UC. 20.000 ml. $ •Dd. all ~Iona. 1un. roof, Stereo <'HS, "500, ~~-831() ----'Ml Accord LX, 22K ori1. ml. 2·dr copper. 1uto1 ,a11j_P.. 545"111 - ,. Honda cvcc: Stltk, S.OOor best olftr Sfl.Jm I J 'I I .... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOTrltursday, March 4, 1982 .............. ...... .... ..w ....... rt.4 .....,t,lrW .......... ..w ~ ..... rW .... UM4 .... u.H W..UM4 UM4 ............................................................................ ........-; ........................................................................................................ ···········"································· .,.._. tUt . ._ t740 ,_.. t7H W.. t7H Y ... 1111 t770 V•u11 t770 C.-. ttll c:-9 ttl7 c...tee ttU Miian ttlO ........................................................................................................................ , ................................................ ~··············· •..................••.. ~;;~;;., ...........•••• 1~5 ~ OWM'r. 8eiul "n a4ertedtt 3000. 38 a11. Mat S.Crtf&ce OIAM4tl COUNTY'S · 72 VW .,1 Supe~ Betti•. 1unri>Of, '77 ti Dorado, xlnt eond, l l Cima': Z28p ~•pe:~( IXJIA '7~~~·is8~~lt'OcJ ~=~ ~e~ovlna lliN.11unroor. uaaette, tmmac '1UttSC.tvery NIWIST SUPlllHTU 1m/tm, 1clnt cond , low mlluae. Fully =r .. ~~ A~r. iM/t'M. SHAIPt! . ~1.' PP. i11tsi o80 I I k rn & SI 3 ·II S 0 ~ 952•11M7 Aulhorhed Eaullenl ro-ndlt lon. 100 0 844-llzt er. NO 5122 SLtrto C111. 4000 mlltt. 1977 COIYnTI ~.-n .... t731 ~re ~~fl'rMu::5.~·~: I "ft 9llS Tar111 . bh1ck. SUBARU DEALER 11m. paint, upholatery. Ydvo t77 M LAl61ST Mint. Daya us.U?O, loadtod. low mllfoi. Stir. 71 Mete'---.. -.-~-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 116.000. ·~~ carpetl~, and im&ine ...................... S&JCT10M Ev ~· --3292 BMU<HfAM. RY ___ 7~·9523_ ALLN7~415281024 #I VOLVODlilB of lite model, low "11. 1utc.1, A/Cl lilt wheel, "! 1111 COOD_COND..:...NNOM 7JPOISCHlt14 .----fN'OJlM.IGl:COURT\'1 mlluae Cadlllau In miMtlOnlro.P/S.P/B, --N~ custom pilnt, new '74Super Beetle 12.395. Sout.btm CaUfomia ! AM/FM, tus, new tlreJ h h. ad '72 Mert full tlu w11on 1982 MODELS 1.lltStl·llLO U.LJS,SBVICI MAIERS 'br~~ .. e1•.;.,.lmma r ,. ·. , EaceUer.~~~~~n HERE NOW!'! S _...,.~·~~~ .,.,,,, .,..,, ;.,/'· .Jath . ~"" ~-S.let·Servlre Leuln~ '73 uper ~lltlt!, nn t:!~.-W CADIL.l.A.C ·(jl.JUC ~ ........_.. ttU oainU11t1lrove.rs,1_11k OVt:RSE V •tty alifililfiOtBl d '711 8erlinetta, 'l"l!..000 ml, --. SAOOUIACI ~100. 536-4743 EXPERTS COSTA MESA . T·tol>, AC. PS, l'W, tilt llOOSo. Co11t Hwy . • .. •••••••••••••••••••• SUIAIU -----· • whf lo1ded $5700. Laguna Bearh 'M MUSTANG V~ auto, i:e~;~o,.~ :~~· uau1H I 540· 1860 ~l.54S-2452 ~·4-ul• 1~ ......... 7 ~~~t~.11.~ . .Jr' Best .offer. 780·8872 or V~O '80 C1m1ro VS, 3 1pd _.... ... __ --~ ~JP.:.Utt~• .w-= -~. ~ h b a.,,.-u l......,Har rBlvd . '79SevUle,lowner,8S,OOO lit1nd1rd , T ·t o!c, r-3~ '686cyl.n~wora, o • ....,._,., ...., ml, amonroor. all atras. ._,.. COSTA MESA cretm/lan int . new AM /FM cau. 158 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• by/invest ty~. $800 •4'-UOl 540.'461 Michelin tires Xlnt 957· vs. --79 Couaar XR7 BM-~l D.,. ?60-92&4.L, 75 VOLVO 1641 cond. 673-5164 '61 C.-ro J27 Jl\lllY loade8, alnt cond '70 MUSTAMG Loaded· . 675-4016 '18Sevllle, mlnl l'Ond 33 Auto pwrsteer11lr cond. 60,000 mi, $4000/bal l'l,300. 54,000 ma. orig K Miles. Askin& $8600 GOOdcood. Sl.500 Im-KM owner. extras. well MUSTSB.L! I '74 VW Squarebur k, gd rond, xlnt price. ~·7713 751 18.111 _ 673-11519 afl 8 PM Doclp ttJS ~~ned thorou1hou1 •11 SEVILLE '12 350 4·ai>d. All on1lnal. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Ill VW Bug. reblt eng New paint, gen. Needs ....._ UMd _11>hol. 1700645·4666_ ...................... . ·~ceura GT Llrtbk . Xlnt cond. Loaded $7100 or $400 dn, take over $180 ID.yml.492·1470 '73 Super Beetle, must Md! tt I 0 1 owner, loalled. Low mUes. $2700/080. ollll Dod&e Charger 8000 O .. ..aMlt tt55 I0431'BHI 5t028eves mi Estate sale Must Ii ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell' 1600cr. new clutch ••••••••••••••••••••••• *.aow * ~__._. -.-tt"'O qlidau. Call 548 9326 or '80 Okk Cutlass. Lo Ml '--"',._., 6 548--0UIS __ Xlnt Cond f\all Pwr II •LOW. ••••••••••••••••••••••• E ui . $7675. 830.0891 , SH US FIRST! Ferd tt4o sJ.J,., ' v a I v e J ob . b r a . '7JllGAL S 1600 -Doualas ra 1alb. Sanyo Xlnt corld. 962·3466 '756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------1 amtlm cass. 12800 080 MUST~~~ : 6311427_,751_·~1124 __ '78 Regal Lim ited , loaded, pwr everyU11ng, '112 Celica G L tbacll '75 Rabbit, S2300. new xlnt cond. Only $5200 Silver. every factory op· engine, clean 645·4400, 754-0004 __ _ •llUE IOOK * We hive a good selection •••••••••••••••••• ••••• --1!!!1 of NEW' USED "11Fiesta Gh1a Sunroof '80 Cutlass SuP.reme Oievrolets! Good rond, red $3100 DI~. am fm, Ult, air, "1 DULER IN U.S.A. lion. 5.SPD. 3600 M 1 Best 673-11523___,.....__ ••••••••••••••• •••••••• A ntHTIOM ~ ~ •Ml,pmera MG ~-~ offer over S8900 Call 1968 VW bus. xlnt mech. 892·1832 cond . body fair, all re- YMCIMera4H OWHEIS I Ol<lll""40'lfll0M"""()ll!al<'tP '18 Cellca GT Cpe. a1c:. toaMW EAU-COVER ,_.,...,,.,, .. 1..-i.... stereo. SOK mi. lClnl. MG's, '71· '81 • CCOSlD SUNDAYS ~644 2002 evs t'om:r!'h:t:!~~ Im· N vel'1'tsed. $75 -- ports Direct lease and 60 Mana63J.7797 Ive msg Soab 9760 Vol&swOCJlll 9770 ceipt& SISOO 631·5982 or 842.6229_ - '78 VW con vert Lld Edit., air, tape, like nu. U!K mi 900 768·8275_ '82 VW Diesel Lease lt76 IUICK UGAL~ourE V6, automatic trans. air cond., AM FM stereo. steel belted llres (2new I, full vinyl top. (075R FW l Private Part y , $1995/best offer. Ca II l.Jl4>TI0-0356 afler SPM $6595 846-6465_ dual tanks. 43,000 milH, brown. $5900 P. P . CONNELL CHEVROLET .?9, ~ 499-30tL ~~/ fJA~~et' SAU SAU SA~E PWo '\.')>II .. I• I• " f \ \1 f ' !*I So Coast Hwy . SU -1200 Laguna Bearh ft4.Jll1-5.!6:.!.UZ '70 Malibu 2 dr. good, needs lighl work 1659 493·8622 runs body 9957 rno~ sensible P> mts ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• D I a I 2 I 3 0 r TL-1982 714 MERCEDES 1s 213 a,.. · 9746 '~ $ '60-'65 VW left " n ght door. '73 lert dour. SSO each Western slyle whl nms for Super Rcelle .@.e!l. 5411·97~ Good r red1t Just make Coclloc t915 paymenls. All Savers ••••••••••••••••••••••• 634·0189_ '76 SEVILLE Loaded. stk.3301 •IELOW• '78 Caprice. 55K, ve ry clean. most xtras. 2·dr classi~ 842·4127 We have over 30 1979 and ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1980 Fairmonls. Cita· '71 Runaboul, runs good, lions. Monie Carlos and good condition . Sl200. LT~. These a re fl eel ~~~ ~rt ~"30 964·«89 ~um Car.. and being ·11 LiJtbark. clean good otrered lo the public for 1ransporat1on $800 080 between S800 and $1200 675-3513 752-8900 X264 below wholesale Blue --=i. - Book All excellenl PlplDlllh 9t60 orJ1416374 2!13_ ....................... ARE HERE! • ________ 11973 Manta, needs minor 900 series 3 door~. 4 '75 ~L. metalhc: bl. 74,lm m1. eog rebll at 70,lm m1. superb cond thruout. $21,SOO. Will consider terms PP 644.7266 work. must sell $1000 , doors " Turbos ava1la· 080. Eve642 7948 ble NOW' Come 1n & CONTEMrLA TIMG it vw Super Bug $800 CADfJ..UCl t}ig good Body lleeds We speda ne 1n leases work 6'2-7588 Eves ror the busJness ex •LOW• * llUEIOOK• !!!!!! 68 II Nova, strurlurally perf, nds som~ eng work Make ofr 979·~..L maintained and rarry ••••••••••••••••••••••• Warranty f\arther mfo '75 PLYM f t;RY r a 11 , J o e Ca t r on . Needs mtnor work . S700 -----drive Road le Track ·m V.W Van, runs gd Ol>el GT '72. Xlnt cond Magazme's choice of the body totaled. $600 080? Good a pprec1at1011 BEST sports sedan or 499-5710__ _ YW •76 Rabbit eruuve ' proressional 4 s pd. lo ml, mint &..'9f s.IKticMI $5295 .cJ#~~ '61 Impala, xlnl cond . ong paint. auto lrans, Y.8 oodtires642 4174_ D o m i n 1 s C o o k or besl offer. 893·8053 Mc far I a n d Co -"l9SAPPORO Newpo rl Anaheim :\luslsell CallTamm1e 832 83'74, 559 5958 7S2 9371 . 963·20'.!! ~·John Mll·5~2.-the '80s! ·~ Dsl Rabbit I owner thruout. Pnce $2.995 Of .Ww I tU __ P/P 71i.._"640-9134 9750 IUCH IMPORTS SO mpg. Xlntcond $5500 ....................... 1148 Dove Street. N B. AIU, caJI 642·5304 . VW rARTS Merredes Benz 79 3000 . MEJSJER 752-0900 '73 Bug renders. front Silver. sunrf. xlnt cond 1900 Harbor Blvd .. c M These hllle ads real!} hood. bumpers. running s 17. 90 0 pp D )' ~. k I J t h boa ds Sell d 85 1 ·8288 e\ s wk nds PORSCHE/AUDI 1-1.H_ w 0 r 0 1 n e1 r or tra e or ~ 13631 Harbo Blvd. _ __.~· thousands of other peo-. deal . Garden Grove The fastest draw in thej pie m this area who are' 494-24117 S idle items w1lh a West ... a Daily Pilot reg u I 11 r u s er ~ or '70 Westfahlia. Dail\ Pilot Classified Saln-~lce-Leasill9 Clll!ISified Ad Call To Class1r1l'CI Call our ad Xlnl. condilion. Ad · __ , 714 6_3 6:2333 da 642·5678 takerat6425bl 8 -I_ .S48~S __ Ca•l 1u NowltlStodll !*ISo Coast Hwy .. NABERS Laguna Beach CADILLA"C .ttHUJ~m /l.Ul H.111•" Blvtl ( L"l.t '"'""' C,,tQ 'll()() The faslest draw 1n lhe West. a Daily Pilol ClassiJ1ed Ad Call To· day642·~-- &t•s• Lo mileage. excellent cond. 2 dr 1980 Chevelle. Call Bank of America Trust Dept 7S9-4381 week ~v - ·~u4 Luv. 22.000 m1, AC. '79ri..to Asking $:}400 675-6087 ·10 Mavenrk. 6 cyl . vel') dean. Ex r ond. ~-080 842 6126 FM tape. musl sell If a new house will ease lUX> Below Low Book your spnng rever. turn _957-Un2 ~lasslfi~. 642..:..56'!!._ !~~~ ...... !!!.~ E$.T A TE SALE Lo mileage, 2 dr 1912 T Bird Full power Xlnl cond Call Bank of Arrerica Trust Depl 759·43111 wkJja 9·3 WANT ACTION' Classared Ads 642·5678 MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE 0 ATLAS CHIYSLBt.ft. YMOUTH 2929 }'iarbor Blvd., Cost.a Mesa. Tel. 546-193' 3 block.s . south of San Diego Freeway oft Hart>or Blvd. Complete I ,body shop Sales. Service Parts. Se<vice Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P M. on Saturday. IU.CH IMPOnS &48 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 752-o900. Call us. we re the specialists f<>< Alla Romeo. Peugeot, Saab & Ma serat I THEODORE IOllMS FORD Modern sales, service, p1rts. body. pemt & tire depts. Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals. 2060 Hlft>or Blvd ,Costa Mesa 642·0010 or 540-8211. • JOHMSOH & SOM lMCOLN MBCUIY 2626 Htrbor Blvd .. Costa Mela. Tel. 5-4().5630. 57 Yeart of friendly famlly service -Orange County's oldest l.,ln· coln-Metcury dHlership. 0 SOUTH COAST DOME 2888 Hart:>or Blvd .. Costa Meta. Tel. 540-0300. RV Mrvlce spec1all1ts, ~.ustom van conversion.. .. • MIWPOIT IMPOITS 3100 W. CoHt Highway. Newport BHCh. Tel. &'42•9405/$40-1784. Tile Ferrlfl ~. MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES MIWPOllT DATSUM 888 Dove Street Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Vic· toria Station. Sales, Service. Leasing & Patts. Aeet di9- oounta to the public. • MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 5-4().9100. Orange. County's Largest Cadillac dealer. Sales. Service. Leas- ing. • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICIC-PONTIAC.MAZDA Sales • Servioe • Leasing 2'4888 Alicia P~wsy Laguna Hills 837-2'400 • CHICK IVEISOM POllSC ... AUDl-YW 415 E. Coast Hwy .. Newpon Beecll. 673-0900. The only dealership in Orange County ....;th these three great makes under one roofl • ALAM MAGMOM rotft"IAC.SUIAaU 2'480 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mala. Tel. 54~. Sal"" Service, LeHlng. _"Mr. Oo~h." • HOUSI OP IMP.OITS MllC8IW9fl ...................... 8112 Manchnter BIYd.. ~ Pn (on s.ni. Ana Freeway) . .nke Beech BNd. offremp -thatp rltht on Manchester. OW. MER-CEDES (2'3ot 714)137•2333 • • IOI LOMGPU POHTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd., Westminster. Tel. 892-6651 . Or11nge County's oldest and largGst Pontiac dealership. Safes, Service, Parts. .-SAIL CHIYIOUT 900 South Co•t Highway L~unaBMch -c:a-y'1 ........... ,.., .. SALES HOURS: Mon.·Frl. !H, Sat. ~5. Sun. 10-'4 '494-1131 546-9967 COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 5'40·6410. Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mile So. 405 • SUMSET FORD, IMC. (Home of Willie the Whale~ s.«O Garden Grove Blvd .. Weatmlnster. Tel. 636-'4010. • • SANTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Sa,,ta An&. Tet Me-7811. Your- Origmal Dedicated Datsun Dealer. • MllACU MADA We've movedl Our new location Is 1'425. 8af(er Street, eo.ta Mesa. Tel. 545-3334. Stop~ & vltlt our brand new lhowfoom and .... why we're the 11 Mazda dealer In Southern Califomla. Sales. Selvlce. Parts and Leasing . • AMAHmM MAJ.DA "OllrO.C. ............ •• ............ '-c:...· 901 S. A11ahaim Blvd., ANNlm -.,uo. Ml north of Sani. Ana Frwt. on Anlhelm BMt. Call ut fl,.tl 'WE ARE HARD TO AND-eUr WORTH IT I .. DGM LIASIMG, IHC. 730 W. '19th St .. Costa Mesa 642· I 9-« You're in for a surprise at OOM Leasing • COMMB.L CHIVIOUT .2828 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Meu.. Ol9r 20 years Mrvlng ()r8nge County! Sales, leasing, ~ice. Cell 54-1200; epecial pert1 line: 546-IMOO: body shop line; 754-0'400. • IOY CAIVR IOI.LS IOYCMMW 1540 Jambor .. Ro.d, ~ BMch. M0-1444. Sa .... Service, Parts And Le•lng. COMSIDH IT SOI.JM Uled can .,. In demand end ... , qui<*lf .-n acMl11Md In ct.ettled. To pt.c• your prh1ate J*1Y 8d. call._,~ L• •&G-5171. FOR Ftl~THER INFORMATION,. OR TO BE PLACEI;> ON THIS A~, CONTACT YOUR DAIL.Y ~ILOT R~P. " I f .. •••••• THURSDAY MARC H ·l 1'18;> onAN<.if COUNTY C ALIFORNIA :?~C ENTS Watt '/irm'_o~ offshore·. drilling Newport mayor • says Orange Coast may be fighting losing battle • By STEVE MARBLE Of .. ~" ....... Leaders along the Orange Coast may be lighting a losing battle if they think J ames Watt will back ore his push for oil drilling off their neighboring shorelines. he's not even going to consider eliminating a ny tracts," she said. · Newport and Laguna Beach are opposing the leasing of offs hore tracts for oil drilling. Huntington Beach is ~ot. . Huntington Beach currently has several offshor e drilling operations and has adopted a S he said that, if enough conditions are tied to the offs hore tracts oil firms may s hy away from btddlng on them. She said the conditions would i n cl ude e n vi r onmenta' restraints and possibly hiking the lease prices. "I'm personally opposed to offshore drilling H it's a At least that's the impression Newgort Beach Mayor Jackie Heather came away with this week after an hour-long session with the controversial secretary of the lnterior. The ma yor, Newport Congressman Robert Badham a n d Watt m et Monday in Was hington D.C. to d iscuss pending · decisions on offshore drilling. "' lt'c§ something like having an industrial plant out in the ocean.'' DETERMINED James "Watt . secretary o f the Interior. r e buffed Orange Coast leaders' efforts to halt offshore oil drilling . "He won't back away from the leases. He's very firm on that point," explained Mrs. Heather. '"He reinforced lhal California has such an oit poten~ial that SPYING? Motoris t s along Pacific Coast Hig hwa:v near 9th Street in Huntington Beach may have done a double take at the s ight of these two billboards one of which seems to be takjng a good look at t he other stan ce of attaching-stiff en vironmental conditions to future drilling. • Mayor Heather said she now is prepared to ask her council colleagues to consider another approach to lessen the chances of oil platforms being erected off lhe Newport coast. $1-a-gallon gas to return? Competition seen driving price at pump.downward FRESNO <APl -The bygone days of buying regular gasoline for $1 a gallon may make a comeback in California within 30 days . That is the prediction of Jim Markarian, a Chevron station operator in Fresno and past president of the California Ser vice Station Association. "Competition probably will drive il below $1 a gallon for no other r eason than som e .iodependenl wants to be the' first," he said Wednesday in a telephone interview. "I'll stick m y neck out and say that." California prices have been I n c hin g downward since January, notably in Hodesto where sever al companies have sold regular at $1.039 a gallon for a few days. The Ca l ifo r nia State Automobile Association serving Northern and Central California on Monday reported average per -gallon d ec r eases i n Fe ~ruary of 2 .1 cents for DRlllil COAST lllTHIR . · Fair through Friday. Slightly warmer days. llighs 66 to 70. Overnight> low~ ~~47. llllDI TlliY The U.S, Suprenw Court ii pondering o decbfon on where ro draw rlae line between a ltudeftt'• right to reod and a achool beard'• authority to ban booka. S.e •Page .U. • M c.I .. • DM I· -. .. ... &...-.. • ..... . F1 --M regular, 3.4 cents for unleaded and 3.7 cents for premium. Markarian sa w littl e resistance to a drop of a few pennies in Modesto. Bul he also forecast decreases below the dollar mark e l se where. including F resno where the lowest price for regular wlls Sl.29. With a new station set lo open in less than two weeks, Carl Boyett, president of Boyett Petroleum in Modesto, said, "If we get any break in prices at all, we'd like to open unde r a doll~r." Major gasoline dealers at first delayed joining independents in price cutting but now appear lo be catching up. ·'The m ajors seem lo be finally pulling their heads out of the sand and lower ing their prices," said Boyett, whose company distributes to 100 stations. The frequent price changes have pleased motorists. '"They seem to love it," he said . '"We've seen a lot of them come down out of lhe mountains with motor homes or barrels or whatever. That's a good 50 miles. I'm not sure they save anything by driving that far." Howe'Ver, both m en expect price breaks to be short-lived. "I think everybody's about as low as they can go for · now." Boyett said. Mark-arian remarked, '"I don't think it could go much lower (than $1 a gallon). I think it's bottoming out now. The majors are taki~g one h eck of a reduction in their selling price." lie a lso warne d that the com petitiveness m eans that more brand name full·service dealers will go out of business. 'It's not just a matter of price wars," he said. "It's a matter of coping with a ll the other ecoflomic realities.·· Natio~wide group to boycott NBC WASHINGTON (AP> -The Coalition for Better Television, which said it speaks for l,S>O national pod local or1anlutioos across the country, announced a boycott today against NBC and its parent company, RCA, because the n etwork has "excluded ChrisUan cbaracten. Christian ·values and ChrbUan c ultur e from their pro1rammin1." Lall spring the or1anbaUon planned a 1eneral boycott of tel eviaion ahowa it fell obJectJonable but called that oft at tlM tut moment after tha telerillon networb promllld to . reTfew tlaetr ,...,.,.ammln1. Today, the Rev. Donald S . Wlldmoa, ebalrmaa of t11e '°91ltlon baMd 18 Tupelo, .... . .... tbe llltworb Cmed .... . ... their programming for a month or so but th e n r es umed depictions h e co n s iders objecUooable. . Wildmon told a news confere nce that NBC was si ngl e d out b ecau se h e considered its shows worse than those of the other networks, but he held out the possibility of expanding the ~ycoll to other companies. He said the boycott would continue until NBC and its parent companr, the Radlo Corporau,n of Amtrica, met h1I list of 11 demandl . ·· KCA·NBC has excluded Chriltlan characten, CbriaUan valuH and Chri1Uan culture from their pro1rammln1." WUdmon Hid lD I prepared ltale.....t. marginal oil pool," said Mrs . Heather . "If it's a big pool and there's a national need. then I ~uess we have to sacrifice." Other Newport co un cil m embers have protested that large oiJ platforms would hurt the city's tourist industry. They also are fearful of oil spills. 11 crewmen rescued in boat (ire MALIBU <AP J -Eleven c r ew m ~n wer e res cued unh arm~d today after t heir 85·foot fishing boat, the Southern Mo narch, caught fi r e three miles offshore, authorities said. County lifeguards and the crew of a second fishing boat, the St. Christina , made the rescue southwest of Point Dume · s hortly after dawn, the Coast Guard said. The fire was still burning below decks three hours later, sending up a plume or smoke visible from the mainland as far as Costa Mesa. "There's 500 pounds of Freon in the refrigeration unit aboard the boat,·' said Coast Guard Petty Offi cer Richard Woods. "Station Channel Islands is bringing mote foam out here lo pour on the fire." The Coast Guard received a d is tress signal from the Southern Monarch at 6: 10 a .m. and dispatched a helicopter, said Petty Officer Tony Chilelll. But the crew of the Monarch was taken aboard the nearby Sea Christina and the helicopter was recalled. ' ' The -county lifeguards', Bay Watch Malibu motor launch and the Coast Guard cutter Walnut, a buoy te'hder fitted wlth fir efighting equipment, had rushed to the scene three miles southwest of Point Dume and put out the above-decks blue. aboard the Monarch within an hour. Newecaater'e father dies Lehure World resident Anlbaay Brokaw, falber of NBC new1man Tom Brok••· died WtdDelda.J at his winter bome ln Lall\IU 111111 at tbe ap of•· ·Tbe HUM of llr. Brollaw•1 cleatla bal yet to M ........._ ruaeral arraa1emeal1 are peadh1. Mr . Brokaw malatalaed a per•••••t Nllll•me .. Y..._, S.D. .. Al least one environmental group -the Friends of the Irvine Coast -ls protesting oil drilling or exploration off Newport and Laguna. Fern Pirkle, leader or the Friends, said her group figures that, if all the designated tracts orr the two cities were leased, the total oil yield would be only ·enough to supply the nation with one day's worth of energy. She said that's not a fair tradeoff. She added that the ris k for an oil s pill is great because many of the tracts r est on the Newport-Ingelwood fault An oil spill, she said, could destroy the m a rine life refuge orr the coastline south of Corona del Mar. Ken De l ino. executi ve assistant to Newport Beach's <See WATT, Page AZ ) * * * LOSES FIGHT Newport B eac h Ma vor .Ja c ki e Heather s avs 0 s he ran into a brick wall i n Was hington in battle against offs hore oil lt'ascs Laguna mayor 'not surprised' by Watt stand 8y STEVE MITCHE LL 0t111eoa11,tl"l111tsta1t Laguna Beach Ma yor Sally Bellerue says she 's not the least surprised by Secretary of the Inter ior Ja~ Watt's comment he won't delate any oil tracts from Laguna's coastline. "His pattern has been not to listen to the states,'' the mayor said this morning, '"which is just the opposite of (the Reagan Admini s tration 's) new federalism.·· Mrs. BeUerue was responding to comments made by Watt to Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, who, along with Rep. Robert Badham, met with the interior secretary in Washington earlier this week. Watt told the Orange Coast pair the oil pote n tia l in California is so great he won't even consider deleting tracts in an oil lease sale scheduled for June. Mayor Heather s ays she'll ask her city council Monday to co n sider at ta c h i n g s ti ff environmental a nd economic re s tra ints on tracts o ff Newport's coast in a str ategy lo make the tracts unattractive to bidders. Laguna Mayor Bellerue i!> in . agreement with that war plan, but says Laguna will continue its battle at the state level in order to have the tracts deleted. ''We'll continue lo fi gh t because the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act requires cons istency with the slate t CoaslaJ Commission l" she. said. "If we can gel the coastal com m ission lo agree t hese tracts should be deleted, that could require Walt to delete them. "The problem is, he <Watt) has been ignoring that part of NOT SURPRISED Laguna Reach Mavor Salle Be lle rue s a ,. s s h c. knew I n t e r i or Se ·C' re 1 a n · J a m e !'-W a t t woulctn·1 b0udgc on offshorr oil leases. the federal act. He wants the federal government lo override the slate." But, she said, as a fall·back position , Laguna Beach has noted geologic hazar d s. including earthquake faults in all but three of the 10 tracts orr Laguna. "If we can show the tracts have geologic hazards, we can make it clear-tcH>il companies t hat it will be much mor e d irrtcult lo drill ther e . The companies may choose to go where it's easier to drill." The state has until the end or t h e month lo forward its recommendations' regarding the oil lease sale to Washington. Arts panel hiking sales commission By JEFF PARKER Of-Delly" ....... Laguna Beach Festival of Arts officials plan to charge a 25 per cent commission on works sold through their sales booth al the coming festiva l, and the artists who exhibit there· don't like the idea one bit. A bout 120 returnin g artists were notified two weeks ago by mail that the sales booth - which handles transactions when the artist is not present on tbe grounds -will take 25 percent of 'the total price of the art soJd. The ·sales booth commt.aion ,rate last year, accordin1 lo artist Armen Gasparian, who ran It, wu 10 percent. Festival General Manager Paul Grlem said that the commlsaion rate was hiked ln order to encoura1e more artisQ to attend the )estlHl and be preMllt at tbelr bootbl for the annual MYeD·week event. "The board or dlrecton 11 1imp1J tlYlal to 1.i tbe artiltl to attend the l..Uval. TIM artiltl have lnadQrtently turned tldl into a 1allery raUMr tbaD a f11tlYaJ. ,,_ name of UM nmt lmplle1 that artl1u wlll be r.tlq, but lD facto tMJ'N -" 'Ori••'*· ( . I Griem and the artists alike are concerned abou t the drooping festival attendance in the past few years. Last year's total attendance was down six percent from 1980, which itself saw a four percent decrease in visitors from 1979. "I'm afraid the board or directors Is barking up the wrong tree for the results they want," said artist Scott Moore. "I don't think you can 1et artists down there. Out of the 180 artists who exhibit, maybe 15 to 20 percent make a living at art. or the 80 percent who don't, 6all ol the m have fun tlme jobs. U you're workiftc, you can't mu the booth all day for aeven st.ralgbt weeks, and If you're a full-Um~ artist, you h•ve to be workin1." Under festival policy, no com mmislion ia cbarted when an artlat or a repnseatatift ol lhe art.lit makes tbe tale. l"w lbe put 1hc yean, O..,.,._ baa raana1ed the ,.._ boot11 conceAlon, taklna a 10 ,...,. commlUlon for ta& U... ,.... tlae board biked tM ,... la • perceat.=:• • "I clon ...... I daa't la UM DIW ~" ., ............. ;. " i,:.( Orange Cout DAILY ~ILOT!Thuraday, March•. 1882 : . I Air Flori<la . I • • d .. _ e-1c1ng ~ix didn't do job? W ASHINGT()N (AP) -... The aoluUoa that removed Ice and a~w from Air Florida FU,itt 80 .. before it took off and crubed • waa auabetantially weaker than the setting on the de-lcln1 • machines showed, accordint to federal investigators. Teats conducted by the FBI on Ute equipment used to de·ice FU1bt 90 showed that while the noule reading indicated a Br~niff survival in doubt By The Associated Press , The president of financially troubled Braniff International says dropping ticket sales and a cash flow problem are placing the Oallas-~ased a irline's future in jeopardy. while Continental denies it cannot pay its bills. In a copyrighted interview with the Dallas Morning News. Howar'd Putnam sai d Wednesday he does not know if Braniff will be operating next month. ··1 can't just name a date and say I know we have enough.cash io operate until then. It's not that easy," Putnam said. Braniff r eported a loss of $160.l million in 1981. Continental Ailllines. which lost $60 million last year, on Wednesday denied reports it filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors. It has about $21>0 million in debt that could come due at any moml!nt. ConUnental's directors met at company headquarters in Los Angeles on Tuesday, but no detailed statement of any course of action followed the meeting. World Airways, in Oakland, loser of $8 million last year, is seeking paycuts of up to 20 ·percent from union employee.s, in contract talks beginning this month. The charter airline has been flying scheduled, discount service from coast to coast since 1980. IOlutlon or 25 I percent ilycol mixture only a solution of 12 percent to 16 percent ctycol probably wu applied. . ·''What the operators thou1ht they were eetting is not what they were gett1ntc .' • said investigator Timothy Borson after a day -long hearing Wednesday into the crash by the National Transportation Safety Board. Flight 90 took off from National Airport after waiting for about 50 minutes in a steady snowstorm, failed to gain altitude and crashed into a busy c ommuter bridge be for e plunginJ into ·the ice-filled Potomac River. Robert F . McKeon, one of the Am e rican Airlines mechanics who de-iced the Air Florida Boeing 737 that fateful Jan. 13, told the board today he had set his nozzle at a 30 percent glycol· solution, and had no reason to believe that mixture was not spraying the airplane. McKeon said he de-iced only the left side of Flight 90 and that another technician did the right side. George Lynch, American's ma intenance superintendent, said that s ince the crash, Ame rican changed procedures so the nozzle mixing device on the de-icing machine is not used. B oa rd inves tigator s , meanwhile, have been told that tests of samples of glycol in an airport storage tank contain more water than American Airlines officials bad thought. Lynch testified that be thought the tank from which American Airlines gets .its glycol was nearly 100 percent gl)'.col. fBI tes ts of s amples , conducted since the-crash. s howed the solution to be between 83 percent and 87 percent. Investigators have focused much of their attention on the icing issue as they try to dete rmine the cause of the crash. They have theorized that ice on the wings may have hindered the plane's lifting capability and that ice on an engine sensor may have given the pilot a false indication of how much power he was getting · during takeoff. MOUNTAIN RESCUE Marine Gunnery Sgt. W i 11 i am Var gas J r .. 30 . is rushed lo e me rgenc~· room at Mission Communit ~· Hospital Wednesd ay a fter his van rolled over a cliff in the rugged Sa11liago Peak a rea Vargas, who cn~wled from the Tuesda~· night a.tty ............... •k• ... ·- accident scene to the mountain peak. was found by forest rangers. He was ~aken b~· El Toro rescue he licopter to the Mission Viejo hospital and later transferred to the Camp Pe ndleton hos pita l where he is reported in stable condition. From Page A1 WATT. • • city manager, added that an oil spill off Newport could pose a tremendous cleanup task because of the city's harbor and numerous inlets and bays. H~ said oil is not the only worry. Drilling muds ·and other debris often is discharged f~ offshore drilling operations. he added. "It's something like having a small industrial plant out in the ocean,·• he suggested. As it now stands, city leaders have until the middle of March to regis ter complaints and concerns with Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., who bas until the end of the month t o pass the concerns along to the federal government. The tracts would 19 up for bid i n June with t h e f ederal government having the final say on what tracts wilJ or wUl 'not be offered. Senate pondering Williams' expulsion WASHINGTON CAP> -A somber Senate is trying to decide whether Harrison A. Williams Yr. -Should be expelled for his Abscam offenses or given a lesser penally because he was the victim of a runaway FBI campaign "to destroy a good man." In an extraordinary session, with Vi ce President George Bus h presiding, the Senate began debate Wednesday on whe t her the Ne,w J e rsey Democrat should become the first senator to be expelled since the Civil War. · nest at the expense of the public." Censuring Williams rather .t.nafl expelling bim would be tantamount to putting "the Senate stamp of approval on conduct which we all know deep inside, to be wrong," Heflin said. "We would be te lling the Am e~i can public , ·Yes, the Senate is a club. No, we will not expel one of the members of the club for blatant conflicts of interes t , for bribery, fo r accepting an illegal gratuity, fo r failing to report an attempted bribe."' From Page A1 SALES. • • be Hld . At a meet.int Monday, the 1rtl1t.a drafted two form lettera to the feaUval board of dlrectort. IUtlnl their dlHpproval or the rate lracreue move. • "Unleaa the board reverse• this decision. we may blow this thh .. 1ky·hl1h," nid one painter who uked nol to be named. "When thi1 festival was three or four weeks Iona. it was easy to be In your booth. Now lt coes the whole summer." • Griem said that the move, in the long run, will benefit lhe artists. "We're not making a profit," be said.' "This is the first time in 25 years we've asked ror a com mission. Anythin& in excess of the costs that we take in wm be invested in the purchase of exhibitors ' art for our permanent collection. It will all go back to the artist, and we believe that the move will bring our artists back ~the festival." 2 sheriff's deputies on • suspension Two sheriff's deputies have been suspended after an alleged jailhouse brawl that left an inmate hospitalized with a ruptured s pleen , s h e riff's spokesmen said. · The inmate, Willia m Edward Hin c h , 34 , of .Norwalk , underwent surgery at UC Irvine Med ical Ce nte r and was r~led in good condition. Bes1 e ruptured spleen. Hinch suf ered multiple bruises and scrapes Tuesday, Orange County sheriff's Lt, John Jewitt sa id . Neithe r d eputy was injured. The two d e puties, whose n a mes were -withheld, will continue lo be paid while an investigation is conducted by department personnel and the district attorney's office. Hewitt said Wednesday in announcing the suspension. "Because the deputies have not yet been a rrested or charged with any crime. we are nol yet releasing their names," said Lt. Andy Romero. Hewitt said a fi ght broke out when the deputies were leading Hinch from the jail's housing sec tion to an area where inmate s a r e r e lea sed or ex c hanged . There wa s no immediate disclosure of what may have triggered the scuffle. In Miami, Air Florida said it will announce a route restructuring Friday when it announces its 1981 operating results. Wh ile it earned Sll million in the first nine months, Air Florida is expected to report a fourth-quarter loss. It has been competing with older, established airlines in the o n ce-lu c rati ve 'New York-to-Florida market for the last two years, in addition to instate runs in Florida. Pac-Man takes bite out of arehrival ~1es on what kind-o r discipline s hould be imposed likely will begin Monday. Wi lliams. wh o beard some colleagues take to the Senate floor Wednesday to call for bis ouster, was scheduled to speak in his defense today. ~lthough the outcome is not certain, some senators are saying private ly the case against Williams is so strong that expulsion s~ms extremely likely. For nearly three hours. He.run . vice chairman or the Ethics Committee, which unanimously recomm e nde d Wil l iams' expulsion, spelled out in detail the case against the 23-year Senate veteral'l. Taking Willi ams' own words from FBI videotai>es made of m eetings in which h e participated, Heflin said it all added up to proof that Williams agreed, promised and pledged "to abuse his offlc_!. his public trust , for which "'le must be expelled." Hinch had been brought to the jail from Los Angeles County Jail on Feb. 23 to answer local misdemeanor charges or being u n der th e influe nce o r a controlled substance, Hj!witt s aid. He said Hinch faces prosecution on similar charges in Los Angeles. CHICAGO CAP> -Pac-Man, the video chase game where it's , gobble or be gobbled. has taken a big bite out or its archrival, K.C. Mun chkin. . . ........... WARY GLANCE -An armed Polish soldier iS" watched-by an elderly woman as he stands guard at a Warsaw street intersection . Major iRtersections in the Polish capital and other cities have been guarded by arm ed soldiers since m artial law was declared in December. OMNQE COAST D1llyl'Hat Thomat P. Haley ............ (;"'91.__ 0ll'- Aobett N. Weed ...... Thomas A. Murphine · .... L. t(at Schultz · :=:.0,.-. Mdtlli P. HaNey ... ,..... ....... ......,. N. Goddard Jr. ............. a.rmH.LOOI ....... -. MAIN OfPicl ..... .., ... C... ...... CA. Mell.--: .. ,.c... .... CA. .. ~-ar..~~···~· ... _.._....,,, ................ .. _.. .. , .. __ _, ..... '"' ..... .-c1et,.:01 11r.,~-· ~~-==rr.:=:. •"""--.:....;~ ::rr. ~lfiLl!jl A panel or U.S . Court of Appeals j udges rule d that Pac-Man's "gobblers" and "ghost monsters" are protected b y co p yr i g h t a ga in s t •·s ubstantially si m ila r " characters in the K.C. Munchkin home video game. Atari Inc.. which makes the popular Pac-Ma n, had sued No r t h Am e rica n Phtiips Consumer Electronics Corp .. developer of K.C. Munchkin. The appeals court Tuling blocked the sale of Munchkin games and sent the ca se back to U.S. District Court for a full trial on the copyright issue. The deeision was seen 11s a victory for Atari, which has '!pent $1.5 million in advertising and has orders of $24 million for the home version of Pac-Man. In Pac-Man, ·•gobblers" emit gobbling sounds as they are pursued by "ghost monsters." The Munchkin characters are "ghosts" and "gobblers." ln an earlier ruling, U.S. Dis trict Judge George N. Leighton said the two games were not similar when examined in detail, and refused to enjoin the sale of Munch.kin games. The judge agreed with North American's argument that the Munc hkin maze s h ifted constantly while Pac-Man's stayed the same. Economy woe 'part of cur11' WASHINGTON <AP> -Hi1h inte r es t rates a n d unemployment, an unexpectedly severe recession, business f ailu res a nd record bud1et deflcita ·•are all part of th~ cu re" for endine inflation, budget directo r D avid A. Stockman said today. Stockman said the nation has no choice but to stick with Prealdent .Reqan's policies U it ls to "end the cum or lnfiation once and for all, even if It meana tbort·nm economic and ftacal • dlm cult1es." Current economic difflculU•, however , are provln1 mucb worte tban the Re a11n admlm.traUon bad expedecl, Stockman, cllndor of tbe °"'" of -=•at and l udlet, ack ID a apeeeb Wore tbe CUm d Commeft'e of theUllllMd•tea. ' Sen. Alan Cranston, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, is leading an effort to censure r athe r than expel Williams because of alleged "abuse of power" by the FBI T h e openi ng argume nts against Willi ams were delivered in the sonorous Southern voice of Sen. Howell Heflin , a bear-like former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, who said his fellow Democrat agreed to ta ke a bribe "feathering his City votes by mail . BERKELEY <AP> -This city's first ballot by mail has produced a 35.1 percent ~urnout. with another 23 percent or the ballots retu rned by the U.S. Postal Service as undeliverable. I Willia m s. 62, has been convicted and sentenced to three years in prison on charges that he accepted part ownership in a mining venture in exchange for a willingness to use his position to benefit the enterprise. Six House member s we r e similarly convicted as a result of the Abscam investigation, but only one was expelled from the Congress. The others either did not seek re -election or were defe ated at the polls. . The Williams c-ase was • developed by an FBI Abscam team that in c lud ed an investigator who posed as an Arab sheik seeking profitable ways to lnvesl large amounts of money. A MUST FOR COLLECTORS: ··The sheriff will do whatever is necessary, including going to the Orange County .grand jury if needed." Hewitt said. He said the n a ~f the deputies would be reif.lfed upon completion or the Investigation. Girl robbed at knifepoint JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP > -A Girl Scout was robbed of $40 by a knife-wielding bandit while she was delivering cookies In her neighborhood, police said. "I didn't know what was going on," the girl, Tonya Rosina Lockhard. 11, told police. "I was scared and thought he was going to hurt me." THE FIRST DEFINITIVE BOOK ON WATERFORD. K4tt.erford, An Irish Art by Dublin nattve Ida Grehan Is the nrst mCl)or book on this world-renowned crystal. More than 250 pages In beautiful color tell the · completlt tllstory of the crystaj and how It Is creatsd by tl{lnd. $50 . SLAVIC K'S ........... Slra tl17 • A .......... CONNIE'S BACK -Dick Clark. who launched Connie Francis' career on his American Bandstand show in 1950s. c hats with the singer a t a cocktail party this week in New York. The party was to celebrate Miss Francis' concert Saturday. her first New York appearance in 15 ~·ears .4lan.4lda strikes blow/or ERA Actor Alan Alda says none or the "dire events" predicted by opponents <?f the Equal Rights Amendment will come to pass if the· proposed cons titutional amendment is ratified.• "You will not rind a woman in the men's room unless s he is fixing the plumbing," the star or TV's If "Three's Company," is four a crowd? H so, TV star John Ritter and his · wire. Nancy, have just been crowded. Carly Constance Ritter w as born in St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, said · Rosemary O'Brien or Ritter's public r elations "M•A•S •H•" told an audience or about 1,200 at Wes leyan ·university iri Middletown, Conn. He said he was saved from polio by a treament invented by a woman and advised men that they, too. ,have reasons to work for the ERA. ·'I come from ·a long line or women, myself." he said. firm. Laurence Frank ana Co. The baby weighed 9 "pounds, l ounce and mother and child were reported healthy. It was the Ritters' second child. Ritter. star of AB C's "Three's Company," is lhe son of singing co wboy Tex Ritter. ln,ttt1ln1r llte1 11111 rtYllltd \bit bt ~ .. "" ...... Mint for tM lrtUM rorll f1mt11 . IJt1kl11 at 1 preu ooaftrwaoe Wore 1 concert ln Auatrllia, ht 11ld ht had pl11td piano "1 couple of tlmt1" tor the royal family. Ht allo played at Ptlaet A1dr1w'e l11t blrthday party, which ht d11erlbtd u 'I very lnt1r11tln1 IYtnlq.'' John la p.-rformtnc five concerti ln sraney. He may do a alxtb and donate the money to Ure multiple· acler<>1la society, be said. RoaaJd Galella was the only American pboto1rapber ' • u n e he c k e d"'b y i n n er prohtbtuons" as be aou1ht out Jacqueline 0.11111 and her daughter ror celebrity photos, s aid a Judie who cited him for contempt of court. Galella faces possible fines or confinement after U.S. District J udge lrvla1 Ben Cooper concluded In New York that Galella violated a 1975 order barring him from annoying Mrs. Onassis and Caroline Kennedy. GaUella, or Yonkers, N.Y.,· was ordered by Cooper in 1975 to keep a distance of 25 feet from Mrs . Onassis and 30 feet from Miss Kennedy and to avoid harassing them. · .Queen Ellzabe~ I~ opened a cultural center in London that is 12 yea rs behind schedule and $227 million over budget. The Barbican Center for Arts and Confer e n ces becomes the new home or the London Symphony Orchestra and the Roya.I Shakespeare Company. The arts complex, originally scheduled to open in 1970, cost $271 million to build rather than the $44 million originally budgeted. The inaugur·al concert f ea tures th e Lon don Symp-ho n y's Italian conductor, Claudio Abbado, Soviet p ianis t Vladimir As hkenazy, who li ves in Icela nd , and U.S .·b.ased cellist Yo V-o Ma, who was-- born in Paris of Chinese parents. Warmer iooather due Coastal Fair lh•o..1111 Friday Sllt htly warmer days. Coa,tt l lllQll 66 Friday. ov•rnlQlll low 4S. Wat.,. 5' Inland hlQll 10 Friday. overnight •-47 Elstwtwre, vnall crtft aavlsory In \ffect -tr. outer wt1er1 l>et-n Extended Jo recast SaturdaY·Mond•v. varlt bt• high cloudln.,.s s.tu,,,..,. ln<rtt1ln9 hlQll cloudlness Sunday. cio..oy Monday with t clltnct of rain. Windy In the mountt lM Monday. Coastal 1119'11 Saturday tl'd Sul>clty .. to 19 with lows '2 10 52. Mountain hl9h1 Saturday and Sul>clty U to 6S wllll lows mostly In JOs. About S to 10 4MQrHs cooler -.oty. i.~::..c:c:::.-,: !: ...... ~~~!~:. ----------- l>el•Hfl Point Can«p!ICWI •I'd San s Nlcllolts IMtnd no<thwesl.,.ly IS lo rrwg 2S kllOll With S· 10 1·fOOI HU .. dtcru5lno lllllllllrt. In other ¥•H 119"1 v¥ll04e winds In tht night and morntno hours btcoml119 westerly 10 to 1• l<nots Friday afternoon. We5t.,ly ,_,, decretslng 10 I to 1 f .. t on Friday. MoJlly lair thrOUQh Friday. .U.S. summary Sft~ -l•Hzlno rain 1941 o,..r II• mld·Mlsslsslppl Vallty t nd Ill• uat-<tntral pjalns tOCS.v wflllt twavv anow WH reoorttd In Iowa and tMl.,nNetlf'asl<t. HHVY lllundlrstorms prevailed In Htterft !Ynsas. with ''""no rain "trom u stern KtnH s to western •Mt-. ll wu ralnlno In the Florlda PMIMUtt, it.in -snow ltll In ttte PK llk Nortllwest, wllll snow lllo•tra In Htltrn CollN'.io. Skits -• fair acrcas ,,_, of ltw rest ot , .. netkln. Sllowera and .,..,.. ""'-" were e xpe c t e d In most o f lllt tntermountaln reolon Into the nortlltrn Rockies. Snow alto wes forteatt from Ult -t-<entrtl Pltlns t11rou911 Ille Grttl Ltlttl, tllt nertlltrn 01110 Valley and Into wefltm New Enot-. Temper.turn •round Ille ntUCWI eertv today rf1\91(1 I~ U below Mro In GI-Ft ll•. N. y ... '° 76 In Key WHl,Flt . California Sevtllern Ctllfornla wlll lie fair tllreutll Friday. with • warmlnt trtftd Ill all ••-· Ore.... County Ctfl txPKI lllQM Wdey H to 10, .. to 14 Frldey, Lows 4'1054. Tiit Air Outllly Mtntgtmtnt Dlttrlct predlcb Qood air quality for every-In the SOUth C1111st Air Btsln today. Tht AQMO HSIQntd Pollullon Standard lnde• IPSll rellnos of '2 for •II rf9ioM. Temperatures HI Lt ~ .. AltNny 20 ·I Albuque st 36 . Amarillo .. " An<l>or999 23 J Aslltvlllt 61 31 Alltfllt 6S 45 AllMIC Cty 31 2S 8tltlmore ,. 21 BTrmrnoiwn "4 JS Blsmaro " .. . Ot Bolst 4S 32 . u BoslCWI 31 14 Brownsvllt ... •• Buffalo 21 6 Cl\trlltnSC .. so CNrlstnWV « 33 .o:I Chtvenne 40 23 Clllc•oo 27 20 .31 Cine lnnetJ 33 2S .20 Cltvtland 21 12 .Ot Columb115 JO 25 .ot Otl·f't wttl ... tO Otnwr 40 JI .07 0.1Molftft 27 21 ·" Ottrolt " 10 .10 Duluth IS ·12 El Peto 71 ... Felrti.nlts 16 ·14 Hert._ lJ ' Htllll\e 41 21 ""'°'ulu 12 .. Kout1on 71 .... llldn .. lls :n JO .21 Je<kll'lvlle 76 ... J-u n s ICtM City M 2' .a UIVe(ln .... .. Llttle Aock .. ... .n l.oulfYlll• 32 • ·'' Notmphls Miami Mllwaukft M!>ll·Sl.P Nasl!vllle New Orl- New York Not10lk Ollle City Omal\t Orlando Phlltdphla Plloenl• Plttsl>urQI> PtltflCI.,.,,. Ptl-.Ore !tepid City Rt no S.11 l.•k• SH ti It St Lo,.h St p.r..._ St Sit-It 5Pok•nt Tucson Tuitt Wtshlnotn Wic hita CALI l'OltNIA Bektrslletd 81ytlw 1111'9•• ,,,.... Ull<•ster LOI ""9el• MArysvllle Mof'ltero NteCllH • C>Nlend P-AoOlft Red Bluff lttdWood City Stc:remtnlo Sellntt StnO .... 59., Fre!ICllco 5tnte8.w• Santa Marte Stocl<tOft Thtrmet 6l SI oe Barstow 1• n 01 Bl9 Bear 2• 10 50 Bl\llop n 11 Catalina ., SS 03 LCWIQ Beach ,. S4 MoMovlt 37 10 Mt. Wiison st lS Newport Bffcll n n C>ftttr lo 74 " .42 Palm Scor•nos 11 61 Pes-. :16 74 Rlversldlt 72 ,, San Btrntrdll'IO 27 21 Sen Jose 21 .J Santa Ant S2 ... 03 S.nta CNI U It Ttlloe Valley 41 33 Ol.09AL 42 M ., 41 JS 33 7J 60 IS 3 47 JS 70 .... 70 ,. 42 31 40 u .07 .41 AIMttrdM> .06 Berlin Ot Boeott B'AlrH .07 Cairo Car aces .01 Havana Hono Kono ,OJ JtNNIMn Jo't>uro lltt>on ., '3 Mt«kl 74 -AUnlle S6 11 MHko City Jt • Mose-n 42 Kew Otlhl 70 J2 ,..,,. 62 42 ltlo S6 -ltomt 72 -StnJutfl 61 47 Sto Pauto st •Sino-• J1 41 Stockllolm ff 41 Tokyo 60 42 " 42 ;: r, c.1 .. ,.., .. .. !:n":" .. 'r 61 -Ott-• 62 -AttJlnt CANADA 61 50 51 10 60 ti .. s. .s 4S " 4S ... lO •3 SI 60 S4 14 .. 61 .... 61 0 60 4S St '3 .. '3 61 « 37 21 HI Lt '° 11 ... )6 70 S2 71 .. ., ... '° ., 72 62 " SS 11 67 ... " .. .. ... ... " n ., 4S 21 27 " .. SS ... II " ., JO .. 70 71 .. 90 n 40 • J2 .. HI "'* °' .. 07 ·14 10 ~ ti .., • 12 02 ,. .Ot 47 •t .. ---~ 76 -TOfOf'ltO VaM- WlnnlPft 1111enc1 vt1i..,swlll ruiw hlotll near ,..,. ___________________ ~ 1S i.My, n Fridey. LOW1 around 50. " ·lt ,._..1111 COft t•PKt ,__ .. t wl11ds H -H m1tll t r•dwally • ........._..._.. ... ,,. ... .,,SJto .... '1My. '--,.to •• De..mwtll ........... MUtllwetl ........ """ ~ ..... . ~~119""6JtoJt ... .. 1' .. ,...,. ~ ....... '°""*" .... """' 7' to ....... to .. ,,,....,,. ~ ... ,.. , CIHrllle Ill,,.... W-ot N-.n ofld c.Mrel C•l"ornlt. 11111 -c...._.1.,..,... .-1111'1 terretn 'IM Ill .. fW --.. Mew Wtrmlllt ·~· ........ _ ....... , ............ "' .. _ .. IUll lll!DIT' . ., . - .... ..... ... A91 .... ..... I I WSW J • WSW , • w , • w . Tides TOOAY lt<Ofld """ •:o p.m. >.• ltcondkMo t1:16p.m. 2.> "ltlDAY ,.Int 111\111 5:27 a.m. S.S "'"' •-12:'9 p.m. .o.e Second llltl> 1:2' p,m. U 511n r lMI 6:17 e.m. Frld41y, ltb S:SI p,m. MMft _.,. J:Jl a.m. ""'*"· rlttt 1:4t P.m • We're Listenln9... , · What c1o·YoU like about the Dall)' PtJot! Whal d«a'' you like! Call lhe number below ud JOUJ' m ..... e will w' recorded, lranacrtbed and delivered to the approprla .. editor. · • Thew M-bour W..ntl Mnlee •a,~ record let· tera to the editor oa an1 kll*. lhilbol cent.rt mut include • their Ullle and telephoM llUBIW f« Ytrlfteatlan. 0 Clrculation calla, plelH. · • Ttll m wha~'1on1our mbld. M•-. ..... ~ • • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, Maroh _., 1912 MILLIONTH PLATE Go\'. Edmund <I Brown Jr. presents llll' mill ionth pc>rsonaliz<'d lil·e nse pJaH• ii>'i lll'd h~· thl' Cc.tli forn1u Department of :\1otor \\·hit'lc~ to Richard A .......... and J o\'ce Gourlc\' of Salinas . At r ear are sons Michael ( lt;ft 1. Matt and dau~hter ~err~·. part of their fa mil~· of 8. Transit steps weighed County planners study 8 traffic control possibilities By STEVE TRIPOLI 01 tllt Otlly P'lloe Staff County planners trying to prevent a future transportation nightmare in the heart or the county have presented eight possible plans for transit improvem en t s at a public meeting in Costa Mesa Presentation or the second phase of the North-South Central Corridor Study 1s one of four sched uled steps expected to result in a plan for central county tr ansit improvements within a year. The study is so named because its focus is on l he• major north-soutt arteries running through the central county. routes 55 and 57 . The eight plans. which wi)l be boi l ed down to th ree a lternatives. use new highway const ruction. expansion of existmg roads. new mass transit and the creation or special mass trans it highway lanes to a lle viate tbe central county tram c crunch. Among the proposals are: -An extension or Route 57 (the Or~ge Freeway) ([om its present terminus at Routes 5 and 22 in Oran~e to P acific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach. Widening of Route 55 (the Costa Mesa Freeway ) to the Costa Mesa·Newport Beach line (Newport Beach officials presently oppose widening the road in that city). Widening of Pacific Coast Highway from Beach Boulevard in Hun.tington Beach south through Corona del Mar. An expanded rail systems net work throughout the central county. The creation of so-called HOV lanes <named for high occupancr vehicles such as buses) on Routes 5, 405, 55. 57 and 22 . The plan would be accompanied by road widening on Inter.state 5. O ffi cia ls of the county Trans portation Commission. which oversees the plan. s aid its priority is second only to much-needed improvements on the Santa Ana Freeway. such.as widening and r econstruction of the mter~ection with Route 55. · But the commi ssion said Tuesday it recognizes that W s program alone will not solve the cottnty's traffic problem -a problem that almost everyone predicts will get much worse as the county tries to cope with continued growth. J eaninne Kahan . senior transportation planner for the co mmission a nd project manager for the central corridor study. said officials now feel that the Santa Ana Freeway plan. the central corridor plan, a n d a plan f or transit improvements a lo ng Beach Boulevard's entire length are a minimum sol ution to the problem. Current plans calls for 10-year programs to be drawn up in a bout a year that include provisions for improvements in all three areas in a few years' time, she said. But t h e k eys lo a n y improvement will remain a.J desire for them among .voters and a will to carry them out among elected officials. she said. Many are expected lo face tough political opposition from those most affected. "It· s all up to the people. Transportation is the key to anything that happens ln lhis county." she said. Brown backs judges Asks new appeals judgeships, including one in OC S AN FRANCISCO (AP l - Gov. Edmund Brown J r. has asked the California Supreme Court to allow the state to create 18 new appeals court Judgeships w h ich w ere de clare d unconstitutional by a Superior Court. A b i ll aut ho ri zing the judgeships. and also creating the s tate's sixth appellate district in San J ose and new divisions in Santa Ana and Santa Barbara, was struck down Feb. 26 on the grounds that there was no money for the library m Orange County. Salaries and expenses ror the new judges were paid for by S3 million in the c urrent st ate budget But instead of paying for the proposed library In Santa Ana with state funds, the bill by Assemblyman Elihu Ha rris, D·Berkeley, called for soliciting of private donations . Superior Court J udge Charles Fogerty ruled that the state can't fund a court that way. and said the provision made the whole bill unconstitutional. The ruling is important for two reaso n s : it blocks appointment of ne.w Judges that t he appealS courts say they need because of a heavy workload, and it keeps Brown from making so me politi ca lly c h oice appointments in his remaining ~ . 10 months in office. Appeals court judges are paid $71,718 a year Brown asked the Supreme Co urt t o take t h e c a s e immediat e ly . If the court agrees. it could resolve the issue in a few months. in time for him to make the appointments. But the court could also refer the case back to an appeals court, raising the possibility .that the issue would be delayed until arter Brown left office. Th• governor contends that even if the failure to· funa the Santa Ana library was improper, that's not a sufficient ·legal reason to declare the entire court expansion invalid. R O LEX 32 Fuhlon land N~~ Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /fhurad ............. BOMBING' SUSPECT Aii;man lst Class Marlin Thomas Bradley arrives at Andrews Air Foree Base. Md .. for a rraignment on federal charges that he planted a bomb in a suitcase his wife was carrying on a fli ght from Wa shington to ·an air base in Te xas. The bomb failed to detonate and was dis covered bv his wife. Staff Sgt. Marv Jo Bradlev. on her arriY.°al in Te.ias. No motive waui\'eD for tttc ac:t · USO curbs suppolt of overseas slwws WASHINGTON (AP > - Defense officials say they will continue to send shows to U.S. troops overs ea s without significant change, even though the USO is pulling out some of il$ 'support. Maj . Arpad Szurgyi , an executive in the Pentagon's manpower office. confirmed on Wed-n~d11y that -rhe Uniteo Ser vice Organizations Inc. had sent the Defense Department a letter informing it of a decision by USO's board to stop paying money toward supporting non-celebrity shows. effective May 31. USO will continue to provide celebrity entertainment for U.S. troops abroad, Szurgyi said. "We'U continue to provide both celebrity and non-celebritY, entertainment shows, .. he said. "I don't see any real problem this' year" in picking up }he slack from the loss of aoout $250,000 in USO funds, Szurgyi added. He al~ indicated he does not expect any difficulties getting the necessary moJ\ey from Congress to maintain the program in the future, either. Acc ording to Szurgyi, Pentagon officials assigned to troop morale recruit some 100 entertainment troops a year made up of people with tal~nt for entertainment but who lack big-name reputation$. A s for c e l e brit y entertainment, Szurgyi said that last yeaj&lhe Armed Forces Professi•l Entertainment Office sent out s ix big-name sho~s while USO provided onJy two. The Pentagon spends about S3 million a year to trans port entertainment groups, both celebrity a nd non -celebrity, overseas and to take care of their food and other needs. T he USO has contributed about 10 percent of the cost. Szurgyi said. WE~RE .A LOI MORE THAii A BELl • Y-•LL "'' . . storms -• J claim 6 By The Aa1oclated Preu A 1uety storm Iced hl1hways and pJled anow up to 10 lnchea deep ln the Midwest, leadint to at leut alx deaths and chlllln1 hopes there ror an early e~ to wtnter. The h eiavlest snowfall Wednesday was In Sliver Creek, Neb., with 10 inches, but other parts of central Nebraska received up to 8 inches and roads were s lippery even in spots where ther.e was only a little. Cars crawled through central Iowa, where up to 4 inches of snow fell and r oads were reported covered with snow and ice. • A mixture of sleet ·and snow driven by high winds confounded travelers in JUinois , and 4 inches or more of snow were expected by later today. Earlier Wednesday, another storm surprised Pittsburgh with its heaviest s nowfall of the winter at 7 inches deep, snarling traffic, closing schools and causing at least three deaths. The Western storm moved into the _Great Lakes region today. sweeping across the northern sections of Illinois and Indiana and into southern Michigan and the Lake Erie shore of Ohio. Schools were torced to clos~ in McHenry County, Ill., and in Toledo, in northwestern Ohio, and in many areas in the northeastern part of the state near Cleveland and Akron. Some s chools in Columbus in the center of the state also were dosed. A car skidded off a downtown street in Danville, Ill.. ear ly today and the driver. Robert Biller, 37. was killed. police said. Brutal storm conditions in Nebraska caused several car accidents Wednesday. one of which claimed the life of a 39-year -old Wymore man, authorities said. Larry Woolsey was killed w en-fie-lost control of his car on an icy curve eight miles south of Beatrice and the vehicle slid into the path of a tnick loaded with 18Jl00 pounds of com. In southeaste rn Indiana , 61-year-old Alfred Strilec:,ky of Clarkston, Mi ch., was killed Wednesday when his car slid off icy Interstate 65 i nto t he Muscatatuck River near Austin, authorities say. The snowstorm that began Tuesday afternoon in southwestern Pennsylvania and continued through the night led to at least three other deaths, officials said. The snowfall was the heaviest or the wlnter and set a record for the date, breaking the 1930 record of 5 inches. Qjanclscan ' Swings into Spring with 20 % -43 % off! from Francisan·~ fmious twnd·paued dHsics to the ~ beauty of Mldeira, and ~. there are savirigs galore in this Spring Sale. Save 36 % off list price on dinner plates, smd plates, soup!cereils, rups, ~s, creamers, SUf!MS, large vegetables, and l4 .. Dbtters, in Desert Rose, Apple. ufe Royal, Bouquet. ~esti fruit and October. Or save 43 % on the wme items in Haoendi Gold, ~ Green, and ~den. Al patterns dishwasher and microwave safe The famous hand-painted dinnerware pattern -Desert Rase -has been rep<~ed on sparkliog glissware in goblets, double old fashioned. iced tea. and juice, aod are avaiable al a 20 % savings. Sale ends March 3 lsl POTTE·RY ~ SHACK 1212 S. Cout Hwy., Laguna Beach (714) 494-1141 Open Daly 9 .n to 9 pm ''Pottery Plus Much, Much Mote" Since 1936 ~ Over 100 Open SJock Dinnenwve P•ttems • Briml Registry• Gift W;•p •We Ship to All St•tes ·-I Behind-the bell. Behlria "The famous Seacoast sticker. Behind all th• state-of-the art protection devlG41s we make and Install, is S.acbast central station. ~ou'we ~II Been Asking. When an alarm goes off on your property, we get the signal In a nearby, 2•·hour·a·day central station. If the slgn_tl.Jrullcates fire. ourg ary or hoodup, we call the police or fire department. Since our central station Is UL l isted. ou r central station. customers can qualify for a slzable discount on their insurance. And to increue our reach, make' response time even fester and Improve efficiency we're . ·computerizing our statfOn. But lmprOYemeflts aren·t new Jo Sucoast. We've been getting better for 21 years. And today we're the leaders in the security business In the hart>or .,.. with over 10,000 customers 1ncludl~ a wide range of big and small retail. Industrial and commercial estabhshments. · To find out more about Seec:oaat central station write or come by our new !•~llity at 2.a& Newport Blvd., 9osta Mesa . . ®' SE.ACOi\ST 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD ~ SYsTEMS I (?14) tf'2·34~ •. ' : 1 "Plummer's hes echleved tremendous response from 01llv PllOt advertising." Peter EnQt>v Generet Maneoer Plummer's lnt.rnatlonet Contemporary Furnltutw Senta AM .. ' Piiot a<N"'11slng Is good business for Plummer's I nternatlonat Contemporary Furniture . . WELL IT'S HERE I NEWNRT SKI COMPANY'S SUPER Sale Starts March 5th Clothing & Equrpment Rentals 2100 W. CMlt Hwy. NewportlMcll.CA · • ~filU~. Reagans note • annivers.ary ·LOS ANGELES (AP> -President Rea1an t1 •ettlln1 lnt.o a mlnl-vacatlon and ceJebratln1 bis 30th weddlna anniversary after tryln1 to smooth over Republican unhaAPlneas about barbe he fired at criUcs of his heavy-dertclt budeet. Reagan and his wife Nancy planned to fly to their secluded mountaintop ranch today near Santa Barbara for a four-day vacation and a private o~ervance of their anniversary. Awaiting the president at bJs 688-acre spread was a gift from a group of friends: a new tractor-lawnmower. Tax hike due in, '83? . . SACRAMENTO (A P > -California can squeeae through the curre.nt fiscal year without a defi cit or tax increase, but a tax hike may be needed next year, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. said. Appearing before a special joint session of the state Assembly and Senate on Wednesday', the Democratic governor said he has "a list of options" to get through the current year without a constitutionally prohibited deficit, such as accelerating business tax collections and delaying some state bills. Prop. 13 change• pwhed LOS ANGELES CA P > -Backers of an initiative th-at would amend Proposition 13's property tax assessment formulas said they've collected 50,000 of the 553,700 signatures needed to put the measure on the Nov. 2 ballot. Taxpayers for California launched their .campaign for the "Split Roll Initiative" at news conferences in San Francisco. Los Angeles and San Diego. "We are attempting to provide equitable tax relief to the people who have not enjoyed the benefits of Proposition 13," campaign co-chairman Roland Vincent said Wednesday. Cory to see k third tenn SACRAM ENTO (AP> -State Controller Ken Cory says he won't run for governor or the tr s. Senate alter a ll , but will seek a third term as controller. Cory unexpectedly announced his decision Wednesday while addressing a special joint session of the Legislature. Since late 1980, Cory had been talking about challenging Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley for the Democratic nomination for governor. and in recent weeks had been rumored as a possible challenger for the U.S. Senate seat being sought by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Cory was considered a long shot in either race. But with more than $500,000 in campaign funds, he would have made a substantial contender. Initiative back ers f ined SACRAMENTO <AP> -The slate Fair Political Practices Commission is fining t he proponents of the unsuccessful "Tax Big Oil'' initiative of 1980. The FPPC announced Wednesday that fines totaling $3,000 were levied against Bill Press, Jack Ormes and an organization of 11 trade union! for failing to disclose that the urtions gave $12,000 to the campaign for the initiative, Proposition 11. The FPPC said the $12,000 was reported as coming·from a "corporate trust account" when it in fact came from the "Gener al President's Offshore Committee," made up of 11 construction trade unions. H/f Levi refund hop~s· fade Bickering by lawyers di ms chances of pnce-fix payment SACRAMENTO (AP ) - 8lckerln1 amona lawyers lis dlmmlna the chance of thote , $9·cent1 per.pair price-fixing refunda ol ever jln1lln1 ln the Jeane of the 1&72 buyert. Attorney General George DeukmeJlan1 whoae offi ce won the cue ln oehalf of tbe buyers, ,told a n e w s conf eren ce Wednesday he was ready tQ.sel\d 39 cents a pair to the buyers . But Deukmejian, a candid.Ille for Republican nomlnaUon for sovernor, said he was being blocked by "frivolous" legal appeals by Public Advocates, a p4bllc law rirm headed by Robert Gnaizda, a former aide to Democratic Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. On the other hand, PubJic' Advocat es conte nde d that De ukmejian was using the re f unds to advance hi s campaign for governor, and said if he eliminated the fraudulent claims, the honest jeans buyers could get $2 per pair. Better yet, Public Advocates told an appealS" court, the jeans buyers s hould be g iven the alternative of putUn• their pittance In a t.ruu fund to tlnance future.con1umer 1uill. D e ukmtJlan u ld Public Advocates merely wants to le\ .. its hands on some of the SU.ZS million his otnce won 1n i• from Levi Strauaa Co. for ll1lq retall prices Ob up to 80 mUUon pairs of jean& told In C•Ufornla • between um and 1975. •'They wa nt the money. There's no question about It. "The'y want the m oney." They want to· stay in bu.mess forever and are looking to th13 trust fund and t.o get attorneys' fees," Deukmejian said. Gnalzda told a reporter that Public Advocates could not 1et any money Crom the trust fund. But he acknowledged askln1 for $100,000 in attorneys' fees. He said that would come from the $f.2 million in attorneys' fees awarded to the attorney general's office. Onilad• uld OeukmeJlan cl aimed 9,000 hour• of 1talf ll~ on the caae, an "lml>{)11lble amount . He uld Public AdvocatH once wae funded mo1tly by foundation 1r,nll, but now It tl.oanced 96 percn,t by fffl It wina ln court cuet. A repreaentattve of Public Advocates stood at Deukmejlan's office door and gave reporter s p re pared rebuttal•. The statement said, "The attorney general en1a1ed in fraud by promlsln1 consumers 'up to $2 per jean.· HJ1 primary interest was in launching his campaign by sending personal ·letters to 8.2 million houaeholda promoting a lau1hln1ly poor settlement as a great attorney 1enera1 achievement." · Oeukmejian said the S2 per jean statement was not fraud. He said that was the limit on per-jean refunds because Levi Strauss fear ed there woUld be few c l a iman ts, a n d h ig h per-jean refunds would make it look like the price-fixln1 was worse than it was. Carpenter pushes Brown fight -, .... ~ HOLLYPARi< DRILL -Members of the Holl~·wooct Park Racetrack board of directors a nd oil drilling supervisors stand at Pick Si x ~o 1. first drilling site establis hed at the trifck in Inglewood s ince oi l a nd j:!as were di sco\'ered be neat h the propert~·. From bottom to top are actor Cary Grant. of the track :s board of d ire ctors: Vernon 0 . l 1ndcrwood. chairman of the board : Arthur F Kell\', chairman of the park's board on oil exploration: and Manuel Castro. president .of Casex Compan~·. which is conducting the drilling. SACRAMENTO (AP> -~tate Sen . Paul Carpenter says he will 'seek criminal contempt charges against Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. if he doesn't appear before his Senate tran s p o rt ation committee. Carpente r, of Cy press, is c halle nging Brown for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate. He sent Brown a letter Wednesday a s king him to arrange "within the next two we eks " a dale for hi s appearance 'before the Select Co mmittee o n Sou thern Transportation Problems, which Carpenter chairs. Ca rpe nte r h as said the committee wants to know why Brown will not fire his chief of trans porta-tion. Adria na Gianlurco. KILN DRIED WHITE FIR 2 x 2's 8' LOOQ s129 Reg~169 ea PEELER POLES 6'' AouOO 8' lmJ In the letter, Carpenter said he was "not setting any hard deadline," but "If 1 do not hear from him within two weeks I will push for criminal contempt c harges." He said he gave documentation of the dis pute t.o Sacramento County District Attorney Herb Jackson, who has agreed to review them. s h arply c rili clzt!d Ms . Gia nturco , who h as no e n gineering degree , for allegedly interfering in technical decisions. The other two members of the committee. Democratic Sen. Alfred Alquist of San Jose, and Sen. Jim Ellis, R-San Di ego, are also foes of Ms, Gianturco . Byron Georgiou, Brown's legal affairs secretar y, wrote On Tuesday, Sacramento back to Car penter that the County Superior Court Judge decision to give documents to Lloyd Phillips ruJed that Brown J acksoA was "an abuse of your must answer a subpoena issued office" and "completely beyond by Carpenter's panel, but said the scope of your authority." the governor cannot be forced to Georgiou hinted that Brown testify. might submit to questions put to Phillips said the committee him in writing. He asked has the authoritv to subpoena Carpenter to "please advise me the governor. but forcing Brown of the questions to which the to discuss his retention · of Ms. committee seeks the governor's Gianturco would abuse "the response.'' doctrin.e oL..sJ!p.aralion Df The three-member co~mittee . powers.'' ROUGH SAWN REDWOOtr 4x4 6' LORJ a....rrf. .~The LORJ l~ti~ Ybxi r s3a9 Reo~529 ea Reo.5!r47~ Rerl513 $:£.B ROUGH CEDAR BOARDS 1x 6's 61 LOOJ Great b FooceS Reo~l4' 96~ ROUGH CEDAR BOARDS 1 x S's 6' LCQJ Also Great b' Rn:esl s12a Aeg~l92 ea. DID YOU KNOW We DellVer,Cut IJlnber & Plywood ID Size And OVERWHELM YOU WITH SERVICE 1 j I I I I' I ~ I r .... .. . Orange Coast DAil Y Pl[QT/Tl'lursday, Maren 4, 1982 . ~upreme Court ponders schools_' book~banning _rights· QU EST I O N S Justice John Poul Steven s hud so m e h arp <1ucstio n s durin g Su pr eme Court argume nts a b o ~ t b o o k censor s hi p in ~chools. WASlllNGTON <AP > -The U.S. Supremo Court la wei1hln1 a decision on where to draw the line betwe n u student's .. rlght to read and a school board's au'thorlty to keep cert~in books out of public 11chool libraries and classrooms. During oral arguments justice~ raised the ques tio n of what standards can be used as the basis for the nation's 16,500 school boards In deciding which books are approved and which are not "I don't really know what your standard is," Justice John Paul Stevens impatiently told attorney Alan H. Levine. Levine Is 'tepresenling five An nual Cleqrance Sale Savinga From 20-70C/o Decorative Hardwa re By 1tude n'ts who challen1ed the Island Trees, N.Y .. School Board's remov.uJ of ~inc books from school libraries anti ltas ban on their use in the classroom. Some of the books deal with sex and drugs and occasionally use ''four·letter" words. "What ls a federal judge to do?" Stevens asked, referrlna lo lower federal court Judges faclna similar challenges stemming from the growing movement lo ban books rrom sch<>Qt&'. Levine' s aid that to avoid 'V i o latin g s tudents ' First Amendment rights, school boards cannot act arbitrarily and cannot ~!!!i!!i Black & Decker. HOBBY CR.AFTER Specializing In the coordination of the decoratJ.-e hardware for your projed. Finished hardware for: DOORS, BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABINET AND BA TH ACCESSOR IES (714) 642-4184 wllll FREE Xacto Knife Set · Closed Mondays SALAD SPINNER 1514 Newport Blvd. Cotta Mesa, Calif. 91627 SWEDISH DISH RACK • Oak Block • 4 Knives • Sharpening Stone GLASS DOMED base their declalona on excerpta from books. While some or the banned books use vulgar words, there• 11 no assertion that those banned from the Island Trees Junior tt11b and senior high are lecally obscene. "Just random instances of vulgarity is not a constitutional basis for permanently proscribing these books," said Levine. He argued that all nine books should 6e put back ln the schools . Justice Sandra Day O'Connor seemed, troubled by School Board law)'ler George W. Lipp Jr.'s argument that school boards can exclude books to further their "moral, social a1nd political ludge the banned book1, which values." · nclude the Pull tier Prlie·wlMlnc "Did I underat~nd you to aay "The Fixer ," by Ber nard political vah.tea ?" she asked ,Malamud and Kurt Vonnegut's angrUy, wonderlnt whether Lipp "Slaughterhouse Five." meant a school bOard should be Lipp said the board had no allowed remove all books becaus~ ,itppllcable "reautatlons." they dealt with the wrong political •'I didn't say regulations I said party. standards," Marshall shot back. "The mere allegation of the "How can you regulate without word 'political' does not taint the standards?" action," Lipp responded, addlna Justice 'Lewis F . Powell, the that he was not asking the high only court membe r who has court to give school boards an served on a local school board, ·•absolute right" to ban any book. satd: Jus tice Thurgood Marshall "Is not the primary function of w'anted to know what criteria the ,the school board to determine Island Trees School Board used to lwhat is educational and suitable?" -- CUISINART MULTIPLE OUTLET CENTER LIST DLC10E $130 DLCSE S1 85 DLC7E S260 SALE 9999 14999 I 9 9 99 ~-=::::." FLEX OGEN HOSES 5/8x25' s9aa 5/8x50' S 16.88 5/8x75' S24.88 SCH LAGE. loclwW DEADBOLT B160PV ENTRY F51DDO KRUPPS BREWMASTER The finest German Coffeemaker #261 s54aa For all your hoUday needs ... 1288 CHARMGLOW UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC ROTISSERIE • Fits Most Gas BBQ's REG. 39.99 s19aa First Alerlf) bv PmwAV DOUAI SYSTEM SMOICl&AU DETICTC>a SA300 Both Photo-Electric and Ionization 5*29.99 Foct01y R...._ 10.99 Yow Cost SUPER ¥ STRAINER • Gravy Strainer $ JSEA.8 • Measuring Cup • Other Useful Purpose 99 PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE CHEESE SERVER 4' FLUORESCENT TUBES • GE or Sylvania • F40 ON ~r: .' ~ PAINT ~ Top quality flat latex in 1 OOs of colors Chill-Cheese Omelette Only $3.75 ~"""_,_ H•Mtft9lon S..Ch Newport 8-cla Peclk Coatt Hwy So of Pier 1400 Pecflc COIM Hwy NOU1 SerDlng Beer & Wipe Hardwood base WALL MOUNT HA.HD HILD . s2911 • Slim I-Digit CALCULATOR Wallet Style CR•Wll .... IS.ff GARDEN SPRAYER • non-corrosive plastic • 2 gallon . -. HAR D~WAR E . :-:i':::s . . ' CoiOMA Da MAI . '. HAllOI YllW CIMTll \ J I07 ~Ce• Hwy; 1614 S.. ........ Dr. ............. 642-1133 I I · . . .... 11 ..................... . 61 3-2100 ... .. . -. \ lilljPllll THURSDAY,_ MARCH 4', 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION e2 84 BS • f Gen. James Dozier's feelings .about hard rock are quite understandable to Erma Bambeck. See •Page 82. Dnig paraphernalia ban eyed. N ewr}ort, Huntington may toughen ·existing city laws after court ruling OMty HM -11'1 ll'9tftcll O' 0.. By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. Delly ........... Officials of Newport Beach and Huntington Beach say they may toughen city laws r est ric ting sales of drug paraphernalia following a U.S. Supreme Co urt rul i ng Wednesday. Huntington Beach Mayor Ruth Finley says she favors a "total bllh" on paraphernalia sales to adults as well as minors. ''I have a strong bias in that area because it usually involves FVwoman • • . wins suit ~$.police A former Huntington Beach woman who claims she was the victim of unnecessary roughness by Fountain Valley police officers during a 1977 drunken driving arrest has been awarded $5,000 in civil penalties. Orange County Superior Court Judge Edward J. Wallin ruled this week in favor of Delores Fre·eman, a hairdresser now living in Long Beach. Fountain Valley Ci ty Attorney Alan Burns said he would recommend that the city not appeal the judge's ruling. Ms. Freeman contended she was struck and bruised when s he-was arrested by two Fountain Valley officers. BIKE HIKE -Tisha Schafer of Irvine lugs her bic~·cl€! off the sand at Bolsa Chica State Beach in Huntington Beach. She was getting a head start on the latest spell of sprin~like weather. Judge Wallin said he believed th.e tea1imony of o.ne of the officers, Patrolman Mike _Becker, who said he did not strike the woman or see her struck. The other arresting officer. Philip Owen. has le ft the department and now reportedly lives in Florida. · .. PT A in Newport attacks video games By RICHARD GREEN Of._ OMly ~INC SUft Afrald that school c hildren may be blowing their lunch money on vid eo games. the Newport Ele mentary School PT A wants Newport Beach city officials to enact an ordinance regulating the quarter-eating machines. PTA Presid ent Georgia Mahoney has sent a letter to the city Planning Co mmission , recommending that no new video arcades be approved until such an ordinance is in place. The commission is to consider granting approval tonight to plans by Huntington Beach businessman Ro M . Koucht to open a six-fame arcade and bicycle-renta shop at 2305 W Wildlife film set/or OCC So. you think a sapsucker is one of life's losers, a gray fox is a guy over 40 and a bull elk is a hard-nosed m ember of a · fraternal organization? All the above mentioned wildlife will be featured ln a mm Friday at 7: 30 in Orange Coa5t College's Science Hall. .Co n servationist Steve Maslowski's film "Naturalists Afield" will include scenes from Yellowstone and Teton s National Parks . Tickets are $2.50 at the door. Balboa Blvd. "I think' the machines are sood for kids," Kouchi saisf in a telephone interview this morning. "The government is buying video machines for use In Army training. "My lntention is to ask kids for written consent from their parents before usi ng the machines. I'd like to have nice relations with schools and parents." Kouchi also said the Newport Pier area arcade wouldn't open for business until the afternoon hours. "The PTA wants the Planning Commission or the City Council tO adopt some guidelines on these arcades. particularly ~he hours of operation and how close t hey can operate to sch~ls," said Ms. Mahoney. "It's particularly difficult if the machines are open before school because s tudents get sidetracked and tend to spend their lunch money there and then the kids' performance goes down ln the afternoon because they're hungry." The Newport Beach city Planning Commission has approved the construction of three arcades over the last year, one on Newport Boulevard near City Hall. another on 23rd Street and Balboa Boulevard and a third on 20th Street and Balboa Boulevard. PI a ns for the I alter were ultima tel y denied b y the Newport Beach City Council. Ms. Freeman had demanded Sl00,000 ln her o.riginal suit. John W. Powell, a Sant.a Ana attorney who represented Ms. Freeman, said the award was ·primarily for the "emotional and physical sufferfog and the indignity" suffered by his clieot . during the arrest. He said her injuries resulted in $17S in medical bills and one week's loss of work. "(The litigation) was quite an ordeal to go through," Powell said. "But she told me four years ago it was the principle that was important. a nd 1 agreed with her." 'Funny Men' featured in OCC lectures A three-part series on Amerjca's greatest humorists begin s Friday evening at Orange Coast Colleg-e. Billed as "Those Funny, Funny Men ,'· the course continues. the following Friday evenings from 8 to 10 in Room 101 of the ca m pus mus ic building. The opening session will focus on Mark Twain. On March 12, series presenter Guy Halferty will offer a look at the works of James Thurber. The concluding program on March 19 will ~eal with Sam Levenson, Art Buchwald and Will Rogers. Tickets are $3 for each session. Senior citizens with Gold Key Cards and children under 12 will be charged $2. Some tickets will be available at the door. For Information. call 556·581K>. Irvine eyes shake s~ingle • issue By GLENN 8COTI' Of .. .,. ......... Untreated wooden shakes or abingles may be the favorite roofinl materials in Irvine, but officials foe the Oran1e County Fire Department say they're too combustible and ahould be prohibited. , Because ol the bot Santa Ana wtnda tbat periodically blow over Irvine and' the increutnc threat of rooftop nres caused by tbe uae of bottle rockets, the department is aaldnt for a citywide ban on new use or untreated wooden roofln1 materials. · Toal1bt, flre departmtnll apokelmen wW take tbeir cue to tlae lr•I•• Plaaat1111 Cctm•••. wldcll wtll ... at T:• =i .t' tM at1 CwO a.. . "' ....... the fifth ......................... • expected to lnvolve a lengthy disrusaion. The planning commission will be asked to recommend that the city councU pus an ordinance prohibiting new use of untreated wooden roofing materials' anywhere in Irvine. The ordinance would requir~ all new buildin11 to be constructed wltb a Ore-retardant roof, which could be tOe, asphalt or wood treated In a factory with special liquid cbemlcala, said Bob Henne11ey, the department'• aulstant fire chief. The law would req Ire exlsttn1 bulldlnp to .... the flre·retardut materlala when owaen wk bullc1tn1 ..-rmtta to , replac-e tbelr he>fa, lte Mid. Sslltllll .............. llGl otMrwtle be att.etied. · t)pPC]lltloa to lb• pro~.•I .. already ·has come from the wooden shake and shingle industry and from the Orange County Chapter of the Building Industry Association. Association Executive Director Philip Bettencourt said ln a letter to the city, that the citywide probibJtion would force up the cost ol wooden roof a by 50 perce~ because of the expenR or treated material. A typical 2,000·square foot home would cost an extra $2,008 to build, he said. Tbe ~ roottnl matertats lnduatry adcSed In a 11parate letter the real vWaln la not the wood but tba Soutbena CaUIOl'IU bnaab tbal oft.a ii the meana for 1pnadlq I.be bl~•: Renn1•11 Mid tocJaJ tlaat all partln aeem to •II'•• tlaat ftre·...tardant ma-.rlala should be l"lllUll"ld tn outlJln1 areal. ( ) kids," she said today. Both coastal cities, as well u numerous other Orange county communities, currently prohibit sales of water pipes. "roach clips," vials and other materials to people under 18. The Supreme Court ruling Wednesday seems to uphold the validity of such restrictions and appears to open the door to tougher restrictions and possibly total bans, according to court sources. The justices unanimous ly uphe ld an ordinance in Hoffman Estates, Ill., that requires paraphernalia shop owners to pay a fee for a license and to make sales records available for police inspection. The sale of paraphernalia to minors also is prohibited by the ordlnance. Justice Thurgood Marshall's opi ni o n s tated : "Many• American communities have recently enacted laws regulating or prohibiting the sale of drug paraphernalia. "Whether these laws are wise or effective is not, of course, the province of this court. We hold only that such legislation is not facially overbroad or vague it it does not reach constitutionally protected cond ucl and Is r easonabl y c l ear i n its application." Newport Beach City Attorney Mike Miller said the court's ruling is a "strong decision because it was a unanimous 8--0 ruling." • High-speed chase ends in car crash ·'When we gel the official ruling we'll look at it to see if the city's law can be enhanced or made stronger and we'll report that to the City Council," Miller said. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather says the present city law prohibiting sales to minors has ··stopped these businesses from getting a foothold in the cit-y." By PIDL SNEIDERMAN OfllMOMlyPl ... MMf The high-speed police pursuit of two sus~cts in a Huntington Beach supermarket r obbery ended Wednesday night when the fleeing auto struck a parked car and hurled it through the front of a Garden Grove home, police said today. Officers said there were no injuries, althoug h extensive damage was done to the vehicles and the home. Brian Keith Suttle of Santa Ana and George W.J . Smith of Oceanside were arrested as they fled the crash scene on foot, Huntington Beach p·olice Sgt. Tris Swan said. The two we r e p laced in Huntingto n Beach Jail on suspicion of armed robbery. Swan said the holdup occurred at 9:45 p.m. Wednesday when a man who indicated he had a gun in his pocket took $300 to $.500 from a cashier at the Alpha Beta market, 19640 Beach Blvd. The robber was seen joining a second man in-a hite sedan, which was spotted s hortly afterward on Beach Boulevard by Sgt. James Dahl, Swan said. As Dahl and the Huntington Beach police helicopter closed Laguna panel to 'monitor' cable TV? Laguna. Beach Ci ty Council members have agreed that a cable television committee s hould be re-established, if for no other reason than to keep labs on the ever-c hanging, complex telecommunications industry. The council unanimously ordered city officials to come back later this month with a proposal as to the scope of the committee, which will be followed by appointment of five members to the panel. The council made H clear Tuesday that they do not want a commHtee that is "out to get Storer Cable TV," but rather a panel· that will serve to advise the council on a range of s ubjects. The decision came despite a recommendation from city omcials that there is currently no n eed for a cable TV 'committee. City Manager Ken Frank said Storer currently is. seeking no rate increase, and therefore, questioned the need of a cable committee. But a half dozen speakers told the council a committee could make recommendations on a variety of issues relating to cable television. Mo-ped rider, 18, injured in smashup A Huntinston Beach teen-ager was in serious condition at Fountain Valley Community Hospltal today with injuries be received when his mo-ped collided with a parked nat-bed truck. Gerard Edward Viola, 18, ol 10071 Bismark Drive, was in inten1ive care today, receivlna treatment tor head in.juries and poulble Internal inJurlea. a hospital IPOk•woman said. Police tratflc otflcers said Viola was drlvln1 nort.b on Brookbur1t Street near ColllltltutiDa Drive at t :• p.m. Weclaeada1 wbea bla 1110-ped atnaefl tM rear of the l91all7 P9rked tracfl . in, the white sedan turned right on Warner Avenue, then north on Magnolia Street tra veling at more than 100 mph, Swan said. The fleeing sedan continued s peeding north on Magnolia to Garden Grove until it veered out of control on a sharp curve at Cannery Street, officers said. The fleeing auto slammed broadside into a parked 1982 Buick, carrying it 30 feet across a front lawn and into the home of Daniel Scott Johnson. 13095 Ca nnery St.. accordin g to Garden Grove police Sgt. Bruce Beauchamp. He said the Buick crashed through Jhe front porch and came to rest half inside and half outside the Johnson home. The aulo . whi c h b e lo nged to B(>Ulevard Buick of Long Beach where Johnson is employ~d'. Is considered a total loss, he said. Beaucha mp said Johnson and his wife were inside at the time but were not hurt. Police said money apparently taken in th~ su p ermarket robbery was recovered, and a handgun was seized during the arrest. "But if such businesses start moving in we'll certainly r e -examine our posit ion and take a harder look." The ordinances in both Huntington and Newport state that shops that sell other items, s u ch as rt:cords. and al!uw minors mus t have c:e oarate rooms for the sale <if dl"i.l g paraphernal!a for ~tiu!G only. Drug parapher r.aca r c,r, 1u~ !><: m pl ain view. the i\i c!ir.:-n~.-s state Huntin gton Beach City Attorney Gail Hutton says the laws are patterned after 1979 ord inances in the cities of Orange and Lakewood. Following the Supreme Court's ruling, officials of National Organiution -for the Reform of Marijuana Laws dowl'r'-played its impact, saying that the ordinance the justices . upheld merely r eg ulates so-called head shops and doesn't ban them. · However, officials of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said the rulin& was a major victory and a step toward allowing the total ban of the sale of such items. •Tree planting set/or Valley A tree-planting ceremony marking Arbor Day will be conducted Friday by t he Women's Division of the Fountain VaUey Chamber of Commer~: At 10 a.m. the group will plant a tree near City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. Pupils from Cox School will present Arbor Day skits in conjunction with the tree planting. The tree was purchased with contributions from the Women's Di vision of the ch amber, the American Association of University Women, the Pink Hawthorn Garden Club, the South Coast Junior Women's Club, the Fountain Valley Junior Chamber of Commerce, students at Cox School and the California Association of Nursery men. •Survival courae al GWC A semi~ar on "Survival Techniques for Group Leaders" is sch eduled Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . al Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Lecturer Don Cornell, a ranger for 25 years in Western parks, will discuss s urvival equipment and the physiology of sur v i val. Registration fee is $15 The seminar is scheduled for room Math Science 123 and is designed for leaders of scout troops. church groups, YMCA classes or any group planning a m ountain or desert trip, said a college spokeswoman. •Writers to ahare works Published and unpublished write rs can s hare their works al an informal reading Thursday, March 11 , at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. The program is from 7 to 9 p.m . It's open to anyone who wants to read original poetry· or prose that Is no longer Huntington Beach officials have . passed a reaolution supportin1 a propoted state law that would tou1hen penalties for convicted burilan. Authored by Anemblyman Nola• Frl11elle , than 10 minutes. Readers and audience may register at the door the night reading. Admission is $1. For further· information. caH 891-3991. • The program is sponsored by ,local branches of the National League of American Pen Women. ·R-Huntingt.on Beach, AB 2371 would ~ulre that convicted bur1lan aerve jail tlme and pay restitution to victims: The proposed law would make parents Uable to lay restitution if tbeir chU Is convicted of bur1lary. •Huntington aiudent honored . · •ark Wlileeler of 8081 Holland Drive, Huatln"°'1 Beacb, wu Damed to the Pnekllllt's Honor Lilt at Cal Stal• N.lerton for th• fall •em eater. He au.t)dld Golden Wiit Colle .. for two ,..,. belon lrantferrl1111 to "• Loni Beacbcampae. f ... a H/F: Orange Cout DAILY PILOT(fhurtday. March •• 1982. m;;:::.;m~__:::..=...------~- ·T e ams a re hungry, r-. 'but not for a win From AP dllpa&cbea . PEMBROKE, N.C. -America's m favorite pastime took a back seat ' 1 Tuesday when a college baseball . 1 • 11me between Pembroke State and tbt University of North Carolina-Charlotte waa called after nine innings because of hunier. "It was 6:25 and it was 1ettin1 dark," Pembroke State Coach Harold Ellen said. "We have lights, but the dining hall close• at 6:30. I don 'l have the kind of money those big schools do. "I don't have enough money to take my team out when we'r.e playing at home. We don't have those rich boys that can afford to go out by themselves, either. "We called it because of hunger and darkness," Ellen said. "I'm going to call the athletic director tomorrow and try to explain it ... Tt\.e two teams finished in an official 8-8 tie and will play again in Charlotte Saturday, but game time is set for 2 p.m. -after lunch. Quote of the day •/ Grant Teaff, Baylor University football _ coach: "The football talent has become SOI evenly spread that winning often hinges on • a referee's call or turnover or some other break. I've never seen so many coaches upset about calls. It's not that offic~als are ·making bad c alls , it's just that the significance or the calls is so magnified now.'' -Hot third QuarW lifts 78ers ~ I ,..... g,. .... ~red as polnll ·m· and .UU.w ,._.Y~ 20 u the Philadelphia 7Sen ut on a blaaln1 thlrd·quarter shoot 1 display Wednelday to down San Dle10. 125-10'7. Philadelphia made 17 of 20 field-1oal attempts in the third quarter, t.ncludlna a streak in which the 76ert out.score San Dle10. lf.2 . . . 810e1 MHtrlef and Mickey Jiii••• hammered AU&nla with an 11·2 s coring run ln the third period to lead Milwaukee to a 98-8'7 win over the Hawks ... Mllll• Wood• .. pumped lo a came-hi~ 20 point.I to power Ka.oau City to a 120.a vlctoty over Jndlana . . • G'*'41 Deaall Jolauoe and Walt Davia combined for 44 polJst.a to spark Phoenix to a 115·102 vlctoey over Utah, which moved the SUDI tnto a Ue for third place with Golden State in the Paclflc Division . . . Seattle guard G.. Willia ms scored l2 of his 17 points in the first quarter as the Supersonics overpowered Cleveland. 136·10'7. Kleon .impressive for Angela . Angel pitcher Bruce Klaon, Ill trytng to come back after mlsslng most of the last two seasons, wu in great spirits after throwing battlq practice Wednesday at Casa 'Grande. Kison, who underwent sur1ery on his pitchin1 arm in the middle of the 1980 se ason, showed indications he might turn out to be a pleasant surprise for the AnliCels this spring. "This was •the best I've felt yet. When I 'reached back for something 'extra, it was there," Ki son s aid Wednesday after his pitching stint . . . In the Los Angele s Dodge r s· firs t intrasquad game of the •spring Wednesday, the r egulars, managed by Coach Danny Ozar k, los t to the squad headed by Monty 1uSOt1 Basgall, 9-0. Mlke Marshall led a 12-hit attack for the Basgalls with a double and two singles ... Me anwhile. pitcher Fer nando Valen.zuela remains a holdout in the Dodger camp, after the Dodgers had exercised their option to renew his 1981 rookie contract. "We have tried during these negotiations to be as flexible as possible," said Valenzuela's agent '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ToayDeMarco. ·Kings end long road drought Cartander aJl-rookie selection The Los Angeles Kings won their ~ Ocean View High product WaVfte m first road game in 20 attempts • .1-Wednesday niliCht . defeating the Carlander and Johnny Bogen from Toronto Maple Leafs 4-1 in the La Quinta High have been selected to National Hockey League. Greg Terrioa scored the Paciifc-10 all·rookie basketball team. the e ventual winning goal in support of Carlander is a USC student; Rogers attends goaltende r Doug Keans, who stopped 28 Stanford ... Meanwhile, Oregon State guard s hots ... Peter St astny drilled home the Lester Conner was selected the Pac-lO's Player tie-breaker in the third period and Real Cl99tler of jhe Year. added his second goal of the game a s Quebec beat Edm o nton 6 -4 ... Minne s ota wing A l MacAdam scored twice in the final period. to give the North S tar s a 6 ·4 come-from-behind victory over De troit ... Lar ry Hop kins' 40-foot s lapshot in the third period boos ted nu10N Winnipeg to a 4·2 victory in Chicago ... Alan Haworth scored with just 24 seconds left to lift Buffalo to a 3-3 tie with Hartford . . . Ed Johns&oae's third-period goal sewed up the New York Rangers' 4-2 victory over Calgary ... Ryan Walter s cored two power·pl ay goals in 26 seconds, capping a four-goal streak for Washington in the second period. arid the Capitals went on to defeat St. Louis 8-4 ... Second-period goals by Keltll Crowder and Bart')' Pederaoa scarried Boston to a 3-2 triumph over Boston . . . Aaron Broten's backhand shot with 6:03 remaining gave ColC>rado a 3-2 victory over Vancouver. -. T elevision,-radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: " " " " excellent; " / / worth watching; .r" f air ; ,; forget it. [-) 6 p.m., Channel 9 / ./ ./ ./ N BA BASKETBALL: Lakers at N.Y. Knicks. A nn ouncers: C h ick H ea rn a nd K eith Erick son, • T he Lakers hold a 21 ·~-ga me lead in the Western Conference. Pacific Division despite losing to the New Jer sey Nets Wednesday night. The Knicks are mired in the cellar of the Eastern Conference, Atlantic Division. The Laker s had a seven-gam e win streak broken by the Nets despite a 30-point ~rformance by Kareem Abdul-J abbar. RADIO Basketball: PCAA Tournament -UC I rvlne vs. Cal State Fullerton, 9 p.m ., KWVE (108 FM) and KWRM (1370); Fresno State vs. Long Beach St ate, 7 p.m., KLO N (88 FM); Lakers at New York Knicks, 6 p.m .• KLAC CS70). Ski Report - Snow conditions in Southern Cali fornia mountains. 9:43 a.m ., 12:43, 3:43. 7 :43 p.m ., KNX (1070). Oilers now 6-0 after two • WIDS ·Cor ona del Mar out lasts Santa Ana; Laguna Hills rallies Huntington Beach kept its record unblemished .with a pair of victories while Corona del Mar and Laguna Hills pos ted victories Wednesday afternoon in high school baseball action. : Here's how it went: ;Huntington Beach 8, Irvine O . _ . Gary Buckets pitched a four-hit shu!9ul and :had home run power from Greg Shirley and Brian Patrick as the Oilers scored in every inning but tthe second. , Patrick also had a triple for the Oilers who !'belted eight hits and had an errorless game in the field. 1 Irvine's record dropped to 1·2 with the loss in ,the non-league outing on the Oiler diamond. . [ Hunttngton B~ach 5, Pectflce 4 . . The Oilers won their sixth straight victory in ·an extra inning outing against Pacifica in the : Loara tournament Wednesday night. I J im Kennedy singled with the bases loaded in the eighth. irutlng to get the winninl runs across i after Pacllica had gone in front in the top half of the inning. Shirley bad a triple for the Oilers. I Corona del Mar 9, Senta An• 7 ~ Gordon Moss belled a grand slam in the fourth •inning as the Sea Kings won their farst game of the Newport Harbor Elks Tournament at Santa Al\a Higb. --Corona del Mar managed to bold off the pesky .Saints who scored five runs in the bottom of the .sixth inning to make things interesting. Cd.M also picked up an insurance run in the top of the seventh when Scott Loos ripped • double. Loos tried to ,.treteb the hit lnto a triple, but the throw to third went out of play. allowing him to ,score the Sea Kina•' final nm. Chris While started for CdM, and picked up 1tbe. victory, but be needed retie( help from Dave J Rodbe over the final two lnnlnl•· I jllasketball ~res I Cole9e ·~.._.. ...... ,...... TOU•laul'llNTI "°""'" ..._..., lit lt._...l ~ --CMM~e...,... J llllnl ._. s.nte #ta,,, O•••t!Mt • Cletlt• UC ,, ...... ,., UUll Stttt.. Alie •-•el!CH le tlete re1te11af Cal IUll 1'111...,. t4, l'llelfk st ...,,.,., ...._ • 0-nt) .!":': IM<ll Sl.V 71, 1M .wN .... eoNol IMO.c-llrwa c1..-t1 fMMl1 ......... .. I.a ..... 11, w. OlellW ... .. • ......... '::"' 1J °'Tft.,......::!t•· C.••-=":'le~·~ ....... .,. v .... r,..,. •. ,., ----~ ........... ~ ..... "' .... , . I - "' . .. Laguna Hills 5 , Seddleback 4 Laguna Hills improved its record to 4·0 as Lee Ple"!lel picked up the victory in a relief role. Laguna Hills trailed going into the seventh inning but put a pair of markers on the board when Plemel doubled with one out. Then an error after the second out allowed the tying run to score and an infield s ingle by Mark Marten got the go·ahead marker across. Ple mel then held Saddleback scoreless in the bottom of the final inning. Brent Chappell was 3 for 4 for Laguna Hills. Blake Smith scored in the bottom of the sixth for Saddleback with what appeared at the time as the winning run. Smith was 2 for 3 for the game. Capo Valley Christian 7, Woodbridge 3 Woodbridge pitcher John Moreland was the victim of some shoddy fielding by teammates as Capistrano Valley Christian scored six unearned runs. Darin Daniels had two of the three Woodbridge hits, a s ingle and a double, and drove in one of the three runs . Woodbridge is now 0-2 for the year . ·· Saddkback moves into state playoffs Geor1e Turner scored 35 points and pulled. down 11 rebounds to lead Saddleback College lo a 99· 79 basketball vict,ory over San Diego City College in the final• of the Mlsaion Conference Shaughnessy playoffs Wednesday nicbt at Saddleback. The &-2 Saddleback forward hit 11 of 19 field goals and-was 13of15 from me.line. The victory puts Saddleback at Lona Beach Gtty Collece Friday nt1bt (7!30) in a first round state playoff same. Earlier ln t.he seuon. dwinc the Merced tournament, Lona Beach defeated the Gauchos, 57·~. Long Beach la ran.Iced No. 1 ln Southern California on tbe community colle1e level. Wednetday nl1ht'1 victory wu the 250lh ln the U ·year hlatory ot the aabool baaketball pro.,am, la tbe 1ame .. alut Su DMto. Don Dodds bad 11 DOiDtl and Its .-u wlUle Rick Dorie eclded I( polnta. Sm Dlqo held tbe lead at 11-15 fer tbe ClftlJ UllM ID tlle ...... Tbe YietlorJ WM tbll Wrd WI year,.. ... a....°"' tbl .... °'7-a ..... Tiie a.... ldt " Piit9l from tbe fteld Ud held a l~pcDt balftlme ad ........ From Page e1 · Two Rus tle rs; two Gauc hos gain ~onors VANGU ARDS BEA~ • • • . Gold•n Wm a_nd Saddleback co lle1 es ar e both well repreaenled on theii: respective all ·conferenct basketball teams announced th1I week. For GWC, •uard Truiell Hatton, t,be No. 4 scorer in the Southern Cal Conference (17.8 avera&e), earned first-team honors, along with teammate Darin Bowen, a so phomore forward who averaged 17 points per outing. The Rustler duo joins Santa Monica CC's Leif Hodges, East Los Angeles' Dantie Miller and Los AngJ'les CC's Kevin Goins on the first team. M eanwblle, Saddle back's George Turner and teammate Rick Doyle earned spots on the All-Mission Conference team. · Turner, a sophomore guard who averaged 20.5 points per contest, and Doyle, a 6-10 center who averaged 13.8 points per contest, join eight other Mission C onfere nce s tar s o n the all-Conference squad. control from the start. Led by the 8·7 All·Amerlcan K1rcb· meyer, Btola ran off 1trln1• of pointa, 9-,2 and 18-0, which put the Vaniuards in a difficult sltuaUon. "Blola really exploited our ·· weaknesse1," said sec Coach Blll Reynolds. "We were not u p.byalcal u we could have been, but Blola wu_really quick on defense. We loal poise and were tentative at timet." The Vanguards Just couldn't muster enough offense to stay in the game during the first half. They ahol 28 percent from the field and 25 percent from the line. while co m milling 10 turnovers en route to a 22·polnt deficit al the half. "We tried to make up for no shooting, but we just couldn't ," added Reynolds. "Biota did the same things as the last time we played them, but they were more aggressive." Kirchmeyer had a game-high 20 points for Biola, while Rich Cundall notc hed 12 points . Kirchmeyer also hauled down 10 rebounds. Meanwhile, after a poQr Save•ao 95 Reg. 279.95 • tltumlnated vu Melen Md Duel Record-Level ContrOla •Aux Input-Add AnotMr Ceuette, 8-Track or TV Sound Great-sounding all-in-one system! Res;ord from radio, changer. or "live" "with mike jacks. Changer features cue/pause lever, dust cover. Amplifier has 2/4-speaker switch, separate bass and treble controls, stereo headphone jack. Speakers have 8" woofer, 3" tweeter. #13-1207 '1howln1 ln the first half, the Vanguard• started off the second half by teyln1 to huaUe their w•y back lnto the game. Althou1h tbe Van1uard1 forced Blola to tum the ball over 15 times ln the second half, their aholl Just wouldn't fall into the basket. RI ck Plui mer scored 11 second-half potnta fQr the Van1uard1, and Dave Coral poured in eight alone with nine rebounds. Pluimer also had a handful of aaalats for sec. "Corsi helped tremendously all year," said. Reynolda. "He plays at 125 percent all the Ume. He may seem out of control, but he goes all out." With 9:43 left in the aame, Biola took a 55-25 lead when, after a slam dunk by 7-8 George Bell. Pat McDougall made a reverse dunlc lo the dell1ht of the Biola faithful. '· Biola is a ve ry complete team," said Reynolds. "When we couldn't get inside on them, we would just rush our. outaide s hots. They have talented people on the bench. There aren't any ~eak links." ' Magnetic-Mount Mobile CB Antenna CB Makes Driving Safer, More Fun SPECIAL PURCHASE TRc-421A by R .. 11.t1c® Save '40 1588:~~ No Tools 59i! Replace your old antenna- compares to others costing much morel With 16' cable and plug. #21-1005 Get help, hlway info, or pass the time on long trips! LED chanrtel readout. lighted S/RF meter. Add an external speaker and it's a mobile public address system! Better hurry! #21 -1502 With mike. moun!lng hardware By RHllattc Save59ss .s40 ~11 • With epNQr C8ble, mounting hardware Superb sound at a fraction of the cost of factory T.--...1 ~ Installations! Loudness control, instant manual • A~Efect When Ignition 19 • un-_, eject. Stereo headphone jack. #12-1809 • S..,.ret• BeN end Treble Controll AM/FM Clock Radio With Battery Backup ~=:;:a 24% Off S.tlery ... ,. 31'8 Reg.41 .. ....,, .... a,.. .. ~-~-· ....... otsptaya dat9 or ttme. Battery Sentinel warns of weak . #12-1536 Handy 43-Range Multltester · By Micron ... Cut 24ee 38% :l a~~ Cunwnt/Volt9ge R..,._Doubler Meuuree AC/DC volts. DC amps, rnilJ,ance, declbeta. With test leads. #22-204 81ttertee pt,. Pel'90Nll~lze Porllable C.11ette Recorder CTR• .,, ..... * 400/o Off 41~~ Orenge CoMt DAIL V PILOTIThuraday, March ~. 1882 er NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS :UO,!U10ed Ilk'-" .. Tlt&•llOll Tll ... IW ....... NIH1.,.CIPt(, "IW1 IOIYCNI, HfeOt'J AlllO CllllCllOIATI UOC• llC ........ MO HNtttl• •• Tit• llA60Alil•11d"•IT I ..... ... . .... '* , ... '"' ... \ on London mart LONDON CAP> -The price of 1old on lbt London market tell $6.2.5 an ounca to $3'7, the loweal level in 2~ years today In a s lide mlrrorlna Wednesday's results In New York. London lraderis said lbe gold mark.,t. was "extremely volatile" in "very, very busy tradln1." They ~aid t.here was little demand for aold, with forelgp Investors favoring dollars because of high U.S. interest rates and declining lnfiation. Coke-Columbia approved ATLANTA (API -It Is now up to t.he stockholders or the Coca.Cola Co. to consider the soft drink eiant's proposed acquisition or Columbia Pictures Inc., company olflcials say. The proposed acqulsillon or the movie company was approved by Coca·Cola's board or directors Wednesday. State f ace1 penaltie8 SACRAMENTO CAPJ State agencies that don't pay their bills on lime could be assessed penalties, under a new law efleclive next year. The law resulted from SB982 by stale Sen. Barry Keene, D-Mendocino, signed Wednesday by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. It will require slate agencies to pay a 0.25 percent daily.penally whenever they re more than 30 days late paymg money owed small businesses. Reagan deficits hit NEW YORK <APJ A prestigious business group has rejected President Reagan's projected budget deficits as unacceptably large, The New York Times reported today. The influential Business Roundtable. composed of the chier executives of 200 major corporations. urge d Congress lo reduce Reagan's proposed military buildup, the Times said. In addition, the group's 46-member policy ' com mi ttee. which met Tuesday in New York, reportedly decided lo support a dererral of the scheduled 10 percent tax cul for individuals in 1982 and modification of the disputed tax leasing provisi6ns enacted last yeer Stores post gains NEW YORK <AP\ Two major retail chains have reoorted modest sales gains for February. K Mart Corp. said sales for the four weeks ended Feb. 24 rose 12 percent to $917.9 million. F .W. Woolworth Co. said sales rose 0.6 percent in the four weeks ended Feb. 23 to $413.3 million Oil imports drop By The Associated Press . Crude-oil imports to the United States have dipped to a seven-year low, both a sign and a cause of the worldwide petroleum glut that has led to recent price cutting by oil-producing nations. Imports fell to 2.7 million barrels daily in the week ended Feb. 26, down from 3.5 million the previous week and S.1 million in a similar week a yea' ago, the American Petroleum Institute reported Wednesday. Agriculture hailed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov . Edmund Brown Jr. says agriculture is entering a new era in producing energy from former wastes such as almond shells and tree trimmings. Brown made the remarks Wednesday while dedicating a $11 million biomass and cogeneration plant at the California Almond Growers Exchange that is owned by the engineering firm Imotek. .. The plant produces 8.5 megawatts from almond shells, wood chips and tree trimmings. 'STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Op.)! lQ~J~ ... },V_~~§E;_.J-. AMERICAN LEADERS • _,,,. -II) 0 .... -1\ot -1'1• 1\t. _, -J IV. •"05 for Wee!, Mar 3 a.... Hi... l.ew ClaM Clll lO Ind 11' ll 12(.01 IOI•• llS 1._10 6' r T,.,, f'5 ~ HU~ •JJ 17 n: .. _ '.si: 10lm61 lot.ly •07me• IOI w1 -O.l6 U St-321 91 31H6 J17 07 l20 0.-S. 1t Indus 7,7I0,100 Trtn 11 i.•n.100 Ulll• 1 ... 7.JOO .S Stk tt.040,100 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK (AP) Mar. l Pntv. TOClay Cl<ly Adva~ecl '41 ... ~~~ Ill~ w •l4 Ir Total ISWH 0 ••v ltOI Ntw llll!M t:I • New low~ .11 ., WMA T AAIEJ( D10 NEW YORM; (API Mar J p,_,., TOCS.y °"J •. AOvanud .. I o.<llMO m .. u nc lla"9ecl •11 • 212 Tota l ISMM 771 "° N•w lllQllS • 10 New lo-u1 ,, METALS W-y Ce'"' 1$..,·11 cel'Olt • pound, U.S. !MStlnallOftl L.aM 27~ <-•a -%1.-c 41 C.l'IU • -4, •Hvereci. T•11 '6 10tS Metals w .. k com-It• lb AllH'ftl_ 1 .. 71 c..,IU poul\CI, N. Y. Mff<WV UIS.GO pe fla\11 ,,.,....., '"1 .00 troy or., N Y. w-ay I I. .. 1 Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Thurlday, Match •. 1882 ,IC'\'t,,.,. auM•• .. ..._ITATtl..._., Tiie ftlltwl11t Mrff" It delftt llllltl-•: THI WOOO DOC TOA , U14 Mttlre¥1e. C-.. MHe. CA fMIJ, ORIO Al.I.AN f'RY , 1'1• MON...,'-, C--·CA ftlJt. T,ltlt ....,_, It <elldll<IH llY 811 11'4111¥ ..... ONIA. ,,,, Tltlt IUtlfMllt WM 1119411 wllll Ille ~Illy Cltfll of Ot•,... Cwn•y .,. Mwcltl,tm. ,., ..... ~llllM Or.,.. CMet Oally ,. ... , ,Mete It 4, 11. 1 ..... ,. .,..., J I ...... 'IC1'1TIOUt8UMN•U NAMll tT ATHleNT Tit• lollowlftt PlrtOn It dOlllt MlnflUll 0 & I PA•CISIO N ENOINI UlllNG, 2S. Sherwood. Co.ta Mtu, C:AftUr, IAIAN JOSEPH l(l!AOLli, tS. She,...., Cotta Mew, CA '2617. Tllll tlulinMt It CondvcleO b~ •ft llldlvktueL l .J .KMClll Tlllt ...,..._t w• Ill ... wltlt the ceunly Cterta ot 0<81198 .County on Marc11a,1-. ,.,_ Pul>lltMd Or.._ Coell Delly PllOt, Marcll •. 11, 11, u, 1111 '11-a f'ICTlTIOUS aUSINIU N ...... ITAT•MaNT T,,. tollowlflt penont ••• dolno buslnetSH: AR MEN'S, 21» PlacenCI• Awn.,., Cost• M9M, Catltornle t»J7. SMOKY DEBATE Florida state senators injected a little melodrama and humor into a d ebate at Tallahassee on a proposed resolution to urge Congress to re-enact the Clean Air Act. Al left. Sen. Edgar Dunn Jr .. wears a gas mask as he makes a point . Al right. Sen. Warren Henderson adds humor b~· s moking his l'\'l'l'·present t'igar through a f<Jec• mask S1nd0un Al·l •y•tl. 121 Opel, lallloe llMncl. Celltomle ""' 8art>ara Al·llay•ll. UI Opel, 111-ltl-. Celltornla 9*2 Tiiis _.,,. ... 11 conducted by •n lndlvkl\MI. 5a-.n Al·hYetl Thi! tta-t wes llled with IM County Clerk of Or•nve County on M•rCh J. 1"2 P1MIM Publltlled Orenoe Coast Delly Pllo1. Florida island bets on sun Merell •. II, 11, 25, 1"2 t« .. 2 f'ICTITIOUI IUSINIH NAMI STATl!MINT Tourists get discounts if Ol' Sol fails to show each day The followln Q P•rson h dolnQ l>ullMU as: CRITTERS, 16n lrvlM A ......... MARCO ISLAND, Fla. (AP) -Bad weather could be good news for summer tourists at this Gulf Coast r esort island - where the C hamber of Commerce guarantees "at least one hour or sunshine" per day. "We have a lot of confidence In the we ather on Ma r co Island," he said. Visitors shouldn't expect to make a killing. Last summer, the island, located less than 100 miles northwest of Miami. had only three days of qualifying cloudiness, said Pannings. P e rmanent resid e nts a re ineligible. Pannings said the island's only hotel and an undetermined num ber of restaurants and stores are participating in the promotion. Suite C, Cost.a MHa, C•llfornl1 ,,_,, SllerOll Elo,,. Seymour, 20UI Montauk Clrcle1 Huntfn910n IM..:11. Cellfoml•nw6 This lluSlness 11 conducted by •n lncllYkl\MI Shen>n EleYM Sey rnour This ... ...._, WU flled wllh ""' County Clerll of Or•noe Count'!' on Merchl, 1"2 Pt Mitt Published Or•noe Coest Oelly Pl!Oi, The promotion, intended lo lure tourists in the hot, sticky summer months from Memorial Day to Labor Day, gives visitors half-price discounts on rooms, meals and purchases from particjpating merchants if the sun fails to appear for at least an hour a day, said Chamber of Commer ce s pokes m an Lou Summer is the rainy season in south Florida and afternoon thundershowers are common. But 'there is normally enough sun in the m o rnin g an d afternoon to make up for the showers. Tourists hoping to qualify for the discounts must register with the Chamber of Commerce. Merchants got the idea of a sunshine guarantee from the St. Pet e r s burg Evening Independent, which since 1910 has o.ffered fr~e newspapers if the s un doesn 't s hine. The longest stretch of consecutive sunshine was 765 days which ended March 17, 1969. The last time the editors had to give out free papers was 64 days a~o. Mer.•. II. 11,25, 1!112 ,,,_,, ttm-1 ,. fUCTITIOUSMISl .. HS NAMI STAT•MINT The followln9 persons ue dolno bullnauas: NEWPORT DOG SHOWS, 1n26 ~ounnott, Sult• c. 1rv1ne. CA t271•. MOSBOUR coqPORATION, • Calltornl• 'orporellon. 11726 McOurmott, Suite C, lr•IM. CA '27 ... This business ll conoucted by • Panoings. · COf'Poratlon. ~llCORPORATIOH Wllllam AntVllel, Jr. Presldellt DEATHS ELSEWHERE BERKELEY <AP 1 Yue n -en Chao , 89 . a University or California linguist who helped set the foundation of modern linguistics In China, died. P A RIS 1AP1 Valda Voevod llJ, 63. president or the World B y p sy Community and a tireless worker for the Gypsy cause In Europe. died at his hom e In Noisy-le-Sec near Paris. friends said. LONDON 1 AP 1 f'ICTITIOUS IUSINHS lflCTITloUS IUSINUS NAMI STATl!MllNT NAME STATllMENT Th1t lollowlno per1on 11 dolnQ The lollowlnQ P1trsons ••• doing ~•saet: buslnen es: GEORGE llECK ENTERPRISE, OETAILS UNLIMITED. 711 1300 Adorns A-. ti-A. COlte -"'· Pee Ille (01Ut Hl9hway, Hunt1nv1ot1 C•lllornla ... BHCll, Cellfomle .,..7. Geor91 p B•O Ill, 1300 Actems Tom A 8-tt. 711 P.cllk Coest Avenue, II-A. ~le Mete. Cellfornle HIQllW•Y. Huntington Be•ch. '16,. C•llfornle .,..,. TMs ~ ~ cond\leted bv .., Eric R Schueu, 19101 Maune lnPlvklual. LIM. Huntl"IJIOll lle«h. C,elllornle Georte P B«k '7M4 Tills st.i-1 wos filed with lhe Thi• t>uslneu Is conducted bY • County Clerk or Ora119e County on llml11td PWlnersll!i>. This ~t was flled wtth the County Cieri< of Or•-County on Merell 3, 1'12. f'1MM PYbllslled Or-Coest O•lly Pl!Oi, ~·r~4c 11!..!_I, U , 1'12 tOOMJ f'IC'T1TIOUS IUSINllU N ...... STATllMl!NT T "• lollowlno person 11 doing bUslMun: CONDOR ENGINEERING, 1050 Wesl l<•t•lla. Or•noe. Cellfornlo 92167. T,.,._.. Ooneld lllell, Cet>ln 8 41 Trebuco Trad, P.O. e.ir 161. Tret>uco CMIVOll, C8111<1rnia "671. Co n servative P art y ---------..... -~ legislator Sir Ronald Bell. llln 11mc11 67. a member of the House II of Commons since his first e lec t ion in 1950. died Merell J. tt12: Tom B1tnnett Putlllslled Orenve Co.SI 0•11:1='. This st•~"::! ftl..S with ""° Tiii• business Is c-ucteci t>v en lndlvkluaf. ~eO-klBltll This sto..,,._t was llled with the Countv Clerlt of Or-Cou""' on Marc112.1-. HE USS ER JO H N H UESSER , a resident or the Costa Mesa area for 15 years. Passed away on March I, 1982. He is survived by his son Wesley of Costa Mesa, Ca .. 3 grandch ildren and 2 great -gra ndc h i l dren . Ser vices will be held on Thursday, March 4. 1982 al lO:OOAM al Harbor Lawn M e morial Chap e l with in t e r ment se r vices immediately following . Services under the direction or Har bor Lawn·Mount Olive Mo rtuary or Costa Mesa 540·SSS4. ~ GAETA LAWRENCE E. GAETA. resident of Corona del Mar. Ca. Passed away on March 2. 1982. Survived by his wire Mary Kay. brother Louis and mother Anna M. Gaeta. Private ljervices are being held ro r the immediate family. HAltlOI LAW..,_MT, OUYI Morluarv •Cemetery Cremetorv 1625 Gisler Ave .. Costa Mesa ~555• .I-- f'IHC:lllOTHHS llU. llOADWAY MOaTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALT?&IH•H<* SMIT14 & TVTHIU • WISTC .... C:MAPIL •27 E 17th St Costa MeM ~&-937 1 · ,..c1.onms 1"41TMS' WOITUAIY 627 M4MnSt. ~tlnaton Beech 538-6539 PAC911C• .. W ~, ... =-~ 3500 Peclf1c VteW Ortv. Newpott Bll!Clh ..... 2700 '·Saturday SAN DIEGO 1AP1 - Florence L. Schlrra, 83. mother of retired astronaut Walter "Wally " Schirra J r .·. died following a three-month illness. C HI CAGO t AP) Arc adlus Kahan, 62, a professor or economics at the University of Chicago and expert on Soviet bloc agriculture and the Soviet economy, died Friday. Mer. 4, 11. II, 1S. 1"2 ,,._., County Cler-ot Or1119t County on -----------Merchl.1"2 PUt>llslled 0r•"91 Coefl D•ll~ Merell 4 11, 11, 15. 1"2 ~;'.;;: l'ICTITIOUS IUSINEH NAMll STATllMllNT Tiie fotlowlno pe,.on ll OolnQ 11\nlness u : -----------0 R A N G E J U L I E STATEMINTOl'WITHDRAWAL CHAR ·BURGER, 1100 Hut>or l'ROM Boulev•rd, Costa MeH, Calllornl• PARTNERSHIP OPERATING '1'27. UNDER JOH p Real, 407 North H•nov. l'ICTITIOUS auSINESS NAME Or•noe. C.llfor,,la '11067 T ht IOllowl119 per-. h•s wllh<lr•w" This t>uflMu Is conducted by •n •• a general P••tner rrom tht lnolvld\MI. p•rtnor111lp opuellno under the Jow Rul llclltlou• l>u\IMH name of M & M This Nie~• .... hied with .... MAINTENANCE SERVICE •• :IOC County Cieri< of Or•r>Qe Counly on Buc-,,.11 Rd .. COlu Mes.t, Cellfomle "'-rch J, 1"2. '1616 lftMm T 111 llctlllous t>uslneu n•m• PubllJlleel Or-co .. 1 O•lly Piiot. st•lem"'t for the paf'tne"'>IP wti ,.._, "'-•<II •. 11. II, 25. 1"2 1001.f2 on Apr II 11, 1'7t In ,,,. County ol Or•119e P1Mll4 Publls!Wd Or411199 Coell O•lly Piiot. M•rch 4, II. II. 25, 1"2 .....,. PICTIT10US aUSINHS NAMll STATIMINT The lollowl"' persons ••• oolno t>uslneu ••: THE MESA VERDE llUILDI HG, 1510 Hutme9 Pl•ct. Cost• Mesa, Cellfornla ma. Ch1rtes H. Gorhem, J1'0, Halli Clrci.. Costa Mew, Cellfornl• '161111. M. H. Koll. 11672 Arroyo, Sant• AIWI, C•llfof'nl• '77115 This bUslness Is conclucted by • -r•I perlnertlllp. Oler1as H. Gorhem Full N•me •no AdOreu ot 11 .. A U C K L A N D . N e w PWlJC ~ Person WllhdrewinQ. This ---• 111.0 with Ille c-•Y Clerk of Or•noe Covnty Ofl F.WWry 23, t!112. l'1ll1D PulMlslled 0.-Coest Oelly Piiot, F1tb. U, Merdl 4, 11, It, 1"2 • ....,. Zealand 1AP1 _ Frank M•rl•n Ellabett> KenMdv, JOO f'ICTfTIOUS IUSINl!SS BuclLMll Ad . Colu -· C•lllornl• Gill. 64. ambassador to the -tt~STATUiKHT • nn11 United States and a former The lollowlno Person Is doln9 111 Meri.n E K-'r f9JC 911( Ca binet m inister . died bu~~.:t~ GARLAND MUSIC. m Publl· ...... Or-COHtO•f ... y'::t', ,_ _________ _ tod ~..... -...-l"UaUC lfOTlCI ay. ttndSIT'M,Colte Mes.tt CA'7627 M•r 4,11,11,H,1"2 U7.., NOTICao .. ~aTIOH OAVIO BENTON GARLAND, L 0 N D 0 N ( A p I -Ho. 4t ~Iller, Newpc)(1 Beach, DH~:~::-.:::TAL Viscount Gage, 86. the CAT.,.~woi.:,slMn Is conducted by en PWlJC l9TICE WMtTu•o•AHCMMASTl!RPLAN I l . be or Of' WATIR SUPPL y onges -serv111g mem r lnPIYkl\MI. FICTITIOUS IUSINISS DISTRllUTION Britain's House of Lords. O.vld B. G .. 1.no NAME STATEMENT A"O WASTl!WAT•• TRllATMl!"T died. This ltft-1 wet Ill.cl wllh the Tile followlno .,.rsons ere dolnQ A"ODtlf'OIALf'ACILITlllSAND County Clerk ot Orenoe County on t>uJlneu es: NOTN:a OP l"UIUC MIARIHO Moscow (AP ) _ MaJJka Feb.2:2• IS. f'IUU. BUCHAN AN · RICCI & Notice 11 hereby 9lvtn tllet Ille ASSOCIATES, 1010 0...11, Newport loenl Of Dln<tori Of lrv!M RMC:h S a bl r ova , 3 9 • p r i m a Put>llJlleel Or•"'9 Coest D•lly PllOi, aeac11, Callfoml• nwo W••r Olttrtct .,., ,_,., ,,,. loltow"'9 ballerina, died last week. March 4• 11• "· 25• '"' '7o.t2 Larry N. Rkcl, 24171 LaHtrmose, Orart Env'"""'-lat lmpect A-1 Laouna NIQuel, C•llfornl• 92677 to IM In orW MCI "4u dl-.cted tM FORT WORT.H. Texas .,._------------t aerbova K. Buchenen, 1100 E1te1i. Secretary Of tM Olllrkt to provide ( A p ) -Cb a rf e 1 K ii ox S I L•ne. N--1 BHch, c.iuomla •2660 Public nollce thereof and to mot t•rt ng UJ1 iiuslnen Is conducltct by •n coPlet avellable fw public ln-tlcwt Boatner, 68, former city 8 New .... lt.eorpcw...., auod •tlon o""'r ,,..,, •nd called a Mlle lle•rlno thereon•• editor or the Fort Worth • P•r1rntnlllp. 6:00 P.M. or .. -tMrH!Mr .. Star· Telegram and a n aide Business Larrv N. Ricci pract1ca111e. on Men:11 22, 1''2, In the BMl><tr• K. BucMnan District Office, I~ •~ A...,,.,., to Lyndon B. Johnson when r1111 st•tt~t w .. llled w1111 !he 1rv1ne, catHomi.. he was vice president. died County Clerk ot OranQe county on DRAFT ENVIRONM ENTAL Tuesday. Merell>.,.., IMPACT RE POAT WHITING RANCH I Learning Center aided Santa Ana 's Exploratory Learning Center Foundation baa been awarded the lar1est chaUenge grant ever awarded in Orange Counly -$50,000 -by tbe California Community Foundation. "Wbat it meane ls that for every two cloUan we ral .. at \be center, 'the California Community Foundation wtD naateb tt lwltb one dollar ," explained llortoa P'lnk, ebairmaa ~ tbe center'• .board~ dirteton. The Zz9loratory 1Aerala1 C..ter wa1 =T:;d te provide 111111 ........ for PU·Hllool tllrou1b -eo~ ltllllmta ID 1cle•ee, ladu1try, fae•ll•D•r ro. r £ ' A C CC O r d I n g I O ,.,.._ MASTER PL.AN OP' WATER SUPPLY ,. IH 1 8·-• d Publls!Wd 0r•'9 CoHt D•lly Piiot, D I $ T R I 8 U T I 0 N A N D .... orn. -MM an M•r. 4. II, 11. u. ,.., 'M0-12 WASTEWATER TREATMENT ANO Profe116one Code (lee. OISPOSAL FACILITIES. The,.._ 17100 lo 17130) all _.,. _ 1t1e Oreft Et• 11 to •••lu•te --reon1 -... buslne11 ~ ..... K e<1•lr-1 1-b of tM ~Ol«t ...-~.. · ------------: conslst11111 of tM kle"'lllcatlen .... under 8 fldNoul nal'!M f'ICTITtOUSIUSIN•U . evelvetlon Of senr•I aller!Wltl n lftUlt ,... • •t•tement NAM• STATEM•NT •YllMll -~lilt damftlk .... ~ the COunty Cieri! Tiie lollowln9 persons •rt dolnt lrrl1et1CH1 water lo the pr•POMd and have M pubtt .... d 11\nlltfftas: Wllltln9 Renell dtveltpment H VISIONARY MARKET~·NC> ~""-Or-..~ henl f•O U f t I lft e I I ft a CONCEPT$, M70 Cerritos Awnue, ef Supenlsors In Oefteral ''•" MWepep9f ~ tM Uftlt l,S~CatllomlatOMO. A--.C ..... Ahe IM..._ II a11 erea In wfllch the' l!ctw-Moor'e,H4SC....,..Clnle, eftalysl1 of allernelln .., .. ,,.el ef te .__....._.. '°"'· Hllftll,..,._ llffdl, C.lllomla coOe<tl"L .,._.,,. .,.. dl-"'t of .... ..... --.,.... ••stewater 9e11ented ., thh Tfle •t•tement II ~ulrff .., ·-•nd •• ~ . ..,,.., .......... ,our 1tu1lneH neme. 'Mott benllt require ............ open .................... Th DAILY 'ILOT ........... ,.....nd, ,.. .............. we .......... ""' ... " .. ,.. Md ........... . MllJ HfYtH to ••• Or•••• C.011ntr c ......... _,..., ,, ••• •f •• , •. " .......... ., f~lltt lh &.IGAL ~····· I al , HI lor 111ore ..... , ......... Donetd Mo.,.,., >ti 1.-vle• de1•I0111ll94lt....,. "*"'"' 11-.1•1 Wa'(, Coata Mfte. C.llt'Omla tJW. eftd vrtllnMt let 1M11•1t1 etterNtl"" T1111 !Malnets 11 conducted h a ere ....._.., .. -I et l~llltl" teMf'•I ~. llKKMry tor Motile - - -ldwll"CI..... Mnk •. Tht1 -~ ... flled wlttl "'9 TIM 2,70 at,._Wllttlno A-It 11 C-ty Clerll of Ofetlt9 Cevtlt'( 911 i.teted Ill IN ~9'M erw of March i,,... Or•11•• (HfttY l111t WHI •• 1119 • f'tldtl C:ln9ieMN..._.,f'_., , "'*'"'*'Or.._ CMst OellY "'°'• C .... 1 ti "9 Dnlt Ill• ....... _., Mertll 4, 1 t, ti, ts, 1'11 .,....,, 411ttr..,_. It _,.... 811ftCle• 8N ·--~---,.;;.------~ .,. ... Ille ............. "' lll*k ·~'*'" .. Dl*ltl Ofttw. ' ...S 911( ! lerdlNll A.._, lr'VIM, C'A., Mid •I -----------J tile followl,.. tlltrerltu City ti P'ICTI'nOUS •utnem t ......., "-" ~ lrtftell,,.. llAMCITATSJU•T ~ 0.-~."""" INCi!, CA; Tiie ltllewlftt "'"" II dtllll City ef lf'lltlw ~ ~. dlt ~"' ....._.Wll\l,IM!lo,CA1 ROYA&.. -..11T1oa .... ~,. ,.,.... ..,_ ........... ,.. .. ,, w. Ceett .. ._...,, N~ __. ............ Dr9ftlllt811d 9"ctl CA...... "'•"• ce~a ~.... Writ co.:inA M. WANO•L. .. t w. 1a1-11111 ...._ .... IN...-. C... ~. ""'"" 9eeal, CA ~ • er ..... Mlftll ... ""····-........ .. "* ................ .., .. Dlrwtln ..... ,... ....... ............ tl,19.'he ...... ,.....,, .. OllilfteM....... °""' llll _.... • ,_. t, "* ......... -......... ,._ c_., c"" ., ot-. c--, .. ...,., ....._ lllleKtl..... .,._ ~--0.111 ,-..or._c........, ...._ ..._~c.....,.., ...._ '--~-~-------... ~"ft. II.ts.... .. ... t • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ~~-... --,-.. <>lllr-litt ..... Oller......... CMef SW. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••• • ••• " ... ,., J600 ....... .._. ........._. . ..................... . Fw S. t I 00 Fw S. 1100 Olllehoma 10 1tn1 4$ ..... ,•e•••••••••••• .. • ....... "••••••• .. ••••• mia. to Fort Smith Gd retirement wooded OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1·5 Top of the line. 1976 Silver Crest, double wide, beautifully furnished. Just bring tooth brush. 190 W. I Ill St .. Newport lwll S.ulff P9' S,.C. 79. Hewport leodi I 06' 2 bdrm, I bath. new ... •••••••••••••••••••• carpel ' drap e s Beautiful adult park. 5 BR ~ Bal qwel nbrbd. lows ce rent 646·8612 submit al offers. Ask· Nl'W]IOrt Beach De Anza In 000.&3!·7215 bayfront Park Mint Harbor Ridge beautiful cond '78 dbl wide. Lucerne F.states home. r1replare, bnck pallo. fully upgraded. $575,000. S00.000 '63 double wide, IO'k down. Avail. now comer lot $39,000 Rill By Owner. 760-197!:_ Gl'\llldy_675·6J!L lill60 1 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Acre• avocados . Rancho Ca l. 12'~ int. $185.000 Xlnl lnvut. 1· 26 .SOO acr e raocb , $19,500,000, ( $736 per acre). Central Calif. coast 140 existing le1al parcels . Outstanding recreational opp(y Prin e. only Owner (8 .1562 llHlflW. &~•91 2IOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED. House on Lido Isle for 111oome proper· t • Pnn only. 642·0389 Trade Eqwty in your Irv or Nwpt Bch ·hse ror custom Cota De Ca za 1'1>111! valued al $330.000 GOLDEN PROPERTI ES 752· lSf!? __ _ S.Cllm• 107 1Ndt'1operty 1350 •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 bd~!.0:~~am1ly •.~~l,.;~:."fi~~ean room. 3 baths. 2400 sq ft. \•1ew condo $25.000 equ1 Large .l ot . c:o.ol . ty.Termsne~ 8516268 panarom1c ocean view. ,...,_I_ lal Priced at bank ap ....,...,.re praisal S217.000. $152.000 ~ 1600 UTILITY BONDS "A" rahd or better ror improved real estate Must be clear or near clear. $250.000 to $10 Million Yollr ac· countants approval assumable financing at , ... , •• , ............. .. 12~'i 498·3848. Prlnc1•--------1 solicited R efs furnished onl . ...... ·capistr.o 1071 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEWPO~T 'EACH H1gn · vis1bH1ty c J <kean view 120 ft fron tage Use existing bwld ing of 4000 sq h or bw Id 10.000 sq rt Owner ~Ill carry Sil5.000 631·7300. Realtor ~lier G rol!l! 545·8349 _ wr11 trade 2400 sq rt Turtlerock Vista 3 ~r COQdo ror desert tennis ~· 67H_058 __ ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• f"ANTA.5TIC START ER 2 Br 2 ba home in area with lake. pool and rec rarrl available Onl) $1(16,000. ------HolMt fwWsMd ••••••••••••••••••••••• L._,.. Vi1op R.E 497-1741 IKOlllt 'roperty 2000 11a1boo I.a.id 3106 ...........•......•.......•.................•. IOIO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Willin9 To Batter! Financin9 Assi5"tance AP'PLE VALLEY Tu Shelter Near new 4 plex 2 bdrm. 2 bath each unit wilh fireplace. enclosed patio. garage 9',', Isl Pos ras h flo w Now SIS9.500 Bill Grundy. RJ~r ... ~5·616} ITOWHfl 2·4 Plexes. 4200sq rt 612 &t 614 Calle Campana. San Clemente S24!1.500 earh. $23.160 1n c-ome each. S36.000 down in Nortt.la~ 4 lxlnn. 2 &a Mo to Mo. ll50MoLo June Isl · 1670, 548·~ A great rental ana for this 2 and 3 bedroom duplex in Santa Ana Heighls' Sitting on a large corner lot. the duplex features rerenlly remolletell i-n-teTiors Owner will ronsider ex change for r ondo or 1982 ~· • I Si T 0 . IM.lllli• 714. 498.5007 house. help with rmanr THE HEW mg. $189.900. For details INVESTMENT call979-2390 Prwate ownership ur _-1MIB.L safety deposit box Ap -prec1allon potential. tu Wtstmster I 091 1>ener1u. high ser unt) &i ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 total pnvaC'y MODEL QUALITY 3 Br. Info 714·S36 7~ n ear every thing Decorator's delight F antastic bu y a t 119900 ~kr848·0709 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• . 25' Airslream w room. across street from beach. S6000. See at Hun- tington by Sea Park. 1 2187l Newland, Space 1 110. H .B or call . !.:111·~,_ •EXCITING• Esh*Sole With or without rurn, :!4x64 Greenbrier Home MESA VERDE 4-Ple.x $227 500 10"4 assumable 'fD. all 2 Bdrms plus enclosed garages. pride or 0~11er.sh1p for more 1n ro call 546·5880 Hentage In vestments 111 Laguna Hills nicest s 1 UMTS $I io,ooo star park. Young adlls All !Br. IBa Units with welcome. rarports Xlnl t'Ond As w1eflflaf Pn sume existing finanrm B e a u t I r u I 2 4 x 6 0 I "owe. Kaeywest Hm · 2B r. 2Ba. This is the best buy in town. Q.ASSIC MOIUHOME 27lJ6 Ha~lte 206-A 540.5937 ' -. t ' !-~~: 1 f:i:;~ )l~~<t Starting 1New Bualness TR\DI T 10\Y f.?1..\1 l) 631-7370 fl/J ASSUMAIU!\. Owner wflf carry 211d. QUALITY well kepi Tri· Plex near S.C. Plaza. New carpet le pa int In 2 units. Bui It-ms. fenred y ard ' enrlos e d garages. Open THU RS. lhru SUN 817 Jennifer Lane,C.M COVINGTON 4·Plexes from $250.000:' Oran~e Co. Call for details. pr1n . A . 549· 1366 ···~ .......•..••...•.• f..tWWd ,.... .. un•or a kmd. gorgeous 2 bd~m. 2 ba townhome wdh den and s pa Pe;fect for the reloc11t 1n. renter Steps to Oc;ean. gotr. tennis. shoppmg J _960;.5807_ ~~~-~~ ... !L~! R 2•, BA + bluHs Con· 6to9 mo·s. $1600/mo aut1ful Agt i60·96=-"':;8,__ ~Br 3ba $1500/mo 13eaut Ba ch $625 l Br Lido Mobile . . SiOO Npt Crest 3Br . . $1600 <SUMMER RENTAL I Ckeanfront Aug ... $4500 ' Waterfront Homes · Realtors 63l·l400 EASTER WEEK <kean front 2 Br. a«L _752-5710 E)ijoy Summer al Winter rates 2 Br, 2 Ba, vie"· .M!_s etc. 642·S4~ Hows '+;f• llilltH ••••••••••••••••••••••• GeMr9 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gardrn Grovt 4Br 1•.ba. nu rpls. BBQ. rovd P?_lio. lg yrd. 8682 Twana ~~SJS:.1453 -- 1 Br house m Lakeview. Oregon Laundry rm. fncdyard. $275 mo. urn pd. Bob Meyer 586-3500 O(c or 661-7622 hm. er Ore. 503/947-2232 3%06 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bayfront. beach. 2 Br. 2 Ba. I gar sp. 123 £. Bayfronl. Balboa 1.AGU~A HACH Island $1200 winter . Ac cc or d I" 9 to Comm'f/mdus. 14 units. l«Xlannual. Herb. day1 C•l"ornla 8Vllneu end 9•i, times gross. Owner U 478-JSn. ProfHUoM Code (Sec. rm. Asking $550.000 By cin... J '7100 to 17130) a ll ...::O""""''Tle"'r~."'"645-""-'34...._77 ____ ........... ~! .... ~~ peraona doing !Mlttneu Loh fw S. 2 200 Soettaculer ocean le city under a fldlltcMlt MtM 61!ht· view from tvery "'u.t flle a ttat•-nt ••••11••••••••••••••••• ..... Old C a del Mar room large 2 Br. rrpt.c. .. th ' ...... ,.._ •• ..., ........ ti oron . ,.. ....,,,'", ..... •< llJ' lot So or •lwy man y ame niti.es. ."d ".-It -.a.a111ed '""" ' . ' $ C I tho ·• ..-pl1n1 incl Owner fin. 1200/mo. • 1 An tty Io 11 r t I "'• a I 11 • Ml)' roosider trade . Bkr days 642-57S7. eves Ir MftP8PI' Mf.tng the S.7513 631-6630. area' In wfllcll 1111 .=..::~;;;::... ____ -- IMllfneM le locMed. t 1 b •• Oeleft. I LEASE OR OPTION '°'" Tiie ''''""'"' 11 ..._. 2400 2ba ~-!!'ec hm. $1400 .. mo.vwJU/A#. 7!1-I006. rtqulNd br law and • •••••n• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • necHtary Ml PfCltletiftt PALM SPRINGS CON· 3 Br. 21/ii Ba1 Den. Faqi yo11r a.u11ne11 "''"· DO. $64.900. Auume rm • L n a t y rm • Mott a.011tit req11lro 9.5~ lst. f'\im. tennis. 1),325/mo. 640-t.a4 ,root ., ... ., .,.n spa, etc. 820·9544 or 4Bt. ma. pvt beaches', "°"'Mrclahccoun... 5tl-Jll.8. P.S. $1050 'mo. Avail now Tiie DAILY "LOT Ski Part West at Easter. Kida' Pets OK. ""*' bOCll 11111'11 Oftd New'l br tondo 2 min. {714)720-0272 ...-..-.., .... we from lift. 51"7'13 . ifQ! .. ,.._, •• I MM .. ._ MCelN'Y GttiAllot water-build• Sped roceH view. '°'"'' 9ftd _.... .. ,. a natnl '" on I actes. 3+ famllY. fonu t din· doll~ Hrwlco to tho Smtll cabli. 10 ml. ln11 poo)/apa, $2000 . 0,. 111 o C 111 "t Y PALM,SPIUNGS. l4000 .... • ........ lllD=.::iia..._. ---- eo.rtlMMlll . .....,..., dn. Take over low z er: Ju1t deft frpk a. r o • o o t o • r PYllU. SU.5'0 IUll price. petJ0.195, • • GOHHIMl offtce• ef c.u A11worAd .... . p ll e H 1 eto LI GAL f9i1!IO. M Ilg. ' ---.::n..:::z:.. __ _ DIPAllTIBT~. n..!n(We"tl • . .,.~be.a~~= ht. ua ,., ••11 o......., 2411 =·an l:aa:tt1a. .................................. _ rid Clb. UT la. I• '~....:a---­*· .,..,... ..... &.. ..... .,. .... .,,. . . ...,,. Aop tlu11flod for =· ~ ... h,.. .....,..., Orange Coat DAIL. Y PIL.OT/fhurlday, Maroh 4, 19&a .. l'ICTITIOUtau11••11 MAMlllTATeMINT ' Tiit fo11owl11e Hnt11 h dol111 IM;Jl_l .. I 0 & B PRI CIS IO N I NOINltrllllNO, 2~ Sherw-. COiia Me .. ,CAtlUI. BRIAN JOSEPH Kl;AOl..15, 1$4 Sfwr ..... , c-. MKI, CA '1'27, Tllll MMtsl II '6ftdu<ltd llY ell Ind Iv l4llel. • 8.J.1(..-. Tllll .......,_, wM Iliff wllll 11W co'"''' e1e,,. of ~enoe ,cou11ty °" Me•d•l.1"2. ,,, ..... f'utllltMll Or.,_ C..• Delly Piiot, tNrch 4, II, II. U, 1"2 '1~ l'ICTITIOUS BUllMHS MAMalTATIMI NT Tll• fOllOWlfte per10ft1 .,.. dolnt lkltlnftset: ARMIN'S, 21M Pi.entl• A-ue. CMle MeM, C.IHomle .,.,,, SMOKY DEBATE Florida state senators injected a little melodrama and humor into a debate at Tall a hassee on a proposed resolution to urge Congress to re-enart the Clean Air Act. At left. Sen. Edgar Dunn .JI' .• wears a gas mas k as he m a kes a point. At right. St>n . Warren Hrnde rson adds humor b~· smoking hts t·\·er-pr<'sent l'igar through a fil<'t' mask S.1100..11 Al·8eyoll, 121 OP•I, &elboe lllend, Cellfof'ftlo '1MJ, BtrN•• Al·Boyotl. 121 Opel, 8•111oo Ill-. Celll-• tMJ. This ~MU Is COlld<H:led by •n lndlvlduol. Sttldo\Jll Al·Btyell Tlllt ,....,,_t ••• llled wllll tf\t Cou11h Cler-of Or•"99 County Ofl Mtrclll. 1'92 l'tMnt Pullllslled Ounoe Coos• Otlly Pilot, Florida island bets on sun Morcll 4, 11, II, 25, 1"2 tu.f2. l'ICTITIOUS 8UllNHS NAME STATIMI NT Tourists get discounts if Ol' Sol fails to show each day T II• lollowlng P•"on 11 doing i...sines~ es: CRITTERS, 1'7l lrvln<t A....,,,., Suite C, Cosio ~. C•llfornlo t2'27 Sh•rOft EltYM S•ymour, 20511 MOflteutt Clrcle, Hunll1>11lon h.cl\, Collfonllo.,._.. MARCO ISLAND, Fla . (AP> -Bad weather could be good news ror summer tourists al this Gutr Coast resort island ~ wh ere the Cham b er o f Com merce guarantees "at least one hour of sunshine" per day. ··We have a lot of confidence i n the weat her on' M arco Island," be saia. Visitors shouldn't expect to make a killing . Last summer, the island, located less than 100 miles northwest of Miami. had only t hree days of qualifying cloudiness, said Pannings. Permane nt re s id e nts are ineligible. Pannings said the island's only hotel and an •mdeter mined numbe r or restauran\s and stores are participating in the promotion. Tiiis blNIMu Is conducled by el\ lndMclual. Sheron El•.,... Seymour Tlll1 ,......,_I w•s llltd with llW County Clert 01 O<er>ge County °" ~•<Ill, 1911 .. , .. ,.. Pullll-o..,. COH1 Oolly Pllol, T he promotion, intended to lure tourists in the hot, sticky summer months from Memorial Day to Labor Day, gives visitors half-price discounts on rooms , m ea ls and p urcha s es fro m participating merchants if the sun fails to appeal' for at least an hour a day, said Chamber of Com me r ce spokesman Lou Pannings. Summer is t he rainy season in south F lorid a and afte rnoon thundershowers are common. But there ·is normally enough s un i n t he m o r n in g a nd afternoon to make up for the showers. Tourists hoping to qualify for the discounts must register with t he Chamber of Commer ce Merchants got t he idea or a sunshine guarantee from the St. P e t e rsburg Eveni n g Independent, which since 1910 has offered free newspapers if the sun doesn 't s hine . The longest stretch of cons~cutive sunshine was 765 days which ended March 17, 1969. The last time the editors had to give out free papers was 64 days a~o. Mor. 4, 11, II. U , 1911 tJJ-12 -t l'ICTITIOUI 8USINISS NAMI STATIMIENT Th~ followl119 1>«'6111 ••• doing lklth,.UH : NEWPORT OOG•SHOWS, 1117' M<OUrmoft. SUlte C, lnlllle, CA '17t4. MOSBOUA CORPORATION, • C•llforl\I• corpor•t1011 . 1172' McO..rmott,SulleC, lrvlno,CA'2714. Tiiis butl11eu Is co11ductecl by • corpor•tlon. DEATHS ELSEWHERE BERKELEY CAP I Yue n -e n C h ao, 89, a Unive rsity or California ling uist who helped set the fou nda t1on of mo dern linguistics in China. died PARIS <AP1 Valda DllTH NlllCll HEUSSER J 0.liN HU ESSER . a resident of the Costa Mesa area for 15 years. Passed away on March l , 1982. lie is survived by his son Wesley of Costa M esa . C a ., 3 g ra n dchildr e n a nd 2 great-grandchildre n Services will be held on Thursday, March 4. l982 at lO:OOAM at Harbor Lawn Memor ial C hapel w it h Interment se r vices immediately follo wing Serv ices under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa 540·5554. "" GAETA LAWRENCE E. GAETA. resident of Corona del Mar. Ca. Passed away on March 2, 1982. Survived by his wife Mar y Kay. brother Louis and mother Anna M Gaeta. Private ~ervices are being held for the immed ia te family. HAUOll UW~MT. OLIYI Mortuary • Cemeterv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave .. Costa Mesa 540-5554 ....___ rlHCI .. OTHHS llil •OAOW A Y MOllTU .. Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALTZ&IH•Hotii 5MSTH .. TUTMU. WHTCUflJ CMANL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa ~&-93'11 ,_CllaOntml IMITMS' MOl1VAIY 627 Main St. HuntlnAfon S.ach 536-6539 PACMC·Y•W ...:>llA&.PAI• I (Anwtery Mortuary ChlpeloCrematory 3500 Pacific View Ori11e NMponltacn M4-270Q Voevod Ill, 63. president or the W or ld B y p sy Community and a tireless worker for the Gypsy cause in Europe. died at his hom e 10 Noisy-te-Sec -near Paris-. friends said. L ON D ON t AP i C o n s e r v a t i v e P a r t }· legislator Sir RonaJd Bell, 67, a member or the House of Commons since his rirst e lection in 1950. died 'Saturday SAN DIEGO <A-P ~ - Flor e nce L. Schlrra, 83. mother o( retired astronaut Walter "Wally" Scllitra Jr., died fo llowi n g a three·month illness. C H I C AGO c AP 1 Arcadiu s Ka han, 62. a professor or economics at the University of Chicago and expert on Soviet bloc agriculture and the Soviet economy, died Friday. A UC KLAND . New l'ICTtTI OUS I USINIESS P'ICTITIOUS IUSINIESS NAME STATIEMl!NT NAME STATIEMINT The followln9 per101\ Is doing The followln9 penOfls •r• doing llusll\H& n: butlness H GEOllGE BECK ENTEAPAISE. DETAILS UNLIMITED. 711 tlOO Adoms A-. ••• C6'1• -w. Pacific CoHt Highway, Hunll"9t0fl C•llfornlo f'2t» BHch, C•lllomlo '26A7 0-go P. IMO Ill, 1-Adoms Tom A Bennett 711 Pacllk CoeS1 Avenve. ••A. Cosio Mtte, Cellfornl• Hlgll wey, Hunll n9ton Be•ch, 92'2' c allfornlo ,,._., . n.i, -WU r. CondUCIN "" .... E•I< A ScllutU. l~ M' ... ,,. lncllvldual. L•11e. H"l\ti119ton Be.ell, Collf0tnl• George P Bee -,,._. Tiii• jl~ w.., lllN •1111 the Thh butlneu h conduct•d by • County Clerk of O••noo CoulltY on llmlltd portne..V.11). Morell 3, 1"2 Tom e.nnen '1M•1 Eric Schuett Pullllsr.c! <><•noe Coest Oally Piiot, Tiiis lttl..,_I wes flied with tM M•r. •.II. 11. U, "'' •H-t1 County Cler• ol Or•noe County on M1rchl, 1"7 Jl!Q$4IOU.llC0..8POBAJ'JON Wllllom Antypes, Jr. Pritsldellt This ,......,_ wft flled with the Coul\ty Cieri! of Oror>ge Cou11ty °" Morell J, 1"2. 1'1MM PubllsNcl ()r.,_ Coe• O•Hy Pllol, ~··~4~ 11.:..!.1. u. 1"2 ,..,.., l'ICTITIOUS BUSINIU NAMI STATEMENT Tl•• followlng peno11 I• doing lklsl-n : CONOOll ENGI NEERING. 1-Wu l K•l•llo, Oronge, S:ollfornle '1?61. T lleodor9 Donald Blell, c.bln • 41 Trobuco Troct. P.O. a.. )61, Trttlu<o Ceftyoll, Cellforlllo "611. Tiiis lluslnHs Is ~uclod by ..., lndl•lduol. T"90d0re o-ld 81all Thi• ~t w•s flled with Ille Counly cien of ~tflOe County on AoWrcll 2. 1'92, 1'1Mlft 1'114114 l'ICTITIOUS 8USINHS NAME ITATIEMIENT The lollowlng P•"on Is doln9 Publl•Md <><•nae COolS1 Dolly Piiot, Pullll"*' Or-Coelt Oelly Pilot. March 4, 11, II. 25. 1911 941-12. M•rcll 4, 11. II, JS, 1"2 .,._.,, lklslneu ... ------------l'ICTIT10UI BUSI NISS 0 A A N G E J U L I e STATEMINT OFWITHOllAWAL NAMISTATIMINT CHAR -BURGER , 7100 Harbor l'ROM The lollowl119 pe rsons are doing Boulevard, Co.I• Moa. C•lllornla .. ART NE II SH I I' 0 p E II AT ING .,.,.l...U ft! 91UJ. UNOEll THE MESA VEAOE 8UILOI NG, JO\e P. AHi, 402 North Hendy, l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS20 Nutme9 Plou , Cott• Mn •. Or•1199. Celllornla 91647 Tht 1onowlng penon lies wlltldrewn Colllornl• f'2t1'. Thi• butl~• I• COfldUCIOO by •n •• a Qtntrel partner from 1110 Charles H. Gor""m, llto, H•ltl lndlvlduol, partntrlhlp operatin g under the Jot0 AHi llclltlous bllslneu name ol M & M Circle, c. .. MHo, Collfoml• "'26· This Sle-1 ... hied wltn ,,.. MAINTE NANCE SERVICE .. , JOO M. H. Koll. 11•n Arroyo, Santo t Cle lo. I 0 C I Ane, Celltornl•f'2105. Coun y r o ••r>Qe oun Y on Bucknell Ad., C<>1t• Mew, C•llfornla This b<nlness Is conclucteol 11., • Morch J, 1911 nu• P'IMm Tiie flcllllous lluslnus namt generol per\NrtNp. Pullll-O<tnoe Coosl Delly Pllol. •tetement lor the pot1Mrllllp wn flleol Thi• ~'!;.~:::'with "'-~rcll 4, II, 11, U , 1"7 1001"1 on Aprll 12, 1'11 In tnt Counly ot COUlllY Cl-of Oror>ge COUllty -Or:~ Nome and AOOren ol lllt Febr\19,., ll, lta. Person Wltlldr••lllQ. ,.,am Zealand <AP> -Frank l'ICTITIOUSBUSINESS Gill, 64. ambassadOL to the-N-.STATIEMIENT Marl•n EllHbetll K ... nedy, JOO PUl>lls/Wd 0r-. C..lt Dally PllOt, Buci.11e11 Ad,, Cost• Mew, Colltomla ._F_n_. 2_s_. ~ __ 4_._1_1._11_._1• ___ 9'Ml2. __ United States and a former Th• 1011owln9 penon h doln9 Cabin et minis ter. died b•lfl~~ GAALANO MUSIC. 2» today' 2211d St"'91, C<lile Mewl CA..,.,, ,,.,, ·-. 111 Morion E K..-ctv ,,...,, PublltlleO Or•noe CooS1 Oolly Piiot. ,_---.. -U-k_l_C_NO_Tl_C_I __ _ Mar •. "· ... u . 1911 •n~ NOT1CI 01' COM"'-•Tt6" OAVID BENTON GAALANO, L 0 N D 0 N ( A P I Ho. o --Iller, Newoort Beech. • · D•A" INVl•O..MINTAL IM .. ACT •IPO•T WMtTINO •ANCH MASTI• PUN 01' WATIE• SUP!>\. Y DllT•18UTIO.. Viscount Gage, 86, the c~11~660~l ll conducted II• en longest-serving member of 1nc11v1c1uo1. l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS Britain's House o( Lords. 0.vld B. Gtrl•nd NAME STATEMENT died. Tiiis st•t-1 •• fll..:I wltn Ille The lollowlng per.ons ore doing ANO WASTIWAT•• T•IATM•NT AND DI~ ,.ACILITllS ANO NOTICa Ofl l"U8UC NIA•INO Nolle• It htrtby t lnn tlltt the 8oerd ot 0trwcw1 °' lrvlM ••11<" coun1y Clerlt of Oran99 County on t>vslneuos: M I k Feb. J2, l'IJ. 8 U C H A H A N . A I C C I & MOSCOW (A Pl -a I a l'IUU6 ASSOCIATES, 2020 Quell, Ntwp0rt s • b I r 0 v a • 3 9 • p r i m a Publl"'9d <><•nae Coe•• OIMIY Piiot, •••<II. C•lllornl• '2'60 ballerina, died last week. March 4• 11• 11' 75• '* "°"2 L•rry N. Akel, 24111 LoH•rmost. We•r OIWl<'t hu ~ lht followlllt Oron Env"-'tal lml)ll(t R-1 to be 111 Ot"dW olld lies directed ttlt S.Cmery Of lht Olstrkt to llf'Ovlde publlc llotlce thereof and 10 make COlllt• e11.i1e111e tor ll"bllc l1110«tloll •rid COiied 8 pwbifc fletrlnt llleNOn 01 •:OO P.M. or ts -lhtrHi..r H pr.cllcR!e, on Moret! 22, 1"2, In Ille Olstrlct Oflke, 1m2 ,.,....., A-.ue. lr11lne, Cellfomle. t-------------1 L•9u11• Nlf\iel, C•llfornl• t 26n FORT WORT,H, Texas B••bof•K.Buc11oMn.1100Es•11e (AP) -Cha rfe1 Knox St rtl Lone, NewpOrt Beocll, Callfoml•92'60 • ng H,(1 't,.is}llHS II Conducted lly •n Boatner, 68, former city • New uuli\'corpor*cl Hso<latton other ...... editor or the Fort Worth • P•t1ntrllllp. · T I d 'd 8 -• LorryN. Akel Star-e. egram an an at e u .. neaa . Berber• I( BucllOMn to Lyndon B. Johnson when Tiiis tlatetNnt WM 111..:1 with "'° he was vice president, died county c .. ,_ of Or•noe county Ofl DR AFT l!NV IRONM ENTAL IMPACT •EPO•T WHITI NG •ANCH / 1'1.._ MASTERPLANOl'WATEASUPPLY Tuesday. Merell>. 1911 Ac c cordl ng to Learning Center aided S ant a A na 's E xploratory Learning Center Foundation has bee n award-e d the lar1est challenge grant ever awariled in OranMe County _. $50,000 -by tbe California Community Foundation. ''\Vbat it meana ls that for eveey two dollars we raise at the center, ·the Caltfomla ComDnlnity Foundation wlll match It 'with one dollar." explained Morton Fink, cbalrman ol tbe center'• board ol clireeton. The Exploratory IAanl•• Cntu WH d:!J:d to provide le aperleDHI for pre-aebool tbrou1b eou.,. . .,. lbMNnfl ID 1clence, lndultry, ........ ..,ad...,.,, ' ' Callfornla BuelneH end ProfH*"8 Code (S.C. HtoO to 17910) ell pereona **" IM*MH under • ftc:dlloue 'ne,... muBt flle • etete,...nt wtth t"8 County C1ertl and have It pubttU.d four time• I n • ,...,.,_, .... ~ ...... •r•• In t11hloh th•' buetMM le located. '"• atetement le req..W9CI by lew end le ftjtff8a.y In ........ JOUr ~ualneee name. 'Moat llenlte t•Qialr• ,...t 11' -. to open ............. 8000""'9. lite DAILY PILOt ............... """ •nd pu ..... tloft Mt"9oH. We ... ,,. .......... ..,, .. ,.. and ........... . ••Ur Hfwl•o to tit• ,0 r a• I• Ce v ft tr Cus•1111,_, ... ~, ••• et ••r .................. ., ·~··• .... L•8AL DIPAllW•• ~··· Ill. Ill tu •~• .....,. ........... PublllMd <><•nae CooS1 O•lly Piiot, 0 I s T II I • u T I 0 H A N D Mar.•. 11, II, 2S, 1"7 940.tJ WASTEWATER T•EATMENT ANO ------------OISPOSAL P'ACILITllS. Tiie ..,,_ tlle Dr-'I Ellt Is to ,.,,,.,_. IN eftYl,_1 I-It Of tM prot«I -------------:. COllllstlnt Of tlle ldentlflcttt... -l'ICTITIOUS 8USINISS t veluetleft of Mverel •ll•rll911Vt NAMI STAT I MINT SfAefnt for ...... ., ............. k -Tht f01lowln9 perso11s ••• dolnt lrrl1•t1-wettr to 111• propotod butltMnH: Whltln1 lllonch de11t le11mt nt •• VISIONARY MAltlt ETIN O ~11'("'9 Oroftle C-.ty ....... COflCEPTS, 1470 Cerritos AWll.,., Of SupervhtrS In Gt11trel Ploll l111ll 8, SIM*tl. Collfomlt '°"°• f AlntlldfMM IM . A'-lflc:iv.ct II an Edw_,, Moore, 15'5 Colla• Clrcle. •11e1u11 Of 11ter11at1Ye meo11t et ••· Huntl"910ft lltoell, caHIOr11I• coltectlllO. lrNtlflt olld Cltllrpoalftt Of ~ ••tltweter 1•11•••1•4' lty tlllt Oo11a1d Mo.,.rs, >61 a.-v .. ., .. "'-"'"'-llotll lfltwlm (1'1>1•1 WI~, CMta Mno, Collfor'lllo ta27. eftd uttlmN lot 11111*'111 on.MotlYM Tl!lt bvtlness Is cOllClucttcl by • ore ..._, ft w.tl •• fe<llltlet ....,.,.1 p.w1Mnltlp. -~for _ ......... --l!dworct Moore lel'Vlc .. Tlllt *"""'11 w ts Iliff Witt! IN Tltt 2,)q .tCN•'#ltllfftt lt-11 11 COllllty Cttrlt of Or ..... Coullty .., IO<OIM lft "'9 ~etM OrM Of Mortht, 1"2. Or•111• Cffftty Jutt wot of \ltt .. ..... , c .......... ,. ..... ,_t. . ~ OrtlftCle C .. 11 Oelly Pltot, Copln ti .. 0r9't .. , .. how ltMfl Mer<ll •• "· ... 25, 1"2 -.. ...... ---.. """""' """"' eM ___ ..;... ___ ......;; ___ ..._ ___ ~ ....... fllt ............ for _...le ,..,_,..,. fl .,.. Dt*kt Offko, 1 : atl'\ltofl A-, lr•lllo, CA., Oflll et -----------...i1t11t followl11t llltnrlu: City •I "-'°" 8Mcll Merlfttrl I rM<ll, ,_ Oovtt' Ortw, ...._, IMocll, CAI Cltf et lrvtM ~ty ~. od11 .......,.._,,l,,....,CA: ·~ ................... _ .......... ,..... .... °'"' •11t .... Melle teMIMftt• ttltr-. Wrlt .. 11 _ ............. ~ ~--...... Merell ... ........ : .......... .. ~ ........ ........ 11n,,..,n.•••-.. DN1tai111~ ... ~·· NI. ... ,,_.., p i:r: ... ~--Dlllrln ar-..c...Delty ~ .... .... , • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ,. . . _.,.. .. ___ _ OliwW•..,. di.._.... o.tet s... •••••••••••• ••• • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••• •• • • • • • •• ".,., 2600 ~~· ....... .._. .. .................... . fWS-1100 fwWt llOO Okla.boma 10 1tre1 45 •••••••••• .. , ... ,, ••••• ...... ,~•••••••••••••• min. to Fort Smith. Gd. retirement wooded OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1·5 Top of the line. 1976 Silver Crest. double wide. beautifully furnished . Just bring tooth brush. 190 W. 1 llt St .. Mewporf IHcll Sexlff , ... s,.c. 7'. Hewport•och 106' 2 bdrm. I bath. new ••••••••••••••••••••••• ra rpft Ir d r apes Beautiful adull park. 5 BR ~ Ba, quiet nbrhd, .!Qw~re rent S.6-8612 ~ubcnit all offers. Ask· Newport Beat'h Dt' Ann 1ng,$259,000.63l·7215 bayfronl Park Mint Harbor Rldge beautirul rond. '78 dbl wide. Lucerne Es..., home . (1replace, brick patio, -fully upgr~7~.000. S00.000 '63 double wide. 1cn: down. Avail. now. comer lot $39,000 Bill By Owner. 760-1~!7 Grund..vJl7>6161 S. CllM• I 07 ltoch fl'roperly I~ 50 •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• IY OWMEI MAUI . l(..._.11 4 bdrm, den. Family 1, ownership. rinl! o<·ean room. 3 baths. 2400 sq rt view condo. $25,000 e11ui Large .10 1. ro.ol . i..r.Termsneg 8S1 ·6268 P'•marom1r ocean view. ,.._ 1_. Priced at bank ap · ~re a. praisal $217.000. $152,000 Property 1600 assumable nnan('ing at ••••••••••••••••••••••• 121zr. 498·3848. Prine --------• j . epo ............ ..... J700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Acr es avocados . Rancho Cal. 12'R Int. SISS,000 X Int in vut. ~7·3288 il,500 acre ranch . 119.500.000, 11736 per acre>. Central Calif. OOAJt. 140 existing te,1at parcels. Outstanding recrullonal oppty. Prine only Owner· (281)66.S-~='-· --- IHI IElt.e. bdl•g• 2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED, House on Lido Isle for income proper· ty Pnn only 642·0369 Tra~ Eqwty in your Irv or Nwpt Bch ·hse for custom Cota De Caza l'Orre valu~ at $330,000 GOLDEN PROPERTIES 752.1589 UTILITY BONDS "A" rated or INtter for Improved real estate Must be clear or near clear. $250.000 lo $10 Million YOU'f iC· countants a pproval so li<·it ed Rers furnished onJ . MEWPOIT 'EACH ?fllerGrou£545·8349 s..-High \·1sib1hly C·3 will t rade 2400 sq rt Capisha.o I 071 <Xnn Ytev. t20 rt fron Turtlcroek Vista 3 br ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• tage Use ex1st1ng bwld ~ for desert tennis FANT~TICSTARTER ingof400(lbq fl or build ~.b15 ljl58_ 2 Br 2 ba home 1n area 10.000 sq rt Ov. ner v. ill •~ ·th I k I d carry $715.000 631 7300. -wi a e. poo an rt>c o--ltor ••••••••••••••••••••••• faeil 8\'a1fable Only •• _.,.. _______ IHDMMt rw.illwd $106.000 ....................... L..,._ Ylloge l .E Mca. Property 2000 116oo lslmtd l I 06 497-1761 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s-ta AM I 010 APPLE Y ALLEY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · 1 Tax Sheftu W'll' T Near new 4 plex 2 I lftCJ 0 bdrm. 2 bath each unn Barte I with fireplare enclosed r o patio, garage 91·' I 1st Financl'ng Pos cash rtow Nov. SIS9.500 8111 Grum.I\', AHistance rutr, 67s.e161 A great r~ntal area for IY OWMEtt this 2 and 3 bedroom 2·4 Plexes. 4200 sq ft 612 duplex. in Santa Ana " 6t4 Calle Campana . Heights ~ S11t1ng on a San Clemente . $249.500 large corner lot , Lht• eat'h, $23. t60 1nc·ome duplex features ret·ently each S36.000 down in remodeled in teriors 1982 9'i Ii.I. TD Owner will consider ex n4 498-~ change ror condo or · -- house: help with rinanc· THE MEW mg. $189.900 For deta1b IMYESTM94T callm2390 Private owner ship or TAllB.L safety depos11 box Ap prer1auon potl'nllal. la:it W~ I OH benefits. high serunty & wof:rQu~·Li.f~78;~1 tota:~~\·~rl 5361546 near everything Del'oralor's delight Fantastic b u} al 119 . Bkr !M8·0709 EIGHT 4PLEXES OMEOIAU 91r; dep~c1at1on 4 ~~~!Mo ~Mo to June 1st 1642-1670 S48·8647 Loftly 3 ~B ;-home W· h dryr Blttn k1tch. 597 incl uul to J une 20t Alger Properties 67S _ l1Z4 ~nlislMd retttol on~of a kind. gorgeous 2 bd~m. 2 ba townhome with den and spa Pt1fect ror the relocat mg renter Steps to Ocean, golf. tennis. ~hopping 960-S8QL Mtl!fporl •ocli 3169 ... , •..........•....••. 24',dn UOOIAYFIOMT Olller INI &.. 12 gr, owner f1nanc1ng 2 J>edroom and den 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Management A\ ailablc b h l .............n.u_1 Own4!r Broker9S534s.l t . pri\·ate pa 10 -.--A ·ailable through ForS. 1100 PALM SPR INGS S&*.900 6 82 Sl.700 month ••••••••••••••••••••••• F\lm Condo 9 S' • Isl er. 631 -7300 • 25' Airstream w room. Now rentE'd at S900 per -i--------- 1 across slreel from rm 320-95-*4 or 568 3113 + beach. $6000. See al Hun· PS 3 BR 2'' BA t bluffs Cod tin'gton by Sea Park. ·--------•I t .6to9mo·s.S16001mo auuful I 21871 Newland. Space ua.t .. Y-Dt• .. _1 .. Ajt.160-96~7~8 __ I t I 0. H . B 0 r ta II ..,.;~A '"" ......... " -1:1_:17 ·9466._ $2 27 500 --HYi assumable TD, all 2 •EXCITING• & .. Sole W1lh or without furn. 24x64 Greenbrier Home m Laguna Hills nicest 5 star park. Youn g adlts wt>lrome. Gn1•af P.t Beautiful 24x60 Kaeywest Hm · 2Br. 2Ba. This is lhe best buy lnW-.'TI Q.ASSIC MOWHOMf 2706 Ha~~lle206·A 540.5937 Starting 1New Business Acccordl ng t o Cellfornla Blltlnes1 end Profeallont Codi (Sec. 17100 to 17130) all per90n1 doing bu9lne11 under a ffdltlous name 1111111 file a •t•t•tMnt wltll tile County Cterlt end ha.. n pulllltlled teur ""'••In B ,....,..,., ..... tile area In wlllcll tlle IMttiMM It loceted. Tiie atateMe11t la r9e1111fecl bJ lew and It 118CHMfY In Pl 0•1ctlfll YOIH !MlaJnHI ne•e. ..... """' r•ctult• ptoef ...... to ... CHllMfdel ecccMlftt9, Tiie DAILY '1LOT ,,..... ......... net ,.~--...we he" ..... ll8CttNry f1r111B .............. a dally Hrvlce to tll• Or•nt• County CowtfMMe ......... lly Oftl ef Ollr conuletit offtcet or ,.._ ... tlle LIOAL Dl"lmmn' ....,, '''· au ••r ... ,. .._ r ..,..,_, Bdrms plus enclosed ga rages. pride or ownership for more in ro l'all 546·5880 lfentage Investments 1 UHfTS $110,000 All IBr. !Ba Units with rarports Xlnt l'Ond As suJTll' existing (1nancin "owe. 91/z ASSUMAIU! Owner wnr carry 2nd QUALITY well kept Tri- Plex near S.C Plaza. New carpet & paint in 2 units. Built·ms. renced ya rd Ir e n closed garages. Open TllURS. thru SUN 817 Jennlrer Lane,C.M. COV INGTON 4· Plexes Crom S2.SO.OOO, Orange Co. Call for details. prin onl . A . 549· 1366 LA~UMA IEACH Comm'rtmd-us. 14 units 912 times gross. Owner fut Asking $550.000 By o er. 645-3477 ~Br 3ba StSOO.l mo 13eaut Bach. . . . S62S g Br l.Jdo Mobile . . . $700 fNpt Crest 3Br . . Sl600 cSC MMER RENTALI I O:eanfront Aug. S4SOO Waterfront Homes Realtors 631-1400 EASTER WEEK <Xean rronl 2 Br. agt _7S2.:57!Q_ __ -- DIJO> Summer al Winter rates 2 Br. 2 Ba. view l!!!!_~ ... etc 642-5465 Ho.el~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Garden Gro\•e 4Br P.ba. nu cpts , BBQ. covd P!~O. lg yrd, 8682 Twana ~._ph 536:1453.~-- 1 Br house m Lakeview. Oregon Laundry rm. fncd yard. S27S mo. Util pd. Bob Meyer 586·3500 olc ol' 661-7622 hm. •r Ort. S00/947-2232 116oolsa.d lJ06 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bayfront, beach. 2 er: 2 Ba . l gar sp. 123 t . Ba yfron t . Ba Ibo.a Island. $1200 winter . 11400 annual. Herb. days 2Ut478-J.Sn ___ _ cilro. .. Mw 3212 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loft for S. 2 ZOO Scitttacular ocean Ir city ••••••• .... • .. ••••••••• 6g)lts VifW rrom every Old Corona del Mar. room. Large2 Br. frplc. 45xll.8' lot. So or Hwy. ma n y amfnit•es. plans 1ncl. Owner fin Sl200/mo. Call Anthony May consider traJe. Bkr days 642·5757. eves " 548-7511 . wlmds631-6630. Ua t• Dnerl, ~~~ ~~~~~~~l~ lewt 2400 mo. 0wnr/All. 75e.a006. ••••••••••••••••••••••• PALM SPRINGS CON· 3 Br, 21~ Ba1 Den. Fam DO. $64 ,900. Auume rm • L n a r y r m . 9.5c:t tst. Furn. tennis, ll.32S/mo. 640-1414 • spa, etc. 320·9544 or 48r, 28a, pvt bea~ •s1u. P.S. s1oso mo. Avail no•·. Slt1 Park West at Easter. Kids " Peca OK. ~ 1 br «1ndo 2 mlo. (714) 7»0272 , Id\. S48·!1'73 Ott lft hot wel@l'-build I ~OC't~ view • ~ural •PB on 6 acm. 3t fam.llY, formal din-Small ubt11. 10 ml. In , . pool/apa, 12000. PALM ,SPRINGS. $tOOO tm ai . dn. Ta kt o" e r low .. -' ""'er'-=. =1 -=-..,_d __ _ pyrDU. SlUOO full price. • · ~· en. frplc: Call An•'¥erAd tUI, ..UO. .._ ta-JOn. ! Orano• Cout DAIL y ~LOTfrhut'lday, March'· 1912 : NRC orders - new Diablo safety Study W AIHINOTON (AP) -Tbe Nlltlear Resulatory Commlllton ordered a new, lndepeHent atudy today ol problem• at tbe Dlablo Canyon nuclear power • plant after a top N RC official aald "lar1e numbers of erron" are be1nc found at the CalllonUa , plant. "Hundreds of modlficaUona" may be needed before th• plant • can be operated, the commllalon was told by Harold Denton, NRC director of reactor regulation. "A larse ou.m.ber ot dllilD errors a.re betnC found" by the review the NRC ordered laat year, after t.be NRC auapended a test lleente lt had llaued for the plant on the. Pacific Coast, 200 mllea northwest of Los Anaelea, be said. From Page A1 SALES. . • • beHld. At a meettnc Monday, the artlata drafted two form letten to the f..tival board ol cllrectan, 1tatlnc their dJaapptoval of the rate lncreue move. "Unle11 t~e 1>oard reveries thll declliOll, we may blow tb1a tbln& lk)'·hilh.''. aald one painter who asked not to be nemed. "When this festival waa three or four weeks tone. it waa euy to be ln your boolh. Now It &on the whole summer." Grlem said that the move, in the long run, will benefit the artists. ~ · Br'!-":if / S urvival After the NRC ordered the study, it charged the plant's owner, Pacific Gu • Electric, with makinf "falte statements" to the NRC abo ut the independence of the study. PG&E saw ~dvance copies or the report by R .L . Cloud Associates of Berkeley. and did not tell the NRC it had reviewed· the drafts, the commission round last month. Despite doubts about Cloud's independence,• PG&E still wants Cloud to continue the study, a position rejected by the NRC today. "We're not making a profit," he said. "This is the first time i(l 25 years we've asked for a commi11ion. Anytbin& ln excess of the costs that we take in will be invested in the purchase of ex hibltors ' art f o r our permanent collection. It wUI all go back lo the 3'rtlat, and we believe that the move will brll_\J our artists back to the festival." 2 sh~riff's thputies on · in doubt By The Associated Press The president of financially troubled Braniff lnlernationa) says dropping ticket sales and a cash now prot>lem are p)aclng the Dallas-based airline's future in jeopardy, while Continental denies it cannot pay its biHs. In a copyrighted interview with the Dallas Morning News, Howard Putnam said Wednesday he does not know if Braniff will be operating next month. "I can't just name a dale and say I know we have enough cash to operate until then. It's not that easy," Putnam said. Braniff reported a loss of $160.l million in 1981. Continental Airlines, which lost $60 million last year, on Wednesday denied reports it filed for bankruptcy protection Crom creditors. It has about $200 million in debt that could come due at any t:poment. Continentill's directors..-met al company headquarters in Los Angeles on Tuesday. but no detailed statement or any cours~ of action followed the meeting. World Airways, in Oakland, loser or $8 million last year, is seeking paycuts or up lo 20 percent Crom union empl9yees, in contract talks beginnin1 this r mon-Yh. Tile charter afrline has been fiying scheduled, discount service from· coast to coast since 1980. Instead, the NRC voted 4·1 for a new study after Denton told the commission that Cloud Associates had neither the independence nor the size to properly make the review. The NRC ordered its staff to talk to all sides in the dispute during the next week to see if they can agree on a company to oversee the review of the plant's safety from earthquakes. If there is no agreement, then PG&E can pick a firm and the N RC staff can approve the utility's choice as long as the new firm is a large organization, such as Teledyne Engineering Services, a division of Teledyne Industries, Inc. No agreement ls likely since Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. of California bas called for a "completely independent" study of the plant. Brown's attorney. Herbert Brown, told the NRC today that he was unhappy with leaving the choice of the new firm up to the NRC staff. "The commission is making a mistake," he said after the meeting. He proposed that all sides in the dispute each select a half dozen companies for consideration and then select one. Denton said that only a large firm such as Teledyne, which has about 200 employees, has the resources to make as thorough a study or the plant as is needed. MOUNTAIN RESCUE Marine Gunnery Sgt Deity ..... ,...."" •le ..... I(_ accident scene to the mountain peak. was found by forest rangers. He was taken by El Toro rescue helicopter lo the Mission \'il'JO hospital and later t ransferred to th<.' Camp Pendleton hospital where ht> is re portl'd an s table condition. William Vargas Jr .. 30 . is rus he d to e m e rgency room at Mi ssion Comm un it ~· Hospita l Wednesday after his van rolled ov.er a cliff in the rugged Santiago Peak area. Vargas. who cr"wled from the TU£Sday ni ght From Page A1 WATT. • • city manager, added that an oil spill off Newport could pose a tre mendous cleanup tas k because or the city's harbor and numerous inlets and bays. Sen. Williams vows to fight expulsion He said oil is not the only worry. Drilling muds and other debris often is discharged frou offshore drilling operations, he added. "ll's...so.mething like having a small industrial plant-out in the ocean." he s uggested. As it now stands, city leaders have until the middle of March to register complaints and concerns with Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .. who has until the end of the month to pass the concerns along to the federal government. The tracts would go up for bid in June with the federal government having the final say on what tracts will or will not be offered. WASHINGTON (AP> -Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr., D-N.J ., took the Senate floor today to proclaim his innocence or any crimes or. impropriety and vowed to fight "this preposterous recommendation I be ewlled.'' "I could have made it euier for you by resigning," the 23·year Senate veteran told colleagues, but that "would have been a betrayal or the trust placed in me by the citizens or New Jersey in four elections." Williams vehemently declared his innoce nce despite his' conviction on conspiracy and bribery charges stemming from the FBl's Abscam undercover investigation. Williams' expulsion. •'What the Senate of the United States does, l will accept, J will respect," Williams said shortly before he took the Senate.' floor to argue his innocence. Sen. Alan C rans ton , the Senate's No. 2 De mocrat, is leading an effort to cens ure r ather than expel Williams because of alleged "abuse of power" by the FBI. The opening arguments against Williams were delivered in the sonorous Southern voice or Sen. Howell Heflin, a bear-like 1rormer chief j ustice of the Alabama Supreme Court. who said his fellow Democrat agreed to take a bribe "feathering his nest al the ex pense of the public." • suspension Two sheriff's deputies have been suspended alter an alleged jailhouse brawl that left an inmate hos pitalized with a ruptured s pleen , s h eriff's spokesmen said. · The inmate, William Edward Hin c h , 34 , of Norwalk , underwent surgery al UC Irvine Me dical Center and was reported in good condition. Besides the ruptured spleen, llinch suffered multiple bruises and scrapes Tuesday, Orange County sheriff's Lt. John Jewitt s aid. Neither d e puty was injured. The two deputies, whose names were withheld, will continue lo be pai6 ~~e. u in vestlgation is conducted by department personnel and the disfrict attorney's office, HeWiU s aid Wednesday in announcinc the suspension. "Because the deputies ·have not yet been arrested or charged with any crime, we are not yet releasing their names," said Lt. Andy Romero. Hewitt said a fight broke out when the deputies were leading Hinch from the jail'• housing secti on to an are a where i nmates are relea sed or exchanged. There wa s no immediate d isclosure or what may have triggered the scuffle. In Miami. Air Florida said it will announce a route I. restructuring Friday When it announces its 1981 operating results. While it earned $11 million in the first nine months, Air Florida is expected to report a fourth.quarter loss. It has been competing with older, established airlines in the o nce -lu c rative New York-lo-Florida market for the last ·two years, in addition to instate runs in Florida. ·.Pac-Man takes bite out of archrival "I am completely innocent of all crimes and impropriety," he said. "I am fully confident I will be exonerated.'· Williams said he was the victim or an overzealous FBI investigation in which "this Abscam net was so crudely wrapped around me." ·Before the second day of Senate debate began, Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker. R·Tenn .. said he would oppose any effort lo censure rather than expel Williams. Censuring Williams rather than expelling him would be tantamount to putting "the Senate stamp of approval on conduct which we all know deep inside, to be wrong," Heflin said. "We would be telling the American public. 'Yes. the Senate is a club. No, we will not expel one of the members or the club for blatant· conflicts of interest . for bribe r y, for accepting an iUegal gratuity, for failing to report an attempted bribe.··· Hinch had been brought lo the jail from Los Angeles County Jail on Feb. 23 to answer local misdemeanor charges or being under lhe influence or a controll ed s ubstance, H~witt s aid . He said Hinc h faces prosecution on similar charges in Los Angeles. CHICAGO <AP> -Pac-Man, the video chase game where it's gobble or be gobbled. bas taken a big bite out of its archrival. K.C. Munchkin. ............ WARY Ol.ANCE -An armed Polish soldier is watched by an elderly woman as he stands guard at a Warsaw street intersection. Major intersections in the Polish capital and· other cities have been guarded by armed soldiers since martial law was declared in December. OMHQE~ Illy Plat 'Thonwa P. Hiley ~-a. •-"""9 Olfloer Robert N. WMd ,,...,. ThorNt A. Murphlne ... L~Schultz .,...,._. --·--MlahMf P. Harwy ...... ..._ __..., N. Goddard Jr. a.... ....... a.tee H. Looe ........ . . ...... °"9ca .... .., .... C.. ..... CA. ............... c.--.CA.- ~.:..c:z~====::~ ................ f .... _...., -~-· ~--~rt= :: .-::=.~.=i::--ll.,,,...._'00 A panel of U.S . Court of App-:als j udges ruled that Pac -Man· s "gobblers" and "ghost monsters" are protected b y copyright against "s ubstantially s imilar" characters in the K.C. Munchkin home video game. Atari Inc., which makes the popular Pac-Man. had sued North American Philips Consumer Electronics Corp., developer of K.C. Munchkin. The appeals court ruling blocked the sale of Munchkin games and sent the case back to U.S. District Court for a full trial on tbe copyright issue. The--decistoll was seen as a victory for Atari, which bas s pent $1.5 million in advertising and has orders of S24 million for the home version of Pac-Man. In Pac-Man, "gobblers" emit gobbling sounds as they are pursued by "ghost monsters." The Munchkin characters are "ghosts'' and "gobblers ." In an earlier ruling, U.S . District Judge George N. Leighton said the two games were not similar when examined in detail, and refused to enjoin the sale of Muncbkin games. The judge agreed with North American's argument that the Munchkln maze s hifted constantly while Pac-Man's stayed the same. Ecorwmy woe 'part of cur~' WASIDNGTON (AP> -High interest ralea and unemployment, an unexpectedly severe rece11ion, business failures and record bud1et deftelta .. are all part of the cure" for endins inflation, budaet director Davtd A. Stockman aaid today. Stockman said the naUon has no choice but to 1Uck with Preaktent Reacan'• polities lf 1t is to •'end the cune u iallation once and for all, even lf it meana 1hort·nm eeono~lc and ftacal • dlffteultiet ... Current economic cllmeulUet, however, are provl111 mucb worae than tb• lta1an admim.tratton bad n~ld. l&oolnMn, ....... of .. Oflke of ~-t and Budlet, IC la I tpMell ..... tbe Ill Commeree GI 1 tbeUDbd .... A "I do not support it,'' Baker told reporters . "l will vole against it." Although there appeared little sentiment among senators for a censure, Williams said today he would accept the lesser penalty or any ot her decision o r colleagues. The Senate Ethics Committee has recommended City votes by mail BERKELEY (AP> -This city's first ballot by mail has produced a 35.1 percent turnout, with another 23 percent or the ba Hots returned by the U.S. Postal Service as undt!liverable. For nearly three hours. Heflin, vice chairman of the Ethics Committee, which unanimously recommended Williams' expulsion, spelled out in detail the case against the 23-year Senate veteran. Williams, 62, has been convicted and sentenced lo three yeafs in prison on charges that he accepted part ownership in a mining venture in exchange for a willingness to use his position to benefit the enterprise. Si.x House me mbers were similarly convicted as a result of the Abscam investigation, A MUST FOR COLLECTORS: "The sheriff will do whatever is necessary. including going to the Orange County grand jury if needed," Hewitt said. He said the name of the deputies wouJd be released upon completion or the investigation. Girl robbed at knif epoint JACKSONVILLE, Fla. <AP> -A Girl Scout was robbed or $40 by a knife-wielding bandit while she was delivering cookies in her neighborhood, police said .. "I didn't know what was going on," the girl, Tonya Rosina Lockhard, 11, told police. "I was scared and thought he was going to hurt me." -. . TIIE FIRST DEFINITIVE BOOK ON WATERFORD. ~terford, An Irish Art t1j Dublin native Ida Grehan Is the flrst ~or book on this world-renowneci crystal. More than 250 ~ In beautiful color t211 the complete history of the ClYSt:ll and how It ts created t1j hand. $50. SLAVICK'§. ""'Jlwllllrl!lra 1117 Whm rite bar sanprists bqin. ,llllNDn....,..m•, .... , •. ~._.. ,.. Grllls ... Angllal. Slit Dill'. Lm-- , L Orange Oau t DAILY PILOT/T hurlday, March 4. 181~ Offshore oil fight needs joint effort Laguna Bcudl is mo' 1n~ uhcud in its fight to qu<1sh un oil lease suit> off t hl1 ('it_v's t•oust lull' in Muy But Newport licut·h. in tlw words of Ma,·01· J ;,a·k1e He11tlwr "h~sn'l ~ot its tl<'t toi;(l!ltwr·· 111 a concerted effort to blm·k 01 I n g!'> off 1 ts coast. Laguna h us gorH· to w..ir against efforts to s ell HI ll'a(·h visible off the c:it , .. s hc atht•s. and has public!~· urg.t'd Laf!unan!'> to write Go" Brown's office as ,,.,,.11 a s SecretC1r\' of the l nll'f'ttll' J am es Watt .' the stale Coast:1I Commission and olhl'I' agl!nt'il':-. Newport Hl'<tc.:h 1s s t ill haggling O\'l'I' ho\\ 1t wants 'to approach the probll•m . wh\•lhl'I' to object onl~ to trat·ts that would be sold·closl'l' tu thl· s hon·lant·. ur enml' out strong !~ agains t s ail-c1I ~n~· tracts off lht• l'nast ·.J · ...'\ n d ·~~In l l• La g una h .i :-. outlined its ~anv objeet1ons 111 a pos ition paper to· hl' i'orwardC'd to the ~O\'erf}nr . ~<.·wport Rl'iH'h c ouncil nwml>crs won't meC'l :q~u in until Monda~· to rurlht.•r diSC'USS Ut'llOn thut <.:it~· mii.:ht t tlk(• ll sl<mcls to r eason a JOanl t•frort b~· both munic1pul1t 1(.•s wou lcl hu \'t' th(• most eff l'l'I an t•laminating tonsaderation of nil platforms offs hore Time 1s running out The C'itie!Nave onl~· until m 1 <1 • m o n r'h t o s (.' n c1 do<·umL•ntution to Go\' Ifl'O\\'fl . and the go\ l'rnor hus onl~· until the end of Mart·h to forwar<I l hosl' conrt•rns. and the stall' ·s l'l'l'ommendc<I action. to Watt ~l·wport t•ountil mcmlwr:-. ... huu Id jo in flll'l'l'S with Lagun;i p () :-. I h a s I (' a n cl s II h m I I l'Cllll'l'l'llS 111' hoth tities to tlw .., I i.1 \ t • \Vh~1t 1:-. at o.;takl' 1s tlw 'l!->lWI hl1 ghl on thl' horizon. tht• thn.':11 of 1111 -;pill:-. On f'ragill.'t1<le pools Ill hot h town!'>. a nd t hl' tourist a~I n •e n •at inn ~·l·onom~· of thl' ht.•ad1 t·11 it·s Long battle ends Perhaps thl' s t:Jtl' Coa!'>tal Com mission dm•s not s h<trt· .tll the blame hut l.ant t·rn B ,I\ de\'eloper Chuck S n'l\ th rlm· ... n·1 mind handing that panel mud1 111 the ··crerlit .. for cl eht\'1t1 g h1:-. Oana Point de n 'lopment Carpentc•1"s l ''llHHI Lot'al w..ix met in Dana Point la:-;t \\t'l'k to s\'mbolicalh· torc·h a ra ft 111 Coastal Comm1ssi1)11 i·egul a tw1l"I during ceremon1t'!'> el'lt•hral lllJ! the be~inning of Sm~·th ':-. swo million pro'jett on the blull !-> o\·erlooking Dana Pnant :Vlc.l iti na Sm~·th puts m11c·h or tht• h I a mt.' for t h l' d l' t' ~11 It•!'> Io ll I.! clela~s on his p1·01t.•c·t 1n thl' lap of the Coastal C ommis sion \\ h i C h . l 0 IW r a I r \\' U S ll ll 1 est u blis hecl unt t 1 197~ There we n • ot ht'l' reason!'> lor 22 ~·ears of hurclll':-; and rll•la'"'· including fin.intial problt.im-. ex perient ed b\' the <k,·elopc•r .... a ..,, ate• purk propo!->al to llM' :1 port ion or thl' land fcir :a t•a mpg round. and a \'Ut'll'l' ol la \\!->lllts ll\l't' d l'!->lruet iun o~ttw hlulftop • qi' This 1:-. now all tw hancl Sm, th ;incl hi s hrnthl'r. f":1L and th<.• first t• 0 11 l' l' (' I l' r 0 I' m " \\' I I 1 h i.' l' o n s t r 11 <· t l' <1 :-. 11 1) n < 1 n t h t' 1mpressn·t.· pn11N·t PI ans l' a Ir for 11 ~ 1 o" n h o u s l' ,o.; . ~fl !'> i n );:! I l· I a m 1 I ' l~•mt•s . two m uinr hntt>b. ;i -.hoµpang ct.·ntt•r and two park' that will ht· t•ons trut'tt.•cl and rnaintainl'd b.' thC' clen•lopl'r Thl' pro ieet hus hacl th<.• enclonwnwnt of the Dana Point t'1t in•n!-> for .\ct1on gro\1p tor ~·eurs Tht• pro1t.'<.'l holds hop<.' 111 la•rng a la!->tl'l'ul l'nhant<.'m<.•nt lo Dana Point anrl perhaps 1t will als o pump a st ronJ.! s hot of a ct r enal i Ill' 1 n lo 1 hl· l'o;i st a I <'('onom~ Sclwo l land use tricky 'Peopll' unf:am1l1ar \\1th l,1\\!'> go,·crning tht· ... alt· cH· lt-asl' ot surplus propert.'' o\\ 1wd lh publ1 t· SC'hool <lis tnt h prolwhl~ arl'll I <Jwar<.' of tht• man ~ t·ompll•\ltll'' in,·oh ed . Th<' Lagurw lkat·h l '111f1t•d SC'hool Di st r1t·t . h a rel Prl'''l'd finan<.'1all\'. would likl• to rnakl' a I ich· -.urn · from nn 11 cinl' p;11·n·I 11 ·o wn s 1n .\Ila l.a g u n.1 purchased a!'> " S<"hool '1te 111 tht· C' a r 1 ~· Hl71ls There I!-> a ll•g a l <fllt."'l111n howc\'er of whcther or not tht• land must first he offt•red for salt• to an intcrl'Sled publie t'nt1t.' ;1t 25 percent of 1b origrnal Jll'll'l' This purported!~ pren'nt!'> public agencies from s1wc·ulating 1n rt•dl C'State tr and whe n the prop<.'1't ~ I!-> sol<1 . mor1c\· mad<' on the c1ea l must then l)t.' plan·cl in a s pl'l'"" acC'ount to tw u:-.<'<I for l'<1pit;d inpro\'ements onl~ Sale pron'<.'<b c <Jn n 0 t go i n I O I h l' d ts 11' I(' I . :-. J!C'neral func1 Howe\·er 1n.te r C'sl l'ill'fl l'd • I mm "'lll'h ~111 aceount l·an bl· lhl•d fo r ;in~ purp11:-;l· I h<' dist ri t·t dt'l' ms lll'l'l'!->!->a n Ll'uSlll J.! t ht: propl'l'I' might "l'l' m ;1 ht·t tl•r opt ton in I h:1t t hl' d t " l 1 i <' 1 t' CH I I cl t' n t t.> r 1 n t n a In n g · l t• rm a g l'l' l' rn l' n l w h It' h " o u I cl !! c• n t' r ;a t l' 1n e11 Ill l' o \l' I' man,· \'Car:-. i'tit db t rid ol I 1c·1a b '"' 1n I 1 g ht o I c· u r r 1.· 111 l ' c· 11n11 m I l' tond1t1orh !->llC'h an J l!rcc.·ml'lll \\llltld b e cl 1fft ('Ull . if fllll 1mposo.;ibk to 1·111w l11dl' In addition .. \Ila l.agun<1 I!-> 1.0nerl for n •siclt•ntial Usl', whil'h· \\ o u l cl 11 . I pro\· i cl c• t h l' h i g h l's I margin of profit for a poll'nl i;tl c1l'\ C'loper Com me rC'rn 1 us\• 11f t ht• land would ht• a much J!l'l'<tkt' inrluC'emC'nl ancl would prm ick J.!rt'alt·r 1111·orn t.• for Lag llll il -;c hnnls Th<.' lb! of rnnst raint~ 1s long, m11eh to thl' dt•trim<.•nt of st.•hool <li st ricts sul'h as Laguna's whidt a rl' clespl'rntl'l,· t r.,·ing to kt.•t.•p lh l· l0 duc at1onal ship f ro m s lipping undt•r tht• wan•s Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot . Other views ex- •pressed on tncs page are tnose ot lhe1r authors and artists. Reader comment.is ir.v1t ed. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone: (7J.il) 641-4321. L.M. Bo y d/Leisure time Item No. 977C in our Love and War man's file is a pollsters' report on what American Jniddleclass women most like to do in their leisure lime. Reading books. 3'1 percent, came out far ahead of making love, 26 percent. However , sex beat sewing, 25 percent. That's something. Know of no plans b y the Australians to try to sell In this country an orange soft drink that they've .put on the market down there. It's called "P ." Q. Why is the concept of Liberty always and everywhere personified by a woman? Tile Statue of Liberty. for Instance. A . Don't know about "always and OR ANGE COAST Daily Pilat everywhere ,·' but such has been the case in France. and that's where Frederic Bartholdi sculpted that particulhr statue. Q. Weren't the feet of all Chinese women once bound up to make them small? A. Not all . Only in the privileged class. Peasant girls were expected to work in the fields. The A.shantis of Ghana name their children after the days of the week on which they were born. Commercial fishermen wUl tell you the biggest catches of herrinc are al.most always made during the full moon. TtHNIYI p . H•l•Y Publisher · TllemBA. ....... lie Editor Barwa KnlltlC19 Edltorlal P ... Edltot --9 -""-~=------...,...___ . - 1 ~----- . .Blame Brown for utility hills Aroused electric consumers, irate over the sudden swift boosts in rates which are making energy costs near prohibitive for ma ny. are expressing their anger at private utility companies.' Their ire is understandable but they are pointing the fin ger of blame in the wrong direction. It's a case of wanting to kill the bearer of bad news instead of the culprit. The public in general carviol be blamed for mistaking the messenger for the villain but the legislators who are joining in the clamor and clucking s ympathetically with the consumers are ea gaging in demagoguery. THEY KNOW BETTER than anyone the real cause for the soaring 'energy rates is the governmental policies advanced by Gov. Jerry Brown and acquiesced in by themselves. True. inflation and rising costs of oil, mainly imported oil. and a cold winter have contributed to make the electric bills shocking. But those factors would have been softened considerably had it not been for the kooky ideas of the governor. his appointees to the energy regulatory commissions, and the legislators. Brown cam e into office in 1974 espousing "small is better" and other "buzz" phrases designed to win plaudits from rabid conservationists and other activists opposing growth at any cost. Despite the warnings of the utility companies of energy shortages in the foreseeable future unless positive steps were taken to develop new power plants. Brown a nd h is e nergy commissions have vigorously blocked '. llRl WATIRS e very effort of the companies to proceed with their plans. Not only has Brown stood side by side with Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden protesting nuclear power plants as well a s dams for the production of hydro-power. he has used the power of his offi ce in every conceivable way to hamstring the utility company plans These battles. legal and Olherwise. have cost the utilities millions of dollars which now reflect in the rates of the con s um ers . Further more , b y preventing the development of new power plants fu eled with nuclear energy and coaJ, or produced from dams or thermal wells. he has compelled them to rely far too heavily on OPEC oil. the price of which has soared by reason of the Arab sheiks taking advantage of the market. A large part of the blame must fall upon the Brown appointees to the Energy Commission, a misnomer if ever there was one. Created to find viable alternate energy sources. the commission has been m existence eight years, expended a quarter of a billion dollars. over $42 million this year, and has yet to approve one new major power pl a nt o r d e velop one new workable alternative power source. 1 nstead it preaches conservation and contends then· is no need for new power plants The Public Ut il ities Commission wh1t'h regulates lhe power companies and their rates, is also composed of Brown appointees of the same ilk who seem bent upon enforcing conservation by making th(' rates for us ing energy so high none can affor'tl it. Those who voted for Brown as governor and who vote for those legislators who support has programs have reall y nobody to blame but themselves , The rest have a legitimate beef over govern ment interference which has resulted in the energy mess. 0Their wrath s hould be directed at Brown and his fo llowers and not the hapless utility companies who are themselves victims of the misguided poli cies of this false pro phet or conservation Watt policies also threaten wildlife To the Editor: It is difficult to understand how James Watt. on whom the citizens of the United States rely and depend upon lo act on bis best judgment and in their best interest can ignore this call of duty and undermine the efforts of citizens nationwide to conserve and protect this nation's valuable resources and wildlife. Now, more than ever , we all must be co n ce rn ed about our grave enironmental situation. In a time, when MAILBOX air, water .. and land pollution are worse than ever. we must adapt stricter laws to protect the citizens of the United States as well as the wildlife within this nation. not weaken the ones we have now. We must be concerned about the future. Shouldn't our descendants have the right to enjoy µie wildlife of the United Slates Shouldn't they have the right to breathe fresh air and drink clean water? Shouldn't we? We have two responsibilities then, one to the present citizens of this country and the other to the future citizens of the U.S. MANY OF OUR rare and endangered species are just beginning to regenerate and it.would be senseless to insure their destruction by d ebilitating the Endangered Species Act. Changes must be made to strengthen this act, not to weaken it, as Jam es Watt and other thoughtless individuals want to do. These animals can never be replaced. Once gone. they have vanished from the fa ce of the earth forever. Are we entitled to choose another animal's destiny? If so, then we s urely do not h ave the right t o sentence it to Inevitable destruction. I would Uke to see Secretary of the Interior James Watt removed from office due to the fact that he Is a serious t hreat to ou r nation 's valuable resources and wildlife. He is an egocentered individual who Is mor~ concerned with his own wetl·being than with that of the nation to which be has an obll,gatlon. CHRISTI GARWOOD Leuer incorrect To the Editor: RecentlY you publlshed a letter from. one Ladlslaw Reday In which he expounded 'the vtrtu.es of the Irvine CompMJ and crtticla.td the Commttt.e of 4000. I am not for or a1am.t the lnlne Company and have no lnterett ln ••t they chaqe ror ltuet. Howner, I wu abocked to reed lh11 penon atlD UdUa that the lnbae J'ouDdaUoD OWM about ball ot tlll trvtne CompalQ. TllJ1 ptJ'IOft dota't ..... bow u.at when tbi lnlaa a.p.., WM lloalllll • by the present owners they bought all of the Irvi ne Company, and the Irvine Foundation since that time on does not receive one sing le dollar frorfi the money received by the present owne rs of the Irvine Company. I think it would be well if you were to put a small article somewhere in your paper so that we don't have a lot or people in Newport Beach thinking that the present Irvine Company and all th(' money they are m aking has anything to do with the Irvine Found ation, and that any of the money coming from the Irvine Foundation today comes out of the pres ent profits of the pr esent owners of tbe company, because that is not true. 'ROBERT JOHNSON 'Emba rrassm ents' To the Editor: Incredible! That's the only way to describe Peter Her mann's comments printed last week. As an aide and official representative to 5th District Supervisor Thomas Riley, Hermann was quoted as making the following comment recently: "The supervisor's aide (Hermann ) told the committee that the specific plan was the county's wa y of ·•repenting" for not paying enough attention to towns like Capistrano Beach, which he said was one of "four or f ive towns in the s upervisorial district that are embarrassments." So, now we know that Capistrano Beach and "four or five " other communities in the 5th District are an "embarrassment" to the county. That's incredible! Granted, every community has some problem areas and I'm sure most county leaders do not feel they s hou ld "r epent" for s upposedly ignoring this coastal area. But what really embarrasses me Is that an aide lo a supervisor (whom I have known *1\d supported since his appointment to the board several years ago) would make such a comment that slaps the (aces or local homeowners . As a resident of Dana Point I'm wondering if maybe my community is inc:lu<ted In Hermann's "four or five other towns." MAYBE WE should ask Hermann to list the town.s . Is It Newport Beach? Laguna Beach? Laguna Niguel? South La1una? San Clt!mente? or maybe San Juan Capistrano? J'm sure the residents or the6e communlUes -who have spent • l.tUtr1 from rtOIUrt ere IDflcomf. Th•· rtght to condt'ftu ldttra to fit ipoct or thminott libel i& rtttnied Lttlnt o/ .'fOO words or Leu wfLl bf o;~ prtfcr~t. ALI Lttltrt must include fipot"'' ond moiling GMrtu but "°'"" mo11 be tof~ld on rt-q..,_t if t ti/ffCitnl rto1on i1 apparent. PHl'JI wW nae be ,.UMld. IAftff't ntQM bf ttftpllofwd 10 ea .... fiaMI CJ7ld phont """'~of lhf COlllrihaor "'"" be gfon for Hr1/b11'°8 ~· \ \ ' an unbelievable amount of money and made numerous sacrifices just to buy a home here would be interested in knowing if their community is an embarrass ment. While' Peter Hermann may not think much of this area, I. for one. feel very fortunate to be able to raise my children in this community MICHA EL EGGERS Cou ncil callous To the Editor. The issues and the problems that face the candidates for the three council seats wil I b e horrendous. These happenings are with us because the Bellerue administration has made all kinds of serious mistakes. One of the most controversial issues in years has been the counci l agenda Ma ny concerned citizens are very unhappy about it. The mayor should control the agenda with the assistance of the city clerk's office. Of paramount importancf' is that the citizens of Laguna Beach should be permitted lo put important items on the agenda with the aid of the city clerk's office. R ECENTLY THE Bellerue administration aroused the wrath of the citizens of Laguna Beach by removing public communications from about 6:30 p.m. to about mic;lnight. This mortally wounded public communications as we know it because it denied the citizens of Laguna Beach an opportunity to express their opinions about the issues at a reasonable hour. It a lso makes it inconvenient for citizens to appear at the late hour a nd usually Channel 10 TV is out of tape as well. The adminis tration also removed a nother part of the agenda, the important co~nt part or the calen<iar. from about 6:30 p.m. to about tbe midnight hour. This permits the City Cou ncil to once a1ai n ramrod controversial items down the throats of the citizens of Laguna Beach. These callous actions are uncalled for and they have no place In Laguna Beach. ALANE. ADAMS llllll• Be advised that it la not a lood idea to try to bammer nails at different levels whlle trytn1 to Sff tbro~Jh bl-focal 1laues. BATTERED TlttJMB ......, ... _.. .......... ., ........ -wtiwe1P1 ........... al I ..... ,_, .. ............... ....,~ ·• . \ - I llllll lllCl /lllTI ClllT ._Nit THURSDAY, MARCH ~. 1982 .. CAVALCADE B2 COMICS 84 TELEVISION BS. Gen. James Dozier's feelings . about hard rock are quite understandable to Erma Bambeck. See P.age 82. 0 0 DeilyP'lelSlaft- Fir.efighters • • • tram1ng 1n auto break-in By the end or th e week , L ag una Beach a nd Orange County firemen will have skills that will enable them to break into your car in a matter of seconds. ... und four other devices to get into a car . "The method is especially useful in the case of car fires when the only wa~" to open the hood is pullfog a lever inside the car body," Maier said. ARTSY -This bvmper sti~ker was glimpsed on a car in Laguna Beach Ob\'iously the dn,·t•r pla~·s a n instrume nt More than 75 firefighters and r esc u e c r e w s hav.e been attending classes at the Glenneyre and Agate street fire station, sponsored by the Auto Club or Southern California. The pair say motorists involved in s uch emergency situations are a lo,t happier if the problem is rescllved without resorting lo breaking a window or prying a door San Juan grounds airport bid Co uncil unanimous in opposition to aviation site east of city By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of•• o.lty l'llet St.eff There will be no general aviation airport east of San Juan Capis trano if the City Council has its way. The council, on an unanimous vote, passed a resolution at a public hearing Wednesday ni,ght opposing the proposed San Juan Creek airport site. The 4-0 vote came after nearly 2""2 hours of testimony at Marco Forster Junior High Schoof in San Juan Ca pis trano. A standing-room -only audience of 400 attended. But wh.ile opponents of the airport proposal were most vocal there wer e equally as many supporters who paraded to the microphone. Many backers were private pilots who wore small signs reading, ''I love an airport." Opponents hissed or booed comments by supporter-s. And t he foes stood and gave a rousing round of applause_ to one vociferous opponent, Ed Connor of San Juan Capistrano. Connor, his hands waving, r ead from a prepared statement. He admonished those who had spoken in favor of the a irp or t a s w e ll a s re presentatives of the Oran~e County Department of Airports. "Your statement there is an overriding need <for the airport) is assuming that all of us in tbis room were born yesterday. It will be disaster if that airport goes in," Connor said to county officials in attendance, including Murry Cable, manager of John Wayne Airport. ' Connor attacked the county's proposition that there would be strict adherence to landing and t a k e o f f c o r r i d o r s . ·T h e diagrammed corridors depicted the aircraft avoiding flying over the city. ·'Those planes will fl y over somebody's house. We can all agree on that," Connor s aid. He, along with others, voiced concern that the F ederal Aviation Administration could veto any focal control and that expansion of the airport could occur. The proposal calls for a runway limit of 3,600 feet. ''The airport is a bad idea today and will a lways be a bad idea," he said. The majority in th e audience s too d and applauded. Frank Greer of San Clemente, a pilot favoring the airport. chorused sentiments of other backers, s aying "t he airport would be a business asset to the community. He also cited the advantage of "properly tax orf airc raft tiedowns." Councilman Ken Friess, who drafted the resolution, read an opposition letter from Anthony R. Moiso, president of Rancho Mission Viejo. The ranch owns the land on which the proposed s ite would be located. The council will t a ke the r esolution t o the Board of Supervisors who a re expected to act on the issue March n . Friess a nd Mayor Phillip Sc.hwarlze each expr essed confidence the supervisors will go along with the resolution If the site is approved, Friess said a likely step by the city would be to file suit. The county had selected the San Juan Creek site as most s uitable o f s ix proposed locations, accordin g to Steve Kozak, airpor t plans a nd programs officer. The county presented a slide show and map pinpointing the proposed location. The city had agreed to join the county in a study of proposed sites in. south Orange CountY following the June l , 1978 closing of Capistrano Airport. Thal airport was closed after opposition following the death of a 5·year·Old girl killed when a ban ner·towing plane c ra!hed into the San Juan Creek bed near the western 'city limits. The proposed a irport site would be 2.8 miles east or the cit y limits. north of Ortega Highway near the present Oda Nu r ser y and a djac e nt to Caspers Park. School 'spjes' spark attenditnce lawsuit Fallbrook files court action after photos show Marine kids-tn San Clemente -. -A lawsuit has been filed against the Capistrano Unified School District apparently based on photographs taken secretly by a private investigator of high school stude nts and parents living al Camp Pendleton. The s uit, filed in San Bernardino County this week by the Fallbrook Union High School Dis trict, aJleges that students are attending classes illegally at San Clemente High Sc hool instead of at Fall brook. The suit alleges that students and parents are violating the law because Camp Pendleton lies within th~ F~Hbrook District in San Diego County. C api s trano U nifi ed Superintendent Jero me Thornsley said attorneys for Fallbrook based their suit on photograph s taken surreptitiously with a telephoto lens. T h or n s I e y s a i d tJ'I e investigator apparently spied on parents and students and took the pictures as they were driving from the base to San Clemente High School. The suit follows a year of legal battling between the two school districts over the attendance of Camp Pendleton students. Marine pare nts want their c hildren to atte nd th e Capistrano dis trict 's Sa n Clemente High School because of its nearness to the base. In the pas t. the two districts had a tuition agreement which allowed the Marine dependents to attend classes in San Clemente, though they resided in the Fallbrook district. However, last year Fallbrook adminfs trators sa id the ir district could no longer afford such an agreement, claiming the funding pajd by the slate and federal government for their attendance was needed. A bout 100 s tudents were involved. M a j . Be-rt A I ex a nd er, a spokesman for Marine parents, said he doesn't understand how the attendance of a few students can warrant hiring a pnvale investigator to spy on parents. "All I can say 1s that there seems to be a great deal of vindictiveness in this action." Alexander said. Since losing a bid last year to have the base transferred to the Capis trano district in Orange County, many pare nts have boarded the ir children with friends and relatives in San Cleme nte so they can attend the local h.igh school. Fallbrook,'s suit contends that some pa rents who claim their children are living within the New evidence delay s death trial P r osecutors quiz suspect's friend in triangle slaying The resumption of Patrick \Fogarty's murder trial 'bas been d e layed anoth er week as prosecutors turned up new evidence in the s tabbing death or a Laguna Niguel man who was dating Fogarty's estranged wife. Chief Deputy l>istrict Attorney James Enright said much or the new information came from pollce questioning or John Dinsdale, a friend or Fogarty's who had been scheduled last !'wee k to testify for the prosecution. n wa.a expected at that lime that Dinsdale would say the defendant Olted hlm to 1tve hlm an alibi for the day that Donald Frank Cook died in his Laauna Niguel home. . Cook, whose throat was slash ed, was found by a roommate in the bedroom bf lhe home they shared on Feb. 2, (tel. But Dinsdale never took the wltness stand, !:nrl1bt said. because there were alle1ed boln In bis atorJ that requlncl bl• furtber queattonlDI by· lherUta in...U,•ton. TMt q1lllltloldna, which baited Foa arty•1 Oraa1• CoaatJ &lpertar Court trtal lalt .... WOYldld new lnformaUoD wtaldl ied investigators to three other peopl e. who al so were interviewed by authorities in the p;tst week. Though Enright would not elaborate on the nature of the Classes due this month The second round of Saturdays ror Science, classes lo introduce cblJdren to the secrets or science, wilJ begin in March at UC Irvine. The one-hour lectures and demonstrations will be held on four consecutive Saturdays, March 6, 13, 20 and 21. Two identical sessions wlll be held each Saturday at 9 a .m . and 11 a.m . • . Theme of the aeries ls "Molecules Arou a." Or1aa aera aay apace l1 limited, but aome openiqa ire •till available. Reciltratlon I• la 1 10. whicb can be paid et the ftnt ,.,tloa. Inter.steel pana1a cu obtain more Information by calr£ UCI'• omee ol ~ Witb ~atllMO'JO. I new evidence, he scA it tended lo impli cate Dinsdale more than originally thought . but in a peripheral capacity only. The witness agreed to talk to police last week on the condition that any information he supplied would not be used against him. "We didn't know what the new information was until he started unloading," Enright said after Superior Court Judge James K. Turner agreed Tuesday to delay the case for another week. Testimony had b egun In Fogarty's trial in late February. The delay until next week 1tve1 defense lawyer Thomas SaakaU a ~hance to revlew t.he new lntormation. . Siakall already has asserted that evidence would show that bis client, an Jrvlne city employee, was returning his young daught~r to his wife's Coata Mesa realdence al about the same time that Cook was kllled. It 11 alle1ed by the procecut.ion Uaat Fe>1artY kUled Cook out of Jealouay ~IUH the Bechtel ~· lftClDeer bad been datlnc Fo1arty'1 utran1ed wHe, Andre.a. Mn. Fo1art1 had betn ltheduled to teltlb ~- ! Capistrano district are actually living on Camp Pendleton . Superintendent Thornsley said Fallbrook has not provided a list of s tudents it be lie ves are violating the law "I don't think a few pictures taken of k ids and parents drivin g to s c hool is much evide nce in a l awsuit ,'" Thornsley said Thomsley also said Fallbrook attorneys are contending that Marine students are required to stay in state registered foster homes in order to legall y live away from home. "The fact of the m atter is that all over the county young people go to stay with relatives or fr iends for on e r eason or another ," Thornsley said. "I think it's ridiculous lo say they have lo stay in foster homes." Tough laws on drug gear eyed By PATRICK KENNEDY Of llM O.lly P'llet SI.ti Officials of Newport Beach and Huntington Beach say they may t o u g h e n c it y l aws rest ricting sales of drug • paraphernalia following a U.S. Supre me C ourt rul ing Wednesday. Huntington Beach Mayor Ruth Finley says s he favors a "total ban" on paraphernalia sales to adults a:a well umtnors. "I have a strong bias In that atea because It usuaJly involves kids," she said today. Both coastal cities, as well as numerous other Orange County communities, currently prohibit sales of water pipes, "roach cllps," vials and other materials to people under 18. The Supreme Court ruling Wednesday seems to uphold the validlty of such restrlcUons and 1pp~1r1 to open the door to touiher reatrtcUons a.nd poulbly total bans, accord.ln1 to court aourc•. 'fhe Justfcea un1nlmouaJ1 upheld Ul ordinance ln Holtman £stat.es,W. • The lessons will e na bl e emerJency cre ws to get into a car quickly -with a minimum of damage to the vehicle -in the event of an emergency. "What we're teaching them is to be able to get into a car should the driver be suffering a heart attack, or a baby or dog has been left in a hot car at a shopping center," says Randy Maier. an emergency road ser vice specialist for the auto club. Maier a nd fellow auto club expert Michael Snavely ar e teaching the firemen the art of us iog t he "Slim J im ," a blade·like tool that can be in.serted in the top of a car window to open the door. They're also teaching their students how to use coat hangers ., 'Funny M ~"~ f e ature d i n OCC lectures A t hree.p art se ries on Ame rica's greatest humorists beg ins Friday eve ning a t Orange Coast Coll ege. , Billed a s +>T hose.. Funny, Funny M e n ," the course continues the following Friday evenings from 8 to 10 in Room 10 1 of t h e campu s mus i c building. The opening session will focus on Mark Twain. On March 12, series presenter Guy Halferty will offer a look at the works of James Thurber. The concluding program on Marc h 19 will deal with Sam Leven son. Art Buchwald and Will Rogers. Tickets a r e $3 fo r each session. Senior citizens with Gold Key Cards and children under 12 will be charged S2. Some tickets will be available at the door. For information. call 556·5880. Schoolpowe r to spons o r lOKrun Schoolpower , the fundraisiug arm of the Laguna Beach Education f ;>undatacn , Y!fil l s ponsor a lO ·kilon. ·~r run Sunday. T h e run •.v i ! i t; e ; i r. 111 downtown Lnguna :\Zlj pr.Jeeed up Laguna Canyon Road . E arly registrations close al 5 p.m. today. Cost to enter is $8; whic h includes a T-s hirt. To ente r witboul a shirt is $4. Lale registrations .on the day of the race will be accepted at $9. Registration forms can be obtained at-the Laguna Beach Rec reation Department office, located at 505 Forest Ave. in City Hall. · N aturite Health Products, manufacturer of vitamins is the co-sponsor of the event. CaJso Mineral Water Co. has offered lo donate beverages. Wildlif e f i lm set /or O CC So. you think a sapsucker is one of life's losers. a gray fo x is a guy over 40 and a bu ll elk is a ha rd -n osed mem ber o f a fraternal organization? All the apove m e ntioned wildlife will be featured in a film Friday at 7:30 in Orange Coast College's Science Hall. Conservationist Steve Maslowski's film "Naturalists Afield" will include scenes from Yellowst o n e and T eton s National Parks. Tickets are $2.50 at the door •Seniors offered tax seroice Laguna Beach senior citizens have only a month and a half until income tax time, and s hould make plans now to take advantage of free tax assistance. The free a ssis tance is available at the Veterans Memorial Community Center I Mondays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m . and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Medicare assistance is also available at those times. For information. call the Laguna Beach Senior Citizens Club at 497-2441. •Eight named to medical board Eight south Orange County residents have been named to three.year terms on the South Coast Medical Center's board of trustees. Inc umbe n t m e mbers re-elect ed to new terms Include Ken Beyer, Charles Johnson and V~rn Spitaleri, all of Laguna Beach, and Dr. Richard Corcor an and Or. H ob a rt Proctor , both of Laguna Niguel. N e w board m e mbe r s include Dr. Robert Sanc his. South L ag una , Donn~ Morosco, Irvine: and Rev. J e rry 1'ankersley. Laguna Beach. • A.linua C lub m ixer scheduled :fhe Altrus a C lub or Laguna Beach will hold a cocktail mixer at Gauguin's Restaurant on South Coast Kigbway Sunday to raise funds for lhe Laguna Beac'h Girls Club. A donation oC $3 includes hors d'oeuvres and enter- tainment. The fund-raiser runs from 4:30 lo 6:30 p.m . • Play hou1e b enB/U planned The1 Laguna Beach Board or Realtors i1I sponsoring a fund·ralsln1 event to benefit the Lacuna Moulton PlafllouH March 29 wlt.b an "Academy Awards Nl1ht.'' The annual Academy Awards will be shown al the playhouse Qll 1.hu,ce, m ,.,fool wlde acreea, and donol'9 will receive free hors d'oeuvres, !no host cocktails, ~oor prizes tand dancinc. Participant.a are asked to "dreu Holl.Ywood," for the event, which eo1t1 '10 per person. ContrlbuUobl are tu · '*l~ble and tkketl may be obtained by c1llln1 tM rnttr bo1rlt ofthrn at--~~..;..; "1·M14. Orange Oo._at DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Match~. 1982 Te8Dl8 are hu~gry, · but not for .,-win From AP dlapaldaea • PEMBROKE. N.C. -America'• m favorite pastime took a back aeat · Tuesday when a collete baseball . game between Pembroke Stale and the University or North Carolina-Charlotte Wal called after n.ine innln1s because ol hunter. "It was 6:25 and it was celtlng dark.'' Pembroke State Coach Harold Ellen said. ''We have lights, but the dining hall clOMS at-e:30. I don't have the kind of money those biC achools do. "I don't have enough money to take my team out when we're playing al home. We don't have those rich boys that can afford to go out bY themselves, either. . "We called it because of hunger and darkness," Ellen said. "I'm going to call the athletic director tomorrow and try lo explain it. .. The two teams finished in an official 8-8 lie and will play again in Charlotte Saturday. but game time is set for 2 p.m. -after lunch. Quote of the day . Hot third quarter Hftl ~~ , I ... Enlq ICOred JI polntl m and A.Mn• ,..._, added 20 u tbe Pblladelphi• 7tera put on a blaalnt third.quarter 1hootlD1 dlaplay Wednffday lo down San Dte10. 125-107. Ph.lladelphla mad• 17 or IO ftekl·aoal attempt.I ln the third quarter, l'lcludln1 a streak in whlcb the 7etrt outacore San Ote10, 18·2 ••• 81daey · Moaerlef and Mlelle1 JolilMoll hammered Atlant.a with an 11·2 1corln1 run In tbe third period to lead Milwaukee to a H -17 win over tbe Hawka ... Miiie •••d•H pumped In a 1amt·blcb 20 polDta to '°"'° Kamu City to a uo.a vtetory ovtr lndlana . . , Guardl Oeull ,...._ Ud Walt Da.tl coml6Mcl for 4"t poln\.a to spark Phoenix to a 115·102 victory over Utah. which moved the.$una l.ntq a Ue for third place ,vltb Golden State in t._e Pacific Dlvl1loo ... Seattle .iuard GH Willi••• scored 12 of his 17 polnta In the first quarter as the SuperSonlcs overpowered Cleveland. 131-107. Klson impressive for Angels Angel pitcher Bruce IU1oa; II tryln1 to come back after mlasln1 moat of the last two seasons, was In treat spirits after throwing batt(ng practice Wednesday at Casa Grande. Kison, who underwent surgery on his pitching arm in the middle or the 1980 season. sbowetl indications he 111ight turn out to be a pleasant surprise for the Angels this spring. "This was the best I've felt yet. Whe~l reached back for sometl«ng extra, it was there," Kison said Wednesday after his pitching stint . . . In the Los Angeles Dod ger s' firs t intrasquad game of the s pring Wedn esday, the regulars, managed by Coach Danny Ozark, lost to the s quad headed by Monty "''°" Baa1aU, 9-0. Mike Marshall ' Grant Teaff, Baylor University football coach: "The football talent has become so evenly spread that winning often hinges on a referee's call or turnover or some other break. I've never seen so many coaches upset about calls. It's not that officials are ·making bad calls, it's just that the significance or the calls is so magnified now." led a 12·hit attack for the Basgalls with a double and two singles ... Meanwhile, pitcher Fernando Valenzuela remains a holdout in the 1 Dodger camp, after the Dodgers had exercised their option to renew his 1981 rookie contract. "We have tried during these negotiations to be as flexible as possible." said Valenzuela's agent Tony DeMarco. Kings end long road drought . The Los Angeles Kings won their ~ first road game in 20 attempts , Wednesday night. defeating the Toronto Maple Leafs 4·1 in the National Hockey League. Gre1 Terrloa scored Ute eventual winning goal .-Jn support of goaltender Doug Keana, who stopped 28 s hots . . . Peter Stastay drilled home the tie-breaker in the third period and Real Clqalier added his second goal of the game -as Quebec beat Edmonton 6 ·4 ... Minn eso ta wing Al MacAdam scored twice in the final period to give the North Star s a 6 ·4 come-from·behind victory over Detr.(>it :-.. Larry Hopkins' 40-C<Jot slapshpt Jn. - the third pe riod boosted Tu1t10.. Winnipeg to a. 4-2 victory in Chicago ... Alan Haworth scored with just 24 seconds left to lift Buffalo lo a 3·3 tie with Hartford . . . Ed John1tosae'1 third-period goal sewed up the New York Rangers' 4·2 victory over Calgar y ... Ryan Waller scored two power-play goals in 26 seconds. capping a four-goal streak for Washington in the second period. and the Capitals went on to defeat St. Louis 8-4 . . . Second-period goals by Keith Crowder and Barry Pedenoa scarried Boston to a 3·2 triumph over JJoston ... Aaron Br«Ken'1 backhand shot with 6:03 remaining gave Colorado a 3·2 victory over Vancouver. Cartander all-rookie selection Ocean View High product Wayne m Carlander and Johnny Ro1ers frc5m La Quinta High have been selected to the Paciifc-10 all-rookie basketball team. Carlander is a USC student; Rogers attends Stanford ... Mea~while, Oregon State guard Lester Conner was selected the Pac-lO's Player of the Year. Television, radio FollQwing ar e the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: " • • " excellent: • " " worth watching;"" fair ;• forget it. [-) 6 p .m ., Channel 9 I I ./ I NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at N. Y. Knie ks. Announcers : Chick Hearn and Keith Erickson. The Lakers hold a 211,.game lead in the Western Conference. Pacific Division despite losing to the New Jersey Nets Wednesday night. The Knicks are mired in the cellar of the Eastern Conference, Atlantic Division. The Lakers had a seven-game w in streak broken by the Nets despite a 30-point performance bv Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. RADIO Basketball: PCAA Tournament -UC Irvine vs. Cal State Fullerton. 9 p.m .. KWVE (108 FM> and KWRM ( 1370!: Fresno State vs. Long Beach State, 7 p.m .. KLON 188 FM): Lakers at New York KnlcKs, 6 p.m .. KLAC (570). Ski Report - Snow conditions in Southern California mountains. 9:.C3 a.m .. 12:43, 3:43, 7:•3 o.m .. KNX !1070). Oilers now 6-0 after two • WIDS Corona del Mar outlasts Santa Ana; Laguna H.ills rallies Huntington Beach kept its record unblemished with a pair of victories while Corona del Mar and Laguna Hills posted victories Wednesday afternoon in high school baseball action. Here's how it went: Huntington Beach 8, Irvine O .. Gary Buckels pitched a four-bit shutout and had home run power from Greg Shirley and Brian Patriclt as the Oilers scored in every inning but the second. Patrick also had a triple for the Oilers who belted eight hits and had an errorless game in the fi eld. . . Irvine's record dropped to 1·2 with the loss in the non-league outing on the Oiler diamond. Huntington Beach 5, Pacifica 4 The.. Oilers won their sixth straight victory in Laguna Hills 5, Saddleback 4 Laguna Hills improved its record to 4.0 as Lee Ple~el picked up the victory in a relief role. Laguna Hills trailed going into the seventh inning but put a pair of markers on the bQard when Plemel doubled with one out. Then an error after the second out allowed the tying run to score and an infield singJe by Mark Marten got the go-ahead marker across . Plemt>l then held Saddleback scoreless in the bottom of the final inning. Brent Chappell was 3 for 4 for Laguna Hills . Blake Smith scored in the bottom of the sixth for Saddleback with what appeared al the time as the winning run. Smith was 2 for 3 for the game. Capo Valley Christian 7, Woodbridge 3 · an extra inning outing against Pacifica in the Loara tournament Wednesday night. Woodbridge pitcher John Moreland was the victim of some s hoddy fielding by teammates as Capistrano Valley Christian scored six unearned runs. Jim Kennedy singled with the bases loaded in the eighth inning to get the winning runs across · after Pacifica had gone in front in the top half of the inning. Shirley had a triple for the Oilers. \ Corona del Mar 9, Santa Ana 7 Gordon Moss belled a grand slam in the fourth inning as the Sea Kings won their first game of the Newport Harbor EJks Tournament at Santa Ana High. _ Corona del Mar managed to bold off the peaky Saints who scored five runS' in the bottom of the sixth inninl to make things interesting. CdM also picked up an insurance run in the top of the seventh when Scott Loos ripped a double. Loos tried lo stretch the bit into a triple, but the throw to third went out of play, allowing him to score the Sea Kings' final run. Chris White started for CdM, and picked up the victory,-but be needed relief help from Dave Rohde over the final two lnninp. Basketball scor~A lOU~WT'I PCM .......... UClnllM ... UW.11.-M C•l ltMt.f'lolltf1oft ... Ptclflc ft Lone .. ecll M•to h , S..i J"4 ...... ••CIMl~o ............. LA S.ltt 11, W, 0.... St. S. Ort ... 6t,T..,...N ' T 181&~ ........ ., ....... :i.. ....... ···., ---·4:1•·• ... 1 UM I .. = ..... "... . (~~ .... -......... ...,....., ~ -"'""'*1 8-0tlll cr...r.c ......... Sellto ll#t4l ti,~ • tS.lllo A11• ••vens to 111to rotlOft•I .,,..,., ....,,.., -OlcMf'lll ~-=:::: ..... .................. 11 .... ~--i.r "· ... -.. .. ....... ' ...... ................ ..... • u~~-~~ ••• = ... ~ ..... .r.:---.. . •n• u•• ••· ••rr•••ll• .......... Darin Danie ls h,ad two o f the three Woodbridge hits, a single and a double, aqd drove in one of the three runs. Woodbridge is notN 0·2 for the year. Saddhback moves imo state playoffs George Turner scored 35 points and pulled. down 11 rebounds to lead Saddleback College to a 99·79 basketball victory over San Diego City ColJege in the finals of the M.lulon Conference Shaughnessy playoffs Wednesday nicht at Saddleback. The 6-2 Saddleback forward hit 11 or 19 field 1oals and was 13or15 trol!\ tne line. The victory puts Saddlebeck at Loni Beach City CoUe1e Friday oJ1ht (7:30> ln a Ont round state playoff iame. Earlier ln the aeuon, durin1 the Merced tournament. Long Beach defeated the Gauchos, 57-52. Long Beach ls ranted No. 1 in Southern CaUfomla on the eommunJty college level . Wednelday nl1bt'1 victory wu the 250t.h In the 15-year history of the school basketball pro1ram • In tbe 1ame qalntt San Ditto, Ooa Dodds bad 11 po6nta and 1b alltltl while Rick DoJa. added M,polnta. Su Ditto held tbe lead at lf.15 for tht Cllll)' tlmt ID the 1eme. TIM vlctorJ .,.. tht tblrd WI 1ear ror Uw Gauchol °"' tht Border QtJ =tet. Tbe Oauet. ldt IT P11 OIDl ft'om the ud held • 14-l~olnt halftime adv.ant.as• • . ; . --- From Page C1 Two Rustlers, two Gauchos gain honors VANGUARDS BEA!IEN • • • control from tbt 1tart. lAd by 1howl.n1 In tbt tint half, the the 8·7 All·Amulun Klrcb· v 1ntuard1 tiarttd off the meyer , Blola ran off 1trlnt1 , second half by tryln1 to hUltle Golden West and Saddleback co ll e1es are both well r e presented on their r esp ective all-conference basketball team• announced th.la week. of points, 9·2 and 18·0, which put their way back into the same. the Vancuarda In a difficult Allhouah the Vantuard1 situation. . forced Biota to lum the ball o~er "Blola really exploited our 15 timea ln the second half, their weaknesses," said SCC Coach shots Jutt wouldn't fall Into the Bill Reynolds. "We were not as basket. For GWC, guard Trulett Hatton, the No: ' scorer tn the Sou them Cal Conference < 17 .6 avera1e>. earned first-team honors, along with teammate Darin Bowen , a sophomore rorward who averaged 17 points per outing. physical u we could have been, Rick Plulme.r acored 11 but Blola wa1 tea.Uy quick on second·h&Jf polnt1 for the defense. We lost polae and were Vancuard1, and Oave Corsi tentative at times." poured in eight alon1 with nine The Vanguards just . couldn't rebounds. Pluimer alao bad a muster enoueh offense to stay In handful of asslata for sec. the game during the first half. "Corsi helped tremendoutly They shot 28 P1'rcent from the all year," said Reynolds. ''He The Rustler duo joins Slnta Monica OC's Leif Hodges, East Los Angeles' Danlie Miller and Las .. .Angeles CC's Kevin Goins on the first team. · field and 25 percent from the plays at 125 percent all the time. l i n e , while committing 10 He may seem out of control, but turnovers en route to a 22-polnt he goes all out." deficit at the half. With 9:43 Jen ln the came, "We tried to make up for no Biota took a SS-25 lead when, Meanwhile , Saddleback's George Turner and teammate Rick Doyle earned spots on the All-Mission Conference team. shooting, but we just couldn't," after a slam dunk by 7-8 George added Reynolds. "Biola did the Bell, Pat McDougall made a same things as the last lime we reverse dunk to the deli1ht of played them, but they were the Biola faitb!ul. · Turner, a sophomore guard who averaged 20.S points per contest, and Doyle, a 6·10 center who averaged 13.8 points per contest, join eight other Mission Conferen ce s tars on the all-Conference squad. more aggressive." "Biola is a very complete Kirchmeyer had a game·high tea m ," said Reynolds. "When 20 points for Blola, while Rich we couldn't get inside on them. Cundall n otched 12 points . we would just .rush our outside Kirchmeyer also hauled down 10 shots. They have talented people rebounds. on the bench. There a ren't any Meanwhile , a fte r a poo r weak links." SaVe•ao · 9995 1 ~ • lllurnlnMed vu ........ end Dual~ Controll • Aux Input-Add Another C1111tte, 8-'T'radl or TV Sound Great-sounding all-in-one system! Record from radio. changer. or "live" with mike jacks. Changer features cue/pause lever. dust cover~.Amplifier has 2/4-speaker switch. separate bass and treble controls, stereo headphone Jack. Speakers have 8" woofer, 3' tweeter. #13-1207 Magnetic-Mount Mobile CB Antenna CB Makes Driving Safer, More Fun SPECIAL PURCHASE TRc-t21A by R .. 11.t1c s Save '40 15~8:~~ ' No Toole -59~ Replace your old antenna- compares to others costing much morel With 16'-cable and plug. #21-1005 Get help, hiway info. or pass the time on long trips! LED channel readout, lighted S/RF meter. Add an external spea er andlfs a moblfe public address system! Better hurry! #21-1502 With mike, mounting herdwere ByRHll1ttc Save59ss S4Q A15 With epeeker cable. mountlng llenfwere Superb sound at a fraction of the cost of factory A aa-. w .... ~ Ott Installations! Loudness control, Instant manual • • uto-..,_. Mn lgnttton II ""Jl9U eject. Stereo headphone Jack. #12-1809 • Sepe...te Ball •nd TNble Controla . · AM/FM Clock Radio With Battery Backup °'=:t;k221 24% _Off .. tttrf •xtt1 ....,, ...... a,.. .. c....,.,"' ... ,...,,. Of1pl•ya d8te or time. Battery Sentinel wam1 of weak b8 . #12-1538 Handy 43-Range Multltes.ter By Mlcrontae Cut 24aa 38% :Ii Current/Voltage R.,....c>oubler Measures ActOC volts, DC amps, resletance, decibel•. With test leads. #22-204 .. ...,... ...,.. Penonal-Slze Portable c.-tte Recorder CTR• .., ....... 40%0ff . . 41~~ • .. ". Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/fhurlday, Matoh 4, 111; Outpatient clinic can help fill iwed Rll<'ent t\PPt'o \'ti I of "n outpatient chni<' ut UC lrvint· m e a n s mo r c Io<' u I ml' d 1 <' .. I services for s tudent s and residents . but lr\'lnt' is still a long way from seeing u full fledged hospital m the cit~· Th c S 1 0 mi 11 i o n t• li n 11 • .authorized b~· the l'(' Boa1·d of R egents. will hl· opt•n on " 24-hour basis T e ntal1n.· pl.ms call for a s pecial .. urg1..nt t·an• room for t·anct•r victims The 'facility is seen by l!CI off1t·1:..ils ~1s the firs t of man\' mt·dH·al b u i I d i n g s l h a t 'm i g h t b l' developed on lhl' t'ampus nl·:1r the College of :\1cdicinc Administrators are pl~mnang to erect a hospit;.il among thosl' facilit1e~ but the n • an• man' o t h e r ~ r o 11 p s o u t s 1 cl t• t h i. · u n i v c r s i t \' w h i <' h a I "o llll\ l' des igns ci'n bu tiding a m a 111r hospil<JI in lrnnc• ln ·inc 1s a t11l'l'ali'l' markl'l and comµctitaon ts expt.•ttt·cl to IH· fien-e among p<>tent1a1 hos pltul developers Still. ii is unlike ly that a hos µi l<JI will be built quickl~ While the uppro\'al proccs:, for ttn outpat ient c·linlc is n•lutiv(·I~· short. lht.• s um(' J)l'Ot'cdurt.• for l.1 hos pital i~ exhaustive In Orange' County , Whl•t'l' several hospital~ arc <'Onsidcred undcrus l'rl . apph<'ants ma~· find ex t ra dC'l<t~' ht'fon• -;tall' licensing offttial~ are react~ to s unction ;.mutht.•r I ae 1l1t,,· In tht• mt•ant1mt.'. 1t 1:-1 a :-lsllring to know that th(• lTI t'linil' s<>on will be a\'ailahl<.• Officials sUfU~t'<;t 11 ma.' opt·n h~ l!l8-1 to offer l'l's tdent'> in thl' l'Orn rnun1t ~-m11r(' t.• m(•rg t.'ll l'' meclie al scn·it•t• Wheth<.•1· thl' l'llnic l'' entu:tlh will hloom into a h11s p1tal. (lr wht>thcr '>ll<'h a hos pital woulcl ht•ttt•r b<' l1wall'<I off l'ampus 1s <Ill ISSll(' tlwt ~till mu ~t ht• n •snl\'l•d A di/ f icult task Efforts of u \'OlunlN•r tom mittee in lr\'im· lo t'ampaig11 a g a i n s t a I t' o h o I 1 s m u 1· l' com mendabk. if pt·rh:ips m·l•rl.' ambitious In seeking to pt.•rstwdt• l1H'al res idents not to o\·enndulge 111 •alcohol. the group •wn<:tione<I In the Cit,· Council 1s takmg on ~• soc i a ·I pr o bl l•m of trill \ internationul proportions It 1s a problem lhal histor~· IC'uchl•c; 11s is difficult to control The committN' 1s a tus k fort c fo rmed a ~·t•<Jr agn tn nrg anizc a public. forum o n al coholt~m Thl• forum will ht.• stugc•d on \1an·h 15 al the lr\'tlll' Cit~· ('11t1n t·i l chambers Hut ratlu·r th.111 dis band onn• lhat lorum 1:-. completed. thC' 10 memhl·r g r1111p has askt·cl to t•11nt11H1t' in ,1 program a1nw<I <1t edm·:.it1ng \'OUlh and adults <il1kl• <1h<1ut thl' cos ts in mont·;.', li n •s anrl opportunities a " the n •s ull of l'XCCSSi\'(' drinking Members hopl' to foC'us ;1t tention on tht• "·m pt11 m.., o t a!('oholis m . on wa~·s of <kallng \\1th its \ 1ctims and on n •l:..itecl ISSUl'S. ~Ul'h ;JS \\ hethl'I' l'll~ laws suffidt.·nt I.'' <11st·o11ragt• prohlt•m drinking ~ o <I o u h t t' '· l' n a " l' 11 - mocil'll•d t•omm11nit~ s m ·h u s l ,., int' in ('llldt1~ t host..~ ''ho n11 g ., ht•nef 1t t rom a t·o m·t•rtt><I. ea ring a t t l' m p t h ~ Ill' 1 g h h n r s t o ll\'l'l'tOml' thcil' prnhlt•m-; 0111 the re must also bt• a t't•t·ognit ton that Southt•rn California alrt·acl.' 1 s h I a n k t• t e cl w i t h I' ri ,. at l' p r o g r a m .., cl l' s 1 !.! tH'(I I 11 h l' I p akoholtt·:-. .\ grass roots atlt•mpt 111 In till' ts a s1_gn of a l'ommun11 ~ tha t t' a n ·s. of .t pl .tl'l' wht·n · r<>s 1dents still ha\'l• hope th<1t lht·~· t an impro\'l' tht·1r lots Cit\ offic1alS. howt.•\'t•r. must be r('ai ist it and res 1s t proposu Is which would n.•quin• funds for s pt' c i a I s t u ct i e s 11 r sot' 1 <•I p r o g r a m s l h a t m a ;.· o n I ' duplil';.tt t.· l'l·g"ionul dtorts at tlw It ll' a I lt·H·I Tests n eed some t e eth lrnn<' L'nifit.•cl SC'hool Distric:t t rus tees ha\'l' modified lht"' hif!h sch ool rurriculum 111 1an atte mpt t o s trengthen 1n s truc·tinn in s c i e n c e . e e n n o m i ,. s :i n d cons umer ccluc:ation The lru~tt·es ha\'l' appru\'t•d .1 plan calling for lllth g ra ck s tudents to bt.• gl\ t•n s t.•1t'tH·t• proficien c.·~· tests Those who d on't pass will hl' n•quin•d IP lake om' adclitiunul st'it•nte CILI'" All s tudt'nts nm' are n •qu1red lo take two sdcn<'l' l'lassC''> in orckr lo graduate I n s t r u c t 1 on in q> n s u m C' r education a nd economics now will be incorp(Jrated in c·urrenll ~· required Am e ne~n histor~·. American government and health. and driver edutalion classes Students will he ,1!1\'l'n :1 cons ume r profici ent~ tc"t in l llh grad e _ Thos t· who don't pas ... • m 11 " l t a k <.' a s e m t• " I t.• r o t t•11n s 11mt•r eclucatton . l'hool t rus tt.•(.·~ ha' l' It'll 01wn lhl· nption of' ;tllo\\1ni.: those ..;t udcnts who fail tht• 'it'iC'nt <' or l'nns umt•r profit•tt.•nn · tt•sts h' 'mi.Ill m ar!!ins to n •tukt' lht> tt•st ..... a fll'T furtht.•r stuch The ~(·hon I d I '\t rt t· I s t .at I ,II n·act~-has 1nclicated I hat mos t ~tlHlt.>nls are expct'lNI to pass thl' t l' s t s Th i s r 111 d I n g s l' (' m <; t 0 inrl1cate th~t thl' tests "ill ht· fairh · eas,· .incl mil\' not do a goocl job ,;f "e<•cling out st\l(knt ~ I a<:k m g 1n t•onsumC'r and ..,t•1cn<·t· s kills . If tns lruetion in lht•se arl•ets 1s to h e c;1 g-nif ic antl ~ s tn·ngthl'ned . t ht.· tests must be s 11 f' f i c i en t h · cl i ffi l' 11 I t If t h l' l' x a mi n <t l kl n s t u r n out t o lw p ll S h 0 \' l' I' ' n O t h I I) g I s a tcnmplishc<i Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views u - pressed on tn1s page are tnose ot 1neer autnon. and artists Reader comment.,1s 1nv1t- I ed. Address The Datly Pilot, P.O. Box 1$60. Costa Meso, CA 92626 Phone·t714l ·641-4321. L.M. Bo yd/Leisure time Item No. 977C in our Love and War man's file is a pollsters' report on what American middleclass women most like to do in their leisure time. Reading books. 37 percent, came out far ahead of making love, 26 percent. However, sex beat sewing, 25 percent. That's something. Cash giveaway contests usually attract numerous entries, but not invariably. A Miami disk jockey named Mike Reineri has faiJed for months to find even one entry for his "Great Cash Giveaway" promotion. His offer: "You give me $10,000 and I'll aend you 25 words or less.'' Q. Why ls the concept of Wberty always and everywhere personified by a woman? The Statue of Liberty, ror instance. A. Don't know about "always and everywhere," but such has been the case in France. and that's wh ere Frederic Bartholdi sculpted that particular statue. Q. Weren't the feet or all Chinese women once bound up to make them small? A. Nol all. Only in the privileged class. Peasant girls were expected to work in the fi elds. You wouldn't think the moniker "Dolly" would merit mention as another clever name for a household pet, but in one case, maybe. A Montana rancher has a pet llama so called. Dolly Llama. , ~. When and where was the Wongest earthquake of this century? A. In 1900 off the coast of Chile. Measured 9.5 on the Kana mori scale. Thom.I P. Ha ley PubllSher TllenpA.MllrPhlM Edftor aarNr'a K'91bictl Edttortet Page Editor Sillii•=~~,~~~~~~~ ~ lbJMt>UP f\T THE WJBLE .. ·R Blame Brown for utility hills Aroused electric consumers, ir ate over the sudden swift boosts in rates which are making energy costs near prohibitive for many, are expressing their anger at private utility companies.• T heir ire is understandable but they are pointing the finger of blame in the wrong direction. It's a case of wanting to kill the bearer of bad news instead of the culprit. The public in general cannot be blamed for mistaking the messenger for the villain but the legislators who are joining in the clamor and clucking sympathetically with the consumers are engaging in demagoguery. THEY KNOW BETTER than anyone the real cause for the soaring energy rates is t he governmental policies advanced by Gov. Jerry Brown and acquiesced in by themselves True, inflation and rising costs of oil, mainly imported oil, and a cold winter have contributed to make the electric bills shocking. But those factors would have been softened considerably had it not been fo r the kooky ideas of the governor. his appointees to the energy regulatory com missions , and the legislators. Brown came into office in 1974 espousing "small is better" and other "buzz" phrases designed to win plaudits from rabid conservationists and other activists opposing growth at any cost. Despite the warnings of the utility companies of energy s hortages in the roreseeable future unless positive steps were taken to develop new power plants. Aro wn a nd h is energy commissions have vigorously blocked '. IARl WATIRS e very effort of the companies to proceed with their plans. Not only has Brown stood side by side with Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden protesting nuclear power plants as well a s dams fo r the production or hydro-power, he has used the power or his office in every conceivable way to hamstring the utility company plans. These battles, legal and otherwise. have-cost the utilities millions of dollars which now reflect in the rates of the con s umers Further m ore , b y preventing the development or new power plants fueled with nuclear energy and coal. or produced from dams or thermal wells, he has compelled them to rely rar too heavily on OPEC oil. the price or which has soared by reason or the Arab sheiks taking advantage of the market. A large part of the blame must fall upon the Brown appointees to the Ene rgy Commission, a misnomer if eve r there was one. Created to fi nd viable alternate energy sources , the com mission has been in existence eight years, expended a quarter df a billion dollars. over $42 million this year, and has yet to approve one new major powe r plant or develop on e new workable alternative power source. Instead it preaches conservation and contends there 1s no need for new power planb The Public Ut11I ties Commission which regulates the power companies and their rates. is also composed of Brown appointees or the same ilk who seem bent upon enrorcing conservation by making the rates for using energy so· high none can afford il. Those who voted for Brown as gove rnor and who vote for those legis lators who support his programs have really nobody to blame but themselves. The rest have a legitimate beef over government interfe'rence which has resulted in the energy mess. Their wrath s hould be directed at Brown and his followers and not the hapless utility compa nies who are thems elves victims of the misguided policies of t his false prophet of conser vation Watt policies also threaten wildlife To the Editor : lt is difhcult to understand how James Watt. on whom the citizens of the United States rely a.nd depend upon to act on his best judgment and in their best interest can ignore this call of duty and undermine the efforts of citizens nationwide to conserve and protect this na tion's valuable resources and wildlife. Now. more than ever. we all must be co n cern ed about ou r g r ave enironmental situation. In a lime, when MAILBOX air. water, and land pollution are worse than ever. we mus t adapt stricter laws to protect the citizens of the United States as well as the wildlife within this nation, not weaken the ones we have now. We must be concerned about the future. Shouldn't our descendants have the right to enjoy the wildlife of the United States Shouldn 't they have the right to breathe fresh air and drink clean water? Shouldn't we? We have two responsibilities then, one to the present citizens of this country and the other to the future citizens of the U.S. MANY OF OUR rare and endangered species are just beginning lo regenerate and it would be senseless lo insure their d estruction b y debi l it ati n g the Endangered Species Act. Changes must be m ade lo strengthen this act, not to weaken it, as James Watt and other thoughtless individuals want to do. These animals can never be replaced. Once gone, they have vanished from the face of the earth forever. Are we entitled lo choose another ani mal's destiny? If so, then we surely do not have the right to sentence it to inevitable destruction. I would like to see Secretary of the Interior J ames Watt removed from office due to the fact that he ls a serious threat to o ur n ation's valua ble r esources a nd wildlif e. He is an egocentered individual who is more concerned with bjs own well-being than with that of the nation to which he has an obligation. CHRISTI GARWOOD Letter in.correct To the Editor : Recently You published a letter from one Ladltla.w Reday in which he. expounded the virtues ot the Irvine Company and crttlcl1ed the Committee of 4000. t am not for or a1ainst the Irvine Company and h1ve no interest ln what they cbafJe for leases. However, I wu •hocked to read thta penon ltlll lhlnU that' the lmae Foundaaioa own1 about ball of u. lmne Company.' Thlt ~ doela1 ene know tbat when the lrvine ComplJU' wu boqbt DJ UM .,.....nt ownen llley boutbt all of • the Irvine Company. and the Irvine Foundation sin ce that time on does not receive one single dollar from the money received by the present owners of the Irvine Company. I t hink it wouJd be well If you were to put a small article somewhere in your paper so that we don't have a lot of people in Newport Beach thinking that the present Irvine Company and all the money they are making has anything to do with the Irvine Foundation, and that any of the money coming from the Irvine Foundation today comes out of the pres ent profits of the present owners of the company, because that is not true ROBERT JOHNSON Irvin e p a ra n oia To the Editor: The Irvine Company has a strange Imagination. In withdrawing its plans lo exp-and Newport Center, the company hinted that it was the victim of an evil cons piracy. It claimed that it was being pe rsecuted by a s trange political c r eature -part leaseholde r , part environmentalist -which sought to destroy anything touched by the Irvine Company. I can understand why the Irvine Company feels a little paranoid. After all, the company continues to isolate Itself from the community, hoping that its many problems will fade away ... only to find matters gettipg worse! But let's be realistic. Leaseholders, by and large, are perfectly content to see the exp a nsion of Newport Cente r ta ke place. The Committee of 4000 was formed because leaseholders want lo prote<:t their investment in their homes, not destroy it. The expansion of Newport Center would probably make Newport Beach a more desirable place to Ii ve, adding mo re value to the hom eowner's property. NO, 'l1DS paranoia on the part of the Irvine Company is the product of the compa n y's o wn imagin ation . Originally, the company believed that it could diffuse the leasehold Issue by linking It with lhe expansion of Newport Center . Jt was thought that such a tactic would split the ranks or the Committee of 4000. As it tu.med out, the Irvine Company strategy backfired ... the company began to believe its own story that It was under sie1e, and found It.sell fighting for its life. The Irony Is lbat the Irvine Company -whJch claims that the Committee of 4000 Is so powerful ln civtc affairs - does oot believe that the Committee ot 4000 has anylhinJ to do with leasehold ntfOtlatlons. In fact, when it comes to aetWn1 the leasehold criala face-to-face, the Irvine Company makea believe that • \. ... Win"-,....,.,.,. --"" '""'. c.--,.,. ...... m _. ., ... ...._ i-..1,,_.... ~_,• • --w ._ _... .. --...._. •. Ml ""9f't,.... Ill• (~ ~ .. ....i1111e ..,_ .... --. .. ......... ,..,.,, "Wfteilllt,...... .. ....,..... ,....,, •Ill"" .. "*'"""· Let'I•• -y ............... ..,,... ......... ..----""'~-----· ..,..mc ... 1t11......_ • the committee and its members do not exist. This isn't the first time that the Irvine Company has been subject to fits of madness and double-talk. Just ask the Irvine Company to justify its price quotes to leaseholders for an example of what I mean. MARGE RILEY Home loans To the Editor: I would like to congratulate you for your stand on blocking home loan assumptions as indicated in your Feb. 9 editorial "Home Loans in Limbo." We at Century 21 fully agree that passage of such legislation will indeed mark the end of home resales not onl y he re but across the nation as well. The very possibility of "locking many people into their homes and preventing them from moving" is in direct confli ct with the right of choice as guaranteed by our Constitution. It is our stance that home buying is the right, not the privilege, of every citizen. Hopefull y, we the citizens will be able to-make our voices heard above the cry of the savings and loan industry. DAVE DAWSON Regional Director Loo k behind l a bel To the Editor: It is too bad that.the California voters can exercise more judgment picking out a brand of com flakes than they can choosing their candidates for governor. No matter what the labels say on the outside the only way to decide which kind of com flakes you like is to put them in a bowl side by side and see how they hold up in the milk. Likewise. the o nl y way to com pare po l i tical candidates is lo have them debate 'and see how they hold up under stress. Mayor Bradley has repeatedly refused to debate st.ate Senate M-1orlty Leader John Gar a mend i for the Democratic primary . The only reUOll I can see is that he feels he is ahead now and if he had ·to s how what he really knows about state 1overnment he \Would come out looking like so11y co.m flakes. MARY BROCKE'M' RmY.• Be advised that' it is nol a 1ood idea to try to bamm~r nails at different levels 1 while l.rYlnt lO see U~rou8b bi-foc:al gJaa1es. BATTERED THUMB I .. . .. 11vr11 . Illy Piiat THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 19'2 CAVALCADE 82 COMICS 84 TELEVISION BS .. Gen. James Dozier's feelings . about hard rock are quite understandable to Erma Bombeck. See P.age B2. 0 0 Irvine planners weigh· industrial complex issue By GLENNSCO'IT Of ... Delt¥ ........... The Irvine Indus trial Complex-West, a bustling 2~270-acre enclave of offices and manufacturing plants pear the John Wayne Airport, may be destined for a change in appearance. A wave of interest in building more corporate offices In the prestigious complex initially zoned mostly for lower-profile industrial use has engulfed the area, sending city planners back to their blueprints. Tonight the Irvine Planning Co mmi ssio n will begin discussions on recommendations to imPoH new zoning guidelines in the complex that would allow greater mixes of office, industrial, retail and even residenUal use. The commission's 7:30 p.m. meeting is expected to be the first of seyeral sessions at Irvine City Hall to examine ways of accommodating more office space in the complex without s~i~ing its attraction. There 1s no s hortage of demand to move new businesses into the complex, according to a report prepared for the planning commission by John Murphy, the city's mana ge r o f development services. San Juan oppos·ing • • airport near city By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of -o.ily "" ... MMf There will be no general aviation airport east of San Juan Capistrano if the City Council has its way. I The council, on an unanimous vote, passed a resolution at a 11 P,Ublic hearing Wedrtesday night l'Pposing the proposed San Juan •Creek airport site. The 4·0 vote came after nearly 21f.i hours of testimony at Marco Forster Junior High School in San Juan Capistran·o . A standing-room-only audience of 400 attended. But whUe opponents of the airport proposal we re most vocal there were equa lly as many supporters who paraded to the microphone. Many backers were pri vale pilots who wore small signs reading, "I love an airport." Opponents hissed or booed comments by supporters. And the foes stood and gave a rousing round of applause to one Sclwols take measures on vandalism A series of incidents of vandalism and thefts in the usually tranquil Irvine Unified School District has led officials to take action. Typewriters and computers are being bolted down, police patrols an! being stepped up and some fences are being erected ~round school facilities. School administrator Ron Upton said these steps are being taken because the school district has suffered $50,000 worth of losses in the past few months as a result of the crimes. Irvine police Sgt. Dick Bowman confirmed that there has been an increase recently in thefts and vandalism on Irvine ca mpu ses but had no ex planation for why this is taki!'g place. Youths face we apons rap A pellet handgun, five sets of martial arts weapons, one billy club and several knives including a dagger led to the arrest Wednesday night of two youths at 1rvine's Heritage Park Teen Center. The weaions were discovered in a car 1•arked outside the center by oficers responding to a rep(>rted .listurbance among teen-agers. The youths "'ere arrested for possession of 1!legal weapons , and, after being held briefly at the Irvine PoUce Department, were released to their parents. vociferous opponent, Ed Connor of San Juan Capistrano. Connor, his hands waving, read from a prepared statement. He admonished those who had spoken in favor of the airport as well as representatives of the Oran~e County Department of Airports. "Your statement there is an overriding need (for the airport) is assuming that all of us in this room were born yesterday. It will be disaster if that airport goes jn," Connor said to county offi cials in attendance, including 'Murry Cable, manager of John Wayne Airport. Connor attacked the county's proposition that there would be strict adherence to landing and ~a k eo ff corridors . The di agrammed corridors depicted the aircraft avoiding flying over the cjJ.y. ·'Those planes will fl y over somebody's house. We can all agree on that." Connor said. He, along with others, voked concern that the F e de ral Aviation Administration could veto any focal control and that expansion of the airport could occur. The proposal calls for a runway limit of 3,600 feet. ''The airport is a · bad idea today and will always be a bad idea," he said. The majority in the audience stood and applauded. F r ank Greer of San Clemente, a pilot favoring the airport, chorused sentiments of other backers, saying "the airport would be a business asset to the community. He also cited the advantage of "property tax on aircraft tiedowns." Councilman Ken Friess. who drafted the resolution. read an opposition letter from Anthony R. Moiso, president of Rancho Mission Viejo. The ranch owns the land on which the proposed site·would be located. The council will take the resolution to the Board of Supervisors who a re expected to act on the issue Ma rch 23. Friess and Mayor Phillip Sch wartze each expressed confidence the supervisors will go along with the resolution. If the site is approved, Friess said a likely step by the city would be to file sui t. The county had selected the San Juan Creek site as most s uitable of six proposed. locations, according to Steve· Kozak , airport plans and programs officer. The county presented a slide show and map pinpointing the proposed location. The city bad agreed to join the county in a study of proposed sites in south Orange County following the June 1, 1978 closing of Capistrano Airport. Thal airport was closed after opposition following the death of a 5-year-old girl killed when a banner-towing plane crashed into the San Ju~~ Creek. 1 Artist Dupont dies Lagunan known for seascapes ~ the Le~a Beach Festival of Arts ln the late 60s and early 70s. His work is featured in the i'nternaUonally known book "How lo Draw and Pain t Seascapes," and he ia listed ln the "Who's Who in American Art." Alfred Dupo11t, the Laguna Beach painter who became known as o n e of lbe autl\orllalive seascape painters of bis time, died Tuesday afternoon at 75. He apparently suffered heart failure whiJe drlvin1 on Ford Road In Newport Beac bJ· accordl.og to witnesses wbo iaw him slump over t.be 1teerinc wheel of bia car. Tbe car Jumeect ont.q a ~ in t h e buay II aeArt bur interMetioD and colllded with a tralflc POie. No one elM wu Involved m the accident. Mr. l)upcJlll •• proaouae.ct ... at ..... HMpttal He WM 1 replar .Ulbltor at He wu born in New Jersey in 1906, but came to Calllornta u a child. Educated at the School of• Arts and CraN in Berkeley and the Mark~ Art Institute ln San Frandaeo. • # Mr. Dupont. la survived by bia ion, Colyar Dup'ont ol Saa rranclteo, •'ltd hi• daapter. VIYlu ...Stdclder of Seat\le, Wuh. · Virtually all the demand, however, is to locat e ne w corporate headquarters at the site. He said the airport location Is e nticing bee a use of its proximity to the airport and the San Diego Freeway, a big labor pool of professionals and the hi g h qu ality of othe r development in the complex. The problem city officials face is that very little space in the complex initially was set aside for offices, nor was the road system designed for tlle almost three times as much traffic that offices generate than industrial uses. · But because zoni ng regulations include a "loophole" allowing corporate offices In s ome industria l zones, developers are continuing to s e e k way s o f creeli n g mulli·story corporate centers at the complex instead or one-story manufacturing planls That interest has , in turn. kindled even greater speculation for the remaining land. Property along major streets is selling for $25 a square fool, which is too much for the industrial use the property w<1s intended to hold, accordinl( lo the re1>ort. In comp<trison , land at the Irvine Industrial Complex East 1s selling for about $8 a square foot, the report said. Dally Po~ Pllolo "' Palrl<k O'-" BIKE HIKE Tisha Schaft•r ol In int· lug .... twr hu·~ ell' off rtw sand at Rois a Chi ea Stall' Bc:1d1 in I l11nt inglon lh-<1<"11 Stw was getting a head st:irl on !ht• la ll'"' ~1wtl nf -.,pnnglikt· wealht·r New paraphernalia laws due on Coast? By PATRICK KENNEDY Of •• O.lly "" ... Staff Officials of Newport Beach and Huntington Beach say they may tough e n ci t y laws restricling sa les or drug paraphernalia fo llowing a U.S. Supreme Court rulin g Wednesday. Huntington Beach Mayor Ruth Finley says she favors a .. total ban" on paraphernalia sales to adults as well as minors. "I have a strong bias in that area because it usually involves kids," she said today. Both coastal cities, as well as numerous other Orange County communities, currently prohibit sales of water pipes. "roach SUCCUMB I La g una Beach painter Al fred Dupont. 75. died after surrering heart railure while • drivin1 bl Newport Beach. clips ... vials and other materi als lo people under 18. The Supreme Court ruling Wcdne~day seems lo uphold the validity of such restrictions and appears to open the door to tougher restrictions and possibly total bans. according to court <;n11rces 'fhe jus t ices unanimously upheld an ordinance in Hoffman Estates. Ill.. that r equires paraphernalia shop owners to pay a fee for a li cense and to make sales records available for police ins pcclion The sate or paraphernalia to minors also 1s prohibited by the ordinance. Justice Thurgood Marshall's opinion s taled : "Many American communities have recently enacted laws regulating ·or prohibiting the s ale of drug paraphernalia. "Whether these laws are wise or effective is not, of course, tht. province of this court. We hold only that such legislation Is not facially overbroad or vague if it does nbt reach constitutionally protecte d conduct and is r easonabl y c l ear in Its application.'' Newport Beach City .Attorney Mike Miller said the court's ruling is a "strong decision because It was a unanimous 8·0 ru11n&." "When we get the olficial ruling wc'H look al it to see lf the city's law ean be enhanced or made stronger and we'll report that to lhe City Council." Mlller said. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heath.er aays the present city law prohibiting sales to mlnon hat "l\opped thtH bualneuea rrom 1etOnt a foothold tn the city." The commission tonight will consider two alternatives for rezoning the complex. The first, suggested by city p lanners. would allow mixed use or land but would break the complex into three major areas. The area on the airport side of the freeway would be assigned the most intensive development potential, the section from the freeway lo about Main Street would have t he moderate densities and the area from Main lo Barranca Road would ha ve t h e l eas t intense development. This sytem would encourage more commercial land use, which would J?enerate more sales tax lo -help pay for expected road improvements lo handle additional traCCi c , according to the report. The retail and residential use allowed through a conditional 11se permit -would bring in more traffic, but it would be at different times of the day when the roads are relatively open, the report says. The other alternative w ning c omes from som e or the property owners. It is similar to the first, except it substitutes a sys tem in which developers could shift entitlements for high density building throughout the com plex. Minority .program at UCI defended By SANDIE JOY Of '" o.i1y "" ... Staff • Rebutting student claims that a prog r am for minority en rollment has deteriorated at UC Irvine. Vice Chancellor John Wh tteley said the school has tripled its budget for the Equal Edu cati o nal Opportunit y program since 1977 and has doubled the number of EOP students. UCI Hispanic students were to demonstrate toda y in front of the school's Administration Building to protest 'what they perceive as a cutback in EOP s erv i ce s resulting from administrative division of EOP. "The university position 1&," said Whiteley, "that if you chart the growth or the program, in 1977 UCI had 696 EOP students . and in 1981 we had 1,685." lie also noted the school had in creased the budget of the combined offices of Relations With Schools and Colleges, Early Outreach Program. and -:it udent Affirmative Action - >rrices which administer EOP .ervices from less than S400,000 in 1978·79 to more than SI million in 1980·81. EOP, which was established Jl UCJ in 1968. 1s designed to assist enrollment of minority and low income students at the university. Manuel Gomez, who headed the EOP program for seven years until he went on education- a l leave in 1979. reportedly ha s called administrative fragmentation of EO P services "blatant colonialism" and said it 's slowly reci..:c1ng the :>r')gnun to an obscure ro:-at the university. On the Ctlhr-,-l•a r:•l , \~hiteley said in-en interview '.VeJnt..>day, "The addition of 11e .1 and mor~ complex prog r ;im s which accompanied these budget increases as well as the state-mandated accountability for these programs made it prudent lo devote m ore management attention in this general area · · The vice chancellor said the university is taking the student complaints "very seriously" and noted that UCI has increased faster in Chicano/His panic enrol I ment than any other campus in the UC system. Today's demonstration was to be supported by M ECHA. an umbreUa group for Hispanic student organizations at UCI. as well as by the Black Student Union representing 16 organizations and by Asian student groups. Pointin g to increased management time for EOP services at UCI, Whiteley said one consequence of that increase is that EOP applications for fall 1982 have risen 33 percent in advance s ta nding and 11 8 pe rcent for freshmen •Former chancellor to sp eak Dr. Maurice Mitchele, former chancellor of the University of Denver, will speak on "The Revolulion in Communications" March 11 at Saddleback College's North Campus in Irvine. The talk will take place at 11 :30 a.m. 1n the Forum Theater. The lecture is free and open to the public. ~tch el e's lecture will f oc u s on high level technology and its effect on -education and individuals. The campus is located at 5500 Irvine Center Drive. For 'more information. call 559-9300, extension 228. •Mayor Wilson to visit I rvine San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson is scheduled to make a short stop at 2: 30 p.m. Fridav at Irvine City Hall as part of his six-stop tour of South e rn Cal i forn i a to a nnounc e his official candidacy for U.S. Senate. Wilson, key supporters and Neil Reaga n , the · president 's brothe r . are expected to roll up to the c i vic cente r at 17200 J a mbo r ee R oad in a motorhome. Other stops scheduled for Wilson's one-day tour include Riverside, San Bernardino. Los Angeles. Vista and San Diego. •Irvine seniors to plant tree The Irvine Senior Center will observe Ar bor Day this month by planting a tree in front of its two -year -old facility at 3 Sandburg Way. and woman from the center will be selected lo throw the first shovel-fulls of dirt ov~r the tree roots and then the group will hold hands and briefly meditate. "As we grow, our wishes are for the tree to grow along Activities Coordinator Bebee Gombe rg said the cente r 's firs t -ever tree planting will be held at 11 :30 a.m. Friday, Ma r ch 12. A five-gallon tree donated by the Callfornia Association of Nurserymen will be planted. with us," she explained. • Arbor Day . which comme morate s h o rticulturalist Luther Burbank's birthday, actually is March•7, but the ceremony will be five days later. Ms. Gom~rg sa!d a man • VCI professor slates sp eech UC Irvine political science professor William Schonfeld w i ll d isc u ss French Pr esi dent Francois Millerand Monday, March 15 durin& the final profram or the academic yeir otfered by TQwn and Gown. Schonfeld has traveled extensively ln France and French-speaking Africa and 11 cona1dered an expert on the poUUcal aspects of the •re1lona. Illa speech at the 10 a.m. meeting al UCl's Soclal Science Tower Room 220 will be ''Francois Milterand: De Gaulle ResarrecledT" Town and Goan organization forme d to establish tles between the community and lb6 campus. f'ree parkina wlll be available to cars without stlckert 1n Parklnl Lot No. 1 tn unmetered spaces. Admlsaton to the •Pffdt la trff. ,, _) ~· 0 Orange Cout DAILY Pll,.OT/Thurlday, March-4, 1 N~ Court ruling slwul,d speed land use talks After four yet1r11 of lt.>ga l wrangling it looks as though th<' fight betw~n the ci t~· and Arnrl Developme nt ('o h os rinull~· <'<>me to a n end Last week 's d erision hr th<.' state Supreme Court not t o review a n appellate ('ourt rulin ~ lhut inva lidated a voll'r mil mt i\'<.' used to rezone 68 ar res in '.'forth Costa Mesa C'losccl a long drawn. out ch apter in Costa Ml.'sa·s legal his tor y. Of course memh<.•r'\ of lht• • Nori h Cost<.i :\tesa I lomt.'O\\ nl•r'\ Association. who s pcarlH.•:.i ckcl th e 1978 initiath't'. wt•n• n ot pleased by the decision But the horncowm•1·s Jgrt•t•d the next dav to stl clown with t'tl' officials and clisC'uss lhl• futun· ul the 68 <l('l'CS lll'Ur South Coast P I a z a a n d l h t' S a n D i t' g o Freewa\· The. talk wu~ long on·rdue Sueh ta lks s hould ht· t·ontinuC'd in the futul'e 1:rnrl include the Arnt>! D evelo pment Co. and South Coust Pluw m tt nugement City off1cie1ls hav{' s pet·uhtted it is unlik ct~· the tlevclopt.•r wi1 1 want to C'onstl'lH't tht? more than 650 apurtments nncl homes t hat Wt.'l't.' app1·on •<I h~· tht• <'it~· in 1!}77 It 1s not known what .'\rnPI p lans t o con ~trut·t now. Tht.· ck''t.'lopers a rc waiting to meet with cit~ staff and homeowners before committing tht•mselws to an ~· s ingle plun llarr~· Rinker. a partnl'r in the pro.1cc t. ~a1rl la~t wt•ek that ht.• would be n·r~ willing lo mt'('t "ith hom eowm•rs Th<.' wtllingnt•ss b~ all parlil'" to m l·l't now und dist·uss tht• rormt.•rl~· tontru\·crsial IH'OJl'l't is .1 hopl'fu l sign that the pas t tnurst.• of 11oneommunH·1.1tion will 1101 ht• n'Pl'<ttl'd Tree lovers succeed The trl'l' l ran·st ~· thul begun las t Octobt•r· clit'd pt'aedully this week when tht.' Costa Mesa Cit' Council agret:•d to n•planl ;,<) tn•1:-. toppled b.\' t tl~ workc.>rs The council also agr(•NI to pa~· $25.000 to prune <1h<1ut 220 trees s till t hn·att'ning 'idc:walks in Colle~<.' Park From thl' start tht• trt•1• problem ha!) s ufh ·rt'cl from a l'<t'l' of poor tnmmuni<'ution Cd~ offteials eonten<I that thl'' h<l(I inte ndt•c1 to n•plant tht• ;)(i tl'l'l'" all a long But SO lrt'l' s tump:-do nol a prelt~· picture makt' \net unJ,!n ho meowners r al1 1cd .1rnund tht· hac ked foliagt.' qlllt·k1•r than mo~s O\'('I' a \\'l't Sl0l1l' Tht• hom t'O\\llt•rs from Colle!:('e Purk lnggl•<I quilt' a fl'" hours looking into tht· C'osh of pruning and rl'planting trt.'l'S Th t·~· descn·e pr<llSl' for I ;.i~ mg tht• groundwork that kd lht• ('lllllH'il to c·ast a ran>rnhlt• l'\'l' on thl·1r rt•tommt.·n<la tions ~O\\ thl' grou p \\ant .; to l)l'an eh out and form a t•it' widt• t11mmilll'l' tlwt \\mild anrHialh l'l'\ IC\\ Costa :\ksa-; pruning and l rt't' t'l'mo,·ul poticil·~. Th<.· cmmt·il :-t'<.'m1..·cl -.tumµt'<I Ii~ thi s sugf!_e-.t1nn and 'clluntt.-crt•d to li'tkl' t ht• m.illt·r 11p during an April 9 stud.' st·~s11m. This ma' bt• a tt'st t·ast.• fol' a. <.·i i' lhal hHs Mil pt~shi°Ag ror c:i t1 zen particqH1lion '-:ow that t ht· st•t•ds han· ht.•t•11 plantNI. \\l' \\Otlld h11pl' tlwt tht· nt~ "tll ll•1 tht· tn•t• <'11rnm1l l<'l' g row Ope n pay neg~tiations The ~ewf>ort -~l esa t'niftl'd Sc hool Oistriet's setlll'mrnt with t caC'h crs last month <ltd not n.>,ult i n a round or appl:.iusl' frnm tlH· dis trict's ~50 lt•aC'ht•rs Included in t ht• a<.T<'PI .illl'l' ol t h e 6 per<:cnt pa~ raise nffe rt•d h\ the district was m ·er":he lming e n d o.rst'm e nt of a · stron gl\· worderl 1·esolut1on tailing for a s trike if negotiatwns fol' lht• 1982-83 ~c hool n·ar an' not completed b~· Septembt•r The rcsolut ion. passt•d h~ a ,·ot e of :ID9-:l8. also e-.: pressed ;1 \'Ole nf no ronfidt·m•t• m Supt .John Nicoll Lrnha PP» on•r tht' t 1mt· 11 took to settle thl' pa~ dis pull'. teachers blamed the cllstn<'I for d e li berate I~· st:J 11 mg ne~ot iat ions Ni c· o 11 r <.' s 110 n ck d to I h t' resolution last weC'k I)~ ofrennl-! to open future negotiation" to th<.· press and the public • Such a move. if approwd h~· I h{' '.'lt•wport '.\1<.'Sa F t'ckration of T t'uthl•r-. hoard anct truslel'~. \\ o u I cl h 1 • a I 11·' I 1 ll 0 r a n J.! t• Count' Stud ~1rnll ··Tht• more I th111k ahout 11 the mon' I think pt•ople s hould kncm what's going on I 0011·1 St'l' \\hat's "rnng \\ ilh -.unsh1nmg it .. Wt• agrl't' th<Jt t:ilk~ ht•twt•t•n the dis trict and the lt•al'h Ns s hould tx• oµen to the public In t ht• past h<1th s1dl's haq• \\alkt'<I aw;i\ Imm tilt· dnsl'd mt•t•t ing ... to;1d) hl:iming lh<' 111 ht•r for tht· ... 10\\ pan· \\\• hopt• t hat tht• st:hool h11ard \'Ole~ In ra\·or of thl' rt•tommenrlation i,, :'\1<.·oll 1wxt Tuesda.' If nothing. l'I Sl' thl' opt•n lulks could put an encl to the finger pointing and pos-sihl~ avert the thn·atenN1 slrikt> h\ s pt•eding up negotiations · Opinions expressed in the space above are tho~ ot the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on tn1s page are tnose ot tne1r autnors and art 1~ts. Reader comment .is inv11 ed. Address The Daily Pilot P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone·c71 4l 64~·4321. L.M. Boy d/Leisure time Item No. 977C in our Love and War man's file is a pollsters' report on what American middleclass women most like to do in their leisure lime. Reading books, 37 percent, came out far a head or making love, 26 percent. H owever, sex beat sewing , 25 percent. That's something. Cash giveaway contests usually attract numerous entries, but not Invariably. A Miami disk jockey named Mike Reineri bas failed for months to find ·even one entry fbr his "Great Cash Giveaway" promotion. His offer : "You give me $10,000 and I'll send you 25 words or less." The Ashantis or Ghana name their children after the days of the week on which they were born. There's gold ln your teeth not put there by your dentist. bear in mind. And in your hair, too. Q. Why ls the concept of Liberty always and everywhere personified by a woman? The Statue of Libert~. tor instance. A.· Don't know about "always and everywhere," but s uch has been the case in France, and that's where Frederic Bartholdi sculpted that particular statue. Q. Weren't the feet of all Chinese women once bound up to make them small? A . Not all. Only in the privileged class. Peasant girls were expected to work in the fields You wouldn't think the moniker "Dolly" would m erit mention as another clever name for a household pet, but In one case, maybe. A Montana rancher has a pet llama so called. Dolly Llama. Commercial fishe rmen will tell you the biggest catches of herring are a lmost always made during the full moon. Did you know that Cleopatra had her own emer ald mine? Q . When and w he re was the s trongest earthquake or thlA century? A. In 1960 off the coast o( Chlle. Measured 9.5 on the Kanamort scale. • • -~ ~ -~ • -"""'"'-~11111. ~~~. ;~ . .. -.. • -~ __ , __ ~ !.!:::' • Blame Brown for utility hills Aroused electric consumers, irate over the sudden swift boosts in rates which are making energy costs near prohibitive for many, are expressing their anger at private utility companies.• Their ire is understandable but they are pointing the finger or bla me in the wrong direction. It's a case or wanting to kill the beare r of bad news Instead of the culprit. The public in general cannot be blamed for mistaking the messenger for t he villain but the legislators who are joining in the clamor and clucking. sympathetically with the cons umers are engaging in demagoguery. THEY KNOW BETTER than anyone the reaJ cau!ie for the soaring energy , rates is the governmental policies advanced by Gov. Jerry Brown and acquiesced in by themselves True, inflation and rising costs of oil. mainly imported oil, and a cold winter have contributed to make the electric bills s hocking. But those factors would have been softened considera bly had it not been for lhe kooky ideas of the governor, his appointees to the energy regulatory commissions. a nd the legislators. Brown came into office in 1974 espousing "small is bette r" and other "buzz" phrases designed to win plaudits from rabid conservationists and other activists opposing growth at any cost. Despite the wa rnings of the utility companies of e ne rgy s hortages in the foreseeable future unless positive steps were taken to de velop new power plant s, Brown and his e n ergy commissions have vigorously blocked '. IARl WATIRS eve r y e ffort of the com panies to proceed with their plans Not only has Brown stood side by side w ith Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden protesting nuclear power plants as well as dams for t h e p r o duction of hydro-power, he has used the power of his office in every conceivable way to hamstring the ultlity company plans These battles, legal and otherwise. have cost lhe utilities milli~of~H1U's­ which now refl ect in the rates of the co n s utn e r s . Fur th e rmore , b y preventing the development of new power plants fueled with nuclear energy and coal, or produced from dams or thermal wells. he has compelled them to rely far too heavily on OPEC oil. the price of which has soared by reason of the Arab sheiks taking advantage of the market. A large part of the blame must fall upon the Brown appointees to the Energy Commission. a misnomer if ever there was one. Created to find viable alternate energy sources, the commission has been in existence eight yea rs. expended a q~r-ter or a billion dollars. over $42 million this year, and has yet to appr ove one new major power plant or develop one new workable alte rnative power source. Instead it preaches conser vation and contends there 1s no need for new power plants T he Public Utilities Commission which regulates the power companies and their rates, 1s also composed of Brown appointees of the same ilk who seem bent upon enforcing conservation by making the rates for using energy so high none can afford it Those who voted for Brown a s governor and who vote for those -l~g1sfators who s upport his ~rogram~ have really nobody to blame but the m selves. The rest·have a legitimate beef over government interference which has resulted in the energy mess. Their wrath shou ld be directed at Brown and his followers and not the hapless utility companies who are themselves victims of the misguided pol 1 cies of this false pr ophet of conser vation Watt policies also threaten wildlife To the Editor: It is difficult to understand how James Watt, on whom the citizens of the United States rely and depend upon to act on his best judgment and in their best interest can ignore this call of duty and undermine the efforts of citizens nationwide to conser ve and protect this nation's valu able resources a nd wildlife. No w. more than ever. we all must be c o n ce rn e d a b o ut our g r ave enironmental situation. In a time, when MAILBOX air. water, and land pollut ion are worse than ever. we must adapt stricter laws to protect the citizens of the United States as well as the wildlife within this nation, not weaken the ones we have no w. We must be concerned about the future. Shouldn't our descendants have the r ight to enjoy the wildlife of the United States Shouldn't they have the right to breathe fresh air and drink clean waler? Shouldn't we? We have two responsibilities then. one to the present citizens of this country and the other to the future citizens of the U.S. MANY OF OUR rare a nd endangered species are just beginning to regener ate and it would be senseless to insure their des truction b y debilitati n g t he Endangered Species Act. Changes must be made to strengthen this act, not to weaken it , as James Watt and other thoughtless individuals want to do. These animals can never be replaced. Once gone, they have vanished from the face of the earth forever. Are we entitled to choose anothe r animal's destiny? If so, then we surely do not have the right to s ente nce it to inevitable destruction. I would like to see Secretary of the Interior James Watt removed from office due to the fact that be is a serious t hreat to our nation's v aluable r esources a nd wildlife. He ls an egocentered individual who is more concerned with his own well-being than with that of the nation to whlcb be bas an obl~gaUon. CHRISTI GARWOOD Letier incorrect To the F.dltor: RecenUy you published • letter from one Ladlalaw Re day In which be. expounded the vlrtues of the Irvine Company and criticiaed the Committee the Irvine Company, and the Irvine Foundation since that time on does not receive one single dollar from the money received by the present owners of the Irvine Company. I think it would be well if you were to put a s mall article somewhere in your paper so that we don't have a lot of people in Newport Beach thinking that the present Irvine Company and all the money they are making has anything to do with the Irvine Foundation. and that any of t he money com ing from the Irvine Foundation today comes out of the present profits of the present owners of the company. because that is not true. ROBERT JOHNSON lroine p a ra n oia To the Editor: The Irvine Company has a strange imagination. In wit!tdrawing its plans to expand Newport Center . the company hinted that it was the victim of a n e vil conspiracy. It claimed that It was being persecuted by a strange political c reature -part lease holder, part environmentalist -which sought to destroy anything touched by the Irvine Com pany. I can unde rstand why the Irvine Company feels a little paranoid. After a ll, the company continues to isolate itself from the community, hoping that its many proble ms will fade away .. only to find matters getting worse! But let's be realistic. Leaseholders. by and large, are perfectly content lo see the expansion of Newport Center take place. The Committ ee of 4000 was formed because leaseholders want to protect their investment in their homes. not destroy it. The expans ion of Newport Center would probably make Newport Beach a more desirable place to h ve, adding more value to the homeowner's property. NO, 11DS paranoia on the part of the Irvine Company is the product of the company 's o wn Imagination. Originally, the company believed that It could diffuse the leasehold issue by linking It with the expansion of Newport Center. It we thought that such a tacUc would spilt the ranks of the-Committee of 4000. As lt turned out, the Irvine Company strategy backfired ... the company began to believe its own story that lt was under sie1e. and found itself fighting for its ll{e. the committee and its meml>ers do not exist. This isn't the first time t hat the Irvine Company has been subject to fits of madness and double-talk. Just ask the Irvine Company to justify its price quotes to leaseholders for an example of what I mean. Home loans To the Editor . MARGE RILEY I would like to congratulate you for your stand on blocking home 'loan assumptions as indjcated in your Feb. 9 editoriaJ .. Home Loans in Limbo ... We at Century 21 fully agree that passage of such legislation will indeed mark the end of home resales not only here but across the nation as well. The very possibilit y of "locking m any people into t heir homes and pr eventing them from moving" is in direct conflict w1th the righrOT choice as guaranteed by our Constitution . It is our stance that home buyi ng is the r ight, not the privilege, of every citizen. Hopefully. we the citizens will be able lo make our voices heard above the cry of the savings and loan indust ry. DAVE DAWSON Regional Director Loo k be h ind l a be l To the Editor: It is too bad that the California voters can exercise more judgment picking out a brand of corn flakes than they can choosing their candida tes for governor. No matter what the labels say on the outside the only way to decide which kind of com fl akes you like is to put them in a bowl side by side and see how they hold up in the milk. Likewise. the onl y way lo compare political candidates is to have the m debate .and see how they hold up under stress. Mayor Bradley ha s repeatedly r efused to debate state Senate Majority Leader John Garamendi for the Democratic primary. The only reason I can see is that be feels he is ahead now a nd if he had to show what he really knows about state government he would come out lookJng like 1oggy corn flakes. MARY BROCKETf lllllY• ThOnYI p. Ha le y Pubtllher , of 4000. The irony ii that the Irvine Company -which claims that the Committee of 4000 is ao powerful ln clvic affairs - does not believe that the Committee of 4000 bu anythln1 to do with ltuobold ne1ottaUooa. In fact, wbtn It comes to settling the leasehold ~rl1l.a fac.to-face, tM trvtne Com pany makes beUeve that I· m dllappolnted that CouUine Collea& <adult educatlon) ls spendln• i:M mU11'0n for a new headquarters wheQ our YOUDI atudenta don't have money ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Tla8IMIA. ......... H Editor .. ,....,. KN lblclt Edlt«l•I Pate Editor I am not ror or agalost the lrvtne Company and have no interest in what they c:h .... e for leas". However, I wu a~ked IO read tht1 person atW tJUab that the lrvlne Foundat.IGn owu aa.out half of the Irvine Oompany . Tbll pM'IGll doeln't evtn = wben lbe lrrine Compan1 wu by the Pflfd OWMl'I tbey --of t "'" • '-etM ,,_ ·~•.,•-Tiit fltM le<..,.._ Mt• • -. • ttt _.. W riMIMtt 1-It,_...... UMn et -...,.. ., .... wltl .. .._ .,...,_ •• "" ~ -· ..... <"'9t ,..,.....,_ 9M i:::::.r--N -• !MY M W'l•RIMN ell,_... II r..-II...-...... ~ ••fl -...... , ...... WtWt .... " ............. .a .... ...... ......... ,...,,., .................... _., ~-----• for 1 remedial reading clasa. M.8 . I lllllEC• San Juan opposes • mrport By J ERRY HERTENSTEIN CM .. Delty ...... .._.. There will be no ge neral aviation airport east of San Juan Capistrano if the City Council has its way. The council, on an unanimous vote, passed a resolution at a public hearing Wednesday night opposing the proposed San Juan Creek airport site . The 4-0 vote came after nearly 2'h hours or testimony a t Marco Forster Junior High School in San Ju a n Ca pis tra n o . A standing-room-only audience of 4'00 attended. But while opponents or the ai-rport pro p osal we r e most vocal there wer e equally as many supporters who paraded to the microphone. Many backers wer e private pilots who wore s m a ll signs reading, "I love an a irport." Opponents hissed or booed comments by supporters. And t he roes stood a nd gave a rousing round or applause to one vociferous opponent, Ed Connor or San Juan Capistrano. Connor , his hands w aving. rea d rrom a pr e p a r e d statement. He admonished those who had spoken in favor of the ai rp o rt as w e ll as re presentatives of the Oranlfe County Department of Airports. ··Your statement there is an overriding need (for the airport) is assuming that all of us in this room were born yesterday. It win be disaster if tha t airport goes in,". Connor said to county officials in attendance, including Murry Cable, manager or John Wayne Airport. Connor attacked the county's proposition that t here would be strict adhere nce to landing and t a k eo ff corri d o r s . Th e diagrammed corridors depicted the aircraft avoiding flying over the city. Harbor High band alates car wash M embe rs of the Newpor t Harbor High School Sailor Band will be washing cars Saturday to r aise funds for a trip to Tracy, Calif., in April. Owners o f dirty car s are invited to line up at Mariners El e m e ntary Sch ool , 2100 Mar iners Drive, Newport Beach from 8 a.m . to 2 p.m. The cost of the car wash is $2 to $3. Wildlife film set/or OCC Friday night So, you think a sapsucker is one of life's losers, a gray fox is a guy over 40 and a bull elk is a h a rd-n osed m e mbe r of a fraternal organization? All the above m entioned wildlife will be featured in a film Friday at 7: 30 in Or ange Coast College's Science Hall. Co n se r vat ion i s t S t eve Maslowski's film "Naturalists Afield" will include scenes from Y e ll o wston e a nd T eton s Nationc;il P arks. Tickets are $2.50 at the door lllly Piiat THURSDAY, MARCH '· 1982 CAVALCADE B2 COMICS B4 TELEVISION BS The Mewport..Mna Schools FoundatiOft wttt play host to Its secOlld concert Friday at the Costa Mna Melghbortlood COMIRllltity Cnt~. The 7:30,.... cORCerl at 1845 Porte Ave. wlll featu~ .selections from loch, Domas•, Rossini, Hhldemffh Giid Arnold f*ionned by the UCI Woodwind QuWet. The concert is port of o serin that rt<entfy fe~ the West Coast lross ~. of which, Wfllfom Foster Cleft) Oft the piccolo trumpet Is a fMftllNr. The Corona StrilMJ Quartet wiU perform April 2, the Vocal 9wca hf will be on stage May 7, foll•wed by the Rfffllllg Jan Trio June I I . Cost for the series Is $30 per family. TelephoM 759-0233. Minority program at UCI, defended By SANDIE JOY CM llM DMty l"li.t Slaff Rebutting student claims that a p r ogram for mi n ority enrollment has deteriorated· at UC. Irvine. Vice Chancellor John Whiteley said the school has tr ipled its budget for the Equal Edu cational Oppo r tunit y program since 1977 and has doubled the number or EOP students. UCI Hispanic students were to dem onstrate today in front of the sc hool 's Admin istr ation Building to protest what they perceive as a cutback in EOP services r es ulting from administrative division of EOP "The university position 1s," said Whiteley, "that if you chart the growth of the program. in 1977 UCI had 696 EOP students ·. and in 1981 we had 1,685." lie also noted the school had "incr eased the budge t of t he combined offices of Rela tions W 1th Schools and Colleges, Earty Outreach Program, and 5tudenl Affirmative Action - Jffices which administer EOP ;ervices from less th an S400,000 in 1978-79 to more than SI million in 1980-81. EOP, which was established ll UCI in 1968. is designed to assist enrollment of minority Jnd low income students al the university M-anuel Gomez. who headed lhe EOP prog ram for seven years until he went on educat1on- a I leave in 1979, repor tedly ha s called adminis trative fragmentation of EOP services "blatant colonialism" and said it 's slowly reducing the program to an obscure r ole at t he uni versily. On the other hand, Whitelef said in an interview Wednesday, "The addition or new and more co mple x progra m s w h ich accompanied these bud get increases as well a s t h e state-mandated accountability for these programs made it prudent to d e vote m o r e man agement attention in this gener al area." The vice chancellor said the university 1s taking the student complaints "very s eriously" and noted that UCI has increased fa s t er in Chicano/Hispanic enrollment than any other campus in the UC system . 'Funny Me~' featured in OCC lectures A t hree-p a rt se r ies on America's greatest humorists be g i ns Frid ay evening a t Ora nge Coast College. Billed as "Those F unny , Fun n y M e n ." the cours e continues the following Friday eveninfs from 8 Lo 10 in Room 10 1 o t he ca m p u s music building. The epening session will focus on Mark Twl'ln. On March 12. series presenter Guy Halferty wiU orrer a took at the works or James Thurber. The concluding program on March 19 will deal with Sam L e vens on. Art Gen. James Dozier's feelings . about hard rock are quite understandable to Erma Bambeck. See P.age 82. Newport plans tough city law on drug items By PATRICK KENNEDY CM llt• DMty flt ... Maff Officials of Newpor t Beach an d Huntington Beach say they may t oug h e n c it y laws res t r icting s ales of d r ug paraphernalia following a U.S. Supreme Court ru ling Wednesday. Huntington Beach Mayor Ruth Finley says she favors a "total ban" on paraphernali a sales to adults as well as minors. "I have a strong bias in that area because it usually involves kids," she said today. Industrial • rezoning proposed By ,9LENN SCOTT 01 llM Delly Pli.t s .. 11 The I rvine I n d u s t r ia l Complex· West , a bustlin g 2.270-acre enclave or offices and m anufacturing plants near th~ John Wayne Ai rport, may be d estined for a chan ge in appearance. A wave of interest in bui lding more corporate offices in the pres tigious complex initially zoned mostly for lower-profile industrial use has engulfed the area, sending city planners back to their blueprints. Tonight the Irvine P lanning Co m m i ssio n will b egi n discussions on recom mendations lo im pose new zoning guidelmes in the complex that would allow greater mixes o f o ffi ce, industrial. r e tail and even residential use. The commission's 7:30 p.m. m eeting is expected to be the rirst of several sessions at Irvine City Hall to examine ways of accommodat ing mor e offi ce space in the com plex without spoiling its attraction. The re i-s no s hortage of demand to move new businesses into the complex, according to a report prepared for the planning commission by J ohn Murphy, the city 's ma n age r of development services. • Virt ually all the d emand , however. is to locate new corporate headqua rlers at the site. He said the airport location is ent icing beca u se of its proximity to the airport a nd the San Diego Freeway, a big labor pool of professionals a nd the high q u ality o r o th e r development in the complex. Both coastal cities, as well as num erous otheT Ora nge County com munities, currently prohibit sales of water pipes, "roact} clips," vials and other ma terials to people under 18. T he Su preme Court ruling Wednesday seems to uphold the validity or such restrictions and appears to open the door to tougher restr ictions and possibly total bans, according to court sources. T he j ustices unanimously upheld an ordinance in Hoffman Estates , 111., that requires paraphernalia shop owners to pay a fee for a license and to make sales records available for poli ce inspection. The sale of para phernalia to minors also is prohibited by the ordinance. J ustice Thurgood Ma rshall 's op i nion :,~:ited : ··M ~:iy American cor. .. rll.;~ities have recently enacted law'\ re~ulat1'.lg or prohibiting ltl~ S'l!e :;f rlr11g pa raphernaha. "Whether th('.:s~ IJ\\S Mt wi~e or effective is not, of course; tlae province of this court. We hold only that such legislation is not faciall y overbroad or vague if it does not reach constitutionally p r otected cond uct a nd i s r e a s o n ab l y c l ear in Hs application." Newport Beach City AllornE!y Mike Miller said the court's ruli ng is a "strong decision because it was a unanimous 8-0 ruling." ·'When we ge t the official ruling we'll look at it to see if the city's law can be enhanced or made stronger and we'll report that to the City Council," Miller said. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather says the present city law prohibiting sales lo minors has "stopped these businesses from getting a foothold in the city." ··But if such businesses start moving in we 'l l cer tainl y re-examine ou r position and take a harder look .. Date of r e ligious event correct e d A workshop at the Lutheran Church of the Master in Corona del Mar was erroneously listed on Saturdl y's religion page as l aking place last Saturday. T he session, entitled .. Myths and Realities of Aging, .. will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday at the church. 2900 Pacific View Drive. T h e Daily Pilot regr ets this error. •Laure l and Hardy fete set This is the last day for Laurel and Hardy fans to reserve s eats for the 1982 'sons of the Desert banquet, scheduled March 11 at the Balboa Pavilion. The Sons of the Desert, an organizat ion composed of hard-core fans of the comedy d uo, will see r are Laurel and Ha rdy films and cele brity guests who worked with the comedians. F'o r reservations. write Sons of the Desert, 7308 Fillmore Drive, Buena Park 90620. · •Runners hit N euport Saturday Fi ve -k i l o m e t e r a n d 10-kilometer runs, sponsored b y t h e So uth C oa s t Community Church Youth De p a rt me nt, will be held Saturday in Newport Beach. T he five-kilom ete r race starts at 8:30 a.m. a nd the longer run begins at 9 a.m. The starting point for both is Back Bay Drive adjacent to Newport Dunes. For mere information call 644-1350. •City of Hope tour ala~ The Ne wport Harbor Chapter of the City or Hope wlll s tage a tour of the Cit y of Ho p e Me dlcal Cente r in Duarte Sunday at 10 a .m . The City of Hope Medical Center offers free medical care to people suffering from a variety of acute illnesses. For more information on the tour, call 540-1338 or 759-19'3. •A.I.coho l treaime rd exec laired Buchwald and Wtll Rofers. · Tl ckets are $3 or eac h session. Senior cm 1ens with Gold Key Cards and children under 12 will be charted $2. Some Uclteta will be available at Clirlltlu G. Jorse•ae• hu been named communication director tor Newport Beach-based' Comprehensive Care Corp.1 the nation'• alcoholic \reatment. BALBOA ROADWORK -Crews from Pacific Telephone have blocked orr two la-nes of Balboa Boulevaret near the Pavilion area in order If tmtan new underground cable. The • l ..., ......... ~O'--­ work is expected to take two weeks with another two weeks set aside for putting the strHt back t9gether. the door. ~ For Information, call 556-~. , larceat pr1 .. te provider of JorJenaen 44, 'f~ a senior •ice president MU. N.W. A)'el' Inc., a Loi A.,.._ advert.ialnl a1eney. I I Bii •11111 UllY PIPll THlJHSDAY MARCH ·l 1'111.' (JllAN< ,f l <JU N I 'f l Al If (Jl4 NIA /"J Cl N l '., Watt 'firm' on offshore drilling DETERMINED James Watt . secretary o f the Inte rior . rebuffed Orange Coast leaders· e fforts to halt offs hore oil drilling . ·Newport mayor • By STEVE MARBLE Of .. Oel.., ......... Leaders along the Orange Coast may be fighting a losing battle if they think James Wall will back off hjs push for oil drilling off their neighboring shorelines. At least that's the impression New go rt Beach Mayor J ackiei Heather came away with thls week after an hour-long session with the controversial secretary of the interior. Th e ma yor, Newpor t Congressman Robert Badham and Watt m et Mo nda y in Washington D.C. to discuss pending decisions on offshore drilling. "He won't back away from the leases. He's very firm on that point," explained Mrs. Heather. "He reinforced that California has such an oil potential that SP YING? Motoris ts along P acific Coast Highway near 9th Street in Huntington Beach may have done a double take at the s ig ht of these two biJlboards one of which seems to be taking a good k>ok al the other s a ys Oran ge Coast may be fighting losing battle he's not even going to consider eliminating any tracts," she said. Newport and Laguna Beach a re opposing the le asing of offs hore tracts for oil drilling. Huntington Beach is not. Huntington Beach currently has several offshore drilling operations and t\as adopted a She .said that, if enough conditions are tied to the offshore tracts, oil firms may shy away lrom bidding on them. She sajd the conditions would i n c lude environmental restraints and possibly hiking the lease prices . "I'm personally opposed to offshore drilling .if it's a "I t's something like having an industrial plant out in the ocean.'' s tance of a ttaching s tiff environmental conditions to future drilling. Mayor Heather said she now is prepared to ask he r council colleagues to consider another approach to lessen the chances or oil platforms being erected off the Newport coast. marginal oil pool," said Mrs. Heather. "If it's a bi~ pool and there's a national need, then I ~uess we have to sacrifice." Other Newport coun c il m embers have protested that large oil platforms would hurt the city's tourist industry. They also are fearful of oil s pills. Al least one environmental group -the Friends of the Irvine Coast -is prote~ting oil drilling or explor a l 1on ore Ne wport and Laguna. Fern Pirkle, leader of the Friends. said her group figures that, if all the designated tracts off the two cities were Leased, the total oil yield would be only ·enough to supply the nation with one day's worth of energy. She said that's not a rair tradeoff. She added that the risk for an 011 s pill is great because many o f the tracts r est on the Newport-lngelwood fault. An oil spill, she said, could destroy the marine life refuge o rr the coastline south of Corona del Mar. K e n De lino , exe<."uti ve assistant to Newport Beac h's (See WATT, Page AZ) * * * LOSES FIGHT Newport Bea c h M avor J at ki e Heather s a vs ·she ran into a brick wall ·in W<.1 shington in hattle against offs hort' oi l ll'aSt·~ Laguna mayor 'not surprised' by Watt st~nd Hy STEVE MITCHELL Of tM D.ally Pllel Slaff Laguna Beach. M.ayor Sally Be ll erue says s he's not the least surprised by Secretary of lhe Interior James Watt's comment he won't delate any oil tracl!> from Laguna's coastline. ··His pattern has been not to listen to the states," the mayor said this morning, "which is just the opposite of <the Reagan Administration 's) n e w feder alism." Mrs. Bellerue was responding to comments made by Watt to Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, who. along with Rep Robert Badham, met with the interior secretary in Washington earlier this week. Wall told the Or ange Coast pair the oil po t entia l '1n California is so great he won't even consider deleling tracts in an oil lease sale scheduled for June. J $1-a-gallon gas to re turn? 11 cr ewnt~en r escu e d Mayor Heather says she'll ask he r city council Monday to co n s ide r attac h ing s tiff envi ronmental and economic r es traints o n tra c t s off Newport's coast in a strategy to make the tracts unattractive to bidders. NOT SURPRISED La~una Jkach ~1a vor Salle Rl'llerut' s a ,. s s h c. k n e w I n t er i or St' ·c re t a r v .J a m c :--W a I t \\ ouldn't h'uct~t· on offs hon· oil leas es the federal act lie wants the federal government to override the state ... I 1 Competition seen driving price at pump downward FRESNO IAP > -The bygone days or buying reguJar gasoline for $1 a gallon may make a comeback in California within JO days. That is the prediction of Jim Markarian, a Chevron s tation ope rator in Fres no and past president of the California Service Station Association. "Competition probably will drive it below $1 a gallon for no other r eason than so m e .independent wants to be the first." he said Wednesday in a telephone interview. ''I'll stick m y neck out and say that." California pr ices have been inching downward s ince Janua ry, notably in Hodesto where several companies have sold regular at $1.039 a gallon for a few days. Th e Ca lifornia State Automobile Association serving Northern and Central California on Monday reported average p e r -ga ll on decreases in February or 2 .1 cents for DRAISI COAST WIATHIR Fair through Friday. Slightly warmer days. 'Highs 66 lo 70. Overnight· lows 45 ~ 47 . 111181 TODAY The U.S. Supreme Court ii pondtring a deci•ion on whtrt to draw the line ~twem a atudent's right to read and a achool board'• authority to ban books. See Pagt AB. 11111 regular. 3.4 cents for unleaded and 3.7 cents for premium M a rk a r ia n sa w littl e resistance to a drop of a few pennies in Modesto. But he also forecast decreases below the doll a r mark e l sew h e r e, including Fres no where the lowest price for r egular was $1.29. With a new station set to open in less than two weeks, Carl Boyett. pres ident of Boyett Petroleum in Modesto, said, "If we get any break in prices at all, we 'd like to open under a dollar." Major gasoUne dealers al first delayed joinjng independents in price cutting but now appear to be catchlng up. ·'The majors seem to be finally pulling their heads out of the sand and lowering their prices," said Boyett. whose company d istributes to 100 stations. The frequent price changes have pleased motorists ·'They seem Lo love 1t, ·' he said. "We've seen a lot of the m come down out of the mountains with motor homes or barrels or wha tever. T hat's a good 50 miles. I'm not sure they save anything by drivi ng that far ... However , both me n expect pr ice breaks to be short-lived. "J think everybody's about as low as they can go for now:· Boyett said. Markarian remarked , .. , don't think it could go much lower (than $1 a gallon ). I think it's bottoming out now. The majors are ·taking one hec k of a reduction in their selling price ... He also warn ed that the competitiveness m eans that more brand name full·service dealers wHI go out of bus iness. 'It's not just a matter or price wars, .. he said. "It's a matter of copi n g with all t h e other economic reali ties." Nationwide group to boycott NBC WASffiNGTON (AP) -The Coalition for Better Television, which said il speaks for 1,800 national and local organizations across the country. announced a boycott today against NBC and its parent company, RCA, because the network ~as "excluded Christian characters, Christian values and Christian cu lture from their programming. n Last spring the orsaoiiaUon planned a general boycott of t e l evision abows lt hit obJecUonable but called that off al lbe last moment after the television networks promlaed to review their pro1rammln1. Today, the Rev. Donald E. Wlldmon, chairman or the coaUUon baaed in Tupel91 Mils., eald the; network.I tonea doW!' • their programming for a month o r so but then r esumed depictions h e considn-s objectionable . -Wildmon told a news co~feren ce that NBC was si ng 1 e d o u l b eca u se .. he considered its shows worse than those lof the other networks, but he held out the possibility of expanding the boycott to other companies. He said the boycott would continue unti1 NBC and its parent company. the Radio Corporation of America. met bis list of 11 demands. •• KCA-NBC baa excluded Christian characters, Christian values and Chrlatl•n culture from their programniln1," WUdmon said In a prepared atatement. • in boat fire MALIBU CAPl -All 11 cre wme n w ere rescued unharmed today after their 85-fool fishing boat, the Southern Mo n arch. cau ght fire three miles offshore, authorjties said. The boat sank six hours later. A second fishing boat, the St. Christina. took the crewmen aboard off Point Dume around dawn after the fire broke out in th e Southern Monarch 's refrigeration compartment, which conta ins potentially explosive freon tanks, the Coast Guard said. The Sea Monarch began to sink slowly s hortly after a 9:30 a .m . "flareup'' or the fire, said Coast Guard Petty Officer Tony C hilelli. 1t floated mos tly submerged until sinking to the bottom shortly after noon. "The vessel's gone," Chilelli saiJ . "It sank in 400 fathoms of water." The boat sent up a plume of s moke visible on the mainland as far away as Costa Mesa. , Chllelli said after the ·nareup, firefighter s retreated to the cutter Walnut, a buoy tender fitted wllh firefighting equipment, and continued b,attling the blaze fr o m alontside. The Coast Guard receive4 a distress signal from the Southern Monarch at 6:10 a:m. and dispatched a helicopter, but t he chopper was called back after the St. Christina made the rescue. • Newscaeter'8 father dies Leiaure World resident Ant.bony Brokaw, father of NBC newsman Tom Brokaw. died Wednesday al hls winter home ln Latuna Hilla at lbe •1• of•· Tbe cauae of Mr. rokaw's death hu yet to be releued. Funeral arran•ementa are p e n.d I n • . M r . B r o k a w maintained a permanent resldepce ln Yankton, S.D. . ' . Laguna Mayor Bellerue is in agreement with that war plan, but says Laguna will continue.its battle at the state level in order to have the tracts deleted. .. We'll continue to fight because the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act requires con s istency with the slat e (Coastal Commiss ion i ·' she said. .. If we can get the coastal com mission to. agree these tracts should be deleted, that could require Watt to delete them. "The problem is. he <Watt) has been ignoring that part of But, she said. as a fall.back position, Laguna Be ach has noted geo l og i c haza rd s. inclurung earthquake faults in all but three or the 10 tracts off Lagurra. "If we can show the tracts have geologic hazards, we can make it. clear to oil companies that it will be much more diffic ult to drill there. The companies m ay choose to go whe re it's easier to drill." . The state has until the end or the m onth to forwa0 r d its r ecommendations regarding the oil lease sale to Washington. Arts panel hiking • • sales commission By J EFF PARKER Of .... o.ll'f 1'1181 SUft Laguna Beach Festival of Arts officials plan to charge a 25 pe r cent commission on works sold through their sales booth al the corning festival, and the artists who exhibit there· don't like the idea one bit. A bout 120 returning artists were notified two weeks ago by mail that the s ales booth - which handles transactions when the artist is not present on t he grounds -will take 25 percent of the total price of the art sold. The sales booth commission .rate last year, according lo artist Armen Oasparian, who ran It, was IO percent. Festival Gene r a l Man ager Paul Griem said that the commission rate was hiked ln ·order to encourage more artists lo attend th~ festivJl and be present at their booths for the annual seven-week event. "The board of . directors is 1lmpl1 trying to get the artists to attend the festival. The art.lit.a have inadvertently turned lhla Into a 1aJJery rather than a fe1Uvat. Tbe ll&me or the event lmplles t hat artiste will be feaUn•, but In fact, they're not," Grlem1116d. Griem and the artists alike a r e concerne d about the drooping festival attendance in the past few years . Last year 's total attendance was down six percent from 1980, which its«:lf s aw a four percent decree~ m visitors from 1979. "I'm afraid the board of directors is barking up the wrong tree Jor lbe results they want," sajd artist Scotl Moore. ''l don't thlnk you can get artists dow·n there. Out of the 180 artists who exhibit, maybe 15 to 20 percent make a living al art. Of the 80 percent who don't, half of them have full lime jobs. tr you 're working, you can't m&D the boot'h all day for seven straight weeks, and If you're a full-lime artist. you have to be working." Under festival policy, no commmission ls char1ed when an artist or -a re.presentat.lve_of tbe artist makes the sale. •~r the past six years, Oaaparlan has managed the sales booth Concession, taking a 10 percent commlssion (or his lime. When the board hiked lht rate to 25 percent. Gupartan q"'lt. "l stepped down became J don 'l believe ln the new ra•." ' (leeMLE& Pap .U> ... ~ I .4• N Orange Oout DAILY Pll.OT/ThUrtday. Maran •• 1H2 Offshore oilJiglit TWeds joint effort Laguna Rctll'h is mo\'ing ahead in Its fi~ht to quas h un oil le1tse sale off the cit~··~ t•oust lmt• In Mav Rut Nt>wport Beal'h. in thl· words of Muvor Ja('kie lleathl't'. .. hasn't got its act togelht•r" in a concerted e ffort to blo('k 1111 ng~ •off its coast. Laguna has gone t o wur against efforts to sell 10 tral'I ~ visible off the <.'it~ .. s beach\'.'~. and has publicly urged Lagununs to write Gov. Brown · s offiC'l' as Wl'll a s Sec r e tarv of the Interior James Watt.' the slate C:oastul Commission and other agcn<:il's N ewpo rt Be ac h 1s still haggling over how 1t wunts to approach the prohll• m . whl'l tw r to object onl~· to tra<:ts that \\oul<i be sold doser to thl' shon,•li1w. 111· come out strnngl~· against ~all' or an v tracts off l he roast. · And while L aguna h ao.; outlined its man~· ohje('lions 1n a position papt•r to be forwarded t1) the gover nor. ~ewport Aead1 ' council members won't meet again until Monday to further discus:, a<.·t1un th~tt <:ity miJ?h1 takl.'. It stuncb to reason u joint l'f(ort b~· both munid µal1ti t•s would ha\'e the most cfft•rt i11 (•liminating C'onsideratlon of oil platforms offshore. Time is running out. The cities have onl\' until m1d ·m o nth t o sl'nrl documentation to Go\'. Brown. and the govl'rnor has on)~ until th(• end of Man·h lo forward those <.·oncern:-1. and the o.;t<1 tl0 1< n•(·ommended <!('lion. lo Wa tt ;-..lcwport t<n111c·il m l•mhc1·~ should join fnrcl'S with Laguna p o o.; l h a s I t· a n d s ll h m 1 I tnntt•rns t>f both t 1l1es lo tht· -;tat e \\'hat 1s al o.;t;.tkl' is lhl· \ 1sual hll~ht on thl' ho1·11.0n. thl' thrl•at ol' oil spills on fr,1gill• tide pools in both town~. <rn<I the tourht itnd rt•e rl'atinn N·onom\· of th\• hl':Jt'h l' i Ii l'S Ride plan ambitious The lrdnt• C'ompan\' ha-, agreed to <:nntinu1.· funcling. al least fol' a timl'. 1h plannl'd s h an·· a · r 1 d l' pr 11 ~ram f 11 r 1 Newpol't Cent er emplo~ 1.·1·., The sh <11·1· a r1dt• \\<1 s :1 tondil1011 t 11 lh1.· 1·ompa n ~ ·., ~ewpo rt Cl•nl l'I' 1.0 \.p an..,10 11 pro.ictt whit·h \\as re1w:lll0d la..,t m o n t h a f t l' r rn o n 1 h :-.. o r t·ontron.•rs\ and ii ... u1·t·1•:-.sl td rcferl'nclum' cln\'(.' Although the In 11w Compa1n 1s no\\ l(ndC'r' no ohltg:it111n lo m 0 \' (' f 0 r \\ ~I I' 1i W I l h I h I' transportation SC'hl·mt· ii h,1., 1n\'l'Stl•d mon• lh<ln S:W0 .000 111 planning tlw s han· a n dl' and wants to makl' 1t a S lll'l'L'"s As now t•n \'I.., imwcl. t hl· plan would inrludl' car ancl 'an pools. encourage ('C'nter <'mplo~ l'es to use existini.: puhlit· transport;iti11n and urge• firms to stagger work ho u r s t n r l' du c C.' p <.' '' k · ho u r traffit The t'tit<:h in all of thi:-. 1s thut the ln·ine Comp.in' h11pl''i to fund the 11rogram through .J111w and tlwn find " ml•an:-. nf ..,plltting t· o :-. t :-. <1 m o n g f i r m .., a t t h L' ... t10ppinl.! :ind profl':-.s1onal 1·1•nll'r l'ht lr\·1nt· ('01111wn' l'l.11m~ I h t' p r n !! r " m " 1 I I h l' s1·l f-support 111 g and l'\ t•ntuall\' l't111ltl Ix· nm II\ " ~roup '"l·h ""' ttw '.\'('\\lll•l't ('1·1111.•1 b...i11·1:it1on W l' h o p 11 I I \\ n I' k .., Sh a r l' a ri cl 1• p 1· 11 gr a nh 1 n So u t h l' r n (' <ii ii n r n i a h .1 ' 1 • I ,·picall~· had pr"11hlt•ms II\ 1ng up 10 tht1r hilling:-. And se\'erat '.\'(•wport Ct•nkr firm.., I lrn t ha\ l' \'a n p11ob ha\ l' had h ·s.., than <l\t'l'\\h1·lm1n i.: "llt'l'l'Ss with I heir progr ams W e s ll g JH' s l I h t• I n i n l' (.'11 mpan~. in its all1.·mp1:-. to find an equitahlt• ml•thod of fundin:.! the sha r e-a ride . st.•ck most support from largl'r C'Ol'JXll':ltlOn~ u nd not t ht• s m;ill r<.•tail merchants in thl' ct•nll'r \\'1th tht• t.•<:onomi<· c:li male as It 1s. :-.up l)<irt should t·nmt• in proporl1t1n In t hns L' I 1 rm' l!('rll'l'al 1ng I h1.· I r.tf I H· Open pay negotiation$ The :'\ewport :\le:-.a l"nifil•rl School Dist nct 's settlement with teac her · last month did not rt'sult in a round or appla ust• Imm lhl· district's 850 teachers l ntlucted 111 I hl' a rccpt anrl' ol the 6 percent pa ~· rmsc offt'rl'rl h\ the district \\as m 't'rwhdmm.I! endorse ml·nt o l a strongl, worded resolution t ailing tor ~1 strike if negotiations for ttH' 1 9 8 2 . 8 3 s c ho o I ~·ea r <H l' n n I completed b~· Septl•mbcr The resolution. passl'd IJ~· i1 vote of :m9·58. also expresser! a vote of no <.·onfidencc in Supt Johfl NicoH. l!nhapp~ o,·er I he ti m e 11 took to settle the pa~· disp11t l' teachers blamed the clistnr t for deliberate!~· slallinl! negotiations N1col I res poncfrd to t ht· resolution last wet.>k by offering to open future negotiations to tht' press and the public • SUl·h .1mo\'('.11 apprm1.•cl b.' thl' ~C'WJX>rt ·:vl t'!)a 1'\·dt·rat11111 ot 'fl'at:her~ hoard ancl l rustees "ou lcl hl' a fi r~t Ill Or<1 n~t· Count' Sa1cl :'\koll. The m ore I th111k a bout 1t thL' mon· I th111I-. 1wnplt:' should kOt1\\ what':-g01ng on I don't Sl'l' what ·.., \\l'nng \\'Ith ~unshm111g 1t " \\'l· agree that talk:-. hl'lW<'l'rl t hl' cti.,tric·t and the teadtl'rs s ho uld be open to thC' public In lhl' past both sides ha\'l' walked awa,· from lht• r lost•d mt•l·ting .... L•ach bl<1ming the other for tht• slow pace We hope that the sC'hool ho;.i rct \'Ole~ in fa \'Ill' of I hl' n•commend a tion b\' :"ii toll next Tuesday. If nothing' els<.' the open talk s could put an end to thl· fin ger pointing and po~s1hl .\ u\·ert the lht'l'atl'ncd s trike h\ s peeding up negotiations. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Piiot. pther views ex- •pressed on tn1s page are !hose ot tne1r aulhors and artists. Reader comment.i s 11iv1l· ed. Address The Daily Pilot , P.O. Box ISbO, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone <7141 ·6•4!·4321 LM. Boyd/Leisure time Item No. 977C in our Love and War man's rile is a pollsters' report on what American mlddleclass women most like to do in thelr leisure time. Reading books, 37 percent. came out far ahead or making love, 26 percent. However, sex beat sewing , 25 percent. That's something. You wouldn't think the moniker "Dolly" would me rit mention as anolher clever name for a household pet, but in one case. maybe. A Montana rancher has a pet llama so called. Dolly Llama. Q. Why is the conce}>t or Liberty always and everywhere personified by a woman? The Statue or Liberty, for instance. A. Don't know about "always and ORANGE COAST l~ilyPilat everywhere," but such has been the case in France. and that's where Frederic Bartholdi sculpted that particular statue. Q. Weren't the feet of all Chinese women once bound up to make them small? A. Nol all. Only in lhe privUeged class. Peasant girls were expected to work in the fields. Commercial fishermen will tell you the biggest catches of herring are almost always m ade during the full moon. · Q . When and where was lht strongest earthquake of this centuryf A. In 1960 off the coast of Chile. Measured 9.S on lhe Kanamori scale. ThOmls P. H•ley PUbllSher T ......... A. ML..,.._IM Editor BarlNlr• Krelblcll Edltorfel P-oe Editor • -... -·-'! !.!..,• + Jilllll:~~~~-~~=--~~~ "M>G£T b.axJP AT "THE t>a.JBLE-R ---=:---Ii="---- Blame BroWn for utility hills Aroused electric consumers, irate over the sudden s wift boosts in rates which are making energy costs near prohibitive or many. are expressing their anger at private utility companies.• Their ire is unde rstandable but they are pointing the finger of blame in the wrong direction. It's a case of wanting to kill the bearer or bad news instead of the culprit. The public in general cannot be blamed Cor mistaking the messenger for the villain but the legislators who are joining in the clamor and clucking sympathetically with the consumers are engaging in demagoguery THEY KNOW BETTER than anyone the real cause for the soaring 'energy rates 1s the governmental policies advanced by Gov. Jerry Brown and acquiesced in by themselves. True. inflation and rising costs of oil. mainly imported oil, and a cold winter have contributed to make the electric bills shocking But those factors would have been softened cons iderably had it not been for the kooky ideas or the governor, his appointees to the energy regulatory commissions, and the legislators. Brown came into office in 1974 espousing "small is better" and other "buzz" phrases designed to win plaudits from rabid conservationists and other activists opposing growth at any cost. Despite the warnings of the utdity companies of energy shortages in the foreseeable future unless positive steps were taken to develop new power plants, Brown and hi s energ y commissions have vigorously blocked , . llRl WATIRS every effort or the companies to proceed with their plans . !'ilot only has Brown s tood side by side with Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden protesting nuclear power planLc; as well a s dams for the production of hydro-power. he has used the power of his offi ce in every conceivable way lo hamstring the utility company plans. These battles. legal and otherwise. have cost the ut1lrltes millions of dollars which now reflect in the rates of the con s um e r s . Furthermore. b y preventing the development or new power plants fu eled with nuclear energy and coal. or produced from dams or thermal wells. he has compelled them to rely rar too heavily on OPEC oil. the price of which has soared by reason of the Arab s heiks taking advantage of the market. A large part of the blame must fall upon the Brown appointees to lhe Energy Commissiofl . a misnomer if ever there was one Created to rind viable alternate energy sources, the commission has been in existence eight years, expended a quarter of a billion dollars. over S42 million this year. and has yet to a pprove one new major powe r plant or develop one ne w workable a lternative power source. Instead it preaches conser vation and contends there 1s no need for new power plants. The Public Utilities Commission which regulates the power companies and their rates. is also composed of Hrown appointees of the same ilk who seem bent upOn enforcing conservation by making the rates for using e nergy so hi gh none can afford 1t Those who voted for Srown as governor and who vote for those legislators who support his programs have really nobody to blame but the mselves The rest have a legitimate beef over government interference which has resulted in the energy mess. Their wrath should be directed at ~rown and his followers and not the h a pless utility companies who are themselves victims of the misguided p o licies o f this false prophet o r conservation Watt policies also threaten wildlife To the Editor: It is difficult to unde rstand how James Watt, on whom the citizens of the United States rely and depend upon to act on his best judgmertt and in their best interest can ignore this call of duty and undermine the efforts of citizens nationwide to conserve and protect this nation 's valuable resources and wildlife Now, more than ever. we all must be co nc erned about o ur grave enironmental situation. In a time, when MAILBOX air, water, and land pollution are worse than ever, we must adapt stricter laws to protect the citizens of the United States as well as the wildlife within this nation, not weaken the ones we have now. We must be concerned about the future . Shouldn't our descendants have the right to enjoy the wildlife of the United States Shouldn't they have the right to breathe fresh air and drink clean water? Shouldn't we? We have two responsi bilities then. one to the present citizens of this country and the other to the future citizef\S of the U.S. M~NV OF OUR rare and endangered species are just begin~ing to regenerate and it would be senseless to insure their destruction by debi l itating the Endangered Species Act. Changes must be made to strengthen this act, not to weaken it, as James Watt and other thoughtless individuals want to do. These animals can never be replaced. Once gone, they have vanished from the face of the earth fore ver. Are we entitled to choose a nother animal's destiny? If so, then we surely do not have the right to sentence it to inevitable destruction. I would like to see Secretary of the Interior James Watt removed from ofrice due to the fact that he is a serioUJ threat to our nation 's valuable resources and wildlife. He Is an egocentered individual who Is mor-: concerned with his own w~ll-being t.han • with that of the nation to which he has an obligation. CHRISTI GARWOOD Letter incorrect To the Editor: RecenUy You published a letter from one Ladislaw Reday in which he expounded the virtues of the Irvine Com pany and crlUclzed the Committee or 4000. I am not for or a1ainat the Irvine Company and have no interest lo what they char1e tor leases. Ho"ver, I was shocked IO r.ad lhla P9l'IOll ttlll thinka that the Irvtne roundaUoa owns about half or the Jrvtne Compan.y. Thll penoa cloaft't 9"11 know I.bat when the tnlne Comp•1 ""' bouaht bf u.. ~l.,..,. tbl7 tiiaulbt al[ ol the Irvine Company. and the Irvine Foundation since that time on does not receive one single dollar from the money received by the present owners of the Irvine Company. I think it would be well if you were lo put a small article somewhere in your paper so that we don't have a lot of people in Newport Beach thinking that the present Irvine Company and all the money they are making has anything to do wrth the Irvine Foundation. and that any of the money coming from the Irvine Foundation today comes out of the present profits of the present owners of the company, because that is not true. ROBERT JOHNSON lroine paranoia To the Editor: The lrvine Company has a strange imagination. In withdrawing its plans to expand Newport Center. the company hinted that it was the victim of an evil conspiracy. It claimed that it was being persecuted by a strange political creature -part leaseholde r , part environmentalist -which sought to destroy anything touched by the Irvine Company. . I can understand why the Irvine Company feels a little paranoid. Alter all, the company continues to isolate itself from the community, hoping that its many problems will fade away ... only to find matters getting worse! But let's be realistic. Leaseholders, by and large, are perfectly content to see the expansion of Newport Center take place. The Committee of 4000 was formed because leaseholders want to protect lheir investment in their homes. not destroy it. The expansion of Newport Center would probably make Newport Beach a more desirable place to live, adding more value to tbe homeowner's property. NO, '11118 paranoia on the part of lhe Irvine Company ls. lhe product of the company's own imagination . Orlglnally, the company believed that it could diffuse the leasehold lsaue by linking it with the expansion ol Newport Center. It was thought that such a tactic would split th~ ranks of the Committee of 4000. As it tumed out, the Irvine Company strategy backfired ... the company began t.o believe its own story that it was under siege, and found itself fighting for its life. The irony is that the Irvine Company • l..tltera, from reodtr• are welcome. TM. right to condtntt ltUtrf ro flt .,,act or ehminate hbt>I 11 re1trv1d Ylltr$ of 300 uiorda or /tu · Wtll ht fP"'" prt/ermu. All lttter1 mtl,!f 1ncludt fjpot11rt oftlCf molhftg oddrt~ ~I namta ~ bt IOUMeld on ft· . qutcl •I llV/ltCltnt rtcuon fe opportnr. PMll'JI Will not bf ~. Ldlttl rrtOM be. ttl~ to M2..... Namt and pllont number ol tit« ce>NribldOf '""" bf gfUf'll tor llf'rf11eoli0n ~· ' which claims that the Committee of 4000 is so powerful in civic: affairs - does not believe that the Committee of 4000 has anything to do with leasehold negotiations. In fact, when it comes to settling the leasehold crisis face-to-face, the Irvine Company makes believe that the commitlee and its members do not exis t. This isn't the first time that the Irvine Company has been subject to fits of m adness and double-talk. Just ask the Irvine Company to jus tify its price quotes to leaseholders for an example of what I mean. MARGE RILEY HiSSSS To the Editor" That "Councilwoman <Ruthely n Plummer has> to fight recall threats," as reported in your paper Feb. 22. is unconscionable . Th e thre ats from HiSSSS <Historically Selfish Socialistic Stopping Society I are because she is trying lo protect American property rights. while they are coiling lo again strike them down. T his lime it's a longtime local resident. Bill Banning. who has improved their "quality of life" with his generosity and dedication to the arts. beautification and health care within the city. How could they assume that he wanted to destroy it all now? WE HAVE suffered HiSSSS's city councils through the years. With many losing their homes, or opportunities to improve their property and Ii ving standards, by their councils' arbitrary actions. But now that we have a pragmatic council that understands the need for progress they want to recall Councilwoman Plummer because she will not adhere to their totalitarian edicts to stop other people from using their property. This time they want to stop, or greatly reduce, the development of the Banning Ranch property, Would they rather •it reverted back to a sheep ranch? Hisses on HiSSSS. GOLDIE JOSEPH lllllY.111 I'm disappointed that Coast.line C0Ue1e 11 c adult education> ls spendina 138 , mllllon for a new headquarters when I our youna students don't have money for a remedial readlnt class. M.8. . .......... _....._ ...................... , __... ................ _ I ........ . ...... -. ... ...,, ,..,.._ .,. . \ . ' N Cf Daw Jones Final OFF 7.61 CLOSINQ 807.55 ·~ Gold tumbles on London mart LONDON CAP) -The price of gold· on the London market fell $6.25 an ounce to $.147, the lowest level In 2\.'l years today in a slide 'mirroring Wednesday's results in New York. London traders said the gold market was ''extremely volatile" in "very, verx., busy tradin1." They said there was little demand for gold, with fqreign investors favoring dollars because of high ll.S. interest rates and declining inflation. Coke-Columbia approved ATLANTA (AP ) -Jt is now up to the istockhoJders of the Coca-Cola Co. to consider the soft drink giant's proposed acquisition of Columbia Pictures Inc., company officials say. The proposed acquisition of the movie company was a pproved by Coca-Cola's board of directors Wednesday. "State faces penalties SACRAMENTO CAP > -State agencies that don't pay their bills on time could be assessed penalties, under a new law effective next year. The law resulted from 58982 by state Sen. Barry Keene, D-Mendocino, signed Wednesday by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. · It will_ require state agencies to pay a 0.25 percent daily penalty whenever they re more than 30 days late paying money owed small businesses Reagan deficits hit NEW YORK <AP> A prestigious business group has rejected President Reagan's projected budget deficits as unacceptably large. The New York Times reported today The influential Business Roundtable, composed ot the chief executives of 200 major corporations, urged Congress to reduce Reagan's proposed military buildup, the Times said - In addition, the group's 46-memQ.er policy coi;n mittee, which met Tuesday in New York, reportedly decided to support a deferral of the scheduled 10 percent tax cut for individuals in 1982 and modification of the disputed tax leasing provisions enacted last year. Stores post gains NEW YORK fAP> Two major retail chains have reoorted modest sales gains for February. K Mart Corp. said sales for the four weeks ended Feb. 24 rose 12 percent to $917.9 million. F. W. Woolworth Co. said sales rose 0.6 percent in the four weeks.ended Feb. 23 to $413.3 milJion. Oil imports drop By The Associated Press Crude-oil imports to the United States have djpped to a seven-year low. both a sign and a cause ot the worldwide petroleum glut that has led to recent price cutting by oil-producing nations. Imports fell to 2.7 million barrels daily in the week ended Feb. 26, down from 3.5 million the previous week and 5.1 mill ion in a similar week a. year ago, the American Petroleum Institute reported Wednesday. OCIS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS /,11,1uo 1'0.100 rnl,7QO 1JJ,)GO 7J2,500 N>t,000 '"·* .. , .... .. ,700 Ml.NO t.11,"9 549.• m.roo s20,oao SIUIO UPS AND DOWNS ' Pel Up U UP 1.1 Up 7.7 Up 7.S Up 7A Up U up u UP U Up U Up s.t Up U Up U Up S.~ UP S,.2 Up S.0 up •.t Up • t UP •A Uo • • METALS NEW YORK IAPI melal PflAS -y C•'"' 75~·17 cenu • pound, Oetlln.Clon$ L .. d 27·32 c.nts •pound. ll..c •1 ~I'll.I a pOUn<J, oe11..,.rec1 Tiii M.1095 -.is w-comPoSll• 11> Al•"''-" 1 .. n C#!h a POUnd, H Y -<WY ,9$,00pe Ila~ P'letlMm 13'1.00 troy ot., H Y. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS •Y TM ._la._""°' $etec1eo -kl~ onus today: u !.. u-: "-'fliftO llalno U0.00, off M.75. l'wla: 044.01, on tio .... ,,.,._, t:Mt.Cll, off i 10 01 IAltkll: I.Me lh1lno 047 00. oil U.Cll lllO; P'°OO- Heady & ""''"'•": only de ity Quota P .... 50,olf V U. «111-4...,.: oflly o.lly quote '346.•. olt P .U . • ._.....,..: °"'" 0.lly quote ·~­~.a.°"'"'' SYMBOLS ·, .. '