HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-07 - Orange Coast Pilot. 111111 Mr OH ANGE:. COUN I Y \,Al It OH NIA ','J l l NT'l . --Slain Bible transla:tor's legacy inspiring By PIUL SNEIDE&MAN Of tlle Oeltr "-' ..... One year a10 today, the wont fears of Huntington Beach-based Wycliffe Bible Sooo alter his body waa found, • Colombian newspaper reproduced in bold red letters the lerrorilta' wamin1 to Wycliffe's translators: "All Will Die Like Bitterman:: -A book about Chet Bitterman, belnt wrlUen by a 1001-ttme friend, ia nearly completed; a documentary rum about blm la beint planned by Wycllffe. In a telephone interview from Lancuter last week, Mary Bitterman obMrved, ''Chet la touchlnc many more people with his death tban he could have reached if be had lived." Translators were realized. . Chester A. Bitterman Ill, a 28-yeu·old translator working for' a WycWf~ affiliate, bad been kidnapped in Colombia seven weeks earlier by terrorists who clai~ the missionary 1roup was a CIA front. -But if the terrorists' 1oaJ wu lo break the spirit of Chet Bittefman's family and the organisation he worked for, the slilylnc appears Chet Bitterman was not the first WycUffe translator to be killed while carrying out the c roup's work. to have had the opposite effect. , The following events have ~curred durlnc -Chet Bitterman'• widow Brenda baa chosen to remain with Wyclllfe. She recenUy remarried and now lives lo Texu with ber daughters and her new husband -another. Wycliffe employee. The terrorists' ultimatum: More than 200 Wycliffe translators in Colombia must leave or Chet Bitterman would be executed. SUNDAY SPECIAL -The residents of Lancaster, Chet's hometown, have raised money to purchase an ambulance ror the people of Colombia. The vehicle Is expected lo be. flown to South America within the next two weeks. Wycliffe's academic affiliate, the Summer Institute or Llneulstics Cfor which Bitterman wvorked). sends translators lo work wltb ~rlmitive cultures often in rugeed areu far from modem civilization. Some of these cultures are in nations wracked by political unrest, ~inc further hazards to translators. Wycliffe denied any CIA connection. It refused lo remove its people, citing an e.$lablished policy against giving in to terrorist demands. the year since the Bible translator was slain: -Wycli({e's commitment lo bring written alphabets and ~be Bible to oblcure Indian tribes in Colombia has not wavered, "If anything, there are more Wycliffe peop,le there now than when Chet was killed, ' said Wycliffe spokeswoman Betty Blair. -The slain translator's parents, Chet Bitterman II and Mary Bitterman have made frequent appearances before church and community croups durin1 the past year, speakinC about their son's work. Wycliffe translator Hank Blood, working in · Southeast Asia, was captured in 1988 by North Vietnamese soldiers and was placed in a prison camp. He reportedly died there of malnutrition and pneumonia about six months later. The stalemate ended in the pre-dawn hours on March 7. 198L Chet Bitterman, eldest of eight children in a Lancaster, Pa., family and himself the father of two young daughters, was drugged. placed aboard a hijacked mini-bus and shot onr.t: through the heart. WycllCfe's new membership rolls are up 70 percent, and monetary donations have increased 20 percent, according to Ms. Blair. -Another of the Bittennana' son.s, Craig, has been studying at Colombia Bible College and plans to follow in his brother's footsteps by joining Wycliffe . But the kidnapping or Chet Bitterman WU perhaps the first time Wycliffe has been forced <See SPIRIT, Page A3) 1 U.S. interested • m Salvador peace plan Houston hotel/ire _Kills 0 HOUSTON CAP) -A hotel clerk repeatedly turned off a general alarm system early Saturday while a n isolated fourth -floor fire filled a gleaming Hilton hotel with dense smoke, killing 10 people, fire officials said. The clerk had called the fire department, but apparently didn't realize that by cuttiq off the desk buzzer activated by guests on upper floors be was also deactivating the entire alarm system. said Deputy Fire Chief L,H. Mikeska, The general alarm system which arouses guests is destined to go on automatically about two minutes after the desk buzzer is activated, unless it is cul orr. "The occupants we have been able to interview did not bear any alarm at all," Mikeska said. The victims "would have had a better chance" of surviving had the alarm not been turned off several times, he added. ' The hotel employee was not identified, Among the vh:tims was a family of four from Louisiana stayin g in Houston for a wedding. Two of the dead were brothers, ages 2 and 4. Eleven other people were injured, two critically. Authorities said they were "looking at the possibility" that a cigarette may have caused the fire al the 13-story Westchase Hilton Hote l in southwest Houston, Many guests complained that nothing happened when they pulled manually operated fire alarms in the hallways, Others said the only alarms they heard were the sirens of fire trucks arriving at the scene. Kith have • issues too Fifth graders apparently have big concerns. A r esult of a class project shows they have more on their minds than bitser allowances and en'\ertalnmenl. Subjects that they find disturbinl Include school closures and lack of funds, plane crashes, bicycle Hfety ,' IUD control and drunken driven. Cell Sbann'an uked ber 1tudent1 ai. Anderson School ln Newport Beach to relld letten to the editor .. la ae:;::pen ud tlaey write own. lamplee al their work, Hleded OD tbe buia of ••riety and 1eaerat "-ttrelt, appear an Pate AT. BRUSHING UP -John Flammia of Newport Beach (right l checks original graphic to make sure Mike Chiavetta or .Huntington Beach. Dave Rem etta. Fred Geboe a nd Donn Comte are applying colors properly to "Woody," Mural is one or many that are replacing graffiti on wall at Bolsa Chica State Beach. Pop art e ffort is proving so .................... ~ ...... s u ccessful , according to beach officials, that they. are running out or wall space, Arti,stry driven up a sea wall. Beach-oriented murals popping out at Huntington's ·Bolsa Chica By PATRICK KENNEDY t Of .. .,....,"-' SW! A state official says the Bolsa Chica Seawall Mural Festival in Huntington 1 Beacb is a big success and unsighUy graffiti is being replaced by color1ul, ocean-oriented paintings. ''Eight murals are already completed and we approved sketches for 25 more," says state beach lifeguard Dave Perry. "We're running out or wall space. This has been a giant success with a lot of community support." New murals featuring sur1ers, ships, dolphins a nd an otd "woody" station wagon have replaced spray-painted profanities. .. Judging from the response we're getting it looks like the mural will be a major attraction to tourists and beachcoers," says Perry. "The graffiti and oil pipes have been so ugly down here for so long that it'I' great to get an idea of what It all could look like by this summer." Officials of the state Department of Parks and Recreation announced in late January that they wanted local artists <See SEA WALL, Page AZ> Jail slams on flim flam man ON THE INSIDE Feds say Newport Beach man lived high on fraud . By STEVE llA&BL"'E Of .. Oeltr ........ Newport B•ach resident Georae MOQtOe Eggleston i.s in Jail and autftoriUea aay they're not the least bit surprised. bis eirlfrlend a $15,000 black They claim Eggleston had Corvette fQr Christmas. al ready failed lo another They claim that when one builneu venture by lhil Ume scheme would c:ollapse. he'd and bad started usin1 the name simply start a new one, often Garrlaon II. Everett to escape usin1 other persom to act u past ~rediton. TWICE FORTY -Need a new outlook? Borrow one from 1mllin1 octogenarians Fred Woodworth and Carl Bataer. Stories about Fred's senior newsletter and Ca rl 's salesmanship appear on Pages· A4 and Dl. Haig eyes Mexican ---:-=-m -propOSiU -· NEW YORK CAP > - Secretary of State Al exander M. Haig Jr,, expressing greater interest than before in a Mexican peace plan for El Salvador, said Saturday it must include curbs on Nicaraguan involvement in .the insurgency. Haig and Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda conferred for two hours on the plan, put forward Feb. 21 by Mexican President Jose Lopez Portillo Caslane«Ja said the Mexicans suggested the meeting with Haig, Both men described t h ei r talks as useful and positive, "President Reagan's intention is to explore every avenue that could lead to a successful and appropriate peaceful resolution to the situation in Central Ameri<:a . , . and that includes exploring the Mexican initiative in depth," Haig told a news conference after the talks. He said he will discuss the plan again at a meeting with Castaneda here next week, Castaneda told reporters the talks were "extremely useful and very constructive and we agreed in many aspects." But be s aid they had different viewpoints on events in El Salvador and policies to pursue following the March 28 elections there. He did not elaborate. Castaneda also indicated disagreement on the infiltration or arms Crom Nicaragua to Salvadoran left.wing euerrillas. Haig has said a large quantity of arms have moved lbrougb Nicaragua. While Castaneda did not dispute that thls might previously have been the case, he said only a small amount ol a rm s are now reaching the rebels. Haig appeared to leave open the possibility of talks with the leftist leader s of Cuba and Nicaragua, which the Mexicans are advocating. The three-part Mexican peace proposal calls for a negotiated settlement of the Salvadoran guerrilla war, a non-aggresion pact between the United States and Nicaragua, a nd talks <See HAIG, Page AZ> WONDER WOMAN -Betsy Sanders calls her climb up the corporate ladder at Nprdatrom a · love ·s tory . • ' Sh are t b la vice-president's enthusiasm oo Page Dl. Federal olflelals say the ~Y thin1 that sUfl)rises them la that it took 10 Iona to put the 35-year-old man beblnd tiers. "front men." Hia tax abelter buslneaa wu This past week, Eggleat.pn ca lied Ome1• Flaaacial. ANC&oas BOLDING -.11111 pleaded guilty to seven. fraud Authoritl• aay lta oftlcea were Spider MacLean and Dan char1ea in the U.S. courthouse, lo Newport Center and that Rather tell how they coordinate InvHU1aton for the U.S. Attor~"~ oftlce la Loi Anaelea clal~ ~ l:uleston'a criminal track reeOrd 11-"amaatnc.'' They contend that lo less than four yean be formed three different lnvellmeDt·type ftnm wbicll be used to swladle cJlenta out ol mon tbaa Sl miWon. Court documenta indicate E11le1ton Uled otber people'• money to buy • bouae la Newport Beaclt'a Bll c_,.,.. ...... .,._, .. alimoaJ and buy '• in Loe Ancelea. He entered the another man bad afrftd to aet what IC* on the air after 25 ::.,......... : =~ plea shortly before be was to ae the flnn'• ~t. yean at KWIZ l9d ooe year at .....,. .,_ °' ..._ stand trial. w l t h o m e 1 • a 1 b 1 1 the belm on CBS ll;ve:ntn1 News. c.......-,..., ,, .. ..,.. He now faces a poulble I b d They rec:ount some famous and c-~ '" ..... .... s pr DI oar • autborltlH •-f d p ltl and "-··· .. ..... SI-year prlaon term when be contend, Es1leaton Uaed up ID amoua •YI on aces .... ..._. •• _. ........ co•ea up for aentendaa llarcb cllenta wilUU to put ap......., E2. =-.... ~ =..... 9 tiefore. U,S. Dlttrlet Judie for medieaf equipment tltat ..... ~... 1 '"' ,,__.. QavldKeayon, purportedly watobelMMd08l WBO'S JBIVS&ING' -:::.--•= ::-...._ Lawyert and federal toua .. uomd ... __,,. NotlllDI Hire a boet trip cm tbe -....... • ... ....,. lavttUl•tGn IQ t.be N..,...n &a....-ii. •H• 1'81 • --' Tb••tt to remlad Oil• lao• ........ .., -- man ffnt bit on tbe Idea of documentl, fond at IMlt • ... chill)' • Snl)lsb •Driu ea• be. aellln1 medical equlpmeat u JU.U wWlq to put 1IP • _. Column lat Sta•· Dela,lane _. "'•rt of a tu ....... _-·-la nlatH some "8Tf•ltnnrr "'im1Jiij_!17 ..... -iin. · ~· ·· ._ IWINllLING, ••Al) • 'folklore on P.,. CT.· \I I :i ., •to.a • .... .,.. ... Ct .. a• . .., 0 .. ,., Al - cause unclear ' .. -.. LOS ANGELES <AP> -Ador John Belus hi. the zany "S a turda y Night Live" ooRWJdian who was found dead in a Sunset St rip bungalow, underwent an a utopsy Saturday but. the county coroner's office said the cause or death had not yet been determined. Los Angeles Co unty Coroner Thomas Noguc hi s aid in a statement< "The cause o( death has not yet been established." Noguchi r efused to 1 ive addition.al details, citlng a Board ol Supervisors policy that only permits release of medical details surrounding the death. T ests on the body were continuing Saturday night with a possibility that investigators would come in today to try to complete the work. said senior investigator Juan Jimenez. When asked af the work would continue today, Jimenez said. "I hope so, so that we can gel some answers." He would not say what those tests were. The auto psy, which began 10:30 a.m .. took about l'h hours. It was another hour before Noguchi read his statement to reporters o utside the county' coroner's headquarters. ~ THEY MARCHED TO BEAOt -lt might have seemed like ~1 s~r to these folks Saturday. Close enough, even though ~ it was on]y the month ol March. This was the scene at h Ilmtington Beach Saturday afternoon. It was a rare day - clear and fine, with Catalina Island looking like you could DlllJ l"I ...... _ reach out a nd touc b it. San Clemente Island seerred almost within reach, too. Lifeguards along the Orange Coast counted beach crowds of unus ual size for a day in March. Most fol.ks stayed out of the water, though. Water temperatures in the ~will h ave that effect. From Page A1 SEA WALL. • • t o s ubmi t p r o p os al s t o cover t he g r a ffiti ·stained h sea walls with murals. Gore Vidal sees dark choices The seawalls are located along the sand and on a service road coming down from the blufftop. The road is used to service coastal oil pumps and pipelines between 11th Street and Golden West Street. Th.e state-sponsored mural Options are nuclear war or economic crackup, writer says in Santa Ana festival coincides with city plans national leader's like Preside11t age "is pointless unless you are becoming more arrogant and to develop an ocean vieWJ>ark Harry S. Truman ina.isted on _ _p!.i.!lJl!.p~_tQ.Jlla k.e..Jv us.. __ o.l_-t.ot.alit.af.ian~.-l-ha.a·Y<1e&-Jai.---eenn~lh~e~~lops overloekiftg By STEVE T RIPOLI Of .... Delly "91 ,..,. Nuc)ejl; wa.r_or. ''the ~onomi~­ crackup of this society" are the only two options being given to t he U .S . by its current le aders hip, noveli s t and probably U.S. Senate candidate fore Vidal told a Santa Ana ollelle-!udience Friday. Vidal s'6minoned all of his rhetorl-cal weapons In bvillltJ'l'llJJ)-tbe Tommunlst aggression on sm aller nations, sense with each passing year Bolsa Chica State Beach. A threat, because war or the like those in Latin America." that I'm living in an occupied recently passed city ordinance threat of it is prontable for the Vid a l acknowl ed ged in a country." also requires oil companies to ruling class, Vidal said. qu estion-and-ans we r p e riod Vida l proposed solutions to bury surface oil pipes as part of That mentality has led the after his speech that the Soviet "dis mantle the paternalis tic the coastal beautificatiOA plan. nation into war In Korea, lbe Union is guilty of a similar society we've accepted in favor Pe rry says the idea for the creation or tile Rt!$! Chinese buildup, but he said much If itis o f a grown -up one ." He mural festival started in 1980 threat, war in Vietnam, the a reaction to America's warlike advocated: whe n the n -unknown a rtists re-creation of the Soviet threat. stance. ~'the le ga lization of all painted several murals on the and now th e Re a g an "The idea of satanjc people victimless crimes. sea walls, including skillful Noguchi, who came under fire for what the Screen Actors Guild calle d "editorializing and &enSationaUitng'' In the deaths ol actors WllUam Holden and Natalie Wood, refwied to amwer any questions or SAY anyt.hlng beyond his statement. Belu~hl, the rood-righting frat.erriity bell-raiser or .• Animal House" fame, was found dead Ji)iday on a bed in a $200.a·day rented bungalow behind the famed Chateau Marmo nt Hotel. Police Lt. Dan Cooke had said the 33.yeat-old beetle-browed actor apparently died of natural cawws. Choking has been cited as one possible cause. Novelist Ayn Rand, 77, dies NEW YORK (AP) -Novelist Ayn Rand, author or such books as "Atlas Sh.rugged," died alter a long illness Saturday at her Manhattan home at the age of 77. a family friend said. Susan Ludel said friends were with the author when she died Saturday afternoon. Miss Rand's best known works include "The Fountainhead," the s tor y o f a n a r c hit e ct of granite-hard integrity written in 1943, "We the Living," and ··Atlas Shrugged.·' S he o n ce s aid "We The Living" was "as near an a utobiography as J will every write. The plot is invented, the background is not." "We the Living," she said, w as "a no ve l a bout man ~mi l &.be s la,e. · theme is the sanctity of human life -using sanctity not in the m ystical sense, but in the sense of ·supreme value ."' In the introduction to her play, "The Night of J anuary 16th," M iss Rand wrote : "The motivation of my writing has always been the presentation or the ideal man · · unleas~ '!oadsides al what e cMi::idmized ,a. Jl warliM inf ciisl that h_. turned the .S. into a "gerrisdn slate." adminis tration 's m assive sitting in Moscow, plotting the P a r o l e f o r a ll p e tty de pi ctions of Laurel and Hardy, military buildup an• the new doorn o{ the U.,S .. is ridiculous," criminals to make way in the Ch a rl ie Chaplin , the Blues Ma . J Central American threat. Vidal he said. The 56viet empire is <;in prisons for violent persons, and Brothe r s a nd an unknown nne 0 Se8 said. a rapid road to ec onomic a program of restitution to the da rk-haired woman. --.. · In an interview a fter his 5-minute presentation. Vidal aid "it looks like it" when sked if he'd seek ihe Senate eat from California. He added Military expenditures that will collapse under the weight of its victims of crime. Pe rry says those artists have J • CdM amount to $1 .6 trillion over the military e xpenditures also, he A tax on religions. touched up the original murals eg ffi next three years can lead only lo added. Withdrawal of U.S. land amnodr"'s. ubmitted sketches to do cycle Crash nuclear war or bankruptcy for Vidal said problems are not troops from Europe. ... the nation because large·scale solved in this country because He said a firs t s t e p in Perry says the 12·foot wall military buildups always lead to there is no t.rue de~ocracy 8;1ld di s m a ntlin g the m i litary along the service road is most al he will make his intentions nowo before Friday's deadline r filing bis candidacy. In his speech laced with the iting humor that is a Vidal ademark, the author traced e birth o( the "garrison state" the days just afte r World ar II. The U.S. was the undisputed aster of the world in those ays, he said, as the only nation. ossessing nuclear weapons and he only major nation not avaged by the war. But despite th~t dominance. romPageA1 use of the weapons, and because the two maJor poht1cal parties establishment may be a massive popular with artists but that the money for ~he buildup is coming a re vi r t u a 11 y id e n t ic a I in t a x p a y e r s · r e v o l l . H e shorter wall along the sand will fro.m ~octal ~~ogram s. that philosophy . ac~nowledged that none of the be offered next. m amtamed s tab1hty, he said. . "On the main issues of war cha nges he proposed be easy Mike Chiavetta of Huntington The supposed commu~1st a nd pea~e. defense and t~xe~: "You have to have a political .Beach joined with three friends thre at In ~entra ~ America ever)'.ones pretty much ahke. will (lo institute change) and las t week e nd t o pa int a currently being outlined by the he said. that's not easy in a country of 12-by-24·foot mural of a wood y ad.m iJ'!istration is ridiculous, He characterized the ruling o u r p o Ii tics ... h e s aid . station wagon said Vidal. class as composed of people "Ultimately. we'r e gotng to "We gathered g reat crowds. ··Can y ou imag i n e the "driven by greed" who "want it ha ve to s ay ·no' to the war especially s urfers," Chiavetta prospect of El Salvador on the a ll " in ter ms of power and m achjne" sa id . "Everyone was really march?" he said to laughter and wealth. no matter the cost to Vidal said 10 an interview that a ppreciati ve." Chiavetta and his app~ause. . . others. . . .. any candidacy he mounts will frie nds are graphic artists for Vidal said the maintenance of ln that pursuit, he said. our be run because d espite the Fo r d Aerospace in Newport a large landarmy in the nuclear ru lers unfortu nately are pro blem s. ··you· have to be Beach. moderately optimistic" that a ··w e've never done anything solution is possible. on a grand scale like this, but it He said politicians today are, was so much fun we're ready to for the most part, refusing to do another one," Chiavetta said. WINDLING1 CASES COMPLEX. • • di sc uss iss ues a nd o nly Lifeguard Pe rry says the discussing what pollsters tell pa intings have sparked a "new the m will sell. He said his atmosphere" around the bluffs s $150,000 lo buy medical quipment. Authorities say the edicaI equipment was never urchased. In 1979, thtngs starte~ to sour r Omega_ and Eggleston when group ~r investors from San iego demanded to s ee the edical equipment they had urthased. Authorities say they were rought to Newport Center here J.bey were shown some edicaJ equipment. The investors, though, went to e police when they allegedly is covered that the s er ial umbers on the machines· did ot match ·those on their urcha!ie invbices. The machines, authorities say ey later fottnd out, we re demo models" on loan from nother:Company. Authorities charge Eggleston ed ~!'profits" to purchase a 5,000 Newport condom inium. With the Newport ·police king into Omega, Hthorlties ntend~ E&1leston packed up ' nd :_e~eated to bis new ndo,ui!'"""°where he tttarted new • company, Medical undlng, Inc. Authorities say Eggleston got e new firm rolling within one week. using a word processor he'd allegedl y st o len from Omega to crank out ads and brochures. Th e ~e wp o rt m a n , in vestigators s ay, collected more than $100,000 in just two months and then beat a hasty retreat when things once again started to sour. Authorities say Eggleston then set up shop in Century City as lntervest. T hi s tim e Eg g l eston assertedJy offered ice machines, co mpute r s, truc k s, c ars, furniture and sophisticated 1 energy recycling equipment. Once again, authorities say Eggleston took his clients' money, but failed to buy the equipment. Intervest lasted eight months before it was closed in 1981 a fte r the lntero a l Revenue S ervice ha d the compan y records. A subsequent investigation rev e ale d Eg1leston h ad skimmed off clients' money to put $100,000 down on a Big Canyon home and make bis $6JOOO-a-month house payment.a. 1tuthorities say he also bough{ his girlfriend a flashy sports car and used another $20,000 to fix ORANGE COAST lilly Pilat CIHllfled edvef111tng 7141142•5171 AH ot~ depertmenb M2~'21 MAIN OFflCE -WMt 9ey St.. COIU "'1e4, CA. Mell ...,_1 ._ t•. C•M MtM. CA. ... C.,.,rttlM "91 er.,. CM• ~ .... ~. __ ....._lt._,., ..... 1,. ....... t_f/r .. .., ... ,...., ...... " • ., ..... ~·Qlll ........,. ................ -6<119¥f!IM"- up his new digs in Newport F inally, investigators claim Eggleston "looted " more than $100,000 from the firm to help pay for his mounting legal bills . With the walls crashing down a r ound him. author ities say Eggleston filed for bankruptcy, failing lo note he owed anyone money or that he was a lready in default on has new Big Canyon home. Authorities say the Newport man listed himself as a creditor. claiming $60,000 was due him. In his four years of business, E ggleston allegedl,Y collected rou ghl y $1.5 millio n from investors without delivering one piece of equipment. Federal authorities say that because o( the U.S. attorney's concern that Eggleston might leave the country. the Newport m an's request for several days of freedom to straighten out personal matters was denied. He remains in jail From Page A1 HAIG ... between the United States and Cuba to ease tensions. Lopez Portillo offered to serve as a mediator to help resolve the conflicts. ·'The exchange we had today was positive," Haig said. "Both sides teamed something. We bad a very constructive and I think very valuable ex.~hange." He said he voiced to Castaneda what the Rea1an adminis tration telt was the failure in the Mexican plan "to rrapple very directly with &be 11ue qf Nlcara1DaD involvement in J:I Salvador:• ca mpaign would be different. as numerous beachgoers gather He said he wou ld be in a on weeke nds to watc h the position to be usefu l" if el~ted murals t.a~e shape. because he has a recognizable lie s ays artists interested in na·me whic h would attract submitting mural proposals attention to his beliefs. should telephone 536-8807. A 20·year-old Camp Pendleton M a r lne lost a leg._ but his passenger. another 20-yea.r-old Marine, suffe red only minor inj uries early Saturday when the motorcycle they we re riding cr ashed in Corona del Mar . police said. Newport Beach police Sgt. Mi ke Mc E ven y s aid Troy Smith's leg was severed when he hurtled into a metal sign post a ft er losing control o f the motorcycle on East Coast Highway near Poppy Avenue. T he accident occurred about 1 :45 a .m . as S m ith. w ith passenger David P aetz, also stationed at Camp Pendleton, headed into Corona del Mar at high speed. McEveny s aid. Smith was listed in stable condition Saturday night at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange. Hi s passenger was treated for inj uries at Hoag Me morial Hos pital in Newport Beach. but was n't hospitalized. Halt satd be 1treud to Cdtaneda the atceaslty fOlr • c .. b. mJd "1eara1ua ·•to atop armi nt insursen u in thla 1 ;:a.;::::=:=:::;===~=~~~r."'~~---.11!!:!!:::=!:.....!!h'emlspbere. '' P.ARKIN8 ~ _ ·A boat trallet was Oung onto the home or Zenaldo Marrero.' shown with her granddaught~ .an.er a ,.s.Ples or tornadoes touched down on t he south side of Mlami Saturday. There were no injuries or Maths caused by the twt"ters. :;.: ' --' ) l'rom .... A1 SPIRIT REMAINS UNBROKEN • • • to oMoll bltwHD tht Ute ot 1 liqle trwlator incl the oonUnuaUon of lta Protr•m ln ID eattrt nation. 11Tbe1 (the t1rrort1ta> were trytq to m•k• W)'Clittt loc* Uu the HeoutloGer1" Hid Ila.' Blair, the lf'OUP'I 1pok11woman. 8'4 IM Hld tht Otf lnlaatlon had adopted I noo·compllanc• policy 1lx y11r1 11rUer. Wyclllf• atllclal1 believe that cavtq la to even one 1roup of terrorl1ta could JeopanliH tM lives ot minionaries throu1bout the world. Chet Bltterman's capt.on initially ld.oUfied themselvetr llS memberw of the M-'lt cuerrilla group, which reallied the rorelp tramlaton were unpopular amona some Colombian factions. Wycliffe officials believe the k.ldnappin1 was an attempt to embarrua the Colombian government, which bas a contract with Bible translation group. I ronically. Chet Bitterman was not supposed to be In Bogota al the time he was lltdn1Dlld IDd Wll D0t tM IDID tM tlrrortatl p annia to 1bd11ot. , lltterman WU ln I Juqlt lrta .,........., an ••l&nment wtth tb• Cu'ljona lnd1aia trtbt wben fill bladder trouble foftM him to return to BolOta tor an operation. Yor WI ttllOll ht wu lD W1cllff111 Bo1ota 1roup hoUlt at e:IO a.m. Ju. 11, 1•1, when 1omtont d111wMd u a policeman knocked on tbe door. Six t.erroriata, aome hooded and armed with macblQe JUDI and r~volven11 bu11t Jo. o.n Ule J.,i adlllta and five children inside. . When they could not (ind the director of the house, lbe intruders t(><>k Bitterman. who spoke fluent Spanish and seemed lo be ln charge. He was permitted lo kiss his two dau1hters, Anna Ruth and Esther. goodbye before he was hustled away. Little is known about Bllterman's 48 days in captivity. Wycliffe officials say he apparently was well treated . It ls believed he discussed Marxism and the teachings of the Bible with his captors. He was permitted lo write several letters to his wife. In one, which was intended to urge compliance with t he terrorists' demands, Bitterman intentionally misspelled two words to include the letters "lie." During Bitterman's period of captivity, Wycliffe translators in Colombia were given the opportunity to leave the country. Few dld, according to Ms. Blair. Wycliffe asked Christians throughout the world to pray for Bitterman's safety. According to Wycliffe, popular opinion in Colombia began lurning against the terrorists. Bitterm an's period of captivity ended March 7 with that single bullet to the chest. He was buried in Colombia. In the year since his death, some members of the M-19 group reportedly have been killed or taken prisoner in various skirmishes. But according lo Ms . Blair, Bitterman's captors have never been identified. Chet Bitterman's parents hope lo fly to Colombia soon to take part in the presentation of the ambulance purchased in in memory the translator. ''God has replaced the bitterness and vi ndictiveness in our hearts with compassion a nd concern fo r the Colombian people," his father said. Adds Ms . Blair: "One of the most significant things is that we're still there. That's exactly what the people who killed Chet didn't want." ·---·-Stt.tJrae~be ... tteves-tlmt WVf}irfe"S transl a ors,liKe - the Bitterman family, have emerged from the tragedy with renewed faith and determination. REMAIN WITH WYCLIFFE Bitterman's widow Bre nda and daughters Anna Ruth a nd Esther Elizabeth reside in Texas. Paraphrasing a Bible verse, Ms. Blair said, "Our people have been through the fire. But . their hair is not singed , their clothes not burned nor smelling of fire." Payton death sentence upheld Orange County Superior Court Judge Donald A. Mccartin Friday uphe ld the d e ath sentence of convicted murderer William Charles Payton. P&yton, 28, was found guilty in November of fatally stabbing Garden Grove nurse Pamela Montgomery after raping her inside her apartment in 1980. Payton was also convicted of s tabbing the landlady of the Garden Grove apartm e n t building, where he also resided, and her son. Both survived the attack. McCartin denled two motions by Laguna Hills de fense attorney J a mes Merwin to re -h e ar the penalty a nd sentencing phases of the murder trial. Me rwin argued that circumstances s urrounding Mrs. Montgomery's murder did not warrant the death penalty. Pa y ton h a d c laimed throughout his trial that he was acting unconsciously during the rape and murder of Mrs . Montgom er y and subsequent knife attack on his landlady a.nd her son. In den yin g the defense motions, Judge Mccartin said he was satis fi ed the jury's verdict caltlng for Payton to die in t h e gas c h am be r was j ustified. "Seldom a re the public's sens ibilities shocked by such heinous and violent crimes." Mccartin said. Light rain possible Coastal Light •arlabto wind• through morning becoming -•I to '°"'"-" a to U krooh atter,_n Westtrly swell\ ' to J '"' Mo\lly cloudy IOO•Y -tonlQl'll wnn • •llQllt c"6ne• Of llQlht rain tan!Qht lnlend •alleys will "••• hlQhs no r 10, In I~ mlO l>Ck MonO•y Lo~ -'O Mcal!IMM 46 to 5" bot~ IU't'\ Lo~ lllo.0 Snowl•v•".000ffft SllQht U...C• ol 11g111 .no--. In l'Ot1hffn Ofser1• lonoghl HIQh• S6 IO .. ,IOWS:l2 1o42 Sout,,.rnc!ewrth•Qhs .. lo IS, lows 42 lo S2 lncruslng clouds tod•Y wllPI ctutnces ot rain •tone Cenlf•I CAolitoml• co..t lhl• •ll•rnoon R<lln likely Cenlral Calltornoa lon1gnt, c!W19ng to-" Mondo Chance ----------~:",,,'c:;;:1yr.:,n~:1 eo~rn°.:~ :'..~; V.S. summary tocWy. bul COOle< MoncM y Snow low I •.OOO IHI In norlh, 9,000 '••t In too.ti l>ern Sl«ra Thunclerttorms covered Ille Gull ----------CoHI states Salurde y. dellvertng ..... , rain -spaw..ing lornadOH Extended In Florio.. One 11•rr10n wu killed Ourlng • thunderstorm In Miami, a nd fio•n l torn-<-dMn-In Ml•ml • oe;.CQ,s aMSlf'etenllunJ. 8~M Torn-WM<llH were PMIM lnlo TuHday·Thu<iday Fair eac"" tor Boston IM evening owr per1s Of Florid•. some lat• n'9tll aM ,,_.,Ing low 8n>w,.svlle Al•b•m••ndMlsslnlppl. cloud • alo ng tnt co••t. Hlgll B\lff•lo To tl>e norm, !fie rain cPl•noed to temtNr•tures In !fie mountain arNs CllarlstnSC Sleet a nd lr eul n9 rain ov9r 4$ to u and coes1al ae<tlon1 .. to ao. ~=:'.:':.ti Maryland -_..,...n Vlr9lfll• -L-t-•llH'H In -mountalM Clevel-motorlslJ "9re •llmed Of llararOO<n a to • and -al 1eetlofts 40 to SI. Cotumtius drlvl1>9 c~ltloM. In norttitastern .......,,ylYanla, • ----------:::.~--winter 1tGrm "'9kll •• pos-l,.to Det MolnH '°"•Y for ••In <henllln9 to. mhrtu,. Tempe•atures ,Detroit of ''"tl"9 r•lfl -snow durlft9 the • • Duluth n'9111 and to snow today. The st«m produod an Inch or MATIOH El Paw more of -during tfte daY et such Albanay u 11 Falrbanlos w ide ly separa ted polnh •• AltHHwe SI " Har11ord lndl•,.a polls, Mempnh, Ten,..; "'marlllO 41 °' Helene Sprln9tlotld, ""> .• and WHI Plalfl•. Anchor-H 2A ~::;o:~u ~nd 11•11 up to a h•lf·lncll In ~:::n~~I• : :; lndnaplls dl•mettr was sc•ttered ov., Atlante Cty JI 3' ~:,!!~"111 MJ .. lulool and -tern Alabama. 8altlmore ~ !! Kan,S Cltv FOi' -Y. tllunde~" were 81rmlngfwn -,. lore< .. t •""'9 the -"' A!Mntk 81omarc,k 12 IO t~~:;.. Coast, tumlnO to rain from Nortll C.rollna to -"' N-En!!land, with rain '11e"91"9 to __. from tr. so ,. JI JO n n J! 1$ ., s• 2, 04 37 J2 SS JO l4 ,. 41 JI " " lO .01 ,, °' 10 °' ,, 25 ,, .01 :16 25 .. " 71 u 42 ., u ,. 15 •2 Loulsvllle Memlltll\ Miami MllwaukM Mpll-St P NHllvllle New OrlMns New YOl'k Norfolk ()ala City Oma lie OrlandO Ph II ad Piiia Rt no Rk llm- Salt Lake S.a1tlt St. Louis TuclOfl lulu w .. 111n91n Wichita !: : CALlfOllNI"' '1 J1 Apple Valley • J1 ::~:;.:.1e1c1 8Humonl 8Jt8Hr lo.t A1199lel central Appal•<lllans acrou lM u ... r Olllo Valley and non~n N- E119land. Widely ~r..i -WM i..e<ast -tlle--... Plaff11-Moftf•"•· • '··I .. I SURf RIPOil -----------California • • ... ?:.~ ........... ________________ _ M•ruvllle -.ovla Mof\t.-ne Mot\ • ...., Mt.WU-. Neeclln Newll0'1 8M<ll Sallftat . !olMwfl Calllornla '"'"lie"'°'"" '*"" lodly wlll •JO per«<1t chance d ,..,. rlln lofllVtt. f' .. , on Monday. Cll'entit County wlll llew 1119M ..... "'"",..."'the"°' Moftdey. i.-.... ..,,, o'4 ... 52. ..., ""' ..... .,., ............ ... .... I a I • .... ... • 11 11 II ._. .... ,.... 5'"' 8erM<'dklo 11"9 .... DW Saft GMr'lll 1 1 SW Saf\D .... J a WSW San Fr-ltco 1 1 w Saftta M9nlca 2 i w TMtt91al TOl'rat!U J7 l1 ,. J3 71 " JS 01 26 11 JI 31 SI 4S 31 31 '' 1' " 10 2t 04 ,, u :16 l2 " n 0 11 0 JI 4• Joi 35 u U JI ,. 2A '0 • '9 IS Ml 1, 7J 0 .. . '3 • 47 ". '° " .. ,. ,, . ,. o'4 .. a H • 10 .. ., . .. 40 .. . II • ,. .. H.., 70 • 1t ,. ,. 4S We1re Listen,ing... " What do you Ub about the Dally Pilot! What don.J you like? Call the number below and your message wlll ~ ret0rded. lranac:ribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. · The same 24·hour answerin1 service may be uaectAo record let- ters lo the editor c>f) any topic. Mailbox contrtbutoRl must include • their ~me a.net. t@l.'phone numbeT for vertficatlon. No clrcuhttion calla, please. . Tell ua wh11t '1 on your mind. I t Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 1, 1112 TRANSLATOR'S PARENTS -Mary a nd Che t 'litterman speak to community groups about their son's work and expect to deliver an a mbulance to Colombia in his me mory . ' Was tragic death predicted? ; 1 Notes, calendar show premonition WORK LIVES ON Chester A . Bitte rm a n Ill was executed in Colombia one. year ago Did Bible translato r Chet Bitterman suspect his work in Colombia would end in a tragic death? 1 Although it seems unlikely, seve ral d ocume nts hav e surfaced indicating just that . Reviewing a diary kept by Bi tter m a n whil e he wa s studying in Costa Rica, his wife Bre nda found the following entry, dated Sept. 13, 1978: ·'The situation in Nicaragua is getting wqrse. If Nicaragua falls, I guess the rest of Central America will, too ... I find this recurring thought that perhaps God will call me to be martyred for Him in Hi s ser vice in Colombia . I am willing.·· In 1979. Bitterman received a letter from friends describing Welcome to increased guerrilla activity ~ Colombia . 4ft In a note found with the letter1 he wrote, "Brenda and I aren't h ea d i ng toward Colombia because we feel conditions are ideal, but because we feel God has and is leading us in tha• direction. Until he stops leading, we should keep going.'' Finally, the following lines w e r e fo und s cribbl ed on Bitterman's desk calendar in lbe jungle residence where be was staying before his last fateful trip to Bogota: "T here are times when God expects us to take a cold, hard stubborn stand for Him. And just like Daruel and his friends in lbe Bible (Daniel 3>. we have Of guarantee of the outco111e. we may have to lay our 1ife on the line." We're new in the neighborhood, but we've been around. With more than 250 stores In Callfornla, we're ready to serve your every auto parts need. • We have the right parts at the right price and the right place. We are Independent auto parts stores . We are all locally owned and operated. We offer you quallfled sales people to help with your automotive parts needs. We offer you well displayed stores with a complete inventory of parts for your automotive needs. We offer you the finest quality in brand names you recognize and trust. We really mean what we say. If It's a speclallzed or hard-to-find Item you're loo king for, try our special order department. We can generally get the. hard-to-find parts from''"our warehouse the next day. So browse around, check our prices and feel free to ask questions. We're here to help you save money and get the )ob done. 'BEACOM . AUT"O PARTS 410 Mo. MiWporf llYcl. ,. . Ml~ le,!JCii;~C .. 14~ I_ 13,3~ . .... .. ' ~ . L~ttBr perfect Columns of wisdom hold spirits up Red Cross, ~¥.SP -spli-i- $33,000 The Red Cross and the Youth S e rvi ces Program s plit more than $33,000 collected in . the second a nnual O ran ge Tide , a fund -r aisi ng event sponsored by the county chapter or the Buildinm lndustry Association ol. Southern California. · YSP, originated in 1971 as a cooper ative effort between U.C Irvine and local police departments to curb youth crime, will use the fund s t o co n ti nu e providing services to the families of youths whd have been arrested , according to B S I spokesmen. The Red Cross will use its share of the funds for a newly-built blood center in Santa Ana. Nearly 300 county building firms a nd non-profit organizations walked, jogged. bicycled and roller s ka t e d in' various events to raise the funds. Job skill worbhops atcolleg~ A series of three job search skill workshops ~re being ortered by the Saddle bac k College Career Center on the South Ca mpu s i r> Mission Viejo on March 17' 24 and 31. . . Hours are from 5 : 30 to 7:30 p.m . m the library. The workshops are free of charge to studenta and memt>ers of the community. The booklet "Nuts and Bolts" is recommended and is available at the campus bookstore for $1.50. " Stressed will b e resume writing and intervieTt' teebniques. For informaUon, call lal..cs75. Mesalnan ~mmended Staff SI\. Ronald J . • arurer, eon of Kenneth : •. W~naer of 1741 :Pomou, and JM\~ J.J "Pace ol 18' Yorkabire s.t., both ol o.i. Mesa, 1ba1 been deeorited wtth. the .Al~orce ComDMDda v.dal •t ~ulut Air --~ ••..ae; Mil • • I • .. ~ .... Repeir. *« . . ~..::.-=: 99ice · S.ve On Grocery Hema Vlasic® icicle spears or buUer chips. Savings! 1.27 1-g•llon Garb8ge S.g~ Pkg. of 20 plastic bags with twist ties. 1.01 -mil thick. Perfect size for home wastebaskets. 9.97 9oxM Men'1 Ceaio® L.C.D. Watch Displays hours, minutes. seconds, month and day. 4.97 2tJrlO.tn.CarpetRunner Patterned nylon center, solid-color -polypropylene border. 24-pc. "Tawny" Tumbler Set 8 each. 10-oz. on-the-rocks. and 15i'4-oz. tumblers. I " Dieg. Meet. AC/DC 8/W IP~ TV 100 % solid state circuitry with instant picture and sound. DC adaptor cord included. 1.48 Energizer® t-volt Battery Long-lasting alkaline battery. • •u• Energize' bett9fiH .............. 1.11 I Vlnyt.coated Ha~ra Orip-dry l:langers are vinyl-coated so they're rus,proof. Ptla F.U. 1.67 Each • All Tires Plus F E T • • 7 Mulflsiped Tire Ribs . M~.lftc ..... ·NoT.......,.1....- s2aa KMC11121G 11" Olag. Men. Porteble Color TV Auto color control system. Fine tuning memory with rapidon picture and sound. 16.97 Pocket Cemera With FIHh Built-in electronic flash. Gomes with wrist strap. Uses 110 film. • 'Noe lndYded lllCIWed .. Orange Cout OAALV PtLOT/Sund•y, M•roh 7, 1982 ~• .... AWARD CHECK - When Capt. Keit h Weaver came to inspect the Navy League Cadet unit in Irvine, Thomas Lynn Jondro st.ood tall on his c rutc hes and Petty Officer Lewis Sharer explained the ho ver craft . Declaring the unit the best in the nation Capt . We ave r presented the Morgan L. Fitch Jr. trophy to Gregory Granieri . George Brambli a and Lt. Cmd r . Norman Pilawski , commander or the younger cadets. 10.97 uure Scudder'•® Poteto Chip• ,, W8ke ~ Wem n S"'°"e Detector Smoke/fire detector. Flashing L.E.D. test button. Battery. TrendHtter TM Shirt• 7V2 oz: bag of fresh Laura Scudder"s® Chips, the noisiest chips in the world. Petal Sleeves. in spring colors. Polyes- ter I cotton blends. 4.88 9.97 Juntbo Print PtMow Acrylic filled. ecetate. cot· ton COV9f Assorted prints I Pr. lleft'a Crew Socka Cotton~stretch nylon. White or white/stripe Fit 10-13 Chel1,._8 Denim ..e.n. Double Stitching. Men's. Sturdy polyester /cotton .,._.of Chidcen "'91• With french fries. coleslaw. PLUS dish of ............. ap.tc Plug• Brand new. not rebunt. Sizes for many U.S., Import cars. ·u ... .._. J ..._ .... ,, .. ·~-:lhotl•M ..... ,...._ , __ ....,_ ........ ,- 39.99 --.......... .....,, Sizes ftt many U.S. cars, fight truct<s. ..,_MonoLtne Quality fishing Hne tn • lb.. 6 lb., 8 lb. test. Men'a White Cenvea Slip-On'• Canvas uppers on long wearing soles. Men's sizes 6'h-12. 1a• Llmlt 10 ,~ .............. ..... lroine cadets nation's best Their advan cement u 1eamen ~d aervke to tt\e commWlilY haa eamed the Navy Lea1ue Cadet.s of lrvtne-the No. l ranklnl In the natlon. A vlslt by Capt. Keith Weaver, national execuUve director or the leaeue. to the Armed Forces Reserve Center on Barranca Road conflrmed the ho.n<>r for whlch .279 unlta competed. He presented the Morgan L. Fitch J r. trophy during an inspection. Almost 70 teen -agers train there on Wednesday nights and aboard a 40-(C)9t craft at the Naval Weapons Center ln Seal Beach on Saturday mornings in exercises that parallel th~ Na'(Y's enlisted program. Cadets, from 11 to 13 years or age, and Sea Cadets, 14· to 18-years-old. are s~red by the Navy Leagµe of Orange County. ''These young men and women go on c ruises from five days to rour months with the Navy or Coast Guard or are instructed by the Marines in £light orientation or medics operations." said Mrs. C. William Hamilton. whose hus band is co-leader wtth L~ Cmdr. Norman Pilawski of the prize-winning units. "Their assignments are shorter, but they aim for the same promotions and anyone who attains E3 or higher can enter the Navy at that level if they desire when they graduate." During the summer, the cadets spent two weeks at boot camp in San Diego or at airman, seabee or musician schools in Glenview, Ill., Gulfport, Miss., or Little Creek, Va. A few are chosen for a Canadian exchange aboard the HMS Quadra in British Columbia. Besides their military maneuvers, cadets participate year-round in such civilian projetts as parades, flag corps for club meetings and conventions and assistance for rescue searches. The Irvine cadets were Cirst judged best for completion of assignments within their region. which extends from China Lake to San Diego in California and eastward to Tucson and Las Vegas. Youth interested in becoming Navy League Cadets must pass an entrance examination and wear reg ulation hairc uts . For furthe r information. contact the local Navy recruiter or phone Lt. Cmdr Hamilton at 635-3696. The Irvine unit involves teen-a gers from all over Orange County. ) q t I ·l ~ I ti If II II h ti 11 n fl ,. ·' ,, .-. .:[ Ii " -~utor-·-.. ---i··-- supply 1 shrinks :e Saddleback College's . ·: offic1ab say it's going to .;1: be tough to keep the •• Learnin g Assistance ,, P r o g r a m ope n to :• , Mi ssion Viejo campus . 1 • students over the next ., few months. ·i;i Mike Merri field_.;.: director of the 4-year-old program. says s harp '" increases in demand for ' . tutorin~. in addition to · ,. rund1ng cuts, have .. :. s trained to the limit ., money budgeted for this ., 1-Kilo CoffH Creemer Non-dairy. powdered creamer contains no milk year. i', He also said cuts in " the federa l ,..,. Compre h e nsive Employment and :· Training Act !CETAJ meant more tutors had .1• to be paid with funds t originally intended for 35.3 oz .• 'Net Wt. 2.97 Pkg 0 13 9oya' WMte Briefs Wllh Koctetr. Kodel polyester/couon Pack ot 3 Boye' T ·•hirta, Ptcg. Of 3 ..... .' ... 2.97 3.66 Pkg 0 13 lleft'a Kntt Br~t. With Kodelli Kodel polyester I cotton Pack of 3 Men'a T-1hirt1, Pkg. Of 3 ......... 3.M •• other purposes. ' M errificld said the . ,1 program 1s operating on ... a $60,000 annual b.udget. , S20 .000 less than was 1, allocated las t year. ., . .. About 93 percent of ii 1 our budget is made up of sa larics. ·· Merr4ield said . Most tutors are f Sad dleback s tudents ~ who earn S3.~ an hour for an average of sev.en ( hours of work a week. He said that when the school year began in ~ September. he had three choices -run the pr og r am until the money ran out and then J'. ·close down. cut services 1 ·~ and lay off tutors to •· make funds last through '1 the school year, or try to raise private funds. t-1, "We man aged to iC m a k e about $4 ,000 in a lap-a-thon where tutors got sponsors to '1 pay them for each tap II• they ran around t he •P running track here," he '" said. M errlfield said that 8 was .nowhere near what ,•t1 was needed, but enough 1 to k eep · the program ri from going under for a while fonger. · • 1 ''Most of the students •11 who request tutoring are people who plan to ·.8 transfer to a four-year college," Merrifield 11 said. "It's tbe Jlelter fJ student, the one who Js concerned a~b ut hts 3 grades. that we see the most." T h e Sadd le b ac ll N Learning Assistance 3 Program also offers ·tr tutoring! services ln the l(· • co m m"U nit y for a ·~ charge. However', il ,,f does not profit from the t fees as they a re "us~d ~ entirely for salaries. .J Next year, tutors will A earn a unit Of coll;e credit for their ·wo , .,, which will 1enera e ,., additional av~a1e daf y oft attendance fun41 from the slate, Merr1fteld It> sald: ~..... .. _. l • Al Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/lunday, Marah 1, 1111 . sjJeaker bottliS". uP p(lrophernalia· bill In an pparenlly successful polltlcaJ ~rnaneuver, Assembly Speake• Willie Brown last week manaaed to stall passage of a bill that would ban the sale of drug par$phemalia in California. His timing could hardly have been worse. Just two days later. in an 8·0 vote. the justices of the U .S. Supreme Cou rt upheld the concept of local laws banning or regulating such sales. Tt\e bill Speaker Brown has twice blocked -amid allegations that he was influenced by a $16,000 campa ign contribution from se ll ers of drug parapherna lia -is down. but not d ead. and there s eems little doubt the Supreme Court ruling will be in the minds of state legislators when it comes up for a new nearing. The measure. whic h would ban the sale of s uch drug-related items as waterpipes. roll ing .papers, "roach c lips," vials. sca les and similar materials, was passed by the state Senate la st 'year , but bottled up by Brown in the Assembly Criminal Justice Committee. cast the key vote ill faVQf. The hearing then was canceled for lack of full membership. , Meanwhile ln Washington. the Supreme Co urt w as corv;idering a case involving an ordinance passed b y th.e town or H offman Estates, Ill .• which requires s tores selling drug paraphernalia to pay a license fee, keep records of sales and prohibits sales to minors . In upholding the local law, the high court poted that similar ordinances have been passed by m~ny communities and found that the concept does not violate constitutional rights. Officials of the U.S. F'ood and Drug Administration called the . ruling a m ajor victory that could eventually permit a total ban on s o.called "head sh ops" that sell th e pr oduc t of th e $1.5 billion -a -ye a r dru g paraphe rnalia industry. Th e court action h a s prompted officials o f both Newport Beach and Huntington Beac h. which have passed city laws res tricting the sale and dis play of drug·related material. to con s ider maki n g th ei r ordinances even tougher. EI . Salvador is next invasion It's been 17 years since the United Those were lhe military actions which tong haul is arguable inasmuch as States has used its a rmed forces to you might categorize as major. There Guatemala. though it gets less publicity intervene in the internal affairs of a were many minor ones infringing on the than other sangui nary places, looks like Central America_n or Caribbean nation. sovereignty of Guatema la, Honduras a bucket or blood . The last lime was whe n Lyndon and Colombi a. A move into El Salvador will fatally 1 '1 Johnson sent in the Marines to Santo So when the White House's patience vitiate our moral pos ition vis·a ·vis Domingo. Someone had told him the breaks down. as il seems it surely will. Poland and economic sanctions against "commoonist.s." as Ronald Reagan is the president can correctl v claim he is the Russians. wont to call them. had taken over. treading a pa th hi a zed by former Our allies. already faint in tepid A Her the American war machine had pr esi d e n l !>, D cm o c rat 1 c a nd enthusiasm for this endeavor , will have planted the nag of liberty on the island, Republican. been given the excuse they need to gel it turned out lhal the report was Whal all this' mar"hin g and counter on w1'th the bu1'ld'ng or th b'g R s · in.accurate. There hadn't been a ny ' 1 e 1 u sian m ar'ch1n1c landini;c and embarking gas plpeline. One of the prices for communists. Fidel Castro had not go ne sending in the Marines will be the Revived t h is year . it seemed headed for approval a nd passage to t he Assembly floo r when Brown s udde nly removed lhe committee me mbe r expected to Rea ction from Spea k e r Brown's offi ce iq Sacramento has not been forthcoming . Embargo a good move island hopping. but it never hurts to ~' "business a s usual" with E<tslern rattle them bean eaters' cages down • Europe which President Reagan so l there. 1 A9 r-f decries. Should the president decide il is time ;. to break our fast and dis patt h a ~· Neverlhel~ss. ~he elements are in battalion or two or burly fellows to El VON HOffMAN place fo~ ~merica to move on .the Salvador. he will be fo llowing in the ~ ins urrectionists of Ce n.tr~I Ameri~a . foot s teps o r many an illus trious Wh en Lyndon Johnson did 1t the nation pre<J~5_CS~or. >By one l~~Jing l~\rer-~~ve .-~A~ul~ ~ .. matl*l,!"'IS . ....:. w~s pr'!pelled by_ a ~ig-sh~>Ulde red _ ~~ ···--bib.,.a, t~~titm-rttfed-\r1~-~':"~~ttS~mpurers-amhrir t---tniron . 'SI~ l '!l<J0:-11_o Te~s 'ft'an M~ QUr tradition when we arrive to say we a~nrpl'l"Ce.~ict'ttni "ll'nit Aftierl?ir' bizarre Col. Moamma r Khadafy. traffic control equipment. mst~nces o~ the All'!eric~n use or force have only come to serve the native was too powerful to stop But the has bee n branded a threat to The oil embargo will t\a\·e against various nations m that part or people and the cause or democracy. Re~gan people have a consec ra~ed .P e a c e b y t h e R e a g a n ver y little effect on either the the .world. . Perhaps we should go to servtng dedt.icatton l~ the s1 truggle. a studied adml.nt'strati'on h' h ·s sh' g s upplies or pri'ce o f 0 1·1 prod ct Sin ce most or us are taught neither h 1 t 1 h th t' d be an 1-commumst zea that must express • w I C 1 pu an · u s the history or our own nor any other sc 00 0 . ear~ 0~ • a s one c.ause itself in action. a fi ght against t e r roris m as one Americans use a nd, as s uch. will nation. it might be worth ticking orr a the plac«:s we ve v1s1ted ~ost are either The president and his <tdvisers have of its foreign policy goals. be relatively painless. few of the major violent interventions co~r:n~mst, Poverty stricken. rent by been reading anti·Marxist pamphlets . The North African nation -The U.S. h as been buying which may have been forgotten in Los civil war or all three. and "seeing the map of the world being deser ves to be singled out for about 150.000 barr els of Libyan Eslados Unidos but the memory of We have said, as the Russians do in nayoned red" for years. They are the conde mnalion because there is oil a day, a minuscule portion of which is cherished in the south: Afghanistan, that we have been invited kind who send aw<ty for cassettes on abundant evidence the Kha dafv t he 2 .7 millio n barrels of 1 1 Occupation of the Isthmus or in by lhe duly constituted government monolithic wor ld communism and play regime provides a id to terrorists· imported oil used in this country Pan a ma from 1903 to 191 4 . 2 i <That, doubtless will be the El Salvador them in the car tape deck on the way d 1 occupation of Cuba l906 lo 1909. 3, ploy.> We have also gone the surrogate into work. . But t~e ad~inistration's hard ai ·i~ addition. conservation and occupation and military presence in route as the Russians have in Pola nd They s ubscribe to a nt1-c:ommunist h ne against Libya. had a~"'.a.ys the recession has led to a buyer·s Nicaragua from 1912 to 1925: 4J seiiure Most recently we did that in Guatemala "tntelhgence" newi.lelters, pay good lacked somewhat m cred1b11tt y m arket for petrole um. Ther" 1.s a o f th e city or v er a c r u z a nd in the 1950s where we got a group of mo ney to go to se m 1 ~a rs where b f u s h f "' ex peditionary force in lo northe rn right wing Guatemala n a rmy officers to de.rectors ~rom ~he other side tell them ~ca use . 0 · · pure a ses 0 glut of crude on the market a nd Mexico from 1914 to 1917: 51 occupation overth row the governm e nt and things w~1ch fr1ghte~ them and make Libyan oil. That h as c ha nged, as th e r,e w i 11 b e n o pro b I em of Haiti from 1915 lo 1934; 6, Dominican proclaim themselves true and trusty them.belhgerenlly grim. . R eaga n h a.s a pp.r~ved an replacing Libya n o il from other Republi c from 1916 to 19:>A: 7) Cuba servantsofthepeople. We regettmgpumpedupto move.We e mbargo on Li~yan oil. imports, a sources. again, 1917 to l922. How successful that has been over the always have. move we believe will grea~ly Khadafy will be hard put to st rengthen U.S . e~forts to punish find cuslome s fo th 150 ooo Kh a dafy for his dangero u s . :. r. ose . • activities . barr els. as his regime continues to c ha r ge $4 lo S5 a barrel more than other producers. which are being forced to cut prices. No longer w ill the Libyan s trongman be a ble to use the profits of selling oil to the U.S. to support the terrorist activities our society a bhors. Also banned under the new policy are Liby an purchases of oil-drilling equipment a nd any items that could h ave military Bec ause o il is the m ain product of t he Libyan econom~" we a r e pl ease d th e adminis tra tion is bac king up its tough talk with action that will hit Khadaf,· wher(' he is most vulner able.· Don't slwot down shots Yet another. propos al in the Reagan administration·s bud~et affects children, and especially the childre n of the poor. So far youngste rs from poor families have been affected in va r y ing degr ees b y c ut s in fed e r al funding for Medicaid. f ood s tamps , s chool l unch pr og ram s a nd m atern a l .and -c hild health grants. Perhaps m ore significant in the long run is the r is k tha t up to 2 million c hildren might not qualify for fed erally funde d immunizations again st s uc h di seases as polio. m easles . rubella a nd mumps under the pr oposed budget. This is becaus e t he funding will n ot compe n-sate fo r an expected 25 percent inc rease in the cost of vaccine s upplied to the federal Cente r s for Disease Control for distribution. .. At present, according to the Cente r s, about 5 .6 mi l lion school-age youngsters receive t heir basic immunization and booste r shots through public funding, a nd up to another 4 million school-age children who • h ave not been adequate l y immunized receive additional. shots. As a result o f m andator y imm uniza tio n program s . d i seases l ik e s m a l l p ox , diphtheria and whooping cough have been virtually wiped out. Polio. whi ch used to c ripple t hou sands of children . has been r educed to a point where fewer than a dozen cases are reported e ach year . Relatively recent development o f e ffecti ve v a ccin e s aga i n s t m easles. rubella and mumps are bringing those common diseases under control. Statis tics pre par e d by the Centers for Disease Control reveal that the cost of immunization is not more tha n one-tenth t h at of treating illnesses t hat develo p in unprotected youngsters . It has been called the most cost·e ff ective medical inte rve ntion. And, apart fro m protecti n g c hildr e n , the containm e nt of these diseases obviously bene fits the comm unity as a whole. · In com bing the 1983 budget. Congress would be we ll advised to keep all this in m \nd. Ions,.!~ -~ In~ pace above ~re tti:o_se of ~H~ Pilot. Other vrews t>t··, secfon ~s page are ~ofe Mlftlrrauffi6rs ~M'l'/rrsn.'lteaafr comfmnHS.nvll· ed. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone C7 U ) i42·432J . . O RANGE COAST Daily Pilat ThorNS P. Ha ley Publisher Tllomll A. Mlirphlne Editor Barbar• Kt'etblch Edltorl•I P-oe Editor Con job on West about to reach peak WA SHI NGTON Sec rel prepara· lio n s for Wars aw Pact mane u - vers in and around P oland ten- tati vely sel for mid-March are being made in Moscow not with the aim of intimidating Poland. but as part of this ove rriding com munis t s tr ategy: Frighten t he "W est out of applying economic pressures against Warsaw's m ililary dictatorship. The maneuvers are designed to carry one step further the con job against the U .S . and its Western a ll ies. The disinformalive message warns the West that if it fails to send economic help, Gen. Wojciech J aruzelski's "moderate" communist regime will be taken over by pro·Soviel · 'hard·liners ." HE REIN LIES the last grj!at hope of Jaruzelski and the Kremlin to convince th c West tha t Prim e Mini s ter Jaruzelski 's declaration of martial law last De c. 13 was strictly a Polis h dee is ion to a void outright Sovie t military intervention. Another round of Warsaw Pact maneuvers wilJ send a new shock of fear throughout Western Eur ope, building sentiment to save Jaruzelskl with massive economic aid. The con job on the West is reaching e.x t r a v a g a n t p r o po r l ion s . Th e "mode rate" faction in the Polis h Politburo has secretly given Western reporters in Poland the "manifesto" of the hard·line faction of the Politburo. The message CJf the "moderates": If the West abandons us. a return to Stalinism 1s certain As us ual, .the tone was sel by Warsaw's "moderate" front man facing westward · De puty Prime Minis ter Mieczysla w Rakowski, who protested emotionally in his interview with Oriana F'allaci "ll isn't true that we fi~ 1-,.-.-. -•• -.• -.~-·_. had been preparing the martial law operations for months ," Rakows ki exclaimed. His perfervid protests to Fallaci ("Believe me, please believe me. on the internal matters we are more free than you think.") had one purpose: Convince the West that Jaruzetski is truly a Polish patriot, nol a Soviet stooge. YET DOCUMENTS now available here tell a different story. One such document. decisively giving the lie to Ra kowski's denial of long preparation, is a n unpublished account of an incident last Sept. 30, witnessed by a clandestine Solidarity leader who held an offi cial position in the Communist Party. How to address lawlllakers lJ.S. SENATORS Craaa&on, Alan ( 0 ) 1 11100 Wllshlre Blvd. Los Anfeles, 90012 (213) 824·78'1 Hayakawa, S •• (R ), 3848 Campus Dr., Suite 213. Newport Beach 92980 (714) ~S·717S During Congressional sessions: New Senate Office Bldg .. Washington, D.C. 20510 (~) 224·3W U.S. a EPaESENT ATIV£8 Oraa1eCoea&y Badbam, Robert (40\h Dlslrlct·R>. 180 Newport Center Or., Suite 240, Newport Beach 92663 644-4040 Pattenoa, Jerry (38th Distrtct-D), 34 Civic Center Plaza, SaJ)ta Ana 92701 835·3811 Lu1rn, Du <3'th Dlsttlct-R), 5514 Brtuon Drive, Lona Beach, Ml5 (213) 5'4·9'781 . Durin1 Con1reul9nal seulon1: 8actham, 1~08 Lonporth HOUH Offlct Bld1.. Wuh.inston, D.C. 815: Pat· teraon, UM Rayburn ROUH omce Bids .• Waabtn ;ton , D.C. IOIU: Lun1ren1 WJ lAn&wortb HouM Oftlee Bids .• WutMst.on. D.C. au STATE SENATOlts Scbmlta, .lolJn (36th Dislrict-R). 4600 Campus Dr .. Newport B~ 92880 979·9670 BrlHI, Jobn V. C35th Dlstrict-R>. 1441 N. Harbor Blvd ., Fullerton 92635 879-2345 ~Carpmer, 'pnJ a. (37tb Diatricl·D), 5400 Ot1m1e Ave. Suite 203, Cypress, CA 90aO 952·3201 STATE ASSEMBLYMEN 8 e r&e10D, Martaa (14th Distrlct·Rl. 4500 Campus Drive, Suite 344, N~wport Beach, 92660, 641·7441 Frl11elle, No.IH (73rd Dl1trtct·R>, 11800 Main St., Huntington Beach 92&48 842·733S Jollla-. a.a (eet.b District·R), 1501 N. Harbor Blvd., 1201, Fullerton t28S5 738·5853 Wra1, a.et (7l•l Dfitlrlct·D>. im1 I v.u., View, Suite 111, a...-Onwe ..., .. , ~ ,_ ("'°"' DilUtet·R>. • Tcnm 6 C04mtry, Oraqe .... &a-4m . • lie reported that a secret six-man committee of "national salvation" he aded by Jaruzelski and C~s law Kiszczak. who runs the internal security forces. had been formed to suppress ··popular resistance.·· The undercover Solidarity man reported that "the leadership of the party and government would wait another two months before usin~ special units or the army and militia" to impose martial law. That pinpointed prec isely the Dec 13 declaration of martial law. The imposition or martial law has failed to bring the revival or Poland's economy that Jaruzels ki promised . Despite the running commentary from Ja~uzelski that strikes have virtually ended and production is reaching new heights, only coal production is on or a head or schedule . The rea son is twofold : industrial sabotage and lack or credit to buy spare parts, raw materials and energy sources . POLIS H AGR I CV LTlJ R E is s imilarly i n a state of ac ute e mergency. U J aruzelski orders farmers to make compulsory deliveries of their products to the stale. a rural uprising against martial law is certain. With or without an uprising, Poland faces a drastic shortage of seed grain and seed potatoes that only Western credits can overcome. Intelligence specialists here believe that 50,000 tractors needed in the fields will soon be idled for lack ol tires. batteries. or spare parts. All this makes the case for Western credits to do a job neither the Soviet Union nor any of its Eastern European allies can come close lo doing. It also makes the case for the con job against the West that J aruzelski and Poland can in fact be saved from harsher Soviet intervention only by Western sympathy and assistance. The appeal to the West is reaching a peak as the U.S. and its European allies are at a nadir of unity over handliD& lhe Soviet Union in the Polish crisis. Disagreements divide not only the alliance but policy·malu;rs in the Reagan administration, suegesting that the con game rrom Moscow and Warsaw has a good chance to succeed. If thal happens, Moscow wUI be rescued from a grave crisis ol Soviet communism, perhaps the gravest it bas ever faced. But II the West, led by the U.S., insists on true internal reforms to Poland before giving help, MOkOW can refuse the reforms only at the C'08t of famlne in Poland. But .. the SoYteb make reacb another round ol mW&UJ m aneuv.rs. that wm requiN ltHlJ nervee -• qualtt1not1bundanl l1l lbe Wat today . -·.,, . l I Should state Senate coiilirm judiciary? r An immJarant, seeklng clliienship but hning English language dlS#iculties, Is reported to have dcscrlbed-<he courts as "the place where they dispense with justice." Taken at a lime as a grammatical boo-boo, he couldn't have more accurately described the California courts as they adminjster criminal justice today. Consider the state Supreme Court's recent decision in the case of a trio c harged with armed robbery. The police bad stopped thelr vehicle on llRl WITIRS sus picion they were juvenile curfe w violators. In a legal search they found weapons and drugs. They also founsi a sack or money which turned out to be the. loot from a convenience grocery where the trio had made a quick·stop holdup. knock before he entered. ,. In a nother case a bank robber , nabbed ln the act with the money in hand, WU freed because the judge rW~d the robber intended to repay the mQlley eventually. And wi.s n 't there a murderer whose voluntary confession was ruled invalid because the police fa iled to ask him if he want~ to ~all hls mother? THE ST&UNG out reaaoninl whieb is permeating the courts, frustraUq the police, permitting the criminal• to laugh at the system, and placin& the property and lives of honest citizen• in jeopardy, is the result or the kinds or persons designated judges by Gov. Jerry Brown. Deli berately seeking out activists and li berals, Brown has appointed nearly all of the Supreme Court justices along with a majority of appellate justices and trial coµrt jurists. ln all he has placed almost 800 out of the total of 1.200 judges in California. Although he says he is for law and order and punishment for criminals, his appointees are far more conce rned over. ( Orange Coat DAILY PfLOT/Sundey, March 71 1982 PROTECTl~N OF ·~ES eNT&R~R.IS!_ JN CALIFORNIA IS ..JUST ONE OF T~E REAS'ONS I t<f L~e~ 1~1s BJL1. ... THE CULPRITS were properly identified by witnesses. There was no doubt as to their guilt. But the court said the evidence was improperly obtained s ince the car had been stopped for another purpose and set the robbers free. the rights or t he criminals than the -------------------------------------------------- rights of victims. Their use of technica lities of law, the legal protections lo protect those where there is doubt as to guilt. in cases of clear guilt has made a mockery or j ustice. Then there was the case or the burglars caught red·handed raesacking a residence. A passing policeman. noting activity in a home or per.sons 'known by him to be absent, crashed in to collar the illegal intruders. They were set loose because the cop didn't How can the voters put an end to the court appointments who are making a fa rce out or criminal trials? Sen. Ed Davis has proposed a long overdue c h a nge in t he making of these appointments. His measure would require all appointees to the review courts to be subjected to confirmation by the state 'Senate. In this way the 40 elected representatives of the people serving in that body would have final say on those who will sit on the high courts. It would provide a proper Corum in which to air the qualifications and objections. OPPONENTS CONTEND this would politicize the courts. But they are already political. the appointments .Fifth g"':aders tell what's on What do 10· and ll·year-olds think about? To find out, Ceil Sharman asked her filth graders at Anderson School in Newport Beach to find a letter to the emtor in a newspaper and then write their own on a topic of interest to them. Here are samples of her students' work. Letters were selected 00' the basis of variety and general interest. * * • School closure I am writing to you because I am concerned about the possibili ty of closing Corona del Mar High School. I understand that there are fe wer boys and girls going to high school in Newport Beach in the 1980s than in previous years . What I d on't understand is why our community hjgh schoc;>l must be closed. Wh y will I have to be bused across town to go to school ? If t hey c losed Lincoln and combined the middle school with the high school, the big!) school students could spend their time studying or in school-related activities. That seems better than riding a bus. * * * El Salvador We ~houJd not have gotten into the Vietnam War. It seems that the R eagan adm inistration is Dow consider ing miUtary a id to E.I S~lvador, like we did in Vietnam. It is not a good idea Bicycle safety I bave to ride a bicycle to school because a school bus doesn't come to Seaview Avenue where I live. It is faster to ride OD Port Sutton and San Miguel, but there is no traffic light or stop sign so it is very dangerous. SQ, 1 have to ride down to Port Cardigan and come back to Port Seabume Way to go to school. J wish we could have a stop sign at Port Sutton and San Miguel so we could go to school faster. . * • * GUn control l am concerned about the use or guns in wcious acts. Recently two girls were shot in the head in cold blood. One suffered serious brain· damage and the other ttied. People are fools to keep firearms. Criminals think if so many people use guns, a killing will do no harm. It does. I am strongly in favor of gun control and urge that it be passed by our communities and cities. • • * Sports expansion I think t hat there should be gymnastics at elementary schools. A lot of my friends think so too. 1 am good at gymnastics and I want to get better. Junior high and high schools usua lly have gymnastics, so why not at elementary schools? Plane crashes I am writing about my concern over air safety In cities with bad weather conditions. The recent crashes of airplanes in Washington, D.C .. Boston and Tokyo should make us aware or the danger for planes t aking off and landing under dangerous conditions. It is time that the FAA makes stricter guidelines for when planes can and can't takeoff and land. When people buy tickets to fly they think that they will be safe from when they step on t he plane until they step off. These crashes have to raise questions of who might want to fly. The safely of passengers should be the most important thing the FAA considers. not the schedules or airplanes. How many crashes and deaths will it take before the FAA races action? * * • School concerns I am concerned about our school system today. It appears it could use more money. For example, l think our teachers s hould be paid more and have smaller classes. I would like to have better PE eq uipme nt , a nd m o r e athletic programs. We .could use expanded art, music and science classes. l would esp ecially like to have computer education. ' Finally, we need more money for school supplies. s uc h as pa per . workbooks and pencils. being made by the governor with only a pro forma approval by a panel controlled by a-highly polit.ical chief j ustice. Senate confirmation would provide a bipartisan approval. It is the system used in approving all federal judicial appointments and has worked we 11 , preventing extremists and in competents fr om gaini n g appointment. Davis' measure has cleared the Senate but is bottled up in the Assembly where Speak~r Wil l ie Brown is sponsoring an alternate plan that would involve members of t he state bar a ssociation Un like the elected mem bers o f the Senate, the bar members are unelected by the people yet just as polit1cally motivated. Nevertheless. it appears at the moment that unless the publlt' puts pressure on their assemblymen the Davi~ bill will fail their minds Baseball trade I am glad that the Dodgers traded Lopes because he was getting too old for baseball and he ended his contract. They t raded him for a young minor leaguer who is like Lopes was when he started in the major league. The mnor leaguer is a very good playr in the field. J hope the newspapers write more about this new player. • • • Tennis courts I carmot understand why the tennis courts al the youth center are always being used by adults. You would think they would let the kids get a chance to play. The courts are often closed, but when they are open , adults a re playing. Don't you think there should be new rules about lelling kids play more often? I hope there will be. • * * Dro,nken drivers l feel that drunken drivers should have a longer jail sentence. The police are letting them out way too early and by doing this the drunks will get back on the road again. I think they should get longer jail sentences and have their license taken away for four to six months. Too many people are being killed and not enough ls being done about It! Video ganies I am concerned about the price of video games For one s mall play on a crummy Pac-Man it takes a whole quarter! Wht?n my mom was little. a quarter could buy a grocery bag of candy. Now they give you a small candy bar. F'or most people, they have to put at least 200·300 coins in a game before they get a good hang of it. Some games even take two quarters That buys you three s hips. Wow• Big Deal! A whole three ships! I think games. should be 10 cents a play. That would be reasonablet I only get a dollar allowance and that docs not go very far. I hope they will lower the charge • * • More parks I think we should have more parks in our area so we can play with our dogs and do lots of things in the parks. We should do more things in the parks and there s hou ld be a playground al every park. * * * Kith' page I want to thank you for including a kids' page in your newspaper. It is the first thing I look at in the Saturday morning paper. I like the picture contest. I always learn something from "The Quiz," and I love the cule pictures of the dogs. l Daughter's desire: Sharing memories of Dad through print .. We ndy Wyckoff looked in the newspaper for her father's obituary. It wasn't there. Mrs. Wyckoff, 31, instead found her dad's name in the death notices. There is a difference between an obituary and a death notice. Anyone can pay for the newspeaper .to run a death notice. and many people do. Death notices-are a form or advertisement. Obituaries run in the ne ws columns . Generally, obituaries are given only to prominent individuals . Wendy Wyckoff's {ather was not prominent. Kia name was Harry M. Rush, and he was a n attomey for an insurance company, and he was 68 when he med of cancer recently. Mrs. WyckoU is a realist, and she knew better than to expect the editors ot the newspaper to 1rant s pace for an obituary tor her dad. Sbe hu been readina the newspapers all of her Ure. and •he knew who rated obitua.rtes: civic leadens, famous authors. movie stars. BUT SHE LOOKED at the ll·llne death nollce her famUy bad paid for: it .. ad 10 little, and she wilhed that the f_!!PI• who read the newpaper could Tw a little more a~t her dad. I • t "There his na me was with about 40 other people m the death notices," she sajd. "And 1 realized that, after the life he had led. that was it. "And I got to think ing how nice it would be if people were recognized not for how rnuch fame they acquired when 111111111 they were alive. but how much happiness they brought to the people who we.re closest to Orem." That was what was on her mind. She Is just reaching the age when she realizes that not everyone wu bom to make histoty. Alld yet, as she thou1ht about her father, she was sure that she would rat.her have had him the way he was than any other way. "Since I wat a UtUe strl, I always dreamed that I would be the moel ramoU'I danffr ln lbe world," lbe aaAd. ''Now I knoW it wtll lltter h..,,_, I supppoee aU people. 10 t.bruuP that. And my ded waa one -f1I-' ttlnl • .ff• I I probably lived all of his adult life knowing tba l h e never became whatever it was h e dreamed of becoming. "But he was such a good person! He was always so strong as a fat.her. He would never let on a bout his pl'oblems to us. He was of the generation when men th.rought they should not let anyone else see t.helr emotions. But he was almost ... mat~rnal. He almost mothered the three of WI children, he was so consumed with hia love of us. "THE DAY AFTER be died, I went down to bis home in Alabama -the place where he retired. There wu a forest n e xt to the houae, and it l'ernlnded me of bow much he taqht me about beauty. H.e loved to Sarden, and be passed down to me hi.a feellne abo"t nowers and everythln• beauUf\a.l. "Wh.m we were children, and be wu drt~lnl the car, be woµld aln11 atoe and 1et out when be aaw b9auttf\ll acenery, beca ... he wanted UI to loolt at it wttb him. Mott people don't do that, 1 don't think." Mn. Wyckott Nid ber ,.... Ud a allly ,... of bu ... or i ffrt.alllb not U. klDd ol tbiq tbat would ftt ID a clip6W oMtu*J., "Once he was going to take my mother out dancing, and he bought flowers for her," she said. "But he didn't just mat<e the florist deliver the flowers. He ma<ie them deliver him. He way he was taking it. .. And he just smiled at me and said, 'You'll sec when your limes cotnes. Everyone has to deal with It."' was in the back of the truck, and he had SHE SAID THAT her father's own the deliveryman go to the f'l'ont door father was a judge. "My father alwayJ and bring my mother outside, and they was expected to Live up to hi.a dad's rode together In the back or tbe norist's image, and never quite made it. l truck to the club. • "But I always went to tbe grocery "OR WHEN WE were kids, and we with him. He liked to do the grocery would go out to dinner. My ratbe knew shopping, and ever since I was a little what would make us laup, and be gtrl he would take me to the Cfocery od would lake ci&aretlea and put tbem ln Saturday mornings. When I was l6 ot his na.e or hia ears -rl&bt there ln 17, I would be tired from a elate ~ public -just to 1et the reaction from night before, but he would be UA,. ua." wanting to take me grocery Shopping. She said the thln1s that moat ''He a lways had time for as. He impressed her about her father were always was home after wol'k and thincs that somelimes are not honored weekends. I wish they wro&e oblluari by great numbers of tbe pobUc. about thincs llke th.At. It wobld bav •'The qwct strength he showed wta.n been kind of nice for other )*lele he wu dyin&," she said. "I don't know know wbal the people wbo.,.,.. el bow you meuure aomethtftl like that. l to him already knew. know how much pain he wu ln from the "But 1 guess that's the Import cancer. He had lt for Uaree ~. and thing. It's not Just what you aebie he tried never to la.lit about it, but we .. , that counts in Ufe. lt'a how you aha knew what It waa doln1 to him. th Ju*\ • your life wttb the people you lov., ..wdn't mention lt, becaue ta. didn't wbo love you. want to CGllffm ua wl ... lt. I vtaftecl hha "I\• mtcbt not have rated a ln ..&M tmpMt1, •• l....W·-Nat-...._. I obl1111'tf. But he was tfte ltfOQltlllt, blilC' d'dn't know bow be could tab lt tbe mMl I ever mPf " f ' I •• . Orange Cout DAILY ptLOT/Sunday, March 7, 1812 81 C&AaLBB R. LOOI e1 ................ Auemblywoman Marian Beraeson says abe wants lbe Letialature to set up a special eommllllon to ftnd out bow 1ood (or bad) 'Callfonla'• publkaeboola really an. · \ WIWAJIC OOUGHBaTY, wbo lqlt to John Brius In the 1980 Republican primary In the ~ state Senate Dlatrtct. la t.eytAt a1a1D. . "It •~ appalllDf to w1tc~ lepublleu leaders support Joba lcbm1t11 Ill oa the !sidelines aaylo1 notbin1, toal!tenaneln1 hla bigoted remarka and lben -~t awardl ·from tM Boy Scouts;" NW Ill rtr. • * • ~ Tbe Newport Beach Republican, a former teacher, hu Introduced a bUl (AB 25S31Jbal would establiJh such a body alona the lines of tbe Little Hoover Commiasion. Under her proposal, the 17-member. commlsslon would spend a year 1tartin1 April l , 1883, studying various aspects of public education throughout the state. This time, the Villa Park resident la running in the special April 13 election to cbOOM Brigis' successor. Briggs resl111ed the seat lut Decesnber. Dou~herty. an attorney and former Marine aviator, isn't having an easy time of It. For one lhina. the Orange C.Ounty Republlcan Central Committee, In a move to bead off a coaUy primary fight, already has endorsed Anaheim Mayor John Seymour. ~ MM. JtA Y•OND ~ ol Colla llen · .. 'has won the "worker of tbe month'' award for :January presented by the Oran1e County Federation of Republican Women. • * * ' FOUEa NEWPOaT mayor Don Mcinnis Commission members would lnclude lawmakers, representatives of public and private education and repreaentatlves of private Industry. Dougherty has lashed out at his fellow Repubttcans for "not bavln1 the tuts" to speak out against -controveratal state Sen. John Schmitz. will lead Con1re11man Bob Badbam'• re-election bid a1aln this year. 1be Northrop Corp. executive baa been chairman of the Badham Congressional Committee al.nee 1178. Sh• said the 1roup would act as an lnveaU,atlve committee. Mn. Bergeson serves u vice chairman of the Assembly Education Committee. CORRECTION , Ronald L. Zishka, Ph.D. • • * ERNIE DaONENBUaG, the Orange Coast's representative on the state Board of Equalization, bu decided not to run for the Republican nomination for state controller. In the leana ac1Wrtl1lng1 1 ••ctlon of M.,ch 7th, there 11 .n adverUsement for • #223 0 Air cle1ner/Deodorl1er Hlllng for 112,18 ••ch. The copy de1crlptlon Incorrectly 1t1te1 th•tr b1tterte1 lie Htrl. Thll 1lr cle1ner doe1 not operete on b1tterie1. Al10 ' the two lllu1tratlon1 of control• under th• lllu1tratlon of th• air cle1net ttiould not have eppe1red In the ad. We 1lncerely regret th••• errors. C.OUnseling and Psychotherapy Associates ' • * * . ALEXANDEa POPE, • Los Angeles D911¥ ..... ~ .............. 1 BORN IN 1112 -Mary Wikle, a resident of t Newport Villa in Newport Beach, is 100 years 'old. She observed her birthday Friday. The County assessor, is scbecluled to speak, Thursday night to the Orange County Young Democrats. Ohio native and longtime Pasadena resident : has been honored in years past 'for her volunteer work. She's taking life easier these days, but still enjoys playing Scrabble and The podium must have been reserved while Pope was la)!lng .groWldwork for a campallJl for the Democratic nomination for state co1atroller if incumbent Ken Cory didn't seek re-election. But last week·Cory tossed his hat in the ring and Pope withdrew his. , crocheting. 1 Anyway, the Young Demos are to meet for dinner at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Cook Book Restaurant in Tustin. Sears · ~cc9oo·ooo:JOcoco~o~c~~o A Tradition for 60 Years •I Reservations Suggeated 645-7on SOUTH COAST PLAZA An Extraordinary Bridal Show JEWEL COURT Arrangedby Gene's for your viewing. Sunday, March 7, 2 p.m. Tak~ a tip from me ... Oyde Johnson Johnson & Son Lincoln/Mercury "Now you ean pnrellase a new -981 Merea...,,. ~-:::~ lnvolee." Limited time only You've know doubt heard about Llncoln- M,crcury's big rebate program. llut haYe you stopped to consider what a remarkable ' l'°"Jtlon this puts you In'! A"' \\ith m08t dealers, our NoYembcr and Ocl:cml1cr stlles were s~ower tllaJl expected. Consequently we sUll ),Ma\'e a large selecUon of brand new 1981 Mercury's In stoCk. So many, In fact, that we just don't OO\'C room for the 1982 modelH. TI1c bottom tine to you Is s imple .... Brund new Mcn:u.,·1s at honcst-to- g~· under lm'OICC price8. Ob\1ously, thlff offer lK good only as long aK the 8Upply last .. So don't delay. C.ome in now and select th~ model of your choice. ........ 14-'I • Xlt7'I • I.,'( 1" l \'~X•&..'\\7•CAl"IU•CONTINBNTAL• MARK \'I• Lll'\COLN•CO(!GAR•X117•Zl!"n'tt Yesterday's nurses received little formal train- ing. They simply took care of their patients as best they could. Sometimes their duties even included scrubbing floors and washing windows. Today's nurses are highly trained prof cssionals. At Hoag Hospital, 600Jo of our nurses arc RNs ..• 3SO/o of them have Bachdor's or Master's de- grees ... 3SO/o have Associate of Arts degrees .•. 300/o have graduated from hospital nursing schools. And they s{i// go to school. in continUing edu- cation claascs at Hoag Hospital, constal\tly learn- ing about improvements in nursina care and medical tec\Ulology. Many are speciallsts in areas such u coronary care, neurosuraery. ~ Announces the opening of his private practice in Individual Psychotherapy, Marriage Counseling, Communication Skills. Divorce Adjustment. and other services. 16 yeata of successful practice 1n the East Low Fees. Based on Sliding Scale 1533 W. Baker (near Harbor). Call for Appointment 631-2696 and ask for Or. Zishka Lie»n1e tMG014433 At any time •. they're special.! orthopedics. In fact, there are 26 nursing special- ties represented by our staff. While today's nurses are a highly profcmonal part of the health care team and provide ~.,. of the car:e·a patient receives, they haven't for gotten one old-fashioned essential ... Compassion and caring never go out of style. HOAO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 301 NewPon Boulevard Newport Beach, California Your Oood Nelahbol. Servtq your community since 1952. 11\l• masaae is brou&bt to you throuab the pnerOlity of a donor-at no~ to padenu. .. .. I. • • lllilJ Piiat SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1982 .. FOR THE RECORD 86 ·use in position 1or possible NCAA berth.'after beating Huskies. 84. . . U.S. team clinches , round CARLSBAD (AP > -lobn McEnroe and Peter Flemin1 overpowered Vijay and Anand Amrilraj 6·3, 6·1, 7-5 Saturday as th e United States took an ins urmountable 3-0 lead over India' in first -round Davis Cup· play. The U.S. squad, making its firs t appearance since capturing the 1981 Davis Cup Ulle against Argentina in December, moves into second-round competition a gains t S we den l ater this s ummer at a U.S. site yet to be determined. Sweden, has a 3-0 lead over the Soviet Union in its best-of-five Davis Cup compeUtion. M c Enroe , defe.nding Wimble don and U .S. Open c h a mpi o n , d o minated Saturday's matches with his s uperior skill while refraining fr o m h is c u s toma r y • outbursts. In the decisive final game, Fleming m ade only one return. IT WAS THE third consecwtive straight-set victory for t he U.S. -a-gains t India .In Friday's op e nin g r o und , M c Enroe defeated Vijay Amrilraj 6-4, 9-7, 7 ·5 and Eliot Teltscher beat Ramesh Krishnan 6-3, 6-3, 6-<t. \pdia never led in the first two set:s, but held a 2-0 game lead in the final set after breaking the U.S. serve in the second game. The Americans tied it at 3·3 and went ahead 4·3 before the Indians deadlocked again at 4-4. The Ame ri cans c apitalized heavily on ,t\nand Armitraj's inability to return service. After breaking Anad's serve, Mc En roe ended the one-hour and 57-minute match with an ace. SPRINGTIME FROLICS -Some sa y that bas eball is a boy's g ame and these photos seem to bear that out. Members of the .Pitts burgh Pira tes wish Willie St a r gell a happy 41st birthday in their own st yle . while .,. .......... 6-year-old Daniel Cey winds up to throw one to his d ad durin~ a break in workouts Saturday Mc Enroe, who lost a critical point in the final set of Friday's singles for talking to the umpire, m ade one or two comments but remained silent for the most part throughout the three sets whil e boosting his doubles record to 6·0 in Davis Cup competition. Kuhn has his say • in Valenzuela contract talks From ~ dJspatcbes Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn has made a statement on the Fernando Va lenzuela negotiations, while the Angels held their first intrasquad game of the spring Saturday. Valenzuela, who won the National League Cy Young and R90kie of the Year honors last season, is reportedly asking around $850,000 for 1982, and the Dodgers have offered some S350,000. He h as n ot r e ported to c amp, a nd n egotiations appear to be at least tern porarily at a standstill. developing in which the two sides are not talking. l don't see a problem . but if it drags on, then yes, we've got to try and find a solution." Kuhn said he has no immediate plans to take an active role in the Fernando Va le nzuela situations, as he bad a decade ago during Vida Blue's holdout with the Oakland A's . Kuhn said the Blue and Valenzuela situations are not similar. Blue won the Ame rican League Cy Yo ung and Most Valuable Player awards after winning 24 games and posting a 1.81 ERA for the A's in 1971 Finley wanted to pay Blue $50,000. But, he added, should the stalemate continue, he would do whatever be could to help the two sides reach a settlement. Kuhn recalled his role in Blue's holdout Saturday evening during a visit to the Dodgers' spring training camp. ''With Vida Blue," he said of the pitcher's 1972 holdout with the Oakland A's, "the holdout had gone into the season. And Cha rlie Finley, the A's owner simply wouldn't talk to Vida nor his agent. Blue's agent wanted $113,000 and, after Kuhn was brought in, and after a marathon 22-hour negotiating session, a figure or $63,000 was finally agreed upon. .. Here, the ti me is certainly different. And I don't see a situat.ion Meanwhile. the D-0dger s are scheduled to begin the s pring exhibition s eason today a g ains t NL East Champion Montreal. Jerry Reuss, Steve O'Brien doubling as comedian NBA chief expects players to make some concessions Doubtless a wa re that a sense of humor is the most vaJuable human trait in times of strife, the com missione r of the National Bas ketball Association opens the matt.er of a new working agreement with the NBA players by rolling the population in the aisles. Larry O'Brien, the commissioner. notes that pro bask~tball will begin the altogether maddening process of pounding out a new basic agreement at the conclusion of the current NBA tournament and re veals that his opening statement in the matter will be hila rious. o· Brien will ask the players to give something back to the owners. If you think this is funny. wait until the players hear it. AS A MATl'ER OF FACT, the players will demand an even larger slice of the swag. The . players pocket most of the revenue the league generates at the moment but there is talk of added funds arriving by way of cable television and the players will want that money as well. As commissioner O'Brien explains the plight of the NPA, "two thirds of the total revenues of the NBA go to players' saltaries and players' benefits. With this being the case. It is easy to understand why some teams are experiencing financial difficulties." To say that some teams are experiencing financial difficulties 11 a masterpiece of understate ment. O'Brien likes to break the thln1 into thirds, saying one third of the NBA memben are showing a profit, one thlrd ii on the fiscal fence and the other third ls loUna mone1. If accurate and honest nsures were presented, , however, the percentage of Leams operaUn1 ln the black would be far leu \ban 13~. • SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER continue to pay two thirds of its gross to the players and still operate a successful franc-hise? Teams losing money and those that do not have outs1Je capital forthcon1 ing will. be in jeopardy during collective bargaining." This is where the commissioner gets funny. •"The manage ment committee will have to go to the bargaining table with some very strong demands regarding givebacks on the part of the players a~iation." You get a splendid picture of the players association a1reeing to "givebacks." ACTUALLY, O'BRIEN should understand this inasmuch as he reallzes the only Issue the players wish to discuss ts the cable TV thing and how that particular pie is to be sliced. •'This represents a wide and d eep void between the two sides," O'Brien says. "lh my mind, I anticipate difficult and prolonged nefotiatlons." The alternative to agreement, or course, is a walkout of the plau'ers. Si1niftcantly, If the basketball creatures stroll, they may veey Ukel)' be followtn1 their countef1»U11 in the National Football Leaiue who are alread)' tn ne1«lat4on and on ~rd u de mandinl a share of the sros• revenue. LAKER OWNE• .11:aay BtJU said DOl ... It won't happen ln footbUI but the buketball a10. "I would peas that no more than three team• commilaioaer •Ullfftl tbe players can aave the are sbowinl a profit and I would not be 1urDriled day wttb ''liftMclkl.'' to see aome baallruptct• lf sometbiDC ia nal dcme Sun they wW. ADd tbwf are no eowa or oil la to~ l'Olta. •· • · Texu. And buca do Dlt Mve bail'. Aad Oeorpa 4 W........-Buu 10. out and pu&I kll9tber a . PronU.. doll DOt lie abaat ._, .... Md Do11J ~ PQl'Oll, a.a tUt II ..._ Mn w " p.,._ II llit ela11t.tll. Md ~ -11 "-' ...... at u......... . ....... _ .... QMel II Iii ......... .. ( ... · . . . -. ... •,, . Howe and Dave Stewart are scheduled to pitch fo r Los Angeles. Scott Sanderson. Bryn Smith, and Eli as Sosa are scheduled for the Expos. In Case Grande. Ariz . home runs by Reggie Jackson and Fred Lynn highlighted the An gels ' first intrasquad game of the s pring Saturday, a non -scoring a ffair pitting regulars against substitutes. Jackson, who had complained or not being able lo get loose for a couple of days and didn't even take batting practice Friday, also singled for a run his first time up. Ten An gel pitchers worked two innings apiece, with Ken Forsch, GeoCf Z ahn and Mike Witt turning in im pressive stints. Today's meaningless matches will pair Teltscher, seventh in the world, agai nst Vijay Amritraj, and Mc Enroe will m eet Krishnan. Both matches w i ll b e a bbre v iated to best-of-three by mutual consent or both team captains. THE AMRITRAJ brothers, who had held a 2-0 lead in the first set and led 40-love in the third game, said t heir inebility to win the next game prevented them from gaining momentum. "If we could have held, we might have had a chance," said A nand Amrit r aj, who complained that wind aflect.ed his toss on serves. Mc Enroe s aid he was happy to end it without goir1g into the final day or play. Vachon blanks• ex-mates ~ BOSTON (AP > -Steve Kas per's s horthanded eoal s tarted the Boston Bruins toward a 4-0 victory over the Los Ange les Kings Saturday as Rogie Vachon notched his first shutout of the Nat.Iona! Hockey League season ad and the 5lsl of th his career. T h e tr iu mph extende d Bos ton's unbeaten streak to three games. Los Angeles' road record fell to 1·12-8 for its lasl21 games. Kasper gave Vachon, a forpier King, all the support be needed al 11: IS of the openin1 period, while Terry O'Rellly wu oil tbe ice for interference. Kaaper poked the puck away from Marcel Dionne at the rl1ht po6nt, and raced in alone on IOalJe Mario Lessard. He nipped a low five-footer between tbe goalie's lep for this 14th IOal ol the season. Rookie Mike Krusheln)'lk.I put the Bruinl in frQat 2-0 wtUl 11111 first NIU.. 1oat at 11:11 et tbe opentne period. He picked up tbe puck ln the ript corner beblDd t.be Loi An1elea pal line, .Uted to the rlsht clrcle and beat Le11ard witb a 10-foot. wrtat t hot. The Killp atrullled to IDIMlll& an attack, but bad two .ud ebaneH late ln tbe 1ffOIHI period. At lS:n, Mne .,~~= bit tM eroaW ~'I ban.-t11e 1-.,.....; .,.... ..... 1 • Or•nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Maron 7, 1982. esidents join in Hayes roast From AP dlap•kbe1 President Reagan and former ••• COLUMBUS , Ohio -Ell presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford joined in roasting long time Oblo State football Coach Woody Hayes Friday nltht. Former U.S. Rep. Sam Devine of Ohio read a letter from Reagan that said in part: "You are the legendary General Patton of college football. You have shaped the lives of thousands · of young men who you have coached." Hayes; who coached the Buckeyes to two national championships in his 28 seasons, had telephone calls from Nixon and current Alabama Coach "Bear" Bryant during the long ceremony before nearly 2,000 fans. Nixon told Hayes in a telephone call. "I've been impressed with your leadership in.football. If you come back in another life, you'd make a very effective secretary of state." Bryant, who beat Hayes 35·7 in their only meeting. in the Sugar Bowl, told the former Buckey coach, ''I'm just glad I didn't have to play you more often." Ford. in a letter. said "My affection for you is unlimited." The affair raised around $40 ,000 for underprivileged young athletes in the Columbus area. Quote of the day New York Mets slugger George "Foster, when asked about form e r teammate Pele Rose's comments that he (Fosler) doesn't get his uniform dirty sliding or go to the walls for fly balls: "Off my bat, a lot or balls will go to the wall. I'm going to be trotting around the bases a lot more than Pete is." Lysiak rallies Chicago past Flyers Tom Lysiak scored the tying and ~ winning goals in a penalty.filled ' game Saturday night to lead the Chicago Black Hawks to a 4-1 victory over the Philadelphia Flyers lo highlight National Hockey League action . . . In other games. Aadre St. L81trent scored three goals. including the winner at 15: 50 or the third period, to lead Pittsburgh to a 6-4 decision over Quebec . . . Mike Bossy's two sec;ond-period goals broke open a close game and paced the New York Islanders to a 6·4 victory over the New York Rangers. Bossy's goals gives him a total of 53 on the season . . . Doug Rllebrougb notched two goals and Montreal scored four straight times in the first period on the way to a 6-1 rbmp over Toronto . . . Mille Crombeea and Bernie Federko scored goals i.> seconds apart in· tbe opening period, sending St. Louis to a 5-1 triumph over Detroit . . . C1uU Kobopolllos ·scored a power·play goals with less than eight minutes remaining to help the Hartford Whalers . earn a 2·2 tie with Buffalo . . . Bobby Smllb and Craig Hartsburg combined for four assists , to lead Minnesota to a 3·1 win over Vancouver • . . . . Brent Asbton's first period goal was the . game·winner as Colorado stunned Edmonton, -5·2. Gerlln gets 50 In triple overtime Win Geere· Genlll .conc1 • polnt.s m -24 after retuJaUon time -and Mlllt J1JtctreU hJl I .. lton•bllb U potnu 11 the San Anlonlo SJ>Ufl emeried from triple overtlme with a 171-lte wln over the Milwaukee 8ucka ln NBA acllon Salurd.ly nl&hl. The two team. Mt a record for moat po6.nt.I in one came. Mllwaukff, led by Bria• W'llMn' ~ point.I, bad to rally from aix points down with 2 :53 rem1lnln1 to send the 1ame Into ov~rtlme. Tbe Spurs were up 124·118 when Wint.en blt lbe Bucks' last 13 points, lnclud.ina a three.pointer at the buuer to notch the acore at 131. The Bucks then Jumped .out to substantial leads in the first two overtime periods, only to .. .,,,.. have the Spurs rally each time. Milwaukee led 145·141 with 36 seconds remaining in the first OT period and held a 157·153 lead with 51 seconds remainin1 in the seciond overtime penod, but still tell . . . In other games, Kevla Grevey scored 26 points to lead Washington to a 12'1-113 win over Utah . . . Atlanta topped New Jersey 112·92 behind 33 points from Edclle lolluoa . . . Kelly Trlpuka. scored 36 points td pace Detroit to a llS·ill win over the New York Knicks. - Fidrych continues to impress Mark Fidrych, the American •. League's 1976 Rookie of the Year as a 19·game winner with the Detroit Tigers. continued t o impress observers Saturday in his pitching comeback bid with the Boston Red Sox. "It looks like he's coming along real good," said Manager Ralph Hoak. "It seems there's a lilUe more life in his arm each time he throws, but we have no intention of letting him cul loose for awhile." ... Claudell Washington's two-run double in the top of the fourth inning gave Atlanta the lead and the Braves went on to defeat the Montreal Expos, 6-2 Saturday in the exhibition baseball opener for both clubs before 3,893 ... Meanwhile, wet grounds forced postponement of the opening exhibition game between Minnesota and the University of Central Florida ... The game between Baltimore and the New York Yankees was also canceled by rain Saturdav. Storm(y) ending in tournament --8olL.Jfa.a.dley~~·!l-·Uom . .a,...:. •• -gutter ball by his opponent in the final frame , defeated Storm DeVincent, 213·193 Saturday to win the Greater Miami Sunshine Open pro bowling tournament. Handley and DeVincent were within one pin going into the 10th frame when Devincent. a part·time pro from Fort Lauderdale, had the ball glance off his shoe at the delivery and into the right channel . . . Pri.Dce SpeUbouDd won · . in a blanket finish Saturday to capture the San Rafael Stakes for 3-year·o lds at Santa Anita ... Terry Gale of Australia and American DaDDY Hepler fired identical 3-under-par 68s to take tbe lead in the second day of lhe Malaysian Open Golf Championship in Kuala Lumpur . . . Favored Timely Writer, starting at the 16th post position, came out of the pack on the far turn and surged tbrou1b the s lop to a JY.a-length victory over New Dbeonry in the Flamingo Stakes at Hialeah Saturday ... EvelyD Ashford won the women's 100-meter dash in 10.97 seconds and Canada's Paul Williams captured the men's 5,000 meters in 13 minutes, 44.51 seconds to highlight competition in the Aztec Invitational track meet at San Diego State. In other featured events, Dwight Stones took the men's high jump with a 7-4'4 effort; Ron Anderson of Norway won the men's 10,000 meters in 29: 56.89, and Bernie Jackson won the men's 100-meter dash in 10.45. f oung Cougars' mission fails Capo Valley drops 66-55 decision to Burroughs By ROGER CARLSON QI, ... O.ily ~ $u" : LONG BEACH -Capistrano Valley High's Cougars started three juniors and sophomore and on the s urface the final score might be a r eflection, but looks can be deceiving. It was just a matter of running into a buzzsaw. Burroughs High of Ridgecrest rode the crest of a 76 percent shooting effort from the field in I.he first half, racing to a 44-28 t)alftime bulge on the way to a 66·55 decision. :. The verdict. before a combined crowd of 5,271 for four ehampionship games al Long Beach Arena Saturdav, gave the Burros the CIF 2-A basketball frown and a berth in the state tegionals here at the same site Thursday. · "Our scouting report said they couldn't shoot like that," said ~ougars Coach Mark Thornton. : But they bum the nets, they just shot the lights out. Maybe we· should have gone to a man (Jefense sooner." The winners hit 11 ·or 14 shots ln racing to a 23·15 lead at the end of the first period, just moments after Capo·left its rone. But the switch didn't do much 1ood, re•lly. Burroughs. continued tt.s red-hot pace with 1-for·ll in the second period, and three of the six misses during \he first half were converted into offensive rebound• and subsequent baskets. The Golden League champions from Ridgecrest won every. battle , finishing with 58.1 shooting from the field , winning the boards (41·26) and were best al the line. too, hitting 16 of 26. Capo missed · 11 of 16 from the line and finished al 41.7 from the field. The Cougars managed to pare what bad been a ,46-28 deficit at the start of the third quarter to 56·50 with 3:50 left, but then the well went dry as Burroughs r e taliated with seven free throws and a bucket to put the game in the bag. Burroughs us ed a tough match·up zone against the Cougars and eventually held Dan Dargan to 14 points. well below his potential. The Cougars were led by junior Walt Decas as (16 ), sophomore Burt Call ( 15) and Dargon, but it simply wasn't enough to offset the talenl·laden winners. Dalt.on Heyward of Burroughs was the game's leading scorer with 21 points. In the l ·A c hampionship game, Bannini held oft a late St. Joseph High surge, nippin1 the Knights from Santa Maria, 54·52. Earl Walton converted St. Joseph fouls in the last 100 seconds to keep the losers away. Walton led the winner's with 17 points. St. Joseph's 8-7 Tom Rehler led a1J scorers with 23 points before fouling out late in the contest. In the s mall schools division. it was Crossroads High of Santa Mon ica capturin g a 52·46 decision over Montclair Prep. The girls' l·A crown was taken by Va lley Christian. which swept to a 57-47 victory over San Bernardino. l.akewood, Vikings win CIFcrowns LONG BEACH -Lakewood High's Lancers. who lost their No. 1 ranking with a pair of Moore League losses, made it official Saturday night, crushing Inglewood High in the CIF 4-A basketball finals, 82-70, before 9,188 at Long Beach Arena. The Lancers overcam e Inglewood's 9-for-9 shooting in the first quarter, taking the lead at the rirst period buzzer on Barry Barnes' perimeter stiol and systematically piled up a lead of 21 polnts in the third quarte1· before settling for the final marlin. Tod MUrpb.y, Lakewood's 6-8 center and the day's MVP. dominated the interior, scorinl 21 points and ho1aln1 the boards, too, with 10. Teammates Dwayne Corbitt (21>, Barnes (18) and Mark Neilsen (H) rounded out ab unyeilding attack. Lakewood enters the state re1lonal1 OQ Wednetlday here with a •2 record, wiDDlftC Ill fl•• Soutben SecUoD playoff gam.. b1 aa nera1e of uu point.I • 1ame. Col'ONI del Mar Coach Jack Errton Mid Tbunday If aft1GM trMd lo deal wttb top·rat.*9 St. Bernvd la tM CIP l·A ftull without a def.an Dbllolollb1 1lmllar lo hll Sta Klnp, ta.eJ would .......... trouble. .... ... ... ~ .............. . UCinine ~weeps LaVerne The UC Irvine baseball team ran it.a winning atreak lo four sames Sat.ui:day by sweepina a double·header from visiting t..aVeme, 10·8 end 10-0. In the opener, the Anteaters fought back from a 6-0 deflclt as they unleashed a 10-run, lS.blt attack. They were led by the bats of outfielder Ron Cummings ( .. for-4 with 4 RBI) and Steve Barnard (3-for .. >a. UCI tied the score al 7;-l>ut trailed 8-7 when it exploded for three runs ln the bottom of the eighth. After Mike Rupp was hit by the pitch, Barnard doubted him home to tie the score. Then. Cummings was awarded first base after being hit by a pitch and Ge ddes doubled home Bernard and Cummings for the final tally. Larry Hicks. who relieved in the seventh, went the rest of the way to pick up the victory, his second against no losses. In the nightcap, left-hander Da ve Woodhead went the distance to record his first win of the year C agains t three defeats). Woodhead. a senior from Saddleback College. scattered four hits while striking out four and walking three. UCI scored single tallies in the first, second and third frames with Cummings belting his third home run of the season to open the second. LETTING LOOSE Angels infielder Tim Foli uncorks a throw to the plate quring infield practice al spring training camp in Cas a Grande . Ariz Shorts t op Mike lng le ha rt capped the offensive attack with a grand slam home run just inside the left field foul pole in the sixth inning. 'Ciil.'1 captures tollriieycroWn ··- Barons, Irvine sweep twin bills; Marina gets a split Corona del Mar swept to the championship of the Newport Harbor Elks Tournament to highlight Orange Coast area high school baseball action Saturday . Meanwhile, Mater Dei claimed third place in that tourney. Here's bow it went: Coron• del M•r I, Santa Ana Valley 3 . The Sea Kings captured the championship of the Newport Harbor Elks Tournament, and it would be an understatement to say Dave Rohde had something to do with the title. · ·aobde's contributions to Corona del Mar's success in the tourney included a save in the Sea PREP BASEBALL Kings' first game, a win in relief in their second game and a win after starting against the Falcons Saturday night . Rohde carried a no-hitter into the fifth inning and left the game in the seventh with a two-hitter. The victory, which improved CdM's record to 4·0, was sparked by a 2·for-4 performance at the plate by Gordon Moss. including a finh-inning, two·run double. Santa Ana 7, Estancia 3 Santa Ana hitters clubbed four doubles among their eight hits to take the consolation title of the ~ewport Harbor Elks Tournament at Davia Field. The Eagles , now 2·3, fell behind 5-0 before coming up with a pair of runs in the top of the fifth inning. Jim Roachelle started things off by getting aboard on an error. However. he was quickly erased when Mike Cam.peau reached first on a fie lder's choice. Mark Talley doubled Campeau to third, and Jeff Gardner grounded out to second to score Campeau. Willie Neiman then fohowed with, an RBI single. Santa Ana hitters collected. six hits o ff Estancia pitcher Reuben Johnson in JY.i innings. ll was Johnson's first defeat against two victories. Mater Del 4, Newport Harbor 0 The Monarchs claimed third place in the Newport Harbor Elks Tournament by blanking Newport Harbor. Three Mater Dei hurlers -Roger Reynos, Mark Stomp and Frank Spates -combined for 12 strikeouts in the victory, with Stomp picking up the decision. John McShane went 3 for 3 with an RBI and two stolen bases, while Mike Llndsten was 2 for 3 with an RBI. Fountain Valley 10-11 , San Marcos 1-6 The Barons m ade their long bus trip back to Fountain Valley a happy one with a sweep of the host Royals. Senior right-hander Brian Ayers started the first game for Fountain Valley, going rive innings and scattering three hits. He also struck out six Royal batters Kelley Romine and Greg LeMaster finished things up for the Barons on the mound. At the plate, Dean Roberts produced a triple to score one run, and he scored two runs himself. Teammate Dave Stewart picked up three singles and an RBI and duplicated that feat in the second game. In the nightcap, the Barons scored eight runs in the fourth inning as eight players came to the plate and the same eight eventually scored. University 6-8, Laguna Hills 5-8 The Trojans improved their r~cord to 3·1-1, but they needed 13 innings to win the first game. The second contest was c alled after four innings because of darkness . The Trojans ended the marathon first game in the bottom of the 13th as Mike Miller got aboard on an error, stole second and moved lo third on Randy Meyers ' single. Jeff Carr then rapped a double lo bring Miller home. Myers' single was his fourth hit of the game, as he accounted for more than a third or the Trojans' hits. University's Jere Miller added a two-run triple in the third inning. while Brad Guess picked up a double. Marina 4-5, Lakewood 2-7 The visiting Vikings ran their record to 2· J after s plitting with the Lancers. In the opener, senior Treff Bennett scattered seven hits. struck out five and walked two in going the distance for the victory. The Vikings broke a 2·2 deadlock by scoring twice in the top of the seventh. Pinch-hitter Jim Keller opened the inning with a single to center. Pich-runner Brad Peterson then stole second and went to third on Mark Cobian's sacrifice bunt. Ken Lazio then sin gled off the second baseman's glove to score Peterson, and Lado came home moments later as Kevin Eisler tripled down the right field line. In the nightcap, the Lancers scored four times in the first inning and never looked back. lrvlne 2-5, Dana Hiiis 0-3 The Vaqueros s wept a double·header froin the Dolphins to go over the .500 mark (3·2) for the first time this year. Mike Tierney doubled to left-center to acore John Scott in the bottom of the sixth inninl ln the opener . Jay Scott then singled to score Tiemey with the final run of the game. Pat Simms. a senior right·hander, tossed a two-hitter as be struck out eighl and walked four. His record is now 2-1. ln the nightcap, J ay Scott doubled home lwo runs in the first inning and the Vaqueros never trailed the rest of the way. OCC, Rustlers pile up runs Orange Coast College pitcher Jack Reinholt.I remained perfect when wearing a Pirate uniform. hurling OCC lo an easy 14·2 victory over visiting San Diego City College Saturday to highlight community colle1e baseball action. Golden West College also piled up the runs. 12 to be exact, but the Rustlers' Southern Cal Conference 1•me was col short by a brawl. At OCC, Reinholl1 . a sophomore out of Ocean View Hl1h. allowed Just one bJt over alx lnnln1a, 11 tbt Pirate• posted thelr el1bth victory a1ainlt J\llt two defuu. Reinbol\I bu now pitdMid ll lnnln11 thl1 1ea1on, and o......-. hllft Jet to MON an •:~~~ .,....... ....... , .. ,..,. .. _, ..... ...., ... .... WI& ........ . ~~~.~~!lll!l!l~h~··~ ... ~~~~~~..-lill""""ll ... ·~~ ..... --~- ,. Bob Welch looks hack Dodger pitcher writes about his battle With the bottle LOS ANGELES (AP) --Bob Welch looked back ln 1980 to find lar1e part.a ol aeveral years mi11ln1. Suddenly, Che Los An1eles Dod1ers! ri1ht·hander, who could have lost his life trying to for1et, found there was a lot he wanted to remember. Welch was 23 when he quit drinklng. Hla treatment for alcohollsm h~alped him confront hill fean and his goals, th ines that had been 1ood about hla life and the s that had been bad. Still, the put was In many ways. an unorganized jumblei And the man who struck out Reggie Jackson in a dramatic World Series duel in 1978 wanted to put it into perspective. It was then that attorney Bob Fenton suggested be write a book. "I thought it was a ~ood idea." said Welch. "It's good to have something solid like a book lo go back to. If I get to feeling hot stuff, I can just open this up." • In "Five O'Clock Comes Early,'' published by William Morrow & Co. Inc., Welch talked of ·lhe embarrassment and pain his alcoholis m caused those closes t to him, the excuses he gave and the signs that he had a problem. HE TALKS ABOUT his feelings, his failings, his relationship with his family and the woman he loves. He describes the environment that contributed to his drinking. "The book really helped me be honest with myself," Welch said in a recent interview prior to the Dodgers"'departure for their training camp in Vero Beach, Fla. "It's hard to be honest with yourself. I got a lot off my chest' things I needed to say and had a difficult time talking about." It is a book he hopes will help others who find P erry 01ay bring his s pitte r back drinklna hu taken oo loo much stan1ticarrce In their Uves. "Everybody's perception of an alcoholic Is some~ who Is lyint on the street comer, not someone who la 21 years old, playlna major league baseball," he said. "WHEN YOUR LiFE Is torn apart when something is unhealthful and is causlng som~ things to hurt your family, you can do somelhlng. We all have It ih our own hands to go out and get help. I wanledtosay, 'Hey, itdoesn'thavetobellkethis.'" • Studies by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse show 10 percent or Americans are alcoholics and almost 20 percent of teen-agers are problem dri nkers . We lc h ril the "problem drinker" category when he was called up from the minor leagues in 1978. -lie made a name for himself that year and gained a place in baseball history by striking out Jackson, "Mr. October." It was a dramatic seven-minute struggle between the hard-throwing 21-year-old and the veteran superstar to save the second game of the World Series for the Dodgers. "I was stone sober, loo," Welch said in his book. "I had!l't gotten around to drinking be£ore a gam e, particularly a World Series game - although, given time, I would have." AS HIS DRI NKING continued he found ~i mself showing up at practice drunk. s neaking into the clubhouse to drink during games and fighting with his teammates. '3ut, he said. his alcoholism had started much ear1ier, probably in his teens. It was evident his s econd year in college, when he made a drunken walk along the ledge or the rooftop or a hotel in Japan. . There had been danger signals even during high school. when as a senior he arrived too drunk to play basketball for his team. We lch came close to losing his job before he went to The Meado ws, an alcohol and drug treatment center that played a vital role in his recovery. He spent 36 days there and arrived at the Dodgers' 1980 spring training camp with his drinking problem behind him. Orange Coast OAJL Y PILOT/Sunday, March 7, 1982 RU BBING IT IN In a rerent 27-mile bicycle racl' al San Diego State Uni\'ersit\'. Chris Jordan <left ) of UC Santa Barbara was so confident he had the race won. he threw hb hand~ m the air about 10 ,·ards ·~· ......... from the finis h linl'. onl~ lo ha ve San Diego · State's Shawn Storm pass him a nd win the ract' The ndcr's t•xpn•ss ion~ tell the rest o f the stor~ John H e nry tries Santa Anita 'Cap A RCADIA <APJ lfh.ecould, Year io 1981 and is defending his title toda y i n th e half- m i llion-dollar race over 1 v. miles at Sant~ita. Ole Bob hasn't had any other famous sons or daughters, but th e r e's always a chance of a nother John Henry. . \ .. ., TEMPE, Ariz. (AP> -Veteran pitcher Gaylord Perry, sign e d to a "make-good " free-agent contract by the Seattle Mariners. said Setttrfl'l'j-'\ir.t't' he -ftlr'li'bt-Tesort to us ing his infamous spitball just to make the team. "I may have lo bring a few pitches out of the mothballs to do it, yes,'' said the 43-year-old right-hander who is three wins shy of the coveted 300 mark in his 19-year major·league career. "My last rew s prings haven't been the greatest and berore anything else, I have to make this club." He talks a bout a li£etime of swallowing his em otions. In some ways. he said , being sober has star.ted a process or growing up all over again, re.ehn~ the _butter.flies before the game, dealing w1th-h.s.feehngs "instead or running out lo a bar to sit down and drink them away. I sit down and talk about 1t if something bothers me." Ha d he not quil, Welch said, the consequences could have been much worse than ruining his baseball career : his drinking could have meant the end~ his life. Ole Bob Bowers. aged 19. would be the most interested in the $543,800-Santa Ahita Handicap today because his son is the favorite. Ole Bob, aged 19 who never was muc h of a thoroughbred runner. but that kid of his. John Henry, was t he llorse of the Since Ole B'oolS-s1ffi standing at stud and John Henry. now a 7-year·o ld, has been gelded, never to have offspring. the race has double significance for the aging sire. John Henry can run--:00-gra"Ss - or dirt and has earned a r ecord $3 ,022,810 and is headed toward being the first $4 million winner.· Perry. possessor of a 297 ·239 record. has openly admitted that he throws a s pitter and even wrote a book about it. Although American League umpires have long been instructed to enforce rules against the illegal pitch, Perry said, "We're good friends. Good friends don't get on people. Umpir es can come out to me anytime." Perry is the only pitcher to win Cy Young awards in both le agues. He won his first in 1972 while with Cleveland and the other in 1978 al San Diego. -~~~~~ Sof.,W•le• H••t"'f ,, ' . ,,,,. ...,.,..,.,,. ,.....,. ..,,..,,, ·~ 'f wt 0• ' • ,,-.. ,. -.:;'I'°"'"' ..,.4,'°'I T I.If 4,.,. COSJ&•u 641-1289 IUIN-- MIHl()N v~J0495-04()1 ,_,~c-·­t••" 0..,.. '""' •t •• ..., ........ Imagine Your home or omcc beduli(ully comp<)l>Cd wilh cllChi tccll.lrc. inlccio1 dc<.ign and c.on· sliuttlon pldyiny In pcrrcc1 ha r· rnony. All In one pa< kagc. all for one co<.I. Or u<;e 0111) one ..er. kc. and bcncflt from ourcornprehensi\CC\ Enjoy. Your personal environ· ment c>.aclly a s you dream ed it \oo'OUld-~ a mastc~ce that will siny}our prai~s for }ears to com . pcri nee. Contact the Rosewopd Group ol Design and Conslruclion for your complimental) brochure. I 15 1 Dove Str eet Suite 290. cwport lkach. CA 92660 1 7 141 851 · I 9J I 1 What pro football star did Babe Ruth • replace as Yankee right f ielder? A Where can Sports Fans: »• A. Enjoy $100 Well Orin ks & Beer from 4--7 p.m.?. 8. With Free Hors d'oeuvres? C. And Continuous Wide-Screen Satelllte Sports? D. With Great Food and Lunch Specials? dnONnOtj IJ.WOdl J HJ. ·a dOCJNnOtj 9J.YOdliHJ.·~ dnONno .. I J.WCMI J HJ. .• dnONnOtj I J.tjOdl iHJ. ·y ,.,.H aCJOaO Side Dishes: Served by our Super Dish Antenna, direct from ......... : J ohn He nry will have jockey Bill Shoemaker riding. . ·-----------··-----·-·----------------------------------~ I I I I APRIL I Fn 2 I Sat 3 I Tues 6 I Wed 7 I Fn 9 I Sat 10 Sun 11 I Mon 19 I Tues 20 I We<J 21 I Tues 27 I Wed 28 . I Thurs. 29 I Fn 30 MAY I Sat.1 I Sun 2 I Mon 3 I Tues 4 I Tues 18 Angets(N) Arigels IN) G1ants (D) G1anls(N) Padres (N) Padres 1 20p m PaorestD) Aslros (NI Aslros(N) Astros(N) Ph1lhes(N) Phtllies(N) Phllhes(N) .Eicpos(N) Expos(D) EKPOS(D) Mets(N) .Mets(N) I Cubs(N) Cubs (NI Cubs(N) Ca1ds (N) Cards(N) .Cards(D) . Pirates (N) Pirates(N) • .. .. Pirales (N) TICKET ORDER FORM e HOME SCHEDULE 1982 Hool~ 80Jl RES for OMc. MOO '5 00 u .. °"'Y I - - JUNE (CONT.) Thurs 10 F1t 11 Sal 12 Sun 13 Mon 28 Tues 29 Wed 30 JULY Fn 2 Sat 3 Sun 4 Thurs 15 Fn 16 Sa1 11 Sun 18 Mon 19 Tues 20 Wed 21 F11 ~ 5111 24 Sun 25 AUGUST Thurs 5 Fn 8 . Sat 7 Sun 8 Mon 9 Tues 10 No. of Tlcllota llO~ I 'RES For once M ~ts.00 U• Only Ae<ls (N) -I ::::~:~ Aeds (D) Padres(N) Padres (N) Padres(N) Aslros(N) Aslros (N) AslrOSID) Mels (N) Me1s(N) Mets(N) Mets(D) EKpos 5.35p.m Expos(NI Eitpos (N) Ph1lhos IN) Phllhes(N) Phillies (D) -- - Braves (NJ 1.--+--1.------1 Braves (N) 1--+--l---~ Braves (N) 1--+--l-----l Braves (D) 1---+--1-----1 AUGUST (CON'T.) No oil- llOX M OO RES For once '5 00 u.. °"'Y Sun 15 Giants ID) 1.--+--1.------1 F1t 27 Cubs(N) 1--+--l-----l Sat 28 Cubs (N) 1---+--1------i Sun 29 Cubs (DI 1.--+--1.------1 Mon 30 Cards (NJ 1.--+--1.------1 Tues 31 Cards (N) '----'---''----__, SEPTEMBER Wed 1 Fn 3 Sal 4 Sun 5 Mon 13 Tues 14 Wed.15 F11. 17 Sat 18 Sun 19 Fn 24 Sat 25 Sun 26 Mon 27 Tues 28 Wed 29 Thurs 30 Cards(N) P11a1es(N) P1rates(N) P11ates(D) Padres (N) Padres(N) Padres (N) Aslros(N) Astros(N) AslT06 12 15p m G1ants (N) Giants 1 20p m Giants (D) Reds (N) Aeds (N) Braves (N) Braves(N) Toi.I Tlcllat9 Ordet'9d Total Amount I I I ; I •• f I .. •· I I · I I ,. I f . I .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wed 19 Thurs 20 I Fn 21 I Sal 22 I Sun 23 I Mon 2• I Tues 25 I Wed 26 I JUNE Mon 7 I Tues 8 I Wed 9 • .Braves (N) I I I Wed 11 Thurs 12 RedlS·35pm Aeds(Nli---+---11----t Aeds(Nl1---+---'l----t Giants (0 ) 1--+--1----t Giants (N) 1---+--1------i Giants (N) .___..__.___ _ ___, AOc1uoo..,.~-~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. • • Braves (N) .... ___.._..., __ ~ . . . • . Braves (N) '-· _.._ __ .._ ___ __, Fn 13 Sat 14 , ..... Tot.I Amount Enctolld Night 0..... (Mon-frt) 7:35 p.ln.j ....,,., Nlgttl 0... 7:05 p.1n.; o.y O.W 1 :05 p.m. (U,._ ocr. wlM noted) SPECIAL EVENTS ..• beginning with the Feb.14 ,,_Public Wort&out (11:301.m.) end Geme egetnat U.S.C. (1 P·"'·) 1'pr1l 8 ............... , . . . .Opening D1y' July 18 . • . .. .. .. .. .. .. • .Wrlltbend Night' SeP4 3 . T·Shilt Nigh(' Apf117 .. . , . ., .. • .. .. .. • .. • . BaMOell C•d Nlghl' July 18 .. • .. .. .. , .. .. .. • .. • .. , .. Camera Day Sept 5 . c.p Day ApnllO ...... ,. ................. Po91etD1y AU916 ...... 1, ... , •• , .... B11t11ngGlove Nlght' ~ 25 . Teamf>NlloOey Max 1 • . • • • . • • . . •.•••.• , •.• , • • . . . . . .... Ball Day' A1.19 8 • . . . . . . . . • • • • . • . • . . • . . .... Oldlimers Day Sept. 26 . . . , Fan Appreciallon Dey May 21, 22, 23 •......• , , ....• , , ... Jed\ .. WMMnd' Aug. 14 , . • . . . . . • . . .Hollywood Stars Night Sept. 30 . . . • . • • • ,FirtlWC>ltls Ntght July 3 .. ,. .. , ...... , ......... Flr9worill Night Aug. 27, 28, 29 ...... ,.1 ••• HelmelWlellend' 'lletftll0a11Young9*a 14t!1Clutl0er I I I I I I I I I -·-~--- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 7, 1982 USC • WIDs• . ' now the re~t is up to the NCAA UCLA be~ts Washington State to finish second in Pac-10; fourth-ranked Oregon State am'bushed in 'Tempe From AP dlapatcllle1 LOS . ANGELES -SenJor auar.d Dwlthl ~ Anderson scored 16 of hta 1•m•hf1h 27 Polnts ln the second ball Saturday iliaht, leadlng Southern Cal to a 76-70 vlct-0ry over Washington in the regular.season basketball finale for both teams. The l.riumph enabled Southern Cal to finish in ~ird place in the Pacllic·lO Conference with a 13·5 record. Since second-place UCLA ls lnelilible for poat·seuon action because of NCAA aanctiona. tbe Trojans ho})e to be awarded a berth in the NCAA tournament which betina next Ttuaraday. Bids will be extended for the .tB·team tournament today. The Trojans, 19·8 overall, held of/ the Ruskiea down the str etch by connectint on the majority ot their free throws -an area of the game in which they've had their problems. After making only seven of 14 attempts. from the foul line in the first half, Southern Cal connected on 19 of 23 tries in the second baH. ' UCLA 57, Washington State 54 LOS ANGELES -Reserve guard Michael Holton scored 20 points, including a pair of key Basketball score's Cofle9e .... UCLA S7, WMl!lnglon SI. S. USC 16, WHhlngton 70 Callfornla 71, StenforO S9 Wyomlng6', San 01~51. M ltecltlea Arlt-St. 61, O-.oon SI. 60 Ariz-•. Or990fl 71 New Mexico 67, Brl9N m Youno 6S '"'""' Teu s.EI Pato6', Utah St M'""' MlnnMOta 17, ()tllo St. 7S ,.,,.-... •-•..S MIClllOM "·Wisconsin '4 llMll-U , Mlch~n St. SI t1llnoi1115, NortllWtttern 65 Dayton 79, Notre Dame n Bowllng G,..,, ... w. Mlc111oan IJ s-111 Marquette n, Stetson 61 use Penn .tS. Colunlbla 43 Princeton SI, Cornell 41 Dartmoutti •.Yale t.s Harvaro•. BrowrlS T•----•A~ NE LOl.llsl_,. 'II, Cefltenary IS Eett~c......._. SI. JOMl)h's 7S, Ort .. 1 65 ICAC_. NortllffslMn t2, NI ... a St ICAC ....... 010 Dominion SI, James ~lso" SI Mi.."-ricM c.e..-a • N. tlllfloll 7', Ball St. IS (otl Bowling G,..... ... w. Mlc111oan IJ (consolation) ··-~· IOa llo 15, Nevacto-R.,,., IO C~IMlll AUMlk c..lt C....,_ca Nortll C.ollna st, N. Carolina St. .. 0 \llrolnla St, wne Forttt 4' Cot> M9tr-a~ Loulsvllle 97, Florida St. 1J Memphll St. 71, VlrO(nla TKll 70 M ... 1.-..Aw.tk ~· Howanl u. so, IMtPKHw<-man ff N. Carolina 4& T 47, Florlda 4&M TOUIUIAMINTS Communtty Collene Cl'IMlsl • •ltlllM~• STATI l'LAYOl'l'S Missouri 61, Olllal!Oma 63 ~nta Anwl2. Oxl'Wlnl 71 s o r r'lenl c:.MenM• Complcin ~ Alwrsloe cc 7' ·-~ ... ~.""~··--~-..... Ellll~5-1~. •II hit~· · Hklh tchool Geor1111-.. n, Villanova s. cT~i'Wi.,.... M'-iV.....,~ (l'IMll) T ulH '°· llllnols St. 71 J.A ONe ., ..... ~· st e..-naro S7. Hoov..-4' MlddleTe<VI. s.. W. KenllKky S2 J·A ~CaMenolc• Burroughs (Aldoocrest) u . Tann.<Jlalta-•t. Davi-SI Capl•lrano Valley SS ~~· l ·A SW LOl.ll.slana 11, Teu1-Arllnglon Banning~. St. JOW9tl's S7 IS Small Sc-. Setlttl_...... Alllletic c...-r-e Crouroads S2, Montclair Pr~ 46 Alcorn St. 17, Jae:.._, SI. 17 ICAC-~ High tchool women A-rt Morris IS, Long l•lancl U.k Cll' .... ...... E ........ E ..... c .......... u (l' .... K) Pitt"· West VlrO(nla 72 l ·A M ........... Ctty~e V a ll•Y Cllrl1l l•n Evan•vlll•11, Loyota, Ill. 71 B~nardlno '1 Dodgers open 'IV schedule Lakers-Philly. also featured By HOWARD L. HANDY Of -OaCly l'lleit SIMI Following are the top sports events on TV today. Ratings are: ./ ./ ./ ./excellent; .f ./ I worth watching; ~ 'fair; .t forget it. ~ 10 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Philadelphia. Announcers: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell. The Lakers' lead in the Pacif ic Division has dwindled to 1112 games following losses in New Jer sey and New York (overtime) this week. Philadelphia \rails by 1'12 games to Boston in the Atlantic Division . The Lakers won the f irst meeting nine days ago at the Forum in Inglewood, 116-1 14 in a triple-overtime m arathon. n 10:25 a.m., Channel 11 ./ ./ ./ DODGER BASEBALL: Montreal vs. Dodgers. Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. The World Champion Dodgers be9in their spring exhibition season against the team they had to beat to w in the National League, the NL East champion Expos. Jerry Reuss, Steve Howe and Dave Stewart are expected to pitch for the Dodgers this afternoon . ~'. Noon,Channel4 ./ ./ GOLF: Bay Hill Classic. Announcers : Don Criqui, Bruce Devlin, Jay Randolph, Bob Goalby and John Brodie. Scott Hoch, Craig Stadler and Jack Nicklaus are dead even as the tournament enters Its final day. Rain has forced the tourney into a 36·hote session today. <I 12:15 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Metro Conference ~inals. Announcers: Frank Glieber and Steve Grote. Louisville, 18-8, qualified for the championship game easily, while 13th·ranked Memphis State had to scrap for a one.point victory to earn the finals. Memphis State's Keith Lee was the Metro Conference Player of the Year and Freshman of the Year, While sophomores Jerry Eaves and Lancaster Gordon paced the Cardinals in Saturday's win •owr· ~lorlda State. • . OTHER TELEVISION 1 :30 p.m . (7) -SUP•RSTARS-The OoQers vs. Oakland In the baseball prellmlnary of the' · Superteams competition taped ln Honolulu. . 2 p,m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -World Cup downhill skiing, the Arlberg·Kandahar. taped at Garmlsch·Pertenklrchen, West Germany. Also: The women's world professional gymnastics classic. · 2: 1S p.m . (2) -NCAA 8ASK.ETBAL~ PREVl•W -Live coverage Of the selections and pairings of the 1982 NCAA basketball championship. 2:30 p.m. (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD -The l.l .S: wrestling teem1 ranked third J" the world, takes· on 8ul98rla, rankea second, In a wr .. s of matches, t'ped et Atlantic Cltv, N.J. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WID• WORLD Ofr SPORTS - World mlctdlewelght champion Marvin H•o•er CS3·2·2> defends his title for the fOurth time -oelnst Wllllem Lee (21-2), In• sclMCIUled 15-round bout. RADIO Balketbell -Lalcep et Phllldelphla, 9:50 a.m .• KLAC (510). . Balllbell -MontrHI vs. Dodlln et Vero 8Mctt, 1ree throws in the closlnc mome.nta, to lead UCLA to a 57.54 Pac-10 victory ov~r Washington State. 'fbe BruJns, who also got 11 polnts from Michael Sanders, rtnlshed the season with a 21·6 season record, 14·4 in Pac·lO play. UCLA, which won 15 of it.8 last 16 games, is on NCAA probation, however, and not eligible for post-season-play. The Cougars, who were led by forward Steve Harriet with 21 pofots, wound up 16·14 overall and 10·8 tn contereQce play. Altaone .... •,Or•aon .... eo TEMPE, Aria. -1\UUor euard Paul Wll.liama poured lnl8 Pointe and reserve Junior center Corey McMullen added 10 points, LS rebounds and seven blocked shots as Arizona ~ \Q>8el fourth-ranked OregonState 68-60in a Pacltic·lOfinale. 1be win closed out Ariwna State's season at 13·14 overall and 8·10 in leaJOae play. Oregon State, the Pac,,.10 champion at 16·2, heads to the Na~ooal. CoUeSiate Athletic Association playoffs with a 23-4 overall mark. Arizona Slate, · trailina by as many aa nine points mJdway through the fll'lt half, narrowed tbe Beavers' lead to 30·28 at halftime. MlnMaot• 87, Ohio State 75 MINNEAPOLIS -Minnesota 7.3 center Randy Breuer scored a career high 32 points end gr a bbed 12 r ebounds as the seventh·ranked Go hers claimed a 87-75 victory over Ohio State', SAVE 19% ON LUXURIOUS GENUINE O,UC PARQUET FLOOR T8.E! Enjoy the rich beauty of natqral wood. Our solld oak parquet Is pre-finished, ready to Install. Tongue and groove edges give a precision flt Re • S8( 47 ~ •• x .. x 5118" g lftL.aOUfllft ANO IA•~ CU. .. IC Sale EA. and with It the Big 'fen Championship, Minnesota finished the re1ular season 22·5 overall and 14·4 in the conference. Tbe Buckeyes finished 21·9 and 12-6. It was a wide open game from the openfn1 tap, with M.bpleaota 1rabbin1 Uae upper band behind the s hooting of Breuer and 1wln1man Trent Tucker. Even thou1h Ohio State shot a respectable 51 percent in the first halt, the Gophers shot a blistering 70 percent. Virginia 51 , Wake Forest 49 GREENSBORO, N.C. -Ricky Stokes banked in a short jumper to beat the buzzer and send No. 3 Virginia into the Atlantic Coast Conference tour nament championship game with a 51·49 overtime victory over No. 16 Wake Forest. The Cavalie rs, now 29-2, will meet North Carolina ror the third Urne this season today. The Tar Heels registered a 58-46 victory over North Carolina Stale in the other semifinal game. Artcanus 84, .Houaton 88 DALLAS -Guard Alvin Robertson, starting only his third game, scored 23 poinU>, propelling the SOLARIAN® NO-WAX, SELF-STICK FLOOR TILE Thia popular no-wax tile gives a truly fashionable look everywhere. SleekuMlra- bond~ surface hu an easy-care, IMtlng shine. Reg. 1.09 89 e 1r x 12· SaJe 80. UIEX '"'" f'ATTU•N FT. 14th· ranked Arkan.sas Razorbacks to the Soutb-.. Conference Tournament ch.ampiomblp wtUJ • &MB victory over th& ff oust.on Cou11r1. The victory gave the resuiar-seaaoa SWC champion R azorbacks a 23·5 record and an automatic bid to the NCAA Tounwnentnat we*. Houston, still in line .for poataeaon play. dropped to 21-7. MuoUtt 81 Oklahoma 63 1 · KANS~ CITY. Mo. -Steve St.i.J>anovicb, scoreJesa the first half, chipped in 15 po{ru lo~ second half and conference Player-of·tbe y..,. Ricky Frazier scored a team·hleb 3t polnta to lMd Missouri past Oklahoma 68-63 ln the f1nals ot the Bil Eight tournament. Missouri took control early and led ~bout th:e game . The fifth-ranked Tigers, 25-3, woa·tbe Btg Eight's automatic berth in the NCAA toulnamem with Utl! victory . Me~s State 71 , Virginia Tech 10 . ~MPHis •. Tenn. -Sopho~ Bobby Parb tipped m a rebOund with two seconds left to Sive 13tb·ranked Memphis State a 71.70 victory over Vt.rginia Tech in a semifinal gaire ol tbe Metn> Conference tournament. The go-a bead basket was the 21st time the lead had changed as the Tigers, 21..., battled for the riglt to meet Louis vi lle 's Cardinals in today's championship ame. SAVE 20%1 DECORATE YOUR BATII WITH OUR GLAZED CF.RAMIC TILE! Floors, walls and counters wlll come allve with our glazed ceramic tile. Beautiful colors and patterns. Resists 1taln1 and :~r::v~hes. Reg. 1. 79 Sale }43. "· Cl.OUO PATTERN FREE ILLU<>Ti:<r.ar' ><·'""HJ 1NSTRUr r1r>N lif1'''" ""' PLUS r11LL R(FUND<; ON ALL H'PERT ADv11 f '"' ,w,TALLAT10~~ A•io IJNu·;rn Tilf') AND 1_1w.11· HURRY' SAi E ENDS MARCH 101 O[IQHA I IN[, ANG USf OF SPE r I/IL 1 'l0L <; ,,,~,l l S OF WAl l PAPf fl ' ' ' SAVE 30%! WALLPAPF.R SALEONVINYLSANI}~ A spectacular selectlon of pN-p•ted vlnyls, textures and graHcloths .. Colors, designs for any decort · VINYLS A: TEXTIJRF.S Reg. S.95 -10.95 4! 766 IELfCttD NO,.WALL Sale -l'l\TTERHS SIR 8"' GRASSCLOTHS Reg. 19.95 1~ Sale . d~ SAVE 43%-WINDOWS TO Reg._ NA1URE WALL MURALS! 34.95 WSTOM TINT LATEX PAINT Reg. 13.99 s. 9! SALE! SAVE 40% ON FANCY MOSAIC TILE! Hard, glazed mos•lc tlle, pre-mounted for easy do-- lt-yourselflng. Multlple shapes, exquisite colors for walls and floors. Reg. 2.39 -3.99 Sale 144-2! SAVE 31% ON AS.50RTED MOSAIC TILE AUO"no f'ATTIJllNI • 1.29 SAVE 18-23% ON ITALIAN QUARRY TILE Treasure t~ eteganot of quarry tlht on floors~ CUSTOM TINT counters and walls. Mar SEMl..cLOSS Mllt8nt glaze never needt Re,. 14.91 wutng. .... 1.09. 1.2$ s.10! s.i.89(-99! -QD,, Sale 89!... 10:10~KA8C (7'0). ~. t -·-· ... ,...,.,.. ... .. llPttl-...... 1 ...... U>50J. L 1111•=·:·~"~=-~· ... --~ .-.. ..... .,.,... t0:10e.m. KAK ~ Q, ........... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Maroh 7, 1982 .. , ... .. Derby hopefrl& riominated Steve Scott I to race today LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP> -Two outatandln1 colts , D'Accord Hd Talwart, were tnclucted Saturday among the 388 thorouahbreds nominated for the Kentucky Derby al Churchill Downs on May 1. The Uat of hopefuls, seeond only to last year's record 432 nominations, also contained such strong contenders as Deputy Minister, the 1981 Eclipse Award winner. and Timely Writer, narrowly beaten for lbat honor. This could be the richest Derby In the track's TH[ snr.sv.snr AND LIN[·BY·LIN[ GUID[. TO PREPARING '°4.JR 1981 INC~l TAX FORMS WHIU rAYING TH[ UAST rOSSIBU TAX SAVE •S.07 Canon ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR • 10 digits & •Intl• llv1 inemory • NlftdM'4 ,rltttlnt & df1pt1y wtth 1 W' wtd• pl1ln ,.,., • P1rcent111 functlen I declm11 ullCtltn IWllCb • Print 011-CJFF switch •Ptwtr 11t1ra: I. DC wt• 4 lllftlllht -'""11111111 lncl.J 2. AC wtll Clftln AC Ad1p1tr A0-4 (net IMl.J ON~3.6:88 hlatory because of Increased, nomioation and entry fees. If Jruy nine horses go, the pune would be $417 ,600, which would topple the record Derby purse of $413,450 In 1981. If the maximum 20 thoroughbreds ran, the purse would 10 to $527 ,800. D' Accord, owned and trained by Bertram R. Firestone, won three of his four starts last year by 341h lengthJ, including a 7~·lenath romp in the annual Breeder's Futurity at Keeneland in October. Former-UC Irvine miler Steve Scott Is among the estimated l ,500 runners expected to participate In the School Power Laguna Beach lOk run today in Laguna Beach. The race, benefiting the Laguna Beach school system. Is scheduled to begin ~t 8 a.m. AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUNDAY, MARCH 7th THRU TUESDAY, MARCH 9th SYLVIA PORTER'S 198~ INCOME TAX BOOK when, • ..., CASIO'S HR-5 PRINTING CALCULATOR • Elsy-lo-read I 0-dlgll prlnl· out and LCD display • Pow1r source: 1. OC with 4 penllghl ballert11 (nol Incl.I • Slmple 1lgebratc loglc • 4-key Independent memory 2. AC with adaptor (nil Incl.I Sylvla Porter's 1982 Income Tu Book (13.95 value) shows you how lo pay lhe leaal poulble In: • The new In law ·· how does It allect you? • Oeducllons .. expenses yoy can deduct (and lhoae you can'll • Income 1veragl119 J*HR-5 SAVE 1 11.07 SAVE 1 3.07 Canon PALM PRINTER • 8 digits a slngl1 llv1 m1m1ry • tlandblld prlnUng I d""8y with 11/t'' wide t11er1111 prtntlne ptOtr • Ptrcenta11 I 1qu1r1 rOtt funcllona • f'rtnt ON-OFF switch • Power aoura: 1. DC with 4 penlight blttlrtn (Mt lncl.J 2. AC wltll Caftlft AC Mapllr AMI (1111 Inell SAVE •1 .07 CASIO 0 ----·-·-••••• ••••• ••••• CA•lll 1 -8-DIGIT LCD SOlAR- POWEREO WALlET CALCUL:ATOR • 4 Nale faMtlw. Clftltant. percent. ••rt rlll tn•plMtnt Miiiry, lunctltn lndlcatlr ........ DC lftly, llllCIM • battery ""' lttel.J USC, 49ers top seeded MISSION,·Kan. (AP) - Labe ling it •_.:.a n historic oc casion," the National Collegiate Athletic Association announced Saturday the bracket for its first Division 1 Women's Basketball Tournament. Southern California, Louisiana Tech, Old Dominion and Long Beach State were named the top seeds in each of four regionah in • SHARP 10-DIGIT DESK-TOP PRINT/ DISPLAY • Full prlnl oul of I 0 numerals & 2 symbols • Independently accessible 4-key memory • Power 1ourc1: I. DC wllh 4 "AA" batterlea (nol Incl.) "2. AC wllh adaptor (Incl.) 54.88 #El-1192 SHARP "THIN MAN"™ WALL.ET -SIZE I-DIGIT BASIC CALCULATOR • 4 bHlc arllhmellc functions • lndepend~nlly acc111lblt 3-key memory • Cons11nl power. reciprocal & chain calculatlons 9.88 SANYO CARD-SIZE . #EL-323 CALCUtATOR ..... ~YMEMORY • Mlelt Uqvtd Crystal Dltptay • .... ,. rtll I p1rc9"t tey1 • Fiii ftlltlltl dlCllHI pellt ....... ...,.. ""''"' _,,... ... the &2·team Oeld. The semifinals and finals are scheduled March 26·28 at Norfolk, Va. NCAA me mbers voted In January to sponsor women's championships at the Dlvlaion I level aft.er much debate and a bitter legal challenge from the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women. ·- L .. i' '• . ~ :-~~ I :( I "! .~ 1' I ! • ,. ~ .. I . ~ .t· 1 t· ,. II I .... WHT .... C*lfl•••Nee •-clfkl>Ww. W L 41 " ,, JO ,.. " » " >O N u 4S ~Dhr..._ ....... .... _ ... , I~ .m •~ ,,.. 1 .Sl1 10 .250. JO JI_....._ Ja 21 .HO M JO " •• I 20 41 .m ,. It• .22:1H " 41 )11 lt\'I aASTa• .. co .. ,•••Nca , M!lwouk• lllfl- oe,rolt Ati.nt• Cht<eoo c~•••nc1 AtteMkDlm ... '3 IS 42 11 :n • 21 JO H M C-IDlwltlea ., 11 H l2 J7 D u l2 2J ,. n 4S s.e-.·.Sc-AllenYI 111. New Jeftey t2 .141 -.112 ,,.. ,Sl6 fJ .•IS .~SI 11 .711 -M11NI MO 15"1 .419 M .390 1t .224 -~ 0.trolt IU, -YCW1t Ill S.11A-.lo 111, ... llW-1'• CJDll ~etlllf'ICllOll 127, UIAll 113 ,...,..o- 1.ellen el PN ....... e lllew Y-el BoAeft llldl-et oil•• .. OUllOll el "'-1• Clllceto et IC..._ Cltv c1e .. i.nii •1 o.... ~·_, .. GoldlM $let• _,. Oievo eC Seattle College llCM AUTOMATIC CWALI Pia •S "I lltl GI confef'ences -cllemplont retelw• evtometlc bldt lo 111• HCA 1>e1ke1'ell 1ovr11eme111 C1·d•11ou 110 cOf!fe"nt• tov·11-ll .,.d wl....-llt'9d 111 -~: .-.ie11tk Coesl ConfeAn<• .. Ed c.omw-e CG«>roet-111 819 E Ith! ConfeAllc• (Mlnourll Btt Slly Confer-• Ct-I _..lldl..ill.lln.CClflferenc• C MlnMWto I l!atl C-COllNrOllCe (St. JOSOPll'tl 8CAC Metro-Solltfl Cltollef1 M0<rls1 &CAS Hor1ll CH«tllNstarn) KAC 5cM1111 (Old Dominion I Eottem E191111Pltttlltir9"1 •·IYV L..-Cl'llt<IMylve11l•l Metro (~• Mlcl-Al'Nri<all Collfwe11<e CH llllnoltJ Mld·EM!em Alllletk Contere110 ""ldwelernCllyConlere110 CEv•Mvllte) Mluourl Valley Conler011Ce f Tu1 .. 1 O"lo Valley Conterence CMlddl• T...,..UM) Pacific CoeS1 Alttlelic Auoc:lollon CF,._ SlMe) a•Peclfk IOConfereno COr-Sl•t•I s6<.1"-' Conference !Arkonws> S...t-lern COllleAn<e CAteblmol S-n Bell COllt.rence CAI• ·Blrmlft~I S.Utllern con1 ... ence CT n.<lwlllo-1 Sovthl-Confere11<• CSW Loul•l•n•I SoutnWfttem Alhtellc C011fer~e IAICorn Slate I Trent·Amerlco Conference CH E LOU!\)-) a•WeS1ern Athletic Cont ... e11ee IWyomlnol l(•Wnl Coul Alnletic Conference (~rdinel lf'Ote· The Allenllc Coetl COlllerence, Metro Conferwnce ...., Mid-Eutern AIJ>lelk C-re11Ce tour..-ts w.,.e to encl lodoy HIGH SCHOOL 9urrough1 H . C•po Velley SS •U•ltOUGMS IClllllH I, V•nder Wen •. Hevw•rd 11, LoMorco o. Fulton•. W"ite o. Wooten 11, BnK• o. Me•ns 10. Frv O, Allen I, Peo~e O. T ol•ls; 15 I._,, ... CA,.IST•AMO VALLEY Sedpkk S. C•ll IS, OeCMat " Oar-14 Mollroe S. MukMr 0, Mor1en!IOn 0, LKevo 0 Totolt U S-1655. Score Illy Ouar1e" Burrou911S JJ 11 e 1._.. Coohlr-Volley IS 13 t> 14-U T•l•I loult: 8vrr°"91'1 u . C•pl\lr-V•lley 23, Fouled ou1' Me.,., I Bur'°"91'sl. Sedewlcl< (C•Pi\lr•no Valiovl. O•Case\ lC91>ltlrano Valley), hchntut Hevwerd l8UO'T0"911ll. Clf' AU.-TOU•NAMENT TEAM R'011t1le GrondlM>n (SI. Bernerdl; TO<ll lhtller ISt. JOHPhl; Kevin McCtoarv ICrour...,s>; Wall OeCotos IC•Pltlr- Valteyl; Earl W•llon IB-l"IJI; O...lei MHnA l8urrou••s>, R-r1 H-tillg ISi Bernerdl; Joe Hlllm.,, (Hoover); (edrk C•tron (111g1ewoodl, Berry Barnet (La41ew-I MVP Tod ~v. lokew-(4-A, J.AI. OallOll He...-d, Burrl)U9M IJ·A. I A, SSI ~ . . . " Collea• f'lltSTGiME UC,,,, .... 11, L.aV-I u*,.. n1 100 11»--e u 1 UCfnrlne 007 Im 03•-10 1S S o,n-ltz. Mitchell l.,, IClfm.,. Ill - B,_11; Soma, we-141. Hkb m -8otnord, Rupp It). W-HIO.t 12·01 L timer •11·Jl 29-SI"'-IL•V-), M•,.11•11 11 ... evernel. Te11nell (LeVernel, GoedWlll 2 (l.IVerMI, Rlwra (UC lnrlnel. vtirre cue 1rv1ne1. Geddes cue lrvlMI Ha.DOAME uc ,,,, ... 1e, 1..1v-• Le\lerne ooo ooo ~o 4 2 UC.Irvine 111 JIM •-IO • 1 Jvrtollt, Breslin '" •nd Am•nte; WOOdll4•d and larnerd. W-WoodMM (14 1. L-uriOllJI 10·21. >B Glick CUC trvln•I. ICeichner IUC Irvine). HRa-Cvmmi1191 CUC lr11lne), intletwlr1 IUClrYlllel. Community college ...._._.11,.._.. ......... CCf .c ....... ,. ~~111cc 221 • o-12 > Witt 201 2JO t-10 1 t WNW fSI .,...,.,_..,,_.<•I; Cltllleft, ClMl Cll, O.R-CJI -ScWr. W~ IHI. L-OU.Oll. 11~1 1 (G9Me11 W.Stl, c.. ILACC), Mee ...... (t;ACC~M •S.11111 CG '"' ; wwtl, l"'IM (QoNeft w.tll. Hlt-lrYIM CO-W~I. 0,...C.-M, ... .,..._CC I s...oi.eocc -• 111 -1 4 a Ota1"9 C'Nlt 002 01' OS•-14 14 t ll..ikli, T9"'e UI, ~ UI, •e11 Ill and •rift: ........... •~ m -'~ W-•elftlwtb CHl.1.-ft.-C-H -o.- (Ore119t C:-1, 0.....,. COr.,,.. C•tO. M -$11wln••I COrenoe Coe\11, lrow" t 10r....-c:....1 t no •11,-. ... .....,.., ·····-~· ,. -*-" ,. 1 ....... ~ 010 -......, 1 1 .............. y ,., -........ '"" , .. : flracter •11• J eatr ea w -1e11111a L-,.r.clar. ti-Orey llaffte•o1. 1e-,or1v (Saftte•tUI, C11m"'111, (l .. llU•IClll. H•t-Grev (lt•a-.U.I, , ......... , ............... ). i*Cle ..... -.~~., ... , t<~te ,...., ... ,._, .. t..JaO Nkk*" .... 1-1• Scat! Heel! 6J.7l-1a 0.111• WM... • ........ 117 •·ttev ,..,.. ... ,._Ill f·Le1111y W-lnl • ......_,. 1-Lerry NalAOn .... ._,. Jev Haot •Jl.71-lll Jerry ,.... ,....._,. llAkli Sell .j.,,_,. I-Miii• McCllltowell 11..,_119 l'rtlill c-r ... 10-119 Nlcli l'oldo 71.41-119 TWllklte ... 10-119 ..... "._. ,..._,. ·~ J.cMI ,...,_.,. MMuel~ " .... , .. f•H .. al'lletwt 71,.._WI '"'aMllY Miiier 11'*-MD f·W.., ltacl*H"ll 71-J't.-Mt , .... .._ ... n-we katt WMlllM •7·1>--WI o ..... k.....,.., ... u-.. Oav .. Or....,,. 7M7-.. Cwtle ...... ,.,.._._ Tlll!M.....-,.,._,_ f·'WHY Z..elef 61•).._141 l-011~ •H Ml , ........ Cole ... ,,_,41 f·Marll Mccumber •Ht--MI NUB Mc""""' ... 1>-MI f·OICll Mall! 1'*-141 f·Tem CNln 11-11-MI , .... "' O'MHr• ... 1,_14 I-Ger., ~·-1•11-142 f·llAltler e..-... l>-14 l·Tem ...,_ 11•10-142 ,..,....,. c.ico-c"I• ,,..._Ml Mike er-11-11· 142 Hale lrwlfl ... ,.._"° ~dS-... ,,._Ml .... ~elllflaw 10.7J-M2 Gery ICod\ 1~1G Jim $11MM 11-11-ui Torn J-IM ... ,,_,~ C.,.... ... Mar I, S-AN Va!My 1 Miiie Smith 71-11-142 s ... te Ana Ve11ev ooo 001 2-4 4 • urrv Mtw 1i.10-10 Corono ditl Mer JOt 221 .,..... • J f.IMe AGlll 10.1>-WJ Solv-. ~ 131, Ra..-1.i -f·LVllll Litt 70.1>-WJ -Ille!; ll ..... Pfter1af'i 111 -Metbell. f ..... .., C'-'"'1 7M 1-14 w-ttoMe 11-41. L-Selweto. 21 --. f.Jof'tll "°""" ..,1!-W ccorone c11e1 Merl,Me1-ccor-del Merl. f.Jerrv....,,. ... 7S-WJ L.Oftt IS-AM Velley), f·Tem SNw 7.,.._10 .... ST OAMtl f-Peul Al~ 71-72-IAJ ,...,...4, ............ ! 1-Pel Llndtev 71-12-Ml Motlno OIO tOO 1-4 I 0 O. A. Weltlrlflt 71-71-1~ L•k-..,00 coo o.-2 7 2 Morrl• Hewltllv 12-71-WJ lerwwtt and l'lorH; L-z. Crew 141 -Andy•-72,11-10 Joflll '°'* 1a.10.-WJ 1..i.111en • .........,,.tt. 1.-<rew. 1'-Uno Cllerles Coody , .. 10-14 CllAerlnol; >B-Ellter CMon..eJ. IN<• Lietzke 71·71-10 SICOMD OAMI Garv Hellllerv 7f>.7)-1A.) LH ..... 7,MortUS Oa1111yTelOoC ... ,.._,., Morino OIO -4-1 7 I Mike Nicolette 70.1)-10 t.allewood 402 010 •-1 12 o f·Jlm lor'oo 11 n-1..- llA<Clure. Gorlell Ill -Flo<et. EY-1·1111 R09M'I IHJ-144 <ti; Culen a nd l.lebiott W-CH lan. f·S.Ye B•llftt•ros 72·72-14A L-McClure. 28_.,, .. , CMorlna). f·8Ud AIRn 70.74-14A f·IC011 G,_ 7).11-144 11Aolltr ~De1 4.~N~~ , 1 l.•rryltlnker 14-10.-1._. N-POr1 He111or 000 000 C>-4 J 1 ~~!':'awt1 ~~~!:::: Reynoso, Stomp 10 . Spalu 161 and --~·~..,~Gr-t>n-144 ~ernol•, ~~-Collno, Swelu~l41:--lley Barr 7).11-1 ... Splll.,. (ti -Selby, Terry 161. W-~ f·H•I S"""" 70.7S-14S 11·01. L-<ollna tB-Llndlten (MDI, f·Jlf>l o...t 7Wt-MS (Moler Dell. Loeeig CMollt< Dell. •·Mark J-7M .... t•J Cottege UC,,,, ...... , UC saMa e..-e" 100 -I Prieto (U(I), 10 •: J T-(UCll. 10 •. l Pall.,_, CUCSBl, 11.1. no -1 T-1uc11. 21.•; 1 Bvrrl• IUCSB), J'l.0, l HHU IUCSll, 1J 1 400 I Corey CUCll, 47 .. ; J, Coeflelcl IUCI). 49 I; J C°'le CUCSBI, SO.S 1111 -I Well\ IUCll, I SJ S. 2. -Ila IUCll, I SU, J Soerb CUCH ), I.SU Mlle -I. IClrchotf (UCll, 4:ot.O; J. Ger,.erdt IUCll. 4:ot,J; a. Hand IUCll, • °' •. . S,000 -I Ootan IUCSBI. 14.SO; 2 Rumuuen IUCSBI, 14 s..•: J Barrow (U(I), 14 S1 I l,000 S1"'P1«""5e -I H1~bau9'1 IUCI), '· n 4; 2 ,.,,.,, <uc11. •.70 •: > o .. r11o11 IUCSBI. •·l14 I IOHH -I l.0119ino CUCll, 14 6, J Sowyer IUCI 1. 1S2, l &efry CUCSll. 15 4 <IOOIH -I Valdivia IUCI), Sl I, 2 S- (UCll, SJ,6; J. Be<rv (UCSBI, SS.S 000 re••v I s...i. Bertwira. '19 Miit ....... I UC Irvine, l • 17.l HJ -I Pow911 CU(I), ... 10, 2 Sl ... or1 IUCSBI ..... l Ha..-t CUCS81,6-4 LJ -I Powell CUCI). J).7; 2 Hleuy IUCll, 21·S Yo; l. Henry CUCll. 12.0 ...... T J -1 Hkkey (U(i), 45-10; J H_., IUCll, 4J,..4, l nolnlrd PV -1 Kitts IUCSBI, 14-41, 1 H-1 (UCSBI, IH, J. Bernell IUCll, l:Mi SP 1 ICll1>411rk1t IUCSBI. 46-11 \lo, 2 Serono IUCSBI. •M \.o, l Barnell (UCil, JI II OT -I ICllpolrtCk (UCSll, 154-S, 1. BorNll (U(I) 116-J. J Serano IUC581, 111 .. JT I Y•-r (UCSBI. 17S.2; 2. McGr- IUCSBI, 11~ J H¥M11 IUCSBI,11J• Women ~•o• Cai,...., S.. Lllk~M, UC l"'llle41, ucs-..-...ra.s (~-•..-.n> 100 -1 M. IC•lley JOO -I. HOC<M lun•llachtdl U >; 400 1. -In• (SLOl. -~~ r-eonum1rn11:n;-r:or;r. 1.•- 1 l(or9 CUCSBI, 4:42.2; S,000 -I. Nkl!OI~ IUCSBI. 17:11.l. 000 retoy L CAii ~VS.. Lui• 0111-. SI.I; Mlle r•t•v -I Col ....... S... l.uis Dlll'ICIO. ):JU. IOOLH -I. Morr~ (UCSBI, IS I, OOOIH -1 Htld ISlOI, I l·O>.•; HJ I. $cherl1"90r CSLOI. W : U -I. M. l(ell•v IUCll, t~. SP -1 Henderton ISLDI, 41-4 W.; DT -I. ICetwt ISLOI, IJH; Jl -1. Corrotl ISLOl. l,._l. YoNeybett COMMUNITY COLLaoe S.lltaA.NTe-me•t ....... " OranQt (.OHi Ott. Goldell W.lt, 15-2, IH. Ora11ge C.oolt •11 with UCL.A, IS.10, 10.U. 0r8"Qllt C.oostO.f. LA Hart>or, I~, 15-10. Or11rt9tC.ool1deC. EHi 1..A, ls.J, I~ lemlflult 0..,. C.oolt Ott. Senta Alla, IS. U Che,,.._,... UCLA .. t. Orar191 C...'1, 20-11. I-Dawe Serr 73-12-14' •·Joe In,..., , .. ,._i.u 1-Cesor SonUdo 72-7>-IO Lindy Miiier 73-12-10 O•n Pollf 15-10.-10 Peter Oollltmu" 70.H-IO IColtll Fer916 10.1S-IO LM Eide< 12·1)-145 Leonord T"""-7).12-10 s.My Lyle 1M7-14S 0ouo llKk 74-71-10 l·Jlm Albu$ 7).7)-1 ... I-Biii ICretzert 11·1S-t• !·Marti HaYH 1).7>-t• l·Jlm C-r1 1).1rl• I-Som Ton11na 12·74-1 ... l·Boll £..-~·-F.-ed Couples 12-74-1• Tommy Valellllnt 74-12-1• Bruce Flei,,.... 75-71-1• GlllOy Giibert 11.1s-i... Coflrin Pwte 75-11-t• Wetly ArrMtrong 74-72-t• LOii Nie..... 7).7l-1• l·Rlek .._...., 1•11-141 f·Oouo C--.11 7l·7S-U7 f·Sleve .._ 71-16-147 JOlln Del'oretl 1:J.74-141 Jim Neiford 12-1s-147 Howard Twitty 1J·7S-147 Cnlp eeo 1).1 147 •·Mork t.re 1J.1s-141 l·JOllnnv Elom 1S-7:J-14' 1·8Uu leugll 75-7)-141 Perry ArthUr 11·11-141 Jett Sa_, e1 .. 1-M1 Tom ln\ll-15-7)-141 Brun Oouol•u 7J.7S-141 l·B<>t>tt1 Nkl'iolt 7•7l-lft f·Boll Byman 14-7S-I .. I-Erl< 8otte11 n -12-1 .. DOii Pooley 74-7S-... MoSOftlro IC..,..,,_ 1•1>-1 .. !·Mike 5'1tllven 12.n-uo !-Barney Thom"'°" , .. ,._,511 •·O•vld O'IC•llv 74-76-UO Mike D-ld ,._,_,,. Huber1 Grw11 14-1-1511 Arnolel Pet,,_ 7 ... 14-1!0 B-. wac111n1 1•14-tfO 8111 S.nditr 14-7-UO f·Jollrt Tr...., , ... ,s-m 1-0.0rlet 1C.-.1 1•1>-UI f=-<Of'lll*'ed --·round ploy F rldoV a-4ellOllH emoleur Sun City Cl•ulc T allvko °""fl<o ~1~fo~HllOll OonnaC--1 o;_Ool..., Ayeko~..­ J-l(Offt M.J.Smllll Mvrav.,..._ Patil It ltm Barbor• Borrow Pat Bradley Julle Sta1199t Pyne Ma'9e Shlllbeliekl OonnaWNte Carole C!wrt>onni.r p.,,,..,f'vll Solly Llttle TerrlM.-Y t<vleO'lrlell LvnnAdlrM LOflHvllllld •·LoUrl Mentf>.,.._.... ICelllly,..._elt BetJyl(l119 ........ i.- l(atlly Young laclty"-11Ml MonlloH- J-81elock lettve.,,.._ Jt.,,nette IC9"' ROMY eer1i.tt Jetlly11 l rltl Patty Heya AIAulioHlfloee SMllevH-ln Sol*• .... J-'AIH Mortt,1111~ Holly H.,,..., ,amH ....... ot11v 11A«1NI I a.Merl Mc°"'taH VubMot~ AleH"*• lleWlenll ,.... ....... 10 ... 1 .. 1-104 J .Q-61·11-D ... IMt>--JOt 70-71 .. t-2!0 7().70.,_JlO ...71-11-211 , .. 1).70.-212 ,,....,_21J 11·11-10--112 10.11.11-211 70.70-72-tlJ ... 11.11-nJ ... 11.1>-n> ,,,. .. ,,_,13 1,.....1i-2u 71-74-211 ... 70.14-21) 71.11.12-214 ... 12-13--214 1H0-1J-f14 n -1+-414 11-14-10 411 '7·71-11-211 1•1f.10-tlS 14-11·11-11• 14·1 ......... llt n -1:1-11-21• 11·1N>-21t 12-10.14-21• 7J-7J.11-Jl7 1>-11·1t-111 11-11--10-211 70.75-13--nl 1:1-14-11-21• 7"74'1,_211 12,1s.11-211 74-10-1'-'210 11-7W~ 71-13-1+-tll 11·Po.1-210 1Hl-1t-Jll 14-11-1>-tlt 14-11-16-tlt ,..n.1J-11t 1 ... n.n -m __ ........ ., UllcAMll- 1• 1'-7>-tlt 1M>1S-t1t 1'o.11-1h4tt..- 11-1'-1'-tlt IS.7S.7,._. 14-J4-1)-4tl n .1s.1e-n1 11·1!1·14-111 1S.1J.1,_., n.11-11""'121 Alke Mlltff (dly$Mr11 80flllle •rv-M o-HeotMrf'err J!Mly .... Ill ICetlly~ K•llV''*'~ a-41matew Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS Loe~• MTUllD&Y'S•IWLn , ............... ,... .. _ ..... , "IMTIUC .. C)neMli.,,.ce. ,_,,.,,,lt~ll(Taddl .. o 420 UO •'lf9llN(T ... lll UO UO ca.ui11 ..... "''*'-' 2 tO Altt r.c:•: OetrNl«'rt, ~'( A/14 l>'Y. l'lalltOll N, Mt••r Velue, Torrid ...... 51e1!11Ht1Ym.f. Tlmt: 2:01 4/S. tl IXACTA I 1•11 pei4l UUO DKm9t'd (Oelomerl S.20 2. l.AO KCIONO •ACL ()<a mt I• poce. ~ ,...I fliocllat ( laMt) t. uo .... 8we Vlclat (AlldertOlll J.tO Aleo rec•. 8tao ROOU9. lrl"' "-· TitQat Qlerltt. T\me .t:••n.. ntl•D llAC8. One mt le poce, Nlc:.ne (0 ...... dl s... uo t.tO 1.ontNe\VIMCAllll/"1 UO 2..0 ... 1 .... Dr""1 IM4HMlll) S.40 Al• •K•: ....,,,, .... , lloy, Oul .. ••Y. UIGln ~. l!flar991tc Kid, Ol#IMrret. Tlme:t :oa. tlUACYAl•ll paldtlt.10, l'OURTM IUCL One mt le pace . MKa Qoueel H ,._,_,, UO UO UO l.Ocel"'91 ($Nr'9ft) uo •• VMW1!111 Palnl (OeNll•I UO AllO rectd: Mrlk1"9 N, Renoom WlllCI,,,.. Gatti N, lay 1..aef N. Tl,,..:1:• "'"" iu.ce. One mtle pace. .... OllyHw!IW (lart-1 40.IO lt.0010.80 Teljamllll ,,_.,_,, S.00 4.10 ~ IArw (lll<klordt s.oo Alw rllt*I: M9rqul•, Geometric. And'f't. Uafl, Hltwdy sear. Howdy Mon, ,,..,,.,. °"" Time: t ;OI l/S. tl llXACTA (J.JI paldtl1UO. llXTHIUCl.Onemtlepoce. -Uooerd(Acll«rNnl UO 2.40 2.IO Cllur.,..,... lttd C ICuebi., I 2 IO 2.20 OOlt Ott l<io'Ullllyl t.40 MIO raced' 111111.,. S-elle, BC CounL Tl"9: 1:S1J/S. ICYUITM •ACI!. One mlle pa«, A~ (~IOlll 4.00 t,AO UC Wllllaf'lo (steeoll J.00 UC Mee Adm A (IC....,..,I UC AIM rececl: ltecount N, Soultt•m RllytfWn, Wellere, Cool Gey, ICflr. Time: 1:57 t/S, N l!XACTA CMI paid $11.00. P "'Cll SIX (s+>4+71 paid $10'°".00 wltll tll,.. wiMlftt llekott Ill• ._, ... ,. 52 PICll Siii «IM8lotion flo9ICI $11.20 wltll Mt wlfl11l,.. lk k• en .. ...,_,,, •••MTH tUCe.o... mlle pece. "''"" 1l111e1 c~-• '·"° , '° J.• ••• c..._ cve1.....,"9hom1 2.eo uo Notl .. l.Hder (OeMIS) 2 .• Aho raced: Cordon Arten1, Silent TtM-. Tl,,,.: l'.,.1/S. P I XACTA I ~I oekl tll.00. If llfTM ••c•. One mll• PK•. •rootifletd H IAndtnOlll '·'° 4 IO 2 . .60 Tlme~llMoftC~I 1110 UO Andy HeNev Peler !Moler) 2AO AIM reced· Sir 'Rut, Torpid'• Knltllt, ---*lMl~-kr•o ,,,,&M1tJ""IOr'.-TI,,,.: 1:00. U I JlACT A IMI pold ttUO. Te If TM •ACI. One mile ooc•. Oouele Gee H (._IOll) S.IO S.00 UO ' See Rover N CT-I • 4 .. UO ADteGold (~I 2.10 AIM> , • .,,. Tutoor N, Rlenero Ha-. O.llllitetv so. OIC't R~v Tl,.,.: 1:,.J/S. P l!XACTA (~I pokl t it .00. E LIVl!NTH •ACE. One mite PK• Oancl119 Swm Ct<anneterl 1S.IO 4.IO :uo Ory Sock CP-•rl 2 40 J.20 Erlonlli IC<ewfo<OI J.IO Aho roctd· Tuololli Chief, S<otcn Tl,,,. At;Oee, S.-Dance~· Time: 2:022/S U IXACTA (~JI Pold t4' 00 Atte-. e,"l. Senti! An"• SATU•DAY'S ltHULTS lllr'llet_., ..... 1•• ............. 1 fl I• ST RACL ttur '°"9'-Cou111 Certecle ICM._) S4.JO 11.JO t.• ii'\ Full Of J"V (Sll>lllel UO 1.00 una1u1eet IMcHervuet 1.00 • AIM> r-· T""xton'\ ~. Fr'-y •ovolly, Shore The GOid, Olrectorele, Predilection, ~ Jet. hiemenctw" Ho Choy, A~ Esquire Time: l :Ot SECOND ••er .• , .. ,._~ Rough Ride< IVoltllruelol S.40 4.JO 1.IO Embermalle (McCorrMI • 00 4M 0.vOll C PlllCOVI UIO Al\O reced: Vero-. Gl9onll<, Kl"9 GOllJD, Rocky ~. Tuff To BHI, NayllO ...... Sollor-ley Time· I Ot l/S ., DAILY DOU8LE C1<t) po•d un >O TMl•D ltACE.6 lurl0119t. Howalle11 Sha-• I Oelahoutuyel 10.to 4AO 1.JO C1111nlnt1Y "'~sot11I J IO 1.111 BrNCllAlll CSltllllel 1.00 "''o rKed lncltanoia, B•UY ICllOO•ll. Lovin' L-r. Un!Or9etlOble, Streu T .. I. Shemeleil, Fo.v Tammie. lvor't LadV Time. I IO l/S f'OU•TM •ACE. 6V. lur9-f. Eo"er Ser..-CMcHar9.,.I 77.IO 27 IO IS.JO OonblOll IGatltlonol n 70 1.00 Ad Man CSlelM•) lt.00 Al\O rececl: OQ..Oucktc:ol•ll"•. H-tl Bvllel, Selft Goel, F'9hllno Fil, $"°"'taerl, M•futtc Kid, SIMI MUk, Soldier 01 P'0<tune,Reti1teson. DO -Finithed llllrd, dlMIUOllllad -ploced tounh. Tim•: 1 • "l/S ~'"" •.t.el.•V.tu"-son turf. Full Pay"*" (Cestanedol ~.70 16.IO 11.70 l or"IPl«c:ir tt.IO •.20 Tram,,,.l Lucli ITorol 4.00 ~ Alto reud: -Gdfter, Ktnt Crim-. SP0ft99, ,.,.._, Unc:• Alo11, Vecati-, Glrlema, Herd to Lee, Gru O•ll•nl, 00-COll-. oo -P'l11lt11ee1 fifln, dlsciuellfteo encl placecll~. Time: t :)14fS. HE XACTA I I0-71 Pokl U , 124.SO SIX TM RACE. One mlle Mellmet (H-ley) wutern IMcCerrOlll Holabie Aw CAtmUSwnl Also r_, Toil A9al11. 6.00 J '° 2.60 4 00 1.111 uo B11llelo Har1, HempflHI CAll#lty, Cinnpo Time: 1 :JU/S. ... , ... seVllfTM •ACE. IVtmll"°"'""· .._.... Cltv (~I 24,IO .... ltock 5otttv (Oelahollssovet s 00 1•0119""'9 c Pln<oy) S.JD Goldi .. , Alio raced: Mafor Sporl, Glenorum, Olymole GIOry Time: 1:•>tS. SJ aJtACTA C,_.I pokl tJW.fO_ ti .. ICIC SIX ( .. 1·1"10-J.JI Paid U4,MUO wllh nlM wllllllftt ll~k•u Cflve 11or ... 1. 12 Pi<' SI• COMofellon flo9iCI tlW.60 wlltt 40 tkUts (twr "°""I. •tOMTH ••ca. Ont mll•. Prince Spelltloulld IC-. ........ ) 1 AO 4,00 S.00 M41*rfllt CMCarreOll t.• U1 :-u~ .... u>e1.._...,.., uo Al•• raced: Time to E11t l•••, Tiie Ca11tel11, ll•<lllt la 0f'u11, T,....tc ......,, ..,.. ... eellOllY1 c.aclt Ut ........ TIPae; 1:Jtl1/S. IUNTM •ac•. 1\41 rnltet. Mr, lie ... CMc~I 14 •• IUO ... ~·'~' , .... , .. ............. ,f'tn(ay) 1.60 AIM rMIM: T,..._, ............. ""'1 Vetota, WMt *lte, ~ • ..._ w...,., Gaoff't O..Ur, ete Geo. Ant-... Nie Mom......... . Tllne: 1.'91 S. • llUICTA IS.Tl peld 161'.JO, A ............ :•U1l. Dewie Cup 'lalT aouliD letcarffllMI .,...... Jol\n McE,,,_l'e1e, l'"""lfta CU I I *" VIJ•p AllVltrej-A__, 4mrHreJ I lncllol. .. ,. ... ,, M . (U.S ....... lnclle, HI , .. Me9lr'Mll ....... Hatry f'r1\i..,.., e rl!IMMC Ccaii.fal *" Alelafld,.. CtftltJaH-• v ... 10 <~>. 6-J, .. J, .. a. l<:aNdt .... C:alll,,..., M .I , .. ._ ................ , ~ Y*>lllcll ~lllft _....... l'fMU) def. Oi.tlllHmo Vltot-Al•J-ro G•rollaf IArtellllN I, M , W, .. 2 ...... (P'r...ce leMI Attentl,,., t.1,) I .. Meala C"y I ~ Rei.ti •amrrei.Jorte LOHllO (Mo11l<•I Clef, Jofttl Ale.-·Pllli 0...1 IA;nt..-alla), w. J.J, 1.s, .. ,. cM .. ko 1eac1t Avtt•Olle, l·l I 1• ......... et11 .. 1 0- JalM• P'lllof. .. lu• Prajwa CCNlel clef. f'lo<'l11 s.etrc-Alldrel Olnu Cllom.....,I, M , ..... t• .... 1. CClillell-R.....,,to, M .I caeJ1111atta 1-.i.1 Jeon You11t DH•s;;g Ooll(I WOOll (5 ICorea l def. Atet WIJ0110-Tl11tul Arlanto (llldoftetlal, W , '"2, ... J CSoulll Korea - llldollffle, 2•1.J , ... _, AdrlellO P-.Paolo S.r1oltic<I (ltelyl def, ~ J.,rwtt·J-ltlon Smltll (Greet 8rlllan), M , ... 1. •>. lltaly leec!S G..at lrltto111 2·1.1 , .. ltlClilteMll A~ J•t'Vd·H-Simon''°" cs-• def. Vedlm 8orl~v·IC011110nlln Pugoyev IUSSltl, .. 10,"4, .. 2.H .H . IS_._ USSR,UI Cal~. C:-CllMMweai.1 Pe w e l S 101tl -tom a 1 Smlo ICn<llolsiowakla l del. Cnrltlopllor Zlt>fl··H-Oleter huter1 IWHI Germ•vl. 6·3 ... a • ._,., ccuc11ot1ovekl• 1 .. d1 Wffl o.rm.,,v.H>. ~ Coll•~ UC s..a ..,...r.-s. lc lrwlM • 51 ..... t Snyder IUCll def AllClerM>n, .. l • .._.; earnall CUCSBI ., 0...0. ... 4. •2: Rlogs IUCSll oel M<Pher\On, •·•. 1·S. 1-4; Flnerm ... IUOBI ,,.,, NellOll, 2 ... , ... M , Ste .. n~~dt~ ..l.olltu.-IOcll : oa, H . •2. ~ Quodo ·Snyder IUCll d ef 8ernell·--· .. ,. M ; Rl911t-A ......... IUCSBI oat. McPIMt"°"·l.olier, ~l. H , 7-4; NellOll·R-IUCll CHf. RvaWll·LU-", .. J,1 .. ,7 .. NHL CAMH•LLCC*f'E•••cr Edmon'°" V...cou- Ce1tery 1( ..... Color- Minne'°"' Wlnnl1>99 SI. Loult Chkeoo Toro11to Oelrou ....,_Dlw..._ W L T 0, GA -. 42 IS IJ lM JtO .. 1• 1' 14 ,,. U9 .., u >0 u Jn 1'7 " 11 XI 14 2U '°2 90 " 40 11 10t 2'5 43 ........ OlvlUell 1' " " ,., w n 1S 21 U U2 JIO '3 11 33 • 1') 217 .., 24 XI 10 JIO 302 fl 11 S6 " ?M Jt• fO 11•nmm • WAL.ESCOlff'E•INC• PetrkllOlwlllM NY 1\l~t • U 1 U0 tlO '9 NY Ro~ JI 14 14 141 JS. n Pllllodelllllia n J1 1 1'6 ,.1 11 Pitt~.... JS :11 10 2• 212 tO Wetllln9'0ft 12 lS • i.1 J1J Sl 4"-0lwll..., -11 .. 1 8ostOll Bllffalo o .... , Hor1fwd J7 12 11 :am ,. " K JI • HO m et 33 It 14 JSO lOI IO :io 14 14 :aoo m 74 11 n " tu JM so ~r'•Sc:­ B-4,IC .... O Chk-4, PM.__,..0 1 Bllffelo 1, Hotttwd t Piiis_..., 6. Quetlec 4 NY 1Alande<s6, NY Renoer> 4 MolllrHI •, T ...... I Mln.-1,v-.-•t St. L-S, Oetroll I Color Mo S, EdmoMOll 2 , ... ,.,o_ IC ..... el Hortto<d ~IOllOl(lil<ego V--•IWlnn~ _,,....el Buffalo, n wu,.lllQlonal Phll-lpbla..n Calgary et P~9". n Bruins 4, Klng1 0 Sc-..., "8rie* 0 0 o-o J 0 t -4 - f'lnCP..tM 1 IOSIOll, IC-14, lt:U, 2 .......... 1Crv1,.elnytkl I llC Crowder). 17 :n p..,•llles -O'Reilly, Bos, IO:OS; Taylor, LA, 14:33; IC.Crowder, Bo•, 14:J:i. S« .... Perted H-. ,,_..., _ llorek, LA.double minor. >:n .,.......,...... 3. IOStOll, Pedlr*"' S6 IPertil, 12:34; 4, eost.,,, McNat M, IM<CrlmtnOlll, ll:J2 ,._lttet-O'c-11, eos, 14:00. S!loft Oii ... , -LOs .,,....., ..._,,_,4, ......... ,...n, Goetlft -l..ol .,... .. ,, Le-rd. IOll4fl, Vacllef'i. A -14,212. ~ • • ,,. .. Women'• eoftbell ...... IC"°°'-.... ._ .....M.~• TW.111 • 00-J 4 4 lltll"" 401 Ol-14 It 0 --· ,...,_ w ............. / --• ... lHHH W-lekat. !,-•ew-e11. 19-Cff"r t <£•1tonl. H•-Laseno (Editonl T111.tltl ..._ ~o­T""8tllJ,.._, Palmer elld Utelltto, .. IOOt-*10 Me --1 •I Loom>•: Ce rtlnler and II Hoch storms . . ' mto tie OR LANDO, Fla. <AP> ..- Scott Hoch came back from an overnight storm delay lO finish off a par 71 and gain a tle for the second-round lead Saturday (n the weather-plagued Bay HilJ Gold Classic . Hoch, ln the half of the field s tranded on the course by a violent thunderstorm Friday afternoon, ftnaUy completed 38 holes with a 136 total, ~·under par on the 7,089-yard Bay Hill Club course. "I FEEL like I wasted a lot or shot.a out there, but I'm happy. I'm not behind," sa id Hoch, who ranks 13th on this year·s money-winning list and was a runner·up last week at Doral Going into today 's double-rouf\d, 36-hold windup, Hoch shared the top spot with two or t h e fame 's more formidable performers, mighty Jack Nicklaus and Craig Stadler, the outstanding player on the tour thus season. Nicklaus finished a 67 and Stadler, who has won once this season, was second in another and led through three rounds last week, completed a 70 before play wa.s abandoned Friday. "It was a different kind of round, broken into two days,' Hoch said .. "My concentration was just shot. But I'm not going to let it worry me. I feel I'm playing well. I've got a lot of confidence going into Sunday. I'm looking forward to the rest of the tournament." --NJ'CKLAUS, STXDt:Elt an othe rs who completed their second rounds Friday did not play Saturday. . And that, Hoch suggested, could be a problem. "It might hurt the guys who finished Friday." he said. 'Tm sure Jack didn't want a day off. wanted to get right back out there and get after it, keep the momentum going." Denis Watson or South Africa, also among the 75 players who had to return Saturday to complete their rounds under gray, U-.reatening skies, had a 68 that left him alone at 137, a single shot off the pace. Jerry Pate, with a 68, Mick Soli, with a 73, and Jay Haas, with a 71, joined , Ray Floyd, Lanny Wadkins and Larry ·Nelson at 138. Floyd, Wadkins and Nelson finis hed play Friday. Tom Kjte, last year's leading money-winner, had a 70 on the rain.soaked-eourse and topped the big group at 139, only three back with two rounds to go in the chase for a $54,000 first prize. Host Arnold Palmer. however, failed to make the cut for the final 36 holes. The national seniors champion could do no better than a 74 and was at 150. It took a score of 143 to quatiry O hsakoh3s four-stroke IPGAle ad SUN CITY, Ariz. <AP> - Tats uko Oh sa k o shot a 5-under-par OT Saturday to pull away from Beth Daniel and t.ake a four-stroke lead after three rounds of the LPGA 's Sun City Classic. The 72·hole tournament concludes today 'al the 6,232·yard Hillcrest Golf Course here. Ohsako, a veteran of the Japanese LPGA tour, extended to 45 her streak of holes without a bogey as s he moved to 12-under-par 204 for the tourney. Daniel, meanwhile, slipped to a 71 and is now at 208. She and Ohsako began Saturday's round tied at 137 - 7-under·par. Carole Jo CalUson fired a 70 to take over third place with a 209 total -five strokes off Ohsako's pace. Donn&-CaponLa.nd Dianne Dailey are iD fourth at 210. Caponi had a 3-under-par 6t Saturday while Dalley carded a 10. Tied in rifth place at 211 are Barbara Moxness and Ayako Okamoto, wlMer of last week's Arilona Coppe-r Classic in Tucson. Daniel, the leadint moDey wlnner on the U.S. to\lr the lut two yean, bad moved to I -under wlth a birdle on the par-4 «b hole. Pla)'in1 ln the aame ll'OUP M DHlel, <>Mako palled even wtt.b • blrdle Oil the St.b bole and .... .-etrokt ahead by alaldq a~-=•• •·foot blntie putt on tJie '*'* Ith hole. O....IDOMtwaa1= with a MrdM cm IJ aad .,... '-'•~•• MrR11 • n ud II. <I~ \J ••The dlftenHe ••• •r ............... _ .. ,...._ ililitfllt.r .... ._.. -.- 9111tt" .. • ... -- ORANGE .C 0 A S T SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1982 ·FASHION SECTION OF THE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT· Jea.11111WJand at The Newporter. Clothe$ by Nordstr.om/Soulh Coast Plaza. ,, A change of career means a change <:>I look . . . . C3 ·a Orange Coa1t OAtLY PILOT/Sunday, March 7, 1982 . Tha ·t gr8a t· Gatsby · look • IS back • ID men's fashions BY NORA LEHMAN Delly ............ .., SYMPTOMS OF WITHDRAWAL: Seems that every year Calvin Klein drops out of the Cully Sark Men's Fashion Awards. As I remember last year he said, : in an off momenl, he didn't •want to take the chance of losing -it would ~ bad fQr his image -and then reversed hi& field by saying something to the effect that the award didn't mean anything anyway. That's interesting logic, isn"t it? If the award doesn't mean anythirlg, why bother. to withdraw? Oh well, sluce Mr. K. is no dummy, we can guess this is a good press agent at work. I'm 1 sure he .gets more mileage out of being nominated, then withdrawing than if he' hung in there and won. For ·example, look at me. I've given him two paragraphs. . But among those wtio have n't withdrawn is a designer we featured on the first and, so far. o nly STYLE cover featuring a man. Tom Fuentes wore fas hions by Alan Flusser. and when I get my chflllce to cast my ballot (no-0ne said they were secret>. he's 1F1usser. that is> going to get m y vote for the mos t outstanding U.S. designer of menswear. He's brought a Gatsby look ·to the menswear Cashion world. using the best of the past -and adding touches of the pn;sent to produce an updated Gats by look. It's really classy! "While New York is still the heart of the fashion industry. more and more designers nORfl are locating on the West Coast. and among them. are two other nominees in the Cutty Sark. Jackson Allen and Tim Veness are up for prizes in the most promising U .S. des igners classification for their handwoven casual wear. THE FRENCH CUFF CONNECTION; Speaking of Gats by and his influence : Does one use the word "resurgence'' in relation to French cuffs? I suppose it's okay. In any case. French cuffs seem to be resurging. Just as women's clothes have been taking a tum to the elegant. men seem to want to turn that way. too .. According to Stanley Kaufman, chairman of Chris tian Dior. French cure shirts account for 13-to-15 percent of his company's total shirt sales. and even less costly shirtmakers are including them in their line. With French cuffs coming back into fashion. cuff links can't be far behind. Ralph Lauren plans a collection of gold links to coordinate with his Polo These matte-finish cuf/links and matching ring are of 18k gold by Nova StyUngs. ~ French-cuff shirts. Other well-known designers are bound to follow suit. A jewelry manufacturing firm in Brooklyn., Supreme Collections. has been licensed to market a 14k and 18k gold collection of ''Daddy Warbucks" jewelry <cuff links. tie tacs and money clips> in conjunction with the release of the movie. .. Annie," in May . And everyone knows Daddy Warbucks ' jewelr y pra c tica ll~· glowed in the dark. But we'll get a look at the elegance of both men and women fas hions soooer than that when Agatha Christie's whodunit. .. Evil Under the Sun ... is released s ometime thi s month. Set in 1938 somewhere on the Adriatic. with a score by Cole Porter .. thut fash\on~plate detective Hercule Poirot. < Pete,r Ustinov I. steps onto the screen 'again, and you know he wouldn't wear a shirt without French cuffs. This picture is also a Gat~by ·period pi~ce and it's bound to have that kind or influence on both me n ana women's fashions. According lo the Gold Information Center. contemporary cuff links a re going to be smaller, coming in with a "quiet. understated design." But I wonder what a quiet. unders tated c uff link has· to say for itself. I mean. if it's gold. shouldn't it be a large. gaudy. really knock-your.eye.out type of piece? This doesn't seem to be the age of ouiet eleaance. It seems to be more the ··nouveau. the only type of nche they'll ever be," type of era. Why strive for the understatement when you're driving a Rolls? Quiet elegance is apparent when your chauffeur is driving your Rolls . Gold Information Center. you better get back to your contacts and tell them to get back to their drawing boards. Shoot big or not at all. gang. That's wh at I say. But then I'm not buying gold c uff links this year. We have quite a number that have slipped along the generations. Now. it's just a matter of con vincing himself they're ··in." Not that it'll matter to h_im . He always prefers to swim upstream . However. see for vourself what these discreet little numbers' look like. Thev are really quite handsome. aren't they? · Just a dab of the sweet smell, Ahh! B~ VIDA DEAN -Dust perfumed talc in vour s hoes to ··.,. ',.. ... ._... ...... help keep· feet dry and s t · 11· nec k and behind your ears). This will ~ .!hf{~ Wt;_inany ~ays to .us~._)'~r~,.~___. ... ·--·~,;~-~~e_.ing. __ .,.,..,..,.. ravor e f~hce. beSiae·s putting a Oa6 --dr~rnite cotton balls or a ~---~a{-e---a-l~i.fag-frafnsTu:.·~~,-.o--= your perfume. at the wrist. handkerchief sprayed with cologne in i · If you have found one you realty love. boxes of stored clothes. Thev'll s me ll .VD~ -If you have dry skin. fragrance layering. while skin is moist. will help retain the scent of your perfume tonger You'll always be Surrounded by a subtle cloak of fragrance ... without ever being overpowered by it. You'll find by layering levels of gradu a lly increasing perfume concentration. the scent will stay on your s kin and. of course. last longer. Start with you might want to try these tips offered by fres her when unpacked . · . e harles of the Ritz group: : -Place a handkerchief or sever al • <:otton. balls scented with cologne in vour : hngene drawer. or recycle your beautiful ; empty bottles by placing them open in • drawers. .., =· -Add a few drops of perfume to vour !· bath water ... Spray cologne onto \·our ~· comb or damp hair. It'll s meli especial!" ~ lovely when the wind blows through it. · " ; -Dab perfume or "Cologne on light • bulbs (before turning them on>. When the : light's turned on. the bulb heats and gives : off a subtle ~rPnt • ~ -Dust powder on the edges of fresh : s heets and then spray \hem lightly a ll over : with cologne. • ! -_,Scent throw rugs and under wooden : table tops with a spray of cologne. The : wood will hold the scent. · -: -Take your favorite cologne s pray on : trips and spray the sheets in your hotel ~ room -a personal touch to make vou feel ~ at home and he lp disguise insti'tutional • ''hotel odor ... -Spray the hem of your slip or skirt linings with cologne to keep the scent moving with you. • MONDA~THROUGHSATURDAY · Personal shopper avail'able daily by : appointment. CaU Carol Landis. 546-9321 . ezt. : 215'> or page. May Company South Coast Plazfi. ~ ~outure modeling in the ZOO~e Room from :. 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. daily. Neiman Marcus ~ Fashion lskinli. . . !' Personal shopping available daily by appointment. Call Personal Shoppers or page • 549·8~. Norclstf'oml South Coan Plaza. I COVER: Jean *Nachand wears an oversize electric blue-purple cotton blouse by Jennings. The lilk-mimicking JX)lyuter fuchsia camp I blowe ii by David Mathews. Both top wide white cotton culottes. again 1b11 Jennings. I E1podrilles by Jacque CoM?a. Clothes and acceaories by Norclstroml South Coast Plaza. Thonw P. Haley .,...... Thonw A. Murphlne ... Nof9~ ..... _, ... ...... ,.tWver ........... ,.,.,. ae111 L CelM4'r'I. t.tlt -Put scented soap. opened . in drawers. You'll gel a double reward from it first as a sachet and second it will last longer in the bath if it 's been thorough I~· dried out first. perfumed milk bath and soap. Then. -aft er -Spray quilled hangers with cologne to give clothes and c loset \'Our owrt personal. fresh-smelling scent · -If moist palms dampen your spirit when you get nervous. cologne wil I help keep them dr~· because of the .ikohol content. Agam in the summer. spray cologne in air conditioning vents for a cool. scented brcl'ze. your bath. s mooth on a scented lotion. Finish with perfume or cologne. Spray ~·our scent on artificial flowers. Put a few drops of cologne in the fmal rinse water when washing lingerie or I mens. Spray cologne on your ironing board when ironing blouses or lingerie. -Keep a handkerchief sprayed <and dried. of course l with cologne in your purse to keep the contents s melling nice and feminine . -In the summer. 15 minute!'-ht·fore bedtime. s pray clean pillowca!'>l''i with ~ologne. put them in a plastic bag and then m the freezer for a few minutes. The,··11 ht• Spray the ankles of your pant:.·hose. The scent will waft up. cool and refreshing. · After the bath and about <.in hour before you dress. apply cologne all over your body from the feet to the fop of your s houlders. ! and. of course. on your -Always keep a perfume purser with you to give you a fragrant lift all through the day and e\'ening . INTRODUCING ~~~~MOEN~ soft ·n satin Silioone breastform by C#[W , .. We ltlouc;# the Amoeno couldn't be improved. but Cc:Jf11> dd it -with o new Soft 'n Satin worm matte finish that's os soft ond smooth as yoll' skin. Air spaces allow the fomi to ding gently to your chest. e'minoting Ol'rf feeling of discomfort. It's better than ever! The Soft 'n Sotin Amoeno• by (on-p. Come and see for you-setf. See Comp' s 1982 collection "of breast ptostheses, mastectomy bros and ~- NEWPORT CENTER 0RTHC>PEDIC . MEDICAL & SURGICAL SUPPLIES HSERVING THE DOCTOR ANO HIS PATIENT" . 400 NEWPORT CENTER DR .• SUITE 104 in The Medical Bldg. , on the corner o f Newport Center Or. & San Miguel . 644-0065 833-0053 • In round or winged 8hllpes, for all typet of mastectomies. Open Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 6 p.m. e.nkAmericard and MMterChllrge Honored • Certified Fitters • ·~~~' Creative J~. Ioc. • ·Interior Buyif18 Tour&) takes pleasure in inviting you to be escorted by . a professional _jnterior designer to the Exclusive 'Decorator Only' Home ror Office) Furnishings Showrooms! You purchase.at only ten percent.above the wholesale price•: Erample Retail -$4 ,000. Your Price -$2,200 . -., + freight. tar & delivery1 SAVINGS -$1 ,800 . .'! You buy famous-name furniture & decorator accessories off the showroom floor for immediate delivery. Custom orders, too. You make no expensive mistakes ,because your Professional Designer is by your side. Space planning is available for home or office. 1 A fabulous new buying service designed to save you money & time. It's fun! Plan .a ·Tour' with .a friend, spouse, secretary or ibusiness partner now! l today for reservations, tour co&t & deta , .and receive your 'free' Interior P la nq Portfolio! * 7141643-2863 * Serving OrOOfie .& Los Angele.s Countie& Orange Cout OAJL Y ptLOT/Sunday, Maroh 7, 1982 .. Jean f aboveJ appears at Image Works. face cleanly scrubbed. Makeup could fool the spectrophotometer. Meanwhile. Sandra Clark f right·J of Image Works tests color swatches the spectrophotometer has shoWn as being within Jean·s color aura It revealed that !ihe could wear any one of 169 colors ~~~~§tr~ 11.f I !AnJ.,.,, //i11f¥1I ((/,1Jla • l/f>Jrt. 'f/nlij/i JtJu°a .9.!6'26' 545-4667 NOW OPEN . ylalleJBaob I Biddle Sh I k MM•-oenAalPnn -------~-p~~~~J ~~-~-'-~-D-~~~~~-~=·~====·----.-t-F-~~-l-~-~-~~~-_-_-3-_-:-_-:--;-:-:-~-~--_w_•_o~ A few months ago Jean Nachand up I~ Palos _\'erdes. she followed two in the Collegiate Nationals in June ~ e became a prog ram administrator for tenn.1s pl ci~·in g hrothers on to the 1974 and went to the World Universitv Rod Sherman's firm. Management tennis l'Ourts cit J ack Kramer·s Tennis Games in Sofia. Bulgarici in August tOUC • and · Sports Marketing . Setting up Club in Rolling Hills clos<' b,· where 1977 . · · sports camps all over the countrv. she li\'ed . A month later and onl' semester with a .good deal of her lime spent She started pla~·ing at nine uncll•r short of graduation". she turned pro ~ontactm~ coaches and to get them \'ic Braden·s guidance. hut like most and went on the A\'on circuit. involved m the program. she'd begun people who go into the pro tennis With onl~· one interruption. a · bout to feel her casual outdoor look was world. she e,·cntualh· had a number of with hepatitis and mononuc-leosis that inappropriateforher newposition. coach<.'S Among . them : Pan c ho brought her home from Australia in When we asked if she"d like to be Segura. Robert Landsdorp. Dennis December 1979. she pla\'Cd on the our first makeover subject she quickl\' Ralston. Newport"s own Jimmy Ogle. Colgat e (now To~·ota 1 circuit. the agreed. · Dick Bornstedt and at L'CI. Doreen Penn. Nike and United States Lawn .. Everytime I clothes shop 1 come Irish. Tennis Association circuits for four home with another (llaid. button-down Graduating from Palos Verdcs1 years. collar shirt." she laughed. ·Td love to High. she followed brother Chuck into I· While recuperating from her illness have some help getting out of that tennis and into th(' dassrooms at CCI she coached at \'ic Braden's Tennis rut." With Lindsa~· Morse. as hl'r doubles See She gets. Page C6 -~ • -"(--r Gerry Ransom of The New porter Salon prepares to give Jean a hatrci4t and permanent. explaining he wants to lift the hair off her face to give it some width and remove its tendency to take a center rt L This is Rois Getting Down To Business. Oh So Beautifully. $49.99 Bone. Red. Navy. White & Mosa Leather -Gold Metallic Innes SHOES South Coast Plaza 7;51-2444 WE HONOR MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS You 'II be lookin' good - better all the time , with our precision st~ed cut. Sale priced $15 ReGIS HAIRSTYLJSTS • 4 ( r.iss Morgan · Morgan-Maxwell Engagem ent of Pame la Morgan . daughter of Mr . and Mrs . Robe rt T . Morgan of Newport Beach and Wichita Falls. Texas. to off-Broadway producer Mitchell J . Maxwell of New York Citv has been announced. 1, · The bride -elect. a New YorR Cit v resident. has acted in numerous national television commercials and has s ung and danced in several movies including ··All : That Jazz." where s he portrayed a struggling dancer. and "Annie" in which she portrayed a Radio City dancer . He r fian ce is producer of the off -Broadway play. "Key Exchange" and was recipient last year of an Obie Award for outstanding off-Broadway production for the musical review "Blue Lips:· He is the son of Mr. and Mrs . Herbert Maxwell of Great Neck. N.Y. Miss Morgan graduated from Wichita Falls High School a nd the Univcrsit~· of --..,.e-x11'S"11'l''Austhf. ·----· - Maxwell graduated from Great :'IJeck High School and Tufts niver s it~· in Boston. A March 27 wedding in Dallas js '.planned. I Jun g-Videtto The e ngagement of Lisa Jung of Huntington Beach and Daniel "Butch" '.\fidetto of Santa Ana has been announced. The bride-e lect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jung of Huntington Beach. She graduated from Marina Hi gh School. Huntington Beach. a nd Cal State Long Beach. ' · The future bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Videtto Jr. of Santa ~na . He graduated from Fountain Valley High School and attends Cal State Long Beach. A'June wedding is planned. Johnson-Luce Mr. and Mrs . Harry C. Johnson of Newport Beach have announced engagement of their daughter. Karen T. Johnson, to Randall C. Luce. son of Mr . a nd Mrs. Gordon C. Luce of San Diego. The betrothal was a nnounced at a reception in the Luce home honoring Vice •President and Mrs . George Bush. A May 22 wedding in Our Lady Queen of Angels Churc h. Newport Beach. is planned by the c.ouple. both of whom are graduates of the University of Southern California Business School. In college. Miss Johnson affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority while her fiance was president of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. The bride-e l ect ·s f a ther is a n independent citrus grower and a member of the board of directors of Sunkist Growers. The future groom's father is board chairman and chief executive officer of San 151ego Feaeral ~ings and t:Oanand a member of President Ronald Reagan's Housing Commission Task Force. Newhart-Street The engagement of Jeanne Newhart of Irvine to Robert Street of Midwav Citv has been announced. · · The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs. Ruth Newhart of Newport Beach a nd the late Dr. Earle Newhart. She graduated from Newport Ha rbor High School and Orange County Business College. Anaheim. The future bridegroom is the son of Dolores Street of Ontario and John Street ' of Mammoth Lakes. He graduated from San Gorgonio High School. San Bernardino: San Bernardi no Vallev College and Orange Coast College. · A March 27 wedding in Fairview Co mmunit ~· Church . Costa Mesa. is planned . * SPECIAL OFFER * Sculptured Nails • $35.00 (Value $55.00) I • I Manicure Plus Pedicure Only $20.00 f Valued.a1 $30.00 J Expires May 1, '82 * A~O AVAUABLE • Make·up, Make-up Lessons&: Facials, Body Wraps and Massage 2400 W. Coast Hwy., Suite 2 Newport Beacl~ 645-3418 SOUTH COAST PLAZA . - - Mrs. Giese Giese-Scott St. Andrew's Presbvterian Churc h. Newport Beach. was the setting for the wedding of Christin e Ann Scott and Michael R. Giese. both of Balboa Island. The briQe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Clifford Scott of Balboa Island. graduated from DeVi lbiss High School. Toledo. Ohio. and Ohio Universitv. Athens. Ohio She is a n accountant v.rith the ~ewport Ha rbor Yacht Club. The bridegroom. son of Ri chard Giese and Mrs. Lorenc Demanouske. both of Anaheim. graduated from Edgerton Senior ]'ligh ~hoot. Edge;t~i~ th~ ~Ar_f!:.I._ -~drps or Engineer '-:' ~--- He is employed by Lancer Yachts In Irvine. The newlyweds plan to Jive on Balboa Island following a trip to Carmel and San Francisco. Capielo-Borton Robert J . Ca pie lo and Dawn M Borton. both of Costa Mesa. were married in a ceremony at the Newport Beach Wedding Chapel. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harr~· Borton of Costa Mesa. She ~ grad.uated from Costa Mesa High School and 1s empl oyed by WZMH Inc. in Irvine. The groom. the son of Mr and Mrs . George .Capielo of Westminster. graduated from Richmond Hill High School in ~e" York. He is proprietor of Happ" Capp,· Productions in Costa Mesa. · · Following a trip to Puerta Vallarta. Mexico, the newlyweds plan to live in Costa Mesa. Mrs Byers Byers-Uplinger Tracy Uplinger of Newport Beach became the bride of John S. Rvers of Cupe1tino in a ceremom· in Communlt\' Congregational Church. Corona del Mar · The bride. da ughte r of llal L'plinger and Hazel Uplinger. both of :-.Jew port Beach. graduate d from :'liewport llarbor Hi gh School and American Colle gt• in Paris _ J be....tu:i.d.fJW.>om son of Mr ;mcl. M..r.£... --" C lifford Bve r s or S t . Mar\'s. Ohio. graduated from Ohio State L'nive rs ity with a major in bus iness administration lie is emplo~·cd a s marketing man;,i gcr at C~·prcss Electronics The new 1 ~· w c d s p 1 <.in t o 11 " e i n Cupertino following a trip to l-fowa11 Hinkens-Domenick Costa Mesan Dale Hinkens ('\(·hanged wedding vows with Patricia Domenick of Mal\'ern. Pa .. in a c·eremom· in Fairfield. Iov. a . · The bride is the daughter of Mr and '.\'lrs Gerald Domeni ck of Maln•rn. Pa. The bridegroom. son of Mrs Dorothv Ilinkens of Santa Ana and Robert E. Hinke ns of Torrance. graduated from Newport Harbor High School. , The newl~·wed s plan to live in Fairfield. There's Great Spring Skiing!! A one piece windsuit is the perfect outfit for spring skiing. They are lightweight, comfortable and look great too. Rentals W.Cwt ....... Nlsupirt l1mch O.lornla • Orange Coelt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 7, 1982 From ~Jt to f'ight: Eagle Scout• Fr«J WiWam.t. Scott Howler . Andy E"°n' and Jim Andrews are congratulat«J by Dr. James Petnkin for ra&aing l50 -on their own -for Ann Marlin's International School. Manaoo-Bharatf. They did it by aelling aluminum can& and newspapers. This philanthropic group is from Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. Left to right: Slaff Commodore Hobie Denn with Pat Grech. Commodore Marahall G1"fl and l.A1D Copp. at Lew'1 change-of-watch party at the Bahia Connthlan Yacht Club. Plans for Navy Boll 'finalized' By NORA LEHMAN 0.lty "-ITYL• • .._ A MOVABLE FEAST: About 200 folk got together a couple of weeks ago to "tma11ze" (thatls such an advertising word I think it deserves quotes) plans for the 1982 Navy Ball. Now bow 200 people can get together, eat and drink and still manage to "finalize plans," I'm not quite sure. But if anyone could do it, I know it would be Bob Mcintyre, with Marilyn in there to give him a much needed band. Tbey did all this "finalizing" al the Big Canyon Country Club, but the real thing's to come off at tbe Beverly Wlllbire Hotel on March, 20, I do hope they manqed to ... well, you know. ANOTHER 7STB Cl!LEB&ATION: I do1t't think they're or (is it "we're") ever foina to slop celebrating this 75th anniversary around the Newport Beach area. This time it's the Chamber of Commerce. Seems that on Match 12, 75 years ago, a group got toeether and organized the first Newport Harbor C of C. It became the first commercial body organized in the new city. That seems fitting, doesn't It? Like all the others, l.bis beeomes a day of feasting for the celebrants. At 8 a.m .. for tieaven's sajce, Paul &alata's on (Mr. Salata, bless him, is on at any time of the day). Jim Felton's bringing his slides and T. Duncan Stewart, the poen laureate of Newport Beach, Is reading his latest. Chief Gross and Company are doing a barbershop quartet number and Stewart's got his band going again. I'm not sure I'm up to all of this at that hour of the morning. Nol even al the Pavilion. And I love the Pavilion. WNA: Rochelle and Irwin Hoffman are turning their Shorecliff house over to Women's Network Alert next Saturday for a reception honoring Bill and Gloria Allred. The party starts al 5 p.m . and those who wish can go on to a dinner party at the Big Canyon Country Club after the Corona del Mar "do." (I sound like I'm doing Big Canyon's .,___-.....,~:'!'Ill ·-~~~--~~~alen~ _ -·---.. ".cl, Off to Loa Angeles: Betty and Scott HiJhtower are leavlnJ our environs pretty soon. Scott's 1oing on to another challenge: the McCullough Oil Company. The Bay Clubbers especially will miss him, as will the Business Council of the Orange County Master Chorale. Both groups honored him last w~~· Bill Ray, the bay club chairman 01 tne board, announced with regret Scott's leaving and welcomed aboard Tom Deemer and his pretty blond wife, Monica, as the new BBC president. LOoking at Belly, Monica and Beverly Ray, I have to say these gentlemen certainly do have an eye for a lovely lady. -~JH ~ • High llghtlng •Frosting • Low lighting • Sun-streaking • Peartlzlng , • Marbletzing. • Reverslbte Frosting • Tintbacks European Haircoloring by Marianna 3348 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar (714) 675-7720 (WED. TllRll SAT.) ~ I don't suppose it would surpme you to fmd the theme of this party is "Oriental Fantasy ·· From left to right: Mrs. W. Peyton Harriman. The first savings of tl1e season • Mrs. Robert Wood and Mrs. Robert L Koehler ANNIE! ANNIE! ANNIE! Listen, I'm delighted that Annie's back and KOCE, Channel 50 has her, but not to the lune of 80 cents worth of postage. I got three announcements at home and one al the office. I KNOW I'm on a lot of lists. I know that it isn't worth the time to hunt "dupes " when one is mailing bulk, but committee, these weren't bulk mailed. Tsk! ls k ! But to go on. Annie's coming as a fund-raiser on May 20th. No doubt more mailings wilJ go out. Let's hope the Post Office doesn't profit too much from all this. f ram our fresh n ew spring collecti o ns of n euer before reduced fas hio ns , This picture is reminiscent of an old-fashioned Christmas card. From the left standing: Tom and Mon ica Deemer . Betty and Scott Hightower. Seated. Beverly and Bill Ray. CHANGE OF WATCH: How many more do we have lo go? I've foreotten the number of yacht clubs, but this is the second in a fairly long list. (Well, I know the Newport Harbor Yacht Club won't want to be included. You know how they all hate publicity over there. The old mention-m y-name "when-I'm-born-married· and-die, "theory.) Bahia Corinthian feels differently, however, and I'm glad lo oblige by lelllng you the new people in charge. Marsh Green, Jim Moore and Terry Moore are the Commodores. Their wives, Pal, Audrey and Barbara were there to see Commodore Green brought into the dlnine·room on a fioat-lype. boat. Mercy! The USC Marching Band appeared the same evening, but I can't make out whether il ac~ompanled the float or not. SC football coach John Robinson was a surprise guest and 13 past staff commodores ~ere honored. Well, 1ang, that'a show biz! I wasn't able lo be there, but it must have been quite an evening. My trusty reporter, Jean Tandowsky, adds. that Commodore Green is an alumnus of USC and is still very active In events. I don't think it was ne<:essary to say that, really. I kind of gathered as much, didn't you? Another generation of fine taste ... t I . . ' in our Fashion Valley and Newport B each stores. These selected gro ups are reduced .. H ere's a sampling of som e of the values . DESIGNER DRESSES AND PANT cos-r uMES Dayrime c.lresses. coc.krail <lws ..... <'S w1cl 1x1111 cos1w rn·s. Regularly 5200 $133 Heoulurly S490 $335 DESIGNER EVENING GOWNS One·ofa·klnd long dresses in o uoricry <if fol>rics: Regularly $275 ro $800 ............. $185 ro $530 DAYTIME AND COCKTAIL DRESSES Group of silks. poly george11es oncl po/~/ crep<'s. Regularly 578 to S /45 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/ 3 Off BARRY BRICKEN PANTS AND SKIRTS Gabardine parns in spring pasrels. Regularly 5 110 and 5112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/ 3 Of/ Wool gabardine skirrs in p/earecl on<I s/im srul<'s. Khoki. ramel w hlle and black. Regularly $110 and 5 120 ......................... 1/ 3 Off SPORTSWEAR SPPARATES AND COORDINATES Tweed Blazers in silk blends of plnl</bone. Regularly $235 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 Off Wool gabardine separates f ram Paul Stanley. Regularly $57 to 5 152 ........ " •................. 1/ 3 Off Blazers and Skirts In ~~I bleno hopsack. Bone and pink . ~ ... ~.-... ~ .................... 1/ 3 OJ/ . , Regularly 575 to 5165 . Blouses In poluester. poly/cott<m. silk and georgette. Regularly $28 to 5240 .............. , ............ 1/ 3 Off ·Fashion Valley and Newporr Beach Srores only . JOH~HOGA.N .. 359 Fashion Valle1,1: 291·7100 ... Ill FOISl'llon ISiand. Newpon Cenr~r: 644·7100 ' I 1 Orange Coeet DAJL Y PILOT/Sunday, March 7, 1812 Ransom t left 1 holds haircolor swatches against Jean's face to see which tone Will highlight her hatr and blend unth her complenon She gets pretty new look From Page C3 College a t Cota de Caza. "Sure. it can be tiring." she says now. "and sometimes boring What can't ? But on the whole. it was great fun. The people are gr eat and the list of countries we p~ed in is a long one : Germany, Switzerla nd. England. Fra nce. Scotla nd. Australia. J apan a nd all over the United States ... In Septe mber 1981 she returned to UC I. a nd gra duated on the Dean's list in social sciences in December. of the same year. . ~ When Jean agreed to be the subject of our fi rst makeover. we took her first to Sandra Cla rk at Image Works. a Newport Beach firm specializing in personali zed color analysis. With the use of a spectrophotometer -a device used in bus iness for man~· years to maintain color quality control -Sandra measured J ean·s eyes. s kin a nd hair. then fed the results through a computer. The computer readout showed that J ean's personal palatte consisted of a spectrum of 169 hues. shades and h a rmonies. She was given a s mall suede-covered book to earn· an\' time she goes shopping . Gone. ·the 'worry a bout mixing a nd m atching ~ J ean had rarely worn more than lipstick. being hesitant to look too "m ade-up ... But Sandi showed her how to a pply her cosmetics so that, they played up her wide. what turned ·1 out to be khaki-colored. eyes and long eyelas hes. yet didn 't m ake her feel uncorn!ortabte with th e unfamiliar. I • • • Although s he had not yet completed I her course at Image Works she was ready for a hair restyle . We took her to Ge rrv Ransom at The Newport e r Salon. Analyzing the s ha pe of her face. her hair and chatting with he r about her lifes tyle. he decided. with her consent. that a s haping cut. light perma nent and som e strands of lighter color. but in the same tone as her own hair . would' fit her style. No need for a weekly trip lo lht• hairdresser here. • • • Step three in\'Ol\'ed a consultation with Laurie Da hl at Nordstrom South • Coast P laza. Laurie is one of the s tore·s three 1 personal shoppers Sh~laughed when. in asking J ean what s he had m he r wardrobe. J ean to ld her sht• had enough pl aid s hirts to match almost a nything Laurie could pick. They stayed awa~· from plaid shirts Color swatches in hand. ,·ou can Sl'C the r esults of some of their. foraging in the clothes at Nordstrom. You'll note that Laurie and Sandi got J eanie started on a ,.i,·id color scheme for this s pring . ,·er~· murh in keeping with the season·s trends ... and ,·ery fla ttering to Jean·s new image. Jean and Sandra Clark of I mage Works discuss t he colots the spectrophotometer picked as Jean's best . Gn'fll Rauom /luff• Jftlft't ltair out°" tlle 8'* Jut Nfor* Ian picture ii t~ on the lawn in front of the Newporter. , , . .,...,..,....._,.. ... r _...._......., While the changes were l'l'lativel~· minor. they had good bones and a s uperb figure to work with m a ke-up for someone not used to using it. a curl~· hair st~·le and the heginning of a wardrobe in Jean·s most flattering colors and we had a modt'I striding out and ready for an~·thing. One fi nal note : while w(• were photographing on th(• lawn <Jl The Newporter. J ean 's coach from UCI. Ooreen Iris h . drove throug h the parking lot. looked o\'er towards us. .Jean wa\'ed. Doreen looked ,·ague. th~ decided J caR wasn'l -*<i~i~ at-- her She dro\'e on. • • • J can ·s next step al Image Works is to take se\'cral workshops offered b\' thesc two ex -Ir vi ne sc h ool teacher s. Sandra Cla rk and Ct•cilia Goodman. who han' brought s cience t o the field of prrson<JI color anal\'sis. . Included in lht· workshops a re a personality analysis 1<1€.'ntification of personality tr.ails to ht•lp the client d ress in a complemrntar~· fashion: understanding the power of color so that the client is able to present the image t he~· c hoose through color usa ge: a study of bod~· t~·p~ so the c li ent knows how to balance the look . Texture a n<l pattern arc also taken into account in relation to bod~· t~·pe And then. s omething that's needed by a lmost r n•ryone the use of accessories to punctuate a costume. r Gerry Ra,1som r left J brushes Jean's hair wi th a .. rake ... explaining that a convent ional brush •w o u I d t e n d t o straighten it Heat lamps f right J dry Jean 's newly curled hair. The f inished product ··Wash it. shake your head. push the hair around with your fingers . and don't use a dr11er ··ft tends to straighten 1t ... advises Gerry Ransom. Easy upkeep 1s the name of the game. here A perfect hmrdo for a buSIJ gal • "I• that about right?" Jean a1ks photographer. while holdtng hi• light meter. She'• ~aring o turquoi.Je linen-Wee po~eaaer· bind NS btl J .H. Collectitus. TM 1kirt comes in a oorie&il •I 1tt1le1. ' . • } r I·----8rl'l'ANDaAPUNE 8prin1'1 the time for merry Enaland. The Tbamea fl almoet empty of boat.a. It was tlwee yean atnce I boated UMnamea. It was a warm summer then. I'd forlOlten how cbllly D11•1U aprtq can be. Cold wind tilew through tbe rtver willows apd 1eeped under the \oP and curtaim of the · a.toot' dteael "truller. There's no heater in tbese boats. You keep tbe two-bumer cooking stove 1om1 in the cabin. I bad tbe refrlaerator full of eggs and bacon and steaks and Henley's Strong Ale. I had the Ume of my life. The Enlllah don't admit it's cold. When March comes they get into shorts and ride bicycles, their bare knees red from frost. "Lovely day, isn't it?" they call to each other. Some·people! On the river, young men in cotton shorts and skimpy T-shirts were sculling along in Uun racing boats, looking like lively water bugs. Maybe the exercise kept them warm .. I w~ wearing a sheepskin jacket and a sweater. A wool Navy watch cap and fur boots. I brought them along to go onward to \be Austrian· Tirol . but put them on immediately in England. The room waiter at the Dorchester was fascinated. Re's never seen mukluks. I said: "I bought them in Alaska." · He said: "Well. you won't need them here. It's spring, you know." I tell friends about the Thaines, but not many people go. I think it's like hearing somebody get ·enthusiastic about something strenuous. (Nobody's been able to get me to ·share their love of jogging.) I don't find river travel hard. You simply s._.. .... ...._...._ .• s1s.-...w..-..,.. ..... rt. ,,.. froM Lo.dolt to CMalfow. development. The river used to overflow the banks so villages are far between, built on high ground. You tie up the boat and walk a few blocks uptown and buy your groceries in the Orange Coat DAILY ptLOT/Sund1y. M1rch 7, 1982 • chilly ., . Springtime in mefTY ol' England ii inmting cu an~ con ~w London for Brighton. The Bnhsh. att.mp to get a jump on l'pf'iJlg.ofter a gloomy winter, but the people in the foreground are kttpmg · tlwir coat1 on. It waa.a chiUy winter on the Thome• thil year. '. sit at the wheel and let the boat go along. About eight miles an hour is the speed. Every ·hour or so, you go ipto a lock wbere they lift your boat to river level. You tie up and it's a relief to get off and walk around. · "Mom-and-Pop market. There's always an to his ankles. He had a green sou'wester on Give the lock keeper a bottle of ale from ancient church with brass funeral markers bls head. He had set up a big beach umbrella your locker. on the floor. "Here lies Elizabeth. beloved wife against ram. Under it he ha(! a folding table Britis h Tourist Authority. 680 F'1fth of · · ·" And the date in the 1600s. and on it a Thermos of tea, a cup and Avenue, New York City will tell yo u how to-It was spring, the time of March hares an&-Mad-Hetters-:-Engtamt'~-a dark am1 gloomy land in the winter. With the first stirrings of the season, people were waking up. --·~ -~--.. --.. -··~reamer'8fttl~m"""~l. --·-----1ffi"""l'n'·a-t>oat Ttf~1i'Cl"pat>-s-·~ap~rtr~·~-·-~n "'S"mall Boat ?.n the Thames, l_log~r He sat comfortably in a folding chair, a it. You'll see. A race of antique cars ran down to Brighton at the sea . Starchy little English farm houses put up signs : ··Bed and Breakfast." River willows put out buds. The fields · along the Thames are countryside, for they've banned housing P1lkmgton says th~t ~o a~e the pupp1e pie long pole and line extended into the Thames. ~nder Marl~we Bridge . ~v~s a bargeman You see them along the river. The same Ys MO.l'f Mow a.,1 ~n.to screanung rage. He didn t ~now :-VhY -costume. The same tea arrangement. I've MOI •• Air Mexico 1t s Thames f?lklore. You shout 1t at him and never s~n any of them catch a fish. 4 ni.......,/S o-run for your hfe. .,.... -,- 1 said •it softly to a fisherman on the Luxurious lucJan•iHas SMraton Snow white swans float alongside the bank. But tle only gave me a friendly wave boat. Sometimes they float into the lock with and called back : "Lovely weather." you. Get a free elevation to the next stretch He wore a long green raincoat that came of the river. Puerto Vatlcrta April 22-26 $350. -on CIOuble occ"'*""" TIA offers 'bus fare' rates It's not a wide river -perhaps half a football field across. They dl:edge it, bank to bank. The boat renters give you a map that ,sbQws tfte 16cks and the towns. You can't get lost. You can either go up or go down. . GoiftCJ Places Travel Fashioft I.a.ct 640-0l21 •' .. HO USTON -Texas International Airlines, known as TIA, has announced it will offer fares cheaper than the lowest bus fares :in every city it serves in the United States. we guarantee are lower than the lowest bus fares. we are offering people a n opportunity to show they are tired of being ripped off by . hi gh bus fores ... s aid Ron Woestemeyer. vice presidenl·mat·keting programs. --~ And. in the largest a irline ticket .giveaway ever. TIA said it will give 5.000 fre(' round-trip tickets this Sunday to people from coast to coast who bring the airline a bus ticket and "rip it up to show they are tired of being ripped off by high bus fares." TIA ·s "bus fa res·· range from S29 between Houston and Lafayette. La .. to S78 between Dall as/Fort Worth and Los Angeles. to $133 between Salt Lake Cit~· a n d Jacksonvill e. It will off er discounts up to 73 percent off the regular airline coach fares TIA said it will offer the deep-discounted "bus fares" in more than 200 markets. or city pairs. "To call attention to our 'bus fares.· which Armchair traveling "England, Scotland and Wales" will be the subject of a travelogue at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa. Screenil)g will begin at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 18, ln the coUeee audltorium. The film by Kenneth Richter takes a look at England's picture book villages, Stonehenge, Hadrian's Wall, Cambridge, castles of Wales, the Isle of Skye, spectacular autumn colors of Scotland and the new face of London. Tickets are $3 for general admlasion and S2 for senior citizens who are eold card holders and children under 12. . Tickets are available at OCC's Ticket office !ad can be P'4f'cb_aled al the door. . In all 29 cities Texas Internation al serves. the c:arrier wi ll give away tic kets Sunda~ hcginning at 11 a .m. local time al its a1rJit<>l'l ticket counters or designated area s In hoth H o u s to n a nd Baltimore Washington. TIA will give awa~· 1.000 t1ck eb each In Dallas Fort Worth. Den ver. Los Ange les and New'Qrleans it wilt ~ive awa~· 200 each. and in the other 23 cities it will give awa~· 100 each Woesteml•ver said the bus ticket to be ripperl up t<Hl be ·· anv kmd of hus ticket or fa csimile of :.i ticket · Intercitv. intracil\". used or not used. · · The frel' airline tickets are good for standby. space-availuble travel any time this year to specified destinations from each city. "Thcst• include free tickets from Los Angeles t o B a ltim ore Wash in gton. J acksonville to Salt Lake Citv. Houston to Denver and New Orle;ms to Albuquerque ... Woestemeyer said. The tickets will be given on a first-come. first-served basis with only one ticket per person to those who1 bring a bus ticket or facsimile and rip it up. ··For vcars bus fares were the cheapest form of public transportation." Woestemeyer said. "That"s all changed. at least in most markets that Texas Internationa l serves ... TIA's bus fares are available for sale beginning today. ·. A capital idea. London, Paris, and Rome for •41a.oo Dlscouer the treasures of the Old W:>rld as.you spend bar fuD days in each one of thaa pat European a cruise on the Seine in Paris, and a dinner party in Rome. Plus a host of extras. AD for just $418 to $665.• And 1WA has great low capitals. ~two-week ~·~irr­ duda hot9I, a theater ticket In London, fares to get you~'~· So ~ay to L..OOCJOn, • Paris, and Rome. It's a capita) Idea. ••reb la Getaway Month At: Mesa \'erde Travel & Tours MllA Yl .. DI CINTlfl ·Z101 .. ..__1a.-•• c.tl"M.. CA 11121 • The Daily Pilot has special . ~p for women wilh p~ems al home or work Maintaining a household while pursuing a career isn't easy To help today's w.omen wi th those challenges the Daily Pilot offers a wealth or resources. Sylvia Porter advises on finance. Ann Landers helps with domestic pro· blems and Sunday's You /Your Money section focuses on .-area business trends and opportunities. Other Daily Pilot money savers for women include the Supermarket Shop· per column, advertised values. coupon savings and tasty recipes in Wed · nesday's food pages. And the Slim Gourmet helps women keep those food values off the family's waistlines. Women also save gas with the Daily Pilot by tindin& their needs close to home in Orange Coast classified ads Meanwhile. the Ad Sitter tekphom • ans wering ~cr\'ice free~ \\Om<•n I rom staying home while their Daily Pilot classified ad works sell ing household ite ms or by find ing a ba bysitter. Consumer advice and help with problems coml' in the Daib P1lo1 ·.._ Al Your Servu.•e column Informative. in ·depth feature!'! on neighborhood people . pla ces and trends are found on th(' Featuring pages. Every day. all along the Orange Coast. women's lh·c!'t arc made easier by information and ad\'ice found onl~ in the Daily Pilot Subscribe today by calling 612·4321 or by mailing the couwn lo Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. P.O Box 1560 Costa Mesa, CA 92626. and local advertisements. ---~----·-----., ~~MlllW' ·~ Help me al home and work I Send my Daily Pilot Subscription tocla~ I For a month"s s ubscription mail S4.00 and coupon to Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay t., I Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 I r I I I I I I I , I --···im---------.. . I .I •. , \ Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 7, 1982 Center -A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's• Bank of America • Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema• Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades • Mesa Verde Florist• Mesa Verde Travel Mione's • Music Market • Piecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern Cal ifornia Optical Spa Lady• Swensen's • ADAMS a: 0 cc a: MESA VER E < CE NTER I • 2701 Harbor Blvd. • (Harbor & Adams) Costa Mesa, CA • • • " • j I ~ llllJPllll SUNDAY, MAACH 7, 1912 . STOCKS REAL ESTATE -,. 03-4 DS-6 ~· . Orange Coast stocks: How did they perform ' last week? See D2 """ • Ex-clerk fashions a mighty career 8y SANDIE JOY Of-~Pllee ..... This love story begins with a young woman who aspired to be a 1ood wlfe and mother. Howeve r , she h ad a little problem. She loved school a nd all aptitude tests pointed to the sky as h er limit. Turns out, her sky is pretty EXECUTIVE PRDf llE A long-term career wasn't her objective. After completing college with two years of studies in Munich, she stayed on in Germany as a translator /interpreter ror the United States government . Tbat was the one and only job she didn't love. Matter of fact, she hated it. ' round out I really liked to work," she explained. That statem ent re presents another significant clue to what makes Betsy Sanders tick. She's no work shirker, and her enthusiasm for just about everything she's ever done, is doing or plans to do is high. Meanwhile, immersed in teaching and -as s he tells it - "virtuall y rocking one child with another ·at m y elbow," her hus band Sandy said he'd like to return to Seattle to complete his high. "I was 50 bored," she said. "I undergraduate studies. She doesn't seem to have yet didn'thaveenough todo." The S anders moved to 'r eached h er limit but, by Thal should have been a big Seattle, ''an interesting switch," •anyone's standards. she's done clue for what was to come. s he s aid, "because we were very weU. Still, however, s he wasn 't living in a fun world in Italy, a At 36, s he 's t he happily thinkingcareer. fo ur-year.honeymoon. Then we ma rried mother of two. She had gotten married a year came home in 1971 and took his She's also corporate vice out of college and moved to Italy 1950 Ford named Martha off the J blocks." pres I de nt and Ca I if o rn i a where she began studies toward regional manager or Nordstrom. a master's degree in a Boston 1 n Seattle, s he m ade the the third largest fa s h ion University program offered on rounds of employment agencies specialty store in the United the NATO base. and learned there wasn't much States. In the midst or graduate of a market for a person fluent As such, she has total fiscal, schooling, she gave birth to her in German. There weren't any ad m in istr ative and man -firs t son and, shor tly a fter teachingjobs,either. agement respons ibilities for earning her degree. bore a Reluctantly, she fell back on a the $85 millio n, four-stor e second son. letter of introduction to the I I I l Southern California division, While employed as a part·lime Nordstroms wh~ch s he was which e~~loys 1,400 people,_ ___ ·-Le 4-C.b~ l.h.a-.A.me Fi ee n _..:.:JQatbe. lo-41.a." -- ----~ e's a so on-the board of .lostitute she h8a a revelation. <See EXECUTIVE, Page 02) SHE'S..COME A LONG WAY -Betsy Sanders has c limbed the corporate ladder al STILL GOING STRONG -Carl Batzer is the ·top salesman at Newport Stationers Inc Oelly~ ... ,....- Nordstrom. advancing to the pos ition of \'il'C president She's also raising two chi ldren. directors or an outfit that's about to open a new bank in Orange County. Would you believe 10 years ago s h e began wo rk at Nordstrom as a $2.46·an·hour clerk? And the job was only temporary -she thought - ·· until he r husband finis hed college? It's true. The youn g woman ( a .k.a . powerful executive) is Betsy sa·n de r s who , with h e r e ffervescent personality and attractively trim appearance, certainly doesn't fit Into any stereotype about hard-edged power-mad fem ale executives who claw their way to the top. This Is a love story because, as Ms. Sanders tells it -with a . warm chuckle -s he's loved everything she's ever done. The oldest of four children, Ms. Sanders pursued an arts degree in college figuring to work for a few years until she was married and had children. \ DOING THE JOB -Betsy Sanders. right. confers with her executive secretary. Nancy Kochenderfer. At 80, he can 'conquer the world; By RICHARD GREEN Of tM Daffy ~IMC Staff Carl Batzer is an 80-year-0ld example or what can be accomplished when you're young at heart. The Mission Viejo resident, who celebrated his birthday last week, is the top salesman at Newport Stationers Inc. and is described by his boss as being the kind of guy "you could conquer the world with." Batzer, a dapper fellow with a vigorous handshake and piercing gaze unaided by glasses, doesn't have to arrive at work until 8:30 a.m. but usually s hows up at 8. He doesn't have to pore over trade journals and study up on computer software -an area or s upplies that Newport Stationers is now branching into. But doing what he doesn't have to do and staying up with the times may be the key to Batzer's success. ·'I grew up in the old school where if you didn't do the job right you were told once and if you had t o be told again you were shown the door," Batzer said several days after his birthday, which ·was cele brated with a surprise party at the company's corporate office in Irvine. "Now they're afraid to tell an employee anything for rear they are discriminating. I'm not saying a lot or young people aren't worth their sail, but many seem insubordinate or not serious about the job." If Batzer is anything, he's serious about his job. "I think h e gets e n joyment from self-discipline," said Barry West, owner of Newport Stationers, which has three s hops in Newport Beach and one in its corporate office DC FOCUS building ln Irv~e. "He tried to retire once and bou ght a home in a rural area in Northern California. "After three wee~s, be called me and wanted his job back. We could conquer the world with more people with the diligence and work ethic Carl has." Bat.zer's sales for~nuta is simple but in that simplicity perhaps is its effectiveness. "He calls on people with absolute regularity and punctuality," said West. "His productivity is incredible. He has a route and if he loses one customer he looks for a replacement. "He can teach younger people that life doesn't have lo end with Social Security." Batzer, who has worked for Newport Stationers for 10 years, said that one of the keys to his s ales approach is offering service to the customer. "I call on regular commercial and industrial companies in portions of lrvine, Costa Mesa and Lake Forest." he said. "Service is one of the virtues of sales. Service is good in the eyes of the customers. They don't wanf you to be there just to write up an order." Batzer doesn't have any plans for r etirement. "My 80th birthday here was so good I'm looking forward to my 90th here," said Batzer. "I think I have a pretty good s hot. He said he doesn't have any special exercise program or diet to keep him in his trim shape. "I just avoid sweets and 1 get all the exercise I need getting In and out of my car and walking and calling on my customers," he said. It's up to you to protect your credit rating 87 LOUISE COOK ._ ..... .._ ..... one·third or the U.S. population -and serves nearly '25,000 subscribers. TRW says a b o ut 500 ,000 consumers ask to see their Illes each year. home. Others only let you look at lt. U you have been turned down for credit within the past 30 days because of a report from a credit • bureau, you can see your report for free. If you have not been turned down . for credit, there may be a small ebarse - us ually under no. Jn either cue, the uedtt bureau mat, by law, provide someone to help you Interpret the information on your record. t . . A healthy credit rating can be as valuable to you as your good name,· and it's up to you to protect it and make sure the CONSUMER CLOSEUP ·record or your bill and· loan payments is accurate. IDfonnaUon on your financial b'blt.s is 1athered by companies known as credit bureaus, which, in· turn, pass the facts and fi1uru to potential lenders, employeri and even imuren. 'l'bere are nearly 2,000 credit ba,.... acrou &Ire country. 1)1 &ar1Mt of them UH com,.... Htworb to collect, store and report JnformaUon oa mll.Uodl of Amertum. TRW'a Credit 0.ta, for example Uepl ftl• aa • n;nton ewumen -·more than . . The credit bureaus themselves do not decide whether you will get a loan, Job or lnsur&Me • policy. They simply r elay informaUon on how you have handled credJt ln the past. :ro help make sure credit reports are accurate. Coneress passed the Fair Credh ReporUna Act of lint. The law gives you the ri1bt to see YoU.r credil record and HU up a mecllani1m for corr:ectln1 mistakes. · It la a aood Idea to check your 'credit record on a re,Wa.r ball, even lf you have no SMrtlcular . reaaon to auapect a problem. First, you'll have to find out which credit bureau bas your file . Start with the Yellow Pages, looking under credit bureaus or credil·reporting agencies. Call each company until, you find the right. one. II Ute credit bureaus are not listed ln the directory, ask local credit granters like banks and merchants for the names of the major bureaus in your area. Once you know where ~ IO. call or write the credit bureau to find out the procedure for obtaJnln1 your ftle. You wUI have to provide tdentiflcatloft slnce lt la tUe1al for tbe credit bureau to let an unautbortaed perton loolE at your me. . Some credit bu.re_. will live you • copy of your record to take .. If there II a miltake in your me, notify the credit bureau. The bureau must lnv .. t,11ate your complaint and correct any erroaeoua lnlormaUon. Cop6es of th• correctiOn muat be .-to •• ,.. wbo .......... ,.. ftle for tbe IN1Ddle fJI a cndlt check wlUWl the fall 1ix moatbl. If you are DOt latllftld wttla tlle ,...... of tlu credit b-.,rea.a (8" a.olS'UP, .... DI) •· 1 • I • 11 I Orange Co11t DAIL'! ptLOT/Sunday, ~arch 7. ~882 llllGI CUR mc11 Following 1 ore the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange Counl11 /irnu for the week mded Friday, March 5. Data provided by ~ •wport Securi~t Corp. -· :ft)I llJ&lqlUT•S ,_, 'Nun·=:t .. :?!f.. I .,. ·,,, !uo IWO • LOC&t!CMI O(·H•01·n CllUU • • nooal ... -...................... -·········-·· ··········-·-·····-··-....... ·-·········· ..................................... .. AUii ALI UGI &ltllll ·-=·· MO -UC llFL a.10• ~ :t::~. 'I:;. : 11 00..,.oo, ffto. CtUIO 2) C.-oro• k n• • 2' c .. pro. Caro • CIO'H 25 C6•1•1'"' COi~ 16 C...h .. • ll ooL CU5M :i =.~r.::r ~m 19 'h tua DU'4• )0 Do,tnor "''· UL }I llCO, !Do, HIC )2 JU llloro. II PM )) l ldorodo Ian• !l.08 l' ... 1 .. Corp DILi • !' l'fo.lvt Ion Tooh • • ,6 IH.,t. Ind, 111 }l '-"' Wu~ Pl•. PllF !I '1ret ..,.,..r. f'AMt!: 9 Fl14or Corp, . PLR • D PJ\tor°""rl>on PCH • '1 Por h tter L. ran• '' CO<to,..I &•to. CO& '' a..iorol To,... CTCI U Ooldo• II. H. CVH • :: :;:;:b "in::'"P O~HI 'T H~l°"Lloo MIU U krl\010 Ion• HRn •t i-•ro• Inc 1- ~0 Itron••• Inc. ... 51 •rto Tooh. nLr SJ 1.&1. Ill lo Ut I.CU ~Z t::·~o!!::~;u ~~:: 55 l.oa &lul too LU C S6 L•tllor Hod LUTHU 51 HoCoeO. Corp, • 51 tt.rcurr s... MSL 59 IUorv•••lc:Oft. M3CCA 60 MoNl\ ... e• 1nd 1Mll$ 'I HSI Dou CorpoMSI 62 llotlonol !<I. Nl:C • 6) llo"ll .. Pood U UQ •• 1141""'1 ••• nu 6S ••1Jl>orL Cori>. N!MP• 66 .. •port t l ect JIDll 6T lloport Phor11 llllPH 61 Mow Vorlo c .. Ht\IV 69 lucloor lt.4.3 HMSI TO OUt loo ODD Tl O.OIMdlool OOOMI 12 rac' nc Sci •n PSl 7 l Partcforo Pete PAFP ~!."~c~.'' .. ~ 7, Plp•r "ydro P!UW 16 Pru 1•1 Co. roe • 1T .... lotronh Ptwl' H :::10~~·t~i. R;TO 80 •I f:duotrlu UI I t Roueo.r Corp '"C • ll Soni .. , Corp. sao os.uo ... 011 I• SJ llooe Sr• :SLCll• IS St l•erore1t l SLY • 86 Jo.Ith Int'!. Sii ll South V. Ion~ Slll Stat140rd t.o1 . S'111L' 89 5LOnilrd Poe. SPP • ;~ ~f~!"/~:: iro.i: 91 ,, ....... u.. . . 9' T•ohno\OIJ Hktntlf' '' Ttlert 1• Co•· -• n i~:;~~~~. h i:g 9T Ul lndult. TltTI 9& DHn "-•tool • 9' Oltru 11tou ULT~ 100 Talench 9enk - 101 '•r·OO Int... VJtC :g~ :rs i:a· ~~ 10' vtc. Inc.. var '~ Veat.e• {ftt 1. VIT'I 106 Vt_,,ercOf'P V.SPtt• 107 VoaLOro Dia. VDCL 108 VH tlu41 II<. VISA IOf VII lo~• C4. I 10 Vrllflt ... ,., VUX 'H MJn" •a Int.• 1 V)I lr"'I~• AMll•l• .. ,,,..i ...... lrtla• ..... r\ ... o .............. 1 .. 1 •• 0r .... ""'°'' ...... '-""'-1•'1· "'11ortOA eona 11ue in•h•l• """°'\ kaeh •• "'"" e., Aaah•l• "1•'91• lowport loooll Co•to ..... 311anta Ma "'•"•'• Ol"•na• W.wport. h•Oh .h~por' lo1011 r u111rton .. Wpf)r\ kMb ,,.Dl·• An• lrwtn1 Anaht t• Coit.• ..... S.nt.1 Aft• ,..wport. .. •oh TUa tln .S..nt.a An• lrwtne loehol• hWJM>rt loooll $ainw An.• lnln• Anaho l• Laavno RI Sol Mahe Se t\lattn Sant• Ana Oran1• llewPot"t a.ach lr•ln• Aneh•I• Mewport atacb Orena• H:iNtO" Yl•JO t..1uf\a Hill• lr•lt1• La11.1n.a ,., tlt Lo.a Ah•Jtoa Coat.a Me•• tr•ln• Hunt.1. l each S.nt..a la.• ~1 lerton Coeta M•a• Vewport e.acb Yul hr ton [r•lo• Coet.a Keea .S.nl• Ana .. vport. h ecn Coat• ,..,. 111.,....,. ... u, '1• ........ ... . . ,.. .... 01 .. eootto arM. ..... u ... " .. , .... rti "4oM U•I• • oloot. laalllnt ,.. ...... 1 ..... U' Oil rltl• °'ula. ... lllftl ~==~ "f n•tP. 6 .... • S.r w &oe Jt.at:t¥1 rro11n toOd ft'Od. ... , C.t.•t• h• .. t . ......... ru t roodo ..... .r. ''"" ...... "'I· lloo4 dooro lanllln1 *•bln• loola pr ... ••tn.a• & loan M'1 l urr •1a. encr. co ... rol•l e.nktn1 tMa Hh ee,.. .... -.. b"llde r• ladlo • Teh. 6 Tr-u. Pow•r ~pplr •ta. Mlaroprooee1or •Y•· Sp.to, e l10. tY•· S.•ln .. & loan lleot.a11.& ••It.oh•• Macrov••• couf'lttr• a.nktn1 '1•Ctronlol co.put.er •'•. "°tor~· S.•tn1• a lo•n H Sl60 ... IUO&O IHDAO fOI OTC OTC •. oo ·'' 1. I) •I) .. ,. 1.00 1 . ., •.n .'1 1.00 • •1 •.n 1.00 •. ,o n u n.11 ''·" Ole a.so '·" .m ,1:n .u~ •&Sl&O • )I ·~· NUDAO \.6' ).6) ore llO llO ore IS. U 15, 1' . =~::~ ':1~ ':1: U S>AQ .,0 .SO OTC 11.00 t2.00 Ole .l'i OTC l.00 US>&Q 5.50 OTC I ).00 UllO&O IT. I) OllO&O .H 1.00 ~:z'l 1. ) J •• J &.~ ll:IDAO 8.25 0?1: e. a llUD&O 10. TS OTC • 5 l ur •.l'i WTS! 8. I) 6.lS 1.00 u; u; 1.so I.ZS G. lS . JI •. l5 I. H TH\• ln•tArano• NUDAO i 2.oo 11. f5 "°"Y on1r. • oonol. NT~f l t.n 19.88 'l•orooerbon ploot loo US>&O 6.)6 S.H Prec•1t eOf'teret• MA~AQ \.~o •.oo "l•lo-•tor au. US>&Q 11.6) 11.50 Co•put•r lfl1phy ttr. WllDAO .~O .50 Mob 1 l no.11a Oo•r•t• tl••Pl t a h lte11th soe1 'ower Con• & Lauri a.nklf\I 1a.unOOhAnOal.t 'rod Core Miao,., Prde. Pac•e.alf•r Ter•lftah Sewer ••rvtces lrr. SC.rip Cbert. '•~or"4•r Vlld II r. ,.rk ftlio• Tracie Jntr••enoua C.1.hetar Ate l ••t•t.e & part. S.•lnc• 4 lo•n St•toOl\duct.or prda . toouu .. proctaa M CI\. Det• entr"t t•r-•lo•la &Sf 6.H b.\O IUSl>&O 11.~0 11.00 OTC .1S • 25 U S>&O 5.~ \,lJ IUSl>AQ 10.00 1. T5 11&:!1>&0 1.00 1.00 OTC .10 u :ioao q, n NASl&O 1. 50 MUD&Q .6) ll&:ID&O '·'l NA:!l>AO 11. 50 o~~~ ~:~l &St ].18 OTt 1.18 M&Sl>&O 2 .15 Uf 15,50 . 10 q,6) 1.50 .6} 1.31 1•.so 1.6) j.00 ). 6) 2.6~ 2.50 ... fi8 Yocat.lonal hot1.• stud1 ~T.St ').89 l].')O raat rood r ••t•urant 109DAO q, )' 9. ]8 Dnll Dtsco•ort N&:ID&O 1.2~ 1.25 llbrat.ton SQulp.Mnt MASDAO 18.00 1'.~0 ll•ot ..... "'"'· ll"tt.r. llfAS»AO 1.CiO l.?S Dr•g •fgr. N&:!l>&O 6.50 5.~J Oo•. Co•puur :Syoto .. U S>&O ).U l.25 · '~ cUl, T:• ::~ti: • t . I CO. 161 ,.,o.11 llC (•.to) ,_,, •• , • ,.. t.Ot 1. I '2·1•·1D 11C • '° 11., 11.11.ao .... , 10.111 • 11.,1-10 .t).• ),)6 1.7 •·'IO·tl • '·' 0.91 '·' 1t.)l •IO llC • 11.11.10 -.e L16 n.• •-10·•1 • 9.1 b-)0·11 llC 0.51 6.• ll·l•·IO 10 .11 . ,~ n~ • '·' O.IT !IC (O.lS) llC o .• l).) 1., .... , ... •l ·) 1-10 7.9 1-10-•1 •·• 10·)1-ID -6·)0·81 17.6 ll·)l-10 • •Jl~ cg:~~) ''~ 1 .~:ft:~ NC 6.0) .9 11·)1.80 !IC 0.5S 11.6 •2·1•·10 • 5,1 o.66 2•.6 ~.u.e1 • 7 .9 fO.°'l • 11·!•·80 • J.6 O.TO -n.o (D.Ofl • S. I (O.D1> NC o. 1' llC 2.0J '.. 2. 1• .... ' • s. 7 :~U ~ llC 0.61 '. }1 D. 70 2. Tb 1.61 • l.1 l.Oo • 8.b 1.8) • 9.9 .9T .11.1 l.lJ . 2.. 0.05 llC (0.26) • t.9 .50 . •.1 •.56 ... (0.5b l •.6 9·!0·11 l·l •••• 6-!O·l 1 11.& 12·1•·8D I.I •l·J•-10 '·' n ... 11 .. ~o 11.2 9·10-91 6.0 11-)1-81> I ).2 6-18·~1 I ' 9·}0·8Q •.9 1l-)t ... •• ~.A •2·!•·~0 1.0 10·)1·81 ~.9 1.11.e1 1.0 11.21.80 -• 1.01-~1 6-)0·~· I !.O '>· )J-~1 b.•1 9·)0·8• •l· J 1.AD 12. l 1.,0 12.11.10 .. '.) O." IH oS .11.s a.6~ 11.2 •r HC I0.18) ~-jl-10 • 1.1 D.)6 16.8 8-J1.81 llC 2.52 .. l 12·)•·80 llC o.o~ T.u 9·l"·'' ·ll.1 fO.Hl 1l·l•·80 ·26.1 1.t,, 11.4' 9 .. ~0·9' llC C0 .021 .•1.~ 0.65 • 6.• O.I D • 8. 7 0. I) • 0, 1 0 .2) . •.o 1.•9 • l.1 1.A8 I.... • 11 llC O.Ol . 1.• •.19 .10 0 0.1\ ::2:; (g: ::\ 6· ]0·8 I " 6 12.11-eo •." n .. J1 ... eo 10., 9-Jo-9• •o.q 1.11.e• ~.q 1-1~··· 1.1 ll· 11 .ftQ Tl. 6-tO·b• ... U .. \t .. #10 '"· t; "'T,. \ -~' 15.D 1/.\1.8D 15.i •·!D·8t ·1 -t 1.R 1 -.voort &eaoJ\ Hoapltal dh•. "It• IUSDAO 1.00 l.ee ... •.o o.o, ~.J,.ll 1 An•h•l• Info ,,.oc••••n1 Prod #lSDAO 8.~o &.oo -5.q 0.81 ff.I J .. 11.~1 &nahot• Mr8• er S-•nnor• O S>•O 5.<o ~.~o MC o.~1 •o.r •1-1•·6' An•h•I• l'lec. ff)ttr. I .,... WYSE ''·1~ u.so .... l t..111 t..a 11.:6.80 Howport ,.... Oil . c.. N&:ID&O ••• .JI .1q.~ 0.01 11.n 9-J0-81 • JeJJitf .... L•_,._..Q,U..All4, OA.t--.~ -~-~1 ~ ~ •-.JOdl~ '< C --.-:.~ Anabel• Solar M••ltnc -'Y•· N•SOAO .81 .81 tee' 0.01 .. 9'-1'-I l ewport a.ach Mo•• Cont tNollon ITSE. \\.~) 10.00 -••.o 2 • .,.. l.6 1-1.•·lt lr•lne CNputer printer• JfA.!DJQ lO.~ 18.00 .li).O t.l• llll,5 J-1'r·81 lf"'llD• 1-r •y •)'•lt•• OTC l.15 1.7~ llC o.oq le>.• 1-~'·80 Sonh An• Co•or••• rtruhcu ll&:!l>AQ .)8 .)8 NC (0.551 • l·J'·~' lr•lo• ~•t•tl '"'""Hu,..• WTJC ~.6~ 5.~o -l.J ."ll ~'· ~-t0·""' Lo&ut>O Hllll lr'ftne ,...,port h•c"' Tuatt tt lu•n• 'arll lllewoort hach Yl•J.• S.nt.a Ana Coat.• M.e• """ CleMnt• Carden OrO•• A.n•h•l• Hoe• Conet. I 01t. lua. T•le,..OM 3Yat. 011 •nd C.1 Htc lnt•1r•t.•d Cl re Hob 11• t\OeHll Dr\ l lln1 tool.t I eq. an 1.1} 1.00 H•S>&O 1~.00 ·~.~ ore 2.00 •.63 WASl>&O 1.ee 1.00 &Sr 1.tJ i.oo lf'(S[ )).88 29. 1 l .. ,._lit Ing 1aaco ~. n Ot.1nal •1• coeo. Otc' •.~o "°" OOflltl"UCtton MTS[ 8.~t) Votor ro .. •al 4.. OSl>AO 8.~ Hrs FabrlootoO Proo. USl>&O 11.l~ '1-oJect .... •oftw-art' OTC '·'O lr•\ft• .,._r,etln, S.f'•le•• US>&O lr•tne Coe-put.er pet"ph. •'4· OTC U:ID&Q M&S>AO 1130.0 U.gun• Hl l lt· fWd lc•l tnatru..~t• hwport. h act'l Ol l 6 1•• ••P· 4 dr. Ot-anae Ct•an l n1 4 Po l t 1h Pr. fount-aln Ya\le1 Medlc•l ,,,,.r OTC 1r•tn• rut l•rton Oren.1• tr•lne An•h•t• •wp-ort. .. ach C.rd•n Cro•e Tuel tn hvpor"t hacn Sant.a ln• rouet.al" ••l. -rt hoeb r~l lertoe D1&!"••rln• 6 Con•t .. nkln1 Otl tteld looll ' eq. llftc, a,.a~, ,hniltn•ll"a. .. •ovrc• ReOO•f'f"'Y ,,..tctlt forverdtn1 Ot. l and Oae l&SD&Q b.1~ 6.25 OTC ,. . 00 lS.00 NTst 11.00 9,75 ~&:ID&O 1,15 .88 .. S>lO • 9• 1.00 U! ,.00 '·TS U :!l>AO • It ,25 C6•put•r cont.roll ore WASD&O 1.18 T. 81 S.•loonduct.or de•tce1 MASDAO 1.1~ 7. 7~ Bo•"1•1 NAS>&O ).lS ).TS Aetoap.u~•/Mlirln• Prod OTC '.SO 1 .~O 011 ol>d c;.. ll&Sl>&O ,,15 ).15 Auto '•rt• a. Aec. llf!.St l«i.7~ 1~.00 .... ' 1 •••. s Q..1" '' I 9 ... 4"·tl-O.•~ ~'·' fi•l'~·!' .. ... u ... ,.a, . · ·~ . •.1 ...... 0 O.t7 •1.\ q .. \0.1\1 C.1~) • 6-l0·9•" 1.,, 1 ... 12 .. 1,.ao *' .•• ·10.9 f0.~21 llC z. I? • J.o '. 81 .. }O.• '· H •11. ! t 1 .,~ .u.• 0.1 JI!" 0. 7' · •~. l O.Ol .u.T o.•• • , •. o lit 10.•9 ·T.•O.)\ llC .. ~, .1&.8 1.11 ·19.6 (0.1'i) • 6.-0.11 • s.o ro.•u1 •)1.6 llC 1,01 NC fO.O., llC • ~' lfC O.•• "" 10. 191 • • A 2. 06 ".,. 11· ~ '-'"O ... '0· l •-fl:D \,Q 11-0-~C'I •. w 1. ,'l ... i'lC 1 ' l'-,.,,.,, 't.j• .. •h f .~ ?-J•.~' I.' 9-10-80 l'.O •1.11.90 n.• 10.1·-~o 9-10-90 ~-' .e• 11.0 1.J1.e1 u :~:l:::i ... ~-)' .. ft t t.1 1·1'·1• • ll·l•-8? 1.8 •-10-~· 6-l0-81 ~.6 11.31.ea 1.a •1.1·-~o )· 11·•· 7.1 •1·1··~' ,---. •lfllllll ''" lllC• I In tOOO'• ......................... Zl,600 l,,,, I 1,00• 80,Hl 9,'11 0 l. U0,000 11. 11• 0 618. •n ''·"' 110.' ti ',o•• .... , 11 t .8TO U,11• 17 ·'°' 6.010 !.01' ,. •• 111 t 11,b29 2 .~60 V,756 . --.~•l 19, ·~I 1. 180 b.1•) \ii ,q 19 11' ,00tJ •l .I\•• 10,hJI I 1,907 10.0~1 •i.ot• 89. )ft~ ~'' ,o.,q h,011.19' • !9,) •• )1,901 IZ•.89 I 'l.• ,, b \,\" c, l,OH M l,1-_61 1. 19' 10. l Jf ., ,;:t 7. ,, ' tO, t• .. o t,"'I .'> '2 81.1 ·''1 ·~" ~T 1--, .e'-'-' l0,•lll1 •?.161 n• '· 190 ·1:m _,, .. , i:m .1,JIO tl'i,000 l,•n 0 u,n, ... '19 IOj Jh •.9~T ,., .1110 ~IT . ,. bl\ •• ~•9 ll6 • , T tl ·OOll 1~l -69 -96 7~8 9,56' \, 161 1~0 '· •o• I,/,. ·l.110 1.l!o J, •o~ ·~9.118 l.58S 1.2n •Zl -901 t ,ll"i" 1 .20• ••• 11b l•~ • .~2~ • 11• '~9 l •• ·1•b I ,2•8 .751 • 161 1,910 • 1• '11 l ,lll •,01ir. 1 •• -.... l .109 •19 , . l•,q -n"- '.~~~ q" 11,'f•l l .21• ,.,..,.,1 1,,1· ~1.18• 1 .1~1 ~ 1 :M!)I) --;io,~#~ l • l ·~"' 1~. ' ~.1?9 Li; ... ,~ •. ~. l" I, Oij6 11 111 10'1 .. 1,11qu I 'l!lfl.> 1'>1 . , 1.0>2 .. ~.ti .. , ""'•. q) .. •• f'-1'J •r .oh? 'i.' '" -11.'~" I ,fJ ,.,, T, \~1 ••••• b' j •• , 11 1.n• ,, .. , 19. lll 't, "Ill\ •OA.'11 ~n.~ .. l) 1.aqr , 1ei • .Alfl , "· ,,q 1 ..• 0'0 .~o>i 1. ·~1 1.1·~ P,,..,,IJ •0.100 MO .. ,,. .t,QP '~.01, •.10' ·11 ~I .. ,. .. t . ,.~ ·''' .. .. ,. .. "" •91 . , .. ._ ., .. '.o ... -2~ -·~l 991 '·""? l' ,900 -~o· JZf ., .q~1 , . i6•,, -•1 I 86 •9• .99~ 1.~o. Ir IOU VOlll.O LlU TO HCUll U llPOJT SICUUTllS COllP •• MOlmtL! llllSLmD 0THI OtUllOI COUNTY STOCl RIJOU" O• UDIUOO&L RttOns 01 1'111 AIOU OOMPU IU C&U. (11') 951-1081 us ro, J &rr•n L. U Lr&UICl. PUSIDDTI & C'l l lDIC&TU Tll&T IDIPORT sa::u•n1u co•POUTIOI MU & PU91.15MID •UU,CM ~"°" &IAIUJIL! OH TIIU COMPUt tt·t.••h • e ttort_. •r• Md• c.o u .wre t.be 1ocur•or •M u .. 1 tn••• of th• ••t.• oon\.aln•d ln th••• tettlea. whteh ar• li•••O on •ouN4:• t1•11•••4 to IM r1llat.l1, but. tuol'I aeoar aor •n4 tt. .. tSn••• are not. l \l•rantt•d •n4 tftvport .S.e~rlttte •nd t.hla new1-pa~r a11\&IM no ltat.t 1 lt1 ror any lnaeourae1•• or unt.IM l In••• of U1• dat.• ouol hhed htrt. OllQ.O)S ijuana's . building boom ay bring 200,000 new jobs TIJUANA , Mexico <AP> -A ecord 'building boom is under ay in Tijuana despite interest ;ltes approaching 30 percent d an inflation rate of about 15 e r cenl -and despite an · peeled 800 percent average • ke in property taxes this year. '.Hector Aros, administrator of e border park where a new ternational border crossing ill be built, says about $200 illion bas been invested so far. 'Ith 5,000 people assigned to 'bs. . 'After completion, the re are xpected to be 200,000 jobs in 400 ac tori es r a n g in g fro m gh-tecbno logy e lectr onic anufacturing t o furniture roducticn, Aros said. ·Althoug h cons truc tion is ommon ' throughout t he city, 'cond only lo Los Angeles as iggest West Coast cit y, an s timated $500 millio n is armarked for the Olay Mesa st ol doWntown Tijuana. A dusty -plateau is b eing ana(ormed into what Aros says oualy will be .. the larges t dusuial park in all of- exlco," al government-owned Jed coverinl 1,000 acres of nd. Already 51 factories including •l\ratn0dern . II at1u.•blt9:_ ctim.lcs plant and a \lameaa kll llbrit. are in operation Ith 20 more pnder construction. •In • reeent Interview. I ve .. mebt adviser Francisco llibert •Umated construction t~ another $200 million II bdet ~ay in Tijuana where ldln1 COit.i are sUll one-Wrcl oae ip the United Stale~. bof.,... ceinters and hi&h·ri•e b1 ... buildin11 have been •• ~TQ,flialQ 11 1t1U Tijuana'• re~· h•duatry, produc&q ,. _ ... 111oe iD r••-lMt •••etordtaa to lo~• u ·t11reetor of l•l• U ..-.dffn....aal .. .........tCoadl. .. .... • ow we have tile . . ........... IORDl!lt ULDtNO BOOM -A high-rise condominium and 27·level hotel go up in the border cily of Tijuana, Mexico, where record building is under way. At the east edge or tbe city, a $500 million industrial park is being built. phenomenon of our •ncluslries produeln1 for tbe M exican market," Munau•• said. •''lb• lndutrlal aector •• 1otn1 t•~uftb a boDanaa period.'' Pllt bert Hht, Al alwa~ • .-m,ao,.d en.a-of Knlco UTfv• resuJarly la ._. of rtndtnc ,work at hlcher pay • than elMwhert in the country. But laborers are being imported to keep Uae building boom iotni. In the words of Homero Re1e11 dlredor of InternaU6aal relatlQna for Muncuta•a development counell, "We're IMlDI the maturlnt of tbia d ty'I economy." • She citied for an appointment. "I did everything wron1." ahe cl11lmis. "l usked to s peak to Mr. Nordstrom, and theru were 1lx ol them. The person I first talked to was Bruce No-rdst.rom . He saw I had Lived In Europe a nd saw m y ed ucation 10 tbou1hl I was looking for a glamour job. He thou1bt I was fUgbty;• she speculated. Undaunted, s he convinced Nordstrom she needed a chance to prove herself and that 11he had mouths lo feed . She then went to work in what she describes as the firm'• most crowded stor.e in a department wh ere t h ey h a dn 't p laced anyone as young as her in years . She plunged In. "I sold," she said, "and I loved it.·· Soo n , s h e wa s give n responsibility for m anaging a small area wit hin a department and, she says of that, "I loved it. .. For her firs t manager ial effort, she reca lled, s~e was responsible for one mannequin -no people. But people, it s eems, are a mong Ms. Sanders' strengths. She quickly began moving up through the ranks but balked when her store manager asked if she wanted to be a buyer. ''The poor man a lmost had apoplexy," she reca ll ed, when she said she dldn't want to be a buyer but wanted lo be a store manager instead." Ren ecting on the early parts of her career, Ms . Sanders mused. "It was a really special time in our liv es . Sand y gr aduated with a deeree in economics with a 3.78 average, up from 1.72. He got all As and Bs. He did reall y well. · • l was keeping bread on the LOVES HER WORK Nordstroms office. Detly P_SUff ...... Betsy Sanders recalls her career at her table and he was working hard fig ure out whe re Costa Mes a Diego -as well as for a large at school. 1 got a lot of ins ight was. dis tribution center in Ontario. into h o w me n · s mak e up "Our decision was pretty weU The only' thin~e doesn..'..!J.i!<~ .. '·!'-l" o.Jw._~ di-U~5. !.f'+C'" .. --n"~e-in thf: .Jqsimriug," stre --11oourlfet ~o is mvent0ry. . • women's. said . "Sandy was willing to "Then it happened," she said. move with his company ... We "One night at the dinner t able I ,had a lot of consideration. There said," ·rm having a real good we r e two days of non-stop time and don't want to stop talking and I don't think either working .' Sandy said, 'Thank of us slept. We decided to go for\ G<1d. You 've been so happy and it." ~his is where your talents lie' " When they got to Los Angeles Thal year she was offered the in March 1978 Ms. Sanders said buyer's job s he'd a l ready she was really excited until she decli ned and each o r the sa w the s m og a n d bega n Nor dstroms took t he time to thinking "Wh at have I done?". explain to her that good store She added, "I got that awful managers were good buyers. feeling in the pit of my stomach . "They were really open," she That's th e only mo m e nt of s aid , e m pha si z i ng t h e lookingback l 've hadyet.'' tre m e ndous s upport s he's Speaking with genuine received from he r employers enthusiasm about Nordstrom. t~roughout her career with the Ms. Sanders said everyone who firs°:i· k th b . b works for her pulls together. .. e too .e .. uyer JO · Indicating she feels fulfilled I loved 1t, she , exclai~ed by her cUTrent position . Ms. and she thought shed stabilize Sanders joked, "I 'm so far as a buyer for five years, but 13 behind I think I'm first." m6nths later she was offered a · position as store manager. Sh_e added. "Our growth is It was a big s hock. she helping me barely keep one step reme mbered ahead. I ha~e a good plan for Recalling the day, she said. next week . . 1 ·m in a position · · 0 n e of t he e .x e c u t iv e that has so much growth secretaries raced down three · · I I i k e worki n g for noori. to tell me the boys needed Nordstrom. I can really thrive me right away. here . I'm probably very typical "I thought she meant my sons of someone who has a career because the No rds troms had here never called for me hke this... "Nordstroms are very frank, The secretary did mean the v e r y e n t h us i a s tic , ve r y Nordstroms. though . s upportive ·· She, thus. became manager of Then she said something any the Bellevue, Wash .. store. casual obser ver had a lready "And. guess what, .. s he asked, figured out. · · I r e a I I y I i k e d s t o r e "I can •t do anything I'm not management." whole-hearted about. And, I just Thinking s he lacked technical don't spend a lot of time ln knowledge . the e nterpris in g s ituations t h at a r e los ing young executive enrolled in a situations." lO ·mont h n ight certificate As cor porate vice president course at the University of and California regiona l manager Washington in Seattle. of Nordstrom, Ms. Sanders is Through the course. which responsible for operations in was designed f or middle four storei -in South Coast managers bei ng groomed fo r Plaza, Brea , Cerritos and San FromPageD1 "l have a ha rd ti me being excited about inventory," she admitted. "l get bored. I don't really like the technical. I get bogged. down in discussion of traffic ... bogged down in a lot o r con versation about data processing and you can see my eyes ki nd of glaze.·· She added, "No to.yo days ever a re alike. I had one day where time went s low. That was in 1974. I remember the day. I was at loose ends. I really remember the day because most days just whiz by." She enjoys the people part of her job and wishes she bad time for more people contact but, s he expla in ed, a s h er responsibilities grow, that can't aJways be. Nevertheless, she answers her own phone when possible and encourages an open door polic,y to the office. As for her style of man- agem ent. she said s he likes to keep her finger in everything but where that's not possible. she has developed a support group. She said 1t 's frustrati•g not being able to give as much time to each employee as she'd like . But she doesn't like to keep peopl e w a it i n g so s he's delegated responsibilities when they reach a point where ,she belie ves she can't give a quick answer. Stil l , s h e said , "the salespeople come in an awful lot.·· And she likes that. Looking to the future . Ms. Sanders said Nordstrom expects to open 12 to 15 additional stores in Southern California during the 1980s and that , she indicated. ought to keep her plenty busy. higher positions, she got a lot of book learning and. she said, · · rea I super contacts with 49 people in 30 other fi elds which gave m e a muc h b r oader understanding of the business CWSEUP ON CREDIT • • • world." Soon the Nordst roms were talking with her about openings in Port.land and Alaska as well as in California. ··I d idn 't wan t to go to Ca l ifornia . South e r n California gets real bad press," she said . so she was relieved when someone else was picked for the California job. Meanwhile, her husband had formed a partnership to buy a business in Seattle and that meant l he Sanders weren't going to be moving anywhere. Betsy and Sandy talked It out and decided both careen were important. Then , the partne r s hip's bus iness opportun ity tell through. Two days later, Jim Nordstrom asked her ii she'd 10 lo Southern California because a man was retiring. "I r e m e mbe r ," s he said, "sitting in the office that day and thinking 'Why don't t Just say no. Why put us through this gnashlnl of teeth.' I think \,hey knew I had to talk about it." Tha'\ day, when she picked up her chUdren al school , she wa1 aomber and told them, ''WeD. kids, Daddy ~nd I have to ta19t." Next thine lhe knew 11M wu ask1n1 t.beln &r lbey knew where Dl•ae71tmd waa. ''Probably the rnost manlpulatt~ lhh\1 I've cScme,'• lbeHtd . She lot an alias and tr•ed to . investigation, you may enter a statement of up to 100 words in your file, giving your side of the story. That statement must be included with all future credit reports about you. T he information in your credit record varies according to the credit bureau. At a minimum, ho wever, you r record will include your na me , address, Social Security number, birth date and place of employment. Some credit bureaus also keep track of your job, your earnings and, if applicable, your spouse's ear nings. There is a separate section for your credit history -the type of account or loan, the amount, the terms a nd the r e pay m e nt record. Some of the Information may be entered in code: An "A," for example, may indicate that you paid promptly; a "B" may indicate a payment that is more than 30 days overdue. Most of the information in your file comes from credit granters and is provided by yoq when you apply for credit. Some information -like lax liens or bankruptcy actions -may come from court records, however. Indi vi du al i t e m s or information generally cannot rem ain in your file fo r more t ha n seven years, although notice or a bankruptcy may be kept on the record for up to 10 years. Disneyland unions w vote on contrad ANAHEIM (AP) -Nearly 2,000 Disneyland employees will vote WU. week on a tentative aireement for a 2~-year wase coat.net with the amuHmeat park, a union spokffman 1akt S.turday. The •creement wu 'NllCW Frldar. foar daya after tlao prevlOUI ped eaplnd. aald Bot. lleGnrt9' otille lluter &«'""-Union. I The workers--. ride operators, s alea and ticket clerk•. wardrobe ataff and janlton, amon1 ot.bert -will vote cm tM • propoaat .Thuraday. Tbt tentative atreement "provtclm •ncreaaea ln wa1e1 ••• beneflll," H•d Bob Rotb, a apokeunan for °'8DoylaM. ~ detalll wen available. CarNnt top ecate for ride operatora ll •. 54 an hour. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 7, 1982 NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTION OllOlAftOll' tllC~UDI TH OU 011 Tlil lllW TGel, MIOWUf, 'ACl"C. '11111, IOtfOtl, OIUOIT Alli• (lllt.111 .. All ITOO llCllAllOIU llO lll'OlftOl'I' tlll llA\0 .. 0111\fljjlf ....;~_-... ~--·' •. ----·~-'!"--~ ---7 AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE Olit'""°"''ltC\Ult ,, ....... , ....... OIC,MIDWU• ,~,IC,, ...... ,Oll,OltH4' ..... c1•c111111'11tfOCI tllCllMIU ... DH .. HU If 'ltt ..... &llltlllltflllllf I I l ' RlllEllATI What shohld be d0ne· about housing fo~· aged Our country will be headlna lnto a boualn1 criala for older Americans unless architects start re1pondln1 to the needs and wants of their tutomers. Too many homes are desiped with too many levels, too many steps, inadequate storaae space and poorly planned living spaces for older Americans. A major (but unheeded> problem is kitchen shelves -too high to reach. "Unless industry and eovernment pay· more attention to this growing group of maturing Americans, many older people will be squeezed by the cost of keeping up their old homes and be unable to afford the high prices and rents of other housing if they want to move," is the loud message of a new book, "Where Will You Live Tomorrow?" by Michael Sumichrast, Ronald Shafer and Marika Sumicbrast ($14.95, Dow Jones·lrwin). The book's conclusion~'The design of homes for older people is the .r;dsel of the housing industry." Basis for the condemnation: advice from 1,400 retirees on what future retirees should look for and avoid when buying or renting retirement homes. -One level is enough. "Try vacuuming carpet and stairways when you have arthritis," said a Montana woman. -Most kitchens are poorly designed and too big. Compactness and closets within reach are needed. ''The vast expanse of white Congoleum that has to be coped with" in the kitchen or one Virginia retiree is "a bone.jarring challenge." -The separation of rooms adds up to wasted space. Many suggest combining dining, family and living rooms into one "great room." -For most retired couples or older sin~le people, one bedroom is not enough. A second bedroom can be used for hobbies, visiting ct\ildren or separate sleeping, a majority agree. -Design houses to accommodate the special needs of those with physical disabilities. In most houses, "the bathroom doors are narrower than othe r ·doors," said Barry Robinson or the ·American Association of Retired Persons. "If you are in a wheelchair, your own bathroom could be -a trap." By 1985, the Census Bureau estimates people 65 or over will number 18.l million and grow to 20.2 million by 1990. This is an enormous market for smaller houses on smaller lots with smaller price tags. Since such houses can be easily expanded, they also can be starte r homes for young, first·time buyer!ia The bonus would be mixed communities, wtttre older and younger people could help and learn from each other. The authors <Michael Sumlchrut la cbJef economiat for the NaUonal AuodaUon of Home Builden) plead with buUden to "deslp houses for what people say THEY need. Too many ~ are designed by planners who tb.lnk they know what is ~st for the customer. They don't know." Amooe their suggestions is an expaniioa of rnulti·famlly boualna. More condominiums and townhouses will be needed for home buyers. Apartments wlll be scarcer because relatively few buildings will be constructed. For instance, ln a "double" home, an older person could own the duplex and rent the other side. This also makes far better use of existJng land. Manufactured housing has become an important low-coat bouaina alternative. Yet many local government officials and voters refuse to ease restrictions on manufactured homes and thereby open up whole areas for moderate-priced housing. Zonint laws are frequently outdated. In most communities, zoning a nd building codes are •written to require.big lots and big houses. Updated 01ethods in building urged WASHINGTON CAP> -Builders, often hampered by unnecessarily restrictive local building codes, have been slow to adopt innovative construction methods that could cut the cost or new houses by hulldreds of dollars, a federal report says. "Innovations in materials and labor-saving .techniques, includJng energy-saving technologies, offer potential savings in both the construction and oper ating costs of new houses," the General Accounting Office said recently. The GAO report said some experiments to hold down costs have become standard practice. One example is drywall, once a novel replacement for plaster walls and ceilings but now widely used by builders. But the report sa,id neithe{' the government nor the building indu stry has do ne enough to encourage other money.saving techniques. One exception, the GAO said, is in the energy area. The GAO, which does studies for Congress, attributed part of the problem to the fragmented nature of the housing industry. which slows down widespread adoption Of COSt·saving innovations. Another factor, it said, is the myriad of federal and local government regulations that make it hard to introduce innovations that meet . all requirements. · D oVi '+ ~t hoY'v'& b~ -tht phtfY'l/ ~e~OtA e,an~ (Uf\r\jV\q- Use ll/ISWB /Id Service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in .your classified ad . . . we take your· messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your convenience during office hoars and get the responses to your a.d ... this service is onl'l $5.00 week. For more info~ma­ r--~-~ton~-and~,.w-ptacl!·. ¥-Our~ ad ca 11 642-5678. Orange Colet DAILY PtlOT/SUnday, Match 7, 1982 IRVINO C. DOLNICK ROBEATL. YORKE I DONWISE Personnel changes announced · Robert Charles Lesser & Co., Beverly H i ll s -ba sed managemen t cons ultant and m arket research Cirm, has promoted lrvlng C. DolnJek to director or research services and bas added Frederick Beam Jr . as d irec t o r or th e Com mercial /Industrial Group !ind. Linda ConJleton as special proJects manager. Do lnick was previously a senior associate in the firm's research divis ion . Prior to joining the company in 1980, he was director of market research with Carnation Co. of Los Angeles and C&H Sugar Co. of San Francisco. Beam has ser ved as project manager on num e rou s co mm ercia l /industrial assignments for Robert Charles Lesser & Co. He was previously a senior co nsul tant with Booz·Allen and Hamilton Inc. Ms. Congleton was formerly project manager for Nu·West Inc . 's California Land Div- ision in Newport Beach. Her projects included a 300·acre master.planned community and a 220 -acre estate lot * Robert L . Yorke, a consistent top selling sales agent at the Newport Beac h office of Cold well Banker Residential Real Estate Services for 11 years, ·has been nam ed an associate vice president. Prior to joining the real estate profession. Yo rke was an executive in the recording industry. • Don Wise of the Laguna Beach off ice or Coldwell Banker R esiden tia l R eal Estate Services has been named top sales agent of the year for the Laguna area ofrices, and has been awarded membership in the firm's President's Club. The club is the top step in a five.step awards program and represents only 5 percent or sales agents in the entire Cold well Banker Re siden tial R eal Estate Services' 44 offices. .. Elsa Gutsch has received the Top Dollar Volume award in MOVING UP IN REAL ESTATE closed transactions for The Real Estaters for 1981. She works al the Harbor Boulevard office in Cost a Mesa. She earned her oHice's overall Tops in Sales honors for 1977 and 1978 and Tops in Dollar Volume and Sales in 1980. She was the company's Top Lister in 1980 as well. • Stan J . Rossi has been named director of operations for McLain Development Company of Newport Beach. The rormer director of purchasing has been with McLain since 1977 . His previous associations included executive pos itions with Broadmoor Homes and William Lyon Development Co. A licensed California general contractor, Rossi also headed his own firm in the early 1970s, and is a licensed real estate broker. He Ii ves in NewP'?rt Beach. • Robert M. Toyoda has joined · Imperial Bank as vice president. teal estate, Orange County · Regional office. In his new position, Toyoda is respon· s ible pri marily for con· s truction·related projects, providing loans to finance tract, in dustrial a nd commercial d evelopment. He lives in Huntington Beach. • Kenneth L. Kurek of Newport Beach has been honored as "Rookie o f t h e Year" companywide for Grubb & EIUs Com mercial Brokerage Co. During the year . Kurek was involved in the sale and lease of industrial properties with tot~ considerations in excess of $10 million. • Sybil West has been promoted to design director for the Ch andler's Furniture Stores, Santa Ana .. She will supervise and train lhe stor es' eight designers in her newly created position. J a mes "Wes" Weissinger has * j been appiointed vice president for Walker & Lee lnc.'s New Homes Division In his position Weissinger directs Walker & Lee's overall new home sales and marketing activities throughout Cali fornia, Arizona and Nevada. Weissinger, who lives in Fountain Valley, 1s a member of the Building l nd'Ustry Association of California and its Sales and Marketing Council. Our slnglc-story,2 b•droom townhom•s et THE VILLAS ere alr•edy e grut d•el at $83,990, but If you buy on• this w••k, w•'ll flll It with furnltur• too ••••• FREE I* from ·S83,990 II TH€VIUAS • '1b.I own ttw land • Equity buildup Ind lppl'9dmtiorl • Cfwt tax blniftts • s.t payrrwrts-no rent bauu1 .------·· •APPLIES TO SEL!CTED UNITS ONLY · . I 0 ' . • • • ~I 'J • .. ii • •t 1· ~ Orange Coaat DAILY PtLOT/Sund•y, March 7, 1t82 Finish remodelirlg before trying to sell home •1 aoauT '· aausa DIAa 808: MJ 1a .. bud a&arled re•Melhll •rM-.lu& ..... •MrM&IMWa.tla&eree&la l'llll•!t::J tM werk. He ptd • •• t'O(llper p1 .. w.1 ~' It .. &ear •P paru of Ute kl&cM• .. .-a.a~ IO do IO. l leelNd m)' kl&eMa be ftal•W. i.& &M ba&UM••.,...,...... •ewe. la ,._...,. M &ot laid elf ho• Ml Job ud tM e.•p~ .... , be reM~ &r maay •Olldlill~ We have cleC:liM IO ..U Hd m.ve IO TeH• wllere my h•abaad hi a Job llaed •P· sa-w .. spetHI ..... ts,• '° ttalta. tM re•.._ before we pa& ou Miiie ap for aalet -NormaJeuW. DEAR NORMA JEAN: Yea. A partly remodeled, unfiniahed house la very bard to sell because most prospective purch(tSers have little imagination how nice a house can be alter it is remodeled. Just last weekend I inspected a beautifully remodeled house for which the seller was askinl a l to_p dollar sales price. Then the ~ealty agent_ too~ ·REAL ESTA TE 1111111 m e to the partly completed basement wblcb was a meas. The seller had started to put in a downstairs recreation room but be quit ball-way throu1h. Since I didn't want to buy an uncompleted remodeling project , I quickly lost interest in the house. My attitude is typical of most home buyers who .won't purchase uncompleted houses unless they can get a bargain price. Most home buyers want to buy a house which is in tip top condition. As a result, your p.artly finis hed home will a ppeal to a very limited number of potential buyers who demand a rock bottom purchase price lo compensate for their cost and risk of finishing the remodeling. Before you put your house on the market for sale, finish the remodeling and get the house into top physical condition. DEAR BOB : Ned Jane we have a $1Z,MI balloon payment coming due on our home's second mortgage. We have already contacted the lender, who sold us our home, and she needs cash so won't be able to extend our loan. What sbouJd we do? -Mrs. V.S. DEAR MRS. V.S.: You are wise to contact your lender and begin looking now for money to pay off your mortgage balloon payment. In most areas there is plenty of money available for second mortgages, but it's expensive. Look for sources, especially banks. S&Ls. finance companies, mortgage brokers and credit unions offering 10 or 15-year amortized ''home equity" loans so you won•t have another balloon payment confronting you in a few years. Wail before bui/Jing DEAJl BOB: We've owned a vacant lot for several years. My newly retired busbaad 11 anxious to build a "spec boue" oa It for sale. I think today ls a bad time and he shoa.ld watt. What do you think! -AllceO. DEAB ALJCE : I think you're right. New construction is always risky, but it is especially dangerous for amateur builders with no previous experience. Professional home builders are having a rough time today so there is lilUe reason to believe your husband would be more successful. Only after your hus band has pre-arranged affordable financing and a buyer 's p urchase contract would it be wise to start construction. Don't bother me uith this offer DEAR BOB: Tbe S&L wblcb bolds the mortgage on our coadomlnlum bas written us a REAL ESTATE .UUISTIDIS/CDMMllTS Economically, times are hard but we've survived wone By RANDALL R. McCARDLE Q: Every time I tlll'D oe the TV or pick up a new,paper I become depreuecl. If I cu believe wbal 1 see and read, oar state Is DO& faced w~ tile problem of dropping off Into the 0ttan by Mme earthquake, bat rather of sinking slowly Into economical disaster. I was once very ballllb aboat our area and our country, and now I have doubts. Let's face It, there Is a lot of doom and gloom golag a.roand. In Ugbt of all tills, sboald I coatiaae m y real estate Investment program? I would appreciate some thoughts from you. Thanks. G.T., Costa Mesa A: If the pessimists are not happy now, they never will be. It's very fashjonable to be a "gloomy gus." There are studies that show how · depressed people are, how dissatisfied they have become and bow they are uncertain about the future. ' Especially in Orange County, we are very '.critical. We expect a lot from ourselves and .everyone else around us. And at the same time we underestimate ourselves. our skills, our abilities . • our talerits and our staying power. At times we can look at the problems of the day and worry aboµt ,them as if they · were insurmountable. and act •as U we were a group of has -beens. ' Compost. We have all bad biQer problems to 'handle in the past. We survived those times, !overcame them and went on again. The Oranae Cout communities can be proud of the battles 'they have won to maintain this area as the mecca (where most people would choose to live if they 'only could. As a state we are strona. As Americans •we are tough : We overcame a crushing :depreuioo, two world wars, usuainatlons. riots, ;vtetnam. 1 l My experience has been that people do nQt ;1ack eonftdenoe in themselves . Some have lost conndenee in our 1overnment. And not without ~reason. For decades our ~vernment has been 1kiddlDC UI that it could do more for us than we f could do for ourselves. Just let the bureaucrats 1malre the decisions. I look for a continual u,pward surge and growth because of this renewed spirit and confidence. I personally believe that now •• a good 'time1o inftllt wisely in real estate. ~ R~ JfcCardl• u ,,,......, o/ TM It.cat E....,.,: ,_ti u ca cndhor, ...,,, .,,, ~. $tllCI ..., ....... ,.,. .. .,..,,., II> ~ llcCordk, e/o rlw DIMll Not, P.O. Boz 1•. eo... .... -. ·' letter aderta1 &o ... naa11ee. Our old loH, .-&eta taaa 2t yean remalalaC. II a& t perceat. TIM le9Cler otfert &o .... u •P &o • perc:ee& ol.., teec1o•1 aarke& vahle. a.t dM MW loaa wUI lane •• "adju&able IDtereat rate" atart1D1 at lJ pereeat Hd be fOt' oaly a flve·year term. Tbll HeaJ like a cruel riP-olf or aa I alMla& ••dMaff -AIVaaH. DEAR AL: You're rl1ht. It's sbocklnl bow som e mort1a1e lenders are tryln& to take advan"-1e of thelr naive borrowers. There 11 Uttle sense to swapping your old mort1a1e for a new one at a higher interest rate, for only a five-year term, and with an interest rate which fluctuates. You get one guess which direction that lnterest rate wlll probably ao. It you need cash, inatead of refinancinl your attractive old nnt mort1aae, 1et a new second morteaee instead. Even lf you must pay 17 to 20 percent interest (the 1oln1 rate for aecond mort1a1es today). your avera1e ''effective Interest rate" on the t wo loans wW 1WJ be about 12 percent. Second mortgages are available rrom banks. S&Ls, finance companies, credit unions, mortaage broken and individual lenders. Try to avoid a second mortgage with a balloon payment; an amortized mort1a1e is better. ~· DEAR BOB: I elljoyed your receat aa"eatloa ----------~- IO a .... r reader to bay a taome • a -..year lease wtU. optlotl to pudaaae. How tu I n..I taclli lleaaes at I doa't Me tMm adYertlled la UlJa areat . -DeuJl a. DEAR DENNIS: Most homes are not advertised for sale on lease-option terms. When a realty aeent 1th9ws YOll Jt bo111e you waol to lease with an option to buy, lnaist the a1ent write up your oCfer. I bought my home on a leue-option and you can too. The best candidates are vacant houses which have been for sale several monlhs. Sellers of such homes are often anxious and wUl accept any reasonable offer which gives them income with which to keep up the mortgage payments. MAKE YOUR FORTUNE IN REAL ESTATE A FREE SEMINAR WE'RE A LOT M•E IHAll A aLL Oii Y-WALL .l t HELD AT CITIZENS BANK SPONSORED BY REMAX REAL TORS FEATURING MULTIMILLION DOLLAR PRODUCER RON SUOMAN LEARN HOW: • To retire in 3 to 5 yeots with on income of $25,CXXJ to $50,<XX:l. • To become o miHionoire 1n real estate. • Morry millioncires pay less tax than you. • To pt1chose real estate with no hord cash down. • To become financially indeperdent. ATTEND THESE F~EE MOf\IEY MAKING SEMINARS Dore: Morch 3, I qs2 & Mach IO. 1982 Ploce: I Citizen's Bank, 301 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. Ca. Time· 7:30 p.m. 10 9:00 p.m. Sf.ATING LIMITED • MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW RSVP 714/631-0213 Behind tne oe1 1. Behind the famous Seacoast sticker. Behind ' all the state-of·the art protection devices we make and install, Is Seacoast central station. When an alarm gofS oll on your property, we get the signal in a 0 .. (by. {!4·hour·a-day central •tat1on. If the 11ignal indicates fire. burglary or hoodup, we call the police or lire department Since our central station 1s UL ll sted . our ce ntral stat ion customers can qualify for a sizable discount on their insurance. And to increase our reach, make response time even laster and i mprove effic i en cy w e 're ~c·omputeriz1ng our station But improvements aren't new to Seacoast. We've been getting better lor 21 ·years. And tOday we're the leaders in the security business in the harbor area with over 10,000 customers including a wide range ol big and small retail, 1ndustna1 and commercial establishments. To find out more about Seacoast central station write or come by our new facility at 2488 Newport Blvd .. Costs Mesa Iii\ SEACOAST 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD \I ~CURITY SYSTEMS c114J 642-3490 .m • I I . . I • \ Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, Maroh 7. 1982 . . A second tl~nosis is often beneficial DEAR ANN LANDERS: J am very much lntereated ln the letter h'om the woman who 1l1ned henelf "Thl.lnderat.nack In New York." She had been told by an Incompetent and lnaenaltlve phyaicl&ll -tn tbe presence of her husband -that her test for VD was poellive. You wisely let h~r pt\.yjldan have lt wltf\ both barrela and listed a few diseases that could produce a false poeutve. Many years ago I was en1a1ed to be married. I had a trou'ble~me infection and wen't to a gynecologist. Hl• diagnosis ; Gonnorhea. l was shocked and territled to tell my flance, although 1 knew I had never been ~Uh anyone but )\im. After a week of medication the pain was intolerable. My condition worsened aod I HAD to tell my flanee because the doctor Ins isted that he be tested also. Whal a row THAT wu. When my flance tested OK. he insisted that Samaritans plan to meet Tuesday FLYING SAMARITANS of Orange County meets Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the home or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terrell. COASTLINE CHAPTER, B'nai B'rilh Women of Orange County, meets Wednesday in Merit Savings and Loan, 5392 Walnut at Jeffrey, Irvine at 8 p.m. For more information call 897-24.55. MONDAY MORNING CLUB of Laguna Beach meets Monday in the Irvine Country Club. For more information call 499·4041. ORA NGE COUNTY BOOK Society meets Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Spurgeon Room of the Santa Ana Library. ORANGE COUNTY QUO..TERS Club meets Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Peralta Junior High ClUB CllllDIR .,. School in Orange. For more Information call 828-3082. NEWPORT BARBOR Lawn Bowling Club meets daily except Sundays for play. For more ~!lformation call 759-9966. CBll~'TIAN WOMEN'S CLUBS, Saddleback Communities, meets Tuesday al noon in the El Adobe Restaurant of San Juan Capistrano. For more lnlormation call 768:6715. NATIONAL COUNCIL of Jewish Women, Harbor View Section, meets Tuesday in Harbor Reform Temple, 2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beach, at 12:30 p.m. For more information call 551 ·4700. NEWPORT BEACH CHAPTER of American Business Women's Association meets Tuesday in the Sheraton Newport Hotel at 6:30 p.m. For more information call 830-3009. • Cell for Brochure '57-0211 T ropiul Fish • Fresh • M.-ine ~q~uium Supplies. . ~peclcirMorat 6; 1912-Morch 12, 1912 · Lobeo tronGtu• 4.99 En.a.ion a .,._, ttr .. mlin.d atltlno body, pectcwolt, ventrals, donof, anol and covdal fins blood r.d. I am a' CJ'eafUre that wil heitthfen the YieWln9 piecnure of mMt any oqvorium. I din ollo on e•wl.ftt sccrv.nger and algae eater. See me Ot ::.::-Tropkah WMN I am on sole undet the nome "A • Rainbow Shcwtl" few only .4.99. I ~l 15l6W: .. ker•eo...... ~. ~ 541-1111 • Corner...., a .. .., .. --. ------. DIVORCED? l go to another doctor. By that time I was ln aaony. The second doctor dlae,overed a severe kidney and bladder infection. After two w"kl I was areaUy Improved. My doctor demanded that I tell him the name of the gynecologist who had given that bum dia1nosls. He phooed tbe doctor in my presence -aad ate him out but good. So, again you were ri1ht, Ann. It pays to eet a second opinion. -GREENSBORO, N.C. DEAJl GREEN: The moe& extraoYdlaary part of 1GUJ' letter 11 that the aeco•d doc&or ) ···~ SLAVERY AND TORTURE . WERE OUTLAWED LONG AGO, f,VT, FOP. SOME REASON 1 MARRIAGE: IS· 5TILL LEGAL. CJ tlU A.toh .... " ••enl Att fll6g!hla At..,... DIM Tr._. Comoenr I ••e,. inc Shark film draw1 1uit HOLLYWOOD <AP> -A judge has ruled that a "Great White" shark movie can continue to thrash its way through the nation's theaters because the mm is not a copy of two other movies, "Jaws" and "Jaws II." Universal Pictures, whose 1975 "Jaws" was one of the most successful movies of all time, bad riled a $1 million suit and had sought a temporary r estraining order against Film Ventures International and Last Shark Ltd., the dlatributers and producers of "Great White." - But U.S. District Judge David Kenyon, who viewed all three movies, said that while there were similarities beween the fllms, there were not enough to restrain "Great White," which stan James Franciscus and Vic Morrow and has been playing in 300 theaters nationwide. f callH &M Rn& .. U4 la•bu&ed llal• for &Jae I•,....., ....... _. BaU1hdM! ••a •1 klM' of fella! ., ...... ,..... ............ .. Juat Uaat, we ...ad laa ve a talP.r qaaU&y of medical care la,tlall CffDtry. a.een! DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 promised myself, lf you ever did lt aaain, I would write and complain. Well, you did it again 10 I am complaining. When, oh when, are you going to stop advising girls who have had bablea out of wedJock to tell their fiances the whole story? Don't you realize a confession like that could blow the romance to smJthereena and the &irl could lose the man forever? Not all men can face a blow like that. To risk losing Jl great guy by confessing something that has nothing to do with him Is the dumbest thln1 l ever heard of: And )'OU keep ur1tn1 11r1J to do It. I had a baby when I w., 16. lneKptr1enced and foollah, I wu. Today I am marrlH to a terrific person, and we are expect1n1 lJ\ a few months. 1 wouldn't for the world apoll the thrill of letting htm know it isn't my ftnt, as-well as hla. THAT secret wUI forevel' be locked in my heart. -NO NAME IN NEWPORT NEW. DEAR NEWPORT: So )'Otl plu ce•eewi tUt secret locked la your beart forever, do yout AJld tell me, pleate, lie• do yo. p...,..e to keep It lock.ed lD u.e moatlaa of tlMM wlle how abHt I&? Yoa're taklag a big rlak. It II oot eaay for a mu to accept , ... fact tbat u.e woman be love• bd a claUd wttll aottae.e et.e. 'l"lae Ume to n.d oat U Ille I• equal to the cballen1e la BEFORE 'YOU .. .,,, ...... Good luck. · Aquarius: Hidden resources found By SYDNEY OMAaa Monday, March 8 ARIES (March 2l·April 19).; Goal is achieved th~ough cooperation by member of opposite sex. Foc us on basic services, special procedures and employment. Dependents and pets command more-than-us ual atte ntion. TAURUS <April 20·May 20 ): Good moon as pect coinc ides wilh luxury, pleasure, speculation, romantic interests and intensified relationship. You'll have luck with nur11ber 6. Young person presents "gift or appreciation." GEMINI (May 21 .June 20): Accent on real estate, territory, property and realization that a cycle has been completed . Conditions change, terms require clarification. Check safety devices at home. CANCER (June 2l·July 22): An idea which previously lacked substance will now become solid, viable. Money, promotion, production and special sales procedures are highlighted. Message or call could result in s hort journey. LEO (Jul y 23 -Au g . 22J : Financ ia l ''impediment" is removed. Cash flow resumes. Longstanding project or assignment is completed. You are ready to let go or past and to take "cold plunge" into future.. VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 22): Lunar cycle high. circumstances favor your efforts. Timing is on target. Intuition strikes note of accuracy. You make valuable, new contacts. Creativity and roman~e dominate excJtlng scenario. LIBRA <Sept. "23 -0ct. 22 >: Study Virgo °""OM.Y 'tll tOOl'.M SAT b1$001'M message for valuable hint. First Impressions are accurate. You'll be center of drama. You're the main ev~ent. You learn by teaching. Emphasis on iotriguet. romance and a clandestine conference. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Pressures are relieved; what you seek becomes available. You'll be dealing with live ly, creative, r estless individuals. Gemini, Sagittarius pel"Sons figure promine ntly. Travel plans come into focus. SAGITTARIUS 1Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Orders "from the lop" tend to be restrictive. Have details, HDlllCIPE ,factual data available. Diplomacy necessary if you are to prevent one close to you from acting in foolish manner. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19>: Message from a distance contain s "stamp or approval." Emphasis on communication, style and creative capabilities. You'll be dealing with energetic, original, idealistic people. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20· Feb. 18): You discover "bidden resources " Family member makes gesture or conciliation; key is lo be diplomatic, gra~us and to accept gift without being embarrassed. PISCES (Feb 19-March 20). Emphasis on public r elations, legal affairs, pa1tners hip proposals and status or a ver y important relationship. Go slow, lie low, defer decisions where possible and play waiting game. --Pllene For Free Es1111-tim-11211a---terP---- • AMAHBM 306 8 Slal• Col._ IM ••COSTA MIS.A 1704......,.,,,a• ... Toao 23381 El TorO RO •• • llUU.8TOM 2645 E c;,_,_ Aw • ....... HOYI 13292 EUC*c! ,.,.. • HUMTIM6TOM llACH 1355 s... ,.,.. • L.AaUMA llACH 312 Thtrd 81 • SAMT A AMA 1 &.oo Eornoer Aw • SOUTH ~I CO. 7•307 °" l'ndD • TVSTltfottAMGl 1020 ,,.,,,,.. 81 U5-20Jt 642-0270 "'""" 779 ... JO '71·H71 . 142..0J20 760-0760 HJ.2171 H141J4' 7Jl·4575 Main Ofl1ces & Plant 1297 Logan Ave .. Costa Mesa ~1386' RADIO DISPATCHED VANS SERVING ALL ORANGE COUNTY "Free Pick-up & Dell~. Call Community Nearest You" (1; COIT The World's Largest. Most Experien ced ' t' Drapery & Carpet Cleaner Distinctive Fashion ------ Every Sunday r1v&a. •1 aebl• Ceek. P•t•a m , HS ••tea. taJ.•. 1 w11 only several yeara 11<> that a younc .opbtb&lmoloci•t named Robin Cook wrote a novel called "Coma." It went on to become a beat seller and a movie. ~ Since then Cook has 1Written ''Sphinx" and 'Brain" and established h lbol llVlfW jJ , .himself solidly as a t o p -notch writer o f popular fiction. . Thlnp do happen to Isabel, of course, but they are so obviously contrived that t h e reader, try as he might, is unable to make that willing suspension of d is belief needed to accept l.hii meandering story. Isabel's father ls an aloof genius of sorts. Her mother ls slightly dotty, gettina that way because her son left their Canadian home to join up with tbe North Vietnaqtese and got killed by the South Vietnamese. In addition, there's a n eighbor down th e street, a retired general who, when he Isn 't s booting pool w ilh Isabel, thinks he is being haunted by a ghost out or the past. It's au just a big ,much. His latest, '·Fever," not only enhances that rep1,1tation, but also reveals him as a potentially seriou s 1lovelist of rare talent. For "Fever," despite its 'oap-operatic ending, is a bTilliant study or a man under pressure, of ""Phil Thomas Q.l -A• Sout.b, vulnerable, you bold: • KJ87J O Kt • AQ7S.C3 The biddlnr hu proceeded: S.•tJa W..t N~ i:u&- 1 . , ... l ~ , ... I • P ... ! NT p .. , 3 • Pa~ 4 • P ... 7 What. action do you take't Q.Z-Both vulnerable, as South with 60 on score you hold: •TIS ~5 OQ10854 •J932 Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What action do you take'/ Look for answers on Monday. Q. -More ud •ore tlae Hweak tw .. bid" 11 appearlq In your brid1e columaa. Pleue teU ·me wlaat the re- qairement1 are for u open· lac weak two-bid, ud bow you ca.a 1how a powerful bud lf tJae demand tw .. bld 11 'l,, G.Olf NL ON BllDGI ' BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF •• loa1or available. -J . Taylor, BlllWe, N.Y. (Tld1 q11e1tlon ha1 been awarded t~ weekly pri&e.I A. -Left answt1r the aecond part or your question first. The weak two bid 1s a con vent.ion, and when you adopt it, your opening bids of two SJ>tdea, t.wo hearts and two diamonds become weak bids, showing a good six card suit and less than the values for an opening bid of one. That leaves two clubs as the only si,,ong, game forcing bid available to you. It says nothing about the club suit-if your hand is un· balanced, you ~ill inform partner or your long suit at your next turn. As played by most, a weak two·bid shows a good i.1x card suit an a hand of 7 11 points. Most of the po1n ti. should be concentrated in the long suit, and the hand should contain I to I 1tz, possibly 2, defensive trlck1. Jl IS this le<:Or\d factor that makes the weak two-bid dif ferent !rom other prHmp· tive bids -•t is both an offen· s1ve and a defensive bid. whereas the other pr~empls ue pure ly defensive weapons. Here are eome sample hands, Which would qualify for a weak two-bid in spad09'/ al•AKJaaa I;:> a a o ••• ••• bl•AKhn <:? K llJt 0 ll ll ••• cl •AQJ 1t1t1t <:?QJJt 0 J ll ll •i· di • Q J 10 ll ll ll <:?A xx 0 Aa1t •• ol +llQlOua <=>As:iu 0 ll ll •• n • KQlOxaa ~Aaa 0 Jl ll ll •• Hand a) ls l classic exam pie of a weak two-bid. Hand b, ls too s trong defen· 11vely -it contains 21/1 def en· sive tricks-open one spade. Hand cl is a maximum weak two-bid. Hand di has too much strength outside the ,ong suit for a weak two· bid-open one spade. Hand el should not be opened with a weak two bid because it con· tains a secondary four-card major; if partner holds a heart suit, there 1s a danger that he will pass two spades when you might be laydown for a game in hearts. Hand fl is a good weak two bid. There are several method• •of rnpondlnJ to a weak two- bid. and we can't diacuu them all here. TtHt following 11 an outline of the most popular. 11 A raJae to three of opener's suit is preemptive. Opener muat pasa. • 21 A raise lO four of opener's suit is made with one or two types or hands: a) a strong hand with which vou expect lO make game; or bl a hand where responder wants to increase the preemption even, further. i.e., a weak, distributional hand with ex cellent support. Sead uy qMat.loH fer tll.11 coa .. a t.o: Charlea Gere. aoct Omar Sbarlf, care of tlll1 aew1paper. Eac.11 week a prize of a eepy of the aew ''Goren'• Bridce Complete," a 19.95 vaJue, will be award· ed for O.e queation jlldaecl 0.e beat received. bureaucracy and of AP Books Editor man's greed, stupidity ,~~~_:_=-..=..:..:.::::....:::.:.:.=:..-!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:='!:='!~:='!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~:='!~~=:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~=:!!!~~~~~ and pettiness. · His protagonist is Charl es Mart e l , a 45-year.old internist who turn e d ca n cer r esearcher whe n his first wife died of the disease. One day, horror upon horror is piled upon him. First he is told by his bos ses at th e Wei n burger Cancer Research Institute to put aside his own research whi c h i s n ea r a breakthrough and take over the research of a new cancer drug called Canceran, which he knows to be not only useless but toxic. When he refuses, he is given an ultimatum : Do the research or leave. While he is s till smarting from that blow, he learns that his 12 -year-old daughter, Michelle, who has been running a fever. has the most dangerous form of leukemia. His shock turns into rage when he discovers t hat h e r ca ncer probably was caused by benzene, which a rubber and plastic recycling plant has been dumping into a river that passes by his home. He tries to have the plant closed, but his urgent pleas not only fall on bureaucratic dear ears, they also provoke antagoni s m and violence. To hi s ul ti mat e horror, he learns that the recycling plant. the drug company that is anxious lo make a profit by marketing Canceran. and tne Weinburger Institute all are owned by the H n1e company. Cook., a gifted story te ller, seems to know instinctively how human minds interac t with each other to produce tension and drama. On top of .that he bas an unflinching eye on the tealit~e• of today 's medic~, of which he bas first -hand knowledge. Waka Tsunoda Associated Press T .. E MAY SPOON. y A. Carleoa. Beaafort Sooks. 21'1 Pages. SI0.95. A . Carleon is t he seudonym of author une Skinner. It also is the nom de plume of Isabel McMurry, the precodoUJ, 13-year-old heroine and author of ''The May Spoon," a fictional diary. Miss Skinner's idea of writing a little novel and th erJ ~t.ribuling its authW p \o a fictional cb ih1r a precious conceit. It's been done before and, with the pen ln more experienced bands, to much more lntetestJng effect. T he problem Is that the young heroine of ''Tbe May Spoon" is not, as the dust jacket blurb proclaims, a "direct t:~:1~4\~t i::.d!01!~~ l1Jterestlftk and, thus, 1Demouble. Isabel -is neltbw. E..0 In the book, 1he bnw.UllaflY put15 her 'in1et • tbe problem . when-.• oblerv•, •A 1oottt _., rolla aloa1 like ~ nclpe, witb a lltU of pepper here ~II tqarat911lce ..... .aottm11 .. ef ha.,.,.-to ..... Ufa la all ~•r wttll no ........ , ... bl, blab." • l:uet.ly. Call Republic·. You can get discount fares to over 170 cities with one phone call. To one airline. _Republic. We serve almost twice as many cities as any other airline. And we offer low discount fares to every one. Every day. LOS ANGELES (213)n2-5100 BURBANK (213)204333 ORANGE COUNTY /SANTA ANA / ANAHEIM (7W)SA0-2060 Or call your travel agent. STILL ON THE GO Veteran Orange County newscaster Spider MacLean is still lllEA FOUllTAlll uun lOllCI IEACM Btu Plali Foun1a1n Va~ey PJl;ice 5295339 8391500 436 4429 COSTA MlH FUlllllTOll OHllGE UA Ctne~s fo• O.ange M;iM 54().059• 525 4747 631 03•0 ll TOllO Eclwatd) ~' 581 5880 OflAllOl UA C.ly Cinema 634 391 I WlSTMllllTlll UA Ma" 893 05•6 -------DRIVE·INS----- CAllSOll Soulh B<ly Drive In 532 88 I I OllAllOl S1ad1um 0<1ve In 639 8770 chasing fire engines after station KWIZ. ...... ~otlonlnq lnthc~Wu. "°"'°"" dctcG,t1¥& M&fe.Ula Poltot ~ 0 bcouttful ~on the b&ach. ~lnq that ah. ,I lll06 dsQd. he did not I °"' hcl '° dlnnct. ~'~~"~tvlL UnDfR Tttf. sun """' ...... ~ ... ,,.~..-'""~"""" "°°"'~IOt:;.,..&.Jt.i/'~' ...... a .. ,,..,... 1o2...._,.._..,,.., .... Prn;Q U'.>Jll'Q/ . JQN(; f':llQKIN • COLIN eiu:ll(t;LY ~QJlV . ~~. QCXXJ(~U .'.>Vt.VIA MILi;.'.> · (x;NIO OJILL6V · DIANA QtGG ~b ~TU .:::;:-. bVlL UN(x;Q TUI; .'.>I.JN l'\;oo(. Ov COlC. POQICQ Atorqw t'Y 0;N LllNO«rl'f Ix.~ by QNIUONV ~Frrn COl!IJ(T'C,,\ Ov ANll.S)NV D()Wt;ll Pioovc:~d Ov .()UN ~00\)Qt;!; ono W~AQO COQ()'.ollN Oi1«tc.o 1:>y (,,I.JV utlMLION ---~· Spider celebrates 25 years Orange County newscaster has been. at. KWI Z since 1957 By JEFF PARKER 0( .. Delly ...... SUH Spider MacLean, t he veteran radio newscaster who beat the Santa Ana Fire Department to so many fires they awarded him an honorary gold helmet, will celebrate 25 years of radio work on KWIZ this SWlday. He's seen more fires, covered more airplane crashes, sat in on more murder trials, witnessed more tragic aftermaths and discovered more stories of human wa rmth and decency than any other radio reporter working Orange County. And he's still at it. We caught up with Spider one afternoon early this week, after what 'he says is a rather typical work day. He had risen at 4:45 a.m. to make his daily weather and traffic calls, given his report to commuters from 6 to 10 a.m .. hustled to his office at the County Administration Building a short time later, then gone on lo file eight stories (including the plane crash in Newport Beach > before calling it quits. .. There's obviously loo much to cover for one reporter," he said ... So J generally do the stories I want to do. I could stay up 24 hours a day and not get to all the city council and super visors· meetings. I always try to pick the stories that affect the most listeners. lf a listener can relate to a certain tragedy, a policy change, a school story that's the one you want lo cover." De manding work demands enthusiasm, and MacLean caught the radio bug as a youngster in ,, ... ,... 1:11, • .,. ................ .,.., .. CHAALiS IRONSOH "DEATH WISH 11" <"> and Enthrallng Alm. CHARIOTS OfflRE "PERSONAL BEST" "" " .......... .. "'-· ,,.., ., .. .,.. ....... -1111 "EVIL UNDER Idaho. "I used to lis ten lo the radio all the time. Like a lot of teen-agers," be said. "I loved the station. l 'd always win the •guess that tune• contests. and I used to go down lo help the local disc jockeys clear their wire machines. .. I took one radio broadcasting class in hilh school and flunked it. We had to give a speech and l gave it without an oulllne or script. Nol too lon1 after that I was hired 1:1s station manager there and the teacher came to me wantin1 to put his students on the air for experience. I told him we couldn't because we simply didn't do that kind of programming anymore, but he wondered if it was that F he gave me. I 've been in radio ever sinoe." Macl.ean (his real name is J ean) wu dubbed Spider by a station manager in Salem, Oregon, where he worked before and after World War 11. "I had one foot turning on the mike , I was slip staning a 78 record and had one hand back on the commercial tape player all at the same time," he said. "The ma nager took a look at me and said 'You're all stretched out like a spider.' The nickname stuck." Spider crept down to Orange County in 1957, lo ne wly opened KWIZ. He worked in advertising sales and put in free time as a disc jockey and s ports reporter before filling the news reporters• position when the Orange County News Service - m ade up of KWIZ and several newspapers - broke up. Spider was reporting the news on some See Spider, Page El ~-PlU. 71t1,ta llA•--·-·---··-CHAllLESMONSON "DEATH WISH II" 1111 __ .,,.,_ ·-t.\T_,..,_ 1:11,.,,._ __ -··-119l missitlg. .llOC -.. ~-- --.--m UT-.1·--., .. ..,. Pdw.Hd'i LIDO CI NEMA ._., WP<~f: ~~l,~I: MA/A•:: 'HH b 7 3 ~ 8 3 50 "'';!: ..::-IAU~= THE SUN" tNt AISH CE OF llAUCEBI "" ,_., '*' -t --... -~~~l'lll..._l ... __ ~1'*;;;;..;.o..;;;..;.;;--~..,_~~llA-T/91M~1'_·~-~-·-"'_'_"_·~~--,~~'"":.o .. , __ " ........ _ .~-Bl .JOMN SAVAGE o~-"-""· ,.,, ,_ Tiie UTM'tw-e IC-1A-.1-.11M, ••• ... , .. --~ft•"'-• --IAT-.1 - 1•d .vclr d o.., '.AnDL F Hl\(K P L A Z A -. .... -. ..... ... ,_,--.... ___ _,.. .. __ _..........,,o-u•-- wAUMnaT----·· "PERSONAL BEST'' "SHOOT THE MOON" ---............ ...... ~. "ONE FROM THE H!ART" ................ ... ,-............ ........ .- ... , _. ............. f.J1 ··1ar. ~--... -,.,_, ... --..-. .... .. ( l l I', i I ' 1 I. } . i i : i ,, '""',' ·:.~;" •.. ,. 58 1 5880 ~ .... , ... .,,.._ .... 4ltlu' ..... , .. "':.r:. M'f-l ll&, ......... 'p ......... n. Aiult• -----... ,..._ '::r.: ,.,_ .Ml,-1111 ''DEA1M WI• II" --.. -. ........ ·1s ...&Q::- ''DEA~ ·"GREAT WISH II" WHITE" _...., __ IAT-.1 ... -_.,.,.,..._ .. , .. ~-.... ... , _____ .... .. ,, ____ &ta ..... ..... ,_ --~ ·.-.: "EVI~ UND!R THE SV!f'' -"" .. ,~,--..... ,,_._ W th M Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 7, 1982 ' By FRED ROTllENBl!llG .4'.T.....W..,.._ ~W YORK -lt'S 5 p.m .. 90 mlnutes to air ~l m1 e . Oan Rath e r I s silting at h is borseshoe-s haped desk. Just another newsman. poundln1 1 typewriter to beat another deadline. · It's the desk the public sees every night. Only, before the broadcast, the set of the "CBS Evening News" Is a work area , not a reading room, and Rathe r Is managing editor, not anchorman. Over the next hour and a half. Rathe r will write the copy that ties the "Evening News" into a 22-minule summa ry of the day's events . By now, the lineup for the evening's broadcast is pretty we U estabUshed. All day. Rathe r and his top producers have been on the phone, talking to . field p roducers a nd correspo ndents, asking questions, filling gaps in stories, suggesting angles to pursue. Earlier , working from his own office nearby. Rathe r wa s on t he phone with s ources in Washington, following a hunch that something was a bout to happen in Lebanon, trying to decide whether CBS had enough people in the Mideast if there was a crisis . • ( ; ... .... ...._,, .... e 15 '"' '-• 6:oc:h .. ·• ,,.,. "e·•s IMPORTANT NOTICE ! CMllOREN UNDER 12 fRf.(! H ..... '"' w ..... 111.. r••• fh 5·30 • Sat S.• Hth4.!l0.ilf (loO.A SOUllO • YDUll AM CM w.I IS 'IOtlll ~ 1 f NO UI CM Moro Wiil< IGHl1lOll ACCU$Oltf PIQSITOI -IMIG AM l'CllTAIU 1 • .i.J. CIN(..fl DIWMCS a ON Ml AADIO ... NAHll"' ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN "•••oy 91 Ol l•mOft SI 179·9150 1. "OOCTOA BUTCHER M.O." 111> 2. "SCALPEL" 1111 3. "NURSE CHERRI" ttlt CINI " SOUllO 9U! NA PA Ilk BUENA PARK DRIYE·IN lU\COln A.•e W•ll of KN>tf 121-4070 Bu! NA PAllK LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•~COtf"I .... We\I of IC.r\Olt 121·•070 ~OUNIAIN CM.\AU.a.....,.. .. "DEATH WISH II" 1111 l't.111 "TH! 8UANINO" .. l COii II SOUllO "THEY ALL LAUGHED" fl'GI .... 'SEEMS LIKE OLO TIMES" - ci~. " ll()Ulol) °" n. ...... ,,..-... ,,.. ... ....,... .... "VICE SOUAO" l!'t .... "HARDCORE" 1!'1 "EVIL UNOER THE SUN" --CONTINENTAL OIVIOE" - 'MISSING" iN 1 .... FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE·IN "PURSUIT OF O.B. COOPER t"t Son 01eo o l rwy Of •100,•u1tl oo) 962·2411 Nt S!,,.iNSrtll Hl·WAY 39 DRIVE IN .. THE AMATEUR:' 1111 .... "DRESS TO KILL" nt1 CtNt ft SOUNO __ ,,,, .......... ,_ .. CHRISTIANE F:· .. , .... "l>eATHSHIP" 1!'1 Cll<f. II SOUllD , ... H ... 811 ... LA HABRA DRIVE·IM CINI "SOUND a.cxn l!Ya So• OI G.)toen Gl••t ~•Hwoy 891·36 93 .. DEATH WISH II' l!'l . ... "THE BUR°NIHG" 1111 1 OOCTOR BUTCHER M.O: 1•1 2 . "SCALPEL" fl'I 3. "NURSE CHERRI ' tt11 CU•! II SOUND 'MISSING''''°' .... "PURSUIT OF O.B. COOPER ,,. ll"ftC*•M,...A hoc~ .... G &Motttoe ·~ 171-1162 l)llANGI ORANGE DRIVf·IN °"----·-.. ..._ .... "VICE SOUAO .. 1111 -"HARDCORE" 1111 C.AJrrt ..JUAJrrt 1.&P \lR.uccr MISSION DRIVE·IN Santo •rio ,,_., ' Sto·· c OU•o• 558·7022 THE AMATnlR" ttll .... "ORESS TO KILL" i•1 , .. ~ . ..,. ............... 'ON GOLDEN PONO" -.... ~on 0••110 • ..., COD••"O"O Off •O ... ,;·THe ELECTRIC HORSEMAN"'"' '93·45-tS 771·7731 HuNrlNGIQo; ftl AC: M WARNER DRIVE·IN C:.• EN LA TRAMPA ....... ..0V.I AU WfR1" EL MACHO BIONICO COOi Wo tM • Av• .... Of .. O<" 9'va EL HOMBM SIN MIEDO M7·3591 $-1.00 "' CAILOAD PACIFIC THfATllES OlllY( IN SWAI' MfOS ,, .. n, .. •Ou• IUC•S ... v1 .. o '"",.,It HAlllOll I LVO DlltYl ·IN & OllANGE DlllYE-111 I H 10 l •• U IUllOO & $U• .. , tAU ,Ulnt' 11.i .. 0.ATS At AltAJtfllll llaOtUM *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday ttlru Saturday All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (Elc.,t Special E"91 .. Nnta Ind Holld1Y•I ! ... MllO I l,A MAll LA MIRADA WALK·IN ''PERSONAL eesr· .,., 1t;M.J:M.t•••.1e.:: .. • Miroao 01 llo••c1on1 ,,,.2,00 OUiAUa ...,,,._., "' "DEATH WISH II" flt ,~ ... ~ ......... , .. , .. "AMATEUR" 1•1 tl:'A&.1-•.•.:2t.1:-.1 .. -°""' • ., ........ ,., ·-"THEY ALL LAUGHED" '"' _ °""' _ .. _ ,_ .. __ ··CHARIOTS OF flAE" -·--..-.--.:• LAKEWOOD C ENTER WALi< IN ,.... ___ _ "ON CIOl.HN flOHD" -·-""" .......... ••THEY ALL LAUOHlO" -,_.,.. ....... _. ..... 1 .\1(1 NQO[) CfNHll '>UUTH """'" ,. ''IV&. UNDIR n'9 SUN" .. ,.., ... .,.. .... , ... /4. , I ~. A '.' l !:( AST WALi( IN ..... ,." .-.... ..-.-. tttte "VIC! SQUAD" 1111 •-......... Ul.l ...... .M foc1111y 01 Condl••aoo 21J/H 1·9l lO ''MMtNOLO¥r11 ....... _ .... _it• _...,, ....... -.-1•9""-ll'MI '°""' Coetl ....., .. lrOoclwoy 414-111• • in control after year But as the broadcas t approaches, Rather I~ where he thtnks he should be. In the newsroom. m aking the decisions 6f the managing editor. Not In his otrkc. Not on a sot. "Our place Is a working neW$room and it looks It, which is to s ay it's pretty grubby," he says with a hint or satisfaction. And CBS will continue to broadcast the e vening news from its newsroom as long as Dan Rather has something to say about it. "If we're going to have a new set, you got to ta I k about not j us t a ne w s et but a new newsroom." he s ays. In the one year since he replaced Walter Cronkite. Rather h~s taken full control or the .. CBS Evening News ... He doesn't just read the news. he helps select , shape and coordinate what gets on the air. And even the set the newsroom -is now his . In the world of television. 50·year-old Rather commands a reported fi ve.year contc:act for S8 million because he's a TV star and ABC's Roone Arledge wanted him. But CBS is getting mor e than just glamour for its money. It's getting 2Q yeu s u perience -a man who covered the aasas11inallon of President Kennedy an<1 the tum ult uous Nixon White House and tr u veled the world uncovering stones for "'60 Minutes " There were those who told Dan Rather his ex perle nce woul dn 'l m ean anything as a n anchorman. They were dead wrong, he says. .. Every d a y in so m"t! way , I use some knowledge accumulated over the years, makln1 a decision on what we're going to put on, making a judgment on somebody's script," he says. "It does count for something." ' That was never more appa rent than when gunmen attacked President Reagan, Pope John Paul II and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, three days which gave Rather a timely shot of confidence. Those a re the kin ds of stories that help CBS carry on the Cronkite tradition of being the · net work more people turn to in a crisis . After a summertime ratings slump, Rather has become the No. l anchorman with an aver age audience of 18 million viewers each night since last November. compared to 17.6 million for NBC's Thru April 11, 198 2 DAN RATHER Shrimp & Fish Special s2.99 "Nightly News" and 17 2 million for ABC's "World News Tonight:· It's a treat that's worth t he trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, our crispy fish fillet. plus fryes. slaw·(, hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! The job does not seem to have c hanged Rather or his lifci,tyle. except that has hair is grayer He still lives jn the sa me apartment, tries to jog two mtles every morning and is disarmingly polite to everybody he meets "The ma1or dirfe rence 1s that I do less traveling und I have weekends off ," he said "I have more re~ular hours Jean l hts wifei and I ha vc more time to go to operas. sy mphonies and sports e vents. When I worked for '60 Minutes.' I could go anywhere. anytime " Anothe r difference ts that people used to question Rather a bout his last "60 Minutes" report .. Now they want to talk to me about lhree t hings · El Sa lv<t dor . tnteres t rates and the environment " The transition from reporter to editor has not been entirely s mooth. During his first six months in the anchor chair. Rathe r was stiff und anxious on-atr. CBS fell to third in the ratings for a brief ::iiiil:i:iiiiiiii'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!!t__~ time last summer . ----- Martel Hemtn&E'St PElmJllM. I RI 12:30 3:00 5:30 8·00 10:20 I Ot&ne Keaton on SHOOT THE MOON (R) 12:1S 2:•0 S:IO c::=='='='=O=~==l=O=·O=S====~ J1ck Lam mon --'9GIPG) 12:45 3:05 5•30 7·50 10:10 OiGdli;,,... "-"'Nomi.- ...... .au -·-i ............... It •lliill tM•~· ,.. ............. .. .o«'\_-......... , .• , ..... '"'I _..,., .............. ...... c= l'et ... U siinov ===> EYILUMJEll l'HE-IPGI Cont1nent1I D1v1d• IPGI I ..., ~n•t Hetnintw_1y fl£1180NAL 9EST IRI PlutCo·H1t Urti.n c-bov IPGI The Terror laglns ~T 19tlTI' IPGI Plu1Co·Hlt Thaldand lRI 8 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS • A~T PC!lff ,...,, 1111 ..,,,,... 11_,,,,.,y II Y oWl4t t ~~ ""---~. NOW PLAYING •IDWHDS SOUIM CDU I •LAii IOWUOS SI AOtUll otltn .iw ,, ., I , I ... I I 'I· •CMMTAI• 'llllf , ... _ \ ......... ~ ~ f I ' W llfO•UMI LOWAADS WOOOU IOCl •CCC"U' '0"' '"'' ~s.. ,,._ .. a•er•+iir .. ,,,.,,. \~' ~b')\ tHOAOU tfflfr COftllA CHIOU C.-... ~ '•l~• • .c.ut•• ........ ··-.... -................... ...,, ,... ...... . M A K N G LOVE t ... "'# •• , ... , .. ~:· ......... --. ..... s..1u.. ~ ....-- 7 ACADe MY AWARD NOMINATIONS Including BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTI NG ACTOR ~ Y--=-====== CHAOOlf OE tlRE AIAOOCOllllNtt-~­·-·-:=o .__. _____ ....,. -- I I . • ' " , • ,-; : (.. -) " ~1--~ ~~~·~·:llli . . ... . . -- TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLB ACROSS forth 120 Weeps Pref 82 Battery t South 67 Scatters alCIJd 18 Str81ghten terminal Amertean rubbish 124 OhtO city 19 Rascal 83 CKaWing Indian 69 Corn meal 125 Certain vote 20 Gnawe<I room 6 Nest sound 70 Printing 126 Lavender 31 Ripened 84 Mongrel 1 t General fluid 127 Briny deep 33 Canori 85 FurnilUfe Tom 71 Peets 129 WltllCISm 35 Checks wood 16 Frighten 72 Seraghos , 130 Marine develop· 86 Chris of 2 1 Superior to 73 lnfleidble formation ment tennis 22 Whisker 74 Traveler's 132 Way 38 Property 87 Scope remover need 134 Sharpens item 88 Guide 23 As.an c11y 76 Leg iron 136 Choice 40 English poet 90 Town6man 24 Tinge 77 Placid group 4 t Sp ree 91 Dial 25 Tax rate 78 Wings 138 Wear away 42 Fall guy 94 Abundance 26 Oveqoy 79 Rubella 139 Insertion 44 Mason's 95 Embarrass 27 Indebted 80 Musical sign mark burden 96 Putfs ol 28 Frtend. In 81 Nonchalant 140 Happening 46 Dutch wind Mexico 84 Post 141 Rudolph s women 98 T urk1Sll tttle 29 Nattve. Sul exchange "boss" 47 Parts ot 100 Do needle- 30 Rhino's 85 Tutors 142 Verb form flowers .. work relative 89 L991slate 143 Expunge 48 Scorush 10 1 Heallh 32 ls con-90 Vicar's 144 Small pies 11ver resort earned deputies 145 Su11 49 Dismantle 103 Big bird 34 181 2event 91 Food fish matertat 50 Amphi-104 Much-used 36 Edwards ot 92 Cistern I heater arttele vaudeville 93 Alms DOWN 51 Joins 105 Small part 37 Tableland 94 Penzance 1 Biiiiards t.>gether f07 Dorsal 39 Obtain residents? shot 52 Reach for bones 40 Ovens 95 Predaceoos 2 Lessen 54 Captured 109 Force 41 Triangular fish 3 Flxe<I again 110Blotjt sail 96 A Kelly routines 56 Oklahoma 111 Prope 42 l erge 97 Big fuss 4.Yellow bugle Indian 1 13 Musical sign knife 98 Aged. In 5 Fashion 57 Pine l1qu1d 114 Love 43 Haggard • Berlin item 58 Barter "madly" heroine 99 Polish 6 Crinkly 6 1 Red coin 115 Nobleman 45 Smoothly general labrlc 62 Rings 117 Nibbles 47 Chinese 100 Word with 7 Rock salt 63 Bitter vetch 1 t9 Annoyances temple up or down 8 Moslem 66 Toast 121 Think 49 Sodium t01 Tlde's dress 61 Renters 122 Montana carbonate motion 9 Decay 68 Enghsh city 2 word s 102 Misplay at 10 Vohng "eel" t23 Stamm1n' 53 Piquant cards district 69 Glee Sammyol 54 Oull1t 104 Rocky hill 11 Full of 7 1 Chair back golf 55 Rumor t05 Persia dlHICUltles 12 Break 125 Helm 59 Atlempted 106 T.out 12 Berries 73 Span position 60 Sir Waller 108 Native 13 Les Eta1s 75 Chet's 126 Brain Mongolian specially opening 62 French 1 tO Condemned 14 Before 76 Lawmaker 127 Unusual pronoun 112 Buddhist Tues 77 Not taut person 63 Solssons plllar 15 PersOf} ol 79 African 128 Aerie summer 113 Forbidden conse-stork 131 Commer· 64 Ceylon 116 Boot feature quence 80 Small clals measure I 17 Actress 16 Baille animal 133 Use a shell 65 Sublet Davis reminder 81 Fragrant 135 Germ cells 66 Pours 1 t8 Upon Pref. 17 Together wood 137 Statute 2 3 4 17 111 20 21 25 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Maroh 1, 1982 • • • Spider MacLean enjoys 25 years of newsctutingwithKWIZ rn ..... ,, ot th moet t1mou1. and lnfamoua days ln the last two decadel. "l wu on the air the day John lteMed)' waa lbot. £v.eryoae .... waa aeroe1 tM atreet havtn1 coffff wben the newa came over the wlre,'' he ·wd. "I itoocl there t.rym. to MdpMi-wbat wa1 bappeftl.nc. J'lnt ht wu dead, tben bt wua't. It w 11 ebaOI. I read the releuta rl1bt off the ttlf type machine. Everyone wu stunned. · ••t alto covered the Memorial Day crash or an· airplane headed ror Vietnam trom El Toro. There were no wire services functionina because it was a holld1ay. 80 I red m y story into the wlre. I've seen a lot of plane crash a. Too m any." MacLean de li1bt1 in bumorou1, off·beat 'r e porting too. He 's especially proud or a n ,interview <and subsequent frfendship) with Eller Larsen, the Greeter ol Laguna Beach. "I finally Interviewed tU rri one day alter seeing him down on Coast Highway so many times. A lot or people thou1ht he was crazy, but I fo und out he was not crazy at all, just positive. He was very intelllgent too. He spoke rive or six languages. lncludln1 Russian and Daolah. Of course he didn't look Uke much wUb the old red sports jacket and beard. He wu always sunny, always lull of opt1ml1m. On~ a year he'd walk to his friends' housu in Riverside, over the Orte111. He's a leaend now. He deaervet lt," II.act.tan •aid. "Orange County was growln1 ln leaps and bounds when I cam e here In l957. But even then, you couldn't really see all the chanf:ra that were to come . I think the most lnt.erestl.q * about this county is the people who have come here. They're BASED ON A TRUE STORY. from all over the country. 1'ltb tbt klnd !or industry we have here, unemploymeat bun't been a bu1e problem. Tbe economy la aJw171 aUve and wen. ' "The cban1e ll pbenomooaJ. Wbea I flnt came here It waa aµ oranse srovet and 111dn1 land. Irvine wu a ranch and the Se1ent.ropi family bad nothln~t Uma beam. WbeD you cover a place that ch 1e1 ao much )'OU bave a ard time keepin1 up so etimes. You Just learn to roll with the punches," he said. ~ ' IOWNG STOHi: llSJ SfUflS FICTION 1. "North and SOUth," John Jakes • • missing. Oil ARST AMEfflCNI AlM rf ~GWIW. UNIVIRSAI. P!C!URES ni PQ.\'lilWI PICIUAfS "-II "NRSOHAL tar /s the most penetroting, IMHlrtt.lt ond tft"""'9 movie yet mode about ,,,. Amencon womon's rite ol PGUOV-· ltobert Towne moy be the lint popvlar ort;., In any ort lo"" ond ol any ••• to pktwe the wild beauty ol yovng women w;Ht the mythic gusto usuo#y reserved for YD41"9 men. The resvlt - PfltSONAL llSr -Is one sw .. t eJCploslon:• 2. "Fever," Robin Cook 3. "The Dean's December," Saul Bellow •· "An Indecent Obsession," Colleen McCullouoh · S. "Milrco Polo, If You Can," William F. Buckley Jr. 6. "The Hotel New Hampshire," John Irv Ing 7. "A Mother ilnd Two Da11ghttrs," Gall Godwin 8. "CuJo," Ste phe n King 9. "Spring Moon," Bette Bao Lord 10. "A Green Desire," Anton Myre r . NON-FICTION 1. "Jane Fonda's Workout Book" 2. "Nobody's Perfect," He ndrie Weisinger and Norman H. Lobse nz 3. "A Few Minutes ·With Andy Rooney," Andrew A. Rooney ~. "A Light in the Attic," S hel Silverstein 5. "Witness to Power," John Erlichman 6 . "Irish Erotic Art," Sea mus O'Gallagher McGu ire Cork 7. "The I Love New Yortc Diet," Adler and Myerson 8. "Weight Watchers 365-Day Menu Cookbook" 9. "What Every Woman Should Know About Men," Or. Joyce Brothers 10. "Pathfinders," Gall Sheehy Courtesy of Time, the weekly news magazine. • ~---1)/ii~ J/f/$~"5 ~ "fJ/Qf RJLioltkP ~ Cll'f $£1>! - I -'~.11 l v l ~I~ Ll'°'t \H~ ltNkf\ut•t et .-..,,._ FOCill't•~" V•tn •h2 11 .. "CTiTIOUS IUSllllESS N-E STATEMENT The followlnQ ~rsc1n' •r• dolnQ bu'4neuu· WYNGAARDEN .. SONS WATER TRUCK SERVICE, 11169 l.Ol Aml90' 1 Cir., Fountain Y•ll•y, Ca. 9170I J•k• Wyn~erden, 17J49 Lo' Ami110• Cir • Founl•in Va llo. C• '270I Linda L" WynQaarden, 17»9 I.°" Am l9os Cor ., Fountain Va lley, C• '2109 Thi• 11141neu Is cOnclu< led by •n incllvid ... I CHllYMlnd A Wlltl '-~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~....;;..~~~~~~~~.J J.UWVTIQoMr<»n JACK l£MMON ·SISSY SPACEK 111 111 ( lllWoACJ l l WIS Pluru:I «i Of A COS I A (.MIAS f llm 'MISSlt.(; . '11¥'"'9 M£lMIE M,(\'R()j . D1N SHEA ~ :.'! COSTA.f.M\AS & [)();Al.D STE'MAT k;ed.,, ~ """'· ll'I n10MAS HAUSER MIM 1>r llANG£US ·~ ,. 111Aa11 P£TER GLeER ..,., XlN PETERS ~ 11/ E[}VM) R MUffD LlWIS --- f'ICTtTIOUS IUSINH S NAME STATEMENT The foll-lnQ """""' are dolnQ buSIMUH KYMCO AUTOMOTIVE, 17U Monrovia, o .... Cost• Mu a, Ca. 9107 Jtllrty C. t<ymla, Utt Oranve Avt • s 5. Coot.a MH41. Ca 91627 Cart S Kymla Jr , llOO Sabrina Tarr , Coron• Cle! MaJ. C• 916H Carl S Kymta Sr . 17"1 •Ill St • Yu<atpa, Ca 913" This buslMu I\ conducted by • QeMral partne~lllp Jirftrty C t< ymla OCl!O t>r COSTA·GIMIAS f'ICTITIOUS •USI NESS NAME STATEMENT Tiie followlnQ perwn• ••• d~ln buslneuM· GARY YOCHES .... Al TA DENA l•n A_....,., Pl . Co.ta Mffa, c '2•21. Gary YocM\, 19n Rosemar'r Pl Co.ta ~ CA '2677 K Tobey YO<htt, 1'n Rosemary Pl . Co.I• Mna. CA 91'27 Thh bUSlnou Is conduch o "' hu11M1nd and •llt I( TOC.yYOCNS Thi' st411...,._I WM tlled •1111 ll'e County Cl..-k 01 OranQe County o March 5, 1'12. f'ICTITIOUS IUSINHS NAME STATEMENT The lollowlng person " dolnQ bu1lnttsa .. .. WTN, LTD .• " Ulll N•llle Gall Road, LllQUM Hiii" Callfoml• 91.SJ Aoti.tt E..,_ WhNl•r. G-r•I Partn«r, 1"11 Ntfll• Gall Ad l •QUN Hills, C aHlornl1 '11653 This busln.ss I• (onductod by • limited par1NOlllO ROC.rlE -l•r This •191-1 wa• lll~d wllll ,,,. County Cl••~ 01 Or•nQe Counly on FeOtVary U, 1"'7 Thll statement was llled with the County Clerk of Orar>Qlt County on ThiS ,..._, WM flit<! with IM County Clilrll of Or•noe County on Febtua .., 19. 1"1. f'llMM .. lattt Published OranQe Coest Dally Piiot, f'IM Feb 11. ,.,_ 1, ... 21, l'!J '11.-t P>lbllllwd Or-C:OIUI Dally Pilot, r11[ pni'T 111C arrH I ;-1 J,, I ' 1,. ;\I•' t-j r] 'l r 'l• '1 I) .) u l I •) I . teS2.00 ..,,.IOAT IS FULL .. ..... , "'<R E c.,.,,, H ... .,. '-)I ')f'I''" 0~1 "'""" "( To Place your "Fast Result" Service Directory ad .... Call Now 642-5671 ld.l2J I F .OtVary II, I "'7 .. ,IU66 Publi•twd 0r.,. (OllSI Oally Piiot Publlstwd Or-Coes1 Dally Ptlot Fab.11, 11, M.r . 7, u. 1'17 7•'"'2 Feb. 21, 11, Mar 7, U, 1"2 1•'"41 O~ MUC llTICE lde0~D "ICTITIOUS IUSINIU 0 NAMa STATEMENT Tiie loll-1"9 per-s are dolnQ _.,_..._._ ~-buslneuas: --::,::.::.....--;::-.....::::--~ VAR!.AD COMPANY LIMITED, lftlllllllll;;lll'-l!i "H B.,..,._, ~. Newpon Beach, Catlfornla fJMO. Na•r Ellef-.h. n Rue (anMS, Newport Beacl\, C.lltoml• nwo All EllefaQh, 21 Rue Cannes, Newll0<1 BMOI. C.tlfomla t2* Nau e r 011• Sh lra r l, 1115 l11t1on-11 i..ne. Newport Beach, C.llfot'nlaftMO. Tiiis buslr!fls Is conc1ucted by • llmltff pertMrMlp. H-rO.Sflltail This _, w• !lied with 1tle County Cieri! of Ora,. County on f'ICTITIOUS I USINESS N-ESTATEMENT The followln9 per,on Is dol110 buslneuas· COAST OFFSITE, 711 W..t 171h Street. B·t. COiia Meu . C•lllor11la '2617. Ronald Ray Ressel, 20IJ Slate Sl•fft, COiia Mew, Calllomla '2617. Thil bu51r,.ss I' Conducted by •n lndlvld.,.I Ronald Ray R•- Thls Sta-I WM flied with Illa Counly Cieri! Of Ora1199 County on February ll, ltlt' .. 1-. PubliShed OranQe Coal! Dally Piiot, Feb. 27, -· •• 13. IO, ltl2 111.-t FeOnlaryl, 1"2. Ir------..... -----,.,_ Pvbllthld 0r.,.. eoeu Delly Piiot, Fell. 1•. 21, 21, March 1, 1"2 n6-CJ. r Td fte~ .. ICTITIOUS eUSINIED MAMIE STATIMINT The followln9 ptraon 11 dolnQ .._,,lnH•as: HOMES MAGAZINE, JOIOI T Center Dr .. U9llN Nf9uel, Ca. ttt1'1 Rlcl\anl 0.le St..-. 1t.i32 Pa- Diana, s.i J_, Caolstr-. Ce. mu Thi• bW!neu It ~ucted by an lnctlvl<tual. RkMrdD StrMd Thi' s1•~ WM flled with ll'e County Clerlt of Ora,. County on .Janvary 21, t"2.. Fiii.., Pub111119d 0ranot Coesl Dally Piiot Fell. 20, 21, -· •. 1a, 1"2 197.Q M.rch •, 13, 20, 27, 1"2 101>-a .. ICTITIOUS IUSfNESS MAMa STATEMENT Tiie followlr111 per1on ll dolnQ busl-H: HIGH CALIBER. G Hallotrooe l·E. CO<'-d91 Mar, CA mll Ell.., S. 5/Mrwoo<I, ,,,.,. Dana Polnl Drlw , 0-Point, Ca. 9161' ' Tltls -"-" Is <-led by an 'lndivlclual. EllenS.SM..- Tltls 11.-...-1 was ftlecl with !tit C"""IY Cieri< of Ora,. County on ~*"·"' 10, 1'12. f'ICTITIOUS e USINIU S N-E STATEMENT Tllo followlnQ oerson I• dolnQ buslnenas• DOUGL A S PRECISION MACHINING, UO South Ha rbor 'Boulevard, Unit I, CH Sent• Ana, 'Catllornla °°"91• Er1c De L.a ROM. 17111 BOIN Oita, • )4, Hunllr\Qlon Beach. Calltornla'21Wt. Tltll """'-l 11 CondUcled by •n lndlvldllal, D.E.de l.t Rou Tiiis ,.......,.... """' n1ec1 with tM County Clerk of Ora"" Counly Oft March 4, 1"2. .. , .... PW!I.-Or ..... Coell Dally Pllol. Marclt_•. I), IO, t7, 1"2 f9S..t2, ,,CT1nous IUSINHS N-E STATEMINT Tit• fol1-ln9 ~"""' are dotn buSINUH HOWARD 800KKEEPING, I071 Stater A-, S..11• llS, Hunl~on BH <ll, CA.,.., Mar9le N. -•d, 11761 C:apens.e, Fountain Velley, CA '270I. Flora W..unai., U7S Muir Drive, Buena Part., CA '°'11 Thi' buslr!fls 11 con. ;ted by a ,. ... ral ~lo MwoleN . .-Md This -.n-t was llled with !tie County Cieri< of 0.a"99 County on M.rch J, 1'112 "1MIA Publlthld 0r._ C:oest Dally Piiot, Merell 7. 14, 21. te, 1'112 1cw1.ei ,,. -" l I With a competitor ... , how close can you get ? "PERSONAL BEST" S1amng MARIEL HEMINGWAY SCOTI GLENN PATRICE IX)NNELLY ·KENNY~ llAuSiC by JACK NITZSCHE and Jill fAASCR &ecv11ve Producer DAVID GEFFEN Wnnen, Produced and Directed by Ra3CRT TONNE -R · ... _... 0 , G "OOflN ~te.wx -· ·-" ............. ... L:' _J .... r--. ..... .... -... ._,::.:..:~ • • "C'TITIOUS I USINESS NAME STATEMENT Tht following CHrsons are dolnQ bu11ntHH CE NTRAL PROCESSIN<i, 111 Wo t 11th Stre.1 D·2, Costa Mes.. C•lilornla Howard FrPtborQ. 311 10th Street. s C. HuntlnQton Bea ell, C•lllornl• 97W Pa ul M At.,._n ...,, PrHIOenl• Orh,••. Hunt1NJton B~ach, C•hforn•• ,.,..., Thi' bu,.1nf'n. •~ conductf'd by • ~Mr Al p.¥1Mr!loh1P Howard Frf'1berQ Tiii\ '1.•la"-I WM lllecl with the Cou.,ty Clork of Or•"!le County on February?l, t"7 F1UtS7 Publlsn.cl Or•~ (OHi Daily Piiot. F•b 11, M¥ 7 U, 21 19'1 IQ.el . PVIUC MOTIC f'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS N-E STATEMllNT Tiit follow1n9 P..-•Oft~ a rt dol1>9 b<alntUa• PATTON PROPERTIES, 1190$ S~y Park Clr<lt . Sulit H, trvlM, Calilomla'271• Christ-John~ Patton, 1t09 Tu\lln Ave .. C~ Mesa, C...lifornla .,.,, Oe<11w ~ P.tton, 240t T ustln Avenue. COila MeM, CalHomla m77 Tiii• bui!MU Is <-ucted by a ~r a I P#tnH'\tllP Ovlstoc>Mr J. Patton Tiiis statement WM flled \.1th ... County Clerk of Ora,. Ceunly "" Ftl>tVary 11. t"2 f'llll'I Publl"'9d Or ... COllM o.lty Pl .... i Feb 21, 11, Mar 7. 14, 1"2 1:»t2 PUBLIC •ra -.1 'II \\ ·----MORt•tG- 4:N!~R.F.D. * * "Gitt Ftltndt" ( Ul78) ~ Mey.Oft. a w• lecll A young - i..m. the CM!lnal ""-ol ,_ by wetcNng the "fllngt" of '* ~ friend end deddlng to 118"'9 one Nt'8lf 6:00. VOYAGE TO THE 90TTOM CW THE 8EA 8 MARCH OF DIMES TaETHON 6: 10 8 L.A8T CW THE WILD 5;11 (I) lllZN'M "Elec>ll8nl Men Slnga" ac..a• CHMTOPMEA a.o8EUP (S)MOYIE •• ~ "Bu1tln' LOOM" ( 1981) Rlchetd Pryor, Cic.. ly Tyeon. A bumbling bur- glar, 1 concerned tdw>ollMCNlr end elglll ~ INk•. frlgtll- lng ~try trip In I broken-down tehool bu• 'R' e.-oo.. 8EAENOIPfTY ~-=Tl4E 8 DAYBAEAK LA. D YOlfT'H AND ntE ...... I la.£ AHSWlM AOMPEAAOOM ~~ e: 16 (2) MO\l1E * * •.11 'Jebberwock•f' ( 1977) Mlerieel Palin, MIX Well The kingdom ol • llkNble tyrent. B<uno The O.-llon1ble, II rtvegeo by• Slithery mon1ter 'PG' 1:30 9 FOA OUR TIMES G ntATSCAT 8 AOeERT SCHULLER • PEOPl.E1 0 AMENCA: THE SECOND CENTIJA'( aJ NEWS II§) P\J8UC PULSE (C)MOVIE * * ~ "Cl4IOl)ltrl Jo<>M (1973) Temara Oobton, Shelley Winters A k1rat• trtlned ternele •04H't tor 1"41 United SlllM govern- ment lr>M to br.U up an lllegll drug operttk>n 'PG' (ff)MOVIE • * "Bronco Bitty" ( 1980) Clint ENtwood, SOfl<lre Locke A torme< stooe salelmen from New .l«My reelRel hit dreem ot per· forming In • Wiid West 1now. 'PG' UMOVlE •*•on "Bedlcnobs And Broomttlcks" ( t 97 t I Angele Len1Dury, Devtd Tomlinson. During World Wtr II, a novice torce<est Ind lier lllr•• young trlenda Ht off for a megoe Island whir• ahe Intend• to learn enough about wltc:ticralt to use It egain1t the Nam. 'G' 1:00 8 TODAY'S AEUOtOH D WHrTNEY AHO TME A080T 8 TOPCAT 8 rT 18 WRITTEN 0 KENNE™ COf'a.AHD aJ DAY OF DISCO~RY g) CARTOONS fl) YOGA FC>fl HEAL TM (II SPECTRUM Qt MARCH OF DIMES TELETHON (CONT'D) 7:30 fJ COMMITMENT D RAIN90W PATCH 8 UTTl.E R'8CALS 8 CAMPUS PAOFll..E aJ JIMMY SWAOGAAT SI Mt8lVI AOOEAS (R) (I} TV-8 LOOKS AT LEAANINO ~SEARCH (S)MOVIE • * • "The w orld's Great- est Athlete" ( 1973) John Amos, Jan-Michael Vin- cent. A collCh whO It hev- lng • run ot bad Ioele returns to hit roota In ,II lrl- u and dltcoven a super athlete ·o· 1:00 8 SUNDAY MORHINO D THIS 18 THE LIFE G POHYEAHO FRIENDS • PEA80NAl DIMEN8K>H8 IJ LLOYDOOllVIE SI OYEWIUJE "The Bo•" Wllllfl acquires I dl"8r411\I perapec:I ..... on old eoe wt1et1 i.. befriend• sn 80-)'Nr-old El Berrio r811dent Q Cl) LET THERE BE UOHT ~=FALWELL • * "From Noon Tiii Threo" ( 11177) CherlH Bronson, Jiii Ireland. A drift..-11 rec:rulted Into e 00-~bery gang ••on "Rodclhow" (1980) Paul M cCartney •nd Wings. Thi• record Of ,,.. bend'• U.8. tour lnctudel P-tonn-of "~t." "Bend On The Run," "Siiiy LOW Sono-" end torne old &Niie belled• 'PG' a:ao D OOYlaY ~ EJlen Woode end Jofwl Trutl, the Hug Club; Aft. Eugene 8outlll9', Ex~tlw Director Soutll- em Cellfoml1 Ecumenlcet Council'• Fwndlng 0.... bntloft; fWl«ll Mordl<* Aotem. Or Hed*fl Con- gr9glltlon end Dlr9Ct0t ()f IWMI M<>YMlenl ~ Pro-.... ..,.,. -.--.---------... Wottf CW> QownN!I llOlnt -tne AltWo K1111441har (ft'Olft~~­ Cl\911, w .. 1 Ow"'eny), Amer101n Prole11lo11e1 Gymn11t101 Cl .. t lO •• women'• competition 1"-t..tletlll.J\e I eMOYW **"' "leke Me Out To The W Geme" (1M9) Frllllll llMlre, Gene 1<•1y, T'#O "'1*1111Mt• becofne IMolwd wtltl • P"el'Y ""' wtlO OWl\e • beN«lll ~ and oernt1ter• who try to •loP her ,_ ''°"' win- ning the pennant • MOW! * *... "KllMe FOt My Pr•ldetil" ( ttf41 Fred MtOM111rey. Polly B«gen. A wOnlen bec;omM the llrtl lemele U.S. Preeldent Ind '* r-bend Na 10 ~ wllll belflO Ille flrel mele "Fl,.1 Lady." TUBE TOPPERS KABC fJ 8:00 ··Today's FBI." Agents ~o undercover to crack a robbery ring. KNBC C!) 9:00 ·"The End " Burt Reynolds. Do m DcLuisc in blac k com edy ttbout a ma n who learns he's -dying and decides to commit s uicide. See photo. left. KTl.A 0 9:00 "Children on the Run " Johnny Munn host~ documcntury about m illions of child refugees in the world KNXT fJ 10:00 "Trapper John, M D ... Hospitalized woman i~ afn11d she will leave her baby an orphan eatMOWI * * "Tiie lnd'' ( tt111 llutt ~~OILwla9 A terntlNtlly .. """ ...... Ille eld OI I mentel peti.nt 10 llelp Nm 9llCI hi• Hie '"'* then Wiii unit hie dleMM bloOfnM pelnf\jl (R)Q -~OHTHI ~ JOhnny Mann llOtll a doo- umentwy about 11>9 mll- llonl of Cllild r.ruge. In '"' WOt1ct 8 IIIJ MOV!a * * ~ "Alligator" (llJS 1) Ro~• Fot•ttr, Robin Riker A beby elligelOt wlltC.h hll beer\ llullled into the MWer dewlope a large •Pfl{ltlte tor peopl9 &. OR.CHO li H&HAW GuHll' Don Wiiiiam•, John Her11ord, Conni• NEEDS HELP Burt Reynolds < ri~hl >. Dom De Luise s tar in "The End." com edy about a ma n who learns he's dying and wants to end his life sooner. Tonight at 9 on KNBC ('1 1 • MOeNC:THE ..-TORY ~ TH4E .JAZZ fttANO ID WAITINOFOAA MASON ··orcter0 (t)MOVIE "The 9eli.. 01 St. Tri- na.In•" (lt)MOVIE * *'"' "Sphlna" (1981) Fr1111k lengelle, Liiiey· Anne Down A ruth ... 1 black market entlqultlea ring et1empt1 10 atop an ~tOloglal from dllcov- erlng the wherMl>Oul• ol e l)<icMH Sletue lhe WH permitted to view. 'PG' time Aced•my Aw1ro Smith, Oeriny FIOWera winner end one of Amert-~ Pl.E.DOE BM.AK ce'• _. ..epected and Regularly ec:IWldulld pro- telemed llCI"-(R) grammlng mey be o.1•)'41d e:ao I AGHT aACt( THAT"I HOU. YWOOD due to pi.csg. breakl (.C)MOVIE THE Jlfff!MON8 * * "From Noon Till 8 TOOAY'S 8l.Aa< WOMAH D MEETlNO TIME AT CAlVAffV m l"AB>ENCK K. PA1cE • NAT\JAAL HtSTOAY - CWASUN8EAM "Candlle From Th• Sun" Sir George Porter con· ducts experlmenll on hMt end combuetlon (Pert 2) Cl) ntE LAHAYES ®MOVIE * • .. "All Screwed Up" '( 19781 Luigi Otber'll. Nino Blgnamlnl A group ot Soutnern ltlliana try to llod WNlltll and llapplnMt In Northern lllly 0MOVIE ,. *~ "Plnchollll Grand Prix" ( 19801 Antmeted Aner hta car dealgn 11 llOlen by en ex-GOll .. gue, e brllllent mechanic dec•del to bUlld an even biller racing machine and compete With hit nemesis ·a· ll:OO 0 NEWS CONFERENCE Guest Mike Curb, undo· d•I• for Republican nom1- nlllon for Governor D STOP ARTHRl'TIS TELETHON 8 VILLA ALEOAE D Cll OAAL ROeERTS f1j) SESAME STREET (R) ~ " IS WRITTEN iB MARC:t4 OF DIMES TEL.ETMOH (CONT'D) 9:30 fJ LOUIS RUKEYSER D MEET ntE PRE.SS • rT 0 DAY OF DISCOVERY CD ntEWOfll.O TOMOAAOW Cl) FACE ntE NA TlON 0 KEHNEnt COPEJ.ANO e:.a cz::> MOVIE *** "Caveman" (19111 Rlnoo Starr. Oennll Oueld rhe ctownilh <Y*Tlber ol • barely human prehlt1orle tribe begin• to dllCOYtlf thllt brains and not brawn wiM be the key to hlJ peo- ple's survival PG 10:00 11 Cll N8A 8A8KET8All Los Angelel Lakers •• Phl~78ers D cou.EOE 8A8KETBAU Atlantle Cout Conference Flnels 8 N£W ZOO REVUE D HEJW..D OF TRVTlt CD OOOOER OUOOVT 61) THE LAWMAKERS Corr1spondent1 Lond• W1rthelmer end COl<le Robe11a JOln Peul Duke for an up-to-the-minute sum- mery ot Congreasoonal ectlvttles C!) MAGIC OF Oil PAJNTlHO (C)MOVIE **~"The Young LOl/lfl" ( 1116•) P•l•r Fonda, Oeboreh Walley A young cotlegoen'• romantic Inter- Ml In his co-eel girlfriend W&r\M when he dllC0\'9'1 thlll lhe't pregnant (S)MOW * * * "Popeye" (1980) Rob4n Wltflama, Shelley Duvell While tearc:hlng tor hit lather. the l()ln.cti-eat- lng llitor vteit• • quetnl Nmlel where "' l>I<*• up • foundling llnd • tlclnny -1heart. 'PG' D ACAfJIEMY 8HORTS t0:10• ~ PAE4AME 10:26. PRE 8EA90N M9E8ftUQAME LOI Angella Dodgers .... Montreal ExpOI t&.30 8 9 I008 AAE 'PEOPLE TOO Gue1t1: eclr•H Lind• Grey. Jon "Bowaer" Beu· men, comedian Pet Hurley. anlmel ·~· Jec:ll and Kathy Hanna. kid -It* lorecuter John Trevers I ROeMT 8CHUl.l..E1' OPENMINO fllD MAGIC OF Oil PAIHTINO ®MOVIE **'<IP "Any Whleto W•y Vou Can" (1980) Clint· Eutwoocl, Sondr• Loch . e.lor• Mttllng down wltl\ Illa glll llnd pet orenguten. • tww.lllled ""'1'• lignl up for one 1 .. t. lucratM metc:tl.'PG' .MOYIE •• • "Aolttl•" (t079) Oultlll Hoftmen. v- RedgflW. In London In 1928, 111'1 Af'Ml'lcen ,_. peper reponer mMIS MO ~ 11\vor-ed wllll '"'*' mywtery wrtter ... Ille Clwtllle, wflo 1181 llfl her unllltllful lluaband. 'PO'· 11••rro\ll~ TBDHON e..ovw • • .. "Orttlo'• Clldoe" ( 11113) Bob ~ Ludie Ill. A hM!ft ·-orttlo renegee on 1111 promlM flOt to ,...._ t!\41 pl•y hi• wit• nae written. • MASTERPIECE ll4L'T¥ "I Reomemtler Nelton p..._ alon" The IM!glnnlng o1 the p111lonate love ellerr be'-Ledy Hamilton and Lord Nelton It - through the ~ of her nuabend, Sir Wllllem Ham- ilton. (Part 2)Q '1i) WASHINOTOH WEEJ( IN REVIEW (A) Q) MARCH OF DIMES TELfTHOH (CONT'D) 11:20 (%) HOW TO START TlfE DAY t1:30 8 (II THIS WEEK WrTH DAW> llAN(UY D TERRY OOLE- WHITTAJ<EA '1i) WALL tTAEET WEEK "Can I Miike 50% In Two Years?"' Gueet Metio J Gabelll, preaid«ll, Oa1>e111 & Company (RI (2 )MOVIE ••'A "Jabberwocky" t 1977) Mlchaet Palin, MIX w111 The kMlQdom ol a lll!Nble tyrent, Bruno The Oveatlonable. It ravaged by• atllhery montter. 'PG' ---mERNOON- * * * * "Anlmel Ctect<· .,.. .. ( 1830) Mara Brotllert. Mergaret Dumont C~teln Sp1uldlng, the Alrlcsn •~Plorw, retul'n• !tom a recent IQ(pedlllon to wrMk l\avoc at • 1oclety matron·• weeltend pany ·o· {S)MOVIE * *"' "A GIObel Alllllr" ( 111841 Bob Hope. Ulo Pulver. A baby. lound by a b.ctielor In the lobby ot the United Nlllona. 11 claimed by all the mernbef net Iona 2:16 II (I} NCAA SPEQAL C<Mlfage of the Mffletlona 1nd p1lrlng1 for the upcoming NCAA 8.uket- bell CllamplonShlp 2:30 8 9 U.S.A. VS. Tl4E WOALD IN Ot. YMPIC SPORTS The U.S. netlonel wrestling tum .,. the netlonel team of 8utgarla (from Atlantlc City, N J) D MOVIE • • "Pursuit To AiglMI" ( 111•5) Bull Rathbon41, Nlgll Bruce Sh•rlock H<>1me1 and WalM>n br..,. perilous ciroumetancea In order to dellver an heir to lhethfon.. • PRE8EHT£ 6l) WRmNO FOfl A "MASON 12:00 0 BAY HIU CLAS&C "Complet-" live cover8Q4 of the nna1 ~ TIOHAL round ot tNs tourn11mer1t, F10UAE SKA TINO FROM INtur1ng -of the top P£KINO names In protesalonat golf Oorolhy Hemlll, Jo Jo Star· (from the Bay Hiii Country bu<:k. TOiier Cranllon end Club. Orlando. Fla ) John Curry are emong the D SQACH alleters INtured In tNs 1111· fD TlfE FlAST atar nhibltlOn trom mlln· CHUACHIU.S land Ch•nL "Plot, Counterplot" Thi 0 MOVIE rllQ8 egalnst Papery con-* • • 'h "Bed knob• And tlnuM Charlel' llleglllm•t• Broomatlcka" ( 197 11 ton, ~. m•h• en Angell Lan1t>ury, DeVld unlU(;QeUlvt bid for the T omllnaon During WQJ1d thron.. Wer II. a novice tore&<-~ PERSONAL ANAHCE and her lhrH young AND MONEY lrlend1 Ml off for • megle MANAGEMENT 191111\d where "'8 lntendl Flnancoal 1n111tulions to leern enough about (C) MOVIE witchcraft to UH It against * * * "Tho 01her S1oe Of lhl Null 'G' Thi Mount1ln •• Part II" 3:00 8 L.A8T OF THE W1lD t 111781 Mardyn Hauett D SPORTS AFIELD T1mo1hy Bolloma Former D STOP ARTHRITIS cnampk>n skier. Jiii Kin-TE.LETHOH mont. rendeted a Quadrl· fll) MOVIE p1ogoc by a treglc acodenl. * * * * "Becket' I 111641 wrestles with MU-<k>Ybt Rlch1rd Burton Peter when. MW~ enters her O'TOOle King Henry II ol tote England ctun. with the ( ~J MOVIE Archblstoop ol Canterbury • * "Bronco Biiiy" ( 11180) during 1'1• 12th century Clint Eastwood. Sondre C!) OF EARTH AHO MAH Lock• A former snoe • Amazonia ee1anc1ng salOsman lrom N-J«sey Man And Nature" reallzM his dream of Pl'· (I} CHILOAEN'S lormlng In a Wiid West t.fYSTEAY THEA TEA show 'PG · Th41 Haunting 01 Harrtng- 12: 16 8 (I} NCAA Ion House" A ~irl BA8KET8ALL uncovers strange and Regional coverage of the unexplalnabl• events Metro Conference tlnaJ. occurring at her father's Nevada-Lu VegH •I hotel (R) South CatOllna (J) MARCH OF DIMES 12"'.30 U DIRECTIONS T£LETHOH (CONT'D) D GREAT MOHAWK 3."()6 CD MOVIE CYCUNO CLA88IO • * * * "Network" ( t9781 Blcycllats converge on Faye Ounawey. Wlllltm AtlantlC City. N J . to com-Holden An eglng televl- pete for $71,000 In J><ln lllon newtmen wtioee rat- money Inge ere 1tN<llty lllpplng C!> PERSONAL FIHAHCE l>ecom4ll a ranting prophet ANO MONEY ot the alnwaYel spurred on MANAGEMENT by • crelty ,...,.... pro- [Q) IMO CAP PMWW 4:309~ G PAOJ€OT l.JNMAIE Cl) LOUIS fWKEYSER 0MOVIE * * * "Thi Other Side Ot The Mountain •• Pan II" ( 1978) Merllyn Huaett. Timothy BottO<TI• Former chemplon llcter. JIU Ktn- rnon1, rer>O«ed 1 quadrl· pleglc by I trlglc ICcidefll, wt•tl88 With aetl-doubl Wh9n a ,_ IOve enter• her '"•· 4;45 (0) HOME AAClHO "Sent a Anlt• Handlcec>" 6:00 I fAOE THE NATION 8TARTRE.K The Enterprl.. gon In -ch of • mlaelng .aen. llat on •dying~ 8 OAEATESTSPORTS LEG(H06 "Wiiiis RMd" C!) PAOJEC'T UNIVEASE (I} M•A•S•H Hewk9ye IS picked 10 be the pereonal phytlcian for • Corp• CommlndM untll he gives lhe gen«•I a physlc;el • 1=.0FDIMU TELETHOH (CONT'D) 6!06 CZJ MOVIE *** "Cevernan" (t981) Alno<> Sterr, Dennis Quaid The clown"" member al a berety humen prelllttorlc tribe begins to dllCOYtlf that brarn1 and not brawn Wiii bl the lley to hlS peo- P'9' • ..,Nlval. 'PG' 6:30 I C88 NEWS N8CNEW8 8 111 A8C NEWS e "'°" JUMPSTAIEET ''The W91t African Herl- 1809" 09cat Brown Jr 't look et the special role ot mull<: In African end Alro- .A....ic.n culture IMlu<M perlormln<lM by Hugh 'Muell• and lhe wo·ae Danoe Theatre tR) 0 Cf) wti..COME BACK, KOTTEA When the s-1noo• J01n lhl tc:hoOI MWaP8P8' .. 1nvut1g1tlve reporters, they uncover tom• shady deellngl (t)MOVIE * * 'i'I "Cllopetre Jones'' ( 11173) Tamar• Oobton, SMiiey Winters A keretv- tralned lemei. 8Q8<11 lor the United Stet• OOY9f"- ment trlet to t>reek up an illegel drug opert tton 'PG' (O)MOVIE * * •'<IP "The Pollman Alwey1 Rlng1 Twice" ( t 9.&e) Lene Tu<<*, JOhn Gerlleld A young women plot• to murder her hus- band with the help of one or the men's em~ MOYIE * * * "The Wor1d'I 0..MI· e11 Atlll9te" I 19731 John Amos. Jen-Mlcll... Vin- cent A coech wflO I• hav- ing • run of bed IUck r.tumt to hit roots In Alrl- u end Ollcoverl a super •lhlM•. ·o · -EVeiNG- "Pertonal Credit" Q!_•mmlng execv11,,.. 0 NEWSMAl<ERS 3:30 B AMERICAN e.'00 I~~ OD MOVIE AOV'EHTVAE ............. • * * 'h "Bed knobs And D ON CAMPUS * • ~ "Flully" I t1165) Tony Broomstick a ' ( 1971) FMtured· e vtsltto Scrlppt RarlcMll, Shltley ~. A Angela len1bury. D•vld Prns. colleoe prof_, wllo Tomllnton During World 8 9 WIDE WORL.D OF wor111 with • !Ion net • War II, a novtc:e torceress SP<>ftTS hlifd lime oontrolllng the i nd her tllree young 15-round World enlmel untll lie rec.1- trlends HI oll tor a megtc Mlddlewelgllt Cl\emplon-help 1Yom • young llldy . island ""*• the Intend• 1111p bou1 ~ ~-D KOJAI( to ... m ~ about on Marvin Hegler and Wll-At pec>pte doM to '* ar• wllchcr•ll to UM II agaJnat !lam "Caveman" L" {from mutdered. a falllon model the Nazis. 'G' Atlanllc City, N.J.). llnd• hetMlf Ille center ot g MOVIE '1i) OF EAATli AND MAH 1ttentlon. •••• "Picnic Al Heng-"OellfU: The Dry World" • w·A·a·H Ing Roell" ( 11175) Rect\11 (I) MOVIE Hewll9ye II wllllng to whMI Roberts. Dominic Guatd. • • • "Popeye" ( 1980) Ind dMI with anyone IOt • In turn-of.llMHlentury Aua-Robin Wiiiiama, Shelley needed ,_ P* of t>ocm. 1rella. three young ec:hOol-Duvel! Whlle -•ctllng lor • MOVIE girl• wender 1way from I hi• talher, the IOlf'lech-Mt· * • "&rinka: The OrMI achOol p1en1c; Ind beCOme Ing Mllor vltlta a quelnt Rot>tiery" ( 1978) Oerren IOll In the bulll. 'PO' hemlet wt*'8 he plc:k1up1 McOellln, L.eelle Nleleen. In 1:00 8 STOP ARTHRITl8 IOUndilng and a lklnny llHIO, Bolton le toclled by TE1.ETHOH IWMlhMrt. 'PG' the -of I epeetlCUler I III 8POATHEAT 4;00. INTEW'~ wmot9d eet robbery ltNlt ADAM-12 IUNOAY t1kee -tv-,_,..to • W.... THE 80AT Location: LA'. Arb«ltu"'. llOl¥9. · OOMl!8 IN Ar*la lor the 5th annull e ~ 8MAK "HHd1 You Win, Tiiis Girl Scout Show. AegvWly 9Cheduled pro- 1...0M" Tom 11 In trouble D MOW gremmlng mey be deltryed end Matt HMdly ,.,.. In * * "The Devit'• Rein" ~lo ptedoll bf'Ntl• ~with • widow. (11176) Erneet 8orgnlne, • IYINNQ AT GD AMERICAN ITa..Y WIMlam Sl!atMI'. The IMd· 8YMPHON\' "Wer For Empire" .. of • c;ovw, of wltchea Oueet conductOt Khlul Q) MA1'CH M DIMES f'*lume 10 EM1h efter a T-*'1 IMda 1tNI Bol- TB.ET'HOH 300-yHr 1bunc• to Ion Sympflony Orc:N1Va t:15(%)MOYIE ,_a bOOll Meting the In H1nd•I'• Conc•to * * * • "Shadow Of A nM\89 of pec>pte who lllYt Or-. Opue I, No. e, end ~~~~r· J: 6:t:"'~~.....--~ t!*r eou1110 ~.__--"°-· 9-~··-·~. t~o- Wllen a man~ to IUy e MOVIE Cll C. NIWI wltllnt .. leterendlMwfem-** "Secrete" (1977) 0 CHNIUl'aANGILI lly tn • tmell Weat COM! Suun 81ellely, Roy The Angell 00 111\deico- lown, hll nllce II pllgllOld ~ A young women In • Glr®I to find out who wllll Ille nagolng IU9C)lcllon IUMt In OMplfetlon 10 II o.ueinO I _.... oC ~ INI lie II r.alty IN "Men) llfomlllculty _,.. lht hte lttlOue Md -tv letll 0-09 IS oY8ri0't'9d -ThtM • (1977) CherlH l..Oul• llOCU-him OI nev-Bronaon. Jiil Ireland A i en effalt. driller 11 recruited into a lltNEWS UTTU! JOHNNY rag-tag robbery gang (%)MOVIE .IOHEa * * 'i'I "Tne Poelman Tiiie ~ ol the 1ll04 Always Rings Twice" G.Of'Qll M. CohM mulk:al ( 108 t) Jack Nlchol1on, comedy about .,, a Amer!-Jeaslce Lenge. A young cen f<>Ck.y who lrlM to win woman and her lover pto1 the £nolllll Oert>y IMtur• 10 lnUlder her llU1band 'R' lldl levorttee at "GI,,.. My 11!16'1!) AMERICAN Regard. To BrOlldwey" PLAYHOUSE end "Yenltee Doodle Dan-"Sandburg -Ecl'IOM And dy." Siiences" Jol\n Cullum 1:00 IJ Cll to MINUTES stars In a docu-<lrama on G Q! THE FUNTSTONE8 1ne lite end work of the 1e11 Anlmeted Wttme'• pitOO-Cerl Stndburg O Ing tlllll• c:orn. to the 9:301J (I) THE JEFFERSON8 ettentk>n of the 89drock Louise and Helen teacll Oodgerl alter "'8 fella two George and Tom a 1euon aupermarkll robber• wllll In equality •melon (R) Q 0 BAE.ATM OF UFE II III C00E AEO f1j) MASTERPIECE Ted'a best friend and let· THEATRE low llr41110hter le 411\QU"ed 'I Remember Nelson In "-while btlttMng • Oury Altnough he greatly chernlcel plent blae (R) admlret I tie Admtret, C•p.. D IAOH8IOE lain Herdy views Nelson s A racetreck robber thwerts 1n1a1ue11on with Emma lronlld4t'a bit on • sure winner Hamllton as a 1.gn ot • THE MUPPET'S weaknou (P•n 3) O OIMOVIE Gueet· LMlle Uggam&. • * "The Bleck HOie" ~ THE NIEUROH SUITE (11179) Ma..1m1111n Scholl, Je~ Burke lllultrates 8 Robert Forster Yvette !.<!!M thr°'!Qtl tn. numan MlmH1U• rhe er-01 e breln and c:enlrel n«VOUS lutunsioe sp~p dl$- 1y1tem with 1p1clal covers enother vessel eflec:tl. animation and perO/led on 11\e edge ol 11 Interviews with gue1t lorrnatoon wtooch pulls any- expertt. thing nearby onto a giant CC) MOVIE vOld wtoere time and Spece * • * "Tiie Other Side Of cease to e~111 PG The Mountain -P811 II" 0 MOVIE (1978) Marll)n Ha~t. * * * 'Paredose Alley" Tlmolhy Bottome. Former (19781 Sy1ves1er Stallone. Champion alller, Jiii Kin-Armand A~n111 Thrffl! mont, rendered • Quedrl· schemong brotll!lrl from pleglC by• tregic tceldent. t"e Hell's Kotc:Mn section wr"t'" with Hlf-<IOUbl 01 N&w York c11y combine whet\ a,_ love enters her tl'ltl<r traits ot brain\ Ind Ute. b<awn 1n their effort• to CX> MOVIE create bener l1ve1 tor ••~ "Roeln1how" (1980) themselves 'PG' P1uf McCutney end 10:00 fJ (I} TRAPPER JC>tiN, Winge. Thia 1'9COtd ol the M.D. bend'• U.S. tour inclMMI A no.pl t atlzed Old gorl- per1ormencu of "Jei," friend ot Gonzo ~ .. ho is "Bend On The Run." "Silly atrald lhll sl\e w1H leave Love Songs" and somo old ner baby an orphan hlt5 Beeti. batleds. 'PG' him with • palernHy suit 1:30 tD THE MUPPET8 D CD g) NEWS Gueet Shirley BUHy 0 ERHEST ANGLEY ©)MOVIE H) MOVIE • •~ "Any Which Way * ••.11 ·Bustin Looae" You Cen" ( 1980) Cllnl ( 19811 Richard Pryor Clc&- Eaatwood. Sondra loch 1y Tyeon A Dumb41ng bu•· Before settllng down With glar a concerned hlS glf1 and pee orangu1en. SChOOlteache< end light • bar•lltted fighter ligns chlldrlfl make e lr1ghten- up tor on. tut. •~•ti,,.. Ing cross-counlry trip In a match 'PG' brOl!en-down IChOOI bus 1:00 II Cl) ARCHIE 'R BUNKER'S PLACE I.SJ MOVIE D (J)CHIPS **'A · The OutStder A for..-juvenile delln-1 t978) Sterling Hayden. qvent ecc:uaes Por>eh ol Craig Wesson A young brutality Idealist travels to Northern 8 Wll.O KlHOOOM Ireland to JO<" 1"41 Slrvgglil "El!pedloon Seequarlum" tor Independence 'R' 11 9 TODAY'S RM 10:30 m JERRY FAl,WELL Ben Ind his eg&nlt 00 Cl) JIMMY SWAGGART undercover to crack the 10:40 &;) MEETIMO OF MINOS •obti.ry nno reepontlble Slev1 Allen talks about for a-* Of hOld-ups love with Engllllh play. It rT II WNTTEH wright Wllllem Shake- • MOVIE apeare (Herr•s Yulln) and 8 • • * "The Ster lie character wno wlehel 10 Cuckoo" ( t969) Uza Min-bl known only u Woman netlf, WencMll Burton A (Jayne Meadowsl (Psn 11 lonely. mixed-up college (R) co-ed trlel to manlpulat• e I l:OO 8 D U (I} 9 Qt netve. l*\llttve freshman NEWS Into a romenuc eflelr g PACE8ETTERS • 80UO GOU> 0 WOAlD VISION Hot1 Andy Gibb Coholt C!) THE VAHl&HINO Merilyn McCoo. Guests: GIANTS Rick Sprlnglleld, Irene• Lorett• Swlt natretN 1 Cara, Al•b•me, Mel documentary on the den- Car1er Tommy Tutooe. Qlf'I facing the world'• Patti Auttln. The Henry whale population 1nd ~ ~ steps being lallen to aid In -lhelt aurvlvll ntEATM CC) MOW! "I Remember Nelson * • * ·~ "EVllryttllng You Duty" Anh<>Ugtl he gr .. uy Alw•YI wanted To Know a<lmlr• the Admlrel, Cap-About Sex (But Were teln Herdy views Melton's Atrald To All!)" ( t972) lnletultlon with Emma WOOt1y Alle<l. G-Wiid« Hemllton .. • lign of A -•Of comic lk•lc:MI week-. (Part 3)Q spools Or OeYld Reuben's CJD MOVIE bell-selling book In sddl- * * llr "Any Whlcll Way tlon to other asaorted tar- You Cen" (1980) Ctlnl gets 'R' Eastwood, Sondr1 Loci!•. 11:161) C88 NEWS Before aettllng down with (Q) MOVIE hit girt and pet oranguten, • * "Bronco Biiiy" ( 1980) • ber•ll•ted fighter 91gns cunt E .. twood. Sondra up lor OM 1111. lvcr•!Ne Locke A lormet lh<MI matc:n. 'PG' ~ rrom New J«MY ()) ~ roallHI hi• drlM'I of per-*. ..._ ......... ( 19801 ()lint EM~> 8ondre =~~ e Wiid WMI Loeke. A for,,,.. •hoe (l) MOVIE ulMmen "°'" ,.._ ~ • * * * "Nelwor'k" ( 1978) ,...,_ hit dr'Mm of per-Fayo Dunewey, Wllll•m forming In a Wiid WMI HOiden An aglf'Q ~1- lhow. 'PO' s1on MWM111t1 wt1oM rtt· ~~Uollln' LOOM" Inga ere llMdMy allpplng becOtTIM • flf'lllng pr'Ol)het (1Nt) Rlctwcl Pryor, 00. ot the..,.._ apur1'9C1 on ly Ty9on. A bumblng but· by «9ftV Nme1e PfO- gl1t, • concerned -~· !Ille. ~~~~~~~~t~-1 ---• Ing -try n1P 1111 • ..we ""*~ td*" but. MCMI 'A' •• "Seor•t•" ( 11n1 1::aoe NOVA Suun 81•kely, Roy .. ,.._ Of o.tlglltt" A f"*--A yGUftO -oMtn lllollllft6.Cfle eoei • took la tuma 1n ClelC* •llol 1 to Widow'' k.. IM'I _,,.. IO IOl\ll9 IN ~. 1:t0 e a Tl4E .,.,..,...It ... °' ,. ~ • ~ .... ....wrNW el~ (B)_,,,,. 'CHAflll LISTINGS till• ...... "'1lnolaao'• ~ Wflel'l IM ftndl ~. a ~ w ·a unabllt to eol"'9 the =-::::::..~ pefp!Ulti. 01 llet ~ f B KNXT ICBSI e KNBC (NBCI e l<Tl• (IM.I e KABC (ABCI e 1CFM8 IC8 S) e 1<HJ·TV (Incl I e i<CST tAICI e K T'fV (lllCI I e l<CtP-TV I !rid-> 0 • 1<CIT cPM) re Kott cftlm to On·TV rz z.rv '" HBO 'Co (CIMma,.,1 IWOA) NV..,N.Y l1'?I (WT9SI c:· IESPNI I~) (snowt lmtl e SOoUIOM e ICIOM ..-... tww111 Cover•o• or 111e • ....,.... ** "lltotleo Illy" (tMO). ~ prellftllnaty, * * "A nm. '-l ow" Cine ......... loftdra wt1t1 ~of"'-(1113) A1ct1 Jalon, ,,_. UM*.. A '°"'* INe Oellllnd A'• .,.._ memo Metrow. TWo dllfllr9'lt "*' .-..-i "'°"' NM__, ber9 of tn. U. ~ ..,,_ .,._.,, ,,...,..... ,..-I*._,, of,_. Dodftr9 (ffom ~. OOl-111110 "*' ~ ,....... In • -..S w.t ........ -~~·-.... .,.. • WIA,'¥1J)....., (J) ~ATMA ... er.... • POllfTIWT GP A ..... And lend" ~ ICAlWIU ILM ~ . ~of....... ....... ........ ... ......... _,. 0.,.11-..e.--Clf ..................... I • e .... CMftaM' .. OOJTI•l\I• .... of ......, ,..,, p11•• l i ...... ,. "' ........ ...... .... u-.a......... .. .. .. ...., ... ..a.IWOIU (l:)MCMI ..... .__, ..... • .... (I) ONl~YAT A I ~c..,,. _. WWWllD Miii --• ..,...n-.. ,,_ ,... 9oltll Ill Tilot OU&" .. IO ~ M 11'1 Wottd" A W1111tfty lndlllttl- llla -a1•1I. 1111 lfld wlfle to.._,. I e--..ocw ......._ PWWI&. • flJ'9 --'° --• Ill • "9--.0 :"'..::"" '*" -... n4: . I:.""·-............... *•""O.otO.~ ................... ,,. .............. ,.....,.. ... ..,.. oa4......_.._._. ,__. .............. . "'"._... ....... .. ~-· ..... -· ~Oi ..... iiJ eMm NOfll.l llUY ·~* ..... ..,. ~ ~···· .. MONewon..t.._.. Ill•• ..,,.,. ~ • llOllM by "'-lie. •• ·~· COOMll.. '"' eMOYW •••"fheblcV1c"--men" (107t) "°°9tt _., ~. ,,._ FC!flde. A !Al veou~...-1112 ml9on UIOfOUOf\bfed --to ave lllm from 1111 uploitlf .... owner.. '"°' t1:11 MOYW * *"" "Splllnx" CIM1) Frentl Langel!•, ~ Anne Down. A ~ bleck marllet 1t1dtfult"9 ring •1*""'11 to 9'op ... Egyptologlll from '*'-• •Ing the wtlerMbolltl ol • ~ 1181119 "" -pernVtled to vte.. 'PO' 1 t~. TO.. Of' THf WON.D Conl•tenta from the Vnlt· ed SlalM, 0TNt lrttaln and Auetr ada COfnC)91• 1111 1 ' quiz P'OQfllfn !Ml ... ,. their •xPel'llH In • ...._ vwiety of eubjiec:tt. 11:46 9 THE ROCf<FON) Fll.£8 ---D GAMO P£Of'l.E Pt.AV Hlgf\llghtl I tug-d- betWMl'I Hollywood folkl and N-Orieana nr-; karate •aP«t• deltroy • houu by llend, • tlddlywlnka conlMI (RI U MOVIE * * '/\ "M1yerllng" ( 1919) Omar Sharif. C1tnerlne Oeneuve I -MIDNIGHT- 12:00 Q) TO UOHT A CANDl.E 12: to &1) 8HEA1< PMV1EW1 Roger Ebert •nd 0.... Slskel review "The Seduc- toon" and "I'm D811Qng Al Fast Al I Can," "OuNt FOt fore," "The AINI_.. end Un!On City " (R) 12: 15 ($)MOVIE * * "PhOble" (1980) Peul Michael Glate<, Sul8n Hogen A group of mentel pellenla are murdered according to their lndlvldu- al fears. 'R' 12:30 (~ MOVlE • •'A "Cleope1111 ,,_ .. (t973r Temara Dobaon, Shelley Winter•. A llertt• trained lemlle egent for !he United Stat .. govern- ment trill to brMk up en illegal drug operation 'PG' 12:40 f1j) THE FlR8T CHURC:t41U.S "Plot, Counterptol" The rage against Papery c:on- llnuee Ch81118' Illegitimate son. Jamn. mellM an unsuccesatur bid for the tnrooe 12:46 fJ NAME Of' THE GAME 1 t5CZ)MOVIE * * * "Pretty Melcta AM In A Row" ( t971) Rock Hud- son. Angle Olc;i(lnaon. A guidance counMfor, IM Idol ol • bevy of IMgh setooot beauti.., wort.1 with a tMCNlr end • police caplaltl In llOlvlng the my9-tery ol _ .. ~ k.llllngt 'R' 1:30 ·~ (I} LOUIS AUKEY8£R ®l A8CNEWS O!NEWS 0MOVIE • * * "Flr1t Family" (1980) Giida Radner, Bot> Newhart The Mxuelly r19tlSMd d8UQhler of the country'• wetrdeat preel· dentlal family compllcal• her ltther'• ettempta to conduct the allllra ol state 'R' 1:36 CID MOVIE • • "FuMOuse" ( 1981) Ellzablth 8errl<lge, Sytv11 Mites Four tHn·•o«• spend • trtghlflll night In • carntval tunhouM lnheblt· ed by a d«nented b41111• end hi• mon1troue aon. 'R' 1:460 AT<*I: CS)MOVll ••• ,., "Wllet9 The lklfl9lo Roam" CIMO) 8111 Mutray, Peter Boyi.. Joum8llet Hunters.~­ hil unortllodolt t9pOr1lng tedlnlquee to COYW '°"" · of the mejor polltlcel end social .wqt1 oC IN lets '60s end 1Mty '10. 'R' 2:00©MOVIE *·~"The Voung Lovert" ( tllU) Peter Fond•, Oeb«eh Wrl/Wf. A young ~·· romantic: Inter• •t In hla co-.d Olrtft'lend __ __,he~ tl'let the'. pr90"lfll 2:119 LOUIS fUC!Y9p 2:4a 8G NEWS 3:001J TODAY'S MlJQIOH (%)MOvtE "Coup D'Etet" ( 1171) P•ter O'Toote, David Hemmlnga A corTUCJI g<>v- ernment blcomM the I•· ~of e mllllary coup. 'R' 1:10(R)MOW • * ·~ "The C.t And The Canary" ( 1978) Honor BtltCkmso. MICllMI Giiien. H91rt batti. for • tortune at the apooky ...... ot • decMaecl 111111ot1-.. 'PO' 3:30 !=:' ..... • • '.\ "Tiie Outald.,." ( 1978) Sterllno ~ Cr91g w--.. A yOung ldMllet Ir~ to Nor"-" ln!Und to join tM *UOll9 lor~ooe.'R' DMOVIE • •••"~Now·· ( 11171) Metloft .... Mettln "-· DlreMd 1111 F'rendl Ford Coppola. All in.elllgeno9 IQlllt .......... ~ ll!N't~I .... .,.,.,..,,. • lhe VIM'*"*9~ .. flndandllilll~ AWOI. Alffl'/ ollD9r .... llM foMd .. ..,-.. M1emcitl.,... ........... ... !~ • • • • "Anlllwl Cfldt, -"(tao)Mwll ........ ...... DulNfa. 0.-... ........ ...... ..,,.., ...... ,... . ....... ··-··--ttno, •I • ... ,_., ""*°"'' ........ """ •• 10 .. .,. -a.II a.. .... n. a..°' ---~-­a.-" ( ... ·---:tt.::, OlllMll ..... ... PICTITIOUS I UllNHt NAMa STATIM8NT Tl•• lollowl111 P••Hll I• 001110 111111-u: UPPEll CUTS, VOi HMOO< 8 1vcl 8ICIQ. ,, C•1-IMM, CA nt1'. L ydl• Merle Ouborougll, U30• M•llby Pl., H.,., Clly, CA '°710. Thli bus!llHS It COlldUClecl llY ao llldMd ... I. L'f(ll• M. DHbo<OUgh Thl1 IUl.,,,.,.I wu lli.d with lllo County C .. rtl OI 0<•119* COlllll'f °" Merell J, 1'12_ .. ,..,,. Publl.-Or-C.0.11 Dally PlkM, Merell 7, 14, 11, ti,"" / '002~ PllUC Ille£ HAHOl LAWK-M~. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemeterv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 "lld l lOTHHS lll.L 110.6.DW A Y MOITUAAY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IALT% & I HCiHOH SMITH & TVTHILL WISTCLIFf CHAf'tL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 NllCI llOntllS SNfTMS' MOWTttdT 6Z7 Main St ~ntlnsiton Beacn 536-6539 - PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Additional spaces are now available in a newly de:= section of Pacif~1b, Memorial --·Partt -aoMt"~rthlIRJi"'® Oiimontr · from S90 to $145 oer. grave. Discounts on crypts are 10%. oOubte interment in a sing le grave may be arranged from 1820 including endowment care. IANTA~-1t1t t.utltlrt1..,..,_ .. Orange CoMt ~LY PILOT/Sund•y, M.,ch 7. 1982 I. TO THE OEFl::NOANT A c1v11 compla int hu l>etn 111•0 by Ille plalnUll -ln.i YD<I II '°" wl•h to clal•lld 1111$ law\ult, you mull, within • 001 after In!• \um,,_• I\ wrv..i Oii you, file w1t11 11111 <°"'1 • wr lllen •HPOllM IO '"" <Otnl>l•lnt Unltt• yov do >O, your oe1 ... 11 w111 1» t riter.a °" •11911<•1-of Ille Pl<Olnlltt, •lld '"" c0<in may enter a l~t again•• you 10< Ille ••11•1 demallde<I 1n lllo complaint, whicll could , .. ull In 06flll\hmenl OI w•OH. IOlno o l money or p,-operty or ot,..tr reHet requttl.O In the com111a1n1 O" TE 0 Novemt»r ~. tttl LEE A BRANCH, C~n 8y NANCY W"GGONEA ~., Publllhed Ora-. CN\I Oa ol, PolOt, Feb 11.11, March 7, u , ,.,., 11~ ' • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D • 5 6 7' CllSBIFllD CLASSIFIED INDEX Tt Plact YM U, Cal 642·5678 MMES fll SAL£ C-11 a.1 .... 1.i... ....... ,_. C..IUtr-ltN'• c. ......... , c..u .... . ---D Tw• ,_,.v11i., HWltlftCl~ l u rh lrw-1M Ll,ati1na &t.cti ::!:::: ~~lb ... •••\Wif!I , .. ,. ;.::~~.::~ \MJ.a.-r-• .,.,,,.~ .......... '-~•• .... ~ .. ,~. 'iftn.t•-flUtt "~1·~·~14' rm mm o\1 ,.,,,,.tot Ml• ~1,•rtmuof«'-9lt ~c~r,~. t,.,m.rlt:<,l,.ut\IHt.141 : =:~:'.n':'~:'' Ot.pl•ttt l a10 '•Lt ~h•tiill''t.9'rd •~r,...,..,l.. l-....&r1.a"•"' t....u•·~ lt .... k H\IN Ttlr Pr• "lwMA Ot'.""1 Iii nw1 ~:..,~~~'~nc; CM #Coit.it f'r.p karw-1'\ot'\ •..rtti\ '''1"'" Kh J •At-4" t.ofle"I' ko 1 u1~1.-~ • ._tffJ tlNTllS ft<.-.~ f'wri»~'-.0 Kelli'"" l 1tfwo1,\h"'• fb~ tvr•wt t "' ·~ ....... "''."'"' ,........-........ ~,, ... Tcra~t.-rtt lo-~t· lirt..&M\h ... ,,, ~' ..... '"' 4p1, •-.rn """' '-"'"''" Aph hrt1 (.of I "' kflO'ft\ .. ,~ 4 h4;..t1l U<111:n, ~rA,._h, ''""'' Homrt '6nuw.,. Jh·••I 1• -' .... 11111 ID< -IQ! 1113< 1000 1°"4 I .. lf4'1 l"'ll 1 .. 1 .... h " ' . ... 1"'4 . ... , ... 11 •1 '"'' ..... ID .... ,..,, ,.. ... .... .. ., '" "" , .. , -U!Ct '"" ...... EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,_.......,.., MoHct: All real eS lille ad v ert1se d i n t~1 s newspaper is ~ubjert to the f ederal fair llOIJ~­ lrlg A<.'I or 1968 wh1rh makes 11 11lel(al to ad· 'ert1se an) preftorence. llm1tat1on , or dis <'riminat1on ba~ed nn race. color. reh1:1on . sex. or national origin, or an intention lo muke any such prererente lim1tat1on . or d1•.-rrimmauoo .. nu) ne")Jlilper "111 not knowingly accept ""~ adHrtis1nl( for r eal e5l3le "h1rh •~ in \ 1ola uon f>f lhl' la" ERRORS: Ad•ertlsers shouAd check their od1 daify and report er· ron lmmrdiotely. The • DA.IL y PILOT OH--1 liabilty for the fi"t Incorrect insertio• Oftty. ,.,., .. tt~·· R,.._..i t ... ~ .. , •• (j,., ... ~ ,,. •• oo.,.,. M"'ltal I~ !!;; !~.*::~.~ ....... . """'~·k ..... . lnd ... ~1'1•1 kt: .... . ~-·-~~ lil•ftf•h ....... .... "•\• "' ... "" BUSINCSS. INVCST M£NT, rimer "-'t~nr,,fNpi;tt• M~IM\\ \Ill •n•...t l•~hl"""'"'~'! ll\u'"-'""rl.I "•IW•d \(vftr\ lo ..... .. \llN't ......... . \lrwt•••n lh UINOUNC£MCNTS. P£1SONALS & LOST 'fOUNO ~ '*'-"" ""'* ~ l •r Ped LIJ•l '1"1,._,... • ......-., .... rid PH\l~h· ...,,..,., f '"i.· ""•I• S£1VIC£S ""' t d 1 1'.Y• .... .... . . ., , .. ... ·" •u ,, . .... ~- 1002 ........•..•.•......... PRICEREOUCEO on llus l(orgeou~ BF. Ar II Ol'PLEX 111 blo1·k3 from be:it·h anrl onh 2 1·ear~ uld I J<•t·un 1 ""' 2 and 3 bdrm un1h 3 bdrm unit j!rt•Jt fo r "" nt-r n< 1·uva n1 1 Ownt>r (mJnnni: ..,, ;,llJ ble Onll $21!1J fKIO Ca II toda) 97~ ~370 ALLSTATE REALTORS £M'tOYM[NJ & ffirAaATION I \lakt• ~nur .Hhl'rl1~1n1: H•• 1lolla( i:o rJrlht•r' l."t """•-"•lfth""'I~ Jutt "'•~ft• ll11~t; "'.!'I(..., .. ' • M£RCHANOISE 41"hl)t\ "''' lf'~#' 8itlt6., .......... ,. j .,,., ...... l •h ,,,. .. ,., t .... t""r--k \w tv.._._,, ~ • .,., .. ~J .. ........ ,...,_,"""""ikl'·UOil\ J..•rff\ tHr\IOt'~ "'•.tP\l~f'I 'l!\••ll·~· \ttVf'll•IW"!1't" 'lli •"irlf 'l .. w alilhll'utntt•I 1,r1,,,,.h.,,.6 tQ\H "" ,.,,"°" 4 tWa.• """• ,,._ .. .,frrl~ ......... , ,,, •. "'461,,_ ft..,l••Utll Hu ...... ,, ..... u ••• ""~· BOATS & MUINE £0U,,MENT ,.,,,.,., l'!ilJah ~ a1M 'wn u " ~~'"•Ul'W>t•NID iio"\<lh f.,.,,t ftll•h H11M tl\,.o., ••h ~tl Bn.h ~•P\ rio., f'IMI• ""'4 6 ~I lfoNl't ... or-.,,. THMSPOIUTION ,\ttff•" ··~'-·""""' ti.....,-..--c .,., "1••1iPKt.m"" "'-or C)"'45 """"·_.,' • '4Ull0f' Hm• \.fir 't""' lr..i"'"-tr.,,., !:!~t~~~·:•tt•r\ AUTOMOllLE l.•~tal '*Mt'-'"'' ••• ,, .. ,,,,., ... \,ft•tL• ........ ••~· k •I l •"'-H Or11h r,.,. .... \we .. ~•••"' \~41'\ l/flttf"d AUTOS. IMPOITEV " .. ,..,,,, Uf.Runw-1• .... A,,..>il" Uf"•I•' W'4" "·~· ~ , ... o ....... .,,.tf•t ~ .. ... ,...,. '••'-"•' Jofhf"M li.a,m..tm1.il14 l.ombor&}UN '4•tc•• .llfh•1h·· tkn1 ... (f .111 •• \JllO• PM'M•t• .......... p.,~ ... Ae.ri • ..,., ..,.._••~o ~ .... ~ bri.il'Nf• r.,._. fruo1Nl'h \fll.t.-tCfA \.tho AUTOS, NCW u ..... ,., AfTDS, WSEI '--•I AJK I ....... ~==~ CIW\'*' Ulr>•"' CMof! c. ..... , •• Cor\ffl• QoocOt "':r =·· •Jwnd =a u. .. r-r= .... '"' 7hM,. • • Dally Pilot • cl1Slftilds • wortctw • ::-.=· • for~ Cllll Min. ••I . •' . " -·~ . ..,, . .... "". . .. ... ... .. , .... .. ... ·~ . .• ... . .. .... ,.Utt "' .., .. •IOI ·~· ... '"' ... ... •II ,.,, '" ., .. tl1'l .,. •111> ... 14'1.11 "' ..... •>--'' "' ,,,, ""' oft• .. ~ - )fll.11 11;14 1i\ll "• ,,, 11u tJI• . .. . -· '4' . .. ' . .. ., tnl ·nli 1a11 1•tu ifitl •11• ~u: •1• .1,. <II.) r.i. rm ~ -~·Q A l 11119 •lll ..... -. .. ..... _ "'· --tlWI -111111 -•» --., ., ... --., --.,. ..... I \'OUr bu~ml..,, ,., en 1ta 1 in the Cid.'Mft,•d "I'! l 111~ or lhl\ O('ll'fJJ IHI l>t2 56i8 * ~ • I 4 00 • = C-) ~ • >< C-) • • I f • - I I I ! I Or•no• Cout·DAILV PILOT/8Undly, March 7, 1112 DESHTID MHA Vl!IDI Thi fiiiat in "The area! •UYNOMT• CASH TAUS Dl:fD TO SELL I.MUNA IMCM-PINMSULA HOttll 1 COM'MUOUS ST. TO ST. .... SITIS wmt OCIAM . YllW If you've always wanted to build in picturesque Wood's Cove, these homesites will meet your needs. Plans by a renowned local architect have Owntr wan!.$ out! Large 1•uc• 3 Bdrm 2 bath, family ~· boat slip private room, brick fireplace. beach, lite ' cheery quiet tree lined street. home, 3 lar1e bedrooms Close to shoppln1. Call 'den, 2 bathJ, fireplace for more details ,' and much more! Will _ ' LAND ! Owner-A1ent I \ ...... down! INCL UDES : ::Dl. ~.~! " .,..,. .. MIWUSTING SP•C. 2 STOIY L&alk "'lur'\Gigame home on ree land. Circular staircase leads t o private master suite. 2 roarln1 fireplaces. Mol.HMhldWorriet Fabuloul canyon view. afered at $550,000. C11 II LAeM It•• beH rt· JI _ ......... hflud am1:~~~r-= Delightful new 4 Bdrm wi H traditional design, library & den formal dining, bay view, corne1 location in Old C.Orona del Mar $595,000. OWC. Excellent terms 01 trade. JllJ ~•MAI ONM SAT/SUN l·S Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath. mstr bdrm, ocean view. $425,000. . 1411 W. IAY OP84 SAT 1·5, West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 bo~ts. 'remode_led 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. . been approved for 5 of the sites and the lots can be purchased individually or jointly in any combination . A private access drive will be p o\l!ded to all of the lots which are just a short walk to the beach. Priced below recent M.A.I. appraisal from. $112,500-$148,500. TERMS: Assumable 1st and 2nd T.D. 's and seller will carry a 3rd T.D. with 10-20% down. B.EGANCE $20,000 DOWN SR.1.HSU HELP No(j'Uiilllyin& for Oils immac 3Br. light airy College Park home . Sellers'l\ave done all the work. You move In ' en joy. $127,500. Call Diana for pri vale showing wltlt fa•lly roow1. EXCHANGE U0,500. 1436 IS TRADE/SW AP Set Ill .. Ttrract Owners ma~· trade: 0 1 Npt Hits home for in· come, notes, low down, equity ~.000+. (2) a Br on Fee land, steps to beach. $200,000 egulty. ~.000. owe for 10 yrs. Clll Diana Cappel, agt 631-1266. Interested fn m exchange program. M~v~!P~,c~'ur· 1 Subordination possible. rounded by spacious fam rm w/f'r. doors de· corator fans, Oak plank entry, rountrykit, form . din area. 3 Bd 2 Ba . $131,SOO. S30K dwn. $1057 P'l/Mo. Don 't delay, call Diana today. Diana Pieten I-Volpe MID EASLEY 499-4551 offlct 499.4174 pvt .... Diana Pieten I-Volpe fo • IAYVIEW £ Udo Isle 4 Br on lrg cor· ner lot. Separate 2 Brun· PRIME ViSIDE 1t over garage. Large p low interest loan. OPEN LOCA I M! POOL & SP A SUN U . 760 VIA LIDO PersonaU(y an beauty Super sharp 4 Bdrm 2 souo. SS7S,OOO. are found an this 3 Bdrm bath home with a 1 2 bath home. Assume BARGAIN beautiful pool and spa this great 121•% loan MES .t. VERDE Fantastic financing! and seller will carry a "' ...,. ooo d p 2nd TD with lown down S Bdrm Buccola. 3.000 _,, own. ayments ~ayment. Full price sq.ft Of luxu"'' Gat.,d under Sl.000 per mo C II f d ·1 OwMr-s.pse1 Mtw e.o.. w/3 le•tl• for 9'0C"* ..... + ::~ 41tr1 & 1pa. a tYtry way. 4 Id,.., library & t..ily .... Now of· fend .t S5tl,500. 333Poppy. New Custom home In Mammoth Lakes CA (lot 16) Monterey Pines Rd. Large 4 bdrm, 3 ba with interior Sauna and jar. ·, • Pri s1~• 000 C 11 ( 141,SOO. a or eta1 s. pool II spa. Exec. area. ce ""1· · a or Zil3 OWC. Call Pat O'Toole rwre •. 546·2313 . S46:ri ii C.to. Coitdo1 !\~« ~~ .. ,,~,·~: fi.iji@i1 oc;~~i.;u. • Wflttli =~:.ll$! Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm , 4 bdrm, 3 bath.;100 sq. ft. Sl.385.000. UDO·ISU HOMES 70IVIA UDO~ SUM 1·5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, S bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings. $420.000. UNDA ISU IA YNONTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm , 5 bath. playroom, dark rm, den. $1 .350.C>OO ! IA YSIDI COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1.900.000. TIES VISTAS-MISSION VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath, guest house, pool. $795.000. Nestled against a Na- tional Forest and within walking distance t o Chairlift ~ 15 30 yr fmancing avail. COHDOSTEALS' . BR W/BONUS RM . So. of Hwy locale. 3 DORMS. 2 BATH $5000 DOWN m.~· ~::,t" d~c0';!Ie~1-------•t Fro.t ••It 3 ldr• THISCONDO ------• Lowest priceif a nd SA~E: ·• MODEL COND. TRY LEASE OPTION in warm earthtoncs AS·• ,__.RTU"'ITY $335,000. Rear •ft 2 SUJ,000 ON or more. AS· Beaut. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba , sume 11. 78'1 below I ....-..-v " .. $295 000 .._ owner will finance at low 3 Br 2ba with pool and mterest with 20'1 down. spa. Immaculate You I Highly up~raded . ~'tbe disappointcd _in I private loeat1on , com• -<th1s""1)m~--Owner will mwtity pool , 1acuz11, rec ca rry r 1 o an r 1 n g I If it's got handles yo~L.gr.ab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. Call 642·5678 By appt only. Ca II toll free, (Rosalee! Mam· mo t h Pr o p e r t i e s l .a>o-462· S575 SU M E I 0 'f INT ., family rm, 3 yrs new market at $399,900 . ' or _, PATRICK TENORE, Great opportunity ! Won't last. Patrick knocks often when you both for 411·41 P/2 Hurry! Susan Han. agt Tenore. agt 7SlH22l use result-getting Daily Dalllca. Pilot Classified Ads to . : · .... R&"M* I reach the Orange Coast market Phone 642·5678 'COLI CW NNPORT REALTORS -~ . -~ ·Shop al home. !L's easy Sell! Sell ! Sell! And let with classified 642-5678 classified help 642 5678 Class~fied Ads 642-56~ Cl-ass-tli-1ed-A-ds---642--56;; I '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j __ _;;:..;..=-;::..=....:.~--1 ~~11!1111!!1 ... l!llllllllllP. :tii!!!!l!llllllll!!!~~ ,...... ........................ ... • • • • 1-L\JUJ()lt REALTY IA YROMT HOME Spacious family home with 60 feet on the bay and private pier and float. 4 bdrm . plus a conv ertible den, formal dining rm., deluxe workshop and cheerful bay view kitchen with adjoin ing eating area. Large brick patio on the bay ideal for entertaining or sunning. Priced to sell at. $985,000. L.H. 11.Ufff UC .. r&.AH Terrific location overlooking the pool. Extra size 4 bdrm. C Plan with real old fashion terms -only 10'1 down and owner will carry ·a 30 year fixed rate 121"z"~ mortgage! Full price $299,500 L.H. Quick escrow is possible. OCEAMFIOHT CAMEO SHOIES Spectacular setting with waves breaking on the rocks and beach below. A lovely 4 bdrm home, lite and airy with lots of glass to capture the view and lush landscaping. Formal dining rm .. family rm .. professional work shop and even a wine cellar. S2.900.000. Ol.DEI DUPLEX Localed in Corona del Mar just 2 blocks from lown. A super location & investment opportunity, could use a little cosmetic type fixing to ma~imize rents. 2 bdrm. and l bdrm . unils . Priced virtually at lot \'alue at on· ly $289,500. WESTCUFF * $129,500 No, that's not the down payment -that's the full price for this sharp 2 bdrm. condo just a short walk from Westcliff Plaza. Choice first floor location with private enclosed patio. Nicely ma intained development with beautiful swim ming pool. Owner will finance. LOTS & ACREAGE OCEAN VIEW LOTS Prime Corona de! Mar location with bay and ocean views. 4 contiguous oversized R·l lots can be purchased individually or all together. Quiet location away from summer crowds. Owner will finance with 25% down. $.595,000 per lot. CAPISTIANO HOISi IAHCH Secluded but only a few minutes from town or Dana Point Yacht Harbor. Fabulous view all th e wa y from Saddleback to the ocean. Build the horse ranch of your dreams on the terrific 5.5 acre ~ite. $695,000 owner will finance. AIAITMINT SITI 7.3 Acres on Highland Ave. in San Bernardino. Hi.gh visibility site near· crosstown freeways easily accessible to the whole valley. Approved for condos . Surrounded by development. $2, 100.000. INV ESTM EN TS IALIOA ISi.AND c0ti._ acw. IUIJNMG On Marine Ave., 100% occupied with 3 apartments and popular Mione's Restaurant. Asking $498,000 with attractive terms. -~~---=~~-~~r.A.-~--~...._.....-.i;;:::: P('ime comer location on West 19th Street leased' to 4 reliable tenants. Offered with attractive owner rmaocing, $477,000 L.H. S&CATALIW From this beautiful VIEW home. Tratiitional CA PE COD design with 4BRS, 3 baths, fam. rm & pool.'. $.590,000 with the BE.51' TERMS! Open Sunday 1·5. RAE RODGERS 631·1266. HIWPOIT lm5HTS That CHARMER you see and want to own!! COUNTRY CO'ITAGE ha s it all plu~ 3 car parking! Owner finance. $250.000. RAE RODGERS 631 -1266 IXCWSIYI USTN in NEWPORT HGTS. From tear-downs to 4 Bdrm homes. Call RAE RODGERS, for information. 631·1266 C,OltB LOCA110M 3 br home in C.M. with add-on family room, new roof, R.V. storage. Only $115,000 . BILL KENNEDY 631·1.266. 11/JtCISTOllACH 2 br-2 bath condo. With only $15,()W) down. $905 per mo. pays all. BIL1. I KENNEDY 631-1266 HASrr AU. Well maintained pool home in Mesa Verde + R.V. _!CC~ .:.t. laree family roolii'+t<>w-pnce: BlLL KENNEDY 631-1266 GllAT ST AITll Remodeled 2 br, lrg. lot in C.M. Only $89,900. BILL KENNEDY 631·1266 MBA VllDI 4-ILll 3-2-2·2 Great Terms. $.115,000. BILL KENNEDY 631·1266 MISADB.MAI 4 br party home with pool-spa . Just in time for summer. BILL KENNEDY 631-1266 CO'''Gf PAii 3 br family home on lrg. lot. Priced for quick sale at on ly $119 ,000 . BILL KENNEDY 631·1266 MISAQIDI Perfect start.er or investment property. Asswne $162,500 F.H.A. loan and sellers will carry Sl0,000. 2 br condo -$96,900. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 DOYaSHOlll Beautlf ul Spanish style 4 bedroom pool home on fee land. Loan is as~mable and.~will e81'1')'4arp ~Pril!e $420,000. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631·1266 GOLFCOUISI One of a kind, contemporary custom 00me located on Mesa Verde C.C. golf course. Seeluded courtyard w /pool & spa, paddle tennis court, 4bdrs .. lg. fam . rm. & panoramic view. Call JACKIE HANDLEMAN for private showing 631-1266 MESA YllDI llST IUY Prime loc., 4 bdr., single story. Secluded • ,..apa amid lush landscaping. Priced to sell at $218.500. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631·1266 CO'''Gf PAii Spacious 3 bed 2 bath home with high assumable loan. Low interest rate. Only $129,900. Submit terms. Call Robert Milliken 631-1266 SUN & 5Ulf VllW 5 bed 3 bath has every conceiva~~~J amenity imaginable. 3 leve)s completely custom remodeled. 226 Poppy is just steps from the sand. Open House Sunday Tim Rhene 631·1266 IJ¥~ ..,,_LOAM 420 Dahlia has luxury at your fingertips. 3 bdr 4 bath gourmet kitchen. solid oak dgqrs _t_ ~cabin~ Uu:ouchout. An .old ··-f'nglisb home that can't be beat. Open House Sat.sun 1-5 Tim Rhone 631-1266 \ I HIW9'0lt cws Studios, l & 2 bdrms, 'from 188.000 and up. All have &ood usumable loans with low down payments. Pool, rec. room. sub-parking, sauna & jacuzzi, and some wit.h ocean views. OCUM YllW 12% interest! Assumable loan. The most beautiful view awaits you in this 3 bdrm retreat. Decorated in the finest taste. Priced at $270,000. HIAY84 OH UDO You'll love this spaciously remodeled 3 bedroom home on an extra wide lot. Sunny patio & jacuzii ! ! Only 10% down OWC! ! $50,000 under appraisal. BEST IN 1.UFFS The following 5 beautiful end unit homes IMCUJDI THI UMD 11U11 UPflll 3 bdnn expanded , front row view. $350,000. 2945 Quedada. OP9t l IDIM. 2'h bath, large enclosed patios. $279,500. App't. I LIVIL l year new, 2 bdrm. 2 bath. Of94 1973 VW. dll 0... UH,000. l llDM. 21h bath. 1982 Vista Caudal. $125.00>. OPIM. • UlGIST I LIVL 3 bdrm, ram. rm. ~e enclosed patios. $289,000. App'l. tll.fM 8. DOWD IEALTOIS. INC. 64M•J4 FLEXIBLE FINANCING Stief-Atlitt-4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! for a 3 Bdrm or 2 + den Me•rl H.iahts ....: lite Ii airy Smokelree Just l mile frdbi the LOTS, LOTS, LOTS. Magnificent Calif. Spanish home w/lots of BR · 7 · Lots of baths · 6 · & built on 3 pi:ime lots on Lido Isle. Built around a lg courtyard & pool & owners will help finance . too ! $1,25&;i00 Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (836) MEWIR HOME-60' of bayfront. Outstanding finan c in g opportunities. Assume huge low interest bank loan. Owner will carry large 2nd Trust Deed for jqualified buyer. Four large bedrooms. 4112 Baths. 2 story living room. Plus space for boats to 60', $1.200,000 w/land. George Grupe 644-6200. (B37 ) HAUOR RIDGE ESTATES Country French Devonshire w/spacious luxury throughout. Lg master suite · fam rm · library · game rm w/brick fplc & 3 additional BR on lower level. City · night light view · gated community. Owner w/carry . s ubmit on financi ng. S850 .000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (838) P~ VIEW Of OCEAN! Cameo Shores. south of PCH. See sensation al s un se t s & shimmering sails! 3 BR. fam rm + many extras . Priced to sell $729,900 Darlene Herman 752·1414 (B39) QUAUTY CRAFTSMANSHIP on a fine view lot with 4 BR. plus library and sauna. Everything a great remodel should be in a neighborhood worth caring about. $369.000 Coby Ward 642-8235 (840 ) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5 -2607 Bunya · Easlbluff · Newport Beach PllCED TO SILL On e of Woodbridge's finest & largest homes is waiting for you! If you want 5 BR's & close proximity to the lake & tennis courts. This is for you. The price is right & terms are terrific. $275.000 Susie Weiss 551-8700 (841) SAH LUIS REY • SPECTACULAR HOME Ma gnificent townhome w/view of lake, park, hills, 3 BR. 2 full baths. This home is better than model A. Finest upgrades, quiet cul-de-sac. Many extras. Priced for fast sale + owner w /carry. $240,000 Alan Beel 551-8700 (842) ILUI CtlP OffHIMG Better than new & cooveniently located 4 BR home near Woodbridge Lake. This spacious home features new carpeting, paint, lg wide open yard & excellent owner-assisted fmancing. $239,900 Rose Gammon 752·1414 (843) ILllN mST "Bonita" on lovely, greenbelt. One story 3 BR condo. SUMY location, newly carpeted, painted, wallpapered. Excellent financing. Perteet ror young, or retiring couple. $225,000 Jan young 6'2-823.5 (844) A U. ... This 2 BR, 2Y.l bath townhome w/a 2 car gange i.$ a beluty. F\nest interior le exterior uPll'lldes Ir pools. Ideal location mm tbil I must to ·see. Small doa needed for hieh balance lllUIDlble loam. SUl,000 Susie ... 551"100 (845) townhome Vaulted ceil· ~·ater. you'll feel the ings, B.I. kit w/micro. ocean br~zes in this 3 romantic Cirelite. pvt bedroom '3m1ly home patio. encl. gar. G D.0. tucked on a corner l!Jl pool. spa, tennis ntarby Prov1~es for for:mal dm · SlJ.S,000. Call Diana for I mg ~1th a ~am1ly room p\'1 showing. and c.ozy firepla ce for Diana Pielenpol-Volpe relaxing. at home. 3 large patios ror outdoor enjOyment o~ner will help finance at 13r; Ca II • ror detnlls toduv ,. $165,000 979 2390 S4b,950, 2 story. 9~.'7, FHA loan R1vers1de f>1-0·4.!66 The Best of the New Jackets! PRINTED PATT~ERN "11161 • SIZES 8·18 ; t What sets these jackets apart is sure. pure line and their compaub1hty with everything Crom s horts to pants t o dresses. Choose pique. linen. gab. chino or crepe. Printed Pattern M 161 by Bert Geiger comes in MISSeS Sizes 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. Sire 12 cbust 34) top jacket takes 15/8 yards 60-inch. the other 11 .. yards. Send S2.SO for this Pnnt· ed Pattern to DAILY PILOT. Box 59. Old lncomt Is I ne 0utc011W! I deal for 11\ing in and 1 for renting out • Th b duplex 1s perched on a large corner lot 1n Santa' Ana lleights, oCfenng a 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom unit with newly re modeled 1 n ter1 ors Owner IS willing to ex-change for house or con do , will assist with nnancUlg I Ass ume low balance loan al 12'. Sl89.900. Ca ll today ' 979-2390 ConfrH UfH~? WlerWiMHe Convenient to outh Coast \'1llage and Plaza. tlus 3 bedroom. 2 bath condo is ideal for the r asl paced liCestyle. Com· rortable family room and fireplace for relax- ing, muter bedre)(lm area. Patio and pool Facilities for year-round en.)Oyment Assume low l balance loan and owner will assllll with finan<" ~Jk39.900 Call no~ I 11 .87% 1' MeHVe.-dt Spacious 4 bedroom . 2•, bath, well located in I Mesa Verde North. 1s the largest model 1n this I I area EhJOY the famtl) I ro o m a nd rnlv r i rep I ace . m a s t e ·r bedroom suite Patio and pool size ya rd area I an ad\'antage Good as suma ble loan at 11 87'. Tius home IS in ex<·ellenl cond1uon wllh upjlraded accents St66.500 t'or details. rall 979·2390 bectlti•t Style Submit Offen! Beautiful 1 year old 4 bedroom home. conve- nient to South Co ast Plaza. Large assuma ble loan and owner will help Cinance Complete with 21.-, baths. formal dining room, family room and crackling fireplace Ideal for the executive lifestyle. S2G4.900. Sub- mit all orrers · 979. 39 larbrll, IU·:.\IJOH~ Olelsea Sta , New York. ------- N.Y. 10113. Add SO< for postage and spe cial -------handling Print Name. Add ress. Zip. Style OWHBSMUST Number and Size. IB.OCA TE 500M Sensational savings on PrlCed slashed on this sensational clothes are ARTIST'S RETREAT yours with our NEW 1982 w1lh_pnvate BEACH P R 0 M I N E N T ACCESS in the sleepy DE.51GNER PATIERN ocean village or CATALOG. You save SS0 CARLSBAD. 3 Br. new to SSOO and more when earthtone carpets and you sew! All the lop redwood decking with na~s. newest easy-to· r I c b wood t o n es sew designer looks io throughout SLASHEP d res s es . c o a l s • to Sl29,SOO so act NOW sportswear. Plus so• bycallin& BONUS COUPON for W...__ &C ....__ any pattern of your -• o.""" choice. Send SI.SO ror -li(iii7ill4iilil7Uliili·!iii!iiltlit._.1 Boolt 37 now. •-=••cw ft.LA P YllW LOT Near$ million dollar hoines. Seller will subordinate! Submit your terml. $115,000. llG CAMYOM llOADMOOI $710,000 Beaut. 4 bed rms . Fam rm w/firoplace, formal din rm, 2""2 ba. Newly decorated in soft pleas ing colors. Beautiful oew cptng & drapes. New marble entry. Pool & s pa. 14 IUIMHG TIH ROAD SAT/SUH 1·5 · .. a CANYOH COUNTIY CLUI Magnificent location o'looking 8th green of golf course. Majestic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdrms, lge formal din rm, fam rm, billiard rm. refrigerated wine rm , & 61h ba. Marble. finest wood paneling, air cond.. + many custom features. $2,150,000 incl. land. May sell furn. EUGANT WATBFRONT -HI LAHD Extensively improved. 4 bdrms, 3112 ba. Teak library Gourmet kitch. Superb master suite w/rosewood paneled sitting rm. Decorator's masterpiece. $1,500,000 includin g land w/50' front on water Lg. boat slip. llG CAHYOM "VERSAILLES" Largest lot of all Deane homes. Golf course view ! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like setting. Lovely pool. spa. & ga7.ebo. Gated front courtyard with fountain. Marble foyer w/glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den. formal din rm. 41h ba. $950.000 including land. HARIOR VU HILLS IROADMOOR View of ocean. bay & Pavilion lights. 4 Br. 21 2 Ba , fam rm . 2 fpl cs. community pool & parks. S420.000 including land. or $330.000 leasehold. Only S665 per yr ground rent until 1991. Owner will help finance. 1251 SURRINE WAY SAT/SUH 1-5 HARIOR VIEW HOMES -PORTOFIMO 4 bdrms. fam rm. 312 ba. Teen-ager's priv. suite. Comm. spa & pool. $345.000 incl. land. $5.2.000 dn. Owner finan ce. HAUOR VIEW -HUGE YARD Quiet. park-like setting. 179' wide rear yard. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Picturesque cul dt sac street. 3 bdrms. fa m rm. $379.500 including the land. See now. $74,'50 MIAl SO. COAST PLAZA Attractive 2 bdrm condo. A great starter home. Pool & spa. See now. HADOR VIEW HOMES $225,000 Popular 3 bd rm !\tona<'o moch·I Formal din rm. Many extras. Security system. Large assumable loan. 1824POn ST11UMG SUM ONLY l ·S GOAT OCEAN VIEW $405,000 3 bdrm, fam rm. Pool. Security system. Vu of night lights $70,000 dn. Owner will finan ce. No new loan fees .. 1100 SAHDPlrB SUH OMLY 1·5 WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 21 I I SClll Joaquin HUis Rood NEWPORT CENTER. H.I . 644·49 I 0 GORGEOUS &IAY VIEW Complete redecora led "Bayside Covr" 2 BR. den penthouse Assn pool. spa, pn beach. Looks like model Great assuma bll' Try 20~ down or 6 months option Greatly reduced Cor mo t 1 val e d b u y e r $484,000. Debbie Frati Macnab-Irvine Realty 642.8235 ------- MESA VYDE 411 & POOL/SPA Outstanding value in this tri-level home on cul-de-sac. Oversized l ot . ramily room w/frplc Owne r will as- sist with financing. A great buy at S239.000 751-3191 30 YR FIXED RA TE 13 1/•0/oLOANS 2 Ii 3 Bdrm townhomes with all d eluxe amenities· jac uzzi. trash comp, auto gar dr opnrs. micro and a dazzling New England environment Call for appt. lo see. Broker co-operauon. Roger's Realty 541.z ll 67S.23 I I 41R·POOL ·SPA nnd that's not all Beaut1Cully ma 1nt11ned with many amenities that make this home a terri fi e buy. . En ler through the enclosed courtyard and see all that this home has lo or- rer You'd be proud to own 1t Only Sl65,000 Call l)OW979-5370. ALLSTATE REALTORS FOREVER VIEW! OF OCEAH & MNMf'f ,U.HTS OPIN SPACH & l'AllS •MID MEW TOwtl IOMl5 Deluxe, 2 master suites, lar_ge airy rooms. Great financing. Country atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All for the low price of: . SIJ7,000 I SIM,000 HAL• PAT IAUa A6TS. . 67J.7JOO Oraf11M Collt DAILY PILOT}Sund1y, March 7. um 1141.W..AC&IMIU ___ aullfS ON4 SUH 1-1 LIAll/Ol'flOM OI SAU Only $15,000 Down . Large · Assumable Loan With 30 Year Fixed Rate. Owner Will Carry 1 Laree 2nd T.D. At Low Interest. 'Lovely 3 BR End Unit W /Wrap Around Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Immediate Possession . Only $210,000. #l IUI FOMTAJ .. llUAU llG CAMYOH OP84 SUH 1·5 Finally! A Big Canyon Dover On The Market! Huge Master Bedroom · Mirrored Dressing Room & Bath · Pvt Guest BR & BA · + Den · Beautiful Decor · Shows Like A Model · Pride Of Ownership · Owner/Agent Will Finance · Pri~ Under Market Value At $425,000. 19'3 JllORT SIAIOUIME HAlloa VllW HOMIS OP84 SUH 1·5 New Listing. Corner Location. Great Curb Appeal. Carmel Model. 3 BRs. Skylight in F. R. Ve ry Secluded Yard. Comm. Pool & Park At End Of Block. Call Regarding Outstanding Financing. Asking Only $235,000. 542 HAUOR ISL.AMO DRIVE PIOMOMTORY UY OPIH SUM 1·5 Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND . Parquet Floors. New Carpets. 3 BRs Plus Conv. Den. 31'2 BA. Sep D.R. Huge F .R. W/Wet Bar. Kitchen W /Pantry. Brkfst Rm . Sauna. 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock . Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. $1,400,000. 2067 VISTA DR ORO ILUff S OPIH SUH l·S · Lovely View · 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths . End Unit · Decorator Wallpapers. Drapes · Plantation Shutters . Super Financing · Large Assumable Low Int. Loan · Shows Like A Jewel · $235,000. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. 2752 IA YSHOH DRIVE IAYSHORES OPIH SUH 1.5 Prime Bayfront View. Pier. Dock. Quality 5 Bedroom In Desirable Gated Community. Private Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Even If Purchased With Land . $2,076.000 Total Price ls Less Than Equal Locations With Equal Amenities. Priced at $975.000 Leasehold . 2752 IA YSHOIE DRIVE IAYSHOllS OPIH SUH 1·5 Prime Bayfront View. Pier, Dock . Quality 5 Bed room In Desirable Gated Community. Priva te Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Even If Purchased With Land, $2.076 ,000 Total Price Is Less Than Equal Locations With Equal Amenities . Priced At $975,000 Leasehold . 1412 SERBW>I TaltACE llVIME TIUACE OPIH SUM 1-5 Secluded Gardens & Trees W /Brick Patios. Sunny Glass Enclosed 4 BR Houe. Pvt Gated Entry. Hardwood Parquet Firs & French Doors. YOU O WN THE L AND . Ex c lnt Financing Available. As king $378,000. llG CANYON -VIEW! Walle Thru Garden Courtyard To Towering Door Leading To Marble Entry. Winding Staircase & Spac. L.R. Large D.R. Den W /Fireplace. Huge Master BR & BA, Plus 3 Add 'l BRs. Big Lot W /Paddle Tennis Court. Mountain, Ocean Views. Reduced To $825,000. COROHA DEL MAR DUPLU Recently Completed Custom Home W /Used Brick Fireplace, Mex . Tiles & Vaulted Ceilings. Master Suite W /Cathedral Windows & Treetop Views. Coiy, Secluded 2 BR B.&ar Unit Plus Poss. Guest Tfuarters ! Great Financing . $356,000. SAMTA AMA WGAJM One BR Condo, Adult Living. Upstairs Unit W /Deck. Close To Pool & Spa. Walk To South Coast Plaza. Just Reduced To $69,000. Agent/Owner. MIULOUS OCMM V11W Plus City Lights • Exclusive Newport Beach Spyglass · Beautif Ul Capehom Model W /Four Bedrooms Plus Family Room . Courtyard W /Pool & Spa • One Of The Most Tenific Views la All Of Spyalasa. '150,000. . (!) 75"11 --= • WA18'10Mf NOMI PllV ATI llACH * , Sensational 4 bedroom home smack on the water! I Featurln1 frencb d oors, firepl ace, professionally decorated and private SANDY BEACH. OnJy $249,000 and seller will carry AITD! 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach 759 -1501 or 752-7373. * TUITUIOCK S 1,279 PIA MOHTH ••• • IS ALL YOU PAY WHEN YOU TAKE OVER EXJSTING lST T . D. Spacious 4 . bedroom executive detached home. Featuring formal dining, family room and fireplace. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • WISTCUFF * 121/41'/o AMAMCIMG when you take over existing loans on this executive home featuring 4 Br, 2'h Ba & pool only $339.900. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759 -1501 or 752-7373. * 13.200/o AMAHCIMG • WOOOlllDGE GUH Sensational 3 Br, 2 s tory townhome w /super financing . "Birch Model" onJy $131 ,500. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 12. 90/o IMTEUsT • HAUOR VIEW HOME Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den. frplc & spa !! Low interest finan cing available. $241.500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * IRVIHE GROVES • 91/40/o AMAHCIMG when you take over existing loans on highly upgraded for mer model. "Orangewood Model" only $141.900. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * tBfTAGI PAD • SIUB AMAMCIMG Absolutely smashing 3 Br town- ho me featuring central air conditioning & security system only $132,500. 2670 San Miguel Drive. Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. $3000 RHATE Superb finan cing at a lo w interest rate available on this bright and cheery four bedroom two bath home PLUS the seller will give you a $3000 r1bate at the close of escrow. Askitig $119,000. 556-7035. 120/o MONEY! Spacious four bedroom pool-home on large lot in desirable Westcliff area. Sellers will help.finance by issuing a trust deed at 12%. Ideal fo r large young fam ily. Offered al $.139.900 with one year home protection plan provided . 556-7035. IBO DOWM PAYMENT On the water. Price slashed $10,000 to $214.900. Owner will finance totally. Professionally decorated thru-out to model home standards. 556-7035. O!HEI ANAHCIHG AT 12% Executive home with soaring cathedral ceilings plus a solar h eate d pool and s pa . Professional ly decorated throughout. its ideal fo r entertainmen t. Fabulous landscaping front and rear. Offered at $239,000. 556-7035. MASSIVE CUSTOM AUPLACI Spend those romantic evenings basking in , the glow from this massive fireplace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideally located close to Westminster Mall & Goldenwest College. 9032 Adams, H.B. 556-7035. 1;, ACU ISTA Tl Completely remodeled home with new kitchen featuring custom oak cabinets, bwlt-in microwave and trash compactor. Large rormal dining room has built-in oak buff et and cabinets. Huge detached garage has ~ bath le could be easily converted to f uest house. Sacrifice for • 174,900. 556-7035. Ml'\WOlr IMCH OMCI HJOS. ..... ..._ ~111• nt-1111 0141 na.1111 .....-TOM llACM OFRCI tlU.._A-. 171• t6W611 11141 U6-70JI . '• OLDCDM THE ~EAL ESTATE RS Cloee to the beach with a pool! 3 bdrms. 3 baths. z flreplaces1 beam ce1Un1. sunny dee1. $475.000. 4" ..... n.C.M. i-----i 3 6dnD. Opeo Sun. l·S. AISOWTISTIAL $1$5,000. • .............. _ .... nu Certl.d. ccM --s110.ooo Cameo-Jff&hTa ncr ·4 MOW$1Zl.OOO ~r~1 formal dining, SPY'9LASS 0::~. ~~:'· S220.ooo. IY OWtUI · u"'UIYST U OWNERFlNAN'"ClNG ,._ A fFEI 6br/4""ba. 4100 sq fl SIAUOMHALTI 2SBodega'Bay 673-5354 Call owner, 759·0737 -EASY MONEY- NO QUALIFYING BAO< BAY 1-0ME fh.ee ~ 0.-,oam and loft RO!S«l redwood 01l1n~. F1ench door1 qolore ~ gciden "'ndowL Redwood porioi mia:n llbl QI~ 1oons. $179.tm M6·7167 tlSToaJC MEDflUIAMIAH LAHDMAll ESTA Tl _.. 60' °" Newport lay. SwffP'-9· ,_. IWlic .WW, fro. Ille PnlllOtl to ttlt •a •falit1 All ..ttit.tic orcllihchlrel Iii ... of ~ days Mii ugllotlf Iii ).story ~· ,,_. 4ttt floor obserYaffoe tower. ne quolltJ Hd a uft lip ia llis dicpi&d stnlct•re ·flffw lf*lom room & prhocy, ht ...... to 9f141 CM illdoor & CMlfdoor 111•:;.::!:' ...t co.iyn e.try. 11iis Ytlo often two wl•9• for pri•ete IMIHJ. Tiiis l•ch1des 6 lltctoam md 6 baMll oom, a forwol cillMg roo111,, 2 ldtchetls, fonMI ll•llHJ ,_ lcrge f9lity roe.I & i..clt MOH. A. llf ., Mff.cOlltaiMd IMllff' ...... '-9' ,....._,float wfl occ~dot. • 60', ... two .... boclts. A. detailed ....... wfl be ........... ,.... ••• $2.650,000 fee '-1. A.dfollllUJ ..... ........ ,._ 3 c• ._.... eYallable far $395.000 °" o ..,... 45x I 00 ff. .... * * * OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 PM PEJINSULA POINT PREVIEW of fllle IMNMt fro. llffot dclltle to ........... 172l "-cW s.r .......... $295,000 2137 OcMI .. d ••..••...... SJZl,500 424 ...................... S41t,000 502 .,. Shef ..........•... $01,000 1707 .. .., ............ $2,650,000 t24W"tloy ............ $1,495,000 2104 W. Ocaefl _, •.•.•.•• $725,000 20f.21S lttllSt.offlcAoo •. $319,000 *** OI A.T THESE LOCATIONS HAllOI llDGE #4 ......_. •••••••••••.•• $2,200,000 IKi CANYOM 45 C..,....., Dr •••••.•• PIO.GOO UDO tSU. ••. JJJ YllS.'-.......... $5'0,000 105 Yle•u I ,., ..... , ... $441,000 11 J Vie a.,_ ............ PH,000 M&IOA ISLAND ... . 11 It ti.. I ..... Ult h Sl71,0H 117 Mlrtlle A•t .............. lztl..• CCIOMA •MAI • IJB ......... '"·T• •• SZfl\MO 711 I r~ 114 .. • • .. • • .. .. PIUOO JIM Oillll IW .••..••... Sl.Jll .... f"" Sl ltJ\~s\~M SliWtWD Charmlna u.1>&raded Im· New lliiTna 1ovely 4 nwc. detachfd 111 faml· Bdrm ramlly 'home cov b' realdmce. 2 car &ar, ered. patiQ le11ci1 to Jo paymtnL&. Call Pee bentiM back yard I .Cll.· L' RVMtt.X 1•tit OPEN HOUSE .. Sunday 1·5 Harbor View Hills In SANDCASTLE CORONA DEL MAR Spac &i popular z sty. Luslt "Burlin&ame", 4 BR, 3 Ba. fam nn. bia bon111 rm. torm din rm, 2 fplr. Fee land. Terrific canyon view SS50 LORETTA CURCI iill~ ............ HOUSES FOR SALE I IEDROOM lll9 N. Sturgeon, #2, Santa Ana 96.1-6767 $62,950 Sun 12·5 2 IEDROOM ~Westminster. CM 644-7020 $125,000 Sun 1·5 2137 E. Ocean Bl, Balboa Penin 631-1400 $323.500 Sunday 1·5 614 Larkspur, Corona del Mar 731·5000 $235,000 Open Sun 1·5 •8Sandbar, CdM f\75-5320 5445.000 Sal1Sun 11·2 21l .... FAMRMorDEH ~ Curl Drive. Jasmine Creek. 640-1515 1·728-5151 Sal Sun 11-4 417SeviUe, Balboa Penin, NB 675-5134 $415,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 •2 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek CdM . 644-!KM>O Sun 1·5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores. Cd M _'l 644-!KM>O 5595.000 Sun 1·5 u7MarineAve,Balboa Island 673-6900 529.5.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 #40akgrove. Wdbrg, Irv 5.5l·:lXX! $186.900 Sat /Sun 1-5 :m1 Vista Cajon, Npt Bch 759·1221 $315.000 Sun 1·5 #3 Rue Fontainebleau ( Bg Cyn l NB 759-9100 ~.000 Sun 1·5 51 Harbor Ridge. Harbor Ridge. NB 644·6200 $75,000 Sun 1·5 ~10 Balboa Coves. Balboa Coves , 642-8235 5.595.000 Sun 12·5 '.f!1 BayVlew Terrace. Costa Mesa 96.1-6767 S210.000 Sun 1·4 l IEDROOM •2001 Galatea Terr. Npt Bch 644·7020 $995.000 Fee Sun 1·5 5al "I " St. Balboa Pen in 631-1400 $138,000 Sund ay 1·5 1.325 Bonnie Doone, Irv Terr. CdM 631·1400 $245,000 Sunday 1·5 2331 Cliff Dr. Npt Hghls. NB 631·1400 $795,000 Sundav 1·5 400 Cabrillo ( Eastside > CM · 645-9161 S2W,OOO Sun l ·4 400Columbus Cr, Corona del Mar 673-85.50 $345.000 Sun I · 30·5 ~Darrell, Costa Mesa 546·2313 $110,000 Sun 12-3 1101 Debra. Costa Mesa 546-2313 S207.000 Sun 1·4 15521 Sandusky, Westminster 96.1-6767 $179.2.50 Sun 1-5 15!J1.2Calera Ct. Fountain Vly 963-6767 S115.000 Sun 12·3 8'ra)Racquet ln. Huntington Bch . 963-6767 SJ.59.900 Sun 1-4 235.1Columbia. Costa Mesa 963-6767 $1Z7,500 Sun 1·5 l!W Merriday. Santa Ana 963-6767 $109,900 Sun l ·4 466Broadway. Costa Mesa 673-53.54 Sl55,-000 Sun 1·5 * W4 Pt Locksleigh Pl ( HVH ) NB 644-2573 $274,500 Sal/Sun 1·4 1911 Court Ave, Newport Peninsula NB • 675-4746/675-2291 $399,000 S/Sll·6 ••1126 E. Balboa Bl (BalPen) NB l·524·591l> Sl,495.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach 675-1771 $275,000 Sunday 1-4 2001 Arnold (Central) CM 642-5200 $98,500 Sun 1·5 312 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $425,000 Sun 1·5 1614 Santanella Terrace, CdM ~.2WJ $299,000 Sa 11·3/Sun 1·4 43> DeSola Terr (Corona Hinds) CdM 67s.6(XX) ~.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 425Gloucester (Cape Series) CM 642-5200 $145,000 Sun 1·5 1723Abalone, Balboa Island 673-tl900 *175,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ltMOcean, Corona del Mar 631·1400 . Sl,350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4.18San Bernardino, Nit Bch i 631·1266 S'm,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ·' l&ae Port Sterliog, ,Hrbr Vu, NB 644-4910 $225,000 Sun 1·5 1 Rue Footainbleau, Big Canyon, NB &«>-m7 tm,000 Sunday 1 · S Zl78Columbia, C.OSt.a Mes• •74M $129,900 Sat/Sun 12·4 0 RESIDENTIAL REAl ESTATE SERVICES UDO ISLE $450,000 Corner location affords beautiful light exposure in this 4 BR home one block from clubhouse. tennis & beaches. Owner assisted 'financing with excellent terms. Priced to sell imm~iately. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 EXCLUSIVE PllVATE COMMUNITY HOME IN EMERALO BAY, LAGUNA BEACH Localed just 10 minutes Crom Newport Center, thls family residence with 5 Bdrms and 4 Baths also features a sunny patio. The private community of Emerald Bay enjoys use of a private beach. 24 hr. gate guarded security, tennis, parks and recreation. Large assumable financing. $790,000. Shown by appt. with David Hirschlcr DIRECTORY .. .., 11111 ._.., clrectory wlttl,.. .... ...._. • y• .. ._, ........ Al Ille lee ...... lrh4 ...... OH 4-ICrilMcl • .,.... ...... , ..................... ...,., DAil T "9l.OT WAlfT ADS., ....... sllo•iitt .-~for .... or rwt -9'"' lo •t wll .. ._...._ i...,. c..._ ..a. s...., _.s...,. 219 Memphis, Huntington Beach 5.li-7542 Sat /Sun 12·5 2Al~ Gourami Bay INig Shrs) Lag Nig 4934445 $235.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2-1721 El Camino Capistrano, Dana Pt. 493-®1 $795.000 Sat Sun 1-5 Z333College Dr. Costa Mesa 759-1221 S134.900 Sat;Sun 1·4 •28 Miners Trail (Northwds) Irv 675-600> S199,000 Sat Sun 1·5 ~Redlands Dr (Back Bay) NB 631·18.51 S259.0I~ Sat 1Sun 12·5 139.1Galaxy IDoverShrs ) NB 642·5200 $495.000 Fee Sun 1·5 ZJ Mainsail (Jasrnn Ck) CdM 5.52-200> $385.000 Sat Sun 1-4 542 Harbor Isl Dr (Prom Bay ) NB 759-9100 Sl,400,000Sat12·5 Sun 1·5 •1993 Prt. Seabourne (HVHms ) NB 759·9100 S235.000 Sat1Sun 1·5 •1100 Sandpiper. Hrbr Vu l1ills. CdM 6444910 $405,000 Sun l ·5 1007Tradewinds. Baycrest. NB 644·9060 $325.000 Sun 1-4 ::'l Bordeaux. Harbor Ridge, NB 644·!KM>O S.589,500 Sun 1·5 4931 Hemlock. Univ Pk, Irvine 644-ml S193.000 Fee Sun 2·5 •1472Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. NB 642·2510 $739.000 Fee Sat 1Sun 1·5 ~Commodore Rd Newport Beach 631·~ ~5-3758 Sat Sun 1·5 62 Drakes Bay. Npt Bch 64()..990() S>49. 000 2612 Redlands < E Side l CM Sat 1·4 642·6.l>S $149.900 Sat 1·5 2()33 Port Weybridge. HVHm5 759· 1501 SI ,250. mo . Sun 1·5 4601 Camden, Corona del Mar 759-1221 $925.000 Sun 12·5 ~1 Surrey Dr. Corona del '.\lar 759-1221 Sl39.000 Sun 12·5 n3 VieMa. Npt Bch 644·7020 $175.000 Sun l ·5 2004 CliffDr. Newport Hts, NB, 646·5096 $385.000 Sunday 1·5 1515Cumbcrland <Weslcliff ) NB 540-1151 $240.000 Sun 12-4 21Z1 Aralia. Eastbluff. NB 642·8235 $279,500 Fee Sun 1·5 0101 N. Bayfront. Balboa Isle 642·8235 $895,000 Sun 1·4 19 \\lhitewater. Jasmine Creek, CdM 642·8235 $395,000 Fee Sun 2·5 3711 Seashore. Newport Beach ~ ~.000 Sun 1-5 3713Seashore. Newport Beach 644-6200 SBS0,000 Sun l ·5 3 ll ... LOFT a>l3 Redlands (Back Bay) CM 646-7167 $179.800 Sat,Sun 1·5 ' 3 IR pllis GUEST 2211 Waterfront. CdM 642.8235 $495,000 41DOOM Sun 1·5 700 Via Udo Sood, Lido Isle, NB 673-!KM>O $S75,000 Sun 1 ·5 .••2.M4 W. Oceanfront, Npt Penin .. 631-1400 $725,000 Sunday 1·5 Zl.1 Poinsettia, CdM 646-sca> Sunday 1·4 1412SerenadeTerr (Irv Terr) CdM 759-9100 sm,ooo Sal/Sun.1·5 ?ZJViaSanRemo, Udolsle, NB ~H-400 s;60,000 Sat/Sun l ·S m Delaware Place. Mesa Verde, CM 54.S-9'lS8 Sl39.SOO Sat/Sun 11·5 No.1 Trafalgar, Npt Bch &t4-7<m Sl,895,000 Sun l·S 1m Via RaveMa, Lido Isle, NB 631·1400 ~.ooo Sunday t·S 113 Via Ravenna, Udo Isle, NB 6.1H400 $.1554JO Sunday l·S 3M2Alta ~Newport Beacb 6'B8550 •tm Sun l·S •Santlae..~~ .. ~w,..,.1 ... ----... 1-1 · . "• - 4 IR plut GUEST •Z!ll Tustin Ave. Newport Sch 63'7·0417 Stll.500 Sunl-4.30 4 • plut FAM RM or DEi ~Vista Trucha (Bluffs l NB 640-62.59 S269 .500 Sun I · 5 •DtlSteeplechase. SJC 644·7020 $750.000 2A Lucerne. Npt Bch Sun 1·5 644-7020 $8.5.000 Sun 1·5 33'l2 Maryland I Mesa \'erde Nol CM 979.2390 Sl66.500 Sun 1-5 lDa> White5ails Way, CdM 700-8702 $179.900 Sat.Sun 10·5 :!i6.5 Temple l lills Dr. Lag Bch 4!n·5454 $95.000 Sal Sun 1-5 133Via Undine IL !Lido Isle) NB 675-7298 $735.000 Sat Sun 1·5 210ViaSan Remo. Lido Isle. NB 67J.2556or675-3048 Sat1Sun 1·5 2.1£? Tabago (Mesa Verde) CM 642-~ Sl73,750 Sun 1·5 Zl2Via Koron (Lido Isle 1 NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 22a>Waterfront. CdM 7~933.1 S595.000 Sat /Sun 2·5 ~1 Montau.k Cr, Huntington Bch 002·9597 $227,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 14 Burning Tree Rd. Big Canyon. NB 644-4910 S750.000 Sat Sun 1·5 1251Surfline Way, HVH. CdM 644-4910 S4~.ooo Sat/Sun 1·5 101 Via Quito. c:ido Isle. NB 644-!KM>O S450.000 Sun 2-5 l715Galatea Terr. Irv Terr. CdM 644·!KM>O $498.000 Sun 1·5 H l617 Bayside Dr . Yachtsman Owe.CdM 644-!KM>O Sl.795.000Fee S Sl -5 um E. Balboa Blvd, Bal Penin 644-!KM>O S725.000 Sat 2-5 l~Glennwood, Baycresl. NB 644-9000 $395.000 Sun 1-5 7Trafalger. Harbor Ridge, NB 640-5777 Sl.595 Mil Sat/Sun 1·5 I13 Poppy. Corona del Mar 675-5.511 5598.500 Sat Sun 1-5 J.184 Windsor. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $239.000 Sat 1Sun 1-4 ~Cleveland. Costa Mesa 646-7434 $134,900 Sat,Sun 12·4 14 Monterey Cir. Corona del Mar . 640-9900 SJ89.500 Sat /Sun l ·4 1441 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. NB 548-5647 $120,000 Sat Sun 1-5 19122 Biddle Dr. Trtlrk, lrv 759-1501 $213.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 19002 Edgewood Ln .. Hunt Sch 963-6163 $219.000 Sun 11·5 •3448 Santa Clara (Mesa Weis ) CM 1179-2390 $199,000 Sun 1·5 l.:D>Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $550,000 Sun l ·5 'SJ1 Bunya. Eastbluff. NB 642-8235 $l)9. 000 ~Presidio. Costa Mesa 751-3191 $142.500 •183.10riole, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $279 ,900 ID Santiago. Dover Shores Sun 1·5 Sun 1·4 Sun 1·4 642-823.5 $319,500 LH Sun l ·5 40 Vienna (Harbor Ridge) NB ~ ~.000 Sunl-5 0219 Via Udo Soud, Lido Isle 642-8235 $2.250,001 Sun 1·5 'OZ/ Arbutm, Eastb1uff, NB 644.QX} $289,500 ~Begonia, Costa Mesa Sun 1·5 ~ $169.~ • Sun 1·4 •!t2319 Bayside, O>r~nJl del Mar · ~ Sl.885,000 Sun 1·5 IQ Lanai Dr, Chst.a Mesa 98M'167 •• ooo I mlOOM Sun 1·5 a632 Baysbore Drive( Bayshores, NB 642.m Sl25,000L.H. Sun 1·4 31161 Bauwood, E·Blurf, NB "3-'m) fl.12.000 Sun l·S • .. V\IUdoNord, Lldollle. NB _.. .... lkml·I •• MEW OM THI MAlllT Delightful & immaculate Peninsula Point 3 BR cottage. Low down . Approx. $202,000 in assumable ''Subject t o" financing. Seller help financing. Seller is leaving area. Superb corner lot. Steps to park & beach. Builders delight. Outstanding terms & true seller motivation make this a "one of a kind" Best buy · $325,000. s.....sw.r 675-1445 '4z..t235 •17920riole. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $299,000 Sun 1·4 l818Tanager. Costa Mesa 546·2313 $280.000 Sun 1·4 ~Boa Vista, Costa Mesa 640-91.m 5210.000 Sun l ·4 1956 Flamingo t Mesa Verde> CM 645-0.l)J $215,(XX) Sun 1·4 Z752 Bayshore Dr <Byshrs) NB 759-9100 ~5.000 Sat isun l ·S 6 IEDltOOM u rnn E. Bayfront, Balboa P.~nin 631·1400 $2.650.000 Sunday 1·5 6 IR pM FAM RM or Def •70 Hillcrest. Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $1.595 Mil Sat/Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM •2600 Block Santa Ana Ave , CM 631-6194 $129,500 Sal Sun 11·5 :mi Elden. Costa Mesa 5.57-4579 Sll7,5000pen Sat/Sun 1·4 45Canyon Isle, Big Canyon . Npt Bch 631·1400 m!.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ?Zn Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 67J. 7300 S137 .000 Sat /Sun l ·4 ?Zn Pacific Ave. Costa Mesa 673-7300 $189,000 Sat Sun 1·4 •25Canyon Island Dr. Big Cyn, NB 673·7300 ~.000 Sun 1-4:30 •D>CagneyLn ;1101, Versailles 67J.7Dl S127.000 Sun 1·4 •21 Kialoa, i'wpl Crest, NB 673·7300 $179,500 Sun 1·4 1214 Rutland Rd, West cliff. NB 640-5777 $123.900 Sunday 1·5 ~Van Ness. Costa Mesa 675-5.511 Sl.40.500 Sat /Sun 1 ·5 •:ni7 Vista del Oro (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $2.35.000 Sun 1·5 17°'1Westcliff#16. Newport Beach 673-4400 S129 .500 Sun 1 ·5 4lll2 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 67~5.511 $295.000 Sat1Sutt 1·5 2 ll plm FAM RM or Def •lOCrest Cir. Canyon Crest. CdM 673-8494 $165,000 Sat1Sun 1·5 :m.19thSt. Peninsula . NB 631-1400 5319.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •500A\'enida Campana. Bluffs. NB 67J.7Dl • Sun 1·4 l IEDIOOM 4ll Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-5.511 mc>.000 Sat /Sun 1·5 •157 Yorktown Ln. Costa Mesa 646-8396 $102.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 21793 Ocean Vista Dr. South Laguna 499-S(XX) 5319.000 Sunday 1·5 9EncoreCt. (NwptCrest) NB 546·2313 $199,500 Sun l ·4 •113 Aspen. Costa Mesa 64&-7434 Sl37.000 Sunday 12·4 l IR pllis DIH •314AveCumbre (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 S210.000 Sun 1·5 .roi Lombard, Costa Mesa 64&7434 Sl54.500 Sunday 12·4 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE I IR pllis LOFT lONavarre, lrvine &»91.m $159,000 Sat 1·5 2IBIOOM lCYMSeabreeze Dr. The Bluffs. CM 631·91Z7 $126.900 Sun 1·5 4lfPIOOM zm Minuteman"Way, CM ~1·1266 $110,000 DUPLEXES FOR SALE z .... ,. 1911 Cllff Dr, Newport.Hts ~l-1400 $325.000 Sunday 1·5 MOllll HOMES FOR SALE _ I• ... PAM 1M er DIM n»E. Coast Hwy 1113Nwpt kb '1$-l'M7 ..,,000 Sat/SUll 1-4 n> E. O>ast Hwy No. 270 Nwpt Bela ~ 9 ,000 Sat/Sa,.. HDUSI FOR LIASI •••MN1M11• tDa lfealher Lue, Newport a.II ... aa1mo. SltllmlN ·- Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/SUnday, March 7, 1982 n I • ~htW. ...;...;Wt .......... Wt , ...... ..,w. ........ ..,~ ....... ~w. ........... s. .......... Wt : .......... Wt 1~ .... w. !:~:;; .......... iit~ ;;;;;;.·~: ... io22 c;;;;;;;· .. ioii i:·:;;:;;;; ....... io24 ;;;:;.:;;;:;· ... ~ .. ;~;; , .......... .;;:.·i;,4; ~";~i ..... iiii ;·Mi;;t ..... iii2 :;;;;:;;;~ ... i°'~ ,~ .. ;:~;:;; ... ·;;~ ·•····•·········· .•.........••..............•••.........•••.... ·•·······•·····••······ ................•••..........••.....•••••...............•...•••.•.... ·········--·········~·· ............................................. . Ol.Dl84GUSH RXaUPPll Pric-ereducedNow200K Luse Option·Purrhase TAllOY•PYMTS 1UDO. IST Thfs-2800 sq ft liomc Lowcat price In Cd Ml HST IUY or partnerahlp. ~bdrm, MO OUAUFYIHCi' · 1 o;; ATE comu with the Ind. Fixer. A &l . S Ht , t811,600bU)'•"' lldrntt 11, 2ba, Sl.50.000. Ul E 20Lh f'antaltlc 2 story·+ Ofl8t ·UT/SUM 1·5 MKNOSIJR£ $IO•. 911 Chan vu, ICCtu to pvt · - _ baths and huce fcoctd ~·Prine Onl . 644~ 1wlmm1111 ml. nr be1t rUKUll. Dnmat)r T60C"H Of' btadi' your own pool, ~ean View, •bdrm, b•cky1rd. Neat and \ldy MESA OElrMAR beach •rt• Only ~ ' Z4105 IMWMI t., , QLD ENOLANO with localed ln pmtlgioua must nil. '3'75,000. 103 wtlh remodeled kltrhen WtPOOL down to auume low In Two story 3 BR town.home in private arched entry lo OLDE Cameo Shores, this 4 down or partnerahlp 11nd bathJI, new paint 3 Bedroom 2 Bath tere•l loan. HUKRY Niguel Shores Has added family n~~ PARLOUR with ~~home, rc.atu,.a Prin~Onl . ~48112. and drapes. Convenient home tamliytdlnlna CAJ.J.14Hl00 room with skylight A CC"SS to ca~ral ty~ windows. Trm w ocean vu. to swm and echools rm Walklr11 dlstancuo W,odd · "' un l~1u rir~flare1 ~~..°at~ Baron , 2001Arwold all schools, shoppffJ). •Br.Z\.IBa.nook.ram•ll com~unlty pool, tennis & pvt beach ~$aJ>A~ F.JI N~~10 0,...5-day 1·5 ~~o. Owner/agt.I nn. 3 car aarage, pro parkmg. Assumable 1st, $235,000. See country kitchen sep' &42·5200 -----landsc-ape'd , 2 patios Ed Adams. breakrut nook . huge S4000LEASE w1rover1, wallpaper ' MAICOI ~ lltlfe b d r m 1 w 1 's e PURCHASE rustom paint thru·out, DRESSING RO o /s. 2 Dr. 11-'I Ba. Townhume security system, c:rown ll14 I 2l 4tJ0 444S 8 /1 library sewing l3~rt mterestunly F'ull moulding, Mu1 t'11n room, gleaming H/W CcM C...,_r 0-.111 price SI08,000 Agent pa.ver Ooonng. 2 used n oors. and carriage wtt fiftanc L...'"?t IUCHFIOHT ~16__ bnck Ctplrs , b.lt·1n TV house. All amid tower "' Dream house on the stereo c ~ b •n e t It • --•--.. in& trees on large lot 10 3 BR 2 a or 2+ gue in Tl.ADI ~helves Ill ram. rm &.ogi.a •ocll I 048 __,..... _,. I 048 atta of FINE HOM ES owners unit also 2 br sand. 3 bdrm, den. large 9,5010 Goff C U i-.. High assumable Must ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• PLUS assume low 10 rental cottage All in~~\ :n"d~!v~~s 1~~~t Cci~3b<Jrm,lbalh ,din OWM •_, see to appreciate Fantastic buy ! North ALOW terest loan at $797 per sharp cond w/excelloca· rm' den, rovered patio MYCC 16ttl Cir~ $219,000 Open Sot/Sun end. 3 bd, 2 ba, Jge liv., DOWH DEAL mo. NO QUALIFYING! uon. Owner will carry Owner will help finance SHYT,500. Agt. 646·4380 or For sml Nie or con o In 714'963·6163 Private fri>I. brkrsl area+ g11est High in value. ·row on Hurry call 963-7010 lge 2nd TD Best buy m A buy at Sl,250,000 540-8149'-CM. NP, HB or FV area Part . quarters. Wilk to beach down payment Orean IWTJ WQlUl town roronly S280.000. MAURY STAUFFER 300~ry Cl~~1Ur 4 Br. 2 Ba, $129,000 SIOK Assu~e loan .owner view Included with this _.._....._ ..... ~ . Cel 644.7211 SEA UOH R~LTY IY OWNER c.21 ~;;:. ' down. Terms. interest help rinance 5'!69.000. spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath SALE OR THADE . ·mmn· 673-5354 3Br. 2Ba on xtra lari:<' -~7-8320Qr979·817~ rates neg.Orivehy :9681 .fe AllenRltr,494·7578_ home lo c al ed •n Balboa ls.land. 9. Bdrm 5 •v ___ lot, E Side location. LG Albacore, H B Cu II . A steal' Sparkhng J bd. 2 Laguna's prei.t 1g1ous Ba (3 units) Half block ·--ASSUMABLE AT 91,' 1 EASTS IDE perf Ht 9'19-6761. Do not disturb ba condo, rrrl, beam Temple Hills area Split to b;!Y· large Isl. TO · CostaMHo 1024 S139 ,5QO R73 21112 . home. low pnce. good occu ants ce1l., patio, e garage. level Ooorplanreatureb 12~ -c. , _____ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~·5336 rinanc1ng. See 2612 --pool, clubhouse. Owner beamed ceiling, random EASTSIDE ~OS1A F'ULLOCEANVIEW Redlands Dr Sunday l"IM 1044 carryloan $159,000Peg plank stvle rloor1ng . M&.5A UNITSwithlarg~· •JASMINE CREEK• "r-...s.,;H"Coado $102 000 t·5.:..A~ 642·6368 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Allen Rltr 494·7578 sparklln'g steps aver OOYEI HIES · 116 CANYON CUSTOM ap.. Sat. ..t S• 11., I 2-4 1~St.Ge-.1Nd Beautiful 5Br. 4 1h ba, lathe and pl~er, 4 fireplaces , indoor spa, lots of natural ma rble, wood firs, firepit. 12,<XX> sq ft on g:>lf course and room for pool. Flexible financing. fenced lot, room for R\ OWN AGT FINANCED ......,... ' • PRICE SlilHED! =---kitchen and huge family ~~h E~!:~·9~9ys ~ 1515_'..1·728 5151 ~425 ~t1tt5 4 Br2 Ba near beac·h T~~y~ ~J.~t'!~~on Owner moved. Lrg 4 Oce•1f10ftt.llllt Yu room with stained glass Call Bob Halley. Realtor -==-=='-r .:_ .-....... , • Owner desperate 90'· home with reatures Bdrm w1spa. Reduced Lge 3Br 2"'1 ba rondo All at the low asking MOOUA.LIFYIMG CDMDUPLEX llld away amidst r1nanc1ng 11\allable galore i s pr1rl'd rromSl90,000t1>Sl69,990 AS3tl9r.•ooo·umG.r~ao1tr1ntaunbr tp4nrmsrecorA·LS2L64.500' For 644-ll455 AfW lubi Best buy m Cd M Lr.: 3 trees and lush landscap· 957 0899 \rt 6 & thou~ands below mkt, Assuirt: 12'1 mt Won 't • .. ubm1l your term~ Bdrm home w frplc. + 2 mg. thii. 3 Bdrm ~ingle Wt'ekends FAST SALt: needed' last. Olli agt, d1rertly mg. 49'J-~ MIS.SION HEAi.TY --------on.llus neat 3 Bdrm near Bdrm apt Only S262,000. story end unit 1s \'er) Open house Sun I 5 98SSo. Cst Hwy, Laguna Mile Sq Pk Ask1njl owe W/$40,000 dwn special Not oftl'O i\Mume large loan owe Prime lot loration, 217930reanV1sta Dr lJJ•U••-0731 DOVER SHORES SB7.~. Murch1&on t-:n Joyce w a 11 ie, a gt B\•a1lable. thlS home has at 11·~ 3 bdrm . hui;e rho ire designer up Sou t h L a g u n a --'li11T -I Br Den. Forma I Din· letprises the benefit s or a add on RV :H'Cl'l>S grades Assume loan Owner Agt LOIJllMIHlls 1050 1ngRoom,2F1replaces. --~ 1732 clubhouse. pool and put Great lorat1on By and TAKE advantage 499-5000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 car garage + large ling green. plus its ex· owner. Make orrt:r ~~~~Call now to Sel' Ne;~ vu 4 Bdr pool We proudly invite y~u to Hobby Room Pool sized ll6oa lsac.d I 006 cellent location Sl4S.OOO Sl2ll,500545 7091 Centul)'_21 Gold Star IEST IRYIHE $695 000 2665 Temple inspect our beaut1fuly lot. beaut landsraped ••••••••••••••••••••••• with o~ner financing * ,,. .... L"' 9K DM * COHDO IUY! IUll.s. A ·. 497 54~ 'J::or0 a1 thedo u3 •Her. 2~~ eB1a1 Owner will asi.1:.1 at Ctnloltl IH Home Opn Hse Sun 1 ·4 233 642 5200 Vl"'ll r Sf'ACIOUS Immaculate Northwood '" • rmancing Only S420,000. Charming 4 bdrm. 3 1, Potnsetua . .a Br 2·sty • ,\ssu me 8 11 VA 1 oa n A.'isume loans or $95,000 1 1 Rr ovcrlookm~ lake & WOODS COYE coordina.ted 10 .suit the Open Sat/Sun H 30 b ,..._ d Clean 3 Ur Sit4.ooo 4Bdr3Ba.S229,900 C21 str0 am Pool . Jaruzz1. This charmer can be most discrim1nat111g Robinson · Realtor a. 2 sty Don Peterson "'1""Cod. arrh es Pnnnonl ukr 543 71)23 ' 't J h ho ~ == -' 1 u ~r.& Anne 962 8891 ten n 1 s . upgraded either a 2 or 3 bdrm and I •' an) c oselb. :. uttt.'rS, 541-5647 .me. breakfast room OLD CO RON ,\ DEL For-Kio SI I $84,500 Xlnt hnancing 1s priced t o se ll mirrors. sk) lights. 21--lllllil-llili---•1 HARBOR RIDGE J399,000 Negouable condo. 2 Br 2 Ba. beaut. Oak ceilings, all blt ·ln k 1t c h , ~ mountain vu breakfast area Tim Rhone. agt 631-1268 ~~cfuc~:;) 5~r~~ MAR I \.':L~ Jttri ri'~~a ~e~de RB>UCB>Sl2,500 Owner6731923 Features skylight ~. terraces. ~aut1ful vie~ SUIMITAMYTHIHG Sat Sun I 5 Wkd a Appl Resolving partnership, Fixer $123,000 l'nnl' I HUGE R-l LOT I track II ght ing, and or Saddleback M ts 2.500 S250,000 1 yr new 3 Br. Peninsula Owner agt ·675.6921 <:'()rr.<'r duplex $399.000 4 --------ooh 5'13 7023 Ukr 2 bdrm house at rear uf MUST separate ii1n1ng room sr, 3 gar spares. all ap Waterfront 4 Br hume. home , vaulted ceiling, --w ·ome, no nel?all\'e on -lot near down to ~n • Owner orrers excellent plianc·es &. carpeting up 20'• do~n. affordable. AT LAST 1 payments w 211', d\\n PRIME E.SIDE F:XTRA SllAR P <.Nner ~ tll f1nant'e Ask SELL fmancmg $299.500 graded For Sa le b~ lo" mlt'rcsl loan ~~"i:~r~li:;'s~r'!3·1~~ APHf•df'ockoq• ,640-6m Remodeledhomc on lrf!1 ~1'!f~~~~~LO ~~37 .5 oo llkr, HORTHEMD fe:iri~~60~~~tio:11~ ,129,950 wecltAsktngS290.o0cl Super !oration. LIJrge DUPLEX I yr ne\\ 4llr + R2 \\ buildable puh:n l57 Yorktown Ln Opn "--r-1....1. OPPORTUNITY'. I Oc:ean sid e Walk to .12.U.fChaSl' 855 ~&I 3 Br 2 Ba arrordabll' QUAIL PLACE assumable loan Fixed 2Br. 709 On•h1d Cu II ual Assume loan' Onl\ SJt Sun 1 5 3 Bd 2 !iii . ..-u uwrr I 026 beach from this 2 bdrm beach home with un PROPERTIES rates. realist ic sales 8S1·91350wnerbkr Sl55.000 Dell.i dJ(t dhli:ar.pool Assuml'al ••••••••••••••••••••••• JBRJB' ownyouownapartment locJlnoMici-1 1052 bebevableterms 752·1920 ~re. motivated seller JASMINE CR EE:I\-. 6JU266 12,1,, or nl'W Ro·, lounl 1078',Anyone ' ~ A I Seller may trade for ••••••••••••••••••••••• Callformor-e info .11673·0l88 --· guardedgatecommuni at 13 11'• Ask1n1: Ull'ely6moold.walkw 12900A Laguna pr operty OCEAN FRONT DOaSIDE R.E. llGCAMYOM --------1 ty. w tennis l'OUrts. ix1ol. SllT.! 500 beach. 3 BR 212 ba full) terrectl\'e r:il'I SlolOW,~DERFUL trlO::dud~~~KS4~wmtvo Bo~ ~a, Croi4J O 'lriH Guarded community ... 9'99 •cTIYE I spa It clbhse ll1ghl~ up 646 llJ9G upgraded. 10'. d~ n min YOUR CHAN C' F "" .. • """" "' ·' u11 .• .,". Reaut. 3 Br 212 ba home "'' '-graded 2Rr. den formul )kmfred Ste,er, rltr 10 78 mt rate a\•atl • ', · I news. prtvacy a11d owner 1·661·0693 • · --.J'1.IOl.6.illr w,m1rrored walls, lots 2 STORY I din rm. :ifrplcs, p\l pool S220 ooo TO Uf,AL quiet can be round in lh1s ---------•I of marble. 3 car gar +modern apt. &spal/sauna $445,000 *MESA VERDE * By Owner two 2bdrm 661 ~or661 9255 ~w~~r leanng s1111e Wlique 3 bdrm. 3 bath & Lc*eForHt I 055 UDO ISLE $600..f!JO Call~-0448 nr bays , $385.000 W bltn OPE/\ SAT Sl:N 11 2 \\1TH POOl. i\NO SPA holl.'>~ on I lot As~uma L N II EA R 0 0 Fl fa mi h room ho me ••••••••••••••••••••••• fabulous rm Save us •8Sandbar s 3 Bd 2 b bll' 11·-l~l T I) owe: ONE OF • KIND FI :'\ A N c I N G Sellers· ma v help With 222 Ylo Kot'Ofl Adult Mobile Home Park REHEREALTY 759.1206 i:~~1ir~1 are;mS tS.oOO 2nd \sk1n~Sl 2S.000\\1th " Supetbly maintained finanrmg s44s.ooo f'ilKf'LACE OpettS..ndoy 1•5 ontheBay 2bdrm.2ba. -d \ k $2 1, 00 525.1100 dwn 20th & · ~•'fie__. llvff 2·sty 2 yr old ramily New ru.~tom horn~ 00 ~.000. I bdrm. den. Iba •~1~2~1!3~14~3~4~·~0%920!8-11•-~-~~-.--1 n. · s ini.: 1 0 1 f'omma_640·7464 ""!'7' '"" home on xtra Ir)( Jot ' .-· ESTATES S60.000.2bdrm. Iba rurn Slli05 cru P>ml PP A!el j location O\'crlook1n ~ Quiet rul de·sar .irros~ 111tr•r 4.sr 21, Ba street to street lot Soa r 545,000 2 bdrm 1 ba ~To Sell i60-I._CX!9 E.SIDE COTT AGE Dana Harbor )lust s1•e from beautiful park' A~ :\.~~~, 2174 Sq Ft mg re1hngs. 4 fireplaces. $25,000 Open Sat Sun Tr ode your T. D's or pro perty 1n any state for Balboa Island Propert} I 0 c~st Cir., CdM 2 Bdrm 2 Ua. nu l'rpt, LO appreciate 0 p El\ SUl'Tlf' existing Joans With I .. . ~ B~i'TER THAI\ 3 Bdrm plus ma Ster IPM to 5 PM. 300 E Of'EH SUH 1.5 4 Br Townhous~ pal10 co1·er & ~a rage HOUSE Sat Sun 1·5 at i approx . lolal or L2 97'; MODEL suile No expensl' has Coast Hwy Unit No 113. S6 ooo d Best Bw·C.M~sa . .\i.sume emtmg finanr 24 7 2 I EI Cam 1 n o I eHerti\'e rate MAKE •M»" eo.o~ HAS E\'ERYTlllNG been spared lo a~su re Ne~port Beach Bk r t~~~·at lgl', Sl~~r )loH rtgRlft in to this ing and OWC ~1th "ma 111 C8p1wano Beaut 3Br 0 FF ER ON D 0 W N u.,.o.-c;. Q61 Cul de·sac street the hnest qua ht~ and 675-~7 ____ _ lllH ... sty, Rltr. 675-28'6 down r u 11 pr 1 c· e home +separal~ I Br cot PA' .. ~. If.NT • TL·R.~IS' Sun •. Sail JI '.lub I amenities in this home' -more~rmonth ran,on freshly painted isnd 1 ge s m ng ool • "' i:. • "' Crest s lowestpr1cc'See carpeted townhome $119.500. 3 ,wi mi P You'll be happy you 17141494°1177 20 mm to Newport 642-5200 M.wlovfro.tHOMt youSundav' w dbl rar ,:arage 100! ,........ Si9S,OOO Flex rinan called on this' Sl93.000 Center Sl.49S.00c1 Eas> terms' j PETE 10', dwn. noquahr~ing. I Bantam ihbor lnl' Wamer,..a_gt 5599400 S210.000~1thSl60.000 ~'dock.rees1mple ~ , .. ...._ 1 007 r1oM1111 dd...., /lai Did unit GOOd location ZJJ ~ 4111 or Dana Pt Place At Tit. •och at 121, fixed r11te &: fully __ l_·SZJ.·5980 --r--til1 fl /· Near srhools & Fl\, I 493 l)!OO WILLOW WOOD Walk to beach and town . amortized ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,7).(. 1€tt#JJ , I k ood d I N ts 1·r Payments 11rc: SI 100 pr l S 1 ll,500 1 MODEL 1 e new w an g ass opo1n or qua 1 ymg ~~:ryT/t!~~ ~~~~e 6'7.']-1194 mo . O"nr1agt, Diana I 2 BR. 2'': ba condo Gar. m the Deane Home~ ~ 2BR rondo Good ocean I 770·0347 F.itasHc Hoa J BARRETI :.. REALTY I ' Cappel. 631 1266 ~-et bar. pool, Jac terms bdrms. 3 ba . (or ma I din 1·1e~ S249.900 O~·ner Agent 1--------•I Ong Model or Ba ycrest. Bay&:ocean views 3141 E eo. .. -CdM 'lfV dn497 "•5< d I I I ""'' D I _________ , MO\'e in cond 2 rplcs. lg OceansideorBalboalsl . ,,_,., ""' .... ., an i11ng r oo ms v 7o own wys ------ramilv rec rm. Beau 19l1CourtAve.nr19th Oc--Yt'•w4•1•x Ceram1 r tile entrv .1 LOQIMCI ~rt•och 1069 pool txcellentfin 675-229! or 848.3133 ---...-"f"" ...-ram k 1 t c h en and Pnme No Laguna Joe a-·--.-DOYEi SHORES n.... h S ...llmple parkm.!l!i rear SE:LL idle lll'ms with a MESA VERDE From uprr'.r 2 units with breakrast nook Ex· lion Walk to beach, R 2 ....................... 1393 Goiloxf """" ouse at' Sun Daily Pilot Cla!>s1f1ed COLLEGE PK 38R It s a big IOI the kid) [:X~ ~~e;glr~id~ {fd~ cellent location near lot Cute 2 BR cottage + I BLUFFS BEST ODe. s.ndav 5 Call Af 63Hl&80 CoroM ct.I Mor I 022 Ad Nr all srhools A C'. Gar r.in hl!hl outdoors' Com I subJect to. Scll~r will schools. pool and tenn•~ ~ans for 3BR 2'; ha GREENBELT VU Sparfous j ~drii(ho~r ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Dr Opn r . Nu R oor fortable . luri:e 4 Bdrm rarry or exchange down ~2·000 me. S2J9,000 Li\'lng rm, ifii11ng rm . atnum entry. with high HfWPORT HBGHTS $83.000 m ass umable and farmly room homt•. $327.000 Kent Realt). Fbft'Uao.rs DrHM mstr suite &: game rm ceilings. large den ~•th MOYERICiHT IH RCTaylorCo 640-9900 SPYGLASS PRICE SLASH Seller says sell this 4 Bdrm 3 Ba th Tradewinds home todav ! ! Price has been reduced over SIJS.000 & is now available for only $389,500. Hurry. this one won't last! RCTaylorCo 640-9900 . D~ $100,IDJ PRICE. REDUCTION tllW $495,000 ~tom tri-level 3 BR, 3 BA plus guest. Seller financin g. 2211 WATERFRONT, Co rona del Mar. Open Sun 1·5. MAITHA MACHAI 642-1235 Joans Submit dn pa~ I eas) rare \.ird ne" ap m 4663 3BR 2 ba ~6ttage. 300 yds All look out O\'er pvt wetbar and flreplart Pnvacy 'seclusion are Noqualirying. $!25 000 pbanres, fireplace Ex -rrom beach Owner will I parklike setting All Step down living room some of the amenties W~H.ToylorCo. i rl'llent lucal1on mo vl'Fowitm..Yalt.y 1034 rlnance.SI00.500. newly decorafed & w11h fireplace. formal ,·ouwilllo,einthi.slBr Realtor:. 644 ·1910 '"no" Sl73,750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 494.7551 customized Good as dmmg room and family home w spa. towenng -I 2862 Taboc)o PRESTIGE 1tthJ.4~«multRE sum. 1st T.D &: owner size kitchen \\Ith l.'at1ng tre~ + room for ex OWNER WILL FIN Opet! S..nday 1-5 MBGHIORHOOD • will h'IP with balanre area Huge rear yard pan\1on Seller has Low mt rate. no quahfv~ 642 5200 4 Br 2ba. lge ram rm -+ OWNER MUST SELL Ca II H Ro sen be ri: · with alley aCl'ess for mo1•ed. Assume Joan or , • V1ctona Bearh. Almost boats. etc Kedured mg. 20 yr loan Cute 3 Hd spark It n I? s w 1 mm mi: oceanfront n~aut vu d 1 d 1 d Sll0.000 at 10 8'< Call to I 1• Ba. approx 1850 ~q pool Walk to park \s u5'>2 C ... 1 "-leu .,E 3000 r °"B b pnre. an 111" u es un -A 63 266 ft. romenicnlly lo(•a1ed sumable Juan Call Jim "' 'J A..,rv5w· M l" sq t. 4 r 3 a 642-5200 near NB shopp1n)!. for trore detatls Agt Reduced s2oo.ooo to Sl.S9.~. Call qw ck Peg 962·8149 OWNER $425,000. ' Dameron. agt 559·9-100 STEAL ME!!! \.1CTORIA SCH AR EA I Qinal Front. Newport • j PETE J BARRETI ··· REALTY -------• Q\lner must mo"e 4 Br SLASHES LOT Great view. level Shores. 4 Br Den 2 Ba 2 story + work pad. Reduced Sl00.000 to ~.000 down, Owner will Beach Townhouses. ter· shop Secluded red wood PRICEI. $160.000. Owner Bkr will rarry Must sell' Make,________ OCEAMFROMT j nrir terms, assumable spa No qu:ilifying, fman.493-9516 offer! Tennis. pool. walk U... ~ luJ ns ('a II E 111 o t -Owner will r1nanre, $20,000 . --to beach Agent 646·1044 FORECLOSURIC 90~ llnancin . at 121,r; $117,500 Newtwnhse. 9627788 SIOOO payments with or64S-21!QL_ Fi .., I for 5 yrs. ill Trade MESA VERDE normal down. Possible 2 BR 2 BA EMERALD e•y I 5 FT FR 0 M -xer-67J.&198or673·0619 -nt option " Oceanfront dupl"'X 2 Jg4 Sot&. S..11 I ·4 2336 Bd.ti AH. i.51~19 COUKTRY HOME ... I 0°/o DOWN F'RONT ROW Fabulous s~MD'. 3Br2ba units. Try" lo~ o~ 4 Bdrm pool. spa. solar Sl29.500 "' Xlnt finan cing Lots or BRICK ELL H f. Woodbridge Gables View · lge lot 3 Br + Du p 1 ex. 11 k e nu no down Lender Ow.ner Duplex. 4·8d' 3·Bd, 2 Ba ea .. ocean vu . I lot from beach. 5 off.st park. Owor ~111 help fin $349,000 Hamo Rily 879-~ oakANDyourangetthe ~·5402 Suprrb Appleton mdl recreation r oom . Sumbmil any orrer can be ,·ery creative , C II w> w den or 3rd Bdr. Fam1· Sl.750.000 PATRICK a 759·1221 i .f)~_R.E. 673-19QO arSUMABLE V a 3 ~ romm. a 957 I""" ~°" •och I 040 ly rm. high ceilings ---- IW ·" '------i••••••••••••••••••••••• Garden area. Assoc1a· OCEAN VIEW 3 Br, DOYEi SHORES NEWPORT HGJS '!>l~A DEL MAR 4RRl Lease w 0~1100 Sl66K uon, pool, tennis, lake A family room 3 baths EXEC. HOME $ 160 000 hardwood noor beauty. COUNTRY S6K dn. arl rent to beaut1ru11y appointed SS2S,OOO Med style courtyard 2 houses on {lot w1goo<1 Assu!Tl' $111.000 12', ATMOSPHERE purrhase 962· 1227 & home In l'very detail' Carol Tatwa, Rltr. Pool. Jacuz.zi. overlOOts mrome le high assuma 10¥40/o A•erog. V A loan or re red al Large Jot. zoned A· I Br !l6;!:t.682 Down payment subJert tt..._"O"• bay. Galaxy Or For ma 1 ble loan. Submit on dwn UH.~ 1 n g your an i ma Is SS(XX) dn. Beaut. Jge 4 br to obtaining new 90't ---:.::cu 'JU_ Dining Rm, 2 frplcs. Curt Herberts 11. agt 2 Delu~wpo~ Beach Condos. Full security complexes #1. Owner desperate SIOK below appraisal. Owner will carry equity at only 73~'"'<· Low dow n . S129,900 •2 Beautiful 2 Br, i Ba. Villa Balboa Condo. 2 ma ster swtes. view. only 20~-i-down & OWC. Sl89.500. Submit Iii Fuhr, lrohr Custom 2 Bdrm 2 bath home in H.B. or 3 br in loan. Owner motivated. ARE YOU UHDER S'139,000ree. 631·1266 _ SU·UJ 4 with 20XJO detached F. v 962-7940 a OHered at Just Sl98,000 50 AMO RICH7 642·2510/646·4848_ OPB4 SUH 1·5 garage Priced a} D~PERATE ' Must sell Warner.a 559.9400 Do you value privacy. $129,000. but cash talks I NOW! 5 BR "Seacliff' WOOOlalDGE HJW innovative architecture SEA VIEW! 1000 MacArthur •no Gorgeous !Br Iba condo. Nr So. Cst Plza Pool/ spa. tennis. etc. Only $79,000. S7900 dn Agt. Judy5J6.6S71Qr898 9342 Cal1540-1LS1 + bonus rm. Best buy 2 bdrm and den. ~ighly ' craftsmanship? All Lrg3 Bd, Frplc's Den. 2, Asking. $249,000 . make upgraded. Price Sl98.000 this and Orange Coun· Formal D.R .. + super air. Bkr 848-0709 __ 11~ dn. Single story, ful· ty's best coastline view Vu . 0 W NE R WILL .... ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS .... ... , -----t•4 ~, Cl.AT • 'OUAN I ZOEONS r r I I I ,, MUCSAP I I I t I I. SOF T RY I I I r I 11 l R R·E P My doclor advised ,,,. to ...._..._"--...__....__.__, take 1 vacation where It I waa quiet, rtstlul and -.. r_H_L_A ...... T_E....--1. without Iott ol Pt<>ple. I I Ii r I I spent two WHkl II oor ...._._ _ _.... _ __.. _ __. _ __.. ......... superm11k11'1 ---. •:.. r r r r r r r r r r r 1 t;l !l lllllllll , ICl*Ma&ITlh1w•1llO Wt• llM r • ly shuttered, rireplace. are waiting at this So. FINANCE! PATRICK PRIZEWJNNER '4Br atnum.nrpoolandten· Laguna landmark . -ENOREA 759-1221 pool.rSuper master and nis ~00 000. A 499·56-48. , big amily rm Finest , • area, finest buy' Just ---'552·0660 Mnlport•och 106t ' • t_IJ?,500. B.!_rS48·0!_~ $5600 DOWM ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM IUYS IEACHHOME Brand new, over 2400 sq WOODBRIDGE rt s Pa ct o us and COMDO dramatic styling. Owner Beautiful up~raded 3Br has 12~•% finan. w/as Condo end unit w/xtra Ill little as 10~ down patio. "A Dollhouse OPEN HOUSE every Call Peg Dameron Sat/Sun from 12·5. Both rrodels al 219 Memphis. · ~. U6-754Z O...MntStl Askin& U0,000 under mirtet. 3 bdrm, 2 ba, maq ft home.1139.000. 983-lm 9112-0 : PARK PLACE. Edison I HI Scbool 4 BR 2 aty, 11· awmblt IOant r.us.ooo. Marcella. ownr/11t. ... MIOOLIAH PURCHASE 2 Br.1"' •. Towahomt . 11~..._.on1,. run =-11.,000. A1nt ·. '...' R&"M~ **NO QUALIFYING NECESSARY For lhoM who want the best . Loury 3 Bdr 2 Bl. 1805 aq ft former modef. The most preat11lo111 linlit ltOt'Y borne built In fiooclbrfqe. Try 201\ dwn . .U.umable low In· terut flnucin1 0 11 belmK'e. Pttmr loutloo. OLD ~OIL-P.RMCE OM SPYM.ASS HU. This new custom home olfers the ultimate in elegant living, with warm woods used thruout, beautiful ·bevel leaded windows, a library. family room and elevator. there la a master bedroom suite with balcony overlooking the coutllne • city lights. There are 4 additional bedrooms, pool le apa. air condttioninl, alarm systems• 3 car el'll•· Offered at $2,500,000. OPINSAT/SUH 11·6 New 3 story"beach house Bay &i ocean views Ocean side/Ba Ibo a Blvd 1911 Court Ave. nr 19th 67f>.2291or848·3133 Am le ark111 in rear QUAJL PLACE PROPERTIES 752.1920 ·~ llAmCALLY imi .1 BHT OF nmm ·'the view from~ ma~ceat Mediterranean villa is llnparalleled. Ocpn, harbor 1 golf courses, mountains. Approx. 6500 sq, ft. ol the ultimate in ele,ance. Harbor Ridge custom. Pool, ape, and uuna. F.ncounter the bei1bt of luxury. Appro1. Sl,125,000 in ' exiaUna financln1. Submit all nuouble offers. Call r. JQlr apeda1 snvtew ~. •••••· Su11nne Shuler U2·11H or m.aMS. • I • : • • . •• • . . • ~ j • 0 0 0 0 a 2 Orange Cout DAIL V ptLOT/lunday, March 7, 1182 ........... ......... .......... ....... ..... ,,~ ........ ~.. ................. ....... ......... , ....... ,.,...... ....................... ...................... .. ................................................................................................................... , ...... -............. •.......••.•.•••...... .. ................•.. ,. ~~ ... !!!~ -=".J:•••• II ·::~Hwt . 1100 w=' HOO~= JtOO~~ ..... ~~~~ ....... !?J.~~~ ...... ?~.5.~ ~~.~ ... ?~.~! ~!~ ..... ??~~ --~ .. ----•• ......................................... :.;., ..... ._ ...... , ....... , ............ ; .......... Bl)'fnlet, be•th, t Br. 2 3 brlwnhlf, 2~ ba" frpl«, 1.aL vi,. 3 b.r/ 1500 1f 3 BR, Zb. condo w/pool Lre 3bdrm. avallable ...... Ba. l 1ar ap. 123 E. pc>_ol, etc. U h mo. ATC. xiew, r•. 2 111r. priv, Eulblutt. 11 vail 3/15to8tU.t100/mo. ~ Ba>' fr o rft, U Ibo a MB,:5128 ~ 18@5n!O. 2l3[W.7715 ADril 1st. Tcn11nt 1how _ _ 051.:,3243. 2 ~·relr~ ,... UftlK'r SUN. 1·5 "lfll FOl ~!::O.,!~~.;j,10d1:r· 3br, h . crptJ, furn or a.,-...., 32U AM'• by•ppt WO, mo. Lo~ly 2Br 2ba, Short Patio double aara,e' ~ ~ ~ , • ZlJ ~77 · • 11 unlum. ..••••••••••••••••••••• 780·8078 or o"•n er term.1150 wk,~/mo SLD.aiJo. ' ' , 11112. Ocean view 38r, den, 2ba. 213 ,0122 _ ..&!JLfum Agt. 875-4..Q99 •-MtC... Mr C... .. Mer lJ.JJ Sharp uppe r E'sldt' Shores home . Gate THE .... ,...._. 3707 -r •-77•9' • •••••M•ut••••••••••••• t.ownbm 2 Br 2-,., ba. fuard. Neu pool6beach BLUHS -• Top or the line. 1976 Sliver Crest, ~ I •. I , I •1•11 e 1.tillt' or lease opt ••••••••••••••••••••••• a 12 IVV\ sq A offi b 'Id' I d t acu ar ocean • c ty den. rplc, dbl &ar Poo , o ~ ease. w n r SllOO/mo, Ste ."'•" dwn. Wln•·r. I """M and bu th double wide, beautifully furnished. ,vw J\ ice W ing or an o ebta view from every Jae, 11una. H U /mo 499.383B or 493·~ ""vvv "' •vv J t bri t th b · build on in the Orange Co airport 1 roocn. Larae 2 Br. lrplc, pet a. Wa yo e A at . Pvt comm. Sc• Terrace. Terms Lovely J Sr t nd nolutch 1275 5.~:!n~~c:tr:~.~b~~~: us ·!}I oo rush. area. (FASTR~PONSE). maay a ~enlt le1 . 646-881 P1anJ.,BR,2Ba.fllm unit.Sal~04~ __ 873-93~ In ooo. 131.7215 SllOOlmo CIU AnlbQQJ aer 2Ba, !kn. fence<t yd. rm, C.Omm pool, Jae .. Beautifully upgraded 3 Cotta Mfta 3724 ltO W. 1111 St .. Newport leec• Ctl Htwwd If l4o.olOO, tit 49 =.~:~· eves " wsh;/dryr hook-up s700 tennis, walk to pvt bch Br. 1'-• Ba. C.Ondo, frplc ...................... .. UOOWATBFIONT 511 lff P ... c--... 79• · mo.lnct.water.8'8·1Q!!. No pets 1 y r l w~ patio. electric garar Cil.&.DEORO COMDO _,,_. LE~E OROPTION4br "---.. _ ... 2 8 714-857·1200. 8756892 opener , pool, par · A1.L1JtfLTTIESPAID 3 BR 3ba. f30at slip 2ba vu exec hm. St400 .._...,, '"""e ""• r 536-8142 Jacuui, uuna $725/mo Must~ll. ' mo.0wnr/Act.759-800S. lllSO/mot ·20202A BirHt'hStt. NEW D E CORATOR ~2'1!!1 Compare before you Data A I San a n a II 8 · U-"·r mBrk"t "Or•do C d · n m uoc. nc. Ml • Ii . , i.c-Proptfiy 2000 o.tof~ 3 Br. 21-l ea Den, Fam 1·6931. PERF;ECT 3Br. 3811 . uuc .,_ "~ • rent. ustom es1gn <t~~t~:-~gr =~~~ ... ~ .... !~~.~ 2!c ~~~tr:~~e~'(3m· ....................... "••+1 2110 rm . L nJor1{.4 r m ' AVAJL Apr I lg ret'ently ~:'™!"!,:~e~~ p:f11! an'!~ ~~~~ba ~~a~~:J' Jla~~le , Bs~~: Harbor Ridge beautirul beacb..JIOOO. See at Hu:. COVINGTON ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · bit Buccola home· tam "gourmel kit SISOO mo, Sec Pool Spa Tennis rounded w 1th PI us h Lucerne ~tales home. SP. C VU H tington by Sea Park. 4 PLO RANCHOSANTA Fl!: 48r, ,2Ba, pvt beaches. nn, 3Br, &ood loc. No. +security dep. To view 19?.5/mo Dyi; 957-3046 landscaping No pets ru11y upgraded. SS75,000. 3~t 2"1ba. ga~~? 21871 Newland. Space 4ll\. SZH DOWN ~~~~ iy~1co~~~e ~~~: ?c\:01i ~ls $i(~11 now. C.~: ~,:.c64{~~'. no call ~BL4~·1744 _E_y~fi±4·0S49 i :;'/:{: ~~~~ ~ l~ down. Avail. now hottublcmucll more :.~'.~:8 · o r call "POSITIVICASH 000.1·7*308hgt (7141720-0272 .,."TSlDE Clean 1 Br 3bdrm, 2ba, lrg master Newport Crest 2Br + 36S W Wilson_, 642 1971 BYOwner. 760-1971. Spec. finan avail tllMTIMGTOM ICH ~ suite, landscaprn g, roov den 1800 6•r. full -I $275,000 2 bdrm. 1 bath, new Assume long t erm OlfofSttltt ... 2 B~. large den, lrplr. t'Ollage. coup!e or 5n11L microwave oven & dis· oce11n view Every up Poolside. !Rr. 1 person. 21r'4 11t&$195,000 c11 rpet " d r a pes fin ancing. OWC bal P1r~1 J600 paUo.S611~8087 ~lS+se~7-204o _ -hwasher.$775,A\'ailim gra de Avail 411 5 no pets. Nr WestchCl •A~bltLa•. Beautiful adult park, W/NO PAYM ENTS.••••••••••••••••••••••• -----0-'oW 3226 med 17 14 1599-0821. ~/mo Days 64Z·5'WO Plaza S250 int i ut1l on this aullrul 4 Br lows ace rent. 646-8612 p r i n 0n 1 y . owner MO Ozark!. 10 acres. 3 2Br. den , Iba. 2 rr£tr. lg ••••••••••••••••••••••• eves/wk n d s < 7 1 4 1 _!!Ll"kn~1£Y §(Z·6421 1st last + sec dep ~!:~i~l~w:'1~:Pe~ralt~ Newport Beach De Anza [75--~, ::d eS7s~aooote w /~I.03ok . patio, 2 car galr. !IOOito Beaut.' Br. 2 Ba. Fmly 640-•IOOS. FABUWUSOCEANVU tt73-9326or548-7061 rmlher-in·law quarters, bayfronl P ark. Mint m. ' · '""" · ~o.s:i093517 Po ntsett a. rm. gar patio. fen<'ed MisM. Ylejo 3267 200>'2+3dplx. pool.11ar. H...tlftc;OR leach 3740 aJmost new carpeting. cond. '78 db I wide. ~ F.91, ---Vlew. 2s1mo. 962·219',;. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rrplc. beam l'esl . etc ••••••••••••••••••••••• Closeto'J)OOl.$319.000 fireplace, bnck patio. MESAYBDE4-l'lex Ciro•ft 2700 CHAR MI NG CdM cot· ~-.ltoch 3240 HOMEFORH~NT l_IZ156318888 H.B's flHEST ~Sat 1•5 $61.000. '63 double wide. 5227 so. ,0 ... •••••••••••••••••••• tage, 3 bdrm. 2 ba with ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• 3 & 4 Bdrm. $6.'iO-SWO. 3 tfr. 21,., ba end umt con Sparush FJ;tate l.l\'ing! 1144'PartC~artes, comer lot S39.000. Bill IO"k assumable tD.all2 10 Ac res 11voc ados. den,Ukenewsi2oomo. 581ks toocean.Elegant 2 Fe nc ed ya rtli. & do. hoat sllp &\ail Beautiful parklike ~ur UIDBQR VIEW 9..!:lsndY675·6l61. Bdrms plus enclosed Rancho Cal l~o/c Int 85l·136l.675·9::.434_AJ{L Br Family Rm Ii Den garages. Kids k pets ~mo 548 2306 round1ngs. Terrnced l1Nl gar ages. pride or Sl65,000 Xlnt in vest lt_,41... ~Mo. Plushcrpts.212 ~el co me . S45-2000 pool Sunken g115 bbq , So.Calf. batty HOMES ownership. For more in· SS7·3288 2i,.,Ba, fireplaces. lg din· Ba. C.edar Ii glass. sun· A~nt,noree. P~~~1::~u~aspp~r.h~~ea sparkling rountu1ns 5~5605 631·61.M. •EXCITING* focal~S46-S880 26.500 acre r anch . ing area. Pvt patio. 2 car deck· dbl car Pr v Mtwport leach 3269 Hat e t o I e :s ,, e 11 ' SP ac i 0 u) r 0 0 m ~ OPEN SUNDAY l~ 30 Molloco M°*' IL~ ........ S• Hentaae Investments Sl9,500,000. ($136 per garage. Located 2 bl.ks garage, rully ma int ••••••••••••••••••••••• Renlllease out sell ~1 > Separatt dining area 2211TustinAve. 3Bdrm-2b11tb.s a-acre), Central Calif from Beach. Sl.17S mo ~!'?.}!0J>e1.~}nqu1ireat SE.&.VIEWLE"'SE 1065.yourgain 646-5355 Wa l k in close t s Spadous 4 BR 2~ ba. de· With or without rurn. roast. 140 eicistini legal Avail A . 1. 675·8589__ ""-....St. .....,.633 4 Bdrm 3 Bll. F R "."D n . Fee Land! home II ke k ilchen & s1--'fortheexecutrve Fee'-dS224,900 24x64 Greenbrier Home I 0 t t d" HOMESfOR RENT -----cabinet!>. Walk lo llunl .,....., in Laguna Hills nicest 5 parce s. u 1 an ing HARBOR RIDGE Soar· dty +ocean vu Guard 3 Br. l''l Ba. 2 story con Sparkling pool, ideal for c:.tad.l*Sha star park . Young adlts IOUHITS recreational oppty ing cathedral ceilings. 3 Bdrnu S700. Fenced gate Pool+ tennis do Vis ta Hogar ingtf°Bd~~tf~rn.$485 entertaining. Separate lraUf' tSS.3454 W'elcome. High assumable loans. Prine. only Owner beautiful view. country yank Ii garages Kids Ii $1100 rm Bob or [)oHe $7SO/mo 640-S27<1 mother·in ·law qtrs Gr.-IHfrarl 9 68 t imes gross 1201!~1562. kitchen. 3 BR Years pets welcome . 545.2000 Koo..p, .. ~.~_1~ 1221 --No Pet~ lftihlles Pre~' .ffl~~r· Lloyd Fox, Be a u-CiTu-i 2 4 x 6 o Orange. $380,000. RAIEOPPORTUNITY lease-S1900mo . Agent, no r~ ltG CANYON 4 Br. 3 Ba. fpl. dshwsher. $89,000 Kaeywest Hm . 2Br, Sa Coif Realty ·it -£ 1 u l\ N o r Barrett Rlty,642~2~ DUPLEX 119 Hunt -ne~ deror grdn r . NICE HDUCED CONDO: Balcony ocean 28a Thss is the best buy I 546-5605 1 INV ESTMEN T I N 6 ,.......L. 3224 ington Ave Ocean view. O..Gotf CNn~ su5o mo 646 7250 LAQLlr\TA HER~tOSA onLusksioglestory3or \iew,guardedgate.sub intown I MO NTH S 200 AC '-VMVMftG volleyball t'rt. I Br 3 Bdrms. 21~ Ba Pool 752·2550 l621lPark~1de Ln llllk 4 bdrm homewith pool terranean parking ., CLASSIC APRICOTRANCH ••••••••••••••••••••••• SSOO/rro .2BrS600/mo : ~~uV~c~~eS~~rio~J~1~ Exec3br.2buwgar W _ofBeach.3blk~S or F\nancing avail. Drive elegant clubhouse & H 'ALM SPllNGS I FUiiy equipped. Refrif( ~-.RiNTALS or rent entire duplex for · · fncd deck. view S600 Edinger by 906 Alepp o in gym Mullan Realty MOllU OME ThefineslCanyonCoun· storage over 14,000 l-5 r s OO tol2000 SllOO mo Call Bob W....,,M.TaylorCo. QC-RENTALS 7503314 8 .. 75 .... 1 Eastblutr-thencall 540-2960askforLori SAllS try club area. ll apts, trees. SI06.00b, Tax 7so.33i4 ___ 7-da_rs Meyer 586-3500. ofr or Realton 644 -4910 ----°' • "" Elletp Artukovich RI t}' --2706 Haroor:-Ste 206-A 1·2·3Br yr·round rental. I Credits & Depree. Crop Re IT! o d e I e d 4 r m . 661-7622 home Harbor View Knoll. 3br Lagima leach 37 48 720-0332 Low dR or tr,clf 540-5937 Pool. SS45.000. By owner picked in May. OWC at spacious. gar. kids S365 PANARAMA VIEW ~pf°x 1r~ i.q ft con· ••••••••••••••••••••••• P...-...a Poiat ~~il~~~d~~~d;~e ~:;; 1·320-1890 , 8~~!k Int. Bkr. 835~ QC-R ~TAl.S 750-33~ I fu~Br bl~}°: Horutse h~n 2 sto~~~ft!O~l~ms 2 s, 1:£ og ! ~~a~eo ~,,~ ~':d-· s~~1'~'e. s~~o~: 2 BR 212 ba +den home high assumable loan at Luxunous 2 BR 2 Ba. ram 91;, AS$.UMAllE! Real &tah IE ONE OF iew 0 ig 5 both s . r 1repIa1· e , pool tennis $I JOO s115_.,.,k 4oo~1227 New cal'J?!!t. xlot cond. 11~.'(. Owner will con rm . beaut. secure adlt Owner will carry 2nd. bdimp 2100 ™'LUCKY FEW vale road · Patio_. -il-Of'~le...-Pier und 644 5598. -!:'." .. Owner will coo.sider long sider late model car as par k, Hunt B ch . QUAL1TY well kept Tri· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rent in Costa Mesa's ¥"1Fc~sped &c ~le · + slip. S3000J>l!r mo. Avail llG c•uyou •SIG lrTCcSOUNDOF escrow and wifl help ,. ~own paym't. Seller Reduced to sell. take Plex near S.C .. Pl~za. WANTED:HouseonL1do NEWEST gated 20 ~ ~wnby aa~np~ Feb.l. An " SEAIBr.rrplc.gar, w It b ri nan c in g desperate. Act fast!" ba c k 2 nd. t 8 6 O I Ne.w carpel~ paint rn 2 Isle r!>r income proper Townhome VILLAGE 1714j 962.0083 No Pets CONDO il4 494·SIS:_I, 337 222.f Owner A 675·5134 I Only S89.900. Call Jim Newland. 962-1234 w1.11s. Bwlt·ins. fent'ed t .Pnnonl .642·0369 COMMUNlTY 21i 3Br. ---3 Br. full golf course Hewportlfoch 3769 Prestigious 5 Br, be a ~9-5370962-9597 Owner. __ __ Yard " enc Io s e d Tr d E .t 1--1 2"'2 Ba 1600-1800sq. ft or Q>mpl. remodeled 3 Br 2 view. tennis, pool. spa ••••••••••••••••••••••• garages. Open THURS. u e qw l n hour rv pure luxury . Garages. Ba. nr beach, frplc. Lease Sl300 i\varl no~ li':~!\~a1P/%v~0T:; LA~UMAHILLS ~-Seu~. s11 Jennifer ~::Sro:~reot~hDesec:~~ hydro-tubs 1n master dawroot tub. oa k ~mtloc:M47424Bk! OCEAHFIONT Rent/Leaseopl/sell My MllstSff..lyOwaer 5SterParll ...... ~. ·'"· IV>mtvaluedatS330.000 suite. dining rooms . cabinets., bit-Ins $750. _ __ HVHMonaco2bedroom 3bdrm,2ba,A\atlmon- loss, your gain. 646·5355. Remdld 3bdrm · 2ba · 2 RM OfferiRCJI 0 U R B EST T A X GOLDEN wood burning fl replaces. ~2353 Canal Front. Newport 2 baden. gardener $1050 thly 'til ~um mer $700 or FeeLand! ram rm " 2 frplcs. AdlMUYiagAt SHELTER 14 units PROPERTIES micro-wave ovens . 38r, 2Ba. 2 car gar. encl Shores.4 Br + Lease or 615·8248 ~.....2tfwk 615.2010-- $259 .000. Owner wrll Affoi *"''rices $875,000; 7 un rts S315.000 _752·1589 _ private patios " yards bckyd, no pets. $650 mo ~ion to buy SISOO mo OPEN HOUSE carry. Show anyume 2 Br + ram rm 2 ba, sun-Bkr848-0709 Gardener provided 1st+ sec <!.£1. 962 4391_ Tenms, pool. walk to Blurrs Front ro~ bay F 'd J().2 2298 Redlands Dr UTJUJY BONDS Elegant llnng only IS bearh. Agent 646.1044 or v1e11.. 2 br. 2 ba, de NO LEASE S~t~n 1_5 BACK BAY AR EA ny " bnteat $36,000. COVINGTON 4· Plexes minutes from Fashion 3 BR 2h ba upgraded. 645-2,805. _ rorator home Adults. no l?20Candlestick Ln 631·5067 631· 1851 2 Br + ram rm 2 ba. from S250.000. Orange "A'' rated or better Island, 7 minutes to s c twnshse 10 Beachwalk pets Sl200 rrio lease Baycrest NB area 1orr Q>unesy to Brkrs choice corner. very onJCo. CaAll ro!.9d~~~~ls, pn n for improved re a I Plaza or O.C .Airport C.Omm pool. Jae.~. m1 to llG CAMYOM LSE Kat.lue Hardest\ Realtor Santiago. So or Holi· spacious at $44,500 Agt _ " .,.. . .....,.,_ __ estate. Must be clear or Just east of Newl?ort bch. No children. no 2BR McL arn Condo 76().8244 . day). Luxunous 4 Br 3 ~SS60, 673-01~ --LA.GUM I CH near clear $250.000 to Blvd 'so. or San Dr ego Pel 5 1 Y r I s c Sil~ per mo. Call Gerry I Blurrs Q>ndo 3 Ur Back Ba custom Ivan Wells WTIL.Uff, 12% AcnolJtforS• 1200 C.Omm'J/in~us~ units. SIO Million Your 8C· Ftwy. Starting at S900 a 714·857·1200 675·6892 : 673-.J]61or760-l397 Bav \'1ew SIOOIJ mo REQUIRED home . pool, covered DOWN ••••••••••••••••••••••• 91, times gross. Owner countants approval ~~!~e 6!~!'~9c::;; SJ&.8142 -Super Harbor Ocean Vu C.sli Man·6406049 patio, beautirully 13~~ 30 year lo.an YAUIYOFLAKES fin Asklllg SSS0.000 By soil rited R efs M Nearbeach3brShow 3BR.2ba Sl185 mo 239 2 Br 1,1 an luxur~ lndscpd. cathedral ceil Priced low for fast sell 40 Ac. Split to 5 AC. Next 011.11er. 64.S-34TI funushed, ·-~ --home ··Joaded " ~ean_Y.l_ew 675-2967 town home neu r lloa~ ing.s. new lux u nous Poputar Jbdrm Trina to new sub-division. Ulil c;;rlsbad ) 1 unit bea;h I 1.oller Grou S45·83'49 CHOICE 2br. good area NOW S52S Hospital Almo~t Ol''A Soecioua studios one and rwo bedroom apan- ments FURNISHED end UNFURNISHED, ca rpeting. Owne r ~mod~t. ~h~;;i~{. avail.S2000perAc.OWC motel. S329.000 Also Will trade 2400 sq ft gar.patio.kidS400 OC-RENTALS .J.~).3314 SllKXI mo le~e Agent financing at 12q. with te an model 1113 1 w low int Other invest-ocean " lagoon ,.u ll Turtlerock Vista 3 br QC-RENTALS 156-3314 3bdrm.2ba.dsshwasher.1 SPYGLASS RIDGE ~16 25"} dwn. Motivated. ment Prop. avail. 10 Ac. 1 s 96 000 _ .. r d I -rde • S69~ leaving area. will sell Carl 1 er Re a It o r s . to l200Ac. From S350 per tr 1 P ex I · I wuuo or esert tenrus Co•.fv H~! ""' ner. 3 acre. " irvECUTIY"' HOM"' Near ocean and tenni~ 3 quickly at $324,500. In 964-6111. l_i29-0104 1 rondo.67S-1058 3 bdrm:~ ba. water. ~r lT'0.63H>527 SCA ii;; ii;; bdrm. 2ba. S?SO mo abovemarket homesat _Ar.Bkr.835·0858 --MobffeHo.rarll , ..... ,.~ gardener included.$795 HlllllWOll wtTHYIEW W aterhome~ ln 1· Oakwood a1so otters ·All Ul1hllel Plid 'Immediate Occupency a below market pnc:e Cc s:~~~uy~~w lst s&r,.!,:!~01(f':c ~!~e 83 spaces. nr Dallas Wilf frade $4.~ elfuitri 1..child_olt_644·2778 Hcriiur 3242 .i Br 2 1: B a 2 631 1400 teQUAJL PLACE T.D.of Sl.50,000approx. vu. pond. oaks. septk S400h.ooodo wiNth SIS0.000 inb5inacFures11PafCelS.sm500al Nice1cdlean 2 Br I Bad •••••••••••••••••••••••1 frreplaces, putt1nii SpyalauHill PROPERTIES al 13.5'1. Lrg 3br. 2ba. pad. $295,000 1-729-0104. cas wn. o payment I ca pnce 13, enc s garage. yar . Waterfront Broadmoor green. gardener Spect:lcufar cx·can \'lcw great potential Recent· 436-0265 on debt service le m· Take over low pay new paint It car!>('I. No 2bdrm. 2ba. frplc. wet-$1700 mo 3• ramily. formal rlin ' S 1 MiNion In Rec:te1tion 752-1920 ly remodeled kitchen -------terest for I yr Will con menlS. Trade for mobile pets $525 + secunty bar. dbl gar. shp a11a1l.1 Realtor Joyce Edlund ing. pool spa $2000 Owner must sell. Call ltadt Property I lSO sider Orange Coast pro· bomt. Camper truck , P 2544 Orange. house D. pat 1 o SI loo mo 642 6235 ?S0.9J33 a~ And Much More• a.IFfHAYEH Rambling country in· formality best descnbes our 4 Bdrm ramily home. with an abun· dance or wood and brick. Bay and ocean view rrom l Bdrm guest apartment. Today will be your first opportunity to view this special home with Its pool and spa. plus additional. amenities. 1211 Clff Dr. Opett Sunday I ·5 42·5200 agt for additional info on ••••••••••••••••••••••• perty in trade. Call p Call Answer Ad ·• 631. 548-2'n8 CTl4)675-717J,__ I B-eaut. o~e a-n , ... (' .... rl · M L u•u1 I( _w 7141120-1036 or 752·2213 642,U>0 24 hrs ~ " :"fewport Hgts ~ Bd Cape nanc1ng. ary ar ...,.. • -·-' Bvowner 2bdrm. E side. SS7S mo 2br lwc condo on Lag()(\n Newport Crest condo 2 ·Cod. d · nck . 642·6173; 646-5096 1• 011.11ership, fine ocean ~ lt..t IEltah + S350 see 673-4899. 2 fp. gar &i many xtras BR 2"2 ba. tennis, pool car · g:': g=/~;''rt3 For a monlh or a Ille· nme Models e>pen daily 9am 10 6om No pets 3 Br 2 Ba. Beach H;use Vil'\\' condo. S2S.OOO equi· DLX HOME ' INCOME. W..ted 2900 645-2971. _ S.9001 mo Ca 11 eves ~alk to bearh. $950 ) rly walk to hi-school. Ma y $2:50.000 includes land. .!l'"-I.er.ms ~851·6268 -21, yr old. 1·3Br, 5·2Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. 2 Ba. s7751mo .. Isl. 1i41~630'J,._83_1·2932 or lease option. 646-0686 go lease option. ca 11 Oakwood Low interest rate loan CdooARl.SBAbeD lg duplex. 3 ~~~u~\1e1r";ftf'cear oryf last " sec deposit Call '"'-3244 ~646-~ Diana, a_gt 631 1266 I Garden Apartments ror buyer with S50K rs to ach. $199.900. d UNUSUAL S4fl.Q18_a_rt. 5_ down Docks1d!,._M0.8208 l.otsolle\'erage. Paul R. fmancmg. 2561 El en OPPORTUNITY ••••••••••••••••••••••• WESTCLIFF Newport Beach/No, -------Wopschall Rltr 1714 1 A\e.,CM.979-5099 Bk L_ $325 Cottage Duplex . Twn~me,new3br.Jba. Very private exN·utive S.Cleftltfttt 3276 880frwie 434-lru Walk to beach, beaut1rul --d i Newly reconditioned. patio. gar. Park. pool. 4Br. 2Ba pool home . •••••••··~··••••••••••• 1a1161n Pvt pa rty es res 2 to new ca""'ts. paint. I Br ac 5 mo 833 9057 Ocean \•1ev. Spanish aUFfS.l~~~·N ,.. __ ,.. ln·plex.. 2·2 Br 1·3 Br 3Br hse not lo exceed No ts' ..... 2u1•11.1671 . I • • I v.·sht dryr " rerr1g . (71~)64&-1104 Lowest pnced •·z 2500 --... Patio fr8 k $499 000 $425,000 located m N B. ~ --RANCHO SAN JOAQUrN av a 1 I. S 1600 m o style. 4 Br. 212 Ba . Wood sq.rt. 4 BR. bonus rm. Propef+J 1600 Owner w1 h~lp fsn ince: Purchaser will utilize so $.'its/rm. 2 Br. 2 Ba New Townhouse. split-level. 21 Gardener & po o I decks. rrplr · prof de Newport Beach/So. forma l dining Ii family ••••••••••••••••••••••• A eat Hedda 646,1044. acre ranch as partial ca:r.ts, washer/drver Br. den, on golf course. services incl. Lois Agt. 'i cor. wld, bit-ms. many l700 l6th S< t I ,. o ner h II b ·1 .,, 2•· Ba. AIC. vr'ew ""75 631-1266or645·0108 other ame n 1t1e~ No IDover~r 161~1 rm. grea o .... w i-a...a......11!...a... 2200 payment. Ranch is im· oo -up. a u1 t·ins .... _.... •;> --~ts Sll OO mo + (714)M2-S113 says submit on cash to ......_,.le h ..un ,._. ~ mediately adlacent to close lo shopping. sma II 754· ,_, ----' u--'--11~ L-·.. I assuma ble loan ·-...... ac ••••••••••••••••••••••• r. h' · "d k d Call ( A t TSL ~ ........ unty+S200cleanini;e ShaJSislgCe..ttr Old Corona del Mar 115 ing. quai uc yar · or pp . 3 8r 2...., Ba. F R .. rrplc . 4Br3ba.frml ming.fir. Call Ron 213/924-7896 ____ _ mr . incl. la'\111. nicome over 45xll8' lot. So. of Hwy: hunting, horseback rid· M mt. S42-l603 dbl gar. bit-ms. S800 study, beaut. dee. lge daily , 714/492-9763 eves ._...._a lalJCL.J.. O~~PaNT~~~!-S S6~0.00Q.. Spe ndable. plans incl. Owner fin. !fig, tennis " health ~pa 4 Br 2ba house. Mesa 644-1480,661·4220 decks. rab view . P''I "wltnds. _ "'·-m Studio. I ~ Pnn. only Alber t Mayconsider trade. Bkr r~eca~·41l,8jaiMe('co. Verde Avail 3/lS. S7SO ~STO.,..OL guarded gate. pool tl'n· Charmin" old Spanish _r:_u __ ~-"""1\1 640-6259 Pussell Rl t y Inc. 549.7513 rs mn. rom mo. lst/last+l200 sec ~·..-r-v rus. ~1 mo. Agt . l.lob home. ~II reduce rent l.4?e2bdrmwith\lew.on ' 0raRot Part& AcrH ancho San Joat'hln · ~ 6.11·5252 Nwpt B<:h.640-53!19. 833·2100d>'S,851·1769ev. tGOLFCOURSE or vie KOOJ:!.759·1121 for handyman or Mrs S"eashore Dr. until June 'r}t ~¥"'»*~ 1 ac sfarcel for mini·...,. Large 4 Br. Mesa Verde 2br.den.2bacondo.lm· For lease· Ea stblufr • Cleantype.498-5072 lS S500 per mo + ut1I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lbcft Pusscll llu lir co estate in a rural selling ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~K~~~~t" !i:~: mac. 5/mo. 955·11~ beautifully decorated j '1 Shorecllffs 4br 2ba. frpl Ii!!~ or673.:§IM --llST IUY E A LT Y m lllMllOll..,, -e.-wlpastoral views . ..._..r.n.1-.cl rm. rent. Call 751-1728 Br.~~ Ba. home over· washtdry, refnge incld. SOlllhlclcJlna 3716 IM NEWPORT 11·~u•"81 $l!l8.SOO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• aft6PM or wknds. 1 b 1 ~ ALS ssso =g lar~dgf~enb~l~ P v 1 Ya r d · b r h + ••••••••••••••••••••••• P rl "e red u "e d to ---------------._.,__,_t-...1 3106 --~·+den 2ba ~5 644..:;r· u on ) clubhouse. no pets . Laguna Beach. buut ~ .. .,....../ - -4 br, 2 ba. lge fenced yd 3br.2ba $85o · 51rm 496·8818. rum .. swte 2 BR. spa. S:2J900. for fast sale! OMhS. 1100 __ _..,u.::..i..:1llll'----... •••••••••••••••••••• 2449 Vassa r Pl ace . 4br 2~ba 11200 VACANT 4Br 2Ba. pool. s..taAIMa 3280 sau.na. satelhte T V, On arge fffeelchorner in Morfftlnfre.t Avall.Mar.7.S750mo. 3b 'ba Cos open d ally . 2242 ma 1d sen $300 wk Newport e I ts, va-....................... HARBOR RIDGE 4 bdrm:2 l>i.'Mc>"fo Mo. Cal1M5·0029bef. 9pm. · r2 ta Mesa SJ150 Heal her S I 4 o o ...................... , 714·499·2227 cant, must sell, 2 Br, i i.., CDM DPLX Will trade/joint venture. t9:50MotoJune 1st. Le Raisor Rlty 833-8600 Ownrl 11$5-0ll09 4bdrm, 2ba, lrg home. re -------Ba. Ol>en house Friday. IY OWNEI $lmillion.644-0077 642-1670,Ml-8647 E. Side, I Br. 400 sf. Lg. ORANCETREE CONDO . -modeled. earthtones Mardi 12. 10AM -2PM. "'--2bdrm 'ts Cl> of Yard.GasPaid. 2 Br.IBa.at~.wtd hk· l.4?eZbr.21;tba,pool,ten· &Simo . +.last + saso u•ua-11•w•ah •wv uni · .... BY OWNER Lovely 3 Br home . /mo. 548·@45 ' nl $900 64 24 2 'Ti ...... -.1 ... _..a 432WestroinaterAve. PCH, c orn e r l o t. RIVERSIDE TYLER Wash/dryr. Bllln kltch. 2 BR 2' .. ba twnhse up, tennis, pool. spa, n s. . mo. 4· 4 sec.673-48991549·2515. _._...._ ~~~¥'/R¥r~ single/story, divided by MALL AREA .68 Acres WIS Incl utll. to June Ea.stslde..,.S72:5 mo 1500 adults,no pets.S545/mo. XZl,631 6755 S°""L..pH 3216 ...................... . 752-1920 garages. assumable 10.7 R-3 zoned. Attractive 20th.. Alger Properties sq.ft. Dav'1·d,"•".w c ~l·lil80. Oceanfront 3br. 2ba. up-••••••••••••••••••••••• -...0.l"-cl lt06 et .. vnc.-Great starter hOmlll or investment oppt'y. zbr, ~bl. pvt. view . PoOJ • lstTDofSl00,000.owner 38rhse 13% aS'Sumable 61s-4000 -_.....,-......, GR EAT ~r. fotstr views, 7400 Older 3 br. I ba Ocean ••••••••••••••••••••••• lwUJ wlsVl90tna~g~· ':ii loan. 000. 752-6147 ftd'rud It .. 3140 Spac. 2 br, 2Ya ~a. l)lt·ins, NEIGHBORHOOD 1' Ocnrrt. 21ge dks. 2 vu $850/mo 30831 Lge ~ bd. d1shwa~hekr. mma c . .., . . -....,oa IK• JI(!, pool. quiet area. Woodbridge cott age e ec . gar drs , lse ManlynDr.840·~4_1_ was. er' ryer. su_n ec . Carnation Ave .. CdM. •ta t•. Desert, ....................... Btr 675-49!2 home 3 bd 2..., b .2 1200/mo. Refs 642-8973. avail. Mar. 20. 675 9378 QU1 6'73-tl241.675·5142 ..... 2400 ~........ I . sty : rpr:': f ui8iy HARBORVIEWHOMES Wwtu•st.r 3291 , ........ 3I07 Lu ••••••••••••••••••••••• one of a fdild. gorgeous 2 4 Br. 2 Ba. nr SC Plau. I nd d Be t Bd I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 STOIYID..'!!._..a Ski Park West at !aster. bdrm. 2 ba' townhome $795 Inc Ids water . a scape . 1-495·6696, au . 4 r sg ·story, HOME FOR RENT •••••••••••••••••••••• ... I~-New 1 br condo 2 min. with den and s pa . 957-0lOlAJent. ~53 Ideally loc ated to 3 Bdrm. S650. Fenced Nu21c 3BR.2BA. yearl{ 4bclbdrmlrm i''o 2'bwear.'" .upi:lrc's2. rrom lift. M1·3773 Perfect fOI' the reJocat· Lovely Mesa Verde 3 BR Newhly dech • 3 BR.12 badde· 1= :o .F':~~~ 8~~: yard " garage Kids ' ~glc·t.~~~5·t~arb:;r. Some ocean" :r~w . Get in"°'w1ter-balld a IOcng renterl.CS~epa Ito KJramd rm, 'tZba. SllOOJ ml.o. ~ d~~.;&~~rpooalt 848-8222Mltch. petsentw:~'r:.· 545-2000. ocW..8rkr67S·'912. n..... .. r carry T.D. of n1tural spa on S tern. ean, go ' ~enn •· • pe s nef. u ie . _.._" .,...., T "'"'u"' 8 11 bl 0 i ........ P'"" A .. ~-2313 ...,.....,sdlls55Hl05 Nic. .. POR HEIGHTS C ct F:-="'-~ -.oooatl3%. ma ca n. I m . ""'"' ..... •·z=:; -· --.. _ bd b *""" ..ta ~ 1 -~· -W~IMIW r;;:;i no~ l a.,,_ Jw -i 3400 ~ k a rooms. MW carpets custom 2 Br. u: comer unlt, ' 64$·8447 ••eueuneH•uu•u•ut• Ylx IJ50. 8'2-3112 dra.11ea1.~11rae yard • alQale ltory, full)' ahut· $400/mo. uml rurn Octanlront. prime area, peUO 1'llll playbi>use1.'!~ tertd, Jrplc , atrium. Blllfa, 3 br, Z ba condo, studio 11r S.C. Pl111. 3Br. 2 Ba. frplc. No peU. pN. No wa~bed. ~ Near t o.ol1• tenn is . !1l~ .~7•020WS1_fct. poo1s,Jac .. teMis.sec." 1 _y e a rs lea1t at ~•It. 548·5f42, St1S/1Do. ~o pell. _._,...... ~ rruachmor..557-7838 Sl.llO/mo. 875-11104 al\ S • .;:.:u.::::.i..:=-.:r=;:.._.--1 ~ SR~ N9*t "--3 Br, 2 Ba, Ci 0 , 1 337·J!l4da.ts. * *. A ~t".,· ~~ dep. _.zlllll~ J4JI Bo view, 2Br. 181, . v • ...... -; ............... , 11ra1t. 1600 mo. IBreoado. 1100 Newport Hat• $ Bdr, Paolllde condo, a Br's. 2 17MITI dys. 171.tnl 3BrllM. Wdbl SIOO Cape Cod. den, aame lllllll, aauea, Jaeual, a ..::1¥91.:.=.------ll~•~from. l'OOOl, a car 1ar .. JOOO+ PGOI• z blocks from STEPS TO Bt:ACH.Sa Wtre&M .. wcallfor Ill ft. Wiik to ht·st'hool. South Coul Plan. 1Br.llfro11tyd,ide1lfor JJ&1J: lease opUon. MOOfmo.CallM2·•· ala1re. an •• St . _..~ .............. IAI~, aat UJ.llM Woodllftdte. -· Zbdrm ..... IC'IS uno. friJ, d fOOL·.IACUDI + du. Iba, a l <', ""'•·ITH94 JWCCMlll mtuowue, frJ..!~1 ,.._wll.21rl ... 8'1111 ,_ ~ i Mnit. nr · fanml clla rm, lrt JDca 11-.,Jltf .._.rra. bllS. r.,at1 bltu dJI. rrd. a ear 1ar. clale '° · ............ ~ µel /tt••••· 'Edi; .... ""'· ....... ~--.... ~-~~~~ .. AM..-ltiillllMt.fMt.-1 ............ IDllll ill--~.,., .............. ~ Illa I Ir. I la. ... •1111. I IH •'-·A• .. =. ... , •• • 0'9flgl Cout DAILY PlLOT/Sund1y, M1tch 7, 1982 ri • •-• llH MtlpW..W 710 ................................................... , ........... , ... . SCUIUTS rul~~ltlo" ~111.: lv.lllbte for actlvll~ ••· ,.rt tac•• ,,.."" • AllSW£1S per t'Ollrdiftator w8or /"' SIL 'lua. W:IN. Allo ; .__ C.mp1a1 wl\h 1ctlvt t/l or epedal r...._, eo.. Ji'rOlty -Pnmer Cit zrn1 4000 llll1rJ1 tatt Bar M r Tluu·•· • fttdkilll...... .... ...... 4MI ..W 44Mllll IW .... UH f)ltlil -Le1u1M 'l'J B Met ~ .t .. ,,,,,, .............. \ ......... ,.~ ............. , ..... ~ .. ,, ... , .. , .. ••••••••••• .. ••...... ~•••••••• .. •••••• -... , .... ,,,, ........ , ...... , ......... •••••• MUTCOUl"ITl!:R Bike Mecllaalc, ta· ~ .. .._. llJ c..-, Mi.. JIJ4 u a __ .._. 1141 w.10 ' 1t1r aete 'tWii .u...a ~!cer.rugi~·~~~~ ".t~c;, ~.8~"f: :::. \1; l:L~~:3~:~~ W UllMl~JllJOI ·~"::.i'a:oceuznecol.!.._ILI. _1_"_·_11_ .. ;·;-;;:·;;,;·;;;:;;, ~ ..:::;;;;·~:·~·:,-; ·-;;;:;::;; .... -"'iiii.iw:.;;""" ' -ur~ ;. ~ ""'·"'""'"·""· "' •• "· • •"' :u.:.11:.-~~,:·1 S~·; ;Jl;,~~~ -..,._a.• Pl&lo. ........ .. to btad\, Ctll art $;JO Unf~.1itnn Ip(. All ,1r: 1 . . ~ • ' ll'.L.A.:.. _.r.! ... ~ UICunYE 1pent twn wetka DI our Stiencc 1ook.111a tor ad 1rvlni.=.4d Al ... Y ""4• -• ;i.__. Jlll'I . -Wil Pd. All lmtAillft, I • ·--• ----... mll. St.rP1t'Hic 1uurmarket's MEAT m1011tr1ator /bu1lne11 llOOd bjllinl clerll. Muat OCEAN VJF.W 3Pr 2m1.trombe1ch 3br,2 MS.Gilt, ... 4111 Oldescllarpattaeacfi. SUIJIS Bh'ta ~ri•I Park, CQUNTER. mc.rlo ovtl'IH all ofc lia\1ebkt~b1dr1round, ~!~~~~/r!:.~:q ~at•,:1~ ~~· ~:J.·1m Zbr, 2 ba condo. Wilk to ~;::;;;·.~·;;&ft' ~'":~::.•1 " v H•trTAel = ;:~rftAu~~t.1~· Loet&'-d UOO ~:.i.o:;,sM,nl::'cr .. ~~~~ ~xl:i~:d~·aif:::.'1:3: tll/lul +clbirerund•· um ' ' betch. Security 11te, Apt CM aret '1$ Mo Crtdlta: CotmoPoUlln PLA.li nc.' Wll'ebouae spare ............ ,.......... be people Qr1cnted ' 10 key by touch • 100<! ble pro-rated>. Cr. refa. · =·spa, uuoa, tennlt. Incl ulll Call Steftle Oood Mamtna Amer1et New lwiW)t Olffce •f ace w/carpeta, drapes. wet able U> work w/volun· typing aklUt 'al' Will lr~~f~c_~ln ~:1 ~5:~ ·!':,~~o~~~in'r.'~:~0<1 =~/840·.ut uoM&.e oc ·~o1r~i11new ~r1~~; :,~~ '.~~ btr.NH4&LMM004 FOUND ADS ~~:~f~t10~~ trl'~eni~:~~ ~:~nem.~c2.11 ·Mx;~t Gabri I CA 9177$ farden apt. !'<o pet.. 8tchelor, 3 blks to beach, rum: room, kitchen cliefttawhoneed a place. cm. Avtll. now! Call Wantechmall woodwork II( FREE po u bu• n t• 11 s " 8recke~ . .::J· :£.7:..L._ Dix Ut ' 1 3 Bd 2 340. Ast 548·4827 . stove. refrig, u.tils pd, prtvp.C.M.$200mo. MIWPO' Hl-IUt fordelalls.-Ina 1hop, Coat is M Minister's l't1rrl'8P.On · ea: e a ry r 73!.:P. 422i,;9thSt. 9611·0020 an. 549 7 -~ ..... ·-lll-IZJI U0.4ZJO Meu.(Sharel fine Call.· l.lk!!.51~·,,/'h~•cl·p~~t"~irnef. Ho!!>~' .. IH,.., ot.Y'ents. 1''1REPLACE. Poo l, 6pm. NB.Laeroom U ullb1th, ProfSbr2BR,2.BA CdM own toola. Mr Vey no'"" 0 w_.;,i(e/ Send re 1,,'r""."·t~"-p ,fit.tull•lp .• t Bdt, 1 Ba . unfurn private patio "' dis· Sep. ' pvt entrance. Hie 181.ll fr Seti. F Pref. 8'1HM7 Eai:ty ~~ ~ 642-5678 su~ to The Church or CJlahier, "ii~ttt takers, Wfrm. All. 87$•5Sl 1 hwuhera ln XTRA LG 1 2 BR condo, POOi ldry fac, View of bay 6 open 5a 11 l'lS-91119 Eves MIWPOIT CIHTH 1,000 sq ft warehouse, sm Rtllaiou Scit>nce. 2223 perking attendant. etc. --Ii 2 Br. clarden apts. on Hunt Hbr Area $5~0 ocean. Non·emoker "5o. Shr lrs lux home w/prof llcilnt Office dflce " head, U40 rno SlOO RF. w AR 0 . 61 k ~1110 St • Ste 478. 11 B Qlll Hea!Mr at JM6. STiit$ TO IEACM Easts1 e. S480 /S580. 846-001, 731-7• ~ non. 1Jt. last ' dep' ...::114.S-.::..::~:.=..:..--Loofhaired rat "Meat ,.._92648 ... liiAlitln•E•a•r•le•en--t 2-Bdr 1 Ba . frpre, M728:il:..___ 2Br.28a.lighl"sunny, Nur o .c.c .. POOi. NOn· mo.980479 s..c. BEATHIGHRENT I " 9 I 1• 1000-. ... •1~. Ask for Darrell N.. 2 •• 2 It freshly painted garage. smkr '170 ~2510 Call ft~.. b I soo lo 20<Xfaq-fi. Avail• free move in tame . ba 673 8 72 I )'S. ana genrtil ot1lu. ~a .,,.,. No pels , tSOO. 369 $5()0. 6-8.Ut. rm"""s on beaut1·/u CaJIWm.F Col" enty . par g, nc ,rvo P ..... 7"" 1221 VUI " A • • • ' 2500.,,. \.VOUO to s r , bit tor Lease Pl ol k' r d 97>377l_ev ADVER'rtSJN(j ~..e;· .. ~·1. typin~. r.....e... I .. A do 70." 19 4 Dee 988-6608 "' yard, nr rails" frwys REWARD ' Lo~t ~·hate Jr.ArtDlredor ilJ r lo use sma I _ ...._ l 2. "'" . -I "'""' C.M. "'m, •m. In· G......, • '''" of lh• ,... """ lofo.JM Jloo 400 10 000 omp. '"'' , " w / g" y m k '" Po"''°" ''"" '" 'm ..,.,..., CMI .... ,, .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR I~ ba. bltns, studio, BupsRJGt~irs' .FDR~H. 12nd~~ ~ ... ~_1,_ uU~, !J~· Call ~;,.!!POOis, 5S7-7883 or *Cote Realt"y' drs. New, u.soo It 6150 family misses him very medlatt employment cesser. NNC EL C· 111.. 2 llt. l Ill. patio, gar, no pets SSSO. .. ' ., ........... a . ...,h,..... w (2n to 23' gross) Rancho much. Please call day11, EApenenct in ronlepl TRONICS 714/185·IOOO Newfy--aecor <fas pd 64S-~7 S48·4291 rm, enrl gar S48S . f\lm. no. pvt ba, cov'd Roommate F l!.D!ftrred. 2 : & Investment c u c a m 0 n g a . 556-3880. eves. 631·8010 deH~lopml'n l de~agn Mr. Watson encl gar d twasher, E=...SideTn"plex,lg,qu'1et 842.2.1197 • ~ara.-Pool. Sl60/mo BR house.! car gar. 640-5777, 17 14 )985·581 0. eve~ Barbara._ -andht)Oul Mui.tbt>able ,,.._w~ POOi bbq Adults no Bdrm 2 Ba .. ~ ,.__ · beb S822 • .,. ________ 1 to l'rt!ale and dei.1~1T all ~ '842-5073 . 2Br lndry, patio. adlts 2 . . upstaJrs .B. 646-M&eve. W/D, 2 b~ to Main . a• pnnt ancludinii direct Lite typing, ones. etc. • . ~ $5SO 673-3600 apt. dw, bal. sil gar. I Room ' bath In pvt 1345 lnclud. utilities -u--4550 •nu••D FOR l ... FO mail brochure. trade Mon Fri. . 30·5 . 30 I~ OCCfiP ... CY I. :=.:-· child ok. Water paid. . ._ __ f f 49'7·21112l -u --,. -"-" h d .,u ., ... ...._ " Bahia Mar Apts ssoo. 545-2000. Agent, no Irvu;ie "~'""'· em. pre · KOLL c..,.., • ••••••••••••••••••••••• leading to the reC'ove~ ads. usrnei.i. car s 'I ~....,.~.,.~-~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $400/mo . 2 r I Ba Large t Br. ca rport. fee. $275 +uUll. 551-4116 Roommate M/F H.B. gd , ..wftOllT Space available 1000-1500 o( Powerlite raring bike Oyer\, etc Creat1v1t' a1 1 IPaool 1ryberaoomemd Nc0e1Plientgs, pool. laundry. Adults. no WALK T 0 BE AC H . NB, room incl. ~aterbed. lor Elegant Exec suites 1n sq ft, » pr sq ft. Lak11 taken from ('Ondos near must' llOO pets U5& 931 W 19th r I vt atio Colo 1225 + 'b presti&ioua loc lnrl Forest area. Contact England & Memphis, jj9·H66 No lastmo.rent St.5411.oc!li · · Bachelor , stove " ~c. P P · r 147..f781 ·Diana secretarial. recep· L.ee at Dio tirs~59-47.!!_ H.8-Chroplefraane. red TSL MGMT 642· 1603 -· --· ---refrige, all utils paid. · · 631-7215 b h · · l t I ho 5 " handlebars, whet'ls & AIDES .;;;:;;:;:~~;;;;::;;~~I Deluxe 2 bdrm. t IJath. $32:5/mo.536-7979. Nice middle aged person. ~~~~i:~en~~. S~~O =.' o~:f fr~eman,436 ...... W..ttd 4600 brakes: black llna~eat Wanted midn11:ht aide Adults, no pets. $450 mo. rum rm &r ba S300 mo d mo. On·call ofra Sl6S ••••••••••••••••··~··•• PleasecalfS36 9832 II 30 tu 7 30 AM Sun l'YTIMIHS 28.S4Hic_kory_PI Im. ll44 ltltch n v J.4734 Ev · +mo. 641·2684 ys . mo . THE H EAD · Couple desires furnished throug h Thur 11·11rk1n~ A ••••••••••••••••••••••• 492-7343eves h t 1 ti t'-•I I I l'lfl l()()llHnl f /C P0811Joo wlRpf: 8ch. In· \e s tment F i rm . Responsible For daily financial transactions " Comruterized G /L's Ana ytlcal minded person. Expr. fteqwred. 1 Br garage yard No hi f QUARTERS CO M apt or ome ren a w1 1 nt' ~tnv • SPACIOUS t Br pets Kids OK S450i mo UNIV PK Condo, 2Br. Lagwia Bea~ arge urn. U>ve(y furn. home, '300 PANIES: A proress1onal Balboa Beach area Junl' Ulisl. .\!ale Yorkae , Tl·r 11 1 In ri J Wu y' NH Fireplace. pool & much 641 0763 . . IV:Ba, $6SO mo. 675·7837, room, private bath, mo. shr ullls, avail. 3/15, environ men l t 714 > or July Write R,. Noon, rier. Blkltan "Champ" 642-.5861 rrore. · -----8.57~1 linens. 1st. II last. to reflnea, mature 8.5J.-Olllll 15fll E. Prince, Tucson, Walnut le f\lllertoo. CM i\PT \1ANAGE H 646-9113 Nice 2 Br cl Ba Cottage ·-·ltedl ll41 /roo. ·SSSO. person or cple. Non-~z.8.571~. f!f;WARD642·4869 Semi retired l'OUllll' fur CL....lc~~ ..... --------$450. 679 enter 1!3 or _,,.... Female seeks room In ex~ s moker· Dan a Pt. .. ..... ass 'DDIESS Ill urut. Adulti.. 111 N v. Pl ~ • A-S40-4484aft6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• h f 1 · 493-311S -~~ A Responsible prof. woman Lost· white Corka!lt'I Orange . nlerior ·de· --. · 2 BR apt, 1 year lse, $550 c ange or c eanang. Ans we rl n g 11 ma 11 W/2 well-d1sc1 plin eel child's pet. 'le 19th II ~1aanl~nancHxp rcq sign publication seeks Bachelor" 1 Br. Apts All 1 Br refng. enclsd gar. per rro. + security. Call ~1~710 A.M. to noon. Resp. person needed lo service. conference children to renl 2 br. 1 ba Qra!!&.eJ!_ew 646 . 0097 646 lllill outgoing, responsible adult. no pel' Pool, bbq S37 5 64 6 · 034 1 a ft er 497.s:m eves. LagWU1 Room/bath. pvt shr C.M · 3 Br home· room. Adj. OC Airport. dplx apt Also consider I Atlend.mt La' a: 111 ''~•~t person lo handle ~ffi~e Qi II 640--0123 & enclsd garages 1::.lPM,_ __ -entr.1225. Prof over close lo beach " lOO/mo.7t4 85J.1342 br+den,lba s.i50m3x ILACkCAT d1sabl~d profe~"onul procedures" aamt in $395/rro. 631 ' 2276 New 3 Br Pool. Rec rm. H""PO'f leacll 316' non smoker. Re Neweort Bl. $295/mo in· Newport Buch near CM only 631·185S X230, Male ~~an vi<' no!lh end woman Co~ta M <''0 product.Jon of monthly QUIET ADULTS over JS. Utils paid Walk So ....................... 494-001 cl. UUI. St11ve, 646-4395 Hoag Hosp. 1000 sq ft . 7:.).)258 M a r 1 go I d C D ~I fN5 2357 magazine Contact Ms ~411 Bdsup~r ~o. Coast Plaza S650 mo pan1t NEWPORT Room for rent Newport F~hr 3br, 2ba CdM house second nlooor of!ic1Fs. am Room ~oted by student I ~tw~. ~~Jupiter r;;._ _______ Conroy, 972·225 • .:1.:... __ _ autLE~wi~f;nf PTSo 213 .. :m 6606 Ml\ Be a c h . K I t c h I wath F/M, 25·35. oistr pl~ park g, v..e main m exchange to do your ,_ --I . . Cltrtl~ loom ~f\lllerton 631 ·0397 2Br. Ba. LR, DR . bltns., AP'IDJMENTS privileges. $200 mo ,. ~i~1" ba . S300 tamed bldg. Vicky days housecleaning bu b\ Sil found . Shepherd ma\ ATTEHTIOH. d Lav. offace Must type 4S ---"""' 14Shr dry r hook ups . ti" 646-2346 · 714/645-4800. or office work· llon'esl Great Dane. Bloodh.ound ~~'b11~tr~e~~; ~Id~ '~u wpm , have own car. ~y 3 1:lr Townhouse pa 110 , $450 mo 669 --Roo mmate wanted lilt PACIFIC PUU Refs 99'7·7221 mi>. Amenran f ~rm Mr!. Oni or 1-.0 ('\CO Good JOb for on the ball apt in quiet adull com Plumer SI "A" Open COUNTRY CLUB Mature non·smkr, to 6/JS, 2 br, I ba . jar. Old Spanilh Hacienda She~rd, Smo~lh (oat in.:~ d "'eek g1>tllng J.eH starter Call 9·5 plex Newly decorated, Sun aft IOAM 548·1058 UVl .... G 1.... share Vilt San Juan I B 5.673·1955N.B. setting. 3900sq. fl <w1ll a.m..ss/ht¥td/ ~agl!l!,i,;/~;;:hc~r'~; """'~paper :.ub,rrip 1 ~";·ee:k;d_!t~a~s~,~640-~9952~~· ;;.; fireplace,enclsd1.1a1to 4< 1 altnoon " " home 1200 +gar avail Prol M/Ft h 2 b divide) ~eluxe office filMMCt . frvine.AnimalCa;t' 1 1on~ Transpor1a11on1 1 garage Adults only - -NEWPORT Dave ~27'6 ' · p 0 5 r Kr on space avail 7/J 182, w11h ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ~l 7~. 37~. and con st il n t a d u It SOrry, no pets $575 :'Ito E Costa Mesa Bachelor ' ---N.B. en. '300/mo. ns . r d •. .....,n er .,... ..., J d d 9 $300 •r..ecH Ul\7377167S-.606 view o gar ens • _Lo..... --•-•uptn1s1on pro,1 l' ~l381 or675·594 . urul. nope~ mo '""" Pvt swte an condo. rref _, h fOUJ1ta111s. Wall -:!s . _ (Q.lr'ND~£c &~\!.~ _.L:;.U 3.lo ~~!'.\'4 v CUHS BEAtrrlFUL2 Br 2 Ba 5S2- 4689 ___ · ~_!l!lOke Q.ro ·LL. ~.!~-~.0Ms.'.'., ~i:' 'A. • n.lty-~ Manx Nr. Nwpl l1br Andrta. 642 4321. l'Xl ---""~a V•1dl.'; -Ccst11~h;tt~Tta · th~B ~k B ~S COOk.lilg-Rds CM S225. avail. now Bill 831·1257, utilities .ti Janitorial in ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hi"h NB 548 ti709 343 "' " I e ac ay.. pee-~ ....... 1 ~-'-.ii•-------I Carden Apt ly complx. 2 BR. '425 to tacular Spa 7 swim -~ _ 4:96-'""""" eluded. Conveoaenl O<'a Lh . 1• Frplc. Lndry. Dshwshr $500 ~ New cpts ' ming pools, 8 lighted ten· Summer's coming• Live Mature M/f hsemale for lion. 234 E. 17th St, Costa WHOLESALE L:;0. fn~. h~~; " ~~r3 1---------Enclosedgarage $550 I dJllS, children welcome, rus courts, bilte trails, al the beach. Pvt enl &r Irv. twnhse. $275 anti. Mesaorcall64S·3120· JEAH STOllE 19th It ~lonro\' 01 Aulmmtl\e -~-~. -.. ~. 55 wpm SEClllTAIY With or w1tbout S, H 3004Mare J 46·4016 no pets Co rner or ~ulting green . ba .. 754·1561 ___ util.5.51-5319.Xtras. Prime OHke Space. Ownvour ownbeaulaful 548·43.13 Fairview II Adams. 9.5 d 2 o ; •· --J Br E1s1de. small but S 85 achelors. l an Shrnice2slory HBhome. M/Ftoshr2BR,2BAb,·h CorooadelMar. t07 sq designer Jean ...: - 1 bl k L 1 cozy w,lots of neat MQ!!:~lSSH7 ---bedrooms apartments, s200 mo . P oo l /spa f\l 11 61is $250 ft. suite. '850 'mo . sport swear s tore l...05l femae ac ~> . W\IUU ""' -000 h '"" callTomeves,67 . 1 ff .. . ' 646-2759. Reward ar \'OU .......... S360. Adults only <'As•••de 2 Br. l Ba Cot· and townhouses from ....... 2581 962·93ll apt. m. l 3·2 47 · fi7~9SIO I Fashions from Paris means alot to me Call 8.51·9522. tag& $4951mo. 2625 D&F SS40toSI per mont ' -Super office spare & re Inc .. o ers lne unique want. Elden.63!:1755 __ OnJamboreeAl Mesa Verde. private Rmmate wanted to shr cept area 500 sq ft OJ>POrtumty to sell na ---~~\'t ld~;s q:~~~:~~l 2 br, J ba Laur~I Point S1111 Jr;1~f~~f~0Road ~=~·f:nlr~~c~o~k~~t~: ~2 :Run~~~~·~::,: SS90.t mo, 0u1als inrt: uooally kn~wn bran~s Lost. Chocolalc Lab bltns. 213.•98 ·6786 or rondo, frplc. pauo. l'V\l\I . k . ht elf .,. 3 . Security s~st .. wet bar. whol.esale direct to l e female S mo pup, lo:.t ~ """ NO FEE' At •. c do smo ng or overn1g J ,63h ... 1 anytime. era public $20.000. CdM N R. art.> a 597·~ S6.<iO 644·9008 · · P -• on guests. 1250/mo Avail. 0 · ware ouse sp.ic~ includes beginnin° an Reward' c'0-5980 -rentals. Villa Rentals. M/F. 21·35. share 2 Br. 2 ose lo fwys II O C " .,.. 2 Br. 1•, Ba. 610 Joann 67H912Broker. toJune15.549·3612 Ba. Apt. garage, frplc, Ai rt 545--0636 venlory, fixtures . ex Found . s~~ll tame STUNNING l3rge 2 llr 2 Ba. garden apt Pool . 710W. lllth. s.sJ01m ) 2 Br I'• B3 townhouse . garage . laundry room. small vard Call ror appt TSL ~ ml 642· l!iQL NEW BREED APTS St.CM AdultsprefSm . Pvthome,no smoklng or good loc. S290+•, .rJl!1 · · tensive training pro· female br own ra q dg. OK. $450. 646·5436 __ Lal rgeQl.B.~ U~t1!J>d.;.S2pol El· dnnklng, quiet M over 631-4747 ~tom !xecPvtutibvetohffirteh gandram, trdip to ·nm~a rpkreot w1wtute stomach Call . •-ess. ui.:.. ........ .... :II 5/mo ~ 0637 ...,., sq. "· a wa gran opena . .. ... ,.,...... 2bdrm, blt·an oven "" 16tbSt.64>4718 · · · Fem rmte wanted. Yrly shower. Balboa Penin motion ' Absolute)' no """'-·\N-"-stove. wall to wall crpt &i N.B. room loclds r1tr, rental on Balboa Peoin. ., • ., •LW>"> t't II first 1 ba. 548-4162. Soac. I or 2 br apts. l ml . .,............. compe 1 100 se Ptf"IOlte8 from beach. No pets. waterbed, color V. 2C).2S )'.TS rer. 2Br 2ba, Shar f ff' quality merchandue 535 Manny, Moe ond Jock NOW HIRING San Onef re Area VOLT Temporary Services HEYERAFH 31148 campus Dr .. I Across from Orange County Airport) 546-4741 Equal Ou Employ. TYPIST 0.111 1 BR " BACH from ~. · Prplc. rer room . pool. jacuzu C as It water paid No pets 393 JlamiJton, C.M ~S·« 11 Near s c Pla t a 642.2357 pri va te patio SJoo I CallJ1U6'1 9S21 co~ ~m~c:fe;fsar~~ f'ORBROCHURE&i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beauuful park lake set ----631·7215 I would like to share furn. INFORMATION Atlantis Massogt tmg, pool, spa. car port Ste(.6 to beach. 2 Br. 1"' BeaUUfuJ canal front rm 2 Br apt Pref. sports nut 673-0280 BY MAIL Open 24 hrs a da\ IBrS475646-0686 _ Ba. frpk. Immaculate wadjoaninf bath, kit l wls~reo.$250/mo Call Office space a vail I CAI.LTOLLPREE 7days awel'.k cond. $6SO. 673-2SOJ Agt . pnv. Ste""' to bch. tenn15 I Usa, lnrludes desk. phont 100.527-1 O!I 69 Gorgeous g 1 rls to 2 Br l Ba 1981 Maple .-180 ., • .,8360 _..,. mo.641·0763 2920N u l pamper \'OU Jacuz11. Part time , 9am·lpm, Mon Fri $5.55/br. Re· qwres accurate typing of ~50wpm APllY by March 19th to. Person· lluii b lhl' oppon unit\• lo nel Dept • City of Foun· )Om one of the nJtaons 1ain Valley, 10200 Slater leading autopart!> r~ ;\ve , 96J..8321. A\'e. Upstairs. qu1e1. no WATBROMT II pool. N B '325 mo. 997-4 or.._. _,., main Sauna. LOcals as v.eU as pets 2 persons. $425 mo WITH DOCK 548·53&6 F lo shr 3 br home w. HUMTIHGTOH Paru, Tex.as, 75460 1our1 s I s Ba n k l.dalers We are currenll) ::.E;..;::O:..:.;.E=.'----arcepllng apphr.illons 2 Br Eastsade, gara1:e S47.51rro +sec 6411.324. wispaiomstrBa.blt·io w/balhroom prlv Nr. College Pk .C M. 650,785or2.llls/fswtesColor TVStore.sales &r Charge. A~ncun Ex Sierra Mgmt Co Real nire 2 Br 2 Ba 2 Furni s h ed rm s same, $200, 1st. last WCH -I Amera rard Ma ster lor lhe follow1n11 J>OSI I COSM!TOlO&-IST / lJon.' for St>\rrJI 11( ()ur TECHNICIANS ___ 64S·l387 2Br. 2Ra, cathedral Cl'tl· k.itch .. frplc, dbl car So. Cst Plaza "405 751·~ for immed occ. Full semces F\Jlly eqwpped press. Diners all angs. lrg kitrh . ldry rel. garage, + 2 additional Fwy. Non·smkr $55 wk MIF shr S.A. borne or Service ~ross lease from 11 operating. Reas. Bch welcome 714 645 3433 '1Clr~ for exercise II weiJht Full and loss rlin1c. Gr owing SS2S. 631·3537 off-st spaces. $1300. ~1737 17th St. Own Br/bath, 95'. Mam " Flonda nr area 646·1786 ' ~12Harbor Rl. CM ~e~a~~:ie! ~~ ~~~: PoW --3126 J.ll. Prop MT;t. 0 Hohh, Mohfs 4100 furn or unfurn. Prof fb~T~c.;ar~osp Ownr -IA.KUY j Q:ied.s would love 10 1 .party PartTimt• company with OJ>· S •LES PEOPLE. por1wi11y for substantaal $395 up. Mes'a Pines. DClltO 675-6173 75·667 ••••••••••••••••••••••• person25-40 yrs. 953-2152 1z1~11a.313, Smack ln the middle or with J OU Le,s ie or 2650Harla,549·2447 ocf;N.viEw···t.·;·2·;2~ 2br,2 ba .. gar .. pool, sun· SIALARI( MOTB. eves. ___ "! __ n ----~ -Balboa 41 yrs same Syl v I a . an } 11 me . • ... ad\'ancement '3.75 to •CASHIERS S4 50 startin~ 645-7717 d deck, dishwasher. '650. Wkly rentals now a'•a1l. 4 BR home nr OCC and 144 sf prof. office + locataon. Cood lease. 761·0036_ Xtra lgBaaplbo.oversade ~d. r1p1cS67. s5plit le;~·o~lts on· Avail. Mar.5. $105 " up. Color TV SC Plaza. Non·smkr. secretary space Av nil. Great foot traffac and un •IHSTAUERS C.M · 2Br. I · · nus rm. 1 '· Y· mo. · --filJ.2287 '646-2992 Phones in room 2274 W v. util 955·0809 ~15. S32S + S175. Orange excellent prire For in INSERT j border rm,_ ram rm._frpl r . 2 Br ocean VIe w, Newport Blvd CM Coast Financial Center formationcall refng, gas pd Kids pevls balcony, garage, clean VILLA BALBOA. 646-1445 Fem. to shr 2 br, 1 ba. 'i •6, CM 957-1414. MEL F'UCHS Sugar 0 Sp1'ce OK. 2554 Orange A e 24682 "A" Cordova Dr. 2 br, 2 ba, frplc . micro. blk to beach. S250 + '" PAVILION REALTOR a $52.S ~.!!'.19-1658 2131402.2657 (colleC'll a •c. ocean " bay view. NIB) A PLACI? utils. 673·8890 • Fashion lsl-3200 sq rt at 675 . 8120 1 642-6149 w kl R only Sl.15 pr ft . Im med ---~ Es rt 1Br.1 Ba. good eastsade Oc -3 8-2b -Reas. ee Y ates F (2().28) Lo shr beaut. avail. Patri ck. agt -LIQUOR STORES I ..._.., co s ~1n!!.at~;: d:tdMl~r iJ~ dbf~ar, $6~ ~: 2b~h. 2s~g~h ;::r ~~~ ~i~'Ch":!~~-~~~7:! :f.8.~~rom be1ch, 759-1221 Fountain Valley &r I 631-7903 l'EI' BOY~ off(·r~ aulomat 1r pay 1n c rl·a sc~. a 1er1d1t• llt'neftt~ pal·ka~(' and a sa·ure futun· in a grov. ang rompan). hety Ottt.r Tuesday from I pm to Sp111 Apt. 147 E. 18th. St. See II 496- 4 179 --(yearly). 752-2841 Sandpiper, 19157 Newport b bs H B <Xe space for lse. John :,~~1~~ moEn~~r~ INSERT j border ' 1 Mana er. -~ Yatlty lll4 3 Br. 2 Ba. 1~ blorks to Bl.Costa Mesa 1145·9i37 ~':C,::':.!i~deJ' n~o : Wayne Airport area, 300 gl'06S sales Owners will Eastside.largel Br up ••••••••••••••••••••••• ocean . S750 /mo Onlhebeubhotelrooms, amok.er. 847·1893 afl. sq ft. Sl .l5 ~r sq ft carry financing C'a11 --------·1 per, 1 adult, no pets PIHmH OwoenAgenl. 675-2373 kitchen ' bath. '300 1 m/wlmd 5511070 546-3336 ask for Walt. 10912 Kat.Ila S350 mo anclds uti ls F"' ...... LY •n orn(}.8598. +S300 deposit. 2306 W n-..1. Mn+ shr 2 bdrm LOW COST Agt I i..t ... & V1'ck1"'s I G~GroYe, Ca. Really nice remodeled -A • Oc:unfroot. Newport nw ""' 1620sq rt, ideal for · Pr~rties . .!.._ URN ual Opportunat~ PEP BOYS 673-6372 t6f.400 Btadl. 673-4154 twnhse, C.M. Bluffs. desl-ers. artists. PHOTO MODELS mJ>loyt>r M F' 8 $375 t dep. 851·2089 .... ......._. ESCORTS 2 br. s:l551mo 352 V1r Hllft.gta1tltoclt 3140 QNTHE AY fltHems 4171 F hu 2Br apt to shr engmeersl.OOJW.·JA7vtha.ilC.Mnow. 0..on.ft!t 5015 BACK•·B.,.......ER ~b~'Slller for Foun.tain lon·a. Adul••. no pets ••••••••••••••••••••••• rr ' • c.• • \a lie'' Church Sun ...., Luxurious. open 2 ••••••••••••••••••··~·· w/female 50 +. $200 + 979!'Sll ••··~··•••••••••••••••• 11-lANEVER' 24 HRS ' 645-8161 Deluxe poolside xtra bed.room hideaway over· BOARD ' CARE·ladies "'util.548.(16()6 ---~---Seeltmg a 50'1 partner . rrorn 9AM 12 Noon $15 large 2br, 2 ba. bltns. looking Newport Bay. •~Ifs. Spec. Natural k campu_, Dr. office. 90' sq Add view II sq footage 669-0207 : J.le.rSun 962 25!ll dswhr,l'"lmiles!H!ach. Plush carpeting" foodlrCare,lndry,nu M/F 3br Par Npt .fl. Lse or Mo/mo . toCdMhouseforresale (0utcalll !Babys itter v.antt'd full Westfield Adults, no pets. SSOOmo drapes enhance this one facil., C.M. 642-3481 ~e. Pool/spa/ten-Mullan Realty 540·2960 Prestigious location. llm? 6itter. mature my SJ&.8362 oC a kind upstairs unit rus, vu back bay. Jan 640-Sl.ad e homP Must IH! rt'lrnble APA.aTMEHTS . which is also graced Prf••rnWMct 759-0048 WANTED BY New Busi· a}'.!..ev . WM Npl Bch boat home 714 964-341!1af1 6PM Beautifu-1 garden apts THE WHIFFLETREE Responsible c-ad1ollc oess ofc, reas, w/12 Lo A N S H A R K seeks fun romantic lady ·---Patios/decks. Spa. heat l·" 3 Bdrm. Apts. Gym. with Danish fireplace1 ·u t .. I •-5 .. tw:C.. ~Will •-WANTED eed S8 ooo Bo .. 543 Balboa 92661 Bab""itter for haSp>· I yr ., spacious deck, mirroreo party w1 a.e ovm 4310 . usume "'e , n . . "' ' ' ~~ II paid.Nopets Spa,Sauna,pool,tennis. wardrobedoorllpicture tender care, an Paul 714-892·22S4Mlss Potler, lnvestorsNeeded. old boy. M-F. ys ca 2 BR. 2 BA. $525 etc. 846--0619. • -l'IOllal uslatance of J ............... •••••••• . 1 Your terms p h' R h Sa 11 y 8 4S 8 0 2 3 o r 398 w w·1s 631 5583 windows offering a ,... I , 704 sq.ft. proress1ona -· syc ac esearc 549 3200 . 1 on __:_ MAIJHllS WA.UC panoramic vlew or the elder!~ peraonde X nl 80 longdbledriveaccess, bldg. Costa Mesa. Nr INVESTORS WANTED John673·5143 -·-· Couf\ler clerk for dry rlea1lers. J dys pr wk. Mature lady preferred rall 646-7621. ComterP.,.... Mature person wanted Dry Cleaning establish· ment. Exp~r or will trllltl. 499-1985 Dtnl11l1Sery Are you searching for a pro· gressl ve. quality ofr where your outgoing · personality " dental ex· pert1se 1n band.ling telephone. appointment: scheduling Ii patient• rontart 1s appreciated 11: rewarded We are a• highly motivated, car-: mg team who is happy to offer top salary Ir xlnt • benefits ancld medical 111Surance to a dedicated professional. $1600 H qualified . Newport Be_ach. 631·2490 Have •ftmethi'ngtosell? Lr12 Br. Townhouse Bay~ For appollltmenl rood. esa Ver CM. clrywalJlnt.Hunt. Bcb. Harbor It Bake r . for tax wrlle·off. -BABYSl'M'F.Rndwkdys. ""' t l Fr p I c ttease caU Mon tbru Fri Ref. MM501 (11).5) 714-49H797 Secured with real estate Pet iOiiNI Stnien 5160 9·S. 2/yr old gd boy. Ea st Classified ads do It well. AP 8 r me n · 1 N ' to5 S56.eo33 _,.. -1 536 80llO ••••••••••••••••• ••• • • • C M 43411 eves .... ~ It ... "•4oj ~~r1Ja~t>c,~:.tchild~~ pm. ~~·St~~~g:a!:fy~· Ask WHTMtMSTH !::fn.ito~·--· 50"'5 Ba.by~itt~r For ;nran1 Dental Ass't, Ortho "l --·...,,Git K 11 -OK. 75/rm.840-6807. l 7 l 4 Jll z 7 5_,....,. 4200 for Keith 962·4471 ; 1200S0.fT. ._, --6 Prof woman with AAA Cd. pay. Apply 1n ~eR,!>~o~· ~:~cwh : ••••••••• .. • .. ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •91153 14285 Beacf ftlvd. Btwn ••••••••••••••··~··•••• refs. ex.,r in cleaning. person 313 Cabnllo, •C. 2626 fr.========~========ru!ICtiff Haven. 2 br, 1 ba. 4 BR home nr OCC and 2 Frwys Cjvk Center 2nd TD to SI mill. EZ shopping, It cookin g, j;_M__ ~ ·----- D'"1ALASST Chairs1d& Rl>A for busy Costa Mesa offke. Good salary " benefits. Ca II for appt, 64S-6631. b k t? ' new crpt, fresh paint, SC Plaza Non·amkr OHlcel_.. 4400 Shoollinr'Center. Prime 9uahfy. Downey Sav-hsesitting, boats.tting, --------•I Dental Assistant . Kenny u n por . I frplc, eal·in kit. No pets. + v. uill 95S·OI09 ' ....................... locilion. 979·8889 or ingsuM r. M cQu Iii rrie. apt managing seekillg registered. Are you look· I '600.6422134 1••cH 00-13!0. 8..36 __ room"bathinexchange Banking ingforrewardin&career Isn't that the boat · Prime·Oceanfront Loe: 3 NIWPORT -T for same. Call " let us ADMIHISTlATIYE opportunities with ex· . . C . '7S? I Across from beach. Le Br tram rm. Weekly or · infLLSE VICE• ............ 4450 Man1111s. nnt discuss your situation. cellent polutlal for that won The Amencas Up In · tBr+den. Yrly S435, 111>n. thly. Avail 4/1/112. r.tOfflceS..C. ........ ••••••••••••••• Deidi 5035 only sincere calls SICl!TAIY persoq.tl &rowtb ' re· ~f'V'\~ I Adlts. POOi, encl gar. nu Playa Rea!ty.117J.1IOO ·~itafrOlii-SOf -~ltecll ••••••••••n••••••••••• ease.Sandra642·6149 W• are a com-·rc1al rogl\ltion. We ae6 your \.:..-""!.II f.....J\.:./"......:.; r1ltS 11*5078 •Brandaolfice-M/mo c.----.~ C "' .,.., cann1 chalrside tx· · ,..._..... 4211 II ~ · Q Swt --if o. bank wath corporate •f pertlse to compliment If )'OU'rt not surt wt1o (or what) Klflll)tlUnJqJOn Waterfront, dlx 2 Br. ....................... Ca 7r= Pri ns -1'6illlon AIJ types ol • Htate -fices In l..aguoa Hills II our highly skilltd team. was. OOn't feel bld-)'OU·rt not~. qlitt, private. f795/mo. OCEANP'RONT 2 ' 4 Br. on buly Pac Cat Hwy. lnvatment.uillce 1949. Tm.I 5450 a re looking r or a Modt rn pluunt tl\t ~ &S one of 14 listlnctNtty Dott avail. 87 '"'3311 ' Avail. llOW, WMklJ Lhru ~r!:!':Cto~ ldeel for rttall or ofnce S,.114*1 • ....................... st.(l"!!W'Y with txcellent vi ronrnnt. excellent dif'rti!rrt~ftootplinsllSNwindV\lq . 8C2·• llDIN1'.17S.ma. ft From 11111 . sq *· 1,000 to a.ooo aq ft JIMITDt I person looklnc for clerical skills. typln~ benefit ptckage , 1n ~ 8*1\.Seawind wage isa re5IAt .... ._c... PalmSonuurea <Mon· ~·No tea1e r~Jrtd: ••ail. !W-MS-7lOO AG:JIZI HS.OU I ~~ · C:.ti:'!t!fe ~r~~ ~~ e~:~~rlnhg~ere· Ne~o rt Be acJl. of tDtatj pmonllizeclpnJfaslooat planning. StUiflOJl1Smdal.eooo ttre1 CC> Condo J Bit 2 A4j, Alqiorter Inn. 2112 •FIXED RATE2ocl TD arth.. 213 592-5618 qwred 1 -:13~1·=·~---· lttlntlon dl9IM Balboa &y Club, 2 br, Ba, furn. w/atrlum. Dupont. Ctll AM . ......Lac.... *'"llyAmortised I• • A=~ of l'lltU:"and IMng:._ kM!f bty view 11700 ~' tennl•. Dally• m.m. Re&lforolftce1p1ce. on tP\1UY Auumable If you e" joy the Dental • -~ ·-wilh ~ -lllll quiet ' ... J!ll ..... -: ii&!l. •, Trm.l~':l ~1~::.· ~1:: • "• ';:.-.\;;,me. t =~·.~.: ~~: 00:1· MONT omc• . ponds. Q¥111Ctbf nllUrll ocmn tnezes. ~to ~ r;'°d.3 , !RM ... r.•.n. vllltiillty location. on A!Uor-lp,w• lion for O:·~o~~ !iiii1£1liea ~I~~.:! IN!----"""• jotWl Ind powder , .:: f r."!c '. PAUi SPlllNOI TAN! he OJtl> ffwJ, 1·"'!_!0 =ollU•O~• > =-'°"''°'"''"· '" '~"'.°!I: -•• ·=·:-..:-~=.-¥c='!!'J!e~~::t:=":t::;::: •.....::; •'lll'""'ea"' 1 u•Nr.r:or· ffiV..t:· YU. Newly fur~. lHfS.7100 JH~~l:~r::oio::~ r&n(lnl apsiolnlmenta • ~ ~ t:. ""'*¥Tllllllnd)IOU'Wgotap11eurl)Onl""""' ~ . /wk •tcla A••ll ""';'"_ unm 1Nn•1101 schedule or linl Ellctllmt~I:- .-.... Clll holnl.(E.WI ~I) &\Sl"BLUPF Spat~ l 14 1 · · A1t11& .,..w. = · Bttnch Administrator. tv · ror l .. t f'll.l"'t l a· • ..,._, Br. jool, qu&et, pletllll ' Sii. m ... ft ••. oo ,., ..... 4471 .f a -one Ind two bedroom. one Ind two~ area. No""'. SSOO/ mo. •~11 tum llr, 181 eq, ft., S1S &!hb .. N.I . ,_ ................... IM••••ll Wr orrer arowth OP· d1Ylduai.C'aD'. 1f- aplrtmtMs ft'om~g). Avt1l.H .Mfi717 !1 Lelaure World, AMlfl·R . '1ime 'hatin 6 ha portunlty, l'Xtellent Bl ~·· Apr·Oct. ClemnleNtllllorotntt Lt. 2 Br, z , nu.. aear m:M , oc:eaa •. •tmo~ Nwpt. .. •ar abla, DOOi 1 e"ecunlQ ::.m ll:f1!0 ,__ nlor tv I (pit, ~ 'Ce.. ar.· ~ ,,_. 1!!111Ut to =~~1llldl.CA W1: ~:~=: ,._ •it111 '-..._*"' '*""' lllll&ft llD ~arl!!$i!. ·ta .. Yll!!ll.:W~ ~--·_,...·_..~ l Ir. ad It. I ltlldl . ,,__ ... ~ ........ 11•'-iiiii:lfjJ iC-!iii?ili'~I ~·-... -.lllO Ml!i_iJl"tll!!! ... !!I!!. liirn •1 f ( ' .. Orange Coat DAILY fltLOT/IUnd1Y, Mlrch 7, 1912 • The BlcPst Mirbtpllce on the Or-.. COllt DAILY PllDT CLASSIFIED ADS •1'fP~;;h'.d 71~~W..ted c;;,... 7;·00HltpW~ 7IOOHelpW~ 7100 HelpW111tt.d 7100H~Wcahd 7100 ~W..ted 7100HeipW111ttflt 7100 HetpW..ted 7100Hetf>Wcahd 7100 .•••••••..•.•.........•....•...•.••...........•••...•.•......•••••... ·······················1-······················1······················· ...••••..•.•.........••......•.....•..•.......•...........•..•••....•...•.......•........... INGfHElllNG Housekeeper. lt\'e·in . Mach1mst. p/tlme work. Numng Sales SALESPERSON . SECRETil,Y SECRIETilY General middle-age r ef's must have own vettiral LYN Restaurant AssistM111t~r Seeking a mature ex Secretary !'llBarea B11tngual Spanish for Mlnimum 3 ·years ex· ..._ ._ .... __ •-y CL.&. Phone: 640-7776 mill \7141631 9200. Com Hosp :'IJB ar<a ROllMSON'S Mature expenelked It penl'nced mdl\ idual to To Sl.9344 This is ideal spmall office of mfg co A ·-------------' ..a~ T · d d for thl' one who thnves n or personnel 1n penence erospace pre INCOME MAKE A JUCK Pos attitude & smile~ ..... .-..-OR IEJt.CH J career mm e woman v.ork daytime hours in , d h· suran<'e background a re~ Ex<'ellent typing PIX <>-rator FIT Market/mgmt. P time needed Xlnt benefill> l I ror retail sates & ass1s athletic shoe & art 1vc on \ anet) an . as 3 ~nust Ex<'ellent benefit s~1lls. good ~lgure ap-Hours ·-~i>~f:tOPt.t . 5 Sl500 mo Owner ex STilTHERE_ Call 6428044 lias immediate 011t•n-tant manager position v.ear store 1n South math aptitude It s a as . k Q lifed . tltude,SH opuonal.App d S TheLosAngelesT1mes -----mgsfor MusthaH•!(ood retail Coast Plaza Call hourv.eek fabulous pac_age ua.,: ar,-1 y M 0 n Thur s . ays per week ome pandm~busmess Tram 1s looking for well Officelt.ssistllltt 1 barkground Salar) + Snov.den ~i lLl' Sporh benef1tsmcluded Duties plicants O!'llL't app > 7am-5:30pm day!d8AM 4PM a s 111 a\'a11645·6776 _groomed. enthusiastic Position at l.aguna l IUFffTSERVERS i:ommission and com-54().4i 17 ask for Da\'e v.1ll cons1stof prepanog MonthruFnbetween8 EDLER INDUSTRIES need Expenence pre people to earn up to l ~iguel Developmt.>nt Co I panv benefits Only , reparts and co mpas1ng AM 4 30 PM A~m ~kg. 2101 Dove St. N R rerred. Good telephone luwmM:e $40-SSO per day for a few \'aned respons1b1hlles ~1onday th ru Salurda,\ qualified people need SECTRY S 1300 correspondence No fees 2551 S Garnse}. Santa Across fromOC personahty and mature Jt.cco.tRtP hours work as P time 1nrlude. rerept1on1st Xlntcompanvbeneftts I appl} Apropos. 29 Dynamic lnd1\1dual orcontracts Anaj;Q_~ Ai rt attitude a must FGS has openu\gs in sales rep Hours are dul.Jes. errands. hhng I Fashion Isle . ~ B or sought for ke) position SECRET AJIY_, /T If "OU are qualtf1ed for customer service dept to ~rom 4pm 9pm & t_ram I light typing. Must ha\ e Apply m person. 10 12 rail with a rap1dh growing j He av Y phone s " EXECUTIVE J service automobile ar· mg will be provided own <'ar Start ASAP. Robinson ·~ ~4-2652 firm Bentle) ·Hayes, telephone sales, typing seeking part time AS· the above position counts. Must ha ve good Your earnings as a C.llNinaf'inn 831 -8031 ~2 Fashaon lsland 1570 Brookhollov. Dr 60 wpm ca('curatel. sociate Call for appt ~~eat~~S-f~a~~i~ii oral and written com· Tunts sales rep will be I ---- -;'l;ewport Center I ,,114. SA 92707 546 2625 5 ho rt hand or d 1 c 84S-lB95 municallons skills Ex· based on a guaranteed Ordtr DHk/S~c°" 644.2800 5 •LES Personnel services 100', tn~e. Knowledge of Fast food service. full or betwttn9AM "~.JOPM. perience desirable. hourly wagl' of SJ.50 + I Experienced "ta'ke I "' r_ree a r h I f I 20 h Starting salary com-generous commissions I charge" person. 6-tO IMMEOIATE ~ 1 '"~ e Pu our part time. grill or General mensurate with ex -Sincethisisanewpro· hours per week Health iqual Opptr Employer OPENINGS 'Secretar) Gal Frida} ~CampusDr .!\B v.ee :'\w pt Bc h counter work at The Fis· Orange County firm hir· perience and a bi lit)' Ex-gram oppartunities for insurance a\ a1lable No For P T reader ll d I 9.S. M F for In me ta~ &. S5i' 6122 586-4179 =~ ~1:~.e~a~~ ~~~ mg tofill 18 positions in ~llent Co benefits and a advanceme nt a re ex agencies Sat lb oat 1 n st r ur tor I representatn es fur m-unestment r1rm Legal. 14211 Yorba St.. Tustin Secret~ or Erika 7141673 _3152 •Secretarial •Deli very career advancement cellent Call now for j ~ needed m Nwpt lkach sidesalespos1t1on.App· executlve.wordprocess-731-7111 for airc r aft main also accepting applica •Distribution .. •Recep· potential. For appt call rrore information about , 25-2'1' nwsm sailboat· ly 1n person P e n 1ng barkground helpful ten a n c e 0 r f 1 c e . tions forthesummer tiooist le other posi Pauline549-8909 this ~eat opportunity I Weekends no!. full time n)'Sa\er 1660 Placentia For personal mternev. I Koowledge or work or. lions FGS Call . on-Fri. 957-2361 'ilTTIME Summl'f inrluding Ave .C M r ail :llr Step hen ~. ders. math ability and Fast growing company ST ilTIMG It. T FWd r-5.,..,lus P.~-6-9pm Expanding youth \\Ce ken d s C' a II 1 641 3764 *•SECRET It.RIES*• ~e of calculator. Type needs clerk typist/ re-$11 600 -·~ Male or female for fast I COUf!Seltng firm has 645-7100 --SECRETARY I CONGRATULATIONS 60 WPM. parts ln\'en· ceptionist. Call Jay · ~ foods The Rotisserie openings for 3 5 sharp • . Sales WORD PROCESSOR Sharon Par11 ' to11 Salaned pos1t1on 754-<1183. 260 B. I C M · 1 outgo1.11g mature people SALES Resid.tttlal . You made A I . A. Jt.CCOUMT It.HT -_nsto • to motl\'ate amb1llous Dl)O) reading Th l• Pen ' NB. CPA firm. seeking Th 8 Pl PP Y m person FUii-charge Bookkeeper J fte~eot graduate with ~ANAG EME:-JT IG-13yr olds.Call25pm nysaver• The Reader s.curitvS•sma" I responsible p e r son e lg~est acement PilSOH'SJt.IR or exper'd Junior Ac HI YUi des.are to succeed. Eitcel. Jom our team. p T &t2-432l . ext 343 Ask for ad dept. of The Pen-, Combm.e tbp income & a Word Processing exp Fee A onsultant Has 1.9531 So Airport Wa y, countant for CPA Firm ,...0 11!-ll!a ,..EC. growth op port unity ExJ! only a.P.11lv KJJ .J838 Andrea n\-sa,eris acl'epting ap compatible wor~mg at preferred Call Kathie [\'ek\I a~e In This Co. Su1te4Santa Ana 92707 in Newport Beach. Com-" ,._....,.." Bentley-Hayes " Assoc. -plicauons for full ume mosphere 20« rom 1_59-051_1__ ~ ~:~~gt-:1f.'8£ puter exper helpful (msomefieldsl 1570 Brookhollow Or. MEDIA sales positions Clear l nuss1onsma fieldthat1s Sala o n.833-8084. Young Thinking People 11ll4, SA Ph _549-252~ ASSIST It.MT Police pnnting. l!OOd spelling & ~row1n ~ des.pile t~e i---------~ewport 833-8190 F'ree .. GEHERAL OFACE Favorably Considered. Personnel services 100 ' Media Assistant to work CIVILIAN a fnendly ~m ile are the j e~<mom) Pie a:.e ('a II Secretanal _J J..Hl964-535 free_.----1n <'U rriculum lab TRAFflC basic H'Qwrements We ~and~ at 598 7715· for Tlwlotboa loy Cklb GRA,..IC ARTIST Lady 111111 tram sharp at-tt>a cher's workshop ' IHVESTIGJt.TOR "111 tram )nu to J:.Mst ~ter ""' Sl'cretanal Experience requ1 red }~~~lr~a~~o:~~ ;aeltall ~'&:2~eT~ e~d!~w~~ I S7 27 S9 81 hr ~~~~ut~~~~~s 1~,;~,; j ~i~:~:!~[~~~~~~~·~~res Maintettanu Jt.dtMI. Jt.ui~ton! Typesetting helpful Call comm.495-6734before ll Huntington Beach Cll> + generous benefits 1660 PlacenuaA\'l' .CM experience to sell' M<r.tarY 100', tree Sma ll sales ~m...,P5-0!_33 -AMandafter6 PM School Dist 10 mo. pos1 ~ckage -t med1<"al eme r geno We need a shllrp in olftre needs responsible Hair cutter" manicurist lion S959·S119l mo de \'tllan position lo as SJt.LlS/MJt.CHINERY systems approved by' d1\'1dual with good or pe rson to take rharge w following, 70,.. or l..-S.C...t.Y pending on experience stSt pohce officers V.'tth F.xpder rep to sell new li.S . Government .I gamiauonal and peoptr f Matunty & d1ctaphone rent, modern salon. PCH New-piirt Beach.' Ex · Apply 735 14th St .. HR prehmmary in vesllga cNC lathes. m;1t·hm1ng hospitals. doc tors s kills to ini.ure lh1•j skills Organize own atMacAf1hur673·2552 pandingBranch orriceof ~l tioosoftraffil·acc1dents renters tolocal shops & Art1 rles in Readers srrooth operauon of our li me Good benefits m H 0 u 5 e k e e~ e r _ a Major downtown Law MedJ;a-1-& other crimes Re plants F:xc1tmg inrome Digest . Nev.sweek maintenance de part I clud~ng dent.al It profit ed firm seeks l eg al quires resea rr h. in pot,ent1al on comm l'lmeMagazme calledtt ment Must ha\'l' good ~hanng St2.480 Ra1~e Com{>amon Mid le ag secretanes with lltlga-Transcribing le front of I terpersonal & wntm~ basis . "mim life saver'" High l)'Jlmg skills and 10 key in. 6 months. Call Ethe live·m, for congenial llon, corporate and real fice radiology, 25-32 hrs slulls. Contac•t C1tv of Trautner Mal'hineTool income . For mterview $950tostart 0 Bnen. ~~5001. Snell -~~l~d~l:a ~l!l~~ estate exper. Taping BO ..l!LWk.CaJi9·? 645·9400 lrvme. 17200 Jambbree l5683Chem1ral Ln rail 714 673 3235 or j 1~g " Snelling o f SECURITY WATCHMAN One part·time pos1t1on a\a1lable Reqwres ex penen<'e 1.11 an industrial or manufacturing en \1ronment Please apply 1 n perso n ~I o n d :i .v through Wednesda). 9·11AM or 1 JP~! EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. An immediate opening exists for a general of fice person. We are look- ing for a quick learner capable of organizing our mail department and working m vari ous areas as needed. IO·key and lYJ>in& experience a plus. ~ll Nancy for an tnterview appomtment elderlY's needs. Fringe w p m r e q · a n d Medical ~7~4-17~~ ~J~~O ~! l ~ ~r Hun!'Mt_on Bch 92649 I !ISi~. If you are quahf1ed for I N340ewpoC rt BeaD<'h Age0ncy . benerlt.s. Wkends. Eves. shorthand h e lpful. llldiofficelt.uistant the above position 4 ampus r . E .. E. 33005.StandardSt 675.3451 Days. 851 _8171 Benefits and sahla ry f'ul! time. salary open March 19, 1982. Placing a Classified ad 1s There's an easy way for please call for appoint-, Santa Ana. CA. 92702 GARFIB.D CARE Convalescent Hospital 7781 Garl~ld Huntington Beach. CdM commensurate wit ex-Send resume top o Box POSTING CLER KS as easy as d1alin1t your you to sell that b1ryrle ment at. 645·5000 Ext 521 • equal oppty --area_. -. Call Lu Ann 759-3800 2932. M1ss1on Viejo, Ca needed for lead mg elec phone Gl\e us a call you 11-0 longer use. Just between 9AM & 4 30P M Ha\·e something to sell' employer m f h HOUSEIHPER UGJt.LSEC-Y 92111H. tron 1c d1 str1butor We'll do the re st adverti!:e it in the Class1f1edadsdo1twell. 1--11111111111111----• LIVE-IN. Mature lady Newport Center real AVN ET electron1cs, 642-5678 Classified ' Call642 5678 CA92648 (714) 847-9671 for 2 yr old girl and estate litigation· firm Meclicaflt.11lstllltt Io cat e d at 3 5 0 __ __ ___ _ __ . __ ·_ · housekeeping for s ULTRA SLIM Corona M<'C'orm1 ck 1n Costa eq_ual oppty employer m /f/h Bdrm home . References needs very ex per ' d del Mar offers a unique Mesa Entry le\' el pc>Sl-Legal/Exec Sec'y Xlnl I t r · h f d required. S90 per week emp oymen opp. or a lion wit oppty or a . +pvt room w/bath typing, dictaphone" medical assistant. For vancement Great 752-21.97 shorthand a must. further information benefits Please call , • Salary oeen. 640-6960. 675-2711 714-641-6061 to arrange Use,,,.,,,# service when placing your. ad .. ·. a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad :...,..-:-.~we tak~Yvo7 ·me!seges·~ 24 hours a day ... you call in at your conven ience during off ice hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only $5.00 WHk. For more informa- tion and to place your ad • c•ll "2·5678. • Machinists N/C LATHE Modlh llNd.d llOW for:_ an 1nterv1ew. Immediate openings. M/F. all types. THE JOI SOUIC E Gal·0777 llAM -7PM Prncllool T eoclMr For-HS-School Exp pref., over 18. 960·8788 _ MACHINISTS MUSICIAHS 3 years experience lo Plenty of auditions. in Pitmie, 7 days, 2 hrs. dai ly AM delivery. L A. Times S46S/mo Laguna Beach. 494·8496 terviews avail Com · ~'f h<f,ra~i~n g~ ::~ puteriied referral club t~~OHIST/SECTY tolerances on high tem-$.1$fee guaranteed Life ms agency. central· per ature alloys or n.tJobSowct ~located lnlrv looking :t,~r~ r~:~bli:~~1n~ "'~~ll l l•Zp r~~e5p~1i~~rst1.y ~if~i M111t have own tools. Natura' JW Ce org. needs telephone technique a con1c1 eotlous persons mWJt. Type 55.s,swPM . for preparation of No Slf. Compan/ vecetablet ' (rns for benefits, room for I . PRECISION GllNDEIS 3 ytars exptritnct In letup and 09tr1tlon of . O.D. and l.D. and aur· lace arlndera lo euct-lna to1erances. Mu1t be atlle to "'d btoeprints ud use preclalon --~.~~ alt ••~ea. Must bavt on tool. c:.I MMAY OML Y , ... ~ 714/f ... llOI Jlice, PT.673-ZS93 vancement Call before 2 MUISBY PM SPICIAUST Greenhouse 111\stant needed to fill full-time C1p.e..t IAHocl•11 75!-ll$0 ~-at Public Gardens 1-------• in Corona dtl Mar. Must hnt expe.r. worklna DC9'TIOMIST/ with lllan\a lncludin& a u.tfTTYPllT'.. ~li'te cJf -nnr. Ulamorout f ;-1rr office r.uu~. tt'lt control ' In Newport 8i1ch. !•· PfOllllatioll. Call: Alt~i· dllnJ po1itJon for tbe Mon-P'ri, 8:JOAM ·4PM rl&htptl'IOft.ectwpm l~P· m .mM. lna. ablllly to haoare Nuniq buly pbones. Eictllent company bentfttt. ~ttf~~nv. l Grubb fr tiffs Jbp, NwDt. Reh. Brinf I Q>fttat't Pea~W1lt ~ smile t joba a111 Prt IDllit I Frtt ll,lr nd , iktlt•I ' (7~) U:.l lleilll.CIU: ""'ff - -& -· .--· • • '6 RCTaylorCo 640-9900 REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS IF: ·vou WANT to work in a plu sh, well-located office with a group of highly motivated professionals. YOU desire the chance to grow with a rapidly expanding , progressive multi-office company. YOU want specialized, personal possible splits and still receive fantastic company tools . YOU ~ant specialized. personall tr al oi nL a-nd_ Jn aJla g.e rn ~Jl t assistance. CALL ME NOW in absolute confidence. ... .... litt ..... , .. Offices in Newport Beach, Plhn Sprinp • Rancho Mlr11e < l ___ co ____ , __ > > 14NTBD ( ( ___ <05 ___ ) ) 'Newsj>aper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach __...._. --- • Good Earnings • Supir Tr.lps • &reat PrfRi CALL CIRCULATION . WARL~N! ..., .... 842-4321 • Rad. saw, rish aquar .. Orig. Japanese wood eltt. tram eqwp., sur-bloCk pM t, $4.S. l'brd, lawnmower, toys, 535-. brand name clothes ~ .. ..... ,.. IO I much misc. Sal. le Sun C:e~I ran-~sabella. 52 lM 2040 Federal C M 10, li&hl Incl d w11 $240, ...................... Must sell. rurn. radial -' · · will take 1100 Cash. HARIORAREA arm saw. mlsc. tool~. Sal. le Sun. Near·new 552-ln96 APPUANCESERVICE camping gear, camera bdrm set. Yamaha 90, ..;:R;:::E:...:T:.:.:IR::;:E""--M -T __ _ Webtqusedappliances· lens.Dolbyunlt &cmore. copy ma chine. den EN SALE :!!,~~~~ond .• guar. Sun 10·4. 13 Bluecoat furniture,' table saw. SxS GE refrig w/ice· ·~· 549·3071 (Northwood), r gar. dr opener, 21 cu 't maker le custom dis-. • penser, Rust sofa aet-2 llUY APPUAMCIS TlirMF-'h rd'rig, gate, clothes &t pcs, ll grn Riviera --------·Les 957-8133 GARACt-SALE."! 9352 misc.38920tnSt.,C.M.:.._ divan; Tropltone patio T .. h ~ Relrig, rrostrree , Velardo Dr. HB off GIANTGARAGESA LE rum incl chaise lounee; lmme di:t; employ-lcemaker, like new $250. =~ near Garfield Tools. furniture. an(i· ~4':,~b:~~ic!,~!~e:,: ment. Mon .. Wed.-Fri. 59-4485 ques. pool table, etc. All quality furn . like Private elementa ry G.E. Wuher &c Dryer. 1 Garage-Es tate sale ?332 Mok1hana, Hunt· new. 645-4079 dys. aslr school. Send resume to: yr old. S350 for both. ltemsrrom5<toS500 Sat J!l.&lonBeach.Sat &t ~~ for Cheryl. 645·8619 P.O. Box 10669, C.M. Refrig. 2 yrs $300/bst leLaSUnal Corner Luau and Gta.nt Lldo Isle Boy Scout eves/w~n~---921127. 4!J9.506lor 499.4283 · n . 9'1.2 Lanai Cir Nr Brookhurst and Coast Garage Sale Sal . SACRIFICE·Pedect TaB'HOH~ Gas Stove Caloric. dble Hwy Huntington Beach March 6th . 8·30·5 00 co n d . Nor 1 take .Telephone interviewers oven$1SO+Maytagelec Su n .. Marc h 7t h , stoneware <Desert wanfed, hourly wage le dryer olive $150. asked Sat/Sun. Must sell. ever-t0·00.2:00. 701 Via Lido 1'1owers>. Coordinated bonua, evenings only . gd worting refriein ex-ything goes . 12l3 Soud,Lidolslan<!..lUL_ ser v ror 8 Dishes. can Bene963-8919 change ror 1 or items. McCormack Ln. CM So. rera mi c ri at ware. Tutor needed for HIJh ~~~ }~iee.· Fry , o rr BIG GARAGE SALE. glassware " serving School s tude n t in F'r1g.iwure washer Sl50. 'KlVlNG SALE-I f everylhin~including the pcs.$300.640-7!!91 Geometry &t Spanish LI. Kenm:>re gas dryer $75. " . Ol!> o kitchen smk. SatiSun Karastan oriental rug. f ee flex. Must bedepen· Twin bed 545-9815 rrusc. furn.. etc. 315 E, 441 ~burst Ln · CM. multi-clrd. Klr ma n , d a b 1 e . H m : .... ft H '. 18th, C.M. Sat/Sun (Ca me 1e" FaJr> __ 8ft8inX12ft. 496-3'729art 6 (714)760-3650 : Wk : "cu otpomt SIS whl 64&-1163. $175. GE hvy duly Hvy. duty double squat ~~=-----~ washer w/mini-wa sh rack &t bench press. $50. • • •• 'l] 642 -5678 YES YOU CAN $20,000 . 00.41Z7 968-3967 ·-----• /w r • ., . t. ' • t ' I O r 'l t • \ \ f ~) I ALF ROMEOPARTS parts to convert 101 1600 to Veloce, exc pialon.s. $1400 Dennis, 979 2748 arter 6prn or wknds 74COURIH FOR PARTS ONLY CHEAP 536·983Z 4-15" wide tires w ;\mer mag whlN for Ford P U 5100 bst ofr Stockland Shell '70 Ran rhero S7S bst. Wi 9339 OHLY St,995! THEODORE ROBINS FORD JObO HARllOR 6<VO CO~JA Ml SA 64'1 00!0 ii I !ti o,.. C-.ty 2925 II arbor Uh d COSTAMl-:SA 979:15-°0 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS AUHMAGHOH POMTIAC/SUIAAU 24~ Har6or Bh d. COSTA Mf'.:.'iA 549-4300 549-1457 WE BUY Q.EAH CARS AND TRUCKS CON MRI. CHEVROLET .X'4 lt..rl• ' HI' ,j ''"'l\\H-,\ 546-1200 HIGH IUYER Top dollars for Sports Cars. Bugs. Campers. 914's,Aud1 's Askforl' C ~1 GR JIMMARIHO VOLICSWAGEH 18711 Beach Hhd HUNTINGTON Bt:ACll -141~00 WANTED! Late roodel Toyotas and Volvos. Call ui1 TODAY ''! Earle Ike TOYOTA-VOLVO ................. c ......... . Pll. '46·'101., H0-'447 TM bcittftc) '12 IMW'tAnf'ttr•I A few remuntnJ( 111 Models &t Demos are still available ! W.. specialize 1n Europt;UB delivery and flawles) pre-<>wned BMW's Where Custoi~ r Sen1ice Comes ht' ' Sales-Sen 1c~ Lea~1ng 20! W Isl. Sao111 An11 17141835 3171 C.los~ Sund•> MODElS IM STOCK MOW!. Clltclt e er go o4 1tlt dloe of DEMOt t •d Q.&I Al.ITY 'U.0WHED IMWt ti ••II u otlltr f in ., ........ o111, .. Call or CCWM In TODAY! SA.LES• SERVICI . UJ.Sl~G SAD~LEBACK IMW . 2140% MAR.uRl'TI "(WY, M1$SIOH Ylf.JO Avery Pkwy of' 1-5 831 -2040 ,95-'9'9 Open Sundays 1980 IMW S28i ' Automd\1<' lran!> .in rond . caSSt!llC'. ~unrc)of &c alloy!. 1liZS1 ROY CARVER IMW l~Jamboree Ruud NI::WPORT BE \l'll -6!0-64.44 l!n6 BMW A dynamik- 2002 V:l!h 4 'peed transm1s)1on. :. u nroof and air cund1t1on1ng Verv clean llZSXSZ1 $6995 Jim Mar1 nn Volkswa_&e!li 842.2000 Tht M°'t bcitin9 Part Of Your IMW Pun:hast Or lease Could~ McLaren BMW!! 11.iy Or base ly Our l'hOM Pia..! 1714_1522·5333 . l9T7 BMW 3201 4 'pt>ett lransm1Sswn air rnmli tion1ng . Jn!l loll mileage 'nits ont' r.. shaq> • 13llfTRS 1 5;1195 Jam M11r 1nu \'olksw!B_en 8"].·2•!00 ORANGE COUNTY'S ~· Sales Sen1ce-Leai.ang IOY' CARVER: l015-IOC£ ·BMW e.cl ...... C••U T -~· """""· 'llK" ... ,..., ..... -BMW ·19, 52111. mint. su~ rf. $13.500080. __ .;,..;11..:..4~~ .:.. ltll .MW UOI , Automal1c lr'-tls .. r11r cood , cassdle. alloys le sunroof. (4735) • IOY c.ava IMW1 15401amboree Road : NEWPORT B!ACH ; ' IMW DIMO SAU : B1J°Sa\'ln11s11 ! ! SAIOL8ACllMW, .IJJ:J04Q US...ttJl 1'716HCU.A ' ~. wliltelied, i ll ol lions. low m i le) IXCELLKN\._ COM· DITI ON !_~q,s f . ,., !! tmatll , ..... Cl I .u~,J ~ "" '"'• . •.••• .-... u ., ... 1'19u/ .. , 4JIJ .. J =·'1 • Oranoe Coul DAILY PILOTJSund1y, March 7. 1812 •79 GRANADA GHIA. tor 48 rnos De1 pymt S7101 ·42 (1n ct hn chgs 111x he J APR 2075 Cash pnce 54599 !281XWP) . $136~!. '79 MUSTANG GT tor 48 mo~ Del 11>1mt S7081 42 (in $1.3661 cl tin chgs tc1• he APR 20 75 cMn puce $4599 MO. tHP07891 '78 DATSUN 510 roi 42 mos Del ~~:n ss:;:s52 i~~· $12 2 39 ltc I A p R :.io 98 Cash price $3799 MO (272T1<E) • '•7 9 VOLARE tor 36 mos Del pymt $4020 06 ( n • cl tin cngs ta' he I APR 21 ;>O Cash price $2799 (947WYO) tor 36 mos. Del pymt $4233.22 (ln·$10653 ct tin. chgs .. ta>e fie) A PA 21 20 Cash pnce S2999 MO (816KYU) _ ' '°' (8 mos Ott pyml 1226356 (•n·s10619 ct lln. chgs.. tax, lie.) A.P.R 21 .64 Cati pnce s1799. MO. ~t) All~ l4.ll>fecl 01 PllOf JAte Alt plut ta• ~c doe & smog ,.,., Offe< t•P.lts '8 hOutt afltr~tClllOl'I GIANT DATSUN CLEARANCE SALE . ... . a Get Ready f orSpnne ' 1970FIAT 850SPIDER COHVERTllLE ONLY JS.000 mile!> on re-bw It engine, AM F'M stereo. 4 speed trans . new brakes & two ne" trreb Private party . $1600• best offer MUST SELL~ Call Rob at 768-0286 after S p m k weekends __ '76 F iat 1283P Hatchback. flood cond . new tires. am /Cm cassette, low miles . . 67S-9961. Attos. Mtw GRAND OPENING OF ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST SUl.AIUDl''9 ll 11111111 i s... .. AT SADIN BACI SUIAIU ·=-MW. 11=: .......... GHAT SEUCTIOMI ltEHAULT I ti's Sedans and waaon:s with many option! lo choose rrom are avaJlable now at. • OUMCHCOAST AMC/Jiii RENAULT 2SU ffarborBlvd. ... ..,ct 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• *l DEALER IN U.S.A.'· ~ • YWPAITS '73 Ike lendtrt. f'ront i.t. bUmotn. runnm1 boa,., ~I or trade or dNJ. I .PEAN feai:ufirtq "Good ol' ir8rolln" ~ G"c//llLL- Mll UNCLE HAS ALWA'r'S WANTED TO PLAY ™E VIOLIN ... '; .. -.,,, : -TJ.1EN' ~E""WENT MOME, PICKED UP HI~ NEW VIOLIN AND TRIED IT HIMSELF . NANCY LETS PUT IN AN . EXTRA LEAF LA5T WEEK HE WENT DOWN TO A MUSIC STORE, AND BOU6HT ONE .•. HE COULDN1T PLAY AT -ALL! • ,_--:. _, #,-· ~/~/// DON'T DUNK CRACKERS IN YOUR SOUP, SLUGGO THAT DOES IT--- I REFUSE TO WATCH YOU ANY LONGER.~----. . , , ,, ,, ---~ - c:.---:--- , , , , , -, - , -... THEN i.tE WENT TO A CONCERT TO WATCH T'4E VIOLINISTS PLAY TO SEE 140W THEY DID If ... . .... , , , * , , ,,, , .. -... " , "' .Tf..tE NEXT TIME ~E 60E5 TO A CONCERT, 14E'5 601N6 TO TRY SITTING CLOSER! - -""" , ' , ,. - .I By Ernie Bushmilf er. DON°T EAT WITH USE .YOUR YOUR NAPKIN KNIFE . .. GARFIELD® WMAT ao 'IOU ~HINK,GARF:IELP? DENNIS THE MENACE . • .. WE MAVE EVERVTHIN& ..• OUR FIRE., OUR SHELTER ... tHATS At..L- I CANGET HIM10~Y. Q by Jim Davis~J A~ TME TEMPERATURE PROP!>, TME. CIRCULATION G£Te, C":IOINC:, i : ~-·1 ! : r ! . - t ; I By Hank Ketcham .. ------· . . . . I I I ~ I <l<J<l 51D MlTCHEU.. 16 HERE WlTH ME! WE CAN'T L.EAVE LINDA' MAY AL.ONE IN HER HOTEL 5UITE ! CAN WE e>RINC? HEg OUT TO ereNCER FARMS? I 1HE CUTBAc.K IN FED€AAL. ~DING 15 REAL.L.Q FORCJ~ 05 10 CLRTAIL.. A WT OF OUR. PROGRA~I . . MOON MULLINS • DoN 1T You EVER 'THIN!< OF Your< su~s, PROF. --ONE PART · OF ME SAYS SETTLE: DoWN ... GET MARRIED ... I FUTURE , . ,MOON?.~. ~ BUT IJ.4E SECOND PART OF MS S,AYS NoW,AY! PAR1Y TIME! LIVE IT UP! W~AT YOUR SECOND PART t>oESN1T KNOW I'S~ WHEN You MARRY THE RIGHT WOMAN 7HE FUN 1"f M~S ,ARE:.JUST STARTING! DOCTOR SMOCK .. , BOf If SEEMS WE'RE -, GOIN& 10 HAVE. TO LET -i SOME OF OOR 1EACHE"5' . AIDE5 GO.! ON. °™E DmER· HAND .•• FUNOIN& IN OOHE_ AREA& HA5 AC1UAU.Q INC.REA5ED ! __JL ~ by Ferd and Tom Johnson MY FIRST PART SAYS your< FIRST PART COME IN FOR A L,ANDING ! MAkES SENSE, MY SECOND P,ART MooN ... SAYS BLAST OFF!! C~RTAINLY~ ~,AVEN 1 T YOU ~E,ARD'OF. IHE ·PARTY OF IHE . FIRST PART?? By George Lemont WHESN YOO'Ve ee:e:N . KSESPIN6 A PIAR.Y F=O~ Five YE!ARS, .A.N' YOUR OWN NAME:: HAS · Ye,.. ~o ee IN ,,... .' , ; '. .. -t ~ .. I • • CAN YOU Tl"IT YOUI IYllf n.tre are et INst ti• differ- .... 111 ••lftl ... Hs .... _, t9J eftd ......... Plnela. How ~ aft 1" find tt•ttnt CMdt .,....,. wfft9 thoM Mlew. : ••IJOllUl l''~S ·t ll<ltHfW SI aiod lluN\l:t f 'dn P*UJlll : Sf qe:> -. ·111•.a111P ~ ••llPld ~ 1ua1au1p 'I HOH L 1u•1•11!P St ntfO) I _.,_.._,.1110 . • ... _ ... I I 1-I ._.... . • ' ' -. ~~f~I ARF! RRF a IJ.)\\\)ff p ~ e Pll In• ftOke=e!H t Wf ,_111,.. ..... f Wtwt fl~lettlr ..... ....... .... -"NYU ...... .,.. ... ~I' .. ~........... .., th,.. words assoc'-w etr '• Dir: RE e lrlttt Stew! R~~ ftrlft BLAR ROCK L!P SHAM CHAUN. Answer qu~ly. , ~Jdet .... >oJW9\j\ 'A1U;•18 .e Rlddle-Me·Thls! What happened to the apple- power'a ,..,.., They bore trvtt. Wftof w.sn't Btackbffrd Invited to tH? 8ealuM of his corulrs. • FARL~'/ ! - ON TAROETI Add theM colon nMHy to the dl•gr•m .-..: 1-led. 2-Lt. blue. >-Yellow. 4-Lt. brown. S-Ftesh. 6-Lt . . '"""· 7-Mlroon. I-Die. 1r11rt. t-Lt. purple. 10-.Dtc. ,.,,..... ICOtll .. points tor"""' ... "" leHlrl In tt.e word below to forw. ----+-----'!"!'~ tM comptete words: METRICAL TNIN KOre 2 points each for all ..,. of fo<ir letters or more ----....--..- found •monv the letters . Try to ICON et INlt 51 poi"1s. •11w ·1,., we.ia.v.eiq~d GORDO WJ.iA/1~ ALL THE FEb7'1 VE FOOFAl<.AWF SHOE MI'MCOOL. ... H~ I AM AT~E roJLLINE ~N ... IF I MISS "m~ ONE NE. l.OSE 1UE GAME. ' IT~ ONL'< A €AME, AFTER AU... ™E l~T TMING 15 . 10 00 MV sesr ... 9UT STAY ~'r' LOOSE. By Gus Arriola WE Al<E AL.L ro E:.ITHER ASSl5T DIC STAV our 01=- THE WA'lr • r MacNel ..... lv~ . TIM~ OUT! =~71,~ t>?ATnEME. - ---• ~ --- -·-.....~ -~~~ . ~lUtll~~ .. Daily Pilat .. ittr....._· __ "' ----·---~,_-- 1lSll YOURSELF Send lhe ~tDn. • • ~ 10 .. ,.., .. Farlllly WMkty, 641 Lex._, A\19., New~ N.Y 10022 w.·11 pay S5 lor l)UbhsheO auestooos Softy, -can~ ,,_, othefl FOR ROGER DO<>l£Y, author of From Sc:orfoce to Scorlct: Amerlcan A/rm In the 1930'• (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich) Of .a the ........... of the .... which _.. ..re overrm.d ..ct why? -M.P., Wlmlnglon. De. •Very few were overrated. If anything, 10me good actors of the 30's were un- derrated. Crttic:s revealed a definite sex bias. not anti· but pro-women. They always found 50mething kind to say ~: "W.C. Fields wasovmoetd." about even the least-talented ~uties. like Hedy Lamarr. But they dismissed Robert Taylor. Tyrone Power. Richard Greene. Errol Flynn as mere matinee Idols. And I think W.C. Fields was vasdy overrated; his tour, misanthropic per- sonality and agonizingly slow routines never seemed half as funny as Laurel and Hardy, the Marx Brothers, Eddie Cantor. or Jimmy Durante. FOR NIDO QUBEIN, president, NadoNI SpeaMn AWQC"ialioo How do "°" ...... -*" ..... Ill ......... .... ~? -s.c .. <Amoa. Ohio •You should thoroughly know the sub;ep you're about to dilcuss, organille your notes and practice your speech out loud. Also, by looking your best. ~'D convey your •If-confidence to the aud6mce. Know thy audience" ls the cardinal rule. FOR MARIE OSMOND, ~dilig .... actma .V. a.-. w:h a IGD~ ...... Win t10U - n ;<(I -N.S .• Ol,aa;Aa. w.h. • I don't think IO. From babyhood the children in our faml)y were taught to raped our parents. But we haw a saying that our plnntl me not always ~· We don't gnore Iha wiltm. We're lucky that our mom and dad listen to us as wel id the ocher way around. FOR RONA .IAffE. author of,.,.. and Mon...,. .... CDl..-......... of ................ _ ...... 1i'DW ~ ve-a? -T.O., T.n ........ Ind. • Ifs different. ~ today's college students have advantages we didn't. rm disturbed because they're In more danger. Robbery. rape and a.ault are rampant. At college we had flashers In the park. but we didn't have manJacs in the laundry room. FROM TitE •ASJ<'" EDITOR CAREER CORNER: Ba9ebaJJ star R..- gle .Jaduton Is talking to a certain magaiJne editor about doing a column on cars .... Four years ago. actress Sblrtev ,.... labeJed teen-age son P.utck Canldtr. as "very macho. Into athJetlcs, forward, and puts his foot In his mouth every time he opens It. He's not Interested In the stage." Look what four years can do to a guy! Patrick Is now In the cast of Broadway's The Pfrata of Casaldv: A pin:Us lift /or him. Peruit1n0t .... ~ Dee Wiiiiama. now woriUng on The Revenge of Jedi (next in the Star "-bs saga) grumb&es that aD the sex-svmbol publk:lry hampen. not helps, his progiess. "It's tumJng me Into what rm not. They say I have to get the girf, or else. Suppose 1 don't want the glrf? What then?" CONICS CORNER: Why is the dJvorc:e rate so high? We poled funny folk, to take a break &om th09S boring, clinical answers. Norm . . $ , ~ ·~: I •O '-\ -:-41 ' en.by. Too many guys haven't seen their gals with- out makeup and with their hair in curlers, and too many gals haven't heard their guys howl when stub- ~ their toes or slutping down their flnt cups of cof· fee. They shoukt check into those things before look· Ing at furniture .... Frank GonhlD: Today's genera- tion Is the "no.....,. generation. They shnlg their shoulders and walk away rather than "sweat It out''. . . PbylJla Diiler: People dl008ll can with mon care than they choo. partners. We're ~t how to handle a car but not hOw to handle a mate . We should get a ~along wlh a marriage an.. ov01£. Imp mlonilt Mmlpll Mk' • dllrns: '1 WI I heel arrtYed when .W. A.- ._ told me 1 knew I Nelly arrtYed when you did me.' I WI I had ct.plmd when I heard thlit a.t.ra S. I ii and tm mother hale my lmpoalfo.i of S..- tn -....1 O'Oll my·eyes too much". . . ,._ U.. tlllOv. halt ol 1Va Omni: TM New Frontier, bdeva that "by lncruaing the UI of the keyhole, today's playwrights are In danger of doing away with the door." ... ~Coco, star of Broadway's Lltlc Me, Is fed up with.advice on how to /fnn hll fat: "l want to lo. the blubber, not tighten lt." ... Wanna have a peachca·and-aearn complexjon aD over? Do what ' r I • ' -. Jimmy's co-star does: "I rub heavy whipping aam owr my entire body." ·· PRO AnDCOO ....................................... Mt~ ... -~ •• -. ............ _ ~----~ ~----...... Brighten your day with a breakfast surprise. r-- BREAKFAST SAVER COUPON BOOK framMa...a ....... Save on these breakfast groceries with a book full of coupons fTom Muwell House• lnst3nt Coffee. Just ftll in your name and ..ddrns and ~nd with one proof. Mllll cos Ire_,_ Saver Offa GeeenJ F~ Corpondon, P.O. Box 7057 Kn .... ee, ll 60902 ............. __ ..__. ...... ..._c..... ......... 6-9 _....,_......,°""...,....., .. uu ........... -c..-.. ....._. o..,,..,._,_ .... ..,. <»or .................. . ......__....~ __ ............. ...._.. ....... _ _ ..... ~ ....... L.-._,_.....,.c........-- --L 1"2 '"-11 ,...C:..--f ,.._ .... _,_., .. ,......_. ~------------------- "God Gave me the Son I Wanted, Only to Take Hlin Away Too Soon" By Hatold s. Kuahne< Probably the most gratifying ex- perience for young parents is watching their child grow and being surprised by the flower- ing of unanticipated talents. You begin to suspect that your child Is unusually bright, or that he is gifted musically or athletically. At tint, you don't want to jump to conclusions and be jUst another bragging parent. But little by little the evidence at- cumulates that your child Is Indeed someone special. There Is no better feeling. By contrast, the wont thing that can ever happen to a parent is dls- coverlng that there is something seri- ously wrong with a child. You force yourself to Ignore the first signs of trouble. But It doesn't go away, and you have to confront the helpless- ness and heartwrenchtng reality. In the years after our son Aaron was bom. my wife Suzette and I went through both the bat and worst par- ents can experience. Aaron was the miracle we had hoped and prayed for: a bright. happy, lively boy with alert blue eyes and lots of brown hair. He was interested in everything around him and learned quickly. When he was not quite 2 years old, we took him to the World's Fair in New York. and he was fascinated by the dinosaU\ exhibit. We got a book about dinosaurs from the library, and by age 2112, Aaron could recognize two dozen varieties of dinosaurs by their pictures (names like Elasmo - saurus, Ornltholestes. Archaeo- pteryx tripped off hls 2-year-old tongue), and he could understand what it meant to say that dinosaurs were extinct. But at the same time. we had ra.on to be conciemed about his hokh. At two months, Amon was refened to a dermatologist because the skin on his abdomen was mottled and marbeUz.ed. At eight months, Su.tte brought him home from the pediatrtdan's offtce With the news that he had not grown or gained weight durtng the pNYious month. "" • e MMIL'I WUllU', lilllrcfl 7, .. His hair began to fall out. and the veins In his head showed prominent- ly on his scalp. He was still a bright and happy little boy, but he no longer looked like other children. Anally, when Aaron was 3 , we learned that he was suffering from progeria, a rare disease which speeds up the aging process. It affects only one tn etght to 10 million c:hUdren. The cause Is not weU understood and there ls no known cure. We were told that Aaron would never grow beyond the size 01'8 3-year-old, that he would be thin and bald, and that he would die in his early teens. If not sooner. We feh hurt, cheated, angry. It seemed as If I was like Abraham ln the Bible -God had finally given me the son I wanted, only to take him away from me all too soon. I couldn't understand how something like this could be happening to me and my family. We were good. moral. religious people. I was a con- gregational rabbi, devoting my life to helping people and strengthening their faith . How could God be doing this to us, to our son? And If He was doing It to us, how could I continue to serve Him In love and faithfulness? But on a more practical level. our grief and anger had to take second place to more Immediate con- cerns: Aaron would li\fc with progerla for some 10 years or more. How would he and our family get throU!tl those years? Azlron made It easier for us by being such a lovable, warm, bright, courageous penon. Buying dothes for him and finding foods he couJd eat might be prob&ems. but havtng Aaron for a son was never a problem. We~ every day we spent wtth him. In fact , because we knew our time with him was limit- ed , we were able to conccntrate on not squandering tt. We trawled with Azlron. we went to baD gamp. which he liked so much. We \Oanted to make sure that when we looked back on our years with him. we would know that we had used the time wen . Aaron died in November 1977, on the day after his 14th birthday. He was very sick by then. although he went to school up Un1tl the last week of his llfe and got out of bed four days before his death to attend a class- mate 'a party. But by the time he died, death was the only cure for hls pain. Swette and I, and our daughter. who was 11 at the time. look back at our years with Aaron and realize that we have learned several lesson.s: The Kuahna famJlv: (kft to right) Su.de; Hc.old;Aaron, oge J31!z ; Harold 's father, Julus; Ariel, age 10'11; (In.et) Aaron at 3 montha. The worst problem for the handi- capped person and his family Is ISola- tion -people exclude you because you are ''dlfferent." Some people re- jected Aaron and would not let their children play with him because they found his physical probk?ms or his ap- pearance more than they could han- dle. 0 suspect they were the real losers. TilOSe who came to know Aaron were enriched by his friendship and learned something valuable about courage in adversity and about look- ing beyond physical appearance.) The people who helped most were the ones who reached out to him and to us, Inviting us in- to their lives: the man who made Aaon a tealed-<iown tennis racket, the woman who asked hJm to tutor her ton and to •ay and p&ay afterward, the friends who took hJm fishing and sailing. They gave us the message that they cared. that we were not alone. and they did It without wdlng for us to ask. Ultimately I came to see God not as the cause of Aaron's problem but as the .c>urce of my strength and love and abl1tty to cope with It . I could not bellew that It was His wt1I that an In- nocent chlld suffer and die. But I could be strengthened by the idea that tie was Inspiring people to help US, and Inspiring us to be braver than we ever tho~t we could be. The psalm- ill In the a.ble does not say, "My prob- lem comes &om the Lord; my pain, my illness and accident come &om the Lord." He say5, "My help comes from the Lord ." lamed explanations did not help us. nor did elaborate answen to the question of why God would let this happen to us. W. learned that the queldon "\'Jhy ii God doing this to mer la not rally a ~ qua- llOn; IU1 a ay of pein. You tapOnd to It, not by defending or explaamg God's ~. but by doing IOIMdmg to m• the vkttm of lnjultlce or m11b1une te.1 behr. A Hallldlc rM>- bl once said, ·HWMn beings .. God's 1arlg\W181." When w. ated out. God WA&ed US, not by judylng or ap&.lnJna till ..,.,.. not by convinc- ing .... lhM Aaon .... Ind death ..,.. f'W\t or n~ but by lnlS>fr· ~ people m NK'h out to us to M WI would know that WI ..,.. ... notlloM. ... Jl:H tr•tt(Ub _ llUrz:l!f1 ;1i:il!iJfiJ}•1N 11 jl ,n i.1·i r Jt•=•.n 11: -~ '"· ·! I'"''~' l . r l'J1 r I lif ! r~f I. •'I 1:'!•Fg1 n 1t1ii m! i,s ~~~ ,.;,IIi _ _ • ,. .uJ ff '''.hn ~ , 11L .. bi n! ... 1111;1 1111 !• u•,m~ 1·l~i!t1 i''li''~ ~ ~['tlit~l''ll' !tiJ' ii il._.fil! 111lil1•f ~i 'W 'i. r•1.-• Rllf.1 1·1 i!J 1r_11.r1 ~:~thr ~,~11111 !,~r·f 1r11._;~• 1 r , ,.~ .~. -.. "(H"' 1=j~ftl111·f 1-~ I ·'1·11 I !ll llt ··1 'I ~1;1 I I rit~~ 'I~ 1~11 ,1 ~··11.1~1 •: r a I' 1 (111 Ii J,i1 I 'ti· J11~~ 11 i ~J~p,::t ~i'it. 11 ,I l~~f.~~·J• lf P'r' r '':II~ • ~al,~{I [ltr .· ~1b II • Ill I . ~ .. Ir ·~II' ;-~lllla·D4 :•t . ~=ii~~f iiDi1~11-g-f 1-p-~ ti~ nu, -- . --~Ir 1 ld'ma ". . ff i ad J!rr 1 QC 1;,,, J. i J~t g. I·~ , i (I lf'ti •'I ~1r !11' ·' i Ji~''~ l!i 111 1f!. I ..Jja 1, f &J · . · 11 U lvl M ~ . • . • . ::I 111 I I i I 0 f ,· I o 1 o l!f: . IJ ~ J ~J ~J '.i i ·i ;! r I ~. ..~: : ,; = i· = ~ : • . i . : i I: •·1 ' I ''i I · • ) : I 1 ' i I I ! ~I I I I I i I & •. '. I i : ~------~----~--------~ )"'all J '1;1i 1·1 ~ !1f f!J.w _ i 'I 1f1I·~ ii:s~i S lz •fl! 1 .. , fl•11'.' Pi!i.-1i1 s;J &!J ~1~! !~I 1 l1lfa,1 1• i!' il!i;li:1 J1tll!I gci§ ,•I ~i~j1frJ¥rf ~1isf •gs rlr {f Jil~ij~~~· !ls·9J i>-l•• · Ji .. ~!r! ! ~ i {iii . =--.. ------~ID-~ ... .-. --"'-· ........ -• ... ... --• ... ~ -• - i ' i f f . INSTANT EGG ART® The Ian, easy ~ay tode•rate in just ~ seconds! We ere always on the lookout ~ Items that are new ... exciting ... money-sevtnp ... hetpful ... end benef1clal to our readers. Now-we ve found .ome- thlng that we love-.nd know )'OU wm tool Whether for Easter-or for en elegant table dec:oretJon anytime ol the yeer-here·a decoratlng magic that turns the c:hof'e ol coloring eggs Into en experience of dellaht and wonder! No more kitchen mess-with the smelf of vi negar ... stained count~rtops ... colors ~t drip ... designs that never .em to work as easily .. the dire<:· tJona aey. Now, we mre offering en exciting, totelly different tech· nlque for creetJng your HoUdmy a.-ets end center· plec:a that l• eay. fun, end wtll .... your fwnlly end friends with your beeutlfut, profe981onel raultsl It'• eeay-bec8me ell you do .. fwd.boll• Sae •.. _. let It cool .•• allp one of the I~ thin plllltk 11eeW!S aver the egg ... dunk In bolting Wllter for 3 ..:· ondl ..• end amutngty you hMw en egg_ ti:* looks• If It .... hand pelntM E.....-poft:elelnl . It'• fun-and Uke nadUng you've ft8'.., or done a. foN. You and,.,._ fmnHY wtU be ..eounded •you wit- ,_the plaht ~ .. being tr• ......... In WXMm • the...., thin plelUC .....,. ....,.. to...... ... coming neerty lnvleltlel \ ONLY $2.99 Set of 24 SAVE $1.00 Set of 48 only •4.99 n::==~====-..:-..::--------., .. 21, Dlp&.4111 ........ N. Y. tt211 AlllERICA$! ~A= o ....... ~lotl4 ._.....,... a purd9e Pf'°' of IUI plw tos fof PG9tlll9 and IWldltng. DSAVE; IUIO order• tor M.llplue IUD PIH. 0 SPECIAL OFFER: OfW n tor tr• and wa P9Y ell H4 cNrgaa. N.Y~ Ill., PL, Clll. end Midi.,..._,,, 81111 i14>Pioptlale .._ .... . --~-----------------------..... ______________________ ___ cm ~----------------------~ """ -..... Oiii9: M••.6iiiiiljil;W.Y.11~ ---- The G1.-nlng of Hockey's Wayne Gtetzky By Jay Grffnberg Inch, 165-pound wunderkind takes it . all in smooth stride. 04 ) never think about the pressure," he says. "I just play hockey. The attention doesn't af- fect me. I was being Interviewed by (conlinu«d on ~ 9) The accident of Wayne Gretzky's birth Is beyond explanation. Once in a lifetime -no. maybe three or four lifetimes - a chromosome goes crazy or a spaceship arrives from Krypton and the normal one-headed, two-armed, two-legged species is not what it's sup· posed tQ be. You see, hockey's 21-year-old skin- ny superstar isn't just rewriting the record book. No. the Edmonton Oilers' miraculous center Is torching It. Last Dec. 30, he scored five goals a~alnst the Philadelphia Flyers, reaching 50 in the season's 39th game That's 11 games faster than the only other two players in National Hockey League history to score 50 In 50. Montreal's Maurice Richard and the New Yori< Islanders' Mike Bossy. Phil Esposito's record for goals In a season. 76. Is now a joke. And If Gretzky continues his SCOfehlng pace. he should end up with over 200 points (goals and assists) this season. The record, set by Wayne last yea. Is 164. If you want to compare such feats to other sports, try these: A .425 baseball batting aventge. Maybe 55 JX*1tl per game awr a pro bllbtbllll sea10n. Not just O.J. Slmpeoo's 2.000 rushing yards In one season but 2.500 to 3,000. In appredadon (and to lock up their meal ticket for his playing life) Oilers' management rec:endy gave Gretzky a 21-year contract that will pay him over S 1 milllon a year. It makes him the highest-paid player In hockey his- tory. (Last seaeon, his bale sa&ery was reportedly a paltry -by comparison -$150,000.) The Grat Gretzky wa1n't exactly hurting for cash. 1inc:e he ts practk:ally a skating conglomer- a111, with endol•ment contracts for sbtiss, razon, jeans and loft drtnb. Molt 21-yur-olds would be owr- whelmed by It all. but the S.foot-11- ,Nltl4Y MIW. llllerdt 1, tm • 7 Now ... an Extravaganza of quality A111erican-made products at local hardware/home center stores! HOBBYCRAFIER Work Center and Vise by Blacks. Deck1111 Leaves hands free to do lightweight proiects. painting. crafts and soldering 8" vise jaws open to 3''. Pivots. swivels and tilts. Holds irregular and wedge shapes. Vinyl or metal jaw ? c<?vers and alligator ~ ""11ii...'-.. cl1os --~~ BUYNOWI -~ Includes FREE ~~ 14..,..X·ACTO-~~ DOUBLE KNIFE SET • WRl!NCHOR SOCKBT•T Metric or Standard Now purchase a 7 -p+eee S-K wrench set or an 11 - piece S-K Socket Set and you get an 8-p1ece S·K Magnetic Screwdriver Set FREE! ·~ ••••••• FREES-fl MAGNETIC SCREWDRIVE" SET Black a °'1t:kllr. Clrcular Saw When you buy the 2·HP Black & Decker 71'" circular saw. with bell-bearing construction. we II send you a Black & Decker Electric Stapler FREE on proof of purchate FREE ELECTRIC STAPLER VISE·GRle Locking Pliers Save now! 10" straight jaw pliers are great for clamping. tw1st1ng and pullfn-g. Save also on 7" curved Jaw pliers with wire cutter. Both adjust easily to pliers action. VISE-GRIP' the Ortglnel Locking Pliers. Buy a Lafldne measuring tape and get a FREE 6' Tape. Its free when you buy one of !he moat popular Lufkin Economy Tapes '•" by 16' & +l " or 1" by 25' tapes Buya~ soldering Iron and get FREE soldering accessories. ~­'-.....;; H1gh-Quahty Soldering Iron Kit comes wllh FREE accessories Durable and dependable IDNZOllllE Oxygen Tote Torch"' Kit with FREE Safety Goggles. Fora11 thole Jobs around the houee. yard and Qarage. ~t the BernzOmat1c Tote Torch .. Ktt Now with FREE ~fety GoggleS .• , VALUE .. - Tilt> UuranL" prowd to lhcm."l•ht~ that our car m.,urann· rat~ art' lmwr-and p<X'keted SI00.00 ju~ for :-witchin)( In :\ationwi<lt'. ·int-y joint'd thou:-ands of drin.:rs all across the country who art' ~\'inl( $1.1. S.lO. ~I nnd 11wn• on each car t lw~ 111:-llrt' \\ ith us. If ~our <lri\'ing rf'cord L" rea.--onahly )(nod. you .;hould bl· ablt· to qualif~ for our /"we . .;/ ratt'S. 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Clly -_$1 .. ___ u, ___ _ • and l'OUrtt•ou.--ser\'ict>. 0\'er z.:{00 skilk-d rcµre· ~'rltati\'<'5 staff our co~"l·tO<'oast clai~ ~tw11rk. ( >ur phone line$ are open day and niji[ht. \\e actu· ally pay me~ at•cident claims within ~X hours iUter pn 1uf of ~"· RI In mnd n\1111 JO&lf "Raktli..,.. Coupon -b •FREE nilltquote U you qualif ~· for our "l·aref ul <lriwr" cm·er.t)(l'. \\e'll mail ~our quot<' and an applil·ation to ~nu within IO days. 'fou'rt' unck>r no oblhcation. and no :-;tlt.>Sman will call or \'i.-.it. 'fou ,·an :-\\itch to :\ationw1dt> now or wht•n your prt>S4:1ll polil'Y expin-s. ·--1 lift I o,. .. _. I hur _..,,. of [ .... •-to °"'-..,.....,_, tyh ..... Sin If --.KllMI, ..._ «Cll>l IO ... l-. ...,. ''°"'•rt• -I touney _______ ,... _______ _ 1 - I I I I I I 1 · f ..... ______ Jee _______ _ • LCl --.~ • ..-1. M.,I C...,I .._ .. _, v ... 1 lllT All llUIOl•T DlllYEllS l lllTH DATt s .. ......, .... v ... ,. OF MILU DlltYEll Dt-r • .....,. llllCl ... Y-.HJ ... 0.., y.., ...... 0-.., c. ,., c. •2 Car :r3 Y• ... ~---C..-.--------- ~--1. 2. . 1 • rurAL 1--\M .._....,._...,.CltM fer ...... llllllt-llCIM.•11111•'-",......•_...•,_,..s.,_,, YeO •O Melll'f*-fllf111_...~ .. w.Jer1 .... .....__• .. ••--• YeO .. o I If Ve .... Wll.cto ... .,.,. ....... c.. ............. ,.,. .... o- AcMIMI v .......... . ,.. ............... ~ -------- WAYll• WIZKY tc:onttn'*from poge 7J ,,..-; the press when I was 8 years old." Indeed. since he was a tot growing up in Brantford, On- tario, a small town about 60 miles southwest of Toronto, Gretzky has practically been bred to be a hockey star. The odyssey began when hls father, Walter, a teletype repairman and former minor leaguer h1mseJf, iced down the backyard when Wayne was 3. From there, Father placed various obstacles on the ice for young Wayne to skate around and strung lights so he could practice through the long winter nights. "Nine out of 10 people think my talent Is Instinct," eys Wayne today ... It isn't. It's all practice. I got lt all from my dad." But, he adds. "No- body pushed me Into any· thing. People say If I was skating five hours a day when I was 10 years oki. f must have been forced to do lt. That's not true. I did It because I wanted to." Obviously. In Wayne's cue, father knew best. At age 6, Gretzky Joined a league of 10-year-olds - and ICOl"8d only one goel. But by the time he was 10, he tCOred 318 In a eaeon. And look out: Tine more Gr.tzky boys remain at home~ Oed's trtcks - Kdh. 15, Glen , 12. and Brent, 10. WayrM also has a lister, Kim, 18. Since burattng Into the PfOI at age 17. Gretzky has Greukv has all the moues, whether shooting against goalie Tonv Esposito or strolling with girlfriend Vicki. simply been In a dlff erent league than his peers. His first two seasons in the N.H.L. (hls rookie year was spent In the nov.i-defunct World Hockey Association). he won or tied for the scoring tide and was named M.V.P. both years. He Is the first player In history to score more than 300 points In his ftrst two years In the N. H . L. -onJy one other (the Island- ers' Bossy) has scored more than 200. Gretzky even·won the Lady Byng Trophy in 1980 as the league's most gentlemanly player. How does he do it all? His shot ls ptnpolnt precise. but not overpowering. He skates well. yes, but he's not amaz- ingly fast. When the Oilers tested their players for upper- body strength, Gretzky came In dead last. In the same tests, however, his stamina proved to be so amazing the doctors thought the machine broken. Most importantly. Gretzky's Is the abillty to assimilate the posittons of all 12 players on the Ice and think one step ahead of 11 of them. In hockey history. only Bobby Orr possessed this gttt to such a degree. Orr. Bobby Hutr. Maurice Richard had more flash, but Gretzky's Is a beau- ty aD Its own. ..He makes thae little soft paun that look like they're easy for a defenMman to pick off," says teammate Garry Unger. "But hC puts them right by the de- fenseman and a aecond later a teammate is there to pick it up." "At least Ort started in his own end and you could brace yourself In some kind of a defense and sometimes stop lt," explains Philadel- phia star Bobby Clarl<e. "Gretzky materializ.es out of nowhere. You think he's out of the play and then he's there. And it's in the net. "Nobody will ever shut him off. Maybe hold him down but not stop him. You think you have him and he spins away. This is absolutely crazy. There a.re going to be records broken but not the way he's doing It." Perhaps better than any- one who ever played, Gretz· ky has learned to take ad· vantage of the 10-foot area behind an opponent's goal. He's a master at setting up plays from behind the net, which also helps him avoid collisions with the big guys who are constantly hunting his blond head. "People think I get out of the way of checks because rm clever," he notes. "I get out of the way to save my life." G ret:zky has reached the point now where the only person he can compete with is himself. He's propelled the once-lowly Oilers to the top of the league. He's become a national hero In Canada. It's been reported that In sporting-goods stores, Ed- monton sweaters with Gretz- ky's No. 99 outsell any other 2 to 1. Throngs of love-sick, teen-age girls hne up to meet him, hoping for the day when he might break up with his steady, Vicki Moss, a 20-year-oki nightclub singer. Yet he remains an unfail- ingly· patient, selfless star, signing autographs, speaking to schools about drug abUM, raising money for charities from the Big Brothers to the Juvenile Diabetes Associa- tion. ..The coach hat to say no for him," says Unger. "Wayne doesn't know how." But just what does It all ----- Stainless sample$!. Oneida Sample Center P.O. Box 9777, New Brighton, MN 55 197 Great beginnings start with Oneida stainless. Please send me a sample stainless teaspoon in the pattern(s) I have checked. I am enclosing $1 . for each ~poon ordered. Complete services can be purchased at fine stores everywhere. Offer i!t limited lo a c hoice of up to three spoons, one spoon per pattern. 0 ACT I fMlllllOll PINISHl 0 ACT II (SATIN PIHISHI , 0 A._lllCAll COl.OHIAl 0 AHTAMS 0 CN'llTAAHO 0 Cl4ATEAU 0 CHll90UflG Ch S1a1e 0 OAVlllCI QOOVER Q f AHTA.SY Q l'llOSTrlllE Q INOUElfOCNCt ::J LOIJISl>,HA 0 ,,_ICHt"LAHGElO ::J MOlfff CAllLO 0 MOTii' 0 MOU.AT Q OMHI 0 l'NJ\. lllll(lll 0 l'Ol.OHA•SE (Please prln1) z, I") SATINIOUf Q SHElllY Q ~flllATOll 0 TOWOUllS Q 't!UlnlA o WILL '0°w1v mean to Gretzky -the Add Pitt IU !or N.Y." Calif. Ofter valid O~l'J!\.~J'.K. : fame, the _recUlliia...--"...__._.._J>"4Jlel9'w-• ,.,.. .. ,~«ksbtor"91pdinw. EXpifHIVJnr Ol2 money? "I .an think af 1---------------------------.J mytelf," he says, • .., a small-) town boy from Brant· flll ford ." ... f:AMILY WHKLY. tMrcfl 7. tm • t , I ,, .,•:.~~· •• ..... •• •'-" 8 07R I07R-5&eeRvtlme pal for a tot. It's easy to sew this doll about 14" with yam ~s (bottle not indud· ed) Transfer. directions .... $2.00 13511-Scnp.happy pet parade. Two kientica.I pieces pius ears a wings. Tninster. dbectious b four pets lnduded ........... $2.00 7099-Uttle Hobo quilt. His clothes are~ hair is yam. feetunis an! embroidered. Appl!· que pattern p6ec:e.s, charts, yar· dages ................. $2.00 THELDRD5 PRA'IE '57R-Embrdder Flowers-of-SO. States Quilt In easy sttttas. Transt. of 50 motifs, dlnicdon1 for 72 )( 102" quilt Ind ..... $2.00 7.Yt-Embrddlr horses on 11 x 14" bloclu: )<*\ Into quilt. Dlrec· dons. yard9 ct.ts tor 61 JC 104" quQt, 1rlndll' of 18 moetfs .. $2.00 .................... ..... C*M ..... , ....... h 0 ' I • To: f .... tr!'1..., ·N ........ a.a M, OW Cltll1t111 'Sfa ...... Y ..... N.Y. IOliS. PATTDINI 1HOWN ON ntll P~llM.AYM.A&K..,_THI ~AWOM.Y. Telephone Lifeline ! Your telephone can be a lifeline to a hungry child. CALL NOW and send an Emergency Love Basket to a suffering child overseas . . Hundreds of thousands of precious children in Guatemala. the Phillipines. India and other areas are suffering the pangs of hunger and malnutrition. Mission International field workers desperately need life-sus- taining food for immediate distribution to these needy children and their families. Now, for only $20 you can send an emergency Love Basket, overflowing with nutritious. high protein food directly to a hungry child and family. Your gift can help give strength and health to the weakened bodies of small children who have never had enough to eat. And this is a personal gift from you -because a special Love Bnket tag-signed by you -is attached to the basket of lite-giving food. And printed on the tag -In the child's own lang~ is your message of love and a prayer for God's blessings. Here's what happens when you call: 1 Call our toll-free telephone lifeline and • tell the operator you want to send an emergency Love Basket. 2 We wilt immediately send you a Love • Basket tag for your signature. 3 You sign the tag and return it to us • with $20 tor each Love Basket you wish to send. 4 Your personally signed love • tag will be airmailed overseas. attached to a Love Basket and distributed immediate- ly to a needy child and family. 5 The family will read your •tag and know you have sent a precious gift of tove. The Need Is Urgent. Call Now I TOLL FREE 1·800-453-4901 Te .. phone Linn Open Dey end Night I . Holy Land Christian Mission International. 2000 E. Red Bridge Rd ., Kansas City, MO 64141 R9{11tt•rfKI: U.S.A.l.D. Advisory CommfttH on Volunt1ry For•lgn Aid. Ch•ft•r memb•r: Evangellc11 Councll lor Fln1ncl1I Account1blllty. 'I NEIGHBORS' RECIPE EXCHANGE By ffiatllyn Honaen I f you have a recipe to share, write: Marilyn Han- sen, Neighbors' Recipe Ex· change, FAMILY WEEKLY, '641 Lexington Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10022. For every recipe published, we wlll pay $10. Recipes must incluc:k? your name, address. teJe. phone number and the newspaper In which you read FAMILY WEEKLY. We cannot answer &etters or re· tum recipes. In case of dupb- catk>n, recipes with the eadl· est po5tmalk will be used. All redpes become the property of f AMlJ..Y WEEKLY. Teresa Cakagno of Car· mel, Calif., sends an old country ltaUan favorite -a calamari recipe -from her ln·depth JeC1>e collection. BAKED CAI.AMARI AUA PARMIGIANA I •. (.,_ 20 ,__) bo.ed .... (<I wt) I Q191elpmpow._ I~, JUM .... 1,4, JD•~w.cJr ,.... ..... ,.,u ....... . 4tr,. JDW .. aA 2.-tlcc:ta... ....... 2 ... , .. , ........ ........................ ~mp....,..,.. __ 21tU JHM., ........ - ~ 1a11 ........ orl •1-.aa•....,..._. ......... ............... ~ w.c1i,.... l aip.,...a.... ·= chwe l. To. MWrahquld at a time In a paper beg with Bour •••c.-ied with lfl ~sail and pepper. Shale. off Gcal fJow. l. In large lklllct, brown tquid I few at a time In 2 ~but· ter and 2 tablelpOOM oil.' Re· move to platter. FTY NmaJning lqUid In the ..,,,. manner, add- ing re.malnlng bunn and oil to lklet-•needed. 3. In tkillet, combine girlie, lil:lmlll09. onion, wN and t.111. .... to boang, ~to locmf\ 18 browned bltt on bottom of Pl"· Cowr. reduc.-heetand .. ,._. lbout 1 hour. tlntn8 now •nd then. Seuon with 1 ta· tpOOfl ... .nd few .......... growid ~ PIPPll'· •• Piie. eqWd lft ..... ahtlow blklnt pin. Cover with the ~ malD .... Sptnlcle .... Par- I rnaan owr all. 5, Baka fcx about 20 to 30 min- utes In preheated 3500f oven. Serve with hot. cooked p8lla. Malta 4 to 6 Nnlfnga The Calcagnos read FAMLY WEEKLY In the Penlnaula· Herold. Monterey. eaw. From Frost Cirde In Ven· tura, CaJtf.. comes Eleanor Baso&o's hearty soup recipe. MEXICAN BEAN SOUP I cm. (is.., -.)plMo ...... ... l'atd . I c:-. (lJ.ae. -.) ~ .......... k .. 2 ~ (15-oa ...... ...... -.-.... ,· ,, lc:..(1099.)towMo .... 1 c:m(4om.>~..­ chlel t' ,-.a•lfll'llcMlt 1, IJUIMlt 14 ,JIFJa•~W..,.,,.. l~(l~oa)-.. JIIHW ... lftlll 1--. ......... ~ 1 c..i , .... ) ... ... GnW a..w. cl-.-, opdoMI l. In 6-qt. Dutch own ex soup kcrtJe , c<>mbln• pinto, kidney and butter beans. Add tomato IMa and chills. I. Sir In gark •• alt, P9A* end a.co._,,q "*· s. In blerm at food procmm, combine onion chunks and ~. Proo-Wiii purMd. Add to..,. mlDIN. t. H .. t • .antna until mb&tuN CCl9* IO bc6w; NdYce ,_ IO &ow,~ .nd *'"* b about 30 ,..._.._ &Ir now Ind thtn. 5. 5eTw ...... hot In ... ~bowla. ,,.. ..... a....· ct.e...-cs.nd. MM.f4'otl 'AMIU' -..v, ...... 1. -• ,, Eleanor says, .. This recipe Is delicious and all ingredients can be kept on hand for a quick meal. Serve with corn bread and a salad: It makes a satisfying supper for a crowd." The Basolos read FAMILY W EEKLY In the Star·Free Prus. Ventura. Calif. From an Orinda, Calif. cook who enjoys our FAMILY WEEKLY recipes, comes a tas- ty vegetable.dish. Mrs. Robert Lewman sends: BEETSwmt PINEAPPl.E 2 .a.11-.aa.illfown...- 1 ...... ,, .. eo1 uwdt '4'1 ta•_.. laip ... , .... ~ ... ... l 1dl11paae......_ 1 ti" 1a• .._,.._ 2 c..-eoolied. .... a.... 1. Combine brown sugar. com· starch and salt ln medium sauce- pan. Stir In pineapple chunks and syrup. Heat, stirring until mixture comes to boiling and thickens. 2. Stir In butt.ft, lemon juice and beets, Heat. stirring about 5 min· um until heated throughotit. Malta 4 ...vlngs Mrs. Lewman says. "I have enjoyed many of your reel· pes, In fact. I am making the Celery Casserole this Sun· day." Mrs. Lewman rud.s F AMll..Y WEEKLY In the Contra Ca.ta nma. Walnut Creek, Calif. Dorothy Hofbauer, an accomplished countJy cook In Ravenna. Neb., sends a de· lec:tabMe bar-cookie. APRICOT BARS Y,cup ..... laip .............. .. 1 2 ll IJDIMIMldnt~ ... 1 tab' I If CIOll mlllL 1 cup eprtcot jam lcup ..... .... 4 ~ DCMJ butm. melted 2 ~ &.ked COCOIMll , 1. In mixing bowl, combine but· tier. 6ow and biilOOg powder. lJs. Ing two knives or pallry blender, t*rnd until crumbly. 2. Beat 1 egg with mllc and stir into dou!jl. S1lr until mixture holds together. 3. Spread dou!ti Into ~ 7 x 11-inch pan. Bake In pre· heeled 350°F oven for 15 min- utes. 4. Spread apicot )am owr pastry layer. 5. Combh sugar. remelnlng egg and meleed butler. Sclr In coco- nut Spread owr )am layer. 6; Bake In 3500f own for 25 to 30 mlnultl more, ex until golden brown and just set. Cool. Cut in· to bars wtwn cool. MaJca 24 ban Dorochy reads FAML.Y WEEKLY In the Dally Independent. Grand Island, Neb. Q------' It can imke m-break }Ulr remodeling pqect . It's Ao d c r §co. lbe word ror window quality for almost 80 years. Easy to install Ander5en• windows bring the best to any remodeling and window ~acement iob: Beauty-throUgh their famous slim lines. ~efficiency -with double-penc insulaU,. . Mlintenam:e freedom -with Penna· ield~ a thick. extremely hard Vinyl exterior CO'lering that won't need paintina. tr you're home i~na don't leave anything to c:hlnce. Build·in quality. And ADdenin. You'll find both •tan Andersen cbler: See the Yellow Paaes under Windows. Qmelune to"'*" Qmelune toAndasm· , 4!@: · ---Cane 1niii::-r.:~~:;::-,:~-"' .,::;.:~.--0ii«m , .-: Mall-... to AndaMn Corll.. b 12. ·-·MN '~l Ind ft'D tcnd.P.J~~-~--, .. ,.,..,... ... ~~··:u &u:L~~-..;.-~#--= =-> ·-1 ---------M*n· I ~111-~~~~~----~--~ I ~ . · :...---...... !\..c-' • ..,..,. ., .. ~ .._. I -·-··e1-·---. t'.1PriiiP w =:!IS . I ~------------------------..---------------------~ C'mon Downl Disney Is Having a Bash -fo1 ·You This Is the 10th anniuersary of Disney World, and for a year every day ~ and night -will be full of fun for your family. By ffioty long · R birthday party of grand proportions Is now underway ln cen1ral Ronda. It's being given for an exb'emely unusual 10-year-old, who owns a magic castle, with blue-and-silver towers that stretch 180 feet toward the sky, and holds the deed to 27,400 acres of land -an area roughly twice the size of Manhattzm - lush with lakes, lagoons and white-sand beaches. The party features parades, marching bands and Uve acts and the bash Is hosted by such international ce.lebrities as Mickey Mouse, Dona.Id Duck and Goofy. The party goes on all day. every day, for an entire year. Oh, and one more thing: You're Invited. -This 11 Walt Disney World's Tencennial birthday party, an event the Disney organization enthu- siastically descrlbe.s as "a year long and a. smile wide." Every day throughout the year there will be a lavish parade featuring the Disney characters, a lot of fast.paced stngtng and dandnQ and colorful mototized and horse-drawn floats. During Easter and summer, The Main Street Electrical Parade will take plea! at night aho. replete with a milbon twtnk· ling lights. The effect, Disney people say, resembles .. the world's best Christmas trees rolled Into one." For Its summertime guests, Disney plans to create a lemonade-in-the-shade atmolphere with barbershop quartets, high-wheeled bikes, and der- bied dancers and hoop-tkirted ladies aboard a hone-drawn trolley. Local talent (name.ly, te&ected guests vlstting the park)' will be chosen each day to serve as the parade's Grand Marshals. There are also two other dally Tencennial shows. One is a birthday party on the steps of Cinderella Castle. complete with a marching band, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, '1oofy and other Disney stars In their most festive dress, all wrapped up by a baJJoon-launch finale. The other show Is an ex-· uberant song-and-dance revue, with a troupe of wholesome-lookJng young adults celebrating the parUcular attracdons of each of the Magk Kingdom's different lands-AdventuntJand, Fron· dcriand. Fantall)land. and Tomoaowtand -and the Tenccnnlal Itself. "This ts a wonderful time for people who haven't been to r;>isney Workt tn yan -or who hew qnJy hard, about us -to come and ,.. how we've grown ," says °"'MrY IPOkaman Charla Ridgway. i:he park has added new attractlona every year, (<ontmued on POf1S 1•) -n.- Nor,, Lont II o /tfffonc. .mter ond frequent conlrlllutor to fAMLY WEo<l.Y. FAMILY WllKLY. Mateh 1, 1'la e 1, TmlCalHllAL (con11nued from poge 131 and some of the newest are among the best. (In addition, a new, more ef. flcient ticket system has replaced the one formerly used: With one ticket you receive unlimited use of all the Magic Kingdom attractions for the en· tire day.) One problem, though, if you can call It that, is that the Magic Kingdom may have done too thorough a job In delighting the national fancy.· Many visttors mistakenly believe that the Kingdom is the beginning and end of Walt Disney Worid. In reality. the Magic Kingdom covers only 98 of Walt Otiney World's 27 .400 acres, the rest being given ove:r to an lmpra&ive array ol recrea· tlon, entertainment and conservation are.as. So, If you've exhausted yourself with space jets. jungle cruisa. popcom and~ in the Magic Kingdom and want to know "What else is there to do here?". the answer Is: "just about everything." R mong other things. Disney World's numerous enticements lndude swlmming, golf, horse- back riding. bicycling. archery. wate:r-skltng, tennis, wilderness camp- ing, nightclub entertainment, guided tours ol nature trails, a beautiful. seduded bird sanctuary and botanical garden (on Discovery Island) and moonlight boat cruises. Un fact. Disney World's .. Navy" -the 10th largest In the world -has huncireds of ships, including 10 tw.es of small craft y0u can rent.) · One ~at attraction for ~mllies Is River Country. Disney's souped·up version of the type of old swimming hole you may have read about In books like Tom Saw~r. Covering about five acres, River Country con-J taJns giant. white-water rapids you J can ride In an Inner tube and two long flumes that toa and whirl you and then sweep you into a lake. You can f fly about on the tire swings, log-boom S swtngs or T-bar swings. play water I volk¥>all or just lie on the whlte·sand I beach. There's even a separate. tiny 0 lagoon for children, with miniature slides and games. With aD the options available, It's i.mportant to know how to use them. Disney personnel •ee there are two things visitors should bear In mind before they make their way ~ the MOUM's JUlm . • ,.. fO'lr r..-vMloM .... ly M PCl I tt.. Summer II the Workf'a txllilelt time (IChool'• out) and hotel fiP8Ce and 11\0W raervatlonl. always hmd to come by. will be long gone unllll you NMrW wd Ir\ actvanc:.. • ........ Don't lmllt on_.. Ing. My, The Haunted Mansion, at uactly 2 P .M. The attraction Is a 14 • FAMILY WUJlLY, Msd\ 1. "'2 favorite. and If the park Is crowded that day, you might easily spend an hour or more In the early afternoon cooling your heels In line. Have some alternative choices ready, go and en· joy them, then make your way back to your first choice when the crowds hav.e thlnned o ut. You can best avoid long lines by seeing the Magic King- dom ln the morning houn 91". when the park Is open late In the summer. after nightfall. You might want to visit the park ln the mornings. then duck the afternoon crowds by taking off for out-of-the.park attractions. Ifs probably a good Idea to master the Magic Kingdom now because, In just a f~ months. an added show- place -twice the size of the present park -will open to visitors. IHs called EPCOT Center (the acronym stands for Experimental Prototype Com- mu nlty of Tomorrow). Disney management Is fond of saying that EPCOT was Walt Disney's ".la.st and greatest dream" -a dream that is costing $800 m11lion. The premlere date Is Oct. 1 . 1982, and that will be the grand finale of the Tencennial ceJebratton. EPCOT Center ls divided Into two major sections: Future World and World Shov.ocase. Future World will propel visitors Into the 21st century. offering elaborate pavilions devoted Lett1ng of/*°"' in Frontlerlond. to historical developments and new possibilities In energy, transportation. culture and communialtlon. com· puter sciences and use of the land and seas. Patrons will, for Instance. travel through space via the world. s largest projection dome, or beneath the seas via the worid's &argest salt-water aquarium. They even wiU be able to experiment themselves with the possi- bilities of electronic creativity ln the Imagination Pavilion. World Showcase. as Its name Im· plies, will be a kind of permanent World's Fair, permining you to sample the scenery, food and crafts of some Un/orgettoble ~: Chatting wlih Gkkon and Pinocchio. - of the globe's nations in Just a day or two. You'll walk through English Vic· torian shops and Japanese Shlnto shrines, cross a Parisian bridge or climb a campanile (tower). The United States, France. Italy, People's Republic of China, Mexico, Canada. • Gennany. the United Kingdom and I~ Japan will be ready for the opening, with more countries to come. (Guests aniving at Wah Disney f World before October should take a 6 few minutes to attend the EPCOT J Center preview in the yeUow buildlng east of Town Hall on Main Street. A i film describes · the new center and there are scale models and displays in the theater lobby. Beginning June 1. guests can take the monorail out to preview the site .) But after EPCOT and the Tencen· nial. what next? "I don't know, really. The future holds almost endless posst,Uities," says a .Disney press spokesman almost casually. "Things are always changing here; there's always a new project, a new undertaking. If you look at the history of the Disney cor· poration, you'U see it's always been reaching forward, trying new things. Walt Disney once said that 'as long as there Is imagination. Disneyland and Walt Disney World will never be Bii flnlshed."' IAJ Dlsnev charoc.ten and performers have a boB in fron t of Cinderella Castle. I _I I I 0 Spring Vacation . , • Ml'\1\1,11 Vo'oll lll•n•) l'r"llu<llo•" ' 1 Mt 111 XXlll \\ ... h 111 .. t• f'11 .. toJct1 .. r .. From the classics of animation to the struggles of a modern teenager to an unbelievable new world, living and breathing, inside a computer . From Walt Disney Productions, - four very special motion pictures. Coming soon. Chotlle-Cook: Disn•!l• Dt.-Doollttle ---Whal Charlie Cook talks, the animals listen -and some of them even talk bode. taught omfthologlst who began studying the birds of Florida with his father. an avid outdoorsman, when he was a little boy. Since taking over on the Island. he has used his access to zoo di- rectors. reference works and 'tea Wiii oi..y l'loductiona other sources of expertise to C harlie Cook deals constantly with situa- tions that might drive Dr. Doolittle crazy. Could DoolitUe have reasoned with an owl that enjoys stroll- ing In shopping malls? Or jousted verbally with a vul- ture who brings the wife and kids over dally for dinw? ,.....------------------------------------. build one of the most out· As curator of the Walt Dis- ney Worid DilcoYery bland. Charlie knows his birds and has learned much about their mysterious activities. As he stro11s along the elevated wooden walkway which winds through the aviary this sunny morning. he has a dif- ferent means of approach. a different tone of voice. for every animal. And. oh yes, they do tal< back to him. Charlie's realm and re- sponsiblltty, Discovery Island -an 111/2-acre landfall on the southeastern shore of Disney's Bay Lake -Is a lush and beautiful bit cl stillness, a perfect retreat &om the sometimes hectic busde of the Magic Kingdom. Some 450 specimens of birds, mammals and reptiles live there among bountiful bocanlcal exhibits. Most of fats feathered charges fly free . whlzzJng by you or stepping briskly beside you along the dirt roads and wooden bridges. Among Its many Impressive features, Discovery Island contains the most extensive breeding col- ony of scarlet ibis In the United States. ThJs bird's col- or is such a vivid red that the early South American ex· plorers who first saw them thought the trees were COV· ered with blood. And, If you're lucky. you may stum- ' ble upon the unusual houle- ho&d arrangement of the Australian brush turMy: The male turkey bu!.lds a nest of leaves, five-to MVen-feet high and as much as 20 feet In diameter. After the female has laid ~ eggs. the mala reguJata the Incubation tern· pentwe by adding or re- moving the leaves that cover the eggs. Ullng his bfak. A former~ stu· dent, Charlie Is a largely self- 1t • FAMILY WUKLY, Marcl't 7, 1912 standing consentation pro- gr a ms In the countr y. Charlie's work led to the Island's being awarded ac- creditation last fall by the American Association of ZoolOgiCaJ Paii(s and Aquar: lums. the first park of its kind to be so recogniz.ed. Charlie is a natural for this kind of work. Take, for ex- ample, that owl mentioned eaiier. He was a~ homed owl. a king of the forest. But the owl had been raised by humans since ii was hatched. and didn't know how to hunt. This domesticated o~l woukf wander off amiably to shop,ing centers. where it was in constant danger of be- ing injured. But by placing tt In a cage In the woods. strict· ly limiting its exposure to -humans and providing tt wtth Uve food , Cook conditioned the bird to revert to the wild. The aforementioned vul- ture was given the same op- portunity for independence but partJy turned It down. He was set free but circled back for dinner. Later. he brought by the female of his choice. Then they both disappeared. says Charlie. for about five months. only to return for dinner "one evening with three fuzzy-headed chicks." You can still see the whole famUy In Discovery Island's Vuhwe Haunt. ''When you see what the truth of the matter Is for the birds," says the soft-spoken Cook. "and see how the birds really need you. It can't help but make you want to do more." Visitors have Otten said that the mood on Discovery Island Is drff erent from I :l anypace else In Walt Disney Worid, pmdy because nahft Is the main attraction and doan 't take a beck seat to the achievements ol a man· mede magical kingdom. As Chmtie Cook puts It, "During Oiscovery Island houn, vlsl- ton provide a good show for the birds and anlma.ls.!:.. M.L ,j8 . STORE COUPON SAVE50tt .. -........ ••• Omolene® #100™ 1nn1t ,_, _...._ ____ ,.. ______ _ _..,..., ...... ~ . ......... __ .. __ .,._,., ___ .... '-'" .. "'·---~ .... .._. -"·-·--··-..----·-............. _______ __ .................. ___ ....., ___ _ ___ .__ --·---·._.. :l.u._lO. '""'~=.:.-:=:.-:--===· i......,_.lill••· .,_N.._,..,..._,..,_.,.llU . ·---••lllT--Mm -~ .... ·--iu .... ---- ----------------------- Rabbit Chow® P.fw11umce Blend ~ I I ' ........................ ~ .... iiiiiiiiiiiliiililiiliiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiii __ :.iiliiim ___ ;;;;;;;;:;;;:;:;.:==:.:=..:==::::::..=::.::==::~::.:.:~~~~~==~~==~~~ Nightl~~ PQIQdes, Show~Even Elves R her a day In the Magic King- dom, many guests only want to head beck to their hotel rooms, kick olf their shoes and relax. But If you have the energy, here are the best places to_ go for fun at night. Dfsnev'• world of ~rnmt In· dudes the Hoop-De·Doo R~uue. Pioneer HaD Hoop.De-Doo Kw: You-probably VJOn't find a show like this back home. The revue, per- formed In a style best descd>ed as "Western vaudevllle" Is presented at Pioneer Hall In Fort Wilderness by the Pk>neer-Hal Players, six young peop&e who sing, dance, perform sketches and teD a variety of out- rageously corny jokes. They are ac- companied by ragtime piano and ban· }o and by members of the audieOce, who contribute handclapplng and footstomping to the musical numbers. an.ta a; Al. 11w 10p Is probably Walt Disney Worid's most sophiitl· cated show. It takes place in the roof- lewl Top of the Worid restaurant In the Contemporary Resort Hotel. Viewed from that l5dl-6oor setting, the Oadands of Florida seem to stretch out forever, in1errupCed only by Cinderda ea.de shining in ill own floodlights. "Broadway At The Top" is a rewe In which five performers pre- sent hlghJlghts from musicals ol the past 30 yems. The 1COre contains ex- cerpts from more than 60 of Broad- way's bat melodies. ~ ta.a: Held In the Poly- nesian VIiiage Resort Hotel, this show attempts to recreate the atmosphere of the South Sea Islands. Costumed dancers and mu9::1ans from Tahiti, Tonga, Hawaii and Samoa perform the show three tit1* nightly during the summer. Guests learn the native hula and children In the audience are Invited to meet the mini hunl's, Polynesian elves. ·The a... Hoage lnunp Is on the main cMck of ~ Empras lilly, a 200-foot-long wedding cake ol a boat, a Dllncy-mede replk:a of the paddle-wheelers that piled the rtwrs of Anmtca durtng the 19th century. The k>ung1, ari oma•. lnvttlng room done almOlt entlNly In red, II one of the ....... places et Walt Dllnly World. EnlmtMunent II proWted by .... -'*· -...~ cOIMdlln named Dinny Zawtt and by the Rlwlboet 8-:811, • ~ -[)•t' r'r ad '-'cl. And don't fmglt: n. ........ fllcta ............. .... 9:00and 11:30..::hev.q ~ thuwnrMr. -M.L 1'. ,,.._, WlllCLY, lillfdl 1. - Choice Tips on Hotels and Food T here are doz.ens of places to stay in and around Disney World , but for obvious reasons it Is most convenient to stay at one of Disney World's own resort. hotels. in particular the Contempo- rary or the Polynesian Village. This may be difficult. though. because dur- ing peak periods the demand for space surpasses the supply by a wide margin . So secure reservations as ear- ly as possible. The address is Walt Disney World. P.O. Box 78, Lake Buena Vista. Fla. 32830. and the telephone number is (305) 824-8000. The Golf Re.on: This 151-room establishment Is not on the monoratl route and so maintains a more relaxed atmosphere than is found at the other hotels. WHERETO EAT Most of the places that sell food in the Magic Kingdom are eat-and-run spots serving hamburgers, soft drinks and ice cream -after all. most vi$i· tors aren't there to spend hours over a meal. But even among eateries such as these. some are better than others. Disney personnel give gold stars to .. The Adventureland Veranda § (in Adventureland. of course). a ~ pretty restaurant with a red-tiled l roof that serves tasty American i' versio ns of Oriental-style food. ~ They also recommend The ~ L.unching Plld (In Tomorrow- 1 land). which offers tuna-salad i sandwiches. egg-salad-stuffed tomatoes, carob brownies and frozen-yogurt floats and sun· daes. If you"ve got a Uttle extra l time, try K1"9 Stefan'• Ban-~ Guests •un~lng ot the Polvnaian Village. quet Hall. It's located upstairs In Cinderella Castle and provides fine meals in the tranquil atmosphere of a medieval setting. Reservations are required. The 15-story Contemporary Raort Hotel Is a modernistic , mono- lithic. A-frame pyramid that looks like It could have been lifted off the set of a James Bond movie. The largest of the Disney hotels, It has 1.046 rooms and a cavernous concourse filled with shops and restaurants. The Contem- porary also has two pools, a marina, a I health cl. ub and the fiesta Fun Center -a hu~ room ftlled with pinball and other electronic games. Polynalan VIUage: The at· I mosphere here Is 'friendlier and more I low-key than at the Contemporary. The Polynesian Village is also smaller: 637 rooms In a cluster of seven long- houses. There's a taU, tropical water- fall In the middle of the lobby, and the nearby three-story-high garden fea- tures 75 different species of tropical andsubtroplcalp~nts. Fort WlldanB1: You rrught en)oy pitching your tent (or parking your trailer) In the Walt Disney World campground, Fort Wiiderness. There are 800 camptiltes ne>W available. I compaete with all the comforts of home: hair dryers, washing rN- • chll)eS, even a delicateseen. 11'8 perk will rent you a traUer-(for $86) that In- cludes a kitchen, a stereo and maki MrVlce. There Is an abundance of recreational actMtles avalleble. famlllel lbould note the dining opportunlttn available In the hocm. There are a number of reasonably priced restaurants set'Vlng good food . AD the hotels feature buffet-style luncha and dinners. The Contemporary also features a boun- tiful, all-you-can-eat Italian dinner in . the Terrace Low.ge. one of Walt · Dlsney World's best buys. If you are looking for a fine-dining experience. try the Em):Waa Room on the Empress UUy riverboat. The menu there is the most ambttio1.15 of all the Disney World restaurants. Reservations are required. Phone (305) 828-3900. an.w.t with the Dlmey ch•· acten: Your child may not be very In· terested In his 1Crambled eggs If you take him to the "character breakfast'' where he'll haw the chance to meet and eat with DonaJci Duck, Minnie Mouse, Goofy or anodler Disney star. The breakfasts take place on the Em- pras Lily at 9 daily. end et the Ter· race Cafe In the Contemporary Hotel on Sand.ys &om 8 to 11 (dalJy during the summer). Reservations are required for the Empraa L1lly f111 breakfast. -M.L. -.;, fAMILY WUK.LY, lllllfCll 7. "'2 • It ..,..<»,. ... ~ --~ ..,..e.111 r:------... •DAY TllW COUPONI ---------, a.. ""#fColOf 0..W Cot ~• I .. M91.UN 'AIHIONe COil,_ .,.. NU ---of y ..... '°' ~ MMdli .. , I , .... , ... ..,,.a.,..,,,....,..,._, MY n111· ~::;... ~'"""'....,.. o-·-1 I lveh f!IY "NAtur•I ~ ~Apl.tJ 'A'1c·· 1tyl<a101 rhl"fktd ::.,...._ =-=-0~ ,_ I I •va\ be alMloh1C.lr MtltfMd or I ~•n "'tu111 11'1)' otd40r --..._ --....:=I within JO Doy\ •11• !ft)' _,•Ill -. ,.. fundri ._ .._ .,_ ~' I I ~ow •n.-uin ... Ill)' tall(' %:'::.~ o ..-... .._ I H• QM '°' 0( 91,_ I ,...OM.I I I Acid'" 5-~ Sc-an I c.a., °"' I ~ Olli I e . .._ ll r(o... c... I 1§,,....,_.11..,_.,.,....,, ..... "'-fll,........,. ... ~. P=: I Co.&11-•'-""-'"" . ..._ __ ,__a ~ t •_.., f I ,..... ....... , ...... "r:r ..... auo • .......,..-...1or ..,.,,..,. .... :::: l'i:: I ca-. II ..,...,, I k O... 'IC ~ I •<._• -... .,.,. ._.. r e. ~c.m I .._ ________ N.Y ....................... -----_ __. Proportion Tal:ored 'in Petite, . Avenge, and Tall - E11t1n Wom.n 's Slza I ----· ------------------- SAVE s25 on your new _ Ladies Knit SLACKS l.adjes! Of course you want these new Cover Girl Colors! ~nd the beautiful new 1982 Linen Textures! But pleaStJ don't go spending the current $16, $18, or S2 5 per pair! Instead, right here, right now, you CM have the Shopping Party, of Your Life, and get THREE pairs, Y• P~~~5 -21 95 Only But Is It RtJBlly Linen? Relax I What you see here is act ually BETTER THAN LINEN -a new 100% Polyester S·T ·R·E-T-C-H doubleknit that looks and feels every bit as cool and gracious as the top fashion slacks but costs far less and performs even better! *Same Beautiful Luxury Texture ! * Same Lovely Resort Shoppe Colors I * And You Get 3 or 4 Pairs for the price of One I • Gentle elastic No-Roll S-t-r-e-t-c-h WaJst that pulls on ea.sily, moves when you do, never binds! • Built-in INDELIBLE CREASE is ldtdMd la for the life of tbe lladts ! • 1°'"' Permanent Press NO IRON Wash ~ WeN! SEEING IS BELIEVING/ ttmand sells more than a million pairs of udies fashion knit stacks just this way every sea50n and we would be proud to show you what we can do. See for yourself to try on in your own home AT NO RISK! Choose A#Y 3 Colors! They're Liwly Up·to-0119 TOP RESORT FASHION. And see them On Approval I r-------------8 u t , I Pairs Of HUR~ I Ladies Knit :..------I SLACKS Should You · Lose Yout Cool When Things Heat Up? 8y John E. Qbaon TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Women may be much better at coping with their anger than men. 2. Your blood pressure dlmbs when you're angry and faUs when you 'cool tt; providing an excellent measure of just how mad you are. S. 1f you're about to have a confronta- tion with someone that might result In his becoming angry, you can decrease the chances of things turning hostile by telling a joke or humorous anec- dote beforehand. 4 . Ir's always best to keep your cool tf you can. 5. Some people are slow to get angry, others have a short fuse. Each type has spectflc personality traits. 6. All polution may have a direct effect on a person's ange:r-.ousal thrahoki. causing even easygoing people to get rl)ad qukkly and the quick-tempered to cany a chip on both shoulders. ANSWERS 1. True. In University of Wisconsin 11.Udia of responses to anger and ag- gression, male and female subjects were made equally angry and hostile. How they Nmled tha anger revealed an Interesting MX·related difference. Men who had been provoked "ap· pared to stimulate themselves to more aggressk>n ... tending to preoc: cupy themselves with angry thoughts and stirring themselves up. Women . on the other hand, were found to adopt a dlffemrt strategy, namely coping wth thft ~ arousal by preoccupying themselva with nonag· w...we thoughts. I . True. The Untvcnlly of W.:On*i rwarch, In which physlologlcal re· IPOflMS to anger were studied, found that a rile or ct.cn..e In arlger leveJ conlllNntly conaponcMd to a rile or dec:Nw In dlallok blood 1JN9ft (pr_.. wMn the hart ... And It ~ c:onduded that .. cbamllc bb>d s---lhould be the pttym. loglclil ......... u.d In ltucba of 111g1rand..-wio11." I. Trw. But yuu haw to pick the rWd • type of joke. The wrong type will have the opposite effect and 7n~a.e your chances of maldng the other person ~-Studies at Purdue Un iversity of humor's inOuence on anger and ag· ~n showed that prior exposure to nonhostile humor decreased the chances of a person becoming angry and aggressive , even In the face of an anger-provoking situation. But prior exposure to hostile humor, it was found , caused anger and resentment to ac:ce1erate to such a high level In a confrontation that ph yskoJ aggression was a possibility. 4. FalM. A University of ldahO 1tudy on the effects of anger arousal found that "~· potentlaly construct1ve. since It the lndMdual and pro· vida a for communication. Alto, anger can potentiate a sense of penonal control, and can short~ult anxious f eellngs of vu!nerablllty. 5. True. In the UnJventty of Idaho study, low anger-arousal subjects scored lower on self ·acceptance and higher on responsi>lltty, friendMness, cooperadveness and todablltty. High anger-arousal subjects, on the other hand, tcored lower on tolerance, Mlf- control and ability to get aJong with others. The study noted that a diadnc- tion should be made between thote who have a h~ threshold for anger arousal, and d)u.s limply experience little anger, and thole who repraa their anger. And It revealed that "a body of evidence Indicates that unex· pressed anger Interferes with cognitive efficiency (thlnJcJng, IUIOnlng and ab- IOl'bing new knowledge)." 6. True. A tam of retarch a:icnt1ltl from the UnJvenlty of Oeyton and Florida International lJnJvenlty made a 1tudy of the effect of• polUdon on anger Sid phy9cal ...:r:;111lon. Re- sults obtained~ Ihm m polu- tion ls not only • heallh hamd but allo a Ciltalylt for MS11f md aggra- ""9 behevlor. The lnW+fV!'••• ,.._ ..,., concluded from their ~ lhM "the -~ prop9rtlel of air pollution ... mm peciple to drive mon...,Wl..-,md~ IRI ~to~ .......... ..._.wmcu,...,_,,_ •11 SPECIAL OFFERHI 100· BEIJ, ( ~ 100::.~;~ muaic • the pdat bnaef Glcami• aoWcD stnDda o( ddicatc bells md in I duster of chimiDI bna pipes that add their own multi· toaed 1CC01Dpenimcnt. Ddiablful to .. -bell. Hap &om aleader cbain. A fall 32 iDCbet loaa. NO MM OUAUNTH ........................ ,.., ,.,... ........... ,_ ......,.,...._. ........... , I . I I ! . @ 15.00 VALUE a pair of top quality ~ Pantyhose · <!Jipe~ <!Jw~ ~ with knitted in Tummy Slimming ~<llji All-In-One The exclusive all-you~ver wanted complete under- garment. with ultimate comfort. Satiny, shimmering, sheerest of sheer vitahz1ng Suppart Legs with tummy- shmming Control Top for that Instant slim look. SEND NO MONEY ~ C..., 6 ..... Tod9y ------------------ UME ___________________ ~ AOOllESS --------------- • CITY STATE __ ZIP --_, Qxw I _, ,___ umT ONI 1191 ,,.,.,,., ,..0. ....... ._,..,... _,..,.,., 4UR-Kntt a bblte In qsy pen.n stttch with &.cy dstalls from rwc:X down ol blitiy yam. Al one p6lca. SU.a 8-14: 7345 7Stl-Embn*9ed ldtct... tow9a far twry d9y ol the -.k.. T l'Wll ... 7 moctfl from about Mi to ~ x 6 to 71A·: cli«ltuot .•........... $2.00 7an-DecorMe ~ ~ w1eti • 111 aochNd •. UN No. 30 cottol'I b t9. zr-= bedilplM&t cutton 1ar 21 •• 36. dalv-. ! •••••••••• -·. $2..00 ....................... ............. , .. ,.-;: ..... .... , ... ...,....., .... ' ..... .,..a.-...... .... y ......... ~---------.. --.. dlr9edcns ................. $2.00 stlR-Pac:ocks pwn In a vartaty ol po1e1on 12" blocks. Tis~ tranaflf ol 24 ln'lbro6dlry moClfa: cliecaais b 6CM x ~-qullt ........... $2.00 ''591A M~MOWlllOlltWPMSMaAIVMMLl ... ftm-•11•••109&~. AdvertlMl!lefll SYIOMETRICS ••• an Olympic Champion's Discovery! Ike Berger Today. l•tr.-C ... Ill lllllll Ol,..,ic c••.- 01rmp1t GOIO mrd'I •onntr (U S lt.tml wt11Mloll1na • W0tld Ch,,.,p10<1 1 thrtt lomnl • P'n Amttoc•n G""ts Cllam pion ll••ce) • H1tiona1 Ch.,,,poon 112 '"""' • (lecttil to Hjjl ol f1me IN JUST 7 SHORT llllU1tl A DAY with the amazing SYNOMETRICS (scien- tific concept of ISOMETRIC + ISOTONIC) ... the fantastic new discovery for ...... .....,.. away ugli/. embarrassing fat and flab ,with proper caloric reduction ... to reyeal a brand new rock-hard. lean. trim . han<tsome body! IKE BERGER explelna SYNOMETRICS'" ••• the new EASY apeed method for n.,,.. .,....., What os SYNOMETRICS? You've prob- ably heard about the Isotonic and Iso- metric principle ot bOdy dynamics tor , years Eich method has Its own be- lievers and supporters I used BOT'4 methods 1n my dally training Fmally, I developed • special uerc1se unit that employed BOTH methods AT THE SAME TIME in on• aevice. The eflect was s1m· ply amazing. I was able to keep In trim. shm shape In only a fraction of the time I l)rev1ou1ly needed! The Science of SYNOMETRICS I tater learned the eclentltlc rea1on tor th11 amulng rnult. 11'1 called SYNER- GISM meaning ttlat wtten you combine two l'\ethodt the result Is grHter then the bOth of them aeperately. I now catted my new d1scovety SYNOMETAICS Md O.Veloped • .-C••I 81Utt'CIH unit I cell the SPEED SHAPER. And tMl'I just whtit It IS . a 1peed method to give you re.- suits 1n ml nut". NOT hours I Now • , bUlld yourHlf a ·11ntnt1c looluno body" wit" ttte increch.,._ 8YNOM£TAfCS "'9 .,,. vent1on thllt wort11 Oft the e11c•tlnO ,,_ tclen\jfiC co~ llOTONIC: + ISO- M£ TAIC. WMele ... PHDSHANR?0 •noen·~ dftfOMd, '" an Mlal•"ltY compacl 11tmm1~ & 1nep1ng dltcovefY . • No dOorknot>a needed • Ad1u1t tenlfon to your own "89dl, lor any ..,. • Slip into l)C>Ckel or purH (S oa ) l1t1 eny· .... ,., I m over 50 and I .....,.... my la1 and flab wH with me lor ltfa SYNO- ll.IETAICS "l:Nrn«S" 11 oll on only 1 days In lact !HUiis t ime M ,_ I nad 10 cut my 0811)' 7 minute workout 10 5 minutes to 11ow dOwl' tne slim· ming proceu II s the most 1ma11n9 mathOO I've ever trtlO and I ve 11180 1u11 •bout every gadget and 91mm1ck I've ...,, 1n magwnea and TV ·• Iron Clld Maner 8edc Guerentee In 1u1t 1 lew d•y• you IMlllt actuelly"t>egln to '" ,,,. .. urat>te, real !WMlltl ... • ,_ ,...,.., ltecll ,, •• ,,., •• wln.~t .,., .......... ·No ., •• , llftoad ,, dallr UIOll~ ll•t•IM .... -... 10 ~ou• _.,, llodr-•tM ·----_ _._ ---1 eeNDTODAYt c .. , ..... lldl....., .... . ' 1:.~~~.u~ '•:.-: .... -~:=:.:..-a'.::: ""' ...... ...... ....... .. ......... _ ................ _ .... .-.. ..... -........ -. NAMI -·----------~--~ ADON•------------ CtTY aTA11 --Zt~ -- '-'Tf p "•1laiFI .._ ... ,........ ... ........... The FUND la currently nmlng 12%, BUT your effective rate of return can be MUCH HtGHER beclluae of the tHH you uve. CONSIDER: Roy Jackson, ~. gn199 S30.000 In long·term securitlft .(his original cost was $12.000) to the FUND. nam- ing himself and his wife. Anne. 58. as beneficiaries. Based on l.R.S. tables a.nd the FUND's current earnings. Mr. Jackson. who Is in the 50% income tax bradcet. win get a charitable deduction of $8,484 plus an income of $3,600 for the firSt year. Wtlat is his true yield on investment? His GHt $30,000 ~Tax Savings (S8.484 • 50%) S.C.242 c.pilal Gains Savings (S30.000 -$12.000 JC 200/o) S3.600 TcMI Tb Sevtnga I 7,142 Actual eo.t of GHt m .151 EFFECT1VE RATE~ RETURN (S3.600 -$22.158) -11.3% ---------------Es I w.Jnl 10 know wnat HIGH Y ' YIELD I tan earn Oil rny IJ!h IO l'lelO ease tne pain cit 3 t m1Noon Ame,. cans w11n 11rtnt1hs Please s.el'd me w1th0ul 001iga1'°" onfo•matl()n at:>Out Ille Anlml.15 Fourxsat!Oll POOLED INCOME FUND Clip And MINI To: Dtredot of PIMMd Giving Arthritis foundMion Suite 1101 FW 3400 Peecht,... Rolld. N.E.& Attenta. GA 3032t ~ •• AA-._..1~1•1--------Cltyy.. ____ lAS-•L---MTHltJTIS 10\l"Ol'\llON cin. _____ .,........ --------°"".,. ..... ____ _ WHEN YOU OADEA BY MAIL from comp•nles th•t .cf¥ertlse In F•mily WHkly, pl .. M •llow four to 1lx weekl for dellvery. Sometimes unlntentlon•I del•y• occur. If they do, Just write: Siriarlees• JUST $8.95" 111 .. ....,, .. oor o-....., __ _ 1.U -----------· ....,_,.o. .. o.m ......... a.97* SlllilRiii• • ..._ e1 OCYJ:,.t~to.i°'"" Linde llouftt. FMftllr W ... fJ, M1 ..,__ _____ ------t LealnglonAwenue.NewYcd,NY 10022 " ............................ _ ,.._.. .......... _. __ Giii •.000 ....... ------.. --... U.l.A., c:.i... .... c.Nll. ..._,,, .... o.. .... : ............ ~. •ac a.,~ ................. _.._ ............... ~---.­............................ ......................... " ....... .. ............ * ............. _,0.0., .... ._..........., ......... .., _ _ .....,.. .................... .... ........................ -. ... 1.000 ......... ~.c--. .. ,_. .. ..._ ...... ,.....,a."llOWI ....... ...,.....,.. , .. °"'.,_.._~""a.­_ ._ ............ - PNHS IS~ FerCnltMI. .............. ............. ..... a··· P.O....... A-HI .................... v. .... ___ ..._..., ............ - .......................... loaJ Buyers Guide ()o&s °""' tD al4ly c:amlort ~ Ws beluly wtll ..... Cllllliol*la ~ Ille In-... CrastMr Slrllll of soft.st glove 1e1111er. S1urdy so1e. w· 11111. camei. while, blldt, bone ar ~· F1'I & half sizlls 8·10N & W, S·10M. l1US plus I US p&ll. Old Pullllo Trldlrs, Dept. Ff3KC. Pllo .. • 33rd. Box 27800, 'Rlcson. Al. 8S72t. Need Help Getting Up? try a Cushion· Lift® Chair • Sit or stand with ease • Be independent again • Ease patnful joints • No need to ask for help •Bath-lift and Toilet-Lift also available • Medicate coverage in many cases • FREE BROCHURE -Shop at home - The Culhion·l.lft' C"" lefts vou ufelv. genl1v to •n •ngle whefe v<>u can ·~•or YoUtMlf No need 10 l9k for 1>e1p vou·n en,ov • Mpooe<. more 1ndepe11de111 life And 11n·t !hit wn.1 vou -n11 n.. cm111 Ult® .,, ... fne I00-551-2151/:=..414-542-6060 -----------------• ~ ORTHO·KINETICS, INC. I I ~ P.O. 8o12000·FW #lukesha. W153187 I I Nllme I .~~ I I C11v Si.ie __ I T~ z~ I ·------------------••••••••••••• Tnree ~ldom seen CO<n' from Amera 's PISI a~ yours fOf' only SI Liberty .. v . Nickel Indian Head Cent & Butt•lo Nic~el Now entirely out ot orculltion lrm11 CH'9 $ef Sat1stac1ion Guaranteed We'll al$0 1rictuoe pnce hsts of coins and col· leclln& suPOhes. a1ot111 wolh other COtns whl(h ycu tan eram•ne and return wtlhoul purchase Cancel set vice •t •nr time No oolfi!'tion 10 buy Aduta Only Send name Mlctress Ind SI 00 to Utd1tllft C. Co .. o..t-NCS-32 Uldl•a, ... IJMC. LC.OM ••••••••••••• • • ., • 1 • t r ~ • .\ · 1 '. 1 ' . . . ~ .. My Husband's Snoring Kept Me Awake ... A True Story, by MRS. E. BRINGE ( ReprinUd with permiuicm) A lot o! people think ''snoring'' is funny. But if they had a spouse who snores, they wouldn't think it was so funny. I love my husband. But I couldn't go on beinJ kept awake night after mght-!>Y his snoring. He didn't MEAN it. And he couldn't HELP it. BUT IT WAS WRECKING OUR MARRIAGE. Lack of sleep made me too tired to go anywhere with my friends. I snapped at my husband, yellea at my children., My husband TRIED to stop snorinJ. But nothing worked. Did that mean there was NO CURE for snoring? Thank heaven I was too stubborn ·to believe that. Becauae I fmally FOUND a cure for snoring and it turned out to be the- simplest thing. Not pills, not drugs, not an operation or psycho therapy. Would you believe just a simple invention developed by a Doctor at a renowned research sleep center. But it really works. You stop snoring instantly, the first night. And after· wearinJ it for 30days, the habit 1s broken comp- letely. You never snore again. Personally I think. the doctor who invented this clever device should get the Nobel ~rize. But he won't ... stoppmg snores isn't "glamorous" enough. It worked for me, rm sure it will work for you . Money-Back Ouarant" SincerelI_, Mn. E. Bringe Here'• how to order your Stop-Snore: Send 19.00 plue 11.50 for 1hipplq A handllns to: Dll LEONARD, Dept. FW-64 · .. · .65-19th Street Brooklyn, NY 1123.2 .. T here's lif:de doubt that one key to a good night's rest is the mai- tns you sleep on. FAMILY WEEKLY camnmed the experts for their advice on how to telect the ~ matlres. We also got the ICOOI> on the kind ol bedding 90IDe ioeW:• !ties nod olf on. Aa:oedii'9 to Didt Meyers, merchandise manager of bedding products fur Sim- mons U.S.A., peope have a _ choke today of several de- ~ of 6rmnesl, particularfy In innerspring mattresses (which feat\.a'e ooil springs in- lide a padded casing) - &om medium fim to super fim. His company even of- W. a luxury.fWm maaras that combines ftrmness with a plush softness on top. 'There's no reason not to get the kind of mattress you11 be happy wllh." Meyers says. Glenn Gold&ger. a phys· !cal therapist spedal!z!ng in or- thopedk: and sports injuries research at New York lJniwnity Medical Center (he at.o has a private prac- tice), recaairnlnds a wry ftnn, high-quallly foam mat- ..... for al his pallentl. He bmws th9 kind "fives the bd qJpOrt, far normal or allqa bedca ... . Goldftttger'• Ida of a high-quallly bm mMIN9 II one•a..he..Sahlln- cha thick with • high I 0 l'lql (ll'I boundlr thin .................. hWI .,.'8_......ol ....... °' ......... allllc -.,, He --....................... Mdnat ... wlh ...... thetic "'*'*5. Goldftnger explains hather: "Density is mated to Chinbility. and the riltm&.an damty of a foam mattras that will last a long time is 1. 9 . with the ideal density. 3.2 pounds per cubic foot." Manly Bram. a manufac- turing 911>9 I ht In foam mat• ---wllh Dim Foam ltd. in New York Oty, •aggests that "A good mt for how deme a foam manres is is to grasp and lift It. In a queen me, for example. a 1. 9 den- sity maunm should feel as If It wctghs about 30 pounds. A 3.2 density model, about 45 to 50 pounds. Avokt light- weight foam mattresses," says Bram. '"They won't last." How the Smn Sleep like average folks. celebrtties need a good nights rat, too. Here's what some reveal about their choices for sleeping comfort, Skating star Dorothy Hamill, who recentJy wed Dean Martin Jr.. reports, "I have a friend in the bed businal and I caled her to atk for the best king-med bed she had. I haw to per· form up to three shows a day· when I'm In Ice Capada, 10 a good nl!#lt's ~Is abso- lutely MCIMmy." a.t.a~-..on , ldng-tlmd t.d, too. 11 ... IMlllas . fomn or inns-~ ........ "'not ...... but wllh ... long 1V houn ............... "'lt ... 't ..-- r can .., an,- wt...." WMn --plO .... GalhM .. • ...... .... .... ane1t dwmbedWlh 8 C11 II a •rl hr $ ~. """""'~· ...... '· -.. Expett Tips on Buying Afllatttess mattress. "Yet," says Guttwie. 1'w found more comfonable malbases in some hoeeS when rm on the road. The one I haw at home is too ftnn. f m looking for a _.. tnlldr..r' ~np. • Test a mattress by lying down on it far about 10 minutes-(Mast s1cres en- courage this, Meyers says, and you don't even have to kick off your shoes.) Scretch. bounce and roll around. just as you would when you sleep. • There should be support in a 1Dlltlns5. but enough re.sllience for comfort. h should have reitdorced sides. When you sit on the edge of the bed and men set up. 1t should spring back quiddy. • Always read the hangtag and label for infor- mllllion about materiNs and oonsb'Udion. AJrnost aD mat- tre!llCS today come widl JimMed wenantil!s. • Md:res size? The one you select depends on your sizle and whether it's for one person or two. A mattress. reganiless of tts width - from twin to king-sized - should always be at least six inches longer than the per- son sleeping on it. Adeqiaate sleepia~ space for two adults really requires a queen· f1WI Of king-sized mattress. ..., Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Yow Haith. It's Easy to Love The Boss When You'1e the Boss J i 8y Goy Edelman A rnertca has always been a land of rugged indMdualism -and nowhere is that more apparent today than in our latest trend In woridng: self-employment. According to the United States Labor Department, the number of people working for themselves rose by men than 1.1 million between 1972 and 1981 -the ftrst sustained ~ since Wodd War 0. There are now 8.6 million Americans Involved in some kind of business for themselves. Some exper1S attrb.ate the new mowment to the uncel1aln slate Of the economy ... When things get reaBy rough and jobs that are IUllable are hard to ftncl , people tend to become td-employed," seys Neal Roaenthal, . edlng ctUlf of the Labor ~t'· dMllon of ocx:updoMI outlook. "M.chanlcs and i9pUmen get lald off and m up lhllr own~· There .. more lawyers and accountants ~ today than ..... Jc* avetlble (In d\Oll fteldl), IO 1twy Mt up oneo.pmon affal. And thee are allO wom.n who ...-t to come Into the labor force and can't find )obs.H &v Wasserman of the Mon- mouth County. N .J .. office of 5eMce Corps of Retired Ex· eculives (SCORE) cites some other reasons: "First. there ls the forced retiree who is In the prime of his career but can't 8nd another job. Second. there ts the persOn who, after working for a large corporation f« a number of years, decides he's not getting anywhere and might as weD use his efforts for himself. "The thi'd !J'OUp," Wasser- man continues, "is one we began to see about three years ago -women who've been at home and whose kids are now grown. A W<>maJ1 has nothing to do with her time, so she mr15 her own business. The fourth group Is comprised of people In high-Income brackets who are looking for tax wrtteoffs." A fifth !1'00P. of course, would be people laid off from jobs. What, exactly, are all these entre· prenews doing? A variety of things. "Some oocupadons lend themseJves more readily to self-employment than others," writes Scott Fain, formerly of the 8uTUU of Labor Statistics, In the Nowmber 1980 Monthlv Labor Reufew. Among the examples he gives are chlropracUc, dentistry, op- tometry, podiatry, writing, repair WOik, piano tunJng, farming ,and run- ning a boarding house. Clyde Norton, an appliance repair- er near Ahany, N. Y.. has been self- employad since he found himself locMd out of the corporate world five and a hal years ago. A car accident had kept him out of WOik for longer than his employer, a major appliance distrhat«, c:aNd to wait. When N'of. ton recovered, he bought a van, ln- vaa.d In a subet.lntlal auto-perts tn· vcntory and became his own bdee. "h w. c:lraamlt8nce more than nelUra1 deelr. or drM," he ,._ '.'You make the belt of wtw hipper. to you." He ... tr\dMd m.de the t.t ol • bad lltudon, ra111nQ four ~ on hll Income, which he ~ ii In the high ...... Unda Kill. a 32-~-old New .....,~·--'·-·· r~--------------------------1 I °'*',.., OIGfW. ClOCl(I)...,. I I Please seno me _ Ouaru Clocll(sl If not W . I deflgflted. I rTl'Y return my Oldel 101 a FULL 1eluno NAM[ I Chectl colOr CflOIC:tO Red 0 Vellot D Beige ----------1 I IUY M . 8fT M Ft&! I I O Order one tor only S9 95 plus S2 50 past hdlg ADDRESS I ntgdonefrte (112.45 Total ) ' a Plnst send s 12 45 lor UCfl addrltONI Ollltr CITY I Hy Stitt residents idd appr<>t>Nle sales ta• s_ I Enclosed tS S-. ClleClt or money order payable 10 STATE ZIP I I HORA NELSON I I Mail to IDM EJOll • ...... a.. Sat•slactton Guaranteed I 621 ~ol lhtAmencas Customer Service (516) 67J.5811 I New York. H y 10011 c NORA NELSON 1981 I cue cala ---------------------------~ BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE!!! Tll CALENDAR ~~ DIGITAL Incredible dimensions: CLO.CK ves the exact time and date, anywhere you want it. Modem mim>-tedlnics clesian weishs less than an ounce-Displays nme and Date automatically every two seconds. t-112" ~ter 112" thick 1/1 ounce weiaht • Crysul ~ eneraized for accuracy • Computer11ed for Iona and short month adjustments • Rep&ac~ ~ttery -powen clock for an entire yNr • Controtl hours, minutes. seconds. month and day • Atuchel inscantly by itself to any surface -detachable Mncle bKlcin& makes setting rt easy and convenient • SmNt decorator co'c>n blend with any decor ·no · wns. plufs. or w.nctinr neceuary nu.ow. M D°" N tGa SPECALSAI E BUYONE 5995 FOR ONLY AND GET ONE '-fectW! ............. Auei. .......... ........ Ir ..., Room. TV. 8oM. Now cal time yow OWft • at home, in che offece. or on die rold ·.,.,.._.Md._.,.,.._... Clear LCOdlbl .... , .,_ 1CMI IN,,_.. time lftd dlte a 1 allMe • ........ 1CMf ....... . rr11~''1flr~J1••JtJr!iHf!pr:c 'fl•.t1llfiP,lJ1rrtt~f. PlUhljrn;iJtUfI U . . 1,t~1r .Jf,~ !l~1~11nun LihlJtihf If 1 JhHfrl!tlU!~J~h 1 ~~ 1 ' ,i,~ l-~~I.~ J~i~.-.... ~~c-i~~ -~, I ·t·ftfJI~·~ r-J!J!~iil~[· iJ~!J{:f1ri ~;~•At~'lif~1t 1 ~Jii112iJlJ~lJrtjtl~ s~ ' I ~. >If -i .... f. ~ Q. ~ 1 r ~ l f i i ,..£ r ~ Q.~ If ~ i: t' I r I r • • ( ,,,hH f I !r!l r1.uf~ !~Jrlr•f lnlh tl '•trl i~ rno1irl11J 1l~tr uh~ . J.1111118dtDa l!1 ill .. il~ 1?!'11 hi' ili'Jf Uf 11 dlfl iJ~~jf 1 f irf f JI:~ J1 ( i.!lt .1 1fu!tu .. ~tfh1'th.•~.·,~j!!~ItfI~fJ1.11.1~9 _;. f 1J ~ ~-!Jf!li f i 41 t r ~ 11 .. 1 l 1 i l ~ t • . -~1 I I -I ! I a ~ -I • 1 I ' , ·Slashes Cooling and Heating Costs. ·Quiet as a Whisper. ·Adds the Perfect 'lbuch of Enchanting Roma~ce to An11 Room! . r-----------------------------~--------, ...... C.-.. fWI C&., Olp. PF-A, 122 Portion ftct .. LaQ Aontcqnlloma. N.Y. 11nt I ~ AU8H me .. tallolltlig MlfAMA ca .. Mm~ a en. tor on1y --'*" •·• INfllM. Mncllna a ........ (Tot111131.IO) 1 1 Q UW 11.-Ord9r two tor only ...... pM 117.IO hight. '*dft9 I ~ . (Toelll 171.41) • I TCMllEt..... ...,_ ...... .._. I I a...., a VISA a M-c.d fa.* , ___ _, I ~ I I Prt~Nlme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Addr.-I I Cly I .... - - - - - -- - - - --- -Allai.4 ~ "~ ""~ - -- --- -- -.:.. ---- . r~---..,..~-------~-----------------------I I I s..ct the.. rnci"' I •itt to: I·---·-----1 ' : Omn•Mtr As <.:liarilf'. ltd .. hl'ln~ I TM 56i-11 Box~~ lfuntN,.too Scation. \. \. 117~. Genuine Diamond, Emerald, · Ruby a Sapphire Jewelry As Little As $3 a piece UNTll AP~. 10, 1982 I 1'•~~~-E.-la .... c-... .2.j ,.. 1':'-..... ._.°'--' IS (X 3.'17> _ Oly. (' ........ f.-.w Sl(XQP,} _ Oly. c....1iw ...,. II lX 54111 _ Qtt. ~s.,,w... .. (X ~) -O!J, W...... ....... I-/6" .'ii ('ltoilt c-.r. .2.\ .... 1'~ _._,. ._.oi--1 S.l (U\17) -o.y. ~r.-ftlr SI ~WT•) -QI). ....... ....,. • (»mJ -OIJ. c...-.IS .... 11 ...... ._. ........ •u ~111 -., • C...-t:-..W • CJ.,.\ -°"" ............., • fl s. --QIJ• ................ • tl S-. -.,. a-r-....._ .. , ... · .. .._.,..........,. •• "-w • co.Ill .................... .,. ... -.,., ..... -~ .............. f.a ~-----------~----------~-------------- OUR ANIMAL DDIW With the best~ llst about evenly dMded be- tween "I Love Cat" books and .. !'Hate Cat" books, It's not surprising that tn a re- cent study, cats ranked near the middle among the ani- mals we like best. They '------------------------------~ were 12th overall, just behind turtles and ahead of ladybu~. The study, prepared for the Interior Departme.nt's Ash and WiJdlife Service. revealed that Americans' favorite an1mals. In order. a.re dogs, horses, swans, robins. butterllies and trout. Our least favorite aeatures are cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats. wasps, rattlesnakes and bats. ln general. It was found that Americans tend to be quite ~t about animals. Almost hd of the 3.107 adults surveyed, for example, think veal comes &om a lamb, not a calf. Residents of Alaska and the Rocky Mountain states are most knowledgeable about the an1mal kingdom; least know&edgeable are Northeastemers. In 1979, Richard DeBemardls became the fnt person to bike completely around the perimeter of the U.S. (12,092 miles tn 180 days). He was listed In Gulnnas. What could he do for an encore? Well, last September he reJeased his kicksmnd In Tokyo, and 6.235 miles and 77 days later he had cycled all the way around Japan's f0ur main islands. He spent his ftnt day hopelesly lost. but ludd- ly an English-speaking cop fashioned him a note In Japanese ex- /n Tolyo: ,,,.,_falapolcm.'""". platnJng his rnlsliOn to aD. Then there were the typhoons. Agair\11 70-mde-per-hour Winds, he once p=de'ed throu51l 8 S().mle llnfch of mud, A NaJ ,.._ tm.weor now IYtng In lot Angela, De- Bemardll, 37. told --· "'The Japanae people wer. tpdoul, re.ly wondllful Tnadc drMn would actullly mow owr to tive me room." 11dl Jn coanet to Mio~ In Nor1h c.ollna who lhot • him from lhetr 8Mbed INCk. ~ mllnly In holmll, he tp9nt 14,500 an hll Jap.la• )lunt. ~he came* out Md~~ frtendl, his U.S. ~ran to 18.000. Rk:hmd allo tpmd one memonble ~In a Kaplin. La .. )Iii ml ... It w duck ...,.,, .. he lhruga ... Al the mold wer. Med." Actress Morgan F airchiJd sure is pretty and an. but maybe the saucy siren shoWd stay on Flamingo Rood. During a recent midc:ileweight 6ght held in Atlantic City, Morgan came on to In- troduce NBC boxing Mi commentator Marv erv. Abert. It's reported she batted the lids of her baby blues and prompdy announced Marv as "Merv." Retorted Abert. "Thank you, Farrah." HARD TO M11IOll i z Marv. lf only Lawrence of Arobla had been on hand. During January's tcmmtlal rains Si CaliJornia, a foot of water forced a75 people In San Rafael to seek shelter In a local church. To soothe the poor folks. repons \.briety, their Salvation Army hosts saeened the only moYie available: The Deep. llAKm POUllDS BUQOPP To reduce your stomach, one expert suggests a trick that may tum It first. . As part ol her owrall diet program, University of Florida psychologist Caro- lyn Tucker uses a technique called "covert sensltlzadon," which lnduda 8llOdetlng a negative image with the thought of food. The Ida .. to choose one or two evil foods. such as chocolate and bread. Then, while marketing, think of something disgusting as you pick those Items up ... , ac.tually try to Im· agine worms crawling ~ the candy," she says, "or see It covered with aushed flies and spkier webs." Tudcer stresaes this Isn't the answer for everyone and to try It only under a pol rdonars ~-But she's reduced her 5-foot-5-tnch frame &om 180 pounds to 106. Besides this biz.me dleang llp, lhe offers practical ones: Snack on foods that take a long time to eat, like popcorn or bushed Ice; have a salad bebe dinner to 6U you up, and .a on srnall9r plMa to mme the 6.llion ol men food . ~ 11llle ,.. •• .,,. .......... ~I~ A .... ,,__,. N.Y~ - LOVE, ASTIP ATATI• It's estimated that as many as one of every six kids tn the U.S. is a step- child, and many stepfami- lies are being burdened by what one counselor calls .. the myth of instant love." "Society expects all-these 'strange, new people' to get together and immediately make loving attach~nts." says Marcia Stroup, a mar- riage and famlJy therapist at Brigham Young University. When this unrealistic scenario fails to occur, step- parent and stepchild may feel guilty and pull back. Everyone In a stepfamlly faces new challenges. An adult may be unsure what his parental role should be. A child may be mourning the loss of his relationship with an original parent, or even be upset that. while he once was the oldest. thanks to new stepsibllngs he's now the youngest. Stroup says stepfamllies should talk among them- selves and perhaps with a therapist. "It's importAnt to express feelings of gulJt and Inadequacy a divorce can bring on," she notes. BIRTHDAYS (AD Pllces) ~ Lynn ~ 39: Cyd CharWe 59 . ......, - M1ckey SpilJane 64. llnn- dliv -l.awNnc:e We9' 79. F~ -Uza Minnelh 36; Jama Taylor 34; Gordon MacRae 61 . S.tufdav - Nell Sedaka 43. STORE SHOPPERS SHOCKED BY MY LOUii VITAMIN PRICES! BoblM ·-----------------, 13 118 'I DEUCIOUS Hl-PROMI BARS FREE WfTH EVERY OAOEAI What a delicioua way to pt the protein your body re- quiret1 daily (protein is not stored in the body l. These ar e real e nergy ban with a high protein content-20'1 of the recommended daily allowance in every bar. Ca rob coated. No chocolate. The whole family will ertjoy them! Ch~k the box in the order blank and n!lurn it with an order for a ny of the it.em1 in this ad a nd I'll include without charge 3 Big 'N Delicioua Hi-Protein h.ra. OFA:R EXPIRES APRIL 7. 1$82 L-----------------y~~ A IOOFOA 111 500 for 4.75 vrrA & 0 T=-49' (5000 A. 400 D> 500for11.15 • f uifl'-'9 ,.:U 98¢ Minerals soo tebteta 14.50 100-8 soTA8LETI $335 COMPLEX 100 TMLETS IUI 100 MG EAOI Of' Ill-1 IH 111-6 NIAClNAMIOE C'40ltNE INOStTOl PANTOTHENIC ACID 6 PA&A •00 MCG EACH OF & 12 81<)TIN & F(~JC ACID LYSINE 312mg Tlblets • IUNJt~ IRON TABS 100r--. 141 IOOforl.49 Mall order •not INlckled with the high fixed ovemt•d of rmH atoree, eo Bob LM c.n ... , h'Mh, prof1 ,..,., qutlllty vtt.mln• at fanmtlclllty low prices! SPIRULINA 500 mg. T•blettl Tiie ................ ,,.,.,.... .., ... ..... ~ :: 50 T..,._ 2.49 . 400-18.00 "111 '' S.,.,Cbt• Di ..... 2m u.tt T1Mltl • • • ~-•4.oo }:,.... •e.so ~ •12.so BREWERS YEAST ra GRAIN TABLETS 2!l0 ,_, 79' 1,000 for S1.99 ~:;(;T:9NC'1 LECITHIN c.;:>.. s109 soo '°' 1us HIGH POftNCY VITAMIN 86 50 MG. TM161ta p100MG. TlllMts ,.,__., , .... . 500 for 3.11 250 '°' .. . •ua ... &• ...... ·-,..,. ..... • - IL·TRYPTOPHAN 100 MG. TMUTS 1CJ0.3.41 500-11.50 500 MG. TAkn'S 30-5.75 80-9.15 80NE MIAL TAM.US HIO 49' ·~·s soo ...... 1oru.1t '·-----a.• HERBAL r.::.. 85' LAXATIVE .,....,..PM "dY 4" Tabs m.r.~ .. Llemm •c..-...,..o..,- ONrllit•fl!Clltt ..... .... • 111 ,. "' 7g. 111 "'2.99¢ .... .-11 ....... . j ... --....... .. :tll!niii .. ::::::: .... NUCACID ..... ei • ... 11.a .. .. .. 11.• ... ... , ... ..... ... .. ...... ...... a .• M.• a.• IUI . ...... ......... UftllT..._ "" .... S.. ,. -....... ~ . ~ ..... 11, ............ .. ................... •.................. ... -. ......... . ................. ................... ... 11.• It.• U.11 11.• 11.• •.. "'·· 111.• 111.11 •. ,. •.11 .... ., .. • VITAMINS BY MAIL FROM LEE NUTAmON ,-------------------~ I ~ ~ "°"' 11ob i... I I 400 UNIT E COWME M YWHERE I 1 VITAMIN :J 100 t()( 1.59 t I CAPSULES :J 500 tor 7.89 I I ()NI ~-:,:. $1l'E ..,.. ..,... 0 1000 tor ·15. 75 I MSC •o • •-v ~'7111 llAllCOUPC*MTllOMllll ~------------------.. ,-------------------~ I ~~ nmec.i... · I I 500 MG. c COWME MYWMIM I 'VITAMIN n 100 lor 87• I I ,..,,,.,OSI! HO! 0 500 lor 3.99 : I ..-~":!.Wl ...,...._.L] 1000 t()( 7.59 I MN ro • 1 -• 411'11 llAll COUPOlt MTll ~ ~------------------.. .... I:-: 1-W'· ' J1!h. .............. '~" .. •• 79' T:_ 4:J' ...... c-......... u .., w 1.•11r11.n • =& KELP ..... ·.:b17' ...... ...:35• , ... , ........ ...... 1 .... 11.• NATURM_.VITAMIN C ::*,..,.. Hlpa AT 'IMT ' 'Y LOW fllNCE9 QIMHTITY oOO..., nowo """"'° • 000 ..., 100 w .. 1.39 1.15 500 2.98 . 4.41 8.51 1.31 1000 5.49 7.91 12.49 17.11 -uYITAMI" E CAPIULD lilt >OO IU IOO•U too •u ICIDOIU 100 98• 1.19 2.91 1.• 500 4.15 1.91 14.81 37.98 1000 1.41 17.51 21.41 81.15 ",.. .......... .... ,.. ........... ,,. .. ........ ,.. ... GROW STRAWBERRI ES BIG AS TEACUPS' 25 for $2 95 !:>O for S ' 15 tlOOtor S1095• 1200 for S19 951 You an upect ...,u fr-. jwt 30 of ... t.rd¥ ....... , 019nt "D'I -• ...n.. Httlhty d•m.-• *-"· -,..., , ........ produo9 loel of MW NftMn to tiW you a "--,... w.y ._., ..... --...... .. ,.,._.Wt. abwwwMl•iei for ....,.. t...., 1""' ._.,_ for __, D9'it 1-.d. wery -.t · · v-t .............. "'°" folks ...... - -· o.dwpMnty. STOCK NO. 777. MAN CHU RIAN APR ICOTS ~1tu1T -.,Lowns-1HADt: Sl.49 ea .2 for 52.75 TIMN'• _....._ .. tnty " .......... ----of )'99t _ .. ...... ls I 1 • e9"HtL ... t UN to 9"W • • ._. .............. AIWt- eot .. -.,, ............ fNfl ....... -..... OUllllle ~ ......... ~---"'...--.. ............ _ ... . .. --. -.......... _., , ...................... ..... e;:.-:::.:::.,.:-,:r. :-=~.::-. '::' .. ~;-..:::: ................ .... 1111111• .... tr-. TIM II rtlla ~ (..-........................ -... ..... ....... =lorS.~ .. -.,...._ .. ~...-. ·~~,._,~ .... .. • v ........ 1 .-... 1 ............... ... .. c:.llW9fML ... -· 1 H . RARE OPPORTUNITY .. -.................. .._ .............. -~~ ..... .., .... -.u.. .. .-..... a....._.v ................ . ""-LY 8UAMNTRD __.. • u 111111 M ...... H .-e.ny .... ..., .._ ....._. _,_,.,... ..... &Alll ................... , •• "'9 2 HOUSE Of WESLEY, ~ Diwhion -8loomil'i10n, IL 11701 . I CHESTNUT oNL'i S l 50 ea TREES -: •or s~ 7!> 4 .,,, "~ 7~ h f Uf \ 1 \0 Tlllt alitUlftl tllM• eiMll ""' tTM MMI _, Mm Mt H ...... • • ltft• .......... ,. ....... --y-t THIY Mwt llentefl 8A Jlllt rllllt fllf' roeltlftl. .,Ht1r-lfll ca.alMlt (C8•ta-ott ........ t wMI -" _,,. H • ... llMfUI tlllMe tr-. v•tu .._,., .. , ........ ..Ml .. 1treu1 ...... • • bltltl ~roue llt MtUlili\. Votl ,.. colM dlolM 2 to J ft. tr-. HaNy AlilWlcalt fHorlt• Wiii 84l4l .......... ,... di-to Y°"' yaN. "9t ....... to C:altf. Of' Wetlt. Sf41J::ET. JUICY GRA PES l •o• ,. 00 $1. 50 ea .~:~:~;~~ NIAGARA -~IMllat ....... ............... _,....,LA,.._, i.....-.. of lulGy ,._._ Slocll No. 171. CONCOJtD -........... H .... ,..... Mw• ··~ ... tlle U111t• State.. o..--...-a ... "811t. ltectc No. 141. AGAWAM -l.A"9 rM ...... wtttl • •~• flnw. Vtlef--• ... -.,.st.-No. Ht • You'll rocoW• GMIM lleWb· reot• "'-tllat wtll ~·· ... ..,.,, .... ....... ....... f-or arNr1 I ,_. •.-t. Setoct --· ........ .., ,., STOCK "°· 1H • .. lclOut .... ty -ry •111-. RED DELICIOUS APPLES 75 2101$495 o~\i $ 2 ea. 3 fo1 S6 95 A.cl o.llcioul Apple • • YI ........ c:rope ~ .... ,.. ..................... unt- forM ....... • • jult ,..... for • ..._~eat­ .... v ...... .... ~ ..,... .... rootld 1 v. '° Jft.-. .... ... , •. THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE! El BERT A PEACH \" $2 75 ea. 2 for S4.95 01' 1 · 3 for $6,95 . UMw ............. " ....... ...... .. .... ~;-·~ ..... _.. ................................. ............................. _........., ___ ..... ..... ... ........................ ... ................ ................ ..., ,, ... . ....... _ ... .. 11-a v...-M,.. .... ...... fy .......... _ .. ... ,._ .. r...., ......... c.llf. orW••h••• ............ SHOP BY MAIL -NO CROWDS, TRAFFIC, WEATHER PROBLEMSI FROM HOUSE OF WESLEY ,Btoomington,ILL.61701 -BPagesOfPlantBargains -Ptus SPECIAL BONU ~ ..... ------..... ------------------------------------.... OFFERS CHOICE 5 YEAR OLD OZARK BEAUTY EVERBEARING STRAWBE RRIE~ COLORADO BLUE Sf RUCE ::E~~~~E~;I~~ H ~,~~~,t~g ~~\}!~nl\\ no $100 ach REG. $2.00nch ~.::~NALL 100 P .. n10 $1l9~ 200Pl~nH $H.95 ON\Y . e Treat YOIUNlf to the b ... Ht, most IUJCIOU .. 3 for $2.75 6 for S5.00 Now you c:an purcheM the •-·POPUiar, -r~tiful Colorldo Blue SIHuc:e at this ..-del low swic:e -only $1 .00 ucfl. T'-weratile BJue SIHuce -lowty • aintM taltlnt ttrawlMrrlH you've ever luted. Th ... are Ozark Beauty EverlMarlnt barrl•t and they trow aa bit •• texupal Tiiey are a firm, dHP red 1Mny -a mouUl·waterlnt del19ltt for dHMrta, preterVH, freuln1 and utln1 frelh. Stock No. ·Ill aceent plantlnga, • 1 priftcy row or wlnd- brNlk, end • 1 colorful corner t'Ouping. lu rich silver-blue folilp "9k• It 1 wetcon. ti~t all yNr round. You'll ,_,.,. telec:t, nicely branched 5-v••-old tl'llflspiented tr .. that .... .t INSt 1 to 2 feet tall. Hnlne been trantPtented, the root system is wetl developed end will help the trM get off to 1 fast start. Ord« your fully guaranteed Blue ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING TREES SIHuce on the convenient COUPoft. · Stodc No. 307 SCARLET RED MAPLE ·of'\'i $ l. 0 0 ~a } '" $1 75 3 ''" S2 SQ 6101 S•l.~U GROWS MOST ANYWHERE ONE OF NA TURES MOST RICHLY COLORED TREES Wonderful tti.de trw, Red Mepte (Acer rubruml prod-brifltt"llr"" IM'fft in spring that tum to brilli1nt scarlet in fell. Herdy. Di-resist· Int. Fst'9'owint. Grows up to 35 ft. You rlaift strong. heavily rooted 2 to 4 ft. collected trw5. Stodc No. 719. LOMBARDY POPLARS 5 for s 2 0 0 11 I,. 4 O:l . l~'"'~'~O Fut 9rowln9 tree, LOMBARDY POP· LAA CP. Nl1ra) 1tand1 1tra19hl and tall. Aads beauty and vatue to your yard. Nice for screens, lanu, bordera, wind· breaker1, ·background•. Noted for their 1racef ul beaut)' -often 9row wveral ffft a year. You 9et healthy, 2 10 4 ft. lr••• read)' for transplanlln1. Stock No. 4lt. ' S 1.50 ea. 1•01$400 t,IO•J7~0 (Wlaterla liMnlia) a re· markable vine. Grows denMI)' witl'I vitorous twlnlnt vine• that 1row to form a lliwl'ltly w"p- lftl, thlckly foliated apeclmen. The most llreathtakt"I lhln1 hap-pen• late In May when l'lu9e, blu•vlOlet flow· er clusters -m to cover everythlnw in •lthtl Qet atront t2" to ta" fut1rowl"9 planh. Stock No. l t 4 CR EEP ING RED SEOUM 4 for S 1.00 8 ' :~ f ~HJl£S •. cnSLA S HE D SA VE U P T 0 5 0 °/o 0 N 0 UR BIG NURSERY ST OC I< · SALE Page 1 A SPECIAL SALE ON OUR MOST POPULAR TREES & HEDGES -All FULLY GUARANTEED v a .. v '"CIAL -'00 l"T ... ao TWIQ DOGWOOD HEDG E Only 2 0 for $2.9 8 l"AIT O"OWING SILVS"-O"&Y a&AUTV AUTUMN OLIVE 5for$2 .98 1 o lot •i. 41 -20 lo• •t.91 -JO •or 'I 4.49 · c•·--· Mtettdlfelle) w.-. ....... ·~ .................. tltelr .. _ ... , ....... ~ .... r ...... _ ...... __. ... -... Mr)'~. ..... " ~· ......... ., .,.. .. '"9ftl1 ..... c-.......... ., left •• ... te ti-Ir.-HH fr8f!811t ,.lteW-Wllfte • ._, lft M8". Qrew1 111 ... , Mlf, tllr'i!!.l" tull ., .. er f8.::.:l'.:'90:-"' 1¥1' te :~.:r:~tr,•,-:r" •r-... " ,., ••• • -·•· t HARDY, NEAT, PERMANENT PR I VET HEDG E 10 for Sl.98 40 fOf $7 60 60for $11.00 100 for $17 .SO It'• die ..,._, •lline h .... plent '" America! A ,_..owin9. -.erior. '°"' lhled end bMutl· fvl plent. PRIVET (Amur Ai...r Norttll requlf"ft prwduly "° care. It iutt cen't be beet for l\edtll to _,_,__ your p .. io, yerd, line your ..... -· c.. -1Nlftt.8Hwd ., _., l\e4tht. "-t 1"' ..-rt. You recelw 1' to 3' piefttL Order • -v • you oe" ~ we wt.Me lhl9 _.. lats. Not lhlpped to c.llf. or Aria. ltoc*No.571. ELEGANT BLUE SPRUCE HEDGE 20 for' S 7.75 30 for $10 95 60 for $19 95 Tith ., .. uurul •ll•er·Mve pleftt (P~• p.,,.. en1 tlavee) will add trace an4 ... .,," to I0~~,8':i41 ·~~t.::."::;" .r.o.:~.!~" '°.,':; ... :=..~:!T'':01,v1:::•.:"::.:a.:.:=,~u=a~~~'::;,, oe,._ ., • .,..._ They trow faet too. Yo•~I went to ~•• leh at th•• -'•1 prlce1. The• treee wlll .... p lfOV tvrn rovr lf4rd lftto e llllowplace. O..-er ft-. ltoclc No. 144 IO 'EET 0, "UINOL Y FENCE Only 10 for $1. 98 2010r S3.85 -40101"17.60 -80tor $14 50 QF SHARON HEDGE C-""' ... _., ..... ii ...... ., ............ --'". ·~-· .. ...... ........ -.. ....,.. ..... -............. '""' ,_. .. , ............... T-... ~ ..... -·-........ 'tW •• I'· , .. "· ,., ............ .,....,, -., ...... .,. ...... r ........ .... .......... ~ .................................... .... (H ...... 1 _...,.. ... ,... ltile ._. • ._. llliiletlt tfl ........ _ ...... !Mtta ... ll-MeeMl"9 aN _,._.. te f9-...._fell. Tllelr it• •• ............................ ,... ........ ,_.... .......... . .................... -........... ~ .......... o... ...... ... .....,,. ...... ...,.,.r •• .,_ ...... ...._ .. _ .... .,, •. .. SEND ORDER TOOAY TO HAVE BUSHELS OF PLANTS LUSH TROPIC BEAUTY -ST ANDS 26 o BELOW IN THE fALLI BUSHEL BASKET SIZE CUSHION MUMS 8 for $1.00 r ' L4 I 11 '>• SO lm11gint>! A yard full or CUSHION M l'1'1S for lcs.-i lhan I 3 t't'nls eal'h! l'roduct• IOlids or fall bhK>ms on C'Uch roundtod planl. Mukc wondc•rful cul nowt·n •. You g1•t choire ficld·J!ruwn root divisions. Ver) hardy -thrivl' even In pour soil with littll• l'llrt'. OUR N>lor c+toH..~· of pink, brum:<'. n..>d or ~l'll11w. Sorry. cannol ht• shippt'Cl to Ari7.ona, California o r \\'ashing Lon. Stork No. 2 fl 6. A CVT FLOWER FAVORITE RAINBOW OF COLORS! GLADIOLUS BULBS 20 for S 1 ~ll I• :S.I Strong, heolthy, bloom1119 size bulbs that *'" •"° you beiMo11ful flowers thlS y-. ORDER NOW. SEND NO MONEY. On dellv.y .-v Sl.00 fot 26 bulb&. Sl.96 for 50 bulbs Of 53.85 fot 100 bulba ptus COO~--We pay p~ -pr..,.id otders. Sllodt No. 410. GIANT CLIMBING Vines Grow 12"18' -Sometimes 25' Tau! ProdDU T .... tOIS Up To 6" Acrow -Weith 2 lbs.! Enjoy pawing your own bit. sweet, juicy, vine-ripeMd tom· lltoes this y•r -even If you don't heve room f<K • prden. It Ukes onty a f-ffft of ..,.., bec:MIM th... bit aimson tonMltoes will •ow on• trellis. Or ttMy wW out-yield othef vw..U.. when pown a.s • buth tonwto. And how the~ do ~I We h..,. le~s from customen who heve fulf vesF as mucfl • 2 buth.,• of theM tometon from iust one wine I These dimben •• plump and am001h, with meaty centen end IOlid diwiliona, excellent f• canning and uucea and ..Ung fNllh. EASY TO GROW -nen befinnen hfte fOOd luck with them. They produce aop aftet aop aH wrnmer tone. Blitht-frM and droutht-Nlistent. S... money and Mt bstter this y-. Stodt No. 839 lh I ... ,. c; r I r HOUSE OF WESLEY, BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 61701 SUMMER BLOOMING HUGE 3 HIBISCUS for $1.0 0 (H . Mo.c:11euto1) You can now ef'\joy lh .... 9or9eoui. flow•'' tn yO\lr nortt,ern hoMe. Our 1enwt10,,.,t w inter llardy Hobi.c:u•. lll• .. ,,.d or lull• buuti.1 you ... •n F'lortda •rMI Hawatl, •re evar•n· IHd to lllrl•~ a nywllere on tlle U.5 . Hu••· e•ottc Uoweit up to a•· •croat ... and up ~C:o!~ .!!::•r,~u'!." c:,:~"J~u P::~.~·,f ·~,u-: title planh l to 4 Ifft tall. You •IHI your rte .. hbort ...,, .. be ttartled at th••• amai•nt flower'-Mtaeel COIOrt only Rt"d, p1ntc, :.:·~.-.;;;::~ :~ .. t~!~ .. ~~s.~'::i;:c..1.1~· !.·~·!~"1.::r:':.:::..~t;·.:: g:::.r.::.~ ~-~.~1::;";~ Pt•nh 111•1 w111 l>toom in • ralnbo• of llllHI•• -reel, p ink, ,.ellow or wl>ite. T..... ere ner-l>lo°"'intl l>e_,llet. Sllo ... Carft•Uons return ~••r aftff ,. .. ,. S t ock Ho. 1 •1 SERVES ALL AMERICA WITH OUTSTANDING FLOWER BARGAINS -OVER 1,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS c • CREEP ING PHLO X 6 for $1.00 12 for $1 .75 18 fO< $2.50 36 for $4.75 HARDY COVER FOR SLOPES AIJID BANKS CROWNVETCH 5 for $1.201otorS2.35 20 for $4.65 IR ... 5 for $2.00I 50 for $9.25 lAt lhllJ arpet of color ...,. .. v-r ..,.,..._ - The _... .._ root.--of Ow:ustd1 IC:0.- 1 ... -•l MUtl• h en .__....,t -for.....__.. ....._, ..._ It holds N soil end dM*• out...._ Lowly pink bl I -... __ ..._. bewty to lhia Colorful CREEPING PHLOX (P. Subuleta) prectiat -•••-fND -· ~ wusul•• .,ows only 8bout 4 in. tett. St.8y1 •"" elf r-~--------...1.._ ______________ _ v .... tina,,...... of color In eeriy IPri"I -2 OUR dtoice of red, blue, white Of' pink. Mlk• • wondwful pund C098J or bonier. You.recieiYe mont north•n11'own field diw-) ilioftl. Grown In s-tiel .._. or full sun. IMPORTANT REASONS WHY YOU CAN ORDER FROM HOUSE OF WE LEY WITH CONFIDENCE No.247. ,. 2 ~NT NOW-GROWS DU .. ING WINTKR THICK •LUC-ORKKN SPREADING EV ERGREEN $2.00 ea. 3 '°' $4.00-6for1'1.00-12f()#s13.oo . ........... .............. ~·---.. ·-"' ...... _,..... .. _ ........... hM!ty.tltlslt .... 9' ..-....... .-......_ NEVIRUTSMOM THANr•trTALLIDw .... ftnalR .. * I j .... -.................. ,_.,i:I, ... --,.... .......... .-~v-,........_..r. '!" ..................... »7 . er-wild• ..................... coll "' .. .. or pur1W "'8ds. o,_ to u Mltftt of 10.12''. Fat ......... -w plent witl c-,_ ..... feet. ltodl No. 221. lll9va G,_ A• Y--.._ Flowen ... ..., ... -Nesdl No ....... C.• PERIWINKLE 10 for$1.00 25 for $t .98 50 for $2.98 100 for $4.98 ,..... • 12 "'°""'..,..of .......... ,.,_ PERIWl~KLE Cvan. "*-). ......... ~ ............. ...... ............ ~ ................ .. ~ --of VOW pnl. YCMI Ill .....y,Nollyrooeed ......... 0...4 ... lft. ... in·-....... poor .... IDO.OM ..... ...,.2~ft. ..... .... ... J A BEAUTIFUL TREE • ALL THROUGH THE YEAR "PAPER WHITE " WHITE BIRCH ~,.so ... ::;.o!'lv \\00 ea· 3 for S:l.50 -6 fc>< S4 50 Lovely orrwmenUll ~-. W H I T E B I R C H IB. f'epvrihnl it bMutlful V_,-f"OUnd. In ...,.,,. end tum- brit'lt ..-..... COV« d\e trM - tum to ~ eekf in fell. And, 1n wlnt•. the .,_tul trunk and tlen· ~ twenct-.,. • love•v "'-tM>ing .... lte. YCMI ... h.,dy, nonhetn •-· 2 to' ft. -Stodl Ho. 919 FAMOUS FOR ITS BEAUTY SINCE BIBLE DAYS TREE ROSE OF SHARON 6' ... ed ,,.l ~ot&l.V \\ 00 ea 3 fot $2.00 -8 fOf $4.00 CHitMsvs syriecw) One of ltt• ma.t bMutlt"' fl-1nt tr-. lta rich, .__odl...,_, ..._ -co.wed In mid .,_ wottl bie btoof'N In ct-.. ._... of red, pir*, _.,;.. or ~. Ba--rlt'!t th~ to fell. E.-y to •-· Fmt f'OWI,._ Herd'(. Grows to 15' ... I. Eac41ftent for IPC'-n or _., p&entl1t9. YCMI ....... dtoice, nlcefv-rooted, ~­ tr-. •t i..t 2' to 4· tell. Stodl No. 816. FAST GROWING -GOOO SHADE "Golden Stem" WEEPING WILLOW l f or $1.00 3 tor S2.50 -6 for $4.75 ls.I•• Niobe) One of me t.t-1 erowi"9 tlfoiede -Growa •mud! • elt'lt to ...-. fMt • v-1 ~. ~ul. drooplnt iwanett-. Blue- f'Mn '-• In tprlne end eumm. dt.,. to a...t1ful pd In -tumn. And the 91>ld-colcwed bertc m•• th• trM • lhowplece in winter • welt • eu_... Very herdy. Nice 2' to ,. __ ....... __ ---v .,own tr-. Stock No. 890. Pick. Anftfui. Of 8-tlfut LU.CS • PERSIAN LILACS A riot of CGtorl Scor• of F'-nl 3 for S3 00 -6 for SS 00 (Syrl"I• •1119.,111 T"• lllac '"•t many ex· ::..'!: ... ,,.i;..::: ~2.:' (".~.:!" .~:.:::~~ •llNndanc• ot • .,,...,. •nd lHendef i.1oom1 for loact1 of c:11t flower1. •uutlf11I •-9reen ••••.._ Very •••Y to ••-· lctNI In ::.0:1.:..:.:r:-::-• "! ~~!~ec:::~~:-::::~ "" lcteal trantt>1ant1119 IUe. Stock No. 644. LOVELIEST SIGHTS "P ink Mist" SMOKE TREE 1 for $2.75-3 for $4 00 ~':,~~:" ~T:·~~~'::o~~ ':.~11~·~~!::9~'::! ..-tt •-"''"' IC ltll ,..., tort" wit" .... cht .. = ... ~ ... ·i::.:..~-., ":~~ •. ~::::-::i.:..~ ,..,. • .. ,,... clou• '"""' on • trM tn.•I T.,.n In fall It la •Mu• •It• • 9-t"11I .,, • ., of red _ ... and or•,... fotla99. Grow1 to t~·. R.-ctally 10 ... 1y -•n J ''"' are .ianted toe;t1ter. You ,.. ... ~":!:,•N':,~~1~t• 1 to >' ,,..._ Ft-..,._ E_..._ The~ --Oft9n ~ 10" Acor-• Pink Flowerinc 2tor s..so MAGNOLIAS 3 for S7.oo SPRING BLOOMING -T'-~ttfvl ..,..._ noU• !_...,....,.., w-w. mlcMiprlfte w rth .... -of ...... iful '"'* ..--.. ~ -Intl 10"--.. Uo ... lcoMv lowely; wMI n-the .._ of VOi" propony by "'8ftV clolten -... rW. .__ foftow th• ftowen. FrM pa.m,. .,W. with WetV onter. FRA9RAflfT MAGNOLIAS -w t'91 bit. _.., . tootclfte. '°'¥....,. ....._ th9t fotlls mn 9-dv ........ _ ..... : ----llsdv . ..eto ·-end ..et ........ Not --to-3 foot ptenu "'a a ... 1,. tlMif ~ off. Y-,.. oeive dHMce hend I I l8d 2 to ' f-t ·-· Stodt No. 511. .,.... 5 l Prize Winning ROSES only $1.79 (3 for $5.29) (6 for $10.49) WHAT A BARGAIN (12 for $20.89) (18 for $30.98) ALL STRONG VIGOROUS ROSES Tinw -rtd f-eu• ,,_ for onty U .79 ....... tlto ..... patoMI ..... OJQtlnlll OUt_.. •-ro--·· '"' m11cll, 1 1nu• _,.. llibllo your cltolce n-.... "Y -f-or All A-rtu• R-S-ieW (AARS) wtn--. ORDCR TOOAY AND SAYS l>URINQ OUR GRllAT&ST ROM •USH SAU. CLIMBING BLAZE-EnioJ.-wt..._. fJI Iii& .............. Ice """' ... Ice .... ----l:e~ TIMllllM .-fJI .... , .... ....., ....... ............... CLIMBlNG' QUEEN EUZABETH...:. --......... lllON ....... thDIS .... .w-tc:Hed ~~ ....... --.......... ya. ........ ~ ............ ",.. Tltote are all !Mlrcty, 2·yoar olll • ..-..,own FOIOL Tiley are Jnlllvlllually lalMtoll and lla1141-tNc*Oll wit" full ,tanU119 ln1Uuotlon1 lncludoel. You are a ... ,.. of ..... wlcont bloom• and vlllra1tt color ..... after wMll t1trou11tout Ute late tPrint. ., .. _, enll a.atuma. Molt are doullllfoollfoomon. AM are 1U•rant..... Sllll OU.. l"ULL 1-YllAR QUARANT&ll. CLIMBING w· H I T E AMERICAN ~EAUTY. Thia la ., ................ ..._ illluc&sdr. llfD•dcst fD'llDSSI _..,. ...... """' ............ .... .... l'10. -· . CL1M8'1'lG P~ACE _ ,.0 .. _ l:tlll ...... --.my ............... ,iu.---~--.-.. ............................. y.-..... lllD. IM. + P£ACE -(l"ormet" AARS WINNllR) Lovely Yellow roM tlft99CI Wltll pint!. Doulllte, IOftl IUUnt 11111oom1 up to •" ecroa. Qlo•y .. ... ..... ,.sktant foll ... . An unrlvaled lllleeuty. Natlonal Qotll Meclal Wlnn.r.Stodr No. 141 -Ll'90, full, ,, ... Mty blooma • ..,_ ffftly lftapoll. Very frapant. ~IHlc 111rl1t1-to-fall bloom- .... QIYen llltlleat ratlnt of all reel ro1 .. by AARS. Stock No. HI. CRVSL.ER IMl'ERIAL (l"or-r .. AARS WINNll"l .......... .. ...... Hdl opo1t l1tto 18'90 ...... .,.. bMtoma W"" ~ OJl•IMOOd owertOML A rlcll, l!llW.11t ro• wttll _..,...,_nt. Sted!No.tH. QUEE N llLIZA81ETH (l"encsor AARS ........ , •mwracet. ......... _._ CSSl-.nll •cell ... " ,... . ..... ... .................... ----· f""" ..... , ....... .... ...... ~ .. .,. EC.LIPSE -H......, dlsinble •• its lone polnt9d, pdon-yol· 1-buda thet open to'°'~ ..... cupped, 1-.-- 111-.. A lnilh bl~! ltodl No. 319. FORTY NINIER -(l"-or AA"S WINNERI He• •1•141y celib•at- 1"' Detal• of Or-lofltaf , ...... llri.M cltromo yettowl 11111 dramatic ro• 1"'-you an •bundance of 11111oom1 •II aum-mor IOft9. Stock No.,._. MIRANOV IF..- AARS WINNERI A ruby '9d ,_ wfde rictl ,,..,...... .. ..... "°'" ... ~ thetllow'Y .-.to..,..,mmy ,........_.. ............ NOCTURNICF°""" •AAM ...... RI ,. ... ~ .. ·~·' .... ............ ~We.-.... ..... ,,_ ......... .... ~ fJ•aZL Ali .... , ..... ..... ... ..... YOUR "BEST BUYS IN GUARANTEED NURSERY STOCK · ALWAYS COME FROM Ho use of Wesley, Nursery Division, Bloomington. Illinois 61701 SEND YOUR ORD ER NOW FOR HEAL THY, VIGOROUS PLANTING STOCK TO KEEP YOUR GARDEN ABLAZE WITH LIVING BEAUTY THIS YEAR Carpathian Engli sh Walnut HAHOY ST RAIN ONLY S/.95 2 lnr 14 95 -i nr S21 95 (JiWam Rexina) ~ truly outstanding variety. 1his h•dy strlltn it • rapid power ...t lhould bur in 5 to 7 veen. Our pl~stodt is ...... from .a.ct MOChet' tnes •nd will produce the 1-.st nuts wi1h the 1hinnest llhella. The ftawor and qmlity ~~• of ... me.t it unequeled. I w.·.. m.te tfM• • ..... I ~~ . .-1!1111!'1!11 1-2 Foot Treet Stock No. 899 To malt• wrt you ..eel,.. top notdl trMle •"d Qu.llty, nttt')' Mntlt plant, tltrub, 1..., llulll a"Cll llouw plant II carefully "''peeled before lll•m•nt. Many of your friend• may .,.oy taltlnt Mh.ant.ote of tllo monoy-w•tnt of,.,, lilted on tllow p ... t., too. A•.o. 11111 catalot ........ IOdH all p<owlous cata1ot1. (~rlca tided In all prewlou1 cata1011 1ro now wo lCI.) Special BONUSESI HYDRA NGEA TREE o"\ 'I 7 5 C . ' -...... ·-. .. Aetular $2.00 cat1101 value! A.' Vu -now you c1n order one color chantlnt Hydran1oa TrH. Good on ordera of Sl.00 or more, Sorry. only one 751 bon411 per cu1t0mer. In mid wmmor llll• llreatlltaltlnt. "color clla"?,•nt" Hydr•nto• TrH (Hyd. ~.G.) 1 covered wltll manu of lftOW·Wlllle flower&. In Au tu II Ill• flowera turn a buutlful bluhll·Plnlt anel, finally, In the fall, to• royal swr· pie. An excellent tr•• for tPeGlmon or orn1ment1I pl1nt1n1. E11111clally nice In 1roup1 of lhrH. Eoy lo 9row. ~Ht 1rowlnt-Vou rocewo ellolce Z' to •• nu•Mf'l' t rown trtff w ith v11or· o u1 ro ot ayftem1. Stoc:ll No. IJ6. t 4 ~ ' • ., -~ • I • ~ r .. ..,.,. ...;. --- ( 111111/(1'\ '"'"" .,. ,,,, e 10 p111A ,,, '""''"" Ill l't/llT \'unJ' BU RNING BUSH o"W 50 C t I\ t If your orCller 101111 Sl.00 or more r.ou C4n purchaM a 1-tZ" Burn· ftf autll (Euon. Al1tu1) I ,.,u1ar ) st .SO valua, for only $°'-Thick, trHn wmmor folla .. , flamlnt fall 1eavo1 and m111t1 o• ora.._red be"l•a. Only one S Otl bonu1 per customer order. Stock No. ZOO. If w1011n one yo1r of receipt of your order you ire not com9tololy tallsfied In every way wltll your p1ant1 Ju1t ..nuAN THE SHl~INQ LA•EL for I lrH replace-ment or ptlfCllHo price refund, your.c.,oic:e. We tuarantee ptanll to be v1torou1, hHltlly 1nc1 flut c1a11 '" every way. hge 7 BEFORE YOU ORDER See Special Rose Bargains On Next Page -----·Use This Eosy Order Blank----~~ HOUSE OF WESLEY . Nursifv Division DEPT. 24 -103 8100.illgtan. Illinois 61701 NAME ADDRESS CITY f STATE ZIP CODE HOW STOCK NAME Of ITEM COST MANY NO. . I I ' I I TOTAL ____ _ n11noi1 Reltdonu Aeld '"' Salo• Tax -----1 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED _____ I I ------~-------------------4