HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-09 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • • • IUlll CUil Ylll llllllll llllY PIPll TUESDAY. MARCH 9 . 1982 ORAN GE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Newport delllands regulated oil tests By STEVE TRIPOLI Of ... Deity .... 19" Taking a slightly different .tack from neighboring Laguna Beacb, Newport Beach officials have decided to oppose offshore oil exploration locally by demanding that any exploration be heavily regulated. The City Council voted 4·0 Monday night, with Councilman Paul Hummel abstaining, to follow the course of action recommended by City Manaeer Robert Wynn in opposing the exploration. Belushi relatives gather VINEYARD HAVEN,-Mass. (AP> -John Belushi's relatives gathered near bis home on Martha's Vineyard today to pay their last res pec ts to the comedian while report.a surfaced in Los Angeles that he died ol a drug overdose. The actor's wife, Judith Belushi, hia parents and 13 other family members went to Sylvia's Funeral Home for a private viewing of the body. •'We're expecting just the family al this service this morning," s aid one island policeman. "The celebrities and friends are expected at the church and burial later." Belushi's body was flown to Martha's Vineyard on Monday, and his wife and about 20 friends arrived by ferry Monday night. They were to be joined today by s om e of Belus h i 's former co ·s t a r s on t e levision 's "Saturday Night Live." The Los Ange les Times , meanwhile, reported today that a source in the coroner's office said Belushi, whose nude body was found in a Los Angeles hotel room Frida y , died of complications from a cocaine overdose. ABC Ne ws also reported that sources said a drug overdose killed him, and said the drug overdose was probably cocaine." The Los Angeles coroner's office said it would not comment on the reports , in reply to repeated telephone calls. Like many celebrities, the 33·y ear·old TV and movie comedian sought privacy on Martha's Vineyard, off the coast of Cape Cod. He spent the last three summers al bis vacation hom e on th e C hilmark oceanfront, which he bought in July 1979. Burial was to be al Abel's Hill cemetery, located about one mile from Belushi's home. Many residents recall seeing Belushi jauntily driving around the island in an open jeep. At night "be would often be seen at the Ocean Club ln Vineyard <See BELVSID, Pase AZ> Wynn said he fashioned bis recommendation to avoid a nat opposition to offshore drilling. He reasoned that the Federal De partment of the Interior seems determined to complete the sale of mineral exploration leases off the coast this year despite opposition, that his recommendation allows the city to recognize the importance of offshore mineral development as a national goal, and that the position would carry more weight if it differed slighUy from Laguna's staunch no-drilling stand. The four ·page p osition s tate ment a dopted by the council echoed many of the reasons used by Laguna Beach officials in opposing drilling as it called for heavy regulation of any drilling program, however. And Wynn acknowledged that the safegua rds proposed may raise the cost of offshore ex plorati o n beyond attractiveness lo any potential lessees, effectively killing such exploration locally. The statement said that clean water and pristine shorelines have importance to the city's "econ omic l ive lihood, r ecreational resources and wildlife sanctuaries . . . (that) cannot be overemphasized. "The attractiveness of these recre ational resources is the primary support for the thriving tourist industry of the city." the statement said. The pot e ntial for an e n vironme ntal disaster lf explor ation is allowed "is enormous." the statement said. A REAL PANE -Two unidentified window washers have their work cut out for the m as they work on a mirrored building in NewPort Beach as the early morning sun warms the glass. its reflection contoured by the panes. GOP puts Bird stand on hold County salons delay. action on recall P":Oposal Local Republican s late legislators agree that the reason slate GOP leaders deferred a decision on the party's role in a pro posed r ecall of stale Supreme Court Chief Justice Roae Elisabeth Bird was more · mechanical than political. Assembly members Nolan Frlzzelle, R·Huntinston &acb; Marian Bergeson, ft -Newport. Beach, and Sen. John Schmitz, R -Corona de) Mar, said the deci sio n Saturday by Republican leaders lo put off for one week a decision on the party's role in a recall effort. was based on several matters which required further review. ··I believe the reason for deferring was not a dimming of the commitment lo gel rid of her , but essentially a mec hanical thing," said Frizzelle from bis Sacramento office Monday. He said one consideration Republican leaders wanted to look into was the Umin" of a (See RECALL, Pase AZ) Pilots responsible /or airlirw crash? Newport man due inc:feas.ed damages? WASlllNGTON (AP.) -The pilots of Air Florida Flight 90 apparenUy violated a number ol the airline's instructions for Oyins in snow or icy weather, according lo documents and testlmony before a panel of inquiry. On the ninth day of an inquiry into the Jan. 13 crash of Fli&bt 90 that kllled 78 people, David Mulllgan, Air Florida vice president for fil&hl operations, said ll was the captain's responsibility to make sure bl.a aircraft was free of lee, but that he .bad "the risbt to rely" on the sround crew that bad de-Iced tbe plane. Federal investleators are interested in what trainin1 the Flight 90 crew received on severe weather operaUon.s and whether they knew about potential control problems with the Boeing 737 aircraft in icy weather. Evidence produced so l•r lndlcates neither the pilot nor the co-pilot bad much experience nytni ln severe ice or snowy conditions as were present the day the plane crashed into the Potomac River momenta after takeoff. ... Ao Oranee County Superior Court Jury's decision to award a Newport Beach man $5.97 million in damasea asainat Upjohn Pbarmaceutlcal Co. was increased $111,000 Monday by tbe Judie wbo beard the cue. Judie Pblllip A. Petty ordered tbe Mlcbtsan-baaed dru1· company to pay an o.,.rall •Jud1meat of more Ulan ... 15 m1WGD to Die Ban.. ID a dedlloD lut , .. ...,, • the J11r1 load tbat Barkaa wa1 · ..Uu.t ....... for·~ kldDe7 ........... ...--after r ualn& an antlblotic medication manufactured by Upjob.n. The panel bad awarded lbe UC San Dleto student '3 mlWoo for pain, dlacomfo!1: anxiety, fears and other menw and emotional dlatreu; $1.25 million for future medical expenses, and $1.72 million for future 1011 of earnlnp. • luqe PeU.Y adcled tbe $111,000 to that total Moada7 for PMt medl~al expeue1 related to blood-cleansln1 dlal71ll treatmmt wblcb Barkaa IDUlt re1ularly UDdeJoto. 1111 kldlltJI · were remov..S in tm. . . MulU1an, tbe fint of three alrlJ.Qe executlvea summoned to teatlfy before the board of Inquiry, sakt be would expect the rupt crew to comply with airllne operatklm muuala tbat ref er to 1peclfle precauuoaa aimed at auurtnc that crttleal paru of a plane are aot CODtam'Dlled wttb lee or .... Documents provided to inveatl1ators show the Air Florida operationa mu•al and other lnltrvct:iom warn pllota ol the danser poHd by icy condlUom, alert lbem to check for ice on wt..,a and ..,...., remind them to UM u ..... defrwt 17*m Won t.Uealr U lcina problema are poulble, Md ,advlaie acalut uial , ....... tbrult or IDaDeUYWtal tao dole ( ... 111:1', .... AI) , The threat of earthquakes offshore "is well documented and is a serious threat to the inturil.Y of. drilllne structures. A major oil spill could not be cleaned easily from the area's rocky coves , Inle ts (and) sensitive plant lJ.fe, and would affect the recreational economy for years." The statement also warned that offshore exploring rigs and ships would pollute the air "and detract from the air·cleansing effects of offshore breezes." The statement outlined eight specific regulations that should govern any offshore mineral exploration. Included were: -The withdrawal of all lea.M8 being offered for sale in U.S. Coast Guard ·desl enated precautionary sea lanes. -A site-by·site determination that lease parcels are not on unstable areas before drilling is allowed. -Determination that speclfic wildlife and ecosystems are not endangered. -Approval of a system that <See OU, Pase AZ) Mayor urges slowdown on HB trash plant .. By PAT&ICK KENNEDY OI ... ....., ...... ,.... Huntincton Beach Mayor Ruth Finley asserted Monday night that developer Dan Ryan of Newport &ach is pushing too fast for city approval of a proposed trash incin erating power plant on a 38·acre mud dump. Mrs . Finley says Ryan, pres ident of Ryan Energy Corp. of Costa Mesa , has asked her a bout getting ·city permits and approval before bis feasibility s tudies on the plant are completed. ··He wan ts concurre nt processing of city permits before the feasibility studies are completed but I believe he's pushing much too fast," Mrs. Finley said. She says she's opposed to the plant being located near homes. Mrs. Finley's comments came after a community meeting at Sower s School Monday night wh ere R ya n and hi s representa tives outlined his proposal to a hostile crowd of 600 residents. Ryan says he hasn't applied for any city or state permits and he repeatedly told the crowd tha t the project ls just in preliminary planning stages and he hasn't decided whether to build the facility. However, Ryan also told the crowd that the As·Con Landfill, also known as the Steverson Brothers Dump, on Hamilton Street and Magnolia A venue is the bes t loc ati on for bls proposed plant. He says the plant eventually would bum up lo 2,400 tons ol trash daily and generate enough electricity for 250,000 homes. He sars be selected the dump site because of its proximity to the Southern California Edison power plant on Pacific Coast Hig hway and the county's sewage processing and trash transfer stations. Ryan says he's negotiating to purchase the 38·acre parcel. R y an ha s hired the Irvine·based Fluor Corp. to conduct preliminary studies on construction of the plant and to also test the dump for possible toxic chemicals. The dump is located acroas the road from Edison High School and a tract of homes. The <See TllASB, Pase AZ) Newport's mayor in fair condition Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather was listed in fair condition today at Hoag Memorial Hospital where she. bas been since Sunday when she suffered a stroke at her home. Hospital officials said the 52·year·old mayor , listed in serious condition Monday, is "improving" but confined to an intensive care unit. Mrs. Heather r eportedly suffered a cerebral vascular bemorrba&e Sunday mornln1 and was treated by paramedics. This is the second time in lbe past year that the mayor bu been bospltali&ed. She was treated al St. Joseph Hoapttal in Oran1e last fall for a heart condJtJoa. The mayor's colleasues on the council, which met Monday ·evenln&. said they have received little or no inlormaUoo on bow serious the stroke wu. Councilman Ph11 Maurer 1Ud Mra. Heatber bas been under preaaure and .bad been on an active schedule, recently re-turnlnc from a trip to Waahlncton, D.C., where 1be met wttb Interior Secretary lameaWatt. lhunr laid the mayor bad been concerned abo•t an upeoaq .ote cm tbe Ba ..... Rantb clenlopment proJ~tJ •blcb bM IUrred protm -.... calla for a refenadum. Tbat ~la to be tMea htdaJ and without the mayor, lt appe ared the council could deadlock. ORAIGI COAST llATHIR Variable high clouds today. Mostly cloudy tonight aqd Wednesday with a slieht chance of raln Wednesday. Hlgbs today in the m1d lo upper 60s and Wednesday in the low to mid eoa. Overn11bt lows '3 to 53. Chance of measurable ratn increasing to 30 percent· Wedneaday. 111101 TDIAY 11111 I I '1 ca .• •. •. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, M•roh 9, 1882' Farm girl • • Wiilner m biddllig over . 4-H la:lllh· IMPERIAL (AP) -A ll·year·old farm sirl 1a ta UO richer alter a amaU town iive· t>n•lock auction escalated into a hlf h·1lake11 blddlnl war over a a11•·H amb. ~·i • • ll w u kl n d o I ll k e a ~'gunflaht ," said the hl1best .,,bidder. Loren <Letty) Sheppard, SO. "The guy who came lf! ar.second waa dead ... bi. , . Orticiala or the California 0,Mld·Winler Falr believe the sum b1 ml1bt be tbt bllbett price per pound -~ ever paid at a.n animal auction ID the United St•tea. Sheppard, one of the amaller produce crowera in. tbe aarlcullurally rlcb Imperial Valley ln Southern CaUforma, outbid 1everal of the weahlUest growers ln the area to purcbale the 113-pound Supreme Champion Suffolk lamb. The young ewe, named Shelly, will be ~ u breed.ln• ltock, Sheppard said. Tbe lamb, wblcb la while with a black face, wu owned by Ula Bernard, • hl1h achooJ junior at nearby HoltvWe Hilb Scbool. 8idd1nl for the an1mal be&an at $10 a pound durln1 Saturday's junior livestock auction and' quickly soared past $50, aaid J,ohnny McDonald, fair spokesman. The wealthier bidders ''were LTILITIES ASSAILED Northern California utility customers, angry about the spiraling. ~ha rges on their gas and electric bills, carry signs and protest at a rally Capitol in Sacra.mento. .. ,--1 - - - From Page A1 JET ... t~ another plane while awaiting t.akeoff clearance. · .. n ut t esti mony before the 1'lational Transportation Safety Board during the las t week has Fog delays flights at Wayne Airpo~ •shown the Flight 90 pilots may have violated a number of those provisions : I·. According lo a hair dozen • maintenance workers on the ground, neither the pilot nor the. 'co-pi lot left the cockpit to make -1i visual check of their aircraft, tie-specially the wings and r.eogines, after it was de-iced. :>!'he ground s upervisor also fail1>d lo inspect the plane <'loscly T'he pilot put his plane in reverse thrust in an attempt to get 1t away from the passenger boarding ramp, causing snow to swirl around the engines and possibly clog a critical sensor that tells the pilot how much 1,power he is getting on takeoff. i -The pi lot purposely imaneuvered close to another aircraft in an attempt to use . 'G'Xh aust heat to force snow off .. bis plane's fuselage and wings, ,•according to cockpit recorder Manscripts. The Air Florida manua l advised against such a <itnane uver since the other r9lane's exhaust may melt dry ~now, allowing it to turn to ice. ,.li)ry snow would blow off on a takeoff roll , ·· The crew may not have ;turned on an engine defrosting system, a lthough the airline Xnia nual requires them to do so <r prior to and during takeoff ... 'When icing conditions exist or (•are anticipated." oi: The plane hit a bridge and plunged into the Potomac about a mile from National Airport. he wreckage showed that two of the four valves in the engine defroster were shut. The otheni were 110 damaged their position could not be determined. Reagan to head GOP fe te in LA LOS ANGELES (AP > President Reagan will headline a $1.000.a-plate dinner Califorrua Re publicans plan May 26 lo rais e money for the party's candidates in November 's general e lection, state GOP chairman Tirso del Junco said. ··We need the money to: support our nominees ln the fall and to pay for the ongoing expenses of staff operations, s u r v e y s a n d p a r. t y administrative costs," del Junco· said Monday. Patchy dense fog delayed commercial flights from John Wayne Airport this morning but otherwise ca used r.o major problems to Orange County commuters . The fog , caused when the temperature reached dew point and by a slight onshore breeze coming off the ocean. bad burned away by 8:30 a.m. A s pokes m an for AirCal, headquartered in Newport Beach. said five of its flights were delayed five to 10 minutes From Page A1 BELUSHI. • • Haven, hanging around the bar, making people laugh," said Peter Simon, a photographer and resident. The island has a year-round population of about 10,000 and a s ummer population about five times as large. Belushi often wa s an unannounced performer at the Hot Tin Roof, an island rock club partially owned by Simon's sister, Carly. "I've seen the ser ious side or him, but that was rare," said Simon. who said he was witl) Belushi about 15 times, over the three summers. "He had to be around people. They generally expected rum to be outrageous and he would rise to the occasion." Belushi joined celebrities that include Walter Cronkite, author John Hersey, humorist Art Buchwald and pop musician J ames Taylor -when be bought his summer home from former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara for $400,000. The 8'h-acre lot, including 2,000 feet of ocean frontage, is a few miles from Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' $3 million estate. Belushi's boc;ly was round on a bed in a $200-a-day bungalow he had rented al the Chateau Marmont Hotel in Los Angeles. He was in California to film a comedy, "Noble Rot." Train hits rock DORRIS, Calif. (AP ) -About 135 Amtrak passengers were transferred to buses after the traln's diesel engine slammed into a boulder on the tracks and two crewmen were injured on Monday, rail officials said. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH•lfted ~-114'142-1171 All otftef depe"'"9nt9 M~-4321 Thomes P. Haley P--Cl\'91 [HCUllV• Ofll ... Robert N. weed ,_ Thomas A. Murphine C- L Kay Schultz "*,.,...... ....,o....fll .... _ Michael P. Harvey ..-.~ Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~~ O\atlft H. Loos __... ...... MAIN Off1Ce J:llW..C ........ c-.Meu, CA. Mtlll __ : ... ,~ ..... <:A. ... '°"'""' '9 0...... Qtelf ............ c-.:" No-~ • ...,. .. ....., ............... ., .. wrtl.......,...,.-. -. ,..,..._ .. ._,. ......... , ......... ~ ..... -. because of the fog at John Wayne Airport. The fi r st commercial jetliner normally leaves the airport at 7 a.m. daily. A Republic Airlines flight from Phoenix, usually arriving at John Wayne Airport at 7 a .m., was delayed in landing five minutes because of the rog, a S.J>Okes man for that airline reported. Most or the fog hovered over only Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Jury ponders m8n's fate in HB case An Orange County Superior Court jury deliberated on the fate of murder defendant Willie Ray Wisely today -the first a nni vers a r y o f Huntington Beach truck driver Robert Bray's death by suffocation under a 2.000-pound truck cab. Wisely, 29, is accused of causing the cab to fall on his stepfather. If convicted or first-degree murd e r and s pecial circumstance allegations of lying in wait, the defendant co uld face death in the California gas chamber at San Quentin. Wi sely represented himseU al his murder trial. The eight-man, four-woman jury, which has heard the case since early December, began its deliberations on Monday. Bray's body was found pinned beneath the one-ton, lilt-away cab o f hi s International Harvester tractor-trailer rig on March 9, 1981 . The truck was parked on Springdale Street near Edinger Avenue, in front of a shopping center. Giant rats seen in SF SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -A colony of rotund rats described as ap\>earln g "as J>il as poodles ' has homesteaded on the most expensive piece of real estate in downtown San Francisco. The rais, whose Financial District home lies in the shadow of the Transamerica Pyramid, have t.alten up residence oo a construction excavation that recently sold to a Texas development nrm for $'195 per1 square foot. Leonard Hendelson, 47 , ol Woodland HUI• ... id be •H peerlng tbrou1h a fence surroundin1 tbe t ile Monday nlthl when one of· tbt rata lun1ed at blm. The fat, aletk, rodent "11 bAa u a ,..,um," tben ~a.Nd Into a bole, aald Mendelton, wlto •at, unharmed. ' ualn& their millions a1atnat me but I atood my 1round," laid S h epp a rd , owner of Guy Packine Co. tn Holtville. "l Ju.at tbou1ht I'd Me bow far they'd 10." The money will «O lnto a uvinti account ror Liu'• colle1e education, uld John Bernard, a banking execuUve ln Holtville. Afterwarde, the llrl expressed gratitude to Sheppard for saving ber lamb from tlaupter. "I told her I wanted her to 1« the fl.oelt educaUon 1oln1," be aald. In put years, winnln1 bidden oft•n barb•eued the .1rand cha mplon lamb at• party. Sheppard'• wlfe Dorothy watched the blddlns l n .amazerMnt. ''MY hU1band isn't a wealthy man, but I knew be was going to bring that animal home. We 'tbou.lhl It would bave been a ahamt for that lamb to be llauchtered. We're animal lovers," •he aald. Fair off lei ala said they believed that the blll*t price prevroualy ~d for an animal ln Callfornla wu $33,000 for a ateer at a fair ln Ventura. Tbe national record ii reportedly .ln excess of SlOQ,000 for a Texu steer. McDonatd said. The previous per-pound record at the Imperial Valley fair was $12, he added. Gold. prices 'stable' Dollar rebounds , ending week-long slide in Europe By TM Aa1oel.atecl Presa The price of gold, af ter tumbling $35 an ounce t .. e pa.st week , showed signs of stabilizing today In Europe and the dollar ended a week·long slide. In London, gold's price opened the trading day at $325.50 an ounce, off 12.S cents from Monday. The price in Zurich was $325.50, a drop or $6. Reported heavy selling of gold by the Soviet Union and some Middle East countries pushed From Page A1 TRASH • • • community meeting Monday was called by members of a citizens group and local realtors who ha s tily passed out thousands of fliers over the . weekend. Despite the crowd's opposition to bis proposal, Ryan'said after the meeting that he wasn 't. discouraged. "I don't have to win them over. All I have to do is get the permits," Ryan said. The crowd listened quietly while Bruce Frenzinger of O'Connor Combuslor Corp. of Costa Mesa explained the incineration technology and showed slides or similar plants in Japan. However, many res idents angrily shouted ques tions at Ryan during the second half of the session, demanding to know how his plans would affect their neighborhood. When Ryan said there would be .about up to 300 daily trash truck deUverip to the plant, the crowd seemed to groan In unison. "That's too damned many," said one man. "Whal about the smell?" a woman shouted. From Page A1 OIL .•. would have royalty percentages "raised to the highest dollar levels" on each lease. Hummel said be abstained from the vote because he did not feel adequately informed on the matter. He said he felt bis fellow council members h ad not studied the situation adequately either. Hummel also said he feels lease sales and drilling are inevitable despite the city's stand. ·'I think t h e die is cast regardless of what Newport Beach doe s . We're just wheel-spinning," he said. T h e position statement adopted bY,, the council Monday will be forwarded to Governor Edmund G. Brown J r. Mayor Jackie Heather, who is hospitalized, and Councilman Donald Strauss were absent for the vole. gold prices sharply lower in recent days. The dollar rebounded In Europe. losing ground only to the Swiss franc, despite signs in the United States of lower interest rates that would make dollar-denomirrated investments less attractive. Meanwhile, the U.S. financial markets shrugged off moves by several major banks to lower their prime lending rates. While lower rates could ·signal relief ahead for businesses, the mark.et focused more strongly on ttle recession and the prospect· or weaker corpprate earnings, economists said. Chase Manhattan Bank, the nation 's third large.at commercial bank, cuts its prtme rate Monday by one-half percentage point lo 16 percent, and a number or other big banks followed suit. Several banki economists cited slack demand for business loans as a result or the recession. That sign of relief from high borrowing costs raised little optimis m in the fin a n cial markets, however. Stock and bond prices· tumbled and s hort-term interest rates rose. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks fell below the 800 level for the first time in almost two years. The blue-chip barometer lost 11.89 points, to 795.47. .. Even the near-term prospect of lower interest r ates is apparently not enough to offset mounting concern by investors over the deepening r ecession and the possibility of lower corporate earnings," said Monte Gordon, research director of FIGHTS BACK -Los Angeles County Coroner Thomas Noguchi. who has been asked lo res ign , declares he'll fight for his job. Dreyfus Corp., an investment firm. In the bond market, prices of long-term issues fell as much as two points, or S20 for each $1,000 in face value. Short-term interest rates rose, with the rate of Treasury bills tradinc in the resale market adding more than % point. Despite higher rates in trading of outstanding bills, rates fell at the weekly auction of new three· aod six-month Treasury bills. As a r esult, banks and saving institutions startine today are allowed to pay 13.226 percent on six -m onth m o n ey-market certificates, compared with 13.693 percent last week . Some economists said the drop in the prime rate by several banks may signal the start of a more widespread decline. . From Page A1 RECALL ••• recall. A recall effort would have to be timed so that Governor Brown could ''not appoint someone else" to the stale high court before his term expired, FrizzeUe explained. The Huntington Beach Republican also said a recall e ffort headed by Republicans would not be a political liability for GOP candidates seeking election this year. It would be a plus, he suggested. Mrs. Bergeson said s h e believes any recall effort should be tied to a revision of the law that would require the stale Senate to confirm a governor's appointment to the high court. She sai d one rea son Republican leaders might be reassessing their commitment to a recall effort at this time is that there is not sufficient time to get such a proposition on the ballot. Mrs. Bergeson also pointed out that a recall spearheaded by th e GOP would dra in party coffers of campaign money that s hould be directed toward legislative qlces. Nonetheless, the Newport Beach lawmaker said s he s upports "replacement" of Ms. Bird and thinks "we have got to change the Supreme Court." Schmitz, who agreed that Ms. Bird should be recalled, said be was in no position to question GOP strategy because he and party leaders are not on the best or terms. Asked what he knew of the move to postpone a decision on the recall, Schmitz ·commented, ·'They put out press releases against me, they don't consult me." He added it ~ bis belief that the Republican Party ought to head the recall campaign. The luckiest find of all -our four-leaf clover by Gerity. • to use as a paperweight or hang over a door. . Inscription on back reads: "One leaf is for hope. one 1s for faith. and one Is for love. yoo know. And God put another in for luck:· 24 karat gold electroplated. $15. §LAVI CK.§ ,_-..rs Since 1917 Whtrt rht btsc SUT'1!'iUS btgin. ~llfllon llllrld f714) .. I.,. Nftjpoft INd\ MIO c.r.w LG9 Mglllt •Sin DlegO • LM ..,._ \ It MORE HONORS Singer Dionne Warwick plants a kiss on Count Basie. 77. al a party 111 New York this week. honoring him for hh; long mus1eal ean•t.•r !lost was lhe Rlat'k Musk A ssociation .. ,. . ....,.,.. MOM-DAUGHTER Actress Connie Stevens 1s a<'companied by her daughter, .Joey Fish<'r. 14. left . in singing the national anthem at opening of the Beverly Hills Rabe Ruth Little League baseball sea:,on " - altbN v. Allea, forotd to rt1t1n aa Whitt Hou11 national 11curtty 1td1, wu blrtd b1 tbt Rtpublloan National Commlti.t to lll'Vt u 11nlor coun11lor for foret~ policy and natloftal HcUrttY affairs. "We are very pleased te have Dick Allen workint closely with us," said Richard N . Rlcbarda, Republican Party chairman. Allen resigned rrom the White House staff Jan. 4, while under iovestigatlon for a 11 e ge d i m;>roprietl es concerning--hiS acceptance of St ,000 from a Japanes e magazine, r eceipt of gift watc hes from J ap a n ese friends and e rrors in his goverpment financial disclosure statements. Entertaine r Carol Lawrence married a Los Angeles businessman, Greg Guydus, in a ceremony at the Bel -Air Pres b y t e rian Church, spokesmen said. The Rev. Dona Moomaw, pas tor for President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan when t h ey l ived i n Pa ci fic Palisades, performe d the ceremony. Ms. '..a wren ce, 49 , who rose to fame as lhe lead s in ger -dan cer i n the Broadway production of ··w est Side Story" in the 1960s, has been m arried twice before to puppeteer Cosmo AJlegrettl in 1956 (it was annulled in 1959) and to singer Robert Goulet in 1963, from whom she was divorced a ft er 13 years. World chess champion An a toly Karpov doubts Bobby Fisher will play chess again, saying the former titleholder's nerves are shot. "lie has not played for nine yea rs now ,·' lhe Soviet champ said or lhe American who won the titlt! in 1972 but never defe nded it. "Hi s nervous system has failed. Unfortunately, in the near future, one can hardly see him playing chess again." Fisher has spent much of hi s time in seclusion since s urrendering the crown in 1975, though there have been various reports that he has planned a comeback. Fisher forfeited the crown after refu sing to defend it on terms set by the international chess federation. Chance of slwwers Coastal V•r i1t>le ctoud•ne\\ throuori Wednesd.ty s119111 <Mn<t Of rain on WeOne><lay Hlc)M mollly In uppet Atlantoc Coe-1. ,,. Tt,....•'IH Vallo. l"• mid Ml\,OUf't V•ll•Y And tM f'0'1htrn W~lnqlO<! coa•t, nu• 60 alon9 ow '-1twm C••lfomi• c<>MI In tr.. 1°' o..,, \OUtlwm Cahfoml• •nd souttwrn F k>f' kl•. •nd n~•' IO '" 'outhern T•••i •nd lhf' tnl•nd Soulhw"'t "°' Ei\e•"9~. 119111 •arl•Olt wind'! Exte11ded forecast lllrOUQh tonlQllt t•<eot M>Uth• .. •I to WUI I to IS knots lllls •It••,,_, One to )..f~ wn:terty Jwetl ln<,.••stnQ cloudiness. IP.01"9 to 1 <Mn<• ol li9hl rain ~n ••I•" Oy 111e In IM d•y Mo<lly Cloudy with 0000 < hanc• of 119111 ••In \Ort1dln9 -.IMHI tonl91>1. F•I" wltP\ \Of'ne <IOuChM\S •t h~J .,.IQh t em,per•turH '"' trw co• .. t•• UH\ mod 60\ 11 1114! t.l<lllr\ to low 10• lnl1nd olltv• 1119"5 In Ill• 1-----------mountain rnorh 'I to SS O~rnlQhl .S. sumniary low• m~ly In '"" 40s In '"" COHiii •r••s ano 11 to JI tor the mountain' ey TIM,._ .. .._"""' • • Snow \Pr••d •Cron thf' UP9•' J•O•n•lle 1(1ns City MldWest Ol'I -•Y. with"° 10 . Temperatures tnc:he'I of MW ""°" over Iowa. l to 4 lnc:llH K...U ea.lem Ho'111 0 1kola Into wH tem MlnnMOI•. •no f lnc:tw• La\V~ Liiii• A«k LCK ""9'1'" LCNIS•llle •I F•rtJO. H.0 Des Moines, low• QOI •now •I llW Albany rel• of l 111<1\e\ •n llOUt uu•ln9 AlbuQut ,,umerous tr•ttl< au.idef'lh Am•rlllo Tr1Velers ac:Msorlu for 01owlno Anc:llor- •no drlf11"9 -were oo•ted o••• A•llevlllt northe•ttern Montan•. •' welt ., Atl•r\la ovtr southea\t•,.,, No,.th O••ot•. Atl•ntc Ctv wr..re wind -•I up lo 0 mph B•lllm~ 8towln9 snow In Hortll DOOi• Birmlnqtwn Closed P\l9hways •nd r•ouctd 8•sm•rc' vlslolllly lo ,,.., rtro, •nd 1"9 wino Bobe chllt I.clot on parh of Ille •l•t• was 8CKton lboul SO~be-n•o Brownsvlle Tr1veten .0..1 ..... i., 11\0 eatende<I Buffalo from norlhwot Mlnnesoh to Charl\ln WV -.llMHI Mlnne.ot• .,,., 0 .. , •II of Cheyenne Wl'ICon1ln and notlhe•I) Illinois, Cf'llc•oo wMr• up lo l lncl'IH of,,..,. 1now wH Clnc:lnNll .. peeled atong with QUSIY wind Clev•l•nd Ocu'llonal snow Ind w ind up lo ea Columt>us mph D~ tr1wler\ advl-le• 011 Fl Wtl\ for Lower M1<"i9•"' •"'d norther"' o.nver Indiana on MOlne1 Slmll•r condition'! •t•• UD«'tt<I Deltolt Co m atle Orlvll'W) hai•r dOU\ ov•,. 0Ylu1h northHrt...., Maine El P•so NATION MttnPI\'! Ht L.e Ml•ml H II Mlh .. ukM 10 n Mots St P 03 l6 Nolwlloo JI 11 Ntw Ot leAM Sl U N•w 'fe><k S4 lS Norto•- 311 • 1' Oki• City 10 1' Om1ll• SI lS 0•'•""° OI 01 Ph1t101>11i. S1 lJ P,_nla JI 1' PlllsOurQlll 16 JI Pll•nd. me 1t 10 Pll1nd. 0~ -" U Rapid City JI n Reno ,, ·01 Richmond •i II Silt l •ko JO n S.n OltQO 11 n S.n "••n 10 0 S.•111• 48 71 SI Loul\ )3 14 St P T•mcw l• °' SI SI• M•rlo 11 CM Spoil• ne IS JI Tuc\On l • 10 T ul•I lS 30 Wuhlnvtn 0 19 Wichita '° 4) II ., ,. .. SI .. ,, 71 S7 ., 40 ea u JO u u ,. JO J I n ,. u 41 ., 13 I} ,. ,., u 1) ,., 11 " 41 u M Bar,low 14 llHumonl jO 819 B••• JO Bl\hoc> .. 81Y111e 11 C•t•llna 71 Eurekl ,. Fruno -o.i Lenc111er 11 LMO 8Mch i. LCKA-leS ,. Mary1vllle M Monrovi• n Montebello J7 Ml Wll_, 11 Nffdles ea Hewpof1 8Hch 1' OMl1nd SI Ont•rlo U Pelm Sprinvs 21 Pe~ .. Pe so R*"' 11 Rlversloe 31 Reel Btu" n Redwood City JI Reno ,. S.cr1mento n Salines " S.nB•m.dlno n Sin F•l!'l<ltco ea SlnJ OM 1t SenllAN ,. Senta B..-. Q San1eCNJ )I Slnl1M ... i. ,. Sent• Monk• JO StoO. lon Low ...,.,•turt rKOfO~ '°' tne F•lrbenll" dll• were br<*en In boill Mlchlg•n Hartford •nd Florldll on Mand41Y morntn9, •nd Helen• lro1I or lr•n w.mlnQ> were po1ted Honotutu ov., no,.,,,..,, FIO•lda Aoellt(hlcol•. Houston Ft•., IWld • -ol 37. tlel"9 • rec0<d lndnapllt Mt tn ltlO, wlllle "9nMtole had a II 61 u •• H ti C&Lll'OllNIA Apple Valley .. 1J Tllenn1I 41 T0<rlftel Sl V'uMa Bekertfleld rlt(ord -ol lO --'!•, Mich • Temperel~ ·-1111 ,..tlon f SURf RIPDRT rlt(or-•record 1• i.-t•ro -h. r1,,..cl trom 2 Ill 0..111 lek1, N 0 • te 7J et "'-ville end H1r11,..., . ' r .. -. • ...i•moerlll,C•llt • For 1oc11.,, K•ll•red 1now was lorecHI over Hew Enol1nd •nd ~ • oetlern N.-Vork. ltelnwMfOl"OClll -r•lil?::l'iiii:iiJll._lillilD-DDla----------lrom Idaho 1crou Oreoon 1nd llOf1Mrn Cell-•. H19'11 In IN '""' _. twedkled •C•Hl -'MMlnn Ml-Ml•. In Ille 2h from~ Montene 1<r•u tlle l'ftl et Mln,.•l•. Ille Gree \ l •ll•s end m .. c11 •• Hew E,_...nd; -'° -·Ille ~-ntf SM hK-.. ~ Zum• l $em• Meflkl 2 HewPOft 2 ,.., 0119DC--'Y 1 Ovl-"" _.....,, t.lttle <"- ... -J J J • ... ..,.. 10 II " 11 .... ........ A"W Me• DIP 1 J SW I J $W I J SW J J w c .... ,..,, Edrnoft'°" Ottaw• .. ...... T-VMC~ Wlnnt.-e Tides ''""-First 11'911 s.c--S.Celld """ 1J .. so .. " ., .. .. .. 11 ,. .. 76 74 ... 7' 67 •• 10 " 71 .. .. " u ., .. ., 7S u ., IS .. ., .. u 10 71 n " u ,. IS 01 " H 07 TODAY 2:••.m. •:,.. "'· J ·1'p m t:SJp.m. I 0.-, ,.... hll•-t ..... .....-We're Listening... I . Whal do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don ./ you like' Call the number below and your message will ~· recorded: 1--..""""' ,; -00 ft()t -yOtll -Cly 6 30 D "' c•tt bllQte I oO"I -llOU"COOV..,llM_.., ' 1=' _, S..no•~"!°':,:O;: Dtlore 1&':"111 c:::1' "°"' tooy "'"bot ...,.., I transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. I ' The same 24-hour answering service JTiay be ur.e~ tecord let· lers to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contrtbut.ors must Include . their n~me and tel.ephonc number for verification. No ctrcul1Uon <'O il~. please. · . . Tell uii what's on your mind. ,. so ,. 21 JD ,. n ., • !I .. SI SS ,. tT s4 .. S4 S4 SS Sl .. n .. S4 JI so .. 53 » ,. !I .. ,. Sl SS 0 SI fl S3 IW ·16 01 ·11 -01 • ... OI u O.• • •• \ ~2·8088:-~ • I• . - OrlngeCollt OAILV PILOTtTuelday, Marone,. 1982 8 ·Rockwell pacts probed Irregularities in BpCJCe shuttle contract. alleg~d W ASHINOTON <AP> - All111d a~countln1 lrr11ularltl11 lnvolvln1 Rockwell Intemat1onal'1 1paee shuttle Contract are 1UU-belni lnvealigat.ed by a reder•I 1rand jury In Los Angeles, the apace agency reporta. J . Bryan Hyland , deputy NASA inspector gener~, said last week "the grand ju probe ls an ongolng thing. We turned the investigation over to the FBI last year and can't comment on ll now." L as t June, Rockwell s p o k es man Earl Blount confirmed some hours were mischarged, but contended the problem was isolated to a single division at Seal Beach, Calif. He said Rockwell manaeement had nothing to do with the incident. "We lnvestigated .nd NASA investigated," Blount said then. "We said there's something like $80,000 involved, and NASA said Coast pair face art fraud raps . Two Orange Coast residents have been freed from Orange County Jail arter their arrests in' connection with an alleged scheme to sell forged copies of valuable European paintings for $6.5 million. T he two men were identified as Lance R. Rudman, 29, of Newport. Beach and Jan Samuel Cook, 41, of Costa Mesa. According to Orange County Sheriff's Department Lt. Wyatt Ha rt , Rudman a nd Cook attempted to sell six paintings s aid to be works of 15th to 17th century artists to undercover officers for $6.5 million. Investigators, Hart sai·d , seized 10 paintings that were copies of original works of the artists Bouts, Pisane llo, Wh istler, Ru ydeal, Titian and Guardj when the two men were arrested Friday at Rudman's ho me at 8 Moonrise Court, Newport Beach. Hart said an official or the Los Angeles County Museum of Art confirmed that the paintings were not originals. On e seized pain ting , for example, was oil on copper when the original was oil on wood, Hart said. Both men were booked on fraud charges at Orange County J ail, and later released on their own recogni zance. Hart said that investigators w e r e actin g "o n ci tizen inquiries" when they arranged to meet Rudman and Cook to inspect the paintings. H ar t sa id Rudman re presented himself a s the owner of the paintings while Cook identified himself as an " appraiser and authenticator or the works. Man faces threat charge GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. CAP) -A 67-year-old man is free on . bond after pleading innocent to charges of threatening lhe life of President Reagan. Bill B. Berry of Lansing was indi c t ed on two counts of threate ning the life of the pr es id e nt in te l ephone convers ations with police in Lansing. ( 11( , ' ,• It was ~.ooo. NAIA h11 uktd the O.p1rtm1nt of Ju1Uc1 to come in and look at the 1itu1tion.'' (Rockwell otllctala in Seal Beach and a spokesman for NASA in Pasadena declined to comment on the alle1aUons today, saying no alatementa will be released until the trand Jury completes Its investigation.) Hyland said last June that among the accusations the FBI passed on to the grand jury is that Rockwell juggled Its books so lt co uld c harg e the government for oost overruns on fixed-price Air Force contracts. · Ray Sena of Fullerton, a former manufacturing manager at Rockwell 's space division, had led those mak i ng the c har ges . R oc kwell 's overcharges equal millions of dollars, Sena has charged, and go back as far as the Apollo pro1r1m of the late lMOI and early 1170I. He alle1ed that aom1 worklnc boure spent on an Alr Force aa t e lllte co ntrac t were lm prope rly charged to tbe shuttle. Shortly after he began makin1 the allegations in 1979, Sena.1aid h e wa s f i r e d for h la wh lslle·blowing. He is suln1 the company for reinstatement and punitive damages. Other employees laJt year r a 1 sed o ther a lleg a lion• concerning Rockwell and tbe shuttle project. Among them are ch a r ges of excessive travel vouchers ; decorating work allegedly done at homes or bu si n esses of R ockwell executives and charged to the shuttle; and allegations that Rockwell offi cials awarded subcontracts to firms In which they have financial interests. Mesa police hunt suspect in slaying Police in Costa Mesa are continuing to sear ch for the 37-year-old boyfri end o f a woman found shot to death in a deserted parking lot last month. The body of Maria Barrera, 27 . or Santa Ana was found by an off-duty Inglewood police officer Fe b. 28 at 1650 Sunflower Ave. She had been shot m the throat and hip. Police are looking for her boyfriend, Rodolfo Alvarez, 37, of Santa Ana. He was last seen with Miss Barrera at her apartment just a few hours before she was killed, police said. A white Pontiac Trans Am belonging lo Alvarez was found abandoned in a shopping center las t Thurs day by police in Maywood. Costa Mesa police Lt.· John C aln on said inves tigators believe that Al var ez has returned to his native Mexico. He arrived in the United Stafes five years ago and most recently worked f or a c lothing manufacturer in Santa Ana. Prior to the slaying, Alvarez' only apparent run·in with the law was a drunken driving ar r est by Orange County sheriffs about five years ago, Calnon said. Friends of Miss Barrera told SOUGHT Rodolfo Alvarez, 37 , is being . sought in the Costa Mesa s l ayin g last m onth o f a Santa A n a woman. pol ice that Alvarez had threatened the young Santa Ana woman's life many times. Miss Bar rera arrived in the United States last year and s upported h e r se lf wi th housecleaning and baby sitting jobs. u.s.· odyssey ends Laguna-Miami trek aids Koreans A 25· tear-old banker, his one-eyed mule and a dog named .. Blue " le ft Laguna Beach nearly four months ago on the first leg of a cross-country fund -raiser After passing hundreds of towns, and being featured in 45 newspapers a nd interviewed 25 times on televis ion . Kirby Schnebly and his companions plodded up the driveway of the posh Fonlainbleau Hilton in Mia mi Beach Friday. The trio left Laguna Beach Nov . 15 to raise money for the tiny House of Hope crippled children's home in Korea. Schnebly, aboard "One-Eyed Ma r y," and his dog "Blue" urged people to send money to a trust fund set up for the Korean home at the Community Bank in Downey where Schnebly works as a bus iness deve lopment officer. Schne bl y. who has two c rippl ed brothers, said the Korean home "was much, much worse there than anything I've seen here." When asked what drove him to seek funds for the home, be said the home's o perator , Chang Soon Shim, reminded him or his own mother. Schnebly's mother, Wanda, established a similar home in Forest City. Iowa. Officials at the Downey bank declined to say how much was raised from Schnebly's travels, and his parents said they had no idea how much has come in so far. s Orange Coaat DAILY PtLOT/Tu11d1y, March 8, 1882' -SOTiet8 '.boost forces ' . More than 3 ,000 Afghans killed by chemical wart are ·· • pension itlleged •• CHICAGO <AP > -Aetna Ufe luurance Co. reportedly paid m 1ooo ln pension funds to a lite one friend of Cardinal John Cody baaed on false church employment records, but a 1pokesman dt:nied that the auc.,o Archdiocese submitted UM fate reports. In a copyright story, the Cblcaeo Sun·Times reported tlaat Helen Dolan Wilson rec~ived the funds over 12 years_. Bernard Hanley. who denied the allegations on behalf of the archdiocese, refu sed to elaborate. Insurance records show Mrs. WUaon was employed by the Chicago archdiocese from 19M lo 1968, when in fact she worked for the St. Louis archdiocese during those yea r s, the Sun· Times said. While coliecting under the Cbic--.o plan, M.rs. Wilson ~as alao receiving pension benefits from the Archdiocese of St. Louis under a separate plan, the newspaper said. Provisions do· not allow pension credits to be tran~ferred under either plan. · The Sun-Times also said Mrs. Wilson's monthly pe nsion is conaiderably higher than that _paid almost all of the church's other retired employees . -"Cody, spiritual bead of the erchdiocese, which is the nation's largest with 2.4 million members, i.s scheduled lo retire Dec.~. bis 7Sth birthday. -~ .......... WORKING OUT -Dave Mahre, father of the skiing Mahres. practices on the slopes of White Pass. Washington. for the most grueling task he may ever face an assault on the unclimbed North Face of Mount E verest. At 54 . Mahre is the oldest m e mbe r of the team which wi ll depart Wednesday for China. Hig~ court to rule in San Diego case A federal grand jury investigating Cody bas 1ubpoenaed insurance plans, Douglas Als paugh , vice president o f co rporate communications for Aetna in Hartford, Conn .. told the WASHINGTON (AP) -The unreasonable searches and Sun-Times . · U.S. Supreme Court has agreed seizures. Mrs. Wilson, who is Cody's \o decide whether police can The law made it a crime for atepcousin, is a key figure in a demand identification from anyone who "l o i l e rs or federal grand jury investigation almost a ny pedestrian they wanders" in p ublic not to of the cardinal's fina ncial consider suspicious in a case identify himself and account for activities. stemming from a series of San his presence when asked to do so In September, the Sun-Times Diego arrests. by a police officer. Violation ol disclosed an investigation was The justices said Monday they the law was punishable as a under way to determine whether will review a decision that misdemeanor. Cody funneled up to $1 million in struck down as unconstitutional The law was challe nged in tax-exempt church money to a California law that made it a March 1977 by Edward Lawson, Mn. Walson. crime to refuse such a demand. who had been arrested under its The grand jury already bas Last October , the 9th U.S. provisions 15 times in less than subpoenaed records or bank Circuit Court of Appeals ruled two years. accounts in three s tates that the California law violates The 9th Circuit court struck belonging to Cody o r Mrs. the cons titution al ban o n down the law a s part of Wilson, the newspaper said. Lawson's s uit for monetary . Cody, who was hospitalized in damages stemming from his .January Jor a ·chroni c heart 'Lemon' ad arrests. condition, has denied any ~--L awson's arrest s were all wrongdoing. He has promised to made on the basis of the answer specific accusations, but bid SOUrS vagr ancy law, but San Diego baa not done so. C h i e f of Po 1 i c e W i I li a JD Mrs. Wilson began receiving • Kolender said s uch arrests the pension in 1969 after the ID court ended atter the law was ruled •archdiocesan c h a n ce r y overbroad by U.S. District subD)itted alleged phony records BROWNSVILLE, Texas (AP) Judge Leland Nielsen. to Aetna, the newspaper said. -J ames Hajek can tell friends Lawson sued Kolender. Sheriff The paper said its sources were that the van he purchased was a John Duffy of San Diego County, unable to identify the church lemon but he can't advertise the the California Highway Patrol pers0n or people responsible for fact that he has soured on the and others. He also sought 1ubmitting the fal s ified dealership where he bought the damages against various documents. vehicle, a state district judge officers who arrested him. When asked why her Chicago has ruled. The state defended the law by pension was based on a salary of "It's one thing to say those saying it could be invoked only $12,000 in 1969, whil~ Mrs. things to your friends and people when the police officer could Wilson had said she earned only who will listen. but it's another articulate enough suspicions ST ,800 in that year. Mrs. to advertise," State District about a pedestrian lo justify a Wtlson's lawyer said he couldn't Judge Harry Lewis said. constitutionally permissible "be responsible for what the Lewis told Hajek to remove ·•pat-down·· search. records say." the slogans and painted lemons California said also that the "All I know is that she is from the 1981 van he purchased purportedly les.s·intrusive receiving a pension and that she from Bill Mowbray Motors Inc. de,mand for identification was worked in St. Louis for 25 "Help. Bill Mowbray Motors also acceptable. years," said the lawyer, Inc. sold this lemon," read one The appeals court disagreed. Leonard Ring, in an interview sign. "Jerry Roberts sold this "The disputed section fails to with the Sun-Times. Dodge disaster at Bill Mowbray i d e n l if y a n y c om mo n 1 y The retirement plan for the Motors. Help. It's a Dodge," understood act of suspicious church's lay employees was sold read the other. cir c ums tan c es of w h l ch lo the church by Mrs. Wilson's Mowbray went to court over ordinary citizens are aware. ll ion, D,.vid, 47 , an insurance the slogans and got a temporary authorizes a rrest merely if broker from St. Louis. and is restraining order to force Hafek suspicion of criminality happens financed by paris h es and to repaint the van. to be created in the mind of the a1encies of the archdiocese, the Hajek said the ruling infringed arresting officer," the appeals newspapers~ai~·~d~·~~~~~~~·-o_n_c_o_ns_ti_t_u_u_·o_n_al~ri~g_h_ts_·~~~~~c_ou_r_t_s_ai_'d_·~~~~~~~~-~ WAllUNGTON (AP> -1'bl Soviet Ualon, faeln1 1tifftr rfflltuce ln Aflhulltan U... it expected, b11 lncre11ed lt• military fore• t.Mre and kWed "con.aldenbly" more·t.ban S,000 .,.ople by chemical warfare, the State Department aaid today. Waite~_!· Stoeaael Jr., tbe deputy HC:retary of 1tate, told the Senate Foreisn Relations Committee that \he department believes 1be Soviet.I have about· 100,000 men in Afcbantatan. Tbe prevlou1 estimate had been around.80,000. Phillip Stoddard, deputy assistant secretary for intelllcence and research, said the troop buildup be1an in. December'. · Stoe11el said the boost in forces "refll\!ts the increased difficulty that the Soviets are having." The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December 1979. Stoessel also told the committee that information from Afghan military defectors and from refugees established S.OU deatha from 47 aeparate c ... mlcal attacu in Allbaniatan Mtw .. \be aummer of 1979 and tbe 1wnmer of 1•1. Stoddar4 11ld these fi1urea represent incldenta about which the department baa s pecific lnf ormatlon. "The actu al total is Gas stations , to be sold? PROVIDENCE, R.I. CAP) Oil companies and thei r distributors would be forced to divest themselves or r etail gasoline stations in Rhode laland by July l , 1983, under new letislation proposed by the state attorney general. One blll, which Attorney General Dennis J . Roberts II was due to introduce today in the House, would mandate the divestiture or retail outlets by next year a nd prohibit oil companies from opening new outlets after July l. . Employees, signupfor the family health and dental care · program that ,actually .l>fCW:kles the care. considerably hi1her," be aald. StoeaaeJ aakl t.be 1ubjed had "been ral.aed at a number ol levels" with Soviet offlclals and "they deny they ent•ted In thll kind or acUvlty ." Stoessel said the department planned to tum its evidence over "in the very near future" to a (J. N. subcommittee established In 1980 lo look into chemical warfare allegations. Use of chemical weapona in war Is .-viol atlon of an international agreement siened by the Soviet Union and other nations In Geneva in 1925. ··Analysis of all of the Information available leads ua to conclude that attacks have been con ducted with irritants, incapacitants, ne rve a1enta, phosgene oxime, and perhaps mycotoxins, mustard, lewislte, and toxic smoke," Stoessel said. "Afghan military defectors have provide~ information on chemical weapons containing lethal nerve agents, where they were stockpiled, and wher«; and when they have been used. for your eyes for ~r \ teeth for your body right ·c1own to your toes Family Health Program is so much more than an insurance co mpany. It's · a Health Maintenance Organization that actually helps keep you healthy with its own medical centers. . . We provideth.e dentists. The doctors, includin9 medical spe_c1ahsts. Emergency care. Hospitalization. Eye care. Preventive care that includes regular checkups. Even family counseling. Yet FHP may cost you no more than ordinary medical insurance. And you do~'t pay a 20% or 10% deductible for care received at FHP centers.• -----•••------·-------Noannoyingdaimformstofillout,either. • Thousands of Southern --~~~A-F-EDE--:-nA_L_Lv-QU-::-'.".A~L=~=fo~HMO-::-:-::--~~----. Limit two otters I* pu1c11.a111 Coupon good Only lot comblilltlo!1 .wllfftf<Wk ordtn ..c1111°"* IJIY' an iC>PliGaOll '*' 1o11t Offer expires Mlfc:h 21 , 1982. PlltlS llllY VII) If f16111Clfllllft0 IOclhont. Coupo11 good only Ill Soulllern Cahlornl.1 wlllrt you ... "" '""*'""" ... , of 1111 ICatllile~y fi1lll CNc1lln Auecllllon . 1$zu.J~·I Califomiaemployeeshave signed up with FHP-. the health care program that ·gives you more t~n just lnsur-1 8 ,__ --ance for your money.-5o<.an Aeoeem this cooPQn fOf a ~rry Pick c: c tact I I loaded wl1n t1f1een pieces . ot Juicy. ;!!! you. on your personne golden brown Kentucky Fried Chicken. Z Office now. And let US start ca~·n for you and your family. I limit IWO alltlt "" j)lllClllM Coupon good I H t t only for combination wlltttfdlrk orders • 0 oe. C111lomtl PIY' Ill i~ Miff llJI. •A IJ,00 to $4.00 C./NyrttMt ,,_ lflllt I Otfeuxplfte Mlfcl'l 21 , 1982. I ~~tolOIM,.,... Prkils Ny . 'llY II ~ IOCll..,.. o 1tu '"' Coupon 9000 Ollly I~ Southern c.llfotnla ~ VOii • ,,. ~ ...i of 111t Mn111oy Ftled Clielltli AJHClllloll I AQMD backs clean air bill ~ LOS ANGELES (AP) -The board of directors of the South Coast Air Quality Mana1ement District unanimously backed federal le1lalaUon to extend the federal Clean Air Act. However, the board ur1ed that the bill, HR555 by Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Loa Angeles, be modified to allow a postponement of a 1987 deadline for meetin1 standards for all key pollutants. . "All of the. models that we now have indicate that even with all steps lo the Air Quality Management Dis trict plan, that with the population of Los Angeles and with the technology that we now have and with the amQunt of economic activity, it's impossible to meet the federal ozone standards without essentially destroying the economic viability of Southern C alifornia," said board Chairman Tom Heinsbeimer. The board has previously gone on record as opposing a rival bill, HR5252 by Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn, Mich., which would relax emissions standards. Heinsheimer said that proposal "would be a big step backward. It would reverse 10 years of progress toward clean air." The federal Clean Air Act must be reauthorized this year, AQMD officials said. They said they welcome one change the Waxman bill would make in the Clean Air Act. It would authorize the Envirc.nmental Protection Age ncy to waive the industry construction permit ban and cutoff or $850 million in annual highway construction funds currently in effect for .California because the state bas not adopted a vehicle emissions inspection program. "It maintains the requirements for inspection of automobiles but it gives the EPA more flexibility where under the current Clean Air Act the EPA is obligated to impose the sanctions." Heinsheimer said. "The air is definitely getting cleaner in the South Coast Air Basin," Heinsheimer added. "The district has been in existence since 1977 and bas reduced emissions by one million pounds per day. We're very eager that nothing be done at the federal level that would reverse what we now see · to be a very solid program of improvement year alter year." Groups fights fingerprinting . VALLEJO (AP) -An environmental group denied a permit to solicit donations door·t.o-door because its me mber5 refused to be fmgerprinted is suing the city or Vallejo and its police chief. The legal challenge to the 25-year-old city law was filed in Solano County Superior Court by the American Civil Liberties Ul)ion on behalf of Citizens for a Aetter Environment. Harry Pollack, a Benicia attorney who is aiding the ACLU of Northern California, said Friday the fingerprint r equirement violates citizens' First Amendment right to s pread information. "The ordinance isn't narrowly written ... It just says fingerprints are to be collected ... It doesn't say what they may not be used for, how long they can be kept on file, what other agencies may see them," Pollack said. John Powers, Vallejo city attorney, said "we will respond" to the suit and "attempt to retain our city ordinance.'' Powers Said the City Council denied an appeal by the environmental group to be exempt from the city fingerprinting requirement. "Our concern" that the requirement be kept is that "we wouldn't want to foist on the community ... people who may have been convicted felons," Powers said. CBE members who want to go door-to-door to question Vallejo residents about their environmental views and collect donations completed the city permit application in September, submitted identifying photographs for badges and met all other requirements except fingerprinting, Pollack said. . . The city refused to grant the permit m October. Powers said the only possible exceptions to the fingerprint requirement are "Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts" and other children. Facts of Law ..: by lefty J. Fcwnl. Atty. ALLM..CES! I 833-0555 ' I I . Allr For Ray, lWl SPWUST at HOWAID a..v.-. c:-flio..-o-111 .. ' JWe yountll to a , I llMpiDc HI.ct Ion ot ~. QulllWH Illa \ 4 IDIM DAIL Yr.toT ' 1111.P. AN11!D A.D8 I "If a man stayed away rrom his wife for seven years. the law presumes the separation to have killed him (e.g .. that he , is dead); yet. according to our daily experience, it might well prolong his lire." -Lord Darling. English Justice • Jurors should not discuss the case they're working on with any~awyers, the press, their families, even fe.llow jurors-until deliberation ln the jury room. • • A BINDER is a temporary contract , actually a written legal document. For example, your insurance agent may pve you a binder to show covenfe until your policy la relld)'. * * The tenant In rented quarta'a la obli1ated to leave tbe l'9lldmce ln the aame wocltUan u It· was when be moftd tn, \mless tbe owner accepts bla "lmprC>Ye1Dmt.s. ", .. * In Kentucky, It's a1alnlt U.. law to ao to slees> ln a ,. ....... * * Le1al coun sel Isl available at the law offices ol B.J . Farrell, I HS Ton Center Dr .. 1 klte D . co.ta Jina. I ... .. Chnge Colet DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, March 9, 1982 s RECORD BUST -San Luis Obispo Police Chief Roger Neuman s hows p art of the estimated $400,000 in cash confiscated in addition to gold ........... and silver co~· . record albu.ms and other ite s. Neuman said it was the lac-g st seizure of cash and property in the department's history. New Mexico ranchland donated WASHINGTON <AP) -Pennzoil Co . has -donated 100,000 acres of ,·anchland in northeast New Mexico to t.he- For est Service , Agriculture Secretary John Block said. It was described as ·'the largest and most valuable donation" of private land ever made to th.e agency. Block uid 1the land, part of Penrfzoil '~ Vermaejo Ranch property, wni be administered as part of the Agriculture Department agency's adjace nt Carson National Forest. Officials said the land will yield 9 million board feet of timber a year and proviqe summer grazing foe thousands of cattle and sheep. / Wednesday, March 10 Thursday, March 11 Please join us to preview the ST. JOHN Knits, Spring '82 Colfection and meet representative Helen Dzo Dzo Mini Fashion Show Wednesday, March 10, 11 :00 A. M. Informal modeling each day t 2:00-3:00 In our Designer Salon, upper level. Saturday, March 27 through Sunday, April 11 We are happy to present "DARCY CREATIONS" Limited edition of unique, humorous and elegant bisque doll collection in our La Galleria, lower level. South Coast Pfau . JJ JJ Brntol \tr(>(•t ( o'ta Me<.d , c -• •••• f ..... Box~s less thon 0.01 mg tor KING SIZE JOO's Box lOO's less !hon 0.01 mg tor ~·· .. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cignne Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. IOX. BOX Dr&i Uia 111111 O.Ot ... "•". 0.001.,.. ..... son PW:l 15'1 FllTtA. MUITitOL I 1119, "ti/", 0.1 ........ SOFT ~ t00'1 flTER. MENTlfOL 2 ... "111". 0.2 .... -. •· '9f .,_bf FTC lllldlod. ! • J 1 a ),_ •nl ~i~ ~u •O:l tn• ':M I • .>rtJ J rl' iU '>lU 't ~d> 111 "'"' . ' 'l'R •it, o> 'to\ iJ b Ill~ ~ lrl:J •lll• 01l 1(1.J ""'' I ·lflq jft~ r '"' flfl"I ·i"'l •till! '} lA 1 .. a 't" :~(t \ ti l l u~ otl '11( n.n . 1d} 1L)~ ~ !·~,~ •b:>\ \o ;J, .. If ·e1b ~nlJ '"':) "fl , ,,)4 .,. j:,,~ . ? 0 ! ~rl '1'-!o/ .. J <l<l l. "' J ,.,.., t';JSf 49!f M 1,:1 f i 'I 11, 11 11~ \.1' .HiT lillU , .. <1 1 fl R '.>fl b N O:)q sri l1 W .u llW uf " • )!I, •')!)1 ·o w ; :) 't :HJ ~Ii"' ,. urf., I 0 1 no• :o,d n 1' !Ul6 ~.!!1 l ·I ~I I I Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT/Tutlday, Marph I , 1112 ' Illegal dumping spUrs fast action by county Less than two months ago, the overriding news story in Orange County was the illegal dumping of infectious wastes generated by hospitals at county government-owned landfills. What c ounty inspectors discovered was that procedures for the proper ha ndling and treatment of such wastes had been breached by employees at som e of the county's largest . hospitals. Some wastes were not treated; in other cases, wastes were not properly s tored or· transferred. In the wa ke of the dis ; c los ures, county s upervis~s vowed to take sure and swift action to insure that treatment s tandard s were n ot compronlised. To that end, supervisors have adopted a $40,000 program aimed at increasing the monitoring of infectious waste. About 4,000 tons of such waste is generated yearly in the county. To offset the cost of increasing in s pections of infectious waste disposal procedures. the county will levy annual fees against health care facilities from $45 to $735. The fee schedule certainly doesn't seem outlandish given the importance of an effective infectious was te monitoring program. And hospital officials should bear in mind that had they poli ced their own operations better co unty intervention wouldn"t have been necessar y. :Risky intervention There is both bad news and good news s urrounding the Senate's approval of stringent anti-busing legislation that would curb federal courts· powers to o r d e r b u s i 'n g f o r s c h o o l desegregation. The bad news is tha t the legislation is a d a ngerous encroachment on the Judiciary branch of our government and would. if e nacted into law, undermine the delicate and essential -separation-of-powers feature of our Constitution. The good news is that there is little chance the measure will be cons idered b y the House of Representatives this year and will probably die at the end of this congressional session. The a nti·busing proposal. attached as a rider to a $2J4 billion Jus tice D epartme nt au thoriza'i.ion b il I . is one of se veral pieces of ··soc ia1 ·· ,legis lation the so-called New Right is pushing, and the first either house of Congress has passed. Others include efforts to curb the courts in the areas of abortion and school prayer. Among olher things. the anti·busing rider would prevent fede ral courts from ordering students to ride more than 15 minutes or fi ve miles each way to school. Obvious ly students in many communities already are bused greate r distances to reac h their regular schools. But what is mos t disturbing about the bill is not its objective but the means its proponents are willing to use to see their goal achieved Stopping bus ing by d en ying courts the powe r to order s uch action is an assault on the ind e pend e nce or th e judiciary, which the Founding Fathers deliberately set apart from tran s i ent political whirlwinds t..o ens ure-against tyranny. lf the courts are restricted in the a reas of busing. prayer and abortion. in what areas will tomorrow's zealots seek to curb th e judiciary? Freedom o f speech ? Freedom of religion" St rippin g th e co urt s or jurisdiction over constitutional 1 sues would mean our liberties would be a t th e mercy of whatever passion happens to be fashionable . This would negate one of the central purposes of the Con s titution : protection o f individual rights. We would like to think the probable death of the anti-busing measure will slow down if not s top the New Right 's assaults on the judiciary. The liberties of all Americans are at stake. Keep the doors open Under pressure from the Reagan administration. the FBI . CIA and some businesses. the U .S . Senate is cons idering a measure . SB 1730. that could greatly weaken the Freedom of Information Act that guarantees public acce ss to mo s t government activities. Meanwhile. senior executives of the 650 largest newspapers in the country have warned that under the proposed bill "the doors of secrecy will slam in the statehouses and city halls across the country." It couJd , among other things, r estrict or bar access to information about un sa fe consumer products, illegal acts by government agencies. names of people receiving government (tax ) funds and details of lawsuits settled b y th e government. Government s upporters of the FOi crackdown cite, as usual. "national security" and the heed for secrecy in law e nforcement investigations . Some business firms say they fear confidential data could be obtai ned by competitors if their dealings with the government are revealed. • In fact, the existing FOi includes e xe mptions that do protect national security. trade secr et s a nd undercover l aw e nforcement activ ities from inadvertent exposure. While there may have been some minor abuses. there have been no proven instances of such exposure. There have, howvever, been numerou s revelations of questionabl e go vernment ac tivities as a result of information released under the act. And , p e rhaps more important, the mere fact that the Freedom of Information Act is on the books has resulted in voluntary release of information to which the public is entitled. Fortunately. the Sen ate Judiciary Committee has decided to spend more time examining the proposed amendments in the hope of reaching a compromise that w ould provid e confidentiality where genuinely needed, while still permitting the public t o know h ow it s government is operating. The committee should think long and h ard before drawing the veil of secrecy once more. Opinions expressed In the space above are thOse of the Oally Pilot. Other views U · •pressed on this paoe are those ot their author., and artists. Reader comment.is 11w1t· ed. Address The ;)ally Pilot, P.O Bo• tSbO, Costa Mesa. CA ~2626. Phooe•l]U) •642·4321. L.M. Boyd I High schQol hazard Q: Isn't football responsible ror the moat lnjuries among bigb school aludents7 A: No, slr, those high wedfie shoes are. Most frequent accident cause lilted in the emergency 'treatment records relates one way or another to bow alrls literally fall off their shoes. ORANGE COAST 9'11JPillt The MediteM'anean fruit variety ls only one or about 40 ,000 known species of ru es. It ma)'.· not have occl.ltted to you, either. tiiat we aUll don't really know . wh~lber Greenland la one island or several locked ln ice. ~~·-··---- ... Energy Dept. quietly dying · WASHING TON -Ronald Reagan campaigned on a promise to abolish the Department of Energy, and in Energy Secretary James B. Edwards he picked the ..right man to pres ide over the agency's dissolution. The aHable dentist Crom South Carolina is no match for Washington's experienced politicians and lobbyists .. They respond to his friendly chairs1de manner by chomping on.his fingers . Even e nth usiastic foes or the department concede that there's no chance or legis lating its extinction in an election year But Edwards is well on the way to achieving the de facto demise of hrs agency. Budget cuts have crippled the DOE: able employees are leaving in droves. and morale among those who remain is at an all.time low. And about all Edwards does is assure the public that "this won 't hurt a bit." IT WOULD BE unfair to blame the Energy Department's sorry plight on Edwards, though. He knew from the start that he was laking over a doomed agency. And if his lack or expertise and dedication have probably· accelerated the department's terminal illness, it's unlikely that eve n a dynamic , politically savvy secretary could have defended the DO E against its enemies in the White House and on Capitol Hill. Still. those who favor keeping the DOE intact feel that Edwards might at least make a greater effort to see that the department does the job it was assigned to do as long as it's still around . Ins t ead . he has all but abdicated the departm e nt 's responsibilities ajSilual1on, the pro·OOE forces concede. that makes it difficult to argue that the agency is essential and should be saved. In his strange, bumbling way, Edwards is dis~olving the department by default M canwhile. though, serious energy problems remain, and with the Energy • G. -JA-Cl-Al-D-IRS_O_I -~ Department noatmg in limbo. there is no identifiable source of government policy for anyone trying to grapple with the problems . Even those who devoutly wish for the DOE's dismantling are frustrated by Edwards' laid·back approach They reason that a more forceful secretary would be able to persuade the pubhc that the agency sho~ld be done away with ; the execution could then be accomplished quickly, DOE functions could be distributed lo other federal agencies and everyone could get down to business. As things stand now, Congress and the energy industry go anywhere but to DOE f o r guidance o n the administra tion 's energy thinking Edwards d oesn 't know what 's happening ... He's a nice fellow," sighed one energy lobbyist , "but he's persona non grata around the White House." The best way to market a Your friendl y arms merchant, Mc Donne ll Douglas. has bought a two.page color spread in Newsweek to advertise the advantages of owning its Tomahawk Cruise Missile. .. A Missile F'or All Seasons." says the headline. And under a photograph of one of these Oying nuclear bombs in mid-air is the le~end in bold tvoe: "Neither snow nor rajn, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays cruise missiles from the s wift completion of their appointed rounds." YOU MAY WONDER why McDonnell Douglas went ~o all this trouble. I hope so. For l have in my hand a document which purports lo be "Secret Minutes - McD. D. Sales Div." Excerpts follow : Meeting opened 2:08 p.m . Research Director Shinvey reported serious erosion in public acceptance of Cruise missile. Said in-depth survey or 1342 scientifically S"lected consumers listed 48 products and asked question. "Which of the above would you like most for your birthday ?" Said only three respondents chose Crllise missile. Sales Director Mulcahey said no cause to panic. but we race a major competitive sales drive from the MX and there i.; always the threat of Japanese tmPorts . Threat of Japanese imports created panic. Mulcahey, pounding on table for ord er. moved we m eet threat by offering $40,000 rebate on every model Motion referred lo committee Design Director Horgarlh said not hJs fault. Admitted under questioning by S hivney that tail fins projecte d ART HOPPI outmoded styling but insisted they were aerodynamically necessary. Advertising Manager Frenker said entire proble m centered on Cruise missile not having "endearing image." Moved we launch massive advertising a nd public r elations campaign lo "convir.ce America to take the Cruise missile to its heart:' ll orgar th seco nded . Sai d enthusiastically we should paint smile on nose or each missile and the slogan "Have a Nice Day" in large letters outside bomb compartment. Suggestion referred lo committee. Frenker said must analyze "what we have here." Said what we have here 1s a Challenge for card sharps Here's a .quiz with a theme I've never used before -au about playlng cards. past and present. Ir you can answer one·third right, consider yourself a winning player. 1. Identify the following cards by these sobriquets: (a ) "The C~rse of ~ IYllO Ullll "' Scotland"; (b) ."Dead Man's Rand"; (C) "The Devil's Four-POiter." 2. Why are lbe kines. queena and knaves called ''court" earda? 3. What card game ., .. first called "Trumps," tbeo "Ruff." then '· Honoura," lb en "Wbtak." then "Whl.at," and now la known by another · um~ . . '· What does the Chlnae card same of "fan tan" mean? a. Wbo aakt. ·'Tnlll ....,....,, INt CQt tllee ....... T •. In tbe ~ ftfto<ard ..... ., game. approximately how many diCferent hands are possible? 7. OnJy one card game is known to have been invented and named by a particular person; who was be, and what was lhe game? (Hint: the popular phrase, "left in the lurch," comes from this game.) 8. What card game ls (a) named after the town it came from; (b) named alter the country il originated in; (c> named aft~r patU of the human body? ANSWERS: 1. (a) The nine of dlamonda; (b) aces a·nd eights; (C) a hand at Whist containin& Cour clubs. 2. It ts a corruption of ''coat" cards, and has nothlnt to do with court. 3. Bridge, at flr1t called" Brtclco Whlst." · 4. lt is the Chtneae symbol for "repeated division." 5. Mr. Dooley. e. About two-and·•·h•ll mtlllon. 7. Crtbbep, both invented and na,med by the Dlllilb poet, Slr .John SucltUn1 (llOMa). a. <•> Cutno, after ea.at.. Italy; <'b> blala Ban; <c> ~. from early O.r•an, m•lllllal ••twf> eyes.•• Just how out-of-touch Edwards is was illus trated by his repeated assurances that lhe administration would s ubmit lcgrsla lion on natural gas deregulation this year. The White House decided s uc h a move would be impossible, or at least impolitic, in an election year but nobody bothered to tell Edwards. IN ANOTHER case, Edwards had promi se d Big Oil that th e administration would hot levy a tax on imported crude Unbekno\llnst to b1m, though, just such a lax proposal was drafted by the Treasury and Budget Offi ce and sent to the president for his decision. Although Reagan ultimately decided against the lax. industry officials were horrified that the proposal had made it all the way to the Ova l Offit•e without Edwards' knowledge Whe n my associate Peter Grant asked a high-ranking White House aide if the absence of participation by Edwards rn the oil import decision reflected the secretary 's lack of influence. the r eply was, "Your question answers itself. .. It has been sug&ested that Edwards' fumble-fingered approach is all part of a subtle administration plan to get the Energy Department laughed out of existence. As for the Sei:retary himself, he has been reported as saying he hopes hrs department will be phased out by spring so he can go back home to South Carolina. "That"s when the fishing. is good." he explained. • nrlssile delivery system. Asked What is "the friendliest, best-liked deli very system in the whole world?" Much head scratching Mulcahey said. "United Parcel"!" Shmvey said. "Pa Strami·s Pina Parlor '>" Laughter rrenker said, ··No. your friendly, beloved, neighborhood mailman!" Mulcahey said he didn't get the point. rrenker s aid everybody likes the mailman. Everybody perks up when they see the mailman. Everybody welcomes the mailman. Everybody can't wail lo see what the mailman will bring them. Said perfect image for a Cruise missile. Mulcahey said he didn't like the idea. F'renker said we could base campaign on Post Office's motto: "Neither snow. nor rain , nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." APPLAUSE. Shinvey said campaign should be launched in Newsweek. Said marketing surveys indicated twice as many Newsweek readers interested in purchase of Cruise missiles than readers of People. Vogue and Mad Magazine combined. Horgarth moved question. Motion carried 10· l , Mulc ahey voting no. Mulcahey said, "Okay, but we're going lo look pretty silly the first time a dog bites one." M eeling adjourned. Personally, I s uppose McDonnell Douglas knows what it's dolng, baslng its advertising campaign for its Cruise missile on lhe motto or the U.S. Postal Service -the one institution constantly excoriated for delaying, abortlnc, mi s directing or simply losing lts missives. 1 assume when World War Ill brealts out our Cruise missiles will soar forth addressed: "Occupant." We can only pray they don't come back stamped: .. Return t.o Sender." .At what polnt In Um• dlcl an biula.umen and laadlorda become .. the...,"? And •h1? WONDD .... I q,:;:Js•. . ..,.,.._ e TH1ascaON1 • HAWAI,.._. e liNaaiiTANIJM HUMAN ?94A"'°" .. ~~tlon" Cl) <*NIWI I MC..we N9CNIWI MOVIE ··~ "AodlMIOW'' (1980) Peul McCenney end Winge. Thie ,_d of tl'le bind'• U.8. tour Inductee perl-of ......... "&end °" llll Aun, .. "Silly Lcwe Songs'' end -old BMtle .,...._'PO' t:ao. WB.OOMI Ma<. KOTTIR . • PllDGE ?MAK Aegulet1y IChlduled p,~ or••wnlng "-be deleyed due IO pledOI bfMlta. • ••IEllMJIORT Cl)CIJ NEWI l!I SWM'( 141-E" Ob LEFTY, THE OINGAUNG L YN>C Meyf Nutter netr.._ the •OtY "illf • lynx ClUb wtlo trlel to llnd hie wey In the wlldlrw. (Pert 1) (J)BJ8119 A IC)lr"8d trlbvte to the genllla of coml)C>Mf Eubll Blelle. t.etumg 24 of ,hill belt IOtlgl lncludlng ''In ~-Timi'' end "I'm Juet Wiid Abou1 Har- ry." (%)MOVIE •••• "Netwofk" ( 11178) Feye OUnewey, WllUem Holden. An aging I~ liotl -wflOM rat- ings -Meedlly lllpplng ~•renting prophet 01 the ~ IC)U(red on by a crlfty Nlnelll pr~ Q!_1tnmlng aaecull\le. USW Bllllf&IMPOAT 7:008 C81NEW8 .. N9CNEW8 • HAPPY DAYS AGAAH I A8CNEW8 YOU ASKED FOR.ff FNtured: "He Henge By His Toet From A Hellcoj)- ter" end "Ant Wwfera." · .. M•A•t•H H.wlc~ end B.J. dlllc:oYW CMrtea Mng IN ... of Alley due to IN IMntlonl of hll menMlly pelcl ~ lerY8nt. • JOf<!R'8 WILD G DO<CAWTT au.t; Dr. Aober1 Co6aa. (Plr11)(R) Cl) P.M.. MAGAZINE A women who II pelcl to lit In ~ end let9' It perfonner1' lolc•: bNlcet- blll 118' Meglc: John90n retume to hill hc>tnelown. 9 ENTERT~ TONIGHT An lnteMlw with 9*1 unc:n. CIJTHE~ GuMt: EtMI Mennen. (a:J THE WAY IT WAI 7:06. KCET ..we.AT WITH CLEn AOeEAT8 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Feat\lfld: st-tlk• • grueling ptt)'llcel; Ylell Cel Teen on Netlonel 11Utut1 of HNlth "OOc:h Olly," wl'4lf'I ....,'°" metc:h wtta 90alnlt the unoergrlldl. II Cl! FAMILY F'EUO 9 LAVUINE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY Lav•rne lella for her dre1mbo1t 1putm1n1- HIGH STAKES -James Garner in two-hour Maverick episode about high stakes poker game. Tonight at 8 OI\ KNBC (4) . compllll meneger elYIONLA. ~""*': • vlllH lo • ~ tllue Gym; ~ tllh- lonl:. peyGhlo ptedlc:tlOM fOf 1882. ·~ A dllpoe1ttled Korean fernily end • git! with • GI blby ~ problem• IOf tM40nth. I Cl) TIC TN; DOUGH MACNIJl. / LEHRER Mf'ORT • l~FOAIT F~ ''The Men WhO U-With A Monlter" end "Playing a.lglum '1 200Q.. Pound Bella." (}))PORTS ILUJITAATED: THE AR8T 21YEAM ~ CAM holtl I trfb. ut• to Sc>Oft• Nluatretld'a llrat quarter-c.ntury of sterling sport• COY1rege. CO) NBA BAIKETMU. K-City Klngl YI. Loe Angelle Lli<er1 l."00 8 Cl) SIMON A SIMON Rici< end A.J -hired by A.J 'a old girlfriend to recover her stolen entlg__u.. II QI BRET MAVENCK Bret Mevwie* returne to SWMtwatllf l0t the high stell11 ""'Of'ld champlon.- ahlp poker geme'' end wind• up winning • MIOOn anC1 e tench. (R) 9 STANM<Y AHO HUTCH "Murder At SM" (Pert 1) 8 (II HAPPY DAYS Jua1 u Jowlle II rlldy to go~.-ChlclW dlddM to play the llelcl. (RIQ I FUPWILION P.M.MAGAZINE A women whO la plld to sit In IUdlllnoll end *'9h •t performera' Jok•; bUltll- bell .. ., Meglc: Johnlon retuma to hll hOtnetown. • MOYIE **'At "The Menlpui.tor" (11172) Stephen Bo¥d. Syl- ve Koec:inL A c:onnMng tel9Ytllon executM who ._~wound him to I* own 9dVtlntage llr* thlt Illa most IW>Oflleiy planned l)Ybktl)' stunt bldcllrea on him • LIFE ON EARTH "The FflM Of The Miun- mel1" DIYld Anenl>Ofough look• et plltypuaea. Tumanlen dlvlla. ken- gerooa end other odd c:re11 ..... In hill eccount of '"' ~·' of mem-mala. Q G NOVA "Palace Of Otlllghta" A behind-the--look ls ••en et San Frenciaoo'a ExploratOflum, • unique ldlrlOI ~ lttlurlng dOM 10 500 exhlblta. Q (CJMOYIE •-* * "Bettleground" ( 111,11) Ven JOhnson. John Hodllk. Arnerlc:ln aoldlllra ot the 10181 Airborne OM· liotl engege In the French ~end the Bettle of the Bulge. (l)MOVW ··~ "8'11tln' ~ .. f1N1) fllldWd Pryor. ao. ly T~ A bumbling bur· gler, • conoerned ~end ... Children lllllk• • ~ Ing crOIMlOUfttry trip In • brollen-down Khoo! bu9. ..... .MOYIE * •• "I Sent A Liiier To. My Lcwe" (19'1) Simone 1 ~ . .-n·~. A mlddle-eged woman who 1111 IS*lt moll of ,_ """' ... cerlng lot her lnvelld brother deddea to writ• • i.tter 10 • ,_.. per IOnll)' '-t• CX>lumn. 'PG' 1:308111 LAWANE& ltML.IY llll entire GW1Q peye trib- ute to IN WOtld of enler- tlinment. lndudlng epoofl ofl8"'0Uel>C*M..Q • AU. .. nte FNll/LY Archie penlcl when Edith lnvitM en old ldloolm•I• to dinner. (}))MOYIE ••on "OrMMd To Kiit" ( 11180) MlchH I Celn•. Angle Olc:klneon. Police ~ tor the peyc:h<>tlc mutderer """° butci-ld • auburben hOuMWtle. 'R' (%)MOVIE ** "'Tiii Mwrllgl Do Us Part" (111711) L.,,1 Ant~ nelli. A young bride finds ,.,., oonluaion over her ,_ Ille c:ompouncled when ahe IMrnl lhlt the """ ahe hN merrled II ec:luell)' her btother. 'R' t:OO 1J Cl) MOVIE ··a.e--T-er~·· !Pr.,.,.) Mlc:Nel &ten- don, Pet Hen1ngton. A prominent attorney lrlll to mlk• emends for giving up on his emollonelly troubled btOlher when .... ,,_,., !l!!:nmoat. • STAAIKY AHO HUTCH "Murder Al See" (Pert 2) 8111 "'""°'8 C!Ot"'ANY A vl11tlng food critic oecldM !hit Jlnlt end Terri 111 much more eppettr.ing thin Jeck •• c:ul- Mne. Q D -.LYGMHAM ~ • MERV GNff'IN Ii> Pl.EDGE ilMAK. ~ 9dleduled pr~ grwnmlng 11\ey bl del•)"ld due to pledge btNll1. t:10. fWUI Of' INC> Cemeraa cepture the extreordlnery anlm11 blh•Ylo< •Jdllllltld when • IOUt·yNI drought •trlkN the Thia RIYW In KenyL t:11. LR ON LVn'H • ..,.,_ RIM Of Thi M.,,,_ mal9" 09Yid At1tnb0tough looka et pl1typua1a. T eemenlan devlla. IUln- gerooe and other odd crttturw In hie ~t of the de\lekJC>o•••I of mem- mlla. Q ~ 8 9 TOO Ct.08E FOR COMFOftT CHANNEL LISTINGS S.lh gt>N Into ~ for herMll, making end Mlllng c:oold• from a Grendml Rull! redpl. (O)MOYIE • • "The Extermlnlto<'' ( 11180) Christopher Geotge, s-thl Egger. After hll -buddy II left perelynd by • New YOt'k youth Qlll'IO. • Vllltnem wt deoldH to t•ll• hi• revenge by murdering atreet c:rtmlnela ttlrough gru11om1. tortuou• -..'R' It KNXT <CBSI 8 KNBC (NBC) e KTLA (Ind.I •KABC (ABCI D KFMB ICBSI f) KHJ·TV (Ind.) G KCST (ABCI •KTTV llncU 'ti) KCOP-TV (Ind.I • ICCET IPBSI • KOCE (PBS> (0) On·TV (l) Z·TV (8) HBO CC> (Clnemax> Cl) I WORI NY .. N.Y im <WTBSI (}) IESPNl (I) (Showf lme I • Spolllg/11 • (Cable News Network> t0:00 8 Cl! MMMA MAHOM1..L ANO ™E MAHOMLL~ Gu.ate: Tony Orltndo, B.J. Thoma..(~) Cringe eo.t DAILY PfLOTtrl.fetday, March 9, 1982 ' ' 8uoflflOll. Metio Adorf, A ~ 1111pe en Fal eoen• poelrlg • • etrlpper to r900VW • kldNlpped eclo- entlll. euw..u.NCAN 8"la ·==ON IOCIETY ••• M,.. Night Long" (ttt1) Gene Hldlmen. Btrtlte Strelllend. After beirlO dlmot9d from oor- PGt• IUCUtM to ct\lln- llOfl night INf\ICllf. • mlddi...g.d men'a 11• 11)'11 end velull ere turned •~own.'R' 1i. 8 (I) WKNt IN CINCINNATI • Fonner blMblll rneneger Spertiy Ander9on .. hired to holt WKRP'1 ,_t ~lhOw.(R) 12: 16 CID ™E 9UT °" 'ON LOCATioN' Ro6er1 Klein hoeta • Mllo- Uon OI routlnea perfOfmed by the v.nou. oomeoilnl - • lndudlng Robin W'*-. Biiiy Cryetll end OeYld Brenner -who h1v1 eppeered on Home Box Ofllol'• 81end-<Jp comedy ..... 12:ao .. a LAn HeOHT WITH I . DAW> LETTEAMAH GUMta: dog tral~ Barba- ra WoodhOutll, "F111ner• Alm1nac" editor Rey G4Nger. 9 MOYIE **'At "Fright" ( 11172) Su••n George. Honor BlllClcmen. A blby litter end her chlrgl -thrNI· ~ by the c:hlldtl lnMM fllher. l~ANAUOf' THE ttl1 l9G LN'fiOff llll beat ,_ oon.-- •• lttlured .. the region-. al wlnner'S ol the Big Llfl Oft c:omj)911 egelrlel one ""°',_· (%)MOYIE •*'At "Aoc:tulf\OW" (1980) Peul M cCertne y end Wlngl.. Thie reoord of the blnd'1 U.S. lour l<M*JdM perlormtnCN of "Jet," "Bencl On The Awl." "Silly .Lo"9 Songl'' end -old BllCll bllleda. 'PO' tt:40·(1)~ 1ae MOVIE. ••'Al "The Dirty a-" ( 1 llMI Henry F Of>dl. Rob- _, Ryen. An Amer1c:en 8PY chief recells thrll ol the molt dertng ·~· In hi• Cllt-. 1:108 MOVIE ** "Swingen PwldlM" (1"5} Cllff Ak:Nrd. Wiii., Slel.lk. When one of ltl mernblrl 11 hired • • 1tunt men. • .. nglng group mlk•• """· t:1•!= * * * ~ ''The Wiid Qllld" (11170) JIM-Plerr• Cergol. Frencolll TNfleut. An 18th-_,,ury phyliciln 111empt1 lo c:MliH • t2·~-old boy found llYlng wild In the toreata of Frence. 'G' 1:ao .. !NTERT~ TONIGHT An lnteMew With Robert Urk:h. ·= •**'Al "Eyewltneu" (11111) Sigourney w-. Willam Hutt. A lellWlon r'90flll' blCOITlea lftvon..d with • jenttor whO m•y know more lbout • mur- der ltlet he wltnttled then hellMylng. 'R' 1:AI (}))MOVIE ••••At "Allee. SwMI Allol" ( 11178) Linde Miller, Peute Shepperd. Mlrnbera of en ll•ll•n-Amerlcen ternlly ere vic:tlmlud by • peyc:hOllC murderer In their mldlt. 'R' 2:001= *. "Kllllr Sh1111" ( 111!50) Roddy Mc:Qo..,111, Llurett• Lua. A lhlt1I boel 11 tllten out by a young men on • v~llon. (J)MOW ** "S.vege Wttkend"A WMtcend holldey blc:omN 1 nlghtmere IOf five lrlenda who -llllkld by • killer .,.. 2:16 (%)MOYIE • ••on "Glcnme Shetter" C 11170) Rolling Ston11. Jett. tenon Alrpl-. Thl8 doc:u- mentary of the Rolling SIOf>N' 11188 Amerl<:ln lour lnc:lude9 --ot the rioting and murder II en Altemont Speedway fr11 concert. 2:21• NlW8 :t:aoe MOYIE * • * "Home Bel ore Dw11" (1958) Jeen Sim-"'°"'· Rhondl Fleming. A women 11rugg111 to lldjutt to aoo,ty following her c:onllnlrntnl IOr • nerYOUS brlM"-'. t-.A0!--2:oill MOYIE * * • "The Hellatrom cntonlde" (11171) Docu- mentary. N8trlled by L- renoe Po-. The ver· led ~ lec:Miquea of inllc:ts, wtlldl may _,tu- elly put them Into d4rect end "-"" ~·­tlon with men, ere r.....-.i. uoe MOYIE • • "My Low" ( 11177) ._ ~. w-.m Kett. A young couple hllve dlfftc:ul- 1)' eatlblllhlng • rttl ,..._ tlOf'8Np In the '-of modern morel oodM. 3:IO Cl) MOYIE * * "Humenolda From · The ~" (11180) Doug McClure. Ann Turkel l.Oe"'80n)I crutur• from the ~·· depths •ttedl • Ce1110tnll c:oeetll town, kllllng the men end replng thewomen.'R' • tHE POtNTEA a.TEAi Anlll. Ruth end June pet• fOfm In • concert llltuting "Fife," "Y• W• Ctn Ctn" end "Hi's So Shy." 3::11 (})) MMY llWll.OW .. CONCERT Mllnllow performe 1 Nlec· tlon of hll hfta. 4:00. MOVIE •• 'At "l<ldnepped" ( 19'8) Roddy McDowell. Su• Englend. 8INd on the c:INllc by Robert Louil JOHN DARLING WH"r•d•11'• Da11tl•e fllome• ~ -MORIK- 1-:ao CID • • •on "Bedlcnobe And 8roornetle:Q" (11171) Angele ~. Devtd Tomllnlon._ CJ) * * ,_. "Somewtlere In Timi" (11180) CMatopher Reeve, Jene Seymour. OblMttd with ~he l>Of1t9lt of I 111t!H:lnlury lcir-. e rnodenHily New York pleywf\Ohl ..... hypno911 to tre...i blc:ll In lime and melt her. 'PG· 1:00 0 ***'At "The Wey We Were" ( 11173) Blrbra Strtllund. Robert Redford A young COi~ couple In the 111309 dllOOY8t lhll their political dltterenoee ere etrong 9tl0Ugh IO jeop- lltdlze their merrlllgl. 1:111 (%)***'At "Gimme Shel· ter" l 11170) Romng Stonea. JefferlOfl Alrpl-Thlt documentary or the Rolling Ston11' 11169 Amerl<:ln '°"' lnc:ludM _....or the rioting end murdet II 1n Altamont Sj)lldwey rree concert t:OO CC) ••'At "Flereup" l 111811) R.quel Welc:h, J-Ste· c;y A l>Mullful young go. go dencet ts purlUld IO Lo• Angele• by • deranged, p11enolac: kiter whO believes that ahe la the c:euM of the f9llur• or hl• merrllge ..ac> e • ~ "Frontier H0tW>n" (1113&1 John Weyne. Jen. niter Jon11. A promoter ~ lo swindle renct>- .,. out of tlHMr lend In order to build • dem '°' a r--..olr. IO:OO (})) * • • "Lott Horizon" ( 11137) Ronald Colmen, "-'Wyett. A tndnepped dlplom•I d iscover• 1116 Hlmal1y1n kingdom or Shengrl-LI, a piece of eternal peec:e and lmm0<- tallty CJ)*** "The Tender Tree>" ( 11155) Otlbbll ~· nold8, Frank Slnetr1 A sophlatlcated beehelor down on memege ..-11 a ~ who trlj)tl him g • • on .. Billy Jeck" (11171) Tom Leughlln, DeiOf• Teylor. An ••· Green Beret "-lt~lld c:hlmplons the cauM of • frwdom Khoo! for run1- weya ott en Arizona Indian ,_...,Ion. 10:411 (%) •fir "Fleta Of Fury" ( 19731 Btuc:e Ltt, Merle YI A rnertlel arU llll)lr1 rinds ..-.peeled danger wt.... he QOM to wOf1I In 1 Beng- k<* Ice lec:tory. 'R' 11:00 CC) * * "Loving Couplea" ( 1980) Shlrl9y Meclllne. J-Coburn. A m1nled couple end • pair of young .ioglll lwltdl pertnere In a geme of llleetylll umpling end romentlc r...,enge 'PG' 12:00 D • • "Swtsa Miu" ( 1938) Sten L1urel, OUver Herdy Two men Ml out on 1 romenllc Alpine edven. lure • * * "The Bedford Inci- dent" ( 11165) Rlchll'd Wid· mark. Sidney Poitier World l)tt(:I henga on the ......... ,.., ...... ,...,,.....,.....,_ ,. ~ . .....,, ~WltllieOftpetrol •. *. '''Ml!Qn lntfloul'' ( 1Nt) "°"" MltdMn,~P90I AHif • pr-. 90l'l'l'1 WMltlly bOll dlee. he dMOtl IO In ....... ttle -·· ln)'l ... loul peel, CID ••• "llmon" I 1NO) A*' Alllln, Au.tin Pendll- too 8Glllnt'-et 1 b!Ufr• ly mltldlf'ediid thlnif t..W ~·~ooi. ieoe proNleOt ttltll flt II en ellll\ trom ou• ~ 'PO' Cl)* *'At "Where the lklf• fllo Roem" (lNO) BIN Mutrey, ,._.., Boyte. J04X: nellel Huttter 8. T~ u•.. hi• unorthodo• rlC)Otllng tldtniql'M to QOYlt -of IN m.iot polltic.t tlnd aoclll _ .. of the let• ·eo. Mel Mrty '70.. 'R' 12:.IO (%) • • • "C.vemen" I t 1111) Ringo Slln, Dennie Qulld The ctownl9h metn· lier of • b8tely humln prllllltorlc tribe begin• 10 dl!IC:Olllf thet ~elna tlnd not brlwn wltl bl the key to hla peop.•a aurvival 'PG' 1:00 (C) •••• "Alllmll Crac:tclfa" ( 1930) MWIC Brother a, Margeret Oumonl Cept.in Sp1uld· Ing, Ille Afrlcen 111p10rer. return• from • recent expedition to wrNll havoc at a society mltron't Wttkend party 'G' t:30 0 • * "This Is Elvis ' 111181) Ooc:umentary Fum footage and dr1m111c: r• creetlona are ueed to tlll the atory or Efv11 Ptestey'a llleendcereer ~(ID * • "The Rollictclng Adveollurea 0 1 Ellu Fr...," ( 19761 Suaanneh Yont, John Walera The lusty ..,,. of a 19th-century ... c;ept.in falls for • lecherous rogue aboerd her hUsbend'• ship 2.'()6 CZ) "Coup O'Etat" 2::30 CS) • • •.i. "The Greet Out· mond Robbery' ( 1115') Red Skelton, Cera Wll· llama A slow -witted fewelet's apprentice I• oonneo by e<al1y croolt• lnlo rec:ulllno • certain ptec:IOu• dlamood S."00 0 • • "Guns Of lhe Timberland" ( 11180) Alen Ledo. Jeenne Cr11n T ownap410ple leannv '°' lheOr land ballle loggers Who heve pe<mlUlon lo Qlelr • hlllSide 4:00 ClJ * * '" "Rocilshow' ( 1lla0) Peul McCltrtney and -winga-0.1e-iilcord Of \he band's U S I out onc:ludee performances ot "Jet" "Band On The Run," "Silly Love Songs" and some old Bflltle ballads 'PG' 4:30 (C) • • "from Noon Till Thr"' 11977) Cherlea Bronson. Jiii trelanCI A dnl1e< Is recruited into a rag·lllQ robbery o•no CBJ • • • 'i'> "Bedknoba And Broomttlcks" (11171) Angell LINbury, 01vtd T omllnaon. Ouflng W0tld Wer II, • novice aorcer ... and her three young friend• Ml ott tor • maQic Island wi..e "11 Intend• lo INrn enough 1bo\11 wllchcr1l1 to use It egalntt theNazla 'G' *·~"Up River" ( 11180) Morgen Stevens A young pioneer bec:omea obsealMMI with revenge 1111f h•s wtle 11 kllled by 1 local land baron who r-•• his suc:cesa. 0 •••"Allegro Non Trappo" ( 1976) Anlmellld Ute In lhe mlChine 11g1 Is aetlriJld 'PG' 11:'6 (%) * * * * "Shadow Of A Doubt" ( 1943) Tereaa Wright, Joseph Colten When • men oomes to st1y with his Sttlllf and her fem· lly In a amlll West Coeat town, hls niece ls l)legued wtlh lhe negglng IUSplcion thll he •• really lhe "Me<ry Widow" killer. by Armstrong & Batiuk 'T w o Brothers' pre mie res tonigh t Lifelong bond tested by different lifestyles, goals ;·fRUFFELL1S ·: 1~UPHOLm1tY I Sli[ ....... I l • 0 • -----A: ltU NAHOl I&. YD. ' 1COST A MllA -14 .. 111" By FRED ROTHENBERG A,.T .......... W,.... NEW YORK -"Between Two Brothers" is one of those rare television movie5 that raises questions worth asking, while pointin1 the way toward anawen worth lblokiil1 about. The film, starring Michael Brandon and Pat Harrln1too, is about two brothen whole liteJon1 bond la tested by different natures, lifestyles and 1oals. But beyond t1m rill. "Between Two Brothen" explores tome universal themes: the delicate balance bet•een career and family, the tbln Une betweo belplnt and hurtiq a f1mUJ member in trouble, and UM iDteartt1 ~ palltle1. (Tbe movie aln at t tonlC1lt oa CJwnnet 2.) That's quite a lot to tackle, but the movte•a success ii .that it's ..wl'talnAnC. intelligent and lUumlDatJaa. despite a r.•ot that oeeutonally bordln ao the ml:ia pl•J• ••~ rraa•r. a ••ccellfal la.,.., f~ mu ud wo11ld·M eo111re11ma11 from bl1 famU1'1 bome dlltrtet. ...._ be now ........ ., ............... ....... Harnase-.. older bnUler ·-· WbOH *'Uial aad 1ambliq bH •b•uiMd two ............... 11111 r..-.... ,.....,: ........... " • ...... Dillt '91.r. ............ - gives a care-free appearance to hide bis bitterness. He was forced to become surrogate father for Bob after lbe accidental death of their father. Glimpsea of these feellnp surface when Bob returns to the family home for blue-collar ·publicity photos fOll b1a congl'esslooaJ campai1n. While poalna for family portraits, Ruu. ha.ml It up, tryin1 :ae hia brother. The . escalates in a ~-one basketball same that each brother sees as a tell of individual mettle. Later, lhrougb 10me well·erafted weavtn1 of backlJ'O'DI and motherly apluatiOm, we set clues why each man bu ebolen, or been fofted to cboole, a ;uticular dtredicm la life. lleanwblle, Bob'• 1loll1 campeip shifts fr'Oal t.M ~ to crtme, ..._ the district ex9erlencH a doHD bur1lartea. The movie ~ wWa tlM commtatoo ol one ~ thole ~· Tbe ._...,, equlDMd wtda a pallee band ndlo on hJI blft, .... Rapl a& tlM ~f«a....,.. n foab UM BtlU ma, lie r•1 •Me for IOIDI of U.. crimel, .._ bl lliltl U•llll ...,_..Im mew. he1•1 Clftlltl depr•I .. HODOmJ ... oeaper eom'C'w.,aw.-._. ..... .._ But .. _ ~:li~M ......... --........ .. 8tt 1n fraal"oljeUT" lM I 1•11 ~ . Bob becomes suspicious when his wife, an accountant played with spunk by Helen Shaver, realizes from Ruu's tax information that four of the homes bur1larlled were painted by Rua. Bob refuses to llaten at first, but u the circumatanUal evidence aeta .ironser, the measure of this mu ii tbat Ile thinks of b1a brother's. welfare, not his election. Bob's campaitn mana1er, Ale1 Brock, slickly played by Peter White, baa more of a oae-track mind. He baa attempted to make poUUcal bay by nploltiq the 1Dcwnbeat'1 wean. ... the Job of the lmase·maker. But when be ltU111 tbat a ... ma1 be in trouble, Alex'1 ad.tee ii to ... ertiel wttb Rms. WbUe Bob la papplln1 wWt tbl1 conftlct, Id.I campatp ud lDYeld1atioa of bb brother takM up all bit time, putUnc bim at oddl wltJI tdl wife. Tbelr reladonlllAp, wMeb bad hem ftlled wttb aopblldeat..s bumor aboal tbllr io.. llfe,teta........._ lD U. IM. Bob must mm tome l•portut Nlllou. Vlewen ••1 •...U.lat.e..._,bul~not tnt ....,.,. ... eoatem SHU 11 ERS CUSTOM QUAun SHUTTERS I Daslgiled, I Finished lnslallad ~1 • .. Orange Cout DAILY "LOT/Tu11d1y. March I , 1111 1 Oscar nominees earn pl&udits Academy hoat~~ all 141 )n pre .. awarda celebratUm •190aTBOll.U HOLLYWOOD (AP) -For mon ~ ball I century, UuJ'apotll1ht h11 ahone oa Otcar wlnnen. Thta year the MoUoa Picture Academy ii boaoriDI the other nomlneea •• well. Tod•y the Academy boeted a luncheon at the Beverly Hilton Hotel to acknowlldl• all 141 nomtnt'ea for mm achievement duri.n1 1111. Acade81y Prealdent Fay Kanln wUI preaent certificates to nominees, wbo will be Introduced at the luncheon. '•For year8 people have .;1ald that 1etUn1 • nomination is honor enoulfl, even thouab the winners iet most of the attention," explained Academy spokesman Don Mor1an. "So the Board of Governors decided to pay homa1e to all of the nominees. The luncheon will not be a media event, though photographers will be able to pboto1rapb the nominees as they enter and receive, their certificates from Miss Kanin." Morgan added that Howard W. Koch, producer of the Oscar telecast March 29, will discuss the show at the luncheon. Koch explained: "We have felt for a 1001 time that all of the nominees didn't get enough exposure. This seemed like a good way for everyone to get together · 1n a warm, friendly atmosphere and talk about the show." "It's a wonderful idea, and one that's long overdue," wrote editor Thomas M. Pryor in Daily Variety, adding: "The Academy long bas contended that every nominee is indeed a winner, and that Is not stretching the point, for the individual so honored bas been r ecognized as someone special It's recognition of talent that should be particularly gratifying because the nominations are made by peer groups -actors nominate actors, etc." "Deathtra p," like many intricate s tage thrillers, reveals its artifice on the screen but rem ains crackling good f~. Ira Levin's play was a masterpiece or convolution, the' s urprises unfolding one a fter another. The plot can't be Oscar Fever rules 1 l All entries m ust b~ on an orriciul blank dipped from tht' Daily Pilot. No photocopies or hand·drawn entry blanks will he accepted. 21 lnd1vidua,ls m<i} enter as many limes as they like 31 Entries must be postmarked no later than March 27. 1982 4 I Daily Pilot e mplo> ees and members or their Im mediate ram1hes a re not eligible to enter. 51 Selections mu11t be made in each category Incomplete entriei. will.not be accepted · Oscar Fever OFFICIAL BALLOT BEST PICTl 'Rt: O Atlantic City 0 Chariots of Fire O On Golden Pono 0 Raiders of tile Lost Ark 0 Reds Bf.ST ACTOR D War ren Beatty 0 Henry Fonda O Burt Lancaster 0 Dudley Moore O Paul Newman !oil 'PPORTIS G \(T OR 0 James Cixo 0 Jol'tn Gleloud O lan Holm 0 Jack Nlcl'tOlson 0 Howetd E. Rollins Jr BEST DIRECTOR O Warren Beatty O Huott Hudton O Louis Malle Q Mar1c Rydell D Steven Splelbero Rt:ST Al'TRF.SS O Katl'ta;lne Hepburn 0 Diane Keaton 0 Marsha Mason 0 Susan S.randon 0 Meryl Streep I Sl'PPORTISG ACTRESS D Melinda Dillon O Jane Fonda 0 Joan Hackett O Elilabetl't MCGovern 0 Meureen Stepleton ORIGl'.'I: \I. SOS G O Besl Thet You Cen Do Q Endless Love Q Tl'te First Time In Heppens O For Your Eves Only O One More Hour Deadline Midnight March 27, 1982 OSCAR F'EVER IS SPONSORED BY THE DaityPilat PRIZES PRESE='TEO BY The Grand Dinner Theater ~AME ----------------~ ADDR~~---------------~ CITY----------1'110"E------ Mo1l 10 0 1ear Ftutr-T/lt Dolly Pilot PO Boz 1560. Co11a MtlG. Ca 92626 dlHloMd without 1ivh11 1w11 1eor1t1,. but • 11n1rally lt concernt • falUllf wrt\tr ot IUIPtDH r.laya who becomta involved with a youn1 Pl'OWlt n a hew play wilb a mW'deroul plot they are acUn1 out In real Ufe. Sidney Lu1J14.t 'a direction la aure·handed, wisely Umilin1 'inOet of the t_ctloo to Uua omlnoua country home of the playwricbt. Tbe cutlq la Ideal. Michael Caine d11playa the emotional ran1e of a man capable of murder both on and off the 1ta1e. Dyan Cannon makes the moet ot her rather brief role as his allln1 wife. Christopher Reeve, as Caine's accomplice and ultimate nemeaia, creates an Impressive character, mannered and enigmatic: Reeve'• actinl aJdll Indicates he could. abandon hls cape In the phone booth if he ao· desires. Rated PG, with a bU of awearin1 and considerable scariness. Wltha competitor ..• how close can you get? • Magic " ... every piece of magic and skill has been used to free our imagination , to let it soar."-Sh~i/o Beruo,., LOS ANGELES TIMES el9t' 1t1nov EVIL~ TitE ... IPGI 1:00 3:15 5:35 1:~~ 1oqo It} M1ri1I H1m1ngw1~ P£.-.u.L81ST (Rl 2: 15 •:•S 7;,?). ! 'fl! Diane K11ton In SMOOT THS ..,.,.. 11111 2:10 4:40 ~=~1'~~ .............. .. ., .......... .... _, ....... ,.,....,.,. ....... ,... ........ .,. .,.. __,. AM..,,. .. ~0...1;• MQHTLY U...,1JFHIU• It Naeed Cell Ml•Hfl. "'' .... weftl• toworlltor t .. ... 111w.1~ ... ,o ... "e 16 h• '-•6:cm • .... t'•"".i8:4& IMPOflTANT MOTICl! C .. ll0fl£• UMOlfl 12 fllHI .......... .,... .... '"'• 111 & :)() • Sii ... Mel14 3() Ptl CINI-A SGUllD • 'IM ,,. tMI Miil • '°"" .,._.. 1 II IC> All! CNI llAOIO Wit H ICllllllOll ACClUOl'I IOltt1lll -tMIG Ml lllllf*' l•AU CM-fl ~ D Oii Ml.,_.., .ANAHt I.._. ANAHEIM DRIVE IN h•••OY tt at Lemon St ~·-· "OIATH WISH ti""' ...... 'THf. IU..NINO" "' Cn•I 11 SOUllO ---------179·91-=-I0-=------- 1. "DOCTOR BUTCHIElll M.D." 111 "THEY ALL LAUGHlO" 1rt1 - I I 2. "ICALPEL" "' 3 "NUlllSE CHERRI" 11'1 CINI II SOUllO 51Jf ~.A P.4.Pk BUENA PARK DRIVE IN llncot" Av• W••I OI •"°" 121·4070 B 1tN• "'A"-'• LINCOLN DRIVE IN \.n<oln A•• W•"' of CM>tt 121·4070 "SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES" 1rt1 CIHt f1 ~MO -----·-·--"VICE SQUAD" 11t1 -"HAftOCORE" "' "EVIL UNDER THE SUN" "' -"CONTINENTAL OIVIM" - 111111tBU'' "Msu~:::~~~='° .. - So" O.eoo •NV ol illooll•""' ($0 l I .. J.2.-1 !-.!f..~;f J C•IOf ll - "THE AMATEUlll""' -"DRESS TO KILL""' Cllll llM>UllO ---·--"CHllll9TIANf! F :· 11t1 -"OEATMSfffP" "' Clllf ll- t>. H.A8~A LA HABRA OlllV! IN """"""""'·--............. 171-1162 J1i.APtof1,t i "DEATH WISH II""' .... "THE IURNING" I'll 0.. A IOUll0~-- 1. "DOCTOR IUTCHIR M.o:· llQ 2."ICA~L"1111 3. "NVflSI CHf.RRI" "' Clllf·RSOUllO "MISSING"--"fl\JRSUIT OF O.B. COOP£R .. - ORANGE DRIVE-IN $ctftlO A"O fl'W'f •Slot• CON ... 558·7022 Oo----·-·--"VICI SOUAO" _, -"HAAOCOlllE" 111 I~ ) Ot A• 'l.'Ailril MISSION DRIVE IN "THE AMATEUl!I" tlQ -··Of11HI TO KILL""" *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perform1ncH before 5:00 PM (i.,t I,_., E ...... Mlll Hd Hollftyt) ...... ··~~i.-00'""] "PERSONAL BEST' ·--..... ·--"' ,,._ .. __ "CHAl'IOTI Of FIRI" -,-.--... - ""----''ON GOLDIN~··,.. ......... __ _ ''TitlY ALL LAU..D" tNll --.---- l/'dcfW<i<l[l ( fNTHI \<l I. 1 H ..,, , "' --· "DCATM WllH II" fll • ...... -· ••• tc .. ,.,. "THEY ALL LAUGHED" -·---..... _ ··vtCC IOUAD" t11t ·-----...... - .,.._L0¥1" ................. r:. ................ ~-.. ._. __ _ • ''fttLUlaWITMllUW' -----.................. ,. ''CMAIMOTaW,_.."' . I ................. -~=-:-] ... ,.,. ...... "!!l!l!!llP" .. ------ '1Cllntl OIOl 'b!L UnDfR TttlSJn Ci1611111Ul,0If UllM~111(,IUCl\.t WOO -m IMOCJlll<D ""° ~Ot ~OI e"!I> """"..,_''°'WOO. llC; ·. MUDDY COMBAT -Thai bulls splas h in the mud from a recent rainstorm while engaged in battle at Songkhla , southe rn Thail and. 'fights last from 10 minutes to more lilly Pilat TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 STOCKS &4- COMICS 86 Erma Bambeck has some novel ways to thaw out hamburger for dinner. See P.age 82. 0 0 only for the hulls ArW.,....... tha n an hour before the loser turns lo run from n1s charging opponent. Would-be matadors stand. aside and make bets on the outcome r SONGKHLA. Tha il and <AP> Pa mplona it isn't, but ~ bull fight afi cionados at Songkhla in southern Thailand enjoy their sport just the same. In Thailand -and some other e xotic Asian locales - bulls battle and butt other bulls. and would-be mat adors s tick to the sideline and bet on the outcome. It's less bloody tha t way. A fi ghting bull scarred in the ring fl ees when it has had enough. a nd usua lly li ves to1 fi g ht another day. . ~ A bull fight before thousands of screa ming fa ns can• la st an hour. Money changes hands all the while. T he bull fight is a favorite s pectator sport among' southern Thais. es pecially rura l folk. though its origin is - clouded. Some say it 's a European import. while other • Tha is claim local or igins dating back to the 12th cent ury. The Thai-style Corida has even developed its own ·. rules. though Spanish devotees might find them puzzling. • One rule all ows a bull's owner 10 minutes to coax his~ skittish anima l back into the ring. Gi ven the bulls' sharp .. horns, size and pugnaciousness, even the owners treat· their animals with healthy respect \ .. LOCKING HORNS....:.. This closeup photo shows animals backs off , declaring the other one the a pa ir of determined bulls horn to horn in winner. PAYING OFF -A Thai gambler pays off a bet while watching the action in the ring during a bullfight in Songkhla. Thailand. Gamblers often bet on the length of the match. battle. The fight continues until one of the He's waiting for return of stemners RIPLEY, W. Va . (AP> -J .D. Anderson says America just isn't going anywhere until it gets back to the steam engine. "Steam is the greatest thing we ever had in the U.S. It's just like lightning when you tum up the speed,'' says the man who spends his days keeping the romance of steam alive. I. In a rambling backyard filled 1 with rusting machinery, scores I of old bicycles and a junked truck or two, sita Ander90D's I steam engine. • I With a smile, the 80-year-old Anderson tenderly pats the maze of wheels, boilers and gauges. Checkin1 vale valves and fiiclrina levers, he recalb 1 ~· days of tbe steam a1e. "When tbe steam eqlne came alon1 when I wu a boJ, tbey t.11ou1ht it waa wonderful," be aaya. "Went f.aster than a mule" Ste'am, Anderson aaya, WW. uaed to power evel')'tbinl from trains and boata to merr1-10-rouad1. Before electricity or 1uollnt, steam ran everythin1 that couldn't. walk, be IQ9. ''Thia mle hen WU uaed far a1 merr1-10-rouad," he 1a11. aud1illl Ida mllae. "I bmd It la a Jmkyard. Pellow wam.d . ••tt.butldlae .. ••llto him, just like that. "You know it's over a 100 yea rs old. But in the 18 years I've run it, I've never had to repair it." Anderson's romance with steam began as a child, during the long hours he would spend watching the s team tractors used by construction gangs. Effortlessly, the chugeing monsters would lift a boulder or scoop up a load or of dirt. ·'There's nothing can stop steam. You put one of them internal combustion engines up a1alnst steam and it'll give up," he says. A former farmer, school teacher and aoll conservation officer, Anderson set out a few years back to make hla fortune by buildinl stea5' en1ines lo cook sorlbum. He comtnlcted an enline that could prepare 10 1allona ol tbe 1yrup in an hour -Just in tlme to see the nation switch to aqar. Lookinl ato the dlataaee, Aade,._ Ian MJbe tllen'll.,. a bl• man• ,... aorpum and another CU.. for 1111 ....... one dAJ. 'l'llla • lbrull • ...._ qulcklJ •••. 1~t1 ba~ to cbettlal °"'ue-...... "sa.m hM alw.,i fatetut.d me," be ..,.. "Steam la the .. ,_.. ............... . K!!PING DtlTANC! -HaDdlers watch from inside the ring, but. at a safe distance, as two bulls lock.horns_ in the' ~. nn1. The spectators stand protected in the bacqround. . . .. ' J Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Tuelday. Maret\ 8, 1882 • ANN LANDERS • ERMA BOMBECK • HOAOSCOPE Wife disturbed Over romantic preoccupation DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 42 , female, married and a mother, I have debated about writing to you for years. The problem: a preoccupation with sexual af(aira dominates my life. Please understand these are daydreams, not experiences. It can be a handsome salesman, someone at work, my husband's bollf ·or the man next door. SomeUmes the same man will occupy my thoughts for months. I have vivid fantasie~ that are so real l become depressed and anxious when I see these men and they fail to behave as if they are madly in love with me. I realize it's crazy, but I can't help it. I wonder how long I can live this secret life and continue to be a successful wife and mother. If circumstances are such someday that I have an opportunity to live out one of these fantasies, will 1 jump at the chance or have enough sense to resist? I could never discuss this with anyone, BACKSTAGE VISIT -Paul Newman Cleft ) and his daughter Susan make backstage visit at Booth Theater in New York to chat with Michael O'Keefe <second from ·right) and POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT < t'M NOT ALWAYS DEPRESSED: OHL...._-WMEM l TMlMK 09' WMCM t F"EEL . PflSOllAllTJ Q.&A. . BY MARILYN AND HY°GARDNER Gleason works · for the 01oney Q. So many stars claim they're lnto acting for the love of It -that the money ls the least important part. But I understand tbat Jackie Gleason, for one, was very honest about bis motivations. He's one or my favorite performers -and I'd like to. know what his feelings are about this question. -Fran K .• New Haven, Conn. A: "Money means a great deal td me." says Jackie . "I love to hear people say. ·wen. money isn't it. It's the role.' Money is it! Because when you're finished acting. you want to do something after you're finished. You want to go out and have some laughs with the broads and the booze and s~reaming and yelling and limousines and beautiful clothes. What else," shrugs The Great Gleason, "do you work for?" Q. rve heard tbat Joba 'Lenaoa •rut Yeko llept 18 • very •uaal bed. What made It .... al! -Len K., Las Ve1a1. A: Their bed was made or two church pews f aclna each other -with a huge e•lht-foot mattress .on top. Sad .,our que1tton.t to. Hfl Gardner. "Glad You A.Med That." in core of tM Dailll Pilot. P.O. Sor 1"20. lnriM. Calif. '2114. Mcirilyn ond ff•' (;onNr IOiU CIUtOtf' GI mClftW qunt'°1al GI ,,... cma ii tllm column. but tlw voiufM of moU ..... ,.,..., ,.,..,, ~.ow. and it's making me nervous Just puttina it down on paper. Cold showers aren't possible four or five times a day and self-fratlficatioo isn't gratifying to me. Wha should I do? -UNSTEADY JN KENTUCKY · DEAR UNSTEADY: You Deed to a.ook some ol Ulat MJlaal eaerl)' wt&la tllle ma• to whom y• are married. Have. yoe made the effort! If fft, I rec:ommead It. A counselor could atve you eome Ideas oa how to go about It. Pleue read die Hld letter. DEAR ANN LANDERS: As an interested observer of the "people" scene, I often read your column and consider your advice good. I wonder why, when you suggest professional help, you never ref er readers to a licensed clinical psychologist. Training for this specialty is intensive and ........... Milo O'Shea who are appearing in "Mass Appeal." O'Shea and Newman are working on the film, "The Verdict," now in production. those who get their degrees are qualified to help many of the people who write to you. In New Jersey, as ·in many other states, the licensing requirement for paychOloliats is very stringent. It includes a doctoral degree from an approved' university, 1, 750 hours of supervised post-doctoral experience, a written exam and an oral exam. 1be public should be made aware of this excellent source of assistance. I hope you will be a conduit. -SPRINGFIELD. , N.J ., Reader DEA& N.I .: When I advbe, .. Get profeaAollal help," or ••Yr.. "Yoa needed couuellne," I auume my readen know p1ycllolo&l1t1 are profe111lonal1 In the mental bealUa Reid. However, I appreciate you spelllag It oat. la eome lutances peycbologlsta do a better Job than p11ychtatrlst1, wbo are medical school 1raduate1. A aoo• p1ychologtat 11 able to reeognlae tile symptoms of an or1a.ac problem aacl wtll seacl tbe patient to a ae.rolo111t for examlnattoa. (P.S. I hope you won't ml.ad U I point oat Uaat there are lemou la every flelcl -lacludla1 yoan.) Going too~'! GioMg OM? Or.........,• m OM? Even i/ p 're al,,_. married AM LaftMrf' compldellt uw "TIM 8,.,..• Gt!Mk'' 10iU ....., que•tion.t oboul todail'• ~· F<1r o copr, Mid o doUor, ~ o long, aelf~reaed, ftomped ..... (!7 cmta ~)to AM Laltdn•, P.O. Boz Ufl5, Chfc(JQ(>, IU. 60811. Grounds for decision There is one thing I have never taught my body how to do and that is to figure out at 6 a.m. what it wants to eat at 6 p.m, I suppose there are some people who roll out of bed and can hardly wait for the day to go by to get at those cabbage rolls, but I'm not one of them . I am always surprised when it is time to eat and there is nothing on my plate . WHEN MY CHILDREN were younger, I figured out the re were two kinds or mothers: those who dragged out of a warm bed and' put nutritious c hili in a wide-mouth thermos, and those who stuck a stick of gum and a holy picture in a s ack with instructions to "Trade up!" When 43 percent of the women in this country went out into the marketplace to work, planning ahead for meals became a real challenge a,nd hambur~er became our national bird. -· There's something about hamburger that's so ... ground. It's like an old friend. I am never defeated by frozen hamburger like I am a package of chops that are welded together or spare ribs that wrap around a piece of frozen fat which is held captive until the s pring. I never met a frozen turkey that was not capable of sinking the Titanic. flMA IOMlfCi ATWIT'S END BUT HAMBURG ER IS conquerable even at 6:30 when the big game starts at 7: 30 and it's frozen like a rock. 1 know all of you have tried traditional ways to d e fros t hamburger , but have you considered some of the following newer ones? · 1. Tuck frozen hamburger under your armpit while setting the table. 2. Balance meat under your shower cap as you run through the hot water. 3. Put it in your dishwasher and run il through the dry cycle. 4. Have the children put it on top of the TV set when they first arrive home and begin playing video games. 5. Put it under the rear tire or your car and back up . There a r e some people who put hamburger out on the countertop or sink before they go to work in the mornings . I don't know any of them personally. Virgo _horizon expands 1••11 . . .. lB(I P_HIL INTERLANOI _of 49una:.Beach ... Wednesday, March 10 ARIES <March 21 -April 19 >: Wh a t appears a loss is merely a delay. Know it. plan accordingly and fight tendency to be gullible. Accent on legal affairs, conflicting opinions, a clash of ideas and decisions affecting marital status. TAURUS <April 20-M·ay 20 l : What starts as a routine task or assignment could actually open door or opportunity. You'll have more press ure , responsibility. re lationship will be intensified you'll feel more alive.· "' GEMINI <May 21-June 20l: Good lunar aspect coincides with romance, creativity. willingness t o make long-range co mmitme nt. .Assignment will b e completed. it will be 'time to break with past and to take cold plunge into future Aries, Leo, Libra natives play key roles. CANCER <June 21.July 22): Benefits indicated through ne w environment. Domestic situation changes. your stance will be more independent and you'll have chance to express original ideas, concepts. Member of opposite sex does care. will show it and you'll know it.· LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 >: Focus on ideas. s p e cial submissions, creation of new formats, visits and short trips. Humor and versatility dominate scenario. Gemini. Virgo, Sagittarius pe r sons figur e prominently. Relative pays compliment. makes special request. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22>: Good news received concerning budget, sales, profits. income potential. Horizon expands. travel plans come into focus and you perceive potential. Emphasis also on communication. spiritual values . principles of law and special social event. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): Cycle moves up, roadblocks to progress are removed1 circumstances favor your efforts ana ' ret>uilding program begins on more solid base. You locate needed material, find key persons and gain cooperation of one who previously was skeptical. SCOllPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your abUtty to find clues 11ur1es to forefront. By doing some detective work, you locate lost objects and discover hidden motives. You 1ain canftdence of member of Oppc>Site sex who will aid your cause. Gemini. Sagittarius persona play key roles. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Excellent for entertaining at home. Focus on friends, uplratlona, wt.aha that come true. Moon upect la eood for lmprovlnft dom.Uc lituation. Family member wt make major conce11ion. Arles, Libra pel'IGlll ftpre prominently. HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA CAPRICO RN 1De c . 22 -Jan . 19 1: Emphas is o n lo ng-range as pirations. professional ach ievements. a hility to se parate fact from illus ion . Pisces individual relates confidential information. Evaluate sources. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Favorable lunar aspec t coi n c id es with communication. education, spiritual values and ability to put across views in graphic. d ynamic manner. Olde r individua I becomes all y, shares benefit of experience. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20 >: Insist on accounting : don't carry burden which belongs to another individual. If persistent. you successfully complete assignment. Make inquiries regarding credit. interest rates and financial responsibility of one who would be your partner. GOif i ON lllDGf "WhAt fits on the table?" BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deah. NORTB •Alot 'i:'JI O AQl4 •AIU WEST EAST •UO +I !:) AU Ii:' QlHU O Hi O &lOU •H4 •JTI IOtJTB •&QHI ~K H-----­ O U •&QlO Tbe b6ddias: .... WMt N_..Eut ........... , ....... ... ,, ... ... ()pealq lead: Eilbl of O . U cled¥er could '"all Ute buda, ... wodd ..... DO prob- lem iukillf lov .,... Oil ttdt deal. 81.Me our Soullil eMld Mt clo-. be Ud \o nq ..... ~u:; . a, .... nil al the two-level and then jump raisins hb partAer'• suit, North 1howed a powerful hand without pUinS hie eide above pme level. With an aee~eu mlaimum opening, South had no reuon to pro- ceed any further. W eet led hie lowe1t. dla· mood. declarer fineued the queen and East. won the kinJ. Thi' jaU ol beuu in dumm7 meant U.at that. eult. could ~ be.aUICked peolltabl1. IO Eu\ 1hnplJ returned a dia· moM, Declanr WOD in dwn- fll1 ud made U.. }c•J pla7 of rulflnr a . dj~moad. Thi• maneuver, tiJ no meana euy to epot, mDOvecl a by eait eull ._Welt'• Mad. .,.... ...... u.kbt.1- q ...... h'••P' -h• wuwd IO U., lM let in d9aa1ua,...bledlrJ'lf i. WW U. JMk al chllle la ...... u.. , .......... Neat ... Une '"9Cll al ............. ..,, ..... ., ...... N.,.........,led dummy's good club and discarded a heart [rom bis hand. West was down to nothing but a trump and three hearts. §inee he would be end played if he ruUed the clu b, be discarded a heart. But that only postponed th• In- evitable. Oedarer led dum· my'a remaininr diamond and ruffed It. Since that. would have been declarer'• tenth t.rlck. Weil wu forced to overruff. But now be could do no better \ban cub the ace of heart•, and at trick 18 declarer'• kins of' hearta bee&m• the fulfiUJnr \.rick. ....,.. ......... ... ..... ....,a.tee .,_ ............ , .. ..,, ........... .,,..... LH•••" ••" ti.II &e -0.•Lrdr,• _..II .... •• 5 JI• P.O ... -"'"'"'· .. ,, ...... ... ~~.':. :' t' .. N .... "i ~: . Jdf Jobns()n South Orange OJunl)'/lrvlne 714./8.~"'°50 ---------- By K ltlTH TU8 E& .................. When '1uor Corp. ~Id lta ann~al meetlnc a. year ato. lta'stodl wu selllq at*' share. Aa J . Robert FluoT, chairman of th• lrvlne·bHed corporation, addre11ed betwetn 800 and 900 shareholde11 at Monday's meetiAI at the South Coast Pla11 R9ttl, the company's stock was tumblin1 acaln. Fluor ele»ed down 1 ~ to 18 \..; on the New York Stock Excban1e. "On my way l.Qto the meetiq lhia mom1D1. an old friend. who's been a F1uor shareholder for many years1 ITabbed my arm," Fluor remarked. "'What a bappenin1 to the price of Fluor. shares!' be uked me. "I know my friend's concern, the concern of all of us, is understandable. The price of Fluor stock i5 a primary topic of con~ersation amongst Fluor sha.rehQlden th~ days. "The conversation is even more downbeat," Fluor continued, "among thole of ua who also own Smith International, Baker, Arco, Exxon. It's happened to all enerfy·related companif'tl." At the meeting, the company announced first-quarter re.suits for the period ehded J an. 31 of $39.8 million in net eamlnlS on revenues ol $1.8 billion. compared with net earnines of $35.3 million REDWOOD WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL Oii Y-•LL 2X6-36UN FT 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR Behind tne ball. Behind the famous Seacoast sticker Behind all the stat&-of.the art protection devices we make and Install, is Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes off on your' property. we get the signal in a nearby. 24·hour·a·day central station. ti the signal indicates fire. burglary or hoodup. we call the police or lire department. Since our central station 1s UL l isted . our c entral stati o n customers can qualify for a sizable discount on their insurance. And to increase our reach. mak4i response time even faster and i mprove efficiency we 're .computerizing our station. But impro11ements aren't new to Seacoast. We've been getting bet(er for 21 years. And today we're the leaders in the security business in the hart>or area with. over 10,000 customers Including a wide range of big and small ret11I, lndu1trl11 •and commercial establishments. To lind out more about Seacoast central station write or come by our new. •facility at 2488 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa lii\C?EACOAST 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD ,\I ~RllY SYSTEMS , 111•> ~2-3490 DECKING .,. .• TRI: . ~:~Q .......... " ..... $•lot ,.,6!>. "'"'"<• '"""' 4;,,.,, •• , '°"' Oot'I• ~ tC•ll St0t~ NP-'ftl 'f'avt At•a+ C~• •a.841·1289 ,.,,...__ ..... _ W'll.J0495..(M()1 -~C•~tlo.,. ,IS•"-~,_,., ot A•..y '°"'!?'I • • • • • • • •• If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot dassified ads. call 642-5678 Use /IMwer /Id service when placing your ad ... a Dally Pilot ad number wlll appear In your classtfled ad .. . we take your messages 24 hoqrs a day .. . you call in at your-convenience dVrfnV*'offfC'i hours and get the responses to your ad . . . t his service Is on)y $5 .00 per week. For more Information and to place your ad ca 11 642-5678. <nnge Coast DAILY PILOTfTuelday, March 9, 1982 .. rise ·while stock dips ANNUAL MEETING -A record crowd attended Fluor's shareholders meeting Monday. Chairman J . Robert Fluor stands at the podium. and revenues of $1.3 billion for the like period in 1981. • However, earnings per share declined to 51 cents from 72 cents. Fluor attributed the decline to increased net interest expense of $20.1 million, compared with net interest income of $7.1 million for the same period in 1981. The additional interest expense was largely a result of debt incurred in coranectioo with the acquisition~ St. Joe Minerals. Fluor said that debt level, currently at 39 percent, is expected to fall to around 25 percent within the next 3-to-S yea.rs. Sale of the Coquina Oil Corp., a subsidiary of St. Joe. could speed up that timetable. Another factor. Fluor said, was that the dilutive effect of the additional shares outstanding in 1982 was only partially offset by the profit contribution of St. Joe, which was adversely affecte<f by lower prices for lead, zinc, gold and silver. Fluor had 78.7 millioo averaee common shares during the first quarter of 1982, compared with 49 million shares in 1981's first quarter. "I think Cthe decline) is probably a reflection of general indecision on the part of a lot of people.· on where the economy is going,·• Fluor said during a press conference immediately following the. two-hour meeting. "We have a significant proposal list, but no action. Backlog would reflect the decline in new orders." The company's backlog fell during the quarter to $15.3 billion from $17.1 billion last year. Fluer said the co mpany's reorganization last. week Into four basic groups -engineering and construction, natural resources, distribuUon, and drilline services -puts the company in a stronger position for the futu re despite the sagging stock pr ice Among the issue shareholders decided at the meeting: Elected six class I directors to the board. New orders dropped considerably during the quarter just ended, falling to $917 million, compared with $2.3 billion last year. Those directors are Charles W. Cox, J . Robert Fluor, Sibrand Jurriaans, John K. Pike, Louis H. Wilson and John A. Wright. : -Approved the 1982 Fluor Incentive Stoct: • ·. . . . OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS 1.-. It l'tlltaNat ,._. l1 Piere.SS ;.v; J't Plnllrtn l\'t t J..16 PIOnHIB 11 1114 PIHUne C 41\IJ !>oHIS JOI.I. J0Ya Pre.GM '""' IPll PrsSt•Y'I l!.'t ''-Provrp 1I ta PbSvNC IW. I~ P"'1Ben ii;. ,..., "utOC~ U V. 14Vt =~~r M\4 t.V. lhychm ~ .:--Raymnd U UY. RMve ' ,. m .. ==~ ,...., " Rowton I~ .. AOUM -a v. SMiier Wt. SV. S.feco UV• I~ SIH•IGd ~ .!""' SIPaul •Y. ~ S.CrlpH $ _._'--• 4,,.. SvcMer J6ll> a Svc"'''' 11v. 111.'t SllMecl ~ s" Sltwmut 19'11 20 Si.raA• .--Sllkona 11~ 17 5Ca1Wlr t~ 171, SwEISv '"" '"-St-y11 1).1• ¥1 SldMl<ro 21 . 2w. ~:::~is .. I•\/, Ster1SI '6\4 IMlo StrawCI lit 31111. -SW.ru ,m 1~ s.-r e1 " ,. w. .... IVt ""' .-.. . '""' " 211 ,,..., Option Plan. N-'=' EMF ""'""" ' P•r-AloSCIW CA Cll Wllltmn ~~ .. GtS..,Cs Mltral FIComBc 5'\lrplGI Temlu ComlKll Unlmatn w.ocor Au- Cncpt "" Scotlr>st Oxoc Accu "" Ma<Jf'\AE Olmos GeoFld ICNwll U11 14"' IS N- 14'h U I Cumo s 2"' 2 2 Unit$« s :: 10 NASDAQ SUMMARY ! ~:!~ = 3 NEW YORK (AP) Most e<tlvt 0-· S FullrH8 IJ"1 lll'o IM<ounlM stocks wP!>li.cl by NASO. ', CGm,,1p~ I~ I IV. Name Volume Bkl Askt<I Chg. .. ...... llV. llV· MCIC 563,IOO ,..... 2'\lo -~ • Ouanea J3V. ~ Tanom ' m . .ao 21 21"' -..., ' TWstE• ~ 2.,, EnAsv 2n ,.ao •'" .,-. 10 Jamsb't 17 .. 11V. 08ffr 257,tOO S S .... -11·J2 II V•llCIE I 13V. I~ SummaMd 220,100 I 7·1• ,..., -\lo ll HCA s rr'4 mz r:~7'p o s =:= ,~: ~~ :, "' :! ~~ Siio s ... AlrFI• 1•.JOO .... •tit -"' IS Pattu I~ 1~ PullTrn ll0,100 I 1·1' '"" I• OklSw wt I; l)\lo NUCf'P '· 1".lllO 2" 2~ -\'\ l~ ~!'t!'e11 17'h tr"4 Advanced 21' It Nucrp s j l/) • 0.cllned • • • • .. •• .. .. .. I.OSI 20 ,.t.stnty ...... IOI/> Unchan9oc1 J,ID1 21 P•ll• 9' IN 12\'> Total I~ .. . .. . .. .. .. . l .3'7 21 UllHHm 0 13"" U New 1119M .. .. . • • .. ... .. • 14 U Air Fla ...... New lows . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . .. 111 24 N•wpf'tl UJtS Ust • '"' , , s ..... ,.,,. J V. ~ l'llo ...... .... 1 '"' ~ ,.,.. Is-\<. ,.,.,,, 2 • , .c':t. . .... .. "' • v. .. "' . .... .... .. v. .. "' . "" . ~ . -...... . "' . "' • v. • 1 . ,..., . .... "' ... ,v ... ~ 1V. • ..... ~ 14 214 ..... .t'h • \dt 2V. • ..... OOWN5 u~..., :~ , .... -.. S\I, -I~ ...... 1 ... ,."' -4\lo • -1 '"' -"' .... -I ~ -1\lo 17"" -J'-, .... -"" '"" -2 ~ -"" '"" -.. 10 -2 S'llo -1 ... ~ -1"1 2"1 ..... ,._ ..., ' -4 -"" J -"' •"--... ·~ -... IV. -l l'J 11 11 Total salH . .... • .......... 11,cuoo u TttecO, '""' 14\M ------ MUTUAL FUND • J Pc-t. Up ll,l Up 21.1 ... .. ~= ~::t ~· ), :; Up IU ;. • Up 11.S • ' Up IU.; Up 1U · ~= ;:::: •.• .· Up t .7 Up U Up 7.1 Up 7.7· • Up 7.1 Up '-' .. Up ... ,., ~: :1.. •, Up 6.1 Up 6.7 Up l .4 Up 6.J Up 6.1~ Up S.t Up S.• Up U Pel. OH 41.1 g:: ~~ ... OH Jl.2 OH 20.4 OH 20.0 OH lt.4 °" lt.O °" 11.• °" 17.7 OH 11.4 ;. OH 11A. ~ °" ,.., t· OH l•.7 ~ °" ,._, . °" , ... OH 16.l OH IU OH 16.0 OH IU OH UA OH I U OH IU OH IU OH U.4 ~ , I i' . ' I ,, •• . l .. • \ a Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOT /Tu11day, March 9, 1982 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 01,10f&Tl0ttl INCl.t.101 'll&OUO• Oii NI• YOlltC. MIOWU,,PACllllC.PI W, IOtTOlf, Olf aOlf ANO (IN(IN•&fl UCK• ii llCMANOH ANO llf'OllTIO IY ?Ml llAIO ANO Oinltlil f • ~ Continental's loan extended -~ . I CoedDea&.al AlrlJ.H1 sald lU receqUy ne1otJated $25 million working capital loan has been extended from April 30 to Dec. 31. Under the new asreement, Texas Air Corp. will provide 1 partial guarantee of the renegotiated loan. Said Geor1e A. Warde, Continental's president and chief executive officerd "Recent reports on serious coat problems an Conlinental's inability to be competitive are accurate. Kowever, media reporU ln recent days questioning ConUnental'll Uquldity pr cash situation simply are not true." ... State Attorney General George Deukmejian filed a $31 million lawsuit against 32 individuals and 11 enterprises allegedly involved in the collapse of Golden Piao ol CaUloraJa. 1be company. one of the state 's largest mortgage brokerages, closed in January and Is now in bankruptcy ... Financially troubled Kaiser Steel Co rp. announced the resignation of its Fontana president, lay-offs for 160 workers because of alleged sabotaae and deportations of two employees from Ghana for supposed interference with that nation's new political regime. ~Tiii \;{1 .... _. ---- The U.S. Supreme Court has cleared the way for wide·ranging damage claims against four major insurance companies stemming from injuries related to asbestos-related exposure. The court, by a 5.3 vote, let stand a ruling expanding the companies' duty to pay for asbestos·related injuries. The affected insurers were the Aetaa Cuualtv ud Surety Co., the Insurance Company of Nortb America, Uberty Mutua.I Insurance Co. and the Hartford Accident Ii lndemnlty Co. . . . c_1_11.n ....... 6---------~x~ --. De Lorean Motor Cars ol America President C.R. Brown has resigned his post. Bruce Williams, advertising manager at the sports car company's New York office, will assume control of the Irvine operations today. Last week, Brown was forced to lay off more than two-thirds of De Lorean's nearly 400 U.S. employees. mctuding more than 200 in Orange County ... Ultruyst.ems West.en Coutnc&ors lac. of Salt Lake City, a wholly owned subsidiary of Irvine-based Ultrasyst.ems Engineers and Coutnac&ora lac., has been awarded a contract to construct 21 process tanks to be used fo r the recovery of gold at Getty Mining Co. 's Mercury. Utah gold mine. The company said the contract to fabricate and erect the tanks exceeds $1 million ... STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VOAK CAP~· S.let, Moftoey i>ri<• •llCI ,,., <~ of IM flf'"n .._, ecttw '"-V.,. SllOc:• Eoc-.e k-tredlft9 Ntlon.lly et more Then $1 ' E .. on ' 1,ru,t00 11111. • "'° SCA S"< 115.100 ta-. -t T _., s 1114,JOO ,...., -1 A,,..r TAT 1ff,100 56'1> • ... 1•11111 m . .oo s1.... -1 Mlcl~Ut 621,100 1•'4 ' V. ConlSo -'40,Q 1S"' --.. MaretOll S76,SOO 74'°" SclUumbrll • S16,<IOO o°" -l RCA Sll,.00 m. -14 Prim.Cm S».<IOO 17"'° -2 Sony Corp >Ot,100 12~ -"' JOMs.Jn s 475,700 ,,.... -1'-All~ Pw 471,700 ltll. S.•rtROfb .... .00 ti -v, AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS N-I AMll'ltJ I W11rllU. J Arc.W 2PI 4 Ar<m 2.1tc>f S Cllrtl4i.i. ~:::.cu::-. I World"'""' t AmWetr pfA 10 l>SEG 1.1Gp4 11 ""Ill"° "" 11 CtnEt llf8 •U LILCo pf8 ·u 1 .. 11...,., ,, .......... "' 16 GTFI pf8 17 ll~lr 11 OueLI 2. IOPIA. It I H l"w f..20Pf llO Hev1IM U'Pf 21 PSllW LS2PI n =r~,.·.,, U "*-El 1 2' Otven llld 2' G"SU .__, 17 NVF Co • I Pct. Up llA Up ILJ Up 1U Up 1U Up 11,I Up 10.0 Up t .S Up t .S Up LI Up LS Up U Up II Up 7A Up 1.5 Up 7.A Up '·' ~~ Up 6.1 Up U Up S.S Up U U" S.A Up U UP S.0 U p S.O Up U WHAT STOCKS DID N EW YORK (AP) M¥. I 1oo11enceo iOecll-Unch•ft91<1 'To111 1s ..... N•• llieM Hew tows ,_, , .. 1CQ7 J10 ,.,, J:J HI HEW YORI( I AP) Mer. I p,.,,, TOO.y , .. °tr. METALS (-•YI 410 ... .,. • ltJ G:J 21J .,., J • Ce""' 7S~·71 cenh • pound. U.S oesUn•tloM. LIM 21-2' <tntt •pound IM< 41 <-• IJOUftd. O.t111ef'9CI Ti.14.,.., ~lsWMk compollle lb ....... -, .. ncet1U•-nd,N Y. Me«..., ... 00 Pff fl- "....._U17.00 lroy or .. N.Y SILVER 1-yl j H•ndYIHam111n,J'.}IS~rtrovounu. I IGOLD QUOTATIONS ,_,, LAMea: "-'""" flalne UU.SO, oft 16." ,,t:O,...._: •II•'-" flatftO .,,..SO, off "•rtl: PJ7.51, off Sl.IO. "' ........ : Qll,f7, jiff 1.$ OS Zincli:"t:iti 11a1no PJO.oo, ott a10,oo bid· W>.00-ecl. • Mo114ly I N.,11'•11: only oaltr ....,.. UlO.SO.offSll .... $I~:--: Wiiy clotlly ClllOle ID • .M, off 1...-WO: only delly Q-IHrlc-U41.tQ, oft tl2 49 SYMBOLS ..... er.,.eo..t DAILY PfLOT/Tuetday. March 9, 1982 .. DUR PAT DUNN: I have beard 1bht 1' ll•HlaC elab or or11lllaat1em. alHI I'd Uke lo Jola It. Caa you tell me bow lo clo tllll! P . 9 ., H•tiaCtOO Be1cb To receive information about t.be club, just drop a note to Tb~ Hug Club, P .0 . Box 453, Laguna Beach 92852. IR4 ~ amilabk DEAR PAT DUNN: I'm lateraled la laveathll ln an IRA a ccout, bat I am confused about some of tile aapects of tills type ol savla11 plan. Do you bow w~re I can &et some wrlUen lDlormaUoe about laA that I can read and understand before I 1et hlvolved? R.W., Costa Meaa Most banks and s avings a nd loan companies have pam phlets about IRA accounts. Or, you can request a pamphlet through t.be mail that A YS has found to be very complete and informative. Request a free copy of "Plan Tomorrow Today With Your Own IRA" by writing to the Investment Com pany Ins titute at 1775 K St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. EED STEADY JOB • IEPENMBLE• COl.1Jlj£ GRADUATE nu Bl-r K l'P. CALL 523·2301 • / Nb9EL APPROACH -Richard Vo U(mann, out of work a year and behind in many bills, fee.ls ,.,......,.... "sort of desperate.·· So he set up t h is job-wanted sign at a Seattle intersection. Pinehurst proof that tea United States • can grow m CHARLESTON. S.C. <AP > To tea lovers, a s uitable age and size is required to pick; others are excluded from the gardens. jttc;TITIOUI eutflf•M MAMll '1A\'8Me•T Tltt ftlltwlf\9 INf .. fl h •e1119 .,.. .... , II • W COMltANV, LTD, 1..U Mllllktfl A-. lr•lfle, C•llfor11I• .,., .. ltollioerl 0 ar101•. O•n•rel "••1fttr, SI 8oe<tfl •• ,, New~rl ~11.Cal~tiMO '"'' 111ou.i,..., I• c~tl4 •v • lllftl_...,_.,, 11~0 .,.... Tiii\ t"'*'-1 WM ti.led •1111 lhl c ... n,., Clerk of Or-Cwnl• Oii .. .,...,...,. Mnt•• .. .,.,... IYAHIMM'T '"• , .. 1 ...... "'-..... ,,. Wll-•l CUITOIM GlllA""IC ,..OOUC'n, t• T ...... , trvtM, ea. ft7W ·-•IMll ~ .. ,. , ........ ,,.,1 ... ea.'"" Tltlt ...,.._, It -M M 1 ............. S..tllleft~ Tltlt ......,._ -II ... wltll -c ... ,,,, c1er1o o1 Or-c...mr • Mar<ll t.1• . ,., ..... 1"114!11tllM Or.., Ceett Oell\' Pt• ........... yi.,1ta. ,., .. " -· •. "· n. •· •• ,...., ,.~ltltM Or ..... (OH1 0.11, ll>IMlt, ............... Motrcl• J, t, 16, U, l'IG tq_D , / P1RJC 9ll( lltCTITiout BUtlMHB leAMe ITATllMtl•T Tiit followlftl ,..,..., I• "'"' --··= 1.1'1~ l'ROf'llll SYSTEM$, Ultl ....... , Or ,_..,,,.._, CA tMa. llUry _,...,.1 Yl•Ull•MI". 0111 ~me, Dr,. wnlml-r, CA fttG Tlllt Wtlnett It <onchle1 ... lW .,, lllCll•l- I lllCTITI~ .VM•llll MAMe ITATtlMlllfT Tit• 1011owln1 ,..,"" It oolnt llutln•Hot· HOT ll•IE llOOlllNG CO., M l Bel"9, .......... .._,,,CA "'61 It-rt ....,., o.l .. \'.10t6 ......... NewllOrt 9Mcll. CA'*' Tlllt ..,._, h '~IOCI D• ._, ,,,.,.,....., 11.lirt-Gelel• Tlllt ..,.._ w .. llled wll/I llte Co.int' c .. rll of 0r6'199 Go<lnh Of\ -•<fl l,1tm. MM"f #. Yl .... ·Mefl Tlllt ......,_ Wft filed with Ille '1-Covnl., Cl9f'll of Or-Co..111, .., "'*""'" 0r-.. CMa Dell\' "llM, -•<II I, tta -rcll t, 16, U. •. t• 10..C 1'1M617 , Pul>ll"'" Or-CMJt o.llr Piiot, Mer< II t, It, 2', •. ,.., 1m-tt "'ICTITl°'-11 Bu11•1u •AMI STATllMl!lfT '"• lotlow lno per\on 11 dotno \)41\lnus .. FE RN'S 1.INGEAIE, ,.°'Via lldO, N•-1 BM<ll. Ca. n..:a Judith P. Or1, _., S 8edloro Or., 8enrl\' Hiii\, Ce '°212 Tiii• bull""'' il conctu<ttd Dy •n lnolvl-1 JUdl\h p Or1 Tiii\ IU-t WM llled wllll U.. Counly Coerk 01 Or•noo County on F'tl>TWlry H. 1"1 F1 ... 7 PubllsM<I Or-Coast Delly P1101 M.or 2, •. I•, 23, 1'91 ••1 111 jtlCTITIOUI 8Ull•llU MAM8 S'TATUlll!NT Tiie followln1 pertoll I• Oolnt llUtlMUff" lAltltY YOUNG SHUTTER 100. Grow ~. --1 .. «fl. C.o .,_ larry Allen Young. 100. Groft ~. N._t iloocfl, C• '2MO Tllll 111.tMnetl ll condv<1ed ll'f on lndlvlckoel. i..rry A. Younv Tiii• N'-t Wti lllell with lite C.ov11ty c .. ,, of Or•nte (CM.lnt., on M.or<ll l, ltm ..,....,, Pul>ll-Or-CMs1 O.lly Piiot Mer •. "· n .•. tta - •OTlta 01' ,. ... DING ,.UlMIT cup of their favor ite beverage can call to mind exotic names and faraway places. Darjeeling. Oolong. Ceylon. India. China. Summerville. "The older children earn from 30 cents to 50 ·; ~ llTIC( cents a day; the younger ones in proportion." ----------- A permit eppllcetlon tor IM•el_.,_, of "'h '"" " _.il"O belort Ill• Celllornl• Co••t•I c .... mlulon DEAR PAT DUNN: Wllat klad,ol movlng expenses are deductible! I'd also like to know what a person should do If be owes Income tax but can't pay It. -C.S., Costa Mesa lf you moved your residence because of a transfer by your employer, or because of new em ployment, or for a new location for a • business, you may deduct certain moving expenses. The place of employme'nt or business must be at least 35 miles farther from the previous residence than the distan ce between your old residence and your former place of employment or business. Anyone who cannot pay t axes owed s ho uld file the r eturn on tim e anyway, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Failure to me is a violation of the law and ~ill bring penalties. Also attach a letter explaining fully why the balance due is not enclosed. A bill will be sent within a few weeks. ~· • "Cot a problem? Then wntt to Pat \.... Dunn Pat unll cul rm ta~. gttttng, • .J. the anSUlt'rs and action you need to • solve inequities '" government <0nd n bw1nes.s. Mal/ your question! to P,2t- . Dunn. At Your Service. Orange Coa&I i!>Oily Pilot. p 0 8 Cll L560, Costa MtMJ. CA 92626 . As many lette1'3 Cl$ possible will be aru~red. but phon~d­ mqutnes or letters not including the reader's full name ,. address and bu1111esi hours' phont number. .cannon,e · i:Oftsidereir. Summerville? Indeed. Summerville, S.C., is the home of the Pin e hurst Tea Plantation. an anomaly in American agricultural history. At the turn of the century. the 100.acre plantation produced tea so fine that it beat out centuries-Old Oriental blends and took first place at the 1905 St. Louis Wor ld's Fair. Pinehurst tea was sold in New York and as far west as Chicago. Pinehurst even developed "tea tablets," a forerunner of instant tea, for use by campers and travelers. Now au that remains of the great Pinehurst Plantation are several rows of tea bushes at,, the Coastal Experiment Station of Clemson University and scattered bushes in the yards of Summer ville residents. ' . Still, Pinehur1it represents proof to tea experts that the plant can be grown in this country. .. I do believe firmly that quality tea m quantity could be produced in South Carolina," Ron Robbins. a Clemson horticulture prore'Ssor. said. "I think that coastal a reas from South Carolina on through Louisiana and maybe Texas would be ... suitable areas. There's only one obstacle, say agricultur al scientists -tea would be far too expensive to grow here in competition with the Far East and Africa. Foreign tea is cheap because the labor needed to handpick tiny little tea leaves is cheap. As far back as 1899, the then -owner of Pinehurst, Dr. Charles Shepard, noted the cost of producing lea in America would be high because or the "comparative dearness" or labor. Shepard wrote, "At P inehurst, colored children do the picking, and very satisfactorily . A free school is maintained for them: every pupil of Robbins noLad , however, that "U.S. labor was inexpensive at the time" and that "child labor was not looked down upon as it is now." Tea's South Carolina connection goes back to 1800. when French botanist Andre Micheaux planted tea at Middleton Barony along the Ashley River, about 15 miles nprthwest of Charleston. In 1848, Dr. Junius Smith , convinced tea was a crop that would work in the South, bought a rarm near Greenville to experim ent with tea cultivation. He was badly beaten thr~ years later during a robbery and died of his injuries two years after that, but not before he had brewed a nrt enjoyed tea from his plants. Afte r that, according to a recent article by RobbiJU! in the Clemson publication Agri-Search, the federal patent office a nd Department of Agriculture "imported tea seeds and plants throughout the South for trial. .. "The U.S. government went so far as to send Robert Fortune, Britain's primary aut hority on the tea industry in China, to collect tea seeds from the Orient," he wrote . In 1880, Congress appropriated money for an experimental tea farm near Summerville. But the e xpe rime nts were discontinued when a less enthusiastic commissioner of agriculture took office. · ·At the same time, Dr. Charles Shepard had started his own P inehurst Experimental Tea Garden near Summerville. Shepard belonged to the Agricultural Society of South Carolina, which had been trying to s tir interest in tea. Federal agriculture people began working • with Shepard, and his tea garden became the Pinehurst Tea Plantation. llTH llTICIS Annulinents • • BISBEE WAYNE BISBEE. a 1ncreas1ng Harbor Lawn Memorial WASHJNGTON (AP) -Divorced Catholics in Cha pe l . Costa Mesa. the United States are receiving annulments in Services will be held on r ecord nu mbers, the res ult of stream lin ed Wednesday, March lO, l982 procedures for dissolving a marriage by a church at J·OOPM at Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel with Rev. trying to end the estrangement of thousands of its Robert Hodges officiating. members. Services under the direction No longer is it necessary to prove s uch or Balli Bergeron·Smith & charges as hom osexuality, insanity, deceit or Tuthill Westcliff Chapel bigamy to have a marriage dedared null in the Mortuary or Costa Mesa. eyes of the Roman Catholic Church. 646·9371. · ··Annulments are no longer j ust for the world FULFllOST 0 0 R A Fu L FR 0 s T . or the rich or well-connected," said LaSalle Caron, resident or Newport Beach, a Washington real estate man and the father of Ca. Passed away on March two. who had his 13-year marriage annulled two 4. 1982. She is survived by years ago. her son Jack or Mission "You no longer have to hire a canon lawyer in Viejo. Ca . Inte rment Rome," said ~aron. a founder of a program for "I was put in the bes t position to remarry," he said. "The church didn't say that 13 years of my life didn't exist. just that it wc.sn't the ideal marriage." That may change to some extent when Pope John Paul II approves a revised canon law code presented by a Vatican commission and expected to be issued soon. The new code would repeal part of the liberal marriage annulm ent process in effect in the United States and Australia since 1970, reinstating the requirement of a review or all annulment cases by an appeals court. To receive an annulment today. a djvorced Catholic m ust show that at the time of the wedding, he or s he lacked judgment or maturity or suffered from an emotional or psychological disability. ser vices will be held at the . sepa rated and divorced Christians in Washington. family plot at Beth Davia "ll 's a s imp le m atter now. not hurtful or Last year . according to church figures, there Ce metery, El Mont, New · A d 't b h I · II were an estimated 77 annulments in the United York. Harbor Lawn -Mount expensive. n t can e psyc o og1ca y e arcling .. States for every one in 1968. Americans now Olive Mortuary or Costa r w · FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI STATl #.I NT Tiit followln9 po,.on h doing bu1lnH!lll. DYNASTY ENTERPRISES, Hunllnoton H••'bour, S..lle 607. t'83l Aloonquln St,...t H""llnqlon 8e«ll, C•lllornl• .,..., Peul M V..-<•. ,,13 s ... ,... Ort••. Huntington 8M<h, C.lllornle '11"49 Thi• D<nlMU I\ <ondu<l..i by •n lnctlvldu•I P.oulM.Venu Tiii• t141tenwnt .... Ille<! with tM County Clerk 01 Or•"CI* Counly on Febru••Y '16, l'IS2 1'114116 Pubh1t..i Or•not Coa•t O•llV Pilol. M.o rch 1. t , 16, 1>. 1'1S2 t•s.-? l'ICTITl°'-IS BUSINESS NAMI! STATIMl!NT Th~ foUow lno oe-rsons are do4no butlnns .. 04NCEWEAA ETC , 1'1111 Slerr• Perle, lrvlnt, C• '111S , Joy U.. Owen\, 1'312 Sl•rr• Perle, •vlM, CA. '711S J en Pllrlct Owen" It Golden-. lrvl,., Ce '1714 Tllh butlMn Is condu<l•d by • Of"''"' P<trt,.nhlp Jov°"'9n• J ... °"'""' This stmment ••• 111.., .. 1111 ,,.. County Clerk 01 Or•ft9t County on PropOMCI .. .,.loc>menl: Er~llOft -,.,,_ .. o1 Pr-el•b Artist Dlte>l•Y P9"'\' for ltm -loutkwl: di L..o9uN CMlyOft RO.O,. l ..-&Mdl, c:.ilfO<nl& Appllce111: Fettl••' of Aru of L~ 8HOl/Cttv of ~ 8o«ll, uo l •OUM c .... von Ao.o<I, L.IQUM ee.oc11. C.olltoml• m s1 4111tlluollofl N-· H2·1S4 Publl-Or-~~I Delly PllOI, Mer.'· 10, 11, lta 107...., FICTITIOUS BUSI NEU NAMI ST&TlM£NT l' ht tollow•no P4H \On\ • r• 001n9 bu11ntt1 •,S.. SIJ'PRE Ml!i. PACK•GIN"G" SYSTEMS. 117S South lewl!I Str ... 1. An.oMlm. C•lllornl• •290~ !.upreme T•pe. Inc . • C•ll•o•nl• Corpo<ettOn. 111S S....11\ l-1!1 Str .. I, An.ollelm, C•llfornl• "2805' T"ls t>u\1M~' '' conduct•ct by • <Ofpofattan SUPREME TAPE. l~C Oonn4o C Y We•, PrMkltnl Thi, slalement w•s m..i '"''" tM County Cter~ 01 Or•noe Counly on February 24. l'IS2 lAW OFFICH tlU. WOHG, Yll 9 FONG ouwe c-.-- M.JS-Oliff-LM A,......,C.o .. lt 1'1 ... 11 111ml1 Publl!lt..i Or~ Coa\1 0111., Piiot, Publl-Orenot (.OHi Deily Piiot ~r<ll 2. '· t•.11. ,,., •St-t1 Ftbruary l, 1"2 F.e> t4,1l.MM<111,t,1'1S2 ,_,--------------- ll1CTiTl°'-IS BUSINESS NAMI STATIMI NT T "' 1011owlng Pt non 11 do I no .,.. ......... . MOE HAMlll A110ClelH, NI Dover 0r1 .... , S..lte 11. Newport Beech, A 92643 A08ERT S HAMlll , HOO Prl¥ete Aoael, Nt•llOrt 8Ht11, CA nwo. Aoi.rtS H•mlll Tlll1 lll.lltment w"' filed wllll llte Councv Cieri( of Orenoe Counly on F.e> 1', I.., l'ICTITl°'-!S BUSINESS lfAMI STATIMlllT Tiit lollowlno peroon I• doing busl~ss •s: lEE'S CAA PET CLEANING ANO MAINTENAHCE 1106 ColloQ o Avenue, No 1. COit• Mew, C•lfte><nl• .,.,, Ky Mon9 LA. no. Colle9e A""'"'· No 1, C...-141 ~. C.oollornl• mn Thi' """""' h condu<ted tty •n lndlvklu.1 K'l'H-l• Thi• ~.ltef'Mnl wM llled wllh tt>t County Cl«rk of Or•~ County on Merell 1, 1tG .. , .. ,,. Pubfi't..i Or-Coast 0111., Piiot, Publlslled Or-Coa!lt 0..lly Pilot, M.orch 1, •. t6, n. ttn 'IOWl Feb 1l,MeKll2.t .. , 1"2 ~ l'ICTITl°'-IS BUSINl!S.S NAMIE STATIEMIENT l'ICTITl°'-!S BUSINUS NAME ST&TlMl NT Th~ fotfow.,\Q p•r\on '' ctotnQ bu\•ness •s Tll• lollow1no per\otl\ .. ,. dOlnQ CAUFOANIA IJ<CING CO , 111'1 bu•inn••• Pullie Coo t Hl9hw•y. " 101. FOAAMT PHOTOGAAPHV, 101 Hunllnqton &ff<h, Ce .,._.. Allente A..,.. Huntin91on 8uch, C• W•tll•m S<ott Ander11on, 111u .,_ Pec lllc Caul H•Oh way, • 107, eruc• H•9fmeyer, 1421 Atlenl• Huntln91on llff<h, Col '7MI Ave .. Huntlnoton 8e«l'I. C.o . .,... T "" ""''l'n• I• condu< led DV •n Cll•r1H H-!Nyer, Mn .Attenll lndlvl<tu.el Ave .. Hllllllnoton 8HCll, C• .,... Wm Sco4t Ando<-. n111 t>utl1Wu •• condvcc..i b., • Thi• 111411_,,1 wM weo .,,111 1,.. 9fMr•I P«1Nnlllp Covntv Cler• of Or•n9f ,_,., on · 8n.ce H.19tmtyer F.c>ruuy It, 1"2 Thh tlel-t WM 111.0 •Ith 1"9 l'l&JM6 counly Cieri< Of Or•~ County on Publl ...... Or1n9t Coail o.lly Piiot Februerv t•. 1"1 l'IUMJ ,FeD. 13, Mer 7, •. 1•. t'ltl 7'841 PubllsMCI 0.'""911 C(Ml\l Oelly Piiot Feb. 23, Mar 1. •. ••. 1"1 7n.t2 !·esideot of Costa Mesa. Ca. or the past 4 years after noving here from Kansas ;ity, Missouri. He was a ·epairman for tbe past 30 1ears for the Hazfeld Shoe :ompany. He is survived by 1ls wife Juanita of Costa lfesa, Ca., sons Robert J. ind Jeffrey B. both or Costa lfesa, Ca., George R. or forco, Ca., Ronald W. of .tlssouri , Larry D. or lfissouri , Gary S. also or tlissouri. daughters. June lpidle and Delma Russell 10th of Missouri, brother toss of Whittier, Ca., sisters ~ary Alice Teagarden and Ama Mae Brenton bolh of \rkansas, 24 grandchildren ind 14 great-grandchildren. :lumber Room visitation Aonday, March 8, 1982 from 2:00 noon to 7:00PM and on 'uesday, March 9. 1982 from :OOAM to S:OOPM at the M r d. d' Caron said he felt relief after his annulment receive 70 percent of all annulments granted by esa orwar 1ng arectors the Roman Catholic Church. PIRJC llTICl ,.CTm°'-ls Bus•NIEU S40·5554. was granted. .._. STATEMl!NT ,_CINOfHllS l&L•OADWAT MC>nUAIT 110 Broadwa~ Costa Mesa 642·9150 IAl.R IH~HOH SMITH I TVTHK.L WHTCUff CHAl'tl 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ,_ClllOTHaS swmts• MOITUAaT 627 Main St. Hunt~ach PACIAC YllW r•tc'9'M PAii c.m.c.,, Mortuary Chapet-ct•tNtory 3!IOO Pac1t1e vi.w Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 BURLAND Tiie lollowl119 i>er'4>n• ere dOlnq C AR R I E 8 ERT H A l'ICTITl°'-IS BUSl•IESS bvslneu .. Nil.IC ll1IC( NAMI! STATl!Ml!NT CREllTIVE SOLUTIONS, '3011 BURLAND, a resident of Jogg;ng rtllllC llTICE MJC •net Tiie 1011ow1no penon h dolno MOu11on Pert;wev. l.oQun.o Hiii•. CA Costa Mesa, Ca. ror 24 years ., bu•lnou H . '7•SJ died Wednesday, March 3. FICTITl°'-!S BUSl•l!U PICTITIOUS BUSINESS PICTITIOUS BUSl•HS TYPE-RIGHT SERVICES, n u WllllAMor SUSAN STUAAT, 24111 hinde HAM• STATIEMUn NAME STATllMIE•T •AMI! STAT•MIENT Terry Ori.,., HuntlnqtOft lie.Ch, CA Hon A-. UQuN Hllll, CA m.» t 9 8 2 at C 0 St a Me S a p8 T I I d 1 I I cl 1 Tllo f0110wl1111 per.on\ are clol1111 M7. A08ERT WAlll N, l' A<•<ll u emorial Hospt'tal at 90 • , • "' o11ow no ~non " o no Th• lollow no PU!IOn • o no ttutln•n•: MINDY FAYE SCHWAA~ nn ... bv•innses: bvSlnfl~H SU s "• Trtt l.-.lrvlne.CAt2114. Years "' age. She wa s the INFORMATION MANAGEMENT E. •."'LL•• Tl 8EAON. ltlO PER&OOIE . lit E. '"" trrv .,,,.,., Hunllnvton 8e«ll. CA Tl'lh bu!llnou ,, (Oft0UCtOCI Dy • iil:iiii liilnit---•-,C--,CAtffV '1••1. I I f<t vi ng Wife Of Geor ge p-reN'ff"a'IJ:C1! T£C'H1'l~~S.9g;o~ -~ OH M no, uni "910ft BH<ll. teTH ST. FITNESS PLACE, INC., Tllh butlnou h tonClu<tOCI ll'f on genera :n:.Pstuul Burland who survives her. . e ._.,_' -J _ 'cP•1"'11w~r· -2 . IU e O, C•llloe'" .. ~011~~ ,,, .s c Ill • Cellfornl• corporttlon, "' E lltlt lndlvldu•I. TlllS st.ottmenl WIS flied """ t~ • o""'"'""" dN "· -·" 4 oa• ,.. Slrftl,C01141-.CAt2621. Mlndyll.Scnwertt . .., She is also survived by a • Peul Curnlll, 21016 Sonolle, une, HUflllftQfon 8e.ocll, C•lllornla Tiiis bvslnou 1, condvct..i by 1 Tiii• •Cei.mtnt WM filed wllll lllt Counly Clerll ol Oren9f Counly on brother, O.J . Winter of BOSTON (AP) -If M1u1onv1eio.C•llfoml.on.t1 .,... ,_ Feb.1•. na. Tiiis Mlnets Is ~uclld lW 111 Tiiis lllnl""' It conClu<l.O ll'f •n corpor•t-. Covnt., Clerti ol 0<•"9' Count\' on ,.,._., Westland, Michigan, 2 sons wo m e n who jog fo r 1nc11.,..,.,.1, inctiv-1. 11111s1 Fltnn• Pt11Ce, 1nc F.i> 11, "" .,...... PubH..,.... 0r.,. '°"11 Oeliv Pllol, Ca rroll Wedel o( A........ Ca e"er c'-e are troubled by PIUI '"·•ml-e~ A 011~~ D•nle• 0 Def row. Pr... ~ -F•b u Merell, • 1• 1tG 1•~ ... -. • ... 13 Tllh st.o...;;..I WH lllell with -Thi• .;-.;_., .. ":' 111..i """ -Thi• .... ._, WM flled wltll .... Publl-Orat19t ((Milt Delly Piiot, . ' . . and Maxwell Burland of 'infertility, maybe they county Cltrti of <><•noe CCM.lntv on Countv c1erto al °''"" CCM.lnty on coun•v c1or11 of Or•n°' coun1y ... Feb u . M.orcll 1. '· 1•. ,.., 131 .. 1 Mou nt I~ k e Te rr ace , should stop running, a F b , "" Feb 11. '"' W a $ h I D g t 0 n ' 4 doctor s ays e ru•ry • . 111117ff Ftbrw•ry :lt, 1'11. l't..... 111- g r a n d c h I Id r en, 0 on a Id · , . Publlslltd 0r.,. '°"'t D•11V Piiot, Publlsltod Or•not coasi Delly Plloc. PllbllSllecl Or-Coest O.llr Piiot, PIRJC llll( Burland, Margaret Wedel, Dr. Colm 0 Herhhy; ,M.orc112,t,16,U,1ta t4H2 Merc11 2,t.1t.u .1t11 tS2-t1 Ftb.2l,Merth1,t .... 1,., 1-.e21r.------------i Kenneth Burland and Mary reports tbe cases of lWOj r-'E w e d e I , a n d 1 young women who were ...i 9la g reat·grandson. David •ble to 1et pre1na ntl Burland. By mutual family only after they gave u~ a1reem~nt no funeral or joggiq .· · 1 m e mor.1 a l ser vices are Jn a recent edJUon ot planhed. New Enlland Journal of R O ~NR . T . Medicine, 9 'Herllby' wn:t:l'AllSON:Tresldent of describes the treatmen Costa lleaa, Ca. Passed of the two wo~n, 1way on March 5, 1912. She in their q , wbt»'Joll ls survived by her husband· between 15 and 20 mlle1 Claude at eo.ta Mesa, Ca .. a week. Nelt.ber ha • n d 1 d a u I h l e r , menstruated ln mor Mary·Louiae Wllllamaon, of tb ·d l Macon, Geor1ia. Funeral 111 a year• HIP t services wlll be held on treatment wttlt fertJll Tuesday, Matth t , t• at ,drup. l :OOPM at PMrce Brot.ben 8otb QU1ck11 beram a.u Broeidw•Y Oh.,.. with prepmt .. IOOD u the Father John Aahey of St. IH• up nam&aa. Jam• ~J aunts ol O'Rerllhy a ....,_.c Ne wport Beath otndellq. a t t b • N a t l o n a rrluch ma1 call on llatornt-Hot .. tal I Moeday, Mareb I, 19 ftom ., ro l :OOP• to ·~OOPM. PSerce 0..bllar ....... PICTITl°'-IS BUSllf •U •MM STATaM•NT Tiit foll-lflt 11e<.on• ue cloln9 111>•.slnns.os: ALTA>0£NA DRIVE IN OAIRY, IOU Btk•• Streot, Coal• MaH, C•lllOrllle ... C'*'I S. l.M 9 Sount S4lok LM, SS>• Ferftlllll Circle, Hun11n11ton lle.oc:lt.~.,... Tiiis butlftOH It <Ofl4ho<IH .. , ,._ - C'-19-LM '"" ......,....,. ... fllod wtWI ... e°""'' Cltfti ot o..,,.. cou11tv "' FMf\lery », 1 •. ,.,..,. ,. ... lsltM °" ..... CNll o.11• ,.,i.e. M.orclt t. '· ,., n. "" ..... l'ICTITIOUI BUliNHS •Mil• ITAT•MlNT Tiit foUowlno ,..,..,.., •r• doln11 ttustnoss es: THE 8AXTER GAOVP, )Ut Vlt 0tior10, Suite •s. ~ ... c11, c •. .,.., Chester E. 8eyllu, Jr., IHOI l•l•m«9. l!!I Toro, C•. m10 Nk llOI• J. Ooeres, 272' N. 1.-11 UM,~ AN. C.. t110t Ml<IWIOI w. Miiiar, toll c .. ue .. UM, We*'""""', Ct. nta Tllh .,,.,_, I• ~-b\t e ....... 1~ .... ~ Mlc:tlMI W. Miiter Tiit. _.........,. w• fllell with ~ c ... 111y c1tt• et o..,,.. c-tv e11 F-\.y n. 1'9'. .. , ... l"VllilsMcl 0r.,,.. Coest D•llY Pllet -·· '· •. "· n. ,._ ..., lrotbt re B•ll Broadwa1 tbat '~ blatpry o • w aH.•WM-MT.OUYI trtury........ \dforoua r•1•lar Mon'*Y • 0.Nt.,y ~--..;;...;~-__;.· __ ....,.aerelH 1ll••ld b' •'5F-.2~· ---em. -)\ oaalder=.,.~·=~ MC).!664 _ .... ·~--:Jf ... ~~.!· .. ~~·~ . .. , • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT1Tutld1~, M1roh 81 1982 • T•E F"•ltl' c1aca;1 ''I finished cleaning up my rootn, Mommy. Now what'll 1 do?" MAR MADI.: KE by Brad Anderson "We never disagree which way to go. He goes his way and I go with him." Jl"DGE PARKER , by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) PUNIJTI .. • " aoan• . ft no•• ·----- TIJM•LEW EEDI ~ I I -------= l~ fp SHOE "Biggest piper 1lrpl1ne I ever saw." DEN~IS THE MENJ\CE Hank Ketchum t ______________ , ! 3'·9 ~.....7-.-. " ... 11long11 It'• ouy with you ." GAR•'lt:LO by Jim Davis -...... ' HEV, GARFIELP, VOO KNOW THE PO& NEXT "°°R? ,__ __ ..... , ~OON Ml:LLINS A CoMPoSITfoNi KAYo? YE~L ,ABOUT [·.So I'M SOMfT~ING WRITIN<i AROUND ABour')t:)(JR ACROSS ~ HMda1ones llONDAY'I 1 Sophlt11c:al· 58 Ch4lmlcal PUZZLI IOLVED ed euffi• 8 Binding 59 Appendege 10 Pttcfp6ct 81 Growing out 14 Burdin .,. 82 Sloth 15 Cooled down 83 Eight: Pr9f. 18 Qwnplol\ 84 Kitchen tool 17 &pouee 85 MWelnut•'• 11 9utuf9 tow 1t Allin gull ......... Ait .... H.-e ..... bli._if 20 Sift fNlt 17 8IMlltl 22 Aejectlng ' 24Trtdc DOWN . atlllmMI 27 lolltd down 1 Oatment• • , Digit 2 Pol!Wc' 32 ,..dlllO motMt u Dormouet 3 Plttldl 31 -1111 4 Spider 21 lndlned • ..... "'°'*• 23 OllOtdlr • --s Pull out 25 F1INd motion: • PoeCJc 27.,... ... O.. *P AclWlte COflVIClon 21T'°'**9* 47 G1r9 40.....,.,,.. 1 Onelpotl 2t..,,... 41 Of lddrllrl •1 • • • Conocwd ao--. 4' LJ'tOpoem • 41 'llllllld I Mirta dlr M Ml IO Git to ti.m-4ti-t-+~ ... TllM 10....... • r.-u ""'"',... ........ '' u.r.. • ........ I II Dllr9I .. .... ... 17--NTt--: •Clllllrllll 11..... ..... ...... .,....... ~ •OMa. 11 Mllll ltOIJ W; ti......,_ .. ..._ ..... •••• If ....... •O..• ·---• A PRINCE OF A POCs. J'LL MISS HIM. 'THE NEK'sH60RHOOP WON'T eE iHE SAM£ WITHOUT 1-4IM by Ferd & Tom Johnson IHEY1Re ~~ES! 'IOU'vt. 60T 10 ~\.P Jt'£ Wlttt '*4 V\E1', flTt\CK ! llO MAtfU ~ \ S~'l . 9\.0Si -·1 \.ET MUA1 MltfM\~ Ufftl'l\~~ -~ DR.SMOCK If -b.> ~ lAU ~ ~~1, lllt.'~t AA-41"'1 ~~ NQOI~ CAKf.~ by Tom K~ Ryan by Jeff ~acNelly f I I by Ern1e Bushm1ller MAP OF CITY 0 LO CAT 10NS OF CANOY STORES by Kevin Fagan PA'mlCK, \...t'f c.o~ ' ~s JUS1 K100tM<,H by George Lemont Y'A WANNA S"rOP A"r CROWL.9Y''S &A" ON 1'HI! WAY MOMI! ? : I l ·1 ,,. Probation ffor use i!ootball? . ' i LOS ANGELES <AP> -The l University of Southern ~ California's football procram la ·~expected to be put on probation by the National Collegiate Athletic Association as the reault of an invesUcation into allegations that some players sold tickets to ga m es, a ,university source has told the Los Angeles Times. The newspaper, in today's edition, quoted the source as saying that assistant coach Marv Goux's role as a ticket broker for the players'was more , extensive than previously reported, although there was no . evidence that Gou.x had profited. USC OFFICIALS went before the NCAA Infractions • Committee on Feb. 19 in Dallas, and the school expects to learn the result of the investigation within two weeks. The ·source, described by the newspaper as being at the university, said the football ' program was expected to be put on probation for two years and the team barred from playing in any bowl game following the 1982 season. Athletes may accept tickets from their school for their · personal use, but it is an NCAA • violation to sell the tickets for more than their face value. The Times quoted an unnamed former USC athlete, 11ot a football player, who said that for his friends in football, "Rose Bowl ·time was good money time." He said he believed the players were given eight tickets with the right to buy eight more. ' Asked about Goux's role in the ticket sales, the athlete said, "Certainly I recall the guys speaking of it, taking them (the tickets ) into the assistant coach's office . . . at practice and getting the money righi there." Re said he believes Goux did I not make any money in the deal. "HE DIDN'T GET anything out of it. He just keptJ,he players happy. A player could get a couple thousand bucks, if you multiply 16 tickets or whatever it was by 100 or 200." "Every guy who had bis eyes 1 and ears open in the old PE building, where the USC locker room used to be, saw it. Or, if you hung around the student union building where the coaches' offices were, you saw it." Goux was questioned in J anueey oo reports that he sold tickets for the players, but denied the allegations. Tbe Times reported its source said Goux told the NCAA infractions committee of his "activities as a ticket broker." The testimony could lead to a restriction of bis recruitment activities even though the school has said he will not become the scapegoat. The Times also said it is believed that some players testified before the committee about the sales. : .. llllJPllll TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 19'2 .ClA SSIFllD · FOR THE RECORD C3 C4 °""" Nit """-"' Cll9ftlt ..... A reW gy·rn r.at - Rick Bau~r remains devoted to th~ game By JOHN SEVANO °' ................. As a youth, Rick Bauer spent mo.t of his waking, and non-waking hours for that matter, "With a basketball in bJ1 hands. In athletic jargon, Bauer was known as a nm rat. lf there was a C''>Urt with a basket, Bauer was certainly bound to be there, either working on his shot, or bJs ball handling, or simply engaging in a friendly game. As things turned out, Bauer never out-grew his syndrome. Today, the San • Clemente High and Saddleback College product is as big a gym rat as ever ... maybe more so. "I WAS ONE of those guys who grew up loving the game," says the 27:)·ear-old Bauer, who currently resides in San Juan Capistrano with his wife of three years (Kristy) and two ·year·old daughter •(Danyel). "I used to be a ball boy for the LOOKING B.4CK Lakers. I would often spend five or six hours a day playing hoop." Bauer's success wasn't immediate, but his devotion certainly paid dividends in the end. Bauer s tarted by s uffering a big disappointment in high school, where there wasn't much need for a 5-3 (as a junior) or 5-5 guard Chis senior year ). His big break, though, came in junior colJege when he grew five inches and also became associated with Gaucho Coach Roy Stevens. . · "He really turned me around," praises Bauer of Stevens, who preceded the Bill Mulligan reign. "He made me an intense and confident player." In combin ing bis new-found inner strength with his skills, Bauer went on to average almost 13 points as a reserve with the Gauehos. And , as a sophomore, he really exploded, averaging 17.8 points a game. His efforts were enough to be named the conference's Player of the Year that season. AFTER A BRIEF stint with Cal State Fullerton, which didn't last long enough for him to make an appearance, Bauer probably enjoyed his finest season in 1971 at Cal Baptist. signed a contract with the Harlem Globetrotters. As Bauer explained, the GlobetroUers have two t eams -a national and an international unit. Thus, they need two aeu of opponents -the Washington Generala and California Chiefs. He was a member of lbe I a.tter s quad that traveled with the international team. "For the first couple of years I wu very competitive and it was bard for me to go •along with th e show," Bauer admits. "Eventually. I developed a professional attitude about the whole thing. I tried to combine being professional with making the s how look good. "IT WAS A GREAT opportunity to travel , and play in some big places." Bauer's journeys took him to tbe Kingdome in Seattle, Mexico City and Paris among other places. He played with the Globetrotters for four years, earning $20,000 per nine-month stint. "What I tried to do was play to the best of my ability,'' says Bauer . "The Globetrotters combine very good basketball with showmanship. "When we played, we always tried to score offensively. Defensively, though, if they came down in a certain alignQtent, I knew what was coming and played my role." Bauer left the Globet.rotters in 1981 but hardly left the game. He currently coaches the junior varsity basketball team at San Clemente High and plays twice a week in various summer leagues. ·'The percentages are against me, but rm still hoping," says Bauer of turning pro. "I know what the odds are and J never say never." ACTUALLY, BAUER, who once tried out with the San Diego Clippers, is playing some of his better ball these days. He's averaging more than 69 points a week during his two games and recently even had a 44-point stint. "Now I'm a scorer, not a playmalter," he says. Bauer, in fact, is taking a local team to Montana later this month to participate in an AA U tournament. Some of the other members on the team include Francoise Wise (Long Beach State), Dave Shutts (Cypress ColJege and Long Beach State), Dennis Van Zant <Azusa P\cific) and Stanley Oldham. · ''It's fqr players who are out of college," says Bauer, who adds the winning team stands to collect $2,000. GYM RAT Rick Baue r , a former San Clemente Hig h and Saddleback College standout. s till seems right at home on the basketball court. In that year, Bauer averaged 16 points a game, broke the school's assist record and was named to the All-district team. Cal Baptist, in the meantime, went on to post a 29·2 record, averaged 104 points a game (tops in the nation), was ranked No. 3 nationally and qualified for the nationals. A severe ankh: injury limited Bauer to only half a year as a senior. but soon aft.er be Despite his wishfulness and playing abrnties, Bauer is concentrating his efforts these days to a new aspect of the game - coaching. In only his second season as a bead <See GYM RAT, Page CZ> CIF lowers the boom, Christians get fed to lions By ROGER CARLSON Of ........ ""' Matt The r e will be no Lions from Goldenwest Christian High to kick around in the pl ayoffs this spring, or in the fall -the CIF Southern Section lowered the boom for rules violations. The 60-student (9·12) school, located across the street from Westminster High School and situated within a Uaptist church , was charged with sever al violations recently, of which some were admitted to by Principal Sybil McCorkle. It was enough to warrant the following from the CI F Southern Section committee: 1. No CIF playoffs for the team or· any individual, through the completion of the fall. 2. Mccorkle is required to submit by May 1 a school policy as it relates to athletics. determination as to the ongoing membership of Golden west Christian in 1982-83. included a full time Golden West College student and two eighth graders. 2. The 1980 football team had a 20-year·old and two eighth graders on it. 3. A part-time teacher played oo the basketball team. 3. An in-service program must be developed by May 1 for its staff in relation to athletics. 4. The principal and the boys and girls athletic directors shall attend the next two CIF council m eetings to develop a scope of understanding of athletics within the CIF structure. "It would have been very easy just to remove them from the CIF," says administrative assistant Dean Crowle)' when asked if the sanctions were a bit severe. 4. All of them also competed oo the 1981 baseball team. 5. The principal and the boys and girls athletic directors are required to attend at least two league meetings outside of the Academy League to develop an expertise on the league level. ·'I thought they were very good lo us ," says Mccorkle. "But it (no playoffs) doesn't really affect us, you know, we' re just a junior varsity squad." s. A Cypress College student played on the basketball team. 8. An Edison High student played on the girls' basketball team. 7. One of the cheerleaders from another school competed on the Lions' team against her own school. 6. The CI F executive committee will review the entire situation at its June meeting anti make a final The charges against the tiny Christian school bordered on incredible and McCorlde bad said earlier that she hoped her school wouldn't be kicked out of the organization completely. McCorkle said she was unaware of some of the charges, but admitted her school was guilty of using the Edison High player, and the Cypress Colleae <See LIONS, Page CZ> Among the charges: l. The 1980-81 oaaketball team Sly digs could upset F-oster Second highest" paid player comes under greater scrutiny 81 WILL GRIMSLEY A -..CtelCau O f 1 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -AA the second highest paid player in baseball, now thrust into the spotlight of the nation's bigest and most demanding city as a New York Met, Geor1e Fosler realises be wlll come .under greater scrutiny tbln ever before. He bowl people w~ loMtn1 for every wart and every naw ln his entire beiftC, but be ii not lettlna it hue him. "I LltAllNBI) LONG' AGO bow to eope wttb pre11ure," the SlO mlllion former ClDetDDatl •ha11er aaid. "Out1lde political aad social preuures can be bandlecl. It'• tbe personal Pl'ffl\U'e JOU have to be atrakl ol .. "I tldldt l'vewhtpped thoM lnDer pnuUNS." Ont of tbe moat dHtrueUve of outtlde er•atur9 comes from tM ,...... ..... -111 llUle dl11 ~ pua from Up to Ip wttW aaJ atroq &dentllla,ation. , Sinee bil cbmlni to ta. 11.U at wlaat bnMI dowa t.o SI milUoll a JMI' for ftn JHtl -.....S. !!llJ e. tbe rwoNd • ml1b fol' tM Yau .. • Dan 1ftllftekt" nw It ,_,. -tMn ban bMD .,..,.._ that ,...,. doMD't alw*fi pn It bll all la tile outfteld and oe u.t baMI. Nobocly Mid aQtbAaa De tllet wbte r.ter 1'H at Qnden•"· WpeetallJ Iii mT .... M MltM .• , bk 8 bomen, Doc .. la l• IW ud HOl'ell lll ..... ol tM derac•'°'7 ,.... ..... on ua. NOCll'd bJ former Redl ........_, UM a . p...,.....,,..== M1t A far ftl ....-. N ... ........ .....,.,.... • .......... , ... o1 • the ex-Reds, at the Pbillles' camp in Clearwater and there apparently was nothing off the record in what Pete bad to say. "Georje is in a class of bis own -he and Mike Schmidt -u far as hilting home runs," Pele was quoted u saying. "But you have to do other things. . • "You have to knock a wall down occasionally. COMMENT~RY You have to ~,it~-unlf0rm dirty. I used to 10 lhroutb three uniforms a day. Geor1e usea three a month." It didn't etcape Foster's notice. The Met•' new power man Just smiled benlply. "SUre, I saw it tn tbe .,.per," be said. "No, It dld.D't 8DDOJ me. I want to wait and talk to Pet.. I want to Me under what coadltlom be aald it and Just bow be meaot It.•' ONCE l"08TB& •AY BA VE been upeet by 1ucb laDuendol. Not any more. He bu f~ a new lnner,.ace. "What otber people tblM ol you 1a aballow," be aaya. "Tbe important tblnl is wbat you tblDk o1 yolll'Mlf. -.. ..,~la tbe k•J to ____ .. ,..... did DOt .... ,. ......... palitlft aWtade. ,.._ ,..,. .., u ....... .....,... pla,_ trrllll t.o 1lnU ID wD die .... lle-lllowecl PflDOM la ta. batltac ea .. but ..... CMll almOlt •"'.I "'9 tame at bat. · ............................... • ( .... ...,-.... -.... Cl) ., I I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tueaday, M1roh 9, 1982 #Sia..-..._.;.:~~...-.;--;., ,. ' '1 :Charboneau blooper sparks Indiana ~ '" lan1~:9 u<.:i!':9J:b~ .:0:: ~ ' ~\,· Kewla ..._Mrs to live CMv.land 1 -9·8 victory over MlJwaullee ln an f Biota advances In overtime win KANSAS C ITY -Wade m KJrchmeyer 1cored 23 ta, and I · Rlch Cundall and Marr°&ontotky l . From PageC1 FOSTER. • • .aank cruclal free t.hrowt down the . Ill 1972, he wu 1blpped to the Clndnna1J farm club ln lndlanapoll1. • exhlblUan bueball same Monday la 'l"\acJa I~ ... aklll 8eleW hit a OM-out home nan ln the I bottom ot the lotb lnnlnc to lead Oakland to a S-2 win over San Francisco . . . &11 •.trt• pitched three. perfeet innlnp and three ~U1tr Montreal pltchera checked MorriB' isn't finicky over Indiana draw Ballimore on two hits as the ElCpos beat the Orioles. 2-0 ... Vet~nn LOD Plalell1 1lntCled home the final run in a three-run slxlh innlnc u the New York Yankees defeated Atlanta, 3·2, in a From AP Dlapa&Uel f "D" squad game . . . Jorie Pl'M'SBUROH -Rotiert Morris, m Bell'• nintb·inning double a junior college just six yean ago, drove in 'l'oay Feraaadea has earned its first berth .in the I with the winning run as NCAA tournament with its firat Toronto beat the Chicago White Sox, 4·3 winning record since switching to big·lime ... Detulls Eckenley, Mike Toma and Mark college basketball. Clear scattered five hits as Boston be9>.t Detroit, And in a pairing that conjures up memories 4·1 ... George Fn&er bit his tirst home ~n as of David versus Goliath. the Colonials must· a member of the New York Mets and Tim Leary play defending national champion Indiana and made his rll'St appearance on the mound Ln an Coach Bobby Knight on intrasquad 'game ... Dave Parker rapped Thursday. three hits and drove in a pair of runs to ' ·It · s a ll a 1i tt1 e highlight the Pittsburgh Pirate intraaquad mind·boggling. I think I'm game ... Rookie Mike Calhe smashed a pair still up in the clouds," said of home runs to lead the St. Louis "rookies", to a Robert Morris Coach Matt 5.4 victory over the "regulars" .... Rookie Furjanic, relishing bis second ba~eman Brad WeUmaa tripled Ln two team's position. runs as Kansas City blanked Edison Community The Colonials don't have College, 14-0. a player over 6 ·6. And they'll have their hands full Dodgers lose; Angels seek Alexander KNIOlfT against Indiana. which Four Atlanta pitchers res tricted .• finished in a three·way lie for second place in the o 0 d g er s t 0 0 n e hit , a the Big Ten Conference with an 18-9 record. seventh·inning double by Roa Cey. as "I respect Bobby Knight, the job be does, the Braves defeated the Dodgers, 5·0, in but l'o;n not in awe of him," said the 3l·year-old exhibition baseball Monday. Jose Alvares, Furjanic. Lury Bradford, Geae Garber and Al Rrabosky Quote of the day . Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Bob Welcb, who tells of his battle with alcoholism in the book, "Five O'Clock Comes Early," : "When your life is tom apart, when something is unhealthful and is causing some things to hurt your family, you can do something. We all have it in our hands lo go out and gel help. I wanted to say, 'Hey, it doesn't have Co be like this."' Roundfield. Johnson pace Atlanta Dan Roundfield and Eddie m Johnson scored 24 points apiece to · lead AUanta to a 98·95 victory over Milwaukee Monday night in National Bas ketball Association play. The game was made up .from an earlier postponement in January because of a snowstorm in AUanta . . . Jay Vlnceat scored 34 points and aolaado Blackman came off the bench to add 27 as Dallas defeated San Antonio, 121·113 .. Cedric Maxwell and aobert Parlsb combined for 52 points as Boston rallied to whip Detroit, 111·101 ... George Gervln of San Antonio who scored SO points in a record·setling 171· 166 victory over Milwaukee, including 24 points in the three overtime periods, was named the NBA player of the week ... Chuck Daly, coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers since Dec. 6, was fired after leading the team to just nine victories in 41 games. From Page C1 LIONS. • • student <a former student at Goldenwest Christian) and that another was too old (she was unaware of the age limit). "We're going to do every thing right," says McCorkle. "I'm memorizing the book (CIF Blue Book >." Asked if she had any athletic directors to accompany her on the various meetings she has been ordered to attend , Mccorkle says, "I have a girls' coach and she handles the girls, and I have a boys' coach, so they'll both go with me." When light was shed on the si tuation at Go ld enwest Christian, through a letter by what Mccorkle labeled as a "disgruntled former coach", so m e m embers of the CIF reportedly thought it was a joke, that maybe the letter was a prank of sorts. But an i~vestigalion did proceed, many of the charges were subltanliated, resulting in the rulinRS. M cCorkle explained that in the case of the Edison student and Cypi'ess-conege sfiident (the cheerleader, too), the games bad already been fol'feited and they were playing for "fun." Such situations, however, are forbidden by CJF rules. "I wasn't shook up at all {during Thursday's C IF meeting)," says McCorkle. "I thought they were very fair and different ones have called and wished me well. They were all very gracious." How about the informer? Surely there must be a true ol bitterness within this princiPal wringer and the. resultant penaltiet. "No, that'• his problem," she addl, "not mine." WW the Lions turn to a vanity pro1ram in the fall7 • 'lt all depend• on our enrollment.'' sbe NVI. Crowley added: ''It'• a matter of Mtna oriented to the err. Then ,,.. Just a total Ifft of knowJedae. we•n 10 over tbl Blue Book wltb U.m ... " So, lllle modMt trvpby calUet ==-~-.o=:.t1=-:-;: a lat., tr.me for a ...... Ul•r• will be DO Ooldeanst LIODI to leal wUb IA tile ,~,... combined on the one·hit shutout, extending the staff's string of scoreless innings to 25. The Atlanta staff has not allowed an earned run in 27 innings and the team is 3--0 for the spring . . . Angel vice·president Buaale Bava1l, with the permission of San Francisco general manager Tom Haller. has conferred with holdout righl·hander Doyle Alezaacler'• agent about his contract demands. "We aren't going to renegotiate, but we may be willing to extend his contract," Bavasi s aid from Yuma. The Angels opened their exhibition season today against San Diego with Geoff ZallD and Kep Forscb due to pitch. Minnesota's Ciccarelli hits 50 goals Dlao Ciccarelli tallied twice ,IUld ~ .became the first Minnesota player ' ever to score 50 goals in one season . as the North Stars whipped St. Louis, 8·1, Monday night in-Natiorral Hocny-txque acuon- . . . In the only other game, Rob Mc:Clanaltan scored once and set up a pair of Mltto Lebtoaea goals 13 seconds apart to pace the New York Rangers to a 6·3 win over Detroit . . . Goalie Doag Soetaert of Winnipeg, who stopped 133 shots while recording four victories, was named the NHL player of the week ... Veteran defenseman Guy Lapointe of Montreal, idled since Feb. 21 by a shoulder injury, demanded to be traded by the NHL club ... Lef'.t wing Pat Hickey was sent from the New York Rangers to Quebec to complete a trade which brought for.ward Robbie Florek from the Nordiques to the Rangers. stretch u top.Meded Blola ..eaped wlth a ... double overtime victory over Wett VlrlilUa lnatltute of TeebnoloCY Mopclay nitht la a tlrat·round game of the NAI~ basketball tournament. Weat Vlrstnla Tech led in the early 1oln1 by as many u three polnll unW a bucket made it 23·21 tate in the first haU. BioJa held a zt.28 balfUme lead. • Brett wants a new $2 million contract K.ANSAS CITY -Tlllrd bueman ·a Georae Breu. who 11 Ln tbe ftnt year or a nv .. year contract ca\linl for a , reported SI00.000 a year, wul.a to play out bla . career in Kansas City but apparenUy wants a lot more money to dq it. The KanAa Citt Star reported 1n •· story from the Royal.a' tralnlq camp in Fort Myers, Fla .• that Brett, 28, wanta a contract that would put him ID tbe same aalary ran1e u the New York M•' George Foeter and the Montreal Expos' Gary Carter. Foster a nd Carter recently ai1ned lon1·term pact.a that reportedly will pay them about $2 mllllon a year. Brett reportedly received a $500,000 slgnin1 booua with the new contract. ·']be whole situation re1arding baseball saJartes has changed since I signed my present contract,•• Brett said in an interview. "At the time I was negotiating it, my father, brother Bobby arMI I agreed that if I could get to the million·dollar plateau, thln1s couldn't get any higher. Now some guys are gett.ing $2 million who have never hit .300. I've done it six Umes," Brett said. Magee on UPJ's second team . Kevla Ma1ee, UC Irvine's • outstanding basketball player for the 1 past two yean, was named to the , United Preas International second team All·America squad today ... Ned Walk, Arizona State University basketball coach, was removed from that post and named to an administrative position ... University of San Francisco guard Qu.la&la l)alley was reinstated to the U.S. Basketball Writers Association All·America team after criticism that tbe association unfairly reacted lo attempted rape c harges against him ... Alabama's Paal "Bear" Bryaa&. tuxedoed and feelin1 "a litUe naked" without hls trademark hounds·tootb bat, was honored by politicians and former players as America's wtnningest college rootball coach. Nearly 800 people paid $1.25 each to attend the black·tie dinner . . . Federal Judge Harry Pre1enea -re;ect~-motion-by-1.he--National Football League to restrict media -covera1e or the retrial of its case against the Oakland Raiders, Ltd. and the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission . Television. radio 'fV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Basketball -Kansas City at Lakers, 7:20 p.m .. KLAC (570). Hockey -Kings at Colorado, 6:20 p.m .. KPRZ (USO). WEDNESDAY'S RADIO Baseball -BostoQ vs. Dodgers at Vero Beach, 10:10 a.m .. KABC (799); Angels vs. San Diego at Yuma, 11:55 a.m .. KMPC (710). "I had completely Iott all my conflduce, I was desperate," he said. "I lhouaht I mllbt never make it." THEN GEO&GE HAPPENED.,,,&o nan into base-stealinf whll Maury Willa on t.Jie\Vat Coast and Maw-y told him bow h9 oeee bad a terribM rear or runninl bases. He NW hbmell 1etting hurt. "Maury told me tbat be bad 1one to a hypnotilt·paycbiatri.st for ~.'' Foa.r explained. In lt'73 Foster soucht out a b,ypnoUat he bad heard about in lnd(anapoll1, a Dr. Robert Bemat.eln. "I had several ~eaaions with him and be never put me to sleep," the Met.a' new outfielder said. "He ta&d me I waa thinking too much about what I waa doinl instead of swinging instinctively. "He cured me of my negative thou1ht•. It wu about that time that l also went through a spiritual experience." . Foster went on to a brilliant career with the Reda, compiling what many think was tbe-best overall record in baseball over the last. •ix years with 198 home runs, 1,728 total bases and 8'71 rum batted in, leading everybody in that last important statistic. · Today he is a quiet, religious, self·aasured man who refuses to let negative influences penetrate his mind. He keeps a paperback Bible stashed among other motivation books on hia locker shelf. He is the most faithful member of the Sunday Chapel services. He talks in platitudes. "I believe in always striving, never letting goals catch up to you," he says. "What you are is God's gift to you. Wh at you do with it belongs to God." From Page C1 GYM RAT. • • coach, Bauer guided the San Clemente junior varsity to the South Coast League championship this season. ''It was a great year with.just a bunch of great kids," says Bauer or the Trito~. wh~ were 16·3 overall 9-1 in league." I really e.nJOYed 1t. When we won ~ championship I got more kick out of that than I did with some things I did as a player." Bauer has applied for the vacant head coach job at Laguna Beach High. It's his hope he can parlay enough ·successful seasons together to get a college post some day'· ''I'm one of those guys who is just happy to be around the game," says Bauer. Spoken like a true gym rat. Racquetball tourney set Applications are avai lable for the Ektelon· PONY Racquetball Championships regional tournament, which is scheduled for March 18-21 at Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club in Fountain Valley. First place finishers in the men's and women's open divis ions a nd men's and women's 30·and-older age bracket will advance to the national finals to be held May 5.9 at the Sports Gallery in Anaheim. Anteaters, Sea Kings lose San Diego State stops UC Irvine; Lions top CdM UC Irvine kept pace with host San Diego State for five innings but fell on a string or scoreless innings and dropped a 6·3 decision to the Aztecs in college baseball action Monday night. On the prep scene, Corona del Mar lost its first game or the season against four victories al Westminster, 4·3. S•n Dfeao St•te 6, UC lrvlne 3 The Anteaters scored once in the first and added two more in the fourth as the Aztecs scored single markers in four of the first six innings and added two insurance runs in the seventh. A home run by Kerwin Danley in the sixth accounted for the eventual winning marker. In the first inning, UCI scored its first run on a hit batter, a single and an RBI single by Mike Rupp. Then in the fourth, Troy Ybarra singled to drive the final two runs across for the Anteaters. Carlos Rivera had a pair of hits for UCI including a double while Dennis Cowan's pitching record fell to 3·2. Today the Anteaters play USIU before returning home. Weatmlnater 4, Corona del Mar 3 The Sea Kings came from behind to tie the count once but couldn't quite get the tying marker across in the seventh inning in dropping their first decision of the season. Ironically, none of the Westminster runs was earned. The Sea Kines commit~ two ecroJ"S in the sec!Olkt hmfng to allow a Pair of runs to score, Garza added to Indy ~eup INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Joselle Garia, Indianapolis 500 rookie of the year in 1981, will drive one of two March·Cosworth cars entered Ln the May 30 race. the lndianapolla Motor Speedway announced. The entrie1 by Garaa R=· Inc., were amon1 eitbt received bJ the way over the weekend, pusbin1 tbe oftltlal entry lilt so far to 36. ' Gana qaallfied for bla ftnt Indy race at lts.101 mpb IMt year and led the pack for lS laps 1 before car trollble knocked him from c:oatention. · BASEBALL then dropped two ny balls in the sixth lo get the winning tallies home. In the CdM firth , Gordon Moss bad an RBI single and Chris White doubled to get him home with the third tally. But Wtiile failed to score. In the seventh, Moss was safe on bis third single or the game. went to second on a passed ball and third on a wild pitch. He scored on a two-out single by White. Jones to face UCI? SAN DIEGO <AP) -Zack Jones, leading scorer for San Diego State's basketball team, could be healed enough from a bip injury to play in Friday's first .round National Invitational Tournament game against UC Irvine, according to coach Smokey Gaines. The 6-5 guard was injured two weeks ago and missed two of the Aztecs' last four games, including Saturday's 66·64 overtime loss to I Wyoming. "It will help if he's ready lo go," Gaines sai«t:--- Being wllliout Smith "changed our rhythm; it altered our chemistry. when be got hurt." Jones, the Aztecs' leadina scorer last year with a 17.l average, was aver.,tng about lS point.a per game before his tiip injury. The 3>-8 Aztecs, 20·&ame wiMers for the first Ume in 14 years, host UCI, 22-6, at the Sports Arena Friday. The winner advances aaal.nat the survivor of tonight's game between Oklahoma (19·10) and Oral Roberts (18-ll). Asked to assess San Die10 State's cbanees in the NIT, Gaines said: "You've Col 32 tood team1, and any one or them can get bot and win It. If.you can stay healthy and aet some breaks, jou'" 1ot a chance. but you need some hack became 098 alip and you're 1one -it's over." 1lirun1onto make 1982 debut Onlnge ea.. DAILY PILOT/Tue1day, M1rc:h 8, 1982 ca .....,, "°" ........ ll-.1 l ltl '"' U aJlA(TA IM) "91411 tl ... Ml•T• llM& 0... Mlle.-. • ._.A,.._ Cl. ..... 111 IU• LIO •A C-!M411tV 1-....,1 ,._. UI lfl6'.,,I lllllllllt~ li.eo.> IAI Why fly to Hawaii? Ah• fKffl H•ICY•" Htr•, Lvmlller C"4tr-. -..nlil ....... A L w..41t, .. -.11.em.. Kemper may be gone, but there's still Industry Hills ~ > . NeA WHTII,._ COMf'•1a .. ca .... '"" ..... • I. """ •• 41 to •n 40 .... , \II ,. • 161 '"" n 1111 ·"' , 11 a .m • u .... t•• Sllo!An ...... ~-0...nr KenutClty 0.llH Utah ~ow.._ • n ,. t1 JI 1' 21 41 10 .. " 41 .ua - .SS1 f\11 .so 1 .i:Jt " .m ""' .JU 1' aun•" CONf'a11a11ca AtlllMlcDMtlM ... ..,,. 0 IS .7'0 "" ... """ New Jenot'f w.111.......,. NawYor11 Q 17 717 1 n JO .Sit U 2t JO ., " 2t » .~I ..... C-elOlY ..... MHweult" lnclla"' Atlellll Detroit Cllk ego Cle vale net 42 " ,, J2 ,. J2 21 ,. 21 ,. u .. .....,.,Sc_ Atl•nte •. Mllw-.. U BCKtorl 111, o.tnlit 101 OallH 121, Serl Mtonlo 113 , ......... o- KanMS City •t ue.n O.nver al At1.,,11 G..._, SUIW at lncMane Ut•etl'MwYOtk P-nl• at WMftl"9tQn Seattle at Chlc4oto Mllw ..... atH- Sen A-lo et San 0"9o College acorH NAIA T6ult .. AMINT 1841!-Cltyl ........ _ .100 - .41S 1,..., ... u ."3 ISYt '4J IS\11 noa111 Biol• ... Wnl Vlrv!nla 1n111tute .. 12 011 5119111-Velley SI. tO, Sl""'9n F "'Ullin .. Southern Tech I Ga.I M, P•ul Quinn 19 Moo,_ St•• n, Cllteww 7S Wll(Oftl~E.....Clelre 7•, Mery Col~ n loll W .. lem 0r"90" St, 7•, MIHourl W.,11,.,. '3 H•no..., 4', w .. 1mtnsttr 1' l(urrwy St. '1,, O.vkl Lll>tC°"'I> 11 COLLEGE Too 20 1-North CMollnt 1•11 21·2 t,16' 2. O.Paul 1101 2 .. 1 t,100 J. Vlr9lnla (II 7'-J 1,CIU .. , .. a. .. ... ~., ... I T..-ii K1•, ..,.... ...,._,...._.,. Je(!I Nkll._ ..... "'41•1·1.._.,. °""' ...._..... .........,.~ Cr•lt 1..-.r. sn.-~10o1a.1t-m Lllllft'I' W .. IM. tll.MI "'*""71-179 "llllV l•I ... , tlO,fH '1·14-JMl--lley F~ SI0,4S ... ,....,._... Git MOf'tlltl, M.100 '1•M-7Mit-al T-J_I,., •100 • ._,,_~ S<.ott Ho<ll, ... 100 ~7M>1t-al M..-wl lllMf'O, "·"I) ,, .... ,...._. Hale 1rw1n, 9'.uo ... 7H0.70-W frarlll c-... ,,,. ... ,..,..,._. 0.V9Ek.....,..,,M,UO .. n .. 1.1s.-m Lllt't'y Ne'-M , llO tNt-ff.7S-aa • ~"' llllellllwll, ... uo Jo.10-*7-- Nlek ...... M.• 12-.1·1$.JI.-.• H-•'11 Clertl. Sol.IOO 11*7~ .. kott WM!llnt, Sol.JOO '1·~1~ Cunl,1 llr-.. $4,21111 11..a.11-1,_.. Aftlltr ..... P.2AO 72-1\.JWt-W earrv J-kel. U.MO 12-47-Ja.7>-• Jerrv ,. .. ,, u ,2.• ~Jo.77-• J•y HMt. $3,240 ... 71-71-16-• 8111 Britton, U,Mll ... ,,.,,_7._. Maril M<Nul\V, u.no ... ~14-7>-117 1'1111 HeflCOCll, $2,210 7 ..... 7S.7>-111 .._y Clempett, U,ttO 1HMl·1>-•1 Miiie McCullouQl't, $2,HO 71 .... 74-7._., OavlCI Gr ........ U ,220 1U1·11·1.._a1 IMO AOlll, $1,740 70-7).JS.10-m Danny T•lbol, $1,140 ... 74-74-71-• p..,1 Atl-. l l,740 71-72·7>7>-9 Gary H•ll-O. $1,740 70-7).72-7>-• Gery l(och, $1,740 1 ..... 11.1s-• Joflllny Mll~. Sl,740 12..,.1'·1t.-• Community college s...c-~.,--194 V .. V-CC, S-D ...... I Team tcorM: 1. Mt S... ,.,_,..,, •; 2 Or•-Co .. t, J91 ; >. FUiierton, 400; 4. s.nt.a Ane, fOI; S. S•n Ole90 MtH, 414, t . c ... r11a..m . Or•nQll CoKI tcOl"ff! Mtrll MoCIN, 7S; Chrl\ lo\<K .. , 71; Scott lo\cCIOull, 12, Tom a.II, U ; Ron W .... I, 7t; Wiiiie A6"'1Nt, .. Higtl achoot u. A..,...-. c.i. -n•. letLAe ~. C..U MeteCCI 12 holH -HNI Morft!IJ L.os Amlfosl, $4, Mike Betttlstonl (Casi• Mewl, St; Mlb OutlleOt ICM!, SL NHL CAM~ELLCOMl'EltE"CE SM.,..Olvlsleol w L T 0,. OA .... Ed"'°"'"" ., u ~t ,.. ao .. Ven<OVWf ,. lO 4 UI 1'4 t2 C•l9ary n lO " l'l1 l01 t2 ""'-' ,, ,. " ,,. ,.,. '° Color-14 40 11 JOt 2'i a NWThDlvh.i. Mlnrwsc4• JO " " JOO , .. ,. WlnnlP19 ,. 27 13 1S1 m t.S Tl-: l ltl Ill • • •IUIC'r• 1+11 N141 t•a. ... ,Ta•Ttt aACll. 0... mil•-•· &y. lye Trecl IAllllllll 1.• •M '-• Tlftllltf'ltM (~I t.• , .. '-9r lw CV.nnl ta Al .. •"'411 Olllee Meir, OOOOll Geefl.. SV011m., "r•ll,, Hll encl ltun, ICenwt" H•ve. Tlme:'J·OU1'. U aXACTA It.II Mid.., .. • i.avaMTM •AC•. one mite,_.., Goie It., (It......,, •• ue uo DIM""'"-rl0.-1 Ut !A Orltlblft 11 ...... 111 1.• l\IM r-: ..,. elve, llu.11< kttt, l'r.-V tlllPMr. ........ Palntw, .....,._, .,..,,...... J •me•. Tl-11.01 t/S.. U al&ACTA 14-21 P'ICI SIS.to. Atte..,_. -j , ... ~ . . . ' "' . . women·• dftbllll COMMUNITY CO&l.aea ................ LAI no ooo 0-1 1 J " ,.. ...... 11 .o ,. Hen Ill ... ~. •.LA...a..u 101 ~. 3 o-4 ' 1 Chernllan, L.otelle UI , llollln.., (t l ; 01~ -t<lm y. W-cllt1nllen. L-Olcome. 28-PlncMr IOr-CoatO, c I po lone I l..ontl 8Mc h ). S-AMt.~lrl S.nte AN 401 100 -f 0 Seclcltellae k 000 ODO ~ o J Avulrre end FolClt neuer; Loch •nd Ru!Mk eva. Balglen lndoOr , .................. 1 ............. S11191et Frlu Buallntnv dtf Harold ~. U , •·2, •·•: Shlomo Gllcklleln clef. Mike Gendollo, ,,., ,,., t-3; Helm\11 ThelsMft dtf. HIU S.vi-. 7-S ...... 8Gb Lutr Cltf. R-r VaUtlln, 1·S, .. ,. Tl'" MtYone Otf. T!Mtrry Stevaua, M . M . Women'• toumament 1840 ... H I .......... ~ Kathy Rlnelcll dtf Bonnie Gactu-..... M ; line Gerrlton Clef. Mtrjorle Blackwood, ...... J; ~ Louie Clef Pel Motdreelo, 1-4, .. J ... 2; Sl«y Mtrvotln del L•leh ·-Thom-. 7 .. , 1 ..... 2. Ketlly Horvalf\ dtf Luci• A-... , ... ,; Eva Pf•ft dlf. It \he LPOA la your cup of tea and you have ·followed the Women's Kem.per Open at Mesa ·verd" CC the pMt three yeara, lbeo aear yourself tor this year's invasion of the women's pro tour. Naturally, with the Kemper moving to Hawali, y&u will not be able to tlltond that event unleaa you Oy across the Pacltlc. Then where will the closest competition be held? The Olympia Gold Classic is set for lnduatry Hills beginnln1 Thursday with Sally Uttle back to defend her title. Then the LPGA moves to Las Vegas March 18·21 at the Desert Inn Country Club with Donna Caponi defending her championship In the J&B Scotch program. An.er a week in the islands, the tour returns to Palm Springs April 1·4 for the Dinah Shore Invitational at Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage. Nancy Lopez-Melton , a name well known in the Oran1e Coast area after her victory in the second Kemper tournament, is the defending Sho re champion. After that, the tour returns lo the East Coast with the exception or two events. The United States Women's Open will be played at Del Paso Country Club in Sacramento July 22·25 and the Gold Putter Award Playoff is set for the Desert Inn sometime in October. THE HO'M'EST PLAY ER on the LPG A tour to date has been Hollis Stacy. winner of two events in Florida. In fact, she won two of th~ first three tournaments and was the leader in seven of the 11 ,rounds played as well as being the wire-to-wire victor in each of her triumphs. And for those who care, she has a few words of wisdom for her fellow pros : "Golfers must control their e motions on the course," Stacy says. ''They must develop an even keel if they hope to be successful. Unfortunately, the gallery enjoys seeing players drive their irons into. the dirt in disgust or reading the lips of players muttering profanities. However, a golfer who acts this way will not be successful.·' • • * AT THE SAME TIME as the Olympia Gold LPGA evenl at Industry Hills, the veterans or the TPA men's tour will be competing in the Vintage Invitational at the Vintage Club in Indian Wells. Arnold Palmer is among the entrants and the all-time great will be honored at a black-tie dinner on Tuesday. Palmer has recorded 61 victories during his career along with 19 foreign titles and was the first player to reach Sl million in earnings. lllWARD L. HANDY From 1957 through 1971 , it period or 14 years, he never once railed to finish amon1 the top 10 m oney winners and rout-limes was No. l In earnings. At 52, Palmer is ready to make his mark on the seniors tour. He has played on five Ryder Cup teams and represented the U.S. on seven World Cup teams. He is the 1954 U.S. Amateur champion and the 1960 U S Open winner and has been a big winner on the desert in past years. He's a five-time winner of the Bob Hope Desert Classic. • * * THERE'S A PGA EVENT scheduled for Meadowlark Golf Course in Huntington Beach. Monday, March 22 Rut this PGA stands for Plankhouse Golf Affair. not the more familiar ProfessionCJI Golf Association known to most golfers. The event 1i. sponsor ed by Re ube n's Restaurants and the $48 entry fee jncludes 18 holes of golf, an electric cart. a box lunch, refreshments, golf towel and shirt. trophies, a drawing and a dinner at the restaurant where the contestant registered. For fu rther inform ation, call 846-1364. Application blanks are available at all Reuben restaurants but must be completed and turned in a week in advance of the tournament. • * * THE DEADLINE FOR signing up for the Garden Grove Strawber ry Festival tournament lo be held Tuesday, March 30 at Willowick Golf Course in Santa Ana , is Satuday. Interested golfers may sign up at the Garden Grove Chamber of Commerce with the entry fee set at $35 which includes dinner that ni ght at the Acapuko Restaurant in that city. "' • • • ON THE GREEN Early plans are being made at the Cos ta Mesa Golf and Country Club for the men's mem ber-guest tournament April 24-25. John Sloat, chairman of the event, s ays some $4,000 in prizes will be distributed along with a super Lee prize. The entry fee of $70 per player includes three pCJrt1 es and two rounds of golf with a 7-hole derby on Sunday. Sloat warns that members should sign up early because the field or 80 teams fills 1n a hurry ' St.~ls 21 :M • ,... Chl<A90 ts J2 10 tlS T0<onto 11 l6 " m Detroit " 1' 17 2l6 WALES CO..l'EltENCE f. Or ...... SI. U1 23-4 1M S. Missouri , .. , •1 •.Geo~.o c 2w 1153 7.MI-n .s IM I IClello ,._, 111 '· Memlllll• SI. 23-4 "' l'lllricll DlvlMM 2'S u l03 60 Jlt so l03 • Hele"• ~4Wa, M , 1•; he &Ullerove dtf Cl•uCll• MQnMlro ........ ; Lt• A""""""'' def l(lm -· .. ,, .. J; v1c111 Helton dlf Beth Horton, M , .. t ; Sue ROlll-dtf Glynl• COIH, 1·5, .. ,; Yvonne Venn-Clef. Marcell• Mesll.,, .. 1. •.J; Sandy Collin' Clef t<lms.,,.,,, .. , ... 1. PemCew1edef.A,,.,,... L .. nct ..... 7-S Kite's chip shot on target NY Isl•-• .. u ' 330 110 " HV A•,.n ,, ,. 11 ,~ 2S7 1S Phll-lllf>i. JJ 11 ' '73 M n 10. Tulw 24·S .. 1 11 Frttn0 SI. 1 .. 2 577 12. Arkenwa U ·S St2 Coflega He apologizes to Nicklaus, Watson after win 13.AI-lW 411 14. Wall Vlrvlnl• 2 .. 3 Jf.S IS, l(enlueky 22·1 2lS "· I-• 10-1 7112 17. Ala ·Blrmlf191\Am H-S 119 It. WUe For.st 2CM 114 It. UCLA 21.. 120 10. Loulsvllle :i.• llt HIGH SCHOOL All-Sea View LHgue Cc-Mt' ..-Cti-tl ....... , .... Jeff ~ lbtand e l. l(eft S-Chlay IC.Osle Mesel , Ctwls Lynch IC°'one Clel Marl; BraCI Gueu IUnlwnltyl; Byron Bell I Hewport H•rt>o r l ; Steve K re in CEsteft<l•I: Mill• HMs ICoront Clel Merl. S.C.-T..., Jim Pellchow\111 ICa.t• MH.al; Jof>n Al-erQe!' ICO!ll• Me.le); Chris M•y- I E•t•11clal; B•l•n Mldle nd I Elttncltl, La rry Oennporl IS•Cldlell•ckl, H•llk Goe!MI ICoront Clel Mar). R-y Myen (Unlwrllty). '1AVP -Jeff Gerctner IEsttncla), Coach ol IN Yur -Larry ~men IEslend e l. ~ . ' ., ~ Exhlbftlon .. -,·~· IMV-9a«lll Atlanta 002 010 110-S 12 2 Los A....... ODO ODO -I 0 Ahtret, Brtdfor d 141, G•rller 171. Hrel>oO,y <ti •nd Banectl<t; R•""· Beckwith l•I, fon'9r 161. .._. ltl - Sclosclt -A•verei. L--~ ....... 4. Tl9eft1 lat WltMr ""'"· ...... 1 Detroit ODO 010 000-1 S 0 Boston 211 oot lllx-4 • 1 Morris, UnCltrWOOCI (1), UJ~yr (SI, Rotlll<hllo (71 and Perrhh;Tcker\leY, Torrer 141, Clear 171, c..dtnan, LkUr1 171 w -EOerlMy. L-Mo<Tb. v ...... aa .... -.aa (84...,.,_,,....I Atlel'lt• CBI 020 'ODO 000-2 • New .,._ I Bl 000 oo:i 00.-J 1 Moore, M. Smith 10 . OIH C1l •no Col!Mrn, Kelly 171: Jolin, Frailer l•I, LeAoche '""'· O.vl• <•I -Gulden,,._ 171 W-Fr"'""· L-M. Sml"' Plttsburvl> H n 11 ?SO -" WHlllnvton ,, l6 • 2 .. no SJ A-DIYlaiM -tree I le 12 11 JIO 191 «I &...ton l6 12 ' 2t1 2:11 ., 8uffelo J3 20 u 1SJ 21J Ill Ouebe< >o 24 u -tlS 1• Marttoro " J2 It no 1'0 Sl ~·sc-MllWWtetll I, 51. Louh. 1 Htw Vcwk Range"•· Oetrolt J T ........ tO- Kiw.t al Cotor- C•'9•"1' et 0.- Boston •1 Moo11ree1 NV h-rl•t SI Loul• Men' a vohybell N .... Sclleel ' l •ou ... .,..,, Clef H-PCl"1 Harllor. IS.•O IS.10, 1~10 • ~~T•lt I L_.,.. -II, l blaft<I•. l Cottll Mew; • Mtrln•. S s.n Cle""""le; 4. o- Hllls; 7. Coron• cl•I M•r. t Fo\lnl•ln V•ll•y.' H..nUnvtonBHCll, 10 Le Quint• Loa Alemltoa MelffDAY'S lllHULTS ,, .............. _....I I' 111 ST ltACE. 0... mlle pace Oulcll L.Mry IUVMllllll 4 40 l.60 1.111 Anely's B,_ IOllanl IS.Ill 1 40 Mrs M (Aubin! 2 to oc ,,,,._ s, u. Jue-• ~ Helson IUCll Clel Rollln•on, ...... J; Peru e• IUCll dtf M<CluN, ... M , .. I; A•mo• CUCll Otf MeuUccMlll, 4-4, M , ... 2; R•uettl IAI Otf. Amo, 1-S •.. ,: S..-• CUCll Clef. HltNIM ... , ... ,; o...rt-•Rl-.f. Stol .... w ..... , ... -Ou•C1•·Perc 1ek I U Cll Cltf. R ol> I nson·M•nuc c "•"I, t ·O. •·7. M<Clu,....Rleckert IRI def Amor·R-y, M , >·•. 1·•, Aeuettl Overton CR I def Chelllaf>.AoO-IU ... 2. 6·1 Htgh achool Ulllvenlty ""-· E._ •l'l ~ Gr"" CUI dtf. Miiies ... 2. Otf. ~. t -1. del. Turrell, •1, Clef. Zlm•nll, .. I; Mar9ulll CUI loll '-4, :1-4, :1-4, -•2; M.,llnet IUI lost 2-4, _, .. 2. 1·S, M , Mtr90lls (UI -w. 1<>1>1 tt-4. won ...,, .. J. -0 • y • Pa u Ison •c U I s p 11 I w It II P•rkt•·Sl mmon•, •·•. >·•; Clef, O 'Conne ll -Witche r, 1 ·t , •·O; Ollv•r-V--(U) lost 2•, 2•; won .... M . --... -.... -11 ~ H-rty (Mer.I "'" 10 Simon., .. ;"''' to Simon, 1•; IOsl to Lydlly, 4-4; Clef Gre....,,, .. 2; L•w IMar I -M . IOfl 2-4, .. 1. U , Z•k••kY IMtr I losl 0·6, •·•. 1·t , .. 1. Jacoll$0n IMtr ) lost0-., 1•. won....,, •.J -Wonv·R-..is IMtr.I °"· O\lma~otey, 6·1, •·l , dl'f. RllOMlll<t-lo\<Corey, M , W ; l(err-Ceo IMtr.I won w, •~; .. 1. M ,,.,. ... ,,l'l, ._.... '"" ,..... Tartor Ill Clef. S<ftulman, M , Clef. MMrl. I S; def °""9. • t, lost lo H9UY"'. M ; !>h•w 111 -1-S. M , ...... 3; 1(11'9t11 111 won .. 1. M ... 2 ... ,. Pierce Ill Iott J ... 2 ... , ............. . -Y•~-.V HI Clef. Butler-t. ... M ... I; def. Lee-Duff, M , .. J. ~-r·Beac ...... Ill IPlll 3-4, •t; won .. I, 7•. Also raced. 00-Foa Hound, Slrt-W~n M119k , HuMwr's Hunter, Wlnteri..-. The ..,., .. C.......sy A-Cl, Ounstt <. COLLEG• 00-0bqutlllleo -pieced lourlll. UC lrvlM 6, Otr'-6 J Tlmt: 2:0SJ/S. ""-" U UC ACTA 12-31 pelcl ti• 40 Me. ""-~ c(ICO 'Clef ~.et-1< Ill *'· S•CON~AC •. l>N milt pece Bien,,.,,, M . 1-4; K"41"9 .. ,, .. J, "'°"' (0 1 .,,... cltf. Me. M-s ... ,, .. J; Wtlls 10 1 Clef Mof\el llt-1 •.to S.40 lOO Elrecf9e, .. 2. H ; ICeut (UCll def. Waller\, Jimmy a. .. cAndtr-.1 1.00 •.tO 1 s 7-4 GrMme'• Cflol<~ csi.r .... I J 41 . • . ~ ORLANDO, Fla. CAP) -There was a strange sort of vindication for Tom Kite in his playoff victory in the Bay Hill Golf Classic. "I've played a lot better several times. botb last year and this year. and haven't won," Kite s aid Monday after he'd chipped in for a winning birdie on the first hole of sudden death, beating J ack Nicklaus and young Denis Watson of South Africa. "But I'm not giving it back. It's awful hard to win a golf tournament," Kite said. He knows that a s well as anyone. He once missed a title by the margin or one stroke. And that was a penallY. be called on himself when he and he alone saw his ball move on the green. He had an incredible 21 finishes of 10th or better last year. And won only once. He lost a playoff earlier this year in a remarkable turnaroWld when Ed Fiori rolled In a 40-foot birdie putt and Kite missed a 6-footer. lo the last two seasons he'd done almost all that could be done in golf -except win. He topped the 1981 money-winners. He led the tour in scoring average. He had one string of 17 consecutive tournaments in which be finis hed eighth or better . But in all that long string, he didn't win. And it was becoming very, verr frustrating "People say I'm a conservative player. I'm not. I'm very aggressive," Kite said . "I think they jus t say that because they don't know. because they're trying to explain why I don't win and they really don't know. "Nor do I." But he won this one, a day late due to a series of storms that disrupted and delayed the event on Arnold Palmer's Bay Hill Club course. And Kite, who slipped almost unnoticed out of the pack with a last-round 69, was a lmost embarrassed by it. "l apologized to Jack and Denis for chipping in on them," he said arte r his 20-foot effort had Also rec:ect: Kerr Henover. Koll:fflu. Myen.Myen tUCll Clef. H.,,,.·Stef-'c, ,..._.,, ar--.1 Hurrle-Roull, Celm '(ou;'Wlf, Sl\HWl!fl9 4•6, 7·S, •·1; Flory.Mllllltlson COi def l84 ,_, GYHt, ._ Hllltlllly, M•llory.1( .. 11119, ...... ,. Nl•on-Ell""' Rustlers, -s-ucs win - Mllw•u.... 040 102 000 Olo-t 1' J Time: 2:0S,O. (UCll !Mf. W.lls-8leflnan. M , .. 2 C1ev••-oao ooo a on-1e o c.-.1. s.-141, Olllll'lll "'· -THlltOllAC•.DnemlltCMKt. "'\ C:OMilMUO~Clol --m. AU9111t!nt 1101 -Moore, Vosl 161; K•""'Yn 10.-rl 1 '° UO 4.00 ~6\\.0r-..CMIUYt Blvtewn, --w. Spllllltr m. Se•-H•-r Ster IT-• •-20 SAO ~ ,..,, G••-1121...., H•u•y, a-m. s.119•0.-1'-'-1 uo 5"M• 1c1 Clef.""°· w ... ,. GoettKh Golde w t d AIM recect: Wet<-1-, GI-• -101 ....... ~-• • ~2 • -h <Cl ~ D e S an N•horoclfty 1111. W-Gl-r. L-A~lrw. ··~ ...._ ...... ........,_,, ,..., .,. ; ~ _,, 0 EPk Fa,., SCtY Hlvtt. Roy•I s1gne1, ""' Khor•"'· ... 2. w ; a.-1 cc1 ... Etv1n, w. range Coast College Toronto .... f.rs!;a ... 1:1_,. 0 G~~~~~t21 pe1c1 ... 1• ~;;_.~~~n.H•~;w. ::c';!~'::!i-!r'~~:~I~~~~ Ollu90 CAI 000 00) -....., t I l'""'a~ 1t•r• . ......_ mll• trot. ltHCl.Qoelb<h IOI Clef. ~··-·· the way to victory while Sllat>, T-(41, McLallllfllln 111, Murr"' """ '" ...... ....... ~ l ·6, •·•, H ; P9tersol'l·Lescll IC) Ml S ddl b It) enCI _,.,.1, Whlt1 t•I. Plttrtlll "I; Deer Sir l"'-ermenl S.20 4.tO l.20 l(horer·Elvln, ._,, M ; Conlrera...CIM!t CCI a e &Ck WaS losing Burnt, P .. ...._ u1, lo\<Glolhen 111 -1--ITt-*•YI 20·40 1.20 'P11t •1"' ~MY"dfNn, M , w . a no-hitter to Santa Ana Hiii, fol•Y ,., W-Mc•uehlln. Elll•h l"""*"°"I uo L-McGlothen. HAt-Torm1lo, H~Oll. AIM recect: DC>~ R_.,, Gfll...... ln action Monday Clllc .... 11ar11e1c1. Mluv, ~Y 11-· Sat•n'• "'-1k•, The Rustlers, fresh Me.00...\/k\ory, II!,_, A'•*· 0 ..... 1 oo-DI-'" .... -""'"°from M<-from a victory in the , .. ,....., 10~~. t·os.o Bakenfteld tournament Sell l'r-ltco 010 000 001 _, 1 l .. _ b Oe1111M .. 1• 010 ,_. , > o v er t e wee It end , \~ ............. (41 • -~ .. 171 T·--l'll'TH •AC•. One mlle PK•· slo ..-E t LA 9 2 . ' '.,...., ' -•• Ooc•··ll-IHllll -.IO 10--L... p,,.... U • • • ln CIOI •fld B,.,,.y, A......,,, It), La.......,, ..,. ., ·"" -$ lh C lif u .... ,...... 1•1 .... ,11 111, _,'" 11., l'eec111e1--1 uo •.• ou ern a ornia .,,, K•.,ney, Tlt11et•n m . a.t,,. '"· ,....,.Gwi,...,..,.1 10AO Monde~tr•nedoft• Conference actto W~Mutt•d. L-Tufts, Hll-Oalll•nd, AIM ,...,: ~e's Pitt, Mlllerk lr, Dot •TU&.L. AU-n ' a-tt1. ---~wm. ~a..Utt>'"''""''" ... ....,._,..___ ... ....,._...i'iiilrl•.----t~:-----~ov~-l• •..-a.o......• , ..... ,..... ...... Illa.) .... -. ....... ,. MlllttrMI 1IO tit •-t 6 0 D. Mat1IMl. ,.._ <41. T. MMt!Mr 161, ..__Ill IN OffiMM, ltltylW ctl, e.rri., ..._ 141, ,,_ 11), F._ _. ~ • ._.. ..... l•I. w-...,ls. L-0. Me111Mt. .. ~:it~ ........ l'1me: 2:00/S. CLEVELAND CAVAl.t••• -l'lrllll the second lnnin1 for e.a ••ACTA , ... u ""•"''"·°'· c11110 o11v. ,,." '"'"· N•"'" •111 starter Sbanna Moore to llJITM•~.o.....,11e-•. Mlluelrl*',lfUtlm....,<•t11. l 'h I l c111""'"*''o.-> 14,20 .... ... ........~u.e-1e • e v c ory on a Mas•r JeClh C5'1ernnl 4•• UO HOUITOfll 01 LetH -Welv•• CMI ODe·bllteJ'. . o-ieew '°"""""1 ,,.,. Renee Nadon had two ,::t.•eit•: ......,_ LYl'I•. Mete"'..... .._ •. e=-.. w u.e-h l t 1 a n d R o n d a -· S<Wlflt Dr1V9, Orlwe UM. MONTltlEAL ALOU&T'Tll -Namllll Jee T1 • 2:0Mts. 0111,, ...., cMCll ..., ''"'" "'"' 111 • Chambers went the ti.rat MVl11TM1tACa.o..m11e.-.. .__.~... tour lnnln•s to 1aln """~ c:.. 1~1 4.• ,... ..-MOC1Cn credit for the win aa found the cup on the first extra hole. "You just don 't chip in to win. But, doggone it, they were trying to do the same to me so I'm not apologizing too much." Kite, Nicklaus and Watson. a 26-year-old native of Rhodesia now living in South Africa in his second full year of competition on the tour, all finished the regulation 72 holes at 278. 6-under par. All had c hances on the playoff hole. Nicklaus missed a 24-foot birdie putt that, Kite said, was "as good a putt as you can hlt. I don't.know how it stayed out." But it did. And Watson missed a 12-fooler that would have extended the playoff. Nicklaus. generally acknowledged as the game's greatest player, had a one-s troke lead when last rOWld play started in chilly, breezy weather. But he went from trouble to disaster to quandary. He hit m the sand. He three-putted. He got one e mbedded in a tree. He had lo hit two shots le ft-handed. Artists stop Newport Coach Bill Ashen's No. 1 ranked Laguna Beach Artist volleyball team defeated Newport Harbor High. 3-0, Monday night in non-league action on the wiMer's floor. The Artists posted identical 15-10, 15·10, 15·10 victories over a scrappy Sailor team. "We have been able to intimidate a lot of the teams we have played this year and in other years." As hen said. "But Newport kept coming right back for more and we weren't able to put them away. "They have a rea l good team and I am going to r ecommend them for the top 10 in the county next week.'' Leif Hansen, a junior outside hitter and setter Rudy Dvorak played well for the Artists who posted their third victory against no defeats . -ORGANIZE ' ..... \ ' ---- UC,,,,... tel -.-a • t IMO.......... 1tt tt1 ...... ti 1 C.Wllll. Hl<Mtrl IN a.-.1 i.--, 0 \' • • r U I , A r"' It ate C 61 , W llllllllHfl CU lfl41 Dellltellet. • ......,......._. ~ ......,...._, (UC = := :=:> u.• !:. oanoi:;.-::o~~.·~~ ... "''" OranJe Coaal toppled AIH r•u4l1 oo-s.1111n11111 c:111ef, ~.;=~::..!,.,.... ._.... bolt UJQI Beach, M, IA ,.,......... ,,.., Klfll'• o..ee .• _.. NH1. -~ ,... H~y. l9ft ..... noo-caennce acdoo. ~-.......... ._ ...... .,.""~......... 1 __ ..__ .. T'-: t:•m ~ .. ,,..., , .._ ..... ..._ n _..eld, Golden 1uuna(N)..i41..._.. ....._....,.. "--.. ...,...._.... Weal won a l1-lnnJa1 • Unoompleted "To-Do" ...... AuWnatioely ,.._...,To the Next 0., Let thla unique ayatem help men- • your echedule. Enter meet· Inga, "to do'a," expen111,l9ftd more ••they occur. Then review cMMy llg9ndee or MarCh Md ,.. trteft reconla by~ and/ or keyword. Add pt09f'lllM '°' IMfty °"* men--oement fobe. ltwlfl•>, l•rltw Cl•" Ol•t• It.I . ".~, ...... k •. Ullll .. Cll =-=:.~-: CM""",.......,, 0..... t ·"'~· ......... . ........ • 111•• .• -_, •• ......... ;,...,.....,1n· .. .... , • ........,.1...-... .......... cw t. • •te11 ... c~ .,... a..-.... ·~ou•• ei.uH _Ac.-.. ..,. deci1lon ln ltl fl rat """ -............ ,....,. ...,_,_ • • ..,....._ -..-..... ,,_ , .. c....,. same, loll to tbe bo9t =:..:-==~=== ,..,.. .. h• ue11ue• ••r f11t1rr11 acbool1 tben came back •d•tc• a1•11.t1111 .-"'·• .,.. "" ~~ wu..a with rour wlna on tbe ............................. ~. ADIUAM eot.U .. -·~.. final da, to capture tbe lietn'M .... °"'"'"'.... ,., ....... :.t: ....... .... ..... ;title. ....,.,_...,.,_, t.• UI t.11 _.. ... --· • .. Nlllll ._....,_ .. ......... ,....._, U1 tM ._ • ....... ~ .._ -Ana itGppecl tbe Mltf'tur.1t.....,.., ... .. ... I'\.. Ga uebo1, 1-0, oa a ._,,_.:....., ..... TIMll~ 80UTMCMIOUM-..... ~--. --.._ -'II.-a.- # .... ___..~~ =·~-:. • OUldd1 '-" for .,... Oft ..... c.119. CMenla.. l'l'Cldl .... .... IEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK ITORE, COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIMTING DEALER .. I Ora,,. Co11t DAILY Pll()TfTuttday, March 9, 1912 · ! ClASSlf IED The marketplace on the Or ange Coast ... 642 -5618 . .. c Te PllCt Yw M, C111 &42·5678 .USFllW£ t..11. e=.i. ~=:.. .... c..11 ... .,_,_ OT-r r_.Vlllty :=.··--ttto I-ti_ ..... ...... " ... .............. =~ ,$19.._C.....,_ '""'" .. .._._ s..ai...c-··----· ·--·s.i. IWCSTATC Anne• lor s.tc AIO<t""Oll lw Solt ....... ,._.i, .._..,_y • C•Mfi.t.n Lou CrJfitl . =:g-•r.::!rm;'t lft lh•M) S..1f' lO bt Nu"K ,.._,, ... iv 1-rntlProptrtt IAl>IO<S.lt llo411i.H.,.Trll Prh MOWILA. OIHrt hn oo t"!f(~.t·r.OI> Owl"' Sl•l• ~ .... RuchH f111r" t;rn"H Rul Est.ct tarh•t'U RtaJ Ell1lot tti. •atf'd RENTALS 1• •• "" .. .. ,. . .. ,. , .. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 15 ~;·~::ad · :: vertlse d in t h is 15 ~~:alis F5a~~'U!u~~ ~m ing Act of 1968 which 11• makes at illegal to ad-it vertJse "any preference, ua lamatation, or dts · 11• rnmination based on 1.,go rare, color, religion. 1JU11 sex, or national ongin. :: or an antenlion to make 1MA> any such preference, \: Ii m it a I ion . o r d is · 1ow crimmation. ·· IM 2IUO Ill» IJOO 1100 1<00 JlOO ~ 21<>1 t'IW .!U 2il.AI Thl5 newspaper will nut knowin~ly accept any advertising for r eal estate which is in viola-tion or the law. =~~ lJ: BlRORS: AdnrtiHrs =~~~~ } .. ~1. : .shauld cMck ttt.ir ods COftdonuN¥11Ulaf )42) ~ mid ,_...,.rf ..._ r ... -... "••• 1"111 -·1 · ·r-"'' -[,;..~!",.·' J.m ron 1 .... diaffty. TIM u...i.u. L•' = DAILY PILOT asw.ts AOU Pio"' A,u '-"'•• -labilty for .... fint ~:.,';"'""'' •' !'!: h•co rrect huertio11 PMNSULA HOMIS' Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats~ remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine 'room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. UDO ISi.i HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayfrol\t. 5 bd rm, 5 ·bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1 .500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. UNDA' ISLE IA YFIONT Lagoon view from' 6 bdrm , 5 bath, playroom. dark rm, den. $1.350,000 ! IAYSIDE COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900.000. TIES VIST As-MSSION VllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pool. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3-ll Boy\•d•· D•,v• N B 67) 6161 ROl:lifl\• 161,f til;(J =Hi:.": ::: "!"!· I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r:=:. ~~~~~ g: -• NEW LISTING 1t.....i.tos. ... • o:io I SPAC. 2 STORY .,..,. ""'"" _ •••••••••• ••••••••••••• private master suite. 2 . OPEN HOUSt REALTY / ~f:'§ ~ .~~~ ... iOOi ' ~ ~:i I ~1~!:~5.;~dt~~ •uSf ES ' roaring fireplaces . 11 II $,INVEST PRICE REDUCED Fabulous canyon view. I ______ _ MfNT, fllfAllCE on this gorgeous BEACH <Xfered at SSS0,000. Call ::;;::~~· »• DUPLEX p , blocks 673-8550 l•.·,·~-""".,'~'.w .. ~, ::~ 1. rrom beaC'h and only 2 EASY WALK TO llACH Stff,900 l~P.P.!1!!9'1!iP~!!ll;•11,I ·-~ ~ -vears old. Ocean view 2 Bdr f .1 h e~ -·~ ::::~~:;. ~ and 3 bdrm units 3 4 m. am1 Y ome. Formal din rm. ~·~jl ; ....... , .. 10. ....,, I bdrm unit. great for SeC'luded pool and patio. Lge _ -~=-"!! !!! ANNOUNCEMENTS, I owner orrupancy assumable loa n. Land included. PERSONALS & Owner financinR avaala· VIEWTOWMHOMH LOST &FOUND bl11. Only 528-0.000 Call WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO .. IULTOU Master suites. View of 4_., .... ,. iitt• today 979 5370 Ocean a. Night lights. '" POOi ""' A 211 I S. ......... lood Quiet Area. Parks, open ~~'.;'!1 ~~ LLSTATE NEWPORT CEHTEI. N.I. . 644·4910 spaces. $137 ,000. Xlnt ~ • ., ,;:.,.. ;:; _ F\n. Ha l or Pat Agts Tr ... 1• w-.i REAL TORS 751·9!!05, 673·7300 S£1VIC£S ~Ottt Otrff'\Gt) £MPlOYM£Nl & rtfPAUTION \t'Mt1b fMllWlt9ft *"••1...-t• ™""••f"I ••t M£1CHANOIS£ ............. .. ,.... ........ ·-~=Mltrnatt. CaawtH• t..q"1~M '(..u °""' f"t"t.o\'>w f'wrwlltl"f Gen,.~" 11or ... HcMtMldtiood• h riry l,;,f'll«\ 'tett ...... )' > Niiittlla""'6 M!W'fll•"fOWI 'A•Mf'd ..C~•l IMlt1.1muh CWfi« fwr" • t.ciwp ""' :~~~~c~ lipor1'"'(,.ood~ ~.Kttt•wnM bar ~·r.ct-.H1f\,SA,1eo BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT ..... MOVE UP TO NEWPORT! Lo111 priced executl\·e home Beautaful and .... spacious 4 Bdrm corner location w11h man) amenities Assume low an~rest loan Oon·t mass . ,.., '"'11 Ous at only $269,900 Call 646-7171 IQ!) -----~ ..., 1111) ~ CONDO STEALS! !1!11• 3 BDRM S. 2 BA TH :i MODEL COND. TRY ,..., SI0.000 DN or more. AS· :: SU MF. l O'r I NT :: PATRICK TF.NORE. -llltll , ~ ... ~ ~ SPACIOUS !MO :: TOWHHOME 'll'N The best in Mission Vie· :,,: jo. Have that open reel· ._ ang in lhl.5 large 3 Bdrm 3 bath home Includes t110 ~'etbar. firepil, French ::= doors and much· more. :t:: Great terms available. :t: Call for detaHs, 646-7171 . , ... - flWI fM WM -tlll 1111 '71• "'" .,,,, 11111 '111 111n THE REAL ESTATERS 3 BDRM STEAL! 1 Model perfect 3 BO, 2 BA House o n Golf Course. Only $135,000. TRY $20,000 DN! AS· SUME 10<;< INT. Prin. Only . PATR I C K TENORE, AGT. 759-1221 ~~ STEPS TO ~ . NEWPORT BCH! ~! ll 's a bargain! $128,900 "'" total price. 3 Bdrm 2 ~:: bath. ram ily room . brick 1110 fireplace. R-2 lot. Room :1: to build Alley access. ri: Call us for mo re in· m1 formation, 5*231.3 !·tfM»t ;,, . . ..: RVMt\X ' - TWO UNltS-8AL IS. Woock mid w__,. IR a 2 be*°°- i.o.. plm 2 ~OOM ape lm11f wttli •ck plm C)llftt mit w*-Wla. Shpt to Hrtll bayfroat. A ul•altl• rutal popwty. Sl80,000. 673-6900 WATERFRONT HOMES, 1111<. RFAt I Sl ATr 315 Manne Ave Balt>pa Island 673-6900 k '-~~c;..,;, )t V Aff..J1td11•1 t. t~t Jfer1 y To ~lcp ,_,.. for WodnHdoy, •eod -.!• corl'ft9Cl"d'"9 to 'Vl'Ot<l ol )'OUt' ZcdoOC bOrtk •'II" JtT• :12-u• .. i. ..... ,..,.. .,,.. ··-"°" ... ·-'°' .. _ '''"" .., ..... .. _ ., ........ ...... .. ,.... ..... "°" '°'• ,,., .. >Ill ..,_ ,. .. .... ·--"" "°"' ., ...... lOC-··-""" .... @Goo4 @A4_, f)N...,J THE REAL ESTATE RS CM~ 1lt .~~:::t!Jh Lo.A._tioft COM duplex w1lh good rmanring. Eai:h unit 3 Bdrm 2 Ba . family room. Close lo ever· ything al S410,000 IAIGAIM l'OOLI SP.& &.per aharp 4 Mrin 2 bit~ home with a btauUful pool 1nd apa. Fant1ttl( financlngl ~000 down. P11ment1 r Sl,000 per mo. Prfce .. ~~1~. Call '°" llDl'tllltWll. Stf.2211 THE REAL ESTATE RS II you rt•ll~ want to 11'11111 119 • !Jlwyer, • hi •ell• fOf -----.."+---'!!-..I flt 19111ner, Oht him I --, f Gated Entry ... Split Level . Decorated To Perf~~Uon . Two Bedrooms + Den · Two Baths + Powder Room · Custom Carpeting . Drapes · Van Luit Papers . + Custom Kitchen Ca blneh . · Aircondltloned • Storaae Galore • Shown By Appointment. -.ooo. A ''Joy ()(Newport" Liltin1. ------· Among p«>pU looking for a rental, 70% read real e.tate cla•nfied ada . ~ Walker 8 Lee , ~ PETE ' BARRETI ·.. REALTY MESA viSE U..i $227 500 10% assuma ble TD. all 2 Bdrnts plus enclosed ga rages . pride of ownership. For more tn· focall~5880 Heritage Jnvestme nts 7 UMTS Sll0,000 All 1Br, !Ba Units watA-. carports Xlnt cond. As· sume existing frnanrang a.owe. LAGUHA IEACH Comm'l lindus. 14 units 9"2 time s gross Owner fin Askrng S550.000 By owner 645.3477 Ca rlsbad II unit beach motel S329.000. Al su ocean & lagoon vu triplex $196 ,000 1·729 0104 Moa:.w. Ho. Poril 83 spares. nr Dallas $400,000 With S\50,000 rash down No payment on debt servare l'. m lcrest for 1 yr Will con· sider Orange Coast pro· perly in trade Call 7141720-1036 or 752·2213 By owner DLX HOM E a. JNCOM E. 2~ yr old. l-3Br. 5·2Br w annual income of $42,700 Seller wall carry linanring. 2567 Elden A11e . CM 979-S099 Bltr Wallt to beach. beautiful ln·plex. 2·2 Br 1·3 Br Patao, frplr. $499,000. Owner w1.Jl help finance Agent Hedda 646·10«. 91/J ASWMAILE! Owner will carry 2nc1. QUALITY well kept l'riPlex near S.C. Plaza TWO UNITS newly de· corated. Bui lt·in.s . fenred yard a. enclosed garages. Priced below romparables at $249.500 Open THURS. thru SUN 817 Jeomfer Lane, C.M By Owner. Loh for Selle 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Old Corona del Mar . 45xll.8' lot. So. of Hwy. plans incl Owner fin . May consider trade Bkr 548-7513 HARBOR RIDGE W\11 trade/joint venture. S1 million. 6«-0377 CONTUCTOIS/ IUtLDas Lots, two 2S' lots or ooe 50' lot, zoned R·2. Ocean nearby. Owners tired of peying taxes. Make of· rer. Carol. agt. 673-7300; 548·3216 2700 -,_ .. ~eo.t DAILY PfLOTITuelday, March 9, 1982 . ' --- 1rr...--L----.=-h. PIU llTICE "CTITIOUS IUSINHS NAMeSTAU,..ENT Piil.JC •m ... ..... - fllCftnout ...... .. ... ITAft ... •T Tllo lollowlite M r-It ••1111 _. __ : COAST CIOMCAITI COMl'ANV, -~ ......... C:.-... MM, U. taut .I-Jee• Laelle, J r., M1'°' ~~ ... MM,Ce • .as• Tlllt ...._ 11 c.MvcW41 'y ll!I ......... J-J. Laew,Jr. Tlllt .....,._ -ftlM wltll IN c-ty Clenl of Or-c:.uwty Oii Mafc11e.~ ITATl~NTOfl:AaAM0o..MUIT Of'UMOP "ICTITIOUt 8UllNlll •AMI TIM follOwlfte __, .... oOellClonoll lllO UM of IN llctltloui lluMMH n•me SUPllEME PACKAGING SVSTEMS et "'" Hele Avenue. Irv In•, Celll0fnlett714. Tiie 11ct111ou1 b11tlnus na me referred lo -WH Wed In CO<lnty Oii N °"omllff I. 1 '7t S UPllEME INDUSTRIES, • Tiie lollowl11g per1011 Is dol11g 1------------- busl""s os: "c;TITIOUS 14'11NIU C•lllOfnle~.tlon ~ Tlllt llullMtil wa1 <ondue"'d lllY • M . Y . F R E E 0 0 M NAMI STATI MCNT ENTERPRISES,• Fair Drive, Costa TM tolloWl"9 pertOfll erw doing -w. Ce. '2677 buslneuas· Sl'l lrl•Y A. e ouh .. dl. 110, RO E .. c:0 .• 1971 Oree• l.AIW, Cosla ~=Pl., X·1CM, Newport BH<h, ,... .. , Cal~a .... This ~s ii Gondu<tcd by an o . J . Roe, t11c .. • Callfor11la lndlvl<NeL ~Mleft, 1'11 Gf.c. LAM, C- SNr!ey A Boulwircll !Mew. c.tltonll• taa. TM• ~~ W<K flltlCI with lho Thi• IMdll\ftS Is con<luelecl by • County Clerk of Orange C0<>111y on <00>«•~ Roe Inc F•l>nl•ry II. HG. Mici.le Roe · ...... PvOllMlld Qr ..... COHI O•lly Piiot, "1Ul4S Secl'Wtaf"y Published Or-Coast Dally Pllol Tl•I• stat-w<K fllecl with IM Feb. U , Mu. 2, t, 16, ,.., 110-t? County Cler-ot OHnge County on ..,...., Fe~. u . iwi.rcll), t , 16, lta ISMl """""'· '*· .., .... P..ell-Or ..... Coetl OallV PllOI. '"ICTITIOUS 8USINHS NAME STATIMllNT The followln9 pertOfls •re doing buslneu~. Marci\ t, ... 23, JO, IC 1034-t2 ( e I C 0 N V E N T I 0 N '"ICTITIOUS IUSINISS M4NAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS NAME STATIMENT OF AMERICA; CDI CONVENT ION Tiie IOllOWl"9 perM>M ere dol"9 MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, l>UslnHIH: 4000 MecArtflur BlwCI , SYll• >000, MCO PROPER Tl ES, .. 00 Newport Beo<t>. CA'76'0 MacArthur Bouleward, Newport FR4NCIS E. GONZALES, 2n1 W Bte<ll. C•lllomla "1~ Kno• •-. Sonte Ana, CA t27CM. Vonc.e C. Mope, JOOO• S.nd Hiii BEN OLIVARES, 112$ Wfflherly Ro.od , BulldlnQ 4. Suitt 110, Menlo Or Ive, LOSAnQetes, CA 'IOOJ~. Park. C•lllornl• •>IOU Tiiis buSlneu Is <onducteCI by • T•d R. Cor1>•nltr. 1401 Dove general partnership Stroet. Sult• •SO. Ne•por1 Beecl\, Fr....: ls E Golltoles Celllor1110 '2'60 This stot_,,I •as Iliad •1111 the (llorln 0 . O.ly, •tOD Moc.Arthur Cou11ty cten. ot Orange C0<>nll' on 9oule•arq. Hewoort Bte<ll, Cetllornl• F.O 19. 1"2 tMl FIUM7 Thi• buslnns It condu<l.cl by • P11bllslled Or<11>9t Coast D•llY PllOI, gener•I potlntrSlllp. Feb. ll. l\Mrcll 2. '· "· 1"2 801-11 Teel R. , ... .,..,.( Tiiis s..-WOI flied with Ille Co1111ly Cler' of Orange C0<>nty on Fel>nl•rv i.. 1"2. MALCOLM a OAL Y "ICTITIOUS I USINliU A-JS MI.Aw MAMI nAT1lMINT 4Mt-.-._.v..W, Publlw.ct Orangio CoHt Dally PllOt Mar. •. ''-n. JO. 1..a tOSMll .NU1911l STATIMINTOP AaANDOMMINT OPW•OP PICTITIOUS 8UllNHI MAMIE Th• lollo•lng per10111 lleve •IMlndofted Ille UM of Ille lklltlOUt lilutlnHS-: LIFE POWER, UIOl Henley Drive,...,...,. Collfof"No ttta Tiie Fictitious a uslneu No me retwrtcl ., -was ltled In Or- Counly on ffllruery S, 1'12. Fite No. 1ft.M5~ Mory Ma't\11'111 Ylowll·Htlft, ISIOI He11ley Orlw , W.Slmlntl.,. CalltorNa "16U M•reolle -... It Suttslde Cl., ~ llH<ft, Colltorlll• ._ T hh Mlnff6 wM conduc1ed Illy • ..... ,., __ " ..... Mwry M. Vl-·Hott Thi• st-.-wa filed with ttw C-h of Or-COunty °" -ell t. "'2. PwOll-<>-. COHI Dally Plle4. Mor.t .... n .•. t• t•t.a .~----------~ TM lollowl"9 --• ••• dol119 PO a .. t110, llutlneu ot: N.--t ._, Ca ....... le ,_, PICTITIOUI aUllNIU PAPA PETE'S SMALL CA" f'l-1 MAllMlSTATaM•NT PAi.TS ANO ACCESSORIES, INC., Put>llslled Or .... C..11 Dolly Piiot. Tllo ,..lowlftg perwns ere eot.,. s.1 West Lo Haoro lloulev••d. LA Morcll J,t,1.,n,1• tff.tt .,.,.,,... •. Heloro,Ca.'°'31 -------------1 A) 8t.UE HE.A.VEN ti; 8 ) iLUE PIUlllll IUPl•ICMI couaT o .. CAU .. OtlNIA COUtnYOPOUMOI Mor~ O" MIAlllMO 0"1ALll 8 \' lllPlllll NO ..... o.:..,.aJ,1tG ""'9: ,, ...... .,.,._n PLAINTIFF: SANET SILVA. DEFENDANTS: HORACE FRANK SILVA.et al. • Notice Is IWwtl¥ g1...., lflM on April s, tta at IN -of t:JO o'clocll •.m. In 0.part,_,. 22 of the al!Ove tnlltlecl court, 100 Civic CanlM O~lve w..a, Santa Ana, c.tlfomlo, the APV11<otlool of Robert H. Stoot-.•. ltoferM, tor conllrmotloft of Mle, wle -order tNtreon, .....i -on ._iotly tor ..... 11'>9. Tiie AAl!kotlool 1or Sole concerns the land and bulldln9' loco ... et 1'17 An•helm Avenue, Cost• Meu. C•lllornle -with retPKt INlrwto, your R...,_ .,_ (WCOlvtlCI e11 offer • putChoM Micl ~ tor Ille llUtn of ..S,000.00, os Is. Tlw Mle 11 so be In calll, •I c-ol etcrow, llllrt\'-doJS following c-1 <Oftflr"'•ll•. -I• s..Oje<I lo -~ Ill IN or•lllOry probate twm1, t!M l"ltlot overbid being Ille sum of ue.HO.tO In o<cordoftC• """ .,. .,._ .. Nlft of 1111• coul1. '°'-•tlon. /s/ R..., E. l ongtnen, Via Prosldenl Tlllt 9'a...,_t WM Ill.CS with Ille County ClHtr ol 0r.,. c -1y °" d•t• 11 .. lc.e_, by Ille S1omC1 •bow. KU, WOM, Ylil& f'OMG A..,.,. .... c-..... Mll.OlwS-... ~a...-.ea..w PubllSfled 0r0fl9!t Coelt Dolly Piiot • ~'<J' 2,_!, ~. 23, '"!!... tSH1 N'"'1m IUNlllCMl COUllT O"CAUPOllNIA COUNTY 0" OllANOli T•CMc ~ Driw Weft ..... S-. AM, CA nm MA1ti.IAGIM PETITIONER TO NG VA'4 HGUVEN AE5POH0£NT:MUITHILE SU...-S(f'AMILV LAWI CA.Ml NUMali.: D1t7147 MOTICll v ....... --.ni.c_.,..., -.ci. ....... ~ ..._ y-,,. ... ....,... .... .,..._.~. ~ ....... .....,_... .... AVllOI Utt•• Ila l lM •e"'••••••· Iii tdll9MI ,..... ~ c-• IH. • ..-.. ... --u•.,._.... ............... LHlel __ .... _ ..... II you w1111 to --Ille advice of an attorney In 11111 MM .. r, you -dO IO ... omptly IO "'-YOUr ~-or p1HCll"41. II_.,, may be lllM °" llme. SI UJUd-IOlkltor et con•Jo de llft ....... O<I eN MIMI•, -I• l'locarlo 111....0lotomente. d• esto m-•· Ml r-1• O •'-<Ion, SI l\Oy ....... ---..... trade • tlemP•I. 10 TO THI ROPOl'40ENT: 0Tllo 'IPOtltleNr ..... lllM • petition c-•"""' -........... ti .,_ 1•11 C a M -,,_.,,IM. Ce -.£ mJa "l!l'\Vl!N, 1112e Ml. WHlll ... t-. C•lllorlllo c.orporotlonl, IPl'~ .. ., .... lf!Veltey,CA'21GL Aw-,,...._, Co 'O'nJ -------------! P°"I Wer'Ncb. 449 Ir-. 5NI Thlt butlneu Is cOllClv<lecl by • Ms.ert6ol ._ .. ,CA••· corpora11on. n ATIMENT Of' AaANDOttMl.NT ,.,,,.Id su ........ J Mon11119 Mist, C•MALUMINUM OPUlliOP trvlne,CAt27U. FOUND RV, INC. "'CTITIOUI 9UllMliU N-1 Tlllt bull-11 concluclecl by e PwterJ .Oemc*oon•I. Tho followlng perso11t l\eve generol~ ~I •MncloM<I ,._ uw of Ille llctllloY• ....,. -nee'• Tiiis -·WM lllecl will\ Ille llull'-"S-FAS~ FRIEO, LTO.at AmoldSll~ County Oerll of Ore11ge CO<lnly Oii tt•tl Lo-Streot. s..l'* JO:>, I.Aile Tl\11 ........... -llled wHI\ IN A"Y ~ ...,..,.. ... --.... bid tl\oll ... _....to "'""'· •t -time of ctualff.,... fer -<-' _.,. °" ,. .... s. lt82, 10 •••<•Ill ., .... purchow prk.• In ~ or c-IH'• cllecll with Roller! H Stopller, Rofe•ff, sold~ Dtlnf ..,._,....,.In lllo event IN PW<'-Sllolf f•ll • comt»MtelNlwll For lurtllor l1110f'mollon, plen• <011l•cl Olcll Reuter. •Hllor, .. E•tt 11 th Street, S•n to ""•· Collfor11lo, '2701. T~. 1710 S,._,S, or IN olflee of IN 1t•roe, '" Ille ev...illle~ It-ov•llOllle t. Ille e -wt11Mn JO de.,s of th6 Mte _, !Ills ••m•'*" 11 _. ..... °" you, y-clllf-may • .,. .. ,..., ono Ill• court moy enter • Judgment contotnlftg lnjllnctlw or ot,.r ordltrs co"ce rnlng dlvlsl011 of pro"rty, _ .. , wpport, cNld <...-V. ''"Id ~. ot1iOmeY fMI. Gotts, and WCI\ I ""9r relief os may • o<-.cl by 11\e Mar<h I, 11112. Fores1. CMllorftlo ,_., C-ty c~ ot Or-CO<lnty on .,,.... Tiie fictitious bu1l11eu 11ome Morch I. 1ta_ Put>ttsr.111 ~-Coe .. Deity Pltot rwfenecl to --111«1 lft C-t'J ...,...,, Mar. t, "· n . JO. 1"2 10..0 on OeGembe< U, ••. Pullllfllwd ar....,. eo.11 Oelly Plitt, LOUISIANA FRIED CHICKEN, Morcht,1',23,30, 1• t-..t INC., e Calllorftl• COf"l>Ol'Ollon, 22M1 L•mbert StrHt, Suite SOJ, Lelle ------------'-FOt'HI. Collfornlo,_., .. ICTlTIOUI •us••EU Tllll bonftla •• cC>ftduclad by • NAME STATIMINT llmlttcl oert-""P TM , .. _."9 "''°"' o re doln9 /SI LOUISIANA STATIMli•T OP WITMDllAWAL butlllffla: FR1£0(.Hl(KEN. IN(. .. ... A A A PROPELLER SERVICE, 111 aColllomlo c.orp PAllTNlilll:~:.:Pl llATIMO lndustrlo l Woy, Costa Mue, Sy: K-tllM.K~an. "ICTITIOUSaUSINISSNAMI C•llfornlo~21. ,.,._ J•me• Monfoe Fr•nUI, 310 22nd '"·IU. TIM followl119 pertOn lies w~_,, Sl•M I, Co.to Mew. Collfomle t1'V Publlsllld ~-Coast Daily Piiot, OS • gene ret perln•r from 11\e T Eml P•rt11ershlp operotlng under IM Oalecl· F.on-y 11, 1• ".-.1 H. 5'tllller, ....... llOllllT M. l'f'OPtt•a ST~ll 6 ITUMLaY • ....,. .. L.tw .... lllrdl .. P.0. .. MIJ ~.u...c.a...,. C1Wl .. ..fDt Pubtlslled ar.,.. Coe• Dally Piiot, .Merell 2, t , 1"2 1»G,- c ... n . TM garnishment of w-•· taltlnt of_., or~ • .,°'"°' court •-lad -MCI!-mey •1>0 -·· OotOCI: Oc-30. t•l. LEE A. BRANCH, CleR 8y: NAHCV WAGGONER. o..a'J VAN OAOa UNTNlii., tMC. 11t11w.1Ma .... m --.-.c.a-Tol: 0141 Ion-AU PvbllSllM Or919 Coal! Dally Piiot FOO. t•, fl. Marc" l.·t . 1"2 7~ llornas I Keel.,., 2l2 ~lo Mor. t. "· 23, JO. l"2 lou.t2 llctltlou• buslneu nome ol AAA a~•~ Sl~-:.·~~:j,c:~=~~1'!,7y t -lfl ~( P,._OPf~LE R SERVICE •t 121 T~N0-:7-n"::~"ti:L~=:IA -••1==...Fronllet ~ llllllRo :::.~~~27~°'· Co ste Meu . TllU~l~~·~LI NOllTNOtlANOllCOUNTY Gefttral Pat'I-"CTITIOUlaUllNliSS Tiie fictitious busl11eu "ame On M•rch 2', l"2 et lt:GO •.m . MUNtCU'Al. OISTlllCT I Ills --lllOll with Ille Jtatemefll tor tho _.tnen Np was filed F I R s T A M E R I c A N T I T L E' U7S ..,_...., ,. ... CO<>"IY Clerll of 0r•"9t Coull1Y °" NAMI STATIMliNT •n July IS, 1911 In lllO County of INSURANCE COMPANY,• Collforrllo P L :~F c::~R THU R M•rcl\ I , 1"2. ....!1~~~~"'9 per tons ••• dolllg Ora1>11t, Fiie Ho, f .l .. ltS. corpor•tlon °' TNllM, or Succ-FA 1111 UGI A • nd O O II OT HY 1'11M611 IRVINE PATIO 4NO SPA, ...i Full N•me end Acldrttl of Ille Tn11tee or s.....ttt..-T,,,.._, OI _. - Put>lllNICI ~-Coe•t Dolly Piiot. Roxbury lrvtfte Co '211• ~-Wltfldr..tng: cert•I" °"" of Trvst ·--.,,. F""o"EUGFIEANOA T Ma ht 1' 2J JO 1"2 1011-CJ ' ' . Wllllem ••-lcll LU41lom, Jr., DONAL D 8 . 8110WNLEE, o" N · WILLIAM W. re • • , • Cla ude Mltcllell P•rllt, Otl 1to-..i..ScioKe •1,CasteMoM, u11ma rrled me11, ond recor4itd 'aAull1Ttl11EeTT1•' .. ,.,'""'GvO-L O-CO~S· T --ROif--.,, lrvlN, Ca. mu Coll....,.of»21 November ». ,.., es ~ "°· ~ ...c ~ Oo"•ld Lull• 0 9de11, 002 Wiiiiam R. L ......... Jr ,..Sl .... book ••n. p ... 123, of CONSTllUCTION. e 11d ODES 1 --------------"~~"'~':'!:; ~ ~c!.!:.iueo by • ~:,111~~':"n~JO~Coe1t Oe11.,1:;~ gtf/f/9' ~'"'°"':.of Or•=-: ~"i tllreutfl IS, 1":"..:0..i "'CTIT:=r=11NESS 90Mra1 "'"*' lfl4p. c:rt.:,,r:.;ic::. o:;';.;;" .!'... E~.:., co..11n1.......,c--•o Tiiis =· ~=1111ad with IN -• -r t. to S.11 t'*-'dtr ,_~ ,._.... CAY •UMalfl: A~ N-11 STATliM1lNT ,._,_ ... llK U . ltll M .,..,_1 llO. l a l, Ill MOTICSI Y• .......... -C. TM The tot-Ing pertOllt •re doing C°"nly Cieri< of 0.-Coullfy Oii 1110011 Uttt, ..... lO, of Offlclal ,_. MSJ ..... _.... -.,._ lluSI~..:!~ CELI.AAS. It cor_. ... Morell'· ltC. ..,...... P~c:;,,.~~!:=::s === ·::::. '=~~·,:=-;.:: :.. -:-: ...:-:. ':.. ': Pion. Sta. 1'0, Hew1)ort Beech. C• Put>n.-er.,. Coe1t Dally Plltt Tiie followln9 per11on• ••• oolng pul>lk aucti.. '°' <Mii, lewl\ll _., ...... 92660 Mar t . 16, 23, JO, tWQ 1"7-G 11u.i .... 1 n : of tho United 51.etH of 4-rlc•, •I,._ AVllOI U.... M ........... -. ••socl•le<I Beverage Company, ,. -~ ---SUU'SIDE SERVICES AGENCY main entrance to "'"1 •-k en TIU. II ...... --•wr c-• "'- '"'· I• 0.Coworw corpor•tlon>. l210 -· -. INC., a C•llfomlo c.,,_etlon, 1610 lnsur•nce c-ny locaWCI a1 114 ,.....-....... * • .._L ~ le EHi 2'th Street, VerllOn, Collfornla ,......, ""'-. . '$ S.nt• 4ne Ave., Suite I, Costa ,... .. , of ·~-.... .,... • .aou --(•Ill mv EHi Flllll Slt90t, 1" ... ~ .~ II you""" to --Ille ..,,,k . of on This butln•H Is cOll<lu<ltd by e ..-. OS I Ano, Calllonlle, •II 11\et r,...., t -e"---.... _._ -~r. y-· -~·Id -...... c.1ntv1T1 ... a1 L 91• M. Buhler, 2'42S Sanely lnt~es1 c_.,..,•.,..-MN.,.,H ,...,._,..,~ ... ---M-- coriioratlool, 810 "'M ltO. Ml ('"-· El Toro, COlll . .,._, unde r H id Ooed ef Trwtt 1,. 1119 ao pro"'ftlly so 11\ot yo11r wrltte11 ASSOCIATED 8EVEi.AGE NOTICE IS HElll!8Y GIVEN_. Angele Anr.lmo, 7t0 Marie ..,._tty llw.ttcl In MW C-'Y Md ......... lf-.meybefllOCltfl tlme. COMPANV,tNC. MOIOCI .,._.. """ .. f'Kel-..., Orlve,Rl.....io.,c a1ff.t150t. 5 rMled llU .... deNIOlklt••lc-jocle By Its Pr"ldent the City el c.te MISa, to wit: TN JofWI -mo. "°'' lilerto Or Ive, t•~·~n of fr~ Ne • .., ot ~ llft ........., an nto -to. Clltberlo Tiiis -• w<K llled with Ille City COWKO, P.O .... t•, Coet.11 i.tv~ll*. COii!. '"°'· ~ rKOnlMI lft 8ooll ll2. Ptlff '1 .. ll•cerlo ln-l•tamente, de est• County C.lerll of Or•-County on MoM, Col"°""'9 ,.., on ., ...._. Tllh business h conducted •Y • _ 1 L... ~ ... 1~etl-... _ '" -•· Ill ......,.,.,.. etcrlto, Ill lley F.... 22 1--n<.v ....... ~ -....._.. ............ ---i--·"-. t•-po, ..... ruary . -· IM llowol ll:IOa.M.Oft Frldey,_,... corpor.uon, "'°Off~ of t11e c °"""' "-<~et .,._.,.. --..,,. ...., "''*" 2. l'lblt "'911 bo t"9 ,........si .. tlty oC s..rtslclt S.rvket A(lfflCy, 111<. Id COUftly 1. TO' 'OIE 0 f<ENOANT: A clvll PubllslledOrange Coast Oltily Piiot 1t1e~•dtll-l\ltbldlelMC"1 Llol•"",9ullter '° The sireel •d4reu or otl\er Cf"'Plal11I lies Ileen flied by Ill• Mar t. t. 1•. n. 1t12 147-«2 Clerk's Offb"'.,. --• ~ corn"'°" dlHleMllon of sold ~ ptolftll" .... .-you. II you wbll • 11-. alcll wtll .. "*kly _.... 8ftll Tllk •---t -"led Witt> ... 11 pw1IOf1lld '° be: J12J C ...... ry 01* Wteftd lfllt I-. yeu l'IM.IM, -~ •NCI ...... ol II:• a.m., W • -County Oef1I of Ore11ge C-y Oii Orlve,C-Moso,Ca.nu.. ,. Mn llfttr IHI -Is ,.,,,.,. ti.rwefter es prectluel+e °"' l'riday Dec. JI, I~. Seid sole wlll bO ma4e wltllOut 911 you, Ne wltfl W • c-1 • -""" ... ___________ _.I Ajtrll t, le lft ti. (leuftcll °'9niWn, ..,,... . covenant or werranty, •• .., • ., 0, ~to Iha complelnt. Unlen Yell NOT1Cll TOCllliDITOllS City Koll, n Fair Orlw , c...10 MoM. P11bl11Nd Or ... CM.ti Oally Pllol, Implied. •s lo tltle, potSOSlltfl ... dO se, ~clef-will be.., .. ,...,°" Of' MILK TllMtl,lill Cetl'i>mla ..... for IM llWftltN .. of Fofl, 16, n . -· 2. t , 1"2 Mii-CZ e11eum..,ances to Nlllfy 1t1e llft!ltid applk allOll of .. plelntlfl, end lttlt (l«.L610l .. "7U.C.C.I LA90 " ANO MATElllAL Y'O . • -b•l•n<• clve Oft IM not• ... "°'" ('OUrt .... y ~. luctvment ........ NOTICE IS HE .. E9Y G IVEN to A8ATE THE WEEDS ON SELECTED f1mJC mlf MC11rM by '°Id OWlll of T,.._ Iii wit: you for t"9 rwllef demended In ti. cr••ltors ol Ille •llhl" n•m•d VACANT LOTS WITHIN THE CITV w .•AD. ptys ................... ..._. , • .,., •• ,"'· wlllcll co11ld •Hult In lr..,.toror .... 0 """,,.,.,.,II •lleut Of' COSTA MESA. c..is, ·--_. -o1 .. 11r11ltllme11t of w• .. •· 1•111119 Of to .,. mode Oii .,., .. ,,., proM r1Y -"** ..W ol .. -llk otleftt NOnc:STOClCMllTaACTOllS tl!M of IW Mltlal "'*"«llR ol tlll• ..._Y • ,,....ny or otller roti.t ._...lftefWdftcribod. may lie......,. ol .. ~ ol lllo T• Mttco It ,_....,.._...., 111 -lceots.:.-.-. ,....,....llllllt<'omiilOlftt. Tiie - -.....,._, -"·" l'Vr< ................. n Fetr on .... KCOf'MftcO wttll ,,...1..... .. ... DATED;,...._..,.,,""' DATED: ~tt.1"1. lllOl,.......1~_,....,,lt: G•tt•Mnil,~ ............. Cellfemla fi._.ltOll C.., SecttOll FtltlTAMll!U(MtflTl.fi ~11.11111, KlllSTfiN SECKMAN, ,. Vie ,......... " .................. Clt'J ...... , ... Ktml ~(or 11 .. u INIUllAHC•~ANY, ~ li.. M...._, CINdl, ea. "1'61 , Cltl'l, ~ .-ttme llmH, 111 • w ~ c ...... dlwldll "' • CeMlnMc.,..,..._ !tr:,.._ z. Oul'Oft, Tiie toc•ton 111 c.11tor11I• af t.. ~!~ ~ .. ~ ... tee1~1~~ ~ Wlltlf et tllt t"""91 of Ille C.lt ~~~~~~. ~·•• ~ It, t-Chlef .. oclltlw office .,. 11•IOKl1110t ---..... -...,, ......_.. -CoMMlllllh Coll••• Ol1ltlct. ...__. _ _..~-a~ .._ hSlllHI office •• tl'I• lllt•n•• .. ~o.. Ntl•llMtl!Mlflt tllo lllf'Owf•'-of 1141! .. fllftll...... .. • ......., ...... •·-•-lt:S...a...... l!o<ll llM llM'I ~lfy -".,.. ••11u1i... c;-. Se<llt11,... 8ftll IMlllAM.C&•Nt .._...,CA,.. All otl\or •1111" ........... •114 ewory ··-.. HI ,.,, .. '" .... .,.., ... c-....., ~--kl Tot; en.a,...., Tfll cne ..... •4•resse• ..... ,., Ill• '"'"''" ~-~ My ..,. ell .. ..,.._ _., ,_... IMlnNI .,._ • _.. .....,..,.,.,. ~ c;...a Oolty ,..... ,....... or...,. Coe• Deity PIMC t........,.,WllflllltlWW.,..,.,lffl,_. .. Ille~_, .. ctMrty tOl!trac1a -..._It.....,._,"' MM.2,t ,16,.. .... _Mllr,l.t,,._n,.. • ...a M t•r H -f>OWll te tllo lllltfl41M ..... M ..... Ollll ........... WI _.............. ----. • • -- .... .-.,__, ....... '9"91 .,.,., 1'9111 Ill .. 8"(1fk--T ..... ~· -. .. ._.... J -· -• -· _.. n. - -!Mlflft• ..... llf -.11 ... ...--.., ,.. • ..,. ...... .., .... _..... ~ fMr • i ,......._ ""'~. _ _ _ I ....... ""'~ ............ u..........11: ..... ........ ................. _........' ---.... ---------~. JUDnM ~. ~T ... vi....... lectl ...... , ... ,.,," .... "91t 011• ........ ·~'·"" COtllrecl6r , UPIMIOACCINinAiioHM.TM .._..,.._,.,Co,'*' --aM ---el ofl ~ ~...,..._..........._ IYllOPMIOflT•aUl9UALnaTU19tn- T1lel tlle""""Y ....,_...lie,... ls tM ..... .,_....Ill tlle ......... LiaMelf _.. .......... ._.,... Yutt l"MOHC9Wlll, ... ...... et;,_ Vie Li.,...,_. ., ......... .,.~ ..... ,..... ...................... , et a.ctl,CAtlMa. -· .. ..,._,.,. c. ... ., rocotwfltt ........... -,....,,... .............. u.t ........ o..-r• Tiie ____ _...., ................. "' ..... ., .. ~...__..,__._ .......... ......, J'M tr=I .... .,.,... ................ , ... _ ............. -"""' -....... ----· ............ wrtllllll ................... '"·· ... "'*' LINOlltll. 1111111 tip. II Ille •t• 11 •ye--"< .... ~ly ..... ...._, T•a1...,..... ..... ,. ............................... ,. ...... IUl7_..,,.. TNit ......... tr.....,lt ...... ..,._,..ore ...... .,.,....,•• .meo,eir--.: 'Y•e111•tft• .................................................. 1 .... .-.- .. CM_,.... ..... effla oft __ ............ ffellflMt'el CeltfCllllWl•RtCllll-..Dfllrkt, c;a,flel ............. ,..l..'""_•••••••••"""""'W''"•"•••••·•••••"•• ..... .. JAMUP.Mll90'91,._. ,._.._, ~ .................. If .. ttlt ~A-. c. .. MoM, O,_MNlll ... '*11,__.,... ............................ , .......... 4 ........ llleCll, ~ ....... er ..... r 11 e .................. ., C.........-. ATTill! Jliflll ....,, S,.Cltl ........................................................ 1•,111.-.-r"-'1' I. tm. ....-.r ...... ., ............... ..._.................... u11••1111•Jwmc ..... 1 ................................................ . Ttlte ... ....,.,,S...._I ............. _ ......... -~---..... -..... '--',,_ ................................................ 11..-. ... CelllilftllM ~ CUlilC .... C:-. .. Ill ....... --.................... -._ ..... ._ .. '1..c-Ca.a..tl lllc:.IWMlll ...... ........ . .... -....._ ........... let_......................... .....Mii .................................................... : .. ,. .. ., .. TM ....... .._., .. ._ Ctlle flell.._. R..,..)"; ~•Hell .. t• --1'Ullllt , ... ., ,....,_ .. ..._, ......... _ ......... -..................... t•• ..... ...... ~_, ........ ...._, .. --.................... ..._.. .. A«i..tl ...... ,,_....._,.. ..................................... .. __. .-• ..,_, tl9I ~ ee., .... •"'-,...,. tt • ur~-...-.... ,......_ ,_._tiJllWce:~ ........ -.. ............................. .. ........ ltacll,C. ............. ~ ........ Or-.. CilclltY .. ~ ............... Ace .......... ~-Olr'Odl •.__,._.tr...,~ ~. "' -• ..... 111 z •II• •• tu.•• •-• c .. ...,. ..................................................... tt.M• .......................... _______ .......__,.. ___ ....,_ ...... ' ...................... _ ............ ..... ............... ___ • ...,.TWw ... -..... ,.-........... _ ............ ~ ... ......, ....... _ ... ....._. ---... .,..oera.m1., .. 011r.,e..~ CMA• 111 ............................. . Dllllll_,.1,...._ .... _._................. /tl __ L_ --4. .... .-.~.Oft ........ .........,, Ir.Yb ........ • .......... ..::::..~--= NTIDl __ 4_ ---~ I ..... ,,._, ...... " _.::=::,. ... a....Dllf'~ ~-~---! .. ,.........':i)."g.t.....,""" ....... , ....... ~ . ' .... 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 ·7 8 • mi....... Hwe........... ......u. .. J t •• ....... 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J t Wt CMIMIM JU4 Ml: 'HflNd Jl~\ . 1100 ....................... •••••••••••••••••••••• •••H•e ... ~ .. ••e ...... 3111' 281. den. fence.d yd. 2 Bl I Ba. Newport 1Wllt trade 2400 IQ It ~/dn'r hook-up SiOO Ktfahll Vtry prh alt. 1'\lnltrock Villa i br mo. Incl. watet.148·3092 f:~· nur Ho•&· =-~=i; teMll F.A.STSIDE Clean 1 Br .,:;:=:..;:;:::;::.;· ____ _ cott11e. couple or sn1I .....,_ lw.. l.Hu .._. ,.._ ...._ Ml.8 +tee. asHo.o 'sr3ba. frml'8JnTni.-f1r. W\lffradt ... ~ •41.dty Redec Two bdrm ex· study. beaut. dee. I&• In 5 ecru parcel, 1mall ceUent loc East'slde decks, lab. view1 pvt cabin. J\IU price 11uoo. Qli N&-lOia 11uarded 11te. poo /ten Take over low pay. et nit. l2900/mo. Alt Bob menl.I. Trade for mobile Exec. 4 Br CUilom home . or Dovie Koop 759·1221. home, camper truck.p l 3 (rplc. pnvate street P can An.awer Ad II 831, Rent or lease option. VACANT 48r 2Ba. pool, 642-430024 hrs S11751mo. (805>6~ 0322. o pe JI d a i I Y. 2 242 (714)997·8800 ask for He ather . SI 4 0 0 .... ..... Pat. Ownr/agt 9SS-0809 W..ttd 2900 ---NEWPORTllEIGHTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• D..oPoMt 1226 Area 2 bdrm. I ba 1625 •--•••-••-•1••••••••••••••••••••••• per mo. no~ Clrff FOR Beaut 4 Br. 2 Ba . Pmly 645 ~1 fN rm, gu. patio. fenced. ---- a l2,0001q ft ortlce build· View, f72:51mo 002 2194 roOl • JACU1ZJ Ing or land to build on 1n ~ 2 IAlCONIH' the Orange Co. airport :=.:;:~~~~.??~~ New Condo. I Bdrm or area <Fut reaponsel HOMES FOR RENT beach, trplc. bltns d~· ~~Howard at 540-0500. 3 Bdrms S700 Fenced hwasher, smoke alarm. yards Ii gara11cs Kids lo ltght ' airy. enclosed --------•I pets wekome S4S·2000 garage, no pets. S62S mo. Agent. no fee. G73-~av!!l_n!!!· --Private Party seeking Jbr 2ba home. W. side C.M. Have S2SK ror down pay me nl No Brokers or Realtors Contact Ccmnie or 8111 642-2533 arter Spm Pref loanassum. Bluffs 3 Br 2 Ba . Compl remodeled 3 Br 2 Town house. 2 c ar Ba. nr beac:h, frplc, farage wto""ner Avail clawroot tub, oak ~ cabulets. '1 bit ins $1SO hy Isl U OO mo SJ6.2353 642-~ __ _ • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor View Knolls. Cape Cod condo 2 Br. 2)·.ba. Inter decorated It Cully equipped Avail April/May. also Aug lhru NO\' $1000 mo + elec Ca II 160 390!i or 673-5261 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR 21, ba upgraded, twnshse in Beachwalk Comm pool Jar, :i.. mt to bch No r hddren no pets I yr lse 714-851 1200 67!i 6892 . Under market condo llGCAMYOM On 4th. green 2br 2ba Sec. Pool Spa Tennis S92Stmo Dys 957 ·3046 Eve 644-0549 SJ6.8142 -3 Br. i i,, Ba. 2-slory con· do Vista Hog ar S750/mo 640-!i274 Near beach Jbr Show home "lo11ded" NOWS525 OC·RENTA l.S 7!i0-3314 ~· ~ 3242 •...•.•..............•• Waterfront Broadmoor 2bdrm, 2ba. frplc. wet bar, dbl gar. slip 3\•a1l. pat io SI 100 mo Exec 4 Br. 3 Ba, fpl, dshwsher. new decor. grdnr , Westctirr $1,325 mo 646 7250, 7$2 2550. Exec 3br, 2ba w, gar focd.derk, view $600 OC RENTALS 750·3314 ...._l"-d l206 171416757171 llGCAMYOM ••••••••••••• • • • • • ••• •• 2br lux condo on L11goon COHDO Bayfront. bearh. 2 Br .2 2 Cp. Rar Ii man> xtras 3 Br. Cull golf course Ba I gar sp 123 f, $900 mo C:ill cH'i. \le". tennis. pool. spa Bayfront . Balboa 714840·6309 .8312932 Lease S1200.Avsul now. Island $1 200 winter 1 Prune toe. 644·7424 Bkr Sl400annual llt'rh, days Irvine l244 ' Bluffs. f'ronl row . bay 213 478-~77 ••••••••••••••••••••••• \ 1ew. 2 br. 2 ba. de· ,. __ ~Mar )222 Twnho!ll('. ne" 3 br. 3 ba. rorator home Adults. no __ _.. pauo. gar Park. pool. pelS $1200 mo lease ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jar S975 mo 833-9057 Kathie Hardest~ Realtor LE:i\5E OR OPTION ~br -2ba vu exer hm $1400 3 Br 212 Ba. FR . frpk. 760-824~ rm. Ownr 1\.,11 7!i9 8006 dbl g11r. bll·ins $800 Near ocean and tennis. 3 644-1480.661-4220 bdrm. 2ba. S7SO mo 2 Br large dl'n. rrpk. patio sms 840.8087 4 blks to ocean. 3 Rr 2 Ba . rrpl. garage. S89S 642-5290 3224 •...........••......... OC·RENTALS 1 !ibrs szoo 10 S2000 750-3314 1 da)S Rt'modeled 4 rm . spar1ous. gar.kids S36!i CX'" RENTALS 750-3314 9tEHT.ALS lbrlbJ so:;o 2br +den 2b:i S97!i 3 br. 2 ba S8!iO 4 br, 2•, ba 51200 3br 2ba Costa \I esa SI 150 l.e Raisor Rlty 833·llli00 GRE AT N EIGHRORHOOD Woodhridl'e rottat:l' home 3 bdrm 212 ba. 2 Sl) fp r rull) landscaped H9!i-6696. 1146.J7!iJ Waterhomes Inc 631 1400 Sovalass Hll Spectac·urar ocean view. 3+ ramily. for ma I dtn· 1ng. pool spa. $2000 760-!33J_a~ Newport Hgts 5 Bd. Cape Coo. den. game room. 3 car gar . 3000+ sq n. '48lk to hi school Ma) go lease option Ca II Dtana, agt 631 1266 OCEAl'>VIEW HOME OF THE LUCKY FEW Rent in Costa Mesa s NEWEST g:ilt'd 20 Townhome VILLAGE COMMUNITY 2 It 3 Rr . 21, Ba 1600-1800 sq fl or pore luxury Garages. hydro tubs In ma st er suite. dining rooms. **Lr ll'[S :-lewporl Crest rond o. UW tennis pool JaC • Walk 3Brrondo. Wdbs: S900 10 tx-arh. 2 Br 2•, Ba 3Br Hse WdbR $900 ~ r.!L_ 646-0686 l1 others to rhoose from We"re tl>e ones to rail ror Secrwilld A,..a leases. 3 bdrm house, Spec· lacular view, tennis. "°''~~bridge ·pool s11so mo 760 8708 ·,1 WOt'CI burning fireplaces. micro-wave O\·ens. pnvate patios It yards Gardener provided Elegant llvin11 only 15 minutes from Fashion Island. 1 minutes lo S C Plau or 0 C Airport Just east or Newport Blvd. It so. or San Diego Prwy Sta.rting ill $900 a month 631·!i439, 2473 Rulty and675-2t44 • _ 551-3000 :'-IEAR HOAG HOSPITAL tt!t8arranu '"'"'·lnln~ Pl:RE Ll:XliRY -2 Br 21 2 Ba Townhouse l.acJIM leach 3241 Al rmsl new SIOOO mo ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• 1\Rent. no fee 5S6·6!i16 I Orange AH . Cosla I Mesa. CHOICE 2br. good area gar. patio. kid $400 OC·ltENTALS 7!i0 3314 LonfvHotM! 3 bdrm.-·~ ba. waler. gardener included S79!i. 2child ok. 644·2778 2Bd +large tort Country St'lling. yard a\ ail no" 343 Ciln)on Arres A:; •~ SliOO + uul Sl-100 start C'hldm pet ol< 499 2286 Large I bdrm dplex. \'IC'W frpr S700 l)('r mo ~·5698 ~Mi.-1 1252 ·······················1 Otean \'le" JBr. den. 2ba Shores home Gate guard. Near pool. bearh j S8 7 5 I ease. 0 w n er "99-liJll or 493·9268 I P\"t comm Sea Terra<'I' Nice clean 2 Br I Ra Plan J 4 BR. z Ba. ram enclsd garage. }ard. i rm. Comm pool. Jar . new paint It carpet No teruus. walk to pvt b1·h pets $525 + serunty I No pets t ) r lsc 2S44 Orangt>. house D 714·857 1200 675 ·68!12 548·2778 536 8142 2bdrm. E. side. $5iS mo Mklioli V~ie + SJSO sec 673 4899. r 1261 ~2971 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---HOME FOR RENT S515tmo. 2 Br_ 2 Ba New 3 It 4 Bdrm S6SO·S700 t'Bl"lll!tS, washeridryer F e n red' >'a rd s It hook-up. all bu1 It Ins. garages K1d6 '1 pt'ls close lo shoppin~. small welcome S45 2000 uni C..11 for Appl TSl. Ag~t.nofee gmt. 642' 1603 Mtwport luch 1269 4 Br 2ba house Mesa ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• ::~·st~t~~~1+k~ ~~ SEAVIEW LEASE 833-2100dys. 8!il·l769 e'. 4 Bdrm 3 Ba. F R . D R . ----city + ocean vu Guard Spac. 2 br. 212 ba. bit ms. gate Pool + tennis Jac. pool. qurel area $1700 mo Bob or Dont Bkr. 67S.4912 Koop. a 7?· lpl 4 Br. 2 Ba. nr SC Plaza. $795 lnclds water . 9S7-<1701 Agent. 3 Br. 1 Ba. enclsd garage. ntW carpets ' custom drapes. lar&e yard ' patio with playhouse. no peta. No waterbed .. ~ + deposit. 541·5442. 170-54129 IAY .. OMT 2 SlOI')'. 4 + bdrms. 2 baths . f i rrpl ace . IO*'gfOUS \•le11.· Pier :and slip SIOOOpermo Au1l F'eb. 1 associated n ~· I tr.1 .., f /'\ • "' . .. ., Jbr 2ba. pool. din rm rm rm 1100 Cla~ :-18 SI tllO mo A gt 5-11 · 5032 DESIGNERS TWNHSE E Blu!C Newly decor thruout. spac 2 br. 2 ba. formal di n Pool. ne" A\·ait 1mmed 10 Sept I. 82 Rers SI 100 mo 1Curn a\·311 extra! Appt. 213 27(.3939 i14 760·366i DUPUX W /DOC« Waterfront. ~ Br 2 Ba dplx w spa 1n mstr Ba BlHn kit. rrpt dbl car j?ar. t-2 orf st spares Sl:kXl J.R. PROP. MGR 67s.+_6JO 675·6173 Newport Hgts ~ Bdr 2 SI\ Cape Cod Den. gamt' rm. lrg ~ ard 3000 +sq n \'acant f'reshl~ paint l.'d May go le:tn option Diana Ca ppel a tcl 631·1266 s.ca.... 3176 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orran ,.,e". Span 1sh stylf. 4 Br 2': Ba Wood decks. rrvtc . pror dt'· ror "' d. bit ms. man~ other 11menlttt'5 ~o pt'ts $1100 mo + Stcunty + S200 cltaninj! Call Ron 213 92~ ill~ daih. 71~ ~92 9i63 <'' ei-"wknds Colon~· CO\'f Cond'o 2 br. 2 ba. AClt'r .\pnl I lJst of clubhOUllt' It pool Walk to beach ~o p.•tl' Ml mo 661 ·6332 S.Jim c.-..w l271 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3br.211bu.r11m rm.i.p11 3 br lwn.llH. 21 t ba, frplc • pool. e tc. 1825 mo S.-5121. 9'3·3019 Sof<1ll<'ular oce11n \'h"" No P•ts $915 mu --------l MJ.IOO'USI 114!1 Nr So. Coast Plau. new dluondo. PENTRIDGF. COVE, 2Br. 2'8a. frplc. w1llr /dryr. ltvolon, microwave. 2 car aar W/OJAr, PoOI. Jae. ~ IM. + tfOO IU dtp . 1H ·t141 dya, 12121 ai.-..-. l Oranot Cout DAILY PILOT1Tu11d1y, Ma~t'l 9. 1882 ~"iiirii.iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ----- '-"IM ,_. ...... , Hr t ' •t1•1•mln1 i,_.;;.. •••••••....•••••.....••.•••••••••••..••.•••.....••........••.......•........•.•.•..............• : ............................ ,........... ••••••••••·•·••··· r.;::;.~ •••.•..•.•••.. •8~~n Sln&r 9 S01Jl7 ':bC.arnre,_£_r-,anl.Cl.~!~o.,l.aa. LIC'D ELECTRICIAN LAWN MAJNT!NANC~ LOYI TO WOllC Exp'd Houleeleantr -Ale MOYIM6-UC. PAPER HANGER "ddlwu'::a . Remod .. elln& TNek~unt..,.un"tt Qual. work . Reas rates Need Malntfnance Cupentry. paint Ina. Mature' ReUabte Qiaek·rarelul. 652.0410 &oded ' 1uar. No Job Hubtr Root1.n1·alJ types. New·recover·detlta. Uc HllJOZ. $411·9'14 lt~.1A~o!!11 n "'' °'"AA""l 63luv.2fom CiltMr.SlalODtl lteH ' "rdna, 1ien ••2.•oa•/669 0•1• loolllllUottOO l&rle. n....-. w1-dow1, pat'10 Work1u1r. 64S·37l6 ~-.:..__":!':.: -• ... " " • " -~ T -ff21 ....,.,... Ill ~11.S8aflerSP.M malnl, It hauling. ree (8-7pml ... , MOVM• rr-e.t. ony-· ROOP LEAK! ??!0 ' Cour1ri&bt 'Son Roofln& t;Wtrt.Fr~Mt. Rell TOPQUALITY Ml ------.Top Quality. Special Uc. 13l08U 549-2110 Shampoo ' ateam clean. ELECTRICAL WORK GARDENING WANTED Quallty . l>tpen4able care in hand.lint. ZS yrs Ellptrt waUcoverinl In ltallatioft. Real pri cc1 Consultant Aulanment •1.wo fora 30day ad Color bri&htcnera. whl Reu. rat.es. 531.5055 Mowing, ed1M1. raking. PnfessilRll Call Pam ' Bob Owl11ht. e•p. C:OmpetlUve ratea. FINt; HOM£ Cfl>ll • 10 min. bleach. 11 weep 1 n 1 , t r ee 673-7012 Noovertlme. 7JO..L353 f)'ee Dt. 58&·5292 In the DAILY ?ltOT smtVICI lMPROVEMENTS Hall, Uv/dln. rm• $15. R~JD/COMM'l,/IND estimates. 64$.$13? or Tm Service Cl. Additions &I Remodeling ave room 17 SO; couch llO yrs up. Do my own ~4372 l2l3) $92·3M'l or <1141 Ha ••tllttilt STARVJNG COLLEGE I~• SlO: eht ~ Cuar eUm wtrl. Lic'd. Al646-8126 840-lt61B ••••••••••••••••••••••• snJOENTSMOVtNC WALLPAPER INC t:ap 'd, bonded. Llr C6/366M3. Discount• on wlllcoverinas Fru est. Rod M3f.5800 OranaeC:Out Rool1n1 fle.rooling/Repaln pet odor. Crpt repair. EXPERTCARDENINC -----_ MD.' wile aY.All lor h.se CO. Uc. IT124~36. 15 yra exp. Do work ,....... lttfMislllllt Reasonable. Cle•n ups, ~ slUln1 fort yr beginnln& Insured. 64l·84Z7 Reu. ralel 548·1733 DlllCTOIY DO IT NOW! myaelf. Reta. S:ll·OlOI u••••••••••••••••••••• Trimming. Tom 631·7819 :::::::'•••••••••••••••• &-82. Speciality tralnlna WATI:H US GROW ! -~...,....,,.,--.: --------Kand Slrippin&. repair· -----DUMPJOBS rompleted 1.83. Call Sa llbtlug ....................... ...... ~ Your Dally Pilot Service Directory Ur. •3'9892 TI6'65S4 NoSteam/NoShampoo Ing Antiques. rattan, ~-~·Senktt I lSmall MovlngJobs ~ · StainSpeclallst. Fast new furniture. Chair ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca!IMIKES46.1391 ------Mac:HAU COHSTI. dry. Free est. 839·1582 cani ng. rus h i n 11 . Rototilling, cleanup, STARVING ACTORS MOVING COMPANY Fut ' Careful. Lowest Ratea Law Allows. MJC Visa Lie/Ins. 673·0853 ...... BUDGET Rl\TES/LIC''d Low min. Sml jobs OK . Freeeat. Ins. 641·7581 Representative Custom homes. tram· ,._ ..... 1,.~---.L.. SPECIAL any chair, hauling ' general re mi. remodil, f'renrh --~ any rolor, hand stripped pairs 494·5841 llAULING 6 OUM P ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sea ...... S.....kff '4Ji.5'71, ... 322 doors. skyli&hts &c patio ••••••••••••••••••••••• or reglued, Sl9 7:1. A JOBS, ask for Randy, EXPJ:R. PREPARER 641-8421 Enrolled to prartice ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------••I rovers. 848·36.52 RESID. CONC~ ETE + Touc:h of Class Interiors, Acca•t9g Sport courts. Lie. 374067 711 W 17th St A2, C.M. .....,_ ···········~··········· --before the IRS. Quality -...., CllAH UP YOUR ACT at reas. cost. s.49·2418 ••• .. ••••••••••••••• •• Office Senlct• Typing, secretanal bookkeeping 644·S050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROBTSTEINBRONER. Bob~l·l966/847·7078 642·Til2 PJRQtrliea·Fin. Stmts CEN'LCONTRACTOR Ge.fiend M1tintenanee Repairs &c Dttoraline ~Quality• Ray 640.5144 TODAY ! Yard/garage fW painting by Rlrhard ctn.up, etc l ton tr\K'k. F~T ·ACCURATE Sinor. Uc. lna. 13 yrs or Neat patches ' textures Compl. Set·up &c Serv Lie. 11399463 645-6456 Pal1os, dttks, wood or Gat•M.t alum. covers. Concrete. ••••••••••••••••••••••• p). 631·1993124 hrs) lncomP tax service· your happy local customers. home by appl. 963-6821 Than.It you. 631·4410 ,,....... ltl-1439 ~ ••••••••••••••••••• PLASTER P,ATCHJNG Ceramic llle &c marble in Restuc:ros. lnt/ext. 30 stallallon, reasonable Rnlonable. M0-5834 Have calculator. will travel! All acctg serv Call for appt, 760·7122. a-def S..Clall1t Lir. 391478. 631·5832 TREES Cust om dl'pentry , HOMEIMPROVEMENT REPAIR·PLUMBING Heating, carpentry , elec. tile. Free est No derks &c patios. J .S IC.allllredon, G...r.a Topped/removed. clean Const. Co. Top quality ••••••••••••••••••••••• ups, lawn r~2:'1·3476 work. Lie. no. 380801 . ADD'NS/REMODELING ........ f)'eeest. SS9·SSll Plans. bic'd. George ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,._ -.. --Pllmer &c Sons. SSH'932. ALlSt' ATE PAV l NC "'4il'pl er Sealcoating. Stnp1ng ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• la!D Landscape M amt. Job too sma 11. 645·2811 ResidtComm. Clean.up. Ra Y • 5 H a n d Y ma n ~luuling. ~·24~ Service. roof repairs. DemolltJon-Crading Transport Asphalt. con- rret.e It tree removal Soil prep l planting. Operated eqwp. Comm 'I &c Resid'I 642·7638 llAULINC student has lge truck Lowest rate Personal &c Business In· co me Tax Re turn Preparation. Avail for Evenings &c Weekend Of. fice or Home Appoint· ~nts James L. Z1m· ~rman. CPA. 645-4212 c. ... , ..... 25 yrs exp. Uc. 41ft94 l .Bonded. Ins. Refs. Color eltper1. 963-0911 D~ yrs. Neat. Paul 54H917 prices. Bob ~S.5048 MR. ED'S PLASTER INC Tf'N S..-.lct AJITyiles Int or Ext. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ _ F'reeest. ~TttePrumng • Commerr1al Landsrape Services 957 8388 Repairs. Comm./Resid. CHAR R~NOVATING Uc. •3913112 645.8181 Compl. mt/ext &c boat COMM'L/RESID Remod .. Add 'ns· Repairs Very reas. Lie. 390250 JackH Bennett.Jr Landscapmg·Yd Clnups pamttng 'carpentry IS Treetnm-Expert maant yrstxper.646-4336 Prompt. Call 759·1976. FEDERATED PAINTER NEEDS WORK! 30 yrs exp, inl/ ext. Acoustic ceillniis. Davis Paintin!_ 847-5186 J ' J f'tolterilHJ Lath l Plaster SandblasUng Complete Tree Service Gen'I cln·up &c lrng dorks 2S yrs 64:1·3749 _ Jim&l·OlZ9 __ Cpitry-:-H; rprs. drwl. Tba~ you, John. Income Tax Service C.:OUege student 7 yrs ex· per Int/ext. recs Dana 675-1506 631 28511 Driveways, Parking Lot Repairs, Sealcoating S 4i S Asphalt F1NE FINISH WORK Gen Contr 552-9142 Remodelang1Doors hung All construction. large ' Mowing. SlO. SIS. $20 pntng, rnll Cx ·up. Hauling/ Dump ing, yrdwrk. rea!> Jerry, m:S2o 754-9904. 955.0095 ~3395 HAUUMG/CLEAMUr __ 631·48!!.._ Const ·Tree· Yd·Garage L..d5c ... • R~~l repa.!_r 63 I ·0322 ••••••••••••••••• • • •• •• Lawn N!llOY :IJ6 0914 646-18111 lkeeptrymg) ftlmilla --------...................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mark Randy 720-1260 CdM small. Dille to Sr adults - - -WayneS39-7112 .. ""--Cust om s pa decks, -- Lie 63\.4199 Carpentry , remodel. re HDMtCo,.Senlu VANDENBERG ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• l..ANDSCAPING·Lndscp Blllhop &c Son Painting 30 yrs ex~ 1n Bearh area. f'ree est.~· 1029 Drains cleared Crom SIO Plumbin& Repairs Free est. M4iM 642·9033 DELINQUENT ' Judicial Foreclosures Harold F McGrath F..sq &1·1771 Pl.,-ty M••91•.t ,., .. ..., patios, Fr doors L1c'd. Wooctw-....1..• ••••••••••••••••••••••• unallMJ Uc'd Childcare loving John or Rick 979 3218 ••••••••••••••••••••••• " · ----CUSTOM HARDWOOD care ' companionship. f.bb's Carpenlry·remod, 1 · b ti , fenced yard 556-3098 . nlenors, ars. man es, --~--·--repair NoJobtoosmall libraries, cabinets. Very loving mom would ReC f'reeest. 839·6297 ibookcases, s kylltes. like to care ror you r new •DOOR DOCTOR• ~:xmmolding. Rers. born to 3 yr 1>ld nights an Hang or rehang doors, my home. Some wknds deadbolts. weatherstrip, I Cabinets &c Carpentry possible Have nursery lhreshhold<i. 6311 8809 ~mall JObs &c repairs S2 hr. Call Linda 646·337S aftSpm BOB'SC~RPENTRY f'r~:-'~ 64S·2003 All types No job too al Babysitting an our C M lgl' sml Recs 839·6297 ••••••••••••• •••••••••• Res 1d comm 1ndus I pair. patios, painting. Maint. clean.ups. tree windows, drs. quality trim. F'ree est 641 1096 work S4S·2901 Pete JACK OF' ALL TRADES Clean ups . Tree Tnm Call day or n1gh1. Mamt Rt>Sid. Comm 'I •Jack 67S·3014 * ArnieS48·8414 _,HANDYMAN, etc Mike HOME HEALTHCARE Avail by cert. nurse's aide. Exp'd 559·8194 mamt. commtresid. tree tnmnung, clean.up lns'd/bonded/lic'd 979-5146 ~ --······················· ....._.., Want a REAL.LY CLEAN ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOUSE~CallGingham BRICKWORK . Small Girl Free est 645·5123 jobs. Newport. Costa Jess1e's Gardenang Kent Plumb . eler. Clean.ups.treetnm carpentr) · apple~ ROBIN'SCLEANING &: mamt serv 540 80351 Repair. mstall In!> rc•f I Service a thoroughly Mesa, Irvine Refs 675·317S ----754·4589 _ _ 1 C'lean house 540 0857 Jap•u• Gardt11er I --f'reeest Ken8395035 SMALL JOBS plumb. WE MAIDYOURDAY ' Custom Bnck. Stone, Block. Concrete. Stucco Reis Free ~t 549·9492 P'ITll'S PAIMTIMG 10 yrs ex per. int or ext :;sz.04511 Painting. wallcovering, wood reCin 1sh1ng by German.trained Cather &: son 40 yrs exp Refs Lie. ~-831·9678 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • T ypilag S..-. ice raora·TY ••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGEMENT Typing·resumes. term Orange.Co. area. IS yrs papers. dissertations, experience Ca ll for Info word processing. Reas and rates r a I es L P . 0 f r 1 t e '6l-l l l 2 Services S48·713S Painting. mt. ut. comm PROF. MGMT ' res Free est quality By OCJP-lOrange Co ........•.............. lllSUred 631 ·SSO'l lnv Prop J Ed S34-IB40 "Let the Sunshine In·· Call Sunshine Window _ elet·. carpentry Rea:. Honest&: reliable clean GARDENING I i''reeest ~11437 1ng serv 1 c ~ A pis. MASOMRY raptriftcJ .......... , &:l.ANDSC\PINC ho • · d · R I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• homes I Yr ' up Any· DRYWALL ACOUSTIC tune.642·8482 646-5759 : ct:STOMCARPENTRY 14 yrsexp FUllylic'dli --BY .. JAY .. msured. 532·5549 Cleaning, Ltd M8·88S3 20'< Monthly Discount Loving Mother will 642·8809afl sµm babysi folltime. Costa -• al Japanese c:O. S45 7072 ;•c;: Maintenance ral: s~~: I ~~egg~~s S2:50j 19 ft 675-4394 F~rthing lnt.enor Design J D Horn Refimshing _ _ _ a "Ork&: tree t~m __ ·.:.:.:..r • _ HANG IN~ S!O ROLi... Anllflues, kit cabrnets. •RESIDENTIAL • Avg I sty $30; avg 2 Sly ~ Chns 9S7-8388 Mes a Irr ea N r Wood decks. Gazebos. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fair view and Baker Patio Covers. Rm addit . ELECTRICIAN -pnced MOWlNG ·CLEAN UPS 20)rs Gene552 0458 I GUARANTEE you'll be ~•~••••••••••••• • Quality ~11.'/lns Stnp· finepainllng 645-0664 Hauti..ng ·Land~capmg JOHN'J'.HEHANDYMAN satJsified f1ex hrs. lo" IProC cleaned 1n our ping ~i.sc~~~t~ 0~ .-:.._._. ---546-116:13 i 3328G6 Denny 960·8013 nght. Cree est1ma te on Co --1 ---largeorsmalljobs. f'ree Eiit. · 642·9907 Plumbing-elel' ·odd J'obs rates. 842·6447 plant. AJI types f'ree r.;1.~ isa cot -·'""'J '""'~ .••..•.•..•.••....••... WlNOOWCLEANINC 7 yrs in area Car wax· ing 642·5449, 645·7972 mpare before you buy .1 SEJ.L •<Ue Items "1th a Lie 1396621 673-lm!l Class1Jied malu!s 1t easy I Daily P1lo1 Classified FUil ma mt. & clean ups Freet>Sllmates 638·4068 llOl'SECLEANING pk up del 645·8616 for REPAIRS F'OR LESS Spec. m comm ' \hop· Ha\e something 10 sell ' F:Xp'd Good refs Trans ~-_ O~fied Ads. your one· Shingles. rial 30 >rs ping ct rs Tony 646 7S56 Cl~ified ads do ii ~el I. 979-9756 Mari a W_ant A_d Results 642•5678 st.op shoppmg <'.!_nte_r__ exp. f'ree est 770-2725 642-5618 Ad Class1f1ed Ads 642·5678 Want Ad Help• 642·5678 -------- Ca.tc...W...s ~nts Fv"'ish.d Apa l:w•h u.twa. .,_....... u.fww.. IApa hw11h u.fww.. ROCl9ll 4 000 lMfw'tlishtcl l 4 2 5 • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• •• • • • • ••••••••••••••••••• ••! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_wpotta.och 3769 CostaMHa 3124 CostaMHa ll24iM•wporta.och 3869 f'urn room. kitchen Woodbridge. $850 2bdrm ••••••••••••••••• •• •••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••• • ••• ••• • •••••••••• •••• ••••••••• pn\ gs C M S200 mo +den . 2ba . a c . 4:e2bdrmwith \'iew on STUNNlNGlarge2Br 2 !'IEWBREEDAP'fS ISoat· lor2brapt~.lrn1 549·8677 mirro~a ve . frpl c. !)e. ashore Dr until June Ba garden apt Pool I BR ' BACll from I from bearh No peti> !Nu Lgeroom&:fullbalh formal dm rm . lrg rn cd 15 ~per mo + ulll S4SS. 710W 18th. S365 f'rpll'. rel' room. 642 2357 1 •Sep ' pvt entrant'e yrd. 2 car gar. close to 673~.or67361S8 "'""mo 2 Br 11• Ra pool. Ja,·uzi1 c:a~ " St "-· ·h 2 8 1, \•ie" or ba' " open p o o I t e n n 1 s ~ • water paid :"o pet~ 393 ep; to v.:at r ' · !213183'7·8339. LOCJUllCI 3786 townhouse, garage HamiltonC ~,64sHll I Ba. frplt' Immaculate ocean~onsmoker$350.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• laundry room. s ma ll · ('OOd S6S() 6732507 Agt 646-<tn\S • ;-!atlieidCMI lch Laguna Beach, beaut ya rd. Call for appl TSL 1 8 R s3so · u 111 pd 1 E1s1de C M FUrn. rm. m 2 oorm coO<lo. $.550. 3 m1 rum , sw'te 2 BR. spa . ~~mt64.2·1603 carport No pet!. 383 W 12 br. 2 ba. gar .. pool. sun cl all utils. $275 Call r HB 6 0363 S.n ~·9516 dt'<'k. dishwasher $650 rom · SS · or sauna. satellite TV . F l REPLACE . Pool · A' all ~lar 5 Ouistma. 557 2783. 549-3481 maid sen S300 wk pri vate patio ' dis :'\ewer 2 Br with garag1· 673-2287 646 2992 714-499·2227 hl'ashers m XTRA LG 1 S430 mo I N1re m1ddlr aged person. Dllpltxe1 "'"' 3550 It 2 Br garden apts on 645.5577 VILLA BALBOA rum rm &: ba . $300 mo ••••••••••••••••r••••• Eastside $460 S560 -I 2 br. 2 ba. frplc. micro. k1tchpn\' ~1·4i:!'i.:!='' IMMED OCC Y 'if IHwirh 557-2841 Beaut 2bdrm rondo. a c. ocean &: ba} Vll'W , Laguna Room bath. pY1 $395 mo Semi furn Unfunished pnme SC Plaza loc Sfm642-6149 enlr. S22S Prof over 40 studio, w/back yard. nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• D .... 2 IR 2 I" Wa1erralls streams SO CST P Z T U1 "' • • • 3 Br 2 Ba 112 blorks to non s mo ker Rers . · !-A A en· lalboalslClftd 3806 No pets. \soo 369 spa pool $800 mo 4!WOO rus, pools, Jae " much ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avocado. 7S9·19l4 t714J673·9019: 675 0540 o t'" an S 1 !'l O rn o · 1 more.557·7838 Lge I br. d1sh"asher, -I . Own~r Agent li75 2373 Mesa \'erdr pri,ate "asher drver. sundeck. 2 BR 1•2 ba. bltns. stut.110, I Br. encl gar. adll~. no or770.8S98' patio. entrance & bath. "fl hwtfthfvrwished 3\'311 Mar·20 675·9378 ~~~~~~:its SSSO ~ • .li'~elcc range, Cliff lla,en. 2 br. 1 ba. reCrk1g e No cook ini:., • nau crpt. rre•. h paint, smo mg or overn1uh1 •••••••••••••••••••••• • ........ __ p-t....-. .Ja "8 07 ~" n " -..0.ltlaltd 3706-_._. ~ E.SideTri·plrx.lg,qwet 2Br 2bacondo.r p.pallo. frplc,eat-1n k1t Nopl'ls guests. $250 mo. A\'ail ••••••••••••••••• •••••• 2Br. lndl"\I, patio. ad Its 2 car gar. Nr bch S6SO. ~ 642·2134 now th r u June I 5 •••••••••••••••• •••••• • Nu 2 • 3BR, 2BA yearlk . ' <•"3612 L 3bd I b I • pref_ . $SSO 673·3600_ Paul 675·8120 ~ rg rm. ava1 a e Frplc bl\.tns gar par . Waterfront, dlx 2 Br 3/1Sto6/1S. $700 mo ing 'close 'to bay &: Bahia Mar Apts 2 Br l'2ba. twnhse. f>OOI. quiet. pnvale $795, mo Pvt home. no smokmg or ___ 95_1·_324_3. ocean Brkr675·4912. Large 1 Br. carµort, blt1ns; S500 . Mgr. Dock a\·a1I. 673·6336 & drinking. quiet M O\'er ,.... __ ,_ B pool. laundry Adults, no 642-1602or 540·3666 642 9666 :Ml. S2751mo. :156·0637 .......... w,g, prvt, l r 1 Ckeanlront, pnme area. ~t.5 $450 931 w 19th Ba. laundry, gar opt. no 3 Br 2 Ba frplc No pets. • ..... 0492 pets. S4SO yearl y l t '"" 213 / •• 0.1051 eves . I years ease a 2 Bnwnbouse. Crplc, sun· deck. gar. new paint It newcarpet $52.Stmo Balboa Bay Club. 2 br. 2 F'u r n 1 s hed rm s Jovel)' ba~ view. $1700 w bathroom pn\ Nr rm yrty. 640.960S So. Cst Plata " 405 "" Sl350. mo. 675·8904 a Ct 5 Delu.te 2 bdrm. I bath. 213/838·2412 days. _ 337-2414 days. Adults, no pets $450 mo -------Fwy. Non·&mkr. SSS wk. ...,_leach 3741 CaronadttM• 3122 2SS4Hickory P_l._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Br ~arage yard No Bachelor apt. Stove. refng S275tmo, ulll pd. 646-3420 Newport Heights condo, 3 ~1737 bd townhouse. 2 bath. po"'' de r rm . r r p I c . -comm. pool. $900 mo 3126 Call 645-4955 or 645 4834. Working person. p\'t home. clo~e to bus " shopping center. non smkr. no alcohol. Chris tien family S22S " rers 548-3365 ....................... . . . •SIGHT6SOUNDO F 2 Br Apt. with private pets. ids OK. $450 mo SEA 1 Br. frplc. gar. patio 641·0763 11'/494·5184, 33'7·2223....... 67_3·6522. 9·S:_ Nice 2 Br I Ba Cottage t61 ;;port ltoclll 37 69 oc EA N v l E w 3 Br $450. 679 Center •3 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• EASTBLUFF Spacious I 2 Br oc ean v 1 e w · Br pool, quiet. pleasant ••••••••••••••••••••••• w new r Pt s d r P s ~4484 aft 6 Want something x t ra Permanent SSOO/mo. req I Br. ref rig. enclsd gar special in a 2 Br. lst/last+clb lreCunda· S315. 646 ·0341 after bakony, prage. clean area. No pets ssoo mo 24682 "A' Cordova Dr Avail 4-1.644 4757 BaJ.front Master bdrm 2131402·2657 (collect I - - -with bath Pool and ten Townhouse, completely ble pro-rated l Cr refs. 1 :l>PM Cum?ll95. Mo. 760-9117 lnqwre by mail 8560 . -- Huntington Dr San 2 br. S3SS1mo . 352 V1r .;;...; ltoch 1140 S7:ache~~~·: 2~~e~aff~::: nisS3.5084-0.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• app't 675·0124 . ask Cor Hohtl, Motels 4 I 0 NO LEASE REQUIRED ~studios. one and two bedroom IPlrt· menta. FURNISHED Ind UNRHi'NtSHED. OekwOOd 1lso otters • All utlltiel Paid •tmmad!Me ~ •1u111onln .... eltion And Much More• Gabnel. CA 91115 toria. Adults. no pets Wl.....,.ADh KateorJackie. • .................... .. Unfum. 1 bdrm ·P~ All 1 Br JJ~dSt 2 Mocks SEAUIK MOTR Studio apl. Crpc, sml loft. &fS.8161 --- no ltitch S300 gas elec in· utJI pd. All amenities. r · ... _ h N Wkly rentals now avail 846--0619 rom udC • garage o ---------pets $450. Sierra Mgmt SIOS ' up Color TV cl 720..()IB() STEPS TO IEACH 2 Bdr I Ba , Crpl c , 85 rm Ask for Darrell Pasth~gt 759 1221 ...tfl~ Deluxe poolside xtra Co 641 1324 Phones an room 2274 .-.~ -=--large 2br. 2 ba. bltns. - -Newport Blvd CM APAJlTMENTS dswhr, 1'1 miles beach. Adult.s, 2 Br 2 lla 646-7445 Beautiful garden apts. Adu.Its, no pets. SSOOmo. Versailles. crpt. drapes. .._.aft ,. ,. •CE? Patios/decks. Spa. heat 536-8362 gar, pool. $750 mo yrly ..,_.,"' ..,.. Id N t --548·9341,646 2848 Reas Weekly Rates pa · ope 5 THE WHIFFLETREE KJtchenettes·Phones 2 BR. 2 BA SS2S 1.2.3 Bdrm. Apts Gym, Wallt to beach. 2 Br I Ba. "Z" Channel Movies ,..........._ u~-3124 ll8 W. Wilson 631·5583 f I l · ""99n1....-Spa, Sauna, pool. tennis. rp c · r a r gar· Sandpiper, 1961 Newport ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. East.side. garage. ek 846-0619. $5$5/mo. Ulil. incl Isl' Bl. Costa Mesa 645-9137 111. 2 II.] II. $475/rm. +sec. last + S200 sec dep. Newfy -decor. Gas pd. 645-1381 MAllM&S WALK Oiris 956·5811 On the beach hotel rooms. encl gar d /washer. . Lrg fll 3 Bi. Townhouse kitchen ' bath. S300 pool. bbq. Adults, no East.side 2 Br. I Ba. Cot· Apartments . ••r plc. SoulltL_,... 3116 +s300 deposit. 2306 W. ..-. 642-5073 t!Se. 1'95/mo . 2625 D•F enclld gar, patio/yard. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oceanfront, Newport ~...... · Elden. 631-115$ Near Hunt. Harbour. So. Lag Ocean View pvt Beach. 673-4154 IMMID OCCPMCY! Costa Mesa's finest rami· Olildren OK. s.m1S6SO be•ch I bdnn + IMn· S-.r ..... 4200 $400/mo . 2 Br. I .B•. ty romplx, 2 BR. $42S to rm.840-6807. grm,rrpc. S500'~ ..................... .. Pool, beamed ceihng, S500 mo. New cpts Ir 2 BR condo. pool !dry fac. W..._.ahr 3191 4 BR home nr OCC and 1No•'fl'Y room. No pet•· drpa, children welcome. Hunt Hbr Area 152.0 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• SC Plan. Non-smkr, ast mo. rent. no pets. Co rner of 846-IS0'7, 731-7688 $290. lbdrm Sl&s + '• uUl955·0809 TSLMGMT 642·1603 Fairview • Adams. 9-5 Blchelor' l Br. Apts. All Mon.S.t. SSH78S 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba. upstairs .f'o';!e~i-~ Prime Oceanfront Lor: 3 d It ts p 1 bbq apt. dw bat. sci gar. t · Br + ram rm. Weekly or a u ·nope · 00 • z br 3',ba Laurel Point child Ok. Water paid. IR)Othly. AvaJI 4/1/82. ' enclsd ga rages. ondo r I t' 1 Pl RuJt P5/mo 631.2216 -.:....'fi:Oi pa lO, poo · S500 ~2000. Agent. no Af s lwllh ,.,.lllM aya y. 613-1900 · • fee. or~fwllllttd 3900 ...._.__..._._ 4250 Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse 2 Br 1 81 1981 M pl ••••••tt••••••••••••••• -~In quiet adult com· · · a e Mlport It-" 3169 ......... ~ .......... .. . Newly decorated, ::· flll=i ~~~0• •••~••••••••••tt••o••• SEA WIND LI'& Bia Beer cabin. pool ireplace, enclld patio ' Sle~r': M int. Co: PIM IOPOIT VILL •G._ tbl, c~or tv, 2 lpl•, 1araae. Adults only. 141 m. I ,.. ~ I: • 14.~•16. Sony, no pets. sm Mo. • . c--1c&.UI New 1.a bdrm luxury ...... _ 4300 MWlll or67s-5Nt. Near S . C. PI a 11 . ._._." I -..11114 plana. 1 Bdrm ~ · BUl.tlful pal't·llke tel· m I from •• 2 bdrm from BEAt.mFtJL28r.2Ba . .-= ~ ar port. a.-.. ~room[ -Townltoutt from M•a Vfl'de -~· • • -' .,. •• , Garden Apt: IBi'. • -· FromPf!1D0'44-19001 ~~:°°~!D~l:i lacloMd aara1e: • complex. no peta. ,... vma i.otaia "" rrom s.. Die1• ftJlc.Lndry,IJlllwabr. Ebech. ' 1 bf aptt. NO PEii Apt • COlldol ror ooc*iDI • beatlnl •--------• •llett MMlll llP· llna PlHt, · · ,.,_, clrt•t NtrUI ae ~ '=-'1 ~!1: 1 Ir 11.w. ... o ~-*' tTMNln*er. llld to llcraclcln ii ' •• r .... ..._. /Iota tf ai1t ~ll .. UUI ~· .._W.•llchddt8 = ... II au I r.r ............. _._ 8"' ---to Milt = IW.a• I c. ....... VIII••• -~·a vw• .. .,., r" . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : 8-DA Y WEEK SPECIAL ; e 8 Days i • 3 lines • 8 Dollars • e Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classlf1ed by mail and 11 : e costs 1ust S8 -thats only a dollar a day1 To oual1fy for this e speer al o ffer you must be a h0n-commerc1al user of fenng • e merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad and the price must • • be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e • needs eight days selling time or 1ust one e e Use one word 1n each box About 4 words make one • e cl asstf1ed line of type M1nimum~d •S 3 lines Please print • e plainly e • r-----------------------------, • e I I e e I : . : .• • I S 8.00 e e I • e I 10.&0 • e I 13.20 • e ~ 15.IO e e I e e I Add $2.60 for each 1ddltlon1l llne for 8 times e • I e • I • Publtsh my ad for 8 days starting _______ _ : Cl assi fication : • Name • • Address e : City Zip Phone • e Check or M.O. enclosed D : • CJParge my ad to: • : 0~ # Exp . : : 0. # Exp. : : ~=~:=~-wfllPAY-iliEPosrAGE~:~=~:==1 : :. . fl " 111111 ~~i:~~E l. : UNITED STATES *- • f BUSINESS REPLY t.ABEL -:_ e . ~ ~. • .Q 'll"T CLASS ~E-lllllT NO IJ COSTA MESA, CALIFOUllA • • i 1 i:uliid:" i ! e I lox 111D • • 330W.llylt • • I Cotti ...... CA 12121 I • e I -. e ··················~··~··••t• •• .. ' .. . ...................................... . OHlltAHllt.e UCUTAIY/h rt Po.ltloo _, Luuaa Tllnlfalb' Otn't• "ro Ml\Md Development Co. work tor whole Varied reapon1l1>1llda turnllurr ulomu . 'oeJu4e: reuptlonl1t ~--dullel, mands, fllln1. Usht typln&. Musi have own car. Start ASAP C.11 Hlu Jr"'tnn : 831 8031. Forfart¥r information ........ advertiaing placement. in the Seboo1a a: lnatructiom Directory -call Louiae Griffith 642-5678 ext 311 L .. titltA ... :_. Morninl. afternoon It' ~ evenfna classes. . ·p~ :l.rl ~/.oq{ 610& 1711k s.llAM 17141 543-9495 ~1m Filllnclal Aicl Procr1m1 Amtdited by tbt Actrtditioa Commluioo of th Natlo111I A11oc1at1on -er Trade t Ttthnkal Sdioola. Ainmtu Alrlinta Sabl'\I ComP*t Trlinllla I iClltl Learn How to use Wang, IBM OS6 & Dlsplaywnter Xerox860 Ctl U14) 5568 ,....., ....... ...... °"' . ....,.., t .. . l~lN MOU MONIY . Become 1 Word Proc.ealng Specialist Excellent Career Opportunities WOAD PROCESSING AND tNF'OAMATION 2232 S.E 8natol-~~TrL,. Ml. ca wro1 ........ -......... ......,_._ ...... • MLLET•TN' • JAl1. • TIUM TO RHYTHM • AER081CS • CHILDREN • TUNS• ADUl.TS Mlwl1-I ~-c ..... ,....... 5350 Http W..tecr 7100 Http W..t.4 1' Of twp WtlllH 7100 ........•...••••••••...•......•••........ , •.....••......••...•••....•.....••.......•.......• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Babysitter-For infant "-otal/Secv Are vou LEGAL SEC'Y LDla & VJ.ck1·'s Gd A I I ""' I I N t c t al . pay PP. Y n searching tor a pro· ewpor. en. er ~e M &-tpm. xpandlna youth coun1elln11 rJrm baa Ollt'nlnis for 3,5 1hnp outeolnJ mature peoplt to motivate ambllioua 10-13Yr ol~. C.112 Spm 6G43Zl, ext. 343 A•k for Aftdrea, POSTING CLERKS ~ for leading eler· troni c dtstri but or AVNET elt't'tronics, located iat 3SO McCormick 1n t:ostn Mesa f}\try level posl tion with oppty for ad vaocement Great benefits Please call. 714-754-6061 to arrange for an Interview. Ptt.lme, 7 days. 2 hrs da1 ly AM delivery. L A Times.$44S1mo Laguna Beach. 490496 36K 2nd T.D .. 5 yr note at 15% int. Will disrount m . Call 631·73'10. Ask rorJim peCMrson. 313 Cabr:illo. l!C. greasive. quahly ofr estate ht1gat1on hr~ PHOTOMODB.S where your outgoing needs very e~per d ESCORTS penooafity Ii dental ex· Leg~l/Exe~ Sec y. Xlnt 11CEPTIOHIST /SECT'Y ufe IIIS agency, central ly located in Irv looking for s ki lled typist receptionist Xlnt telephone technlc1ue a must. Type SHSWPM No SH ('ompan)' beoefil5. room for ad vancernt'nl Cdll before 2 PM BACRJilJ'E'M'ER pertlse in handling typing, d1ctaphone " TitAN EVER! 24 HRS IANDS-MUSICIAHS telephone. appointment shorthand a must .... 75 ma•cwllh/ 669·0~07 --serlouiProsOnly. scheduling ' patient ~laryopen 640-69~ .. .. p--....a...; All Types, All Styles. t · I t-"' " •D~~~~~~~·ri:;m~ll~IJftr' •••••••••••••••••••••• • ~& -..:-..1 <Outca I) Immediate <>Pening5. coo act 11 apprer a "" Machinist. lathe. mill " ROOMMATE El Prime Tustin " San .._.. ~ THE JOB SOURCE r~arded .. We are a tooting experience nee Exuletlt Offl Qemente retail or omce ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-077711AM-7PM. highly mouv~ted, Cir· Elsumating helpful Min FINDERS ce space.731).1470;83J.11699. .... 5100 W/MNptBcbboa~bome ByA pomtmeotOnl . mgteamwtk>ishappyto 8 years ex perience Oldest 111 S..Ce ·--••••••••••••••••••••••• seeks fun romantic lady offer top .salary " ~Int U23l Young River Ave, All Cli .. ntsars~:!!na-~e~~rb S00 to 2000 sqrt. AV11la-C-2. Central C.r._t. 450 sf. C •iryl~ a..aowu Box 543, Balboa, 92661 BEAUTY/ ASSIST. !>eneflts meld m~dtcal F 0 u n t a in v a 11 e y "' " """ ""' • blefor Lease suitable for office, bust· ~ "9" "ti --Ur required. Some ex pr U\Sutance to a dedicated (7!41557.3380 ask ror photo&" references. Call Wm. f . Cote ness or other. S225t rno . Movie extras~ Mode ng PtnOMI Stt-Ylces 5360 nee. 4 day week. Wed professional. Sl600 1r Mark Credits:Coemopolitao formoreinformation utils 1ncld. 631 ·6322. Jobs All types. No exp. ••••••••••••••••••••••• thruSat.64S-02l2 qualified , Newport -· - GoodMomingAmerica, , • ~ T .. JOISOUICE Beach.631·2490 __ MAKEAIUCK 'nleTomorrowShow. *Cote Realty --·.JR__.._. .. 500 -~.(117?l!AM ·7PM_ Pi& WOmah with XXX Bike Mechanic. ex· START HOE •1,; off• to all new & Investment ,. ~ .. refs. exper In cleaning, periencenecessary 2146 DENTIST The LOS Angeles Times clients who need a place. · •••••••••••••••••••••• filQlfi~~CTl~~·~ES shop~ing, It cooking, Ntwnnrt Blvd. wanted, o u5y ~ract1ce. 11 640 5777 k t tri -rv Is looking for we ..-IT , .. l ·lltt · Mesa Industrial Par , 711 ovie. us a • m hsesi ting, boatsitting, Newport Beac Area. . ...-nr-v .. f U I N .._at Sal-""rm •eek1'n• · h groomed, enthus1ast1c --------• W. 17th St.,Par1 1c n 1 o n o n · apt managing seeking U.J _, r• ~ " Excellent pay wit --------• Bluffs Industrial Park. Union/Waiver room"bathinexchange person for full time, benefits. people to earn up to 2500 sq ft condo to shr, 1, KOLL CINTIR l83S Whittier Ave 1500. Compute. Referral Club. for same. Call " let us commissioning work. 646-<1868 $40-950 per day for a few .. M RT 1900. 3700 sq ft u.nits. T .. JOI SOUICE dimw your situation. .... ' . Capehart & Associates 752-1750 RECIEPTIOMIST TYPIST Good phone personality Front ofr appearance SIMXl mo Executive Ro". :m1 MacArthur. Ste 211 NB. 752·7110 rms On b•aut1'fu ~ Of Must be ex""'n'en~ed in -----hours work as p/11me Greenblt" view or the Elegant xec suites Jn fice warehouse spare &m-0177. llAM-'fPM . only sincere calls all areas Leadership" Fast Food Clerk at sales rep. Hours are ~pools, 557·7883 or prestig101:1s 1 toc Incl wbara,,~~~ .. dra~~ wet B_Y Appoyit~nt O_n_l_y_, please. Sandra 642·6149 ~t•tude a must ~~nug: h~~ud~·s st~~~ ~~m :Ni::mpr~vlid~:l' : .... REC .. lllEPTlllll!!ll•O!llMllll!llS!l!T!!!l/-•I ---secretana · recep r ""'.....,,./642• _ 1 -'"& r....._.... 530C> · Part·t1me nig hts " Your earnings as a UGHTTYPIST Roommate F preferred, 2 llonist. telephone ans " G RE T .__. ,.._ • IOOllCEEPER ds 64 Times sales rep will be 1 rr BR house 2 Ca ~ar rrore. ores from S436 UEATHI H N •••••••••••••••••••••••· SWEDISH MASSAGE Self " ted. F/C bk wkn S-4007 ___ b ·"' ed G101aNrroe.:!,usrtlf'~1arrho ~~1· · r · mo. on.call ofcs Sl6S free move-in time I ror men "-. women, mouva . · as.,., oo a guarante -,.... ,... r.A W/60, ~ blk1sdto Ma\0 1. _ch. mo THE HE AD. Plenty of park'g, ford ){<;ecalls Robe~l-7820 kpr needed by Garden fa5t growing company hourly wage or SJ 50 + citing position for 1he SJ 5 inc u . ut11t1es QUARTERS CO M )'ard. nr rails" frwys I 1g..81 Grove co Expr in all needs clerk typist/ re· generous romm1ss1ons. rightperson 6(1wpmtyp 497·2621 I PANIES: A proressional ~ to 800 amp. truck fQUND ADS --areas of bkkpg thru trial ceptionist. Call Jay: Smee this 1s a new pre· ing, ability 10 handle Roommate M/F H.B. gd environment . (714 ) drs New. 13.500 "6750 ~tit& balance. Must be able to 7S4-oo83_. _____ gram opportunities for busy phones. Excellent loc 8Sl·008l t20 to 23< grossl Ranchu ID£ fl££ . ,...,.atioft type 60 wpm. Non · GIAPNCARTIST advancement are ex· company benefits ...,'>< + •-C u c a m o n g a M ••••••••••••••••. •••••• s m o k e r p r e f E d rellent Ca II now for ~ .,, 7l4/891 """" xper1ence re~u1rl' f 1 bo 1 847-4781 Diana IUSIMESSADDRESS 17 14 >9855810 e'es tall.· "-L..w-a......1 7075 ........., rroreinorma1ona u ·crubb,Elhs ~ ~ · a •· a 1 I 9115-5822 -~ Typesetting help ul. Call thti. ~eat opportunit)' Contact Pe'"" Walt n n" we ri n ,.. • m __ _ •••••••••• ••• ••• ••••••• lftftlfl(HPIMG _all_._7pm, 97S·0733. __ F'r 957 236 "'"' Large3Br.CondoonTbe service conference F d I d 'I I t 642-5678 Young married man vvwo Call n· I, . I. PnncipalsOnly Bhlfs. bayv1ew, to shr ., room. Adj. OC Airport. ence d n us o . woold like odd jobs eves Ute ty,~g. phones. ~tc Hair cutler " manicurist ext 12™. 17141833 2900 w/prof. Woman who $100/mo.714t851·1342 8'7xl23.1 ealrorcontrac· "wkends Can do a Mon-rt , 8·30·5 0. wtrollowiog. 70'"r or u ale or femalg for fast ... _______ _ travels. Beaut. furn I tor or storage $600 mo 64S-2444. d I PCH '" ' •• ••Cl\tmo 7""8056 Newport Be a ch near See al 2057 Placentia •1n61 • •o FOR l ... FO variety or handyman rentM. mo ehm sa73o~~.2 foods The Rotisserie. Roofers needed. wood ,_ · ""' C M C II 551 1149 ""'"-" jobs 972 ~25 eves· ask at arArt ur6 '""" 260 Bnstol. C.M. sh' I 1 d open . Hoag H06p. 1000 sq ft ., Av . . a -· -leadtng to the reco•ery for Bill. . . a,a11s ----. mg er mme Roommate wanted .till second noor omces. am 100)-s f $325 mo 1100 ol Powerlite racing bike J' ---" HAJIDESIGMEI Medical ing. S48·0700 6/15, 2 br. 1 ba. 1ac, pie parking. well m111n· s F $JsS mo Ofc · hse taken rrom condoi. near t;xp'dtileselterseeks ap· TYPISTS Matu.re excel. cutter. 'J'ranscnbing le front of· SAL&5 BBQ, S275. 673·1~5 N.B. t.ained bldg Vicky days ( . rl 575.6251 w ' England Ii Memphis. prenliceship. avail. now 55wpm Ca 11 She a rs C M fice radiology, 25-32 hr:. DIJOY readmi: The l'en Dana Pt. shr 3 br hs-. 714/~4800 "2 ose - -H.8 Chrome frame: red 64S-2298 SICIETAIY 64&-8609Eves979·51~ prwlt Call9-5.64S·9400 nysaver' Tht> Read~r avail. oow. Bill 831-1257, 4550 handlebars. wheels "~W..ted 7100 WithorwithoutS/H HI-school or college stu· Medical ad dept. of The Pen 496-2!8 brakes; black Uniseat. • ...,. r-0-'re Area dents yard work 2-4 hrs ----1 &.-.£ nysaver IS accepting PleasecaUS36-9832. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ml 1111 pr ,.t No toots' r'""'d lllck.v1Ttd A1 '"'.._ applicat1ons for full M/Ftoshr 2BR,2BAbch Acea tiiM!Ca.ril 631-SD NB ~ ... f\i1fl1me . saary open. lime sales pos1l1ons apt. f\Jm. tit 6/15. S250. exper'd w1Uf excellent . YOLJ · Send r~u~ to P.9 . Box Clear printing, good Call Tom eves, 673-2147 Last: Male Yorkie · Ter· typing skills for an Elec-2932, M1SS1on V1e10. Ca. spelling " a rnendly Rmmate wanted to shr O.,':t0!1"f:.::11'~~~~~~~ t.rical Const. firm. EJC· Temporary Services d&J§RtiXN [R§ lo 98_t__ _ _ I s~le are the b~m re smJ 2 BR hse in£. CM. • 11. t/ REWAR0642-488& cellent benefits. Contact .._ .... FIE SS hr. Ptr.Car.~·5123 ~·;ti . ~..t qu1.remenrs "e "'111 $265 + util. S250 dep. SDpet office space " re· E--1-"" Virginia ,_. • sm tram you to assist our ..1r 63 .,, 3 · cept area 500 s11 rt ..-• 540-~70 31148 Campus Dr.. HOUSllEIPU U A .M orona rust.omers m composing J.,. • l-.... l anytime. SS90/mo. ullls incl.••••••••••••••••••••••• ILACIC CAT IAcroufromOrange UVE~lf.I. Mature lady del Mar offers a unique .... 1·r ads i\ppl• 16.,,,, Male Sfar I vie north end CTS p "Y "ILE Coun A. ) I I r u"" • "'"' Fem rmte wanted. Yrly Security syst., wet bar,....._, M 11 rig 01 d C D M . AC ,,_ ,,_ ty 1rport for 2 yr old girl and emp.oyrnen opp. or a Placentia Avl.'. CM rental on Balboa Penio. I mt. warehouse space.I~ 5005 Cl.Ral( 54~ .. t 41 lrousekeepino for 5 medical assistant. f or --vw--1 Reward Ans to Jupiter. "" ..,. " f ...... _ · ' Sal 20-25 yrs pref. 2Br 2ba , l Cose to fwys " 0 C ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6'1>4Q!S 760-6264 $850to $900. al least 1 yr Equal Opp mploy Bdrm home. Rererences ..,, ... .,rmiormation es Ca11Jlll673-9521 __ Airport 54S-0636_ lilEIY -· --exper. Balance reports. req1ared. $90 per week 675-2711 AssiitMGROQer 4 BR home nr occ and CUstom execuuve offu:e. Smack m the middle of f ound. s ma 11 ta me batch " rode ror com-I + pvt room w /bath. ___ ,._... Mature. expenel!ced I< Balb 41 remale brown rat j puter, !Okey by touch . 752-2197 Modlls~llOW career minded woman SC Plaza. Non-smkr, 400sq. fl. Pvt bath with <?a . yrs same w/white stomach Call : ~licat1ons now being C.ompan 1on -mature ---lmmediateopenings for retail sales I< ass1s Sl85+1iutil955·0809 shower. Balboa Penln location Good lease I f Id I Id .___ MFalltypes ---PX> rm 642·4623 Great foot trafhc and an 642·0072 en S.SPM at US Ren person or e er Y a y. w•u · · tant ma nag er position M/F shr 3 br ruse. H.B · · exct!llent prire. for in ------tals Corp office 17871 Rm . board, salary AccomfRttt I THEJOISOURCE Must have !!ood rl'lail Sports·minded non 9iarerumofhcespare1nl formauoncall Lost Blac~ Cockapoo Mitchell. Irv (714 1 SJS.1609 PCS has openi.,gs ID &m·077711AM 7Pl\1 background Salar} t L 8 1 1893 rt CDM PC•I SlSO wtute markmg on chest. <« ~ --ust s de t t ----commission and com •llDOr.er. 4 . a on . mo MELFUCHS Herbie fem Aft 6 ~--· ---Counter clerk for dry r <?mer erv1ce . P o ..... RSERY IOpm/wknd 6'73·0280 PAV1LJON REALTOR 546-2159 ·Reward ' cleaners, 3 dys pr wk. service automobile ac. "" pany benefits Only O((j ce spa c-;. a" a 11 _ 675·81~-· Mature lady preferred counta. Must. have good I SPECIALIS1' qualified people need Fem. roommate to shr I TASHA's gone \'1Sll1ng lftUINISTIATQR call646-7621 oral and wntten com-Greenhouse assistant apply Apropos 29 wtsame, 2 Br 2 Ba apt. Includes desk . phone lftynfwwllf Lert Saturday Noon " NIWI mWlJcat1ons skills Ex· . needed to fill full-tune Fashion lslt> :-J H or No~. oon·smkr. CM S2001mo 64HY1~ Opportw.it'f 5015 hasn't returned Old. Huntingt on Beach Cu.stom Des1gnAss1st perience desirable pas. at Pubbr Gardens rall Avail 4/1. S290 7S4·7373, •••••••••••••••••••••• Beige. Lhasa Apso last Church of Rrligious Custom bedspreads & Starting salary rom· in Corona del.Mar. Must 644 2652 641·S9891vmsg. HUMTIMGTOM Lo AN s H ARK see n 1n Newport Science looking for ad arces S years ex· mensurate with ex have exper working Emp Female over JS ror IUCH I WANTED. need SS.000 He 1 g ht s Sp aye d ministrator business penence SS.50 per hr penenreand ab1hty. Ex "1th plants tn<·luding a 1--------- 2br. 2ba. Park Newport 650. 78Sor2.lll s r swtes 714.1192 22S4 Miss Potter. female. "ery rnendl> mgr to oversee all ore Send resume to Ad cellent Co benefits and a knowledge or sods. SALES for 1mmed occ Full ~terms REWARD Please l'all functions " be "nght lllCKX!, Daily Pilot. P 0 career advancement ferulliers. tt>l>t control I< IMMEDI ATE PX>. ~3 Service gross lease from · -642 7<Ml2. 9.12 or 646.0129 hand" lo Minister Must Box 1560. Costa Mesa. potential. F'or appt. call propagation. Call Alex. OPENINGS ShrLaguna Beach home. 95". Main" F1orida nrl J, ESTORSWANTl-:0 alters JOP.M be people f)nented I< CA.92626·0560 Pauline549·8909 Mon·f'ri . 8 30AM 4PM f or p T reader ad Nons mkr. refs. $290. Pacifica Hosp Ownr 1 for tax write orr able to work w1volun· FGS only 673-2268 representati\•es for 1n 49'7·~17 8>bJarrard Secured "·1threalestote SCRAM'£TS leers. do contract DAMCEISMHDED sldesalespositton.App 17141848:!.!U prwertJes 536·8080 "L negoliation.t~pe "com Pnntwork. AetdGro.pS'"lcH Nursing ly in person Pen· M1:~~~r"~~.E~ ba. 144 sf pror. office + Moftev to Lo. 5025 ANSWERS ~y;i:te~·~ s ~o"r~ess~on" Exi~'f;~ftT~pes _9't!-ece lrohn LYN nysaver. 1660 Plarent1a N.B.$250.673·7113 secretary space. Avail~ •••• ;••••••••••••••••• kl p dence. Accounting THEJOBSOURCE LtcJalSecm,,., Conv Hosp Newport .._".ve-.C•.•M•·-----~15. $32S + $175. Orange1Pvt rmney SI0.000" up . Wea Y -anic knowledge helpful. Pref 8 -0777, llAM·7PM. Newport Beach Ex· Beach Pos attitude It ,. Share like new Santa Ana Coast f'inanc1al Center Call Jeanne or Tom Taint Huddle non-smoker. Send re-By Appointment Only. panding Branch office or smiles needed XI nt Saleslady. lighting fix home. full kitchen 116.01 957·1~-642·88.S2 NEW DIET sun to: The Churrh or a Major downtown Law benefits. Call· 642·8044 lure showroom. 40 hrs, priv.ileges. Male, pro· tr you really want to Religi'ous Sci·ence. 2223 nAIT AL ,"SST firm see ks I e 11 a I ---c M N 0 ex p n e c fess1onal. non·smoker. LOW COST shake up a lawyer, when Main St .. Ste 47B. H.B. cnaTrside Rb'A for busy secretaries with litiga Nursing 548.gj.i1 . $300 mo incl. utilities. 1620sq rt, ideal for I .,.,...: he asks for a fat re-92648Attn Earleen. C,a;ta Mesa office Good lion. rorporate and real tlJRSES '10£ E 'wlmds. 556-6303 designers, artists. R~H tamer. give him a NEW salary " benefits. Call estate exper. Typing 80 " Got an ad m mmd but not engineers Avail. now -.it:--a....r.a.a.-DIET for appt, 645-6631. w Pm r e q • d a n d Exper all shifts. Conv sure what 1t "ill 1·ost • 1001 W 17th CM """""'-._..,.. -----Aide 45 to 60 yr old sh th d h I f I H N l B h far 4350 . • R_..: FOUND F'~ma le w tre woman to assist 93 yr Dental Ass't. Ortho ex p. or an e P u . os P. w p c . l It's probabl) less than ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9794533__ haired Ter_ner ~n ·color, partially invalid man lo " RDA req. 4 dy wk. Benefits and salary Cheerful, dedicated. to~ you think 1(1\'e us a ~· longdbledrive access. Campus Or. office. 9()< sq Offk• IWlcliiNn Mole Spaniel mtx, blk ·" bathroom Mon, Wed, Newport Be a c h . commensurate with ex-good pvt care Xlnt ins rail 642·5678 drywall int. Hunt Brh. l.oans lo $250.oOO. 'l'erms wht. male Beagle ~·x Fn Sat " Sun nights 642·2626. per. Call Lu Ann 759·3800 _program Call 642~4_ ---846-950I UO-SI ft Lse or Mo mo . to J years Call to see 1r blk 'tan. male Lab m•;t. l 0. P M 1 0 7 A M . ~==;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:::.J.;:...:.:..,;;;;;;...:.,_;....;;;;;:::..=;:..i. ________ .,.I MullanRealtyS40-2960 we have the best rates blk "wht, Lab mix ABSOLUTELY no De~t al Aas1stan t - SINCM..E GI.AA.GE WANTED BY New Busi· ~~Wla:~~ r~~fs~~r :~~~i rema le puppy. blk " smoking drinking or regiStered. Ar~ you look· Cosia ilesa$70.968·1452 ness ore. reas. w 12 966.0755. Cambridge wht. female ml.xed drup 5400 mo NB/CM lngrorre!"~rding.carttr phones. Will assume lse Whippet. tan. Mixed . · R r· bl · 1 . n!I opportwullts with ex· S7S/rm.HuntB20xl8dbl s.lHk>79Paul Capital Group · a Sarmyed remale.white. area. eta era P cellent potential for garage, nr Beach Bl. Cahfornta real estate female Lab Terrier mix, 54881 personal growth Ii re- 833-Dn, 642-1339 704 sq.ft . professional t>roker. also acting as a blk "wht (lD.) Newport APT. MANAGER coeruUon. We seek your bldg. Costa Mesa. Nr lender. Anima I Sheller, 12S Semi·retired couple for caring chalrside U · OHlal..tal 4400 Harbo r " Baker· Mesa Dr. Costa Mesa. 18 unit. Adults. in Nwpt. pertise to compliment ••••••••••••••••••••••• 114-494--4197 Trwst 644·3656 Maintenance exp. req our highly skilled team. 1617 Westcliff, N.B. Want 646-1801. Modern pleasant en· financial inst. 70005.f. WESTMIMSTEI Dticll 5035 Found, blk, brwn" nurry vironment, excellent Isl. floor. Agent S41 ·5032. 1200 SO.FT. •••••••••••••••••••••• 857She~rd female puppy. ARClfl1CTUliL be n e f It package . 1~ Beach-Blvd. Btwn Sattler Mk Co. _._...,....__ ---Now hinng Archltec-Newport Be a ch. EXECUTIVE 2 Ftwys, Cl\'IC Center All types or real estate Found. Small blk " wht tu r a I Dr a rt s man. 631-3490. SUITES Shopping Center Prime uwe.stmentsslnce 1949. dog w/ipots 00 body , .Knowledge or millworkf 1-------- IN location. 979·8889 or Sptcl .. dltcJllll back legs drag. Vic. cabinet work. Bark· •!!!11111111----- 54>1260. 11-..1TOs Warner " Sprtngdale ground in restaurant• HlllTJ.CH .._ 846-C7 6 desirable. Call for pre· ~~~E ~ Low cost office suite. Ap· 642-2171 545-0611 1 · 111• ·-....... •· ag~ 1000 tt 0 vt bath ""1vi ..... • F.ata 111 ed 9 eaunt Newhaury flcespace prox Ml ..... · •F1XED RATE211dTD "911111• 5350 RAYGAL IGN crouPPl'•dkeconUnllft 11n Irvine's busiest ~~1~ei7~h/~t':.e.::r:: •f\Jlly Aimrtlzed ....................... ASSOCIATES to ,row. Now need ex· I center! Easy Frwy ac-•FUiiy Assumable Att.ffs M ICICie Irvine, CA. perlenced person for IC· csa. Avail. now! Call CM.~Z937 •No Pre· Payment QiPP.n24hr!':daf {714)641.a700 CCMdl control ft Dental for details. . K . 345 ft + bath. Penalty ' 1 d!U'S a week Ins. Excellent ~port uni· Hl-IJJI 64M2JO ~~~ !!a3803il. S2SO/mo. AskforSkip,546·0283 69 Gorgeous girls t~ .. OM:~. -•l ty ... ~o\llrl tCahe11.r.1}1\J"· •.UXIOfACIS• ---.~· 2nd·3rd.,.thTO's pamper you. Jacuzzi, Ambl ou1 boys and di'.... · ·'""" · From 1 room up to 2000 DeliOI to suite executive Judicial Foreclosures Sauna. Locals as well as slrll t~l.3 years old, to •------- 1q. ft. From Sl.11 1 aq. offl~ with secret.ai;tal Harold F. McGrath, tou r Is t • · Ba n k Wort one or two even· DINTAL ASSIST fl. No leue required. Mr9'1tt, pooslble ltv1n1 AllyatLaw. 8$1·1771 Amerlcard , Master ln11 a wuk 1ett101 Ni\VrollT~'IACk ~. t\ll'POrter Inn. 2172 uu. Good location In Olarge, American Ex· newspaper 111b1crlp· IFYOU: Dupont. Ca ll AM . CannefyVlllage.Broker Lo.O.? pr ess, Dlners 1 11 t1on1. Tranaportation •Are an experienced awzzt. m.4112 MNdCetll? wtlcon. 714 /M5·303. and constant adult daUllMlllllll. Ruf £It ate money 2112Harbor Bl. CM 1upervl1ion provided. •Are aw lo work In a availabte 2lld or 3rd TD Coeds would love to party C.U 3 to S:aOPll. uk for fut·pacild pro1reulve lAUll on re&idenUal or with you. Leslie or Alldrea, 642·'121. ut. offlee. Income proptrtlea. We s y Iv I a , a n y t I m e • MS •Have • frieDd.ly outao· handle a full tans• or 1'1·9038 -------• lllnenonality. inorta11• CoVeraje at BABYSITl'ER ._ct wkdp, •Rave • mature at. 'I«'! ~" r~ttt ................. 5. a1yroW 1d . boy. E11t m•. Courted lo Bl'thrt. C.M.... •Have 1ood .,verbal T14·7H·l511 Ilk (Or t.._ I ' f.&N 1' ' ttea. l!kWI. !leveotl>uaae ...... ..,... wy•..... •Arta ..... hr. ~,,.. •Woalcl •nJ01 • Ullelall.n MIM ....,.. WANTID! .,,._.,caner. ~-==7. , Ul·JM'I Pl.-t·tl· ltiair.i Ult ...... eau....-. .... Clfll,,.. _..ft. ..._. ., • ...-,.wrn. ..w~•lml ...,..,, u4 bll ,.. ••1. •••Id llh rt· flljli ill'!& le. Mita l To'J.laee '"' . ,._.. ....... Call Pli\ ii., fllli Uill II .. ,._. an........ DIMll IHtNHJ. CH••• ;.ii:'. c-._, -Mllilfllj..... .... 'tf ewspaper Carriers~ tor toutes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • &oocl Ew •••• • Sup er Trips • Cirtat PrJm CALL CIRCULATION . mARTMEN_I .... ..... SICrlTAIY Bllinau• 'Sp11ni•h h•r 1m~ II otfiet ot n1 f ll ~·> Prior peraonnl'I 11 suranct background • mo.tt r.1cellttnt b4'nttr1t pack•l'e· Qu1llfird 11p plkaols ONLY " apply Mon thru f'rt bet >N~tt11 It AM 4 30 PM Aim l'~I>! 2551 S C1rnMy . ..,~ntil An.a. KOE __ SICWARY-'/T He avy phoo t• L t«:lrphont: ~•h~•. lVj.111 (; 60 wpm \IH'Cllr•1t1· 1 b ho r l h 11 ll d 0 f II t •' 1uptiuc1e Knowlt'tl~l t• 11alllnl( ht'lpful 2•J ltuur Wt'ek Nwpt ll rh 586-4179. .- SfCRETAAY '°' N:.uon-al rompan) 11••tll~ expt:rienced secr••t Jh to "ork 10 11 0111 seel'l.'tar} orr.~e 10 lluHI ington llell eh Goot /'~' with excellent bcn1· h Hours 8-4 30, s d.1 • .., "'t'l'k Call lt93 2032 S.C~orv :I. for :11rrraft' ITIJ l.,11. tenanrl' off••• Knowltdge of work ur ders. math ablhl \ ,~11 use or calculator ·1 >:.i~· 60 WPM. parts 11•\/ib tol") Salaned P<l"llV' Apply in person PARSON'S A.IA 19531 So Airport W,,, Suite 4 Santa Ana 9:.>~u7 Stocretan Receptiu111IA>'I Good t) p1st. good phon~· matun· person S.11.lfy open Ca II for .1J>P\ 835 6367 btwn 9A \1 I •' SECRETARY ~· Self motivated ur. garu1ed ind1\JduJI 1'•"11t trpmg !>loll~ Kno" l•·tJ\,i oOla~ Card II :-It·" p•i('I Beac·h area G4011950 South C-0.i!>l Hep• rt111~. Oranf?e Count) ' I•~ feH1onal rt-,1d~" theatre. has 3 tern pm,11 \ fulltune pos1t10U Ollt'ff 10 Su bl.en pllon l ,, ""' 1. IT't.'nl T"o JOb'> Jr. •v t•e1\1ng & pro<'l mail & phone orcll>r• tt. · other 1.s data enlr~ ,if'"~ Xerox terminal ~Ill,\ '-'f organned " ha\ t> ,'l"j phone ~kills S4 so hvi: 6·8 hourb a da~. :10 l' houn. a week. i.t.ir\ica.r March 29 to appru' J !' 2 Qill 957 2602 e>.t I'! Steve Winget i §1&1enl Jobs t HEY! , IOYs-GIRLS : "°"' "ould \OU hl.1· ~. earn as mucti as S-Sl• l81n week ' Do you like tJn~.l' in rm' 1es. picnic~ ""·~· part1 s bearh parh-...,.,• plll.'> man~ other th111 • Then you "ould tyr11I. 'n probabl~ enjoy ""' ''1•1\ for us QL'Al.IFICATIO\o., , I fher 12)ears of ?.J'•1··; 2 :'\eat. hone~I an1I 1•-pendable. 3 Work after schoo1l 1111•~ Saturd;ns (.'Ai..L TOD.\\ ·~ ... 33'1 5936 or SJ I 52 • HA~! to IOPM :?IO s •<tt•. TB.EPHOHE ·'• Trlephonr inten I•'" •IT'P wanll'<I hourly "a•,. ·ill bonu~ !'\ ening., ,,,,, (.'.I II Hcn1• 963 91 If Tr~HHd*d·~ Learn a skill and l!•'l ·•~ •• penence ID the \ • ~ Reser'e After tram1-.;~. sene one "eekend '"'t~ J rmnlh plus two \I 1 "M. each }ear Earn 1 ~: rmney. PX. ret1r1•m1 n: benefits Call todil\ 1\'.l > imre in for ma t1on .... J Huntington Bch 962 ll~!IJ Sanhl Ana 552-3173' ----'1' .. TWX OPERATOR j Good typ~t for T ~. mat•hine Will train I~\ cellcnt opportun1111·' ·" rompany henerit~ C '' Elsa. ~·3880 ' WAITR ESSES WAMYW w car for w1t"ker haclltit' ~ji:;~ ~~rvF1r~0 s11st'~!}i v.k ly Must he nE!b'i!. personable " energ 979·0747 aft 1 Oa m appt WAITRESS rull t evening, minimum 3 dinner exper. refs ~ Apply 3·SPM, No ph calls please Joli)• ll Restaurant. 1011 ,"1 C.o~t Hwy, La una MltdaPtciH ........................ ~1 80M ······~·············•i· ~~~~x; S32S HB963·2073 Giveaway prices! Oak of flee swivel chair, $9!1 Gun ease, Sl2S. Empire dfesser. SSOO. 0 a k ti Ill~ dock, ssoo. Old pine 6 jdly c.abinet, "°°· Coi tr)' store counter !t tBOO. Oak rolltop dt' Sl.500. Oak rolltop cabinet. M dwrs. Sl600 Bookcase, f'rtncb walnut. all glass dO()f'..~ 9' tall. $2700. Hrs Ml 642·7712 to" oo roll toe desk ' chr, dnt coed. Sl1SO m.im ..~ Orl!'QI Cou t DAILY ptLOT/Tu11d1y, Maroh 11 1812 E 1111 Hll t•r R 1m I "1.... -..-ta.lata•Pllit tl41 ............. ....................... ....................... ........... .., ....................... . ti ~IS II aofu. New. •· Lo•· New w .. •Utw 6 -................. 'll Puth, bh .. , alnt • .. · ---·911~111 .... V ~st .. ,.,., ;-ar••r .. , ... MM ....... _ ..... 11 ....,. ielrt1 . frulfrn , ... A RY•T·ITOI . • tt 'dtia,-orbtll ol· m.M'Jt ._ s. Teak aldeboar (Jforu \Vorlcfwl d t OE.POI\. TV. 11·•. bill 11 yeilow.loobnew.a.. .................. !?.~! .,.._ 9761 TMIW•UT ~ e '12 4K I f II •••••••••••••••• •••••• SILIC110M \:iilnii tr.l.lbnew szao. HlalMtocnir d1u1ln1tbld1 Pu.All loardJ•a Pall fer.•tll1ett Pue h Maxi mo pe d . Y...... . Teak dinlo1 rm aet Wd '500 aell am' ...a.. w11llftd. 1100 or MM27t -r • D1"1t r, t .-.a1• .,...., ' ' btlttlftr wa.2S71 ~!ii~~'. -= ~~f:':,,:i:,~ TWI CLUI WHCUS4LI NICI •tt::=:-/ t 110 ........ _;..;;..;;..;;....;;;; Pine bWbedl w/matt Farafly' lleinlieu hlp Alf&'liai6mode11~ at· ..................... .. 'chilt. 2 moa. oldllts: NwPl Bdl Tennll club ceu . Bran cl ne w . ltlO HOMO A OM 1oulp bench sso. 1756 1-~------- r- • MOO&S IN STOCIC oaded· m u~t · ,:,r "II CeUca GT Cpe, ate. of tatt mo del. tow 125.000. 'oa11. Mf-1202 aluto, SOK ml, xlot. milu 1e Cadlllace In £vu '120·1322 Mr -.8"·_2Jm2_.e_v_• __ -i ~Callfontle ! ~ . --s Anlq. table w /pop-up 758-QaU 0..., Mnt It-' '100. Mi•c. Items. ~ I.be world via Pao ~ .. ~~on W Mewl '7 COUIJB FOR PARTSONl.Y MOW! ----74 ~Ura G1', 5 apd, $1900 MAIB •3187 Ami 1 for 1 voucher, D1Wcau terte&S0-061S Only7,400mllta Chd .. ; tull ......... ef llN01 .. 11 9UALITY Pll.owt9 IMWt • Wtll et etlttr fl .. ........ ,, .. ..._. '73' orbrina olfer CADILLAC u••••••••••••••••••••• 1'13-0473eves 3IOOHarbor Blvd . ,,,.;--..,.;....;;..;.._ _____ Beaut. curved white IOOd UU May 3ltt. SJOO ..... .,_. Vld 8 !1teellentabape Ire wuher $1.SO. velvet aola 'love H at 54M85'1,750-8747 .,.. nV11. eo i•tem: Call55t·t21taf\.Spm. CHEAP HHP2 b!d /:dryer $'15. Uke new , 64S.mt · 9wlmll\lna Pool, 20' rnd. !!':~. r:-~naa~0~f~ ·es &azuld l&O. Nda . wk. "II ford Cowt.r, uliJ. bed ..-..;.::;..:=-::.:·.::..54$=...:·98:::;15=--Carved Prov. sofa l braadnew <never uatd), CR·UOO ·U port re· $1 00 I 0 8 0 . 1 O I 51 •ladder rack, 40K ml. #<»I\ ~point SIS wht matc:hir\1 chair In xlnt pump l CUttr ayttem. corder + utru. $5000. Meredith, HB. 982-1022 I $4.S()O, ~04e4 $ITS. OE hvy duty cond.torreupholaterloa. Needa new Uner. Wlt.h (2JJ)5ez·l022 waaber w/m1 ni -wuh $175/080.4'7.UISevt •Ude.IZ50.SS'1-0339 1 ......__._ 'llKLZ50 Kawuakl.1500 ~W..itd 95'0 1158.142-4127 • Ttfr 1 t 1 b --ml, MW~. S800 firm. •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• 5 pc butcher blk/wr. iron " anya pv c u I-........ OE U lb washer, run din set. s100. 2 oak bar b~k~mmoo ,u bblti a, ••••••••••••••••••••••• al-4'194 Wltim>YOUI •Mlettlon. $100 or best of· stools 125 ea . c • ce Cupl c Pl . to I 0 -.._ .. _ 7""F •• In l eooo USID CAii fw.•ma 547-852A 1 tune for sale. Call aft 2pm. '0 DllllUll _. • An)1.hl.n icfei-ed ...----"~'"'""'----_____ n..__ __ .... 6'15-&CIO ....................... Kerker bdr, 8.000 oric m't.hcona er : •• WA.SHER· DRYER 7 ft $Ola Sl25 ; 2 areen . t:;JOYTHE HARBOR milt$. Xlnl cood. tz.000 ~l ru IMO DISHWASHER velvel ch.alra StOO ea; Sale: 3 l0tlets, 4 round TAD kayak $400 (2od or tr.de for 19111·72 El ' 'M each. &48·5848 Goldrecllner S7S · lamps bathroom slnu w/mar. kayak In cl. free) Camino SS, 4 apeed S25 . dble matt $lOO. ble lop.l 8'•or l2'slld· 675-6275 S4H l4S ' Caaatove, Sears 30" drop 847.2181 Ing 11ua door . Jenny la, Avocado. $150. Ui1d crib. 1 surfboard. U•t .. w.t/ '78 HONDO MATIC. ' ' -:r-.-_;.;ss_1 . .,;;.26:_74..;__' __ 16' Gotham Pool Table, 494-33216 Senlct f020 a,erry cond. Only 700 #1 i. o.....,. c_.. . ~... Fri id 1 b like new w/wall rack 4 ~I" J d ••••••••••••••••••••••• -• '" I r. g tu • custom cover u 5o. ... ~panese woo M4-'ne El-n'"ian miles. 98'75/olr. 759-1877 2825 Harbor Blvd. rlpl dryer, SlSOea. Lar k pnnl $45 •n "'"''" COSTA MESA ·'~r ";.ldspol ""-! . gemetaldeskforof. <'K.uM Design/In.stall/repair Yama ha IT off.road. '""' · "''' · fl ee or home S35 .....,..,._,. Qual.work549·2520 979·2500 $2Gl.S48·7510. 6'8ZJ9 ~iling ran·casabella, 52 nunt cond. S800 firm. REFRIGERATOR Sofa $225, brand new in:-Oghtincl'dwasS240. W.W Dys 980·0785 : evs WEPAY ~ roodel. clean, auto Teakwood wall unit $75 will take $100 Cash. ........ tOl O 963-1.llOl TOP DOLL AR rost. SJ.SS. 893·9060 with ma l"hing set of SS2-0796 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' " •---------1982 Evlnrudes at 10% 11 Yamaha 500, perfect Wuher ~. Dryer. gas SIS. both clean, work IOOC1 548·4485 Gas Range l Oven. Gar. ·rers. 3 brand new, still in cr ate . 30 " whi t e . ~rawer~ $40 matching RETIREMENT SALE over cost 75HP $749 99 cood.. must sell. $950. FOR usm CARS lingerie chest 140; SIS GE refrig w/ice· 4 5 HP ·s$99 95 2HP 646-10$2aft5PM ALAMMA6MO carpet. misc items maker • custom dis· $349.99.fi more.oiJ.1434 POMTl.~'"'C:/~SUIJu 842·4053after6 PM penser, Rust sofa ael·2 Mailartt-s, S•I -2'*1H flo ihd. BRASS CHEST 3·dwr dp~s ; ltTgr~ Rivier1a rowtf' 9040 W /SloracJt f 160 24~~~ J~A · brass clad chest. Best of. ivan; rop~tone pat o ··~···~··•••••••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••• 549 .. 0 549-1457 fer 542.9275 aft 6PM furn. incl chaise lou nge, 28 Cns·Craft. Express. R E NT : 2 2 · L u x ~~.,~~~'-'--Puilder's liquidation. ~ ea. Costa Mesa. Spc.. mple bdrm set ssoo. _846-_2937_______ Mp le dining set w / 6 2 lwin bed sets; coffee " 1966 Clean ! F ast ! Motorilome alpa6 Sell- end tbls; bar stools. elc Newport Slip, asking cont 1295 ~k + 10. mi WE IUY All quality rum like SlO,SOO. Trades, Financ· ~ . . Q.EAH CARS Refrig FF. lcemaker, · xlnt S2SO. Stove Hi·low oven. clean. xlnt. $165 .~ cllrs. $165. " misc Sun· d ays , M·f'. E ves. new. 645-4079 dys, ask ing avail, P.P. 673·5200 _...~TRUCKS for Cheryl. 645·8619 Rt n t . 2 2 ' 1 u x . """ eves/wknds. 40' Owens Tahitian. live· ---1---------1 aboard slip avail. Call. 111>torhome. slpg 6, sell· , 5 DC OW. h*°°9 SACRI FICE· P erre ct Judy or Harvey 642-4644. cont 1295/wk + 10</mi. 642-5579 CONNELL CHEVROLET e11 .. c-... TOOAYl s.un · •vte• LIAllM6 SAJ>C)LBACK IMW J14tJ~ NwY. MllMON YllJO AVf<Y Pkwy. off 1·5 831-IWO m..w., Open Sundays n.tMotthciHIHJ P.tOfYow IMW~Or LffMC.Wlt MclawlMW!l a.,0ra.. ... lyOw,._.,._, (7141522-5333 OltANGE COUHTY'S 1§ Sales·Serv1ce·Leas1ng ORANGE COUNTY'S EXCLUSIVE· MASEUTI ~EilERSHIP! Wt II deJJver anywhere in lhe world! See us a I IEACH IMPORTS 19111 Harbor Blvd .. C.M 631-7170 848 Dove Street, N.B 752-0900 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTAJUSA 540.1860 '8l Carna ro Z28, 4 speed, Met brown, P /W. Tilt ·-----1 Wheel, AirL~.M I FM Stereo Cass . ..uuu miles. Mint. Days 64S-5S70, Eves~. ---- _ _JClllrtreltt tf 20 11 VY/ Super Bug SllOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1 good Body needs SEE US FIRST! work 6'2· 7588 Eves We have a good selertlon ----------1 or NEW " USED YW '7' lllbbit 4 spd, lo m1. mint t.llruout. Price S2 . 995 P /P 714·640-9134 vwr.urs Chevroleta ! COHMEll CHEVROLET A" ti tr'• •r I • • ,.._I \ \l f • • SU-1200 '13 Bug fenders. front hood, bumpers. running boards. Sell or trade or 68 11 Nova, structurally deal pe r!, nds some enc 494.2407 work. Make ofr 979·8871 •Ml, pr9fff a eedMerc•dH to 0 M W '71 Super Beetle. sunroof. l:a .... S-. lkydtt 8020 SETS2SO 847·2181 co n d , No r i take liwn .. 9AM llS PM. 840-85M ••••••••••••••••••••••• . -stoneware (Desert PARTNER W NTED --------i 3 Wheel·3 Spd Schwinn Medit. sly le dmmg set. Fiowers). Coordinated A T ........ y,...ef ti 70 Town " Country , very tJ:eStle table w1leaf" 4 serv ror 8. Dishes, 24. f\ Searay Sund~r NB ••••••••••••••••••••••• clean.$225.960·3470 hi-back carved chairs. cer a mic flat ware, sUpS131mo+eqwtyde·1 '79Corsair 23'.Slps6,xlnt S425 or best offer. glassware " serving posit.557-9327 ' cond. Lux built by Ben· 64>0939. 631-1066 pcs. $300. 64CH691 '79 Sea Ray 26 · "Sun-d.iJc Col'l>. Asking $6500. ,.. ,., 1 l .1: r-, I · r ; \ \1 ~ \ lO't' CARVER I0.15·fOrCE · ltv1W am fm . xlnt cond. S41>-1 200 Com~u:!~~ Im 52100/0BO 646·8129 ports Direct lease and 60 Sqbk parts parting out 15 BMW 2002. AM/FM. mo~ sensible pymts '67 w/new eng tires Hl~H .UYIEI D 1 a I 2 I 3 o r ' ' AC. very clean! $5795 714/MERCEDES 15 213 seats,$.S SJS0.646·4161 Lo mileage, ucellent rood. 2 dr 1980 Chevelle Call Bank of America Trum Dept 759-43111 week days 9-3 Mens 27" lOspd. Schwinn $ll0. Mens 26" 3spd Schw111n S80 631-1275 Lge walnut din table MUST $ELL 4< 8 chairs. 1200 tiful hi eddi C.M. area I 642-31~ Beau · w te w ng dancer" Twn, all xtras Call Ted wkdys bwn incl trlr. Fish " ski. 9-Spm, 558·5125 S26.000. Cash or terms• Top do Ian for Sports 1714l~·OZ2 or 7l4/637-2333 Cars, Bugs, Campers. r...;. 914's,Audl's _,.., 9 71 5 '73MB450SEL Ask for U!C MGR ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt cond. Mon·Fr1, Aft 'IKJ4.X4 Luv, 22.000 mt. AC, -iovw Bug Snrf, amf1m FM tape. must sell cass. reblt trans " eng ~ Below Low Book. --------1 dress, never used. Schwinn Varsity lO·spd. Sofabed, blue floral. good Unaltered. Size s. Sl80 ~$1:.?~ CaU aft. cond , S7S. Loveseal. 968-S8110after6pm. 979-8209; 547-6649 A•"SerYlu, r..ta JIM M.UfHO 7 2 CAPRI S700 5 645-2434. 642-~2 YOUSWAGEM OBO 848·5386!64S·l990 Must sell 1979 JOO SD Ex xlntcond. S2SOOOBO 9S7.w72 548.6746 .. ' ~Id, $75 556-0200 RafgedY Ann le Andy Wellcrafl 26' Nova of· 1 &.lcussories 9400 !s hore. twn 188 HP. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18711 Beach Blvd i3 Ca · VS I II nd HUN'TlNGTON BEACH pn . c ean. 1 e· ce ent co WANTED VW VAN BODY. PAY UPTO $200. 661-7341 . '81 Capn Classic, 15.000 nu. loaded. must sell ~.645·0837 ~. 10 s~ Motobecane 10lestd~rsS3S.5'Sofa. cnb, changing tble. M!rage • new cond. ,· gold/wht S75 2 drwr dresser. w/acces 1200 .. ia .S165.675·5l94 desk $25 2 Studio 4X5 ' playhse. $150. ....... M.ttrials 8025 I couches w /bolsters ·" _S@-&4 __ 7_5 ____ _ ••• .. •••••••••••••••. •• · comef tbl S100. Refng Ready to go! New 2 ch an NOW 25• /FT ~: 836-~mallress set nel radio-controlled 33" Redwood 2lt6 flecking Coast Guard MODEL +3)' long ; also redwood RATTAN Din~ng Set, ta· BOAT. Must see to ap· fencing. Lowest price ble " 4 swivel chairs prec. S800. $850. 551·3360 gua r . Jim or Ken $ot2S.CostSllOO S48·S048. Stamp Col lections anytime, 77H491 Oak dining rm table, 2 evaluated. Reas fees. leafs. 6 ch rs 4< buffet Dave Cooper, 1194.9507 tandem trlr. RDf, radio. bait tank . xtra factory fighting ch rs. btmini, covers, stereo 8 lrlt, trim labs. lmmac rood. Sll,900/0BO. 839-8221 or 839· 7203 SUAAT 1978 22 ft. Xlnt cond. Low hours, completely equip'd, including S3SO Eazflift trlr hitch Ask· mg 114.000552-4437 Glass building bricks. u.oo ea. 548-8063 ~.~7·l56B --Small "am r shell .-.c. " pe ......, llllll Seaswirl 1S"2 ". open Wal ftru.shed game tble It wort bench SSO. 2 long bow. EZ loader trlr. <Ah IOl5 4 black Naugahyde cablnet.s$30ea.556-0998 $3200 645-3360 •n•••••••••••••. •. •••. chairs $100. 549-0022 Klng size bed, good cond Penlans! 2adultrem. S50 ~.capt. bed cedar dwrs. w1Cr11me and head· IMh. s.11 9060 4 S75. Personality $200. WOOd din set. 4 board. SI.SO. black and ••••••••••••••••••••••• +n le. Sl50 546·9965 chrs. $50. Dinette. 6 white TV $35. misc 23' Aquari us Sailboat. chrs. $75. Sofabed, 645-9970 Galley, head, sips 5.1 ·ATTBmOM gular gas, 1 owner 760-6285 142-2000 Priced to sell. 495.0325 M~ WIHB Colt 9717 OWMEIS TC>Ua UOTIC •••••••••• •••••••• • •• •• TONNEAU COVER & •mSH c .1.•s 71 Colt 2 dr Custom Cpe. Fits MG's. '71· '81 ""' 111M•. •arl•~•~•v•~~.77us•97•ed•,•~•!•m-sg11 1Nt:WPOIH. ~ ~ .. ~:::::::~.~;.! UTEBODVWORKll -~ paint-up lo 503 off your · 3100~W. Coast Hwy IUNJ DATSUN bodyshopest.536-9832 N~~ach a.EAIANCE SALE ALFA ROMEO PARTS All parts lo convert 101 1600 to Veloce. exc. pistons. Sl400. Dennis. 979·2748 after 6pm or wltnds. WANTED! Lite model Toyotas and Volvos . C all u s TODAY1!' -·- Regret selling '67 con ttl2 vert.ible 250SE, $1SK or ' 97~0670or673-7081 ·79 BUG Convertible ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wht on wht. air, stereo w/tape library, reg. gas. nunt cond S8200. Call aft 5. 548-4891. '72 MBZ 280SEL 4.5. Dark blue w /dark blue An absolute gorgeous car, completely loaded everything. S7900, ph '71 VW Pop.Top camper 720-1101 S2600 494-5639or i7 Cor,.ette. silver blue metalUc, 4 spd, fully op· oonal, showroom rond. 39,000 m1. Must sell. Any reasonable offe r . 963·1044 eves, 855·0593 days - -951·7~ MG t 742 -------•ec.,.-••••••••••••••••••••••• ·m Squareback. ••••••••••••••••••• ••• • ttJJ ATTENTIOH MG $1000 7tC~Xl7 &1 lOOOAsk r_o_r H_a_1_1 Full pwr. xlnt cond OWHHS I '" C.•fl'fffM TONN EAU COVEH 52950/080 645·4007 Fits MG's. '11 '81 . Never used. ris 111 V W Jeep, One of a Maria 631-7797 Ive msg Kind. $1450. Must sat'nf1ce $3300 &7-3434 9'40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "--8040 Trailer. $3500. 557-4117 --------......,. yellow plaid, $95 . Utton R 1 T t --------1~·urle Ike 645·5124 '79 Pi.to Asking SJ.400 61 s .6087 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 661·7341 oya ypewn er. i9 Pearson 424 Ketch 74 COUlllEI ~ 97A6 v...1 9772 KEESHOND Pups . AKC ssoo I h r II TOYOTA·YOUO _,.... 111111•0 '70 Ga I ax I e. good Olamp sire M/F. Pet It New6pcCbarlton sofa. It . 675-4505. mm.ac. yac t. .u Y FOR PARTS ONLY ., .. ..__... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• transport. new brakes. 1 h 0 w p v t p t y . greens, retail $1800. sell e q u 1 P d · 6 5 a 1 1 s · CHEAP 536·9832 c .. te ~ <>Pel GT '72 X Int cond # I VOL VO DULEI t13/fll.1J4Saft6pm S3>0orlradefor playpen MOVING SA"'E! misc auto/pwr. speedo, log, '""l!•!!!l!~•lll•!ll!l!!!I "'"•U H wU .. t o 7 Cood apprec1at1on lN ORANGE COUNTY' me ch good $550 Wl~11red Fox Terrier puppies, Male" female AKC 8 wk s . $250. 84&-0472 *Poodles "R" People• T.Qips. Toy. S200 to s:IOll. Pets Boarded 4< Groomed. ~·2848 Black Lab Pups . (71 $50 ea:Sweeks. 548·5445 • J Dacltsllwl ,.. Min. AKC Adora'bl~. lov ~le. healthy. 8 wks. aids S200 each. 549·2955 2Yellow Labrador Rtvrs. ( wks, s hots. A KC = lines. S2S0/ofr Flliust1c German Shep. ~· AKC. see parents. J lflt te mperament. &taut. $1 2S·S250ea. 5.W'2 ·DOBERMAN PUPS AJ(C, 8 wks, black/rust. set.661.7341 hseh~ld furnishings It depth. VHF, EPRB. "' S2!lOI> JohnS48·S9S2 581-67~ otheritems. 548·«~ frig, electro fan "I 4-1.5" wide tires w/Amer. King Size Bed. W Sim . c~arf.er. Hl~lC water. mag whls for Ford P.U. T Doll• ,....._ 9747 SWS. SHVICE MlrYerick H47 OX>ns custom made ma t· IBM correcting selectnc dleR • cust inside, full SlOO/bst olr Stockland • Mir ••••••••••••••••••••••• AHO LIASIHG ••••••••••••••••••••••• tress, very clean SIOO. II. black. Ex. cond . spui gear. offshore pole. S I . ·R ... Paid II 7 1 r-.a......a OVERSEAS DELIVERY 1971 Ford Mavenck 64>23111 BX>. 644·9174. Between All safety items. 45 lb he I 70 anchero ........-BX> 080 -S.5. CQR, 50 lb Northhill. S75fbsl. ~9339 Collector s. 12th in US EXPERTS T w 1 n FI o at at 1 o n wmdless. incl Newport For Your Car• I l5'!N l2981. Stored 6 yrs 546-06.s9 __ _ waterbed. like new. was Ken~re washer, S65. slip. OWC with '~ dn. no Porsche 914/411 engine JOHHSOH & SON . ~~RS~~.·~· BBey ;tl.Sor1r8e2r LULEIKE M--9950 $800. selling $300 Studiocouc~w/trundle. interest As k lnf. Rblt,O nules S800orofr. L1...-Tf'! -·-1 84 ""u 125 Other m1sc 960-8083 ~ Mefoc..,y H 714 ·645 0077 . W VOLVO ...................... .. 7 . .,..,,.. · · $1~.000. Make me an o · 64>5476 2626 arbor Bl v<f '80 510, auto. AM I FM 67 • .,_, 1966 H bo Bl d -Co fer. P/P. 714/"'~'-"243 or stereo. 9200 m1. m1d·nite .. ~ ar r v · 7 3 Mere M~s Chest Of drawers. dl·n. 2 lor TV 's. S95 " Sl2S .,,,.. 0 C<l6ta Mesa 540-•"JO COSTA MESA E y 541·9959 73VW T ires.gls,hoods. --"" blu.SS975 P.P.6312134 BROUG HAM R rm game table w 4 Vacuum com plete S20. --------1 trans .. rmt axle. eng , Premium prices , 72 2 .. 01 ~~••••••••••!?.4!. ~46-tl_O_l 540.9467 GOODCOND 960·2066 chairs, bumper pool ta· All xlnt. 646-l525 'n Santana 525: Race fndr. 494•2407 paid for any used car .. -blelclamps.759·07~ equi p ped, S sails lfore1gnordomest1c 1 Automatic. amdm ·75 50-i Dsl, 4 spd xlnt '76 Volvo 244D L air ~ t952 Butcher bllt table. 42" "'*-llh 8013 md. SlSO. 4 entry ladder •••••••••••••• ••••• • • • back chairs, 5200 Engl. Fender Telecaster and oak buffet. $400. Xlnl G1paonampUfier. SSOO N B . 2 13 · 2 71 · 3 9 3 9 , 96J.0493 714-760-3667 . --------F1ute. Gemtenhardt 2SP 3 pc. while Haiua n cotton xlnl condition. S200. eves sofa. Best oHer. Ca II 631-2339. 49'1·3658. 1-------- S14.000. 645·7950 day. in good cond1t1on radio. air cond. SJ500. t.llruout S4.000. radio, tape, lo m1' Must ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64>-4239 eves. lwlot for Sale Stt Us f irst 1 xlnl cood 644·5752 494.os7s sell. best offer Owic Danish dbl ended ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 210 Hatchback 5 spd -~ 9750 857·8964 Daysailer "Scandia" 11· IMPORTANT llnt cond. $3500 OBO. !••••••••••••••••••••••• ------. -- sloop, S29. SO. Evs " RENAD<YI'IECRESTAOND 642·S449afl 4 MEISTER '79 Z4GL. auto. air. sun· wtmds, 76().c.!03 ----·--root. am tfm stereo cass. 7 0MUSTAHG S2.300. 54.000 m1. ong owner. extras. well maintained lhorou11houl m~ ADVERTISERS '70 D ..... 510 alloy wbls. new tires. WH # 13672 The price of items $..'i00631·llll John PORSCHE/AUDI leather, only 29,000 mi '68 Convert. 289, auto, 15()()/080. 8J0..08S0dys advertised by vehicle 13631 Harbo Blvd. $8400. 640--0614 Pwr top, S2800/bst ofr dealers In the vehicle ''78 280Z, lo m1 . mint Garden Grove ........__ IO'-O ,_iltW't Ir '79 Downeaster 311'. fully 1 'fl d d t• . ' ,.ond sham nu tires or....a..... ir-i L &-... Clg student. must sell. nunn • ~,.... 1015 loaded w/Farrley Jib. c 1551 e a ve r •sing 2888 lli1rhor Rhd ~ 851-1!644 .,.. · _ _......... c .. HS--, .... ..-.. Uttd Call Mike962-8149 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Dim Mar auto pilot Xlnt colum115 does not in· ('usla :\h•su ~ 0330 714 636-2333 --. Gray thorouf hbred Q'flce furniture for sale cond. Owner purchased elude any applica ble '*l\'J 210, like new, 4 spd, •0 •••••••••••••••••••• O..._blt 9955 mare. 16.l, gent e It pre· at d iscount prices. new boat. $66,000. (714) taxes. llceMe. transfer WllUT am/fm cass. 16.500 mi, ...._. 9755 .. ck 9 910 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ttyS2000,63S-5291 641·17763. 628-84311. (714) 496·6246 fees, finance charges, USEDCARS ,TRUCKS SB>0.857-0919 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '80 Olds Cutlass Lo Mi. •3154 ........._ 8070 '..;;..._ .. wood--e-xec-. d-e-sk-.-V-ery-<714) 499-4754 fees for air pollution con-COME IN OB '7S Datsun 610, ok bod;.-I GHAT 1976 IUICI Xlnt Cond. f\ill Pwr It -'-'----------1 -lrol device c~rtlfications CALL FOR ~-good S2.200 . ira ~TIO ... ! •IU!..1.1 COUPE rnuip r7675. 830·0891 . .l ••••••••••••••••••••••• iood cond.. Approx 4x6' 1.8' sailboat. built lo '75 by de I doc t I •-... ~ " --""" $1SO 10l'bhlre Terrier Pup· Ladies· heart·shaped $325/ofr67J.3327 Laguna Yachts , or aer umenary FIH~LISAL Rick551·6855 eves l .. AULTlll's V6,automalictrans.air '"'2m fli, Male, AKC Champ gold band diamond nng. . w/motor " slip, $3300. preparation charges UD· . connier . .,,. nlo I -Sedans and wagons with I cond .. AM·f M stereo. --------BDeiu!>U. S400546-8624 renter diamond 0.25 ct Home /Office roll top Sl&.-2364 or (213 1351·8145 less otherw15e specified CHEYIOLET lt7~ 26012+ 2 many options to choose steel belted tires <2new >. '80 Cut lass Su Pre me ._._to' y-1 045 w1C4U cl diamonds. desk. S250. very good. by the advertiser. 182UBEACH BLVD. 4 spd, air. mags, stereo. from are available now full vinyl top. (075 RFW) Diesel, amtfm. lilt. air. "--Cost $1500. Sell saoo Spacious. 968-7260. &aterprille 13'6". Ra cing mJNTINGTON BEACH 66,000 mi. S2900 firm at· p r ivate party . dual tanks. 43.000 miles. fl u .. '""0 ....... ,, eqlil>Ped W/Spinnaker" ~·I 675-0&ll b s c"OO p p ••••••••••••••••••••••• irm .......... , ,..., . ...,.,1 Pwts 1017 lrlr."Xlnt cond. Mahog ClilMka tUO 147-6017 or OIAMGECOAST $1995/best offer Call rowo. .,. . Diamond, l 75 ct..••••••••••••••••••••••• ply . S800/bs t ofr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 549-3331 Alt 9725 A.MC /JlfJI (7141770-0356eft er SPM _499-_:.>_~------2MJe Pharaoh Hounds. • '57.0'36 Emerald cul. E VSl.i Rare ring.necked Parrot, at3/441·49Meves. MOD& "A .. s! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 184AULT '78 Eatate Stat. Wgn. 43K '79 Old\ Cutlass Diesel. f'r,JJGIOJ1oodt Dhoanmee, ;e6myaelaer. USG SI a ppr aise o beaut. 25" wrought Iron --. .. 1 Sh .. v replicas·, pi"kups ... ..-.. .. ,artcd Get Ready 2524 Harbor Blvd. . ori i xlnt cond., low milea•t. . ._ '" r· $34.000, need cash. '"'e both*"<ll 839-6156 -.. •Pl/ ...,, " ---F Sp · g• u.r>........ " .. 7770 ml, g. ownr, mmac. • ""-even1·n1s. c, • • ....,,.. _.......... 9070 ' coupea. 4 to choose ••••u•••••••••••••••• or nn · '""-ow.> '"". -. 76().0400 $.5500. 7$1·2180 aft 6 ..-$13.900. Dys: 642-5640: .._ f I 1970 Ft '-T _,.,., iierid eves/wknds ·642.6421. TanY -6 mos old Blue .. ••••••••••••••••••••• rom! (006788) (Stk. ~ 9701 "' '78 Renault Le Car. snrf . wkdys F ly dart~ little Crown Amazon w/ca1e. ~ ...... for,.... ADl31. Prices atarting ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• 150 SPIDEi S3,000 mi. Sl900. 'iO Eatate Wagon. 9 pass. --------~~7450 e:re 8071 l500.Aft6,64S-7823 Pfi-~nexl to Rusty at New • Used. Foreign " COHVHTIILE 494·7451 all power. runs good. 71 c.ftess ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~small Dutch. 00. Pelican. 714-646-4419 OM. y St, ttSI Domestic. Car Salesman ONLY 35.oOil"miles on re· --------$400. 661-1341 New trans. paint. tires • .. 1050 Wood Duplt. carver $10 00 f c b with yeanof uperience built engine. A M-fM Roye• 9756 cit.an and gd cond. 12200. r'9 t .. , __ d Ii · 3 IY 614! · · rom u Udo SI' f CJ\' p -~" --to "0 r home •A~ 4 ~ t • ,,_ Biack Regal LTD • ..._•••••••••••••••••• ITllC1wn::, up cates m Scout Mike 6'1S-807ol or 1p or"" + ower .. w ... v ... •• # u SKA~. s~ rans.. •••••••••••••••••••••• """' · 548-7881 dimensions up to SS" S27·T4<ll · ~at. $1 0.00 per ft. Gd the most for your new brakes I& two new loaded " immaculate * * I BUY * * long. Cost new SlOOO. Sell Private Party. 67S-80'14 trade " set the best tires. Pri vale party. •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. V-6. c~am w 1l1n hall '80 Olds Orne&•: p/s. p/b, uatd Furniture • for $600. 642·7712, ~5 & C>nJ-s totOI orS27·7G . ere on your car. Small $1600/best olfer. MUST • top. $7500. 642·7450 or auto, air, am/Cm stereo. ances-OR I will 1010 •••••••••••••••••••••••BOAT SLIPS AVAIL. ee.CallM2·6168. SELL! Call Rob at ~ 873-9080. sunrobf. 1ood cond. orSEl.t.Cor You MIClll-Olf Beautilful oak upright Npt Sch 20· 25• 28'.' ._._. 5 'lll8-02l6 afters p.m. • · . »400.Aft6PM498·S411. u.1.•1115 '"'UCTIO... .. .. ••••••••••••• .. •••• Everett piano w/carv· 81'.~ l ·SPM · t 7o weekends. c..llec 9915 -"' " LOSING LEASE, q1Jll· Ina '9l)O/bet ofr 8'5·S'191 . ' . Aii'ieoo' ............... 7 g F i a t : 1 28 3 p Ml....=-~=~ ••••••• .. ••••••••••••••Pillo 9917 ~' 1616,133·9'25 lin&IMineu.aellina out · · Newport Island, pvt Not a replicar Orla 1 Ha hba.. ood d Cl .... •o • ..... C__..,.,. '"'Tl~ ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• AU. 1upplle1 and fix· Sllvertooe l keyboard or· ctock, eu y access. ,..,..p..,. ....... Ha"w' 11: DI · Ylloct C.•tnlM7 tc c ... g con • ~ ._ .UN .... YS • • "'"'_,.._ "9 KbfG INNERSPRING ture1includina: 1an, tood cond. $350. 875-1906. ._ ....... v · S· All parU to convert IOI new tires• am I f m CADILL.AC7 "79 Pinto, lmma c .. pa, pb.' OTRA FJRM mattress Display c11e1. waiting 67).7144 Balboa Penln. tresllale. 121.SOO/OBO. 1800 to Veloce, n c. cauette, low miles· f 762 We al)e(ialiie In leases low ml. a/c. '3450. Mike. 111., 11ever uaedf worth roo m chairs Beauty II ft sailboat aUp avail. Sincere inq. only . piatona. $1400 m -Z'148 SZS00.875-11161. for the builneu d · -~---· -----w . 1241dt . Never Salon hairdryers and ,,.,....... 1094 Newport Beac:b. 857.-. lfter!pmorwind.. ....................... ent.lve•prolesalonal. qllffD 1112worth hydraulic chalra mlr· ....................... 714-4145-7100 ..... t727 ~COUMTY'S ..,, •• 9960 l C~ .. -•... 18 del. bet nd 't I fl It s fbo d 7 · 17 Chevy. 4 dr. xlnt oria ltitW t7 I 2 ................. ••• ••• -T 1 -S.llda.. ...................... . _,_.# ron,s va a p aot.a. n a 1. ur ar , ...... , •• °" Hartour Bay ·-._...,,_ -.,. -PLvv -·av bome,7S4·TISO Ailo,~~~·•hampoo dua,liabtblue/oraoae ··~uet Club. Boal CODd.IZllOfirm. -•••••.............. -Aut.horhed OfMtw ltlJ "' ..... u ~~-·-.-;;~ mdhairtfat.ricu. •.MU171. Sllpt available. Call 142-0'52 HmA SUBARU DEALER C1•u1 ==--·~= •abolaa1 OU e bed ~erer:.:i ~ '1141848-7'191. 4 .... Drt • tHO & flMTA Hll ~ Mft litSha! Wlt1' uttreu. Moon · ,... S..... 1091 Newport Beach sbor< ............ ~ ...... ,.-_., AM \~~T .... __. mlrT'OI' on hud· L ad I. e • • h a v e a ....................... mooring, with 9' Skiff. I •lll•1t .• ),..,:. ;;r NA UG HTY LADY 2$" Z.nllb color 720-1440 • •--,... AMDSAVll •OBO P M7t7 alls Hon Party. Unaerte, televltloll. 1'p,ro1t. 12 lf7t CJ 5 Jftp, Ort road Ml.JIEI lllW eaAT SILICnOM lolklnl, potiona and Iota rean old. NMCll minor tirel. l owner . a .ooo mi. ICS 1llZ MODELS •------•I mor. fun. Call Allton wort. Mah offer! Tt '' ...... 15,100 ... 2807 ftt~I CIV RERENOW!ll tlUYllUINITUll •·01'11. Salea Reps ..-....................... ....,...,_ I ACCOIDS Saltl-Servt~lAutna IA · ---· u lll.fW wdld. . C 0 a. W./ ,,.... tHI A T.W itlft1l1 11 '81 SADll •ACI ~~---...!:~~~·~~;..;:..;;;'---~-=--:-::lk--ie&AUTJP'UL 25" RCA w tl20h•••'"•• .............. M«MMla • Demo• are Pl&'mlS HIVEI USED ; Bub ""'!,...a ll'Btd.WWn1t"il cdor''IV N.lt. 2 7r •m· _ ............... 1-n....-P\J AC loml ttlll aull1bl1 l We ua7j• mAIU ..._ • dlllette m,:,;::n· 11.aa rreedell"'7· cA••••. 11·. o, .. 'dat--=-..oo m.nu ... ..,. ta:.,... ~'NI .-vlrlWrtte , lof1~•• ttalt . TV Jolla'l•tTll laid. aelf·toitalaed. lftG'lll · clllllYWJ ud flaw le11 a1 w. Waner. \\ bit ..!::'· ·-F,=C••,•ter CIT M•IHIW-... n. :r .. r het ollor. __ ...... -Gii.Miio A-~':1.1 · Ttrm111~ ADDl·llO, JI" .... nlalt tab., ' ,...... ti I ... ._. -===-~I I.ail I l p , r. II I Mertdk•, .. -. .... 111.1 . I• 1pn11t S~t U111 0 l11~Lwlal llllt•.,.•frinm&lllf U_ ••='" ....,........_~----... ......._· .... Tfllllr ... ,tlflt. ...,...,. .. .._,,, ......... Ma .., .., ... I Nl1ailrll-~~~!!!,~J WAlft'ACllOlft -..fllt•Dlllr ...--1la11me• tol1aa1. <TM>-.Stt t1111lflld ru ~u . a ,, •Mt..,. ,...,..... --.. a......., '71 Ptymo11tb Horiaon • alllo. •It , 41.000 snl, smao. •1•1. • • • • • • Dll 11111111 llllY PINI · TUESDAY . MARCH q 1987 ORANGE COUNTY CALl~OR NIA 25 CENTS Newport deDiands regulated oil tests By STEVE TIUPOU Of ...... "* ... Taldn1 a 1Uaht1y differenf tack from '1ei1hborln1 Lacuna Beach, Newport .Beach olficiall have decided to oppose offshore oil exploratlon locally by demanding that any exploration be heavily regulated. The City Council voted 4·0 Monday night, with Councilman Paul Hummel abstaining, to follow the course of action recommended by City Mana1er Robert Wynn ln opposing the exploration. Belushi relatives gather VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass. (AP) -John Belushi's relatives gatb'ered near bis home on Martha's Vineyard today to pay their last respects to the comedian while reports surfaced in Los Angelt:S that he died of a drug overdose. The actor's wife, Judith Belushi, his parents and 13 other family members went lo Sylvia's Funeral Home for a private viewing of the body. ''We're · expecting just the family at this service this morning,'' said one island policeman. "The celebrities and friends are expected at the church and burial later." Belushi's body was flown to Martha's Vineyard on Monday, and his wife and about 20 friends arrived b~ ferry Monday night. They were to be joined today by s ome of Belushi's former co -stars on television 's "Saturday Night Live." The Los Angeles Times, meanwhile, reported today that a source in the coroner's office aaid Belushi, whose nude body was found in.a Los Angeles bot.el room Friday, died of complications from a cocaine overdose . ABC News also reported that sources said a drug overdose killed him, and said the drug overdose was probably cocaine." The Los Angeles coroner's office said it would q_ot comment on t he reports, ill reply to re~eated telephone calls. Like many celebrities, the 33-year-old TV and movie comedian sought privacy on Martha's Vineyard, off the coast of Cape Cod. He spent the last three summers at his vacation home on the C hilmark oceanfront, which he bought in July 1979. Burial was lo be al Abel's Hill cemetery, located about one mile from Belushi's home. -"Many residents recall seeing Belushi jauntily driving around the island in an open jeep. At night "he would often be seen al the Ocean Club in Vineyard Haven, hanging around the bar, making people laugh," said Peter Simon, a photographer and resident. The island has a year-round popuU.tion of about 10,000 and a summer population about five times as large. Belus hi ofte n was an unannounced performer at the Hot tin Roof, an island rock club partially owned by Simon's sister, Carly. Wynn aald he fashioned bia recommendation to avoid c 01t opposition to offshore drUUnc. He reasoned that the Federal Department of the Interior seems determined to complete the sale of mineral exploration leases off the cout tills year despite opposition, that bis recommendation allows the city to recognize the Importance of offshore mineral development as a national goal, and that the position would carry more weight.if.it differed 1U1hUy from La1una's staunch no·drlllln1 stand. The four -page poa lHon s tatement adopted by the council echoed many of the reasons used by Lacuna Beach officials in oppoeing drUlln1 aa lt called for heavy ·re1ulation of any drilling Pr<>Jl'Am, however. In neighborang Huntlnston Beach, Council members recently approved the offshore oil leasing but also asked that federal authorities closely monitor offshore platforms and provide training and e_quipment to quickly clean up splUs. Hunlln1ton Beach la the seventh laraest oil producer ln the state and there are four platform.a off U.a cout: two In state wat.era withln three miles and two ln federal waters. There are no oil platlorma off the couta of Laguna Beach an8 Newport Beach. And Wynn acknowledged that the safeguards prOJ..lHd may raise the coat of offshore exploration beyond attracUveneas to any potential A REAL PANE -Two unidentified window washers have their work cut out for them as they work on a mirrored building in Newport Beach as the early morning s un warms the glass, its refl ection contoured by the panes. Schnrltz behind news release Lawmaker said willing to release statement. again By JEFF ADLER Of -Deity ..,... , ... Sen. John Schmitz, R·Corona del Mar, has told his attorneys he is willing to re-r elease a press statement -in bis own handwriting -that mlkes references to lawyer Gloria Allred, homosexuals and Jews in order to prove he stands behind it, the top aide who originally• wrote the s tate m e nt s aid Tuesday. · ·•We both meant it (the statement), we both stand behind it and most importantly, he (Schmitz) stands behind it," Brad Evans, Schmitz' chief aide, explained from the senator's Sacramento office. Schmitz, reach ed at his Corona del Mar home, declined lo comment on Evans' assertion or anything else connected with the $10 million libel suit Ms. Allred has filed. ··I am under orders not tG answer questions," Schmitz said. Evans , who s aid he is authorized to speak on Schmitz' behalf, also said he had been cautioned by attorneys not to comment on the case. E vans admitted that even though S c hmitz was the "arc hitect " of the widely publicized Dec. 22 news release, it was he who actually wrote it. He also said the Republican s enator, who is seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate, did not see the release prior to its distribution to reporters. .. He was the architect of it, there was no doubt. That's why he stood up for it," Evans continued. Evans claimed that Schmitz requested the release be written because .. Allred had stolen all the publicity in the hearings. ·'The whole thing had been cheapened by her dog and pony show," Evans said. The purpose of the press rel e a se was to "steal the initiative back," Evans said. "He (Schmitz> said make it strong, so I did," the aide ;added. Evans also said he doesn't know if Schmitz would have alpproved the release if he had seen it first. "He's a nicer guy than I am," said Evans. He s aid Monday 's news c onfereo ce . during which Schmitz' attorney in the libel c a se denied the s enator authored the statements, was part of a legal d e fe nse maneuver. State-hired attorney Louis DeMers issued the disclaimer to ·'s et the record straight," according to news accounts. DeMers iss ued a five-point s tatement during the news conference alleging that Schmitz didn't write the release, didn't know its content prior to its distribution and first learned of it from a reporter. The press release, which led to Schmitz' formal rebuke by the full Senate and his being <See SCHMITZ, Pa1e AZ) ·Biiterman's killer held in Colombia Bird recall slows due to 'strategy' Local Republican s tate legislators agree that the reason state GOP leaders deferred a decision on the party's role in a proposed recall or state S11preme Court Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird was more mechanical than political. The Huntington Beach Republican also said a recall effort headed by Republicans would not be a political liability for GOP candidates seekin1 election this year. It would be a plus, he suggested. BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) The army has arrested the guerrilla who killed Chester Allen Bitterman III, an American the insur1eot1 I · accused of being a CIA spy, the newspaper El Tiempo quoted the Colombian army chief as sayin1 Tuesday. Bitterman was killed '!f,U~h J, 1981, ln Bogota after bem1 De1CJ by M-19 ,uerrlllaa for more than a monCb. Bitterman waa a volunteer· translator for the Summer Institute ofJJntuiatica, ao academic afflliate of Wycliffe Bible Translators of Huntinl'oo Beach. · The 1uerrllla accused of ahootln1 Bitterman la Huso Oswaldo Chaves, a member ol the 11·11, Oen. Forero Dtaa told El Tiempo. Clsaftl wu OM of 11 11·11 fUerrlUM, lnclvdill1 1lx women, &mated Ulll WHk, Dtal WU quoted u aayiq. ne "'°"' btcluded Mftl'al members ol tbe 1uerrllla iroup' I bllb command, the general was quoted as saying. Meanwhile, the army continued to chase down guerrllias who raided tbe town of Almaguer in southern Colombia last week. So far army patrols have killed 25 of the 80 11·19 rebels, the 1eneral told the paper. The M -19, which baa threatened to disrupt next S und ay's con1resaional elections , stole a ton of explosf vea Monday from a cement factory in the western Colombia clQ-of Cali, the anny nld in a communique. The arm7 uld it had uncovered an elaborate plan by the suerrrnu to "aabota1e" the elecUoal. • The Colombian 1ovemment claim• that the 11·11 ll linked to Cuba . The 1overnm•nt 1ua~ diplomatic rtiatiom wt CUba lut ,.ar, clal...., t.bal Cuba Md trained and ""° weapooa to ll·lt l\MITillu. • • • Assembly members Nolan Frizzelle, R-Huntington Beach; Marian Bergeson, R -Newport Beach, and Sen. John Schmitz, R -Corona del Mar, said the decision Saturday by Republican leaders to put off for one week a decision on the party's role ln a recall effort was baaed on several matters which required further review. •'I believe the reason for delerrtni waa not a dimming of the commitment to 1et rid ol her , but essentiall y a mechanical thing,'' said FriaaeUe from bis Sacramento office Monday. He aald one conatderatlon Republican leadera waated to look lido wu the Umin4 ol a recall. A recall effort would ba•e to be timed 10 that Governor Brown could "not appoint aomeone ell•" to tbe 1tate IQb court War-. am i.rm expired, PriaeUe explained. M ra. Bergeson said she believes any recall effort should be tied to a revision of the law that would require the state Senate to confirm a 1overnor'a appointment to the high court. Mrs. Ber1eson also pointed out thal a recall IJ)earbeaded by the GOP would drain party coffers of campaip money that should be directed toward le1tslaUve races. Nonetheleaa, the Newport Beach lawmaker aald ahe support.I ~:•cement" ol Ma. Bird-and s "we have sot to cbanse tbe SUpreme Court." Scb~taJ who a1ned Uult Ma. Bird anowd be recalled, said be Wal ln DO potlt.lon, to qUMUoll OOP atrat.eQ beeauae be ud party leaden an not oe t.be bell oftenm. Asked what be be1' ol dM ldedaloD, Scbmlb comm....a, "Tb•J put out,,... ........ a1alDIJ. me, t.beJ cbl't ecmult me." lessees, effectively klllln1 auch exploratJon locally. The statement said lbat clean water and pristine shoreUner; have importance to the city's "economi c livelihood, COURT UPHOLDS MESA OIL BAN-81 recreational resources and wildllle sanctuaries . . . (that) cannot be overemphasized. "The attractiveness of these recreational resources ls the prhnary s_upport for the thrlvin1 tourist l.nduat.ry or the city ... the statement said. The potenllal for a.i en v1ronmental disaster sf exploration is allowed ... ,, en~rmoqs. · · the statement said_ '1 he tnrear 01 eartnqutns offs hore "is well documented 'and is a serious threat to the integrity of drllUng structures. A major oil spill could not be cle aned easily from the area's roc ky c oves , inlets (and ) sensitive plant life, and woulil affect the recreational ecooomy (See OIL, Pace AZ) Trash~powered plant booed by residents By PATRICK KENNEDY Of U. OMIT~,_ The developer of a proposed trash incinerating power plant• In Huntington Beach says he's not discouraged by th e opposition of hundreds of nearby- residents. 3 arrested; stolen goods recovered A million dollar burglary ring operating out of Newport Beach bas reportedly been put out of bus iness with the arrest of three men and the discovery of several stolen property caches, police report. Newport detectives s aid the ring may be responsible for as many as 50 bur1laries in the beach city. The trio of men, police said, would ship stolen loot by bus back to South Carolina where it would be sold. Officers said they've been able to reclaim more than $300,000 worth of the stolen tiems. Arrested in Newport Beach ,. was Marshall Timothy Bailey, 30, and Steve Joseph Yparrea. 31, also of Newport Beach. Both men a.re being held ln lieu or Sl million liail. Meanwhile, FBI agents arrested Bailey's brother Terry in South Carolina after allegedly finding stolen property in his possession that agents were able to trace to Newport. Police said stolen loot also was discove r e d in two rente d Newport houses. Officers said they int.end to have a public showing of the r ecovered items -mostly jewelry -in the near future. It is unlikely, police said, that there will be other arrests, although officers believe there may have been several other people connected with the ring from the Phoenix area. "I don't have to win their approval," ·said ban Ryan ol Newport Beach. "I j ust have to get the permits." Ryan's comments came after ·a community meeting al Sowers School in Huntington Beach Monday night. About 600 people listened to his proposal and most o f the m hooted and yelled against it during a quest.ion and ans wer period. Ryan, president of Ryan ~nergy Corp. of Costa Mesa, has hi red the Irvine-based Fluor Corp. to conduct preliminary studies for construction of the facility at a 38-acre mud dump off Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue. Ryan says he's negotiating to purc hase the property and hasn•t applied for city and state permits to build the facility. The As -Con Landfill, also knows as the Steverson Brothers Dump, is located across the street from Edison High School and a tract of homes. Ryan says the proposed plant would eventually burn up lo 2 400 tons of rubbish and sewage s iudge and generate electricity for 250,000 homes. He told the crowd the dump s ite was chosen because it is close to the Southern California Edison Power Plant on Pacific Coast Highway and the county's sewage processing and trash transfer station. Ryan contends the plant would benefit the county by taking a load orr landfills and by generating electricit~ But loc al residents at the meeting Monday demanded to know how the facility would affect their neighborhoods. When Ryan said that up to 300 large trash trucks would make daily deliveries to the plant. the crowd seemed to groan in unison. ·'That's too damned many,". said one man. "What about the s mell?" a woman shouted. Ryan says incineration and s team generation would be performed indoors and no odors <See TRASH, Pa1e AZ> Newpo_rt's mayor in fair condition·· Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather was listed In fair condition today at Hqag Memorial Hospital where she has been since Sunday when she suffered a stroke at her home. Hospital officials s aid the 52· year-old mayor, ·listed in s erious condition Monday, is "improving" but confmed to an intensive care unit. ' Mrs. Heather reportedly suffered a cerebral vascular hemorrhage Sunday momin1 and was treated by paramedics. Thia ls the second time ln the past year that the mayor has been hospltallaed. She waa treated at St. Jc:iiePh Rotpltal ln. Oran1e last fall for a heart tbnditlon. · Tbe mayor's colleagues on the council, which met Monday evenlnl, said they have received little or no information on bow aerioua the at.rote was. Cou.ncilman Pbll Maurer aald Mrs. Heather baa been under· pnasure and bad been on an acll•• acbedule , rec:,enlly returnln1 from a trip to Waablqtoo D.C., wbere ab• met with lntertor Secretary Jamee Watt. Maurer Mid tbe m•JOI' blld been coacer~•d about an ul>COllUDI vote • Uae BaM'n1 Raacb MHlopmeat project, wblcb ._ ldrnd pl"OIMt .llDCI Calli fOr a ...,_..tam. ' Tbat ¥Ote ta to ... lat• Pftda7 and without the mayor, it appeared the council ·could deadlock. DRAIGI COAST llATlll Variable high clouds today. Mostly cloudy tonight and Wednesday with a slight chance ~f. rain Wednesday. Highs today in the mid to upper 60s and Wednesday In the low to mid &Os. Overnight lows 43 to 53. Chance of measurable rain increasing to 30 percent Wednesday. lillDI TllAY A full llouu lleord J. Robert Fluor dt1nu llf1 comparw'utock proMnu ai the t•lm •1 011t .. al .,.,.,..,., ~ GI tlw, Sotd1' Coad Pla.aa Rottt S... ~83. 111111 ·ett''j ..... .... . ............. ..... = ·~= Ef::-• = ...... =-~ M .fi!=-i ,...... , a· ==-'( , t - •• I • • • • • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT(Tuelday1 ~arch 9, 1912 -' Flarm girl • • bidding over 4-H lamb WIDner m IMPERIAL (AP ) -A 16·)'ear-old farm strl ll '81 llO richer after a small town llv• b1Stock auction escalated into a hl1h·stakea blddlnC war over'• 14·11 lamb. , 0 ·'It wu klnd of llke a ~1unfl11ht." aald tbe hlgbeat 6\dder, Loren (Letty) Sbtppard, 50 . ''The fUY who came lo ~second was dead." it Officials of the California f.Mid-Winter Falr believe the sum mlabt bl UM bllbeat price per pound -$550 -ever paid at an animal aucUon In the United States. Sheppard, ooe of the 1ma1ler produce 1rowera lo tbt a1rlcullurally rlcb Imperial V1lle1 lo Soutbetn California, outbid HVttal of the weahbMlt 1rowen in the area to purcbue the 113-pound Supreme Champion Suffolk lamb. Tbe youna ewe, named Shelly. ~Landfill g~s [r ules studied J. ~ The Southern California Air Quality Management Dists"ict wi ll soon consider rules requiring control of gases that escape from landfills in Southern California, including Orange County. Under consideration are regulations that would require I a ndfill owners to install From Page A1 r&AS H ... pr air pollution would escape. But be offered no answer wben fi ne man asked him to name the hree most significant benefits he plant would have for ~es idenls who live within a fiwo·mile radius . "There are two things you can do if you don't want the plant there," Ryan said. "You can stop using electricity and stop putting out tons of garbage." ' Ryan then got into a mock k arate stance as the crowded hoo ted and s houted in , dis approval. Mayor Ruth Finley told th-e community meeting that the council members are "very concerned" about the proposal. "I don't see how il suits our neighborhood," she said. The pudi to ri um rocked with ppplause. The meeting was organized by local citizens and realtors who hastily passed out thousands of 1liers over the weekend. .: G iant rats seen in SF SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -A c:olony of rotund rats described as appearing "as big as poodles" has homesteaded on the most expensive piece of real e s ta te in downtown San Francisco. . T he rats, whose Financial ·,District home lies in the shadow ~f the Transamerica Pyramid, have taken up residence on a ,fonslruction excavation that rece ntly so ld to a Texas development firm for $795 per j QUare foot. Leonard Hendelson. 47, of <Woodland Hills, said he was 'p e e r i n g l h r o u g b a f e n c e ~urrounding the site Monday 'tlight when one of the rats lunged at him. The fat, sleek 'odent, "as big as a possum," tthen disappeared into a hole. said Mendelson, who was .ilnharmed. Marines run ftgainst Solons ( An ever-vigilant U.S. Congress as come UP. with a new s~beme o assess nulitary readiness. Congressman Paul McCloskey r., R-Palo Alto, has announced e is inviting a number of his ·congressional colleagues" to hallenge Marines and members f the U.S. Marine Corps reserve o a 15-m.ile cross-country run al 'amp Pendleton Sflturday. M cCloskey , in a · letter lo i eservists, said that through the un ''we in Congress can then earn firsthand whether tbe arine ·Corps and its Reserve re truly in the combat-ready ondltion we hope you are." The cross-country course trelcbes 15 miles alongside the 'an Diego Freeway from San nofre Beach to Edson Range. . systems to collect the cues before they escape Into tb~ atmosphere. Jim Birakos, deputy executive director of the district, which also includes Los Angeles, Ri¥rside and San Bernardino counties, said organic gases escaping from l andfills combines with oxides of nitrogen in the presence or sunlight to form ozone, the major ingredient of smog. Birakos estimated that a gas control program could reduce by 5 percent the amount or smo.r caused by stationary sources. th al is, sources other than vehicles. Proposed regulations are now under study by a broad-based committee. The regulations will face action by the district board in either June or July, Birakos -said . Once approved. the regulations would have the force of law. Birakos said the number of active and ina.ctive landfills in .t.he· f·our-county region "numbers in .the hundreds." He said in some cases, it may be possible lo install pipes that would collect gases t)efore they escape and "burn theta off." Birakos said the district not only wants lo improve air q u·a lily but r educe odors experienced by persons who live near landfills. Gold prices steady as dollar gains By The Associated Pre11 T he price of gold, after tumbling $35 an ounce the past week , showed si gns of stabilizing today in Europe and the dollar ended a week-long slide. In London, gold's price opened the trading day al $325.50 an ounce, off 12 .5 cents from Monday. The price in Zurich was $325.50, a drop of $6. Reported heavy selling of gold by the Soviet Union and some Mid die East countries pushed gold prices sharply lower in recent days. The dollar rebounded in Europe, losing ground only to the Swiss franc, despite signs in the United Slates of lower interest rates that would make dollar-denominated investments less attractive. Meanwhile, the U.S. financial markets shrugged off moves by several major banks to lower their prime lending rates. While lower rates could signal relief ahead for businesses. the market focused more strongly on the recession and the pros pect of weaker corporate earnings, economists said. Chase Manhattan Bank, the nation 's third largest commc&"cial bank, cuts its prime rate Monday by one -half percentage point to 16 percent, ·and a number of other big banks followed s uit. Several bank economists cited slack demand for business loans as a result of the recession. That sign of relief from high borrowing costs raised little optimism i n the financial mllrkets, however. Stock and bond prices tumbled and short-term interest rates rose. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks fell "below the 800 level for the first time in almost two years .• The blue-chip barometer lost ll.89 points, to 79S.47. ORANGE COAST Diiiy Pilat 'Clenlled ed¥efttelng 114M2-N11 All on...,_.....,. MJ.tm Thomas P. Haley P\AllllNr .... ~ llKllllW ()ltd< Robert N. Weed ,,_ Thomas A. Murph1ne (- L Kay.Schult.i _,.....,.. ' -a....•oi-- Miehael P. Ha~ey ........ '*- Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~ ....... Qwtei9 ~ Loos ..,,..-.U!Of MAIN OfACE •w• ..,tt., c-. -.e, CA. Mell .... : .. , •• c-.-..,c;A. ... Gepyr'911t ._Or-. e.11 .............. ~. ,.._...,..... lllUllr....._ .....,..llNlltlrer .. ...., ............ ...., .... ,.,.,,_ ...... ..-Clel11*i1 1 ···-~---- will be \Md U breediDI ttock, Sheppard said. The lamb, which ls while with a black face, wu owned by Usa Bernard, a blch s~hool Junior at nearby Holtville Hlgh Schf)ol. 81dd1Dc for the animal began ai s10 a pound durtoe Sat~'•. junior livestock auction and quickly soared pa1t "°· 1ald Johnny McDonald , fair sPOkesman. The wealthier bidders ·"were uaina tbelr cnllliona a1alut me but I stood my fl'OWld," said Sheppard, owner of Guy Packln& C.O. In Holtville . "1 Jutt tbou1ht I'd Me bow far they'd 10." The money' wUI .co into • 1avln11 accoWll for Llaa 'a colle1e education, said John Bernard, a banking execuUve ln Holtville. ~nerwarda, the girl expressed 1f alitud6 to Sheppard for saving ber lamb from alausbter. "1 told her I wanted btr to cet the finest educaUon golna,'' be said. In put years, wlnnlD& bidden often barbecued the 1rand cbamplon lamb at a part)'. Sbel>pard'• wife Dorothy watched the blddlna In .amazement. "My buaband lan't a wealthy man . but I knew be was aoln& to brine that animal home. W-e •0tou1ht It would have be.a 1 1hame for lhat lamb to be 111 .. abtered. We 're anlmal · lovers," she said. 1" atr offlclah uld the)' believed that the hi1be1t price provlowl1y paid for an animal ln California wu $13,000 for a steer at a fai r lo Ventura. The naUooal reeord ll reportedly in excess of $100,000 for a Texas steer, McDonald said. The previous per-pound record at tb.e llJlperla1 Valley fair was $12, be added. From Page Al 'OIL ... for years." The statement also warned that offshore exploring rigs and ships would pollute the alt "and detract from the air-cleansing effects of offshore breezes." The statement outlined eight specific regulations that should govern any offs hore mineral exploration. Included were: -The withdrawal or all leases being offered for sale in U.S. Coast Guard -de signate d precautionary sea lanes. A site-by-site determination that lease parcels are not on unstable areas before drilling is allowed. -Determination that specifiC' wildlife and ecosystems are not endangered. -Approval of a system that would have royally percentages "raised lo the highest dollar levels" on each lease. UTILmES ASSAILED -Northern California uti!ity customers, angry ~bout the spiraling. charges on their gas and electric bills. carry AP..,.._ signs and protest al a rally outside th\ Capitol in Sacramento. (Related story. Page AS > Hummel said he abstained from the vote because be did not feel adequately informed on the matter. He said he felt his fellow co uncil members bad nol studied the situation adequately either. Hummel also said be feels· lease sales and drilling are inevitable despite the city's stand. - Fog delays flights at Wayne Airpot:f Jury ponders DBn's fate in BB case · 'J think the die is cast regardless of what Newport Beach does . We're jus t wheel-spinning," he said. The position s tatement adopted by the council Monday will be forwarded to Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. Mayor Jackie Heather, who is hospitalized , and Councilman Donald Strauss were absent for the vote. Patchy dense fog delayed commercial flights from John Wayne Airport this morning but otherwise caused r.o major problems to Orange County commuters. The fog , caused when the temperature reached dew point and by a slight onshore breeze coming off the ocean , had burned a way by 8:30 a.m. A s pokesman for AirCal , headquartered in Newport Beach, said five of its flights were delayed five to 10 minutes because of the fog al John Wayne Airport. The first commercial jetliner normally leaves the airport at 7 a.m. ·dally. A Republic Airlines flight from Phoenix, usually arriving al John Wayne Airport al 7 a.m., was delayed in landing five minutes because of the fog, a spokesman for that airline reported. Most of the fog hovered over only Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. An Orange County Superior Court jury deliberated on the fate of murder defendant Willie Ray Wisely today -the first anniversary of Huntington Be ach truck drive r Robert Bray's death by suffocation under a 2,000-pound truck cab. Wisely. 29, is accused of causing the cab to fall on his stepfather. Clare Farrell of Laguna 'dead at 64 3 to 6-f oot surf hits Orange Coast If convicted of first-d egree murder and special circums tance a llegations of lying in wait, the defendant co uld face death in the California gas chamber at San Quentin. Wisely represented himself at his murder trial. The eight-man, four-woman j ury. which has heard the case since early December, began its deliberations on Monday. Bray's body was found pinned beneath the one-ton, tilt-away c ab o f his International Harvester tractor-trailer rig on March 9, 1981. The truck was parked on Springdale Street near Edinger A venue, in front of a shopping center. Clare Farrell, who worked in Laguna Beach for a travel agency and escorted tour groups t o Ala s ka and the Mediterranean, rued Saturday at the age of 64 . Mrs. Farrell, who lived in Laguna. Hills, was a longtime employee of Eloise Fulmer Travel in Laguna Beach. The former San Juan Capistrano resident worked at the public library in that city, and was active in the San Juan Capis trano Historical Society and the parks and recreation department. Picture-perfect surf in the three to six-fool category visited the Orange Coast this morning, and National Weather Service officials are al a loss to explain the welcome phenomenon. And when you can't give a scientific explanation for lbe well-formed waves that visited beaches from Huntington lo San Onofre, you give the credit lo the Great Kahuna. the Hawaiian god of the surf. "It's just kind or weird," said weathe r service specialist Al Bascomb, who said the large surf only showed up along the Orange Cost. Lifeguards up and down the coast reporte.d swells as large as six feel, with some surges of eight feel and more at Huntington Beach. Newport Beach lifeguard captain Bud Belshe said surf al the River J elly and 40th Street was "excellent," with an occasional seven -foot set breaking off 22nd Street near the Newport pier. "If il keeps up, we're going lo have some pretty happy surfers this afternoon,'' Belshe said. Forecaster Bascomb said the surprise surf appears lo be the result of a low pressure system in the Pacific. "It ~ery well might be a From Page A1 SCHMITZ ••• stripped or his committee chairmanship, concerned a bearing on a constitutional · amendment to ban abortions tn the state. Durin1 the hearin1 before the Senate ConsUtutiooal Amendments Committee in Los An1eles, which Scbmit1 chaired, lb. Allred gave him what wu described as a chastity belt. Fmne8 stop party NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. (AP) -Nearlf 100 people, moat of them chlldren. auff•red carboo moaoxlde pol1onln1 while aUendl~ part,y at ll ·roller ataUns cin llcmdaJ, olllclallaay. • ' fetch." he said, explaining, "If there's enough wind blowing hard enough in a certain area (a fetch>, il builds up and moves on to the beaches." The problem is, there's no way lo tell how long the sensational surf will last. •'It could be gone by Wednesday,· Bascomb said. State lifeguards in the south county reported excellent conditions at :rrestles and Cotton's Point. Waler temperatures up and down the coast ranged from 57 to 59 degrees. Mine mishap told She also was a form e r news paper reporter for the Daily Sun Post in San Clemente. Mrs. Farrell is survived by her daughter, Nancy Kenley, and four grandchildren in PEKING CAP) -Unsafe Anchorage, Alaska. •mining methods brought a A memorial Mass will be · mountain in east central Ctima .JM?lebrated Friday at 9 a .m . at down on the town below it ~the San Juan Capisl.rano Mission months ago, killing 284 people in chapel. one of China's worst mine The family has requested disasters. a weekly newspaper donations be made to the City of see~ in Peking today revealed. Hope for cancer research. The luckiest find of all -our four-leaf clover by Gerity. to use as a paperweight or hang over a etoor. Inscription on back~: "One leafis for hOpe. one is for faith. and one is for love. you know. And God put another in for luck." 24 karat gold electroplated. $15. .. \ . " SLAVICK·s ""' .......... Since t917 Whee tM ~SE su~s bqin. FllNon ~ (7t4) .... tJIO• ~8'1d\ ~~ ... ~·Slfl Dllgo·!-9~ MORE HONORS Singer Dionne Warwick plants a kiss on Count Basie, 77. at a party in New York this week. honoring h im for his long music:.il career Host was the Black Music Association . MOM-DAUGHTER -Actress Connie Stevens 1s accompanied by he r daughter. J oey Fisher . 14. left. in singing the n a tional anthe m a t opening of the Beverly Hills Babe Ruth Little League baseba ll sea!'>on •tc:Ur4 v. Allea, rorc9d to resl10 u White Houae national tecwity aide, wu hired by tbe Republican N atJooal Committee to serve a s 1en lor coun1e lor for forelcn policy and national security affairs. "We are very pleased to have Dick Allen workln1 closely with us ," said Rlcbard N . &lcllardt, Republican Party chairman. Allen resi&ned • from tbe White House start Jan. 4, while under inveaU1aUon for a lleged impro prie ties concerning his acceptance of $1 ,000 from a Japanese magazine, receipt o r gift watches from Japanese friends and errors in his government fin ancial disclosure statements. Entertain e r C arol Lawrence marrie d a Los Angeles businessman, Greg Guydus, in a ceremony at the B el -Air Pres byterian Church, spokesmen said. The Rev. Doan Moomaw, pastor for President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan when t h ey li ved in Pacifi c Palisades, pe rformed the ceremony. Ms . Lawrence, 49 , who r ose to fame as the lead s inger -dan cer in the Broadway production of "West Side Story" in the 1960s, has been marrie d twice before -t<J puppeteer Cosmo Allegretti in 1956 (it was annulled in 1959) and to singer Robert Goulet in 1963, from whom she was divorced after 13 years. Wo rld ch ess champion Anatol y Karpov doubts Bobby Fisher will play chess again, saying the for mer titleholder's nerves are s hot. "He has not played for nine years now," the Soviet champ said of the American who won the title in 1972 but never de fended it. ··His nervous system has failed. Unfortunately, in the near future, one can hardly see him playing chess again." Fisher has spent much of his time in seclu sion since surrendering the crown in 1975, though there have been various reports that he has planned a comeback. Fisher fo rfeited the crown after refusing to defend it on \,erm.s set by t.be international chess federation. Chance of slwwers Coastal V•rlabl~ cloud.s tt'lrouQh Wed ... MIAY A 10 oerc~t <ll•t>C• Of r•ln t<>tiiQht, 1n<rea\1nQ to lO perc,n1 Wt0Mid4>y Hf9'1• WedneMIAy In fhe low lo mid 60\ Ovorn19lll low• 4J lo S3 Ttmoera l ure• In Huntlnoton Newpart area r•nQlno from 41 toM El.,.wr.rt. from Polf'\ Conoptlon to lllt MU l<•n borcll!r •Nl out 60 mll4• L'9M v.rl•Dle w tnCIS nlQfll end mornl1>9 """~ D«om1n9 wulh•HI lo wul I lo IS km!$ In l•t• eft.r,_,, •M w-..y. Wnterly , ... 11 of 1 to l 1 .. 1 ~u., ctouOy tont9ht •nd We6ne\day with ctwtnct of ,,..,...,. W.OOUllAX-. ____ ·-_ .U.S. sumniary Snow tlratchtd l•om the uppe• Grut Lakfl Into Indiana ond Ohio today as a few WIOW shower\ sweot the IObrMll• Pa""""<ll• Claar slcles or.valleo over much of the rest of 11\e nation ,..,, Of the RocltlH LIOlll r ain COl\llnw<I over '"' Pacific ~I wltll <lovely n le• blanltellno the wuthern R0<-lo Partly cloudy Miies o .. r most of the rest of the -m slam. Tiie for~ Ull.0 for ,,_ from IM vPPer Ol'tlo Valley and Gruf Laite• to New El\9lend w1t11 rall\.,._.. acron o,._, Northerl\ Calllon1la and '°"""'rn IOaho Sunny 11tles were'-~• In the Southea\I Temperaturu around the nation u rly IO<lay rangeo from 10 llelOw, In lnternatlonal Falls, Minn .. to .. In Key West, Fla. California Varlabllt hlqll coouos wlll ln<reaw Exte nde d foreca st COASl AL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS l'•ir with...,,.,. ctouelln•u •I time\ HIQll lemoer•lures In the co••l•I art.tt mid 60\ •I the be<Khe• lo low 1~ inland 'Hlleys HIQfl,,.tn II~ mounl•ln ,.._,, 48 lo SS Overnight '°"'' m ostly on ltw 40\ In the co•ll•I •rt•\ •Mt 11 to JI for the mount•1,,, nlO{( The Air Qua Illy Mana9eme1>t Dl•lrlct p..-.<11CI\ 90C><I air qu•lllV. lor every OM In IN South Coast a ir DHln T lie AQMD anl9ned Pollullol\ Stanci.ro 1.-. PSI ratings of 41 for •II recalonJ lhe San G-lel-PornoN valleo. San l'er~S.r>t• Clarita v•lteyi. Rlvttritde·S•n B•rna rdlno ••••· 111911 ano •--rt•. Inland Or•n9e Countv an<I the co .. tal, m1tropollla n , 8a l\n ln 9 , Hemet-Elslno<• '""' 819 !Har Laite ., .. , AQMO ,.•linQ\ •'• a\ follow ,· 9000, 0-100; uMeallhlut for Mn•llln oeople 101 100. unhutfMut for tY•f'YOM 101 JOO• •nd h•t•rdous JOl·SOO T en1pera lures NATtO• Boston Brown,Vllf' Buffalo Ch•rhlnWV ciwyanne Chicago Cincinnati ClevetaNl Columb<K Da l·FtWlh 0.ftver Des MoltoH O.lrolt Duluth Et Pa\O FalrbAMls HarttorO AllHlny All>liquo Amarllto An<ho•- At!MYlllt Atlanta Atlante Cly Baltlmon '81rml"9flm e11m •r<lrl 80fH Heter.• Honotul\I "' u Hovston H II lntll\aPllS ~ : JaOSl\Vtle 31 11 Kans City SI 16 ~~l~1:'1t 56 2S Lot A"91"" :: : Louttvlli. ,. 1S ::.~Ill• ~ OI Mllwault• 33 Mpls SIP • ,. " J9 • ,, 4'2 JO )7 10 .. 33 14 11 1S 14 lS 4S ,. 4S u 60 4) " ., ,. .. S7 .. n JI 2t Hashvlllt J1 ..... o r .. _ 10 HawYoni U Norfolk n 0 111. t ny -Ot Omaha II Orlando IS Phlladpt\la IS P-nlx "2 P lttsbvrQll li Ptlal'd, mt If Pllal'd,0,.. CW Rapid City CW Reno >1 Alcllm- 10 Sell Latle JO S.n0t.9o 19 San Fran ., Sa•ttl• .. St Louis 14 St P·T•,,_ ~ St Ste Matle 14 Spoltane SO Tucton JO Tulsa 4A WaSlll~" 11 Wlchll• 21 " .(M 11 PAN AMaAICAN Ace1>Ulco to lier~ IS 11 ... muo. JS llo901• .. CVf'acao • F--1 7) I01119111 In Soutt>em ~llfomla, end ·~--------------------,,,. rHUft -mom, Clo...,., \Illas ~ Gvaclal•lau 12 12 7J .. 4l 11 .. so " ,. )I :n 11 11 40 21 SI IS 21 .. II ll J2 l7 ,. S2 lS 22 40 ·" 21 4l • ,. JO ~s~::":.'~;~;.tur .. will •• SURf R1PORT c•" be UPIClt<I lo IHI """"9" ..... ., W•dne•d•Y. occordln9 t o the G\I_._ Hav•M Kl,..ston Mollt-llav Maretlaf'I n 11 72 .. A chance of 119t>1 ,.,.,, h forecast I w~ for coastal ano mountain • • ...... .,;;;..,;;illliiim--... ____________ _ LOI Aneei.s wlll NW a high of .. Oft Wednndey, -temperaturn 11'1 tfle Seftta -• lley ArH, L-L«alleto1 II• a c II •" d 0 r a n 9 e Co u n I y Hunlln9'0fl Pier metropolitan areas and Santa Santa Ana River J.tty llartMlr• -Vtntvr• c-tv coastel ;r!, \1 1 = arH s will oo as lllQfl as Ille -to ll•t-w.._ lllkl '°'· 11001111•. ~ :r•ld• Tides .. 7) .. 10 12 SS 1S 57 TOOAY J:16 p.m . •·:n p.m. W•DffelOAY o.t 4 •• T ... c...,_ of ,,__.,._ re lft 11> Slffoy HOiiow Les All .. IH wlll ln<reas• to >O Set\ ci..-e Pie< parcelll -newtay. Coa1ta1 ••HI Tra1ale¥ l'lrll ,.. J: 1S ··"'· o •• l'lnt 1119tt •·II a 111. S.6 l11termecltal1 •alloys w tll have • IT·Sl.,...1 >-S _. S1 11i.M cllanee of lloM ralll. Cofto•n Point >-S 11101-" $K.,_.low l:(Jpm O.S SK-11111'1 10:01 p.m. U TlleS...,._,SMI G-lel -TrMllft ).S tlleelMftl ,. S... .... .......,.. •••Ill'• Wiii flaw a J01 S... °"°',. W . t llCel-ff SUfl ...... y 11t Sl" 11.m •• rtMt w........-,e1 •:" •·"'· ,_,<Mil <Mnu of rein w.clne9day, TONIOllAOW'S TIDES: HIQfl ••tt a.m. Low J·(J p.m. S-'1 01'9Cttell Wltllll ..... f,_,Utoi&. Wot. ~ r!Me....., llt 4:01 p.m .. wtt W.-...Vet•:tta.111. • We1re Listening ••• Wh at do you like a bout the Daily Pilot? Wh at don ·i you like? Call the number below and your message will bf/ recorded, transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate edJt01". ' The same 24-hour answering service may be used/to record let- ters lo Lhe editor on any topic. Mailbox contribut.oriV must include . their name and tel.ephonf' number foi verifi cation. No circulation calls. please Tell u what's on you~ mind . 0-.,. CoMt DAILY PILOT!Tuelday, March 9, 1982 H/F ROckwell pacts probed <# Irregularities in space shuttle contract. alleged WASHIN GTON CAP ) - Alle1ed accountln1 lrre1 ularitles l nv~lvln1 Rockwell Jntemallona!'t apace abuttle contract are still betni loveatJcated by a federal iranCI Jury ln Loi An1eles, the 11>9ce a1ency reporta. J . Bryan Hyland, deputy N.ASA iruipector general, aald last week "the grand jury probe Is . an oncoing thing. We tu.med the lovestlgatlon over Co the FBI . laat year and can't comment oo It oow." Las t June , R ockwell SA-o k es.man ~ad .Blount confirmed some hours were mlscharced. but contended the problem was isolated to a sin&le dlvlslon al Seal Beach, Call!. He said Rockwell ma)\agement bad nothing to do with tbe incident. "We investigJtted ~nd NASA investWated;" Blount said then. "We silld there's somethinc like $60,000 involved, and NASA said Coast pair face art fraud raps . Two Orange Coast residents have been freed from Orange County Jail after their arrests id connection with an alleged scheme to sell fo rged copies or valuable European paintings for $6.5 million. The two men were identified as Lance R. Rudma n, 29, of Newport Beach and J a n Samuel Cook, 41 , of Costa Mesa. According to Orange County She riff's Department Lt. Wyatt H art, Rudman a nd Cook attempted to sell six paintings said to be works of 15th to 17th century a rtists to undercover officers for $6.5 million. Investigator s, Hart said, seized 10 paintings that were copies or original works of the artis t s Bouts , Pisanell o, Wh istler, Ruydeal, Titian and Guardi when the two men were arrested Friday at Rudman's home at 8 Moonrise Court, Newport Beach. . Hart said an official or the Los Angeles County Museum of Art confirmed that the paintings were not originals. One seized p a inting, for exa mple, was oil o n copper when the original was oil on "AOOd, Hart said. Both men were booked on fraud charges at Orange County Jail, and later released on their own recognizance. _ Hart said that investigators were actin g "on citizen inquiries" when they arranged to meet Rudman and Cook to inspect the paintings . H a rt s aid Rudm a n repr esented himself a s the owner of the paintings while Cook identifi ed himself as an appraiser and authenticator or the works. Man faces threat charge C RAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -A 67-year-old man is free on bond after pleading innocent to charges or threatening the Ufe of President Reagan. Bill B. Berry of Lansing was i ndicted on two counts of threatening t h e life of t he pr esi d e nt i n te l e pho n e con versa lions with police in Lansing. It was SU>.000. NASA bat uked the Department or JutUce to come tn and look at the sltuat.ioo." (Rockwell offlclala ln Seal Beach and a apoltesman for NASA la Pasadena declined to comment Q.n the alleaattons today. saying no state menu will be released unt.Jl the grand Jury completes its investigation.) Hy land said la.at June that among the accusations lbe FBI passed on to the 1rand jury ii that ~weU ju11led its books so it co uld c harge the government for cost overruns on fixed-prict: Mr Force contracts. Ray Serra of Fullerton, a former manufacturing manager al • Rock:wen·s space dlvialon, had led those making the charg es . R oc kw e ll 's over charges equal m illions or dollars, Sena has charged, and go back as far as the Apollo pro1ram of the late lleOI aad urly 19708. He alle1ed th•t aome worttn1 hours s pent on an Air Force s atellite contract wer• Im properly cha r &ed to tbe sbuttle. Shortly aft.er he be1an makl.q the allegations ln 1979, Sena.said h e was tired f or hit whistle-blowing. He is suing tbe company for reinstatement and punitive damages. Other employees last year raised oth e r a llegationa concerning Rockwell and lbe shuttle project . Among them are c harges of excessive travel vouc hers; decor ating work allegedly done at homes or Jlu s inesses o f Rockwell executives and charged to the1 s huttle ; a nd allegations that Rockwe ll officials a warded subcontracts to firms in wbicb they have financial Interests. Mesa police hunt suspect in slaying Police in Costa Mesa a re continuing to search for the 37 -year-o ld boyfriend or a woman round shot to death in a deserted parking lot last month. The body of Maria Barrera, 27, of Santa Ana was found by an off-duty Inglewood police officer Feb. 28 at 1650 Sunflower Ave. She had been shot in the throat and hip. Police arc looking for her boyfriend, Rodolfo Alvarez, 37, of Santa Ana. He was last seen with Miss Barrera at her a part ment just a few hours before she was killed, Police said. A white Pontiac Trans Am belonging to Alvarez was round abandoned in a shopping center last Thursday b y police in Maywood. Costa Mesa police Lt. John Calnon s aid investigators be lieve t h a t Alv a r ez h as returned to Ms native Mexico. He arrived in the United Stafes five years ago and most recently worked f o r a c l oth i n g manufacturer in Santa Ana. Prior to the slaying, Alvarez' only apparent run-in with the law was a drunken driving ar r est b y Orange County s heriffs about five years ago, Cal non said. F riends of Miss Barrera told SOUGHT Rodolfo Alvarez, 37. is being sought in the Cos t a Mesa s layirJ,g last month o f a Santa Ana woman . polite t h at Alvarez bad threatened the young Santa Ana woman's life many times. Miss Barrera arrived in the United States last year and s upporte d h e r s elf with housecleaning and baby sitting jobs . U.S. odyssey_ ends Laguna-Miami trek. aids. Koreans A 25-:,rear-old banker, his one-eyed mule and a dog named "Blue" left Laguna Beach nearly four months ago on the firs t leg or a cross -country fund-raiser. After passing hundreds of towns, and being featured in 45 news papers and interviewed 25 times on televis ion, Kirby Schnebly and his companions plodded up the driveway or the pos h Fontainbleau Hilton in Miami Beach Friday. The trio lefi Laguna Beach Nov . 15 to raise money for the tiny House or Hope crippled children's home in Korea. Schnebly, aboard "One-Eyed Mar y," and his dog "Blue" urged people to send money to a trust fund set up for the Korean hovie at the Community Bank ln Downey where Schnebly works a s a busin ess developmen t officer. Schne b ly , who has t wo crippled brothe r s, said the Korean home "was much, much worse there than anything I've seen here." When asked what drove him to seek funds for the home, he said the home's ope rator , Chang Soon Shim, reminded him of his own mother. Schnebly's mother, Wanda, established a similar home in Forest City, Iowa. Officials at the Downey bank declined to say how much was raised from Schnebly's travels, and his parents said they bad no idea how much has come in so far. " . -' Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, March 9, 1982 New gold ~oin due for ·U.S.? \ WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Gold Commi~sion wrapped up 'all but the final details or its recommendations to Congress oo Monday, sticking with earlier decisions rejecting a national sold standard for the United 'States but favoring the minting of a new gold coin. Monday's meeting will be the last for the pres identially appointed 17·man commission un less significant new arguments arise in final drafting of ita report, which is due on Capitol Hill on March 31. Rep. Henry Reuss, D·Wis., a member of the commission, made several attempts Monday to have the group retract or water down the gold-coin recommendation it approved on a 12·3 vote last month. All bis efforts were rejected. Reuss noted that 30 members or the Hou se Bankin g Committee -a solid majority - bad signed a letter opposing the coin proposaJ. Congress voted in 1980 to create the commission, with conservative Sen. Jesse Helms, R -N .C., doing much of t he pushing. President Reagan appointed seven senators and representatives, three of his own advisers, three Federal Reserve gov~rnors and four private citizens. Creation of the commission led to considerable public discussion about the possibility or the United States returning to some form of a gold standard, s uch as re_gu iring t h at a .percentage of all paper money be backed with gold. The commission rejected such ideas in February, saying it would not be "a fruitful method for dealing with the contmuing problem of inflation.'' It did recommend minting of a new gold coin, which would be exempt from capital gains and state sales taxes. AP ...... SEAL SAVERS -Canadia n Cons ul General John R. Sh arpe looks at Greenpeace d~mons.trators Sar~ Cc:x>ney. left and Viv ia Boe as they sit chained l() chairs m the con~ulate in Seattle Monday. The two were protesting the slaughtering or harp a nd hooded seals. Police cut.fh~ ~hains and arrested the pair who face up to 180 days m Jail and $1.000 fines. Minneapolis plam closure of schools MINNEAPOL IS (A P ) - One-fourth of the eleme11tary a nd secondary schoo ls io. Minneapolis will be closed and the school district reorganized· as part of a plan to condense the system, officials say. The s hutdown , a pproved Monday on an unan"imous vote of the city School Board, is the largest closure of schools in Minneapolis history, exceeding the closing of l+ schools in 19'2 when the system suffered an enrollment decline ·El even of the 17 schools marked for closure are to be sold for parks and housing. The remaining six are to be·retained by the district. most as ·•human resource centers," and could be pressed back into service if enrollment should unexpectedly increase. According to board members, the shutdown is not due to this year·s enrollment decline but to an accumulation of excess space over the past several years. Election protests demanded Military candidate holds lead in Guatemala GUATEMALA CITY (AP> - With the government's military candidate for president leading by 46,000 voles, two of his civilian opponents called on the public to demonstrate today in Guatemala City's main square to support their charges of vol .. fraud. Gen. Angel Anibal Guevara hold·his lead all day Monday but apparently was not going to get the majority needed for election. If he does not, the outgoing congress will decide between the two top candidates Fighting boosted in El Salvador SAN SALVADOR (AP > - Leftist guerrillas stepped up their attacks on government troops around El Salvador. calling it a show of force against the U.S.-backed civilian·military junta. Military officials said at least 30 guerrillas were killed Monday in fighting around San Miguel. El Salvador's third largest city, 70 miles east of the capital They released no army casualties Reagan boycott in Parliament? LONDON <AP> -Opposition Labor Party legislators threatened today to boycott President Reagan when he NIWS BRllfS addresses Parliament in June, and there were suggestions the President might hear heck.ling from those who do attend. The legislators are displeased that Labor leader Mi chael Foot was not consul ted about the invitation to Reagan to make the s peech to both houses ~f Parliament on June 8. Con11ie Francis' life threatened PLAITEVlLLE. Wis. <AP> - Singer Connie Francis. who was to appear here in support of a group seeking to recall a judge, received death threats and has decided to cancel the visit, her agent says. A citizen's group is seeking to reca ll Grant County ·Circuit Judge William Reinecke · because of statement he made in a sexual ·assault case . In sentencing a 24 -year-old ma11 last December, Reinecke said' the 25-year ·old victim was a "promiscuous young lady." 'Soviet chemical warfare flayed WASHINGTON <AP) -The Reagan adminis tration , stepping up its public charges that the Soviet Union is using chemical warfar e in Argbanistan, says thousands of people have died in recent Soviet chemical a tta c k s on the Afghans. The chemical strikes are "a particularly heinous aspect" of the Soviet campaign to subdue Afghan rebels that has been going on since the Red Army entered Afghanistan more than two years ago, a top State D e partment oHicia l told Congress on Monday. Ex-solon qui ts ~e for Senate NEW YORK (AP) -Bruce Caputo, who dropped his U.S. Senate campaign in the midst of a furor over his inaccurate c laims of having bee n a Vietnam-era draftee and an Army lieutenant, is "anxious to get back to his life," an aide says. The former congressman i ss ued a three-paragraph s tatement Monday through ca mpaign manager John : S heehan, sayi ng be was abandoning the race for the : Republican Senate nomination "with d ee p regret and , cons iderable heartache." 1 ·Gas· prices going down World 'oil costs· continue to /all due to weak demand NEW YORK CAP) -Guolloe prices wW contin\M to fall un1 ... 'OPEC eountrlu, alrtady painlully abort ol cub btc:aUM or tb• world reee11lon, can a1ree next week on a further oU production cutback of 15 perceat, analyata HY. • IU[Rll Smith believes the Saudi• wUI I "pull out all atopa" to defend the current benchmark prlce. He World oll prices bave been falltq beca ... of weak demand, · promptlna American oil com paniea to cut wholesale 1asollne·price1 by up to 8 centa earlier WI month and wuchlna otr •~au.red iaa wars at the retail level. ,· Saudi Arabia said it cut production by 1 million barrels a day on March 1. And' OPEC's president, Sheik Mana Saeed Oteiba of the United Arab EP\irates said last weekend the Oi'ganhation of Petroleum Exporting Countries would ''defend ... against all pressure attempts aimed at reducing the organization's ofriciaJ prices." "I don't think they're going f~r enough to make a big difference for now," said James Bock, an i nternational economllt at St.a.odard OU Co. (Indiana). Analyst.a see UWe chance that prices will atablU&e in com.inc weekl unless Saudi Arabia wtns 11reement from other members at tbelr Mareh 19 meeUne to cut their productioo as well. Thal ts becau.ae demand for oil remains weak due to recession in the lndualriallsed West. Wltbout more widespread OPEC production cuts, the Saudi action will be diluted by other members seeking to sell more oil to increase their export incomes. • "It's eolng to take somelhi.ng pretty dramatic to reverse the situation ," said Stephen A. Smith, director of energy services at Data Resources Inc .. an economic research firm. He estimat.ei; excess oil supplies on world markets at 600 million barrels, far abov~ normal levels. Employees, sign up for the family health and dental care program that actually · ~ the care. ' . said aeveral OP.EC members would have to Joln Saudi Arabia ln cutting productJon by a total of at leut 3 mUllon barrel.a a day from the 1roup'1 current estimated output of 20 million - a IS percent cutback. Without such a collective effort, non·OPEC prices will continue to rail and OPEC's market position will weaken further, Smith said. The chances of an OPEC agreement to collectively reduce output would appear slim, however , base d on past performances and the current financiaJ pinch on Nigeria, Iran and some other cartel members. The group feuded ror two years before agreeing last October to realign its price structure. Unlike Saudi Arabia, other OPEC members cannot sharply reduce production without cons iderable economic pain .~ Iran is reported desperate for hard currency to finance its war with Ira . for your eyes for you.r teeth for your body right down ~to your toes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---1 ---------------• • I .-T I *"' I$._.. 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It's a Health Maintenance Organization that actually helps keep you healthy w ith its own medical centers. . . . . . We provide the dentists. The doctors, 1ncludtn~ medical spe.c1altsts. Emergency care. Hospitalization. Eye care. Preventive care that includes regular checkups. Even family counseling. Yet FHP may cost you no more than ordinary medical insurance. And you don't pay a 20% or 10% deductible for care received at FHP centers.• No annoying claim forms to fill out, either. Thousands of Southern ---~~~-A-fE-DE~RATl-lV-QU~A-l-tfl~ED~HMO-:-=-~~~-.... California employees have signed up with FHP- the health care program that gives you more than just insur- ance for your money. So can you. Contact your personnel . office now. And let us start ~ring for you and your family. Head to toe. •A ~.00 to $4.00 co-payment 119' vl1lt ma)' f/pPly to SOl'H ,.nl. C ttU'H' ' \ v Liquor sellers held liable SAN DIEGO (AP> -By a 2·1 vote, a state appeals court ruled that licensed sellers or alcohol ' who sell liquor to minors can be sued and held liable for injuries reaultlne from drunk.en driving accidents. The decision, certain to have Implications throughout CaliJQrnia, Is believed to be the first of its kind in the state since 1978 when the Legislature weakened a CaUJornia Supreme Court decision by limiting liability for providers ol alcohol. The 4th -District Court of Appeal, in a 15-page opinion handed down Monday, made an exception to a series of statutes enacted in 1978. In 1971, the high court said third parties, such as bartenders, could be sued if they provided liquor to people who then drove and were involved in automobile accidents. But in 1978, when the Supreme Court extended the liability theory to social hosts who furnished alcoholic bevera~es to g}.lests. the Leizislature enact..ed statutes to repeal third-party liability which the high court had created. The statutes eliminated liability ror all providers or alcohol, except for licensed sellers or liquor "to any obviously intoxicated mjnor." ............. IN CONTEMPT -Glenn Bunting, a reporter for the San Jose News, was found in contempt of court for refusing to divulge news sources. His 60-day jail sentence was stayed Monday a nd a March 22 hearing ordered. Ornngu Coa~t DAil y Pll ()T If Ull'lu<.1y M.1rc It lf JIJ8~ H I Utility boo ts flayed SACRAMENTO <AP) Nei.rly 1,000 ut1llty customers gathered on the Capitol s teps to protest agains t ris mg electricity rates. They came Monday from as far north as Oregon ~ as far i.outh as Bakersfield. Wa ving placards, they s houted , "We want Brown." Bue Gov . Edmund Brown Jr. was in San Francisco attending a meeting. They did, however . raise Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, D-San Francisco , wbo to.d them , "as fellow ratepayer, whose bill has gone up $200 since Nov. 1, I am prepared to do anything" to push for reli e f fr om the "increased incredible cost.'' Wednesday, fytarch 10 Thursday, March 11 Please 1om us to preview the ST JOHN Knits, Spnng '82 Colloct1on and meet representative Helen Dzo Dzo M;n; Fashiqn Sh.ow Wednesday, March 10. 11 ·oo A. M . Informal modeling each day 12:00-3:00 In our Designer Salon, upper level. Saturday, M,arch 27 through Sunday, April 11 We are happy to present "DARCY CREATIONS" Limited edition of unique. humorous and elegant bisque doll collection in our La Galleria, lower level. AS Vidal gores Brown in speech Judy Stillwell of Lake County, a goat farm~r who has organize d protests throughout Northe rn C-altk>1"ni-a, said the protes ters' "coalition " wants Brown to declare a state or emergency in Northern California and release "crisis funds " to help resident.S pay for high bills. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gore Vidal, who said he would file Tues day for tbe Democratic · nomination for U.S. Senate, began sounding less like an internationally known writer and more like a campaigning politician trying to discredit his major opponent -California Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Jr. "I'm concerned with politics .-tax reform and war and pec:ce -and he's concerned with the m echanics or getting elected," Vidal s aid of Brown. T h e governor is cons idered the front-runner for the June 8 primary. U coroner under fire LOS ANGELES (AP) -County Coroner Thomas Noguchi, who says be bas been asked t~ resign, has been berated in a management audit for being detached . absent from work , unavailable, and too involved in private consulting. The audit by the county chief administrative officer details a host or problems in the operation of the coroner 's office, among them lack of staff, equipment, and space. but also "lack of adequate central management and controls because of significant absenteeism and unavailability of the department head." Mystery cloud acid? S AN FRANCISCO <AP> -Preliminary findings indicate that a cloud circling 10 miles above the earth is made of tiny droplets or sulfuric acid from a volcanic eruption somewhere in Africa or Asia, researchers say. A mes Research Center scientists hope to confirm today those findings, issued Monday and based on a s tudy of sample~ collected Saturday by a U-2 reconnaissance plane which passed through the cloud at 50.000. 55,000 and 00,000 feet over the Gulf of Mexico. Ground spraying begins SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Government officials prefer the pesticide Carbar y! for getting rid of the destructive gypsy moth in Santa Barbara County, but protesters against ground spraying the chemical say there is no evidence the spraying will make any difference in battling the infestation. Ground spraying is planned in the $1 million effort to eradicate colonies of the moths that can destroy foliage on about 500 different kinds of trees and other plants In the caterpillar stage, a single gypsy moth can eat one square foot of foliage per day. Proteste r chains self ANGELS CAMP (AP) ~ A 30-year-old San Francisco woman has chained her ankle to an oak tree near the water level of the New Melones Reservoir in an effort lo k~p it from being filled. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation filed a trespassing complaint with the Tuolumne County s herifrs department. But Sheriff Wally Berry said late Monday that county and federal attorneys hadn 'l decided whether to use county or federal law in efforts to expel the woman, Linda Cloud. 2 CARS ~nd TRUCK'S.:_•.;. I . ALL MdES~ 833'-0555 . Ask For Ray, WSl SPfCIAUST at HOWARD Chevrolet c-ol Do.--o.-111• -~E.CM ·Help yourself to a Heaping selection of Quallried Hopefuls JntheDAlLY PILOT KELP WA NTED ADS Facts of Law by lefty J. Fern-el, Atty. "[( a man stayed away from his wife for seven years. the law presumes the separation to have killed him (e.g .. that he is dead): yet, according to our dally experience. It might well prolong hJS life." Lord DarhnR. English Justice • Jurors should oot discuss the case they're working on with anyone-lawyers. the press. their families. even fellow jurors-until deliberation in the jury room . * * A BINDER is a tempor'ary contract. actually a written legal document. For example, your insurance agent may give you a binder to show coverage until your policy Is ready. * * The tenant in rented quartera Is obligated to leave the residence in the same condJtlon as it was when he moved in . unles.s the owner accepts his "Improvement.a." • • In Kentucky, It's against the law to 10 to sleep in a J""l'ft8uranL * * t.eg11I coun se l i s l available at the law otrlces of 8 J Farrell. 695 Town Ce nte r Dr .. Suite 800. Costa Mesa. "He's rather worse off than say, belonging to an oil company, which he claims he does not," Vidal , 56, charged. "He befongs to his own ambition. He wants to be the president. He doesn't kn"w why he wants to be the president. He hasn't anything to offer. He just, he wants to be the pres ident." \oulh ( CJ<HI P/J/il. I J JI Hfl~tol )lf('f'I, (mid Me~d. J I .. • •• .. l-\~St KING SIZE Bo•80's less than O.QI mg tor Box IOO's less lhon 0.01 mg tor NOW1 I J Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ~ lm.oe tin eorof au bmnd ' BOX. 80X IOO's· lass then 0.01 mg ttrei". 0.001 mg. nteot1111 .. SOA PACK 85's FllTER. MENTHOL 1 mg ~iat. 01 1119 nicotine. SOR PACK 100's FILTER. MENlHOl. 2 mg. "111" 0.2 mg. nicotine. ev per crgarent by RC method ., . ·,_ ~ '" ~·· .. ,r-- ' _., J ti r• ., . . , . ,, .1, j • ·: , .. .... . .. ., •1, .. ~ ... .. .. •• .. "I ,1 .. ·· . .. ' .•.• • I ·' l u .! l , ., I ·I •:' . . ' '" . I II \ • OrongeCoast DAILY PILOT!tuesday, Marc h 9, 1982, H/f 11 I ~II\' -EVENltG- •:oo ID. NIWI ~·AHGfll • D WHfT11HAOOW G) THE JEllJ'!AIOHI • HAWAM~ ID UNOEMTAHDING HUMAN IEHAVIO'I "S41'\410fY Oel>flv•t1on" C88NEW8 IIDI ABC NEWS QIN8CNlW9 0MOVIE •• \.\ "~lhc>w" (19801 P1ul M oCutn•y and Wlng1 fhll r«:Otd Of the t>an0'1 U.S. lour lnc;tUdM perl0f'm11ne" ot "Jet," "Band On The Aun." "Slffy LOW Songt" and 80f'M Old Beat .. b .... da. 'PO' 8:30 m WELCOME BACK. l<OTT£1' fl) PlEOOE IAEAK Regulatly IChaduled pro- gramming may be cMI•~ due to pi.dge btMlt1. m> 8U8INESS AEl'ORT ())QINEWS 9 BARNEYMl~A tftl LEFTY, THE, OIHOAUNG LYNX Ml)'! Nul1« narr•t• the ~ _bf L~ Qlb wtlO lrlM to find hla wey In the wlldernau (P111 11 (S)EU81E A splrtlacl Hlbuta 10 the genius of compot« Eub .. Blue. 1 .. tur1ng 2• of hie beal M>ngS lncludloO ''In Honaysucl<.. Time" end "I'm Just Wiid About H•r· ry .. CZlMOVIE •••• "NetwOfk" (1978) F•Y• Oun1way, Wiiiiam HOiden An aging lelevi· alon newaman WhOM rat. lngs eta 11MdUy allpplng becOf'llM a rlrlllng prophet ot 1111 alfwa .. IP'"'acl on by a etalty tamale pro- Q!_lmmlng IJlec:utlva. 8:s6 tD 8U8IH£88 AEPORT 7l00 II C88 NEWS 0 NBCNEWI 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN • A8CNEW8 0 YOU A8l<ED FOR IT F•tu<acl "H9 Hengl By His Toat From A Hatleop. lar" and "'Ant W1r1are. ·• m M•A•S•H Hawttav-and B.J dlacover Charle8 IMng the liht ot Riley due to tM anantlOnt of ,,.. IMtllally paid KotNl'I _..,.,.., • JOt<ER'S WIU> (I!) DICtC CAWTT G~t Dr. Rober1 eo... (Part 1)(R) (I) P ..M. MAGAZINE A woman WhO .. paid to alt In audlencaa and laugh at parlor,,,..,· )okn; bUkat· bell star Magic John90n returns to hla l!Ometown. ®) ENT£RTAINMENT TONIGHT An lnteNiew with Aoberl U•ICh Qt THE MUPPE'T8 G~t· Elhal Mennen. (Q)THE WAY ITWA8 7:06. KCET NEWSeEAT WITH CLETE AOeE.ATS 7:30 U 2 ON THE TOWN F .. tured Stave IM• a grueling physic.I; visit Cal Toc:h on Nallonal lttltute o1 Heallh "Ollctl Day," wMr1 ~lOr• match •ll• ag1ln1t 1 the undergrads 0 0,!F~YFEUO 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY Laverna 1•11• for her draamboat apartment· CHANNEL LISTINGS U. KN.XT <CBSJ 0 0 KNBC (NBC! l 1 0 KTLA (Ind I .. e KABC \ABCI rt) 0 KFMB <CBSI m 0 l(HJ TV (Ind l it1l O KCST IABCI (D KTlV (Ind,) [$) 'II) KCOP·TV (Ind) " ID KCET (PBSI 8 e KOCE IPBS) HIOH STAKES -James Garner in two-hour Maverick episode about high sta kes poker gam e . Tonight at 8 Of\ KNBC (4l complex manao-8 EYEOHLA. F .. tuted: a vttlt to a Neu· tllua Gym; bodywear faeh- lonl; peyohlo predlcllona · ror t1182. ·~ A di~ Koraen famUy and a gi<I wllh e GI baby cauaa problem• l0t Iha .077th, • (I) TIC TAC DOUGH MACttEIL I L.EHAEA AEPORT '1!) NEWS (ti YOU A8t<B> Fo.. IT "9ahwed·: "Th9 MWI WhO lives With A Monste<" and "Pitying Belglum't 2000- Pound Bells " 8PORT'8 ll.LUSTRA TED: THE FIRST 26YEAA8 "-Cun llOiU • lr'lb-- ute to Sport• llluetralacl't flr•I quarter-century of s1erllng aportl COYe<ll09 ©)NM 8A8KETBAU Kansaa Clty Klng9 VI. LOI Angeles l.akera 1:00 II (I) 8IMOH & SIMON Rick and A.J. are hlracl by A J '1 old glrllrlend to recover her llolen anlls.._ues. 0 Q! 8AET MAVERICK Bret Ma"91'1ck retumt to SWMtwater lor the high 1taltes , "world champion· lhlp PG«« game" aod wind• up winning • .. 1oon and• rand\. (RI Iii STAASl<Y ANO HUTCH "'Murder At Sea" \PW1 I) 8 9° .'HAPPY °-'VS Just as Joanie 11 rMdy 10 go SIMdy, Ch.ctll decides to play the tMlld. (RIO 8 FUPW1UIOH m P.M. MAOAZJHE A woman WhO I• paid to alt in audleocel and l•ugh at perlo<rners' Joi<"; basket· ball 91 at Mag.le Johnaon return• to hls hometown • MOVIE * • 1-' ··TI>e Mlrllpulator" ( 1972) Stephen Boyd, S~· 111 Koaclna. A connMng tMYlllon uacuttw WhO -~around him 10 hi• own advantaoe find• that hla most at1b0tately planned publlc:lty aiunt • bfcicllraa on him. 9 Uf'E ON EARTH . 'Tl>e Rise Of The M11n- mall" Dallld AnanborOUQh looks at pl1typu1ea. Tasmanian devlls, kan- garoos and other odd cr .. tur" In hll account o1 the developm*<lt or mam- mals Q 8'i) NOVA "Pal-Of Oatlghll" A be/\lnd-the·llC-look IS takan at San Francisco'• ExplO<atortum. a unique eclenca museum feeturtng clON IO 500 lllhlbltS 0 ~MOV\E * • • "Ballleground" ( 1949) Van Johnson. John Hodlek Ame<icen soldlen of rhe 10151 Alrbofna OM· alon engege In lhe French campaign and the Bettle or the Bulge. On·TV l TV HBO (Cinemaxl (WORl NY ,NY (WTBSl IESPNI < St!owtiml') Sp0t11gh1 tC•ble News Nelworl\) ·. (l)MOYll **'A "8W1tln' l.OOM " I tN 1) Rlofwd PtyOI, Clo9- ty T~. A buo>bllng bur· _glat, • oonoarned Kh<>Olteeot. lll1CI .. Cllllclten Mall• • 111ght- lng CfOM-COUnlry trip In a broken-dOWn adlool bua. 'R' DMOYll ••• "I Sant A Letlar To My Love" (11181) Simona Slgn0tet, .1M11 floc:Mfor1 A middNl-eged woman wN> hU apent moat of hit adult llfe CMlng f()( ,.., lnvalld brother dacldaa to Wfll• • lett« to • -~ par lonely ,_,, oolumn ·pa· t:*>. 9 LAVERNE I 8HR.EY The antW. ~J>918J!lb­ ut• to Ille wot'ld of anter- tllnrnant. Including apoole ol lllT>OU9 Q9«U 0 m AU IH THE FAllMl Y Ardlle panles wile!> Edl1h ln\111" an Old 9Ch004m•t• todlnn« ®MOVIE **I" "DraaHd To Kiii" (1980) MIChHI Caine, Angle Dlc:llln90n. p~ ... ,Ch 10< lhe ptychotlc murderer wtlO butch«ad a llUbu•ban houMwlte. 'fl' (%)MOVIE • • "Tiii M1rrlag41 Do Us Part" ( 19711) Lauri Anto- netti A yQUng bride finds her conlutlon over h« MW ure c:on'lpoundacl wnen lhe learns tNt the man &he hu mamad 19 Klueily her brother. 'R' 8-;00 II (I) MOW: · "Bafwean Two BfotherS" (Prernletel MICllMI Bran- don. Pal Harrington. A prominent attorney trie. to make amend• for giving up on hla emotionally troubled brother wf\er\ he nMded -~~AND HUTCH "Murder Al S.." (Plrt 2) •Ill THAEE'8 COMPANY A vlt ltlng rood crOlc d*Cldle tllel J-and Terri ara much more appetizing lh.,, Jack'• c:u4- 11na.o 0 INU. Y GRAHAM CMJIADE 8) MERVONmH e Pl.EDGE MEAi( ~larty echedulacl pro- gramming may bl delayed due 10 pledge breelct 9: 10 fll NVEA CW SAND Cemeraa capture the ax1raordlnary anlmal behavior exhlbllacl when • IOU•·)'Mr drought atrlk" the Tlve River In Kenya 9: 15 '1!) LIFE ON EARTH "The RIM Of The Mam· male" David AllenbOroogh looks •t pl1typuaes, Ttamanlan ~··· kan-garoos and other odd craatures tn his accounr or Iha cleYelopment ol mam- mals O .. .30 IJ ®) TOO CLOSE FOfl COMFORT S81a/1 QOM Into bualneu lor heftell, making and sehlng cookleS from • Grandma Aulh recipe ©)MOVIE * * "The Exterminator" ( 1980) Cl'lrlatopher George, Samantha EOQ•• Aller hie war budd)' 11 left paralyz:ad b)' • New Yor11 youth gang. a Vietnam WI declda1 10 take hit ravenge by murdering s1rM1 crlrnlnala through 9rueaome, 1ortuou1 ~ns.'R' 10:00 D CllJ IAA8AAA MANOAe..L AHO THE MAH~ 8l8TERS Guests: Tony Ortan<lo. B.J Thomas (R) eam• NEWe •di HARTTO HAfn l 1W1 Hlftt 1t1emo1 to c;leal a ffleno rr..y bellell1I hU ~ tramed l0t the mur diaf of a aedUC'tM hW ... ~MOYll * * "Oltt Frlell<l1" I 1t1•1 Malanle Mayton. Ell W9'· laoll. A yovno woman '-n• the c:erdlnel rulM or romlftCle II)' ""9Khln0 Ille ''fllnot"' of ..., ei-1 ltland and cMclOlllO 10 hl"9oneh«Mlf (l)MOYIE •• "~• From The OMc>" PNOI Doug M cClt.1te, Ann Turkel Loarhec)me ctMtutea trom the OOMn'• depthe attaoll a ~ OOM1el town. llMlng the man Md rlPlng 1"9-.'R' .MOYW •• \41 "UCU. .... Metil«" ( ttNIOI Wll1ar Matthau, Jtllle Andr-. 8aMd on tM Oemorl Runyon •tOfY A grvtf, !Ming)' 1130a booll • le'• ... It tu.-'* around when he aocap41 • 6-~­ old lftOOCMll M • rnartler f0t a '**'II bee. 'PO' to: 11 • THt! NaMOH eurra: JllfftM luttl• tluattataa • IOI.If ltwOUgh lhe hum.,, br'llln and Qelllfal nttwue •Y•t•m w ith epeclal atlecta, animation •nd 1n1arvlaw1 with guHI . .,,.,, .. (H)(Z)MOYIE • • 111 ,"Th• Po•tma n Atwaya Ring• Twice" (19811 Jack Nlcholaon, Jeuk:a Lange A young woman eno het ~ plot lo murder her hutband 'R' 10'.aC> • NEWS C!) NA TlONAL OEOOAAPHIC SPECIAL "Egy~ Queel F0t Eterni- ty" The w«ke Of flam-II -leetu.-acl In • IOok at IOtYll m•)OI' archMC>logleal projects which 8fe uncov· «Ing and pral«'llng the tega.oy of th•' Egyptian pllaraol\a.Q tCUO (Q) TMl IS YOUA DAY 11:008 D D (I) lll CllJ NEWS 8 SAT'UN)AY NIGHT HOit Katen Bl.c:Jl Guest John Prine. 0 l(()JAj( ~ from the loroe, Kojalo ralr.aee 1111 llep• to -II he ahot rhe wrong mw1. (Pert 2) 8) THE JEFRA80N8 George roc:tU1t1 Tom to .. ,,. the day In the bowling ...,.,,., ... .SANFOAOANOSOH ThrM )ewat thlevee look IOt IOM90f'4I to ll'IWOQ .. their oem• out o1 Haw111 (Part IJ 11:118' DICKCAVUT Gu.I: Dr. Rober1 Colee (Part 21 11:30 • (I) Al.ICE Alice ....... Job ... alng... « et Herman'• Hllctllng Poat_JR) D CllJ TONIGHT ~ l'lo91: Bill Colby Guaatt: Max Aoectl. Pala Bairt>utll, Morgen Falrchlkl. 89MC..WS HIGtfTUNE • AU. .. THE FAMI\. Y FollOwtng • robbery, • etoc>tt brealta Into the Bunker home to avoid cap. ture b)' the pouce. ., LOVE. AMENCAN STYlE "love And The Prlv•le Eye" MeMn. • mut., Of d..-. datlllere a i.toa PIYf oll to a tycoon {C)MOVIE * * * "Slay Hungry' ( 111761 Jeff Bridges, Sally Fleld. The Offbeat scion of en Old Southern family trlea to sa-.. • ~ gym l•Of'n the 1111\da or real aatat• epeculators (Q)MOVIE "Mora Th•n Slllert" (19801 lull• Murrey'A wom1n aaperlence1 t>ttarr• dr .. ma WHATS UP AMEAICAI 11;.tO. l<CET NEW88EAT WTTH Cl.ET£ AOeERTS ·-"9>NIGHT- 12:00 8 SHA NA NA G.-t: Fracldle Cannon 8 (ti FAHTNIY ISLAHO A woman want• to reYolu- tlonl:ra ~ and • plumt>er draamt of llvtng Htca a king, (fl) D MOY1E * * ~ "Tl>e Mask Of She- ba" ( 11169) Walter Pld· oeon. 1noer st-• A MatCfl perty Miii<• missing memt>ere of a 18lart who have Wflh them a prlcelets ;t: • •'h "Th1t Min In lala.n· bul" f 11188) Horal TUBE TOPPERS KNBC Q 8,00 "Bret Maverick." Brl't M1wt>r1ck ln hii;h stak<•.s world cha mpionship poker games. (See photo at left> KA IK fl 8 :30 "l..ttvern e & ,, Shi rley." Entire ~ung pays tr1hute to tht• world of entertainmtt nl. KNXT fJ 9:00 "Between Two Hrothttr~ " Micha el Brandon. Pat Harrington star in movie premiere. (See story below.) KNBC It 10:00 Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters ... Tony Orlando and 8 J Thomas guest. lluohlloCI, Marlo Adorl. A ~ ,...,_.,.. F8t aoen• poalng M a etrlppet to -• kldNlpped Id· lftuet ·LOYE.~ 8'T'YLI I:::: ON IOCIETY *** "All Night Long" (11111) Get\e Haclo:m1111, BNbfa Str.i.ano AllM being dernolad from CO<· porat• ...Wtl"9 to chal~ "°'* night manaoat. • mlddi.-.oacs man'• Ill• style Wld v~ •r• turned upllde-down 'fl' t:t06 • (I) Wl<AP IN ~Tl FOl'rntt baMball m.anaget Sparky And«ton la nlracl 10 hoal Wl<RP's ..-..1 aporta allow (RI 12: 15 CID THE-.ST cw 'ON LOCATION' ROl>«1 Klekt hoate a Mlec:· lion ol routW-performed by the 118'1ous comadlen• • • Including RoOln w uuams, Biiiy Cryll.. and Devld Branner •• who have ~eel on Home Box Ollice'a atend~p comedy _ ... 12':30 D CllJ LA TE NtOHT WITH OAvlO lE1TERMAH Guetta dog tralne< Barba· ,. WoodhOUM. "Farmer• Almanec' 1d11or Ray G.ioer 8 MOV1c ••'It "Fright" I 19721 Sunn George, Honor Blackman A baby litter •nd h« chatO-.,. thr .. t· anacl by the ehll<I'• lnlane lath« g) NEWS NATIONAL F1NAL8 CW THE 1N 1 9IO lAFf Off 'The best ,_ comadl•n• ate l•turacl N Iha reglon- al wlnnet'I of lhe Big Lall Ott comp11e agalnlt one 11\0ther (Z)MOVtE * •111 "RodtlhOw'' (1980) Paul McCartney and Wlnga. ThM rec:onl of lhe band'• U.S. tour lnCludea perlormanoaa of "Je1, .. "Band On The Run ... "$Illy .LCMI Sof'Q8'' and aoma Old 8eelle bellads. 'PG' 1t-AO • (I) MOCl.OUO , • ., MO'<(liE. • * ~ "The Dirty Gama" (111M) Het\'Y Foncle, Aol>- ert RyWI An Amarlean 99\1 dlief t'11a11t9 11VM 04 lhe most dartng aap1o111 1n hi• car0« t;tOIJ MOVIE * * "Swingen P811dlM '0 (1985) CMll Richard, Walter Slelalc When one of Ila -bar• It hired as a stunt man. a alng4ng group muaaefllm 0 NEWS 1:15~MOVIE * * *'It "The Wiid Child" f 19701 Jean·P .. ..,e Cargo'. Francoll Trultaut An 18th· oen1ury phyllclan attempts 10 clvlllze • t2-yaar-old boy found IMng wlld In the '°'"''of F•ance 'G' 1:30 D EHT'ERTAINMEHT TONIGHT An 1n1.,.._ wllh Robert Urich ·= • • • '-' "EyawltneH" (11181) Slgoufney w-. WMllam Hurt A televlllon report« ~ lnvotved with a janitor wN> may know mote abou1 a mut· der that NI wlt.-..cl than "9l1aaying 'R' 1:48 CID MOVIE ***'n "Alie., Sw .. t Alice" ( 1978) Lindi Mill«, Paula Sheppatd Member• o l an llallan-Arnerlcan family -\/lctlml:rad Dy A ~yehOtlO murderer In 11\elr mldtt. 'R' 2:001 NEW8 MOVIE • • "Kiiier Shark'" ( 1950) Rodd)' Mc:Dowalt, l.uratta l ue:r A shartl boal II lakan out by a young m111 on • 11aca110n (S)MOW ** "Savage WMkend"A weekend holldey blcomaa a nlghtm.,. ror IMt friend• WhO .,. atalllacl by a t.lller 'fl' 2: 15 (%)MOVIE • * • .,.. "Glcnrna Shell«'" (1970) Routng Stones. Jef. tenon Airplane Thi• docu- mentary or the RolHng Stones' 111811 American tour lncludea scenes or the rioting and murder II 811 Altamont Speedway ,, .. Concerl. 2-..26 8 NEWS ~·MOVIE * * • "Home Before Oatk" (11158) Jean Sim· rnons. Rh<.nda Flaming A ~woman 11ruogles to adjust lo eoc: .. 1y lollOWlng her conflnem«rl l0t • nervoua brMl<down. 2:40 . NEWS 2:48 (C) MOVIE • * * "The Hell11rom Cl'lronlc;le" (1971) Docu· mentwy. N9rTated by Law- rence Preasman. The var· ltd ..,,.,.,,., technlquaa of lnMc:b. wNcfl may _,IU• ally put them Into dlract and ~ cornpeCl- tlon •Ith man, are r......acs. ... ~ * 11t "My Low" ( 1977) 9uun Dey, Wiiiiam Katt. A young COUj)le h-dllflcul· ty Ntabllahlng • ,..., , .... tJoneNc> In ll'le lace 04 modern moral codel 1:30 MOVIE • • "Humanoid• From The Oeep" (1980) Doug McClure, Ann Turkal loatl'llor'ne cr .. tura from Iha oc:.an'I deplhl attack 1 Calllornla coaslll to.n, ltilllng lhe men and raping 1111 women 'fl' 0 ntE POINTER 8t8TEA8 Anita. Ruth and June per- lorm In a concert featuring 'Are," "Ves We Can Can" 1nd "th'a So Shy .. 3:36 ) BARAY MAHILOW IH CONCERT Manllow perlorma a MleC· lion of hi• htt1. 4:00 U MOVIE •*'I\ "l<ldnapped" ( ,9481 Roddy McDowell. Sue England 8asad on lhe Classic by floberl loult JOHN' DARLING T'M RE'ALL Y GOING TO Ml'SS EVERYONE HERE Al CHANNEL. ONE, J AN! 'Two Brothers' premieres tonight fRUFFELL'S 11--: UP_HOLSTERY \ _ 11 •. iiif,. ._, SIM., -. ~ t •22 HAlllOlt IL YD. 1COSTA. MESA. -541·11561 Lifelong bond tested by different lifestyles, goals at-A roung bOy ia eocll.!Gt.S w Miit 10 - -part Of hi• wlekld unc"' • p1en to ~airJI hi• lnfteril-• (%)MOW "~O'E1at" 4; 11 (,C) t.ICMI • • • "l a1t1eorouno" ( UMt) VWI Jot\neoll, JoM HodW!ll Al'naflClan .olOler• Of Illa 101tt ~Ill Dlvt e6on Mgo1108 In lhe F rendl Olltnc>algn jltld th9 841ttle ol • Illa~ .... MOll'll * • "8*f)ttate Weya" (lNOl IVlten 8ladl. Tony Lo ~ A youno COU- ple't fallur9 to ~· Cate -ly ,..,, .. In Iha deottructlon Of !halt mlf• tlage "A' 1t'ednf'sda1,.• Daytl•.-/tlo.,1.-• -Me>Rte«i- 1.ao CH> *. * 1A "'e.dknobe And 8t00tnatleka" (197 IJ MQela L.anebury. Devid Tornltnaon CS)*•'-' "S~a In Time" (1D80) CMtlopher flMVe, Jana Seymour Ot>eaaaacl with Jhe portr alt ol a 1Dl~lury actr-. • modwn-day Hew York pl•ywrlghl U9M hypno1l1 to travel bade In llm<I and mMthar 'PO' ltOO Ct * * 11t 'It "Tile W1y We Were " (1973) Bubr• Stralta/1d, Robet1 Redford A yoong COiiege c;oup .. In the 111309 discover lhl l rhat< po1111ca1 dlllerencea are strong anougn to ieoo· ardlze their m11rlage 8:15 (%) **•\It "Gimme Shet- lar" ! 19?0Hlolllno SiOMa.. JelletM>n Airplane Thlt docurnenrary or the Rolling Stonee' 1969 American lour lnctudet ecanes ol lhe rlotl.ng and murder al an Altamont SPM<lw•y lree concet1 9:00 CC) * * '" "Aar«ip" ( 19691 Raquel We4ch, James Sta· cy~ A blau111u1 voung go- go dtncer It pursued IO Los Angetu by a deranoed, parenolec killer WhO bel'*'-" I h81 Siie IS the cauae 01 1"41 failure ol his marriage llo;iO m •'It "Frontier Horizon ( 1938) JoM W•yna. Jen. niter J~ A promoter tchemeS lo sw!ndle ranch· ar1 out or their l•nd on o<der Jo build a dam lo< a rneNolr 10:00 Ill•• "LOii Horfwn ( 1937) Ronald Colman Jane Wyan A lc1dnapped dlpromat dlacovers the Hlma1ay1n kingdom of Shengrl·l.ll. I pl-QI eternal peace and 1mmor. lallty ("S) * * • "Th41 Tender Trap" ( 11155) Debbie Rey· nolda, Frank Sinatra A IDPhltllC•l•d b•Chelor down on marriage ,,,_,. • Q!!1 who traps him U * *'/\ "Bmy JIQ ( 197 t) Tom Laughlin Delor.. Taylor An ••· Gr_, Beret hall-breed ct1emplon1 the cause or • freedom SCllOOI lor runa-••vs on •n Ariz.one Indian r_,,,allOn 10:46 CZJ * * "Flits Of Fury (1973) 8rUC4I L ... Marta VI A martial arts ei.perl finds unexpec:tacl dange< When he g<>411 IO work In a Bang koll Ice laclory 'R' 11:00 ~ • * "LoYing Couples (19801 Shirley Mtclarne James Coburn. A married couple end a pair of young single$ swttch partne<s In • game of lllettyle semphng and romanllc revenge 'PG' 12:00 (iJ II • °SWISS Mias 119381 Stan Laurel Ot1ver Hardy Two men Ml oul on a rom&nllc Atl)lne-advl'n- lure m * • "The Bedford lnr;1 denl" I 1965) Rlehard Wld· mar II. Sidney Poll •a• World 008'8 h•ng• on lhe deelllOtlll • ---INlftd« ""1'1 ll'\llke Whan he .noouotar1 • •or-'On IUOt'narlNI WhMe on PtVOI. • * * • "FOtelgrl Intrigue" ( 19H) Ao'*1 MllGIWm,~PIO* Alt•r a f)raM llC)tnl't ..... 1111y boa• dlea, he d*CkMe to lnv.at'Olt• the men'• mv-tenous •t (ft)••• ''81n\on" l1MO) Alan Aikin, Autlln llwndie. ton Sclellllat1 et a blttll'r• ty rnl1ldlrec1acl tl'llnll tanl< llOtl...ine. • bumblinO OOI· ieoe orol-that he 11 .,, alitll from out« eot0e ·PO· {S) ••'It "Wh«• The Bui· l110 ROM!" ( 1980) 8111 Mu.-ray. Petw Boyte Jour- nalltl Hunter S Thompaon uaea hi• unor1hodo .. reporting tachnlq~ 10 -aorna of IM M•)OI' po1111ca1 •nd aoclal .,,..,,, ol the lat• 'llOs ano .arry '70. 'R' 12;JIO CZJ * • • "Cev.,...n" ( t98 t) fllll{IO S,arr. Donni• Ouald T"41 c;IQwnlth mem- ber ol • btrely hufflart pralllstorlc tribe ~Ina to disco.., thll br1ln1 and not brown wlll be lhe kay to Ills peopl<il'a ec'.ltvlval 'PO' 1:00 (C1 • • • • Antmal Cracke<a" I 111301 M••ll Bro I hers Margaret Dumqnt Captain Spauld- lng, the Alrican ••plorer, return• lrom e r ece.nr e•Plldlllon lo wreel( havoc al • society m1tton'1 weekandper1y G t:30 0 • • fn111, Elvot ' (1981) Documentary Film rootage 11n<1 drama11c r&- creeuons 1r11 uM!CI 10 1ell the SIOfy 01 Et"'5 Pratley $ hle•nd car- 2l00 • H • • · fl'll Rolt+ctcinV Ad11en1uro6 0 1 Eliza FrU6f" ( 19761 Suw11neh Vo<\\. Jonn Waltirl fhe luaty wof., nl • 191h-<;entury sea cap101n tells. lor a 1ect\4'rOU$ raoue aboard he• hUSDand'' 1h1p 2:06 CZ Coup o Etat" 2:30 $ • • ·~ "Tl~ Grea1 l>fo· mono RoDller~ t 19541 Reo S1<elton Cara Wol· looms A 'IOW•Wllllld iewelor ' apprenlice os c;onneo Df cratty crQOlrs 1n10 recull1n<;1 a C41rlton prec.1ous diamond 3:00 0 • • Guns 0 1 lhe f 1mberland r 19601 Alen Ledd Jeanne Crain town1peop1e teartng lo• lnetr lano oame !og9ers Wf>O have perm1ss1on to ciear • hllls1()11 ':00 2 • ,. • r Rocl.st>Ow t 1980) Ptul MCCBrlMy and w rngs r 111s rocoro or lhe D8nO ~ U S lour 1nc;luQM perlorman<es ''' Jet Beno On The Run Silly love Songs a"o some old Be11111 oauao~ PG • 30 C • • From Noon foll Tnree 119771 Cnarles B•onSl:ln Jill Ireland A d11fll,, IS re<.ru11e0 into 8 rag lag roDbery g11t19 H • • • • , Bedknobs Ano Broomsuc•s' t 197 11 A"Q94• Lan•bury Oevro T om11nson Dunno Wor111 War II a nr.MC .. i O<CerMS and nt>• 1nree f<iung lr111nd• S61 "'I lor 0 moooc 1S1eno wher11 sne 1n1e,,ds. 10 ierun Mough "bout W1,r;h(I &fl IO UM! II aQl1nS1 tne Na.rr~ G $ e 1 lip R1vf'r f IS80) Morgan SIP•or·~ • y0<mg p1011e~r oecorne!. Ob S8S!l>fld w lH'\ 1ev.,nge all!'< n1s "' II' I\ k1lle<I by " toca• lar•o Pa•on "'"o re$1'1r'°1tt; ,,,~ 91H' l ASS 0 • • • ·\1199 o Nu" Troppa 11'1T61 J>nomaled l 11e 1n the m11er11ne "<I" •s saturied P(, 5·•5 2 • • • • Sneonw '' A Oou!'ll t<i4J I 1<1 •~d Wrogt'll Jnv.pn l..otlan When a "'"" CQnies It> ••av Wtltli his 'SJSll"• ;wo ner f;tm- •ly '" ii small West Coa5t 1own hrs n1~(' •• oiaqulkJ w1111 1n11 naqg•ng su•p..:ion innr llP is rt>olly H•• Merry Widow ~lllAr by Armstrong & Batiuk YEAH ... "1 FINALLY KNEW 'THE ADD~ESS Of! EVERY PIZ.ZA ~ PLACE IN 'TONN.' ; Cell 642-5678. Put e few words to work for ou. By FRED ROTHENBERG A~T ... ,,._ ...... , NEW YORK -"Between Two Brothers" is one of those rare television movies that raises questions worth asking, while pointing the way toward answers worth thinking about. gives a care-free appearance to hide bis bitterness. He was rorced to become s urrogate father for Bob after the accidental death of their father. Bob becomes susp1 c1ous wh en his wife, an accountant played with spunk by Helen Shaver,. realizes from Russ's tax information I.hat four of I.he homes burglarized were painted by Russ. Bob refuses to listen at first , but as the circumstantial evidence gets stronger, the measure of this man is that he thinks of his brother's welfare, not his election. SHUTTERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUTTERS The film , starring Michael Brandon and Pat Harrington, is about two brothers whose lifelong bond is tested by different natures, Ufestyles and goals . But beyond this rift, "Between Two Brothers" explores some universal themes: the delicate balance between career and family, the thin line between helping and hurting a family member In trouble, and the integrity of poUUcs. CThe movie airs at 9 toniJht oa C!lannel 2.) That's quite a lot to tackle, but the movie's success Is that It's ent.erUlninc. intelligent and illuminating, despite a plot that occasionally borders on the improbable. Brandon phays Bob Fraaer, a s uccessful lawyer, family man and would·be con1re11mao from hit family's home district., althou&b be now llvet tn Ill ireener suburban aeetloo. Rarrincton ta older brother Ruu, whose drlnllln1 and 11mblln1 baa submarined two m1.rrta1•. a. •tlll runs the family paint buaineal out of a aerate next to hi.I mother'• bouM. Rua ' Glimpse.s of these feelings surface when Bob returns to the family home for blue-collar publicity photos for his congressional campaign. While po&in1 for family ~rtraits, Russ hams it up, trying to upstage his brother. The tension escalates in a one-on.one basketball game that each brother sees as a test of individual mettle. Later, through some well-crafted weaving of background and motherly explanations, we get clues why each man bu chosen, or been forced to choose, a particular direction In life. . '. Meanwhile, Bob's glossy campalp shifts fl"Om the economy to crime, when the dietPlct experiences a doaen burglarles. 1be movie opens with t.he commluloo of one of those buralariea. The ~ar, equipped with .... police band r on his belt. even atopa at U.. refriaerator for a ~r ... It loob like Ruu may be reepomlble for 101M ol lhe mmu, when be starts Uvinc beyond bi.II meaDI. BftauH ol UM depre11ed economy and ebuper compedtlon, Ruu bu been a.Int Jobi~ But he .WI aeeam happJ .. pluck;J, Bob tells hll QIOt.httr. "How t11M would ht act ln front of you?'' she replea. Bob's c ampaign manager, Alex Brock, slickly played by Peter White, bas more of a one-track mind. He bu alten)pled to make political hay by exploiting the incumbent's weaknesses, the job of the image-maker. But when he learns that Russ may be ln trouble, Ale•'s advice Is to sever ties with Ruaa. While Bob is cnppling wltb tbla collf11ctbhls campaitn and inveatiaauoa of his rother tuea up all hil time, pultln1 him al oddl with hla wife. Their relationship, which bad been nued with sophlaUcated humor about thelr love Ille, Ceta tanaled. Jn t.be end, Bob must make aome Important decisions. Viewers ma..y quesUoll hil cholca, t>ut certa1nb' not that u.ey•re wortb contemplat.lDI. 111•1y ..... classified ada . r••• phone fM2-6678 Designed, Finished Installed . ,.... 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINESl; QUALITY SHUT:TEAS AVAILABLE ON THE MARK!T TODAY ••• AT PACTORY DIR•CT PRICDI Cell (7M) Ml 1141 Ol'.Ml!m7 &EIWlll •lllFMt•I fin..._.. Avenu1 •Costa M•. CA RV ' r I . 1111111:1111 Dilly Piiat TU ESDAY, MARC H 9, 1982 CAVALCADE B2 STOC KS 84 COMICS 86 ~ -· Erma Bambeck has some· novel tuays to thaw out hamburger for dinner. .See Page 82. .. ... ~ --·-... · D 0 'Excess beds' may kill Irvine -hospital-plans ---tr By FaEDEaJCK SCllOl'!MEBL Of .. INM¥ ....... An Orange County Health P lanning Council official says it m ay b e diffic ult fo r a n y o rganizat ion t o win state approval for construction of a hospital ln Irvine . Mary McKenzie, chairwoman of a council committee that bas been studying th e county's ,health facilities need throutb 1990, said areas surrounding Irvi ne will have an excess of hospital beds through the end or the study period. NB man's award hiked An Ora nge County Superior Court jury's decision to award a Newport Beach m a n $5.97 m illion in damages against Upjohn Phar m aceutical Co. was inc reased $189,000 Monday by the judge who heard the case. J udge Phillip A. Petty ordered t h e Mi c h i gan -based d r ug company to pay a n over all j ud gment of mor e than $6.15 million to Eric Barkan. In a decision last J anuary, the ju ry found that Barkan was entitled to damages for suffering kidney and spleen injuries after using an antibiotic medication · manufactured by Upjohn. The panel had awarded the UC San Diego student $3 million for pain, discomfort, anxiety, fears and other mental and emotional distress; Sl.25 million for future medical expenses, and $1.72 mi llion for future loss of earnings. Judge Petty added the $189,000 to that totaJ Monday for past m ed ical expens es related to b l ood -c le an si n g di a l ys is treatment whic h Ba rkan must regularly undergo. His kidneys were removed in 1979. Special OC blood needed for children Blood donors who have had chicken pox or shingles within the last three weeks are being sought by Childrens Hospital of Orange County. T he blood is needed for children who have leukemia and ot h er malig n a n t cancer s . Donors must be between 17 and 65 years' old. Le ukemia v1ct1ms have a r ed uced r esis tan r e to other diseases, because dr ugs used in t h e ir t re atme nt lo we r the numb e r o r w h ite or disease-f1 ght1ng cells in the blood. When such a child is exposed lo c hicken pox, the problem be c o m es critical and blood plasma from someone who has recently had t he disease 1s needed for antibodies P rospective donors may call the hospital volunteer offi ce at 997 ·3000 ext 277 Irvine ls split ween two In the "Costa Mesa-Newport project would meet an unmet areas of the county considered so-ca lled plannlng areas used by Beach" planning area, which need , would not have an adverse "overbedded" to be t raded to the council tot.rack the supply of inc ludes the r emainder or im pact on nea rby facilities, m eet needs ln Irvine. hospital beds, existlna use of the Ir vine. t h e r e w o u Id be a would not be an unnecessary "Ir licenses for beds were beds and proj ected de mand. shortage of 53 beds by 1990. duplic ation, that the project 't r ansfe rred to Irvine from There are seven such areas ip Thus. the two areas would have was financially viable and would hQspitals in overbedded areas of the county. 1 a slight excess of beds eight n ot be an u n n e c es s a r Y the county, this mlght overcome According to data contained in years from now. according to ex penditur e or health c are many objections; however, the a r ecently prepared hea lt h the fi gures. dollars." cost of buying such beds and planning coun cil report, the ·'Wh at t his excess of beds Various groups in Irvine havl! building a new facility in Irvine "Orange -Sa nta An a " area, m eans is tha t it m ight be proposed that a hospital be would still be a major issue, which includes north Irvine. will difficult to get the state to grant constructed tl'I serve the city. especially now when health care have 65 hospital beds more than a CON (certificate of need) for a P e rsons must now t..ilvel to costs continue to increase by it needs by 1990. There are now ne w hos pital in Ir vine," Ms. h os pi t a l s in s urrou nding record amounts," she said. 1,806 beds in those a r eas, McKenzie said. communities for hospital care. T he Irvine hospital iss ue a ccordi ng t o the planninst "A CON applicant would have Ms. McKenzie said it might be aside , t he hea lth planning council report. to convmce the st ate that the possible for beds licensed in c o uncil s tud y s hows t h a t ' couotywide there will be an excess or 170 "ac ute care" h ospital beds by 1990 .. That condition will exist despite a projec ted increase i n the county's population to mOl'e than 2 . 3 million p ers o n s . Tbe population today UI about two million. The figures are contained ln a draft report, 1982 Inventory of Health Services and Facilities. The report will be the subject of a p ublic hear ing before the health planning council at 7 p.m. March 16 at the i:ouncll office, 202 Fashion Lane , Tustin. · Oil drilling ban upheld Judge blocks father-son bid to expand Mes a unit 0.11¥ Pl .... -•Y , ....... SIM\' TIPSY TREES Denni~ Johnson. pre~Hh.•111 111 an ~I Camino Real Village a ssociat ion. shows l'Xarnplc· of 1.if'k of c-1l\ m a intena nCl' that bothC'r' r(•<i1d l·nl"- By DAVID KUTZMANN 6f ... o.lt'f ...... l leff Costa Me sa 's prohibition against new oil well drilling has been u phe ld by a n Or a nge Co unty Superior Court j udge • whose ruling blocks a rather-son team's efforts to expand a small drilling operation on the city's .,est side. Judge Phillip A Petty ruled Mo nday that t he cit y's oi l drilling ban was "valid in its present form'· under California law His decision meant that plans by Jerry Barto and his son Craig to drill six new wells on their 25-ac re oil field had r un dry. Petty s aid the Bartos had n'o vested right to drill new wells pending the outcome of further legal proceedings in the case. "I've gambled everything on this." the elder Barto sa id of his s m all , family-r un pet roleum oper ation whic h now has 11 we lls pumping oil from the ground. His property is adjacent to la rger oil extraction operations outside city limits run by major oil companies such as Mobil. B a r to, a Newpor t Beach resident , said the oil wells owned by him and his son were Restaurant blaze .in Mesa probed P o lice in Costa Mesa are investigating an arson fire that gutted the interior of a Mexican r est a ura nt t h a t h a d been scheduled for demolition by the C'ity T he C1re Sunday night at l'.:ugemo's Mexican Restaurant, 547 W 19th St , caused about $5,000 worth or damage to the building's contents. No estimate on damage was given for the structure slated to be r azed ttus s ummer Irvine area asking cleanup Arson investigators said they found two s tacks of furniture in the middle of the building, that h a d been d o u s ed w it h flammable l1qu1ds, s a id Jim Richey. admrmstrative battalion chief El Ca mino Real r eside nts petition for im provement s By G LENN SCOTT Of the 0 .. 1, Pl191 SIA" H Irvine 1s a squf'ak~ de<.1n city. as som<' people• lrkl' t11 '>a-' 1t may be clc•an1•r 1 n somP p::irt!'> than otht•f' T h e rt• ...id t' n h 11 f t h c· E I Cam 1 no Real \'111:.igt'. um• rif tht· several clusters of ... ubd1v1'1on'i that comprise the c·1t~, sa} thl·1r sect ion 1!->n t getting the a It t•nt wn others rece1vf' Thus. the} plan to \ l'>lt th1· lr\'1ne City C'ounc·il ;it 11' 7 30 m eeting 'tonight tn a ... k fnr i mprovement~ to lh1• land..,c·apc· in their ll'rntory pcirt1cularl\ along Walnut A \'{'nu1• .. We quite> hone'>tl) think El Cci mino has gottt>n th1• short l'nd II r the s ti,. k . "ti llJ Dt• n n I °'1 J o h n son . pr P.., 1<1 <' n t "r t h '· G r t· (' n l r <' l' 11 o m " 11 v.. n t· r .., Ae;;i;oc iatwn. nnt· of th1• l'l~ht Set'klng lhl' l'hJnJ!I' Al ISSUl' I' v.ht•lh«'r th1• land!-.rap1ng ulon~ W;1lnut. th(• tJU ... v f1•1"d1·r "tro•1 t that servc•s r11,10\ 11f th1· :S' 1w1Jttons. ha:-. h1 1·11-l,ind '"'" d 111d m.11ntainN1 ,,., v. .. 11 ..... 111 .,, h1•1 p.11 i... of tht· .. 11 \ .l H ti11~1111 -..;11d t r••t•l> that d11•rl h,1\ 1• 1111t lw1•11 r1·pl.11·1•d and 01111 .. r 1 h• 11111 •,1 ill ,1,1nclmg ,,,.. 1 r .1.,..11\ .111ol 1r"I\ In 11t h• r .11 • .1 •. h•· adrl1·d ..,tnp ••r riwol1.111 .... 1ri· lt,1rn•11 11f '1111111._ IH f111\\ 1'1' II I .. I II • ol I t I !I II h '. ... .11 d . 11·p11'1•1ll .d1u11t 11 000 I I' 1111 Ill' ..... 1 hi'\ tl111 Jdl'tf Jt V. ,,., l llllf' 111 .• I.. 1111 11111•· •ll(l!Jllrt f1t1111 th1· 1·01111cll rn 11nprovrng \"'.iln11t v.l11d1 h• ... 1111 look~ at I 1m1· rr111n llk1· Fa 't Io' A111:1·l1·-. I h.111 Ir\ 111 1 'I 111-. 1~ .111 1•l1•1t11111 \ 10,1r and 11 I" th• lw.,1 t 1111111~' V. t• 1'1111111 po'''"" .... i.. (, 1 I• 1 \pla1nNI C11f1n.il 111 th• •II\ ' 1'11hlH0 V.ork-. llt'p.1111111·111 h.1\t· h1·1·n I! I ... I II' I 111 Ill <I I fl I I II ol II!' I ' 1111pr<•\ • fll••nh ... • 11rcl1n).! to ll11th ,l11hri :-.1111 a11rl 11 ,trr y Ehr li ch. <.1n administr ator 1n puhl1r workl> Hut what wc•m' II> .Johnson not h1ng morl' than . ·a lot of promi...e' · 1' '''I'll a' ;i t1nw frJm1• fur 1mp11Hl'm1·ni... to Eh rl11·h < >n1· of I h1· prnhlt"m:-., Ehrhrh .1tld1•d 1 ... lh<.1t tlw c·ommunitv il'''ll'latmn'> hJ\ I' V. ilOlt'd more I ;1 11 cl :-. t a p 1 n g t h a n l h e d1•p.irtmc·nt IJ11dgl'l1·<l for I ht• qut· ... t1011 of v. ht•ther on£• p11rt1on or th1 ... \ llJJgt' ori1·nted t ll\ gl'I~ twtt er J1tl'nt1on than o t hPr'> 1~ not n1•v. l"rnm 1!172 t11 1981 . North ll\1111• 1v..h1ch 1nl'l11d1·' Walnut1 rl'('l'lvt•d $19 9 mllll11n 111 1·ap1tal pr1111·rt... c·omparC'd to $6 H mlllt11n in C't•ntral In IDl' Jnd $1; ·1 million 1n "'1•uth l n1m• In th1· t\IHO HI f1:-.1•al Vl'ilr, '\ u rt h In 1111· lll'm•f1ltl'd from $2 2 million 1n 1mp r<w{'mcnts C't•nlral In int· r<"cc1verl S.520,000 ;ind South lrvml' got $526.800. The burld1ng 1s part of a 10-acre redevelopment area that has been condemned for the const ruction of a commercial '>hopping center early next year. ac•cordrn _g to Rt·devt•lopment lhrector Bill Dunn Gene fo1orcnre. ov.m•r of the rt•staurant. ha~ bt>cn in a dis pute v. 1t h tht· cit) regardi ng th<.• <Jppra1s!'d value of the contents of h1., building. according to Dunn lie wanh'd $120.000 and t he city offer<'d $89,000 . sai d Dunn I don l know v. hat d fect tht' f1 re I!-. going to ha vc," s aid Dunn "llow are you goi ng to appra,...c somc•t h 1ng that's a mcss T he rrstaur~rnt was also the site of a f1rt• t-'cb 2 that caused $800 in damage to a rear storage area 1.1.hen a hot water heater wa::. 1.ni1tC'd hy an 1mpropt>rly -.torl'd gasolinr c-an. said hre orf1C'ials ' No other s tructures were damag('(J rn the fi re Sunday t h eir princ ipal m eans of s upport. However, lawyers for the city a rgued successfuJly that Bart.o's operations did not qualify for a n y e x e mptions unde r the ordinance . The Bartos purchased the oil field two years ago, when it had eight wells They added three and were about to d rill a fourth whe n the city notified them they w e re in violat ion o r t he ordinance Barto 's attorney, Michael Ru bin , conte nd ed that oil ruerves beneath his client 's property could be extracted iD . quicker fashion with additional wells. Wi th t he 11 we lls now in operation, Rubin said, it would lake 15 to J7 years to recover all oil in the area With 17 wells. he said, it would take only seven or eight years. Reducing t he lifetime of the w e ll s , Rubin s aid . h a d e n vi ronmental and aesthet ic benefits B a rto . in a n i n t e rvie w f o llo win g Monday 's court proceedings, s aid he was the last of the small, private oil well owners in Costa Mesa He was pessim1s t1c about his f11ture If oil pnces keep droppin~. he said, "it may be economically infeasible to continue drilling without an expanded operation." Trust ees eye layoffs at meet tonig ht :-.'ewport Mesa Unified School D1 s t r rct trus t ees will meet ton ig ht to consider sending notices of possible layoffs to 90 teachers a nd a dmin istrators next year District ofrlc1als ha\'e told tru4'tees that the move could sa ve the f1nan c 1ally allm g district about $2.4 million La s t week administration 0Hlc1als recommended sendmg not1C<.•s or mtention for dis missal by March 15 to about 50 fullt1me teacher s . 30 t e m p o r a r y personnel and 10 w ho have offco red to rt.•s1gn T he meeting begrns at 1·30 pm in the Ha rper Community Center. 425 E 18th St , Costa Mesa Dog saves w oma n in Huntington fire Thief robs Newport woinan in attack By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of Ille 0 .. ty ,. .... s .. tt If it hadn 't been for he r 13-year-old pet dog Mame, J ulie Craig believes she might have perished in the fi re that s~t t h r ough a b u i ld i n g in th e H u n ting t o n L a ndm a rk condorrunium complex. Ms. Craig said she was asleep in her second noor home SWlday w h e n the blaze ap parently s tarted in an adjacent condo. ''My dog sav~ my life ," she said Monday. ''She kept whining and nudging q:ie. I heard a cr ackling sound, but I just thought it was rainln1. 1ben I s melled s moke. If ll hadn't been for her . , ." Ms . "Crail said she and ber pet were a ble to escape safely. Sbe ned in her bm'e feet and a robe, without even 1toppln1 t. srab her eye1IUM1 or purse. "Comlnl out. I wu bl t.cQll7 blac k amlke, almo1t cbolli.q to death;" abe recalled. llame, a toy SbetlaDd, ,,.. Just one of tla• beroea from Sunday's fin. Rutdenta of tb• lout19 H•otlacto• Beac.. re1lcleatlal I compkx v.l're 11n.1111 m11us in t heir pra1M· of firef1~hter-. who battled blaze Th e f rre gutte d two condominiums, inc luding the one Ms Craig was r enting, partia lly destroyed two others and caused s moke and water dam age in four others . The cause has not been determined. Da m age was es tim ated at $300,000 to the building. $100,000 to contents. All residents were e v a c u ated s a f e l y . Two fire fighters received minor injuries. Survivors credited residents Dan a nd Dot Tay lo r , whose home was partly destroyed in the blaze, for rousing some of tboee who were still asleep. One of those roused by the Taylors was Mary Hendersoa, who lives i n a n a djac e nt condomilllum with ~er elderly puents. "It was an inferno," ahe said. "I thoUlbt I was dr.amlq. It ... like • ni1btmare. names were aboodnt 20 or IO feet la t.be air. I've never been tbroulb anythlnl e1M like that at all." ~ ........ _ ..... RllOURCUUL NT -Hlalttqton Landmark resident Julie Craig credits her dos Mame with roustn1 her ln time for a · safe escape from a fire Sunday. A young, clean-cut man ran off with more than Sl .500 in cash and jewelry from a Newport Beach woma n Mond ay afte r putting a switchblade knife to her throat. police said. "Don't scream," the bandit Valley school hearing set reportedJy told 70-year-old Elsie Walker after he confronted the wom an in the gar age of · her Santiago Drive home. P olice said sh e had just r eturned from a shopping trip. · The woman told officers tbe robber forced her to open her pocketbook Hd pull out cub and then lo slip two rings off ber- finaers. S h e tol d p o l ice 1be deliberately dropped one ~ the A Fountain Valley School rlnas on the aaraie noor and District committee atudyina that tbe robber did not retrieve school cloeures will conduct Its it. last public beartn.1 at 7: IO p.m . Police said the knife-wi.adlnc ~~[ ~~ ValJey Scbool, ~'\ = ~ =~'!r '= Thia 11 one of four achoola ~:"ia1 u,. attack 11 1u1t .. ted ln tb• commlttff'I alm.llar anclJ;:.!blJ re&at.d to prellmlnary report for doAn t ... _ - _ .. .._.. durt•• u..--... ~ ....... -. wo o!Ul'9r ••rcn ~ --~ ,.,__ ,, .. _. lut J&DUAl'J • wblcla tM ._. Tbna llCNttJonal beu1All cm -, de1crlbM aa t:.;• ud school clo1ure1 will ~· clean-eat -,_ a • lll6t C911dUNd d~ tM .... two Yietlma' ..m . WHU bJ'tM dlltriet'1 ...... of la cme of .......... = tn1tH1. Tll• tru1t1H art 1-....at ......... M W • upedild to~ cm • ••• · 1i:o~l•• ••• •••• 11• •• ol tclloal dolur• April I. ... ..... 1a1• • ldll. \ O'ange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tuetday. Much 9, 1982 H IF ConstrudiOn ~ available at. Heritage Bank. Fluor concerned about stock price By KEITll TUan ...................... • Reslderlllaf --When Fluor Corp. beld ill annual meeting a year 110, it.I •tock was aelllnc at $50 a ahare. As J . Robert Fluor, chairman of the Irvine-based corporation, addresaed between 800 and 900 sbareholdeo at MonJay'a meetin1 at the South Coast Plaza Hotel, tbe company's 1Lock was tumbling asala. Fluor cloeed down l~ to 18~ on the New York Stock E:1chante. · COmmcrdalBulldlngs: Takeout Cominbmenf required along wtth leases. con&oc1: · Jdf Johnson (Al midd•Y Loday. the stock had fallen one-quart.er to 18%. > SOuth orange County/Irvine 7W/8.51,.-40SO "On my way into the meeting this morning, an old friend, who's been a Fluor shareholder for many years, grabbed my arm," Fluor remarked. "'What's happenln1 Lo the price of Fluor shares!' he asked me . "I know my friend'• conc.m, the concern of all of us, is understandable. The price of Fluor stock is a primary topic of conversation amongst Fluor s hareholders these days. Candid commentaries II I Piiot Logbook -D ·1y p·1at "The ~oversation is even more downbeat," Fluor continued, "a mon1 those of us who also own Smith International, Baker, Arco, Exxon. It's happened to all energy-related companies." exclusively in the At the meeting, the company announced first-quarter result.I for the period ended Jan. 3l'of $39 8 million in net eam1oas on revenues of $1.8 WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL ON YOUR WALL Behind-the bell Behind lhe famous Seacoast sttcker Behind all the stat&-of·the art protection devices we make and install, is Seacoast central station Whlln an alarm goes off on your property we get the signal in a nearby. 24-hour·a·day central station II the signal 1nd1cates l ire, burglary or hoodup, we call the poHce or lire department Since our central station 1s UL llsted. our cen t r al station customers can quahly for a sizable discount on their insurance And to increase our reach. make response ltme even faster and impro ve ell1c1enc y w e re computer1z1ng our station But improvements aren t new to Seacoast w e·ve been getting better for 21 years And today we re the le<lders in the security business in the harbor area with over 10 000 customers including a wide range ol btg and small retail industrial and commercial establtshments To l1nd out more about Seacoast central Statton wrote or come by our new fac1t11y at 2488 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Iii'\ SEACOAST \J ~CURITY SYSTEMS 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD 171 4) 642-3490 . REDWOOD 2 X 6-36 LIN FT 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING . "'t-,.... THE ~.~:~G lol•.t ..... M•et""' .... 'ti l\ '"'""' '••1•r·._~,..,n,,.,' ,1 • 1r .. ,, .,, • ....,,.,.,,. "' .,.,. COSTA Mts.641-1289 ,.,.,......., ••• 0 ••SSIOOo viuo495-0401 ,_,c~c • .,.. ... ,,. .tS•"' 0..,,. lrwy el Aw•t"f "'•Y t • • • • • • • • If it's got handles you'll gra b a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. call 642-5678 Use llnswerlld service when placing your ad ... a Daily Piiot ad number will appear i n your classified' ad .. we take your messages ~4 hours a day you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only $5.00 per week. For more Information and to place your ad ca 11 642-5 678 . lailyPilal ANNUAL MEETING -A record c rowd attended Fluor 's shareholders meeting Monday Chairman J . Robert Fluor stands at the podium billion. compared with net e-arnings or $35.3 million and revenues of $1.3 billion for the like period in 1981. However, earnings per share declined lo 51 cents from 72 cents. Fluor attributed the decline to increased net interest expense or S20.l million, com pared with net interest income or $7. t million for the same periQd in 1981. The additional interest expense was largely a result of debt incurred in connection with the acquisltioo of St. Joe Minerals. Fluor said that debt level, currently at 39 percent, is expected to fall to around 25 percent within the next 3·to·5 years. Sale of the Coquina Oil Corp .. a subsidiary of St. Joe, could speed up that timetable. Another factor. Fluor said, was that the dilutive effect of the additional shares outstanding in 1982 was only partially offset by the profit contribution of St Joe. which was adversely affected by lower prices for lead, zinc, gold and silver. Fluor had 78 7 million average common shares during the first quarter of 1982, compared with 49 million shares in 198l's first quarter. New orders dropped considerably during the quarter just ended . fa lling to $917 million, OVER THE CO UNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK lAP~~mlSIH " ll Jerico I.,,. " PhllaNel NAiOAQ quot.lion mwh • 11 IJ Jottvn • ~ll Pte russ showing 11..-1 blclS ConPep ,,.1, .. ,,, lt•ltSI pl' I .. ,. 2'1 Plnllrln ..,d lowell offer> bY Cord i• 2011. 2t 1( •• ,,., ·~ 11'-•• PlonHIB m•rllet~et"\•\of Cro\lt• 20~. ~ K•m•n ' It 11v. Ple>llM • p.m Prk1tl 00 not C<1UrFd s .,, 1 ~:~~!; Cl .,.,, Pouts lr><lu<H r.i•tt me.-.uo Cycn ron • • •• )1)14 lO'" PrHGM m•r_oo_.,, comm Ole Des s 11 .. llVt PrtStel'n tu lon I« lilloncUY OeylM • 1;µ,, ....... Klmbell 11v. 11 .. Progrp Stoo Bid Au OBeer s s• .. King Int '"" 1\11 PbS•NC KloolG 11 II ~n~~~ I~~~ .;~ g:~~~~v 11"• ,,..., ~~:~v uv. ·~ Puneen " """" •.. '""" ~~~~ AVM Co >'· • Oe•nEI J l"• Kti1U<'• 141.. ""' Act.ur•y 1 1 .. 01eCrys n•,, "'-R•99n Pr L•l"Keln 2•'· , .. ""' •ClcllsnW ' '"' OhnCr" " 37 L•ndRr > . •'-A•YC"m AdvRou ]" )"" Oo<<1tl • "°"' H~• l •,,.Co n.., ll Romnd AllBSI\ s 11\<o 11• 1 OollrGn ,, .. 11-. L.lln•• U ?Slf• Reeve s ::!.<:~:~ ·~·~ >;~ ~r.'.~~ IS IS'" LldSlor ,. 1.1 ... Road EA u v. , .. -. lll•Brd • 11•/I " RobOMV AFvrn ••• .. 1#•• DurillO ' ., .... ., .. ~r.tn ll>4'. •• ROMIOn AGr••• ,._... 11 ' , Ourlrn ~ "'' 11 ... .... 21"· Rww :::-!{r .. : •1 &1'. E•tnVnc I)\.. U tl') Sedlltr •• , .. Econ l ab , ....... MG F 011 S Sii• ~fo<o AO..•u "' ... EtP••Et ,,,,.. '1"4 M•dtGE Uv. IS ... StHrlGa ARuMo ~11 • • EtoerB• ~tf .. ~ Magel Pl l~ •'-'Ii SIPau-. AW•ICI > tS\') H 11 El•Nutt ..... ~ MerP ........... !krlpH • A~d'lr 6 •• E IMOCll ' ,., . >•~· Me RI .v •... $en.or AngSA ... ... (nr~" IC)'oo II "-'• .,, ,, 40'. 40"-Svc Mer •no•Gd ~~.so Enr~lhO ... I> M"rlon 41 ...... Svcm\t ' ::r.::.t .... 1•'> EnR>• •'· •\!It Me<11toP ,..,, tt SllM•d M .. yPI 11•1. 11·~ "'' """-fntwl'tl 111> 111• Mo nO•I ~ s-. Shwmut Ar<MnGo 3•. l'-Eq<1ISl ~ s-. Ster•lh A\CICBI • n 1111r ;,'l.'~t' . ,,,.,. Mc Corm 19 .. 20 Siii< on• McF•r• -... AtlGsl.I 14>.. IS l ,. ,,,. McQ<1ay """ ,, SCalWlf Atl•nRs 11\o •• F•rmGp )41• lAh MldUW ·~ "'· SwEtSv :::;~g , .. 1 .. ~•CU(or ,. ... 1•··· MClldCa P ,.~ ·~ Sl•ndvn .. , .... F IBk!tv> Jn .• n -.. StdMlcro BengHE 10'1t 10'-Ft80>lr\ JI ll\oo MtCll Ru 13--16 '• ~::~~i· & .. IC R 1j 7 , •• ~:~~.,;:, t71• u-.. MICll8' ' 71 "'. Baul Fr 10·. 10') l •., )\., ~:~'~e;G 1• ,.,. SterlSI B••l>M• 9~ 10•1t ~:~c'\8~• 11 • ,. .. 1•v. 1··~ SlrawCI e .... 11no ti II .. Mole-. \ 31 ••• \'. \\4 !tub•ru Bent Pl ,..., ''• Fl•H't• )\.\.'. 1•'· Monl(OI SI• S>-Sue>e•E• BeltL • 11 ,, .. ~ turoc.b , ... =~~~lo "'· ti ... B••MQI IS IS • For•'10 "'· ,.~ ... 25 2• Blbl>Co ,,,. tl'. ~~~~~l~ , ,,..,. M<>rOR•< ~ ... BtrdSon 1~ 1:t., 101 ., ,, .. , Mor\ntn ..... 1~ • Blrt<11r ·~ A' I Fr•nkEI U1 a t• Mo IC tub ~ .,,. Blvvoor ... ... Fr .. SG ,.,. ""' Muofll'' 11\. ,, 8on•n1 f' • t I ,. ~tfm"l .,. ' ""' N•rrQ( 10 )11 J 8 ,...Tom fj._, h ' ~ .. 11rHe '•"'-••'• NOi• , .... IS B<1t kbe• ••• • GnAutm l'-)\, NJRU< , •• '> 1) NVAtrt 71 •• 1'- compared with S2.3 billion last year. "l think (the decline> is probably a renection of general indecision on the part of a lot of people on where the economy is going," Floor said during a press conference immediately following the two-hour meeting "We have a significant proposal list, but no action Backlog wQuld reflect the decline in new orders." The company's backlog fell during the quart.er to $15.3 billion from $17. l billion last year. Fluer said the company's reorganization last week into four basic groups -engineering and construction, natural resources, distribution, and drilling services puts the company in a stronger position for the ruture despite the sagging stock pr ice. Among the issues shareholders decided at the meeting: Elect'1 six class I directors to the board. Those dire~s are Charles W. Cox. J . Robert Fluor, Sibrand Jurriaans, John K. Pike, Louis H. Wilson and John A Wright. -Approved the 1982 Fluor Incentive Stock OpUon Plan. ~ ~~r: .. · " 1tY: 1141. H 'f• UPS AND DOWNS ft•IJ SI TIME DC I .... °i'' ~ T:-rm•, 32 .. JP\ JI Jt1. ~ 7Y, KUmP ta .. 2'41. UV. hi< mA 114t. II NEW YORK (AP) ,.,. 101io.tno Ult 19\11 n .. Ten•nt • l•V. II ,.,._ ]'/• THAB > ,, ,,.,, UlOW\ Ille 0.... -. ,_ ,, .... 12"" r ,.,,.,T '"· ,.,. stotllt •nd wart""h 1"411 have -uP the mosl --the mO<I t>.tM<I en 111'1 11 T omlO I 141. 1~ f:''"'' Of <"-r-rdleu Of ·~ 11h 12 Toyota ,,... C) or -.My t}•~ 1~ ~rl<oPd "'' ,,..., I 1"-Ty....,FCI ,.o \Kvrlt1u trecll;:t below 12 ••• l"<t-tf '•• U Y, uded N•t -Off<"' -<h-• er• IN M•' $5"' UllMCGll 10 11 a ltlrn"<• bet-ti. prevlw• <~llO 11\<o ""' US Enr }"" s .. bid prltt M>CI lodey'> IHI blCI prtu ,. ,,.,, us 5.,, llV> 11 31'1> ;n US Tte~ U 1119 11\"J IJV> IS UV•Blh n•,. ).S"°' u" 4'• S UnvE"g .... , .. N.,_ i..est .c':t Pel. •S'• •• .,. UoP•n 11\:. I] t Bont•y • Up 1U J•1,. 4 Va•IR : ::.:I ~ n~ ~:;;: VelNtl • Frosts 2~ . .... Up 21.1 EM F 2 . •;. Up 14.J .. ...,. ~=~~~· . ..... . Nu·Md > , v. Up 14.l 17\• II ... Vlclr•SI ·~I,.. s P•r-s . ... Up U.J :~ :r ~ ~~;<;~ .,,. .... . AloS<hr .. , .... Up IU S S' • 1 CR en 11. -.... Up IJ.5 )S• • 2s>t. W•rnE • II .. II._ I Whltmn 1'• ... Up IU 11'• 11'-WshEnr 12•1> u• • • Con<1ri ... . "' Up 1U IJ ll.,., 10 E •<el n , ... . ., . Up 10,0 ,..., u·~ Weldttn fl.... .,, .. l1 OtB•YCs ''" ... UP t.7 101,. 11 =~s ... ,. II .. 12 . '"~ '"" Mllr•I •"'-. .. Up u lO lO''> I) F!Comlk 1 + .... Up 1.1 111. "" w morC ..... ,,,, 14 ShlrplGI ]'> . .... Up 1.1 13 1µ. WtwrO > ti ..... u Temt•JI )\<, . .... UP 1.1 lJI t )411) WolvAlu ......... Comlecll >'• '" Up ••• -••• Wom1tl .._ 10 II . ,. :i. .... W-Lot ,, • .., :n " UnlMetn 1µ. • I UP ... JOI 1 ]It; WrlQhtW 9" .... " Wtb<O' """' • ,..., Up ... 1·~ , .. ZIOnUI • 11'• )1:\'.,. Automoc 1 . .,., Up 67 n • 11~. Not appllc•«>•~ 20 (r><pt "" • .... Up • 1 n • 11 Scollnst ' .... Up •.1 :M lA''• , ... • n O•oc ••• .. Up ·-· 1l Accu un 2'" . ··-Up 6.l 7• M•Qn..E ... . .,. Up 6.1 JS Olmh '"· . "" Up s• 2• Gl>OFld '"' v. Uo u 21 ICNw' un ,.,. .,. Up St OOWNS N..,,_ u" c~ Pct- Cumo • ,,,, Ott •U 8ufffh ,. ,. GnOo o , ... 1•· 8urnuoS Q . .... C.nRIE•I ·~·' NIOO(', ..... 10 NASDAQ SUMMARY Ur\VSec \ ,.,.. "" Off 1•. I CNl i-1n 1 1•· C.ovEFn I '• ·a~. NtCOlf't 101/• tO~ Ptllnd s•·· -1"-Ott 15.0 CPT ' •r"' 11•, C.••S<n, tJ"a I)~. ~lf'l\n A 41'• 43 • Tt•m ,,,, -.... Ott 11.2 ., ... OJ NEW VORK lAPI Moil •CllY• over s FullrHB I .... ..,. Ott 20.A C•IWISv \6 ll G"•"d' 0 6., N1elsn B tl"" IJ'• thrt<oun••' \toclu suooll•O by NASO • CmpVld • t Off 20.0 (•nr~o~ , ... >"'-CIUnhl t) 14 NoCarC.' C•p£n ~ "• (,yrOOJ'.n .... I NwtNC.< '°"• , .... Nam• Volu...,. B•O A\~r<I C"O 1 Gn•utm ) ... -... Ott " . C•pSw ' 17 ll H•rnl t 131 1 ,. • ~w1'PS ,, .. 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MUTUAL FUND NEW VORI( lAPt Lat¥1n B<1llo.:k I [q tnc 11 IO NL Inv SI~ 11 OJ 11 SI Mut Ben •Git ' N Horii 10•' N~Sle~men F.-Tlt• lollow•no QUC> Bulle• 1] 0 •• 10 E•t lt Jt u Nl Inv 54'1 • S• 100 MIF Fu-Prim• I 00 N Am Incl 2" Nl :~'°;;,.=~; 5~;::," ; :; ; ~ ::r:W 1~ ~~ '',:~ 1n':'A,v.;.r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~" ~ ~ ~ n Pr~· ~;:,.~·JO N ~'~, 1 ~ =t •llon Of ~"''"'' H1ln( ' .. 10 1•1 F ICI.. ll 6) Nl , l•l•I 1• 01 Nl N•t8d I 11 I" M.OT 11.67 N Ocon S SI NL 0Uler\ lnr ••t Montn 9 OS 9 8' Gvl S« 9 OJ Nl Ivy Fd 9 lf Nl Mutual Of <>nw'la Fund 6 n N Sltln Roe Fch: '""""Ct••lw!H<ll NI WS •so•n Hllnco Ill NLJPGr!h 10.,.,1111 Amer 1001 NL tncom 1.25 N B•l•n ••U Nl I"""' ""<IJ"I'" hFr• 900 1 40 ~41Vld 91S NL IPln<o 111 11J C.rwtlt 4)4 4 71P,..,StP I.ft t12 C•POo UJ1 NL <OVICI IWlv• ~n CaoTN I 9 8' Nl Lt Mun 7 74 Nl Janu> 1 S9 NL lncom I t7 IM Puln•m F-Slotk IJ 71 ,.L \Old IN•I "'"'' (t>nto~nldl Gp • P<1rlln '•• Nl JOlln Haf"COO fa Fr• UN•ell Con• 11 .. 12,. StnSol • 21 NL •.iutl or -.git! Grtlt '14 1 IO Tltrllt 911 Nl Bond IJff tl .. MllQual ll CM Nl tnl Eq 1263 IJIO StnTa Uftevell ~~:~i::., "'~'!~"' Cn~,u~: .~r, 'l~_I Fl~~~ncr., ~~ "'LI es·ri~, 11~. ::~ ~:;.~~· lt~ ~t g~,i 1~: :~~; ~:~::'G~ .. I~~ 4N~ ~,I !.... •wy ,,,.,, Fd •I •l .. .. Qyn• • ta NL Tu E~ ... 811 N•I A•I• ,,. Nl HI Vld IJ 74 .. ,, SunGrti. I ... •.n A.bit "' NL Cnp Otr 1210 NL lndu•I 3,S NL K•ulmn 90 NL ,.Ollnd 1111 NL tncom SI• •.16 TH MOCI IJll IS.°' Acorn > 71 4'1 N( '""'lnu1 7'117 NL lncom ~ 1J Nl Kerno.r Funds N•l S.curltte> tnvul 1 30 '" TmpGlb 10 M • AOV IJ n Nl Coto"'•' Fund\ IF,, ln•ttlor• lncom 1 ,. In B•••n • II 10 JJ Opln "2J ., ,, Tmpl Gt • SJ 1. u ••uturt 11 JO Nl F Und U'laYall Bnd Ap 12 11 I) 10 Grow I 11 •SI Bond 3 Ot 3 T •• E • It J7 lllt Tmpl W IS SS 1•," "'"' F ""°' Grwt" ••I t 7'1 O"co 110 I .. , Ht Vld I Jt I• G••tll 6 63 I IS Vt'ta 11 .. le •2 Trnt Ct00 I .. t .12 lvVld 11 .. 11 0 H1 v1n 6 IJ 6 10 (',rwllt • ll &mlO lntlFd 10 .. II .. 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Con<ord II H NL Grwtll • '4 Nl '"' B• 6 14 1 l1 Inc""' 'SI tO )4 Cepll 12 ... 13.17 Unit MUI I >I Nl Fd Inv 176 1 93 Connecticut ~I In< om 1107 NL Cu• KI 6 ~ 1 )I Ret Eq 11 21 1111 Grwlll •.•1 10.01 Unllecl Fund~· Grw(n 9 •S 10 Jl rund • ,, 10 ,. Mulol I 21 1 SI '"' 1(2 s 21 s 7t T .. e. s .. 5 12 SPKI u,. NL A<cm 1.00 16.5 ln<Om I 11 I 91 lncom 1 t• 6 0 S.,.<I 16 21 Nl C<1s SI 14 ll IS .. N•UbO-t-k m Scud<ler F.-l!lo"° 4.6.5 S.• ICA 1 '3 9 12 Mun 84 • )l • ..:i Fran~lln Group Cu\ SJ s •S •.SO Enrgy 1' JS NL Com SI 10 41 Nl lnlGtll tJ.CIO ta.21 N P•rt • u 104 Con• Inv IU SO 10 II AGE JI] l lt Cu• S4 4 11 •-12 G<1erd 26 n Nl Oevel '21' NL (Oft If>< '0. • t .tO Wsh Ml •... I St Con'1•1 G 10 8S Nl ONT( 11 U IJ OI lnttrnl J.. 4 22 Llbl 3M NL ln<om 10 ~ NL FldlK 11 .. n 97 ... ,,.., G-r•I Cont Mul .,.,. ... , Grwlh •• I 0 TnFrf9 Mentt lM Nl Intl P:d 16.00 Nl Hllr>< 11· .. 1t:n C•P 80 5 IO • J,I C.try CAP 17 31 "J<I Option s n 163 • .. 6 •S P•nn 12 14 NL MMB ... s NL lr>eom 1.21 ··~ Entrp ti I• t7 1t ~,.,..,,. C.mup Ulll< 4 11 S 0t M•t• It .. 17 U Schu• IJ.'° Nl SPKI C) ti NL Munl S.1' S_.I Hf Yid 8 5? 9 U OIO<•t 12 Jt IJ SI tncom I •t I 17 L.hlnglon Gr1> Newt GI ""-v•ll TaP:rt " Nl SclEno 1ft 1.41 Mun B 1• 04 14 I• O•l•w IS fl ••SI US GOY • 3$ • M Co l dr t II 10 .. N I 1 S.C 11 F-VeftQ ti S2 I],. Ventr " 10 iG 11 O•tc" • IJ I I• Capll S 1• • Jt Goldtd JU NL. N~~t'•"< ":::::' Nl &~:.., Y 1 " 1 )I Ulll Svu i 12 NI. Cmsllo ll OI 1211 I t Fre \0 )IJ EOult 4 11 SOt GNMA 111 NL NE tnTr ti. NL Eouly S U S17 V•l.,.ll,..Fd: E telt J01'1 Nl ~II• •I• 1001 l a•Fr S'2 4 ti Grow 1 JI Nl NE l11Gt 1 53 NL. lnvol 1.61 1>2 ·-10."1 ... I'd""' ·~ !0 41 Olr C•P 7" ,.l Fund•'"' R.stl uo NL N F o" NL Ult •02 ~ F nd 11 ~ UL Grow t1 '° Nl OOCIC• 81 10 31 NL. Cmr<0 I '1 IM T111'01 I 00 Nl ov• d 1 ' •• • ..... u ·-" Harbr • " 10., ooc1c ... SI II )} Nl Ind Tr U .... Y.11 Llnelnr 13 1• Nl ~~.~n"' t ~ •NS~ s.:~·~:~ Nl L~. 1!: =t P•<t U 11 ?I u Oru Bur tJ 10 NL Piiot l 21 I 'IO Loomh SAyle• Orn.oe I '3 NL SPI Slit IJ.1' ,.l $111 Sii 10.. Nl ProvlCI 3 n • 12 Ornl<1$ Gl"P GT P•< 1' U Nl C•Pll IJ 10 NL 0 "" Wm tJ" NL S.lfgmen 0""'11>. VM><o ~ A GlllFCI •.. 1 S A 8°"' 17 JS NL G•l• 09 lJ 0) NL Mui I) 11 NL 0~'-· Fd 8 -~ t -!O 1l 1~-t 11 ~ -A Ht fllO , ,. NL Oteyt 11 tS I) 2t C.E S&!> 2-ti NL. lord AbllltH ~ r~ .~ ~-" ' ""'• A IM&lncl • n 111 Lo oe I• S4 11 OI GE U Lo • 16 Nl Arrlltd 1 oe 1 u O:::~ '! H 1!: ~·~~;· ::\': :.: L~~~ tj~ 1,:.~ A lllvHl 1 'O Nl N NJ,.. I 43 Nl Gt " St< t '° Nl 8nd Clb I·~ '0 Hl Yid 16.50 11 6• Ull Ir>< IO.• 11 '1 Ca•E f 40,IJ NI. A In• Ill • " NL Spt '"' • ,, NL Or1h Ind ,.... NL ~· Ol 1) II .. s• In< Bo. 1,. I JO Se II I G l:VGtll s n JAi AmM•d 11111 Nl Te•E• "' NlO•dP'A """" ln<om ,,. l tl Optn 21 nu ,. &.::.. 'ff,' 1 I VTaa -A NIGi" J ll ) ... T "'d c • 11 Nl 11•mlllon llltt••••" Bro S~I 14 ff u •s 80fMI s .. 1 •. IJ .... ,. A NII"< U '1 I• E•OI Glfl I 1J I 4S F HOA 4 O' 4 47 Fund 10 lS 11 JI h Fro S-" NL Com 5 IJ.71 IJ .• 1 Olst I 11 It 'Nl. Amwey S17}.. E•fon&-•nl H•r1 Glll 1 74 NL ln<om 1 4) 1,14 AIM n•l40I Grwttl ••10 Ovfff 412 "" Ar<r.GYI • 11 ,.l 8 •1•n • .. r 21 Her1 L•Y ,, .. NL Mu11I } 10 •-» Time , .... I .Cl ~· ,... NL. 1:.•I• I ,..... NL AH H.,..._ Four' • ., "'L. HltOld I .. JJ NL us Gov '1S • • TC St< 11.1' t4 ti S.11try 11 ... 1'.st lhFd f .,... Nl. Fnd 8 1.•1 1.)4 Grwti. IS '1 11 n Hor M•ll 11.14 NL Men fl"'9f>(I' Per•m M '·" l.•z Sht••-"'""*· &:' f a&,'1 "" tn<om • 03 4. ln<om • u .. , INA HIY "°' I.. MIT •.n 10 lt PHWICI 110 N APCH'• 11.11 12.07 , .. , -.11 NI. Stock 110 1 ,. SIOck • S1 •o'n ISi 0•-: MIG •.1S 10.SI ,..,,,, So • ,. Nl Hl't'lcl IUI,. :I tt.IJ "·'• &LC 01 12 44 I! t0 EberJ1ad\ Gr-Grwlll S .51 • 03 MIO 14 10 IS 20 ~-M11 i.~ Nl In<"" tS.• 'II~ ~l ILC In< 12 01 ll 12 C-1'> 111 t11<em ) 11 J MCO ,.,..._ .. l"tlfla r" e.tO MM-"°! 11.4,, letf -.., NI. 1.0.lr>< llS Nl E"'"' .,.. ,,, Trt15" t.IJ tol MFO •.It •• ., ~l•C-NwOlr 11. 17• '""Tr ii NL 8-tnv 10" NL 541nrey 11 Of u17 tneluttr., S.• NL M!'I 11.IJ If 00 l•l•n t.M t .4'1 ~m 0 J. NL OM-B'° 8~1!e C-llr: Etlu11 Tr -•II l11terupti.I MMI 1.12 1.ff Orwtll .... i" rre 01 10.0I NI. =-t HIVld I .a t 2S Elluft fa 7 1' l11C•O I.• LH Mf'H S.U Ut !4lYld I.ii 1J '"ti ft!INI• I. HIMuft 11,'1 It II E114U. tu 11 '4 ··p.l HIY141 1!.7' 12.al lft1'rl IU• IU.a ~I W 7'7 'n -'' 1.8 1 ). I &'° NDt< II.Al 12.241!•rr9m H.61 NL tftV•I "' •• , MatMn ,.,. NI. ""' .., o..! l..c• '-21 MvlM .... ! ... THFre I 00 NL. '"' BG It. ,, ., "'"H ... ., •-» Mtrrlfl l.~11: .. ,,. to.tt Iii ·~r 'ti: ', ' •f'?! !. l. TUM 1S" It 7' ~et.a ft-Tulil U0 I.~ latk tlO !OM C ... S T... ,.. , J lee(. Gfl 10.ot NL "'" 1.4r u .. tit lftt lli.rtl t .1f 1.11 C..il 1$~ 16,7' Mel In '" 1 YI,~ .. l I 8ff< Hiii IUI NL. lr<ll kt• PO. Mr Inell< I.II 'fl. !r. 141 .. f _. ""ti' f.~: t li.4rr 'ti 11. _!,.,.I . ·~~t':'ri. NI. H 'r W:;,ll ..... I~ ~f, ;:n M_i.g] '; ~:; _. ,.. ..,. '" ,1· J: ........ ' 101 "t. •.u NL Fain .. :'°ill l,..flii°t"!P' I"" 't;' ,:; 1-•t U:! n:a "'" ·~ .. 'MllC . U 7 IO 11 u\ ~~ !t Mt ll tt' t!; MY \,.t= ~"" :tit !!~ tlll~ M.a ' 11.t• .... .... .. , 0-. ' G .... 11.4.S "' Ut ,.,.. NL . • lilf • D .. .. Auet 1u• Nl. I HIV .... ,., ec,. ~ 1· ..... ; .-.i • • •14'l~iili!li:C ... Gel: .... ..,. 'fl. I NO .. ,, .... ... ..... _ .... ,. Ut """' 1-.SI !:!t' ''"" =~ l · ~ J ·!! ,.1. s~ -.. t t!!' .......... , ~ ·~ '·" ~ , ... , R .......__=-• . ~ii~ ::r.p =~ ~ ... •t.,~. ' li\re;. u; t~ ·;; tt:.e =t. :1"' U -.t H/F Orang•Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Tuttday, March 9, 1982 NYSE OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOTATIC*• INCLUOI UAOl•ON TMI llllW YOaC, MIOWUT, f'ACl,.IC. PIW, IOITOtf. OITIOIT AlllO CINCllllNAll tTO<ll IMCllAlllOI• A•O atl'O• fl 0 1¥ 1'MI •t.•O A"O INUllllT s..... Hfl ,. ( .... CIOw C"O 'UID I Dr. Boben T. Parry, chief economS.t for Security Pacific National Sank, predJcl.ed lhal the prime nle could fall below 15 percent in the 1ummer months 11 the weak economy takes a further toll on consumer and commercial demand ror credit. Whittaker Corp. Is termlnaUng its $425 million orrer ror Bnauwtck Corp. after Its attempt to block the sate of Bruna wick's Sherwood Medical Products subsidiary failed The company sa1d it would retum the Brunswick shares it had received as promptly as possible Wickes C.. bas reached an a,g-reemenl to sell three.fourths or Its MacGni1or Golf Co. subsidiary and two-thirds or it.s aed Owl supermarket and Snyder drugstore chains, according to the San Diego Union. U the deal goes through, Wickes will receive $72 million in cash and SS million notes, a company spokesman told the newspaper . 111111 ~~---- Yields on short-term Treuury 11ecuritlet dropped to their lowest level in more than two months. averaging just over 12 percent, the government reported. About $4.8 billion m six-month bi lls were sold Monday at an average discount rate of 12.064 percent, down from the 12.786 percent or last week The government also sold about $4.8 billion io three-month bills at an average rate or 12.0SW percent, down from 12.45 percent . Americans had an Increased number of sources for mortgages in February, but the average home loan interest rate rose after declining for three straight months, the government reported. The average rate for a conventional mortgage was 17.49 percent, up from 17 34 percent m January and from 15.34 percent in February 1981, according to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board The Bendh Corp. said it has acquired at least 5 percent of the voting s hares or RCA Corp. for investment purposes and not for any possible takeover attempt .. Cessna Aircraft Co. has announced a temporary product.ion shutdown or two plane models and the upcoming layoff of about 1,000 workers due to a slump in r~tail sales or projects. -1 c.•~••~" ..... 6~---------- Western Digital Corp. of Irvine has realigned its s taff to expand the company's involvement in research and development partnerships, WlUlam R. Benz goes from treasurer to vice president-finance and chjef financial orficer Steven J . Drgastin becomes treasurer and corporate officer. Traasierra Ellploratlon Corp. of Newport Beach nas beeen awarded the oil and gas exploration license on 1.9 million acres of land in the RepubUc of Sierra Leone, West Africa, the company said. The land is located along the south-central coastline adjacent to an offshore tract that has been subject to extensive geophysical studies in the past year by Mobil Oil Corp. IDRlD @z Toyota Motor Co., Japan's largest car maker, and General Motors Corp. have begun discussing the possibility of joint production of small passenger cars in the United States, officials said. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS COlD COINS .... ~It IAll'l -ll'ntM ... ......, ...... c-..~·· ,.....,.,.nca, ••w:W41.,..,...,......,.,,.,... ............ ...., ............. ... --•,..,un,-. ....... ... ..... ----~ ·-'"' ... -.11. ......... NEW YORICtAP) Flrwil 0ow Jone. a~ fO< Mond<IV M., I STOCKS OIMf' Hlllll L-C-CJlll >0 '"d ti•~ 11t 11 ~SJ ru . .i-11 It lO Trn nsn nt" J17 .. 314~ ..... U U 11 107 t4 IOI t4 tot..U 101 0 -0.11 ts s1• >ta !.l n1 04 >10 u J11 1~ u • lndu> t.l».AGC Tra" J,tlt,OGD Ulll> l,MO,.tOO .. s St~ 10,0SJ,tDO WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORIC IAPI MM I TOO.• Sii 1031 J1'0 1'1'1S HEW YORIC (AP) Ml>• J3 Ml ,.,.. •. METALS TOO.y ltl 410 , .. m • ltl 1Mon0ey1 ~l1 en "' m , .. c ...... 15-..17 conu • POUftCI, u s. deslln•llom.. I.AM lt-lt <_.,n • _,,..,_ JllOC 41 c-•pound, clellv•reCI. THI it .,,0 M9t•li w .. ~ com-It• tb • .AIMM_ 1 ... 71 C_.,h a_....,, H Y Mer<.,., UIS 00 per Ila~ 1'141U-UJI ,_,trovo• .. H.Y SILVER ·~'I') I \-60-LD-OU_O_TA_TIO-NS-- I IMonN'l'l ~: ~fhtl"IPU.JO. """ ... ~' .,..._ 11•1"' pn 15, ... ,, .u. "•"-: 1»4..11, tff lttM. ,,......,., "'1.ot."" ,, tt. J; ... 11: ~ 1111"1 ..-. ...... MM ... : Ult ..... ... ... ...., a ... ,..., •• , eflly delly ~-. t.Jn.9',effiUS . . ......., .....,_,, .-... ~ ... •t,U . ........ , Oftly M llY ~ _k_. ilo!S 11, efU I .D. · SYMBOLS ' OrangeCoos1 0AJLYPILO'tnuusday Mdrch9 1Ytt2 ,ICTITIOUI IUllNIU NAMa ITATIMINT Tll• 1011ow1111 P.tl611 " 001t19 ..... It ' W O()Ml'AHY, LTO, 1-J lllllllllle11 A-. trvlM, CAll,.rl\le ttJI• ....... 0 ••••••• o ....... ,..~,,..,, )I .. KOii lo. H•wPOrt ia.Kll. Collfwl>lo nMf Tiii• w.1 .... , ,, ,.,,....,, .. lly • llml-~ ~o '''"' Tiii\ .........,., w• flleO with -County Ciera Of Or-c;....,1y °" 11 I P'UIUC tlOllCl "CTITIOUt •Ul11•111 MAMA ITATl-Nf BS '"• ,., ............... ,, ••I"• ~-·-CUITOM OltA'°'"I( l'llOOUCU, lt'J T ...... Ir-. C';a ftJIA .... 11'-I ._... "* l ....... ,,..,,.., CA '71l• ''"' -· .. ~-.,, ... ........ S..lll ... ~ Tlllt ......,_ -II ... •1111 - '""'' c;..,... of Or-ewn.y ... Moltlll,IW ,,....., ,..,..,_ 0r-. C:.111 Oe11, ,., ... ""'""'Y •. , •. fl IMtt, IN• t. 16. U. IO. He 1-.t EED STEADY JOB l'llD!l"'9CI Or-CGHt Oelly Piiot, I Mer<ll 2, •• , •• "· ,. ••:MJ .....c lll1Cl "ICTITIOUI e UllNlllt NAMll ITATIMINT DEAR PAT DUNN: I have beard abo.at a ha11ln1 club or orgaaJaaUon, aad I'd like &o Join It. Can you &ell me how &o do W.T • IUENDABLE • ,.1CT1nous eu1oo11M MAMll ITATIM&NT Tiie l•llewl"t 001tot1 " •01110 IMRl,_tet: P. 8 .• H•tlD&ton Beach To receive information about the club, jus t drop a note to The Hug Club, P .O. Box 453, Laguna Beach 92652. COLLEGE GIADUArE l'tll Bf. JA J(APPA CAU Tl!• 1111owl111 "'Mii h .. ,,., -i ...... , 1.11'1 ""°'ILi IVSTl(MS, Ultl -ley Or ,._..,.,._,. CA,.... Mory Mlyuml YIH ... •Heft, UIOI !Wiiiey Or • Wtltlrll-t. CA-· Tiii• --•• ,~ .. ..., .,. ,,..,,,, ...... HOT LINI ttOOFIHG CD , ICIO E tolMO, i......., IHtll, CA'1661. ..... ,, lry ... o.i .. ,. -l ....... N-~IMc:ll,CA-1 Tlllt lllUtlMat It <--., -IMlvl-1 II .,.,,_ G ... ly Thlt llOI-Wti II ... wllll Ille c: ..... 1, Cie<ll of Ot-Ceu111, "' 1Mrc11e, 1m. I R4 book availab/,e DEAR PAT D\JNN: I'm Interested In lnvestla& ln an IR A account , but I am confused about some of the aspects of tllla type ol savings plan. Do you kaow where I can get some written lnlormatloll about IRA that I can read and understand before I get lnvolnd? • 523 ~2301 ,,..,.., M. ..,_,Koft Thi• --llleO wit!\ tM "'~ c_,, Cl«k of Or-county .,. 11..-11tfted or.,... Ceell o.11, fl'lloC, IM•<ll I "ltl2. Morch t , 16, U. lo, t• 1""41 . ,.,...., --- R.W., Co.ta Mesa Nb9EL APPROACH Richard VoUcmann. out of work a year and behind in many bills, feels a,. • ....,... "sort of desperate." So he set up this job-wanted sign at a Seattle intersection. . Publl-Or-CMll Delly l'llol. .....c lll1Cl Mer<ll •. '•· n. •. 1• ion.a l'ICTITIOUS aUSINIH N~ STATU•llNT The lollowlno pe-.on ii GOlnt PICTITI~ IUMNIH llAMe ITATIMaNT The lollowlno P•••o11 h dol110 .... ........ , Most banks and s avings and loan companies have pamphlets about IRA accounts. Or, you can request a pamphlet through the mail that A VS has found to be very complele and informative. Request a free copy of "Plan Tomorrow Today With Your Own lRA" by writing to the Investment Company Institute a t 1775 K St N.W .. Washington, O.C. 20006. Pinehurst proof that tea l>u''"·"~ ., FERN'S LINGERIE, J'O. Vie Ll<lo, MhWllO'\ a .. c ... C• '2..:1 JU<llth P 0<1. '61 S. 8ecllorCI Dr . Beverly Hill•, C•. '°111 T Iii• bu•l.-.u It (OMll< •• ., by •n lncliYldu•I LAllRY VO\IHG SHUTTE'I, 1006 Gro-i.-. __, ho<'ll. Ce. ""° Lerry AllOll v-. 1-Gro,,. '--· H-1 loKI\, Ce. tt6'0 Tlllt ~ ..... I• conducted llY .., lndlv-1 .... ,..,,. y- '"'' •-wti 11'9cl wllll the CoulllY C .. rll ot Ot•l\99 County on United States • can grow in Judlln P. Ort Thi\ tl•te..-1 •<K flfeo wlll> UM Cou11ly Clerk ol 0••"00 County on Februery 1•. 1912. M•rch e, 1m "*" Publl.-0r....,. Coell Delly Piiot M•r •, 1', ll, JO, 1'C ......, .Moving experi.enoo DEAR PAT DUNN: What kind of moving expenses are deductible! I'd also Uke &o know what a persoa should do II he owes Income lax but can't pay It. -C.S., Costa Mesa If you moved your residence because of a transfer by your employer, or because of new employment, or for a new location for a busines~. you may deduct certain moving expenses. The place o r employ ment or business must be at least 35 miles farther ~from the prev ious residence than the distance between your old residence and ~'<lur forme r place of e mployment or bus iness. Anyone who cannot pay taxes owed should file the return on time anyway, according to the Inte rnal Revenue Service. Failure to file is a violation of the law and will bring penalties. Also attach a letter explaining fully why the balance due is not enclosed. A bill will be sent within a few weeks. .-, ·<;01 a problem·• Then wnte ta Pat Dunn Pot will t ut red tape, getting, the answers and action you need to solve mequ1t1ts in government <Qnd bu.smess Mail ycr"r questions to Pat· Dunn. At Your StnJtce. Orange Corut .J>a1ly Pilpt Po Uor 1560. Costa .\1esa. CA 92626 As many letter~ as possible wall be answered. but phon~d mquines or lellers not including tht> reader's full name. address and bu~aness hours· phone num~r. .cannof be con.nderOO. · DllTH NDTICIS CHARLESTON, S.C. <AP) -To tea lovers, a cup of their favorite beverage can call to mind exotic names and faraway places. Darjeeling. Oolong. Ceylon. India. China. Summerville. Summerville? Indeed. Summerville, S ,C., is the home or the Pinehurst Tea Plantation , a n anomaly in American agricultural history. At the turn of the century, the 100-acre plantation produced tea so fine that it beat out centuries-old Oriental blends and took first place at the 1905 St. Louis World 's Fair Pinehurst tea was sold in New York and as far west as Chicago. Pinehurst J!ven developed "tea tablets, .. a forerunner of instant tea. for use by campers and travelers . Now all that remains of the great Pine hurs t Plantation are several rows of t.ea bushes at the Coastal Experime nt Station of Clemson University and scattered bushes in the yards of Summerville r esidents. Still, Pinehurst represents proof to tea e xperts that the plant can be grown in this country. "I do believe firm ly that quality tea in quantity could be produced in South Carolina ," Ron Robbins, a Clemson horticulture professor, s aid. •·1 think that coastal areas from South Caro lina on through Louisiana and maybe Texas would be ... suitable areas. There's only one obstacle, say agricultural scientists tea would be far loo expensive to grow here in competition with the Far East and Africa. Foreign tea is cheap because the labor needed to handpick tiny little tea leaves is cheap. As far back as 1899, the then-owner of Pinehurst. Dr. Charles Shepard, noted the cost of producing tea in America would be high because of the '"comparative dearness" of labor. Shepard wrote. .. At Pine hurst. color~d children do the picking, and very satisfactorily. A free school is maintained for them; every pupil or BISBEE Lawn Memorial Chapel. 4 OOPM to 9 OOPM Mas~ or QEATHS ELSEWHERE WAYNE BI S BEE. a Costa Mesa Services will be Chris tian Burial wtll be resident or Cosla Mesa, Ca held on Wednesday, March celebraled on Wednesday,. LOS ANGEL~ IAP) for the past 4 years art er 10. 1982 ut I: OOPM al Harbor March 10, 1982 at 10 . OOA M at Reli red Air Force Reserve moving here from Kans1111 Lawn Memorial Chapel wllh Ou r L~dy Queen or Angels MaJ Gen. Pierpont Morgan City, Missouri lie was a Re.v,. .Robe rt. Hod ges Catholic Chun·h. Newport II 1 m 1 1 t 0 n. 8 3, repairman for the past 30 0Hlc1almg ~rv1ces under B e a c ~. Ca I nterment great-great grandson of years for lhc HazfchJ Shoethe d1r ec tt~n of B al~7.serv 1 ces w i ll be at Alexunder Hamilton, dted Company. He 1s survived by Bergeron-Smith & Tuthill R osecrans Na t 1 on a I Thursday Hamilton won his wife Juanita or Cosla Weslcliff Chapel Mortuary Cemetery, Point Loma. Ca 1 he Medal of Honor in Mesa, Ca., sons Robei:t J or Costa Mesa. 646·9371 P.a<'ific View Morluary World War II during the and Jerfrey B. both of Costa BROZ directors North Africa campaiin. Mesa. Ca .. George R of C H AR L ES BR OZ . a MAJOR Norco, Ca .. Ronald w or resident of Costa Mesa, Ca. FREDERICK A MAJOR. Mi ssouri. La rry D of Passed away on March S, passed away on March 7. Missouri Garv S also of 1982 Final interment 1982 in Irvine. Ca He 1s Missouri, dau.ghters June services will be held under survived by his wife Clore Spidle and Delma Russell the d1rect1on of Harbor M Major Final interment both or Missouri, brother Lawn·Mount Olive Mortuary services will be held in Ross or Whittier, Ca., sisters of Costa Mesa S40-SSS4. Tempe. Arizona Services Mary Alice Teagarden and S FARQUHAR N under the direction of Baltz Lena Mae Brenton both or A L L y A N Be rgeron-Smith & Tuthill Arkansas. 24 grandchildren FA~QU HAR. age. 64 , a Westcll(( Chapel Mortuary and 14 great-grandchildren r esident of Huntington of Costa Mesa.646·9371 Slumber Room visitation Beach. Ca. Passed away on BALTIMORE (AP> Dr LoulM I.. Sloan, 83, a s ight expert whose research led to the fmiliar eye charts in wade use in vision clinics. died. W AS HINGTON I AP< Former Republican Sen C1Uford Case, 77. of New Jersey died Saturday. LOS ANGEIAES (AP > suitable age and size Is required to pick; others '1Ulfl Published Orenvt Coe•t Delly Pllol M .. 1. '· 1•. ll, 1''1 ,., .. , ------------ are excluded from the gardens. None• OP l'aN011•0 l'HMIT "The older children earn from 30 cents to 50 ·; ~ l9llC( .,:.,:;:.:'!.. •i:.~·~~:::0..:..C::.; cents a day ; the younger ones in proportion." ------------1 11eto•• '"• C•lllornl• coot1e1 Robbins noted, however, that "U.S. labor was '~~!'~!:Eu_:~"',.~" ~=-= .... , .......... t: Erecllon inexpensive at the time" and that "child labor was Tll• 1011ow1 .. , person ,. 001110 -~,,,_., °' Prefao ""1" 01toi.~ t I ked d · t · ·' llu•lt1••ut .,.,..,, few ltC -no 00 ownuponast 1snow. OVNASTV EMTE'IPRtSES, Locellcln.~~c-,_R_, Tea's South Carolina connection goes back to Hu .. 11......., HMbout. Su11e 601. ,..,i LA9Ulle ...... eei11o<111• 1800, when French botanist Andre Miche aux A'110ftqutn Street Hunllnot-Be..:11. L!:!'=.,,~1~;·~·~;:.,."~~'. planted tea at Middleton Barony a long the Ashley C•11:!';::-Mn.;.,,0 • •'1l 5.,.,,. 011 ••• u• L•ovno c ... ,on Roeo. uiowne River, about 15 miles northwest of Charleston. H"""1191-a.-... c.111or .. 1 • .-a .. c ... Co1""""•.,.s1 In 1848. Dr. Junius Smith, convinced tea was a cr~p that would work in the South, bought a farm near Greenville to experiment with tea cultivation. He was badly beaten three years later during a robbery and died of his injuries two years after that. but not before he had brewed and enjoyed tea from his plants. After that, according to a recent article by Robbins in the Clemson publication Agri·Search, the federal patent office and Department of Agriculture "imported tea seeds and plants throughout the South for trial. .. "The U.S. government went so far as to send Robert Fortune, Britain's primary authority on the tea industry in China. to collect tea seeds from the Orient," he wrote. In 1880, Congress appropriated money for an experimental tea rarm near Summerville. But the experiments were discontinued when a less enthusiastic commissioner of agriculture took office. · ·At the same time, Dr. Charles Sh~pard had started his own Pine hurst Experimental Tea Garden near Summerville. Shepard belonged to the Agricultural Society of South Carolina. which had been trying to stir interest in tea. Federal agriculture people began working with Shepard, and his tea garden became the Pinehurst Tea Plantation. · Marine cite d l'ICTITIOUt IUSIHIH NAMI STATEMENT The lollowlno p1tnon I\ do I no DUSl ... t} e\ REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE CO., lt1 So••ind Or., N-po-' 8eKh, Ce. ., .. J Mer-W ~ry, ;MS Unl .. r\11' Dr , C°'I• Mlt'W, C• n•11 Thi• bvliM1• " <°""'1Cleel by ..., lnGMdu•I Mer• w Mowerv AllllllUlllofl -S-el·I~ l,.;1~1~=11\8\ I\ <ond..Cteel DY en ""bllthed Or-toe\! o.lly Pllol, Paul M Vario Mer '· 10, II, IWJ 10,._.., Thi\ 1.t.t•tnll'nl .,., hied witn tn. County c .. r• ol O<•no-County on Fe~uery 2'. t"1 .., .... Publl\hed Ora19 Coe'1 Oa41y PllOI, M•rc11 t, •. t•, ll, t"1 HWl l'ICTITIOU$ aUSINESS NAME STATE MI NT The followln9 perM>n• are C1oln9 buijneH•\: OANCEWEAR ETC., 193111 Sierra Perle, lrvlne, C• '111S Joy Leo Owens. ttlt2 Sierra Perle. Irvine, C• '171S J a n P•t r•<f' O w en1., 11 Goldenw.11, lnilne, C4 '111• Thh butiM\\ i\ conducte-d by • oener•• partne"hlp Joy~ Jen°'""" Tiiis '11-ment ,. .. lllt!d with Ille County Cler" ol Of•n~ Count, on Fet>ruarv a. 1912 "CTITIOUS IUSINEH NAME STA TIME NT l h• tottow •no per\.Oft\ •r• dotnQ °"~'"t" ., .. SU PREME PAtK AC.I MG SYSTEMS, 1'1S South Lewll Streel, AneMlm, C.allornl• .,_,S Supre-T-, In< . • C•lllornla <OtPO••Uon. lf1$ Sou1n L•• .. Sltff l, Ane...,lm, Calllornla ~S Tlllt bu,lnHt h conducled by • COrPO••llon SUPREME t APE I NC l>onneC Y W.o, Pr~io.n1 T11l1 stet .. menl .... filed with ,.,. County C,.rk 01 Or•nQ41 County on F<tllruery 1•. 1111? LAWOl'l'ICES t(U. WONG, YEE• l'OHG Olh>oC-.hlteM Ml 5-• Olive 5-t LMA--.,Ce-.. "'..,. "a.71 Published Or-Coest Delly Piiot. Publl\Md °'-Coest Delly PllOI M•rcfl 1 •, "· 11. "" UI.., Feb. t•, H . "'-"<l'o 1, •. ,.., 1*41 ------------- l'ICTiTIOln IUSINESS NAMI STATllMINT The follow1no per>on h doing builM'H•\ MOE HAMILL •s.....:leltt, .. , Dowf< Orlw . Suite II, Ne-" 8e•<ll, A'1..:l ROBERT S HAMILL, UOO Privett Aoar:I. N••Pon 8ee(I>, CA '1'60 R-.,s Hemlll This ttett,,._I we• lllt!d wllll the Covnly Cltrk 01 O,.nOf' C-IV on Feb 19, 1'12 l'ICTITIOUS IUSINEU NAME STATEMENT f "• followitnt per1on " ootnt tw1•nen ., LEE'S CARPET CLEANING AMO MA INTE NAN CE HO• Coll•e• Avenue, Ho I C~I• Mew, CalllCN'nl• ..,.,, Ky.._ Le. »o. COlteoe ,.....,.,., Mo t, COlte Mewl, C•lllornle m11 Tiii• ~lnnt I• c-U<lecl by .., ,...,,,,,.,.,., Kv Hono Le Tlllt \tet-1 •M fllto wllll 11'e County Clerk of Ore.,.. County on Maren'· 1'9:1 1'1 .. 114 Publl•lled Or-Coast D•llV Piiot, Publi\lled °'""'° CM\I D•llY PllOI, M11ch 1, '·I•, Jl, 1'1111 .Os.I) •Ftb 13, March J. 9, t•, l'llJ IS..'1 Sgt. Resa L. Truelove, the Service Record Book chief for Headquarters and Headquart e rs Squadron. Marine Corps Air Station. El Toro, has been selecte d as the station Marine of the quarter. '"'' •l•t•m.nl wes filed with lhe Counly Cit•' ol Oranc;ie Counly on Ftbru•rY t7 1'182 -------==----"CTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME STATEMENT l'IU2 .. PuOll\hed 0.-Ce>e'1 Oa41y Piiot Feb 13. Mer 2. '· fl. 1912 JU.-, l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS HA.M E STATIMINY The fo11owln9 Pir,oM ••• dolno T II• loll owl no P•rson " oo lne ..... 1 ....... ,ICTITIOUS IU$1NISS NAMI STATEMllNT ----_--,,.-.-~-----. busl~~~~T PHOTOGRAPHY, •m ,_ 1~ Allent• Ave . HU11tltloton a..<11, Ce CALIFORNIA LACING CO , 1110 Pecltlc Coot HIOll••Y • 102. Hunllnolon ~"·Co ., ... W1111am S<oll Atlde,.on, 111.i Pe<lf tc Co•'1 H1011wav, : 101. HuntlnQlon tleecll. C• ., .... -----------.,., ., .... 8ruc• H_,,..,.,, eot Allanle The 1011owln9 perso11 It dolno b\Kkntti•\. E ano J ol TIBEAON, 1•70 Coettllne Lane, Huhunoton B••'"· C•lllornle f1'oll E-R. Glll>e-', tUO Coetlllfte L•M. Hllflll ........ a..th Celllort1I• ,,.. Tiiis --•• conclucl.O by .., lnllivlclllOI E-R.Glll>erl Tiii• ste...,_t we1 111..S •1111 1tM County c .. ,., ol O••noe Counly °" F ....... ,.. 2'. I ta. l'ICTI TIOUS IUSINISS NAMI STATEMENT The lollo•lno JMrson It Cloln9 OU>IMU .. B ' H DISTRIBUTOR. )007 W. Mee Arthur Blvd., Setlla AM, C:. '171W Bun HUGI Teo, m N Al-In Or , Anellelm, C~ nao. T "'' llutlnns Is conou<leo Dy .., lndl •l-1 Bllfl Hiio! T'"° Thll llol-1 w .. 01911 with UM C-h C•tn. ol Orenoe Cout1IY on February t 7. ttm 1'11M1ft 1'1Q>O PUOllslled 0.-Coest Dellv Piiot, Publl""4 O.enot COHI O<lllV Piiot Merell 2, •. 1•, ll, 1tm '51.fJ Fllt> U, Mer 1, '· t•, 1"'1 1lJ.t2 Ave . Hunllnoton 8-..:h, Ce '1-C ... 1'14K H-meye<, ...it All..,le Ave , HUllflnoton l!a...:11, Ce n .... This -lntts It <CNldUCltCI by e oene••• __..,,,. BnKe~-"' This it--Wti flled with 11\e Covnly Cl~ll ot Or•-County on Tiiis ~IM\s I• <ondu<ted bY en ltldlvlduel Wm 5<0'1 Ar>Otr\On Thlt \tel.,.,..,1 ,. .. llleo •1111 Ille Covnll' Cler~ 01 Dr•-Counly on F<t41ruerv "· 1"'1 l'IQMt Publl.,.., 0.-Coesl Oellv Pllol F•bruarv It, 1912. l'tQMI F<t41 U. Mer 1 • t• 1"'1 ,...., PubllllWd Orenc;io C0.•1 Deity Pilot F•b 13. Mer J. t, ••. t"'1 1t).f1 l'ICTITIOUS IUSINUS NAME STATl:MINT Monday, March 8, 1982 from Saturday, Ma~ch 6, I~ at 12 :00 noon to 7:00PM and on Hoag Memorial Hospital. Tuesday. March 9. 1982 from Mrs . F~rq~ar had at~end«:<f 8:00AM lo 5:00PM al Harbor the Umvers1ly of Cahfom1a Energy Hungarian-born guitarist ~-----------...., __________ _ Gabor Subo, 45 . a r.Jelllll r.llllll l'ICTITIOUS IUSINIH NAME tTATIMllNT Tiie follo•l110 peroo11• •r• dOlnq ""'lneuet CREATIVE !>OLVTIDMS. 13011 Moun .... P•rll••Y, .._,,,. Hiii•. CA mu. -------------.al Berkeley and was a past rtHClllOfHHS llU HOADWAY MOllTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9 150 IAl Yl I HGHOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCUff CHArtL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ,..Cl laOT"8S SMmfS' MOITUAIT 627 Mein St HUnt1ngton Beech 536-6539 PACIAC YllW MIMC>atM. , ••• Cerrelery Mortu1ry Chapel-<:rem1tory 3!500 Pac11tc View Drive Newport Beech 644·2700 MllCOIMCll MOITUAlflS Laguna Beach 49-i·iMIS Lagun• Hlltt Te&-0933 San Juan Cep1str1no 495-1776 M075 Dll LA ~lifT'. OUYI Mort'*Y • C.melery Cf9fN '°"' 1825 01tlef AY9 Coet1MH1' S40-SS54 president or the Assistance Lea gue of ltunling ton Beach, Ca. and had been a volunteer al the Thrift Shops 11 nd the Hospital in the Huntington Beach area . Beloved mother of James A. Farquhar of Walnut Creek, Ca .• George R. Farq\ihar of Mar ina d el R eyh Ca .. Annette I. Faust of Blue J ay , Ca a nd John C Farquhar of San Francisco, Ca . also surviving are 8 grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted al I :OOP M on Wednesday , Mar ch 10 , 1982 at Pierce Brothers Smiths' Mortuary with Father Teren c e O'Donnell, Associate PutA>r of St. Vincent de Paul ofncl1Ung. Interment will be In Good Shepherd Cemetery. Hunlln9ton Beach, Ca. Pierce Brothe rs Smiths' Mortuary directors. 538-6539. GENTILOMO SARDO JOSEPH OENTILOMO, 1 resident of Irvine, Ca. Ptlaled away on March 7, Ul82 at t.he ace ol 87. Survived by 1 d1uahter and her buablnd Anna and Rober\ Hardy, Jr. of Newport Buch, Ca .. 2 brothert J.oul1 Gentile of Texaa and Joeeph GenUle of Florida, 1l1tAr1 JCMaephlne Gahrkt of Wltconain and Raebael Norlin of llllaoll. Re wu a Put Com.ma•r of Y FW Poet 12011 of Pomona, Ca. R.ffltatioa ot lb• aoury wlll be Oil , Maid t , t• at : llPll al Pacific View b8Dtll. Priladl ma1 tall at aclllc View llorturJ' • mo.. ....... lhrdl ..... from surveys available Free home e nerg)' surveys ior mobile homt r esidents l i ving ir. master-metered mobilt home parks are no" available. Profession.als trained by th e So uther11 Ca lifornia Edlso11 Company and using a portable computer will conduct a comp lete e nergy survey of any mobile home on request. An on-the-spot report ol how energy can b e s aved in the home and aow much money can be saved-will be provided. According to the st>onsors, many of the improve m e n ts frequently recommended ln hom es are eligible for state or fed•ral tax credJla. In a ddition , qualUled low-Income residents meetina ellslblltty criteria may be eU1lble f o r t b e a t a t e· weatherl&a t lon proaram. home fo r call Freedom Fighter who fell in love with jan while listening to the Voice of America before neeing to the United States, died Feb. 26. INDIANAPOLIS IAP) .. erbe rt F r ederick Krlmendaht. 85, ret ired president of Stokely-Van Camp Inc .. and longtime Indianapolis civic lead•r. died Friday. CLEVELAND <AP> - Robert S. Sllankland, 77, a professor e meritus of physics at Case Western Reserve University and acoustics designer for academic buildings al sev eral colleges and universities, died Friday. PITTSBURGH (AP> - ClaarlH Deaby, 81, former chairman ol the Pittsburgh Symphony Society. died Wed neaday. Den by was beat known IS "Mr. Plttaburah Symphony" for hie 23 years aa president and chairman of the orcbeatra. TUCSON, Ariz. (AP> - ••tt••ary ce ,e••• aeaataa. 17, the mot.her of pop 1lnaer Linda Ronat.adt, Cited Tttunday. OCEAN C~ii~kJ. <AP) -Wiiia• , 82, a le1tll• lrad• u n io n eucuUve, dW Wednelda,. He WU~ ,,...Mlellt OI .... ToWt Wanen Unioe of A GMrlca ftom tM &o l9fl., • ,.CTIT'IOUS IUSINIU NAMa STATIMI NT Tiie lollowlno _.rton h dol119 1.-.uM: IMFO'IMATION MANAGl!Ml!HT ECHMIOUES. 2510• M .. ouerlh P•••••Y. Suite B:im, M1u1on vi.10. elllortlle.,.., Poul Cur11lk, uou SOl'IOllo. Inion Vlelo. Colllornl• n..1 This -'""' " tonou<teo by •n ndMdu.I. PeulCUrnlll Tlllt ~ WM llled wl!PI 1110 oun\)' Cle'11 of 0••"00 County on Fellrf•rv '· t"2. "''"" "'*'lt"9d Or ..... Coe" Dolly Piiot, Morch 2, '· i., n, ,.., ••~ Tiit lollowlno JMrton 'Is dolno ""•lnttl as: l'ICTITlOUS IUSINISS TYPE·RIGHT SERVICES. etn NAMI STAT8MENT T•rt't' O•lve. H~lllQl!on lleecll, CA Th• lot-1119 PorlAM .,. dolne '26'7. ""'ln"sM: MINDY FAYE ~HWARTZ. ttH SUPER80DIES, '" E, '"" .,,y O•lft, -111191on ...... CA Sl~ffl, C-MKo, CA '2t17 '2t47 llTH ST. "ITNESS PLACE. INC.. T"ll OU.Inns It 'ondll<lt!d bY en • Coll!onll• <""-•llon, lit E. '"" lndlvlduat. . Sl•HI, Cost• Meu, CA '1•11 ll!Wndy 8 SclM•rtt Thlt bvsl11n1 I• conducted ov • Thi• t1e•-..1 weJ flied "'"" I.,. c0tporellon County Clerk ol Dr•ntt County ot1 WILLIAM or SUSAN nuAR T.1•11 HOtl A.,.,,.., U.....,. Hiii\, CA '10) R08ERT WALLIN, J• ACe(lo 'Tree Lone, lnil~. CA '211•. Thh blltlneu IJ conoucteo b' • ttneral l)et1Mrtlllp Wllll•m A. Sluerl Thll Jtll-1 wH lheo """ Ille County Clerk ot Orenc;ie counlv on Feo. ••. ,.., ,.,.,_ l'IUD• Publlshecl 0.-Coesl Dallv Pilot, Publltlled 0.a<9 CoeSl D•llv Piiot, F•b. ll, Merci\ J, '· 1'. t'lll'l 1•~ ,., .. Sl. Fllno!U Pl•u. '"' Feb. 11 ... ., Oenlet D. 0...l"OW, Pr" Tiii• ,....,._, wn flleCI wllll , ... County Cltril OI Ote11oe Covnh on Feo U. Me•<" 1. 9, t•. 1912 7Jl.f1 FM 17, lte l'l.n. Publl"*I 0r-. Coe•I OoHy Piiot. "•" u. MM'ch '· •. '•· 1"2 7*42 ~-----~~----~1 FICTITIOUS IUSiNlll NAM9 tTATIMl!NT TM fotlow1"9 per-• ere dol"I ............. , THE BAXTER GROUP. SO• Vie OtlOrto, SUlte • S, New""'1 BMC.II, C. .,..,, Cllesl•• E. Bovlln. Jr nen~ lttol'llO,., Et T-. eo. tit.JD Nl<llolo!t J Goel'K, fn. ... L-1 ~ • ..,... -.. Co tt1tt Ml<llOll W. Mii .. ,, a1 Cotllel' L-. ~~.Ce .,_, Tiii• _,,...., " <-<104 •Y • ..... ,.,~ MldlMI W, Miiier Tlllt ll-WM tl!Of wltll lllO Covnty C:lltfll OI Or.nte C-ly on 1'""'41tyta,1•. . . :. ! ;; I ~· <:' .~ . . ,: • • 111111 CUil Ylll 11111111 llllY NIU · TUESDAY, MARCH 9. 1982 ORANGE COUN r Y . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS NeWport de1nands regulated oil tests By STEVEll'RIPOLI CH-...,_, ..... ._.. Taking ~ sllthtly different tack rrom tieighbor1ng Laguna Beach, Newport Beach officials have decided to oppose offshore oil exploration locally by demanding that any exploration be heavily regulated. The City Council voted •·O Monday night, with Councilman Paul Hummel abstaining, to follow the course of action recommended by City Manager Robert Wynn in opposing the exploration. Belushi relatives gather VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass . CAP) -Friends and relatives of John Belushi gathered in a small while church o n Martha's Vineyard today to pay their last respects to the comedian while reports surfaced in Los Angeles that he died of a drug overdo5e. Among the 150 mourners who gathered on a bright, chilly morning at the Congregational church were Belus hi's wire, Judith, his parents, singe r J a mes Taylor and comedian Bill Murray and producer Lorne Mi chae ls. who worked with Belushi on the hit late·night comedy show "Saturday Night Live." The service was performed 1>y two Albanian Orthodox priests. Th e pallbeare r s i n cl ude d Belushi's brothers, James and William, and Dan Aykroyd, his long-lime comic sidekick, who wo re a red, white a nd blue bandana. About 200 people lined the s treets out.side the church in West Tisbury. Friends talked about the three s ummers Belushi spent on the resort island as he relaxed from movie roles a nd television appearances. ·'This island was the place where he came to play," said Karen Co ffe y, who wa s hou sekee pe r a t Belushi's Martha's Vineyard home. "He was so runny, even without an audience., He could just be walking down the street and you could watch his face c hange with every new idea that popped into his head." The Los Angeles Times, meanwhile, reported today that a source in the coroner's office said Belushi, whose nude body was found in a Los Angeles hotel r oo m Frida y, died of . complications from a cocaine overdose. · · The Los Ange les coroner's office said it would not comment on the reports. in reply to repealed telephone calls. Burial was to be at Abel's Hill cemetery, located about one mile from Belushi's home. · Many residents recall seeing BelushJ jauntily driving around the island in an open jeep. At night "he would often be seen al the Ocean Cl ub in Vineyard Haven, haJ)ging around the bar, making people laugh,'' s aid Peter Simon, a photographer and resident. The island has a year-round popul.ltion of about 10,000 and a summer population about five times as large. Wynn said he fashioned his recommendation to avoid a; nat oppoaltion to offshore drlllln1. He reasoned that the Federal Department of the lnterlor seems determined to complete the sale of mineral e xploration leases off the coast this yea"t'' d espite opposition, th at his recommendation allows the city to recognize the importance of offshore mineral development as a national goal, and that the position would carry more wel11hU! it differed slightly from Laacuna's staunch no·drUlln1 stand. The fo ur-page position s tatement adopted by the council echoed many of tbe reasons used by Laauna Beach officials in opposing drilllnl u it called for heavy ·regulation of any drilling program, however. Tn neighboring Huntin;iton Beac h , Council members recently approved the offshore oil leasing but also asked that federal authorities close)y monitor offshore platforms and provide training and equipment to quickly clean up spills. Huntinlton Beac h ls the seventh laraest oil producer in the state and there are four plat.tonne off ita coaat: two ln stale waters within three miles and two ln federal waters. There are no oil platforms off the coasts or Laguna Beach and Newport Beach. And Wynn acknowled&ed that the safeguard! proi-->aed may r a ise the cost of offshore exploration beyond attractiveness to any potential A REAL PANE -'f.wo unidentified window was hers have their work cut out for the m a s they work on a mirrored building in Newport Beach as the early montlng sun warms the glass, its r eflection contoured by the pa nes. Schnrltz behind news release Lawmaker sai d willing to release statement again By J EFF ADLER Of tae Deity ..... S'-ff Sen. John Schmitz, R-Corona del Mar, has told his attorneys he is willing to re-r elease a press statement -in his own h andwriting -that makes r eferences to lawyer Gloria Allred. homosexuals and Jews in order to prove he stands behind it, the top aide who originally• wrote the statem ent s aid Tuesday. "We both m eant it \ .h·~ s tate ment), we both s tand behind it and most importantly, he (Schmitz) stands behind it,'' Brad Evans. Schmitz' chief aide , explained fro m the senator's Sacramento office. Schmitz, reached at bis Corona del Mar home, declined to comment on Evans' assertion or anything else connected with the .$10 million libel suit Ms. Allred has filed. ''I am under orders not to ans we r questions," Schmitz s aid. Evans, who said he is authorized to speaJc on Schmitz' behalf, also said he had been cautioned by attorneys not to comment on the case. Evans admitted that even t hough Schmitz was the "architect" or the widely publicued Dec. 22 news release. it was he who actually wrote it. He also said the Republican senator, who is seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate, did not see the release prior to its distribution to reporters. '"He was the architect of it, there was no doubt. That's why he stood up for it,·· Evans continued. Evans claimed that Schmitz requested the release be written because "Allred bad stolen all the publicity in the hearings. ''The whole thing had been cheapened by her dog and pony s how." Evans said. The purpose or the press release was to "st eal the initiative back," Evans said. "He (Schmitz) said make it s trong, so I did," the aide,added. I Evans also said he doesn't know if Schmitz would have approved the release if he had seen it first. '"He's a nicer guy than I a m." said Evans. H e said Mo nday 's ne ws confe rence , during which Schmitz' attorney in the libel case denied t he senator authored the statements, was pa rt o r a legal defense maneuver. State-hired attorney Louis DeMers issued the disclaimer to "set the r ecord straight," according to news accounts. DeMers issued a five-point state me nt during the news conference alleging that Schmitz didn't write the release, didn't know its content prior to its distribution and first learned of it from a reporter. The press release, which led to Schmitz' formal rebuke by the ru II Senate and his being <See SCHMJTZ, Page AZ> Bir'd recall slows Bitterman's killer held in Colombia due to 'strategy' Local R e publican state legislators agree that the reason state GOP leaders deferred a decision on the party's role in a proposed reca ll or slate Supreme Court Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird was more · mechanical than political. 1 The Huntingto n Beach Re publican also said a recall effort headed by Republicans would nol be a political liability for GOP candidates seeking election this year. It would be a plus, he au1gested. BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) T he army ba s arrested tbe guerrilla who killed Chester Allen Bitterman III, an American the Insurgents accused of being a ClA spy, the newspaper El Tiem po quoted tbe Colombian army chief as saying Tuesday. Bitterman was killed March 7, 1981, ln Bogota after beinl held by M -11 iuerrtllas for more than a month. Bitterman waa a volunteer translator for tbe Summer Institute of Llllpiatica, all a cademic affiliate of WycWfe Bible Translators of Hunttncton Beach. Tbe suerrllla accused o f ahooUns Bitterman 1• Huto Oswaldo Chava, a member ot t.he 11·11, Oen. Forero Dlu told El Tlempo. Chaff& wu ooe ol 11 11·11 1aerrtllas, iocl~ six womeo. arntted tbia • Diu · wu quoted u sa1tn1. Tb• poup ladad9d eever.i memben oltbe cuerrllla cro up'• b l•b command, the general was quoted as sayllla. Meanw h ile, the army continued to ch ase down guerrillas who raided the town of Almaguer ln southern Colombia last week. So far army patrols have killed 25 of the 80 M-19 rebels, the general told the paper. The M -19, whic h bas t hreat e ned to disrupt next S u nday 's co n 1ressional elections, s t ()1e a ton of explosives Monday f ro m a cement f actoey ln the western Colombia cit,y ol Call. the army said lp a communique. T h e army aald ll had uncove.red an elaborate plan by the suerrtnu to "sabota1e" tbe electloal. Tb• Colombian 1overDllMftl clalma that t.be 11·11 la UDlted to Cu b a . T b • 1overnm e at impended dlpkMDatlc nllltlmla wtth ~Cube lut year, elaladnl tla•t CUba bad tnbMd ud .... WHPODI lo ll·lt'perrt.llM. Assembly members Nolan FrlueUe, R-HunUngton Beach; Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, and Sen. John Schmitz, R-Corona del Mar, said the decision Sat u rday by Republican leaders ~ put off for one week a decision on the ·party 's role in a recall effort WH based On several matten which required further review. •'I believe tbe reaaon for deferriq wu not a dJmml.ni of the commitment lo 1et rid of h er, b u t essentially a mech a nical thln1, ·' a aid Prlaselle trom bis Sacramento otnce Monday. He aaid one conaldtratlon Republican leaden wani.d to took bU wu the UJDln• ot a recall. A reca11 effort would b a v e ·to be timed 10 t bat Governor Brown eould ••not appoint IOllMOIM elat" to tbe mt. bAlb court belon bla term ezplnd, l'ri.aeUe QPlalned. Mrs. Bergeson s aid s he believes any recall effort should be tied to a revision of the law that would require the state Senate to confirm a covemor's appointment lo the high court .. Mrs. Bergeson also polnled out that a recall spearheaded by the GOP would drain party coffen ot campaip money that 1bould be directed toward letialathe races. Nonetbelesa, the Newport Beach lawmaker said s he i upPOl"ta "repl.cement" of lb. Bird and tblnka "we have tot to • cban1• t.M Supnme Court." Scbmlta, wbo *ll'Md tbet ..... Bird lbould be recalled. said be WU ln no poliUon to q...UC. I GOP stnteo because be ud party leeditrS .... not OD the be9l of i.nm. Aakecl what be kMw ot tM ~' \ Sdunltl co ...... "Tlae11 put out ,,... ,. ...... .. ...._. me, tbe1 cloa't ~· ....... lessees, effectively killing such exploration IQCaUy. The statement said that clean water and pristine sboreUnei; have importance to the city's "eco n o mi c livel ihood, COURT UPHOLDS MESA OIL BAH--111 r ec r eational resources and wildlife sanctuaries . . . (that) cannot be overemphaslied. "The attractiveness of these recreational resources is the primary s.upport for the thriving lourlst industry of the city," the statement sald. T h e p o t e n l I a I t o r a .1 e nviro nmental disa ster tf ex pl oration ls allowed • .-is eqormol.UJ.'' the statement said.11 rhe thre~l 01 eannqu~ offshore "is well doc umented •and is a serious threat to the Integrity of drilling structures. A major oil spill could not be cleaned easily from the area's r ocky coves, inlets (and ) sensitive plant life, and wouliJ affect the recreational economy (See OIL, Page AZ) Trash-powered plant booed by residents By PATRICK KENNEDY Of IM Deity PtMI Mltft The developer of a proposed trash incinerating power plant• in Huntington Beach says he's n ot discouraged by the opposition or hundreds or nearby residents. 3 arrested; stolen goods recovere d A million dollar burglary ring operating out of Newport Beach has reportedly been put out of business with the arrest or three men a nd the discover y of several stole'n property caches, police report. Newport detectives said the ring may be responsible for as many as 50 burglaries in the beach city. The trio of men, police said , would ship stolen loot by bus back to South Carolina where it would be sold. Offi cers sa id they've been able to reclaim more than $300,000 worth of the stolen tiems. Arrested in Newport Beach >c was Marshall Timothy Bailey. 30, and Steve Joseph Yparrea, 31, also of Newport Beach. Both men are being held in lieu of $1 million bail. Meanwhile, FBI agents arrested Bailey's brother Terry in South Carolina after allegedly finding stolen property in his possession that agents were able to trace to Newport. Police said stolen loot also was d iscovered in two r e nted Newport houses. Officers said they intend to have a public showing of the recovered items -mostly jewelry -in the near future. It is unlikely, police said, that the re will be other arrests, although officers believe there may have been several other people connected with the ring from the Phoenix area. ·'I don't have lo win their a pproval," said ban Ryan of Newport Beach . "I just have to get the permits." Ryan's comments came-after ·a community meeting at Sowers School in Huntington Beach Monday night. About 600 people listened to his proposal and most of t hem hooted a nd yelled against it during a question and answer period. Ryan, presid e nt of Ryan ~nergy Corp. of Costa Mesa, has hired the Irvine-based Fluor Corp. to conduct preliminary studies for construction of the facility at a 38-acre mud dump o rr Magnol ia S treet and Hamilton Avenue. Ryan says he's negotiating to purchase the prope rty and hasn 't applied for city and state pe rmits to build the facility. The As-Con Landfill, also knows as the Steverson Brothers Dump, is located across the street from Edison High School and a tract or homes. Ryan says the proposed plant wo uld eventually burn up to 2 400 tons of rubbish and sewage siudge and generate electricity for 250,000 homes. He told the crowd the dump site was chosen because it is close to the Southern California Edison Power Plant on Pacific Coast Highway and the county's sewage processing and trash transfer station. Ryan contends the plant would benefit the county by taking a load o ff landfills and by generating electricity. But local reside nts al the meeting Monday demanded to kno w how the facility would affect their neighborhoods. When Ryan said that up to 300 large trash trucks would make daily deliveries to the plant., the c rowd seemed to groan in unison. "That's too da mned many,". said one ruan. "What about the smell?" a woman shouted. Ryan says incineration and steam generation would be performed indoors and no odors (See Tt A.SH. P age AZ) Newport's mayor in fa_ir condition Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather was listed In fair condition today at Hoag Me morial Hospital where sbe has been since Sunday when she surrered a stroke at her home. Hospital officials said the 52-year -old mayor ,· listed in serious condition Monday. is "improving" but confined to an intensive care unit. ' Mrs. Heather reportedly s uffered a cerebral vascular hemorrhage Sunday mornln1 and was treated by param~cs. Tbls is the second time ln the past year that the mayor has been hospitalized . Sbe was treated at St . .Joeejb ff ospttal la Oran1e last fall for a heart condition. · The ,nayor's coUeasuea on UM council, which met MondaJ evenlnt, said they bave redivtd UtUe or no information oe how serious the at.rote waa. Councilman Plal1 llaunr NW Mra. HHther bu been undm'· pre11ure and bad been oe aa active ach t dule, receatlJ retu rnia • from a t rip to Waah.lactoe1 D.C .• wbtrt aM m•t will• lntuaor Seer et•rJ Jam•Watt. Maurer P1d tbe maJW llad boea concerned a bo•t •• upcomilll voe. • tbe 8aM1•1 Raaeb tlnelopment proj:!t wbleb bu t.tirNd pnteet calla for a NI.......,. ft•t TOW la to M tall• "'1da1 and without the mayor, it appeared the counc il ·could deadlock. Dllllif COAST llATHIR Variable high c louds today. Mostl y c loudy tonight and Wednesday with a slight chance of rain Wednesday. Highs today in the mid to upper 60s and Wednesday in the low to mid 80s. Overni&bt Iowa 43 to 53. Chance of m 'easurable rain increasing to 30 percen t Wednesday. lillDI TllAY A /tdl laot1H la.a rd J. Jtobert Fluor dftcu1 lat. com,_..., dodt ~al tile firm '• 011tt110 1 . .,.,_,..,.. ~ at "'-' &oldla C.. Plaeo Hotel. See ~8.t. 1.1111 r • .. N Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT (Tueaday, March 9, 1912 \ Dow Jones Fi na l " UP 8.37 CLOSING 803.84 ~­'ill}\P. Prime to fall belo~ 15o/o? ITAU B)llll--....--... Dr. Robert T . Parry, chief economist for Security Pacific National Bank, predicted that the prime rate could fall below 15 percent in the summer months a.a the weak economy takes a further toll on consumer and commercial demand for credit. Wlaluaker Corp. is terminating its $425 mlll1on offer for Bna.uwick Corp. after its attempt t.o block the sale of Brunswick's Sherwood Medical Products subsidiary failed. The company said it would return the Brunswick shares it had received as promptly as possible ... Wickes Cos. has reached an agreement to sell. three.fourths of its MacGregor Goll Co. subsidiary and two·th.irds of its Red Owl supermarket and Snyder drugstore chains, according t.o the San Diego Union. If the deal goes through, Wickes will receive $72 million in cash and $5 million notes, a company spokesman told the newspaper . Yields on short·term Treuury secRritles dropped to their lowest leveJ in more than two months, averaging just over 12 percent. the government reported. About $4.8 billion in s lx·month bills were sold Monday at an average discount rate of 12.064 percent, down from the 12. 786 percent of last week. The government also sold about $4.8 billion in three·month bills at an average rate of l~.058' percent, down from 12.45 percent .. , Americans had an increased number of sources for mortgages in February, but the average home loan interest rate rose after declining for three straight months. the government reported. The average rate for a conventional mortgage was 17.49 percent, up from 17,34 percent in January and from 15.34 percent in February 1981, according to the Federal Home Loan Bank Boa.rd . . . The Bendix Corp. said it has acquired at least S percent of the voting shares of RCA Corp. for investment purposes and not for any possibl e takeover attempt . t.1.1.n...._e;._ ________ ~ West.em Digital Corp. of Irvine has realigned its staff to expand the company's involvement in research and development partnerships. Wllllam R. Benz goes from treasurer to vice president-finance and chief financial officer. Steven J . Drgastlo becomes treasurer and corporate officer. Translerra Exploration Corp. of Newport Beach has beeen awarded the oil and gas exploration license on 1.9 million acres of land in the RepabUc ol Sierra Leone, West Africa, the company said. The land is lo~ated along the south-central coasUine adjacent to an offshore tract that has been subject to extensive geophysical studies in the past year by Mobil Oil Corp. -~OCKS f N THE SPO.TLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS RCA IBM T .. Hlfttf IMratOll T_., I S.arsA-OeltaAlrl I CaroPwlt Amer T~T Sclllllf'l'IC1t9 I MlclSouUt EUOft I 'Penne,.r, JC ~:~:..,:; UPS AND DOWNS "-I Wurlltlw t °"411.t t.,.,. • •••nlff '"' 4 lllPW ·~ S l4/ll Intl • l''*lltv Fin ,._ ···"~' t Cooli Ulllt !0 Cl\#1.C P'1lf 11 H--6• It G....-, I us..-,, H...ol!Aoy IS Aolllfts 1 1' Doto Oerll 17 N81 Inc n II Sfa9nl$c ... "kla.t.11 ll'ct. Up tt.l Up IU Up HJ Up tt.4 Ull tU Up tit Ujl II.I Up IU Uj) 10.0 Up U Up U Up U Up U Ujl 7.1 Up 1.1 Ull TA Up r.2 Up 7.1 UP t.t METALS HEW YORK lAPI -Soot IW>fllarrous m411&1 prl<eto toclav · c.,,., 7S-·71 unh • pound, c1a,11natlofts.. '-•• :i.22 c-. powwl ZllK 41 ~a"'°"""· O.H-. Tia $4 ... 10 ~I' W-C-llt lb Ahl_ 7 .. n c-a peuncl, H Y -ttw'f sas oo "' 11av. l"MI'-t3J1 00 troy Ot. H 'f SILVER u.s Handy~ H.,.,.,..,., SJ -.,., troy ounca. GOLD QUOTATIONS 8yTlle~,._ S.lac!H -Id OOld prlcfl !Odey l...._: moml"9 ll•lnq ml.IO, oft UM. ~: .,,..,_ ""'"' ~.u. ott" is. Porh: uu.c. off tn .... Pr-: $J77.02. ofl tt n z-kll: '--"""" ..,. 00, oft ~ 00 .... U2'.•--N•••Y & Mar....,•: Oflly oelly Cl- ~.5' ...... US . ........ : °""' CIOlly Cl\IOt9 """· -•us . ....... ! .... , .. ,,, ........ f-'c .. U.S.11, Off 11.a.