HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-05 - Orange Coast Pilot,, * * * • • _ IUlll 1:1111 -· lllORI llllY Piii . FRIDAY MARC H '1 l<JH.' ~}I~ AN ( • f ( \ ) I J N ' ' ( A I I ( . Ii. ~ .. I A .• I vulne~able . 1 U .. S. warning system Soviets could destroy military command with welL-aimed nuclear bombs . WASIUNGTON (AP> -The Soviets could knock out the entire U.S. military command syste m with two or three well-aimed nuclear blasts disrupting communications, a senior defense official warns. At the same time, the official said Thurs day the U .S . satellite -based system for warning the United States against nuclear attack is vulnerable to sabotage because a relatively small number of "guys with wirecutters" could disable cables leading from satellite ground s tations to command pos·ts. phenomenon called electromapetic pulH. This phenomenon, well-known for about 20 years, ia called EM P. It has been defined by the Defense Departm.ent aa "a bunt of electromagnetic enercy radiating from a nuclear explosion, thereby creaU.n1 a bith-frequency electrical field similar to that created by thunderstorms." The size of the are.a covered by such an electrical field, the Pentap bas said, depends on whether the nuclear explosion is· within or above the atmosphere. Bursts above the atmosphere would create a strong electrical field covering an area nearly the alae of the continental United States, the PentalOft has said. According to this official, alternate command posts S\JCh aa under1round complexes at Fort Ritchie, Md., and Mount Weather 1n Northern Vlr,UUa, are vulnerable to destruc,tion beca use of the accuracy of. Soviet missile warheads. The United States bas built airborne command posts for the president and other senior officials and ror commanders ~ the nation's nuclear 1trlkln1 forces -flyin1 command centers to which these officials wottld retreat In event of a 'threatened nuclear attack. However, the official indicated that the present state of communications equipment r.aisea the stront poaaibillty that these leaders might not be able lo pass their orders to the nation's retaliator}' forces 'because of disruption by Sovie( nuclear blasts in or above the atmosphere. The official g ave these . graphic statements on the vulnerability or the U.S. command and control system to a group or reporters in a session apparently designed to 1enerate s upport for the Reagan administration's costly plan to Watt f inn on coast oil drilling Leaders say county may be fighting losing battle correct such weakneues. By STEVE MASBLE Ground rules for the session °' .. ......,,......,. barred use of the official'• Leaders alon1 the Oran1e name. Cout may be ftfbthll a lolrinl H battle lf they think James Watt e estimated it would take will back off bis push for oil about $:1l> billion over tbe next five years to stren-"-en tbe U.S. dr,lllng off their neighboring aw. ·abdrelines. command and control system At least that's the impression and insure that the president, ~ the secretary of defense and ..... . New_gort Beach Mayor Jac11.1e. . ....., Heath« came away with this m a 1 i t a r Y. 1 e a d e r. s c a n week after an bour·lonl aesaion ~ o.~ m '! ~-~-~.a~ e w. a 1 h .o ut -···wtdl the t~Wnnlat lee·~ anlerruptioil W!th missile bases, o! the interior. s ubmerged submarines and Ttu mayor Newport ot~.er key forces. Congressman Robert Badham W~ ba~e been ~emiss for a and Watt met Monday in long time an not paying attention Washington o.c. lo discuss to co m!'Da~d. ~ontrol .a!!d pendlnc decisions on of!sbore co~murucations, the offacaal drtllinc. satd. . . . "He won't back away rrom the The official said the So~ets leases. He's very firm on that are aware ot.U.~. v~lnerabllity. point," explained Mn. Heather. Newport and Laguna Beach are opposing the leasing of offshore tracts for oil drilling. Huntinttoo Beach is not. Huntington Beach currently has several orfsbore drilling operations and bas adopted a stance of attaching s tiff ·environmental conditions to future drilling. Mayor Heather said she now is pr~p•red t-0-·alk-• h~r CO\lDCU colleaauea to consider another approach to lessen the chances of oil platforms being erected off the Newport coast. She said that, lf enough conditions are tied to the offshore tracts, oil firms may. shy away from biddlne on them. Heather. "If it's a bi& pool and there's a national need, then I iuess we have to sacrifice." Other Newport counc il me mbers have protested that large oil platforms would hurt the city's tourist industry. 'Ibey also are fearful or oil spills. At least one environmenta• group -the Friends or the Irvine Coast -is. protesting oil · dri tnng or exploration off Newport and Laguna. Fern Pirkle, leader or the Friends, said her group figures that, if all the designated tracts off the two cities were leased, the total oil )'.ield would be only ·enough to supply the nation with one day's worth or energy. She s aid that's not a fair ttadeorr. Delly ~~Illy P9trick O'o-11 BIKE HIKE -Tis ha Schafer of Irvine lugs her bicycle off the sand at Bolsa Chica State Be ach in Huntington Beach. She was getting a head st art on the latest s pell of s prin glike He ~poke of mdications o_f such "He. reinforced that California Soviet knowledge but dad not has such an oil potential that elaborate. . he's not even goln1 lo consider As he sketch~d a possible eliminating any tracts " sbe scenario, the Soviets could black said ' She said the conditions would include environmental restralnts and possibly bikini the lease prices. "I'm personally opposed to o Ushore drilling if It '' 11 · mariinal oil oool." saaa Mrs. She added that the risk for an oil spill is great because many of the tra c ts rest on the Newport-lngelwood fault. weather. -out U.S. communications with a · * * * * * * few nuclear bursts through a Low-calorie diets pay off? Studies suggest life span incr:eased, cancer chance cut WASHINGTON ( A"P ) - Severely restricted low-calorie diets increase lire span and decrease the chance of getting cancer even when started in mid or late life, animal studies su11est. Researchers at UCLA say the studies with mice show that the benefits of a calorie·restricted diet go beyond starting It at a very early age, as previous studies suggested. The report published today in Science ma1azine by Drs. Richanl Weindrucb and Roy L. Walford said "appropriate restriction of the diet, even when started in middle-aged mice, can lnblblt cancer and extend the average and maximum lifespan.'' To match the expez:imental 1111111 aln IUJlll · Considerable hlibt cloudineaa Saturday. . ma& eo to 17. Overni1ht . Iowa 45 to 51. . ftl Dll1fW Nore Acodnlj A_,. OllllllM, 0ecar ,.nn, lforl1 ...... Hnw'1 '°"' ci...c. to l*k Ow Ote0r •IMm Ollll fJe a......,, too. ........ 111111r. animal diet, Walford said, the aver age human would have to cut c alories by 40 pe rcent gradually over a period of 4 to S years , take nutritional supplements and stick to the regimen Indefinitely once the lower level is reached. Walford, who warns against any type or crash diet, said such a gradually restricted diet would be difficult, but not impossible, to follow. "I don't eat two days a week and got used to It," said the lean, s;.year-0ld scientist. "The main urge to eat bu more to do with social intercourse than actual hunger. Many people don't realize bow many of their social interactions are built around food." In the studies, mice that went on restricted diets at 12 to 13 months of age, roughly 30 to 35 years old in human terms, showed up to a 20 percent increase in longevity, said the report. • Walford said in a telephone· interview that be thinks tbe study hU human applications in that it indicates lt'a never tllo (See DIET, Pase AJ> Drllg items facing Newport crackdown -- lay PATUCK. KENNEDY appears to open tbe door to otrufic'ia'h-;:' Newport Beach tou1herrestrictiona and posalbly and Hunti .. .,,.,_ Beach say they total bans, according to c:oort ... ...,.. sources. • may tou_t-hen city la.wa .. reatl'ictin& ulea of dru1 'fhe juatlcei unanimously paraphemalla followtq 1 U.S. upbeld an onmwrce 1D HalfmD S ~ e Court r u 1 in I Ea ta tea, m., tllat req'\drei W lfu..H.J~ Beach lfayor Ruth parapbemalla abop owners to .. _....... P8l. a fee for a UeeDH and to Finley .. YI abe favon a "total. ·muenlei neonta available fOr ban" on parapbemalla tales l9 police 1na-'-. Tlae sale ~ adulta aa well u m.iDon. '""'-"I have a stroas biu in that paraDblrnalla to mlDon allo la . area became it 111uall,J lllvolWI problbtwel bJ tbe onllaanee. ttdf, '' tbe Mid Tbundar. Newport BMc1t Clt.J Att.oney Both couta1 ciU•, u ..a 81 lltke llUler Hid the court'• numerom au.,-Oraqe eo.t, rultq I• • "1tron1 deelaton. commualtiel, curr•Uy Pl"Clllft* ::;.~~It ftl •..mm°"' M HI" of water pl,.., "roaela ...,. ellpe," ........ otlaer ....... .. ..... we set tile offtetal to peop1e under 11. · • naUDC .. ·u kioi at 1t t.o ... tt ta.1 dt:r'• law caa lie ••1111• • ..................... u.at to a. CllJ Ca &Ill," ... , ..... -. 40o/CJ increase in gas bills being sought Mayor of Laguna 'not surprised' at So~~ At~:~:~~~.> will .~.ate drilling stand ask the state's Public Utlllties Commission for a '848 million IS STEVE MITCH.,.LL rate hike elective April 1 to °'Y .. .....,,....,... • r.. cover its own higher fuel coats, La1una· Beach Mayor Sally the Los Angeles Times said Bellenae says she's not the least today. surprised by Secret•ry of the If tranted, the boost could Interior James Watt's comment mean an averaee 40 percent ' he won't delate any oil tracts increase in bills of the uWity'a from Laeuna's coastline. 3.8 million cus tomers, the "His pattern bas been not to newspaper said. listen to the states," the mayor Juat u consumers have been said this morning, "wblcb ia just protesUns ateadlly increuin1 the opposite of <the Rea1an utility rat.ea, Southern Callfomla A d m i n i s t r a t i o n • s > new Gu said It would voice objection federalism." to ita bieber bUb in beartnp Mn. Bellerue was respoodins before the federal Enercy to comments made by Watt to Refulatory Commission. , Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Chairman John C. Abram sald : Heather, who, along with Rep. the gas company needs to Robert Badham, met with the recover hlCher paymenta to ita interior secretary ln Wasbinlton Houaton-bllled major suppliers. earUer this week. El Paso Natural Oaa Co. Witt told the Orance Cout wants another $411 million pair the oil potential in annually, be aald, and California is so 1reat be wm't Tranawestern Plpeltne Co. la r even conaider deletin1 tracta in aeeklnl.!~= mllllon more an pU lease sale scheduled for yearl7. r com.PUMI •" .iJune. bllled the utility aaotber t4I I 11-yor Heather aaya she'll Ilk mlWcm a JUI', be added. lller city council Monday to ; NOT SURPRISED - . Laguna !Beach Mayor Sally Bellen.e ,says she knew Interior Secretary James Watt , wouldn't budge on offshore '-Oil lea&eS. "We're alloeked bJ tM .._el-"tCODalder attachin1 atltf tbe laereatea our aappllera 1environmental and economJ~ ·wo.W ilBPOM Oil ut and oar treatralnta on tracts oTr cutomln," Abram Hid. . iNewport'a cout in a atrateo to Natural su auppllen bH• 1malre the trac:ta unattractlft to • "The problem la, be (Watt) bHD lnereuta1 tbelr prleea 1 bidden. 1 baa been ilDOl'ina tbllt put of ateadilJ llnee the 11'11 Natani t La,_. lfayor Bellerue la lD tbe federal-aet. He wanta tbe Ou PolkJ Aet allowed sradual •ireem-t witb tbat war pl-,· 'federal aovernment to o•erride price •11 lllltnl. . Mt ,.,.. Lalmta will eoatm. ltl. · tlae at.te." SoatMl1a Clllltonla Ou N6d tb9Ule Ill ta. at.te left! ill ardar But, she tald, u a fall·beek ltl ,_'on eOlla l'IM to an 1tola8fttlletnct1....._., poaltlon, Lasua Beacla bu ,., 1• nll6c ,_la 1111.,_ I ••We'll eoatl•Q• to flllat 1noted seolo1lc laaurda, '1·• • .,. aad ...ad ,.... .... tM Federal Coutal lDeludinl eartbcaualr• faulla • . M.11.............. ... ... ......... Aet ...... I all but tlaree of tlM 10 tnclll .,, .. 'l'lte ....._ .._,_. .. 1eeall1&•u wlU1 tile 1tat• t Lapna. allo ... lo !!M &MU ......., 1 <Ctutal Commt11lo•>" 1u •. , ''lf w ... lbow &be tneta ea.II to ...... twlle a ,_. 8*. ' Ila•• .-llS'c .....,., W Olm after aoUfJl•I •••eral "U .... I* die eaa1t81 •air• tt elMr to GAi ........ re •l1l•ra. AH •••• tla•· e•••= to •1ne ...-. U.at tt wm be••••-... ~~~~II~• d1alll1~ll .-.. · ~ '6 ......._ .... •Hne.n to drill IMff. ,,.. ~lillii;r-•rasr' e , ... ---~Wal& to Mite: ... ,..._ aq ~·It, .. , --···--·~·i· -~ • n 1 · I· ' Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Frlday1 March 5. 1982 • From Page A 1f DIET ••• Record. numf>er of Americanl settle for part-time work late to a.a.at from a 1ood diet. •'Wt have evldenc• th•t lndlcatH the amount of extention of Ufapa depends q1J the total time of dietary .rntrtctioa. So, the earlier you ll•rt, the better," he Hld. "But even lf you atart l•ter, there are 1tUI beneftt.I." WASHINOTON (AP) =-=-""- aatlon'1 uaemplo1mnt rate jumped...,.uptoa.a......-la PebruarJ aa 5.t mllllon .Am1rtcaD1 -more than ever before -had to Httle for Part·Ume work, the aovernment ,......,, h• Labar Department aald Jbe Jobleu rate inched cioqr to ·~t-World War II lut month • after "i tempour, · dlp_of three-tenths of a percent .. • point la J UUU')'. Tb• u .. employment. rate 1\and1 only two·t1Dtb1 of a percentaae point below the poatwar bilb of I percent, whlcb wu recorded In May 1975. Before December, the last time unemployment waa H blCh •• 8.8 percent WH ln June 1975 after the receaslon that year reached It.I peak. ' A~W ........ G01.DEN GUN -Designer Bijan Padsad displays his la test design for the security#conscious -l'ich --a-designer .38 caliber Colt revolver embellished with 56 grams of inlaid gold parts in the cylinder around a blue steel surface. lt ·goes for a mere $10,000 <see story , Page AS >. · HB murder trial nearing climax By DAVID KUTZMANN Of-0.-, ......... Arter three months of tes timony by more than 80 :.witnesses, Willie Wisely's :•murder trial neared its climax ·Thursday with a prosecutor 's :-assertions that Wi sely was a~ -"'very clever man" who killed ... bis stepfather by loweTing a ""2,000·pound truck cab on him. In closing statements to the eight-man, four·woma n jury which has been hea ring the case s ince mid· December, Assistant District Attorney Edgar Freeman also lambasted Wisely as a man with "serious character defects." Ft'eeman, who was to .conclude his arguments today, maintained that Wisely, 29, had only. tried to confuse jurors with "obtuse, convoluted" evidence to s ubstantiate his claims that he was innocent or truck driver Robert Bray's death last March 9. ··He'll keep he interest • MILWAUKEE CAP ) , Andrew J . Owens was surprised :"-hen he opened a registered • letter· lut fall and found a $1 ;million U.S. Treasury bond with b1a name and Social Securit.f :)Wmber on it. But be considered it an mu1ln1 little mixup, and a ~ourier for Merrill Lynch - J;rbicli wu listed as the sender or ~ bond -picked it up with.in '5 minutes after be telephoned bis !>rolter at the securities firm. . However, the retired physician in suburban Elm .l;rove bas now received a check . ~rn the U.S. eovernment ror 441 ,m in interest on the bond Mad HYB be will bold on to it aa a "souvemr unless someone steps ~ to resolve the 1ltuatlon. ; -. , ·'Confusion is the order of the day. Ccl'nfiise lhe jury . . . This is not a new device. It has been used before and it will be used again , .. Freeman said. Hray 's body was found beneath the Wt·away cab of his 1975 International Harvester tractor-trailer rig on SpringdaJe Street near Edinger A venue in Huntington Beach. He died of suffocation. Police believed at first that Bray's death was accidental. But Wisely was charged with the crime when informa tion was s upplied by informants who were a lleged to be c rim e partners of Wisely's in this and other cases. Wisely is acting as his own lawyer in the Orange County murder trial. He could be sent to the gas chamber at San Quentin if convicted of firs t-d egree m -u r d e -r a n d s p e c i a I circumstance allegations of ly ing in wait. He too was expected to give closing statements to the jury today. Freeman said the key issue with which jurors would first have to grapple is whether or not the truck cab fell on Bray by accident or was deliberately lowered on him. He claimed that there was "not one scinWla of evidence" to show that the one·ton cab had "crept down by itself.'' "It was not any mechanical failure that caused the cab to descend.'· the prosecutor asserted. The prosecution's key witness against Wisely has been James Marshall Dunagan, who pleaded g uilty to voluntary manslaughter in connection with Bray's death in return for his testimony. Dunagan testified that he acted as lookout ror Wisely as the ex-convict sneaked up on his stepfather's rig and tripped a · switch which lo~e'red the cab Qn Bray's body. The older man bad been wortdnc on the vehicle. OMNOE ooAsr l111JPlat CtHelfted efwartt .... 714*2-1171 All 01Mfd1p1rtmenle 142 ... 321 Thonaa P. H•'-Y ~ -c.... .J•41C~ Olllce1 .lklblft N. Weed ...... l'hoftwl A. Murphlne ~~Wiltz .... _....... P.Hatvev ..._. ..... ~ N. Goddard Jr. ~-Ctwtll H. Looe ..... .., MAIN OFFICE •*"' 9ef St., C•• ....,_,CA . ... 11...._! ... Ult,C ........ ,c;A ..... c ... ,..... -er-e... "'*'"""' ~ . ... _..,.... ,_......_MltllttM ......... "'11M4 z:• ....... l'll9J -•• f c• ...._.. _ .. ,,. ... ••.re_,,..,.......,,, The -~· of Americau holdlnc jobe declined laat month to 57.3 pel'Cftt, the &ow11t level In 4"" yura, the Bureau oft Labor StatJsUcs aald. More than 9 .8 mtlllon Americana were out of work lut month, an increase of 280,000 over January. S l,n c e 1 as t J u l y , when unemployment stood at 7.2 pen:ent, 1.8 million people had been thrown oul of wort. Murray L. Weldenbaum, chairman or tbe president's CouncU or Economic Advisers, said today be was encouraged that lbe February jobless rate wa s no h ighe r than in December. "It is a strong sign that the economy may be hitting bottom and the next movement In economic growth would be up,'' . he told The Associated Press. A FL·CIO Pres ident Lane Kirkland said the figures "prove again that economic conditions a re getting worse, not better. It is no consolation to those looking ror jobs for President Reagan to say his economic plan will begin to work at some indefinite time in the future." The bureau said the number of p eo pl e forced to accept parl·time employment rose by nearly a h alf·million in February, eclipsing the previous record or 5.3 million established in December. J A~ ......... · Analyst Deborah Klein said the part·time e mployment rlgures do not take into account people who prefer shortened work hours for various reasons. The 5.6 million Americans, she said, "are either people who are in the same job but have their hours cul or who have lost their full·time jobs and have had lo accept othe r work on a part·time basis." STEPPING OUT Britain's Princess Diana flashes a smile as she arrives at London's new Barbican Arts Center wi1h Prince Charles to attend a Royal Gala ~on cert for charity. The bureau also reported that w o r k e rs who h a v ~ b een une mployed for three months or' more -a sign of the long·tenfr effects of a deepening recession ReagaIJ's business support crumbling? increased by about 325,000 last month. 'Potal ernptoyment-remained in February al 99.6 million for the third consecutive month after declining by 1.3 million between July and DecemI>er. The civ ili a n labo r fo r ce expanded by 286,000 last month following a decline or more than 300,000 the month before, which ma s k ed the co ntinuing deterioration in the job market. W~SHINGTON <AP > - Presi<lent Reagan's once·solid a llia nce with the business community is crumbling under _the weigh.t or !ainfully high interest rates an the gian£.sized budget derto.its the president is willing lo live with. Big bu s iness and s mall bus inesses, bankers a nd homebuilders are following congressional Republicans in pressing Reaga n to cut the deficits, even if it means cutting 'rnititary spending and Social Security and raising laxes to jo it. D k thug Yet, des pite a -s preading run en rebellion among loyal business b I · · · · · ·· and congressional veterans or rO S iquor Reagan's successful budget ca mpa ign las t year , the Store I. n NB president is showing no signs of ba c king a way from hi s co mmitme nt to a reco rd "I A bearded, long.haired bandit military spending plan and bis clutching a quart of bourbon in one hand held up a Newuort unwavering de fense of the Beach liquor store Thursday massive tax cut approved last evening, escaping with $336 iii ye a r . The pres Iden t ha s cash. police report. expressed no similar aversion to The robber, described as tall, cuts in Social Security or other blond and intoxicated. entered domestic programs. Bear's Outpost, 6110 w . Pacific So me co n g re ss ion a I Coast Highway, 1t 8: 20 p.m., Republicans have been urging and told the clerk he had a gun. businesses to express their frank The clerk told police the thug concerns about the budget to the selected a bottle of bourbon president In hopes that might from a shelf before ordering the prompt him to change course. clerk lo hand over the day's But in the face or Reagan's r eceipts. seeming intransigence on the "Give me the money or I'll issue -"he seem s set in blow your bleeping head off,'; co nc r ete," lame nted one the bandit reportedly said to the b u s i n e s s I e a d e r -- clerk. administration officials raised Police said a female customer the possibility of business walked into the liquor store in abandoning the president and the mi1st of the commotion and working with congressional was ordered behind the count.er leaders on a budget acceptable with the clerk. • to them. Nobody was hurt Officers said the robber, who didn 't display a weapon, left in a faded silver Datsun Z40Z. Rain coming for Sunday?. Orange Coast residents better con centrate their weekend energy on Saturday because it may rain Sunday. · A U.S . Weather Service · s pokeswoman predicts the weekend will be mosUy fair and cool with a chance or rain Sunday. The forecast Saturday calls for considerable high cloudineas witJt hiaha near 65 degrees and lows or '5 degt"ees . The water temperature at beaches ia 9 degrees, accordiq to the spokeswoman. A moiat sub-tropical air maaa movlna ln f'rom the~ Pacific ia expected to increase the.chances o r rain, accordlna to tbe· spokeswoman. Doctor indicted in 'tax dodge' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A doctor who alle1tdly earned Jll0,000 from 1'75 th.roup 117'1 bas been Indicted on cbarsee of f aWnc to fUe lndlYldul 1neomt tu NWlw ,_ u...e yean. ·'The fairly strong signs of busj ness disaffection would tend to give sustenance to those on Capitol Hill who would want to fashion a compromise with or without the president's approval ," said one 11•111tn1s administration orricial, who did not want his name used. The official cautioned, however, that it's too early to tell whether a compromise can be achieved. He noted that while many business groups agree that the deficit s hould be reduced, they are at odds over how to do it. The business community generally favors deeper spending cuts than Reagan has proposed. Specifically. business bas pointed to the P-entagon and politically poputar benefit programs, s uch as Social Security. On taxes, business groups are divided. Corporate interests have suggested deferring next year's individual tax cut, but they oppose repeal or any corporate tax cuts; smal1 businessmen who pay taxes as individuals want to keep the individual tax cut and raise corporate taxes. The ailing savings and loan industry is pressing for spending reductions at the same time it is seeking a $10 billion federal bail-out. ··we are more concerned a bout getting it (the deficit) down and getting interest rat.es down than about how to do it," said Mike McKevitt, an official with the National Federation or Independent Businesses, which represe-rrt-s-Stt,000 s mall businesses. R eagan's budget program projects a record deficit of $91.5 billion for 1983, with the red·ink figure gradually declining in subsequent years. However, estimates by congressional and private economists project a deficit of more than $100 billion in 1983 and steadily growing deficits in fl;lture years. Earlier work b)' tbe UCLA reaearchera and ot.ben showed th•t the Ufnpan of mlce and ratl put on restricted diets 1bortly after blrth could be gr.eaUy extended, ln some cases almost doubled. But when older animals went on the diets, the benefits were less evident and, in some cases, survival was shortened, said the report. Io the new studies, the r esearche r s c hanged the animals' eating habits sradually instead or abruJ>ll¥ and added vitamin·mineral supplements to protect against malnutrition. ''You have' to change food intake gradual1y to aUow the body to adjust metabolically," Wal ford said. "And ii you cut this many calories from a diet, you're likely to get into malnutrition without the supplements." Soviets land space probe on Venus MOSCOW CAP) -The Soviet Union landed a space probe on Venus today. the second such Soviet module to make a soft-landing on the Earth's nearest neighbor this week, the offi cial Tass news agen cy reported. . Tass said the latest probe was carried on the 180 million·mile, four·month fli ght to Venus ·aboard the unmanned Ve.nus 14 spacecraft, which reached the vicinity or the planet early today. The descent vehicle loaded with cameras a nd other equipment then broke away from the mother ship and landed about 600 miles from the spot . where a space probe carried by Venus 13 soft.landed Monday, Tass said. The earlier probe sent back the first color pictures from th& planet 's s urface and other scientific dala for more than two hours before going silent in the extreme heat of Venus. Tass did not say how long the new space probe tra nsmitted data. It was the 12th Soviet probe landed on Venus in a series dating back to 1967. Truce called • in gas war MODESTO <AP> -Gasoline dealers in Stanislaus County, where prices have dropped to $1.039 for regular, were barred from trying to e l imina.te competition by selling below cost. Superior Court Judge Frank Pierson issued a temporary restraining order Thursday ordering deaJers not to violate a stale law which prohibits selling gasoline below cost to restrain competition. A suit was fil ed be~ause or a gas war whi c h has seen Modesto-area prices plummet to t he lowest reported level in California in recent weeks. 600 evacuated CHERRY HILL. N.J . CAP> - A s moky fire caused by a faulty t e levis ion set forced the evacuation or nearly 600 guests from the 14·story Hyatt House hotel today, authorities said. A federal frand Jur1 lndietmeal WU laued Thunday a1alnst Robert &. Watloa of Capelilllo. lie wtll be ~ befan a U.8. M..-,ate .... JOH, IMll DO date .. ,., ... ---from Waahlnaton wlaere he di1euaed a Mt. ~~..':t.•.default ~ •sn:~, A~Wi..,.... PATE DE BROOKE Dwight Owen Kalb sculpts actress Brooke Shields in a medium most people sf>r ead on cr acker s chopped liver. complete with chopperl eggs and onions. The promotion at a Chica~o restaurant us<'rl 30 pounds of chopped liver Ev angelisl Billy Graham "made his tory si mply b y s howin g up -h e attracted the largest audi e n ce ever in the Lancas hire resor t of Bl ackpoo l in northwest England, the Lancashire Evening Gazette said in an editorial. The newspaper said that ··Hollywood superstars and political giants" had not drawn such a crowd The rally filled t h e 3,000-seat auditorium and four overflow ha lls. whe re another 6,000 people watched on closed-circuit television. lrtU•b author Ora•,• Gr11a1 llfl ~ I controv1r1if l book on ~ornaptlon tn th• Rlvlera r11ort town of Niot will bt publ11htd next month. Or_t.tn.t uJcl hit lawyen bavt 111ivtn me th1· 1reen U1hl" to 10 ahead wlth publtcatlon of the book, scheduled to be laaued ln Brltaln, France, the United S l a l e s • S p ·a I n , W e s l Germany, Sweden and the Soviet Union. Greene's c harges or underworld corruption at the highest levels in Nice caused a stir in the posh vacation community when he made them in several interviews. They were ca tegorically denied by the m ayor, Jacques Medecln. Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C .. who pinched a nerve ip his back a week ago while exercising, entered Walter Reed Army Hospital for further rest , a spoke~man said Thurmond, 75, fo und it difficult lo rest e1l home with his four children rurffiing around the house "and the phone ringing all t he time," s aid aide Phil Kent. The c hairma n of the Senate Judiciary Committee will probably rem ain in the hospital until Monday. A 15-year-old Omaha youth, Dale Robinson, has b ee n co mm e nded by President Reagan for saving a friend's life in an electrical accident. Sept. 26, Robinson and Daniel Moroscbak, 13. were walking on beams over an 0 m a h a Pu b I i c Pow ef" D1 s tr1ct s ub s tation . Moroschak lost his balance and fell agamst a bushing on top o f a n e l ec trical transformer. The contact with the bushing, which carried 7 ,600 volts, set lhe youth's clothes on-fire. Hearing his friend's scream, Robinson jumped to his aid. s mothering the flames with his hands. A retired Air F'orce officer from Sacramento captured the $55,000 first prize money in Las Vegas by outlasting nearly 1,400 other blackjack players In the Sahara Spring Blackjack Classic. Toledo City Cou ncilman Ray Nies is a collector but not of. stamps, pennies or baseball cards. He goes for hubcaps -and doesn't steal them off cars, either. 11 e t h e n 1 o w e r:. ~A .. B ill Huber, a former lieutenaut colonel who new B-52 mission s during the Vietnam War, emerged the winner after four days of competition in the $150,000 event. Mary Braatz, an Eden, Wis .. mother and rancher t ook second and earned $10,000. Finishing third was George Sandoval, a San Jose .postal carrier, whll . w.on $5,000. The fact that he doesn't have to resort to theft to incr ease his hoard is his point · the potholes in Tole do's streets m ake the caps pop right off the cars. Nies brought his clanging collection to City Council chambers for a show-and-tell session to s how what motorists are up against and . .t..~l.l ... t)QW .... i:.~.P..e.n~.i_ve t h e problem is to the city. Moroschak as far as he could from the nine -fool transformer structure and dropped him the remaining five feet lo the ground . Robinson then went for help. The San Francisco Art Commission agreed to return to sculptor Robert Arneson his controversial bust of the late Mayor George Moscone after the artist returned his payment of $18.500 fo r the work Cooling trend Coastal LIQhl varl•lll• wind• wHI 10 -.thwwt 10 to 15 -not• ..,.,_ Wesler I, •-Is 1 to J Ifft. Some high CIOudS Ol_...,tw l•lr. U.S. summary A win.., -.n Tllundey dlimPld -from IN GreM IAILH. ecrou -Yon --'•'" Pennsvtv..,le -lftlO ~"' Niw E119lend. wtllle SC-red llofll r•ln 1111 on the Nor111.,.n -11 high• '1 to n . low• JS 10 0 . Southern aewrt high• 7• 10 n.1ows'4to~ Hloh cloudlntn Inc reulnQ In Northern •lld Ctntrel C•lllornl• IOCIO end lonlghl 11\lc~tftlnQ •nd IOWfflno S.tlur<Ny P•lclly too or tow c lol>d• 11iQM• •lld ,,_nlft9 In lnl•lld Y•ll•YS. W•nnlno 1.-.nd Exte1uled forecast • -C-llft" -•lono IN Olllo Al .. r -~ --,_,,.., 1 .. ffSt<-el f lof14e Su11d•'· Tu .. d•': conilderellle clol>dlneu •nd cool~ wtth <Mn<• ol r•ln SU.Uy endlt19 Oii -., F•lr •nd ~lghtly •••mu Tund•Y Loc•lly windy In 1"9 mounl•ln• ~·Y -~In tlw~I wctloM lllcll• M to .. •nd ~ 41 to M. 111 ...-.1 .. s hlQlls mostly In the * •lld _, 20 to JS. C'.I!m N0 6A U \ o,...,. _. <--''" Slites ..... clouclv lrom Ille Gu41 C-St to IN T-Veltey, wllll t<MtenNI -....,_.. ecrou Ille c9fttral -'*1tlwfl lloc:-tes. LlwM -11"91Ad -Ille Mttllem llllH of Hie Plelns -Ille mid-- -Mlulu.....,Veltey. It WH WMY Tllursd•Y 111 Ille ,.,.,._ "'-Soutllern Cellfornt• to ce11tral Tell.II. c-GO .. red Ille Pacific Hort-SI elld tl>e Grut 8•ln. Mere -wn 1orecu1 tor 1oe1.., _, ...nllern MalM -acroH tlle Great l..ellft, wlttl e ml•hwe of rein --e!QIKted lft IN -Ohio Vllley. A• wa fon<ett ov« Ille rett of !ti Atlelllk encl eneem Gu4f COH I ,, ..... with t llUMerttorms ff'9fl\ FtenclatotNc:;.,ollnet. A c~e ol -...... ,. wn forecel1 tw Ille Grellt ... 1 ... wltll telr tllleS o .. r the Pa<lflc Cout ttetet, ti.. toUtltem PletHu. '"'" 1outhern Aoc-le t . and Ille -1fl<eftllelstMes. Hltllls !Odey are U:IMC'ted In Ille tot -* ,,_ --" lloellln -.... _...,.. Pleill• '° the Olllo· Srrwg Air -111y •Ill be unhe•lthlul for ..,,slllvo _..In -1><1rts of ~ Sovtll Coett Air B .. ln Frtct.y. Tiie Air Ou•llty llOn•o•m•nl Dlstrkt ldeMHled tlloM •reu u the S.ft G•lwMl·Pomono valleys, wltll • pollut1011 •t..,ct.rd Ind•• of tSO; lllvers-.s.n hrn...dlno •ncl. s ... Ferne,...S...w c i.r1t• v•ll•v•. PSI 1a ; met._ttt•n Los A"91ttes. PSI 113. Air QU111ily will be QOOCI, wltll • PSI ol 0 , In H...,•t·Elsl11ore. l11le11d ore,. c--tv. Bennmo. ttw 1-end 111911 oe.ns. coeu1 ., .. , M>d Bio BHrLelle. • TIM PSI. mNS.WlnQ Ille -nt of pollute nit In the e lr. becomu -·•lt!NI lot teftS"I"" peopi. -1t 111tstlletto"""11. A-vllltt 57 Allenu 7] Atlenlc Ctv 0 Baltimore l7 B lrm l"9flm 1• Bl.,,.•rck ,, Bois. .. Boston JI Buff•lo ]7 Cllllrlstn5C u CMrl1t11,WV " Chey•nM u Chluoo 11 Clnclnn.ttl 57 Cl•Y•l•nd .. Columbus .. D•l-FtWth M Denver •1 DetMolnet ,. Detroit ,. Duluth 1J EIPHO 70 Felrbanlt• 10 Hartford 2• HeleM ,. " • Mleml 7' .. •S u Mllweull• u 20 Mltl•St.P 17 17 21 S3 . .oe Netl\vllte 70 S5 New Orte-11 g New York " 20 11 •• 0 -le Clly 0 JO o .... he 2S tt °' '° ,, u 20 u 12 u • JI 21 10 .,, 0 ·11 °' PhlladpNe 17 1• P-1• 11 • Plttsl>UrOfl .. 14 Piiand, Me ,. .4J Pllaftd,O,_ .. 4' Rapid Cltv 22 16 Reno 41 n Akhmond 51 lS S.lt L.••• 42 • SHttl• 51 0 St Loult )7 ,. St P-Te"'99 ,. .. SpoUM • ,. TUCIOfl 70 41 WnlllnQln ., » Wk lllle ,, 24 " CALl~lllA HoftOlutu ~ Hou1ton IO .s "' Le A~tt Vall.., n n Al'ffr. IN'-< Gre<ll IAILH and -----------nertllern Me in•, wltll mllder ---r-el-..e. T-Mllrft .,_,,.Ille neti... a! MlllMY TiuMey rM9M ffM\ 7 lft WIHllWI\. N.D., .. M In Or'\Mdo, Fie. . California ~~wtll lle ... _ ..._,...._..,. .......... 111wte1r temy. eet•• .... """ ,......_ •11• Sehr••J. wltll <••I•!.' H11119 ..... "'Or-. C-.C., ..... ,., .... 67........,, .._ 0 .. " ....._ ....... ......,., . ._ .......... ... ,.. .....,, -,. s.tllf'Wv. u.. ....... Ml•AMIM_9'111fCt_....... wl1t•1 tt·Jt flll•ll, •1ct1Ul111 ............. ....., ... .....,.. ....... .., ... ......., .......... - Temperatures lndft•Pli\ .. JO JkUftYlle Q .. t<en•Cllv JO 22 llATtOte LasV._ 6S 11 Ml IA Lllti. Roe-.. " 1J -41 Loulsvllte ., JO " » Mempflls .. .. ----___, SUBIBIP-W . ... .... • 4 . ... .... 11 ,. ._. ..... .... . ...... .... I • I WIW I J WIW BeUrsl...,, ~ 0 Ber'tl-.. 0 BHumonl ... ,. Bio a.er ,. lS Blythe 74 • CMalln• u • Cu4•er Clty 7J .. Eiwek• S4 16 FrffftO 5' • Ulll<•IMf 61 0 L.ont •-" '5 "' LosA•lel 10 II ~rytvltte ... • *-"' 7J ,. Millll .. Tides TOOAY s 4 11 11 2 • w 1 I W ll'lnt hltll l'lrstlow SeHMhfll\ S:l7 a.m . S.S 111 .. p.m . -4.1 7lts "·'"· ,,, We'l'e Listening ••• ' ,. What do you like about lhe Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call llJe number below and your me11a1e wlll bet retorded. trantcrtbed and deUvend to the appropriate editor. The same M·hour 1nswenn1 Hrvice may be uMCl\o record let· ten Lo the edj\of on any ~c M1llbo• contributortr must include their n,Jme and telephont number for veriflcetlon. No clrculaUon call1. l>1eae. • Tell ut wtaal''l on youP mind. • Orange Cout DAILY PlLOT/Frlday, Maroh 5. 1982 8 Message vessel planned S AN DIEGO (AP) -A commwllcatJons company ••Y• it wlll run a boat orr San Dle10 beaches this summer , flashing news and advertisements on a Mg electronic scr een that bathers can read from s hore. Similar traveling billboard boats worked last year ofr Ocean City, Md.. and Virginia Beach, Atlantic City and Lakewood, N.J . ·'The beach crowd, which is mainly youth a nd tourists, represents a new market for us," says Hal Rosenberg, vice pres ident and general manager of radio station KFSD-FM, one of 11 stations owned by Lotus Communications Co rp. of Las Vegas. Lotus is setting up a new subsidiary. Aqua-Lotus, for the venture in which KFSO expects to invest $125,000. A I though e n viron m ental g r o up s ma y co mp l a in . Rosenberg said approval has been granted by the San Diego County harbor authorities, the Coastal Commission and Harbor Patrol. KFSD in turn will make public service, announcements such as storm warnings. Rosenberg said he expects hardly any protest "because we will be making so many public service announcements -hours of the zoo and Wild Animal Park. local cultural events, etc." The boat will cruise about a quarter-mile offshore, starting May I. sending messages on an electronic s ign four reel high and 36 feet long. Rosenberg s ays news stori~ will be trans mitted to the ooat from his staHon's downtown San Diego tower on "-h Street. Advertisers wi ll be char ged Sl per word per hour "flying an airplane with a sign costs $150 an hour.. he said in an interview Wednesday. About 200,000 people use San Diego-a rea beaches on a typical summer with a re ported three million people during the month of June. • A~ ........ LAST CAR Auto workers at General Motors· Fremont plant watc~ and wave signs as lhe last car rdlls off tpe assembly lane Thursda~· The c:losure will idle more than 2.100 workers and is ont· or seven GM dosures nationwide this ~·car Housewife eases up on 'children strike' SAN RAMON <API Mary Elle n Shaver: who went on strike against her three children last month, says things are going so we ll , she 's s tarted cooking dinner for her fdmily again. "They're keeping their rooms straight and neat as can be They r e doin g lhe1r o wn laundry," Mrs Shaver Said or her three teen-agers , who were forced to assume the chores after their mother posted a sign announcing that "this mother, maid, cook, driver, laundress . . . is on strike until further notice." Mrs. Shaver said if Beth, 18, Meg, 15, and 11-year-old John continue t o clean up after I h e m sel ves a nd o bserve a curfew, she might relent and e nd the strike ·speakers set for 'Dilemmas' Pulitzer Pnze-wmning author Norm an Cousins is among s peaker s sc h e duled to participate in "Dilemmas of Our Times ." a forum ser ies sponsored by the J e wis h Community Center of South Orange Co unty. Other series speakers include actor Robert Clary, journalist Carol Hemingway and author Sabi Shabtai. Clary. who performed in s uch shows as ·'I log an 's He roes, .. "The Young and the Restless" and "New Faces," is to lead off the series at 7:30 p.m. Apnl 4 at the Laguna Beach High School auditorium. The actor , who is a survivor of four concentration camps, is to speak on "Holocaust the Significance of Surviving." Ms . Hemingway. who is affiliated with KABC, is to hold CLAllY a town hall meeting May l on "Criminal Jus tice System." "Antisemitism ," "Equal Rights for All" and "Emerging Lifestyles.·· The gathering is scheduled in the Laguna Beach High School auditorium. Cousins, who is to speak May 23, will examine "Two Levels of Citizens ' Responsibility." His talk is set for Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. Shabtai. who authored "Five Minutes to Midnight." is to H£MTillGWAY SHA8TAI discuss "Terrorism and Jewish S urvi val" on June 6 at the La gun a Beach High School auditorium lie is said to be an authority on international and nuclear te rror ism a od is a consultant on terrorism. M e l Sp r i n ger, fo r um chairman, said s ubscriptions for the series are $16 and $2S each and are sold through the center off ice For information, call 497-2070. You've All Been . Asking. WELL IT'S HERE! NEWNRI SKI COMPANY'S SUPER Sale Starts March 5th Clothing & Equipment Salncmdlepalr •• R ... al1 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOTJW'ricJIY: Man:.,.., 1112 ... ~ ........ WISHFUL THINKlNG Bob Beyer clears the sidewalk outs ide his store in Cedarburg. Wis .. during a storm that left six inchl'S of snow on the ground. Beyer said he put the "think sprint!" s ign in the window several weeks ago when .he thought he'd !:\ccn the last of the while stuff. Border inspectors seeki n g weapons WASHI NGTON (AP> The Agriculture Depar tme nt bas asked Congress to <irm its cattle tic k inspectors, the mounted ''river riders" patrolling the desolate Rio Grande River border in Texas who have been shot at and even killed "There is simply no telling what will confront t hese inspectors around the next bend ." said Rep. Abraham Kazan. D-Texas, sponsor of the firearms legislation. The inspectors, some 100 men of the USDA's An'imal and Plant Health Inspection Service, are ch a r ged with r ounding up livestock crossing the largely unfenced border from Mexico to make sure they're not infested with cattle ticks. Those licks carry a fever that can cost U.S. cattlemen hundreds or millions of dollars. But department oHicials told the House Agriculture foreign agriculture subcommittee that ~ .. tick inspectors are JUSt as likely to run across armed drug runners. rustlers and smugglers or illegal aliens . "We know that the dangers we face are real," said Tom Deats, president of the union that represents the lick inspectors. "They are as real today as they wer e i n 1976, when inspector Bob Sample was shot to death in a line camp." Deats said "That case has never beeD solved. Last week. we had a near repeat of that s ituation when an inspector had his saddle horn shot out while he was in the saddle." Although formal author ity has not been gran ted , Deats acknowledged that because of the danger many inspectors are car rying guns already "and find their mere presence invaluable in keeping a tense situation from exploding into violence." Late last year. Congress authorized food s tamp fraud investigators for USDA 's in spector gener a l t o carry firearms because of the dangers surrounding their job. Truck load Plant Sale A Tradition for 60 Years Huntington Ce nter, daily thru Sat Lge 6" pots 2 88 ea 1 ' j LOS ANGELES (AP) - Secretary of State Alexander M. Hall Jr. HY• Guatemala 11 on tbe ver1e of a criala almllar to that ln El Salvador. one that could pose "a very funda mental threat" to the security of Mexico. It la only "a matter of weeks or months" before Guatemala entera a crials that poses even areater potential for damastng U.S. inteTeSta than the internal problems in El Salvador, Haig said in an interview published Thursday by the Los Anpea Times. , ' ' It's not a question or one blac k chip <domino> knocking over another," Haig told the T i m es in W ashi n gto n Wednesday, "but it is a clear, self-Influencing sequence of events which could sweep all of Cen tral America into a Cuba-dominated region." That would "put a very fundamental threat on Mexico in the very predictable future," he said. The newspaper called it the gravest and most sp ecific 'IVA to halt 3 reactors ; 5 ,000 idle d KNOXVILLE, T~n. (AP) A divided Tennessee Valley Authority board of directors has voted to stop construction of three nuclear reactors. two of them in Tennessee and one in Mississippi. The decision puts nearly 5,000 people out of jobs and mothballs almost half of TVA's 17-reactor nuclear power system , which was designed a decade {lgo to be the nation's largest. The three directors split 2·1 on the question, with Chairma n Charles Dean J r . voting to continue construction. The vote was the tirst time the board has been divided in a vole s ince President Reaga n appoint e d D ea n as TVA chairman last summer. The vote came after top TVA staff members gave conflicting recommendations . Gene ra l Manager Bill Willis and Power M a n ager Hu gh Parris r eco mm e nded h a lting construction, while construction m anager George K immons urged continuing the work. Dean said, "After months of listening and study. l am persuaded to favor a further reduced level of construction r ather than deferr al of these three units." But dir ecto r s Ri c h ard Freeman and S. David Freeman s aid that to continue spending billions of dollars on the reactors would be a bad bus iness decision. "Continuing constr uction of these three units is just not a good business risk," Richard Freeman said. "I cannot ask our customers to take the risks . . when 1 would not take those risks with my own money." David Freeman said stopping construction would be "the largest a nd most effective cost-cutting method available ... Reservations Suggested 645-7077 Thru April 1 t, 1982 • I -$hrlmp ·& FlSh Special •2.99 It's a lreet that's worth the trip! Four big Oulf shrimp, our crispy fish fillet, plus fryes, slaw ti hushpupplesl Shrlmply delicious! w a rning th e l\ea1an a dmtnistr11t.1 o n bas luued during Its campat1n a1alnst what It calls Cuban and Soviet lnterv~ntion In Latin America. A guerrUla threat to Mexico rrom the direction of Guatemala' and El Salvador could be particularly dangerous because Mexico's vast oil fields lie In Its southern region, near thoae two countries . Uninterrupted oil sales are vital to the economic growth on which Me xico has pinned its hopes for alleviating widespread poverty, the paper said. Yet Mexico's leaders "are constrained by political reality from doing what an external observer mjgbt presume to be logical action," Haig said. "The leadership in Mexico s its over a tightly balanced constituency in which interests and attitudes are balanced off continuously, day to day and hour by hour," he said. Haig declined to discuss any possible U.S. action to deal with the Cuban threat. but he said the United States needs to act soon. "I think time is running out and I don't mean that in a cat aclysmic way," he s aid. "I just think t here's a certain urgency in dealin g with this pr~blem. a nd I think we are deallna with It ." In Guatemala, the Rea1an ·administration preaumably would move to restore mlUtary aid to the government, the · Tlmesaald. Guatemala has not received . U.S . military aid since 1977 when the mntrary reatme rejected lurther aid to protest American criticism of the co1.Uttry's alleged human rights abuses. Jo recent years the regime has been accused of killing or rorcin g Into exile thousands of dissidents. Despite continuing protests in the Unite d ~tales against renewed military assistance to Guate m ala, th e State Department last year began looking into the possibility of r esuming aid. Last s pring. Guatemala received shipments or U.S. military vehicles. Haig linked Mexico's policy toward Central American leftis ts to what he called .. a massive economic crisis" in Mexico. The nationa l leaders have "had lo take reactionary steps in terms of contemporary Mexico" to deal with the economic crisis, he said. As a r esult "the leade rs have to compensat e with ext e rnal poli.cies which are less than reac~ionary." ATTACKED? -Ellen Kaplan s hows photographers in New York how she says she was choked by Henry Kissinger's wife Na n cy when s h e exchanged words with the former secretary of state at Newark Airport.: Ms. Kaplan reportedly asked Kissinger whether he "sleeps with young boys." 6,000 apply FORT WAYNE. Ind. <AP> - About 6,000 people have applied for an estimated 30 openings during the next three years at the local branch fa cility of the U.S. Postal Service. APPLIANCE GET SB.ECTION & SA VIMGS· WHIRLPOOL GAS DRYEll . ........ ~ .,_,.._c.. • D..._Modtt •6 ¥..t.Wt, ..... •D...._. ·c ....... s299ss ., GI MlcaOWAYI OYIH ·res =-:=.~wa ....... ._: AT THE HAUOll ARE.A'S LARGEST .•• f-..c .......... VISA". qpo GE"A ~ .,, .... •D,,-.hdl -•-ewr .,.s329ss MAYTAG . FACTOIY AUTMOIUUD ....... ,_c...... ........ T .... •SeiftT_.C...... ........ c .... ...... Sc_M Yo.-C'9olc• YHSorhfa _, s5999s Sony Beta Max .. ..___ ~ . ........... :--;..!) ,.. __ ··•1 -.,.., ICA ........ S25 INSTAMT ··aaATE .... ~ •i...M . .__ '--.. ,_ I UILT TO UST! ONLY S4J4t~- WHIRPOOL TRASHMASHBt COMPACTOll • bdlllffe r.-. T .. Dr-.o,..t' ·c...-..•w ... ·• W_.ofT,... ,.. . ...., ... ..... , .... " . Notes, diary 'seized' I CIA critic held victim of 'dirty trick' in LA LOS ANGELES Cl\P) -A political 1clenU1t and CIA crillc, arrested by U.S. Cuatoma aaenta who seized his notes and dl&ry aa he returned f rom Latin America, was the victim of a "dirty trick" by the CIA, his lawyer says. Fred Landis, a professor at• California Stale University al Los Angeles and author of books and articles on the CIA, was searched by Customs agents this we e k at Lo s Angeles International Airport and arrested on a warrant from Champaign, Ill., st,emming from a dispute with a car rental agency. Walter King, Landis' attorney, suggested the warrant may have been a pretext by federal authorities to arrest Landis and seize his documents because of his anti·CIA activities. took the papers." King said. "He asked tor his papers b11ck, and the agent said simply, 'No. We're going to turn thttm over to the CIA.'" The 1llinois warrant charging Landis with "theft of labor or materials'' stemmed from a dispute between Landis and the A vis car rental company. King s aid Landis rented a car in Champaign and drove to St. Louis, Mo., but did not properly turn the car into A vis officials when he arrived. Instead, King said, Landis simply left the car in the Avis lot "The Customs agents were very up front ... " the arrest was u "sel·up," but was a routine procedure. "Mr. Landis came through Customs and when a query was made lnto the FBI's computer, he was listed as a fugitive," Hollander said. He said Landis' possessions, in c lud ing mi c rofilm , videotapes and materials in foreign languages. would be returne d if authorities determine the material is legal. In the late 1970s, Landis published a book, "Death in Wa s hington," about t h e assassination of Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier. Lelelier was Chile's foreign min ister under the Marxist government of Salvador Allende and was living as an exile in Washington after a bloody coup in which the military overthrew Allende. He died when his car was blown up. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Frlday. March 6, 1982 SALVADOR PROTEST Four protesters display signs denouncing U.S. involvement in El Salvador near the Dor othy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles. where President . A Reagan was appearing this week. The unidentified demonstrators urge~ that the U .S. halt aid to th<' military j unta in El Salvador Medical aid sent to Poland I I "Jllinois authorities knew from Customs fo r two days <before the arrest) that they were interested in Landis," said King. "It looks like he's public enemy No. t to the CIA . It was a pretty dirty trick." and ran lo catch an airplane, mailing the company t he keys two days later. The company claimed Landis owed them $293 for the time they did not know the car had been returned. In that book, Land is was critical or CIA operations in Chile whi le Allende was in powe r , s uggesting the CIA played a role in the Marxist leader's downfall. The book also named some CIA personnel, including the agency's case officer for Chile, David Atlee Phillips. Congress is considering legislation to make disclosure of covert CIA agents' identities a BEVERLY HILLS <AP) - Medical supplies and vitamins worth $1 million will be flown to Warsaw next week to aid Poles living under ma rtial law since Dec. 13, the executive director of Beverly Hills-based Operation California said . during night stops in Chicago and Boston, attorney Richard Walden said. Polish officials have agreed to let Roman Catholic charities distribute the goods. · now can 't produce its own 1 medicines." • Landis was returning from a research trU> to Latin America, with stops in Havana, Cuba, and in Mexico when he was arrested. ·'The Customs agents were very up front about it when they Bail was set at S2 ,200 at a court hearing Wednesday. and Landis' brother was arranging to pay the money, King said. Customs spokesman Jerome Hollander said he didn't believe crime . The $350,000 in supplies to be s hipped fro m Los Angeles Monday will be supplemented .. Poland is now unable to buy raw materials because of the credit crunch," Walden said this week. "The country used to' be self.supporting in medicine but Southern California agencies helping the relief effort include Project Hope , Frie nds of Childre n, Food for Poland, Direct Relie f Foundation of Sa nta Barbara , the Polish·American Congress. Our Lady of Bright Mount Church and the Committee in Support of Solidarity Solon def ends pay to wife Make the Most of Our Shelves LOS ANGELES (AP) -U.S. Rep. George E. Danie lson has defended paying $83,500 in campaign funds to relatives since 1971, including $72,SOOto his election manager and wife, Gladys. The Monterey Park Democrat, 67, is resigning next week after s ix terms in the House to accept Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr.'s appointment to the California Court of Appeals. He said he would <lonate remaining campaign funds to the state Democratic Party, although he legally could keep them. Danielson reported the payments annually to the Federal Elections Commission, according to the Los Angeles Times . They comprised 31 percent of his campaign money over the last five years. The records s how Danielson also spent $5,300 from those funds lo buy a new 1981 Chevrolet Citation, which he told the FEC was a "campaign car,'! .. "My wife has been my total campaign manager for years and years and years." he said. "She does the whole thing. You can't pay <an outside> manager only $14,500 a year." "What's the problem with paying my wife?" he added. "At least J know what side she's on." Danielson also confirmed paying his wife's brother, George Ohanian. $7,200 last year for "reorganizing entire campaign office records ... FEC reports showed. And his mother-in-law got $2,600 over the last four years because she ·•works like a horse'' during re·election drives, Danielson said. Club directed to pay debts LOS ANGELES (AP> -The owners of a private club billed as the first in the country for professional women have been directed by the state Labor Commission to pay an estimated $30,000 in debts owed to former employees. Commissioner Irma Torres asked at a pre·bearing conference this week that the mother·daughter t eam of J ennifer Taylor Armstrong and Joan McCarthy, who own the Wils hire Club, make the payment within 10 days. Torres also dismissed a $15,000 claim by the club's former chef. The ex-employees who requested the hearing, including the club's former travel director. beverage director, program director and fashion coordinator, expressed satisfaction with Torres' ruling. Get ' 2 off the original price of au framed posters and framed or unframed. paintings. Jr.en if you W1Sh to pick a frame to fit the painung. the frame's yours for 112 price. loo. 30'6 OFF ALL STRE1tHED 01NVAS f!M'~. ST'tkbr 72" T-4. T'Pt>FESSIOH- ~L Etf~L. ' RfA4'1:~ I •A1>88 3 Piece Studio Set Create extra space in your studio with an attractive set of laminated wood·grain bookshelves These srurdy artists' storage units with moveable shelves measure 72x24x 10 •. Choose a 5 shelf book- case Reg 49 95 S38.88: a 4 shelf unit with fold -out desk Reg 59.95 $48.88: or a 5 shelf uni! w11b a cabinet Reg 59.95 S48.88. All three units Reg . 169 85 A Studio Package That's Pretty as a Picture Just picture this 3 pc. artist's set in your studio! The adjustable drafting table with a 30x42 • laminated top has a white baked enamel base. Reg . 74.95 $58.88. 24" tall stool has a wood·grain seat and a white baked enamel finish. Reg. 24.95 $18.88. Com- plete the set with a flex lamp in as.50rted colors. Reg. 28.95 S9.88. AU 3 items Reg. 12.8.85 $83.88. Aaron Brothers Special S 128.88 ~TftrFARMM"iN THf CITY, TnESt: 8AfS5 TOWEL NOLDERS ADD COUNTRY CIVl/V1 R) ~ 1Hl~~. Z SPIR-1L 60UND DIRrCTORtES INCLUDE (ffl1ffllC ART5 < t1DVfRTl51f'Kt S!RVIC[5 /N 01LlfORN//l(.ANO MLJ(ft f"'()Rt I) RrG-3CP? f2'f.6l} ~'f.1 Blf-1SS DE- COY D<.XK SITS PAETrr t<.fTCMf.N. Pt~. ROOSTER, OU~ OR DUc/"\ DESIG-N P.ff!-/6.95 $/Z.88 ON YOUR /111NTe.J.Qff 5nELF. /011 LO/W': RE<T 24 ~ $ /9. 8lJ -· .· - ". Orange Cout DAILY PILOTl'rlday, March I . 1112 Ziggurat might fill county growth rweds The long s a g a or the Ziggur at, the vast structure built in Laguna Niguel in 1971 f)y North American Rockwell. oook another tum this week. The Orange County Board of Supervisor s a g r eed with c hair man Bruce Nest a nde 's suggestion that t he county s hould look into the possibility o r acquiring the Ziggurat -now. o Uic iaJly the Ch et Ho lifie ld f e d e ral buildin g to accommodate expanding ser vice needs in the south county. Rockwell, hit by the s lump in the aerospace industry. never occ up ie d th e six -s to r y. million-sq uare-foot b uilding. It was purchased by the federal gove rnment in 1972 but has never. b ee n full y occ u pie d by government agencies. p rincipally because of the hig h cos t of nearby housinJ!. At p resen t the bu ildin g houses bran ches of the National Archives. the Internal Revenue Se r vice a nd the U.S. Geologic Survey. a nd recently part of it w as u sed by U .S . Census wo rke rs . But almost half a million square feet still rem ain unoccupied. · As Nesta nde point s out, growth in the south county soon will require greatly expanded county ser vices. T hese could inc lude courtrooms, branches of a variety of coun ty agencies and even an additional jail. The vast Ziggurat could house all t his and more. It is easily accessible to most county residents. has acres of parking and an exceptional i nt ern a l sec urit y system , insta lled when it was to be used for aerosp ace development Nestande has suggested the po s s i b ii i t y o f. a c q u i r i n g th e building under a joint \'enture involvi ng private enterprise which is possible under recent tax law' c hanges. This week in Was hington he wil l discuss the proposal with federal officials . Give n the fact t hat tht.• Ziggurat has become something of a white elephant for the fe deral governm ent. they could be receptive. And the acquisition u n der a public priva te joint venture could potentially solve many future county need s The idea is well worth pur!>uin~ Rule poses questiom ' Lik e man y go,·ernme ntal agen c ies before it. t he s tate Building Standa r ds Commission m_'!)' h ave b een som ewh at 1'--""C!.~i~1he!iJoi.islnrequiihrg alrnew or r e mod e led res tau ran ts t o m a ke t he ir e ntire fi r st fl oors accessible to the disabled . State Arch i t ec t H arry to it s implied segre~atwn of the disabled. So the regu l at io n now re quires all eali~..areas on the first floor or a new or rcmooeleo restaurant to be accessible to the disabled. with at lc&J st 5 percent o f the seating s uitable-for wheeJcltttir use. The pr inc ipal unans wer e d ques tion is what t h e s tcite , The experiment is dangerous. WASHINGTON -One of the reasons Am e rican social progress with the were hem~ hired to guard chicken J immy Carter is no longer president is bathwate r o f "bur eauracy " and coops The announcements were made that he was perceived, correcUy, to be .. waste" and "red tape." No matter 1n only one part or the countr y. the West ineffective. "He means well ," many or how the Reagan experiment ends. it and every counci l member was from us said, "but he's incom petent. will take yc<.1rs to undo the pernicious someplact• west or Colorado At the The comparable quote I would use ~ same tam e. the department reduced the about some members or the Reagan .-~~·::::_., tame thc ~cneral public will be allowed adm in istralion would be: "They're ~-t" protest or comment on changes in compete nt , all right , but they don't pubhclanduse from90days to45days. mean well." The Justice Ueparlment announced A QUICK GLANCE at the state or the RICHARD RffVfS ~·;; ')it approval of propos<tls that would allow union would seem to contra dict a • ~~ Chic ago to com ply with court orders to conclusion of any competence in the desegregate its school system with Reagan adm inistration. Domestically, damage that 1s being done every day voluntary pupil transfcrs .... This is a way after all, it seems that lQ~o~thm&,~e now by c~~pet~rit ideologues ~d~~h_e_ of s a 't'.~~ tha! m1,W.!£Jpal!!_ies mn _ waveio~re8r151't~c3mic"s itsetr U-Ur ---ctosed'«;.,.~:'"r Wm;trttrgmrr-VOT'Unlecr fo obey court orders on foreign policy can m ost charita bly be ' The appom~ees of Ronald . Reagan. mleg.ra~aon .. o.r. t.he.n again, they may described as aggressive inconsistency. g.enera.lly faithful to the s1mplist1 c not f.hat b~s1call) as the same system But much of t he calamity and chaos nght·wmg dogma ~e pre~ched . for 20 used an the South before 1954. of the day is a tribute-to Reagan's years, are systematac~lly Jigg~rmg the -AN ADM INISTRATION proposal monumental ignorance and has little lo levers of gove~nm_ent a~d. pubhc policy to limit lht• filing of lawsuits against tfie do with the capa bility of his people. The to ~o two things . ad1us t the po~er federal government in the District of ·Wasserman still must implement the pr ovisio ns. but it appears again that a good iaea has been exaggerated. 'arc hi t ect will consi rl e r .. r e modeling " That issul' has cau s ed e no u g h troublt.• with Coastal Co"!mission ruling~ principal problem of this administration ba~ance . betwe~n c~rpo.ra~~ Am~ri~a , Columbi;.a 1s m1>ving through the Senate. 'is not incompetence but rather bad ~n con~ume~ ~~rica an avor o ~I e The 1dc<1 nf this one, proposed originally judgment. 0 .r mer · an re uce to to ~r.a e by Watt. as tu force individuals and We certainly can sympathize with the disabled in the problems t hey must face in moving about each day in a world not built fo r t hem. But the com mission. a tte mpting to comply with a sta te law relat ing to accessibility of public buildings. s eems to have raised some questions that as yet have no answers T he commission voted d own a proposed provis ion relegating wheelchair seating to a separate section of the res taur a nt as in the case of smoking and non-s moking a r eas . This idea was opposed by me mbers of the California Coalition for Access who objected Some of lhe Orange Coast ·~ m o r e e labor<.it c "theml' .. res taurants with mullt·ll·\·el first floor s might han• to think long and hard before in\'l'sling in an~ remodeling . And ''hat <1hout second-or third-stor~ ··up~ta1rs·· r~staurants"' Do t h(•\· han• to offer a first floor·• · The state architect will ha\'l• to be a Solomon to sort out this o,·er -broad regulation as irnp(')sed b~· the commission Thc•n • will ha\'e to be somt• g1\'e and take. or t h e r e g u I <1 t i o n \\' i I I b l' self-defea ting Haig was too hasty Secretarv of State Alexander H aig lost no tim e this week be ratin g t he Am erican news m edia fo r failing to pick up on p h o t og r ap h s o f alleged Sa ndin ist a a tr o c itie s i n Nicar ag ua w hic h h ad b ee n published in Paris . This sor t of thin g. Haig asse rte d . dem on s trat es the imbala nce in Ame r ican press covera ge of the s ituation in Ce ntral Ameri c a and t h e tendency to report right -wing atrocities while ig noring those perpetrated by the left. He was roundly applauded by the a udience a t the Conservative Political Action Conference. Unfortuna t ely for the sec- r e tary's credibility a nd fo r t h e credibility of the admin· i s tration the p hot ographs alleg edly illustrating repressive Sandinis ta action against the Miskito Indians were revealed by the editor of Le Figaro's Su11day magazine to be a hoax. The pictures. he admitted. • had been taken 1n 1978 anci also had heen incorn•cll~· captioned to m a ke the Sanclinislo connection Her<> we hi:l ve ~cl a noth<'l' example of the tunnel n s ion t hat seems to permit Haig to sec the world only as he perceives 1t :'Jo self-res pecting American editor would think of publishmg an outda t ed ph o t o "it h a m is leading caption in order to m ake a political point. But in the Euro p ean pr es . w h i c h frequently follows a party line of one sort or another. this sort of thing is not unknown And Secretary Haig. who spent a lot of time in Europe as commander of NATO. should be very well aware of that. H e a ppa r entl y doe s n 't unde rstand the Amer ican media verv well either. But one would think h e wo uld h ave s o m e understanding of what damage his dealing in false information _does t o t h e n a tio n 's imC:\gC a broad. with friends a s well as enemies and the uncommitted. Op inions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· •pressed on ttus pa9e are those ot their authors and artists. Reader c:omment.1s 1nv11. ed. Address The Dai ly Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. PttomH 71•> '"-•2·•321. .LM. Boyd I Finding a mate Item No. '22C in our Love and War man's Ille on "How To Find a Hus band" i1 taken from a note written by a client: "My wife and I -were marnea 13 years ago alter we m et on an airport shuttle bus. It wun't until tbls year that 1 found out her hobby for el1bt months before our marrtaae was tbe dally ridinC of thoee shuttle buses." ORANGE COAST ._ ... .......... _., ..... ,_ ....... '" ... c..-----···-f .. ... 1_C.._CA_ i Q. What's the difference between a burro and a donkey? A. No diffeTence-. Burro ls the Spanish wol'll Ior donkey. If the magnetic catches on your cabinet doon have lost thelr crtp, just p01.ish the strike plate wltb fine steel woot A cabinet craftaman told me that. TlttlnlasP.Haley Publtlhef 1. for one. have been am azed from the mini m ums .the amount of national assoc1u t ions oppos ing government b eg i nning about h ow well t h is wealth transferr~d t? PO?~ people m 1>ol1cy to travd around the country to president's men have understood the ret urn for domestic tranquiltt~. . l1t1gate 1n distract courts . That's hidden middle·level operations of the These are among the adm~1strat1ve e xpe nsive· and th at's the way federal government. The reason seems actions that s urfaced m Washinl!lon in Reagan·., men v.ant it Poor folks and t o be th at ma n y o r t h e n e w one weeklastmonth: small groups won't be able to afford appointments a re people who learned Interior Secretary James Watt their days in C'ourt an) more the ropes during lhe adm inistrations of appointed a 21 member National Pub:ic Clever compete nt an its way And Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and l_..ands AdVJsory Council. with members for ever) lhrec of these things that have now come back determined to tie ran g 1 n g a 11 the way r r o m ~omeont• l'att•he~ there are probably the centraf govemment1n·knots: r epresentatives o f -01t· CQmpantes to 300· anvrsTblC' om~s 1'hat's what the Day after day, the Reaganauts are representatives of mining companies compet ent people in the Reagan working diligently a t what they call ·The appointments we re announced with <.1dm1nistration arc doing figuring out getting government off our backs. I inco mpl ete b1ogra ph1 es obviously ways to rt•ducc the annoying voices and would call it throwing out the ba bies of des igned to disguise the fact that fox es powers of and1 v1dual Americans Tips on how to become a rich writer "What does your husband do?" 1 as ked a young ·woman r met at a wedding last weekend. "He's a writer," she told m e. ··What does he write?" I asked, and I nbticed that as I did , t he tone of my voice turned ever so slightly a way from conversational to reportorial. "A ll sorts of things," s he said. "novels. s hort stories and ... you know." ONE OF THE surprising things about being a writer is that a person need not actually write anything to be one. On further gentle prodding, it turned out t hat in addition to being a writer, the young woman's husband had also inherited a lot of money. That 's the kind of writer I've always wanted to be. If there is one thing I know a lot about, it's how to keep from writing. For those of you who want to call yourselves writers, here are some tips on how to be a writer without the drudgery of actually putting words on pa pe r. t . Only write when your mind is free and clear of any other responsibility. Don't try to wr ite if there's something else you could be doing. Finish all you!" chores fi rst. Sweep out the garage, clean out your bottom drawer. and file those papers and old checks. 2 Work in comfortable surroundings. The re should be a couch in yolir office tr you're sleepy or want more time to '~~' -AND-Y-RD-DNl-Y -q think through your ide a, relax on the couch for a while. Have yourself a little nap if you think it will help. 3. tr. after you awake from your little nap. you find that it 's almost lunch or dinner time, close up shop. There's no sens e trying · to write on an empty stomach. And don 't try to write on a full stomach, either. 4. Don't try to write with equipment that is anything less t han per fect. Nothing physically wrong with your typewriter. paper supply, pencils. pens or paper clips should com e between you and the clear n ow of an idea. lf, just for example, the holes in the o's. e's or a's are clogged with dr ied ink from your V andalisnt old and new Thoughts at large : -The vandals of history invaded a region and destroyed property; the modem vandals develop property and destroy a region. (Wbicb is wone?> -Most people who prattle about psychology do not recall that it comes RlllY Ullll from Psyche, that her emblem wu the butterny and be r name meant the "soul." -It'• lntel'estins to see bow moat aecretari8' to "lmponant" llMll tend to take oa tbe color of their a.o..,, ud Indeed many become moJ"e roy1U1t than ~KinC· -1t•1 a popular aaacbnnam to call a man "a ceaUeman and a IC!bolar" ln OU toetelJ, wbleb MeNtb Nllldl the 1••'1emaa H a wealllla1 aad UM lcWer ... mldl. -••• rr·a1trattoa t1 aot ti•• diffe rence between what we have a nd what we would like to have, but lhe diffe rence between what we are and what we would like to be. -Dull mates Ii ve togethe r more amicably t han others , for dullness makes no demands except that il be reciprocated. -A political candidate is a "eubllc servant" until the day afte r his ele ction, when he inexplicably turns Into a public master. -Ir most right-wing nationalists are lnlellectually honest with themselves, they will admit that had they been living at. the Ume of the American Revolullon, their 1ympathlea would bave been on the aide or the Tortes. -The solemn insistence on.the literal accuracy of Btble 1torte1 has aUenated more people ftom est.abliahed reli8ion than all the 1can aa4f ridicule of all the athelata put to1etber. . -No one but ptdanta read MUton any more, which la a pity, but hll own fauJt, for of all 1N•t 11\cll•h writen M la UM one moat utterly tacktfta in a .... ot ---~ .L .. ribbon and an· producing a s haded area there on paper instead or a clean blank i.;pot, bend 11ul the• cnd of a paper clip and pick out the clol of ink imbedded in the keys. 5 If there's a telephone call you ought lo make. make al before you write a nyt hing. If you think or an old friend you might call , call him. Make all your calls before you write 6 There 1s nothing more distracting for a writer than for him to have the f ee ling th at he 's m issing out on something good If you hear the television set ·on in some other part or the house. go sec what it is· 7. A WRITE R OUGHT to have a work area that is free of other materials. If there are letters you haven't read on your desk or copies of old Sunday news paper sec tio n s. H a rper's magaiinl!, Playt>oy or last week's issue or TV Guide, read them a nd throw them away before you start lo write. 8. Smoking can be a big help in not writing. Cigarettes are good but the ,pipe is far and away the fa vorite smoke for t he write r w ho isn't going to actua lly write a nything. A pipe can keep a writer busy all morning just c leaning. p ac kin g , lighting a n d relighting il. 9. Don't write unless the temperature 1s ri g ht. You cp n fuss with the thermostat, and i( that doesn't work . change your clothes for more or less war mth. 10. All of us need plenty of time to worry. There simply are not e.nough hours in the day for each of us to do all the worrying there is to be done. If you have a lot of worrying lo do, put off writing until you've done some of it. By following these simple rules. and inhe riting a million dollars, you too can be a rich writer. 111111• U Ed Asner tbouchL lnvolvln1 tbe ~.000-membet Screen Acton• Guild ta aid to &he communlat perriUu ID SI Salvador WU a "little eoof'1 wt.al would . he consider a blt one~ CURIOUS TOP OF THE TOW.N A.C. Cusick treads carefully as he Spread:; gold paint atop globe of 266-foot-tall Sunsph•~re. theme structure of · 19~ World's Fair. due May 1 in Knoxville. ............. Tenn. The paint will make rubber roof match golden glass that covers the rest of tower's g lobe. which will house restaurant and observation decks. Orange Coat OAtLY PILOT/Friday, ~erch 5, 1882 Reduced weather warning funds proposed by Reagarz. R I V E R S I D E ( A P ) -to frost damage, accordin1 to Califomla consumers may face Bob McGr egor o f t he state hl1ber grocery bllls because of a Agriculture Department. Rea1an administration proposal H a m i I t o n s a I d b o t h lo eliminate National Weather agricultural weather and the Service funding for agr lcultural fros t war n l n g s e r v I c e -weath~r and frost warnings, , separate items in the NWS om clals say. · . budget ~ have been targeted for Tbe fl\OSt visible portion of the : red Ii n in g in t h e R e a g an proposed cuta ls the elimination administration's budget which of the weather service's fruit begins Oct. 1. frost warning service. Nationwide. the two proaram.s "The fruit frost service Is an cost $1.2 million a year. of which early warnin g system fo_r us,'' only $200,000 annuaily goes to says Jack King of the Cahfomia the fruit frost service. Hamill.on Farm Bureau Federation, based said. in Sacramento. "It the weather Besides routine fro s t service pulls out In October, and warnings, the agricultural we haven't had lime to set up an weather ser vice p r ovides adequate system of our own, we detailed information about s uch could have very serious things as ground temperature dam age." a nd dew points, which helps ··As usua l , il w1f1 be the farmers decide when to plant. Ir-· consumer that ends up paying," rigate, use pesticides or har vest added Ron Hamilton, head of the "Without this information . N WS -oper ated statewide farm ing could become less agricultural weather service, eHicient. with growers wasting based at UC Riverside. money when they don't have to. California, whose yearly In addition, you have th e · aericultural output is worth $14 potential for crop losses." billion, produces about $3 billion Hamilton says. "When you stack million cost of the pro1ram , the cokt really doesn't seem like that much." Weather service officials have met with growers' aroups In F resno and Sacramento, but no decisions have been reached on r • dealing with the proposal. Kine said growers dlscusaed cont racting with the NWS to provide the same service as they now do or setting up their own service. •·But setting up our qwn service _,.when you figure the cost of the equipment as well as staff could cost as much just for California as it costs the weather service to run it for the whole country," King said. Hamilton added that a ma;or· problem with contracting with the NWS to continue the service would be deciding who gets the information. ·--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a year in fruit that is s usceptible all of that up against the $1.2 "Very likely, only' the big growers would be able to affor"Cf the service," he s aid. "Thal wo uld not h e l p t he small farmers, and we have many of them in California.'' DEAR PAT DUNN: We are having a lerrible problem with fleas even though we have no pets. They don't bother me, bat my wire's Ufe ls being maide miserable by them. We've bad two externa lnators in for spraying. The last one ca me-fi ve limes and the problem still wasn't solved. We've tried ever)' klnd or powde r and spray we can find. We even got one of tbe 1-+---tf-"...rt"~J'..oaic --~ ldller,s ~ !~ ..lllo.lh balls •~ the vacuum cleane r h ag. My wlfe takes B-1 vitamins as recommt!nded by a doctor, but even that doesn't help. Do you have any other suggestions? -.J.M., Huntington Beach You have done •:.>verything possible to control this problem. and it's not even "bad" fl ea season. A VS assumes t hat the exterminators also si:•rayed outsMfe. This is essential for flea control. It may ttelp if you spray your yard with malathion purchased in garden supply st.ores t•very 10 days and use flea bombs that kill both adult fleas and flea eees inside simultaneously. Also, you may wunt to combine equal parts of 20 Mule Team Borax and table salt to sprinkle under furniture cushions and on carpets. Work into carpets with a broom and vacuum after a day to remove excess. This will dehydrate fl eas a.nd larvae. Since you doft 't have pets and only your w-tfe is being Yc.r Manry Mow ...,, Mora Air MnJco 4 Mflrh/5 Dap LllXllrious ..,_vllios St..ratOR PWtio Yahia April 22·26 . $350. -0'1 _ .. ,,.,.Ul*'CY GoillCJ Places Travel Fesltlon lslmd 640-0l2. ~+ • Together, we can change.~. ---·come in and see our large selection of Swim wear troubled, she may have an extreme allergy to fleas and may require specialized treatment, according to an allergist contacted by A YS. Gloss covers in stoick DEAR PAT DUNN: I remember that you publishe d th e address for gettin g re placement g lass covers for Guardian ~-&!+Yi~c:e. 'J:ltli WU'C -eMpl~'fflnlr-..· a go, but I hope· you will repeat this information for me. L.K., Costa Mesa S. V. Erik Industries Inc. ffl402 Monroe Ave .. Unit I, Stanton 90680> bought the rights to all products of Guardian Service. This firm currently carries glass covers in stock. You can request an order form /price list by phoning 828·0750. .__,,., • · Got a problem'' Then wnte to Pat 1 Dunn f'al will t ut red tape. getting • the answers and aelwn you need to • solve mequ1lle..~ an government <0nd ,_. business Marl yaur question.! to Pat · ! I Dunn. At Your Sennce. Orange C00$1 ··Daily Ptlpt. P 0 BoI 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 As many letters°" posS1ble will be answered. l)ut phoned mquines or lett~s not mcludmg the reader's full name. address and bu.31ness hours· phone number cannof be considered': . Art Show Huntinoton Center daily thru Sun STAY ALIVE DRIVE 55 . l u11m1_.c c.t· 25th year ~ Ann1\•eri1ary •">, '1fl in the II arbor Ar~•• Ntwport Slusic Qlonsuuatoru 'E.c.llenc• in MWc Ed.corion' Jltnno • Cr rr , .... .,c-... llOioe-v1olio-flut911u1tar ....., • ,._., l.M. .__ Call for Brochure 1126 ....... '57-0211 Romantic interlude Tum a favorite chair Into an Intimate hideaway with the Mombasa net from Pier I. This 100% nylon net weighs less than three pound s, so It's easy to put up, take down and move wherever you Pfease. Suspended over the bed, trs a romantic canopy. This Sprtnc you can drape one over a hot tub, or take It camplnc. Tu clean tust machine wash and hanc dry. Mombasa net ....................... 5999 From YES, A Free Tip Towel w hen you bu y two tip towels at reg. price. Pick your favorite style & color from our huge selection w hile they last I <Bring th is Ad ) Save on Rosette Soaps Reg. 5 for s1 oo Mow 7 for s I 00 ~~~~:;r-730-6010 I., ..,. ---------------------------------~---------,, We're No. 1 -~\. i in Produce! WE HAVE EVERYTHING! I I I I I ._ Grapes, 3 kinds from South America. I Canteloupe, Honey Dews, Crenahawa, 1 w. t e rm e I 0 n • ' • n d ' ' 0 u r 0 w n ' ' OPEN DAIL y ·r1L. I Strawberries, with stems, tool You'll like ~ ,,.._ I our produce, you·11 1ove our 1ow prices. fl a I .:=~=" ::::;:;_ I . at.ott •-I I • r----R•llf:l•Til-----, r-----«•I•J:flel.o----,r-----{(iJTJ;l•Ttl----, 1 I TUAI IUllUM 11 ntEY'lll NOT ••• ooz. Hllll l' YM.aNCtA I I 1 GRAPEFRUIT 11 0011G1out 11 ORANGES I 1 I II CARNATIONS II ~-=· 11 I 1 o ,., s 1 oo II s 199 Don II 5 s 1 oo l 1 I I I UMll 1 ooa. " II Liie. I L-----~~------1 ! ______________ JL ___ ~...!~!.~ ___ J ,. • ; ' I - Orange Co•t DAIL y PtLOT,,rtdey, M81Ch 5, 1m UV!RL Y HILJ.S (AP) -For people wlth nouj'h money to pay $10,000 few a at• revolver nd enouch lnlecuril)' to tblnk they 1MM to, a everly llllls boutique owner la offerln• a lltterln1 alternative to tbe Saturday Nl1bt peclal. Bijan PaltHd, whole appointment-only 'store urveya aucb neceaaltJ .... -clalnebWa beclapreadl $95,000), suede sport• jackets wtt.h cblncbllJa ollara ($24,000) and alll1ator bootl <SS.250), will ell a .•caliber detectJve special fr-om American It Firearm.a Co .. modlfled with Ill srama ot nlald aold part.a incorporated into the mecbaniam. be standard pluUc bandJrip bu beeo replaced Ith one of Italian leather and s uede, which uahea the price up to $10,000. Paksad says he la only addln1 a little artistry o the art of pluHinl one's foes : only 200 of the umbered handeuns wUI be made. "I am a deal1ner, not a iunamlth," he Hid. 'There will not be one more made. It is a ollector's item." . · · SPECIAL PURCHASE!! 1981 -!W!9!Tv !WA,!!~.IJ conditioning, •utom•tlc trMSmi•lon, poW9r brek•. e1ectr1c.wlndows, door locks. tilt whMI. crulM control, am/Im stereo. deluxe wheels & MORE. MORE, MORE (1CML..82e0) m57595n AP ........ "BUY AMERICAN " -Paul Kalmanovitz. chairman of Falstaff Breweries. s hows one of his patriotic beer can designs. His message: Buy . American and put Americans back to work. ' Beei: bar-on: 'Buy . U.S.' Polish-boni brewer puts patriotic messages on cans . • SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Pollah-bom brewer la aendlnc a me11a1e of solidarity to American autoworkera by -.r1lnt people to shun forelen cars. "Wake up America. Be •Sood American and buy American. Pled1e your next car to be an American .c ar and put our people ~ck to work," reads the me11a1e that wlll appear on cans of beer sold by Paul Kalmanovltz, chairman of Falstaff breweries. The 77 -year-o ld Polish i mmigrant who's led a rags-to·riches life in America bought full-page ads in about a dozen newspapers this week t.o announce bla plan with an open letter to President. Rea1an. Al early aa next week, the patriotic meua1e will appear on can• of Falltaff, Pearl, Narra1anaetl, Ballantine and Lucky Laaer beer, as well u the 1enerlc beer the company packaeea. Dou1lu FraHr, president ol the United Auto Workers, applauded the me11a1e. • • J want to exprea1 my t.hanb and the thanks of the memben of our union, particularly tbo9e who are Wtemployed," Fraser said. Not only ls .. Kalmanovltz tellln1 beer drinkers to buy American, but alao his advertlsement and tete1ram.1 to union and government leaders urge an end to any investment tax credit or depreciation credit for forelp-made vehicles. And he aay1 that p1lvate cltlzeoa u well u bualneuea should be alJowed an lnvei(ment tax credit and depreciation allowance on new American-made can. ••He la deeply concerned about the unemployment that exlat.1 ln the country and he Just felt that if we could 1et the automobile lnduatry loine aeain, lt would do mu ch to stimulate the economy," said Jack Mlller, vice c:balrman of the Corte Madera-baaed corporation. Kalnnanovit.z, who had to swap h1s seaman's jacket for food when he first arrived in Amerl1ca, "adopted this country and maybe this country means more to him," Miller said. THE ORMOE COAST MllY PllOl'S New Chevys CHEAP! '710111 Relllelel LIMITED TIME ONLY ' Get a terrific, disco.led HOWARD deai PWS -ATE MOW! -----------------·-----------------HOWARD Cllevrolet PORSCHE AUDI SALE;S •SERVI CE • LEASING' IF YOU'VE BEEN WAITING TO D PUT 'YOURSELF BEHIND THE WHEEL Of A NEW CADILLAC ACT_NOW_ THE COST MAY NEVER BE L<lWER! GM ~~ Codllloc molt•• eosv IO ollo<d 'IOU' new COCl•llOc: wilt\ ret>otet ol I.(> IO $2.000 on Mlected modell' Thal'a llghl 52.0001 IN1 meant ll'lof the cost ol o new No«>ef' s COClllloc mav -t>e low.- ltle lorgest Mlecllona OI t>eoutllUI new Codllloc: 1 you'M find tnCluding !he great new HI 4100 PQWel IYllem model• ArVJ VoU rec-Oii the leMc• ond cuslomef core Iha!'• oeen o NoOels 110dlllol1 for 0\191 14 'r'90f1 WILSON FORD g -e-D 18255 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach IM/ ... 'Sts., ~ 111m •·--. ....,., lril1llJ ct . 13631 Harbor Blvd. • Garden Grove 636-2333 (where Harbor meets th!! Garden Grove Freeway) ""° full bee OUM "'°" ,. enjoying huQe so-.ll1g&. dOetn1meonyouhcMtlO Come .n to Nol>e11 gtve UC> ..i.ctlon oi COC11llOc wNle !he MM<:• Wit hcMt one ol selection 11 11111 gooa s NABEftS,261JO Hort>or Blvd . 842-6611. 556-1070 714/133.0555 ftl!!!!!!!!!l!!!~~~!!!PDRSCHE +AU NOTHING EVEN COMES CLOSE SOUTH COAST HONDA (714) 957-1966 3001 So. Maift. s-te AM. CA. ltl2 y.45 s ... 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M eo1 llidel lllkln tor winning eny prize, wtn'*' • 8Ylhorize pubflcdon of their nemee Mc#ot pbotogrlphl· br Onlnge C0Mt Publ!Plng Co. ..... fur1hs ~. I . a.ottne shall be 1 .. ded regular, unl .. ded ......,, ~ or dmll. Winnen muat ,.....,. ,...._ coupon within 2 months of notification ..,._.won"'* prize. 1. °"-'la opllft .. ...,.,,,. 11 w-. ot'ege Of old9r. lllWlat.-OI Orlftll a..t Pubalhlng Co. end · ....... 11 .. ..,._ ... .._..to.en. ~-~~ ~~ 400 ·Gallons OF GAS Mt eotve the eecret phr-with letters from this page and mall this coupon. I haw t-' •nd 11gree to the ru ... for this conteet, and •m 18 years old or older. Here i. my aofutlon to the eec:m ptv ... : -S..ret "91111 - [SH I I I 0 CIDDDDD Name: ......................................................... I Addresa: ...................................................... . . I City ........................................... ZIP ............. . Telephone: .................................................... . Signature ...................................................... . ~ Pam Rnamore, ,Costa Mesa Vleekt1 AMwer. SPEED CAN Kill PlcMd from 781 entries WINSIO GALLONS of&AS AVAILABILITY Costa Meso CADl~C (7'1 4) 540.9100 •(21315s1-e266 SEE-OUR FULL ·PAGE COLOR AD ·IN TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL 81 II ••aD ID YOU DIDI --to Pl1y: A Winner Every Week for 6 W.,e&s • 50 Gallons 0.. GRAND PRIZE WINNER of I 00 Galons It's M8V1 In MCh of the 9dVeftiaementa on thl9 Peoe ther'9 .. one OI" more letters for a to .. I of 12 that n-.. • MCr'9t phrlle when unacnrnbfed. U• .. ch letter only once end u.. 111 the letters provtdlld. Including tti11 two letten thtit h8v. been aolved tor you on the ontry bl.nk. Simply find the letters. unte'tf!'ble them to make the aecret l)hireM. end bttno' or rn•ll your eouponto: GREAT GAS Gr'IEAWAY The Daity Piiot 330 W.t BllY St Costa M-. CA 92626 • ... ST•llC•Y• .................. ,. ~--ll'?CH II. lta Daily Pilat FRIDAY, MA 0 RCt1S,1992 CAVALCADE COMICS GARDEN Di,smantling of old nuclear plants ·expensive EDITOR 'S NOTE -The problem• in buildiftg ud momtabliraQ rwc&Nr J)O\Nr plafttl llove been weU doc¥mented. Now, retitiltQ ~ ume. ii poltftQ eqmilr di//1ctdt ~mat. Jun "°1o to Wit down the atondc btMmothi u o mottn btNt bl/ lorge ~rlainlie• ncept /or one /act : it'll be e:.rpmatve,Coo._ By &ICllAllD T. PIENCIAK • _ .... .._. ..... l NEW YORK -Building' nuc lear plants bas become steadily more complex. and expensive. Decommissioning the industry's retiring plants won't be easy, either. In fact, the cost or scrapping old plants may run into the billions. Wh o'll pay? That question, with many others, remains to be settled. Commercial nuclear power has been around ror 20 years. Industry and government are just beginning serious study of what's involved in the elaborate, costly process of decommissioning. On the race or it, there doesn't seem to be any rush about grappling with plant retirement problems al a lime when the industry has plenty of more immediate worries, economic and technological. Retiremen.1 date for the nation's oldest plants won't come until the 'end of the century. Moreover, federal regulations allow delays in the actual dismantling of the plants for 30 years or more beyond retirement. • But unexpected technical problems· like embrittlemenl and pipe fatigue raise potential threats to the life expectancy of a number of plants.-It's possible that nuclear power's baclt1end problem will move to '.l he forefront much sooner than anticipated. •'It is not too soon to be concerned or sanguine," says Joseph . Fouchard , chie f spokesman for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The agency bas recently co ndu cted a flo c k of de~ommissioning studies. T horough revision of NRC regulations on the subject is expected by early 1983, says Cbinmissioner John Abea'me. Critics of nuclear power say decommi ssion ing co uld eve ntu al l y become the industry's biggest and most expensive headache, ultimately even more expensive than plant construction. But experts at NRC contend the procedure of tearing apart a nuclear plant, removing. radioactive material, and releasing the site lo unres tricted use can be accomplished safely and at reasonable cost. While six small reactors have been decommissioned to date, t hey we re· small. T he only commercial power reactor that has been fully dismantled was a 58.2-megawatt demonstration plant at Elk River, Minn., about Jive percent the capacity of today's reactors. That unit cost $6 million lo build and slightly more than t6 million to decommission 11.fact critics cite in arguing that the industry is underestimating decommissioning costs. The NRC points lo Elk River as proof that decommissioning can work smoothly. In its "Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities," issued in January, 1981, the commission said: ''Though this reactor was quite s m a ll compared lo js in a holding pattern," To.cu says. "We're looking seriously llt the economics of reopening." There are other planta whlch, for various reasons, have raised prospects or decommisaioolne rar sooner than anticipat.ed. 1 Three Mile Island 2, scene of a nuclear accident in 1979, faces cleanup costs estimated at $500 million to $1 billion, and may not reopen . Humboldt Bay in California closed in 1976 for overall review and possible strenglhenUtg of it.a seismic supports. In December 1980, Pacific Gas & Electric withdrew an application lo r eopen th e plant and is co ns idering alternatives , including decommissionlng. One commercial untt that could be decommissioned now is -Indian Point 1, Consoli«Jated Edison's plant 24 miles nOrtb of New York Clly. It sti,.i d~ in 1974 when .n e w r_.e&ulaUons required a pro IH b it hre 1 y expensive emerge n~~ oore ·cooling system. Unit 1 is sandwiched between two units still ope ra.Uni. The utility intends to moth\)all fhe reactor until 2006, when the JO-year license for Indian Point 2 expires. " , A mothballed plan. -::nains under NRC juris<l1ction and .re q u i re s :; .: r 11 ; i t .,. a n d maintenance. It's -,up!'l)t:d to e ntail r emovdl o( f uel and s ource material ::nc! the disposal of liquid and solid radioactive waste. The lack or permanent MOTHBALLED The cooling tower of Saison Nuclear Power Plant in Satsop. Wash . has been d1smanlled b('eaus~ o( high interest rates and soaring const ruC'lion rni-ti-Bare steel and plywood are.\"islble \rt the f>Jant . which belongs to the Washington Public Power Supply System. '~.hif.h-level waste disposal sites preclude that for now. Indian Point's 160 spent fuel assemblies have been s tored i n the iuel-bandling building for the present-day ·commercial power reactors, one lesson stands out: A r ·e a c t o r c a n be decontaminated with reasonable occupational radiation exposure and with vi rtua lly no public radiation exposure." The Department of Energy's 1980 D eco mmi s s ionin g Handbook cautions : "Although man y nucl ea r fa ci lit ies, lneluding reactors,. have been decommissioned. the large size agency's chief c<in(·erns are safety and health. and he doesn't see decommissioning raising insurmountable prohlt•ms thert: Nor does he sees :.inything else a bo ut decomm1ss1oninJ( that might lead thc agency to deny licenses for new plants A hcarne dtsagret·~ with the gloomier VICWS Of nuclear foes but gives them their due for raising questions . Some of them, he not('S, ~turted wurning a a• ,_ there's been a grO'Wibg' debate over who should root lhe·bill - present-day consumers who benefit from the nuclear power, or the utility's customers io, say, 2007 , when the plant ia decommissioned? ~ • • State r egulatory bodip may 'dift~r. Virginia, tor example, has 'ruled that decommissioning costs may not be included in the 11t1hty 's rate base. And what ha ppens should a utility be broke when decommissioning is at hand'? "The seriousne·ss···of"1i6iii" 'hiiid ··if ... is to choose . a location has finally · T h·e· -NHC. in · pr-e1rmfoary s tud ies, h as found s everal approac hes acceptable - prepayment. sureties. or sinking k . '' sun in ... of pres ent-day r eactors overshadows this experience." A study of current research a nd interviews with industry experts shows the following among the important issues in decommissioning : -Technique. The industry says t here are no maJor technical impediments Major portions or the m e thod o f large-scale decommissioning, however. won't be refined until the first dis mantling or a large-scale commerc\pl reactor. -Regulations. Olteria and regulations for decommissioning are now limited. according to several NRC-inspired studies that show that many or these rules will need extensive revision. -Cost. Estimates of $44 million in constant 1978 dollars for the dis mantling or a major reactor mean the s ums will rise substantially. Costs of labor, machinery, dis posal fees are like l y to go up. Specialty ct>ntractors may be required. -Financial liability. Who pays for decommissioning? Present users, customers at the lime of the shutdown, the 1,1tility a!)d its shareholder s? State public utility boards and plants already are debating the matter. -Waste disposal. That's part of the larger proble m or deciding on permanent sites for dumping radioactive waste. The government bas round no sol ution so far. Radioactive machinery, fuel rods, piping and debris left by diamanlling will add more waste. -Environment. Dis putes loom over c lean air, clean water, land use and tougher radiation standards for workers and public. -Public pressure. Just as antlnuclear and environmental •roQpa have atretche4 out llcenslng hearings and other proceedings Involving nuclear plants, they may be expected to ralse many questions about decommlu loning procedures. Opponents of nuclear power plants think the l nd uatry understate• decomml11ionln1 problems. Richard Udell of tbe CrlUcal 11... Enern Project coat ends that •• lbue dlftlcultiel. come into aharper focua, lbey ma,.· "become a reuoa not l'> buUd any more plaats." Tile Nuclear lle1ulat•r1 CO.mtltda'I AM•a ..,. Ml .. • funds wilb ins urance to cover pre m ature c losi n g -but rinancing at the lime of decade ago about thf• lack or a decommissioning is expected to federal fHogrdrn to manage be ruled out when lhe agency's rad i o act 1 ' e w a 'it"' s and new decommissioning rules take ..evervbodv said don 't worry effect. That's been the current about it no,\. ·· u pl anning of many operators of rt wasn't uni ti four years ago, older plants he says. th:.it tht• fc·d e r al C ommissioner Ahearn e governrnt•nt finally got serious rega rds decommis s ioning's about the probl<'rn. and the economic uncertainties as a progr am has mo\'l'd :ilong very ··cost-of-doing-business problem s lowlv s in ce then ··The that rate commissions will have serious.ness of ho" hard 1t is to Lo address." choose a loc·at1on for permanent The cost ractors may become waste dispo~al has finally sunk clearer with experience gained in throughout most of the from a continuing chemical political spectrum ·· cleanup at the Dresden 1 plant in Critics m1ghl w1•ll feel ··~ome Morris, 111 . the naUon's first justification that unless a push is privately financed and operated .given lo an issue, noihing-gets-nu.clear power plant.--- done about it ... Ahearne says. Dresden 1 shut down in 1978 The r e art' th ree accepted a fter 18 years of commercial methods of dec,>mm1ssioning. operation for chemical cleaning, Immediate dismantling of lhe refu eling, and for upgrading the reactor. molbballm& il £or_ JO e mergency cooling system. years or so. or entombing it in a Ahearne calls it a "mid-life substance ltke c·oncrcte for a c l eaning .. that will help century or more researchers tell what levels.of The NRC staff prefers the first radioactive waste tbffy· will method . though p r e sent e ncou nt e r duri n g regulations don't require it. decommissioning. It may also Many plants arc expected to s hed more light on "bow choose mothballin~. which adds reasonable are t he current inte rim costs but also allows estimates of the life expectancy radiation to s ubside and so of a plant," he says. f aci litat e the eve n tual ' dis ma ntling Entombing is conside r ed the least likely choice NRC studil'S t·~t1mate that immediate dismantling of a big reactor can be accomplished over four to 10 years al a cost of about $44 million in constant 1978 dollars. Those same studies s how that decommissioning raises the cost or atomic. power to consumes by about 2 to S percent. But other estimates vary greatly, from tens to hundreds of millions, from 5 percent or the reactor's original cost to 100 percent. In studies done for the Momic lndust.rt,.1 Forum. using constant 1975 dollars in one and January 1980 dollars in another, estimates for mothballing a pressµr izcd water ceactor increased from $2.3 million to a ran1e of $2.9 million to $11.8 million, The latest atudy for the Forum, released la l May, Ml estimated for lmmediate dllmanllln1 ran1ln1 from $23.1 million lo $101 million for pruauriMd wa&er readon ad from $29.4 mllUon to $111 .t million for b0Uln1 water reeeton. ·~, ..... ~ ft • • U .Dresden 1 s hows that decommiss ioning costs cou)d s o a r· r a r be y o n d' • e u r re n. t estimates, and if adoptlon'o(.the NRC's new decommiuionl..ns reauJat,iOOJ sbouJd drive up ccif~1• further. Ahearne say~ "it mal:'. be that l.llitities wm»aedde ~'s not economical. .. The cleanup al Dresden 1. which is about one-fifth th~ size of reactors built today, is to last through mid-1986, the NRC says. But Jim Toscas. spolt~~an ·ror Commonwealth Edison 1• *hlcjj' owns the pla"nt, ·say..s delays caused by costly retrofitting ahd • disputes over waste disposal- h ave made that sc hedule unrealistic. In fact, the utiiity isn't sure whet~er reopening of the plant will prove practical. "Dresden 1 past seven years. · High-level was te dispoS"al re'.lriains a question. Permanent .iorage of low·level radioactive \tastes may be found within thlee or fQur years, but the problem or bifh-level (and more lethal> waste.probably won't be sO'lved until the tale 1990s, NRC 's Ahearne says. . That timing puts the solution at the edge of a 10-year period when as many as 50 plant.a will be r.eady for decommissioning. Ahearne says . waste disposal from deactivated nuclear plants is just part of the overall disposal problem; the amount of high-level wastes generated by the cleanup of commercial plants will be much smaller than the amOJJ.n~produced by the Defense Department. Playboy. t.oP choice for feeding cattle BALTIMORE CAP > - Researchers have found a new idea fo r what to do -wllh yesterday's newspaier" apd magazines -feed them w beef cattle who, like some readers! quickly de vour ed Pl.fiyboy magazjne but tooJ< a while tO' work through the Christian Science Monitor. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and Dr. Peter Van Soesl, a researcher al Cornell University, agree that the cows can eat paper and digest some types J;u;ter than others. .But they say cows won't be. salis fytn.g their hunger with used paper un less cattle feeders find 'a .way lo compete econom ically with recycling plants! .Another problem is that 1l he federal Food and-Dru1 Administration won't allow pa per with eolored ink lo &e fed to cattle because it contains sotm! harmful substances. Dr. Paul Moe at the USDA's research center in Beltsville, Md ., said in a telephone Interview Tuesday that studies p r'O v e d n e w s p r i n l w a s satisfactory for 15 percent of the dry rations fed to beef cattle. Van Soest said that his resea r c h studie d the digestibilily of certain publications, including The Washington Post, the Christian Science Monitor and Playboy. ·•Playboy was more digestible. than the Christian Science Monitor," Van Soest said . '"lbe Washington Post was middling but not as bad as the Christian ,Science Monitor." r • -Orange Co•l DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 5. 1982 •rN LANDERS •HOROSCOPE •OR STEINCROHN \ Columni·st~s courage applauded hr reader DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm sure that by the time this letter reaches you, your mailbox will have been fire·bombed at least a dozen ·umes by readers who are enraged at your advice to .. Middle American with a Serious Problem." But I personally admire your gut-level courage to print such advice. At first I didn't believe I had read what I had read, so I went over it a couple more times until I realized that sure enough. you actually advised that man to satisfy bis viol e nt and pers i s t e nt sex ual urges ... alone . , · T he act itself has proved to be harmless unless 1t 1s used as a permanent and frequent substitute for real people. Only when masturbation is a means of remaining in a fantasy world 24 hours a day can it be considered a problem. "Middle American" seems like a decent. well-balanced chap. His feet appear to be firmly planted on the ground. If they HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Plans change for Taurus Saturday, March 6 ARIES (Ma rch 21-April 19 >: Smphasis on social evenis. creative projects. special relationships and opportunity to express views in unique manner. Membe r of opposite sex figures prominently. TAURUS <April 20-May 2U); Status.4u0- due for shakeup; plans change. rebuilding process gets s t.arted. New allian ce is formed. Focus on home safety devices. GEMINI <May 21 -June 201 : Trips. visits. calls and othe r communications dominate lively scenario. Agreement is reached with m e mber of opposite sex - h armony can be restored. CANCER <June 21-July 221 : You fi x things at home. Emphasis on paym ents. coll ections. locating lost articles a nd coming to financial terms with one close to you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Lunar cycle at peak ; you perceive potential. you·11 be at right place at c rucial moment. Terms will be defined . viable offer could be received. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22l : Missing links are located. You obtain s tory behind story. Motives a re discerned. Business. professional activity result from special meeting. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22>: Potential co m es into focu s: w h at see m e d out-of-reach is now available . Know it. proceed accordingly. Aries and another Libra figure promi~ently . SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -Nov. 211: You communicate ideas. needs and aspirations to authority figure. professional superior. You make headway in breaking from past. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 1: Emphasis on direction. communicat~on - ,, you ·u enhance security through sale or assignment. Rules. regulations. suiritoal values come into focus. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-J an. 19 ): Good n ews due in connection with hidden resources. Personal horizons expand. one close to you is in better financial position than in recent past. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18 >: Accent moderation -partner or mate wants to tal<e initiative. Acquiesce: you do best by temporarily taking back se~t. PISCES <F eb. 19-March 20l: You receive numerous suggestions on how to get job done. Key is to begin with basic procedures aimed a t cutting t hrough superfluous material. ...... 8Y PHI" tNTeALANDI oi we ren't, they'd be planted in a different girl's bed every night. but the way we treat animals is not one of them. We no longer believe the horror stories about hairy palms. blindness and insanity. but a n awful lot of guilt persists among those who turn to setr-gratification. Hopefully. this will change in time. Would you believe tha t in several states it is legal to beat jackrabbits to death with clubs? The reason given is that they destroy millions of dollars· worth or crops. How much b etter to r e lieve .the tens ions solo than to mis le ad som e vulnerable woman or beget an unwanted child. Keep dishing out that terrific advice. Ann. So many people ne~ it. and you're the only one around who has the courage and the clout. -KANSAS CITY Anothe r shocker: Until recently in Charleston, S.C. ~ they organized .. Bunny Bops ." Grown men went after the rabbits with clubs and rocks and killed them bv the thousands . It was con s ide r ed a "sport.'' I was born in Europe and grew up with the idea that America was the mos t wonderful country in the world . Now I am not so sure. Do you have any comment. Miss Landers? -V FROM VISALIA DEAR K.C.: You're right about the flre·bombed mailbox! I'm accustomed to getting clobbered, but when I'm sure I'm on solid ground It doesn't bother me a bit. Thanks for your s upport. DEAR V.: 'the oHlcla ls a t th e American Society for the Prevention .of Crue lty to Animals te ll me they are ..,!'Cracking down on the Bunny Boppers and making it illegal. From now on the rabbits DEAR ANN LANDERS: There are m a ny things Americans can be proud of. APW ........ "BLUES BROTHERS" BIRTHDAYS Three or ' Hill a nd James Sikking < rlghu . who plays Lt. Hunter. s hare same birth date today. Sunday is the birthday of Daniel J . Travanti. who stars as Capt. Furillo. the stars on NBC-TV's Emmy-winning "'Hill Street Blues" share mutual birthday cake during break in filming earlie r this week.! Mic hael Warren (left >. who stars as Office r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GORIN 011 UIDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF North-South vulnerable. West deals. NORTH •Q4 ~ 32 0 J108 +AKJ 85Z WEST EAST •KU2 •J75 ~ l(Q95 ~A 10874 O U O K974 •974 •10 SOUTH + Al098 ~H O.AQU +QU The bidding: Weet N~ Eut s..t.11 P ... 1 • P ... 1 o P ... Z + P ... SNT p ... p ... P ... Opening lead: Five of ~. The "rule•" for the play of the carcll are generaU.me that work in moat C&le9. But that doe• not predude ybu from u1ing your intelligence. For lnatance. it ii normal pro- cedure, when defending, to return fourth-beat in the 1uit that partner hu led. But that eaa c:awie problema; witn.., tlU. band from a recent tour- ument. Moat Northa ,lect.ed to open bee&ute Qf their •ix· card awt. lnvariabl7, SouU1 leaped t.o the no trump game when his partner denied possession or a four-urd major. The fourth-beat heart was a common open.iog lead. At most tables, East won the ace and. true t.o the prin· ciplea he bad learned at bis mother's knee, returned the 1even-originally hie fourth· beat heart. South played the jack and West won the queen. Now West wu in a quan· dary. Most reaaoned that South wu unlikely to have jumped to t hree no trump without a eound heart stop- "per. Therefore, they placed declarer with having started with the J-1~ and partner with A·T-4. In that cue. t.o continue hearts would give deda.rer an extra trick to which he wu not enUtled. In an effort to find an entry ln partner's hand. for another heart lead through declarer'• preaumed tenace, the7 shifted. No oiatter which Alt the7 cboee. dedarer wu home free. To the best of our know· ledp, only one Weat did not have to I.ace th.ii prob- lem. And that waa becaUM hi.a putner did not pla7 by role, but chose in.stead to use his brains. l nstead of automatically returning the seven of hearts, East told a little white lie by returning the four. But West was not fooled for long. T rue, be thought that his partner held only four bean.. but that left declarer with just three. So after winning the queen of hearta, West continued with t he king. T he situation became crystal clear when declarer failed to follow to the third round. so We.at simply continued with hearts and the defenders took the first five tricks for a one-trick set. &•••er ltrl41• cl••• • .....-u..,..a-, .. * .............. ..... De.,-· ·-ztth1,.. Ilea 't? ClliarlH Gere a'• .. Feu·Deal lrW1•" wilt ~,. .............. . &ecdea .. dlll ........ ... dea .... dlM 11""1•11 ... nn r. watt I 1aU1n. i'w aeepy ... •-••d• .... 11.'75 le "Gen9-P .. Deal," care el t•I• ........... P.O. le• IH, N ...... N.J. t7t4I. llab clliema ,.,.we le N.w. .......... h Appetite will ret11rn DEAR llRS. O.: It'• not uncommoa for ~ who drink too much mWc to oft• ~ other importaat food•. ._._,. appetite ..-• U1H11ual for a Ume:;.ad Allclren your 10D'1 JI•· fiome ~ - children may go for weeks without galning weight. It's important to be patient. You will not solve the problem by nag1tn1 or forctns' food . And bribery will 1et you nowhere. Within month• or a year or IO, as he bellnl to lfOW more rapidly and uae more ener1Y, he will requin more food -and a1k fOf' lt. He .,tll need whole 1ratn, eartebed mnall and bread. AMO yellow and darll snen !9PUble1 . • wUI be gassed. However. I learned from a very reliable source that 55,000 r•bbiJs were clubbed lo death in Ida.ho recently as farmers were offering a bounty of 8 cents a bead. 'Ibis is a mighty cruel way to make 8 cents. Surely we can come up with an alternative. Drugs? How much 1s too much? I s pot OK? Is cocaine too much? I / you 're on dope or consu:lering 1t . get Ann Landers· new booklet. "The Lowdown on Dope .. For each ·booklet ordered . send $2.00 plus a long. self-addressed. stamped envelope 1 37 cents postage J to Ann Landers. P 0 . Bor 11995 . Chicago. Ill 60611 • ¢ Z( STAN Df UPI.Alf AROUND THE WORLD Sure sign of spring S'AN FRANCISCO I always like to get the jump on spring but when· I do. the weather goes back to winter on printout day. I judge spring by underwear ads : "J ockey Shorts. 20', Off." That's an indicator. In winter my gr andmother put m e in long underwear~lLwas b.agg,v stuU in .dr.ab g ray. Had a drop seat. It was itchy. All boys hated the m . In summer we got into BVDs -known by vaudeville comics as "Button Va~· Downs.·· !Laughter a nd appl ause~ 1 By today·s athletic fashions. they·d be ridiculous. They were bagg~·. too. and o ffered no enhancement to the male struc ture . T HEN IN THE Fll,M "It Happened One Night." Clark Gable took off his shirt. Lo and behold. he had nothing on. He was bare chested. All over the theater. women grew faint. I knew a J apanese maid wt:lo went to see it fi\'e times . The next da\' nearlv all men s hed their unde rs hirts . The B VD company was ruined. • • • A s unm· da,· on San Francisco Bav. The black container ships slide across the water like st age props pulled by hidde n ropes. It surely LOOKS like spring. You could bottle the breeze. Pull the cork. inst ant spring. 1 get an urge for new plumage in such weather. ··Let me see that cana r y Jacket ~·ou have in t he window... (The s lee ping butterfly emerges from the cocoon 1 The crusader. Giles de Roufcaud. is remembered in h istory for his knightly armor which. alas. drooped in the seat. Sir Giles suffered shame when he led his hol~· army. but would h ave been in more torme nt if he'd shown hi s ill-fitting derriere to the enemy. Those drop-seat long johns were awful. We carry much of our confidence in the seat of our pants. IN SUCH WEATHE R I get a yen for gaud y clothing . Horse pl ayer checks. Rose-color e d s hirts t o go wi th my rose-colored glasses. Sad to say for every peacock there's a peahen around the scatter. "You 're not going to WEAR that. are vou?" · I bet Mrs. Roufcaud said that to Sir Giles. How else would he have known that the tin pants didn't fit in the back? The breeze off the bay is like tonic - with a s queeze of lime. It MUST be spring. man. Something natty in forest green with ch a lk stripes wouldn·1 be bad. Tra-la-la." "Step up to the three·way mirror. sir. An excellent fit." . I WAS BORN IN A three-button. square world. No round peg was I. But in spring, the sap flows . It just could be an early spring. l don·t re member this kind of weather at this time of year before. So off to North Beach for lunch .- Carnation in the buttonhole. no underwear. POT SHOD BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT J. ff IJ n 1• f'EOPLe: HAVE f>UR.VIVED WITHOUT LOV£ fPOR LC>NQ Pl:RIOOS l I ••• "P J doesn't know'how to rinse with fluoride. He SWALLOWED it!" I Mi\RMi\Dl'.KE by Brad Anderson t 0 11112 ""'"" , .. ..,. 5)ncllco .. .,. GAR •'I El.D ~ 81QC9Uaflit: bV Virg il Partch (VIP) r I~ ..,,,,.- . _L '" ,,, , ~ 1, f t, ( 1 I ' "" · •' (1• I ~ :-... "')d fl((I 1 I ,-~ I 11 'l"I '~ I ~( I I I , , , , • ' , • I.\. ,(..\ ' .... ' 'I \. I , . I '" ... and I w11 minding my own bu1lnH1 when 111 of 1 1udden thl1 stupid telephone pole ... " !Df~HE i J-s ENi\CE • l by Jim Davis VOU HAVE 'TH E MANNER!> OF A PIG . GARFIELP. ' • SMACK ! ""\:) 0 SLURP/ .,,.__,....._... ~ SLOW DOWN ANP 5PIT OUT THE 5EE.llS W.ELLW~Ll.W.EW. •• IHIS IS MY LUCKY ~ .• ACROSS rt.... THUUDA'N 1 ar.-""" ~ lnMCt ..um.t IOL YID e RllM food 54 Edlc1 10 Worltlflopl 57 K#Mf of llgflt , .. H4ld --59 &lblllta good t1me e 1 Clergyman I 15 Tonic ... Sotollt 18 Wrtlw 17 Antler w.... .. Proportion 17 Bind 70 OtMIWIM I ~ 71 Anttwopddt 2 worde 72 captured I 19 Aellfl 91"1 73 Def'°9 I 20 Dlmlnud¥9 74 Evet 21 9ubcMcl 7S Mufhy n lurJ "'°" I • Orfllrlll DOWN I I ...... plftOd t 8'IOW ehocll ' ·17 •...-i 2 E,.illh ' .. ........., con.-. 13........ 4lllbllollllllfl .,~ ,....._. ''~"°"" 4tl.tsl'lldor. .. ""1 4 Oallamll 22 T-5 t lortng tool .. ......, OOllWY 24 a.w.tty .. Ao..-i • ... • ..... """" 27 Mop 51 Mdeln . ·-~. --·· ........... ......., : ...... IAWf .,_...,_NT.,. .•• a..-. 1 Mrtnglnl ·--.. F9IWto . .. ....... • ... • &.., ... 80 inn. .,_...,, ...... "~---~ -,... ..... ....... ...... ....... ..... ...... I I ' n• 41-... _"!'f!' .. ----' ·~ •ot- ' RATA TATA ' TATA TATA o~ MISTER •A BBI.£ Or1ng1 Colet DAJL Y PtLOT/Frld1y, March 5. 1982_ ~ ,, 1J,1' 0 , ~ " ' ~~·.· 0 :1~1!". , , ' , , DON'T BOT HER ME WHILE I'M ...,,._---. VJORKI NG :t "T"H INK f1"'S -rHe "T"Hlt-.1<9 "T'HE!Y eANG ON "Tt:> CAL.t, . IN 'T"He COWHANPS FOR CHO W/ ---------. DO 'PJ.~INK M:(MOM 9 SAW r.f . • . by Charles M~ Schulz o---....-.- by Kevin Fagan Ora"ge Co .. t !lAILV PILOT/Friday, March 5, 1982 .Mll .. flM:T'ITMWeutl ... UMUYATl"'91lT Tll• l•h..,rft .. "'H" It ••1111 ..., ...... , t Ha alALTY C:O., tll• ...... Clrclt. H~ IHcll. c:..ll!Wftl ...... HI C, l!Mell, lt111 LAM C:ltcle, HllfttlftQMn IMfll, c.t"9tftlt ..... Tllla ..,..,,.., 11 concluclM llY •" IMlvllhMI HIC.-..i , .... ·""'*" -...... -4111 \Ila c-ty C'-" 1lf °'"'" C-tv .,. Mlttclla.1• " P111tllw.d 0.-C-.'1 o.lly Pl .. I. A BEAUTIFUL BUY · -------------•1 Mllrcll S. It, It, i., 1• ....., ,.c:T1TIOUI eUllMHI MAMa ITAT•MllMT Tiie too-•"' "''°"1 .,. .....i ....... , CAllEUI Vl!NTUllE AGENCY, ltffl T,....:t ~ ........ 1 ....... Hen.r. CA ft ..... CAlllERS UNLIMITED, INC , I C..llfotftl• torpo,.UOft, ,,,., Tr-t L.aN, H_.,..,., H.,llor, CA tlMt. Tllll ..... _, h COftcNOt<I II-I ,.,_ •tleft. • u-........... k..t ..... •ttt• LUCIL.'-a ,.UM• • .IC* •1UC ,.UM• ... JIMM"la LY-"1MK llOll C ....... Of' MAMI. CAN MUMelR All .... o•o•• TO SHOW CAUH "Oii CHAMOI O" NAMI NETTll LUCILl.ll l'UNJC. JON ERIC l'UNIC efl4' JINNIFEll LYNN FUNlt l\a .. tiled I "4111on In 1111• COllrt IOI 111 Ofdw •I-Ill Plllltlonar c;.w .. " Unllmltea. 111< llllell l..alk Ard•• """'°'"' ' lo <ll•not llh/Mr Nmt'lrom NETTI E lUCILLI f'UNK, ~ EltlC l'UNI( .,,Cl JENNIFER LY NN FUNK to NETTIE LUCILLE OEAUGUSTINE, JON ERIC OEAUOUSTINE l"CI Tllh 111 .... t WH llleG Wiii\ tlle County Cle<1l of Otenoe County °" Mltc112,tWI. JKll-, ~a 5-ld ... A .... ,. .... . SlillttUM ..... ,..,... ......... ... "..._. 0-. Ori .. ..... --' llaadl, CA"* JENN IFER LYNN OIAUGUSTINI!. II b llef ..,., ordered lhel 111 --lnterOllCI In tlw matter aloreukl •PP••• belore tllls co1irl In O.pertmel'll No 3 .ol 700 Ovk Cent .. "'"'m Drive W..t, Senti Me, Callfornla, on OUR 1982:CIMARRON f'u1111.-Orenot Co.st O.lly Piiot, Ap<ll 14, ••el IO:JO o'cloO 1 m .. llld Mltr<ll S, t2, 2', 2', 1•;-= tOJS-a llwn enel llwre -ClllM, II any lheV ---------------· l\a••, wllr llkl petition tor <1111\99 ol name '"°"'d not be 11renled. tA;;;;;;~;;;;;~~;;;~;~;;;;~~ NOTte• TO c••o•TOllS TO THE Cit.EDITORS OF VALLEY ENTERl"IUSES INC dbl VALLEY HA LLMARK, T RANSFEROR , Purwlftl to S.CtloM ttOS -1101 of tM Uniform Commercl•I c-. you a re llereby notified as follows: 11 11 tun~ oroered tlllt • <oe>r ol this otellr to,-c..,M bt 11Ullll- 1n tlle Delly Piiot, • na•spe-ot oenar11 clrc:uletlon, """''"""' In tllls c:CIUnty 11 IN•t once a WMlc tor tour TRANS,..IAOR I• alloul IO mau • 1r1nster to tlw uncler\IQMCI buvers TllANSFEREE·ln bul• •II or a subsl1nll1I part of Ille materlels. suppllH, mercllendho or ot ~er' Inventory, and equipment ot 11111 certeln ~ -f!lll shoo. known as Valley H11tm1rt1, all of wlllcll h 1oe111C1 111 Jt FesNon "'-· Nwport 8e1ct1, C.ounty ot OranQe, ethO. C•lllornla. Tiie l)fHenl neme or name1 Ind bust nan -ess of llw Trll\sf.,or •nd TraMI--: TRANSFEROR -VlllLEY ENTERPRISES INC db• V•llev Hellm•'"· :Jt FnNon tslend, N""POrl 8HC:ll, CA 92..0 -141-SI Chembers Drive, T..Uln, CA ••MO TRA NSFE R EE AJIT S SAWHNEY, SATINi>ER SAWHNEY, 24 Lucern.. ~ 8ta<ll. CA 92..0. con11cu11 .. -k• prior to Iha Clay of U ld ll .. rlt19 OATEO-rcll4, tta RONALD H PRENNER JUO,. °'Illa S-rlor C011r1 Publlsr.cl Or-Coast Dally Piiot, Merci\ s. !?. I•. 26. lta 1017·11 NM1'11 "ICTITIOUS aUSINIESS NAME stATIEMIENT Tiit following person• are doing buslneuet "PAC·IO SPORTSWEAR". ltlt N°"" 8,_av, Su•t• t20. S.nll Ane, Callforn11 tt711l. ------H-s-tm---,-----I Moot• Sportswear. Inc , a lllOTIC• 01" •ALIE C1llfornl1 COrPor•llon, un ,..Orin Of' HAL .. ltO .. HTY ~~~:;,~::.:~~lie 1t0. Santa An•, AT ':~~~,~~,::'LE Thi• buslntt• Is condvcled by • In Ille s..i-rtor C011r1 of the Stele ol <O•POrlllOft Calltornla, few Illa Coun(v of Or-. In -· Sportswffr. Ille Ell nor R. Ort•ndelle. Ille Mel•r of IN Ellllt of ARTHUR Clllef Ftn...c:ltl Offlctr BERNARD MOORE, •U ARTHUR 8 Tiiis sla .. ment w .. llled wllll ~ MOORE, 0.CffWd Nollet " hereby given that Illa County Cllr~ ol Oranot Countr on .....,.,.1gnac1 will sell 81 Private ..... January I•, ltia l"l-I JO llw 1119f'IHI-oetl ~. SUOjKI lb conflr....,lon of talel S-lor Court. Pvbll>Ncl Or-Co.st Dally Piiot, on or lfltr llW 1•11> day of Merell 1"1 Feb. 12, 19, t•. -•{II S, 1991. •4'·17, l'lCTITIOUS iiusj..ass NAMIE STATIMENT TIM lollowlng IM'"°"' ere doing bu11Mtses. CHllSE·NEWPORT CA PIT Ill ISIO C.rrllot Av•,.ut. St•nton, CA _.., MALCOLM 0 McREEl. '3S Viste Bonlll, Na-1 BMcll, CA 92..0. OARRELL ltlSER, 1207 F•llock, Rl••"'O.· CA. · Tiiis lluslnen Is coftducl•d by • -··· pert....V-111. -lcolm o. Mc Reel Tiiis !! ....... , Wti flltcl wllll II• Counlv Clt rk ol OranQe COunly on Feb.14, tWl ,, 1"1-Puoilsnad Oranoe Coast 0.111 Piiot. Feb 16, Merell S. 11. "· I'll "2.C PltlllC MO~E All Oilier bustneu n•mu and adelrHs.t used by Ille Transferor wllllln .... """ ... " '•" PHI, so •• , et II: now" to tftit ttMtsterM-•r• nonrt. •I Ille otfkl ol Crock., NallOftll 8enk, l"ICTITIOUS aUSINESS Nencv II l'e.ClnQ. Trvsl Otflc.,, ~ Piil.JC •W NAMIE STATIMl!NT Tiie bull< lranstor Is lo be cOMummated II 8uwnau()pportunlty World, 2'30 N Grand, S.nla Jina, COllnly of Orange. Calllornla, on or ati.r Ma"ll 71, 1"2 Newporl Center Ori••. Suite UO, Tiit tollowlng per1on Is 001n9 Newport 8el<'ll. COllntv of Orenge. ousl-as Sl•lt of C.Olllornla. I ll Ille r19!ol, 11111 l"ICTITIOUS aUSINISS SUNRISE COM PUT ING, 18743 lftd ln1tre11 of wld dee••-•• ti. NAME STllTEMINT S.n11 IMOOt• Street,"°""'"'" Veller. llmt of deelll end Ill Ille r!Qftt, 1111 Tiit followlng P<l'W"' ere doln CA 9VOI.; And lni.f"ffl 4hM the Ulllt OI MO O<nlnus as OONlllO ELVIN COLE, lll•J OaledMerCll 1, ltC The IMI dly 10 ....,., Cll lms In 11111 decetfeG -KqulNd by-··""'.. CI NMAA CO~SUL IANTS. ll .. I Slnll ·-· Slret1. "-•••n v .... ,. lew or Ol.,.....IM otMr thin or I VII 010. PO Bos -4». -; .• uu{ 'CA9270I H<row 11 Wrcll 20, 1"'2. AlllS.Sl-y Sltlnder Slwt>neY Tr111snrws -11 .... 1otl\alof SllddKM-. •t I CenvOft. CAtl611. Tlll1 ouslness ll 'coilducted by an Ume of CIHtll In -lo •II .... cerlel RllYMONO N. BllGGllRLEY Jft .. lndiv'-1 r'HI pr-rty situated In llw City ol Jl .. I Via Oso. Trat>uco Canyon. Cll DOHALOCOLE Published Or-Coast Dally ,.llot, Hunll"91on 8H<ll. Or1t19t. Stale of 92611 Tiiis slelemenl ... , filll<I wltll Ille MALCll 1.-l*t 1-Celllornla, partkul .. ly dncrlbed a DIANA M 8AGGAR LEY. 31 .. 1 COlll')ly Cltr-ol Orl not Gounl.Y on fol-.; to . 'VTa Oto. Tr1bu<o (:.,.yon CA '16'1 ,,.-ell. II, 1"'1 Loi l of Tract 1744, u per m•p Tllh °"'Inn• •s condvcled by • l"lDlSI rec:or-In 8oolt UI. 1>191' 17 10 n """'•' l)lf1narVllp Putllllhed Or-Cout O.lly Piiot. lnc:luslve of Mlscell•ntO<n MAP', In RaymondW 8<10Q••ley, Jr Feb. 26. Merell S. 12, 19. 1"2 . 89U1 -------------I llW oHlc• of Ille County Re<orO.r of This •lel..._1 w<lt llllHI wtlll tlle ------------- NOTICE OF DEATH OF uldC-ty County Cllrk of 0••"99 Counly on M A R Y E L L E N SubfKI to_.,.., Ind condlll°"' F.c>. ••. ,.., NIUC MO~E CAVANAUGH I( MARY ~• tort111n ··0tc1ar•llonol cone11tlon• flt.Jm E LL EN SAL LaBaE R GE R and RHlrlC'llons". recorded June 14, Publlsl'led 0rM>l)e Cou1 Oall• Piiot, Nolk• Is lwreby Ql•en ll'Wll pu"u•nl 1'60 In Boot. s:JOI pegt 111 of Off I< lat hb. 19. t•, Marc II S, 11, 19'2 ~·4·12 to Section 1'111 of '"' (lvll COIH State AND OF PETITION TO Record•ofwtdC011ntY,•nd •nyo111er _____________ 1ofC1tllorn1A,1t1eunc1tr•'9ntc1 wl111111 ADMIN ISTER EST ATE co•enanu, conc:11110"'. rn1r1e11on._ -.,. •""( •• Pubfk: w1e by Cornpell1tve BIOdlng reW4'v1tlons. rlQhls. rlQM• of w•v -,.._ '"' on Merell tJ. 1"1 11 II 00 • m on NO. A 112428. ea11menls of~'· more commollly '"'pre""~-·• Mid l)r°_.-ty lies T 0 a I I h e i r s : -now n .. usu fllamu l ane , l"ICTITIOU••u•1NESS Deen Uored •nd WNch ••• IOC•-•• benefic iaries. c redito r s Hun11nqionllHc11,ca111orn11 N-ESTA'l'EMENT 1n1.,,.11 tona1 s.11 Stor•g•. 11•01 Term• of wle els!\ In l•.tful money Tiie followln9 prrson 15 dOtng "'org•n l•ne, Huntington Buch, and contingent c reditors of of,,,. untied stetn on wit Ten 11., 00,1,..00. Coun1v of 0r-.. St.ti• 01 ca1itorn11, Mary Ellen Cavanaugh cent of emout11 bkl 10'0t O.Potlltd CORPOt111TE GRAPHIC FORMS 111e abendoned good1. c11111eh, and persons who may be wtthbtd JSN cac1mec. Su;te E '°''• Mew. c1oH<rlbedoetow1n111emattersof otherwi•<> Interested in the Blch or atteo to oe In wrlllng •"" ca111orn11mltt Lout1 c amp IBYO Cont I • ••. ,... wlll o. received al ,... eloresekl office Jemes llk!wro White ?tOIS Ouall, Household QOOCI•. Pt!r'IO,.at e•lech, w il I and /or estate: al env time .it., Ille flrsl J>Ubll<ellon El Toro. Cellfornia n..x> tools, refrigerator. new llru and A petition has been f iled 11er.of-btforeCM1teolsa1a. Tiii• bu~"ff• Is cone1v<tec1 11y •n mtsce11•-1•m\.. by Herbert Borden in the Oeted this 1no.v of ~rc11. ,.., 1noMdU<1I L•ndlord ,.,.,_. 111e ·~M 10 bid at Crooer NII tonal 811* J...,,.. R W1111e ,,... Ille Purchetes ,....,.1 bt made •llfl Superior Court of Orange 8y N•ncv A ICeatlnv, llll• ,111......,1 wH 111..., ,.,111 1,,. , .. ., only...., peld lor •• ,,,. tome of County .requesting that Eaecutoro1111o county Clerk of orange cou,.1v on purchlM AM11urc"-d~••••olel H e r b e r t B 0 r d e n b e Wiii ol tald Oec-t Fet><uary 10 1.., .11• ''-and m..u 0e rwmo .. d at llw time BY Nenc:y A l(ullnq, l'lnt6l Of purcll•se S.le \ulljtc I lo prior a Pp 0 int e d a S Per S 0 n a I Tru•I Otflc:•r Publlv.td Orange Coast O•ilr PllOI, cenc•ll.Clon In Ille IYeftl of Mft .. m..,t r e p r e s e n t a t I v e t 0 (7141 SS.JMO Feb 12, .. 7•. AMrJ:ll s. 1"1 .. ., belween ._,.,,d _ OOlio.teo P41r1Y administer the estate o f '"Lu1ot£TT&,.LUNKETT oe1ec111Ws lWldl•o•F-..arvn11 """"""' lw Euc--.,. -£ 1n1 ....... 11ona1 Self Slor-M a r y Ellen Cavanaugh •v: MMl•"f'tlllltlttt ~ ... ,., 11t01 Morqen1..n (under the Independent •u011,.. A... H""'"''°" a.ec11. ca111 Administration o f Estates P.O .... JM l"ICT1T1ous aus1Nns Publl~ Oran90 Coa•1 oau., Plto•. Ac tl The petition is set for N-....-e..c1o.ee . .,.. N-l!STllTl!MENT Feb 2' -ct1S. l"1 • 17141 ,.,.__ Tiie toll-Ing M•'611• are do1no hearing in Dept. No. 3 at Pub11.-0ran90 eo.st Dally P1101. t>vs•nttu• 7QO Civic Cente r Drive, Muc11~.•.•2.1.., 10111-11 TRIPLE 1t RllNCH. 24•11 Et W est , In the City of Santa 1-------------Camino C-strlflO. Cline Point, CA Ana. California on March PVIUC •m .,.~•M&ERLY A 1CR.11TscH, 2.an 31 , 1982 at 9: JO a .m . El CamNC•str•no. O•n• Point Cll IF YOU OBJECT to the 011.aNGE cou NTY suPE1110R .,,,. granting o f the petit ion. cou11T 201~E:,Ng~1,.':",Rd~\~1,::.,~T~~~~ you should eithe f' appear Or• ... ~v~ Po1n1,c11 •M• at the hearing and state :' .. ~~·~!..~~ .. w..-Thll ou•lntts "conc1uc••d bY • your objections or f i le PLAINTI"""' Ai.tW1ywo.-91ne•••Plflnerst1•P written objections w iJh t he 01!,.ENOANT: Ml'Y I.AK..,.. Prwtt. 11111 := "'.,:;~:~ w1t11 '"" Court before the hear'1ng. 09"• '· ~. -00111 ......._ c c o c ll, IRCIWtlw. ou"tv lerk of ranqe ounty on Your appearance m ay be suMMC>NsON l"tRST Feb. 16, 1"'2. in person o r by your AMENOEOCOM .. LAINT l'llJtlt attorney. NoTtc~~.:u.::::._ ~-Tiie Fe':."~~~~~. ~r.1~•11v i~; I F Y 0 U A R E A ~-11 ....., ~ ... !Mt .,.. .,._. C R E D I T 0 R o r a yMr ....,. -• _,, .,.. ,...,_. contingent creditor of the w1•1" ••vs. R--•-etlt!I d eceased . you must file .... ~~u w1s11"' -" 11w .,,,," o1.,. your c laim w ith the court .u.,...v In 11111 ....,.,, vou s11ou1c1 6o 0 r present i t t 0 t h e •o promptly so 111•1 your wrllt•n personal representative ~~~u':.=;v-.~~'~-:.:'.!:.~, appointed by the court tnlMH.itt ..... -.:1.iw c-• u•. • within four months from ..,....,.c1a • -.,.. u• ........... the date of first issuance _,. * • ..... LH 1a -'" of letters as provided in ~' ~ dHeeto1k11er ., c ..... io oe Section 700 of the Probate un •OOOIOO en est• .. unto, det>arl Cod e of Califor nia. The 11teer10 1mmte11a1amen1e, de .. ,a m-••. su r-'1• esc:rlta, 11 Illy time for filing claim s will 1111una,puede•rrf'lllst•-•"-· not ~xpire prior to four I TO THE OEl"ENOANT. A civil months f rom the date o f comp111n1 ,. .. bMn 111.e1 bv ,,,. plelnUff llQllMI you. II you ··~" lo the h earing n oticed above. defend t111s •-11. vou "'"''· "'""'" NS-fl* l"ICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAMI STATEMENT Tiie following 1><1r>On• are dolno bu•lnt1sas· WllLLACE llVENUE VENTURE, :Ito Mall V-Or1w E••I. Suitt 7, Cost•~. C1llfornl1 92616 ltramer·llkt Ot•tlopment Com1>41ny, 2'0 Mell Verde EHi, Suitt 7, Coste~. C•lllornle t267• John C. Saltt, Inc .. • CAlllornl• corporellon, 13S92 WOOdglen Ori••. Senti Ant. Ca!llOrtllt t1IOS Tlll1 buSlntU •• (\lf'ldUCl..S by • ..,.,., 1>«1ners11tp l(r-·llke Oeve!Ollfntnl Company YOU MAY EXAMINE • oers after this sutn~ Is M"'ff the file kept by the court. "" VOii. fllt w1111 lllll <0Ur1 •written Pr~~i...,,_, was llled w1111 the If y ou are interested in the ::~a! !::!~f."t!. ~~!:!,Y:: county c .. , .. ot Or•RQ41 county °" est ate. you may f ile -•1<111on of"" e>t•lntllf. and 11111 tfi-..ervt.1m. request w ith the court to' c01111 m•y ...,.., • tud9<N"t •oalMt "'""" you lor '"' ,..lltf Cl•m•nclttd tn 11w Publl"*I Ot•noe Coast Dally Piiot, receive special notice of comp111n1, w111c11 could ruull In l'ell. u .1,,i., Marc1>s, 1..,.. 101~, the inventory of esta t e garn1s11ment 01 w•Qe" 1111 1nci of ----------------- assets and of the petitions . :;::::,.:·,,.~:ci:~:~n.°'11er """' MIC •m accounts a nd report s ... ouE00c-•.1,.1. ------------- described In Section 1200 LEEA.MANCH of the California Probate ctm Cod e . =:vWl090M• WI Ill am S. Czech, LewOMc>tt•.--,".-.. Attorney at Law, 1900 =.-... B a n k of .Am.rlca Tow.r, ~.CA,...,nat •1 City 9oulevard West, 11111.,, ... o r1n9e, C.A t2~: (714) • ....,... .,, ........... ALAN wu .. 1 937·1141. OH ... ...,......, Or .... C.tt Delly '"llOt. f'llllll"*' OrMet CM•t ()ally f'llol f!'o'!'" S, •· 12. t• 101..a -ell$, U, It. K . ttm ,..,._., ..... --~~--------~ U ... MIO ACef OUIT MO lll•A'-TM IYMCMlttl ott Tiie AlftNAL ITATSIM"' -vu• aMHD oac ..... 11 "· ,_ .. ,,..... ...... ,Ult.__.~ .. ... ...,_..:::. =~ ... , ...... '"" . T.Cel ~ _.. ............................................ U..,..ta,,.. TetelN ... ttt• ••••••••••·••••••••·•·······•·····••••••••••••···· 1J"7M,9 ea,ltat••················" ........................................ ~ ... ~ .... "' ... Ofltrl~ .w.tw. ........................................ .. lfMlel .................... ..... ... ....................... , •. .,, .. U11•I•••._..,....., ............. .... • ....................... . 0.... ..... , --~.._ ..................................... ,, ...... ,.. l!KrMMC...,._l lillC.-..,....,_... ---........................................................ ~·-,_... ...... ; ............................................ u-. ........ "" ..... .,......,..... __ ...................................... ... ,,,..,_ ..... :~ ................ ,, ............. .....,,,. ~--....... -~; c:.tl ..... ~ .......................... ··"················ .. ;,., _ ___ __,_ ....... ..._ ________ MIMI ............. -................ "·"" ........ -.__. c... • ~ ...... Cllllllnla. .......... . ..... "" .... •. V'lllt.._ -.P .... . __., ~~Cl99lllllflt ......... Le.r,L .. ,_ , NU MO~E NOTICE 01" .. U&llC HEARING 01j A PROf'OSEO lONE CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN lhlt tP\e OrenQtt Count.,. Pt•nnfnQ Commission wilt llOld • l>\•bltc l1urln9 to co"''""' rt1onlng ot • 1 I •<rt P•r<t l of ••nO IOC4'1f'O ., ,,, .. 'IOUlllw.-lem corn.r 01 Aceci• Sl•HI •nc:I Orcl\arel Ori•• In Ille Senta An• HokJllb•rta Oale of H .. rlnq March H. 19'2. Time of Hearlnq · I 30 p m . or •• \OOft tller-.efi.r •• pontbl• Location Ht.,lnQ R~ Hall of Admtnlstr•tton 10 Civic: Center Plat• !Corner of 8-•Y •nd Sent• AN Blvd I. ~I•"""· C•lllornl• ProPOS<tl C/\aD9f of lone c.w No ZC 82<4 Pf'OPOWS to cllanQe cer1aln prOMr1Y Ir°'" 11\t AllSRI "G-ral Agrlcullur•I (Sign R"lrlcllonl" Ol•trkt 10 Ille Pll(PO) "Profuslonll •nd Aelmlnl•lrallv• Offlco (Planned DevelopmenO" Olslrk l Compliance wltt. tnc Callfornl• Envlre>nmental Q\.llllly llcl An tnvlronmtnU1l lmpecl •l!Wrt llal wen orepart<! on 11111 tone cllanQe pur•u•nl to Ille C1tllor1111 Envlr~tal Ovallly Act (EIR 177) And will be f"tvi.wtd b~ Ille Plannl~ Commlnlon concurrenl wltll Ill• t>r°OOOWCI ,.,.,. <"- A II penons tl1t11r l••ortng or opposing 1111• Pf'-1 ere Invited 10 DrtHnl llltlr views betor• Ille PlannlnQ C°'"miuion. For furti.r lnformallon . .,.,._,s are l"vlltd 10 call Ille l•nel Ptennlng Section at 134-5380 or come 1n10 tlle olfke loc:attdat400Civl< Center Ori .. West. R_,., , .. , Senta An•, Callfornle '7702. PletM rthlf 10 ZC NO. '2·4. Publltlled OrallQf' Co.tsl Oally Piiot, Marci\ S. 1"'2 IOOS-42 .. Shareholders OK pac~· Beckman, SmithKline form new company with merger By JEfi'•' AOL.Ell 0(-Dllty~ ...... Shareh olderf o f Beckman Instrume nt.a Inc overwht1lmtn1ly a pproved a m e rger agreemen t T hurs day that makes the Fullerton-based firm u who lly owned su b sidiary ot Philade lphia pharmaceulicaJ giant S m ith.Kline Corp. The ne w company will be named Smith.K line Bec kman Corp. T he mer&.er was approved during a s pecial s hare h olders m eetin g at the compa n y h eadqu a rte rs . Mor e than 97 percent o r tht votes c a st were In favor of the m erger. a compan y spok eswoman said. Several hours earller, s h areholders o r SmithKUne bad also voted w approve the m e rger. U nder the agreem ent, each s hare of Bec kman common s tock outs tanding at the time o f m e r ger will be c onve rted into 0.'1535 o f a share o{ S mithKJine stock . Beckman com mon s tock was quoted at 48~ per s hare at T hursday's c lose while SmithKline c los ed 64~. Outstanding are 20. 7 million s hares of B eckm an and 67 million s h ares of SmithKline Founded in 1934, Beckman is a lcadin& ·manufacturer of laborator y a nalytical instruments a nd r e l ated c h emical products, i n dustri a l ins trume nt systems and other prec i sion component'>. In fisca l 1981 , the firm posted total s ales of $618.1 l'('illion, a 13 per cent increase o ver the previous yeu SmithKllne., founded m ore than t.50 yeart 110, develo ps and markets p humaceullcala a nd pro vides laborawry medical servlcn lhrou1h a nel wor k o f c llnlcal htboratories. Its 1981 s ales topped Sl.9 billion. Ar. part of ~" m erger agreement, Beckman will r etain its own compan y identity and operat e under Its present management. Dr Arnold 0 B eckman. a Corona del M ar resident, who founded the firm and remain8 it.a c hairman, and company Pre111dent l)r. Wllllam F. Ballhaus will become directors of SmlthKllne Beckman. The Beckman Ins truments division is expeNed to account for 25 percent or S m ilhKline Beck man's unnual sales, s aid H e nry W e ndt , preside n t a nd c hief executive o fficer of the new corporation. Wendt s aid the Beckman name wu added to the corporate title because the firm has such high recognition in the scie n ce and technology fields He added the new corporation . with it s c ombine d reputations in medicine and 1n the labor atory. will be "formidable " Beckm a n , with appr ox i mately 12 ,000 e mployees w o rldwide, e mploys about 5,000 p eople in Orange County . Besides its Fullerton headquarte rs, the firm has facilities 1n Brea. Irvine. Anaheim and Carlsbad S&L opens c o unty off ice San Marino Savings and Loan Association h as announced the opening o f its firs t Orange County savings office. The ne w o ffice is localed al West Coast Highway at Dover in Newport Beac h . ll is also the first bran c h o ffice lo be ope ned b y San Marino Savings s ince its fo unding three year s ago. The S&L is handling the portfolio of Newport Equity Funds In c ., t h e Newport Beach mortgage broke rage firm lha l w e nt into receiver s hip last year after its o fficers d eserted it. • Ac.cording to Richard Crissman, p r esident, "San Marino Savin gs is o ne o f the most p rofitable S&Ls in t h e nation .. ll is o n e of a ne w breed o f s avin gs associations whic h can be profitable in this national e nvironme n t . For the year ended Dec 31, 1981, after-tax return on equity was 16.13 OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORlt lllPI CmlSllr ., I) J•rlco . ., ..... ,, Pnll•Nal NllSOAO «IUOtlttlons Cm•T•I " u JHfyFd "• .,, Plert•SS lllOWlng lllgl>Bt IMdl COftPIC 7•11J ts Jo\lyn • l3 J.3•,. Plnkrtn •nel lowest _,, by cordh 20v. ~ k11.s1 pf ""' ,. PIOftHl8 merUI m111e",. of CrosTr• 71\\ , •• ,, Kal11•r 1'111 1 S·l6 Pl•Sllne Tllurs PrKH 6o nof Cu11rFd ' .,, 1 K•m•n \ " 11111 PosSI' ~~~c::,::·~ ~T~~':"' 4 ,.,., ~::!Ii!~ ~·.-,~·'). Pr•~ftM ...... ·~ \. I') Pr~ ~YI\ lu lon for T11ur..sav gow s I~ 1•11> ltlmball "" '"' Pr09rp Sloe~ llld A•-Bttr S •·1• S>ti Klnqlnl IV. ... PbSvNC ~HJ~:. ,~~ :g.,, 8:~t~~V ,,v. ""' ltloo!G ·~ 10 Pur18en 1 t t~~ KnapeV I~ IS~ PutOCap AVM Cp J-lt. ..... OtwoE• , J.,,, l(rAIOl •v. ,.,, Ou ... •Cll !~~:.t~ !~ ~~ g::~,~~ " ,. Kutlcu t•'l'J ,.~ R•QenPr JS JI Unce:ln lS ts~. A•ychm Ad•fton µ. l''> Docull s , ... ,,,,, l and Rn .. ,. 4 ... Raymnd A118Sh \ 11i.. 11-. OollrGn 114-"" LaneCo 37~,, Jl•,,. Rt•Vt ~ Allcoln< )7•n Jt g~r.·.~~ U IS'' Llln .. 15v. U>ti RoadE• Amar•'i I~ lt>lli 1•"· '""" LldStor ,.,,... ,.11. AobbMy A Furn •"·. 1·1' Ou11fD • 171,. 17'. lln8C'1 • .,, J'I Rose Ion II Greet ,, .. ,,,,, Ourlrn s ""' 17 ~r.r ,,, ..... ~,,., Rouw lllnGp l 6711) .... ~11nvr>c \:P.,. 14' I JI .. Jiii. S.dtler ANatln• ...... "" E<OftLab .. ··\~ MGF 0 11 .... ••• Sal.co llOullr ..... , .... EtPasEI "'. 11• .. Mld1GE """ ·~ SIHelGd llResMg .....• v. ElderB• ,, , . M1gelPt 41. ..,., SI Paul ' AWtlel s 171• ...... EltNucl I lllt Ma,.mP ... ..., ..... Sc:rlpH ~ Al\ldllo • . ..,. EIMOdl l , .. ,,,. 2•~ Ma RI SI;, s•t. Sen\Or AnQS.11 . "' ... EnrOtv U'• U11 M• Ill.r t \ '°'"' -SvcMer. A"9AGd Sil!> -E"•Mtlhd '''I •·1• :!~\tnp ·~ '"' S'tlcmst \ ::rJ~ " ""' 11 ,. Sii Med 12 l:l'h En Rh .... 1'4 MeyPI 12') 12'-Shwmut ArdOllGll l''• ,... En!Wtsll ""' 121 • •lnOll 6V• .. ., Ster a Rs A\dC81 ) n n •" EqulSL S'• '"-orm 19" ,.,., Sill< on• llllGsll 14~ IS ~~l~l' •~ •'111 Mc Far I , .. .... sca1w1r AllanR• " It\/) ~armGp l 1' v. Mc Ou•y W" :J~ Swf;lS~ ::1r:~~ ,.,. 7l\ :14~ -MfdsxW Siandyn t in •"-Fldlcor 77' • 11' 1 MdldC•P ... ··~ SldMlc ro 81ngH E t(l'o 10 ... Flll~Sn l2'> ll ... MldlllO l}.16 .. Sid Reg$ llaslcR g 7,., l s I• FIB~ln ~ ~:.,, c:rn:a~ ' , ••• 111.i, St•njllp llaulFr 10 .... ~ ~:~i;r~n • 4"" ""'"e'G ISV. IS .. Ster IS I BevhM-tlO IO'lw 'tS'11 16V• SlrawCI Betllne sv. s~ mc\8~' n 271/e Molt~ l J'l•t. 3'~· Bent Pl l>ti I 13 ll "'" ll'h MonlCol si;. 51,, ll•liL s ,..,., 30 FltH~la 1:: ~ 1~ ""'°"':.cl., '"" II .. 8eYNlql 14»(, IS FlurO<b 11 ,,.,, BlbbCo I) n• • For .. 10 "" II .. M.OrgRes .... 10 8.rdSon , ... 1 ... ~~~::'~~~ t ,.,, Mo""'" .._ ,,, 81r1<11r 4'') •"" 10' • II'• MolClub ""'· . .,., 81yvoor Fren~EI IS\.'t 16 Mueller 11 .. I S.l• I 1·16 FrttSG 71 ?111> Narr9C 20 12 Bqne~ •''• ~ 1·16 Frtmnl IJV. 1~ NOia 14h ISVo e,..,T 14\o 14" FullrH8 11 nv. NJllttt 14y, 14>ti 811<k · •"• •'h GnAulm 4,\/, Ot NYAlrl 111. ,,._ percent a n d a ssets were $24.628.600, up 131 pe r cent over assets of $10,649.900 re ported ror 1980 T h e A ssociation a lso sold over $27 million in loan s during 1981." A l the s ame time. San M a rino Savings a n nounced that Margaret J. Gilbert has been appomted vice president and regional manager, headquartered at the association's Newport Beach office. • An active Orange Cou,_y S&L executive for the pas t 28 years . Mrs . Gilbert was manager of several offices of Gibraltar Savmgs and Loan A ssociation. inc luding Newport Beach and Lagun a Hills, prio r lo joining San Marino Savings. S he was also a senior executive with Newport-B a lboa Savings for 22 year s before joining Gibraltar rm~~ Sublru :14~. JS S..t>erEt '"' • UPS AND DOWNS !Ov, n ~t::\' ,. ?tV. !O !Ov, 211 , .. ,; I "" TIME DC 11,. f .. ... .~ . ~:~\ )]lo )3 u~. ~·· 2J'n oi.. ,,. > ... Te<umP 6C)f, •t•it NFW YORI( (API fht loll-1n9 11.i ,.,, ~ TtlcmA 10' • J01il sllOw\ ltw Over !he C,ounler 171,.. 17 .. Tenant ' ,,,,. 11 1toclll\ .tna ••rr•nh th•I "•"t oont vo ,,.,, 13 To~.118 s 11' I 7111. Ille mo\I """ oown Int mo•1 tM~d on 11'1) 12 ~~~rbr, 11't IJ1.-, oer<ent of Cf'k'tn9r '*~rOlt\\ of volumt' IS•1. tSJ;.. 1(• J for Tllur~y ... .... Toyol• 3'1 .. l'I'• Mo \.KUrllff"t. tracJ•"Q brtow ,, "'" lnCI SS SS'> lrtcoPd •••• n UOf'O Net and oe-rctnt~ tP\.anqe\ •r~ the " " > TY!oOnFd '' u 1. dtffer•nc• btt~en llW pr~vt0u~ < IO\.•nQ ,, ... 32 UnMcG1t 10 ~. bid price -.l T"'1rs • t1S1 bid price JI\> )] U~ Enr SI• s"' " IS''> U !>u• t9•. ·~··, ... s US Trek 111,,. 111 ) ••'• 11\.~ UV•B\11 JS•o lS', u .. s l '· • ~~:,~~B ... ••• Name Ull C"9 P<I ,. . .,,. .. 12 .. 13 I H1~r8nc ., .n VP tl O ,µ.. t••· Va11R •J•, u 7 ~~°eRr.. wt 71. ... Up 37 s -.. ~. us .. ,. ••n ) , .... . . ., Up HO ,,.,,. 18'"> Velcro 13-. 13\, 4 810Rsp un • ... Up 7J, 11"-. Vl<l••SI ... .... s HllwdPll )1•1, • s Up •••• 11 11•. ~~'l:ri~ , .... s" 6 01 Corp 7\o . " UP 16 I ~. 11v .. 11\o '"· 1 GverNt • .,, ; . , . ., Up U • ~,. .. WsllEnr 1) I) • • B10Rt\Q \>I . .. Up 17 ' ,..,.. 2"' We1d1rn •'. . .. • T'n•n1 1'. .. Up 11 s 10"· 11 =~~.f ~20 .. 10 CmpMag t •. . '• Up II t ,,.,, 13 31~. J1'1> II FtlncFn l ' I . .. Up II I 11•1. ll:tit. wmorc , •.. 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II ve over· 5 8r•n1P gs 7 IS I& ·~ 011 IS I CalWISv » J7 Grolldv 13\\ lllft IM<OUnttr ·~~~~ sugr~led As~~ NASO • M•t~r-CI n 1'. ... 0 11 IS 0 Canr1clH 7''> 1" Glllnlst 13 Ith NwtNGS .... ""' N1me c...,.. I VpRr1 . .. .. 0 11 IS 0 Capen 11 16 11. Gyrodyn .a.. I'• NwilPS •Y• 16 Tandm I 494 100 ll~• 2311. • VtnCI \ .... .. 0 11 ••• CapSw \ ll IJ H•mlPt 1l' ' 11"'• No•ell Jl1 ... l]tJ. MCIC 45.900 JI-. l l .. ••• 9 Allrdv 7 • .. 0 11 14 l Cap.fllr 3•,, ) ... Hardwk• 1'• l'• Nll<.rl ' )''-,.. Nucrp s JS9,'ll0 J•. 3 .. • ,., 10 gg:?c';~ .. .. 0 11 1f l CertCo ,.,,,, 11..., HrpRow ,,,.. •1 , Nutr y ' 20•.~ Cllemd ' JJS,IOO ''''• "~ 11 l01 1 11. Of! If) CllarRI• lf>''t ll''> H••r.<;:P ~~ ~.,.. Oceentr •• 1&''• 08eer 'l::e~: :;.'t,' .~~. t 1• 17 Ailrdy un ... "· Oii I). CllrmS s n, 10 H1r !NI 17111. IH• g~:~,.~ JO lO'h BrentP 9 i ... IJ Xlcor •'I ' Oii 13 J CllrtHou ' 171,.. 11v. Htclln~ • ....... .,,. llPPl•C 171.lOO •• 11• .. "' If GtlWIEn un s ... 011 I] 0 Cllml t1 IS ,. Htnrd 1111 • '"" OllF•rro S'"" •. ,,.. Mlll<rt s taS.llOO tO''o ~ . .. IS AMonll S 11' • )" Ofl 11 I CM>Ull 1111> 10 Hotobm '"° ,._ OllerTP 18 111. AlrF141 1 ... 700 ... ,.~ ~. .. Anarn ~ S• • ... Oii ., s Cnuot> '7'o 41 Hoovtr I '' • PCA Int • .,,.. 4\.-J A.vnt•• , .. ,600 •• , •.. .... 17 llr•lll>O un 7 ... .. Off n s Cirtlco ~ 7 Horl(RS l''> • Pabsl8 1)~, Ill'> II CemRoy t01 I ..... 011 us CIUSoG1 '"' '"" IMS Int ':~ •:::; t.s.GaR 17;1<. .... Adv1nc:td 1tl " Carolln g 10•, ,. > Off 17 s CllrUtA .J4Y• :i..-. tnlralnd 2Sllt 1Sl4 aui:z P Sl'l ..... Oe<llMd 1,0IO 20 CP11rlo1 q JI I " Off 12 5 CllrU18 3714 :13•4 Intel .... 411, PHr I 10 II Unchlnoe<I 7.<m ti Oalllrtll I I Of• ns ClarkJl 74\ll lSll. tntrcEnr '' 10, Ptn1Enl 171 • .,..., Total tssun J.>n 11 OavdMn 11 J> I '• 011 17 s ClowCp •'Ii 4~ tntmlGs u' 111: :::,~,~ 14 14"• N•w 1119"' .. n En9R•v I I 011 ,, s ColrTle n n"' '"81tWlll .... New IOW) 1"3 1• ~~~q 14 7 Off 12 s ColoGo }.1' 9'31 lw•SoUI 111"' 7>'" Ptlrll > " ,..,., Total tales J0.101.000 7S ~~ .. Off 12 7 ComCIH sov. ~ · Jamsb• t•lf> ti Pttllbon .. 14Yt MU TU Al FUND -I I I l I J J. - Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Friday. March 5, 1182 s .. -~ Gold tumbles on :tondOn mart LONDON (AP) -The price of 1old on tb• London market ft ll M.25 an ounce to 1347. the lowest level In 2*" yeera ln a allde mlrrorln1 Wedneaday'a re1Ultl ln New York. London traders said the 1old mar ket wH "extremely volatJle" In "verr. very buay tradln1." They said there was little _qemaod for 1old, with foreign lnveaton favorina dOllara because or hl1h U.S. lntereat rates and decllning inflation. Coke, Columbia may m erge ATLANTA CAP) -It is now up to the stockholders or the Coca·Col1 Co. to consider the soft drink gh1nt's proposed acquisition or Columbia Pictures lnc., company officials say. T.he proposed acquisition of the movie company WU approved by Coca.Cola's board or directors Wednesday. State face• penaltiea SACRAMENTO CAP> -State agencies that don't pay their bills on time could be assessed penalties, under a ne w law effective next year. The law resulted from SB982 by state Sen. Barry Keene, D·Mendocino, signed Wednesday by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. It will require state agencies to pay a 0.25 percent dally penalty whenever they're more than 30 days late paying money owed sm~l businesses. Reagan d eficits hit NEW YORK CAP> -A prestigious business group has rejected President Reagan's projected budget deficits as unacceptably large, The New York Times reported. The influential Business Roundtable, composed of the chief executives or 200 major corporations, urged Congress to reduce Reagan's propos ed military buildup, the Times said. In addition , the group's 46-me mbe r policy committee , which met Tuesday in New Yor k, r e portedly decided to support a deferral or the scheduled 10 percent tax cut for individuals in 1982 and modification or the disputed tax le asing provisions enacted last year. St.ores pos t g ains NEW YORK (AP> -Two major r~tail chaiM have reoorted modest sates gains for February. K Mart Corp. said sales for the four weeks ended Feb. 24 rose 12 pe rcent to $917.9 million. F .W. Woolworth Co. said sales rose 0.6 percent in the four weeks ended Feb.·23 to $413.3 !"lillion. Oil imports drop By The Associated Press Crude-oil imports to the United States have dipped Lo a seven-year low. both a sign and a cause or the worldwide petroleum glut that has led to recent price cutting by oll·producing nations. Imports fell to 2. 7 million barrels daily in the week ended Feb. 26, down from 3.5 million the previous week and 5.1 million in a similar week. a. year ago, the Amer ican Petroleum Institute reporu!d Wednesday. S.TOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DllW JONES AVERAGES . "' -~ -2111 -~ • 14 -11. .... . ~ -141 -t \11 _.., -1 . .,. NEW YORl((API FIAel Oow·J-• ..._ for Tllur..S.y, l\Mr. 4 STOCICS 30 Ind, 10 Tm U Utl U Stk 11\0U' Tr•n UtllS 61 Siii 0..-Nllill UW C... Cllli t11 14 llf 12 100 10 •1 S~ 7.41 m." m u no.oo ns 11-..,, IOl.U Ill' 07 101.07 107.~ 0.'5 311.11 121 M JIJ.n 11'.tl-J.U l.JW.M 1,tll.-'"·-11,IM.• WHAT AMODIO HEW YORK CAPl M•r • Pr9V. Adv•nceo Declined Un<h•ngecr Tot11 issun New hi!IM T~/, ~ r···~ METALS •11 217 llO 3 " Q5 171 ns • n C•'"' 15-..11 cents • Pound, U.S. dfftlMlklM a..• 11·11 cents• pound ZJIK 41 Ci9ftts • l*'ftd. Otll ... <ff TI11 16.JOIK Metalt W-com-It• Ill. 111-i_ 1 .. n c.entu pouno, H. v ~..,.,$315,00peflHll. , l"lat-P37.00tn>yot . N.Y SttVEr- YMBOLS ....... ,....,, .... ..-,..,,, ...... -----·-°'------__ °" ___ ...,.. --.. --.c ......... .,_ .... -....... _.. ... ...,_ ....... I ............. .._.......,_, ----~--­~.-.... - OMlefM .. ,... '" . .-1 ... ".---·1 ._....,... ... --:-r::.: .............................. ................... _.... ., --..... -··-~ .. -.. ....... -~ ................ ................... r:-...... ..................... , -.--. ................... _.,_.., ........... .,....,..... ..--.............. _. ....O-• ........ ,.. ..... .,.;.1 ............ _, ____ ~t-l:t ---------·-·-· ,L_,,_,,_., ............. . ~ ......... ., ......... .. ._.. ................. --..- • IPYOU ' have a service to of~r or IOOda to Mii, r lac:e an ad , fn the Da ly Piiot Cluaifled Section •. Phone 642'5618. -Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 5, 1982 B E A UTY B L OOMS -Gardens y ae ld s pectacular blossoms with tuberous begonias. 1 They come in many shades and in many flower forms. GIRDINIRI ClllCllllT • Celebrate Arbor Day Sunday by planting a tree. not only for its beauty and usefulness iJ'l lhe landscape but to recognize hotti impertant they are in our day-lo-day lives ... :providing oxygen, reducing air pollution, 'their multitude of by -products like crayons and even nylons, besides many more benefits that are too numerous to list. • It's time to dig in those bedding plants tor quick color in the spring garden -marigolds, violas, pansies • Inter ested in h aving c itrus or other evergreen fruits in your garden? Plant some this month. • It's time to prune fuchsias back to the edge of hanging baskets. • Plant.lo& buJbe f6r the aummer aeuoa_ la one or tile eules\ -and mOll profitable teaks a 1ardener can perfoun at thla Ume of the year. Tuberous begonias; dahlias, gladiolus, tl1l1dia and amaryllis are all good candidates for dependable bloom durln1 the warm months. Planted now, you wil) enjoy them to their fullest. Perhaps the most exotic of these is the tuberous begonia willl its myriad forms and colors. They do well in shaded borders or In pots for portable color. ' You can start their tubers in Oata and when they're about three inches blah. transplant them lo.to the garden or into pot.a. Part·shade is the rule for tuberous begonias, and to assure spectacular blooming results, reed them regularly with a food r ecommended by a nurseryman. Dahlias put on their own color carnival from summer into fall. Also available in many forms, from small pompon to dinner-plate size giants, dahlias produce until frost cuts them short. There's nothing easier to grow than gladiolus. They provide brilliant splashes or color in the garden for months and provide armfuls of cut rtowers for indoors. Tigridia bulbs are definitely for every garden. They put forth gorgeous, three cornered tiger flow ers in mid-summer. Each bloom lasts one day. And finally, worthy of your attention is the amaryllis. It sends up bare brown stalks, topped by large pink flower tteads. before any rollaie shqws up. Prone for growth Flowering peaches should be pruned each year to promote plenty or new growth for next year's bloom. This creates no hardship for the gardener, however. The sprays of bloom can be pruned off in full color and moved into the house for display. If you can't bear to remove the beautiful flowers from your garden, then wait until they fade and do your pruning without delay when that time a rrives .• Observing tree festival -lree' planUna feaUvala are probably as old a_s clvlllaaUon. Tbroupoul the world , school children, men ud women are plantint treea, carln1 for them a nd learning their value. Jn California, thhs tree testival ls celebrated Sunday, which ls on Arbor Day. It was In the early 1900s that the Leaislature set aside this day lo comm e m orate tbe birthday of Luthe r Burbank. Burbank, born in 18'9, was known for his work in improving varieties of Clowers, fruits. grains, grasses. vegetables and trees. Sunday also is lhe opening day ol Conservation Week which has been observed since 1935. Arbor Day is a time when communities and ind ividuals can honor all trees ... those of econ omic , aest h etic a nd environmental importance. Tree appreciation and conservation, tree knowledge and scientific tree care are other aspects c tosol y usoc I a'ted w l th · recognbJnr thhl day. Mun ls totally dependent M the plant kinsdom to •urv[ve. While plants provide ua with a tamlllar and nccesury beuuty, they also he lp purify pollute d air by diluting It with oxygen , by trapping pollutants and dirt partltlcs and by providing food for the animal kingdom. Green plant materials help clarify our waters by keeping sediment and pollutants from entering our streams and lakes. Through t heir evaporative process they help cool the air and emit moisture irtto the atmosphere. And let's not forget all of the by-products of trees t~at help make our h ves easier and nicer lo l ive thin gs l i k e shatterproof glass, insecticides. floor wax. phonograph records, nuts and maple syrup, color crayons. paints and varnishes, mother's chinaware, plastic toys and many. m<.1ny more. Spring flower~ program to.pie~ Two programs on s pring flowers will be presented when the Laguna Beach Garden Club m eets Marc h 1 2 at the Neighborhood Congregational Church, St. Ann 's Drive and Glenneyre Street. The cultivation of m s will be discussed at 11 a.m. by Patricia Shirley, a former American Iris &oclety Judge. .. Flowers of Spring" is the title of the afternoon program of pictures, poetry and music to be presented by Edwin High, a former Laguna Beach resident. world traveler and amateur photographer. FLOWER ARRANGING will be de monstrated by Gil Beaudry at 10 a.m. Wednesday for the Orange County Floral Arts Guild at the Woman's Club of Santa Ana, 601 N. Baker St. For more information call Mrs. A.J . Ruhlig at 544-1617. AN INTERNATI ONAL human assistance program for better nulril1on and health will be discussed by Michael Robetaille or Los Angeles al the South Coast Garden Club meeting at 11.30 a .m . Wednesday at the Three Arch Bay Clubhouse, 50 S. La Senda, South Laguna. For information call Mrs. Wendell Thompson at 496-6335. ANTIQUE APPRAISER Betty Ketchum will be the speaker at the Spyglass Hill Garden Club meeting at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. George Mccarter, 8 Twin Lakes Ci rcle , Corona del ·Mar. Members are invited to bring two items for discussion and evaluation. F UCHSIA HORTICU LTURIST Richard Ortez will speak aL the Monday meeting of the Cos ta Mesa-Bay Cities Branch of the National Fuchsia Society. The 8 p.m. meeting will be held in the Co mmunity Center, 1845 Park Ave .. Costa Mesa. For more information call Betty Bronston, 548-8207. ,1,llUfFELL1S ; UPHOLST£1Y :---•a.•o!ter _,_ ~ l . 1922 HARIOa IUD. <ft>STA~MfS• -548·t t56t ~ . ., ·_J ·LLDYD•!i I i I-. f Nursery Speclall OlcMaahloned zon1I Geranium. SAVE 40o/o G,ERANIUMS 1 GAL REG 3.98 EA • --It---THE . ·~~:~ Sol•• •• , .. "•••.-.. ' I ll '""I ·"''" .,,.,... ..... ,, ,,., .i(J1 ,, • ( ''' 't" ~,.,u"411 "°"' "'""' COS<•W(SA641-1289 IUU•-- IOIHIOH Vl<E.1()495•0401 : 18nC.WfWC:....lr•f'O f tS•11 0..90 ,.._, at A.-y ~.., I P'ICTITIOUS •USINIU N-E STATl foW"T Tht-follo••no per'°" h doinQ Ou\1n~u as la l SIL.MARC CO• (OI BON SORBET CO .. ~· E 11th St<eft. CS .. oo.· Sull• A·HS. c ..... Mesa. CA .,&27. juLIUS .,.ARC MUSHICIN. 101 S<hOll Pina 1•7 N.-..oc>n 8Mch, o ., .. l Thi\ bu\•~U os c-u<led or an tnc::l111IOu•I Jull16 Mu.,,kln TMs 1u.1..._1 _, "'"" wl1h l1't County Cl•rk OI O<a"O* Co\lnly "" F•b t•. 1'81 ,1U1U Publ•~ Ora"9e CCMsl Dally Pnot, f •b 19 U March S, 11, '* 7ls,..t2 P'ICTITIOUS •USINIU NAMI STAT£MENT Th• lollowlnQ P•"on Is dolnv ' ouslneuu. POWER ENGINEERING ANO DEVELOPMENT 1ot6 hlluna Terrace, O>rona dll M¥, C.llfomi• .,.,s Jofln Cler11 Booth, Joo. T- hrrace. CMO!la Cle! Wwir, C.lflorni• '1US This bu•lnau Is conou< t..S 1>y .,, lndl•ldulll. J. Claf'll lloo4ft This llatement "'" fll90 with ti. County Clerk of 0<•"99 Counf., Ofl F et>tw<Y 14, 1"1 , .... Pub11"'90 0r'"99 <Alst Daily Piiot. FMI ». Mar'(ft S. 12, 19, 1'12 «II~. PUlllC NOTU l'ICTITlout •USINISS NAMI STATllM&HT The lellow1n9 1H1<1on Is doing ""''-"· MICRO TEI., 1'141 Coeas.n ClrCle, 4'C, Huntln9ton 8eacll, Cellfomll tHeO. Thom.s A. SOtub. 19241 Coe,_ ClrClt, #C, 1-funtlnoton Buell, Calllomla n64. This 11us1...u Is c-ucl4HI .,., .,, 1not•10ue1. Toni Sllvll This •a--ltled with U. Covn1v Ct.,k ot O<a119e Coumv Ofl F.tin;ery 14, 1911 ,, .. ., Publllhed Or•llO* Coest Oellf Pllol, l"tl>. 2', "'-rch s. 12. It, IW ~~ T oardPn sho excellent color for' Summer Sun Bud & Bloom 4" Pot 1-.S1.0t 69c lil-E ROOT ROSES &;;,,.,,... CLOUOUT ...,.&T,...Type hylAtll ...... Price G.thd lost Of~ OrLHsV-. FRH! Reci. $3.19 GrOW1ng Insurance Acid P1ant1ng Mix For Western Soils w....i,,... Wll Met...,. ...... , 1• PAllO NIMITUal- '•~ ·~ • ALl ITfMS Sl.J8JEC'T TO STOCll OH HAND S.lo gOOd l'l•CNQh Mwch 10 1182 OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7·6:00 SUN. 9·5:00 • PISTCONnlOI. LLOYD'S NURSERY ANO LAN DSCAPE CO., INC. 2028 Newport BtYd. (at~ St.) Cotta Meaa. CA 92827 / (714) 844·701 ,,... Del•.,., , ......... 2.37 EA Elegant M1rth1 Waahlngton Pelargonlum. ORT HO SYSTEMIC ROSE & FLOWER CARE It' 1 1 ay1temlc Insecticide and roe• end flower food. 6 Wffkl of 1y1temlc 1ctlon. [Florist Special I CARNATIONS Come In for dozens of freshly-cut spicy carnations. Many colors S ince 1946 Ho)lis}ttts Nursery -Florist 2840 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa . NOTICE 01' Al'l'l..ICATION l'CHt CNANOI IN ~lltSHll'OI' Al.C:OHOUC •IVlltAGI LICENSE ~ To WhOI II May Ccl>cern Oele E & Piii T CARTER are epptytno lo Ille D•parlmenl ot Alcoholk a. ... r_ con1ro1 lor .. ., •• ON SALE BEER & WINE (PUB PREM.I lo Mii elcohollt be•e••ve• •I 163'1·0 8Ht h 81•d , Hilnllnglon IHth,CA.,._ Publl-Or-Coe'' Dally Pllol March s. ttG 1001.n NOTICE 0, Al'l'l.ICATI°" l'Olt CHANGE INOWNEltSHll'O, ALCOHOLIC •IVEltAOE LICINH ).l.C To Wl!om It May Con<'1n NEW l<ONA LAN ES, I NC " applylnQ 10 the D•Parlmelll ol Alcoholic ee._,_ Control fOf .. ., .. ON SAl.E GENERAi.. tPUB EAT Pl.I. lo Hll AICol\Olit be..,ra9H t i ,. .. HHbor Boultverd, Cosla Mo e. Calllon•la .,.,., Publl,_ <>""90 CoeSI Dally PllOt, ""'"" ), "" I...,. PICTITIOUS IUSINHS NAMI ITATIMINT The lollowlnQ ~rson 11 dolno bonl""'" DISTRICT PROCESSING, 111 Wel1 lnll SC C:C.la M9M. CA '2621 R-r1 o °'-'· 17 .. Ballama Pl , Gosla ~.CA '261'. Tllll -lneu " ~ucleel by .,. ~IVldual. ltOben o. Du9an This slal-1 wn Iii.cl wllll 1119 c°""ty Clerll or Or•-Coun1y °"' Mtrc11a, 11112. .. ~ l'llal1 Plltll,_ Or .... Coasl Delly Piiot. ,..,..,.,.. °"""" CO.tt Delly "'"' March s, n, "· 2'. "" •n• Mar-ell s. 11. "· •· 1"2 • .. Clllllf IED, C6 Titans shoW UC h·vine the way out Now Ante.aters must play. a waiting game to see if they _ get. an NCAA playoff bid 87 IOllN SEVANO .... ...., ........ On a niJlbt filled with emotJon, the scene in UC Irvine's loc1'erroom said it aU ... Flrst, there wu Randy Wbieldon stooped over in hil chair. eyes red. h1a face buried in a towel. On the floor next to him, sat Rainer Wulf, his arms· re1tlng on bis knees, bis head bowed. Over In a corner was the outstretclied body of Ben McDonald. AB he sipped bis drink, all he could do was stare into space. Even the ufo:ally calm Kevin Magee had trouble holding his frustrations as be slammed one piece of c othing after another into bis travel bag. Thursday nJght at the sold-out (1,W) Aaahelm Co nvention Center. Freshman Gary.Davis' 18-footer from the left wing with five seconds to play vaulted the Titans into tonight's (7:30) final a1ainat top·Heded Fresno State and in the process dashed any bope1 ol a PCAA Tournament title and poaaible NCAA post-season bid for the Anteaters. "I don't know what to aay," aaid Ma1ee, whose LS-foot desperation turnaround with one seoond left fell abort ot its mark. ''When we 1ot the seven or eight point lead, l thought we bad it . . . but weletitgetaway again .. " , . rem*"ns and the Anteaters clln1in1 to a ~9 advama,e . P\lllertclll Uled the 1tall to lt1 1dv1nta1e, U.O.•P. ereaUni aumeroUI turnoYert wblle the Antellten were a1lo bavtni trwble at the foul line. Finally, on a Jumper by Lion Wood, tbe Titans re1ained tbe lead at •• wtth 1:40 remaini.nt. y.,_ COWll.ered with a 17-footer, however, to put. the Anteaters back on top, 81·80. 'lbe Titans patiently worked the ball until Ricky )(bum put UJ> a »looter that fell wide of its mark. When W\lieldon rebounded the ball, and wu sublequently fouled, UCI fl1ured t.o be in pretty aood shape with 28 lecoadl lelt. 14 from the fteld), was the fact it was hLI third such mlaa of a one-plus-one Tbunday nlaht. ''I thouabt it wn in there," HJd a 1ullen Wbieklon of the free throw, bis voice tralline off. "Thia ia so hard to take becauae we bad it won . . . we h'!d it won." Tbe contest marked the tblrd meeting tbla year between the Tit~ and Anteaters. UCI won the rnt game by one, Fullerton won nine day1 a10 in triple overtime and then aiain by one point Thunday. >..far as the Anteaters were concerned, jt might as well have been 100. . • , .. Indeed, it was that kind of a night -and game -for the Anteaters. ·11 In a classic rematch of a classic series this seaaoo, the Titans of Cal State Fullerton pulled out I a dramatic come-from-behind 62·61 victory over UCI in the semifinals of the PCAA Tournament Actually, UCI led by aa many u nine p0int1 with 8:30 to play before the Titana be1an to whittle away at the deficit. UCI Coach BllJ Mulligan, who attacked the Titans' stifling 2.3· sa1gin& 1.0ne for most of the night, instructed bis players to pull it out with 1 :34 But Wbieldon, the team'1 leadlns shooter from the charity stripe at M percent, mlased the front end of hil one-plus-one, setting the stase for Davia' dramaUcs in tbe cloltns seconda. Of course, even more sallinl to Wbieldon, who was the game's le!dlnc scorer with 20 points (9 of · "I've had a lot of tbugh loeaes," said Mulli1an who, like his players, needed a few moments to collect his thoughts alter the game. "This is just another one." '"lbere's a lot of lhin&s you could say we should, or shouldn't have <lone," explained Wulf. <See.UCI, Pa.ce CS> II l1 . Cal State Who? UCI finds out Titans have the answers in thriller BY JIM M«:tJRDIE • cJt ... o.llJ ..... ,... Cal State who? In the last two weeks, the UC Irvine basketball team has lleeoft)e p.ajpfully aware ol the answer to that question. And the Anteaters were neer more aware than Thursday nitbt wben Cal State Fuller1.0n'a Gary Davis connected on an 18-fool jumper with four seconds to play in the semifinal game of the PCAA Tournament at Anaheim Convention Center. Just one week ago today, this aame Cal Stale Fullerton team upset the Anteaters, 68.Q, in a thrilling triple-overtime game in Titan gym. Tonight, the Titans will find themselves playing Fresno State for the tournament championship and the automatic right to represent the conference in th~ upcoming NCAA playoffs. Quite a t:urn of events Crom last year, when under then first-year Coach George McQuarn, the Titans finished 4·23, the second·worst record in the school's history. "I call it a '78 flashback," sharpshooting Titan guard Leon Wood saJd. IT WAS in 1978 that the Titans had the bas ketball world wondering "Cal State Who?" as they came within one game of reaching the NCAA 's highly coveted final four. "If they did it, I think we could do it too," Wood said. remaining and it appeared as if the Anteaters were on their way to tonight's championship game. BUT THAT l-i:AD slip~d. away as Anteater Co1tch Bill Mulligan elected to go to a delibl?rate, spread offense and Cal State Fullerton was able to force a few turnovers and get~ back in the game. . "I think their big mistake was · going to a corners (spread· I call it a '78 flashback. -Leon Wood offense )," Wood said after recovering from a center-court mob scene. "They're a running team. They're not that good at holding the ball. They tried it the last lime we played them and It didn't work. U they would have ' kept running the ball. they might have been able to hold their lead, maybe even increase : it. I know ii I was Irvine, I ~ would've kept playin' ball... r Wood and the r est of the Titans kept playin' ball. And, in the waning seconds, Davis go<.! open from the left side and let· loose with an archin~ jumP5hol. The 6-6 freshman -McQuam's sixth man -drilled it and Titan fans began reminiscing about ; '78. • BACKBOARD &ATILES -Corona del Mar's Hank Goebel (left) duels St. Bernard's Ronnie Grandison (40) and Robert Howling (10> for possession. an<l Garth Olson (31 > ..., ..... ~.,a.M~ avoids the foul as Kevin Vidato shoots underneath (right> during Thursday night's CIF 3-A semifinaJ at Long Beach Arena. CdM'Was elfminated by St. Bernard, 34-28. First, the Titans will have to get past Fresno State, the ninth ranked team in the nation and a 76·55 winner over Long Beach Slate in the other semifinal game Thursday night. Neither was the win over the Anteaters. UCI l~d. 54·45, with 10:05 Wood or Ricky Mixon, the : other half of the Titans' flashy backcourt duo, would have • seemed likely candidates to take ' the last shot but that's what UCl : figured. The Anteaters bad • double coverage on Wood and • Rainer Wulf hounding Mixon, leaving Davis enough room to get off the winning shot. So, tonight it's Fresno State. vs. Cal State Who? CdM receives plaudits after setback "We've played Fresno twice, we know what they can do," Wood said. "We don't have anything to lose." Sea Kings bow out of CIF playoffs following 34-28 defeat at the hands of St. Bernard GAUCHOS OPEN By &OGE• CA&LSON .. _...., ........ LONG BEACH -Corona del Mar Hi1h'1 Sea Kings won't be defending their CIF 3-A basketball championship Saturday night at the Long Beach Arena, but when It comes time for tbe all-tournament team to be announced, it's doUlllt.ful they'll be forgotten. Some or the Sea Kings may be on the, beach, on a date or in the stands, but 1 they won 't be forgotten by bl1hly·resarded St. Bernard or any of the ?,500 that wu on hand Tbunday ni1bt in the semiflnala when St. Bernard withstood the challente of tbe Sea View Leaiue c:O-cbampe to claim & M·ZI victory. "We'.e only plal(ed three or four man team1 all year," said St. Bernard Coacb Jam• llcCltme. "But Corona del Mar la u IOOCI • any. Carver Hall (ToWIOll, lld.) lsad a IOOd man-to-man, but they 1ambled a lot." Knln Vldalo. SL..Be.rnud'a 1-S •treacth. approached Sea K1ap Coach Jack En1oD after the battle and 1aid, "You 1'111 baft a toup team." ' ACCOLADU SUCH aa tboae are commoa ta ..,..,. buketball, but ftandaJ ailbt there •we DO slftl -_.ot bJ St. Bernard's talent-laden Vlkbap or uy ol the DOM-lo-DGM lea· Klqa, ............ u ............ . but farced the fa\'Ori ... to play their ..... It'• ahrap tbat • ., -.... JOU ,.., c... dal ..... ,.,... ,.., k ..... &laa' WQ. If,_ wut to Ml& Oolwa ~ ll•, ,_Mt tMID et tlllMr 1ame. r ecord to 26-2 and qualifying for Saturday's 7 o'clock tiUe showdown with Hoover, a 79-73 winner over Loe Altos in the other hall of the semi.a, countered Corona del Mar's threat with their own brand of man-to-man defense to hold on. "We played hard," saJd Errion. "It was just one of those thinp where we had to. hit a couple of shots and we didn't. "I thought (Mike) Hess played well under pressure, the whole way, be did a great job. And throu1h three quarters we gave up only t!'O offen.aive rebol•JMll. ... WE WE&E down by four pointa (26-22) when they 1ot a couple of rebounds that hurt us. Tbe didn't tum them into pointa, but ffiey kept the ball." It was that kind of struale. Corona del Mar entered with a 20-4 reeord and broke on top 10.s. before SL-......,.. aqht the ~a KJnp at 14 balfway throup the ftnt quarter. The Sea Kinp wen nner to set ena •Cain, but the)' were down 6J auch maratna u 17·18 with 1:51 1peat in the tbUcf quarter ud 23-21 at U. end ol the tbitd1tau. St. Benard, however, eot a quiet baaket at the 1tart of the fOUltll period. extended the tud to .. a wtdl a:• Mft. thea put It •nJ In UM ftMI a..,.... wttb four tree tbrow1 by r111 n• 8obbJ ,TbomlJIOD, DEFENSE DOlllNATED the i.uue u Corona del Mar could muter only a 15.3 percentaie from the fteld (lJ.for-M) and the Vildnp bit 11 of 33 (IS pereent). A bll factor wu · tn tbe foul department. While St. Bemard was cashin1in1of10 tbroulb Une periods, the Sea Kinp had yet to take a abet at the line. Corona del Mar didn't pt a free throw attempt until 2:30 remained u Lynch cut the St. Bernard 1eH to •D. The Sea Kine• bad exeeuted ~·· plan to cut the same in ba1f. with preci1ion. Tbe flrat bait CODtumed 21 minutes and the fourill qU8Nr stUted ju1t 45 mD:aUtel after tbe opeaiDa tipoff. . "A couple of one-and-GIMI (~t bit Sea Kinp misled in the lattersta1es),"' AGAINST LBCC said Errion. "That's the key. We mate . - thole and one mistake and you can win. LONG BEACH -Saddleback I'm happy we were that close. It wu as C o 11 e g e ope n s th e state «iood a poulble effort u we ec>ukl do." community college basketball Heu matched anytbln1 the Vildnp bad to offer in the way or pTeMure, and Goebel played a solid_1ame. "Lynch, <Kurt) Petersen, (Garth) Olsoll," they all played well," added ErrioG. Anotber eore apot with Errion wu a CMIC?lal blnoY• la the latter Ital•, when a b•tpua sue St. Bernard 1k -ball. "But, they <Sti Bernard) wen on <See OIJI, Pap CS) · playoffs tonight agai nst Met ropol ilan Conference chamlon Long Beach CC here (7 :30), with the winner advancing lo the state tournament March 12·14. coming off a convincing 99-75 victor_y over San Diego. cp Wedn~y nl•ht In a M.islioia Conference Sbua1hneuy Playoff match oo their home court. The Vikings brin1 a 21·4 record into tooi&ht's 1ame. Laker• sinK_ the blue• in IY_ew York I they beat the !Aken lJt.111. "We•r. not nat," aald Lakera Coach Pat 1U1eJ ol tM two IOIMI. "We .... jult .. 1...a ln a""' aad New J..., ..s Nft Yon Ml to plaJ ..,.., .... Uh It'• .. Jut at•H thu'rt ... tmq fW the plQGftl. ... •'re ltlll ha fin& plac., a ·-......... ,,. mnt ·~ -~--........... .. " .......... led Uae Wfti • poiata. UD New Y• a UT·lll .... la .. ftl'lt ••••t• •f •••rt•••. ,., .. . .-.. ........................... . ~core aaaln In the final 3: a . • Maurice Lucu had four points la tbat 1p~ to finish with za. Blll Cartwrllbt luld JO, Camc:....U 15., Carter U. llamn We 11 and Randy smith 10 for New Yort. Earvin "Mastc•· Johmoa bad' IO polnta for Loe Aaaelee- Wut. Jwt beat the '*-"to ... tbe 1ame lato o .. rtlme after IM Latera bad fou11tt back ae.-eral U•eatalbe.._.u~a.,u. • ••• doae. Tbe i.u. .,.u., 11-4, M and IN II .. ~ Ulf, Mt ................ ... I _ _,. I I -' JC-:jkt.... la tmprowtq tMir' Noc-. KOnd JD double n..,. -a ... (I), llMk OoMel (I) ...S dltl L111eb (T) leedln1 tlae WIJ lw CDlw del llar, Vklato (I), Oor'9J o-.. (I)' and ._.. Gr..._ (t) ,_..tile ........ • I' --:-:1, ......... ... • .. • ..... _ ... I.-. ...... m.m, ._.._ A1f1•'• .. , ~ --mlll ,..._, UlhOU• 'd .............. uya. ~ , · ,fiddsmaken favor · · a Series rematch Fro• ,\P clllpa&eltet . STATELINE, Nev. -The first Iii pitch of the 1982 m ajor.le. agu e baseball season is more than one month away, but one Nevada casino is already belling that the World Serles will see a matchup ot the same teams as last year. • Caesars Tahoe listed the New York Yankees Wednesday af 9·5 favorites to take the American League pennant and the Los Angeles Dodgers, the World Champions, at 12·5 in the National League. Houston is at 13·5, Philadelphia at 14·5 and .st. Louis at 3·1 are rated next in the National, while OakJand is a 12·5 pick in the American League and Baltimore ls 3-1. Longsbot bettors have Seattle and Toronto at 300·1 in the Ame rican League and the Cbkato Cubs at 250· l in the National. • Other AL odds for t he pe nnant are Milwaukee and Texas, each at 6-1; the Chicago White Sox, 7-1; Kansas City, 8·1; Angels, H -1· Boston, 15-1 ; Detroit, 30-1; MiMesota, 80·1. ' Other NL championship odds are Montreal 5-1 ; Cincinnati, 11 ·1; Atlanta, 15·1; Sa~ Francisco, 20·1; Pitts burgh, 40· l ; the New York Mets, 50-1, and San Diego, 85-1. :< fI?uote of the day \ Jack Stallings, Georgia Southern baseball coach: "We do not allow our players to make any remarks at opposing 1 pl~yers .at any ti'!le during the ball game., • This philosophy is based on a desire to have a class baJJ club that plays the game properly and keeps its poise. A player cannot concentrate properly on playing the game if he is constantly tryjng to think up new one-liners to shout at someone on the ~ield or in the opposing dugout" Parish, Boston slam San Antonio aobert Pad.all scored 216 points, m including three shims sunks in Lhe l ast three minutes, a nd reserve guard M.L Carr bit a seaaon·higb 22 points as Boston romped past San Antonio 110-101 Thursday night to highlight NBA actien . . . In other games, Terry Tyler came off the bench ~o ~score 22 points· as Detroit crushed Chicago '2;2·97. The. Pistons finished their season series With the Bulls at 6-0 . . . Moses Malolte and Elvl8 Hayes combined for 65 points to spark Houston to a 128-124 victory over the Utah Jan. ·'Smith l8Y9 he'll be the difference Free-acent ouUlelder ••arre Iii S•ltll, clalmln1 the San PnnclleO Olanta taUced bJm out of ret.lrement, aald Thunday be stUI btUeves he ''can be • player who can make a difference betwetn \&II flnlshla& flrat or fourth lhb aeaaon." Smith. 36, was signed by San Francisco l&ll we e k afler b eln1 r e leas ed b y tbt Dodgen . . . Among the perennial powera In the National League West - the Cincinnati Reds, the Dod1e rs and the Houston A11tros -Reda shortstop Dave Concepcion figures only Cincinnati Is a better tetm than a year ago. "We lost some power, but a ll around we got better defense now that we have had in the pas t ," Concepcion said wi~M . Thursday ... S lugg ing outfielder Cha mp Summers was traded from Detroit to San Francisco for Infielder EDOS ~abeU. T~~ Tigers will also receive a player to be named later. Islanders romp past Maple leafs Mike Bossy and Denala Potvin ~ e~ch scored three goals Thursday ' night as the New York Islanders routed the Toronto Maple Leafs 10·1 in National Hockey League action. Potvin's goal was No 202 in his career . He is only tbl? third defenseman in NHL history to reach that plate~u . . . In lhe only other NHL game of th~ night, Ron Duguay scored with just two minutes remaining to give the New York nan~ers a 4-4 lie with Philadelphia. Cofield resigns at Wisconsin Bill Cofield said be knew the m Wisconsin basketball program wu going to be difficult to tum a.round and conceded Thursday nitht that be bad failed in six years of trying. He resigned as coach of the Badgers, effective after Tuesday night. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonig ht. Ratings are : ./ .t ./ ./ excellent· ./ .t 1 worth watching; I fair;./ forget It. ' · 5 Channel 5, 8 p.m • .t I 1 ' COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Washington ,,t UCLA. Announcers: Joe Buttitta and Bill Wa lton. The Hu skies are in the ·running for -a post·season NCAA playoff berth while. jhe Bruins are ineligible. The Huskies are currently battling USC and Washington State for the runner-up position in the final Pacific·10 standings behind champion Oregon State. RADIO Basketball : PCAA TOURNAMENT -Cal State Fullerton vs. Fresno State in finals, 7:30 p.m ., KWRM (1370); Washington State at USC 8 p.m .. KDAY (1580); Washington at UCLA. 8 p.m .. KMPC (710). , • \ Rustlers maul Cypress, I 7 -9 OCC, CdM, Estancia win Golden Well Colle1e opened Southern California Conference baseball acuon with an impressive di.splay of power, OrU,e Cout pulled out a thriller in Santa Barbara end Saddlebaelt 11uccumbed to a nlnth·lnn1n1 rally by Santa Ana to highlight Thursday's community colle1e baaeball action. On the high school level, Corona del Mar needed a late rally to nip Newport Harbor, E stancia followed suit with an el1hth-inning uprising to defeat Costa Mesa, and Mater Del fell to Santa Ana Valley. Here;s how the action went: Golden Weat 17, CypreH t After falling behind, 7-0, after two innin1s the 'Rustlers scored th~ runs in the third two i~ the fourth and eight in the sixth to come f~om behind in the Southern California Conferenc opener for both teams. . The teams combined to pound out 24 hita but it was G_olden West's big sixth inning that made t he diffe renc e . After two s ingles off the inning, Curtis Gervais and Dan Larson bit back-to-back doubles to ignite Lhe rally. Larson finished the game 3 for 5 with four RBI ~h~le Gervais bad a .lbree·run homer in the third · inning to add to an impressive day at Lhe plate Rustler first baseman Chuck Spiegel hit a pair of two-run homers to add to the outburst. The win improved Golden West's overall . recerd to 6·2. Orenge Coeet 4, Sant• Berber• CC 3 Pirate reliever Robb Munson helped the Pirates pick up a non·confeience victory after boat Santa Barbara openest the ninth inning wilh a triple with the game tied 3·3. Munson quickJy recorded a strikeout and then got a great play from s hortstop Scott Groot who threw out his runner at the plate. He then recorded a popout to end the game. . The Pirates ~ot all their runs In the first four innings, with Groot's double accounting for two r~ns and Tom Duggan's solo homer giving the Pirates another. Sant• An• 6, Seddleback 5 . Th~ J?ons scored two rum in the top of the ninth uuung to band Saddleback its sixth loss against four wins. The ninth inning markers came with the bases loaded and a single getting Lhe tying run across. Then a walk got the winning score home. Saddleback scored three runs In the fourth on two errors, a single by Bill Ettinger and a double by Rex Lee. This gave the Gaucbol a 3-1 edge. Then in the sixth inning, Saddleback went in front again, 5·4, as Bob Perry d<>Ubled, Russ Lee singled for one RBI and Bobby Gray scored on a wild pitch after forcing Lee at Lhird. Coron• det Mer 6, Newport Harbor 5 Fernando has a new worry ~e Sea Kings are 3-0 for the year after erupting for fou r runs in Lhe bottom of the sixth inning to overcome a 4-2 deficit. • : The S~ilors ( 1·2) bad rallied for four runs of their own m the top of Lhe sixth on three singles two doubles, a walk and an error -all after tw~ were out. From AP dlapatches As the saga of Fernando Valenzuela and his <:ont~ct negotiations with the Los Angeles Dodgers C?nllnued. Thursday, a new factor came into the p1ct~re: the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. An officiaJ from that department was quoted on a radio interview as saying Valenzuela "won't be t.reat~ ~ferently from anyone else" as far as the 1mm1gratton Jaws are concerned. If Valenzuela and his representatives fail to reach an agreement with .the Dodgers, last year's National League Rookie of the Year and Cy Young Award winner could be forced to return to his native Mexico. No progress ha s been made i n the negotiations. Basketball scores ~ ,.._.,.,.,l...,...1•1 .. lol) S.11Frenchc9'1.Senb1Cler .. ::i Portl-51, Genugei. u .• , Sen ot.eD Tl. St. AUry's•l S.n0 .... St.M.C--SU2 ··-... Htw"'-llk0'5,Ui.117t ,....... 8YUO,UTEP4a M...._ 1111no1s n. •-••71o11 ll'lcdi.IN7',Nortllw9lt .. ,, 70 Mln-~.Mklll9MSl 51 PwdW..,Mk"'9Mn Otllo SI. n, W*-ift 71 W. llllftots'2, N.l-•71 TOUllNAM .. ln , ............. , ~ C.IS.-l'utler10llU , UCln1l11HI F,._St.7t..'--IS..CllSl.!S M..._.Y....,C--..e T111MIS,-M9JtkoSUI llllMllkss,•r-..,,.uoo M" Jls,..Clty ~n,,.,,111es1.o...._..c11y•s Lovol•, 111. 77, Xavier, 0No6t ........ ~ St. P ... r'15', l'elrfl4tld.50 ·--"~" .CAC._. Wllllem&Merytf,HevyU KM: .......... •~*"ll•,9eltlmore70 lOftO 1$19NU, ... SleMM •CAc.._. ........ ,., Cenlslus ,, ll-a-.m4',8oltonu ... co-........ , ......... tn .. ~.•eytor6l TCU'7, Te-Tacll'1 ~ ... ......... '5.~74 MIHIHl!ll>lff,l.SUU hlll\ft-S1, V-rlllll~ K•ntuckylt.Aubum" '""'11-1 ........ c........_. 80S1011Co0999U, Svr•<use9? G.c>rO*-.. D.C .62, Providence o Vlll•nov••.SetonHell 73 St.Jofln'iNv~.Connectlcut52 •CACs-.. Old Dominion 70, <H<H'O* M•'°" U Rlcll-4',E.C.,.ollMO s..t11 ........ A•111t1c c~. Gremllllfl9Sl.M,MlnlulpplV•I '3 14o0 THesScMll'.her1170, Sou1-n u. M Ale.om SL 102, Pr•irleVlew6' 7•-"-1uC~• HE l.oulti.n.j4, Houston B-c>llsl •• NW loulsl .... as, M.,cer7• Cenle...,.., 70, 0-91.1 Soutr..rn6' s-...c~. McN-51. , .. LOUISIM• Teel\,, ll oo DlvW.ll~i. ..... CIMtlfltNlsl s.9111 ...... 1 FlorlCS.SouV\ernlO, NW Mlstourl 74 l.IYlllQ1IOll, I' ••. 7S, 81SC:eyiw n S.-C-111 ...... SE Mls-rl.o,c ..... Florld.SS Ta--Mortln4',c.Mr•IMo.O ....... 11..-...i . ClleyNy St ... Monmoutll, H.J. SJ a-.i..,..s1 SJ,Edlt!boroSUO The Dodgers have renewed Valenzuela's 1981 contract. reportedly raising his salary to $325,000 for 1982, an amount DeMarco says has remained substantially the same since talks began. "We h.ave beCO!fle convinced that the Dodgers ha.ve ~? interest an working out this problem fairly, DeMarco said. "When their attitude changes we will be happy to meet with them again." . Meanwhile. Dodger Manager Tom Lasorda issued a plea to Valenzuela in Spanish to come to camp. Translated. his message read: "Come down here. I like you a lot; sometimes I think you're my Mexican son. And the players like you a lot. We're waiting for you .. •· • • • A peace gesture has been made in the ongoing reud between the Angels and Billy Martin's Oakland A's. The teams have agreed to donate proceeds from their March 17 exhibition game in Phoerux to a fund set up for Ken Boyer. who is fighting lung cancer. Hunh09ton Center daily thru Sun ,,... ....... , Day Opeper . Bu~ CdM's Brent Melbon supplied a two·run smgle m the bottom of the inning and then· Pat·· · Duddy and Jim Murphy added RBI 'singles of their own to account for the four runs. .. Dave Rohde, who relieved in the sixth, f1~1.Shed the game for the Sea Kings to get his first wm of the year. Eatand• 4, Coate M••• 3 . \Yillie Nei.man doubled home the tying and wmnmg run~ m the bottom ol the eight inning to s park the Eagles to a second·round victory in the consolation brac!tet of the Newport Harbor Eilts Tournament at Davis Field in Costa Mesa. T~e Eagle~· victory came with the help of just two hits Ne1man's double and a double by Jeff Gardner Sent. An• \'alley 6, Meter Def 4 Third baseman John Eccles slammed a home run .and teammate Rieb Al\lin'e added a triple, but 1t wasn't enough to halt Santa Ana Valley in a Newport Harbor E lks ~oumament 1ame. M111' THI llAUTIPVL Miss California, USA 1982 in person thlJ weekend at Garden Grove Subaru. Pictured here is Mr. J im Welsh, Vice President a~ General Manager of Subaru of Southern California, Inc ., presenting M1ss Suzanne De Warnes, recently crowned Miss California, USA 1982 the keys to a brand new Subaru GL Hatchback. · ' CN..c..isC.. htilltnetStedls ........ ....., S.., ... 7, 2,... 'Ille car was presented through the courtesy of the California Subaru Dealers who have been a major sponsor of Miss California, USA Pageant for the put two years. Meet Suzanne in person at Garden Grove Suba~ this Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Garden Grove Subaru la located at 13861 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, 'jtfthouth-of the 6arderr6rovrl"reeway, P1C1U19 at left is Mr. Chris Rln.ker, owner of the Subaru dealenhip...lle bu been tn tbe auto industry ror 22 yean. Rinker became interested ln the purchase of the dealership because he said he feels Subaru ia the car of tbe future. Rinker said, "'lbe Subaru ftt. all the bHic: net&. It blends into the California Hfe1tyle. People need a car that will take tbem a lot of miles, yet b comfortable and nf e. Tbey alto need an economical car. ' Rinll• la a member ol the Oarden Grove Chamber of c.ommerce, the Elb Ladle, aDd tbe Muontc Lodle. For tbe put "" 19an be bu alto partictpated tn tbe Strawberry r..uvaJ, held •n11ally in Garden Oro¥e. Included tn futUH actlvtUH for· tbe deaJenblp ta an all-W81ten celebration lD Mardi, and a lllllar ctu ... promatton. In Udl Pl'QIDGdon be ww on.. ..mar dUw 1 dlacoant bl para aDd Hl'Vlc.. "We on. ourMIYes aad our fedllt1 to IMllp wWa ..,wq Ute eom••ltr ......... a....r ...... • ... ,---------- HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILOT'S AUTO MARKET .•. lfllti' --;-:---, NAll&IM ... Taking a forward look In the traditional world of new car sales, the aponsors of the 1982 Orange International Auto Show have announced that the theme for next year 's abow will be "Drive into Sprln&." · Jhe show sponsors, lhe Motor Car Dealers Ass'oclatlon ot Or a nge County and Cahners Exposition Group, plan that the 17th annual Orange County lnternational Auto Show -the county's largest, will host an array of acUvllles and events sure to appeal to today's fashJon and car conscious male a nd female auto buyers . Plans for the Show, slated to run from April 21 through April 25 at the Anaheim Convention Center . currently Include tasbion shows, seminars, designer automobiles, and cu.stom car exhibits. All this will be set against the backdrop of the latest and m ost excitin g domestic a nd foreign automobiles. According to Jim Upp, executive director, Motor Car Dealers Association of Orange County, the "Drive into Spring" theme "o((ers the opportunity to appeal to both men and women auto shoppers while generating some rather unique activities within the show itself." Current plans include that visitors will be treated to a variety of mini-seminars on such diverse topics as comparison shopping, financing, auto mainten a n ce. color coordination, and emergency $ervice procedures, as well as a host or special events . Over 100 Orange County auto dealers are expected to participate in th.e j962 event which will incorporate over 100 ,000 squa r e feet of . the Ana heim Con vention Center . Addition al information on special group sales rates can be obtained by calling Randy Thomas and Associates in Yorba Linda, 714 /777-0730. For the first time. 100% of the space at the Orange County International Auto Show has been sold out. A d\"awing was held recently to determine location assignments. Ted Weiner, Auto Sb'ow manager, who drew the names said his job was made easier this year as many of the dealers amicably accepted or relinquished space prior to the drawing. "There is truly a spirit or cooperation among the members of the Mot.or Car Dealers Association of Orange County," he said. "They know how important it is to work together in an industry that has survived some bad times during the past coup!e_or years.''. · ·'fhere will be a very impressive array of the latest models of domestic and foreign cars on exhibit," s aid Joe Mac Pherson, Motor 'Car Association president, "from the familiar to not so fam iliar. For example, the car·everyone has been hear ing about, but may not have seen yet -the De Lorean -will be exhibited, a long with another newcomer. Isuzu.·· On exhibit also will be "1982-~" makes and mode ls fro m F o rd , Chevrolet, Dodge , Chrysler /Plymouth , L i n coln /Me r c ur y , Oldsmobile and Buick, as well as the latest offerings from Ferrari, Maserati, BMW, Saab, Volvo, Subaru, Toyota . American Honda , Rolls-Royce, Mazda, Volkswagen, Datsun/Nissan, Aston-Martin, Jaguar and Clenet. There'll also be specialty cars at the Show from Lafer, Motor Car Classics and Executive Coach Builders . -Todd Nowling, the 1982 Show chairman. foresees a great deal of interest in not only new body styles, but in the new teehnology and engineering as well. "There have been tremend°'5 strides ta.ken in t he automotive industry just since 1978 ," he said. "For example, the last three years have seen more engineering changes than in the previous 30 years. We think the American public will want to see the result of billions of dollars in research and engineering that have resulted in the latest engines and tr ans missions, designed for reliability and economy to the car owner." Along with the vehicle displays, the Show sponsors a re planning exhi bits, demonstrations and seminars that will appeal to both men and women. "Since women are involved in a majority of the buying decisions relative to a new car. we 'hope they, as well as the men. will do some comparison shopping at the Show. This will be the only opportunity in 1982 to do this kind of one-stop shopping, where virtually every car sold in the United States will be on display," Nowling stated. 1F1t"1r COSTA MESA .. '-:Unfversity Oldsmobile, at 2850 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa has just received the "Service Merit Award" from Olds mobile Division for the third year in a row. Only 6% of the Oldsmobile dealers in the United States receive this award. This award is for the outstanding way they handle their customers and the way they operate their dealership. Congratulations to the owner, Mr. Bill R. Leslie, and Mr . Vern Maxey, the service director. ........ ---SANTA ANA ... On February 1, 1982, Toyota Santa Ana moved from 417 W. Warner Avenue to 2240 So. Main Str eet, joining Ford Santa Ana at this location. The dealership is now operating as Gold Coast Toyota/Ford . Under the same managPment, Gold CQli&t bas ten acres of new and used cars and trucks. Sales is open seven days 'til 10 P.M.; service and parts 'til .10 P.M. weekdays and 'til 2 P.M. on Saturday. They also s pecialize in heavy duty truck repair. ......... HUNTINGTON BEACH •.. Volkswagen of America recently r eported that Jim Marino Volkswagen·lsuzu in Huntington Beach was the' J!Hl'1..lar1es~ Volkswa en dealerahi in 1981. Ed Thorton, Jim Marino's new sa es mana1erc-. --·"HI attributed the dealership's success to ·•a unique com bi nation of large selection, customer ••li•f.ction and genuinel.y low prlcee." ' Thorton went on to add, "Altboulh we are 'regarded as a 'volume dealership', we do place a lar1e emphasis on the correct treatment or our ,customers," ¥r. 'nwrton felt that a larJe jart of Jlm ~Marino's growth can be attributed to repeat and !referral sales -brougbt about by tbls policy. "With this wtnnln1 combination, we at Jim Marino Volkswa1en-Iau1u loolt forward to anotbe.-~tucceaful year in 1112," Mr. Tbortoa concluded, .€!:! See What Your Local Auto Dealers Have To Offer You 1n Today's Paper . .. . -· - Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 5, 1982 Bt!Own pac.es OV; Emery's sprints lead FV Ocean Vlew Hl1b'1 Rex Brown collected victories in both the 100 aod 220, lowerto1 bls time ln the latter to 22.0 Thunct.y. to hl1hll1bt hl1h school track action. Brown'• performance 1parked the SeahawkJJ to a vtct.ory over Tustin and Lacuna Hills In a tbree·way meet. ln other men's action, Fountain Valley disposed or El Toro, Marina 1ot past Pacifica, Woodbridge topped Rancho Alamitos, Dana Hills trlpped Estancia, Hunllnaton Beach defeated Bolaa Grande and Vllla Park did likewise lo Newport Harbor. Al Tustin, Brown came up with a speedy 9.9 In the 100 and took care of the 220 for the victorious Seahawks. Teammate Mike Ml\cheU won the 330 low hurdles with a 40.5, whlle Mark Guest won the 440 (51.4). " At Fountain Valley, Rod Emery won both the 100 (10.3) and the 440 (50.8) u the Barons picked up a non·league victory. Uni, Irvine MD win University, Irvine and Mater Dei all posted volleyball victories on the high school level Thursday. University's Trojans toppled Mission Viejo, 15·3, 15-9, 15·1 with senior middle blocker Jamie Gregg getting fo ur kills and five service aces. Eric Hallman also contributed to the victory with a strong setting performance. Senior John Baxter and junior Bryan Coriell helped Irvine equal its mark at 1·1 with a 15·11, 15-8, 16·14 triumph over Capistrano Valley. Mater Dei defeated Santa Fe lligh, 3-0, by scores of 15·6, 15·4, 15·12 with Craig Colin al middle blocker and Bill Ryan at setter leading the team to victory. Baker tosses p erfecto Lisa Baker started her season with a perfect performance as Edison High's women's softball team handed Millikan a 5·0 defeat in opening action of the Torrance tourna ment. • Baker's no-hitter highlighted area action on the high school level. Ma ter Dei went 10 innings before defeating Paramount, 4·3, and Marina won its second straight with a 3·2 verdict over Savanna. Edison will pl ay Cypress today . ,.IUC 1111:£ • • l'JCTITIOU"8USIHEU l'ICTITIOUS 8U$1HESS HAMIE STATEMENT MAME STATIMEHT Tiit lollo..,lng perion is <1olng T lie 10110..,•ng pe"on I\ <1oln9 bu'lness M buSIMH•s· OASIS CATERING. 1/SIS Morg .... 0• RULL.te INVESTMENTS, Len•, Hunllng1on BHCll, C•lilornla UOO Dow Streel, Newport Bt•cll, CA 926'17 97Mo0. VIO i Ann SllarP. 25' Colton. ERICKA SAIGNES De RULLAC. N•*-' Be.ell, <:Alllomla97Ml. HOO w. OcHnlrcrt. NtwPOrt BH < " Tiiis bUtlnt n Is COl'IOU<ted by .... CA 976'0, 1ndlvldu.tl Tiiis buslnen 1, conducted bY an Vicki Ann Sharp lndlvldu•I. Tllh st•lemenl was lllec! wilh Int Eric~• S4l9nu Or Ruil.tc County Clerk of Orange Co<lnly on Th IS llalomenl wes llleo w1111 tho Fboruary ~ 19'2 County Clerk 01 Or•nge Counly on Feb '· 1'182 FISJMJ Publ>ille<I O.•n;e Co.S1 Daily Piiot. l'ltltU Fob 16 March S, 12, 19 1992 SIS-ti Publlslle<I 0rM>gt Co.•• D••ly Pllol, l------------1 Feb. 12, 1', li, Mar<h s. 19'2 70,._2 NIUC MllTXE l'ICTITIDIJS 8USIHESS NAME STATEMENT NOTICE 01' TllUSTEE'S SALE T llt lollowlftO pe,.on ,, <101n9 LOAN HO. 1011 ..... , DvSll'eH •• T.'-HO.IW~I EMF ASSOCIATES. 1 .. 1 C0<vo BENEFICIAL SERVICE co H Pl•U c ... 1.-w.CA97U• duly •PPOlnltd Tru\ltt Uft<ll' Ille Ii OWA RO M FRYMOYER. , .. I lollowlngdPKrobed-of lru'1 WILL C0<vo Pla<t, C°'I• -w . CA 976,. SELL AT PVBLIC AUCTION to IN Tiii' DUSln~' " e-te<I 1>y .,, hiQhest bidder tor c•s,h p.ay.abl• •t individual lime of Mlle 1n lawful money of IN EdW.,d M Frymoyer Unll•d St•ltsl all r10111. 1111• •nd Thi• stale,,,.nl wa• hied witn ,,... lntor"t eonwyeo to •ncl """ ,,.1<1 Dy II County Cler-of Ora~ Counly on under uld DHd of Trutl In 111• Feb " l'iC proe>ffty ...,..inatttr <leKrlbeCI · l'llJlll TRUSTOR· JERRY W FELLOWS Publl\hec! O.•nge CO.•l 0 •11• Pllol, ::::: .:.~GEL T. FELLOWS. lluslNtncl Ftb 19, u . Marci! S. 12. 19'? • 1~t? BENEFICIARY. STATE MU)UAL·----------- SAV INGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION,, ,. .. IC MO?Xf • corPOratlon Recorded J.,,u.try 14. 1"° u ln,lr • NOTICE 01' TRUSTEE'S SALE ~~flc~~~'l'IR~or":"1~~~!· :~. 1~?\~ T.S. HO._,, I Recorder ot Or.,,ve Counly, Hid d'"'" A F C 0 R F I N A N C I A L of trull and r•recor<ltG on O<loDer 30. CORPORATION. •• duly aP9011\lec! 1-iu lnllr. No, OU3 In Book 13812 TruslN under ,,,. following <1escr1be<I Pag4! ... dttd Ol lrv" WILL SELL AT PUBLIC PARCEL t Unll 11 In tr1e City of AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST NtwpOrt Buell, County ol Orang4!, BIODE R FOR CASH tpayablt •I lime Slale ol Calllornl•, "' snown •n<I of Hie In lftwtul monh ol IM Unlle<I dellne<I on that certain ConOOmlnlum Sl•to) ell rlgnt. tollt an<I lnltrell Pl•n l lllt "Condominium Plan" eon••Ye<l lo .>nd n-held by 11 uncle• nereln) att.clle<I u an ••hlblt 10 111a1 Hid OHd ol Tru'l in tr.. ProPertY cert•ln Oect•ratton of Cov•n•nU, hertin•ttl'r oe-w:riblid • Condll lOM a nd Rulrlcllans for l RUSTOR ROBERT McCONNELL NewPort lleacll Townnouws. Lid . (Ille BENEFICIARY PAUL VIELE and "Oeclarallon" ....,eln) rt<O<-Mav MOLLIE VIELE 11. 1'72 as IMtrumenl No tl4U , In Recor-J.,,...ry '· 1'71, •• ln1tr -lOt?l, -ltl. Otficl•I Rt<OrdS, No. 71'1), In 800ll IJSll, -1007, of ol H id County Oflklal RecordS 1n the office ot the PARCEL 1 An undivided t/7'1h Recorder of 0r8ft91 County; said de.<! lftloraSl In """ 10 Loi 1 ol Tr.cl No of ttusl dncrlbe<I lhe lollowlno 7S30, as ~ on a m•p rocor0t<1 In pr-•1Y book 2•1. P•Ot\ JS a nd a . Tiie l•n<I rel•rr•<I to In lnh Mlsuna,_.,. Mall\ In tl>e office ol 11uar•n1M 1, sltu•lec! 11' tl>e Stalt of tl>e county rec-r of 1.t1d county, c.i11ornla c-ty ol Or-. City of 1hoWn •ncl OtflM<I as common •re• Hunll~on Bffch, .,.., I• described as (Ille "Common Ar••" ..... lnl on Ille IOllOWi Condominium Pl.,, Thal Por1ion of the nor11111611 01 Ille PARCEL 3 Tiie oaCluslve rlotil lo' nortllwttl quarter ol tiw soutllwtsl possession -occupancy of lllOse quarte r of S.Ctlan 74, Town•hlp s portions ot 111t Comrnon Areas of Lot 1 So<itn. Ra-. 11 Wtsl, R•ncno I.as of s.id Trxt No 7S30. 0t•'9neled on llolw s. •• -on a map recorded In tlle Condomlnlum Plan as bakonles, Book SI, P-13 of mlsull.,wo•n patloi andlo< porellts •nd "'°'"" on map,, records of Oranoe County, H id Conoomlnlum Pl•n •• being Celllornia, de.crlbeCI as follows : •PP\lrttNnl 10 P•rul 1 •Do"•· lleolnnlno., Ille nor1hwnt corner of PARCEL 4: The .. clu11 ... r19ht to .. Id '°"""""' quarter. lheflee soutll UM and OCCUl*\Cy IO< wll•rf-•nd .. deorwt 31' 30" ... ,, 301.97 IHI •1°"9 docklftl} pu.._, of 1uc11 portion of Ille Ille nortll lint of u ld soutllweu Common Areas o1 Loi I of said Tr.ct q<1arter; ti..nce south Odel}rtts t1' 47" No. 7S30 •-and defined on Ille jlWHI 1'0.00 Itel, thence north 19 CondOml~lum Pl.,,•• Boal Slip No. n . del}'"s JI' JO" wost 302.91 feet to the "Bo•t Slips" w hich h•s bteft WHI line of w k! SOU1hwost quarter; speclfleally dulonaltd u bolnl} tllenct nor111 O ~"' 17' 30" u &I •PP\lrtanant to Pare.el 1 •Dove In Ille 1'0.00 '"'to Ille POlnt of bel}lnnlng. m a nner pro•lded lor In tilt Exceptlno therefrom th•I portion 0.claretlon, lnclud..i wltlllrl lll<t land dHcrlMd In 4.., w. eo.11 Hwy , Newp0rt Bu ch, dud to the Sia le ol Ca llfornl•. CA '2~ ro<orded July JO, 1'S2 In 8-71'3, "Ill a "'"I address or common Page 74 ol otllclal rec0<d• of w ld dolon allon I• sllo"'n •bove , no Or•"9f Counly. w • rr • n I y Is 111,.. 1 n • s 10 1 Is Commonly described u 1t502·2C completeneu or e0<rectness> .. The llu<ll 8ou1tvan1. Hun11"91on a.ech, -llclary under w ld Deed ol Tr.nl, C~!llornla ' by reason ol • b<wacll O< dei•ull In Ille Ill • '''"' •<l<lrts• °' comrnon o b l lOallonl .. cured !he reby , dolgn•tlon h shown •bove. no herotof0<e o...cuted -deliver.cl to w " r • n 1 Y 1 ' I} Iv• n • s Io "' Ille uncMrslQNcl • written Declerallon comple-t or correctness)." of O.tault -'*'--IM Sele, •nd Tiit ~lci.ry undttr w ld Deed of wrltt•n notice ol llf'Nch and of elect>on Trvtl, by ,. .. _, of• brH cll M def.vii to c.vsa IN ..nclenltMd 10 Mii Mid 111 Ille -lo-tlont secur.., thereby or~y to Ntlsfy said Obl~leM. i.treWtore tll«Vled •nd OtU.••red t -ttwr..rtar IN unde<tltned c.-Ille ~ • written OKia ration Mid notice of brNch and of •lee tloft • :r.=::.:of =::' _: 0~'::c:1on lie At<ordlld Howmbef n. "''· at 10 ,.., .. .,.. --.91ec1 10 w ll '81d \'::·of ~1:,: :::!r~~ ~ .....,.,tv to M'lsty wkl obllo-tlont. PREP TRACK .JJI Senior Todd Wells also contributed lo the Bar"°n cause with a 120hlgh hurdles victory ( 15.2). Huntington Beach Improved Ila record to 2--0 on the young season, as Randy Kendrick set a school record in the dlscu.s throw with a 151·7 heave . The Oilers won all but three events a1ainat host Bolsa Grande, with Richard Brimm and Gua ~uinonez collecting double vict.ortes. Brim earned firsts in the 100 (10.3) and 220 (23.0), ·while Quinonez took care of the distance event.a with-a 4 :38.5 in the mile and 9:56.0 ln the two-mlle. J ohn Parker won the 880 and finished second in the two.mile lo help Marina get by Pacifica. Parker ran a 2: 11.6 lo take the 880. Teammate Stuart Lui also doubled for the SPARKOMATIC© STEREO RADIO ; SR/120 STEREO PUSH BUTTON RADIO. •Controls for Volume, Tone, lolonce & Tunint;1 e AM and FM Pr09rommoble Puth luttom e Mono/Stereo Selector 59!! WRENCH Sn Viklnca. wlnnln& the 120 h.lah burdlu (15.9> and \he pole va ult < 12.6>. Dana Hilla earned • victory over Es tancla despite a double rrom aenlor Jlm McCuthy in the mtle and two mile t•:42.6 and lO:OIS.0) and a double rrom sprinter Ken Polukl In the 100 and 220 ( 10.2 and 23.S). The Eagles succumbed lo a sweep of the field eventa by the Dolphlna and Dana Hilla victories in both the 440 and mile relays. Woodbridtie evened it.a record at H as Eric Schermerhorn tripled for the War riors . Schermerhorn won the '40 CSS.1), 330 low hurdles (41.5) and the Iona jump ( l!M). Teammate Joe Chene won the triple jump (41-8) and finishe(i second in the Jong jump with an 18-9 effort. One bright s pot in Newport Harbor's defeat to visiting Villa Park was a winning toss of the discus by Mike Gaul 050·7). ) Junior Sheldon Blockbur"'~r picked up a double vrctory for the Saltors, wtnntn1 both the long jump (20·3~) and triple jump <42·9). In women '11 action, Lill Besa won both hurdles e vents J.o spa rk Huntington Beach lo a victory over Bolsa C nnde. Bess won the 110 Intermediate hurdles< 18.6> and 330Jowa with ass.u rrort. Freshman J oan McGovern won the 100 ( 12.0)· a nd ~ <28.0) lo aid the Oiler cau.e. Estancia 's Patty Forbath won both the Iona jump (1 .. 8 ) and high Jump (4-8), but lt wasn't e nough as the Eagle women fell to Dana Hilla. Sharon Hatfield collected four victories in sparking Fountain Valley to a victory over El Toro. Hatfield took care of the 110 low hurd.lee 0 5.5), 330 low hurdles <47.Sl. h1ah jump (5·2) and long jump<15·4~). _ Tash Orarr set a school record for the Marina women with a 93·2 toss of the discus H the Vi.kb•&• defeated PaC?lfica. Woodbridge also picked up a victory despite fou r wins from Rancho Alamitos' Sue Bolton. KJR~A&lll. AH-OOH-GAH Auto SUpp~~\ ·~~"~~ i )~"'r~ SPAIHCOMATIC SPEAKERS COAXIAL ·····•20C .• 19,.~ _27!~ -. 1t1a~ 1« DAILY 9-9 I 7aa SATURDAY 9-6 EACH SUNDAY 9-5 EDICO-"MINI" TRIO GAUGE flectricol •v-tem, t•mp. & oil pr...ur• 90Ull"· ISXl3/999 29!? SPARK PLUG CLU11a \1 PRO·lECH IMPACT DRIVER ~ 6 PIECE COMBINATION SET TRUCK MIRRORS SUPER POLY SEALANT J-8 WELD BONDING COMPOUND I ,.,... -r c::r -,, / ~~; ~: --?{ .... STANDARD #6487151 METRIC #6487169 YOUR CHOICE , __ PRO-TECH 3~e~ ANES PR0·200·Ele<tronic Auto theft protector. Fits all vehicles. 22!? UNIVERSAL JOINTS CHfVROlET l9SS·69 CHEVEllE, CHEVY 11, 196-4·66 FRONT OR REAR 3 49 EACH for Moil CHEVROllT 1970·79 he, 1971 -73 with Unmoch1n1d Yoke FORD 1960·79 &u1ck 196 1·79 PO NTIAC 1964·79 3 98 EACH For Mo11 of the Follow ing Import Cors ond Trucks· DATSUN, TOYOTA VOlVO ,CHEVY lUV FORD CO URIER 3 98 EACH HEAVY DUTY 1-3/ 16" J·Series 5 88 EA RADIAL SHOCKS 1-3116" Bore 8 88 EA AIR SHOCKS Adjusta ble U-Series 44,~ For Small Trucks. Pick·Ups & Vons. Chrome or Block. #7091711 9!~ RADATRON·Aulomoticolly ho6dt ipffd, uphlll & down. Sovff Got! Fit• Stondord & Automotk Trommiu ion con. ~49~A7 MAGNETIC KEY LOCKER #6482525 CRUISE SENTRY 116 11 6 MECHANICS POWER STEERING FWID • LEE AIR FILTERS For Most Domestic Cars LEE OIL FILTERS · SPIN-ON #lf· 1 VP (Most Ford Products) 1!? #Lf -24VPr LF-25VPr LF-16VP, LF-45VP,219 LF-29VP EAGH CLEANS, StqNES, SE~SI #982 6!! #l265·S 16 ox.(l PINT) ~------~ LIFT LOUVRES Sizes to fit most Cars 63~~H l (OVER THE WIPER( (3·Pl(CEI 69!.!o 7Sf ... t 41207 ..._GUMOUT- ~ PRODUCIS CARBURETOR & FUEL SYSTEM CLEANER. 12oz.#7S18 JET SPRAY CARBURETOR & CHOICE CLEANER. 13 oz. #>7 .. 50 MILES MASTER FUEL REGULATOR AND FILTER GAS SAVER ! #MMB 5!! DISTRIBUTORS For most Fords 6 Cylinder 1960· I 967 (Except 223 Engine) For molt Fords I Cylinder 1958· 1972 IWith 260-219-302- 352 Engine. For most Che vrolet 6 5· inder 1953·197•(hcept I A 19• Engine) EXCH For Mo"St Chevrolet• I Cylinder 1951.1,1•11uept w .39,-409_..21 18• with 2-4 Ill or 3·2 Ill & CD lgnitioftl OCH Seid Nie Wiii be -but-~ 91!d ........... tfle -slQfted C ... Md ' ~ tMtlcut.-.CUMLllUl-.-~-t----.lte¥ettl~..,.._.-Cll...., .. HM'f~-et~t9-t-w-t-!""""'ite~~ber S, 1'tl, H mp ed, f'99W no I le, -'"'"'"•or Instr. Ho. 17 .. , lft ._ 1'211, ........ , ettCIHftlllf'M(-. to ,..., Ille r~lftl111 ef Mid Oflk lel ltec°'*. prlncltNI tum of IN note h I MC: wed by Mid Deed of Tl'llS1, with lllWrttt H Seki .... wtll 119 ...... b<lt wl lft.Jalol~~~t-.. COY•ftant or wan anty, ••P'•H or ...... , Ille ..,_of .... Oe14f ef Trtllt lmllflM, ,........, tltlW, llOSN ... t, I .. _ _.,.,..._ • NY the remelftl "'· c ....... end .. ,._, et ti. ..-1ncl1M11 tum of ti. notelsl -TrwM ... of .. tnltts c....-Illy Mid 0... fll -,,,., Seid .... wlll .. iW Nld DIM ef Tnnt. Wltll lr"9re1t Nld on Frldly, MllKll •• t• •t J:• !ft tald _ ,,..,..., --·If ..... m • t"' Cll .. llf'IWr tM WTM of Mid De6ct of Truwt, p. " •· .,, •omen ""'"'"' '"'· clle--s end .. -.. , of ...... entr.tMe le N (lvk ""'°' Blllkltno, ..... ........ ,.._ -l!est ,......__ ·-I ...._ Cl"--T""*" -of "'9 ll"llllb <l'fftlll -ef Oft•~ "' ' ft '"'" •Y .... 0... fll TNlt, Seid tM Wiii .. At tllt time ef N fnlO•I "'*"'""" IMlf 1111 ef tlllt ,_.tw, tM .... I·-of N w.....-y, ~II 10, Itta, t i tO:• ""''"" ~renc, ,, tlle '"'"''"'"' •·"'· In ti. l.IMly ot the Marwlt MCU'".., "'8 ...... 8"(rl ........ ef Wi.1nt. M ta.._,.,, C-Or1,..; '""t ............. c ..... ,.._., ....._, ...ai, Cel"""'le. anf UOflCU .. flt!1!U.a.. T• Al tlle ,...,. of .... lnltlel ..-i1c111on ... ,,"' ... .......,. -· ..., ~ .... "'*-·.,,. ..... .._.. .. tell (714) "1...... llfltll lf MllflCt ef Ill• elilllt ell• OATIO,.._.,D,1• *"'"._, .. ..._,..,.._._ llNl,,CIM..HltVICI CO. '"'91 .... .....,_.. c-., • ...... ~ _ .. ••~tt1•.1 ..... . t,T.D.HltVtCIC:OM~AHY, 1lle ~ .... "°' ..... ~(1Ml_~·---Vk~J.~. ~ • ....._~ • A .... o. '11tANC IAl 01w Ott' ...... WM1 CC>fl~TIOH Of .... ,CA... •_..T,,_.. ,...,.. . ..Ill;_~··· .... ~Or-.c:.... ~ ...-.. I X::MllFiiiil~.Y- ...,_ ... "·... • l9fl ~~~~"!!..e-. Anaheim 1280 N. Euclid e 772-9840 'Anaheim 2340 W. Lincoln Ave. e 999-1621 Buena Pqrk 5256 Beach Blvd. i 994-1320 Costa Mesa 1739 Superior Ave. e 642-3314 Fontana 9880·0 Sferra Ave • 350-1441 •f ountain Valley 9880 Womer Ave. e 964-6427 'Fullerton KllABlll Auto Supply Wl•I NII.PING YOU DO n •IGHT 'RICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY MARCH 9, 1912 141 F.~•l31-4m ---~ .,..., .. Gemco •Fullerton 2978 Yorba Linda e 996-4780 •La Mirada 15081 Imperial e (213) 947-5641 'Mitslon Vieio 24510 Alicia Pkwy.• 951-91 75 Orang• 1100 N. Tustin• 771 -3000 •Riverside 10403 Mognolio Ave. e 359-3041 . Santa Ana 2604 S. Bristol St.• 754-1432 •Santa Ana 1302 E. 17th St.• 953 6061 , , t ,. ·-. \ ' . . .C4 Orange Coaat DAil Y PILOT/frlday, March 5, 1982 • I. Billie Jean • in qullrterfina/$ UCI clobben Dominguez Hi& Penhall tops cycle field INOt.EWOOD (AP> -BUile J ean Kiili conUnued lo advance lo lhe Avon Cbamplo~ahlpa t•nnla tournament Thuraday nl&ht, downJnc Leich ~no Thompson 6·1, 7·~ to move Into the quarterfinals. match on Wedneaday. She attem~ to pracUce Thurtda,y momin1 but said ber lateral movement was severely r~tt.rlcted. Jae1er and her father, Roland, left Thursday afternoon for their home near Chica~. Jae1er s withdrawal left No. 3 Sylvia Uanlka or Weat. Germany 11 lhe top seed 1UU competin1 In the tournament. Top·sffded Tracy Auallb l>Ulled out on Monday beuuae of burnt suffered ln an accident at a restaurant two daya earlier. CARSON -UC Irvine a~ 12 runs In the third lnnlna d breezed to a lS·2 non -confer ce y I c t or y o ye r Cal S t't" Domangue& llillll here Thursday. 'rh~ Anteaters had their biggest Inning or the season and Improved their record to 9·8·1 with Ed Deese pitching eight innings, allowina four hits and getting five strlkeouu. Speedway motorcycle racln& returns to the Oranae County ~'uirgrounds tor u one·nlaht !!land tonlahl with 16 or the top riders from lhl11 country competing In a round·robln. 20·huat pro"ram beginning at 8 Sh11wn Moran of Hunt1n1lon Beach; John Cook, Dave Slma, Brad Oxley. Dubb f'errell, David DeTemple . Bobby Schwartz. Laney Kin&. Dennis Slgalos and Ron Pre•ton &arU•r: ln lhe day. t~ toumament loat it.I tecond·aeeded player when Andre. Jae1er withdrew because or a eroln ir\jury. . o'clock. Oxley wiu1 the rookie or the year In l981 In the British The 38-year -Old King, unseeded lo the event, earlier had eliminated Battlu Bunge In tbe tournament at the Forum. King, playing well both. In the backcourt and ut the net, breezed to a flrst·aet victory over Thompson, then had lo 'rally from a G·3 deficit In the second set. In other second -round matches Thursday. W orld c hampi on Bruce Penh.all or Balboa will be competing against such stars u Mike Bas t , a slx·time U.S. champion: Alan Christian of Huntington Beach, Mike Faria, the No. 1 rider from Northern Califorrtia and John Sandona. t.hi rd in lhe U .s na tionals among oUlers. Speedway League wbJle Prestoo is coming b1tek from a year's layofr because or an injured knee. He was the 1980 under-21 world champion . Jaeger, 16, w1as scheduled to race unseeded Leslie Allen Thursday, but withdrew on the advice or her doctor. South Africa's Yvonne Vermaak knocked off No. 9 seed Mary Lou Platek 6·1, 8-2, and unaeeded Jo Durie of Great Britain defeat~ u.naeeded Kate Latham 6-3, 6-4. Catcher Steve Barnard was 3 tor 4 as wus Mike lnglehart who had a pair or doubles and three RBI. Ron Cummings also hlld a pair or doubles and drove in three runs while Oa11id Glick and Mike Rupp each garnered two hlt.'1 apiece. The Costa Mesa track has ret'eived a new s vrface for the 1982 season that will get under wav on a regular basis in April. Jaeger suffered the injury during her doubles The semifinals are scheduled Saturday and the champion.ship match is slated for Sunday. The winner will collect $30,000 with the runner-up earning $15,000. Also in the rield are Kell y and F t r-ac ·~( l .. 1CTmiit'iaus1:'i'u .. NAME STATEMENT The tollowlno person• •r~ aolno Wllnetl ••: PACIFIC INOU S lf'llAL CLEANING, J701 Birch, Newport 8"<11, C.l"°"'la 92'60 TlmolltY M llocovl, •••• Tllll Circa., Huntlnvton Beech, Celltornle ., ... Kennetn R, Conklin. e Mo•nlnO Oove, lrvlM,Calllornl•'1114 Linde c; C-lin, I MOrn1no Dove, Irvine, C41flfoml• .,,., This buSll'lhs h conduc l•d ov • etMrol p«1ntttlllp UndtG Con-1ln Thia slelenwnl wH 1119" with the COUfllY Clerk ol Or•nVI' County on J-ryll.1"1 ..... ,., PubHIMG Orange CMll 0•1ly Piiot, Fw 1•. 26, "'41rcn s. 12. 1"1 11>9 81 CMAllTIUI NO. tUtl COMPTROLLE R OF THE CURllENCY Treewry Oec>¥tmen1 ol IN Unll.cl St•tes, Weshl"91on. o.c. Wherees wll•f.ctory evlden<t tl•s bffn pre.....,led lo the Cornl)trollff ol lhe Currency lhel "INTERIM CAPISTRANO NATIONAL BANK" looted In S... Ju.n Cltllhlreno, Stelt ot Ca llforni•, hh compOed with all Provl•lons OI ""' ll•lulH of the United Stttes reciuir.cl to be con19lt.d with b<tfore belno tutNl<lr.cl to commer><e IN buslnfts ol twll\klnq •• • N•tlon•I & ... klnq Au«itllon Now, the'91ore, t hereby cer11fY 11\el Ille •bove n•med auocle t lon I• •ulhOrlttO 10 commence Ille buslnns o t ban-1no •• • N•liontl B•n"no ll\SOC1tllon ll'tCTITIOUS austNIU NAMa STAl'IEMINT Th• tollowlno per.on Is dolno buSintHM; TINKHAM 1..IMITED, l Purple 5-, ln11M,CA'27U. ltOHALO 9. TINKHAM, l .......... S.V-. lrvlM, CA '7715. • Tiiis l>odl,,_ Is conc1uc:1.c1 b'f' "" lnclMdual, R.B. Tlnlr ... m • This SWttmefll WM flied wllf\ the County CMlrll ot Or•not COUl'llY 6n Fell. 14, 1"2 ~ .... PlllMllhecl Or1n99 Cooll belly Piiot. Ffb. 1', Merch S, 12. It, 1912 -._, •rt 111Umony whereO' wttnes\ my •IQn•ture ...a '41•1 of ottlo lhh llh dey NOTICE OP TltUSTEIE'S SALE of December 1911. T.S. Ne. •-m /\/Cherie• E. LOf'O On Marth 26, 1'81, '1 •·IS e .m AcllnoComptrolttr TITLE SElllllCES, INC o duly or tne Curr....:y appolnled Truslff Unclef end pu~u.,.1 Pubhslwd Oran<)t CMsl Delly Pllol. lo OHO of Trutl record.cl FtO<very 11, AMa•tt Feb 11, 19 1', ~rch S, 11, It, 2•. ""· •• lllSt NO JUS.., In booll 13'63, NOl'ICEOf TllUSTEE'S SALE Aprll 1. '!, 1"7 71»-l'l pe9e 70 ol Otflclel Records In lht T.S. N .. TS >INl1 olltce ol lht County Recorder 01 •otMst·" MOC •TCE ~~·~e1.~tlu~~:~1:j"~~~~~;L ·T.~~EM~~';u::A~~~ :~6·~11~;-T BIDDER FOii CASH, CASHIEll'S COMPANY, .. dulYec>PC>lnleo hu>ltt NS t115e CHECK OR CERTIFIEO CHECI(, under -OUr"-'anl lo OMCI 01 Tru\I SUPElltOa COUllTOf CALlfOllNIA IP•Y•ble •I time ot Hie In l•wlul d eled June 15, 19'0 recorOtd July I COUNTY OF OlllANGE money ol IM Unltecl Slelesl ti lM HIO, es In.I. No. 428, 1n book 1Jl>S1 7•Clltk c ... ttr Or. w .. t lronl entrence lo lhe el4 Orenoe .,.99 ._, OI ()flkltl Record\ In IM St,,.,. AM, Ce. t21'1 County Cour1IQI~. IOctl.cl on S.nla olltte of th• County lleco•der ol MAllRIAGE OF PETITIONEll· Ana Bl..S, -n SY<t rnort Street Or•n11e County, C•l1forn,., WILL E N R I 0 u"E A II I L A and •n<I Br-o Senu Ana, Ce llfornl•. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO RESPONDENT PATll!CIA ELAINE ellrl9hl,lllle•ndlnltrHlconveY<K1lo HIGHEST B•OOEll FOii CASH AUILA en<lnowl>eldby ltunclerwldO.dol CASHIER'S CHECK OR CERTIFIED SUMMONS !FAMILY LAW) Trust In llW pr_.ty situ.lee! In Hid CHECK~.tPI~ llm• "' ····~" CAS~ NCT. o;r ... 1r C'OUnty •ncrtttt• ~flbed '" -1.wiul ~ ol I~ UMl'<I Sl•le\I •• NOTICE· You l\a ... betll ·-fl>e LOI 41 ol Trtel No. !f,'· In ll>e Cltv IM South front entr.snce to '"" Old coun m•y dKlde ~""' you wltnoul 01 Co\!• ~WI. County O 0<•"9f. Stele Ort~ Cour1tv Cour19-•~ louted '" your betno hNrd .... ieu you re-01 C•lllornia, .. "' mtP re<orde<I In Ow 200 block ol W~st S..nl• Aona Blvd wlll\ln lO CMY• Read th4! 1nl0<matl0<> book I H , P•oes l• lo 42 o l (formerly Wt\t 6111 SI I, S.n!<t An•, below Mlscelleneovs Ma~. In the offlu• 01 C•llfornle •II rtQl'll, lllle .,.d 1nltrHI II yo11 wl"' eo -llw ..,,k e ef ~~~~·~:~~";'Ho~~~dFC:'o"~Y ·.11 CO<lvey.cl lo llnd now held bv •I under ener,..y In Ilk ....._r, Y.., s-Mlner•I•, oH\, pelroteum ...., -lnclreo uold Offd ol Tru\I In '"~ P•ClCK'rty •• prom•llY lO lho11 yewr wr lne •ut>Slances •nd neiuul 11 .. under uld •llualed In W•O Counly •nd Sl•le , .. _M, It....,,""' M 11 ... .., ti-••nd, bul w.l'-lr!Qnl ol entry to the oew:rlbecl.. · AVISOI U"M IY W.. M-. wrtace or •ul>Wrtece thereof 10 • Lot21 lt1 Block IOof Tr.Kl No 734 '" !I trl-1 _., de<Nllr <.,.tr• U•. dtPlh ol 500 IHI ot Hid land, •• IM City Of N...,POr1 Bue h, County ol sin •w•leftct• • me1101 4111e u•. conveyl'<I lo lAnd Investment Co., • Or•l'l9f, Stele of C•lllornoa <1\ per r••pe,... •..cro de )0 ,..,, LA• I Potr1MrYWP In IM deecl recordl'<I ~uly m•P recoroeo In Booa ll. P'!Slf) l6 ol\d .,.,.,..,. • ..., ..-»-. 10. 1'1611 111 bool; Ms.l, Pa9e 1• Ottlclel Jl·tif Ml•oll-... _,,, 1n IM ollt<e SI U•'9111-• MlkflM el c-le llecor<H Ol llte County recoroor Ol >81d Covnly "" ......... .., "1• MIOllte, ••n• T r us Io, o , record 0 w n e; . Trut tor or recoro o .. ~, DAI/IDT ~.cerlo 1m-•letemo11te, •• HI• LAWRENCE E •CHWALD, • \lnole SMITH encl PATRICK J SWEENEY omenere, Ml...._ .. n<rlte, tl ~. m•n Th• 1tre1t addr-e's 4'no 01ner ••tvtw, ,_....,,.,,..,.,,,..,. • t•m,e T"e str~t• •OOr''' 1nd otr•tr common <1eslonallon " •ny, of ,,,. 1 ro THE llESPONOENT r,,. common ~IQnallon, 11 •ny, ot Ille r e•I pro~r1y dt\(r1btd ADove " ot1i lioner h•s Ul•d • petHfon r••t prooitrt'f' c:t•icrthed lbOYf It purpor1ecl lo De 1ooq W Balboa Blvd conUr'1•"0 your m.,,.~ II you ltll e>urPorlea to be 1010 llalencla SlrMI. NeWPor1 BHC!I. CalOOrn1a lo Ille"& '~"'°""' within )() OhS of ""' Coste Me .. , California '1Ut Ttle u,_.•loM<I Tru\I~ d1..:l•1m1 IS•le tho! "'" •ummon• " 1er,,.d on The unci.r•ICJl"'O Truslee dlsclolms •ny llobllllV for any 1ncorrMt,,..., ol you. your defoull mh De enlereo el\d eny llebllily for any 1,.correctnH• of tf'tt strfft add,._ss and otMr common U'\f court fftay t nttr • Juooment the strMI ~Ht~ other common dellonolkln If •ny •!\Own he•fln «>nlalnino ln1uno1ve or other orOtf\ dtt•OMlton, if eny, -., Mretn. Seid..-. wlll -1>"1 .. 11.i-1 concernil•O OIVIS•On 01 properly, Seid~•• will be ....ot. bul wilboul t.ovu•nt M ..,.,..,..,,t, ••Pr .. ,.., or 'oouwt MIPP0'1 <hikf cv~ooy, chlld cov•"•"' or w•rrantv. ••Press or lmplleo, "'9Mdl"9 lltle POS>e\\.on, or •uPPOrt, auorney tee•. <OIU. •nd such Implied, t-rdlnq title, poueu•on. or encumbr•not lo P8V •n~ unpeld Olhtr rellel a• m•v be ;ranle<I by lht encumbrancu, lo pay lht unpaid bal•r><t ol t~ nol~ ·~ur•d Oy "'0 court. The oorni\hmenl 01 weQe\ IHl•n<e OI Ille note wcure<S by .. Id Deed of Tru•I. lo wot \)01 142.. lak•no ol ,,...,,,.y Ot pr..,., ..... or Olhtr Oeeo of Trust, lo Wtl ,., ... 1 u . lr\cludl"9 4U orov1ctert 1n Sdtd not• court autf'IOfltfid proc::ff'd1~ may•''° ln<tudinq •s provkted In s.ald not•, •Ov•nces, U •nv uridfr ttu!· t•rrn\ 01 r~sutt •d••nctt. 1f ..,,..,, unctlH" the terms ot \aid 0"" ol Trust, '""'· <h<tr~• •no Oaito l>K~ber 21 1 .. 1 \aoa OHO o1 Tr..,t, lees, <llOrQes and npenses ot Ille Ttu"•• .tno of th~ Loe A Branch, Clerk upe<>~s of lhfr irw.ttt .•nd of .the ln.s1s UUl.clbv Wld 0 HnOI T<~I 8YC W~ler, Ot pu1y lru•h creeled by said ON<lof Tru•I The -flcl.\ry under H•d Oeed ol RAfAELA,CAllOENU The be ..... 1<l41ry under w iO Oee<1 Of Trust h1,eto1orf' earc ut•d •nd A...,....•• Llw r, ust htretotorr ea.•< uted •nO oellvereo lo lhe u,_,••Qnt<I a wrollon MlO Wflllllre ~~· , .. , 14'0 dell•erl'<I 10 the u-.si9ftecl •written OtclaretlO<l OI ~aull ""d Demand Loo A-let. Ca, -Oeclar•flo'1 o1 Oef4Ult ...., Otmancl tor Sele, and a ,.rlltfn Notocf or Pub'"""° 0<""9P Cont Dally Piiot, tor Sale, •lld • wrlllen Notice of Default •no Elttllon 10 S•I! "" Feb 11, t~. 7'. March~. 1981 lt99-f2 o eraull and EltctlO<I to Sell. Tl>o unoerslQNd cau'\ed \t1ld N o11ct ot 1 ~....,------=-----' unoer\•OIWd <•us.•d ,.,0 Notice of Delaull end E!tCl•on 10 ~II 10 De •llJC .. ~ Oel•ull •nd Elttllon lo S.11 10 be re-corded In,,... county _,..,.~ '"~ r••t -t rv '""'-rf<ordfod tn tht <OVf'lty wtwrA thtt re•t pr-r1y 11 toutea Tru\I .. ,,, «>arty properly ,, louted conducllnq Ult, TllLE INSURANCE NOTICE 0.. Trustee or Ptr1y <onducllno sate AND TllUST COMPANY 8-00 N Main TltunEE'S SALE: TITLE SEllVICES. INC. St., S•nlt Ant, C&lllorn1a n101 Artn L-Nt.1~1 se. S•llte -..lo a1¥<1. Joyce Wlllloms (11•) qSJ '/020 Date TS. Ne. 7Z242·1 S•ftla Mefl!U, c.. -1 Mere.II 1, 1912 Tollf' lnwran<~ •nd BENE,.ICIAL SEllVICE CO U )9).J711 Trust c-v Oy Jover Wiiiiam• •~ d uly aoP01n1e<1 Tru•IH under lllt K•tlue.., ~ H id Trustee loltowing oocrti>eo duo of tru•t Publhhe<l 0r•"9f co .. I Daily Piiot, Publls""" Or•nQl' '°"" Dally P,101, WI LL SE LL AT PUBLIC AUCT 10" Mar~h ~. n, ... 1'9:1 q'/3 ... 1. Marcn s, t1, ,., 1'197 q91 87 fO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOA ~------------" CASH Cp.ay•bi• al tlrnt ot Wit In PVIUC •TC£ 1aw1u1 money ol '"" United StatHl •" • rtQhl Htk> M'4 '"t•rtst conveyed to •nd now l>eld by II under Wid Oft<I OI NOTICE OF-TRUSTEE'S SALE T "'" 1n fht properly htrelnalle• T.ese. LaMNo.-2>1 oescrlbt<I NOTICEOI" T,S,Ne.11016-t TllUSTOR OAlllOJ SWEET.and TaVSTEE'SSALf NEWPOllT PACIFIC FUNDINC. CHEllYL AN" SWEET nu•bencl tl\d TS No TSS202 l"C.,u duly .tl)pOin!ed T•ustoe under wile On Maren 14, 1'11'2, •t 10 oo e.m . IN fOllow"'Q des<rlbeO df'1'<J of lrust BE"EFIC!AllY FAii WESl SOUTHERN COUNTIES ESCROW, as WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION SAlllNvS ANO LOAN .. SSOCIATION, duly appointed Trustee Under encl TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOll"a corl)OrallO<l pyrsu•nl to Deed of Tnnl recorded CASH (.,.yablt at time ot .. ,t In lle<o•decl -rch s, 1911 et lnttr No. A<19ull .s, 1•, as tn11 No. ~n. 1n lawful money oUllr. Unlte<S-Sta~ all &70 In booll fJ970 P4l9t 519 OI Offlclel book 13•-0. P•ge J I•. of Olflcla t ri911t, Ihle encl 1n1trtst cot1veyct<1 I<> ,ttcords In the offkt of IN llecorOtr Records In llW ottlce ot Ille County encl now htld Oy 11 u.-r ~·d o ... d ot of Ora~ Count't. wl<I -ol trust RecorOen o1 Or•119e CouMy, Stele ot Trust In Ille properly her~•n•lt~• Clrscr,._ IM lollowlnQ pr_,,.,, C•llfornle execuleO by NOAMAN 41H<rllled: PAlttEL I LCM 1 of Trtcl No. 7300, SIDNEY O&ltSTEIN end LINDA TR.USTOA CHAt STOPH t>A in lhe Cllvollrv1ne,tountvof Or""" OIANA MURPHY, WILL SELL AT LEACH ROUFF encl PAfRICIA A Slele of California, u per mep PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST ROUFF, wno Art m•rrled 10 ••en recordl'<I 11'1 -111, 1)19eS 21 lo 2l 8100EA FOR CASW (SNY•ble et tlm. °""" ln<lu\1"-, ,..•t<ell_,.,. MtQs, In Ille Of Wiit In lawful .._,.V of 1fte Unll.O BENE FI c I A II y c; LE NN E oltlet OI Int ""'n"' recorder ol MINI Stele.) et -No<1h front entrance lo JACKSON ond WILMA N J ACM;SON counly. tlle Co...,ly CourthOuM, 100 Civic JACKSON, hulbend •ncl wile as Jo•nt EXCEPT THEREFllOM ell oil, QM. Ctlnter Drive ,Wul, Sant• Ana, le111nts IS lo An i.ncllvlded ~ interest miner alt end olrter llydr0<erbon1' Ceilfornl• ell rlgl!C 1111• -lnlernl e nd LARllY W. ELOER •nd E bel<>w•~olSOOleel,wilboulltti convoy.Olo_rm:,.,heldbyllundff AUTH ELOEll. l>uSbe"" •ncl wlft •> rlQlll ot sur1tce entry, •• , .. ervect In wo ld Oeec1 of T""'1 In Int pr-1y lolnl t ...... 11 as lo •n ""d••o<led • •Mtru"""'1> 01 r~ •llual.cl In u ld Co«M y and Stet• Jnle~st•_!tHll"'••ncommon PAllCEL 2 A non ••Cluslve oescrlbtd es: A condom inium Record.cl J.....,ry 10, , .. ,, •• 1n\lr eppur tenant e•semtnl for the q>mprhe<I al No. 211$3 In bootc 13'19, page 869 of purpow• ..... tor'lll In tnd O'ttr tM PARCEL t· An undhtldeO 111 Offklal A~O. • ., '"" Olfl(l' OI .... lenO de!ICrlbecl In Article II, Se<IJon I lnlernl In And 10 Lot I OI Trtel 1°'31, "e<o'*'Of OungeCoun1y ulO-01 that cert•ln Oec l•r•llon of City of trvlnt, as per,.,., rec~ of trust deurlb .. lhe lollowlng cove n•nU. Cot1dltlons •nd Book '4 o1 Mlsune-. Maps •I Pf'~'f· ReslrlclloM recordo<I May 20, t97t In PllQeS 2l -l• In the ottke of the Loi 5 o1 lrllCI No ,,.. h P<'r M•P book %Al, N9I 301, Offlclel lle<orcn. County Re<ord9rof0r_ C_ly. recorOecl In Int Book "· pa9t 7' , •• lmPOStd bY N<ltlet of Ccwenanla, EXCEPTING THEAEFROM Units I lnclu11 ... 01mtsce11&.._.1 Mep•a.1>er Conditions -RHtrlcllons recorooci ttlrouoh 10 •s shown up the recOf'dt In me Oltlce of lhe County on Jenu.ry 31, 1913 In -111Sl7, 1>t9f ConOomlnlum ..,... rec0<-In a-11,a»•-Of w id counly ACIO•e1• m u1, OllKlM RKO<dl. t25JI e1 Pa9ll t"'3 Oflk lel llKords of Ce tellne Orlve. Newport B•tc" Addreu O SI M•rgerll• Strffl, O..e~ County. C.llfornle. lrvlne. C.lllor-ni•. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM "I If o SlrHI •ddre\I pr commorr " (If • •treet addren or common tM rnlrkWd common ., .. , u •l>Own dul9t1atlon " thown •bove no du•onallon u 1hown •bove, no sold c ondomin i um plen ebove •• rr • n I .,, I s Q I v t n • ~ I 0 II ' ... rr • n I y I • 0 I v • n • • I 0 "I .... nllonecl. ~omptetenKl or '"""'<IM\'1 complelenes•0<corr«tne»l " PAllCEL 1 Uftlt Sas shOwn on the The Mnelk l.lry uno.r w>d 0 ...0 of TM benetlclary u...otr Mild 0..0 Condomlnluf" Plan r.terreo to In In.st, by ruton of• b"'ach o• O.feull rn.st, by ce•JoOn of ~h or O.fMI Parcel 1-.bove. In IM o411'9ottlorrs ucuroo lhereby, In lhe obll9011ons wcur.cl thereby, PARCEL J. An ••clullve .... ,,,.,.t he,..tOI01"9 uecuteo and deliver.cl 10 heretofore necut~ """ oellver.O to parklno •nd OMA9f puroaMS o ... r 11\el Ille undlrsl9ned • wrll!en Drc•arallon IM unclen'9ned • wrltlen 0«1er111lon portion of uold Lo4 t dHltnalecl u K Of Def--~ for S.te, end of D•feull -o...-d lo< S.le, •na Ille Co-...lnlum Plen ,..ftrrtcl lo -f!Wf> MCiee Ol bnoch el>d of electiO<l written notice of-ecll end of •lectlon •bove to<-lflt lll'ldlnlQned lo M ii WIO lo ceu• 1tw ~IQr...i to w ll seld Tire street addre n •nd other ,...,.rt>, lo .. usty wla 001111atlons. properly 10 Mllsfy Mid ot>llo-tlons. common dHlenatlon, If eny, Of 11w ...cl~ the u-.11Ql'lfJd cauM<I encl thereefttr lht un<ler•IQl'lecl c.au-real propeny o.scrl!Nd oboY• Is Wiii Mtlc.ot IH"ffch'encl of •lecllon lo wold notlceot brff<h and of OKtlOI\ lo ~ed w •1 $211 Walnut. Irvine, lie -Oflotler 14, , .. , as l"'tr be re<Of'ded NO...,,,.r t, ••1 .. ""1r, c.a. I .... ma In -1'M, -, •• of NO. I SJO Ill -14711, -:M4, OI Miid T ...... -..... .,.,,,,... dllctalmt l Mlcl Ofllclel Rec~. Ottl<lel llcorm • •M ll•lllllty for .,,., IMON'Kl...U of i '1!1111 tale wHI .... mam. WLwttnoul ...$AW .... will ......... WI wlthllMt --c--e ......... •• we ttwn'ty. iibFiil1> ovettan or warrinry:-fX~ •Mon••kWl,lfMy,"'°1Wf\htrtlrt• Implied, '99Wdtno Ihle, POIMSSlon, or lmpll.cl, ,....,d~ Ulle, --slon, 0< , Saki tale wMI lie -· but wllllGv' .flKlllllM'-..s, to P<e\r the reinotnlnt. er>eumbrenc.., eo pey the rem.lnlne covenenl ~ warre11t7, ••Pr••• or 11Wlftc"94 -Of tt>e ftOteCS> wc:u prlfKlpet ..,.. ot "'" now --..., tmp11H, ~ lft..,, _ _....,., ..,, MN 0... of Trvtl. wilt. I~ et Ml<I 0.-ot TNlt with ln .... HI H In ,.-<lll'141rll!IC", lnchldine f•S. c,,. ..... Jn..M .. ..-....,~ •ctvence~ II 11>y wold ...,.. provided, ad1ronces, It aftY, 11n4 '""""" f1f ~~-.....­~ .. ._ .. teld 0... of Tl'U't\ ~~~ ClfURr ~OfTrulC, If""' <rH-llV'81d 0-.of Trwt .... '-• ci.er .. s •nd upenM• Of tire '"'· char .. 1 and •• ,,..,.,. of tM ,.., ..,. ,............. ,.1nc:.-1 _,, Of ,,,.... eftd o1 IN tni.ts creet.o lly rr>11tff ttld et tlle truth creetoH bY tlle Mt• t«VN41..., ..._ o... of Truat MMI ~Of T,,,., s.+d Ml• wllt lie M l4 0... flf T..-. S.ld Hie wlll • 10 wlt1 '4,tlU!t """' llllffett ~· _.. Ml ..........,, Manh tJ, ltl2, •I IMlcl on..........,, M¥cll U , lta •t t .OI fl"Om July 1, 1111 at tt'h ""'--2:• •·"'-• "'9 ~A~ "·"'· et tll• Cht•m•n Ave11ve efll'Um • ,.,--.. 111 ..._....,. .._ elltf-• tlW Clvk ~ 8ulleli11to enlra11<t IO tllt Civic c.nt.r avlldlftl. etllrnaWct cO!ltl -...., ...,_, of -•• C'-""' A....,.,., In the City )00 EMl C'-'-ii-. Ill Ille City M07,24wltfllfl"'""-• of Of' ... 1 Clllt9m... of Ora ..... C:.Nfomla, The ..... k lary undtf' UNI o-.1 ef Al tM -°''"' lnlll•l INIHJ<ttlon Al boe llnle of tM lnhl•I "'*k •llell 'rru•I i. ....... re t•Clllt41 elld ... et ... .-.C. ... ••I e.-Of 11\e of lfl4t Mtlte, tht '9tel ._.of Ille llWl'HleWW_...,,...wttttlftO.C,. 1111Hl4 M l111u Of th• ollllo•tlln ""••I• Nl•nce of the •llllt•tlOfl ~lllleft f1f Otfw1t -~ ftr _..,....,. ......... _ttlleddeeOOf MCUMMlllY"'9 ........ 11Mer....,Wt41ot .......... a M'"'911 Hetl<a Of Oefeuit 1"'91 -.. lm4llllHI Cttll, .. ,,...M11, trult Mid etlllNlff cellt, ........... elld £1tc1.llM to ..... Tiit 111•ual••• an• ••••1><H h •11.su >1. 10 •nd ed vancu It Ut.na.n . To 011 .. ,..., .... IC• Of Oeteutt ..... ~ tfl9 _......, bed, VtU may _,,, .... -.e """'9 I*, YW may •IKllell 1e 1911 te .. le<.,.. NI .. YIJIYlJIP.,... " Cl ll Ot•l "741M COlll>IY ....... "" tM I ..,...,.. 19 1111t:_~, 16. ,.., 0•1": .. ._, 10. tta ........ ,.... wtll • ( ....... .,, •••"'•1 •ACIPU; .. UNOINO, •l•ll'KIAl.MIWICICO., ................... ic. .._ff ....,i ... JW.-. ·--.... ,........ --......... - -•MN,,_..., ayT.O. M= COMPAltY o.tet ~11.,'91t. .. ,, .. NlmCWmMflAIN,.... ._...._ ---~·.,_· ":..'~· . .............; ·~-,. ... __ ......... 0..Cltr....... . ... ,....... . ~~ -=~ -~"-· -.......... ~ Oelly ""'" ........ ar..,c.tt OlllY.,..... ~ 0.-.. 91...*"&.. ....... .~"· .. ~!.-~ , .... ,............. .. . ., ..... fll!Mell'l,h.* -~ ~ . We'll take yo11r old home and ive you the best view in an Clemente. Trade In vour old hom ' und m-0v~ uµ to the cxtraordln~ry rk~l~n und cx<)u lsllc \'lcws of' 'Jnc Pinnacle. With nur guurontccd tmdc·ln und other great nnnnclng progr.un~. you wn11'1 l111c1 u better buy on tJw entire Omn~c County l'.llUSL • 30-vear fixed rate- loans at 123/4%* • Guaranteed trade-in • Financing for buyer of your current liomc Onlv6 homes rL·maln In this llmllccl cditi1111 com~un lly "'ltuutcd hig h uhovc the scu nn quiet cul·dc·sac st rects. Rich ~lcdllcrru11cu11 scylln~. ~kylights. Indoor atriums. souring cut.hcdrnl,cc~inj:(s. spu·llkc muster uuths, u11d so much more. ChoobC 2 bed room::. or ~lndcl!-11pc11 I I lo;; dutl\·. ( 1111 ( 7 14 l 498·22 J 8 or ( 714 ) 436·1114-'l. 1110111. '"°"lfl f' , .. _,tJt .. 111 IUt•fHhl\ lt..11t. lfl\llUfothl.,. lh~ 'flfollll\ •11 • .. 101111011 1u, "'"' l'r11,.,. .u~I tluwth toll• 11, •th, 1l.1t, ••• JUlh llt +1iu1t1 ... uhh, 1 '" l"h1f ... ,1, 111t 11t 11(11, 1t,u1llt111••f1111 ... , 1h11uu f ,1k1 .... 111ih1Mup1tl I It 1111111111 f( •• 11, \II fl Hiii 1h, '-\Im I h\ tJo f V \ !::.71 1 ::.::. ~:': f ""''' '"' 2 bed room~ plu~ bonus room In up , ... t·.~··• .. '""' •h.tl111111 to 2 ,360 squurc feet. \1111111111 Climb to tJ1c top. V!~lt lbe Plnnudc toduy. r tl'K ·Pl~~. \CIJ: S tartin ~ at $299,000 .ii\ L 111111 •r--1 \ ~1\1 •ta APR the PINNACLE iiiiiiiiiiiiii at Mariners Pointiiiiiiiiiiiii FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The totlowlnQ per1-0n1 •rtt d olf"tO bUslneuas F E OEllAL COMP LIANCE ENGINEERING ASSOC., 194S H Pl•Ctnlla , Coste ~w. CA '1427 GOLD COAST tNIPOllTS, INC .. • C•lltornl• corporation, U10 w. CM" Hwy • N._.., Beech, CA.,.., K & E OISTRIBUTOllS, INC., • C1ltfornle corporollon, 194S H PllCtnlla, C•ta Mew , CA '1•11, This buslMH Is conducle<I bv • -··• --nlllp, K & E 01•1rl""1oo Inc G. KOPt>, Secltr••s Gold Coeft lmpor!S • Ron Nk hrson, Secretary This -t wes 111.o wllfl the County Clerk ot Or•~ Coun•• on Fell 1', 1"2 .. 11ltM Publlllled Orange Cot•I Deify Pilot, Feb 1', 1'. march s, n. 1"2 •9J..92 CPP1_. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOEll A DEED o .. TAUST, O "TEO JANUARY tt, 1 .. 1. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTI~ TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PAOCEEOINO AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULO CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE OP TllUSl'IEE, SALE T.$. Ne. 2 ..... / .... Ot1 Merell 17, 1"1, •I 9' IS o'CIOck e.m .• on Frkley, el Ille front entrence 10 Ill• 01<1 O..enoe Co. CJUr1bouM, IOUl•O on Santa Ant Bl..S., betw- Sycemore S4. & Bro4IOW•Y In S.ote An•, CA, WESTERN M UTUAL COR PO RATION, e Celltornla Ce><POr•llon, n Tn.stM, or tu!Kllluteo TrustH, Unotr ttlt Dff<I Of Trust uecult<I 1iY EDWARD 0 . WOLF, a ,1n9le men, herein ce llecl Tru1tor, recorded F•bruar7 17, 1911, as lnUnunent HO. ~. In IOOI< 1"'2 P•t• 112' of Oftl~l•I Ae<ordJ Of Or1nee County, Ct llfofftMI, wlll Mii et public auction to tllt MtNlll lllktdtr fOf' Ulll, po.,-In l4IWM ,.,_., Of tM Un"ed S•tn et t11t llmt ot Mlle, tire lnter••t QO'l,..-,.cl to and now lleld 0y Mid TrUll .. -Mld o..daf Trvst In tn. p,...,., sl~ In Mid CCMlnty end Ste• dlt9crltled H~ PAllCEL t: An -lvl<lff tltl~ 111 .. rest In -• LM t Of Tr41Ct Ne ttU...Ja... .. Q , ~ -..,..... more ~utenr dlt9crlbed In ll(hlltlt "A" atttcllecl..,.... Mid M-e Nl't MrtOf. Tll• SlrMI aedfeu •lld/9' fttler comm11> eetlt"•ll•n, II •ny, •• 11ur11ort•• to M : JH I•., View Tlfract1 G-. MtM, CA .,.,. Said I.tie ,.111 lie m•* w11nou1 werre"tY • te title, """llon 11t t nCWlftllHflC••• t•r tlle ,..,,.... Of ......... tllt ....... ..._ -'"' ..... .. 0... of T,_ IMIWille ..... Mii l•ponM ftl tlle Tnftl .. _. ef t1M trvtb c,..... lly Mlct 0..0 Of Truet, ..,,_ ........ ,. wlftt ......,.,. .. 11row1-.. lllertl1>, tM '"• u1>11••• .,. ..... ,__ .. "" ..... ,., ._.,... lly NW Died of T,,..., .... ftl ...... .,. DlnMl .. ..,_, 11, ,. w.•n1......, C._•lell ,. ... , ............ Or-..,CA...., (7Wlm..,. AllllCll1...-. "1.....,Ll4INlfl ,..... ..... °"" .. ---.. 0r .. c.... Oii"' ""· .... "· .. Mlfdl .. r • , .... MUCll~E flCTITIOUS BUSINESS l"ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Thf' fottow inQ Otfson i\ do•nQ TPlt to11ow1n9 of'rs.on 1\ dolno bw\1nes\ as t>usine'' •s MR FIX IT, l''>'> Pomon•. COiia WHISKEY 1111/ER SAU>O". S'°1 Mew. C" 92426 Warner, Huntlnqton Beech, CA 91"4• JOHN 11 MONTGOMER'r, 115 RAYMON°D HAllVEV SMITH, Pomona, (Ml• -w CA tU1• 10t11 Viv• Circle HunllnQlon Betefl, Thi• 1>01neu IS conOucltO by •n CA'l ... lndlvld.,.I Th" bu"ntts I\ conducted by •n John R. ftllOnlgo<n•trv lndlvldu•I. Tnls ft•l......,nl was lllC!CI wilt> lht ll•yrnona Harvey Smtih Count y Cler'k ot Oranve county on Thi\ \l•ltmenl WH Ille<! wltn lht Ftb 16 1"2 County Clerk 01 0,."9' CounlY on ' fllll Fell 16, 1"2 Publlsflo<I Of•no-co .. 1 Deily P iiot, Feb 1', 16, ~rch s, 11, ,,., ,.._, f1Gtt7 Publl"*I °"-COHI Oolly Pilot, feb. 1', ?6, March s. 12. 1912 7's.fl NOTICE OF TAUnE E'S SALE CPP UJll NIUC MmE f lCTITIOUS aUSINUS NAME STATEMENT Tile followlng per•on Is do1n11 bu$lMUH. MAl'llNE F I NAN C IA l MANAOEMENT, 2130 A Ntwl)Orl Blvd , Newpor1 BeKll, CA 916'3 JOAN WOODBURY, 1130 Ii' Now-1 Blvd., Newport Bloch, CJI .,..., Tiiis 1><nlness IS conduc:teo Oy an lllCIM-1, JOAN WOODBURY This fttl..._I wes 111«1 .. 11n the County Clerk of Or•"9f CouMy on cell 2' 1"2 fllKl'I Pubfl-Or-co .. t O•llr P1101 Feb 2', ~o'Cll S, 12, It, 1"2 .. ,~ ~-~E FICl'll'IOUOUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowino person is do1n9 bu''"'''.,. OllANGE CO BACKSWINv (TMI, SOS Slgl'el Ro•d. Newporl B•tch, CA91w.3 FRED M. ltELL, ~ SiQNI RO«I. Newpor1 8-;'1, CA 91w.3 Thi• buslneu Is conGu<led by • general C>M1nersfllp. Fred M Kell Thi• ste1_...1 '"°' 1119" with Ille County Cl•rk ol Or•~ County on F.i, 16, 1912 .. llllft Publll""' Orlll'IQll co.n1 D•llV Piiot. Feb "· n . Mtlrct> s, 11, t'9) ,,. ... , Ne. SFW12Ut NOTICE Of TllUSTEE'S SALE T..... A._... NOTICE IS HEREBY v II/EN THAT T .S. No. 11 .. IM-CD NOTICE Of TllUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE Of TllUSTEE'S SALi ON Friday, lhe 26th d<JY of Merch, 1912, On ~rch 16, 1'87, •• •·is o'clock T.S. Ne. 1~H a l'.S N•. TS., ... , el lhe hour ol 11 00 • m .. •I South Iron I • m • on Fri<Ny, el Ille front entr•11<• On Frl<lay, Merell 17, 1'92, II 9 00 ••41 .. 12·1l tnlrtnce 10 lhe Orenge County Old to ll>e o1c1 oranoe County counhoun. A M • Tlllt 1nsurence end Trust Ot1 March 16. 1912. •1 • 00 • m Cour1houw In In. t1ty of S.nlt Ana. loceled on S.nte...,.,, Blvd , be1ween Compeny.,. duly -lnled fru•I ... TITLE INSUllANCE ANO TRUST countv o1 Ofange, •Ule OI Cellfornle, Sycamore SI & Broa<lw&Y. Sant• Ane, under •nd pursuent 10 Oftd ol Tru.\I COMPANY, uduly •PIJOlnll'<I Tr1111oe Statewide For.c!01ure Servl<H, Inc. C•llf recorde<I June 1, tt7•, H Inst. No. 111, ul\der el\d pyrw.,.t 10 OeeO ot Trust U Trultet Service Com.,.ny, wlll Mii F & W R EC 0 NII E y AN CE In boOk 131tl, N9t ll'M, of Ottlcla l d•l.O Aprll U , 1'90 record.cl Aprll tt, •I Public •ucllot1, to t he hlotle•I CORPORATION, • ca1tforn le Records In the office ot the Cou111y 1..0, ••Inst No 36201, In book lls.G, bldOtr, lor c•sn In lawful morwy ot the corporation, os Tnnloe or •ubltltul9d A ec or lier ol ore nv e County, .,.99 1n1. ot Ofllctal Re<or<H In llW Untteo Sl•lo. ill payable •I lM llmt Trutlet, under th• oeea of .lru•I Calllornl•, WILL SELL Al PUBLIC olflce ol llHI County Recorder of Of u le, lh•I ceneln real pr-r1y neculecl 0y urllanlles, Inc., Mi'eln AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDOEll OrtnQtCo<lnly,Callfornl•,WILLSELL •ltuelea in Ille city OI BtlbCMI ••••n<I. uneo Tnnlor, re<ordl<I Sept. '· , .. , FOR CASH, CASHIER'S CHECK 01'1 AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST counly ol O<anot, stelt Of Calllornle, es tnslru,...nt No M72, of Olllcl•I CERTIFIED CHECK, (peyeblt al BIDDER FOA CASH, CASHIER'S tnclOescrle<les lotlows: Records o1 Of-county, Calllornla, time of wle In ltwlul money of Ille CHECK OR CEATIFIEO CHECK, Loi 10 In block 13 OI ~tsut>cllv"IO<l OI wlll Hll el l>Ullllc auction lo lhe hfohesl Unlled StOIH) II lllt South front <P•Yt ble al llme ot salt In !Owlul Section 1, B••-••l•ncl ... •hOwnon !' llldOer for utll. peyoble in ltwlul tntr•nct to lht Old O<afl9' County money ot lftt un11eo ~l•IH) el the. mep ,,,., ..... rec~ In book 6, -money ol lllt un11eo Sl•lts el lh• time Courtllouse lcK•tH In IM 100 BIOc• Of soutn tronl "'"•nc• to the 010 Of-)(), Mlscell.,_., MllPS, In IM oHke of of Mlle. the tni.re•t conwyed 10 end West S.M• Ant BlvO ltormerly Wnt County Courlhou•e loc•ltO In lhe the County RecordPr of w ld county now Mid by wold trustee un<ltr w ld tlh Sire .. ) S.nl• Ant, Califort1I• ell 100 Bloct. or w .. 1 Sonia An• Blltd. Sir Ml Addren 1tt TurquOls., BtlbOe dH<f of 1ru1t In 111t pr-r1y slluel.cl In right, title ...a IMere•I convey.cl 10 (lormtrt'I' W.tl 6th SI ) S.nlt An•. ISlancl, Callfor-nl•. _ .. Id County~ Ste It. des<rlbecl as •l'ld now held by II ...-r wld 0-of Cetllornle. all right 1111• •n<I lnltrKI Th• undet'•'9ned Trust .. dlscla lms P•rcet 1 Trutt In ll'lt pr-rty 111 ... 1tc1 In uold conveyed 10 -now held by 11 u- •ny ll•btllly for •ny lncornclneu of Unit '·•• .-n...., define<! on lhtl County ondSteledc!Krlbe<I., Lot I In H IO OMO of Tru\I In ll>P pr-rty IN '''"' -.. .. end otltllr common certain Conoomlnium Pl"" ..cord.cl Block B OI Trtcl s11, In Int City of •ll11eted In H id County •nd Slole dolCJn•llon, 11 •nY, s-n Mrtln June IS, 1'7'1, In 8ooti Ill", P•9t 1Jes Nt wPor1 S.tch, •• shown on • mep de•crlbtd •• Said ule wlll be mede wltnoul of Olllcial Recorct1 o1 Or•nv-County, thereof reco..-In BODI< 11, P-s 3l Loi "In BloO 17' ol "Leko TrKt, coven•nl or worrenty, uprH• or Ce llrornta. 10 :14 ln<lull,,. ol MIS<tll•-s ~. Ne•POrl IHech", In IM County of Implied, ._-cjtno lllle, -~•IO<l. or Percel 2: records ot 0r""9t Counly . Or•noe. Stele of C•llfornl•, as per enc umt:>rances l o seth fy 111• An ul'ldl'1ldecl t~tl lnlet'ffl In -lo Trusl0< or record _..., ALLEN mop rec...-In a-'· -IJ ot OOllO•llons -ured by tnd purwanl to lot I ot tracl No IOtlS. In 1 ... City Of SE NALL and HELEN SE NALL Mlsctll~ Mel>\, In 1M office of lht -ot Mlt conterre<I In 111•1 Costa Mew, n por mec> recorci.CI In T II• ttrnt eddrns eno Olher ~he County rec:.,.., ot wtd County, certeln Oeedo!Trust~ltOJanu.ry Book 4SI, P•o•• 21 to 12 of co...mon dtslvn•llon, 11eny,ot1fM TrustororrecordowMr :OAlllOT. 16, l,.I, •11e<utoCI ~\WMfl GEltALO flo\lscello,..ous Meps, fe<Ords of rut pr09erty dtsCflbed •bove Is SMITH -P-ATRICK J SWEENEY F. TULLIEalldMAltlEM. TUU.Y,H Ora~ County, CoOlornlt , t01Jetl>er jlurport.O to be: UOO E .. t Ocun SWEENEY T ruuo,., lo ROl..LIHO Ht LLS with e ll lmprovemenu tlltreon, front, N-111otc11, CA tH61 The street adoress •nd other ESCROW COMPANY, •• Trvttee for nuplln9 , ... , •• ,om c-omlfllum The ~'°""" Truttee dlKtalms commO<I clesl_. ..... 11 •ny, Of ltM ROBERT 0 NELNIS, .. 8_.klary, Unlh 1 lhr'OU9ll • lncluv .... IOU..., ... ., ll•lllllty tor ... .,, intON't{1nen of rul property dHCrilled •l>Ov• Is lo M<ure Ille turn ot $1"5.000,00, wltll IMNorl. the ttr"' addr'fts -othet tommotl purported to IN: lOt Hlh Slrol. Interest thereon. at "°"Hied In Mlle Parcel I: oeatone11on, 11 .,..,,, W-n llertln. NewPort llMcll, Celllornle. f'Olt, eovllncft, If e1>y. Under Ille i.rms An uclll~,,. .. ....-t •f>9Urtenanl said .... wMI 119 ,,,..., bU1 •"'*" The l#ldenloned Trvst• dltclelrns ot Mid o.cl of Trvtt '"" <~ to .. ch uNI to< tht use end oc~y coven ant ., wnranly, .. ..,,.,. or any ll•lllllty tor any lllcorrectneu of •lld e•--.. N +""'" -of of thOM POrtlofU of '"" retlrki.d 1m plle4, ~1'19 Ihle, --•loft, "' Ille tlffft -.st -other ,_ trusu creeled llY wlO 0..0 Of Tr11tt. cemmon eru du lon•t•• In Ill• encumllr•ncn, 10 pay the unpaid OUlll'ltf0!!.11411'1't.~l11. and _.._.._ "-Y IO, '"'· ,. OKI•......,. ot lttitrkllons. r_.... Mt•nce of"" Nll•Csl Mc>UAd by Ml4I Sald WiliW111 flt ....... bu1 without booll 1Jt1',.,... "of Oftklel retol'dt In ltook 131ft, P• Int Of Dfflcl•I OHd of Trull. to-wit: "1,uo.11 . covtnent or werre111r . upren or of Or•noe C-ty, St.tie of C•IHon!I•. lteunh ol MIO c-ty •lld ........ on lnclvdl"9 '" _,_, 111, Mid l'IO!l (I), Implied, ,....,....,. '""· ... -..... tr The .,.,..lclarv lff'ld9r •e .. o.tO of tllt C°""°"""'um .. ..., ftr eKh llfllt. Mvanc"' If ..,.,, "'-t11e tenns of encum~111ett, t• HY the un••I• Tn.st of -"'I' dtvke, lly -el Tiie tt'"1 -.. ~ .,.'1• otflff "Id Oftd !If l'~ ...... CllM'Oft _,,_ .. ,~ fll llW ..... le<lll'ff .,, MM • ~Heh or_..,," In hie o411ietlloM cemmon •ulonetlo1>, II •"Y Is eapentes of .,. TNMe IN of ""' Deed tf l'rutt, t .. wlt: Ult,H I II. eecurecl lllWeby, trentofor• •-11'"9 1Mif110tlllCUob9· trvtesc,.......Wwlll~OfTrvtt. lnc11141ne H jlrovl-.. In Ml<I -·· •nd dellV.,.. IO .... ..,.,........ • uos Pee Ille Avt, • ttn. Cotti The lli9ftffl<lary Ulldtr Mia OMO Of Mvttne"· "4111\r. ___, "" tenns of w ritten Cltelaretton of defeull 111<1 MoM,c.tlftml• Trust heretofore e xe cuted e11<1 Mid Oe9CI Of Tru.t. fett, <harps elld demt ll<I tor ""· 411111 written nelk• Of U ICI Mle will lie made wlth~I "".,.,.. eo 1f1t -......-• wrltttll Ullff>Mt Of ttie T,,,.'" IN ot - Mta;it1 al'lfl ele<tlell I• tetl ""*' fflt warr111ty • •• 1111• '"""~ tr OKlerlltlan tf Def--o........ '"''" c......, _,,,... 0... of Trvtt. terms ol H id deed of lr11u •Ml ancvrnllreMH, lof IM pur,.,. of '-r hie, encl o "''ttleft Nollet of The lleNflcltr'J .,.... ..i. 0..-Of recortlecl ~IO, t"t, 111 -,.,..,. tM ....... loM __ ..., wkl Oeflull elld 1i.c11 ... to $tit Tn. Trnl llerttolorl uecut ... ,., t•U•. •t ..... ,.,. .. ..,IC .. I re<:..-SOI °"'Ill("°'"' ....... Mii elQltllM of .. ..-., ....... ~·-~tel Notl<e of .. " ..... '° ltlt "'*' ......... wrlltltfl Mid <ownl'f. tht INt.,. tftll ot t"' t"'m ,, .. ., lly Oefaun lfld lllKtloll te 1111 to Ille Otclaf•IOfl ot Otfwlt -0.- Tlle tote• emou11t ot t9'1 Ullll•" MN ......, --.. ltlt~. wl\tl rec......, !ft .. nvotl'I' ..-. t11e ,.., for hie, •flf • wrltte11 Hotltt tf NllllCI Of .......... loll -vrff., l""'"t .. _..., ._......, -._~It~ Oelewll ...0 lltetlOll tea.ti. TIM •r...,., te 9t Mid, 111(1~ ,,..... ,,_._. ..,, 1-of llt • '"'"°' tr _., ~lflt .... : W114"rtlellM U""4 ulcl H•On et U lrneled <Oii•, UHllHt • .,. rnMe(lt'IK..._,., MN*"• -..WM l'ITLa INSUltANCI ANO TltUST 0ofav11 ..... 4!1e«loll te lelt • "9 .. ,_'" ..... .., •. o,, ... ,,..,,.. • OMPAN'I', .. _..,..,. ....... we l'K ...... Ill"" c~ ........ ,.., 0-,....,_., tl, t• Oettct: ....,_.,It, 1• • llt•I••• Cl! t0tll1 Attn! Maro ,....ny It .... fNMit °' .. ,,.. ................ •""*-··-· ..... w ... _ye11cec.,., -J l.tUl ...... •m7, <~ltlt .... ! TITl.a INIU•AMCI ...... .,..,_ .... °""""' ttU,1Cr-,hftt1'4 OATlO,...,_,.lt, t•. AN~ TltU$l'COMflANY,• N,MNll a .A.Hf,..._ Va........ ~.CA_,.. Tltle ._.OIQ... M .. S..... AN,~ ""9; A•, --~~.... !NI......, Tnll~. J9T(e WMllelN 11141 -.-. DMt: •Mt!Tl'vteM •MiWT,_.., Metcll 1, Miff: TITU INSU•Ntc:• 9y;QWtllllw0r...... .._...._ AND TltUl1 C~ANY1 ay '9'9t I TNMlll..._Ol'lk4!F ~.,.......,.. w1we-... _.~ ........ or-.. c.. ...... ....... ...........Ctr911tt c .... o.lty PllOC. ~·--Or ... c.. ocp ~ ~ .. .._,,,.. • .,.... "·"'~S."9 ,_..._ liMf'CU,ti.,_,tWI ~ ~· > . NllA ••"9•• COll"•••NC• ... -cw.41119 t.l\A ....... ....... °"'"'"' K-•Cttv 0.11•• U\811 • L "«. N 41 " .. •• .w J Q ts ,Jtf 1 )J JS ,'6 I 1"' • %7 ... ~ IS ... U. J.S\'> ,,........0... ... *1 JI ... - U1'.JJtM 2t " .•• ,. • .m,. It ,. .... 1t • .mlf\"t llAST• llUI COii "ll • ll NC ll ..... oww. •on.n Pl1U-lpf>le N"Jeney Welftlfl9tof\ -y-W L Pct. •• 42 IS ,111 - o " .m 1111 JI 1' .511 12111 u " ., ''"' ,. lD .•ff 14 ~ .. oww. 0 ,, 11 D ,. lD u JI 1J JS IJ u 724 - ... 1 IS .... ""' 4.»14111 .1'1 ,, .211 """ ,......., •• Sc_ H .. Y-t2t, LMlln 11' IOU Oelr9" 122, Cllk-t1 ihstoft 1 IO, San Anlonlo 101 M-IOllta,U-124 ~ si.10f, o.it•" , ........ .._ Atlanta et Ptll~e N .. ,,.,..yetOlk- ....... iltM-w • ...,,,.. •I 0.-... K-Clty et ~I• GolMfl S-et Seti Dle90 > c i.w1en11e1Port1- Delles et s..tti. Knk:b 121, L•kera 111 LOS .... Lilt -Renlblt 4, WllkH U. Allclut·JellOer Jt, Jotlnson 20, Hl•Oft 14, C-r t, ..-r,.r I. Jorde<\ o. a.-0. T-.1,, Un-34 tit • .,. YO•K -LUC:H u. Ruu•ll IS, Cenr10111 10, Rlcllerdson n , Smith 10, Wet.tel II, c.n.r 12, Wllllems I, Oemk 1. TOCell: SI J6..J2 12'. ScM9...,_.... LM Anotln 1' JIG 1' D 4-llt New YOl'k )0 )4 » H l.._12t '"'"""°"'' ONll -RklWI-. F..,led owl -..... TOC.I fo<llt -Lot Anotln 30, H•• Von 31. Te<llf\IC.eh -Cer'lwrlllll A~ 14,'17 COUEGE CS Fuff•rtonl2, UC lrvlne 61 CAL STATI FULLl•TON -NHI 14, Allder.-~. ~ 0, WoM 16, MhtOft '4, GrffftO, Devis II. Toce11· >01·4'1. UC lllllVlltl -Wull 4, M<Ooneld ti, M- 14, Fuller?, WtMeldon20, JotlntonO, Beru,o, noornlonJ. 1oce1s: 1'9·"" Helltll'l'W: Cal Stele F ullel'1on. )().J1 Total IOult. C•I SI.to Fullerton ti, UC Irvin·~ 10; Fouled out NUI IC•I Sl•t~ Fulle1'1onl HIGH SCHOOL St. S.merd 34, CdM 21 COllllOMA OIL MAllll -L~ll 1, H"' t, Goetlel I. Oltm1 1, "9i.t'-2. TOCeli: 12 •1 21. ST. •EllllllAllllO -.._,lfto J, Gel!IK t, Re,,,.. 4, 11~ t, Gr•ndlson •, T"""- 4. Totals: 1112·" >4. k-~o..rten Corona Ott Mer 10 • I ..._. St. 9.,.,..,,, I I 1 ,,_ Total foult' Coron• d•I Mer 11, SI. a ernerd 12. Te<Mlce l• Gr•ndlton ISi ........ rc11. ~ . . "' . College UC,....,.. IS, CS~. Hllh l UC Irvine 00112) 003 000-U ,, 0 CS Dom Hiii• 00 I 001 000-1 • • Oeue. Cotlnot !ti •nd Bernerd, A--., Cal!1on U ), F•r"'" 141, WI-Id HI, HAii 191 ~ M<Mehon W-Oeue (2-11 L-Andtr•on 2B Trtn ld•o 1uc11. Cummlno• 1 IUCll, B•rn•rd IUCI), lnglellerl 2 I U.Cll , Duran CC.SOHi. McM•llon !CSOHI Coll•e-acorea Wnlmont •,"-'dine l Lo.,.,,...,.,,.._.,. 10,c~-s Blol•2l.LA~ht0 Community college ~C--4.~•-•CCJ Ore1190C-110 a ___. t I Sent• B.-• JOO 000 OCIO-J t 2 K•ttooo. -It ) -Puskerlcll; Od'a. Owen• "' end Hyla nd. W-Kell090. L-OclK. 5-MuMon. t 9-flrowft COJ- Coest). Gf'OOt (Or .... OW.st>. J-Alllno CS.nta 9erbera). MR-0119Qen 10reft99 Coest), ~II ls.rile Berber•) S.....a..t,llf8 liClll S-te AN 000 ltJ --11 J SMdfeoeck 000 Jin 000-S 1 I Laplra, Mettllewt Ill -1111-lltf•; K inney, Ee•ely (t) •nd lrwln . W-Mellllew•. L-Klnnay. ta-Perry IS•Cl<tlebe<k), L" ISeddlelMICk), A_, IS•nll Ana) 19-a rul'll IS.nl• Anel. MA-Mel'-(Sllnt<I AMI 0......-..11,c_., o.-.. -om ,. n-11 ., 2 C,_.,.u MO 2GO -t 11 I Meyert, Daro .. UI, Mersll (6) eftd SClllllJ; Tlctw.11, Fltiu 0 1. l'el•n "'· le-ro 161, C .. lfl C71, Sw•ln (I I -Hieb. W -0.-. L -"9Wn. 29 -......._ (Gol*ft -· J, GeNelt (Geldtfl W.I, McBride (~I, HICkl cc......->. Hiii - Garuti !Golden West), Spteeet I~ w .. o 2, Meftdltr tC-sl. Htghac:hoof C--•Mer6,!l-'H~I H__..,M_ 000 .. t-S I J c..-. c194 MM Ott .. •-6 J ..... ~ KolN (6) -T9NY; w.,...., llllefl4M m -Me-. w-•-11.0>. L-B•tonlolln 10·11. 28-eetonlt"" INtw,ort Harbor). Kolln• (NewPOrl Hertlor) ·-le4,C.-. ...... J Cotta~ 000 010 CICl-J 6 • Ellene ta 000 000 13---4 2 2 Oo•lhcll, Perruno Ill end F'leld; Mcc.11111, C-,. 161, L!Mafl Ill, J.,._ Ct> -.. yw. ~. L-~ ft--Fie~ CC-. -1, ~ CE .. _lel, ... -CblefKlel. ._.._Y...,6,-0et4 ~Oel .. -......... SA Vet1ty •t 111 ••-4 I I Oewer, Cere111la 141, C"• 161 eM L....,,,...; LAlle. "'"1Y W ... "-• w -arlerty. '--"'., • .., ... 11-Lhrtr .... 1 IMettr Dell, ZellW ,....._ AM V8llei'f. - •• ""'"" c~ Dell, Ml!>...., cs.a .... Valley). Mllll-4UIM IM!_lltf' OeO. ~ . . "' . ~ .............. " .... ICMOk .......... .. .... ~ •11 ... -._., 1 J Metero.! .., --·-s , Clelf -~ -..... 8MM 141 llflf It-. WNltlfla (.,, W -e.llw. L-C .. lr, ft -CIW ,.,_,_,, ....,..,. CMeterDll). • ....... ..._. Mera "' 111 ...., • • _ .... _ .... __ -----....... It~ IN lllltNI/ Mlle-.. _,., ~'ltlf'-M•~Cae-1, ....... _, ...... . . ....., .. ........ • ...... t ~ .......... / &.Mita ... --._ ... ,.,. ' HlghMIMql .......... ..., .... ,,._ .. lot -'· ,,,_, (l"VI, It.I; t, w..._., In). 'Ml I . ...._ (l'VI, tU . tlO -1. Lt....., CITI, tU; I . ...._ CP1V), 10; I ....... IETI. 14,$, 441 -I, l_.Y ll"VI, •• t; t. ll-tll IRT), UA; J, .... f'IOl\ ll"V). .. 0. --'· ...... ("'V" 2:1J 1; 2 ........ (FYI, 1: ..... ; I. Yelft CUI, l~OU. M lle -I. MHIWlr (l'V), 41U t , 2. c-""'*" CETI, 4:D.4; J. MeM (ll'V), 4:fl.O. 2·Mll• -I. ErlcklM (I'll), , ..... ; I Ferl•n CET), 10:01.0, J Meklnt (ETI, 1'!01.0. QOLM -1. T"6iw CF'VI, U .4, I. Hk - CFVI, 41.J; >. Elclr ... (l!T), 4' • 110t4M -1. ~ CFlll, IS.I; t HklWI• CFlll, IU; J, T-19r (I'll). tt.2. 441 reJn -1. "-'" ve11ey, u .e. Mlle rewy -I, F'-4eln Valley. J:-.1. NJ -I. 1.Mry CIT), .. J; 2. ,,,,.,.._ (F'V), ... I ; J, SvrteMlo CETI, S~. T J -I. S.-IF'V), "'4. 2 Yeti Liew IETI. JM:> . ._~ IETJ, •s LJ -I. Gell (F'V), 1 .. 11111; 2. Shew '""'· ,._,, l MOr9et1CISTI, IH OT -t. Motll CETI, t•Jlll, J. ~­CF'VI, llJ.4V.;J.~..,, IETI, lt;).l\lo. SP -I. Set...-CETI, ..-s ,.,; 2. Motll IET), 4S·I 14; 3. Mert-IFVI, 40ol v,. Pll -t. Delcouro (Fiii. U•; t, Pier'°" IFlll. 12.0; J. notlllrd. 0-Hlllt .. ,E-le• 1-1. Pot-I IE>. IOt; 2 Ge<'melN 10>. 10 •; >. Slmmi COi, I0.6. HO-I. Pot_.I IE>. U .S. 2 Novek IOI, JU;>. Wltw"'9ff ID). 24 l '40-1 ,...," 101, 54.o, 1 crow 101, SIA; >.Simi IOI, MI. ll0-1. Sims CO>. J•Ol.J; 2 Styrte)ko (0 ), J•CM,3; l McMel\us IOI, 210S.t Mlle-I. Mcc.rtl>y (E), • 41 •. 2. SCmt 10). 4:47.t ; l. B.,.g CEl,4:!0.4. 2·mlle-t. M<CM!lly CE). IO:CM.O;' •aero tEI, 10:".3; J. F'-CO), IO:Jt,S. t20HM-I. o.r,...i,. IOI, "I; 2 8-ft CE>. tt.o. >. Miiier 101.21.t UOLM-1 Gef1Nine (0 ). 42.4, 1 eo... CEI, oM.•; 3. Artflk IOI, 51.• oA0 ••ley-1. 0-Miiis, .. S Mlle rotey-1, 0_ Hlllt,):41 ... HJ -I.""°""""' IOI, M , 2. Wetlal CE), k : 3 Arttolt CD>. H . U -1. WIN"'°9f COi, t .. JV,; 2. SIH!lwet1 IOI, IMO; J. -(0 ), 11 ... TJ-1. McDonald COi, 40.21'>; 2. - (0), ,._.v,; l . SVlllven IOI, l4-10111. Pll-1 llfftle<k COi, 11.0; 2. ~las CEI. ICM; 3 M<Oowall (01. ~. SP-I. -IOI, ... 1 ... , 1 Smttll (El. ... 2. J. Coot< co1,.-.1 DT-t -IOI. 1>1·2Vt. 2 Sc>oflet COi. 111-11, 3 Sm1t11tEt,1•5. 'V .... I'-Ml,"'-' M-M 100 -I. SelofW*> Cl/Pl, 10.l. 2. Jofln- CVPI, 10.4; 9. Gani (HM), 10 • no -1. S.-(llPI, 1l J, 2. R- (VP), IU; J, Jotlnston lllPI, 24.0. 440-1. Clery CVPI. SI.I: 2. Oubew CHH), SJ.S; » Kodls CllPI, SJ.I. MO -1 Grwn tVPl, 2:00.1; 2 Be<ll lllPI, J:07, I;). w1-. (HM), 2:0l.0. Mlle -1 C•llo••Y (NM), 4•Jt.t , 2 P•rUt (VP), 4:>0.1. J H•..,... CVPI, 4:411. J.mlle -I. Delley (\/Pl, 10 00 10:04.I , 2 Byrd CVPI, n.t.; 1 Lelfttl (VP), n I 110HH -I Tut-CVPI, IS J, 1 11-1 (VI'), lt.J;S:-Brams(HM). tTl llOLH I. Tuckff 11/P), )t t , 2 KOd" (VP), 41.4; 3. Brez•• CNHI, 4l.O 440 relay -1. 11111• Pert(, 0 I. Mlle rel•' -I VIiie Park, 3:3'2' NJ -I. Oelqlerty CVPI, .. 1, 1. H_..y lllPI, ...,; J Be<ry CHM), S-10 LJ 1 Blockburger tNM). ,.,.,., 1 B•MU (\IP). 2'>1; l Men., IVPI, 10-414. TJ -I Blockbu.--INH), .,_,. 2 Werd tHHI, O·IV.;). L-(VP), )'-10 Pll -I. C.Wroll CllPI, IU; 1 Olson IVPI, IHI; J lt~ln !VP). It.CJ SP -I Rijke (VPI, 4'-S, 1 G•ul (NH), 45-•; J, Crouch (VP).,.._, • OT -I. Gani (NMI, 1!0-1; 2. L .. (\IP), 12)-t; l. Luclln (\IP), 122·S'h. _.... 74, l'ecMlce U 100-t 0¥lefl (Pl. 10 S, 2 Rltll (Ml, 10 .. ; l. G•mber.e I Pl, 10.1 220--1 Alll\ (Ml, 24 0; 1 O•tlen C Pl, J4 O; J 806elel fM).lU. oMC>-1 ea.Im-IMI. ~ t , t G-CP), S1 0, l Gould CMI, SJ• .._, p-(M), J " •. 2 Herrl• (Ml, 2 IS.2; J G,_, C Pl, 1' 16 I Mii I. Kr\ewl CPI, 4.U .6, 1 Gle._, CMI, S: 14 J; J . OevlH (Ml, S 10.0. J.mlle-1 KIHtll CPI, 10 1' •, 1. P- CM), 10:S3 •: 1. GleMOn IMI. no time 120HH-1. Lui IM). u.•; 2 Mertln (P). "·': 3, Devit CNI>. 16.t . 440 ret•y-1 Marin•, no lime Mii• relay-I Marin•, J 4' 4 MJ-1. ~n CPI, Ml, 1 ltO(lftey IM), S-10; J. 0.•~ CMI, S-10 PV-t. Lui (Ml, 124, 1. Hutte IMI, It.CJ, J T•tum IP)."4 T J-1 lllelre CM), 42-1, 1 Helw (M), 41-11 , l .O•vls (M).40-I ..... SP -I -!Pl. 4S-1, 1 Al)Oteton CPI, 4).2, J WIWbeMer CPl,41-10 OT -I. Wl-nnet IPI, 142·S, 1. Joll"'°" (P), 123-2Vt; l Al)Oteton CPI, 114·1011> M..,..,..__11n,-..or•-H 100 -I Brim CHBI, 10 J, 1 W•SlllnQton IBGI. 10 4, 3. Amold IBGI. CO I 110 -1 Brim IHBI UO, 1 W•\lllnQton CBGl.14 4; l. Mendell• CHBI, no time 440 -I "*'-IHB), S3 0, 2 BecM ...... IHBI, SJ 1; J Bl.sh>p IHB), SS 0 MO -t Tlmm.tmen IBGI, 2 01 •; 1. Jotlnton CHB>. 2.ot.7, J Mertlner (HBI, 1· 11.1 Mii• -I Qulnoner (HB), 4•Jt.S; 1. Hern•notr CHBI, 4:47.1; J •""911 IHBI, 4;41.•. 2·mlle -I. Qulnoner (HBI. t · St.O; 2 HOlede' IMB), 10 11.2; ) Cuew• (MB). no time. 110+4M -I v_, Oonott•r CHBI. tU; 1 Gercl• IMBI. 14.0; l W'1lal IBGI. II 0 UOLM I \/WI ~l•r IMB), 40,1; 1. TMmPtOft CHBI, 41.5; 1. Gercle IHBI, 4l.S 440 relay -I Boise Gt .... 44 2 Mlle rol•y -I HUflllncil'on kecll, 3.41.J. HJ -I -IBGI, J.10; 2 Browft (8GI, M ; 3 Mlttennelet (HBI, W. LJ -I. Mltt ... meler IMB). t0-10; 2. Brim (HBI, 20.2; J. R-CBG), IM. Pll -I ,..,..,.. (BG I. 114, 2. McCAnn IMBI. 11.0; l . Bry111 (M9). '-0 SP -I _,. IHB), ~. 2 Ogle CBGJ, •IO I'>, J SmfTll IHBl,4U let. OT -I l(fftdrk ' CM a l, UM; 2 Srn"" CH81, 1»4; >.Harri_, (H8), l»-1. ~ 'Vlaw 11, T-..i. .. , i..e--Mllll Jt 1-1 . .,_, COi. •.•: 2 Sutll•en !Tl, 10.J; J. ~ 101. 10 •· , U0-1 . .._ tOI, n .D; 2. Geri.tr ll.I. JI.I ;>. NMN-CTI, 24.S. ....... 1. Guest (0), Sl.4; 2. ltN<I\ (LI. Sl.S; >. Pfl.mm CTI. SU . ll0-1. S.11" (Tl, 2·01.t , 2. W•llll COi, 2:ot.I; J. Meyes(U. J:ll.2. Mlle-I Mc~ld 11'1, 4·0 5, J Ml11'9WI IT), 4:U.•; J. ArcllMNld COi, 4 46.S. 2-ml-1 p-CTI. •·s1.•. 1 Arcllieeld (0 ), 10: 11.2; J. Mlllioen IT), 10 ,._, 120HH-I. -.,.urn CO). "·'· 1 l..,..., CL>. O.t; J. Robin_, IL), IU. »DLM-1. Mltc ... lt COi, 40.S; 1 T_...t ILi, .U.1; >. Merl•no ILi. 41,J, U0 reley-t. OcHft View, 0 .4. Ml19 relay-I. Dee ... View, J:Jt.t . MJ-1. Cr-k !Tl. .. 2; 2 8Uf'M COi, ..O; J. M"cllell (0), J.10. W -1. Germen JOI. IO-O: 2. Po111•- CLI., 1._,VJ; J.SVlll•.., CTI, 1•10111 T J -1. T1'1111U9 CU, ~; 2. 9ums 101, 41-4; t. Ml¥M IT.I, ~1. PY-I. 1111 ....... CTI, 11~; 1. C-e (T), 11•; J. 0..,.,,. cu .... 5"-'· Oelllofl !Tl, .,..,.,; 2. Lambe COi, 444; >.~CTI, tt.Ollt. DT-1 ....... IOI. 'IJI""", 2. oe.o.. CTI. 1 .. 1 a, Se¥• COi, taM, w.....-..9', ._....A_....N t• -1. ~ CWI. lt.S, 2. ,,__.. CllllAl. IU : l. ._, CllllA), It.I;. t• -t. ,....,... IWI, tu; ~ IWl, 119~~A1, Mn.M. ut -I, klie-n CW), SJ,tt; I. '--1wi, u.e; >. a.-w <••>. su, --I • .._ lllAI, 1: .... : 2, ow• lllAI, J ;l7.l; I,"'"""""" (WI, J: ll.S. Miit -I ....... CllAI 4t•.t · 1. 0.-taA), .,.,..._,.a.,.., •• (w1. •!11.e. , ....... -• 1111..-.1 '""'· ,., ..... ). ,,........ CWl, lt:D.O; J '-• IW), M , ...... t .. M -I. T.-. CIVol, tU : 2. ~ IWl. IU:>. W .... CW'l,Mt ..... ~M -I,~ (WI, 41.J; t. L-(W). 4U; >. T9ft CllAJ, 41.t, .. ,....._,,,qp 0 ....... ,,.1111_.. A ............. . ...,,...,_, ............ 141.4. u -1. ldllol-""• (fn, 1M11. c""" l'J:j ... /I._,... CW), 1M. -u~ .. H I .~..twl...- -,,,-;;·t~Oilite CW...4t41 t.,...,.. CWI, .,,.., "..._CWl,a.t. '1Y-1, ...... ""i. ,.., t.: ......... P -1. 0.-'t"Al, "'"; t. ~ lllAI. '°";I. ....... CW'), »1'. Of -t. lllAJ m-a: .. ~ "'-""-..._. ................ . ,.. -,, a.. , .. ,. "''' t ...... (II'), U.t; L~ (")(ill.I. .. I • .._ .. I, n.•. t. (._......,, l"I. U 1;L ~ CN),n.t. ._ -1, ....... (l'l, ll.4J l. .,,,_.. (JO, II t: I.~ IMO>, 11 I. .. •I, JI. o.tl19• CM.DI, l!eM• J, M<MM119A (MD), l :Jlf.J, ). llttvlfe IMol. 21ou. Mii• -t, Pl1111e IMO). 4111.1; J. MCM•••n (MO), •1rr.s. J .... y CMOI, 4!1J.S, lttMM I. (llaull.r II'>, IS.J; t . Wltll•mt l"I. U 1/ >. Wllt!Mtt (N), It.I. t.ak.M -I • .._ l"I. IU; J, ._.... oo ..... : .. Wiii'-' '"'· ... , 441......, -I, ,,,.,_, 4J,7; I ......... u.J: a. MMw Dtl, ti.• NJ -I O.Vlt (It), M ; t UM) ~ IMOI. T41\110r C .. I ... 10. U I. Tuc:ut C"I. »11; 2. Dev .. (I'), a.ai a. llo\!111CN),1 ... 11. , f J -I, Devit l"I, 41. 0-4; I, CllllMt 1 .. 1, 4"101 J. Miiia IHI, •t. ""' t, Je, 0 .. llYM IMO), CM: 1. •la! tMOI, llMI; J. 1111 Oelllffft CMOI, IH, 5" I t...ci.1 (NI, to.M, J, 0.-• CHI. ~10, >. ...... '"'°'· 414. Women " .. "JC"°°" .. -...v ..... ,., ., y_ .. 100-1 Henderoen (I' I, 11.t ; JM-I Mender-(,.), a.1; ...._t, Mcl'er....., ~l.~iOl~,""~~ .• ~..,,~.1·~ .. "'~~~;. Cfelltrff tFI, 11:S1.o; llOl.H-1. Hett~ I,.), IU; at.M-t. Melflekl (I'), 41.S; ... relay I Fount•r1 Valley, SJ,O; Mlle ••IO I II TtWo, 4:ll O; HJ-t. Mlllf- ( F'), S-2; W -1 HMllekl (Fl. ts .. -... s-1. AMerm.,. (F l, tt-4; OT-I Turner Cll, 107• _.. ..... eclftUU 100-1 8""" IP), It 4; ~ I, W. W- (M), lO.J • ..0-1. IMllOft IMI, 1·01.1; ll0-1 Henry !Ml. 1:31.1. Mii-• -y CMI, S:U I, 2·mlle-I . Dr•per (Ml. 11:21.1; llOLH-1, Hlebll119 CMI, 11.t; UOlH-1. Rotlerll CPI, ~.•; ... rel•Y-1. Pacific., M.J; Mii• r•••v-1. Pe<Hk•, •. ,,,,, MJ-1. Er19els CP), 4-10; W-1 SUllOll (Ml, IS-~; T J I Gullehon CMI. ,.., . SP-I M•K•r-CPI, ~; OT-I. Gr•tf IMI, '1·1 0...H ...... ,._leM IOOo-1 8owH COi, 11~; t»-1 9- COI, ti I, 44!-I M890n COi, 1.0l.5, ...... 1. Quinn COi. J:Jt.7; Mlle I Oulnn Cdl, 5·ot 7. 1·mlle -I. Quinn CO i. 11:>o.S; llOLH-1 H .... IOI, tt.S; UOLH-1. H•n C DI, St.•; uo relay -I, Dene Miiia. 54.J; Mlle raley-1, Estancia, J :>U; MJ-1. For!Ml1" CEI, 4°10; W -1. For-II (El, 1 .... T J I Wineinger CO), t7-t v., SP-I Glnorkll tE>, ~I'>. OT-I -...n COi. ., M•9r Del .... .._ ... q, ,,_,. 100 -Mell CPI, 12.l ; 100 -Gre"9tr IHI, no time evell-; 400 -Yeu11t (NI, M_.; 100 Yount CHI, 2:21.S; ~lie --contested; J-mlte-Fell IMDI, 11:4'; not.H -lttdd IP>, !CU; llOLM -"-IPI, ... t ; •40 roley -~. Sl.S; Mlle relay -,.,. contHled; w -G••notr (NI, 14-11; HJ - Youno CHI .... ; T J -lie bet-w- CMDI •nd O""-IMO), 2 .. 1; SP -Gunllel IMO). 31~. H....,....._ .... ,-..~U 100 I McGovern (Ml. 12 o; no-1 McGo•etn IHI, tt.O: oM0-1. ~er CHI. I OSO. --··Snider (Bl. 2·Mt; Mll-1 Spargur IBI. S:50.t ; 1-mll t. 5-ow 191, 12:2' 0; llOLH-1. 8ess (Ill, 11.6; UOLM-1. a.u IHI, SS.S; oMO rolev-1. Mllfttl,,.- Beec II, S3.S; Mlle relay-I. Muntlnolon BHcll, 4:Jt 4; MJ-1 Klnkecte 18 1. w ; LJ-t. &.t• IHI, 144; SP-I. Utu CHI, »-10; DT-1 Utu (HI, 111·10\ll, W ......... ~.1111--AlefftftHSt 100 -I S•ndan CRAI, 12 '· ,.._, S.-r. IRA). H.1; 440 -'1 Cottle (WI, I 0. • . ., I Ol•on (W ), 2·Jc..•, Mlle -I S-•rd CAAi, • n 7; 1...,.lte I v...-o (WI, 14 000, lJOl.H I Aodrlgue1 tRAI, SJ.O. llOLH -I l!Odr'9uel IRA), IU , oMO .. r., 1 -loOt. u o; Mii• r•••Y -1 W-l>rklQe, 4'3'.•. HJ 1 Bolton IRAI, S-0, LJ I, Bolton IRAI, IS-10; SP -I B~lton CRAI, U-1; OT 8olt0ft CltAI, 101·1 D•vlaCup l!UllllOl'IANZONI T-y'sllll-t Cetllll-1 Bu~ter Mollrem CBrll•ln) del AdrlAno Panell• Utal') S-1, 1·S,•·l,M I Brllelnle•h llely 1.01 181J-.l-le) Jeon Young D• CSou1" Koreal def Tlntv• Ari•nlo 11noone..1e1, 6-4, 6-2, .. 1. Kim cr..oon Ho CSoutll Kore•I led Yu•led)o Ter1' llndOnellel, M , 1·2 ,......., dar'llnen helled play ISoutlll(orHl•••hl-..tl•, 1.01 Community college Or-CMtt '• NM. SAC I " .. '" F,.,.,.,,, COi Otl Feno, .. 1 •... ,, Kllne 101 del D•vh •·l. •·•. Aelltorlk 101 del HOll•nd •> .... eon ... 101. .,., Hen•.••. •·l. B••un COi del Slnohul, •·4 •·I Scllu•lu COi del Pom..-..,,, t·l 3-6 ._, '*'-' Fedder ly AthC orC ' COi Oel D••I• Holland, •I, .... 8r .... n.Bonl• COi d•I Slnonul·P om•ro, I s •·•. Klln•·S<h•lllt• IOI oet. F•no·l<•vo, ••. 6.J. S..-ck ..... ,.,.,.., ' Sl"91n S•nknof> IP•I I d<'f Ser•-· •·l. I ..... Strol)t CS•dd I d<'f Andenon, • I •1. Olm•IHd IS.Cid I Clel CrelQ. 6 I, 6 I Le\llt ISeddl dl1 Lit""''· .. ,. :i.e. 6-l. 8lec1<•tone CS•dd I del P•rsoMW • 0 •·O Miiier (SeOd ) de4 ........ ....,, ..... •·l Dell9iel Olm•le•d·Slepllt n • IS•dd I dtl Se nd~nop ·Andtr•on , • J , 6 ·l , S trobl ·Bl•<k•IOnt CS •dd I del Llever\•PllrM>ne\t, 6.0. •·'· Mllltr•LOllt CS.dd I Ott Kullm-·Hondo. •·l ..... High school Meritoel6,Cy ....... IJ Slfltlel Cr••ton IMI -lo "'°"''· .... '°" to M•U. S-1 Otl ~•wy, .. >. del T ... 1. 1·S, Ceo CM)'°'' o... '"·won M. •.O. ••II• IMI '°'' •.•. U , ... ,, W ; cu ...... 11. (Ml kKI l ... .. , 2 •• ,.. Deulll .. Hlrko-Felllll•d !Ml def. Talrt -Wono. ..,, 1-S; d•I. HUl·G•usePOlll, •·3. 6·4, CllOW·Sc•rlaltlll CMI won Ml,•·>; •·•. ''° EtlM<le It, Me-Oel' Sine ... Spicer tEI lo.I lo R-r. >•. 1011 10 S<•nlon ~• Otf Re1o•ll•, .. ,, eMt Lech, ..o. Fl•oo IE) -6-2, lost 14. -... 1 • .-0, Gllcrnl 1£1, '°'' O•. H . won .. ,, 6-1; SenooV•I CEI lolrl 14,U ,l•. 4 .. ~ Sludeb•ktr·Btrotr IEI de t Wllllems-H•ll, ''°· 74; def S<llmldt·Bell, t.-l. 6 I, tMddml·Brown CEI won 6.0, 1·6, t.-1. ""' Women COMMUNITY COLLIOI: Or .... C.... •.NM. -A_. J SI ...... Reed COCCI dtl SIOl'y, 6·1, ... I. GooltlKh IOCC) dtf Andff_. ...... 7 ... K"°re" !DCCI del Wiiken, .. ,, ... ,, Jonff IMI SA:) def Ei.ln, .. , •I. Aodri9wr IMI SACI def D•rwln, • I, 6·•. Hyndmtn COCCI CM! 1 orceio, .,._,, •.O. ~ .. Rttd·Goo!llKn COCCI def. Slo<Y·Jones. 6-4. •·•. Kllore,·Elvln COCCI del. Andt rton·W llken, 7 ·•. •·t , Rodrto11er·Torcuo (Ml. SACI def 01rwln°Hyndmeft, 6-4, 1-5. Ora l"OUHM •ACl.ON mile.,..._ lfjlllllr Allftl (.i,1Mrt111l UA •• Ml ,,_...,,,.......lo.Mel ...... o,.i ,,_ IT_..,I UI AIM tec.M· .. ,_ ........... . C!M¥ 8-, ·~•Oln, ............. . ,,_., •• ,It. "'"" aaca.ON Miit ~ OulMet A I ...... ,....) ••• tot .... "k hDW.C.Nt(NcNfl) 1ot t • At1119y .....,.,......,, t.• AIM r ... : Kiwi ... ,.,. 80llftt ,., 0...,,, '" 9ye A-y, T• U ne A, 1111 ... 111' flllCll. Qw .. Mltl, TlfM1 t:fl. U UlACTA Cl.JI ,.W utM. • tt•TM •.at. Oflt "'Ii. t .... H .... Tr_..,. l-W-1 4.AO a.• tt0 ,.._ ...... (.._..) , .... hay ...,....jay Cllllll<Mel Ut • AIH '•CNI: Nell•• llerllne. Ac-,.,...,.., ll'tl....,. hl, Hlu.wey. ftme:t:•JtJ. HY9""' ·~~=I• INK• lllll4fte ....... (Vel I u ... I.At uo Klnt't N"'91'f (A'*'>l 2.10 t,40 And'f't .._.(~I t ,ot Al .. rec: .. : To Llw, "'•"'Y l"r ..... , ltell't '-""'""'· LYM'• ••oreu, J-'• CfuJO, --..... ·-·· Tlftle 2:fl>JS. U IJllAC'TA 11-JI peld ~ 20 U "ICIC Mk (2>1·2·1·MI peld $1t,JJl.CIO wlttl OM Winning lk -•t Ctlx -... 1. " Pkx SI• ton....-peid ttlllt '° •"" 4' wtnntne II< Utt I five ltonel > . ll•NTM •AC•. 0... mli. troe. Br•ncl• S..... IAullllll 6.00 UO 1..0 Armbro Senelioo' ( .. YltH I J to t,A0 Fln•I GMI CGf\Hldyl JAO Also ••<tel; F•ll'•"· Hell•• llllu le, Elepemwtl, Sellot a..pero, Omerll., 9.,,..., Cow Illy Tim• 1:0ll 1/S. U lllllt.C'TA (4-tl !Miid $1UO. llfllfM lltACl.Onemll•pece, Tiit TlllllY BNddar CK...t>lerl J,40 2. 10 2 IO Llllle Bret Ruttar CAUCliftl 4.00 1.10 Liem• 10.-.l 2.10 AllO raced' eo.b. Amner. f!Oquent lley S, o ... _. $on, Mr B..-e Time: t:OU/5 U •JtACTA CN I "Id l ' 40. TllNTM llACI. One mite 1M1<.e R•,...'l Gold IGNnd'fl 4 IO U O J.JO Andy't Ml""'9r . LonfO) 7 ,40 1 OCI Celgery IK....,...I 4.0f Also re<H: o. ... •s S-. T .,oort 50flO A Tyol•r, LoY•I i..cl, Tim• FtW Tr.eel. Tlma: 1:'14/S. U lltACTA (kl paid "3.20 Allenci.nce S,OCM. Sent• Anlte THUllllSOA'l''S llllESULn 111st., ...__,............,..-'Intl FlllllU llllACI:. ''""tono•. TuhH (HeWleJ) 11 \l) •• 40 6 JO Rl•lng Echo 1-...1 • 20 • 60 lmM•flenl IHut CC.Staned•I • IO Also rt U<I. Ell«ti.u1y, PArklntMde•ll, 0 O. M•-'· Merkel Cllemp, S.ll H llffu, RHllY So..-Y. TAllvnen, Or Geoclld. Tlmt I 09 l/S SECOND llllACE 6 ''> turtono• Aoll•tetres• CSltlMrl • 60 4 00 160 P .. 1 Momorlet CG.otrr•I I 00 S 40 Lord'• Lestlt IOo•-uu•vel J JO Aho reod Sp0rtlnQ Spirit, LIC MIH ~ •• W•r Al•tted, Burnt Amber, s- Llttle Tnlno, Irma Olga, Jur Doll. B<oo> 0.nHI, Hewtl'Orne Honey U OAILV DOOILE CI0-.11><110 MO IO TMIAD llllACE. I 1/lt mllo. C•Pl•lnOr..,,I COIHI 24 00 1.40 UO E•o•• Tc•ul 111.i ....... 1~ " ,oo Prior AllP'O••I CH•nsenl ) 20 Al\.O r•c•d ,_.,.ntel Pl•<•. W•nt•I .. er101>twell Tome I 41 115 ,OU ATM llllACE. 6 lurlOftl' Hallt1u1t11 Brocher CGue<r•I • 40 • 00 2 60 Gunt.,. lunch ISlblllel • 80 4 IO Prince Rob Lee C Toro) 3.00 l'olso ra<ed Air 8arcm, Or .. ntal Polley, Wllllno lluler, Slwr'IM Foru, lnmprtt>l.,. Fore• C•PYClllno, Eu lted Prine~. Ro .. I Prom Tlmt I 09<1) FIFTH llllACI . t '• mlltt Ao•l'9POVi<h C~mner l 400 340 )00 Gartbi CCluffr•> I 60 ''° L•lfO"-COll••resl 6 IO Alto ••ced Otoen e1u1no•lono, lllendr•, Little Shell, Allied ln•e.,..., R .. 11, 'Noble. Old Al .. r llo"4l t lmt· 1 01 II~ U EXA.CTA (Ml paid '11100 SIX TH llllACE • llH'longJ Mr Mtntor IW.wi.yl • 10 3 60 1 40 Strum Side tC..l......,•I • 20 1 60 F rHCSom'• Hert C Ool-uu•v• I 1 JO Also ••cod A••'""' ~ono ~"' Swlll Hlltt< 4tier-Co .. Time I IOltS SE VI NTH llllACE, 6•1 lurlonot Miu G .. l•rv (Ol•rl 1)6 IO 3'.:IO 1• 60 W•nCtr Sotrll CV•let\J\H!la l S 00 S JO ll•mp ol S.Wenne CGuer<a) \JO Alw raced B••O Oii! ""' Wine. Enoll'11 Girl ~I Commen' O.•r, a... Gone> AAenenctle, MIU Wiid C•I Tim• I 11 U E XACTA to)) Niel 51.001 00 U P'ICI( Sill 14-4-4·1·7_.I 1><1ld U ."° JO with JS wlMlng tic II.el\ Chn nor .. sl U Pie~ Sia ron•ol•llon r>•td '2110 with l,Stt winning tlOets ftovr notsesl \1 Pl<• SI• •Cr&ICll con\olaCIOtl PA IO "' •O Wllll ., wlnntno lick.eh tthrtt horsK . one scr••cr.• J!,~~~~~ ~~.~ j ~~~";';\\on"'" 1)60 .er::: Don't J~ co.1-... ~,..1 l '2 M F ir\I ACl•.tnet I H•wtty I 1 60 Al•o ••Ced Chup S.els. Jenn1ter B Delnt-r•, &eow•we M.416den 11me I C• llS NINTH RACE. Orw mlle Sitt'• Splen<lld (Pinc.vi 4 10 110 140 P'tlle H• N• ISlblll•) 4 60 J 10 Horlron's Ottem COl•zl I 40 Al•o r.ctd Buntin Pllll Touclly Bounclno N•llvt, Forty tt•••t" Hlgll Callber, 0.-8e Oukk, OotlM\I• Time t"'l1 U l:XACTA (!>-4) paid U1 SO All.,ICleftCt • 10,11'. NHL CAMl'lllLLCOll,.allllRllC« ,....,..oa • ..-.. L T O" •A EdmontOfl ., " 12 1'2 JU Ven<-24 • 14 121 m c ..... , u ,. tS 2'1 .. " ..... " J2 ,. I~ ,.. Color-IS 40 11 .. m N..n.O....- Mlnnetot• lt " " .. , .. Winni-14 11 IJ 250 -SI. Louis ,, JJ 6 UI -Clllc990 1J JJ 10 21• Jill T•onto 17 lS " ,,. Jll De troll ,, . 11 2J2 ,_ WAL.ml CC.F•11t•MCR "*kllotv ... HY lslendert ., 14 1 ,,. -NY Re""" II 23 " 1U ,. Pllllectel...ie J2 • 1 ,., ,.., l'ltb""'1tll 14 » 10 MO ,,.. Welftl ...... 21 1S ' "' ,., .-...~ -tr••• • " 11 '" "' ....... " 21 ' 1J6 m •llff•lo Q ,. u 2• ,.. °""9< JD u " "' 219 Menletd " II u 111 * ~'•k-llY ......... fllftlleeatpflle• NYl-.tt.T-1 ,.....,,._ Cele4ln .. -~ OetteRet-... ..... .. ., .. to ., n .. .. M '° • " 11 Tl • " .. ,.. ,.. 14 .. .. leyHMICleHIC ,.,~ ...... , 1catt Ho<lo MIU.S.11 Cre)t tttdltr ... ,..._ S< et1 WMti Int J ay Me., Git Mer..., Fuur i .. ,.., Mlle lrwln o .... l!kllelbe1"9H ltey "IOYd lloMy ~ ... JoNI "°""" Jerry Mtero Mef-M<Hutt, Biii Brl"°" Oenl•Wahon ,., •nk Ctnner Tom Kiie EO'-CllerlttC-y TOM JenklM o ... ny Te lbOI M•rk O'Meere Mer~ M<Cumt.wr Miiier 8erbet L•nny w_,..1ns L.trrv Ntltm1 J•Ck HICllleui Joe lftm•n BllCIAllln P•I•• Oo>t ... llUI• MIU NlcOletw Pllll M•ncoo 1Ce1t11 Feroon BobbyMllcnetl Jerry Pete BenCrtMl\lw WOOdy Bleck.burn G•ry Player Tim SlmPM)'I H•I Sutton Bl11 l(r•tzerl LYft LOii ISAO Aoki G•ry H•ll-o Mlk• 8••nnan 0 .A Welbrlng Gllll>y Giibert LOllGr•rwm Jim SClllOl>t Bruct Lletlkt M •nuel Pinero Mike Smith Tom '"•In Mlke Moll- -,im 800f ot HOw•rOCl- Sltve 8- Ml ke M<Cul louQll P•ul ArlnQet P•ILl""-Y CHerSenudo $em Torrenct b kk Mut Fr~COUOI .. Hick F•IOO Jim Neiford Howerd Twitty B•rrr Jee<Ut Curll•Slr- Andy B,.an Se•• 8•11efltr9l Morrll HAl .. _.Y 8 111 1l-• Jollnny Mllltr Oouo CamQt.wll LH Eldtr Kermit Z.rct, Tcr..TWetsltapl Mike S..lllVlll L•rrY flrt Sun City CIHSIC •·Leurl Mert..,."91 ... son Cu ole Jo c.111-. JtMCCo•es Terri MOOOy Ayako Ok•moto P•t Br"4llty Penny Pulr Jull• Stenger PvM •·M•rt M<DouQell P•ltl Aluo Dl•nne 0.11~ Cindy Lincoln Donne~ T •buko OMeko Aooey 8¥11etl B•rber• Mo•M•\ Batn Daniel B•rb•r• S.row Carol• Clwlrbtlnnler 54ndre P•lrner M,re 11111.._ J t ann H•rtley C•lllYMorH LtAnn CAJstav Etoy PNr_. J•nel Ale• LOl'I Hu•nold s.11, Ltlne K•rolyn Ktruman ttyle0'8r14!n Pally Mt~• Jo Ann Prenllu Mar9a SIUOl>llfleld ... HHCl\er Ftrr K•Cll' Voung M•rlhnn Srnllh A,.uko Hlke9f Kell, Fulk• Jlldy Rankin l,nn A-..n Mindy-• P~g' Conley M•r I !\A H""""' • am•t.or ~n u ,,,.,._., u.n-.._ . ....,.. ,,..,,_., u.n _., » M .... 1 n -1-1 J.S » .. ,..,._.. ........ JW> .... ............ ~ .... )) ,,.._.. J.4·M .. I~ ,,.,. .... JS-M-.. )~)4 ~ 11·» ...... s..u .. ,..,, .. .... u .. lJ.).4 .. •» .... ·-JS.,._.. ,,.,, .. SO-J~ .. 33-31 10 11·»-10 JJ.l 10 .,,. 10 JJ.l) 10 >4·»-70 Jt.>4 ro >S·»-10 JS-U 10 lS-U 70 JS.U 10 >4·lt-70 ]7.)4 " lS-U 10 ,..,. 70 Jt.)4 10 JS ,. " :M·l1 " 14 )7 " )7.)4 " J6·lS " :M J1 II Jl.lt " J6 3 " u,. " )4 )I II l4 J1 ,, l4 J1 " JS-,.-11 lt-13 II U ·J6 II )6.J.S " JS·Jl-11 .. ,._,, J!,-31 11 • ,..,. n Jl·U n ,..,._,, .. ,. n .. ,. n nn n .. ,. n .. ,. n Js-»1 n n-> n ll·U -n 16--n J6.J6 n n-J:J-n . .,._. n ,..,. n Jt.1"-11 JJ.>4 I ~ 3'2·1' ..... ,,.,..._.. ,..,~ ... , :M.Js-6' )J.)4- )4.Js-6' lJ.3~70 lS-1~10 JS-U-10 JS-» 10 35-U. 10 JS-U· 70 ,..,. 10 ]6.)4-10 ,._ 10 J,o.J6-10 lS-i.-" )(>.)} " JS-J6 11 :i..J 11 )1 ,. " )7.)1 " >S ,. " J6.JS-71 3} )6 " Jt.:rJ " JS--11 3S-J6 " 3S·J6 11 n .Js. n ,. .... 11 3S-37 n >S-J1 n JS·l7 72 ,..,. n J1.1 n 1'-3'-72 ,..,. n >5'-J1-n )S-37-r. ,. .. " High achool Unh1ort1" M , I rvlne U4 lat It_ ... S.... J-ln GCI I Lu<•• CUI l'. 1 H..,Qlllon CUI." l Wttd• IUI .. • Boroe CUI ., 5 Sl•I•• IU) 0 UM*.OMte MewU. l•t 1n11 .. CNtl CCI ' Wrlon1 (CdMI, •:, COiiin• CCdM), 40. J Norby ICdMI, 43; 4. 111•1 8ettl1tonl ICM), Allen (CNI). O Women HIOM SCHOOL ~· 1', Oc.-Vlew .. 400 modi.., •tlav I Ocun View 1'15 o 200 tree I Rke IL), 11 4, 400 1.-I l(ellll Ill, 2 22 r; lO tree -I Sumner (011), ,. 1, 100 11, 1 Moore CLI, I 12 O; 100 frM -I Nett IL), ff S. 'Oii lrH -1 SCllh~ ILi, •· 11.J, 100 beck I Rk• Ill. I 1' o, 100 btH ll -1. Wh•men (L), l•ff, 1; 400 I"" reley I LN'4. 4• I& 1. Men'• volleybell Ht•HKNOOL Unlvenlty #, Mluloll 'Vl9)o, tS-J, l~t. tt-1. Mtl,f Del etf. s...te F'•, IJ.4, I~, IS-IJ. ' lrvl ... #. C ... ltr-Velley, It.II, IM. , .. ,.. a .. : From Page C1 UCI •.• "Jl'a euy to look back, but oo~. they're done, t.bey'ro done. "It Jt11t aeom1 U.ke everythlna (we've done thla year) la down the drain now." UCJ -at leaat for the moment closes IU best season In the. school's history with a 22·8 record. In somewhat of an lronJc twist, the Anteaters mus t now root for Fretno State to beat the Titans In Qrder to keep their slim NCAA pluyoffbld alive. "I don't really think the NCAA would tllke us now, do you?" as ked Mulligan. "I'd U.ke to think they would but I don•£ know.·· It's been rumored for som. time that the NCAA would take two teams from the PCAA for Its 48-team field. With tonight's winner getting an automatic berth, if Fullerton 0 8·13) should pull off another upset tonight. it would see m a ci n c h nationally·ra.nked Fresno would get the second nod. If the Bulldogs were to win, however , UCI would stay a live on the basis or its record and the presence of the All-America Magee "I'm hoping Fresno wins ," adm itted Magee. "I certainly don't want Fullerton to win. If Fresno wins then I 'll j ust sit in front of my TV Sunday (the day the selections are a nnounced) and wail." "Fresno's got to win," added Wulf. "then I guess it's up lo whoever picks it. "All I know is that there's fewer than 20 teams in the country with a better record than us.'· ''Yeah, we still deserve to go (to the NCAA's )." said Whieldon, "but it's going to be tougher to get in there now. Someone has to like us .. Which might be a tall order conside ring the re wasn't much the Anteaters liked of themselves Thursday night. Besides Whieldon . McDonald ( 18 points> a nd Magee (14 points and 11 rebounds) were the only other UCI players in double fig'-!res. ' • Wood had 16 points to lead the Titans, walh Tony Neal a nd Mi xon a<f<ting14each a nd Davis 11 . It was the kind of night and game UCI will a lways rem ember , but would JUSt as soon forget. "I have no comment. not one damn word." said an angry McDonald as he stalked from the dressing room. "Tbat's the way I reel .. M c Donald pretty muc h summed up the feeling of all his teammates. From Page C1 CdM. • • us Lough," added Errion. "They took our rhythm away. "I' II tell you this. Whoever plays St. Bernard in the finals, if they play without our attitude. they are going to be in trouble." The St. Bernard coach said his team collected itself at halftime, realizing Corona del Mar's now, which allowed the Vikings lo finally pull away in the fourth quarter. So St. Bernard, considered one of the top prep basketball teams in the nation, No. 1 in Southern Cali fornia by many, advance. The Sea Kings bow out. "We just took them one at a time," said Er rion, aUuding lo his team 's sterling sea son. a campaign which began with an 0-2 start and with just Hess and Lynch returning· from the 1981 CIF title team. ·•we knew we had Hess, and you always have a chance." said Err ion. And. there was always that man-to-man defense. a CdM tactic which forced one of the premier teams around to shoot ·at a 33 percent rate. Karate set for Estancia 'Sunday The first Orange County NfA R e gio n a l T ae Kwon Do tournament will be held at Estancia High Sunday beginning at 10 a.m . with competitors from Southern California and Arizona competing . Tae .KwDn D.o_ is a. .Korean __ rorm of self defense · (similar to karate> involving the sltllled a ppli cation of bloclting, punching and kicking, leading to the rapid destruction of an opponent. To the student or Tae Kwo11 Do. these s~lf defense skilb imply a way of life and thlnkln' '· that inaUlls a concept of atrici self·imposed discipline and i very hilh standard or COW"tea> and intelJity. Toumamenls such aa the OrM at Es tancia Hltb allow ·for teaUn1 renexlve ablliUet and -ek ~He -:.-!~~ f!\~K ~~:r ::_..,. ttt.bnJques. The Public lt Invited to watch lbe compeUlloo ODl1 r I' l1 red ATA memben are .U1wld to compete. 1 Orange .Cont DAILY PILOT/~rldey, Marqh 5, 198~ Sports On TV this weekend Saturday's T';J. r~dio TELEVISION : 10 a.m. (9) -NHL llOCICEY Kines al 801lon. 11 a.m. (5) -WCI' TENNIS. 2 p.m. (4) -GOLF -Third round play i.n the Bay HUI Classic. 2 :30 p .m . (2> -NCAA BASK ETBALL PRE VIEW -A review or the 1981-82 college basketball season and a preview of the NCAA basketball championship Ulal begi.ns Thursday. 3 p.m . (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Oregon Slate at Ariiona State In a Pac-10 game. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Canadian Steve Podborskl and Austrian Harli Weirather conclude their season-long battle for the World Cup downhill title. Also: Minnesota Fats, Willie Mosconi and Steve Mizerak compete in the Great Pool Shootout, taped in Las Vegas. (7) - PRO BOWLING -The finals or the Greater Miami Open, taped in Miami. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WOllLD OF SPORTS - Taped coyerage of the Flamingo Stakes at Hialeah, Fia. Also: 'Phe World men's gymnastics championships. 8 p.m . (5) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Washington State at UCLA. Basketball -Wa~hington at USC , 8 p.m .. KDAY (1580); Washington State at UCLA, 8 p.m .. KMPC (710). Hockey -Kings a t Boston, 10 a.m., KPRZ ( 1150). Sunday's TV, radio TELEVISION 10 a.m'. (2) -NBA BASKETBALL -La kers as,. Phila delphia . (4 ) -ACC BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSW P. 10:25 a.m. CU } -DODGER BASEBALL - Montreal vs. Dodgers at Vero Beach. Noon (4 ) -GOLF -Final round play in the Bay Hill Class\c from Orlando, Fla. 12:15 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Nevad a -Las Vegfis vs. South Car olina in Columbia, S.C. 1:30 p.m. (7) -SUPERSTARS -The Dodgers vs. Oakland in the b aseball preliminary of the Superteams competition taped in Honolulu. 2 p.m. C4) -SPORTSWORLD -World Cup downhill skiing, the Arlberg-Kandahar, taped at Garm ish-Partenkirchen , West Germany. Also: The women's world p rofessional gymnastics classic. 2 : 15 p. m . (2) -NCAA BASK E1BALL PREVI EW -Live coverage of the selections and p ai r i ngs o f the 1982 NCAA basketball championship. 2:30 p.m. (71 --U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD - The U.S. wrestling team, r anked third in the world, takes on Bulgaria, ranked second, in a series of matches. taped at Atlantic City, N.J . • o.11y...._.,._,yc .. r1ess .. ,, CIF ACTION T ough defense was evident in Thursda~· night ·s C l F 3·A semifinal game between Corona del M ar and St Bernard a t the Long Beach Arena. Clockwise from left. KaTt Peterson 12:11 passes off. _Chris Lynch goes s prawling over a defender and Mike lks!-> t ries to shoot through a sea of outstretched hands. St Bernard won. 34-28. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS World middleweight c hampion Marvin Hagler (53·2·2) defends his title for the fourth time against William Lee (21·2), in a scheduled 15-round bout. RADIO Orange Coast crew coach will Stay on land Basketball -Lakers at Philadelphia, 9: 50 a.m., KLAC (570). After 19 years, Dave Gr ant will c;oncentrate on his other job-dean of students Baseball -Montreal vs. Dodgers at Vero Beach. 10: 10 a.m .• KABC C790>. After 19 straight years or coaching Orange Coast College's giant·killer crew, Dave Grant has decided to take a rest -temporarily. baseball (or Coach Mike Ma yne s squad as previously planned Hockey -Kings at Hartford, 10:50 a .m .. COMMUNITY C~EGES K PRZ C U SO). Ski conditions You really can't blame the guy. Coaching a collegiate crew requires a person to wake up very early In OCC's case. Grant and his rowers arrive a t the boathouse near the Newport Beach river jetty a round 6 a.m. CURT SEED EN The talented athlete is one unit shy of being eligible for the !>pring sports campaign. Just a few weeks ag<i, Heasley was picked in the third round of the major lcagu<.• draft by the New York Mets. Yet. he d1dn t throw a pitch last vear • * • IF YO U'RE TIR E D of waking up Thanksgiving morning to a 9 o'clock pro football game. \\-e offer you this alternative for 1982 SOUTMEltN CAL.,OltNIA • 0• .. MMe -Twoln to Jl..inch Daw ThrM lllts. M•••Ltl11 HIP -Fou~ to el1111t l ncfte\ of cu"om snow m•de WednHdaY nlQllt. but no tot.tis 11l••n. Two cllalrs In veer S11ew hmmlt -Twonty to 41 Inches. Alllllttanc:lruns. S11ew Valley -lhlrtoon to t• Inches. ThrM llfts In veer. SIEltltA NIV-"OA Lan••,._ -• lr><Ms MW, 11~ fool Dase, P«keCI _.-r, l sun•<• lifts a.net -Trace O! new. 12 to u foot DaM, 11~ P«keCI PoWCler anc:I -n POW*<. S cl\alrs day, 1 chair> nlQhl SMa ~ -Trace O! -. •lo-14 fool bau. 11roomed puked Po-•, J cllalrs. s.t.tr ._. -l lncNs new. 11 to 21 loot bue, Powder •rd 11roomtd powder, futl -rlltlon. TallW 0--Trace of new. S lo a foot b-. P«klCI Po-•, 2 double chairs. INrlk• llft. Ner111 Mer -NO new, 4 to 12 root IMM, groomlel IMICkeCI -0.r end open e>OWOOr. full -•llon, All'lfle ,._ -Trace of new, I 10 IS loot bes., ll""""eG packeG powder, IOcl'latrs. 1 surface lllt H---No new. J'h to 91.'t loot bes., PO•der and groomeo paclled powder, I quad cllelr, 1 double cllalr. J IU'face lllts. s.oew V-.Y -At 1,.200 foot tewl. ,..o n~• 11' 1 fool. c.w OOWOl!r arws c:iroomeo P«~eCl-r, <•Ille car. 00'\00I• enc:111 clOVble chairs 41 •.100 fool te•el. no new ,..., foot bue Powder enc:l Qroomeel s>«keCI Powder. . "'" T•-Siii _, "'o new, 3 to I 1001 b•M, groomeo oacked pawoer and OC>en OOWOfr, 1 Chttlf\, 1 surf41Cf "" Huv..,ly Velt.y Norepar1 Ski Incline l••c-of new. J 10 • loot b•st, oowaf'r and packed Powder. Sen.I rs Mt. •-I Inell of new. h 10 11 toot ba\e. o;oom•d P<-WCl•r lull -ration Ecflte StlrftnMt No rww S•, to 7•, toot b•se. oo•Oer •no o•<k•d PoWder 4 7 chair'· 1 \urfac• tiff Sl•rr• Siil ltencfl Trac.e ol new,• foot bue. P•<ktd powaor and groomed, 7cl\alrs KlrflWWlll l(lrkWOOO 9 to 11 IHI, po..,der a~ oaOed powder, full operation. Mt. lteM -No new 7•,, 10 11 1001 base. _.,., a<>d e>ackNl Powder 1 chairs 0"4e• ltl... No new. • foot baH, -Mld e>a<ked pawOOr, full o~retlon a...., "'-No new •Yt loot beM, P«ked powder • dOUble chair. t surface lfn. CUITltAL CALIFOltNIA M•m--talft No new 10 toot beM, oa<ked -oer ana ooen PoWder, full -ellon JtHM --....... -No new. 6'•1 toot baw. pac1<eo --'"r. l double cl\airs end •«~Hllalr The only thing awake at that time in my house is the cat who spends the dawn hours hanging on the drapes. thinking he can go outside. Grant, you see. is also dean of students at Orange Coast. It's a time·cons uming job which Grant doesn't overlook. This season, he'll give way to a ssistant coaches Larry Moore and J im Jorgensen who will coach the Bue varsity and frosh crews. respectively. "I have to face the reality of staying on land ... Grant admits "It's still hard to stay away. I go down there and wat<'h from the shore. with some envy He should be envious. Grant's rowers captured the prestigious Western Sprints championship last year , dereating all crews from the major four·year west coasl colleges. And the Pirates look just as tough this year. They should. they're all back from last year's crew. "They're going to do very well. It's a very bright and very excited group," Grant says. And the Bue rowers shouldn't have any problems adjusting to to their ·•new" coaches. !Nt-ttDt< "CTITIOUS aUSINESS N-1. STATEMENT "ICTITIOUS IUSllHSS N-E STATEMaNT Tiie followlRQ persons are dolnQ businesses· Moore coached the OCC frosh boat last year He knows the OCC rowers. He used to be one Likewise, Jorgensen also rowed at Orange Coast and spent two more seasons with the UCLA crew . "The two of them are running the program and l think they're having a very good time. Jn faC't , I would say they're having an excellent time," Grant adds. The 1982 cC1 mpaign begins Sunday, March 14 when the Bucs host their annual alumni regatta on North Lido Channel in Newport Bea<'h The Pirates will take part in the San Diego Crew Classic April 3 at Mission Bay The classic. which has become one or the biggest rowing events in the country, will include such rowing powers as UCLA, California. UC Santa Barbara, Long Beach State and neighboring UC Irvine The Western Sprints Championships are set for May 10 this year at Long Beach Marine Stadium. Last year. OCC won championships in the junior varsity eights. freshman eights, varsity foµrs and freshman fours . Not on the OCC schedule. although not counted out. is a trip to England for the Henley Regatta on the River Thames. llop in the car and drive to Riverside for Saddleba<'k College's Mission Conference game against RCC "We used lo play on T hanksgiving when I was at El Camino." notes Saddleback Coach Ken Swearing(•n "It went over well and we usually got pretty good C'rowds " So the G:rnchos and Tigers square off at 10 <J m . and lhl' game probably won't be a turkey The Gauchos. by the wa y, o pe n the pre <'Onferen<'e campaign against Golden West Sept 18 at Orange Coast. They'll ~·host OCC the following Saturday • • • * • CERRITOS COLLEGE 1s the unanimous selection as the top team in this week's Sports Information Dir ectors ' Southern California Co mmunity College baseball poll The Falcons, with a 10·0 record at the time of the vote. earn('d all nine first·placc picks. occ~ fi rst in the pre-season poll , d ropped to fourth. whi le Fullerton moved into second and Mt. San Antonio was voted third. It should be noted that all four ~cams are in the South Coast Conference Fifth place is held down b} LA Valley, while "Oh. it's possible," Grant says of another trip lo Henley. "lf the c rew were extraordinary. I think we would be responsive to them <Henley Golden West was voted No 6 officials). We don't have a dime to our na mes. but The fottowln9 ptirM>ns •r• oo•no r "' i------------bu\lntt\.S HARIOI uw~ ... ,. oun Dlln NmCIB Str.!'t~~~~~~;~~~.Ec~~·~.:'.11 MARR IAGE ANO INDIVIDUAL ..:ou NSELING, ... Boer Center. Suite olOS-T. Cotta t.\Ha, CA '1•26. the community has a lways been so supportive of Mesa Lan es tourney set the crew. ~"& Mortuary • Ce~tery ll n Clon N Slllne, Inc., a Caflfornla Crematory corpor•llon, 1•1• South 10!11 A••nue, Bonnie Tolbl,,.MendOra, 1°" Tulare Or., Costa MtH. CA .,626. "Whenever the crew deserved something, Mesa Lanes m Costa Mesa will host the annual whether it be a new boat or some place lo go, the Orange County men's bowling a ssociation 1625 Gisler Ave . Arcaclla, Celltoml• ''006. Costa Mesa HEUSSER Tiiis bu1lneu h conducted by a Clelr• M. Nelton, "' Mira v1,1a, NfwPort S.tcll, CA '12 ... community has always been there." G rant tournament for the next three weekends c .. n.55c• JOHN JI U ESSER . a :orPOratlon. ~ .,.. Ct.....,.,SMM, Inc. resident of the Costa Mesa "'""• H sutetman, P~. Tiits bustneu h conducted by • veneral oannenf-Ap continues. "There aren't many sports that can get Bowling begins Saturday al noon and will away with doing that kind of thing." continue through 9 p. m. A total of 400 teams from rtHCI NOTHHS llU ll9 ADWA Y MOI TU AIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALn I IH~HOtil SMTH & TUTHtl l WIS'n:U .. CHAPIL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 PIMCl leOntMS SMITHS' MOITVAIY 627 Main St Huntrngton Beach 53&-6539 PACIRC·YllW t WOIUAL PAlll Cemltery ~ortuary Ch8"1-0emat0f)' 3500 Pecilic Vi"' Drive ,...,Port Beach 844-2700 ' lloMle Tolbl,,.Menc:lote area for 15 years Passed T111s ttat.,._, w .. fllea with ,,,. This stat-I wai fltf!CI with the County Clerk of Oranve C°""'Y on March l, 1"2. * * * throughout the county will compete in the OCC'S CHRIS BEASLEY, who became only handicap tournament. away on March I. 1982 He 1s c .... nty C•ork o1 O••no-County on survived by his son Wesley February 11 "" of Cos ta Mesa. Ca 3 grandchildren and 2 g r ea t ~randchlldren the second Pirate basketball player to SC'ore more Each team will bowl three gam es with the than 1,000 points in his career . won't be playing winning teams determined by total pins . Se r vices will be held on NIUC RE Thursday, March 4, 1982 at •1cT1T1"'••aus1N•u ,ICTITIOUS aUSIN81S r ..... "' flCTITIOUS aUSINl.SI 10 : OOAM at Harbor Lawn PICTITIOU$ aUSINES.S NAMR ITATRM•NT NAME STATRMENT PICTITIOUS IUSINESS M I I Ch I ·th NAM• STAT•Ml.NT NAMR STAT8M8NT Tiit folfowlnt perlOfll ••• dol1111 NAME STATEMENT lnet~~~ae nl :~~vi""'c'es Tiie followlnQ peoon1 ue dolnQ bu~~~s~o~~c:-lng person1 are doing IMSCl!aCsU:IT eOUIPMENT *NO bu:~n~s~o~~~wtnq ~rwns are dotno buTtl~·.s~o.t~owlnQ persons are dolnQ imm ediat ely following. bulln::~·~ MANUFACTU RING , KEYLIOHT PRODUCTIONS, 49 SUPPLY COM,.ANY SJ'4 W;.n11t UNl·YIO, 1711 KeMn, l,.vina, CA SE.MOuNT INllESTMENTS,'01 Services Ul\der the direction tt71·1 Placentia A..nue, Costa Mua, Flnwood, lrvlftt, Cafllomla 92714· Annve 51111• J Irvine C•lllonila .,ll4. Dove SlrM, Suite 110, N-POr1 Beactl, Calllornl•Nn Cllrlstopller A. Allen. Sl·UO 114 • • • Richard L. Wiiton, n1• Jeva Rd . Calllornla'7MO of Harbor Lawn·Mounl Olive AnnlN RUO!o, La Oulnte, Calllonll• T " 14J Wll fl) Co.taMew.CA'1•1t w. Kelty Hagerty lt• Soult\ M l r C t M Allr-l . Mena, IUS S. ROH, '21SJ Olftmy aimer, 4 I re Gregory e Tll~r'G '71t l(etvtn, Or Uary 0 OS a esa s.nta Ana, eantomta 92707 .Amr~ Allell.Jtt..Yi. Udo Noni. 8tvCI., U. ,,,,.. ... , Cat~la too57 lrvlne CA '1!t• ' Gardner Ori••, Orenve, Callfornla ~0·5SS4-GA ET-A---. -AM~~~-:;.,~•H 5:-*on, ,.,.._. N•wl'O., llM<h, Callfoml• .,...,, COlt~·.!i,. -:m:~~ fiifi bu"irnen Ts conducted by • .,"~tie<\ Slewart, 401 EclQeweter, Tiiis ..,tlneu Is conducted by Tii is Wslnen Is <oll<lll<led by • This w.'1neu· It c~IM by • ... ,,.,., pannenfllp Balboa, Calll<l'nl• .,.., LAWRENCE E GAETA. IMllMfMl-wlfe. llml-.,.,_.,... 1 ~ RkllardL.Wll_, Tiiis buslneu h collducted by • resident of Corona del Mar, A"""'° z Mena Clwls..,.. A. oimnc1, ...,. •• c R e.n..:. Tiiis 11.i•m•U was 111911 wttll ,,,. venerat ...,,_tp. Ca. Passed away on March Tflb _, w• ntecl wttll "'" o.wrai ,. ... _. Tlttt .--.. •• 111" •llll tM county cier-of Or•noe Covnty on w K.,ty Heoert'f C-IY Clel'll Of Or•-County °"' Tllb Jl•tlmtftt w• flied wttll "'° c-ty Clertl of Or-c;e.,..ty .,. M•rcll J, tm ..,...,., Tiils JI•-• w• filed wltt> Iha 2, 1982. Survived by his Wife FWvery ,., 1m Covlll'f Clerk of Or•noe County °"' ,.....,.,.., ti tm county ci.r• of or..,.. County .,.. Mary K11y, brother Louis ,...., l'~ary11,19a. ' · ,., .... ffllbtt"'9CIOrenve eoe1tOa1•yPltot, Fet>rveryl,,., and mother Anna M Gaeta P1110llsNd Oranee coast Deify Pllol, ,,_.. ""91lllwd 0r.,.. Coelt Delly,., ... , Merell 5• 12 "· "'· "92 911.., l'llU71 • l'110lltlltcl 0r.,.. CoeJI Oatly Piiot • Publf•lleCI Oranve Coe11 Oelly Pllol, Private services are being .. "_"_· 1_•1-_,._._,,,.,_._5_· 1_t._1_• ___ ,_17_-n_ t •MM-ells 1 .., , ,.,· ""· tt,2',Nier.s. ,., ,.., 7*«1 1 Piil.iC •ttE PUil.iC MOTtE FICTITIOUS IU SINEH NAME STATEMENT • The 1011owln11 per..,n~ are doing bu1lne$\ •'.\ OOUBLE·,A,.WIN OOW CLEANING, 1)00 Ad•ml AVf!. CMI• Mesa, CA .,u •. Albert II Alba,..se, UOO Adams Aw , Costa-· CA.,,,. R•y-AlbentM. ,,.,. Newland SI , GerClell Grow, CA_,... Tiiis blnlNH Is ,_,.., by ... unlncorvore!ecl es-tatloll othtr t11a11 • pertnerYllP A1'*11t Al-M Tiils 11..._t •• fltM with tht C°""IY c..,.. ot Oranoe Coumy °"' Mafcll>. tm PIMJJ P110tts"9d Or-co .. t Detty Piiot ~<fl S, It, It, 1', ttll! ttCM2 , . , "."· ~, .!.-_ , 1 , ,,:,, ....!...... : -.,. -Feb. 11. it. K . March s. na 102-ft. held for the immediate MUC Illa -• -. '· rwu.. ... ,'"' • ~ ' PIRIC •TICE family. • MUC 9ITa rwa... ... ,..,., !---------·- -• -' PICTIT10UlaUSIN•U t •:e PIC'T1T10Ut •USINH$ PICTl~~IN8U PlltJC .TIC( MN-ftm.a ---~ •tlK NAM8 ITATP8NT 'ICTITIOUI •utlNHS NAMa STATIMaNT NAMa HAT8M•NT PICTITIOUt aUStN•U 'tlle 1611 ... lne jlfrsons are d01"9 NMllCITATIMNT Tiie loltewlne ,..r_I are Nlft9 Tiit tottewlnt perlOfll .,.. dOlng ,ICTITIOUS 8UIUlllS NAM411TAT•M8NT N .. ,,. It .. _.,, ... Fovntatn IMaiMHM: Tht '•"••1111 "'"" It dol'We _ .. : _I_, .. ; NAMa$TAT8M8NT Tiie, lollowln9 ........ , ... -.H"CJ V•ll•y kMel Oltttlct tll•t II ls IUNIHINE'S ,RUIT 9Al-S t. co.. _... T A y L 0 • I( N I 0 H T CA,.R I CLEANlltS, -S...111 Tiit lot1ewtn1 P•ra•n ,, dOlllCJ blltlnn•as <-'• ................. "'9etl"9 .,... .. 1 ... Dr CR. PHttl. ...... Ana, IVUtOlhEN llLKI. uu t•TliUUtEM. -~ Jl9' .... Suhe' •r••"""'"· Anallelm. Calll.,nl• !llWllftUS: CAllRI CLl!AHE•S. 1011 ...,,._ OatletMIOll 111 •ten!MW.a wttfl "'9 Co\ '2104. o..r..... Drtw, AMMlm, Cel,....,,.., , N...,.,, 8Mcfl, CA ftt6S. ..... SUN LAN 0 LAN 0 SC AP I MeeM!le, MtMlm, Cellfenlle CAll"9nlla l...W...-..al 0...trty Act 9feCI J .._r, JP00 Pia .. Or. II. •1<11a.-T. IC'flltflt, 111't A'"'91e CIMll N WM, ll'OC., • Cell~ COMPANY, m1 S CrMcl'f, knta Clffll N SMM, IM., a tAI~ reee rfl,._ lit o "thlerellon ti ~tt),s.'lt•Alla,CAtr* •Y 1,,,_ c:Aftl1• ,.,_....,., W~ 5'11111 tOlll A-, ,.,..,CM1Mrftlatll04 ICOf'P«etlef\, 1414 """' IOl!I A-• .,,.._.... ........... dlMelt .. "' .......... " ~. ,,.. ... _ Or. H~~~ ..!!..-,. Jr., Jtt .,, .. "·· ..-~Tiii• ~ ........ ,_...:.~ ......... , 9911 L.. lllrctl, au "'*' A-. Al"CM ... Cellfwflle ...... !<""''• Tiie •rt"9Md N•e•Uve (l ,f>H11),,.....,_.,CA"1'M. ~ ,__ _,. •• ~,.,... • • ... ._t~.Cel~la_,.., Tiiis -'nett It c~..-lllf._ ~£ t '9·~ T!lbe!:ld:::&b•tt:=:::e~ ~~.-f 1111-... 1t1' .. IMl""T 1"''Tc .. •.-C • • ~ -nn .. ~ _.,..,..,. tcw-•llen. ... , • .r Tr..a ... t •I lh ,.,11tM ~I,........,..., ......... : =.1 =;;: hi~--,.... ~lll ....... NH ...... ~ ,.,.._ , !Mlw........ C'"" N Miine, Inc _.. ..... Mmrdltt,,.,-.i!lllMI 5-wN"9H.~ v-,.c;....... ,_!OwfdT,ltMtllt r """ --···-v ... L..l lrCll fllllftwM,"*4,_,ffrft. 11• •·"'-• "' -._. """' f/I Tiie Tll'6 ......,_. -'*"' wtt11 "'9 Tllla te*"911t -ftW wMt ._ Tillt .......... -" ... Wiii\ .._ • T1llt ......_... "91 Ill• wllll "'9 T~lt ......,._. Wat PllM whfl. Wit Tlllt .. ...._. -111" wllll ._ .._.._. c.Mlr, 11'21' 0.11 MNet, Ctl#l ly C'terl .. Or-.. C.....t• 4lfl ca..l\IOlftlf/1°""811C'WMY011.ltftJ _,., Ctert. .. ~ .... c:.-ry Ml. C-ty C._ .. Of-.,. C-.tt.., c;w"IY Clertl f/I ~ C:Ollf!IY 9fl C1111nl• Cltf11 Of Oranee C""°' ... flHl'l•l11 v ....... C••ll•rl'.1•. Tll• 11Mf<11 4,t41l. 11.-. rtll4 -• fl~\1,tlll. ir_ ... ,,lt,t•. .. .. _..11,tllD .... " .. ~'""'"""ett.M· ..... . ,,_ ' . ....... ""'"' ,,..,. ., ... .......... 0-..., CMlt OellY ,.,.._, • ffv911 .... Or .... C-9' Deity "'""' ,...._.Or .... c;..,. Deltr 11>1-.• ...... , ..... c> .... Q91C OllllY flll9t, ~ °'"* C-M Oelry ,.I~, ,._., .... Orlllltlf CMll Deify •ti.., ,..,_.,.....,Or .... C•-' OellY r!l9t Mer<U, "9 11041. ,_rel! t, II,"· tt, t• .... ... It, If. 9', Nlf"Cll a,"". .... II t. q, It,, .. t• _.,. hit. tt, It, MlrCll .... ltll JW..a ... 1•, ... jljler, J, !l, I'll rtMt. -... It,-,~ i, 11, ..... ""'9• • • J.. - .. ... ltfl ltll ,. 1• ,......,,,Notice· :: AlT-real es late' ad- ...... HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. ' -., West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. :: v er t Is e d In L h is Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 111M news~r is subject to bdrm 3 b th 37 f $ l5 Pr:: Act e~~I f~r ~g~sh • 000 sq. t. 1,385,000. :: makes it illegal to ad· • L»() ISLI HOMES >OIJC vertise "any prererence, :: limitation , o r dl s -Prime Lido Nord bayfrpnt. 5 bdrm , 5 l5 ~~c'!1.'n~!~~~. b:ei'iT:io~~ ·bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. 11• sex. or national origin, .or an intention to make Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large •• a ny such preference. rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. :: limitation , o r dis · :: rrimination." JQ llllO llllG llllO 1QOO ZICl8 noo llOO t• 'This newspaper will not knowin,ly ac('ept any advertising for real estate which is in viola· __ tlonofthe law ~ ............... .. -1lllO -ZlllO - BIOIS: AdYertiHn S-.W ched& their odt cWy ...t ~rt er- rors i..dlatety. TIM UAILY P9LOT 011-1 limilty for the fint incorrect l11sertlo11 Oliy. :: ··wESA VERDE ·- -5 Bdrni Buccola. 3.000 S: ~~~-&c~p~~~~c. ~~~ea~ _, O'IVC, Cllll Pat O'Toole :1: Da vis , T h e Real :: F.staters, 546-2313 or = _fill~-0200==-~~~~~I :i: 3 BpRM STEAL! :, Mode perfect 3 BO, 2 ..., BA House on Go lf :: Course. Only $135,000. -1'RY $.'20,000 ON ! AS· ::! SUME lO"'c INT. Prin. n:1 O nl y . P A TRI C K = TENORE.AGT. 759·1221 !OUO -!lQl ·= A$5UMELOW : INTEREST LM : Popular 3 Bdrm 2 bath ncor plan in a fine area mo of Costa Mesa. Great as- t1:111 sumable loan and seller ::: will tailor t o meet ::: buyers needs. Best buy :: '\Q?" ""1111 ;fmil -: FORECLOSURE! : Two Beauties: 4 BO -w/Pool &c 3 BO w/Pool. -SliBM IT. PATRlCK . : ·~ . R&IM~ MESA VERDE 51B>ROOMS Moot popular Buccola S Bdrm or 4 + den. over 2,000sq.ft. Forma I living and dining room. coun-. try sized kitchen with breakfast nook over- LH>A ISU IAYFIOMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm, den. $~1350,000 ! CAIMATIOM COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath. 2 boat slips $1,900,000. TIES YIST AS Ul$510M VllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pool. $795,000. 81LLGRilNOY, REALTOR J-ll Boy,•d• Dr'•' r-., B 67~ ~l bl LINDA ISLE DRAMATIC! Yenallt floor pica willl MCWity a.cl pri•acy of , .. ..,..,d llllry. Lm? ... roGllll for ......... , ......... Lo•tfy 5 ~ ....... f-'Y r001111 wlttt bcr, pier ...t sip. Aexl* fiilmlciMJ or .... exdlmwje. SI ,595,000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL EST.ATE s•~ Rf'nt4J\ Prt'f"'Jf\ ~At\itqf'f"Wl'\l 2436 W c.,.., ltw, Nr-.po11 Be .. h Ul-1400 JI~ M•11rw A" S..lho.1 lsldn<I • 67).6900 * WATaROMT HOME PIJYATE HACH * Sensational 4-Br home smack on the water!! Featuring French : doors. frplc , professionally decorated & SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 • s~ller will carry 80% loan at 13%. 2670 San Miguel Tirf ve, Newport Beach, 759-1501 or 752-7373. * WESTCUFF * 12'/•o/o FIMAHCIMG when you take over existing loans on this executive home featuring 4 Br, 21f.2 Ba & pool only $339,900. 2670 San Miguel Dri ve, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * I l.20o/o FIHAMCIMG * WOODllJDGE GL84 Sensational 3 Br, 2 story townhome w /super financing. "Birclt Model" only $131,500. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * llVI .. HOVIS* fl/•% FIMAMCI.,_ when you take over existing loans on highly upgraded former model. "Orangewood Model " only $141,900. 2670 San Miguel Drive, NeWJ)Ort Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * taTAll PAD• SILL9 MWCM Absolutely s mashing 3 Br townhome featuring centr.al air conditioning & security system only $132,500. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373. MAllOI YU HILU •OADMOOI View·of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights. 4 Br, 21h Ba, fam rm, 2 fplcs , community pool & parks. $420,000 including land, or $.130,000 leasehold. Only $665 per yr ground rent until 1991. Owner finance. HAllOll YIEW -HUGE YAID Quiet, park-like setting. 179' wide rear yard. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Picturesque cul de sac street. 3 bdrms, ram rm. $379,500 including the land. See now . WISLIY M. TAYLOI CO .. UALTOIS • 2111 ............... Ml~ CIHTll. M.1. 644·49 I 0 STBtSTO NEWPORT ICH! It's a bargain! 1128,900 total price. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, family roocn. brick fireplace, R·2 lot. Room w build. Alley access. Call us for more In· I formation, 546·2313 RESlOENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES IA YCREST SJH,000 Elegant & gracious describes this spacious 4 BR with Family Rm overlooking sparkling pool · & spa. Beveled glass entry. remodeled ti le kitchen. Assume 1st & owner will carry large 2nd. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 AISOWTB.Y! This Magnificent View Home In Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge, That Will Be Under Construction Very 1 Soon, Will Be One Of The Finest In The Area. The Style Is English Tudor. All The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect Them At Any Time. Please Call Us. 759-9100 #2 Corpor•....._ .. ewport Cfllhr 81M IM .CALIPORMIA HOMIS Sparkling 3 BR. 2 BA detached home with family· room off kitchen. Highly upgraded with tasteful wall coverings, central air. Huge lot· with 2 used brick patios. $143,000 Mack Hanson 551-8700 (811) IA"'°"' Sheltered by Harbor Island + Main bay view w /f am rm & pool · great for entertaining. $1,400,000 lJf Seller Yt'ill help w /financing. For Appt, on seeurity Island call Doaa Chict.ter 642-823& (812) Orange co.t ONLY PILOT/Friday, March 5, 1982 • • M1dian "9come of Dml1J Alot /amilfn ezc1erll IJ4 ,000o11ear. Your ad 'rtllCM• tht county' a most ·O/Jlawnt buying 011· dience . MISAYaDI •IPOOL/SPA Outatandln1 vaftie in thi.a tri·level home on cul·de-aac. Oversized lot. family room w/frplc. Owner will H · si.et with financing. A great b11y at $239,000. 751·3191 c::i. ' ,t ! t ( T ~p~;111•1,1't•, ------- '"-u,....P .... o ..... o_R _, 1. f. ... 1 1 I I t . t I ~ L 0 C C I I ' Acupunc1ure la somelhing t--.-, -,$-r-1-1 ~ that directly affects Iha n8f· ~.... -'-· _.__ -'-· ...J. M vous ty$1em. We have aome- T E E C I ll ,~~~~ belier In my, ~u1& ,. 1--.... ,,--.-, -, -..,.1.-1 ..... 0 c .... plele ,.,. cll.clle QVO!ed • _ • . • b-;" f11f11'19 •'! the m1u.n9 woi d _.__.__...__...__...__. "°" d .. oloo f,.,.. "•P No J belcw 8 ~::~:tSNy:~~1~m b r r 14 Ii 1· I' I' I 6 ~~;c:~~~[t unml I I I I I I I I SCRAM-LETS ·A•swen i. a..Hk.tiorl 5300 G A R A T E L U P S 0 T L A H D R E A S-A+ ! H 0-V H V A F-L U K E C 0 0 N N Y R 0 L ? I M I G N I T T E 8 E P 0 AR I y pH c L 0 I B p 0 o·u I L p p D A U T K A I A Y 0 E P T P 0 S B 0 E P H M N C N S 0 F A N 0 S I T W M R L L A D I U C K Y F I H A B E H 0 A T E F G H A L E A C 8 V H C R I E D G U D S A H T Y Y I C U D I U A V 8 H S H H T Y T R 0 R A H 0 L T H K Y R A A I U L A 0 E A H L 0 R N T S U I E S G T S H 0 NC L 0 WT EE I 0 AT AP .£ YE 0 P P N U N 0 V A R W L P P K U V A C S H I U S P V S E 0 U T l S S I C I V I 0 P P 0 R T U N E U P P I A N 0 8 I ~; Hiddln _.. bllow ~ --.i. bldt· .. ..U. .~. dmn.or dlleanllV. find l8dl llld box It In.: fltt lldy Lucl: Rilk ~ flub Opportunity The 8tllb ~ i Gllllble l'lltlodt Ups w OCIWIW e Hip Renclom Vlcillitudtt lllfting Untlrtlinty Venturw SEE YOUR AD IN PRIN'f) IN 24 HOURS Place your Daily .Pilat classifie d ad before 5:30 p.m . and it w.il~ run in the next day's issue .. The Daily Pilot is t he only afternoo" . Orange County new spaper to off e r you this 24-hour service. • Stop by our office or call 642 -5678 and a friendly ad·visor. will help you place your ad. You can charge your a.d or use BankAmericard or Master Charge. · DAILY PILOT 642-5678 ----~---SELL idle items with a Sell things. fast with Daily Daily Pilot Classified Pilot W-ant Ads. ....,Ad..,. _____ _ ~ _.°"" Ooil1 ,_,,,.,,, c~mJ• H Artord+nfl 10 '"• Sro;1 Y f Jt.:•l'tOp 'T'iH~C19t' +ot r,•dO t ;~(Id ., -''d> c "'tf\p!'"J'd1ng 10 number\ of Y°"' Zod•oc b111h "9" 1 A )It• l';tl~••I .)11Qutflllf l"•• ),)Gofo• •tou >-'~"*' S(#r.•.O.•D14 )Si:vf'tt!"t •Dof'i• ,. ..... It I (_,.,!, lt fOiM ... 11 .. flMh •On . hr • Ad ift W Olflltfl'I World Jacket of the Year! Two Stylish Parts . • -l .. .,.._ .. ,_ ....... fl ,_.. ,.._..,_Wt· . ..._,_Wt "I ,,.. ...... .... I' •.._•••••-..e•I ~· ••••·· .... -••••1e7a ••••••••••••••••...... ••••••••0••H••••••0 -~••"'••••,.,•'•••••'•J•l•O• .... ,..•11 JIM 11111'~;~•-•_••H••"•••• .,,,,,, ... ! ...... ~!... • ....... :::!.! ... ~••• tillll: .. :.,ll .. ll.111111........... ....................... ..... I INlii .~,°" ~~"Im· ..!.::::: ............ .::....... JJH... 1144 Ma'' ...... J2'9 l•••••••••I Mll9 ..W ...._ U)VILY air w/at.rhun ................ •• ................. '4 WANTID; ~ oe lJdo _ ................... -............ •••••••• -•••HM••••••••••u ,,, Lirit~.t-.oi-riaake •mrJ. l rltbt aad IHLI! S~·I ~ ~~b::: p, oceu Ille fOll lacome Pf09U• UNIV!UITY PUK 4 rllartlor/Oceu Vu 1 COtt•CIAL r••dtltd f bdrm ~atm,IOO. !..~-l . bome. ~.OOO.UHllS 1-M"..&:l.-..:aa:~.:zn:r-i ty.PNGllY.IOM_ 1 ~~lat 8R1"'-·•Nr_JN1ru, t......!_I~·~~·· "" .. ~ llow. Low atereet _ ;.;;:a a ordable, ~-5 Br, be 1 1'tadl fAllity 111 your Irv ..,...;'t.dlMI./ ..;: £'.:Jiomo. Barrett 'IH•U!ff·~-· ~.K"cit~-= Q;d•I OpeaSwalH.,... 1144 1 -.. .... Ha.PPY bome. "•'rtr HM « Nwpt Bell ut for 2tb1Jdot.Mt=rnt 4 -lM211r,110a,pool,ten· -a 1PUt•1u and •. Wllloa.7H/5'$·2l01 ....................... a •. ' l:.·'Lb .. Hate to lea YI It I ...................... eUltOal Cota 0. Cau • 8r J a. condo, !Data)' bdna, ·~ I>• -per lilt, -mo. f«-2442 ,..,., lltou '• lllW=+IH I mt•YIMI btacJl ..... ~illl iaa· ..... /Ltuupt/u. hocntv~"t\:W-·000· 1minltlt1. ••oo. Dy• rm.Wrtbrid e • cXl!.-. . ...,Ru•..z.•u:..--- t111raat. A1klo1 . COleOIUYI llllleY.W.1.tr_. ~ .. JOlll!talil. . MIWPOITllAC:M PROPtRTIES fl>R:evetHWfM, >.CANT '8r 2Ba. pool, ,--.."". with attractive Btll 8-In O.C. lrucl 1.ma~1-~troitll,rood C.:Uformorelafo, "-HDOI lllp vfafblll(1.-c;a, 75t=IHI Nlee eleU 2 Br. 1 Bl. 19fYA&.S OJllD dal ly . 2242 ..--...., tttm. Mme. •Br, l Br ortrilc*Ja& lake • DOCI... LI. a.IN MOUSI Orm vltw .. 1JO ft. frqo. eocltd .••ra,., yard, lbr, l ti1 -E Heather . I 1 40 O . ·.if••• •7M4M ~ P11.l1M09.tll·IF. .. ..... Pool, )acu11l, ..... aer..eo-.. -· fifcfajTo.1 tqe. U1umtiD1 bulkl· Ullln IONIS new pUit' carpet. No 211r+cleo2ba 5 Ownr/all.!tMIO! 111116.._ .. t.1% tenb, unr a4ed. MMJll Sat/alal..S lalof4ICI0141.ft.orbulld Ptta. tszl + 11rurtty. !~·=:ba OreantnlClt Jbr, 2ba, up· c~a wnia lbatla dJa ~ XIDl flDaae1A1. 17alCGdlettlekLa. tO;al(ll. ft. Oner wUI •••rth4wMttlr ~ Oran1e. house 0, iie fH: per, fntAe views 7400 HARIOR rm•cleo m::-~Uo·~ Caul P'roat, New]IOrt Baymet NB area (ofl . rru.ooo. Ul·7IOO, for l111proved real 54f.27TI. t~r== W. Oeetrt. 2lle ~kl. 2 -. .A,t. oi ._.i...~ll "l '•'o.!!~.~: .. !>.••·niu· ~).· • .. ~.~~'!!"~ .c.ate.MUJtbeelearor 2bdrm,E.lide,$57S/mo. ---~-~ elec. 1ar ara, tu ~ _ ._ r. 4 ---vw-. d.,). C.Uww ..... ., near clear. ~.000 to + 1350 Ht. 87,_.1 ... !lee. bome 8 mo. ltue IU!DO/mo· Ref•. 642-1973. 'JOYl .... UTI ' IJ 1/4% LOAMS ii J Bdrm toWnliome1 itb all deluxe enitles : jacunl, comp auto 1ar dr pnn, mlcro and a ~'New En1l1nd environment. Call for itllllt· to see. Broter co· oPetation. ...... J '71-2311 · am · ~ lllltt NII' Makt • cQl&om Jvu Welle 110 Miilion. Your ac· ttHrll • • wltla o,t.loa lo e1tend, 3 Br 2~ 81 2 itory '*-+ NVS M. o«e;1"r...i. poOi walk llome, pool. covered countant• approval --· MOO 1q. ft. • Br. up· ........:......_. Pool/tennh AM"t!J~ea bwdwood floor beauty. ~ llll 000 -1.H. v .A IOIJl. Offered II 1147,IOO. .,..,.,...., 146.1114 Md a ....,.att raasl~ to~ A.at i4f:10M paUo, buutllull(. llOO soil cited. Re fl . 3 Br. 2 Ba, tns/mo.J..lat, .,..._, all 1pr.llanct1, ''PiO'Pi'RnHOUSE · :f'w~-tL:~rN~ly •••· IDdlcpd; caUieclraJ tel . f\lmllhed. IMt •1ee. depotlt. Yll: 1renbtlt. cu ·dt·Uc. ecz..mo w.1010 located'Plu 7 la Turtle POllCLOSUll 11111. new luxurlou• CDMDPLX rOrou 5'5-8349 ~alts University Park. Noi.·------- Rock.Dlt,IOO. earpet1n1. Owoer IYOWMll Wiii trade 2400 aq ft 3 ~.1 l ba. 1ara1e. lge peU.•tmo. 7$!.olOO. _..._,_ ftu.Dcia1 al U 'J. with 1'wo2bdrmuftlil,M).of TurtJtrodr Vllta 3 br raru. dilldrc/peta ot. GREAT 3Brbome .......... ms OreaatrcmtTuf.1t1. 211e 25., dwn. Motivatedil P CH} corner lot. condo for desert tennll 9B, 517 Park Dr Kur1 NEIGHBORHOOD Bayfront58r ...... smo llllrlba unlta. Try &ow or leavtnf area, wtu se .i...&.. .,,_ di lded b condo. 81S-1058 D Gl-Ull Woodbrld1e cott11e <with dock> DO ""-. • -"'·r/n--er QUlckly at IDC,500. In -f:fr:--.., ''umav b'· 1o.Y7 Waterlroat Homes __.. ~ vwn iboY -~ "" ·au/mo. 2 Br. z Ba. New bocne. 3 bdrm, 2~ bai 2 CM bt ve~ creative. e mertet homes at or 1100.000, owner .... rupeta, wuher/dryer , 1 t y , f pc , f u I 1 y Rltn. lnc. ui.i4oo PlvaB.E. 3-1900 ~ martret price 6 wW uailt finance, fee. • ...................... boot-up, all bullt-ana ludlcaped .. 1·49$-teff, W1m1 aw ~ QP1N SATJSUM 114 QUAIL PLACE immac, $290,000. s21 .......... elttd clole to aboppin1. sniall M&-3753 Waterfront. Bachelor CuYQCillDil!lrcfriu, J ~ Nei'htory"beacb&Ouie PROPERTJEC Carnation Ave .. CdM . n••••••u•••••••••••u yatd.CallfotAppt. TSL •-ltedl 3241 bcue. 1 ba, mo to mo. babl, bil family room, Bay6oceuvlewa 76z.tt20 "" Call 1 5-5142 ..... ..._.. )fO' M&mt.842·1903 ;:.ir.:: ................ S32S/mo. 714 /773·4048 1.,.. yard wttll patio in •&ttt l' • ....w. · OreauWe/ Bilbo• Blvd S. Clsa• I 07' rr.,.rty 2000 ....................... 4 Br 2ba houae. II eu llO view 1 3br, f~c .... n""'!!I""'-. ------ a ort1111 eectloo ol Coata T<r4~~L.,t--llllOourtAve.nrllth. .•••••••Hu••••••••••• ~~ Verde. AvaU 3/15, *"50 &tarr,paUoo,,J>e t HARBORVIEWHO ... ES 1(-f 1115 000' Thb ..::"'-.._ "••••••••••••••••••••• ., ·RENT LS ... ~a atoey beauty ~a:;;::-:,'~1::ar IY OWNB APPL.I¥ AUIY 4 , 1. 0 lo Mo. ~2~t~lut&tf00• sec. OC A 750-3314 ·Beaut. 4 Bdr sgl·story, bu a b111e llYln1 room **rHC DY -• bdrm du;-PamUy TaSl.llw llt50MotoJunelst. YI, •17 ev. 2 Br, 1 Ba "2 Monterey ideally loca~ed to withmaulveuaedbrick ~ ft room,3bathl.2'00sqft. Near new-4·:pl u . 2 642-1810,541·8847 Larte4 Br. Mesa Verde Or .. Cliff section. schools 6 Fuh1on Isl. fireplac e! Flexible ~~~ty confordoo'w'na,re, ...... ·Larae Io t , c 00 1 "bdrmi.2 bath each unit Lo 1 3 8 h Home. Children ' small /nx>4!M-01S4 S1200/ mo · 85S-1646, ftnaDcln1 Call t ...._...... ,_ PUW'Ollllc oce.an view'. with nreplace, enclosed w:Ji1~~r Bltln ~lrc1· pet OK. 1'750, Lat. + last Lat-... ~250 84M222 Mitch. ~115 · 0 see, occ,ant qualified to HOA•rosnrAL Prlceedd at ban .. •P· Plllo. 1ar11e. 91114 % lat. · . · mo. rent. Call 751-1728 · • Bt·"'f 3 b 2 b d -[f' mo PITI. 2 lloliiD 6alll. ionilo. • • p,. h llnS ln~ uul. -to June aft &PM or w .. nds ..................... •• "' a. r. a con o, I OWIBSMUST .AlkforEd. ·Patio, double 1ar11e. prailaUUT,000.$152,000 .o• cu Blflow. Now 20th. Aiger Prooerties .. . La&. Vhr 3 br 1500 sf all new dee. S83S Agt, •. . SlD,IOO. lllWnlble fln1ncin1 at .15t,500. II Grundy. 67s.QlO • • 4 br1 2 ba, 11e fenced yd. A!C, vT~w. rel. 2 car, ~. 644-7020 Ted ~OCATISOOH ~I Ut.._ ..... ...._ •-~----. IM.0.-. U~'4 4M·3141. Prine Rltr m.am. 2449 Vaanr Place N H 3 B B ,-n~ iiuhed on tbll nvvm.,,__... _,,__""'" oag. . J,YOWMll eo.e.Mete 3124 A ail M . ·f!Sm>.213/333-ms = u . r, 2 a. "RTIS •-·If 1• 7729 v . ar. 7. $750 mo.. /'"""' Lst lut + dep ~ith~~·~.t~E~~~~~ "" t· Ol .. Ylewc..M 2-4 eus,4200aq.ft.612 .......... u ........... Call64S-0029bef.!pm. i..,....,.. 3211 Avail~.~-7400 · · ~O..,._ 551·31M Gre.l llatter laOme-or ' 614 Calle Camf:n•. E/llde 3br, crnr lot. 11 yd E. Side 1 B 400 f L •••••n••••••••u•••••• .\CC in the sleepy ... ,_ ,_ ., __ ,.._ .. ~"" w/jac '2 car 1ar. $82S. y ..... G' u Pra, Id. 5 · C· Ocean view lBr, den 2ba. Newport Hgt a 5 Bdr. t>cean vi II 11e of 3Br, Oft nra larce -P)trl,lnlM· HCAMYOM ~:m'Jl :·y. 2br, ·~111\"''2~~~ j •""" 548-3793. .../mo.54&"'"5 Shore• home . Gate Cape Cod, den. game ~BAD. 3 Br, new }«, E. Side location. LG Guardea community. -• P 'c•~-1• pooD 1 ' ~!~b.· •-ooo· d ncomle 1· IL,. •-a. 1140 ~Near pool beach room, 3 car car .. 3000+ -earthtone carnets and AS&IMABLE AT •~'-· lee&a. 3 Br 2~ ba home ·--area. ......, 0 •0 • _.. -· own n a ,. -2 BR ?.'4. b t h · 6 · sq rt. Walk to hi-school. otedwood deck1ng with S139,SOO. 673 ·2482, w/min'ored walh, lots Pl Warina. Si!Der wi1T rm. IV. ll't. T · D · ••••••••••••••••••••••• F.aatsl4e. ~ u:.n ~ ~~~M.9268 woer .Mar JO lease option. · h wood ton es se.5331, d merble, 3 car 1ar. carry · priced 1 t 71"•5807· '"-ta1htd,...... ft Da 'd 646 325S Cal Oi1111 art 631 1266 bout. SLASHED llYIMI M!IO,OOO.Call144-G441 I $121,500. Kent Realty, oaeof1kliiif.1or1eo1112 IQ. · vt • • • Pvt comm. Sea Terrace, ' · .500 so act NOW s I 02 000 Anxious aetier la offer·1-------· .... MESA YBD bdrm, 2 ba town.home sr.a~-2br, 2~ b.•· blt·lDS. Plan J. 4 BR. 2 Ba. fam ..,~ .......... byrallin1 • • in&tlliscbarminalBr' 'S...A. IOIO 14-l'lex with den and spa .~ pool, qwet area. rm,. Comm pool. jac .. 2 Br2'Ba, f1bulOU5 vu. W ... &C:o.ltltn' 4er2ea-nearbeach. lo.h tot•HY upara~ed m..u.FSCOMDO •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• 1,_,111S2ma271500D 112 Perlect for the relocat· .67~12. t.ennia, walk to pvt bch Ira living rm. S750/mo Owner desperate. 90~ with terrific fiDanctnt. 3 bcfmi.-2 6atb, alnile "Cla , 11 Bd.,,. u olet . a inc renter Steps to 4 Br. 2 Ba. nr SC Plaza. No peu. I y r lse &b or Dovie Koop. f7!11ZU·1Ztt ' rlnancln1 available. Priced below market. story Bonita on wide SSIC . rm1 plus e~closed Ocu~. 1olr, tnnis, S79S inc Ids water. 71"8SM200, 67$-6892 . ..:TSf.:=.;122=1,__ ____ _ --------9S7 ·08U. Aft 6 ' $1.9,000 ireettbelt. overlookln1 H gara1e.•. pride o f shoppin\.n • ..,.,, 9157-0TOIA&ent. ' 53MlC2 2 Br' den condo near W...,_ .. _ pool New "IXtt Im -owoenhip.Formoreln· .,.,.,._,, NEW DEC ORATOR H H S"0 •1 ST ••y S ~. · .. · . , -·-focallS46-SllllO Lovely Mesa Verde 3 BR 0•.C osp. ._., mo. , ~. • 721( ~mavc~!~.~.!.n.~ltoodlon,1n2. Flexible Herita elnvestmenta Ma,,.,.._.. llH fl!'l rm. 2 ba, S800 rr:io. PER~c .. :_-3Br. 38~# Avail now.Phs.6-4131 ~--... a-i.c,'Jr!!:-~~. -MWtv_eiwo . _ ._ ~ll"iAo...1-•~--_.-1.: ...u.Ll..al~-"P .... ,.,._,..., ,... __ _.~ ,___1 ho ldl •-_._.,_. ,.._ ~ -<o -~C"'.:'.:---.-. ----=-.-~~:~-~---....~-"'"' • .._ ;run,"'""' ~VJJVVWivvv e! cany mo n1 .• Auume 8~ VA loan come pro er y. &.ow r'lllClllClllG yl. se&.2313 COW"Ww/ocn v ew. patio priv. Eastbluff, avail 'belperfuellar. Owner wall . Clean 3 Br. S114 ,000 ---=====:::._1 An im ma c ul"e 4 'counnetltit.Sl500mo. Aoril I.St. Tenant show ance. j Princpnix.Bkr.MJ..7023 &..g.eltedl bedroom , 2 ~ bath Lm<>IAY~om. 3Br.18a.enclsdcarage, +securitydep.Toview AM'sbyappt S8SO mo .... FR I S ....................... ''Oaulc" home, conve· IOUMITS 2 6'Gr00m an en. 2 new Clfllel! 'custom caila&t.'97·174-4. 760.8076 0 ~ 0 ..,;nei ,. *IWtc ,_. • •Lot Dieat to Soutll Coast Hilb usurnabfe loans, bath1 private patio. dr•J>e•1 lar1e yard ' ~VLo.L.. 11 1 213/flll6..0l22 Veta attn: Keaa Ve-rde .,. 9. i 8 ti m ea 1 r o ss . Av a 1I1 b I e th r o u c h P*tlo WJUipla)'liouae no -•.....,. .26 """""'"""..:,..;:.=---- Fixer. 1123,000. Prine. Por A l.1119 ~~ ~!! u1i:ie12.~~w Orance. $380,000. 6/30/82. Sl,700. monlb. pet;s. No waterbed. SSSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• rc>Ol • JAC:U?ZJ only. $43:7023 Bkr. 1 acre + bldialte, 1ent· owner will carry srnad So c:.lf 1..-, Broker, 631·7300. + deposit. S48 -S442, 3 Br1 f!'Plc, view. ac.cesa 2 IALCOMllS ~ parcel short MCODd at 123! Settled 546-5601 170.5&9 to a..ue, avail. !mmed .• 1 New-lldrin Condo, nr Defer part of monthly payment on Balboa Island property. Low down or trade. ....... .., ....... t71-21'6 WTSIDI COMDO w/dmuSIH,000 3 Bf. Hull ba, 1riterrom, A/C, wet bar, plush carpets. private spa. 671-1771 AT LAST EXTRA SKAR P A Pert.cf Peel!... MONTICELLO SUper location. Llr&e TWNHSE assumable loan. Fixed 1S7 Yorttown Lo. Opn rates, realistic sales Sat/ SUn 1-5. 3 Bd 2 Ba, price, motivated seller. dbl gar, pool. Assume at C.11673-0188 12W~ or new 80% loan .... p-.i.......-'-IOOl at 13t,;,~. Asking -Sl<r:!,500. ....................... &66-1396 OPIN SAT f.SUH 11 ·• Manfred Stever. rltr ~ 3 story beach liouse - · Bay,oceanvlews 0-PoW 102' Ocean side ol Balboa 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• • 1911 Court Ave. nr 19th. 10. 783 Anyone? &Th-2291or848·3133 lovely 6 rm old, walk to Ample parking in rear . beach, 3.BR 2i,;, ba. fully IC>Uaded, 10% dwn min. C:... .. M.. 1022 10.78 Int. rate avail. 7••••••••••••••••••••• S220JOOO. 8&1-Dlll or Ml ·9255 C..a.-rDpb ~ eft. ~T!~:l 1n ownera u.nlt • also 2 br rental cott11e. All in ~ cond w/excel loca· b : Owner will carry lie 2nd TD. Best buy ln barn for only SZ10. 000. 644-7211 •DFAllMD t 1 1 lflc• IWf locat~n overfooklng DMa Harbor. Must see to appreciate. OPEN HCMiE Sat/Sun l·S at 241Zl El C amino Captatrano. Beaut. 38r bomt+separate IBr cot· ta1e. Swlmmln1 pool. $795,000. Flea. finan. Bantam Auoc. Inc. 213/5-Clll or Dana pt -.on beach. o'::1r t::!ll1n~ Dupla ... Bd6J.Bd,28a Oii. comer lot special 38R2\IJ BA +bluffs Con· WAHTID $11S.S6J.Mll0Ten. beach, frplc, bltns, dls - cluded plana for custom ea .. ocean vu, 1 lot from ~~· include wood do. 6to9 mo's, Sl600/mo . A couple for a cozy 2 BR ... ,,,. •• 326' hli-=..ashet ,r. ~moke alarm1 villa. S12S.OOO. Spec· beach. S off.at park. • ........... wetbar, walk in f'!J AS$.41MAILI! Beautiful oottage, lge focd back ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ill'' 11ry . encloseo tacularviewa! Ownr will help fin. pentrylnkitchen, tar4e Owner waU carry 2nd. A&t.760-9678 yard, 1 child OK , no QC.RENTALS 1ar11e.nopel!.$625mo. lllS.510NREALTY $349,000. Hamo Rily ape and brick fin:fit In WAUTYwellkeptTri· EASI'ERWEEK pets. Avail. 3/15. Util l·Sbr's$200toS2000 tnl-5006availnow. • ... -31 8'1'1-Z'l20 f::tloyard. Fonna din· Ptex near S.C. Plaza. pd.,1625.Cal1645-9161 7~3314 7·dus Bluffs 3 Br. 2 Ba .. ......,, 1 room family room "'-t •-· · t In 2 Ocean front 2 Br. a°' NEWPORT H • ,..,...... t'lflle • patn 7sz.5710 •· Nr So. Coast Plaza new Townhous e . 2 c a r 0 ..... w•Aamce An bdrm EIGHTS arid fiftplac:e ... you must units. Built·ina. fenced d1x C'Olldo. PENTRiDGE cara&e w/opener Avail t.bitZBr unitm tie ?lorth a. 2 . 1 ba. Si25 tee! Reduced-Sl68,000 ,.. rd 6 enc Io se d Oceanlrof!t 2 Br.garace. COVE 28r, 281, frplc, IAYMOMT May 1st. UO o I mo end. Near Crescent Bay perm>,~. call fordetails.979·2390 C'Sfm()pen THURS. utlls x11~ ~dulls. no wshr7dry r , levolors, 2 story. 4 + bdrms, 2 _,642=·1115119=:.:..·----- Beach. See bow easy we 7 JUlfil . 817 Jennifer . vail. till June 82. microwave, 2 car Jar baths. ~ire P.I • t: e i Under market-ndo can slip you into t.bll UDOWATllFIOMT ~--Lant, C.M. /mo. 646-2510. w/opnr, pool, jac. S8SO iotlfOlll view. Pier 1no w ODe. fi:meo I ffl COVINGTON C·Plexes rm. + '600 sec dep. s!iP· l3000 per mo . Avail. llG C:AMYOM ........ wa.-u ii: &i U Wul '•u from ~.ooo. Orange ............ _.,_, ......... .a 7S9·9l41 dys , (213 ) Feb.1. Oncth.ireen2br2ba ~~17,1 t_~R_J..•· at 1 p. ·-••••••••••••••••••• 0>. Call for details, pn11 .._ ... ...,.. ~~eves ~.Pool Spa Tennis ~-----11a1 MODEL QUALITY~ Br. cnlY. AJl. 549-l.316 ........................ • 1925/mo Dys 957·3046 Ouml:•L•••• ~~z:1~·1~~cr near everyth1n1-..._..._.. J2f6 3br twnbse,2'h ba,frplc, Eve644-0549 l4e 3~ 2'h ba condo. Dana Ptm-oeos Decorator's delight_ LA.uMA llAC:H 10••••••••••••••••••••• pool, etc. S82S mo . N~rt Crest. 28r + At r ium . bot t ub . Fantutlc buy at Comm'I/W111. 14 units Bayfront, beach, 2 Br. 2 5&-Sl2119S3·3018 den f Sllt.000. Great financ-Hartlor Rld1e beautifuJ fllUOO. Btr1M8-070I 9.,., Umes 1rou. Owner Ba. l 1&r sp. 123 E. 3br, 2ba, crpts. furn. or conv. · 1800 s/ · full ;,.. •sooo Luceme Estates home. fin. Allinl SSSO.C)®. By Ba Y front . Ba I b o a unturn. -ocean view· Every up· -~ ded SS owner.MS-3477 ... Island. Sl200 winter. 8.50-1912. 1rade. Avail •I IS Open bollle Sun l·S :• · 7S,OOO. Olllr.... ... Sl«XI annual. Herb, davs Canal Front, Newport llt50/mo. Days 642-5640 21'11s0cean Vista Dr. 1 . Avail. now. •••n•••••••••••••••••• Loh t.r Silt ~ 200 2131._ .... 77. ~ Shores, 4 Br +. Leue or or wknds/ev 642·6421 South La 1 u n a . Bx Owner. TI0-1977. ......._ • .,.,...., option to buy Sl.500/mo Owner/Alt. ,_. I •••••••••••·•••••••••••• ,.~ ..._. M 11222 adlJ4• leec• l24G Tennis, pooi, walk t~ FABULOUS OCEAN VU •5000 S. 1100 Old Corona del Mar. --• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• be ch. 2000'2+3dplx,pool.gar. a.. .. HAVIM ....... •••••••••••••••• &118' lot, So. or Hwy, •••••••0 ••••••••••••••SB1kstoocean. Elegant 2 ~'JJ/Jlr,Acent&46·l044 or frplc, beam ceil.. etc. WOODS COVE Ramlllio~j)uotry In· . 25' Airstream w/room, plw incl. Owner fin. Soectacular ocean 'city Br. Family Rm ' Den. · MS. 631-8888. Thia charmer can be f-Utr t d•s"ribes across street from May coo.sider trade. Bkr fi&hl! view from every tmo Mo. Plush crpts, 2'h H C" ... YO ... LSE eitbera2or3bdrmand 0~;.-. Bdrm ra"mitv beadl.llOOO.SeeatHun-548-7513 room.Large28~.frplc.1 Ba.C.edar,1lass,sun-(fl{ rl'•" ·" abr.2\!Jbaendunitcon· Is priced to sell. home. With Its abun;· Uneto b S P k many amen1t1es .,deck, dbl car pr v ~ R cL••& CGndo. do, boat sli p avail Features skylightsd dweolwoodandbrick. 21171 °Ne.!11n~~ s::ce that•Dnert. sml/mo. Call Anthony g1ra1e. fully malnt. ~rJ6~~1sJ!13:.,"ry $950fmo.S48·2306 track li1htiog, an Bay and ocean view llO, H.B. or ca ll ....,. 2400 days 642·S7S7. eves " yard.NoJ>eta.lnquireat Prestigious 5 Br, be a separate dinin1 room. from the 1 Bdrm guest 1.m .,_ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• wlcnds631·8630. 527 llth. St. 960-6331. winner. Happy home Owner olfers excellent apartment. Thia Sunday 2 bdrm, .l bath, new ~'rb~:,~~'ia~T~· LEA.SEOROPTION4br HOM~FORRENT llGC:AHYOH Hate to leave •t ' fmandn_1.. 1299.500. will be your fi rst op· ca f pet ' d ra p u . from lift. S48·J173 2ba vu exec hm . Sl400 3 ' 4 Bdnns. $700.$72$. Lu x u r i o u s t h re f Rmtllease opt/sell. MY MOITH 81D portunlty to view this Beautiful adult park, mo. Ownr/Afl 759·8006 .. 1 Fenced yards ' bedrooms. Two b"aths lou, your cam. 646·~ Ocean ·aide. Walk to special home with its lowll)!«:erent.~ Get ln bot water-build a 3 Br, 2.., Ba Den, Fam garages. Kids ' pets Formal dlninc roo m i..::.;Fee=La=:::nd:.:.! ____ _ beach from this 2 bdrm r::.~m::iti~~T~~~ Newport Beach De Ania =T' ~~bl: s1~c~el: rm L n d r Y rm welcome. S4S·2000. :~'!.~~ ~nt¥: S.a.w• l27' ~rr:r•rr~~:ef~tr dttaiJI. baydfront Park. Mint PALK SPRINGS. 5'000 SUZS/im.640-1484 . DUA&enl.PLEXnofee. Jacunl off maatet 0•;:;•0··~·1.:•w•••S•p••••1••h• La1un a pro pert y . 642-5200 con · '78 dbl wide. dn. Take over low 48r, 281, pvt beaches . -119 H!Jnt· bedroom. 3 car ~arace .. "' • an 5 Slt>,000. ~~~a ~:le pa1~o, pymts. Sl3,500 full price. Sl050 mo. Avail now. ~j ~v~i Ocet'° r":· $2050 month. earl) ~ 4 r,;I~~ ::or~ WOMDllFUL • . . w ill Call AnawerAd 1499. IUds'PetaOK VO ey a e r . r le11e. Call 631·7300 cor. w/d, blt'.ins. man; .. vlewl, pnvlc] and er:J:i~· B 6'241Cl,2tllrs. !714)720-0zl2 :oo~~rd~~1~~ Realtor. other amenities. No q\ietembefowtdiathll j;::;::~~=--ill ll.ode.r-n 1100 a.q. ft . s... H• SllOO/mo. Call Bo b peta SHOO/mo . + unique 3 bdrm, 3 bath 6 retreat for family or Specl7Xf..~1!eao view. Meyer 5118-3500, ofc or Security +S200 cleaning. family room home . rYNTDlf' ~ min to Lake 3+ familY. formal din· 1161·71522bome. I I • C A H Y O M Call Ron 213 /924·7896 Sellen may help with -------*""'91"'9* famliy recrea· lnl >l / szoo CONDO dail~14/492-9'763 eves finandn&. 144$,000. ·~~ tion ,9001 • low doA1wn. --~o .1p1 ' O 1.~.:g1'to\1ooo 3 Br. ruIT "golT courst -=':.=.:=,.,,·----- l•_,4....,. & Sltl 000 an ... or _ bout furn, assume oans. so. 'ICA .. 1• 7 .. ..1-•--•-pool s pa --......... •-1121o • .,. - ' .:,~ O_:.bn'er Home beaut. lakeview lot, 2 Br. larae den. frplt, ·-• -uaxs """"'• _....., · --• lltlJ a 1 ... l.n. °""'" ,_.. .... ~•"" ..,. lease. $1300. 644·742• ...................... . cm iflll beautiful4. Br In 1 .. __ .. Hills 1 •-.ooo ind plana. terms. ......,. -... I Br. beach 3 blocks1 pat.lo Blu ~...._ Portoflno mod•I 1'0 .-.-n cest 5 Bkr: <714 )338-SOS; IM0-8087 no--·. $300, ut1l 1pd. · 'llUW'm,2ba,tr1home,re· Slll,100 "' llar part Youns adlts a.·-....... modeled, earthtonea. 2 BR, :f~ be condo. Gar. Harbor View. Separatf welcome.. -· 2Br, den, lba. 2 f~ 11 Male preferred. 836-9629 •trm. + last + S350 .... PoOl, Jae. terms, :::.:::11 ~t·in·la• quarttel rs, ......... p.. .. ~, .... ,... pa~ 2 car gar. t alls. ~ ars 11.,.E MC. 813-a!; $49--2$15. 20'll.dn4t'7-t455 .,...,, new carpe n1. Buufffu-1 2h60 0..•cllip 2450 Sll...v. m Pointsettla. PANARAMAVIEW M"lm.N R (714t 494-1177 Oolelopool.131t,OOO. Kae)'wett Hm . 2Br, .......... ••••••••••••• 1144-1<83 4 Br . 2~ Ba . House on IXICUT1¥1HOMI ~ 1216 OI .. View ..,._I °"'9 s.t l·I ZBa. Thil ii tile best buy Partr Cit1, UT lux. time .._ 4 .._ hilb bhtf. View ofll&hts WmtYllW c;;;•3·;~·1•b1·:~~·1•; ~.~rr~2.~uy~:. ........... 1012 1144PertCMrttt, i.otown. •D1atrea111le.Ken 2~bi;firepf1ca:1ar1e .Privateroad .Patio . 4 Br 2 ~ Ba 2 vu. USO/mo . 30831 ~~e:ive~.lrLife:.Twftl .... oc!AN•PiWN;.00' S..c:.lf.lfflty MO'i:.l:g.,.1 ~~1;=79 ~/.~et.J>~:J•~ibl: ~£ ic ~~cunl~ fireplaces , puttint MarilxnDr.1M0-1u1 canyoreschantedown. lK down, U500 mo. or w.Mfll Hl-6114 SALIS --~, from Beach. $1,175 mo "25. · by appt · lf"eell,\ardener. JJtl 1327,000. Kent Realty, tr* NOOK equity. By ~~!UC• 2708Hafb0f;-Std06·A " .. 1•1rtr 2110 m.a518 / m •>ta.et13NoPeta Reatt«~7J!~:Edlund .-,, OWDer. l-t11•3 .... ••••••••••••••••• ~ ~-remodeled 3 Br 2 sc.ms cm I story 3or GLENDORA bone prop. .._, ... Bl, nr beach, frplc. __ _....-.,.,;;~-- 4 bdrm bocDe wiUI 1001. 4br..l 3ba, pool, fplc In 2~Bi; trr-ft, 1~1 11 din· cla wfoot tub. 0 a k 4 leue options avail. ln ftDandna avail. Drive lmurioua 2BR181 fam F I\ • $ 2 2 S • 0 O O . inl area. Pvt pauo, 2 car cab6mts ' bit-Ins. $750. the Blllf1. Some dllt~at- by t 08 A I e p p o In rm beaut teeure • adlt 21J.CGl3 1ara1e. Located 2 blka S!-2153 ' lituationl. 1_,_,,-=::a.=~"'----s-.... ...,"f ... __ "all • · from Beach. ll.17S mo .. .-7'"".....,. .,_.... · wcu.. park , Huot B c b . Ollof Shih Avail Apr.1. 815-1519 · 3Br ZBa. 2 car car. encl 'W· ...,...,,., me.>.tWtovlebRJty. Reduced to 1111, take Ptlf tr UM C.. -~nopeta.ll50mo. ~TCLIFF 1'1Ptf'P4 back 2o d . 11101 -................. , MIM JJJ4 llttt«.def;N2-4311 v-te ti 'I'"*,,..., Newland. tU·l~U II) Oaarb 10 •"-• 3 ........... ,•••••••••••I BR ed ..,., •• uecu Yf •-------ZBl "'be + dielome. " ..... · "• • CUl'Elbr worbbop !'h ba up(l'ad . 4Br, a pool bocnt. New eal"Pft. •lilt t'ODd. -estate w/brooll, ~kidl TODAYS* hnllllat~ BeaCllwalll. w1tir/dryr 6 rtfrlr 1Mlli.&9M J42S · O..wWcwldtrloo1 ..,S. IJM Wa.p.t!IO.Ml-800. ~iHTW 7JO.Ht4 Comm .Jac,~mllo avail. UIOO mo . SMc-.foUr""Wroom, eKrOW ud will belp .............. • 1 ' ..... OC.RINTAU bell. o eblldren, no Garde1er 6 poo I three batll coado'. a.•WJUChab w ltb fhau laa . YA&UYGf~ ...._ 27" l.Sbr'eDooloDOOt f~'.:;J00Y r lu . =-~': Afl. "Gaadelupe" Model. 20 ala to Ne•port J'"-!MfttflH •6Ae:.,..l0J"Ac:lrut ....................... 13Hll4 7-dm ~· 175·Ut2; -·----Near iboppl•I aad 'c.ter dMiied ad...U.181" la to ... MllMjvtttoa. UW 10 AerH nocado1. ~ R'..._ &..... ldlaala. *1115 mo. Year- lbt.a•tt• oao • ....._wt71otellmore nlll-perAc.OWC lalldlo Cal. 12" lat. •OMIOP OAnJu • tiiiJtlaliii.-f/r '-'· erUi.TJOO 1ua~.._.nteAfullJ ,......_..t.be..,..tee w/low lllt.OUMrill•est· t111000 Xlnt In vest. 1MILUCIYflW 11s1tr. JHJ m.11. ut. -~·11e-------wrtllld. ,.. 1111" IO off•. Alli Diii .....,. 1Yall. 10 Ac. Fii Rell -.-coela ·11•a•a --............ decb, lab. •I•• pn ,.... ~ J Br'• z No .... ort_ualfJia1. .. .. '°""*to-f,,11,AL.c:;•per H ,Stl urt raneb, NIWllT 1ated H ... ~ ... Lasooa. ~ ..... i /fee· -.... ...... 'JaNUI: J 1'INM J!ldlMlll. . -~-tll MM (f1M per TowUome VILLAO I e=:•UJ xtru. -~-. . Bob ...a. I bloc)1 from Oner/ff" tlliliitiil9t ·~1:.1:1•1 am>.'C.at ral Calif. OOIOIUNITY.1611r. ~Call HH : orDmllm.~1Rl1 lout' Coaat Plua. .... II ,... llH OOlllL.Mla.lltlal ldal 2~•.tD-•141.ft.ol _:IRR r~ Zaatbluf,, ••,CtUt4M. ........ _................ paretl•, 011t1taadfa1 C:,.':C' i. o:::r:; ... 1144 4"oraltd l ....... r.-· lbdrm ht. H::a ~=~·~ 0o:apetf: =L~~·~· rOOIDI --............... ~ ~· .... ~ft'lt· +I dtl, 2 a • a / c • m • • 1.s Top al tbe line. 11'18 Silver Crelt, c1ou111t .w.. buutitllllJ tunmbed . ., ............... ............ , ........ .......... ,.. Lii--·. . 11Nn1m1ftrtplact11 ,...., ... abr Iba -.,..._ ' lllUOtrn•, frflC -mlcro·wna oun1' ..-. mir. P~; --· dilta °"'>'· ,._, .. rm, lrJ r.c.t =PtUoa • ,_,.· Jtc.a'Jl(lit,,~ ~. • Jrd. I cat pr, cloM le Hr prOYlded'. ~OSAN JOA"." IN II.Um .... d... fi •• II t •• II ... lnil _., 11 • = :t.;!"' I -.t-ur ,_ 2"l1PW. I . 200 AC ...... ,.... , ..... u·-·· ....... a Ill •"'9tt.ci.1 AnlCO'l'IANCR ..... , .......... c .•.• •"-.....1._..,.., ltMt. Pftf ....... lllllbu 'ta• =·~ ~~~ l~ .. Ji ·~m:~~~·,;·-··1.;m"'···..:--~· -· ...... __ ·1w-·.. .. ~ ~· ·1· • • I ' ._. llllai .,, ~--... .,.???CT . ·-, :t..···--~1"1'~,11'11 .. ~--~~~~--~~-----------~--------------------. m1 --~- 1425 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 (714) 545-3334 • ' I 1-·· ·'....: .. ' I , IAlmt_.fi ..... ,if I 1ntt....... .._,.._.. 4JHlliiwa .. ..=e 4H ~ ...... 4400 ............ 4410 .... 11m• -................. ....................... • ......................................... .j ....................... ...................... ....................... ....................... Oltvtlldty 1011 4 BR ho OCC d ......_ ••• .__~ ............ . .... ~ 3 I b l70J .... P1 3 ndr •11 'CM9MIM JI~ Me ,,,..._. Jiff me nr an n ... rmte wantt4. Yrly •-.&lllON'tC * ... .,.,.._. lNV!STOASWANTED _,;. ... , ... , ... ,.-........ , ....... __., .... , .... ._ .... , ... ,, .. , .... , ........... ~Pl~~l~t :rtt•Balfbo:BPtn~. rromrroomuplo lalll/Ofa~t fo r taa write orf t'J:ff7f ........ , \Ult fr ZBrl Y~ .. S700/mo. Incl. E. Trt·plex1 .. ' quiet ..... M£WPOIT ............ -.21. eau lM'm. r 2 •• ~-IL From 11.18 a~ PnmalJl.liiMI• ~itlon ~llNd wllb real Htate 1-------:e.,~&r.;;l8R as1s. ~E. S.lllO'. 113-2447. .,. .nfa''°• adlt• rlml n urMJS ....................... She CClftdo • ottan view ~~XJ:,·~~r rlen\~~112 ' ~::1~ ~~~1f!~ !}file pnipertkt. 53!:•--REWARD ! Lost white ~ blk to lkb ba h N APAIJ•Ut OCEANFRONT U14 Br. walk to beach, ,111111, Dupont. Ca 11 AM . u.e. l.000 to 3,000 sq ft ..., .. a... 50zs ~a1tmlw l_![~!. i:f~~=·· BAY FRO~AOE beach, • c • •r Dtluxe 2 bdtm, 1 baUt Avail. now. Weekly thru +ev thin& you'd want &\1.1223. avail ....................... au:b.lr pt~.; call da;l '1-h 2 Br 50. UUJ ~· cpt, f::~t~ Ava 1 AdulU, n.o pell.~ mo. IW!!mer.m.7873. 114-M$-7100 __ 2lld TD to 11 mill EZ W.BO eves 131 8010 l 1·27 . 30! · !!OW.._..!_ H1 I. COWfflYCLUI PalmSoriAparea (MOft· hwldtlketoabartfum. --qualify. Downey Sav. n--.. --~ ' . t.fll· · .. ....,. JIJJ ard UVlllllo.la. IM t.-.y CC> tOlldo I BR 2 21Jr•"'. Ptef.aponnut ·1ouc_.,_ C rdtll Tia• Mr. McQuarrie, -~·· ,.--A-. ......... _ J714 ...................... , i~ar .. &.ra&e,,.,.>:. • ..,.,·moNo. ......., Ba furn. w/atrlum. ....-MIWPOIT .,............._ 4475 llQ.2111 ---~;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii --KJCll 01\ """ MIWPOIT I II w/ttereo. IZSO/mo . Call: Ele&ant Enc 1Ultet In --....................... Nearthe ocean. I~~ 2 Br, .(fl Coflvtennla . Da y, U.a. prt1Uflou1 loc. Incl .. tr"""''"'"'""' llWAIDPOllMFO Cil.A DI 010 ~f~. 1o':~ ".u.1 1;/7: Nice i at. 1 Ba. Cott11e llACH :~tl. '1Tr~1l.~~t~~ lfl-11'0or142-WO 1ecre arlal. recep· PB.':n~~~!n o~ol~~: ~11. T,..t SOlS ~oJ.~~~1~~c1o~~~ AlL1JflU1t~'PAID eves •wUdilU·MM M. m Center H or A 1.,,.,.,,.,, ""'mm""'ity 00 ... ukfor ark. M/P w S.A. home nr Uonlat. ~epholle i ns " .... ..-1•70 831 .-... ----u=-. aft I _, "'" '"'' • 17th St. Own Br/balh more. Ofct fr()m $43' ~~ ....... • · -"~ ....................... t.akeo from condot near Compare before you 2 Br. Apt. wllh private IJr rein · ,_... the Back Bay· Spec· PALM SPRINGS TAN! furn or unfurn. Pro# mo. On·call orce $165 IETAll SPACI s.tllr wt.. c Engl1nd l Memphis, rent. Cuatom deal(n patio. 1 · f· enc .... aer. ta~lllar Spaf 1 .awlm· 1 Br. den Condo. Mtn, penon25--40yre.953·2152 m o . THE H E AD · Hafoor-lffva. C.V' 972 All types or rtar:atate JtB.Chromeframe ; red teaturea: Pool, BBQ. 87H5ZZ,9·S. $315. 14 ·034l after nuftCpools,l l1bted ten··~1 vu. Newly furn. evg. QUARTERS C9 M · "".ft.Avalln0w.' lnvestmentulncel!M9. handlebars, wheels " cov'rd/araae, aur· OCEAN VIEW 3Br 1:30PM. nis cowts, bike tralla, Ji!i0/wk.MO/d!!'Av11l. RoommateFprtferred,2 PANIES:Aprofeu1on1I ~alooomlcs 875"6700 brakes: black Un1seat. roundt . with plush w/new t~a/ d rps . Nliw 3 Br. Poo!1.Rec rm. ~~btellgrt ~ r :ne/ 2 3-22. (!14)$51·~5. BR houae, 2 car gar. environment. (1 14 ) ·~~ • Ple.uecaJISJ6.1132. landlcap1n1. No peta Permanent /rN> req Utlls i>_ald. walk So. bedrooma apartments, LI& Bl& Bear c1bla. pool W/D, 2 bUt1 to Melia bch. &U.olll h ¢ 'W l..W 4500 l:"/um ~romt:t l.lt/lut+c/ (reru:.ida· Coast Plau. $&50/mo. and townhous u rrom ttil , color lv, 2 fpl1, $365 lnclud. utilities A ll!SS "'""""""""""' '4Z.2171 HS.__tiil Found· Lab blk l85W '\miaon r:~ 971 bit pro.rattd>. Cr. refs. 2131117• '540toll000per month aleep! 14. S4H@l8. 1 ~S Df 1 N.B., 3'75 Birch. 8860 sq •FIXED RATE 2nd TD 1 prox 12 ~~t~·. vie . . ·l . Inquire by mail 8560 2Br. Ba, LR, DR, bltns, OnJ1mboreeAt Mali KJhtl 1Br lux ocn ._...... . Aniwering mil tt.orless.M1A ione.SO< •li)JUyAmortlzed l8aker557-8268 Bachelor Units, ut1ls Huntln&.ton Dr. San wabr/dryr hookups, San JoaqulnHllla Roid view S35perdy.873~10 ...... 4150 ~lciciJc8{:r1f~~e per sq. rt . Agent •li)JllyAsaumable paid.weekly. Gabriel.CA91715 patio, 1450 mo. 8611 (710'44:1900 d,n.8'1S.M93eves ...................... , llOO/mo.,i4/8SH'42 · 5'1·5032. •No Pre-Payment lDlt Male Yorkle , Ter- H2·1334 Dlx. lite " airy 3 Bsfr 2 P!umer St. "A". O~n NO FEE! Apt. It Conde ....... SNN 4300 8'x 20' nr Baker I N 8 h Meu lnd~lrialPark,711 Penalty ner Blkttan "Chamf &...,n.ltecll 1741 Ba. f ~~ lOAM. 548· 058 reotall.Vi,l1 Rentals, ••••••n••• ............ Fairview ,. clean . JC:~o~:,.pel~ sqnef~r W. 11th. St./PapcHic ....... A:sTk.Dfo.r·.SSlkli,pooo,546a·t028321'~, ~~~""-~~;'· M ....................... 1 Bdr, 1 Ba, un urn. · 6'15-491.<Broker. ProlShr2BR 2BA CdM $50/m>.845-1381 .eccWsn · m ·· Bh4rs Industrial ark. aiu ,. LuxUI)' studio, spa, TV. l:;oo/mo. A@. 6'15-5511 Xlra lg apt1 oversid41 yd, 3 Bt. 2 Ba. 1~ bloch to u.e 1 Bllt rr Bch. F Pref. 30' loqdbledrive iccess. ~k1:; 0we~rsm::: 1835 Whittier Ave. 1500, int only, due 1984. Call Losl: white <;:ockal1el. me id service, phonea, W... Jl24 2Br, 18a, oonus rm, liv 0 c ea n . s 7 5 0 I m 0 . SM-5311, 875·9619 Eves drywi.ll l.ftt. Hunt. Bch. . bid&.' Vieky days lllOO. 3100 sq rt unlla. Of. 640-8500 child's pet, v1c 19lh It 125wk.499-2227 ....................... rm, fam rm,. frplc , ~ent. 615·23'7l Shr lrg lua home w/prof. MS-9501 (10.5) 714/645-4800. ~~.,.;~e~~~~s~P!~~ 2nd·3rd,.lhTD's e. Rew. 646-0007_ •SIGH'USQUN,DOF talll.311. ~~·25l:5rr-.~:Sl:~ or · ~.lit. lut " dep. Office...... 4400 Prime Office Space, bar.6'2·'463/642:1~ JudlcialForeclosures llLACICAT SEAlBr.frplc,ogar, Newly decor. Gas pd. ISi?Sl!!).'19-lMIJ ~·2'6M111 ....................... CoronadelMar.l070sq Haroldfo'.McGraLh, Male-~firl vicoorthend 714/494-5184,337·2222 encl gar. d/washer, ONJHEBAY - -W B w Wanted smallwoodwork· AllyatLaw. 851-1771 Marigold CO M _ H11iport -.odt 376' pool, bb<l. Adults. no 1 Br. 1 Ba. lood eestslde ~~en:ru~i~· 100o!.~~ ~s.i:~ite . $850 / mo . ~ne~a.s<~~fre / i1~ ~! ---Reward Ans to Jupiter ....................... pets.642·sln3. ~/.!.1~!: d!t~1!r Luxurlo~s. open 2 ROOMMATE lit.floor. A&entS41 ·5032. CUstom necutlve office. own tools Mc Ve y =~~? fil5-4C8i, ?so.6264_ -OC~FIOMT JMMBOCCPMCY! ~47E.18th.St.See =~·::::f°e"a';: FINDERS EXECUTIVE ~sq.ft.Pvt bath with 675-8847.Ear!Ybesl __ Real Estate money fOU.ND Orange long 3bdrin.2ba.Availmon-$400/mo 2 Br. 1 Ba. aer. Plush carpeting " Oldest "largestagency. SUIJES shower. Ba lboa Penin. l,IXM>sq ftwarehouse.sm avallabte2ndor3rdTD haired fem c at thly 'til summer $100 or Poo~I beamed ceiling, Eastside, l1rge 1 Br. up· drapes enhance this one All clients screened with N mo. 642·4623. olfice " head. S340 mo. Loans on residential or Northwood area' Irv $25()perwk. 675-2010 la room . Np pets. per, 1 adult, no pets. ol !l ki~d upstairs unit photos" rererences. LMaW&'-E Share rum orrice space in 6'5-3544 t.ncome properties We 83:?-1([~ SHORT TERM No las mo. rent. SJSO/mo lpclds utlls. which 1s also graced Credit.s : Cosmopolitan ,._,.,,"., handle a full range or Found a very lg Rabbit. Oceanfront" near the TSLMGMT 642·1603 Reallynlceremodeled. with Dan.lsh rireplace1 GoodMorningAmerica. PLAZA COM 00 PCH SlSO mo .... 4550 mortgage coverage at Mesa Verde area.CM beach apls avail by $100 ofr 1st Mo. Renl. 6'13"6372 spacious deck, mirrorea 1beTomorrowShow. New lua_uiY _OlUce space 673-0280 .... ••••••••••••••••••• very compj!l1t1ve rates 546-1377 week or mo . Agt . Spacious2Br,1Ba.$39S. 2 br • ._./mo . .,c2 Vic· wardrobedoor"picture •IAl oH• to all new in Irvine's buS1est orrice space avail. SpaceavailablelOOO·lSOO Courtesy to Brokers. -d --.-1 d 61s.8170 3 Br{ l~ Ba. S42S. Laun-, t.orii. Adults, ~ pets. windows oHer i n g a dients who need a place. center! Easy Fr wy ac· Includes desk, phone. sq ft. » pr sq rt. Lake 714 · 160·1551 ask ror ~~bbit 1~1 fte:t-'t~~~e dry ac., eool. 548·9556 ....... 61 panoramic view or the MEWPOIT 641· llff eess. Avail. now! Call 3Xl/mo. 641-0763. Forest area. Contact Steve or Duane ......,. Bay! For appointment rordetaila. ........-.~yoo.1 Lttat Dioptics 559-4748 .. -£-/ -l/27.54&-1377 or 546·17~-l>lease call Mon thru fri nvnu"9 " "'"'na•c:--. F d B' ht 8to5pm. 2500 sq ft condo to s~ri I, 551-1231 U_o.4210 IUCH s.<KM> sq ft renced "!r _s .c . ,.,.,,_./ t~ rab~ft. 7r~i~e ~eei. 1Wi:su:lftl!ld 17141720.2473 G~b~t"" bv~eawu ~; t~e BAY FRO MT 650, 78S or 2,111 s/huites Plata. SZSO/mo ulll ·~cl Lolf & Foe.ct ral'e. 312. Call to 1den· SPACIOUS 1 Br. APAITMEHTSW bay, w/pools, 557-7883 or for Im med occ. Fu II 63l-6322, 540·9299 --••••••••••••••••••••••• J!fy &1>3880. Cathedral ceilings, walk Beautiful garden apts. Cliff Haven, 2 br, 1 ba, 640-6339 Primeoffice.673·1003. Servicegrosslease from ...,.W..tecl 4600 AMotllKttMltts 5100 --- in closet, dishwasher, Patios/decks. Spa. heat new crpt1 rresh paint, I Prof. Woman seeks !liS<. Main " Fionda nr ... •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SCRAM-LETS fireplace. garage, m1" paid. No pets. frplc, eat·IO kll. No pets. I Christian Lady to live in Pac1nca Hosp. Ownr/ Cruple desires rumished CASTIMG HOW!! laundry ra ci ity 2BR.2BA. S52S .642-213-4 CdM home w/son "execuplan BobJa:rrard apt. or home rental Movie extras Modeling ANSWERS S450/mo.J99 W. Bay St :RW. Wilson 631·5583 Witerlront. dlx 2 Br. dogs. Rent negotiable IZl41141·llll Balboa Beach area June .)Obs. All types. No exp. 646-f l 2 Br. Easts1de. garage. ql.iet. private. $795/mo. 615-6041. ..~ ............. C--~" or July .. Write R. Nonn. THE JOI SOURCE Th~h -Pr~ud l':_•_•_•_•_ii_li_iiai_m_ili_'ti_il_•_•_•_-1--1 $475/mo.+sec. Dock avail. 673-6336" Roommate M/f H B. gd ,_.... ~ 144 sf pror. orfice .+ l!Bl E. Prince. Tucson. 6'B·077711AM·7P}r~-CoCbHc l-LDEnRtE1cNe 645-1387 642-9666 F servi~e cus om secretary space. Avail Az. 85719. __ • Bachelor"1Br.Apts.All loc olfice "d space. H 5.S32S+Sl7S.Orange B 1 r r 8 • L19i'Motices 5200 Acupun c ture 1s adult. no pets. Pool. bbq MIS.A PINES ..... loy Ci..b I S22S + ·~ Nr. o.c . irport Coast Financial Center 2·3, ... :: .• c ean,~ r i" r, ••••••••••••••••••••••• son-ethang that directly " enclsd g 8 r 8 ges M~A VERDE EAST Studio 5 md'631·6000 847-4781 ·Diana .. See lo Appreciate!" '6, CM 957-1414 l '"""'eon 5 · y~r;'I'. Jiot.~:2°~ · .to. '""~ous 1.AYTIMlaS --t-i'.'81t1orooct....tso-offers · Imo. 631·2276 Quiet 1-Br. Apls. UP. Balboa Ba-y Clu6: 2 r f' tu sin 2 tJr,-t-b • "" • remal:-16'Mi&H eYtt-_ that the undersigned system . We ha ve QUIET ADULTS over JS , wf~alcony , cathed~al lovely "ay view' 'Sl?oO c.M.S2501mo. + "2 ull s ac spac~ for lsc. John will not be responsible something better in m}' • All Utillliel Paid "lmmed!M• Occuclency • s 1 Million In Aecreellon And Much More• For a monlh. or a lite· bme Modets open daily 9am 10 6prn No pefs .. Oakwood Garden Apartments Newpof1 Beech/No. 880lrv1ne (al 16th) (7,.) M S-1104 Newport Beech/So. 1700161h SI (Oove1 II '6111) 171-41 M2-5113 . 1 Wllum 1 Br. upper. SJ.40. ceiling Down poolside u • 67>5612 art 6 Wayne Airport area. 300 ltlliMss/l••nt/ r or any debts or house -CHILD]. EN_ Beautl landscaping. No w/patio. Gas stove , mo. yrly. 640.96!)5_.__ · ' ---sq rt SUS per sq Ai.tee llabil.tlies contracted by Found She-phffd mtx; 1 pet.s.LEEWARDAPTS. frplc,dishwasher,pool. ~ 4000 ~~~l~~a~t~~e~ MEWPOITCENTEI-ID§!!7Q ................... ~-··•anyone other llian GreatDane.Bloodhound 3J201i)Jllerton 63l·e397. spa;-bbQ,laundry.$475 " ....................... 6 645-2318 ltlliMssl...tal 445 111¥eata.. myself. on or arter Oct mix. Ameriran Farm Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse 11?.2650lferla.S49-Z4'7. Rmmtwantedto shr2BR ' bca .. IOfflce ....................... ~'f 5015 20 .. 1981. Nor.ma S Shepherd, Smooth Coat· aPl in qul\t adult com· E. Cost.a Mesa B;1~helor Ajit. CM area. S275 Mo. Respoo. sgl f wanted to S..Ct . Costa Mesa. 259 sq. fl. •• ::?'?:' ••••••••••••••• Smart, 2904 Cliff Dr l'<I Collie, Terrier mix: plex. N'ewly decorated. unit, no peu. S300/mo. Incl util. Call Steffie shr ocean vu hse in Lag : :O ~ sQ ft· Availa· sl.ite. Sl7~1roo. Utils in· Seekin~ a S0'7r partner N rt Beach Ca Beagle a:iix. Welsh Corgi fireplace.enclsdpatlo~ . 552-4689. after5:J0646·6104 ~~uf:'toJ:.~/mo ~u wr:.f.Cote rid. 17~,W 19th. St. Addvtew"sq.footage SIOO REWARD Blk ~nxtelrr\'71~.~~~rnalCare garage. Adults only· Mesa's finesl fam1 Furn. room. kitchen fortmreinformal1on f.1e! -toCdM house for re~ale longha1red cat "Meat ..,.. ~ SOrry,nopets.S575 Mo lycomplx.2BR,S42Sto pnvgs.C M S200mo. M1frmmtetoshrwil'h 2 S20 4'572sq.rt $1.00per Prest1g1ous location. balT" 613·8912 d ys FOUND Beige It whte 645-llllor675-~9-S.SOO IQO. New cpts " __ 549·8677___ 00ir: 3bJ :0~·4/i~t tC t"' R It,. sq. rt .. 3975 Birch .. N.B. ~5143dat~eve __ 97~3711ev, ' Manx Nr Nwpt Hbr BEAl.ITIFUL2Br.2 Ba drps. children welcome , NB.Lge room lt fullbath. =~~Mitch'. . . 0 e e~ y enl541·5032 L 0 AN s HAR K LOST· Burmese male l.!!&_l!,NB 548-6709 Mesa Verde, no pets. Corner or Sep. " pvt entrance · & lnvestlhent Exec. Ste's. li)Jll service. WANTED. need S8.000. cat, Dark sable. almost .-~ 5150 Garden Apt. Fairview " Adams. 9.5 View of bay " open Mature. re!p. f desires 640-57,,17 greatly reduced 714-892-22S4 Miss Potter. black. Reward Ca II ••••••••••••••••••••••• frplc,Lndry,Dshwshr Moo-SaL557-5785 ocean.Non·smokerSJSO. home or apt wlsame. , s , s · 754-6189 terms ---j SSl·:B'76. • ~c=garag~16 ~i~/~.126~.oC:~ ~ ~r'"B'c~'fz~~io~:1:r .. \--•••••••• -.............. .--......... -·~~~~!~~ Beaut.. 1 BR. quiel bldg, Elden. 631·1755 ~~ ~sfiif°54~\/~~~I f ·roommate, on beach 1 days a week small dogs accepted. DmoPoillt 312' &.SAM San Clemente. S290 • 69 Gorgeous girls ~to ~~213-498-6786 or .................. ~ .. •• E/sideC.M.li)Jm.rm,tn· :.Z~&:~~2684 d ys. •• 8-DAY WEEK SPECIAL • ~::i'i~~~~a~~c:if~'; 2 Br. ocea n view . cl. all utils. S275. Call • tou ri s t s Bank I br, super clean, encl. l>alcony, •arage, clean. Christina 557 2783 Share my 2Br. 2Ba furn. 3 LI 8 D II d M gar. Adults. no pets. 279 2t682 .. A"' Cordova Dr ' · · c.M. pool. sauna. rec • 8 Days • nes • 0 ars Americar . a s ter W. Wilson, Apt. B. 2U/402-21657 lcollect) Room needed £or yng. rm . dshwshr. Clay • Charge, Amencan Ex· $315/mo.645-1819 0c · 3 Br 2ba mother.-~xchange ror l 642-7319731-~1 • lt seasytoplaceyour8-Day WeekClass1f1edbyma1I and1t press. Diners all lolaoolo Ci..b e~n view · babys1tt1ng l h.sekpg ~ • v.elcome 714 645·3433 C\.-Studi Y 16000 STIJNNING large 1 " 2 patio. dbl gar. S60<l/mo 957-8390 I Willshare2 Br. 2 Ba . apt e costs 1ust $8 -thats only a dollar a day1 To Qualify for this e ~!;!Harbc]r Bl CM ""..... o.63 · Br. 2 Ba garden apts. Call496-4179 . · w1liberal Mle. pref. ff I ff l.ge2 bdrm wllb view on Pool. $395-$455. 710 W ~ •-1. 31_.0 Nice middle aged person. ASA , WSA. NATU R· • Special 0 er. YOU must be a non-commerc1a user 0 er1ng • Coeds would love to party S'eashore Dr. until June l8lh. ·-.....,.--oc.. .. rum rm" ba, S300 mo. ISTS 494-6216 merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the pric e mus l With you. Le sli e or 15 SSOOper mo+ lll ....................... kitchpriv 631-4734 Ev. I · --·• Syl\•1a . an y time. · 67J.6 58 u · Lrg 1 Br adult. near Wlffl 'Wt ADh · ~-Share 4 Br. home btwn • be in your ad T he cost stays the same whether your ad e 1s1-!MJ36 613-2986.or I shOps pool. all util pd,4' ~ot Hohts,Mohh 4100 Bay " Ocean. Avail d h d II · ~'---S... L.,..a 3716 1884 Monrovia . 548-0336 ~1'~'. 1 All r::'me~\ti~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• now. 67s.2631 art 6pM _ • nee s e1g t ays se 1ng time or 1ust one e ••••••••••••••••••••••• S5301mo 2 Br 1-.., Ba 846-0619. SlAL.All( MOT&. 4 BR home nr OCC and • • ............ .. Laguna Beach, beaut townhouse. garage, . Wkly rentals now avail SC Pl N k Use one wo rd 1n each box About 4 words make one S••ar & Sp1'ce fwn .. swte 2 BR, spa, laundry room. s mall Deluxe poolside xtra Sl05 &t up Color TV aza on -sm r . • "• sauna. satellite TV, yard.CallforapptTSL large 2br, 2 _ba . bltn.s. Phones in room 2274 Sl85 +-'-4 util 9SS·Oll..QL_ • c lassified line of type Minimum ad IS 3 lines Please print maid serv. $300 wk mtMZ-1603. dswhr, l '2 miles beach Newport Blvd. CM Resp person needed to • plainly • 7)4-499-2227 Adults, no pets SSOOmo ~7445 shr C.M 3 Br home . I bdrm apt S350 mo. 2 m1. 5J6.8362 close t o bea ch " • tz ...... to beach Call aft 6 30 THE W~l fFLETR EE NHDAP:l.ACE? Newport Bl $2951mo in • r------------------------------, T. pm. 631·4816. 1_2_3 Bdrm. Apts. Gym , Reas . Weekly Rates ..£LuliL teve 646·439!i • I I • U.t.wllttd 2 mi. rrom beach, 3 br. 2 Sp S I t · Kitchenettes-Phones Sh . • ....................... ba, family unit. S495. 795 a, auna, poo . ennis. "Z" Channel Movies. ~~!~e 2B~.t 2B~~oS1~~ • I I ..... , ..... 1107 Shalimar, C.M. 522-1734 etc.846-0619. Sa.ndpiper, 1967Newport mo.549-1514 • I I • .......... ••••••••••••• or780-1882. M.AIJMBS W ALI( Bl. Costa Mesa 645-9131 Nu2 •3BR.2BA. yearly Spa . b rs·d Lrg 2 Br. 'townhouse <ktlhebeachhotelrooms. Roommate wanted till • I I • Frplc. blt·ins. gar. park· • CIOUS 1 r, poo si 'cl Apa rt me nt. Fr p le , kitchen " bath. s300 6/1.S, 2 br. I ba. Jae. I • ing. Close to bay " new:k decor. landscape endsd gar. patio. Near +S300 deposit. 2306 w. BBQ, S275. 613-1955 N.B. • ocean. Brkr615-4912. rr n apt. No pets. Hunt. Harbour. Children Oceanfront, Newport Prof. MIF to shr 2 br on ' I .. ,. • $tep&tobeach1cutelbr. J14:&sAgt 548 "4821 ' OK.$S7S/mo.840·6801. Beach.673·4154 N.B.Pen.SJOO/mo.Kris •• I 10.vv huge yd, qwet s~reet 2 br. 2 ba condo. Walk to .......... 175 '540-7377/67M606. I • ldellforcr,11e.Nok1ds.or qlEPLAC~. P o<!I. beach. Security gate. _.._, 4 • 13.20 "'°'• ••7c t'I paid cnvale t•tao " d1s • ••• .. •• .. •••••••••••••• Dana Pt. shr 3 br hse. I. • ............ mo. u I ' . pool. sp1. sauna. tennis BOARD '· CARE-lad1'es avail. now. Bill 831·1257. • i yrly. avail 3/6 673-4484, washers n XTRA LG I saxl/mo. • I 15 80 • lteeelaing "2 Br. garden apts. on . SJ6..6565/S40·4424 "couples. Spec. Natural 496-2900 • • Small Bac_belor .. S331 ~~.~~lid.• e. $460 /$560. ARLJNGTO. N APTS Food" Care. lndry , nu Mature M/f hsemate for • I • d ...,, ..... facil., C.M. 642·3481 Irv. twnhse S215 incl. I Add $2.60 for each addttlonal llnt for 8 times yearly, uttls paa20.1 E""' Spacious. qwet 2 br, 1"'1 -....:.,~--1~.. util.ss1.5319_ Xtras. • • block rrom ocean. . Db 2 ll 2 IA ba twnbse. Adults only. .-n ... "'! ~ .. I 81lboa. 675 -9562. No pets, h oo. 369 No pets. Nr the beach. Responsible Cat olic MIFtoshr2BR. 2BA bch • Modtfs Escorts 631-7903 LiHla ' Vicki's PHOfO MODELS ESCORTS BACK " BE'M'ER Tif.AN EVER! 24 HRS 669-0207 <Outciil> WI M Npt Bch boat home seeks run romantic lady Box 543, Balboa, 9266J_ Investors Needed· Psychic Research John 613-5143 1S2-1825. Avocado. 159-1914 !la).8656 party will take lovin~ apt. li)Jm. til 6/15. $250. • I '-'-tic Vie BR 1~ ba. bltllJ, studio. ~-Spacious, sharp 2 tender care. an Call Tom em, 673-2147 . I Publish my ad for 8 days starting ( • Large deck' and-~ms. lio lS $S50 Br. 2 Ba . Nr bch. Child personal assistance of 1 Rmmate wanted to shr • I • , ........ Senlus 5360 rlYlet?S0.842·3912 ~~~~~~ · · ~.!e._peu. Best area. ~~rl~esP."~~~de ~l~t sml 2 BR hse in E. CM •• I Classification e ...................... . _._,, Rel' S26S + util. $250 dep. SWEDISH MASSAC E Oceanfront. prime area. BahiaMarApu . · Jerr,631.5913 anytime . IA I Name Relexing,non-sexual. 3Br.2Ba.frplc.Nopels. Larae 1 Br. carport, Bacbelor,3blkstobeach, 5§6-6033 . -IW· -----------------------• Robert661·1820(10·8l l ye a r s I e a s e I t pool. laundry. Adults, no stove, ref rig, utils pd. • ,1 Address • • . = & $1350/mo. 675-8904 1ft 5. pets. $450. 931 w. 19th. 422\'J 9th St. 968·0020 art. \ ..oy: S'17·2'14days. Sl.541-0m. ~ ..o.\ • ( lirip,_ tkil il•INdl 3140~&11"4••.d 3140 2::nfm·r~~!~ryi::0 B'1B !f.\l't-• • e I City Zip Phone e ;.;:;;;w,·0 0 70·75 1.•u••u •t ...................... ._._. .... .__...., .... 846-l.507,131.1m8 t' ~ e 1 Check or M.0 . enclosed O : j~~~·u';;~;,·~·.·:ii.'r~~i;:d · Kennybunkport? 3144 ~ • 11 Ch arge my ad to : 1 • !3lh~e·~1dco~d~tl:kT:i Isn't that the boat 2~~~~n~ce 4ffl • II 0 ~ # I • ~'':;X1}\a1i1"0~0~!~~ that won The America's Cup in 75? with laundry room ind ow..v>J7. • L.-I Exp. I • tlme.•'729 ~f()~ mcpr846-DI r·-·v • • I Youn' married man lf)IOU'rtnot~....,(orwtllt)Keno)QMtcport ~.Y..~~d~s.~&: e ID # • Exp. l., •. ru.!1r::z..oddJ:'d'c:':. don't a...1 .._. ,_,.,..not_...__ 157.al • L I variety of 'handymen WIS. •--.i-r--9IUlllll'. ' ------------------------------• 1::· 972·9525 tY!!; Uk ~~·~. ;;::'~:~b;r:;: : r--:--··· WE 'LL PAY Tl HllEllPIO STAGE ··::::;:c:···1 e ~~!:~::: oftmltl plf'ICNllllOpnmional plmng. ;s,~~m~· fJPlc, •• I NECESSARY : • 66.zm . . Thlldfldd~youdeerw. use .... M service f: . 1r MAILED • e MllpWllllM ''" • A~ bland of nlCUrt ns IMng-~ ~Ret. UUI pd:...S2POtE· when plac"1ng your ad a.. IN THE ! • . ..................... . ---~1tnllwldlblbblingbrookundquilt ~·~..Mffr':.. fl I . •. UNITED STATES ' ~ ACTIYITllS 1111* CIQPlld tit nabnl oc.n brwlllS. Add to .._..,beach. a Br, 1~ Daily Pilot ad number wadill • t -o e ruu -tt•• posltloa t111t ... cxuu.,....1•iopoo11.1jaamjaacs •. ttPk. immaculate appear In your classified •• E BUSINESS REPLY LABEL ·~ .. ••lllllllel••ct~a· ...... , .... ,.._ftpplnglnd -~.111-FAa. • u.-take your tnAC.c.~ "' c per1t~t1 .. s ,•• ..... _ -~-""' ....... ··--w'-~ • ftllSl (LAU .. Elllllll NO IJ CO$TAMUA. ALIF,OllN!A • .. • IC ,. •• or • ....,...Jlll'I,...,...•..-·~·'""""' WRNT 2• hours a day ... you call "• •· an .... t000 euarta .praudlJ al homl.(Ewa ~) nacm i t I JC POSTMtf WU IE PAC>,, ~SSEE 8 • Wu NB .. l Olltlllllt9110tmaam.onelndtwo~ 1u1 f~a ea n a your conven ence e f 0 Col t 0 11 PH t 1• ADVDTlllNG e ·~afrom"-'JJXl r,i:., .. ,;.~ ,,,b~:. during Office hours andad get ·•• : 1'1a""i·1y ·,, .. ,aty 0 I. . ..... ~ . ...,., + 2 addldlmaJ the responses to your . . . Poek.lol .,.. );, ••· ei««1111te1. 11•. this service Is ·onlv $5 .00 t ~·,10!!:!!. ""''"'..... week. For more lntorm. • ' . • ... ·;rr.1~~ -tion and to plKe yo:ur a6 : 1011 11D 'I : ::,;u"Eit.Y catt 642~71. . · ·• ::·::.•.CA 11121 I it ····-•"9 .... . •. -~· "~ -~ ......... •········~····· . . . " • ' . •••. , .• · ,. ~ ':!:... ' . .......... . ···············' ~ ,... ....................... ....................... ....................... •.••....••••••••••••••• ....................... ...................... ....................... •• ••••••••••••••••••.. .• •••• '''fl' f&W .J lm'WICl.&SCM WtC.NC"tClnnen ILSCTRICIAN -prietd MOWJNG ·Q.EAN·UPS C1UN .. YOUIACT ,.._.l • 8111ln1u Jn "8e,.iatin1b1 Rlcl11rd WAU.PAPKRING R~K' " · -www.·ri5'aittllt1 8*mt&eea•.,holl. ,._he etthut.t on Halllinf -Landtcapln1 'l'()l)A\'!Yinfts•n1• comt Tu Return Sinor. Uc, In• 13 Yrt of Exp'd bonded Lie . ~:Son SftaAl. Addldo.•lltm0d11in& 1'Ntl11oouatiaalt ~-="'°':ts. f)eef.lt ........ 142-9807 ~·~!etc 1 ton lruck. Prt-pataUaa. ,\vall for =localcuatomera. ettliMS. t>ltrount.s on fr F..11 Doon, wtndo•a, patio Wotil•u 3'1 I ----~ hll malnt. iclelll·upa. J!.lfn·lsQ \2,4hra> . Evtll.lnp •Weekend Of· u. Ul"'fil wlltQoverin . ~'reu11. .u.:~~!!l.:..· --.:==- ' 1 llJ ._ In C'O¥tl1. "'" Hl. Reu. Shampoio • ·.tt.am tlean. LJC'D ELECTRICIAN a· In (OIJUI) •• •hoP· Denx>lilloft 0 din ' flee or Home Appoint· c..... ,..... . . OranaeCout Roolltll ~.A~o:Pl)' Uc •"&l*ZN•Hou M&-E 21!9 2:!' ·brilOpmt~el"lbi-.wchbt &:1'.:r'S:1~s;;:~~e:i ' stn.;onxl4f.755!._ Trwport. A~~!1t. ~on. I mr!U. Jamea L.}im· 25 )Tl txp. ac.nd941. ,........ Rt::.-='1Ref:.'~1µ for 1 .., .,. .... ...,... w .., ---• ..._.., crett • lrM removal. 89nded. lftl. Ref a. Color .. ••••••••••••• •••••••• ............,_ JO day 1d IMPROVEMENTS Hall. Uv/dln. rma I~. TOP QUALITY ....................... Soll pre..1> le plantln~. ' FEDERATED ex 9'3-1 Dick •BRYANT'S• h Al• .. In lhe AddillON . Remodellna IV~ room IUO: CO\'Ch ELECTRICAL WORK C.~try . Muonry ra~ equip. Comm I : Income Tu Service NEU;ONS PAINTING Walkov1rtn1 Removal .................... ~·· DAILY ·~·· · · SlO: cbrSS. Ouar. ehm. Beu.rates. S31·~ Roiolln1·Plumbln1 le l."2-1131 a · 11 lntlExt Rttld/Comm . S42·13A3 8UDOETRATES/Ucd Pl.OT ! ' tf~·~rp.t~aa~ork JU'SlDICOMM'L/IND Drywilf·Stuceo-:ile HAULJNG ludtnt ha1 l•lflntl I A(OUllJC ~llln11. Refs ........ /I--'-Lowmln Sml jobtOK. •--1 , I .......... Rll'. c• •0101 I)""" .xn. Do m" own l\fniMStl, J.B. "8 99llO ~tr\K'lt. Lowetl rate •••• .. ••••••••••tt•••" c'd. ll'Pee est. M1 2'3'7 .,,_. Freent 641·758 ~·.... ~~ tfa... ,.. ~ J -·-,.,.,,. ~...!-••••••••••••••••••••••• DlllCTOIY .rm 'L..,..,_ NoSt.e JN Sh --woril.Ucd.Al8*8126 GeneralllaJOltnance pt . ....,1175&·1J'78. VANDENBERG PAJNTERNEEDS Nfat palches lllextum ~llS-.lctt --0011'NOWf Uc. tlillll82 1 0. St·•-'sm loll lamFpoot RepalnlcDecoratlnll __!hankyou,John. LA.Na;cAPING·Lndacp WORKt30yraexp inti ~::.::£" If''· .... ., 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dry .... fr:~t ~ .• ~ 9'llMllwelefW1W.1 •QualilY• Rax,!40·5144 John '• rut movlna le 'lrln.lnt.,comm/resid, lret f'Xt, Aeou1llrre1lin1• ~!:!!~ --~!.l..S<I ~tS-.ket ~'fa.~ w.HALICOMSTI. . .............. , .. , .... , H<JitEIMPBOVEMENT hauUn1. Trtet yd/aar. m~1.clqn-up . DlvisJ>alnUn 847-5186 PLASTER PATCHING ina 1errel1r11l Servi DWrt ~uifom nome1, lram· c:.,.t/U ..... tery Kand str19plna. repair· REPAIR· PLUMBING cln· . Freent. S4H597 , Ins d/booded/Uc d. Reatuc cos In\/ ext 30 ktt 10 644..5050 « ory 1na remodel f'rench ...................... Ing. Antiques, rattan. Hulin carpentr , 979-5148 Colle~e •tudenl 7 yrs ex· .l'.!!·JtJeat. Paul~ ~mentaUvc dcJOi.a, akyUghta •patio Ntw Yr'sSpecl11l l Crpl new rurniture, Chair elec, w:: F)'ee est ~o HAWNG/CLIANUP t•an r C,·~'1t~~prt~in~)na MR ED'S PLAST~RING Tit •miiiliiiiliiiiiitiiilili2i2illi4 <'OVen MB·~ ~hol.cleaolnf..Scotch c an l n~ ruahlnw ~·~small ...... 11 ·con.f..Tree-VcFGar~e -----•11~ lnl orExl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' aotia ...A fr 912 _."6 SPECI " l.UU • v."1'"'A •• • ••••••• ••••••••••••••• " ----------i P.OBTSTEINBRONER. N""""· eeeL ·-A -any c.h!_l!J ly'a Handy m1 n •Rtntalrt air 131· 22 BRICK WORK · Small Bishop ltSonPainlln11 ~ Freeest CUitomCe.ram1cTlle GEN'l.CONTRACTOR c...t/C..rete any color, hind stnp~ Service. roof rer,alrs, Jobs. Newport, Co1la 30 yrs exp in Burh - ---Promptserv. ~te est MCI *t Uc 11..., ll45'64S8 ....................... or re1lued, $19.7~ A pal.nUnJ' carpen ry. 15 ............ ••••••••••••• Meu Irvine Reh area. Fteee11t. 548·1029 J & J rtaterilHI Chuck 61S·1A08 .. ;;;,:Qtrmu;:.F'1~~s~~;; . RPSID. CONCRETE+ Touch of Class lnlenors, yn exper 646·'336. Wll\la REALLY CLEAN 875-3175 . . _ .. , ... ,u.-IMG Lath " Pllislef' ~rarruc Ult. marble'" •-.. s..cr..a1t Sport courts. Llc. 374067 7U W. 17th St A2. C.M H"'K'E! C·'I Gingham ' . r-u-ill ,. "' 61ndbl11t1n1 bl Compl.Set·up,Serv. Cuilo'm ilrp~try . a>bll51-19Ml847-7078 6G7712 Cpl\">', Hm ~n( drwl. cirl.'rreusl&4S·Sl23 CUstomBrirk,Stone, lOyrsupe~~'!torut 6'157500 831·2858 .~~~-~~b6~~~a Rulo01ble. 540-5134 decks • patios J.S p ll d k ood pn na. rot X·UP . ROBIN'SCLEANING I Block,Conrrete.Stucco --552,..;·· ....... =---Conll. Co. Top quaUty ~ oe, ec s, t or "-••t yrdwr\, reas J erry. Sttvl th hi Refs Free F.ll 549·9492 Painting " Paper Hang· ~ T,.. Stnkt work. Lie. no. 380801. uuc~~c,o73v~rs63·1 .• 2!'.,crete. •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• 955·3395 ce-a oroug Y . . ino, prof workmanship. •••••••••••••••••••••" uou••••••••••••u•••• est SS&·SSH -· ......., TREES Ben's Maintenance Serv. cleanbouff. 540.0857 MAS OMIY Ftee est. Henk, 545·5206 -DrlWlS cleartd from StO *Expert Tree Pruning • on. G....-.1 T~/-mov·". cl .. an Plumb-elec·carptntry Professional! Efficient, S2.50L&afl '7S.Ot4 Plumbing Repalr5 CommPmal Landscape ..__.. ....................... .,,,,..,... ... "" "' Pa.inun& Call 964·5231 reliable housekeeper -" ;_-Painting, wallcoverlng. 1-)-ee est. MlM 642 9033 Services 957·83118 ....,...... •••••••••••••••••••••• ADO'NS/REMOOELING lawnr nov . 751·M76 wt references Lis a '611-wood refinishing by ----··~ATE.PAViNG .. CHARRENOVATING Plans. Llc'd George ic.DLandacapeMaint. Carpentry, remodel. re· S48-6&7 ~ ...................... German·trained fat.her rro,.rtyMmoge•nt CompleteTreeServlce .. _., tin S · · Compl.inl/exl,boal PilmerlSona,557-6932. ResidlComm.Clean-up pairt patios, painting, ROUSeCleantn11,emcien(,Prof. cleaned in our '.son.40yrsexp.Refs . •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Gen'lrlnup l lrn11 . .xa.icoa g · tnpinJI dc:'Cks. 25xrs. 845-374 wlnoowa, drs. qua lily u 3M2S6 831 9678 -o--TY 536 0914 Repairs. Cornm./Resid. COMM'L/RESJD LtHaulinc. 5411·2'89 work u. ... :~1 relilble, xlnt ref. plant All types. Free _c_. _ · · __ '"" ..-.... La-.11 renov __ ._ Uc.1397362 645-8181 FINEFINISHWORK Rerood.-Add'ns-Repairs Landscapin&·Yd Cln ups Hannah996-4093after6 pkupldel. 845-8616 for Painting. int, ext. romm MANAGEMENT TrwtW Driveways, Parkin II Lot Re~i~g:~:Mng Very reas. Lie. 390250. Treetrim-E'xpert ma int. ~ome improve m~ n~s, Housecleaning for you' est. " res. 1-)-ee est Qua llty Orange Co area 15 yrs ••••••••••••••••••••• .. Repairs, Sealcoaling. Jack H. Bennett. Jr. Jim 851·0129 r~~:.esNoc~~~ [!, as~~ Qill us for the best. Movilig Insured ~·5~ expenence Caltror info DELINQUli.:NT? S'SAsphalt Cabinets;. Counter toes. Gen.Contr. 552·9142 M ··" SIO SlS $20 "'••57•"altSPM. 964>31124. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,__..... WlCtrates Judicial Foreclosures U Doors 1.ireenhouse wm AU . · I •-Owing, • · · ....,.. ..., ..,.......,, _ _liH..Lll Harold F. M<'Grath F.sq c63l·!l99 d · F. h It construction, arge • Hauling/ Dum ping JACKOFALLTRADES JapaneseHousecleanin11 ~MOVIMG-..................... .. ows · in 15 wo r · small. Disc to Sr. adults $~$20. 754·9904. 9SS·009S Call day or night. Experienced. Weekly ·ck-careful. 552·0410 ~GING StOI ROLi. PROF. MGMT 851 1771--IWMJttM 754-~ Wayne5:tVill2 Mark .. J k67S3014 • Owntrans. 1142-5196 St 1gd paper T'-'-'S I ;.;;.\-.;~;~~••••••••••• Custom spa de cks. ,.,..........._Woodw ...&.&...... -• • ac .. ---JAPANESE •A-1 MOVIMG• "lfimc· iscon . 93 By OCIP !Oninge Co ,,....., .,.., u Llc'd Childcare. loving tioa, 1-)-. doors. Lic'd ~ Ona-, Res.1d1comm /1ndus HANDYMAN.etc -Mike Top Qualfty. Special VIS M 645' 25 Inv PrQP.l EdS34·G940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• care l compamonship. romorRickM9·3218 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M.amt, clean-ups , tree Kent Plumb, elec, HOUSECLEANING rare in handlin& 2S yrs UC.PAPER HANGER -L ' Typ1ng·resumes. term fenced ard.556·3098 CUSTOMHARDW OOD tnm Free est. 641·1096 carpentry, a pplrs . 546-~ exp. Competitive rates Bonded le guar No JOb lt'fWu.9 papers. d1sserl at1on&. Bob's Ca~nlry·remod Interiors, bars, mantles, Pete Re!>alr. install. Ins/ ref. Ex'p Houaecleaner No overtime. 730.1353 toosma II or too largt ••••••••••••• ••••••• ••• word proces)mg. Reas Babysitting: fenced yd, repa1r.N0Jobtoosmall. libraries, cabinets, Clean·Jt:,TreeTn'm 1S4~ Bylheday.owntrans. Freeest. Tony898·2728 J.D Hom Ref1n1sh.mg rates LP Orfirc lunchltsnackslncluded. Ref.fo)-eeesl. -6297 book cases. skylltes, Also rompan1on STARVINGCOLLEGE -AnUques. kit cabinets. Servires.S487135. C.M. area. 646·7939 r ust. molding Re rs. Ma.int. esld./Comm'I SMALL JOBS · plumb. 541·6028 S11.JDEN1'S MOVING QUALITY fine_.2.81ntin_t 645·0664 .-*DOOR DOCTOR* ~ Amie S411·8414 eltt. carpentry. Reas. co. Lie. llTl.24-436 Papering Paint mg - -wt.dow C....., Babysitting in our C.M. Hang or rehang doors fo)-eeest .546-8437 lilcomTa lnsured.641.8427 1-)-eeest Jan1S552·023l RooflltcJ •••••••••••••••••••••" homes. l Yr " up. deadbolts. weatherstrip Cabinets le Carpentry Jessie's Garden mg •••••••••••••••••••••• WATCH US GROW • --- -••••••••••••••• •••••••• "Let the Sunshine In" Anytime t.hreshbolds.638-8809 Smalljobs .. repairs •·mClaineanl·~pser'vlree54tn0m8035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FAST ·ACCURATE ST G CTORS Wpallpti~perLc~n3~~~t0o0r c"' REPAIRS FOil LESS Qill SunshmeWindow 842·8482/646·5759 BOB'S CAR PENT RY 1-)-ee est. 645·200} • · ~ · · OUM P. JOBS Income taxservice·your ARVIN A am ng '' 4'0Ut Shingle!>. flat 30 yrs Clearung Ltd 548.885~ A.II types No> job l j G • •-SmallMov1·ng Jobs hon.ob a t. 963·6821 MOVING COMPANY 23 yrs Gary Gompf exn 1-)-ee est 7702725 20'1 Mo~thlvD1scount ' ' .. Cf ii. 839 Drywtl ~•IM • Hf' I • Fast It Careful. Lowest 494-0iG ""'---L --•••••••••••••••••••••" l e1sm .Refs ·6291 ••••••••••••••••••••••• est. Ken839·~ Ca11 MIKE646·1391 EXPER.PREPARER RatesLawAllows.MIC Expen wallcovenng m· HuberRoof1ngalltypes •RESIDENTlAL• For all you need to know CUSTOM CARPENTRY DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC GARDENING HAULING It DUMP Enrolled to pract1re Visa. Lie/Ins. 673·0853 stallalion. Reas prices. New· recover.decks twg l s~y $30, avg 2 SI> about bankruptcy, rail BY uJAY • • 14 yrs exp. Fully lic'd " It LANDSCAPING JOB.5, ask for Randy. before the IRS. Quality Consultant Assignment !Jc "4l 1~2. 548·9734 ~ Chns 957·8388 , 714/83S-9162 642-8809 aft. 5 m insured. 532·5549 Ja ese. Geo. 545·7072 641-M27 · at reas. cost. $49·2418 Classified Ads 00-5678 581-8500 __ Classified Ads 642.-5678 §42·5618 -1 .~.!!.~ ..... ?!~!·~ .. !~ ........ ?!~ ~!!:::~ ..... ?! ... ,~!!.'::':':! ..... ?!~·~'!!!!~ ..... ?!.~~ ~.~~ ..... ~!.~~,~~~~ ..... !~~~ ~ .......... ~~.~~ ~ .......... ~~~~ ~ ......... ~?.s.~ · AIDES {)fMTAL ASST l INTERIOR DESIGNS Nursing , SAL.ES Serretary/Oal Friday. Sthwinn Var~t~ IOspd Sofa bed. full sit!· _!:1ke _Wanted mldni!hl 1_1de ~ .•. a HIS. ·-Ola1rside ~DA 1o_r~-~ .,,.,.. 2ALI! IEf' ........_~.!,US.,.AIDE. .,... =t::~+ntr{. T~:a~~ 9-6. M·F for Irvine tai " -,,c."~ABBESYT-6&o ~· 4 pM'1~<i50-"w-.ft. ~ • U:JO lo 7:~A"M":iun niiS\~a oTfke \.ruuu ..,.-,,.u 'Wnu grvwin .,,......, "'..,, ~mn5. C't>!1v investment firm Legal, -~------through Thur working I TIPISTS salary " benefits Call Ora.nge Co. J nterior Hosp. Nwpt. Bch Bnng ad dept: of The Pen executive, word process· ANTIQU~ MALL .. ..._ Maftttoli 8025 Headstrom changing tble with lhe elderly 4000 SS wpm for appl,645·6631 f?es1~s Tr~de Publlca-your smile " 1010 us! n>'.5aver is accepting.ap ing background helpful 11751 Westminster Ave ... ~ ............... S25 Teak s~de~oard Hi 18 ri a w a N B I SECRUAIY tioo...JS loolUng..!.or Sales -Free m1r med..,-Oental" plicaUom.Jor rull·llme For personal interview GARDEN-6 ROVE .._.0 W-lS•/FI S!SO T'eai d1mng rm set &ei586l With or without S 'R l>enlal Ass'l, Ortho exp Rep. qualified leads and life ins. Call: sa.les positions <;tear r al I Mr s le phen s. 554·6103 " SSO ~-5199 r-0 f I It RDA req 4 dy wk lucrauve territory High 642·8044 pnnung, good spelling It 641-3'764 Redwood 2x6 i:lec mg, -APT.MANAGER •I RQ fe .. rea New p ort Be a ch $potential Call for appt. a friendly smlle are the 4.20· long. also redwood Must sell butcher block Seau·retired couple for 642-2626. 714/972·2251 Miss Conrol' Nursing basic reqw rement.s. We SICIET ARY-fl fT 1~3;.,c~eet ~~oM a~: ~r. fenr1n1ii. Lowest pr1 ce look dinette w' ch rs $65 18 unit. Adults. in Nwpt. • LVH will train you 10 assist He a vy ph ones l .,... gu a r J 1 m or Ken Pine bunkbeds "' matt Maintenance exp req VOLT Dewtal A1tl1t.tt KenM! Assistant. Full It Conv. Hosp NB area. our customers in rom telephone sales. typing fer64&-tll96 -----~1me 775·1491 & chest. 2 mos old Sl95 646·1801. . Exper .,.,ith X-Ray he. partUme Pas. attitude It smiles posingthe1rads Apply 60 wpm caccurate>. Y.wtYDrttMr ,... Oak gossip bench SSO ----" Temporary Sen•1ces Part ume. full time if Call 495·0658 needed. Xlnt benefits. 1660 PlacenUa Ave., CM. shorthand or d 1 ~ Pret:~vV1k. 48 X 28 X23. C4lh 80lS Antq table .,. pop up Attendant. Live in Assist "·II ..,,.. · " """"' B963 """3 · MEYEI A FEE necessary Carman Lady will train sharp al-'-"' · 642 . .,.,..... Sal-ta""""e. Knowledge of ..-. .,..,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• leaf '100 . .\11st· items ·disabled professional ""' r..~· ----~ 2 d 11 f sen woman . Costa Mesa. 3848Campus Dr , 661·2290 tract lady for retail Offlct A11l1t..t sailing helpful. 20 hour Giveawar prires' Oak or-Persians' a u em. "" 963-3667 cAcross from Orange jewelry store, sal + Posil1on at Laguna ANlttM~ week Nwpt Br h fire swivel chair. S95 " S75 Per sonalll~ Beaut runed 'Ahlle ~2357· " County Airport > wantJ.~~ST~rartice. comm. 495.4734 ~fore 11 Niguel Development Co. ~~ur;· C:t/::Je ::~a~ SIJS.4179. Gun case. S125. Empire +mi!le, $150 546 996..L ,·el\'et sofa & lovt' seat 54M741 Newnnrt Beac Area AMandafter6PM Varied responsibilities ,___ .... 81.1 salas •· assis· Secyl~art time , hours dresser. S500 Oak llmej n..-8040 ukenewS495.645·2329 Eq 1 Opp Employ -""" include . receptionist '"' '"'' "' • clock. S500. Old pine 6' --r ------ATT&nlOM:ua Excellent pay with LIGAL SEC'Y duties, errands. riling. tant manager pc>sitlo'!'. Oexib e. H.B. (Beach It · 11 b' l $600 Co . •••••••••••••••••••••••Ca rved Prov sora &i Ambitious boys and benefits N c I M t h good retail Adams ) Prefer S H Je Y ca me · · un ""'F.SHOND P ns AKC · · . ewpon enter rea light typing. Must have us ave try store rounter 14 ·. n.c. u,._ matrhmg rha1r in xlnl girls l(}.13 years old, to Codltail/Food 646-4868 estate litigation fi rm own car Stan ASAP barkground Salary + Non smoker lnteresUng 8!0. Oak(olltop desk. Oiamp sire M f Pel·" Mid for reupholstenng work one or two even· EXECUTIVE needs very exper'd CallNinaf'inn.831·8031. commission and com· work.Mr.Greer964·9566 S15<!0 Oa rolltop file ~~~~ uJ'art~ ~ t > Sl75 OB0.497-4215evs ings a week t:~l:1npg pos1l1~~'yo ung seeking ~art time AS· Legal/Exec Sec'y. Xlnll ORDER DESK GIRL pany benefits. Onldy cabmet, 24 dwrs, St600 ---1' --5~· butcher blk wr. iron newspaper su -typing. dictaphone le , ' qualified people nee Stude b Bookcase. French Wireha1red f ox Terrier lion! Transportation energetic person Ap pl)' sociate all for appt shorthand a must ans telephones, some f1I apply. Afiropos. 29 ntJo s d M 1 •. r ·n set. SIO<I. 2 oa k har and constant adult at Accuardi's. 107 21st 848-W95 Sal 640"""'" 1~ romputer exper Fashi'on Is •., NB or l HRVI. walnut. all glass oors, puppies. a e • emale stoolsS25ea d ary ope!L '""""· I · · call. " iu 9' tall. $2700 Hrs 9·5. AK C 8 .,. ks . $2 5 o seaurir~s;~;,p~{~;~~tor Pl NB in the alley Fast food servlre. full or ' LeCJ-1 S.Crtt~ '! c 18-5, 549·1157 ,. .. ,...,<., IOYs-GllLS 6G7712 846-0472 S47-8S24 a_n.l'llme behind t ~e Rill by part t ime. grill or Newport Bearh Ex .,........,_ How would you Tike lo 1 fl sofa Sl25, 2 green Andrea, 642·4321 , ext. Newpo!1 Pier btwn 9·11 counter work at The Fis· din B rh om re of earn as much as $50.00 a En.glish mantels $250 ea AKC Yellow blk LAB velvet rhairs. SIOO ea. 343 am, Fri/Sat only. hermans Galley 00 the ~a;J d~i:!'ntown Law I ,ART T1"4E SAUSSrERSOM week? Do you like drive· Kitrhen cbnt. S8SO All Pups 5 wks. brown sire. Gold recliner S75. lamps COOtC'S ASSIST Newport Pier Call Bill r 1 rm seeks I e g a I 6·9pm. E!Cpand!ng youth for Plant tore. part or in movies, pirnics, piual oak. ~7-6484eve lg heads. $250 S200. S25 db le matt StOO Babysitter for Fountain Fltime Exp'd pref ·but or Erika 714 1673·3152 secretanes with lluga· counseling firm has full time. exper only parties, beach parties. 60" Oak roll top desk " 957 291!1 ___ • 847 2181 Valley Church. Sun not n e c Sou P s ' also accepung apphca Uon, COl'l)Orate and real I operungs for 3-5 sharp The Bizarre Bazaar plus many other things" chr. xlnl cond $1150 I SHOOT ANIM Al.S Oawfoot round oak table room 9AM-12 Noon S15 sandwiches Apply 1n bons for the summeL_ estate exper. Typin11 80 outeoinJ mature ~~pie ~33921°"6 'nlen you wo~ld probaby 67~t632 Your pet photographed Su 962 2593 3 5 M f w Pm r e q · d a n d to motivate ambitious ... , 11tc. 11taSO"" probably enJOY workm gi 111 our home 964_7906 l..eaf. 5 ladderback chrs per n. · . person ·pm · Fast growmit rompany s horthand helpful l().1J yrold.s.Call 2·5pm. S....-rs.. " rorus. ...__.-.cn 8010 --~ Perfect rond S4 25 Babysitter wanted. fuJI GlOOOowerB ~tl. IR~ra~r~~· needs clerk typist/ re· Benefits and salary 642-4321.ext. 343 Ask ro1 Seeking a mature. ex· QUALIFICATIONS =-•••••••••••••••••• AKC Male Dalmat1on t8 7~1106 time sitter, mature. my ns 0 • 0 · ceptionist Call Jay commensurate with ex Andtt.a. =n~yt1=1v~~~~! ~~ I Over 12 years of age HARBOR AREA 1111s old. Good disposi 6' Gotham Pool Table. home Must be reliable Ne rt Bearh. 7~-0083 r. Call Lu Ann 759·3800 _ ___ athletic shoe It active 2. Neat. honest and de· APPLIANCE SERVICE Uon S6S_,_%1_·5152 --IJkt ne"' .,. wall ratk & 714/964-3419 aft 6PM . COSMETOLOGIST/ Rord DttiCllltr wear store in South pendable We buy used appliances Longhair Chihuahua l yr custom cover S 150 Babysitter for happy 1 Y ncHMICIAMS Part·time. sala'ty open MAKE A IUCK PLASTICS MIXO Co a st p I a z a Ca 11 3 Work after school and W~sell recond , guar. male. pedigreed $200 . Large rr.otal desk for or old boy. M·F. dys call For exercise It we ight Expenencedonly STAITHEIE OPIEAATOI Snowden-Miie Sports. Saturdays ~~ 549.3077 963-3014 r1re or home S35 3 I I. G ., •• 8990 1lle Los Angeles Times to mix adhesives. CAl\.717 kf o CALL TODAY ! --646-8239 Sally 645 ·8°2 0 oss c in ic. rowing .,...... 1s looking for well roaters "sealants ,,..,..., ,as or ave ~-5936or531-5257 llUYAPPLIAMCES Doberman pups. AKC, 7 549-3200. comp.anfc with op · f'111·charge Bookkeeper groomed . enthusiastir Permalile Plastirs Sales 8AMtolOPM Les 957-8133 weeks.blk/rust.St50 lst Sofa S225. brand new BABYSITIER nd wkdys porturuty or substantial or exnar'd Junior Ar· I l e p to Corp., 1537 Monrovia 1-1..o......ue1 S vac incl 964 3654 Teakwood wall umt S75 ad vanceme_nl S3.75 to count~l for CPA Firm ~~ o arn u __..... Refngeralor like new. . . -witfi ma trh1ng set of 9-5.2~dboy Eas $450 slartmg. 6457717 mNewportBearh Com· perdayforafew Ave. N.B. s.c.ftwS.._'1 Fto&tFteeS155. •Poodles "R" People• drawers '40 matching C.M. eves. C.M. ~ter exper. helpful hours work as p/time rNtdoolT~ Combinetbp inrome a 3-9060 T·Cups, Toy, S200 to lingerie r hest s40 Bab.,.1•tt"r-For infant sales rep Hours a.re ~·or-lHf Schoof f:xp comruotible working at T~~ --S500 Pets Boarded It ;w "' ,.__...__, laryo""'n.833·8084. f 4 9pm •·train ref 8788 ,... Imme ate mploy Ref rig . rrostrre e. · . rarp. et. misc items Gd . pay . Apply i ~ enOll _ ~ rom pm· • · p .,overl8.960· mosphere. 20~ com · 1 1·~ma"'er.llkenewS250. Gf.!X>ll:!fd.546·2848 __ 8'24<63 f PM &!rson. 313 Cabrillo, !C Mature person wanted fflCE mg will be provided. missions in a field that 1s ment. Mon.-Wed -Fri. ..... " · a ter6 Ory Cleanin11 establish· GEHllAlO · Your earnings a s a NIMTING growing des pite the Private elementary 548MBS Black Lab Pups 171 S50 Kmgs1iepecanset.lnple menl. Ex per or will Some data Jfroressin11 TimPS sales rep. will be Camera/plateroom as economy. Please call srhool Send resume to G.E. Washer " Dryer. t ea Sweeks dresser. 2 n1te stands. •.a.9T._.~H W tra111. 499-1985 WiA!U train.A fg/lmp OC based on a guaranteed sislant Mon, Tues. F'ri" Sandy at: 598·7715. for P .0. Box 10669. C.M yr old. S3SO for both. S48·~5 headboard. Sl60 Pri~' I Cd E 1 r~o rt re a Non· hour'u wage of $3.50 + Sat. Will work ve rtical · m tem-ew. 93i27 R u~.0168 v.ate CU • • X nlh:Very -n O"er 18 for """ e 20lo30 hrs v efrig, 2 yrs $300/bsl. )~ ,,_ d b t lAlll ... "' • s .. .., r. generous commissions. rommerci al camera. · PWt1 C[1 ~n~n,lO:~·~.u~i:· CL.AM. T 38 imes., lo homEes in 957.9323 Val Since this is a ne..-pro-Knowledae of PMT pro· Sales Representatives TEXA5 OIL COMPANY 499-SO&lor499-4283 Min AKC A orabll . lov-Earth tone Sofa le Lov special functions Con · · m-vam. c~no Hair cutter" manicurist gr11m opportunities for cesahelpful. Xlnl for col Mature with direct sales ur~ntly needs person Gas Stove Ca lone. dble eable. healthy. 8 wks, eseat, Queen Bed. com tact Bar Mgr. Thurs car req No rollectmg. w/followlng. 70'1 or advancement are ex· lege students with relal· experience to s e II wl several years good oven SlSO + Maytag elec shot.s~earh. 549.2955 pletew/llnen. Refnge . 2 Sun.afl.l613·3515. 5@$450/mo.+bonus. rent.modemsalon.PCH cellenl. Call now for ed classes.Apply In medical emergency ~/~ro;~ ~0~5~:!: dryeroUve SL50 asked 12YellowLabradorRtvrs Recliners. 19" Remote 646-0637 at MacArthur 673-2552 roore information aboul person: 1660 Placentia ustems approved by sales rep. Sales ex· gd working ref rig in ex-9 wk s, 5 h ou AK C control Zen 1th Color Bike Mechan ic, Dental/Secy Are you Houseke .. pe r. l1've.1n . this great opPorlunily. Ave. C.M. .S . Go vern ment. t:"·en ...... not ne~essa1. change for I of items champ Lines $250.ofr Sears best Vacuu m periencenecessary h f " Call Mon Fri 9S7 2361 hospitals. dorlors '"' .. 497-4724 ~ 751·2l80afl 6wkd S. N rt Blvd. searc. in& or a pro· middle age. ref's · · ' · ' "fTIMESEC'Y Art1rles in Re aders e train. Write D. --- ..:.:.::..::.0:::.:..:.::.:..'-=----i gress1ve, quality ~re Phone·64Q.7776. ext.1204. Typing. filing. phones. Digest , Newsweek. Dickerson. Pres . Fri111daire washer Sl50. toYoei 8045 BRASS CHEST 3·dwr llLUMG CLHIC where rour outgoing . MANAGEMENT 2.spm daily, in sma II Time Maguine called it S 0 u l h w e s t e r n ~~bedre gas dryer S75. ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• brass clad chest. Best of. IrVme-Ad Agency need personality " dental ex· H o u s e k e e Si e r -Join our team. p /T . financial planning of "mini life saver". High Petroleum, Box 789, Ft 'wu1 fer 1142.9275 aft 6PM good billing clerk. Mus pert is e in hand 1i0 g ComeanJon Mid le aged Exp. only apply. 831·3838 flee. CdM. 673-2117. income. For Interview Worth, Tx. 76101. 22 cu I\ Hotrinl SIS wht nux, 6 weeks. lo good Rattan table " 6 chairs, 6ave bkkpo backiround telephone. appointment Uve-m. for congenial MIDI... 1 / r 1 d be versatlte. accurate scheduling " patient elderly couple. Must be ,. ReceM11e1Clntl cal 714 673-3235 or Transcribing le front or S115 G h ~Y. duty home 548·2672 grten abnc, x nt con flex.ible le detail minded contact is appreciated It knowled11ea ble o f ASSISTANT wanted l8r ·Aetall 851-6466. , fice radiolocy. 25,32 hrs washer wl m1n1 wash d ...:.75.=-:2-!8463'-""'"-'----- 10 key bt touch It g rewarded. We are a elder!>''s needs. Fringe Medi1Asslslanltowork Clothing St o r e in SECRETARY prwk.Call 9·5.645-9'00 1S0,842·41Z7 goo Sofa. 3·pc custom. cost lyp•·a 1 'lls req. Wll hi""ly motivated, car-beneflU. Wkends. E\les. in curriculum lab/· Fashlo"'' Island Full fl i 1 GE 12 lb h r 11 S3SOO. Floral brocade w • mi' ho ls h l D 8518171 teacher's workshop. " Nwpt cntr nine a TIUCI DllVH was er, u train on NCR 395. Xln off'~::~aJary al"Iin~ ~345.:U. ays. · Typing speed or •<>wpm time position Mon corp. Typin11. word pro· Withpk\up. Part time. sele<tlon.SlOOor bestof-v1rieg1led ll 11retn. benefits Ca 11 Mrs benefits incld medical required. Needed by through Fri. 8.30 to 5.JC ceuin~ (Apple II). lite Ret.ir!d OK VEFO. 785 fer. 960-:ms be~e. white. g1r b~ ...:.Brd't==:=...:..:752::...;:;·8=-17:..;;l __ -t Insurance to a dedicated H....ad&~ Hunlinl!lon Beach City ~'i~t~~~ie:1e;::.5~~IJ ~~cu~tf~i' b:~k:~~~~ w.16th, Costa Mesa. WASHER . DRYER I BUY ~751Jeoayt°1ke :!~ IOAISHOW professional. Sl600 if Ndeed r~Uk1ablek oTn 4 Stu·onhoo. iE:.5.ls.1~~3'1":o.poJ~: asltforKatie. FIT8·4Mon·Fri.Callfor $12S~1:,wASH~.~-S848 ** * * 64().7317 Homema ers. student.& qual.lfied. Newport ays wee lo eet oust .,.,.,, ppt 640-2350 _ '" Good used Fumlture It ..=::....:..=.:..:.--____ _ p IT ' le m P. he Ip Beach. 631·2490 and care for c eerful pending on experience. ~<>MIST /SECTl a . GoodTWXtyOPIUplst oTr OTRWX Washer. and gas dryer, Appliances-OR I will 5 pc mple bdrm set. S6SO "'"·"''er. ticket takers husband recovering Apply 735 14th St. H.B. Llfilris agency, central· 1oist: fo K rf sellorSELLforYou Mple dining set w/6 ~-1 attendant, etc. DIMTALASSIST. from Illness . Own 5.1S-8851. ly located in Irv. looking machine. Will train. Ex· erumrt , new, pe ect MASTllSAUCTIOM chrs. $175." misc. Sun· eaiiff~alher at 646.3986. NEWPORT BEACH triwp. 644·8421 Medical Cor sit 11 1 ed t y p Is t . cellent opportunities " cone!. $495, 96§·3022 d 1ys. M · F . Eves IFYOU: HOUSllHPY l~offlctAultt.t receptionist Xlot com~ benefits. Call _... IOIS '*"H6.lll·t62S 6'2>~71 llC>mllEIPtN& • Are an experienced UVE·IN. Mature lady "'· u I lel-i.-e technique a Ella. 3lllO ....................... solas New l98. Lov· m-..._ .. *m ana-aener1l oHlce dentalusistant. '11 "" me. uaryOopen. m;t'.Type 55-'SWPM. eaeala SU. Sleepers, -obaoel, _payroll, typing •Are ea11er to work in • for 2 yr old girl and Send resume to P. Box No S K. Co m Pa nJ. PUBLIC FURNITURE 199. FACTORY 951-5708 S $250. 84 ·2111 WUl train to uae smal ftat·paced pro11ressive housekeeping fo r 5 !!i Mllalon Viejo, Ca . beneflta •. room for a . Typist/Secretary Medll. style dlnin& aet· nd d offlct. Bdnnbome.Rererencu ~· v1ncement.C111before2 OR.CO.Alrportart1 ••••flON• KJNO INNERSPRI NG lmtletable w/luf lc4 computer 1 wor pro Ha f . ndlu h reqlired. S90 per week muatlypelOwpmlAccur _, EXTRA FIRM mallren _,., h 1 cu1tr. NNC ELEC • ve I ne Y ou .. o-+ pvt room w/balh ~llAuht.t PM SHdts,Mon·Frll-5. set, never u.aed. worth hi-back cuv-c I rs. TRONICS 114/BtS· lnlpenon.allly. ~am utmA 'SLlV Corona c.,,._. Clll$4UMl.salopen it:z=l,i.~'1!i~1 m>td11c. $248del. Never SUS or best o rrer · Mr W •Rave a mature at-deJ Mar otfera •unique &~tr' ... queen a• worth ~,631·10U ...=.:....:· ==-----t tltude f VITll•""S rm, dlnlna rm furn, -•1- H • od verb• I IMCOMI emeloymenl opp. or a 1 11 "'" : dl1nl biCh cbrt 1amrn m . cuh onl)', Jll8 del. t.cew1lnutdin. table • 1ve 10 Markettmamt. plllme medlul aaslllant. For Serve your country one ' • ~ U9U&liY bome, 114·1350 ••chairs. aoo lld.UI. llSOO/mo. Owner u -fur\herlnfonnatlon weekend each month ltAWt " refri/s P..L ;, -· M2·lUll ~~0a~·•'::ikje~.Y 1 -bullnaa. Train· m -2111 ac:..r10NIS¥ plut two weeltl each STORAOE LO · ....... i-...i. ~.M!:f7'71 , == •tau._..S yur In the Army llYISAVl$&VI MUSTSILL .:._ ... ,career. ... ......,, ''"' Rea1rve. Earn utra We bonor BolA .-MC, Maho1 .. v cfo\il>Te bed callM4·0StS. >1 •• aune opt1Un11. Glllll)l'OUI 1 1lrl office money. PX and n · C11bltr'1 Checkl It wttb iUttress. Moon utal A11l1lnt-Aeu•t~ 11/F, 11ltype1. In Newport Beach. Ex· Uremeot benefita. Call Cub. NO PERSONAL ~ i b d ~Ar6dinyoulook· FGS fu o"a 11 In THIJOISOUl1~ Cl ~~·pt~~omrlt3bte ~!~det:~ll11;.. .. _1 CHECKS PLtASE ! board. mmr on ea . 1qforre"Jll ~career CU9tOmetMfvtceffslt to •§11tllAJil.1Plf n.,.. ,_.,.,.,w., ·--CJll uo; --J'ood IYllllble. ltema lllGOOBO 83J.T7thfU ~'·ti tb _.. ... 1 ---In•, 1b1Ut1 to ban t ,,,__._ .. _ ..... •t"3 ..._ •• ,_ 1 et w H • -nee aldollllhn 1 IC· )l)VER/DRJV!R buly pbonet. Excellent 0111uuH1I_.,. • IU_.wpretlow. c potential for tolmll. Mutt bave pod llult be 12 or oldtr, u · cotn11Q1btnefiti. ______ .., :=.:!.. V.:J ,':.. • ,:, ~,_llld •rt-~ .... ~m· perteoffd. •Ith 1ood a..-•.._ ·b Id <#H --f""w _. .... •ll· art•lnt record. 'Tbt Orubbt£1111 ~T .. u,,. can111 c I,. ,, U • periuce dulrablt . lllnlal Coll••• Stu·, Olnt.tct P•1111hlt -111, a.au o•n car pt~ compUtntnt lt11tlftl .. lary com· ••nh Movln1 Co. 1 .. Prindoafl0a1 .. Ol.I job for 08 u.. be our · 1kllltcl team. 111n1Ur1te w ltb ti• Ula '# Mlt·alarttr. Call •· M tn Pltunt ta· ~ud1blUt1. I•· tu·M'T. (114) JIOO . .Jl!Mu.L•:!!!L~ b~~Tt~tl:!t'~1;!~ :=,°' .=:::.~ ..l,~ .. ~ Sau bOlt lulnctA>r New 111( Be acb . =;.':,:PJ'.· caU r nail cOm· Miiied '8 Nwpt •aeta. =• i.. .. ,,. a-. MUboet.. NI ~ c ' W1d 111 IMr, fd.ll9e ~~mr:-:---~-:"J~Q.4DCIEI a..11111q ...... ....._ .. til •Ml a · l•••tr lult"•• ~..-_..~ .... ._ 1111 'mu ...,,, 11.,. ... , .. •.. c. 11 : ...--......-----~-~-----·------ t•1 I • • IM7 INh. W MH *#1111/ ~W.... '111..W .._,.., ...... • :~. -·•••••••••••••••••• -·••• .. ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• crk1'1 tlJO ........ ••••••••••••••• •••0 •.••••, ........................................................ .. LN• .. •u•' • '"' " • v e • ..,. . ·-u Dutda ..... ~I~ db&~ ....................... WI IUY tJ 12 -..w '" J t721 " o BT Y L A D y _, •'-A ta• • frctm cub 6"'YI'-• Scandia 11 wo. .. A.._,. _ • .._.. •• s ........... •• • • •• • • • • • • .......... • • •• • • • • • ... • ............. , • ••• •• • •• -Party. Uaf•rie. &..a '0te: fTHO'J4 or :lo::· hHO. t:u • a., NPUtu: plcln1pt ~c-, & ·· · ..WD-..oSAU tmnATllt =:a;:cicg11uAU~ • -1 'COUl>fl. ' to cboole AteTIUCIS ' • -· ~--811"Blvlftpl!I WIOll •·om.· Salta R•P• ,...,°'tMI IOtO "11 Downtuter 38', fully =~'.<~:·~ta<~~:,· 1 , ' S..,...ACI IMW 1lr,tapedttll.cnU•001 .-.;ic:;:i:z:i...-----·••••••u••••H•••••••••• loaded w/Farrley Jib, 11 ' -•• ~ •-W:lffl ftl!ttft $5111 S1'RO U D UP R l G HT Bim Mar auto t,>llot. Xlnt f'M\111(1 .... lwclle Cycle, Tunturi, PlAN0*'25 CandeUvtr cond. Owner purchlffd OMLYSt.tHI ~II II lt7T7JJI 1 j ':_,J(A ~ fl wheel, er1omeltr au:70:57 new bolt, 168.000. (714) n.ll~'IJ 4 apd, 1 I opllona. r:L/IH ~«'4 03. • -62Ut38, (714) 496-&241 Topu/cobl. IM7XZM ) Buulllful oak uprl&ht (714)49M75' IMW't.An wt1 511.-.-•-IJJ,\ C'U ft 2 dr refri&lfnr Everett piano w/carv· ---W ~ ai.JTED'. A Tew reinaln n& "81 ----900So Cout Hwy · C t ' Teak Architect 'a 1n1, /bit ofr 645·5798 IMh. SllP1/ "'" I Models le De mot are IMW /SUIMU Laguna Beach .146-8181 Silvenooe lke;-board or Docb 9070 ~0t, ~o~'.' Toy1ot1a11 •und1 1tlll available ! We 131-2040 UJ-!t.ft f!M-1.,13...1..tt.h 319~: 9967 Sy 1 t c o m s mo b 11 e ood d USO • .._ .. •••••••••• • •• • •11• C 1 aoectallie In . European _ ~ rl!_ __ wlephone, direct dial re· lr:;1~ Bil~~'\>enln. • IHt .a, for,... TODAY ll ! cfelivtry and nawteu c:.t t715 9124 1 , l2800 0 80. Must ----Prfnwl()(, next to· Rusty '84 Glas UOOOT Vtry pre-owr:!ed CBMW 'a. ••••• .. u••••••u•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• thlaweelt ! 873·8810. S1i11t IOtl Pelican. 714-648·4419 rare, aood cond. I003 re ualomer 1974 CAPll is 4 spd., Low mi. FM 1••••••1 ServlceComes latl With 1 4 apeed· trans Ca 1 . Wood stove, fancy cast ••••0 ••••• .. •••••••••• 20'-$150/mo. 233 19th. complete. $1200, Qr beat. S.les·Servlce Leasing <Sllt. 1JM) <8GOMEU1. 11• new M chelans. 3 family Oara.ae Sale. Iron, comp. w/cbimney ICN&SSLHfS St. •C. Newport Beach. 96().,~Dennla __ ~W llll.1.~.onll1An11 Real sharp If 11 real Ex. cond .. Best ofr . ~~r.llT Frt/Sal.10:00.CotorTV. •nu I . 150.646-5893. Slie ·173 w7boo s. ~nd 675-0236,613·7092. 1714ll!J>3171 barplnal ~~3 aw ble' polet. In areal cond1t1on ~ · , --fHO Cl ed Su d Every *" ay , hm· ta ch1lrt1carpetln& FIMIMT Like new , $158/0 80 . Lido Slip ror SO+ Power .......................oe n ay OHLY$1t9S ~ 9727 3pm, Or'anu Cout ' misc. 11121 Port Dall, Appel. Rothe, Call 624·5m d1y11 Mon ~at . 110.00 per . ft. '81 Toyota 4X4 . many IOIWITHA.M YW ••••••••••••••••••••••• Q)li.tt, Falnilew 'Ari· fbnboP!. N.8, 640=09!2 others. 551·3849, 7S2·2234 Sat; Eves Sun· Tues. Private Party 675-8074 xtns .• lmmac. Must 1910 IMW SZll 7600Wntmlnater Ave 5e.1 ="-t M Ad · or~ 1~-TIP Dol••r ~l matlc trans .. :ilr w l ., "419 1 eu. · Mllr*hrtaeod · I · -· __ see! SS0.3304 526·7108 1411 estm niter s~e11iu'".t~:':1:~·: Sat tf,Tr:;-ac 7 Roll:i:·~~r::~k11f!:i1 ~.~~ ... !~!~ Br?;.T~;·~. ~'-'..A~~. 75CHEIOICH • Pid ~1rc~~e: .. ~· 5 ,:;• -r:.~~~~~~~~~l7~r HONDA ! tiOM/lnf~~w Vorirtownlrvine. • 5.536-8079 Discount sporting goods. 67 642-4644,9·5PM. 414 ForVour C1r' -......... ood su"A ANA --Compute r C RT Top names , m11ny REALSHARP 15'0JamboreeRoad ....,.....,runsg SSOO Ml ~,_. Terminal, ADDS·520. specials. 0 C Sw11p Newport Island , pvt (238MPV > JOHHSOH & SOM NEWPORT8EACA 84U781. AND SAVE! GARAGE SAl..E'I 9252 $658. 10151 Meredith, meet,C72 SIS dock ,easyaccess ONLY $3588 Lmc•Merc:WY 640.6444 Cdt 9717 CilliTSB.ECTIOM • llieyaCW. SAT'l:l1 r.~rrnoon REA SCHbOL. 601 Hami~ton C.M. Dona· Ilona needed. Call 84s.CMf1 I 642· l &03 Valardo Dr. H B. orr HB. """"·'"""" TY ·--675-190§ ___ UJfarbor Blvd' "' """'~ _ U116 BMW. A dynamite •••••••••••••••••··~··• CIVICS ::ri::: near Garfield. Womens clGO.lhes. u ..,., Shno 8091 Wihx:n Costa Mesa __ S40,16JC 2002 with 4 speed 'T1Colt 2,dr Custom Cpe, 10,. 12, 14 , 1 v ea way ••••••••••••••••••••••• use or my 36 ft tevt'ns 1 /~,,.,~~ ~ Premium pnces transmission. s,unrool 4 apd, atr, stereo, $26~. ACCORDS G1r1ge·Est1le sale. pnces. Gd cond. HB BEAUTIFUL 2s ·· RCA Classic for your empty f;L.J-'T {~lrh ~dfor anyusedcar and air condiuon1ng 83M976/4939190 PRB.UDES ltemsfromS<toSSOO.Sat 963-2a73 color TV sale 2 yr wrn sli~,_6G·7898_ -<~;~~~:3i~~~•r l Very clean. ll2SXNZl W.. 9720 ' Sun Comer Luau and New full size ma tlress Ii ty, Sl48 Free deb very mSo. Coast Hwy . See Us First! S6995 J im Marin o •••••••••••••••••••••• • 540-J 430 TeWiltle School Giant ~~:!tL!~~I ~~J!r boxsprings set $60. TV John 's 646·1786 TnNpOrtatiott Laeuna Beach Y._olkswa en, 842-2000. GIUIT DATSUN lll W Warner, '1 hlk Rurn .. 1e Sale/Swap Hwy.Hunlinl[tonBeach. 750-5832 Manchester home spkrs, ....................... 494-1131 546-9967 TheMostbcltilt9 Ml west<?f.S_Main Meet. Sal, t.2:30. Food. PanAM Boarding Pass 12" base. walnut cab . ~. S•/ ood lhru 3/9/S2 Peri Of YHr Cl[IDIMC£ SAL[ i9 Honda Accord LX. S pri bOoilalr. Geisler Stereo gear. 14in. Celica C2forl J Worldwide. $100ea~·201l ltailt 9120 IMWPwcllaH Or I.MM spd. cust rims. minl lcC ·a C.M. wheels. rum .. lamps, Worth 52500 11 SJ"• At d 5 •••••••••••••••••••••., l_c.._! L • cond. Must sell $SllSO ~=-==-=~.!!!..:.--clothing. coffee maker, 759-. se ..... an v1 eo ~me w I CA M PER.-IO', Open ~CJ 5 Jeep. Ofr road ... COtlld S. 675-8282 J~ ~~fr B~~~ ~: ~~a~C:·c~~.la~:~· 9320 -r::se~e9si:cv~r best of Road. self-contained, ~roo~~· 39.ooo ml. McLarett IMW!! • . . . '7 G H 0 n d II c \,'cc lady aolt clubs 125. Viejo,9amSat. March6. T94MISCLUI ·--· -5600 or best offer. _.:_ -J!188 ll J11)111 lll1d ~Or LHH llatchback. good cond . 9'7S-0321orSat/Sun 9 am. DH727. NFam1il8Y hMTemb~rsh1 Ip GwEhipoert~fYsta'n2d1 "$. 1h00lk 0~ 893-!ml Trwb 9560 t·u~IJ \fps:i ~IO U:J:IO ly Ourflholte PICM! 50.000 milts I' 1> $2650 wp c enms c ub le. · Motorised 1111 9140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 675 0780 *r.11t••T!S*LE• Garage Sale, Sat. only. $750 ~torrer 642-2377 •••••••••••••:.'........ ·•-..iuew'll WEIUY _17141522·53ll _ 2845Harbor"lvd ~ "' lots or misc. 16SS2 7590268 -" U C S R " ,,,,,.., BMW · d 0 ~4/5/6 Re ina Cr.Hunl Bch. · loah&Marhte Pul'h Mui moped, ClwvyLUVPick•! SEO AR &IT llCKS "'" 320i 4 spee Costa Mesa J~7 M. Oi.. Fly the world \•ia Pan Eqm,.-nt yellow, looks new $365 •,) t 0 ll ( s 8 3 7 ) COME IN UR transmission. air cond1 ••~A."'u"' Sat/Sun.Must sell, ever Am! 2 for 1 voucher.••••••••••••••••••••••• __ 645·627S Price :S609S . GM re· CALLFOR t1oning. and l o w 7J4Jli0·.6410 ..,., •"'" ylh1ng goes . 121 3 goodlil1May3lst.Sl00 ~ 90IOMoforcoJ!~'/ bate.$SOO;salepnce1s F«HA.PPIAISAL mileage. This one is 1979DATSUH Timi: f•to 4"' McCorn:wic\ Ln , CM. So. 548-4957, 750·6747 ouLY $S591 Cormler·DeLillo sharp' !3101'RS) S799S ·~ AcMrd l.X. 22K orig nu. 2·dr c:opper, ~uio. air_, $6.lS(J 545-67116 ·73 Honda CVC<.: Sti(•k S28(X)or besl oHer 557 3437 Hersefiecle Grndralher 0 r s . s Fry . 0 r I Desi ··~.......... ••• •••• •• • Sc 9150 " CHEVROLET J I m M a r I n 0 210lX COUPE clock; Helley Epergne, Fairview. gner has beaut. silk IJ S-400 AVON 40 hp ....................... HOWARD C~noa.t 18211 BEACH BLVD V~kswagen,~2·?_000_ GL pkg., 5 speed trans sterhni tea set of . florals. access .. gifts Merc.Trlr.cover Many 1910H,.....D"' Dove/QuailSts. factory air cond . pwr '77 Accord Auto. air. Castleton China. 2 SAT Sam. 2400 Hobda) Party plan a vail extras.S2200""675·2709 vn A NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTONBEAClt ORAHGECOUHTY'S st windows brakes. sLereo rass. eler 1gn1 beau&. Br sets. Amana Rd ·. NB .. ( b t w n 67S.77S3 ENJOYTH E l·'ARROR OWMrMut Ill 0555 I 147-6017or OLDEST AM·f'M stereo cass ' non $4,700 &12-0879 frig i.Amanauprgtfrzr Tustm/lrv1nel Ladys TAD kayak J400 <2nd WHow!" 54t·H31 & less than 25.000 mile~· .__ 9730 Im fl clothes, lots oi clot.hes sz 7 lo 10, <Top Camper six pac sLOve. ice k a Y 3 k 1nc 1 r re e 1 Only 7,400 mtles j • <Stk 3792) 1691XM B > ~••••••••••••••••• rum, ailver 11 bric a cond l Mens clothes box. c I os et tab I e. 67s.6275 Excellent shape 74 COURI~ Car or Truck Needed ,.....,, $1995 brae TVs, rurn1ture ., $100/080960-7108. -· -CallSS9:9399aft 6pm fORPARTSONLY haveS800CASll vn. 197!i On~ owner. ~:iut MiC •Vlsaaccepled ~:C~~r~~~s "Gasheater.SJ.25 Upnght loats,M .. ,....ce/ '81 Honda 900 Cust. 1m· CHEAP 536·9832 •S46·Sl72• 1m.~l~n~r~~ ~!~ ~t~~e~O\m.i tWft! HOLAHD · freezer Sl75. Drapes. Senlu 41020 maculatecond $2900 Sales·Sen·ice Leas111g Westminster SAT(SUN 10·4pm. 43il varioussz.SJ6.8201 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 640-4015 Aaitol,i...pon.d 'tv'""tV~ L,..J ,,. Joc.orXJ6 2 f!'m garage sale.I Seville. Balboa Penin . . . Manne Electrician I· -~-----·66 Eronoline pick up. 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'LJI ,-_. ]IQlt,.,·ZS~ 19SO S~dan Whit e Fri/Sal, lOam. 10141 Outing lbl w/leaf ' 4 Swimrru.ng Pool. 20 rnd. Design1tnstall repair 66 Suzuki ISO. ds wk window. Needs body Gt.rd t70 I f()l.5 •BMW-~-w burkskm leather tn· Sunl:M Cir. H.B Furn .. chrs. Mens lgi: suits brand new ~never used !. I. work 549 2520 S 100 . 0 B 0 l O I 5 I work,~ ~3·8622 ~·••••••••••••••••••••• 6Cl........aru..,.-aH1W r. tenor Full pwr stereo 1 etc. women 's sml clothes pump ' f1ll~r system ~1ered1th~HB 962·6022_ '79Dalsun K',!'£ C!~ New " Used Foreign Ii ·~ILfoC.lo ,1 .. 1o«>-. rassette lo m1 :'o1int ~-Sl!ND~.,.r~~.11.JtB. A('CDT<Ufri._s.lt.1.s~ nar Needs new liner. W~I\ ~Madllf , ..._ · . ~~-mt !i spd .. ~:-no n)' lll!S1.lc:...cir Silern . , -ALWAYS A LAICH ('()lld $16.950 Pll rt~ 1 partJ, appuances etc .. mlsc. . --Silde.l25lr.SS'r.~ ~J:T.'~:~ ...... !!?.~ excell cond. S800 xtras,S4700. 760·8074 with yeaifo(expenenre T.l;l~M 11~tt:re:.11··::it;;: ~1'19 -- 646-:'Allll I SATMar 6.0ak.anhques Madame. Alex a nd er ·s1 Mere 98 01B motor ~857_3 --'79 Ford Fl50 Pv . ex tras. ~ t'J,r;:e,;.:.;.of~rh~~~r Sierra Beige tan. tm JAG '62 3 SMark II \t'n· TaxSale· l&lOl'St Croix stereos, canning Jars. got,ts. Int I. USl. Pussy xlnt cond lo hr~ S8e0 i7 Honda 404 xlnt rond1 xlnl cond SS300 trade 11 get the best mac cond. orig ownr good body c:ornplt>lelt's~~ Huni, oArbour. 840.67551 beer signs, TVs. clocks -~ore. \'t pty firm.964.,m tion, 9,0oo· m1 , SS50 7S!l-IK104. pnceon your car Small PP SIO.SOO 494-7278 or eng1n~ s1 2so ORO Sat. llarch&th. ~·Hoover v11:c .. ap · _ -f\.11·~17 h 1Jt:t~·ZSL 546-5616 pliances. more misc. 54€ Surfbrd. SftSin . Carl loats, Power 9040 CHEY LUY ee C1111642 61611 X.J 6 '82 -iK m1 fully EV~~,t,~tL~OES &urgeon,CM,SSHOS9 Haywardtm.Singlefin ....................... '8~~~;~\.~~d'aS:~\~~I '76.air cond,aulolrans. AlfaROfllto 9705 19801MW320i .81 Z80ZX 2+ 2 3000 loaded . mus t s el l Heavy Spanish wood Rad. sa"".· fish. aquar .. Ex._shp Sl65. 962-4282. •READY T,O G()! 631·4794 XJnt rood. S2300 or best ...................... , Sspeed taca",~·· air cond.. , . $25.000. Davs . 966.12112 rurn dining table and elec. tra10 eqwp . sur-S Tiffanyslpvl club)· Powerful 2S Un 1rl1te. orrer. 770·4074 I Alla 1600 cassette a oys <0796l rrules. leatherinl S800 + Eves 120· 13 2i Mr chaii-s, hutch and buffet. fbrd, lawnmower, toys. backgammon tables. ~18, Sf NEW 27011~ ·s1 SWM 320 Tnals bike '73 Dodge Club cab A• Vetoce Cot1nrslot1? lpJfa~t!~ ft~a~ TOP !i48·7044, 497 5109 Eckstein bedr oom group. brand name clothes " chrs,dice cups&chips Crvs~ngs 19!.tLo~anC Ver y clean Matt ton$11100. Allparu toconvert!OI NEWPORT BEACH ·7426()Z,newpaint.ures 9738 reproduction roll lop much misc. Sat. Ii Sun for sale Call aft 2pm. Polans VHf.' S32.s.oo 8-17·32.IR 840·4793 1600 to Veloce ex c + Alptn:! stereo S4100 Mmda desk chair rugs law 9-4 2040 Federal, C.M. 67~ Ne wport ' a ch l ~. x '7S llooda 750·F. 4 in l .66 •• ton PU-:-;amper I pistons Sl400. 979 2748 _64..~64.44 548-70441 4.9'7·5109 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • · i , -change675 1800 K k bd 8 ooo after6nmorwknds booka,muchmore. Fr.1. HUG~G~RAGE SAL~ Sale: 3 toilets . .i round er er r. · ong xl nl running cond er HMW '79,5281.mint ,sun· '71Dcrts.200SX ~ ... ~!Of Sat. 9al"I ll>-4 1644 Tustin Don l MISS This One. b,athroom sinks w / mar *A "IO"* nules Xlnt rond. S2.000 S22S01 ofr (714 > 337 0105, ·77 GT\'. mint l.'ond . new rf, SJ3.SOO OBO 5 speed. stereo 53275 • ...._._. • ..;""· Ave, Costa Mesa Furn, clothes. camp. bletop.18.&orl2'shd Previewour40'Defever 0[ trade ror l968i2 El Of'(2.IJ)S92·2500_ everything, 381\ m1 . _114·6464474 _ 2l3·596·~9t646·5931 WE'VE •· 642-ga!'fien "decor. Items. ing glass door Jenny typeltaw art c.'abm 1979 1 Camino SS. 4 speed $0000 675 4200 I ~~ Fri. 9-12. Sat./Sun 9·4 Und cnb 1 surfboard twn dsl. prof decoraLed. 1 s.t? 1845 EXTRA. EXTRA 1911IMW320i ·so JJOGX , gold. xlnl : S "'1'10M 512 Mari old CdM. 6'-3326 · VHF, fatho. RDF Olr ·7sHONOOMATIC SH•nptll A.-tiliH .. y 9709 Automallc trans air cond. air tape deck . 5 ·llftYal -- ..:._ .. rn1ture. ap-S I ' S N . demo Ready lo go I Cherry cond Only 700 -• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond . cassette. alloys & spd. I lK mi . S5400 f"":"" ~lcs.~1ldflxtures. an· bdnn uny eah·new Ong. J!lpanese wood S97.SOO Newport Yacht mJles.$675 ofr 759.1s77 I 76CUSTOM '64 3000 MK 3. S3.900 sunroof. t4735 1. 494-8734..._fil31432·5997 ·ne; IT & Ml• .. hqu .. Sat. 10·2. 362 set. ~ma a 90. bloc.kpnnt.S45. Exchan e67S.1800 I ------LUYPICICUP FIRM 673 4750 or ROYCA.ltVEltlMW i8 210 2·dr. Hpd. fact ~AGUrYI Ore•lUvd,CdM. copy machin e. den t6S-SS95 MotorHo.-s Sale~ I (1866744) 4!7·l~1askfo[Kell 1540JamboreeRoad air. xlnl condS3/V\A SH furniture. table saw . . . -·----28. Cns·Craft Express ' v vv 111 GAIAGE SALE gar. dr opener. 21 ru ft <'.f•~g fan·c~sabe"a. 52 1966 Clean • Fas t • Reftt/Storage 160 $3898 '67 ~ Red Xlnt app NEWPORT BEACll 675-2253 -fOI A•tin• ... f-•-.. bathtub. refng. gate. clothes Ii Ill: light lllcl d was $240. Newport Slip, askino ••••••,••••••••••. ••••••• I Gd me ch cond Org 64"6444 '77 200 SX BOK mt P -YOUI ,..,..,_ uu.cu II t k SlOO C h " REN T 2 2 L WI SS 700 760 6811 "" -nee HUTMAZOA coffee table, other items rrusc. :119 20th Sl., C.M. w1 a e as . SI0,500 Trades. F'tnjlnc· ' u " , I .. / ~ ~ ~ ' r~ '=' • -i 5 B~1W 2002. AM FM . 12700 of furniture It clothir.f. -YARD SALE s~"': 1.!l~vail, P.P 673 5200 1 :'i°'~s~ks.1': ~<YS~~ C/tr-'7 r,Jt~KH IMW 9712 AC. very clean! S5795 963-0493 ·/A MA 1 •7 3/6/IJ, Sat 12·5P . Sat Mar61l·S A IFICE·P erfect 40' Owens Tah1llan. ll\e 64(}.MllS .................. •0 • l7141SS3-02S2 '80 510. auto. AM FM [l'ftl'li&a •Bf 164S-Alowa,C M.Rob4.. 7CT1 MainSt.H.B. cond . Nor1lake aboard sllpava1l Call. -----mSoCoastHwy. steroo.9200m1.m1dn1te l4H IMIJ S1 t1S111t1uscsnl4 L. 'clt 7S9·1221 stoneware <Desert JudyorHarvey 6424644 R ent 22 · lux LagunaBearh bluSS975 PP 631 2134 Frl./SallSun 9.5 at 91._ OllPm.tilHn Flowers ). Coordinated i.wn 9A M '5 PM 'I rmtorhome. sips 6. sel£ 49 .. 1131 546•9967 .. Brass items, ru"fmture, serv for 8. Dishes , _,__ I ront S2951wk + 10< m1 ,... f'RE.OWHB> IMW's '75 B·210 ~ew clutch. Huntinflon St. H.B. 5 ui I c 8 5 e 5 , purse 5 cer am ic fl a 1 ware, PARTNl':R WANT ED 64().MllS _ ood t.hru 3/9 1!2_ i8320i brakes. ball . SS-00 le as Everything must go. wallets. clot.hes. lots of glassware le serving ii. n Searay Sunder NB ·7sTOYOTA Longbed Maroon.snrf sr4601 sume,paymnts 964 4848 '76 Mcnda Cosmo S spd, xlnl cond . am fm rassette + 2 xlra sno11 tires $2700 673 5025 SFumarn1'1.acppptU~a· n~ea51or01•5~ neatsturr. Sat Sun 10 AM pcs. S300. 64().7691 slipS131 mo +equity de Rewt 32 ft VOQM With shell. good cond. '79320i ·s1 2dr dlx SiOO belo" I , lo 4 PM . 1501 Anita Ln . ~ 557-9327 Luxury motor "home $2900 847 21s1 Ant.hcte.snrf XZP3S8 hes, clothes and much NB Dover Shores Karas~an onent.al rug, From May Isl by wk or ------MODELS '79320i bk Only SS400. 898·9SS3. lMJ RX7 GS. 24 .000 miles 111>re. ---mulll·clrd K1rma n. 1979 24' SkipJack. open. month. 751 5665 Vm11 9570 IN STOCK Blck.Spkg. 506UPV !!§2·6830 stereo cassette. air a.oa.11.u..ic Coke ma chine . crib . llft8inXl2ft 496·3729aft6. 130hrs Many xtras. im .76 W1.0.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·i.im mnd . moon roof. xlnt ..., •• "' train. matt set. toys , mac con d Ask 1 n !! •77 F d Cl b w MOW!. Sa! · t zcz '722401 rood f.xtend-" warr11n imre. Sun 9.3 546.3274 Hvy. duty double squat SIS.._250 557·1566 21' gen, A C. xln( rond. or u agon an.s .cass. 802 Automa t1 r. am fm ""' CULoD&.SA.C SA.LE Ev rack & bench press. S50 $7950 644·4792 £250. many extras. 1011· C II tc II • ., 90 od SA.DDLHACIC radio, air c:ond S3!i00. ly llACM 1681 497 ·6333 All gOOcl sti.iff.must go 968-J967. 74 Bayhner. 24 · f'R. 225 -mil~~200. 61§ 1211 Hl•ctlH of DIM01 IMW xlf!I cond 644 5752 or 556-2620 F 5'toS300 GIANTGARAGESALE Se . h f OMC. 278 hrs. CU & AM Trailen, Tro•el 9170 '979USC. Perf cond 2JK • • d 9 U Ji.LITT 28402M g ·1 k '80 RX7. gra), moonrf. urn, dryer. collec· Tools, furniture. anti· an~png l rzr. ~150. radio, bail tank , lnm ••••••••••••••••••••••• f NM>wtelMW•• .. ar uen e p wy. Rat 9725 AC.Sspd,lomi.SSS·2620 tiblet, Neccbl Sewing ques, pool table, etc Amencan oak antique labs, in water Hu nlit i9Corsair23' Slps6,xlnl m1. ate. snr many ••II H othr flu Miss100V1e10 831·2040 ...................... , dvc:.497.63J3e_\·es - Macb. dtte>rator items, 9332 Mokihana. Hunt· drsr.964-4606. Hbr. no t rlr. $7500 rond. Lux bwlt by Ben· xtras.S26K obo_.190·4S40 .....,._, iUiL Gel Ready ~~~ -=ii/sl~~~e!rc~I:~:~ in on Beach. Sat le Sun. Dryer. dolls. clowns. 2J.3-S92·2036__ d1x Corp. Asking S6SOO AMlos W..ted 9590 F'orSpnng ' MtrudH lu1 9740 ltilcbenware, Knie· Household ilems. Hunt. tools. car._ suckers. etc ·79 Sea Ray 26· "Sun Call Ted wkd ys bwn •••••••••••••••••••••• CGllwC.,.111 lt71633CSi·A. 1970FIAT ••••••••••••••••••••••• knacs, clot.hes ' much Harbour. Sat. only. 3952 14342 R 1\·1 er a H B dancer" Twn. all xlras ~~m, SS8-512S WE MHD YOUR TODAY! ~~~s ~~t~/!ed;:~'1 ~Psi 150 SPIDH •Ml. prefer a mo re, Sal BAM. 9002 Humboldt. 898-6526 IDcl lrlr fish &c ski AMtoStnlce,P..ts GOOOUSIDCA.lt! SA.LIS •SBYICE EXCELLENT CON·1 COHYEltTlllE llMdM'"edes f'\ve Harbors Dr., H.B. SAT ONL y 10-3 Loads or MUST SELL $26,000. Cash or terms~ & AccHsoriH 9400 Anythln1 consufered. · LIASfHG o 1 T 1 o N ! M u s T ONL V 35.000 miles on re to a MW Ma Ua At nta . misc. items. 1870 Po Be.autilul white weddm& !J79.8209, 547-6649 ....................... 1917lhru1980 SAD"LEI •CK SEE'! '(220XK I I bwlt engine. AM FM c.ythilta 14ff, NEI GH BORHOOD Charles. NB. Harbor dress. never used Welkraft 26' No\•a of ~ .,.. A SA.DDLllA.CIC stereo. 4 speed trans. Compate Htftise o'r Im GARAl;E SALE·Sat 9.3. View Homes. 9• sofa . lge Unalte~ Site s. Sl80. fshore. twn !SS HP. ATIEHTIOM · IMW new brakes ' two new ports Direct lease and 6() Rdril, trash complC· walnut stereo 8x'f' cstm BS880after6pm. tandem trlr. RD f'. . L. 21402 ~ IMW/SUIA.ltU tires Private party rros sensible pymt s tor,~blcycle. Kirby bit cabinet. nice furn' radio, bait lank, xtra MG K , lll-2040 495-4949 Slim/best offer MUST D 1 a I 2 1 3 o r I S beddin · factory hghting chrs. OW .... EltS f'IWY. SELL! Call Rob at TI4 MERCEDES 1s 213 vac , too s. ears &. more misc. ._..._ _ _... 1013 " MIS .... -.. wt•"' "' tlin th 1 7"" ,.,,_ rt 5 •· I lilt -n-"" blnuni. covers. stereo S TONNEAU COVER Ill i. n.-c 1 -• ...._ 1e g e most peop e1 Ul7"V<OU a er Pm • or714163i·~--_ power awn mower. e Giant Lido Isle Boy Scout •••n•••••••••••••••••• ,..._ l b I Fi•· MG·s, '71 'SI -·-.... ·...ty Ave<Y Pkwy off l·S nnoccibte · is1·mportant lo weekends new, beds (3 twin ' l G S S u,., tnm a 5 mmar "" 292SHarbOrBlvd ,......, . 1~6 MERCEDES BENZ kin&, complete sets arage al~. ~t.. Afllllt1clM•Gt.it• cond Sll.900 080 Neverused.S75 131-2040 495-et949 the success of any '76 Fial 12S3P 21K>CCoupe.Anthraclte w/fr.->. Furn, Can· SMarch 6Mth, 8.h30·S.00h. ln ~xcellent condition. 8lJ.822l or839·72!)3 Maria631·7797 lve ms COSTAMESA garage sale. Make sure Hatchback. good cond. Loaded and sharp ... II S2 '82 un .. arc 7t ·Jstllk Be 1·r 1 9792500 OpenSundays yours ·s 1·1d . f non A&-1 w ens. JO·oo.2.00 701 Via Lido u e new. au i u Will pay cash for bes in·· 1 1 s e 1 n ne w t 1 res. am / m 1107339 1 $9S95. J 1 m Vatmlaa 750 Virago, 800 soUd UdOI 1 d N 8 Star·burst colors . board/outboard. deep v LITE BODYWORK le WE PAY Classified. phone cassette, low miles Marino Volkswagen. mi. llGtorcycle helmets, 1 s an 1 • • $129/0BO. Ca 11 1714 ) hull, 19-21' late model. 642-5678. 2500. 675--9961. 8'2·2000...:... mise. -ldl supplies. CdM·Furn. golf clubs, 823·4169 pm or 1714 l CallS48·4984 art 6tM.,_ i:t1·t::, 10 S0'7c orr your TOP DOLLAI~ 11....e.....1 .... ew -----M~li dry milk hsehld goods. 3120 S3t·S225daysoreves. ys pesl.536·9832 I\ _. " ·tlOO A.tot, Mew ,HOO AMIM, Mew-. 9100 'A.tot, Mtw flOO ~ ft Iota more. 7 Seavlew. starting lOAM 6 pc drum set cymbals loato. Wll.i.r ·••••••••••••,•••• .. •••• •n••••••••••••••uuu ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yorlilown.IC!ine. Sal&n stands le hd'we. Must IJ 'rl ft,SO HPMerc ALFAROMEOPARTS FORUSEDCAR.i sell ! $800/080. 962·0822 714·548·535_7 __ All parts lo convert 101 AL.AH MAGMOM -1600 to Veloce, exc. PONTIA.C/SUIA.IU Fender Telecaster and loah. Sail 9060 pistons. $1400. Dennis, -~S> Rarf>Or ~lvd. Gipson amplifier. '500. 0 ••u••••••••••••••••• 979-2748 after 6pm or COSTA MESA 963-0493 S20.000 Equity in Scot wknds . . 642·5678 '~-I ' < ' ., ' • t • "'ut G . h d 2SP 13dale, Antona. R.E. o.=.:=.:..·-----54!-4300 54!·1451 ~ , r 1 e. em1en ar t will trade for sailboat Hu jjt r•&oods IOU .._I' 1ry 8071 ltlnl condition, 1200 eves Call Belt 602J 941.8599 74 COURIER HIGH IUYEI ••••••M••••••••••••••• 1111••••••••••••••••••• 631·2339. ---Top dollars for Sports Bold. Karutan rug . Veature 21' w/lrlr. out· fOR PARTS ON LY Cars. Bugs. Ca mpers. meddioo design $600, New Greuch drums 5 board. extras Sips 3 CHEAP SJ&.9832 9J4's,Audf's ho . beda m ~COMPllSSOI ~ce. walnut finish. ~ISi AsltforU/C MGR ea. 8'3·l770. 1 bppcirl. Bmii ILSO ~.631·3016eves. JIM MAllHO Binks praaure pol SlOO ~o/it~~ti~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTl.SERS The price of Items ldvertiltd by vehicle dealers In Ule vthlclt cl111lrled 1dvertlaln1 columna do.a not ln· elude any applicable ..,_, llctaM, trutftr feel, naaDH charp1, ,_ for air poUlltJcla COii• tral dilrin eartlfk.U.. ........ ..,, c:-..._r•...._-='. HUNTINGTON BEACH HZ.1HO WIMllD TOUIDOTIC &•msHCMS iloo"". Cout Hwy . N~'::acb USITHI DAILY PILOT .... ,, a•SULT" SllYICI DlllCTOIY 'For Rttult StrviceCall 641-1671 .... ---- -----SUBARU I r I GRAND OPENING Of ~E COUN'fY'S NEWEST SUM.IU DIAL& *l DEALER IN U.S.A.· 1Dr1~· nlS-NJI\...L; ~~~=~- • ClOSW lUNOMl t762 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OIAMGI COUM:rl'S MEW~ST Autbom.ed SUBARU DEALER lUOO H.u1Xll l!MI (~I.I ~I. 'i40 '1100 '77 El Dorado. dnt cond, low mileage. Fully loaded 1 owner. 640-5122 We have over 30 lt7t and ll80 Falrmoatal Cit•· ~ Moote Car ot aod L'n.~. ThHe are '1Ht Return Cars and beln& offered to lbe publle for between tlOO and SHOO below wholesale Blue Book . All excellent maintained and carry Warranty. 5\irther inro call : J oe Ca tron. Domlnis ·Coo k · Mc F a r Ja n d Co . Newport ·An abel m. tm-8374, 559-5958 900So. Coast Hwy .. Laguna Beach '78 Plymouth Horizon. 494:1 Ill $46-!HZ auto, ale. 48.000 ml . 494--7451. THll.AlalST C-,.-tt3; 'ff~W ~C>te ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... of late model. low C 07 auto, • .. ir. dean, mileage Cadillacs In J~ ~Int cood. well ma~~:~· run Soulhm>Callfomia! 1 s 000/b t MAIERS ~_:. m . 4 ' 11mm 1Jttlll d tt7 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,_i,?.~l~d. ~••••••••••••!!.~~ Lo "Jfi~2StL~2 T· COSTA MESA '81 Dodge Charger. 8000 Bird. Full power. Xln · 54Q. I 86Q mi. Elstate sale. Must u. cond. Call Bank o --=_.....,..._.._......_.,.___1 qlidate. Call 548·9326 or America Trust Dept '79 Seville, l owner . 35,000 546-0195 7S&-4381 wkda 9.3 ml, mooi\roof, all 1tras, cream/tan int .. new Michelin tires. Xlnt cood 673-5164 77smu.I ·~~ded. (UUtDH) •l&OW• •LOW• •&UllOOK• 11111 S&515 ~~· IOOSoCout Hwy., Lacuna811cb ftt.1111 '*"" ~1 •.OW• •LOW• •ILUllOOI• 1111 S52I ., * FAllMONTS 1t -MUSTANGS ' *GUNADAS ~:'YAMS, TRUCKS (uP TOF-~( * CLUB WAGONS *BRONCOS *COURIERS T• '1oss" Is Back' ..... ~~!ANS ST . FORD FACTORY REBATE TO YOU! Errglne hOOlc&d High Output vs overdrive I up lo a • •Peed ••cttem.r.1 11 ra nsm •sa Ion 1 " open, 811 the dtgr~~1 key, this onto Zero to sixty in 6.9 secs. ... F-250 ~960T) PLUS USE YOUR REBAT AS PARTIAL DOWN PAYMENT ,. 112 ISO VAN (2A 14344-5058T) -5227~ '°'""''°_"" __ --.,. -+ "23" ... .. lie. c..tl price 11122"' Oii. ,_ ., ...... A.,A l0.J1 •••••••••••• \ -----~-----· The Closest Thing to Cost Free Drivinf!! 24 MONTH FREE FULL MAINTENAICE SERVICE ---~- • 77 G«AND PllX 'IOCHEVETTE 79 MUSTANG (671RLF·5076) 766XTE·5070) GT 5129?! 5 124~ (HP071&1207) (650ZOP·501 4) 5 136~ 5 129~. '°'"*a_ ... __ lot ..... ·-Oii --~--.... --•cw IUll 31 -on --......,_., .......... , .,,..,_., __ + f2A'•. c fl ~ .,. Gown + ..,, •• c...iot w!tll •1• -+ '217" lie. Clillo price .... Oii. ..... .... rT llC.c.11~ ..... lu . '41 IC c;..,, prioo '417t••. w . .., lie c-prioo •• , ... ...... "'·ll 111 ... o.t ,_ IMl4"". ,A lO 71 Oii Pl"l '7091• A.PR 20 'TS °"" ..... '5146 .. IJ'" 21 20 LOOK AT THESE LOW. LOW PRICES 111 75 8JTI 169 GAUXIE (816KYU-5067) (ZUS501·5073) 71YOIAlll . 72MUSTAN6 71 COIHIAll (1CGX781 ·5090) (338EBS-5088) 55499 Aileen Qumn and John Hmton of' Annie' 'A Long Way Home' wins award Tun Hutton TV film ia big bit. •March 5-March 11• EdUXLrds again hosts Channel 50 fund-raiser KOCE, Huntington Beach's beleaaured PBS affiliate, is begging for bucks once more during its annual spring fund-raising festival. Like other PBS stations in California, KOCE, Channel so. is reeling under the twin blows of Proposition 13 and Reaganomlcs, which mean sharp cuts in federal funding for public television. Officials there claim that makes private donations even more critical to the station's survival. As usual, KOC~ has hired bu~bly television personality Stephanie Edwards to host the festival on most evenings. However, Ronni Richards and Ed Nix of KWJZ radio will lead the festivities tonight. Their guests will be Constance McCashin, ~tar of "Knoll's Landing" and Jeanine Turner, [Who plays Laura in "General Hospital." On Sunday Doug Llewellyn of "People's Court" will host the KOCE fund-raiser, joined by Tovah Feldshub, currenUy starrinc in "Another Part of the Forest" at the Ahmanson Theater. (There's a bit of irony here : When "People's Court" was first conceived more than a year ago, Stephanie Edwards was originally slated for the bosl slot. Thal deal I ell lbmuah. > KNOB disc jockey Madelaine Vluic Dominic will host the festival Monday with Philip Angllm, who played the "Elephant Man" on Broadway, as guest. Other scheduled guests include Peter Donat of "Flamingo Road" next Tuesday and Eddie Albert on March 11. The festival runs through March 14. Channel SQ has scheduled a number of special programs to attract viewer interest during the fund-raiser. These include tWQ shows fe"luring human potential lecturer Leo Bwscaalla al 9:30 and 10:30 tonight, a history of public television hosted by Orson Welles at 7 p.m. Saturday and "Lights! Action! Annie! , " a behind-the-scenes look al the malcing of a movie from the Broadway play "Annie," lo air at 8 p.m. Saturday. ''The Marx Brothers in a Nutshell," a tribute to that zany clan, will air Saturday at 9: 15 p.m. Other special pro1rams include "Carl Sandburg: Echoes and Silences" at 9:15 p.m. Sunday; "Tbe Vanishing Giants," a show about whales narrated by Loretta Swil, at 11 p.m. Sunday; "The Kingston Trio and Friends : Reunion" at 10:30 p.m. March 8; a National Geo1raphic special called "Eaypt: Search for Eternity" at 10 :3~.m . March I; "Norman Rockwell's World : An American Dream" at 7.:30 p.m. March 10; "Becket" starrin& Peter O'Toole and Richard Burt.on at 8 p.m. March 10; "The SOI : llolQentJ to Remember" at 8 p.m. March 11; ~t Sprl::gfi'tst. Page 13 Pqe.2 I ~ -------- ~ Televi<ws . . . . • • . . . . . . . .......•.... Page 2 'P ,. s d ' ~..,. L. d ~ ~ ~;~~fg~~s~~:.·.·.·.·:~.-~:"~-~~·····~--~-~~:; _ Oi~c_~-·---~(J_llQ, .. , ~-~-.. f1$LL. UU . ~J_un.n~-*~~ ~ Sports-:-:-: ....... ··•··· .......... ······ 'Frcig~ u._ Inside TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page /J g Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Page 8 .J ~W_ord Game ........•....... :...:.::..·. . . : Page 8 ~ -r,v Puzzll . . . . . . . . . . .-........... , Page 8 § Daily Grids ...... '" ....... '" . . . .. . . Page IO a: Prime· Time Detail s ................... Page JO Tube Toppers . . . . . . . . . . .. Page I i Cable Subscription ........... , ......... P,age ~ DaJltime Drama ............... , ........ Page 27 Movie Guide.: ............... ·: ........ Page 28· Program in/ormation ia provided by the networks and atatiom and ia iubject to change 1Pithout notice. Channel listings I 9KN~T <CBS) 6121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. eKNBC (NBC) 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. e KTLA (Ind.) S800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. eKABC (ABC) 41Sl Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. (8) KFMB (CBS) 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. e KHJ-TV (Ind.) 551S Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. (10) KCST (ABC) 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. • KTTV (Ind.) 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. e KCOP-TV (Ind.) 91S N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. @ KCET (PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd .~os Angeles. Ca. VKOCE <PBS) · u744 Golden West St., Huqtington Beach CD> On·TV · . ·1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, Ca. CZ) Z.TV . 28:. Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. OO·HBO Tt .. m.:l':lfe ~lcta .. :aockelellef ~r. N.:Y·· N .. Y. CC). Cinemax) , Time-Life.Bldg., RockefellerCenter,N.Y., N.Y. r.i~~~. G!)-C WTBS) Atl•nta,.Ga. Cl) (~PN) Cl> (Sbowtime) ·black <S> Spotlight ··(Cable News Network) MAIN OllPICE ao West .. Y St., eosta Mesa, ca. · Mell llddrft.I: Box 1960, eost. Mela, C•., 92626 TelepMl•:642..a21 By MICHAEL DOUGAN Of .. Delly l'llM SIMI ' • _As !be. credits rolled-acros~·-the s-ereen i last njgtit's premiere of "Police Squad" on ABC, you may have noted that Lorne Greene was listed as a special guest star. You might have then waited Uuoughout the ensuing half-hour show for Greene to appear, which he didn't. Where was he? Well, if you paid close attention, you saw Greene on the screen <ju.ring those credits. He got shot and died. Killing off the guest stars before the opening credits have finished is only one or "Police Squad's" numerous~ little quirks. Written and directed by Jim Abrahams, David Zucker and Jerry Zucker, "Police Squad" is a lovable clone or the movie that made those guys famous -•·Airplane.'' · Last night's episode dealt \\i.ilh a pretty credit union secr etary who committed a robbery and double-murder to pay orr her orthodontia bill. She shot a man named Twice once and when she killed a fellow named Fell and be fell . Her telling of the tale. then, was one of the finest "Whose on first?" routines since the original. The man who solved the crime is detective Fra.nk Drebin, played in perfect deadpan style by Leslie Nielsen, who portrayed the doctor in "Airplane." Drebin would have rather been working on the case of the nude dead 'stewardesses who w,ere turnin1 up in laundromats around town, but be tackled thi~ challenge with great eameW-eS8. relying for help on a lab technician Who fires bullets through old Barbara Walters. videotapes and a shoeshine boy who knows, literally, everythjng. Then there's the other detective who's so tall that you never saw hia head. And when Drebin relen to a "liWe hunchback at the office" you expected to see a hunchback dwarf appear. One did. • "Police Squad" waa created as a six-week series to replace the mori'l'md ''Mork and lrindy,"T• which may or may not return. Network . execs sa.y that if "Police Squad" is successful it could show up next seuon u a conUnwq series. It's possible that "Police Squad," with ill merciless puns and ahameleu si1bt 1ags, m11bt wear a little thin in time. But it'a not likely. This la one of the freshest and funniest things to show up on the screen in years. !NII-LI CAIT -"Chicago Story"·· premieres Saturday on NBC <Ch. 4) at 8:30 p.m. and features (back row rrom leftl DanJel Hugh Kelly, Dennll Frans. Richard Lawson, Craig T. Netson, (front row from left> Kri1torter Taborl, Maud Adams. Vince9t Baaetta and llolly Oaeek. A NEW, INmEPIO SHOW -Intrepid police investigator Frank Drel>in <Leslie Neilsen. center> and his boss . Capt. Hocken <Alan North>. question the only witness <Kathryn Leig_h Scott> to a double murder in their relentless pursuit of justice and a pretty girl on ABC's 1Ch. 7> ··Police Squad!" airing Thursday at 8 p.m. A PERSONAL NOTE: I have been writing this Televiews column for abou.t a year now and this is my last one. Beginning ln two weeks, I will be doing the same thing on a fulltime basis in the Bay Area. I hope that I have been able. on occasion, to give you a laugh, to tip you off to a show or two worth catchina. to make you contemplate the deeper -and sometimes darter -implications of this vital communications medium called televfsion. All I Su Televiews . Page 21 'Chicago Swry' set to g o on NBC "Cbica10 Story," a new 90-minut.e dramatic series about police officers, lawyers and docton swept up in life·and-death situations, premieres Saturday au;ao p.m. on NBC (Cb. 4). Bued on an NBC·TV movie, "CblcalO Slory" featun1 m ensemble cut, lndudlq Maud Adama u Dr. Judith Berptrom, VIDcmt Bql9Ua u ·Public Defender Lou PeUeptno, Molly _Cheek u letaJ MU.tat lle1an Powers, Dennis Jl'ran1 as patrolman Joe Gillard, Daniel Hu1b·Kelly aa Officer Frank Wajorati, Richard ·Lawson as Officer O.Z. Tate, CraJ1 T. Nelson u Asal. States Attome.y Ken Dutton and Kristoffer Tabori as Dr. Max Carson. The series, ci;eated by Eric Bercovlci <"Shoeun">, was filmed on location in tbe Windy City. "All ol our major cbara~ are lllvolved in every episode,'' said Bercovtct. "AlthcMlsh the tlramatlc focua will chance from weell to week each ol their Independent lives la connected to tM otherl. Wbat uppeas affect.a them ~ - but tt affect.a them all. ''The potential dramatic lnvolve .. ta and ~baracter malch·UPI make for unUmtt.d 1torJ mat.erW..'' --... 3 Highlights for the Week a . -; ' Friday Bren~ -who heve drought and .. ,..,.. of and ''Y .... ~ ~""" $_ ------~ ~~;.c-.••·---ay. ~ . --.1 . ·---~•-' !".cialS-r;. ·--:--· MAI041.- I -- U*t(B),..WM: THI --Die* Cewct ..,.,.,_ the ~end IOdal llluelioM dumO a u.n. period ..._, _., comer of the WOttd -lmlotv9d In -on a mllMh9 IC8la. 12:a0•mc.~ MagMtic country I P09 It# Eddie Rabbitt ...... lured In an -*'Cl of ~ --.. the Aoiry ln l.ol~ l:OD (Ill INEMC PMVll!W A look at the rncMee, 9'>9- dela and IPOf19 _,. "°"*'II up on Home Box Olftoa. . l:CIO (Ill WHAT ON fARTH? Onon w... t8k• an ~look et man endl*WOttd. ~ 1:11•YOUNG~I INCML "Goin' Aklng'' A good boy err-INC> umlr'O IMf'ljl»- na, "*' Into prMk• and petty lhefta, .. ~ ,_, ...... ~ fO Jc*! Jn a robbrf. (Ill INEMC ll'MVllW A look at fie rncMee. 111»- dela and mpor1a ~ "°"*'II up on Home Boa Olftoa. NI. Ill •ICCmll· ITCAN •'YOlN ...... Amertcarw wtlO -*lbly ~In _.. Wiila Of .... from ..,.0 flll IO modillrlg to ndlllO ,. '°' rtct.. -pt-.cl. t::ao• WAMA.Y,Lm Dr. Leo Buacaolla ~how to llwl mote __....,, -·Cl) l~CMT'Bt 8T..-Tlft Lynda carter and '- ou-ta George e.-. Tony Oftando and U.S. ...,_ Ortl Corpe '-M perlorm mualc: of tM ........ (8)THl~CW'OH LOCATION' Aober1 Klein ,_.. a ..ieo- tlon "' routin. perb med by ... ~ comeM• - -lndudlno Aotllll w...-. ally Cryel.i and De'lld ~ on HomacomS; ~·~ ,,~-...... -· tHA...a WITH LB> •llCNILIA -Lm..••1181'e -- qyellClona and ...... --• about per90Mll WOtth. 11:00 • THI POINT9' ..,_ Anita. Ruth and June per-'°"" a concert tMturing "Fn," "Y• We Can Can'' and ....... 8o ~- a:U (8) INEMC ~ A look at fie ITIOlllee. ape-clele end eport• _ .. "°"*'II up on Home Box Oftlce. Saturday specials MMC:Ht,1112 ..,..... 1:10. CMATING INMOY FROMGM9AGE HoeC Aotlett MecHell ~ with the probMma of --gy and mid ..... dlapoe-... AfiSUIOON 4:10. NATIONAL ~ ......... "The Tlgrt9 Expedlllon" Thor ·~deH'• nn.i and '*'-* voyege .. com-_.., ...,, llm pfla addlltoMI fooltige of the Kon Tlltl and Ra ~ Ilona. l:JIO. NATioNAL ~ .......... "LIYlftO TraeaurH 01 Jllpeft" Nine~ ..... and perbm61.g ar1l1t1 who kHp th• i-tbeM of an andent cUUe P'MIO ltlr'OUgll a coi••IPOl•Y IOdety -,,-...c"> ~ A NEW MUSICAL -Lynda Carter will star in a-new mus teal v1Il't~ty special. ·'Lynda Carter : Taking It to the Streets," which will be aired Friday at 10 p.m . on CBS CCh . 2). The hlel«y and growth of putlllc ~ --· ly 30 ~ • dwon6cled; OnonW....NrrM-.. Int.,..,.... wttll guMt ...,.,... ... a.. .. THIHOM M/tffCA. • L..18HT9C......W 7•• THI ....,..eurTI ~ ~ .--8urM ..,..... a Q. ''The Melllng OI A M.p tour through fie "'-' ~ HollywOOd Mu9k:el" In bfeln and 08l'IWllf nerwua ~ -1tlfM ~ acta. ayatem wl th apecfil 111 -.. .,,.. ...... and Ill»-eftacta. an1medon end a clel producllon numbera lnterv•-· with ou••t :r hlglllollt an lr"6de looll et ...,.,U. !" ... on the ... of• big Hal-t:OO. ~ON THE ~ ~muelc*. .... ~ t:OO. a.. .. THE HORN Jdrtwrt Mann tio.ta a dOC-'"' cw /tffCA. umenuwy llboul the mll- Stan Mooneyham and Ilona ol dlllcl retuo-In Carat ~ hoM Ihle ... worid. dOcumentery on the more 11:00 e THE V~ then aix m111or1 people In CMANTI Arne. who heve .,_, Lorette 8wll narr.... • effected by war and doc:urMntMY on the ~ drought and the l'MUlt• of get'I l**'O the worid'• IUdl _,... whala populetlon end e:ue THI MAM ....,. belno t*8n to 8'cl 1n MOTHIM IN A lMlr ....,+v81. ~ lntervlewa of frlancla and cowortc.. millll8CI with Nm c:ISl8 -..mine the hlelory of the Mena Brothara. 10:00• DOOGa TOWN U..t..A. Scwinll V9lnlng with the Loa ,.,.... Dodgef1I Sunday specials MMCH1,1m l:OO Cll CHI.DI.,. tirtSnRY THIATa '"The H8untlnO OI Heninl>- lon Howe" A adlclOlgltt u-• llrange and unexplalnabl• evenll oocurrtno .. ._ ...,_., lloMll. CR> .... ... ITAIRNll KAWt• .... Flmcdpe.111 ....... ... 11111 ........ 11tg1111Ght • ._._.,..,~on .... and -of KlllNltlna ~. ""-- t1n1• Academy Awerd ...,. and -"' ""*'-ca'• moJ11 I eepected and w.MdiiCb I I CR> t::aoeunuJOHNNY ,.,... Monday specials aoo(J) Ace PrATION Someofltle~IUn of ~'""*per­'°'"' .. ~ hftl •• The Forum In Loe Ange6ee; I~ are Maur- ~ C''Tlle Mor'*'O Aller"). Kril Knltoftar.on C"Botlb)' W.V-"I. Rocky 8umltte C''T-It Up"). °'8rt ~ C'',..,.. 91-Cowboy'') and Tenyt1 Tuchr C"l.e)' 8edl In The "'-OI~"). 11:11 (J) ~THON A CIOIMdlmt 1-1 and tour- CO!Nc ~ ""° compete 119aln•t . one ..,.__......_.In .. "'---~game "-· AflAUOON a. .THI OU> TAN80 l(Mlrtne .....,,_ and .. Kirov ..... CGlnpeny _.....,,...lnttleabyol a )'OllflO -...i wtlO .... In io. w4tfl ,_ rid! ~wMl'lahetnt­..-*-. a l'IMlkS • 4:00(8),_WM ... NATIONAL WtJl'llCINCW. "Netionel Pne: Ptey- or~ Of Pered'"?" Effona .., the ...... PR~ to '**1ct lM pulllc'a -IO ~ ce'• ..-. in ,..... ot put. ""' a .... to .....,...,...,_ 1:11 e THI .-MON IUrT'I J-lurtl• .,..,.... a Stan M~a"' and Carol ~ 1-1 tllll documellf*Y on .,. ,_. ............. .,..,.. In Arne. wtlO lwwe .,_, attected by • ., and 1'1111 rwwMll cl .. 1904 a-. ... Cotwl lftU9lcel ~ llboul 81\ a Alftert.- cen )Oc*ey wtlO tttea IO win .. El9IJ'I Dert)y ...... IUdl ,._..... "Olva My ...... To~·· ''The 19408" Die* c..t ----the entert.in--" and aoc:ill alluMlona ... ....... palullorl and Cl1liM .......... ..., 1:00• ADMMI CM.LID PWLJC,...,.. tour 'ltlr'OUgll .. "'-' bnlln and cen4f1ll rwWua 1yaten1 with apeclel effect•, enimatlon end VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE EIGER SANCTION • PURSUIT OF D.I. COOPER • SCANNERS ' • CARIOM COPY • LOVE & DEATH • ONLY WHEN I LAUGH • TOMMJ . •••••ou duftll9 • tllM P9liOd .......,, ~ --cl ... wonct See Highlights. Page 4 • I LOVI YOU AUCI I. TOKI.AS • I ..... PROMISID YOU 'A 1051 •~IDIN ~ HOUSI CALLS • ... FT&V' ~ llighlil!hts for the Week· £. --:x:::: -~ F'rom Page 3 Tuesday specials MAACHl, 1M2 MOfNNG __ 'SI" _______ ..... -_.,,... Chatlla Chaplin, W.C. Aalda and tMll'J olhat9 EVEHMI 8:30 CID LEFTY. THE D9tGA1.JNO LYNX -lmlofwd In -on a > -.-..... -~ .... ----iNi"liiGe~ -. -6:30 CS) l..Af'F.A.. THON A comedian holl and lour comk contNllnll who compala agalnll one anolher are IMlured In lhil uncanl0<9d comedy o•ma lhow. --~--M111 'ftl!tr..-'TI9~-m.--­ .. ory of a lynx cub who lrlel lo flod hi• way In Iha wlldemMI (Part 1) • "O -= I.I. "Simon And Garlunltal: The Conclw1 In The Pllt'lt" Paul Simon and At1 Gaf- lunilal p.ttonn meny Old laYOrlt .. In tllalr first folnt conc.t In 11 )'Mfa. liipad durina.~.__ of '81 In New y Ott! Clly'. Central Park. 8:00 D 9 NtGH'T OF 100 STAAB The C41nl.nnlaJ of the ActOf'I Fund of Amertca Is aaluted by -1y 200 •tar• .tW> p.tfonn II ~lo City MU91c Hd In New YOttl City. (I) 8AAAY MANILOW IH CONCERT 8:00 (ID LEFTY, THE OINOAIJHG l YNX May! Nutt• narr11es the 11ory of • lynx cub who trlel to find his way in 11\e' wlldat-. (Part 1) 7:00 CID TH08E FABUlOUS Cl.OWNS Rlehard Kiiey profiles the ,. an1at1alnar1 who have ti' made the world laugh - Including Fanny Brice. Chtrlla Chaplin. w C Flelda and many otr-s 10:00 8AAAY MAHllOW IH CONCERT Manll-performs • selec- tion or his hltL IElJM:I A aplnl41d lllbuta lo lhe genius of compoMt Eubie Blalta, IMlurlng 24 of hi• ball IOng8 Including "In Honeysuc.ltla Time" and 'Tm Juat Wiid About Har- l: 10 a;· AIV£I' 0#' &AHO Camara• capture th• lxlraordlnery animal b41havlor axhibi1ed when a lour-year drought atn~es Iha Tm~ In Kany1 10: 16 ID THE NEUAOH SUITE J•"'-Burk• lllu•ltal• • tour through the human brain and central ntn'OUS ayllam wolh 1paclal alfacta. anlm1Uon and lntarvlaw1 with guHI •apart• Thia mu!U--d winning lf'li.t p.tfonns hie OfMl .. t hits. 8;48 GD llEHHETT & BASIE TC>GEl'HIN T;wo tegendaty atars of lhe AH , YOUTH Le~ltt' L·ggams. Marielle Hartll'Y and Hil'h llall (from left! art• tht· ho!-.IS of "Small World.·'. a s hnwca st' for talt•nt!-1. idea::.. ambitions and aet·omplis hmcnt::. of a group of out standing young peopl<.· Sunda~ a t i JI m on NBC cCh 4 1 AfTEAHOOH 1~ CS) NATIONAL ANAL8 OF THE 118 t IMO lAFF Off The bMI ,_ comedians are faalured u Iha reglon- 11 winner• of the Big Lall Off compel• ao...... one llnOlher 10-..30 '1l) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Egypt· Ounl For Eterni- ty" The worlla of Ramtes II ••• featured In • loolo at -major wchaeotogiCal ptojac1• which .,. IHICOll- ArnericM muakl --laity Bennett and WIMlam "Count" 8Mie -tewn up tor • special concar1 par- f()(m-tNturlng the Count a.. Bancl. 9:10. 8ENNIETT & BASE TOOETltEAI T;wo legendary 1tar1 of the Americ8n music --Tony e.nnMt and William "Count" 8Mie -...,, up tor a special ooncert l*- fonn-INtunng the Counta....a.nd. 10:IO. THE KNa8TON TNO • AHO FAIEND6: REUNIOH The Ofiglnel Klngllon T rlo ara joined by Tommy Smothers, Mary TraYers, UndN'f Buc:ltlngham and cuttan1 Trio mambat1 when they par1orm logeth- ., f()( the llrlt time In 20 Y'M"I 10:48. NOAMAN • M>aCW'EU.'8 WOAU>: N4~Dft!AM A no.talglc lo<* le taken at the .... ......... .... WOttl and ho!Mtown of St0dl- br1dge, ~ 12:30 cm~ AU88Ell The New Gt-Revival accomp1111i.. Leon RutlMll In a concar1 taped II Per- ltlnl Pm-In Puadena. 2:00 (I) A CELE8AA TION Some of the blgglst stare of pop-country muU; par- '°"m thalt g<Nleet hill al The Forum In LOI AngaMa; Included era Mauraen McGovern (''The Morning Attar''}. Kti. Krlat~ ("Bobby Magea"), Rocky 8umetta (''T-" Up"~ o..i Cempbel ("iwn. r------------------------------• I $ 5 ·Gift Certificate $ 5 i I ~Towards Purchase of 12500 or More I L ... Mof ..... 0. .. -. .. J/JI .I ------------------------------. l&D Atlilitic Wear . 9594 H~MILTON A V.E. HUNTINGTON llACH 984-3258 . stone Cowl>Oy") and Tanya Tuck• ("l.Aty Bactl In Tf\e Arms Of Low"). 1:80 Cl} 8AMf MAHILOW IH .CONCERT This mum.award winning lf'tlet pertorms his or .. 1 .. t hill 4:00 (ID TIM£ WM "The 19408" Olclt Cavett ellllmlnM the antartaln- ment and IOdel altuallons during • lime period wMtl ~ comer of Iha world -~In -one meaalw ac:ala. 2:00 CS) EU8IEl A aplflt41d 1rlbula to IM genius of ~ Euble Blalta, leaturing 24 of his bMI IOflQS Including 'In Honaysuellle Time" and "I'm Juel Wiid Aboul Her- 6:30 Cli)'THOeE FA8Ul.OU8 Ct.OWNS Riohard Kll9y profllM 11\e anlef'lalnera who have meda the WOt1d *""' -lndudlng. ·Fanny Bric:•, aring and pr~no Iha legacy of Iha Egyptian pflaraohs. 0 12: 16 THE BEST 0#' 'OH LOCATION' Robert Klein hOlla 1 Mlec- tlon of routtn. P«formad by lhe YWIOUI comedians • • including Robin WKUama. Biiiy ~tel Ind OaYld Branner --who have appeared on Home Box Officll'• aland-up comedy _ .... 12::IO Cl) NATIONAL FINAl.8 0#' THE ttl1 9IQ LNf Off See Highlights. Page 9 What has been a better investment than BUILDING? NO~HING! Let your investment make money for you ... build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one you have. Phone (714) ~ I (213) &O'l-2588 21•t CENTURY CONSTRUCTION CO . lOCJIRt Fin~· w • ....,.... ... oar won and coimp&etion dat.. j ~ . SPRING CLEANING SAL·E ! ! FEATURING · SILECTID MODELS AT BELOW PIONEER DEMO DIALER COSTll - CT• c-... SALi NICI . i!ti ~!.,O!~ .. ~!'Js35&91 SX-5 Recei•er 30 ..... ,.. da. ~=== Dicjtal y_. .... '325 P~7 Tw 111 ... , HURRY! OHL Y I LEFT! F_'tllr Wa ..tic 9um••Locll s12611 Direct Drift •••... '200 CT71C...... -~ ........ . . J j RK01'61g. $28697 ii • Dc6y UC: ...... '450 CT6I Cmrrtte HURRY! ONLY I LEFT! : 1.1 ~ .. ....... $22647 • ...fr. : ,..,.._.. . ' Dc6y UC: •.•.•• '350 • NO SALES 'rO DEALERS • NOLAYAWAYS • CREDIT CARD PRICES ADD 3°/o • FULL; WARRANTY ON ALL UNITS • LIMITED 9UANTITES 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AIW: SAU !MXR: -·s10914 :sENNHEISER: YPS.'HOO • 132 DYnamic Expander (0 ) $300 • H60400 s3440 2 hour portable VHS -s9g5 it -it-Lightweight stereo video r~der. 7 day . · : YAMAHA: :headphones. Great Sound (N ) .... programming (N) ........ $14t5 0 it CAJOIO $35454 •TDK: ----- ! 120watt perch. :, 120 s1399 llC A ! integrated amp (0 ) ........ $100 ! v·HS Videotape (N) ........ $30 ~~~fDrive~.... s109oo:~c,s:ttperch. s15514:~ . -s ·159' 42 ~~~=is-.!t (0 ) .... S22t : integrated am~ (N) ........ SHO -. : ~T~~~~y -I : ORTOF<M SOGL ·off : walnut wooo veneer co) .. 1210 JVC: : Ai1 cartridges in stock ... 70_ _ : KENWOOD: 3 piece portable VHS s999 • UST PllCI it 11·70IO s · video recorde~. heavy : KEF: : 80 ~ per .ch. AM-FM & 29995 dutyconstruct1on(O) .... $1174 • iii:i'State-of-sggo40• R~eiver, hi~peed • the-art floor standin~ • built-in eQuahzer (0 ) ..... $660 DIX: : spea~er system (0 . each) $1400 ! u -101 . ii .tllC •••r $6924: ADCOM: . ! ~~~:t': $29414' unit (N ) .................. SI" : GrAJi-s25940: amplifier (0) .................. , . .. • :.2.QQ_watt per channel :IA-601 s· TECtNCS: · · :USU Mie>llfter(O) .. 'l' ..... $4M :~Hpeed 70walt perchannet 249 1'§l:205 • MANY MOii Y ALUll AT •integrated amp (NJ ••... , .. SJtt I Metal capable cassette s1· 19 • ATLAMllCI ITOPIYTODAYlll •n-41J s15954 deck with aolenoid 15~ •un COi• WllH ML W~ Auto acan, &eM>lock operation (0) .........••• SI 61 • tot• N1W IHI SO•• D• tOl IDI ~ AM-FM tuner (0) .......... $210 5 :2 £ ~ r- c8 'Tl ~ a: Ill ':< ~ ID n ~ ?' .-~ I\) N ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'O ·;: ~ .§'------~ AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST· AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2S24 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEIACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 ·-495-4949 . ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444· BOB McLARENS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier 'La Habra -522-5333 . CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NAIEltS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9100 • Alt EN CADILLAC-OLDS G~el.OREAN . ' 28332 Camino Capistrano 1 Laguna Niguel -831-0800 CHEVROLET c0...ILL CH~OUT , 2800 tt.arbor Blvd. · Costa Mesa -146-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-8211 LINCOLN-MERCURY -joHMSOM Ir SON----- UNCOL.-..MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA UMCOLM-M&CURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547~051 I MAZDA MIRACLE MADA --~ -1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 . ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956~1 UO. PEU G EOT . IEACH IMPORTS . · 848 Dove Street . Newport Beach -712-0900 PONTIAC . -' BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IV~RSON. INC. 445 E. Coast H'NY. . Newport Beach -:-6 73-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 . - SAAB BEACH IMPORTS .848 Dove s·treet Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 'MAXEYTOYOTA ----- ·, 18881 Beach Blvd. .J Huntington Bei!ch 847-855f VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARl~O VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., \ ·Huntington ·Beacfi 0 -. EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. ... Q>sta Mesa -646-9301 . I I . ( J Friday sports 'MARCH 5, 111:2 EVBMG 1::30 cm THE WAY fT WAS a:ooe COUEOE 8A8KETMU. UCLA vs. Wuhlngton cm cou.mE 8A8KETMU. USC vs Wlllhlngton St•te Saturday sports MAACHe, 111:2 MOfNNG 10:00,8 NHL HOCKEY Boeton Bruin• vs. Loa ,...... KJnga 11:00. WCT TBNI 11/FIUUJCON 12:00a cou.w 8A8JCETMl1. Wyoming at 5-1 Diego State 2:00 8 8 llAY HU ClMtllC uw COV«llge °' the thltd round d thla t~. fMturtng .on. °' the top -ln~oolf (from IN Bey Hll Country Club. on.ndo, AL). Cl) MATTI.a IWSllCftOel ....... MUD ~ "Wortd Ughtw9ight CNm- plonlNp'' 2:IO 8 Cl) NCAA 8MJCET'llAl.L INCW.. "NCAA Cll8mplonthlp ~ The Ao9d To PMw Or'-'-'' A r9Wlew of col- lege bMl!lltbllll'• peat -eon. end • ~ of the NCAA Buklltblll Chlwn- plonlNp. • a'8NllMY ~--QOLDIN QLOWI 9 NIOIRI ONAl ~TOUR $100,000 GrMt« Mllml Sunahln• Open (from Certer'• ~~In Mleml, Flortda). aeoe001•- llAllCET9Al.L °'900" State el ArizoN s.... a:ao. Cl> IPORT'I llATUNMY World Cup Skiing "Amerlcll't Downhill" for men (from Atpen, Colo.). 8 ~!IOMAL 80Wl.EMTOUR S 100,000 GrNter M .. ml Sunahlne ·open (from CW1er'a Kendell lanea In Mi.ml, Florid•). &GO 8 WIDE WOflLD OF SPORTS The Flamingo St.-• tor Kentuclly Derby· tioc>efllll (lrom Hl.ie.h. Fi..); World Men'• Gymnutlca CMm- plonahip9 (from Moecow, U.S.S.R.). • eoc:ca MADE IH OEM&ANY Colombia vs. Peru &30 9 WIDE WONJ> OF SPORTS The Fl8mlngo Slllk• tor Kentudcy Derby hOp9lula (from Hi....., Fla.); World Men'• GymnutlC* Ch#n- ploNtllpa (from Moecow, U.S.S.R.). EWNNa l:OO G IPORT8 AMERICA l:OO. OOI LfOE llAllCET9Al.L UCLA n. WHhlngton StllM 10:GO. 00008' TOWN U.a.A. Spring treltq with the LoaAngeiMDodgera Sunday sports MON•tlJ 10:GO 8 (I) NM llAIKln'llAl.L Loa ~ L.111er1 at ,.,,. .... 7 .... eco.·-llAllCET9Al.L Attlmlc CoeM Collfel•ice Flnela I DOOea DUGOUT • 10:10 DOOea ,_GAME -,,.~ M-'U.GM9 Loe ~ Dodgera VI. Mon!Nel EllPO' N'ISUJOC* 12::00. llAY HU~ lM --oe d IN tine! round °' ttlle toumllfMnl, *turtno -°' the top -ln,prcl1111~191 golf (from tl'9 Bey Hll Country Club, Ortendo, Fie.). tt:11 e Cl) NCAA . ---...,._, _____ -~....._. ___ _ THE BEST OF THE BEST -The class of the Nationa l Football League a nd Major League Baseball will clash on ABC sports· "The Superteams." starting Sunday. Rick Monday (left 1 of the world champion Los llAllCETllAl.I. Reglorl9I COW«llge of the Metro Cont«-llnlil; N•v•da-LH VegH et SOuth c.rollN 12:IO. GMAT MOHAwt< cva..llJG~ Bic:ycllata converge on Atlentic City. H.J., to com- pele tor $11 ,000 In prlm 1:00 n· WC>f'TWAT 1:IO THE ..-TAM· Cov•r•o• ot th• ~· prlllmlnary. wlttl ,._... ..... of the Oelllend A'e agMtlt nwn- b«9 of IN Loe AngelM Dodgera (from Honolukl, Hewell). a:oo•~ Wor1d Cup Oownhll Skiing -the Mberg ·Kandebar (from Germlech-P.,,_..,· c:Mn. w .. t o.nn.ny): American Prol•Hlon•I Gymnutlc• ClaMlo •• women'• competition l'!_om Mleml, Fla.). 2:11. Cl) NCAA INCIAl ~°'the .-ctlol• and pelrlng• for th• upcoming NCAA . aa.11t· w Ct\ernplofl9fllp. 2:IO. 9 U.&A.. V8.. THE WOM.D .. OlYWtC IPOf'TI The U.S. natlonlll wrMtllng t-..... the nlltloNll t-°' ~ (from Atwrtlc: City. N.J.). CID lnaNATIONAL ..,..IKATING l'ROM ,.... OonJ4tlY Hernll, Jo Jo SI•· budt, Toler Crenaton end Jolln Curry -MlonQ IN ..... '-lured In ..... .. tll(Nbltloft from "*"- lend~ UO.~ANLD 1:11 9 W. WOM.D OIF ~ 15-round World Mlddl• •Ohl CMmpion- etllp bout '*-' chempl- on MeMn Hagler end WM- ..., .. ~ .. Lee (from Atlentlc City, N.J.). 4..'41 (Q)HOMm MC9tll ,_ Anlte Hendic.p'' l::GO e GMATRT IPORT'I ..... ·~...., .. .... 11:aoe ~NW. Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" - / Angeles Dodgers and Dwayne Murphy of t he American League West ChDrnpion Oakland A's will captain their teams in the baseball preliminary Sunday. Monday sports MAAQ41, 1ta ~ 10:00. WOlml'8 MUD WMITUNG "World Lightweight Fin.II'' Tuesday sports llWOtt, 1ta l::GO. woe mn MUD MBTlJN8 "World Lightweight FINlll'' 2:00 CID INT9NATIOMAL .....-llCATING MOM ,.... . Ooro4'1y Hernll, Jo Jo Stw· bucll. Toler CferlMon end JoiWI Curry -MIOflQ the ..... ~lntflla ... .... dlltlltton from f'Mln. =- , lend ChW\e. EWNNa 7:00 (Q) ntl WAY fT WM 7:10CID~ ILWSTMTID: THE AMT •YIAM .._ c-hoetl • !flt>. 11141 IO 8portl lluetnled'e ftrat quairt•-century of *'lino ll)Or1a COVW1lge. cm NM llAllCET9Al.L ~ Clly IClnfll ...._ LOI ~LAUr9 Wednesday sports - llWOt10,1111 ~ 11:30 Cl> '"'WHrTE acAN Thursday sports llWOt11.- ~ 11*1 e (I) NCAA MllmT1W..L Rnt~ound ·~· ~ (from L.41M, Utefl). Harbor Lf;lWU · ~t OliW Men101ial P-Jrk ·Mortuary· Mausoleums Burial Jn Any Cemetery - ·1121 Glalei Ave .. COate Mesa Shipment Cremation. Plans Available . (Giiier Ave. at Harbor ~.) 7 8 !·Inside TV TV film • wins drama award "A LONG WAY HOME" ... Starring Timothy Hutton and Brenda Vaccaro. the TV movie wins an award. Letters By JEFF PARKER -Ol-0-..... S'-" "A Long Way Hom e," the ABC drama starring Timothy Hutton as a young man who battles bureaucacy to find his long-lost brother and s ister, has been named Best Drama by the International Television bfagazine Critics at recent celebrations in Monte "Carlo .. Hutton won the "Nymphe D'Or," or Golden Nymph a wa rd for his performance . The International Television Festival at which the awards were m ade was founded in 1961 by Prince Rainer m of Monaco to recognize "the exceptional contribution to informing and entertaining the peoples or the world made by television. . . " The unlikely couple Jane Fonda and Sen. Barry Goldwater will join the March 21 television special, ··1 Love Liberty," set for broadcast on ABC. The program is a two-hour celebration of the 250tb anniversary oC George Washington's birth. Also set to a ppear are LeVar Burton, Erik Estrada, Gregory Hines, Judd Hirsch, Waylon Jennings, Walter Matthau, Christopher-Reeve, Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand and Robin Williams ... Stars such as Orson Welles, Princess Grace, Jane Fonda, Gregory Pefk, James Stewart and Elizabeth Taylor are slJlying at a New York Hotel during the filming of '"Ni~ht of 100 Stars" set for Darren McGavin as 2 private ~yes PlllVATE EYES -Wbat was the name of the prtva~ye series tbat Darren McGavtn did before "The Nlgbt Stalker"! I remember tbat be hardly ever got paid and usually co& beat up. Was It "Mill~ Hammer"? I keep thlaldag It mlcht be •un.e Ovtslder." You're rijht on the money on both counts. McGavin starred in "Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer," a syndicated series that ran from 1958-59 and was slammed as one of the most violent in TV history. He played another private eye, David Ross. in 1968's "The Outsider." IFTHE SLIPPER FITS ••• Can yoa teU me wben Rodgers and Hammerstein's "ClndereUa," stamac Lesley Au Warren ud Stuart Damoa, was first aired? "Cinderella," with Miss Warre'l\ and Damon, aired in 1965. There was an even earlier version in 1957. a live telecast with Julie Andrews In the liUe role. · T\1i>uzzfe MAYBERRY MEMORY -Pleue &ell me what TV series Arlene Golonka starred la. Did s he appear oe "The Andy Grtmtb Show"! II so, who did she play? The actress has only done one series, "Mayberry R.F .D.," which was a spin-off of the old Griffith series. Miss Golonka played Millie Swanson, Ken Berry's love interest. BUTCH BET -My busbancl and I have a bet OD tbe name of the actor who played tbe young Paul Newman In "Batch and Suadance: The Early Years." We know that WlWam.Katt, now la ''Tbe Greatest American Hero," pbyed Sundance, but who was Butch! The baby.faced Butch was played by Tom Berringer. Send your ~ttera to Pepper 0 '81Wn, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park A~. Room 602, New York, N.Y. 10166. ACROSS 1,5 Shown, stirs on Love, 30 Zaa Zsa Sidney 31 Miss Ullm1nn 12 Helm poeltlon 32 He pt1yed Mateus 13 Miss Fargas pl1ys Welby (ab.) Huogy 33 Played Barnaby Jones t<e Hurl 38 Times of day · 18 Miii Dora' ID 311 Newsman Gordon - 17 Pantty Items 39 Actor Byrnes .18 Mr. Mineo 42 Costarred with CMNr 19 -Window 4<4 Neighbor of Fla. 21 Grid acores 45 Barb91a Bel Geddes 22 Mary Tyler -role 2.e Compau polnt 47 --to Cao that) 25' Untrafned 49 Actor Guinness 2e Or. Satlt 50 Rlilph or Vincent 21 S.. 48 Down 51 Cover of a sort· 29 Love, Honor ano - broadcast March 8. Dunng their stay, chef Andre Rene will be offering his special dinners -veni.son he bagged himself in the New York woods ... Susan Dey, fresh from her role in "Looker," will join Paul LeMat, Edward Herrmann and Cassie Yates in "The Gift of Life." a story about a surrogate mother. set for March 16 on CBS. · Dey will play J oleen Sutton, a family-oriented young woman who decides to carry another woman·s baby so she 'll be able to share the joys of motherhood too. Her hubby likes the carrying cha rges. But her family and friends reject her and the town rises up -agains t her "baby.selling" practices . Things get even sticker when she decides to keep the child ... A new method for providing dear people a chance to "hear" television, called Real Time, will be used at the 54th annual Academy Awards broadcast March 29. The method uses electronic shorthand to provide closed captions throughout the entire broadcast . . . J ohnny Carson and Jac'k Lemmon have been signed to host "Hollywood: The Gift of Laughter," set to run sometime this year on ABC. "The celebration of Hollywood comedy is a Jack Haley Jr./Davi,d L. Wolper production ... Mary Crosby, that demure little wonder who See Atoord. Page 17 Word game DOWN 1 USSR agency 2 Mexican stewpot 3 S.CSeka or Diamond 4 Hankering 5 Burghoff role 6 Mr. Pfevln 7 Miii Talbot'• sign-off 8 -S.V.lnaen 9 CourH for Oulncy (ab.) 10 -Wagner plays Jaime 11 S.tbeckl 15 Fartnef, for one 20 Mr. Ormancty'1 tfGn-off 22 James or Pamela 23 Wiiiiama of Mortt fame 25 -Reiner 21 Cella Wnton role 27 Ntlghbof of Ida. • Buktenlce or Burr 30 Olofve hma· paf1ner 33 NOMd (out) 34 TMBldNewa -31 Mt.A1111n•11nttllli 37 Hart>or craft 39 Fltigerald or Raines 40 Perishes 41 Hit the - 43 -Paraeghlan 46 On the -(lleeJng) '8, 28 A Reid's rote on Nurse SOLUTION .-......... •1 • - I ~ .... I i r I I I i ~ ~~~~ nuflilU1li 1 m:1r~!·u1ri 1t i twm:!f!iili 1 ! u liif:! n~! .,,,·,,·, 1.·''1i~ JU1 I !1·h 1,h· I !J1t 1;1• '~lf ll ~ I ;;;~ 1i;11 ~.;~ ~ • I · = iJ l I ; • · f -l J 1 • l ~ < II ~ 3 ;. .,, ltf f itlr ~ ~ 1 J .1fill1 il1 !sli·l · lif [~~ 7 • o~.,~ .... VIVI ... . I '-. . : I I ~g-~~ " 11 H 1p:1i:•11uru•rpuww'1:n1 1u:P;1r•@11Tr" H ~; 1~11 i if i.nt111 11 1il1h1=,1!ilU1 11!1,l!1r;!:ill !ir Jilf U'!il ! · l3~ ' , ! I ;J I s ~ I i ~ .. 8 s ~ • r ··I~ ff I! l : I i a J .. I; I ~ ~ ~ f , . ~fll l1ilf ill1I~~ ~;f sl11 f 1ti .. lff ,, f 1! . I ~~·~ I ' i i I I f1iJ:lll'1'~1 11 J!'l@l'i~!1'1!!1 'JJ!f if :J2 !~i1iJ;f 1~ i lili!!1'1J!f If ii iflfJ'I J I lflJJll !aJJff liff~.=1i~,s1 I~ J .~ I Ji l~i11~1i:ts1J ll ll I I" 1 ,~ ... ,~ ' •• i ·~·. ~ I i f 1~ I -,. i • l1l~11:!f .I !.111• Jli!I ;li;ilifl!t11•1111 I i I ;li;iiJll!I 0 -a .... ;,·· ~- --t ~ a. :II: c:. a pa · f l.JEJ -I i= 1· ,. ~ ':I . -a Q • - "'1 VJ ~· 3 ·= Cl 2: ~ ::s -· (") OQ II: ~ ::r ::s ,... ,... Q. 00c.., ., ""'o Cl -01 u;·s~ ~(/)~ .... ,... ..,, cc,,., ::s ., ., Q. VI ~ VI : ., {. ("// ·-· .. != ~Ji ... ::r i= lll ~~ -i J & Cft ~ o,. ::Y: II ;II;: CD 111 _ i · ...... ~ -~"' !! .. s. -111 s •~z a I c . . ~ --~ -~ 'S 4:>J8ff4 'Mp!J,;j 'i501 Al lOl!d t0 ' I I ·r -.....,..._ --- -. KNXT KNBC KTlA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE ~ IJ a u D 0 D m> m w m m> LAI ..... u..,.... LAI ..... LAI ..... .. Dileo LAie ..... S.Dllto LAie ...... Loi ...... Loi ..... _,,. .... . ---. ~ --.,.. .. ·-. -.. ... 7: Momlng T~ 700 Good Momlng The Today lluotl Bugs Busillela Personal News .. ~ Morning News FrOOllM POtlly Bunny Repor1 FinlflC8 " .. America " , There ls " The Kartoon Yoga f<w Oii " .. " .. .. AWay .. Flintstones Klmlvll Hulth Plintlog s: ,. .. " . .. Sunup Jim " ~ .. Big Blue Body " . .. .. " Swi~ Bekk• " .. Mlfble Budd* .. " Hot .. .. .. Gentle p~ VIiia Mister .. .. Fudge " " .. .. Ben AllCWt Roger1 9: OneOay Regis RictlWd AJA. OneDly Jack Donahue I LoYe Romper Sesame 3.2-1 AtA rime Philbin Simmons Los AIA T1me ULIMe " Lucy Room Streit Contact Allee Block· l.elwlt Angeles Alice Midl'llOmlllg .. Bewitched M<Me: .. Bectric " busters To Women .. LA. .. .. "Neath .. Compeny 10: The Price Wheel Of Big LCM The Price .. !RlCfllrd IOnllmOf Mzona Clewoom Gettln'To ls~t Fortune vmier, Boat .. ~~t .. Simmons JelMle Skies" TV KnowMe Blttlestars .. .. Blllleltlrs GhoetAnd INNNews " Educatlonll .. ., .. .. " .. " Mis.Mui.' " " Progtll1\l'lling 11: Tattletales Passwofd Bonanza Family Young And T1easure Pass-.oord Super l.oYe, AlrM. Wl!ylll " Plus " Feud The Restless Hl#lt Plus PayClrds St)1e TheWorid? .. Young And The " Ryln's .. Match The News LoYe. AlrM. ~ .. The Resttm Doctcn .. Hope .. a.ne Docton " St)1e Utnr " 12: " OaysOf Twilight AI My News McMe: DlylOt M<Me: McMI: Olc:tt .. Ow LlYel Zone Chldren .. "My Boyl Ow Uves "Hltd "Th• Chill " AsThe " T~t .. As The Al•Good .. Cont11Ct" ~· OYer From Worid " Zone .. Wol1d Boyl" .. " Hows'' Ealy Jumpctreet KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE ~ I) D " D 0 D m> m w m m> LAie~ LAI ..... LAI .... Lei .... ....... LAI ..... ....... Lei ..... LMa..-. LAie ..... .... 1: Tums Anoallr Hour OneUte Tums .. Another " " 0-oom Educltionll WOl1d ~ Tol.M .. " Worid " " TV Pr~lg s..dlFor .. " S..dlf<w Niwa .. " .. " Tomorrow .. .. .. Tomorrow " .. " .. .. .. 2: Guiding TllCll John General Guiding lronelde Texas Open ~ " Gulen Llgllt" " DMilorl ~ Llgllt .. " Uni .. TIQ .. .. " .. .. " The Popeye .. ...... .. .. " " " .. .. WlllOlll .. " Rogers 3: Roc*lord Donnie .. f:dgeOf John Moiite: Hour .. Bugs Y04J Arid 5'111111 fllll .. .. • DMleoll "Ory ~ .. Ek.my Thel.ft Street .. Rldllrd P9opil'• .. OfThe Bewitdled Scooby Y04J Arid " .. .. Simmonl Cowt .. 1Ptnaulne" " " Doo Thel..lw " 4: 8lmey Bob Etnel,~IC:Y ...... " .. Uttle &'ldy l<Jr1oon 3-2·1 Vldory ...., *"'*' .. " .. HcMe Bundi KlnWll Comact Glrdln ..... f:Mer • .. " M.A.S.H .. OnThe Brldy .. ....., ...... .. ..... " " " .. Prlir1e Bundi " Rogers Utnr 5: ..... ..... Lne ..... ...... ~ ...... ~ The Seunll 0. " Holm .. " " ... ~ Sn.I Elly .. " Onl'he .. .. .. " " Scooby .. OnceUpon " " Prllrte .. " .. " " Doo " A Cllellc 6: ..... News Chelte'• News C8SNews wt"'9 N8CNews The ...... 8'lline. ''lloyWllh .. ~ " " SNdow " Jelter1ons ~ Alport Two Helde" " .. .. """' . . News Welcome .. News 8'lline. .. " " .. .. .. " BICt, Kotler .. .. Repor1 7: C8SNews N8CNews HlppyDlyl A8CNewl Tic TIC Y04JM!ed The M.A.S.H Joker'• 0. V°'9r'a " Ao*! " ~ For It Muppeea " Wld EllY Plpelrll 20n YflG, P9ople'1 l.Mml& P9ol*'• PM ~ Farnly M.A.S.H Tic Tee Mlc:Nel WllStrell The Town SC*ill titlf Cowt Mlgmll FU .. IOoudl Letnr Welk s: TheOUk• N8C Bllkeebll Blneon TheOukel ..... N8C PM Moiite: LA.Welk Wlll*lglon OfHamrd ~ UCLA .. O!Hlzmd .. ~ Mlgmlnl "PtrtlCt In Aewlew Welk .. Va. ()penM .. SMrtid'• MlnThe Genlternen" Wlll*lglon Pledge Brt. .. .. Wlll*lglon I Nlallt .. Clwonlcle " Farnly .. Wtlk CrtllMty 9: Dlllll NBCM<Me: " Suoolll: Dllll Alp N8C Moiite: Merv " Wll .... .. .. "Gdy " nc.n .. Wlloll "°"Y Gttllln .. Wtlk PledgeM. .. LMy .. 8'YOUl'1 .. .. LMy .. .. CllMornll Wltffft, .. Down" .. .. .. " Down" .. .. Welk Leo 10: Lynda -.. ..... Sltlle Lynda ..... .. News News Cl'lllMty " Cer1«: .. .. Fonie Clrter: .. .. .. .. .. .. sn.c " .. I• Street .. " .. INNNews lnlldl John Ute .. .. .. Ufl .. " .. .. Stoiy c..._ 11: News ..... Slturdly ..... ..... K~. ..... The . Sentord Olc:tt in....... " " ~. .. .. .. .......... &Son °""" .. C8S M0\111 T~ A8CNews C88 Mo'lll .. T~ Al In The LM,Mr#. ..... .. ~ .. .. ..... ""'-"" .. Fllllly 8l)'ll .. 12: .. .. ...... "*!' .. Moille: . . Sonny l.M."'-· .. .. ,.. .. "Cry .. lO. ..,.. . .. SCTV " .. .. orn.. SCTV .. ... ...... .. NllwcnlO " .. " ,...... NltwoltllO .. .. ... ~~~4? NATK>NALL Y KNOWN. AWAAO WtNNfNG JEWELRY DESIGNER Creative Jewelers. Inc. ~$:~ ~-. ~-,;t 1... -. (714) 7'06766 .21101: PACR: COAST HWY.• CORONA OIL MM . .. . . • REMOUNT SPECIALttT ·-=llGUIUG •CUSTOM MITYUHG I AHETTIHO A COlLICTK>N Of GOU> I PLATINUM JEWELRY • • ~ALS • ""-00L0MD GIMSTONEI Fridays Details FNOAY EVEHWO 7:00 9 ~DAYS AGAIN Potale and Ralph 811 both In love with a MW lludenl wno only has ayes '°' Rlcnle -as a tutOt. G YOU ASKED FOR rT Featured "HorMpow.31 F1om Enoland" and "Man Shot Out Of Cannon " • M0A08°H The oppreQlve Korean heat get• to ~one. especlalty Kllnget. 8) OVEAEASY Guest. Ootothy Hammer- s teon. wit• ol the flit• 1yr1. c:ilt OtGat H-•teon II (R)c;J Q(!) VOTER'S PtPElJNE "Orange County In Wash· lngton" Jim Cooper lnttW· view• 0 1ange County's lour U.S. Conoreumen In Washington O.C. 0 ENTtRTAINMENT TONtQHT- An lnttWVtew with Tim Con- way 8 THE MUPf'£T8 au.t: Twtggy (C>MCME e e e "Oh Godl Book II" ( 11180) Geo1ge 8u1n1, Silzan"41 PIMMtte. 7: 111 CD MOYIE e e e "CaVM!an" (1981) Riogo Stat1, Oennll Quaid 7:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN Feetured the Mill Nude Ametlca pageant; Loa AnQe'M' Frenc:h ra.taurw1t l 'Ermllage, wtlldl -crltlc:a claHn 11 the best; Melody IMit• the oldaat ~ alle In the W•t•n • .........,._. encl helps uncovet tr.-of llutnal\lty dating back CNW 200,000 )'Mn. • YOUNQ PmPlE8 IPEaAL "Goin' Along" A good boy dt-Into uelng ..-ljua· na, ltlen Into l>'W*• and petty theltl, I• llnally 1-S with "'_,,"to join In• robbety . • lAV'EME & 8HR.EY &COMPNN CamMe't MW comedy ac1 hu ~ lai91lng - llUllPt Illa lrlende. • M0A01°H wi. on ...... In Tokyo. Helwy beoolMI lnlatueted with • _. young thing lreeh from the Statee. e WA.U. ITMET ME< "Cen I Malle 50% In Two y_..?'" ~: Matto J o.tlelll, ptelldent, Geti.111 ' Cotrlpeny. Cl) P.M.. MAGAZINE The "41Jlt Mldw9t -1tl- ~·: how two mllllon AINflc:en Cflltdren cope wlthaathmL 9 YOU A8'CED FOR rT FMtwed: "Wiid Rhino Capture On ~·· and "Can g..,. Molton e.,.. A t.teglden?" ®~,..,.. A loot! • N mowlea • ..,._ clela and tP«tl _.. See Friday's. Page 11 - Sales • Leasing ASIC AIOUT VALET LEASE OUI . 'LAN ' 900 So. Coast Hwy., L04)1Ma l.ach 494· I 131 ar 546-996 7 Hew&: Moa...fri. f·7. s ... f·I, S.. 10.4 • Open 7 Days S pm 'ttl Midnight. 3840 E. Coast Hwy• Corona del Mu, CA (714) 673-3933 i • i t .c .... 1 .. ...,. :r, PRE-PAID DENTAL PLAN NO DEDUCTIBLE NO WAITING PERIOD ON PAE-EXISTING CONDITIONS FR EE-OFFICE VISITS FREE-ExAMINATIONS FR EE -CLEANING • 0 X-RAY8° Our Special Yearly Rates For Dental Services Include: Surgery , Othtodontics and Optometry Benefits. Individual ........•... $48 year ~o.uple ....•......... $71 year famlly .........•.... $98 yur Concepts 36 Dental Plans (714) 545-7370 ..,, security YO\ttaW-· -o '11. .. be ._,~ppers . : z co&(nt on, energy savings 2 .I. U .I.• vou can count ~ . YI 1' ·::5?1 ~· ... rfl-, rr.r ~ ' KTIV 8' 8:00 -"P.M. Magazine." 'Knoxville World's Fa ir previewed: KNBC IJ 9 :00 "Gray La d y Down." Movie about r.-scue of nuclear submarine stars Charlton Heston. David Carradine. KABC fl 9:00 -"Success: It Can ~Be Yours ." About sever al Americans . who are visibly successful in various walks of life. KNXT tJ 10:00 -"Lynda Carter: St r eet Life.·· George Benson. Tony Orlando guest of s how featuring mus ic of the s treets. .Fridays Details From Page 10 coming up on Home Box Office. 1:00 8 Cl) THE DUKU Of HAZZAN> The Bo41f' • Nett II taken owr~t~IOtUMUI commend pcl*t dumg IN planned robbery ol mn ennot.ct ""'*· . Dal .C MAGAZJNE Jeck ~ reports on ueed cer• that •• recon- atruc:ted from eper• Plft• end ITl9Y poM • -~ ~d fOt ttleir ownert. 80 118.eoN 8ef>IOtl end Ille l.UOW .,.,,.. ptepet'I • Mat of ~te to pr-1 to Ille -ol their 9'*1· ment building. wtlO rum. out to be Cleyton. Q ....... MAQAZJNE A prftt9W ol IN KnolC\llh Wofld'a Felr; how two ml- tlon A,,_tc.n children ~--.ctlmL • MOYIE * *. "Petteci a.nu. men" ( 1971) Leuren Becal. Ault! Qot"oon. ®MOYll * * 141 "Tiie Po11men Atweya Ring• Twice " I 1H 1) Jeck Nlctlohlon. .-.re. L.enge. Cll MOYta * * * "The Wortd'a Or•t· 9't A.,_." ( 1973) John ""-. ~ ~ '*"· 1 .. -.-.... 11 ...... l:aO 0 OPIN AU.~ One °' .. toclll tdde gett alc:ll after Mtlng one o1 Oretcllen'a clllcllen -~ • N..l .. T'Hm,Ma.Y Ardlle end ~dttll - ltlOcUd ~ ~ '-"' tlwt ... end Ob1!t ~ d9dded to ....,. ."-f wltll = ~ _, ol their • PUDCMIMAK Regulwty ICIMctuled Pf'O- grMV'lllng mey be delllyed due to pledge tiNMa. 1:41 e CMATMTYwmt IU..,.,_ ....,,.., end......, Oer9ld ..... .. "*' >41 ed. Q ... (I) IW.l.M "~--of~ rtne'• .,.. JJl a - --to..,.. ..... °"" ..,_, •• MOYa ••• ·~ L9dy Oowrl'' (1tflt ~ ....... Dlllld c.n.dll-. •• •'«Ill rTCM .,.,... ..... ~ ... .. .......,., '""' ---.... °" ... ,,_ ........ '° .......... .. .,....,... ........ .. ~ITWT-. ''Cmt I ........ Ill !Wit ~ ......... .,. a..11,p I' 1, ...... ·~· .... * * * • "Se yonare" (1957) Menon Bn1nd0. Red Buttone.. .MOVIE **'A "Any Which Wey You C.tn" (1980) Clint E.Mtwood. Sondra Lodle. (%)MOVIE Ir* 'A "Tiie Poat men Alweya Rtnga Twice" I 1911 I J8Clt Nlctloleon, JeMlce l..8nge. t:ao•w~v.LEO Or. Leo Buacagtte ~ hOw to llw more cr•tlwlly. , 10:00 • Cl) LYNDA CARTER: ITMETLR Lynde Cw1er encl lier ~ <Morge a.neon. Tony Or1endo end U.S Merine Ofil Corpe t- perlonn mualc of the .,,....., • 0 mwtE FOACe Murphy -cti. !Of • -wtlO le le~ QOll- ..... 11o1-.. ~ • CMATMTYwmt a.L.MOYIM p.,,,.., end .,,.._ Oer8ld 8fl9dc le In .. Al ed. Q (lD THI m8T OF 'ON LOCAT10N' Rober1 Klein lloeCa e ....,_ lion of routin. perfOI nled by the vertoue ~ •. • lnc:ludlng Robin w..m.. My C>yaa.I end De\lld Bren,,., -~ ll•ve ~ on Home Boll <>Moe'• SUlnCklp ooniedy ...... (ll)MOYll ** "~•· (1N1) ~ lentdoe1 SyMA MllM. 10:10. IMAM.a WITH Lao •leCMll~ L.o •...:1;* _. QIMltiOne end ..,.. .. ........ ...,_.. .... · Cl)WHA'r8WIUIEYCN 11:00• IA~YNIGHT • Holt: 8uck Herwy. Ou.le: The Grateful o-t. • KO.WC A alllglr trlM to clew w .... ol • murder '°' wNdl lie -frefMd. • TMIJUIS IONI ,__ .. ~~ *'" .............. .. ............ '"'° • ..., -~ . .,., ... ~rw.llDulot"'9 ... '" .. -:•11'1&4 ,..... llMIMl'I ...... MdAllllt ..... eaacOAvwn Guell: ....... IUltlor c....,_.,.__ •nm,.,,.. ..,_ ,........ """' .......... ...,.. l!Dfl\lla_. ........ ''f'h." "Y• Wlit.DM 0.." ................ CaHMl-Hfl. "" ........ ....,, ,., COllTllOLL(O I : I ~ FllOM JHl -f-111$10( ' I ; I • "--~ J fOI •tl OOWS .. 0 00011 ~ -· _ STRAP ~~OCRAN!( ElECTR_!.C:.. -llOUAOIN Is custom ftn.d to tfte ater10r 0 your hon1e provtdlng llCUfttY. tnerVY avlngl. ---Of~ Md notle reouctlOfJ. beneftU Of ... wtnd Md dUlt control =::': light ~...:--Md ltM9 • ~=~14)~35-577. • ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SEA lilJr & SECURITY CO., Ifft. 2I01 f . KATEUA AV. ANAHEIM, CA HEARING AID BATTERIES S] OFF! wmtntlSAD Canpbell Hearing Aids in Montgomery Wiid Bldg . H•tiltgtCN1Cftlhr ........... 898-4833 Let's Make life Easier! ~6, Seal °"' 1995* J a WCo . . ......... . II S .. ..... CAt1'41 •Pmtmle llghtwelght (weighs .... thin 2 lbs.) . . . euy to carry end store, transport In car. *VERSATILE-u .. when visiting trlencA Md~ reei.urente will loY8 YoU lor it. CM'1Pin9. boating, uee on olcnlca. In R.v:s. and In your Of" home. •Eal.a fits most standard tabi.. Md will 8Mt your child from .the time they can fnt sit up until IN ttme they are ready to use a 1t1ndard cha i r -11'*W't.ed to hold 100 ... (not '°' '* on Qt.a top~). •SAFE-Wh•" Hated, the child'• "1ght put• preHure onto the c ha i r '• leet Uftd9f,,.... the table Md loclla the ..., ..... MCU~ Into poeM6on. •mYTICWN ~ .... -Ot 08n M IPOlpd oft (114) 5311143 ' :..19 ~Grid N Saturdays ~ KNXT KN8C KTLA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTIV KCOP KCET KOCE .- I/') AM IJ D • u 0 a al m ti) m m Details. J::. 0 ............ ............ ............ ... ....... .. ... ..... ..... ...... ... ..... ........ L• ...... . II ¥, ... .... tll . ~ I I >. 1: Kld1wotld The Big Blue Super· Dewy& The Tumabol/1 Pubk Yoga For MAACHl, 1112 . Int«· tll .. Flln~ones Mlrble fl1lnds nltlonll Goiath Fllnlttones .. Altlirs HMlth EV£NIHO ~ ;: Mario Smurls Dr. Rldlle Hour DIYey& Smurfa Elementary .. Human u.. .. .. Snugglel Rich .. Goliath .. News .. 8el\IViot 7~ 8 IN SEARCH OF ... I gi "Spirit VoloM" I s: Popeye .. The Scooby Popeye Rell Eat•t• .. MoYle: .. SpaceAnO Q THE HAAOY BOYS I ..J .. .. RillerTlln Doo .. Todir, " "OlysOf .. Time NANCYOAEW ~ Twun Kid Rat Fonz.Happy T1r1.1n Kid Gloty'' .. Cf eating MYSTERIES £ lone Super . Patrol OlysGlng lone .. $uper .. .. Energy A man Uk• the Hardy 9: ~ Power LllWl1 l.ftlml& Ranger lone Power .. ~ound ThtNew American Boys to llnd OUI how his a: Hour To~. ti"'1 ~ Hour .. Connection Voice GoYernment daughter. a champion I Bugs Spider-Man Oule& Heettl--Bugs Spldet-Man " Children On The • American swimmer, could have Bunny .. Harriet clffl Bunny .. .. " TheAun Gultw Government • drowned GJ lAWAEHCE WELK 10: Road Spece ShaNaNa 'Tluldltr, Rold Hocltey Space C..Cere Show My ThiaOld VOler's "Trtbute To Hoagy C&tmt· Runner SllrS .. Gddle Runner Boclon Stars Centrll Peopll Haute Ptoelirlll chaef' .. Americl'a Gold " BNinl .. We're Nashville The Photo Portraits QI!) A DREAM CAllED .. .. Top Ten " .. Vs. " Mom' Music Show In Pastel PU8UC TELEViSIOH 11 : .. o.ny.. WCT Wtlktnd .. lee Angeles Darty. Soli The Cook.Ing ~aphy The history 9nC1 grOW1h of ~ Tennla Speclll " Kings ~ Tr11in Rookies Mulc:an publlC lelevislon over near-. ly 30 yeart l• cnronlcled. Bllctstw ~ .. Amlricln BlllCktUr Bulwlnkle .. .. Julia Cllligfaphy " .. .. Bendetlnd .. .. " .. .. Child .. °"°'1 Wallet narrates . 8 THE MUPPETS ' Guell; Uber-. ~.~, KNXT KN8C KTLA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTIV KCOP KCET KOCE (C)MOVIE PM IJ D • u 0 a w m Cl) m ~ * * "Two English Glrlt" (1971) JMn..P*1e Leaod. II ¥ .. Kika M11111ham .......... ............ .......... ... ....... ...... ... ....... ...... ............ ............ .......... .... 7:15 CZ) MOVIE : * ** "Al~o Non Trap. 12: TrcAlllS Agricultwll . Trolldns .. BMketblll MoYle: Adam-12 Slim -Needlecraft po" ( 1976) Anlmlll.O USA .. .. .. .. . SlnOlego ..... .. ~ .. 7:30 • DAHCe FEVE:A Tom And E'M~t .. PtaPt Tom And " Vs. Tlke ~12 ColegeFor Ntdlcratt Celebrity judges· Notman Jerry .. 7 Jerry .. Wyoming s-Mn" .. . Criltl .. Hixon, snaron Farrell, Bfo- 1: l(wlclly .. The Movie: Kwlclly Wld, .. .. Movie: YoxTu Growing die a.-. Guell•: David Kotll .. .......,. "Fl#\ In KOlll Wiid .. .. .. ~ Return: Yetrs Frin.11 and Dottle Weal . 30MiMel " F-Troop Aclpulco" 30Mhlltl Wiii " .. ~· .. The Bottom Growing 8 OMNI: TffE NEW .. .. .. .. .. . . UntOn y_, FROflfTIER FNtur.O: a new sourc. ol 2: 2Wlth Golf a.g.n·. .. Setttle Movie: Golf MOYie: .. Improving Human power lhtl could M>lve the You Bey Hil ~ " $upercfosa "VlYI Bey Hiii "Secrets" .. YoxForm Behlvlor world'• energy P<Oblema. • NCAA Cltellc a.g.n·. SllQWRay NCAA Z.~" Cllltlc .. .. .. Hurnln lrop lo diStanl gala.wies With BMkttbtll .. llllnd l..eoNrd'a BMketblll .. .. .. .. lllhlvior INllC Asimov and Rey 3: Special BMketbtll M<Me: Golden Speclll .. MOYie .. MOYie: .. The Home Bradbury. . Mzona "Roblneon GkMls .. .. .. .. "Cri11c'1 .. Gardener (I! THE MUPPETS Sports State Cfu9ot PToltl-Sports .. .. .. Choice" .. ThtHomt Guest L0<ella Lynn. Satwdly Vt. AndThe licJNI Seturdly .. .. .. .. .. Gardener 7:35 8l THE NEUAOH SUITE J-Eklrkt llluslratH • 4: .. 0reoon Tiger:: Bowlerl .. Gl'!zzly .. Movie: .. Pledge&rk. ln1roducing lour through the l!Yman -.. State Tox .. Adlml .. "The .. Nallonll Biology brain and central n«YOUS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Slerilt .. ~IC)tlic Introducing 1y11tm wllh speclt l .. .. .. .. .. " . . Cuciloo" .. IBloloav tllecla, 4nlmallon and 5: Amerlcln Fr11 SW Wide M.A.S.H Kojlk ~ence .. Solid " Soccer Interview• with guest Adwntute 4-AI Trell Wortd Of .. Well .. Gold Pttdge&rk. Madtln experts Liit Of News .. Sparta Wtlcome .. .. .. .. NatloNI ~ 1:00 8 Cl) WALT Ol8HEY Thtwtld .. " Btclt .• Kott• " .. .. _, . GeoorlPllic "The Spaceman In King 6: C8SNews NBCNews Movie: .. C8S Newt While NBCNews The M<Me: .. Sports Ar1hur'1 Cour1" A 1p11oe engl-IS rtlurned lo .. "Men'• .. .. Sll8dow .. ~ "Men .. America alxlh-ctnfury England News Enter-Fevor11t News News .. Newt The OfThe Netionll .. when lightning llrlkea ~ .. tallvnen1 Sport" .. .. .. .. Muppels West" .. .-hip. (Part 2) ... 1: In Setrch This Week .. wtlert In Settch Hll'dy The lnrenct .. .. A Dream ONE CW THE 80Y8 OL .. .. Wert You? Of ... Boyt, Muppets Welk .. .. CIMtd Jollllthen '1 dale falls 10< o.a Look .. Omni Omni Nancy The .. ~ The Public Adam, tnd Grempa ' F9* AIU. ,, .. .. Orw Mupptts .. .. Neuron T~ llpt)Olnt• hlmtelf medial()( 8 9 LOVEBOAT s: Wiit OneOf BMketblll Low Wal1 Movie: Merell Wortd Movie: Suite Ughtal The crew of Ille PllCltlc ~ ThtBoys UCLA Bolt Ollnly "°""'' Of Olmta Vlelon ''·Blffted" .. Clmeral PYlncHI comptlt wllh the CNtago VL .. Rlln'' T*llon CNudt .. Pttdge&rk . Annie! rx-of• Nlling ~ I• .. Siert WllNnalon .. .. .. .. .. " ... Lifton .. of Caplllio Slublng'1 In t -9: C8SM<Me: .. .. .. CBS Movie: .. .. Wortd .. Elrth Pledgt&rk -* of wlld aportlng "ComtaA .. .. .. "Comta A .. .. VIiion , . .. TheM1n ....., .... 0 ~ .. .. N .. ~ .. .. .. ()\lladt .. .. Brotlltra 8 MOVIE .. .. .. .. N .. .. .. .. Pledoe&rk. .. •• "The o.vt1•s Rein" (1975) Ernttl Borgnlna, , 10: .. McCllln's Newt Fenwy .. M<Mt: .. Dodger INN News Gttll Wlllltm Shem.. .. Law .. llllfld .. "SIU.II· .. TOIJlln .. Ptriormlnctl • a.Ill& .. THE HOf'H : .. . .. .. .. .. ~· .. Newt News "Blldtlhttd CWAFNCA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. Sltn Mooneyham end 11: News Newt America'• News Newt " Newt M.A.S.H Prtloner: Amtrlcln Carol LA-enoe host lhl1 .. Top Ten .. .. . . .. .. CellS..H ~ documtnltry on lhe rn()(e Blmlby Sltwdly Movie: A8CNewl Movie: .. Merch Movlt: OntStte> ..~ ''*' ... million people In Jontl ~ "Mlcho Movie: ''o-1 .. OfOlmta "The Bl¥Oncl EchotlAnd Africe wt>o l'\tYt bffn : allected by war and 12: .. l.Mt ~·· ''ZlllPP'ln'' Trlll' " Ttllttlon Sltrile .. Sllenct'' droug.hl and Ille reault• of I .. " .. " .. Cont'd Cud(oo" .. " ~-·· \ MM ' .. .. .. .. N .. .. Mo* .. •wcww ... " .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. "T entflecl'' .. ••• "Baffled• (111721 See :>aturday:s. Pa9,e 1:J 11 ----·-- ,.I . .. EUROPEAN SHOPPING, ENTERTAINMENT-CENTER · DINING .J.\ & I• . . sam•-·1 :FESTIVAL HAU . . .. SHOP : I ,·~' ••ID l1EIS GERMAN BAND ,,_ - . & DINE <II ...... ~ ,,,., i t ' -- q,,f ~. ~ iic ~ • I ~I . Fl• 11. .. 111 flNe •• tlJllH -~ ...... =S-.W P.M. el -fl """ ~ I .,. :;,. ... ..,... .. O "•SUI .fu,,., 1&:1' ci~ ,,. I I -I .•. '\ ______ _._..._. __ -._ r I "" -'"' ,,~.. ~~J . REST A U R ANTS il•ml MAltl IMICHIOM " -.. _ _. ·~ ~ .[.~ 1 . ~· ...., ...... i 8SMNG .91WiiimTAaART • • 11.i, ~.~.1 :. . CONT I NE NTAL a . . ~.~ i . Jiii C111m. MIT. TO ,.... AMBICAN "J!!!~· • r Ofi91M&Y l lA.M. I ~~! . Sftnft .Y~ -------..... ~ -t.-=-..;.: .... .,. --.. l~ •. , r-:..-~"';;~-.. . -\ . ' 1 ---· I -· -. '"~ . ---k·-~ .. ,. ..... --h ._...,=----~-.5 _ -· ' --.. .,,..,... --·~ ·-. ----·~ ---· -·- I • • lll&yle (lltil) n. IME L.lln •IUu•) I . a ) die C'Wftflt. r..i.1onabk w•r of ctr-i .. 1• .... ldlof. 8ftboc, rte. b)-1>1 ..... ,, ..... , ... • ..,._, of "'""" -dftolga. ,., • , ............. hnurio• ~etK'e• a. cMolbtHJ.•, ~~ """...ak7 •ad ~h-­ ~ -, ,_of .... kw......_., .......... ... ----. ~ ---· -. -· -. -· Tube Toppers KOCE ® 7:00 . "A Dream Called Public Television .. History and growth over nearly 30 years chronicled. KOCE ~ 8:00 "The Making of a ·Major Hollywood Y1usical." An inside look at life on a set. K NXT EJ 9 00 "Comes a llorscm<Jn " Jane Fonda. JJmc!-. Caan in Western about ri\'al ranch owners K:"/BC l) 10 :00 .. McClain's Law .. Mc:C lain tries lo help ;.in cld l•rl.\ t•ouple keep their home. Saturdays Details From Paqt> 12 Leonard Nlmoy, Sunn HampM'tlra. 6!) UOHTSI CAMERA! AHNE "The Maklflg Of A Major Hollywood MuaJcal" In lhfM enter11lnlng llCll. aonge, lntervlewl and~ " cllll ptOOucllon numb«a hlgllllgtot an in8lde look at Ille on the Mt of a big Hol- CBJ"MOVIE tnWlcel * * * '" "Eyewltneu •· ( 11181) Sigourney Wuver, WIUlam Hurl. (l)MOVIE • •~ "Bustin' LOC>ff" (1981) Richard Pryot. Clem- ~=-"Tlllef" (11181) JarnH C-, Tuelday Weld. t:ao D CHICAGO STORY (Pr...We) The petlONI U-and car-. of doc- tors. tewywa Ind pollce otftcen --.. they cope with Ple-end-dMth tltuatlons Inherent In Ulelr ptofeN6on9; M~ Adema. Vincent BeQoetta Ind l<rts- toner T aborl etar. (DJMOVIE **'-' "The Octagon" (1980) CfM:k Nome, LM van Cleef. · (%)MOYIE ***°" "Monty Python Artd The Hoty Gf'ail" (11174) Graham Chapman, Jof1n ci-e. t:Q)8(1) MOVIE * * * "Com. A Hor ... man" (11178) J-Fonda, J8me1Cun . • CN1M8 IH THE HOAN OFAFNCA Stan Mooneyham and Carol Lawrence hoel this documenlary on the more than 1h1 mllllon people In Atrlca wtlo have been affected by war and drought and the reaull• Of Midi~ D "-IDQE IMM Aeguterty ICMdlAad pro- grwnmlng mey be o.111)'9d due to pledge 11r..-1. (C)"MCMI * * * 14 "The Howllng" (11111) Dee Wellace, Patrldt Mecnee. 1:11 D THl MAAX BAOTHERS IN A NUTSHtll lntervlewl of trlenda and c:owo'1ter1 ml•e<I wtth tllm Qlpl altamine the hlllOt)' of the Mani 8'other1. 9:50. GREAT PEAFOAMAHCU "BrldHhead Revlslled: The U-HOOll'' Julie entreat• Chlflee to flnc:I Sebastian In Morocco and bring him back to -1111 rnother, Lady Marehmain, Mio II dying. (Pa11 7) Q 10:00 D MOCLAIH'I LAW Mceleln trlee to help an elderly couple keep their home by trapping an unacrupuloua contractor In • atltlg oper1tlon • • di FAHTM'f Ill.ANO A ~ llUl'lter .talka the ultimate quarry -man. • MOYIE * • "Sllul dugoeiy" ( 11170) Susan Clatk, 8ur1 Rey- nold• . • DOOGER TOWN u.a.A. ~ training with the Loa Angelee Oodgets ®MOYIE ••• "Al Nigf1t Long" (11111) G-Hacltmen, a.rt>re Strelland. (l)MOVIE * * "The Elttermlnetor" (1910) ChrJatopher Georoe, Semantha Egger. (%)MOYIE *** "Caveman" (11181) Ringo StWT, Oennla Quaid. 10:30 CC) MOYIE •• "The Apple" (11180) Catherine Mary s1-a11. George Giimour (DJMOYIE * * "Hard Country" Jan- Mldlaal Vincent. OMOYIE * * * "Aa Night L°"O" (1911) Gene ~man. Betbfa Strellancl • 1t:OO. M •A•t•H , HMvy caMlalUM •riw.o at tM CCJnlPCIUnd er.le --. pnit>llme for the unit becauee they -"4lerlY CM of pantoltlaL • AUSTIN CITY UMfTI T~ and the GI-. BrotMra pet1ofm meny of their Ma and George Str._ It deJ>ull With"~.'' .•• SpringFeat '82 F'rom Pag~ I "AUnUe Mame" starrin1 Ra1allnd RuaeU at 1:'5 p.m. March 12: "Broadway Plays Wuhlnston: KeMedy Center Tonight" at 7 p.m. March 13; "Down Home Country Mualc" host.eel by Glen C.mpbell at 10:15 p.m. llan:ll 13; "Polar Bear Alert" by National Geo1raphlc" and "Tbe Warm· Blooded Sea: llammall of tbl Deep," a .ia-...-Ooulteau 1peelal, at 7 ud I: 11 p.m. MarebM . •C..t .. .,. ..... • MWll•cll ............ , e C•pcllwg Drapenes made m our · ~ workroom Call for free 111 estimates tn your home. o J Manley's Decorating service 855-4 764 ~ William Ee Smeltzer;. M.O. Wishes to Announce the opening of his Office for General & Family Practice At Newport Peninsula Center Wells Fargo Bank Building. 2727 Newport Blvd. West. #102 NB 92663. Hours by appt. 770-8191 Louis Ornelas enjoys retirement so much, he l'Olunteers 25 hours a week. W>uldyou?. Louis drives a Red Cross van for a commuruty nutnuon prOQram Five days a week Louis shuttles elderly people to a Help Center for a free hot meal. He also delivers hot meals to another 20 shut•ins. On Thursdays. Lou1S takes hls passengets to the supermarket so they can shop for food "The important thin9 is that you get these people a balanced meal," says Lows "A lot or elderly people don't cook anymore, and lf you don't otve them a meal, \hey probably won't eat." Have you got time on your hands? We could use a hand helptng people m your commllnlty us. I . I I I KNXT KNBC KTlA KA8C KFMB KHJ AM II D " a e u Lie ..... Lie ..... Lie ..... lei ..... ..... Lie ..... 7: Today's WN!neyAnd Top It Is Sunday Kennettl Religion TheRobot' Cit Written Morning Copeland Commitment Rlinbow Little Viewpoint TV8Lookl .. " Patch Ratcels On Nutrition At Leeming-.. s: ~ This Is Popeye Ptrtonll l..ellhere Uoyd Thellfe And His Oimen9ions Btllght OgiMe ~ Friends Today's Flmlly Miiting .. .. 91k. WOlnln Lite Time 9: .. News Stop Vila Oral Oral Contec_enoe Atthritls Alegre RoOena Roberts Business MeetThe TeleUlon It FIOIThe OayOI Journal Pr.a .. " Nation DllccMry 10: Baltllblll Baltetblll ..... NewZoo Bmllblll Herlld Los Angeles Atllntlc .. ~ LoeAngelel Of Truth Lak9'1 Coll1 .. KldlAre Llkers Robert Vs. Conlerence .. People Vs. Schuler 11: Philadlll)hia Ar* .. Too PNlldelphla .. 76ers .. .. .. 76ers .. .. .. Thil Welll " TenyCole " .. " With " Whittllc• KNXT KNBC KTlA KA8C KFMB KHJ I\{ II D " a e a Lie ..... Lie ..... Lie ..... lei ..... ..... lei ..... 001 " BlyHil Stop DM1 .. s-dl 1230 ~ amic Mhritil 8rinklly Belkltbel . .. T91111on Dlrectionl .. Gl..iMolll'Ml .. .. Cont'd " " Clrplt 1: " " .. Spor1.a..t .. Cyalng " .. .. " a-II: .. " .. TM " Wld, " .. " $uper1tln " Wld 2: .. $por11Wor1d .. " " Welt NCM .. " NCAA .. Special " .. U.S.A Special McMe: " " Va.TM ''Sherlodl 3: Last Of Spor1s .. Wor1d In CMdrtn'• ~ The Wi6d Afield .. Spotts MyMy In Pl.rUt Amertcln On .. Wide n... To~" AcMnture Clll'lpUI " Wor1d OI .. 4: lnlel'fal» ~ " ~ Victory Movie: .. AtS. "o.it'• .........,. .. .. " ~ Ml" " " .. " Joumlt .. s: FICITM .. S1ar Spotts MAS.H .. Nltlon .. TAik Llglndl .. .. ces ..... NBC..._ .. ABC.._. WeloalM " . .. .. .. .. 811*. kotelr .. 6: ..... ..... Movie: ..... ~ ... Kojlk " " .. Ruf!Y'. " .. " FIQtll Thlt'I ..... .. .. Bll:t1 .. Holpood .. .. 1: ., ...... TM .. Code ., ...... lrONldl " ~-" Aid .. .. ...... " .. • .. " .. llooMlr .. " " .. s: A. llunUr'I CHIPI Wld Today's A. llunUr'• 1111 ,.. .. IClllgdolw Fii ,.. ~ a..~ .. WortdOI .. One~ World AtAn.t .. .,... " AIATllnt TOlllOr'IOW 9: Mot NICMIMI: .._... Mt;Mowte: Mot Or. " ''The OllTllll ··~ " °'° Tiii End'' Aun TM ... ......... " .. " ........ OHJI 10: Tt11111* .. ..... .. Tt11111* &nlll Jofln,M.O. .. " .. Jolin. M.O. ~ .. .. .. " " .. .. .. ., .. .. 11: ..... ..... Plcelltlill 1 ..... ..... Wor1d C88 ..... .. .. .. .. Yllioll 8'*.Alll " 700 ABCNcwa n. en-. Roddard NICMowle ~ McMe: Tillln " 12: "" ·~ " ~ .. .. .. ,. .. " .. .. Ptl(' .. .. " .. ..,. .. .. .. --- KCST KTTV KCOP m m ti) llllDlefCI LleMfllle Lie ..... Mlrdl DlyOI CM!oons Of Dimes Disc:owy " Telethon Jl!Nny " Cont'd Swaggart .. " .. " .. .. .. .. Ever .. .. Increasing .. " Faith " .. .. .. .. Wor1d " .. TOfl'IOf'tow .. .. Dodger .. " Pre-011'119 .. .. 8M9ball .. " L01 Angelel " " Dodgers Ml>Yle: " Va. "Ctttlc's .. Montrell Choice" " &Poe " KCST KTTV KCOP U!) m m ..... Lie ..... LleMfllle Mirth .. .. . OIOinea " .. T91111on " " Cont'd " .. " .. Adlm-12 .. " " .. PClrtnit OI Adlms12 .. Allglnd " .. MM: Movie: .. "TllceMe "Killls .. Ou1 To FOl'My .. The Ball Prtlident" .. <>-•" .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. " .. Movie: Movie: .. "Secnls" "A Time " .. FOf lme'' " " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -.. .. " NBCNlw M.A.S.H Movie: .. " "Brrfr*•a ..... TM TMO... .. Jeltlr90fll I Aollblrv'' TM ,,. .. All ..... Mupplta .. ...... TM .. Boom.-IMuDolll .. ~ Movie: Sold ''The Gold " S1lrtl .. " CUclloo'' " NBCllOM: .. .... "TM .. ..... End'' .. .. .. " " .. ..... INN.._. .. .. .. " J«ry 1::.n .. F .... ..... .. .. .. .. .. NBCMowll MIMI: T ... OITM ·~ ''Sec:ntl" ~..., ..... .. Tol.Jfll PW' .. Ac.de .. .. .. .. .. " , ...................................................................... , KCET e LleMfllle YC?OI FOf Hellth Mister Rogers ()ye Willie HlsloryOI A Sunbeam Sesame Street .~ .. The LIWl!llkers Open Mlnd Mlllterpiece n.tre '1 Remember Nelloll'' KCET m LleMfllle ~Fnl autNls " " WhenThe Boll Com.In " Mo9lac " Prelentel .. P8SM<Me: "Bedtll" " " .. .. .. " .. .. .. " SUrrtng K"*1nt HlptMn !' .. " .. .. Ptldglk *-..,.... or Dllgllla" " 11 plloi r--. .,~ ~ .. MMllllQ OIMlndl · .. " Top Of TMWortd 8'11111 ,,.... TMArtl a..dllll KOCE U!> 11 st 0 0 ..... Oft Painting Oil Painting WllNngton Welll Wiii Street Welll KOCE U!> .. r ¥' ._ .. P9r1ollll Anlnce Ptrtonll Anlnce Amertcln Story Amlrlcln Story Writing FOf AReelon Writing For A Rlllotl Of e.tfl AndMan OI e.tfl And Men Project ~ Project ~ Project unMrle ffOlft Jllonpltrllt EwMIQAI ~ .. TMNU'on ~ .. .. 'C lilt piece Thlllrl ., ........... ......... .._.art. AIMrtc.n ........ . .~ ----EdlollAnd Sllnoe" .. Pledge Brit . VntW!g OllrM Sundays Details MAAQ47, 1N2 EVEHING 7:00 D (8 THE FLINTSTONES Animated Wilma 'a pitch- ing Sl<Uls come to the attention of th• Bedrock Dodgers aher 11\e fells two .upermerttet robbers wolh • melon (fl) O 8 9J COOE RED Ted's best friend and fel- low llreflghter 11 engulfed In 11-wnll9 battling a chemical plant blaze (RI 0 IAOHSIDE A r-trecll robber thwarts Ironside's bet on • SYre winner • THE MUPPET& G-1: l89lie UQgams tll!) THE HEUAON 8UfTE James Burlle Illustrates a tour through the homan bfllln and central nervous 1y11em with apeclal effects, animation .and Interview• with guest exper11 . (C)MOYIE • • • •'fhe Other Slde Of The Mowrt.in -Pan II .. (1971) Merllyn H-11. Timothy Bottom•. (%)MOYIE * • 1A "Roc;lc91\0w" ( 1980) Paul M cCartney end WlngL 7:30. THE MUP9ET9 OuM1: Shk'ley BUM)' (OJ MOYIE **'A "Any Which Wry YOY Can" ( 1980) Clint ~.Sondra Locite. a.'i!O a ca a.a A former juvenile <'elin· quent 11CCU9M Ponch of bfutellty . • WILD IONOOOM ..Expedition Seequarium" e O TOOAV'8Fa Ben Wld 1119 eoent• go utld4ll~ to t;J18dl the robbery ring reeponalble lor•-*of~- • MOVIE • • • "The Startle Qdcoo" (1989) UU Mln- nelll, Wendell Burton. • IOUDGOl.D Hoet: Ar4y Gibb. Cohoat: M.tlyn Mc:Coo a.-t.: Rick Sptlngfleld. Ir- C ar e, Alabama, Mel c.rter, Tommy Tutone, Petti Auetln, The Henry Peul Benet. • fllAaTllJ# ____ _ THIATM "I Remem~ Nelton. Duty" Although he gNelly ~ the Aclmlrel. Cec>- lalll Herdy "-' Nel9oo'• l"let1111tlon with Emma • Hemltoll -a ligrl of _..._ (Ptt1 3)0 (8)MCMI **"A "Any Whlcfl Wry You Cell" ( 1980) Clll!t Eaetwood. Sondra Locke. Cl)MCMI •• "Btonco IMIY' (1980) Clint EMlwood. Sondt• Locke. .MCMI • .. ... ...,.11"' Looee" (1M1) ~ Pryol, Cb-- ly TY90ft. See Sunday's. Page 15 AP.-_....,. OI IN o..i,, P1to1 -fle~eo..M~ t RIAL.EiTATI LOANS ht • 2nd•3l"d T.D. LOANS AlllRICAll ........ MoaTGAGI coaPORATION INCOME PROPERTY COMMERCIAL ••• INDUSTRIAL ••• ·APARTMENT BLDGS. a1k for 1t•v• or duan• 71C.760-1551 MRWOllTWCll Tube Toppers KABC fJ 8:00 "Toda~"s FBI." Agents go undercover to crack a r obben · ring. · KNBC 9 9:00 "The End." Burt Reynold s, Do m DeLuis~ in bl ack com edy about a man who learns he's dying and decides to commit suicide. KTLA 0 9 :00 "Children on the Run ." J o hnn y M a nn h o s t s documentary about millions of child refugees in the world. K NXT 8 10:00 "Trapper John. M . D. ·· Hospitalized woman is afs\lid she will lc<.1ve her baby an orphan. _Sundays DetaQs_ F'rom Page 14 l:20. NOVA "P.i-Of Dellgtlta" A behlnd·lhe-~ IOolt le telc9n •I Sen FrenelKo'• Exp!Of'•torlum, a unique IClence mu-r .. turlng cloM 10 500 uhlbite. Q t:aO 8 (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME Alex c:.u-• "mysteri- ous" fire to break out In hi• ap811m9nl. 9:00 8 (I) AUCE Allee is reuniteel with 1* !>Mt trlend eno a1ng1ng partMr from high school D Q!MOVIE * * "The End" ( 19781 Burt ~·· 0om 0.luiM D CHILDREH ON TME AUN J<>hnny Mann hoa1a • doc:- umentwy about the mR- llone of child refugees In lhewotld 8 9 MOVIE * •'h "Alligator" (18811 Robeft Forster. Robin Riker. • • HEEHAW Gu .. la: Don Wltllams. John Heriford. Connie Smith. Dennv ~- CO Pl.EDGi BMM< Regularly ldleduled pro- gtammlng mey be deleY9(1 due to l)ledoe brMkL c:c> MOVIE - • • "From Noon Tiii Three" (1977) ChatlH Bronson. Jill Ireland. CZlMOVll •'*IA "The Poat man Alway• Ring• Twice" (1081) Jeck Nk:holaon. JeNica Lange. 1:11 ID AMINCAN PlAYHOUle "s.ndbut'g -~ And Sllenc•" JOhn Cullum atara In a dOCu-dreme on the life and worll of the .... c.,., Sandburg. Q t:IO. (I) ntE MnMONI l..OuiM and He6en tMCfl ?-oe and Tom a ,._,., In eQU8llty e MASTPPIECE THEATAE "I Remember Nelson: Duty" Although he grNlly admit .. the Admiral, Cap- tain H81'dy Yiewa Neleon'a lnl•luatlon with Emma HamMton H a llgn of week,_., (Part 3)Q (J1)MOYE * * "The Bleok HOie" (19711) Max.lmlllen Schell. Robert Forster. Yvetta MlmiMI• D MOVIE * * * '"!'araalae Allay" ( 11781 Sytvestar Stallone. Armand Assante 1~ II Cll TIW'f'£A JOHN. M.O. A hOapUallzed old glrt- frlend of Gonio'a WhO 11 afraid lhal she wtll leave her baby en orphan hit• lllm with• oalemltv ault. CB)MOYtE **'"' "Bustin' LOOM" (19111) Rk:har<I Pryor, Cic.- 1'( Tvaon (l)MOVIE •*IA "The Outllder" (1978) Stwlng Heyden, Craig Wuaon. 10:AO. ME£T1NQ <:#MINOS S1-Allen t .. a about love ...... Englah pley- wrlght Wllltml'I Shall• .,_. (Harrie Yulln) and a character who wt"-10 be .,,_, only .. Woman (Jayne MMdows). (Part 1) (R) 11•• TMEVAMIMNQ GIANT8 L.oretta Swlt narral• a doc:uf'llen1wy Ol'I the dan- gers lacing ltle wof1d'• wllala population and al9PI being tllken to aid In lhW_..,..,... ~MOYIE ***'A "Everything You IWW(s Wanted To Know About 84111 (But Ware A.,_, To All!)" (197Q) Woody Allen, 0.. Wiider. 'Sparta llluatrate~' ready .NEW YORK CAP) -"Sports illustrated: A Series for Television," will premiere the evening of May 26 on a specially arranged network of 125-150 stations, Philip Howlett, the magaalne's publisher, and Stanley Moger, president of SFM Entertainment, an.nounced. Sports Illustrated will produce four hour·loal specials for broadcast lhls year, six ror 1183 and eii,ht or' nine for '84, said 'lbomu C. EtliDler, director of Sports lllustrat.ed Enterprises. Other . 1bow1 in 1982 will be broadcast Sept. 15, Oct. 20 and Dec. 21. The series·, focused on the human aide ol ~ports. -will be produced by EmraJ·wiDMl"I Niel Noxon and Irwin Roeten, whole credits include pro1rum for' public TV'• "Natloaal Qeocrapbie Special" Hries. HA VE YOU BEEN l~JURED? •AUTO ACCIDENTS •CONSTRUCTION AOODENTS • PERSO~Al ACCIDENTS The Law Offices of R. Steven, Peters Emphasizes in the HandliP.g· of Personal Injury Claims that may be . the Result of Accidents. We will Make Sure That you Obtain all That you are Legally _Entitled. . Call for a FREE Consultation and Dete rmine What Rights you Have agai nst all Par ties. Includ i ng Insurance Companies. HousecaJls or hospital visits can be ~rranged . ·. .. Law Offices of 83~-0133 24 .. S R. STEVEN PETERS, INC. 601M.,..c....rDr .. S....AM . (213) 947-2828 h~r. Dmnestic Employment A gene L tve-m usekeepers, companions babysitters, gardeners. Brought to your home for interviews. ~ ..... ,., ... Care For Your Home, Plants, Pets; While You Are Awa y. Long Term & Shwt Term HoU9esfttfn9. .. - -. KNXT KNBC KTLA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTlV KOOP KCET KOCE Mondays AM IJ D D D 0 fJ cm m m fE) m Details. La .... La .... La .... La .... a.D1et9 La ..... a.Dlefo LaMfelee LMMfelee L•Mfelee Mu 1' Q IA .... ---. 7: Morning Today 700 Good Morrq The Today Bugs& Bugs Bullllels Amlrlcln MAACHI, 1N2 ..... Club Morrq ..... Fioozles POlty Bl.my Repot1 Gir.wnment IEV'ENN) .. .. Amlr1ca .. Thnls .. The K.lf1oon Yoga FOf Oii .. .. .. .. ' .. AWwt .. Ainls1on. K.wnlvll Htll1h Plintlng 7:00 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Joenie gel• mo<• than llhe s: .. .. .. .. Scnlp Jim .. ~ .. Misttr 8ocly blf~ '°' when llhe .. .. .. .. s.,~ Bliek• .. .. Aogef1 Bliddtee get• • Joi> ... photogr•· .. .. Hot .. .. .. Gentle ~ v .. Milt• ~··mooei .. .. FUdgl '.J .. .. .. Ben .. Allaf• Rogtrs f/I YOU A8K£D FOR rT 9: OntOay Regis Rlc:Nfd A.M. OntOay Jldl Oonlhue I UMI Romper SeMrne )-2-1 ~tur90 "C91>leln Amer>- AIA T1mt ftllbirl SiMlofll Loi AIA T1mt Lt Lanne .. Lucy Room Street Contlc;I ca'• DI,,. Into Snak• And Alce Bloc*· lM't1e" Ange6es Alce Mldmomlng .. 8twlldled McMe: ... Eltcttlc PlraNIU" and "Und-· .. Min To WOl'lltll .. .. LA .. .. ''Lawless .. Comc>tny ter Megician." m w·A·s·H 10: ThePriot Wtllltl Of Big ~ ' The Price " Aletlard IDrwnOI Fron Iler" Classroom Educational Chen.a uau~ herOIC ·~· Fortune V*J Boat .. ~, " Slmmont Jelnnlt .. TV Progrl!Mling PfoC>Ofllon• efler reviving 1 8lt1ltUrl .. .. .. Blltlest•• Twlcl A INHNews .. dying petlerlt with hear1 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Woman " .. .. m-...ge. 11: T attlllllee ~d eon.m Flmily Young And Tr--.n PatlWOl'd Super LO'lt, Amer. 6tctric .. 61) DICK CAVETT Plul .. Feud The Atatltll tblt PU PtyCerdt Sl)ie Comptny .. Gu.st Mexican IUthor Young And The .. Ryln'• .. Matdl The ..... Lcwe.AlrM. MacHtl .. Cerloe Fuentes The,.... Ooctcn .. Hope .. Game Doctors .. Sl}<4t l..thrtr .. Cl) P.M. t.IAGAZINE Meet 1 Pl'eort who tllle to entmlll; eollt penel9 ...tlh- KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTlV KOOP KCET KOCE out moYlng perts lhlt can ' PM be uMd to ti.I )'OUf ~a D D D 0 fJ ail m m m m hOme . al EHTERT~ ' LMA...-LleMfllle Lee .... LaMfelee Loe ..... M•llll 11 LaMfllle .. Dlefo LaMfllle a.D1et9 La .... ._. TONOHT An Interview with Jemie ' 12: .. OaytOI T~t AIMy ..... M<Mt: Oayt OI MoYlt: Movie: Dick GED Fan . .. Ourl.Me Zent Chldren .. "CanyOn Ourl.JWI "8tothtr1 "WalOI c.vtlt Math ~THE MtWPETI AIThe .. T~ .. AIThe Teedlt(' .. Rico" Noilt" Over Up& GUMI: Phytlll Diii«. Wot1d .. Zent .. Wot1d .. .. .. .. &ly ComWlg ~MOYIE 1: Tums NratNt Heu Ontl.Jle Tums .. Another .. .. aa.room Educ8tiOnll ••• "Caddle" (198t) .. WOtld Magalne Tol.M .. .. Wot1d .. .. TV Progl ..... Ill Helen Morie, Jedi Thotnp- s.d'IFor .. .. s.d'IFOf ..... .. .. .. .. Big Slut eon TornorTOW .. .. .. Tomorrow .. .. .. .. .. Marble (]l)MOYIE • .... "Dot And The Kan- 2: ~ T-John Gtnerll Guiding lrOlllide Ttua Open Supermen .. Gl"*1 oeroc>" (1978) Anlmeted L.Ji11t .. .. DIMdloll Holpitll ~ .. .. Lilt .. TIO Directed by Y~ll'l'I Grou. .. .. .. .. .. .. The ~ .. Milt• CZ)MOYIE " .. .. " .. .. .. Wlllont .. Rogtrs •• "Flet• Of Fur(' ( 1973) 3: Aodcfotd DonltM .. E:dgtOI John MoYlt: Heu .. 819 Home s..ne 8niQe LM, Marla YI. Riii .. .. Nlgllt DIMdloll ''Blrracuda'' Magazine .. Bl.my Gardtnet Strttl 7:30 8 t OH THE TOWN .. .. Aldwd P9opit'• " .. Bewitched ~ F• " i:..tured: t IOoll 11 In .. .. SiMlofll Ccut .. .. .. .. Doo Forwd .. 1tter-1onoo1 computer " .. ~ training lnMttlM '°' kids: 4: ~ Bob &aei,'8'1CY ..... Ultlt Bredy K.lf1oon 3-2·1 ~ ~ OIMrl .. ... ......., .. .. .. Hcul 8ln::tl KanMI ~ the prectlcM "ong.ml." ..... &Mr-.. .. MAS.H .. OnThe 8fldy .. 8-nt MlcNll tM J~ .,, of deco-.. ........ .. .. .. .. Prairie 8ln::tl .. S1Nel l..thrtr rettw P1fC* mllldng; locus 5: ..... ..... Ulll ..... ..... ~ ..... lncnclblt The ,. °* on two~ r9fugM .. .. Hcul .. .. .. HIAk Flntltonea .. Elly c:Nldren, ""°· "'* • hWd-.. " On Tiie .. " .. .. .. Sc:ooby P'9dgl Pereonll touoM ben9I. -,...., " .. Prairie .. .. .. " .. Doo Br9lll fNla wttt1 tNlf motMr wtto II In ,,. country lllgelly. s: ..... ..... ~· .... cae .... Wiiie NBC.._ The ..... a.. ....... ... • L.AWllNI & ltMEf .. .. ~ .. " Sf.-.. .,.,..,... fM.O ,.,,, .. &OOtll'Ntt " .. ., ..... .. ..... Wtlcotnt .. ea.,..,. ... .... Ahonda tr1IP' lhe glrtl Into " .. .. .. " .. .. Blc*,Koftlr " ,.,,, ,.,,, ~ gerne of "Truth." 7: ces ..... NBC~• ..,o.,. A/£ ..... PM YouAIMd The MAS.H JoUr'• °* Olc:t • ~OHL.A. " .... .. ..... Forll Mlippttt .. Wld Elly CMtt F ... ured: 1 \llelt to tM 20n Fllllly l.Mnle& Ey90n Tic Tee ....,. F-M.A.8.H TlcTIC MlcNll Of'llt ...,.. of St. Tilomle; 1 TMTCMll ,.... l8111rt1w LA. IDllldt fwd .. 'Dllldt lAlnr .. .... helicopt• r!Oe Into • ......,, JunclM: .....,_ a: Mr. 1.1111 ~ ..... PWlt ,., Ulll ,.. ~ Of'llt ........... .,_ ....... ...... ..... ..,..,,, .. 0'100 Mllre WllOll Hcul ..... .,,.The ........ _ ......... ........ " ,.,.... °""' .. .... ........ .. OnTill MlllTill ....... .......... ...... lrt. ..... .,. end Tr.,., ...... ,,.. .. .. .. l'nlltl ~ .. .......... ..... an-.. '°' .,, ....,.__ 9: M.A.!" ..:~ .. .. MAIJt -,.;~ Merv .. -,_ .... '"" mudMln dld .,... .. .. .. a.. "The Ortlln .. , ... T~ -JllCI -.,, ...... ..... .. Ill .. .. ..... er..-..Ill .. " TOfl!-' -Clll le.I.In .. .. Clll .. I~ .. .. .. -~T C" .. .. .. I CU CMllWllC9 10: Lou I-Lou .... C" .... ..... ' "ltftdllftMcl ~ed: Grlllt .. .. .. 8rltlt .. .. " .. .. ........ lrldeettNd 0.-tM" .. " .. .. .. .. .. " INN..._ ...... lrt. Tiie Mel ...... two )IMf9 .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. ....... IQnaleoft In Cent rel Aflle rlo• • I I I 11: .... .... =---~ ..... Tiii .... ......... T .. Md a... jolr'9 ..... c.le .. .. .. .. .. ....... &loll r.,._.., ,..... M ... YM!lor •~ M'!J ,. .. w--~--., .. , ....... Mlllllll "'°"--· ...... ....... -.... ........_. CflW\ .Q • .. .. I'-* llMI Dllll .. ·¥OU~ .. " -~ ................ 1~ .. .. -·-.. --.. -= "'°"--· ~ -..................... ---.. .. . .., I .. ..... ... .. "'"'°' -.... °"'.:':" 0...... -1 llilllM ... Ol.1111 Clltl9I .. llilllM ~ . .... ... °'*' ........ .. Lo--. "*' 1 ....... . . ....... __.. .. z. ............. --. See Monda11'.t. Page 17 I ' .Cooldns SdtOiJi ·TlJESl>A\', ~ ~ .,FlllDAY SA~Y· •• 11 ~ ..... .Ill. .a~ ~ ••• ...,,,,,,.. ·MARCH --ScWule II •• IT II J .... cu&. MARY CROSBY ... The girl who shot J.R. wi ll guest star in a n episode of .. The Fall Guy .. with series star Lee Majors. ... Aivard winner From Page R • gunned down J .R., has been signed to a starring role in "Ready, Aim ... Die! ,"a new segment of the te levision series, "The Fall Guy." Mary turns out to be a mob hjt person set on killing the gambler known as "The Birdman" because he bets on teams with the names or birds ... "Q.E.D.," a multi.faceted adventure series beginning March 23 on CBS; will star Sam Waterston as an American science professor who goes to England in 1912 to pursue h iJthl y outrageous experiments. His travels lead to strange circumstances and a cast of colorful characters Pearl Bailey and Edie Adams will make guest appearances on "As the World Tums" March 18. Of this privilege, Miss Adams remarked : "I'm excited to be a part of the new trend toward guests on se.i;ials. These aays, daytime is the place lo be An all-new "CBS Morning News," co-anchored by Bill Kurtis and Diane Sawyer, will premiere Monday, March 15 from 7 to 9 a.m. The revamped broadcast will have a "totally new look in its fo rmat as well as its setting," according to producer George Merlis. "The new format will cater more to the habits of the early morning viewer, who will be able to tune in at any time and get important information . . . " America's favorite performers, television shows, movies and music will be named on the "Eighth Annual People's CboiceAwards" set for March 18 on CBS. Top vote getters include Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, "M•A•S•ff•," Linda Evans, Sally Field, Jane Foada, Meryl Stff;ep, Harrison Ford and Broolee Shields .. Kingaton reunion aet on PBS NEW YORK (AP> -Original, former and current members of one or the country's leadinc · rolk-sioting groups will be reatured in "The KJngat.on Trio & Friends: Reunion," on public television, Friday, March 12, 9-10:30 p.m. EST. Tommy Smothers will be host ror the celebraUon or 25 years of rolk music. and Mary, will appear as a special aueat. The Kingston Trio WU founded in JIM by Dave Guard, Bob Shane and. Nk:k Reyaolcb, and the reunion show will f..fture tbe ortpnal memben and~· like "Tom Dooley," wldcb wu amonc tbelr ~t bita. Tube Toppers · KNXT 8 7: 30 -.. 2 on the Town." A loo k a t an a fte r -school com p ute r · training ins titute for children. KABC fl 8 :00 ··Night of 100 Sta rs.·· Nearly 200 stars in salute of Actor 's Fund of America centennial. KOCE @ 8:45. KC ET @ 9: 10 .. Bennett & Basie Together .. Ton~· Ben.nett. Count Basie te am up for spl'cial con cert. K NBC B 9 :00 .. The Boys in Compan~· C ... Andrew Stevens. Stan Sh aw in movie about Marine recruits being trained for Vietnam combat .,_ ____________________________ .....,_.,n HEATING SPEC~AL! 200/o OFF • .,,..,..1cec .. Good Tin M.-cJt l I, 1912 WI SHVICE'M..L MMES. 'I He.ting/ Air Conditioning Mond;iys Details From Page 16 hlmMll eo that he cen be In two pt_. at one 1111'41. (R) a a UTTlE HOUSE ON THE~ Caroline •-W> agonir- lng dec:lelon when lhe agrw to help a c:Nldhood Irland whoH lllnau th<M141na the life of her MWbom baby. Q 8 MOYIE * * * "P.J." (11188) O-Q4t P~atd. Ray· mond~. • dJ NIGHT CW 100 STAAi The centennial or the Act~'• FUN! of Amet1ca la ...Ut.cl by nearly 200 ,,.,. who perform at Radio City ~ Hall In New York City. • P.M. MAGAZINE A proflla of Hollywood' I IUC)«llat photographer. Mlc:tl... Chlldata; aolar panel• without moving parta that ean ba uMd to ,_, yollf home. • MOVIE ***'At .. Up The Sand- box" ( 1972) Barbra Str.-.ind, ~ s.lby. eGMAT PIN'OMIANCE8 "Brldaahaad Ravlaltad: BrldeahHd Oaaartad" Ahar apendlng two years In Central America. ci-1ea jolna hie .... c..ta In New Yori! for an unauc· '*8ful reunion. (Part 8) Q <8)MCWW **y, "So~• In TIIM'' ( 1te0) Ctwtalophar Aeew • .,._ Seymollf. ()) IAM't l\Wa.OW .. OOi111C911 Thia ~ winning attlat parforma hie ....... hlta. .MCWW * * * "The Doge Of Wet .. (1te0) Ctwtaeophar w.-. en, T °"' llerengaf. e:tO. (I) l'IWATI l8UM9t """" __ ._. .-~ .... ................. ....... •au.•-Ml&Y Mllll9 ................ ......... , . ........_ ..... ................ .......... ........., ....... ~ grammlng mer M daleyed due to pledge .,,..... CIJ)MOVll **** "Olfl" (1tMI ...... a--.r. lAllle son. At1Q1e Dic:lllnaon t:008 CI) w•A•t•H Thr.. wounded aokller• P'-' the 4077th with unusual problarna to ~ 8 QIMOW; • * • ''The Soys In Com- pany C" (1978) Andr- St-. Si.n Shaw. CC)MOYIE • • • "Flrat Family .. (1NO) Glide ~. Bob Newhart. 1:10. MNNETT & ~ TOOETMEN T-legendary at.,. of the Amarlcan mu9lc: --Tony Bannett and W111181n "Count" &-. -t~ up for a 9')eClal concert per. lormanoe fMturlng the Count Balle Band. t-;30. Cl) ~CAU.8 Ctlartey com. to the aid of an 6-~-old wtlo badly naada an operation that hie fMlily ainnot afford. 10:00 8 (J) LOU OMHT Roaal'• probe of wwtlme prolltaara tuma °"' to ba embarraaa:ng for Mra. ~ **°"' ··Thief .. (1981) Ja,,.._ Cun. Tueada)' Weld. (l)MOVIE • • • "The COmpatltlon .. (19IO) Rlehard ~. Atny Irving. 10:11 (%) MCWW "Coup O'Bat" 10-... n. KING8TON TM> AND ....... :NUNON Tlla or1glnel Klngaton T t1o ate joined by T~ SlftocMra. Mery Tr.-., L.lndMy Budllngtllom and currant Trio _.,.,. .._ ~ ,.,._. tooaett- ar fof IN "'9e ... In 20 lOJMCWW • •y, "Happy llir1hday, 0-W" (1tl0) ......,. l<alw\,Alte~ 10:A1. NONUM ..octcWIU .. WOM.Q Alf U8I CAN DMAM A nGlalglc loall II MMrl .. ................ ..- .. 11om:ae1 n OI llollll, ..._...,, ,.-... 1'9.M1'91\Y ... Koat: 0 • .1. •·~· -...e ............ IOft. • eco.wc ICotak ,...... • 0.- wtian 11e ...,,. 11e mer he¥9 dad._"'°"' men. ("-1 t) •1Ml&i&llC.M Oeofp'• !11111••• on• IOOlllellllflOwla ....... ..... ........... ...,,. ..... .....--..~ ;'C.o.,,,., .. Gredy _., deold• ..................... ............ ,,.., r..=-----. .. ...,.. ..... ~ .... , .. _. ..... ........ 545-5542 sr.c. ltl I '7' .. 770 ORANGE COUNTY Bill Talbert knows how to help during a disaster . Do}OO? Bill iS an auto mechanic. He's also a Red Cross Disaster service volunteer. Last year, Red Cross volunteers. like Bill. responded to over 40,000 disaster situations requirmg on·the-scene assistance. More t}\an 136.000 families were helped. "Fortunately, Ooods. hurricanes and tornadoes don't happen every day. but fires do," warns Bill. "And for a bumed-<>ut {~that's a major disaster. We can help these peonle obtain the things they'll need to resume nonnal livGlQ." Red Cross emergency disaster relief provides everythinCJ from food. clo•h.inn and a place to stay to first aid. coumelin9 and commri:a0ons. If your neighbors were burned out or their borne. woukkl'tyou want to help? VYe'll show you how. • Join us . 1!»gethet, we can~ thi• 18 -N ! ir) .c (J lo .. ~ ~ '1:) ·;::: LL. gi _J ·~ § ii: -ICE ·oN THE GO WITH SONY SON BETAPAK® PORTABLE BETAMAX® YIDEOCASSETTERECORDER Announcing the second generation in home videocassette recorders: Sony's incredible BetaPakl It's smaller. lighter, more compaC1 Jhan any ,,.., .. recorder in history ... it brings you an astounding range of new v ideo features and capabilities . . . and best of all. it's fully Portable -so you can use it with ease. indoors or outdoors, to record off the air or to create your own hOme video programs! --YOUR CHOICE! SCOTCH VIDEO- L·'90 CASSETTES t~~ !:8... s I 0. cj"§ LIMIT: 6 PER CUSTOMER VIDEO FROM RECORDERS 5569 WE HAVE A COMPLITT CHOOSE FROM THESE SELECTION Of: FAMOUS BRANDS: • VTRS •TAPES• CCTV • /. •Advent• Akal •TDK MOVIES• VIDEO CAMER-Ma~navox • RCA• Hitachi AS• WIDE SCREEN TV'S • • fTanasonlc • JVC •Sony ACCESSORIES• RENTALS • MGA • G.E. •Quasar CffN IK'JN. THRU THURS. 10-6 •FRI 10-8 •SAT 10-6 •SlM 12-5 YOU'LL LIKE OUR PRICES A T ••• IDE Cable Subscrigtion Servjce ···'--··-I - .Cable Topper s --- HOME BOX OFFICE (H), WHAT ON EARTH? look at man and his world . -Orson Welles takes a n entertaining SPOTLIGHT CS). EDDIE RABBITT Countt·~· pop star Edc1ie Rabbit t is f1,.'al url'd in an evening of music at the Roxy in Los Angeles. SHOWTIME (S), LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestants compete against each other,m this uncensor ed comedy game . . ·' 8 -CNN ctl -Cinemax {I)-ESPN ·CID -HBO cm -On/Select Cl) -Showtime g Spotlight CZ) -Z Channel (!) WOR <N.Y., N.Y.) @ WfBS <Atlanta. Ga. J . MARCH 5, 1982 FRIDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 m frfttllaft Rf1JC)f'b Soolll ~ w Coils! Rep People How ~ . *"' "Oh Cod. llool r· *'" "SayonarJ" (E) Hodf'f Coftl'd W'" ln NK • Sports Centtr 81$1.et~ PCM lour~rMnt r~ CID Moflf Coftf'd HBO Prewlfw MoYie "fhe Post1111n Always Rines Twu "" lht Best Ot 'Oil locat10n cm BcCat> Way h Was ~!bill USC Vs Wuhin(ton Mo•lf "f unl>ouse Cl) *"tCoftt'd "'°"' "The Wofld"s Gtutest Athlete" I UpAnlftU g ..,.," eo-rd Remember Whfn Mow.e "Any Wluch way You~"· Cl) *'"Cont'd Mo•lf "Cntman" Mom "lhe Postman Always R1111$ lwJCt" (!) Wttbll Coftf'd ~Hill .... Moflf '"Sclftd Mtrclllnts" @ """ Al In fanuty Mow ·r11e Lone Ctay lint" MARCH 6, 1982 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 10:30 8 . News Soolb Preu Bot frteNn Reports News fr«!S...Oft CC) ~·11Conl'd d Movie "fro111 Noon Tiit Three" Mow1t "!ht You111 lovtr1 .. (I) 81$1.ttbtll Coll!' d Sooiu Centt1 1 tllM D.tv1s Cup ()pentnc Round CID MoYle Coftt' d Mo..e. "[JtWllMU• Movie "Al Niefl! lOlll' cm Moflf "DoctOf Zhl•ICO" Cont'd Mo.,t "The Oc!JCOn" Mow CS) .., ... Cont'd Movie "Busllll' loost" Movie "'llft1mtnal0f" g *"' Colll'd Movtt "lhttl Mowlf CZ) Mom '"Allftlo Non TrCJOllO Movlf 'Monty PytltM And Tiit Holy Cra~" Mom ··~•eman Cf) Bnhtball I Rtahty Paul Ho11n RK•na W1est11111 Movie @ News WOfld At Wat Movtt "Savt The Ip" MARCH 7, 1982 SUNDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 Tablwo ' ..,_ •n. Olli« Side Of Tiie lilollllt• · Part r' , ... MARCH 8, 1982 MONDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m fletm1n R!l>Ofb Spotts ,_wsdtsl W Cont Rep Peoplt Now (C) ...... "Caddie" Mo~ "F11st fim.ly ([) Soutf Cont'd W1nlt1world Sciorts Ctnttt Bounc lop R1nl ® St1ndlnc ROOlll Only Mime "Somntllen In I 1111e" Movlt "l"°'I cm MoV1t "Dot And Tht ~1100 .. .._ "Gici Mo'llt (J) Movlt "Rochhow" CQnl'd l!Mry ltlmlow Ill Col!Clft lolovlt "Tht Compl>llllOll" D MoV1t Colll'd Mo..e "The Dap Of W11" Womens' Mud Wrnlloft& Cl) MoM. "risis Of rury" Movit· "Prttty ~AM In A Row" MoVll (!) ltl Tht Chltdrtft lrtt Cont'd Outlf llllllls @ """ A1111r111111y Mom. "O.il!IOlld Hud" lllo..e MARCH 9, 1982 TUESDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 I 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m fl-Reporb Spolb Newsdtsl w Cont Rep Ptoe* Now (C) MoNCoofd Movrt "8'ttlecfOllnd" loloflt "Cin fotncb" ([) ltftM Dans Cup CQnt'd Spoils Ctfttlf I Wotld Cup Sb11t S9oftsChal ® lrfty Cont'd S9orb lhmiattd Mov1t 'O!essed Io KM" lolov1t cm Way ti Was Bisitt~ Kansas Crty Kines Vs. los Ancetts Latm Movlt "Ille literm1n1tor" (J) [uDrt' Cont'd MoVlt "Bllshll' loost .. Movie-''HoiNllOlds" D Mo'ftf Confd Movre "I Setlt A ltltlf lo My love" lolovrt.~Mlrkt(' CZ) Movit "Networ"' Cont'd lllo'11' "T• !brr• Do Us P;wt" "°"' (!) Hoctty. New YOI\ Vs St l-..,.,. 1~ Mofll· "Violtnl Strantffs" @ News All In Fam~y lilovlt "Jason And fllf AltoNUts" Mow re MARCH 10, 1982 WEDNE.IDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m r1-R!l)Ofts S9ofts Htwtdnl W Coast Rep People Now (C) Movlt Cont'd Movrt "low1111 Couplfts" Movit "Tiit Howllnc'' ([) -Bosrnc Top Ranl Conl d Spofb Ctnter Podtl Biloatd Sws Bashtblll W!Dtt!-111 CID Letty Conl'd I r!Hhback Great f>1acut MoM "The l~I Yard" MoYlt cm ..,.,. "roaes" MoV1I "hlllloase" Cl) Mom Cont'd llaaire Lilt A Thon l Wtnters Mow11 "Hociscotch" g Movrt Cont'd Movre "Bitly lad" Movlt "This Is [lvrs" CZ) Movtt Contd I "°"' "Ci!Ytrllln Movie C.mtnll Shettl!f" (!) Hotkry Co11t' d Benny HtH Maucle Mov1t "St1n1ray" @ .., .. Cont'd I News Al 111 Famdy MoVl!" "b&sln In The Slin MARCH 11, 1982 THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 ao 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 . 10:00 lO:SO ~ ,_ STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY· roESDAY 7:00 PM "Newport' Now" 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or "Citizens Forum" (alternate Mondays 1 7:00 PM "Sound ·off'· WEDNESDAY.7:00 PM "Newport Now" TllUR8DAY '7 :00 PM "A Better W_ay" · 7:00 i;-M ··Newport Now" TUNE IN TO CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K Our local programming lineup in- cludes the discussion series .. Sound orr ... aur interview show hosted by Mayor Heather -"Citizens Forum," and live covenlge of Newport Beach City Council meetings. Plus. we cqntinue to cablecast our popular magazine' format show "Newi:>ort Now." Our focus is on the issues that are happening around you, and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our stars. PROGRAIOllNG ~ ..... llOR PROGRAM INFORMATIQN CALL (714) 842·5797 19 -----------------------------r: IO J'uaday'Grtd I - I ... KNXJ KNBC KTlA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTIV KOOP KCET KOCE ~ilesday• :~ • ·D D D g a m • • E • Details 11 ... La ..... u.-.-La ..... La---.. .... u.-... ...... u.-... u.-... u.-... . .... - 7: Good The Buga& Iii¥ Buslnesa Of Eltttl MAACt4t. 1M2 MomlDg Tocllr, 700 Morning Todly eVENNO .... Qui> Morning ..... Ftoodll .. Pottty Bunny Alport MdMlll .. .. .. ~ . " Thlrt II .. Tiie l<lrtoon Yoga fof OI -. 7:00 8 HAPf'Y DA Ya AGAIN .. " .. .. .. AW~ .. Flntltonte KM'lllWI Hellth Pllnting Fonzie 1trllt• • bMgaln a: .. " . .. Sunl.c> .Im .. Ripper .. Mist• Body with the deYll'• ~ to .. .. .. . . SWIOlego Blkk• .. .. .. Roga-s Buddies go without • kles for 24 .. .. Hot .. . .. . Gentle Popeyt VUla Mitt• houre to save CllKhl'• .. " fudge .. .. J .. .. Ben Alegre Rogers soul 9: One Day R9gls Aldllrd A.M. One Day Jlcil Oonehue I lOYe Roms-Sesame 3-2·1 0 YOU A8KED FOR IT AIA Time Philbin Simmons Los At A T1me La Linne .. Lucy Room Street eo.it11e1 Featured "He Hangs By Alice 8'odt-l.tlYln Angeles Ak;J Midmorning .. 8ewl1ched MoYle' .. ae.1c R'.s To. From A Helleop-.. busttn To Women .. LA. .. .. "Blue .. Comp.ny ter" end ""nt War11.re .. m w·A·s·H 10: The Pnc:e WllMIOf Big LOYI The Price .. Richlrd IDrewn Of Steel" Classtoom Educational H1wlleye end 8.J. dtseover la~t Fonune V*t bl ··~' .. Simmons Jeannie .. TV Ptogt1mlning Ch•rlel lfvlng the Ill• of Blttleltws .. .. " Battleltatt GhoetAnd INNNews .. .. Riley due to the 1ttenllon1 .. .. .. " .. .. .. Mrs. Muir .. .. .. of hla menl•lly paid Kor .. n 11: Tatttelalel PlltllllOrd 8ofllnu Ftdf Young Md TrlllUfe PlllWOrd $uptf' love,Amtt Electric .. serv•nt .. Plus .. Feud The Restlela Hum Plus PayCatds Style Company .. mJ DICK CA V£TT Young Md The .. ~·· .. M9lch Thi News LCMl.Amtt. MICHel .. G~t Of. Rober1 ColM TheRllli. Ooc1on " Hope .. Gllne Doctors .. Style Lehrer " (Pert l)(R) ()) P.M. MAGAZINE A women who le paid to alt KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE In llUdieneel 9nd laugh It PM • D u e 0 m m (I) m '1!) performere' Jolt•; t>asttet-0 ball allf M9gk Johnson ........... returns 10 his llOmetowri La .... La ..... Lee ..... LaA,.-...... La ..... ...... Loe ..... LMMteM La ..... ..... 9 EHTERTAINMENT TOMGKT 12: .. Daya or Twllght AllMy ..... MooM: o.y.or McMI: MM: Dick ThlNlw An lnllNlew with Robef'I .. Ourl..iwe Zen CNlchn " "Ripped Our I.Ml "The "One M111'1 CMtt Voice Urich. AIThe .. Twllglll .. AIThe Off" .. Mountlln Wit(' OYlr Whyln QtTHE~ Woftd " Zen .. Woftd .. .. Rold". Eaey TheWoftd? GUNI: Ethel Merm111. 1: Tums Anolller Hour Onel.111 Tuma .. Anolller .. .. a..oom E~ 7:30 9 2 ON THE TOWN .. Woftd ..... Tol.M .. .. Woftd .. .. TV ~~IQ F .. tured: st-tllllM • 5-dlfof .. .. 6-dlfof ..... .. .. .. .. grueling phyllcal; vlllt Clll Tomorrow .. .. .. Tomorrow .. .. .. .. .. .. Tech on N1t1on111 lalltute of Helllth "041dl 01y,'' when 2: Guiding Texas John Gen.II Guiding ~ronside Texas Open ~ .. Lee 9enl0rl m•tdl wit• tgllnll Uglrt .. .. DIWjaon ~ Ugtt1 .. .. line .. Gammas the undergr.Oa. .. .. .. .. .. The Popeye .. Miiter 9 l.AVSIHE & StflALEY .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wlltont .. Rogera &COfoWAK'f a: Roc*lord ~ .. EdgtOf John McMI: Hour .. Bugs Ameran Seunll L•verne 11111 tor her Fill .. .. ~ DIMdaol'I "MllkOf ~ " Bunny GcMrTwnent Strlll dr11mbo•t •P•rtment-.. .. Aldlerd ~ .. ~~ .. ~ icooOy ~ .. -·=manager. -.OHL.A. .. .. Simmone Court .. .. .. .. Ooo .. .. F .. tured: • viii! to • NIU-4: Bamty Bob Emet.9"'1C't ..... .. .. Uttle hfy Kanoon 3-2·1 . TheHome lllUI Gym; bodywMr 19th- Mk ~ .. .. .. ~ Bunch KM'lllWI eom.c:t Gerdlnlr loM; peycNc predlctlone .... EnW-.. .. M.A.S.H .. OnThe Indy " PtedgeM. MICHll tor tN2. . telnmlnt .. .. .. .. "'*" Bundi .. Mist.-lAtwtr • w•A'l•H . 5: ..... ..... Uttll ..... ..... K~, ..... lncrldlblt Thi Rogera OYlr A diipOlllltad Kor_, .. .. ~ .. .. .. Hullt Flnttlonee Plldgellr1! bey llfnlly llnd • girl with 1 GI .. .. OnThe .. .. ., .. .. Scooby 9-111 Growing b9by cauM problems for .. .. Pl'*ll .. .. .. .. .. Ooo Streit y..,. lhe4077th. ltl YOU AIKID FOR IT 6: ..... ..... allrlll'• .... CBSNewl Wllftl N8CNlwl The Hawlll .. Humln Feetured: "The M111 Who .. .. ~ .. .. Sllldow .. """"°"' FM-0 .. 8'tlNof U-With A Montier" end .. " " ..... .. ..... Wllcomt .. ~ ~ ''Pl9ytng IMlgium'• 2000-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Back.KOil« .. Alport Repor1 Pound Belle " 7: CBSNIM NBCNews HIPPY°'YI ABCNIWI PM YouAlkld The M.A.S.H Jolter's ..... Dick l.:00 8 ()) 1MOH & SIMON .. """" .. Meoazlnt Forn Mupptta .. Wiid .. Clwtt Rk:lt Ind A.J. -hired by \ A.J.'1 old glrlfrlend to 20n Ftdy l.Mrnt& Eye On Tic T11: u.. Flmitf M.A.S.H Tic TIC MICHell ..... Thi Town Feud iSt*tly LA. IDouall .. FM .. Douall lAtwtr .. reeov1r her etolen a: Si'llOll & 8ettMrl "'°* ~ Simon& Flp ..,,.,. PM McMI: LllOn Nova •ua~ S1man ....,..., .. ,.,,. Olyt Simon Wllon ....... Mepzlne "Thi Eltttl "Plllce MAHDMLL AND THE .. ....... Al Sea" l.Mrnl& .. .. ...... Alln The Minis>-" Of MAHDMLL..,..,. " .... .. ftll¥ .. .. .... Flmitf ulltor" .. lo.lahlt" ou.11; Tony OrlMclo, B.J. 9: CBSMollle: Brit .. """''• CBSMM: • Brit Mer'V .. ~ Plldge 8r1!. ThomM.(R) ·~ MMrfck .. Compeny .. ~ °'1Nm MMridl °""" .. OfSlnd lJtOn ' • STAMKYAND Two .. .. Tooao. Two ~ .. .. .. .. Eltttl HUTCH Brcfllrt" .. .. ForCombt eroeti.I" .. .. .. .. " .. "Murdet At See" (Pwt 1) • 9 HAPPY DAY'I 10: .. " ..... Hlr1To " ..... .. ..... News ThlNMon " Juet • JoMle II reedy to .. .. .. Hlr1 " .. .. .. .. Sule Pledge M . go lteedy, CtlllChl deddee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. INNNIWI .. NlllCINI to play tN lleld. (R) Q .. .. N .. .. .. .. .. .. " -• '·""MAGAZINE - .. -· 11: ...... ..... ~ ...... ..... ~ ..... The 9enford Pledge 8r1!. " A -wflO II peld lo Ill .. " ~. " " . JlflWlona &Son Didi .. In 9lldllllloel lllCI IM9' " Aloe T~ MC ..... Aloe .. T~ AllllThe Lo..--. c.... peitonl••' Jc*• .,.. ... .. .. 1 ..... " " ~ -..... bll ...... JdlNon ,...... to 1111 llelml•own. 1~ ...... .. ---::" WMl"ln -" . ...,. Lo..--. fOClllO. .MCMI .. " Clllc:INlll "MlllllOt .. .,,. -lodlty **"' ..,.,. .._ r~· ' llllCllud r:"~;i; ~ .. 1...-. ..._. ..... ...... ...... 41172) ......., eo,d • .,._ -.. .. .. . ....... ....... ... 119KalliM. -·~,- . See Tuesday's. Page 21 .. . - TRIBUTE TO THE ~NY KOCE (Ch. 501 will pay tribute to the legendary comedy team The Marx Brothers in "The Marx Brothers in a Nutshell ... airing Saturda~· at 9p.m. ... Televiews From Page 2 know fo r sure is that I 've e njoyed it tremendously. Phil Sneiderman, a respected Daily Pilot re_wrter with a special affectiorlior au forms_ o entertainment, will assume control of this column next week. So stay tuned. Sneiderman will have the good fortune of beginning his tenure on this page at the same time that the Daily Pilot TV Log assumes a new. and more attractive, format. The new TV Log will eliminate the program grids that some of you have found inadequate and will feature a complet~ rolling log of all programs throughout the day. II you want to know what's airing at 2 in the morning, it will tell you. ln addition, this log will be printed in larger , easy-t:o-read type. Meanwhile, it will retain all of your favorite features, like Jeff Parker's Inside TV column, a run-down on what's happening in the soaps, a complete television movie 1uide for each morntne and evening and infMmative cover stories on procrams and stars. It will be a better product uMl we think you'll esOGY uaina it. And I cannot slip out from these pases without some twin&ea of sednesa. It's been tood 1 wrltllll for you. So long. HOU.YWOOD (AP> -DudleJ lloore 1tan in tu coatemporar1 eomedy "Loveslek. 0 wllidl llaraball Briekm• la aow dindlac ID New Yort from bil ori'1Dal acreeoplay. Tbe movie alM It.an l:llaabida •cOovera, Alee o.-..., AIM KID1, Jolla ...... .... Ta7lar and Bob Slaby. Moere plaJI a P1ydalatrtst wllo falll ta leve wttla a pedlat, a plaJwrt,ert wllo 11bemcltt •••bJiM..,olherlae.t,a.,. .. .,. • ....., •tan la •• ..,... •• a.l"f," tM mo•t• .....-ol William .,.._., ertUeallJ aeelatmed.,... Alm J. PaDla ii~• 11111 ... la New . Yon. llnbl IDlllll ... P-. 11.MNleel. from ....... , ......... ......... ""' ................. .,.. "~'• 0.ee" &r."la • Y._...aria ,_ Mrirlilman.,..otm •1. . . ·Tube Toppers KNBC S 8 :00 -Barbara Mandrell a nd the Mandrell Sisters." Tony Orlando and B.J. Thomas guest. KABC fJ 8 :30 ··Laverne & Shi r ley." Entire gang pays tribute to the world of entertainment. KNXT fJ 9 :00 -"Between Two Brothers ." Michael Brandon. Pal Harrington star in mo\'ie premier e. KNBC 9 9 :00 "Bret Maverick." Bret Maverick in high stakes world championship poke r games. Tuesdays Details Fro m Page 20 • LR ON EARTH "The AIM OI The Mam- mela" Oevtd Allllnborougl\ looka at pla1ypuaea, T umeni.t1 devlla. kan- garooa end ollMw odd er..._ In hla eocounl of the ~opment of -- mela. Q Gt«NA "P"'-OI Oellghla" A behlncM..__ look la t.icen al San Franclaco'a EJq>loratorlum. a unique .a.--NellKlng cloM to 500 uhlblta. o (C)MOYIE • • • "Ballleground" (11M9) V11n Johnton, John Hodlail. (l)MOYIE **'-' "Bualln' l_ .. (1M1)RlchMd Pryor,Cic. •=-....... , e.nt A l~To My LOlle" (1981) Simone Slgn«.t, JMl't Aochefof1. a:IO. 0 1..AYIANE & IMM.r( The ..... gMg P9Y9 trib-ute to 1M wortd of .,,..,. tMwnenl, lndlldlftg epoofl of '-opera. 0 • AL.LlfTHl,MaY • Atc:He pmrlk:a ~ E4lth Invitee • otd ac:tlOCllmMe to dinner. CIDMOVll * *'4 "l>reMed To IOI" ( tHO) MlchMI Caine. Angle DldtlnaOn. (J)MOVll •• '"T'll Mentega oo ua Pwt" (tt7t) Lan AMo- Mll. HO. (I) MOVll .......... """° .__. .. ,,.,._..,... ....... .,_ don.,~ Hef,......L ··~-~ .... ~...,.to a ... au tor .. llllfl .... C-'WDftd dWtlplon-lfllp,.., ............ winds -~ • llklofl Md. rwldl. '"' • rrltl*f'f Ml> HUTCH "MurdlrAt .. "~2) ....... OGI r.ltllff A ....... toM Ofttlc ...... ... --... Tern .,. ---• · " ........... .. r:.. ... ,_...,., ....... ,,.. .............. ........ ---. t: 16 Ci) UR ON EAR'04 "The RIM OI The Mam- mela" Oevld Attenborough looka al plalypuaea. T aamanlen devlla. llan- oarooa and °''* odd cr.atur• In Illa acc:oun1 of the ~aloe>n*'tt °' --mela. Q l:iO. 0 TOO CL09E FOR COWORT S.ah goaa Into~ tor herMlf. mMlng end .... ng cooltlee from a Olandma Auah recipe cm MOYIE ** "The EJ!termlnator" ( 19110) Chrletophar George, Samantha EQaer. 10:00. 0 HM? TO HART The HW11 a119m91 to clear • friend they believe ,_ ~ fnm.S for the mut· der of • Mdue11w ...... ~MOYIE 11rY~'Olrt ft""'1dl'' ( 19111 ........ May.on. Bl Wej. led\. (l)MOYIE * • ''Humanolda From The Deep" (1980) Doug foll:Cllq, Atw1 Turlt91. .MOVll •• \4o "unta ..... Me111er" (1MO) W ... er Mattlleu, Julellndf-. 10:11. THI NaMON NTa ,,_ luftt• ......... tour tfWougfl IN """-' brain and oantrW l*'tlOUa ayate,m with apaclal eHacte. anlmetlon end Intent!-• with gu"t n--MOVll • •'4 "The Pollman Alwaya ~Inga Twice" (1M 1) _,.. Nlc:tlollon, ....... Lafloe. -· MTICIW-~INCIAL ''feslt; 0..... kt Etaml- t(' The_.. of""'-II _....,..ln •lodlat -l'MlfCW aid! llDllekal ,,.,...._... __ .... Md pl_..,,. .. ....... of ... lg)'pelan ......... 0 119. IAlUllDAY-.T ~ic... .... ca.ae: --~ •-.we .. ,, .......... ---------.......... """' .... ..... . • ........ , &••--· ..... -'-· _ ............ 0 ••• HEADA<;.HES? YOU DESER E TO FEEL GOOD ~~-'~c~~~S4~JOO~'--~~­ Fw eo.,1 .. ...., c ..... 11ow WESTCUFF CHllOPIACTIC OFflCI Dr. leAlerl A. ....... ZOO WHtcUff Dr .. Wh IOI Mewport.._. ,_ C.C•'• -, .,,. -hWf Most Insurances Aocleptect Making a start ia pro6ably the most important . step toward aavmc. There is a way to take lhe initial step and know y04/re on the riCht track toward a I ~. ICheduled aavinp. JU1tjoin the Payroll I savings Plan at work. A litde is taken out ~ each paycheck toward the purchMe of U.S. Savings Bonda. You don't have to WOf1'Y mbout makine a special effort to put IOmCthing aide each ptWdey. lt'1 aH done for you. Automalicallv. The bucks start --up. lhe intcrat .-owa. and you realiu. you-Ye found one auref're wayto1aw. ......... C.-• ........ .... .. ,,..,,....,, ...... . ................. .....,.. ....... ..... .......... ,.... ............. ' ___ ..., .. ,... ...... ...... ................... .... 1) r j 1 I I l .1 l l ..... I . ... KNXT KNBC KTLA IJ .D .. u AM Loe ..... Loi ...... Loe ..... 7: Momng Toct.y 700 News CU> .. .. .. .. .. s: .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. Hot .. .. FUdge 9: OneDey Algil Aidllrd AIA rime Pltil Slnwnons Alce lllodt-l..eefeh .. buMrt To Women 10: The Price WhellOI Big Is Right Fortuna V*f llabMlln .. .. " .. 11: Tlttlelales PauM>rd Bonlnl.a .. Plus .. Young Md The .. TheRllu.. Oodors .. KNXT KNBC KTLA I\{ IJ D u Loe ..... Loe ..... Loe ..... 12: .. OeysOI Twillght .. OwU..... Zone AIThe .. T~ World .. Zone 1: Tums Moals Hour .. World ~ SelrdlFor .. Tomorrow .. .. 2: Guiding Teus John Ughl .. DMtlorl .. .. .. .. .. 3: Rockford Donlllue .. Ales .. .. .. .. Rk:Nrd .. .. ~aamo.. 4: a.ney Bob ~ Miler NlwNwt News Enter-.. .. tlinrnlnl .. s: News News Uttle .. Houle " .. OnThe .. .. Prairie 6: ..... News a.tie'• .. " Angela .. .. " .. " 7: C8S News HBCNews Hippy~ " Aglirl 20n F"'*f Llvlmel The Town Feud Sllirt9y s: Bugs Riii McMe: Bunny P90Pll ''The llig Bugs .. ~:· Sunny .. 9: CBS Moolle; The FICll .. "F1ther OIUll .. ~,, Low, .. Sldnly .. 10:·· .. ~ News .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: News ..... Slturdly .. .. wit .. CBS~ T~ "Deir " 12: ~ " hNINI .. .. .. Dewtd ~ .. llnlrNtl ~ w • .,. .. ,.. .. H-Vlrf CENTER 1621 Sain M1cJ1.1e1 Drive Ne...,t ... h.Ca. 644-1733 KABC D Loi ..... Good Momklg America .. .. .. .. .. A..M. LOI ~ Low Bolt .. .. Femiy Feud Ry111's Hope KABC D Loe ..... AI My CNldrtn .. .. uneUlt Tol.lw .. .. General HOlpllal .. EdgeOI ~I P9ople'a "'-.... -..... .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. A8CNews .. Cine* ~ound Thi Oreeteat ~ Hero The Fii ~ .. " . .. .. .. News .. A8CNews ..... Low Boll .. .. ------... ------- KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KC~ KOCE \Ve4.neSdaY5 0 0 m m Ill m lE Details ... Dleto Loe ..... IMDieto Loe ..... LoeA ...... Loe ..... "-..... -· MAAQi 10. 1112 Momklg The Today Bugs& Bugt Bu9lr1'le Americln EVEMNB News Froozles POtky ....._ Bumy Repor1 ' Oowrnmenl .. There ls .. The Kll1oon Yoga For OI .. AWrt .. F14ntstones KMnlYal Hellttl Plintlng 7•8 HAPPYDAY8~ The Fonz teerna that Sulq> Jim .. Flipper .. Mister Body Ralph'• Patent• have flled SM~ Blkker " .. .. Rogers Buddlel for divorce . .. .. Gentle p~ Viii Miii• • -YOU A8KE.D FOA IT .. .. .. 8-1 Alegrt Roger$ FM!ured: "~ Jug- OneOey Jaclt Donlhut I love Rome>tr Seslrna 3-2-1 gleF King" llnd "Btuil'I AIA llme La Lanne .. Lucy Room Street Contact Febuloua Bl<da." Ab Midmomilig .. Bewitehtd McMe' .. Bec:itic • M"A0 8°H .. LA.. .. .. "Frontier .. Compeny Father Mulcahy ttkH ~ 1JUM4 aver for a ThePrice .. Ric:hlfd I Dream Of Hofizon" Classroom Educationll promotion pNloaophlcally "Ail!!'' .. Slnwnons Mlnle .. TV Pr~~ untU he heals ol the rapid .. Baltleltlft Gholl And INNNews .. lldvencement made by • .. .. .. Mrs.MW " .. .. heroic helicopter pltot . Young And Treuure PUIWOl'd ~ LoYe,Amer. ~ .. ID DOC CAVETT The Relt'-Hunt Plus PWfClrds Style Comptny .. ao.t: 0.. Rot>er1 Cotes .. Match The News Low, Amer. MacHlil lliglb (Part 2) .. 0... Doctors .. St}<4e Lehrer Mattile (I) P .. M. MAOAZJNE -How to dr-your mom, a vtalt with the fita1 chlmpan- KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE . l!N Ntron8UI. a!) m Ill m '1!) 0 EHTsrrAINMEHT 0 0 TONIGHT An lntervi.w with laabel ... Dleto Lat ..... S..Oleto Loe ....... Loe A .... Loe ..... HU II Cl Senlord. -· Q! THE MUPf>ETS News McMe: Dlys OI Mcwle: Movie: Dick Glttln'To au.t. Connie St-s .. "$>Mia OwU..... ''The "For11g11 Cavett l<now Me a1)MOvtE AI The Mila" .. Bedford lnlt~" 0... GED ··~ ••fox••'" (19801 World .. .. lneidlnt" Easy Grammer Jod,. FOS111<. Sally Kelter- Tums .. Anothef .. .. Classroom OnceUpon man .. .. World .. .. TV AClasslc 7:30 II 2 OH THE TOWN SelrchFor News .. .. .. .. Educltlonll Featured: a Yl11t 10 the Tomorrow .. .. .. .. .. Programming megnllioent, hls1ory.fllled mansion .,, .. once Guiding Ironside Texas Open Superman .. Tomorrow's belonged to comedian Light .. .. Line .. .. Fllllilles Harold UOyd: ~ en .. .. .. The Popeye .. Mister evening Ill the Bering« .. .. .. Weltons .. Rogers Winery on Napa I/alley 10< a John Moolle: Hour .. Bugs tbne Seume gourmet meal leaturlng ~ "Guns Mag~ .. Bumy Garderw Sltell lood grOWll enlifety In Cati· .. OIThe Bewitched ScoobY Fut .. tornta. .. Tillberiend" -.. .. Ooo fonrlrd t• -,_ 8 LAVERNE & SHIRi.EV &COMPAHY .. .. Little Brady K111oon Mister Celllgrephy Shirley beg Ina dating a .. .. HOUM 8unc:h Kamlvll Rogers soon-to-be divorced doc- MASH .. OnThe Brady .. Sesame MecHell tor .. .. Prairie 8unc:h .. Streit Lehrer D CANCER News K~. News lnctedlble The .. °* UNOERGAOUNO .. .. HIAlt Flntt1onea .. Easy "The Steve McOueen Con-.. .. .. " Scooby Pledge Brit • Per10nll nectton" Thia document•-.. .. .. .. Ooo 8ualneu ArlllQ ry report• on Mulc:an can- cer cllnlca that oflw won· OBSNews While NBC News The Htwlll Repor1 Nledlecteft cler cur" lor c:anc« and .. Shadow .. Jeffersons r:iv.o PledgeBrk. .. the patients who ...ic help News .. News Wllcome .. News Butlnea there. .. .. .. Back, Kotter .. .. Rtport tD M"A0 S•H PM You Allied The M.A.S.H Johr'I °* Dick For a few dll)'S the 4077th MlglZlnl For h Muoc>et• .. Md Easy CMtt Ila• no caaualtlft, but wtien the lighting pie*• up. Tic Tac ~ Flmlly MAS-H TlcTIC MecNell Normln ot'a b.c:ll to ~· N 'Doi.di Feud .. Douatl lAtnr Roc:kwll uaual. .. Flip Riii PM McMe: Nltlonll P8S McMe: ID NOAMAH Bunny Wlleon P90Pll MlglZine "Vendetti G«91Phit "Beclctt" AOCKW£U'8 WORLD: .~ .. .. All In The For The Special .. AH AMEAICAN DAE.AM .. .. Flmlly a.Int'' .. .. A. nostalgic foolc I• teken at CBS MM: llily TheFIC1a Mlfv .. Sltchmo .. the flit• ar11al'• Ille, WOtil "Flther Gtlllltn '()f Llfl Griffin .. .. .. llnd homelown ol SI~· AQlif!'' en.-Love. .. .. .. .. bf'ldgoe, MuaechuMtta. di YOU AltW> FOR IT .. Siclrl9y .. .. .. .. FMturect: "'Oolprlln Meglc:" .. News ~ ,., News .. " and "Mra. Wheetchalr .. .. .. .. .. .. A.mer1c:11.·· .. .. .. .. IHNNlwl .. .. CID F\.ASHBACK: THE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. GREAT Pl.AGUE News K~. News The Slnlonl Pledge8rk. Eric Sevareld host• Ihle .. .. "'"""°"' ISon Oldt documentary foolc ., the 'Mll'8 .. T~ Al ln The l0vt.Amlr. CMtt Sl*liah lnlluenu eplclemo- le of 1818, whlOtl dalmed e.. .. FllllllV ~ ..... 20 """°" vtctlme World-Wonder MO"le: .. t.lcMI: LM,Amlr. Amerlcc Wide. . Women ··0une .. ''Clllno Sl)tl 2ndCentury (%)MOYIE .. OIThe DMI ,..,.N INN ... *** "c.-n.n" (1981) .. TllMllWld'' L.n.m.n .. .. ~Sterr, Dennie OUelcl. See W nesday '.'I , PQge'23 We now have the new NATURE NAI L POLISH & LI PSTICKS The World's moat natural ingredient formula which eine jojoba oil, Paba and Vitamin E SSSSSSSSSSSSS$$$$S ~ ~ .... .... .... .... .._.. ~ ..,.. ..,.. ..,.. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I st FAST CASH 3rd TD's ,.._wlst•ar..ttoyow .... •Short Term ··Long Term • Swing Loans Personalized service in your home or office lftN ~t.t LYON'S f mncial Services ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.,. ~ 731-1734 ~ Secured by • combinaUon or rul and penional ~ r..-. property• SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HOT DOG WEST . 16079 ..... W ... st. W ...... t ....... _....... 14 .... ,, .. 1·5%. . OFF. • Tube Toppers KA BC f) 8 : 30 ··The S t l'\'l' McQuet'n Connec:tion .. Documentarv on Mexican tan<:l'r c linics that o·ffl•r wonder c:ures . KNXT fJ 8 :00 . 8 30 .. Rugs Bunn~· Specials ... Cartoon c ha racter relates o\vn ,·ersion of A mcrican histon· and is joined b~· friends in King Arthur·s c:otart KC ET ~ s·oo ··Nati ona l Geographic Special .. Oocumcntan· about g reat whitl.' polar bear and ~ town's e fforts to ('<H•x ist with tht.-m . KNXT fJ 9:00 .. Father Fig ure ·· ~ode st ars Hal Lincte n . Timuth,· Hutton. · Wednesday• Details F rom Pa ge 22 l:OO • (I) 8UG8 MJNNY: AU.'~NHERO Animated. 8ugt Sunny reiet• hit own her..,..._ Ing YW9lon ol Amerlcen hltlory to his MC>hew Clyde. (R) a a flEAl PEOP\..E Feetured: 1 peych<llogl•I who dllms he can entwge women'• 1>< ... 11; 1 ecnoot '°' n\lle hula dencen, 1 grendmothet .no r1ee1 can (R) 8 MOYIE '*'*'* "The Big s1eee·· (11M8) Humphrey 8oglr1, l.ayf'en e.c.ii. 8 9 THE OAfATUT AMENCAN HRAO Relpft -end MellW9ff ete summoned when .-n IM.llo- matlo tnl..it. tytlem goes hlywlf'e. (R) • P.M. MAGAZINE Men'• l11hlon exp1r1 Ctlatlel Hix glYes -t1p1 on dt-'ng wen: 1 v11- 1t wltt'I the ftnt cNmpilNlll Mlroneut . • MOYIE * * "V9ndelt1 Fer The Se lnt" (1988) Ro ger Moore. ..., H9r0y. • NA'TIOMAL GEOORAPHec INaAl. "Polet 8-Aler1" The greet ...... polar .,_ end e Menltobe town'1 lflotts to oo-GJet with "*" -the eutljeCtl ol • docu- mentery hoeted by E.G . Merlt*I end nwr...O by "-AoOetde. Q • MCMI •••• "Becll.C" (19&4) Alcherd Burton, Petet O"Too6e. CC)MCME * * "LOYitlQ Coup1e1" ( 1980) 8Nrtey Meclllne, J-Coelul'n. Cl)MZNN "Eleptlent Men Singe" gMCME ••'A "Biiiy Jeclc" (1971) TOl'll Laughlin, Delorn Teylor. ... Cl) Ml88MMNY IN Qta NmUfl ()()UM Al*Mted. 8ugl .. joined by o.lfy buclt, Portty Pig. y~ SM\ end £llMt Fudd Ill ..... .,... IOOMfy on IN ,,..,.. T...., .... ,~ • AU.INTHl,NA.Y Alf.He .,..,. Joe¥ "' • • ~ ~ conteet end .._ ........... 40,,.. ....... he ... -. .®MCMI **• "The Longelt Yn" (1974) hrt "9ynold1, Eddie Allen. (J)~ntON A CIOfNdlerl IM* n1 fOllf _.. _.._._. Mio OOflt~ .. elnet 9M ............... 111 .. -~-........... ..-n ... *** .. ,. ... ....,... .. (11181) Hll linden, Timothy Hun on D Qt TH£ FACTS OF UFt • Toolle g11t drunll while lrying lo p<o... 1M le meture (R) 8 111 THE FAU GUY 1' prot.Nlonel Holt)wood ltunlrnen moonlight• .. 1 bell bondlmen 10 help melc1 endt mMt (R) (D)MOYIE '* * "FunhouM" (11181) Ellul>Mh Berridge. SyMe Miies. Cl) WAO<Y WON.O OF JONAT)4AN WINTP8 O\Mat.. Blrb1r1 Feldon. t:OI (%)MOYIE '* '* '*'A "Gimme 8'*1er" . ( 11170) Rolling 8'-. Jef. lereon Alrplene. 8: 10 . IATCHMO Louie Armetrong nerrlltM thll progrem cnronlcling hll IHe from the Ml'ly dey1 In New OrlMnl lo hll i.t ' eppewenc:. 11 the New· port Jain Felt+Ytll In 1970. . .. .. •a LOVE. ll>NEY Sidney'• ..,.,,_. bulld· Ing goee co-op. end • , .. olutlon le peMed prohlbll- tng c:Hldren lrom IMng ther9.{R) Cl)MCME • • "Hopecotct1•• (1980) Welter Mettheu, Glende Jec:bon. 10*» • a QU9eCY Quincy le .._. 10 COUl'8ll • c:r1tlcely • pefllnt ~ ---~.(R) CC)MOYll ••• 'A ''The Howlng" (1911) DH W1ll1ce, Patf1dlMecn.. .MOYll * * "Thll le EMI'' (IN I) 10:ao 3D:ery. .. ,. •'A "EY•*llnen·· (1981) 8lgourMy w-. Wllllem Hurt. 1 t;OO. IA~Y NQHT Hollt: Bude Henry. au.t; 811 Wltherl. • Ko.w< Kotlll ~ '-"Ing IN b1l9 tDf 1 IOb • ~°'with .... """· • THl.JCULAOHI A vlell IO '-old llolM In Hertem .... bid SIOIO- nent --'° lCIUlle. • Ml a.. NfO ION Wlllll .. • -ltlOll Ill HMNI. Ffed II ·8'1 WIWlf • """ ................. (~ (6,.,.WILCH NfO ...... &do ..... by Bott w... -motlldlllt .. ..,,....,...,. ... .....,~··--· ................... ......................... .. _. ....... ....,. (J)lllllWll * *"' ..,. I' " .. -(tlmt ~ ...ca""., ..... .... ·.~ .: ....... ~,'. "·4~ ,,,,. .~.~ 50°/o Off ... . . . corduroy walkers, knickers, pants and jeans from Yves Daniel in a vaiety of vibrant fall colors. Thru Thurs., March I I Big~. ~mall Price. 0.-I lo I:• Mn•••,._,, I lo ----, . TM new Daily Piiot 8·Day-•k PWS 13 N ' s ..... ..,; .r; . (.) .... t'CI ~ t .: u.. 8' ..J ~ § n: ~ - - --~ ....... _.. ............ ...._ __________ ~---- ,. KNXT KNBC KTLA KA8C a 0 u IJ AM IM~ Loe.,.._ LM.,..... ... ~ 7: Morning Today 700 Good News Club Morning .. .. .. Amettca .. .. .. .. s: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hbl .. .. .. Fudge .. 9: OneOey Regis Rlc:Nrd A.M. At A Time Philbin Simmont Loe Alice 81ock· L ..... 11 ~ .. bust era To Women 10: The Price WlleelOf Big LOYe ls~t Forti.VII V*'J Bott 8attlelt111 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: Taltletalte Pmword Bonlnza Femlly Pk4 .. 'f.euO Young And Tiit .. Ryan'• -The Restlees Ooct«J .. ~ KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC II 0 u IJ PM loeMteM Loe Mfllet LoeMgelff Loe ..... ' 12: .. OeyaOf Twtlght Our l..IYes Zone Aa The .. Twilight WOtld .. Zone 1: Twns Another Hour World ~ S.chFor .. TomOITOW .. .. 2: GuidlnQ Tex.as John Ught .. .. DMttorl .. .. .. .. .. _a: Rook ford ~ .. Alea .. .. .. .. ""'-d .. .. Slrrwnone 4: e.n.y Bob &u.:?'"C'I Miller Newllert ..... Enter-.. .. ....,.,. .. 5: ..... ,.... L.11111 .. .. Hoi. .. .. OnThe -" Pr*'9 6: .... ..... ~·· .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. 1: C8SNlwl NBCNewa ~Deya .. Agllrl 20n Fllllly l.Mmt& The Town FM ~ s: ~. FllM Movie: P.1. " "Tony " .. Rome" .. .. .. 9: Knots Dllf'rtnl .. ~ Stn*• .. Glnwne .. .. ABrtllle .. 10: Jb1I Hil ...... .. Str911 " a.. .. .. .. .. 11: Newt ..... Sltufdrt .. .. • .. ~ T~ NCAA .. 12: TOUl'f'llo .. bNINa merit .. .. .. OMS Mollie " Lllllrmln " MINI ILINDS 50°/o OFF DISCOUNTS It AI My CNldt1tl .. .. One Llfl To lM .. " a.n.11 ~ .. EdglOf • PlcPI'• Cow1 ..... .. .. .. ..... .. " .. ..... .. .. .. ABCNewa ff EYtOn LA. POb SQuldl. 8oeoln lluddlte Birney .... Tul .. 20·20 .. .. .. Niwa .. ABCNlwl Nlgllh v~ .. .. CdPITl"6 Dll»llllS . ;a1t1r's lra,1rlis & . CQeilt 71U7M74l . • KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP e D ml m m leilC)leto lM~ a.io-.. L.-~ LM~ Mofnlng The Today Bogs& Bugs News Froozles Poriiy Bunny .. Thert la .. Tiit Klf1oon .. AWrt .. Flintltante i<Mnivll Sunup Jim .. Flipper .. San~ Bakker .. .. .. .. Genl1e p~ .. .. .. Ben OneOey Ja ~ ILO¥e Romper AtA Time LILIMe .. Lucy Room Alk;.e Midmorning " Bewitclled Movt« .. LA. .. .. ''Pw11dbe The Pnce .. Riclllrd I Dream Of Canyon" la Rll!!'t .. Simmons Jeannie .. Battlestltl Ghost And INN News .. .. .. Mrs. MUlr .. Young And Treasure ~ Sciper LOYI. Air«. The Restlela tmt Pk4 Pay Carda Style .. Mitch The News l.o¥e, Amer. .. Game OoctOl1 .. Style KFMB KHJ KCST KTIV KCOP e D ml m m .... Dleto ... ....... Sen Ditto ... .,..... LM ....... News MoWr. OeyaOf M<MI: McMe: .. "Artrll" Our l..IYes "Young "The Proud AaThe .. .. Billy AndThe WOtld .. .. Young" Proflne" Tums .. Ano4hel' .. .. .. .. World .. .. s-dlFor News .. . . .. TomOITOW .. .. .. .. Guiding lronlide Texaa Open Superman ~ .. .. .. Une .. . . .. The Popeye " " .. Waltons John M<Me: Hour .. ~ DMttorl "e.thll" ~ .. • .. Bewl1cllld ~ " .. .. .. Ooo .. .. Little Bttdy Klf1oon .. .. Hoi. Bundi Kaml¥ll MAS.H .. OnThe 8rldy .. .. .. Prllrll IMcll .. ..... K~ ..... Incredible The .. .. Hulk Rnutonll .. .. .. .. Scooby .. .. .. .. Ooo CBSNewa Wllltl N8CNlwl The Hlwlil .. Sllldow .. Jefltrlorlt FlYe-0 ..... .. News Wtlcome .. .. .. .. Blct, l('CJC19r .. PM Yau Mked The M.A.S.H Jolter'• Mlgl2lne Forll Moppets .. Wld TlcTIC &lllMye Flll'llly M.A.S.H Tlc: TIC IOouah FM .. Oouah Mlgrlum. Mooill: Fame PM MO'M: PJ. ''Tiit .. Magutnl "llwlWllon .. CortlcWI .. All In The To A .. BtoOlerl'' .. Fwnlly Gunllahter" Knott .. Ollfrent Merv .. ~ .. Sttok• Grlllln .. .. Gimme .. .. .. .. Ahak .. .. Munl ..... .. News ..... .. .. Strtel .. .. .. .. Ilk.-.. INNNewa .. .. .. .. .. .... KOjlk ,.. The Slnford .. .. Jefltrlorlt &Son BlllllU>ll .. T~t Al In Thi l.oo4. Arrrtl. NCAA .. Frdf SMI Tourn.-McMe: .. McMe: LM.Arrrtl . "*" "!lr1tl II'' .. ''The ~ .. .. OMS OIW' ltlH ..... .. w ~ .. H The ·E. S. Cai penter Co. ' Certified Public Accountant - Call or write toaav for.a ... -JAX Ol~AMllllt .. to help minimize your 1981 Taxes -Full .-vice eccountlng. tu p..,,nlng and return pr.- par•lon tor lndMduell Ind bualneeMe. nOf W, C.... ttww .. M.Jll, Mfwprt le-'. CA c. ·~..a 14iM1ADJ .... 71~16 1 1 .................. KCET tD L•~ Busllllla Report Yoge For ~ Mllltr Rogers VIiia AJeor• Seslrne Stree1 .. . . Clulroom TV .. .. Whyln TheWOtld? MICIWI Lehter KCET m i...,..... Didi CtWtt °"" Ealy C:..oom TV .. .. .. .. .. .. Amtrlcln Go¥wrwnlnt-e>c.u .. 3-2-1 Cone.ct Plldgelllt. ...... Rogtrl Plldgelllt. 8-111 Strlll .. .. Bullr-. Report News .. MICNtll lAfWer ThllOld HoUll Snllll PrMIWI Pledglart. BltlOn 8l1tMI .. .. .. Pledgt Btk. Portrllt Of Granclpl Doc Dk* CMtt FOGUIOn Sodlcy - KOCE ~ Uu.-1 0 ·~ .. =- Of Elrtfl And Man OI Pllntlng Body Buddlee Milt• Rogers 3-2·1 Con1act Elec:lric: Compeny Educational Pr~ . . .. .. " .. KOCE ml M-et l°ln ~" Falt Fonrlrd Why ln Thewortd? Educ*lonll Pt~~ICI .. Hlblamat ~ Mister IAoon s..m. Shit. -.. .. TlleHOlnt a.diner MecNel Lelnr °"" Easy GtO'#lng v .... ~ 8ftWlt Bullneet Alport Dick CtWtt Newt The50'a: Moments To Almembtr .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I -, -------- MAACt4 11. 1182 EVENNO • 7:00 8 HAllP't MY8 AGAIN Chachl -'ta Fonzie'• edvkle on hOw to get Joen· le 10 11111• him l«ioualy. II YOU A8K.ED FOR fT F•tured; "Yoga In The Sky" end "London '1 F'leh sutoeon ·· m M•A•8•H TM exp«lenoee of being wounded. flown by hell· c:opt• •the •ontti. ope<· 11ed on end treated .in poat-op .,. -throug.h . young aoldler'• ~ '11) DICK CAVETT G~. Allen Glnaberg. (A) Cl) P.M. MAOAZJNE /4 p<ofile of llCIVICe c:olum· ni.1 Ablgell van Buren: • l,...for-1111 boet ,_ on Oueb«'s lce-cflolced SI. ~-River. 9 EHTIRTAIHMEHT TONIGHT An lnteN!ew with Gene Had< man OJ THE MUPPET8 Gu.r: Juliet Prowae. CC)MOWE * * * "The Other Side Of The Mountain -PW1 II" ( 1979) Marilyn HAMell. Timothy Bottoma.. (D)MOVIE • • • "Night Move•" (1975) o-Hadlman. JennhrWanen.. Cl PC.,._,. WHIN JOhn 8yn. .. joined by ~y Youngman and ot~ ... .. they bring the~ an~ or~--­lllCMI bad< to..._ 7:80 8 2 OH TMe TOWN F•tured: 11 IOoll Ill Iha competitive world ol weather reporte<s; en lnl.,._ with Jwry Ollllet . • man wtlO protMMe to know the MC:tet of Hvtng ror-: • vw or • ,_ llfllltocrats and 1hlir olfte. .. eLAYMNEI~ &COMl'AKY Laverne and Shirtey - ltolen dr-to • fancy party. 8 EYEONLA. F .. tured: behind the -of ABC's .. General Hoapltel", 1 profile of Alclc Springfleld. • w·A·a·H The per1onne1 or · the 40nth raec>ond In the utu- a: -wMl'I MlC)9ly ._ -cut lhor1 end they ,_ Ct'lllClll ll'-legn 0 YOU ASK!D FOfl fT FHlured: .. Cened1'1 r ... Supermen.. end "The F .. 1 .. 1 HNI In The Waet " CB) CONSUMER MPOAT8 PAE8E:NT8 ..The Smert Buy Show" Tipa on quellty, Mi.ty and -1ng money when buying IOllP. food prOCMllOfa, wood ,,_ and Wllllk· around tape player• are ~led. MO 8 (I) WGNIM, -.L A fMM~ young T- Ste Thursday's. Page 25 W,ho to see this weekend? ~ ---~~~~--------------------------------~----------------~ llEllPOllT IATIUll - •• , •. " "'' # t hf111 '"''' 11 °""' C.1llyl SH U. TNlf ... W1 An Olhrl19 F1lllllle M1reh S.vl191I A~r DOVE STREET· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 833-13 •James L. Zimmerman• Certified Public Accountant .. Full range of personalized * professional services for * small businesses & individuals • INCOME TAX PREPARATION & PLANNING • SYSTEMS DESIGN & INSTALLATION • COMPUTERIZED FINANCIAL REPORTING *Free lnlUel Consultetlon 645-4212 133 Dover Dr. Suite 30 Newport BHch ------------1 COMING SOON I I The Finest I I In Oriental Cuisine I I Specializing In· I I Szechwan Cooking I Chef Tseng Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 1 &482 Botta Chica, Huntington Beech, CA 92649 Tube Toppers KNXT fJ 8:00 "Ma~num . PI .. hot-headed Tl'xan hires M agnum to find his sister . KTLA 0 8 : 00 ··Tony Rome .. Fra nk Si n atra .. J ill St . John in moderately diverting deteC'ti\'e <:aper . KABC fl 9:00 "Barne~· Mi lll•r ... Crowds st orm warehouse t o get go\'l"rnment-ownt'd frozen chicken. KNBC I) 10 :00 ··H ill S t rcl•t Blut-s ... A fugiti\'C who once san•d Rcnko"s life beC'o mes object of ril•rc·l' debate Thursda1s Details ,..rnm Pnge 2~ hi,.. Mllgnum to find Na lister. (R) D 8 FAME Montgomery's mother (Gwer1 Verdon). • lamoo• ectr-. helpc t"8 students wllh • 9llOW they wt IM· ting on lor their petent• • MOYIE * * * "Tony Rome" ( 1967) Frenll Sln•tra. Jiii SI Jonn 8 0 POLICE 8QUAOI Detective Frank Drebln g°" undercover u a flgh1 menage. to Investigate the appuenl suicide of a bo.er D MOVIE * * ·~ '"The Corslc•n Brothen'" (1!Mt) Douglas F»lJallQ Jr , Ruth War· ride. • P.M. MAGAZINE A l)f'ollle of Mlvtce cOlum· nlat Abtgtll Ven Buren, • IOOll at old lllM ballroom dancing and its reelOerlt ~ • MOVIE *** .. lnlllt•tlon 'To A Gunfighter" ( 196•) Yul BrynMr. a.otQe Segel • THtl Ol.D HOUSE Norm Abr•m ahows hOw to dty well a ,_ room ~ dlecu-too!s with Bob I/Ila. 0 -~·50&:~ TOAfMEM8ER Arthur Godfrey~ a eter ... udded fll».up In • mullc:•I nlut• to the romentlc aide of the poet· Wtr .,... G.-t• loclude RO-"•'Y Cl<>Oney, Frank· le Laine. Guy Mltehell, Eddie Heywood, Petti Ptloe and Therese Br- ~MOYE **'A "'Amerleen Pop" ( tH 1) Animated. (l)MOVIE ••~ "Carny" (t980) Jodie Foster, Gery Busey. .MOVIE * * * "The Electric H0t ... men" (1979) Robert ~· lord, "-Fonda. C%)MOW! • • ~ "Jabberwocky" ( 11177) Mlc:hMI Pelln, Mu Wtll. 1:ao •a 9080M IUOOtU Kip tnd Henty er• strand· td ..,.tnout food for_., ~ In • wtttched moun· taln cabin. 0 • AU .. THEFA*.Y Glorl•'• surprl•• ~'that eM mlgllt be ~t .., lelldt to dfMttc tctlon by in ""°91'1tln ..... ... -.AK PMV1IWI Roger h9rt _, ~ ....... r~ "Rlcflllrd f'Yycw, LM Oft .,,_. aene·· tnd "M1191ftt," Mtl.l:"WT wi.t Amaed tnd ......... _ ....... .... Willis comes to hi• aid and ta beaten up eo badly "8 lends In tile l'loepltel. (Pan t)Q I 8 g 8AAHEY MIU.ER C<owcb of people atorm • wtrehOuM to get et gov· ernrntnl·owned frozen chicken, end • men ~ • reporter for Pf• maturely -111ng Na obltu· (8~ * * '"Tile Attic" ( t979) Carrie Snodgr-. Rey Mii· lend. (OJMOVIE * * * * "2001 A Space Odysaey"' ( t968) Keir Dul· lea, G.,.,, Lockwood t: 15. IM.1TZ ON MT AiH World War II ,_.,.., •nd documefttwy tooteoe lllu.- tr•tea tile hlttory of tile B•ttle of Britain. Alltt•lf Cooke nMrale• e-.30 a a a ..... A BREAK K•tle end thr• other gltle form • ainglt>g Qi'OUP end, with ...... help. lend • jot> In.~ nightspot e dl TAXJ Jim -n• of t bizarre cetutrophe, Involving • beeutllul blonde. th•t ta about to befell Ale)( (R) Q 9:46 (%)MOVIE * * • "Allegro NOii Trop. po'" ( t976) Animated. ~ D QI) HILL ITMET a.uEI A luglllw WhO onot M Y9d ~o·s ltfe ~ the object of • fierce debate, and F•y'• nanoe unexpect· edty~(R) (B)MOVIE * ~ "Cllar1le Chen And Tile CurM Of TM Dfegon ~" (11>81) Pee .. U.tl-"°"· Alchetd Heteh · MOVIE • *'h ··e.cape From Ate.· traz" ( 111711) Clint East· wood, P•trlck McGoohen DMOVIE **~"Thief" (1981) J•mH CHn, TuHdly Weld. 10:IO CC) MOVIE * * • "Flret Femlly" (1980) Gild• Radnet. 80CI N9wNrt. t0:41. F'ORTlWT M GMNDPAOOC Mel\IVn Oougl• •tart In the llOfY of • young boy'• warm ral•tlon1Np witl'I l'tlt grendlather. 11:00 • IAT'UN>AY NIGHT Hoec: Eliott Gould. GUMtt; ltle Mc.Oatil0'9 Sleten. • KO.WC KojM's ~ wltfl en lnconlptt• 11 dlettlct anor- ~ON him~ from ... Jorot, • TH9& I IAiCWi 0-,.. ..._ wlltl ... KIM. • .,... OfD NlllO 80N ............. pursue '4'911 ~ ......... .................. --· ..... Qullt ShOp • HA'"NDMADE QUILTS • GI FTS • ANTIQUES • F'ABRICS • BJ;CINNING TO ADVANCED • CLASSE5 -- • DOLL-MAKING SUPPLIES 2701 HAll90ll aVD. (Not To Abn_.·,, M Adlmal 641·3112 S3()00 s1500 5 16~' UP BLEACHING & DOUBl.E PROCESSING s 16°~p CUTS s6~0 · MEN, WOMEN CHILDREN CLEAN H AIR ONLY BINDER'S in ... .__ SclslOf"I s~ "Formerly Joseph's" ·. - . . -' KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ I ~ IJ D 0 fJ e D .... ~ .... ~ .... ~ ......... ..... .... ~ ' . "; Mor1*lg T*! 700 Good Mon*'O The ..... ~ Mon*'O ..... FrooOle .. .. .. Amll'lc:a .. There II " H --" A Wey a: .. .. . .. .. &n.tp Jim .. .. .. .. Sin~ BMk• .. I• HOt . " .. --.. .. Fudge .. .. .. OneO., Algla Rk:twd A.M. OneDlr Jldt 9: AIA Timi Plltil 8lmmonl Loi AIA Timi Lalanne Ab llloct-LeMn ~ Ab Mldmon*IQ .. bulllrl Towom.n H LA 10: ThtPTb WlllllOI Sig LM ThePTb .. II~ f«tunl v1111r, Boat la~t .. 8111111111'1 .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: r......-,._,,., 8olwm Flmly YN1gAnd Tr.-irt .. PU .. Ftud The,.._ Hunt YNlgAnd The .. Ryln'• .. Mlldl TheAllllll Doctor1 .. Hope .. a.,. 12: ... UIY'Of lwgllt AIMy .... MCMe: OurU-l.ont Cllldrwt .. "Oft AaThe .. Twlligllt .. AIThe Umitl" Wortcl .. l.ont .. Wortcl .. 1: Tuma Aids Hour OneUlt Tl.ml .. Wortcl M~ To l.Nt .. .. Selrdl F0t .. ., Selrdl F0t ..... Tomorrow .. .. .. Tomomiw .. 2: GIAdlng Ttx11 John a..111 GcMtng lrGnlldt l.lght .. .. OMMon ~ l.lght .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3: Roctiotd Donlhut " EdglOI John Movie: Fiii. .. .. Night DMllol1 "The . ., .. Alclwd ,,..., .. Ple1wt .. .. Slrnmont Cow1 .. OI Ooriln 4: JlrTllY Bob En•.~ct ..... .. ~: ..... Nlwt*1 .. .. ..... EnMr-.. " MAS.H .. .. tmnmlnt .. .. .. .. 5: ..... ..... Uttlt ..... ..... Kolek .. ~ .. .. .. .. ·~ OnThe .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. KCST KTTV KCOP ~ m II) IMDiell .... ~ ........... T~ <M1oon Buga Town Blmy .. The -~--..-Aliiiitonet .. Flpper .. .. .. .. --Giiitll ~ .. Ben Oonltu 11..M RClmfll' .. Lucy Room .. Bewitdlld Mowle: .. .. ''OwerWld ~ I Dr1llfll OI SllQI ~ .i.Wlle Rldln" 8lnlelt.lrl GtlOlf And IHHNlwt .. Mrs.MW .. Plllword 514* Lowe.Amir. PU PtyClrde Style The Newt LM.Arr«. Doctots .. ~ OeysOI McMe: Mowle:. Our UYee "Tiii "Min .. Plot" OIThe .. .. w.a·· ~ .. .. Wortcl .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ttut Open $uplrl!*1 .. LiMt .. .. The Popeye .. Wlltoiw Hour .. flllD' M~ .. Blmy Bewitched Sc:ooby .. .. Ooo lJttlt Brldy Kar1oon Hollll Bunch Klrlllvll OnThe Brldy .. Ptllrle Bunch .. ..... lnatdibtl The .. Hulk Flnlltonet .. .. Sc:ooby .. ~ - KCET m .... ..... IUiml Report Yoga F_or Helllh Big Blue M#bll • Via Alllrt 8-Tll Streit .. . .. a-room TV .. .. Whyln ThtWortcl? FOii~ ua CMit1 0.... EMy a.room TV .. .. . .. .. .. You And Thel.IW You And Thtl.lw 3-2-1 Contact Milt• Roon Seumt Strlll .. .. _ KOCE ml ,11.:_~ • PlrlOOll FNnc:e OL ~ Body ~--Miiter Roon s-2·1 Cont~ EJeetric Compeny 8-1 $pn)ut1 EcMatlonal Progrll!WMla .. .. -.. .. .. .. From ~-Educatlonll Progi;~ .. Guttn leg Miller Roglrl Seumt St reel .. .. ViclOtY G«den MICHlll lAfwer 0.... E.-y ~ t t- ~ ~ Walton:s radio.on display ~t:LYWOOD CAP) -The family radio from "The Waltons '' wilT go"c>ilaisplay at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The radio, a table model 1.enith from about 1940. was donated by Lor imar Productions to the National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian. During the s how th e family frequently gathered around the radio to lis t e n to President Roosevelt or the war news when the Walton sons served in World War II. During its nine years as a CBS series "The Wallons" won 13 Emm ys and Peabody Award . It i s n ow running as a movie series on NBC Prllrtl ---Ooo ltOul Dennis Chr is topher and Susan Saint James star in "Don't Cry, It's Only Thunder." the story of an American ser viceman who helped homeless children and or-p.bans in wa-l'ti m Saigon. - Slww loses some 'Childre1'' By L VNDA IDRSCH The axe is about lo ran ror several actor s o n .. All My Children.'' Carla Dragoni, who has played Betsy for the past four years. has been toltl her character will be exiling at the end of March. Harriet Hall, who recently replaced Julia Barr as Brooke on the show, will also be leaving. Harriet had just begun to make the character her own. adding special nuances, being given her own wardrobe and developihg the character. when she was told it was "goodbye. Brooke." We understand an interesting storyline surrounding Brooke's husband Tom, played by Dick Shoberg. is in the works -a storyline that seemed more apropos without Brooke being around. We further understand the producers were happy with Harriett's work and she was starting to get positive ran mail w~ the Brooke storyline was terminated. Bill Mooney, who has been on .. All My Children" Cor over nine years as Paul Martin, will also be ' leaving. This is especially sad since we believe Bill is one of the besf actors on daytime. with Emmy nominations under his belt to prove It. For years, ·Mooney's character was central to the storyline. For the pa.st rew years it has been ln the backeround, ~ut it wa~ always a pleasure when Paul returned especially in s cenes with hi s brother Joe. played by Ray McDonnell. RECENTLY, "YOUNG AND the Restless" had a n excellent storyline dealing with a problem that is plaguing most Americans -that is, financial woes. The storyline revolved around the St evens family . primarily Dorothy and Wayne. However. it has evidently been decided that people out or work and in need of money are not important issues -so end or s tory line. and probably al s o end o r the c h aracters or Dorothy and Wayne. Q: I've been a longtime viewer of .. One Ufe to Live-.'' It seems to me that Karen and Larry are cousins. If so. how could'they t>e married? It's all very confusing. -S.N .• Syracuse, N.V. A : They are cousins. When J enny. Karen's sister, came on the show. she was a Cirst cousin to Larry. Anna a nd' Vinnie. However. when Karen came on the show -and it seemed a, natural to pair up K·aren and Larry -the sisters Wolek were demoted lo third cousins. which made It a legal marriaae. Q : I keep heirtng there's going to be 1 new soap opera. Whell SPECIAL SOAP APPEARANCES -Entertainers Edie Adams (left>. Pearl Bailey and Betsy Pal.mer rehearse a scene for an episode of .. As the World Turns... Miss Adams and Miss Bailey will be makin~ special ap~arances on the daytime drama and will be a11troduced into the series stor~· by recurring guest star Betsy Palmer. wlll it be stutlng and who are some of tbe performers? -S.Z .• Buffalo. N. Y. with Conboy waiting lo make his casting announcements. We understand there will be very rew recogniiable perf ormer s . A : The start date is supposedly · Conboy, who prod1.c d "Young March 29 on CBS. The show is and the Restless" one time. • called "Capitol" and will take 'likes to u5e young. talent. place in Washington. D.C. John By the way. that arch 29 start Conboy. the show's producer. wlll date is not an absolute ~·go." have people lo d o remote Therehasbeentalkthattheshow s hooting the second week or will not be ready ror airing then. March. As hr as a cast, and if SO; a game show will be put everything ls very hush· hush. . on until the how ls set to go. _______ , ·oattime Drama ~ -Ulls Maggie-of confusion B> LYNDA lllRSCll A S T II P, W 0 R I. ll T U R NS: Atrter Mu1;1pl' lhrOW!'t a hUgl• \\Ckomc home part~ for Tom and Margo, Tom ~ells Maggie he's ('onru:-.t-d about his rcelinj!s for Muq:o Margo ronsidcr~ .. bctnm1ng a IJOlin• officer .\nnll' 1,1, upset lhttl as :.in intl'rn, her f1rsl OVl'r!iC('r Will bt• J e::rr B<1rbaru hu,., fla ... hbach lo a former l1rl• und ' u handsomt: m;in named Gunner Barbara warming lo Jamc·s, but she slill mistrusts him John 1s su rprised wta·n Ariel reruses 10 hu ve a dnnk wilh him Li!.a hl·com~i. newspaper column"l Doll\ Valentine·. and her rirst column 1s an allack on J ohn and his book lie insists on a relraeuon and lhe 1denlily or Doll) DAYS OF OliR LIVi:.'i: The town is rocked b' Mary's murder As Jake works to cover his tracks. Roman t'<>nsiders Joshua as the pnmc suspect Wh en Jake IS jealous Of Jessie's protective attitude towurtl J osh. she reverts to Angel When Jake tells Marlena to turn Angel back to Jessil', she explains it takes time, and an angr.l'.. Jake later calls m a disguised voicc a nd warns Marle na to cooperate or be the ncxl victim. Eugene Bradford il> sent to a sanitarium, and Marlena wondersirhe killed his wire or if it was the strangJer. Evan tells Gwen he wants to give up his rights to baby Sara Neal berates himselr. hut Liz shores up his ego as they prepare Ma w 's funeral service THE DO C TOR S : Learning Natalie was once a hooker. Billy threatens to expose her past Danny reveals to Natalie that he s ent Billy copies of her diary. Getting them from Danny. Natalie hands them over to Billy, but he thinks there are other copies Billy gets job at the hank Lee Anne becomes upset arter seeing Billy, and Greta wants to divorce him Maggie tells M.J that Malt i s a v e r,y s t u b b o r n . immovable man. Matt has a dream about · M.J . a nd Ma ggie. Luke th i nk s Natalie is becoming a spendthrift. EDGF. OF N IGHT: R aven taki ng o ff 1or Car ibbean Lrip In order lo shed her widow's weeds. Smiley d ecides to u se Johnny lo get Raven to refinance the.ter group Smiley suggesu lhat group plot lllven's murder ror stage purpo&es only a nd then save Mt' at the last minute. Jotmny plans to go down to the Caribbean and come on to Raven. Jim thinks Valerie still loves him. GEN«AAL HOSPITAL: Luke mana.1a to roll away Jut as car driven by D. Gray c:omea at him Tbankl I· 10 Scour. Heath•• 1tod1 FRE'TFUL MOTHER Pacing life as a single parent. Greta Aldrich I LorNan Engler . cen~er) is frustrated by her daughter Lee Ann's I Jeannine Costigan 1 silen ce while Katy Wh i tnc.>~· (M aria Danzinger1 slowty breaks through the t•hild 's emotional defense on N BC's (Ch. 4 1 da~·timc.> series. "Tht' Doctor s ... airing WC'ekda~·s at 11 ·30 a.m. Gretchen pl;ins to follow Rikki and Brett, who are Well!rIY- . Partl by William Shakespeare All the pageantry and spectacle of Renaissance England 1s brought to life. Featuring Shakespeare's inimitable comic creation Sir Jo hn Falstaff; and Prince Hal, who leave the reveries of youth to battle the treacherous enemies of the crown. -•~MOW PLAYING~ Mwch 2 througti April 4 Mainstage Curtain Times: Tuesday-Saturday at 8 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun. Matinees at 2:30 p.m. limited Seating Still Available 655 Town Center Dnve. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 For hcket information or reservations. call (71 4) 957-4033 Cynthia. who <'laims !Jr they've broken en~agcmenl Katz made lewd advances so that she ran purs ue t owa rd her Heather Beau. Chuck warns Beau decides to claim .Kalt. _did.._h~ t u r n i n JL i n t o a lhe same thing in altempt mampu1aTorliKe!\sa. Sam to ruin his career. Edward and Rare are dating. Tony aghast when Alan buys a ware that digging for Susan a mink coat for her solaramite could blow up birthday. Alan stunned Llanfair, Cassie takes a when Monica comes back liking to Ivan. who says his rrom France with a new name is Van, and she buys look and a possible new blm "The Prophet," by lo ver. F'und-raising money Gibran. Ivan learns from rrom the sports center Larry that Pam as going lo dollar day is taken and do a special on Hugo1lv;ul searching for the Hopatah lllllV mla.4 region When Lurlene lells A publtc service presentation of the 'i r"ml Rick may lose the center to Dernley Scotty offers lo be legal counsel for the center. GU IDI NG L IG HT : Finding a black cat in the attic. Nola plans to use it to scare Mrs. Renfield away Nola crushed when Kelly returns medallion she sent him and daydreams about a shipboard romance a la Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell movies. Amanda decide~ to drop Eve's name as co·respondenl m divorce against Be n On he r honeymoon with Ross . Carrie thrilled and saddened whe11 he arranges for her to have glimpse or the son s he gave away years ago. ONE LIFE TO LIV.E: Whe n Karen admltS" to Katrina that Mary'is Kat's child, Kal hires Herb to be h e r law yer . Kure n s urprised when Larry tells her to deny that she ever told Kat about the switch Peter decides he must be the one I.<> lt'll Jenny about the switch and when he dou his marriage and career will· be over. Marcello otters to m arry Kat to Increase her chances or gettin& the child. When Kat tells Brad , he acts surprlled about the switch, RYAN'S HOPE: Paith mourns Ari's death and turns to Jill Ox signs divorce papers but later tears them up and decides not to go to the Dominican Re public. Jane gets the copy of pearls and prepares to hock lhe real ones Rae plans to give Roger and J ane a honeymoon in Paris, rlying them up 1n her private jet With her career going poorly and Arley ill . Kim decides to return to New York. Although the c hild s hould be h;>s pitalized. Kim takes the baby on a plane and the child's temperature soars. police about Beau turning ----------------------into mummy a nd that Grell•hen shot Miles. they think she's a kook . Vi kki conrronl<! Stryker about his latei1t affair YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Paal stunned when Barbara says she wants him Barbara then goes to April and says th.ill Paul would be better ""'h Barbara and tells her about their trip to Aspen Laurie's murder lnal 1s turned over to the JUI"}' for deliberal1on. Cash and Kay plan a trip to Europe. Nikki promises Cash that sM> will take care or the Bayou while he is gone. The men Cash owes money to are rurious about his trap to Paris, but Cash says he's not paying the debt twice A fistfight ensues. and later on Cash is stabbed lo death. tlal>f! a quulum about your /auonte soap or :soap star' Write to Lynda Hirich. clo 1''ield Newspaper Syndicate. P 0. Boz 19620, Irvine. Calif S E A R C H F O R 92714 She will answer as many TOMORROW: Dane te lls que1ho113 as she can In her Travis he musl stay away column, but the volume o/ from Liza in ·order to moll ma/tt>s pnsonal repliei protect her. Travis warns rmpottll>U Dr. Doyan that her life is in _..:...;...-..,;,_. ______ __,_ danger. Returning from New O rl ea n s, Stu announces he's buying a used dlsco and turning it into a supper club. Kathy refu ses Ston e man·s sugsestion ,that lhey take. a second business trip Sunny and Dane are attracted to each other. Dane gets anonymous message 11yin11 that an lmpe>rtant clue will be found at the museum on March 10. ..... ... ., .... , auuesu sbe tell Jenny TEX~: Sy draslng as notblng and that she wed a n old woman and soundina him Uld be content beln& fire alarm, Lurlene set.a Mary'• •lepmoth•r. Tony • Ruby away from Gretchen. and Georflne de<cidf to say Ruby and LurltM discover . ,. "'-~----~--~-- t8 ! Movie Guide. for the Week .s= u ... -------- ----------- Clll ~ Friday -- ---~---mO"f ies­Clll ·~. ' :g MNOf a. 1tll LL gi ..J e.(I) ***''The Tender ~ T,.., .. c 1956) Debbie A9y- noldl. ,,_. SlnetrL A eophl•tlcated b•chelor down on rnwNQ8 meet.8 • ~ wtlO lnp8 him. • * *.,. "TM LO\l9d OM" ( 1986) Robert MorM. An)MMtte C-. The ,...,._of.~ Hd- irwooct .. lnola'w -CS.bl• •nd 11 .. dec:h•• ~lt -llme to IN6l.e IN ""*81 ~ ....... N» CC) * * * "Oh Oodl Booll W' ( 1MO) 0-gm Bum8, .__ "'8llwne.. Ood r•tum a to Eat1h and O-INyoung .... ... "' ........ ti.IQ exec- ~to epr-s .. -to tfw-915,'PG' 7:tlar.,. •• ·-ee-·· ( 1111) A1nqo StllrY. Denrlll Quill6d. The downWI memo .,.. °' • ~ llufD9n ... ~ tribe .,.. to ~ ttlM bt8IN Md not .,,_ wll be IN key IO'* peope'• ....... 'PG' .... * * ''PertilCt Gentte- m•n" (11711 L•uren Bacall, Ruth Gordon. TllrM cr•fly l•m•I .. .._......,.. -In A WESTERN STAUOOLE -Jane .Fonda and J ames Caan sta r as Montana ranchers trying to save t heir lands from a cattle baron out to expand his empire in the Western drama. ··comes a Horseman" Saturday at 9 p.m. on CBS 1Ch. 21. pit1on Join tofo88 to POI &.. Klg8r. uu London. .,_ ~ tie II led to • llfl ~ .. m9ot1 doller A -orft)' t9ject decldea to hldd8n -by • bend of .... kwm her -cM> "' co-~ (JI)* *'4 "The~ ed8 wtlO 0011C811ll ... on CZ)* •'4 "Aocbhow'' AhnJS "1ngS" "Twice~ ~..-.....,,._, ~ T1110fhui ~n.y Md • (1N1) Jedi Nldld80n, ~ 'R' Wlnga. TNa ~ ol the ,,_.. LMige. 6 young (II) **'4 "~' ~" bend'• U.S. '°"' lnl*ld8il -end .., lower plot (1M1) AldW'd Pf'to', Qo9. perfofwwl098 of ••••• to _., i.r llulllend. 'R' I)' T~ A bumlllng N · "e.nd On The Aun." "Slly Cl>***''TlleWOftd'• 01.,, • concmrned L-Songa"Md-old Gr..-. Athlln" (11173) ~ Md elgtlt 8M11e b9ll9d8. 'PO' Jolln ~ Jllfl IMCflMI cMdrW\ llllllle .a ~ 1•(JI) ** ** .. ,....Bui" V1nollflt.. A COKt1 wt10 le Ing~ trtp In• (1llO) Aotlert De Niro, ~ • ""' "' bed ""* brokerMtown 8CtlOOI bua. Cetrl)' Moriert)'. Boxing ,..,,,. to hie roots In A~ 'R' c:Nmp6oll Jelre la Motta'• a. end~• "IP9' 11•(D) ***'4 "0lmme.,._ •Ptltude tor vlolence ....... 'G' .,.. (1170) Aamrlg Stan.. timee him ~ In the ... GI*** "Or8)' lady ~ ,..,...,_. Thie r1ng 11u1 dlln.tl* '* s-· l>owft" ( 1171) CMttton doculNntMy of the AollrlQ 80MI .... 'R' ~ Oe¥1c1 Cern1c11N. sion.· 1Mt ArnertcM 1:10CC> •••''The Flr8t Deed- " nidll9r SobMrtna wltfl lour lndude8 --of IN I)' Sin" ( 1NO) Fr8flk &n.- 41 -lllbo9'CI la rWNMd ~ end murder M llfl tra. F• ~. A YWI· bye~ 1N1gt1eet Md ,...,... ~ free -N8w Yortt Cfty pollce ... to • d8p4tl of 1,400 OOfWlert. ~ • .._ ..... .... ("> -· ..... "°'Y Of The ..-mo from • ..tout .. ~···· "Seyofwa" ......,.,. .. (19121 John -.trta9too.-dl •bNUll (tll1) ....... llrWldo. Aad Hur1, ._..,..._A yolMQ kllw '8nortdng MMflM. ......... Alt "'-'-' )8C .,.... ~ .... for tM. .... -._ • ...,_.. ....., ...... .,... to ...._.. 1:11 cm •• .,.. ''The..,. ......... .,.,_,,_ of ...... In • *dy °' ,.,.. ..,.., .. (1llO) Don AdarN. ........ ---adlng ardo~ 8yMa Krl8Ml. Secret agllflt -..-W· •••'4"matyOfA Muw9ll 8nw1 flll.a,. ••• ~ .. ~wNcflWey ~" (1"3) Vlnoant mo91dMgerou8ad'MW)' YtN Cen" (ttio) Clnt Prtc., NMCy Kovack. In .... ardl.., wtlo .. &91 a II, 8ondra LOcM. 8wd °" Oi,. da ......,_. to lalindt ....._ tflllt - .._.. ....... doMI ...... ..it'1 "'The HonL'' A dlwobe ltle ......._ llum8n NI girt 81111 pee Clrlf9ICM, F1wlCfl fMllllll• fltldt ~ 'PG' a..,. IU1f lgflear elgtl8 lllmMH the 'ttctlm of 1M(l)••"S.,.Weak· .. tor OM ..... ......._ dlMoNo p11111 'm 81111 91td''A ...aend llOldllr ....... .,.. ~to-.. a.-w ............. ..,, (I)••~ "'Tiie PomlWI Cl) • •14 "~' five friend• who •r• Atwep Alitfl TwlM" (ttlO)Plul~MCI IUl!edbye ldllr.'A" ('911) .--NWa'111t1. -... nm reoord of.. 1:toe **14""9dl.IM1000'' .-a L-... A ,_... ........ u.I. tour lndudlll (1916) ..._ C..-. ~ ............. --..... ........ .. of ......... °"'°"' Tiie ......... .. ,..,,.,,_ ........... 'A' ''81nd Ot! The Aun,'"• of lfww r-*'9... I ti -(II)•• ~· L°'9 ..... wl 90fll9 Old r•flecit tll• tefteloflt ~:::-,.,--:: ;-:.~.,.:~..... ..;c::.::..~-=-.... ..... • ....... ,,. "'*"' De ..... .._,.. (1t1'0I ..... ft1111111 111 e _...... a. a.., ~. ....... T.,..,, 8llllOfl M*ua. M --........ , by • ..,............ ....... Md ,..., ........ j& Ad ..... end .. aplJWM fOf ......... _....,. .... &•I Mia I w•---.1' ..,. ... ._1n.. .._.. ~ ~ '*(I)** ~Of"1ttJ'' ,-. _. ........ ...,.. _......on to •...,... ,.,. ........... "'-........ ,.. ............... .. A .... 9'I....... ... *** ..,,. .... 0.. ......... d Mtoa. •• a c -.. .... ..,.. ('941) .... .-.. •••• "C••,.._ .. ................ -..-o...A-. ,,_, • .....,_,~ ............... ..... ....... l'RMtm o.u ........ "" ........ n••CI>••......... _ _. ........ .._ .. ...-111.,& .. e Cttnlt a.Ill ,_., ec-. .., ... ...,. _ .... , MWttry etu• f'IM. A _.., ..... ..,. ..... 1.-a ............. .. ....... ........ -" ....... ,.,,,.o..n.n. ................... . ................ :-.. e::..:..-: .. ; ••• ,.,....., ;:.~u.rc-! • .,_.... .• •.. ~ AM n. .... .. •. ~·~-~~~~~~;'t;:l~~~;;~~~::=..~ Grell" ( 11174) Orah•m CllapmM, John ca.-. l<M1e Mtlut end ,... band of k11IJ1llla encounter glantl. i1ddllr'8 end • *°" Clll8 r8bbll In their -di for!N~cup. MO e ** '"Tomb Of UON'' ( 1tl5) Vincent Prtce. Elza. bad! Shepp8r'd. A dMd WOfnetl attempt8 to ruWI hef llueMnd'• 89Cond ,,.,.,.. by '8nortdng ,... ........ •***"T~Tlle ~ .. (1115e) w-.m Ho6da!I, lJo)ld NoWI. A plol ... .,,.,.. 10 gMI the r~ of .. COllMOI• lifter lcl8lng " -• -.... mlltllll .. a. CC> • *. "North 8)' Not1tl....... (111et) c.,., Gnni. EY8 ..... Saint. An .,...M IO iw'• .. 18 chan08d dr~ wtlar\ 118 II ,,.._en tor a CIA Mir. .... ''Tiie PoMiW Alw8)'1 Alng1 Twice" (1N 11 Jedi Nlcholaon, Jeallca Lange. A )'OU"O -end t. io-POI 10 rnurd8r her hulbend. 'R' 4; 1t •• ""°'"" Hclw8" ( 1110) Fr9nll'8 Awkln, Jll ~. A group ol ,_.. ... )'OUflO ~ """ time Ol'I ...... ,... dlGlde to oonduet • --... ....,....,___ (I) *." ''The f'oeMIM Alw•ye Aln91 Twfce" (1Mt) ~ "'**°"· .---.......... A yolMQ _.,. end ,_ lo¥s POI kl--her~'A' «11e•••'4 "f)1 lie ...... (ttl1)~W.W.. ..._,. ""'1. A~ ""°"" a.-w llwoMd ................... knOw lllOf9 .-cM I IOU• -""' ... ""' 111111 .... ............. ,_. Saturday movies llWDtl.- #1 Jaoet -·**"'ft TIU._ •", ....... .... ,... ...... .... _ .... -... .. .. dauglllar'e romanoe by BMl18 b8118de 'PG' -"llllng1\er 81Si'<SIO --,...-.~Criiioe- CC> • * "T"'° Englllll AM The Tiger'' (1972) Olrta" (11171) ~Plerr• Hugo Stlglltz, At>ul A LeMAd, Kiit• Marltham. In 1hlpwr•9 eurvlvor th8 _.I)' 1llOO'a, two Eno-marooned for 26 )'Uri on lllh ..... 8nd 8 young 8 ~ !eland rMCUM 8 Fr•nchmen lb•com• 'tOllllll boy from dealh 8'wl c:augllt In • rorn811tlc trl8n-.ncoun1era • tribe of can-P nlbaia. (II) • * • "Oh Oodl" •••• "(Attic'• (11177) Oeorgm eum.. John CM!ca" (1Ma) Bob Hope, Oenvet. God Mieci. M Ludllm Ball. A h8'Wfl dr8ft'\a un8U8peCllnQ young IUI*'· critic ren•OH on hie rnerttet manager lo Oellwt prornlM not 10 review the • ~ of hOpe 8nd pie)' ,... wlf9 hU written, good wll to the akeptlc81 <Bl ..... "Aw• tn The .,.,.,.. of the MOdem-da)' Spring Rain" (11170) lngrld wond. 'PG"AOV Bergman, Anthon)' Quinn. • * * ... ''Arri Wlllcll Wey A Npp11y married woman Vou C...." ( 1NOI Cllnt finda llerMlf lellng In io... &.lwood. Sondr• Locke. -Mth • mountain man wNle a.lore Mltlng down with atie 1e vacationing with her 1111 girt Md pet ormngutllfl, llu8bmnd. • .,........., ftght9r --l::IO CC> •• ''The APC*I'' up for one IMt. luc:f.UV. (1N0) C•therlne Miity match. 'PG' St_,, Oeorgm Giimour. tl:IO (I) * * "The Mmn Wllo In 1194, • ~ duo t• ~ ._.. .. N9"...S by lnlo the l\and8 °' • dl8f>Oll. Hanty FondL A t~ to... <*~-'PO' ltory of • n•tur8111C'a e * * * "The Competlo-9doP'lon Md tr8INng of • lion" ( 1118()) Alchwd Ore)'· gttaty Ila. cub tor _...... ua, Amy 1Mng, Two l)IM- al In IN Mldal1-'O' 1aU 111 • San Frmnd8co 1:00 8 **'4"Fun ln~ mue1e compe1111on find co" (1M3) aw Prwll)', tt1a1 INlr io... for Md! Unu I• And re 11. A other conlllc:t• wfttl their nlghlc:lub e n lert•ln•r profeaalonal 8mblllon•. worb M • lhguard during 'PG' the day Md llnd8 ~ .._. * * * "Tiie Stenl8 time for roman08. CUdloo" (1te0) Liza Min'" • ** "Amwlcan nall, WencM1 Burton. A Emph" (11142) PfMton IOMly, ~ coll8ga fo8ter, Aldlatd Ohr. Mui-QO-ed t1181 to manlpu6ate • can N8l'9rs try to lnlerrupt naive. -*'lw ,,...,_ lhe P'oO'-of • growing Into . r-* ..... T-cattl8 kingdom. (8) * * * "1 SetlC A Letter lll**'Ai "TlleDeughten To My Love" (11111) Of JolN• c.tw" {~ sin--~..-Jwi 8lldd)' Ei-t, ~ V81-Aoc:Ntort. A mlddlHioad entlna. To U8p 1118 *Id -wt1o 11M llPllflf under 8 MW helm H I II dlrlQ mcJ91 of i.r edllll ... CM• .... • """' "' trapper lnO tor '* lnYllld ~ recNltt • thMf, • I**· deddea to ~ • ,_.., to podlet llnd • proelltute 10 • -IPllP9' lonet)' '-'- portr~ 1118 ~ ooUM. 'PO' CZ> ••• 'Al "Monty .. (I) * * * "Touched 8)' ~ And The Hol)' L-" (1980) DM>orllfi Raf. Gr•ll" (11174) Or•ll•m lln, OIMe i.-. A !IUr9lng Ctlapman, John ~-.,..,_ 11181 to bring • l<M1e Mtlut llnd ,. b8nd llandlcapped girt out of • of knight• encounter d eep depreaalon b)' glantm. rlddler'I llnd • tero-encourl!Qlrig her to corr. clue rllbblt In their -en aponct with her Idol, EMe for the legendary cut). "'-lay. ·PG' a.e ••• .. Vlvelapetal" CZ>••• "c-" (1952) Marton Bran~. (11111) Ringo St9n', Denn18 An~ Oultln. Me•loo. Quaid. Tiie ~ -- fMM)UI IMdar llltamc* to .,.. of • ~ 11urnan wtn damoOiK)' b hie pac>-prM11toftc .,,.,_ beglr'8 to .... tllrOUOh .,. I.a of ~ th8I .,,.... end foro8. llOI br9MI .... the key ••• "a.or."(1177) to ,... .,.,.,.., ...... . SuHn Blellel'f, Roy 'PO' T'*'"-A yolMQ -1:00 CD) ** *14 "Doctor ZNW9-.,,.,. In .......... to oo" (1te6) °"* Shattl, promllouftywllll\ IM llndl Oen11c11ne CMplln. Two lfle'• .anable to IOMt "'8 io-a llnlOQll .,,.... Iha ......... "' .., unNp-.... end pMlkltl8 of "" ~ mam.oa. fMllan Al¥olutlon. u;J * * * ''The Hellt1'0fll l:IO CC) * * ''Girl Frtend8" Ctlronld8" (11711 ~ (1171)...,. Me)'f'on, D "*"-'f . ...,.,.... by 1.-. Wlllldl. A ~ -,_"'-·--The.... ..... ~ Iha - led .... ~ of .... -._ to INlll• In ...-, tllHcll iN>'-"'" romance by ~ '* • put --Imo dltwat ..... i.tand'• ..... end end, • cc 1110• oamplillo-~ llaWig ona ,__.,'PO' tlott wllll "'•"· e t• ,...,....., _ (JI) * * * "$mon" (IMO) MM Mlln. AA*tln ...,._ ... ........... .....,,.. I)' 1uilldlieotad "** tri OOiwlllal • buMblno OOl- ·~ --Ila II llfl ..., "'-~ ..... ·..o· (I) •• * .. .,.._ 8o fwl'' ( tllOI FfW'llll INlre. GIM lal1Vf1d1 A ...... --.... tOO """ ... ..,.... ..... ...... tM ---11ur'"9 WOftd .. .. .. (I)* *M .. __..,_,. C1'IO>....,. MIC.,_,_. .... '1* ........ IM ~u.a. .... .......... ............. fi-, 0. .... """ .. ._ Lwl...,... ... _ ... ............... ,,_,.. 8'*'" (tM4) Aodl Hu6-eon ...... ..,....., A wrtl· •lanwdlto..tllla_. ---~ ...... to lla•~ ....... ........ • ........... Of,,. w." c-.ca.yc-.-. Jllll L.oildm\. A l'llOllnMd oulllllrll ..... McklMO ••fllor-.. (JI) * * '4 ''IOio••Mi e ll't ,.. .. (1tl0) Chi l:pr. -.-.. ... ......-. ~ ..... ..... of·-~--­• lllJA&o -.... VOltt c ~°*~,,:;;; Maintenance Free WI DOWS For Life! ARE YOUR WINDOWS ... 0Xl11Zf0-...:.. DUE TO OCEAN -AIR INFLUENCE?- ORAITT & COLO, CAUSING HIGH FUEL BILLS? EXPENSIVE TO PAINT & M~INTAIN? DANGEROUS TO CLEAN? • • ARE YOU FED UP WITH YOUR OLD & UGLY WINDOW PANES? .. SAVE ENERGY, SAVE MONEY · WITH I 00°/o RIGID PVC FRAME WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS YES, PWsE SlHD ME MORE INFORMATION OH: ~ RIGID PVC WINDOWS ~ PATIO DOORS . NAME: .................. • .............. Phone:( .... ) ............. . ADDRESS: ........................................................ . CITY: ....................... · ....... STATE: ...... ZIP: ............ . Eich Corporation L.A. TROCAL,. WINDOW DIVISION -ATTN. MR. W. KINDOR 1108 W . Colorado Blvd. L~Angeles, CA 9CUt4 I 12T l1 254-6885 r;:=.===============================;~ //f';tpl'i'I )Jf/u/9~ k1/1bi r IHI 1982 · WINTER AVAILABU * * * *LIMITED NUMBER CORPORATE AND REGULAR MEMBERSHIPS COlf'OlATE MIMHISHIPS have lull club prlvlleges including a tax advantage. Members frequently use our a11ract1ve facilities for b1nquets, board meetings. client luncheons and soclal activ11tes (minimum 2 families). IMULAI ~for fam11tes and single people are offered 1n a variety of membership programs including exten11ve Jr. programs 12 yrs and up Wedding receptions and private parties are a specialty at N B T C • for members only. -' "NEW"**** AaotlC MIMIHSHIP Taught In our Aerobic Te.Ching Center b y Phil Johnson with 12 years experience m physical fitness. $150 Initiation fee Includes 2 months free or · 24 cl..a PLUS 6 months of enjoying a PAIULOUI SOCl.AL LIN. $100 initiation fee will be ll)C)lied to · 11\y ot"-' type memberWlip llt M.l.T.C. TIAMllWIA•I for 6 momths only. '99 Hw and expeiiefa the "good life:· Find out why the N.B.T.C. has been eucce.tully tetiefylng Its members for the past 17 ...,._ For meml*shlp eppl!Qtlon and lnfonnellon, pl .... call our ~ llNchr, ........ L Llll.M~. ' //t'11p n l )J~d~A ;'.Y;nntd Y'M 2601 EASTBLUFf DRIVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CAltF ------;usCH &"1.VM ,SOFT.CONTACT LENSES s79ts INQUDES: Ch,mic:a l Care Kit, ln1truction, Fo11ow Up Vi1it. Examination "and Len1 Determination $65.00. All Profeuional Services Performed By The Doctor. Same Day Service On Mott Pre1eriptions . EYEG.L.~SSES s49ts INCLUDES: Your prescription In Q uality Oear Glau Single Vision, Biofocala or Trifocals In Frame of Your Choice From Our Consumer Selection. Examination tf Desired Not Included. ADDEO CONVENIENCE: EXAMINATION A NO FITTING • AT SAME LOCATION Monthly Special Blended Bif6cals-Mo U.fll Plastic Regular Size Lenses Reg. '99" NOW '6995 OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH 3 1 THE BROADWAY Huntington Center Anaheim Plaza Newport Fashion Dr. Ronald Jenson Dr. Kevin McGrath Center 891·7354 635-3281 Or. John Connole 644-0165 USE YOUR BROADWAY CHARGE - YOUR DOCTORS-PlU:SC~IPTIONS FILLED Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday -.· 2Sl::::SS .. . -- ~Movie Guide· for the Week .c ---------------------------------------e -.wolf. 'R' 3:*I. * * "The Meaque Of The Red Death" ( 1964) Vlncenl Prtc.. Huel Cour1. A 12th-century prince tall .. • myatertout youOQ gtr1, who carrlea IN Red ~ From Page 28 10 traWI beck In time and being demoted from e«· pora1e exacullYe to chain- ~ ,..,...-·-rn.,.,:--•- ~aioed man'a Wle- atyte and YaluM are turned upelde-down. 'R' ---<:i.titt1!1.,_, lr'lllT1'11..C•F- '""""iM91r*~..-----a • • • * ""Picnic: Al Hanging Rock.. (19751 Raef* Aober1•. DomlniC Guard. In turn-of·llMMlen• lufY Auatralla, thrM youno ec:ftoolgltta wander -•y h'om a echool pienlc and beCOme IO$t In IN bush. ·PG· CS) • • "TM Extermln•· I<><" ( 1980) Chrt1lophe< George. Sarnanttle Egger Altw 1111 -buddy II left paralyzed by a New Y0tk yoyth gang, • llletnam vet decide• to take hi• revenge by murdefln9 ltree1 Crlm!nall through 9:06 CS) * • 'h "~From Alcatraz" ( 19791 Cllnt Eattwood, Petrick •• ..,,......... A ri.rden41d grueaome. -.~-· --.'R' tortuous conW:t rnekea eleborete (%) • • • ··ea-an" ~ to brMlc ou1 of the ~..,...._...,ool ...,laon. 'PG' ( 1981) Ringo Starr. Dennie ___..,..-,.. ,.. Quaid The Clownllh mem- 7.00 CC) * • "Two Engllah ber ol a bwely human Gina" (1971) ~Pierre prehistoric tribe beOln9 to ~. Kite Martihem. In d'-tllet brains and the Mr1y 1 ooo·a. two Eno· not bfawn w111 .,. the key IWI alatera end a yollfl(I to hie l*JP!e'• suMY9 Frenchmen become 'PG' caiught In • romantic tNn-10:30 CC) • * "The Apple" 7:l5 ~)' • •• ··A11egto Non (11180) Catherine Mary T~" (1978) Anlmaled. !"':::a~:;: Ute In the rnechlne ege II Into the henda of a dlabofl· utlrtad. 'PG" C81 lmpf-lo. 'PG" a.Q) • • • "The DeYll'• Rain" cm * • .. Hant eoun1,y· ( 1975) &n.1 Bor~. Jen..Mk:M91 Vincent. A w-.m Shein.. The ieeo. young men II dlelllu8loned • of • COYen Of wtta-wttn the modem Teue lit. retume to Elltttl 8'tet a ltyle ·PG' 300-year abHnce to 0 • * * .. ,... Night Long" ,_•book lletlng the (1981) o.tie Hacttman. namea of 1*JP1e who lleve 9CJtd their~ to the deY-Befbra Str~. Af\er M. being demolad from e«· • * * * "8atlled" (19721 porate execut/Ye to c:heln- LAonard Nlmoy, SuNll llore nlgllt manager, • mlddle-eoed men'• Mt. Hampahire A ,_ eat 1tyte and..,...,_ -turned drMir makea the eette dia-upelde-down. 'R' oavwy tllel he "81 the 1t:*>. **'A "MICho C• ~ ablllty lo foretell lahan" (1970) David Mure dlu9tera. (II)*• •-'At "Cye#ll:-" J8IW. .lwl. Seber~ A (1981) Sigourney w-. women olte<• • "uee Wiiiem Hurt. A ~ boUnty tor the capt-of ~ ~ ln¥OIWd N man who raped her and llJl9d • ~. wfttl • j9nllot who ffW'1 • * * • "The Sterile know m«9 aboY1 • m.w-CUckoo" (IMI) Liu Min· dw "*he~ then he II Mytng. 'R" 111111. Wendel Burton. A (I) ..... "Buatln' L.ooee" lonely, ,,,._,~ col909 (1981) Aldlard Pryor, ca. co-ed U1ee to rnenlpu6ete • naive, ..... ...,. ... ._ ty TY9Qn. A bumtlllng bur· Into • romenUc llff9'r. 9ler. • conce rned Cl) * "Oeean Trell" 11935) ~ and eight Joht1 Wayne, Maty Korn· Chlldl'erl make • frighten-ing ct~try trip '" • man. A rodeo 1tar Mte out broken-down adlOOI buL to tree> a 98"11 of bank "R' robbete. 0 "Thlef"(1981)J-9 *** .. The Dey Of The Jack.al" ( 1973) Edward C-, Tu.dey Weld. A Fox. T-Meunder. mHter Hfecr•Cll•r An 11, .. ,,,,_.00., hit "*' ~ lrwoNed "' tM and "**~ et1tet world of profeHlonal ............... "TM Jadtlll" 11 c:rinl9. 'A' ,._ t:tO cm•*" "Tll9 Oc:Uoon'' l*9d by"-OAS to -.... CNrW 0. Qeull9. (1..,, Ollldt Noma, LM (II) * * * "FOt1 Apeche, V.J11 CINI. A WMlthy TM lromt" (1911) Paul 'youno -lllree • ,....,_ martllil .,._ ~ .....,_,, Ed ...... A pion tel prcMct her "°"' tough 009 battlea ctlrne ~ lrlllned by IN and GOfniptlOr\ In New ~ Nlrlje cult. 'A" YOftl Ctty'I 8oollti 8rona (%) ...... """°"'Y nelghborhoOd .• ,.. J>Y1t!Orl Ar>d TM Holy 1tM • * * W 'z..ppellfl" Grall" (1t7•) Orah1m (1911) MlcltlMI YOl1c. Elke a.pm.n, John 0.-. S-. OuMg Wor1d King N1t1ur encl hll baftd Wet I, a BrltWI f/lf11 ie.N ot llnl9ht1 encovnt•r "'*' the 0.-are~ OIM'I. rtddleta and • "'°" nlnO to -• ollnt.dlrlgltllt dlll ~ In tN1t ~ 10 ..... N M80fll c.11 tor tM leglndery QUP. encl tNr9by •ocM 8rttWI NO. (I) * * * "Ccll'nea A inonillt. HOI'-" (tlTI) J.,,. ttGO• ** "F~'' Fonda, ,,.,._ ca.rt. A (1"1) ~ 81n'tdo9, .._, ..... 111 11 ..... ld-~ ~ Four 1- lnt ...... rWIOhW tight"' .... lll*ld • fl1gtltM 91111 i.... lleron'• IMeflcMd .. 1111 • Olf'IWll Mo ......,_ o1 ..... ~. "°'* lftflabltM by a <C•••l4''TNHcMlrlg" ........... ....,and hie (1111) Dff W•ll•oe, ~eon. 'R' ...... ,.___ A WOll'lfl CJ) **14 ''OMlft "- ,.._.., .. ---by • JGCIO'' ( 1975) o.wtd c.rr.. ..... ...,. to ... • ... ...... °"""'' In ....... ,... • ,_., aooo 4.0.: ,.... -· ........ (' lrlCkwt drMnf 11. ~ ttt?Ot ..... a.tr, .,,, ...... 1111 ........... ...,...... Anlu11111ht1 vtotNM .,. worth 10 ....., ....... __. ~·w ................ -<m·•· ...... ~ .................. ,..,. .......... ..., ........... .......,.. ....... ,,, ll>***"AINlgM........ • ............. ....._, C••• Clll'9 l'Ut ••• ... • ... e ---............. ------~"""---..... ...-.. _: .... " .. ' HELP FOR A PO-P-Karen Valentine <left> as Cassie J essup, a nurse-therapist who thinks her puppy S keezcr can he lp in dealing with e m otionally disturbed children. stands with one of her charges. Ruthie (played by Leighton Green in the two.part Project Peacock. ··skeezer." on NBC (Ch. 4) Sundays <March 14 and 211 at 7 p.m . eltate~ 11: ta cm * • "Goodtlyol. ~''(tMO)SyMa Krt9tet. Emmanuele COflo llnuea her quMl, (I) • • '1' "&cepe From Aleatru" (1979) Cllnt CHtwood. Patrick McOooMn. A llardwl9d con"4Ct ,.,,... .....,,.. pWie to br9llk out of b ~priaOn.'PO' tt:aO ...... "o.rtno Lii .. ( 1970) J\1119 Anchwl. Aook HlideOn. A ctrlfy WOttd War II Owman 'PY po.lf'O u an Englllh fnUllle.Nll 1tarla~tocou MCHt• from an Allied ·pilot. e •"' ''TerriAtd" I tM41 Aod l.elnn. Stwa Dfwlet. The--ot·~ night.,. beOo-. abftOf'· ~.,,.......ln!Nwtl- f-of Ui11C1'049C..0 ~ S);..,. ''FronUer Hortlon" (103') Jotln w..-, Jen. """ JclN6. A ~ llCflelftM to ....,... tlnCll- .,. out °' .. lend In °'°" to "'* • .,,. tar • ,...,., , ••• * ''Tiie l.CMI Of ...,_..... (tMO) ..,. ......... ......,....,,.. 'llY· .......... '° .._ ........... °'. ,,.,,..., -1 ran by lln0- i1 .,.,..,. ..,., ................. ~ ,,..., ..... ~ .... .,.._,nw...-o1 .. .. ..... --·-' "' · -·-· ... ..,..._ .......... -. .. .................... ..... -.... ...., -varnpir• -told. (II) ''Thief" ( 1981) ,,_ C--., TUMcley Weld. A ma1ta r ••f•crecker --ln\IOIV9d In the world of profeHlonal cttrne. 'R' 1:41 CC)* tt • "The ....... ,om ctwonld9" (1971) Docu- tNntety . ...,,..., by'-- ,_ "'--The --led~ t~ ol "-''· wHcll ~ -tir '*t put ttlern Into dlr9C1 end --"" oomp.u. tlon with man, are ,.,,.,..,. ltOO • * •• 'h "ManheltMI" ( tt79) Woody A.119n, Oier>e l<Mton A New Yorll City comedy writ• .,, ... up ...... .. tono-tltne gln- fl'i.nct 10 equlte around an ~ 11..,icl tetn· 'A' Cf).;*" "The PoMmen Atw•y• Alnoa Twice" (1981) Jack Njcflollon, .leellca LaflOe. A ~ -encl '* io-plot 10 '"""* her hlllbenet. 'A' I: 10 Cl> ..... ''Crazy ,._ .. (1971) Clof1a L.-dWNR. Mii 8otMn\. A~ tac'lllly """' ""o *"" IYCti ln~ll'ICl--llP• ~ Mnd on IN lltm In ~·PG' ..... • "Homw'*'-'' (1170) ,,_.. .. AIM6on. Jll ...,._A~ofr9t• -~.-.. ...... ..,.. on .,_ hlndll deolda ·---·~ ... .......... a:> ••• ~ '""-Howlnl" ., .. ,. 0.• Wllll•H . ,.........._A.....,. . ...... ... ~~ .... --............. 'r . ...., ... _ .... tie • It .. The flll8fmlna- tor" ( 19801 Ctvlltophet Georoe. Samantlle Egger A"er his war buddy II lett paralyDd by a New Yori! you1h ganQ, a VMrtNm vet decide• to 11ke hi• re~enge by murd11t1no street criminals througti orue1ome. tortuous mean•. 'R" 3:» (ffi • • • .,., "Eyewitness" (1~1) SlgOurney Weaver. Willlam Hur1 " lele\llSIOn repotter ~ Involved with • janitOt who may know more about • mut· det !NI he wit,_.., than he le uying. "R' a:IJO e • • "The An111r1 Of Annabel"' ( 1938) Lucille Ball. J llCk Oakle The gNtterlng world of HOiiy· wood ..... and agenll l'dd• excitement for • young-. 4;15 (%)••••"~" (1978) Fey• Ounaw1y. ,,..., Finch An aging t .... ¥talon --· whOM rltlnga -stMdtly aKpc>- lng, la tuM.d Into • ranting propMI Of the ..._ by • crafty ~ P'OG'M'- mlng 9QC\it1Ye. 'R' ·=-."Thief" ( 1981) J-c.an. T~ We6d. A m11ter aatecrecker beCOrnel lnvoNed In the world of prole11lona1 crime. 'R' Sunday movies MARCH J. tea N'IS ICON 12:00 CC) • * * "The Olhet Slcl9 Of The Mounllln -Part II" ( 1978) Merlyn H_.., Timoll'ly 8o11orN. Former ~ llllw. Jiii K~ mont, rendered e quadri- plegic by a tragic ecddent, ~ wtth Nit-doubt wher1 • ,_ love entet• het .... CS) • • "Bronco 911y·· ( 1980) Cltnt Eutwood, Sondra Locke. A former .,_ .....,_ from New JMwt ,..._ .. dr"Mm of perfol ming In • Wiid W• ahow. 'PG' tt:aO (II) • • • ~ "8edlu~ And er~· 119111 Anoetl l..lnetlury. o.vtd Tomllneon. Outing WOl'ld War It, a noYlce ~ Ind her .three young ~ ... °" lot • meglc leland where the ""ends IO lllm 9"0lJQfl about wltcflcnfl to UM " egalnlt tM Nazis. '0 ' • **** "PlcnlcAI HaflOlng Rock" ( 1975) Rediel Roberta. C>omlr* Guard. In tum-of·tM-een- lury Aul1Talll. thrM young ~ _., __., "°"' • ilChool picnic and ~ Iott lt'I '1he llUef'I. 'PO' t: ti CJ) *,. • • "SMdow Of A Doubt" (19'3) T8'*'• Wftgflt, ~ Cot•. WMfl •Man~ to ttey ................... ., In • .,,... ...... OoeM town. "" ,,... .. _JllegUed Wiit\ the negelhO -c>IClon !Ml lie 11 ,.., IN ''t.ten'y MdOW''klltr. ... ••a·'l•• .... °"' . To 'Ille W 0-" ("4111 ,...,.....,.,o...~ . TWo .,,..,,..... McotN lnllOfwed ..-• rntty pt ""'° -• .....,.. ...,. .,,. .............. "''° .......... ~ .... Aini ............ ···~.._..,...., "' ,, .... • tlM) , ... OS es"""'' ......... A woman becOmell Ille llrlt female U.S. PrMident and her hUSbllnd llel to cope with being I he llt&I maNI "Flra1 Lady." (C) ••••·'Animal Ctackere" ( 1930) Marx ; --B•O"'I••• .. ..._......,STYt- Oumonl Captain Spauld- IOQ. the Alroc:an explOter. ratuml trom • rec41tlt upad11lon to -eek llevoc at • aoclary matron·s ...... enc1 party ·o· ($) * * .... "A GIOC>al Altalr .. (1116<6) 8ob Hope. UIO Potver. A baby, round by • bachelOr In the lobby of the Unoteo Nationa. is c1.imec1 by .it the rnembe< net Iona. 2:30 0 * * "Pursuit To Algler'I .. ( 1945) Balll Rath- bone, Nlg91 Br\ICll Sner- lodl Hotm91 and wetson brave perilou• c1tcum- 1tancee In order 10 deliver an heir to the throne a ......... "Bldltnob• And Btoornetlcu .. (1971) Angela Lan•t>uty. 0.Yld Tomlinson DorlOQ World war 11. • novtc::e 110tcer- and her three young friend• eat off tor • magic laland where lhe 1n1encn 10 learn ~ abOUt wltCllctaft to UM h againlt theHaDe. ·o· 3.'00 ••••• "Bedlet" (1964) Richard a.,,ton., Pelw O'Took King Herwy II of England daahM with the Ar0hbiltl09 ol c.nter- burf during the 12th cen- 1\KY ... (%) • * .... Netwonl .. (1978) Faye Oun_.y. W~ ..,.,. Holden An aoit'O t .... Ylelon _...._rat- ino-are lteedly llllppng ~•ranting prophet ofthe..._~on by • ~ '*"""* pro- i!..,wnmlnO ~· a:10 C1.J * * • "Pop.y9 .. ( 19801 Robin Wllllema, $hell9y °""91. Whlla ..,aq lor hie lather, the ~I· Ing MllOt Yllltl • quaint hemlllC --. he plckl uc> • Jouncllng and • llllnny u uti-t.'PG" ..... "The l>e'oltl'• Rain" (1975) Crn9lt Botgnlne. Wllll8rn Shalner. The !Md- • of • COY9n of wltchea retume to EMth 11ter • 300-year absence to r-• bOOk liltlng the namea of 1*JP1e who have 9CJtd their --10 tM delf- ~. • * ... S«:nlta .. ( 1917) SuHn 81altaly, Roy TlllnnM. A young wometl hlrna 1n deap91atlon to promlacutty wt.I Ille "'* the'• unebl9 to aoN9 lh9 P*'i>leX"* of her unhap-i~ Tlme FOf ~ .. (1973) Rlc:IC Juon, Jane Merrow. Two dlfter· ent n.I have dlffwent protMlrN COllC* ••IO their ~· (l:) "The 8ellM Of $1 Tri· ...,. .. (II)··~ "Stlt*ui" (1981) Franll l.AflOelll, L.-.Y· Anne Down A rvtNeM b-=a rnarilet entlqulttea 11ng attempte to 11op an ECl)'PtOloolllt ltOftl dleoov- ettng the ...... Mboutl of • ~ atlMW IM -~tovtew.'PO' 4:tO. • • • '"Tiie Other SIM Of TM Mountain -Part II" (1171) Msllyn HaMMt, Tlrnottly 8ot10fM. F-~ --. .-~ "'°"'· ~·~ pteglc by • ---aocilOMt, ~ ................ --• -love.,,..,.. her ... .-CZ)••··~" (1M1) Alngo Sten, 0-... Queld. 'Ille olowNlll -- -or • ~ """"" pc~ .... ---to dttoO* ,... .,,..... and no4 .._ ...... "Y '° .... ,... .• ~ See Movee. Page 32 :. .. l 'pstarrs . . doumstarrs-1 all around Pat Marley's ,,;:::to:iel ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING 675·1850 3565 East Coast High\\ a~ C'orona del Mar you can savor the successful looks m dass1c I raditionals--101/ored by craftsmen who care- designed from superb fabrics for your comfort. • ..J.lARE1ilFl'ABLES ADd Check the attic sale room for undiscove red savings. • OBJECJ'S 'D ART ... /or OtlJI gift occcuion All beds come completel with mattress. heater. II-1 ner. pedestal. and 1111 kll DRAWERS OPTIONAL I ~lllEDMAIT ~I 1 I ' I \ l ~ ', 548-5244 59600 . AS LOW AS A MONTH• Announcing The Ma .. riott Tennis Oub • Limited Membership Available • No Initiation Fee • lO~Courts • Full Club House Ptcilities • Robyn .Ray - Diret1m d Tennis 31 .. .. . ... . ~· ... ~ rMovle Guide for the Week ~ I ~· _ s::r _L '" :• 2 • :a ~ From Page30 l:tO ~* ...... a.op.Ira >. ~----·-----.. ~ < ia 11" <••H} l---Oobeon. ~ WlnW.. ·;:: LL g ...J ~ - A urat.-tralned ..,,._ egent I« IN l.lnlMd Sa.t• ~t triee to brMIC up 9fl lllegel dNg oper• lion. 'PG' cm * 111 *'A "The Poelman Alw•y• Ring• Twice" (11Me) i.-Turner. John G#fleld. A ye>ung woma ... ploCa 10 mutder '* hu bend with the ,....., of ~ of the man'• empto)W. (I) * * * "The WOt1d'a GrMttlll Athlete" (t873) John Amoe, J1111-MletlMI Yrnc.nl. A coecfl wllo la llaW'I! a Nn of bed ludl retuma to Illa rOOIS In Afrl.. ce end dlac:own • IUc>et 11NM• 'G' t:aO. **"'"Fluffy" ( 111e5) Tony Randall. Shirley ~ A COiiege ptol-wno WOt1l• wtth • non ,.... • herd lime conlrolllng the .nlmal unlit he ,..._ ,....., from a young ledy. • * * "Btlnlct' The GrMt Rob1>41<y" ( 1878) o.n.... M<:Gellln. L.eelle N..._. In t850, Boaton la roeked by the ,_. of a apec:tecul# wmoted cet robbery that lek.. nearly _, yeera 10 ao!Ve. CID •• "&onco Billy" ( 1880) Clint Eutwoo<I, Sondra lode•. A IO<n*' .,_........,. ITom New Jer9eY reallae 1119 dream of per1«mlng In .e Wiid Weet""-.'PG' 7go CC) * * * "The Other Side Of The Mount• -P9rt II" (1878) Merilyn HeeMlt, Timothy BotlomL F«rnet cf\llmplon alcler, Jiii l(tn. mont.~a~ pleglC by • tr8Qlc acddenl, ---with ...,-doubt .._, a ,_ row ent.,. "* .... C%l * *"' "RoclulhoW" ( 1 IMIO) Paul MrcCer1JWY end Wlnga. Thie ~ of Iha bend'• U.S. tour Include& perfonnenoea of ".191." "Bend On The Aun," .. ~ l.OVoa Songe'' end -old 8-tle belleda. 'PG' 1:ao cm * * ..... ,.,,., '#Wtctl w., You Cmn" (1HO) Cllnt ~. Sondre Loe*•. ..... -"Ing ~ with .. girt end P9t onngutan, • ~ tighter .ioi- up tor -..... tucrMM melelh. 'PG' --··••''The8 ter111 C41r1Ao#' (1 .. ) Ura Mln- nell, Wendell Burton. A IGNly, mluO-up ~ 004d ... to ,,..,'Cl'I ...... MNe. ...itM "8lltlnw1 Into• tOIMntlc "'*· CID * ...... ,.,,., WNdt w., You Cell" (1MO) Cllnt ~. Sondra Lodi•. ................. .. girt end P9t ..,..,un. a.,.,. .... , .......... l!P tor one -. 1uer-.. .,...,.PG. Cll •. ''8roft00 _.. (fllO) Clint Eeatwoocl. loMre LOclllla. A ..._ .,_ ........ fl'Olll New ~,_.,......,_ of ......... If M e Wld W.-lflOW. ''°' •**"" ...... 'l_.. '1111) fllclllsd ...,..,, • a.. ~ ~ A bufMllftO M · gl•r, • c oncerned ••••c• and ...,. ..... !Niii •• .....,.... ..... _ __,.,."'. .,..._ '° n MllOOll ._,., "' .............. ,.., ............ DDlll Dlt.t*a. A IW::& .. • ............... ............... ' GATOR ON THE LOOSE Everybody believes there's no sm·h thing as a 30-foot allig<itor. but if. ~·ou saw onr ~·ou would r un hkt' these t errified people in the tele vis ion pn•mil'l'l' of .. Alligator" on ABC (Ch. 7 > Sunda y at 9 pm end 1!19 llfe rather than wall unta hie di-~ pelnlul (R)Q 8 0 * *"' "Alllget«" (LU!) Robert "'°'~. Robin Riker. A beby ellgl· I« which Nia ~ lluahed lntothe-~a large llC)9ellt• lot people. ~ • * "From Noon Tiii Thr•" ( 1877) ChetlM ·-· Jil nlend. A drtfler la r9CFUltild Into • ~tao robbery~ CZl * * ... "The Poe1llW\ Al••Y• Ring• Twice" (1tl1) Jedi N~. Jeaelcll L8nga. A young women and her loYer plot to murder her hulbend. 'R' a:ao cm • * ''The Bliek Hole" ( 1978) Mulrnll8" Schell. Robert F«aler, Yvette MlmieUll. The a.. ol • Murtl1lc ~ dle- c-a another veaMI pen:Nd °" the edgit ol a. fomWlton wtlldl "'* Mt· "*Ill .-tly Into a glenl ¥old ..... tllM and~ ~toeldilt..'PO' ...... .,., .... A.119)1" ,,.,., ~ StllloM. ~ ,,,_., nw.. lldlemWlg btotMrs from ... Hell'• I<*'-' -'Ion o1 .._ Yoftl Qty combine tMlr ., .... ol br ... end ~ Ill "'* 9"ott9 to ~.,...., ..... tot .... ,...,..·PQ' -oo ••14"~' lOOll'' (1 .. 1) NcMrd Pryor, a.. ~ ~ A bufMllftO llUf • tl•t, • con~rned adloolt:Mdlel _, .. dlldNn mtllce I ....,._.. Ing or--*Y trip Ill • ~ ldlOOI bu9. .,_. (J) •• 14 "The CMllOlt'' (1.,.....,. ...... Of'lllg W-.on. A ~ ..... ...... to Noftlwft ......... to,...,""~ tor .. ._...-. 'A' tt• CC> •• •14 "£~ You ~ W8l'l1ed To ~ AIMlut ... (llilt W.. Mt9ld To A.ell)'' (ttfl) ...... Min. .... ............ -..... Dr. a.ll1d ..................... ................. _.. ...... "' , ............ .... ( 1980) Cllnt EHIWoo<I, Sondra loelle. A for,,_ ,,_ -.man trom New ~ rMllzM hit dr_,, ol pertomllnglrl I Wld W•lhow.'PG' C%l *. * * "Net'#Ottt" ( 1878) Feye 0..-ey. Wlf.- llem Holden. An aging , .... llltllon -wtlOM rat· Inga .,. tteedlly tllpplng ~. r.ntlng prOCJMt of tN ..,_,,. epurred on by • aslty ---PfO-~amrt*'O _..._ u:ao • ** "S«t«a"(t8T7) SuHn 8lak1ly. Roy ~A young woman tuma In daaperetton to promltculty wMrl aha !Inda IM'• UNlt* to aotw the ~of-~ l~One OfOur Own" (1875) Oeotoa Pep- pard. <>-" HorllOlk~ The '*"°'°9Y ~t of. lllrgl tloepltlll .,.,..... wMtl actMty -• typtoal day la c:hiOflldad. • *. * ''The Bectric HcnMlen" (1179) Robert AedfOrd, ~ Fonda. A lM Veg119 cowboy ...... a 112 mlMon ttl«ougllbred llorW to -him from Illa ~-·PG' n::llCID **'h "Sphinx" (tlllt) Frri L.angalle, l....,.. AIWlll Down. A ~ llleOll mertlllt lfttlqultllta· ""' .....,.. to 81op 9fl ~ II* from dlaoov- ....... wMIMboutll of a .,,..... ...... ... ,.....to ... ''°' 11:41 •'** ..... ~ .. (1 ... )0mer SMlif, c.... tine ~. AultN'• ~ Pnnol II llMINed'" • lo¥ll .,..,, wlllOfl .,.,. '" ~· 11:11 Cll •• .. ~. (ltlO} Pe1tl Mlelleel Qlatff. ~ Hogan. A group ol '"'"1111 ....... .,. ,... --aooordlng 10 tlMllr .....,.....,_,.". ,..(C).••14 ·~ Jonee" t 1113) Talftetl °'*9ofl. ....., ..,., ,. ................... ...... tor .. Ullll9d ..... "'"' .............. .......... ~ .... .,.. t:•&J>••• .. ...._ ..... "'"'" ...... ,.,,.,.. Hu<laon. Angle OlcldMO<I A guldenee CounMior. Iha Idol of a bevy of hlgll .chool beeultea. works With a tucher end a police captain In toMng the mys. let)' of -al oheerleecl¥ kllllnga. 'R' , 1:t0. * * * "Flrtl Family" (1880) Giida Redner, Bob Newtlart. The M•u•lly rec>f_, daughter of the oountry't weirdeal ptMI· denllel family corrtpllc:el• her lather'• •ttemc>ta 10 conduet the 1ffalra of atale. 'R' 1::11 CID * * "F"""°"•" (1Mt) Ellubettl Berridge, SyMa U~. FOUi r..ln- agera IC*'<I a lrlghtflll night In I cemlval fun. houM Inhabited by a denwlted bertler end his monatroua aon. 'R' ,. (I) • *"'''Whet• The Bilf· fllk> AoMI" (IMO) 811 . Murray,,...., Bc¥e. Jour· nellat Hunter S. 'hlompaon u .. , Ill• unorthodo a '9p0ftlng I~ to -tome ol fN mejO( polltlcel and tOClal _ .. o1 1t1e lat• ·eoa and a.1)1 '70&. 'R' l:GO CC) **'A ''The Young ~·(tM4)P.-~ de, o.bofllfl W~. A )'OUtlO dagfian'I ,_,lie ,._,... Ill .. co-eel girt· Mind --.._he .. -..IMllM'•~ MO(%)·~ O'E\M" (1'71) Peter O'Toole, David I ..,_.ige. A oonupt gov. .,_..,_..,. ..... Q!1 of a mM.-y coup. 'A' 1:10 CID * .... "The eat And T1w c.wy'' ( ttnt Honor 81adoften. MldlMI Qellen. ........ tor. ---.. ... IPOC*Y ...... °' • clJloeaaact " .......... ''°' l:IO Cl) • *"' "The O\ltlkler" (1171) IMrtlnt ~ • Cfalg W980f\. A young ...-. 1rava11 to Hottllefn lra19nd .... "" _,... tDflrilfltjl ... .... e *** "Apaa..,._ NOW'' ( ,.11) MertOll .,_ dO, ..... -. Directed ~ ,,.,,. l"ord ~ An lftteltlt"M .. .,., .....-. ......... .. .... ..... ~ Jlll9a ........... . ii@---~ Alfffl oftc.r .no Ma toiled .. pr..-. an.rnpta .. hie, ~e.'R' ; tatyol--~ lcMlnga 'R' t:OO D (II * * • "The Boye In Company C" ( 1878) Andr-SteYent, S tan Shew. A group of young Nnar1cMI aoldlera menege 4;00 (t) ••• * .. ANtnal Creek.,." (1830) Man 8rotller1, Marga rat Dumont. Captain Speuld- ~tdc:ell~-. relurn• from a rKerlt axpedttlorl to wreek heYGC •I • tociety matron's weellend petty. 'G' ~-1"91MrOliuf the \/lelnetn War In their own lflOhlly onbeet man- nar (R) ·~ ... CID .... "Chariie Chen And The Curae Of The Dragon 0.-" (1981) Petar Usll· nov. Richard Httch.Cllerlle c;,_, Is aided by hie bum- bling grandaoo In so1v1ng a ltflng ol murdera. 'PG' M onday movies MAACHt. tM2 t:OO CS)** 'At "Roclclll\OW" ( 1980) Paul ~nay and Wlnl)t. This reco<d of the bend'• u 8. tour Includes performenc:ea of "Jet," "Bend On The Run," "Siiiy LOY11 Songa" t .nd 110m8 Old Bealle bellads 'PG' g •• "' "The Flendlth Plot Of Or Fu Matl()hu" ( 19801 Pelar Sellerl. Sid C-. The FBI and Scot· land Yard'• Del Neyland Smith pur-Iha 188- yur-old •eh Yllleln .. he -Chet f« 11\41 lflOred· lenta. lndudlnO the Crown .i.we4a, uMd to meke hi• lll•1>1olonglng alhdr 'PG' 7go(C) * * * "Ceddle" (1981) Helen MMM. JllCk TilomJ>- aon A young woman teav.. her comfortable suburban home end "- cruel husband, delermi(led 1Q l8lte .h.tll raac>OOllblWY f« eupc>Ortlng har chlldran by doing what-odd job• Iha can get cm * *14 "Doi And The l(angeroo" ( t878) Antmat· ed. Directed by Ycxam Gron. A young girl ~ lo91 In the Aus- tralian buth a nd I• btilfri.ldad by a kengarOO .no gtv. her a lift In It.a pouch. 'G' (%) * * "Fiala Of FIJ#Y" (t973) &r-.-lee. Mllfle YI A mertlel erta axpert llnda ~eel danger when he goea to WOtt. In • Beng- kolt Ice tect«Y· 'R' a.•*** "P.J."(11M18) 6-ge Peppetd, Ray· rnond Butt. A pennlleea pnv.te .,. la trldled Into murder by • -he -Nrecl to guwd . • •••'A"UpThe SendtlOlt'' ( 1172) e.t>ta St...i.enct. Oevld Selby. An upectent hov .. wlf• ....,,. ol her role In mod· am IOOility tuma to flgtlta of f.ntaay and the ...,,.,., ._, .... -a ~Ion for her pt~. CID * ••At "SonwwMi• 1n Time" ( 1880) avtatopher AM'<le, J-Seymour. Ob.-c1 llllth Ille portrelt of a ·~ ect,.., ·~ ,._yoftl pe.,wc1ght UMa l!YPf-" to trW11 bed! In tllM and .....her.'PG' • ••• "The Dool Of Wtt'' (1880) Ctlriatopher W8'119n, TOfll 9er9nger. After being 10f1Unld ~ dlpOMd by M Atficen dlctetor, 1 ,.,.,cenary rtllUt"8 10 llad • rewlu- "°"''A' MO (II) • * * * "a.gi'' ( 1958) .,._.. Ctlevllller, L .... c.nin, A tCllfll6oy being ......by .. euntMd ..... '°"* -out °" .. °"" to ..... a """· .. CJ) ••• '?NltJMaklil _,. In A ,_.,. (1911) Rode ~ ...... °'°""*"' A .,..,_ CCIUftlMor. IN IOOlof•llllaiwY«• ldlOOI ........... -111 ............. pOIOt ....................... (C) • • • "Flrat Fatnlty" (1980) Glide Red,_, Bob Newtlart TM aexually repreaaed d&ughl8' of the country'• welrdeat pretl- dentlal family COft191icel• her lather'• allampta to condocl the alfalra ol 1tete. 'R' 10:00 CID • • 'At "Thief" pea t 1 J amH Caan, Tuesday w-.,. A proleaelonel crOOk glvea up hie lndependerlce tor e big tc0t • thtt he hopea wtll 58QH a his f.,,... !)'~Mure 'R' CSl ••• "lhe Competl-• tlon" ( 1880) Richard Orey- lusa. Amy tNlng Two plan- 1111 et a San FrancllCO musk: c:ompetltlon find 1htt 1"411< to... I« NCI\ other Gonft1C11 with their proleas1onat 1mbll1ont 'PG' 10: 15 Cll "Coup O'Etat" 10:30(0) *•>A "Happy 8lrth· dey. Gemini" (1MO) Made- lina Kal\rl, Rita M«eno A Harvard 111.tdenl'• birthdty party 11 his family's South Phll•d•lphl• ho ma t>eCOn'IM .,, eye-openlnO expenenc. for ,.,. vttltlng ctetsmates. 'R' • 11:00 (CJ • * • "The Artr Deed· ly Sin" (1980) Fr111k Sina· tra. Faye Dunaway A vet· .,.,, New York City pollc:e ci.tec11W, whoM ........ sufterlng from • -10ut Ml· neaa, trlet to cetch a brutal tc111ar tlWl'O'lttfnO Mll'lheT· tan. 'R' tt:llO g •*'A "Fox .... ( 1980) Jodie F09ler. Selly Ker .... m.n. The vlctlffta of broltan hOmel and ll(IC8(lng per· enta. lour t~ Oifla try to aoothe their amotlOnel wound• through drugs and eex. 'R' f2:00 . 0 **~"The Po. ....,., Of Joel OeleneY" (1872) Shifley Ueclelne, Perry King A divofcel Is tllfTOl'lnd by ,_ younger brother. wtM> ta poseeaeed by the t.plrtt of an u mur • der•.(R) ••• "Barracude" (1878) Wll'(M Oevld Cr- lord. J--. E~ A cd- tega ttucHnl triee to ptove a dlemlcel compeny II Netett)' clumping IOJ(lc wat• Into a town'• w•ter aippty. • • *'At ''The lt1al Of Ch..,wn ....,_,.. ( 1975) JM* ~andacl». Joanne ...... A chapleln In IN Nevy .. QOUf1-mertleled '°' a6ullery. tt:0t CID • • • • .. Altered Stat•" ( 1810) Wllllam Hutt, 8lall' Brown. A Har· Wiid aclantlat •• geMllc ~ .. lltered wMrl he c:ondUClta ~ Ing eapetlmel ... with llc)l9.. llon tenk• and ~ ~·A' tt:tl(I) *** "0..Trtdl Pon{' (IMO) Peul Simon, 8lalrllrown.A~ .., pertol-.. ~ by~ wound hill\ to drop Illa ~ of muelc end Mtt. -. tMI C9fl brillO lllPll bed! to tM top 40. 'A' (%)••'At "The Poatmen AIWIY9 Al"9• ~wlc•" (IN I) Jack NIChotaoo • Jaaalcll t..anoe-A yc>U"O WOlft8ll end '* '°'* ~ to,.,.,,.. lier,.,..,.. 'A' -~ •'4 "H O.T .S.t" ( 181') ~ l(.tgw • UN London., A~,,.._ daddle to '°"" .. O'ltllfl dub of 00, eda wN> oonotl'ltr.,. on ~-....-ooi, ~·l'r ta•.* "Tlw....,_ S.~ Melt»t. Po!/(' 33 ·Movie Guide for the Week From Page .12 frciubador" (1935) Gene Autry. When an old, nearly blind ranch« la found murdered, a eowhand sets out 10 apprehend lhe It.Iller . • ••'h "S.ngf Bangl You're Dead" (1966) Tony Randall, Senta Berger. An American In Morocco becomea entangled In the ec'*'-ol apies plotting ~inst the Unltad Nations. 1:30 U * * "My Bloody Val· entJne" (1981) Paul Ket· man, Lori Heller. A small town becomes a ~e of terror during their annual vai.nune·s Day dance. 'R' 1:60 CID • • • • "The Stunt Man .. ( 1980) Peter O'Toole, Steve Rallsback. Wanted by the police, a dlslutbecl Vietnam vate<an finds an unsure haven on a movie set wtiefa a World War I epic is being filmed. 'R' 2:16 (%) • • "Tiii Marriage Do Us Part" (1979) Laura Antonelll. A young bride finds hat confusion over her new Ille compounded when Iha learns that the man she has married Is actually her brother 'R' 2:86 (]:) • * * "Caddle" ( 198 t t Helen Morse, Jack ThOmp· aon. A young woman leaves tier comfortable suburban oome and her cruel huaband, determined to take ruu reaponalbility ..__ __ auppot1lng '1el chlld1 e11 by doing what-odd joba Iha can get. 2:16 9 * * * "A Study In Ter- ror" (1"8) John' Neville, OoNld Houelon. Baaed on the dlerec1.,.. crMted by Ar1hur Conell Doyle. When • --of bnltal nlllrdln gripe the Whl*"8pel .. trtct of London, Shet1odi • HGMlee~lorthe ...,.,. .. .,.~. MO. * • ._. 01.Me Oetlnga" ( (1980) Tatum O'....,, Kti. ty McNlc:tlol. At - CMIP. two ~ glrt8 compete to -who wtll b4I the flrwt to lole her \'Wglnl· ~'R' , 4:00 CZ) * * * * "Shadow Of A Doubt" ( 1943) Tereaa Wright, Joeeptl Conan. Wtlerl a men c:omM to ltey wltll 1118 •er 9'ld her lllm- lly In • &mall W.t Coeet town, Illa niece la plegued wlttl the negglng autplclon that he la reelly the "Merry Widow'' klller. 4:20 ct) * * * "Flrat Family" (1980) Giida Redner, Bob Newhart. The MXUally rapt-" dauglller ol Iha country's welrcte.t preei- dentt.I fllmlly compllcalM her lather'• attempt• to conduct the affalre of _. .... 'R' Tuesday movies MNOt•.--I MO e * .,...,. "Rod(9'1GW" : (1e.>) Paul Ml:Cartn.y and I Wlngl. TNt NOOtd Of IN bMd'a U.S. tout lrdldaa .,.,..h .. IOee Of .. Jet .• , ''tend on ni. Aun:· "Slly LO¥e ..,_.. and aome Old BllMleball9d9.'PO' .. CZ> •••• "Netwoltl" (1tTt) ,.,. ~. Wll- ie.n Holden. Alt """ ..... ---..._rat· ""' -~ """"" ....................... °"""..,..,......,,...°" .,, • --...... "'°" ........ -...1 ( A S_PECIAL GIFT Susan Dey <left ) stars as a family-oriented young woman who becomes part of a s urrogate-pregnanc~· program and Cassie Yates stars as her best friend in ··The Gift of Life:· on CBS <Ch. 2> Tuesday at 9 p.m. .-.... .,. "The Manjpula-w· (1972) Stephan Boyd, ~ Koaclna. A connMng teM¥181on eucutlYe who -~ eround him to hla own advantage find• Iha! Ilia mo9t 91aboralely planned publicity stunt l>ec*flrea on him. CC> • *. "Beltleground" (1 ... t) Vett Joflnaon, John Hocllak. American aoldler'a of ... 1019' Airborne DM- alon enpoa In the FNneh cainc>elgn and the Battle of the Bulge. Cl) **'A "Bustin' LOOM" (1981) FUcn.d Pryor, Clea- l)' TY900. A bumbling bur- g I er, a concerned echoolteec:her and eight cNldr9fl meka • fr10hlen· Ing etOM-«>'Jfltry trip In • bfoken-down tdlOOI but. 'R' • * * * "I Sent A Leiter To My Love" (1991) s.n-Slgnoret. JMI\ Roctlebt. A lft6ddlHOed -who .. ..,.,., lft09f of her aclluft .. Cir• Ing tor Mr lllvMd bfolher dtclctee to .,,_a let1er to 8 MWISJtlS)er IOf*Y '-11 coN!nn. 'PO' t:IO <JI) * • ._. "DNaeed To 1<11" ( 1HO) MlctlMI c.in.. At"'9 ~-Pollca ~-~ ,,.,,.,., who butolllnd • ..,,,,.,.. ,__..,., 'R' (%) * * "T•....,.,. Do ua PM" (1t1t) &.eurr• Mtoneli. A ~ t1nc1e .. her oonfullcwl -,__ ... ~ "'*' ... ...,,. IN! .. -..... memed .. ~----··111· ... Cl) .. .....,,._ lrot"ou" (Pr-lorel • .................... , ... , ...... ,.A .......... attomlly , .......... ,... • -* tor ~ i.tp on Illa emotlonely troUbled brother ""*' he Medell l'llmmoet. ..., cm • • ''The Elttermlna· tor" (1ta01 Ct:rlalopfler Geotoa. Samanltla (8Q8'. After hie -buddy la left parlllymd by a Now Yortl ycMlltl pno. a Vietnam vet decldH to take hi• '8¥8"98 by murdering atteo( crtmlnala through gruetome. tortuoua -.'R' to:00 ct) * * "Girt Fr*'dl" ( 1978) Me1er11a Meyron. Ell Walech. A young women leer"9 the cardlnel rul8e of r-by wtllefllng the "fllnol" o4 her cloeMt friend and deciding to halle -heraalt. Cl) • • "Huftwlolda From The Deep" (19801 Doug McClure, Ann Turkel. Loethaome creoturet ffom tt:e -·· deptlle ettadc a Collfomle ~ town, ki.tng the man 9'ld raping the-.'R' ••*\t "UttlaMIM Mettler" C tHO) Walter ......... Jule ArNhwa, a.Md on tho ~mon • Aunrcln •OfY. A O!"fl, atln- '11 19309 bodtle'a "" ta ...,..,.., oround wMfl Ila _,.,.. .... ~ mot>-'* •• llWf(or for • ,_ ~bot.'N' *"CID CZ> ••i.. ''TN Poet· 1Mr1 A"'-9 A119 Twice" f 1111) Jook Nlcflolton, Joallloa 1.0nfe, A~ WOINfl end ..., lowr p!Ot tolftWdor '* ........... 'A' n•CI:> •••· ·--~· (197S} -lrtdpo. ~ Fllld. 1111 ~ ..... ~ M Gld loullllm ...... .;et M~. PCJoe 34 ~ cningourbirthday-cetebration, yoo'tl:find awk:te- selection of Lees Carpets on sale. Hundreds of colors, textures and patterns. The selection includes Lees carpets with exclusive Biofresh. Biofresh is the 12atented process that fights odor and odor- causing bacteria and keeps your carpet fibers hygienically fresh for life. You11 find Lees Carj>ets made from soil and crush-resistant Dupont Antron. Our 136th Birthday Cefebration lasts only untit the 25th, so hurry! Come to the party ... and save! TONE-ON-lONE. Richly styled twist created for your elegant lifestyle. Deep sumptuous pile texture and natural tone- on-tone shading are the hallmarks of this fine s219s Lees Carpet. CARVED TEXTURE. A luxurious carved texture that reflects the finest of traditional carpet styling. A wide range of decorator colors. Designed to perform an~here in 22x29.3 s-1 L'\l\ busy homes. U" _. MULTl-lONE. Multi-tone saxony plush, the ultimate tor luxurious living. E>esigned for years of good looks. Antron~ nylon face fibers give this carpet soil hiding and easy cleaning S 1 C 1\0 features you'll love. ~ SAXONY PLUSH. A luxurious saxony plush made with Antron nylon-today's most durable long-wearing carpet fiber. More fash.ion colors make it easy to coordinate with your S 1 ~5 part1cul r decor. J' · DU PONT ANTRON.-. .UYE THE UFE OF IMD Made better by Burlington lil leEnds.T.hurs.,March2.--··· . ---f ' I •. I --------• • -----------~ • -+---~ I ... Pilot lV Log, Friday, March 5, 1982 t I I ; I i i i i i I I l i :ill 11•1n11i1•~illJ'1lJlii.t;(!~!li~!ll:_1!Ti~1 !1f1!~!111!l!iJi:f~;n1i!i'Hi!U?IHJIPtUUU!lUIHnn1J!iHii~:!i !' 11 _i 111.i !111 i ~~~~1~1r!1~11 l;,f;~~~~11Jf~'!11! fi~!11Jlrl11 1 1 1if~, ~11, 14~r~f1Hll1rl ;~11~i · l!Jf1~i=. 1111,:! ~ ~ ,, i. __ gf i . % ~~I»_ ! i ~ ~ i .. iri 1 '! _ j 1 -~ i !l ! i 1 _ ... I 1 ~ r ,, ... ~'. ~ .... ·-~ I . ~ ~ • I I . r • ' • ·1 II!\ B ~ I VI °" > -.. ·· . -. ' . . Wf ·1111 ·1111 •1· t.lf j8 11 3 ~ i I a1 ~-=•i1 f i. ;-::§811•111r-=•rj · r Ir f i8f J~J r•1~ 1.f I 3. (/) ~ .:-~ -, ' • · , ~ ~· -.i -. • IJ1~ ~iJI II~ J~~ I~.& ~!J'Jr1 ~f l~-~if •1 Z1i11fl. it~ )tj~. ;ltJ ~[~ \::.t;~~.\;.~ .. i\',"'.; 1 •• ,~··· ::. • i.-~111 1 .. j --.. ~ I l · s, l .. r 'Q , ~1· ·Ji,, __ .• '11 s . s , ,1 ~=I ~~:-;.;~. ,.~,./· . , ~ ,,,, .,:r i1 1M1tl • . ~ i!ii!~ ;u111~ i:!11 1 1r:!11 1~1 .1:i1u ~I ;1 Hi i:~~·~M (J .-·.,, ~ · c;·· ~ !'.S1~.,/'f~ j\j -~. _, I ~ , r~ !' l s•i=-!F . • ~il~li= g,J~!l : itlslf. z• 1~1, ~• >~ ;•a~ ~; b . ~~r-gt~f;, .. 'I' -...... ~2 0,, (!~ -, r..~1•: . I -.. I . I . I i . i I ~ ~ ~ i~ ... ,~ · • 1 'ltll 1r~:iqrnH!1Hjm!~:!IHl~Hf~!l!Hf H!f1!ilU!~:1 1j~r!~Uiil~m1 ·~~~ ~11 . ... 1;;1:U1:1·11~'1 Hrlfii lJ11lUi ?fi1!f ,~l!11fd 1•111 11 ~ 1!11 1''1!1~ 1~111 t?P ~!~ . i 0 1••1 Jfi lrll :;l ... i.>1:~ !ii. 1 Ii-. i.o .J, i J.t ~ "It i..t,.: S ;:;· '., ~ · ?' • > 1 ~ ~ : R} :t : ,, i. :11 i I f l . . t , ll ~ -.-~. ~ , ' ,,, u~ ~iJhf U!~·~ Udh.·' shd ;1th 1HtlH ln.IH . I hn1 • E~J . . 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THE CARD Is for everyone. THE CARD Is a plastic credit card style identification card that provides Instant savings at 1tores and shop1, travel and entertainment facllttle1, reataurants, automobile•, appliances, major purcha1e1 and MORE. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON: • Restaurant• • Hotel• • Car Rental• * Automobile• • Appllancea • Furniture * Travel/Entert•lnment & MORE Plus ••• THE CARD Pro•l•s * $50,000 Travel Accident Ina. • Group Life Ina . * Credit Card Protection • Monthly New1letter & MORE . C• 667-0777 for more lllfonnatlon or mail coupon -------------------------------, --., 1a1aa., ...... , .... a ..... A-.C..917•• y.._, ..... _.._,_,.._ .... _ntaCAID ••• -1111• ........ $It.ti CH.ti S...-C•u II. I a• ..... _, ... d lte ref 0 • .... M ...... N _. •• 4hlllf ••lfll& W.C. ...... ......... 1MICAllD. I I I I I I . I I , I I : I ...... ~~ ......... ~---~~~...,;_~~~__.;.__~~~ I· I I I 1......,~===---..::;:;=~ ......... , __ ...:...::::::::;:::;t::::::::-:-:--t I ____ .,, . 35 I::-36 .,. I ... ~ ~ e ~ >. :2 -c--. ~ ~ :§ ~ ____ ,.., ' • Labon&ol'tee tor~ ..rnoe ... eeob br&nob • Sum-..... ln man,y.... • B1tooala ~ 118~ • llaU9ab •Lomb 8Clft ~I~~ '98 pr. e IODI-OAL MIOlp'*1 ~~-=-(at~ w.t) a.2-3133 ............ Pkllo N9wport Shp. Ctr. 75H6.16 lanlDAna 506W.115G-3571 NllltOn 500 N. Harbor at.id. (at Oq)man) 870-7441 Anaheim 1206N.~d ......... °'*""~. ,.,.. •#f/IC:;l: Ac...,A~- n I ......... w.,.....,..,._ ...... ....,,.... '°" ................. L•~ la,·~ ae, •• ,.. ..... . ••••• Cl ........ . ~ ....... 'Artlllr' ............ -.'o. .............. ...,. sere.,. .,.. "-' Ua 1 ?F'aw-.• ... ..._ ...... S..Sc « • ·....-.ae,.· ... ................. 'Oalr--1 '-"' . . .r._~···-~·· Y<>l 'l{(.()\li>l.l~IL<.111>1. lt><>R,\:\C.EC:C>i\S'I [)[\l.RSIC>'\S Oscar Fever Contest gives you chance for night out By MICHAEL DOUGAN Ol .. 1»91., ......... The-story goes that when Bett.f' Davis saw her first Academy Award she said, "Oh, that looks Just like my uncle Oscar" and the name stuck. Apocryphal or not, it seems Hite as good a way as any to name those little gilded statues that, in Hollywood circles, are more coveted than an original Rodin. At any rate, Oscar has inj~ted himself into our consciousness once again as the Academy Awards draw nigH.'lifthree weeks Americans will wait with bated breath while the envelopes are opened and winners named in the film industry's annual gala tribute to itself. And, if you are like millions or others, you'll be rooting for your favorite movies and actors to get their just rewards. You can pick 'em, can't you. So here's your chance to prove it. Enter "Oscar Fever," the Daily Pilot's new Academy Awards contest, and win a night for two at one or Orange County's finest dinner theaters in the ..;;......--U-Moad-ff-Ole1 io-A.oahej m, To enter, you must fill out the entry blank on Page 2, listing your choices for seven categories: Best Picture, Best A clot, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director and Best Original Song. You can enter as many times as you like. but remember that all entries must t>e on an official entry blank. No photocopies or handdrawn entry forms wUI be accepted. All ballots must be postmarked no later than midnight, March 27. Judging will be done by the Dally Pilot Weekender section editorial staff. The winner will receive a certificate for dinner and a show for two at the Grand Dinner Theater, lood through November or this year. The Gruid is featuring "Gypsy" unW 11"1 11 Md "The Music Man" from June 1 throup Au1. Z2. Otber shows for the year are yet to be announced. Picking the Oscar winners iJ a little -like playln& roulette' -you select your favorite and hope the wbeel spins in your favor. SWI, there are certain tbints to bear in mind: First, remember who actually selects the winners. The Academy Awards are voted on by members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which is made up entirely of people who work in the film indultry. Knowin& thia, for example, you milht bave peaaed that''Kramer. vs. Kramer' would will an O.Car two yean aco because, quality aalde, it dult with the W,.es of divorce and child custody, taplc1 with wblclf:Jnany people in the Hollywood communltJ cauld eaaUy ldenUly. Bear in mind that mo.le people are a sentimental lot. For that l'Mlm, actors in their later ltq• of life, or thOM wbo lane received several Oeeu nomlnaticma m tile pMt but never actually wan, ltaw aa ........ ~. · Pattiema ID tlae put allo IDdleat.e tbat film• releued wit.bin a few aa.tltl of tla• award .. ,...., ............... But tMle orttMta an llr DO ..._. ablohtte. Ac.._, ..a-. ue DGt.., ftlmmallen, but ftlllllOln M well, .. ~-.... al JOU to ... ,.............. .. ..... . ltllllpe, fl---.11,. .... •er mOlt of the mtrM1 ID ucla cat11m7. Jail.__,._,., belt fn.d or A.a MaUldia Did_..,.... don't uaume ,_ ...id. Bat ..... lie ..m., wlllle Hefti, ii 1111' ao ..... a ,....,. •• , for ~la tM ''Ollar ,.._., ..... Y• eouw .... tne a Bit., .. lmh•• .. ,... It -......... for ............ Md ,., .. Olllir: ..... ~ •• •• • •• • . • • -Ed& £i • I ! Table to.Table ... Oscar Fever ~ u -------------------From Page I ... • «I -r'Five Crowns' 'O ~ i.s theee place ~ By MICHAEL DOUGAN OftM~ ..... IUft ~ Five Crowns R.estauTant, JIOJ E. Coast Highway, § CoTOno dtl MaT, 760--0331. DimleTa Tanging /Tom 116.95 ii: Jo llB.95. ~ Monda11·Th1'rsdllJI, S-10 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays S-11 p.m., Sundaya JO a .m.·3 p.m. foT bTunch, 4·10 p.m. for dinneT. ReaeTvationa Tecom~. As the name implies, Five Crowns in Corona del Mar serves English·style cuisine of the regal variety. The quality of the food is implicit in the dtt0r, which is dark tad warm and formal in the cozy, drawing room sense of the word . Waitresses dress in British serving·maid .costumes and their friendly smiles help offset what might otherwise be a slightly stuffy aura. Five Crowns is not the kind of place you run q\lt t.o for a bite t.o eat. It is where you go t.o d1ne, or to boiSt a quiet cocKtail amid the leather lirld hardwood of the elegant bar. It is a place for special evenings. We were fortunate to attend the Five Crowns with a small group, which meant that at the end of the evening we had sampled at least half the entrees from their limited <they would say exclusive) menu. There is a style of serving at the Five Crowns that amused us. Be/ore our salads were served, they were shown t.o us broken down into their constituent ingredients. Ukewise, our rack L--------UJL-IA&Ub '.&S di${)1ayed -to-us-before it was carved up at tableside. Were we to approve or disapprove? Of course not. It was a theatrical bit or nonsense intended, perhaps, to make us feel better about the prices we were paying. Still, there was no offense t.o it. · The real show began when we bit into our dinners. That show -need we say? -took • Al's Garage; -0. Denim Store A Uwt "S>t:' Shlnc..W bal6c Qer*1\ a. t. Aldlc. ..,.. leg dlnlm. c ..... tor Min. .-.ch dlnm. D. CGMr\ IM\ .. Cl. dlr*n. -place on the stls:w.·-..1-our-~taste-buds.-t-. ------- e mbarrasses us to rave, but there wasn't chances or winning would still be considerable. anything to this meal that disappointed. The Those nominees are: lamb ($18.951 was terrific. The prime ribs or BEST PICTURE: ··Atlantic City," ~·chariots beef ($16.95 ro $18.95) with hefty dollops of of Fire," "On Golden Pond," "Raiders of the.Lost horseradis h, were sumptuous. The roast Ark" and "Reds." duckling ($13.95), served on a compote of apples and prunes, was a cuUnary treasure. It was one of those meals that you -really do write home about. Each entree comes with a choice of soup (we bad a hearty lentil bean) or one or three salads, ranging from Romaine Jettuc·e to the intricate "Pride of the Crowns'' -bibb lettuce, walnuts, bacon bits, Gruyere, cheese and croutons with "the chef's secret dressing." We lound this t.o be a bit much and left. moat of. the nuls at the bottom of the bowl, yet that was more a result of our own quirks in taste. Our desserts were in keeping with the rest of the meal, which is to say very good. Although we didn't sample them, the Five Crowns claims t.o have more California vintage wines on its list than most local restaurants, as well as a selection of German and French labels. We spent almost two hours with this meal, which is as 1t stioula be. However, beca~e some of the chairs are made of wood with minimal cushions, a couple of us left with rather sore backsides. Yet, on the following day, our backsides were fine and the flavors of the evening before lingered fondly in our memories. It was a s mall sacrifice for a large reward. 08car Fever rule8 1 J All entries must be on an orr1cial blank clipped from lhe Daily PiloL No photocopies or hand-drawn e ntry blanks will be accepted. 21 Individuals may enter as many times as they like. 3> Entries must be postmarked no later than March 27,-1982. 4) Daily Pilot employees and members of their immediate families are not eUgjble lo enter. SI Selections must ~ made in each category Incomplete entries wttl nol be attepted. Denim: '\den-em\n 1. A well known basic cotton or blended fob<ic. The fcbflc Is very d.able and Is populof for o11 types a garments flOm wen clolhes to sportswear and evening '#80f. 2. A cocne blue clJrQoree used ror wen clOthes. Ollglnollv used for sollas wen clottles. ~~(; 56 FASHtON ISLAND · NaWORr BEACH (714) 644·7030 BEST ACl'OR: Warren Beatty, ''Reds;" Henry Fonda, "On Golden Pond;" Burt Lancaster, "Atlantic City ;" Dudley Moore, "Arthur" and P~ul Newman," Absence of Malice." BEST ACTRESS: Katharine Hepburn "On Golden Pond;" Diane Keaton, "Reds;" Marsha Mason, "Only When I Laugh;" Susan Sarandon, "Atlantic City " and Meryl Streep, "The French Lieutenant's Woman.i• f BEST SUPPORTING Acn>R: James Coco, "Only When I Laugh;" John Gielgud, "Arthur;" Ian Holm, "Chariots or Fire;" Jack Nicholson. .. Reds" and Howard E . Rollins Jr.," Ragtime." BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Melinda Dillon, "Absence of Mlllice;" Jane Fonda, "On Golden Pond;" Joan Hackett, "Only When I ·Laugh;" Elizabeth McGovern. "Ragtime;" Maureen Stapletoo, .. Reds." . BEST DIRECIOR: Warren Beatty, "Reds;" Hugh Hudson, "Chariots of Fire;" Louis Malle, "Atlantic City ;" Mark Rydell, "On Golden Pond" and Steven Spiel l>erg, ''Raiders of the Lost Ark.'' BEST ORIGINAL SONG: "Arthur's Theme, Best That You Can Do" from "Arthur," "Endless Love" from "Endless Love," "The First Time It Happens" rrom "The Great Muppet Caper," "For Your Eyes Only" from "From Your Eyes Only" and "One More Hour" from "Ragtime." Oscar Fever OFFICIAL BALLOT BEST PICTURE O All antic City O Chariots of Fire 0 On Golden Pond O Raiders of the Lost Ark 0 Aeds BEST l\M'OR O Warren Beatty 0 Henry Fondl O Burt Lancester 0 Dudley Moore O Paul NeW!Nn SUPPORTING AC'TOlt O JamesCoco 0 John Glel9Ud O lan Holm 0Jacll Hlchol1«1 0Howard E. Rollins Jr. Bt:ST DIREM'OR O Warren Beatty 0 Hugh Hudson O Louls Malle 0 Maril Rydell 0 Steven Spielberg BF.ST MTRE.<;S O Katharine Hepburn O Diane Keaton 0 ~arsha Mason 0 Susan SerandOn O Meryl Streep . SllPPOllnNG ACTRESS 0 Melinda Diiion 0 Jene Fonda 0 Join Hackett O Elltabeth McGovern 0 Maur"n Stapleton ORIGl~AL SOSG O Best That You C.!I Do 0 Endless LOW 0 TM First Time In Haptlens 0 For Your E.,_1 Only O One Mon Hour .,. ............ , ••rdl 17, ·- OICAR rsvu •~ n,.. ..., .. PRIZD PRDSNTSD av neOrudDIMel' ........ NAMS~~~~~~~-.;;.....~_,;.;--.~~~-- ADDll .. ,--.-'"'"--~~----~~~~~-.....;..;;..~ I , .. 3 Movies l ~ ----------- 'Slwot th~MoQn? t estimony to an American marriage "Shoot the Moon" is rated R and is now playing al Edwards Cinema Center and South Coast Plaza theatera in Costa Mesa, and Edwardi Viejo Twin in Mission Viejo. wife the things that attracted him to her in the fi rst place. There isn't much suspense about what's going on inside George -we've seen it happen a dozen times in life. And, as often happens, the betrayed woman sinks into depression and begins to pull herself together just <lboU{ Che time George begins to fall a part. Sandy is no match fo r , faith; he beglns ·to see how selfish a nd wrapped up in business he has been. The re's a fo reboding sadness as we watch them deterior ate: we know where they're going before they gel there and we wish they couJd see the same. sym bol. The accuracy or Goldman's ~ -ff~ wtrat .. ·-mlf1re!' """'Slloof Che Moon" such a good te~limony to :- modem American marriage. U we ~ had to send one work of art to ii another-planet to show what is wrong ~ (and ultimately right> in our version ~ of romantic love, it would be this ~ By JEFF PARK ER 01 -o.lly ~, ... s .. ,. The great dra ma in American married life i;; the l~n string by which it hangs: stilJ another recent study announced that one in three American marriages ends in divorce, which suggests the high number that m u s t con tin ue in un ha ppiness. num bness. rage. American movie m akers have dealt with the issue frequently, though not prolifically (''Kra mer Versus Kramer," "An Un married Wo m an." "T he Last Ma r ried Couple in Ame ric a ," "Mid dle Age Crazy," "Ordina ry People" to name recent attempts), and with varying degrees of success and disaster. "Shoot the Moon" is what all of them tr ied to be : so ·accurate and so true t hat the char acters, George and F aith Dunlap (Albert Finney and Diane Keaton> move right off the screen and into the world of archetype. I thi nk more Americans will see themselves in this movie than in any of the las t decade "Shoot thP Moon ," directed by Alan Parker and written by Bo Goldman.-is set. in rura l Marin County, California. They live in a large house; they have fou r young daughters. George is a ..successfuJ writer of non-fiction. Faith raises the children and tends the house. The movie opens on the eve of a writers· awards banquet in San Francisco. to which George and F aith are going, at which George is hoping to win. While Faith makes herself up amidst the din of her four daughters (they all want to make up too), George is upstairs where he holds his head in his hands, cries briefly, then calls his lover, Sandy <Karen Allen ). The noise of his daughters and wife carries upstairs as he talks; we cut to t he bedroom wh ere Faith good-naturedly succu m bs lo their demands and applies makeup lo the youngest daughter. Back upstairs lhe ruckus seems louder as George hangs up; the noise of F aith and the chi ldren is one-half of the audio motif of the m m. The other haU is the deadly silence that falls over George a nd Faith as they board the station wagon ror the drive to San Fn nclsco. Staring straight ahead in silence, they sit benumbed. Faith's interest in Frank CPeter Weller) not only helps her through the days of hurt, but it accelerates George's attempted return. Frank is a builder: -he's kind, earthy, blunt. He 's also a lot younger than George, and when George sees what his wife is doing you can see the humiliation on his face. It's not just that he thinks he's irreplacable; he can't believe s he woul d wi llin gly replace him. When George tries to break into his house to get to his e ldest daughter. Sherry (Dana Hill > the locked door separates him from more than just his family -it keeps him Crom the only part of himself he still loves. His answer to frustration 1s rage. What keeps this movie from being a weeper Cor a. s leeper > is the great v1 vaciousness of Bo Goldman's script. ft brims wit h humor and , warmth just at the times we least expect it. The four Dunlap daughters are not only slaps tick comedians, but together they take on the wis dom, dis tance and bala ncing effect of a Greek chorus (Parker even frames them together when he can ; they fill the screen like fish overfilling a net )>. They've got the instincts that George and FaJth have lost. and their questions about the break-up and t he s ubseq u ent relationships with Sandy and Frank are innocent and penetrallng: how can you sleep with Sandy when she's so bony? Do you hate Mommy? Why couldn't you and Daddy wait for each other? Sherry Is the only one old enough to have a clear picture of wh at is going on bet ween her parents. but she's too young to know why. She pays most heavily for what George has done, even more than George does. It's through Sherry that. we see divorce stripped or reuon and rationalizafion, and gel a look at the p r imal h avoc it can cause in DIANE KEATON . .H er pe r forman ce i s a l mo s t fri ~htening. children. Faith and George have been preparing for this moment for years; but it falls on Sherry like a lightning bolt Sherry thinks that her parents arc right for each other, so what's wrong '! Marriage, a som e what caustic critic once rema rked, is the only battle where the combatants sleep together. As Goldman bas written "Shoot the Moon," we're focused on Faith and.. George but we realize circumstance more than character is what tears lhe marriage apart. In "The Art of Loving," Erich Fromm posited that the Western drive for profit and its i nh e r ent "d e h umanization" 1s a direct antagonist to developing the capacity lo love; in "Shoot the Moon" we see the theory in action. George is lost in his work; he's translated love into "providing ," c ari n g i nto "perfor ming." Whe n he tries to explain to Faith all his years of self-absorption, all he can say is "I worked hard." To George, the big house and the station wagon a re proof of love. When he fin ally manages to see Sherr y (she's been avoiding him like the plague since the break-upJ, George is toling the birthday present he bought her. He's been lugging the damned typewriter around for days and the first thing he thinks of when s he finally comes to see bim. is the typewriter. It means a lot more to George than it ever will to ttis daughter : it's the codification of everything he feels for her, a The beat is in the feet Jn success Is falJure : Geor.se wins the-award, but bickers with Faith at the table and they again fall quiet on the way home. Back ln llariD, tbey put. the children to bed and aleep in ditrerent rooms. The next morning ii T hey'll be poundln1 out music -Innovative combination or lradUlonal a replay or t he night before: the with shoes -Friday and Monday al tap d~. modera choreo1rapby and freniy or getting the kids off to UC Irvine. orl1lnal jazz compos lllons, tbe school, the silence lhal follows •hen And, it'll be done ln concert. apoke1man Hid. they leave. Faith finally confronts The bea\ is in the feet, so to speak. Durlnc their performances at UCl, George about hi• mistress . They Noting the complex herttace of tap the ensemble lS lo demonstrate bow fight bitterly and he walks out <Faith da nclnc aa a form of Jaa1 pertUllion, ahoH are utilized 81 mutleal hH antlcJpated the scene and its a UCJ s pokesman u ld the Los tnstrumenta. - resuli. -·~·1 packed bis baCI for Anules·based Ja11 Tap Ensemble him I. • will perform al 8 p.m . Friday and Tickets to Jan te,p performances When George moves out, then Monday in Fine Art.a VUlage Theattt art SS fO( StMral admisaaoa. A for be t Ina r e turntn1 for vartoqs oa the university campu.a. UCI s tudents ~ad $4 for other possessions, we ate the cla11lc The ens emble , which baa 1tudeat1. Hllior dttsen1 and UCI 1ituatlon unfoldlna: be mil-Ma perfor med lhtou1hout &be UD1ll4 llalf. ~and ~..i AaoclaUon cbtklnn md he bellna to .. la bit Stat••· bu beea praised for lta 1m.e mben. • -~--N~• _____ r ''-'"" ' ... .-.V \ ~. \ I movie. n ::r ~ I can't think of another actress who has progressed so much, opened herself up so much and tapped her ~ own resources so effectively as Diane N Keaton. The re's something almost frig htening in her performance as Faith; she's not made any effort lo look good for the cameras. Keaton is the perfect vis ual e mbocjiment of Faith's loss of faith. Her nose is constantly red from crying, her hair is str ingy, s he begins lo dress sloppily as the marriage ralls apart. But there's nothing stylized aboul the disintegration; she seems to crumble from the inside out. In "Reds," Keaton began cc1 n de nsing he r p e rfo r man ce, no mo r e of t he ebullience that was so char l!ling (~g_d eventtiaily Unng) in "Annie HaJI. ·· You could feel her bringing the role closer, feeling it , loving it, rejecting it. In "Shoot the Moon" she ingests - it. It's as if s he s wa llows Faith Dunlap and spends the next hour and a ha lf trying to spew her back out. Keaton's smile is magic. I think we see it twice in "Shoot the Moon," and both times, it seems to reveal a whole other side of her than we, or George, have seen lately. Keaton's battle as a performer has been to repress the girlishness in her. When she lets it show now, it just plain knocks-you ouT. Finney is masterful too. He's got the kind of face that shows how much. George has paid for what he has . Finney's gentleness constantly seems lo be trying to find a way out ; he's bottled up. tense. Rage looks foreign on Finney's face the same way that rage doesn't really belong to George. It simply invades him. You get the feeling that George can't really believe mosl of the things he does . This is especially true in his two violent outbursts . Finney looks wrong blowing up. the same way that DeNiro looks so right doing it. He's an implosive actor : you keep waiting tor hlm to have a heart attack. Th,roughout "Shoot t he Moon," F in ney looks overwhe lmed with himself. shocked. After "Fame " a nd "Midnight Express," Alan P arker's dire<!Uon of "Shoot the Moon" ls remarkably controlled and s ubtle. You can see the energy of "Fame" in the scenes where the Dunlap family ls together: the Cour children make enough noise for 10 children, Faith chl1J1es in. George tries to get control. Tbere's a wonderful sense of cbaOI, ol rtcbness to the scenes, Shol in Marin County, tbere•'s also a tremendous loneliness ln the bi& rural house, t he cool b e aches, the Iona stretches of lo~•mothered highway1. The sreen, r landscapes seem lo mirror tbe Dun ap marrtap: lt.'1 luab too, but aooa lo be rained under. Parbr uses some very e«eetlve Oftrlapplq in tbe aoundlcore: When Geor1e ls awa1 from hit wUe and cblldreo in uotMr ~oftbe ......._,their lhrtlJ, ll1per .. 19'1k YOicea 1Hm to follow bJm around, aaticlpatlnc hta next move . T hey're Ith conscience. they're It.I...,, eftl'Jtbinl that he can't. race _, lolaPr. 'l"fllere•s no sexual polMktiel oa Parlr•'• part. • Thia lsn'l a woman'• movie or a man's rnoneet1Mr. ll"1 botb ... ABSENCE OF MKUCE: Rated PG. Paul Newman THE BOllDER: Rated R. stllrs Jack Nicholson as a and Sally Field. A careful study oC the power or the press disillusioned border guard and Valerie Perrine a~ his --..·---·-"''-"'* it~iX;~:teee. Rei::U~ta-~-rrPofle~--N~od--•tfe. ~ehol99n -~;»cmt-as-it.c-'dtsgusted -~ The PG rating ls for adult language. Charlie Smith; Harvey Keitel Is taul llS his corrupt ~ · friend and partner. The R rating is for \•iolence. some ~ THE AMATEUR: ·Rated R. stars John Savage and nudity and language. i Marthe Keller in$ tale of CIA intrigue and betrayal. The ~ R rating is for vlolen~e. i A11.ANTIC CITY: Rated R. stars Burt Lancaster as an aging, bottom·rung ex.gangster who gets one hist · chance to make a big buck when he happens upon a large ~ amount oC cocaine, and one last chan~e at romance when 0: he meets Susan Sarandon, a card dealer. Louis Malle directed this bit of whimsy, written by John Guare. It's fresh. runny. and alive. The R ratinj is for violence and adult situations. ·-- BODY HEAT: Rated R. starring William Hurt as a bungling, lovestruck attorney and Kathleen Turner as the remme fatale. This sexy. devious mystery takes place in a fictitious. Florida town so hol that people in cares order iced teas two at a time. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan as an homage to film noir. the R rating comes from brief nudity. salty language and a general air of steaminess. ~IJen ~ Zl;agon · . GENUINf,OflNESE MANDMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo C.Orte Dishes . Lunch. Olnl'ef OaU>-• Food To Take Out 4711 c ..... Oll'Mel. 12) .....__..._-....... 750.7171 • 750-IOM '2 cosY.-...S. 1 .~~ .642-71,2 • Hl·tfl I We've changed and have a newly remodeled lounge, oyster bar and dinner menu! ENTERTAINMENT INIGllTS GIOMli•tU*Wtr ... ' t lamt memo MONDAY NIGHT JAD CANNERY ROW: Rated PG. stars Nick Nolte arld Debra Winger in a Cree·swinging mm adaptation of Jotin Steinbeck's stories "Canner)' Row" and "Sweet Thursday." Shot on MGM sound st.ages. this mo,·ie has a swee t. enchanted look and Cine performances by Nolte. Winger and Audra Lindley as the madame. Narrated by John Huston. The PG rating is for sexual adult situations. CRAalOTS OF Fllt&: Rated PG and starring Ben Cross and Ian Charleson as runners in the 1924 Olympiad. who run races for different reasons but manage to win just the same. The PG rating must be for Its lofty themes: there is no nudity, no violence and vertV litlle offensive lancuaie. DEA111 WISH II: Rated R. stars Charles Bronson and Jill Ireland. This story continues the saga or a man who sets out lo avenge the death or his wire at the hands of muggers. The R rating is for violence. TKE RENCH LIEUTENANTS WOMAN : Rated R. stars Meryl Streep in the rote of the heartbroken and heartbreaking French Lieutenant's woman and Jeremv Irons as the Victonan gentleman who gambles his lo\'t · on her The Victorian love stow fable 1 intercut with another plot: the modem day Cilm ere~· making a movie or "The French Lieutenant's Woman" has its own romantic dramas and downfalls which arc meant to compare and contrast with the Victorian sequence. The R rating is for adult sexual situations. GALLIPOLI: Rated R. stars Mel Gibson and Mark Lee as two young Australian soldiers who fight m the tragic batUe of Gallipoli in World War I The R ratini:: is' for language and violence. HOUSE OF WAX : Rated PG . is a re·release. in 3·0 . Nt here or teke home I . or the horror classic starring Vincenl Price and Ph~·llis ~~.:.~~c _P~n~J! ~~iolencc~ _ ~· 0 tL :r .. ---~ MAKING LOVE: Rated R. stars Mic:-iael Ontkean. Kale Jackson and Harry Hamlin in a story about a woman. a man and his homosexual lover. The R ratjng is for adult situations 1llld hotnosexuatity. NIGtrr CROSSING: Rated PG. stars Beau Bridge~. John Hurt and Jane Alexander as oppressed East Germans who attempt to nee their country to the west in a homemade hot-air balloon The PG rating is for vi-Olence. ONE FROM THE HEART: Rated R. takes place in a sound stage re-creation of Las Vegas and tells the story of 24 hours in lhe lives of two lovers. The film was directed by Francis Coppola. written by Armyan Bernstein and Coppola.~nd stars Frederic Forrest. Teri Garr. Raul Julia and Nastassia Kinski. The R rating is for .adult situations. ON GOLDEN POND: Rated-PG. stars Henry Fonda and Katharine H~pbum a~ an aging couple r-etuming to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxieties about death: she·s interminably cheerful. They bicker politely until the arrival or their daughter IJane Fonda 1. her latest boyfriend. Billy 1olayed brilliantly b)' Dabney ColemanJ and his 13·year-old boy The PG rating i.s for language. PE~llQM HEAVEN: Rated R. stars Steve · 'Martin and Bemadelle Peters in A tbrowb;lclt t0..J9~ 1ca . against the degrcsslon. the story is serious. even u hUle black The R rating 1s for adult situation~ and sex. PERSONAL BEST: Rated R. s tars Martel Remingway and ?atrice Donnelly in the story of two athletes vying for a bid in the 1980 Olympic Pentathalon It's a celebration or competition. friendship. good heallh and good bodies. written. directed and produced b,· Robert Towne. The R rating is for nudit~. homosexualil ~ and adult situations. · See Currently. Page 6 "Dine in Elegance" Sunday Champagne Brunch or Lunch ilob 1'urns ltestaurants "Hilh!. 'Tis llH pl11u to tline." NE IY'PURr lJf.ACH FASlllON ISLAND (7H) rttJ.lflJll ROISTPlmElll m:•EF•JUS & Cha'-..... a..ac"Y" ST. EMl.IOll i The Farm offers bit o' gold , Gold fever will strike Knoll's Berry comers. Championships Will begin Farm this ~els~.!1.d 1!.L~~day Satyrrla.y~m.\:rcale&Ofko;~JOC-.meao-, .g'"ers ga!fil!r fOr the annual World women, juniors (ages 12-16) and Championship Gold Panning children (11 and under). The first Competition. --lhr.ee winners in each category will The event, started about 20 years win.trophies. ago by Glep and Dorene Settles . at The Open World Championship will their famed Tropico Gold Mine in be held Sunday. Rosamond,"commemorates the dale In addition to the competition, the gold was first di scovered in Gold Prospectors' Association will California on March 8, 19<1.2. hold its annual show of modern The two-day event is open to all gold-prospecting equipment. · INTRODUCE USTO CYD CHARISSE CLOSES MARCH 7th lft ..... llook •net Candle STARRING JEANNE BYRON Music By JULE STYNE Book By STEPHEN SONDHEIM ,, Directed end Choreographed by JOHN SP~NDLER __,_-~~fil.~~~L-t=~~~~~~ 2FQR$l2. We've cooked up a number of new dishes with the same special care we put into our famous crepes. But what makes the ones you see here truly irreststible is th e special price.-Choose any two and YoU can enjoy a delicious feast for just $12 . But this price won't be around too long. So drop by soon. We can't wait to have you over for dinner. LONOON BROIL Slices of marinaced sceak toppeJ wi th burgunJy wine sauce. BREAST OF CHICKEN CACCIATORE Saureed in a savory tomacu sauce with onion . bell peppers and wine. Served overn bed oflint,1\Jini. BEEF BOURGUIGNON CREPE AND RATATOUILLE CREPE One filled with tender beef and pearl onions in a fresh mushroom sauce. The other with a European blend of vegetables. South Coast Plaza, between Bullock's and Nordstrom's (714) 556,1225 Open daily &om 11 AM Brea Mall (7HJ 990~343 . Offer ROC><I after > PM REAL VALUES oif items from applesauce to zippers are advertised every day in the 5 .. -6 ~ Currently screentngiiii!!llli! __ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- e f~F.wm Page i . --~~---~~=,..,.., •• --.llW<>~.W:Oi~ .•. .l arr..r Tha~.-<ita.JJford W!li.t!· • • QUEST FOR FIRE: Rated R, ls a look al prehistoric Evelyn Nesbit. J .P. Morgan into the flveS Of whailries ~ mand and woman, complete with primitive language and very hard to be a typical American family. Elizabeth 't> a set of "body language'' developed by anthropologist McGovern gives a winning performance as the dreamy ;£ Desmond Morris. The rilm stars Everett McGill and Rae eyed Nesbit and Howard E. Rollins is commanding as Dawn Chong. The R rating is for violence and sex. Coalhouse Walker. a black piano player who is abused by RAGTIME: Rated PG. Is an intelligent screen version of E.L. Doctorow's L975 novel. which weaves bigots and bureaucrats ali ke The director . Milos Foreman. bad a difficult task in cutting the sprawling book into film shape, and he's done lbe job admirably. ~~~~~~~~~~~---'---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~T VIDEO ENTERTAINMENT CONTINENTAL DMDE ,_.._-, ~t NOW YOUR'S FOR PREVIEW OR PURCHASE NIW llLIAm S.0.B. ROCKY FOR YOUR EYES ONLY FINAL CONFLICT THUNDERBOLT ct UGHTFOOT EYE OF THE NEEDLE A HUGI SUCTION O.· MOVll HITS ..cw.• NOITW• 9fl!OYI •9!18•• • MMT TANI vcn • -ICllmll • CIDIOI CAMmAS • C5biOi W'I "NUMBER ONE PICfURE OF THE YEAR ... '~ ........... JWeet•ated tor II ACADEMY AWARDS .............. . BESTPIC11JRE -DRAMA BEST DIRECTOR ,.,ark Rydell BEST SCREENPLAY Ernest Thompson BEST ACTOR Henry Fonda BEST ACTRESS Katharine Hepburn BEST SUPPORTING ACTRES.S Jane Fonda .. ~G rat!!JJ..i.s fornudit 'an~so~I~--_ REDS: Rated PG. stars Warren· Beatty as John Reed. the American journalist and Diane Keaton as Louise Bryant. who becomes his wire This film runs well over three hours on a budget of over S30 million. a nd the loving care of Beatty. who also produced and directed . s hows. The PG r ating 1s for language and adult situations. SHARKV'S MACHINt:: Rated R. stars Durt Reynolds as a tough cop caught between a corrupt department and ever.present bad guys. The ft rating is for violence and langu~e SHO<»' THE MOON: Ra ted R. stars Albert Finne~ as George Dunlap. whose marriage to Faith c Ohme Keaton) is on the rocks They become in~olved with d1trercnt people. and for the first Ume in years. seem to involve themselves again It's an accurate. moving account of a break-up, more intuitive and precise than most movies on divorce As their daughter. Sherry. Dana Hill is brilliant Keaton gives the performance of u hret1me. The ft rating 1s fo r adult situations TAPS: Rated PG, is the tale of a group of military sc hool cadets who arm themselves and occupy thl' campus to keep it from being sold and turned Into condominiums, starring Timothy Hutton and George C Scoll. The PG rating is for vlolcnct' VICE SQUAD: Rated R. stars Season Hubie\' and Gary Swanson in a tale of survival on the street The R rating is for violence and adult situations MARK 7PM SUNDAY MARCH 14 SOUTii OOAST PLAZA t«>TEl DAVIDSON MAISHALL OTVEll I Jf<Z.Z/POP CX>NCERT I ISRAEL BAKER STRIP«; QUMTET 714/548-2081 TICKETS: BASEBALL CARDS UNI.. TO 1826 .,,T BLVD 04 T\JE-SAT 12-5:30 AU. SEATS RESERYED Diversions ------------------------------- - -PLAYS---~. --- ~--- "THE BLOOD KNOT," a drama about apartheid In South Arrtca, opens Wednesday oa the ~d Stage of Senath Coast Reperwry, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. CUrtaln ls 8:30 Tuesdays through Saturdays, 8 p.m. Sundays, with weekend matinees at 3 p.m. Call 957·4033 ror tkkets. "THE PAJ AMA GAME," a musical comedy. continues at the Westminster Community Theater. 7272 Maple St., Westminster. with performances gh•en Fridays and Saturdays at 8.JO through March 27. Call 995·4113 for reserrntions ' "RI NG AROUND THE MOON," a Frent'h comedy. 1s on stage at the Huntington Beat'h Playhouse. Main Street al Yorktown Avenue in tht' Seaclirr Village shopping center Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at s ·JO through April 3 with tit'ket information available at 847 4465. , "HENRY IV, PART I," a Shakespearean tragedy. is being presented OD the mainstage or South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. through April 4. Performances will be given Tuesdays through Saturdays al 8 p.m .. Sundays at 7:30 with matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 and reservations taken al 957-4033. "I OUGlff TO BE IN PICTURES," the latest Neil Simon comedy. 1s on stage at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. 3503 S Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana. playing nightly except Mondays al varying curtain limes through March 28. CaJJ 979-5511 for ticket information. "BLEACHER BUMS," a new comedy about baseball rans. is on stage al the Newport Theater Arts Center. 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Show times are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. through March 13. with reservations taken at 675-3143 "A DELICATE BALANCE," Edward Albee·s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, at the Irvine Community Theater. closes this weekend. Performances will be tonight and Saturday -at 8 p.m . Tickets available al the door. ECONOMY SEATING 12.&0 'til 3:00 l:XCll" SNCIAL •NOAQ&M&NTS NOT•D Mlrief Htmi~i PE.-Ul.IDT (R) 12 :30 3:00 5:30 1:00 18:20 Dil• K81tot1 in ~THE -l(R)At 12:15 2:.a 5:10 7:4010:• ~Specek ,li.j'l:t:t 1:&01G:1a ~,...... ........ U.MIFTlll lllT AM (PG) 1:•3:1J 5:30 7:451:5& "' 7DMM "DEAR FRI ENDS," a drama about four marriages. by Showcase Produruo..ns.. ~es_tbiLweeken~ -in . .tbe Westmmsler Auditorium. Westminster Avenue at Jioover Street in Westminster. Curtain is 8.JO p.m. tonight and Saturday, and 2:30 Sunday with reservations al 89Hi786. -ART------- PASTELS BV IRVINE RESIDENT CoM ie King are featured al Artists of California. 23121 Lake Center Drive. Lake Forest Gallery hours are 10 a m. to 6 p.m Tuesday through Saturday and noon lo 6 p.m. Sunday "CONTEMPORA.R V CALIFORNIANS V," an exhibit featuring new paintings. drawings and constructions by Nick Vaughn and sculpture by Phyllis Green. is on display Tuesday throug~ A~ril 15 al Laguna Beach Museum or Art. 307 Cliff Dnve. Laguna Beach. Gallery hours are 11 :JCt a.m lo 4:30 p.m daily except Mondays and hdlidays "CALIFORNIA CONNECTIONS," artwork created by facuJty and students al Sacramento State durfn~ the early 1970s, goes on display March 12 through Apnl 22. Also shown are black and while photographs portraits by Al Belson. Museum hours are 11 ·JO a.m. to 4 ·JO p.m. daily except ~ondays and holidays "ART WEEK '82," with lectures. workshops and d e mon str ations by Northern Ca lirornia painter/print-maker Joseph Rarrael, begins Monday in the Humanities Building at Santa Ana College. Sponsored by the school's art department, th~ week also includes an appearance Monday by ~ramie sculptor Richard Shaw on Monday and by Southern Caliromia artist Connie Zehr on March 12. Information, call 667-3177. ORIGINAL ORIENTAL ART is lo be exhibited and up for sale Tuesday in the lobby of the Humanities Building al Santa Ana College. Included are SOO pieces or art from Japan, China, Tibet. lndia, Nepal and Thail~nd. "A PERSONAL VIEWPOINT:" sculpture, prints and drawings from the personal collection or Rose and See Diversions. Page 8 ••ARQAIN MATIN•U• Monday lllru l1tunl1y All Ptf'fonMnce• 'before 5:00 PM ..... .,.... llllll•I II ... ......,., "PEJtSONAL BEllT" "' -.,. ... ._ __ _ ,_....., __ "~0, ,."'" .... ·--.--- .. ----"°" OOlDlle "*°" -.......... ___ _ lh ... IWOOD <!NTH> \( l t_I TH .,.. ·' ~ ..., --· "DSATHWtlHll""' .............. '"THEY ALL LAUGHE>" .. ·-............ - "Vtel IOUAD" "' ,_..,UI, __ _ ... ..,. ,~, a.-e:\6 i111 ,.,.. 6:00\Mt91 't"' .. e;•-5 IMPORTANT NOTICE! CNILDIUN UNDER 12 FRH! M•Mr ..,. w ..... -""" J116:30 • 5M So• Mtls4:30 Ptl QIJ-fl -• !OIM Mt CM lllllm 15 !OIM 9'Ul(8I t# 1111 All CM 11.o llllM OITDI llCaSSGllT ,.,.. ---fllllUlalt•Mi ~~ .. Oii M - ....... , v ANAHEIM ORtVE ·tN --· "DEATH wtSH II""' -,_fl ol I•"'°" St "THE 81MNINO" Ill ___ •.:..n:.__·_••_so ___ --,...-----Ct!!!'~ __ 1. "OOCTOft 8U'TCtf£R 111.0 ." Ill "THEY ALL LAUGH£0" - 2. "SCALHL"' 111 ""° 3. "NURR CHEUU" 11'1 ··SHlltlS LIKE OU> TIMES'" " <:.-·ft SOUND Cllll Ii !.OUllO .. . ... ~ . ~ . BUENA PARK DlltV! IN .. t°".A. • Atid LINCOLN DP.IVE IN l.•.. - o. ____ i:_ .. ...__ ·~SOUAD""' -"HAl'OCORE" Ill ' HI WAY 39 :>•·•I I~ lt«ll ..... so " Got'911Gl_h_ 191·3693 • ..,.AIMTWUR"1111 ( "DMll ;o tULL" • f Clllf·AICIUlll --··-·~'·"• -.... ,....... .... C..·flSOUNO ... ~ .... LA HABRA "'<'•' .1; ------·---.... ~ ..... '"llfJmCDM"1111 M I '. ~ I 0 N . • , I .. ---·-... -.- "DIAlM wtsH M" • -"'THE 81MMNG" • c... fl IOUllO ---'. "DOCTOR MITete M.D." ,_ l.''9CAUel."1111 I. "NURM CHIRIU" .., Clllf." IOUllO "•8SIMO"INI -"P'URMllT CW 0 .8 . C0°'9l" "" __ ,,..., •-c ...... 151·1022 "THI AlllATS\1111" ... -''OM91 TO IUU." • . .....,.. __ "OM~POND''"' -''TMl-..:TNCMCIUW ·r .. 7 ., I .. , I ( I I· I I' 8 N s • ll'i .c u ai ~ ~ 'O ·;:: ... ..: ~ Cl) I § n: .... ... Diversions -----~ ------------------ From Page 7 · - Ri"rold Hullas; goes on display March ll through April 1 at Fullerton College Art Gallery, 321 E. Chapman Ave .. Fullerton. Gallery hours are LO a.m . to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday plus 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays. An opening reception Is set for 7:30 p.m . March 10. Admission to reception and show is free. "KITE AND ORIGAMI DAY" at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Is from 1to4 p.m. Saturday in the gallery outside the Museum Shop. Included is to be an Origami demonstration plus <LPt:rformance oi koto music. Kite-making classes at the museum are to be held Saturday morning. Information. call 972-1900. CONNIE KING'S ARTISTIC WORK ranging from miniatures to large canvases covered with nowers. is on display through March 11 in Newport Beach City Hall &altery, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Ms King is an Irvine resident who studied art at the University o( Colorado, Boulde r , Colo .• and at the Art Center School. Los Angeles. -·CLASSICAL MUSIC--- PRINCIPAL GUEST CONDUCTOR for the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra at 8.30 p.m. March L3 Is to be Michael Tilson Thomas. The concert In Santa Ana High School Auditorium, 520 W. Walnut, Santa Ana. is part of the Orange County Philharmonic Society's Subscription Series. For ticket information. call 646-6411 . FLAMENCO MASTER CARLOS MONTOYA is -to present a concert at 8 p.m . March 12 in Plummer Auditorium. Fullerton. unde r auspices of Fullerton College's Orrlce of Community Relations. Admission i~ $10 For ticket mformat1on. call 871-8000. ext 252 ITALJAN CONDUCTOR GUISEPPE SINOPOLI is to conduct the Los Angeleio Philharmonic-OrchestNt tn concert at 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Santa Ana High School Auditorium. 520 W. Walnut. Santa Ana C-oncert is part of Orange County Philharmonic Society Subscription Series. For ticket information. call 646·6411. A FLUTE AND PIANO RECITAL featuring works by Francis Poulenc. Ferruccio Busoni. Adriaen Bonsel, Samuel Barber and Franz Josef Haydn 1s set for noon Tuedsday in F ine Arts Hall 119, Orange Coast College. Costa Mesa. Admission is free. Performers are flutist Jiii Shires. who has been principal flullst in festival orchestras in Ojai, Claremont. New Hampshire and Ital» and pianist Anita Grossman. who teaches music ror dancers WINDSONGS. AN ENSEMBLE or Los Ange les studio musicians. will blend jazz and classical music in concert at 8 p.m. Saturday in Fine Arts Concert Hall. UC Irvine .:!Jckets are SS. Information. call 833·6379 A BAL NIGHT BENEFIT CONCERT. designed to raise funds for the Orange Coast College Jazz Society. is to be held from 2 to 8 pm. Sunday at Balboa Pavilion, Newport Beach Sever al big bands are to perform along with musical groups and Jazz combos lla rr~ Babbitt is to introduce Jazz personalities. Information. • Whk ~In the G.fCCk Wet, fomou6 dc1KtM Mc,wlc Poirot lpOttcd a bcauttful woman on the beach. Rcollzlnq that ahe "'°' dead. he did not o6'< he, to dlnne,, BASED ON A TRUE STOR~ " .. • • • m1ss1ng. THE RRST AMERICAN ALM BY COSTA-GAVRAS. UNIVERSAL PICTURES and POLYGRAM PICTURES Preseot JACK LEMMON· SISSY SPACEK "MISSING" starring MELANIE MAYRON • J()iN SHEA . Screenpla't by COSTA-GAVRA.5 & DONALD STEWART Based on lhe book by THOMA.5 HAUSER Music by \M'GELIS RBi the AWN Book A. lHVERSAL P1CTURE ·--o!Ya~oc r I Dlwerslons - --------- - ----------------- call 640-7622. Admission is SS. CHORUSES are to perform at 8 tonight in Fine Arts Concert Hall. UC Irvine, with a varied program Including Shaker songs and selections from Mason's Normal Singer. Tickets are S3. Information. call 833-6617. BAROQUE MUSICIANS Catherine and Robert Strizich are to perform at 8 tonight at Saddleback Community College's North Campus In Irvine. Admission is SS and $7. Call 559-llll ror tickets and information. A VOCAL RECITAL featuring Chapman College students Dale Tracy. and Lorri ffinz is to be held at 8 p.m . Saturday in Bertea Hall. Chapman College, 333 N. Glassel!, Orange. Admission Is free. THE MUSIC SECTION OF Town and Gown at UC Irvine presents Its 13th annual music benefit from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday in Fine Arts Village Theater. UC Irvine. Dr Peter Odegard 1s directing the program during which the UCI music faculty wlll perform. Wine and cheese will be served backstage following the concert. Tickets are S6. For information, call 833·6379 or 833·7408. "AN EVENING WITH llODGEllS AND BART," the American song-writing team. is planned at Eric's Restaurant, 858 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. A quintet ol brass and reeds are lo perform the team's music at 7 and 9 p.m. March 14. 15 and 16. Admission is SS. T HE FRESHMEN, MEN AND WOMEN'S See Diverlions. Page 10 \ IOU.ING Sl'OHf: ''NRSOHA&. asr ii the most~ ,.._,,.,,and,,.,.,.. mow. yet ........ ~,,.. American woman·.,.;,. of pouage. • .,,.,,, rowne moy .. tlte lint"°"""" Ol'fist '"My.,., form ond of ony sex to pktwe tlte wild Movty of ....... W'OlfHan wiflt tlte mytltic gusto~ reWYed for' YCMHl9 men. 1'N rewlt - l'aSONAL UST -is one swe.t eJtplosion:• ". • _ ................. ~ ..... With a competitor ••. how close can you get? ·· ''PERSONAL BEST'' Starring MARia HEMlt'>GWAY SCOTI GLENN · PATRICE DONNELLY· KENNY MOOE MJSic by JACK NITZSOiE and Jlll FRASER Cec:uWe Producer DAVID GEFFEN Written, ProciJc:ed and Oireded by Ra&TTCMNE G A 08ffN ~Ill.EASE 11i1•-rto .. __ O ·--~·-~ t. ·---II For C1lllilled M ACTIQN ~ A N&Y PILOT A9-NCM 64J..t61t fHf POR1 rH[ATR~ ,. f l[ ' ~ . ll L . -·· ... ' • '1. ,, "Come Have Coffff With Ua" plus "Coualn -Cou8'ne'' / ,i.. t Cr.:;·• H.,,,. • 1: [Jf ire d,' ~or Impressive '"'llle moet imprcaive phyaical ~reation of prehi~ ti~ ever put on falm ." . -0.vl~ Aun, NEWSWEEK Magic .. ... every piece of macic a nd akiU hu been ueed to free our im.,m.aion. to let it toar." -Sltftl. a.,,..,., WS ANGELES TIMES Extraordinary "In the treat tradition of EXCALIBUR and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK." -MnriU Slti,.dkr, LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE Perfect .. QUEST FOR FIRE it extraordinarily aucceaaful •.. it'• ju at about perfect." -P.tn-Raiur, WS ANGELES HERALD EXAMINER Adventure .. The movie adventure of a lifetime." -KinH.._,,,,, THE DAILY NEWS 9 ::5! 9: I i .... .,, :!. $ ~ ~ ':T Y' • -! i 1 > ., .. '· ... ·' ~ ....................................... ~ .. Diversions 7 ACADeMY AWARD NOMIN·ATIONS ----------------------- Including BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR ,__ ::::::;;::;:::=::=:::=::::::::~~===;::::::~~ ™°1' QF flRE .. From Page 9 SHOES AS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS is to be theme of a performance al 8 tonight and 8 p.m. Monday by the Jazz Tap Ensemble at Fine Arts Village Theater. UC Irvine . The Los Angeles-based ensemble has performed thro11ghout the United States. Tickets are S5 Information. call 833-6379 -ETC.------ SNAIL CIRCUS, reaturlng tightrope.walking snails. ringmaster snails and clown snails .. 1s to be presented at the 7·JO p.m March 2S meeting or Orange County Guild or Puppeteers Admission Is free and children-are welcome. Event is set for the Westminster Public Library, 8180 13th St., Westminster For information. call 783·5057. "THE GONDOLIERS," Gilbert and Sullivan·s comic opera, is to be presented by the UC Irvine Drama Workshop Wednesday through Saturday I March 10 through 13) in Fine Arts Little Theater. Hll 161. l;c Irvine. Performances by the 20-member cabl are at 8 p.m. Tickets are s:i. Information, call 833-6617. WORLD GOLD-PA NNING CHAMPIONSHIPS arc planned at Knoll's Berry Farm. Buena Park. Saturday and Sunday "WVE FOR TllREE ORANGES," Prokorieffs opera. is lo be performed al 2 pm Sunda\' al Hunt Branch Library. 201 S Basque. Fullerton. Adaplatwn and pcrformaMe 1s by the GEM Opera Puppet Theater Information. call 738·6595 or 871-9451 "llANSEL AND GRETEL" is to bG staged by GEM Opera Puppet Theater at IO;JO a.m. March 13 at Mill~ House Art Gallery Patio. 12732 Main St . Garden GrO\'e Admission is S2 "WVE FOR THl'lEE ORANGES" is to be presented by GEM Opera Puppet Theater at 10·30 a.m March 20 at Mills !louse Art GaUerv. 12732 Main St.. Garden Grove Adm1ss1on i!> S2 • "SOAPBOX VARIETY PRESENTS," a comedy and variety show. is lo be staged at 8 p.m . Saturda) at Golden West College's llealth and Sciem·e liuildmg. Room 131 Tickets are $2. ·"IN THE STEPS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT: The Hellenistic Age." a weekend symposium tailored to .. The Search for Alexander" exhibition at San rrancisco Museums or Fine Arts, 1s to be held March 12 and 13 at UC Irvine. Speaking from 7 to 10 pm. March 12 1s to be Stanley Burnstein of Cal Stale Los Angeles whose topic 1s ·'The Tomb of Philip II and the Accession of Alexander the Creal. .. The 9 a.m. to Sp m. March 13 program is to feature talks on .. A Dent to Alexandc·r The Graeco·Roman Triuiition 1n Northwest India ... ··The Ro mance of Alexander in Medieval Manusc·ripl Painting" and "lskandar: The Persian Alexander ·· Information call 833·5414. Cost for the i.~ mpos1um 1s S56 11le Aillatelll' STAATS TODAY IMA B. TW NUllTll • ._ 8rta Plaza EdWanls Saddlllllck Fox OrlllOI Mall 529.5339 581 -5180 525·47 47 837 .0340 •TA ... NmT•tau.n LW .. IM• WllTll•Ttll UA MaK 893·0546 UA CinlmU FCl&lnllin Y..., Plllcl UA Qty Cinema ieo ,_ M:C1PT1D 540·0594 839·1500 43e·4429 934.3911 ~~~~~~~~~-DRIVE-IN~~~~~~~~~­ CM-ScMlll Bay Drive-In 532-8811 ••• 8'ldlulrl Dr1vt·ln 639·8770 &ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS l•JICMlllY---.. -...... -..... -, --.-., "EVIL UNDER .~ ~i ---..... '11NIGHT l ·1· ~T I\ 'I!\ }:1 l~l: CROlllNQ It ..... =======~========~ •• IOicM MAKIN LOVE -::.CC"• ..... -.- IAT ............ 1 .. -.-.- -'aD- .. , .... ~-=- ' JOHN SAVAGE • _ &a•.._. ---- CHARLES MCJH!9N "DEATH WISH 11" (RI CHMLalWINION "DEATH W!SH 11" '"> ' 1 PE=NAL -~------------BEST" ......... ., .. .... .... ,.,..., ... _ ......... _,. ..... , ........ -= a,r:,AM .. , 1 : , . 1 r , 1 l I I J ( l ( I r-J I ~ .. i I\ . ", . ,. : : :.. ' ,, I \ 8 \ ~ lJ .. "GREAT WHITE" ............. .......... -................. • .. • -.. ~ i I. I I I ~ t J • .... r. j t "C "'- 4 I 'SJ98 111111 - I Hl[Jf\Y MAHCH ', 1·1!1 •• Dell' PllllC ~ lly Pattkll 0'0-K RIDING HIGH -Pariet Hernandez. 3. perches on sho ulders of his fathe r . Manuel. as t hey march a t UC Irvi ne Thursday. Marchers protest ; UCI minority move ~-t-: By 'SANDIE JOY organizations such as the Santa ottM 0•1y Pl .. u.... Ana Neighborhood Organization Chanting slogans such as and Parents and Students in "Stop fragmentation: give us Partnership. • education," about 150 people One parent who addressed marched in an orderly circle for demonstrators, Enfique Adame. nearly two hours Thursday in said EOP has had excellent 'front or UC Ir vine 's results recruiting minority Ad minis tration Bui Id in g , students. He explained that five concluding by filing in one door or his children had attended UCI or the building lij'ld out the other. through EOP and that two now The marchers had assembled are lawyers and two are doctors. to protest the university's "I would like to see this administrative d ivision or program continue to provide services to minority students. these opportunities," Adame in cluding dissolution or the s aid. . directorship of its Educational Another s peaker. Dr. Eloy Opportunities Program I EOP> Rodriguez of the UC I faculty, which is designed to encourage contended the administrative minority enrollment. s plit of EOP services "is an The marc hers, m os ti y attack on quality programs." 1 students, fear the .university's Declaring, "I never will decision to administer EOP-support insensitivity to minority services through several programs," Rodriguez urged the different offices will result in marchers to continue to express ., ...... Y• 11111111 llllY NIB l>HAN<.f(OUNIY lAIH'H'NIA ,,, . .... . fJ.S. warning system vtilrierable Soviets could destroy military command with welL-aimed nuclear bombs WASHINGTON (AP) -The Soviets could knock out the ' entire U.S. military command system with two or three well-aimed nuclear blasts disrupting communications, a senior defense offlcial warns. At the same lime, the official said Thursday the U .S . s atellite-based system for warning the United Slates against nuclear attack is vulnerable to sabotage because a relatively small number of "guys with wirecutters" could disable cables leading from s atellite ground stations to command posts. The o(ficial gave these g raphic s tate ments on the vu lne rability of the U.S. com mand and control system to a g roup or reporters in a session apparently designed to generate s upport for the Reagan administration's costly plan to correct such weaknesses. Ground rules for the session barred use of the official's name . He estimated it would take about $20 billion over the next fi ve years to strengthen the U.S. command and control system and insure that the president, the secretary of defense and top military l ea der s c an com muni c ate without interruption with missile bases, s ubmerged submarines and othe r key forces. "We have been remiss for a long time.in not paying attention lo command , control and communications," the official s aid. ' The official said the Soviets are aware of U.S. vulnerability. He spoke of indications of such Soviet knowledge but did not elaborate. As he sketched a possible scenario, the Soviets could black out U.S. communications with a few nuclear bursts through a, p·h e n omen on c a I I e d electromagnetic pulse. This phenomenon, well-known for about 20 year s, Is called EMP. It bas been defined by the Defense Department as "a burst or e lectromagnetic energy radiating from a nu c lear explosion, thereby creating a high.frequency electrical field similar to that created by thunderstorms.·' The size ot tho are-a covered by such an electrical field, the Pentagon has said, depends on whether the nuclear explosion Is within or above the atmosphere. Bursts above the atmosphere would create a strong electrical fi eld covering an area nearly the size of the continental United States. the Pentagon has said. According lo this official, . altern.ate command posts such ~s underground complexes at Fort Ritchie. Md., and Mount Weather in Northern Virginia, are vulnerable to destruction because of the accurac.y of Soviet missile warheads. The United States haa built airborne command posta for the president •nd other senior offi cials and for commanden of the nation's nuclear strlkin1 forces -flying command centers to which theae officiab would retreat in event of a threatened nuclear attack. However, the official indicated that t he present state of co mmunications e quipment raises the s trong possibility that these leaders might not be able to pass t~ir orders to the nation's rett'liatory forces because or disruption by Soviet nuclear blasts in or above the atmosphere. County children's home rwar I l I Leaders raise $3.66 million toward construction Orange County business and government leaders announced Thursday that they have raised $3 .66 m1ll1on towara construction of a new, $7 millio home for abused and neglected children. The facility, to be known as Orangewood, would replace the ' overcrowded AJbert Sitton Home in Orange , built in \959 to house 35 children. The Sitton home now has 88 beds but frequently must take in more children than it has room for. With construction o f Orangewood, backers said, the county would be able to house _ comfortably a daily maximum or 154 children on a seven-acere site provided by t~e county. Board of S upervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande told reporte r s Thurs da y that Orangewood was on the "cutting edge" of a new partnership between the public and private sectors. "It is going to be successfµI , without question," Nestande said. -It is expected that 80 percent of the cons truction costs for Orangewood would be provided tt.rough private donations. Kathryn Thompson, chairman o r the develop m ent subcommittee, said a $1 rhiJlion donation has been pledged by the Harry G. Steele Foundation and that another $1 million has been donated by William Lyon, o.1"1 ..... ""' ...... hour-long talk show hosted by Newport Mayor Jackie Heather. The two s tayed friendly despite some tough questions. owner or the home construction firm bearing his name. Lyon also is chairman of the Orangewood board of directors. Both $1 million donations are "challenge grants" and must be matched by the committee in equal amounts. Ms . Thompson said the Junior League of Newport 8e"ach pledged a $117,000 challenge gr ant wllich was matched by other public donations last September. The public sector also has been contributing funds , officials said. More than $621,000 has been d o n a t e d by· Cost a Mes a , Huntington Beach, Irvine, Full e rton . Buena Park , Anaheim and the county. 40o/o increase in gas bills 'bein-g soughi··:~"'" LOS ANGELES CAP> - Southern California Gas Co. will ·ask the slate's Public Utilities Commission for a $848 million rate hike erective April 1 to cover its own higher fuel costs, the Los Angeles Times said today. If granted, the boost could mean an average 40 percent increase in bills of the utility's 3.8 million customers, the newspaper said. Just as cons umers have been protesting sleadjly increasing utility rates, Southern California Gas said it would voice objection to its higher bills in hearines before the federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Chairman John C. Abram said the gas company needs to recover higher payments to ita Houston-based major suppliers. El Paso Natural Gas Co. , decreasing minority enrollment co n c e r n · · whe n Q u a I it y and services to those students.. programs and our leadership THE OLD AND THE NEW -Ray Watson <left ), former president of t he Irvine Company, and Peter Kremer, the firm's current president. ge t co mfortable before filming of a n wants another filt_m.illlo!&----t• -----lll'iii--------in1rn u a Hy•, ne s aid . and Noting that "EOP has been an are attacked." -t--11Uective vehicl~-tbrough which Rod rig u e-z , Ad a me and m inorities have established Rome r(> all urged that EOP their presence in a vehicle services be offered under one historically denied them," one of office and that former EOP .Leasehold l·ssue goes-on 1V Trans western Pipeline co. is seeki ng $336 million more yearly. Smaller companies have billed the utility another $43 the rally leaders, Ross Romero, director, Manuel Gomez, be contended UCJ's administrative reinstated to that post. Irvine Company chief, developer on Coast talk show m!!W:,~ys~kh~•::~e size o1 move would plunge the school Gomez, who had been EOP into the "dark ages or equal direct.or for seven years before opportunity." taking educational leave in 1979, Included a mong marchers was highJy praised by all the were representatives of a few speakers for his efforts on behalf dozen groups including those for of minority students. Hispanic , black a nd Asian It was when Gomez returned students as well as UCI faculty to UCI late last year that be and staff members and people learned h is position had from variou s community (See PROTEST, Page AZ> BY STEVE MARBLE crt ,._ Deity PIMC S'9" "How do you like working at the Irvine Company?" started off Newport Beach mayor and sometime television talk show hostess Jackie Heather. Peter Kremer adjusted his necktie and smiled briefly. 1 Low-calorie diets pay off? 1 Studies suggest life span increased, cancer chance cut WASHINGTO N (AP ) -tower1eve11s reached. the total time of dietary I Severely restricted low-calorie Walford, who warns against .restriction. So, the earlier you diets increase life span and . any type of crash djet, said such start, the better," he said. "But decrease the chance of getting a gr~dually restricted diet would even it you start later, there are cancer even when started in mid be difficult, but not impossible, stiU benefita." · or late life, animal studies to follow. Earlier work by the .UCLA 8uuest. "I don't eat t.wo .d~,YS a week researchers and others showed Researdien al UCLA say the and got used to 1t, said the that the lifespan of mice and studies with mice show that the lean, 57-year-old scientist. "The rats put on restricted diets benefita of a calorie-restricted main urge to eat bas more to do, s hortly after birth could be diet 10 beyond startlne it. at a wnh social intercourse than greatly extend~. in some cues very early a.ae. as previous act~al hunger. Many people almost doubled. studies suc1ealed. don t re~ze ho~ many of their But when older animals went social inte~~cttons are built on the diet.a, the benefita were The report published today in around food. less evident and in some cues Science ma1ulne by Dra. In the studies, mice that went survival was s~rt.ened said~ Rlcbard Welndruch and Roy L. on restricted dletl at 12 to 13 report • Walford said "appropriate months of a1e, rou.cbly 30 to 35 In the new studies tbe restrictionofthediet, even when years old In human terms, re1earchere chanaeci the started in middle·aaed mice, showed up to a 20 percent animals' eatintllabit.I srachaalJy can lnblbll cancer and extend Increase tn 1ons.evlty, aaJd the instead o1 abruplfy and added tbe uera•e and maximum report. vitamin·mlneraJ aupplem•tl to Uf npan." 1----.... protect a•-'"•t malftutrtUoD To ma~b the experimental Walford said in a te .. .,.._..... "You b t.o b ·,oocl ualmal dMt. Walford said, the lntervlew tbat be tblnkl lbe • Intake ll'~VIY ~ ·~ tbe. aver ... bamaD would have to 1tudy bM human appUeaUona in body to adjust ttaboll allJ .. cut calories by to percent tbal lt indicates It's n.ver too Walford lakt •• ~ ll ,:.U c:Ut' .,._. ... , °"" a period of• co s late to beDtAt. from • ~ dllt. lhia ....., caiort.. from a diet. Jean, take autrlUoaal ••we have evldeau lbat· you're likely to 1et lnlo 1applemeata aad at.let to ~ tndlcatu the amount of mal•utrlUon wlUaout Uae' n••--Wlntt&IJ once .-. exteiilloa of Uf9'PllD .,_. 08 •PPlelDlllll. ,, . . . . . \. . ... " ~ "Which days?" he answered. That set the tone but the ques tions got harder and the studio lights in Newport Beach grew hotter. . ll was billed as "The Irvine Company -the Dream and the Reality," an hour -long Teleprompter cable televislo!:! talk show hosted by Mayor Heather. Others called it the ,1rvme C ompany vs. the Irvine Company. The gues ts wer e Kremer, president of the Irvine Company, and Ray Watson, a developer who was president of the company when the Irvine family still owned the firm. There were 20 people in the studio audience. Many were members of the Committee of 4,000, tbe vocal homeowner group battlin1 the Irvine Company over akyrockeline lease fees some must pay the development Orm. Tbe audience, permitted to direct questiooa to Kremer ancf Watson, led the two on a back.and-forth courae of questions ranting from tbe leasehold controversy to tbe now-dead Newport Center expansion plan. Kremer and Wataoa llept their cool. It at.ar1ed lnaoeenU7 tnoush. Wataon 1mll.cl and beld .... a tlauofwater. ''I bet JOU thiDll Wt la water,•• be laqbld. • Kremer llPUJ ~ Ulat ''I'm nut a Driv• ~·· .-Jin. HI._ uklid about ldl repaladoD ror , .. ,... ... ~· " Th e n , predicta.bly, the conversation swung to the leasehold controversy. Kre mer admitte<j he bad "empathy" for reSidents facing stiff annual lease fee increues and blamed much of the problem on inflation. "Inflation," Kremer told the audience, "has priced some lessees out of the market." Watson, who stepped down as president the same year the firm was sold to a group of investors in 1977, said bis firm had a tough time e~en persuading buyers to eobble up leasehold land. • _ He-said t1le ·p-reseni Irvine Company's manner of interpreting the leases Is "similar but not quite the same" as the old Irvine Company. Watson said when he was president, the Irvine Company realised the leases were "unclear" on the subject of how much credit residenta showd 1et for Improvements they've made on the leued property. . . Kremer, without becomlnt ru1nec1. diaall'ffd. He said there's "Jlttle dttrerence" on this score between tb19 old and new lrvlne tComRany. ' H• \Misteca lM pl'OIMem WU lnllatioG. lln. Beather, who referred to the lboir ... a "aWlln• topic," •• , _.,.nau ... to Ne.,...-t . ..Wllallftnl'leeMer e•P•••l•• projeet waa "•• Hample of tile • trutratlall of trJlal to ** at tMaia ... bq, coan~"~ ( .. ,.Til'fS, .... Al) • the increases our suppliers would impose on us and our: customers," Abram said. Natural gas suppliers have been inC'reasing thetr price• steadily since the 1978 Natural Gas Policy Act allowed gradual price decontrol. Southern California Gas said its purchase costs rose to $2.11 per 1,000 cubic feet in 1981 from $1.40 in 1978 and would reach $4.19 with the latest increases. The pipeline companies are allowed to pass their hither costs to utilities twice a year after notifying federal regulators. DRllGI CUil lllJlll Considerable blab cloudiness Saturday. Highs &O to 67. Overnl1ht lows 45 to 53. lMllll TlliY Tlw ~ Plofa Acodmtr At00rdl COl'ltflt, O~r Fnn, lfarta fodo~. ff•rw'a rnr chHce to pict tu OHOr '°'",..,. Ol9d be a UlinMr, too. Sff w .. ,.,.,.. .11111 Orange Cout DAM. V PM..OT/l'rlday. Maron 6.1• ll:rl'ADLSa ............ ~ Jhn4y Lee arrived hosne urtday nlaht. ~be body of the 20-year-old ta Mean -a member ol t.be French Foreip Leaton who died •n an African airplane crub -~rrlved· on schedule Thursday rvening aboard an .Air Fran« etliner at Los Angeles nternational Airport. Randy's mother, Judy, '..and representatives or the French iovemment were on band tor ~be long-awaited arrival LM la IO be burled next week ln Costa II•• loUowln1 private aravetlde Mr'Victl. II u . Lee bad wa1ed a one-woman battle to secw-e tbe releHe of ber IOll'• remaJu f ollowin1 bis ct.a th Feb. 3 ln • Djibouti, Africa. U ltlm1tely; It waa her persistepce that swayed the French 1overament to drop lecal fortnallUe1 that would have prevented the return of Lee's body for four to 1lx months. · French officials had contended that since Lee bad enUated ln the foreip leeion under an assumed name, release of hi.a remains would have to be delayed unW official proceedlnp could determine hia legal Identity. Lee's story attracted national attention last month followtnc bis deaUa along with 30 other legionnaires while on a training Trajn hits ~railer rig; =rew hurt • mission in the small African • country. t:'CITY OF INDUSTRY CAP> -In an attempt to forget a failed •·westbound Amtrak passen1er romance, Lee bad enlisted in the I ft'•in smashed into a stalled Fren ch Foreign Legion for a C'Jr-transport truck rig at a five-year term while visiting • C.(OSSing today, causing minor Paris in 198L in)uries among the crew and 134 Soon. however. he became p~saengers aboard the train, disenchanted with the military aathorities said. rigor of the Legion and wanted to Amtrak passenger train No. 1 get out of his commitment. from New Orleans was able to He attempted to escape and continue to Los Angeles about 15 was imprisoned at least once minutes after the collision, Los and possibly twice before tu'\ Angeles County sheriff's Deputy death on a desert mountainside. Jack Anderson said. The car Meanwhile·, his mother vainly transport.., ~ruck was totally struggled to obtain his release destroyed as was the one car it rrom the legjoo from her Costa was carrying, he said. Mesa home. The train arrived at Union Following bis death, Mrs. Lee Station in Los Anoeles just lO vowed not to give \.IP the fight for ~ her son's remains because, she minutes late, Amtrak officials said in an intertiew, "The whole said. idea was to bring him home The lQcomotive's pilot -alive, then, just to bring him formerly called the cowcatcher home." FromPageA1 IRVINE. • • Tbe project wu repealed by the Newport clu tou.n.cJJ lut month after much eootroveny and a aucceHful rererendum drive. Kremer arl(Ued that the Irvine Company la not alone in dl'awtn1 cillun wrath. He aaid tuUtuUona acr'QM the oaUon in recent years appear to be loelnJ favor wtth t..be public. W ataon C)lt ln, uyln1 the Irvine Compllny ha• always had It.a public relatlona problems. In 1961, he recounted, the ·Irvine Company considered locatlne Its headquarters In Irvine instead of Newport Beach. PROTESTING -Some of the estimated 150 marchers protesting division of services to minority students at UC Irvine carry banners Dl'ly ................. O' ..... ·outside the school's administration building. In the wheelchair is Harry Kane, a UCI j unior. Facility renamed Now it's. Performing Arts Center Arter receiving more than $20 million from various well-heeled business leaders and becoming practically a household word in Orange County, the outfit has changed Its name. There was not a trace left today of the old company logo. The Costa Mesa office doors were cha nged . The old stationery was thrown away. But no need to worry. This well known Orange County figure didn't go under or don a pair of dark shades and slip out of the country on a one,way ticket to the Bahamas. The Orange County Music Center was renamed the Orange County Performing Arts Center last Monday in order to avoid any confusion with the Los Angeles Music Center, officials said. ·'There's only one music center," said a spokesman for the Orange County Performing Arts Center ... Since we're breaking gr ound this year, there's a need to establish our own identity." To date more than $20. 7 million has been raised to cons truct 2,000 and 1,000-seat theaters in Town Center, near Bristol Street and the San Diego Freeway. From PageA1 PROTEST. • • been abolished and his duties divided among other administrators. Subsequently, Gomez was offered another position at UCl which be refused. The university's position ,on the protesters' claims is that it's no longer reasible or advisable to administer EOP services under one roof because of the program's growth. UCI Vice Chancellor Jobn Whiteley, in an interview w ~n1 n e fifa y~. s a id roe university's budget fOT EOP bas tripled and enrollment of EOP students has doubled since 1977. . As for the protesters' claims that EOP services at UCI are deteriorating-;--Whiteley said , "The record speaks for itself." • "We bulll an initial structure 11\·university Town Center and It w"aa firebombed. At least you don 't have firebo m bin gs anyD)ore," be said. Both men chuckled briefly. "There's a feeling that the Irvine Company is a tougher landlord, is more hard-nosed than the old Irvine Company," Mrs. Heather suggested. Kremer acknowledged that "that's a fair comment." He said the old Irv i ne Company, owned by · an old ranch family and a charitable foundation. w as ··a very different setup." He said t he new Irvine Company was pur chased by .people who put up hard dollars and "there 's no question we borrowed lots of money." Kre mer said his firm's primary responsibility is to its investors but "we have a large responsibility to the community too." Watson said the Irvine Company must win the trust and respect or the community. He acknowledged that trust and respect is a two·way street . "We have to learn to talk with each other with some respect~" ~uggesled. --- The show will air on Channel 24 at 7:30 p.m. on April 5, 7, 19 and 21. Drunken -thug -was bent back somewhat, She cabled French President Hid W.B. Kennedy, Amtrak's Francois Mitterrand arid asked HB murder tn·al Lawmen use assistant s uperintendent for the French leader to accord her • , transportation in Los Angeles. son "the dignity, honor and f II robs liquor store in NB He estimated the damage at r espect be deserves as a 8 SO t Se A bearded. long,haired bandit several hundred dollars. member of the Legion." The • t • clutching a quart of bourbon in But the truck trailer was French government soon nean ng C imax, LOS ANGELES (AP) -Slick one hand held up a Newoort .. bent like a pretzel," said dropped its objections to the ads in magazines like People Beach liquor. store Thursda_y Lawrence Fitzpatrick, an El immediate return of Lee's aod Billboard have helped the· evening, escapin'g with $336 in Paso, -Texp, passenger who was· ~emains By DAVID KUTZMANN .. ,, ___ ._,__ county she riff's Depar!ment ~.£1\~.~QQ!L__--·---...-.-fbor catS bllet Uf th@ J~mUtlft: ~"\if& ~St0°~~""1 ~, ._-= £uuu~AMH-"=~6• -~"';-:-------~ffliiLlfS-sfiOtf.iii Jll OepUfies.: e r<>Ober;· deserified as -tall.- ; ,f was surpriaed to find it was public, Mrs. Lee said she bas After three nronlhs of Pol~cei>elieved-at th.st that fromabout500tol2inaperiod blond and intoxicated. entered an accident," said Fitzpatrick. received numerous inquiries testimony by mo're than 80 Bray~ death was acctd_ental. or 18 months, officials said. Bear's Outpost, 6110 W. Pacific "I didn'tfeel a thing." from movie at udioa and witnesses, Willie Wisely's Bu.t W\Sel~ wa~ c:;,a~et~~th ~: The ads include one with lhe Coast Highway, 1t 8:20 p.m .. : County Fire Department televialoa networks interested in murder trial neared its climax crime. w en ~n r a 1 w words "Be someone's hero," and told the clerk he had a gun. :~amedics reported that none purcbuinl the rights to Randy's Thursday wilb a prosecutor's s upphed by informants ~ho wreathed in pink-lipstick kisse~. The clerk told police the thug jJf the crew members or 134 story, For the time being, assertions tbal Wisely was a were allege_d t~ ~e ~rime and another with a selected a bottle of bourbon ltassengers aboard the train however, sbe said she bas told "very clever man" who killed partners of W1Sely s m thlS and frazzled-looking orfice worker from a shelf before ordering the ~uired emer~ency treatment. them to wait. his stepfather by lowering a othe_r cas~. . . being asked, "Are you drowning clerk to hand over the day's ..,...---....----------------------2,000-pound truck cab on t)im. Wisely. 15 actmg as b.tS own in the secretarial pool?" receipts. In closing statements to the lawyer 1~ the Orange County "We have reduced that "Give me the money or I'll . ----~LDEN OUN -Designer Bijan Padsad displays his latest ~esign for the security-conscious rich -a designer .38 ~allber Colt revolver embellished with 56 IJ'&ms ol in1aid ~.gold parts in the cylinder around a blue sleet surf ace. It ~oes tor a mere $10,000 <see story, Page Al>. • • :liiyiiiat ThorNs P. Haley ~ .... CNllf .,_.,.,... °'~ Robert N. Weed ~~ Thomls A. Murphine .... L Kilt Schultz •"-" .................. .. MlcNll P., Harvey ............ Mirw• s. Obdwd Jr. ~ ....... 0....H.Loot • ......... i. .. :i: ClaMlflM ecMt11•• n-...n All ..... ,.,............., lllA• OllflC:m ......... C-.Mlll,CA. ....... : .... c-.-.c-.- ~ -..._ C... Pl an 11 S Clltl9Mr • .......... -..n .......... Mllllr .... _... ........ _,, ....... ....... ........ , H -~ .... . eight-man, four-woman jury murder tnal. He could be sent~ s hortage of recruit s blow your bleeping head off," which bas been bearing the case ~he gas ~hamber at ~n Quentin tremendou$1Y now," said Sgt. the bandit reportedly said lo the since mid,December, Assistant ~ ~~n;~c~eda ~rd fl~s;·:~~r=~ Paul Ha!~an. who heads ~e clerk. District Attorney Edgar circumstance a llegations or ad v.ert1s~ng P;'"Og ram 10 Police said a female customer Freeman also lambasted Wisely l yi ng in wait. He too was conJu.nct1on with two ad walked into the liquor store in as a man with "serious ex pected to give closing agencies, Leo Monahan and the midst of the commotion and character defects.'' statements to the jury today. DJMC Inc. was ordered behind the counter Freeman , w b o was to Freeman said the key issue with the clerk. conclude bis arguments today, with wbic.b jurors would first Nobody was hurt maintained that Wisely, 29, had have to grapple is whether or Ra;n com ;ng Offi cers said the robber. who only tried to confuse jurors with not the truck cab fell on Bray by ., ., didn't display a weapon, ten in a "obtuse, convoluted" evidence accident or was deliberately fi S d ? faded silver Datsun 240Z. lo substantiate his claims that lowered on him. or un ay. he was innocent of truck driver He claimed that there was Robert Bray's death last March "not one scintilla of evidence" to Orange Coast residents better 9. s how that the one-lon cab had concentrate their weekend "Confusion is the order of the "crept down by itself." . energy on Saturday because it day. Confuse the jury · · ·This "l w..as_oot_.a~charuc.Lma..y rain Sunda.y. _ _ _ -- Fire claims 8in ·E~ is not a new deVJce. IC tias been failure that caused" the cab to· A u .S. Weather Service used before and it will be used descend ,'' the prosecutor spokeswoman predicts the LOWELL, Mass. (AP> -Fire again," Freeman said. asserted. weekend will be mostly fair and ·roared through a three-story Bray's body was found The prosecution's key witness cool with a chance of rain wooden tenement early today. beneath the till-away cab of bis against Wisely has been James Sunday. killing eight people, including 1975 International Harvester Marshall Dunagan, who pleaded The forecast Saturday calls five children, officials said. tractor-trailer rig on Springdale g u i I t y t o v o I u n t a r y for considerable high cloudiness Two firefighte r s and a Street near Edinger Avenue in manslaughter in connection with wit,h highs near 65 degrees and passerby who attempted to Huntington Beach. He died of Bray's death in return for his lows of 45 degrees. rescue some of the building's testimony. The water temperature at r esidents s uffered m i nor Me .. Aure on ballot-Dunagan testified that he beaches is S9 degrttS, according injuries in the blaze, which RU acted as "'lookout ror Wisely aa to the spokeswoman. began about 1 a .m., authorities SACRAMENTO (AP) -With ·ele~ion-year political pressQre mounting, the Legislature voted to put Paul Gann's crime initiative on the June 8 ballot. the ex-convict sneaked up on bis A moist sub-tropical air mass said. stepfather's rig and tripped a moving in rrom the Pacific is, Neighbors said about 30 people switch which lo~ered the cab qn expected to increase the chances lived in lhe bui_lding, which Bray's body. The older man bad or rain, according' to the included two apartments on been worting on the vehicle. spokeswoman. ~ach floor. Reagan losing business support WASHINGTON (AP>~_: Pr~aideat Reagan's once-solid alllance with the buaineaa community II crumbllnl under the welpt or painfully hl1b lntenst rates and tbe alant-sbed bu~= deftcltl tbe president II wll to Uve with. Bil bu1ine11 and s mall buaineues, bankers and hosnebullders are followlat conrreulonal Republlcau ln pre11ln1 Rea1an to cut tile deflclta, even if It meant cuttlnl mnttary 1pendin1 and Social Security and rabtn1 taxes to ® i\. Yet, despite 1 1preadln1 rebellion amoac loyal~ tad com!'•'-•I nterw of Reasn 1 aucce•aful bud1et camJ.:.ll• last 1ear', t .. pn11tcdla......,no1.,_o1 · b•cklDI •••1 from bl1 commttmeA\ to a recOTd m0ltar7 "m•1 ,._ ad Im aawaftrlDW dtfeaH of t•• mualw tu nl Qpl'Oted llll 1.ear. Tia• praal•eat .... , t IEll llllYlll expreued no similar avenlon to cut.a lD Social Security or other domestic procrams. Some con1res1ional Republlcana have been urllna bu1lnea1e11 to expreu U..lr Irani conceraa about tbe bud1et to tbe p.resldent tn bopea' that m1lbt prompt b1m to cbanse coune. Bat tn tbe face ol lteapn'a aeemlna lntran1l1ence OD the {uue -"be 1eem1 aet In concrete.'' lamented one bu1lne11 leader - adml.nlstr.Uon offlciall nlMd tbe poHlblUty of bullDHI abandOldftl the preatdeDt aad worlllnl •ltb con1reuloaal leaden on a budeet acceptalale totlMm. ''Tbe I.UV atronc l1lm ol ---tllalfedlDe ....... toE_..acetodllle• Ca RID no wOllld Wiii& tlD fu .,...........),,..._. without the president's approval ," said one administration official, who did not want bis name used. The official cautioned, however, that it'• too early to tell whether 1 compromt.se can be achieved. lie noted that while many business aroupa aaree that the deficit abould be reduced, they are at odds OYer how to dolt. Tbe bualneu community 1enerall7 favors deeper spendlq cut.a than Rea1an bu propoeed. Speetftcally, buainell bas pointed lo the Pentaaon and politically pop•lar benefit proaram•..t. aucb aa Social Securlt1. un taxes, bualHN ll'OUPI........... . CorJH)Hte . tnterH'' laave ......... ..,. ...... at,..... 1adf•l4lul tas nt. bat u..1 ........... .,.., .... ... tH "'8; lmall ....... .... wbo ,., taaea -. ladlYldult wut to -. tbe IDdlYldaal tu cat .... nfM eol porate• ..... ' The ailing savings and loan industry is pressing for spending reductions al the same time i1 is seeking a $10 billion .bail-out. .. We are more concerned about gettin1 lt (the deficit) down and getting interest rates down than about how tD dolt," said Mike McKevitt, an olflclal with the NaUonal Federatioo of Independent Buainesaes, which represents 512,000 small busineuea. Reaaan'• bud1et pro1ram project.a a record deficit of •t.5 billion ror lm, with the red-ink fl1ure 1radually declln1QI in 1ub1equent years. However, estimates by consreaak>nal &Del private eeonomlata _project a deficit ol more tbaD Sl.00 bllUoG lD tm and 1teacll11 1rowtn1 defttitl tn f\atun years. Tbe main concerD in tlae . busla• emam-"1 II tUt tM lar1e dlftclla wW Hep .... ,. ratH bllla •-;:...t:;•••t tH eeoao1Q1 from oat ol tu, reeetllcm. .. - t A,. ........ PATE DE BROOKE Dwig ht Owen Ka lb sculpts actress Brooke Shields in a medium most people spread on cracke rs -chopped live r. complete with chopped eggs and onions. The promotion at a Chicago restaurant used 30 pounds of chopped liver . Evangelist Billy Graham "made his tory .simply b y s howing u p -he attract ed the lar ges t audi e nce ever in th e Lanc a s hire r e s ort o r Blackpool in northwes t Eng land, the Lancashire Evening Gazette said in an editorial. A retired Air Force officer from Sacrament9 captured the $55,000 first prize money in Las Vegas by outlasting , nearly 1,400 other blackjack players in the Sahara Spring Blackjack Classic. Bill Huber, a forme r lieutenaut colonel who new B-52 missions during t~ Vietnam War . emerged the winner after four days of competition in the $150,000 event. Mary Braatz, an Eden, The newspaper said that "Hollywood superstars and political giants" had not drawn s uch a crowd. Th e rall y f i lle d the 3,000·seat auditorium and four overflow halls, where another 6.000 people watched on closed-circuit television. Toledo City Councilman Ray Nies .is a collector but not of stamps. pennies or basebaJl cards . He goes for hubcaps -and doesn't steal · them off cars, either . The fact that be doesn't have to resort to theft to inc rease his hoard is his p o int : the po tho l es in Toledo 's streets make the caps pop right off the cars . lrlU•ll autbor ar alila• or•••• •rr• 1111 ooatrovt r •lf book oa oor.ruptlop ln tbt ftl vltr• · rt1ort town of Nlot will bl pubU•bld MXt moat.If. Grttnt 1ald bl1 law)'tn have ",Svtn mt tht l rttn ll1ht" to 10 1h11d with pu,bllcatlon of the book, 1ch,dultd to bt 111utd In 8,rttaln, Franc,, tbt Uni~ Stau1 , Spain , West Germanyl Swed•n and tbe Soviet Un on. . Greene 's c harges of underworld corruption at the highest levels in Nice caused a stir in tbe posh vacation community when he made them in several tntervi.ews. T hey were categorlcally denie d by the mayor, Jacques Mededn. Sen . Strom Tburmood, R-S:C., who pinched a nerve In his back a week ago whlle exe rcising, entered Walter Reed Army Hos pit a l for further rest. a spokesman said. Thurmond, 75, found it difficult to rest at home with his four children running around the house "and the phone ringing all the time," said a ide Phil Kent. The c}lairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee will probably remain in the hospital until Monday. A 15-year-old Omaha youth, Dale Robinson, has b ee n comm e n d e d by President Reagan for saving a friend's life in an electrical accident. Sept. 26, Robinson and Daniel Moroscbak, 13, were walking on beams over an O mah a Publi c Power D i s t r ic t s ub s tati o n . Moroschak lost his balance and fell against a bushing on top o f an · e le c trical tr ansformer. The contact w ith t he bushing, which carried 7 ,600 .volts. set the youth's clothes on fire. Hearing his friend's scream. Robinson jumped to h is aid , s mothe ring the n ames with his hands. H e t h e n l o w e red Moroschak as far as he could f ro m t h e n i n e -f o ot tra nsformer structure and dr~pped htm the remaining fi ve feet to the ground . Robinson then went for help. The San Francisco Art ~".W..:C.\~ ·ar.d· Ta ncher.- t ook second and earned $10,000. Finishing third was George Sandoval, a San Jose postal carrie r . who won $5,000. Nies brought his clanging co lection to City Council cha mbers for a show-and·tell s ession to show what motorists a1'e up agains t and t e ll how e x pe nsive the problem is to the city. _ __commission agreed to ntwm to sculptor Robert Arneson his controversial bus t of the late Mayor George Moscone after the artist returned his payment of $18,500 for the work. • 8igh cloudiness due Coastal Contlder•ble 1111111 c loudlne u S.turdey Co•1t e 1 1111111 •O Se turd•Y OwmlQMJow,S. Weter f7 I nlend lllQll 67 S.turdey. Ovemlllf\I low SI. EINwhere, •melt cr•ft ..,.,1...,, fer out•r COHt•I wetero between Peln1 COftCeOllon -Sen Hk otes llleftcl Whll .-therly w._ IS to U II-end"° to 7.foot '"' Winds •nd see1 decree11nv tonight. In otller l ocel 9<dl't wlncb al U to 1S mClfl •r• ••PKt.S In ti.e mountelM t<Mln H weH •1 _,, erMs, e><lmu lly neer the Color-River veli.y. The w•rmer we•ther today •net S•turd•Y wlll ln<I...,. 11l11m In l01 A"9ei.s al •bout 70 HIQllS In c-1•1 end lntermed141te ••ll•y• wlll lie~ to 70 In mowiteln •re••. rnort i.vel M1m wlll 1» In IN mid to u-r "°'· Th• Sen 8ern¥dlno, Sen Gebrlel •nd Sen "-"endo v•lle'f' wlll ll•w 11'9M ol ~ to 70. H 19111 todey •nd S.turdey In Ille Sent• ~• -V..,tur• County coe1te1 •ren. tlle Sent• Monk • B•v n•• •nd lone S.ecll -Or-C0<1ntv l!Wlr-411•n ...... Wiii .. n to 71. er.et, llgllt verleble wlftd1 n'9111 end -----------mornlno llOun becomln9 west to s soufflwnt 10 to U knot• S.turdey TfW ett.r-. -ny lfte!LLIO u..L..-__ _._..__ tlatre61t 111911 clouctlneu on Al que111y 111 ._ unn.. S.turwy wn;llve _: 1n -..-::'~ :: South COHt Air Betln Frlcley. V. S Tiie Air Ouellty M•n•tement • • summarv_ Ol1trlct ldlnl"IH tlloM -·••the • .l Sen Gebl1et---vell.-,1, wlttl • poth•ll-stenderd lllCI•• of ISO· ltlveni...s... Bern.Olfto -s-' forne-.Seri\11 Clerlte velley" PSI t• . .....,_.lten Los A1191le•. PSI llJ. Heevy •-Cofltln11ed In tll• CMrede ...-..., -!fie cffltrel Hl9" ,. ... .....,, with et mvcll et twr lfldlft ttl -felllnlJ In en !lour .,_1111 0.-. aut tM "'"" symm ,,,., clu""*9 119eVY -r._. Hebretll• lo tower Mlcllll•" Tllund•y wH movln1 tow ....... --.... S-~ Krott ..ortllern Air Q .... 11)' will "'OOOCI, wltll • PSI o! '2, In H•"'•l·Eltinore, lnt•no Ore-County, 8....,lflil. the ._ eno lllfll ctnffts, Coe.tel ereu end 819 ••er Lake. .... , .......... 1nm.-m - Mk lllaell ..... c-.i llldlene, wtllle Exie--'-d lrwrlftl 4111ntit 11•• pens of Hew I~ Yertt, ,.._ylve"la -toutllem -:,~-:=-•loftO Ille mlcf,Attemk I orecast C••tt end rein 1llower• were K •tt•recl OWf --.rn Hew York Sundey·T.,.tdey· con1lder eble ..,. tM -Olllo Veti.y wltfl • tew clolldl...,. end cooi-wltfl cl\ence al tt111_r_, In Ille Tennen•• rein S"'*Y -lnll °" -y. l'elr Veltty. end 1ll911tty w•rmer Tuesd•y. A tew .,_ .,_,., fell over -loc•llY windy In Ille mountell\t ,......, ,......,, wtllle illle• were le lr SUROey --.,. In t"9 coel1•1 Ill IN rffl of IN Nltlofl. MciloM lltollt 51 to .. eftd lows 4' lo ._ " .__, '""" Ille cefllr•I ,.. In ~~ h'9ftl mQltly ltl IN ltecky MNtlefM •IN.............. • ......... Jll!OU. -~ . ' [m:IJ • 0. ~ r emperatures. =:::..o;d H-tulu HIMIStOfl lnc1N9tl1 Je<hflVlle IC•n1 City lHV-llltleltocll Albeny """-Amerltlo Alllevllle Allente Atla"tc Cty BelUmOff Blrmlngllln • B~m•rck Boise eo. ..... ........ .., ... Bllffelo Cllert•lnSC Cherl1tnWV , ... , ...... Clll<990 Clflclftftetl , ..... ,.,.., ColUm- Oe l·flWttl Denver Oei MolnH Detroit OvMfl El Peto Felrtle..U HI Le ""'' ,. n .21 SI 21 S2 t2 S7 .0 61 SI S2 ., 11 ,. 7' S4 " ·2 ,, 211 )4 71 " .. '2 " 6S H ., JI u 2 21 " S1 21 " 2t 5' :i. st )4 " t• " ta l6 It 2J 2 70 '° 12 , ·"' loulsvlll• .02 Memplll• Nll•ml Mllweukee .02 ~t-St.P ,S2 Helllvllle HewOr•- .51 H-Yon. Horto.- .09 I Ollle City .07 Omel\e .o One noo .ol.S Plllledelphle .... ..-1. .11 Plttlbour9" Ptlend,Me .OI Ptlelld, Ore Repld City Jt ltiflO Seltlell• SNtti. St Loult St P·T•,.,.. ......... tN ........ Greet Ylon .... ....... T_...,_ wOllnd IM Mtklft ---------------------StS .. MMle S.•ne .. ,,._ ....., [lf'Old -u - _.. 111 Hevre. MoM., • n "' Key .......... California SUR-f RIPDRT ·-..... , .. , , .. , .... .... .... -felr ·--T .... " S7 J7 ,, " ,, We're tlstening ••• Tue_.. TulM WHll....,. Wkfllte Tides u ,. 7t IO .. IJ ,. 65 ,, 62 60 ,. 1S 27 70 " u '2 '5 1S .. • 72 '° J3 60 n ,, '2 St ,, t2 22 1' .Ot " .., M .It SI ti .IS 0 :rt JI .SJ as n .4 ' .. 10 D .It S4 u .. 4.S .07 ,, ll '2 l1 .J1 '° ZI ·'7-2A •• • .OS • 1' r I J2 •6) a ... 7' .., ·°' 20 s .ti .. u 70 '° ., it ,, ... ti JI 21 w-:~ ....... ~~------..._.~J----------------.... ----........ ":'-....... .._~--""'I"------.......... --------~ Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Friday, M•roh 5, 1182 H/F u . ·Me88&ge ¥essel t planned S AN DJl~GO <AP ) ·-·A communtcatlont company 1111 tt will run a boat off San Diego beaches this summer, Oashinc news and· advertisements on a I.Hg electron ic screen that bathers can read from •hore. ,. Similar traveHnc btllboard boats worked last year off Ocean City. Md.. and Vlrglnia Beach. Atlantic City and Lakewood, N :J. "The beaeh crowd, which is rnaoinl y youth and tourists, represents a new market for us," says Hal Rosenberg, vice president and general manager of radio station KFSD·FM, one of 11 stations owned by Lotus Communications Corp. of Las Vegas. Lotus is setting up a new subsidiary. Aqua-Lotus, for the venture in which KFSD expects to invest $125,000. A l tho ugh en viro nmental gr o ups ma y c omplai n , Rosenberg said approval has been granted by the San Diego County harbor authorities, the Coastal Commission and Harbor Patrol. KFSD in turn will make public service announcements such as storm warnings. Rosenberg said he expects hardly any protest "because we. will be making so many public service announcements -hours of the zoo and Wild Animal Park, local cultural e vents , et c." The boat will cruise about a quarter-mile offshore, starting May 1, sending messages on an ele ctronic sign four feet high a nd 36 feet long. Rosenberg says news stories will be transmitted to the boat from his station's downtown San Diego tower on 6th Street. , Advertisers will be charged $1 per word per hour "nying an airplane with a s ign costs $150 an hour" -he s aid in an interview Wednesday. About 200,000 people use San Diego-area beaches on a typical sum mer with a reported three million people during the month of June .,. LAST CAR Auto workers a t General Motors· Fremortt plant watc~ and wave signs as the las t car rolls off t~~ assembly ltnl' T hursday The closure will idle more than, 2.100 workers .and is om• of se\'c>n (; M t'losures nationwi<{e · t tiis ye ar I ' Housewife eases up on ~children stri·ke' SAN RAMO N CAP > MBTY' Ellen Sha ver , who went on strike against her three children last month. s a ys things are going so well, s he's s t arted cooking dinner for her family again. "They're kee ping their rooms ~tra1ght and neat as can be. Th e y re doi n g l h e ir own la undry," Mrs. Shaver said of her three teen-agers, who were forced to assume the chores after their mother posted a sigh announcing that "this mother! maid . cook, d river , laundre!S . . . is on strike until further notice." Mrs. Shaver said if Beth, 18, Meg. 15, and 11-year-old John co ntinue to cle an up after t hemselv es and obs erve a curfew, she might relent amt end the strike. .. -Speakers sel ]bf: 'Diie1nmas' r Pulitzer Prize.winning author Norman Cous ins is among s peak e r s sc hedul e d to participate in "Dilemmas of Our Tim es ," a forum s eri es s pons ore d b y the Jewis h Community Cente1 or South Orange County. Other series spe~kers include aj:tor Robert Clary, journaUst Car ol Hemingway and author Sabi Shabtai. Glary, who performed in s uch s hows as "Hogan's Heroes," "The Young and the Restless" and "New Faces." is to lead off the series at 7: 30 p. m. Apri 1 4 at the Laguna Beach High School auditorium. The actor. who is a survivor of four concentration ca mps. is to spe.a k on "Holocaust -the Significance of Surviving." _ Ms . H~m.ingway . who ts affiliated with KABC, is to hold a town hall meeting May 1 on discuss "Terrorism and Je "Criminal Justice Sys tem.·• Survival" on June I ' at "Antisemitism." ''Equal Rights La g un a Beach Hif b• Sch fo r All " and "Emerging auditorium. He is said (o be Lifestyles." The gathering is authority on inlernati~al scheduled in the Laguna Beach nuclear te rrorism a nd is High School auditorium. consultant on terrorism. Cousins. wbo is to speak May 23, will examine "Two Levels of M e I S pr i n g e r , f o r u Citizens· Res ponsibility." His chairman. said subscriptions talk is set for Temple Judea in the series are $16 and .$25 e Laguna Hills. .....~-~and are s old through tbe ce -Strabtai. -wtnrAutfiOrea-· office. For information, c Minutes to Midnight," is 497-2070. You've .All Been· ~sking. WEll IT'S HERE! NEWNRT SKI COMPANY'S SUP,EI Sale Starts March 5th Clothing & Equipment· . ....... Orange Co•t DAILY ,.LOT/Friday, Mll'Oh 5, 1882 .. . ' ..... ,. ............ YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHER -Five-year -old Robert Williams of Belwood, N.C., has been featured on several television s hows billed as "T he Wo rld 's Youngest Professional Photogra pher.·· The boy has sold tho usands of dollars worth of his work to national magazines a nd recently had an .exhibit of his photographs in Las Vegas. .. . Jobless rate nears 9 pe.-~ent .. WASJtlNOTON (AP) ·-Tbe nation's unemployment rate Jumped back up to I.I percent tn February u 5 .& mllllon AmericllDI -more than ever before -bad to uttle for part-Ume work, the 1ovemm.nt reported today. The Labor °'Partment Hid the jobleu rate mched cloeer to a poet.-World War II blth lut month after a temporary dip of three-tenths o( a perceotaae polnt tn January. ' The California rate rose from 8.7 percent to 8.9. The unemployment rate now stutda onb' twa.:t.enths oJ _a percentaae point below the postwar hlch of 9 percent, which waa recorded ln May 1975. Before December, the la•t Ume unemployment wu u b18h aa 8.8 percent wa1 lo June 1976 after the rece11lon that year reached Ila peak. The perceDta1e of Americans holdln1 Jobi declined lut moolb lo 57 .3 percent, the lowest level .in ™ yeara, the Bureau of Labor StaUsUca said. More than 9 .8 mllllon Americans were out of work lut month, an increase-of 280,000 over January. Sinc e last July, when unemployment stood at 7.2, percenl.. 1.8 million people had been thrown out of work. The bureau said the number of 'people forced to accept part·tJJM employment roM bJ ,nearly a half· mllllon In Jl'ebruary, teU.Pllntl the prevtoua record ol 5,3 mUUon .. tabU.bed in December. Analyst Deborah Klein Hid the part·tlme employment naures do not take loto account people who prefer 1bonened work houri for variOUI reuona. The 5.8 million Americana, she aa1d, "are either people wbo are in the same job but have thelr boun cut or who have loet their full-Ume jobs and have bad to accept other work on a part-time basis." The bureau also reported that w o rk e r s who have b een Snowstonn heading Northemt lUlemployed for three montbl or more -a II~ IOQC·term eff ecta ol a I rec ... Jon -increand by •bOut 32S,000 latt IDOlmh. Total employment remained lo P'ebnaary at 18.1 mlUlon for the tblrd contet1'tlve montb after deeUn1D8 by 1.3 million between luly and ,December. The civilian labor force expanded by 288,000 lut montb f ollowiQ a decline of more than 300,000 the month before, which masked the contlnuln1 deterioration in the Job market. The bureau said manut•cturtna -employment fell by about '5,000 lo Febru.,.Y, a decline that was lest severe than the losses of 200,000 jobe in each of the previoua four months, as s hown by the government's survey of buainesa payrolls. The report also said By The Auoela&ed Pre11 Eleven people were taken to Northeast, dumped light snow construction employment, which A snowstorm that dumped Denver hos pitals, but only one and heavy rain in Pennsylvania, had been severely depressed in soowft"OmColoradoloMichlgan ha d serious injuries, officials Connecticut,NewYorkandNew January b e cause of bad h·al the Northeast leavin° snow saa'd . J ersey. The next destination on weather, rose by about 80,000 in • 0 • February. But the bureau said sleet and rain in Its wake. "Everybody was sliding and the storm's agenda was New In Denver, a heavy. storm trying to stop," said Robert England. the Increase was not large blasted into town Thursday B d 30 f A ada Colo enough to erase the January ear en, , o rv • . ., d l' · th afternoon, with S~ inches of who was in the pileup. "There In Michigan, Thursday's ec ane m at category. s now acc umulating in a was nothing you could do but sit heavy snow was compounded by Adult women. accounted for 90 -min~le period in the there and watch cars banging freezing rain and sleet, slowing mostoftheFebruaryincrease io southwestern part of the city, each other." highway traffic to a crawl. unemployment. Their jobless the National Weather Service At least five deaths have been Warmer temperatures in the r a te rose four-t e nths of a said. attributed to bad weather since afte rnoon made snow turn to percentage point to 7.6 percent As roads were lost in ice and Wednesday. r ain, which turned to ice on the t h e s a m e a s t h e snow, a sliding car combined The storm, aiming al the roads by afternoon. unemployment rate for adult with limited visibility to cause a .--------------·-----_________ m_e ..... n'""".-------- S9-car pileup on Interstate 70 in north Denver. The highway was closed temporarily Thursday night, said police Sgt. Jack Cantley. Two more pileups on either side of the major jam brought the total number of vehicles involved to 90. witnesses said. ~rench g o v ernment threatened~ T er rorist 'Carlos'. demands release of extrem ists Vessey to head Joint Chiefs PARJS <AP> -The s hadowy terrorist "Carlos" has surfaced after m or e than s ix years,· s ending a letter bearing his lhumbprints ahd threatening WAS HI NGTON (AP ) - "personally toatlacktheFrench C a llin g hi m "a soldier's government" unless it releases soldier," President Reagan has two s us pect ed ext r emists plucked Gen. John V. Vessey Haig Jr. is Lns1s bng that the capture o r a Nic a r aguan guerrilla is further proof of his contention that the insurgency in El Salvador is directed and controlled from Nicaragua and 1 Cuba. arrested in P aris. the lnterior Jr., from obscurity a s the Des pite that a ss ertion Ministry said today Army's second-in·compland and Thursday, Haig found bimselfon1 A ministry sp<Jkes man said name~him ~l'le next chairmanof th e d e f e n si ve before a l the Jomt ~hiefs of Staff. . congressional subcommittee the threat came in a half.page Reagans choice, which he that demanded more evidence tol letter in Spanish d~livered to the announced Thursday during a support his charges French Embassy m The Hague California holiday. surprised · on Wednesday . The letter was just about e~r.>'.one aU hiL_ -----------.. .,_"M'll"'"''ft-""+'~tt~o..,,s' .... ....,a.,..nd-in~'" -:eenragoO----~- wo um bprrnls ver11fed-by . • • French police as belonging to TV A will idle gin and Fre nch min u ter con/ er the terrorist, the spokesman s aid . Pries·t imprisoned by Polish regime W7mSA W CAP) -A military court has sentenced a Roman Catholic priest to J'h years in prison for slandering Polis h leaders in a sermon delivered one week a fter imposition of marti a l law , a W a r s a w newspaper reported today. -It was the first reported legal action aga inst a priest since military rule was imposed Dec. 13 and the independent union Solidarity susoended. 5,lJOO workers KNOXVILLE. Tenn. (AP) Nearly 5,000 workers will be laid off later this month because of the Tennessee Valley Authority · board's decision to stop building three nuclear reactors.' The board voted 2-1 Thursday to slop construction after having invested $2.1 bill~on in two reactors al the Hartsville want in Tennessee and &ne unit at the Ye l low C re e k plant in northeastern ~ssippi. Haig teltrproof of intervention WAS HINGTON CAP ) Secretary of State Alexander M JERUSALEM (AP> -Prime Mi nister Menachem Begin, r ecovered from a s pell of exhaustion, held a fimrl meeting with French Foreign Minister Claude Cheysson today while Fre nch President Francois Mitterrand toured Crusader-era ruins in northern Israel. At the meeting, Cheysson i n v ited Foreign Minis t e r Yitzhak Shamir lo make an official vi.sit to Paris at a date to be set in May, and the two countries decided to revive a joint committee for econom.k and technological cooperation that bad been dormant sincE' 1971. Truck load~ Plant Sale' I A Tradition for 60 Years Huntington Center J daily thru Sal 1J Lge. 6" pots 2 88 ea Reservations Suggested 64s-1on Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & FISh . Special •2;99 It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrrmp, our crispy fish fillet, plus fryes, slaw & hushpupplesl Shrimpty dellck>Usl •D ..... MMtl ·•v.w.r .... •D..._. ·c--;,s2999s GI MICaOWAYI OY .. • ...,..1.Jcaft.0.-•C.-.,n- Orf ... •n.t flf O.,~ ... ,_.~ :.-f 3999s • •111 • CeeorT"* '"' a...o.t ··~,....... ·• ·~ ..... ailMll c:iML y S591'5 WHIRLPOOL GAS DRYER ........ DPy .,_"-C.. •S T .... • Drytlltl_. MAYTAG FACTOltY AUTMOafUD S25 INSTANT IHATE .... .._... •LaopM ·--i.... .. ,._. IUIL. T TO LAST! ONLY S4J4t~- WHIRftOOL TRASHMASHB COMPACTOI • l•dlllhoe T~ · , .. "'--0,.-.-• C.....,. w ..... w .... ,,.... ,.,..~ ... ICA w ~ PNltcllaaTV I I Ii I J ... ....__ HONORED -Director Frank Capra beams as he displays · the Life Achievement Award from the American Film Institute. Capra, 84, was toasted by a host of stars at the Be.nr.Jy Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. Orange Coat DAIL 'I PILOT/Friday, Mereh 5, 1982 H/F Quake safety bond issue urged 1984 measur~ would provide $500 million"1f or preparedness i n state RIVERSIDE CAP ) -The C11trorni1 Selamlc Safety Commission la pu1hln1 for a bood laaue on the 1914 ballot that .would provide $500 mlWon for e.arthquoe prep~eaa. , Commlsslon dltector Robert Olson told coracreaslonal alalf ln Washington, D.C., that the at.ate Leglalature will be asked to allocate another $500 mllllon over lbe next five years ror earthquake preparedness. His atatementa were reported Thur.sday in the Riverside Press-Enterprise. Under the plan, the. sta~·s current annual earthquake preparedne11 bud1et or $141 million would increase to about $18 million this comln1 rlacal year and to $42 mllllon ln 1883-84. The bli incre;ie would be ln 1984-85, when the budaet would leap to $550 mllUon lf volera approve the bond issue. Olson said earthquake-prone areas would be aided by funds for local disaster plannlna. improved emergency co m munlcatlon equipment, prepare dness testing and training exercises and nelthborhood education pr~1r11n1 . Some of \be bond money would be earmarked for low·lntel'est loans to •Pffd renovaUon and repair ol bulldlnp which -4o not meet the state 's earthquake -resistance standards, he said. ·: S u c h ~ state .financed··· programL. Olson sald, could beTp ; offset President Roagan'a prop osed c uts ln federal earthquake r e s e arch and preparedness budaet.s. Olson noted that a two-ye1..- pi lot Southe rn California Earthquake Preparedness The commission wlll present project will not be affected by the plan in Aprll to the the federal c uts . That Legislature and Gov. Edmund fi ve-county project,. due to be G . Brown Jr. He bas .not comple ted· ln a year, will indicated whether he would ~ provide a comprehens ive support the plan, considering the earthquake prediction response ' ., strained state budget. plan plus education. · ~ Brown offers package to avoid deficit ' ( I $400 million combination includes t ax acceler~tions, budget cut backs ~ . ::- SACRAMENTO (AP> -Gov. depression in the United States. a!Dong the 23 trustees to choose Panel d ecries Edmund Brown Jr. is asking Reagan also said h~ is willing h1m as successor l~ Glenn S. "\ "\ legis lative leaders to adopt a to discuss compromise budget Dumk~, who will retire aftef'I 2D $400 million package of stopgap prnposals with critics of his own years m the post this May. b u d get c u t s and ta x embatUed, big-deficit spending accelerations aimed al avoiding plan. a defi cit. ~ t C l The ~moc r~lic governor ~UIJUS oppo a presented his list of measures ll during a private two-hour eyes co ege post meeling .Th_ursday with leaders LOS ANGELES (AP) - or both_parties. August F. Coppola, a California Rea uan doesn 't Stale Unive~sity trus tee an_d e ., brother of filmmaker Francis d • Ford Coppola, s aid he is a see epression candidate lo replace the retiring SANTA BARBARA CAP) chancellor of the 19-campus President Reagan, vacationing system. athis secludedranchonhis30th But Coppola, 47, denied Ve~' p ay to b e in divorce ca ses? SACRAMENTO <AP) -The Caliromia Assembly has voted to ask the Congress to let the states treat military retirement pay the same as other property in divorce settlements. The vote Thursday was 59-0 to send AJR63 by Assemblyman Alister McAlister, 0 -San Jose . to the state Senate. wedding anniversary, says he rumors that Gov. Edmund G. Such a resolution is onlS' a sees no danger of an economic Brown Jr. is pressuring others request. judg~'s 'slur~' ~ SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -A . ~ Superior Court judge should be ·:> cens ured for making ethnic •: jokes and slurs about defendants : even though he is a rair, "honest and moral j uJge," the California Co mmiss i o n o n Judi c ial . Performance says. ..; Charles S. Stevens, 69, "brings •• th e j udic i al o ffice i nto : di s re pute" by referring to • :.· Hispanic wome n as "Taco Bells," saying women "were too emotional to be in court" and opening a court session with the r e m a rk , "Bring i n the c r i minals," the commission said. ·-~pils battle junk food ban ··Make the Most of Our SlielveS l'" --. BERKELEY (AP> -They gather in the bathrooms, cast furtive glances toward the door and quickly swap as much as a dollar for a 15-cent package of taffy candies. It's a scene from the junk-food "black market" at Columbus Intermediate School, where grade schoolers a_re w~giJ;lg a g~:natu~ed but persistent battle with prmcapal Christine Lam over a rule banning sweets from the school, playground and buses. Violations ·can mean sus pension for the offenders a fact fourth-grader Alex Moore knows all too w~U . His one-day suspension came after he L-~W-iil:.J.l~·J~~n.wld~cU!o\e.d.soll,drilLli-.&~clloottias .. _ .... ~._ ---'-llt-won't-woTk'.:-Ttiey-can'tslOp kids from eating junk fOOd, no matter what they do," Moore said Thursday, amid cheers from s tudents gathered around him on the playground. The rule -not general policy in the Berkeley school district -applies to the hard stuff: candy, gum and soda pop. Ms. Lim said her rules . ar_e. based on studies showing that sugary foods bm1t academic performance and shorten the attention spans of school children. "I'm trying to encourage the students to be aware of what they're ealin2 and to read the la~ls so they know what the ingr~ents are," M.s: L1~ said of her Junk·food ban, which won enthusiastic support from most parents. "I've had two or three letters from parents who feel the rules are too strict. But about 95 percent of them agree with me," she said, adding that the parents of the suspended students were 100 percent in favor of the action. The principal als o counts among her supporters some reformed junk-food junkies. Seed firm to shut Riverside_ branch --- RIVERSIDE (AP> -The nation's leading mail-order seed firm is closing its Riverside branch alter more than 30 ye.ars of operation. W. Atlee Burpee Co., said the high cost of repair at the deteriorating plant will force lbe closure in September. ~ Manager Stanley Howlett said Thursday the company is also closing its branch in Clinton, Iowa. Most packing and mailing operations will be· moved to the firm's headquarters at Warminster, Pa. Custom packing for the bedding plant industry will be moved to the company's SOO-acre seed growing, research and testing center al Santa Paula in Ventura County. Get the Picture at 1/2 the Price! Get 112 off the original price of au framed posters and framed or unframed paintings. Then ~you WlSh to pick a frame to fit the painting. the frame's yours for 112 pnce. too 3 Piece Studio Set Create extra space in your studio with an attracnve set of laminated wood-grain bookshelves These sturdy artists' storage units with moveable shelves measure 72x24x 10" Choose a 5 shelf book case Reg 49 95 538.88: a 4 shelf unit with fold -out desk Reg 59.95 $48.88; or a 5 shelf unit with a cabinet Reg 59 95 S48.88. All three units Reg. 169 85 A Studio Package That's Pretty as a Picture Just picture this 3 pc. artist's set in your studio! The adjustable drafting table with a 30x42H laminated top has a white baked enamel base. Reg. 74.95 S.58.88. 24" taU stool has a wood-grain seat and a white baked enamel finish. Reg. 24.95 S18.88. Com· plete the set with a flex lamp in ~colors. Reg. 28.95 S9.88. AB 3 items Reg. 128.85 $83.88. Aaron Brothers Special S 128.88 ti OOWN cw THf ~RMCR. IN TnE CITY, THESt: M1SS TOWEL NOLDtRS 1100 COUNTP-Y Ct1NV1 70 )t)(.-fl KITCNtN Pl~. R005TER,~~ OR DUcf\ DESI CTN &6-16.95 $12.88 J1:tl.Jt4lRKBCOt Z Sf'IRl'L B<XJND DIR!CTORJES INCLUDE <ffl1FNIC AR~ < 11DVEffTJSlf.KT 5eRVICl51N 01LlfORNll1<AND MUCN fr'Of?t: ! ) ~~~ ·_ iJ!J:'tfI 8/f-155 DE- COY D<KK srrs PAcTTY ON YOUR ,.,..,,,NT(J.QR SnELF /011 LOMT ~ro-24 95 $ /9. BB 0 ·I @#It!·' :::;;s SfNi1TOR PEN SET5Ti11NLES9 5rf.EL PEN IN BROWN LW nE.R OfSE lt¥:UDE.5 FINELtNE, ~TIC LJNE., { ROO-ERMJ.1-P.£FtlJS RE<T 1495f9.86 • lllTllliTll lllCH I f 1111111 VllllY TALENTED TROOPS Taking time out from selling their own Girl Scout cookies, Shanna Wilson , Andrea Okura, Shannon McGookin and Tracey Maken. above, offered Scotch cookies at a n international fair at Los Amigos High School. They were a mong 300 Fountain --\'f-Jley SeottHt-who wore costumes and shared foreign foods and dances. At rigt)tl Tt'6op 1561 from Cox Schoo · performed the hula and below, members of Troop 760 from Moiola School waited the ir turn t o go onstage for their Polis h polka. This year's Girl Scout cookie sales will wind up with home deliveries and shopping center booths from March 12-21. llllJPllDI FRIDAY, MARCH S, 1982 CAVALCADE 02 COMICS 83 GARDEN 86 0 Beckman lnstTuments of Fullerton 008 . agreed to merge with giant SmithKline Corp. See P.age B4. · · Trash-burning· · power plant pl~ns sn8gged BJ PATRICK KENNEDY' similar plants use trash for .... .,.... ••tNu..., electricity in Japan. He says the The developer of a proposed t e c h n o 1 o g y w i 11 r e d u c e Huntington Beach power plant Americ an d e p e nd•nee on 'that wbuld burn trash and foreign oil. sewage sludge for fuel says he ··our intention is to make it i n t e D d s t o m a k e i t un-Ame r ican to oppose this "un-Arrie rlcan" to oppose his .p l an ," Ryan s ays. "The plan. technology is here and if we H owever, many local don't use it we're idiots as a residents and city officials do.. people. We Med a thOUHlld of oppose the proposed '80 million lhese plants>a this c~ . .,, incineration plant because they R yan , president of Ryan say they f ea r increased Energy Corp., has hired the industrial air pollution and truck !rv•ne -based Fluor Corp. to traffic from trash and sewage build and operate ~ ~ sludge deliveries. ''co.generation'' pfant ~ a D e v e loper Dan Ryan of .'8·acre mud <lump tltat-Palilbly Newport Beach says the plant contains toxlc che•eau on would be beneficial by initiaJly Hamilton Avenue and 11fagnolia burning one-third of the county's Street. traab· and 1enerating electrtclty • 1tvao savs any toxics 1rill be for 125,000 homes. Capacity 'removed prior to development. could be doubled a fter a few However . he still needs city and yean, he said. numerous state permits before To win support or c ity breaking g rn•ind for the residents, he said he's planning inci neration factory . public slide shows and technical The Stevc r so'l Brc.thf'rs presentations e xplaining how Dump, also kilOWT· c<:. tiae As·<'..(lo Landfill , is loc::.ted •~tt:>')i. tbt- Man pleads guilty in VCI gun case A New Jersey man described as a bodyguard for a 19-year-old former UC Irvine student pleaded guilty Thursday to charges that h e carried a concealed weapon on campus during a Jan. 13 incident. A separate charge that Do uglas Ernest Smith, 29,· t h r e a t e D~ d a u n i v e r s i t y administrator was dropped during the hearing al Harbor M uoicipal Court in Irvine. v l1nivemty police say Smith acco mp a nied Majid ForooUllldeh on campus for a visit with campus Ombudsman Ron Wilson when the student pulled a fake s ubmachine gun from a canvas b ag and threatened Wilson. The ombudsman ordered the student -who bad recently been expelled, police said, on allegations of cheating -to put the bogus gun away and theo called police o f.ficera, who arrested the pair. A search revealed a revolver in a briefcase S mith carried said police. ' Foroozandeh, an Iranian, told investigators that Smith, who was staying in Los Angeles at the time, h a d been r ecomme nde d to him as a bodyguard because Foroozandeh had rec~ived threats, said police Sgt. Albert Melendy. road from Edi~on hiKh Sehooj and a tract of borr.es. Ryan says it's the "number one location in the county" for his proposed plant because of its proximity to the county's sewage processing and trash transfer stations, as well as the Southern Ca lifornia Edison power plant th at would buy P.I ectr icity. However , nearby residents and city officials disagree. "We j ust don 't want this in Huntington Beach o r in any other residential area," says Susan Comertnsky, a member or t~ recently formed "Dump the Dump Citizens Committee." Huntington Beach Mayor Ruth Finley issued a statement today on Ulis issue: "A proj~ct of this sug-gested magnitude calling tor inc reased truck traffic and pos sibly air pollution doesn't coincide with the residential a.nd school area . . . " she s aid. Murphy gets sehool post Bus hard Sch ool Principal .Peter Mu r ph y has been reassigned to the Fountain Valley School District's central offices to coordinate the creation or local middle schools. The district tentatively plans to establish three middle schools (grades six through eight) during the next three years by . converting sites now housing kindergarten through eighth grade. San Juan Council .. . . • • ·opposes airport By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of Ille o.lty P4191 Staff There will be no general -aviation airport east or San Juan Capistrano if the City Council h1ts its way. The council, on an unanimous vote, passed a resolution at a public hearing Wednesday night opl>osing the proposed San Juan Creek airport site. The 4-0 vote came after nearly 2'-'.i hours of testimony at Marco Forster Junior High School in Sa n Juan Ca pis trano . A standing-room-only audience of 400 attended. But while opponents of the airport propos al were most voca I there were equally as many supporters who paraded to the microphone. W. County charity sets . record Many backers were private pilots who wore small si1ns reading, "I love an airport.'~ OpponentS hissed or booed comments by supporters. And the foes stood and gave a rousing round of applause to one vociferous opponent, Ed Connor of San Juan Capistrano. By PIOL SNEIDERMAN Of ttie Delly "91 MMt The United Way ·of West Orange Count>: baa concluded ita fund -raisi n& campaign , collecting a record $1,175,000 for distribution to 32 community service organizations and agencies. The campaign total was announced to an audience ot 300 tfnited Way volunteers and support.en gathered Tbunday nl1bt at the Marriott Hotel in Newport Beach for the group's 17th annual Recognition Banquet. Two people were honored wltb the United Way's Humanitarian Award for lonitime service to tbe or1anluUon. o,e waa the late Bruce WllUama, wbo waa director of community relatlona at Golden Weat Colle1• in H0uAUn1ton Beacb llll&il bla death J'eb. e. f' ., Williams' award was accepted by bis widow, Dr. Louise Spivey. Richard Fisher, executive director of the West County United Way, said Williams had bee n informed of the a ward before his death and had been pleased. The oth er Humanltarlan Award recipient was Gwen Wiesner, who recently retired after 25 years with the city or Garden Grove, including service as assistant manager. She was elected secretary of the West Orange County United Way in 19M and bu been act.tVe in the IJ'OUP since, Flaber said. The Unlted Way of West Oran1e County ls one of two United Way ,groups aervln.c O"ran1e County. . The West County a1ency aM» pro1r ..... ln HuntJn,ioa Beach, FountaiD Valley, Seal Beacb, ' Westminster, Garden Grove and adjacent unincorporated county areas. " Director F ishe r said the c urrent c ampaign total ls derived from $1,047,000 already received by United Way, ploa another $128,000 committed by JocaJ A:?OJDpaJlies. The ·wes t County group Offer up again Fountain Valley School District trustees have voted to re-advertise their former headquarten for leaae becauae no bids have been received. The district sent documenta to 400 p_.rllu a1t month concerninJ th_e avallablllty ol the omce buUd1ftl on the comer of Newland Street and Talbert Avenue. ~ collected about $1 million laf year and had set a goal of a 25 percent increase to $1.25 million. •'While we've fallen short ol our goal by about $75,000, we've still increased 15 percent over last year's total," Fisher said. . He said United Way groupe oaU.onwlde are aver~O. percent Increases ln con . 1 Master of ceremoniea at T~unday'$ United Wtl)' baDqult wu Dick Boucher, cbalrmu of the Huntlneton Beach United Way board ol directors. Entertahlment wu provided by "A Touch of Clan," a teen-a1e dance troupe from Hunt1n1ton Beach; Tbomaa Hernandes, a 1ln1er-1uttari1t wlto • director of the Ooldln ; • Wnt CoUe1e .Sympbonlc._ 8-1; and Paul Ber1er and Pbll Rayna, wbo performed IODll rn>m ''Man from La Kancba.'. '• r. > ... Connor, bis hands waving, read from a prepared· statement. He admonished those who had spoken in favor al the a i rport as well as representatives of the Oranae Qnaab' i::>epartaaent of~ "Your statement there 1a an overriding need (for the airport) J• anumJ.nc that all o1 us in tbis ~m were born yesterday. It ~l )e dlaUCer If that airport io. ln," Coa8el' Hid to county imcjfala in at~ahee, blel .... JhriiJ Cable, mana1er el l*I w=~~~ HONO?Bl -The la~ :Pl'OPiliUoo th.it' U..~iJid WiUlams has beea. v:;.~l'~d~rl' .. Tf: ~ with the United mmed Ma Adon I ;lelld Way's Humanitarian Award the aircraft a'fOldlnc tw.r °"" for lon1·tlme service. Ute ctty. . . ' ... ' ._,._...,'C' ..... ,.. ,. ' l I ·,' • .. Ormnge C09lt DAIL v ~OT/Frtday, March a, 1982 "'' .. .NYSE COMPOSITE T=RANSl\C110NS IJUOTA.,... t~ T8UH• T•a•ew 'fCNll(, 1111 ... lf, ~AC)"<.,~-....... , HHOIT &•• UllCNMATI tfOO IKCM4*H u• 11 .... fl• I Y T ..... A.to a .. e 1•H1•l1' ~~-· ................ ... u De 0 h-~ Co..,,, the HW ownert of tbe John W~ TenAla Clu~t. l• attempd.Q1 to sell Umtt.ed 1partnenblpl LD the raclllty to membert. ~Cl{>Alt Burton E. Smllb and Jaa:aet L. Kelly, tllrOuCJl newly formed company -Newport Teanil PaJ1Den Ltd. -.... trytn1 to ra.lte sa.2 m1Woa bY aellin1 l40 unlta ol $5.000 eacb. AcCOJ"dlnc &o the protpectua, the Hie may bt canceled lf S2 m1llloo l.an't received by ,April 30. In the tint 11 moailla of 1111. the club Iott 1S11,518 •.• 1 Buer lateraa&Joaal eo..,. plana to purchue with.in the next alx !Dontha up to 1.S mil!!~sbam_~_ ... _ .. ~-' -Tr · eomtooll'-.~ir. 'VY ~t. ~r&nt of lti7o-:1 1 mlllloa lbares outatanding . . . ! I A n .. r Corp. subsidiary baa received. an , en1ineer11\f study contract from a,.. EMr17 c.p. I or Costa Mesa to examine tbe feulbillty or an i energy·reeovery cogeneratioo facWty ln Huntington Beach. Fluor said it bas no investment ln lbe project and baa no involvement beyond lta services ln a consulting capacity . . . Home Bealtla Care of America lac. bu announced tbe initial public offering ol 1.3 million sbarea of common stock at $1.5.50 a abare. The company ls selling 1 million sbarea and the remainder ls being offered by existing sbarebolders . . . Ml&nblllll Motor Sales of A•erlea lac., which recently opened ita headquarters in Fountain Valley, said it bu purchased a 22.3-acre site in Cypress for its permanent corporate offices. Terms or the purchase were not disclosed. :~itii ~-.------J.;--- ••rra)' L . Weldeaba••, .the Reagan administration's top economic adviser, cited high interest rates as he softened bis prediction for when the nation will begin its recovery from recession. Weidenbaum told the Senate Budget Committee be still expects strong economic_l!'Owth in_U!e e~~L half of thja )'ear .•• - --= The proposed consent decree between lbe Jutlce DepartmeM and Amerlcu Tek•~•H ud Telepapl9 Co. threatens competition by leaving AT&T with dominant, self-perpeluatina advantages that must be mod.ifled by legislation, Allan L. Rayfield, president of the GTE Commu.lcatJou Predttda Gro.p, told the House Subcommittee on Tmcommunications. Consumer Affairs and Finance. · i Meanwhile, James V. Lester, senior executive vice president of lateraatloaal Telepboae aad Telegrapla C.rp., told the same subcommittee that th~ proposed seWement ls a "vague, poorly thought out document" and. urged Congress to enact telecommunications legislation. IAB ·~,...---..... The board of directors ol lbe Times Kln'or Co. has declared a quarterly dividend or so cents a share on the company's outstanding shares of common stock. The dividend was declared payable June 10 to shareholders of record May 28 . . . A werker laccathe ~u~ --1~-:p""".r""'o~aru-:-c~Uv it: 4D SouUte-re->ea Hfornia croc er y warehouses u much as 35 percent, but a union official who helped ctevise the popular plan worries that employer 1reed might foster worker burn~ut. The system rewards crews who achieve more than a set produdioa le~el with either cash bonuses or time off. The proble.m, said Jerry Vercruse of Teamsters Local 595, is that some employees may be over~xtendlng themselves for lbe cub, whfoh can· a mount to several hundred dollars weekly. 1STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES ' .... 'fOM ,.., _.._ .... ftlnl8lr ..................... , . .... .... ,"'9r ........... ., ... . =u& • .., ............ .. . . ...... ~ ......... .. ... ..,.....~.-........... ...... t· NIW YORltll\Pl FINI Oow.Jonft •YQS IO< T"""9y, _,. 4 STOCKS °""' ..... Law ClltM Ole JO Ind tll.74 llf.12 IG0.10 I07.U --7,•l lO Tm 111.i. JID,12 J20.00 JH.17--4 1' IS UU -25 I0'.02 ~7.07 107.-0.6S 6S Sit! 311.71 DI ... Jll.11 '"·"--J.13 ,_ ... .. . .. ... • • 7,2'°,200 Tr-" . • • • • • .. • .. 2,'12.tOO Ulill ..... .... . .. 9'1,G . 6j Stll ......... .. . • ... 11,1 ... lOO WHAT STOCKS DID .iwu NE W YORK (;llP) M•< • METALS OLD QUOTATIONS .,,. ... .--..~ s.tec1M .-1d ... ~k'eS -y; ~.,,.,,..,,. , ..... ~.00. oft ...... ~:-""-....... U.2.40, oft"'· to. ~en.:..,.,,., ... k,., Pr~SIOAl,oft9'. ... brtdl: L.Mlt fbllfte ...... oft ., •• 11111. ~---. • ..., • .e-1 (tftly llelly ..... , ................ ........ : (Ofl!Y Mlly ..... , PO.Al. ... ...... ........ 1 (tl'lly Mlly ..... , feertlt .... l ......... .ui. YMBOLS .... H/F~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 51 1982 Billie Jean • in qUarterfinO'ls • INGLEWOOD (AP) -Blllie Jean Kina conUnued to •chance In lbe Avon Champtoub1p1 te.W. tournament Thursday nlaht, do*D.ln1 Ltlsb ~nn Thompson G·l , 7·5 t o move Into the <aua.rUtflnala. Earlier In the day, the tournament loat lt.1 ncond·He~ecr)STiyt:-...r en Andrea Jae1er withdrew *•use of a eroln injury. The 38-year-old Kina, UMeeded In the event, earlier had eliminated Battlna Bunte In the tournament at the 1'"orum Klnt. playin1 well both. ln the •backcourt and at the net, breeied to a flrst·tet. victory over 1'hompson, then had to rally from a 0-3 deficit In the second set. Jaeger, l6, wa.'J scheduled to face unseeded Leslie Allen Tbun day, but withdrew on the advice of her d9ctor. Jaeger suffered lhe injury during her ubles b I matcb • Wednetday. She attempted to practice TbundQ monllllt but aald her lateral movement was aeverely ,..tricted. J..,e.r and ber father, Roland, left Thursday afternoon for their home near Chlcqo. Jae(er'a withdrawal left No. s Sylvla Hanllta of Wet t o.tmany as the top •eed 1Wl competln1 In the toumameot. Top-aeeded Tracy AuaUn pulled out on Monday because ol burns auffered tn an accident al a restaurant two day• earlier. (n other second· round matches Tburaday, South Atrlca'a Yvonne Vermaak knocked off No. 9 seed Mary Lou Piatek 8·1, &-2, aod unaeeded Jo Durie of Oreat Britain defeated unseeded Kate Latham 6-3, &-4. The semillnala are scheduled Satorday and the c hampion.ship match is slated ror Sunday, The winner will collect $30,000 with . the runner-up earning $15,000. !>.,@.,.&ti it siNu s=1 • CHARHll NO. 1Ull "CTITIOUI WllN•IJ UCI clobben Dominguez Hilla . CARSON -UC Jrvlne 1col'ff l2 runa in t.be third lnnln1 and breezed to a 15·2 non-conference vl ctorv o_ve r ·Cal Sate Oomingue1 Hilla here Tbund~. The Anlea.l e rs bad their biggest Inning or the season and Improved their record to 9-8·1 with Ed Deese pltchlnl ei1ht Innings, allo,tng four hlta and aettina five stlikeout.a. Catcher Steve Barnard was 3 tor 4 as was Mike Jnglehart who had a pair or doubles and three RBI. Ron Cummings also had a pair or doubles and drove In three runs while David Glick and Mike Rupp each garaered two hits apiefe. • ~ Penhall tops cycle field Speedway motorcycle · tadq returns to the Oran1e Counl)' !i'alrgrounds for 1 one·nltbt 1Jtand· tonl&ht with l6 ol the top r i de r1 fr om tbh country competlna i" a round·robln, 20.he•t pm1ram be1LMln1 at 8 o'clock. Wo rld c hampion Bruce Penhitll of Balboa will be competing qalnat 1ucb atar1 u Mike Bast , • SIX·llme U.S. champion ; Alao Christian of Huntington Beach, Mike Faria, the No. l rider from Northern California and J ohn Sa ndona, thi rd in the U.S. nationals a mong others. Also in the field are Kelly and Shawn Moran of Huntlntlon 8Hch; John Cook, Dave SJma, Brad Oxley. Dubb Fe rrell. O a.v1c1 D e Templ•, Bo bby SchwarU, Laney KlnJ, Denni• Slgaloe BUd fto11 PrealOn. - Ox loy was the rookie of the year in 1981 in the British, Speedway League W'blle Prest.on Is com.int back rrom a year'• layoff because of an lnJured knee, He was the 1980 under-21 world champion . The Costa Mesa track has received a new surface tor the 1982 season thal will get under wav on a regular basis in April. NAMaSTAT•M ... fT The following persons are dDinO WllnH• n : -~5.~M.IHL\.J.~a..I CLEANING. 2701 Birch, Newport ttff<ll, Qolltoml•.,...,. Tl..,..llr M. Vescovi, ... , Tillt Clrclo, Hl.W\ltlftlllon Beall, Caltton•I• ft6.M. l(ennt1" R. Conklln, a Morning Dove, Irvine, C1lltomi• '27" LlnM G. C-lln. I MornlnQ Oo•e lntlM, CellfOmle '211•. Tiiis llllllnns I• condu<ll'<I by • .. ntr•I p.w\nt""IP Llnlloa G. Conalln Tiii• llet-t wa. meo with Ute c-ty Cl••~ of Ora~ county on JMl ... ry 11, 1"7 CO M PTAO L L ER OF TH NAM91TAT•MSNT CURRENCY l r .. Wry ~.....,1-0I The lollowlng '"'1011 h doing 1he Unll9d Sc.IH, Wa)h1"91on, o.c buJIMU ., ...WJtlt~l'l~::<ll'l.if " ..... -...~ ~ ' been preMnted to the Comptrotl•r Of $a0t, Irvine, CA '2715, ' 111• C11rre ney tha t .. INTEAIM llQlll.ALO .. TINKHAM. J P\dpl• CAPISTRANO NATIONAL BANK" $a0t.1Nlne, CA'2TIS. lo<eted In SM J ... n Cep1.ir-. State Thi' b<isl-II c-..Cttd llY .., ot Celllu<nla, l\aJ complle<I wllfl e11 lndlYIClwl. P•OvhlonJ ol OWi •l•lutH or 01• United R.B. Tlnl<.lleM • Ste1H •t!QUl..O to be compli.d wit/I TlllJ JteMfrWll w• flleel wilt\ "" Mlore •lfto -..11\0<IHO lo com .... n<t County ci.rti of 0..tftee (Ouftly on Ille llll•IM1>> ol '*'kinQ u a Nalloftal 1'1b l•. 1"2. ir1aaa Plltllitlled Oranga Cael1 0.llY Pllol, 8enklnQ AU«lallon. How, ""'""ore. I ...... by Urtlfy 11\al the eoove named o•ocle lfo11 ll •u1110rltecl IO commence 11\e butlftflJ of b•nklno •• • Net1ona1 8 enkln9 Feo. 26, Merell S, It, tt, 1"2 - ------We'll take-yo11-r ·ota home and ive you the best view in an Clemente. 1'1'1146 PllbllJl\tel Or ... Cotti Delly P•IOI ,, ... 1', i.. -"'" s. " ltC 7 .. .., Auoc:l•llon In IHtimony wller90f wllnen mr '1on•lure and >NI 0, olflu llll\ Ith dey NOTICE 01' T•USTE•'S UlE of 0Mt-1•1 T.S. N•. a.ut Jsl C,,_rlH E Lord On March U , Ul2, al ' U a.m. A<UnoComptroll•• TITLE SERVICES. INC .. duly oltlleCurrencv ePC)Oln1ec1 Trust" ..,...r eno 1>Urwant Publlsi.d Oranoo c0.,.1 Dally Polol 10 Oet<I of Tr11st r1<0tooct Fabruary 21, AMMll Fell 11. 19, i.. March S 12, It, H. 1•1. H IMI No. l:US., In _.. 1"'3, NOTICE OF T•USTI I 'S SALE Aprll 2 t. 1'9l IO!rtt paoe 10 Of Offlcla( RKOrdl In Ille T.S.No. TS >tt .. t office ol Ille Co11n1y Atcorder ol •047·UJ.lt PVU lllll ~~e~ecLcrc''lu~:i;.n1~J'~~~~~~L 'Tl~~EM~~:U~A~~~· .:~~·~R~~T . BIDDER FOR CASH. CASHIER"S COMPANY ... duly aPPOlnltd Tru'1N NStt7SI CHECK OR CERTIFI EO CHECK. under -pUf'\Uanl 10 Deed ol Trust SUPERIORCOURTOl'CALll'OllHIA (peubl• el llme OI ~e•• In lawful detod J une U. 1..i recoro.<I July I COUNTY 0 1' ORANGE money of Ille U111tec1 Ste .. 11 el Ille ttlO, H IMt No ut, In -1l6H 1• Ci'tlt C-Or. Wete lro111 tnlranca 10 Ille Af4 Ore"9<1 ~ 4». ol OH1cla1 Reco•d• 1n tlle S..U ""'·Ca. tt1tt County Counl>ouw, IOCated on S.nle olflce of Ille COllntv Rocord.r ol M ARRIAGE OF PETITIONER Ana Blvd.,.,.._ Sycemo,. Slrff1 Orangl' Counly, Calltornla, WI LL E N A I Q U E A V I L 41 a n o enel 8r-ey, Santa Ana, Callfomla, S ELL Al P UBLIC AUCTION TO RESPONDENT PATRICIA ELAINE all rloll1.1111tencllnwrtttconveyedlo HIGH EST 8tOOER FOR CASH AVILA •nelnowheldb\lltllftClar WIO Oeedol CASHIEltS CHECK OR CERTIFIED SU-S ll'AMILY LAWI Tru•t In Ille ~rty ll11 .. 1ec1 In said CHECK, (payable at lime of sate In CASI NO. 0-1"'12 County andState oet.crlbecl••· lawful money of thOP Uril1'0 ~latHI "1 NOT ICE! You hen i:i..n s"'4. Trw Loi •t ol Tract NO 3921, In IM City the Sollth front enl••nc• 10 "'" Old coun me1 dectdt AQalnst you w1111ou1 of Cosla Mew, Counlyol Orenot, ~tale •ftOLCcultr_(,,..d...,,.,,• loct'tO '° ~..oelaig~ ,,,,.11 yew ,-~ of C•llfornl• ... ., par .fDAD 'K °'ded-ln .b..oAJi.. u~ee•-H to-4 ~ 01 IN too~ltcof.~t.s.nta .,mr9tvtr wllttm '9 CIWts. ttw..i tftrln!Onna flelft Mlsctll•~ ~P•. In 1he ofll<t ot Cformerly We.1 6111 'it I S..nla Jllna, below Calllornla all rl .... 1. Ullt •nd inter*'' II , • ., wiM 1o:.r, alvic.a_.t Ille County Recor~ of wld County ""' EXCEPTING THER E~ROM all <Onvey.O lo •nd now held bv 11 un~r atloMMt "'1ltlJ • Y..,.......,. Mlr>er•I• 00,. DelrOWYfn •nc:I -•nor.o M id Offd ot Tru\t •n Ille orQl>ff1v H pre,1'111t1r •• , ... , ye11r wrlll• ,1111etad In H id County •nd Sia ht rH-M, If any,,..., IM 11 .... .., u..... •ub\len<ti •ncl Mtvrel OH 1111C1e< ••Id described as; AVISOI Ult.,...., Sid9 49,,..,,..49 leno, bUt wll1-lr1Qllt of .nlry 10 tl>e Lot 21 In Blotk IOol T•a<I No. 2l4 In El ···-· ---.CWlr , .. .,. U4 \Urfact or •llbwriece ,,,.,..,, lo • dtp111 of 500 ~"' ol said lano, .. 1he City al H-rt Btacll County 01 •111 111411•"<1• e ..,.,. .. 4111• U con .. yed lo Land lnn>t.....,1 Co •• e Oranoe. State of Catltornla. •• per , .. ,...,.. -re • >O '4eL Lea I partner"'4o In lllt deed recohled July map reconled In 8ool( tl, Pe9u l6 and 1111 ... mactoe-JI.... 10. lM In -.. ~. p-711 Offlclal .J7'of MIKtll•~11• t-VP•. ·~mt Olllc. SI U1"'4 ...,.. Mlk ltar •I,_.. llteord• qft11e CounlyrecorouofsaldCoun1v ""·~..,Ht• as...,lo, .. ._,. Tru\tor or r•cord o w ner T"'nor or recoro _.,.., DAVID T ~•eerie lmmelliata ...... i. .•• alt LAWRENCE EICHWALO, ..... 0 .. SMITH -PATRICK J SWEENEY •meft ... a, IU -ta ~rita, M U m1tn Th• Sl•u1 •ddrts\ ano olntr ett11,.., _.. .. r ...... lira.Ne tlem.,.. Tnt >1rH1 1ddreu and othe r common °"1Qna11on. ti •nv, ol IM 1 TO THE RESPONOENT· The common oeslQnatlon. II e r1y, of ttwt real property de"rtb~d allovt I\ petitioner II•> ltltd • Ptllllon real property ducrlbed abon ll purP«1ed to be 1009 w B•lllOe Bl•d concernlnQ vou~ ..,.,,._, It you tell ourPor1ed 10 be 1010 v a1encla Street, N•-rt Bffcft, Celllomle to lllt • resiion>e within JO clayl of ,,... ca..11 ~~, Calll0<nl• 9261'. The ->JOMCI Tru\tte 01...:lalms It tlle1 thh •um..-.. I• terwd on Tiie uncle"IQnted Trlll1ff dlKlelmt any llablllty lor •ny 1nc:orro<IM» ot tou, •our dO>laull m•y 1HI •ntered •nCI any llablllty for ..,Y 1nconec1neu of tllt ",_ add~s ano other common Ille courl mo tnler a ludomenl lllt ilrMI ~and OCher common del19netlon, II any ~herein cont•lnlno injuncllve or oilier orde,. dHIQNltlon If enr • .-., ,,.,..In Seid salt wlll be m-11111 willlout concernlno Olvl•lon ot properlYI Said w it will be....-. 11111 wllllou1 coven•nt or warrantv ewpres\ or soouwl !.UCJC)Of1, <hHd cu:.tOdy, chlld co._enant or w•rranty, ••Or't SI or Implied. reoon11n11 lltlt PoUt\Slon, or >upoofl, ollorMr tees. <0>1', •nCI ...ell Implied, r-dlno tttle. _,."'°"·or tnc11mbrenus 10 pay Int unoeld other re1i.4 es mar be o••nt.O by 1he 1ncumbrance1. to pay Ille unpeld tw>lence Of IN nol• 'l<ured 01 w 10 cour1 Tllo oarn"11~n1 o( weoe•. WTance OI Ille note MCu...S bY w ld Oeecl or Tru\1, 10-.. 11 \301 10 At titl•no ot money or orooerty, or other Deed ot Trust, lo w it: 1'2,117.S•. ln,tudlnQ •• orovtdtd tn ••lo .notft. court Au1tlorl1ecl Of<¥"'11IDQ~el1JAI_...""' _ _,, .. ' 1 DU ,,,_kl floft, eclvance>. 11 •nv. ullder '""••""'•of rttull ---.. uncle< 111e 1erms Of said 0..0 ol Tru" •~ chuQ@.-;;;>a t>et~d Oieem11etli 1'19_1__ ••id OffO ol T"4\. f~. cllaroes •nCI H . .,.nM• of ~ Tru>lte ano ot 111• Lte A Brancfl, Ckr~ ••pen-of Ille Tnnlee and 04 Ille Trade in vcmr old home and move up to tlte extraord inary design und exquisite vlcwi-,,f TI1c Pinnacle. With our guaranteed 1 rade·tn and other great nnancln~ pro~rums, you won't fi nd a bet tcr b uy on tJ1c enU{c Orange County COU~L Onlv6 homes remain In this limited cdltlou community situated h igh atxwc Ute sea Oil q uiet cul·dc·sac streets. Rich )kclitcrruncu11 styling. ~kyllghts, Indoor ntrlu ms, A<>arln~ cathedrul,ccllin~!'>, spu·llke mu~tcr hath!->. un<I so m uch more. ChooM: 2 bedrooms ur 2 be d room!> plus bonus room tn up LO 2,360 squar1: feet ... -I • • • 30-vear fixed rate loans at 123/4 %* Guaranteed trade-in Financing for b uver of your current liome ~lodcb open 11 to 5 duilv. Cu II ( 7 14) 498·22 I 8 or ( 714) 4:16-01 45 lf1t11H•"""'" \ ... -,1..iu11n n• .. n•J1I\ 1,, 111..i1tu ... 1n ... 1h.._ 11o•llh "' tHUtlll•ofl UhM°'I l'ri, .. • ... ~rnl illllOhft\~\n,,11\, ''·•h •• 1 I'~··~ Un1U1111 '"'"hi,,, 111 ,,,.,., """"'\ 1111 Hr ufh:r 1kwth1h 1•i 1ht-.,11iH1tu I uk, ..,,uthltioom••I I If u111l110 U, ~,I, \It ftt1u1 Ok "6n I u,.tu ' "' lno1 1. fl uu I ""•UI I, 111111 t :"" ••• t'lflttil ••U -.,.IOI f'ul,f• \• •ttOk•• .._4 ~':=:::::s:""'C::: ...... ~·- 1rus1' cr.aled by said o .. d ot Tru" By C Weo>ltr, C.011ty trusts c.eated b\I said o,.o ol Tru>I. Cltmb to the top. Visit _Ibi.: .Ptnunclt: toe.lay. .u .. t 1u1tu ,,.., C• ""a '~-__,__ ~~--- ' Tiie be<wnclerL'!1!0<'• said Deed RAFAEi. A _...,._~o...tof ~ ir.r.rororT ett<:U1td end Mteniey~ LAw t:r.u t 11«..ioMre enn.1ed an11 -l"ld"to'-O~~-wn • PW"WITllll,.. .., ... Ste. f• -· delt•tred to Ille ..-,..,_ • wrllltft Oecleratlon ol Oelaul1 Md ~and Le\ ""'9'"· c.t. -~Clar el Ion o1 Defeull eno Oemano for S11t, and • wr111en Nolle• ot Publt•IW<I Oranoe C0.>1 O•lly Piiot, lor S•te. and 0 written Notice ol tl"'K. • PINN1'£]£ , II\\, Int 11. ·r.--I' Jilli Starting at $299 ,000 l Otleull and EltcHon to !>ell T llP Fell 11 t9. 26, Morell S, t"2 •~ Oelaull end El.e<llon. 10 Sall Tiit undt ,.loned caused •aid NollH o• undt,.19neo cauud H td Notice of the PINN~CLE . Oel•ull -Elec1ton 10 se11 lo l>t .... II' ~ Otlaull and Elecllon 10 Stll 10 be!' • 1 a APR re<or-in Ille county Wiier~ !"" r•al r•DU" ""'"'" •e<orcleo In 11\e '°""'Y -rt Ille real I iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii Prooff'ty Is l«ateo. Tn.s14't! or P<IMr P•oPtrty I• located concluctlnQWle, TITLE INSURANCE NOTICEOI' Tru>1"orpar1yc-uctinv•ele at Man·ners Po1•nt ANO TRUST COMPANY, 900 N M<11n TRUSTEE'S UlE TITLE SERVICES, INC. -~-Ill' SI . Senta Anll, C•ll .... nle '11101. Attn L9M Ne.'~' ,.. S.tlte-• ...... Joyce Wllh•l'M 111•1 ttl-1020 0•1• T .s. .... 7tt4J.I S•ftt• MMe•. Ca.,..., 0--::::::_ __________ __, _____________ ~:...._--:....__...;; _____ ;::__=.,.....--=-=--=---------.-----------...::;~ Merch 1, l'llll lltte ln•11rance al>d BENEFICIAL SERVICE CO. a• nJ.J1N :-;;:,·~~~y, by JOY<• Wllli•m>. H ~:.',~w~~~~~::,.~s1;:.~n:1er1,~11.~ l(at1110.., ~ Publlsi.d Or-CNS! Delly Pttol c PubllSl\eO Or-C~I Delly Piiot March s. n." 1'111l ~· 11 ~6L~Hs:L~,t~E~B~:ooAEURCT~g: M.-<11 s." "· '"" 9lU2 CASH (IMIY•llle 11 llmt Of Hit ln l•Wflll money ot '"" Unll~l•IHI •II • rlQhl 1tlle and 1.,1ernl conveyed 10 enCI now Nk:I by 11 under w ld OMd of Jl!SllCE 0 1' lltUSTE E'S SALE r "''I 1n Ille pro~rty lltrtln•lllf T..,.. L-"10.000U I CleK•lbo<I NOTICE OF T.5. Ne. 710lW TRUSTOR OAVIO J SWEEl. and TRUSTEE'S SALE NE WPORT PACIFIC FUNDING. CHERYL ANN SWEET . ...,_ •nCI TS No TSSJOJ INC H OUly ~t.O l "'"" under wile On M•rcfl 2A, 1"2, al 10 00 •.m Ille tOlloWlft9 CIHcrobed dffd ot I rust 8 E NE FI Cl ARY. FAR WEST SOUTHERN COUNTIES ESCROW, as WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION. duly •P1>0ln1ed Tru11 .. under ano TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FO~' a coroo•alion 1>11rsu•nl 10 o..d of T...sl 1'9COrded CASH (payable el lime of .... tn Re<O•c>eo March s. "" •> llUlr. NO Auou•I s .• ..,. ti IMI No. -· In 1awt111 """""'ol Ute United Slelnl "" 67 .. In -""'°page S" of Offlcl<ll book 13 .. 0. peo• )14, ot 0 111<1•1 right, tllle and ln1tru1 con•eyed to .1ecords In the office Of 111e Rec0<de• Record• In '"" office o1 tlle councy enel ,,_held by 11 una.< WIO OMd ot ol Or•~ County, w ld -of lnn1 Recorde" o1 o,..,. County, State of Tru•I In lhe property nert1naller OHul~lt..follO'*iflllpr~y: C•tilo rnl• eM c11t9CI by NORMAN 4"Crlbecl· PARCEL 1 Loi I al Tract No 7l00, SI ONEY GERSTEIN and LINDA T RUSTOR t:HR ISTOPHER ln tlltCltyOllrvlne,CounlyofOf41n911 OIANA ~RP.HY, WILL SELL AT LEACH ROv,.F 8"CI PATRICIA A Sl•lt ol C.lll4Lnla~.i-ma11 PUB'Ct~AUCftON TO-..-t~nT ROUl'F, wllo e"' m•rrled to ucfl reco•-In boOlt 311. ~· 71 1o U BIDDER FOR CASH (pay•ble •I time oUMr. lnclutl•e, Mi..::elleneous Mac>\. In Ille Of salt In lawful ..-y of -unneel 8 E N E FI Cl ARY G L E N N E olflct of t"" 'ounly • e<orcler of said SU.n I et the Horth f\'ont entrence to JACKSON and WILMA N JACKSON county the County COllrtllou ... 700 Civic JACKSON,~-wife as 101111 EXCEPTTHEREFllOMolloll,on, Ct nltr Orlvt WHI Se nt• An• ~•oanll es to An undMdf'd ~ lnter••I miner••• •net otlle• llyd•ocerbofts C..llfomle all nciH. t1il• anc1 lmaresi end LARRY W ELDER a nd E below a -of SOO fw l, wlt"°"t 11>i convt.,.cl to -now lwld bY 11 - RUTH ELDER. l'MnlWlnd •ncl wll• •S r19hl of >urlK• .... ,.,.al rtwrved In Mid 0... ol Tr1&t In Ille ...-ty lolnt 1....,,ts H lo .., uncll•lded '' 1nnru.,....,1Sof rteord sll11•1tO ln'"w ld Counly •nd Slata ,lnt•'!!'•.itenam\lncornmon Po\RCEL l . A non·a l(CIUSI•• d escrlbt d a>: A condominium -RK_J_ryl0, 1'91,H"'"' 1ppur1e,......,t-taTrment tor-tht ~WCI Of• No. 2115.l In""°' .,. .. , -... of pur-s ti .. , for111 In -over the 0 PARCE L I An wndlvld•d I/I ~klal R«onl\ In the office of Ille lend deKrlbed In Al1lclt V, S.Ctloft I lnleru 1 In -lo Loi 1 of Traci 10'31, Weco'*'of OrAn91 Coun11;Hkl-of 111•1 ce r ta in Oecla r allon of City of Irvine, a per map recorded of trutl describes the lollowlno Cov enant>. Condlllon• e11 Book 4* o1 MlscetteNOllS Ma!K at "~l· RHtrk 11ons l"K.Ofdecl Mey 20, 1.,1 In Peea1 tl -2A In the olflu of Ille LOI S of tract No UI as o-r Mao -... 1. -J01, Offltt.I RKonll, County R~OIOf ... COllftly. recor.,.., In IM Book i. Pao<' 1' as oml)OM(I by NOll<e ol C-ll, EXCEPTING THEREFROM UnltJ t lncl11tlveof ml>C:ell~ntOU•Mep1 •sPe• ConctlllOM -Rettrktlonl reco 111 rouo11 10 •• \llow n up 111• reconl1 In Int Olli<• OI Ill• County on Jan ... ,.., )I, U7J In -Im?, -Condomlnlllft'I PIM recorded In a- Rpcorder of Mid county AiOOren m ll7, OHlclat Records l;Jif.51 al P-1"3 Offklel RKorel• 01 Cat•llna Drive. Newport Buc11. AddrH\. O JI Maroarlle StrHI, Orange c_.,,- C•lllornla. lrvlne, COll!onue ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM "Cl( a st""t adelren or common "Ill a strfft aeldrtu or common lherotrk9Clcommon•rMl Hlhown ctutonatlon 1, sllown above. n dulonatlon h shown abo••, no oeld condominium ple n ebove "err e n I y I l 0 Ive n Is Io t 1\ w arr an IV Is Cl Ive n as Io I IS l'lleflllonecl. isom•ie--orcorrectne.st comoieteneuorcou-.c1nt1uJ:" PARCEL 2; U"'I ~a .-non the Tiie beneficiary ullder ~Id Deed ol The ~klary uncle• w ld Deed Condominium Pla n referred to In 1NJI, by rNton or• breech or clotaull Trust, by ,..._.Of l>r9a<fl or clelault Parct l 1 abOvt 111 the ob09111lon. secur•d tllereby, in Ille obll911tlons M<llred 11\ereby. PARCEL J: Aytr<lullve eer.amant heretofore n«IMO anCI dellvtr.O I lltrttofon eaec..--dellYffed lo ...,klflO and oar--Oftr 11\al 1tle uoel9nltntd e wr111 ... Oeclu oll ti.. unclen'9necl e wr1""" O.leratltfl portion ol Mid Loi I des~ H S< of o.f•ult -Dem.,.. tor S.1•, " ol Default -Oen\end tor ~ta, end Illa Condominium Plen relatT" to ..,,,1n.n notice of b'9ach end of election wrl11en nollctl of b<'tech end of election at>ovt . t9 COii .. the undtrslQnecl 10 "" ,......, to ceuM Ille _,.,......, lo •II ukl · Tll• Jlreet •ddrus •nel 0111., pr-tty t. satisfy wld obll9etlonl, pr-rtv to Mtlsfy wkl obti.,.1-., common ""9wlloft, If •nv ... "" -~the -.ionoo U"'9d •nd •-tt. llftden"'*9 ~ rnT ,.,_,,., Clncr lbCld •IMI•• Is Mid nOltc. ol ~and of •le<llon lo Mkl M'k• ot tlrHCll •nc:I .. •lt<tloft '° ""'11«1 ... lo •: '"' W•lnllt, lrVIM, IM l"Korelecl OctOCler 26, h11 .. ln11r be recol"09CI Nowmw J., '"' •• ..,.,, • - No. mll Ill -\..,_.. -t•. of No. IUD lfl-IC27'1, pet11 S.W, of ulCI TI.. w._, .,._ TnMM 41tclel-~ 9J'_~I ll~s. Ollklel RacOAlt onY 11•1111111' tow MY lncorrwctnes1 of S.il -wNI be ,,_, but wllhOUt S.lcl ,. .. will e. -· 1Mlt w'lt'*'I IN tll'Mt ~ --()-covaMnt or w•rr•nty ... Pren or covenant or warranty, eapren •t "on<rllorl, lleny, ~""'-In., l"'ltllM, ,.....CllnO tltl•, "°'Mlslofl, or Implied, ._e11ng title, Pot..uiOfl. or I Seid Mio Wiii lie "*9e, 'bllt wltf>olll ."°"'!"*--. to P"Y the reinatnl ene11""'-...,. lo pey ""' ,_.I covenant ., ••t911tl', ut1rtts ... .,_._. -If tllt 11111•1•1 Mell ~lnclpal .-n If tlle ,_ .. ......,by ~IH,,....,...llttt,~., lly sMf Deed 9f l rwt, "l)ftl.}.QIWesl es Wk! ~ ol Tr\1111 wllll lllW ,nai __ , lllC!uflnl re.-. ()NrfH , ii-a• iriMiH, ""tn<eJ, If any, w ld nott ,,_.,._, actYances. If ony, MMI ,.._..,.. ot llW trW.. eM of ttle .~ ... ...._ llf s.18 o..ct of Trutt, .,,,., I,.. ttrmt of Mid Deed of Tl'Vlt, n;ltt < ...... .., ..... o.M et Trwt, .. • ..... (llllf'WH -H M llMt of IN fMJ, tN <9 .. -._,.,,_ ... "" IMIY t1M ~ IW\fl(l_.i _,, of TNllM .,. If Ille tt\4tJ cr .. t.ci by '""'" .,,. If tl!t 1"'9b ,.....,... t1'Y \Ill ...i. _.... tW,... Deed of Trwt .... Oellt .. Trvtlt. s.td wle wlll w .. 1e1 0.-If TNIC. S8ICI .... wlll w to wit: .-.M.1' w"" IMtfftl .,.,_, ........ ......,, Mtrtll u. ""· •I IMMI on,_.,.,, Mar'(h "· t• .i >:• ll'Oftl Juty 1, ,.., .. 12VI ~<--t:• '·"'·•IN c......_ A-"' p,m , •I 111• Cll•i11t1•n A .. 1111t -"~"',......,..""' ..._ • .. CIVI< C4<t'llor 8111141119, onlre11ct to Ille etvk C-r •111tdlfl9, ftllmatael C.-. .,,. My ...._.. ef •••~A-. 111 .,.. Cit• JOO htt ~A-."' t111t c"' ..01.u wlltll-..t. ff ~ ~. ot Ora-1 Cell!Omle. The Mtllfldery _.,, ~ .,... tf Al the W-ofv.. lnltlal Pllblk•i At tr.. llrnt of !ht lnltlel ,....k•tlM ru•t htrt1•,. t.-CllCH eM • tf t11M Mike ... totel emeunt of t<C tlllt nMlce, tN t«el • ..._.." 1M ,..,..., ................ ...,OK .,.., • ._ Ml•nta of Ille e1111ga11.., 1111'"'' M leftce •f Ulo ••llgatle11 ..,, .. ..,. " Dltllllt .,. 01fNN ty ................ -... 4-eot __ .., ........... ~ ..... ,..., -• ..,... .... ice of o.talltt lfVtl .. tttlWN!Md tetllt, e.-.-. t,.,.a ...-... !Ntld eo.lt, t~, eM l1Ktle11 le .... Tiie _."'-"'4 e11• e funcu h t 17,US.J t, T a11e1 ee1ve11<H Is •u .au .11. T4 ce11"4 ..., Nttkt of OefMlt e1141 ....,...... .. "'"""' llW, ~ ma ...,.,.. ..... _..... ...,, ,..., _, &teCJ!Afl ...... " .. _.,... "' .. · -• cell (714l tl1....._ c:e4Hlty _..... .. rN1 ~ It ~ "'2. _._ Oelef: ,__.,.,. lta l«elM ..... &ollf .. <...WC ... .., NI 0 T ft Cll'IC P:UNOINO ea•11tCJM.M"1tteeco-. N...-leflllft .,,_ H ...... , INC. ... .... ,,...., ten,,,_.. . • .... ~. er T,., •Wt(t CiOMl'DY O...· ...,_,.,II,,_, .,, ............... , ...... ---~---~,........... --Ms-14 -~-..... .... 19cnte" ___........, ~ __ .......... -.e11r-....... • .... .,,..., .. ......c...... 91-....,.,_, -'1M•--_.....,,_ .......... °"" ...... °'9"'9Clell cW.v..,.... ~Or-.~ «Mt~""' ~"·~ . ....., .. ~..... .. ... -. ...... f.... .., .... " I l'ICTITIOUS I USINISS NAME STATIMENY T II• followlno o-r >on• ue doing bU>lntt>aS FEOERAL COM PLIANCE E NGINEERING ASSOC., l'H H Plactnlta, CCl51a Mew. CA '11•27 GOLD COAST IMPOATS, INC. e Calllornle 'Otl>OtallOn, 1S10 W. CoH t Hwy., N._i Beach. CA 92~. IC & E OISTRI BUTORS. INC .• • Ca llfornla corporellon, ttO H Pl.c ... ua. CG9t• Mele. CA .,.27. T Ill> lllltlMn I• conduc led lly e QIMral PW111erslllp. K & E Distributor'> Inc G. K-. Sec/1r9as.. Gold COH1 lmpor1• Ron Nlditf-.. S.Cmerv FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne tollowino per,on " doln9 Tiie toliowlno person IS doing 1>• .. lr>en a\ llllSIMU a> MR Fill IT ttY1 P~a C.0.1a WHISICEY RIVER SALOON, )'°2 Mew CA m26 · ' Wernt1r. Hunt~on S.acll, CA'I? .. , JOHN R ~NTGOMERY, ns RAYMOND 11ARVEY SMITH. Pomone, Ccalo MH.f. c.a 'l?U6 l01J1 Viva Clrcle. H""tlngtort S.«11 Thi• lluSIM1ot Is 'onelucted by •n CA., .. lndl•tduat Tiiis bu~lnH• Is conctucted Or •n Jolln R Mofltoornary lndlvldual Tiii• J1Mt-n1 wes flled with Raymond Herv•Y Smllll County ct•r~ ol Ore~ County lll" •lale"Wftl wn llled with Ille Ftb "· ,., Coun ty Clerll ot Oranot County on 1'1UI Feb. 16. 1'81. PuOll\lleO 0r4'nQI CCN>1 Delly Pllo1, ~IU1'1 Feb "'·, •• March s. IJ, 1"2 • Publl>N<I Or-Coa" Dally PllOI, •-------------!'° "· 26. Merell s, 12, ,.., !•U? Tiii> st.i-1 w~ 111eo w1111 t1>e 1------------ fllCTtTIOUS aUSINIH N.t.MI STATEMl'.NT Tiit IClllowine per>on h oolno bUVMU .. MA RI N E F I NAN CI AL MANAG EMENT. 2130 A Nowport Blvd • ......._, tkacll, CA t?..:I. JOAN WOODBURY. 2UO A NawPOt'I Blvd , 1<1ewpor1 Beac II, U .,.., This bUtlneu I> c-ucled II'( en lnc:lhflOual. JOAH W0008URV This ltalt......,1 wn llled wltll lht County Clar~ of Orange County °" Ceb U. Itel, l'laal Publlllled Oranga Coast Dally PllOI, Fell. 16, Mai'cll S, U. 1', 1"2 IUt'l ,.IUC~E l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME ST•TEMENT Tiit 1011ow1no person 1' doing busln•n •~· ORANGE CO BACKSWI NG ITMI, SOS Slgna t Road, N•wp0rt ,&each, CA 92.., FRED M. ICELL. SQS SlOMI Roed, NewPor1 Beacll, CA.,..,, Tiii• bUtlneu h conoucted by • -rel PM1.....V.lp Fred M l(ell Tiiis Uet-1 WM Ill.cl wllh the C011ntv Cltrll ol Ora~ County on Fe b i.,tm . 1'1GM9 Put>llsblO Or.-.Cout.O.lty.P~lotr Feb."' 1•. March S, 12. I'll? 121-4' , Counh Clarll of Ora~ County on NOTIC-101' TRUSTEE'S SALE CPP Ut11 Feb. 1•. 1"2 N•. Sl'S..12•21 NOTICE 01' TRUSTI E'S SALE T-AM_.., 1'11JIM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT T.S. Ne.11 .. 1...CO NOTICE 01' TRUSTll'SSALE NOTICE 01' TRUSTl•'S SALE Published Or-CoHt Oallt Piiot, ON FrldaV, Ille 2•111 day ol Merell, 1•1, On March i., t'llll, al t . IS o'clOC" T.S. N•. t.+t9U I T.S. N•. TS .... , Feb."· 2', mwch S, 12, UG •9>-82 011110 llour of II OOe m al Soutl\ tront •.m on FrldtY. •I Ille front •"lr•nc,e On FrlOav. March 11. 1"2. 01 , oo SM7411·U ._,,... ___ ,.y._ _ __. • .__~..--·_,,._., entr•nce to .,... Orenqa County Old lo ,,,. o40 Of-c-IY Court'-S•, A M , Tiiie insurance and Trwll On Merell n . 1"2. al • 00 a.m \ -· ~ CourlllouM In.,... <llV of Senta Ana. locet•d on Santa Ana 81vd .. betw-. Compeny, u Cklly -lltted Truttff TITLE INSURANCE ANO UlUSl'- ,._ -•~ counly o1 Of-. ttete of C•lllornla, Syc•more St & 8 roll<lwey, Santone. _..noer aod. PUf'want to Oeecl ol Tr'llll COMPAN Y,•• duly ePPOlnted Tn.stff .,.---==,,,....----......,,.--_ l&lewJde ,, __ e Servlce1, Ir>< C•llf reco•ded J.,.. t. 1'19. ••Inst. No 111. under -ou.-..-1 to Deed of Trust --7cP,.,_ e• Tru"" S..Vke ComcMllY. w ill Mii F & w. R E c 0 N v E y AN c E In -,,, ... -,,,., OI Offlclal deled Aprll n . '"°recorded""'" ,., YOU ARl!INOEFAULT UHOER A al public a lltUon. lo Ille hl9lleS1 COR PORATION • C e lllo rnla Record• In 1ht offk e ot 11\a County 1'90. as lns1. No 3'1C>l, ln-k ll1'0. OE E o OF T II U S T , OAT E o bidder,'""'""' In l•wful m-y of Ille c..-atlon •• l NSlff or s11ti<Ull.lted R eco r dar o l Ora n o• County, pa .. 1n1. ol Ofllcl<ll Ae<ord• In lhe JANUAllY 22, !Mt. UNLESS YOU United Sl•les. •II pay•ble et the 11,,,. TrUllH ~nder 1111 CIHCI of lr11S1 Calllornle, WILL SELL Al PUBLIC o Hlc• of Ille County Rtcordar of TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR ol H it. 11\at carteln rH I P•-rty u e<llled by Urbenllo, Ir><., ""''" AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER Oreno-County,Callfornte.WILLSELL P ROPEllTY. IT MAY BE SOLO Al Ai lllueted In Ille clly ol Bat-Island. cellH YNJtor, 1'9COt-Sept. •, '"' FOR CASH, CASHIER'S CHECK 0 11 AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST PUBLIC SAL.E. IF VOU NEEO AN county of Oraft91t, l1ete ol Cell~rlllo, u IMINrntnt No. MT!, of Ofll<lal CERTIFIED CHECK, (peyabl• al BIOOER FOR CASH, CASHIER'S EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE •ncl ducrlbedulol~: Rte4nltol 0r-coun1y,Calltornl•. llmt ol Nie In l•wl\11 m«1ey Ol ll>e CHECK OR CERTIFIEO CHECtt. OF THE PROCEEDING AGJlllHST Lot 10 In bloek llof RH ubclM slofl Of will Mii ai poAJ!k 1111<11on lo the 11'9""'1 United Stetu) II Ille Soulfl lrortt Cpaya blt et time at" sale In lawt11I YOU. vov SHOULD CONT.t.CT A Secllonl,8al-tsland.•s~-non • bidder IOI CHll, payable In lawful anlr•r>e• IO llW Old Or•noe County money ot -Un11eo )l•l•SI et the LAWYER. ma11 tllertof, rec....., In -•. P'99 money o1111e Unlted Stales e1 tlM lime Counllou• loeated In 1,,. 200 Bloek of south front entrenc• 10 the Old Oren .. NOTICE 01' TRUST I E'S SALi JO. Mlscell-. M.,., In the offk e of of Mia. 111e ln1trtt1 conveyed to end WtSl Senta ,.,... Blvd. I formerly WHI County CourO•ouse localed In Ill• T.ll .... .,...,,.,. ttM County Recorder of wid c°""ty. now lleld by wlo """" under w ld ••h St'"') Senta Ana, Cellfomla all JOO Block of wnt Sent• An• Blvd On ~rcll 12. Itel, at •~ tS o"Cloclt. Slrfft Addr•u· 12' lurQllOIH, Bal-deed of tl'\ISI In Iha or-riy sl11141190 in r'911t, '"le -lnl•,.•1 conveyed to lformerty West •th SI I . Sent• Ana, e.m .• on F,.....y, al Ille lront entrance l>l•nel, Calltwnla. _ said Counlt-Stal•, dascrtbeO u •nd "ow -by 11 undat w ld Deed of Celllornl•. all rlllht. 1111• -lnt•r"1 10 111• o4CI 0r"119t Co C.J11rtll011M, Tlw .,._,...., Tnt1tff dlKlalm• Pe rca11· Trull In Ute or-rty •lluat.o In w ld con•oed lo ano now lleld by 11 uno.r ioceted on Senta Afta Blvd., betwoon •ny llabllltv for any lncornic1neu of Unll 4. es -end defined on 1hal County end Slate llaKrlbecl as: Lot I In said Oeecl of Trull In tllt orooerly Sycemo,.. 5'. & ero-n In Santa 11\e •1•ffl _,..., end oltltr common c.er1•1n CondOmlnlum Plan re<or-81o<lt. B of Tract Sii. In '"" City of sllualed In H id C011nly and Stele Ana, CA, WESTERN MUTUAL deliQMllO<l. II any, shown ...... In. J~ IS, 1'19. In Book \JI"· p-1:11.5 NtWPOr1 llM<h, as V-n on • rn-.i dascrtbeelas· CO RPO RATION. a Cellf ornle Said M lt •Ill be mede w ltllOut Of Ottlclal Rkords of Oranoe Coullly, thereof -In 8ook 11, P~ lJ Lot t• In BloO 11' of "Lelle Tract. C«porellon, '"Trvst ... or SW.ltuWCI covenent or ••rr•ntv. ••P•H • or Callfornl•. •10 >6 lnclUllve OI MIK•ll•-INIPt Newpart BeK?I"", In ttM COllll!Y of TruslH, under Ill• Oeecl ol Trv•I l'"P1i.cl.f"f!9"'0invt"l•,PoUtHlon,or Parcell : !.racordlofOr-C~y. • · Orenoe, Slale ol Galllomla, 1> ptr uecuted by EDWARD G. WOLi', a e nc umbranc•t to ••llafy th• An undlvldedt/'1h ime,.1tln endlo TruUOt or rec-_.,.,, ALLeN map r-..., In Book•. pa.-U of slngl• mon, l>ereln <alleel Tr111tor, obll9111lonssecured by •net ........... , ... IOI 1 ot tr«! NO 10.U, In"" c"' ol SENALL-HIELENSIEH.t.LL MIK•ll-""""" Ill the tMa of re cord•d F•Orua ry 27, '"'· u Ille -of -cont.rred Ill 111•1 C"4• Mne, • ptr map rec..-In Tll• t 1reet •Cldrus •n d 0111., Ille C_.,_r ofMl<I C-y. 1nstN,....,.No.'*5,lnS-13'tt cer1aln 0.0 01 Trus1 CS.1eOJenwrv Book 01, Peg .. 21 10 t1 of cornmon...,.lon,lf eny,ol111e Trustorcr r9Coroo-r:OAVIOT. P•e• , ,,. of OHtclal RKarda Of "· '"'· Hecutacl De-. Gl!RALD MltU ll•neou• M•P•. rtcordl Of , .. , prOjMr1y docrlbed •bove IJ $MITH ... PATRICK J . SWl!!!IEHE V. Or•noe COlll'lty, Cellfomle, •Ill Mii al p TULLIE eflllMARIE M. TUl.1.Y, .. 0 ••1111' County, C•llfomle, tooetlltr p11rp orleel to be: 1500 fiHI OcHn SWIEEHEY. ,......lceuctlefltetlltMwflett blddtr,., Trustors, lo ROLi.iNG HILLS wllll •II lmorov•menh 1111,.on. l',.,.t,N-11eacl\CA'l?t61. Tiie strH I aeldr u t end o1h•r c•lll, ,.., ... In lewful _,of the ESCROW COMPANY, at TNS ... tor UCIPllng therefrom COl'Mlomlfll11m The ....-n..,_, l"*9e dltctalftll com'"°" dHl9Mfl°"• If e11y, al Itta U11R9CI """M .... lime ol ..... lhe ROBERT G. NELMS, .. 8-flcl•ry, Unlb I .,.,..,... t lnclUM"I, IOC•tto ... y llelllllty .., .,., lllCOtf'KtMH of rtal pro111rty Cltscrlbeel above I• 1nttr•fl ~,..ci '° -now held by o M<u,. IM wm of •1.s,000.00, wltfl ttier.on. Ille tl/9tt "*'" --(com-p11rportecl to t>e: m Hiii Street. Nici Tr~ UllCIW Hid 0-Of TrVll Interest thtrton, as Pl"O'tlci.CI In uld P•rcel J: dlllgnel.len, If ..,y, .,_,, henln. N-00<1 ltMdl, c.llfoml•. In ti,. p....,..., $!....,... In Nici C-y !"OM. ecl't-, 11-. llftder tr. lermJ An H <:h&lvt _, •-"-' S.ld .... wMI lie -· but •It-T,,. ~ltMCI Trvst" Cllsclelma -SteW CIHalllael es: Mid Oeect of Trvtt leff, ,,,.,... "-11 llfllt for .,,..,.. -occ-'Y covenant Of' ••rr•nty, Ull"'Jt or •f\Y llMllll'( lor 9ftL.~ort;K!DBJ of PA•CEL t : All llMM dM 111ttJo .,.....,_ ol IM tnm .. tMld.. ..oLilloM -tl..i1 of Ille ,.s:ttlt... pt~, PKMUlOn, er ffii il....t ..,-rftl -other Comll'*I ln•t'ffl In .,.. a l.tl I of Tfact N•. lr11tt1 cl'Nl9d by said OttCI Of Trust common eru dnlon1ted '" Ille ene11m•raft<H, to pey tlM uno•ld dlllOMIMll. If any,.,_.. hentn, ttSt, lfl IN CltY Of C•ta """9, • ncl rK....., on J._ry 10, IM1, In OKleretlOll Of Retlrktlent. r~ .. l...,q of"" ""'Cll wc""41 by Mid S.lcr .. Wltl till n.ede. Wt wl"-t _,.. "'1'ClllMIY Wtc:flbH In 1•"'-" '""· .,.... ts of oltkl•I rec-In 9o01t ltllt, P-1ne of Oflklel O.eel of Truat, l•·wlt: ,tt,Ht.>t. covenant or w.,re111y, upreu or "A" •ttaowd -Mf mMt1a1M1rt Orefttltc-t'(. St.tttOfCatlt<onll•. ltteOf"ft OI Nici COllntY -ttlOwn"' lflCluellnt • ,,..,.,._ 1!t Mid nottltl, lmpllef,....,...... 11'lt, ... -.Ion. tt """'' The beMfk ler• -NICI OWCI °' tllt C~PlonfortKllUlllt. M ... tw: ... " eny, ....... the term• of enCllffl.,•fl<H , , ••• ., ,,,. 11n11elel Tiie '''"' tclel,.H 1nc11er otfler nist of -urlty CleYk t by ,..Mii of Tiie "'"' eelelr•H eneltor otll.,. -wlel o-of TrW, ..... c...,......, balance Of tllt ""9 "'""" by MOid commo11 e1u1on•llen, If •nv. 1, •breech.,, CltfwR 111 1h; <*!letllon• ummon cru10 11et1en, If e "Y II •11pen•1 "' ._ T""'" ""' .t "" DH d o1 Trutt, 't.,wlt : ui..m ti, p11rporlef lo .. I 117 lay Vl•w W<llrtd _....,,,_ ........ ·~ ~tew1 t<v"lC...eeelll\'Mlcl()MefTndt. lntlUdl119 et ,,..,""11 Ill Wier ftOt• • f.,,-ec•,C.-liWM.tA~ •nel Clellvereo .... lllt4ltn..,... t20S Pe<llk Ave . • tOt, c.... TM ~lcierY -NICI 0... .. MYeftCM, If any, -... """''., 5elel Sa'-wlll M maele wlttlolll r ltten tlKtarttlOn of dtfe1111 tlld -.e, CallfOrlll• )r11 •1 lltretofore tHC11lt<f en<f said OM ot TNll, ..... cllet'fn Mlf werr1nty • to lltlt 1 llOl-.llon or manel for Miit, enCI wl11tall nell<• tf Se ier Mle wlll Ill .., ... wit....,, ClellveM to tt1e W\Olr'tlgMd e wrt...., uoe11M1 of IM T""*" •llCI of Itta en<ll"tllr_., let Vie ,ur,.,.. ot leult -"9dltfl tt .i1 Wider"" warranty• hi 1111• oetMUi.tl tt 10.ClertCIOft" o.f-~ D9tftMf trvtttc,......bvMICIO...ot Tf\111. llMI~ • ...... Ut • MCWW" NH er mt •f u lel CleH of tr11st •114 e11<11m•r•Me•, far ti. "''..,. ef 1•r Sele, ""' • wr1Utll MOlk • ef T"9 ..,..ltlary lllldet talcl OM at DIM ti,..,. ........ IN ... tllf ...... ~ •• lWl, lfl ... ,...,.... ....... , ... ,._"'"W-* !Oel•11l1 eM l~UM M tell, TM Tr11tt ll"tlOfore Utcllltel e 11f ••HnM " Ille ,,..., .. llM tf !tit 1411', el "" IMt ol offk let ~ ef 0... ~ ...... tM 1tt •"11 '"""" o1 juflelertlel!ff ca-Nl<f NOii« o1 .. 11 .. ~ ""-l!Mtrtlwnef • wrl-INth ~ Irr .... 0... ol TMt, Nici (0\lflly. Ille IN .... ..,.. .. "-1""'9 Ct'NltO ., 'CMl•111t ..... llKtloA .. lefl te 1M 0.Clwlillell .. 09'Mllt ell4 0tmaM .-v-· ... ""'*'· """ ......... M TM .. ,., ....... .,. .. the llft,.ICI .......... -..Ce """"'""'" "'"' ' Ill .. ,_.. ~ "" .... 1 ,., hi•, ..... "'"'•" Hetlce .. ~..,1-.. tMtoln, •"" Ille 1111••~ ._. " .,. tlllloetlell M<Ul'O<f .., 1""~ .. ,,......... ._..,, .,.. ... 1,-...... O.fewlt .,.. llKtl• te ltll. Tiie """""' ... ~ Of tflt .... ,., .,._,, M w Mlf, l~lvfl"t ..,.... ........ -1"'-1 fl .. T,,._ or ~ ~Ille .... , IH>ftrtleMf c.....-Hl<f Notlc.t of M<wwl ...... °"" .. Tt'llM, .... "I •llmt lH Cutt •• .,.111 .. •llf !Mle(S) wtWW.., a.tier*"• '-'" !Tl.I INSUllANCI ANO '"UIT Ool•11•1 ... •1tct'-' .. lell .. '" ....... w. _, .... .., .. ,. .., .... ,., ftAMV, .. .......,.. ....... I.et roc..-.111 .. c_,.,.,--. .. ,..., OMM:~H,t• o.te;,.._.,n,~ . QetM:,..,_.,tt,t• _. 11 .. ln , CA ftllO; AU.n t Mer<e ~ .......... ,..,,.... ... ,.., ~r11-...c..111M11 ... ,....,...,,._...,...,....,... ,,&w . .--,_.c_ -: 12111,......atn1. C9ftfue1111t .... ~ Tm.e "™"'A•te• ..... T.-lntlrwt , ..... .,,......,._~ tttS.ICt.,_,SllfttlM OATI0,...,,_..11,1''2, ANOTINSTCOM,AHY,•N.Molll °'919, CA '"'1 •,A, liOf, _.Vile......._. Plaalllla, CA fttlO Tlttt 1-tllC• ..i St,, ...... Me, C........_ ttNIJ Aftll~ flWl'nt~• -~·... (7W)......, TNlllC........,, Hyte WI ..... (PW) ...... Dete1 *..,.~....!_~-,........~-. ••flT...... .. .... ,,_.., Mlrcll t, "'9; TIT\JI 1..-u.-...c• ._.,.__, n.J--9'1 ~0....-..,...._~-ANO TMllT COMHoNY; ~ ~ ,._ ..... °""*' "..,.. T..-lllllOlfk" . ~.~.; "''" .. ,., ...... ,,,,.., ~-==°""= =c=c.-IMllyn ~:.:CAMI~~ ~~-==IW Oefly:::.~~C....Dllitf~• I .HI P Or~oge Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Mar~h 6, 1~ Spor ts on TV this weekend Saturday's TV. r~dlo TELEVUllON 10 a.m . (9) -NHL llOCICE\' -Kinas at .8o"on. 11 a .m. (5) -WCI' TENNIS. 2 p.m. (4) -GOLF -Third roundi)lay ln the Bay Hltl Cluslc. 2 :30 p.m. (2) -NCAA 8ASKETBALL PaEVJEW -A review or the 1981-82 colleae basketball season and a preview of the NCAA basketball cbamplomhlp that begins Thunday. 3 p.m. (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Oregon State at Arizona State in a Pac-10 game. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPOaTS SATURDAY - Canadian Steve Podborski and _,\uatrlao Harli Weirather conclude their season-long battle for the World CUp downhill ,Utle. Also: Minnesota Fats, Willie Mosconi and Steve Mizerak compete in the Great Pool Shootout, taped in Las Vegas . (7) - ) , I P RO BOWLING -The finals of the Greater Miami O».!t,nt t~~ iq .~i~mi...-. :a .•• ----·-rp:-m. 7) -MOE WOllD OF SrullTS - Taped coverage of the Flamingo Stakes at Hialeah, Fla. Also: The World men's gymnastics chempionships. 8 p.m. (5) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Washington State at UCLA. Basketball -Washington at USC, 8 p.m ., KDA Y (1580); Washington State at UCLA, 8 p.m .. KMPC (710). Hockey -Kings at Boston, 10 a .m ., KPRZ ( 1150). Sunday's iy, radio TELEVISION 10 a.m . (2) -NBA BASKETBALL -Lakers a~ Philadelphia. (4 ) -ACC BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP. 10:25 a.m . (11> -DODGER BASEBALL - Montri'al vs . D<><tgers at Vero Beach. Noon (4 ) -GOLF -Final round play in the Bay Hill Class\c from Orlando, Fla. 12: 15 o.m. (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Metro Conference championship game. 1:30 p.m. (7) -SUPERSTARS -The Dodgers vs .. Oakland in the baseball preliminary of the Superteams competition taped in Honolulu. 2 p.m. (4 ) -SPORTSWORLD -World Cup downhill skiing, the Arlberg-Kandahar, taped al f.--_...<A.1..4.W· ........ P.nteokircben~ -We£l ~~any-:-Afso : - The women's world professional gymnastics c lassic. I ! I I . I ~ 2 :15 p .m . (2) -NCAA BASKETBALL PREVIEW -Live coverage of the selections an~ 11airin'gs of th e 1982 NCAA bas k e tball championship. Deity""' ....... ..,a-te91WY CIF ACTION -T ough defense was evident in Thursday night's Cl F 3-A semifinal game between Corona del Mar and St . Bernard at the Long Beach Arena. Clockwise from left. Kurt Peterson <23 > passes off, 2:30 p.m . (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD - • The U.S. wrestling team , ranked third in the world, takes on Bulgaria, ranked secQnd, in a series of matches, taped at Atlantic City, N.J . -~ 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - World middle weight champion Marvin Hag ler (53-2-2) defends his title for the fourth time against William Lee (21-2), in a scheduled 15-round bout. • • _Chris Lynch goes s prawling over a defender and Mike Hess tr ies to s hoot lhrou,gh a sea of outstretched hands . St Bernard won. 34-28. Orange Coast creW coach Will stay on land RADIO · Basketball -Lakers at Philadelphia. 9:50 a .m ., KLAC (570). After 19 years, Dave Gra,nt will ~o~centra~e on his other job-dean of students Baseball -Montreal vs. Dodgers at Vero Beach, 10: 10 a .m ., KABC (790). Hockey -Kings at Hartford, 10:50 a .m .. -KPRZ (1150). After 19 straight years of coaching Orange Coast College's giant-killer crew, Dave Grant has decided to take a r est -temporarily. baseball for Coach Mike Mayne's squad as previously planned . SOU'Tt'i"N CAl.IPO .. NIA Ge .. MHM -Twelve lo 38-ln<h buo. Thrw lltts. M-t.a111 Hllll -Four to el9ht lnche$ o f custom snow m a de Wed11esoay nlQl'tt, bui "9 totals given. TwocNlrt lngH• '"•"'! '""''"II Twenty to •• lnche• Allllttunarun< Sn•• Valley Tlllrtten to " 11\CM\. Tl'I'" lilts In o .. r You really can't blame ~e guy:.. Coactun~ a ~olleg.iate..cttW...Teqmres a peRiOn ~A~ early. ln OCC's case, Grant and his rowers arrive at the boathouse near the Newport Beach river jetty around 6 a.m. COMMUNITY COLLEGES The only thing awake at that time in my house is the cat \VhO spends the dawn hours hanging on Moore coached the OCC frosh boat last year. He the d rapes, thinking he can go outside. knows the OCC rowers . He used to be one. The ta lented athlete 1s one unit shy of being eligible Jor the s pring sports campa\gn. Just a few weeks ago, Beasley was picked in the third round or the m ajor league draft by the New York Mets. Yet, he didn't throw a pitch last vear. * * * IF YOU 'R E TIRED of waking up Thanksgiving morning to a 9 o'clock pro football game , we offer you this alternative for 1982: Likewise. J orgensen a lso rowed at Orange iii;SiiMl=;:;i::tiiiiiM;;-aii-9~----------Grant. you see. is a lso dean of students at Coast and s pent t wo mor e seasons with the UCLA • 11n IDJICIS Orange Coast. It's a time-consuming job which crew. Grant doesn't overlook. This season , he'll give way "The two of them are running the pr ogram to assistant coaches Larry Moore and Jim and I think they're having a very good time. In Hop in the car and drive to Riverside for Saddleback College's Mission Confe rence game against RCC. "We used to play on Thanksgiving when I was at El Camino." notes Saddle back Coach Ken Swearingen. ··1t went over well and we us ually got p retty good crowds." FULFltOST DORA F UL FROS T . resident of Newport Beach. Ca. Passed away on March 4. 1982. She is survived by her son Jack of Mission Viejo , Ca . Interm e nt services will be held at the family plot al Beth David Cemetery, El Mont, New York. Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa fotwarding directors. 540·5554. McCAllDLE RUTH H. McCARDLE. resident of the "'Costa Mesa area since 1957. She passed away on March 3, 1982. She was very active in her church and civic and social affairs in the Costa Mesa and Newport Beach area, as well-as bdng-a-membl!r Of the Newport H arbo r J orgensen who will coach the Bue varsity a nd fact , 1 would s ay they're having an excellent Lutheran Church She 1s frosh crews, respectively. time," Grant adds. s u r vi v e d b y her sons .. I have to face the reality of staying on land," The 1982 campaign begins Sunday. March 14 Randall R. of Costa Mesa. Grant admits. "It's still ha rd to stay away. I go when the Bucs host their annual alumni regatta on Ca Todd H or Fountain down there and watch from the shore, with some North Lido Channel in Newport Beach. Valley, Ca. and Terry L of envy." The Pirates will take part in the San Diego Costa Mesa. Ca .. sisters Crew Classic April 3 at Mission Bay. The classic, Carmen Novak and Gloria He should be envious . Grant's rowers captured D r o b i s h b o t h o r the prestigious Western Sprints championship last which has become one of the biggest rowing events Pennsylvania, brother year , defeating all c rews from the major four-year in the country, will include such rowing powers as Norman Scheide rreit of west coast colleges. UCLA, California, UC Santa Barbar a, Long Beach P e n n s y I v a n 1 a a n d 7 State and neighboring UC Irvine. grandchildren Services will And the Pirates look just as tough this year. The Western Sprints Championsbjps are set be held on Saturday, March They should, they're all back from last year's for May 10 this year at Loni( Bea ch Marine 6. 1982 at 2:30PM at Harbor crew. Stadium. Last year. O'CC won cha mpionships in Lawn Memorial Chapel with ''They're going to do very well. It's a very '-t he junior varsity eights, freshman eights, varsity Pastor Roger Berg of the bright and very excited group," Grant says . f d f h f Newport Harbor Lutheran ours an res man ours. Church olficiating. Services And the Bue rowers shouldn't have any Not on the OCC schedule, although not counted under the direction or proble ms adjusting to to their "new" coaches. out, i,6 a trip to England for the Henley Regatta on Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive -----------the River Tham es. Mortuary or Costa Mesa. PnlJC llJlt( PllUC 9ITa "Ob, It's possible," Grant says of another trip 540·5554. ;.......----------_Pi~m®uu11uss to Henley "If 1hL-CUw ..wel'e-ewaor-dinary, I _DUPONT PICTl~INISS NAMESTATIMl:NT think we would be responsive to them (Henley So the Gauchos and Tigers square off at 10 a.m , and the game probably won't be a turkey. The Gauchos , b y the wa y , o pen the pre·conference campaign against Golden West Sept. 18 at Orange Coast. They'll also host OCC the following Saturday. * * * CERRITOS COLLEGE is the unanimous selection a s the lop team in this week's Sports Information Directors' Southe rn California Community College baseball poll. The Fa lcons, with a 10--0 rerord at the time of the vote. earned all nine first-place picks. OCC, first in the pre-season poll, dropped to fourth, while Fullerton moved into second and Mt. San Antonio was voted third. It should be noted that all four teams are in the South Coast Conferen ce. Fiflh pl~tt js neld...down by LA Valley, while Golden West was voted No. 6. ALFRED DUPONT, age NAMISTATUMNT The lollowl"9 ""0"' •re ootn9 officials). We don't have a dime to our names, but :;i;;;::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:i77• passed away On March 2, The lollowln9 persont are ootn9 llU~~·Ri;s~GE ANO INDIV IDU AL the Community has always been SO supportive Of 1982. He was 8 local artist t>utlneuas: COUNSEi.i NG, U6 Bahr Center. h Mesa Lanes t o urney set ' ~ LAWM-M'f. OUWI Mortuary • Cemetery Crerretory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa 54(}555• f'tHClllOTHHS 1&1.llOADWAY MO«TUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &42·9150 IALn &IHGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLW CHAPll •27 E. ttth S . ..... Costa Mesa 646-9371 ,...Cl llOTMllS SMITHS' MOnYM!. ----~ 1"Ma1rl5t.-- ~n1lnQton Beactt 536-M39 PACINC·YllW t•DmALPAIK ~ 3500 Pecmc vi.w Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 MICOll ICll NOllnUml UIQunaBeach ..... ,5 lAQuna Hlllt 1a.33 _,.,, ~ Cllptttteno ... ,"' ~ 2 from Laguna Beaeh, Ca . A Siii STREET CLEANERS. 224 ,.,. 5'1lt•~T.C.O.t.~CA'261' t e crew. veteran in lhe U.S. Navy. 'tr~~!!,"-:h::~~· ~·~~f. lloftnl• To1~. '°" Tvt.,.. •'Whenever the crew deserved som ething, Mesa Lanes in Costa Mesa will host the annual Visitation will be held at lhe <0<POretlon, 1414 South 1oth A-. 0~i~~·"'~'~."::·M,ra viii•. whether it be a new boat or some place to go, the Orange County m e n's bowling a ssociation Ray Family Mortuary, 97 Arcadla,cau1om1ati«». Newport llMch,CAn... community h as a lways been there," Grant tournament for the next three weekends. S C H Thll l>usl~I II <>OMUCleil by a d '11 o. oast w y ., Laguna ~0<POra1iofl. Thh bustMSs 11 conoucteo .,, a continues. "There aren't many sports that can get Bowling begins Saturday at noon an Wl Beach on Saturday, March ?..::"~~:::.,. ""'· ...,.,., :=,r:r;::;,..Menaora away with doing that kind of thing." continue through 9 p. m. A total of 400 teams from . 1982 from lO:OOAM to I Tiiis ... _..,was filed With Ille Tiiis '1at-1 was fllecl with .... • * * throu ghout the county will compete in the :OOPM. Pr ivate fa mily County Cl•rll,,. Or-County on County Cl•rll,,. OrM'loe County on occ·s CHRIS BEASLEY, who became only handicap tournament. ervlces will be held. Also' F_,., 11. ,..,. March 3• '"'· th d p· t b k tb II I E h l ·11 bo 1 thr 'th the private interme nt. Ray ..,sm1 P1...a e secon 1ra e as e a p ayer to score more ac eam w1 w ee games w1 Family Mortuary directo-. PWlllhld 0r-coast Da11, P11o1, Pubn~ ~~~" oa1i, !:!,IO,!.; than 1,000 points in his career, won't be pla.ying winning teams dete rmined by total pins . '" f -6 It, 24, March s, 12, 1"2. 7~ March>, , • . ,,...., w 181ti"ru:~ c·. . P9ll tl1U PIH ll1ll PIU llhll ___ NU __ ._lll ____ .., __ -... _-:~-·-·-· ----f ___ Plll.IC __ lllll_.... __ _ BLACKBURN , age 63, a i J L----------1~---::-~-=-::-~-:-----~ resident of Newport Beach, l'ICTITIOUS •UllNHS -PICTITIOUI •ut•Nlss •.. ~m~u::::s p~~:!~~~·:::s PICTITIOUI •UllHSI P~«=:,:_~~!~~=::s. Ca. Passed away on March NAMalTAT·•MllNT The ,:=..~T:!.~Iri''i"of,_ Th• lellowl~ ,..._, .,. dolne Th• 1011-1.._ .-rsont are ooin9 NAMllTAT•MINT Th• toll0wl"9 perlOfls .,. dol~ 3, 1982. Survived by hi! wife T,.. totlowlnt ,..._, .,. dol"9 """ '"" i-tH! ~MSus· The lollowlft9 "''°"' ••• ooln9 IMl.iMSs •: Katherine, 1 daughter Cathy INtlMHH: • ~~~l=oHT ,. .. OOOCTIONI, .. Cl .. CUIT •OUll'MINT ANO UNl-VID 2712 IC•l•ln, 1 ... 1 .... CA blnlnnus: OOU8LE-A-WINOOW CLEANING, Ravera o( Corona del Mar MENA MANUFACTU .. ING, Uft .. l.Y C~ANY, "'4 .,.,...,, -'2114 • SIANIOUNT INVESTMENTS,'°' '*~---A ..... Cell• Mew.· CA 1671·· ~A-~ ... Fl~ """"c.tlfoo:tla.fl71•· ·-· ,_.... J, ll'VYM, c:.•~· RkNrd L Wiiton, 2'14 Java Rd., 0o ... Sll"ell4, s.ilte no."""°" hKtl, 9262' Ca. and step-mother ThJ"°ma CellflwftleftUJ · · Cllrlato~., A. All•11• Sl ·Ut 14 Cott• Meta, CA "'"' caurorni.nwo. Albert R. Al._,.. .. , 1>00 ·AC1am1 Blackbum. Services wUl be Alt,... t. Mena, i.u s .. ""'· A~"'*°· LAI OUlnte, Cal"9nlla Tel'llffty l'olmer. l414 Wllltllro Gre9WT e. T,,...nl. 1711 KoMn, W. Kally Ha9er1y, Jtt Sowtll Aw .. c:o.toMeto.CA.._ held on Saturday, March 8, S-•Ana,C011foml•t2107 m Am,M.M~ .. mV"Ufo~ .,,..,LM.,,......Cel.....,I0""7 1nr1ne CA'2114 o.,.,.., 0r1 .... 0 • ...... C.lltor111• ... ,......,A...,.•,,,.__..,. 1982 l 12 00 t P ifi l!IM V. MIN, IW S. "-· Sell4a -... ieoo-Cel"9nlla '2MI C .... -...M. 1m Gort...-... ntlt llMnlnH~ ts collClucteil by a flt66. SC .. G..-Clllll Grovo, CA .... a : noon a ao c A110,c:.l1tem1o'2101 ~---· • · ... -...~t1U1 .. ,,.,., __ """"' "·Allon,.._..,, .01 E...,._, Thi• e.nir.u '' coMwcteo w a11 Vi e w Cbapel with Rev. ~1,.111,::s 11 conttuct•• by 11,!~=-~~ <olllNCI041 by • Tllla1 \MM~-...:: --.C1" bJ • "lcNrCIL. Wiiton 8oftln,Colffonl~~ 11nlncor110,..teci •toelail'-' ot .. r lftafl 'Bruce ~urrle offlclatln1.' A~r:MeN °"'....,.._"·°"""'--ra r'I'-*-n.11 -...--flied wt"',.,. ..... ,.,,."•IMll •M••••: ... Alllellitta Frfencf1 may call at lhe T11111 -.....nt was "'" wllll 111e GeMrel ,..,,_ Tlllt ..-,.... -"'" """ 111e County Clofll of °".,... Gollllty °" w. K .. IY H Till9 ....,_,,. -tHoCI """ ... mortuary OD Friday. Marcb C.W.ty Clffll .. Orallte C-y all Tllll ........... -fl... ..... .. _ • ., ClOrtl of ~ ..... c-.ty all Merell>."" .. ,..., Tlllt .........,, WA flied •"" 1:-.0Uf'tY Clorll of OrMte c...My ... S 1882 from 4: OOPM to F*-V l6, ltn. ;::.:;~:. °' ..... c_, °" ,....,_,, tt.1• 1"114Mlallld Or-eoa11 Dolly PllO\. county Clltf1I °' °'..,.. c~ -rcu . tW11.. 9 ~OOPM. Interment will be at ,...,.,... 0r.._ c: ... oau~':.:' .-.,..,..,.. 0r.,.. c..-Ool~= M«cll s. 1t, 1•. i.., tta m.a Potlnlory 1 ' ,.. C-1! Ool. ~= Pac Ifie Vi ew Me morl ¥ P ... ,,, a. Mor. s. 1i. 1• ' .• t; •• ,..,. 1.-=========;;;;;;rt-_.... .... ...,.,_ .... ~itH~M"i'!~r.:~~f}f=:::a;~:;::;::=--....~$' pa r k . pa c I f I c v I e w ---..a ma F•. n, "• .. ~llJ, ,... 'Iii Mortuary cllied.ons. .-S ll1'll ·..a llfll fll.I mtll ,, • " a 0 • -Nit FRIDAY, 'MAR-CR f, 1 CAVALCADE 82 lllilll lllCH /IDUTH CDllT COMICS 83 GARDEN 86 -. .. Beckman Ititrumenta -Of 1...,.-.,,--__,,....·u~..-llerton 1JCJa . ogreed to merge with giant SmiDJKline Corp. See P.age 84: ma nagement and consulting a er vi ces. a nd a s u r v e y• conducted by a San Francisco firm. Edward Foley; contractor Alex R obertson, Jr. and business e>cecuUve J .J . Foster. Laguuna First leads ·city electiOn ·fund __ raisers te lephone ins tallation at m~ By STEVE IDTCllELL Oftllt .... Nlt ... Laauna First, an oraanization supporting three candidates ror the April 13 Laguna Beach City Council race, was hr and beyond the top fund-raiser in statements made public today. Tbe aro up , whi c h Js s upporting the ele ction of candidates Ron Williams, Pal Barry and incumbent Kelly Boyd, bas amassed a war chest of $5, 190 in the first reporting period. Candidates for tbe council e lection ha d until S p .m. Thursday to tum in campaign disclosure statements for the period ending Feb. 27. Laguna First reported it has already spent the bulk or the, mon ey for pro f ess io nal Man pleads guilty in gun· c ase A New Jersey m an described as a bodyguard for a 19-year-<>ld former UC Irvine student pleaded guilty Thursday to charges tha t b e carried a concealed weapon on campus during a Jan. 13 incident. A separa te ch a r ge t hat Doug las Ernest Smith, 29, threate n ed a unive r s ity administr ator was dropped during the bearing at Harbor Municipal Court in Irvine. University police say Smith ac c omp a nied M a j i d Foroozandeb on campus for a visit with campus Ombudsman Ron Wilson when the student pulled a fake submachine gun from a canv as bag and threatened Wilson. · The benefits of the survey and the consulting will go to help elect the t hree candidates endorsed by the two-year-old organization. M ajpr ~ontri bu tor s to tbe Laguna First campaign chest, and the amount they donated, include Gilbert Van Camp, Jr., a La guna bus iness executive, $2 ,000 ; Richa rd J a hra us , Lumberyard owner. $1,00; Kate Wheeler. retired, $600; Linda Gaede, home m a k e r . $200 ; J ames Beard, developer , .$250 ; and $100 contributions from auto d eale r D av i d Phill i p s ; homemaker Jeanette Sbammas; Ross Wankier, retired;-Barton William Arno ld ; con t ractor Among the nine carfdJdates, univeralty admlnlatrator Robert Gentry has colJected the moet m on ey for b is c ampaign, reporting contributions of $3,879 to date. The largest contributor to his campaign is listed as Wayne Pet erson , a self·e mj>loyed Lagunan who IOJDed $2,500 to the election effort. • Donations of $100 each came from realtor Stephen Parks, , realtor Carol Adams and Trudy McAdam Dureant. , Gentry also lists contr1butiooa o f less tha n $1 00 f r om contributo rs , amounting to $1,079. He says.be has paid out $31095 to date for fliers, sun viJon, bumper stickers and other costa. R e al es tate br oker Ron W i llia m s b as r e p o rte d contributions totallinc $3,815 so far . with the largest donation - $1,000 -from Laguna Lumber Co. A $500 contribution .. listed a s co ming from Bea c h Const.ruction; $500 from J . Earl Dawson, operator of Stua.rt Avis clothes; $30<rfrorn Frederick Ba lur, r e altor; $2SO fro m Tri-CoWlty Electric; $200 from architect Weston• Whitfield ; and $100 cooLributions from Dooald J . Crevier, auto dealer ; realtor William Mc Fadden; Center Glass Co.; Georgia Gill, realtor; attorney John William Knowles; and P acific Auto Wholesale. Williams' campaign treasurer says $716 of the war chest bu been spent to date for filing fees, an announceme nt party and campalp beadquartera. Candidate Bobble Minldn 'a com mitt.ff has garnered $3,416 to date in her campaign effort, of which $2,512 was loaned by her hus ba nd, D r . R icha rd Minkin. ~ lists $100 contributors as ""Th omas Tierney, a business executive; Frieda Bellnfant.e, mu s i cia n , a nd Myron Golds mith, physician. Another $604 wu ra .. ed in amounts of less than $100 per contributor. Mrs. Minkin reports spending $2,576 ol her war chest to date , mostly in printing costs and outside advertisinli(. Pharm acy direct or Dan Kenney lis~~tribuUom of $3,305, incluuiog ~.ooo he loaned to his own campaign. A $100 . contribution came from Martha Coll son, a sales manager. and $1,051 Is llsted as gifts under SlOO. Kenney report! having spent $2,496 of his campaign money for T-shirts, postage, bumper stickers, and printing. Boys Club director Pat Barry s ays he bas raised $225 to date, with $219() of that coming from bis o,m pocket .. Anotbe '25 came from a contributor. • He reports $200 was spent on a campaign statement. Incumbent Kelly Boyd and candidates Paul Christl~en, Ricky Slater and Beth Leeds all rilled out short forms, indiclltin1 they have raised J.ess than $fiJ() to date. Resi~ents oppose . incineraior plant BY PATltlCK KENNEDY .,. .. ..., .......... The developer of a proposed Huntington Beach power plant that WQ_u.lcLburn t r as.b and s~ge-studge for fuel says he intend s to m a k e i t ''un-American" to oppose his plan. H o we _l..e r . m a n y 1 o c a 1 residents and city officials do oppose the proposed $60 .million ·incineration plot because they say lbey fear inc r eased industrial air pollution and truck traffic from trash and sewage sludge deliveries. D e velo per Dan Ryan of Newport Beach says the plant would be beneficial by initially • burning one-third of the COWlty's trash and generating electricity for 125,000 homes. Capacity could be doubled after a few yean, he said. b reak ing grou nd for the incineration factory. The Stevt:rso11 B r ulhc r:; Dump, also known al. :'-0 As-Con Landfill, is located acrvss U.e road from Edi.:;on Hil'h 3cbool and a tract of homes Ryan says it's the "number one location in the county" for his proposed plant because of its pr oximity to t he county's sewage processing and trash transfer s.tations, as well as the Southern California Edison power pl ant that would buy P. le~tricity. However . nearby r esidents and city offi cials disagree. "We jus t d o n 't w a nt t his in Huntington Beach or in any othe r residential area," says Susan Comerinsky, a member of the recently formed "Dump the Dump Citizens Committee." The ombudsman ordered the student -who h ad recently been expelled, police sllld, on allega~ ol cheating -to put the bOgus gun away and then calle d police officer s , who a rrestfld the pair. ' A search revealed a revolver PASSIVE RESISTANCE -J ackie Haworth. owner of On Consignment. of L;iguna Beach, has been ordered by the city to re move her ...,. .... .._...,...., ........ goods from the porch outside the store . She plans to leave the wares outside and says she 'll go to court if need be. To win s uppo rt of city. residents, be aaid he 's phlnni.ng public slide shows and technical presentations expla ining bow si mila~ pla nts use tr u h for electricity in Japan. He says tbe tec h n ol ogy will r e duce Am e rican d e pe nde n ce o n foreign oil. Huntington Beach Mayor Ruth Finley issued a statement today on this issue: ··A project of this suggested magnitude calling for inc reased truc k traffic and possiblx air pollution doesn't coincide with the residential and s chool area . . . " she said. in a briefcase Smith carried, said police. 'I Foroozandeh, an Iranian, told investigators that Smith, who ' was staying in Los Angeles at th e tim e , b a d b ee n r e commended to him as a bodyguard because Foroozandeh bad received threats. said police Sgt. Albert Melendy. She'll f.ght 'indoor rule' ·'Our intention is lo make it un-Amer ican to oppose this .plan ," Rya n says . "The technology is here and if we don't use it we're idiots as a people. We need a thousand of these plants In this country." She added that Ryan hasn't officially submitted his proposal to the city. Councilman John Thomas is opposin1 tbe proposal as part of his re-election campaign and recently blanketed the nearby residential area with 6,000 ruers warning of the proposal. Laguna merchant upset over la w against display The student pleaded no contest las t month to a c harge of threatening the administr ator. Sm i th was scheduled for sentencing on April 7. By JEFF PARKER Of .. Daffy .,._ S.... J ackie Haworth of Laguna Beach is tired of being a lowly CS and longs t o becom e a privileged C2 or Ml. And though . ~ ..., ...................... 8 MI tlKI -Tisha Schafer ol Irvine lu11 her bicycle off thf sand Ill Bolsa Chiu State Beach in Huntinaton Beach. She· waa . .J'Uinl a head 1tfrt on the latest spell of springlike , ~··tlleSt . ~ they say you can't fight city hall~ she says she'll do it in order to ma ke the change. "Mrs. Haworth is owner of the On Consignment store and wants to display her wares -a collection of used furniture, furnishings and household goods -on the porch outside the store. But her pro pe r ty at 1190 G l e nne y re i s zon e d CS , prohjbiting her from conducting business outside the building. Only businesses zoned C2 or Ml, most of them downtown, enjoy the advertising ad vantage of displaying merchandise outside their doors. Ten days ago Haworth was "shocked" to get a letter from the city telling her that she was in violation of law and had seven _day.s to-explain-just M>w --she- pla nned to comply with the ordinance. "And I haven't complied," sbe s aid . "If they finalJy say to me that I have to, then yes, I will. But I ·u go to court or whatever I have to do in order to show my things outside. It's m y •main form of advertising ." lns t ead , s h e mou nted a petition drive to impress the city with how much its residen:.s love b ei n g b al e to s ee h e r second-hand goods displayed on the porch outside the store, and so far she's colJected "several hundred" signa tures in two days. - "People love to drive by and Bo y,.15, hurt in bike c rash A 15-year~ld Dua Poillt boy was listed in aerioua condition • today at San Clement ~w_ "'11Ts pi a a f e r a motorcycle-bicycle collision near Dana HUia Hi1b cbool Thursday. Officer Dick Van Cott ol tbe California tn•hway Patrol aakl tbe youth, wboee name waa not releaMd, wu fi~ !lla lk W"iilbOUD OD Lant.em SVeet at 7:IO a .m . ....,. Prhcllla Drhe wbea U1e accident occurnd. Van Oafttaaid UM bo1'1 bkJde veered Into the path of th• mot.ore1el• bel•• 4ri•• a., Lane. Dnnmlpt, 11, ol Lacma· ...... see what we have," she said. "Our new arrivals are always on the porch. People tell me how they look forward to seeing what we have-to offer." She also says that in seven years of business she's never had a complaint or an accident involving her outside wares. "My customers say it 's a lonely corner when we put away our things at Tour each day. They say it makes Laguna look so cute," she stated. Ryan , pr esid e nt of Ryan Energy Corp., has 'hired the Irvine -based Fluor Co rp. to build and operate the proposed "~o -generation" plant on a 38-acre mud dump that possibly contains toxic c he micals on Hamilton Avenue and Maanolia Street. Ryao says any toxics will be 're moved prior to development. However. he still needs city and numerous state permits before On Mo nday, at 7:30 p.m. representatives of Ryan Energy h ave sc he dule d t h e first presentation of their plan at Sowers School, 9300 Indianapolis Ave., said Mrs. Comerinsky. It's being sponsQJ'ed by the Dump the Dump committee. "We 've been deluged with calls and so has Fluor and the city." Ryan says. "It's a touchy s ubject and we'll try to answer a ll the questions." But _Jack Connors , the city's zoning administrator. says that bis office bas had complaints about On Consignment's outside merchandise and that the area wa s zo n e d a gains t s u c h a d ve rtisi n g m a inl y fo r "a e§..lhetic J"easons." Anti-oil lease rally sel in LagUna Conno r s s aid that if bis inspectors find On Consignment nQ.l complying with ordinance, sffonger letters will flow rrom his office. "We don't want to prosecute a nd w e d on 't w a nt to persecute,'' he said. "Although if we have to prosecute, we will." Laeuna Beach Is organiz.ing an anti-oU lease rally Sunday at 10 :30 J .m., lo immed iately follow a 10 kilometer race in Laguna canyon. The rally will be held at Main B,e acb Park wi t h s pe akers ranging from City Council members to the president of the Laguna Greenbelt. ·.•Clemente l if eguard tryout. aet T esting for sea s onai -years o( age and in ex-ceHent- lifeguards in S.n Clemente health and possess a Social wlll be held March 20 and 21 Security card and state at I a . m. at the V arlne drtver's license. Safety headquarters aoftll el ------------die city pier. For mor. lnformalion, call Applicants mus t be 11 the department. at 492.0'150. ·•At/ult~ COUIW IO,,.,.. Courses offered throuab tbt La1una Beach Adutt ttlJlrPPofhrii' will be1t nf -M1rch 15, wltb rtll•trallon beld ln class durtna the ftnt two week• ol the term. · Offered a.re ~rt. wrltlq, \Jptg, farelcn , .......... lip .......... , ..... """'"°" .. \ The federal government will hold an offshore oil lease sale in June , a nd 10 oil tracts off Laguna's shorelines might be in the bidding. During the next two months, Department of the Interior · Secretary J ames Watt will bE deciding whether to go ahead with the leasing of the Orange Coast tracts. Earlier this week, h e told seve ral Ne wport Beac h r e prese ntatives he has no intention of deleting tracts oft that city or Laguna Beach. • Laguna Beach Mayor Sally Bellerue hopes Sunday's Tally will provide local residents with information about the danten she sees ln offshore drillin1. Leaflets, with the names ol agencies to contact tq protest the pl'Ql)Oled oil leue-aalft, will be banded out, alon1 with . an explanation of tbe city's POSitiOlat . • La8UDa bu iiae on reecri-U op,_. the oil leaaea for a varlet, Of reMOm. ~ ... to the .Ute ·~ <Wnm~• and ~ a.191lde8 cite tbe: ett1'• ..ut!Ye dial ud tlle eff9et ., -oll ddllloal crat T t1 a1.0 cltH tM I ::-.. v:~~·,= ~uw. ~ ...... ,-=t-"'T"~ Mi tbeJ .. !QwpCllt· fe•lt tone ........ •n1111u...._.,. s• ...... • ' . 111111 llllyPlllt FRl__O.~~ MARCH 5, 1982 CAVAl,.CADE 82 CO MICS , 83 GARDEN 86 l Beckman Inatruments of Fullerton haB , agreed to merge with giant StriithKline Corp. See P.age 84. 1 Opposition to trash-hu•ning plan'un-American' L BJ PATlll<S-&ENNEDV -industrial air pollution a.nd truck presentat1ons explaining bow Eneray Corp., has hired the The Steverson Brothers However, nearby resident• I Tbe--Z"" .... ~-r --traffic from trash and sewage similar plants use trash (or . lryine·baaed Fluor Corp. to Dump, a1ao known as the~s·Con ~nd city or~cials disagree. "We j ve~ 0 a pro~· sludge deliveries. electricity in Japan He sa the build and operate the propoeed Landfill, ii located across the lust don t wa nt th l t In rhunt~d8bacb powerhplanJ Developer Dan R yan of tec hnology wi.11 re~u ce "co·1eneration" plant on a road from Edi.son High School Huntlncton Beach or .In any a wou urn tras an Newport Beach says the plant American de pendence on 38-acre mud dump that poalbly and a tract of homes. __o.th~r .residential area," aays iew:1e s~ud1e for fuel says be would be beneficial by initially' foreign oil. contains toxic chemicals on Ryan says it's the "number Susan Comerinaky, a member of .. n .: n . s ~.0 m a k e ii t burning one·thir<\ ?f the count~'s "Our intention is lo make it Hamilton Avenue and Maf?'°lia o~e location in the county" ~or the rece~~Y formed "Du~~ the i meracan .to oppose h 8 trash and generating electricity u n·Amerlcan to. oppose this Street. . bis proposed plant because of its Dump Citizens Committee. Pan. • for 125,000 homes. Capacity "pla n ," Ryan s ays . •'The Rvau say~ any toxics will be proximity to th e county's H 0 w 8 v er• .m a n Y l 0 c a I could be doubled after a few technology is here and if we removed pnor to dev~~-_se.w,age processing and trash residents and caty offici~ .do years, be said. don't use it we're Idiots as a However, he still neeai city and transfer stations, as well as the oppose ~e proposed $60 million To wi n s upport of city people. We need a thousand of riumerous state permits before Southern California Edison inciner~tion rlant ~cause they resi~en~. he said he's pl~g theseplantsintbis country " ~r~aki~g grol>nd for the power plant that would buy say t ey ear increased public slide shows and technical Ryan, president of Ryan incineration factory. electricity. ''We've been deluged w.llh.. calls and so bas Fluor and the city," Ryan says. "It's a touchy subject and we'U try to answer all the questions." Shingles rriust be treated City manager av GLENN SC01T ..... DMfr Nil S4llfl New wooden roofs shouldn't be built in Irvine unless the shakes or shingles are factory·treat.ed with fire-retardant chemicals, the city planning commission said Thursday. . . of Irvine hospitali.zed City Manager William Woollelt Jr .. Irvine's first municipal employee, is res'1ng in a Santa Ana hospital today as doeton continue tests to find the cause ota recent blackout. Woollett, 53, collapsed a week investigating the likelihood the blackouts are related to his circulatory system, he added. Members voted 3 to 2 to suggest that the city council pass an ordinance banning cons truction with woode n shingles without the special factory processing . The prohibition would not apply to ~ existing roofs unless they were rebuilt. Commissioners Ray Catalano, Mary Ellen 'Hadley and Lowell J ohnson supported a proposal from the Orange County Fire Department for the citywide ban. --=a=1=0-:aunng a noontime-6Udgei- m eeting with othe r city administrators at Co mmunity Development Director Larry Hogle's Irvine home, according lo Assistant City Manager Paul ~rady Jr. A Western Medical Center s pokesm au liste d the -:ity m anager in :;1a !!~racto ry con~ition tod~. _He was tn undergo an an:~io~:·z.m ~:tY ft) test bis blood ::i:'cul:!~C"\. Pr-ady said Woollc.tt .s ;n ~00.1 spirits and hopes to leave the hospital soon. H e not e d t ha t ci t y administrators oft en meet during lunchtime at their homes where they have more room abd less interruption. J ·oh n C a r I y 1 e a n d Ly n Calerdine said they would back. the ban in outlying areas with' higher fire danger, but not in urban settings. The less restrictive policy was suggested by representatives of the Orange County Chapter of the Build i ng Industry Association, whlch also said the. citywide ban would send up housing costs. The fire department is seeking areawide prohibitions against new construction with untreated wooden roofs throughout the south cou nt y cities and unincorportated areas it serves. 'Leaders say hot Santa Ana winds and increased use or illegal bottle rocket fireworks make fire danger high in urban as well as rural settings. In other action Thursday, com missioners spent about 75 minutes discussing proposals to 1 rezone the Irvine Industrial Complex -West a nd th e n continued talks until thei r March meeting. Community De velopment Director Larry Hogle said today r ezoning of the 2,271 ·acre complex is one of the largest eve r contemplated for a develop e d a r ea. and commissioners expect to hold two more public bearings before making a recommendation. The rezoainc,.._propos als are Intended to allow a more flexible mix or uses in the complex near John Wayne Airport to. satisfy demand for more offices and commercial as well as industrial space. Frizzelle to run for new seat BIRTHDAY BALLOONS Northwood Elementary School's 480 students celebrated the first anniversar y of the school this morning by releasing helium.filled balloons. o.ltf Nit....,... WP9Mc11 .,.._. 'Each had a note with a student's name ·encouraaging finder to contact that child for a prize. Student Brian Davey, 10, watches his balloon disappear to the west. ~~~~~~~~~~-~ Man pleads guilty in .uc1 gun case A New Jersey man describea as a bodyguard for a 19-year-old form e r UC Irvine s tudent pleaded guilty Thursday to charges that he carried a concealed weapon on campus during a Jan. 13 incident. A separate c h arge that Douglas Ernest Smith. 29, threatened a univers ity administrator was dropped during the hearing at Harbor Municipal Court in Irvine. University police say Smith acco mpanied Majid Foroozandeh on campus for a visit with campus Ombudsman Ron Wilson when the student pulled a fake submachine gun from a ca n vas bag and threatened Wilson. · The ombudsman ordered the student -who had recently been expelled, police said, on allegations of cheating -to put the bogus gun away and then called police o fficers, who --arrested the vair. A search• revealed a revolver in a briefcase Smith carried, said police. Foroozandeh, an Iranian, told investigators that Smith, who was staying in Los Angeles at th e t i me , h ad b ee n- recommended to him· as a bodyguard because Foroozandeh had received threats, said police Sgt . Albert Melendy. Asse mbl y man Nolan Frizzelle, R·Huntington Beach, announced today that be will see k nomination as a. She t •k f •i h Republican candidate in the l es urm ure onporw-newly formed 69tb assembly • ._.... district. S Frizielle now represents the . tore OWDer Says She'll go tO COUrt tO keep it there old 73rd Assembly Dlstrict , which takes in Costa Mesa, .Bv JEFF P•.RKER ... 1 ..... .---~-planned to comply with the "My customers say it's a &ooe10 Fountain Valley, Huntington ... -· ....__... ~ Beach and Seal Beach. Jackie Haworth of Laguna ordinance. corner when we put away our The new 89th includes Costa Beach is tired of being a lowly "And I haven't .complied," she things at four each day. They Meaa, Fountain Valley, Irvine Cs •nd longs t o b ecome a s aid. "U they finally say to me say it makes Laguna look so and about half of Huntington privileged C2 or M l. And lboutth lb at I have lo, then yea, I will. cute," she stated. . Woollett st.ruck his head on a concrete patio surface and was unconscious for about a minute until h e was revived by colleagues and later treated by paramedics, Brady said. · It was the second time in fa months that Woollett has, suffered a blackout . Brady said. He was hospitalized four weeks in January, 1981, after the first i n ci d ent . Doctor s are Monday was Woollett's loth anniversary with the city. He b as .m a n age d t h e local government since incorporation in 1972. Brady. who normally shares adminis trative duties with Woollett. is a ssuming full responsibilities in his absence. Planets lfuing up for stellar ·show "There's a rumor going around t h at t h is m ig ht sta r t a n earthquake. That was disproved years ago. But that's why it's so famous." In any case , amateur astronomers and many interested amate urs are expect~d to be up early this weekend for the show. LEADS CHAMBER Harry Bozigian has been installed as new president of the Irv ine C h ambe r o f Commerce · :-•Heritage Park slate• exhf,bit Beach. they say you can't fi ght city hall, But I'll go to court or whatever I · But Jack Connors, the city's Fri z 1 e11 e mad e the s he says she'll do it in order to have to do in order to show )'____.IOl}lQ& ldmlnistrator. says....tbaL. "nae ~and craft.I center announcep>ent at a preas D\allte thecbange. · • tbincs out.side. It's my main bis office bu bad complalnta at Heritage Park in Irvine 1aUery will kict -~rr the event. conferend this morning in M~s. Haworth is owner or the form of advertising." about On Conal1nment'1 outakl• will be the scene of HuntinltonBeach. . OnConsi1Dmentstore andwanta Instead, sh e mounted a mercb•pctiM and that the area moatb·lon1 activities Irvine llqor Dav:hl.SW,• aid t4-cllap~be,J!--Wffff~ 1 petltioa driw to Imp,.. tM dtJ w •• aonflt-a-11 l'lllt" 1e-~-.... ·e1Uittilc 1fiUonaf'joutft arl unaiYlliit be alao intends to collettlon or used futniture, with how much its residents love ad v er t lain 1 ma l n 1 J for. lllOlltb. run a1ain1l Friuelle tn the rumbbinp and household looda b e i n g b a 1 e to s e e be r "aeatbeUc reuooa." A reception at 5 tonllllt al Republican primary. SUia aald -: on the porch out.side the st.ore. second·hand goods displayed on Connon said that if bl1 tbe ana and crafts center~ Hlatork..JH>.Lten. cl rcus memorabllla from the llNGI Md UNICEF children's art from .....-the world wtU b9 an Pblbtt ton18bt. be would make bis candidacy But her property al 1190 the porch out.aide the store, and lDIPfd,on find On Con.al= offlclal lD a press .conference G 1 en n e yr e is io n e d C 5 , so far she's collected "several not complyin& with ord.iDan • ant..-. probibllina her rr-om conductinl hundred" signatures In two 1tronpr letten wlll flow from •Allred to •peak at VC l~iM aoMl't Hamon, director ol the bualnesa outside the bulldlna. days. hi• omce. Costa Mela San.hary Diatrlet. LI -0.1,....,..._IH IOfted et or Mt, • · ·~PecipM Jove..&o-~ve -, ~ .... Wrb't WQt to ,..,.... .. .__ . r u n n l n 1 u a op po a e d for moel of tbim downtown, eQjoy ~." what we have, tbe Mld. a n d we d on ' t w • n t · l o nomination at Democratic the advertlalng advantafe of Our new arrtvala>r• always OD .,......_,.. be aald. "Altbouab eandldate ln tbe A11epsblf · dlaplQtn1 merchandlae outside the porch. People tell me bow lf •• 1'ave to proaecute, we dlltrict. their doQn. • they look forwa~ to 1eeln1 what ,.w, •• 1-~•lllle"MW he •ll-t:1111•e1ppo1D1111ill'tedll'llmd---"!Tl"lle"'n•dlb9!11t--l'"trmfl"i'Ui ~;;ii -we 1'H~40 offer. Tb• onlJ bu9lDaHI in ~ • Fe~iftorney Glelta· p~rt °'the women'• A~ t"1rw ·,111oa1 ~ partlelpanta ta a dAJlfDI AJINCI la ~o!! Hria ol '"'1ta at UC 1n1M w ..... Equal Monday la obaervaaH ol IJeftBH and S acat lateraatloaal Women'• Day. J'oudadon. Shi Wll'M '! ••• ,... lltl•d • • ..... • Jl'll ... a ledure an4 etide 111 .. : AD 111@11~ preHatatloa oft' nathe ~n ' ~J=-Amerleu womea, and a ~ , mt ,,.. .... fllT allO wm • p. . ~ ' • aU RlipubUcan O:r ntutiom "1bock.cl" to 1et a Jetter t?Om Sbe allo MP that ln MnD Beach nat 1utdtd to ..U.. .,.. · .._ iillb• caDdM•t• ud by tbe ctt1 tellinl her that 1be wu JHn ~ bmtMA •be'• Mftr' thole wblela wwe doUal ~ llarb aD bpQbli,811 parUaan in violation ollaw and bad...., bad • eomplalDt or u atetdmt befon _... ............ ..MM ...... "t daft to explain Jutt bow 1he ~nvolvla1 her outalde warea. p • 111d . · .-~ I 4 ( -~111111 cUIT ..., .... FRI DAV, MARCH .S, l9'2 CAVALCADE 82 COMICS 83 GARDEN 86 Beckman Instruments of Fullerton has , 'Kl'eed to merge with giant Smitl&Kl.ine Corp. See P.age 84. High court may overturn beach access decision By &IC'IL\&D GREEN °' .............. The atate Supreme Court probably wlll overturn an appellate court deciaioo aaainat t b e C a l if o r n i a C o a a t a J. Commiulon requirement that beachfront landowners permit public acceu u a condition of .-At..l!A&CllllliD-.UM!tr property-.--- That'• the useasment of Peter DouaJu, chief deputy director of the California Coastal Commiaalon. Commission members voted unanimously Thursday to appeal to the state Supreme Court a 9planets 'line u11i' l;his week Orange Coast residents who rise before dawn this weekend will have a rare chance to see the planets strung out as clear as diamonds against the morning sky. All nine planets are orbiting toward a 95-degree alignment Wednesday that occurs only ruling banded down las~ week by the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles. That ruling said that the public-access requirement -a condition for coastal ·d e v e lop men t per m its · - deprived some property owners oL their rights.--- Douglas said bjs confidence that this ruling will be overturned is based on the fact that the constitutionality of the public-access requirement has been proven in state and federal courts. ... "There have been at leut a half dozen other cases in state and federal courts upbohUng the commission's authority for requiring dedication of public easement as a condition for building along the coasUlne," said Douglu. H e admitted that the com mission had lost some public access cases, but be said these cases turned on bow the commission applied the public access doctrine, not the constitutionality of the doctrine itself. ·'The commission feels the appeall court decision is out of touch with the cuJTent state ol the law and lf allowed to stand, would deny access to a larae portion of the coast to millioo.s of Californians and people outside the state," Douglas said in a telephone · tnt~yiew from San Francisco. . "If the appeals court decision were allowed to stand, it would . gut California's program to 1 increase public access alOQI the coast.'' Public ac cess ls a high priority or the commlsslon ,__.LNU;;c_ every SO~a~o,w,:m:;__ eiHhlirigs wnr nee a teles to spot Uunus, Neptune and Pluto. But after this weekend Mercury will not be vjsible to the naked eye because it won't be rising until daybreak, said Steve Lattanzio, director of Orange Coast Colle ge 's planetarium. Untif tflen Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye. \ . Lattanzio, took the celestial show in stride, saying "I've seen l all the planets a million times \ before so I don't see anything I particularly interesting about getting up so early in the morn1-g." ' . WELL-BAKED ROLLS -Newport Beach fireman .fauJ Mathies squirts off blistered 1967 Rolls Royce th8' ·bomed Thursday noon in a garage fire on Udo Isle. The fire caused °"" .............. ~ $30 ,000 damage to the Rolls and another $20,000 to the garage. The cause of th~ blaze is still under investi"1tiea. Mercury, Venus , Mars ,1 Jupiter and Saturn are generally observable, but not at the same time, be said. I Manpleads -She~E=fight 'indoOr ruk' I guilty in UC/ gun case , A New Jersey man describe<l as a bodyguard for a 19-year-old former UC Irvine s tude nt pleaded guilty Thursday to charges that he carried a concealed weapon on campus during a Jan. 13 incident. A separate c harge that Douglas Ernest Smith, 29, thr eatened a university administrator was dropped during the bearing at Harbor Municipal Court in Irvine. University police say Smith accompanied Majid Forooaandeh on campus for a visit with campus Ombudsman Ron Wilson when the student pulled a fake ·submachine gun from a canvas bag and threatened Wilson. - A search revealed a revolver ill a -briefcase-Smith earned; said police. Laguna merchant upset over law against display By JEFF PARKER Ofllle~NlllMMf -- Jackie Haworth of Laguna Beach is tired of being a lowly CS and longs to become a .privileged C2 or Ml. And though they say you can't fight city hall, she says she'll do it in order to make the change. •Mrs. Haworth is owner of the On Consignment store and wants to display he r wares -a collection of used furniture, fuflnishinp a.nd household goods -on the porch outside the store. But her properly at 1190 Glenney r e is zoned CS , prohibiting her from conducting bus iness outside the building. Only businesses zoned C2 or Ml, most of them downtown, enjoy the advertising advantage of displaying merchandise outside their doors. Ten days ago Haworth was ''shocked" to get a letter from the cjty le~ her that she wa.s in violation or law and bad seven days to explain just how she planned to comply with the '.'MY customers say It's a lonely ordinance. corner when we put away our "And I haven't complied," she things at four each day. They said. "If they fmally say lo me say it makes Laguna look so that I have to, then yes, I will. cute," she stated. But I'll go to court or whatever I But Jack Connors, the city's have to do in order to show my zoning administrator, s ays that things outside. It's my main his office has had complaints fo rm of advertising." about On Consignment's outside 1 ns tead, s he mounted a merchandise and that the area petition drive to impress the city w as ro n e d against s u ch with how much its residents love a d v e r tis I n g m a in I y for. b e i n g b a I e t o s e e h e r ·•aesthetic reasons.·' second-band goods displayed on Connors said that if bis the porch outside the store, and insp~ctors find On Consignment so far she's collected "several not complying with ordinance, hundred" signatures in two stronger letters will flow from days. his office. .. People love to drive by and "We don't want to prosecute see what we have," she said. and we don 't want to "Our new arrivals are always on persecute," he said. "Alt.bough the porch. People tell me bow if we have to prosecute; we they look forward to seeing what will." we hav~.&o offer." The only bus~nesses in Laguna She also says that in seven Beach not sub1ecl lo zoning are _ years of _business she's -llever.-lhose whic~ were ~olng busb)ess had a complaint or an accident before wrung ordinances were involving her outside wares. passed. J because at was thil issue that helped convin ce California voters to pass Proposition 20 in 1972, the measure that launched California's coastal proaram, said Douglu. The Pacific Legal Foundation, a Sacramento firm, brought the lawsuit agalnal the public access requirement on behalf of several small landowners. The ruling by the 2nd Di.strict Court of Appeal in Loe -AQaem left open tqe possibility the public access requirement could be applied in the case of large landowners. But this isn't good enoul}l, accord ing to commission executive director Michael Fischer. He was quoted u saylne in response to the decision that if it were to stand , CalifornlaAs would have to wat ch •'house-al-a -time development -as in Malibu -block the coast." Commission officials point out that more than half UM ocean-side land is privately owned and much ia subdivided into small, individually owned lots. $100,0QO ililot!t .. nabbeJ in Newjjorl burglary ring b~t':· ;. A bur1lary ring that assertedly b~ been operaUn.g out of Newport Beach and shipping stolen loot lo South Carolina was reportedly crippled Thursday with the arrest· of· one person and the seizure of mor~n $100,000 worth of stolen g . Police detect es and FBI agents said they are looking for other people and declined to .name the man they arrested. The week-long inv~stigation which turned up $250,000 in stoien loot in South Carolina earlier look some wild turns Thursday noon when officers spotted two sought-after men driving in cars in Corona del Mar. Police said both men abandoned their vehicles and Erizzelle to run for I new seat A sse mblyman Nolan Frizzelle, R-Hunlington Beach, announced today that be will see k nom i n ation as a Republican candidate in lbe newly formed 69th assembly district. Frizzelle now represents the old 73rd Assembly District whic h lakes in Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach and Seal Beach. • The new 69th includes Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley. Irvine and about half of Huntington Beach. Frizzelle made the announceme nt at a press conference this morning in Huntington Beach. Irvine Mayor David Sills said Thursday that be also intends to run against Frizzelle in the Jl~publican primary. Sills si.id be would make his candidacy official in a press conference next week. Robert HanlOll, director ol the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, ls running unopp osed for n<nninatlon as Democratic candidate in the Assembly district. Three .top West Newport Beach A YSO soccer teams will compete against teams from Palm Sprin&s and San Diego Saturilay and Sunday at Kaiser School in Co:Jta M.sa. The first aame is set for ooon Saturday with a second fl ed on foot in different directions. One of the men, detectives said, was nabbed sev~ral hours later on Pacific C'.ollst Highll\·a v near Prospect Street. l.. ~•,.r. FBI agents armed with a i.4:ar~h warrant entererl a tio .. i;• M 621lW1 fiegonia Ave. Police said m"rc than $100,000 worth of s tolen s tereo . components. jewelry and other Items were removed from the house. It was unclear wbo owned the house that was searched. Several hours later, police s urrounded a parked motor home off Superior A venue near the Villa Balboa condominium project. Officers said they believed the second man was holed up in the camper. After sending for a SWAT team as well as a police hoslfse negotiation unit, officers discovered the motorhome was empty. Costa Mesq's R. McCardle dead at 73 Ruth Mccardle , mother of Costa Mesa real estate agent R andall Mccardle, died Wednesday. She wu 73. Mrs. Mccardle moved to Costa Mesa in 1957 with her husband Russell, who died in 1960. She .was active in the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. Other survivors include sons, Todd of Fountain Valley and Terry of Costa Mesa; sisters Carmen Novak and Gloria Drobish, both of Pennsylvania, brother, Norman Scheiderreit, of Pennsylvania, brother-in-law Roy McCardle of Costa Mesa and seven grandchildren. Services will be held Saturday al 2:30 p.m. in Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel in Costa Mesa, with Pastor Roger Berg of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church officiating': Funeral arranaemenls are bei'nc llandi-ed by Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary, icosta Mesa. match set to begin at l :J)'... p.m. On Sunday. a game will be played aUp.m. The three Newport squads 1 recently won area cbamplonabipa and now are competi.nc for a chance to play in tbe Southern California championship. ' f --;~ • Ylll llllllll llJlY PINI F R I DAV MA f~ C H ~ . I ~Hi.' OllA N GECOUNT\' L ALIFOHNIA I">< l NI ~ ,~tJ.S. wal-~g Systeln vulnerable Soviet~ could destroy military command with welL-aimed nuclear bombs OAlty ...... -"' "R'illl O'o-tl RIDING HIGH -Pariet fiemandez, 3, perches on shoulders of his father . Ma nuel. as they march at UC Irvine Thursday. Marchers protest UCI minority move By SANDIE JOY Oft• 0...., Pu. S\lfl Chanting slogans s uc h as "Slop fragmentation; give us education," about 150 people marched in an orderly circle for nearly two hours Thursday in fr o nt of UC Irvin e 's Adminis trati on Buil ding, concluding by filing in one door or the building and out the other. The marchers had assembled to p rotest the univers ity's adminis trative d ivision of services lo . minority students, including dissolution of the directorship of its Educational Opportunities Program ( EOP) which is designed to encourage minority enrollment. orga nizations such as the Santa Ana Neighborhood Organization a nd Parents and Students in Partnership. Orie parent who addressed demonstrators, Enriqu~ Adame, s aid EOP has had excellent r esults recruiting minority students. He explained that five of his children had attended UCI through EOP and that two now are lawyers and two are doctors. ·'I would like to see this program continue to provide these opportunities," Adame said. Another speaker, Dr. Eloy Rodriguez of the UCI faculty. contended the administrative split of EOP services "is . an att.ack on quality programs." W ASIDNGTON CAP) -The Soviets could knock 01,at the entire U.S. mllltary command system with two or three well-aimed nuclear blasts disruptine communications, a senior defense official warns. At the same time, the official said Thursday the U.S . satellite-based system for warning the United States against nuclear attack is· vulnerable to sabotage because a relatively small number of "guys with wirecutters" could dis able cables leading from s atellite ground s tations to command posts. The o(ficial gave these graphic s tatements on t he vu lne rability of the U.S . command and control system to a gro~ of reporters in a session apparently designed to generate s upport for the R eagan administration's costly plan to correct such weaknesses. Ground rules for the session barred use of the official's name. He estimated it would take about $20 billion over the next five years to strengthen the U.S. command and control system and insure that the president, the secretary of defense and top military l ea der s ca n co mmun ic at e w ithout interruption with missile bases, s ubmerged s ubmarines and other key forces. "We have been remiss for a long time in not paying attention to command, control and communications," the official said. The official said ·the Soviets are aware of U.S. vulnerability. He s poke of indications of such· Soviet lmowledee but did not elaborate. · A's be sketched a possible scenario, the Sovieta could black out U .$. communications with a few nuclear bursts through a pbe"omenon call e d electromaenetic pulse. Thil phenomenon, well-known for about 20 years, ls called EMP. It baa been defined by the Defense Department as "a burst .of electromagnetic· energy radiating fro m a nuclear explosion, thereby creating a high-frequency electrical field similar to that created by thunderstorms." The su e ot the area covered by s uch an electrical field, the Penfagon has said, depends on whether the nuclear explosion is within or above the atmosphere. Bursts above the atmosphere would create a strong electrical field covering an area nearly the siz e of the continental United States, the Pentagon has said. According to this official, alternate command posts such as underground complexes at Fort Ritchie, Md., and Mount Weather in Northern Virginia, are vulnerable to destruction because of the accuracy of Soviet missile warheads. The United States has built airborne command posta for the president and other senior offi cials and for commanders cl the nation's nuclear strlkina fo r ces -flying co mmand centers to which these officials would retreat In event of a threatened nucle ar attack. However, the official indicated that the present state of communications equipment ·raises the strong possibility that these leaders might not be able to pass their orders to the pation 's r etaliatory forces because of disruption by Soviet nuclear blasts in or above the atmosphere. County chil,dren's lwme near Leaders r~ise $3.66 million toward construction Orange County bus iness and govemm.ent leaders announced Thursday that they have raised $3 .66 m i ll ion toward construction of a new. $7 m.illlo home for abused and neglected children. The facility, to be known as Orangewood, would replace the overcrowded Albert Sitton Home in Orange, built in \959 to house 35 children. The Sitton home now has 88 beds but frequently must take in more children than it has room for. W ith con st ru c ti o n .of Orangewood, backers said, the county would be ~ble to house comfortably a daily maximum of 154 children on a seven-acere site provided by t~e county. B oard o f S up e r vi s ors Chairman Bruce Nestande told r e p o rters Thur s da y that Orangewood was on the ''cutting ed ge" of a new partnership between the public and private sectors. "It is going to be successfpl, without question ." Nestande said. It is expected th at 80 percent of the construction costs for Or angewood would be provided tt.rough private donations. Kathryn Thompson, chairman o f the d eve l op ment s ubcommittee, said a $1 million donation has been pledged by the Harry G. Steele Foundation aod that another $1 million bas been donated by William Lyon, owner of the home construction firm bearing his name. Lyon also is chairman of the Orangewood board of direct.ors. BoJ.h $1 million donations are "challenge grants" and must be matched by the committee in equal amounts. Ms. Thompson said the Junior Le ague of Newport Beach pledged a $117,000 challenge grant whi ch was matched by other public donations last September. The public sector also bas been contributing funds , officials said. More than $621 ,000 bas been donated b y Cost a Mesa, Hun tin.gton Beach , Irvine , Fu lle r ton , Bue na Park , Anaheim and the county. 40o/o increase , in gas bills being sought .. LOS ANG EL ES ( AJ» - Southem CaJifornia Gas Co. will · ask the state's Public Utilities Commission for a $848 million rate hike efective April 1 to cover its own higher fuel costs, the Los Angeles Times said today. If granted. t he boost could mean an average 40 percent increase in bills of the utility's 3.8 million customers, the newspaper said. Just as consumers have been protesting steadily increasing utility rates, Southern California Gas said it would voice ob~tion to its higher bills in bearings before the federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The marc h ers, mostly students, fear the university's decision to administer EOP services throu g h se veral different offices will result in decreasing minority enrollment and services to tho.5e students. Declaring, "I never will support insensitivity to minority programs," Rodriguez urged the marchers to continue to express con ce rn "when quality programs and our leadership are attacked." THE OLD AND THE NEW -Ray Watson <left ). former president or the Irvine Company, and Peter Kremer, the firm's current pres ident, get comfortable before filming or an Deify ...... ...,,.... hour-Jong talk s bow hosted by Ne wport Mayor Jackie Heather. The two s tayed friendly despite some tough questions. Chairman John C. Abram said the gas company n eeds to recover higher payments to its Houston-based major suppliers. El Paso Natural Gas Co. wants another $469 million a nnu a ll y , h e said, an Noting that "EOP has been an effective vehicle through which minor ities have established their presence in a vehicle historically denied them," one of the rally leaders , Ross Romero, contended .UCI's administrative move would plunge the school into the "dark ages of equal opportunity.·· Rodr iguez . Adame and Romero all urged that EOP services be offered under one office and tbat former EOP director, Manuel Gomez, be reins tated to that post. Leasehold issue goes on TV Tra nswestern Pipeline . s eeking $336 mi llion more yearly. Smaller companies have btlled the utility another $43 million a year, he added. Irvine Company chief, developer on Coast talk show "We're shocked by the size of the increases our s upplier s would lmpose on us. and our: customers," Abram said. Included amon g marchers we re representatives of a few dozen groups including those for His panic , bla ck and Asian students as well as UCI faculty and staff members and people fr o m various community Gomez, who had been EOP director for seven years before taking edu~aUonaJ leave in 1979; was highly praised by all the speakers for bis efforts on behalf of minority students. It was when Gomez returned to UCI late last year that be learned his position bad <See PROTEST, Page A2> BY STEVE MARBLE dttllen.lty ......... "How do you like working at the Irvine Company?" started off Newport Beach mayor and sometime. television talk show hostess J ackie Heather. Peter Kremer adjusted bis necktie and smiled briefly. Low-calorie diets pay off? Studies suggest life span increased, cancer chance cut WASHI NGTON .... ( A P ) -restriction of the diet, even when be difficult, but not lmpossible, Sev~rely restricted low-calorie started in middle -aged mice, to follow. dietNacrease life span and can inhibit cancer and extend "I don't eat two days a week decrease ll)e chance of eetting the average and maximum and got used to it," aald the cancer even when started in mid lifespan." lean, 57-year-old acienlilt. "Tbe or late life, an imal s t"Udies To match the experimental main ur1e to eat bas more to do 11uggest. animal diet, Walford aaJd, the '<lf\tb social Intercourse.· than' Researchers at UCLA sa.y the average human would have to actual hunger. Many people studies with mice show that the cut calories by 40 percent don't realise how many ol their benefi\§ ,g{J..£a}~stricted. ...Uadualix oye~ol '-~aMial-·ilttet'aettons are-bath diet go ~yonCl startlng it-at a years .' take nutritional around tood." very early aae. as previous supplemei;ita and sUck to the In the studies, mice that went studies suuested. , regimen mdefmltely once the. on restricted. diets at 12 to 13 'f be report published today ln lower level is reached. months ol ace, routlill' 30 to 35 Science ma1uine by Dra. Walford, who warm a1aiDlt years old in human terma, Richard Welndrucb ·and Roy L. any t)'J>e of cruh diet, aaid such a bowed up to a 20 percent Walford said "approR.[late __ a eradual.ly restrkted diet would .lncreue. ln loqevlty, · · 1 Money supply drops $3 billion p,_AP .... fe'- An unupeet-4 drop ln the natloa'a money 1uDP1111MU'ked a ralb on UM bond -market. tbla afterDOClll. . a..m111 low.,.,.redownSllT miWcm .. tbe IDOMJ IUiPllb •• oil• ....... tbe .... ~the . . .. Federal Rtaene aanouaeed · money 1uppb ftcunl. Tbe Dow alter the ltoek and commodity JODM Inda ol ••toekl dlopped mark.U eklled. Botb wen uon O.lt point to 807.•. than anticipaa.d and ,.t .... lleaawbile, IOld Ud .Uwr lnter91t ratee lower ta • ....._ femttmw' to faD. Qelll .,. .. of mtDUIM. '10:.0 • ~ to .... illd Tb• 1tock market WH &U••r bJ almost • eeDta t.o c1ut1aut t.od~ •• n1tt111 tlDr ~-rr.•. · .. • fl • "Which days?" be answered. That set the tone but the questions got harder and the studio tights in Newport Beach grew hotter. It wu billed as "The IrVlne Company -the Dream and the Reality ,•• an hour-long. Teleprompter cable televillo~ talk sh ow hosted by Mayor Heather. Others called it the 1rvme Co mpany vs . the Irvine Company. The guest s were Kremer, president of t he lr•ine Company, and Ray Wation, a developer who was prealdent of t he company when \be Irvine ram.Uy still owned the firm. There were 20 people ln the . studio audience. Many were memben of the Committee cl 4,000, the voc'a'I homeowner .. croup battllnt the Irvine· Company over 1kyrocketln1 lease feel. aome mat P8J the d~velopmeat firm. The auclience, permlt\ed to dlrect qwtima to Kremer .and Wataon, led tbe two on a back·and-forth course of qatttlou ran1la1 from the leaaebold eontroveray to the now-dead Newport Center expan&ion plan. Kremer and WatlOD kept their eool. It t\111.ed lnDocen.!!l ........ ..... amlled held .. a llUI ol water. ··1 .. ,. WDk .i.11 ls ....... ............. &..-........ ,~ ... ......... Jd•at.e penoa" .... lln • ......_. .... atloalblt . n putadoa far lk..,... a low ~ Then, predict ab 1 y • t be conversation s wung to the leasehold controversy. Kremer admitted he bad "empathy" for residents facing stiff annual lease fee increases and blamed much of the problem on lnllation. "ln.Oation," Kremer told the a udience, "bas priced some leuees out of the market." W ataon, who stepped down as president the same year the firm was sold to' a group of investors in 1977, said bis firm had a tough tim e even persuading buyen to gobble up leasehold land. Natural gas suppliers have been increasing their prices steadily since the l978 Natural Gas Policy Act allowed gradual price decontrol. Southern California Gas said its purchase costs rose to $2.'{7 per 1,000,cubic feet in 1981 frdfn $1.40 in 1978 and would reach $4.19 with the latest increases. The pipeline companies are allowed to pass their hither costs to utilities twice a year after notifying federa l re1ulators. He said the present Irvine C o m pa a y • s m a n n e r o l DRll~l "IAIJ llAJlll interpreting the leases is g II , I "similar but not quite the same" as the old Irvine Company. Consid erable blab· cloudiness Saturday. iffighs 00 to 67. Ovemieht lows 45 to 53. Watson said when be was president, the Irvine Company rea li&ed the leases were "unclear" on the subject of bow llllll Jlll·v much credit residents sbould set ,1 for tmprovementa they've made ~ -n, ~1Acock1nw--- .oo tbe-leeeed property.-----At00rdt COldnt, OICGt" Fnn, Kremer, withoyt becoming a1oru todaJ. Htr•'• ro•ar • ruffied, dlaatreed. ' c"4"c• lo pklc t~ Otcor He sald ,,th ere'•. •'little .,.,.,._,.and w 0 ....,_,,too. dlffereDce on thts econ Sc• Wtt'-lldilr. between t.be old and new lrvtDe IComJ>lll)'. · .uJ::~tated tM proD1em wa lllf l Mn. Hnth9.r, who nfvred to ... .,,...._., the tbow aa a "llullna topic," ua...,. M dlreet.ed tb• eon•eraatioe to = 9: "~c:'b.nn.·1-1~ e1pauloa project wu · "u _ · ! example ol tM . rr.vau. ol ... trJIDI '° .... al ....... -a..... . eomoi'tblmlft ........ I ,:·:•'le•;-;:-~J .. ~Ji!:l::L ( ......... ,...Ai> .• ~·1 ; .. . . • • t· • NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 9UefAJI09JJICAMMfllAD&l«*tll&lll8WY .... ~~IPIC. .... ~NtWt ... a ClllC'•ill•P ... ~c-::.'it-='="> 1ac. ... n u• •• ,...,...av ,,., •••• ••• •11tT1l1t I • fer sale _agaill !Ai .. 1m1111~~~~ ............................ ss.. -...2 Da ' ' S41ld&let Corp., the MW cnrn.n el the John Wa,ne T-11 Club, la attemptiaa to .ell limited pa~ m the tacillty to members. Prinelpall Burton E. Smttb and James L. C.lb. t.hroqb a dewly formed oompany -Newport Teanll Partners Ltd. -are trytq to raise s:u mUllon by aellln1 MO units of $5,000 eaeb. Accordin• to the prospectus, the sale ma.)' be canceled if $2 miWon laD't recelncl by April 30. hl the ftral 11 months ot 1111, the club loll Sll,598 ... Baker IMeraaU.aal Corp. plus to purchase within the next six monlba up to 1.S milUon shares or its common stock, or about 2.1 percent C1f lta '70.1 million sbarea outatanding . . . • , A Flaor Corp. subaidiafy .baa received an engineering study contract from &1aa B•r11 C«p. of Costa Mesa to examine the feeaibilily of an e nergy·reeoftJ"1 ~eneratlon facility In Huntinston Beach. Fluor said lt bas no investment In the project and has no lnvolvement beyond lta aervica lo a consulting capacity . . . Home lleahll Care er Amertea lac. bu announced the initial public offering of 1.3 million shares ol common stoclt at $1.5.50 a share. The company is selling 1 million shares and the remainder ls bein& offered by exiatinl sharebOlders . . . Ml&RMllll Mo&or Sala ol A•ertca lac., wbicb r ecenUy opened its headquarters i.n Fountain Valley, said it bu pw'(!based a 22.3-acre site in Cypress for its permanent corporate offices. Terms of the purchase were not disclosed. unli <;:tr,__ ___ _ Murra) .L. Weldeabaam,. the Reagan administration's top economic adviser, cited bi&b interest r ates a.a be softened bis prediction for l"hen the nation will begin ita recovery from recession. Weidenbaum told the Senate Budget Committee be still expects strong economic growth in the second half of this year . . . The proposed consent decree between the J..Uee Depart.-.and Amerteu Telep .. 1ae ud Teleira" Co. threatens competition by leavtn& AT&T with dominant self-perpetuatin1 advanta•es that must be modified by leg1'lation, Allan L. Rayfield, president of the GTE C.mmaaleatlom PrM1lda GN9P, told the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Consumer Allain ~ Finance. l!AR B------. The board of directors of the n.es Mirror Ce. bas declared a quarterly dividend of 50 cents a share on the company's outat.anding shares of common ·stock. ~dividend was declared payable June 10 to sbarebolden of record May 28 . . . . A wo•ke.r luceatlve sya.tem is boosting productivil,1 in Southern California groc-:ry warehouses u much as 35 percent, but a union official who helped devise the popular plan worries that employer peed might foster worker burn-ouL Tbe system rewards crews who achieve more than a set producdon level with either ca.ab bonuses or time off. The p~em, s"id Jerry Vercruae of Teamsters Local 595 , la that some employees ma y be over-extendine themselves for the cub, which can• amount to several hundred dollars weekly. UOCIS IN THE SPORIGHT AMERICAN WDEIS METll.S- NIEW YOltlC (Af'I -S..C -·-metal 11ritM '9N\I; • • Ce,.er 75'•·11 <•nh • ....,ntl, U.l . dettlft ..... l.NflNt~•fllMICI. tallC ., --· .......... *""'"' Ttllt6.1'1U ~·--<om.-tt• ... .......... ,..,,.,-• Pol'fld, N. Y. _.., ... ,... ....... ............ ,....,oa.,N,Y. SILVER RD lllTATIONS