HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-06 - Orange Coast PilotNannco site 'OK' for homes "1 IODI CADENHEAD Of .. Oelfy ........... A scientific study released Friday by city officials concludes that the land on which a controver sial Costa Mesa plastics plant sits is sare for the development of condominiums. Soil samples taken underneath the Narmco Materials Inc. facility and compared with two other locations in t he city showed no "soil contamination problems."' The 72-page report prepared by BCL Associates of Long Beach was paid for by the city-of Costa Mesa, owners of llj'armco property and a potential future developer . .it found that the concentration or metals and chemicals in, the soil was not significant. Similar tests taken by the California Department of Health Services are expect ed to be released next week. "Based on the information in the report it seems to be a s uitable site for commercial development," said senior city planner Mike RQbinson. In January, the city council approved the construction of 69 condominiums by the Hanes Company, pending outcome of the studies by BCL and the state. Final approval fo r t h e cons truction of the l wo and three-bedroom units cannot be made until the Narmco factory is demolished and soil samples are taken from underground storage tanks, according to the report. George Winn, a spokesman for the plastics firm at 600 Victoria St.. said all producti on operations will be moved to Anaheim by the end of this month and that -the remaining administrative offices a nd testing facilities wilJ lfw moved in 1983. Over the years the Costa Mesa company has been the target or numerous complaints from nearby residents who contend that emissions from the plant have caused various healt h problems. A preliminary report by BCL released two months ago identified 26 different chemicals and trace metals found in the soil beneath Narmco. Of partic ular concern to authorities were several metals found , inc luding beryllium, cadmium, chromium and zinc. But the report released Friday stressed that the concentration levels of the materials found was not significant. lroine uvmanlwrt inCMcra8h A 32-year-old Irvine woman s ustained multip,le injuries Friday evening when her car left a Costa Mesa street and plunged down an embankment into a tree. Cher yl Town was reported by police to be still in surgery at Fountain Valley Community Hospital late Friday. Officer Bob Crogan, who investigated the accident, said she sustained a compound. fracture of the right knee and a nkle, a possible fractured left ankle and a large laceration lo the forehead in the accident. C rogan said Ms . Town apparently lost control or her car after exiting the southbound Fairview Road offramp or Route 405 at about 6: 10 p.m. After leaving the offramp the vehicle turned right onto Fairview bUt jumped a curb and went down a 40·foot emban·kment before striking a tree head-on, he said. llllCI Cllll IUTlll Va rlable bl1h clouds through tonight. Cloudy with a chance of showers Sunday. J01ba today 86 to 72, in the 80ll Sunday. l•llTIMY ., cw a .. a a .. ~ 111111 CUil Y• 11111111 llllY PINI .... .. S AT UR DAY MARCH ti 11rn:> ORANGE COlJN IY C AllfO n NIA i!> CENTS WAi~ HORSE Looking like a giant in sect , a CH -53E S uper Stallion he li copter was unveil ed at the Tustin Marine Corps Air Station. The $14 Deilt! .............. dllMtM ~ million craft can carry 16 tons of equipment a nd 55 troops. The probe jutting out from chopper's right side enables it to be refueled in fli j?hl. Marines add dramatic flair to unveiling of big chopper By GLENN SCOTT Of IM Dally "''"" S~" The Marine Corps pulled off the unexpected Friday afternoon during an unveiling at the Tustin Air Station of the most powerful helicopter ever flown there . ·'I looked it up in the dictionary and it said a war horse is a horse that takes men· into battle." he said. "I think this is going to stick." . Reed said residents watching the helicopters from afar won't notice much difference between the new model and earlier versions of essentially the same aircraft. Perhaps the most noticeable change is the addition of a long probe that juts out from the front like the horn of a unicorn. They got artistic . As a few hundred Marines, relatives. friends and reporters sat on folding chairs inside a h_uge hangar. its massive doors were wheeled open like movie curtains. The screen was a deep field of blue sky streaked with white above one or the widest, flattest expanses of open land left in urban Orange County. , About then the military band belted out one of the mystical melodies from "Star Wars" and a gleaming CH-S3E Super Stallion came sweeping across the picture from right to left like one or science fiction's newest metallic monsters. That probe allows the helicopter to i:-efuel in flight -alfeature no other U.S. models have, be said. The new model, called the "Echo" (which is long for 'E') when it isn't called the War Horse or Super Stallion, has the ability to lift twice the weight or former models. Thus, it gives the Marines and Navy greater 'ability to move heavy equipment, such as war-damaged aircraft from aircraft carriers. · The ne w copter is one of 15 that eventually will be stabled at the Tustin base. They will be the pride or a newly created squadron of up lo 225 Marines. The m odel can ·carry 16 tons of equipment 50 nautical miles, accordine to pr~liminary tests. It can carry SS troops. Congressma n Robert Badham , R-Newport Beach, was on hand Friday for the unveiling, as was Maj. Gen. J .B. Cox, commander of the 3rd Aircraft Wing. t:ach helicopter costs about $14 million. said a spokesman for Sikorsky Aircraft, its maker. Lt. Col. Larry Reed, commanding offi cer or the squadron, eventually landed the aircraft, which his squadron already has nicknamed the "War Horse " Badham is a member of the House Armed Services Committee. Jn a brief speech, he told the crowd the new helicopter represented "some of the fruits of my labor" as a congressman. ' As the curious and awestruck toured the powerful new helicopter, Reed explained that each or the Marines' three aircraft wings will tag their aircraft with their own names. He had a small, silver horse head pinned to his uniform. But to Maj. Jon Walters, co-pilot during the science fiction flight. the helicopter is something even more tangible. Said a proud Walters: "It's the most fantastic hehcopter anyone ever built." Wisely raps Prosecution HB murder defendant says case based on 'lies' By DAVID KlJTZMANN Of .. DMty ...... SW! Murder defendant Willie Ray Wisely pulled three toy rats out of an envelope Friday and dangled them one-by-one in front of a n O range County Superior Court jury. The rats represented the quality and character or the prosecutio.n's three main witnesses who testified against him, Wisely said in his closing statements. "This entire case is based on lies,'' said Wisely who is acting as his own attorney. But prosecu tor Edgar Free m a n . in hi s final summation to the jury Friday, said evidence presented over a three-month period supported a finding of flrst·degree murder and special death penalty allegations in connection with the March 1981 suffocation death of Wlsely's s tepfather , Huntington Beach truck driver Robert Bray. The 61-year-old trucker's body was found pinned beneath the 2,000-pound, Ult-away cab of his 1975 International Harvester tractor·traller rig last March 9 on Sprin gdale Street in llunlinitoo Beach. Wisefy, a Huntington Beach resident , has denied any involvement in Bray's death, which ... at nrtt believed to be accidental. The 21-year-old defendant, however, wa1 eventually charted with the crime after pol lee received information supplied by Informants who were alle1ed to be crime partMr'• ol .... ., •• la Uall and .... ~. T he UlHe tor rau WIHIJ 1ald, repre1eDled tlte1e l•for •p•l• -••ll•• LOI Angeles County Jail inmate Richard Kish; alleged crime partne r James Mars hall Dunagan, and Philip A . Thompson, a fellow San Quentin Stale Prison inmate who was recently convicted of armed robbery charges in the holdup of <See WISELY, Page A?> Comedian Belushi, 33, dies in LA LOS ANGELES (AP) - Comedian John Belushi, whose wayward eyebrows and bulgine belly animated his portrayal of the consummate slob on TV's original "Saturday Night Live" and in the movie ··Animal House," w.as found dead Friday at a Hollywood bungalow. A security guard a l th e Chateau Marmont Hotel ~aid Belushi was found nude on a bed in a bungalow behinfi the hotel . and •&ppea~ lo have choked on food. "It appears to be death by natural causes," 1ald Lt. Dan Cooke of lbe Loe Antelea Police Department. ''The detecUves here found notbin1 to make lt seem 1usplclou.s. '' An unldenUfied woman wbo WU qu.tioaed and releued by police WU •pannU1 tbe · lalt person to ... BelUlbl alive. The dark·b•lred, beaYJ·Ht woman, ... r1n1 IOllMdalDI bile Jo111n1 clothe1, ,left lb• holl1wood police ttauaa wlUt ..., ............ .,... ''She .._., wllll lMr name pubHcbld. m we'N .-.. .. · lloaor ... •• 1atd Diteetl•• a u1 ••II Ca1&er , ••••r ...................... ,,.. -~--- HOstages flee .. l hank, gunman . ' s111Tenders DAVIS (AP) -•FBI agents posing as hostages talked a shotgun-wielding man, who saJd be wanted $45 million and a chat· with the ma yor, into surrendering Friday after be had held 66 bank employees and customers hostage. No one was injured in the 61h-hour ordeal - Eric Roberts. 29, of rural Knights Landing, was taken into custody after FBI agents and police sneaked all the hostages out and five agents in to pose as bank employees. Ray Yelchek, FBI agent in charge or the Sacramento office, s aid one of th e agents pretending t.o be a bank worker persuaded Roberts to give up. ·'It was not anything specific that he (the ·agent) said. He just talked him out," Yelchek said at a ne ws conference after the arrest. ' ··He (Roberts > unloaded his weapon, lai d it down a nd surrendered," Yelcheck said. The 20-gaug~hotgun. which had been purchased at a nearby store moments before the man entered the bank, still had nine live rounds, the agent said. The gunman. who entered the bank shortly before noon and fired a shot into the ceiling, let 24 bank customers out within the first hour. Four hours later. 42 hostages, some or them barefoot to keep quiet, sneaked out a back exit with the assistance of police while a television helicopter created a diversion at the front. Yelchek said." As the hostages were sneaking out one·by·one. five armed FBI agents crept into the bank and took the place of escaping hostages. Yelcheck said he was not sure if Roberts eve!' knew that the hostaees had left and been replaced by agents. ··we're not sure what he was aware of. He gave no indication (that he was aware> they were leaving," Yelcheck s aid. Yelcheck and Davis Police Chief Victor Mentink said some Money supply falls sharply NEW YORK (AP> -The nation's basic money supply Cell sharply in late February, the Federal Reserve Board reported Friday, raising hopes for relief from high interest rates. The Fed sai<i M 1, a measure or funds readily available for spending, plunged $3 billion in the week ended Feb. 24 to a s easonally adjusted $444.8 billion. Ml includes cash in circulation, travelers checks and deposits in checking-type accou nt s in financial insUtutions. or Roberta' demands were $45 million in cash, an airplane for • escape and a talk with Mayor Sandy Motley, who is In Brazil. Roberts had worked in -health research laboratory ~ the local University of Call/ornia campus. said UC spokesman" Bob Qynum. _ Lyle Reed, a s ilversmith in Knight s Landing, to ld Sacramento television station KOVR that Roberts was "very, very moody" and "wasn't stable all the time." Shooting, suieide in Mesa A 41-year-old Tustin woman is dead and her 22-year-old son in serious condition after what police have tentatively ruled an attempted murder and a suicide in Costa Mesa Fnday night. Dead of a single gunshot wound to the head is ·Lisa H. Darling of 15711 Williams St. Her son. Phillip H. Darling ol Long Beach , was listed in serious condition early today in the trauma unit of Fountain Valley Community Hospital with a gunshot wound that entered his back and exited through hit chest. Police said evidence gained in a preliminary investigation and an intervjew with· Phillip Darling indicates that DarlinJ was shot by his mother, wbO then turned the gun on herself and inflicted the fatal wound. Del. Lt. Jack Calnon sa.ld lbe son told police at· the hospital that the shooting terminated an hour·long argument that was one episode in a "very involved" dis agreement that has "beeo going on for a long time." The incident took place at the younger Darling's business office at 2148G Newport Boulevard at about 7: 10 p.m., Calnon said. The wounded son told police that he and his mother bad just returned to his office -when she produced a .38 revolver. shot him, fired another shot at him which missed, then turned the gun on herself. The victim told police he ran to a nearby bicycle shop to seek he lp after witnessing his mother's suicide. ,,... Calnon said an aut opsy scheduled to be per~rmed today would help prove the veracity of the son's story. The younger Darling had not been chareed with any crime as of early today, but the investigation was continuing, Calnon said. 1 • 0ra"99 Ooalt DAIL V PILOT/Saturday, Man:h I , 1882 Depuiy charged in ja~l brawl One of two Oran1e County abnlff'I deputl• accua..S ot HHUhlnl a county Jail priloner Tuesday bu been arrett.ed oa twin felony cbar1ea stemmina from the incident, a 1heriff'1 department spokesman reported Friday. The second deputy accused ol partlclpaUn1 In the jallboute brawl waa not charged and h1a case will be bandied on an "admlniatrative" level. the spokesman said. Deputy James Piersante, 48, a .deputy since 1967, was charged with felony assualt with a deadly weapon and felony assault by a peace officer under the aegis ol authority, according to the spokesman. Piersante, who surrendered in From PageA1 the presence ol bis attorney. wu booked on the char1• and later re l ease d on h la own recognizance, the spokesman said. The brawl alle1edly left a prisoner. William Edward Hinch, 34, of Norwalk, with a ruptured spleen and multiple bruises and scrapes. He waa taken to the UC Irvine Medical Center where he waa reported in 1ood condition following sur1ery. The fight allegedly broke out while the deputies were leadin1 Hinch from the jail's housina section to an a r ea where prisoners are r e l eased or exchanged , said Lt. Job.n Hewitt. There was no disclosure a s to what triggered-the incident. NOT SO NICE -Coke might go better with a lot of things, 1>utirWasn't so nice w1lh lfiis traffic acci~rT<fay on e southbound San Diego Freeway near the Junipero Serra ............ exit in Sa11_ Juan Capistrano. There '«ere no injw:ies.Jn -th -crash-::though. That was nice. WISELY TRIAL. • • . :~:,Queen trying for Congress -~·Laguna Niguel woman from royal family files for 43rd district ·'By JEFF AD LEK !'>Of .. Delly ...... , .... .. About the time George •·Washington was elected, there . "Wa s some -not much - •thought' given to c alling the ,fledgling nation's first leader "king" rather than "president." Then, for more than 200 years, there rea lly wa·s no need to ·determine just what role a royal royalty saying, "I can't live that way." She said she is running ffn' office 'because "I tiave a definite statement to make. "I feel it's tim~ for me to represent the voice of the people of my district." She gauges herself a political conservative who tends lo the moderate side ol certain issues. :;· 1 ''I found it very difficult to be raised 'in America . and go back to . all the traditions .'' t a mily has in this most emocratic of federal republics. t least until now. wouldn't take milk from her mother. •'I was chosen because when 1 wouldn 't lake milk , rn.y great-granc;tmother to.ok it ts a sign of strength and rebellion." Mrs. Davis said. Since leaving the island as a child, Mrs. Davis has returned only once, in 1958, to visit. She said she has mixed emotions about her visit since it was very difficult to suddenly be accorded all the respect of her position. "ll was too ceremonial," Mrs. Davis said, "I found it very difficult lo be raised in America and go ba c k to all t h e traditions." . a Temple City antique store. Wisely is also charged in that crime. Ki s h claimed during his testimony that Wisely admitted to him that be arranged his stepfather's death because the o lde r man had discovered hi s rig allegedly was being used to smuggle drugs. Dunagan, who pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter c ha rges in con nection with Bray's death, testified that he acted as lookout for Wisely as the ex-convict sneaked up on his steprather's truck and tripped a switch which lowered the cab on Bray. who was examining the engine. Thompson, according to the prosecution, told police in Burlingame, Calif .. that Wisely . s olicited him o n s evera l occasion.5 to kill his stepfather. Thompson later . recanted Utose statements on the witness stand. And referring to Dunagan. the pr--0se<'ution 's key witness, Wisely said, "There's nobody to corroborate anything Mr. FromPageA1 Dunagan says." In regard to Kish's testimony, Wise l y has said that h e de Ii berately gave his fellow inmate damaging information against him so authorities would charge him with murder in Orange County. In that fashion, ·the defendant said, he would win delays in his Los Angeles case. The murder count, he believed, would eventually be dismissed for lack of sufficient evidence. Freeman, who peppered bis clo s i n g remarks with d es criptions o f Wisely as ·'devious," "s lippery" and "clever," called this explanation a "hellacious, horrendous and preposterous lie." "The bottom line is this," said Freeman. "Why would a person want a ~u rder charge filed against him ... He came up with this incredible story because he has to explain this Kish thing." The jury. which has heard the case in Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lae's 10th-fl oor Santa Ana courtroom, will begin deliberations on Monday. Meet Elizabeth Davis, a 1-year-old Laguna Beach real state broker who wants lo win e Republican nomination for he 43rd District con1ressional eat. S h e suppor ts President Reagan's de fense apendln1 proposals, and said she believes foreign aid money could be better used a.t h o m e to s up.Plement social programs that have been cut. S he added s he was "too ambitious" for that kind of lifestyle , where people wailed on her "hand and fool ." A s for h e r political connections with. the island, Mrs. Davis said tfiere are few. She explained she is much more concerned with the problems Southern California faces since this is her home. .BELUSHI DIES • • • Look and look again. For llzlbeth Davis, mother , real slate broker and politician, also s the ancestral queen of the amoan people. · Her Samoan name and title is mouthful in English : Laulauga alana Aufaoa Taupou 0 Tufele , alea'i Tuimanua. But in !f.merican Samoa, with a ·r.pulation of more than 30,000, .. ~~e is a ruler whose descendants !f!an be traced back 300 years. I In fact, her cousin, with whom he equally shares the royal ille, is the elected lieutenant overnor :of the islands and her ncle is the leader of the island's 'enate. But Mrs. Davis, who came to U.S. when she was 13 years , eschews the prerogatives of homes Jlamagedin ~~ the Rivenide l ive and Park Boulevard area Santa Ana sustained minor ma1e Friday when emben m a nearby brush fll'e lpited eir roofs, fire officlata said. )lere were no injuries. :Santa Ana Battalion Chier ester Gross said about 40 efipten from hls department d the dty of Orange jol~ in . f 4~-bour effort to keep tbe f).ames from spreading in brisk nds. Costa Mesa and Newport each firefighte rs covered ' nta Ana's empty station• ile firefighters fought the Hes, be said. .Grou aald the ftre •tarted in nearby · Santiaao Creek bed t about ':so .P· m. and irefltbten remained OD tbe cene ...W about 8:50 p.m . .Chief Wllllam Reimer said the omu all bad abate 1biqle ool1. Gr• •aid IOIMI from the • 11 ..,, were mlnor. _.. •. -.-.. P.H91ey •Oillt ._ CllMt N. Weld She adds she is opposed lo the Equal Rights. Amendment, but believes In women's rights lo abortion. Mrs. Davis contends she is tough enough for the rigors of the House of Representatives because as the leader of the Samoan people she was schooled for decision-making. She explained she was chosen to be queen among the many great-grandchildren her great-g randmother bad lo cho<_>s e (rom because s h e The mother or two children, s he a nd her husband , Mike Davis, a CaJifornia Highway patrolman, make their home in Laguna Niguel. Mrs. Davis attended San Diego City College and Catholic University. Before coming to the U.S .. she said she was being trained in a convent lo rule the Samoan Islands. Nixon niece files for Congress race By JOHN NEEDHAM OI .. Delly "'9l ,._ Ir vine resident Lawrene Nixon AnflnSOD, niece of former President Richard Nixon, officially joined the race Friday for the RepubUcan nomination lo the 43rd Congressional District. Mrs . Anfinson, 38, is the daughte r of Donald Nixon, a Ne wport resident who is the· brother or the former president. The congreulonal candidate, who said 1he served aa a "Nixonette" in her uncle's presidential campaign.a, arrived at the Orange County Reliatrar of Voters at about 2 p.m. with nomination papers containin9' the required eo signatures. Sbe sa'ld abe •Poke lo her uncle about her bid for a seat in ·the U.S. Congress, but wouldn't be seeking bis help durin1 her campailft. "Uncle Dlck WU a role model for me and ot eoune I am ~ of bis HC:Ompllabmenta, • abe 1aJd. "Bat in tlda campalp I am l'1llUdal • my OWD two feet with the support of my bUlband and eblldna.1• ljra. Aafla1on'1 husband, Tboma, II • appointee ta the Rea1aa lldmlnlltratJoa. Ht ls emplo7ed in tbe Hew Communities Development Corp., a branch of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Anfinsons have three children - lwin 11-year-old daughters and a son. 9. Mrs. Anfinson said one of the issues she will be campaigning on concerns federal plans to lease offshore a reas for oil exploration. "I will flatly oppose any oil ex pl oration off the Southern California coast ," s he said. "What we don't need Is a repeat of what happe ned in Santa Barbara." Mrs . Anfinson said s he wouldn't be lied to what she called "the Republican line," even if it could mean disagreeing with the president . and his spending policies. "I just don't see how we can continue increasin1 defense spending without fraising taxes to some degree," she said. The 43rd district covers both southe,·n Oran1e County and nortbem San Diego County. 1be area includes the San Dle10 County communiUes of Carlabad and Oceanside. ~~.~Je County communities c lD &M ..... dlltr1ct .,. La1una Beach, part of San Juan Capistrano, llluioa Viejo, put of San Clemente. Captatrano Beach, El Ton, Irvine Newport Beach, a portion of Lapna Niluel and Dau POlnt. 11 U'1 Sebmka, wile ot ltata SID1tor .Joma SdmUtl ot CoraDa Del .... ii ... 1WDiDI ...... .1 .. I ..,..bleu prim.,,. Other candidates ID ''• Repabllcaa race are ·Ruclall ~. • Mltn-•• frGm Bl Toro; C••ek K••••r. .,.,, ...... , 111a11oa va.io: S I I 1 a b e t 11· D a • I I , --=L. •. ~ """'~ _.. • et I CISB •1: .118111 _. ., • Two .... Di t.':f.!9~·,. ..... Oellyl"llell .......... CANDIDATE -Eli zabeth Davis of Laguna Nig uel has roya lty in her blood. but. in h e r h ea rt . s h e·s a Republican. The Laguna Niguel real estate woman is running for Congress. on the case . An autopsy was lo be performed, possibly this weekend, police said. Cooke said that the hotel bad delivered food to the room at about 8 a .m. and the woman had signed for it. Hours after she bad left the bungalow, Belushi's physical trair1'?r, William Wallace, found the comedian's body, at 12:15 p.m . ''He tried lo administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. a n d the parame dics were called," Cooke said. But Belushi had been dead for two or three hours before Wa llace arrived. Cooke said. · Belushi was a favorite on NBC-TV's late-nig'1t "Saturday Night Uve, ~· where be played me m orabl e r o l es as a n out r ageous Samurai warrior, one of the "Killer Bees" and a violent television commentator. ··He was one of the most Intrinsically funny men I have ever known ," said "Saturday • LuXurtoua U>c*er FadtllM for Men a WOCMA • a.-. e.n. JllDllZZI • 2 &Md Voleytlll Cour1I • 118 Mle Jogging Tra • ~ ExenllM PrOQ1111-111rw111m•• • (btmn•llim (lntl9tbll, Voleybll) • AM lllbylfttlng ..,_ • 1 e ~ AloQull)lleourta TOllRS ===~•111 coNDiJCIED : ~ = °"""'* Pocil I 8'lidlclk DAIL y ............ I loallt Lounge .................. 112;.o&e& Night'' co-star Chevy Chase. "My hearUelt sympathy goes out to his wife Judy apd lo all bis other close friends.· / "I count myself 1Jcky lo have known him. We will all miss him," Chase said in a statement released by his public,ist. "Jot-n's death is a tragic disaster for all of us who loved him and knew how really far bis talent was laking him," said Steven Spielberg, who directed Belushi in the World War II CO!lledy "1941." Belushi last a ppeared on "Saturday Night Live" in 1979, leaving lo purs ue a career in Hollywood. He appeared in s uch mOflies as t he acclaimed "Animal Hou se," the· less s uccessful "1941," a nd recently ·'Neighbors," in which he co-starred with old "Saturday Night Live" sid ekick Dan Ayltroyd. ·~ LIKE OLD TIMES -Lauren Bacall and Jason Robards, who were once ma rried to eath othe r. have a brief chat in New York. They were at a rally to save two Broadway theate rs that are scheduled for demolition to make way for a new hotel. Sir Freddie loses freebie Sir Freddie Laker, who lost hi s Lak e r A i rw a y s t o receivership, also lost his right to free tickets on other a1Tlines. British Airways said it was withdrawing the privilege accorded to all airline chiefs because Laker is no longer The British house where John Lennon lived as a child ha s b een sold fo r the equi va l e nt o f $30 ,195 a lthough it was advertised for $91,500, real estate agent Haywood MUu>n says. The new owners of No. 9 N e wc as tl e R o ad , i n Wave rtree, a Liverpool suburb, are a n .. o rdinar) young couple " a nd no t proper ty s p ecul a t<>r s or Beatie fans. Milton said. H e s aid a Brit is h businessman advertised the brick house in the United States as Lennon's birthplace and tried to sell it at an infla ted price, but didn't get any offers. There's no place like home, says Gov . George Nigh, who likes the governor's mansion so much he wants to become the first chief executive in Oklahoma history to s ucceed himself. · But he couldn't resist a jest in announcing his re-election plans . "l want to announce lo you ' ope rating. Other airlines said they would follow suit. Laker fl ew back to Brita in on a BA fli ght Tuesday with a fTee--it.958 first-class ticket while 20 Britons stranded when his a irline coll apsed las t month rode in the tourist section. They had paid $238 extra for the BA ticket. and the press that I wilt not be a candidate for lieutenant governor of Oklahoma." he said at a news confere nce. With a war c h est o f $500,000 and no opposition fro m m ajor De mocrati c candidat es, Nigh. 54 . is cons idered certain lo win his party's nomination. P r eside nt Leon id I. Brezhnev a nd othe r top members of the ruling Soviet Politburo appeared Friday at a n a n nu a1 ce r e m o n y m a rking Inte rnat io nal Women's Day. Bre zhne v , 75, w a lked unaided but a little stiffly as h e we nt on stage at the Bolshoi Theater in downtown Moscow. Police in· Sacra me nto say they will cite Assemblyman Sam Farr, D-Carmel, for going through a flashing red light before his car coUided with a police car . T he accident happened two blocks from the Capitol. Police Sgt. Mike Roy sa id oflicer Leolau Zabbt1 c:omplllned of back and neck pa Ina. Roy alld Farr. itl, a lone ln bl1 atale·owned Cir, went ' through the fla1hln1 recr I slanal ind collided In the I center or the Intersection with tho police crula>er , driven by orrlct r Amerlff Cerpmeta, who w~ not hurt. Jndlan Prime Minister hdlra Gudbl wlll pay an official visit to Saudi Arabi• on A:pril 16·19 to help expand economic c oop e r ation between the two countries. Mrs . Gandhi also ls expecte d to discuss with Saudi king Khalid Bia Abdul Asta t he situation tn the Middle East , particufarly the annexa tion of t he Golan Heights by Israel, and the Palestinian iss ue. Former President Gerald Ford and his wife a nno•nced t he birth or t he i r third g r a nd c hild , Rebekah Elizabeth Ford. T e rri R ocov i c h . a spo k eswoman a t Fo rd 's orrice in Palm Springs. said the baby was born Feb. 26 at Forsyth Memorial RospTta1 in Winston-Salem, N .C .. to 32-year·old Michael Ford and his wire. Gayle, 31. FIRST JUSTICE Be rtha Wilson of Toronto, a judge on the Ontario Court of Appeal. has been a ppointed the first wom an lo s it on the Supreme Court of Canada. bre.ak in g a 107-year-old tradition. Clouds increasing Coastal • Sm•ll cr•U aovl,ory tn •ftec1 betwttn P!Hnt Conc:eptton •nd O•n• Point due 10 tool HSI lo nortn.ast winos OI IS lo H llnoli 1n arH • below cenyoni Wind\ dee r••'.linQ thh mo<nln9 E tsew,,,.,. llqlll •••l•ble winds momlno be<omln<a -•• to southwest I to 1l -~ •«•,.,._. •nd evenlnca Westerly •-•• 1 to l fMt. V•rl•ble 11191> cloucllneu tllrOUOfl t""IQlll. California Southern dnert 1119"~ In 70s ... lo 1' ~-y l~ 0 10 .SO lncrn ••"9 111011 'c•oud• tocl•Y 1n Northern •nd Centr•I C•liforn1• Ctwtnce of r•'n or shOwtf'S coa\t•I •re•s and v•lk>Y\ tod•v Warminq ,,.,,., Exte nded forecast I• ' ~ ... ~ ( ' -~ ---=== ~o•• .. ~ .•. Butl•lo Cll.rtstnSC CNlrtslnWV Cflty._ Clll<-oc> CIMJftnatt , __ SO 21 Alcllm- 71 St S.11 L•ke JI l3 SHiii• J7 .Ot St Louis l4 O'I St P·T•~ )4 11 Soot!.,,. )4 2I TuUOft :M » wuhlftoln :: ~ Wlcllll• 11 • as 30 51 ,. n n 74 " .. 2' .. 40 se v JO u COlumllus 0.l·FI wtll Denoter DHMOll'H Detroit 21 U CALI l"'OllNIA El Pew FalrDanlls "•rtford Het~ H~vlu Hoitt ton lndn¥11S Ja<kst1Ylle K.n.1 City &,.tiV99H Lltll• flock Lou'•"ll .. -mpt>ls Ml•ml Mllw•ullee • Mctls-St.P N•V.vllle NewOr- New Yorll Okl•Clly Om•ll• P!lllM~ ,.,.. .. 1. ~ ~.­....... Of'9 "etllCIQIV .__ 32 10 Apple Valley u ., 8•kersfleld 20 ~ B•rslow 4 n BHumont 44 14 B'9 BHr 79 U Bl~ U ff Btytlle tt tt C•t•llna 11 5' Fr .. no 2' 1• L•nust.< 60 4' L0119 BMCll .. 2' LCKA11t91M 34 JO M•ruvllle u u Montellello 10 n Monte,.y U ot Newport BH<h U GI O•kl- JI n Ont•rlo n s.c P•tm Sprtnos S2 lS P•Nt<t•ne l6 2' Pu o Aolllff " 10 "'"*"'* SO )7 AHBIV!t 10 JO A-CllY ~1 M S...O..._ 49 JO s... Fr...c!Ko 51 • s.nJ- 10 .oi S.nt• Ane •• " s.>ftt••-· s.tll•CNl S.nl• M«t. S.nt•~ BOif REPORT SIOOton T~V .. le\I Ton-. Yum• ... ... ............. Tides -· ·"" ... ... .. Se<~hlfll J II t 2 WSW a II , J WSW "''~'-• II J a • "''" """ • II , J w s.c...--*°'"'• We're ·li,'ISfening ••• H 21 ., . ., C2 st • .. n S7 1' 11 S2 70 " " J1 '° ,. 71 46 n n ., .Q n '° 6l AS 73 ., H 4' .. 41 71 .. .. ., •l M .. 0 ". M AS n SI ':: ~ 7J .s ,, '2 .. '2 ... , •s o u • a. II 12 46 7• ,. TOOAY 12: ···""· '·' •itt•.fl'I. u tilh.111. •I.I ...... lft. u / Wl'lat do you Uke 1bout the D1Uy Pilot? What don'l you like? Call the number below and your me•Hlt" will ~ recorded. transcribed •nd dellvt>rt"d lo lht appropriate editor. TtM aam• M·hour an1w•rin1 MrVi~ may be UMd la ncoN let· ~ra to the fdltor on any top&c. Mailbox IOllU't.._. muat AMW. &Mir ..... and tel.l'Phone nurnbtr fOf' v~fk.U.. No dttul8llali c•lla,.,a.&M, Tell us wh•t's oa your "'1nd. Orange Coast OAILY Pl~OT/Saturday, Maroh 8, 1982 "' Homes on the line F.amilies facing eviction. after bail forfeit eye. appeal . The 1ttorney (or several !Janta Ana famillea facln1 evleUon after putUna their homtt up u bail for a rel1Uve wbo felled to appear for trl1I 11ld Friday they may take their cue to tlle U.S. Supreme Court. Attomey Robert S..sone Wei the families wtrt tryln&. to decide Friday whether they could ralse between $500 and $3,000 that will be needed ror the appeal. The families are the parents, two married sisters, a nd a married niece o r Benito f'rlaa-Ramlrei . Tbey forfeited the $250,000 bail in 1979 when Frias-Ramirez failed to appear for a pntrial hearin1 on dru1 possession charges. They technically lost their h omes when the ball was forfeited but have remained ln thei'r dwellings during le1al proceedings. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal In San Francisco op Wedn es day u pheld an oraer requlrln1 forfeiture of the ball. The famlUet are cl1Jmln1 that Frlu·Ramlrea dltd 10 day1 before t.be beartnc ln a boat n,.., a cl1lm authoriUea dilpute. 8aT~crne allo 11td tbe f orfelture wLU be contested on a point ot contract law. He claims that thetamllltl were put at r1.tk fo r their home• with UUle explanattoo or what they were 1eltin• Into. Petty criminals in jeopardy for H little II a SIOO nn.e have their rl1bta to an attorney and I full IS!COUDting of their rights protected, he said. Sassone also uid that the famlltes should not bear the burden of responslblllty for Frias~Ramirez' unproven death. "Normal contract law aays the person who draws up the contract is liable in case of an am blguity," be said . Sassone contends the government was drawing up a contract with the families when the two sides entered into the bail agreement. Sassone. and family members, 1. who w.-re interviewed by t¥ Aasoclated Prell, admit ~1 are unaurt wb.tth•r Frlas-Ramlrea actually dJed. ~ "Ont d•J la• Ju l disappeared," alia iHWr wi• q~oted u 1ayln1. ''Ht Just net)I' oame t>,ck. Hia frienda aal~ died on a bolt when It bu . We tboupt he mt1bt abow , but maybe be wu afraid." • OHicil.11 say Fri11·R•m was a Ueutenant for one of Southla nd 's lar1eat d ~ dealers, that his a1Jeged appears to be a sham, and they t.h1ak be is alive ID Me ._nd the owner of 'a wee a or property there. He w11 charged bere conspirinf to import cocline · poss ess on with lntent distribute cocaine and heroin. Sassone repre1ente d parties except Friu-Raml parents at Wednesday's b He said he probably wo repr~ent them all If the goes to the U.S. Supreme Mali gets married, coiivicted Kaye Walker or Buena Park was married Friday at the Orange County Courthouse. An hour after her marriage, a superior court jury convicted her husband, Arthur Ruffo, and co·derendant William Fris bee of first-degree murder for the April 1981 beating deatti of a fellow Orange County Jail inmate in a courthouse holding cell. The new Mrs. Ruffo, a cocktail waitress, broke down and left the courtroom in tears following the reading of the verdicts. Frisbee'$ wife also we pt a fter the verdicts we re announced. Superior Court Judge Leonard M c Bride, who married the Ruffos, scheduled sentencing proceedings fo r the two men March 22. Ruffo a nd Frisbee we r e convicted or killing Michael Charles Bottoms, who died from head and neck injuries several ... days after the attack. The jury of seven women and five men bega n deliberating Wednesday. Six inma t es i n a ll were originally charged in the crime, but charges against one ·man have been dropped. Another defe ndant. Gilbert Lovato, a con v1cted murderer , also may have c harges aga ins t him dropped . Still facing trial will be Lawren ce Poulsen , a lso a previously convicted m1trderer . and Philip Senteno. Their trials begin on March 29 and April 19 respecl1 vely. P rosecut9 r s be lieve that Bottoms. Who ra ced murde r charges as well, was attacked b y fellow inmates i n the ba sement holding cell during a lunch break on April 20, 1981. T he cell held 40 prisoners at t he time. It is believed that A-OK SERVICE CENTER Bottoms. 25 , a Long Beach resident, was attacked on three separa te o cc a s i o ns in the holding cell. Witnesses S"a id that Ruffo instigated the attack as a means or gaining entrance to the Ary.an Br o th e rho o d , a white s u'premacis t prison group. Before Friday 's verdicts were announced , Ruffo was married t o Miss Wa lker in Judge McBride's chambers. The new brlde was frisked by a female s h er iff's deputy before the ne wl yweds were pe rmitted to kiss. The new Mrs. Ruffo said she had met her husband through mutual rriends about four years ago. Ruffo was pr e viously con victed of a robbery charge whil e Fri s b e e had been previously convicted or robbel')' and attempted murder. · RCA CLOSE-OUT All Consoles at Dealer Cost, Cash & Carry All Sets Include Full Fadory Warrmtty RCA ColofTrak 25" - 1411. YAUO 0Y1Hr'I ,Orllble \11010 U Gay ~:c-..... loe _,,,.. '""'"' ....... ZENITH SPECIALS ~·t ~ SMIHJ , ... ~-sc.aoo ........,.. ex>ruol -Ach ene• Spece ltlloM T11111 co~trol "a+••"• 0.. ~ ...... YHNll YHMll ....... -•tr-~11110 ca1or.-1une A .... buy Slit.II VHS TAPES s12so 14 OW "<4'*'''e:lblc ~ IOIOll M HIM •woo .... Tin9 t. ' I tQ;r' ....... ---....... _..,..a..,,ll?UI 1982 HITACHI SIGNAL TRACKERS CT1tl2 ti" Teble Model. Lighted QhMnel lndlcetor •• w.mut greln ..... ~ CT2116 25" T8ble Model. Aendom Acee.. Tuning with Infrared ••mote. Olgltal Cheft nel lndlcetor. Vin I Clad wood cn111 . 25" Console. Contemporery tight oek cabinet. Nndo"' AcceN Tuning with '"''.,.,. remote controf. Otgltel CMMet ,rndlcator. 10'211 warranty._ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/S1turday, March e, 1982 SMASHING FUN -El Morro Ele me nta n · Srhool fourth graders choose hat dance partners · b y smashing cas carones. hollow eggs filled with confe tti. ove r U{e heads of the ir intended pa rtners . The dance was part of a fiesta the s tudents celebra ted History repeats itself in class El Morro 4th graders celebrate old-time fiesta For a moment, California's frontier history and its Spanish heritage came alive for 60 El highlighted by the children's s pirited rendition of the Me xican hat dance. The young "old" Cali fo rnians chose partners by smashing confetti-filled hollow eggs or cascarones over the heads of their intended. Morro Elementary School fourth graders. • The Laguna Beach students, under the direction of teachers Barbara Harding and Libby Coleman, celebrated a fiesta much like the Ii vely ce lebrations to which frontier Californians must ha ve looked forward long ago. . The fiesta -complete with costumed senors and senoritas, a pinata and snacks -culminated the children's stud.Yo of California rancho life, ·according to Mrs . Harding. . Then, in an age-old tradition still popular today. the students battled to break open a brig htly colored pinata they had fashioned. The celebration o( old California w as ·When fmally it was broken open, all the children had le amed -gbout early California life was forgotten in the rush for the shower of peanuts and sweets De,ja vu 8:t the Deja Vu Burned nightclub's help rebuild for reopening By RICHARD GREEN Of, ... o.lly ...... Sutt Except for a slight smell of old smoke, there is little to indicate to patrons of the Cos t a Mesa-based Deja Vu nightclub that the place almost burned down last month. That's because all 40 club employees Ritched in and put the club back together, sa id John Bellamy, 38, who co-owns the club with Tom Elsea. Waitresses-turned-upholsterer! and bartenders-turned - mirror-hangers deserve much or the credit for the quick refurbishing after the Feb. 15 Sl90,000 fire , said Bellamy. This is the first weekend the Deja Vu is open since the fire. which authorities believe was set by an arsonist. Nobody has been arrested. For a while, Bellamy thought this reopening weekend might never come. Caltrans, which owns the Deja Vu building and the land on which it sits, was ready to bull doze the place b e for e Re llamy g ot an engineer's r eport which dete rmined the c lu b didn 't s uffer m aj or structural damage. Now Cal t..rans. which was giving the club a month-t o- month lease, h as given it a 12-year lease. Caltrans bought the property several years ago when it was ac tively pl a nnin g to t urn Ne wpo rt Bo ulevard into a freeway, said Bellamy Now that Caltrans has given a long lease, Bellamy is hoping the club will o perate without in cident in the coming years. It's no small job to try to put a nightclub bac'< together after it's been gutted by fire. For example. there were 2,200 li ghts below the dance floor that had to be replaced . Those lights will once again be bl1nk1ng thi s we e k e nd as would·bc J ohn Travoltas strut their stuff Weintraub ioon't be charged LOS ANGELES <AP) -The di stric t atto rn ey 's office announced Friday that criminal charges won't be filed again.st school board member Roberta Weintraub, even though she has been named as a co-cons pirator in the forging of faJse s ignatures on a 1979 petition to recall then-board president Howard Miller. Mrs. We intraub had been identifi ed last November by a nti -bus in g a c tivis t Jean Mulligan as cons piring in the petition falsification. In January 1981 , another worker in the a nti -busing' c ampaign, Carol Scappaticci or Woodland Hills, s aid Mrs . Weintraub had repeatedly urged her to place ph o n y s ign atures on the petitions. You've All Been Asking • . WELL IT'S HERE I NEWPORT SKI COMPANY'S SUPER • Sale Starts March 5th .Clothing & Equipment i Insurance plan OK'd Seal Beach hopes to reap premiums in Avco venture Financially troubled Seal Beach has entered the home Insurance business with a Newport Beach firm In hopes of eventually eetting $250,000 annually In premiums. The so-called Municipal HOmeownera Insurance plan was approved on a 3--0 vote with two City Counci). members abstaining,. say Seal Beach officials. The proposaJ is the s ame that the Huntington Beach council tabled indefinitely last month and that San Clemente officials rejected. Numerous other cities in the state have rejected the proposal, whic h is opposed by private insurance agents and business owners who say it's an intrusion of government into the private sector. Mill Valley i n Northe r n California and Seal Beach are the only two cities in the stale to join the program w ith Avco FinanciaJ Group. Basically. it stales that the only responsibility of Seal Beach is to provide s afety inspections of hbme11 on request. Then Avco wlll offer a purport~dly low-cost home insurance to homeowner11 whose residences pass the ins pection. Avco official~ say the homes that gass Inspections will be low risks and that there wilt<-be s urplus premiums that would go back to the city. Seal B~ach officials say their $9 million budg et ha s a projecte d deficit of about $300,000 and that city workers may be hud off, Dan J oseph, a ssis tant city manage r, says c ity officials expect about 80 per cent of the 4,000 homeowners in Seal Beach to buy the municipal insurance. within five years . The city's projected share of premiums would be about $250,000 he said. Avco officials say they need 30 p ercent o f th e pre mium payments for adminis trati ve costs and that the city gets w h at· s I e ft o f 'r e m a in in g premiums after loss claims are paid "If we were in a fina ncially comfortuble oosition he re I don't think the Insurance pro1ram woulc;I be pushed, but we're facing possible layoffs to balance our budget," says Dan Joseph, assistant city mana1er or Seal Beach. "If rt works here and In Northern California I ·think you' II s ee some or the other cities take another look at the pl an," he said. Hunt i ngt o n Beach Admlni i.trato r C harle s Thompson is chairman or the committee that developed the concept the past three years. The committee included o(ficlaJs of various ci ties E'inigration dips C:E NEVA, Switzerland <AP) J ewish emigration from the Soviet Union fell to a record low in January. the Geneva-based lnlergovcrnment•I Committee for Migr ation said. The agency said 290 Soviet Jews arrived in Vienna, Austria . commonly the fi rst stop befo re resettling in another country CROWN & BRIDGE* DENTURES* FILLING1S DENT AL PLANS ACCEPTED Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT-MASTERCARD-VISA 2706 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 556-8013 Direct From Our Factory The MilanoModularSofa Manila has the largest collectton of top quality wicker rattan available anywhere Our furniture comes direct from our Fae· tory In the Philippines This is why the metlculous hand craftsmanship of our designer fu rniture 1s allordeble to all. No one can offer the Quality at the price we do. .ftlD BEST OF ALL THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF DESIGNER FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM. While wlci<er and rattan furniture le Just another department In moet storee, to Manila Ifs our whole way of life. MODULAR SOFA 3150.00 COFFEE TABLE n11.oo SIDE TABLE 180.00 . · .... W• HAV•A FIN• S•L•CTION OF HANOMAD• llUGSAT Tll•M•NDOUS SAVINGS Olll•CT ~llOM TH• Olll•llT, SOUTH BAY AREA WEITllDE ORANGE COUNTY PAIADENA (213) 537·3421 (213)138-1181 . (714) MO-OS22 (213) '4•20l3 ,WEIT COVINA REDONDO aUCH !. PALM IPR.NOi IAN l'MNCl8CO (213) M2·3517 (213) 37.1 JM (714) SIC>l740 (411Jl•U70 Sunday's guests on TV WASHJNGTON (AP) -Here are lhe scheduled auests on Sunday's n e twork news Interview shows: -CBS "Face the Nation" - former vice president Walter Mondale. -ABC "This Week With David Brinkley " -Israeli Derense Minster Ariel Sharon and former nationa l security adviser Zbigniew Bnezinski. -NBC "Meet the Press" - Sen ate Budget Committee Ch airman Pe t e Oomenici. R-N.M. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Marc h 6, 1982 -·'Brainstorm' finished Director films around the late Natalie Wood CULVER CITY (AP) -The much-troubled "Brainstorm," almost abandoned after the drowning death or N ataUe Woodl co nclud e d prlnclpa photo1raphy Frld .. y after 19 days of additional fllmtna. Douslaa Trumbull directed Cliff Robertson in the final scene ' at MGM studios. Now Trumbull will assemble the foota1e for review by MGM executives, who will decide whether to spend an additional $3 million in special effects to finish the science ri ction film . The director expect.a to have the assembly( the conclusion or a seven-film ready In four or five weeks. :'....J r etrospecUve of the actr .. a' M G M a u g· g e s t e d work at the l,.os An1el" Jl'lJm "Brainstor m" was "fatally Exposition. flawed" by the Nov. 29 death or M l u Wood accidentally Mlsa Wood and sought to scrap drowned off Catalina llland • the rifm. The insurer, Lloyds of while on a Tbaoksgivlnt holiday London, agreed to advance $3 with h er hus ba nd, Robert million to complete the major Wagner, and actor Christopher photography , which now has W a 1 k e n . h e r co -a t a r i n cost $14 milllon. "Brainst.Orm." The fllm ls about Trumbull ls convinced the a research scieptist, played by film, to which he has devoted Walken, who invents a device three years, wlll be completed. that trans mits emotions and He has released footage or Miss thoughts from one person to Wood to be shown March 31 at another Textbook· deposits approved On CBS' "60 Minutes " C harges of i llegal cost overruns in s pace s huttl e program are inves tigated , religious culls and why young people join them are probed and the impact or a General Electric pla nt c losing in Ontar io is examined. A BlGFOOT? Erick a nd Kelly Wakefi eld of Tucson check out a hefty pair of walking boots. one of 285 e ntries in Tucson's annual Fiesta de los Vaqueros Rodeo Parade. The event is billed as the world's longest non-mechanized parade. drawing 1,000 horses SACRAMENTO <AP) -High schools could require $20 textbook depos its, under a bill approved by the state Assembly. The vote was 48· 10 Thursday on AB2391 by Assemblyman Tom Hannigan, D·Fairfield, But opponent Teresa Hughes, D·Los An&eles, asked for a second vote next week. Hannigan said parents are not Liable for up to $200 in damages dooe by their children, but that school districts have to take the pa re nts to court to get the • money. Genera ll v that costs more than the damage. But Assemblywoman Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, said school districts could use the •• policy to raise money. • Pearl warnings told New evidence of 1941 surveillance found DANBURY , Conn. CAP) -Pulitzer Prize-winning historian J ohn Toland said he has round evidence to prove the United St ates had "dozens of warnings" that the J apanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. In fact, Tola nd said Friday, the U.S. Navy had tracked the Japanese carrier task force for four days before lhe attack. Americans have been told the bombing of Pearl Harbor t h at launched the United Stales into World War II was a sneak attack. . Ttfere has long been speculation that the U.S. government knew of the attack in advance but allowed it to occur to swing public opinion in favor· or going.to war. --·-...... T o land, a 69-year -old Danbury resident, said the information is in his new book, "Infamy : Pearl Ha rbor and Its Artermalh," which will be publis h ed in April b y Doubleday. Portions will appear in Japanese and German magazines next week. Toland has written eight books - three of which have won awards, including the Pulitzer for "The ,.... Rising Sun: the Decline and Fall of the J apanese Empire." "l fo und a Navy man -whom 1 promised I would not give out his name -who tracked the J apanese task force for several days before the attack on Pearl Harbor ," Toland said. He added that the man passed the information about the carrier task force to superiors who had direct con nections to President Franklin Roosevelt. "On Dec. 2, he located a strange force heading east and thought this might be the missing Japanese task force," Toland said. "On the 3rd, they found it 600 miles east of Hawaii and on the 4th determined it must be the Japanese." On the eve or the attack. the man and another naval offi cer celebrated because they were certain that the Japanese t ask force would be destroyed, 'l:oland said. He said that his sour ce did not use electronic surveill ance. as_ has.._ been supposed. "He said he did 1t through reports from s i x n ews ser vices a nd steamship lines and such ," Toland said lie said the book a lso detail s information given• tO the Americans by Dutch officials, in cluding the story of Adm Johan Meyer Ranneft. Ranneft, who died in Texas last week at age 96. said he talked Dec. 2 with the head of the Office of Naval Intelligence. who knew that two Japanese aircraft carriers were headed eastward On the afternoon of Dec 6. Ranneft said he asked ONI about the Japanese carriers and was told they' were 300 to 400 miles northwest of Honolulu. SOUTH COAST PLAZA An Extraordinary Bridal Show JEWEL COURT Arranged by Gene's for your viewing. Sunday. March 7, 2 p.m. .(INDOOR) TH• ALL --SHOW Orange aunty Fairground• Coata ••••• c;allfornl• AT THE lHO OF NEWPORT "IUWAY • PRIZES!!! ONE DAY ONLY Saturday, March e, 1982 ~ , 4 P.M.ffi~~ 1 ~ ~~:····-···-·················· ~ -.,.. .---·---..... I W..Jllft'I ) I=-__ .. ,_ ,.....,._..,_.. , ,.. "' "' I .::..--:.";':;::.. =.::..-:.:..--I ---='",;-.,::._ I ' I ""'=· --=---J' .......... __ _ . ~f!SiS. l, --·--. ' .... l R VIDFO C ASSETTE RECORDER PRICED TO SELL OUT QUICK SO OON1 WAIT--tOME IN NOW!! Moclel1 VFT190, VFT450, VFPl70 ollO priced to clffr. Our prius ~ low•r than .... ''Discounters ... LOOKING FOR A VIDEO CAMERA? RCA'S CC010 and CCOl 1 ARE PRICED TO CLEAR MOOll. VFT UM HOUR HCORD • 14 D4 Y rR06UMMAIU • WIHUSS HMOTl-CAlll HADY • SrtCIAL lfftCTS rfM IATTEIY CHMW ONLY s1900 vuso TA" ON SAL.I! NOW QUALITY BIG SCREEN AT A VERY AFFORDABLE PRICE MAG~AVOX 19" DIAGONAi. COLOR TV PRICES SLASHEDt ~oo· .·a r DJj MAGNAVOX PORT AILI VHS v1D£0 ucoua MOOIL IJ76 ·I HR. UCOID • P'IOGUMMAlll • SNCW. 9'ICTS • VISUAL SIAICH. 19" 1111111 SPACE PHONE REMOTE CONTROL W•~-w..td ...,,..._ ... ,nc • ......... ..... . ................. DNtl ..... 2""" .._ • ._........_SNIHI. , SNlf7J,SNlffJ,.-d SSlfH_ ... SPECIAL SALE PRICE ltt:Y ~1 LAST LONG AT Wt NEW LOW PRICE. tdRY. • &.ct. T-• LkJM S-.-• Awto Cob' & T-·Di• LkJM LOWEST PRICE EVE.I OM MY SET WITH EU.CT. TU•Mli Rmtdom ACCHS Remote Control at A Pric• So Low It's Ridiculous.. Hurry, U...t.d Stock. 5" DiattU AC/DC z.-11w TY• AM/JM R*lllllMlt l11Ctawb Aln. S.,.r LIW hicl hrt S.Uy.S., It UC .. SM Iii. 25" .-. RCA COLORTRAK REMOTE CONTROLS ISDlff8tlHT MODILS 8" STOCK COMI IM AMD"Sll THl~MST DISPLAY Ofm.ntslN OIG.CMTY. WHY BUY AT AIC7 Prices SlasW Tt DI._ OI ~ ........ 11ltM11 C*lat $tJtlS Tt Qeesa ffa his Is ha liltltf•Tt ........ £ltllllll llrT. ...... me.. SllU SPECIALS!! i....-......... s149 ... ._ tc••uTY L...e,.... .. ,_ ............... '• • . ', . ·~ ·. .. .. ~ ~ ' . ·: . ~= • w "" .. • - • • ram •• pelts )national par~s • 'lly THOMAS D. ELIAS • Acid rain was once considered a ::un ique produc t o f the industrial ~ortheast, caused by the excess sulfur spewed from factory smokestacks and coal·burning power plants. ... But California s mog fighters have ieen warning for the last two years that .,. .. acid rain would soon become a problem l'n the Sierra Nevada. Not because of '4actories and coal. but from cars and ojl-fired power plants. •• And now acid has turned up in the .-national parks along the western side of • the Sierra. So far, it is most severe at the quoia and Kings Canyon parks. which .~ature giant redwoods. • And although there are no measuring •-stations al nearby Yosemite National Park, the state Air Resources Board says it's "safe to assume" acid rainfall is s triking there, too. STUDIES OF THE Calirornia acid rain are still so new that park officials aren't sure of its precise impact. But in (the~ areas. it has been held responsible ·CAllflRllA flCUS lfor fish kills, reduced agricultural yields, damage to stone buildings and statues and harm to timberlands. ... Because the California version of acid ,rain is nitrogen-based a nd not sulfuric ~ke the eastern variety. the state smog ,control board believes it knows how to fight the problem. The best method .~ppears to b e r e gula r v ehicle ~ inspections. The Sierra acids form when ·the 'l)itrous oxid es <NOX) from car 'exhausts and oil-burning industry mix ---with water in rain clouds . : ' And the acid rainf .. I is heaviest in the ~tale's worst smog season. late summer 'iind early fall. ": ·'The big winter s nows torms are fairly clean," s ays Larry Bancroft. 'Sequoia P.ark research officer But summer thundershowers and the first '\'ains of fall are "quite dirty," he adds ·~·They are 10 times more acidic than· -winter storms ... " There is only slight disagreement bYer where the airborne NOX causing the acid rainfall comes from. 1:< E very scientist who has researched the issue agrees that yehicles in the San Joaquin Valley are a major factor Mos t .experts also think prevailing winds mix .. ifO I I u ti on f r o m c a r s i n t h e S a n Francisco Bay area with fumes from the oil refineries around Carquinez and tben ·carry tlilem southeast And some J scientists believe Los Angeles smog lalso contributes. drifting over the east-west mountain ranges separatin g it from the Central Valley THE STATE AIR board has sought two years to clamp controls on NOX issions from power plants, but hasn't a naged to impose them yet. And the og-fighting agency contends even ore good would come from annual or .. annual inspections or vehicle smog ntrols. ·'There's no doubt that any kind of r inspection plan would be a big Ip,·· agrees David Parsons. another quoia research officer. •.The acid in the Sierra isn't yet as vere as the Northeastern pollution at stirs friction between the U.S. and anada. But because soil condmons in o t es "If our understanding of Soviet space oct rine is correct . . . it will allow the viets to begin lo place in orbit in· the arly 1990s systems capable o f [fectively attacking . . . ground, sea nd air targets from space." -Richard • DeLauer , undersecretary of defense. "I can't really believe it's been 20 ears." -John Glenn on the nniversary of his space flight. ·'I am as firm in my conviction that he very safety or this nation requires hat we go forward with the defense pending program as we've laid It out ." President Reagan. California are different, it doesn't have to be as heavy to do at least as much hurm. ··The Sier•ra soils are poorl y buffered," says Parsons. Adds ·William Sessa, the air board's s pokesman, "The concern in our mountains is that there is so little alkalinity in the soil and water there to butfer the acid. This makes them very fragile. And once the dainage occurs, it is probably permanent." So it makes no difference that the problem here is nitric acid. not sulruric like the Eastern pollutant. "In the end. acid is acid," Sessa says. "It builds up over time and once it's there. we don't know t\ow to gel rid of it. .. Thoma.~ Elias . a f ree-Lance columnist based rn Santa Monica , analyzes state issues Law on evidence stirs controversy Public outraged as courts dismiss criminal defendants on 'legal technicalities ' By TIMOTHY HARPER •1...:i.-,. ...... ~ NEW YORK -In these days of rising crime, public outrage boils and bubbles each time the courts dismiss charges against a criminal defendant or grant a convict a new trial because of a "legal technicality." The "technicality" often is the exc lusionary rule, which holds that evidence obtained illegally :_ when police violate someone 's constitutional .:· rights -cannot be ttsed-ttt-eo::;zainst--~ the person · The rule is under strong criticis m from the Reagan adminislration and others, who see it as thwarting police investigations. hampering prosecutfon strategy and too often freeing convicted criminals Many ordinary citizens take a dim view too A recent Associated Press-NBC News national 9011 last month put this question: "The law now sa ys that j udges must throw out evidence which police obtain illegally. Would you favor a change so that l"Ore of this evidence can be admitted, or do you think the law should be kept as it 1s'!" FIFT\'-THREE percent or those polled favored a change, 41 percent opposed it. while 6 percent weren't sure. Defe nders or the rule, Jake the American Bar Association and the American Civil Liberties Union, argue that it is a free s ociety's main guarantee against police harassment of innocent citizens. U nlike mos t US . law , the e xclusionary rule has never been approved by Congress. Instead. it is a creature or the jud1c1al sys tem , court-made law that was born and grew out of U .S Supreme Court rulings interpreting the Constitution. The court enunciated the rule. which is the only cortslitutional limitation com m on t o al I law e nforcement investigations. for federal authorities in 1914. By the time the Supreme Court expanded it to cover all state and local police in 1961, the courts in most states had be<?n following iL for years. The rule is most often applied to evidence police obtain in violation of the Fourth Amendment's prohibitions against unreason able searches a nd seizures In the past 20 years, the U.S. Supreme Court has thrown out convictions in 70 Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule cases. BUT THOSE 70 Supreme Court precedents have led to reversals of cer ta inly hundreds a nd pro bably thousands more convictions in state and l ower fed eral courts, and kept p rosecutors from filing charges in untold criminal investigations at all levels. . There are two proposals pending before the U.S. Senate to weaken the rule . and a presidential task force headed by Attorney General WiJJiam French Smith has offered another. But supporters echo past Supreme Court reasoning that the rule avoids the taint of collusion between police and the courts in gaining -convictions, prevents the government from profiting from its misdeeds and ensures public trust in the fairness of the judicial system. "Nothing can destroy a government more qui ckly :.han its failure to observe its own laws. or worse, its djsregard or. the charter of its own existence," the court said in the 1961 case A current case wh ere th e exclusionary rule is an issue is that of Lawr en ce and Judy Watson. The Watsons claim lO'pollce officers. acting on an informant's tip b\at without a warrant, broke into and ransacked their suburban Dallas home last March. They say the officers shot their dog, beat Watson and forced his wife to sta.nd naked while they cursed her. EVENTUALLY. the Watsons were arrested for possession of lidocajne, a cocaine substitute. The charge is a misdemeanor. The Watsons will argue that the Balch Spring. Texas, police violated the F o urth Amendme-n t ' s guarantees against unreasonable searches and seizures because the re was insufficient "probable cause" for the search. lf the judge hearing their case agrees. prosecutors would not be allowed lo introduce evidence about the drugs that were found. No drugs, no case, and the . cllarges would almost surely be dismissed. _ Even if the Watsons lost. however, they could appeal to a higher court to have their convictions overturned. The exclusionary rule ts the doctrine that says police cannot question people just because they are black or have criminal records . It is the doctrine-that says police cannot arrest someone "for in vestigation.·· It is the doctrine that says police cannot stop and search a car for no reason, and it is the doctrine ttlat says police cannot kick down someone's door without a warrant showing why. ''THE EXCL USIONARY rule protects the innocent as w~JI as the guilty," says William Greenhalgh, a Georgetown University Jaw professor who is writing a book about the subject. "It means the ordinary citizen walking do~ the street will not be annoyed, hara~ed or humiliated by police." But critics argue that the tr uly innocent don't need protection. a nd answer the supportetS' statistics and theories with specifics: Charges were dismissed last year in Colorado after cocaine seized from a car was ruled inadmissible because the search warrant did not list the car's correct license plate. A convicted murderer was released from prison in Illinois -a fte r confessing not once but twice - because police could not show they had enough reason to question him in the firs t place. • -On the same day last year that the Supreme Court s aid it was legal for police to search for drugs in a jacket on the floor of a car, it overturned a drug conviction because police had searched a package found in a car trunk. Adding t o the controve rsy. the exclusionary rule is orten a m ajor defense tactic in highly publicized criminal proceedings . States capable of administering welfare programs By JOHN C. BROMLEY John Bromley. columnist and feature writer for the Rocky Mountain Joumol, Denver, has served as director of reuorch, Office of the Governor of Colorado, and as a legislative assistant to the Colorado Senate leadership. In his State of the Union message, President Reagan proposed the transfer of about 44 social welfare programs lo the states along with the revenues generated by federal excise taxes to fund those programs . In large measure, the success or this proposal turns on the integrity and competence of the state governments. It is frequently argued that state legislatures are too inept, too corrupt, to assume ~esponsibility for social welfare. Reagan conceded that. two decades ago, this judgment was probably correct. The president. however, reminded his audience of two reforms enacte d s ince then which,. between them, have reformed and revitaJized stale government. The first was the Voling Richt.s Act, which in his speech Reagan a1atn pledged to support when lt comes up for- renewal in the Senate later this year. The second refot"m 1' a result of a series of court decisions, presided over by the Supreme Court, wbtcb now suid e legislatures In the reapportionment ol both st.ate and con1res1lonal electoTal districts. REAGAN B ELl 'EVB8 that tbe representation by 1eneral population secured under the V0Un1 Ri&bta Act, together with the compHtneas and "communlt.y of interest" test.I required by the courU for reapportionment, render state 1qtalatur• at 1eut a1 reaponslble and reapcmaift a bum for the conduct of pu•llc bmtne11 as Con1reu. And the lest1lature1 an l"ffdr lo a11u.me U•• burdea1 ti•• Ne" Fede.rall1m would pleee =:•· ,,.. old fat hi a.d ......... ' all wblte _. al1 ..... to rear ........ ...,,,,..,....,, ··~ ., ... ,... . Legislatures are at least as free of bigotry as the people they represent. and their members a re among the first to remind their constituents that if they are not perfect, they are far more efficient than the national Congress al Washington. As a result or this growing efflcency. a considerable ho54iDty has developed between the state lecislaturea and Congress. Atf the legislatures proceed in areas from penal reform to the environment to pubU~ education, areu Congresa has exprased an interest in over t he years, 1overnor1 are increasingly called upon to act as referees between the two. RESEAaCH·Oal &NTED, vastly better staffed than they were two decades ago, and able to draw on the best wisdom of the coaun.atJ, a stale legj1lature ln 1982 11, as the preetdent Implied, at least as &ood, if not a better, place for social weUare enactments than JI the nmote. Con1reu. Rea1an's ar1ument t ... l atates. cleal)led of past 11111, are rMCb' for new work, then, has aubatanee. ADd tbe le1l1latures won't refuae eitller lhe work or the revenue, u the exdle &Ai• to b• transferred -tob~ and alcohol, the so-called •·aid -..;· u well u t,boH on 1a1ollne and Mllptanee -a"' ID place and an, u tuel '°' unob~able. MoNCMr, ln maklq bll propolll, UM p .... 16'1hl knew what lt mlPt eOlt a coesr•cor ........... •1almt It aa U. "ol tM .. IDeelDll••c." ol ,,•'Ate:Y.~~•••W of UM •• wr.~~ ..... , .. tlllt training in the legislatures of their home stales, and a legislative veteran is not inclined to portray the legislature from which he arose as inept, corrupt and greedy . Nor are •ogressmen, many of whom have recWUy breathed a sigh of rellef and gratitude to their legislature for their having survived reapportionment alter the 1!8> census. looking for new quarrels to pick. Senators are inclined to remember ; that the same electorate that chose the legislature chose them as well. NoUling aweits the onUnary congressman who casts a vote ajainst the competence o{ hie lelialature except woe, 1toom and swift, ee~n obseurity. The refonm, that heve revitalized s tate 1overnmenls. and the attaehmenll c:an1N11men and sen•tors bav• to tllelr eonstltuents in the atatea, wlU "°9blne • insure that Rea1ua'a • aec:ond revolution r eceives a fair heartq In ODapeu. j. .... Dinosaurs are eve rywhere .. ~l1~cle Len's desk looked like ,ttie encrclopedla paces on prehiatonc animals this week with all tbe pictures he received. Not only did his friend.a do ' terrific dfawincs, but many of them Included the names of the animals they dri!w. Uncle Len used to think jawbreakers were a kind of candy, but now he knows they're such names as stegosaurus, tyrannosaurus rex, triceratops ·and pterosaur. He hasn't seen words like that since the time he spilled a bowl of alphabet soup all over his new necktie. But the entries made a great decoration for Uncle Len's desk au · week, because most of them were so fierce-looking that they kept him alert. It's hard to doze off when an ornilholestes is baring Its teeth at you. This week's entries were so good that Uncle Len had to ask his helpers to assist with the decisions. First place goes to Mary Walters, 15, of Newport! Beach, who gets $5 for a scene complete with volcanoes. ' Sherry Norton , 10, of Huntington Beach, took second place and $2 for her picture of a baby dinosaur and its parent. Now we'll take a deep breath to get through all the honorable mentions this week: Katy Eklof, 7, and Jeff Manz, 9, or Costa Mesa; Kelly Knecht, 7, Stephen Scheck, 9, and Molly Deneher, 8, of Newport Beach; Mike Norton, 11, Christine Ellik, 10, Ryan O'Barr, 12, and Mimi Ayres, 12 of Huntington Beach ; Gregory Hurst, 12, Carrie Hughell, 41h, and Jason Hughell, 6, of Fountain Valley; Adam Clark, 8, of Corona del Mar ; Lissa Gt!rvais, 10, of Irvine and Jennifer Leavitt ·of Laguna Niguel, who gets an Uncle Len No-No for not including her age. Uncle Len's -friends in Room 13 at Wilson School in Costa Mesa sent in some interesli.Rg e ntries , including a few prehistoric fish. They were joined this week by Catherine Toohey's first gra<;lers at Harbor Day School in Corona del Mar. Thanks to Katie, Dory, Kim, Jennie, Holly , Jeff, Alison, Leah and a couple cf anonymous artists for their wonderful entries. For next week, Uncle Len wants everyone to think Irish. St. Patrick's Day is March 17, and that's the day of the year that everyone wears green and pretends to be 1nsh. You can draw shamrocks FIRST PLACE WINNER Mary Walters of .\Jewport Beach SECOND PLACE WINNER Sherry .Vorton of Huntingtpn Beach (s ort of like c lover ), leprechauns (a type of elf), a shillelagh (like a club) or even an Irish potato. Draw with black ink on white paper 4 Inches square and send entries to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560 , Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626. Please be sure they're· mailed in lime to arrive on Uncle Len's desk by Wednesday. Each week a fe w entries arrive an.er the contest has closed, and Uncle Len feels bad when his friends 'are too late. So speed those drawings into the mail before the leprechauns get a hold of them. Reagan sends message to class Kids.ask .whether he fought in the Civil War SUMTER, S.C . (AP> - President Reagan turned down an invitaUon to visit a fourth grade c lass at Wilder Elementary School after they made him a member of the school's PTA, but he sent the class a letter urging them to woh hard in school. The correspondence beJ[an when students In Sandy Tomlinson's class combined their study of the U .S . presidency with a PTA drive by sponsoring President Reacan as a member of the orcanhatioa. The students paid for the president's membershlp and sent him a PTA c-ard, according to Ms. Tomlinson. They also invited Reagan fo visit and asked him for an autographed photograph. "I don't remember whose idea it was to write Mr. Reagan, but the entire class contributed to the letter," she said. "We. have been talking about the Civil War," one part of the letter to Reagan said. "Did you fight in that war?" ACter several weeks of waitin8,4he children got a reply. A letter bn offlcial White House stationery and signed "Ronald Reagan" arrived last Thursday. The signature was genuine. "We smeared it just to be sure it was real," said Ma. Tomlinloo. "Develop good study habits, learn as much as you can and enter into the cballengin1 activltiea of your choice," R~aaan wrote. "Takin1 advent.ace ol the opportunities that you have at your school to.Sa)' will help you become better cltized tomorrow.'' However, Reaaan did not answer the question about the Clyll War, and did not include a photo. Cia11unu 'flown Scouu •ood de~ Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Maroh 6, 1982 BIG READER -Sara Mc Phee. 6. of Monterey. r e laxes with he r fa vorit<' pas time . books . Encouraged by h er te ac her-who stressed the importance of .,, . .,...... reading . Sara has read more than 600 books in the las t fi ve months and s hows no sign of stopping . s a~·s her mothe r Mrs · Carol Stl•ed Orphans now have place to g«? Refuge for homeless Mexican children. a 10-year project ~ SAN LUIS, Sonora, Mexico (AP ) -Pilar smiled and clapped her hands, breaking into the awkward. stumbling run of a 2-year-old. . She had just eaten, she bad friends to play with, and she had a world to examine. 1 It was hard to imagine Pilar irr a Mexican prison -or begging on a street corner. But until a year ago in San Luis, there was no oijter place for an orphan or an abused or deserted child to go, s ays Brother Bernardo Castillo, founder oi the onJy orphanage in the city. When abandoned,·the children wandered the streets and lived in the parks and alleys, learning to beg or steal to survive. Sooner or later, they'(t be put ln prison for their crimes, Castillo Hid. • That's where he found them when be came to Mexico about 13 years ago from British Honduras to work among drug and alcohol addicts, the work for which be had been trained as a missionary. I The preacher began seeking donations for the construction or world scope Orfanitorio Betel, and 10 years later -in September 1980 ~ the two-story home for homeless ..th!ldren opened. It was a long time coming, Castillo admits. "By myself, I couldn't have done it," he said in a recent interview. Most of the money. labor and support came from the northern s ide or the bord,er I not from churches or organizations in San Luis, Sonora, though that has begun to change now, he said. Still, it was from Yuma, Ariz., bus inesses that donated materials a nd labor for a separate bathroom building have come. And that in turn stems from the notice taken by Bobby Neff, a Yuma woman who has been visiting the orphanage since December when she saw it with a church group. "It's amazing," Ms. Neff said. ·•Everyone we ask says yes, we'll help. The food is prepared and the c hildren are watched by a couple whose home burned, leaving them with nothing. The number fluctuates, but recently there were 36 children at the home that can hold SO. About 10 of the children are orphans without any family, but the· rest were the victims of situations that required they be taken out of their homes for a while -or or another situation familiar in border towns In - Mexico. Castillo s aid. People from the interior or Mexico come to the borde'r looking ror a way to get across into the United Stales, and they have no income while they wait for their opportunity, Castilfo said. He said prostitutiQn is on·e means of support for them, so metime s res u I ting ~ti unwanted children. Some of these children bav~ been left with 'Castillo with promises that once a parent get.a a job on the northern side, money will be sent to bring over the child. he said. ··sometimes it works that. way, sometimes it doesn't." be added. · "I have children here who ha ve never been visited by anyone, not for One day;:• Castillo said. ADlwen appear (upside down) below q•b (10 point• tor Neh quHllon enewe~ correc:lly) 1 President Re1g1n announced a pl1n for foreign 1ld, trade, and investment incentives designed to Improve economic condition• In .. 1.. ind to comb1t communist Influence there. •·the C1ribbean b-West Atria c-Southeast Asl1 2 President Re11an pl1ns to spend S8.7-bllllon for foretan 1ld In 1983. This is (CHOOSE ONE: more, less) thin l11t year. 3 A Con1ressional Bucfset Office study shows that federal budget deficits will be sl1niflc1nt· ly (CHOOSE ONE: higher, lower) than .President Reagan's es1lm1tes. 4 Sen1te Budset Committee Ch1lrmtn Pete Domenic! propoted 1n 1lt.,n1te budget detlsned to CU1 federal defldts. TRUE Oil FALSE: Domenld Is a Republlc1n. I Polish !elder Wojltch Jaruzelsld met with Soviet Prttldent .. r.. In Motcow to requnt · more aid to help Poland solve Its economic problemt. (10 ,...,.. " JCM1 eM *"'"Y "-11 '9f'IOfl In the new.) At lni.rtor 5tcr9tary, I Wit c:ttld for cont9mpt of Cont,.. for refutln1 to tum <Wet documents delllnf with Canadian polldll towatd foNltn ln¥1110n end the Cana· dlln Nttlonal l'*I)' "°"""· I withheld the ...... .,....., the ,,..,. dine'•....._ Who am If Mtftlnt, 11-..inc.it e-Nlltl"1•CllfN•cunw, • news picture (10 poln1' If rou _.., lhll qu"tlon corrKttr) Wayne Wllll1ms WIS found guilty of murdering two of the 28 youns Atl1nt1 bladts who were killed from 1979to 1981. Thouah he was ch1r1ed with only two counts of murder, the prosecution ln~roduced evidence llnkl,. him to 10 other klllln1s, ind offld1ls . believe th1t he can be connected to 14 more. TRUE OR FALSE: The murder convictions arry a m1nd1tory de1th penalty. • peoplewald1/spor tlgllf (2 polntl for HCfl 4'""''°" tntwefed oomctty) 1 Dent Xl1opln1, 77, vice ch1lrm1n of the Communist Party In (CHOOSE ONE: the People's Republic of China, Vietnam) has . decided to retire later this yeu to m1ke room for younser.1 leaden. . 2 "Double Fantuy,'' the l1tt 1lbum recorded by the late John · Lennon and hit wtM •• 1 •• , was named Album-of·the-Y•r at the 24th annual Cr•mmy Aw1rds. J ~,... Ellubeth Taylor celebt1ted her 50th bl~y at a party In London. She w11 1ccompanled by her a·hutband (CHOOSl ON!: Richard lunon, John Warner) whom lh9 dtvol'C'ed In 197S. • The Lot An .. i. Dodten IUlned sprtn1 tralnlnt at Vero ... di, Plorlde, without their 1•1 Cy Yount winner, .. f .. , who.~ holdlna out for lnOf'9 money. .,.. I Thoma "-nt knoc:lted out mlddlewelsht Mal'COI ~It 1 :41 of the flM round to continue hit lmprellM comM11dl, Hwnt IOlt .. slherwlllhc dtle Id )'ltr to (CHOOllONI: .., .., 1-rd, Marvin Hqler). ": ... : .. :":~· -·-':anu. .. :n4'NI : .... , :•t • Orange Coaat DAILY PIL0T/$aturday, Maroh 8, 1982 f • flU911l • ,.....,nG.,.. ..... MMSITAT•-•T PIUll'lll Tiie lelleWlftl ,erMft II .. 1111 .... "' ... ) ICI ITAlt 'AIHIONS IV ltUIV, 1·.----------41'1 Vie Cir-Orlw, H1111tlllfl011 PKTITtOUllUIUtHI ~II.CA...,. •AMIUTAH ... MT CHlltVL YVONNE KINDltON, Tiit followl111 "rHll h d•l111 6m Vie CM9M D<lve, Hwllllllftell .._1,,..ut: 9M<ll. CA -.0. POOL Sl!l.VICH, 1'M Sewlll Tlllt .,..._, I• ~led .., a11 Caut Hltflway, La1u11a 1 .. c11. lftdlvi..I. Cellll>t'ftle...SI, OIHYl Y. IC...Of'Ofl J•O. ...,...rtt, '" ltou s1r .. 1, Tllll .............. fli. wl"' tM Co.le IN .. , Calltomle '7617 C-ly Clefll of Ora1199 C-y 011 Tiiis MIMH II COll<lucted by e Merell S, I-teftel"al~. fllMlll J-Huiberts 1 Pullll-0r9ftllt C .. lt Dally PllOI.. Tiiis sia'"'*>I we. lll•d wllfl lfle Mt(cll •. IJ. 20. 27. 1tlZ IO»C Cowllly Clerll of Or•* c-ty on Ftbn.wll"Y 10, ltG, PICTITiout IUll••U •AMIE STATUHMT Tiie followlng peno111 •r• doing ....C l91'IC( lllK!neu•s: QU IST FINAHCIAL GltOUP, 7177 PICTITIOUI I UllMIH c.t!tff ·-· S..l\e '°°• Hut1ll11glon MAMaSTAT•MllMT .. acll, CMifoMI• t2'47. Tiie loll0wln1 .,.,...,, a,.e doing Ed~ P. Trostle, JOJI Ler111• bllslnesus: ••v.costaMeW,Calltornl•••i.. HfLLGREN LIQUOR, tlO E. 11UI Mk_. Jec:OllS, I Botton. lrvlne, SI., Cotla M9M. Ca '1'27 t.Mltol"llla fl114. Wwn K" & vono 5 Clluno. 20CM Tiiis -lntts 11 COlldMCled by • Amold AW , Cmlll Me .. , Ce. '1'27 .. Mr•l .,.,,nenhlp. This tiuslneu Is c-ucled by .,, E-P Tr9'11t lndlvldwoel. Tiii• mten'*lt WM llled with II• -I( CllunO Cowllty Clerll of Ore11oe County °" Thh .a..._1 w.s 111..i with w.. Merell 4, ltG. Cou11ly Clerk of Ora1199 COunty on "MOS Feb..u•l"Y 10, 1"1 Publllhed Ora...,. Coast D•llv Piiot. ,.1._1 March •. IJ.10, 27. 1'112 t51·U . Pullllllled Or-Coall D•ily Pllol Ftll. I J, 70, JI, W..r. •, 1"2 6~ N OTICE OF DEATH OF ,K:Tmouuu11•HS JOHN WILLIAM SMITH MAMUTATIMIMT AND OF PETITION TO Tll• 1011ow111g person 1s 00111g ADMINISTER ESTA TE ~~~~SEL SWEET SHOP NO. I NO. A-112 .. 56. noo Harbour &oolev•rd, CMt• Me ... T o a I I h e I r s C•lllornla m11 fl • . dit • J•rrv fl Wood, ,., Wul Bay bene ci.aries, ere ors s1reet 8101: eosia Mt ... ca111orn1a and contingent cr editors of 91611 • John William Smith and Thi• t>usln•n I• co11du<1eo by a per sons who may be 11m11•0P¥1nersh1p . I t t d . th _,..,A Wood otherwise n er es e 1n e Tiiis si.1...-1 ... 1111<1 w1111 ,.,. Wiii and/or estate. Cownly Cltrk ol Or•no-Coun•Y on A petition has been filed w..rc11 •.1m ,,,_ by Shirley F. Smith in the p,.1111....., Or-coasl D•llv Piiot. Superior Court of Orange Merell•· 1>.10. 21.1t11 "1..n. County r equest ing that ·----------- NI.JC MOT1CE Sh i rley F . Smith b e · appointed as p e r sonal , e p r e s e n t a t i v e t o l'ICTmous aus1NESS d i I t th t • f NAME STATEMaMT a m n s er e es • -~ ·o Th• tollollflng .,.,..,,. ere ool11g J o h n W i II i a m S m I t h business ... (under the Independ ent COMMERCE PRINTERS. J>OJ Administration of Estate! H•r11oreiw .cos10~• ... ca .,.,, Act>. The-petition is set for c~ ~,:,;ss c,,_ina Ln · tiearing on in Dept. No. 3 con11anc. A. Tot' ... :m c-1i. et 700 Civic Center Drive. Ln . Costa -· Ca. '11'17 West, in the· City of Santa 1,,J1~11~!:'1""f 1• conducted by .., .l.na, California on M arch consi.nce• T01Cas ""1 1982 t 9 30 Tiiis stale"*'I WM flled 1Wltll Ille .. • a : a.m . Cou11t·; (.t.rk of Ora,_ County on I F YOU OBJECT to the F•bl"Ua,.., 10, 1"2 granting of the petition, ....... yOU Should either appear Publislwd Or-Coast Dao, Pilot at the hearing and state Fob 13•10•21·Me""'· 1.., •s..c your object ions or file written objections with the NIUC MOT1CE court before tine hearing. --------....:..... __ Your appearance may be "~C:.~~~!:~:,,1::r i n person or by your T111 1011owl119 P9•sons .,. dol11g attorney. t>usl~·-; EOUITIES. LTD .. ·- • I F Y 0 U A R E A ~bl11 Street Sull• 110 Hu11t1110ton <: R E D I T Cl R o r a e .. ,,,. CA n6. · contingent creditor of the JOHN w TATTAM, >•• v1• s... deceased, you must file ";,~,~~nt•. S.n Jwn c.ci1sir1111o. c• your claim with the court ROBERT "" SMITH, _, DoWft e>-r pre Sent i t t 0 t he Orlvt, Hunlll'IQ!on &each, CA '7"'7. Personal r epr esentative Thi• ~·•nus 1, tJtln~ conc1uc1ec1 "' • 1 a oat'lner1111p. a·ppotnted by the court ROlltrtM sm1111 within four months from T111s s1a1-1111..i w1t11111t Coun1v the date of fir st issuance Clerll ot °"-County on Merell 4. of let1ers as provided in 1.., "'IM11 Section 700 oi the Probate PubllVoecl Or.....,e eoa11 Delly Pl101, Code of California. The Ma1"c11•. 1>.10. "· '* 1m-11 time for filing claims w lll not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are interested in the estate. you may f ile a request w ith the court to r-eceive spE-c:ial notice of1------------1 tt\e Inventory of estate and of the oetitions. accounts and r eports described in s Section 1200.S of the California Probate Code. Jeffny A . H a r tman & Assoc. 200 Newport Center Or. #301 NewPort Beach, Ca. 92660 (7H) 644·2002 Publish•~ Orange Coast Daily Pllc1t, Mar ch 6, 7, 13, )982. 1051-82. ~ i TRE ·~~:~NO ---......... 91 lot 11~~- S#f~ .,...,.. St1tt1 ,, YOUt ~· fCe&t 5'0te ~ff,I YO\if A'••I com -..641-1289 ,_...__ ···-~95-0401 "'12~'-... II•".._,_., '"A•HY ,.._, I N••• ... rtt . ........... ,, •u.s. For a-.llled Ad ACTION c.u A DAllY Pa.OT AD-vtSOI '42-Un S U,S111 I .., will Mo9e C ..... "Your sexual . sKWity nUNber" 5-dmr. ·~ 1, 1912 t-.JO aaA:lO pa. ·'1~ ...... AIOUf THI LICTWm MM7N '4Mlt4 Mona eo.tes Ph.D. la profeuor of human Mxualltv. IO(:lok>gy~hotogy, licensed m•riage and f•mlly , oouMelOt, llcenMd hypnotheraplst. certified sex • thf•tlPltt and eex educator. and is In private practice f In Huntington a..cn. Troplat Fish• Fresh e M11lne Aqu.iu!'! Suppl• '9teclal March 6, 1912 .. Mwch 12. 1n2 L-.. h'etMltUt 4." ...,,.... • ~ .• ., .. n...-...... .....,, ,.,. •• ,I ,,....,., ................................. '94.1 .... . ;Cl"Mhn th9t .. h1lthf ... the ......... ••••UN ef ..... , j:..-::.""~'= .. ~·;= ::.i~-: ......... the ,.... ............... .._.,, fir...,: , .. ·"· "· Get w ith Plummer·s super warehouse program! our uniQue merchandising concept allows us to offer beautlfUI International contemporary furniture at remarkably low prices! Teak Nightstand =Denmark on iv Ptummer's Is making a fantastic Offer on ttiese ndsl That IYes vou two Whole days to t>uy auttrul Da on In teak aY IOwer·tnan·ever pf1cest The nig~tands measure 11Y1" x 14Yt" x 23Y ... and are sturdily constructed. This design Includes plenty Of storage space In Its top drawer and two bottom shetves. CQme on In and get this special "two ·fer" Plummer•s price! 1585 value> $91 Mett. .. Swedish White Lacquer Wall System select any one of u.. slngle opttons and ........ 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Allo a variety of IOfll models In stodl and for IP9dal order ... YoUf' Cholcl of ............ of~ •l•ctlons 20%· !0% off. Famous Danish Valentlnsen Dining set This smart practical teak taDle nas 2 1eaves wntCn extena tne top from 48''• to 9Q''• The so110 teal< h1gnback 01n1nQ cna1rs are covereo w1t11 natural durao1e taor1c ~ Teak S839 val Rosewooa 5979 va l Teak chair . 8ft $125 value .......... SG;J RosewOOd Chair 129 $195 value ........ S Teak Sideboard & Hutch These sleek lines llQht up vour room. $595 • whlle the lighted shelves set Off vour fine china or art ot>Jects There·s plenty of storage space In the sliding arawers and cabinets t>elow 47Y ... x 11y ... x 47 H. S835val r~&iit,, Teak ~__:..;..-::::r Fiie L-.-_ _,. cabinet Wltn flexlt>te tambour ooor. This flte ls lcJeat for comouter Print-outs 19"'· .. )( 15" I( 40" S265vahJe $119 OJ. Tealr llOdu ... Wall Syn.nt r111TfE~:nr~A~Fantaltlc «»" offl -Imported Teak Bookcases TW01or$178 These gOO<l looking Rame·Q'31n teak bOOkcases are a speoa1 Otrect impart purehase and are an $ 99 u11~ataDle value C~ed Of tfle flnest teak veneer wim adJustable shel~. tnev measure 76 x 12v, x 35 .. Back panels are constructed w1m IA. matching PVC Also avallat>le In walnut at sllghttv higher prices. Danish occaslonal Chair by Kebe unusual aes1gn features steel frame wlttt aurat>le qulltea oeige or IJfow n cover S169value. HancJ~sanv st~reo. tuner playback tae>edeck. Perfect fOr ttiat new video cas~tte recoroer $ 59"X17"X27Y,"H 155 vou are planning to bUV Teak Bookcase Speelal .. SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1912 ENTERTAINMENT I I I 88 Mission Viejo wins women's CIF 2-A crouhi . See story. B3. ' _.) Yoµ can add waiting to list of e1notions The world of sports ls a funny business. Bein& a former athlete myself, I know how the coaches and players on the UC Irvine basketball team must reel today after tbelr bitter defeat to Cal State Fullerton Thursday night. It's an emotion, an experience, that's bard to put into word~. There's an empUneaa, almost a self-pity one feels. There's also anger, disappointment, sorrow; you name the emotion and it's probably there. The hardest part is actually the day after. once the. full shock has settled in. So many questions usually run through an athlete's mind. "If only I bad done this," or "If only I had made that free throw, or that steal, or that shot -or ·grabbed thlt rebound." The haunting thoughts are enough to make anyone insane. UCI Coach Bill Mulligan is no rookie to the above feelings. As the wrinkles in his forehead would indicate, Mulligan has agonized over more than one close defeat. UCIRVINE JOHN SEVANO Mulligan, sticking true to form, was not in extremely high spirits when Lphoned him Frid-.y. In fact, bis condition sounded worse than it was Thursday. "It's just the way it happened," said the sort-spoken Irishman, who admitted to a restless night or sleep. "Blowing a nine-point lead like we did . . . I thought we should have had it.•• Naturally, Mulligan second-guessed some of his decisions Thursday. He questioned the fact be bad his team pull the ball~ut with a 56-49 lead and 7: 34 left to play. and he also wondered out loud.bis Fresno gives Irvine a hand Bulldogs ease to 69-57 victory By JOHN SEV ANO Of -o.lty "9t S-.tf UC Irvine got a tremendous assist from Fresno State Friday nieht, but just how much impact it will have won't be determined until sometime Sunday. The Bulldogs, who ran away with the PCAA race during the regular season. ran away with the conference's tournament title, too, by disposing of Cal State Fullerton, 69·57, before a sellout crowd of 7 ,433 at the Anaheim Convention Center. "I can't do anymore. My work now is with the NIT." With all systems go except for an official word, Cryer indicated the NIT•would take UCI if the NCAA passed on the Anteaters. "They know about UCI." be admitted. "It just depends on where they go." C r yer added that all or Jrvin~s games would be on the road and likely first round opponents include use. Nevada-Las Vegas and San • Diego State. Many of the Bulldog players, and their coach, Boyd Grant, came to Irvine's defense shortly after accepting their conference awards. decision to switch from bis aeem!ntly effective triangle-and-two gimmick defense to UCl 's normal 3-2. "I fiiured in the triangle-and-two the 1uys underneath could put up a lot of shots in a hurry lf they had to," said Mulligan. "I wanted them (the Titans> to.work for their shots and maybe take up some time, too. "As for slowing it down, they were comin1 al us real hard so I thought we could pull It out and try to get a one-on-one with (Kevin) Magee." Of course, neither plan worked real well, that's why Mulligan had his doubts. One aspect he didn't question. though, was what caused the Anteaters to lose. " (Kevin) Fuller lost the ball once under pr~ssure from Wood, and McDonald threw it away twice," Mulligan explained. "Still, if (Rainer) Wulf hits the front end of his free throw, if Magee hits his second one, and ii Randy (Whieldon) hits his. then we win easily despite the turnovers." . Whieldon's miss was the tou1be1t one to swallow. It came with only 28 seconds left and tbe Anteaters clinging to a 61.fiO lead. "He bad a magnificent shooting night from the floor," said Mulligan, "and then he mluea the free throw. "And. he's our best free throw shooter. "The funny thing is that we had our beat shooters shooting and they (the Titans) bad their worst . . . and they won the game." Now comes the excruciating part -the wait. The Anteaters are still hoping for an NCAA bid, although an NIT spot would be more likely. "You have to remember the last time a PCA~ team won a game in the NCAAs was 1978," said Mulligan. "Sure I think we're one of the top 48 teams in the nation, but I don't know what they!re (the NCAA selection committee) going to think. "You know, il you had told me two years ago we'd be in the NIT. I would have jumped in the <See SEVANO'S, Page BZ) By winning. the .Bulldogs automatically qualified for the upcoming NCAA Tournament and, in the process, kept UCI's chances alive. The NCAA Tournament committee. which will announce its 48 selections Sunday at 2:30 p .m ., had indicated prior to the tournament it would pick two teams from the conference. That thinking may have been altered, however, by Irvine's setback al the hands o f the Titans Thursday night. "I TIDNK IRVINE deserves a chance," said Fresno auard Donald Mason, who was named tbe tournament's Most Valuable Player after scoring 24 points against the Titans on 9 of 10 from the floor and 6 of 6 from the charity stripe. "They didn't win it, but they have a good squad." SCHOLAR AlMLETES -Six Orange Coast area football s tars were honored this week at the 12th annual Scholar Athletic Awards dinner by the Orange County Chapter of the National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame. From IWIJ ........ ,.. left to right are Estancia's Curt Wenzlaff. Edison's Ken Major , Fountain Valley's J oel Seay, Irvine's Mark Bondi. Huntington Beach's Brett Batchelor and Corona del Mar's Randy Reyes . "I think it· s going to be diffi cult." sai d PCAA Commissioner Lew Cryer of getting UCI In the NCAA's. "I think it depends on the other tournament finals. .. "I thought it was important for Irvine to reach the finals in order to get a good shot.·· CRYER DID ADMIT that if the other tournament favorites keep winning, like they have been, UCI still has a shot. "If everything stays true to form (meaning no upsets), Irvine has a chance," he said. It's not a big enough one for the Anteaters lo count on, though. Actually , an NIT a ppearance would be a better possibility. ••My speed work with the NCAA is finished," said Cryer. ·'I would like to think Irvine has a chance, but I don't know," added forward Bobby Davis. "I wish another team would go," said Bernard Thompson. "In that way the PCAA would get more credibility. If I had to pick a second team it would probably be Irvine. They play a run-and-gun type of game and I think the PCAA would like to see that." Grant, who was awarded with a shower by bis players for his coaching efforts, said taking a team like Irvine would certainly be better than taking some fourth or fifth place team in another conference. •'I think Irvine would do well," he said. "Plus, I think there's a lot of people who would like to see Kevin Magee." No. I Long Beach CC stops Gauchos Vikings. advance to state basketball tourna~ent f9llowing 67-58 victory \ By CURT SEED EN OftllleDelty,..._S_ LONG BEACH -The first time Long Beach City College and Saddleback College met on the basketball court this season, the two e ngaged in a highly forgettable contest won. by the Vikings 57-52 in the Merced Tournament. Fortunately for followers of Southern Califonua community college basketball teams, that game was witnessed by a few Mercedites. FRIDAY NIGHT, they got together again, only this time, there was something more at stake, namely a berth among the finaJ eight in the 1982 Slate Community College Tournament. And, living up to its No. 1 Southern California ranking, Long Beach CC pulled out a 67-58 victory over the battling Gauchos before an enthusiastic audience in the Viking gym. A pair of s harpshooting Vikings guard Michael Beans and forward Chris Brazier - provided the first -half punch that boosted Long Beach CC into an 11 -point lead in the first half. forcing Coach Bill Brummel 's Gauchos to play catch up throughout the entire 'affair. .. We were just a group of individuals in the first half tonight," explained a subdued Brummel after the 'game. "Some or the guys just came out here tonight and their minds weren't on basketball.'' THE GAUCHOS, who finished their season with a 20-12 record, led just one time -when Rick Doyle made the first basket of the game. After that, it was all Long Beach CC which benefited from a 7-for -10 shooting performance by Beans, a 4-for-4 shooting exh ibition fro m 6·3 guard David J ones a nd Brazier's 4·f0l'·6 effort in the first half. The Gauchos tried to keep the game interesting, with guard George Turner scoring 10 points in the first 20 minutes while teammate Don Dodds hit on 3 or bis 5 shots from the field. Actually, both teams shot 53 percent from the floor in the first half, but the Vikings found more opportunities, thanks to several Gaucho turnovers ahd s ome clutc h offensive rebounding. While Brummel blamed his team's lack or concentra tion on the Gauchos' first-half miseries, Long Beach CC Coach Bill Fraser credited a collective adrenaline that was flowing through the Vikes' veins. "We were ready." noted Fraser, trying to talk between slaps on the backs, handshakes and kisses from the Long Beach CC fa.ithful. "The kids were just so together at the start of the gamfi ... even tn the locker room!· Saddleback kept things interesting in the second half, closing the gap to just three (51 -48 ) with 10:04 remaining following a basket by Dave Wisniewski. · THAT BASKET was to be the last for either team for nearly five minutes as th~ two squads reverted to their Me rced-form. Long Beach CC's Richard Bos finally broke the Ice to give<the Vikings a 53-48 advantage, but Dodds quickly countered to again slice the lead to three with 4: 36 remaining. The Vikings then put the game out or reach with several free throws down the stretch, the result o f Saddleback's desperation'defense. Long Beach CC (28 -4 ) advances to the state tournament along with seven other survivors of Friday ni1ht's and tonight's first-round playoffs. The tournament is set for March 12-14 at the University of Santa Clara. McEnroe penalized, but wins CARLSBAD (AP) -John McEnroe was slapped with a penalty polnl lo the ftnal set but overcame VtJay Amritraj M , 9-7, 7-5 and Eliot Teltscber posted a 6-3, 6-3, M victory over Ramesh Krilbnan as the United States took a 2~ lead over India lo first-round Davis Cup plaJ Friday. The United States, defendln1 Davia Cup champion., can-wrap up the serifs today when McEnroe and Petel' l'lemlq face Amrltraj and bla brotber, Anand, ta a duel between two of tbe world'• top doubles team. . ' llcBaroe, the world'• No. 1 player/ was slapped with a pen~ polnt tn the ftn.aJ Mt, alllllf beblad •·I. But be nlUed to claim bia 11th •IDllea victory lo 22 Davia Cup matches, neotually wUuWll on an overbead amub. AmrltraJ, ranked No. It lo tbe world, wu awarded the aeventla 1ame of tile flul Mt wlMD ~---•• C-llled rw eommmtlnl to &be IUDplN ._ aOan. U.... DeN C-. Nlel, a ~-..,talk to ...... , ....... Me..._, tile..,_.. WlmbledaD &Del U.S. 0,.. ......... atnalM ~ ...... f•ultlal tine ...... tM·lluitla .... , .. ftnt .. w . ........ ... • ... • .. 1 ........... trailed ta .. =,·-,_ •• _ ••ewr tau.. •ec•• Ht ,.....I::'.--. ........ -...... be ........... .a ................ ... ftr9'U..~ .. , ......... ,.,. rt~ ... .. produced the winner with a crou-court backbaad. The controversial cill a1ainst McEnroe unex- plained by the court announcer, drew a chorus or boos. Afterward, Amritnj said McEnroe had broken the rule ••at least 10 times" before the umpire warned him toward the end ol tbe leeoDd set. Amritraj was leading 40-30 in the eeventb game when McEnroe appeared to bave woa tbe point. However, tbe umptn awarded the point to Amrltraj, livinl him the 1ame. Davia CQp rulea-dictate that a tll&nt · peultJ point would have atven the 1ame to Adarltraj, ud the next wa.rnln1 would have foreed McEnroe to forfeit &be match. McEnroe called tbe umpire'• actloa "nltplektnl." • la Friday'• other = mMeh at tile La Costa l'9l0rt eowU, Tel 1 ...... Hnlltla ta the wor~ld overpowered Krtalmua, at ao tbe Fml•• bl tlle matcbll ad ....nct No. Tl IDtM . TliM Ml'lY, Teltlcber -* com•_, Ml CT:.:. :."&Wo ~=.!.-:.:a-nm~• ::a.but mllMd CID bollt Clft ........ . ..,. fte vtd• ..... ID. tM W.aws .............................. ' Swld•• .. , .. t-. ........... ,. ·~ . . . • .. t . , , • ~ . .. I • . , .. I '' . l '' I • I. . 'I • f • Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Saturd.6y. Mirth I, 1912 • .... ~~~--~ ............. illlmJ. Super Bowl turf may be profitable PONTIAC. Mich. -There's • more areen.than meet.a the eye in tbe • • old Astroturf at the Pontiac Sllverdome, says a New York state marll:etln1 firm. The Pontiac Stadium BuDdln_1 Authority has accepted $500 from McCrenakj Aaaoclates Inc. of Upper Brookville, N.Y., for an option to buy 91.000 square yards of tbe artificial turf oa which SUper Bowl XIV was plQed in January. Jonathan McCrenaky, president of the firm, said Thursday that bis client hopes to buy the carpet, cut it into pieces and sell them aa Super Bowl SQUvenln. As part of the deal, the firm would buy the Silverdome a DflW carpel. Quote of the day Goalie Gary Edwarda, who baa been with four Nill. teams in leas than one season: "I've got about four team schedules in my back pocket. Sometimes I have trouble keeping track of where l play.eel last -or for which team." Maruk shakes slump with 3 goals Deaals Manak broke out of a u scoring slump with three ioaia and • ' tookie Boltby Carpe•&er scored the tiebreaker as Washington defeated Ca11ary, 1..e, in a National Hockey Leap 1ame Friday night ... Left wing Betlst I • ..... '1.1oal at 6: 15 of the third period and an empty.net goal by MorrW Lakowicll sparked Winnipeg to a 2-0 win over Detroit. Bruins hold off Washington, 68-67 Rod F•ter scored 25 points to ~ lead UCLA to a 68·67 Pacific·lO Conference victory over Waabincton · · Friday night. The Bruins improved their rd to 13-4 in the c~ference and 20-6 ov all, marking the 16th straight year that UCLA bas had 20 or more wins and is the loncest streak for an~lege team -. -. -. Xu11wftJle, the University of Southern California kept its hopes for a possible NCAA playoff berth alive wi~ a 61·56 victory over Washington Slate . 'x 8 x 1/8" BIROI PLYWOOD UliiA r•rd-••'» ..... reg. 2000 Adams gets Phoenix healthy Al. Adaal ICOrtd 11 of• b1a m 1amt·hl&b 28 polntl in the third period. padnc Phote.1x to a uo.• National Buketball A11oclatlon victory over Kauu City l"rlda1 Dlibt. Wal&er D••ll added 21 u tbe S... ral.Md t&.lr reeord to 33·25. MncHn1 Kauu City away wttb ill 21th road lou in at trin ... Bolten'• Brte r • ....._ converted a tbree·polnt play ln the nc.al 1eeonda to lUt the Celtlc1 to a 100·11 victory over Houston . . . Denver'• Klkl v ••••••• ~. •cored lb• winnln1 baaket with 21 seconds left and then blocked a shot eiebl seconda before tbe buuer to preserve a 127· 126 win over W11hln1ton. .. Reserve IUU'd Danrla CMll scored 13 points ln the fbual HAMS quarter, and &ay wna .. added eight to lead New Jersey to a 10'1·90 verdict over Chka10 . . . I.._ E....., acored 22 points and BoMt1 Jeeea added. 20 to help Philadelphia withltand a late Atlanta rally in an 89-80 victory . . . Ja•H 8llU converted two free throws after tlme had expired to 1lve Cleveland a 111·110 victory over Portland ... Mike Gale scored on a revene layup with one second left in overtime to cive Golden State a 117·116 triumph over San Diego after Qartle Crlla had scored with 11 seconds left to put the loser s in a 116·115 lead ... Gu WlWa•• poured in 3S points, includlnc a free throw that clinched a 98-97 win over Dallas. Romanick makes his best pitch At the age of 21, aoa Romulet • re.affirmed bis ranking as one of the biggest surprises in Angel camp during Friday's workout. Angel Mana1er 0... Mncll doesn't yet rule out the possibility Romanick, 15-10 with a 2.91 ea.med run avera1e at Class A Redwood lut aeuon, could force himself on the staff. "lf you throw strikes, and have a good arm, you have a chance to 1et to the big leagues in a hurry," said Kaucb, who still has 15 pitchers scrambling for the r e maining four open spots on bis lO·man staff ., Nicklaus 1.eads rain-delayed tourney A violent thunderstorm forced • overnight postponement of play. shortly after Jack NlcklHa had taken a sb9re of the lead Friday ln the · unc<>mpleted second round of the Bay Hill Golf Classic in Orlando, Fla. . .. Fonnel' Newport Harbor High star Todd Llnceba led StanfQl'd into the Pacific-10 Conferenee 1wia11nln1 end dbins championships lead Friday niabt with a winnln1 3 :52.70 in the 400·yard individual medley. UCLA is down by a three.point margin entering today's finals al East Loa Angeles College. . SALE Anteaters take slugfest, 16-15 Edison, FV, UniVerBity, Woodbridge win; Oilers upended HunUncton BHcb Rl•b had tu 1lx·1ame wlnninl atreak snapped wb.Ue Unlveralty came up with a run lift.he top of the aeventh to edl• La1una Beach in prep bueball acUGD Friday. CloM . ,__ seemed to be the order of the day. In coUep actloa UC Irvine came out ahead ln a •llct 11\Cf•t a1alut Cbapman. Here'• bow it went: UClrvtfte11,CNtpmen15 Tbe Anteaten didn't win tb.ll one, they •imply survived. The two team.a belted eacb other's pltcben for a combined 31 hlts and the winnen escaped deaplte ellht errors. Dave Glick and Troy Ybarra were the heroes for UC Irvine, Glick smack:lq a pair ol doubles and a t~run homer. the latter provln1 to be the wlnllinl marlin in the ninth lnniq. Ybarra atroked a crand alam homer lD the fourth lnnlnc, scortn1 Glick, Car• Rivera and Mike Jnalehart. Chapman stranded a palJ' of l'\UUMrl In the ninth with the third out a line abot to aecond. The Ant.eaten are now 10-8 for the seaaoo. Meanola. 8, Huntington Beech 5 the OUers auffered their first loaa of the seaa0a, falling to Magnolia in tbe semifinals of the Loara Tournament. Magnolia broke it open In a five·run filth inning, drawing four walks to ipite the rally. Greg Shirley got the Qilera close with a two·nm double in the top of the seventh. Edleon 2, Ketell• 1 Edi9on tuned up for tonight's championshlp game a1ainst Arcadia in the El Segundo FromPage81 SEVANO'S COLUMN. ocean. Now it's a real downer to think we might not be in the NCAA. "At least I know we're going to play somewhere. It's new life -another chance." * * * Finally, a huge furor was created Wednesday due to an irresponsible articl~ written by Grahame L. J ones of the LA Times. Joaea wrote a column with the int.eat·\)( poking some fun at certain aspects of the PCAA. Wbat he contrived, instead, was a poorly written story filled with misinformed it_em anl.Li.Daccurate reportiiij Ulal WU an e mbarrassment to those Of his profession. ,, ln one particular segmedl, Jones gave "The Teammate Trophy" to UCI's Kevin Ma1ee "for bis remark to the scorer and everyone else nearby after teammate Rick Ciaccio, a freshman. bad n . . BASEBALL Tournament finala (7:30 at El Se1undo Recreation Park) with its victory over Kat.ella in the Loera lnvltational'a seventh place aemil. Edlaon, now 7·1, sot the winninl marste ln the sixth lnnlng when Joe Kwolek ain&led In Mllte DeBenoa. Jeff Stephens went six lnnlnga, whifftnl five, to gain the victory. Founttlln Vafley 12, Ooa Pu.b1oa I F0tmta1n Valley first baseman Dean Roberta went 3-for·5 with 3 RBI to pace a 10.bit Baron attack in the first of Fountain Valley's t.b.ree·1ame swin1 through Santa Barbara . Don Gregor was strong in relief, striklnt out six in jual three innings work to pick up b1a first win. Dave Stewart doubled, tripled and seored three runs for the Barons (2·3). Unlverelty 3, Laguna Beach 2 Mllte Miller walked, stole second, went to third on a wild pitch and scored on a baaes·loaded walk to give University the winning nm in the top of the seventh inning. Troy Larsen went the distance to pick up the win for the Trojans, yielding only four bill while striking out seven. Damon Berryhill did most of the dama1e for Laguna Beach, going 2·fot-3 with 2 ruM scored and a solo home run. Richie Sorenson was <See BASEBALL, Page 83> • • missed a dynk attempt." "Ciaccio's pitiful, ain't be?" was supposedly Magee's comment. Well, Jones was right. Magee did say that. But what Mr. Poison Pen failed to point out was .that Magee was smiling when he made tbe_ comment and, more importantly, it was said in jest. Athletes rib other athletes all the Ume, and this incident was no exception. "lt'·was a gre-at job of character assassination," said the Register's Jpbn Hall. Magee was so embarrassed by the whole thing he immediately apoJogi.zed...lo. Ciaccio-.W.ednesday morning. Ciaccio was so embarrassed be hid the newspaper from his parents so they wouldn't read ·the article. Maybe next time J ones will stick to stories be knows something about -Uke horseshoe pitching or turtle races. YQrktQwn Family-Styled Condominium• on the Bluff I • "PAtBING SALE" ·Shlc:llP I •o.lr-Cll••• ..... ......................... ,. 20%ofF . 'x 8 x 3/4" BIROI Pl YWOOD . "GARDEN TOOL SAlf" Al;a'r .......... Ust Price SALE 20%0ff , reg . . 699 Ust Price INTEREST IS AVAILABLE (13.SO/o A.P.R.) Details at the· Sales Genter FIXED RATE-FOR THE 1st 5 YEARS A visw ••• A praetia/ly maintena111»free lifatyls, and Huntington Beach,"ool Welcome to an uncommcm raldentlal opportu- nity. and a luxurloua new. practtcal.ly malntenance- &ee llfeatyle. It'• all available NOW, and In your choice of 8 erchltecturally dealgrMd 1 a 2 atory Door plan arrange.menu ranging In alze &om ap. proximately 1524 to 2142 9qUAl'e feet. Out.tortdlns appointment. /or }'C>Ur el...,,.t, neu llfat,le In- clude: Carpeting • Woocl.bumlng ftreplaces • Microwave, plus a conttnuoua-cleanlng oven • Cathedral ceilings • Ceramic tile counter top9 • Distinctive hard-surface entry foyera • Private patio, deck or vt8 balcony • Double, attached 2- car garage • Reel tlle roofl • Pr .. ecl eteel beth tube • Onyx pullman tape with oval bMtna. Co•Hnunlt, omenltl•• lncluflc: A completely furntahed recreation bulldl~ with to.ge ... mw, fOOIP and men'• and women• .t.OtNr, pool, hot water twirl· poolapa. 2 a 3 bedrooma. 2. 3 bat.U &om $139,950to $179,950 mep not to scale (114) HS-OCNI Estancia takes marathon test • 'Estancia Hf1h needed rive aames and 2~ houra to do it, but the Eaales m11.na1ed to squeeze out I 15·6, 10·15, 15--4, ll-15, 15-ll wln over Marina ln non.league volleyball acUon Friday night. Setter l':enton Carey and outside hiller Danny Gas& led the way for the Eagles (3·0) but Marina served notice that it will have to be reckoned with as the season progresses. "I think tonight convinced us of a lot of things," Viking Coach '(Im Reed. Middle blocker Andy Klussman and seller Chris Fisher were standouf:s for Marina <1-1}. The · VOLLE YBA LL Vikings got out to a 3-0 lead in the fifth game be fore the Eagle defense turned it around. Elsewher e, Laguna Rills recorded its first varsity wm with a 15-9. 15-10, 15-9 decision over Woodbridge. • In other action: Laguna Beach put host Corona del Ma r away in three, taking a 15-6, 15-10, 15-8 decision, but,.. Artists Coach Bill Asben said it was anything but a sweep. "Corona del Mar was stubborn and came up with fantastic defense." said the Laguna Beach coach. "It was very hard to put the ball down on them and they kept us guessing." The winners were paced by the solid setting of Rudy Dvorak in the 5-1 attack, with Dvorak mixing his selling and hitting with consistency and effectiveness. Also sparkling for the winners were middle blockers Neil Riddell and Chris Larson. "We played well," said Ashen of his defending CIF champions, now 2-0 on the year .. But we've got some rough edges to work out.·· Laguna Beach returns to action Wednesday when the Artists host Es tancia in a key non-league test. On the communit y college level, Golden West disposed of rival Orange Coast College in straight sets, with middle blocker Dave Devick and setter Gary Nakamura paving the way for a 15· 13, 15· 10, 15-11 victory on the winner's noor. · OCC win s ope n e r Orange Coast College opened up South Coast Confe rence play on a winning note Fnday night as the Pirates defeated Gross monl, 52-48, in women's · basketball action. ---- Coleen Berry led the Pirates with a game-high 16 points while Kris Kroyer contributed 15 to he lp boost Orange Coast's overall record to 9-1 Orange Coast led by just three, 27-24. at the half but was able to extend the lead in the second half on the s t rength of Kroyer a nd Be rry·s shooting. ,.. In non-conference action. Golden West went over the century mark for lhe third lime this year in rolling to a 118-57 win over Mt. San Jacinto. Eight players saw action for the RusUers. and all eight finished in double figures, led by Jill Guthrie with 23 a nd Marcia Mathews with 20. From Page 82 BASEBALL 41 • • 2·for-2,w1th 2 RB£ for University. Woodbridge 10, Newport Christian 4 The Warriors recorded their first-ever varsity conquest Friday. s helling visiting Newport Chr istian with an 11 -hil attack, led by John More land. Bill Russell and winning pitche' Kevin Burke. Moreland was 2-for-3. scored 3 times and had 3 RBI ; Russell was 2-for-3. scored 3 times. had 2 RBI and 4 stolen bases ; and Burke had two singles and an RBI and scored once. SIZZLES -Laguna Beach setter Rµd y Dvorak had a hot hand for the Artists • Bask e tball scores Cofl•e--UCLA ... w .. hl"91on 67 use•• w esNnoton St. w. I •«klel Arl10N1 SI. IO, Or990" U Oreoon SI. '2, Arl:ton. M ... , Prlnoton 51, Co4um~ SJ Pe,,.. ... Cornell so Brown Sl, Oenmoull\ St V alt IM. HeN •rCI II TOU•NAMl:NTS ,~ ...... , l'CAA FrHno SI. 6', Cal Slate Fullerton SI M.V. A•-k c-.-e -1ona M. SI. Pet.rs•t loll CS.mlfNll) s ............. c .......... Atellel'lla Wt, hnnesMe 50 Kentuck, 61, MIHiUIPc>i S8 ,,_.. ... , ArkaMas IO, TCU 10 Houston ... T .... A&M 16 lltlltlll Mlnourl SI, N•"'Hll• SJ Ollta~M. Kans.sSI U Ollie V....., , ..... .._. MICldle TeM. Wt. Murr av SI. S4 coo w Kentucky ts, Morel\eed Sc fl -...-~. T uas-ArllnQIOn 71, L•m•r IJ SW Lou .. lana IOS. MtNHW SI. •• Tr-•_.ic• c-• NE loufSlatwl1,NW LouiSleneM Centenary ti», Arll .. llttte Rock 100 8ltSllYC-• tdahO 17, Wet>er SL SS ECACSMtll James Maol'°" M, Wm & Mary •• Old Oomlntotl n. Rlcl\mond 6' ~c ........ OavlCltorl SI, Cl~I S4 Tn Chatt•-10, E Tenness.ee St 6S 81tE••C-retK• GeorGf-.. SI. SI Jol>n'• 0 Vlll•nc>va 14, 8Mlon Coll. 1.l S-tent Allli.tlc Alcorn St IS Tu•• SoUll\etn U J•<k'°'1 SI U, Gramlll1t19 SI 0 1.-.. E~C-rett<e WHI Vlrolnla 80. SI 8on41•enture 65 Poll 60, Ru19e,. •I Ea1tCM1tC ..... reM• St JOMl)h'• U. la Salle 11 Oreut ... Ame-1can U •2 100 M .. A_.icAllC-• N t lllnols •7. B-Hno GrHn .. Ball SI 7•. W >Mk f\19.., 71 l~tnt•MMl ••..-c-c~ Norlh C¥o41N SS. <Hofola TKh 39 N. c a roo,.. St .io, -...,....., n Vlr9lnla 56. Ctemsan S4 W•t.•F-••.ouuu _,.c-..... loulwllle '• SI loul• u Ftorlela 51 s.o. Tulane o lllr9lnl• Teel\ 10.. C•nclnnell tt ,... .... ......, ..... 1cc-.-ce HowarO U 63. Md.·E si-e 57 FIOrllMI it.AM 47, O.teware SI 41 EXM18 1TIOM Alllletes '" A<llOn ti, O.Paul 16 Community college s-Pi..,... • .,,,..,._. LOnQ 8NCI\ C.C 61. S.ddlella<k SI Et CMl!no .... c~s •1 Women c:--Mlt1 c.-- Golclen w.SI 111. Mt $<on J«inlo n OranQt Coest n. Gnlnmonl .. H .... SclilMt Cll'l'IMll 4-A Rl•er\lde Poly 63. G•l\r S1 J-A """ Loma SI. "••nwtny s.o 1·A Miu Ion 11,.to •• Artesl• Sl Bask e tball titles on line tonight LONG BEACH -A half dozen CI F championship bas ketball games, ' capped by a double-header tonight, highlight a full day 's menu al Long Beach Arena. ll begins with four games today, wilh Capistrano Valley High 's Cougars going for the 2-A crown at 2: 15 p.m. agaisnl Burroughs tlieh of Ridgecrest topp in g t he morning session. Crossroads (20-8) meets Montclair Prep (19·7) in the 9 a.m. starter , for the small schools title, followed by a girls' l ·A c hampions hip game bet ween Valley Christian a nd San Bernardino a l 10:45. The 1-A champiohs hip will be decided between Banning (21·6) and St. Joseph ( 25·3> al 12: 30, then Capistrano Valley, the South Coast League champion. goes for the 2-A crown. Tonight's 7 o'clock 3-A game pits St. Bernard (26-2), which advanced with a 34-28 victory. over Corona del Mar. agaiJ1st Hoover ( 26-1 l. Inglewood (22·6) and Lakewood (27 -2 > w i ll se ttl e th e 4 ·A championshi p at 8:45. Side Dishes: Served by our ' 1 What pro football star did Babe Ruth , • replace as Yankee right fielder? Super Dish Antenna, direct from eatellltes: A Where can Sports Fans: »• A. Enjoys 100 Well Drinks & Beer from 4-7 .p.m ? ' 8. With Free Hors d'oeuvres? C. And Continuous Wide-Screen Satelhte Sports?. O. With Great Food and Lunch Specials? dOONOOH S.lHOd S i H.l ·a dOONOOH SJ. .. OdS J H.l ·o dOONno .. IJ. .. Odt iH.l '8 dOONOOH S.lHOdS i H.1 ·y fftVH e6Joe() Orange Cout O.AJLY Pll.OT/~urday, March 6, 1982 .. Diablos win easily Artesia convinced, 69-53 BY HOWARD L. HANDY • 0,.. .. ......, .......... LONG BEACH -"This group of 1lrls ls the kind \hat come along once ln a lifetime." Mission Viejo High women's basketball coach John Hattrup said following lhe Diablos' convincing 69·53 victory In lhe CJF 2-A championship game over Artesia High Friday night at the Long Beach Arena. A crowd of 5,i39 watched as Riverside Poly extended its win st1'eak lo 30 straight this year (80 overall>. a 63-57 victory over a scrappy Gahr team in lhe 4-A final. In the 3-A liUe game, Alta Loma defe ated Alemany, 57-54. Despite a painful knee injury in the third quarter that almost put her out of the game fo't good, Poly's Cher yl Miller led the Bears almost singl~·handedJy. She scored 15 points in the fourth quarter after being out and watching the Gladiators creep to ~within two points at 41-39 period. "This is a group of kids that knows what to do and I don't have to call timeout to explain certain situations to them," Hattrup continued. "They can adjust when it gets a llllle sticky just by my instructions from the sidelines. "Having been here last year also helps. The experience is something you have lo get Ly playing in a championship game." For Hatlrup, a fifth-year coach at Mission Viejo, il was bis third trip to the ClF championship , gam e. Last year his girls lost to Chino, 52·41, and w~en he was a senior and playing al MV, the Diablos lost in the title game in 1976 unde r coach Coac h Pat Roberts. Friday night il was Mission Viejo's show from beginning to e nd. After Artesia scored the first basket and lied the game twice at 4-4 and 6-6 in the early going, Mary Madigan put MV ahead lo stay with a free throw, one of 21 points she scored. Two other stars for Mission Viejo were Tracy Blum, a 5·6 guard who controlled the tempo and center Cindy Rohrig who hit 11 of 17 from the field for a game-high 22 Points. While this trio stood out, Darcy Smith was the unsung heroine for the victors. She was assigned to guard Artesia's Susan Bergendahl, the Pioneers' floor leader and leading scorer. Bergendahl came into the game averaging 16.6 points but was held to five by Smith. Jahe Harre, the oJ~starter, was in early foul lrOtJble but is ribed by Hallrup as "pro bably the best a -around player on lhe team." The victory qualifies Mission Viejo for the regional slate tournament next week along with division winners in the 4-A, 3·A.and l·A. Mission Viejo (27·2 ) will compe te in Di vision II competition and will play Thursday at 4 or 5:30 at Long Beach Arena. Finals are on Saturday at 4. Today's Tv, radio TELEVISION 10 a.m. (9> -NHL HOCKEY Ki ngs at Boston. 2 p.m. (4) -GOLF Third round play in the Bay Hill Classic. 2 :30 p .m . <2> NCAA BASKETBALL PREVIEW 3 p.m . (4J COLLEGE BASKETBALL Oregon State at Arizona Stale in a Pac-10 game. 3:30 p.m . 12> -·CBS SPORTS SATURDAY 5 p.m . (7J WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 8 p.m. IS) -COLLEGE BASKETBt\LL Washington State at UCLA. RADIO Bas ketball -Washington at USC . 8 p.m . KDAY (1580); Washington State at UCLA, 8 p.m .. KMPC <7101. Hockey -Kings at Roston. 10 a m .. K PRZ ( 1150 >. OUTSTANDING • SELECTION OF USED BMWs! LEASE OR IU1! '" Newpot1 8Mch Roy Carver BMW I 540 JAMBOREE RD .• NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 714-640-6444 \ .-·~ ------ a Madel 8315 MAGNA vo ·x VCR with NtftOt• Soft touch function controls. Mechanical tuning. 1 day/1 -event timer. T ransiti on editing. Remote pause. Special $661 25 STAR REMOTE Madel RB4265 Enjoy the ulti mate in state-of-the-art technology with this 19" diagonaJ Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's also a 10 channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display, high resolution filter and an audio•output jack. Factory programmed to receive 10 5 channels. s5999s FREE DELIVERY Model sos• with Hi-Fi Sound $869.95 With Remote Control .. -(_ >· NBA Q_JT•a.M CO..l'•••Nc• "'•WtcD1¥11Ma • w &. &.•en •1 lt 1 .. n1. at JO Go .. 11SU• )4 U ..._.... " u l"wllaM JO • kl\Olaet IS 0 P'cL Oa ,..,_ ... , '"" .S7' 61'> ,.. 1 S11 10 ·"°" ~ . ...._..DIYll ... SanA~ 31 Jl ... - Houston >:I t1 UO S 0.11ver JO Jt . SOI Plo't lta MH City 20 •I .321 1'\lt oa u.. 1• «1 .m 1'llt UIJlll 1' «I .n 2 lt\lt •ASTa•N COflll'IE••Nc• AtlMtk Olwlt ... Botton Pllll .... lpllje Ntw J tney Wetlllnpw. Htw Yorti ., u •2 11 ,, Jt 21 )0 JI SJ CIMralDlvll- Mllw•lil<• Ind lane O.lrolt AtlAnlJI ClllCA90 Clevel•nd 0 " " n ,. 33 u J2 Jl ,. ,, 0 l'riMY'•k- Pllll•dllp/11• "· AllAntA IO Hnr Jenoy 107, Cllk-'° Botton 100, Houlton " Denver 111, WHhlnQlon 12• PllOenl• 110, lt•nsas City" Gol~n Sta• 117, S.... Dle9o 11• cine.-111, ,.,,,.,_ 110 S.•ttl• ... 0•11••'7 T........-•o-H•• Jenoy at Atleflt• Oelroll •t H-York Mllw•ut<• •t Sen Antonio .741 - .112 l\lo .w 1>1'> • 414 Ullo .ot """ .n4 - .4'1 IS .'4116\lt 4Jt 11 *'~ .n• Jt COMMUNITY COLLEGE LBCC 67, Saddi.back 58 SAD~aACll Oodcb I , Turner II. Mllcllell IS. w1 ... -1 s. Doyle 10, F-l'M 2, Ground 0, Reid 0 T ot•ls • 1S I• I I SI. LONG HACH CC: -Bos 6, Senlord •· BH nt IS. J,,,_ I . Foa J, Bruler 11, Wllkn IJ TotAls 16 IS-24 61 H•llllrne. Lano Bu ell cc. 40-ll TolJll loult : ~k 21. L-BeacllCC a Fouled out: Dodds !Saddlebeck). Wlsft ltwskl IStddltbACk). J Ol\U (LOl\9 BH cll CCI Tecllnlcel Dovie IS.ddl•backl COMMUNITY COUEGE WOMEN Orange Coaat 52, GroHmonl 48 OltANGE COAST -Eftlnoer 4, C.,roll •. Merk t. S-vlu n 2, itrover U, Parker 2, Berry 16. Tace11 24..., u . Glt'"SMONT -B•fkle v 2, Flor IS, Gar-r I, S...l!ll 4, H•mlllon •· /tilltcllell 11 Tot•" 124-t .. . Hellllme: o ... n~ (OH i, 21·24 Totel lou4s· Or-Cout IJ, Gro~t 10; Fouled out· Flor IGrorsmontl . Tecl\ftlctlla.il· Mllcllell IGroumonll Golden West 111. Mt. Sen Jae. 57 MT. SAN JACINTO -Woodw•rd 12, Sttcllmen •. Swentan 10, W•rd •. Gantlet>. O.namore 4, ~ 6, JOft9tm• 2, Helmbrect ,, P lecenti• •. TolJll• 25 1-10 SI GOLDEN WIST Cle..-IS •. ICrlllorlen 11, Guthrt. n. Ha rrlW>n 10. R arn .. ken 11, ~et U , Mt-20, O....Cen 11 Tate l' SJ ,..,, ... H•llllrne' Goldeft West . S~2'. Tot.111 louts Ml Saft JA(lftlO 17, G-" WHtl HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN Ml11ion Vlelo 69, ArtHla 53 AltTESIA -Gordon 1'. S.nl•ne 12, Murclock 6, S.rOtftd<llll S. EPC>• 10, Baw<utt 2, Elden 2, Bffdl• 0 Tol•IS. n .. ,. 53. MISSION VIEJO -H•rr• 6, _._JI, Rollrl9 12, Smltll 7. Blum 1, Clluc>lll 6. Tot•~ ,. 1).1' .. ken •Y O...rten Artn l• 10 IS 14 14-Sl MIUIOI\ Viejo It ll JO 11 _.. Totel toul• Anttl• IS. Minion VlelO IJ All·T_te_ Clft dy Rollrl9 (Mlu lOft Vlt lol. Sllelde Arcent •u• CAii• t.orn•I, llenee Over1on C RlversllM Poly). TOftl Eldrk19e CG•llr), M••Y Medl9M CMIHlon vi.101. Mltllelle McCoy (Gtillr), l(rlllen S...1111 CAlemelly), Clleryl Miiier (Rivers•~ POIYI. Temmy G!l•dOn (A"'"lel. Mk llelle Boyette IA"• Lom•I. MO\! ... 1..-. pl•yer. Miiier Women'• gymnaatlc• COMMUNITY CO\.LIOI 0••-~ llL6, SH D .... -61.M vault -1. Sc>rlnoer co >. I.JS. B.,, I Sprlnoer 10 1, 1 •S: &Nm -1 Sor l_. COi. 1 U ; Floor I Sprl,.9er 10 ), 11, All·••ouncl t Sc>flnoer 101. J1 u Soeedway racing c .. oc ....... u1111r t, 8ruce ,..,,,..., 11-l. 12; 2. ~ Scllwerll I B•lbo•l 12; l . G•"• w_, !Or•,,..>. 10; 4 Don~ (lll•llol t; s. BredO•ley IS.ft c..._ .. ,, I . Atte"4MM•: 1,m N-; ...-it -rUl\Ott wltll S<nw-to 11"1'11 flrSI. ~ t I ,,. I. .. CoHeee UC INIM • ~-n VC lrvl,.. Ito Ml Ot tt It I (llellM*' U0 tJO 11)-11 to I .. .,_., .,_ m, Hkk• m • ,..,._.., 1t11'' 141: Ww, ..... •I• U> ... Ola. Mar11,...m ,w -._., &.-w.-.. otlltl'k-C•l Sift f'llllerton6, $t. Mar'f't 1 H6gh achool ........ 6,H~a.Mlll HuntlnQton -h 001 * 2-S e > M .. llOllt 001 OlO •-4 • t lurd, Le tlmtr Ul. F lynn (61 •nd Slllrley; --0.ly W J ... MOft L -a.erd. ti -O.waltl c HUllll"ttOll Beaclll, Slllrloy IH...,......., a..c111 ........... ,,.u., tt. 0.. ........... Fo.."ttl" 'VMley 110 JI» U 10 Oo1 p""""' oos 000 0-s • s l •MAfC .. , G•-(4) -Prati: 11 ........ M cOe ftht Y 01. Wltllo r100011 111 aftd Rornere, Et...,, U I W -GNOOt 11.01 L- Rt•t lH 10.1). JB G11erre IOPI, Arnold ( FV I. Prati (f'\11, Ell Iott (F\/), Stewer1 CFVI JB-$W#a'1 if'V), Velllure !OP). U•....ity J, i...e-e a.Mii t Unlvenlty 001 GOO I J S I l -OUM ~ 000 101 0-J 4 l L••Hft •nd Frei; LIPSOft, Minni• 141. BorK lleld (1), O'COn_. (7) and Berryfllll, W -Leno" 11.0) L B~lleld ((1..1). 2B -Murplly !LBI !l«rylllll !LBI HR - Berrylllll CLBI W ...... It, N-1Cllr'ltlleft 4 H•wPOr1 CIYl•ll•n 003 100-• J • WOOdbr ldgo 2'0 OJ•-10 II 1 Stuen . li:eac11 u 1 -Mc:C-,., Bu.-u, Cook Ul -Holen, Roor1Quo1 U I, S<llmlelt 141 w Buru l -Stuen E-J,llatellAI EdlW>n IQO 001 o-2 S 7 itettll• ooo ooo 1-1 • > SleplleM. Cloney 111 and Llngerd, Br •""'" •nd Thoren w Sl •Pll•"• L Brt,..,.,,. lB-Vrciulr• (El l C:AMPIEL~C'!';.FElllENC:I Smytlle DlvhlM W L T OF OA ""'- drnonlOI\ 4t U 12 3'2 JSS .. v ... couwr ,. 1t .. m 1>6 " C••vary ,, JO IS 271 m 61 LOS 4'nQel~ 11 J1 U »J Jtl '° ColoredO U 40 11 104 m 41 Min-ta Wln..1- St la.ii• Clllt•90 Toronto Detroit ........ o ...... 21 It It ,.. 2'4 1S U 27 IJ lSJ 1IO 6J 21 13 6 UI 196 60 2l J3 10 116 JOI St 11 u " lSI l lJ so " l1 ,, Jn m • WALESCOHFEltENCE l'wk•Otvh..., NY hlendlt<• 0 IS 1 n 4 * '1 HY Reftgers '31 l'J 11 7'4 J41 7J Pllllt dtlP"l• J2 16 1 l6S 16.J 71 Plth buf'911 J4 l2 10 240 J71 SI wes111~0ft n lS ' 1'1 1n SJ Monln·•I Boston Bull•lo o ... t>K Heriford A-OIYh .... )6 IJ 17 ,., 117 " u 11 ' JS. m ,, )l .. 13 2 .. * ,. lO 21 u n. rn 1• 11 J1 IS t ll m " FrtMJ'tk - W t sll"'911ln I, 0 ....-V 6 WIM IP19 2, Oelrolt 0 T-'f'•G-• ....... Bolton Plllledefl>fl!e at ClllYOO Buffelo M H•ntord," Plttlbu<'llh •10-, n HY Rengtn et NY t1le-r1," Mont reel et Toron10," V•n<-et Mlrvwsota," 0.trolt Al St. Loult," Ed....-on at Co4o.ordo n ~ • • . .. Women'• aoftball COMMUNITY CO\.llOI! ~laN<••.Chalfoy l CllAll•y 000 000 0 0 ' 0 s.ddlt~• 200 200 II 4 10 l O•M arco •nd H•n<kel l.O<lt• •nc:I RulMIUbll w -LOO• 11.0) L D•Marco. HIGH SCHOOL ~Ylew6,tr,,..,., O<U ft V-• Oil 000 ) -' I I l<YIN 000 000 I I I 6 Wlllta •"II Satu•r; Marti" and l(ow•rxll F-Yalley I, L<M A'-1'" I Fo..ntelft "•".., 000 400 0-S I I Los Ataml~ 000 000 ~ J 1 V•nlrnan •nll P\Kllelskl, EtllrlOQe - Combs l-Sawton CFVI (AIM 11, ~ ""''. L-vun• Hiiis 014 201 ,_. ' IJ Coron• cltl ~ .01 000 •-11 10 t 5cllulttt encl Ma<tr•,.••. Dodds and 1Co le1ledl , JB M•c•r•nll • (L H I ; >B-Schul~e ILHI. ..... a.c_.2 EdlMlft 000 120 0-J 5 Cypreu 000 002 _, J Boer -Mallono; Sllln •ncl MurOtv. 1Ma11o11o. ~or ... 1ta11. - ~:"~ ~ .................. J-Mtlliwc• IU.I .) *f. \/IJey Antr"rel llndle l ........ 1. M : llltt Telttther !U.l.1 .... "•-Ill llfl ........ (lndl•) ...... w ..... CU.I . 1-tfldle, J.01. ( ........... I ...... _ ....... ltejH ll OeMlt IC•,,H•) del. Jelro \/el•KO l~a), •t. M . 6~i Alel911d19 c ... tM !CelonlOl•I del. Olenll MIClll.llet.e ICAM4a>.•i.M . ""' IMl'let lled, t.tl ( .. ._ . .,.., .................. Owlli.rmo llllH CAf .. flllllAl O.I Y-• NOAll (l'rlftC•l .......... 1·S. H . 1·•1 Tl\ltrrv TulAtfte Cf'rAnU) clel. ltlcerde Ceno CAr .. lltlN ), .... W, 6-J !Mf~ tied, I I) ( .............. ) ....... _ ........ Matt Wll•nder !Sweden> det. Vadlm 9«110v (U5Sltl. .. 1, 6-1, M ; Andert Jarrvd ISwedefll dtf. Ate•-l w rlev IUUlll. .. 1. M . k , .. ,, •t (Swede"'-UUlt. t.01 ... ~., ..... , ....... ·-~· Ille NHIH • (llorn•nl•I d•I. Belu• ~,.,_. CCNl•I. 14, "'• M , M , .. 2, Pedro lt.tbol,._ (()Nie) Oof l'lorln S.r .. rc- ( 11...,,.,...I. M , •1, M . CR_ .. encl CNle lledMl ( .. ll'f..,., c---•••IAI .. .,.., ....... $1 ..... I van Ltndl !C~t<llOllO••"•) del llolt Gellrln9 t WH I C..rmen yl. "'· •·2, •1; Tomas Smid ICttello•lovt l\la) d•I Ull P ll\Mf, .. ,, M . ._, IC-llo\IOn• .. - WHI Germa"V 2.01 Women'• tDum1menl l•IL•A ...... I s-._.... ... .. Sylvle HAl\111• Gel. Jo Durie, 6·J, .. I. Mime JeUiOvec def Yvonne Eerm•••. 74, "': Leolle Alie" def. Berber• Potter. 74, lt-0; Biiii• Jun KlnQ del And~•· Lu nd, H .. lt-0, 14 Community c:bhge 0r ... c...1•.Cen1••• , ...... FeOcltrty !OCC> def. Reylbergen, 6.0, M ; ICllne IOCC> del. Homplllll, •». 6.J; Relltorlc !DCC) del Vlllerruet, l·S. M ; Boni• COCCI dltf. Al-. "'· 6-t, Br- COCC) def Cinco. •1, •t; Scllutter (OCCI def Bl•O , .. ,, •·1 ~-Fedd•r ly-Ae lltorlc I O CC I del. Ren berQltfl-Vlllerruel • r, 6.J, Bonl•Br..,., IOCCI d•I Htmolllll·Cift<O, 6 o. •·2. ICllne·Sc""•ler COCCI del Albel\O·Bl•O , IHl,H High •chool W. ... Vie .. 26, C•U,...,.. 2 ~ Warrter Cc.Ml toll to Mtrsll, 14 , lo1;t IO Hottmen, o.., io.1 to llactor. 24; def. J.-, 74 . T ren le.Ml, lost 14; 44; 14, won •2; Smllll ICM> toll, 04; 14, 14 ; 04, Ntu....., ICMI, lost 14; 14; 04; •4 ~ llole·R•mmlftQIOn I CM ) Iott 10 L••ter Jollft son, J •. S·7, lo s t t o Stone-SclW'l\ln , 4-6, 14 ; 1uc11e,-T11em IOSI, 1 .. , 2 .. ; IOSl •4, 24. .. ...,.,, ....-.. 1111). LI Wlh9ot t lll Sitollle• Sv-(NHI toll to Olv>o, J.4. won 1W det..,lt OW< Crow, det l••Y. 6.0, lost to S.Ce11t1lno. H . Suntlllne !HH), •on .. ,, lost 14 ; won bv def!Kllt, won .. >; JamH Myen (HHI won 14; ~t .... won lt-0, Geleutt; J()hft M \'trt (NHI won 6·l , lost , ..... on l)y defeull,won..O. --Ha y•,·Conl>.ey CH Hl splll w1111 Ross m •n·B•d Ol•Y. t ·4, J.6 , do t Ooy·M•cll .. llen, M . 6·1, MACru-5tAftMll (HHl lOltk,J-7,....., .. 6.J 1-11 ..... llTent\lt ~ HorlmAM IEI lost to Wellln, •4 ; def Ceu, .... del K•mlftlSto:I, 6·3, del Rey-, IHI, Mallts CEI lost 44 , won •2. 6~. IHI, S<ttton C El lo\I 04, 14. 14. won M , TurreW CEI Iott •• • ._., l-4, won l·S. o-.. Por •tr·Slmmoftt CE I splll w l lll MOllGP·Mlll•r. J ... •·2. det W•llln·Nvu'""• ... 1. 6·1, O'COftnnel·Wllltcller (El won •> . ... _ ..... , ... , ~ ..... , •• , ........ I SI ...... S<Nftll (LBJ del Denny, 14 ; del '-"<H. • 1, del. GerlNskl, 6.0, del Elllot, ..... Wlllerd CLBI, won .. ,. 6 2, 6.0. 6.0. Br...,. CLBl to~ J.4. wonM; ..... , ............ ._ Ct.Bl won .. J. ~. 6-J, t.o -.. P.,r,·Caoo1>1•nt o CLB) sp11t with J •<•ton·fftQt l. J ·•· 6·1; spllt wltll P-.. l·Bllt6, 14 , t-4. L .. <,,··ICollend• Wllll H . •t. \4111tl-4,6-l UMU,l'elm~S ~ Sulll••" CC) lost co Con•. S-1 loll to A••dlkln. :14: -Plaftk, .. 2 del F~y. ... ,, Br-oer CCI won M , 6.0, 6 I, •1 EwlnQ !Cl loot 4-6, won ... J. 6·1 • I Allter CCI lost 1'4,U . won•2,6.0 OeuMet Pro p p ·H olt tlle r I C ) Otl Sm ttlwortll·S llomer. 6·0, 6 I d •I Fr•nclaco<otlH .• I, 6.0, HOUH llt·HlnmOft !Cl won 74, M , won "' 6·1 l'-Vall..,'11,!loeMAA••I SI ...... Soooner IFVI del Oruch r, 6 l , del. 511nQleY, IHI, de!. Miiter, •t. del Olnll, •t; l H !FVl won, I ..... 1 . ..0, 6-0, SN ..... IFVI won, .. >. lt-0, •I. IHI. -·-(FVI 1o11, 04, won, "1. •.O, 6· I Oeo*et Buc llen1 n ·Ce p e lOft O t F VI del M••••·D•IQ•do . 6 4 , 6 ·2 . d e l L•nd a l>••o -P lm•ftlo , •·O, 6·0 : Wuwltel-Muncll I FVI ....... 6-4, •->. won, 1·5, ... . U11lv..,ity ,..,., H ..... 1 ...... _,, 1\lt ~ Greer IUI de!. G«>rlel, •J; dtf Btrf\tfd, •·>: clel. E•rnest. •·•: IMI G•"'· 6-0, Mer90ll1 CUI los1 J-7. J.4, won 6-1, M : M•rGulls CUI lost 04 , 44 ; won 6.0, 14; Mertlner CUI lost •7,H ; won•2. •.O. ~ Oay-P.,lton IU) def. Cra.m,.,...-C::-roll, 6·2, 6·2. def. Btrll•·Dod d1. 6-2. 6·1: 'Venkat..iM>ll...,... !Ul won 7-4, 6-4; 1pltl S-1. .... • 1. ,,.. ':s-::-:-.... HUHr Ill lett I• H•Wle, l •'I llaf, Ca"aefll, ... , lett W O•tW , .... , .. . "'9«!1 .... ""-' (I) ... , .. : -.... ,. ••· ll!lllM Ill ... , N , M , ._., -•.: Te..-Cll ... 14,W,t .. 1-•1. ~ lltaW• ....... (II tet, Hutfle•HlllllflllW, 4.a, ••*l ftl ll'elt 6e•HOwle , 7•1, .. ,, OrtH""-v --.. Cll -"'· 1-J: -w, , .. Women coui•• ~Clrvl•I Juno !1'1 .. Ma. M.,..,, 6-J, ••; ltMI"" Ill 41tf. k!IOll, U , 64, M , Fff-t II') ... "''-· .. , .... ,; ""' Myart (I) ... c ..... ..a, .. ,: '--'' .... 11'1 -· _....,, t-4 ... , ; J-"' If') def. Serr-."'· tt, .. ,. .,...... M)ooo <M,....-1 m *'· c..-._t.c,..u, M , 1·6. rttlretl, JY"9 , ...... I P l Uf Me llor r ·lltoll119 , •·6, 1 ·S, 6·'· ,.,,..,.,,..,< .... !fl'I de! HI•-~"-· .. J .. , ' COMMUNITY COLL•oa or.et~• ............ ......... llMCI IOCCI Clef. Cleffl. ._,,._,. Goe!IXll IOCCI dtf. Mt<Nell, H . 7-4; lt~Y IOCCI Gel. StodlMrd, ._,, .. 1; Elvln IOCCI *' Hu mpllrey, •J, 6·S: Oer•I" COCCI del. Konn , 6-2, • •. Hvndm•" IOCC> tlt l Gtrr•rd. M ... , o.Mee lt-.o-tMll (()CCI del (IOfll·M.o<Nell, •·•· 6·4, ._1, ltllOr•Y Elvln COCCI Clel Hum p llr•Y·G •rr ••d. 6 •. 6 •. O e r w l n ·H Ylldtn •n !OC CI del l(Ofl,.. ,,,_,., "" ~. Men'• twlmmlng COMMUNITY CO\.LIOIE --ttt.•leH-Jt Medley 11 ... Y -Go!Mn Wtol, •· 11 6, 1,000 ll'ff ~ton !GWI. 11 Oj.J, 20011'ff 11- IGWI. J.01 S, SO Ir .. -Hl>Qltl\1 !GWI, U t ; JOO IM ,,,.llAltey IGWI J; It I, 200 lly - Sttolltn.on (GWI. J O• °'; 100 lr H NU9e"1 (OW). St 13. JOO l»O MalltffeV IGWI. 7 tt•; 500 Ir.. Oe•k ll CGWI S. U . I JOO t>rffll -Pk llef\ IGW). 2 >S S, 400 lret rein IOWI. 3r"3.1 .. .....,_ ... Or-c ... , 0 400 medley rel•y 1 Fut tenon. J u J 1,000 lrM I Hill (I'), IO:StO, 1 ~ COi, 10 J7.>, J ltulberg IF). 10 .. 0 ?00 lrw 1 Grebows~I (Fl, 1· .. 0, J Poltennt 101, t:SO t.Sl S, l Wlllmi IOI, , . S4.7 SO Ir.. I Coolln9 10 1, J11; J Fr•nce (F),J>t, l Riuo COl,11) 200 lndo I Zllney (FI. 2 01 I. 1 I( ulbH'Q (Fl, l 10 JI,) Oevkhon COi, J 11 1l 1-m•ttr dl•lnv t Crv•n cFI. 1 Plkt 10). l IC-rel< CFI 700 lly I Hiii IFl. l 06 1, J S.llter IOI 2 01 01, l Bllu tro CFI, 2 10 •1 100 lrM 1 G••boW\kl 1 Fl. •• 0.0 CoollnQ 101 4t t. J Pollt"""I IOI, SI 07 JOO t>«• !. 0u1-..1 COi, 2 ll 7, Huglles (F l, 2'19 2, J. Woll IOI. l 2t 9 SOO lrH 1 Slloel 10 1, s ·11 1 BrownlH 10). s·12 J, L""'' COi s 1t I 200 l>r·.-t -1. Oevld\Oft IOI. 2 JI S. 2 Sommer IFI. J JO O J WonlOrtk COi. J,. J J m•I., diving 1 Cryen ffl , J Pl•• COi, l KAMrth (Fl •OO tree re1•r 1 Fu11enon 7 JO s High school C.W-.. Mtr 71, f'-111 II JOO medley rel•Y -F00111111. 1 41 t 200 lrM 1 Slr.Clleft (F l, 1 SI 0, loo111ourrow CCdM), I Sl 1 l T o lor CCdM l.I SJt JOO IM I R••ftO•Os tFI I s• 2 J MOllAr d CCdMI 1 01 • l Macl.A<MAft CF I. J 01 • SO lree I Mo<row (CdMI. n 1, 2 si-1• t F:o:J1~.1 Str~ll ~~:~:~!n IF I SSS 1 Loolbo<ir,_ !CdMI s• • J Rerl\Ol<tt IFI ' 01. 100 tree I ~·· IF I, WI, J Morr-CC.dMI, St 1. l •Ttrrv CFI, SI l S00 lree I Reyl\Oldi !Fl. • 0 ,1. 2 Br•dsllwA J Brad•h•w IF I S JO I J lmbornino ICdMl, S ll S 100 !>eell I Mc Macl.A<lllln IF ) H l. ' MOll•rd CCdMI. ~ 1, l Cleve CF). 1 02 I 100 l>rUSI I Jee~ \CdMl, t 011, 1 !><Oii ICdMl, I 01.S, J 8uft0t IF>, I 09 0 400 lrw r•l•y -Coron• dfll Mor, l: :n 6 N-1 M..-11. Jlttt. Valley W 200 ,,_.., rel•Y I Fou"l•I" Valley 1 0?1 100 frflt" t Marr•"°n tN ). 1 4i4 1t, ) Tllomoson CHI. 1 4t o , > S<llutll CFI 1·s2 ~ JOO lndo 1 Woollol~ IN I, J 0.0 74, 1 W• (F), l •O<I 13 J Sl•ntev IN), 2 Ot JS SO free I t"""'°""' lNI, 11 35. 2 Jooe>< CNl, ll .. ) LIQ!ll (Fl n n 100 "' ' HarrlW>n (NI, SJ I ; , p., ... CHI, s• 1, l She• ...... (Ft. S• •s 100 Ir" I Moffet CHI, q lie, 1 Jeppr CHI, SOS. l McC•r111• IFI, U 41 S00 lree I -llotk IN), 4 SI 4, J S.Cllultr 11'1, S °' 1. J B.-.ll•Y !Fl, S It 1 100 INC-I St anley (NI. SI 4, 2 Rk llm-n CFI. I 03 I. l Tlngl ... IH), 1 03 6 100 "' .. " I Moffet IN), s• I' 1 w .. (F l, 1 OJ " l Nomura IF) t·Ol.Ot 400 ''" ,-ef•¥ t N•woort H•roor J ,, • C-MI-. 16, ""-""" U 200 m..:ll•y r•I•¥ 1 (M ia -W, 1·s1.n 200 l"ff I SusllkOll tCMl. I SS '4, 2 Earnell CCMI ' ,. .n ) Huql\ff ICM). I SI IO 200 lndo I !>mltll P (Ml. 7 10 t$. J rlclo.etl ICM>. 1 II n l Enrt9M IMI. ,. "n. SO Ir" -1 p.,tonl IMI, 23 II, 2 Pkk•lf ICM), U.JO. l HUC)MS ICMI 24 M 100 tty 1 P•r'°"' (Ml, SI 14. l Eer-1 !CMI. I O:US, J Lynell CMI, I 0.0 W 100 tree -I. S.r•weltrl ICMI. SJ M; 2 Hoto:lftS CMI. SJ.07; ). A11tby !CMI. U. IJ. * f-1, fl't1c .. 11 ICMl, S 11.1, 1 Enrlgtlt !Ml s·to 13, 3 Lynell IMI. s ,. I 100 ba<ll t. Smllll CM), 1 OJ I, 2. Sltwer1 !Ml, I :IM I . J Plcll9'1 !CMI, 1 10 SJ 100 bf'ffst -1. AsNIY (CMI. I lie II, J Su,ll•off CCMI. 1.0l.tJ; J Lynch (Ml, t;U 1 400 trM rel•y -I Cost• Mtl.t; J . JI 0. H.....,..__lttl,LIP91y st JOO m.otey rPl•Y -1 Hunll"91on Bo«ll t •SS.00 JOO Ir" I Mouclleflawar IL.Bl, l.S1.J6, l . Grllil"' IHBI 1:0S •. J l(lrtsev !HB>, 2:11 .... 200 Inda I Fol•tr (HBI. 2: 14 Sl, 2 M<Oermotl !LBI. J 16.eS, l •-non ILBI. J J1" SO Ir• -1 Horton !HBI. 74.'2, J H•I" IHB). U °'· J Mer11ner ll BI, 7;_1J ' 1• fly t Otlftiltl IHI), 1.11.U; t e .. u, l&.11. 1101.sa. , l.eM,• 0•11. t1., •••• 1tt "• t. ,.._ .. , (HI), U ti; I ten., ... ,, Jo&a; I. ~k Otl l, IJ 41. ... 1,.. -t. ~ IHI !, S:JI n , J ~"-"-c&.11. s·u •1 a ........ (Hl),t l1UI t•Mc•-1. l'W-lat ...... t·Ot». l He,, IHUI, ltt0,1'; J 0«>1e11 ... (1,11, t:tt.• t•~ I --~ILal,I OtlS, , Maler (HBl, ' 10 II. , Barro (HI>. Ito.JI • frw ,..,., 1 H1111llnQI011 BNc.11, •:• 11 Womon'a awt"'mfng COMMUMIU COL&.IGa .................... ., 100 ........, r•llY -Got-w"'· J'l7,J/ MO ,_,. -_., IOWI, t · .. I, fO frH lervm• l•H>. 11.t/ IOI Ne-c .. 111,. tOWI. 1'2ll OI; "9 IJrMfl ..... ._ !OWl , 1.1'.M; 100 1rM ~ti !OWl,J•JttO, SO lly Pull IOW). U.t ; 100 lrH S.l\Ollrt (GW>. 1:00,•. tOO fly Ct•llllitl !GWl, t·IO•, SOb•O l!lllt IOWJ.)H, 100 IM -""°'IC.,.tlt !OW), 1 U ... p 1- LArMf\ IOWl, 6 ~ t7. SO br .. ,, 1erWM IRHI 4' 11, 200 lrH rtltY Golden Wet!. '01 0 Or ... C..'1• ............. . 200 mtdle~ relay I OCC, 2 00.tl. toO Inda 1 Barrttt 101, 1 14 •. SO Ire• I HU90 IOI. ,. SO, 100 boe' 1 Browne !0). I 0t S; 100 brN.i I W•I"' (01, 1.1116, 200 lrH I HU90 10 1, J:OUI, SO lly -I Borr•tt IOI, 71.•, 100 ff.. 1 S.llnQ COi. st u; 100 "' 1, Br-ne 101. 1·16 .... so be<• 1 &errett IOI. J I n . 100 '"°° -1 "-(0 ). I o..n , ~1.... I Browne COi, S.11 11; SO llrfftl -I Wobll COi. JS 1, JOO tr·" rt l•v 1 OCC, 1 ·SO tJ HION$(HOOL l'-i.1ca, c--Ml Mar 51 200 medi.y rote. FOGU>lll, I' St.•. 200 lrt• -Mtlourt. (F ), t 02 •• 200 IM RuftClfds IF). 2 JO 6, SO lree Bird CCdMI. 2S l . 100 tty Reynolch IF I I OJ S; 100 l<ff Bird ICdMI, I'S, SOO lr .. -R-ICdM), S 32 I; 100 boc:k -AHa. IFI. l ;Oj,t , IOO bru sl ,,,.....,,,. (F), 1 ll • • .00 lrte rtlo F-Nll 4•000 Communltv college Or ..... tea• 14, Cerri ... ~ 100 I s1 ... 1un11 COCCI.10 •• 1 Aeeo !Cl. 10 •. J 5outttw1rd IOCC I. 11 0 200 -I A-ICl t2 I, Stenlund COCCI, U .O; l. Cun~~ (Cl 2l • 400 -l Od9ort IOCCI 49 o, J CunnlnQllAm IC>. St t > G••cta IOCCI SJ 0 IOO I U<llylll IOCC I I S6 6, o .. r lOCC>. I s. I T rornt>i.v CCI. I S1 0 1,SOO -1 S..rne COCCI.• 02 1. 2 U<ll'(lll IOCCI. • 0. J l Mclfttosll ICl • 12 • S,000 I H•rold COCCI 14 Sf •. > TerrlQ..,.l IOCCI. IS 17 •. l Simpson IOCCI IS 11 llOHH 1 c-an IC>. IS 0 1 Soulllwerd IOCCI. IS 0 J M<Oermott CCI, IS I 400LH 1 c-an CCI, S6 S· 1 Sltftlu"ll COCCI SI 1 Tremblv IC>. S• 2 J .00 r•I•• 1 Or-(OHi, .. 2 1 MliO rein Oranve Coe••. l J.S, PV I Lul!IQ COCCI ll-0 2 Fr•M cc:ci. n.o. > Cow•" ICI 11 o HJ 1 c -en tel. H . 1 G•rrttl COCC:I, 6 • 3 P•lmer ICI, ... - LJ -I McO..mon CCI J I S. l OdGtrs COCCI ,, .. "'·) P•vne CCI '1·J t J -1 Cowtn tel. •>• '-. J Sclllllln<i IC). 41-S .,,, ) Ber~ COCCI, 41.0 "'- Jt v I Od o•rs COCC I, 111-1, J Dou9ht r1Y IOCCI 17' 4, 3 Stewert ICI. 111 s SP 1 Glkk.., tOCC> S0-1 <1 2 Bo..,.,, ICI .... J Sva\lllt CCI 41 J OT I BolOOfl CCI, 10 4 J Helton tel 10 l , J 51.,...,, !Cl. 1:i..11 ~ WOMEN Ceni6Mf1,0 r-CMt100 100 FUiier ICI, 12 S. 200 Full•• tel. H 4 400 Scott ICI. st I, IOO AlnQOr COCCI J 11 S 1,SOO ludovltt (OCCl. 4 41 S, l,000 Mlll•r CC:I. 10 0 I. 100 HH Rtt'd lC 400 I, It S, LH L-sm• CCerrl, I 01 02; 400 relay C trrllo\, '8 I, 1,.00 tel•• GefrUCK. c 10.1 J•w -C•,.rl~ ICI 11).l, OT M"""1tn IOCCI. 119·3. ST C•rrlnQIOfl ICI. ll-10, LJ L-vnen IC> U-10; HJ Villa tCI. S 1 Loa Al1mllo1 f'lttDAY'S ltlESULTS Clttll .. ~llerwtttm-"*tl FtltST It.ACE. OM milt PAU Windy RenOt N C TOddl 10 40 l JO 2 «I luAIAhl Ridge C PArke<I 2 40 2 20 FlemlnQA (Wh llA•dl loo Also reced Poc>I•• Oru m H, Our Jltfl Smllln9 Poo. Brtl's Boy H Siar Clleek, Sludy l,.,_ Time 2 o:n1s U EllACTA C•ll peld \It 10 SECOfllD llAC:E. o ... mli• Pett. Scotch Ooubl• CLl9111111111 n 80 s 00 uo Most HMJC>y Pool•r I PuUrl l 20 2.tO G•rrv Ayr 1-••rl s 40 Al\o rtc•d Idol C.em Ff lllrn•nto lm•bulltr N, -"'" Jec• Jonol,,.,. J •" Tfm t . 2 01 2/S THl•D •ACE. Onemllt Ptct Jlt.. Ho (G,._-yl l).40 • 60 S 80 Llllle Albe Arvw !A<, .. m.,,I ) 60 2 80 Twet•'s Ledy !Ande,_,I 4 20 AIM ·-: Pinell Hll, u ......... B•ron'1 Caper, R•ll Ride<. B-Go L Tlmt · l 03 2/S U E llACTA I• II paid 114 80 FOU ltTH ltACE. One mite pece f' tor a Oor H !C"'911An I 6 80 W•lovt r R-fSlwrre111 T •rw•t., (Longo) J IO JJQ •.20 J.00 J 60 Bonnie Al•o reced. Shady Hiii DOM•. LAH , C•IACMllO, AllW MAC l'•i.r Time 2 0021S l'I f'TH llACE. One mllo P•tt An•ftlU (l(uetlferl '00 6 60 4,4() H H Cll-r ITOdd) 1.40 J 80 Lt PetrOll H IT-II) 2.tO Also ractd: Royal EdWard H, Cll._. E•. Gleft lnn,Avot. Time · 2:cn 1/S U I XACTA llMI peld U4 80 61XTN aM:•. Diie ,,,, ..... , Allrltl "'1111 a ' ('VIiia~) It • 1 .. ut .__,IN* !T--rl 6 • Mt Hela<u•N(LAflee) •• Al•, .... J-'• Clleke, "'-' 0111. L.t ....... TIM•: J:m, t•v•NTtt •ACa 0... ,,.11, '9t• 5-tiltfllOal 1"'-'-1 • 4t h o a• K•ltl,.. (V...-.1 11 • t• 0 .11 • .,.,.. ('#Motl) •• Al'° ,_. Fall Alolli), Miu Gey Girt, Pu"• 5trC110,, Porle<t Llf llt, Wlu lftvH I......,., Or.-TIMe Time· 2 OOJJJ U I JI.ACTA C .. )I N ltl '4f 20 U l'ICll llX ,...__HI .... &aAISM with t wlM!nv ti(llel\ U llorte•I; U P'lc~ llo '°"'°'attan .. lei II• n wlttl '" .,_,.. tltlleh (41\orwt) llOHTtt •AC• 0...Mlle-• B••mbte Scr""*9 !ToGO> 4 60 J Ml ~• CA1>te1" ICnlGlll N !Ll(llltllllll J.00 J • L.o0en•1 0-!~renl 7.N Alto reu 4 · Brlllle"' Jackie , 01•- Boy, H-c-. llUMlllO Foa, ......... lrott Time I lit 115 U Ill.ACTA l~ll pelf '10 40 NINTH ltACI. One m ite Oe<t BOCly Cll9<ker (CrO(lllAftl 11 IO s 10 UD Hutlllft' a.. IB•yln t) 14 IO S.20 ltt y Del Camino (V•flandfnQt\Arn) JM AIMI r-$par1y Old Al, MVP, Sf\MV Del, T , .. ..,.. HUlller, St•r AOfleel, AndY't -rlno. Time: 2.031/S lJ I ll.ACTA 11 .. l peld l lti 00 TIENTN lt.ACI. One mlle pace NO NO Hero !Andeoonl , IO 2 60 uo 0.fDY Loni I 8Alhoutll) I 60 1·00 Underroltel !~lend! 1.tO AIM> raced Gold R-, Bue-FllUI, H- RlnQ, G.,,... R_., Pr"'<e ll•>ot.el Tim• J 00 l/S . U E JIACTA C .. tl peld l1' 60 ILEVl!NTN ltACI. One mllt pace . Ht l Cnerle (l(ueC>fer) ,.,00 IS 40 1#l T•cl Henery !Ste _r,,....I I• 20 L60 L C's Byrd IOesomerl •.40 Alto reclHI Ctw--. Prince, SneO PeO . CAP OUllAlne, YounQ N••. Cool 11 MAI\, Kone Coe\! T lmt 2.00 J/S U I llACTA CJ.SI otld '1 It 60 All•ndenc• ·1 ... Bay Hiii Claulc l•IOrie ...... Fta l Cr•lv S•-r Jae~ Hk kleu• ~H Floyd Lenny Wedl<ln• L•rrv NelSOtt Mlkt McCullouQh Howard Cl•n. JollM• Miiier WOOdy BIAOl>um Biii Britton Fuu v Zoeti.r Gll Mor- B-yC<H Mer\Mc:C.- M•rto. Mc:Hully Dick MHI Tom Clleln Mark O'MHra G•rv Pl•ver Mlll•rBer11er TOff'I WolsaOPI M•rk Celtave<t hl• IM O Aoki LYnlOll B-Y C•-· J °"" F OUGl>I Jorry Ht Atd Tom Sll•w P•ulA1i-r Pel Llndwy MlhHOlland Jim &oorM Biii ROQOn Se•• B•llH IHM Buel Allin ICenGrffn Htl Sullon Jim Deni Mtrh J AmK Oevt B•rr Joe Inman C~ur S•nudo .... 10-1:16 .. 41-1» ... 10-1• ,...._I. . ... ._ .• ,....._,,. 114t-140 12..._l«I 10-70-100 ... ,,_,., '1·14-1•1 '7·14-141 ... ,)-... ... n -10 ... 7)-141 7'4f-lfl 11-11-10 ... ll-10 10-12-10 ... ,,_,., 11·10-10 1:Mf-IO 10-7)-IQ 10-1)-IQ IM 1-10l ... 7~1'3 ...1~1'3 1•4t-1'3 11·11-1'3 11·72-1.tl 11-1)-1'4 ll·IJ-1'4 12·72-1'4 12·12-1'4 ICH4-1'4 IJ.1 1-1'4 10-1~US IM f-10 IM t-10 1).12-l<&S ... ,._,.as l?·IJ-10 Men'• volleyball COMMUNITY COLLIGI! Golden Wn t dtl 0 ••"99 Coatt, IS-IJ, IS 10 1lrl1 HIGNSCHOOL L•9una BH<ll dtl. Coron• .,., M••. ,,.., IS,.10,IM E•l•ncl• ""' MerlftA, U• IO·IS, IS,.., II U IS.II L•OUN Hiii\ c»l W-•ooo. 1s• IS-10 ,,,. . O•nt Hills dtl Mary Star IS l, IS-I, IS.2 CIF playoN• (..-,ilftAh l 4-A Ct nyon >. WHI Torr•ftC• 0 Cl•romont J, Dos Puel>losO Culver C11't l, Ot m left 0 S•nt• AN f 'Welnut 2 J.A Loyola 2, CelllOf'l'llt O Crespi J, Los Alamlto\ 0 Servllt 1 s .. ,,. Vhta O '"' LA Oull\MI J, Glendal• I CAl•IMIM~ 2, Fu119"°" 1 Ceplstrano Veller 5, O•na Hlllt > BtWr1y HlllS 2, Sent• P.,lt 1 Otrlt Mir• Cott• J, PA!ol V•rdes 1 Uplend S, Poclfk t 2 WHt Torrence l , R-' l'ICTITIOUS IUSINaSS NAME STATI MINT FICTITIOUS IUSINHS NAMI STATEMENT HS-'1"4 l'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATl!MEllT Tiie lollowl"9 oerson It doln9 llutlnn sas !Al LANDON FINANCIAL G ltOUP , !B l THE CAMBRIDGE GllOUP; IC) CAMBRIDGE PACI FIC I NVESTME N T G R O UP; I O I CAMlltlOGE PACIFIC FINANCIAL GltOUP, 1«11 0.... SlrMI.. $Ullo tlO. ,._(IOr1 8Ndl, c.1119rnl• t:IMO. &.erry J. Nielson, Jr .. 1101 West Stev•"• Aw nue, • u , S•nt• A"•· Cellf91'11 .. ~ Tiiis ..,.._, h tOftdlocltd ltY llldlvldWI L.t,.,., J, Nielson, Jr Tilll ,.......,_. WM lllH wllll Cov11ty Cler• Of ~anot COllnty on ,..,.._rv•.t•. l'teJSI l'V(MllMd Or .... Coelt Delly ~llot, -ell•. •a. to, 21, na Tm.a. T II• tollowl1111 oer "''" •re dolno ilne1s es O H·LI H E PE RSO N N EL SERVICES, 11611 Newoon Avenue, • 101, P.O Bo• tlJ T~tln. C•lllOml• ~. Tiie J em os Growp In < , • AflfOl'fllji torpor-tUOll, 11'.ll N""oort venue, •IOI, P.O. Bos 'Ill, Tusllft, llfO•nla.,... Tlllt 11</SlllHl il COndVCltd by e corpo,..llon TlloJ_G,_1nc. BJ . f'lt<"°'. Pres. Tlllt .... ,,_, Wiil meet wllll Illa _t, Cter11 ot Or•"99 '°""'' on Ftt>ru•rv 11, tta. .. ,.,.. Mll-Oraftoe CoeSI Otlly Piiot, ,.., 20, 11. Mer<h 6, 13. Ital .. ,..,, T II• lollowlnq °""'o"• •re doln9 bustnes' ai NEWPORT BU~GER, UOO•A WHI Pe<lfk Coall H1911wn. N""'-1 B .. c11, C•lllomlt .,.., Aleunder A Umy, 6111 11- 0rlve. HIHltlnoton Bee<.11, Ctllloml• '2M 1 Glende A t...ny, "71 II-Drive, Huntlnvton Beac11, CallfOmla ""1. Tlllt blNneu la C-..CIMI '"' ... lncllvlduel --r A ~, Glende A. l emy Tlllt 11•1-t WM tlltd wltl! Illa Ca.inty Cltrlt OI '"' 0ranoe County on Fobr11a ry 17, 1912, l'tltMI 1'11911-Ortn91 C .. .M Delly Pli.t_ Feb t?, Mar.61 IJ._J!,J"2 !JtG LI l'I AMO ACCt01111' MIO NIM. TM IYllOPllS OP TH• AMNM. ITAftMSlfT- ' YtlAlt aND•O OICSMel• _,, "91 .. .................... &. ... .__~ .. .... Ml*4 .. =."'=C ...... ,.,,, , .... ~---·· .............. .....,.. Tu l lioMll11et ................ • ................ , .... ".. •·• t..., ... . c.ltlt ....,.. __ ._.. ............. .• . . • . .. .... .......... .._.. ..... ,, .............. .. O.-.... Ill -t91'11rllllltM ..,.._, ... ,............ ... " ............... 4 '"' .. ' ~,...., .................................................. ,, .. Utt .... ,,_.,..,.......,., •• , •••• •••••••• •••••• , ........................ . o.1" u ... > ,,_~ ............................................. .,.., .. lllCf'Mllt 10.. .... 1 ... c.MI .... ...,... • ........ ,., .................... , .......................... , .......... . t--..alll ...... : .................................................. .... Acc...-•"-""~•-• ............ ::'"''" ........... ....... .............. !~--..................................... . A<c._._. ..... ~-DINOr Cal~.:-;: ...................... i .. _. . .::: ...;;.-;;: .. ~ .... ......., ... -..... ...... c-.1111 a ., ........ c. .. ...,...-• ._. 11 ..... A..... . . '"·""-...... ......... ....... -::-~ ... --Le.• .... t, .. > -Orange. Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982 .. PIU111blng llectrlcal Power Tools Hardware •••II Appllan ------- SANTA ANA y So~ 01e90 Ftwr ii5 0 COSTA l MESA .. ... I T . I • J . . . . . .... . .. ., . .. .. . . -~ .. .. , • . I l • I , . • I t . , > .. r I I I I I . • I I . .. ,• .; . ·: :· ' ·: . ~: ;. ... ~ ~ '• ·: :· .. . . -------------_... -------. --;--4-----------------..... Or•nge Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6l 1982 .. :I • ·- STCLIFF PLAZA ANiHONY 'S SHOE SERVICE BANK OF AMERICA CHARLES BARR .JEWELERS CROWN HARDWARE DICK VERNON SPORTSWEAR DR. LOU ELDER optometrist HAIRHANDLERS,SALOf\J HALLIDAY 'S MEN 'S CLOTHING HICKORY FARMS spec ialty food items HUMPTY DUMPTY children 's clothing JEAN DAHL designer and better sportswear LA GALLERIA elegance in f oshion MARK ET BASKET t~ES AMIES TEENS NANCY DUNN ANTIQUES NEWPORT BALBOA SAVl~GS PAPER UNLIMITED gifts and stationers SA V--ON DRUGS STOREKEEPER traditional sportswear VET A'S INTIMATE APPAREL WESTCLIFF CLEANERS WESTCLIFF CORNERS gourmet ware and collectibles WESTCLIFF SHOES XAVI ER 'S FLORIST · Quality in fashion · and services with that personal touch • , f ---- .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982 .,. Purim rites, fund-raisers set PURIM FESTIVAL services are planned by the Temple Isaiah of Newport B each iconservaUve) al 7:30 p.m . Monday at 2401 lrtine e., Newport Beach. Purim is a Jewish holiday at commemorates the rescue of the J ews from man's plotting "LIBERATION THEOLOGY" is to be discussed by Blase Bonpane, a political activist who was a Maryknoll priest in Central America. Now a sociology instructor at Cal State San Diego, Bonpane will talk at 10:30 a .m. Sunday at the Unitarian-Univers alis t Fellowship of Laguna Beach. 429 Cypress ·Drive. A BIRmDA Y LUNCHEON is to be held by the SaddJeback Communities Christian Woman's Club at noon Tuesday at the El Adobe Restaurant, San Juan Capistrano FUND-RAIS I NG CAM PAIGN t o build additional racilllies is to begin Wednesda y ror the Lutheran Church of the Master , 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar Ca mpaign director will be .Milton 0 . Patterson, a fund-raising counselor for . the Lutheran Chu rch in America. Courses offered A s ix·week course , "P a re nt Adolescent Communication Training," is offered to Catholic pa re nts and their children. T he course was prepared by the Rev. James M. Farris, director of youth ministry at Mater Dei Catholic High School, and Donald Kingsland of Orange, a public school teacher for 18 years. T he pair believe an important aspect of the program is that parents and teens are required to atte nd together. For information, inc1uding dales and locations of o rientation nights. write to Life Tr aining Semina rs. P.O. Box 364, Garden Grove 92642, or call Kingsland al 978-2286. ClllCJllTll A RUMMAGE SALE is to be conducted by the Women or the First United Methodist Church from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m . Friday at the church, 420 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. A RETREAT for elementary-level religion teachers in the Catholic Diocese of Orange Is lo be he ld Sunday al 2 p.m . at St. Vincent de Paul Church, Huntington Beach NEW FACILITIES This i s an arti st r ende ring of the propos e d S9 million s a n ctuarv. classrooms and a4ministration building' for St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church of Newport Beach. 600 St. Andrews Road Senior pas tor Or. John A Huffman announct'd tha t mon.• tha n S2 million in pled ges and gft s al rc·ad ~· ha\'(.' hN·n rt.>c·cl\·(•cl in the building fund drin· A TOUR of the Sephardic Temple Tlfereth Israel in Los Angeles a nd a luncheon at the Beverly Hills home of Annette Shapiro are planned Monday as a fund-raiser by the Women's Division of the Orange County United J ewish Welfare Fund, which aids Jewish social and humanitarian causes throughout the world. Speaker will be Gerry Bubis , a professor at the Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles. c;;=======================~ "BROTHER JOHN " o f r a dio st a tion KRTH-101 is to be gues t s peaker at 10 a.m Sunday at Fairview Community Church, 2525 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. ~ ·south Coast Community Church Services 8: 30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del M ar H1qh School, 2101 Eastbluft Dr .. Corona del M a r "BIBLICA L SOWING CLASS" Tim Timmons Speaking Hubert Humphrey's favorite voullat wlll be )!9o~ ~}c~!r~~tat guHI Sunday , M ar ch 7. 1930 a.m. Tlpton's songs and t estimony accompanied b V Rev . Schullar'sexciting message, Rev. Robert A. Schuller "You can have a · HAPPIER, HEALTHIER life" Capistrano Community Church S11cltJlt•t.Jaek Collt•gt· (;~ mna)>1Um Takt• thl• A\'crv Exit F.;i:-.1 Off the S Frwy 10' M1ss1on V1eJo ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY Freedom of Worship An "You've tried the rest. NOW try the BEST!" Re•. Dr. a.--C. JecklCMI Mew ~OtM)lti Clris.._ 1¥ ..... t Hew no.gltt Cllristl.i Cllmrch s-ctey s.-ric• & Ji.iw Cllmrch I Stti.& ir.i., .......,.... a-11 10:)0 A.M.. ''What Is Jlj~s'' Cllwch Offlcr. I 929 TnffR. Cost. M•M ""-'46·10l2 Did A MH 646·6464 1st OtURCH Of RfUGIOUS SOENa Of NEWPORT 8EAOf "'-C"ute11 UnlltldC~nof A"""°""~ l A WORSHIP -I 0 A.M. ChildC- I 011 Cafftetbock Streei, Mewpori leochl I off J 1ln ".._., Mli.ktw's Ho. 6.44-I 9H Church o1 St Matthew~ by the Sea (Tradmonal Ep1scopal) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book ol Common Prayer · 1928) Church School provided MERTZ HALL of Community C:Ongregstlonal Church S11 Heliotrope, C:Orons qel Mar The ~·-J.... Hullhld -532~220 I ST.JOtlltS THI lf'ISCOPA1 CHUllCH IH COSTA MISA l.y Str..t .. Or..,. A•- 8:00 Holy C~IOft '10:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 s-day School Nursery qire ' "-1 ... C..-.....,...t, Ylc• 541-2237 -1-ST. JAMES EP1$COPAL OIJIOt. WB.COMES YOU l3209 Via Udo, ..... ort leach s-., l:OO A.M.,...,. ..... ...., c:: __ _ s-.,. 9:00 A.M. c:.... Sc ....... ,... ........ S.., IHOA.M. ...... S..,,...,.. ..... .w,c: s..,. .......... ...., ........... .. t:to & I O:IO A.M. ...._, c- C:MAllSMATIC MAIS ,.,... s.-., ......... _ ,_ , ..... T....,-ll:ffA.M.Nllr' 'rrW ...... s.r.tce WM~ 0. Of .... ...... ~, .... ....__,._., ..... • NEWPOIT MaOI wntlUN OUlOf , 19t 0..-Dr. MIM'OtrT llA.CM ,..,,.,, ...... , ............. ................... WORSHIP SERVICE • •OOA M CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. • • . 9•15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE . • . . . , • 1 la:30 A M .-.c... .. ,..,.. r WILCOMI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 8RANQ1ES OF IHE M()IHER CHURCH THE FIRST CHIJfY:H OF C><All'T '\CIO<TIST tN BOSTON "'ASSACHUSE TTS 11MAN11 Mcrch 6. 1982 Cott. MeM -Ant Cllwclt of Christ, Sc._..... 2110 ........... Dr .. CM•• ...... Ce-di & -.., Sclloel -I 0:00 A.M. ....... ...._. 2110 Mete Y ..... Dr. 9 A.M.-4:10 P.M. Mo.. Hin! S.t. Wed. 7-7:50 P.M. -t -t :JO P.M. lniH -Ant CWclt of Cltriit, Sciettti1t ._.. ............... 4 .... Sc ..... 4161 ...... _ IMHr Y•I C'-di I-.., Scllool -10:00 A.M. CHllD CAA( PflOYIDED AT SUNO•Y SEAYICC ........... .._. -Rrst Clwcti of Cllrfft, Sci ...... ltlt & Ohe, lluct"""'°" leech C'-dl & -.., School -I 0:00 A.M. ...... 1--UIM•St. L ..... leach -Ant Chwclt of Christ, Sci...... . US ..... Dt-iwe C'-dl & -.., School -I 0:00 A.M. ...... ·--214 ,_.,, ...... Mewport leach -Ffrst Clwch of Christ, Sc ....... l JOJ Vie Udo. Hew,_.+ leoch Ce.rdt & -..Y School -9:00 I I t:lO A.M. ...... a-. ll IS Ylo Lido M-.....,. W . -9 A.M. • 5 P.M. Tttn. -7 • t P.M. Ctwt0Cet<1 ~10e0 Tvet0~1 -9»-11 lO • ~ Jor Stua, r.~- Mewport leocJI -S.Ca.d Clwclt of Christ. Sc ....... l I 00 Peclfk Ylew Dr .. e-dl4 Mw Ci.rci. & -..Y School -I 0:00 A.M. ...... ·--JSOO "r I. c .... "'°Y~ CdM WID. IYIMMG TISTIMOMY MHTIHGS - I P.M. ALL CHUICHIS All or• c°"".ioy "'""""IO .neno 1"" c11urc" -• ..., en10Y '"" o<rv*-of '"• Ae.o.nv Aoomr Cltld c-Pro•w.d AT AU SHYICIS WESTMINSTfR LUTHERAH OtURCH lll41 MM. •••. ....... to S-Dt.c,o f.rwy. I W" .... ''" lt.d.I -WOltSHIP SBYICH - 1:30 & I 0:00 A.M.. PASTott JOll. A. S~UM PHOHIHJ..1219 C .. IST LUTHRAH CHOICH (Missouri Synod) 760 Ykt.te St~ C.te Me.. ~ Y. T-. Pettor -6Jl·l61 I WOisHIP SHYICl -1:15111:00 A.M. S--., ~ & A ...... et.1 -t :JO A.M. C.,.._ .._....,Sc .... -S4M166 Sennoft Topic Mcrch 7th 9:00 & I 0:30 A~M: ., GIVE "'H ......... ,..., ....... c HUl~H OF RBJGIOUS SCIEH.CI I Member of the United Church of Religious Selene. \ HACl..lff Yll.UIOE $UITI 4$ l!22'l MAIN STAEET, HUNTING TON l~CM. CA 112141 ...... ~ ,. 900 • 1~30A M A CaAl ltlCM FnM Tll UllTH ClllCI Of CtlllST. c1m111m c-. CMIR&n.L " 611 HeletH,4 A••~ c_.,..._ 644-7400 o...ww .............. IOA..M.-...,W~ Church~-H...-yC... J40St ........... ....... ,, .. ~ .... 494-1061 JOHH M. HYHOUS MAl•A•IT AHH alTMOl.DS ......... IOU4.-S--,W ..... Cllmrcll Sclleol I ....._, HAllOI CMllmAH CHURCH IDhc .... _, airt.tl 2411 .,,, .... s-111 ..... 64~1711 ·Y M .... w ..... 10 A.M. .... ,,._, ........ Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK '9tfSIYllRIAN .n&ml'll .......,. Dr. & J ... ., ... Hew,.,tiMia · a .... wm-Mc~ •••. r_.,w .... , .... Lnle .._.__ ..... CNrect!....w.,.... a.di Sdieel & ,. .. ClmMt -9:tt .... w..-., s.r.tc. -IO:OO e.a. ..._.,c_ ...... s .. 1cn for a.t.: Cal 644-1141 · Filt pnoutl1 L lll~t1n:c1l1f io11l1l C IH trd1 3262 •OAD ST .. MIWPOltT llACH '4Z-2740 $..day S..-.ice -I 0:30 A..M . •-n.. P...W. Of The Sower" Pwtl:S.•~ PASTOl f0t4Y CURTO A C~ WelcCMH frOM THE UNITED MITHODIST·CHUICH Costa Mesa MSTUHnlD MITHOIMST CHUllCH 19th SI & HarbOr Blvd Chwch WIMt t:JO w.,...., 10:41 Charles D Clark Minister COSta Mesa NOrth ... SAYllDI Huntington Beach PllST....,_ MITHODfSTCHUICM 272 1 17th S t. ~537 w....,,~r. 10:11 ..... N,,._.,, Cite Ah Mom"'O Ci.di Sc...._9:00 -. Huntington .Seach North COMMUMIT'Y .,..,,. UHITID MITHODIST CHUICH w...., & a.di ScllMI MITHODIST CHUKH 6662 Hell Ave M2...w&1 w.,...., Serrice .. ,.., .... I: JO -I 0:00 A..M. Dr.wm-1.St.et eRlllT cAUICA IYTMISIA Newport Beech 1400 W Balboa Blvd 873-3805 Rev. Robert Sheperd. Jr w_..,&c:._....._. t :H A.M. Wll'9r "9-w..i/hr c .. ,,.........,., ..... l :JO S..,~ 10;00 Fountain Valley MST ...... MITHODIST CtUCH 18225 8uehard St. 9U.J19J Dr. Carroll E. Word, Minister W--la..11 w..I t:JIA.N. .. ........ Qmc:M MIWPOaT CIMT8l UMT9 MITHODIST 1611 Ww'F*•A""'C.W"'Mw 644-0741 WORSHIP I CHUROi SCHOOL -~30 A.M . Rev. Ken McMiiian Y•WllleW.1 -AIMlll 1$111 MST CHllSTIN4 CHUIC:,H ........................... ..-.Yi C:IUElt •Ml 11111.AM ........ ... ........... ... ..... , ....... -~ ........ °'""' ..... TIM ... .....,. '" 0--0...--.1 , .. .._ Mtl A lll'IOW-........ OMll.;, I~ ~ es cQaitrt._..,.. • This Sunday Worship In ST. AMHEW'S PIESIYTlllAH CHUICH 600 Sr Andrews Road • NewPol'\ Beach • 631·2880 Dr ....... A. HwH... •~ P..tw Wenlllfl Sertlcn -7:JC).a:45 ...t !._0:1 l>~.M. "ALL SUFACIEMT GRACE" •••• St.zley~ ~~ PIOG«AMS 7:)0..... • ..................... cww c... 1:41 -............ ,. ... a... 10:11-. 1.t..tsHlnl6tllG,..;,&A.wta..tn AIC ...... I 64S.2222 PRES8YTBHAH CHURCH Of THE COVENANT 21SO ,_.,l.w 14., CMte MeM -557-Jl40 .,_ ............. , ..... Sunday Worship & Church School 8 30 & 10 00 AM Child Care Available Cotu•cutity P~sbyterimt C"-'e'h 41 5 ,........ ···~ ~ ..... 494-7511 Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Craig Wtlhams Chnstian Education Hour 9 00-10·00 AM Worship -10 15 AM NUllKllY CAlll •llOVtOID Af AU SUIVICU CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 w ....... c.......... '4S.l"' We re A Going Glowing Growing Church SUHOA Y SHVICiS lllLI STUDY t A.M. WottSMP I 0 A..M. I 6 P .M. 10 CUIL ·-n. Kftowtedge of God"-Jot. 17:3 6 ,.... '-n. llllMllJe of God"-GettesJs I :2' , ... n.-i. ...._._ -o-. C•. l..-i Mlzht.r HADOI I~ Taft! S..._.S......tc" fri4ey ....... t :l l , ..... t t A P P Q A 1 ,.., Senk• ·ftnt ,....., fllf tll4--" 7:Jt P.M. Rabbi Bernard ., King Jamboree & Eastblufl Or Music· Ane SMder • Newport Beach. Calll . Educator· Nancy Le~1n ,_ .._ .... ul 644-71tJ • AMV•ftOf'IW- TEMPLE SHAfl9!ative~ 1 ¢ · Rabbi Hershel Brooks . 817 West H•mllton, Cost• Mes•. C.llf. 92627, 1714) '31-32'2 Lo.14111.~ FM I\ c"'"'· Clim /-(1•11/rrnl C/11rrd1? /Iii,, l~ r,., w,.,,, .. ,, 111 "MARINERS CHURCH 1\1111 C1 r1/11111/, /1rn1rl1111.~ O:OO ,1m, Worship •nd Sund.iy Scho~•I (0 to t>th Ar,1dtl 10 I ~ Am, Bibk C1.11~es <Ch11Jrfn & AdohJ) Blw 11 A11c•1111r fll /n111bt1m 8011/tt'nrd /1l1011t b40·i>O 10 For I 11(t1r111nliM1 "And lhf' pt"•n• n( God. whkh turp.atH• •II romprt>h~n· tK>n, ~all jlu.rd .yuur ht.rts •nd your mind• In Chrilt Jttu• ..• rhlllppl•n• 4-1 I 0 3 3 s I t 0 $ .. Orongo Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday. March 6, 1982 rack up perfect sc-0reS 7 ACAD~MY AWARD NOMINATIONS There's more to love than ... Thl'l'l' J>l'rfl-c•t M'Ol I'S In the lop (Our kept the • lllunctln~s 1111 Ul'l lhii. wt•t•k ui. AlCent RI remained ll ll lntclt.' 1wl11t ht•hl n•I lht• lt•uitue·leadlng Ed . : Schmerl.-r. TRIVIA BY 11. Tracy Godfrc•) '"k:; t h a t u 1 1 r l' 1 1 ., " lrivl1addkls lnlt•n·,11·11 111 11n evc•111 11 ~ 11f u n i n t t• 1· r u I' t ,. II 11\Conscque11tHt tt•ll•phrnw him ut 839 S998 1'111' 111 .. 1<.d hash ,., set for .March 20. And now mon· ~m11 llll't items to tickle your trivial palate. Bu n uppC'l1t 1. Seafield G1 11111 c·h<t n)lNl his name and enjoyed a long cart.·t•r a'" horn'> 2. Identify t h<.• nt·wspaper 111 the comic strip Drabblc. 3. Hem<'mbt•r 1':ls1P I tw eow'' Name her calf. 4. When Charlt·' L1rnll11•1 ~h rt.•turned from his famed tran,atl :.11111 fl11.'llt 1t wa' by ship Name the vessel 5. llow a ho1111111' 11.11111· ot 1t11· d og in the movie "Used ('ars'1 " 6. In "T ht· l.11:-.1 \\ 1'1'kt-11d," Ray Milland couldn't '>t'll hti. I\"'" r 111 1 ht·l'aui.t· all the pawn shops wen· cloi.\·11 for "11.11 h11l11f.1~ ., 7. Edi.on Aranl1· ch· '\a~1·1mcnl0 1s better known to :-.porti. Ian~ .i , "horn" 8 . Algl'rno11 \11111"111 "" •~ the lt'ading • charactN 111 "'hat pl."" TRIVIA80Wl XXV STANDINGS I let Sc:ll-.-ttr 1111 l AUf•lt .. 111) I Offr Ille Hiii Gent 1101 4 TheG,_1111 ' M•n "'°"' H•nlu<kel ( 101 • H•no "''°' l•I U 7..Ceollen Kkld IJI ., • BerlN•• o.1~ u• ,, IJ • Alo w.,,.,,, 1•1 11 10 Jolln A~wll UI 14 11 Brlllt-111 .0 leopard and <b l lh·e song Elsa Martinelli pl ayed on the piano.· 10. Oene's e arlh·s haking plan was tolled beca~se his adversary gave a damn In what movie? Last Week's Aaawers 1 Brenda Marshall ( na'1}e change) 2. Judge Parker (Spencer Farms ) 3. Warren (Potsie's name> 4. "Badlands" (Spacek roJe> 5 . "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" (Cedar & Buddington) 6. MS MOM <Lily's license) 7. Reggie Jackson (stirring the drink> '8. "Hay Fever " (My ra Arundel> 9. Ca) "A Night In Casablanca," <b> 5 <Harpo movie) 10. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" <movie riddle l r Send your answers to TRIVIA.clo the Datl!J Pilot. Box 1560. Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday. otherwise half the player's last score will be awardedJ lncludlng BEST PICTU Rl5- BEST DIRECTOR BEST SU PPORTING ACTOR ~ ~ CHARI==========:::~o=====rrs=o====r===r::::::::::::1RE:::::::::=: ' M A K N G (jlj LOVE -======""' ~ l OWARI>'> \P W0008RIOOE '" t~ Cui; C•"''' O••-e• • 8:M 9'12 lfOWNG STONE: __ ,;;;,.9·--:..;111 the mo' 11 l l.11.111 11.11m· 1 a::..:...1 ..:.l:..:.he.:.....:l:.::a..:.:m:.:.e=-------------------------------------"PaSONAL IEST is the most penetrating, heartfelt and thrilling movie yet mode about the American woman's rite of passage. lfobert Towne may be the first popular artist in any art form and of any sex to pidure the wild beauty of young women with the mythic gCJsto usually reserved lor young men. The result -8ACADEMY AWARD NO MINATI ONS NOW PLAYING OIOW&RDS SOUi • lOA~I PIA/& lllWAllll\ ~IHJHl4·~ tiil f• S l&DIUM ORIWHN •CIU OOMI .oo-_~ ........ .. h!tHS I uU.f \ ,.WtllRll>C• 4(..°'"l•TIO '0• •t•hl f"'O•V>fti1tht l.OVl#IA I lflll ~\ ,, .. ., ,. ,.., ...... .. , . . U,.,,.lvi'A~ •'"-'°"O • .-~ .... -·~-- "NUMBER o . E PICI'UREl OF THE YI: \H .:· ... '"'" Nominatl'Ct foi lU AcadC'my i\ wa rtl•. Bl:-'i I l'IC 11 kt Bl'<,I lllRI ( "IH \1J.fl.. l{\ddt Ont' 111 1h~· \1 .11 .. 1 <t 111 .1 /llflt \I I Of >Rlde(111 ~p<ln ~ MISSION ,._... DIUVE·IN WEIR #t156"1f'/t>f ~v-<l vY'l'P 1)/E!-1 FOLWMI> o---... ~ llAMllM ~ ORllll• .............. +~·- ~·•1' .. }0 :: ... =· FAltlllY TWI• CtllEMA "·· ,., ... ~ ... , • • •'4 Ul4 The CIA trained him, briefed him, armed him, BASEi) ON A TRUE STORY. • • m1ss1ng. TltE FIRST AMERICAH FILM BY COSTA-GAVRAS ,f,IV!ll:.Al.P> I "'I' •~Kt•GHA'-4 111.11"41~1<¥~,..., JACK LEMMON · SISSY SPACEK tC~ ~It ... ~ , ;. .,.. ''.._!'(A.' .. MISSING ~ , Ml lANIE MAVRQN ()IN SHfA ~.,.,. "1, COSIA GAi/RAS & OONAl.0 SlfWART &.,,,i •· "• ~ ", IHOMA5 HAUS£R 'h •, l/ANGEL6 I"' ... P.,,.' f•[[[R GU!llR • JON PHER<.i ho<l. .,p, HMAAO • • MILOOfO ll'M':> ~ ... ·.COSTA~ flloo~Ml~S.... tPQ{_._.,•--mt-A\..HiJfRSAt.~' "'! ~-~ • ...,. • ....,._,_~ c 1WJUNtvtlitUl en' ''UPIOS ~.c- and then ... they abandoned him. The Ainatelll' L ' PHSONAL IEST -is one sweet explosion:• With a competitor ... how close can you get ? PERSOI JAi BEST S1ornng MARIEL Hf MING.WAY SC'Oll GLENN PATRICE DONNEUY ·KENNYM()()R[ ".Au"'' ~, JAL K NtfZ5CH[ Jnd JILL FRASER baullvi' Producer DAVID GEFFEN Wnt!en PtodlJl'1.x:J and b.rN'led by ROBfRT TOWNE ... ,..-... :.: C • ~hPl' l'l'i,.,N .. ~t·•' R -::..·!-.; ·=::.· . • -."':"' o TONIGHT at 8:00 PM Keep-an-e-ye-ou-=--__... for what will be the Dlost talked about -sneakpreview _._ •nyears./~ ------------·"'_. ~~ -~~;,,i.;:C ,. You11 be glad you came! $ ... • Ofange Coat DAJLY ptLOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982 .. Six Sliows on local stges; one closes tonlght \ Br TO• TIT\19 ................. ll'1 one or lhoee rare weelltndl when no new producUona are anlvlnt .aona the Oranc• Cout, but tbere are plen&y or •abows already on tbe boal'da to keep moat playpra ent.ertatned. One ol them, "A Delleate Bala.nee" at UM lrvlne CQJnmunlty Theater, hu run tu four·w"lil courae and will 1ive itl ftnal perfonnaee tanllht. Curtain ls 8 o'cloc~ for the Jclward Albee drama at the Turtle Roell ---------community Park 1m111a11 ~':'i~~r·T:t~:nn'~~ Drive in Irvine, wtth ---------·ticket information I available at 557-7297. Among those stage attractions continuing their engagements are "Henry IV, Part I" at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa (95'7-4033), "South Pacific" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse ln San Clemente (492-9550), "I Ought to Be in Pictures" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse just north of Costa Mesa (979-5511), "Bleacher Bums" at the Newport Theater Arts Center <675·3143) and "Ring Around the Moon" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse (847-4465 ). * CALLBOARD -Tryouts for the British farce ' "See How They Run" will be held Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach ... director Kent Johnson will be seeking a cw of six men and thr~ women for the English-flavored 'Blasters' slated The Blasters, o n e of the country's fastest-rising rock bands, will perform in concert tonight in UC Irvine's Crawford Hall. Special guests Rank and File will take lhe stage at 8 p.m .. followed by the Blasters. Tickets are priced at $8.50 prior to the show and $9.50 on Saturday. Both the ASUCI Ticket Office and Ticketron are handling tickets for the event. For more information call 833-5549. cineoome a THE PORT THEA TR[ Scrqqn ComplqM 5/3 6260 ~ Call 6l4 '25S~ Alf Seats /Von. nite noo -r'HEIOAT IS FULL .. ....... l'l98 E Coo\I Hw~ Co<ono del Mor Martel Hem1n,...1y P£ ..... N.81ST (RI 12:30 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 Dl•n• Kuton •n SHOOT THE lllOOtlt IR I 12:1$ 2 :40 5:10 '1:40 A 10:0S mm;.. "w;ir== 12: : 5:15 7: 1 ; c::=:.... * A~~'/J'omiMe ur:~~{~ "' . ·~-·-... #'ti-............ I 'IO ..... •l•M•· .,.,,...,.,.,., . .......... ._.,_ .. , , ...... • 1•1-• .... ""' •••*'"" .. i::. l>eter tJs11no~ lV1L._.ll ntE-(PGI Con11nen11I D1v1de IPGI • a-. M1t11I Hem1n_J'"'_ay P£R9DMAL.~ IRI PlusCo·H1t Urban Cowboy IPGI MOVIE ..... NGS GREAT MtlTI' (PG) I The Tertor Bettns ""''I Plus Co·H11 FOR MRENTS AND ! The lsl1nd IRI YOUNG PEOPLE 11 · Aammy ~,..,.,... l!ltolWeCMtlift,........10...... 1 ~Brt _ ........ ~,,, p ---"",.,._,,,, -P"'-' I ,, ALL M>ES ADtoerTllO c::======::::at Oon«atAw-·. . ~ ALLAOUAOMlmo ~ ,....,..! Olocletl~ S..1199119" comedJ. wtalcb OP8M Aprll 11 .•• TM Fouaeala Vall•1 Communl&y Thea•, a 911*-'• .,_.,, d hold readllttl tor ••a..a ... r BJ tM 0.." ~ IDd Sunday from I to 4 p.m. at the theawr, la.6 Slater Ave., Foatalll Valley' . . . youn11t.en from a1ea 7 t.o l't are belll1 aou1ht ror US roles, witb turther lnlonnaUon avaDable at M4·538> ... • BACUT~GE -. The South Co11t Actors Studio wUI hold an open houae today at 1l a.m. at the studio, 3303 Harbor Blvd., Suite K·7, Costa Mesa . . . admission ls by reiervaUon. which may be made by callin1957-0282 ... The La1una Moultop Playhouse has elected Phil Ma&wood of La1una Niguel as president of its board ot direct.ora . . . other new officers are Roser Murphy, vice president; Barbara Painter. secretary, and James Gardiner, tre11urer ... new members are Michel de Mlasy , Charles Fontiu.a, Michael Eggers and Zilpha Patterson • CABl'ING -The Irvine Community Theater baa aMounced its cast for the Jack Sharkey comedy "Who's On First?" ... Joe Ritlces, l{itty Karp, Cathy Breese and Steven Lindenbaum •BARGAIN MATIN•U• Mway tltru l8turd1y Aft Petf0tmance1 before 5:00 PM (blllll I .... E ........ tlMll HlllUyt) --Lo MlrodO 01 to1ecr~n1) ""·2.tOO "PEftflONAL BEll'T'' 1111 , .. ..__.,.,_ '0AMATl\M .. 1111 ·------_._,.,,.., . ..._ .... _ _ ...,,-.... .. ·---"Ct4AltlOTS OF '"'f" tNt ·-···--.... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN _. ___ _ ''ON ~N POND" -.............. ,. .... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH"""'",,.. focvn-, ot Condi.wooo 211/IJl•fllO "MtSSIN0'0 J"'I , .... .-. .• ~·~-- -----··awtt0T1 °' ,.... "' I ..... ., .............. -'"ftk '*°"' TitS aUN" "' --·--____ .... ,..,_ -•·•--e:H5 '" , .. 6:00.-'""'"~" IM,ORTAllT NOTICE! CllllDRlll ~R 12 fllH! -.... _.., -IMw rn 6:30 • Sii .... Nelli:MI N CllJ-'I .,_ •TO.tll all CAii MlllO IS TN! JllUlla tfl 110 Mil CM _.., .mt fClmllll liX09I' 1'111191 _... ....... ,.llU~~-·-- A~~ A ••I ~ ANAHEIM OQIVE IN --· ··oeATM WllH ti .. fl! -,_" ol l-It ··THI BUflNINO .. 1111 ___ 1_79-_tl_IO ___ ~ ___ o'!!!_!'.~ __ 1. "OOCTOft turc:HUt ll.D:· 1111 ··THEY ALL LAUGHED"_... 2.··1CALNL··... .... I . ••NUfta CHUtRI" 1111 ··SEEMS UKf 0\.0 TIMH .. tNt Cllll ·" SOUllO Cltlt ·Ii $OUltO . . . . ~ . BUFNA PARK t11<.vf "' ' .._; ~~ .... ,, "T,. 4111!.TllMM ... "~SI TO Kill".,.. C 1111 • rlSOllllll --.. ·--·~, ...... -''llA,..."1111 Ctlll ·" SOUllO ' .. If.. •iAH~A • .f ... ·--'---·----:-:m10UA0"1111 -.. HMOCORl" 1111 .. EVIL UNOIR 1',_ IUN" "9 .... "CONTl ... NTAL DIV*" "9 ..o.ATM WIStt 11" A -·'T .. e\MMfeO·· .,.. CM·'l--.~-- 1, .. ~ 8UTCHIR M.0." 1111 2.··~ ..... 3. ....... CMIWIW'' Ill ClllMltoullD ............... -....,. _ • ._. ... 1....., ...... ""'aurr °" o.e. -QOCM11R-- 1n·1MI - '.""°• 1.1 ANG l [)II>'• f 'N ,_ """ '"" l lllllCOff ... 111·7022 comprtse·tbe company of U. let-OU\ fatte, whlelt wlll play Aprtl 9-May 1 at Irvine'• Turtle Roek Community 'Park audJtortum .•. The vtnta1e .omMy "The Royal Famlly" by Georee S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber h11 been cast at the Newport Harbor Actora Theater ... perrormin1 will be Florence Ehlers, Everett Olenick, MltchelJ Nunn, Jim nyM, Sorrell Wayne, Lisa Wilcox, Tony Reverdttto, Patricia Gllchriat, Jack ~. Mary Sullivan, John Szura, Oeor1e Bradfordand Shella Waterworth ... James Patrick O'Hannon directs the show, which runs April 2·25 at the NHAT playhouse, 380 Monte Vista St.. Costa Mesa . . . PU lltu Plu• S29 S339 COITllllU UA C111em.u S40 0594 fOWTANIWAUll Fauntlll' Valley 839 1SOO fUlUltTCMl Fox S25 4747 l-IUCll ..._ 436 442~ OUllll Otanoe Mal U7 0340 U TOM E~w~ds Saddlelllek S81 5880 ------DAIVE·INS------- CAllOI Soulll Bly 011ve-te ~Ji.aa11 OUlll Sladlllm Drive In 839 8770 llO ,_ ACCIPTO POii! f"" -··-..r ~'morf'M tolcMINn MAKING LOVE .. -=.~:="• ,..-. ... -MT ___ .. .,, ....... _ JOHN SAVAGE • 1Dr, I • _.. _...., ....... CHARLH Ml>MION "DEATH WISH II" tR> -Mt,--Mf .... -.- -.1111. ... - ~ 1'0C.otionlnq In ..... (;.fMk w ... ~~ ~Pollot~o becluttf\A IUOnlOI\ on tt... beoch. Alolll.tnq that ~ -. deod. he d6d not I °"' het to dlnn&t. actlli.lll~"~tvll UMDfR Tttf. sun (Mlf.,....~e~ ._ Vb ""'f ,.. .. ..,.,..., ... .>#'~~,,.I.A.A .... ,._. ............ ~,. '-·~" ,.,_ ~Q ~ · JANr.; fllQl(JN • CO.IN rit.AKt;lY ~~. ~ ~. r::x::n:N ~LL 6YLVIQ MIU;:o · DbNl6 OUtLLt;Y . D1i:u-1Q QIGG ~t; OMITU •• : ~ UNIXQ TU(; OUN ~t>yCOl' P()Ql'Q c. <rt• ' •••• •• -«>< ~t>y~ll.(JNV~Ql'ft;I< <. ~vtT!o! ',"Nii¥ ~<V"'°""Ll Plodvud by .CUN MOO' All~L .,,-.., r.i "'"'P(J r, .IU)WIN CN«ICC bl' c;.uv UOMil 1~1 • .• • . CHAltLH~ "DEATH WISH II" <1t1 PO _,, .. __ 1n1 - "'-•-ft<--·••...,,._, ... ~ -··llU-missing. .llOt -~u.oi& -.ue.1:a. .e,41 "''-······-"11. ,.,. "" ••.••,tttu .. ,;._~NAL ... _OF_ flfl.RERE ________ _ /'BEST" ,.._.., .. _ ... ,-. ... .,,. .... ., ... _"" "EVIL UNDER THE SUN"'"' ..... IUI,,.,_ .... ~--·-1: ..... ,,__ -- . ,. .... -. .. ~-1u.,-.-. ___ ,.. 1•c1-N.1rd'-> LIDO CINEMA ... ,., ••. ""'' ....... llD<J 673 -83 50 '°"I .,..,.., ~I flt &I tt fteCllA 1a ·u I flllla. 1119 Ainalr• _« .. .--.... _,__ .. _, __ li .. P ... Mtlll ~ lioo';;. --._ ..... ''NIGHT CllOISINQ ...::.::.:..- 11GREAT . WHITE" . ,,. ..... --.~~:;:-:.. '"' AOAlllA_ .. "EVIL UN DEA THE SUN .. -PIM,•a "''-···-.... " .. -" 'I E LUE~! NEW'82 ESCORT WAGON FOR ONLY · LARGE SlLECTIOI OF USED tRUCIS TOO IUiiRous TO '1JOI NEW'82 COUllEI FOR ONLY •"_$15 7 2~· $226 8.:~ $1 '073~~ '82 F100 ~ --~· TRUCK ·FOR ONLY NEW~82 ESCORT 4 DOOR FOR ONLY $175 7.& $139 5A~ .. ·oELIVER S NEW'82 FAIRMONT FOR ONLY $170 6h ANY NEW CAR OR TRUCK ON APPROVED CREDIT! NEW'82 "I THUNDERBIRD FOR ONLY $22 7 °A~ l $17 3 5.& 111 .. ~tO ...... l16l. dll ·1 · (11111) tO ..... 11-. .. ""'' •'11 Otla -• -: ""'' C.'11 ortc. l nll + T~L 11-.m.• APR J T~L o.t 111.001 .. •" ".. ' ' 't ' " .. ... _ -~., ~~ • ~-· .• , .. '!" ·. • """ ....... -~, f '74 CH INOOK MINI MTR HOME Toyoto cl\oul• mount Must see to epprectat9. Stk 333'81 !S24MNSl s3595 - -----_.._ -·--# '78 BRONCO 4 WHEEL DRIVE Just loaded with all the 900d stuff. Ont of a kind. Must .... (LSR123) SAYE$$ '81 DATSUN DELUXE 1210 2 dr. Mdan, auto. tnna., r~lo, whitewall " ... ' rMr window defol11r. 0 8HT301) $1 52 1J~ '80 FORD FAIRMONT GHl.A cy1 , 111.o!O trans ., PoA r ,teer stereo ceuettc (Stit 3347!1 C890ZEO I '78 F()Q CHEATEAUWMON Comblnttlon 6 ....._ carrier • Mldee SUtiw '*'· Loedld wltti ..,.~ ment. ( "'T3DI) Auto. trana., PWf, st9er., air cond., vtm l top, r~lo, ... tw. U61PQR) 76fOID GUNMAGlllA Auto. tr.N.."iiwr . ...w. • bnua, elr CONI.'.. vlml tap, .... ..,, tranap. (077NWZ) !2M5 'ltllllWJY ·~~ .... . brb. .... ..... M\ffm ..... ... locb. .. CIDIDf's dlilme ....... ,...., ....... ...... l*dt. T ... ,..-cNlca. 191 I MEICUIY DPHYIWAGON • cvt, auto trana., PWr s1r & bRs, atrcond, tWf rKk. stereo. 0 80Fl15) C..Utf"UC't6-Sped.I Auto. traM .• SMr-st.er & brakH. AM ~lo umPer shell <Stk. 33591 Cl FCJ.520) MAllAll 0 ~ GI ~ C> CD 0 0 .. • • -. -co Q) • ,.., \ ( . .. • 1982 IMMEDIA IE DELIVERY F I R E 111 .. i '·D·s··········· .. ···-·····-···-· .. INCLUDING: ~ * 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION ' * 2.5 LITER FUEL INJ ECTION ·*TRANS-AM ; * 4 WHE EL DISC BRAKES ORANGE COUNTY'S BEST SELECTION I EVERY NEW ·PONTIAC · l-2000 EVERY NEW ·-NNllAC 6000 -S 1981 USED PHOENIX SAU PllCI SMtut .. t.. lc. & De&. Pee. Htl.ff De:?.$ Sitt.ft e.. SIDM l.N.Y. '-~ ... I.JI he ... tw e ..._, .. 11417.tt .._ ,.,.... ce• w .,..., SI 4t.J1 ~:::' tw H ........ SJJlt.11 ~-• c ....... , ... 21.J,... ,.,..... ,,tc. SIO,Jl7.70 .. eppre•e4 cre41. • Factory Air Cond. • Automatic Trans. • Power Steering • Power Oise Brakes • White Sidewall Tires • Low Mileage • Choice of 4 Cyl. or 6 Cyl, • Front Wheel Drive · • AM Radio • Deluxe Wheel Covers • Body Side Moldings CHOOSE FROM 2 DOOR COUPE OR 5 DOOR HATCHBACK IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I ' FOB FIESTA 78 "14ATCHIAC•" 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed trans . · AM.fM stereo with tape dectc & only 43.467 miles (322VAO). SuJ>8f economy! s2995 '78scyl .. ~~=:ir, pwr.$299 steering & brakes, AM·FM stereo & • CUI., WSW tires. (706WKU). '76 Econo"'!lc~!a;~~r engln~. s2495 autoft\at1c trantmlSSIOn. l.CtOfY air . cond .. power steering, wsw tires & only 56,556 miles! (717NWZ). ~ DATSUN AMC CONCO.D PONT'IAC TRAHS .. AM ' s5 795 ' XI ' DL WAa.oH ' "ILAC•llAun 79 Economlc:i':~nder engine. 5 s3995 80 ~te~:~ga~to:;:~lcbr~:~::· ~~: s4995 78 ~t~·-~~:;.;~a;~~:~~c!':·i~: speed transmission. AM·FM radio stereo spht Mat tilt wheel roof AM·FM stereo & 8 traci(, rallye and only 32,665 mites! (43BXKA). reek & only 10•2,.; mllesl (736wot). whMls & 37,949 !"ii ... (963VOM). • • ,80 ~M.a."c. 54495 Equipment includes 4 cyl engine. 4 speed transmission. AM-FM stereo with tape deck & custom wheels. (598ZEE). · '79 .:!:"~~.. $49' 95 Options inc lude automatic transmisa1on. power steering & disc brakes. air conditioning & morel (211WRG). . DATSUN 200SX .. D=N $ 9 ' ,.,.... SHAr ,, 4 cylinder engine , 5 speed 80 4 cyl .. 5 spood hons .. AM·FM s5995 81 transml11io n, AM-FM stereo/ 59 •stereo & 8 trecit tape, wire wheel TonMau COY9t' & only 9867 low covera & ~.627 mli... (78nLO). • mil•! (1Z79383). . '79 ~~I s7495· '81 va.~~.:•:.st.·$9995·· ve, auto, tr ..... f.ctory air, pwr. I brakes • windows • dr. locks ,' st. · br._ • windows -aeet · dr. . • AM-FM stereo & 8 track. tllt, locks. AM-FM stereo & 8 track. tilt · crulM. cloth Int.. turbo wheels & • cruiM & wjre wheels. (830XEM). ' · . morel (1 BUF780). '" I . I ·I l ' ' ---·--.-- °""" COllt OM.~ N.dttWltutdly, Mitch ' 1~: .. --,..--- Tiii F,,lllLt' c1ac1J1 .. ', cldn't know Y04J guys were goin' to o MA~QUERAOE party, Mommy!" by Brad Anderson "Don't be lmpatient...you'll get your gingerbread dog soon." · .n.:DGE PARkEa by Vlrg ll Partch (VIP). l J 1 i I' 1-c. "Juet one man hour, George, 1nct you'll be In the Oulnneu loot! of Aecord1." • DENNIS THE MENACE' Hank Ketchum • ~~ l ~i ~~0 • IM NIWN ~ AAY WITH 'rOU ~IN ... NOT EVEN T~~· PUNIJTI SHOE GORDO ' YIPPEE--LOOK 'WHAT I FOUND--- by Ernie Bushm1ller GANGWAY, PARDNER--- YIPPEEE by Gus Amola " by Tom Batiuk Fl:NKY "INKERBE,\N DEANE 'THE R)U...(XOING : (b.) AATI Ff CATION 130nolupon • Foocltllh 11 T..-,y dCy ee II fll lltiOtl • T• declbell 10a.... 71 ~ OOit .... DOWN 1HWIPll* IMllMI INoonoem: lwotdl . 4 lnllpld. ... .,. • °""" 1 eonon m · • 'T• ·---'"""' 1-..: ""'· 31 ........ 10 ,llltlM as--. 11Dlll ...... tlJtllt-..... ..... •Iii I, ... ..... ,.. 17~ 41100,.a. ....... Ill ..... Ito.toe• llD IL 1 .. r .. ,.. .... == .... ltUllll)ll ..... .. :.~~; ....... -- by Ferd & Tom Johnson o I<' -• BlJT WHERE Po I <So To FIND SOME? BRABBLE D8.8MOCK ~ 1 I ! 1 SURE. ro, ~'fR1cK. ()&CE AbAI~, l'M 'flt'41~b 'fO f1t4Q 'f ~E NE.tNE 'fO CALL ~0'4 foR ~ ~1E . roaaa1·1•••• na ••••• \TOO&SNT~ lF'IOJ L.CS;M~ -'fOOAU.~50 ~ .... \ 00 eu.~,,~ .. J~, ™~r 1·~ 6€.lOMIN& ~E M\)~ ~ l1' ~ 1"1ME. (,ot~ ON ... l'M &AIMIM& ~ESELf- by Kevin Fagan . -... ,.tG '"""' .... .,. Cl) lllCNll .... ._....w-.""" ---llOlldey ~ • ~ 10t M triende wttO ., ...... by a --'A' U08 VOVAMTOTHI 90TTOM °'THI llA l ..... NATUM e:GO .,._ IB HTll' ••DPm T191TAU< "On 8exlMlly T rantmtttecl DI-" I MNAUMPORT SATUN)AY MON•tca' Cl) "'9l..IC AffAN O........cTM (C)MOYll **~"Stone. From A Fly- ing Trun6c" ( 111711) Murray MeMn, member• of Ille Royal 8alle1. Thr" H•n• Chriatlan Ander_, storlea -twought to life through bellel. llw action and 1111- m•tlon (ff)MOYa • • * "Simon" < 1080) Allll'I Arllln. Ail•lln Pendle- ton. Sc19'1tl•t-. •t • btzetr .. ly mladlrectecl tlllnll t1111k convlnc:e I bumbling col· i.o-proi-ttlat lie .. Ill aller'I from outer ~ 'PG' .. a~ l:IO 8 OU81YS TMEHOU8I D THAT'SCAT • PACUETT'EM D AMENCA: THE SECOND CENTURY • SP£AKOVT • CAPTIOHE.O ABC NEW8 Cl) VOICE 0#' AGAIClJL TVAE 9 ·rrs YOUR aualNE88 C8 DR. SNUOOl.£8 0 AEMEMIEft WHEN (%)MOVIE *** "C1¥em1n" 1111811 Rlngo Sterr. Denni. Quaid Tiie clownllll meml>er or • blrely 111>m111 prllllttorlc tribe begins to discover tllat brllns 1nd not tlfawn >Ma be tlle key 10 his peo- p1e's sorv1v11 'PG' 7:00 IJ l<IOSWOALD FNturec:l: 1n lnlervtew \111111 comedian IMS lmperl<>ft•· tor, Alcll uni.; 1 rlC)0(1 from 13-y11r-old Mike Strauu Of Junc110n City, Klll'IMS on llOw he helps run 1111 tamlly'a 700-acre dllry 11rm. a a THE FUHTsTONES 8 BIG llLUE MAA8lE • 111 8UP9W'MHD8 G DAVEY AND OOUATH -~ • YOGA FOA HEAL TH ()) INT£AHA TlOHAL HOUR (l)MOYIE * * "Thi M1n WllO loved Been" Ntrrli.d by Henry Fo<\da. A true to Mte story of a naturalist'• edoptlon and trllnlnQ or 1 grtzzty beet cub ror tuMYll In thl wtldlrneea.·G' 7:t0 8 MARLO AND THE MAGIC MOVIE MACHINE FeetU<ecl: Mllt10 and hit "oo-h0e1," an elec1ronlc dftlce, pr-t INturee on 1 v1rlety o f subject• Including tcllnce. Utera- ture. mu.ic. , .. ding and car-1wer-. D C81M"""8 • DR. SNUQGl.£8 •9 AOWNCti l aoooevooo Q DAVEY AND GOUA TH • NEW8 • UNDEMTANDINO HUMAN lllHAVIOR CC) PtNOOCMO ct MOVIE * * ~ ''The Sllog\ln W&rr1· ora: Orendlzer" (11181) Anl- mlled. A pow«1ul robot dlflndl Earlh wnen II II Invaded by Vegan lnvld· ., .. a:oo I ()) POP£YE THIE AF\..IMAN 8 ~f.STATETOOAY • MOYIE ••'h "Oeyl Of Glory" (1944) Tam1r1 Toumeno- v1, Gtegory Peck. • UNDEMTANOINO SPAa. AND TIME (B)MOYIE • •~ "Somewhere In Time" (11180) awte!ophlr AMY•. J1n1 Seymour. o~ with thl por1r111 of 1 19th-Century acir-. e moder~ey New York piaywr1gtll -hypnoel9 to tr.-..1 bacl( In time llld meet her. 'PG· (l)MOVE ••• "Touelled By love" . < 111110) Debor111 A1!11n. Diane ~ A nunlng tr.in. lrlee 10 bring • hlf MllclOPed glr1 out of • d••P d•prualon by enoourtiglng lier IO eone- epclf'd ... "" ldol. (Ml ~.'PG' UO. Cl) TMzM I LONI ~ •• KID ... ,.,..HOUR I MTPA~ a POtel l ...., OAYaQAHll • • CMATINQ ENPGY MOM~ HC* Aobet1 MacHell dellll ...... the prooteme of -- FIGHT TAKEOVER Jane Fonda and James Caa n sta r in "Comes a Horseman." about a drifter who helps a female rancher fight takeover of her propert~· Tonight al 9 on KNXT < 21 gy anCI IOlld wute dlspoa- al. (C)MOW! • *°" "Thi l(ld From Lef1 F'eld" ( 111791 Gary eot.- man. Aobef't Gultteume. A bat boy'• 1111tegy 11\lnchll I lo.Ing b1Mball team on • winning 11'411k th•I tlkll tn.tn to tlle WorlO Seri.I (%)MOW • •• "Alt.gro Non Trop- po" (111711) Anlmlled. lit• In lhl ml<llllne IQ9 la ullr· lied. 'PG' 9:00 I LEAVE rT TO BEA VER \ti LA VEAHE & ISHlfllEY G LOHE RANOER ., VIUA Al..EG..e ., NEW VO.CE (R) Q I,!) AMERICAN OOV£ANMENT 8-.30 8 Cl) 8U08 BUNNY I AOAOAUNHEA a a SPtOER-MAN 8 OZZIE AND HAAAIET 8 lII HEATHCLIFF AND MARMADUKE Q WILD WILD WOALD 0FAHIMAL8 llt TO UGHT A CANDLE 8a OUfTARWTTH FAE:DEAICK NOAD «i)~N OOV'EANMENT 0MOVIE * * * "Tiie Competition" ( 1980) Alchlrd Ofey1UH, Amy ll'Vlng. Two pl1nl111 II a Sin Francltc0 music cornpe1111on find that their tove for NCh ot lier con- ntc:11 w!th thlif proleuion- 11 arnbltlont 'PG' 10:00 I a SPACE srAAS SHANA NA 8 ll:I THUHOARR I GOl..DIE OOU> G NHL 1-tOCKEY Boston Brulnt VI LOI AngtMI Klngt • CAR CAAE CENTRAL e aoeJOHES • Tffl8 OlD HOUSE Bob VMa dlacu-the wir· Ing In thl breez-ey end puts 1nsu1a11on In the fetm- ly toom. IAIO «i) VOTER'S PtPEUHE "Orange County In Wash· lngton" Jim Cooper Inter- views Orange County's lour U.S. Congreeamen In Wuhlnglon DC IA) CB)MOvte I** "When Helt Wu In Seeaion" ( t11791 Hal Hol- broolc. Eva M11i. Slllnt C1p1ured by thl Viet· n•mese, ar'I American n1vel commander aum- mons hi• wtll ~ to mentally cornba1 his tor- turer• and organize other pri-• of w11 Into form· ~ • realatence llllance. (S)ltM>VIE ••• _., "Etcape From Alea· traz" ( 1979) Clint East- wood. Patrlci( McGooti111 A hlldenecl convict mlkM el•borlle plans to break out of Ille eecepe-proot prison 'PG' (%)MOVIE **** "Sllldow Of A Doubt" (1943) Ter ... Wright, Joeeph Cotten When• man~ to ltey wttll his uter and her 11m- 11y In a wnaH W•t Cout town, hit nlecl I• plagued wlth the n11gglng aueplclon lhlt he .. really the "Merry WldOW" klller. to-.ao I AWNCA'S TOP TEN M'AEMOVIN' I NA9HVllU Mt.8C PHOTO SHOW I,!) PORTRAITS IN PASTEl..8 (C)MOW • * "Girl Frlend1" ( 1978) Meleni. Meyron, EN WW.· lach A young woman ...,.,,, lboul the concea- .ion. one llu to mile• 11'1 romance by obtervlng her ao-1 lrt.nd'I 1H811'11 and by having one herMlf. 'PG' 11:00 I a DAFFV , SPE:EDv WCTTENHtl •o W£EKEHD 8"C&AL "The Puppy S1vee The Clrcua" A p1lr of jealou• ciowna thrMlen Ille Ille o! lan~~N ,,. I~"" . -IUU.WNU.a '1M•CAH ...-TAND • .MMOHU)AHO MOM Ot:JtflPNtt ·QM.I.~ ( 1985) BOb HCJC)I. TUMCl•y Wiid. • AOA»-12 • SUM aJellNE "The Chldcen SllOw" C!) Nl!laUCRAFT Qloou.mE M81<ETBAU Wyoming II 6111 Diego Slele (C)MOW: * * "Two Engilah GIN" (11171) .IMn·Plerre l-..d, Kika Marlchem In Ille Nr1y 1900'•. two Engllllh ll1ter1 Ind I young Frenohmen become caught In 1 romantic trlangl8 CID MOVIE •• * "Oh God!'' ( 19771 George Burnt, John Den- ver. God 1elect1 1n uneuspectlng young IUI* • ma.rket rn•naoer 10 deliver 1 meuaoe or hope and gOOd wUI to thl tkeptleat people or Ille modern-day world 'PG'AO\I @MOVIE • * ~ "Any WhlCh W8y You Can" ( 1980) Clint EastwOOd, Sondre Locke. Before settling down wtth his girl 1nd ~t orenguten, 1 ber .. lisled lighter signs up lor one tut. luc:ratlve matc:h 'PG' (.%)CHARLES OHAMPLINTAU<8 WITH ... "Osc.t Nomlneet" 12:30. ()) TOM AND JERRY D EVERYWHERE • PEOPl.£7 ., ADAM-12 fD COllEOE FOR CANINES Bruce Seulon1 tells how to correct • dog wllo digs hOles Ind 1lto dltcussec dog grooming (A) m NEE.Dl.ECAAFT ®l I008WOALD Featured. en 1nteNlew Witll Alan Ar1c ln, • report from Collegevme. Pennsytv111la where phyllcally h1ndl· capped clllldrln turn to ride horMbeck MOVIE "'* "The Min WllO Loved Bears" N11rated by Henry Fonda A true to Ille story of • n1turell1t'a adoption Ind training OI I grlaly bear Cub lor eurvtval In the wlldemeu 'G' 1:00 IJ ()) l(W1Cf(Y KOALA 8 THE MUNSTERS Herman b ecomes an emnesla victim when he 11 hit on the head by • 300· pound ule ratting from a building G MOVIE • •Yt "Fun In Acaputco" ( 1963) EM• Prestey, Ursut1 Andreu G WILD, WILD WEST «I) MoVIE • • "Ame<ican Empire" 11942) Pruton Foster, Richard Dix till YOUfHAx RETUf'H: THE BOTTOM LINE OH IMPAOVINO YOUR FORM '1i) GROWING YEARS "The LNmlno Infant" 9 MOVIE * * 'h "The Daughters Of JOlhue Cabe" (1972) Bud· dy EbHl'I. Keren Vlllntlne To keep Illa lend under • new llom11teadlnQ law. • wily IVT trepper recrulla a thief. • p1Clcpock81 1nd a proetllu1e to portrey 114• daugl'ltera (?}MOVIE * 1ft "''A "Monty PytllOn And TM Holy Grall" ( 19741 Grellam Chepman. Jotln Cleese King Arthur and Illa b•nd or knight• encounter gl1.n11. rlddi.tt end • teroc:tua rebbl1 In their -rch for 1111 legend· wyc:up. 1:ao I ()) ao MIHUTU F-n.o<)P GAOWIHO YEARS "Beginning Language" 2:00 8 2 WfTH YOO a a MY Hill ClA88C Live coverege of the tlllrd round of Ihle tournament. IMtUtlng -of the top ~ In proleealonll golf (from thl S.y Hiii Coutltry Club, Orlando, Fla.). • GI I 'GWS lltNC> e MOVIE * * * "Vlwa Zap1tal" (1952) Marlon Brando, Anthony Quinn •• • MOVIE • • "S.Cratt" ( 1on) Suun llallaly, Roy T,..,,_, • UND99TAHDING HUllMN 94AW)ft "T-.. Smell, HelltnO" Cl) MATTU IUl'll ~ (C>MOW ••• "TIM Helltttom Ctlronlole" (lt7 l) ()oeu.. ,,.,..,.,, ...,.,...., ~ L-. CHAtllL LISTINGS r-~.The .,.,_ led turWtwfll ~ Of lrlMott. wNdl may -tu- ""1 put them ""° Olteet and~~ tton whll 111•n. are ~ , 9 KNXT ICBSI • l<NBC (N8GI •• t<TL.A Clnd I e 1<ABC IABCI • kFM8 CCB$1 • l<HJ TV llno.1 • KCST IAICI e KTTV (lftO 1 e l<COlll-TV (Ind I e tccET IPHI e tcocs !Pas> O On-tv z z rV 141 H80 c (Clnemul tJ) IWOR) NV , N Y all IWTBS) ( IESPNI "' ( Show11m.) • 5-(llgflt e le.bl•...., '-tworll) (]I)~ ;, it* "8llft0ft" ( 1H0) Al9ll Atldft. Auetln ,,_.., ton ............ ~ ~,,..wWWr!ICWlk OClfMnOe•~ .... .... ..,...... ........ elllt ...... .,.., ....... ·~· (l)llOWll ... ......... ...... ,..,,,.,. ....... .. 1.0lo~,.... A ...,._. ............ _ .. ....... .-. .... lflaJlpMwe~WOtid W.H, e ,woe•l'IMUD WMINM9 "WOtid ~"""' °""""' plonlflil'' l:IO. (I) NCAA ~WICIAL. ''NCAA Ch•"'PIOr11hlp ~Thl~ToNew Of!Mnl" A l'9'llew of Gd• .. belllelblll'• PM' -ton, and I ~ of IN NCAA IMklltlel CMM- plOMNp. ............. *AHO Mr .• ..._ or~ an """' and appoint• hlmeell Oii*• after the CMt• 'MIY9 •• attaec1. • 8'JGMMY ~--GOUl9N GLOYa • UNOIMTNC*G HUMAN llHAVtOf' HV'-'On" O~L 90Wl8'I TIXM S 100,000 GfMler Miami 811n1lllne Open (lrom c.nv1 Kendall ~ In Miami, Florld•I (Z)MOVllE • * 'h "RocklhOw" 11990) P1ul McCartney 1nd Wings Thia rec0td of thl !Nnd't U.S. tour lndudee pertormancee o f "Jet," "Band On The Aun," "SHly Love Songa" and tom1 Old "'911e balladt. 'PG' S:OO D COU£GE llASKETaAL1. Oregon State 11 At~ona St•te 8 MOVIE * * "Roblnaor> Cru- And The Tiger" ( 11172) Hugo Stlglltz, Allul. A thlpwreck s urvivor maroon.ii tor 25 year• on • dee«1 ltlal\d ·~ • young boy from death 91\d encounter• • tribe ot can- nlbala ., MOVIE * * * "Crltlc't CllOlel" ( 111e3) Bob HCJC)I, luclli. Bait A llarah drema c.ltlc r9negM on Ilia promlee not to review the ptay Illa wife h.U wrtlten «i) HOME OAADENEA QIMOVIE * ·~ "A Wiik In Thi Spring Rain" ( 11170) Ingrid Bergman, AnlllOny Oulnn. A happily merrted woman find• llerMI! lllllng In love with• mountain man while 1111 la vecatlonlng wltll her htllbend. 3:30 8 ()) SPORTS SATUM>AY World Cup Skiing "America'• Downhln" '°' ,._, (from Alpen, Colo 1. • PAOfQS60HAl 80WlER8 TOUA $100.000 Gr11ter Mleml Sun1llln1 Op1n llrom C1rter'e Kendell L.,_ In Mllmt, Florldal «i) HOME GAADENEA (C)MOVIE * * "The Apple" (19801 Cllherlne Mery Stewen. George Giimour. In 1994, • tinging duo ra111 ll'llo the ll1nd• of • d l•bollcal 1mpr-1o. 'PG' DWOW • * * "The Cornpe1111on" ( 11180) Alchatd Dreyfuae. Amy 1rv1no. Two p1an11t1 11 1 San FrancllOO mutlc ciompelitlon find that their ~ for each olhlr c:on- lltcia with their proleu!On- ll amb11.lorw. 'PG' 4:00 Q OAIZZl. Y ADAMS ., MOVIE • * * !'Th• St1rll1 C\IClloo" ( 11169) Liu Min· nelll, Wendell ~on A lonely. mtxecl-4JP COlege co-ed rrtee to manipulate • naive. -*live freellmln Into 1 romantic •tfalr. fill PLEDOE IAEAK Regularly acheduled pro- orammif>G may be delayed due to~ brNlca a!> tHTAOOUCINO ~ooY 111 EHTERTAH.IEHT THISWEEJC lntervlewa with NICk Nolte. Bo Derek. Morgen Fllr· Chlld. Tim Conway end Rlcherd Crenna MOVI£ • • * .. , Sent A Letter To My Love" ( 1111111 Simone Slgnoret. Jean Aochelor1. A mlddl••ged wom•n who II•• 1pent moat or her 1dult Ille catlnQ lor her kwlltd brothlr decldla to -11• • i.tter 10 1 newac>•· per lonely hllr11 column 'PO' 4:1011) NATIONAL OEOORAPHIC SPECIAL "Tiie Tigris Expedition" Th0. Heyerd1ht'1 lln11 end ctlmac:llC voyage le corn- mernor1tec:l wflll lllm plus lddlt1onal footage of Ille Kon Tlld llld Aa expedt- tloM . 4:30 C!) INTAOOUC4NG llOLOOY (l)MOVIE * * * "T OUCf\ecl By Love" ( 111110) Deborah R1ffln. DI-~. A nurllng trelnee trlea to bring • h1ndlcapped Qltl out ol • deep depreuton by enoouregtng lier to com~· llPOf1d with lier Idol, EMt Prealey. 'PO' {%)MO\M *** "Cl_,.., .. (19t1) Ringo Starr. DenM Ou91d. Thi downllll membet of • barely !lumen Pf'Nelotlc tribe beglne to dleooll'lt tllet brain• ~ "°' brllWll wlll be Ille l!ey to 1111 peo- ple'a~•. •PG' 1:00 . MmNCAH ADYINTUM I FMR4Al.L ITAA TMJC ·--~°' "'°"" Thi FWlllnoo Sttli• fot ~y o.rtry ~ (lrOfn Htelaef\, Fla.); WOttd ....,, •• Oym.'Wllcle CNlft. plOMNpl (lfOl'll Moacow. u.1.1.R.~ • Ko.we l(ojell llM only~ of lllb rMlllon • 14 IN ... ....,.,.of .. ~. •::..~ .. ~ ~""'~ (J) ...... ... .............. .._ MM """' I .... lie • ::'!'° .... ......... •=-•a.wax "T .... te ..... C... .,.,,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Maroh 8, 1982 'TUBE TOPPERS KOCE g 7:00 "A Dream Called Public Telt'vision.'' History and growth over nearly 30 ye ars chronicled ~OCE A R:OO "Tht• Making of n Major ~folly wood M usicul." An inside look at Hf c on a set . KN BC It 8: 30 "ChH·ugo Story " Premiere of new series that interweave·• legal, medical and police dramas. KNXT fJ 9:00 "Comt>s u Horsemtm " Jane Fonda. James Cu an 1n Wcsll'rn about rival ranch owners Sec photo. left. (Q)MOVI€ •••~ "Doclor ZhlvlQO" ( 1985) Omar Sf\altt. Geral- dine Ool>tplln TWO lovel'I 11ruogi. lmldll thl tplrlt Ind pualona of 1111 Au•· 111111 Revolutlon 11.:IO • NATIONAL , 0E0GAAPHtC IPtCIAL "Living Tr1Hure1 Of J1pan" Nine J1p•neae 1rtltan1 and performing 1rtl1t1 jlllllO kaep tlle hlllrtbNt of 111 1nc1en1 cultUfe pytllng lllrOUQh • contemporery toelety ar• prollled. (RI ·~I ~OF THE Wll.D ()) WE.COME BACI<, KOTT£R Horlllack 11 Ille only one to votunt-to light C•rvelll. thl toughl.tt guy In achool. t1J WIDE WOAL.D OF 8POR'T8 The Flamingo Stlkes for Kentucky Dlfby hopelula (from Hl1le1h, Fla I. World Men's Gymn1etlea Chem- ploMhlpa 1rrom Moacow, U.S S.A.). MOVIE * • "Girl Frllndt" ( 11178) Melani. M•yron, EM w11. l1Ch A young woman 1141rna about the concet· Ilona one nu to mike In romanc. by obMrVing her doees1 ftlend's elf•lr• Ind by hiving one '-Mil 'PG' -~-- 8:00 8 ()) C88 NEWS I OJ)N8CHEWS MOVIE • • * "M•n'1 Favorite Spor1" ( 111641 AOCll Hud· son. PIWI• Prentlll A writ- er I• m•dl to eat hi• word• When lie proct•lml lllmaetf to be 1 llt1th1nd ••Plrl 11 lllhlng. Q WH~SHADOW A• grlduahon appr~. the l«lk>r• contemplate Hie 1ner high llChool ., THE MUPPETI G-t: Ethel Merm"" m MOVIE * * °" "Min Of The WMI" ( 1958) Gary Cooper, .Mle londol'I A relonned out- 1.tw la forced back Into 1 llfeofcrtme ~=:8AMENCA * • 'h "Somewher• In Time" (11180) Chrlllophlr AHYe, J ana S.ymour Ob-..c:t Wtlh me portrllt of I 19t1Hlentury acir-. • modern-day New Yortl pllywflght u-hypnoel9 to travel baclc In time and meet lier. 'PG' D MOVIE * * • 1ft "PlcnlC At Hing· Ing Aootl" (1117 51 R.actlel Roberta. Dominic Guard In turn-ol-tlle-clntury Aul· tr•ll1. three younQ echoot· glrlt wander aw•y trom a ICl'tOOI plcnlC •nd becomit IOlt in the 00111 'PG' 11:06 MOVIE • • 'h "e.cape From Alea· lru " ( 197111 Clint e.u1. wood, PatrlCll McGOOhen A lier~ convtct makes el•bor•t• pl1n1 to breelc out °' the eecac>e-9'001 prt.on. 'PG' e: 111 (%)CHAN.a CHAMPLIN T AIJ(I WfTH ... "0.C. NOrrtir-" l:.lO. PlEDOE IAEAK ~ Kheduled pro- gtwnmlng ml)' be deleyed due to ~ tlfMk• uo1•())C8N88 ENTERTAINMENT THISWEa< lnterviewl wlth Nick Nolte. Bo Derelc, Morgan F11r- C11Ud, Tim Conw1y ind Ald\11d Crenn1. GI THE MUPP£T8 G11eet: Clortt Llldlm1111 • NATlONAL OEOOAAPHIC SP£CIAL "National Park1. Pt•y- ground Or Peradlae?" EHor1a by the Nlllonal Pwk Service to ree1rlct the public'• ecce11 to Ameri- ca '1 pertc • 11'1 llopet of pu1 • ting. • hal1 to anwonmen- 111 damage, pollution Ind crime -... mined <Al 1:00 8 IH SEAACH OF ... "Spirit Volcll" I WHEN WEAi! YOO? THE HARDY 80YS I NANCYDMW W't'IT'l!M8 A man Mlea the Hlll'dy Boye to find out hovr hl9 da11gllter, • chemplon 1wlmmer, co11ld have drowned. • LAWNNCa WIU< "Tr1bute To Hoegy c-nl- Chell'' • ADMAMCAUm "'9llC TILi.WiON Thi llletory •"4 Ofo.!11 of publlC "'9Ylalon ~ Mer> ly '° yeat9 le atw,oNcled: ~W .... nwr•• I If llAIOC "'"" NOPLl'I OOURT THI.....,.. ~~. (C)lllCNll • * "Two Enollt" <»II" (1171)~~~ .. Q&MMtlllMI Ill "" Ml1Y 1IOO'e.two.,...._ and • '°""' ,. ....... beclo"'• uu9llt m • rOllllllllo IMf9I. 7:•(Z)llCWll • ** "Allapo Heft Tropo ,.. ('9111 Arll!Ml9d. Ull ...................... ....?a· Mt ...... ..__ OMrty ....... ...... ._.. ..... ,....... ... .. ......... o.w Frl.aell Ind Dotti. Weet 8 LOOl<ATUI 8 OMHI: THE New ""°"""' Fe1turtef: 1 ,_ aourc;e of po-tllat could IOl"8 Ille world'• energy problem•. • trip to dlstent gal&x ... with IMaC Aalmov and Aly Brldoory (I) OMHI: THE NEW ~ 9 8ATUROAYEDm0N Qt THE MUPPETS GUHi. Lorett• Lynn. 7:M tD THE NEUAOH SUITE J.,.,,.. Burtle IMuttr•tll • tour through the human brlln anCI Olfltrll nervoua 1yatem with apecla l ellect1, •nlmatlon and Interview• wllll 9ueat Hplrtt. 1:00 8 ()) WALT oeaHEY "The Spaceman In King ArtllUl't Court" A tpeca ~ 14 returned to tl•tll-century England wtlln llQlltnlng llrlk" hit tpaoelhlp. (Part 21 8 ONE 0#' THE BOYS Jonathan's date ltlls tor Adam. end Gr1mpa eppolnta hlmMlf mecltllor 8 COl.l.EOE 8A8KET8Al.l VCLA vs Wuhlngton S11te •O LOV£90AT The er-or the PllClflc Prlnc9a com~te wltll Ille er-of a ulllng tdvertery of Ctptlln Stul!lng'• tn a --Of wttd' lpot11ng events.o Q MOVIE • * ·'Tiie Oevtl't Alln" ( 111751 Ernee1 Borgnlne. Wlttlam Shel<*'. The INd· er Of • coven Of wttc:hes returnt to Ellrth after 1 300-yeu •btence to recoYer 1 boolt llstlng tlle n.,._ Of people who have 1 told their aouts to the dev· II • CN8IS IN THE HOAH O#'AFNCA Sten Mooney-ham 1nd Carol ll-enoe lloet tllla doclumerillry on thl more tllan Ila mllllon people In Afrlel who h1V1 been 1flected by wet 1nd d<ougll1 end the reeutta of Mx:hevenl• • MOVIE • *. "811fled" ( 10721 Leonard N1moy. Su11n Hampsnk'e. A rac;e car d<tver n'\INlel Ille -le dll· OfYV«Y tllat he lies Ille uncanny ability to foretell lutu11 dlsutera «!) UOKT8I CAMERA! AHNIEI "Thi Miking 01 A Mator Hollywood Mu1lc1I" In '"'" entertaining acis: MlnQS, lntervlewl and llO&- dal producllOn numbers htghllght In lnllde loolc ., Ille on 1111 tel of • big Hot· ~mualcll. Q! MARCH OF DIMES TE1.ETHON MOVIE •"' *'h 'Eyewllneu" (191111 Sigourney Weaver. Wllllam Hurt A tell\llllon reporter ~ Involved wllh • tanltor who may know more about • mur- der that he wltMIMd tllan lie It 11yll'IQ 'A' MOVIE **\Ii "Buttln' Loose" ( 19111) Ak:hll'd Pryor. Ctc.- 1y TY*>"· A bumbling oor. gt11. • concerned IChoollMCher and elQht clllldren "*<• 1 lrlglltan· Ing crou-country l•lp In • brOken-dowl'I ICl'lool bus 'A' UMOVIE "Thief'' 1tll8l) J1mea Cun. Tueeday Weld A m••ter 11f1cr1clcer blcomel ln¥0!\oed In the world of proleulonet crir'na. 'A' l;30 D Ct4ICAGO STOAY (Premi.te) The pereonel IMll Ind cer-• or doc· ton. lewyer• and po!ICI ofllolr9 .,.. -.. they cope wl1h tlle-lnd-delllll lltuatloN W-enl In their proleealona; Meud Adlml. Vlnoenl Blgoetll llld Krlt- lolfer T1borl atar (Q)MOVIE • •'h "The Octagon" (1980) Chuek Norrtt. l .. Van Cteet A W11lllly young women hlr" • retired l'Tlll1lll 11111 dllm- plon 10 Pf'Olec:i .her from terronsta lrelnld by Ille oo-= Nln)41 cult. 'A' ···~ "Monly Pylhon Altd The Holy Otulll'' (117 4) OttMtn CNpman, JoM CtaliiM. King Mhwr and hll band ot llnlgllla enoount« 9'1ntt, rtddlel'I and I Wociue tabbtt 11'1 their~ tor ~legend-9:40. ~ ONIARTH t:0t •<I) MOW ** * "C-A Hor-. INfl" ( 1171) JIM Fonda, J-c:..n. A di'"'- ~ at1 ''""""""t ........ ranctier """ • eoA IMO Nron'a inleftded t.-0-Clf-~. e OM1t•TM1.__ cw~ llM ~l-1)11..,. •ftd Q9f'OI &....-... .,. • fflttll'/ on tt1e """9 ................... ,.,,... ....., """ ....,. •ffectMI lilW .., Md ............. of ........ .,.,.. ~ ,,,,,.,,.. .................... I .................. a tuWQf °'a.. ~fOCINT'ot • * * \4 ''1lle Howtll'lg" (1H 0 OH WaHaoe, Plltle*...,_ A- ~ la fMMOld by I lllller wtlO -10 bl I _.ewoll.'R' t:11• THIMAM llNJTHPe .. A NUflHIU "' ........... of fl'lende llld cowor11.. mlllad with fllln Cllpt uamlM .. 116Mory of Ille M9'll 8'._. .... GNAT ···~ "Btld•et1e1d A1vl1ll1d: Tiit UfWMrl Hoot!" .kllla ll!u.MI Cn.rtee to find ..._.Ian In Morocoo and brtne '*" bid! 10 -1119 mother, Ledy MatCIVntln. ""° .. dying.,,.,, 1) 0 10:00 • MOCt.AaN'I LAW Moellln trlee to help an aic*ty couple lleep tllelt home by tr•pplno •n unecrupu1oua oontt actor 1n I ii opetlllon I NEWI . FNIT MY lalANO A tMo-0-hunter 1lallc1 the ulllmlte Quarry -men. • MOVIE •• "Sllullduggery" ( 1970) Sulan Ct811c, Bur1 Rey- nold• Anlhropologl1l1 di.- cover v11u1bte mineral depo1tts and epe-llke crNturee while on Nlarl In N-GulML ID DOOOER TOWH u.a.A. Spring training wltll the Los Angelee Dodger• CJ:l)MOVIE "'• * "All NIQhl Long" ( 111811 Gene Hackm•n. B1rbt1 Strel11nd. Aller being dernolecl from cor· porate executive to cl\aln· 11or1 night mantger. 1 middle-aged man'• 11tt- 11yi. Ind vllues are turned uplld..Oown. 'A' Cl)MOVIE • • "The Extermlnllor" ( 111110) Ch•lltopher George, S11tn1t1th1 Egoar. Aher 111$ w1r bUddy la i.n paralyzed by 1 N-York youth geng, • Vletn1m vet d1cldes to ••I<• hts tevenge by murdering "'"' cr1m1n111 tllrough grueto me. to1tuou1 ,,_.n1 'A' (%)MOVIE *** "c....m.n" (111811 Ringo Sterr. Dennie Oulld Thi olownllll member or a barely llUmen prlllletorlc tribe begins to dltcover : 1h1t bn1lna and not brawn wljj be the l<ey IO hit peo- ple'1 tutv!vll. 'PG' 10:30 • ., N£WS (C)MOVIE * • "Tiie Apple" (11180) Catherine Mery St-an . George Oilmou• In 199•. • llnglno duo 1111.1 Into Ille h1nd1 ot 1 dl1bollc;11 lmp< ... rlO 'PG' CQ)MOVIE "'• "H1td Country" Jan- Mlchlel \llocent. A young man la dillttutloned wtth the modern Teut Mte1ty1e ·PG' DMOVIE * * * "All Night long" (1981) Gene HICkm1n, Blr'btl StrelNnd Aller being demoted from cor- porll• aQOUUve to chlln· al0<a night manager. • rnlddte-ac>ed man's 111 .. style Ind valuee •re turned ul)llde-down 'A' 11:00BDDCll9QI NEWS 8 AMERICA'S TOP TEN .., M•A•S•H HHY)' ~ti.a lfrlvlng II Ille compound crNte -• probleml for Ille unit l>ec•uM they lfe nearly oul ot pentotll•I .., PRISOHER: CELL BLOCKH till AUSTIN CITY UMrTS Tomp•U lfld the Gluer Brothlr• pertorm m11ny of their hits Ind George Str •· n debuts wttll "Unwound " 11:30 II BARHA.llY JONES Barnaby 1u1pect1 e1plon1ge wllen 1 . ..-lywed woman cornput- " ·~pert disappear• D SA TVAOAY NIGHT LIVE Hoat· Tlm Curry Gueat MNllOlf.(A) 8 MOVIE * * 'h "Macho Call8h11n" (1070) D•vld J •ntMn, JMn Seberg A woman ol!era 1 huge boul'll)' tor Ille ClplUtl of 1111 min WhO repecl lier llld kitted lier huablllld. I =.eHE#S • * • "'The St•rlle Cuckoo" (11169) Liza Mln- nllll, Wendell Butlon A lonely. mixed-up college c01d lriel to manlpullte • naive, MnllltlYe lfelhmen Into • rom111llc llflalt. ())MOVIE a "Oeeert Trell" ( 1935) Jonn Wlf"/M. Merv 1<~ man ••• \ti MOVIE • • * "Thi Dey Of The Jackel'' ( 19731 Edw11d Fo•. Terel'IOI Ai.xender. An International lllt man Ind QUlclt-dlllnOI 8"181 called "Thi Jectlal" II Nred by the OAS to - tlnale Cherlee De Gellllt. QI MARCH°' o..t TEl.ET'HON (CONT'D) (B)MOVll * * • "Fort Apecht, The Bronx" (tM1) PW New- ,_, Ed ,.,.,_, A tough COC1 betttea c:rtrM 9l'ld oor • f'llPtl9n In N9w Yelflt ClfYI loutfl Bron• ~l>Ot· hood. 'Ill' '1:41. MOVtl * • .,. "1.appeln'' ( 1171) MIGllH I Yor•. !lk• .,..._. DllfMO WOl'ld W9' I, a lrWI "" IMme ....... ._.._'11-,.. to_...,.......,.. tollellt11eMli0"9~ and ...,. ltOdl lrttlell ,.,....., (l)llrNIM . ._.... ........ -- ........ ,..,, ~ .,_..~ In ., .. --... Mlllly•.._Mll lllMf 1111 "**fGUt Mf", I (Z)MOW •• .,. "O.. "909 (11715) Dew4d c.r3 . 8llftoM Orlflllh. In .. '* A.O., h"·Md drMng II a IMlliOMI tlPOI' I ' In wfliclf'l lalltlfole lllCtlrM .,. W«tll 10 point1, ·R' 1HI CC) lllCNll * * * "llay H11ne.,ry" ( 1t7t) ,,.,. lnclgee, ~ FWct Ttle OffMel ldon " an olCI Southern ~ • .,. .. _._.,." from the llande of ,.,. eet•te epeculUOfl, ~ 12: 11 CD> t«MI • * "Ooodlllye , Etntnl/lulle'' (1MO) s~ Kr1elel, e-11111 - 11nuee "" qumt. • : (l)MOW ' • *'.4 "~ FrOl'll•lje6. tru" .(11791 c-ri1 '-* wood, Palrtdt ~ • A llltdlMd ~ ...... ..abor•te pierw lo br• OU1 of the ~od prteon. ·PQ· 1HO. MOYIE * * ~ "Darting Utl" ( 197" Julle An.cit-.. ROCll Hudo ton. A crafty World Wll. Gern\trl ~ poaJng .. .,, Englleh mualG-nell .,., " uelOf18d to cou aecr11• from an Alfted pilot • MOylE •• _."Terrified" (1984) ~ Laurin. Steve Drexel ~ owner Of • popullt nlQhl apol t>ec;ornee ~ tntereetecl In IM .....i1111 of unprotected young glrlt • ()) MOV1E • ~ "Frontier HorlzOfl'\ t 1938i Jotln Weyne. Jen- nifer Jone1. 1:009 AOQ(~ a~~'*-" TELETHON (CONT'D) 1:t0 8 MOVIE • * "Tiie lovee Of l:ler• cutea" ( 19601 Jeyne M11n1- lleld, Mickey H11olt1y Hercutea ...... to exon- er•ll hlmMll of I mu<det accu11tlOl'I by finding thl telllclltw m MOVIE • * "Bleck Sabbath" ( 111&4 I Borla Kll'IOH. Merk Dimon. ThrM talee of 1111 tupernllur al concerning, rHj)9Cttvely. 1 ring a1oi..i from 1 deed -· the ••ngelut ghotl ot 1 tpUrned IO\l9f and 1 vlllltor to the hOml or • loatll· 1ema vampire ire IOld. ®MOVIE "Tlllat" (19811 Jamet, Cun, Tuesdey Weld A miller aalecr•cker' becomel involved .., me world or proleutonal crime, 'A' (?)HOW TO START THE DAY 1:46 (fl ABC NEW8 CC)MOVIE • "'* "The Hell11rom Chronk:141" ( 11171) Docu- mentlf)I N.,,_ted by LIW· llflCe Pr_,,,ln The Ylr • led IUMvel tecfvllqllee of lntecta, which may -111- llly pul ,,,.,.. Into direct Ind ~ competj- 11 on with min. ere tevealed. 2:00 D MOVIE * • • 'h "Mant.1111111' ( 11179) Woody Allen, Din KN1on. A New YOrll City come0y writer brlM• lip #1111 1111 toog-tlml gli)- frlend to squire ll'ound ., lntellec1ually vapid ,_ CE~ • • ~ "Th• Po1tm111 Alw1y1 Rl'llgt Twlc•'" 11111111 Jo Nkholaop. Jeulcl LM>ol. A ~ woman Ind her IOwr plllt to murder her llulbllld 'R' 2:10 MOVIE • •'i'I "Cr•zy M1m1" ( 11175~ Ctorls LUQhmltT1 Ann Soth41rn. A ttruggllng t1m1ry runt ll'lto IOUQh luclc In Arllln ... and end• up a criminal bind on thl,llm lo C.tllornla. 'PG' Z=*>D NEWS 3:00 QI MARCH M '*'9£8 TELETHON (OONTDI a:201 = * "Horror HOUM" ( 1970)' Fr•nkle Aw1lon, Jiii H.twOrth. A gtoup of nlll· .... young people wlttl tlml on tlleif l>andl decide; tO conduct I Mllll09 et I• haunted~ (C)MOYIE •• * .... .'The Howling" (10111) D•• Well1ce , P•trldl M-A --> reporter le ~ by'i kllter wt'4> -to be ~ werewolf. 'R' a:.• MOVIE •' * * "The MMQW Of lM Aed Deattl'' (1M4) Vlnoeft> Pttoe, HUii Cowt. A 1 :zth.. century pflnoe talcee • myalarloul young glr1, who carrlee m. Reel O..tll pie- r£=:'~• • • "Thi Ex1ermlnetor" ( 19110) Chrl1toplll r 0-ge, s-tlle Eo9lf .• Aller hie Wiii buddy la left perelynd by 1 N9w Yortl' )'OU111 Qln9, I Vietnam Ylit ilecldu to talc• lllll' tevenge by m11rderlne t ltreel crtminell ""OUOfl I orue1om•. lortuou« l _..,'A" , I Ul(B)MCME t • * *" "Ey1wlln1e1~·,, • 1 (11181)~~ •• ~ HUrt. A.........., ~ lleCOfMI lnwoM!(I : """ • )INlof ..., ~-­ le,_ more 9bOUC I rf'Nl4 der4fllllllewltt I dt!IM I, ...... ~ ..... a:IO. lllCNll .' • *. "'nit,.,..,.,. Of "-.... (1MI) LUGllll 8"' ... OM& The ........,i wottd of ... DDll ... , Md .... llOlllia ..... ~ !Mftttof •..-.• ........ .t ~-(Z) lilCMI '' 0 ................ =~ ,..~ 0-••~. t ""'°"' "" ... ~ . =---= .. :q· IWMd lllte • • ,,___ ....... ·----~ .. _ ...... .,., ~ .. ..... .. ,.....,.. , ... ,, .,..,.._ OIM, ~ ...... •J .... ,., .. ~ .. .. ............... ~ W9'N ., ,, ...... ......... •. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6. 1982 'T ? ,....---....-T "r • T ,- 1 I I ..... H dll1, Mardl 7 By YONEY OMAIUt ' AIUES <Match 2l·AvrU 19>: Pluns subject to t'h•nje i''ocwt on children, speculation, need ror revision, t view and rebuilding process Aquanus, Scorpio, Leo natives rlgure prominently. TAURUS (April 20·May 20): Study Arles meuaee for valuable hint. Emphasis on revision . c hange, Intensified r elaUoruship and establlsbment ol "territorial rhcht.s." Lines-ol communication open, you receive call which could r esult in sales. truvel. GEMINI (May 2 1-June 20): Basic hom e adjustment due; relatives ma)' be sincere but m isinformed . Highlight diplomacy, Intelligent concessions and purchase of gifi to commemorate sentimental occasion or gesture. CANCER (June 2l ·July 22): Clarify terms, especially where money is concerned. Someone wants something for nothing -you could be prime target. Count your change! Missing material ca.n be located and genuine bargain is available. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): This is your power-play d ay! Emphasi s on initiat1 ve, production, reward, intensified relationship and outlet for creative r esources. Focus also on money, personality, vital contacts and positive responses to inquiries. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221 . Look behind scenes for answers. P ast patterns provide r oute for current progress Important people are drawn to yvu , seek your opinions and counsel. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22>: Pleasure principle is emphasized . Priends return favors, debts are repaid, lost objects ar e l ocated and professional advancement is highlighted. You make new star t , i mportant contacts, wishes are fulfilled and you could rau madly in love. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov 21): Orders r eceived from superior are subject t o change. Know it, have alternatives al hand. Emphasis also on teaching, learning, investments, establishment of home base. Individual who formerly opposed you will now seek your cooperation m unique community project. SAG ITTARIUS {Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Emphasis on communication. travel, artistic expression :;nd dazzling display of versat ility You're invit ed to social affair. featuring gourmet foods . fine beverages. CAPRICOR N !D ec. 22 -J an 19 ): It i s necessar y to dig beneath surface. ir persistent. you unravel red tape and could strike pay dirt Spotlight also on accounting, interest rates, taxes. financial status or associate. partner or mate AQUARIUS (J a n . 20-Feb. 18 ) · Current policies r equire revisions You receive n ews co n c'e rn i n g I e g a I a rr a i r s . Lu n a r foc u s on p artnerships, cooperative efforts, people who are drawn to you but have connicling ideas. . PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20J Refuse to be chided into prematur e action or decision based on wishru·1 thioking rather than f actual data M oderate pace brin,gs ~es1red results PUIUC llOT1CE NS...U lllOTtCIE 01' SAi.iE 01' •EAi. ... O .. E•TY AT ... IVATE JAi.iE ..... - In the Superior Cour1 ol -Stole ot C•lllornl•, lor Ille County ot 0.-tn the Metttr of the E"•t• ot Auov~lln O..Can Mollu , •O Aciustll' M•Llu .. Oec:HWCI, PUBLIC NOTICE LOI SI• t•t o• Tr«\ F1v~ Hundred El9hly lhru UU I H otr M•O recor oeo In Boo-l O P•o• s. of MIH•llaneov• M•P• Record• of Or•n9e Covnly ,C•llfornla. E)(CEPT on.-,..lf 1nt.,t\t '" ~nd to •II olt •"Ct Q•U to"t•ln•O In or unde r ,.,cs .,.._,,., •morf commonly t..nown •' S11 Sll' 1 ar'd 513 Fovrtll St l.• ~Ab••. CA NOii<• Is hereby 91vtn lh•I th« Term' al wle , .. h in l•wlul money ""°''\IQr>ICI wlll .. 11 •' Prlv•I• wle ol 11\f UnHto Si.tlH on conllrM•llon ol lo !tie hl9"1HI -IJHI b'-r, \UOl~I Ult or P41rl C••" •nO D•l•n<4' 10 conllrm.tloflal wld ~tor C°"rl, evidenced DY not• ••<VrtO 1>¥ on o< 1ftf< U. t•1'1 O.y ol """rch. 1"7., Morl9•11• or Tr u•I Dud on "'' •I the olflce al Cl.,e M. ~inOu'ter, oroperty •o •otO hn per tcnl of 11112 Soulh Pl<>Nff Bl., ArtHll , CA •m .... nlbldlobe-1ttowll"bld •0101 , 131·'1•·•>1•. Co11nly ol Los 81~ o< all,...\ to be In wrlllnQ...., AnQelH, SWte ot C.lllo<fll•. 111 11• wlll be r~~-•I'"' alortwkl otflo rlohl. title •no lnttrul 01 u lo .at •nv 11,,,. •tiff,,,. ''"I ouo11011on Oe<•Uto •I '"' time ol ., .. ,,. """ •II "'"Of •nO before d•I• ol .... .... rtghl, Hiie .,,., lnler••I ,,.., '"" D•t•O ""'HI oay ot M•r<h, !'Ill .. i•te ol ,.IO o.< .. MCI ""' •tqulreG Jew• C Mojlc• by 01M•atl0n al lew or o~n.tw "'"" Admlnhlra1or of or 1n a<ldltlon to 111411 ot Hid de<••..O. '"' h l•te ol •I ll•e time al OUlh, In -IO •II Ille W•d Ot<eOtnl c•rt~ln l'ffl ~v •11.,.lto In '"" Cl••• M. Pol-Cl .. Count• ol Or-. Sl1le al C•lllornl•, AftffMY fer Mmlnlstui.r p•rt1cvtuly OeHrl~o o tollows Pu1>11....0 Ou-COA•I Da11v 01101 1 •0-wl~ M•rch •. 1 13 1'1112 ion 8) DIATH NDTICIS FULFROST DORA F U LFHO ST . rt'51Ul•nl of Newport Beach. Ca. Passed awa} on March 4. 1982 She is survived by her son Jack or M isswn -Vi eJo, Ca . I nterme nt ,services will be held at the ramily plot. at Beth Oav1cl Cemetery, El Mont. Nev. York. Harbor Lawn.Mount i Ollve Mortuary of Costa M esa forwarding director'> 540.5554 I Mc<:ARDLF. . RUTll H. McCARDLE. rl!Side l of the Costa Mesa HAaloa uw.._..o-. OUVf Mortuary • Ceme1ery Crematory . 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 "UCI llOTHIU HU llOADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IALTX 1 l llGUO,. SMITH I TUTHILL WHTCLIFf CHA'El 427 E t7th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 .... C~llOTMHS $MITMS' MOll\IU. Y 627 Main St HunllnQton Buch 536-6539 PACIFIC Y•W MIMOllM. ,,.,,. c.metery Mortuary CheP91-ct.rnatory 3500 P.cmc View Drive NewPort ee ech 8"·2700 arl'.l smn• 1957 She passed a\\ a~ on March 3, 1982 She wall \Crv ac t1vt• 1n her church and Cl\ l<' and Social arrairs m the Co~td Mesa and Newport Bea<·lf area, as wc•ll as hemg a member or the N e wpo rt ll arbor I utheran Church She 1!> .. 11rv1\cd bv he r :-ons Ramlall R or' Costa Mesa C<t Todd 1-1 or Fountain \'allcv. <.'a and Terry L or Coi.tll ;\\l',d" Ca . '1sten; Carmen :"'11vak and Gloria Dr ob1,h both or Pc nns,lvan 1a . brother Norma'n Scheiderre1t of P en n sy l vania and 7 grandchlldrcn ~rv1ces will be held on Saturday , M arch 6. 1982 at 2.30PM at llar bor Lawn Memorial Chapel with Pastor Roger Beri~ or the Newport llaroor Lutheran Church ofri<•1ating SC'rv1n•s under the dirl'l'l1on of llarbor l,awn Mount Olive Mortuary of C'oc;t<• Mesa 5411-5554 UUl'ONT ALFRED DUl'ONT, age 77. passed away on March 2 1982. lie was a local artist from Laguna Beach, Ca A veteran ln the U.S Navy Visitation will he held at the Ra.> Family Mortuary. 976 So Coost Hwy ., Laguna Beach on Saturday, M11rch . 1982 from lO:OOAM to :00-PM. Private family services will be held. Al&o 'Private i nterment. Ray Family Mortuary directors, ' BLACKBURN W I LLIAM C AMEND 0 NOTI C1! OF DEATH OF EUGENE E . B ARN ES ANO OF AMENDED PETITION TO ADMINI ST ER ESTATE NO. A·112247. To all hei r s , benef iciaries, creditor s and contlnoent cred i tors ot EUGEN E E. BARN ES and persons who may be otherwl!>e Interested In the wlll and/or estate. An amended petition has been flied by JAA.\ES A. BARNES In the Suc:>erlor Court of Orange County requesting that James A. Barnes be appointed as personal representative to adminlstel\. the est ate of Eugene E. Barnes (under th e Ind e pendent Administration of Estates Ac I). The petition ls'set for hear ing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive, w est._ in the City of Santa Ana, California on March 17, 1982 at 9: 30 a.m . I F YOU OBJECT to the granting of t he petition, you should either appear 1t the hearing and sta te f our objec tions or file written objecti6ns with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be 1n p er son or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a cont ingent creditor of the deceased, you must fi le your claim with the court or pre sent II t o th e personal r epresentat ive appointed by the court w ithin four months from the date of first iso;uance of letters as provided in sect ion 700 of the probat e code of Cal1forn1a The time for filing c laims w ill not expire prio r t o four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are i nterested in the esta te, you may file a request with the court to receive special notice of the inventory of estate and of the petitions. accounts and reports described in "iect ion 1200.5 of the California Probate Code AA RONS & AA RONS, INC. 2790 Harbor Blvd. ::r 209 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 (714) S46-6604 Published Orange Coast Daily Pilot, M arch 6, 7, t3, 1982 1048-82 PUIUC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF JANE FI LS TRUP TOTZKE , JANE F . TOTZKE , JANE FtLSTRUP TOTZKE O 'SULLIVAN, JANE FILSTRUP O'SULLIVAN ANO OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A 112347. To ull h ei r s benPfic1aries creditors and continqent c reditors of Jrine F1lstrup Totzke and person<> who may b e otherwist> interested 1n th~ w 111 and or eslate A petition has been ftled by Henry G. Totzke 1n the Superior Court of Orange County rPQUPSting that H enry c; Totzk P b<> <1ppointPd il<t pt>rc;onal rPOrP <>P n l il t 1vP t o aomin1<oter the e.-,tatf' of Jane F1 lc;trup T o t zk e <under lhP lndependenl Administration of E states Acl ) The pPt1t1on is set lor hPMtng 1n Dept. No 3 at 700 C1v1c Center Drive. West. in the City of Santa Ana. California on Marc h '2.l, 1982 at 9 30 A.M IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition you should either appear at the hearing and slate your ob jPct ions or f i l e wrilten objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR o r a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must fi l e your claim w i th the court "present i t to t he .... rsonal representative appointed by the court within four monthS from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code o f California The t ime for filing claims will not expire prior to four months from the date of thr hearing noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the f ile k.ept by the court, I I you a re interested 1n the esta te, you may f i le a request with the court to rr~eive special notice of the inventory of estat e assets and of the petition s, a ccounts and report s described in Section 1200.5 of the-California Probate Code. Henry G. Totzke, Pro Per, 1516 Eton Place, Newport B eac h , C A ; S41·S236 or 7S4· 1193. Pllblltllecl Oranot Co.\I O•lly Piiot. Fu ,V ,21.MAt<ht, 1"2 •t>-r. Help as much as you can. NOTICl!1>FOE'ATI4 OF MARY ELLe N CAVANAUGH eka MARV ELL!N SALLBEROER AND OF PETITION TO ADM INISTER ESTATE NO. A112421. To II h eirs , beneficiaries creditor-. c1nd conttnoent credl tore; of M a ry E llen CavatH1uoh clnd per .-.oM who may be ottlerw ise Interested In the will and/or it:ata,~ A petition has been filed by Herbert Borden In the Superior Court of Oranqe County request ing that H e rbe rt Bord en b e appoint ed as personaf r e pre se n t a t i v e to administer the eo;t ate p l M a ry Ellen Cav anaugh (under the Independent Administration of Esl atec; Act) The petition is set for hearing in Dept. No 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive. West in the City of Santa Ana, California on M Mch 31 IQ82atQ·30a.m . IF YOU OBJECT to the qranting of the petition you should either appear a \ the hearinq and c;tate your obieclions o r file written ob1ec1tons with the court before the hearing Your apPf'arance may be 1n p erson or by y our attorney IF YOU AR E A C REDITOR or a contingent creditor ot the deceased you must file your claim with the court or p r ese nt l t to the Pf'rsona l representative appoinlPd by lhe cou<I within four months fr1Jm the date of first issuance of letter<; as provided in Sec t ion 700 of the Probate Code of Cal1forn1a The t1mP for filing c laims w ill not rxptre prior to four months from the datf' of th<' hPa rinq noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE lhr file keot bv the court If vou are interested In the pc;tate you may f ile a n>quest w ith the court to receive spec 1at notice of thP inventory of est a te assets and of the petitions.. account<. and repo rt o; desc ribed in Section 1'200 of the California Probate Code W i lliam S . Czech , Attorney at Law, 1900 Bank of America Tower, = 1 City Boulevard West, Orange, CA 92668; (714) 937-1 141. Publl•"""' 0r""9t Co.t'I O•llY Piiot M•rc rt\ ~ 12 1't9? 101.-'1 PUIUC llOT1CE NOTICE OF DEATH OF DANZER P. ELLIS AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER E STATE NO A1123S9. To all h etrs , beneficiariPc;, cr editors and contingent creditors of Danzer P Elli s an d p e r son s who may b e othNwise interested in the will and tor PState A petition has bePn filed by Robert R Wyatt 1n the Superior Court of Orange County r equesting that Rob ert R Wyatt be appointed as' pe r sona l represen l ative t o adm1nic;ter the estate of Danzer P Ellis (under the, I n d e p e n d ~ n t Administration of EstatPS Act I The Pt>titton is set for ht'<irinq in DPPt No J at 700 C1v1c Center Drivt>, WPSl, in the Ci t y of Santa Ana. California on March 24 , 1982 at 9:30 A .M . IF YOU OBJECT to the qrantinq of the petition you should either app(>ar at the hearing and slate y o ur object ion s or f ile written ob1ect1ons with the court before the hear ing . Your appearance may be i n person or by your attorney IF YOU AR E A C REDITOR o r a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must. file your claim w i th the court or pre se nt i t t o the per sonal representative appointed by the court within four months fro m the date of first issuance of letter s as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filing cla i m s w ill not expire prior to rour months from the dal e of lhe hearing noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the file k.ept by the court. If you are interested in the estate, you may file a request w ith the court to receive special notice of the inventory of estate asset s and of the petitions. acc ounts and r ep ort s desc ribed in Section 1200.5 of ttie California Probate Code. Robert A . W yatt, Attorney at Law. 7691 Westminster Avenue, Westminster, CA 92693; ( 714> 194-4429. • Publl111e11 Or""Ot Cout O•tly Piiot, f•b. ,,, , .. M41<ch •• ,.., "M'l + BLACKBU RN. age-63, a resident of Newport Beach Ca. Passed away on March 3, 1$82. Survived by hls wife Katherine, 1 daughter Cathy Ravera or COrona del Mar Ca. and step-mother Thelma Blackbum. Scrvleea wUI be held on S.turday, March '_; 1982 at 12:00 noon at Pac:llh:• View Chapel with RWV Bruce Kurrie otfh:latlna Friends maf-call al lb• m ortuary on Friday. Merch ~ chan&e ~ a, 1te2 rrom 4:00PM to ,wecan • N01'1'8 INVITING llOS NOTICE OF DEATH OF NOTICI .. " ... .., OIVIN that 8 E A T R I C E L 0 I S M•••~sw11t.,. r«etwdbV tiw City S C u M I 0 T 0 k 1 Cler llW CllV til lntM, Celllttfll• ,..... , IOt I flit!\~ ell•"""'· lebo< w•vl<' ... BEATRICE L . SC HMIOT rn•t•'"-''· 100"· eo111or.-1. ,u.,..11n, ANO OF PETITION TO ''""'"°""\kin• u111111e• •ncl e11 omtr ADMINISTER ESTATE 1tt11H •1111 1.c111t1u necuury l .... ttfOt, • «OvllMll ll' UW C.Ol'llrKI NO. A -112463 to all heirs. Clot um•llh, lo• Improve"'•"' t i beneficiaries, creditors eo1M111 •10M• w., """"11 C•P d ti t dlt f no It, t0091Nr Wiii\ t-rlen.snCH an con nQen ere or s o tiw•eto, In llfltt ~corO•no with 1ne B E A T R I C E L 0 I S i1>tt1tlcM~ oo to• "' th• olll<t ot SCHMIOT and person s tke o1r .. 1ototP11t111<Wo<•• who may be o therwise DATii OP o .. aNtNO a101 e•cu Int erested 1n thl' w it! Wiii t>t t.ctl•.O 411 """office ol llw d i ...... tat• Cllf~tll..Ol U..01.,.., '"""" IKttd lln Of"..,.. "'' •I HtOO JambOtH llo•<!, lrvlnt, MMtlM au .. ••••COU•t OP'"· ITATaO .. CAl.lNllMIA POA TMe C»Ulf'TY 0 .. O•ANOI ,. CMc C-W Oft ...... .-.-.~lllwtll••1'•t Pt•tnttff TIMOTHY KHl~l'CI! 4lflld OAVtOW INtl AG \H~~= HIAlM CMAMllLISS. Jlil. roo •• THe<>ffE, ~ oou I tllro~ l'O. lncMI .. iUMMONI ...... NOTl~ll Y.tll lle ........ _.... T1lle ~ ... rt _, ~.., -"ltt y.,. wfllllMlt ,_ ... "' ~ ....... .,.. ..._.. wltltlll • UJL .... llM IM_M ... A petition has been f iled ~~~tco~n~~· ~·· .r~'"!·:011:.~·.: by George Mortlz Schmidt oi•u blO• "''" °" OU011<1, _...., • ...i a n d E 11 nor Va I e n c I a , .. d • ._ •io• • .,.11 1>t wvmm.a in Schmidt In the Super ior •utu t11vt1e11> .. •ur-•o o11 '"• ...... ou llldt, '810\ t ot Edl•on Court of Orange County Rl11ht 01 w .... requesllng that George LOCATI ON OF THIE wo•K' '"" Mortiz Sc'hmidt and Elinor wo•~ 10 ~ oerlo•MW 11t••unoo• '' Valencia Sc hm i dt b e 1ou1•o•n-c;11yo11rv1n..tW1••0• . Ora11Q<t •1 UM!' EOl\O.. ~'11111 ... W•Y appointed as person al be•w•tn cv•v•r Orl•e .no J•'"'" r e p r e s e n t a t I v e t o Rood administer the estate of ouc•1PT10N o~ wo11t< 1 n .. Beatrice Lois Schmidt worklOl>t'Ptr'lO•m.-(l\NlllntlUO.OUI ( und'~ the Independent ~!: .. ~:c1::'~p_:~~.i'::.~~~~11!11:i: AdmJn1stration of Estates ln>l•ll•llon OI l•"O\tt plng wjih Ac tl. The pet ition is set for l•rlo•110•1>nt~•n• Ac 01k~ tr~''' l#ltl hearing in Dept. No. 3 at ~~~::~·~~=~~~::1~:~0.;:,""""" •1 700 Civic Center Drive. cOMP1.ET10Notwo•1t A11 .. 0t• West , in the Cit y Of Santa " lo lw romotel~ wttn lhltly llOI Ana California on M arch con .. tullv• -ktnQ o•o t•oM tn~ 31, 1982 at 9: 30 a.m . i~~~~.'o"e' ttl•o in lh• Noll" IQ I AWARO OF CONTRA(T fn~ O•n .. r '"'•'vt\ Ut• itoht ,.,,,.., OC>f'n1f"Q bt<I\ to fflljH I •ny Of •tt bid\ to waive •n • ti\'°' m•l1ty 1n ,. lllO, 10 m6•t •w6f'Ch 1n '"'° 1nte••'' ol thtJ Own.-r Afl(J '" ,.~,~ 14'11 otnf}r OIO\ IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition. you should either appear at the hearing and sta te your ob jection s or file written objections w ith the .;::s"OSAL GU ARANT EE •NO court before the hearing. E·"" "'° v..11 °" •«°"""""'•d oy • Your appearance may be <•11111•0 o• ........ • ,..,.., o• oy • in person or by your •orpor•le •urth oono on .... rorm furrH\ht'd bV ~ Owntr 41\ ouAr ant"'V attorney '""' tr,. 1>"'°"' w111 ,, .,. •w••d " I F Y 0 U A R E A ~~::!:, ':,n~7_ ·~.:":;:~~;..,'"~~~~;': c R E D I T 0 R 0 r p WO•V• \ Com1>vnw1.on 1nw1•nu .,.., contingent creditor of the ::~b;~!' ;:-;;:;1~:': ,~:~u~~~ ',:;1~7:~ deceased. you must file u 11.i•<1o•v bona• •or 111• '•""'u1 your claim w ith the court o•n10,,nM1<• o1 1"" <.,.,,,.,, .. na to• 0 r pre Sen f i t t 0 t he llW P•Y,._t.ol Claim\ Ot M<tl•t1•t1n~n personal represent ative ::'O:.~~~·'::.~~~.'n ~·:,~::n~• :~ appointed by the c ourt no1 10 , then 1 .... 1101 ""''""' 01 1"" Within fOUr months from emounl OI lhe b•O IM ~••lh!ul • PertorM/Wl(,. Bond '"all b .. not '"'' the date of first issuance 111,.n .,,. .. n.,nor!'(l 11001 .,..,..n1 or 1,., Of letter s aS prOVlded 1n IOl•I otm°""1 QI I"" 0•0 P•lt• n•'""° on Sect ion 700 of the Probate '"• <on1r ... 1 th~ l •M• •M ,,..,.,..,, C f · Th" Pono '""" I>• not ••" IMn onr Code of . ,a11 orn,ra . "'h11ndr•o 1H>o1 """en1 01 1"" 101•1 t1me for filing Cla1 m S Wiii .,..,ounl 011 ... • D•d IJfl<• namC'O tn I,.. not expire prior to four contrM • months from the date of tn• ron••.tll do•um•"" <•II •o• the hearing noticed above :'o':i~'",~p ~'.:i~~:;; ,"!:,::;,': :,"~~= You MAY EXAMINE p~rctntoor b• wof• compl•lto Ttw C1tv will r•tdln 10· or UCh proor•" the file -kf!PI by. the c.ourt. 0..,,..,."1 ., W<urtly tor Ct>mo1t11on at If you are 'interested in the lne D••~n(C' 01111 .. wor• Al'"" r,,qu•\I estate, you may f ii e a .,,., ••PHI"' 01 •11~ •utt•"'"' 0100"" reques1 with the court to !~~0.~!~Y 11'::,1,: ::~P:::."n<;';!,~~1 ,~: receive Special notice of rNulr•...,.nl~ or Go••rnm•nl COd• the inventory of estate ands ~:~·;~;,',"': ..... u"!.'.':.:'!;~~::.;.·,:~ 1~~ of the petitions. account ~ub•t11U11Mot w .... 1 ... and reports described in T"" ow""r r•..,.••P• ,,.,. "'I"' 10 Se c t lo n 1 2 0 0. 5 of I h e ~"':'~ :7,' .~ '' 1 •~ ~"" ~p~n:o.n 1o: '": California Probate Code. ~<'Mwl~nl " nol In ...... lnrm Keith c. Welputt ::<'~~=:~:,'io::'':~~\~~~:~~' :~ 19762 MacArthur Blvd or-.crtbo-<ll)v l.tW #200 Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 (714) 752-7311 Published Orange Coas Daily Pilot , M arch 6, 7, 13, 1982 1049-82 PA[VAll.ING RATES OF WAGES '" 111ccordM"K~ f'lfllh tr~ .. PlOY1\•tw'I' 01 ~<1101> tnJ ot I"" CalllornlA l •OO• COO• tM Ow~' "-•" <M'lf'fttHnt"O ,,,. o•Mr•I Of''f'vawno r.-t~\ Of °""' a1 .. rn w1Qf'\ 1n IM k>t •lftv 1n w f"l1t"' trw> •Ot., t\ 10 b• 0otr1onnf'd to be ,,,,.., cont•1"'°a 1n thP South•rn C•llfor~1A M•\l111>r Labor Aqrf'PrTWf'11 • roe>y ot •'h<n '" on t ilt-1n trw off•<,. M tnt-C•h CH.or~ of thr (it'I of frVt~ And Will Of!> tYt~<lif" •v•11Ablt to •nv 1nt•..-eslf"Cf p•rtv upon r•Quf\I lf\f Con1r1<10• •M •nv NOTICE OF DEATH OF su1><ontr_.,.,. u..-• h•m '""" P•• "°1 T H 0 MA S I N A J A N E '"" 1ndn '"" •oP<111ro orov•1lln11 r•t"' ot WAQP'\ to AU WOf't.m•n f"motovrO 1n M c GU I NN ESS , aka '""'"<vt1onott,....cont••<t T H 0 M A S I N A J A'"PRENTICE lhf' Conh•(IO• M c Gu I N N Es s . aka \hAll comply w11n •" , .... !"QU114'mfonl• T H 0 M A S I N A o• Str t•on 1111 S ol In,. CAl•lotn•A LabOrC~ M c GUI NN ESS . aka DRA WI NGS •H O J A N E C A R I A S'"E CIFICATIOHS " tull •Pl nl Mc Gu I N N Es s . a ka dr•w•no• And 'P"' ... , •l•On• • THOMASINA J . CA RIA ava •'•"'" for •MP•<llon w11novt ak.a J AN E CARIA ANO ~:~~·~:.;~:,·:~·,~:v·~rl~~~~~10"'1 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 compl•lt "''' ol •••O orew •no• ADMINISTER EST ATE ~~;~~= ;.:,_b;~ °';:',,';;1'!~::::~ NO A-112451 Pub•t< wor~• (•If ol "••n• 11700 T o all heir s bene f1Claries. creditors and contingent creditors of Th o ma si na Jan e M c Guinness and per sons who may be ot herw i se interest ed 1n the wil l and 1or estate A petition has b~n filed by Frank A M cGuinness in the Superior Court of Orange County requesting that Frank A Mc Guinness be appointed as personal represen t ativ e tc adminst er the estate ot Th omas i na Jane M cGuinness (under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates A ct> The peti tion is set fo J.1mbOrf't Ao10 lrvlnfl C.it1Uotn1., "11U A non1,.futll11tOk> ,,,,. of \tO 00 wilt ht• t."1HOf'd t nt f\~t h \ttt Of coc:umf'nt'\ Or~•tnQ\ \~<••H ... ~, and b•O OO(uf'TI(-nt\ w ill be rn••••O ucx>n rt"C .. 1pt ot '~OVl"\h no l•lf"r '"•" tO <•l~nctar ddy\. prtor to 1~ d•tf \>et tor oc:u•n,nq btd' tor an i&d01t1on•f <M•Q~otUOO PROJECT 4'0NllHISTRA TION All QUf'\tH>n' ff'latlVf' 10 '"'' ptOit't I Pf'•Or 10 opoon1n9 bkh """" bo atre<lt<I 10th" Pro1~<1 M4"'°9'" City OI l1vlM (/IO I 1~• U'lO BY OROEP ot ,,... (•I• Count•I ol 1~ C•ly Ol lntlnl' DATE F-ua<v7&. l'lll {ITYOF IAVINE. NANCY C ROWl.AM O CllV Ck!r1\ ot lrt• City (OUNll OI lh~ C1tyof trvin.. CA PulJll\...., 0.41"91' Co .. I O&lly PllOI Marrh& IJ 1'41 •~1 11 PUBLIC llOOCE hearing in Dept. No 3 a NOTJ~~T:~Al.E 700 Civic Center Drive, oF 11u1. P•OPEUY West . io the Cit y of Santa AT ... 1vn1 SALE Ana. California on M arch .... A·m•1 °" t 9 30 In lllt S.-rlor Court ol lht Stele o1 JJ, 190< a ' a.m . C•llfor,,.•,lorl ... Covntv ol 0.41n99 In IF YOU OBJECT to the ~":R~·~:~ ~.t·:~~ =R~~~i:iu: granting of the petition, MOORE, Dec••..., You should either appear "'011" " ht••t>y 91ven lh•t tt1t unoers1_.i will wit •t Prlv•I• Hit at the hearing and state tQ '"" hlQl>Pst .,.., 11n1 bl-• ~ublKt your objections or f i ~e to conflrmollOn.,. .. 10 S-lor Cov'l. written objections with the : ,°,;, ~·~~.'~ ~~,: .. ",!•,..~,::;~~= court before the hear ing. N•nc.v A l(e<!llnq, Trust omce• •1() Your appearance mc1y be Newpor1 conlt• Ort •• s .. 11. 1Jo in per son o r by your Nowoort Be.ch County 01 or.,,o- attorney. !~~1·,:,'.~~11:n!:1o"'~':.;!h~11\':; I F Y 0 U A R E A llMt Of Otlllh ""d •II Ill<! 1igrtl, tlllo ""° lnlor~I IMI th• e•I••• OI HICI C R E 0 I T 0 R O r a deCH H d M• KQUl~eo Dy ooer•llOft ot COntin~nt Creditor Of ttfe low or Olll<!rwls. Olhef lh•n or In deceased. you must file:':'!:~::'.~~~~:'~;.~ your claim w i th the court ... 1 orocieny ",.,.,.., 1n 111e cny 01 or present It t o t he M11nt1noton Bffch, Of .. ~. St•to o1 Per sonal representative Calltornl•, PArllcvl•rly cM•crtlltO "' tollowa, towll appointed by the c ourt 1.01 1 o1 ""'' ii••. H oer ,..,.P Within four months from rtcOTdtd In 0-131, Pt91• II to It the date of first Issuance 1"'1u'1"" at Ml\Cell•-Maos. '" of letters as provided In :r0 "i::!1: •t.e Covnh Recor<IH ot :)ec tlon 700 of the Probate Sublt<t to co,,..n•nl• e...i <011111ttm• Code of Californla. The "' 1°r1'1 trf"Oee11r.i1cn o1 Cono1110n• time for filing claims w ill -AHt•l<tlonl" ••onMcS J""' ,._ 1..0 111 lkloll »01 MOO IH ol Olllclot not explr~ prior to four R.c-... et oi wi10 eou""'. '"' "'Y -· monthS from the date Of covonenlS, COflCllllOn•, rl\trlcttOM, the hear Inn noticed above ,.. .. ,v•llOfl•. •19114•. rl9"h 01 way~" • •v ' Httm•llU ot ,..cord\, -• (OMMOnly You MAY EXAMINE known u l.,U Th•MU Lane, HUfttlfltl"" 9"<11, G41flhltl'IA the fife kept by the court. Torm• ..... <•'11 1111twtu1 -· It you are interested In th o1 t11t U"'•eo stet"' on ..... "" per estate, you may f l le a ~~~11~.,, •mount bla 1•"' o.pos1te0 request with the court t 111os or Ottw' 10 11e '" wtlllnv ..,. receive SQeClal notice 0 wlllt>ertcol-9•19-lf'Drf'WW.tt~ the lnverltory of estate •1 ...... t...,. an., ti. ""t PW!kttlell 11treot -wort Ntt ot Utto. assets and of the petitions, 011tc1""'1ot ""Y o1 Maf'(ll, '"'· a ccounts and re port Cf'O(k•• Htt10N1 .. .,,.. described In Section 1200.5 ••"'-YA KHtl11t. of the California Probate ~~~::.: C:- Code. " IY H•MvA.1CN11111, 'l'rutl l)fllc:\ti' 1< ..... a Dion H3 W. Coe" Hw-,, P401 NNPOf1 IHctt C.. (714) MMMt m• I S,._,., '"'-IHNlmTf a ~U•te•ff .....,. ... _ ... ..,,..,...,....... ., ..... .. ... o .... .. 11 you wl>ll 10 -~ Ille """'" ol "" •llOtntY Ill tills tnat•t, YOU >llDUIO 00 •o promptly \O 11\al vour •rttten r••PGn.,., 11 •ny, m•y i. flltoCI on llm• AVllOI U .... M Vet ---El 1•1-' ._.. -.C .. w u11ttt Uf •111 .,1fle11<I• • M•ll•• 410 Uf rHH~ ""'l't ,. • fl•'-Lt• i. Int .......... _"_ s1 u,,.., -· •ol1t """ •• <on .. 10 de un •bOOIOO Ifft tnt• e\Ul'ito, deber•• h•<trlo lnm•Ol•••M•f"lt•, d• .,,. men.ttr• w r~u ""''t•. \I n.ey etoun• ~"" teof\b..S. • U-"'PO ' 10 TH£ nert=NOAHT A fl•ll como••1t'l1 "•' t>••n t lf•O ~Y "'" pl•1nt1tt ~·~• you ti you whh •o 0411tncl th" ••wwll. YOu Mv'1 """"" )t o • .,, •tl•r tnh '""''""°M h w r••d on YOU f lle wtth '~' c.ovrt • w rlt1en r•\Pof"i\• to Ow U)mf)f•lnt Unit\\ you oo ..o your °"'""" will ...., 11t1ltrto on •PPllullon ol 1,.. C>'•1n1111. •twl thl\ (OUtl .... y entH • l~m ... t ·~In\! vou tor 1M ,.,._, ckrn•ndH.I in IN> comol•1n1. whl(f\ towtO t e\utt tn q ernl\hm•nt of ••CM'\ t•91ilf'K) Ot mo.,,.., or oroJH'dY or oth•r r•litt t fl'QU•\tf'O 1n IM tompteltll O•l•cl Nov • 1'91 l t!<t A Btonch (lt•i.. R E ll•r1N>IO,.,.,. ~ly Ml11-•1'111 Hehn.,., Inc 1•1 .. wr1y -lev•r• LHA,,._l .. ,CA.-sl nut -•• Publl..,,.., 6-Co.t\I O••h P1lo\ M•r<h • ll 20, 1/, lte? !OJI '1 PUIUC M8TtE BHI No. 1 ll OCEAN VIEW SCHOOl OISTRIC I NOTICE INVITING 8105 ON 011 LIM RUI Tim. CoMpul•r Ttl-tUl"'I SY••-· ~( r.001 01\t rttl ()cf'An Vwtw X.P\001 01\trtf I O•I• ot O,,..n1r>0 4 00 o c lo.-. A M on,,.. .. l\tf\O~yOI M•'<" lot? P IA<" of B•d Rf"CW10I '•q.tO ~ Citrr.,.t t1unhn0ton 8jl>¥ n CA.,.,., NOl 1( I' t'i ME Al8 f (,1\IEN tn•l tne OOM<I 01 Eduul1on ul lrto OCEAN \I I £ W ') ( H 0 0 l (II S T R IC T 0 I IUNC.C. C.CUl'U t. J~ 41 J69•G 8° Str•t"lf' Hunt tr q,ton 8••'" c a11to,.n,,,. ••II ,.,.< '"•Yt uo to out t\Ot t~ltr thAn • 00 A. M on "'~ IS1t1 o~n o• MdH h 1Y91 \e,.led b•Ch to lf'4t\.t •n On Lint R~t1t l 1 un • C.on-q>utwr 1 •l,.proc M\tnQ ')~\t,.fn\ •nO rttlflt~d \~r v1< f'\ •rd tM put<h•\• 0·1 rf'f41t"<I _.uu•Omtnt lhP contr~t \tlAll ~ tOf tnr~t-)I 't'f"~f""> w1tn •"""•' rtt\f'w~l •I lhP option ot tnt-01'\tr•cl to11ow1nQ '""•OOt•nt•on of mor1thtv <O\ti At>o·-.~ \l.tl-'<t fhO\ w1fl ~ '"< ~ • .,.o in ttw 8u\1""'' OH•<" 01 1n .. 0<~•" "'""" S<noo1 01\tnct at t&'h O ·e Str,..t Hvnt.noton tk'dt h ( .. !tfOH'lt• UP toll nut not tat"" tnan 1~ AbOiwt ,,t4'f\t'O t1mt-•I whn h tu•nr blt1\ ...,111 C>e" Ol"''~"I 4tntl oub••t •v ,..,ad tor ow '""' .. ot ,,,, ON llNl AEAl TIM ( COMPUTER lEI EPAOCESS•NG 5V ... l(MS ano '"••1t0 .,..~t<~~ •11d 1hf-pur<h•~ or rfl'lo1tlfd ,.qu1()n'W'l")f 1n ot <Ord41nu• ""'''" \Pf"t 1t1tttt1un\ "°"'on tilt 1n trwii otf1r w 01 •AOO OIS1At(f E ,u n 010 rnu\.t 'ontotm 4nO b~ r t"\OOn\1Vt lo lh1 • 1n" 1tot1on tn• tn\truf'hO<t fO B•C)()f'r\ tn.: <#f'f1,.•4'• Cona1llon\ It'll' SPK•ll<dllOn\ ~no •II oU\t't Oocum f'nt\ tomor1\1no thf' ~rt1n•nt (ontrart ()or.utnPl"t\ 11\• C al1torn1• $ctkt\ f •• wo• O•• 1n •OG1t10t'I tO lhP Or'l(tt\ QUO\~ f f'Ort ltl Ere.''" 'Al E •PMQt1nn Ctr11f1(4'l"~ w•ll b .. turn1\twd 1t 4'PPhr 4itbl,. fh,. 01\t,1(.I t4tWtVf'" fht ''Uht H> ,.,,,.< t any o• all thO\ ('H to ""' .. ,,., •nv •HtOu••""'"' or 1nto,mdllf P' " ~"w ntQ\ ~' 1n tfW> O•OOtf"IO Ot~1'n"V1f'.-S,nvo1 O•\•' I( I 8v Sh#tl1111 M1tH11\ (ttr• Of thv 80drd of f r--u\tf'of'"\- Publl\.M<I Or ttnot' {o.\t C.t.4'•h Pilot. Ff'h H MJJtrn 6 1'191 ~11 U rtllUC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF MADGE T. ELLIS AN D OF PET ITI ON T O ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A112360. T o all heir~ benrf 1c1anes, c red1 t or~ and contingent creditor s ot M ildQe T Flli s and per son s w ho may b e other wise intPrested 1n thP will and or estate. A petition has been filed by Robert R. Wyatt in the Superior Court of Orang" County r equec;ling that R obPrt R Wyatt b e appoint ed a s pe r sonal r e pre se nt a t 1vP t o admi nister the estate of M adge T Ellt"> (under the I n d e p e n d e n I Administration of E states Act) The pPt 1t1on 1s set for heitrinq 1n Dept No. 3 at 700 C1v1C Center Dr ive. West, in the City of Santa Ana. California on M arch 24, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . IF YOU OBJECT to the grant ing of the petilion. you should either. appear at 1 he hearing and state your ob1ect1ons or file w rittPn ob1ect1ons with thr court befor e the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney IF YOU AREA CREDI TOR o r a contingent cr editor of the deceased , you must file your claim with the court or present It to the personal representative appointed by the court with in four months from the date of first issuance of letter s as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filing claims will not expire prior to four m onths from the date of the hear ing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. 1 f you are Interested in the estat e, you may file a request w i th the court to receive special notice of the inventory of estate assets anc:t of the petitions, accounts ~np report s described In settlon 1200..S of the California Probate Cocte. Robert R . Wy1tt. MICOIMICll ...OITUAl•S LaQuna Buch ~15 LeQ\IMHtlla 7ee-olm a., Juel\ Ce_e!atrano l :OOPM. lntennent wUI be el Pacific: Vlew Memorial .,__ .. .,..._.~_,. PubllMMd Ora~ Cewta " .............. ca. .. fJMI ..... Attorney at Lew, 7H1 Wt1tmln1ter Aven11e, Westmi nster, CA •HtJ; (114tl9M419. -.1711 c Park. P•c:lflc -View :, DellyPllot,March6,7, 13, Mortuary dlrtqon -L.,..:......;J-.-;;.11..._., ... _-..:·~----------·----"'-----•""--..-:;;. .;1, __ 1 .. 2 1052-81 l"Wll"'"' "' .... c..... o.lly Pt .... ., ....... 11. Mk t ..,.. .......... °""9t a... Oel1y .... .... 11.-...,. .... - -.art .... , .......... , . ......... ..., ••• r•,ert .,r•u 1-,....,n. .... , NOf_...., ...... .,......_. ............... IUSIMISS. IM•HTMIMT AMA.NCI ....... ,. AMMOUMC ... fl .... "°''"~ UN ,_SONAU ., .. Sl«YICI IHllCTOH .... SCt:fOO&,S& 1..SftUCTIC* , ... JOISWA ... TID 707l Hlll' WA ... TID ''" MMCHAMl>ISI .... ..... ,.HTOY~ .... I OA T$ & MAll .. I ~' "10-ttff flAMSl'OaTA TIOH 9110 ·9 ... A&lrOMC>ltLIS tllt-"Jt .............•.......•. lluMMl1 Opportunity §005 • •••••••••••••••••••••• C'olor TV St•>rt sales 6t .,c·r\ll'l'' 1-''Ull) cqu1pp('(I & oµcr atrn.: lfra~ lkh .Jlt':l 10<16 17fllj BAKERY Sm.11·k rn the· n11d<ll<• vr flalhou 41 y r <., 'am,. lt1lJt1on c;o(Jfl l('a'>l' C:reat foot 1raff11· and dn ''"l'l'lll'nt pn l'c i: or 1r1 f11rmatt0n t'dll ~ELl-'l'C JI S l't\Vll.IO\; llEJ\l.TOH fi751112<1 1,U/I 'OH ST<) K Jo;S 1-11u11 l a 1 n \' a I I 1· y & Suu~.t·t flt•arh 1':xl;'"I lonil11ms l.ioocl month!\ .:n1.'-~ -,all'!> ()wn('rs v.1h t'<rrn rrnant•tn)! tall ~...ati :1:flli Jl'k for Walt J\1..tt IAJl)k 1'1 11Vt"rt 1c~ ln•Htment Opportunity 5 0 I S ...........•.•.•••••••• ~;·kinp d 511' 1><1rtnl.'r Add v1~ ilr ~q roohrJ.(t' to l'cJ;\I huu•t' for rt's dh' 1'11·~t1~r11u~ locat111n 1~1 fll-l:l cl:i~i., I.'\ e LU\"li S ll A HI\ W \:>.T.lill ncl·tl SS.000 i14 >!9'l l25-t \Ii-. 1'11tt1 •r ,'ourkrrm IN\'ESTOH~ WJ\NTl-.IJ 101 lJ' v.r1lt' orr St.•\'Urt'<.I v.1th I t•JI 1•st<1I 1· prop1.•rt 11.·~ 5Jli !lllRll MOMy to Loon 5025 ......................• :.11111 TD 111 SI nHll 1-:7. quJhf~ l>ov.n1.·~ Sa\ 1nj!i-:\Ir \l1·~J11arr11.· 963·2til I MorlqocJes. Tnast DeedS 5035 ••.•...•..•..•..••.•... Sattt~r Mtq. Co. \II type~ of r'l'al t'Statt• IO\t•stmenb ~ince 19-i9 SpeciolilitUJ in 2ndTDs 642-2171 545·06 I I • FIXEll H.\T E 2nd TU • F\111\ \mort11ed •1-\Jlh \s:.umable • ' " P "r 1.• P a v m t' n t Pl'nall\ · ,\sk h•r Sl.111 S tti-028:! .!nil T I> • 11 000 a I 21' 1111 onh 1l11c• l!!IU ( 'J II 1>.ltl ll.'>'Mi :?ncl :1rll tth TU ' lud11 IJ I Fort."t·lc1!>urt''- lf .irt!lcl I,. \kCi rat h \tl~.111.av. 1!5l·l7i1 AnnouncHMnts/ Penonols/ Lost& FoUnd ••....•....•.•...•..•.. ............•.......... CASTING HOW!! Mm·1e l')(tras Modehn)! 1obs All types No exp. THE JOI SOURCE fi00-_C1i77 11 AM 7 PM Lost& Found 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS AlfNREE tall: 642-5678 SIOO REWARD . Blk Lon~aired cat "Meal ball" 6i3 R972 d)s 975 3771 C\ LOST nurml'Sl' ma II;' <":11 , Dark ~..ihlc. almost bla<"k . R t>v.:ird Call 551 li76 Rfo:WAHD' l.osl wh ite C'Ut w ~ra y m kn gs Family misses him \•ery much Please call days, 556-:RJ80. eves. 631·8QIO ~J:bara. REWARD FOR IMFO leading to the recovery o( Powerlite racing bike taken from condos near F.ngland I< Memphi s • H B Chrome frame ; red hnndlebars. wheels & brakes; black Uniseat. r1case call 536·9832. Lost Male Yorkle; Ter· lier. Blk/tan "Champ". Wulnu\ Ii Fullerton, CM J!EWAR_D_642·..::48:..::69:;:;..... __ Lost · white Cock1liel. child's pet. "le· 19th Ir Oran e. Rew. 646·0697 BLACK CAT Mol~ Mart vie north end Mar lao ld C OM Reward. An• lo Juplter. ..!7~<06'!1..!.!780:=..::=--- FOUNO : Ounce Iona haired r em ca l Northwood aru. Irv m.101• ;Auad a nry Ir R1bb\t. M•a Verde area, C.M. . •lm· \ J . ' Orange Coat DNL Y PILOT/Saturday, Ma.rch 8, 1982 , ...,. c:.,.tSinlu lldrictl ' ........ StnlcH ...... -._,. · ,... ,.......... • ...... ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... WICI a SON WcCare9rJ>tCleanert. TOPQUALl'rV Rototllllna. cleanup, DUMP JOBS EXPER. PREPARER .nntpalnlln' by Richard •BRYANT'S • OfflaS.,.lcn Tlilde-riSlnre 1141 Sttam clean '1 uphols tl.f.c'l'RICAL WORK hauUnt fi._ gtncr•I rt-'Small Movina Joba Enrolled tQ J)ractlce SlnoC'. Ur. 1111 L3 yrs or Walkovenna Removal 1Yplnj, uuetar'lil Add11lofts . RttnodtUna Truck mount unil Rt . ~1·$0$$ ~"1.4!t1841 _.C!llMIK~646·1J91 be/ore tbc lRS. Quality =.local cuatomua I~ 842 13.43 bQokkttJ>Jll..LW 5050 Ooora,wlndowa,p•llo WotkJuar 64H716 ROOD/COMM 'WND Hmdiw HAUUNG &r DUMP atre .cwt ~8 ou1-S!il «JO .......... /1.,.W Tie ,CjOvUSJ!!etal Reos NoSleamtNoShampoo 20yn HP,· Do my own .... :C. ............. JOBS,ukforRundy, F~T ·ACCUltAT•: c.to.r..-............................................. . ~c. Ulu.v 5~9·2110 SUlnSpeciaUat l''ast woric. Y.t~lf4~ftl2L Carptnlry . Masonry 641·842J lnro~ tax servico-your 25 yn exp. (le 4(f.J1141 Neat Ptlchea Ii tutures Q!ramir tllr" m11rbh.lln FINE HOM F. I.Ill'. FretH•st fl39.1m '-""" 1 leflaitMlt ROOlinf Plumbioft O.IAN u. YOMI .ACT ~by a t. 6821 &n<kd. 1111. Refs Color J.1l!..14lf 111llia11on. masonablr A~~r;:oi~E~T~ c.,.t/U ..... hrf -••••••••••••••••1'••!_•• Rt~{ -~uc~lei9o .,.-ODAYT' Yarcf/aara1e Pmonal ' Buslnes• In ~~J:.l 96.l 08ll Ol£k P~'fl::K l'ATClllNG _pn«S llohll1$..5'WI •'-1 I" emo e n11. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hand nrlpplna. repair· -· · <'ln·up. etc. I ton lruc\ ~· "fJ:: AR e ti u f n NEU;ONS PAINTING Restuccot Int/ext 30 T"" Senkt , '1!'1• Newvr·1c ....... i•l'Crpl lng. Anltques. rattan. GeneralMalntenance .83 ·1993@.hr8J ""·J:ii;.a."· kva d (~r lnt/Y.xt Resid1Comm ~.Neat.Paul5'52911 -""""" · new rurnlt ure Ch Repall'& &r Decoratinic -r•Y •wee en n · AC.'OUIUc ceilin&a Rcr6 ---...................... . 'CEI ~ uphol qle1nln11. Scotch t' 11 n 1 n I\; r u 5 h 1 nu~r •Qu!JHY* Roy &iQ·SlU_ Demolltlon·Gtadmit flee or Home Ar.>l>()lnt· He'd. Free est ~2637 · MR EO'S PLASTERt~G ·•~xpi:rt Tnir Pronint:• - -A ~A-: _&!!I.rd Fr£!~$i. il71·883! SPECIA · .. nv "h"i"r HOME IMPROVEM L'NT Transport Asphalt, con ml!nt.s. JaltX'6 L. Zlm ~-• • , . All Types Int or l'.itt <:ommert•1al Landscape ·--4 -·-·-,.. _ _.1,..._.--.li 1 Md' " • d "' rrete ' tree removul rMrman CPA 64s.4212 PA1N'l'1'.:R Nt::i'.:OS ~8258 i''rer eit Servll't~ 957 8388 U .1349892 7706M4 ----..-.....-.t anycoor.han strlppe REPAIR·PLUMBINC Soil prep Ii planting -. WORK130yrsexp Inti M&Fer~ --. -••••••••••••••··~··~··• or reglu~d. $19 75 A Heatln(I, carpentry, Operatedeqllip Comm I FEDERATJ::D ext Ac0tull{'Ct'tltn11s J&JP'lesterieq Co.!'1P!l'teTreeServ1ce Your DallyJ>floT MKHALI COHSTI. R~ID. CONCR t;'fE + l°tMl(h Ol Clau ln~enors, l'ltt. tlle Free est No l It R id'I 8'21638 lnromc Tax Servi ct· Davis Painting 847 5186 wth ''Plaster' Gen I cln up ' lrn11 Service Oiret'tory Cu$tom nomt.>s, tram· Sport courts. Lie 374067 711 W 17th St t\2, CM ~toosm111l. 645-2811 -631·4871 , Sanclhlu~ting Lawn rrnov S36 0914 Representalive Ing, remodel. f''rench tkl_b851 1966L!147 7078 !'2·1'112 _ -, .-~ HAULING student h11s l:olle~e student 7 Yl'lj ex 67S.7506 631 28r>8 doors. skylight~ ' patio P . d k. ..M.-,._±A. Ru>, s Ii and Y man l~truck Lowest r11tl' Lc.dsc-J... per lnt1ext. rers oun11 Trwto.tdl 642-5671 td 3JZ ""'v .. -........ 11t1os. ~ s. wuuu or -u.111a9 Service roof repam;, C 11 . ~ 646-lBm tkecntrv1n.£1 •~ -iliiililiilil'iiiiiiliiiii••I ~v ~"""' -alum covers Conrrete ••••••••••••••u ••••••• painlmk It carptnlry 1$ mpl 11 759· 1976 ••••••••••••••••••••••• . "' • '-__.., ••••••••••••••••• ••• • •• RMD .. 5-clolst Lie 397478. 631 $832 TREE~ LI'S eXJ!l'r 646 <U3G Thunk r_ou.,_Joru1 v05AND£N BERG Bishop" Son Pa mt mi< ·r;.·a~;~j;;;;d;;~;;;~0• Judo~~!r.~~.~~~~M Aecaatiag Cust om ilrpentry. ---John 5 rasi movina It LA~ CAPING·Lndscp 30 yrs rxp in 81."urh M ~ ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• decks It patios. J .S Child Core TopPl!(ltr\•mo ed. clean (.)xitry, Hm rprs. tlrwl, haulln Tree/yd i gor ~mt, commtres1d. tret• urea. ~'rtt' l."Sl 548 1029 Plumblllll Hepi1tr!. llurold f Mr(jrnth F..\q PIR Qtrlies·Fin. Stmts Con.!t Co. Top quality ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.!ll6._l11wf!!~ov_ 751.,;.34'!§. pn t n I!, r n tl t x up. Cln·Ujl ~ee esl 842.4597 tnm~lng, t'lean·up "'rtH~t. Ml.M,642 9033 1151 1771 Compl. Set-up It Serv work Lie. no 380801 Mature wom11n babysit in taco Landscape Maint yrdwrk, rus J crry. -~'-Ins drbonded thr'd PETB'S PAIMTIMG P'roperty M•oget11t1tt T~ S 1 Reasonable. 540·5834 F'reees.LSS9 SSll my· home , any age Reud/Comm. Clean-up. 115.S-~ • HAWHG/ClE.tMUP 979·S146 10 yrs e;ri04~t or t'li:l ••••••••••••••••••••••• J..-J '" ct c.ar.,. .. ., Costa Mesa. 642 6072_ U Haulil!&,_548·2489_ Ben's Maintenance Serv . Cc>nst Tret!·Y<I Carage ••••••••••••••••••••••• Have calculalor. wlll ,._ Plumb·elec-carpenlry • lte.ntal rej>!lr 631 0322 ~ Pa1nun11 It Paper Jiang l'ROPEltTY T\ pm~ resume:.. term travel! All acctg serv ....................... '"'°''' odon, Gttterol Lll.ndscaping·Yd Clnups p c ·~-1 tng. pror workmansh:% MAMAGEMEHT 1n1pen •. L11b~er1 at ion~ . . -~!Hor annt 760·7122. CHAR RENOV ATINC ••••••••••••••••••••••• Treetnm·EX1"'rl ma Int &nllng, _all ~4 523! H ,.. __ ir--1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• F'r Orange Co area 15 'r~ d R -~ Compl.inllext,boat ADD'NS/REMODELING Jim851'.0129 Canw>nlry. remodel, re QIM~_..-.,. ct 8RICKWOllK Sm:ill ~csl.Hunk .. 545·52 ex""nenl'""''allformfo wraortosprcx,·.e~~ing,>rr'1'a('~' &~ docL-2S Pl d G ·r.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ob• N"wporl ''o~t" I' II ,...... " v ..,. )> " • --r-• _ "" ~· 645.3749 ans Lie' l'Orge --pa1rd patios. pumt1ng. g• ~ • '-g w amtmg. wa co~crin.i: and rate~ St>rv1ces S<l8 713!i ··ws;.:,:i.rt:•f.:\viNc·· F'lNEFJNlSHWORK Piln:wr&~ns.5576932 ~f:~l.~gs10i>u'~i>1~:: :~ko~~~s. quality ~~:~1E~f~~~11 ~~~~~s J~~ris lr\lnt· nl'rs G~~~~~~111~~~~1nr~th~·~ '0-:IJIZ GAJLSStX'KETAlllAL St!alcoallng Stnping Remodeling Doors hung COMM 'L RESIO Sl.H20 7~·9964. 95S·009S aid l::x~ d. SS9 8194 Custom Dnt•k, Stont-, It son 40 yrs exp Reri. PROF. MGMT Typing. 1011 wpm .~eat' Re.pairs.Comm. Resid.. Rand 720-1260CdM Rem>d Add'ns-Repairs Mark Home tmpro1•ementb. BlockFTConcrete,Stucro Lt.£.~. 831 9678 acrurate 20 yr~ t•xp 'c.11397362_ 645·8llfl Cab ts c l Ver) reas Lie 390250 rences. cone , reliable HOUMCa.-J.... By OCIP tOrani:r C'o Anvs ze b SJ6 534< me ·;., ouner tops. JockH Bennett.Jr Res td comm 1ndus f N J ..__,.., Refs. eef.st.549·!l4!12 Painting tnt.ext.eonim lmj'_ron l Ed534C940 J 1 JO · " Doors, 1..reenhousc win Marni. clean.ups, lree re 5 1 0 ob too sm ••••••••••••••••••••••• -':¥ Driveways, Parking Loi Repairs. Sealcoatmg. dows. Finish work Gt!n C:ontr 5S2 914_2 tnm. t'ree est 641 1096 ~S749Jlft SPM. Want u R~Al.LY CLP.i\N MASONRY ~~ed~f~t qualtt} lttfinishiftq Window CltOfting ].S4-4420_ All construmon. large & Pete JACK Of' ALL TRADES HOUSt;~ Call Ginl(ham $2..iOj ft L]5 ... 394 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••~••••••••·.~·· S It S Asphalt ---=Ll=c:..63-!:4199 Custom 5 pa d l' ck 5 , small Disc to Sr udulls l,ean ups. Tree Trim Call day or ml(hl Girl ~'reees!_. ~S 5123 sq .ll , Paptrittc) J D llom Reruushm.: Let tht' Sun.,hmc In patios. f'r doors L1e'd Wa,1T1e~·7112 MuUll Hesid iComm'I __ •Jackfi75·30l4t RORIN'SCLEANING Miftillltds -••••••••••••••••••••••• Anllqu~ ku cabml'h, CallSun~hmc Wtndo~ ~ John otfu_rk !!.'!11·3218 C.tom Woodwortd1tg Amie ~Vl·8414 llANDYMAN, ell' Mike Sen•u•r a thoroughly ••••••••••••••••••••••• Farthlllg Interior Oes11:1.n f1nej1mntmg 64S 1)664 Cleaning, I.It.I 5411-8115: ••••••••••••••••••••••• n..b Kent. 1>1umti, f>I'"'. dean house 540·!!857 p HANCINC SIO ROLL D......._... ' 20'1 Mouthl) 01~rnunt L 'd c ·i c:u 's Carpentry remod ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jess1t-'s Ganlenmu '' rof cleant'd 1n our '"' I L ... .....,,""ll ic hidcare, lovrng repair No1obtoo small0 l'USfOMHARDWOOD Clean·u1>5.treetra'in carpent r), ap!Jll's Profcs~1011a1• Jo:rr.c1ent, plant All types frel' "~alt) ic ins .,triv ••••••••••••••••••••••• •RESIOt:t'iTIAI.• care & companionship, Ref F'reeest 839·6297 Interiors, bars, mantles. &maint sen 540-8035 Rep;ur, m~u111 In~ rer rt'ltable housekeeper pkup dl'I 645 8616 ror pin ii u,i:.cou~ts. un HEPAIRS F'OR LESS Aq: 1 SI) nJ a\g 2 SI) fenced ard SS63098 •DOOR DOCTOR • libraries. cabinels. 7s.i4539 14 references l.1 ~a _l'Sl ~J;s \ih MC Sl'ntl Shingle' flat 30 )r• ~pim957113811, I will bubys1l. my home Hang or rehang doors, bookcases1 s kylites , Jap•ue6or•ner SMALL JOBS plumlJ. S@-61157 • 1·xp F'ret.'est 770272S Wl~Wt:LEAr-;ING near Circle View. II B deadbolts. weatherstrip, ~lxmmo laing Ile rs Free esl. -Ken 839 503~ elec. rurpentry Reas. Housecleaning, eHll."tCnt. MovliMJ UC PAPER lli\NG t:H lluher Roorinit all tVPt'!i 7 vrs in are& Car 14 ax Exp. ltJ!L 893·8053 threshhold.<i 638·8809 GARDENING Free est. 546·8437 reliable. xlnlrer ....................... Bonded & Ruar Nu Juli ~e~ reco1er decks mg 642-54~9• "45 711;2 Bab . f d d ('abinru&Ca""'nlrv l.LA~DSC"PINC Un--h9964093 r lOOsmallortoolargc ys1tllng ence } , BOB'SCARPENTHY SmallJOb<i&~;~pairs ' " !lorn-Maintenance _•:uam111 · ater6 -AICMOVIHG-F'reeest Tonym 2128 L1c•41lll02 5489731 lunch It snacks included All types. No Job 100 !-'rec es!_ 645 2003 Japanese g,eo 545-7072 Yard work &dree tnm WE MAIO YOUR DA y , ~ck rareful SS2 0410 HOOF LE,\K,,. ,.,, , ~.M a~a -6~6·7931 lge1sml Refs 839 6297 MOWl!'Jt: <1.F.AN UPS 20yr5. Gene ~52 0458 Honest & rehable rlt•an ~~:~~~r 1.';~~~~~0{i t~ Courtnght &i !\on I The Blum Market~• Babysitting tn our CM CtiSTOMCA-.,l'F.N'l'R '' Drywafl Haubnl? Lamlst•aping I REASONABLE 1nR ~Hv11:e i\IJl s. •A·IMOVIHG• 23 ,rs Gar) c;umi>f RnofmR ontht()rqeC011t horres. I Yr & up Any BY " · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Free ~l 642119117 REP1\IR RE~"ODL,'I. l\oroc•s, i:ondos llt'J' I Top Quality Spn·tal J • "'r f' 5°,. •292 I U. .. ... """2 ~·s L 9 • •JAY .. Dll"\".•LL ,\(()US'l'll' _,.. r • ,, • !'are m handhn•'. 25 ''f'1, 494·4366 • t'l' .... 1 . rm .. DAI' v PILOT me ~Y"' I"" . .,75 &t2·118(!9 aft Spm • .. " ~ull ma mt & clean ups ' MAINT fRE1n ;sT rail'~. fH!l·!IOt I < egu 1 exp C.:ompcuu:-e rat'cs c>ran;:1• Co<1st HoorinR lot kdli .. cy r-t Stn' 11~s~rr'~xp. Full) ~3'2 dJi9 Spec m comm It shop· I Cllt::T 6-15·4757 JAPANF.St: !lloo,·ert1me 730-1353 t~1'ij~11~allR~~~n~f,1.!~ Rv nw,fml( Repairs I CLASSIFIED •••••••••••••••••••""•• -,.... ice !!'"&ct rs Ton~ 646 7SS6 JOHN THE HAND\ MAN llOCSECl.EA 'ING SITAR\'IN. G C.:ULL"·.c,· L' ConsultJnl A~si~nuwnl l<ea' r.itt• 548 17J3 ADS "'or all you non .. to know ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ric-' I Plumb1 g I d I .. '"6 ""27 r n .. ,, ~""' Sh ~ "" L.\\\'.N MAINTF.NA~t:E . n t' t'l' -.ci. 1 J0•1.s ,,.. "" STUDJ::l\TS MUVINI~ 5818$00 "'-..&.•-tiflq about bankrupt('y, call ,ampoo & steam clean ••••••••••••••••••••••• Need Maintenance t'r'ee estimales 638 41JAA Ex'1> llous0 nl,.an"r ''C) L'" #Tl24·4'~ - 714 83S 9162 Color bnght<'m·r~ ~hi "• ' " " "'' Wi\LLrAPERINli 1•h•••••••••••••••••••• Yo.i Con Stl 11, Find It Trod. II Wrth o Won1 Ad -~ _ · , ·' F:UX'TRICIAN vm·cd Call Mr. Sta Ions 1 llandyman. all t\•ve·. or BY the day. own trans lnsur"d 641-8427 crplb 10 mtn bleach ,.., r ., -• F:x11'd. bondrtl LH' Bl'DGt:T HATES Ltc tJ a. .. u ...... _ Hall bvdm rm~ SlS n~.1 ree 1•stim;ill' on ~·7158.ifter .SP M jobs. somt• lntls·l'.tpinj( Alo l'O mpan1on WATt'llL'~GROW' r 6 366843 oi~rnunt'lm Lu14 mm ~mlJob~OI\ -~ · · laq?eorsmallJob• c·noc:"I.~"' WA',''TL'.D reas rail!'> Drnnr• :HI 6028 11 -==> ••••••••••••••••••••••• a\'R room S7 SO. court. Lit' 11396621 b~3 ~ ~ r-• ,,.... ,, r ST\R\'1:-.IG ACTOH'\ j ~a Nlll'nng~ fret' l'~I F'rt't'c.!>I In~ 6~1 i51!1 6_42 •5618 , $10, chr $.5 Cuar cl1m _ ~10~111g, edgini;!. n1k1ng, ~5 50!1 '!G I'> RM A l. A~\'. I MOVI G COM PA~ Y RodJ 7J!l 5800 . I -. ROBTSfEJNBRONER, pet odor Crpt repair L(C'D ELEt'TRll'IA:'<1 s ~ e e p 1 n ll . r re e House~ork ker~. ex fa.~l & Careful Lo"'' st . SF.IL tdle ik~~ with a GEN'LCONTRACTOR IS yrs exp Do work (Jual work Rea~ rates e~timate~ G45·S737 or Clas~1r1ed At.ls, }our on!' peiiem·Nl Rates 1.a14 Allows M t' Ila~~ somrlhm~ lo st•ll' Dail} Piloi Cla~s1f1td I Uc. •399463 645·64~6 m elf Refs. S3l·Ol01 Fh-e est. 631 5072 Tom &is·.\372 stop ~huppmg ctnter •960·0719 * \'~a u(· jns 673·0853 Class1r1ecl ads do 11 well i\d Lost~ 5300 H .. Wmttd 7100 W•t•d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Found . Big lop ea red I A~TIVfTIES rabbit m Mesa Verde ful.1 time pos1t1on 2127 546-!377 or 546_1765 available.for act1v1ty ex ------per ('OOrdmator working Found 'Big white \erv with art1\'t' Senior tame rabbit lr\'1ne Ter C111zens 4000 l11 laria race 3 2 Call to 1den Wa.r_NB642 5861 lfil. 67S·3880 --ADVERTISING Found Shepherd mix , Jr. Ji.rt Diredor Greal Dane. Bloodhound Pos1uon open for 1m rrux. All'lE'ncan farm mediate emplo> ment Shepherd, Smooth Coat Expenence in conrept ed Collie. Terner mix. de\•elopme nt. dcs11tn Beagle mix, Welsh Cori:• and layout )lust be able rrux lrvint An1ma I Care to create and de~1gn all Cen~i:, ;54.3734 pnnt including d1rert FOUND Beige It whte mail brochure. tradl' Manx Nr N~pl Hllr ads. business rards. High, NB 5'ill 6709 nyers, etc Creat1v1t~ a --- -must' Lost, s m . tun Lhas a Apio, Ing. hair. 3' Vir 19th & Monrov CM 548-4333 - Lost female black Lab. means alot to me Call 646-2759. Reward if you want. Lost. Chocolate I.ab female 5 mo pup. lost Cd M N 8 .irej _Rewa~d-' 640 5\1110 5350 .••.•...............•.. Atlantis Mau~~ ()pen 24 hrs a da) _H_MJj6 AIDES Wanted midnight aide 11 JO to 1 30 \\I Sun through Thur working with the elderly 4000 Hiiaria Way NR 642 5861 APT MA:>:AGF:R a. Semi retired t'Ouple ~r 18 unit Adults. tn '114 pt Maintenance exp req 646·1801 .Attendant l.1t·e tn .\ss1~1 d1sa l>led l'rof e!-!> ion a I ~oman lo!>ta \l esa 6-1>23.5..L URT&lDER P rr Pn\ale l'lub Cd)1 · EA pt'rienl·ed banquets Sat & Sun 10 :lo-5 Also ~j)t'Clill funrtion~ t'on tal·t llar ~11:1 , Thur~ Sun aft I, 673 3515 B 1 kl' )ll' l' h a 111 l' e x penenrt' neressan 2146 ~ewpon Bhd lllllMG CLERIC ln·inl." Ad Agen<'1 needs i:nocl billtng rler ~ '1u ~t have bkkpf!: backitrnunt!, lit• 'ersa11ie. at•c•urate, nex1ble "'detail minded tO kc~ b) touch & good l) PmR sktlls req Will tram on NCR 395 Xlnt l•l'nef1ts fall Mrs Ore1·ke 752 Cli I IOATSHOW llumemakers s1udents PT temp hl·lp Cashier. llrkct 111kers parking allendanl. etc I Call Heather at 6-16 J9tiG IOOICKEfflHG and gl'neral oH ll'l' phones. payroll. typing \Viii train ltJ U~l' ~ma I 1•nmpu1er an~ .... o~d pr? I res~er ·~"\( F.l.f.( TRO:-ilCS ii I R!l5 !!001 I Mr Watson IOOICKEEfllHG ATTEHTIOH: Lite typing. phone~. cit' Amb1t1ous boys and 7'1 on· fr1 . 8 30 5 30 7days a week girls t(}.IJ years old, to1_645_244411iiii. ----llliil HttpW.t.d 7100 ~W•t•d 7100 .-.w~ 7100 HltpW.t.d 7100 ~W..e.d 7100 HelpWCMttd 7100.Aflpli..cH 8010 ..•.•..••.............. .....•... , .............................•.•••.. ·•··················••· ·•····•··•••·•·•······· •........•••.•.....••..••...••..... .--..•...•.. Dental FRO MT OFFICE Dental Secy 1\r~ you Housekeeper. live ~n. Mnchm1st. p tmw work . Nursing SALES Teoclier-S Clftish G.E Washer&, Drver I -sear1:~111g ror u pro middle age. rer s must have own Vl·rt1(·ai LVN EilJor reading The Pen lmmt;tliat ... ~ml'lo' yr old S.15U for botb ~ress1vt!. Qual11y ~fc Phonl' 640 7776 mill 1714 >631·9200 Conv Hosp NB arl'a n~sa\er" The Header mrr.t \Ion Wed rr1 Refng 2 yr~ $.'llKI h-t pe~~aGt~·u& 3 .. un\~Y :~g t HOUSEICEEflER I Poe atutude II sm1ll's ad dl'pt or Thr Pl."n l'rt\at~ l'lementJr' e.!Stx;lor49!14Z!l3 pertise In handling U\'F.IN Manire lud) MAICEAIUCI( needed Xlnt beneltt!> n):Sil\'l'rti.an·l·plin)(ap '!'hool sendn·~uml'_lo ,1.a., Sto'l' lalonr dbl<: telephone, appointment for 2. \ r old girl and ST ART HERE 1 Call 642 tt044 plica11on~ for full .llm(' I lJ llln. IU6fi.I ( \1 oven $150 + ~layta)l elel' srheduhng & patient househep1ng ror 5 '.The L-Os Angeles Times OffktAssist•t sales po~11ions Clear '!lRZI drver ob\C $150_ asked t'onlal·t1s appre{'1atNI& lldrmhome.Refrrencrs is looking Cor wt'll Position at Laguna prnlln~illoodlpelltn~h& n ;xAS OIL COMl'A~Y I gd'workm1trt'fng111ex rewarded We art' .i rt'(IWrl.'CI S9U per week groomed, enthusiastil' N1gllfl Development Co ~en > sm1 e are we urgenth nel•ds l>l'rson change ror t or items lughl) motivated rar + pvt room ~ bath noople to earn U" to Vaned rAsponsibilitiA• 111<' rf'qUlrement" e ~1th ~e\eral "<'arc J:tl(J(I l<ri ~72~ · ho h ;52 2197 ..-. ,. " H ~, tram \OU to a~s1M , . 1 mgteam~ ts appv10 S4().$$pcrday fora rl'w include . receptionist our customers in uim 1 "'ork record for (o,tJ Pr1i:1daire ,.usher $1511 offer top sala11· & '~~t INCOME hours work as p time duties, errands, riling, posing thl'ir ad~ i\ppl~ \lt'~d area _hus1n<'s~1 Kenrmre g;s~ dryer $75 hener1ts meld mt'd1t al Markt•t mgmt, p lime sales rep Hours Url' light tyJMng. Must ha ,·e 1660 Plat·cnlia Ave ("~! I ~..ile~ rt'p Sa le~ t'\ TwUl bed $2.S 54S 91115 msur.llll'e 1011 cled11·utetl l SISOO mo Ownl."r ex from 4pm.9pm & train own car Start ASAP ' I penenc1· not m•t't·~~an 1 · prorc~:.wnal $1600 ''I ndJ b T mg ~111 be pro\ 1ded Call Nina Fmn 8318031 Sales Rl."pre:-.entatl\t" I We 1ra1n Write D" 22 ('U n H11tJ10int ~ s wht ~ald1l'd ~r~porl pa n~ usmess ram Your earnings a• a --Mature~llh dire{'l~Jll" Ottktr:-on l'rt" Sli5 GF. h\~ dut\ tnJ: .1_,·111 ~776 ~ 1 t s 11 h h ach 631-2490 Tunes sale~ rep ~•II bl' ex per encc o c Sooth 14 ,. < t {' r n 14a~ H ~ m1n1 ~a~ htsuraMt 1 based on a ituar~nteed PARTTIME medical emerj!cnt' l'elroleum. Jlln ;g<J Ft 1 SL'iO642~127 Oen I a I Ass 1s t ant c:c:-·_. R• hourly wage of SJ 50 + &.9pm. Expand.mg Yt•uth s>·stems approi eel h) Wonh Tx 76IOI GE 12 lb 14 ··~her full t _ .. A I k Ji., _... ,.tp counsehnu ftrm h·s t.:.S Gu11."rnmen1 ' • -• l'l'gls er .... re you no ·• rr.s·has openings in generous ('omm1s£1ons .• n ii hospitals, doctors Tutor needed for llti:h :.1.•lc>('t1on ~IOOorbt-stor tng ror reward in it c•areer I customl.'r service dept to I Sin('e this 1s a ne~ prv I openings ror 3.5 sharp • h 1 1 ftr 960J718 ovportumues "1th 1·x j ~ram opportunities ror outgorns matun· propll' Art>clt:'s in neath-rs SC' oo ~ 1>111 t' n I t n rcllent potentral for . sen1t'e automobile ac· adtancement arr l'x 'LO motivate ambrt10us 01~est Ne~s ~eek I Gl'Omet11 & !lpam<h II W:\Sm;n DRYER pen.onal gro~th & re l counts \lust have i:ood rellent Call no14 for 10.IJyrolds Call2·Spm Time :\fa1?;i.tme1·alled 1t FeeneA )IU)tbcdrpt·n DISll\\ASllER roR111t1on Wt" seek ''our ural and ~riuen com more information about 642-4321. ext. 343. Ask ror . mm1 hfo sa,er . lllgh d a b I e II m $12S!'a('h 646 5848 , mun1cauons skills t:x Andrea I mcome ror mtervte~ 1il4 1760 3650 . \\ k rarinl( cha1rs1dc e'( pericnce desirable. Uus greut opportunity call 714 673 3235 or 646·1!63. 'Washer. and ga~ llr)'t•r 11t•rt1c;e lo compltment I Startin I( salary t•om Call Mon F'r>. 957 2361. 8SHi466 Kl.'llmore new , p<'rft·rt our htithlv sk1lleci team mensurate with CA ext 1204 Pf'ftChoo'ITtackr cond $495 966 3022 ~~~~~~e·1~i'.ra:xacnet11!~1 i penenceand ab1ltty Ex· Male 6r remale for fast For HB School EAp ,Serretar) Gal Frida' TWX OPERATOR t:..,,~to'c Seari. 30 drop benefit packa"e ('('llent CobenefltsandJ food) The Rot1~)erie. J!ref over IS 9608788 J 9-6 ~1 f'forlmneta'( '1 c:ood t)p1s1 for TWX in \1orddo Sl5(1 " carel'r ad\ancemtnt 260B ~tol c ~I tn\·estment firm l.t•i:al marhtnt• Will tram ~-' u-, 25-,. :-1 e ~Port B c '"' h ~l(t•n11al For appt rall n , _. Ip lime . Tdavs. 2 hr~ da1 executil'e, word pnict·~s "" ~ G.'11 t!!IO ~IANAG EM ENT ~ AM de'ltvcry I. \ I 1n" bark around helpfttl relll•nt opportunllll·~ & "' h f d I b aultnc54!1·8909 J " T ~s u~• mo 1 a" a "' ,.. rompan.' benefit~ C.tll n .is ni:i r I? tu I Otn uu1 team, ,.. .. ~ ...,..., • .. un For persl)llal inten1t'l4 Whrlpl drH•r Sl511t•a FGS Exp onl) applf 11313838 Beach 494-8496 call ~1r Slephl."n~ I f.lsa.S56J!lllO ~'rt"eier l'uld.'opot :wd Rekt Gf044» Stnic:u MEDIA IECEPTIOHIST /SECTY 641 J7ti4 5200 ~.;sio lnwnltct-'roken ASSIST AHT j ure ins ag.en.cy. central SECk ETA.RY I l'ypist Sl'1-retan RF:fRIG ERATO!< Kennel Assistant ~'u II & Media Assistant 10 ~ ork ly located in Irv loo~mg WO~D rROt F.SSUR m~ t~~ ~~>~t ~\~l~ur I.ate rrodcl. clean. :iutu partlime >n curriculum lub I ror s killed ty1J;s1 NB. <.:PA r1rm. seekm1t SHcfos.Mon Fnlla defrc.>st.Sl55 1193·9060 -Call495.(~ teacher's workshop rect!pt1on1st X ln tj respons1hle person I Call5499940.~alopt'n Refng 19 ru ft s1\le b) Lady will tram sharp at Typing speed of 40~pm telephone techn1q~e a Word Prnc~ssm~ 1!\P ~1de, rroM free. $2 25 tract lady ror retail required ~eeded b\ n:iust T)pt 55-65\\ PM preferred Call J\athtr VETERANS: 6'16-2051 69 Gorgeous girls to pamper you Jacuzzi. Sauna. Locals as well as tourist s Bank Amencard. Ma ster Charge, Amencan Ex· press. Diners all welcome 714 64S·3433 2112Ha[bor Bl CM _ work one or two e\•en· 1ngs a week getlln!l newspaper !>u bsrrip lions Transportation and ronstant ad u It supervision pro\ 1ded Call 3 t.o 5.JOP~I . ask for Andrea. 642-4321 . ext E.qabhshed plea~;inl group practice continues to grow No~ nel'd ex penenced person for ac counts control Ii Dental ll\S F.xcellent opportuni ly ror the r11<ht in IOOtCKEEf'H F /C d1v1dl!fl. Call : 640 1122 P051t>on w Npt Bt'h In I -Jewelry store. s a 1 + Huntington Beach Cit)' :'\ \l S 11 C 0 m Pa nJ 759-osu t Serve vour c-ountn onl' . comm 495·6i3'1 beforl· ll School Dist tO mo pos1 benefits. room ror a I Strl'RET .. RY I 11eekcnd earh month Washu S9S Oryer. ~as I.I MC.n s 93 d vancement Call before 2 ~ ,.. S8S both "lnan wurk M~andafter6 rM on . ..,.,., 11 mo c PM Bilingual Spani~h for plus two weeks each '~ · \C!lment firm -pendln11 on expenence small ofhce or mfg co. I Har 1 n th c Arm,. guod_S@ +18S LEGAL SEC'Y Apply 73S 14th St . II 8 Co~ Prior personnel in Resene Earn e'<tra lic.....t.. 1020 Newport Center real 536-8851 & ... tat mona,. pv d ,..._. r -.... soc ti suranee background a .... ·' an re ••••••••••••••••••••••• estate ht1gat1on irm Medical -7S2·17.SO must Excellent bc1wr11 t1rement benefits C:tll 3 Wheel-3 S1>d Srhwinn Coeds \\'Ould love to party with you Leslie or Sylvia . anytime , 76l·!m6 Responsible For daily financial transact ion~ & Com ruterized G L's Ana yt1cal minded person Expr. Required. -------·· Call640-0l23 ---.l~-.-.......-.---1 343 Dftttat AsMstClltt Expcr with X Ray he Part lime. full time 1r nl'Cl'ssary. Carman 661·2200 (~:~~E~!2Se~?e,[1~~ Transcnbing & front or package Qualified ap todayfordetail~ Town & Cnunt11 ,en t~pln"· di"taphon•' ,_ fire radiology, 25 32 hrs pllcants ONl.Y'' apply Huntinitton lkh 962 ._KK2t clean $225 9f.O 34;'0 · " ' ~ "' k C 119 s 645 ''"00 UCEPTIOHIST/ M th .,.. "A o Santa Ana 552·3113 J.EMTIST s orthand a mu s t l1fW. a ·-. .,., 00 ru r tl .,.,tween"...;-.+-& Mens!I JOSpd Sch .... ·inn -.... -..---................... ~ Babyslller for Fountain ----Valle) Church. Sun ~gar ' Spice room 9A:\1 12 Noon SIS ~Sun. 962·2593 Ml*fs Escorh 631·713 Babysitter wanted, full lime sltler, mature. my home. Must be reliable _ .1!! 964-3419 aft 6P:\1_ ... _,,.lllllllllllll,,.llll_ ... llll_ ... 111111_ Babysitter for happy I yr --------1 old boy, M·f'. dys rail Sall} 645 8023 or LiHla ' Vicki's ~:~ER nd wkd}s. PHOTO MODElS 19 5 2 yr old gd boy East ESCORTS c M 646-4348 eves BACK &r BETTER .---ntANEVER' 24 HHS Bubys1tter f or 1nranl 669•0207 Cd pay 1\ pply 1n person 313 Cabnllo. 11c. COulcalll CM W/M Npt lkh boat home Batiking 9edJ fun romantic lady ADMIMISTRATIYE &xS43 Balboa 92661 SECIET.UY b Sal "•" """'' ~...... 1 UGHTTYPIST I AM · 4 JO PM Aim Pkit ...... ~at $"" •t . --I want usy prartu:e. aryO.,Pe!I '"""'''"" '''""'ca Glamorous 1 girl orflce 2551 S Garnsey Santa;••••••••••••••••••••••• "" "en 26 3spd Cltrit-filt Room New1>0rt Re;irh Area ~ ir--..-Ji ~offlc:. Assist.+ in Newport Beach Ex Ana EOE ~ , •~ IOOS ~rh~mn S80 631 1275 Laworftce ~lust type-IS Excellent pay with ~·'"orY time salary O""n · 1 · r h I ..... ,,_.. ( M area f Ne t Bea!'h • t:x-· ..... · citing pos tum or t e ••••••••••••••••••••••• wpm, have own car. bene 11s. pandmg Branch oHice of Send resume lo P.9. l~x right person 60wpm typ. SECRET ARY-r (T Schwinn Varsity 10-spd ~~ sjt~br[~~ onC~I~ b;I~ 646-_48_fl8 -a Major downtown Law 2932. Mission VleJo, Ca Ing. ability to handle Heavy Phone 5 &c WESI'M INST ER red SlOO ORO Call art u·-kda"~· e·n.99•2 E .... G1 .... ~1 .... G f Ir m s I.' I! ks I e I! a I 928lt --busy phones F.xcellent telephone sail's. 1~p1n11 ABBEY ~ p~ 760 1050 ""'" -.J~ " " "'"jg\" · h I"" rompanybenefits 60 wpm caccurate l • TYl'1STCLHI( SECRETARY secretanes wit 1l1ga. MtclcatAuist.t s horthand or die ANTIQUEMALL Z'i" 10 spd \lotobecane M · lion. corporate and real ULTRA SLIM Corona Grubb ' Ellis taphone KnowlAdg~ nl 11751 Westminster Ave "M1raap' . nrw rond. Part lime. 9am lpm. inimum 3 years ex· estate ex""r Taping "" d 1 M olf .. .. GARDEN GROV'" .. .... A "" "" e ar ers a unique "··-sail;"f hc~rul. 20 hour r. ""lllpped, $165 fi7.S·51!14 Mon·F'ti. SS.SS/hr Re· peuence erospace pre· w pm re q , a n d employment opp. ror o W.rlact Peggy Walt u• h SS4 6103 ., qwres accurate typing ferred Excellent typing shorthan d he Ip f u I medkal asgistant !"or Pnnc1pals Only !,! ~ 79' w Pl B c . llikllMJ Matttiols 8025 ""' .•L u• .. mm. Ap~ly b)' sk11ls. liood figure up· n-nArt·ts and salary (714>833-2900 ...,......1 "' ...,.,,., .. ,. "" " tunhermformalion -------••••••••••••••••••••••• March J9th to· erson-Utude, H opllonul App· commensurate with ex-67s.z711 Secy part time. hours CLOCKS wall Fr $2.50, NOW 25• /FT nel Dev Pll . Cit 02 y 00 or 5 F 1 oun ~!ml'~':n: T h u r s • 2.l'! _Call Lu Ann 7S9·3800 --Sall boa-t ln st rue tor Oe.xible H B 1 Beach & Amer. oak curio rab Redwood 2,6 &e<'kln". tam al ey. I ater EDLER INDUSTRIES 1--------MocWs..,..chow nttded tn Nwpt Beach Adams I. Prefer S H $475. Onenlal vases $45 20. 1 " Ave . 963-8.'l:!I 2101 Dove St. N B Machinists lmmeM dFlatellopenmits ~21· cruising sailboat Non smoM keGr Interesting l.f75. OBO 631·S979 :~nc1i;~ ·L~l!t~~:d;r~~ EOF. AcrossfromO.C 1 ,a types Weekendsnow.rullt11TW ~rL._! reerll649~ V.wtYD~u•r jluar Jim or Ken COSMETOLOGIST/ .A!!J>Orl_ THE JOI SOURCE Summer inc lud 1ng SEC'Y/RECEPT. Pretty Vik. 48 x 28 X23 anytJf!I', m 1491 TECHHICIAMS EXECUTIVE N/C LATHE ~·0777 llAM 7PM weekend s Ca 11 for small office. typing ~-963·2073 Glass build in it bricks For exercise &r weight seeking part time As· MACHINISTS MUSICIANS ~7lOO. SOWpm, good organiia Glveawar prices! Oak or S4.00ea loss clinic. Growing sociate Call for appl Plenty or auditions. in· Sales lional Ii oral skills, Ille flee swivel chair, S9S. ___ 548·8063 company with op · ll48.ffl95 3 years experience in terviews avail. Com· .titittM9'Clelft' bookkeeping. die GWI cue. Sl2S Empire ,.._._ portllllity for substantial setup operalion or N 1C putetlr.ed referral club. Malure. experief'lced &r laphone or shorlhand. dresser. ssoo. Oak hme ~ 10l5 advancement SJ 75 to Fut food service. full or L 1 th es l 0 c 1 0 s e S3S ree 1uaranlttd. caree.r minded woman l · S Yrs ex Per . clock, SSOO Old pine 6' ••··~···~··•••••••••••• Investors Needed Psychk Research John 673·Sl43 S4 so slartlnll 645·7717 part t I me . ll rll 1 or lolerances on hi&h tern· n.. Jot. Sowu for l'funl sales " as.sis· S1m-SllOO/mo. 953-SlS6 jelly cabinet SlliOO Coun· Pers1~ns 2 adult rem . SSO We are a commercial CM __ counler work at The Fis· perature alloys or H!-"l77 I I•]• taot manager position. try store c~unter 14· &r $ S Persona lily bank with corpora le or hermans Galley on the aircraft parts. Musl be ___ :JI ___ ----r--Must have good rel ail Student Jobs ta>O. Oa.k rolltop desk: + maleJ.!SO. 546·9965_ fices in Laguna Hllls " Comttr PtnOft Ne~rt Pier. Call Bill abl.e lo read blueprints. Natural juice org. needs backgro\lnd. Salary + St~. Oak rolltop file ~ 1040 TNYtt 5450 are look 1ng ror a MOryalucf p.;rson ~~~t~d or rlka 7141673·3l$2 Musthaveowntoob. conscientious persons rommluion and com· HEY! cabinet. 24 dwrs. SJ600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• secretary wilh excellent earung es a s • also accepting applice· ror preparation or paoy benefits. Only IOYs-GllLS Bookcase, French KEE.SHONO Pups AKC .· . .. • -.J t person looking ror clerical skills. typing ment. Ex per or will tionsforthesummer. DDrf'ISION vecetables l grns for quallCled people need How would you like lo -:aJnut. all glass doors, Champ sire. MIF Pet 11 transportation to Min· a>wpm +dicta phone. 2 Lraln. 49'J.198S Fast growing com piny rRU. J"t'e, PT. 673-2593 apply. Apropos. 29 eam u much as $50.00 a 9 tall, S2700, Hrs 9-S 5 h 0 w p v 1 P 1 y .... neapolil or 5 slate urea years ex per' ence re· Dell very men over 18 for needs clerk typtst/ rt • M MUISBY Fashion lale .• N.B. or weell7 Do you like drive· 642-7712 213/llH34S aft 6 pm. 9 ln~•rch=. 213&{592·5618 qi.ired ~~ TI38~~!C:,,~o~:!n~ ceptionlst. C•ll J ay · GllnDERS VICIAUST call: 644.2652 :.~~'."bf~~~k;i~icZ: Dl.&.ll:'h f11'ntels S2SO u W\rd\alred Fox Terrier • f 1:1: rr you enjoy t h ~ car req, No collecting. TS4-al83. 3 years experience lo Greenhouse ualstanl p1119 many oOltt thine'' K.itchtn cbnt. S8SO All p~e:les. Mal, &r female ri V,.. challenae of a new posi· $400.$450/mo. +bonus. li'!ll-charge Bookkeeper sel"'1 and operation or needed to rm rull-Ume ULISP•SOM Then you would probaby olk.IS7-M4 eves AK C. 8 wk'. USO . ............. •••••••••• tlon. we have the 90Si· 11*-Mrl or expcr'd Junior Ac· O.D. a.nd 1.D. and aur· pos. at Public Gardena Seealii(I. mature. ex· oroblbly enjoy working 80" Oak roll top desk ft 946-0472 .M.W..tM, 7075 llooforyou. You will be --~=~---t COWllant for CPA Firm fa~ 1nnders to exact· \nCoronadel Mar. Muat perieneed Individual to ror1.11. chr. xlnt cond. $1150. A...:oK.=:::C...=..:.:Y..::.e-ll_o_w-/b_l_k_L_A-B, ....................... twpoMible for memo 6 DENTAL ASST ln Newport Beach. Corn· Ins tolerances. Mual be have exper. working wort da)'tlme hours In QUALJflCATlONS: 61~1632 n.-. ~ wks. brown slrt. ::zle:fa s;:ntr:~~~ ~~~=~:::nu'#; ~~!'~:a:~b1!~~ 8~ ==~~~.ful. :~~ ~::•~:!ucem~~ :::::ti~~elo::u~i~~a~ :!e:i~l~~ l~ sr~r~ ~:~i,12=0!:Jecie ....... c" IOIO ~~eads. S2SOIS2oo. ·a coftd. looli:lnc imnaglnc schedule or ~!~'!.. '~:~ Call Hair cutter' manicurist ::;a:,1.!':. ~:1uc:,=: fert.llbm. lett control ' ~~J PMI T 11 ·5 a 11 omdlble. .. .. i;Aiteo .. a··8•i•••••• ·Zlllt for f\in, travel, l work of Branch Admlniltrator. ~~c...:==!.:---1 w /follow Inf, 70~ or own toJ' PIWlllUon. Call: Ale~J .;JQUW te· u porl•. ,_ Wortc 1f\er 1chool and A A AKC Male OalmaUon, 18 m17 eon. f\111 or part· Dental Aaa't. Ortho exp, rent rmdem aalon, PCH 1 · Mon-Fri, 8:30AM ·4Pm ~T uk ror Dave. s.tutdan. APPLIANCIStRVICE nos old. Good diapoal· ti1111,•r729 We ofrt r lfowth op• 'RDA req. 4 d¥ wk. _!t if'acArtbutf1HS$2 t ~-••-.. y o..aay s .m.Jat. Sai. CAU.TOOAY! ~W~=r~~~~~~ -~9"·5_l$2_ -y 1 d portunlty. exullent Newport 8t a c h . I• _. __ ,. ,_ N\11'1~ ...,,111..., S'lttf::1~~~' armHan,_ S:...3077 umtl&l!..tCh1. ~h~ yr .:::11~~;,.,.::e: ~~!!!nl~ltl o~I IO>D. H o11u lleeper -1 1 .. 4~ ~I ~~II••, • " male.p..o11•~··-· ' ,.._.._ caa do 1 _, ti. That lhU• adl rully C.omPMloo Mlddlt •&eel 114/tMolltl ..._ tonv ~ • llUY AfftJAMCIS llJ.>014 nnttJ;; •11dyman ~ Tb u 1 D I It • 0 r k ! J 0 I ft th. =· ~ .. ~~i~r~ it:;~ fthp. lkh. Bri1i ...... ·= a:. £.ti ----·-151:am Dobennln pupa. AXC. 7 t:'.:."'ms na: uk .'aw.ant'\· ~ ol other peo. kao•l•dfeabh of WIWAMI =!~ =aaf' m:n~re. 2011. tom· ,,_.., • euy ••Y for lhfrl1. fro1trru 1 _.,billfrwULiO.l1l _ _ ~t pit In U'1t attt wbo are -.V'• =· rrtaie lftllMATIOMAL lltm-CaU· • lu "-W tu& II 1'11 &o Mb at.a& b6tJtlt kwilr, Ukt new IDO. Df. llCUlt~ -~~ ... .,. MP& : ~•) n1ular , .. u t( ..... , Im, ._.,___'"· ·~ ::::.'~•.,. •1~ :"~ nu•..,.-.. Jiit MHll ........ "It" ~ -.-1Hil • ..,,,r1,,. 1.0.1. O...W. Call our ad fJNm. °"'' ••·•m ~......,~__, ...., 1&· •nu &:: adHrUH l& le '''HM_..... IO'''" T~, ~,r.t ': ' llllerll~. Win ~ W.Ud ............. : -I I a1DMIC1IUO.llTI. Omlfted•lok..U. r:;..:z.. • -I ' I leys C... •t•AMTIC SAT'\mrl.'ba~rf'noon AJ~~~Jt~u~~~I REA SCH OL 601 YloS300 Hamilton C.M. Oona· Furn. dryer coller tioos needed Ca II llbles. Neccbl Sewing ~/60-1603 Mach, decorator items, TeWinkle School Giant books. pictures, noral Rummage S~le/Sw1tp suppliu, exerciser. Meet. Sat .. 9-2 30. Food. ldtchenwitrr. Kn•<'· priiesl book rair Geisler lmacs, clothes ' much l!Clli1orrua, C M more. Sal 9A M. 9002 Five Harbors Dr , II R Jwlry 12.SOea. Bake. S38 Ma 1Ja1Atlant1tl. Des\ e orr. tble sso. - --lady golr clubs us. Halhcrart SX!OO Com 975-0321 or Sat/Sun 9 am mun1catlons Rec ea ver -~ Sofa It misc 2078 B SUNDAY. 20C;lS Clay. NB Garden Ln C M parts, appliances etc 642.9839 ' 646-5909 -- Must sell, furn, radial CdM-Fur:n. goH clubs. arm saw, misc. tools. hse~ld goods 3120 camping gear. camera Seaview. starting IOAM h..'l'IS, Dolby unit & more Sat·Sun Sun 10·4 13 Rlueroat HOUSE SALE INorthwOO<!J..,lrv. EVERYTHlfllG GOES NE I 0 H B 0 R HO o D Heavy Spanish wood GARAGE SALE·Sut 9 3 rum. dining table and Rehig. trash compae- chairs, hutch and buffet, tor, IO spd bicycle. Kirby bed room group, vacuum . tools. Seurs reproduction roll lop power lawn mower. lake desk. chair. rugs. law new, beds (3 twin & I books. much more! Fri. king. complete i.e ts Sal. Sun 10.4 1644 Tustin w frame ). Furn. Cun- A ve , Costa Mes a non AEI w1lens. 82 '82 642·6511... Yamaha 750 Virago. 800 PIM>EMO l.JTIOM nu Motorcycle helmets, SALE Furniture. ap. masc bldg supp"l'~. Meado'4fresh di') milk pies. hsehld fixtures. an· prodlK't &i lots more ; tiques Sat 10 2 3620 yorktown..,!n ine Ocean Blvd, CdM_ GARAGE SALE ~a: Antique footed bathtub. Sal begarl 9 AM colfee table, other Items Yorkto'4n lr\'lne ol rurnalure ' clothing J 6 82. Sat 12 5PM ThrfffalftilJ. 1646-A Iowa, CM Robt.) GARAGE SALE' 92S2 L.Burdick,75!!:1221 Velardo Dr HB off Tax Sale, 16101 St Croix, ~ushard near (iarf1eld -nilnr.lfarbour 840·67S5 Sati&n Sat. March 6th Gar a g l' Es t ate s a I e Fr11Sat1Sun 9.5 al 915· llemsfromsrto$SOO Sal Huntington Sl. H B I "Su~ Corner Luau and Everything must go Lanai, 9412 Lanai Cir ~r Furn, cpls. maJor " Br<>?khursl and <:<>ast small appliances Dis HW). Huntington Be_a('h hes. clothes and .much Sell thani:s fast with Dall} rrore. Pilot Want Ads Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line • • IOll ., our famous • Bring them or mell them with correct cash to Delly Piiot, 330 W. Bey St., C,oate Meu. CA. '2626 • Eech Item must be priced with no Item over $50. 20c pe• Nne -$1.00 mlr 'mum • No livestock. produce or plants .• No commerclel ads allowed DIMES-A-LINE ' DIMES-,,-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. FOR fNFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-5678, ext. 319. CR AF'TSMA~ 28 piece router b1l set, new S45 G E record player, portable SIS Kenmore vacuum cleaner $20 Cash only 897·3489 STAND L'P frel'zer S50 Gas drver S~O Rear Volksw.agen bumper SIS. Gas tank S2S Glass building bncks. S-1.ench 548-806.'l. HANGING mos~ baskets $3. Whis key barrf.'I planters $10 Clay pol~ S2 • 12x11 rarprt SIS Small pieces of carr1e1 $2 Rattan chandelier S50 Porcelain lamps S30 each Childs .,., ,ckrr chairs $25 each Matching table S30 953·0166 FISH poles, reel~ SS S25 Rock cod sinkers S2 Tackle 2.Sc-SS Golf bag SIO Collectors d1she~ S()c-$3 Saturda} 9·4 281 E 16th St . Costa Mesa BICYCLES. 20in . S30 each. Set louvered doors SIS Low.fire clay. SI per bag 6472 Sha""nee Rd , We s t mins ter 894-0336. KING siie box springs. mattress and head •board $50. New kmg size Jrame, still 1n the box S22. Basketball back oard and ram SIB 5-6278 ~ARGE pots $4 S7 50 l ~teel shelves, 7 ft high. ::J25 per unil Baby crib •~IS. 1963 Dodl(I.' Slant quarter ton parts SS S50 Aluminum frame for double glass windo"'. 37 >1 wide. 48 11 long. SIS L .f"\972 Toyota 2000 station ~agon parts SS·SSO l ~race and btt $.5 32S W \ .Bay St , Costa Mesa ~·SD. 'DINING table S25 Patio ~rumlture SIS.S25 Twin beds S3S each. Couch tso. Lamps SS.SIO End )ables $5 each Couch and Jove seat $35 Gas ~•love ~. Refrigerator 5. Double bed S25. eep rrnier sso. ·2917, t&'Mlot. VOLKSWAGEN van seat 10. Sl1tcle Ir o n ed•teada Sl.SO Heh. ,r lJpe tabfe. heavy H t, formka top SlS. eclh•l•I patio deck t11ln Meach. BR 78 X tlrt SI so. I~ Ave. elayo. San Clemente. ·1114. C II'•\ R ~I I \ G free Cl.EA doubl(o bed $35 Lion-1mnt bedspread SS \liitChml? l'urtains SS 9 dra'4er dresser $50 2 nlle stands S25 each Color telens1on & stand • n l'eds some .,., ork 1 S25 \'olks\\ a gen tare chain~ Sia 1213 • 592 5645 Debbie TOOLS SI S25 <;;arden tool~ SI $12 Ant14uc ,,ll\ l' S:IO HI C\'('lf!~ S2 Sin S:nurda\' (Jnh :Jill ('oo l1dl(t• Avt• C't1;.ta ~11-~a i54 6:lllli landing 1917 oak t•abinet St'"' mi: ma ch int· that "'''rk' $<15 'l;eat old 3 burner and men g.is <.tO\'e C're:im rnlored porrela1n fr11m t.>arl~ thirty ~ dlot•o p1et·e S3S ,\nt1que pre:.sure i:age colleclmn S2 S50 Sohd brass gai:e beveled glas• $7 Olrt hand C'ra ftt•d Ran ur1l'nl:tl bra$;. urn w1lh i:ra1•dully t•mhos,cd secnt• Siii l\ inch br~;.~ bowl St SO Hi inch hand (' r a f l t• II (• n j! f U \ t' 11 bra!>~l't•rsaao Jll<'t'l' SIO I' 0 ~1 F 0 R T i\ R I. E Copper hollom Re\'ert' flu.,., t•rt·d l'nuch Sl5 ;,ta1nlc'' \\h1stle tea Fnrm1n1 d1n1•tl!! ~el kettle SJ Hand \\1 lh 2 chair:. SI S hammered Craftsmen Childs wooden traml'd 91n copper bowl ss bed \\ilh 2 mallres.,es Brass Tille,· kerosene _S20 __ ;,.is_.9_197_•_o_r _548_26_t_7_ heater ~nd. 1 .. mp Sl6 BEALS leather hke chair und ball bras~ f1replJ re SSO Matching t>ttoman and irons 52 5 6 fool i\ M F X Rarr petlte round !!lereo. pro,·1nc1al ball brass fireplace chern· wood cabinet, and irons $25 Many good eoodilaon. Am only o I d c a s t I r o n o r .,., or ks S50 642_6082 bras~ firewood ur ---·------ mai:a1ane basket $12 OAK chair with leather Br.iss English spitoon seat S2S Old milk ran SJ ,\ntaquc plumbing $15 Old cannanit 1ar~ f1~1urc' 1loor sets 2Sc each Oak rocker SI $10 Antique brass $45 7 Up hghl SS. Reer soap dash $.1 500ml and signs S2-SIO Clo<'ks SS 650ml Pyrex ehem1stry each. Camp lantern S.S. nasks S2 each l'nique Sunbeam steam rolle rs, olti laboratory desk near new. $8 Con Air lamp. some brass S21 hand drver $5 Clothes Large \'aricty of llJ,!hlS 2 ~ c -$ 2 Lo I s o f and lamp5 from every paperbacks 3Sr each. era for noor. table and Stereo and 2 speakers realing S3·S50 6 w:i)' $25 El ectric popcorn floor lamp. ornate base popper SS Sun beam SIO Art dero 32in brass d e e p f r y e r S 3 lab I e I amp SI O 3 Motorcycle racks SIS rh1mney brass ceiling prop 'a n e SI per white hobnail shades cyl inder Assorted SIS Many old and .ros mellcs 2Sc·Sl antique Oii table lamps Wedding dress SSO S.S·SJS Pohsh brass 011 SS1-9089 table lamp $15. 843 W -------- PO RT i\ BLE bl11ck and TWO sets door mount I BOYS infant and toddler I :LEAN 3 sheU panewood I 0 L 0 auto l run ks. .,.,h11e telev151on S2S I speakers. dual cone. clothes, Healthtex and bookcase $IS Many acce.ssones. lamps and Electra<' edi:er S8 TSl60, new 125 each. 2 Carter shirts. Uke new 1 sohd wood chairs and spotlights Sl-$35 Model Complel<' vacuum S20 San universal speaker cond1l.Jon, 9 month thru roders $4·S.SO Set of 4 T bullseye lamp SIB Tele~cope canister on 1 kits. Volkswagen. new 2T. short slene' S'2 1 bent oak and spindle 1926 Packard auto trunk t ripod SIS Powt'r I S 5 each Tw o Long sleeve SJ. A few ch1ldrens chairs SIS lop and front fold out mo\\er as as $12 After Volkswagen sapphire M ag1c years and each Childs rqcker $7 brass fittings, leather 10 JO 6461525 radios. used SIO each I Heahhtex overalls S4 fint old Windsor chair I bound S48 Vintage I automatic car antenna. A 11 i n ex re 11 en t S28 Old sohd oak hearth hefalump suitcase SIO PIONEER AM FM MXP mod~I NW-510 .. new $1~ condition. IZOD shirts rocker $28. Upholstered Antique ice tongs $7 sl~reo tube model SJO. I 6\ Maserat1 electnc $4 & S~. One IZOO foot stool St2 Ten old Quality top grain with speakers Martel air hom SJO. 2 freon shorts (overalls1 , size oak and walnut omce 'i cowhide attache case tubo.> type H1F1 stereo tanks with conversion 3T, $7 Two Heallhtex chairs S12·S.SO. Old oak S8 Many antique ret•c1ver with speakers k 1 t s S I O e a r 2 sunsuils, size JT. SJ & tilt swivel oHace chair wooden trunks, chest $30 Marine radio Volkswagen tail lights, S4 Garis infant wear. Sl2 Nine desks. srhool and boxes S2 S35 . ltlf!phOnl! transceiver. new SIO each I Arriba, new Scond1t1on , 2 to office SIO·SSO Oak Square wicker trunk need cabinet S20 Sohd the steam machine $15 medium Trimflls S2 library desk sso Seven from Jim's. make neat Stall· AM ~'M Muluplex Men,'s shoes $5-SIO each . Two large dining, kitchen and tableS3S.Germantrunk stereo with record Men s slacks & Jackets Trimfils S3 each Two lamp tables S12·SSO brass locks and fillings chan~er and speakers S2.50·S7 Petite size girls Heallhtex overalls with Hardwood maple drop S28 Very old cedar S45 \anablest~obehght clot hes SI 50-S7.SO s hirts to ma t c h : lear dining table sso chest. carved ends $30. $12 IS inrh tire and Toddler r lothes & adorable.si(e3month. Va r iety o f o l d Bigselectiooof antique wheel S20 8 lrack stereo blankets 50c·S'7.SO 9651 S7 .50 each 2 darling typewnters and office 11nd vintage farm and with record cha nger Sa11f1sh Drive . diaper sets, shart5 & equipment $1-$35. Good kitchen lools and and speakersS28 Rad!o Huntington Beach pants lo match, never working LC Smith containers 2Sc ·SIO control bulldozer, as 15 worn . S2. SO each typewriter SIS. Elegant Wooden dynamite case SIO 21:.>~torsCarcle, HIBAC HI SI , S7 LargerboysclotMs.OP 1913 copper adding S.S Old wooden bushel Apt D. Costa Mesa Coleman lantern SIO. shorts, waist 26-27. S2 & machine S3S Sturdy baskets S2.50 each. J4in BABY stroller SIO Baby bike earners S2 & S12 Garis clothes. s11es 4 to 10, JQ('.SJ Vaponzer SJ Toys and children's books 10c·S3 Sesame Street ::rmng Kit SS !,uper ng SIO Tap shoes. s1 12. S2 Small 1elevis1oi\s SS Panel curtains. 120X95, S2 eaci. Pots and iron s killet s 50c ·S 2 Tupperware 2Se·SI Curling irons 2Sc·50c Books IOr·SI Bowling oall m Small camera tr ipod S2 Stere o ampl1f1er S20 Old radios SI S2 Lounge chair pad, new. 22X44. SS Blue sweater. silt' medium. never worn SIO IOISI Meredith. Huntington Beach c Brookhurst & Adams I See Saturday Sunday 9·4. RC A 2hn color televmon tlost ats color 1. good picture, beautiful wood cabinet S30 Bathroom \'antly , s ink and fau cets complete. like new SJO Costa Mesa. S40·3471 ELECTR IC 3-phase main and sub panels $20 each Heatolator fireplace S SO Agrom~1c water cooler·fih system S25 Sunday 7 1738 OOL'BLE bed S40 Single bed S20 Skas SIS Two piet'e luggage SIS 759 1463 RCA X-2S console televisaon, beauuful real walnut wood. needs repair, S3S Spare X·25 chassis and good spare 2San picture tube. SIO each 646-9015. 642 7589 Fash pole case S2. Camp S3 each. Bl~ Stubbies typing table $.5. Strong by ~6in woven wo~d flRES llard to get items IOc·S4 Kodak l04. long pant.s. waist 27-28. \llcuum cleaner Sl2. pa~nac ham_per S.S Six SPANISH Candelabra VOLK S w AGE N 4·H78X14 on GM . SS Light meter '6· ss. Black striped Vantage single day bed pa1rsolanllquehlckory wall lamp SSO. Copier squareback parts. 1967 balanced rims, 2 for S3S Cocktail glasses soc Quackslivers, 28 waist with spnnp. back tills and oak snow sk Is SSO Guitar $10 10131 & 1971 front fenders s.so One near new LR70Xl5, Decanters St Cod pole S8 Pink !ZOO belt, 26·:.> up. Sl6. 6 wheel single SIO·SSO. Two vantage M e r e d 1 l h D r 1967 seals, eitcellent S20 One 14SXl3. new with bracket, new $20. waist. SS .. Ski vest S.S be d r r 1 me s 6 wooden bedsteads. one cBrookhurst & Adams I condillOll 125-S.SO. 6 volt SIO 631·3701 anytime Swim goggles $1. Surf Flannel shirts SI Levis Automatic electric spool. one waterfall S3Sj 540·8496 battery, generator. <'Oil. rider S6 Sierra pole or & cor ds S2 each space heater SB. Vintage each ~ood old hand 1-P-I L_G_R_l_M--lid___ regulator. bulbs. S2·SIS. BEDS, chests SIO-S4S reel SIJ. Tackle IOt'-Sl Oshkosh's, site 16. SS. good working solid tied br11d rag rug. 7Cl . so pewter M 1scellaneous 1967 Tables SS.$30 Bar and Gaff $3. Cot tents S.S. S6 Designer shoes. never copper radiant electric oval SSO. Solid brass patcher. S pints SlO. 1 n 1 er Io r , body . stools. set S28 Lamps Cadet camera S4. Deroy worn. siie 1 Ya S2S firm heaters S9·Sl2 1932 single bed hea'd $18. Large re~ ~casaonal mechaniC'al par ts, S 2 SI O Um b re 11 a carrier SJ_ Baja heavy Designer clothes s1-S2S: dated sh' navor ·penny Boxes or nautical gear, ea shyl c a1• r · ns~ow S.S·SSO 646·4161 stroller $20. Appliances pole $20, AC/DC radio No check&, cash only. gum machines $25. lights and rope IOt'·SIO. cus on ., c ean " · -------- S 1 · S8 Tools '3·SI O. S6 Ronson lighter $1. l!K2 "B" Anahei m Ave.. Complete , .. fire 101 20 various tires and Antiq~e picture frames. CLOT ~ ING soc. SS Pictures S2·S10. Zenith Mans 80 shoes .S3·S7. Costa Mesa 631-4274 SIS Rollodex t7 ...., W wh ee I 5 f i 8 t t 0 oval and rectangular Telev1s1on stand 14. AM /FM Console phono Stereo bible albums , ' · ISth St Costa Mes~ Mercedes.' SS.125. Ford S25 ~ach. Straro~shlre Jewelry 50c·SI. Lamps sso Toys. 1ewel ry. cost S65. never used SJO. MINI blinds $10. Front lbetwee'n Monrovia & and Jaguar wire wheels ·~.o 1 n p I ate. t •lie.~ s 3 Ra di os S3. SS. dishes. clothing 2.Sc·SS. Honda 90 horn 12. Boat door with hardware $50. Placentia St 1 548.0135 and tires, S20-$4S. 843 w. _Italian Bui ldings Ki tchen wa re 50c·SI Saturday & Sunday paddle S1 Short ocean Shoes SOc·SS. Men 's, Saturday 9.5 Sur.day ISth St., Costa Mesa circa early 19th century Sunday Only. 9·4. 3102 Coral Ave, Apt A . pole $8. Thermos SI. S2. worn.en 's, chlldrens 10,4. I Between Monrovia and S35. Strafordshlre tea Co~ner. 498 E 18th & Costa Mesa. 4 blocks Water bag $3. Car lop clothing 25c·$15. Toys, Plac-entia St.I S48·0l3S. pot SJO. 646"'714 Irvine Ave weslof llarborBlvd. rack SS. Gas can S3. games , race tr_ack VOLKSWA GEN bug Saturday 9.5. Sunday KE NMORE washer $30. --------Boxes of parts IOc·Sl. 10c·Sl5. Glass ware parts. 1955-1959 drivers 10_. R MOWER. rear bagger DOl' Bt.E heudboard $8 19th & lmne. 490 Costa 2Sc·S3. Jewelry 2.Sc·Sl door S40. LfnJ..1974 right · Dryer S.SO 20in bicycle S2S and/or make orrer. C h l f II M St Cost n M L H SIO nc7 ,...... r d s 5 DOU BLE SIO. l.2ft balance beam Lots of mowing ldl as mere coo . u esa .. .., esa. aoips ..,. . ,,., · 011 rear e n er 2 mattress set & S40. 10121 Meredith Or. length Sll Men's suits 3223 Colorado St.. Costa 1968·1'13 I N tanlt 120 r r 1 me $so . T w In I B-'"hu-' •-Adams I 2193 Rural Place, Costa and women's clothes SKIS SIO" $20. Ski booU Mesa. 1960·1.988 au wk ao. mattress set & rrame 968.;i3 "" • Mesa. Saturday IOam to SZ.S.4 Two piece punc:h S5. Wok SS. Books ORA NG E Id h Two !Sin chron>e rims S30 Mahogany Duncan --------2pm. 15th Street. C~la Mesa I betwern Monrovia & Plarenta:i St 1 548 0135 Saturday 9·S Sunday bowl with six 11luses $.5 25c·Sl. Hanging glass go s ag " each l"""I""• Bus .... yre ,._ 'Aar dlna'ng KING I bo · --------fl RE t. g h k...., Metal d fti ca,._t """bol II .., .,.,.. ••0 .-u ... .,,, "' s te .x springs DINE11'E TABLE • ..........a ex an uas ers, Toaster S3 Corree pot rac ...... 11 ng .,,_ ....,., w e ro · rear au t, two tone teble MS. Pine gate leg s20 Kl h d """" large & small Sl·SlS S3 zo Mu I e Te am table Pl. Boy'a Huffy Black \'inyl couch SSO. brown ... 5• Ri'<'hard. d 1n 1n1. . ........::: S20. · · ng saie ea like Formica lop $4.5. 10·4 Phone male 300 bl I ""5 WI / Aquarium bater "" .., ~ board SlS. Sllrti Jim Chai-Sls•ach." .. --r minieture model S3S. eye: e "" · ne tea e -· 543·3'172. Tele~.._... "able ~•r.... ••A s G Id •• "' ~-.. ~OS ering m c:h ne S40 rt U 8 t kt Sl Resin rock han11J11 .,. ..... ~ " =i """ uerc_, rot .10. o chair SIS.~. I w . 1a 1 . · Bamboo curtain SS ca h WI. rack apes 1 ._ 111 bl S table SIS . Newpor t View &lass ourror tile --------ass aruma terrenum Aluminum <"rutches $8. eac . nerac SlO. 2167 amp ...,, ate: n1 J SKI • 150tm $15. Ski ~ac:h. 6'75-6852. 40 h Cl 1 FlSH bowl with gra\·cl SlO Lights, norescent, Engine overhauler. Veluco,Coata»esa. weySL$,Bti .. lav1t.ory, boot1, aa 3 Sl.5. Jr« m~rr~~\i1e :;:-:.:~~UPRIGHT Cr~ier S30 $2 Ski POies ss Kin& yard and old street liquid TMT regularly P LAYHOUSE/GYM . new t2$.Woodcrateal3. 1kalet,1ileJtl.Chllds BARREL table, wicker lKtPoftUac:bl•ckdeah Black~~h1leca~oet size quilt. 2monlhsold ~1!~tcor'~~s~~tl~a:1~~ s1us .• s1ocan.Bowllng wood, you dismantle 540-4676. campi n1cot13 5 tr im S50. Traah board alona wlltl televlaion 115. Cabinet sso Hand crocheted " ball 12. Golt Irons, one 130, Dirt bike, mono CARTOP alumlntim chain. chrome and complctor, Sears sso. 1 trl 11Z5 m3Se7 rtt0rd playtr and radio a rghon 125 Animal Cittings lOc a root. 2 wood 12.SO each. 36X18 h k Sll A am oranae vinyl SZ5 each. Sch•la11 1lrl1 amall e ec ca ' . ' SU. Vacuum t:ltanec., cage, large clot slie s.so. Marblile end tables, six root high metal shelf :11~ pro~111 sso. ~ ~~·::~ 1°0'!-:. i !'~ Track lboa, alse a. $5. bicycle sso. Pana Sl. SOFA and love aeat, sas. Eledric stove •· SchwlM beacll cruinr sl~nf: each. Hot doJ $25. Triple aland car carousel cartrid&et 12$, upbolatered s wivel Bowllnt bill, bis and 800111 He Clothlna. v e I v t l m • r f I ex £ve1")'t.hln1 .wits. Ml sso.19Sl beach cruiffr coo er .Goods chrome Jack $5. Locklna caa Wl t e r h •at•r , 40 cha•r -.Btcv"J•p, .... ahou, she I, ~O. bo)'~1 &jrla,wqDWlllZ5t. cushlonaJoodcondlUon C r.a n e C lrcle . $40 AMorted clot.hlnc. toaster SS. mall broiler 14 DllltOn a point " ~ ' _, 1""' , .. ChUdrens ''""'~·St Cl'WI! poUS! Lam.a SlO sso· each. L111e aolld Hunlln1ton Bhch. men's large, ladles $5. Oki canning J•ru nd ~!~d iaw $5. Asaorted :~~':~it~':':~ 15c.sz.50. 545-U. 1853 Port Abbey Plaee: ~ ~ c~per wood end t1ble SU . -~ ' small S2·S.S. l'KU b0111ng c9,rcam11•d!" 50c1·ll och. tools SI-SI. Plumbln1 13e.tOb. Huntlaaton VACUUM clean.r JZS. N t w po rl Buch . SS. Cu opuer U . L1 mpa 120. Add l111 .....,0 n..11 ..... _ .. ba g. wilh overhana t s in1 & ass door valvet SOc·l l. Paint Beach. 'lloUr) .,._er mdw•r 144'4817. P Jcturea It fru nu machine SU. Chlldrtftl "" -_... -tu., sso. Q 5evllle, Balboa. $30. Books. paper ba~k bru1hel 1W4, $foot tree aso. f'Jec.tric mower..,., .Q R .,0 ...... • 1 11 Jk•ll. Sbll'9 •each. clothl111. alH 9·19 Goll bit It c:ut 111. "5·0'18· and bard cover. 10c·SL ti m b u * U . $0 . TWO door refritltllot:' P\aah ...._ tio. seed rl .....,.,... • I t Wlc:keunulli"' bo6dtr 2k·'3. DlaMt, Poll a.;d Puttera, lron1, t.111 --------• ~~~~'~'':i~~ ~i.;:: 1111a11uox co111ole, HO .• Ou edrer sso.. apreader 110. rotdina bo':rdd d!::~ "•e:.d abs. Sb~e lke1 tea , .~"'. 8. mllee·lll.t d8inle 1 .. c 1 1 1 1t 1 . ~~~ ::,:S ... ~1.::. radio works, Hlfl 1 Rotary mower as . b lc yclf uo . 9011 ..... _5ua' ... • · ro•a, 11\H a ae a, ~ " '"' :~~te :;:~~~1\~'::. doesn't, aa. Blick It 1 Huvy duty electric bicycle tao. PtOJ•lt _. · wom• a 10. 110 per Tllro• ,.nows ...... 1.1 .. ,. a IN mMlr white leltvlllon, needs fOfda •· Wbetlbtrtow link •· Wullltr MO. l lKU, -..,.,_., pair. Jn IA. '9tt Llae. CeHmit c......, llt a SI. LadMt pant Mita :i:; ~!!·:2: ~~·! work, 14, • W11J1ct, 110. Rttl ,..,.,. • Dryer• IWrialntor u ma ltrHd. Aho Cotta...._ L1d\a elolllla1. alH =='..=;. "t:i clolh&D& Sl-$10. Set 1CIU Co.taMIA.548-1'11 ~~·"'.:o:'~v:L: Ut. Sat1rd1 r after S--speed. 1-..... rtde BltD.eal 'nftuy 1·10, lh·h . Aul ..,, N ......... -------•at Uiebome SatwdaJ , .. .....,.,11 .-...1. 2 11· ·a'""'d 12:00.m,,..,1trtet. llh "*· 14t ••el• . ....,._ iiieL-tMlt ... Jewttrr IM prencta ,._ im v_.. .._. 01l7. tlm to lpm. NI -fl ,_. .... ! A .&.a or H IJ Cetta.... ---~~-·,.....: ::ti.~ tit c1.1..... t Mtfff "· CCllta Meta. ilid Wl1161111'1 PMP" c:: m" c ~ OAIAOt _. ~. "1•11111111.1..._.. 1111 .... alili ~ .. -W1:~,:'•1 'Mi r It ..,.,._ ........ , •. ·w...~-C,·Piii to•Jlot• pa, Deor ..._ ........ ,_ oww•.-"' t ----------•• tMl Cl1t1Ultd 141 . a IW M. CaU ,... "•111 ta. 11r.t, ... 1 ..a,· flll ...... ...... 9i ~ _,. ~l\ •.s:~~ :!:~!!:~::=L~~~~~~~~~~p~ ..... ~~~~ .... ·-••!"!!! • 'INir•' C tJNNf l 1 df~ll\Olfi ~ t· I , • I ~·--·---- • l Or.,_ Coilt OM. Y PILOl/Slturday. M1teh e. 1982 ~tmarW •.. ,,.w .... rW .... tW . ...... hla .................. .;;i"e;e....... ....................... • ................. .. , ..................... ~ ........... !?.. .. ........ !?! !!P..~ .......... !!.~ ~!!!~ ....... .!!!.! •• 110. au&o, AM /Ffll • U'r, IJ8Y, ~ ltTt PEUGEOT Ht '11 Olroala auto, new lf7J YW • ...., • 1111. 111ld·d• 11&,1 1t 81, •-~-=-~~ ,.. • i"Wlk•. low ml . ...a...,... ..z;:::'-""""~·~P·.:..:P·..ra_1.mL ct.. <•t.tn -. R.-alf ..... t apeed 'II a.Ir ~. rroo. below t7Jt 1 1 m 11 1 , 1 • 0 !!a· uoro.f, IDI' bk. Only IMOO. 111-1551. ·-.. -............. v.,.11!!!, ••· ~ rarnJ, f:N·~~:' OIAtl•I it IO' 0.1, • apd. xlftt =v~. Z:,11 facto~•:=: OM&. Y SHH COUNTY!$' Ulruout,fo',000. Uaa.$SPD.lt00Ml. Be•l IOIWITNAMYW aa.USIYI tM-117S offer over ... oo Call •WnlmlUltrAve. ,_,. t7IO m.i.m Weat.mWter MAlllA Tl ....................... 6Jl.7UO HJ.7111 DlilllSHIP! 1973 Poncht tu. A '18 c.euca GT er, ate •eo,·15 vw left fr ri\tt W."110ilrvii aa1wben cbnamlie apoJUter witb t '""K ' 1 t ' door "13 left door Tbla on. 1 · lntllleworldl ... at 5 apeed traaamlaalon. 1 ereo, -m ' • n ' etett' w I.en\ t &e hi •iw111 (JlOTRS), $7NS. -K .... b It 1od ~ nm one .la baby blue. . . evs ri . r etSu I yBewl J 1 m II • r i n o ;i:t0 ~~.,.. •coo 5o~o: ~tfvP.'V. <MOGRU>. Q9ts. Jim 74 e.euca 01', s apcl.$1900 ":a :S.97t'r et e VolUwaaen.NZ-2GllO. S449aft 4$111 1118 B v ·• · · Marino Volhwaaen orbrln1olfer. · · 631·7170 IMUOOO. ' 873-0t73evea. 1980 VW Sclrocco. A ~ICOUMTY"S j 70D.._llO MIDovestreet,N.8. v• 9770 dynamite ca.r .with 5 CUUT l!a:IRMfillOhn • 71J,.ot00 MEISJ(I • W..-..apeed tranam11s1on, air & ....................... condltlonln1. mac --'~l!J.l!ll __ j "1'92110ZX, 80K miles. AC, Me1cie•11Ma '740 POI~ E UDI PIB'All,01 wheel•. and stereo. WIMl9 Ex. cond .• 18500. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • r.Mlr.fJt!/~vd. SPllMfMI! Beautirul Braz.II BrOC1e .. ~.Sat.9·S. •Ml prefer• GardeoGrove L980'a11irui970's <450ZSR J. S8H5. Jim· a'.!!.~~S M '721 -4·~. S...s.r.kM a-All reconditioned and Marino Volkawaicen .. _,,_, c-~Salel.strvlce-Leaaing ....................... to INW ~•--, guaranteed. Will trade' 842-' 3lOOW. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 WANTED! Late model Toyotu and Volvoa . Call us n>DAY!!! N..ll 714436-2333 finance WF. BUY '72'fW · •fHITlfJIC• Com~~~ Im· tm PORSCHE 9L4. Jet BUGS! • sa.&IHTLI ..o...,.111-a.. MllU JIOt\I Direct leaseand so black diamond in super Diel MILLll ExceHeiti con-cflTlon. N!'MOllllAO< INl.O-.. •FIATS• mo. a. sensible pymts. a b a r P r on di ti on. MOTOIS Tires, pa.int, upholstery,, o 1 1 I 2 1 3 0 r (733NAY ). $5995. Jim J.a!W. Warner st . SA carpeNling·' and engine '18 m , auto, air, snrf, Yo... 4r-t-.....&l--714/MERCEDES Is 213 Marino Volkswagen, 557•2112 AU.fl EW AM/FM stereo, a1Jo)'$, • ...,. ~nvn orm &17·2333 842-2il00. 714/528·1024 ~~~on~~·~~t;n0~::.: Pn-Owfted lln6 MERCEDES BENZ 78 Porsrhe 914 , 2.0, l.!8)\IWDiesel 'L'2door .• PP. $10,500. 49'·7278 or Tohllr 280C Coupe Anthracite. Malaga Red, good shape FINAL . Luxury diesel with 4 (21S)254-253S · IKHllHOHd Loaded and sharp. in It out. Must sell. , speedtransmisslon1sun· ,...a1&&.._ (1073391. $9895 JI m 67s.M30 rool and air rond1tion· ltl01MW220I ",_ M i Vlk CLEARANCE •n& Supe r clean •• 5 --'tr "' d 11!1...a:rir,: ar 00 0 swagen. MlstSocriflc• llBEA428). •c.005. Jim •~ ans., air ron .. ,,,.. 842-2000 1 '78 911sc _., rassettdc1lloys. (0796). &A.I ll /9 · mmar. • eYerY Marino Volkswagen, ROY CilYll IMW Many to-Ch~e Jr om 'on. 952·8947 All remaining 842_·_2000_. ____ _ LS40Jamboree Road AllvehklesGuaranteed '75 ~L. metallic bl, '78 9US Targa, black. 1981 1981 Vanagon, 4 speed. NEWPORT BEACH c 74.ooo mi. eng reblt al Sl6,fm. SWlJ"OOff Concord stereo. DI K 70,000 mi, superb cond 752-9523 ..... f Wllncltma. OM..Y $9,ttS! 640-6444 thruoul. $21,500. Will • RAB'DITS ucSl 0 er. 760-8812 or useol my 36fl!tevens UU1 consider terms . PP. 72POISCH,914 'II --.646-.-..-46.SS--.-• ..__ ____ _ Claasir for your empty Bm"'19,S28l,mlnt,sun· Ml~LER 844-72.66 NE\\'custompaint,new •DIESELS 1980 VW Rabbit. A slip. 6'2-7898 rl, Sl3,500 OBO. chrome bum""rs, com custom 2 door ~ith 4 -====~=-=~--· -T 714-646·4474 .... lil" Col R1V 2 30 rt :,ibo t u ·1 op ftall"r plete engine overhaul. • VANS speed tra~sm sion. or • yr Wm· s.. a 5 P avaa · Ull 141 J911 •uw l20i ftl)JORS 1972 Mercedes Benz. All ~~ performa'nce. Will Very clean in an out. tyl '121, • Portable. TV Newport Beach. .-· I I 220D d' 1 Joan aN6-1786 714-645·7100 Pid A omat1r trans .. air orig na 1ese se to 1st buyer with (753087) $3995. i m "'-...... , .... _,__ cond.,rusette,alloysii 120 W.W-St. sedan.1'hisooe1ssuper $4100. P.P.Call549·9866 •PICKUPS Marino Volkswagen, ~· --40' Berth available For Your car• s·--1 (•7351 --· clean. !2159991. $4995 days, 7SO.l973eves. 842·_m>. ........ seaward of Pavilion. No -AU & so' ... :""', . .. . 557 z I JZ J i m M a r i n 0 -· SCIROCCOS ........ ••••••••••••••• liv .... aboards.673•928. '66 Glu l700GT Very _......_.,... " '"" CAIY&IMW ·----·miliiiilllll-•I Volkswa en 842·2000. '79 928 : Leather, all • 'Ill VW Bug. rebll eng. ~ ... --.. rare, good rond. l~ L111e• MtrewY 1540Jamboree Road ,. special, black/tan, elec · New painl. gen. Need.s -to I 0 · c--.. & complete . .$1200. or best. 216:!6 lflrbor Blvd'. · NEWPORT BEACH Get Ready '73 MBZ 4.50 SE. Best or. tncs. Strong runner. ~hol 1700645-4666 ....... •••••••••••••••• ~ !8).9652Dennis Qilt.IM <•n«<'ll\ ferMustsell499~lor 23,000 miles. Ofter. 0 13' S-400 AVON. 40 hp Sid 90IO esa .,...,..,._, 640-6444 ForSpring' 499-4283 673-0248 DEM Mere, Trlr, rover. Many ••••••••••••••••••••••• Not a replicar ... Orig. Premium prires ;5 BMW 2002• AM/FM. lt70 FtAT ~~~-----• extras. $2200, 675-2709 llil\. f'hels. 75hp Jnson. 1.9158 Packard Hawk. Dis· paid for any used rar 1 AC, very clean! 55795. 150 SPIDH 7t ]00 SD i5 91LS Porsche Targa. D'UOYnlEHARBOR Best.o ffer . 10151 tresssale.S2l,500/0BO. (foreignordomestirl I (714)~ COMYaT1K.E MUst &(!llOrtakeover chor.bm.xlntcond.10/· SALE TAD kayak $400 <2nd Meredith. HB. 962·6022. Sin r e re inq . only. ingoodrooctition. , ONLY3S,fm miles on re· lease. Ne rt 760·62& ~'t ~~a~~~l. ti~ kayak incl. free > 8S7-8tiel. SeeUaFirst! built engioe. AM ·FM, '73M8450SEL. Fri . 88 m .spm 67W275 .._porttlffo. 4WllNIDriYts ~WHID tMW'1 stereo. 4 speed trans.. Xlnt rond. Mon·Fn. Art {714 )642-S470. '81 SCIROCCOS ~ M., Vc ............ ••••••••••• .......... ••••••••••••• '1812oi' new brakes It two new 5. 64S-24J4, 642.SSJ2 • -H•c:t S./ '81 Toyota 4X4 , many Marooo.snrf .... sr460l tires. Private party. Must sell 1979 300 SO Ex· R...... t755 • '81 RABBITS s..lc. 020 lailt 9120 xtras .. immar. Must '7t320i $1600/best offer. MUST eellentcond ••••••••••••••••oo••••• '73 Super Beetle. must sell ' 1600c<'. new clutch ' valve JOb. bra , Douglas radials. Sanyo am rm cass. $2800 OB0 - 63l·lfil 751 ·8124 __ _ '75 Rabbit. S2300. new engme. clean 645-4400, _61!:8523_ L968 \IW bus. xlnt merh. Design/lnstaJC:!p1ir Cfifi=91\:•;·o··~ .. o;~·: ~5CtBOICEE Blck.Spltg ..... SO&UPV weetends~e i8 :n>D. rulty equipped, TIOH! • 11 D1£S£tt ••••H•••••••••••••••••t see'~3304~7l08 ~.snrf . XZP358 SELL! Call Rob at ~ oond bod~ fa~ll ~s•---.A ce1~. $1500. 631·5982 or Qua]. work~-2520 Roa . self.contained. 414 :.'88& llarbor Rh·d '80321l . 7 6 Fi a 1 128 3 P sunroof, elec. wndws . R84AULT lli'1 '81 ._._,__ $600 or best orrer. REALSHARP. l'o!llidll'sa~.0030 Salarl.st.cass ... ZCZ802 Hatchback. good cond, crui se. amlfm. xlra Sedans and wagons with • --I 1113-8053 -(231MPVI SADOLllACIC new t'1 res am I f m tank. CLEAN. $J3.900. many options to choose CONVERTIBLES ,_. 9030 Tent Trailer, sips 6. · 494-~-rrom are available now ......... •••••••••••••• S2SO. ONLY $3588 WllUY IMW cassette, low, miles . at . 1982 Evlnrudes at lO"k uo ..,,,,., USEDCAkSltTRUCKS 28402Mar1ueritepkwy. .675·9961. '73 450 SL. champagne/ ;_ ... ~E.CO"'ST .....,........, COME IN OR Mission Viejo 831·2040 bamboo. alloys, 43.000 vtlA""' "' over oost. 7.5HP $749.99. CALL FOR 1978FIAT124 m· ~17 """ 642 7866 ,.......,./JE·£a BOB U HP $599.95. 2HP udllUs tl40 ;..,/· j(J/9, ~ SPIDER -1·., •"""· . """"" u- P@.99.iimore.673·1434 , ...................... 1~ ~~ ~l~~L IMWDIMOSALE air.tapedeck.<stkJ4oo i 72 MB250C.loaded.excel RINAULT C·Phtb Navicomp Purh Maxi moped , er·Det o BlgSavlogs!!! $5888 cond.PvtPty.16,200. ~HarborBJ:t?no calculator, Decca 801 yellow. l~~er $.165. ~So. Coast Hwy.. mfi~~~~VD. SADDUIACI IMW 76().0920---'78 R-~utt Le Car, snrf, WITHAM sat nav, Apelco RDF . Laguna Beach HUNTINGTON BEACH lll-l040 4!5-4Ht {>/_·_ .• ~~ ~ Regret selling '67 con· .,, ... Muataell673-1003 / 49~11] I 54._9,.7 ~T ~Ka vertJble~E. $15K or 1 53.000mi. $1900. INh. Power 9040 9150 cood thru 3/9/82 147-6087 or 19716llCS&.A 975-0070or673·7081 494•7451· vw .............................................. 54t-llll coupe.whitet recl:allop. 900So.CoastHwy .. C*"•Cllh ltolhloyct 9756 842 ~ '78 VW convert. Ltd · Edlt .. air. tape, like nu, 18K mi, [!900. 768·8275 '82 VW Diesel. Lease . Good t'red1l. Just make payments. All Savers. 6,:14·0 89 ii VW Super Bug. $800 Dig good. Body needs ~rk 642 7588 Eves YW '76 Rabbit 4 spd. lo mi. mint thruout. Price S2,995 p p 714-640-ill!__ *~YTO •11! ltlOHOMDA I: sma!Mh! ......._.. .. rted lions , low m I I es Laguna Bearh 230 SL .,...66, pampered ...................... . Po-erfu -· Un Ht~ ,,.___ .......... _, 1979 CJ 5 Jeep. orr road -mp• EXCELLENT CO'N· 49MIJ1 M6·9967 Aar. ;;\h1'te/navy tot ... 1 DEA E 7&00Westminster Ave --_._--. tires.lowner.3',000mJ. -•••••• .. •••••••••••• DITION ! ll U ST ll00dthru3/9/82 ~ "' .. l. RINU.S.A. I Westmmster VWPilTS F/B, SF. NEW 27oH oJ:f. Mow' JS,100649·2907 ....... t70 I SEE! l ! (220XK)) : --51<' Sl3.500. Ask ror '73 Bug fenders. front CrusPolan~s v· H19'7F4 LoS32ra5nOOC Ex Y ,400 miles -'-9 560 -•••••••••••••••• •••• SADDlllAQC ...... t7 26 Ma 673-1148 l{J'(. CJ\RVER 6 38 • 7 8 8 0 hood. bumpers. running · • · celle.ntshape .._ New~ Used. Foreign • •~AU SUl"'•U -···-••••••••• .. •••• 'llO MB 450 SL Cham· ~ r c_~ 893 7551 boards SeU or trade or Newport Yacht Ex· C.llS59-9399aft.6pm. • ..................... .Domrst.lc.CarSalesman .MW/ -'78 4 spd .. Low mi. FM pagne leather cass al· l'L..A...L:JI'L..Jl~C • -deaJ e67S-1800. •66 ~uki 150• Nds. wk. · • ~M.w .,, wtthyearsofexperlenre IJl·M 4tMt4t C.s$. new Michehns. k>ys, mll3t sell' Mike or· -....=-~~~ 1980 VW Rabbit A 4S4·2407 •A"IO•"it $100'/0BO. 10151 ~LUYP~! willcometoyourhome. J9797Jll Ex. cond . Best ofr. rer5.'B·5127 OOSEOSUHOATS dY!'amite C'ustom4door;1SuperBeetle.sunroor. r;::'~:U:~·a~~~r:.f9 Meredith,HB.962·6022 ~rl:e~S609/8~~ ;e: ~d~ ~~t [:~ b~~~ 4·•P • a~I of:tions. M2·1S43. 'QI 4dr 22os. 20 mpg, ~!~sh~·=s~:00~0~ 1311~ :.,~00r8'so.x~~1~ond . twodal prolderorated. '8l Hooda CBl2S. lo ml, bate·'5oo·s 1' p · · Ptlceonyourcar Small Topu/gobi.<94 XZM > tto.dD 97271 S3,tl9S. S..... 9762 condltionino. (451RSZI .;-. VHF, i"atho. RDF. Dir excel!. cond. $800. 0..:Y 1;s~~e IS ree. C.11'42·81QI.. I SADDlllAQC ....................... 720-oo7. --•••••••••••••••••••••• $4995. J i"m Ma rt n 0 is F\Jel tnJected vw Bee· demo. Ready to go. 963-3573 HOWAIDCM•rolet Ah'-o 9705 IMW/SUlilU SH "78 300CD Cou~e. 45.000 OIJ>.HGECOUMTY'S Volkswa en 8422000 Ue. needs uph. "nunor 197,.500 Newport Yacht Yamaha IT off·road. Dove/QuaiJSts. . ....................... lll·204b 4tMt4t ffnMOA ~ ex!f~~.l~!!...64. ~~ss .. MEWUT --eng work S1850 Call Elchan&e 67S.l800 mtnl cond. $800 firm. NEWPORT BEACH Alfi 1600 MUST SELL '70 BM w un I ..... 'O;>I '"· Aul.homed 19'2 'fW IUG ~·2623 ----- f ~~~~sg:zn !Exl!Wi ~iao~·078S: wknds: lll-0555 v-.c ... .,..7 Bavaria. Blaupunkt SANTA ANA MG 97421 SUBARU DEALER CUs~~l!"~·r-:ou 'll ·~d v~~~o:e; ebst Newport Slip •• asking '77Honda404.xlntcondl· ~~:!5tr°ef~!~~~~~ ~te::S~~·A~~·e1:,te~ AND SAVE! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ®r ~1~17W <Stk 3787 ) !!'27322orS43·7379 $l.O.SOO.,Trades, Finanr· tion, 9.000 mi. $850. 74·cOURlll pistons. $1400. 979·2748 ~8 Ci1£ATS&ECTIOM : '~ OHLY$l995 i8 .Bus. snrf. auto. new inuv111,P.P.873·5200 6.11-S417 FORPARfSONLY after6 orwknds. ~ 9715 CIVICS ATTINTIOM I · IOIW1THAM YW K:.~S6150 646·4.414. 40' Owens Tahitian. live· '81 KL2SO Kawasaki, 1500 CHEAP 536-9832 '77 G1V, '!'int cond., new ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'CCORDS MG · 1982 MODELS 7600Westminster Ave aboard slip avail. Call, mi, new cond. S800 firm. everythtng, 38K m1 , 1974 CAPRI "' OWMllS HERE NOW!~! Westminster Sqbk parts. partmg out ,Judy or Harvey 642-46441 831-4794 '79 Datsun King Cab . 675-4200 With a 4 speed trans. PRELUDES TONN EAU COVER Sales·Servire·Leasing '67 winew eng. tires. l:twn. 9AM'5PM. '8 SWM 320 T · 1 b'k 5 spd. A-1 cond, many (Stk. 37941 (660MEUL ' Flts MG's, '71·'81 SA.DDUIAQC Ul-711019..3·7551 sea4i,.J.5·~646·4161 PARTNERWANTED v1 I na sM 1 e. xtras,~700.760-8074 IMW t712 Real sharp" a real un7430 Neverused,$75 ffi"•U 1975 VW S<.'irocco A '70 VWBuftSnrf.amf/m f\Se Sud ery c ea n alt . .~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ba in "°"'" Maria6317797 lvemso -d · d lM. aray n ~r NB 847-3248. rp at lll W. Warner. 'h blk · !> 28402 arouerile yn a mile re sport cass. reb t trans ' eng slip$131 mo + eqwty de i'9 Ford Fl50 PU. extras, ,......, SI 995 olS • p .. rouno wilh air cond1l1on xlnt "ond. ""<"" OBO · .,., ffond 750 F · xlnt cond. $5300. & v... . west . Main kwy. .....--• ~ it. 551.9327 •o a · , 4 in 1 IOI WITHAM YW Mission Viel· 0 ing, stereo, and alloy 548.6746 Kerker bdr, 8,000 orig '1r8-8004. '7 6 Hon d a C V C C o,.I t 7 46 Avery Pkwy 0 r l·S wheels. !748UZU J S399S 19'19 3e' Skipjark, open, miles Xlnt cond S2 000 7900Westminster Ave. Hatchback, gcood cond, ••••••••••••••••••••••• J I m M a '76 Rabbit new t1· es 130 hrs. Many xtras, Im· or tr~ for 1968.72' El ;6 .C~ L~ tr Westminster SO.fm miles. P.P. S2650. ,1973 Manta, needs mlnor ll 1·2040 495-4t4t V<ibwa en, 942'.~~ 0 tune 11,p. AM /FM ~19S mac cond. Asking Camino SS. 4 speed Xliit~ ~oor ~=i CIEYIEI auw Ul-JUOltl-7551 67~ work , must sell. $1000 OpeoSundays ~S-9653~1-8_13_3 __ _ .S.S7·1566 547·1845 oiler. 77M074 • '73. v_., auto. rust color. '80 Accord LX. 22K orig. 080. Eve642·7948 SUBARU '78 WAGON_ 1981 VW Sc1rot'co A '67CAMPER 74 Bayliner. 24' FB. 22:5 '78HONDOMATIC. '73 n...1 ..... Cl b b ~ n. kc*2 Looks' runs good. ssoo. mi. 2·dr copper. auto. Opel CT ·72 Xlot cond. Moving, must sell $3200. dynamite ·s · model ~ Westphalia. Lop cond. ' OMC, 278 hrs. CB ~ AM Olerry rood Only 700 """'6"' u ca . • IMW'1 An ! 646-€761. air . 545-6786 Good a ppr er I al 1 on 4ln-6ll3 892.8094 s~ tra.nsm~ss1on and Best ol'rer 573.2750 ~· i:ai;a\:~kH~~~ miles. r;IS/ofr. 759·lS71 ton. $1800846.4793 ~~~h r:~!':t;f ~~! 72CAPRI1700 '18 Honda CVCC: Stick. J 548'5982 Toyoto 9765 ~~~~11~0nt~te ~en~~ ·~ RabbrtDiesel. silver. Hbr, no trlr. $1500. '80SUZUKJ250RM '&6 ~ton PU w/camper, atlll available! We 080 Ml·S3il6/646·1990 S2800orbestoffer. ,....... t147 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCXiD66 1. $7995 Jim loaded. aux . tank. 213-m2036 Wlth~~~0S92S. zlnt runoing cond. specialize in: European Colt 9717 5.57·3437 •••••••••00•••••••••••• laoCelicaCTLirtbk.Xlnt Marino Volkswagen. am rmras~ stereo.1000 '79 Sea Ray 26' "Sun·, CB 750F l'k f/250/olr. (7l4l 337·0105. delivery and flawless ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jepcr 9730 PAMTaA =-dnLoaded. $7100 or 842·2000 mi r00~_'~f.~~nge dancer" Twn. all xtras 81 • 1 e new, or(213)592·2SOO pre.owned BMW's. '77Colt 2drCustom Cno, , ...................... beau red group 4 Show lse . take over $180 l977 vvi Bus Thi si~~.....-::=..;.="-...=.;:.=.-_ incl trlr. Fish 6 slti. xtras Make offer. WbereCustomer r~ car. very Exotic pymt.492·1470 dynamite·1 passenl(er 'QI Ghia. ,good transp. --Ca h ., 6311ZT3 6759700Jay EV'l"B.t. 001"' "-"AaComes lst ' 4 spd, air. stereo, S26SO. J....-XJ6 magaune rover t'ar b h IQtlt\ • -........ s or terms. . ' ·. lliAI""'-"' _. .. ,..,,. 1131·5976/493-91.90 1980 S~dan . White . There's an easy way for ; us !15. automatic _,., m&!m· 7-6649 SH"' .... 11 Sales-Service·Leaslng -b Fast and fun to dri ve. transml$sion overhead ,!40-9605 W II f • N f ~~We/ I "''"':.. 208W. lst,Santa Ana 0.... t720 ~ uc~·illn leathetr Jn· Qui rk sale $35 .000. you to sell that birycle j airconditiontng. and low ---e era l 26 ova o · -/ ..... ...,. 916 76CUSTOM (714)835·3171 ....................... ~.or. r u pwr, 5 ereo 714/793·3671 you oo l~ge~ u~e. Just miles. Cleanest one in '76 Volvo 244DL. air, (shore, twn 188 HP,....................... LUYPICIUP CloeedSunday cassette, lo mi. Mint WANTA""'ION?. advertise it in the town. (038134 1. $4995. radio. tape, lo mi Must taodem trlr, RDF. RENT : 22' Lux (1~44) aANJOAJSUN cond. $16.950 Pvt Pty. "' elassified?Call642·5678. JI m Mar t no sell,bestof1er. radio, bait taok, xtra Motorhome. sips 8. Self· $389I ~2179 Classifed Ads 642·5678 Vdltswagen, 842.2000. 857-8964 ' r,ct~r;Y fiahting cbrs, cont. $295 wit. + 1or ml. . a,rHHM'( SALE JAG. '623.8M1rk 11. very 1-.~ ....... w tlOO ........... ... 9-800 biminit covers, stereo 8 640-8585 U.""" fOOd body, complete less -·" tlOO Aailos. Mtw • -· "•w Alltol, Mew 9IOO trlt, tnm tabs. lmmac R · 1 ~Q9,, --,-~.. . • •. eogine. $1250 OBO. ·••··~·••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••··~··••,-••• .. •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• cond. $11,900/0BO. en t : 2 2 u x · ; -~ 546-S6l8. 113M221or839·7203 rmtorhome. sips 6, self-~'-===------• Will h r be . cont. $295/wk + 11Je/ml. XJ 6 '82. 4K mi. fully pay cu or st In· fM0.85115. ~So.Coast Hwy.. loaded , must sell. board/outboard, deep v. , . Laguna Beach MODB.S $25,fm. Days, 966-1202. hull, 19-21' late model. For rent, 81 Ti~a minJ 4t~iUJll I 54'-H67 1t4 STOCK Eves, 720· 1322. Mr. Call S4M9M aft 6PM. rmtor home. ps 5-6, thru 3/9/82 i.IAWI .. .a H bo Bl d. F.cksteio 1.._ Wit* generator, air, awning. _ _ "" _.., ar r v -===-----13~ fUUIP Merc 645-:n»or962·9996 '75TOYOTALonlbed Chd • ., , .. , C:O.ta Mesa Lcmda 9736 114.541.5357 ...,32ftYOGM Wlthshell,goodcond. ......._et DIMOt 714/540.6410 ..................... .. t t r "bo S21QO. 847·2181 ~4 t U A L I 1 y v MIW SIAIAT uxury mo or ome. ,.... -..Wa • lt7t DATSUH 1971Z2fl:-xblteoocL Low From May 1st by wit or -9170 welt " •thr fl•• 2IO'DCOUPI ltll LAMCIA'S bouu.' completely mmth.. 751·*5 ....... ., t't L OLpq .. 5apeed trans.. ~OFF! eauip'd, IMludiJIC $350 fld«7 air cond .. pwr. """" EU/Ii.ft trlr hltcll. Aslt-Ctl•C-la 1t.·wlndow1·brates. MJC.-laSteda il!dlt.OOOSSZ."37 w-.y1 AM·Fll .iereo rass. 6 1:m., •-• i. than 25,000 mlln! n.......... t • 1t'L9 • mYICI <8tt. 37a). <•tXM Bl. ""E:~Jusive y 5 LIAJM 0ML T Slttl Factory Authoriied S_.ftftl•ACK -~YW • LudaDealer _,,_ mwe.tmliate·r Ave. DICI MIU.II ... =..,. 6&=111 uo!fa~lt.,SA ....:'u llWIJJ A"9fYPkwy.olll·S 97JI lll·IMO .,,_..., Oplrt~ • i ,/ . ,,. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Mari::h 8. 1982 Wll)Ulltl • WM . ... "••••••• .. •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••~• ,... .......... UYi tt11 c.-. ttaJ ttit ~ tu1 .... , "' ,... "'' ftf••• ttH 1:·;;~;,;.. ;n:rit:~i;.;:;.-»:uo •"i,;;,d~ .. &i;;;;:; ...................... , .. --.;~··· .. ·~~·;· .. "wu:::·a.;·;y .... :;.·;:;;;;·~;·;;;;:; ;·Pi;::~h·u:ri·:~;: "'OIW1C'ICOVNTVI mA. moftrooll all xtr11, Blad1, all eq_ldpmut, •W.S. Ji\IO'rloa.., rnr; d IU(<fam.'AM . RV , offer . I wlll a mo a. 11110, 1/c, •.ooo m • r,.r1e•ml1t111 1 nt., x"c'' u,ooo mllel, Ulle new, Lo mlltaf!t. excellent IO 000Y ~,. ·, llX40n00c1onb i _(JQQl)CON~._._ J1!m 4tt·7Ul. ehell n t ru. nt ~•ell 55f,. l'Olld. Ur l• Chevelte. :;.:· m • •~ '6' Plw w f'13.&JM ' ttll Call Bink of America ..,t,@_ ---t:'i!nt~sr.;.•aon . ..,_. ttH IWI, p0ftr, rc1ean, -w•HT 1'nlll Dtpt 1~·4•1 wtek "-'-ttJ I . 71 ............ ••••••••••• well melllt1llltd run• I... ....................... tt ..... A. ......,.. t t.,. p L y .. 0 u T H I SILIC~ 11 Caman> za 4 apeed -.w&r ....................... )W.. ttlJ Han 11 4 ..... 5771 of late m, e , low Met brown P1~1 Tlli ·ap:\Luv, 22,000":1• A)I ~ DODGE. <=rl~ A 14 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• door ':i:O ~m :1,1~0· '70 Plymouth S1telllte IAIUIH mllea1e Cad llaca In Wheel , Air, AM /FM f:~w ~! ~~k 38 J., ~1':: Aulom~~I~ '70MUSTA.M• dltJonln(. All ori(in•I. '750/bettotfer. ' VOLVO SouU\en1C1llfornla l SttrflO Cass. 4000 miles, '2 ' tri namluion and air 12.300, 54,000 ml, orlJ (071XMO). 12995. Jim 83\·1311_ lNUlit~ltlvd. MAlllS Mint. Days 645-6510, '790Mve.ttt H"tchback 4 condltlonln~. (:114T~YI. ow~~~' extras. well Marino Volklwa.en, nm t1 Wul tt70 COSTA.U&'C!& w~c -~es~CMI. • t"~"5. J m M"r no ,,.mw.ned thorou.cbout -"=·=·-----! ·~ •Deed lo J l3500 Make •v• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Jll lf0.t4'7_ r rBvd .. '798erllnttta,27,000mi, olftr54S-.ffi&l · duw en~~ i5PLYM.t'URY HTA.TISALI P,Volvo Diesel. A rare COSTA MESA ~~·1!~·d~~· ~~;J~~ '79M1UbuClasslcStatlon ,_,. tt40 ·~~n~."'!~fr~h~~er:~~ :=:~wo~ Lo mrleeae. 2 dr 1972 T a.GL dielel sedan. This Q•. I D • t U52 W••on, xlnt eond. mnat •u•••••••••••••••••••• XJnt ..,,..d . .,300 OBO Bird. Full power. Xlnl ~-1-I ded d Ilk ,__....___,. e.1Jt! ... p 1···1 ""'' .. '79SAPPORO cond. Call Bank of -.. oa an e '80 Cam,aro V6, 3 spd extres. S42eS. r vate iu•RS.-.LIES ... LI 46 -Mustsell.CallTammle AmerlcaTrustDe t rw. (0984'1S), 110.995. 7 7 SIYl~E standard T-lop, A/M ~98().~. -"" "" '68 Con¥ert. 289. auto, 752-93'71, 963-m • 759·43111 wkda .3 I m M • r i n ° I OW!:'~~a ed. rus,Xlnlcond.957-1220 Mustsell '7• Monte Caro, Pwr top. $2800/b$l ofr. tlOO 'alkawa 842· l!MnsH) -blue, white top, Lo Wehave!)Vtr301979and l Oa student, must sell Atltol,Mew tlOO ...... Mew • StaUonwa(on: Xlnt •IB.OW• lt6t l 07 mUea1e, I track stereo, IMO Fa1rmonta, Clta· Cal1 Mlke96%·8H9 •u uuu u uoouu u • ................. , ... .. Cond. SlSSOorbest orter •LOW • Y:IJ uto, TIS.7196. am1rm full pwr, Xlnt Uom Monte Carlos and -iiiiiiili'l -................. tt•o cond. Must see to ap· LTm. These are F1eet '79 Mustang, J!S , pb, 4 •ILUE 1001( * -..._., .. i 640 M"2 Return Cars and being spd, a/c, lo m1, am/rm ~' Volvo Wagon. air "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ate. ......, -otrered to the public for cass, xlnt cond. $.%25. 'iond. 4 speed. rark. 1!!11 lt19CHIEVIOLET '70 Chevy lmgala. xlnt between $800 and 11200 5'9·7374,S40·9439dlr_,___. ~·::oo ' $&595 Soortf21~~t,hback rond,S700/~'. t,1gk'. ~'rlle;;~ee1f~~~ CM•Wlt ttSS ~ Oeluxe with factory a.Ir ~._ ttZS maintained and carry •••••••••••••••••••··~· ... •••::,•••••••.••••••9••9•1•0• • ,., , 1;~./0'i. ~ --' ed I _,...,.. Warrant). Further Info '8Q Ol<b Cutlass. Lo Mi. -r:;t)-'T ~#t'h ""iu.,4spe lrans.,lll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~all ·. oe Catron , Xlnt,Cond. Full Pwr le wheel le murh more! iO Ch~ler. Ex. Cond. ' E 17675 830 0891 ••••••••••••••••••••••• !St.It 3790) (507XJX > Domini s -Coo k · r;qwp. · · · -fa Regal Limit ed. 900SoCoast Hwy., Sate'pncedat · f:~7 e~e~~llJuanita. McFarla nd Co . _644-_2f177,__ ___ _ ·loaded.pwrevery thlng, LagunaBeach OMlYS29'S --Newport ·Anaheim . '80 Cutlass Supre me I lnt cond. Only $5200. 49+1111 546-9961 IOl\MITH ... M VW Conttte ttl2 832·8374.~·5958 Diesel. am /fm. ult, air, 1S4.(Xi(M --"' "" dual tanks, 43.000 miles. 7 6 SSEVILLE 7600 Westminster Ave ~··•••••••••••.•••••• ••• 1976 IUICI Loaded, st'k.330l Westm1.11ster 77 Corvette. silver blue ,79 rilto brown SS900 P . P. · UGAL ~ourE •IELOW * i ll-7110 ltl·U.5.L ti:!l~'~·t!!~oo~11lo~~: Askin 00675~1-.:;: cutlass Diesel, \16, automatic trans, air •LOW• SEE US FIRST' 39,000 mi. Must sell. Any Ford LTD Brougha.m. 71 . x1nt rond .. low mileuge. cond .. AM·FM stereo, •. reasonable o ffer Jowner.fu llyeqwpped , •«oo 7512180 ft 6 .,teel belted tires 12new >. * ILUE IOOK * We have a good selection 963.1044 ·eves 8SS·OS93 xlnt rood. so. 891-1086 ..,., · · a full vinyl top 107SRFWl or NEW &t USED da ' -. ---wkd Pr iva t e Part y !!!!!! Cbevrolets! ~----iO Mavenrk. 6 ryl . very •75 Cutlass Supreme $1995/best offer Cad $5295 EXTRA clean, Ex . rond Sport Coupe . rully 1714)77().0356 after SPM SHARP!! ~ OBO, 842 6126 eqw.fil>!d Make offer , /"./(",/19, ~~ ·10 Galax1e, good 64+oo.u. ___ _ Coclloc 991 S ~/UT l?lt~KN 1977 CORVmE transport, new brakes, ,71 C·...,_ 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• loaded, low miles. Stk . me ~h good ss •o -3292 ' " · New trans, paint. tires COMTEMrLATIMG ooo So. Coast Hwy . 581•67111 clean 11nd gd cond. S2200 CAJ>tµ.AC? Laguna Beach '78 Caprice. 55K . very anlv U188 Mercwy ttso --~-·788_1 __ We sper1alize in leases .J14:llll 544.9947 clean, most xtras. 2·dr db This ad ....................... -....... tt57 for .the bus1ne,ss ex· . rlassir. $450(). 842 ~121 '76 Bobeat Sta Wgo, 4 ..--ecut1ve &t profess1onal 78 Sedan DeVtlle. xlnt --,. /. _/(7(}. ~ ~ spd AC PS ~nrf S4 ooo ••••••••••••••••••••••• StMdlOtl cond. $5500. By appt 68 II Nova, slr~t~rally 'f/.J'/U~ ('IAl"PtKN mi.' PP. sisgsi oeo. i i Runabout, runs good, 1 •• 2 640-6221 M·F,Len/Jonell perf, nds some eng 957(9)7 good rondtlton. Sl200. ew -. ---• d ~1 1 work. Makeofr. 979-8671 --· ----Eves aft5 30964-4489 Codiloci 68 white Eldora o. a ----OOOSo Coast Hwy SF.:ll idle items with a = -- .... _ 1 StocL! orig. Red uphol. 64,000 '61 Impala . xlnt rond. Laguna Bearh ' Daily Pilot Classified •71 u ftback. clean good GRAND OPENING Of ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST SUIAIU DIA' a AU Models in Steck NOW! AT SADDLEBACK SUBARU *Oil IW'CIOUWTt "'-W'I MISSIOH "'f.JO ..-\l(llY l lCIT Off 1-6 JW'l I ()P(JI SUHOA•S .-w • • true m1 Must see to ap ong pam.t. auto trans. .. ... I l, I c: ..... _.9 ... 7 Ad transporat1on S800 080 BER~ prec 646·4939._ _ \'8...&.~_l1res 6424174_ .1U! ~ -o.czlll _ __ __ ffe~~S2·8900X264_ at~-NOPH()H(OOOTEs NA 14 Coupe DeVille. wht Mtos Hew • 9100 Mtos, Hew . 9100 1Mtos, Hew 9100 Atltol, Hew ti ~1~~~~~ ·. ~~;;;~; '"''THEODORr'ROllNS"'f Olftr . ([[' .. NOr· E UNDERSOLD! ! 557·3288=---I Uted r-w ...... -~~~~~-1912 * FAIRMONTS *MUSTANGS * GRANADAS *VANS, TRUCKS ~TO•·l!OI FORD FACTORY REBATE TO YOU! ~LUS *CLUB WAGONS *BRONCOS *COURIERS rm 11st S11111 ea lftlr II a.ra! 24 MONTH EXTENDED UtlTED WARRANTY GIANT DISCOUNTS I 55499 MIW I tlO MUSTANG c~ 52000e WIOllr "~ ..... COit ... tJltt2 . . . Haw .. bllclt Ud. Editloft Ha tllld '!IP. f!'llR· wt.els. 5'el90 tape,~. CU11Dt1 .... (743YHA) Who••• Btue.,. '4950 4995 '78 BUICK RIVIERA A k>eded b9llAly 111 blldl wllh 'l9Y ...._ po.er .... loc:b. ww'ldows and '*· etulle, ........ 1875VP81 Whotu 111 INw Low rr.-. hllEttbldl. """"· -' c:aSle9e ....,, ~~~:riR '81 BUICK CENTURY &9nomy V6, veblr trtm ........... rd>."'· po.er sMl1ng 1 '"°"· (4952PJ) '6750 Who•n• Blue ac. SALE•6695 '79 BUICK RIVIERA 'Nt'ft lluy an EldCQdo lof '20.000..,.,, you can gilt hs lolcled blNy. Gold wllh \an ...... (814XUT) Whotn• Blue ac. '7750 SALE'7795 '81 BUICK CE URY w.,. Ha Wll'tfllig. Low"""· pow .... loc*s & windows. Iii. cruile. tOOI ract. --' more . ............ ,.. 1111•. BAUER ITOU 011917MYIAWml ................. , .... , .. ,. 125 HarbOr Bml. COSTA EA 919·2• ' • 0 =~ m=t-1:.11 n D n 0 a D 0 ~ 0 ' 0 a 0 0 D 0 0 , - ~1 --...... -----· -~ 12 2---0range County ReaJ Eslllte/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982- Ways to save money at tax ti~e --------Homeo.wneFS-Shou-ld-look to-thei-r-roofs for tax-breaks- -' -\ I I -. By NANCY HEWITT 9"del lilctlem ~ Most ho~~~~rs ~~.e~ .<mlY ~~~· to the 'rOofs over their beads to help them ease their yearly tax burdens. AccOf'din& to Carole Ebersol, a district manqer with H&R Block, a bollse is the bi&1est tax bceak most people have, "especially with today's house prices and int.ere&t rates." Two of the best ltnown deductions are interest rates and property taxes. Today, these may add up to a figure over the s.1.400 in deduction.s needed for a married couple filing together, or the $2,300 needed for a single person. This reduces the mees' income, pushing them into a lower bracket, and thus reduces their tax obligations. However, if the interest rates aod property tax don't cover the $3,400 or $2,300 needed, tbe bome abo provides many other tax reduct.ion possibilities. Improvements such as new walls, a room addition, a new driveway, or new wallpaper can all be written off, Ebersol said. "All these improvements become part of the real property and will stay with the property when it is sold," she added. The improvements can not be taken off in the year in which they are done. U the receipts are saved, however, the total amount of all Improvements can be written off dollar for dollar from the capital gains tax when the house j.f sold. "ll's import.ant to keep reeorda on improvements. If you don't keep proper records and then you sell your house, it's possible to forget $2,000 to $3,000 worth of capital improvements. That's money you don't have to pay taxes on," Ebersol said. • DEADUNES For Tueeday through Saturday publicatloN, 5:30 PM the ~day. For Sunday and Mondi¥ publications, 12:00 noon Seturdey. EMOR8 .\dtta .... lhould check "'*ads dllMy and report errore lmmedt ... t)t. T"'9 DAILY PILOT _,,,.. llablllly '°' th• Any money made on the slJe of a hQuse is considered capital gains. l'he .. ted.~s:al JOVernm~pt taxes AO • percent o~ capital gains. However. if you buy a home that is of greater or equal value to the home s0ld, you then cfe eryour capital gains tax. A oew law aiives a homeowner two years to defer this capita) eaina tax. Before the law, a homeowner bad 18 months to reinvest bis money in a new home. When homeowners reach the a.ee of SS, the federal 1overnment allows them a once-in-a-lifetime capital gains tax exemption of $125,000. This was raised from $100,000. The state of California also allows a $100,000 capital gains tax exemption with no age limit. This, too, 1s a once -in -a -lifetime exemption. To qualify for these exempt.ions, the bomeowner must h•ve lived in the house three or the last five years. However, if the spouse has ever used this exemption, the seller forfeits it. Also, when you sell your home, the escrow and title insurance bought at the time of purchase can be taken off capital gains as an expense of the house. The only items other than interest sod property tues that may be deducted while living in the home are energy-efficient items such as caulking and solar e"nergy equipment. Both the state and federal government allow a tax credit on these items. That portion of the home that Is used as a business may also be written off. However, that portion of the home which ls used for business is no longer considered personal property and will , be taxed as capital gains when the home is sold, whether or not the seller qualifies f.or_. the .on.ce-in--a·li.feti·me tax. exemption. • Ebersol said her company figures REAL 'ESTATE ~ 642-5678 • flnt Incorrect lneenlon Oftly. P\8.ISHER'S NOTicE: All 1N1 ...... 8CMf1iled In Ihle,...~ le ~ to~ Fedef8' Fair HOUllng Ad. o1 1-which...._ It lltegll '° .._ "eny ~ ..... tl'""-llon. Of dleCltmlnetlon bMed on l1ICt. ootcN'. '911glon, ••. or natloolll ongln, Of an lnt9naon to nec. q tueh preference, Hmttatton, or cbcftmlnatlon. •· · Thie naw1paper will not knowt,,_ accept _,, 11Chi9rt181ng Mr ,... ..... wNch It In vtolatton OI Iha'-· • the average taxpayer gets a 20· percent tax savings on everything they ltemir.e. During · tax time, a home can provide a lot more than just a rdof over your head. • • ---------- .. -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY P1LOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982--a . CUSTOM CAPE COD Over 3000 sq rt on three levels for gracious livinii and entertaining This one year old home has 4 Bdrms. family room. formal dining room. 2 used brick fireplaces. 3 decks. and is MOST beautirully decorated. Offered at $450.000, Open Sun. 1·5. 30.l La Jolla Dr .. Newport Heights. Newport Beach -.. . SHARP TWO STORY 3 Br 2 baths-fresh paint. Plush carpeting Updated appliancl's incl m1c·rowav('. water soft ener w purifier Walk to beach. Askinii $174.900 and seller will help. Open Sun. 1-5. 222 Lugonia, Newport Shores. NeWJ)ort Beach. We Show Waterfront Properties By Boat Tool llACH HOUSE 3 BDRM 2 Ba. peninsula home on a big R-2 buildable lot 100+ ·to sand New carpeting, drapes thruoul. Only $249,500 LOVELY SPANISH ELEGANCE right in the sand. Four large bedrooms. newly rl'modeled hit-in kitchen and huge family room. + a formal dining room. Spacious hving room with fireplace Takl' over S500.000 loan at 12r; Asking S895.000. Owner will help TUITLaOCK COHDO lmmacul;He. upgraded end unit with 2 Bdrm. 2 Baths. plush cptg. r ustom o;hutters. shelves. paneling etc Central air cond & much more Onlv Sl74.990 DUPLEX One blOC'k to bea('h. 3 Rdrm 2 Ba + I Bdrm I Ra. bit.ins and fi replace in each unit. 4 rar l(ara,ge & owner will nnance entire balance after a small down payment $315.000 IAUOA 6 units comer location near the bayrront. All have 2 bedrooms. 1 •; baths. Excellent rentals in gh•at condition. Asking 5650.000. STIPS TO THE SAND Large 3 Rdrm. 2 Ra. single story on oversized 40' x 132' lot. Bit-in kit. incl dishwasher & fireplace. Va<· ant and low priced at Sl85.000 IN NEWPOIT -S 119, 900 & SHAIP 2 & conv den · dining room. 2 baths. blt·ln kit. incl dishwas her etc IALIOA "Little House Near The Ferry" 3 Bdrm 2 Ba . dishwasher etc Only S245.000 with !'IUper financing. LESS THAN 'oo· TO THE SAND Quality-built. large beautftul studio apartments. Three bt'drooms. Fireplaces Dou hie parking. Large master s uites in each unit Ready-made financing will also please the fussy buyers. Asklng $450.000 OCEANFRONT DUPLEX 3 Br-2Ba upper -2 Br· 2 Ba lower, Pvt. p1tio. Take over S425.000 30 yr loan rfixedl incl. only l2~'k Int. Orrer dn pymt and 1skinie 5659.000. Completely rumished. Jacobs Realty has built its reputation on frien dly, professional service. We have a ".O""Plete property manage~ent team to assist in the rental and maintenance of income property. Th is service 1nsu res carefree ownership and lets you like your Investment property again . '• JACOBS REAL. TY g ' • I -' 4---orange ~unty Real _Estate/An Advertising Supp~rtienrto the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982- UNIQUE UNDER $400.000 IN NEWPORT ONE OF A KIND-view of ihe ocean and sunset. Professionally decorat· · ed, a real beauty-has extras galor. End unit with 3 bedrooms or 2 bed- rooms plus den. Everything you could ask for-even price $154,900. UNIQUE IN SEAWIND-Dramatic Portofino model with enclosed entry. See this chatmer with Mexi- can pavers. skylight and french doors-it will knock your socks offl Well decorated and owner will help finance $339.000. UNIQUE IN · JASMINE CREEK...:.. Spa, 3 bedrooms. family room, one level, sprinklers, secluded patios and great assumable loans. $387 .500. ACCENTS ON DETAILS-Make this Jasmine Creek condo an out- standing beauty. This plan 3 has 3 bedrooms and a family room all on one level-with . a lavishly land- scaped patio-a most popular model In a very popular area. Hurry $375.000. SHHH!-Very few people know where Beacon Bay is and even fewer will ever experience this quiet secluded area-on the bay near Unda and Harbor Islands. Thia duplex Is steps from the tieach- needs a lot of love and care. but will provide much In return $395,000. ENGLISH TUOOR CONDO 2 beef. room plua den beam celllngs, near shopping and check out the ·financ- ing. $197 ,000. ' SLEEPER IN IRVINE TERRACE. J'hree bedrooms, aapa for outalde entertaining with a back yard bay view. $350,000. SETil..E IN SEAVIEW-Hmnpton model with 3 bedrooms on quiet aaa.....c. guarded gate spa, ~ met ta1n1L SSH,000 • WE'ii TURNING Titl HOUSE UPSIC>I DOWN ... loc*lng fof buyer9 and sellers who eppr&- ciate cu colorful, COf .aentioua wev of doing bulinela. Thoul9nds haw *-dy er'foyed our Unique 98fvice and they lfnile Ind uy, 'Wllh we'd heerd llbout you '°°'*·'' We will stand on cu Unique heeds to hear about you 80Qf'8f. Buy OI ... '991 •11118 1he Unique .,,,.., . WONDERFUL NEIGHBORHOOD -See this 2 bedroom. den, ft re- place, family area, assume financing in Harbor View Homes. $215,000. CALIFORNIA DREAMIN'-with earthtones, picture perfect, pool and spa and crown moldings make this a dealt $297 .500. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW Homes this 4 bedroom Portoflno model is one of the lowest priced and you own the l~dt Fireplace, bonus room. owe $335,500. BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY-See this Monaco model ln Se.awtnd, Mexican pavers, fruit trees and low· price. $269,500. A1TENTION INVESTORS-Very nice 4·plex in good Costa Mesa 1oca.: tion, excellent ftnandng. $235,000. OCEAN VIEW-At ihe Venallle. Two bedrooms, 2 bath•, fireplace. Lovely neutral decor and very attrac- tive ftnmdng $265,000. IMAGINE BALBOA ISLAND- 4 bedrooma, ....,... muter bedroOm , large kitchen oa little leland. ~iew. s.195.000. . UNIQUE IN NEARBY LOCATIONS HUNTINGTON BEACH COZY GREAT BEGINNING home-2 bedrooms. fireplace, sun- deck, and more near beach. $92,500. SANTAANA SUPER CONVENIENT LOCATION -Woodside Vllage Condo, 2 bed- rooms, 2 baths new carpet, good ft· . nandng. $86.900. OWN THIS-Darling 1 bedroom studio, &ea&rity gate, community pool, lush landscaping and great financing. Only $74.500. LAGUNA BEACH UNIQUE IN LAGUNA-This secluded 2 bedroom, 1 bath condo, on the ocean side of coast highway, Is perfect for the second half of your life. One story with a peaceful view of the hills. $145,000. UNIQUE IN OLD.CORONA DEL MAR NEAT ON NARCISSUS one block to the beach, thla 2 story home i• south of the ..._way with new car- pet, rtch charm ·and 8Uper street appeal. Owner is extremely motivat- ed and will a>nskler any offer. $529,000. 11/2 BLOCKS TO BEAOI, 3 bed- room. 3 baths, large auurnable ~-Completely remodeled for you to move 1n: SSS0,000. hooANr HOME PWS lncome- 80uth of ........,.,. FNnCh doon, ""*-I ....... courtyard. Excel--~ 1495.000. • 12.fO/o INTERIST HAUOR VIEW HOME* Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2 bedrooms, den. fireplace and s pa! Low interest finan cing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759· 1501 or 752-7373. * WISTCUFF * I Jl/4o/o FINANCING when you take over existing loans on this executive home featuring 4 Br, 2V2 Ba & pool only $339,900. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. * I J>/4°/o FINANCING *. available on brand new townhome! Featuring 2 master s uites, enclosed garages and private courtyard. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • I J.200/o FINANCING * WOODllHDGI GLIM Sensational 3 Br, 2 story townhome w /super financing. "Birch Model" only $131,500. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * HllUTAGI PAD * SB'• FINANCING Absolutely smashing 3 Br townhome featuring central air conditioning & security system only $132,500. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. **PAI EIMO HAUOR VIEW HOME • * Totally remodeled by craftsmen ! Featuring freneh doors, wooden shutters, plank floors, used brick and pool and spa. FEE land with great terms! 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. ••VM GROVES• f l/4o/o FtNANCIN6 when you take over existing loans on highly upgraded former model. "Orangewood Model " only $141,900. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • $1,000 IUATE • On brand new townhome! Featuring privacy, 2 master suites and den/loft overlooking living room. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • 12. fO/o IMTEAIST HAllOR VIEW HOME * Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2 bedrooms, den, fireplace and spa! Low interest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * WATaNOMT HOMI PllVATE llEACH * Sensational 4 bedroom home smack on the water ! Featuring trench doors, fireplace, professionally decorated and private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 and seller will carry AITD ! 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. NEWfioiT IEACH OFFICE 2170 San Mll•I Drtve Ntwpoft.leoob, CA l2MO (714) 71•1901 LEASE WITH OPTION TO IUY $10,000 moves you into this luxury townhome on a , private lagoon in a guard gated community. Gourmet kitchen with Jennaire and random oak planked flooring . $1200/month. 556-7035. * TURTLIROCI S 1,279 PH MONTH ..• • Is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 bedroom executive detached home. Featuring formal dining, family room and fireplace. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive. Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. SJOOO IHATI Superb financing at a low interest rate available on this bright and cheery four bedroom two·bath home PLUS the seller will give you a $3000 rebate at the close of escrow. Asking $119.000. 556·7035· IZO/o MONEY! Spacious four bedroom pool home on large lot in desirable Westcliff area. Sellers will help finance b y issuing a trust deed . at 1217'. Ideal for large young family. Offered at $339,900 with one year home protection plan provided. 556-7035. ZSlO DOWN PA YMEMT On the water. Price slashed $10,000 to $214,000. Owner will finance . totally. Professionally decorated thru-out to model borne standards. 556· 7035 OWMEll FINANCING AT I ZO/o Executive home with soarin~ cathedral ceilings plus a solar heated pool and spa. Professionally decorated throughout, it's · ideal for entertainment. Fabulous landscaping front and rear .. Offered at $239,000. 556-7035 MASSIVE CUSTOM Ftllft.ACE Spend those romantic evenings bas king in the gtow from this massive fireplace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideally localed close to Westminster Mall & Goldenwest College. 9032 Adams, H.B. 556-7035 •;, ACRI EST ATI Completely remodeled home with new kitchen featuring custom oak cabinets, built-in microwave and trash compactor . Large form~) dining room has built-in oak buff et and cabinets. Huge detached garage has :Y.. bath & could be easily converted to guest house. Sacrifice for $174.900. 556·7035 * PAH<>bMIC OCEAN AND IAY VllW-CUFFHAV .. * Unbelievable VIEW home from spacious 3 bedroom home -on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club a nd ·channel. $650,000 FEE with great terms! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. . * LOW, LOW IMTHIST RATES * When you take over existing financing on super town home! Featuring 2 master suites, fireplace and $137,500 price. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. ' • * IMVISTOIS * * Bring builders and contractors! ! Have two units now-build another later? Developing Costa Mesa area. Great financing. $~,850. 759-1501or752-7373. HUNTINITON BEACH OFFICE · I032AelmMAve. Huntington leacll, CA 12141 (71•)111-70• <=--...... • 6--orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the OAJLY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982- 1be ultimate addresa at the end of a private road. 1be surroundings area nature lover's paradise: The quality and charisma is unparalleled in design for functional living, lavish entertaining and healthy recreation. . j MEWESTJ>.TE-h:r~~COURT1 ! Convenient ~una Beac -..-.. away rom the crowds, but cJ011e to all. A nature lover's paradise oo 1.88 acres with commandin1 pastoral VIEW of oceu, bills and night llehta. Total security, privacy and serenity. This quality tradJt.iooal home oo 3 levela offers the ultimate in finished details. Four bedrooms including 1,000 sq. rt. master suite, tennis room with full oak bar with brass rail, family room, sauna room. locker and weight exercise room, wine cellar and other details for tt.ie discriminating! Your own regulation lighted and fenced tennis court with ample observation areas. For a viewing and appointment. 873-QlOO. HOME FOil IMVISTOI Perfect 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on large lot. New carpet and paint. Owner will help finance. $114.000. 631·1400. .c- NEWPOIT oumT ST. On cul-de-aac. surrounded \y ~trees. Comfortable 3 bed. 2 bath with fireplace in country kitchen and living rooi;n. $175,000. fee. 673-6900. lt.MAC&l..ATl/flllSH IAUOJ>. IS. One ol the best priced homes oo the Island, near all ahopg. Spotless 2 bed~ plus brick patio. $295,000. m..oo. 117 Marine Avenue. WATERFROMTUTUAT! Fabulous panoramic view co-op oo Lido Peninsula in a aecu.rity build.in& close to all. Bright cheerful, open feeling. One bedroom. Owner will carry first T.D. at 12 percent. Rediaced to $258,000. LAIR DWUX IY llACH Great condition and 8ood tenants in this 4 and 2 bedroom property. Some vie% and just a "atone'• throw" to beach. Good nnancill1 available. $39,500. CUFHAYIMDWLIX Cbarmill1 2 bedroom bome wltb ak7ll1bta. Plua 1 bedroom rental unit. Botb have flteplacea. On lar1e Jot. Solar heated pool ad ape. 1'llree patios. Super loc~. a.Need to $125,000. SI 00,000 PllCI llDUCTIONI Perfect in every detail on Lido Isle. Gorgeous Country French 4 bedroom, 3"°' baths. 3 fireplaces, plantation shutten, brass fixtures. Hardwood fioors, beautiful tiles, 1olden oak staircase, matching wall coverings. Muter suite with spa and fireplace. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens View from master suite. Reduced to $560.000. 631·1400. llG CANYON 'I I Y•W View from all rooms! Courtyard entry lo this townhouse with 2 bedrooms pltAS den. Privacy and serenity. Beautiful decor. Tennis, pool and spa. $350,000. 631-1400. • LMSl/OPl'ION OPPORTUNITY! New luxury coodos, just steps to Newport. Bayfront and walk to beach! Great location and unus ual quality in this 2 bedroom townhouse condo. Owner offers nexible terms of SlS,000. Cash down, $2,000 per month lease and a one year option to purchase for $319,000. Four total condo units available with flexible financing plans. Brochures and details available on site or ~215 19th St. off Balboa Blvd . COllONA DB. MAil CONDOS Soaring 26' open beams, solar Jlass, new spa plus interesting levels and generous rooms. Unique 3 bedroom plus den on comer, with many amenities and lots of square footage. $350,000. We have 2 available. One at S32S.OOO. YU-1.0CJ>.TIOM-YU! Especially large tri-tevel home with beautiful decor by decorator throughout. Hospitality and luxury in this 3 bedroom. formal and mirrored dining room, huge family room plus large bllli.ard room suite. For the "health enthusiast" a saWUl room p.lus private spa. UNQUESTIONABLE VIEW OF OCEAN AND BAYFRONT close-up. Owner will help finance. $895,000. IXCWSIVI Y•W HOMI Panoramic close up vjew of bay. ocon llnd night lights. Spacious, open and potentially formal home with large living room, family room. formal dining room plus 3 bedrooms. Marble bath master suite and 2 large view decks. $795,000 FEE. . TWO UNIT5-aAL IS. ·Woods and warmth in a 2 bedroom home plus 2 bedroom apartment with deck plus guest unit with bath. Steps to north bayfront. A valuable rental property $360,000. 673-6900. NEAi MOITH IAYROMT Only 4 years new with appealing interior. Large 4 bedroom, 3 bath home plus l bedroom apartment. Three fireplaces, cathedral ceilings, 30 year loan for approximately $250,000 assumable at 13.75% owner motivated. Submit all offers. $460,000. 613-6900. COUMftY &IG...CI. unu IS. Charm, elegance ahdevery decorator amenity in this 3 bedroom home with brick patio and french doors. Also one bedroom plus maid's unit on corner. Easy atept to bay S.'575,000. 673-6900. 1510 Abalone Place, Bal. Ia. '• C~YNIAAIAY Open with loads ol wood, sJua and warmth. Young 2-atory wltb aoartn1 tellings. maater aulte wltb balcony overJook in1 Jiving room p lus I other bedrooms, familY room and dining room. Excellent "sold coast" Jocat1on. Call for detaHa on loan available. "31,.000. Gl-1400. •YINE TIU.ACE Open le airy 3 bed. home with large kitchen. fam.rm. with fll'eplace & open beam.s. nice patio and back yard. $245,000. 631-1400. llAUTIFUL OM WJ>.Tll Impeccable quality and goof taste in this warm and open family home on the water. Classic interior with 2 bedrooms plus den and large landscaped patio with spa, fountain and fire ring. Your own boat slip right out your door for 45' boat Owner will help finance for qualified buyer. $618,000on fee land. 631 ·1400. INCllDllLI UNDJ>. ISU LINDA ISLE 2-story with 4 bedroom plus maid's room, formal dining room, large family room with step down bar and country kitchen. Landscaped to perfection plus bridge over dip. pool and spa. Jt.395.000. Slip for 3-boats. NICI UDUCTION. • • .IA YMOMT Great location with panoramic vu of boating activity and night lights from large patio. Spacious 2-story home with every necessity for enjoying living and outdoor entertaining. Pier & slip for 2 boats.· ASSUMABLE LOAN OF S900.000. $1,495,000. fee. SUBMIT YOUR EX CHANG ES. IAUOJ>. ISL LOT • PLANS Drive by 309 Sapphire and call for details. Plans for single family home approved and ready to build. Reduced to $329,500. OW build lo suit for total package. $500,000. - r LEASl/OPTION OPPORTUNITY! New luxury condos, just steps to Newport Bayfront and walk to beach! Great location & unusual quality in this 2 bed. townhouse condo. Owner offers flexible terms of $15,000. cash down, $2000. per month lease al\d a one yeal' option to purchase for $319,000. Four total condo units available with nexible financing plans. Brochures & details available on site at 209-215 19th St. off Balboa Blvd. 631-1400. IAYRlONT-6 llDIOOMS Unobstructed wide "waterfront'' view from this open and spacious home with large brick patio and pier for two 55' yachts. Convenient location and especially large living room, elevated dining room. large bar, family room plus island kitchen. Huge master suite with marble flreptace and breathtaking view of all. A very comfortable noor pJan with a feeling of privacy! $1,950,000includes land. 631-1400. I UNOISRUCTID YU Premium street with estate size grounds. 75 n. frontage, 2 legal lots and panoramic VIEW of ocean and jetty. Early Newport residence with 'the charm and quality of bygone days -wood paneling, moldings and large rooms. $1,350,000. 631-1400. HAllO&aW ... ICHMANOI 180 dqree VIEW ol Bay, Ocean and niebt Ugbta. Matnlf\cent quality and detail tbrou1hout this 5,800 tq, fl Reeidence. Formal home with 4 bedrooms, llbrarf, formal dininl room. imm""e family room and 11amorous muter suite with fireplace, aundeck sauna and spa. lmpresalve and custom for the t,:!cular homeowner, in the beat tradition of this XIV MllDOC' hou.se. •uoo,ooo ree. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC . REAL ESTATE Sales. Re.-als. PnJperty Mana~menl 315 Marine Avenue Balboa Jsland ... SUN AND SNOW ~750.000 Secluded waterfront home with 36' boat slip and wide water view. Conversation fireplt in Living room, fireplace in huge master bdrm suite with 2 walk in closets. 4 skylights, wet bar, beautiful plantation shutters thruout. Don't miss this property. Call for financing posslbililies . Condo in Vail, Colorado included in package at this price. Truly a year round package. Don't miss it. call Coldwell Banker now. 894-7521 ZERO PERCENT INTEREST Seller will consider zero pertent interest offers. This former model home has the Island location and quality you want. From the gated courtyard through the double doors and expansive ti le enlry. Your eye is taken back by the soaring t•ei hng and double fireplace. Your home provides spacious living and dmmg rooms. JS' main channel boat dock, bubbling spa. Gourmet kitchen. security systems and wetbar. An Exclus ive By Coldwell Banker. call now 894·7521 LIKENIW INCllDllU TBMS This new home bas raised entry, large living room, spacious dlning room, bright kitchen with bay window, looking al huge spa on Redwood decking. 3 lar ge Bdrms, 2~ bath. Great terms complete the package. Call Coldwell Banker for details. 894·7521 IN-LAW (i>UARTERS Located in beauUlul Westminster Village. Eleeant 4 Bdrm 3 bath has l bdr and bath downst.a.irs. Large living/dining room, den w/wetbar & firenlace + 3 car garage. Close to We~tminster Mall and Fwy. As king ·$2:1.5,000. Call 894· 7521 INVESTORS SPECIAL 6+ bdrms in downto)a Huntington Beach! R-2 zoned for 3 units. Assume large tst. Asking S~.000. Call 89M521 · SJSS,000 SWIM. SUM. CMX.F Spacious and ele1ant and location. All wrapped lnto this 4 bedrm 2'AI bath pool home. Close to fwy & shopping & golf course. ·Features include: huge family/living rm. den and master bdrm w/rlreplace. Plus Lar1e bon\.15 rm. Call 894·7521 FOREST E. OLSON, REALTORS TALL& PllOUD Double entry greets your guest. Warm Interior design accented by bold use or glass and plants. Unusual. but tasteful. Act rast on this executive's special. Ju.st listed. 962-5585 5 IDRM IARGAIN $148,500 Spacious 5 Bdrm plus 2', bath ramily home. orfers formal dinrng and bonus sized family room with wetbar. serious seller will carry balance ~1th reasonable clown Hurry, act nO\\ 962 5585 SMART START $83,900! net off on a smart start in '82 with this spacious end unit condo. Ouiet courtyard location. $10,000 down & owner will carry balance with payments to fit you r pocket book! Al this price and terms il can't last! Hurry & call 962·5585 SHOWPLACE TWO IN OMI Tasteful, custom wall coverings enhance this spacious family home. 3 big bedrooms plus J7'Xl8'bonus game room complete with full bath & bar, great for separate guest or In-law quarters. Seller willing to obtain financing to fil your needs . Just lis ted and anxious! Don't wait -call 962·5585 S 13,000 DOWN That's all one needs to go subject to this loan balan~! Hidden on quiet cul de sac sits this sharp family home. Large open kit.chen. Covered patio. Near new carpets & roof. Own er is ready to go at only 1119.000' Hurry can't last. call 962·5585 llG & VACAHT Brick courtyard entry enhanced by lush plantings. Spacious floor plan orfers sunshine kitchen with adjacent laundry room. Family room w/cozy fireplace. Solar heated pool, large cov. patio, decking & fire-pit -all In a very private setUn1. Reduced to SU6.000! Now vacant for IHl poeseuion! ~harry -call 112-6585 SI 22,000! MESA VERDE Can you believe this price in prestigious Mesa Verde? Owner 1s anxious -you gain! Spacious home with loads of pnvacy and easr care ) ard. En1oy Costa Mesa's best address now! Call 645 OJOJ NEWPORT HEW CUSTOM Designed and built for contractor Quality! Numerous amenities. Security gate. Must see. Only S249.000. Call 64.5·0303 OLD FASHIONED CHARM Is fresh as spring! Brick fireplace, plush carpets, hardwood noors. Cheery kitchen. Large covered brick patio. Separate garage. Huge yard. Priced to sell fast. $135,000, hurry! Call 645-0303. TROPICAL SPLIHDOll Gently swaying palms beckon you. Enjoy privacy and seclusion beside sparkling pond m your own back yard paradise. Fruit trees, separate storage area. Charming home features brick fireplace plus 4 large bdrms. Only $1.22,900. Call now. 645-0303 NEWPORT CONDO Approximately 1~ miles along regional trail.a. Exquisite townhome features tile entry, fireplace. 3 kine aiie bdrma. Charmine covered peUo and mini yard. Near acres ol. perk and trails. Take advantage now ol. this terrific buy. CaU 645-0303 WIMIUTOM WINta! Exciting near new home! Soarinf! celµngs, 2 Cireplaces, wetbar, gourmet kitchen with sunnr nook, spectacular master suite tvith skyhghl. Loads of used brick e nhance fountain, spa and gaiebo. Community pool, spa and tennis courts complete this winner. Fantastic opportunity! To see call 645-0303 .-wPOIT llVIHA Onty $129,500! Huse townhome has cozy fireplace, cheery ramily room, remodeled kitchen. King size master suite. Sunny private patio. Community pool, spa & tennis. Best buy! Call 645-0303 111111 Would you like the convenience of a condominium but, security, privacy and appreciation of owninc )'OUr own home? You can have It aJll Unique designer owned buntalow, charmlq Eutalde Cost. Mesa. One o( a kind. HUrry! MS-OllOI t9WPOl1' av•rs Exclusive Newport community, spacious 2• atory condo overlookln1 lua·b 1reenbelt. !rUc>Y Jl'Wtlce.. privacy1 low maintenance ancl eonftftlence ev~ aayt To aee -call today I MM303, OPEN 7 DAYS A Wiii, 1:30~M TO •PM W. HmtitltlR Beac' (714) 114-7521 (213) 591-3328 It £m"m & Ellpr, ~J. LH•t11tt11 ·11· (714) 112·5515 (213) 512-1525 at 111111111 st 11an1111, u. Clstl Mesa · 0M)l45im 11..-1•-.c..1111 &-orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Sup plement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982- S&CATAUMA! From this beautiful VIEW home . Tratiitional CAPE COD design with 4BRS, 3 baths, fam. rm & pool:. $590,000 with the BF.ST TERMS! Open Sunday 1·5. RAE RODGERS 631-1266. ..wroaT HEIGHTS That CHARMER you see and want to own!! COUNTRY COTTAGE has it all plus 3 car parking! Owner finance. $250,000. RAE RODGERS 631-1266 EXCWSIYI umNG in NEWPORT HGTS. From tear-downs to 4 Bdrm homes. Call RAE RODGERS. for information. 631-1266 COit& LOCATION 3 br home in C.M. with add-on family room, new roof, R.V. storage. Only $115 ,000 . BILL KENNEDY 631-1266. 11/J t• IS TO llACH 2 br-2 bath condo. With only $15,000 down. $905 per mo. pays a ll. BILL I KENNEDY 631 -1266 I I HASrT AU. . Well maintained pool home in Mesa Verde + R.V. access + large family t room + low price. BILL KENNEDY 631-1266 WAT ST ADEil Remodeled 2 br, lrg. lot in C.M. Only $89,900. B!LL KENNEDY 631-1266 MBA VBtDE ULU 3·2·2·2 Great T erms. $315 ,000. BILL KENNEDY 631·1266 MISADB.Mil 4 br party home with pool-spa. Jus t in time for summer. BILL KENN EDY 631-1266 COl''G'PAU 3 br family home on lrg. lot. Priced for quick sale at only $1'19 ,000. BILL KENNEDY 631-1266 MISAVIUE Perfect starter or investment property. Assume $162,500 F .H.A. loan and sellers will carry $10,000. 2 br condo -$96,900. CSlll ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 DOVER SHORES Beautiful Spanish style 4 bedroom pool home on fee land. Loan is assumable and seller will carry large second. Price $420,000. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 GOLF COURSE One of a · kind. contemporary custom home located on Mesa Verde C.C. golf course. Secluded courtyard w /pool & spa, paddle tennis court, 4.bdrs .. lg . fam . rm. & panoramic view. Call JACKIE HANDLEMAN for private ~howing 631 ·1266 MESA VERDE IEST IUY Prime toe .. 4 bdr •. s ingle story. Secluded ~ spa amid lush landscaping. Priced to sell at $218.500. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 COIJ.EGE PAU Spacious 3 bed 2 bath home with hig h assumable loan. Low interes t rate. Only $129,900. Submit terms. Call Robe rt Milliken 631-1266 S.. & SUaF VllW s bed 3 bath has ever y conce1va~)~.: amenity imaginable. 3 levels complete ly custom r emodeled. 2216 Poppy is just steps from the sand. Open House Sunday Tim Rhene 631·1266 12>/4°/o 100/o LOAN 420 Dahlia has luxury al your fingertips. 3 bdr 4 bath gourmet kitchen, solid oak doors & cabinets thrdughout. An old Englis h home that can't be beat. Open House Sat-Sun 1-5 Tim Rhone 631-1266 I . SIAYllW UASI '4 BR3 BA F .R., D.R., city & ocean view. I Grd. gate, pool & tennil. *1700 per mo. · Bob or Dovie Koop. 759-1221. IA YRlONT UA.11 2 BR 2 BA. Huae L.R. Super Bayview· S'l!riO mo. Bob or Dovie Koop. '159-1221. EXEC. -.OUS ISTATI NOWS67J.OIO A price decrease of $25,000 makes this property a SUPER value! Custom golf estate home. 200' fairway frontage!. 5 BR, 4lh BA, formal din. rm., recreation & hobby rms. z frplcs, f am rm, ~un~ct, porch, pool & .spa. Panoramic vMiws from most rooms. 3 car 1a.r. Storage galore. Call Bob Licata 759-1221. Wltt.IWWWOMI' llST MISTMIMT Four bedrooms, 3 ~·· ftlrmal dining room, famj.ly r~» tc.hen. Huge master suite ' view, new carpeting. 40 ft. J•' doc • seller carry lst T.D. Bob ~r Dovie Koop. $575,000. COSTA a llSA ll-2 I. W Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den. Huge livin& room with d.inJng combo. Large corner Jot with room to park 8 autos. $130,000. Bob or Dovie Koop. 759-1221, 760-WM>. . HA•C:.•81LIASI Four bedrooms, 3 baths, formal dining room, family room, study, beautifully decorated, larte decks, fabuluos vie~. Private guarded gate, pool and tenrus. Sl,200 a month. Bob or Dovie Koop 159-1221. CM•o•••••••s Oee.in, view. re-decor.. and remodel 3 bedroom, 2 bath, formal dining. Very larie yard, private beach. $339,000. Bob or Dovie Koop. 759-1221. · T N1WPOD caiT CONDOS ' Largest models with bay and ocean views. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Fr. wet bar. Outstanding buys at $210,000. Bob or Dovie Koop. 759-1221. Ml\WOllT CllST CONDO Two bedrooms, 2~ baths, loft, highly upcraded, oak floors, beautiful papers, oce• view. •.ooo tat at 12%. Priced at $110,000. Bob or Dovi~-Koop 751-1221. I OCIAt .. OMr -OCW•IOMI' Convert this ex. tarp duplex to your private residence ai:d live oa the finest · 1 beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%, j 2nd of $250,000 at 10%. Steal at '850,000. LAI YllAS-COtMl PllMI Five ac. downtown. zoned bigb-ri1~ commerdal, bas small motel and trailer part, plans for apartments, must sell. Great financ.ina available. 2.1 million. Bob or Dovie Koop. CM•OlllOIB Fabulous ocean and coutllne view 3 bedroom, 3 bath, formal cliaing room, family room, study, large pool and courtyard, private beaches. $125,000 Fee. Bobor Dovie Koop 7Sla21. Utl»A 111.1ftMI BreathtaJdna bay view. 2 boat dMb, room for 4 boats up to 74 ft. 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, game room, formal dining, Bob er DoYhr Koop 751-1221. AtmOUll 19UC• ...... a Br 2 Ba shake roof. Lots of used brick. Large lot. Now $127,000, $107 ,000 Assumable loans. Effect int. of 133, $1187 per mo. Aat. Alan Minor 759-1221, 842-1202. ... -Lowest priced two bedroom, two bath near So. Coast Plua. Call Alan Minor I 7S12'll, 842-1202. fllTTHIMOST... . I for your money, 3 Bdrm plus lg family rm with z sets of sl. glass doors overlooking landscaped yard. Upera~ed. Walking distance to shops & schools me. Orange Coast College. Only $134,900. Rita W"rtnauer. 759-1221. Sl'ICTAcll +a YllWI Lagwia HWa 3 Bedroom 2 Bath condo. Good financing. Vacant. Anxious owner. $131,000. March Cimino 759-1221 AU. ADULT COt8MUTY 2 Bedroom 1 'r'.l Bath condo. Security gate.pool-tennis. Owner will help finance. $130,000. March Cimino 759-1221. MrMIWl8UllS From Your Presetit R/E lnvestmE;nts. For Counseling, Problem Solvmg, Exchanges, Call H. Rosenberg. 759-1221. DISlllATI Must sell th.is week! New 3 Bdr 2'r'.l Ba in Newport Hgts with all amenities. $179,000. Jeanne Salter. S1IP IMrO YISTllYIAll Brand new 4 Bdrm Victorian masterpiece with ocean vu. Located in Old Corona del Mar. Excell. financing avail. Call Ron Salter, 7~1221. SOLnWI New listin& in lleu Verde. Spadous 4 Bdrm + pool. Quiet comer lot. Lovely nelehborbood sin ,000. Owner auis(ed financinl . ._ ar Jeanne Salter. . SIAfilW llAUTY See the bay, Catalina, the world. Interior ls just beautiful. Lovely landscaping. ~ Bdrm family rm, K assumable loan. Prin. OnJy. lla.rcia Redell~ 759-1221. lffllTGrS --HT Low down IOOd trema, 1 Bdr. condo, lovely p0ol, Jae. Marcia Reddick, 759-1221. SllMIDOWM 3 Bdrm condo near So. Cout Piasa. Best loactioo. Fiexible financing. Jeanne or Ron Salter, 758-1221. . separate guest ring, pool. Seller carry 1st TD or trade industrial or office b'Jilding. $2,100,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221. TmST -lffllT• •ns Ri:JA'A~V Irvine-N.B. trust deeds. Call for latest VT...... , ::i:i21%' ~. 1-3 yrs. Crall Gl~s, . ••••ilHT MHlili-liOlas 15 OORPORATE PLAZA; NEWPORT BEACH 759-1221 ZM EAST 171H STREET, COSTA MESA 631.:1266 .• ___ ,.._ ---.. -· --. - .. u _..., te..-.orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6. 1982- --~ ........ ~~'--~~~~-~ ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#4rcr~~OUdrvTcrir~es~tr.~wv.,aubr-g~.~lr-v~~~~- 5.51-:.xx> $209,000 Sat /Sun 1-5 ~Lugonia, NptShrs . NB 675-6670 $174,900 Sun 1-5 •28 Miners Trail (Northwds) Irv 675-6000 $199,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2'.9l Redlands Dr <Back Ba_y ) NB 6.11-18.51 $259,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 #3Vienna. Npt. Bch 644-7020 $475,000 Sat 1·5 i.93 Galaxy <Dover Sh rs) NB 642-5200 $495,000 Fee Sun 1·5 23 Mainsail (Jas mn Ck> CdM 552-2000 ms.ooo Sat/Sun 1·4 This Weekend ! Keep thk handy dir ectory with you this weekend as yolf go house-hunting. All the locations listed below are de~ribed In greater det ail elsewhere in today's DAILY PILOT classlfted .els. Patrons advertising open houses for sale or rent in The Daily Pilot may list such information in these columns each Saturday and Sunday. 542 Harbor Isl Dr (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat 12-5 Sun 1-5 • 1993 Prt. Seabourne < HVHrns > NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sat1Sun 1-5 ·~Maui Cir. Costa Mesa 6.11-1266 $320,000 Sat 1-5 HOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDIOOM •8Sandbar, CdM 675-53?0 $445,000 ~Oriole Dr., LB 494.9704 $189,000 Sat/Sun ll-2 • Sunday 1·4 1600 Balboa Ave (BI) NB 759-9100 ~9.500 ';JJ'1 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $220,000 Sat 1·5 Sat 1·5 2 IR plus FAM RM or DEN •19 Curl Drive, Jas mine Creek, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11 -4 417Seville, Balboa Penin, NB 675-5134 $415,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 •2 Maritime Dr, Jasmine Creek. CdM 644-9060 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $595.000 Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave, Balboa Island 673-6900 $295,000 Sat Sun 1-5 #4 Oakgrove, Wdbrg. Irv 5.51-J(XX) $186,900 Sat Sun 1·5 ~.C,liff Dr. Newport Beach 546-2313 $429,000 Sat 12-4 : 30 HOME plus INCOME 2 1R&l lR 244 E. 15thSt. Costa Mesa 675-1771 $245,000 Saturday 1-5 3-IEDROOM •1974 Pt Locksleigh Pl <HVH l NB 644-2573 $274,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 1911 Court Ave, Newport P e ninsula. NB 675-4746 /675-2291 $399,000 S /Sll-6 ••126E. Balb6aPI (BalPen) NB Nwpt Bch 1·524-~ $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1<176 La Mirada, Arch Bch Hts, LB 49rl-9704 $269,500 Sunday 1-4 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach 675-1771 $275,000 Sunday 1-4 ~!Arnold (Central) CM 642-5200 ~.500 Sun 1-5 1812Dover0r, Westcliff. NB 673-7:n> $185.500 "" Sat t-5 '312Poppy,Coronadel Mar 644-9000 $425,000 Sun 1-5 1614 Santanella Terrace. Cd M SS2-2(XX} $299,000 Sa 11-3 /Sun 1-4 G> DeSola Terr (Corona Hinds> CdM 675-6000 $350.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 425 Gloucester (Cape Series) CM 642-5200 $145,000 Sun 1·5 ••1418 w. Bay, Perun Pt. NB 675-6161 Sl,200,000 Sat 1-5 1723 Abalone. Balboa Island 673-6900 SS75,000 Sat Sun 1·5 ~Ocean, Corona del Mar 6.11-1400 $1 ,350.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 418San Bernardino, Npt Bch 6.11-1266 $279.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1824 Port Sterling. Hrbr Vu, NB 644-4910 $225.000 Sun 1-5 1 Rue Fontainbleau. Big Canyon. NB 640-5777 S>00.000 Sunday 1·5 W8Columbia. Costa Mesa 646-7434 $129,900 Sat;Sun 12-4 . 3 IR plus FAM RM or DEN 219 Memphis. Huntington Beach ~-7542 Sal/Sun 12-5 2Al00 Gourami Bay <Nig Shrsl Lag Nig • 493-4445 $235.000 Sat 1Sun 1-5 2A121 El Camino Capis trano. Dan a Pl. 493-(8).3 S795.00f) Sat Sun 1-5 2333College Dr. Costa Mesa 759-1221 $134,900 Sat Sun 1·4 ~Dorset . Costa Mesa 545-7091 $128.500 Home Sat 1-4 •1100 Sandpiper. Hrbr Vu Hills. CdM . 644-4910 S405.000 Sun 1-6 1007Tradewinds. Baycrest. NB 644-'9060 S325.000 Sun 1-4 #7 Bordeaux. Harbor Ridge. NB 644-9060 $589,500 Sun l ·5 4931 Hemlock. Univ Pk. Irvine 644-9060 $193.000 Fee Sun 2-5 • 1472 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores. N tJ 642-2510 S739.000 Fee Sat Sun 1·5 46Z7 Cortland, Corona del Mar 673-8550 . $359,900 Sat 1-4: 30 14:1> Serenade Terr. CdM 675-5511 $349,500 Sat 1Sun l ·5 958Cheyenne, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $134.900 ~Shipway , Baycrest. NB 642-823.5 $380. 000 F' ee 2113 Miramar. Penin Pt. NB Sat 1·4 Sat 1 -4 675-6161 $425.000 Sat Sun l ·5 62 Drakes Bay. Npt Bc h 640-9900 $.549. ()()(} Sat t-4 31CJ7 Gibralter <Mesa Ve rde> CM 645-0303 $177.750 Sat 1·4 ~12 RedJands ( E Side l C~t 642·6.'l>S $149.900 Sat 1·5 ID48Commodore Rd Nt>wport Beach 6.1Hl680 $45-3758 Sat Sun 1-5 With all the interest in real estate as an investment, don't forget that your home is also where you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing needs now. For a good balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Each one is required to be a real estate professional, actively engaged in real estate, and publicly committed to a written Code of Ethics. REAL TORS® are experienced in helping you find the right home for today and tomorrow. It coufd also take a heap o' look1n'. Before you start, call a REAL TOR® first .. ce ..... ,1(19 -:r-..-p1ili tor=r- 214 Amethyst. Balboa Island 644-9060 5i98,000 Sat 2-5 a>J.3 Redlands <Back Bay) CM 646-7167 $179,800 Sat /Sun 1-5 4 HDROOM ZJ3 Poinsettia. CdM 646-5096 Sunday 1-4 #1 Trafalgar. Npt. Bch 644-7020 Sl.895,000 Sat 1·5 2S46 Basswood St < E. bluff> NB 759-9100 $229,500 Sat 1·5 1412Serenade Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 759-9100 $)78,000 Sat /Sun 1-5 223 Via San Remo. Lido Isle. NB 631-1400 $560,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3202 Delaware Place. Mesa Verde. CM 545-9258 $139.500 Sat1Sun 11 -5 10161 Merrimac, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $139,000 Sat 1·5 4 IR pllll FAM RM or DEH 1020 Whitesai ls Way. Cd M 760-8702 5479,900 SaltSun 10-5 1844 Port Charles. Harbor View. NB 631·619'1 $319,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 aiG.STemple Hills Dr, Lag Bch 497-5454 g)95,000 Sat /Sun 1-5 133 Via Undine IL < Lido Is le) NB 675-7298 5735.000 Sat /Sun 1-5 •2106 Santiago (Dover Shrs) NB 675-6000 $.S.59. 000 Sat l · 5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Js le. NB 673-2S56or675-3048 Sat/Sun 1-5 2862Tabago (Mesa Verde> CM 642-5200 $173,750 Sun 1-5 ZllViaKoron (Lido Isle) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 2ALuc.erne. Npt. Bch 644-7oro $8.5.000 Sat 1-5 :rn La Jolla Dr. Npt. Hgts, NB 675-6670 $450,000 Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront, CdM 760-9333 s.595.000 Sal/Sun 2-5 #3San Sabas t1Ctn. Harbor Ridge. NB 640-5777 $2.3 million Sat 1·5 :ni21 Montauk Cr . Huntington Bc h 962-9597 $227.500 Sal/Sun 12·5 14 Burning Tree Rd. Big Canyon.NB 644-4910 i750.000 Sat /Sun l ·5 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982--11 125tSarflttmWay' tM'l:-cttM 644-4910 $420,000 Sat;Sun 1·5 101 Via Quito. Lido Jsle, NB 644-9060 $450.000 Sun 2-5 1715Galatea Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 644-9060 $498.000 Sun 1-5 ••1617 Bayside Dr, Yachts man Owe,CdM 644-9060 $1,795.000Fee S 1Sl-5 um Newport Hills Dr. HrbrVu,NB 6444910 ~5.000 Sat 1-5 1600 E. Balboa Blvd, Bal Penin 644-9060 $725,000 Sat 2-5 18l5Glennwood, Baycrest. NB 644-9060 $395,000 Sun l ·5 1511 Miramar, Penin Pt. NB 673-9060 s.595.000 Sat 1-5 7Trafalger. Harbor Ridge, NB 640-5777 $1.595 Mil Sat/Sun 1-5 33.1 Poppy, Corona del Mar 675-5.511 $598,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1915Chubasco Drive Irv Terr, CdM 644-6200 $360,000 Sat12: 30-4: 30 JiOO Blue Key, J.Ml. CdM 644-6200 $350,000 Sat 1-5 3484 Windsor, Costa Mesa 546-2313 5239.000 Sat 1Sun l ·4 :.124 Cleveland. Costa Mesa 646-7434 $134,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 14 Monterey Cir, Corona del Mar 640-9900 $389.500 Sat /Sun l ·4 1441 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. NB 548-5647 S420.000 Sat Sun 1-5 1912'2 Biddle Dr. Trtlrk. Irv 759-1501 $213.500 S at Sun 1-5 ~ Wimbldon Way, Wmbldn Vig. CM 645-0303 $255,000 Sat 1-4 5 IEDROOM aJ6l Basswood, E-Bturr. NB 673-7300 $232,000 Sun 1·5 ••7~Via Lido Nord. Lido Isle. NB 675-6161 Sl.500,000 Sunl-5 5 IR plus FAM RM or DEN •1211 Cliff Dr <Clfhvn) NB 642-5200 St25.000 Sun 12-5 Z752 Bayshorc Dr < Byshrs) NB 759-9100 g)75,000 Sat Sun 1-5 21 Monaco. Harbor Ridge &14-6200 583.5.000 Sat 1-5 - OR j)iilFAJTfM or DEM --- •70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $1,595 Mil Sat;Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM •2SOO Block Santa Ana Ave, CM 631~19'1 $129,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 23.'I> Elden, Costa Mesa 5.57-4579 SJ.17,SOOOpen Sat1Sun 1·4 4.5Canyon Isle. Big Canyon, Npt Bch 631-1400 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 zzn Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7300 $137,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 zzn Pacific Ave. Costa Mesa 673-7300 SJ.89,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •2.5Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn. NB 673-7300 $'265,000 Sun 1-4 :30 •:rx>Cagney Ln jjlOl, Versailles 673-7300 $127,000 Sun 1-4 *21 Kialoa, Nwpt Crest, NB 673-7300 $179,500 Sun 1-4 •1003Dover Dr, Westcurr. NB 673-7300 S149.500 Sat 1-4: 30 1214 Rutland Rd, Westcliff, NB 640-5777 $123,900 Sunday 1-5 900 Van Ness, Costa Mesa 675-5.511 $140.500 Sat1Sun 1-5 lcn> Bayside COvc East. NB 642-8235 $325,000 Sal 1-5 1704 Westcliff #16. Newport Beal'h 673-4400 $129.500 Sun 1-5 411 1 2 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-5.511 $295,000 Sat1Sun l ·5 2 IR pllll FAM RM or DEN •lOCrest Cir. Canyon Crest. CdM 673-849'1 $16.5,000 Sat Sun 1-5 ~19th St. Peninsula. NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat Sun 1-5 •503Avenida Campana. Bluffs. NB • 673-7300 Sun 1·4 1018 Bayside COve East . NB 642-8235 S484.000 Sat 1-5 3 IEDROOM 873 Village Creek. Costa Mes«J 546-2313 $136.500 Sat 1-4 411 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-5.5U $335.000 Sat1Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE I IR plus LOFT 10 Navarre. Irv ine 640-9900 $159.000 Sat l ·5 3 BEDROOM •157Yorktown Ln. Costa Mesa 646-8396 SlO'.i?.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 ,MOBILE HOMES . FOR SALE I ta ... fAM RM or DIN l:X> E. Coast Hwy #113 Nwpt Bch 675-3347 ~).000 Sat/Sun J -4 :m E. Coast Hwy No. 270 Nwpt Sch 675-3347 *30.000 Sat /Sun 1-4 HOUSE FOR LEASE 4 • .... FAM IM or DIH •2242 lfeathe r Lane, Newport Beach ~ $1400 /mo. Sat /Sun 10·6 1t Pool • • Waterfront • • * W!nerf ront & Pool ... .. _, ' I-I • II-orange County Real E.aawJAn Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982- HARB(>RREALTl' IAYFIONT NOMI LJL~~13_f~rilil.L~~with 60Jee on the llu and _ ..-ivate pier and float. 4 bdrm . plus a convertible den. formal dining rm., deluxe workshop and dleerful bay view kikben with adjoining eating area. Large brick patio on the bay ideal for I I I • · eat.enaining or sunnine. Priced to sell at $985,000. LH. IWFfS -c· PLAN Terrific location overlooking the pool. Extra size 4 bdrm. C Plan with real old f asbion terms -only 10% down and owner will carry ·a 30 year fixed rate ~i,.)3 mortgage! Full price $299,500 L.H. Quick , • EJICl'OW is possible. OClt+ll'IONY CM•O •10111 ~ aettin1 willl waves breaking on the roeb and beach be'9w. A lovely 4 bdrm home, lite IDd *'1 with tots of .... to capture tbe view and 1111111 landlcaping. Formal diaiag rm., family rm., pnleaioul worbllop Md even a wine cellar. Jz.•.•· . CU•IWUI I .oated in Corona del Mar ,imC 2 blocks rrom town. A s...-Jeeation' investlllllltopportunity, c:ould use a little toemetic type fil,illtto •ximize rents. 2 bdrm. and 1 bdrm. units. Pnced virtually at lot value at on· ))'•.soo. WISTCUlf • Sl2t,5H ~ that's not the down payment -that's the full price for tMI llUrp 2 bdnD. cottdo just a short walk from Westdilf Plaza. Cbolce flnt Ooer location with printe enclosed ,aHo. Nicely maintained dewlapmmt with beautitul 1wtmmi11g pool. Owner will~._ LOTS l .. A~IEAIE . OCUM YllW LOTS Prime Corona del Mar Location with bay and ocean views. 4 contiguous oversized R·l lots can be purchased indMdually or all to1etber. Quiet location aw91 from swn11;1er crowds. Owner will finance with 25% .... s.-.ooo per let. CAlllTMf • HOISi l'MCH Secluded W only a few minutes from town or Dana Poillt Yacht Harbor. Fabuleus view all the way from ~ck to tbe oeean. Build the horse ranch of Jl9W' dreams on· the ~lie 5.5 acre site. $695,000 owner wiD fiaaace. APAlfl •If llTI 7.3 Acnl on Hilh'-d Aft. in San Bernardino. Hilb viaibilitJ 1tte •er CNMMD freeways easily lee9ibla to tile dolll nleJ. Approved for condoe. s.rcmlld by ......... $2,100,0IO. Ill ESTI El TS UUMllLA• ~••cw •u••• OD Marine Ave., lOO°k oecu~ with 3 apartments --...cl popular Mione'• Rlltauant. Asking $498,000 wiU. llttrattive terms. · COSTA ... A ••ar••• cmn• . Prime caner IDcdm oa Wiit 19'b Street leased to 4 reli.aile teunta. Oft'ertd dh 1ttr1ctiYe owner fmallttnl. Sf17 •• L.H. ------------......... w. ..._.,.,.Wt _.....,.,.Wt IAMOMf ....................... .......................... . ..................... . Attention 85' yacht owners. 4 bdrm, 3 bath oo main Lido Channel. YOU OWN ._... IOIZ .....,... 1002 lsmr.. 1002 ..................................................................... ,.. LAMM Shown by appointment PB9tSULA HOUIS ruy. OwneL.JilL.cauy_.lst-:J;...J.J--f=~~~~!!::::;-~ $1.~,000. __ .. ____ 2113~ OPINSAT/SUM l·S • SAVE: Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath. MIWPOllf CllST 3 Br 2ba with pool and mstr bdrm, ocean view, $425,000. This beautiful condo is decorated in :!·1 \:~~~~i~tJ~~ the finest ol taste. Furnishings can be this one. Owner will purchased. 3 bdrm + retreat, 3 baths. carry f 1 n 11 n c 1 n g G t terms $133,500. rea . <>Den house Sunday 12 s •Santa Monica Av GARDEN GROVE Look Prop. 546·3336 Ask for Walt 11.Ufff Tastefully remodeled ··Dolores''. Huge master suite with jacuzzi. Beautifully done kitchen, 3 patios for entertaining, security system. 2 bdrm + loft, 3 bath. View or bay & ocean. MAKE OFFER. 1Atel90 2 story, 5 bdrm, 3 baths, comer lot. Ba olfen new variable loan for 30 years. TIYs home needs n.c 6 save • Otber'\erms avaUable, call now. OCl:UW 6IHl'S 2 bdrm. 2 bath eadl unit. More than 1 parting space per unit. Prime Balboa Peninsula area. Opportunity for creative investor. LUTS91 Channing small 3 bdrm family home or rmta1 investment. Beam ceilings, larp used brick fireplace, huge yard w /alley access, quiet street. Ow.er vuy motivated. $147,500. MIWPOCT CllST End unit Plan 2. Immaculate split level 2 bdrqi, ~'h bath, dining room. 3 decQ, Steps to pool and tennis. Only $179.~. IMUllN.LY MAIMTAltB 3 bdrm, 2 bath Westcliff home. Close to schools, part and tennis. Room for expansion. Good financing at $185,500. Ya&.A IALIOA COl•O El\)oy ocean and bay views in this just lilted 2 bdrm, 2 bath with den, family room, dinin« room, fareplace le l1r1e windows to add more light. Security 1uard, pool ' jacuzzi. u.AMC:I OM L.-o 5 bdrm, cuatom decorated, is an exceptional value. Formal dinio1 room and family room. Lite, airy and spaclom. ..... mT""' 3 bdnn. 2 story Plaza Condo. Near shops, pool, ICboola. Only $131,950. HURRY!! MIWPOl1' CIBT 3 bdrm cCJDdo with ocean view, pool • tennis. Walk to beach. Owner to rwnilh new carpet. owe large 2nd. $195,000. !'------ m•~ ... )) 9· t a. A 17W9tt ~-......... Mo&..a.. .... ~dllal1WI• Worrt.1 I a....llelMHn· ~-hfb-4 tW ZI yn. ,...., ,... '1 ..._. '"9e Ttn'OCt J ... l .. ..... .. . .... , , ... . U4t.soo. 1436 S. 111• TtrNCt o...rs.,.w Mew.._ w/l lt•th ,_.9sch• ..... + pnt 4fr1 I ipe. ........ ....,., Wtty. 4 .... Ultrery & ........ Mew ••• t.re4 et SSH.SOO. JlJ,.,,,. S-rwt''A" D• ..... .Z Ir cwlo , .... Jo So. Coe1t ......... ,. ..... dutrlel •r••· ................ ................. Sl4t,SOO. tot V• ... c...c..w. "-"' ,.... ..... c_,..drel ctllleti. ............ Al .. S.. ef Hwr lecelt. Pr..t •It J ldr• SIJUll.1 .. _.2 Ir SHS.Mt er..., .. fw 411·411 1/J ..... . COLS Ol -f!ORT MAl.ftllll llH L c..e .....,. C-•-11Mltt . . R&M~ S7tllDOWM i.JAJ'f,RYJI!, an tfr«tlve latetttt rate of in.' 8dnn 2 balhl dou .... ..,.,,, Oii a arae lat. A 1DU1t '" for onl)' THF REAL !·-STATE RS 1411 W. UY onM SAT 1·5 West Bay bayfroot. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. Oceanfront. jetty views. Marine rm . 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. Sl,385,000. UOO ISi.i HOMIS 70IYIA UDO MOD SUM l·S Prime Lido Nord bayf ront. 5 bdrm. S bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings. $420,000. LN»A tSU IA YNOMY'S Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, S bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,3SO,OOO! IAY91 COYI Spectacular bayf ront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1,900,000. TllS VISTAs.MtSSIOM YllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath. guest house, pool. ~.ooo. BILL GRUND Y. REALTOR . . . ·. . . •• DRS SPICIAI. YI.I.A PAB YllW LOT Near$ million dollar homes. Seller will subordinate! Submit your terms. $.195,000 . RCTaylorCo ( "--lU 'h il - FOREVER VIEW! OF OCUN I MMMfl' U6HTS OPIN SPACIS & PADS Deluxe, 2 master suites, larAe airy rooms. Great financing. CountJ'y atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All for the loW price .m: SIJ7,0001 lllt,OM HAl.wPAT .... ·••n. 67J.7JOO Of9C HOUSI SAT.·SUH. 1-4 U71fAClllC ... Of WLSOMt flSA WEST . TIMlllMS -I -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982-13 IRVINE REALTY HIU.TOP ESTATE New home to be built on c·uslom lot overlooking Newport Bay in the exclusive community or Har bor Ridge. Large buildiAg pad & plans for this approximately · 10.000 sq rt. residence are available ror inspec·tion. S3.900.000. Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (813) 45' OH UDO IA YFRONT Mediterranean gracious living. Distinctive architectural details. 4 BR. ram rm, marble, custom tiles. Master suite w 12 full baths, & skylight dressing rm. Dock for large boal. $2,250,000 Dona Chichester 642-8235 (Bl4) Cot»fT'RY EHGUSH ESTATE • NEW OFFIRIH~ S BR cust-0m home w/views from every room. Dramatic circular s taircase, high ceilini.s & French doors. ram rm, stepdown bar & wine rm. Luxurious master swte w/spa & sauna. Full security. $2,100,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6290 (815) TRADmOHAL IA YFRONT With wonderful main bay view! 4 or 5 BR. 5V.Z BA, formal living & dining plus s pacious ra m rm & gourme t kitchen. Quality cons truction w/traditional flavor. Sl,795,000 w/seller financing avail Martha Marnab 642-823.5 (816) NEWEtl IA YFIOMT • OWNER FINANCED You own the land when you buy this s pacious Mediterranean style home w/docldng for up t-0 a n 80' yacht. 4 BR, 5 BA & convertible library /den. Liv rm din rm kitchen & breakfast r m. All overlooking the bay. Good assumable loan & owner w/finance balance w/reasonable down payment. Sl,700,000 Larry Oyer 642..8235 ( Bl7) DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT OH FIE LAND French Country 4 BR family hom e on the bay w /pier & slip. Designed to offer the ultimate in privacy & elegance. French brick noors , white washed cedar walls. custom fabric wallcoverings and large gourmet kitchen. Master BR wtfplc & bay view. Sl,475.000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (Bl8) SEE THIS VIEW & FALL IN LOVE! Close in front row location · Panoramic action view · Large lot -View from all rooms · Alarm system s pa. $950,000. Fee land. Call Helen Wood 644·6200 (819) NEW ON MAl...ICIT • PRICED TO SB.L!! Exceptional "Devonshire" $835,000 S BR. 2 story w/panoramic -view & beautifully upgraded. Relen Wood 844-6200 ( 8 20) HARIOR RIDGE • PRIY ATE COMMUNITY Newly listed sophisticated 2 BR Miramar offering library & den or third BR. Expanded & upgraded w/skylights -FreMh doors · Mirrored walls & delightrul private patios. Ocean & night light view. Steps to comm. 1>901. $675.000 Lynne Valentine 644·6200 (821) SENS.A TIONAL VIEW ... CORONA DEL MAR Front row location in Irvine Terrace! Custom with high ceilinl{s. spacious rooms including 3 BR. S BA, ram rm for billia rds & nifty den. Beautiful "Dream Kitchen." Owner w/consider small house or condo & will assist w /financing, $695.000 LJI Cathy Schwe ic'kert 642-823.5 C B22) YOU DOMT HAVE TO IE A MILLIONAIRE To own a Bayfront in Newport Beach. This one owner custom built home is in beautiful condition. 2 lg. fplcs. lg patio on the bay, lg master suite with glamorous bath and fireplace. J BR and your own rluck. $625,000 Fee Barbara Aune 642--8235 I 823) NEW IAYFRONT ·NEW PRICE! Never lived in! Balboa Island 3 BR. (am rm home with all amenities w quality quiet location · slip for 35' boat · You'll love this home . Reduced to $895.000! ! J ane Paquin 642-8235 <824) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 101 N. Bayfront Balboa Island YOU OWN THE LAND & 10.4 T SUP $595,000 Immaculate & beautifully furnished home on a sandy beach in a private community. Prof. remodeled. Open house SUNDAY 10 Balboa Coves . Newport Beach. SUNDAY 12-5 (825) PRICED TO SELL With terms to match. Beautifully decorated Spyglass Portsmouth -lushly landscaped courtyard surrounds a pool & spa . S495,000. Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes for financing. 642-8235 (826) SPYGLASS HILL • IEST PllCE View of Catalina from this beautiful corner lot location. Formal din rm for elegant entertaining plus eat in kitchen for t hose informal family get togethers. A must see $46.5,000. Sylvia Adams 644-6200 <B27l IMMEDIATE POSSESSION· FINANCING! Owner has moved from this spacious custom corner -lot home. Ready to sell-3 BR wtformal dining. lg fam rm + basement. $380.000 Fee Beverly Morphy 642·8235 <828> OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1-4 -2050 Shipway · Baycrest -Newport Beach PENINSULA DUPUX Fabulous financing · E xcellent location near Balboa Pier . 4 BR up. 3 BR down · good income producer. no maintenance. Only 10 yrs old. Good condition. $340,000 Julie Van Wier en 752· 1414 C829 > 1.4110.4 PENINSULA con AGE Absolutely charming 3 BR beach cottage located on s uperb Balboa peninsula corner lot. Steps to park & beaches. Outstanding terms! True seller motivation. $325.000. SuzanneShuler642·8235 (830) HARIOR VIEW HOMES Customized one of a kind home. 4 BR, Cam rm, study /den, skylights .. hardwood floors. wood t>eamed ceilings, garden windows. master bath w /spa. Seller w /assist w /financing. Long escrow possible. $285,000 Fee Land -Joyce Edlund 642-8235' ( 831 ) IONUS FOi THE FAMILY Attractive 3 BR home w/form al dining rm, fa m rm, breakfast area. 2v.i baths. Huge pool & detached qtrs. for guest or teens. Walking distance to schools & shopping. $275,000 Lois Egan 644·6200 (832) TURTLEROCI • llEH GARDEN HOME Montecito model featuring 3 BR. fam rm w/inlerior Garden C-Ourt. formal din rm, 2 fpk, & many upgrades. Great location on cul-de-sac w /fant astic view of mountains, comm. pool & tennis. $265,000 Sharon Smith 644-6200 (833) NEW ILUFFS ·TOWNHOUSE Single level "Linda Plan" on greenbelt 3 BR. 2 BA, 2 patios . Many extras Immaculate. $190,l>Oo L.R. Dkk Halde rman 642·8235 (834) PRICE REDUCTION FANTASTIC FINANCING For this 2 BR. 2~11 BA. form al dining area & patio. Only l 'tlt year:; old located near Harbor fli~h School & within walking distance of shopping. Sl49.000 Fee land Donna Go<tsholl 644-6200 <835 t IOUL SIBVICI. !OUJ. SHISPACIIOR. 901 DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT BIACH, CA 92660 (714) 642~235 1641 SAN MIGUEL DRIYI NIWPOrrT •EACH, CA 92660 •• I 1 · l l I I 14-orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement.to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Marc!' 6, 1982- Ho.Ms For Wt ...._.for We "°9Ms For W. "°9Ms For Wt "°9Ms For W. I Mo.sff For W. Mo.sH For Wt Mo.sff For Wt •.•.•.••...............•••...•...•....••••••••.•.........••..........•..........••..................••..•.•.................•...............•.......................•................... G...,.. 1002 ~ I 002 ~ 1002 ~ 1002 Ge•r• 1002 Ge•r• 1002 1002 ~ 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• llG CANYON IROADMOOlt $750,000 B eaut . 4 bed rm s . Fam rm wtfireplace. forma l din rm. 21'2 ba. Newly decorated rn soft pl easing colors. Beautiful new cptng & drapes. Ne w marble entry. Pool & s pa . CUSTOM-IUILT ARST TIME BUYERS 1 Br, Santa Ana ................ $72,000 1 Br. Irvine .................... $77 ,500 3 Br, C.M ..................... $113,000 3 Br, C.M ..................... $114,900 2 Br, E.side C.M ............. $119,500 3 Br, H.B ..................... $129;900 3 Br, C.M ..................... $129,900 All have excellent financing. Call now for a viewing appt. ·... I 4 IUINNG TltH ROAD SAT /SUN I ·5 English Castle In Laguna Beach, This 4500 Sq. Ft. Home Has It All ! Imported Carved Entry Door .- Sunken Bar In Game Room - Marble BAth In Master Bedroom - Stained & Leaded Glass -2-Story Fireplace & A Pool & Spa Complete The Picture. Appointment. Please. $79.5,000. SHARP UllTS Five pride of ownership E.side units. There are three 1 Bdrm units and two 2 Bdrm units w /garages & yard. Assume existing financing and owner will assist. Full price $.139,500. - llG CANYON COUNTRY CLUI Magnificent location o'lookiog 8th green of golf course. Majestic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdrms. lge formal din rm. fam rm. billiard rm. refrigerated wine rm. & 61'2 ba . Marble. fin est wood paneling. air cond .. + many custom features. $2,150,000 incl. land. May sell furn . B.IGAMT WATHFIONT -FIE UNO Extensively improved. 4 bdrms. J•fz ba. Teak library. Gourmet kitch. Superb master suite w I rosewood paneled sitting rm. Decorator.'s masterpiece. Sl.500.000 including land w 56' front on water. Lg. boa t slip. llG CANYON "VERSAILLES" Largest lot of all Deane homes. Golf course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like setting. Lovely pool, spa, & ga7.ebo. Gated front courtyard with fountain . Marble foyer w /glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den , formal din rm, 4YJ ba. $950,000 including land. HAllOI YU tll.LS •OADMOOI View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights. 4 Br, '2~ Ba, fam rm. 2 fplcs, community pool & parks. $420,000 including land, or $330,000 leasehold. Only $166.5 per yr ground rent uotil 1991. Owner will help finance. 1251 SUIRN WAY SAT/SUN l.S HAllOI Yaw ~S -rc>ITOAMO 4 bdrms, fam rm, 31h ba. Teen·ager's priv. suite. Comm. spa & pool. $345,000 incl. land. $52,000 dn. Owner finance. 1117 leWPOIT t&LS DI. I SAT l·I H+llOI VllW -W YA.ID Quiet, park·like setting. 179' wide rear yard. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Picturesque cul dt sac street. S bdrms, ram rm. $379,500 including the land. See now. S74.tl0 MMI So. COAST Pl.Ali Attractive 2 bdrm condo. A great starter home. Pool & spa. See now. HAllOI YllW HOMIS $211,000 Popular 3 bdrm ~onat'o mock! Formal din rm. M8J'\Y extras. Security system. Large auumable loan. 1114 POIT ~ SUM OMLY I ·I ... TOCUMYllW$411.• 3 bdrm, fam rm. Pool. Seturlly system. Vu ol night lights $70,000 dn. Owner will fmance. No new Joan fen. 11•uaa11a SUM ONLY t.S W11UY tl TAYLOI C~ llALTOU JlllS.. ........... ..... M,llllOIJWI CMI .. u. MMtll 88+.LD IA y MODll.M Ocean View Home. Superb Modem Styling. Sharp, Clear, Clean Features. It Sparkles, It's So Clean. Ex<.-eUent Financing. Undoubtedly One ()(The Best Priced Homes In Emerald Bay. $695,000. 1Mi CANYON Spectacular Golf Course Vie w Location! This Elegant New Listing ()(fers Privacy. 3 Large Bedrooms. 3 Baths And Family Room. 3·Ca r Garage & Lovely Gardens. You Will Enjoy Entertaining In Th is Dramatic Home. Priced At $850,000. Very Motivated Sellers. Excellent Terms! CUSfOM.IUl.T HOME Promontory Bay. Formal D.R. Den/Library. Master BR O'Looks Bay, Has Frplc. 3 Other BRs & Maid's Rm & Ba. Pier, Slip For Lrg Yacht. Owner Will Ass ist W /Financing -$1,850,000. EA.STIWff WI OI Llill/"'Of' .. PTl""IOH..,. Owner Financing. Flexible Terms. Large • Bedroom Lusk. Spacious Family Room W /Parquet Firs . Formal Living/Dining Area. 2 Fireplaces. Sunny & Cheerful. Beau:tif ul Mountain & Night Lights View. $229,500. PllCI llDUCTION LIASl/OfTION OI SAU Like New 4 BR 3 BA Home In Beautiful Westcliff. Detached Home On Fee µmet (You Own It). Owner Flexible. Priced At Only $275,000. SADDLI I.I' 14 HOISi COUMTIY Dramatic Home . Approx . 23 Acres • 4 BR · Pool . Spa . Park 8 Cars + R.R. · Great Location · Keep 3 Horses, Maybe More, On Your Own Property. $289,000. IA.LIOA ISLAHD $30,00Q Down Will Buy A 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home On Little Balboa Island. Asking Price, $349,500. Owner Will Finance. Submit All Offers. ® --........... llmdl lo ,.., plaoae to ht 1our 1durtl11111 place a fut-1ctln1 meua1• wllere tllt a...... M.. ta-51'11 rttdlrt are. eo.sm Corona del Mar. 4 bdrm plus 2 bdrm unit. Less than two years new. Used brick; french doors. Good assumable inancing. CALL (714) 851·9135. DANAE COIPOIATIOM RCTaylorCo 6 40-9900 JAW c•rt Sensational 3 Bedroom end unit located on a magnificent greenbelt. Professionally decorated with many upgrades. All this and outstanding rmancing is available for $CZ1 ,000. YllSA' I ff SAcmlCI Lowest priced 1 8d unit· in this highly regarded adult community. Guarded gate, pool, spa & rec. rm. Large assumable loan and owner will help in financing. Only $106,000. Dc.TIONAL VIEW is yours from this immaculately kept Spyglass home. 3 BR, 2 Ba. formal DR & Fam. Rm. Beautiful open mountain and city Hghts view. Excellent financing is available. Offered at $549.000. IAS'raWF Macco built 2 story unique f amity home. 4Bd, 3 Ba and large custom designed Family R oo m . Magnificent view. Large low interest assumable loan available. Asking only $299,950. HAllOl llNH SACllFICI Spectacular view and price on this newly listed 4 BR Lautremont model. Professiona lly decorated & landscaped. Wh at a val ue at $729,500. HuNflM5TOM HAllOUI Dl•MATIC HAllOI HOMI This just listed Huntington Harbor 3 BR with open Ooor plan vaulted ceilings, secluded pool & spa, impeccable decor make this a home for the truly discriminating . Offered at $389,500 with financing available. NIW ON TM MA.IDT De lightful & immaculate Peninsula Point 3 BR cottage. Low down · Approx. $202,000 in assumable ·~s ubj ect to" financing. Seller help financing. Seller is leav ing area. Superb corner lot. Steps to park & beach. Builders delight. Outstanding terms & true seller motivation make this a "one of a kind" Best buy · $325.000. S-Sllllet- "'-1445 H2 ... 2l5 AES10£Nl1Al REAL ESTAfE SERVICES PIMMSUU POtMT SJ4t.MO Pride ,.of ownership doll house. 3 BR. new kitchen. Open, spacious living area downstairs. Oversized garage. Pleasant brick front patio enclosed with white picket fence. Fantastic financing. --Orange County Real Estate/An Advertisl-ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March S.-1982-ll Ho.es for Sale Ho.Ht few Wf tto.IH few Wf HoMMI for Sale -few Wf Ho.Mt few Wf Ho.Mt few Wf tto.IH few Wf ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ~ 1002 ~ 1002 ~ l002 ......-1002 ~ 1002........ 1002 ~ 1004' 1002 •...•.•••.•.......••............................•.••... ,,... ............................................................................................................................ . CONDO STEALS! 3 :s.-0·w~. -2-s~ MODEL COND. TRY SlO.<XX> DN. or more. AS· SU ME 10 '1 I NT . PATRICK TENO RE. DON'TMISS THIS CONDO Lowest prTreiT and owner wtll flnanre lit low interest with 20<;1 down. High ly upg raded . private locatfon. com· mwtity pool, jacuui. rer room arid tennis courts. Won't last at $106.900. Call 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS Ill l?fALTOR If '(OU 0rr IO thr markrt~for a home Of you r own, you're probably in the mar Ii.rt for a home loan, too. A c.xiventional mortgage is usually the first Ii.ind th.it comes to mind, bul other alternatives do exist. These 1nGludc •privately insured loans • Gl·insurcd lo.ins • FHA/HUD•· insured loans • F .irmcrs Home Adminimation loans •urban "homestead" loJm • "housc·tn·housc" loam • vJridblc interest rate loans • grJduJtcd P•wmcnt rnortg.1gcs Jnd •HUD'~ suhsidi1cd homeownership progr<1m. To learn aboot 1he..c pos~b1l ities, tall.. to .1 mrmbcr of the NI\ TIONAL ASSOCIATION Of REAL fORS®bcforc you st.irt looking. REALTORS® arc real estate professionals, and forms of financing .ire pc1rt of their expertise. They can tell you what 's .iv.ulablc in your community, .ind how you can qualify. Creative firiancing could make the difference between a home that's just right and one that's just affordable. For valuable advice and assisuncc, call a REALTOR® today, •ftdfr1I Housln~ Admlnktrltlon/V.S. Oep1rtmt l'll of Hou.ins' Vrb1n Renew1I A public service of the .._. Clmtieds 842-9878 n@1 f\od what you wan't in Dally Pilot Classlrieds. ----- ··--........ cJ "'" ._ ....... i..i _d, bf ................... _.._dl I ANTORI I I r I I I . I PHCR I ,,, r 11 I I . OCliNVU R&IM~ GOl .. IOUS &IAY YllW ComPlete redecorated "Bayside Cove" 2 BR. den penthouse. Assn. pool, spa, pri. bearh Looks like model Great assumable · Try 20'1 I down or6 months o hon. Greatly reduce~ ro r mot iv a le d buyer 1484.000. Debbie Frati · 1 Macnab·lrvine Realty &c2·123S. OPIHSAT 1-5 IOlllAYSIDE COVIEAST MEWPOIT IEACH I I :l.' 1---r:l--...N _T.,.U_.,E~. Grandpa say• 11111 or1v1ng . j' I j j' maoe • lot more sen" wMI! ,, • --tht hOlse w0tt a lletntst and GU 0 0 E R r-"· 11 rl I •~~~~ -~lt--Not 3.,...... """' NUMlltfO llllltS IN 1Hrsr SOVAtt UNSCIAMlll.I l(IT!IS IOf ANSWfl SCUM-LITS A1ttwen ill~ 1010 MISA v.0.'S-mf.-- J CHOICE PIOfBT•S A 'f AILAIU 5 BR Buccola, pool & spa. Priced to sell at $200,000. Owner will assist w /fin. 4 BR.· Republic, pool & spa, 3 car garage. Xlnt ass um fin. $279,900. 4 BR Buccola, 3,000 sq.ft., assumable financing. $280,000. Exec area, nr park & 2 golf courses. To view, caU Pat O'Toole-Davis THI IEAl ISTATBS 546-231 l; 641-02'0 BEST IN BLUFFS · The following 5 beautiful end unit homes KlUDE THI LA.HD Rm..,.. 3 bdrm expanded. front row view. $.150,000. 2945 Quedada. ~ ~ 3 IDIM. 2'h bath, large enclosed patia;. $279,500. App't. I LIVll.. l year new. 2 bdrm. 2 bath. OPIH 1973 YWa def Oro SJOS,000. l llDM. 21h bath. 1982 Vista Caudal. $.J25.WJ. OflEN. LAIGIST I LEVa. 3 bdrm . Cam. rm. I.ge enclosed patios. $289,000. App't. IE.EN B. DOWD IEM.TOIS. .IMC. 644-0 I J4 •.fOOC-SrA ancrthal's no t a ll Beautifully maintained with many amt>nit1es that ma ke this ho~ a terrifiC' buy En ler through the enclosed courtyard and see ell that this home has to or fer. You'd be proud to own 1t. Only St6r>.OOO Call now979·S370. ALLSTATE REALTORS OWi BS MUST Pri~~Ut~n~is ARTIST'S RETREAT withprivate BEACH ACCESS in the sleepy ocean vill a ge of CARLSBAD. 3 Br, new earthtone careets and redwood decking with ri ch wood ton es SPACIOUS nie'~~~~~ie- jo. Have that open reel· mg In Uus large 3 Bdrm 3 bath home . I nC'I udes wetbar, fl repit. Frenrh doon and much more. Great terms available. Call fordeta lb. 646-717l THE REAL ESTATERS N~~.';!rma1 dinin(, 3 l'lr earage, dbl marb.le fplc In mstr. suite. bu&e walk In closets. Must sell! Reduced lo $595,000. 1511 MIRAMAR. OPEN SAT 1·5. DAVrDSON ~EALTT lhrouahout. SLASHED l\'1 time to plan for Lhal to Sta.500 so act NOW vtcatloll trlp. For extra by cillina cull. why not seU some w .... ac .. ..,.. o1 ·~·· d • 1714 .. __ " uiwc items you on l 1~~~··~·~._....~~~I need with a Clusll'led ~;i!(J I-_td_!&U_,_51'11_._~~~ -EASY MONEY - t-0 QJALIFYING BAO<~YK>ME llww ~ ~ Ofd lofl Roiled t.d-ood <~. ~II doq, 9Qlot• ~ ~ "'"*""-Radwood pollOi. 1112.an t).t\ __.. ._. StN,Ql ~7167 ... f -· -______ , ___ _ l~ange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982- HcMtMs for Wt . ! Ho11M1 for Wt HollMs for Wt 1 tto.et for Wt tto.Ms for Wt Ho.Ms for w. tto.Ms for Wt Hottws for Sale ·······················I······················· ••..•...••....•..•..... ······················-....••.....•••..•••...•.....•.....••••.•.•...•.....••...............•....•..............•... ~ I 0021.._.... I 002 eoro.. .. M• I 022 eoro.. .. M• I 022 Coda Mtso I 024 Cott. Mtso I 024 0.. Poe.t I 026 I 044 ....•........•...•...•. , ..•••••.......••...••....••••.•......•..•..•....••.••...•....•............•..•.............. ····~·················· ...•.••••••.......•.•..•.•..••••........••.•.. ,,SSOOODOWM FIXERUPPER Pnrereduc.ed·~ow200K $117,500 ER. WI. LL"~l.M,. _MU ..JUS.TJJUIAI ~it-home. Lowes!_P.nce in Ctl M_' _--" •• ii ...... __ _ -COSTAMESA comes with lht''land Tmr. TgT,"'""'Siira , ~twn · Ulg,20yrloan.Cute3 d M8alliflcetltlhlff SELL Beaut. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba . tamily rm. 3 yrs ne°" Great opportunity' Hurry! Susan Han. agt s.59-9400 COMMERCfAI. STORE <kcan vu. access to pvt 731·5000 Satl SH 1·4 P. Ba, approx. 18.~0 sq locafion overlooking on busy Nt:WPORT beach It your own pool. Ocean View, 4bdrm. 2ll6Elc»•AH. r1. ronvcniently located Dana llarbor Must see OPPORTUNITY! BLVD suitable Cor Located in pres11g1ous must sell, S37S.OOO to'"; _5_51-451! near NB shopping 10 apprer1a1e OPfo:N owner user S2S0.000' Ca meo Shores. this 4 down or partner~h1p SLS9,!kl0 Call qwrk Peg llOUSE Sat Sun I~ at lalloo loy Prop. Bdr 3 Ba home features Pnl!£ Onl~ ~·4682 -559 9400 24 7 21 E I Cam 1 no 4 BR 3 BA lHllton a dining rm w ocean \'U SHARP EASTSIDE Capistrano Beaut ;111r Call To m Baron . 6PLEX , home +se(larate lRr rnl 12.90°/o • 675-7060. 5$-9400. agt ~ OML y 15% DOWM tage. Swimming pool <effective rate I antf owner win 1inance $7%.000 flex f1na11 YOUR CHA~CE MEWLISTIMG SALE OR TRADE tuqualifiedbuyer.Well Bantam AS~iH' In<' TODE/\L' SPA.C.2STORY 8alboal)land,9Bdrm S located. good looking 6 LIFE 213 3S5-4111 nr Dana Pl Ov.nl'r lea\'IOR s1a11• Lusk-Burlingame home Ba 13 un1h.I Hair block uruts ... 4 <'ar iiaragc .+ IM AG ~ I' S H E A R V 0 f on r'« land. Circular Lo ba) large lM TO ample park1ni: Belo" 11 Gar~n Part RJ?1te al ll 33 500 f I ~ A ~ C I :'ol G staircase leads to 1212'• FlJLLOCEANVIEW 1 umesgross A\OCJdO & Fa1n1e". 2Bft t12 ba'r11ndo Gar Superb!) maintaint•d --pnvate master swte. 2 EASTSIOE COSTA •JASMINECREEK• 1,,,, .. ,.H,,,,.OHT Ca1Toclay644-721 1 IC M, ollers rustom v.<.1bar.pool.JaC.ll•rms. 2sl) 2 yr old family roaring fireplaces MESA UNITSw1th larl1e OWNtAGTFINANCEO Oreal\;Am"'hou"'se on th A m.lln r8t-~tures c'° its 2CI< .t 2lf,dn<t97·64S5 home on xtra lrg lot ' Fabulous canyon view renred lot . room ror RV 640-151S11 ·728·5~ • I "rm u p e o u QUlet rul.de ~a1· anuss arered at ~.000 Call McNash Realty. Days sand 3 bdrm. ~en. large 'I townhouse C'OD"lmUnlt)' I 0cfflt Vi•w 4-,IH from beaulllul park ' As 67l-R.\"i0 642·1334, E\,'._~8Sl·9889 COM DUPLEX dee~ And views that ~ ~ IJ'.i'. fixed rate loans Jo)-om upper 2 unlls v. 1th sumr existing loani. v. 1t h THE REAL ESTATERS --I 006 Bdrm home w frplr. ~ 2 Owner v.111 help rinanre Ulg are available Come· take over lrg A I T D effective rate ~!,\KE ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bdrm apt Only $262,000 A buy at Sl.ZS0.000 --by and see rurn1!>hed subject to Seller will OFFER ON DOW:-; ............__ 1_,_.... Best buy in CdM Lrg J wont end'' Fee land 1 . -and excel 30 yr hnanc rrpk's, lrg side yrds. approx total of 12 97' c.to.lltHom owe w $40,000 dwn MAURY STAUFFER Youna rrodels Open daily at canyorexchangedown I PAYMENT" Trn~ts· St 3(J490 Dea~.... Olarming 4 bdrm, 31, Jo yce Waltze , ai:t SEALIOMRULTY I 1 10 30. Broker Co $32i,OOO Kent Heally. You 'll be happ) you " ba 2 sty Don Pt'ler~on 6.11-1~ 673-5lS4 Executive operauon. ~·4663. railed on this' Sl93.000 B VSJBR E home. brukJast room. H• h ROGEllSREALTY ,._..Volley 1034 1 Wa~r.~·9400 Olarming upgraded im F'lrepUice, many xtrs ICJ S41·ll39 .675·lll l ••••••••••••••••••••••• RARE mac. detached sgl fa mi ~.00> 222 Coral Open ,. _ _.._ .._.__ I 024 ly residence 2 car gar Sat Sun 1 s Wlida Appt \oRN'll ,__ Assumable! E!ea<'h Tuv. nhouses. ter PRESTIGE rree standmg Grossmont lo payments Call Peg Qwnerta_gt 615-0021 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\one year old 4 nfi<' ierms. assumabll' MBGHIORHOOD onfeelancl2bdrm.2ba - Opn Hse Sun l·4. 233 PRIME E..SIDE bedroom. 211 bath home loans Ca 11 El 11 0 1 .i Br 2ba, lge fnm rm + well mamtained proper· All.AST Poinsettia. 4 Br 2·sty ltermdele<l home on lrg locatednearSouthCoast ~7788 sparkling .swimming t)' Good locahon backs • A. PHffct Pock04" Ca Cod arch. des R2 W/buildable poten Plau in the hub or MESA VEllD~ pool. Walk 10 park As· to small park. Sl39.900 Super location. Lll'rgc Wal Assume loans Only Orange County formal c,...-y HOME sumable loan Call Jim · assumable loan. Fixed OLD CORONA 01.-:L SISS,000. Oellu . agt dming room ror enter ""'"'" ror more details Agt rates. realistic sales MAR taining. ram1ly room 4 Bdrm pool. spa. solar 962-8l49 ,. PIESTIGIOUS imce. imbvated seller Resolving partnership. and roiy fireplace. As Xlnt financrng. Lots or -----~M WIND Qlll 673-0l88 romer duplex $399.000 4 sume high loan balance ook AND you can get the STEAL ME!!! New.l isting. lovely 4 income. no nega11ve on and owner may assist :r. ~mm Call ~7-1568 Bdrm family home. cov 1--------•I payments w 20•: clwn with financing. Submit Lease·Option-Purchase ered patio leads to Trade~ourT.D's or pro· 640-6_1'1L * MESAVEllDE • all oUers! S2<M.900. Call or partnership. 3bdrm. bea11tiful back ya rd perty m any state lor WITff POOLANO SPA today.979.2390 2ba. $150,000 421 E 20th lll67g · Balboa Island Property IY OWNER Sparious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba J HBfil St Pnnc .. <2!!!L 644·4682 ~ -,~~I -~sty, IUtr. Duplex on extra wide Beaulllul area. SlS.000 llL__ MESA DELMAR ~ • lot Best location Flexi· ~3 J _1---'•7S.illiZiilii6ii6--•I ~~~s n 39 .soo ~~A~~~·~ts~~o ,~;o c.oiy3 J·!:~bath.din 3 Bed~~~~ Bath _ _ 160-1<E_ _ _ nn It den. rove red patio EXCHANGE DADE/SWAP lallOaP .. Mllo 1007 OUPLEX !yrnew,4Br + ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2BT. 709 Orchid. Ca II OP84 SAT /SUH 11 ·6 New 3story'bi!arh house Bay"ocean views <kean sideol Balboa Isl 1911 Cou rt A"e. nr 19th 675-2291or 848·3l33 _Am le arkin in rear ~1·91350wner bkr Owners ma~ trade: (l l Npt Hgts home for in· come, notes. low down. mjlity SS0.000+. 12> 3 Br on Fee land. steps to beach. $200,000 eguity. 1231.000. owe for 10 yrs. Gall Diana Cappel, a~ 1--------1 631·1266. Interested 1n JASMINE CR E EK . guarded gate commun1· ty, w1tmn1s courts. pool, spa It clbhse Highly up graded 2Br, den. formal din rm. 2 Crplcs, p\'I pool Ii spa I.sauna. $44S,000 OPEN SAT/SUN 11·2 P8Sandb11r 750·L206 my exchange program. aJH ~ALPlUS Well maintained 3Br ~ oo large lot Easy RV access. l>nme cor· ner locatlo11 with Culure commercial potential. Owne r will assist w/fUU111cing. Full price Slll.SOO. AISOLUTISTW ••e4tll0,0ff MOWSSH,Off 5"6WS oJl&•NG Sbt/4.,,ba. 4100aq ft -,25 Bodell Bay CaD owner, '751-0137 SZ0.000 DOWN !,11,tl~;!t ~lfrt lmftllc 3Br. Uaht airy co11e1e park home. Sellef'i have ~ an Ult wort. You cnovt ln •ell· joy. 1127.500 Call Diana ,......or prtvlle abowta&. Dt.-Plften..;l·Volpe ,..HSULA POIMT Don't sit down or you'll stay• N~wly carpeted. ________ 1 painted. pool table sized family room . 3 Bdrm 3 bath and 2 lireplares . Isl TO $132.000 at 9i,,r;. 2nd TD at SUS.000 at 12'1 and owner wall carry 3rd TO For details rail eves. m-4396 or 642-5200 J PETE BARR En REALTY RCTaylorCo c)..:o . )lJoo smws PmSWH Seller says sell this 4 Bdrm 3 Bath Tradewind.s home tod ay 11 Prlce tw been reduced over 1135,000 & is now available for only $381,500. JbTy, t.bis one won't last! 4 Ir Towllhoust St07,SOO. Agt 646-4380 or IMt Lv.C.Mesa 54(). 8149. -Move ii'itft '" to 1!11i. art11UABL£ y A freshly painted a nd M,JUfll • rarpeted.townhome M~ DEl. MAR 48R *•dbl car gara11e too ' hant.'ood floor beauty. ur. dwn. no q,ual1ry1ng Assume Slll.000 12'i Ehd unit GOOd IO<'lll1on VA loan. OHered at Near schools It Fwy $147,900 Payments are SI 100, pr .. ,..., lroller ~PJ>e~.~f.t'~. Diana S46:0IJJ R&IM~ Cun n5 Nltis. 3 blltM. big ramlly room. large yard with polio in a prime section 11( Costa Mesa ror $185.000? This spacious 2 story beauty has a hugr llvlnR room with massive used brick fireplace • Fluible Ii C.11 lo"" ~- all schools & shoppinl? Sl35.000. Owner/a(lt ~ ~·""" LE""E Lease w option S166K ....,.,.. ""' S6K dn Part rent to PURCHASE purrhast> 962 1227 " 2 Br 1'" Ba. Townhome 963-61182 131,r, interest only. F'u II price $108.000 Agent $5000 dn. Beaut. lge -4 br 556-6.SIB home m H. 8 or 3 br in EASTS I o Epe rr ect F.V. 962·794oa_gt homt. low pnce. good LOVELY 38r v. ~tnum hnancing See 261 entry Bright 11nd Redlands Or. Sunday <'hffry. Asking $129.900 1·5. ~JLM2·6368 Bkr 8411-0709 S~VI: Fanc:low11 CUSTOM Tfus 4 Br Wimbledon IEA.CH HOME home with rutures Bran<rnew, over 2400 sq galore ts pr iced lt Spacious and thousands below mkt' dramatic styling Owner FAST SALE needed' has i2'•r; rinan. was Prime lot location. little as 10'• down. choice designer UP · OPEN HOUSE Hery grades. A~sume loan Satl!:Kin from 12·5. Both and TAKE. advantase rmdels at 219 Memphis. today' Call now to see llB. 646 7434 Centua 21 Gold tar ~ MOVIN' OM UP 21 Give )'Ourself Mesa Verde in '82. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home w/mnny extras ~ on cul·de·sac. owe lrl! U6·75U 2nd T .O. Full price c:.· .• ' '-t-' ' ' '• ' I ' • T Al<E ova PY MTS MO OUAUFTIHGf Fantal tlc 2-s tory + •wimming pool, or best beach area. Only $5000 down to assume low In· teresl loan. llURRV CAU.847·6100 _.._w,,w OWNER SLASHES PRICE! $20.000 2 BR 2 BA 10°/oDOWH Woodbridge Gabl es Superb Appleton mdl v. den or 3rd Bdr Fam•· ly rm. high ceihngs Garden area Asaocia lion. pool. tennts. lake. I\ beautifully appointecl home m every detail! Down payment subje<1 to obtaming new 90'• loan Owner moll\•ated Offered at just $198.000 ~amer a S59·9400 ~•NO QUALIFYING NECESSARY For tho!I' who want lh1• best . Luxury 3 Bdr 2 Ba IM'> sQ ft rorme r modl'I The most prestigious single story home bwll in Woodbridge. Try zor, dwn. Assumable low in· terut rin1nr1n1 on balantt. Prime location IZOll.000 (ii)~~·~ l![!J SSl.311Q tnll•ttH ca l'ti•~.lnlM $5600DOWM IUYS WOODlllD&E Bfautifu~Sed 38r OJndo tnd unlt w 1 xt ra I~ e1t10. "A Dollhouse' Call Pe• Da meron .....,, RVMt« • -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising·supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. March 6, 1982-17 • Ho.tt For Wt ! Honet For Wt ..... For Wt Ho.Mt For Wt -Ho.Mt For Wt Ho.Mt For Wt Ho.Mt For Wt Ho.Mt For Wt •••••••...•••••••.••••. I ••.••••••.••••••...••..•••••••••.••.•••.•••.•••••••••••••••••.••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••..••••••••.•••••••••••..••••••.•••••••••••••••...•••••••• ~ ............ !!~~ !~·~!!! .... !!.~~ ~~ .... !~.~~ ~~~!!~~ ... !~.~~ ~~.~.~ ... !~.~! ~~!.~.~.~ ... !~~~ ~.~~.~~ ... ~~!.~ ~=~~ ... !~.'.! L---~rEl~f1~1 1 Bdrm w/spa Reduced from $190.000 to Sl69.990 Assume 12r; int. Won't last. Call agt, direct ly · Patrick Tenore 760·8702 OflN SAT/SUN 1·5 FORECLOSURE DOVER SHORES 24105 GowM loy RVM* HSTllVIME COHDOIUY! Two story 3 BR townhome in private Niguel Shores. Has added fa mily room with skylight. Access to community pool, tennis & pvt beach p~ing. Assumable Lst. $235.000 See Ed Adams MAICOR IHI htah OOVER StllRES 1927 S•ti191 Beautiful 3 Bdrm. 3 bath. extra wide lot on Ga laxy Drive. Dini ng room. family room. 2 car garage. patio. View of-Back Bay, Fashi on Island & mountains. POOL & SPA . $1000 down Owner will help finance. Immaculate Northwood I Br overlooking lake £i stream Pool. Jacuui. ten ni s. upgraded 584.500. Xlnt finanr 1ng Owner 673-1923 131-1123 493.4445 CGl"aralHl&W. FcrO.W. 673-1900 LOUIS HERSOM, llCR. 673·1464 ~~~~ ..... !?.~~~~.~~ ... !!.~!-------•I Of'a.HSESUH 12-4 L.,_. leod1 I 041 . IAYRlOHT W'SLIP I Upper N'pt Bay area. ••••••••••••••••••••••• OwlwrwtlFiftmtet ,\\•ailable imm cfiate · lo\'ely lrg home It lot tn Fantastic bu>' :"forth Uus 28r unit in the North DOVER SHORE$ ly may lease optton. I ex~ll rood ~ Bdr. 3 Ba. end 3 bd. 2 ba . lge Iii . end. Near Crescent Bay 4 Br. Den, Formal Om ~Lie home with 3 Bdrm new spa. almost 2600 SQ frpl, brkfst area + gut'~t Beach See how eas) we mg Room, 2 Fireplaces. and boat slip. W1•1l locat· ft of upgraded 1111ng quarters.Walkto beal·h can shp you into lhis 3 car garage• large edfor rmrnmg sunand lSl!ace for thl' dis 116 CANYON CUSTOM O,..W.mdS•dmr 12·4 Assume loan. Owner nne. Hobby Room. Pool sized \'lew M50.000 in rludes rnmmating buyer F.osy help finance. S2G9.000 LCllJllH Villagt R.E lot. beaut landscaped the tand.642-5200 terms w 18'1 dwn owe PegAllenRltr494·7578 Owner will assist at atl29',for 3 yrs or ~ub· A steal' Spu~g 3 bd. 2 CktM1011t..ukt V11 rm~anc~!'a~~n~~::i liAY,.,OHT W fiPIEI ~~-=' ~e;,'['~0r;~1~t ba. cond~. rrrl. beam Lge 3Br 2'1 ba condo m· ~ Raaltor antasllr financ ng for Actnov.' -I at At · h t t b ...... "' builder or nev. owner '"'" .. P 10. e garage-rt u m . o u 541 5647 Oan-M ag1r Star Rily 1 ao,.t1t. Ge0t91 lood Beautiful 5Rr. 4 12 ba. lathe and plaster. 4 fireplaces. indoor spa, lots or natural marble, wood firs, rirepit. 12,IXXl sq ft on golf course and room for pool. Flexible financing. pool, clubhouse Owner $319.000. Greal ftnan r • Quaint 2 Bdrm rottage 641.3211 768-6661 carry loan $159.000 Peg mg. 499-5000 with 2 Bdrm apartment Allen, Rllr,4.94-7578 Open house Sun I s over 2 car garage Call Call Bob Halley. Realtor 644·4455 217!0 Ocean Vista Dr Waterfro~e4og~ home , to see lhis one' WOODS COVE S o u t h L a g u n a 642-5200 This charmer ran be Owner Agt 2(Y'r down. affordable. either a 2 or 3 bdrm and -=41Je=-=·5000=-----lowmterest loan 1s priced lo se ll Newocn vu 4 Bdr pool 1129,950 Fealures s~ylt ght s . 1695 000 2665 Temple 3 Br ~ Ba. afford able track ll&ht1ng . and Hills Ail 497 5454 beach home with un· separate dining room -==·;.;_.:.:..· =..:.....::;.:;.::'-'---believable terms j PETE BARRETI .. REALTY Owner offers excellent LA11J1M Hlh I 050 Call for mor' Info f1nancln1. 1299.SOO. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• DOCICSIDI Jt.l. --------...aOITH IND We prol.ldly Invite )'OU to ............ & c...-1:ioo......... In ..... s lt5,000 Oce~ -i{de: -Walk to Inspect our beautlfuly ,_... ~ " beach from thia 2 bdrm decorated 3 Br, 2'-' Ba H0-12 I on "'tt.''e:i'll'rut-"f-Br ownyouownapartment. Pen ~house . Well ~ffcWI Portoflno model In Seller may trade for coordinated lo suit the Lr 3 · 'f".1. 2 Harbor View. Separate L11un1 propert y. most dl~rlmln1Un1. I • . ca uen, · 1140 000 Many closeu. shullers. f'onnal D. .. + super rmther·ln·law qu1rters. W. ~-fUL mirrors, sky U&hU, 2 Vu. OWNER WI LL almost new ca~lln1. vie-~• ptfvacyw and terrace. beautiful view FINANCE ! PATRICK <he to pool. 1319.000. S. UP TO LIDO'S ftnest on so· lot. new 4 OPa. SAT LSUM I I ·6 New 3 sLory beach house Bay £i ocean views Ocean side/Ba Ibo a Blvd 1911 Court Ave. nr 19th 675-2291or848·3133 Ample park inc in rear BR 31, Bi . 3 fplc 's. French doors, lead to lge sunny patio. boat storaee. wetbar. sohd brass hardware. Oak nn. Cedar wardrobe araclous nowlng plan. Ideal ror family llving- e n t er ta 1 n in g Owner1all OPEN SAT/SUN l·S HUI 133VIA UNDINR HOA•HOSPITAL 875·~· 2 Bclrm. 2 bat.It condo. Harbor Rld&e beautiful Patio. double 1ar11e. l..ucerne Ell tales home. S12l.900 fully upsraded. sm.ooo. a., McC..-.. ltltr. l.O'k down. A1.'all. now. 541-772' By Owntr. 760-1977. --iiliiililliti--• .. ~ ' of Saddleback Mt.a 2 500 -RE A 1511121 ()pell W I ·5 qllet can be found Jn this sf 3 lat SP•~•. all '•P· I .. ,, .. Cll.t.1. l.IUque 3 bdrm. 3 bath ' pilances "ca-tln1 up· • ...a-ltT H .... ol!!.HTS II~~"' .._.yo..a family room home . 1nded. Fo;,.Sale by So.,._..f It ....._ "•"r-v IA• """ ~ Sellen may help with owner. ,..,60.000.-Will · -• •-·r MOVlllfiHT IM Guar e community. ftnancln 14'5 000. ~ ~UH U I 6194 Privacy " seclusion are Beaut. 3 Br 2t.t ba home · · · lease 1 Yr w /opllon to Canal Front. Newport • aome ot the amen ties w/mirrored walls. lots eurchue.&M-0484. Shores. 4 Br. Den. ~HOUSE you will love In thls 3Br ol merble. 3 car 1ar. ,\J -• -...__. I 052 125.000 down. Owner wlll d 1"2 home w/spa, towerin1 _tlQ),000. Call 644·0«8 ... ~ .,. _,,.................. c• ..... Muat sell ! Make •Y ,,. ---• -·J Sat/Sun I·~ trea + room for ex· Adult Mobil ff p k .... OCUNFRONT•••• clfer! Tennis. pool. walk JT.r)Candlealldt Ln. pension. Seller has e ome ar , ... a....._ inn. down, ••CN\ mo or to645-bea8>$cb. A1ent 6'8·1044 Baycrest NB area (off rmved. Assumt loan of onlhe 8fiy.2bdrm. 2ba, UDOISU IAYRlOHT St.GOO 000 Charmm1 2 Bdrm plus den, 2 bath. pier and slip to accommo·date 40' boat. North side. For an appointment to see this exclusive property. call 540-1151 · !_; HERITAGE RC ALT ORS s BR 3 Bal quiet nbrild. submit al offen. Ask· lni, 125(),000. 631·7215 UDOWATllFIOMT 3 BR ~~It slip. MusueU . . Bantam Mloc. Inc C:.ll tL3/35M111 or Dana Pl 493·0803 HARBOI VIEW HlltES Mollaco MCHMI 3 Bdrm · 2 bail\S ht led $224,900 Heidtt W'tth View ,, -· $385-.llflo Assume 1st T D of fl50.000 approx at 13 sr: Lrg Jbr. 2ba greal potenttal. Recent ly remodeled kitchen (ht.ner must sell Ca II agt fOf additional mfo on ftnanrmg. Mary Lar £1C'k 642·6173, 545.5096 1 40 VIENNA. Harbo r Rldge.. SQ!~.000. 4 BR. ram rm. Open Sun. l·S. . 5$-8888 I 3 Br 2 Ba. Beach lfouse S250.000 lncludes I and Low mterest rate loan for buyer with SSOK down. Doolmde, 8'0-8208 N ~~~r~1n popular area on lo\'ely street. Bri&hl and sunny 3 Bdrm home. Good financin&! Only 1198.SOO Call Linda Ott.It 642-5200 j PETE BARRE TI REALTY y_.o..a.etsu, + 3 Br 2~ Ba condo. In pvt area. bay view. walk to beach. S32S.OOO. 114 700·9 H •----.. v,., -"' or Sll0,000 at 10.8"'. ,..&II lo $48.000. l bdrm, den. 1 ba ---I tr_ ... _ ~., ""'Wly. By -==-=::;•:...._ ____ Sanlla10. So. or Holi· .,, "" 1:000 2bd b f """_,vn ~.. d Lux ri B 3 seeDlaa1A.,..'3l·l2" '.ooci. 2 ~'::;.~al uba PresU1ious S Br. be a S.Oa•lh 1076 17 I 4t 4t4-t 177 °wnu· 1·•1·0883 NEWPORT HG TS nay !cua~ fvu:n 4 w!ns winner. Happy home ...................... .. 1 ....... -............. ' I 055 S 160 GOO h I d 1251PM.oooto. OspePnM .51..L 5'!.n Hate l o le a v• 1· t .' IY 0 1WMM 5T~THI WORLD :::::= ............ 2 houses on i rot w11ood p!~o. ':~ i u~~f~~TY Cout Hwy Unit N;1{j, Rtnt/~ue opt/1ei1. My • bdrm. den,-,.amllll.. !fen! sa place to 1et orr! incomt " lllgh aasum•· lndscpd, cathedral cell· ---------1 rtew.J> ... ort Beach Bkr lou, your aaJn. 8"·5355. room, Sbat.ba. MOO sq JC STlocR•OtedLLJusFlROAMSHTOHRTE PAll(Pf..ACI b&eloan.Submitondwn. lngs. new luxurious 4_, Fee ! Lara e lot. cool. Curt Herberts II a'" carpelinc. O wner Duplex,4-BdlrHW.28a ~'-=jiiiiiiiiiiliilliillil panarilmk ocean v1• .... BEACH, you'll follow UT.ATES ' "' ftnancing at 12-x with ea_, ocean vu. 1 lot from Priced at' bank ':;. the fiaptone patll past a 4 Br. 2\ii ~ 2S% dwn. Motivated. beach. s off st park. prala&l 1117 000. lll2.000 picket fence to Ute re· 2174Sq. Ft leaving area. will ~ell Ownr will help fin uaumablt flnancln1 It cenUY renovated OLDE BEITER TllAN quickly at $324.SOO In $349.000. Ila mo Rily a •.a~IAl!t 12t.t~ 498·38'8. Prl~~ LAGUNA CHARM ER MODEL above market homes ul 87!J.2320 .,,.,._.W"'Y:I onlY· · Unique3bdrm floor plan HJ\S EVERYTlllNG a below market prire It A\ltE serviced by 2· baths Cul-de·sar slreel. DOVB SHOltl6 lerm<i. ixr9,000 n£AITV °'r': View~· fMSTealuRresSUl~EA1Nr v1 U 20 Su!'Ulall INI Club l DIC. HOMI QUAIL rLACF. ~N Bdealdcony oceabn ~ f Gln""v t.!,~l rppl' me2bor . ac.wrpc . min . o ewpor Mecl sly°lel'O\lr\Y•rd. PROPERTIES Vlew,guar cate.su · ·-··--.... no '1· r. form. dine rm .. country ' Center Pool. iacuul.1.. overlooks 152·1920 terranun pa rkin1 . ~ba. p~. view. pool' &tyle kitchen w/all the 1210.000with 1160,000 bey. Caluy ur Formal elecant clubhouse ' •tfllll'll I 'J ........ 0 rec. ma. Clole to Dana l1Xldem co1wenlencea ' at tN fiud rate Ii fully DlninC Rm. 2 frpln. YllSAJlUS gym. Mullan Realty mAtJIW mt Pt Matlna. Seller will C 0 z Y L IV . R M . amortized. Sfll.OOOfee. 1 Br. l>enthc>USe. adult S4G-a kfor Lori urry. P rl c e d a t WJOLDE t'ASH. LOG Nopointsorqu11ifylnJ. MZ-2510/646-*" bids. 1111rlled &ate. llaJ • Blftl'!! '12UOO. Kent Rtalty. BURNING FRPLC, 77().0347 gym.P001•1pa.clo1t to ............. ~ •.a You'll al&o find ex· ·-•0wnt .... r/•Ail1e•n•t -•I HARIOl llDGI bucll ' ahof.ptn1. VenaUlff atiadfo--Pet1· The view from this m~ftcent ~· tensive U!e or cedar Owntr ma y be p with lhoute eondo. Take over M e d l t r n e 1 n v 11 · -· ................. -~ 1 d d -------• ~399~0 .. , ....... u-bl• 1oa11 ~t er a a lS --panel""' walls. ea e , rmll'lclnc. Price reduced • ...,. ... • ............ ft...... bar If 11u5 w Ind 0. s ..... ,.,. ... '0'9 able c I 2 Br 2 to llOUCIO. For details u-.IA.. Owner wlJI COii· unpar-. ""~an. bor. 10 -...... _ ........ . stylites. Offered for on· ·-•••• .. ••••••••••••• a.1 bhut. Oak cellln11. caJI Sandy Alexander Dderdownlaptta.,•m~l•.I 5c!r11ea! ~. • -1 tbe~!:.~~ AID;]~~. ......_..._, I I OO ly: uo.soo f ULl. ll•UC• al bll·ln k llch . Rf!ltorl7J.Z74t. , .. • _ "·°' w'411Muc 11111 _,_ ,., .. PRJCE! CALI. ~ Uiire t 3 w I mo u n t • I n v u ..-.="""""""""'""'"'....___ delperalt . Ad fall!!! H-~ ~ ---••u•••••••••• 111.l.SSION REALTY on._ 1 I • ory or brtallfaat area. Thn ~Ill:_.= Oll1 .ueo. Call .llm -9~--. "---..... htllbt' .. _, • S AlntNam w/room. -s ,.,.. ..... • · •bdrm home with pool. IUlcm a .tal 11 t ·~ -··o•--acrou 1t rut from ..., •'--" .. y,...,gur11 11\nandnl tvtll. Drive · • · •Y tnnl IW•!f!'!!lf!!! lllMIL See ff n ••HZU by '°' Aleppo la S5'dock,rtulmplt of luxury. Approx. 000 la Uutoa~·s .. ·~.~:: AaYOUUMD• F.utbl"t ·t~n call ' i•·• .... s.awaww txiltlnl flnu~lq. It all llih Newland. Spa~ IOAMDIJCH7 fll-.Attukovlcb R.lty. lltil11a-l bcfl'm, I\•, rtUCIDlbll ~.Call for JOW 110. H.B. o r c a ll Do 1$1 val.1111 privur. mg w..-.·osua1 t ....... .... , ... ,., • I frplc.. •Pldal pntlew taday. ·--HP• tMOYatlve arttifttcture P11l lllll1 ,.... ~ ~I MOMI ofllyereat. Slit.OM. OwH r •Ill f Haaae Slault r Ml·WI or ~ ltd De A9la 'crafta•ubJp? All u i fJ!C !ckllhome. -llllur-Moit18CIOM. lfMl, 11 ~ aaJUme, l'JWM5. ~t Parlt. Mlal um aact Oranic eo.. New c1111ft, lllllt co.d. 0te~ti1n.111t t•t:: .. "L Be•u •MClllAY~BA ..... ·n •~• ••••· ty'1 bmt CINl11ine VW. 0Mwrwtll~rloll1 J81'2bemkt.Tf71owor ~...__11t ,·... .. .. _ -• .-. llnlliaft...i.. Wtct .... u.. m wllliu at tbia lo. ttttOW and will btl no dowt1. 1.-der/Ontr -l -• --· --· ._ "...._ ._. Larue ludmarll . wit h flo1irtln1 . an be vtrJ creatl••· -·eao~~Af&:m:;:.-:_,l•-~=~•:.=M=·~·-~ ~---.. w ll,ll!,OIO.Af ... M41. !.=°"=-=~=1~17==~S=l~====~P!u!~==R.~l=·~=:~~l=.0==::::.L=:=:=:=:=:=:=.J~::;;::;:;::;:===:=:==:=:jL..:::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::~:J=~~!!::!!~~!!:-:==:. la...-Orange County Real Estate/An Advertisirig Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March E>. 1982- OtMt-IHIEs.. o..rlHI&.... Olllr'a..lllhh °"91r'lttilllt.te o..r1 ... 11.... tto.ts~ .......................................................................................................................................... NwesU.f••ir'rd ....................... ··~···············!···· ......... .......... ........... ......... ~..... CotwclelM• JJ2~ c:o.e.w.sa U24 H ....... .u l24C For S. 1100 For S. 1100 For S. l I 00 W.ted 290(> W.ted 2900 ........ ••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••..,..•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .......... ••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Soect•cular ocean ti city 4 Br 2ba house Mesa HOMES FOR RENT • 2 bdrm, .1 •bath. new fietlts view from every Verde Avail 3/U, S7SO 3 Bdnns. $100. Fenced __ __, '"'•ft •t ti d 1'+11~~ _ ·' -n10mTLa'rge t-BT:"frple7~1!1). ~ ttt. rym:lflt'Jarqer.Ktlf!'"li- Beautiful adult park. • C~ FOR . many amenities m21oodxs.8Sl·l76flev. pets welcome. 545.2000 low ,,.,. 86 OPEN Hrult'r SUN 1 5 Sl.200/rm. Call Anthony Lar ... 4 Br. Mesa Verde Agent. DO ree . space reot."'" 12 • UV« • . • • • days 642·5757. eves ' Ho~. Children &small DUPLEX 119 Hunt· wknd.s631-66:Ml. pet OK S750. Isl. + last lngton Ave. Ocean vu!w, *EXCITING.* 3 Br 2 Ba D F rm. rent. Call 7Sl 1728 vo1leyball crl. I Br Top of the linl!. 1976 Silver Crest, rm'. 1Lndr~"·r~~ aft6PM orwknds. ~trm:2Br$600,mo . ...... s.a. double wide. beautifully furnished. a 12,(XX) sq ft office buildmg or land to s1.:12S1mo 64.Q-148!_ 4~ 2 ba. lge fenced yd. Sorl lrenOOt/emnotirecdauf1lexBfoobr With 0 · -whliout c J b · h build on in the Orange Co a'lrport 2 49 v p 1 1 r w ou urn. ust rmg toot brus~ area. (f"CT Rc-c-PONSE >. 4Br. 28a. pvl beaches. 4 assar ace Meyer 586-3500. ofr or 2'1x64 Greenbrier Home n.;>& l:N $1050 mo A\atl now Avail Mar 7 SiSO mo f}il l622home in Lacuna Hills nicest S Kids It Pets OK Call 645-0029 bef J!pm _ OC-RENTALS ~:fro"~~· Young adlts 890 W. I Sfll St .. Newport IHCh Ceil How.rd at 540.0500, ext 49 1714 > 720·0272 E Side. 1 Br, 400 s( Lg 1 Sbr's S200Lo 52000 ~G'f Partl Seodfff Pri. Spoct 79. 2 nr large den. frplc Yard Gas Paid 7503314 7-da~·l> ~"U ti f u I 2 4 x 6 0 I patJo SGllS $350 mo S48-~S PANA.RAMA VIEW Kaeywest Hm 2Br. 840·8087 2 BR 2•, ha lwnhse •1 Br 2•, Ba !louse on 2Ba Thi:-is Lhe best buy Ollf of~ I 2Br. den. Iba. 2 (rplc. lg Easts1de. $725 mo 1500 tugh blurt \'iew or hghb in town. Jet/ i.c-Ptopetiy 2000 "optt"ty 2550 UHUSUAL pallo. 2 <'ar gar S900 tu .!C1Jl..Qa\1d, 646 ~s PnvaLe road Patio CLASSIC S. 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••I OPPORTUMITY $1050. 517 Po1ntsett1a Spar. 2 br. 2•, ba, bit ins. Lands('asped Etc + • MOllLIHOMl lo•••••••••••••••••••••• Carlsbad II unit beach GLENDORA horse pror.. -644·1093 _ lac. pool, quiel area. Pool Spa le Sauna SALES CDM DPll motel S329.000 Also 4br. 3ba. pool fplc o Pvt party desires 2 to CHARMING CdM rot Bkr.67H912 S&!S Sho"'·n b) appt 2706 Harbor, Ste 206·A IY OWMER ocean &c I a goon \' u f R . S 2 2 S . 0 O 0 3Br hse OOl to exceed tage. 3 bdrm. 2 ba with 4 Br 2 Ba nr SC Plau., 17141 ~:!183 No .fets 540.5'17 Two 2 bdrm units, so or tr I PI ex $I 9 6. o o 0 213·963-03 $425.000 lOC'ated in N U den, hkt' new $1200 mu $795 inc Id s water Com pl remodeled 3 Br 2 PCH . (O rn e r lot . 1·729-0104.. AGllATIUY!! a~rr~harasen~h1~sutp1l~~~1!'/ ~1·136!:.~75·94341\gt ~70701Agent Ba nr bea(h. frplc. ·I d' 'ddb T·" rla wfoot lub. oak Luxurious2BR2Ba.ram smge1story, iv1 e Y MableHo.Parti .... eoverpaymentson paymtnt Ranch is1m le_.4..._ Lo\'elyMesa\lerde3BR: rabinets.&cbllms $750 rm. beaut secure adlt 1araces. as1umable 10 7 83 spaces. nr Dallas 3000 sq ft home with in-mediately adJarent to 2•,aa. fireplaces. lg din· ram rm. 2 ba. S800 mo.I s.16-23$3 1st TD of Sl00,000. owner $400.000 w1lh SIS0,000 law quarters In bc•st Vis-r1sh1ng. quull & durk ing area. P\'t patio. 2 l·ar Kids pets neg. Juhe .. ~ p ar k . Hu nt Bc h. will a.s.sist finance. ree. cash down No payment ta area Owner A~l hunting. horsebark nd riara•"' Louted 2 blks a•"' u"'2313 • Reduced to sell. take · $290 ooo 521 ,,. m "' ~ ,,_. 1mma c. . on debt sen•1re ' 10 I ;ftl 4 e\'es ing. tennis &t ht'alth spa rom Beach Sl.175 mo HlrtNMlr 3242 ~:~~a ~3.d9 6 ~_8162i~ Camalloo Ave .. Cdi.t . terest for I yr Will ron 1nTceate. Baja, Mexico. Avail Apr. I 6'1S·8S89 3,!_ lr~~~cl~ ~~~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Owner. Call673-0241.67~·5142 sider O~angr Coast pro OutofStat. 2 hrs &c 40 min from HARBOR RIDGE Soar drapes large vard &c Waterfront Broadmoor .._ Property0 2000 perty '" trade Ca 11 "operty 2600 Nllpt Brh &4().5.199 ing cathedral reihngs. puuo ....;th playhouse. no 2bdrm. 2ba. r~lc. 14el LAGUNA HILLS -••••••••••••••••••••• ~4 72(} IOJG or 752 2213 ••••••••••••••••••••••• beautiful view. country pets No waterbed. S550 bar, dbl gar, 5 IP avail. IStwP-' "'-I ~owner MOOzark.s. IOaeres,3 kitchen. 3 BR. Years + deposil .S48-5442 . patio. $ll 00 mo . J,._Offeri9HJI ATa~IY Dl..'OIOMElllNCOME bed estate w/brook ,...... lease Sl900mo t 770.5629 JI1~5-717I - ............... U~ .t.t Near new 4 pl ex 2 212 yr old, 1 38r S 2Br bam.$'70.000 M8 8043 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Barrett Rlt)' 642-S200 ---2br lux condo on Lagoon "'-"' w annual 1nroml' or -~ FwNJIM.d --' WAMTED I 2 (p. gar 4r many xtras 2 Br + fam rm 2 ba. sun with fireplace. enclosed rinanc·ing 2567 Elden __., Fcswls, ..._. lslmMt l I 06 ....................... cottage. lge rocd back 714 84().6309, 83!·2932 AHorMl1 ricn bdnn.2batheachunit $42.700.Sellerw1llea rry 8~a....~ ....................... CostaMHG 3224 Acouple roracozy28R l s900mo Call eves nyttbr1te at s.16.000 patio. garage 9~.·; Isl ~!_e . CM 979 SQ99 Bkr Gro•n 2700 CUTE I br. workshop yard. I child OK. no 2 Br + fam rm 2 ba. Pos cash Clow No"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar. kids. TODAY SJ6S pets Avail J IS. Util ~ 1244 choice corner. very SlS9.500 Bill Grundy. Walk to beach, beauuful 10 Ar res 3\'0l'ados Mortla .. ~ OC RENTALS 750-3314 iid ~.Call64S·9161 ••••••••••••••••••••••• spacious at $44.500. All RltrJ.675·!~1 tn-plex. 2-2 Br 1·3 Br Rancho Ca l 12'; 101 4 bdrm. 2 6ii Mo to Mo. Nr So Coast Plaza. new 'JWnhome, new J br. 3 ba. 640-~;673-0158 Patio. frpk $499,000 Sl65.000 Xlnt inic.>st ll50MotoJunelst. OC·RENTALS Lio p k I IY OWMER Qv.11er "'111 help l'inanrc.> 5!17.3288 642· 1670. 548·8647 IS br's S200 to S2000 dlx condo. PENTR IDG E pa · gar. ar • poo · ActMpfor S. IZOO 2-4 Plexes. 4200sq fl 612 A.&.1.'nl Hedda 646·1044 . iS0.331!_ 7-days COVE. 2Br. 2Ba, frplc. 1ac. p!S/mo. 833·9057 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ti 614 Calle Campana.,..&......_"'~ '!l '!IOO 26 .500 acre ranr:h. Lovehlyd 3 Br1 1 h~r~ IE""'"'IOF wshrldryr. le\•olors. RANCHOSAN JOAQUIN VALUY OF LAKIS San Clemente. $249,500 ._..,_. -.& ' $19,500.000, 1$736 per W~ ryr Bl n l<' "'" microwave. 2 car gar Townhouse. spht·level. 2 40 Ac. Split lo 5 AC. Next each. $23.160 income ••••••••••••••••••••••• acrl'I Central Cah r 19'75 incl ut1I. to June THE LUCKY FEW w/<>P1r. pool. jar. S8SO Br den . on coif course. tonewsutMtlvlsion. Uhl each $36.000 down 10 Old Corona del Mar. roast 140 existing legal 21lth Aiger Properties Rent ln Costa Mesa's mo + $600 sec dep. 2'-'l Ba. AtC. view . $975 avail.S2000per Ac OWC 1982. 9'• ls t. T.D 45xll8' lot. So or lfwy. parcels. Outstanding 675-4000 NEWEST gated 20 7$9-9141 dys. 1213 > ..:.1.=.cM-:....:mCl='------- wtlow int. Other invest 714/498-5907 plans incl 01A•ncr fin rerfeational' opply. H_...oet.edl 1140 Townbome VILLAGE 431-4.soeeves 3 Br 21, Ba, FR .. (rplc. -nt ... rap. avail. 10 Ac - -May consider trade Bkr Pnftt. only. Owner --r COMMUNITY. 2 le 3 Br. b .. _ .. _ b r 1 bl bl 1 '"'' r 548-751.3 __ Cini)~ ·-•••••••••••••••••••• 2._, Ba l600-!800sq. rt of 3 r twnu:oe. 21\ a. rp c. d gar, t·n1s. $800. tol200A<' ~omSJ50per MISAYEIDE4.Ple1 --,.,..*4....tal pure luxury. Garages. pool. etc. S82S mo 6'4·1480,661-4220 Ac. Bkr. ~-085;!! nn SOO er-Part& Ac,..s RARE Of'flORTUMITY one oh kind. gorgeous 2 hydro-tubs in master 541-Sl.28, 963·30l8 STIPS TO POOL San Dtego No . Cly. tor; .:Uma~le TD. all 2 I ac jf'arcel for mini IRNVEETSTUM ERNNT ION f bdrmh. d2 ba towdohome suite. dining rooms. 3br. 2ba. crpts. furn or t GOLFCOURSE OOvenhain 10 ac. Lake Bd 1 I d estate in a rural selling . 6 wit en an spa woodbu:rnincfireplaces. un!um nd oaks septic rms pus encose w pastoral news MONTHS. 200 AC Perfect lorthe relo(at· mi cro-wave ovens. ·aso.1912 anchoSanJoachin :dP<>S295'.000 1-729·0104: gara~~s .Fprid e or Sl98.500. APRICOT RANCH Ing renter Steps to private patlo6 ti yard&. · 2br.den.2bacondo Im· 436-02J65 r~r~~r more IO· f\llly equipped Refrlg Ocean. golf. tennis. Gardener provided. Sharp uppu E'&ide ltllC $87Simo.955-ll20 Henlage Invest menu Wahrfr0ttl Ho...s storage over 14. 000 shapplng_ Ele1ant living only 15 townhm. 2 Br 211 ba. 1-ALS llGPt..,.ty 1350 01.1400 trees. SI06 .000. Tu 960-5807 minutes rrom fashion den.ffl>k .dblgar. Pool. lbr.lba1;n1 • .,<I\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• · Credits ' Depree Crop Island. 7 minutes to5 c Jac. sauna. S625•mo -"' u.t.Ut ~ • HARBOR RIDGE picked In May OWC at Mrwpart... 3 169 Pl O C .. · pets Wa yne A gt. 2br +den2ba S97S -• -• Will trade/joint venture 81,'l Int. Bkr. 335·0858 ....................... aza or · ,.irport 646-81116 3br. 2ba $850 '•owners ip, fin'\' ocean I 0 UNfJ:S 'IU 037 E•"TER WEEK Just east or New~ort 4br. 211 ba Sl200 ... ~ _ .. A -000 ~w· $1 mi on. 64+· 7 ~ Blvd. •. so. of San D eco u ... _ h k 2 8 •· .. -•vnuu....... · Ocean front2 Br.agt. • ~e. orse 0 • r 3br2baCostaMesaSll50 t,y. Tenps neg 8Sl·6 Righ assuma e loans BY OWNER M ..... 752.5710 Frwy. Startin& at S900 a -.SO/mo. 20202 Birch St l..e Raisor Rlty &33-8600 CARLSe•n lg duplex 3 9.68 times g r oss RIVERSlDE TYLER lltcfl•I• 2100 month. 631-5439, 2473 Santa Ana Hgts doon to'blach Sl99.00o. Orange S380.000 MALL AREA .68 Acres •••• ~~•••••••••••• Oceanfront 2 Br. garace~ Orance Ave . Costa S51-6931. ORANGETR EE CONDO Lotsolleverai1e Paul R. SoCalflfflty R·3 zoned. Attractive WANT!O· Ho~ol\ Lido utlls laid. Adults. no Mesa. 2 Br 1 Ba. ate. w d hk· Wops cha II Rltr 1714 1 546-HOS 38r h.se. 13~ assumable tale ror Income proper· pets. vail 1111 June 82 HURRY ! lg 2br 1r.•11ar AJt'irU:J:i~ 111~,;:~en~ ~~eoois. pool. spa. 434-1735 loan tlll0 000. 752·8147 ly. Prinonly. "2·0368 i!A'!./mo. 846-mO. t.rQJ>lcal pa_tlo MOO "'!~ 3Br, cood Joe. No. ~o pets. $54Simo, ,.~ 1-1 •AL.Ms-tMGS th•,.,D•Mrl, Trade Equity in your Irv Harbor View Knolls. OC·RENTALS 750-3314 c.m. tmmac. yard. no !iSl· ; '7.';.~ 1600 ~tlnest~~yonCoun· htort 2400 or Nwpt Bch hse for i:,~ ~te~on~~eo~a~~ Lo .. lwHw! l)tts.~mo.641·3937. NEIGG.rfo"J'nooo ••••••••••••••••••••••• tty club area. 11 apts. ··~··••••••••••••••••••~tom Cota De Cau &c fully eqwpped. A11ell 3 bdrm~ ~·ba. water. n .. ,.. JJJ' Woodbridge collage ---------i 1·2-3Br yr-round rental. Slc.i Park West at East~r. me valued atS330.000. Apr1t1May. also Aug gardt.ner included. S79S. !".". homt. 3 bdrm. 21, ba. 2 Pool $545 000 By owner New I br condo 2 min. GOLDEN thru Nov. SIOOO/mo 2child olc 644-2778 n••••••••••••••••••••• st Y . r Pc . r u I I Y Mlw'POrf •octt 1.,,.,.,· ·-.· . from Ull. 548·3773 PROPERTIES + Beaut. 4 Br. 2> Ba, Fmly n I IL C..ttr .._,..,_, 75215111 elec Call 76-0·3905 or Nlct clean 2 Br. l Ba. nn. gar. p1Uo. (enced. landscaped. I ·49S-~6. Incl 1r~me 011er 9'1 ASSUMAILI! Get In hot water-build 1 . 6t3-S26l enclad garaat. yard. View.1725/mo. 962·2194. .:::846-~37""'S3:=-____ _ S&00,000. Spendable J nr d natural •P• on 5 acru UTIUn BONIS . MW palril Ir tarpet. No -· -=-· Newly dtt. 3 BR. 2 bade· J>rin . only . Albe-rt 8(i"'Alrr'V1we~rkZt~rl: Small cabin. lO mi: tto.t.U.t••~ pm ms + security. •• JJ40 tach home Culverdalc Pussell Rily Jnc. Plex near S.C. Plua. PALM SPRINGS. S4000 ···~wlMthr ........... ;.;.;.:: .... 2544 Ora.nae. house D ........ -. ............... Obie gar. walk to pool 631-~ -:W c•.r: f P•'rt In: ~",;,J.;~~~ruil P~~:. ~~t~.mlu~~~~1e~~:: ..... ..._. UH !'~E· td ... 1•1 s~,':~·~~1~'f>"e~~ shool,•cblsS52·•19.'l • ••• Wl ts. w t• ns. eoce d call Answer Ad U99, near clnr 1250.000 to ............................... m. · 1 e. -" mo: aso No. Pluth crpts. 211 WOODlllDGI NIW ~~:... "O:.: cr'.fJ~. &42.4300, 24 bra. 110 Million. Your •c· Blyfront. beach. 2 Br. a + SSSO sec. 873·4899, Ba. Cedar ti &lass. sun· 2 lli-:-Mii; comer unit, !.'~~!1~~~ thru SUN. 117 Jel\nller Modern 1800 sq. ft . eountants approval Ba. 1 &ar •P· 123 E. 162971• deck dbl car prv alllcle slOry. fully shut· ITIUtl-!Ane,C.M.. retreat for family or aollclted Ref ta. rp·~ro~l~Oo 8a~~oa 38r.~Bl.17751mo .. lst, caraie. fully malnl. tertd. frplc. atrium Covl"'GTON •.pJ•wes c · I min. to Lake l\lmllbec:t ~~ • I H "'b dtr. last6aec.deposlt.Call: yard.Nopels.lnqulreal Near pool. tennis --------1 ,.. • .... I 11u Zol'-G-· .... • ...... 2•13·-,.!"!'.~.· er · ays 548..-aft.5 5271.Mh.St.MO-Wl. !!.'f!J"O No pell from aso.ooo. Oranae -~ am v recrea· "'" '""'!!....,_ _.,_,, .-.- ......,.., tlOO Cb. Call for det.allt. prln ~ume'~i n~~ ~~~:: Wlll trade 2400 sq rt ,.~ .. u nJJ U2l Cottase Duplex. 3&, 2Ba, 2 c.ar aar. enrl Ullltt S. onlY Aal 5491* • T\lrtlerock Vista 3 br -.... Newly reconditioned. bctyd, no ~. MSG mo. *•LOSES •••••••.................. • beaut. lakevl1w lot. condo'°' desert ltDDlll" ..................... ...,rarpets. hiftt.1 Br. l!t tm.~llZ·Ull J~YDUPLIX ~!UMA .. !M.1,.CuHn .. 1. =~tnd11•ftn•1.t:~:.: FC!lldD·&tc!M ll L£MEOROPTION 4br Nol)ftl.2U/C_·ll7l I BR 2'• be '\l ... ,.hd 38r~w·dWdbC ~ ~~__.. \A1111lft'f/Wi... • n ~ 2ba vu exec hm. SHOO ..... , 2 B ,. •-New t~.._ In ... ....... I .. ' 38r ..-. be ....,,, ... •~ Ume1 aroa. Owner asaa. .. ... ,.s.rt.. Own /A~ 751.aool ...... mo. r. "-· -• -acnwa "· lloOltrstothoosefrom 4 • n UPM'· 2 ftn. Alk1nl '550.000. By ,,,.,_,....J,._ W\lffridtl4.GllO e4lllt11 mo._r_ -· . rarpeu, WHhtr/dryer OllnmDOOl.H1c, ._.ml to W1',.lMOMStocall for bd.....,ower. 2 rplea . ~-.. T7 --~ la 5 ac~ -reel small .,_,,,, .. with • smile. boOIMlf, au built·ia•1 Ilda. No children. no (I Sorne OCU D view, owner._." ru, .. 11, 1110 mblD Fllllr-pJtceSlJ500 "!!...~ .. lo.al I doaetoallopptn1.1mal Ptll . 1 f t la to . • Owner carry T.D. of "" you pl an111u • _ .................... T k · 1 ' ' 111•t 1 w ... yo1a I •• ~tall for~nt.TSL t M·lS7·1200 &n,ut2· II WMNltt.U-mo.oooat u~. C1110vt? c1a11U1ed 1d1 RANCHOSANTA Ft • • ~:d. 1°" P~t whu you plu• 10.ar !YI!! ea.1• DU\ii · ·~ Mlw"*Ult,500 wWpoillt10Uba&Mrlfllt ltlll. aollcoul'Mbtme c:"eamper~,. Pi ttaMlfled Ml -IUI tlM wftaD! Clean 1 ar Odrm.lba.dlshwashtr, ..... W...M. T~.c. ... 1• 0 dlrectioe to ftnd th w/atalilu for only Pcaii AMMr Ad " gj1, llllpofooeof our trlee4• ~co.It or Hll lif'dmtr:-1, aert . .-s 551·- RHW ~· bornlyouneed.NJ.5811 ... MM·M•&t to•Mbrl b'Ad·Vlaon.MW171 MJltM!.IP·JOIO w mo.Gt.411121 1 rr&1M1 "•r.lnlllt . -\_ ... !li-·::.. ..... -l""":-.. .. _~-· - ~ ---~ ----.--- I --Orange County Real Estate/An AdvertJslng Supplement to the DAILY PtlOT/Saturdly, March 8, 1982-19 H-..U.fwwi1'94 ·1.._..U.fuzl W .._..U.fwzla•a~ "-"U.fa...-~ 'if lw•,.,.lllH 1tf ...... ,...._ Afa · 11h......_ Apral nh......_ .......................................................................................................................................................................... ;~~~ ... ...,...._. l241 •'3 ,artlt9Cll · JJH t'3 ,.rtltedl 126' Wt t 'der J2tl &..,Ille .. _. 3741 .._, .... JI07 C..Mtse 312~ C..MtM Jl24 ..........•............ ....................... ...•..•.......•••...... ....................... •.•.••................. .......•••.•••.......•. . ............................................ . 180view.,3br. frplc pceanlront 3br. 2ba. up· HOME FOR RENT Lu.xiµ:y studio, spa, TV, 2 ml from beach, 3 br. 2 E. ~ Mesa Ba.cllelor gar, patio, pet SMO f'I ltl'-.lftf'r .r. fnlstc views, 74 0 ()() 3 Bdrm. S6SO. Fenced maid service phones. · urut, no ~.p>O/mo. OC·RENTALS 750-3314 ~· 1119ro-. ~wk.e yty J1S0.6'2-3912 ·mar, C.M. S22·1734 SST.W:"' -- 2 Br, 1Ba.442 Monterey EDCUTIYIHOMI elec. gar r s. lse r •SIGITI',SOUNDOF Ckeanlront primt area • 1M2. CosU Mesa's ftnesl fami· Dr .. Cliff se rt a on. WITH VIEW /rm. Refs. 6'2·8973. ent no ee. SEA l Br, frplc, gar. 3 Br. 2 Ba.'f k . No peu: frSpldous lbr, poolside, ly compls. 2 BR. S425 to rn>494·01S4 HARBORVIEWH,OMES C1 •1•hl-714/494.Sl~.337-2%22 1 years1'ease at newtYdecor.landscaHd SSOO rm. New cptg' Lrg 1 Br duplex. ocean 4 8 r . 2 1., Ba 2 ~ut. 4 Bdr s~l·story. r.•1Md 3400 He ,.rt .. edl 176' Sll50/rm. 67S.8904 aft s. rrden apt. No pets. drps, children welcome. vu. F.P .. S'IOOprmo. fireplaces. putting a~!_IY 1Focah1ed t1o .............................................. 3?7·2414dars. 340. Agt 548 ·4827 . ~o. P~·,c:J.'::.: :~ S52-~ green gardener SUlUUI:> ' as on Is . $400/mo sem1-rurn m..e121 rairv"""" · . Sl700/m0. Sl200/mo . 8SS-l646, studio, or S.C. Plan. ~FIOMT Bay view. 2Br. !Ba. FIREPLACE. Pool. Moo·Sal.5S7·S71S ......... 1250 ReaJtor·JoyceEdlunO 84s.&222Milch. PoOls jac: tennis sec 6 3 •2 a.Avallmon-garage , S600 m o . rl · ' di F.asuideZ Br. l Ba. Col· ·-···················· ... ~.Q3S s mucti rrore S.S7-7838 . thly 'lil summer $'100 or 979·6371 dys, 673·8276 p vale patio S· la&f. ~/mo.""'"" D'F Lag. Vig 3 br 1500 sf .,.... NEWPORT HEIGHT · @Oeerwk. 675·2010 eves hwasbers an XTRA LG I 'fldn,,,.,,., ~ A/C. view. rei. 2 gar, Beaut. Oc:ean view· Area. 2 bdrm. Iba. S62S C1d1 m l•t SHORT TERM SfEPS TO BEACH·Sm "2 Br.lard/en apts. on .63l·l7SS .213/3J3.77U Newport Crest ~ndo. 2 permo.~7 ........... l 4ZS Ckealllroat' near the lBr.lcfrontyd,idealfor ~stsi e. "'°''560· 2 br. 3 ba l.a1tttl Poinl :.:~ t!i~r~~~ ••-••••••••••••••••••• be1cl1 apts avail. by 1ln1le. 117 30th St.. ·28'l. condo. frpk, patk>. pool. ~~ .... !~~.~ or lease option 646-0686 Blallllfa, 3 t>.f.:._z '!!~~onA~· ~.ide. 51~o. 'ja3ABu1r:s1 •. ~ week or mo . Agt ., ~Nor. WS mo61., !!!!· util DllZll.J IA .6'4·9IOI d b .,...,......, · new ua:. -"" ._... --• • ~170 .,... pets. ~ No pets, UOO. 369 2 Br. l\i't Ba, 610 Joann ~:::~ewh3oB~e .enG2a:e or_.,_., 64M640,&M-7020Ted ~Is, 2 blocks from . . . New unit, 2 Br l Ba . steps Avocado. 759-1914 St .. CM. Adults pref. guard.Nearpool.beacb. WESTCLIH N= Hts. 3 Br. 2 Ba . uth Cout Plua. · tobeac.h,yrlyleaseS72S. 2BR1"'1ba.bltas,studlo, Smalldo&OK.~5'36 I l t I l + d seoo1mo. ean 142.3689. I S875 /lease. Owner Vrry private executive rm. s ·as ep. patio,pr,nopet.s. SSSO. 2bdrm, blt·iA oven • 499-3631or493·921118 4Br. 2Ba pool bome. Availaow.145-7400 Woodbridge,$8S0.2bdrm Upper2 8rl8a,t.;blkto ~7:548-dll stove.walltowMlcrpt' Pvt comm. Sea Terrace. wsbr/dryr" rerr11 Newport Hgts s Bdr. +den, 2ba, a t e . bHcb,yrlrlease~. E.Sldffri,...t..x,11.quiet drpl,lba.548-4112. avail . Sl600 m o . cape Cod. den, came microwave, frplc:J CO~TPROPERTIES 2Br Ind """'Uo di I PlanJ.4BR.28a.fam Gardener' pool room Jcariar 3000+ formaldinrm,lrgfnca 613-S410 • ry, pa . a ts Near S .C. P au . rm,. Comm pool. Jae .. servict5 Incl. Lois Agt. ~rt.' Walk lo bi:sc.hool. yrd. 2 car gar, c:IOlle to em.p .873-J&OO Beautiful park·like set· tennis. walk to pvt bch. 63l l216orMS-OlOI 1 l. p 0 0 1 / ten n i a . C.-.. ..._. JIU Sabia MarApU. t.ina.=·~· cu port. No P'"t s l yr lse . ay "O ease op aon. (21.3'....,........ ••-••••••••••••••••••• •-r&'" l Br. carport,,.L.Br. 7". . • ~"tJ·tzOo; 615-6892; 4~,~~::"1r. 3c:~~=·~~:o. · ""''~ 2pa8fk,,APl. with private ;;,..111.Ddry. Adults, no .,_,..:, M2' NEW DECORATOR study. beaut dee. lge priv. Eastblulf. avail Sinflemale.38.needs~ .___1tud!Ol.one 613-6522,9·5. r.'~931 W. l9th ................. ~ .... .. PERFECT 3B 3B decks, fab. view. pvt Aprjl 1st. Tenant sbow br condo immed. Has -B OCEAN VIEW! La' 2+2, . r . 'ti guarded 11te, pool/(en· AM's byappt. saso. mo Afghan sbow dog . endtwobtdloomlPl'1· OCEAN VIEW 3 r Deluxe 2 bdrm. l bath. fplr.splitlevel,acfltlon· ~ii:,;~ie!~P!~o nis. l2900/mo. Agt. Bob 760·1071 or owner Oaucbttt visits Jmos In ::;''~ ~:enaa~:f!',~!q =·~I S4SOmo. ty.1875rm.4t6-0Z11 6ewnnetkit.SlSOOmo orDovieKoop.759·1221. Zll/-.0122 ~;Brian9&6·l6?l · l.sl/last+c/b trefunda-· 2 Br. ocean view, +security dep. To view For lease: Eastblutr. POOL · JACUI%1 Olkwood abo olt«s hie pro.rated I. Cr. refs. l Br. garare. yard. No balcony, pra1e. cleaa. callagt.497-1744. beautifully decorated 3 "Allu.Mielfllld 111qulre by ma il 8560 ptts. Kids OK. $450/mO. lMC "A' Cordova Dr. 3bdrm, 2ba, lrg master Br. 2'-' Ba. home over· 2 IALCOMllS *f ha•,......._.. •11v rf r'I Huntington Dr. San 6'1-11163 213/402·28.S7 (eolledi ,__,_,_I lar-gr""'n .. -ll New Condo. 1 Bdrm · nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• n.--Gabri'"I CA 91775 ,.._, I 3 8 2b s~i te, landscapinJI. IUUIUI• ..-"" ""' beach. frplc. bltns. dis· • __ ,, .. · N'ttt 2 Br. l Ba . Cottagelv.:ean v ew r •. nucrowave oven 6 dlS· SllOO/mo. Adults only hwashtr. smoke alarm, .... ,...... 1706 •ttMmofllft otx. lite ' airy 3 Bdr 2 MSO. 679 Center 13 or t;:tio. dbl gar. llOO/mo. bwuher. $775. Avail Im· ~. light ' airy, enclosed ... ,................... "'°'_.,,, ea. ~4494aflS. -==ll-"496-4..._.. .... 179"'----- med. (714 )599-082 I · nil: BLUFFS. Spacious 1arage, noP.fts. S62S mo. l Br. carage apt. rum. And MUCl'I Mote' 1 Br. refrig. enclsd gar. ,._.. ,.., JIJ4 eves I wk n d s I 714 l 3bdrm, family room. 2\lt 613-5006 avatl now. Balboa Island. Now till For a month. or a hie· S375. 646·0341 after •••••••n•o•• .. ••••••• li40-402$. ba .home wil.h large encl Bluffs 3 Br. 2 Bl . July l. 3 mo. only. Call time Modelsooendttly l.30PM. PMT• ....._Vial.. U 67 patio. Noo·smoker pref. Townhouse, 2 car 5'4-93:53,evfSS44·6479. 91mto6'lm No pets ~STO 1R•CH ir. ....... LY •"· • ..,... No pets llS()mo A .1 IOA New 3 Br. Pool, Rec rm. r-,.. ... ••••••••••••••••••• ·73lS33l. earate w/opener. vai Lr& 3bdrm, available 2 r 1 Ba . rrplc , Uti11 paid. Walk So. HOME FOR RENT . May 1st· $900 I mo · 3/1Sl06/l.S. S700/mo. Oek •imo. Ask for Darr~ll Coast Plata. '650/mo. !61 4111 3' 4 Bdrm. 16S0-$100. VACANT 4Br 2Ba. pool. MZ-958!1. 951·3243. -wooct Puth,a&t75&-1221 213/m-6606 .... ,_ ....... Fen ced ya rds ' open daily . 2242 ntEBLUFFS Lovely 2Br 2ba. Shorl GantenAperlmenta ZBr. Ba, LR. DR, bltns, .. ••:••••••••••••• .. ••• cara1es. Kids ' pels He 1th er. $ l 4 0 O Lease or lease opt. term. SI.SO wk, $500/mo. Newport '-ch/No. c.NMeM 1124 wabr/dryr hookups . WlfflwtlN Amh welcome. s4s·2ooo . Ownr/aC\.~ SUOO/mo. SlS.000 dwn. t)!llyfum.A&t.61S.4000 8801r.nnt ....................... patio suo mo. 669 Unlum. l bd.nDl"fi. All AMe114,nofee. 14e2br 2\AJ Ila pool ten Terms. Lovely 3 Br end ...... 1707 (ti 161f1J 1az11.. J II. Plun'r St. "A''. Open I.tit pd.. All ameaities. tts Jlrtltedt l26t l'lil, .00 mo: 644:2442 l.llit.SallY644·0496 .... , (114).,...'104 Newfy decor. GH pd. SUn aft lOAM. S48-l058 -.osu. .... 'full d d 3 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• end 11r. dtwasher, aft ....-...-----=-------..... OC·ROOALS.... XZ7,&n.f7M a::cauu Y upgra e BAY FRONTAGE beach. Newport INch/So. pool. bbq. Adults. no noon. Deluxe poolside ttra l-5 br's -lo S2000 Br; .1~ Ba. Condo, frplc · pier. 2 Br $150. Ulil od. 1700 lettl St peta. 6U·S073. Xlra lg apt1 overside yd, larfe 2br. 2 . ba, bit.DJ, ... -PtesUgious 5 Br. be a patio. electric garage ti 11 5.27 . 303 l:. lOoverll leCllJ • 28r. lBa. oonus rm, liv dawhr. l\AJ mala buch. 7S0-3314 ?·days winner. Happy home opener, pool. park, f..d&ewater.1·871-2856.. (7W)M2-6t13 ....,OCCl'MCY! rm. fam rm. fr'plc. Adults. no pets. $$00ino. H CAHYOM Rate to leave It ! Jacum.sauna.S'12S/mo '400/iii>. 2 Br. t Ba .t refrig.caspd.Kidspets S3U362. .. ~hit ~ 1Rent/lease opt/~~!'· ... ~! Lirtdam.7317. ~~c~~~ and bath P~ILbeamed ceiling. OK. 2554 Oranae Ave. THE WHJFFLETREE 3 . 2•L 001 oa. your,cam. _.........,, Under market condo 673,......, lllSIOJY room. No pets. mo.979-1658 1.i,3 Bdrm Apts Gym .,.. Fee Land .,,._, ..... In CW. No last rm rent · · ' Jacuul le Tennis. Newly · llG CAHYOM t)!m. studiO: 131.eooo TSL MGMT · 6U·l603 l Br. l Ba. good easts Ide Spa. Sauna, pool. tennis, dee. Vacant Sl.200/Mo. J Br, l\lt Ba, 2·Jl0ry con= Orl4tli. greenZbr2ba c.feMeM 3714 loc. Mature adult. dc.MS.G619. W...,M. r...a-eo. do. Vis la Roa a r . Sec. Pool Spa Tennis -••••••••••••••••••••• LG. Q.EAN. St.pg Bch. BacbeAor6 l Br. Apl.J. All $3150/m>. Casa del Mar ...... -...-SWAU ~ ""'6«..010 @O/rm. MO-SZ74 S825/m8 Dys 957·X'46 sbolil. yrly. u2s1mo. adult. no pets. Pool. bbq A;.. m E. lllUI. St. See _,,_t ·n'bo' ~~===~;;;;.;";.";.-;.°;.";fRarllor View Knoll. 3br. Evell44-0549 ,fu_~'~OJO eMZtl ' enclsd garages. Wanyer. ~:a:t:~·nl~•:r:~~ approx. 1100 gq. fl. con· Newport Crest. 2Br + ES AID Lat 2 bdrm with view. on pl!5/mo. 631'2276 F..astside. larre 1 Br. up· enclad gar, patio. Near IATFIOMT do. Iola o( ator11e. over-conv. den. 1800 s/f. full Compare before you Seutiore Dr. until June QUIET ADULTS over 3S, per, l adult. oo pets. amt. Harbour. Children 2stoty, 4 + bdrms. 2 aized 11r, comm ocean view. Every UP· rent. Cugtom dealln 15.SSOOpermo + utll. UllfumlBr.upper.$340. ~/mo lnclds utils. OK.IS7S/mo.MMI07. bat Ila. fire i I aced pool/tennis. SllOO. grade: Avail 4 / lS . features: Pool. BBQ. m.29,or673-6158 Be..il ludscapin/. No Really nice remodeled. 2 br, 2 ba condo. Wilk to Plf!OUI vtew. ier ~I &M-5511. tlll50/mo. Days 642-SMO cov'rd 1ara1e. aur· ptts. LEEWARD PTS. 11'73-6372 =ch. Security 11tt. ~S3000permo . .Ava . •CAMTOM arwtndt/ev6'2·6421 rouode with plush ~L...-3716 3DOf\IUerton,83l-o39'7. 2 br ~/ 3S2 Vi . I • L 1276 landacapin1. No pets. • ........ •••••••••••••• Roomy 3 Br. 'rownhouse toni. Adu:: no pe~. i spa, sauna. tenn a. CONDO S.Cll•• 1Br.fum fromS46S l.a1una !Jearh. beaut. K:in quiet adull tom-64.Wl6l ~J640-44J4 • a Br. fut) aolf course •••••••••••••u•••••••• 2 Br. funh from $540 tum .. suite 2 BR. SJ>•. . . Newly dttorated. - view, tA!nlls. pool. spa. <>run view. Spanish lSSW. Wilsoo, H2·1'71 uu.na. utelllle TV, ireplace. enclsd~alio ' Badldor,3blbtobeacb. associated ~ • • N .. • LeaRPri-~ ... :.tr~·eO:~· '-!!:•Br.2Y.Ba.1wooc1 -..._ide lB 1 m11d serv. noo wk ~ge. Adulta only. '~tftl" stove, refnc. utlls pd. iiiiiilll------i ._""' .... ~. trplc .. pro . de· rvuu • r, persont 71A-499-2227 no pet.a '575 Mo ~ -=-a 422..., 9UI St. 961MIOZO '1!· ---------1 IMIM001co2bedroom cor. w/d, bll·ins, many no pell, Nr Westcli.f 64.S-Dl orS7s,St.9 . ~~~S , ...... ee ... m=·------- . ' r..-den de 11050 other amenities No Plaza. 1250 Incl uUI. • · Canal Front. Newport 2-.u::er pets. lllOO/mo·. + Isl/last + sec. dep. 1+• BF.AVl'IFUL2Br.2Ba. Bu 111 aar n apts. 2BRCODC1o,poolldryfac, sa.or.. 4 Br+. LHaeor Sealtlty +S200cleanlna. 17Wmot541·70Sl ....., .. 14 Mesa Vmle Patiol/decb. Spa, heat Runt Hbr Area 1$20 Glltiall to buy· llSOO/mo. l!Mfs CoOlldo 3 Br. Back Call Ron 2ll/t24·71H _................. Garden Asi t*d. No pees. •1507, 731·!9! TtMla, pool. walk to 111 vie•. 11000/mo. dlilY. '1l4t•t7a "~ ..... J7~ ........ JIN ftpk,Lndry,l>Qwah.r. UR.ZIA. . SS2S ZBr.J ,Ba. U&11t••1mnJ, ~ ~ 641·1°'4 or cau Mm....,... •wtndl. ---·:-••••...... _.................... Eadoeed aarait. l$50. • w. Wllloe 131·5519 frahlY painted, raraa•. · . z Br .. '"' Ba . luxury Chrmlnl old Spanlth lll.11 FIMIST 1 ~ 1 llr, dl1hw11ber, •Jlece 5*4018 2 Br. EaNNe. 1ar11e. ·9500. •CANYON Lii tonlaome 1t1r Ho., llomt, wlll reduce reat ...-..1rt11t.Uvla1. Wllhel'/.,.r. •WMlffk, l Br I /Ude. t maU Mt tm/mo.+.et. 0. --Zill lf'c"Laii · C'oa~o. =· Atmosl new. ,. ....,_. or llra. BNltitlll ~·WI• aur· 1"61.llar.R.m.1171 cosy w/lou of aut •1111 BRIGtrr nm 1 11 SU211111' ... CanOtnJ •· lellH. Aleot O.lrft.•5072 ro•••:::.en Te::aud .._, r.., •n ...S. sa Adda oely. .m&fW urpttalri, DIW. IMry fTJ.7111• .... ....,, ....... aa frpl. r,'!rtlly, fo~•ltt::: _ ............... al4112. MISAWllD~T r lD, HCl ,.,, 1411. Siiier H.utlot/Oteu V•. ,._.._ IDd teenls. I ftlllfctry, retnse bicld. Spacloh r oo'ma . NuUm,JBA 1t11rb . 1t• t BR, quid bldf· QWtt l Br. A~. Up .... Ml-=197;;:;..;....., ___ _ S'BR.2b1.$111Smo.• Wrm. lb1, STSO(mo. pvt Jlrd, h b + Slperak cHnln& 1ree. P'rpk,bll-llll,1ar,parli· ,man dot• 1cce9te . w/baleo1t1. utlaedral 1 ldrm. z ea. upelaltt 0t•V!ew.17S.21f7 W1t eritomu ac. clubbouH, no. pets, Wilk-In c l oaeta, 1111. Cloe• to baJ • 1»ttn1. ld·4t ... 1M or ~ Down '"8alcle lllll chr bat. 111 pr. t pAMJLOUSOCEANV\f Gl·MOO lml• ...... 11. lilo•llkt llllclleo • w.Mr 2. m... ~/pat~ 011 1tou, chUd Ok. Water paMI. -'Z+ldplx. pool. sir. .......... s.lllMe JUI CltiialU. W1a to Hunt· I SmaU Bu~elor, PIT mJNN1NG 1ar1t z Br. 2 ::.bilta-:fa~~·.rs1; =-S6JOOO, A.-, IO lrPlc. beam ~u .. etc. ~ !ffH view. -·-............. --r=ru· MS 1 .rt•~r. •tilt P••!.1~ Ba. , .... apt. POC?I. •. ll(Ba$:ftHH1. -~-.-. a+ f formal din· bdrm aa trshoml rt• "" llloc.'Urom~•·-• • •·Ml.Jail. WALK TO BEACH : 11w.2"'blendunltcoa· I•, i1p1, 12000. ~.' ·~btoif.Mi... Nohtl. ~.a . ns-tsu. iDO/sm. 1 ar. a'i\ e.. • •·u• ~·-•=:' 111pte ~~ .. 11e1~·.:f:9! .. il do. boat ·~ uall. ' --· + -+ Utilldll rr .. 1 tonlaoaH, ,ar •• e, Aft. ......... .... ao ., I •mt ~ .ll!!I• Ml-~ """9rt.._.58d ea,. •mM•Mf.» · "'* •* lato tonT •·-~ rooa, •••I ....,,,.,.._, t•. --•· · ... ,._. ... Oii. ... P• r0om. • ... 1-JJl6 UQUIHTAHllllOSA n. '" •"!1•.l•l•d ~aau ...... TSL litru ••mt. Ce. 1144 for ,: b..aar'de1ll la • ... t ... + tel . I , _.::;::: .. _..... mi hrtllilh La, 1 "k 1 • llli Clwtllld Adi. Mm tf.M. IG·•· ................. . ' -I --.. tu-eelilool ... ., <Mal' ..... 1 1al Or1111 w." ltd, I lllkl s." ~ .... 1111 ..... ••t • w:.s:.r •mo. I ml a , .......... ~ PK Co*. llf, I i putmn ""'• t . • '-opdlnl, Call Yll. PIO/mo.' HtJI ...... eoWJmttlle.._.., eo C.U Ill •:IO tl&!r'I~. 11117 ftl 1"'91.--..tT.._, --•· .... 147.&ffl .,._1091!!!11 •lllA ..... .::IP,.._al=,__ ___ _ ; D I I I I I I I I I ' I 1 I I I ' I I l -':;....--~ .. ~nge County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March 6, 1982- Af lwah u.tw.. ·1· la4•1• Ulfwa. A.pe lauh u.fwa. Hohfs. Mot.ls 4100 .... lo s... 4300 fi..,.. Ofld.,.. 4400 ...... ...,.. 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tor.... 4150 ............................................. . ~ ••11 3141jMe..,.,. ••II 116' w.........-31ti On the beach hotel rooms. Shr lrg lux home w •pror. ....................... Exec. Ste's. Full servirt>. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •oe•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• kitchen ' bath 1300 J)enlOl'I. 1st, last le dt>p. Huntg Bch garage. S60 MEWPOIT CBfTEI ireallY reduced. z:~ .::.·1 :::~J~~· ~~ Large IB.R Ulil pd. SPot· ~. lbdrm +m> deposit. m W. m>. 966-1147!___ ro'r ~:i~fe 9~n~~ •• ~~ &ct ... Offke 754"789 49T·5.112eves less. Quiet. SUS. 2421 E Nr. shops. etc Oceanfront. Newport 9lll'r!lllSl • .. -~S..C.:r;::~__...'1,r-.J-.. llllllllls-----Mi~----· 16thSt.~718 Tosee 847-~ j\each.67J.'41~ -----to2000'sq"ft. Av'1t R--" l..l.-.... 4175 s Office....., 4400 blefor Lease ••••••••••••••••••••••• PAii NEWPORT APAITMEHTS I.,_ -4000 .... ..-1 y ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• "-"Wm F Cota ••• • • • • • • • ....... . . " ,.,_ ·1 r"' ON THE BAY ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••• 1617 Westd1r{. N.8 Want rormore information \dCll&'nle reta1 or o 11ce Rmmt wantedtoshr2BR BOARD' CARE-ladies Willshare2Br.2Ba.apt. financial inst 70005.r. tC "' P s ce.730-1470·8318699. 'uxurious. oprn 2 Apt. CM area. S27S Mo 'couples.Spec. Natural w11iberal Mle. prd. •·t floor A e:ntc•1 a..... ote Realty IET ~ •cf-bedroomh1deawayover· Incl util. Call Sterrie Food &c Care. lndry, nu ASA. WSA . NATUR "'-·--· ~ """"'-· ~f.'"' r ·1 c M ~ • ., ..... I & Investment u.~ B v . C.M. 912 looking Newpart Bay. allttS:J0646-6104 aci ·• · ....... ....., IS'I'S.&-0216 EXECUTIVE ........ COUNTIY CLUI UVINGIN NEWPORT IEACH Pl h . •. '40-S777 sq. f\. Avail now. us carpeting • Furn room. kitchen Pri••~u Share 4 Br. homt' btwn SUmS Realooomics 61517_00 drapes enhance this one prlvgs. C.M $200 mo Respanslble Ca tho lac Bay &c ()('ean. Avail. IN ol a kind upstairs unit 5411-11617 _ _ party will take loving ~ 61~2637 a.ft §PM --C2, Central C.M 450 sr. which is also graced tender care. and tBfTA5l IOlLCENTll slitabiefororrice, busi "ilh Danish fireplace. NB. Lge room &c full bath. personal asslsiance of 1 Resp. person needed to Pl.Ali NEWPOIT mu or ot.her. $225/mo. spaciouldeck. mirrored Sep.' pvt entrance. elderly person. Xlnt shr C.M 3 Br home. New luxury0rfice 111ace !lepnC£sei suites in ulils ineld. 631 -63.22. A luxury community on wardrobedoorlcp1cture Vit-w or bay It open rood Mesa Verde CM close to beac h &c in Irvine's busiest prestigious loe. Incl~. --- the Back Ba)' Spec· windows orrering a ocean. Non smoker $350. Rer Newport Bl S29S mo in· centeT' Easy Frwy ac· s.ec.retarial, recep-...... 4100 ~ular Spa. 7 swim· ~noram1c view or Lbe 646-SlM SS6·6033 £!.util.~ve.._646·4395 __ cas. Avail. now ! Call liOniSt, ~lephone 805 ' • ming pools. 8 lighted ten-y! For &PJIOIDlment Near 0.C.C . pool Non· r..-1..t.h 4200 F shr 3br. 2ba CdM house for details. 1111re. Ofcs from $436 •N••B•••••••9~··~·;;;;••• nis ~ru. bike trails. please call Mon tbru Fri smkr. S170 ~2510. Call _, I "''th F M. 25·35. mstr j5H2ll 640-4Zll am. On·call ofrs $165 ..• 39'15 ire sq. putting green 8Lo5pm MAM. •••••••••••••••••••••••bdrm &c ba . s300 mo. THE HEAD · t\.orlas.MJAwne,5& Bachelors. l and 2 17141720..2473 --4 BR borne nr OCC and I 673-LS6l •DB.UllOFffCH• QUARTERS CO M· per sq. fl. Agent bedrooms apartments. E/aldeC.M. FUrn. rm. in· SC Plan . Non ·smkr. ---· -1-)-om I room up to 2000 PANJF.S: A professional 541-~5032~·--- and townhouses from ----cl .• all. ullls. $275 Call .1185+~tll95S-0809 __ Roommate wanted .till sq n. From Sl.16 a sq. eD¥ironment. (714 ),MesalodustnalPark.nl SStOtoSlOOO per month Cliff Haven. 2 br. 1 ba. _Christina, 557-27!3 _ Pnrra> Oceanfront Loe. J 6 15, 2 br. 1 ba. Jae. rt. No leue required. ISlat W. 17th. St /Pac Hie On Jamboree At new crpt. fresh paint. F'um. rm. p,1 ba. cov'd Br+ ram rm . Weekly or 1 (l~S 613·J95S N.B..._ Adj Airporter l11n. 2172 •-.rs &"'"'USS I Bhlrs 1~.uslrial Park. SanJoaquin Hills Road frplc .eat-inkit.Nopell1. garage. Pool. $l60mo m:>nlhly. Avail 411 ,82. Prof Mtfto shrZbron Dupont . Call AM -~ -. l!35Wh1tt1erAve ISOO. m4!64H900 -~.G42-Zl.34 __ NB..:..~t>ve _ Pia aRult 673·1900 N B. Pen S300 mo Km m._~. --Answering la mail1 1.900.3700sqrtun1l5 Of ~ ----4606 servic!1, eonrereoce n~ wuehouse space Nu·r EE!.Apt. &c Condo Across from beach Lg Room' bath in p\I Yocatioel ...... 4250 ~7377161~ -8AYfRONT room. /\OJ· OC Airport. wtcMpets, drapes, wel rentals.V1ll1Rentals lBr+den. Yrly $435 . Irvine home, rem. prer ....................... Dana Pt. shr 3 br hse. Pri offi 6'7J..I003 l00n>.l_14/851·134-1.._ t..r.&12-4453/642-7804 67>4912 Broker. A<Dts. pool, ent'l gar. nu ms +utils 551·4196 OC"'•"'FRONT 2 &c 4 Br avail. now. Bill 831 1257. ~ ice. · ----- Soac. Lor 2 br apts. 1 mi Crom beach. No pets. 640-SO'l& ""'' &29&! Costa Meu 250 rt Newport Beach ou r Wanled small woodwork· ®· ---NB. room Incl waterbed. Avail nov.• Weekly thru ~-· 1~ · Hoac Hosp. 1000 sq ft.. Ing 5 h 0 p. c 0 s t a 642-2357 -- Waterfront. dlx ! Br. frplc. P"1 patio. Color su~ 613-78J3 Mature M r hsemale for Sllte. Sin/rm. Utl 5 in· second rloor offices, •!ft· Meu.(ShareJ Have quiet. private. S79S 'mo . "!_'V_~L.631·7215 PalmS~ring:i area !Mon· Jr\I. twnhse. $27~ incl t'ld. 779 W. ISth St. pie partlini. ~ell main· own tools . M c'Vey Dock avail 613-6336 ' d 3 BR wl 551·5319 Xtras ~l-8928. i.aiMd bldg. Vicky days ...,. -·1. Eiarlv best §4t9&66 Nice middle aged ~rson. terey C) t'on o 2 . -h ~' 572 sq. ft. SJ OO per ?Jt/64.S-4900. _ v•......,._ _;1 --· rumrm&cba.$300mo. Ba . furn. w :itraum M1Ftoshr2BR.2Bi\bc sq n 39'1SBirch N.B --1,000sqftwarehouse.sm l~loyCWt katchpnv ~l:1734,~v_. Golf. tennis Daily. apt.FUrn til6151250. ·" "· · PACIACPl.Ali office,head,S340mo W&-flO..,T Studio ~_5 fll(f 631 ·6000 _ Laguna Beach large rum weekly &c monthly mt es CalLT..Qm evt-s, 673.2147 A&e.!!l 541'5032· Old Spanish Hacienda ~3544 "''-" ---avail 714·SS8 8901 -~•tftn n ·11 WITH DOCK Balboa Bay Club. 2 br. room. pm ate bath. 9-SPM. ask for Mark Rmmate w1ntl"d to shr _,.. 3900 sq. · Cw• BEAT lllGH RF:NT Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba lovely bay view, $1700 linens Is l ' last -sml 2 BR hse tn F.. CM execuplan divide) deluxe orrice free move-in lame. wrspa in mstr Ba. blt·in mo ~J:D'.. 640-9605. S~!'~~ 499·5550 PAJ,M SPRINGS T~~ ! S26S + uul $250 <le11 space avail 71l /S2. with Plenty ol part'g. fncd kllch .. rrplc. dbl car I Br den Condo iY1tn, JeH,fl!ll 591Janyume view or gardens ' yud. nr rails &c frwys garage. + 2 additional Newport He1ghLs condo J female s~ks room in ex pool ''u Ntwly rurn ••Meow eo.c..t.. Si:>ai*b fountain s Wall «XI to 800 amp. truck o(r.st spaces. $1300. bd townhoust-. 2 bath, <'henge ror clt-anang. S25Chwk. $60 day Ava al. M F, 21 JS. share 2· Hr 2 f\111 servlce/cusfom to w•ll carpeting, A/C. powder rm . f r11 Ir , ~--1~7 IO AM. Lo noon. 3-22.J114 IS51 _4~ Ba Apt garage. frpk. olrice,desk space. l&.lliUes la Janitorial in· drs. New. 13,SOORlc 67boSO J.l.h'opMqn. comm. pool S900 mo. -good lor S290+•i ciuded.Convenientloca-C!l to2)'grossl anc 675-6173 £5-6670 Call~9M<rr&45 4834. Laguna Room bath. p\l BPauti(ully rum 28r 2Ra 631 !f!L Nr. 0.C. Airport .. tion.234 E l7th St. Costa C u c a m o n g a . br ba 1 entr 1225 Pror. OH'r 40. in L~isu re Wo rld . "'SeetoAppreciale! MesaorcallMS-Jl20.,,_ 1710985·58LO . eves 2 .2dia.1ar ,poo .sun-EASTBLUFFSpac1ous l non smoke r Refs. Laguna. Apr ·Oc t. Femrmtewanted Yrly 7:,e..1971 9115--..--51122=--·--deck, hwasher. S6SO Br. pool, quiet. pleasant 419+<M&l 77~3 re.nta1 on Balboa Pen1n Prime Of l ice Space. ca--Avail. Mar. S. area. Single adult, no ----------»25 r.n prer. 2Br 2ba. Olr'ona del Mar. lff10 sq _..,. 4550 613-22171646-2992 Avail 4 l 644 4767 Room tor rent Newpart Lrl! Big Bear cabin, pool .fall Jillfi73.~I --MIWPOIT llACH rt. sul te. H:'iO I mo . ••••••••••••••••••••••• VlLLA 0 · · · · -Be a e b K i t c h tbl. color t''· 2 (pis. Shr __ ,,_ ""'eaii view · iFULLSERViCl:• 6'1S-15IO Space available lOOO-lSOO BALB A 1,g. 2 Br. 2 Ba. nice. near privileges S200 mo. slee l4. 545·~116. •vnuu "" ..... 9!!c::Jt-. -.-IQ It, 30' pr sq rt Lake 2 br. 2 ba. frplc, mi.cro. ocean. $650/mo. Nwpt. '646-234G . . . walk to be•ch. sauna. '"" • a.tom eucuuve otrsc.e. Porest area. Contart ' al =~ &c bay view. Shores. 548·8190 Pvt suite in condo. f.rer~ ~~! ~i:erl ~;. ~~.~~~ ;:~lhmg you'd want :~ ~ce·S80/mo. • 1q. f\. Pvt bath with leeat . . cs SS!l_.7411 2 Bdrm 2 bath near the ~che~~~·zf,~'t,f[~:;:. q:._:.nonA"fkcPM0s1~· drs.57J.2493 eves '"vuldllketosharerum. Call 7S2·64(J8 ~ .. .:=. Penin ...... Wmhd 4600 beach. S600 per mo . app't :· 615:0124.' ask ror ~::· es. · · Slci Park West in April. 2 Br apt Prer. sports nut ~~ll~e: Pd•e~:. ~:~!: Shanfum olfire sp•ce in c;~·;:i;:S"r~;j5°;:.; J.l!!!ly).7~2-2841 K.aleorJaclne ---~I Br. Condo. 2 mm w,1tereo S250'mo Call: 1~."•J.""63..... CDM on PCH. StsO mo apt. or homa rental I k . summer's coming!. Live rrom Ult. 549.3773 Usa .... , ... vr --.. 3 Br. 2 Ba. I 2 bloc s to I Bt. 33rd St. 2 blocks at the beach. Pvt ent. It • -"7-tI80or6428360 --.,,.,._ Balboa Beach area June ocean· S 7 S 0 I mo · from beach. garage. No ba 754.Ulil .... -to S.... 4300 ~---HUMTIM5TOM ..... ...... ..50 ot Jul>'. Write R. Nonn. Owoer/Aaent. 615·2373 pets. $450. Sierra Mamt. · · -----••••••••••••••••••••••• F to shr 3 br home w. llACH ··--••••••••••••• !!ill £. Prince. Tutson. or'f10.85el. Co.Ml-1324 Shrnice2story HB home. Prol Sbr 2BR, 2BA CdM same. S200, lst. last. 650. 785or 2.111 str suites M ,.,.. ._. .U.85'1lt . ..... _....... •-It .,,.40,H...._. .... _.. .,,.40 1200 mo Pool /s pa HselBlkfrBch.f Prer. College Pk , C M. ror immed «Kc. Full 11W •er I r -...._,. .. -• --....,• _ .... -. 558-53.!!.115-9619 Eves 751-0508 Service •rou luu from ... JQfa s..c, :z,., • c ean. un urn ap-u••••••••oon•••••••n ououoouuuoou••••• 842-2581,962·WL_ _ -------"""' M1.111'' ._ "'on'd• _ Pniit~~lr...._ l/houle.CID Bal lsl. yrly ~===============~il1 N/f' shr SA. home nr -• ra ... ""'"' rental 760-6811 v I~ Mesa Vude. private 17th St. Own Br1batb. Pacifica Hosp. Owttr/ cm busy P•t C1l Hwy, . e es __ 'l\ennybunkport? lsn 't that the boat that won The America's Cup in 757 ~~ lf)ou're not sure who (or what) l<tnnybunl<port WIS, don't feel bad-)10U'rt not alone. l<tnnybunkport is one of 14 cistlnctiwly itfe(!nt •rtment tloorplans at Seawinc! Vlllq In Huntington Beach. Seawinc! Vllage is I re5llt of toQly p«soNliUd professioNJ plannino. The kind of attention )10U desffw. • A perfect blend of DltlJrt and IMng- netlld In I ftn5t with bllltlllng brookS and quiet pondS. cQ!>led by natural OC8ll'I tnms. Add to tt\lt ttnnis courts. swimming ~ I JICVUi and I COIMflifnt IOQdon nNr stiopplng and t11'*'7m111t and )10U'W got I pla myont would proucl'/ Qll hOml. (Ewn ~rt!) One and two bedroom. one and two ~ .: ~ Wllgt I.ft ltintwlgtOn 811d\, CA (714) ....... I """' "" Stn OllgD ,,.... .. """ Gii '-" '° ~ -... Cll McllMll to~*"' ·1111111iH9Nllllll•QllllMJ tOAM.,..a pal.lo, entrance le bath. rurn or unfurn. Prol ~Jan"anl lclnl for mail or ofrlce ~iblt gror. woman !~~f:g ~~ 0cv~~~\~~i ROOMMATE person25-40 yrs 9sa.21s2 1z14y.1u1· :n~·ooo to s.ooo sq n ~e~-~c21~~n~ cuests. $250/mo. Avail. FINDERS eves. 144 sr prof. office + 11 7109 dplxapl. Alao consider 1 to June lS. 549-3612 __ Oldest' larieat agency. 4 BR home nr OCC and secretarl space. A nil. br +den, Iba.~ mu. Pvt home. no smoking or AU clients sc~oed with SC Plan. Non ·smkr. 5-l.S. $125 + $115. Orange ...._ attr•11 C.M. only. 631·185$ XZ30. drinking. quiet M over phot.os la references. llS + ·~ uUl 95S·Oll09 Coalt FlnUK'ial Ce.nter Retail Ciri ~space. on 730-1258 _ _ __ I> SmoSS6063'7 Credits:Coamopalitan P'em.toshr2br.lba.•,, H,CM95'M4H. the w aterfront In •~wantedbv student . . _:_ --Good Mornine AITlt'riCa, bllt to beach. S2SO + ''2 Cle s-ce for lse, John Newport Beach. Hi1h ......,... , N.ll room lnclds rrplc. TheTomorrowShow. utlls.673-..-vlalbitity location on rn excbance to do your waterbed. color TV. • .,, orr • to a II new Wayne Airport area, 300 Pie Cit Hwy. 1,000 io houlttleanlng. babysit Printe patio. $300. Ii t.s '--' I F 1~28) to shr beaut. IQ fl. $J.IS per sq ft. 3000,ft or office worlt. Honest. c en w,., I""" a p ace. S.'51·6070 ___ · 1.: ... c 7100 n..1•1 997 1-1 631-7215. HIWPOIT 641 •1199 apt. 1 blk rrom beach, • ,,_. net • • ~ · 8uullful canal front rm ~8550--LOW COST w/adjoin101 bath. kit M/F slit 3 br hse. II 8 lGOsq fl. klealfor l)riv.~tobch tennis 2500sql\condolo shr,lg Sports.minded non-deslpwn.artls ... "pool N 8 ms mo rms on beautlru'I smoker. 847-1893 art. engineen.Av1ll.now. ~ ' . . GreenbJt Ii view of the I wknd 1001 W. !TUI. C• -, 1 h d bey, w[pools. :>$7-7183 or 2 u r n s e r m s l40Q3ll Prot. M 35+ shr 2 bdrm w/hlJlroom priv. Nr. P f w k twnhle, C.M. Bluffs. Campa Dr. ottltt. IO' sq SO. Cat Pini. It 405 ro ·. oman su 9 5+ .851· rt . Lu or Mo/mo . Fwy. Non.smkr. SSS wk. ChrilUIJJ Lady to Uve in "'. hu 2Br 11pt to ... , MuU. Rea S. __ -1717 Cdll home w /son ' r llJ1 clop. Rent neccill•ble. W/(f!llllle $0 +. 1200 + WANTED BY New Busi· ...... W... 4110 CfMOtl. ~udU · ne11 ofc. reas. w/12 ........ ••••••••••••••• RoommattPpmerred.2 M/P 3br Park Npt =-~~1 usume IM I MOT& BR hoou. 2 car, far. Twnhae. Pool/•P•lltn· a1' now avail W/D. 2blllato Main bch.1 nls, vu bat'll bay. Ja11 TM sq.fl . profeulonal h up. Color rv : "'5 l11clud. utllltles1 13M09 bNI· Colt• •fta. Nr Pbooet .. room. nu .,., .•._ Harbor • Batu. New ort Blvd. CM . Roomnte M/F H.B. cd ! twill. 4JIO ..:.fM'"'-......mT-=..:='-----1 ... lex' ... ·-··············. ~ --APLACl7 sm+ Ii ••• 20' nr 81hr I ••san llii: W8*'1_ lalel 147-4111 · DlHt Fa Irv I e w • c I u n • .._ •Hll lhcl" '1t"" KltdleMU•·Phoen MllUn, ,... r d•tm to.1387 1 ,,._,., Chk eintar "Z"C1'motlllo•lel ... °' apt W/HIM .............. u.... • Ml I Oitlllls. Pri• 't?*'6w~!f..~7°.;t •1nn.11r. Cdll. NI• .,_..lat. R11t1t, 14 lecetlH . .,, ..... o ___ a,..._ .... ~~;;..;!!~~-.....------.. ---··1 Ly. ..... t»Hll ~UH>