HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-12 - Orange Coast Pilot, Ylll 11111111 llllY Ml FRIDAY , MARCH 12. 1982 OR ANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS FDR son labels fami1y revelation 'poppycock' By JEFF ADLER Of .............. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's eldest son James, a Newport Beach resident, said today the latest details or bis parents' private lives are "petty and unproven" and will have little effect on hisi<>ry. Roosevelt said he didn't know anything about reports that Army counter-intelllfence agents filed 1urveH ance reports, opened mall and once . bu&1ed his mother's hotel room during World War II. Also, the agents claimed that Pulitzer· Pri1e-winnin1 Roosevelt biographer Joaepb Lash bad an a ffair watb the president's wife in 1943. Lash, in his latest book entitled "Love, Eleanor," details the surveillance, but denies having the affair. Roosevelt, asked to comment about the account, said, "He's (Lash) said it's all a lot of poppycock. Its too bad people's lives have to be dredged up au "the time." Roosevelt said re'ading the details of his parents' private lives in the newspapers doesn't make him "happy," but he· unders tands that people in public life have to be resi1ned to surrendering their private lives. He added such accounts do not make any difference at all to history, especially when they are "petty and unproven." Roosevelt suggested that the current spate of revelations, s uch as the on,e concerning FDR's White House recording system, were inspired by the recent lOOlh anniversary of his father's birth. Although Roosevelt said he reads rriany of tbe books published conc erning his father's presidency, he doesn't intend to read Lash's new release. "I doubt whether I shall read it , it's in the gossip area and does n't inter est me ," he remarked. Lash, 72, authored the 19'71 Pu Ii h er -winni ng biography, "Eleanor and Franklin " Controllers hla111ed for AirCal inishap LOS ANGELES <AP) -Two air traffic controllers apparently (aited to notice a low-altitude alarm recorded by a computer at .Ontario International Airport for an Air California night that subsequently struck a cable and skidded orr a runw ay , a n investigator says. Keith McGuire of the National Transportation Safety Board sa id Thurs day (u rth er investigation will be conducted to determine why the alarm was not conveyed to the pilot and copilot or the Boeing 737, who have been suspended from flight duty over ques tions as to whether they followed proper procedure in m aintaining altitude. On Feb. 15, the plane, inbound from Seattle and Oakland, clipped two 250-foot-bigb power pole cables four miles from the runway, then changed course for o.lly,..... ~.., .. r, •"*- BUMPER TO BUMPER Traffic backs up during the Thursday afternoon rush hour on the San Diego Freeway in Costa Mesa as light rain falls. This photo. taken at 4: 30 p.m ., shows northbound traffic from the Corona del Mar Freeway <left > feeding into the San Diego route near the F airview Road interchange. Warmer Saturday, maybe rain Sunday Warmer weather and clearer skies with some high cloudiness were expected along the Orange Coast for Saturday after intermittent rain fell early this morning and Thursday night. But another low-pressure system is expected to move in off the ocean Sunday and there's a chance or more rain then. Three people were injured in a Costa Mesa accident Thursday night on a wet street. WORLD A car driven by Dawn Marie Rasmussen, 16, of Laguna Hills crossed over the center divider on Mesa Verde Drive East and collided head-on with a car driven southwest by Charles Richard Brown. 49, of Fountain Valley, night press foreman at the Daily Pilot, police said. M iss Ras mus se n and passenger Victor Joseph Valles, 16, or Costa Mesa were taken to (See CWUDS, Page AZ> Oriem Express back on track The luxurious Orient Express train, setting for Alfred Hitchcock and Agatha Christie mysteries, is preparing to get back on track in Europe. Page A3. NATION Worried reaideni. may junk town Residents of a tiny Oregon community are so worried about a guru's sect takin& over, they may vote to dissolve the community. Page AS. Nuclear free11e u•ue heat• up ·The movement for a bilateral free&e on production and deployment of nuclear weapons could be emergin1 as a polWcal issue. Page A3. \ Los Angeles International Airport, 60 miles away. Unknown to the pilots, the hydraulic lines that operate the plane's brakes and reverse thrusters had been broken. The aircraft was unable to stop on the LAX runway and skidded off the end into an embankment. No injuries were reported among the 117 passengers and five crew members. Investigators said they were unable to learn definitively from Capt. Thomas Hall, 41, and First Officer Jose Heriberto Matos, 47 , why the plane was apparently fl ying at 1,250 feet above sea level, 250 feet lower than the mandatory minimum altitude and slightly less than 250 above ground at that point. M cGuire said they were "somewhat vague" in their explanation. PAPER POSEIDON -Laguna Beach Hig h School physics student Lynn Caverly deftly handles paddle as she scoots across the high school pool in her D .. tyl'I ......... .., __ _ paper boat. A race, in boats constructed totally of pape r products. was the final exam for the 27 s tudents in Karol Kunysz's class. As for the alarm, he said that among the possibilities to be explored are that the equipment may have malfunctioned and failed to activate a buzzer and flashing light, and that a low-altitude alarm triggered for another plane only moments before the accident may have masked the subsequent warning on the AirCal flight. Laguna High launches navy The earlier United Airlines flight was given the warning, .and its flight path wa s corrected, McGuire said. Physics students build paper boats .as project 'Bugnappers' on loose in Laguna area Somebod y out t here mus t really love Love Bugs, because five 1966 model Volkswagen sedans were reported stolen in Laguna Beach early Thursday. Laguna Beach police said the cars -aU but one of them blue -were taken during the night from homes in the north part of town. Four of the cars were recovered by late Thursday, most with scarce parts missing. The epidemic of ··bug" thefts was believed to have been carried off by "thieves who were pretty well versed on the older models," said police detective Alex Jimenez. ''They jus t jumped i n , hot-wired the ignition and split," be said. He said the 1966 model VW sedan -and especially parts for the old cars -are scarce and valuable. Police earlier belie ved nine bugs had been stolen, but an assessment of the thefts later showed only five cars taken. Investigators s aid they are following up ~everal leads in the thefts. By STEVE MITCHELL Of -.,...., Net·-. The sign hanging on the chain-link fence 'outs ide the Laguna Beach High School s wimming pool reads "No foreign objects in the pool." But that stem admonition did little to stop the 27 physics students in Karol Kunysz' class from launching a mini-armada of paper boats at the shallow end of the 25-meter pool. It was final exam day Thursday at the high school , and the senior students, in teams of one to four participants, showed up with vessels of aJI types and colors. THE ONLY CRITERIA for the physics exam: the boats must be made entirely of pape r products. And they must successfull y contain one paddling student from one end of the pool to the other. Take J ohn Levin's team entry. tor example. A 10 pound triangular vessel made of milk cartons framing a refrigerator box , held together with $23 worth of tape and three bottles of rubber cement. It's called "Quad Ergon" which means ··work of four." ''The triangle shape makes it very strong," said team member Charles Wagner. "It's actually a lot stronger than it needs to be." That strength was apparent in all but one of the 10 entries, each paddled furiously across the smooth pool surface by the lightest or the team members. And what beauties they were. THERE WAS THE "Paper Poseidon," captained by Lynn Caverly, sporting a tall white bow and traditional shape. And "Victory," more a surfboard than a boat, with 34 milk cartons supporting race winner Justin Miller who spanned the length -or the pool in 18.5 seconds in the four-pound vessel. Only the ill ·Cated ··s.s. Aga," ao ugly looking sloop from the Alfi-Goldstein-Albert team failed to reach the concrete side at the deep end or the pool. "We're not being graded on beauty," sa id pilot Eliot Alfi prior to hJs unsuccessful try . Arter the race, the wet sailor was at a loss to explaill design deficiencies. PERHAPS THE MOST impressive craft was a pontoon-laden canoe styled by Roy Fielding. The brown boat, e<>mplete with "We 're not being graded on beauty.'' c ardboard tu.bes for balance, moved gracefully through the water to the finish, where Fielding calmly turned the totally dry paper boat around and paddled back to the start to the cheers -0f hls fellow physics students. Teacher Kunysi, a physics teacher at Laguna Beach since 1957. took great pains to weigh each boat, the paddler, and used a slop watch lo judge winners of the event. And while admitting the final class project was m ore en'tertaining than educational, Kunysz said fundamentals of physics were used in construction of the assorted craft. "It's a matter of design, a matter of bouyancy," he mused. "Some, obviously, were more successful than others." STATE INDEX UC wanll tougher requirement• A University of California committee has recommended requiring more academic classes of college-bound high school students. Page AS. Kids turn gunuhoe Some elementary school children in Hanford belp out their principal with some first-class 4etective work. Page AS. COUNTY ~ accea u•ue al lore The county Board ol Supervtaon wUl 1rappte aaatn next week with the touchy issue of airline ICCetl to John Wayne Airport. Paae Bl. At Your Service Business California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Stan Delaplane Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoscope lntermiulon ' A4 Ann Landers B4-S Movies AS Mutual Funds 82 National News C7 Public Notices 83 Restaurants B3 Sporta 82 Stock Markets CS Television A6 Thoaten Weekender Weather 82 World News Weekender SPORTS Ranu to •ign ]one1t B2 Weekender B4 .• A3 84.~ Weekender Cl·S BS TVLoe Weekender Al A3 Dally PUot writer JoKn Sevano reports tbe R ams ere cl•e to sl1nln1 former Baltimore Colts quarterback Bert Jones~ Pace Cl. .... I I Officials stories nnnn on • CLOUDS ••. Fountain Valley Communtty Hoapltal foUowtn1 the 9: 15 p.m. craah. Vallta was reported lD serious condition t.bta mornlna. Mias Rasmussen ln good condlUon. · ' Brown was llsted in fair I "'.'''condition today at the same ., , bosptt.al. · . . 111 Huntin~ Beach received .17 of an Inch of rain between 5 p.m. 1Thu~sday and 8 a .m. today, ,,:)lCcording to J . Sherman Denny, ¥\weatherman. He said the rainfall total for ,"'.).his year is 7.36 compared to 9.74 ,,.total on March 12, 1981. The ",1 rainfall total for 1981 was 10.62, Denny said. • , Costa Mesa had .11 of rain, . .' .. Santa Ana .12. Santialito Peak .60 .; * * * and .19 wu recorded at Villa Park Dam, accordlna to a spokeaman for the Orange County Flood Cootrol Dlatrlct. Cbarles Ware, a coordinator for the St. Patrick's Day Parade In Ml11lon Viejo scheduled t.o step off at noon, said the parade would go regardless of the weather. Snow was reported down t.o 7,000-foot level In the Blg Be!lr area or the San Bernardino Mountains and a spokeswoman for one ski spot reported three feet of new snow fell overnight. The high Saturday at the beaches is expected t.o be in the upper 60s. A high of 72 is forecast for Inland Orange County. * * * F!Jlizzard, flooding . ;:rava.ge parts of West .:"fty Tbe ASlocla&ed Preas ·" A blizzard with winds gusting ··to 129 mph dumped heavy snow .. 'across southeast Wyoming and • -Tlorthwest Colorado today while flooding forced about 50 families ·"to ·e vacuate their homes in -'~entraJ Arizona. '•' More than 2 inches of rain fell ~"at Flagstaff, Ariz.. during the 1 '~ight, swelling creeks and ,., 'rivers. The evacuations were ordered Jn the Williams and '"~edona areas. , · The National Weather Service said a blizzard left up to half a '•·root or snow in parts of the Jlockies and a wind gust of 129 ···~ph was clocked at the Rawhide • 11Power Plant 20 miles southwest ,·~of Cheyenne, Wyo. 1•1 A slushy storm in Colorado on .;'Thursday was blamed for a '·crash in which a bus s}jd into a • river, injuring 45 people, while a ' blast of cold air brought 77·mph eusts to Oreion and· plunied ·Idaho temperatures by 23 degrees in a matter of minutes. The cold front that hit ldibo an d Oregon c aused power failures as utility poles were knocked down by high winds. But within an hour after the front arrived, skies were blue again. A spokesman at the city golf course at Ontario, Ore., said wind gusts were measured at 77 mph about 1 p.m_., and later in the day the Boise Airport reported a gust of 48 mph. OfficiaJs at the Bogus Basin ski resort near Boise said they s hut down a chair lift after it was struck by lightning. Idaho Power Co. said several power poles were knocked down, cau sing interm ittent power failures. Hundreds of customers in Payette, Weiser, Cambridge, Parma and Fruitland in western Idaho and Nyssa, Ore.. were without power for varying periods, the utility said. Idaho power said about 2,500 customers in the southern part of Ada County were without power for a short period. The NationaJ Weather Service at Boise said temperatures dropped from 60 to 37 in a matter of minutes when the cold front swept through. It started :mowing and raining in some areas. Mitterrand · visit slated .. WASHINGTON (AP) - : President Reagan is preparing to deliver some "tough talk" to '>visiting French President , 'f..rancois Mitte rrand over '"rrench arms sales to Nicaragua ~nd diplomatic backing for leftist guerrillas in El Salvador, officials say. The Reagan administration is angr y over France's recent decision to sell $20 mimon in arms , i ncluding shoulder-mounted rockets, to Nicaragua, which the administration contends is the main arms supplier for the Salvadoran rebels. ··Nic aragua's role in El Salvador is · being abetted by France, one of our allies, and that is a bit scandalous," a White House offi cal said Thursday. He did not want to be iaentified. oil bids By STEV£ MA&BLE 0( ... Oe6ly """ .... Oll company execuU vea are keej)in1 their carcb covered on whether they lntend lO bid for oil drUUng rights off the Newport Beach and Laguna Beach shorelines. Unless the federal aovernmeot takes steps lO eliminate tracts off the couUines of both towns, oil flrms can begin bidding in June. Barry Lane, a spokesman for Union Oil. said his company doesn 't want it known whether it will enter into the bidding. Union Oil previously bid for all drilling rights three miles off Newport but the government rejected the company's $1 million offer. "This is a competitive lhlng," Lane explained, "and we ce rtainly don't want other companies knowing what we're going t.o do." City officials in Newport and Laguna are concerned that offshwe drilling or exploration coufo dent tourism, open the door for an oll spill and pose navigational hazards. Both c ities hav e taken positions that, in effect, oppose offshore drilling. Huntington Beach, which has established drilling platforms off its shoreline, hasn't. A spokesman from one oil firm said the word is that petroleum companies are lukewarm to bidding on the tracts off Newport and Laguna and are skeptical that there is a large amount of oil out there. In a lease sale, oil firms are asked to put "risk" money up front for a tract. In other words, firms gamble on whether there is a large oil pool below the tract. A successful bidder also must pay the federal or state government an annual rent as well as a royalty on profits. RoyaJty fees range from 12 to 16 percent. Ken De lino, Newport 's executive assistant to the city mana ger, s aid it is h is understanding that a minimum bid for a tract off Newport could be as high as $864,000. But oil executives said government officials can reject any bid they want. •'If the highest bidder turns out to be $5 million," explained Union Oil's Lane , "the government can still turn it down if it reels it's not hii;th enough.'' Lane added , though, that his colleagues in the oil business are encouraged by Secretary of the Interior James Watt's position on offshore oil drilling. "He's made no bon1 s about the fact that he wants 1 G go for it." said Lane. .. Clouds hang around Coastal .. to ,. Sauthe<n _,, 1119,,. .. to 14,•-•»loS'I NorlMm •ftd Cenl••I Caltlornla wltl be CIHfin(j today .. UPI for Sierra. Cloud • moving •outll S.turday with cr..nce of •.in In motl of Nor1hem Catltorna.. Muell cOOI..-. ~ .-TT".,..-~v lllf llPllT I ..•. • , SI J7 •• SI .. S1 ., ., .. S1 " " n t2 J4 2A .. • .. S1 • ,. 10 S3 0 • •S • IS .. u • <IO !2 • • ., tl S4 • 71 ,. S4 0 41 11 ,, .. .. " 41 • •• 11 .. .. 0 • • 7S .. n 1t '4 .. " .. n ... •• .. ,. .. ?I .. ,. " .. ••• ,. " • " .. ,. M a ,. .. ~""' "-9 ~ •k ............ ·NAM asks lllOre cuts in budget .... WASHINGTON (AP) -1be National Auociatlon of Manufacturers joined a trowinl chorus ol busloeaa aroupa today urging cuts in President Reagan's defense budget and in SociaJ Security t.o reduce future deficits and bring down interest rates . However, the NAM stood firmly against lowering deficits by raising business taxes, and did not advocate elimination of upcoming indJvidual income tax cuts, as other business groups have proposed. ·'Gaven suft1cient lime to work, the tax stimulus and other measures proposed by the Reapn administration could go quite f ar in achieving a sustained recovery" from the recession this year. NAM chier economist Jerry. Jasinowski said. T~e "crucial danger," J astnowski said, is that ex~essive federal spending wiJJ drive up govemmetat borrowing and consequently "raise interest rates to levels that will push the economy back _into recession in 1983." FINISHtNG WITH A FLUSH -Bill Valoff uses hose to clean some grime off fellow Huntington Beach firefighter Don Spreeman. The splashdown occurred after a $400,000 blaze at Huntington Landmark condominiums Sunday. He added that congressional or administration attempts to cut deficits by raising business taxes. "will substantially deepen the current downturn." Schmitz suggests 'isolating Cuba' ·'In order to retluce the risk of these developments taking place, further cuts in federal spending -particularly in Social Security, entitlements Cindi vidual benefit programs) and defen s e -will be necessary," he said. By JEFF ADLER Of ffM Dally l"I ... 51.eff State Sen . John Sch'mitz's aides enticingly said the Corona del Mar Republican would be discussing "El Salvador, the Military Coup and the Jews" before the Los Angeles World Affairs Council Wednesday evening. The World Affairs Council had billed it as Schmitz discussing "What's wrong with our foreign policy." As it turned out, what's wrong with the nation's foreign po}jcy is the J ewish community's influence in Wting U.S. foreign policy toward Is rael as well as tbe Soviet Union and Cuba, :according to Schmitz. The c andidate for the Republican nomination for u.s: Senate faulted U.S. foreign policy "(or being for Isr ael and not for America." Schmitz said foreign policy has been influenced by the news media through Soviet misinformation and "overeager, very ambitious politicians who s uccumb too much to the Jewish cor_nmunity in this country, which has been bulldozed and bedazzled by the Zionists so that almost the entire Jewish community in the United States .now feels obligated to support the Zionist movement and support Israel." To unde r scor e hi s point, Sc hmi tz s aid so man y pro·lsraeli resolutions come before the state Senate that "you'd think we were the Israeli Kn esset." Schmitz charged that the news· media and educators in this country, especially those in hi gher e ducation , a r e the "stronghold of the left." He addect the n media is running foreign policy.:· Turning his attention t.o the Soviet Union, Schmitz said the problem is not in El Salvador, it 's in C uba , Angola, Mozambique and the other Soviet client states which export revolution. "My answer to El Salvador and Poland is Cuba," said Schmitz. "My answer is to sever Cuba and Nicarauga from the Soviet orbit." . He advocated going on the offensive and undertaking "whatever is necessary" to free Cuba and other Soviet-dominated countries. "T h e y talk about de-stabilizing Nicaragua. They ought lo be talking about de-stabilizing Cuba," Schmitz said. "If you sever Cuba from the Soviet Union there will be no more problems. It's intolerable to have a Soviet satellite 90 miles from our shores." Questioned more closely about the situation in El Salvador, Schmitz fired back, "What if we jus t clobbered t hem right away?·' Pope's visit sparks unrest LIVERPOOL, England CAP> A hundred Protestant militants shouting "Traitor!" and "Judas !" drove the Archbishop of Canterbury out of a church pulpit and halted his religious service to protect the upcoming visit of Pope John Paul II. Outside, the most Rev. Robert Runcie. 60-year-0ld head of the Protestant state Churc h of England and the worldwide Anglican Communion, was jostled Thursday by an angry crowd as he neared his car. Police moved in to enable him to drive away, . J asinowski said the only tax increases he would favor to c l ose the d eficits are consumption taxes, such as an oil import fee or excise taxes. H e said the NAM 's policy-making board will not adopt a formal position on taxes until next week, but predicted the board would continue s upporting tbe individual tax cuts Reagan won from Congress last year. Wholesale Prices -- ' 'I' H 1111 .1 ·1 Pm .1 • fl II 11 ')( f (>I r 1111• .h1 ·d ( J( ><><I·. 280• 275• 1 !:Jfi /= 1 OU 270• 255• MAMJ JASONO·JF 1981 82 So11r <11 • Ot1p l o t L.1bor (I l11.ul111 ".l1 ·tf J '''"''"·I • PRICE CHART -Th e Producer Price Index for finished goods remained at 277 .4 in February. T his means-goods and services costing $10 wholesale in 1967 would have cost $27.74 last month. DI!!!:-.~~~#-"' ~~ /f'&~~ See the 1983 Nordica Trident with its special Air Fit System Today. Also. ---SALE In PROGRESS on all 1981-12 SKI GEAR in stodd Save 20 to 50% OPEN ALL WEE*RIGBTS TILLIPM • NUclear arms 'major isSue' WASHINGTON <APJ The move to promote a superpower freeze on production, testing and deployment or nuclear weapons may be emerging as a major political issue. T.he lines were drawn this week when a bipartisan group of me m bers o f Co ng r e ss introduced a resolution calHng on the Reagan administration and the Soviet government to try t o n egotiate a ha lt to th e manufacture, t esting and deployment or nuclear weapons. "It's not only bad defense and securit y policy, it's bad a rms control policy a s well," said Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr . responding for the administration. But it was clear there are politician:. in both major parties who sense an escalation in the concern among Americans that the world is dangerous ly close to nuclear confrontation. "I wholeheartedly endorse the nuclear rreeze initiative." former Vice Preside nt Walter r Mondale told the National Press Club on Tuesday. Sen . Edward M Ke nnedy, D·Mass .. was one of the lead s ponsors of the nuclear freeze resolulion And two o the r potential D e m ocrati c pr es1dent1 a l candidates Sens John Glenn of Ohio and Alan Cranston or California a re among the most outspoken congressional criti cs o r the R eag an ad m inis tration 's policies on nuclear prolireration In January, 70 percent of the peo pl e r espondin g to an Associatttd Press-NBC News poll s aid they thought it likely the Uni te d States will become involved in a war daring the next few years. The figure in August was 57 pe rcent Neither question mentioned nuclear war But there is little question how Am e rican s feel about the outcome of an all out nuclear Niil llllYBll w ur: A survey in October found 78 percent of the people felt neither s ide wouJd win. A slight majority in a survey in December said the y felt Preside nt Reagan a nd his admirustratioo were talkine too much about the possibility or using nuclear weapons. F o r politicians, an even cle arer signal of the public mood may have come from the Vermont town meetings last wee k where a n1telear freeze proposal carried in 83 percent o( the 191 sessions that considered it. In New Hampshire, 29 of the 36 towns that have considered the matter approved a freeze. "The grass roots out there makes it very diffic ult for them to ignore t his issu e.·· Rep. Edward Markey, D·Mass .. said Tu es da y of hi s f e ll ow congressmen. Whateve r its o rigins, the movement is being embraced by h ig h -profile esta blis hme nt politicians. "The Reagan adm inistration h as s hown di s dain for the nude<ir pen I, .. said Mondale ·'They show little interest in our n a tio n 's n on pro liferation policies Arms control is a moral and security imperative or our age and not an instrument of propaganda · · Glenn has not yet taken a position on the nuclear freeze but he defined the proliferation issu e this way in a recent inte rview: ··what we're talking a bout is whether we some day blow up the world ... you're t alking a bout whether 'your kids and mine or your grandchildre n are going to get incinerated ... Cranston said in a speech this week that "the worst aspect of the Reagan presidency 1s its failure to come to grips with the dangt!r or nuclear war." /latch aide quits over 'crude joke ' OGDEN. Utah <AP I An aide to Sen Orrin G llatch has resigned under pressure over a "crude joke" in which a letter re plete with ethnic s lurs was addressed to a youth with a His panic s urname. a Hatch press aide says. The letter was put into the m ailing system but was caught by a woman who revi ews outgoing ma il , Paul Smith said Wednesday The letter was then posted on a bulletin board in the Sen ate o ffi ce building in Was hington, 0 C. Smith said the Re publican senator from Utah never saw the note. which was posted in the La bor and Human Resources Committee area of the building. A copy or the note, written as though 1n reply to a letter protesting federa l budget cuts. was obtained by the Ogden Standard-Examiner Smith refused to identiry t.he aide who resigned Wednesday under pressure from Hatch, but said the person was more a "secretarial-type aide than a legislative assistant.·' "It's an unfortunate thing," Smith said by telephone from his Washington office. The letter protesting budget cuts was sent to H a l c h 's Was hington office by Ramon Rodriguez. a Bridgeport, Conn., s ixth-grader. William Tinkler, principal of McKinley School tn Bridgeport, said the youth and some or his classmates wrote letters in Augus t to Hatch as~ing that funds providing books lo them not be cut. The youth said he didn't know what happened t o his reply letter from Hatch. only that a part of it thanked h im for writing the senator. Smith said the actual letter sent by Hatch to the boy Aug. II, 1981 , sy mpathized with the youth 's concerns over budget c uts . Smith quoted Hatch's letter as saying, "You can be s ure I'm concerned you have the opportunity to learn how to read." S mith also s aid Hatc h . chairman of the Senate Labor and H uman R es ources Committee. promised to help the s tudent. Smith said Hatch was deeply upset about the fictitious note. which was unsigned but was on Se na te Labor and Hum a n Resources Committee stationery and had Hatch's na me typed al the bottom. "Somebody did it as a crude joke. and it got into the mailing system somehow," Smith said. "The girl that goes through and reviews each letter before they go out s aw it. pulled it, called the committee to find out what was going on -nobody over the re would 'fess up to it. "So s he put it up on the bulletin board .. a s what not to do .. .. 1+--NIW GAMI UNVllLID -C8tdioal !Adustries, a New York-based game manufacturer, teamed up with ABC to produce "The Game .of General Ho1pltal. •· The new same • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, March 12, i 982 s .... .,. ........... Williams top Abscam catch NEW YORK (AP ) - Operation Abscam may best be remembered for its agents in s heik's clothing. The biggest ~atch in t he Abscam net was Harrison A. Williams Jr .. the four-term Democratic senator from New Jersey who resigned his seat T hursday. Abscam began following the l 977 fr aud co n victio n an Pittsburgh or con m a n ~el Weinberg. Seeking l-0 avoid prison, Weinberg volunteered to rat on fellow crooks . We inbe r g, who conside r s himself the world's best con, joined forces with the FBI in a free-wheeling enterprise. According to trial testimony, Weinberg started oH helping the government recover stolen art and securities in 1978. It didn't take Weinberg long to s t eer the probe fro m the peddling of phony certificates of depos it to politicians willing to peddle their offices . In November 1978, undercover agents working with Weinberg in a front c alled "Abdul Enterprises" were introduced to a businessman named William Rosenbe rg, who would later plead guilty to various Abscam charges in the case or former Rep. Richard Kelly, R-Fla. met with the undercover agents, explaining he had wide influence I tl\roughout New J ersey. The f mayor sajd he could arrange for t he sheik to "buy" a n Atlantic City casino license. fl wasn't long before the name or Errichetti's "old and dear friend," Harrison A. Williams Jr , was m entioned. On March 23, 1979, undercover FBI agent Ric hard Farhart made his actinf debut as "Sheik Yassir Habib, ' m eeting on a yac ht i n Florida with the four -term senator from New J e r sey and s everal oth er Abscam m arks. Williams' j udgment of the phony Arab, right down to his p osed photos wi th the kafiya-clad Farhart, proved to be one or his biggest mistakes. On the boat , "Yassir" nodded as if he didn 't speak English. In early 1980 a change in strategy dictated that the sheik speak to Williams . T h e De m ocratic s enator later remarked on bow Yassi r 's co mmand of the language had improved. Jurors in all the trials said the action caught by microphones and videocam eras hidden in briefcases, under rugs, behind cu rtains a n d behind t i n y peepholes in doors, provided the most convincing evidence. DANCERS WALK Go'Go dancers Susan Littlt>. "T .. .J . Cindy Thomas and Debi Perry (from left 1 picket a µool lounge in Pho('nix in a successful job action O\'t.•r htrtng of .. a matt'urs ·· Rosenberg told the agents, who posed as Ame rican agents for an Arab sheik looking for investment opportunities. or a number or sweetheart deals he had with Angelo Errichetti. then the mayor of Camden, N.J . The defendants pleaded LhaL th ey we r e "play a ctine," engaging in "loose talk" or "I wa s conduc ting m y own an vestigation." , Copter smuggling operation probed Erric he tti. accord ing to R ose nberg, was getti ng kickbacks. From that moment, Operation Abs cam turned decidedly political. In December 1978, Errichetti Williams protested that bis case was difrerent. While the othe rs actually received cash bribes, Williams r eceived only promises of a $100 million loan for a titanium mine, which was s upposed t o bring him a s ubsequent personal profit of $12.6 million. AMARitLLO . Texas <AP> - The investigation of a sche me to smuggle sophisticated Cobra he licopters from the United States to Libya has resulted in the a rrest or a second Califorrua man. authorities said. Thomas R. O'Conner, 51, a psyc hologist from Torrance, Calir , s urrende red Wednesday to U S. Customs Service officials al Los Angeles International Airport Max Field, 71. a California real estate broker, was arrested Saturday tn Los Angeles, said Ed Fortier. Customs s pokesman in Dallas. Field is being held in lieu of $500,000 bond on Terminal Island, California officials said. Three other me n rem ain in Potter County jail without bond on sealed indictments from a rede ral grand jur y in Dallas. They were arreste d in Amarillo and charged in a multi-million dollar sche me to transport Cobrn g unships to Libya from the Bell Helicopter Textron Co facility Authoriti es said more arrests may be made as a result of the City resorts to nunmage sale SA~ J A. BA\_;TISTA 1AP1 Some cities raise t axes to stay in bu~tness Rut this tiny San Benito County community has decided to try <i rummage sale inste ad H ard h 1t b y cutbacks in federal programs, the city office oper ates with a skeleton staff and has 1ts doors open to the public only two days a week, although it is s taffed all week. Two volunteers donate time in the office during the week. The two-day bargain sale and auction, beginning March 27, probably will be the first in a series of fund -raisin ~ eve nts intender! to help keep the city in bu sines~ --···~·· inves tigation, which la s ted severa l weeks. Be ll spokesman Jack Tarpley said no helicopters had been stolen from the facility. He said no e mployees were suspected in the s muggling plan. Company offi cials said the Cobr as targeted in the scheme were undergoing r epairs a nd outfitting at the Be ll Textron facility. The three men arrested m Amarillo were identified as Carl Michael Kulungian, 34: Alfonso Lopez Quesada, 41. and Paolo C. Marcuzzi. 37. Tarpley said none of the three arres ted 1n Amarillo e ver worked for Bell. Rolle said that Quesada and Mar cuzzi wer e aliens. The three men were arrested and arraigned Saturday before U.S. Magistrate Bob Sanders in Amarillo, who did not s et bonds. Fede ral officials earlier had been hesitant to talk about the investigation. A U.S. Customs spokesman in Houston said any comment might jeopardize an investigation with inte rnational implications that affects a "large geographlc area." But adrutional a rrests in other parts of the United States are possible. said Charles Conroy, a Customs spokesman. Orient Express back on tracks PARIS tAPJ Five years after it chugged out of service with only a shadow of its past glory. the Orient Express is back in Paris in preparation for a nostalgic and luxurious return to t he railroad tracks of Europe. Four renovated cars of the train are at Austerlitz station for a preview of the services that will be offered when the Venice Simplon Orient Express begins its maiden voyage May 25 from London's Victoria Station. "This is not a train for your average traveler," said Joelle Pierrard, a spokeswoman for a private company r estoring the service for well-off travelers "It is des igned for people who want to return to the d ays when train travel could be a luxurious event ." In its heyday. the Orient Express was one of the most elegant trains in the world. It carried royalty and the very rich in a pampered setting that inc luded the bes t of food , furnis hings and ser vices. The old train's route through Europe to the Turkish capital or Is t a nbul then known as Constantinople -became the setting for nume rous books and f i I m s i n c I u di n·g A If red H itchc o c k 's "The Lady Vanishes" and Agatha Christie's "Murder o n the O r ient Express." In the years a rtet World War 11, the advance of air travel cul deeply into the ser vices or the Orient Express. When it made its last trip from Paris in May t 977. it contained four rather run-down cars. Th e co m ebac k o f a luxury-c lass Orient Express is t h e brainchild o f Bri tis h businessm an J ames Sherwood. Arter a renovation program that cost a n estimated S1&. million. Sherwood is banking on the prospect that there are e nough or a certain kind of t r aveler to make the train pro fitable. You've All Been Aski,. WELL IT'S HERE! NEWPORT SKI COMPANY'S SUPER Sale Starts March 5th Clothing & Equipment • ....... • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 12, 1982 ..... ~~\ •j ,, ...... • Consumerism for elderly D £A R H I': f\ D 1-: K S · · Con R u Ill c r Education U1ut 1o~ru 1>hy for O lder Americans," u ~iubhcutaon or the National Retired 1'et1ct11:rs Association /American Association or Rt'tlrcd Pcr~ons, lists seleeted materials on vurious t·on~umer topics. They Include : personal rmanc·c~. s ale!>, insurance, hous ing und home rt>pu i r . heulth and health care, food . f unerali:. a nd fra ud. The 1 materials, whic·h ttft' 1•1lht>r free or nominally ., priced , wc rl' prcparC'd by government age!lcics and busancs~ ori~anizut1ons. Single copies of the b1blwgraphy are available from 1' NRTA/AARP, PO Box Z400, Long Beach. " Calir. 90801 ' P&£. syn1bol clarifi.ed DEAR PAT Dl1NN: In recent months a rumor hai. been s11reading in your area that Procte r & Gamble'!> moon and s tars " trademark i!. a \atanical/occult symbol whic h sii.:nifies i.omr connectio n with satanism or devil "or~hi11. Some have also claimed that a I'&<; official appeart>d on a 'TV talk show to di,cuss the company's connection with i.atani .,m. Obviously, these rumors have no hash. in fact. I can a!tsure you and your n ·adC'" that no P&G official has appeared on an~ talk show to discuss sata nism. O ur m cJ1111 a 1111 i. I a r s trademark re presents onl \ l'&(i an1I has no other connection. i\11\ rt·•wmhlanct• bt•tween our moon and s tar!-. tra1l1•mark and any other symbol ii> purt•l.Y <'oinddt•ntal. Tht• symbol was originally ll"t'tl (beginning in 1851) to identify crat1•i. ur Star C'andl<'l-, an early P&G .product, 31' tht'y \Wrt' 'hiprwd down the Ohio River. The symbol 1•voht'd into a cluster of 13 s tars, n •pn•,t•ntin" lht• 13 original states, and a man·in·lht··moon profile. a popular fancy of ~ht· tinll'. Wt• n•J,!istrrrd the moon and stars symbol wl&ll the U.S. PalHl Office In l882, and It has been a symbol of Integrity for P&G producls ever alnce. R .G., Clnc:lnnall Thank you for clarifying this matter. Readers wi11king to obtain more information may contact The Procter & Gamble Co .. Consumer Services Department, P .O. Box 599. Cincinnati, Ohio 45201. Growing houseplanls DEAR READERS: tr houseplants wither and die under your care , you can learn the secrets of ~uccessful indoor gardening in a booklet by the U .S . Departme nt o f Agriculture. It provides s pecific care Ups tbr 61 different s pecies, plus instructions on everything from re·potting old plants to propagating new ones from cutt.ings . For a copy of "Selecting and Growing Houseplants,' 'fse nd $2 to Consumer Information Center . Dept. 143K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. You'll also receive a free copy of t he "Consumer Information Catalo g ." Publis hed quarterly by the Consumer lnformat,on Center of the U.S. General Services Administration. The catalog lists more than 200 free and low-cost publications of general consumer interest. • "Got a problem? Then w nte to Pat .... 1 Dunn. Pat will cut red tape. getting "' the answers and action you need tu • sol ve inequities m government and ,... business. Mall your questaons to Pat I I Dunn. At Y our Service. Orange Coast Daily Ptlot. P 0 Bo:r 156(), Costa M esa. CA 92626. As many letters as posS1ble will be answered, but phoned mqu1nes or letters not including the reader's /ull name, address and business hours' phone number cannot fie ccms1dered. ThtS column appears /toe days a week Dii1YCPliat Classified advertising 71 41642·5678 A ll other departments 642-4321 Pipe bursts at research reactor BALLSTON S PA, N.Y. (API Thomas P H.11.1y ~, ..... _,,.,.., .. Robert N Wt>ed Thomas A Murpl1111· E0010t L Kay Schu1t1 VtCttPru '°""'' Af"IO °''~•'I ! '{I " Michael P H,irv .. ., Kenneth N l•• 110.11 I l• Charles H Lou~ MAIN OFFICE ))tl W~\C 8.W SC (°'Ca Mn.t ( ... Md•I dd<Jtr\\ t\0( t\6() Cost .. Mt-"\~ C A 91•1' lOC>YriQrtt 1981 0r.tn9f' (OdSt Pubh\ntnQ C~ny Nn n,,.,., \tor1f'\ 1llU\lrt1t1ons. flt-01tor1..i1 ma1tr-r or •O ¥••rfi'tt"mf"flts. ""',.'" m•v M reprochltfid without \~I. •di Of''m•\\l()n Of COC>VrlQht O'tfWtwr !>l"tc,.11·u1 Cid\' pv\td~ o..t10 di Co\ta Mf''\a, C•l1forn1• llJ P~ '" ~' Sut>unp11on t>y carr•,., \..t H"'°"thly D-. m,111 \,o \(Jtn~1hly T "" o, .. nQP Co.ut Oit1ly Pilot With w tH<h I\ (Ofn. t'11n••d '""' NPw' Pr~' 1\ oublf\Md by the Or•"9f' t ~t\t PIJbh\hJnQ Comp.any Sif.Pclrate f'dlhon\ •re 111..iblt,twd ~"'Y lhrou9h F nday tor Cost• Mew. Nt.1wpor1 0f'.tt h Hunt1f"l9t0t1 Bt>tt<h. Fovn1a1n \l•ll•v. 1n11n,.. t dQUM 9P.t(h South (Ga\t A ~HU~., re(Jton.al 1•'1•l•on '' r>v04•~nied Sttturdayor, •nG Sund•Y\i The or'"' •oat oub11\hmQ pl.tnt •\at 130 Wt\l B•v Street, P n no. 1\tol' CO\tA Mt-\tl Ca11torn1tt <11t.1• A pipe burst Thursday dunng startup tests of a r esearch re actor at the Knolls Atomic Po wer Laboratory. allowing a "minor" leak of low·level radioactive water, officials said. The spill caused no injuries and posed no thre at to the public. s aid Theodore Glassen, a spokesm an for General Electric Co . which operates th e laboratory. VOL. 75, NO . 71 The spill was contained within the reactor compartmen.t, he said Deily l'llol Dth•try hG...,..,lttd MonQly r r•O,j;-I ., r h t You' OolOP' t r •, l ' ' t 1•1 • om ana •-""' , • ,. 1. h • •· 8e"°"o.ay •no ~v'"l•" I , 'ec9•¥"11 'f'>U' C<tC ., r , • betote 10 i ~ 1· l't , ' I • • ~•vetfiO cn..1..i-r.1.p11.._. MoslOran.oe(• t,,. , ••1•11• N()(1hwe\I ~t,tf"lh ,, H1 1 • 4rt0 WP._lm•,.... "'' • \ 10.' UO ~"• N•v~,... n ... u oo We're Listening ••• Whal do ~nu hkt• a bout the Daily Pilot., What don l you h ke " < ·.111 lht• numhl·r b<'lo" and your message will be recorded. 11.111 ... 1·nht.·d and dt"lrvcred to the appropriate editor Thl' ~amt• 24-hour a ni.wenng sen ·1ce may be used to record let tt·r .. to lht• c•ditor on an~ top1t Mailbox contributors must include lh1•1r name· Jnd tc•IC'phom· numbt>r for verir1cat1on No c1rculat1on t·.d 1 .... plt'.1"1' 1"1·1111" \\h,1l ""n \our mind 642·6086 STARS VISIT Ricky Schroed e r . tclev1s 1on and movie star. pays a backstage visit to tt}.e star of .. Annie " Allison Smith and AP......- her canine friend "Sandy" in New York The youths. both 12. will perform together Easter Sunday in a benefit for orph~ns . Burton to play Lear in New York R ichard Burton says he will return to Broadway lo portray the remaining great Shakesp<·arean role le ft to him Kin~ Lear Burton , 56, ma de the d1 sc lo!tur1· 1n a British H roa d c a s 11ng Co rp interview l<tp<'d for airing today · I huve to do 1t as a ktnd or ubh~at1on . Burton s aid ·1 am. art1·r all. the kind or a uthcnti<· dark vmce of my lortun·d part of the world jnd I hJ\l' to plC1y Lear IH"<·au~t· l.l'<tr 1s the only Wt•lshman or any tntcr esl th u t Shakci.pe<1 re wro te about · Burton. once a g r eat Hamll•l. 1:-. hlming the title role m a tclt.·v1s1on biography of compo:-.cr RichC:1rd Wagner on local1on m Austria and Italy West C:erman Chancellor Helmut Schmidt is featured playing third piano on a c la s:-.1nil reco rd album presentN1 h1 m Thursday Peter Andry, classics cl 1 rector ror the Electrola Hecord ('o . gave Schmidt a cop~ or lhl' album during a ceremon} 1n Palac e Sc l" . .iumhurg I t w as produced Dec 21 1n London's Abbcv Road Studio and m cludl'-. Mozart's concerto for three pia n os and nrchestru m F ua1or Schmidt was accompanied b~ pianists Jus tus Frantz and Christoph Eschenbach and the L on don Phtlharmonit' Orchestra. A Roman Catholic grade school's efforts to s tage a ce lebrity auction in this small Upper Peninsula town of Calumet. Mich .. are off to a royal start with the help or a girt from Princess Grace of Monaco. The organizing committee concerned parents and the 79 students or the Sacred llearl Central School -sent l<'ttcri. two weeks sgo to Comedian Richa rd Pryor, star or "Silver Streak" and ··Stir Crazy." is headed for di vor ce court again. his w1 fe"s attorney says. J ennifer Lee P ryor , the com edia n's fourth wife. filed documents in Los Angeles Sup e rior Court see king The iirst major exhibition of the lat e r paintings of Georges Braque will open this f all at the Phillips Co ll ection on the lOOth anniversary of the Fre nch master's birth. with the help of a $105.000 grant Crom the Lynne Frederick, wife or Hr1t1 s h t e l evis ion per~onal ity.producer David Frost. is recovering at the couple's Los Angeles home from a miscarriage suffered two weeks ago, Frost's office confirmed. A woman at Frost's office who as k e d n ot to be ident1hed said that Frost had rlown to Los Angeles to be with his wife but declined to give further details. about 300 celebrities asking f o r a p e r s o n a l item accompanied by a s igned v e r i fi cation , Marcelaine Rovano, auction chairman. su1d . Princess Grace, a former m ovie s tar who l eft Holly wood to marry Prince Ranier. sent a pair of dolls dressed an regal garb, along with a signed card affixed with the royal seal. alimony and property rights, her la wyer , who asked not to be identified. has confirmed. The Pryors were married 111 August 1981 and separated J an. 20, l he lawyer said. There were no c hildren Crom the m arriage National Endowme nt for the f\ rts. T he exhibition will travel t o mu s e um s i n Sa n F rancisco. Minneapolis a nd Hous ton next year arter a two month debut at t he Phillips startmg Oct. 9. U.S. Ambassador Herbert Okun declined an invitation to a ttend a reception in East Be rlin for visiting Palestini· a n c hief Vasser Arafat, American offi cials s aid. No reason was given. but the United States maintains a policy of not dealing with the P alestine Libe ration Organization so long as it re mains committed to the destruction o r Israel. STAY ALIVE DRIVE 55 I ·~ RABBITT INSURANCE • .,}l_ ;!.'>lh \t'Jr Come Hear This FREE Lecture ''WHAT DO YOU MEAN - - ommAH SCIENCE TRIEA TMEHT?" ~.,~ \nn1\1·r-.arv ,. Ill lht• lf,trlMll \n•,1 t ; FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP 44 I Old Mewpon ll•d. by Richard Howard.CS Member of the Chnshan Science Board of Lecturesh10 Monday, March 15, 8:00 P.M . .Wwport ...... Hlcjll SQool ........ I"* .. I Sitt St .. ..._._,.... hKlt 881 DOVER DRIVE, #14. Newport Beac h M•wpori leoch, CA 63 1·7740 Presented by First Church of Christ. Scientist Newport Beach. 673-6150 Gracious hv1ng 1n a country club sethnq U1a1 overlooks th£: bay Thats Park Newport Thl' linest apartment community 1n fash1ona,Plc NewrJort Ue;-1ch Here for your pleasure a $1 •. 111ilhon Social and Health club 8 l1ghted tennis courts racquetball courts 7 swimming pools and acres ol qarrJr.ns Leases are available for 1 :? <HKJ 3 t >1'<h l)(ltn units Some are elegan!ly lurrnshed APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM f540 TO $1,000. Conventently located on the Upper Bay, Park Newport 1$ jUSI 5 QUICk minutes from the Orang~ County Airport and all maior business centers On Jamboree Road at San JoaQutn Hills Road 11 .... (714' .... 1900 Child Care Available al the Audctonum Co me in and see our large selection of Swimwear South Coast Plaza In the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 It's your retum suppott that counts! ~aomes .. Orano-Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 12, 1982 t\5 ..• Tougher UC entrance Avalon city manager proposed e • • BERKELEY CAP ) -A UJVen wanw position p o w e rful U n i v e r s ity of ~.., • ~ California faculty committee has recommended stiffening UC FARMERSVILLE (AP) -A Tulare County native has been a ppoi nted city m anager at Farmersville. The city council unanimously chose John R. Longley Jr. Crom three finalists. Longley was born and raised in Porter ville and c urrently is city manager at Avalon on Catalina Island. H e w i l l tak e ove r t h e Farmersville j ob April 16 at a salary of $30,000 a year. Farmersville's previous city m a n a ger , Augus t Caires, became city administrator at Shafter last July. Police Chief Garry Meek has been acting city manager since then Almost 50 people applied for the post in the Tul are County community or 5,665 r esidents. A screening committee tr immed the list to three. and the council i nterviewed the £inalists. Longl ey has a bach el ors degree from San Jose State and a masters from University of California-Davis. He has 'been an administrative assistant at California City and an aide for the League of California Cities. Jetliner has near miss SACRAMENTO <AP ) -A j etliner with 20 passenger s aboard avoided a collision with a sma ll plane in the air near Sacra m en t o M etrop ol ilan Airport thi s w ee k , the Feder al Aviation Administration said. The near miss occurred about 5:30 p.m . Wednesd ay, as a Frontier Ai rlines 737. F light 616 from Redding, approached the airport to land, said Victor Katz. the control tower chief Air tr affic controller s alerted the Frontier pilot, who spotted the sm all plane about a quarter or a mile in front of hi m T he Jet, t raveling about 200 mi les per hour , turned left and the s m all plane also turned away. T he jet L1,1rned back Lo the airpor t and landed safely. No injuries were reported on the jet. whic h continued on to Denver after the Sacramento stop. T he small plane left t he area and di sappeared from r adar screens at Sutter County Airport near Marysville. Katz said the FAA will try to find the pilot to obtain information. He said he didn't know if the pi lot had violated any r egulations Big rats scare tourists SAN FRANCISCO (AP> The Sa n F ra n cisco H ea l t h Department has taken steps to wip e out a co l o n y o r p ossum -si zed rats th at a dist ressed tourist compl ained had tak en over a Fi nancial District construction site. D epar tme nt spok esman George Ku wata n i sai d exterminators have baited rat holes with poison and that most of the rotund rodents should be dead by next week. Leonard Mendelson, a tourist from Southern California, said he was peering through a fence at the lot recently when a r at crawled out and lunged at him. The Woodland Hills man was unharmed. The property r ecently was sold to a Texas devel opment firm for $795 per square foot. Sacramenlo nixes evacuations SACRAMENTO CAP> -The Sacramento County supervisors adopted a resolution Thursday s a yin g th e county won 't cooperate with a federal plan for 1 mass evacuation of target areas in case of nuclear attack. ' The resolution. approved 3·1, said no cou nty employees or f un ds shall be divert ed ior "crisis relocation planning" because it would be in~ffective, would gi ve people a false sense of securit y and might encourage a pre-emptive first strike e ntran ce r equire m ents to i nclude an additional year of mathematics and an increase in other high school academic classes. The proposal, which will be considered by the UC r egents, also would award more credit to honors courses in figuring a high school student's grade average, so as to encourage students to take those courses. 'The university said that the faculty's Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools. which prop oses admissions st andards, endor sed the plan this week for students entering in the fall of 1986. After re v iew by another faculty group, the proposal could go to the regents by June, said UC SPokeswoman Sarah M olla The changes could have a m ajor effect on courses taken by t h ousands of col lege.bound s.tudcnls in C alifornia. They continue a trend of the las t few yea r s, despite s t a t e wid e reductions in high school class periods and virtual eli mination of summer school. HARDEYE GUMSHOES Darryl Friebe a nd Justin Pa rreira display identificat ion cards berorc launching a new inves tigation al .... ............... Rich mond E le ml·ntarv St'hool wht•rt> 1h1· princiµHI h<.is assigned c.:a::.t'!-1 to thl·m Junior sleuths hard to fool I I U nder r ecen tly adopted standards, UC applicants must h ave tak en fo ur yea r s o f college-preparatory English and two years of mathematics. They must also take two years of (I foreign language, a year or history or civics, a year of a laboratory science. and ano~her year of either m ath. science or foreign language. Admissions are ba~ed on a combination or grade ·aver age and entrance exam ination scor es. HAN FORD <AP) is their game. Sleuthing was t he work of ··an older person, probably a teen-<1ger " J the (·an lodged itself out or sight. I W 1th a little prying inl!J how ( Unfortunately, cl asses at Lee Richmond Elementary School take up a lot or time in the li ves or the junior detectives. The partial pr int was knocked inadverten tly from thei r workbench. a gar bage can cover, into the t rash, prompting fe l low d etect i ve P eggy Marmaduke l o warn, "It's going to be no good now if you get your fingers all over it." the can got into the toilet. Parks J !>&Id the detectives "got 1t -- stopped We haven't had any more problems like that " The proposed standards would require a third year of math and t hree mor e year s of other academic courses o f t h e student's choice. adding up to 15 year·long academic unit s in four years of high school. At least seven or the 15 would have to be taken in the last two years. The third to fifth graders in the Char les Townsend Detective Age n cy b o rr o w e d f r o m "Ch arl ie "s A n ge l s" a r e hard·driving private eyes. Their devotion to investigative procedur es outlin ed i n the ··H ardy Boys D etect ive H a n dbook " h as l ed to assignments from Principal Jim Parks. Later , agency m em bers made a plaster cast of a tennis shoe print and patrol school grounds as part of their daily routine Switching over to the bur glary ,. trail. thl• gumshoes learned that ·: two stopwatches were stolen in· .. IC1le December and a microwave oven and camera were taken in February The detecti ve!> can expect a $5 rew<1rd 1f they find the missing watches T o m eet complaints that grade based e ntran ce require m en ts e n courage students to take easy classes, th e comm i ttee pro p osed aw arding an extr a grade point for honors courses -an A would count five instead of four, a 8 would count four, and so on. They are credited with solving ·'The Case of the Res troom Vandal," "The Case of the Stolen Puppets" and "The Case of the Thrown Eraser s." "'They 're r eally cute as long as we keep them in control," Parks said. "M y first day al school, Darryl handed me a card and told m e if I h ad any proble ms t h ey 'd he l p me investigate. I've asked them lo h e lp m e so l ve a co up l e of problems." ··1 think they used that much on pla~lcr.·· Parks said. "We have two people we know ror sure arc robbing the school because we·ve see n them st ack ing knaves in doors and trying to open them .·· said Friebe. who founded the agency two years ago ··w e h ave evidence they've been ripping off stuff " T he students, ages 8 to 10. also bel ieve they have solid suspects in a pair of school burglaries. Lifting a tal cum powder fingerprint off a broken window frame. l st Investigat or Darryl Friehe proclaims t he break-in The most aggravating one was when a student flushed a pudding can down a toilet and jammed it . "We couldn't find the dam ed thing," Parks said. explaining Little evades their not ice on school grounds !iAVE UP I 0 •10 PER PER!iDl\I AT THE I o~o IA liRAl\ID PRIX OF LUl\lli BEACH, APRIL i!-4 Get set for the challenging Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach! It's the world's fastest Formula One street race and one of the biggest. most exciting and richest races on the international Grand Prix circuit. Another big attraction of the action-packed weekend will be top professio nal and celebrity drivers competing in the annual Toyota Pro/ Celebrity race for a $45.000 purse Get an exclusive money-saving dis- count ticket package for all the excitement from any participating Southern California Toyota dealer EXCLUSIVE OISCOLINT TICKET PACKAGES Choose trom four thrill-packed ticket packages. Depending on the ticket package you choose. you can save up to S10 per person on three-day general admission. reserved grandstand seating. racing garage pass. and more• See your Toyota dealer for details today because ticket supplies are limited. No product purchase necessary, licensed drivers o nly. And while you're there. check out his line of Quality Toyota cars and trucks for 1982. Espe- cially the all new Celica Supra. the caryau'I see pacing the Formula Prix circuit in Long Beach CELIC:A SUPRA- ALL THE RIGHT STUFF Take a good long look at the Cehca Supra. Off1c1al Pace Car of the TO.¥'Ota Grand Pnx of Long Beach Supra has the nght stuff to set the pace for the world's greatest drivers. Like Formula One race cars. the w ind-cheating 2 8 liter &cylinder Supra has a fuel- 1n1ected Twin Cam powerplant It also has responsive rack- and-pinion steering with variable power assist Independent rear suspension. L1m1ted-sllp differ- ential.Close-ratio b-speed gear- box Aggressive 225/60HA14 steel-belted radials on 7" wide aluminum alloy wheels Venti- lated and power-assist~ 4-wheel disc brakes. An 8-way adjustable. b ody conforming driver's Sport Seat And more. ·' "':. 4J J ':. , ~ ~ ~ . I . -.. ! II .. , " " .. . • ' . . . .. ~ -• : ; ~ ! 4 .. • i < .i . ) ti I. ;~ ti ) ' , ~ ; I ~ I i One race cars on the Grand let your Toyota ~aler show you why the pace-setting Supra is the right stuff ... for your own mo to r sports. And pick up an exclusive Toyota d iscount ticket package while they last 't -J-, Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, March 12, 1982 .. Veterans deserve s better than this Orange County veterans have understandably bet>n concerned about the conditions prevailing at a c o u n t y go v l' 1· n m e n l off i t' e designed to provide them needed assistance. That office has been the s ubject of criticism since last s ummer when co unt y supervisors, in an economy move. decided to combine the veterans' office with an office that provides services for consumers with complaints. At the time. veterans· representatives claimed that thi• county was merely making cl none-too-veiled attempt to cut back on veterans' services. a charge that coun,t y offi cial!-> steadfastly de nied But what they couldn't deny last week was tha t the offi ce located at the county Opt>n.1tions Center at 1300 S . Grand Ave was not inviting and in :.i state of di s ar r ay A monitori ng committee of n'teran:-. c·u l1 1.•d conditions ··horrt•ndous . rounl_\ Supervisor Harriett Wieder. following an unannounced visit. a II but agreed Mrs. Wieder found that the office had no sign ; that veterans and consumers vied for the attention of counter personnel; that veteruns' personal fil <'s "'e re n o t kept confidential ; that vete rans a nd counselors .could not speak in private. and that a pamphlet dis play contained outdated information. The veterans· service office 1s r un under the auspices of the count~· Community Services Agency Director James Heim no w sa~·s conditions are being improved. Heim said he s hared Mrs . Wiedcr·s concern about the conditions of the office. The improve ments should go forward rapidly and the matter should end there. As Supervisor Wieder pointed o ut . poor c·ondition!'> have a way of only undersC'oring the negative feeling veterans loo often sense when they turn lor assistanct•. . It couldn't be worse The ste1te reapportionment de bacle that followed tht• 1980 census has in s pi red Common Cause. the citizl'ns: lobbying organization. lo push ahead v. 1th its effort to tC1k e the tusk of reapportionment out of the hands of the s tate Legislature. Common Caust• 1!:> calling for the creation of an mdependent . bipartisan commission to hundie redistricting in a non-politi ce1l fashion. This would require a con - s tit ulion a I amendment. To that e nd. th e organization sponsored a legislative measure in 1980 . but it died 1n the Assembly's Election ~ and Reapportionment Committee Assuming, doubtless cor- r e c ll y, that legis lat o r s themselves will never be cager to yield control of this traditional weapon for gaining political power, Common Ca use now is seeking to put the issue on tht' November ballot as an mit1ative Thal will take a substantial signature-gathering effort. but the proposal already has the backing of state Rcpublieans who are s till burning ovt•r t h l~ r e apportionme nt plan pus hed • through by the Dc mocrab last year. Not that Republic<rns don·t take similar advantage when _they hold a ma.1ority in the Legislature. As proposed in the in1t1 CJ tive . the reapportionment commission would consist of 10 members. four chosen. one c<1ch. b~ the ma 1or part~· eaucuses of both houses of tht• stc.tt e Lt•gislature : t wo chosen. one ea ch. bv the chairs of !ht· two major poiitieal parties: and four appointed b~ <:1 panel of seven senior presiding j ustices of the eourts of appeal. The goal would be a com· mis sion with geographic. SO · c1a l a nd e thnic di versity. as- s i g ned to esta blis h dis'lri c ts that arr gt•ographkally compact, have reasonably equal population a nd minimize th<:' division of counties and t'ilies. In s hort. it would end the pnl1tital ge rry manderin g that this year has carved up the st<1te into dis tricts that make no f!eogra phi c sense, le ft some incumbents with no constituents in their places of residence and s o m e vo t e r s with no representation for the next two vcars. · If the initiative s hould win ,Jpp roval. the first commission would be appointed in lime to adopt redistricting plans for the 1984 through 1990 elections, after which a new commission would be a ppointed in the year of each decennial census. It mav be far-fetched to think t h a t t r'u 1 y n on · p o l it i c a 1 rec.t pportionme nt ever c an be accomplished. But 1n view of what state Legislatures have inflicted on the electorate in the p ast . it's hard t o believe a bipartisan commission could not be at lt•a st s ome thing of a n 1 mprovemcnt Nuclear foresight To offici a l s o f Low er Alloways Creek . ~.J ~o L·s today's e1ward for foresight The town s hip o f l.700. adjacent to the la rge Sale m Nuclear Generating Station. set up a $20 million fund to offset claims in the event of a disaster The fund may be the first of its kind in the na tion. ( "I don't want to sound like the doomsday squad. but some property could he rendered uninhabitable ... s aid ~t ayo r Samuel E. Donelson Admittedly, the township's treasury has been s-.yelled well beyond what a locality of that s ize normally could expect from the $4.4 million it ret eives • a nnuallv from the four power C'Ompan.ics that operate the two nuclear pl ants at the Dele1ware River station But other communities in the nation receive windfall laxes fro m various sources, and not all use these funds as wiselv. Towns hip officials visited t he Three Mil e Island nuclear power plant in Middletown. Pa. before acting on the insurance plan and a panel to oversee distribution Surprisingly, the approval was unanimous and the p ublic hearing lasted only 45 minutes. Othe r localities could e m· ulate the example set by Lower Alloways Creek. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex-pressed on tn1s pdge dr,. tnosc 01 tneir dutnor<:. clnO art 1sts Reader commenl is 1nv11 ed. Addre!>s The Daily Pilot . P 0 Box t'5t.0, Cos1a MeSd, CA 92t.21i. Phone 17141 ;1>4~·4321. L.M. Boyd/Lucky tipplers Claim is there aren't any Japanese alcoholics. The World Press Review of Au1ust 1981 , reports that scientists recently discovered the Nipponese lack a certain enzyme. Their body chemistry is such it's said , that they neither become alcoholics nor get severe hangovers. A sisnificant medical rcveJallon, i( true. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat · .._ .... -· eo OI '"" • .._P •I Ut ..,.nl l•V \I , ~Mt\& 6-9'\ (OHt-P lo llO• 1-.Ca .. lllltw.C:AtJ•a. Q: Wh at's the most flavorsome part of the stone crab? A : Its one big claw. Commercial crabbers catch the little beast, tear off that claw, and throw the crab back to.grow another one. Have you ever seen a bald·headed news anchorman on lelevlslon? Neither have I. Thomas P. Ha ley Publisher" TMmlts A. Mu,.,..ln• Editor B•rlNr• Kreiblc" Edffonat Pao-Editor f Bc111noc1 i=u..1 nn i:. • Town meetings branch out BROOKFIELD, Vt. -The Town Meeting, one of the oldest forums or American democracy, was held al the ele mentary school here on a recent Tuesday. More than 100 me n and women from this s mall town near the center of the stale gathered to debate and vote on how much or their money they s hould spe11d on schools and roads and to decide the other questions that seemed important in this place this yea r. The same thing was happening at the same time io the other 251 towns that make up the state of Vermont. ON ONE QUESTION in Brookfield, the holder or an office older than the Republic, the town •·moderator," Tom Lyons. the loan officer from the bank over in Randolph. s aid: "Is there anyone here who wants to speak against this?" His words and tone implied that there was nothing that could be said against this one ··Shall the Stale Senators and Representatives from this District," the res olution began, "be advised to introduce into the Vermont Legislature a resolution askin g the Vermont Congressional Delegation to: Request the President of the United States to propose to the Soviet Union a mutual freeze on the testing, production and deployment of nuclear weapons and of missiles and new airc raft designed primarily to deliver nuclear weapons, with ve r i fication safeguards satisfactory lo both countr ies?" The question carried 62-41. The people of Brookfield voted to use whatever power they had in our democracy lo try to do what they could do to stop the spread of the death machines that are threatening human life at the end or the 20th century or the Christian calendar. The s ame question was considered ··at Town Meeting" in 191 of the 252 1 -........... ~,· ------------..... RICHARD RllVIS 1i.,, towns. It passed in 159. was defeated in 18 and was tabled in 14 others In Middlebury, a college town. the vote was l , 199 in favor lo 335 against. In Windham, which is really a wide part of the road, it was 41·18. In Middlesex, the hometown of Sen. Patrick Leahy. it was 98-34. Jn Rutland, a big place by V e rmont 's s tandards, it wa s 2,663-to-l ,023. The campaign against nuclear arms was organized, or course. Since Apn I of 1981 , the Vermont Peace Ac tion Net work, a conglomeration of local groups put together and encouraged by the American Friends Ser vice Committee (the Quakers >. has been campaigning to pers uade people to vole for "the Vermont Freeze." On Town M ecting day, volunteers passed out fli e r s with the headline. "In A Democracy We Are All Respons ible for Pushing the Button.·· Members of the network grouP,S were prepared to s peak at meetings 'around the state. Often they didn't have lo In Springfield, an indus trial town. one of t he largest in the state, the members of the Springfield Action Group just walcht.'<i as people lhey didn't know stood up from their scats to argue for the freeze. ··in the sax years I have lived here. l'vc never spoken out berore, but this as too important." said Robert Yode r, who 1dent1fied himself as a rl'llred Forc1J.{n Servacl' officer. The next speakl'r was Ann Germain, a farmer·s w1ft.• The vote 10 Springfi eld wa!:. 2.121 to fi S I in favor o f the n•solution THAT'S TllE WllY it we nt one Tuesday. in the great dcmocrac:y The p eople around h e r e and al most everywhere l'lse trad1t1onally have had Vl"'f'Y lattk• to do with their country's foreign poli cy unless they were needed as it!> instruments. as soldiers The affair!> of s te1te abroad have routinely been the coocern and preser ve of an elite who t <tred about such things A president of the Unite d States, Ric hard Nixon, recently told me that he thought onh· a couple of thousand people two or lhn .. e thousand, · he said dt-lermined Amt•n can foreign policy Well . more than that voted last Tuesday in Vermont Thal will scare manv sincc•re Ame ricans who would argue that the folks 1n Brookfield are naive. 1~norant F'orc1J.{n policy should be left lo the people who know about at. the ··experts." that well·informed elite in Washington and New York and a few other place!> I, for one. am thrilled. Those experts sccm to havl· a way of getting us or our children killed off periodicall y Whal we are seeing, finally. and thank God. 1s tht• demol·rat1z:.it1on of foreign policy Mario Ohledo • IS a candid candidate Mano Obledo may not be the mos• favored candidate for governor but ht certainly is the most candid. Unlike Lm Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, tht conceded front -runner for the Democratic nomination for governor Obledo launched his candidacy with ~ statement identifying his position or most of the major iss ues present!) concerning the public. Earlier, Bradley in making his formal declaration, ired reporters by refusing to discuss tht issues. But Obledo let it all hang out. It was a _ mixed bag bound to perplex those whc have hung the ultra liberal label on him . For his positions s pan the s pectrum from liberalism to right wing. HE OPPOSES the death penalty but is backing the so-called "victim's bill of rights" initiative s ponsored by the Republicans. A former Harvard law professor, Obledo said he is satisfied the measure would not endan ger constitutional rights of individuals. Expounding on the crime issue Obledo said he favors a separate branch or the judiciary lo handle criminal matters including a second s upreme court. lie is flat out against the proposed S495 million bond issue for new prisons which will appear on the June ballot as Prop. land favors tax incentives for the elderly and disabled to improve home security against burglaries. On education he wants curricula r evision of primary and secondary llRL WITIRS education. tax-free summer jobs for high school st ude nts. and the suhstitution of a repay-after-graduation system for the current fee charges in higher education. He also wants higher pay for teachers working in ghetto areas. · He advocated subsidized interest rates for first-time young home buyers and equal pay for equal work for women. He said he thinks businesses should be ~rmitted to keep part of the sales tax as payment for collecting it and wants stronger laws to protect the loss of agricultural land. H e cal led ror a reform in Parkinson's law in prisons Thoughts at Large: There is a little-known corollary to Parkinson's Law (that work expands ln proportion to the number of extra people emploved > In the realm of ~ ~ penology: that prison populations increase futer than new prilom can be bulll, re1ardless of rat• of ~vktion Ci1aretle •moker• are DO&orloualy ne1Ugent about u het and butt.I, for which they deserve reproach; bUt • heavy fiM ou1ht to be lmpoeed upon those oafs who trin4 a ci1arette underfoot on carpetln1. (It's hard to believe that anybody but • eer\lfMd moron would do this.) Botb tnd1 or ~bt_. p1ye~IO!lul 1pec!trunl l'lllM. _, mldlnl ......._: .. "insanity'' and "mental health" remain blurry concepts. Arguing with a fanatic is futile, for the splendid reason adduced by Oliver Wendell Holmes, when he said, "The mind ol the bigot is like the puptl of the eye: the more light you pour on lt , the more it contracts.'· The most satisfactory marrla1es 1 h ave observed seem to be lhoae in which the sexual component is com pletel.y harmonious or completely a bsent; anything in between seems to provoke one de1ree of friction or another. Lawyera and doctors, whatever their other d~iclencles, know 10 times H muc h about law a nd medicine H clergymen know about lheoloty. (Most aucctaaful ministers have more tn common with the aeUnc pl"Clleuion than with divinity.> Th• proper end ot man..'• ure la not Jmowllda•. but learnlq; for once you t.btak re ... nawlld .. , ,.. ..... nan• le• : •· > Me d1 ·C'al. a program which h e adm1n1s t e rcd for s even yea rs as Secretary of the Health and Welfare Agency. He would rt:'pl ace the current fee .for-services s ystem with a cons um e r con tro ll ed m e dical cooperative. He said the stale must develop a complete long term care system for the needy e lderly. Obledo stopped short of joining Jane Fonda. Tom Hayden and Gov. J erry Brown in their call for a ban on nuclear power . asking merely for a moratorium on new nuele&r-power-l)lants -pending further safety and cost studies. He also as ked for a rollback on utility rates unti l s tate a udits of the utility companies are made. And although he said he ravors the Peripheral Canal he is backing the referendum which would veto the meas ure approved by the Legislature authorizing the canal. He said he is against increases in sales, property and personal income taxes but would approve raises in corporate, cigarette and alcohol taxes. HE WAS ALSO critical of the full-time Legislature and called for a return to the part-time Legislature and a limitation on the numbers of bills that could be introduced. He said this would s ave the state a minimum of $200 million annually. Summing up his major goals he said he wanted ''freedom from excessive government regulations. equal access to jobs, safe schools close to the homes or the children, and swift, stiff and sure punishment for criminals:" Obledo enters the race with the polls s howi ng only s percent of tbe Demoerats supporting him. But bis firm stand on the Issues should rally many more to his banner. It's a cinch be can't sink in the polls whatever he does. lllllYln Now tb•t men's ahlrts come onb ill "inclusive•• aleeve lenllhs <~1. 11-M. •'c.) will God give mt adju1la"9 arms? MOVE OUTDOORS D e n d r o bium climates. Most bloom in s pring and early infundibulum orchids lolcrale a wi de range of summe r . Orchids leave the greenhouse Southern California ns enjoy the luxury of. being able to grow orchids outdoors -and in this cli mate there is an orchid available for nearly every growing situation. The great variety in orchids makes it possible to have different plants in bloom year-round, says Sunset magazine in its March issue. Even in interior valleys, where hotter summers and colder winters Limit selection, suitable vaieties can be round. Orchids fare best in partial shade a nd suffer more from dryness than from heat. The best course is to experiment with different varieties. There a re two m ajor groups or outdoor orchids: terrestrial or ground orchids which grow in pots, baskets or the ground, and epiphytic orchids which grow on other pla nts or rocks, attaching themselves with strong roots. If plants are grown in baskets or pots they can re m ain there for seve ral years. When t hey outgrow their containers. repot them after they finish blooming. Water orchids in baskets or pots two or three times per week. Orchids growing in trees or slabs may be left there for years. However, they may require daily morning misting. From late spring to fall all orchids need frequent watering , but should be kept on the dry side when not actively growing, from late fall to early spring. . Frequent light feedings are preferable to heavy doses. You can apply a complete fertilizer monthly according to label directions or dilute to ha lf.strength and apply every two weeks. Feed terrestrial orchids with a watering can by sprinkling the solution around the roots. For epiphytic varieties, spray fertilizer onto foliage and roots or dip plants, slab and all, into pail or diluted fertilizer solution. · . Ask your nurseryma n to he{p you select plants that will grow where you live. Most nurseries stock limi\ed qua ntities of outdoor growing or ch ids. Plants, exhibit · meeting topics Gladioli grower Glenn Kimmel will discuss the plant's culture a nd varieties at the Tuesday meeting of the Horticultural Society or Orange County. The session will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the California Cooperative Extension, 1000 S. Harbor Bl vd., Anaheim . Kimmel, a member of the society and the Gladioli Society, will furnish items for the plant sale table. STUDENTS will learn to construct moss-lined baskets under the direction of Nancy Leslie at 1 p.m . \Yednesday at the Sherman Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Registration fee is $28, which includes materials. Further GARDlllRS CHIClllST • Pinch back geraniums this month for bushier growth and better blooms. • Begonia tubers are stHI high on the planting Jist in .March. Sprout them in flats and when the tops are about three inches tall, put them in pots. There are no words to describe the beauty of their bloom. • The aphid has a knack for sneaking up on roses just when they're pulling out tender new growth. Keep a sharp eye out for them and haul out the s pray gun if you see them. • U you missed out on planting spring bulbs las t fall, don't make the same mistake and forget about summe r blooming bulbs. Try gladiolus, ligridia and dahlias. • Be sure to prune wisteria heavily after it finishes blooming this spring . . information is a vailable by calling the gardens at 673-2261. TUSTANA AFRICAN VIO.LET SOCIETY wilJ meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Mercury Savings Building, 1095 Irvine Blvd ., Tustin, to discuss final plans for the violet s how Mar ch 20 and 21 at the Ebell Club, Santa Ana. RAMBLING GARDENERS Garden Club will hear a talk on soil mixes by Jack Engberg of a Southern California fertilizer company. The group w i ll meet al 1 p.m . Monday at the First Presbyterian Church or Garden Grove, 11832 Euclid Ave. PLANTS OF AUSTRALIA will be the topic of a n illustrated lecture by Philip Runde!, a professor of plant ecology al UC Irvine. The program , a part of the Hortense Miller lectu re series, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Laguna Federal Community Room. RECORDS ANI) PHOTOGRAPHS of a former Orange County seed company, s howing the firm's impact on agriculture throughout the nation and especially in California, are now part of the archives of the Special Collections Department, Cal State, Fullerton, The cpllectlon is from the Haven Seed Co., a lead ing enterprise in Santa Ana from 1910 to 1946. The records dale back to 1873 when the company was formed in Michigan and continue through 1948, according to an Orange County H1~torical Society spokeswoman. The firm moved to Arroyo Grande in 1903 and was relocated in Lodi before moving to Santa Ana. ~~~~ ~:!=~~s Daily Pilai nclwrively m the The Winning Combination I .. ~eShow t-k.tntington Center mall today thru Mar. 1• Call '42•H71. "'' • , .. WOid• lowort& fer •I A Workshop To Enhance Your Sexuality Through HYPNOSIS a IMAGERY· • Dispelling Myths of Sexual Difficulties • Performance vs Feeling • Group Hypnosis Induc tion • Sexuality & Cancer /Rehab. Patient • Working with Sex Offe nders MARCH 13 • Friendship & Love BALBOA BAY GOLD. SILVR. &' ASsotlATES CLUB · REGISTER NOW tM-3113 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday. March 12, 1982 Fem a showy decoration • The sta1born fern (Platycerlum} Ui a 1trikln1 decoration for the lanai, shaded pat.lo or indoors. The ferns ~ called epiphyt.a meanln1 that they are a plant whJch 1rows naturally on another plant for support only. AU or the water and nutrient needs in their natural tropical habitata come from the environment, oblalninl water from rain or moisture in the alr. Organic material accumulates on their fronds. This fem la 1rown as an ornamental becau,ae of lts attractive plant form and showy leaves -. deep green to gray.green ln color depending on the species. Small plants form at their base and are sometimes referred to as "pups"• by some gardener&. You can start new plants by cutting away these "pups " a nd rooUng them . This unus ual plant .gets better with age, according to the Living Plant Growers Association that selected it as the Plant of the Month for March. Give the st aghorn fem a bright airy place to grow and, above all, water correctly. sa ys the association. As you will find this plant grown on slabs of bark, a piece of cork or wood and in hanging baskets, wall conta iners or moss covered wood, you would only water the organic material, like the moss or the slab. It's easy for beginners to overwater this plant. A good way to check is to press your fingers against tbe brown basal fronds. If .they are too wet. waler will ooze out. Ir just moist and no water comes out, the plant is just right and this means no watering until it gets drier . When watering, larger plants can be hosed thoroughly ; smaller ones soaked in water 10 to 15 minutes. On the average, you would water them once to twice a week during the summer being careful to check during hot spells as they may need' more mois ture at this time. During winter, water every week or two. This would be less if the weather is cool and cloudy. UNUSUAL PLANT Staghorn fe r n produces s mall plants. somNim es ('ailed pups, whi ch can be rut a nd root en to st art n<'w p lants Seed catalogs help/ ul From The Associated Press Most or the 1982 seed catalogs have arrived with their colorrul offerings for your garden. Don't overlook their capacity to help you plant the ri ght seeds for their attractiveness. adaptability and usefulness. You can, in short, choose the right plant. Read the descriptions thoroughly. Be sure the eventual size the height and spread or the plant yo u are considering rits your landscape. Check the color and bloom date. Will the plant tolerate your climate conditions. the heat. the cold, dryness or wetness? T he s taghorn fern species Platycer ium bifurcatum is from Australia and New Guinea. 1t is hardy to 20 to 22 degrees with only lath for protection. It is about the best one for areas with cooler temperatu)-es. Platycerium grande is from Australia and its a nUer shaped fronds grow up to six feet in length. It needs to be protected from frosts . If you need more infor mation ask a nursery ·----------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--.-~~~~~~~~~-'-- /RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ~ 11,.btiileo md S... ltU HAHOI ILVD. ,COST4 MESA -541·115" REDWOOD 2 X 6-36 LIN FT. 775-1491 . 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING N rwport .W.Sic aLanauuatorv bcelence rn t.\M: Educot.oo fjiano ............ ~ c ........ a.-. V010&-Yiolin-flute-gu1tar ....., • P..C.. 11.M. .... Call 10< Brochure 1126 ...... 917-021 I Antique Show/Sale Today Thru Sun .. Mar. 14 at the Huntington Center Mall. Outstanding collections from 50 dealers. Also F Evaluation O inic. 405 Fwy. and Beach Blvd .. H.B. L I (Nursery Speclall BEGONIAS 1 GAL. Colorful blooms and foliage. Vortetles Include: RICHMOND,DOUILE HD, DOUllE PINK AND CHBRY llOSSOM NOT FOR OICHOHDRA REG.3.50 2.45 NOW'S THE TIME TO STOP THOSE WEEDS IN GR.ASS LAWNS Bandini wEEo-our Kiits broooleol weeds. Promotes Oeee> green lolloge wlfh o rich l«llllzer 12 LI. BAG Im Covers 2500so.tt 24 LB. BAG ltl!tJ CoYlfS 5000satt I Florist Special I frtlhly. cut DUTCH IRIS Come In today for these long· lasflng. lovely blue flowers Since 1946 Ha1lis~es Nurse..:y-Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~ -ttmn•!i -· I gardPn sho 4" potted size Bright Spring & Summ$r Color Bud&Bloom SUft & Shllde Type .. , • I Orange Cou' DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Marota 12, 1H2 ............ COMNN8ATEO -Toni Parsons, 19, smiles after a Cook County circuit court awarded her $1.25 million after a pothole-related accident caused her to lose her left le~. An auto hit a 9-foot-square pothole on a Chicago street, hit Miss Parsons and dragged her 35 feet. SPECIAL ~ PURCHASE!! ~/ ~M 1981'ii ~ FAIRMONT FUTURA WAGONS THEY ARE REALLY LOADED! Including factory air cond1t1onlng. automatic transm1ss1on. power brakes. alectnc windows, door locks. 1111 wheel. cruise control. am/fm stereo. deluxe wheels & MORE. MORE. MORE (1BOF815) 057595° WILSON FOR 18255 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-6611, 55~-1070 . SOUTH COAST HONDA 1714) 957-1966 300 I So. Main, Santa Ana, CA. 1982 V-45 Sobr~ D WHERE OUR REPUT A TIOM IS EVERYTHING -YOU'RE #I WITH US! Contest Rules: 1. Correctly complete the secret phrase by finding and using letters appearing 1n deale~ ads on this page. See "How to Play" for instructions 2. All entties must be compleled on coupons clipped from the Daily Pilot or on hand-drawn facs1m1les. Machine duplicated entnes will not be eltg1ble. _ entries must be legible. completely filled out and signed by entrant. 3. One winner of 50 gallons of gas will be randomly drawn each week for 6 weeks from correctly completed entt!es. A grand prize winner will be drawn April 15, 1982 from all weekly entries AM*ved dunno the 6 weeks. 1nclud1ng weel<ly winners. tor 100 gallons of gas. Dec1s1on of the 1udges IS ftnal. 4. You may submit only one entry per week. No person may win more than one weekly contest. Entries must be received at the Dally Piiot by 5:30 p.m. the Wednesday following publication 5. As consldefahon for w1nn1ng any prize. winners will authorize publtcatton of their names and/or photog(aphs by Orange Coast Publlahlng Co. without lunher compensation. 61 Guollne shall be leaded regular. unleaded r90ular. premium or diesel. Winners must redeem winning coupon within 2 montl'ls of notification they Niie won their prize. 7. eon,.t Is open to anyone 18 years of age or ol<ktr. Emptoyees of Orange Coast PUbhshin.o Co. and their Immediate families are not eligible to win. ' I T'Own may be . dissolved ANTELOPE, Ore. (AP> -An lndlan guru's red-1arbed followel'I, who have taken over the 1eneral etore and are servln1 vegetarian meals at the local cafa, have realdents here so worried they are considering doing awiy with this tiny town alto1ether. · The City Council, In an emergency meeting, voted unanlmously to hold an election April 15 to decide whether to abandon Its 1901 charter. The councll said it reared a recent surge of land acquisition In the town would lead to the guru's disciples outnumbe(ing the 40 residents counted In the last census. "The present and historic character of the Antelope community will be lost if the city of Antelope becomes a city peopled only by followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Information from various media of this area and the world provide evidence that a city of followers . . . will be one in which no non-disciple could comfortably reside," read the reaol\ltlon adopted by the council. Longtime residents •ttparenUy feel that 11boll1hlng the town would dilute the power of the R&Jneesh 1roup by placing what is now Antelope into the hands of the Wuco County 1ovemment. Town attorney Keith Mobley eald his lnterpretaUon of the law wu that tb.e council had no choice but to accept a petition sl1ned by at least ~ percent - or two -of the 31 Antelope residents who voted In the last general elect.ion. ,Mobley expects RaJneesh followers ~Ith American citizenship to move to town, establish residence and vote. Oregon law requires that a prospecllve voter live in the state 20 days and those who want to vote can register as late as election day. But Mayor Margaret Hill said the city may ch111lenge the residency of some followers who are living in commercial-zorled"Property. Co uncil member Don Smith noted the Rajneesh aroup hH bought alx housea In town and the general store-care. which baa been dubbed· "1.orba the Buddha" and serves the vegetarian ntle offered on the ranch where the 1roup lives. Portland attorney Ed Sulllvan, repreaent1n1 12 commune members who live in Antelope, argued that the council was not required to set an election. Sullivan said lhe law requires a city to have a comprehensive plan and Antelope cannot fulfill Its comprehensive plan if It does away with itself. SulUvan noted that the commune, now at 280 members, has tried to form a city on a 100 -s quare mile ranch the commune bought last summer, 18 miles from Antelope. Three local ranchers and lOOO Friends of Oregon, a land·use activist group, ha ve tied up the proposed incorporation on appeal. saying that Antelope is sufficiently close to provide city services. SUIT OUT -The R ev . Bernard Pagano. the Catholic prie s t fal se l y accused of being the "G e ntleman Bandit," cannot sue the state of Delaware over his arrest, a federal judge has ruled. THE O(WjOE COAST .DAIL1 PILOT'S .. New Chevys CHEAP! t7 50 GM Reltatel PORSCHE AUDI Cl ..-w mid demonstrator '81 mid '82 Citcrffofts, Coval~. I 0-30 Trucks! •soo ,. ••••• tWw mid demoMtrotor '81 mid '12 Cheveths, Celebritys. S-10 and LUV pickups! LIMITED TIME ONLY ! Get a tttrifi c, discounted HOW ARD deal PLUS REBA TE MOW ! UP TO ... in the Q1lditio n of exce llence SALl;S •SERVICE • LEASING B ·. 13631 Harbor Blvd.• Garden Grove 636-2333 (where Harbor meets lh~ Garden Grove Freeway) ~~~~~PORSCHE +A UDI NOTHING EVEN COMES CLOSE OF GAS Just solve the secret phrase with letters from this page and mail this coupon. I have read and agree to the rules tor this contest, and am 18 years old or older. Here Is my solution to the secret phrase: -Secret Phrase - ~I I I 0 DOD l!1DDD Name: Address: .......................................... · ·. · ... · · · · · · City ........................................... ZIP ............. . Telephone: .................................................... . Signature ...................................................... . GAS MILEAGE IF YOU'VE BEEN WAITING TO PUT YOURSELF BEHIND • . . /, THE WHEEL OF A NEW CADILLAC ACT NOW T H E C O ST M A Y NEVER BE LOWE R! GM onc:s Nobers COOtllOc moke 11 eosyto onoro ¥OUI new COdlllOc w•"' reb<>ies 01ue>IOS?000 on ._.ecteo mooels' !nots rigt11 52 OO(lr ""' meons lhol lne coll 01 o new Nooe<'s Coo1lloc mov never oe lower Ille lofgest se1ec11ons ot 1>eou111u1 new Coornocs vou" ltnc:s inctu01119 1ne gr801 new HI 4100 pewer svstem mooets Ano YOu receive oil !tie service oroo cuslome1 core tnot' been o Nobers 1roo111on tor ove1 14 veors And 1us1 becouse YOU re entoytng nuge sowl9s ooesn 1 mean vou "Ove to Cc.me 1n to Noberi 9rve uo se•eclron or Coo~IOC wntie tne Je ... ce we llO¥e one of 'election 15 "'" 9000 a NABERS ,2600 HOlbO' ijlv('j • .. Costa Me~o CADILLAC 171ai sao 9100. 121JJ s81 8266 SEE OUR FULL· PAGE COLOR AD IN TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL Bl '1J GLAD YOU DIDI How to Play: A Winner Every Week for 6 Weeks • 50 Gallons One GRAND PRIZE WINNER of I 00 Gallons It's easy! In each of the advertisements on this page there are one or more letters for • total of 12 that makes a secret phrase when unscrambled. UM each letter only once and use all the letters provided. Including the two letters that have been solved for you on the entry blank. Simply find the letters. unscramble them to mal<e the secret phrase, and bring or mail your coupon to: GREAT GAS GIVEAWAY The Daily P ilot 330 West Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ENTRI ES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:30 P .M. WE DNESDAY MARCH 17, 1982 " you hw't checked out the y;;11eage of today'• new cars, you'll be eurprlMd and 6mpr1•1d at how tw your lte new car wltl tra\191 on a alngle tank of gaollne. And the 1182a wtll go farther than ever before, thankl to new ._.,notogy thlt wilt ..ve you ~ at the pump. Be aure to atop by and vlltt the new car dealer of your chcMce. I ~ I j ' 1111:1111111 THI caum FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS BUSINESS 82 83 84-5 • • Check how that sensitive stock market has responded to the latest news on Page 85. D D j 'Flight allocations await clearance at heai-ing By Pa&DEaJCK SCHOEMEHL °' ................. The federal government la demanding that John Wayne Airport be opened to additional air carriers. Newport Beach and Santa Ana H eig ht s resi d e nts are demanding that jet noise be reduced. .Airline~ that now ser ve the ai rport don 't want t o lose existing flight allocations . Most want more fiights. Come Wednesday. the Orange County Board of Supervisors will consider an airport access plan designed to satisfy, in whole or in part, the various forces at work. The issue is not a new one. It has dominated airport affairs for more than two years . Proposal after proposal b as · been advanced, only to end up in an access plan scrap heap. Even If the new plan is adopted Wednesday, there is no Deity .... "-M i.y ~~ O'o-11 SWING VOUR PARTNERS Naomi Rom e ro. 5. could.only s it and watch as third t hrough fifth graders c ulminated a month. of Western dance instruction by Madelyn Taylor of Performing Tree on t he plav area at Woodland School in Costa Mesa. Wlnnona Scott and Keith Gilbert led the Salty Do~. ~low. before all classes joined in the final r eel. The art1st-m;cla~sroom program was sponsored by the Parent-Faculty Or ganization a nd Pacific Mutual. g u arantee that It will be implemented on the suggested June l start-up date. That's because U.S. Districl Court Judge Terry Hatter bu j urisdlctlon over the access iss u e b ec ause o f court proceedings initiated after the county's last attempt to devise an acceptable access plan. His r uling that the plan, promoted by Supervisor Thomas Riley, would b e unfairly benefi cial to AirCal and Republic Airlines, the two giants in the Orange County market, was subsequently upheld by the U .S . 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. U oder the latest proposal, authored by airport manager Murry Cable and Riley, AirCal and Republic, which operate an average or 23.5 and ll.5 flights daily respectively. would be required to give up existing a ll ocations over a two-year period. T h e co u nty i s n ot yet proposing that the '41 flight per day limit impos e d on commercial jet operations be increased, a lth oug h knowledgeable airport observers say it is only a matter of time be fore s4ch a suggestion will be forthcomlng. Flights relinquished by AirCal and Republic (together with far smaller contributions from the thre e o the r inc u m bents , Frontier Airlines, Pacific Southwest Airlines and Western Airlines) would go into a "pool" for reallocation eve ry three months. Any outs ide carrier could request those flights. but only if it agreed to fl y new and quieter jets, such as the McDonnell Douglas DC-9 Super 80. If no outsider airline could qualify for flights, •then the pooled flights could be allocated to the incumbent carriers. But again. flights would be awarded to carriers promising to utilize quieter jets. AirCal, Republic and PSA have Super 80I in their fleets and Frontier will take delivery on the new aircraft ln the next few months. Thus, t.bote four carriers could seek fiighta from the pool. Western, which bas no plans to purchase Super 80s, could not. If Judge Hatter approves the latest plan, the five incumbent carriers would be forced to give up 10 . percent of their existing flights June 1 to the allocation pool. Three months later. another 10 percent would be added to the pool, and so on, until the plan terminal~ two ~ears from now . Predictably, the plan is drawing opposition from AirCal, which doesn't want to lose flights. Com p a ny o fficials are weighing whether to ask Judge Hatter to delay action on the new plan. PSA isn't happy, either. The carrier, which operates two flights daily from the airport. ha s said it wants eight flights. It was PSA which initially sued the county over the access plan overturned by Judge Hatter. T he a irline has significant s up p ort from the U.S . Department of Justice, which said the plan conflicted with provis ions o f the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. That law is designed to increase competition among the nation's air carriers. As airport officials see it, Republic is in AirCal's camp, while Western is in PSA's camp. fhey s ay Frontier is not Jbjecting to the plan. One outside carrier that wants e ntry to th_e airport i ~ ContiQental. But airport officials say its request would-not be granted because the carrier proposes to utilize Boeing 7Z7s. Only Boeing 737s, DC-9·30s and DC-9-805 are approved for use at the airport. Thus, it's likely Continental will line up with PSA, as well. Will paraders make cloverleaf turns? By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of -o.lly -·'-" There will be plenty wearin' or the green and carrying four-leaf clovers when Orange County's only St. Patrick's Day parade unfolds Saturday in Mission Viejo. Mickey Mouse will trade his us ual red jacket for green as g r a nd mars hal of the 13th annual event, expected to draw 100 participating units and up to 10,000 spectators. The parade will unfold at noon on Marguerite P arkway just s o uth of O 'Neill Road , proceeding south on Marguerite, turning east on Alicia Parkway and ending near the southeast corner of Lake Mission Viejo. Nearly 1,000 pa rticipants are expected with 15 high school and j unior high school bands as well as equestrian units, clowns, feprechauns, majorettes, floats and Rams football players due to march or ride the 1 ~-mile route. Delty~I ... ~ PARADE ROUTE -Fans can get a utographs of Rams quarterback J e ff Rutledge a nd tackle J ackie S later at finish. · Rise • in membership suspected at dinner Bob Brennan, self-proclaimed Lord Mayor of Mi'lsion Viejo, will wear full regalia of an Irish lord mayor -bowler hat, key and chain symbolic or his office, gold satin coat and blackthorn walking stick. Brennan, a real estate s a lesman, was in the initial parade that dr ew 2,000 participants but only about as many spectators. Others include Bruce Nestande, Orange County 3rd District Supervisor; Assemblywoman Ma rian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach ; members of Mission Viejo's Municipa l Advisory Co unc il and school board m e mbe r s f rom Saddleback Valley and Capistrano Unified school districts. By NORA LEHMAN o.te• ...... STYLEE..... ' ALL POINTS B ULLETIN : Patty Ha r'rison . membership chairman for the Newport Beach Police Wives Auxiliary. a lerts us that s he a nd her fellow m e mbers are searching for , as she so aptly puts it. "new r ook ies" for their group. Prospective m embers will be welcomed at a potluck dinner at Susan White's house in Laguna Hills on March fund-raising luncheon and fashion show at the Balboa Bay Club. It is this coming Mo nday. starting at 11 a .m .. with lunch at noon and fashions appearing a t 1: 15 p.m . ART SHOW FOR EDUCATION: Saturday night t he Hunlington Beach High School Model United Nations is putting on a benefit an art show and au ction at the Huntington Beach Public Lib,.ar y. 7111 Talbert Ave. The preview is at 6:30 and the auction begins at 8 p .m . For $2 a person or $3 per couple you c an browse a mong the Caldels, Dalis, Rockwells , Currys and Miros. receive a free catalog. have a glass of wine . maybe come hom e with a treasure or two. and all to benefit a worthy cause. H e i s o n e o f se veral dignitaries in the line of march. Je ff Rutledge a nd Jackie Slater, quarterback and tackle respectively for the Rams. will ride on a float sponsored by the Mission Viejo Mirror. Louisiana, county • cnmes may connect , A man arrested in Louisiana SPEAKING OF ART: I~ YO!J re. a member of the hlS claimed he attempted to Neuw:~Harbor Art Museum s Fine Arts Patrons group. extort money from Disneyland ,.;;...c:...:..,._ ______ ~-Y'V· · Was well plan orLStaying.ill-¥0UJ' ffoery a fte...-Hle ---and-rommltted rapes in Buena Crittenton luncheon.· Park: arid Santa Ana. FBI agents in Santa Ana said they were await.int the results of Camp's ques tionin1 by Louisiana lawmen on the Disneyland extortion attempt before movjng ahead with the case. 30. by "Chief" Pam Long and ;:.3eputies" Gina Pe tersen, Mary Henisey and Nancy Hamilton. These leaders were installed at the ir annual Christmas dinner, held at Laurie J acobs' house in Dana Point. We'll hear from you next about your new members, will we. Mrs. H.? MAY THE WllD HOLD you ln lhe hollow of his hand and all other Gaelic blessin1s. You guessed. We're eoming on St. Patrick's Day. and in America we like to do a number on this holiday. In this case, the Florence Crittenton Services of Oraqe ONntTirlr••llfl'itl"allUIUat ,re~~rY1•Y From 5 to 7 p.m . on Monday. Pacific Mutual ls Or an g e County I aw ha ving a pre-opening reception in their new Sculpture enforcement agencies said they Garden to honor the FAPs -as they a re so fondly known were cbeckin1 their r~~rda -a nd the sculptors . Stephen de Staebler's work is called to d a Y after rec ea v • n I "Canyon;" Fletcher Be nton -"Folded c ircle Three information from Jefferaolf Rings;" and 'J'ony de Lap -"Th.-Levitation of Princess Parish, La., invesU1atots &hat A h ., M ' h 1 Todd' k . lled . Cl d G t .. James Camp, 28, had confeued sra ; ic ae s wor as ca · ou a e. to a striftl of crimes tbroucbout the westem UDited States. BIG ART WEEK: I'll tell you about what has already Camp wu arrested lat week happened in the visual arts next time around. NHAM and on rape, buralary .and a.u.r, SCR keep bumping heads, and to add to the confusion, cb'araea after alle1t•11 A TSC threw a curve in there. And where were OCMA and attacldq • woman ln ber bOme OC PS? ln Manwo-La. You'll find out what those letters mean next tlme, if her.:• =t.=1::,. ~ you don't know already. M~be we s houJd . iaaue a.--..--lll@tltf et ad from lbe ftlDIDI'• ··110•1~. Wett, tbfl'l loea iii'Other · '°""· .. Jefferson Parish police officials said Camp, formerl1 ol Baton Rou1e. admitted to a apree ot rapes, bur1larlel and GUier crimes -tbe moet ...._ Hlaa an alle1ed murder la Northern Callfarnla aad tile Dl1aeyland epllocle ln AUCUll 1•. . Ammemnt park ottldm llild at tll8 Um• &laat tbey ._ .. reeetftd a . telel»bonld boaG lhnat. but ~ llttl9 1111. No eaplullft dlttttt wu riW foual, • Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 12, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •STAN DELAPLANE •HOROSCOPE Returns on coed's steady subsidy diminishing DEAR ANN LANDERS : Las t September m y stea dy left town to atte nd Penn State. I plan to join him there next year. (I graduate in June). I work weekends at a fast-food place and make good mo ney . I also do some baby-sitting, which pays real good these days . The problem : I am trying to save for college, but m y boyfrie nd keeps asking me for money -s a ys things are very expensive at school a nd he always "has the shorts." as he puts it. I've been sending him $10 a week s ince Octobe r . (He is supposed to be kee ping track so he can pay m e back somed ay l . This morning I received a lette r asking if I could possibly m a ke it $15. I'd hate to , lose him, Ann, but I am beginning to think maybe he is taking a dvantage of me. Another thing : He says he is not dating anyone at school, but I wonder where this e xtra bread is going . Please help me be level-headed and fair. -DIML N ISHI N G RET U RNS I N SHAMOKIN, P A. GOING DOWN For the firs t time since the winte r o f 1 975 -76 the l ev~I o ( L a k e Berryessa in Napa County i~ slightly higher than the Glory Hole and wate r flows into the- DEAR DIM: Stop sending the bum money. With a little luck you might lose him altogether. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Quite a while ago you had something in your column about the thoughtless and stupid things people say to grief-stricken me mbers of the family when they go to a wake or a fune ral. I jus t returned from a wa ke this evening and have s ome thing to add. It was m y cous in who passed away. He was 44. His eldest son is 19. This idiot woman came up to the 19·year -old a nd s aid, "Now it ·s up to you to step into your fa ther 's s hoes a nd ta ke care of your mother." \ · A son can neve r take the place of his fathe r and he s houldn't be expected to. Placing suc h an imposliible burden on a roung ma n is just plain dumb. or course. she meant we ll. <Don't they always?) But 1 ha d to write this letter because so many people talk without thinking especially "" ......... spillway at Putah Creek Da m . Damkeeper Da n Perkins sa id the lake now is a t capacity -1.602,278 acr e feet -enough water for the dis trict's use for three yea rs. Leo restores · harmony Frida~·. March 5 :\RI ES t Mar('h 21 April 19 1 · Fa mi l~ d i fferen('es <i r l' s Pttll•d :\t'tl·nt cm cooperation. -.er unt~·. J,!aining knowll'OJ.!l' wh ic·h aids 1n making co1-rt'l't monl·~ d e c i s i on Yo u · 11 b t' as k l' d t o a c I a s med iator in long standing <lisput t• .hoicl becom ing int•xt ritably in\'Olwcl 'f A l ' R l' S t A p r 1 I 2 II · '.\1 a ~ 2 II 1 Lo n g -awaited news c·pm ('s t h ro ug h . im·ol\~t•s r esourct•s. fi nancial ha<'king a nd g reen light for l'l'Sl'an·h or tntn•I prn_il•c·t Ge m ini. S<JJ,!it t u r ius person:. r1gun• prominent!~· Call or short trip 111\·o ln.•:-. r e lati\'c. Loost.• t>ncls wi ll tw tied. GEMINI 1 M a~· 21 .J une 211 1 Ot•taib u n r a \'f:' I in c· on tH' t· I 1 o n w 1 t h n t' l' cl e d ma t erial. mont''. It 1s necessan to ht· spt•dfi c. pers istl•nt Puzzle pic<'cs ·f;•ll into place if aware of s mall pnnt What appeared to ht• a lost caust~ tan rH>\\ lw SUC'l'eSSfll ll~· l'<.'\"l\"l'd . CANCER t .J un<.• 2l ·J ul ~-~ 22 1 Obtain hint from Gemini message. Dig bt.•nc•at h sur face indications. Refus(' to b(• satisfit'd to know merel~· that somc•thing happl•necl Dis cover rc•asons. moti n•s. C~·tlr high. juct gment ancl int uition will hit mark LEO t Jul~· 23-Au g 22 1: Rar kstagt.• maneu\'t~ring in\'ol\'es possible ba1·gains. purc h ases to nner t c d with h o m e• improvement. F a mil\' m e mbe r makl's gesture of ronciliatio~. Harmony c·an ht• restored . Cla nc1 estina confe re nce coulct bt.' on agE>nda. VIRGO ':\ug . 23-Sept . 221 : Wha t P01SH01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I DON'T WANT TO' f'IGHT WITM T HIE W O R L-0, \ SOT T H E "'°RLO INS l&T.S ON PUTTING UP A ~TRUGGL£. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA a pp<.•<1 rs on -.urf<.ic-<.· c·ould be• dt.•(·t.•plff(' Know tl. 'C't.' pl<itC'~. situation~ as !ht•\ t'xist Spc<·1al st ud~· is on agc'ncl a You ma I\(' C'Onl <H'I wh it'h could n•stll t in a dd itional funds Cantl'l'. P1sc•t.•s :and another \'H'go fi gun• an sn•narin UBRA (St•pl. 23·0tt. 221 E m phasis nn tan·l'r. acldl'cl respons ibilit~-. opportun it~· for grealt.•r r cwarct . R t.•lat ions h1p int('nsifies. commitmt•nt is mack ancl long -rang(' prospe<"ls come• inlo s h;.irp. c l('al' fol'ttS. ('anC'C'r. Capricorn natiq•-. pl a~· important rolt•s . SCORPIO t Ott 23-:'\lm· 211 1-'inis h rather than anttialt.• Pl'Oll't.'l Pt.•rc·t•i\ t• potentia l. opc'n ·1im•s of t.·om munica tio n. People wi ll rons u lt ~·ou. c·onfidt• tht•ir .problems a nd t•xpect ~·ou to shan• burdens Mainta in bt.ilan('(.~ a ncl prott•c·t M'lf in emotional <'l im·hes . S.\GITii\Rll'S 1 :\to\· 22·0 l't' 21 1 · You gain access to inform<.ition wh il'h n •n •ab need for re,·iew. especiall~· where fi nanc·e:-. are concerncct . lndi\'idu a l who m ack promises ma~· not bt• in position to fulfill the m. Accent self-reli a nce. int.lt•1wndenc·t· a nct pioneering spirit. CAPRICORN < Der. 22-J an. 19 1: Stead~· progress indicated if observant, persistent. Individuals who have been indifferent will now show interest. Emphasis on legal alf airs, possible partnership, joint efforts, emotional a nd business alliances. AQUA RI US 1Jan. 20-F e b 18 1: Highlight versatilit~·. humor and a bi lit~· to communicate ide a s in unique manncl'. Emf loyment pros pects are bri~ht. needs wit b e s erve d and s o c ial a c ti\'it v increases. Ele me nts or timing unct tur k tu:<' on your side ~·ou co uld win a cont(.\st. PISCES (Feb . 19-Mur(·h 201 : Emotional rN~ponses are hi((hllghted. F~us on speculation. childre n und afruin or heart. Discussion or dispute involve~ Journey or long-ran1e hpliday pluns. ~orpto. Taurus. Aquarius persons ffl&Urt' promlnirltfy. whe n they a re under tension. Print it , p lease. WEATHERFORD.OKLA DEAR WEATHER: Than ks for the input. Another dumb ooe: To say to a mother who has lost a young child, "You're young yet ... yo'u will have another child to replace this one." No matter how many "others" there are, the ch ild who died can never be replaced . DEAR AN N L AN DER S : Jn yest erday's m a il I r eceived a chain letter instructing m e to send $2 to e ach of 11 friend~ within 24 hours. special deli ver y This would cost me $22. plus $25.30 in postage. The le tte r said if I follo wed t he ins tructions I would "save a life and e nd up ric h." If I f a iled t o follo w the ins t r uctions. I wo uld lose someone verv close to m e and die penniless. · I discussed this with my hus band and de cided not to do a nything. I ha rdly sle pt a wink last nig ht . I think it is rotten for q-UDIS' people to send st uff like this in the mail. Please give me your thoughts. -NERVOUS IN WARREN, OHIO DEAR WARR EN: It's more t han rotten. It's against the law. Chain letters that require pay ment of money are Illegal. Maybe somewhere there is someone who came out ahead playing the chain-letter game, but I never knew of one. Are 11our parents too stnct? fllaL to reach" Ann Landers· booklet. "Bugged '&f Parents? How to Get More Freed.om," could help you bridge the generation gap. Send 50 cents with your request and a long . stamped . self addressed envelope to Ann Landers. P 0 Box 11995. Chicago. Ill. 60611 Taxing times recalled SAN FRANCISCO .. Joseph made it a la w over the land of Egypt to this day . tha t the Pharaoh should have the fifth part. .. · STAN DELAPl.ANE AR OUND THE WORLD Income tax time again. 1 ran m y hand d own behind the cus hions and came up wit h a dime . For treasure hunting, there's nothing like overs tuffed furniture . T he question now: Do I have to declare it'? I came a cross my old corpora te seal while I was moving. I was a corporation . I was presid ent. T he cor porate seal is good as new. I don 't think we used il mor e tha n a couple of times. like accountants. It's where government becomes the served . not t he servant. "Yo u need a tax s he lter ... ·said m y "WRITE DOWN WHERE vou a re each dav ... said the accountant .:Writ~ down w hat you spe nd for lunch. Who was with you and wha t your purpose was ... lawyer. He put m e in Inc. I WAS NO LONGER car e f ree . polis hing up second·ha nd adject ives for the city editor. I had a lawye!" a nd a Money Ma n and a psychiatrist to iron out the flutte rs. I said : "I usually go o ut to lunch just to eat That is my purpose. Maybe nick a martini on t he side .. "You s hould write down ever ything ... s a id the accountant. He 's a worrier . "In rase rnu're audited ... I° was .. audited.. once Never knew why I think they j ust pulled my name out of a hat. Spot c heck. They didn't take any mo ney awa y from me. The corporate seal is hea vy and solid. It works like a garlic press. By squeezing. Press! It bites the corporate seal right into the p a per . I went ar ound the house pressing it into m agazines and a couple o f books that we r e off the s helf. Some seal. Rain a nd fog came in last night. The foghorns moaned through the gloom and d a rk. I got up and went to the front windows. J ust a fa int glow or the brid ge lights . ·'T h e n o n e d a y I got a g r een government check in t he m ail. It was s m a ll. Something odd like $27.14. No letter No explanation. I called the accountant a nd told him. I was glad I had this shel(er . Never m ind a lean-to against taxes . "Oh. my God ' .. he c ried . It seems it's just as bad lo come out O\'er as it is to com e out under. T hat 's the way he looked a t it .. Bound to r ise ... was the way I saw it. The year was not bad. I met with the accountant a nd he said: "I'm afraid you·11 owe som e mo ney this year .. QUlllllf ' "OK," I said . "How about the good ne ws?" By PHIL INTEALANOI of Laguna Beach He said : "You won't have to pa~· it until Apr il 15 ... "BOUND TO RISE'' was the title of a boo k b y Ho ratio Al ge r J r . I read e ve r ything he ever wrote. Hjs heroes were boys like me. They s uffered diversity. But they rose by s he er will. · · 1 have left my job in the shoe store.·· the young he ro wrote to his family. "But do not worry. I have joined Professor Landon and a m going to join the circus to become a m agician.·· "A m agician !" c ried Mrs . Brown . "What does tha t boy know a bout magic'!" Thus Horatio kept his house in order . ~~'™~~~~I ·r: ·I • f. ~ .::-· ~ The money rolling in. The re wer e no income taxes in those glorious days so Horatio proba bly was not sheltered . Had no need for it. Just put t he money in his foxy pocket No accountant. C> 11191 ~"'9 ·-s..-"" w--·- It's a wo nder how we get into things "I'm on a 'poof' diet. Every lime I eat, •poof', I gain two pounds." GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Norlh Soulh vulnuabll'. South du ls. NORTH •A.JO Q AU OU •AQU WEST EAST • llllt8 •t Q QST O ll.IHO O QllOU O t'IU •• •o SOUTll •QUI 0 •• OAll ....... u The blddlnr: ..... 'W• N.-l'Ml .. ,... .. ,... I • ,._ •• ,._ 4 0 ,... ....... ... ,... Openl111 ltacl: Qu..1 of o . 111 tlltM .,. ., .,U.W111 111n1lio11, 1 ... ,.... eee\e have IMl'ld -·eaeep& •' U1e bfWp taW.. ..... , ... """ of IMllrillf &M .. &Nd la 1\11.-& .. Wlellf "-"' ............... .. l'well&Wr ... ..... ,... ............... .. ...... .., ,...,,.,, .. bypassed thru no trump lo 1how hi3 excellent club sup porl and. when Soulh cue bid t he '\ne suit In which he had no conlrol, Norlh jumped i.o 8lam in hi1 partner'• aull. That 1Ull left South with the option of preferrh1g the major•1uit alam if be IO de1lred, but he saw no re-n to chanp the contract. That wu ju1\ u welt, H the card• lie. W"t led hll top diUaood, &Del •larer WU delifhled with Iii. d11Rlft\1. There were no i-n 111 111y evil except .,,.... 11141 lo make "" .... he nffded only lO hokl hit to.n i.n that ault to oM. U the 111lt brole 3-2, l.llere •U " no problfm. ao declarer pared hla effort• to prol«t· lftl 1plott t H dlvltlon. ~r won Utt liiftf of dla"0'141. a..cl lo the Me ., ~ ud nta.d .... Ul. He *"-trum,. la '•o ............... ill • ._,, tltM refW Ult &al.a. .. lut '-rt. """ ... caMM ta. ~ .. ........ '° ........ "' ,.. -" ,,... ~ .. .... ...... ,. ... ......... i.. d1>clarer led a spade t<i the JHk. When that won. declarer could cl11m his ~n· tracl. He did not ash the &Ct! of spades in an effort lo make an overt rick -that would have led to the loss of two 1pade tricks as lhe cards tie. ln1tead. he made the safety play of a low spade from dum· my. His roreeirht wu rew•rded when East failed to follow to the aecond 1pede. Declarer •imply ducked, allowlnr 'Rnt lO •1n tlte tridt with the nine. W"t ••• well and t.rul7 end pla7td. II lie eid-.cl wt&t1 a Nd •Oil. IMI would ~Ill ~, wltlt . rvn..-... un. If he relur..ct a apede, II would be away "-tlle ktq Into dedaNr·a ... wMd IOI' que4111 t.tun. lfU. 'ft1, , .............. . .... ,. ....... ... ............. ~ a.-a..•-.rw,. ..., .. :TI '] ..... L ... ,, .. _. 11.il 'te .... ........ ... :=:"•itIV·': .. ..... \ • THE f "MILY CIBCIJ8 by Bil Keane "Hold it, Mommy! Yoo've got 12 things here!" by Brad Anderson ~-, ~-y-~ --~~ . ~' ~t ~\ I~ <ll~ ~ ( ( ·II~ ~~ Ml~ 3 1'2. "Tell him the next time my hat blows off, to let it blow!" Jl'DGE PARKER G \Rt'lt:l.D OKAY, ODIE, VOO PUSH n4£ (,AKE OFF ANti' l'LL CATCH IT DOWN 1 Hlndudr.- 2 Hlgnd 3~ Abbr. 4 Sent ** 5 Mount ........ 21 .... 1 .... ltMr.car.. 41HINlftlr I llw ..... 14 21 One of -G NL llllft I'-I i 41..,P:U 10 0... up • Hid oonon •'--NI 1 t Capper • Olela... 47 ""' .... . tlGlllU .......... • ...... , ...... , ....... ... .... •a.tw ...... .. 0 ! 5 g : ~ J i 1 • ,..... • .......... ,u... ....... 11 ........ ..... De.MM .... ..,,_. BIGGEOaGE by Virgil Partch !VIP) • • " ~:. "Ht clalm1 h9 saw It dont once -In and old New Yoftctr magazine cartoon." r r i i ; s. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, March 12, 1982 .. PMNIJTS Dear Contributor, Thank you for considering us with your manuscript. ~,,,,,4,, . SHOE l Wt~ ~ 'P ijAp 'JUESE ~DSRFUL. ~IC ~E~A~DW~EN ! WMJA l.AD. DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME A DUMBBELL, YOU 01RD0RAIN GORDO by Charles M. Schulz ----------, H05 it ever occurred I AAVE A UNIQJE to ~that you may COLLECTION OF be the worst wrlter REJECTION 5UP5 ... In the history of the world? OKAY, I'LL PUT IT ANOTHER WAY by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller HELLO THERE, SLU~GO-BRAIN by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk t"'l':\K ,. "1:\Kt~RBt~A N NO<>..> I KNOOJ 1HAi ONE OF "THE BIE1 PROBl.EJ't'\S ~ Fl(.E IN 6E.U.IN& BAND I _ __,,,--..---bv_J_1_m..,..D""Ta_v....,1s I CAN(){,) 10 MOTIVATION · JU5T ~ ARE <XXJ 601N0 10 GET~ KID I WOO'D RAlHE.K GO ~ FROM SLJrol AND W~ AJRK~ Pl& CARTOONS, m GET our ~ ™E ~IN AU. KIND$ ~15 15 WHERE U£'VE R)t»JD ~15 TO BE E.XlREMELl,> HELPFUL! BRABBLE M(.C? ME '«>'.I MOME? M'i Pf{ IS Ott:R! 'iO\> rotl'T \WE 1>~~ Mf,~'S~T .JONI( fO<IJ AN~· MOR£~ 00 -400 ~EA~ ME 1! DR.SMOCK OF WE.ArnER TO HOSTlE (AND',>? by Kevin Fagan ~11{\CK , 1'"'~ ~AS (,ONt fAR E~O\)~"!! by George Lemont I i ! 1 I'.. by Lynn Johnston I i • r= l'ICTITIOUS IUSIHESS MAMI STATIMEHT Th• followlnQ "'"°"'~••• c101n9 buslneu., OOUBLE·A·W INOOW CLEANING, UOO Adams Ave'. Costa Mue. CA .,.,. Albert A. AINMSe llOO Ad•ms All• • Coste MHa. CA.,.,. Ao-All>Mw ... , 1)04 No,.lalWI SI 'o ...... Grow c ... .,~. Tiiis llut1nen Is conovctecs by •n unlncorPOf'ated ••-l•tlon olher lll•n • IMlrtnerlhlp Atl»r1 R Al!*nese This sleltmenl w•• flltKI wlln the County Cler~ of D••n9" Counlv on fi'•rcll l, !'Iii. NIUC MOOCE ,.ICTtTIOUS IUSIHESS NAME STATEMENT Th• tolfowln9 ~t\.On\ •r• dolno bu\lness•• UNl·\/10. 2711 l(elv1n Irvin• CA •7114 Alch•rd L Wll\on ,. •• J l •ll RO Co•l1 ~ ... c;, '17•1' GreQOrY B Th1oero. 2117 KeMn . 'Irvine, CA '17714 This buifnf\\ " conduc ted ~.,. a oener•t oart.nenhio A1charO L Wll'W)n • Tnis st•·tMWnt w•\ h ied wltn IM County Cterk of Ot~n~ CoutHY on MlrCh l, 19"1 1'11AJ71 PVbll\heel OrbnQP Coa\I Dilly Pilot, Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 121 198~ ,.,.,, .. Publl•hed O<-Coatl Delly Piiot. Feb It, 2•. mM<ll s 12. 1'112 • .,,.,.1 NIUC llllE "ICTITIOUS IUSIMISS HAMii STATIMIMT Tiie fottowlne penon ts dolnQ b1ntneua. $1(Y HARBOR O FFICE FURNITURE, llOCIJ ~y Par11 CW< .. , Suite "1;1··. trvlne, C'.e lltoml• '2114. J.<k W LOft9, 1601 W 1;1.e<Arlh\11 81vd • ll.J, SM>t• AM, Celltornle t1- T11I• bu51Rftl$ '' Cond..Cltd by Ml lllOl• lelual. .II.OW L- Tnl• stet..._t w•• 111eo with lhe County Clerk 01 0••"911 County on 1;1erc11 to. 1'112 PUBLIC MOOCE "ICTITIOUS IU"NEH NAM.E STATEME NT The lollowlnQ P•r>on 15 doing but.Int\\ •s RENE McCLAAE AT SliEAA DESIGN, 1 110 W•rn•r Avenue F oun11 In v 1t1ey Celllornl• t210I Irene R McCfere, 1u•2 Bavohor• Line, HuntinQton Bee< h, Celllorni• ., .... Tiii> buslntt\ I• conducted by 1n jncllvldu1I 1.._ R McCl•re Tiii\ state,,_t w~ 111.0 with IN Counly C~rk of Or1nve County on M•rch 10. 19112 ,.,_, Publl>hed OrlnQe Coe\! Delly Pilot, M•r 11, 19, l•, A.pr 2, 1'87 •098-12 tlJW TO SAYE IN STYLE: .._ ... Mlrcll Jllf Cl1Mr .. Moton .. .. , ••• to offer ,.. • 1710 cmll .._ .• ,_. ftWC.... of • 1t12a..,.... 2111 & Main, Downtown Santa An1 (714) 543-9421 rueuc MOOCE ,.ICTITIOUS IUSIMESS MAME STATEMEMT Tne to1towin9 ~'\On\ ar• dotnQ bU\lne\\ ,., MAARIAGir ANO INOIVIOUAl ... ouNSELING ~\b O•k•r Ctnler Su•lt 40~ T, CO'>tl M~\b CA '17h'N> Bonni• Tolb•" MltnoGl• 1~ T utarf' Or Co•ta Meu CA '176,. ,, • .,. M Net\iOfl 21• M •r• Vtsl•. N•we>0rl llff<I\ C" '7W Th•\ bU'Slnf''\\ •\ COt\Ouct•d bv .. O~Mrdt pbr1f"llPr\P'MP Bonn" To1t>tn-Mtonooztt PUlllC MOJIE l'ICTITIOUS I USIHESS NAME STATfl;lfHT T ht followtnQ ~r\ont •r• oo•nv b1nlnHSH CIRCUIT EQUIPMENT ANO SUPPLY COMPANY. HU W•lnul Av•nu• Sullf' J tr11ln•. C•lltorri1• .,,,. fommy Palm•r 1•1• Wll\fUt~ Blvd Lo• """"le\ C•lolom•• 'OOSI C R 8"nson IJIJ G.,tongtoro. CO•I• M•w. C•lolorn1a 91611 fni\ busin•ss I\ conouneo: by • general partnet'\f'ljp •March S, t2, tq, u. 1197 q/1 81 --------------I ,,ii '\tattnif'nt wtH ftlf'd wltn tn.t County Clerk ol Oren(!<' County on Much l 1987 C R. Benson T h•s \t•te,.,.._.nt w•s tit.a witn t"'- Counly Clttk of Or•no-Counlv on F tb•u.,v 16, 1'81 FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowln9 Off'\On\ •r• dotnq builness as C"R EE~ VENT URE "GENCY f•Stl TtOPet L.1trw. •1ununoton HdrbOr, A q7'49 CAREERS UNLI MITED INC d Cellforrwa co1e>0rdl1on. 16Sq1 Troou ~·,,. HunllnQIOI\ H•r-CA.,.,., 1, Thi\ b.U'\1~'\\ t!\ tondu<tf'd bv • oroor•~~f'ift\ Uf'\I H~ tnc EllM L•lk "''" PreslO..nl I • This \latemet"t \ tf\f'd with O\IP • cOunty Clerk ot +anO.-Countv on Earcn 2 1987 : .tCllMft, k icldltr & ktlfMI "0<11en a1 Uw t lulto'Hl4 -I• l"a,... 8Yildl,,. Mo Mew-1 Ctnl• Or1w PUIUC NOOCE l'ICTtTIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT T n• fc-llowin9 Ol'r\On\ •re doinQ bu\1ness •s LAURENCE L TO 17440 E Ill" Streat, No. F. Tu"'"· Celllorn1a 916*> Ronald uu,.,,no, \306 Quall AldQe Terr act. Anahc!lm. Calltorn11 q2907 Alcl\aro Le urenet. \306 Qu•ll Aloo~ Te,.1.c~. An•nt•m C•liforni• t HOI Th1\ l>u\tM\\ h <OnO\ltted bY a O•nitr•I P•.rt,_rt.f'MP Al<lwl"' L1urence T11js •lat.,_,,I w"' lllf'd with the! County Cle•• of Or•nQe County on M•rch 10, 19112 THOMAS I'. MULLEN A"•,,.Ya1Uw lm,.rlal ._ llOll<tl .... 11111 F-. •tS TtWll C.-Or , • •-. c .. t• -· c.11ten11• mK 1110 Ul-lfl'i Ft1Alt2 Publl\""" 0-M<IO' '""" D•ilY Pilot Mdr<,, S 11 ,. 16 1091 "1 87 rueuc MOOCE MM·.,VtO ,,CTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Int 1011ow1n9 ~' \ons a r• ooino bu\ Int"\\ d\ CAPRI ClE ... NEA~ S08 Souln Broo., ttur\I A.n•h••m (~Jttorn" 9711()o Cle•n N Sh•nf In<. o (4l1torn1• corpor•t1on. i.1~ SoYth 10th Av•,..u•. Ar<.id1•. Cahtorn1d ~uoo. fhl\ bu\ine\\ 1\ <onducttct bY • t orporat1on c.t•M\ N Sntn• It"( ~1hmf H ~ .. tfn.4tf'\ Prn fhl\ \ldt~t w•\ flll'd Wtlh tfW County (l•rll ot Or.tn0t County on Fecuu•ry 11 '"''" I ~ewport llffcll, CA tJMO 1'1'4217 FIMMI FllJV2 I Publl~""° 0-•nQ<' '""" Oaoiy Pllol Publl•Md OranQP Coast D"''' Piiot P~otosllf'd Or•"9'! Co.u Oa•t• P••ot, ~Mch s. 11, ,., 2b 1~ 107S 91 Mar 11 19, 16. "P' 2, \'87 114-tl Feo I~. 1b. M.orcl\ ~ 11, 1917 191 82 ,.,...., Publl•""" Or•nqp Coasl O••ly Pilot Feb 1• 1'. Mat S 11. 1~7 1...-1 rueuc NOTICE "l~ITIOUS IUSIMESS MAME STATEM ENT T ,,. to110•1no p.prs.on\ •r~ oolnQ t>u'tne-\\ •\ T"YLOR ltN l(.t<T SHIRTMAKE RS ~'> 36111 St Suitt 8 , N•wPot1 Be<Kn CA '1,,.3 Atcl\•ro T ICn•Qhl. 137q7 "ndel• W•v. )rvlne CA 97/u Herold A H••"" Jr JI! AMd• SI 8 alb0b. CA 97,,.t Th1\ bu\1ntt\ I\ conducted by a oit~r•t p.tr-tMr\hlO RKNrO T Kn1ont lf)t\ \1alf'f'TWnt we' tiled w ith tn. Counlv Cltrk ot Or•n~ County on Merth 4 t'l!J1 1'1M4U Publ•'he<J C>'"ttnQf' (Ott\f DA•IY P1101. M•rch~·~ IOOf>.11 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED ZONING CODE CHANGE t OTICE IS HE~EBY GIVEN that the Orange County lanning Commi ssion ·will hold a publi c hearing to onsi der amending or de leting Section 7-9-136 .9 of the oning Cod e r e: Temporary Sale of Fireworks. ·ate of Hearing: March 22 , 1982 ime of Hea'ring: 1 :30 p .m ., or as soon thereafter as possi ble. ocation: M e'eting Room, Hall of Admini stration, 10 Civic C~nt~.r .. Plaza (corner of Broadway and Santa Ana Blvd.), SANT A Ana , CA. Proposal: To amend Section 7-9-136.9 of the Zoning Code regarding temporary fireworks stands Compliance with the California Environmental Quality :Act: I Jt was determined that the proposed project will not ·Jlave a significant adverse effect on the environment =and therefore Negative Declaration # 12P03001 was s9ranted. ... ~II per.sons either favoring or opposing this proposal are invited to present their views before the Planning Commission. For .further information, persons are. invited to call .Bob Drennan in the Planning COde Section at (714) 834-5380 or come into the office located at 400 Civic Center Drive West, Room 168, Santa Ana, ~alifornia 92701. Please refer to CA No. 81-9. .· •' ... . .. ' . . • HOT SELLER VS. Americans still love high-performance SLOW SELLER Chevrolet Cumaro the flashy imaJ!·c r>f· ·r-1y mouth Gnrn Fury, "muscle" cars like the mo"dcl . is selling poorly r-~-.,......,:-""~ .. ..,.~....,- MUlsize car market drop seen DETROIT (AP > With gasoline prices tumbling bec<iui.e of a worldwide oil glut, auto industry observers expect increasing sales for luxury and high·performance ··muscle" cars while the midsize field, the U S. auto companies' trad- itional mainstay, falters. Sales in the m ids ize market for the 81g Three automakers in the first two months or 1982 were oi26,979, down more than 20 percent from the same period in 19111. according to Ward's Automotive Re ports. In contrast, luxury car sales volumes were up 4 1 percent last month and small car s ales accounted for 65.8 percent or U.S. car sales m J anuary and February, Ward's said . Luxury cars had about 4.3 percent or the market. "The a ppeal just isn't there anymore !for the m1d size1." said Marv Aartwig, owner or a Lincoln· Mercury-Datsun dealership in Iowa City. Iowa ··Now people are very interested and OVER THE COUNTER NEW YORK !AP) N"SO"Q Quotation\ ~'::sw:::~~',!"g: m•'"-•l mMen ., of TtM.lrs Pn<t>S do not 1 n< hldt' rf't• U m•r1uJb m•rkOChlW\ or comm I\\ Ion tor n ... ., WS.1 Stock Bid Ask AEL lnO 9•, ,.,_ AFAProt n••1 tJ•.., AllM Cp l'° l'• Accur•y &'• 71"1 Adcti\l\W • •• 1 Ad• Ro'\ Ji • l 1 • A fl8ift ' l61 J 11'• Allcoln< 31 JI Am•rP• 11 '1'• A.Furn 41 • .fJ.• AGrtet 1~ ''"' !~!{r": t;i, t:~: AQu.asr '' • oE AAUMo;i S .. S•• AWtld • 16 17' I Anecl1f~ µ. 6 4nQSA co10G .. • ComCIH CmlSllr Cmwhl ConP•o Cordi\ Cro,lr• CullrFO \ Cycllron 01•0•• \ OaytM ' OBttr g:~,~~¥ O.wtyEI O••Crvs 01•nCru Oocull ' OollrGn Ooy10B Orietcn OunkO \ Ourtrn s E•lnllnc EconL•b EIPHEI ElcltrBt El•Nucl I J.I .. \I• EIMoell \ AnQAC.O SI,_. Sl' r EnrO.v :=:.ft :r· :~~: enrMttl\d AroenGp J>\ l ... EnA\v A>dCBI • tt"< n Enlwitll AllG•Lt :r' ::~ EQutSL i::r~& ~ !~ ~i~'I BlnQHE I~ 10'• FW:"o~P li<nlcR. Q. FIBkSy\ 1J.1&7 \ t• F18CKI" B•ntf,. 81¥1\Mk Be..llne 8en1P1 BelzL s BoMQI 81bbCo BlrdSon Birtchr BIY•OOf' Bon...,, BrwTom BuObn 8uH•t' ~~rt?i~ 1~~ ~~ ~:~~,~ ,._:';· u~ ~:t,\8~' 1614 7~ Fl•N~la u •·o I\ Flurocb 17"' tl•. Forf\10 !~ ~~ ~~;~~~ I I'" Fr1nkEI t'o I I I• FrHSG ,,~ t4-'• Fremnt 91 • •-" FullrHB 741-, H GnAulm ••. ••, GnOtv(\ 2 ?>.. GnAtE\t 17~ 11• > Gove Fn )b•, 31 Gr•S<n , 1' • 1•, Grey Adv • •• -. Glllntst con cerned about gas mileage And they'r e all racted to the ne w breed or cars which have the frunt-wheel drive technology " lie said the only midsizc car selling well al his showroom was the Mercury Cougar station wagon . with most new buyers family.oriented people ··The whole big, highly profitable middle area <market) is falling away," said Arthur Davis. a\JtO an<ilyst al Prescott. Ball & Turben in Cleveland, O)lio. "The middle e nd Americans are changing their buying habits they're rapidly moving to the upper, high.performance or luxury cars where they can gel ,some pizazz" while others are se<'king economy. Dave (>ow e r . analyst al J . 0 Power & A::.::.oc1ates m Westlake Village, attributed the mids1ze s cilcs decline lo the fact that middle Am~rica. which buys most of the midsize models. ··has been hurt the most" by inflation and reci:ssion - Na'"" Srttund Mu1' wt Palton ASlr Witco "•lrOy Comh \. AslrOy un rJ~~z, Tipre"' OIQSw WI ElronEI ~~:f~ C1m1>0 O.oruc\ Synuw \ Caoll<D OoQSw un M•r>l!Su ~=1~1"'1 "CCU un (hllCO CmbCO\ 0(111111 RAI ........ UPS Lb\I , .. , .. 1'. 2\, ""· ,., 9,, ,.., n•. .... 1 >O l J·~ 2•. 1'. ,, •••• 1&1 1 12'• , .. 7\o 1'..-1 ,, ' 2'"1 s s OOWMS l a•I 1 , .. s s ... '" ~ ... •'·: ~:. ChQ P(I ... Up » > '> Up JO.I '1 uo ,. • '' Up 21 2 '> Up 11 2 1 1 Up J• 4 '• Up 119 '° Uo 116 )1. UD II I • t~. Up 14 • '' Up 14.l I"• Up U l 1• VP 14 l "' Up 11 • '• Up 11 S ~. Up '7 5 ~' Up US I .. Up 111 1 Up n 1 I .. Up 120 • • Up '1 I '• Up ti.I 1 • UP 11 1 '" Uo 11 t •• uo 11 1 '1 Vo t1 1 1 Up II I c "\ 01i<1n e I Oil ltO 11 • Ott 11., t• .. Ott 17 44 1 Ott ti ' 11, OU 16 7 t•. Off •• , t I • CPT • CalWISv C•nr•dH C10En C•PSw ' (APA.Ir C1r•Co Ch11Alv ChtmS • Cl\rtt<ou • Cl\mLu Che\Ull Chubb ClrllCO CltrSoG• CllrUIA CIUUt8 ClerkJL CiowCp Cot•Tle ·~ ' t~ ~!~":'ilt" 1•• • 111 , H•rdwk.-lS l6 HroAow M11trlr.G IRE rn ALI (p Ref'f un N~1><0S \ NtwkEI AllOV1nl GolmS• MDIOl(I Ch•"''., O•tco h B•nctf'< Swtt<hO CnmLfb OwM\M RoyBu•I'• f'jfWPP!I l', ,. , '~'· .. , '-0 11 ISO >. Ott 14.J .. OH I)(, .. Ott 13 0 ~~.i , •• Oft us "" .~ g:: a~ 1o ·, a01 • 101·, H•rpGp 18 tl'J• HArUNl :~1,, ~: ! ~:~~~J ~ o •I'• Holobm W:• ,,,.. Hoover I' ....... HorhA\ 34'> lS IMS Int ll', 31"' lnlr1llWI 24<> H lnlfl '"-•""'9 tntrc Ent U u•. tntmtG\ MUTUAL FUND- ~:~~ln"":.,.. Atltffl ~15 un l'alst•!I Nuctp \ !>Cl Sv ' Cumo • II 15 l'I. •'• 2 ' 2 1111 7"" ,.~ ,. , .. 2 0 11 11 . ,, 0 11 l it "" Oil 11 ' •• Off t1 1 1 • Off ti I '• Off II I I'' 011 10 I •• 0 11 10 5 .~ g:: ·~: '• Off 9 s f ·~ J Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Maroh 12, 1982 s settle .. pollution suit LOS ANGELES CAP> -Southern tiallrornta Edh1on Co. and the Loe An1eles Departanent of Water and Power have settled a 4-year-old Jawsult over Pollution control equipment that relieves the utUltle1· from installing expensive c1t11lytlc coovurtera to reduce nltroeen oxide e mission$. But the state Air Resources Board and the South Coast Alr Quality Management District -which the' companies sued over a 1978 rul e mandating the converters -said Wednesday other provisions in the l.os Angeles Superior Court agreement will help reduce nitrogen oxide pollution in the South Coast Air Basin by 60 percenU.brough 1990. The companies said they w.ould meet that goal by reducing the amount of electricity prod!Jced in the region. GM-Toyota pact.claimed DETROTT <AP> -General Motors Corp. and Toyota Motor Co. ha,ve agreed to make a Toyota Corolla·type car with a l,600cc engine under thejr proposed joint production plan, a J apanese economic newspaper reported. GM declined comment Wedn esday on the re· port. and a Toyota spokesman said the report was .. only speculation." , Hershey bars costlier HE RSHEY, Pa. <AP l Hershey Chocolate Co. has announced a 20 percent increase in the price of its candy bars. but said it also will make the bars bigger The change will add a nickel to the price or its standard-sized bars now retailing for 25 cents The s ize of the bars will increase by 33 or 38 percent, Hershey said PSE to list stock optiom SAN FRANCISCO CAP ) -The P acific Stock Exchange. follow ing the lead of the two major options exchanges. has filed with the federal government to trade options contracts on groups of stocks. • The PSE said Wednesday it proposed to list options on 12 groups of fi ve stocks. with each group composed of companies in the same industry. The exchange filed the plan with the Securities and Exchange Com mission. Gulf may t.ake Arco c ards LOS ANGELES <APl Atlantic Richfield Co. gas stations won't accept Arco credit cards afte r April 15, but Gulf Oil stations may, the Los Ange les Times reports The newspaper quoted industry sources as saying that in an effort to win over Arco customers, Gull stations will soon begin accepting Arco credit cards provided tltat the cardholder applies for a Gulf card. The Arco card would be accepted until the customer received his Gulf card. GM recalls some 1982 cars DETROIT <AP> General Mot.ors Corp has announced it is recalling about 519,000 1982 X J. and A-model cars for replacement of clamps on the ruel filler and vent pipe hoses and a check on clutch cables. , The clamps are used .to hold rubber tubes to the cars ' tiller pipes or a nearby vent pipe. They have been 1oun<1 lo break, allowing foel to drip or splash out. GM spokesman Harold Jackson said. The unrelated clutch problem could result if the clutch cable is too close lo the left front braJte nuid line. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DO~ JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK IAPI S.lu. Tnu". prk• enO Ml CIWl"9f ol ttw llltten mosi Klh"' Nt• Vork SIO<k E•clWln~ lswet. •••dlr>Q tVllOnally •• ,,,.,.. ""'" ,, NEW YORKIAP) l'tn.11 0-.J-\ ••9' IOI TllUndity, NYr " STOCICS E o on s I 153.700 1'V. • •i. Mo1111 • .. , 100 n • ~ I BM 1131 100 II"• "' S.nt•Ftino , 11',C 11"' Genhl&EI 7fi.SOO lO~• • .... EtPoo Co SS1,100 11'-'• '"' I( m•r1 S..1,100 !Po "' H•lloonn uo. 100 u.... • "' RCA S77,t00 I~ ..... PlllllPS~I S17, 100 27... + .... PtnnTOll f".900 Ji 1 rnWinr• ':.'Ii 4ln ::~ A•on Proo A1',~ u-. + ... SIOOillnO '13,G J7... + 1"11 AMERICAN LEADERS 116 10' •.o ••• 7.9 "' a.... """' 1.-ci... a. JO lnO iOUI .... lllO SI IDS 5'+ o.(t) 10 Trn 31''3 m 10 311 IO J7l0l+ l.16 IS Utl 107 ll 107 64 10. 1' 10. ~ 0.11 U S" )IS IS 311 • 317 '7 JIS 4' + 0.61 1nOu\ S,A11,'IOC Tr•n 2,"6,IOCI Uhll 1, l2S.«XI •s s" 1,n ,,a WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORK !AP) M<tr ll Ttiun AOvanucs 660 0.CllNCI , .. Uncll•"Of!CI '39 TOia! it-'"S N•w lllQ!Ot 1) New lo~ ll WttA T AM fa DID NEW VOltlC IAPI M•r 11 Pr-w. AO,..n<f'(I 0ec11...a Uncll•"Of!CI Total lnutt ,. ... hiqM .... tows METALS Tllu•s ,., Th~,.Yy 1'I JIJ ,,, J 1' -;r, m tiO ,. , • C••••' 1'"9-11 cent\ • poYn•, ,u .s, ~Slll\et~. L..,. 19-32 cents a pouncl. llM '1 cents•,,.,._, Otll••'"· , .. M MOt Mei.ls WM-comoosll• Ill. ............. 1 .. 11 COf\15 a pounO, N Y. ~...., S1'0 00 oe• flasa .... ti_ Pll).00 troy 01 , N Y. SILVER HanOy &. Harmen, '1 l«I per troy-· GOLD QUOTATIONS ~ I [. Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT/Friday. March 12, 1882 Oauld• Cl.Mic hn"' ol hJhan s1yhnt1 "''"l'l~n.-.wJ l \ .u,h • amemt1~ "' Elek1ron ->lloy whe_.1, J\MI vlv\ trn 1111nn~ nnd u 111""1 •f)<'tlrr I.aside Fu:ly tunclwtw ~P-.1Jt 1n~tnm ... ·11h111,•11 ~'"'tit-) \-'n.,,.Jnt led~twr urht.>i~tery Jlki 4} "ioi,.~1tJ V.t ... liJ h.'\ ru ....... 'l AdJU~table bu·ke1 .,..a•sa1l<l .1 lu11d t"' • ''" 1, l< 1·114• a1ea con111bu1e b<>th b<auly a1kl u111i1; 1979 WLUWAGBB CCllVDnBLE Mld!Seel (876ZOP) The Alfa Romeo GTV Coupe- Under the Hood A ~h L·J<'1ron~oriin~ml 2 Stll~ngtn< ct>uplw w11h a live 51X'ed nverd11v~ '"'°'"''"""'" 10 pmv1Je 111'-~' 1,..,-lo11N1n« dnv1ng Rc>ck .md p1mon .iee1111~ hont Jnd rvJ 1 1.tnt1·sway ba1~ and 1etu Oi!DR111 suspen~1f1n S'roduc• ornpe.c:.ilile 10Jd handlm~ Altotcthu A ~rh .. ,t n'drrkl~"·t h ... •h.m L~.1Utf Jl\JJut.1n ·t • <>e<ellen..e Expc.rlmce lhc Alta Romeo GTV Coupe today at Buch Imports. $7600 $7500 1978.,,._~ votaWAGU BUS 7 SatEcooocnyl $4850 (IOiH901) : ~ I ~ IMPORTS Buy any new car or /luck this weekend at Newport Datsun and well qrve you a 5 Year/50 000 Mile Service Contract FREE' 19820ATSUN TllE MOST CMUTE PARTS & am WTllBm • .n1IElll CAUfOUIA! AUT..._ E CWI Of SOUTH· Ell CAUFUIUIA APPROVED 'SEIMCIJREIUI RCIUTYI 19820atsun 200SX Hardtop Sporty Economy• Ser ~5244 22 Mor(' to Ch005e lrom at S1m1la1 Savings' $7,187 22 ~-to ChooH from et Similar hvlft991 19820atsun 280ZX 5 Speed. 2 8 Ltter Engine, Cruose Conuol AM/FM Digital S1ereo with Cassene and much more• Ser •432708 $12,984 Ovef 35 M-Z's to Choose from et SlmllM ••""'9•1 1982Datsun MAXIMA DIESEL LoadeO With Elegance' Ser •4 707 8 Mo<eto Ct>oose from $11,300 • llo!9 to ctto. .. from et~ hvtneer • ~---'"--SAVI G~­ ALL CARS IN STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES! •I " . . j . . 1981 JAGUAR XJ6 4.2111 When New $28.067 Only $24,595 Brand New 1980 FERRARI GTB ~ #3311 Was 548,635 ON ALL REMAINING ROVERS 1981 ROVER DEMO Whe n new $16,917 only $11,995 Fa c tory incentives a llo w U!> to p ass on suhstantial savings to you Rover combines the quick handling of a spo rts car with the com fort of a family sed a n and the utility of a wagon The Newest Economy Car from Japan ISUZU THE ISUZU DIESELS IMMEDIATE EPA CITY These figures we for comparison only; your mileage will vary EPA HWY. r And there they go! Los Alamitos is currently holdi ng its spring harness mee ting with r aces held nightly (except Sunday). First post is set for 7:30 with the meeting scheduled to run through May 1. Daily Pilot Photos by Ch arles Starr -ark-eI-esse ClllllflED a.a• A l.AM I T aa g his dreams Former Marina and Golden West catcher has made the Dodgers as.a coach, not.a player ~ I I f • ··" By CURT SEED EN Of-~ ...... ,.... VERO BEACH -Mark Crsae points to plenty of circumstantial evidence when trying to explain bow. be never m ade it as a successful big leaaue catcher. In fact, he never did make it to the big leagues as a player. out in the Dodger organization as a bullpen cakber -a grim reminder of the turn of events that prevented him from being a major league catcher and fulfilling a dream formulated when he was a child. Wednesday afternoon whe n Ken Land reaux asked for an extra hour of hitting -even after the Dodgers and Bost on R e d Sox bad played ao extra-inning affair. "We went head-lo-head," Cr esse admits. "And Bud either sat on the bench or played the outfield as I B ut Cr esse wasn 't completely for gotten. He was remembered' at the most oppor tun e time by To m my Lasorda, the day he became manager of the Dodgers. "I decided I wanted to be a cakher when I was in Little League," Cresse recalls. "But I was just a little dumpy guy then." Nothing was easy for Cresse. He didn't exactly light the lea.JUe on fi re back in 1969 when he played' for Marina Coach Ray Allen. He did, however , make a na me for himself when he played Conn1e Mack ball after he was graduated from hlgh school. He then played one season al Long Beach State. caught." $ Cresse, indeed, won the t>pttle with Bulling, but ironically, it was 1Nlling who made it as a big lea~ ~atcher (with Seattle>. while Cresse ~UJ.anks to a twist of events -wound u" in the Ar my. , It wasn't easy for Cresse. 1 Cresse dld sign a pro con a St. Louis, and wound up i Coast League playing for Sar "I remember (farm dire t T hat's why Cr esse, the former Ma rina High and Golden West College player, is one of the most respected persons in the Dodgers organization these days -al the tender age of 31. - '' Tha'rS !ltryears younger-than-Rick Monday, five years younger than J ay Joh nstone and even t hree year s younger than Steve Garvey. Cresse is far from dumpy and little t hese d ays, both in his p hysical dimensions and stature. Among hls duties, Cresse pitches and catches b a tting practice, a l t h ou g h n ot simultaneously, of course. But judging by the respect he has gajned from e\'.~Q'_Qne from Lasorda to 18-year:<>ld rookies al Dodgertown for the first time, Cresse is starting to become a silent legend. , But because he was itching to sign a major league contract, Cresse took the advice of one St. Lou1s Cardinals scout and transferred to Golden West where he could play anothe r season of collegiate ball and still be eligible for the free agent draft. Kennedy coming down and w!t us play against the Kansas a y als Academy wh ich h~ the fi e futest guys in the league. {..threw th all out stealing," Cresse says. L ' BACKING UP Former Marina High and Golden West College player Mark Cresse has found his niche in t he Dodger organization as a coach. Playing for Coach Fred Hoover 's Rustlers wasn't a piece of cake, either . Cresse was told he would have to beat out a freshman who was coming from Lynwood High by the name of Terry "Bud" Bulling. Cresse quickly round himsd.f laying fo r Modesto in the Calilonu1 a1ue . However. about the same ti spring training was to begin he r ei ed bis For those who don't get out to the ballpark early or who don't hang around long after the game is over, Cresse is a Dodger coach who started He works long hours. He is usually the first person in a Dodger uniform out on the field and almost always the last to le~ve. He'll throw batting practice to anyone who requests it, as was the case draft notice. His draft notice hlm (See CR~E. Page C4) . ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 J o n es r a ces t o le ad • ID Ram QB d er by Only money stands in the way of ex-Colt-signal-caller heading West . It may be a bit premature, because final details haven't been worked out yet, but it looks as if the Rams have settled on a quarterback for the 1982 season. Many of you probably t.blnk it 's Vince Ferragamo, right ? Wrong. Because lf everything continues to run smoothly it will be Bert Jones. not Ferragamo, or Jeff Rutledge, or Pat Haden, who will be the team's No. 1 QB. Jones, currently a free agent with the Baltimore Colts, visited t he Rams' complex in An aheim two weeks ago. He apparently liked what he saw and the Rams , apparently, liked what they saw, too. Jones has assured Ram officials that he is 100 per cent healthy from the shoulder and elbow problems that have plagued him in recent years. Examinations, both in Baltimore and Ana heim, seem to support that fact. The stumbling block, ii t.bere ii one, seems to be in Jones' salary demands. The 31-year-old, 10-year veteran ii Lrequesting. a contract in the nei&hborbood of $700,000 annually, which la ridlculoas by current NFL standards. The top salary paid &AY-NFl.-quuierbacll-lut year wM around $&50,000 (tbat'a what lloultaD pa1d Ken Stabler to come out or retiJ'emeDt). SPORTS COUIMNIST Ferragamo can't work things out and rejoin the club. Futhermore, the Rams a ren't about to wait until the last minute for their former quarterback, either. There are those within the Ra m JOHN SEVANO orgaruza\ion, too, that feel Jones, although M011Tousco TeMPLIETOlll also tossed 44 touchdowns during that span. Naturally, the Ra ms would like. to get something worked out -one way or another -before the college draft in April. Coach Ray Malavasi claims the Rams will have an answer by fhen, but was noncommittal as to what the answer would be. fo ur years older, is a better quarterback. Whichever way they go, the Rams' position looks good. . .. . The Rams haven't had much success with recla mation p rojects (i.e. J oe Namath, Roman Gabriel, Dan Pastorini), but insiders insist the Jones situation is diffe-rent. J ones might not be able to withstand a he ad-on ~Uision with a defensive lineman <how many Ram quarterbacks have recently?), but club officials insist if J ones "WE HAVE three possiblliUes," says can stay healthy he just may be the team's Malavu i. "We could JO by way of the free ticket back to the Super Bowl. Angel ~ats muffled again Y U M A <AP > -J o bn Montefusco. Fred Kuhaulua, Gary Lucas and Luis Del.eon combined for a three-hit shut.out T hursday as the San Diego Padres defeated the Angels, 1-0, In Cactus League exhibition baseball. agent. We could re-sign FerTaaamo once-• • • his contract lecaliUes are taken care of. Of course, there are some who are The victory was San Diego's Or we could go for someone in the draft." probably wonderinc what ever happened third straight this sprint over The draft is how the Colts are planninq to Pat Haden, Jeff Rutledge and Jeff the Angels, who now have gone ·to build for the future. With the second Kemp. 27 s traight innings aaainst pick overall, speculation ls tbat Baltimore Well, they're still a round and at least P adre pitching without scoring. will use tbat cbolce to take BVU's Jim two figure to play a prominent part in the McMahon~ State-!-s-Art-Schlicbter:--R•ins' future. · ---· . ...;......;..__San "Diego manageQlust -ffVe As it ltaDdl today, Seblebtw bolds a .Um ·As reported in thls colwnn moot.ha htta, three by shortatop GUTJ e d1e. And, either way, Jones la ago, the odd·man out, a1111mtn1 a new Templet.on, and two by Gene expendable. quarterback ta brousbt in, would appear to Richards, but were able to sco~ JONES WU reportedly paid '350,000 Por the Rama, ha.ever, tbelr future.ii be Haden. their lone run ln the seventh by the Colli for IUa services tn 1111. Tbe now, that's wb)-Jones ii ao bi6Jy eoveted. Althou&h nobody would confirm or Inning off lostn1 plteber Dennis· Rama\CIDa't ftpN to budee IDUCb, either, Plue, the uklDa price Isn't too 'Wteep. deny anythin1 one way or the oUaer, Rasmussen without benefit of a from that fll\IN. or cowse, the lroQy to all Unleu there'• a last-minute cbaqe, all Rutled&e HeD"I to be in rolld after b.ia bit. · tbil ii tbat the Rama could bave retaiDed the RaJD1 woa141 haft to forfeit are two performance 1ut year. In fact, Rutledae, Witb one out, Broderick P'errapmo for much leu daaD tbey're draft cboleet -a aeC!ODd round an4 curreatb' neoYeriDI from torn U1umata Perkinl walked, wmt to MCDld wWinC to spend to 1et Jone.. • another one further down the ltne. In hil rilbt thumb, ft,ures to •et a crack on a wild pitch, to tbird on ua Anyway, lf Jones la bealthy, Uh be • • • at the No. 1 job next aeuon. infield out and 1cored on a elaima, tbe Rama appear to haft IOlved a Tbe Rams' lnterelt in JODel by no Aa far Kemp, be nays because ol lala second Rumuaaen wild ptteb. major problem. AD ..,ury.,._ JGMI led means implle1 ttaey ban toured on arm ad 1mart1, bil father (Jack, wbo t11t Cella to di.tsioD wa. lD lftS, '7t md P'trra1amo. 1t'1 JUll Vmn•111tMUoa #Ith wa1 a ar quarterback for Buffalo fNID Sln&Jes by Fred Lyma, RellM '". Bt auffere41 t•ro•1ll 1bouldtr lloatnal .... wone, not IMUs, wltb •eh ~. And, 1•. tbtre'1 pollUca. ewa la .Jacll80n and Dou1 De<.'1He9-i.I ~'8 R tbe Wl two 11•om, bat ua pa ..... a,. tbt Nft-) and beew of 118dm'1 ..aarr Ute ADlell who ftrt ,..... • LOGAN , Utah For ward Me rk Wra Wyoming's· last nine the final 2: 40 to o Cowboys to a 61·58 vi the University of California in the fi rs r t h e NCAA b as e ·nll 1mt1 d Ilda IM& we ,... to tllNw IW Tiu, ta.. MIM .,_.tat.It t.o pal an c ... ooo M too mueb for a No. 1. or...,._ order °"" lite lut '* """iiP .m.m_t.baa t 000 Jani! lpqft-He h"-· .... ~ .t.h.~-...aa H• laMllM--!9 .a.·~ ~•~Bt:---~ ----t.r-1-a~~ ....... _.... __ ..._..,. ' ' . I • ........ \ .. Kupchak's outlook eloUdy for this year Pre•Udllpa&eMI INGLEWOOD -Mitch Kupchak, tbe power forward tbe Loi An1eles t.aken.,.. pa)'ln1 an nllloat.ed SS00,000 a aeuoo for M•ea ,..,.. may be out of acUon the rest ol lbil Nat.Aonai Ba1ketball Auociation aeQOn. K•bak, in hla first year with the Laken, ripped bll left knee ln a game a1ainat San Die10 on l>ec. ll and be still isn't maneuverable. He worked out wttb Bob McAdoo and could lut otll)' ftve minutes at a slowed down pace. "I can run a Httle, I cu Jump aome and I can 8till shoot," Kupchak said after OU. week's workout. He's aiming at being back oo April 1, but that could be a tough April Fool's joke. "April 1 is notsometbiq I live an4 die by," be said realistically. "It's a date I set in my mind. S?metbing to look forward to." ~·Brock hits sfam Rookie flrat baseman Grei • Brock slammed bis fourth bome run of the spring 1bunday a srand slam • \ . Quote of the day . Ralpb Mlller, Oregon St.ate basketball coach: "The older breed was really never in the game ror money. You coached beeause you wanted to coach. When I started as a coll ege coach, my saJary wes $5,500. There were no television shows; we didn't even have te levision. You used to go out and speak at a banquet and hope you could get mileage, or 10 bucks. J think the older breed was in it for the personal e n joyment , t he coaching and the teaching." tbat paced the Monty Bucalls to a '7-1 victory over ~ Danny Oaarkl ln a Doc11er intruquad. same. The Dod1ers' scheduled exblbttlon acainat Atlanta wa1 canceled becauae of wet erounda ... Per,.... ,, ..... worked three hitless innin1s as the Cubs defeated San Francisco, 8-3 . . . Catcher Gary Allea ... drove in three nm.s with a pair of slDsles to lead. Boston to a 6 ·2 wln over the Wblte Sox . . . Jalle Goualea aingled in the wlnnint run to lift St. Lo\,lis to a S-4 win over Houston . . . Seattle and Cleveland called their game after 12 innlnas and the score tied, 1·1 . . . Rick Rlloclea•s two-run hotne r highlighted an eight-run first lnning that carried Pitts burgh to a 13 -7 win over Clncinnati . . . Willie StarceU homered u a s plit Pirates' squad s haded the Meis, 8·7 ... Enos CabeU'1 three-run homer carried Detroit past Minnesota, 8-3 ... Dick Dnil and Alejandro Sancltea had two homers apiece in· Philadelphia wild 17 -13 win ove r Toronto . . . Rookie BUI Schroeder drove in the winning run with a ninth-inning single as Milwaukee topped Oakland, 4-3 . • I ' t • ' ( ~ ! ~ I I • I l L Olicago blanked by Canadiens PaJmer regains his old touch Longtime great Arnold Palmer • Thursday fired a 3-under-par 69 to take a one-stroke lead after the first ~ I ' • ' 1 Montreal Canadiens' goalkeeper fa Rick Wams l ey, backe d by ' power-play goals ~rom Mark Napier J • and Guy Lafleur in the first two periods, recorded his second shutout of the season as Montreal blanked the Chicago Black Hawks, 4·0 ... Elsewhere, Jamie lllslop's fluke goal with 9:17 remaining snapped a tie and triggered a four-goal outburst which carried Calgary to a 6-3 win over Vancouver ... Rick Middleton scored three goals and Peter McNab and Keith Crowder chipped in with two apiece as Boston moved into second place m the Adams Division with a 7-4 win over Winnipeg ... lloa Flockhart scored one goal and assisted on another as Philadelphia skated to a S-1 triumph over Colorado ... Rob McCluaban and Maril round or the second Vintage Invitational senior gotr event in Indian Wells. Dan Siket was second after one round of the 72-hole event for g~lfers 50 years of age and older ... .laaet Coles, playing the fma) five holes in the rain, shot a·3-under-par 70 to take the first-round lead in the Olympia Gold women's tournament at Industry Hills ... Heavy overnight r a ins forced a one-day postponement Thursday in the start of the Inverrary Classic in Lauderhill. Fla. • .. • I ' • ' I l I• ' I ' ' Television. radio j l I , Pavelich both scored first-period goals to pace ' the New York Rangers to a 4-1 win over Detroit. TV: NCAA Basketball Tournament: Iowa vs . Northeastern Louisiana, 11 :30 p.m., Channel 2. RADIO: Basketball -UC Irvine at San Diego State, 7:35 p.m .. KWVE (108 FM); Chicago at La.kers, 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570). :Weather clouds meets ·Impressive wins 'by Mater Dei, Woodbridge , Oilers Rain put a damper on track and field activities along the Orange Coast Thursday but some meets were run to t heir completion and others were pa rtially completed . PREP TRACK Sophomores Brian Wilson (mile and two-mile) and Eric Shermerhom (440 and 330 low hurdles) were double winners ror Woodbridge. l Mater Dei's Monar chs defeated Capistrano Valley, 95'h-27'h, while Woodbridge stopped Los 'Amigos, 82-43. In other meets , Saddlebacli -d efeated Estancia, 103-33, Huntington Beach ·pounded Bellfower, 116-14 and Fountain Valley finished third in a triangular meet at Millikan. Gus Quinonez had a triple win in the 880 (2:06.9). mile (4:37.0) and two-mile (10:04.0) while Richard Brim won the sprints and junior Carl Satterfield had a leap of 43..fi'h in the triple jump, one or the. better marks in that event this year. I I I I Millikan won with 60 to 48 for Banning and 39 for the Barons. Rain postponed the conclusion or the dual meet between Corona del Mar and University. With four ,events remaining, the meet will conclude next Tuesday on the Trojans' track. I l ! ON THE WOMEN'S front, Huntington Beach 1 .'had an easy time in downing Bellflower. 114-2. l J Yoodbridge stopped Los Amigos, 93·23, Mater Dei '.won over Capistrano Valley, 56-53, and Saddleback 1 ;handed Estancia a 68-49 defeat. I . Fountain Valley had good efforts from Ned ~ 'Mosher in winning the mile (4:34.8) and the ~ two-mile (10: 15.0) along with Todd Andrews, a ~'·winner in the 330 low hurdles (39.7) and second in I \.' ,lhe ~highs. · i:--r Mater Dei's Rick Huntington, a junior;- c,,;eaptured the 330 lows in 41.8 and was second in the I 220 yard dash. Marcus Rovira won the 440, .",:anchored the mile relay team and was third in the -,:880. ... , FRESHMAN JOAN McGovern of Huntington Beach's women's team is undefeated in the sprints this season and captured both races in the Oiler rout of Bellflower. Lili Bess won the two hurdle races and was second in the long jump by an inch while Robin Utu won both weight events for the Oilers. Mater Del's girls are 4-0 after their victory with Adee Dunkel remaining undefeated in the shot put with a 36-7'h effort. Clare Feit, a sophomore, won both the mile and two-mile races for the Monarchs. Laguna Hills scored big wins over Santiaao iD both the men's-and women~ -meets-. Sophomore Leab Memede turned in a 49.03 in the 330 low hurdles to highlight the women's events while Greg. Trin.kaus had a 40-11 triple jump, one of bis three wins for the Hawks. ;:;weekend sports on television .. Saturday's TV, radio Sunday's TV. radio TELEVISION TELEVISION 11 11 a . m . (2) -NCAA BASKETBALL 9 a.m. (2) -NBA BASKETBALL -Phoenix .•1T OURNAMENT -; Middle Tenness ee vs. atBoston. : Louisville. (~) -NBC SPORTS: RINGSIDE -Top 10 a.m. (4) -SPOllTSWOaLD -Tony Ayala l,..boxlno contenders vie in this series. Today it's (16-0), one of the fastest -r ising junior Mustafa HamshO (33-2-1) vs. Curtis Parker (19-3) in 'ddl t ht t d talc Ste G I 'a scheduled 10-rQL.lnd bout at Atlantic City, N .J . Also : mt ewe g con en ers, es on ve regory On the card: Alfonso Ratliff vs. Elisha Carlton (25·1·2) in a scheduled 10-round bout from Atlantic , 'rillery In a scheduled 10-round heavyweight bout. (5), City• N.J. Also: A downhill skiine event, taped at ' U-. WCT "FENNIS. Whistler Mountain ln British Columbia and the ; ,. •. , · All-Ireland burling championship, taped at Dublin. t 1 : U p.m. (2) -NCAA BASKETBALL 10:25 a.m. (11) -DODGEa BASEBALL - (~•:roUaNAMENT -Wyomi.nc vs. Geor,etown. Houston vs. the Dodgen at Vero Beacb . • , 1:30 p,m. (4) -GOLF -Third round play in 11: 1S a.m. (2) -NCAA BAS&STaALL ! 1the lnverrary Classic. TOU&NAllBNT -Southweatem Loulalana or ; , 2:30 p.m. ('7) -SUGAll aAY LEONilD'S Tennessee va. Virginia. : ,GOLDEN GLOVES -Tennessee squares off Noon (4) -GOLF ~ Final round pl•Y in the 1 {·.against Florida in a St'ries of bouts taped in Baton Inverrary Classic from Lauderhill, Fla. Allo: Uve ., Rouse. updates from the Vintage IovitaUoaaJ, a Hniorl • :~(2) , NCAA-aA8KBT~· .. L..,L~-teMV'4!enl -at lndlaa Welle, feetartn1-Ai-.M-.P.·t---... , ~TOUaNAllENT -M~ueue vs. Millouri. ('7) -and Sam Snead. PllO BOWLING -TIM f.anall"' the Fair Lanes l :IO p.m. (2) -NCAA BAS&BTBALL Open, taped at Wubinston D.C. TOUllNAllENT -Bolton Colle1e or USF VI. ~ 5 p.m, (7) -WIDB WOltLD OF SPOaTS -OePaul. ('7) -SUPS&STAll -Tbe San "lll'wo-Ume U.S. champion Scott Hamilton defends Franciaco 48en and ClDcbaaati Bencall M1uare'Off -i hil world title at the World '11ure Stalln1 in the football prellminUJ. { ~champbll)dpa, taJ*I at C4penba1en, l)enmark. 3:30 p.m. (2) -WO•SN'S GOLF -FiDa1 t · Alao: eo.i.race oltbe ice dudnC competition. round Dl.u lD Ute Obm&U Gold CIMlle from I Ill . U ;JO,p.m . El) -PIGBT Of' Tiii: •oNTB -lhdatrY Jlnl. ('7) -...,. WO&LD 01' aom ,,;Jam• TIWI (20-1), who loll a dtdltoa to WBA -Co~ ot the ladles competition at U.. World benywelsbt champ Mike Wea.,.. bit lut Ume Skatlnc Championships, taped at Copenb .. eD, out, takee oa Jobn Denia Ctl-).1) ln a tcbeduled Denmark. Al10: Part 1 of Ule Superb"•" 10-r..., IJDut. &aped at Lu Vtp1. mot.ocro. raee, taped at Carllbed. RADIO aADIO a .. 1WJ -~ va. .,.._at Cocoa, BaHball -Hou1toa n . Dodaen at Vero J'la,, 10:10 a .m.. C•>; San Dlqo n . Beacb, IO:lO a.m., KABC <•>; llJhraubt n . An•• 8t p.a. • U :ll p.m., ltllPC (110). Ana•la at Palm Spriap. IJ:ll D.ID., KllPC ('10). , ' ' Rustlers 4-0 • m SoCal Westminster takes pair; UCl,.;Newporl Harbor lose Thunday's da mp weather dld lltUt to k•' area baseball teams off the dlamondl u Golden Weal Collete hJtb.Utbted the acUon wtlb a •·I win ov.er Southern California Conference rival LA Harbor. ·BASEBALL lU Saddleback also aco....t a win lD commYftity rally ~th an RBJ ttlple, then lcor.d on a atqle by collece play wblle Weatmtntter aw..,.,.._..._ hr . double-beadel" and New,ort CbriaUan won OD the ewport ii now 1·1 iotni tnt.o Wednuday'1 prep level. Newport Harbor dropped a U1bt Sea Vlew Leasue opener 11'1.nat Saddltback on decision \o Loe Amtaoe and lrvi.Dt wu beaten by the Sailonl' fteld. Pomona. • Cal Poty Pomona 7, lrvlne 2 Here's bow it went: Scott Fwlcaldo'• two.run homer ln the tblrd Golden Wnt 4, LA H•rbor 3 in t the bl bl r p .RJaht-bander Lanny OeRose went all the way n na wu I ow or omona u the Broocs to ,.,,.t "''· ... ,.d victory ol the seuon for the ,tropped lr.vlne'• overall record to 12·11·1. , _.. •uo '"'• Oavld OUck bad an RBI double to account for Ruatlers who walled until the bottom of the ninth one trvlne run while Carloe Rivera scored 00 a inning to score the winnlna run. lld I h f th t"'-OeRose allowed seven bits struck out five w P tc or e 0 ""'r · batters and walked four u the RusUen Improved l'taln brou1ht • halt lo lht 1ame after live complet4 lnnln11. their Southern California Conference record to •·O N•wr.:: Chrtettan 4 , Brethren 3 and the overall mark to 9-2. Golden West scored the winnini run In the t nttr fl elder Ja ck McCown drew a bottom of the niotb on a slftile by Roberto baae1·loadtd walk to lorct tn the wtnnln1 run ln Villarreal and an RBI single by Dan Lanon. the bottom of U.. •llhlh a• Newport Christian Curtis Gervals,... who was 3-for_. with two Improved Ill overall record lo 3·1 triples in the game, walked ln the seventh and Chrlt Howard, • e 4 tophomore rt1hl·hander. scored the third run to Ue the game on a sacrifice · went the dlttance tor tht Conqueror• to record bis fly by Chris Schulz. Schulz also had 1 double first win, atrlktn1out12 while w•lkln1 tour. during the game. Larson was 2-for-2 at the plate with three RBI for the winning Rustlers. SaddlebKk 7, Atver•kl• 2 Mark Swancoal had a two-run homer to bJgbllght the Gauchos' four-run second inn!ng aa Saddleback improved its Mlsaion ·conference. record to 2·0. Swancoat also had a double while center fielder Bob Gray contributed offensively with a 2-for-3 performance and four stolen bases . Saddleback short.stop Russ Lee was also 2-for-3. George Bonilla pitched the flnffive innings to even his record al 2-2 while Tom Kobel came on in relier to pick up the save . Loa Arnlgoe 7, Newport Harbor 6 Los Amigos got out to a 6-0 lead after three innings and the Sailors couldn't quite recover, coming up a run short in the six -inning game. Terry Kolina keyed Newport's fourth·inning OJl's White hnrls no-hitter Pam White pitched a no-hitter for Ocean View and Mater Dei smothered Newport Harbor in women's high school softball action Thursday afternoon while Huntington Beach and Laguna Hills were losing. White, Ocean View 's stellar senior right-hander. hurled her third straight s hutout and dicln'l allow a base hit to Los Alamitos in a 3-0 triumph. White has struck out 15 batters in each of her last two games and has 54 for Uie four games she has pitched and Ocean View bas won this season. Only one run bas been scored against While in the four games. Ocean View scored three runs in the fourth ir..ning when White opened with a single, went to second on a wild pitc.h and stole third. Jennifer Thiebert was s ale on an infield single with White holding at third. Roman Lawson then belted a three-run homer fo r all or the runs in the game. Peggy Baker had a two-hitter as Mater Dei pounded Newport, 17-1 in six innings with the Tars com milting 10 errors. Newport pitchers also issued 17 walks and Baker contributed to her own cause with a home run in the fourth. Huntington Beach lost its first game, a 4-0 decision to Kennedy. Oiler hits were made by Michelle Reno and Vicki Zecca. Saddleback had an easy time in i)osting an 11-2 decision over Laguna Hills with only four hits. Laguna Hills was limited two hits as junJor pitcher Lisa Lopez posted her second victory. J. C ~ Phlll.tc1A: USAC IA TIOliAL CHAMPIOISHIP lilltt s,rl11t ctr ltllMlotll Clive• '-'"' -' ,.., ••• lltr si .. , .. _, ...... 11 ''Wiit It lHf llttl•" .8"Mt VSAC 0--p Ii<• ... ,ti. °""'' Mllt1111••. Mry "'""' '" 11111111111 •.• 11111• Md1t1 111111 18'1• ..... ~ ~I UC Irvine set to open NIT SAN 01 EGO Ttw IJC: lrvme buketball team will not only b4l curyl n" la ()Wn baMer, but that of the P<.:AA, t.oo, wht:n the Anteaters tanele with San Diego State heri, tonight at the Sports Arena. Tipoff h; llCh~duled for 7:35 and the game can be heord on KWVE 108·fl'M. Not 11lnce 1978. when Cal State Fullerton was one game away from making it to the NCAA 's final four, has a PCA A representative won a game in a ny post-season tournament AND, WHILE Fresno State is expected lo change things in the NCAA , it is the PCAA's - and the Anteaters' hope the same can be done in the NIT. The Anteaters enter the NIT with the best won-loss percentage in the tournament (. 785). Their 22·6 record is two games better than the Aztecs' 20-8 mark. San Diego State, however, possesses a 16·1 home court record for the 1981-82 campaign UCI counters that with a 9·2 road figure. The Aztecs, under Coach David "Smokey'· Gaines, like to run. So do the Anteaters, which figures to make for a high-scoring affair. The Aztecs, who average a little more than 73 points an outing, are led by their backcourt duo of Keith Smith and Zack J ones. Smith is averaging 12.9 points and 7.1 assists, while Jones is scoring at a 12.3 clip. ROUNDING OUT the San Diego State starters are Michael Cage (11.0) and Eddie Morris C7.7) at forward, with Leonard Allen (4.8) at center. For the Anteaters, .Co~ch Bill Mulligan will put his usual starting five on the floor or Kevin Magee C25.4). Randy Whieldon (15.7), Ben McDonald Cll.4), Rainer WuH (6.8) and Kevin Fuller (6.5>. -John Sevano Diahlos advance LONG BEACH -Cindy Rohrig scored 18 points and Mary Madigan added 16 as the Mission Viejo High Diablos advanced to the finals of the -state soutltenrchwtnpioustrips, ~·'lion ii, wlth a 51-46 victory over Valley Christian fhursday night here. Mission Viejo will meet San Joaquin Memorial Hi gh Saturday at 4 with the winner advancing to the state championships in Oakland a week from Friday. San Joaquin defeated Artesia, 52-49, Thursday night to gain a spot opposite the Diablos. BOYS CLUB OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~ Spring Baseball For Boys & Girls March-June Age 7-10. 11-13 O:>St '20>0 Coaches Also Needed Tryouts March 27. 1982 ~11 am -12-1 p.m. 968-5252 9840Tc6ert Fountain Valley Thi L1ro11t U11d Boat Show In Thi U.S. NIW'°llT JilAllOI IN-THl·WATll The Wffl'• one and only Uted Bo•t Show will t•ture lhe largeat Mlectlon of vlnttoe and nMrly new talllt19 and P<>Mf yacht• ewer UMmbltd In one locatlon. AehOte will be a "*''°"of marine acceelOfY and MfVtol •hlbltt. u.-. .... ¥11191e, ... '"'" ..... 1181:!'1 noon IO t pm, Ill "'lfll tot 11111t. 9"" 10 e.m. to I llfll ===,...the .. lftlfft Collllt ..., ... ........,. ....... . ............. .,... ------ -~-" on •••Men. aa •'qf, •·• . _ 1ee1rettatla...-: J>lltllu .... ~ ·'l•.-•ie-~ .m1.,~~ (llm). .. • &LAC <D). ._ _ _.111111!1_. .. _. .... _llllli._ __ _ • -- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, March 12, 1982 Cl GueSs wlio is picked to will Sunset? Edison is favored in baseball race , but the rest of the teams figure to be strong By .loG£1t<:A1tLSON rlg hl·htiflde r s Don Gregor, Ke lly R omine. °' .. o .. iw ""-'"'" sophomore liriun Belcher and Greg Le Master and Edison Hlih Couch Ron LuRuffa JUSt s hakes lefty Steve Burt. biti hcud when the subjucl comt>. up. He knows It's Others who wlll sec uction. Ken DeMarco (cf). ltomlni . cmd frankly, he'd probably llkt> to forget Chriii Schmitt (c) and Tim Manchln lc> ll'rlbe lltttly-Rtiot'• predtetton1t for ~e 1982. 5. MA•IN.t (3·0 . This fs a team which split Sunset. League baseball cam paign and with five with always powerful Lakewood a nd It boasts a rcturnmg a ll·ltrngue players Cro m the CIF •·A solid hitting attack, but as Coach John Seeley says finalists the Churgers get the nod us the team to ..,...when it comes to the pitchin~ department, "We'll beat. /'. have to wait and see " '''.f'his is my seventh year at Edison a nd no The Vikings, who use Blair lt'leld I• Long fovonte has w~n yet," says LaRuCfa "We 're going Bea cl\ as a ho me base , have two returning to break thal Jtnl! one o( these years. but 1t shows a ll·league players in catcher Shane Flores and Just how compet1Uve this league is " outfielder Jim La ne. Competitive 1s hardly the word for it. Edison went to the CW finals at Anaheim Stadium without even Sunset Lea~ue championshi p credentials. And that's because the other team in the finals was Westminster , the league kingpin. ··1 would have said Ocean View and Fountain Valley were the next two on the list at the start of the season." says LaRuffa. b ut now Huntington 1 , Beach is looking good. They coul d turn things I around. And Marina 1s always tough." · So, with Saturday's Sunset League openers p illing Westminster at Ocean View and I Marina al Edison at noon, fo llowed by Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach at Mile Square Park at 7 p.m.). her e's a look at the Sunset League. in the or der they are predicted to finish : L EDISON (8·Z) -"Our strength is p1tctung and we should be able to score some runs." says LaRuffa. "We have a lot of team speed. Injuries could cause a problem because of a lack of depth." Edison's starting lineup on Saturday fi gures this way : l. Charlie Guest, If; 2. Todd Mabe, ss; 3. J ohn Emma . lb; 4. Mike DeBenon, of; 5. Joe Kwole k, 3b: 6. Mike Powell, rf; 7 Steve Overeem. dh . 8. Pete Urquiza . 2b: 9. Tony Lingard. c. OeBenon doubles as a starting pitcher and is 2·0, Jeff Stephen!> 1s 1 ·0 as a starter a nd relief pitcher Greg Cloney is 4·2. DeBenon was All -Cl F 4·A choice as a junior. a n d along with K wole k, was a first tea in All·Orange County choice Emma a nd Mabe were All Sunset League selections. Other pit chers . Jeff-Kwolek and j unior left ·handers Rob Biagi and Shawn Pakinen. 2. FOUNTAIN VALLEY (4-3) The Barons arc loatled with pitching. hitting, defense and e xper ience and appear to be Edison's chief c hallenger. "I think we're going to be right there," s ays Coach Joe Miller ··1 really don't see a weakness " Fountain Valley s tarted a little slowly. but a three-game sweep of San Marcos and Dos Pueblos found the Barons scoring 35 runs . Among the squad are six returning starters a ll -league first baseman Dean Roberts, second team all·league stars Brian Ayres <p>. Tim Martino (2bl and Pa t Connor lrf> and ri ght-hander Ric k LaMarshe. Fountain Valley's sta rting lineup o n Saturday figures this way 1 John Elliott. J b. 2 Steve Youngewaard, ss, 3. Tim Martino. 2b ; 4 Dean Roberts. lb. 5. Pat Connor. rf; 6 Dave Stewart, dh , 7. Scott Scharr. If: 8. Steve P ratt, c, 9. Greg Arnold, cf. LaMars h c and Ayres a r e bac ked by Bask e tball scores College NCAA T°"rftillm.nl "'"'"°""" w ................. I Marina's starting hneup on Saturday figures this way: 1. Mark Cobian, If. 2. Ken Laszlo, ss; 3. Kevin Eisler, Jb; 4. Sha ne Flores, c ; 5. J im Lane, rf ; 6. Dave Hargrove. dh, 7 Ron Evans. lb; 8. Bob Critchfield, cf; 9. Brad P eterson, 2b It's an all-right-handed pitching s taff with Treff Bennett. John Berry, Terry McClure. Doug PaschaO and Dan Garten available. Flores is the only junior on the roster, but a long with Lane and Eisler, is conside red among the top hitters. Laszlo, Cobian and Peterson a re fast on the bases al}d Jim Keller figures to coptribute in a utility role. 4. HUNTINGTON BEACH (8·2> Mike Dodd, who takes over as the Oilers' coach after three years as an assistant at Westminster . has made Huntington Beach the surprise team or the Orange Coast area durmg non-league play. posting an 8·2 record. ··Our hitting and defense are our major s trengths," says Dodd, "but our pitc hing 1s the thing that is a question m ark.·· The Oilers have been unable lo get a complete game from a starter in 10 games. a lthough relief pitcher Larry Latimer came through with a seven-inning winner Tues day. ll unlington lieach 's starting line up on S<.tlurday figures this way I Rich Carrillo. If . 2 Gre~ DeValk. ss. 3 Rose ready to play CLEARWATER, Fla . (AP! -Pete Ro has been unable to participllte in spring training for the Philadelphia Phillies because of back s pasms. says that he hopes to ~et started today. Rose said Thursday after taking his daily back treatment at the Phillies' camp: "I'm goin g to s tart to bat tomorrow (Friday).·· Rose injured his back last month, before s pring training began, while he was playing tennis in Cincinnati. He reinjured it the next day while s wingmg in a batting cage. Rose bent over to pick up a towel Thursday. and said. "Last week I couldn't do that." Rose. who will be 41 on April 14, has been taking whirlpool treatments and injections of cortisone. .. They told me the best thing for a back injury is to do nothing," Rose said. "And that's what I've been doing -nothing." Driun P1atrick, lb; 4. Oreg Shirley, c; S. Brian Beard, cf; 6. Guy Bwckels, p; 7. Greg Kennedy, dh (for Barry Beard, 2b>. 8. t..ou Harrigan, rl; 9. Charlie Hartwell, 3b. Buckets ls the Oilers' No 1 pitcher with left·handers Beard and J>atn ck vying for the other gpot. i"!' 1.aumer and John Flynn comprise the bullpen "No one expected quite this m uch (8·2)," s ays Dodd. "But It 's a three-season type or thing . We hu ve lo forget the preseason !And look al league as If we're 0-0." S. WESTMINSTER (3·U -A year ago Coach Rick Hayes' Lions came out of nowhere behind the pitching of David Harris to capture the league and Cl F 4·A crowns . There is OJllY one returning starter from that crew outfielder Ge rardo Llamas, who earned all·league honors and batted at a .310 clip. He'll be stationed in cente r field. But that's the extent of Hayes' proven experience. The rest of the Lions, well. they're going to have to do it in the s ame way from out of nowhere. "It's one or those s ituations where we have 19 members on the squad and 18 are basically newcomers." says Hayes, who is beginning his seventh year al the Lions' helm. Westminster 's starting lineup on Saturday fi gures this way . 1. Hob Goode, 2b; 2. Danny Wong, 3b; 3. Gerardo Llamas, cf; 4. Ron Harriman. c, 5. Steve Osborne, If; 6. Edwin Mitchell, rf; 7. Lance Aoki, lb ; 8. Ruben Maciel, ss: 9. Jerry Bailey, p. Aok.i <left-hander J, Maciel. Steve Osborne and Edwin Mitchell give Ha rris depth on the mound a nd Dan Weatrowski is a des ignated hitter Others: Sophomores Ed Pimentel <ss>. Marty Rodriguez C2b1, Tim Hanson (3bl and Dave Wiley (C). 6. OCEAN VIEW <J ·4 ) -Three one-run s etbacks cloud the a bility of the Seahawks, who have solid pitching and defense. Arter a six-year tour as a Westmmster High a ssistant, Jim Keat ing takes over and will have left ha nder Kevin Stanley. a pitcher·h rst baseman with All-Empire League c redentails a~ a junior. as the focal point. "I feel good about the overall attitude." says Keati ng. "Our p la yer s are o ut to prove something." Ocean View's starting lineup on Saturday figures this way . I Paul Ayers, 2b; 2 Bobby Hernandez, ss; 3. Fred Tuttle. cf; 4. Kevin Stanley, p , 5. David Carroll. rf; 6. Eric Re inholtz, rf : 7. Lance Hoskin , c ; 8. Phil llilm an. 3b, 9. J oe Jordan, If. There are still some question marks. If John Heinle can overcome back problems he'll be in the outfield. and Ayers could go lo the outfield, too. with Keith Mullally ready for infield duty. Stanley ard Rt>inholtz give Ocean View a one·lwo punch from the port side. while sophomore Dean Douty. Jordan and Tuttle are righl ·handers. Al so a factor at third base is Bill King. Keating's chief concern: "Inconsistency with the bat .. HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILOT'S · AUTO MARKET ••• IRVINE ... Mr Jim Welsh . Vice President and General Ma nager of Subaru of Southern California, lnc., recently presented Brad Parks, C hairman of the National Foundation o f Wheelchair Tennis, the keys to a brand new. s pecially equipped 1982 Subaru station wagon. For the past three yea'rs, Subaru of Southem California, Inc . has been one of the strongest s upporters or Wheelchair Tennis. Through grants from corporations. the National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis 1s able to promote sports, primarily tennis, to the physically disabled community. The maroon metallic, hand control equipped Subaru, bearing the Wheelchair Tennis logo on ooth sides, will help Brad Parks bring wheelchair Lennis clinics to communities cover ing a ll of Southern California ... .. CARSON . A 100-page magazine on how to s tart and run more tha n 20 sm all businesses is now being distributed free at more than 1,100 Datsun de alers nationwide as part of a special truck promotion. The publi cation , enti tl ed "Fi nanci a l Independence The Datsun Guide to Bootstrap Bus inesses" was compiled and published by Mother Earth News in cooperation with Nissan U.S .A., distributor o( Datsun cars and trucks. It contains a detailed section on business basics as well a s individual how-lo articles on starting more than 20 different businesses which can be started with a m inimum of capital expense. The businesses range from selling home bakery goods and recycling metals to a family firewood ser vice and chimney sweeping. There are also sections on cutting through red tape lo start a business, taking advantage or tax brea ks. choosing a bank and getting c redit. advertising and promoting s mall businesses and a refe rence page on where to find additional information on setting up a business. Spaced throughout the book are advertise· m e nts for Dats u n pick ·up trucks containing informa1.i on on specific models, features and accessories geared to businesses outlined in the magazine. Along with distribution through local Dats un dealers. the business guides will be made available at 12 entrepreneur shows in major cities during 1982 It is also available by mail for a postage and handling charge of S2 through P.O. Box 10799, Des Moines, Iowa 50340. *** ANAHEIM . . The California Highway Patrol wants motorists to safe ly "Drive Into Spring," whi ch is t he theme for the Orange County Internation al Auto Show . Officer Bryan Duquesne!, public a ffairs officer with .the traffic I•''--"' Wyom11>9 61 USC SI Wt\I \llJ:llln•• 101. North Coro11t1• &Trr --- Tofti911l'1 C4mo AUTO PARTS knowledgeable, friendly parts people -~~,......1urror-tne CAP. Wiii oe at the Auto Show co alk with visitors about the hazards of the road. 1•1 P\111-n, WH"-1 PtpHrOlr>e 121 ~I v• PtlhburQll no•> low• f'I0-1) vs Nont..,•st Loulsl..,• 11• 10) Ml-11 .. ~I l•ITulw l M.trQUflttt •1. Ev•n\vtll• •1 Hou\ ton~-Alcorn St &A TOfti9'1t's c;.mt\ 1•10•11 .. l IC.an\•\ SI f?I n Y\ NOt'tt)f'rrt 1111no1\ fl' 1Jl Boston Coll~t I" •1 " UHt Ml-ti lle<aloll•I C•IN11llvlllel Indiana CM, Rot>trt Morris 67 Mlddt~ TenneUtt SO, ovntvc~y u Tonl9ftl't CiamH Call""l-1111 Nor in Carolin• St 11? •1 vs 84C · Tenn en.a••·-11 .. J, Resistor type H -Sou1nwtS1tm Lou1s1..,a 11• II vs --,~~ -~~--~f • Trect-mail 25e ,., pl~ EHlll ...... I cat u.--1e." v 1 "'""" fro1n ///lofwcraff •• 10" eOlnf'lef• eo.pon J•rn" Mi1td1..,., ss. 0tt10 St .a •~•il•ltl• at Jtore W.tko FOf'tot 7•, Old Oom•nloll SI T ....... 1·1~am•1 (at Cl\art°'t•, H.C.I Norlho1t\ltrn (714'1 v~ St Jo•eP~'s P<J US O P~nn (17 ., vs St Jolln''· N Y. 120 II Nall....,1 tnvlt.a11001 T..,rMrnonl "'"''"°""" Geor91• 1J TtmDI• 60 Rulqe<.$ SS Iona SI Br•a•ey 76, American U 65 Nev L•s llf9aS 17. Murray St 61 NAIAT°"rllMn-(at K•Mn CllYI O...rte.ilftalt Biol a '2, SaQiMw llaHev -o HamptOt> 10, Hendo!rMlft St .. S C -SpMtanbur9 76 WIS CialrtM Kur~ySt •1.w Orf90"0 High School St ... -iionr °"''"'" .. '"''" (at ....... IHC" Ar....,,l ' DllMIMll-Men Burro uo•u I R ld9ec r e\l l 13, Washlnvton (Fr<KnOI S<t B•MlnQ te.nntnvl 18. Riverdale 61 Dlvlole1111 -we.,,.n M inion Viejo SI, V•llty Chrl\11"" .. •• S.n JOM!llln t.Mmonal S?, At1eslt Antique Show ~ntlngton Center mall today thru Mar. 14 1'RIDON~ Wiper Blade Refills Silicone Form·a-rasket or Rubber Adhesive Sealant No.SH No.UH c.,,,,.,.., '""-' '°'. 1mootller, mot• comfort•.,. r ide! Deluxe Feeler '\ \ "" ...:!.-:-; Gauge with lock 33 blades 67: Moloicraft _Jm ... Oil Filter .,.....-..... ... ., .. ,.. ..... ;.:~ •c:;:.. ~-4~ -'""'==:::;.o"" let•.,_.•"" SJ.00,..,_,,,_ ... cnft .... 1fl" Cl ...... C..-.,.,,..,,. M 11/U ...... . Officer Duques nel's job is to educate the public about their r esponsibilities when they get behind the wheels of their vehicles. He speaks reg ul ar l y t o driver s education classn. org anizations and company groups, and holds safe ty semmars for truck drivers. At the Orange County International Auto Show. to be held April 21·25 at the Anaheim Convention Center. O fficer Duques n e! will comment on van o u9 aspects or safe driving, including the new California drunk driving law F or a n yone cons ide r i n g a career in law e nforcemen t . he 'll a lso have inform ational material available on the CHP. Show visitors are urged to stop by and meet Offi cer Duquesne! on e ither Saturday( A ril 24 or unday. Apnl 25. He'lf be pai'ticular y p eased to meet any teenage drivers. wtth whom he enjoys establishing a rapport and eliciting a response to his presentation. In addition to the CHP participation. the show s ponsors. Catmers Expos ition Group and the Motor Car Dealers Association or Orange County, are pl a nning a progra m o f e nte rtaining a nd educational activities for each of the five days. Orange County auto dealers at the Show will be exhibiting the latest models of both domestic and foreign vehicles. offering area residents an opportunity to comparison shop with only one stop. *** SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ... Groundbreaking ceremonies took place in San Juan Capistrano recently for the construction of JIM 1SLEMONS HON DA at 32881 Camino Capistrano. Completion of the llonda sales outlet and full service facility 1s expected by mid 1982. Jim Sle m ons. owner of t he new Honda dealership, is also proprietor of Jim Sle mons Imports/Mercedes-Benz de alershi p in Newport Beach and of J im Slemons Volvo in Hawaii. Clock Construction Company or Irvine will build the new Jim Slemons facility under the direction of Jim Ave rell. Vice President. and Gary HouJdin. Manage r of Construction Operations . Clock Construction specializes in the design and cons truction of commercial /industrial facilities in Or angc Cou nty;-other areas or S"alrrft'H ... n California. Architect for the new Honda facility in S'n Juan Capistra no is Him es-Peters Architects & Associates. Inc. of Santa Ana. *** NEWPORT BEACH . . . Newport Datsun's Parts Department has been recognised by Ninan during its annual search for quality Datsun dealerships. The department was awarded all of a possible 12 point.'! s ubstanUating the dealershlp'i clalm of having the flne1t parts departme~t in fmtMrf • U.S. Auto Parti ~-#allsts Southem California. Newport Datsun is localed at ":" • ~ 888 Dove Street in Newport Se.ch. COSTA MESA• South r.oast Auto Supply "NEWPORT BEACH• United Auto Pm ii SEE WHAT.YOUR LOCAL 688 w. Baker At Bristol• 2112 w. Coast lighway. AUTO DEALERS HAVE ~--5~o#Wl2500---~---t----:----_,__--...1Mt.t1L1-----------.--· TO OFFER YOI I -----TODAY'S PAPER. -\ ,, • 1r--~--------O~r1;.;.n.:.g•.;;...;;.C.;;.o;;;.u-...• DAILY PILOi/Frld.J•_v_. M_arc_h_1_2_. _1e_a_2 ______________________________ _ -(. > . NIA WltTlllN cONPRllEHCE 1. ....... S.•tll• Go'-"Slelio """'"'• l'Wll•nd !.all 01tOO Soe!I Anlonlo ~IOI\ Def'lvtr ,l(Of'lw' Clly Oa llH Ulth Pacific Olwl1 .... • l ., JO '° J1 u l1 JS 11 JI ~ ,. ., M""""I Dlvltltol lt u JS 11 )1 JO n ., JI .. 1~ 0 ""' 01 '11 ut IV, S.l I s.s 1 ~11 10 JS4 ltV> •U ~} ~ SI• Wt )AA 1'V. "' 1111, * 1111~ EA!.TERN CONl'EltENCE All•\lk Dl•lt,_. 8 M10ft Pllll-•Pfll• Hew J•rwv Wtshl"111on New Vor·lo. •• IS H II )J JO JI JI 19 JS c ... 1··· 0 1•1•1 ... Mllweukff "ll•nt• l..Oltf'141 O.lr011 ChlctQO Cle••••no ., 10 11 J1 ,, )4 11 )S l\ JI 13 ., ThU"""Y'I S<Orft Alltntt 107 Utah~\ Phott1lx 101 ci.,,.1a1>0~~ l(•nwl City 113, San O•~oo 1111 TeftiMJfll',G•m•• Chl<t90 a1 Ullon 8oSIOfttl H-J•t""Y lndltf'IA •• w .. hlnQlon Goloe11 Sl•l& al Oetrol! Porll•nd at SM AntOtllO S.•111• at MllwdUkff 0.n••• fl l<ouslon HIGH SCHOOL ISA ,,, , )14 u •IS •I OJ 11~1 '11 .. , 13 "° ., . ., d~ I\ 403 11 711 11 S tate R egional Playoffs (al L .... BMCI\ A••M. ICMllllM I MEN'S DIVISION I SEMIS 7-Sl 8trtwrO 1111 71 ¥\ '*""" 1l1 n 1'45 Lak•WOOO CJ<I 11 v\ 8""n•nQ I A IH·Jl WOME N'S DIVISION ti SEMIS 4-C•llr 119•1 vs Al•rnany 11r,.11 )•JO Alverskle Poly llH)I •\ 1111• lu•n• U4.JI S.:tun:Lay'1 ltlfUlt 4-0 1¥1\lon 11 Womfln S lO Olv!Slon I I "'•" 7-0 l•l>lon I Womf'ft e 4S OIYll'On t Mell NHL CAMPBELL COHFERENCE Smf1NDM~,_. w L T OF GA •-Edmonton 41 ,. 1J 11>6 us Cel9ery 1S JO 16 1416 'lOll V M COUWf' " 11 •• 140 754 ... N :M 14 1M >11 Colorado 16 ., II 1•0 J01 NtttUDM~ .... Mlnne"'1a 30 ,. JO )[M HO ""'""IPtQ 1• 1'I I] ,.., J<I) SI. Louis )9 3\ 6 ,.., 101 Chlce110 1• 'M 10 ,., 313 TorofttO 11 ]I .. us )16 0.1roi1 •• '° I) U> 307 WALIES CON FE RENCl ~•trt<.111 Otv1uori .... Q6 66 ., ~ 4J IO u "1 ., so .. M·HY 1'!11rldo1' 41 le • 'MO 118 1()1 HY Aanqeo :u 14 17 163 )f>J ,. Phll-lpf\la )A 11 I 783 114 16 Pl'11bur(lh 24 31 I I 1S7 181 ..:I WtlllinQlon n 11 • no '81 SJ "•MMOl•l\- Monltul •0 IJ 11 111 l'n •> Bos1011 ll 73 t 170 Ht> 13 Bufltlo -~ ~ '""'"-lt9._Ul---'l... 0-uiliic lO 15 ,. JO.I ~ 1• Herttord 1• :n 16 ,,_ 'l9? SC x -(Un("'tG 0fit P••c~ '" Ot'll\H>M T .... ~Y'I S<•rt'I 8011on I w1nn._ 4 NY A-o •. O.lro•I I Phh.-Plli• S. ColorA<'O 1 MOfttrHI •. Cntc-0 Ce l11ary 6 v..,..ouwr J TOfllQM" Gtmo Bulla lo at Edmonton ~ .. .w,·• Gamt1 Hn. Yor .. hla.-rs "'' l!ll>Q• O.troll al 8oston Chl<•llO at Ovll~c Butlalo at CalQitrY Vtf'l~ou .. r ., Edmonton Ht r11of"O ti Momr~al Co10r-41 Pl11sbu•Qlh WIM l-al Ton>n!O P11ll.-11N• •• Wuh•"11•on Mln,,.144• .. St Lout\ l•AM <;M-Y >I,. 1t llo&ln WtllOtl ,..._,. J11ll• ,,.,.,.Pvflf • ,. High echool 111 ....... c..-.t ,_...,CCI I ,._ .. "'· c-.. ..... -\) Dttl ~ !Iii, kett l(revw II). n Jet.n lllltted IEI, Miiie IJlfll•lolll (CM); st Mar• Alltll ICMI. H6ah echool _.... tlt, '-' H ..... . ltltNClllf. It ..... ) st BonHI l'uf'lny Hllhl ; U -W•tltr (M•tlne), lllt ... ,_ (Mtrlf'lel , SI-__, !Sllllf'IV Hlll,I, 60 S<llf'ltlOt• IMttlf'ltl, (lltHtll (5ww\1' Mlllfll .._, .... ~-... l .. C--,LM~) U -lel11tlOl\I l(Ollt Meu l ; 17-Foor9ntlo (H .. por1 M.,llOrl; .._A,..., ICO>lt MeM); Leite IH•WPorl H•fbOrl. Women'• gymnalftio• HIGH l(MOOL. Lii wi-1J6.I, Cle.-Y-ID.I vaull Mt<h .. 11IOVI,1.1. Ben -Kell• tWI. a.•. ll•lence b .. m Ot-CW), 9 I , Fl-l(elly IWI, 1.4, All·e.-d ltolly IWl, ll.O. Men's treck HIGH SCHOOL U ~l•....ity M, c.pl1traM v •lley t1 100 I H•v•• CUI. 10 >. 1 Af'lder...., (U). 10 3, 3 --CCVI, 10 S 2J0 I A.-"°" IUI. ll l , 2. FhCU\ (Ul. 2l 7, > 1(1"11 tUl.237 •OO I Fiscus (U). S1 •. J Horner CUI, SI s. J Mvrkk CUI, SJ.I, 980 I Colqulll CUI. 7.04, 1. Hlttef'I CUI. 2 04 S, 3 l(unel fUl, 2 0.1 Miit I Otth tUI 4 40 J 1 MOOrti' IUI, 4 40 J J C t'ffft-r;,tr tUl 4 41 S , mlle 1 Htt•lt•I~ CUI, 10 n , 1 Grun1>u•11er tUI 10 U I J Wllyn CUI, 10 l4, no MM I Sl\aplro ((VI, ,. J , 1. 8ac11man (UI, i. 9, 3 Welkins IUI. 17 4 130 l H I A.-f'SOft (UI, 41 • J W•lkln\ t Ul 0 l 3 Boo!<....,, (U). 42 • UO rtl•f t U"'"'•r-'\.lh , •> 0 MU~ rel•v ' Un4Y•ri.HT l l' •. PV I Soflonl (UI, ... , Wnllllfl(ler tCVI •.O, l W1I~'"' (UI, •.O HJ I Buct olll CUI, s to,' Marks IUl, \-I l Sprl"I (CVI. S-2 OT 1 Hill IUI. 13-4 11, 1 Otlerbell\ ICVI ltl l 3 Comenord IUl 119·1 SP 1 HUI (Ul,4H''", Onerbelf'l ICVl 4S-C' • l W•rd CCVI 4~1 lJ I 8uccotla fUI. tt 1, J "'osrnoW\111 •CVI tM ,) -rk1 CU). l .. S T J I Al\Clenon CUI," 11 , J Ward (UI. •1 6. l Slwlc>lro (CV), 41.0 ,....,..,.,,... ... o.i u 100 I B••-Sltr CCI 10 4, 1 Go•l- 1 Cl tO 6 l <Nell ICI 10 • 110 I Hunt1n111on fMOl, U •. 1 Go•ho•n CCI, U I . l lloOlrt IMOl, ll • •40 1 ROdlra IMOI, SI'· 2 Fulntt •IC), U 3 3 J Ct lll•ell IMOI, )JS. 980 1 J Calllven IMOJ, J OJ. 1. Dolan• 10 1 OJ a 3 Mtl'llne• 1M01.1·os Mlle I M<MHI., IMOI, 4 JI S, 2. E..,.,. 10 1. c )3 S l Mt'11nu (MO).• M 4 l ·Mll• 1 Mc-ltr IMO), Eddv IMOl, Martinet (MOl. Pltf'I~ (MOl 11..i t i,. ,.,0 no MH I G'"" ICI. IS •: , Scot1 CCI. t•.•. 3. Pait IMOI, 1'.I lJO l H 1 HunllnQ-IMOI, 00 6, 1 Scol1 ICI ., I J Youno IMO) ... 1 uo rtlty 1 Creoc>t, 44 • Mlle relAy I Mtltr o.I. 3 1J 4 Pll 1 RlflOQe ICI, 12-4, J. Ill. Gtlll•., I MOI. 1?.o.) McGut"' IC), 11.0 HJ I Boy .. (C), .,,, 1 Sltaw1M'k19o CC). • 1 J l•flll'ton !MDI, "J SP 1 l(tooer !Cl, SM°"'; 1 CoM11 !Cl, 4t·2 J Pola IMOI. ~10 LJ 1 SlraworldQe ICl. JI_.; 1 Buell ICI 1011 l Boyi.tCI, 1'7 I J I Buell (C), .O.t 1 Boyle IC). ll-10'> l Str •wl><'ld9f IC), lll-1 Mllllk ............... 41, fl-Ill Y_, 2t 100 1 B-1 IBI, 10 •. 1. E..-y (Fl . 10 I J Wtlll\ (Ml, 10 I 110 I JonH CB), U 4, 1 INllll• (M)..JU. J Prtc• IBI 14 0 •00 I CoulMlll IM), SO J, 2 El?Mf'y IFl. ii . J .Small -~ 110 1 Wl'lll• tM I, 2'01 I ; 2 Ander>Oft IF), l OS 4,) l oe>tl IBI, 2 0.0 Molt I M<BNr !Fl.• l4 I . 2 Rodr9-1 (Bl • ,., > Corrt• IBI 4 "l 1 mlle 1 M<BNr f FI. 10 1S 0, 2. Ar1•- 1Bl, no 11me, A-(M),ll011,,,.. 1?0HH 1 ~le• (Ml, 1S S, J. A.-nn tF l, 1S 6, J Nichol• (Fl. 1S I lJOlH I And~•• IFI, 3'.7; l Ade'"" t Bl 40 S, J PrlC• (Ml 40 I 400 rel•y 1 Bannln(I <'-4 4, 1 F-1e1n v a uo •S 1 HJ I MtTIWI 1Ml, S-10, 1 Cel>f>et IF), j,., l Smlln IBI s ... LJ I COUl'IOll (Ml. 21 ... 1 Wt.1111""'°" tM I. 11·l , J Smtih IB). 20.11 TJ-1 -tnh (Ml, .0.7, 1. M.or11n !B), l._3 ) Pr-(Ml, Jt.4V. PV I -'°"IHll!CI oec.tuw o4 ,.,,, SP I l .,_ tMI, 4 .. 7V., l Ht 11JIO<k !Ml 41·1 .... , l Tr•lo (Ml. •"-IV. OT 1 Nol con\H led W_...,.G, IAIAnt .... U 100 1 Fi9uPr<N fWl, 11.1'; 2. l(endtn Miia '· Ovl-• IHI ), •.n.•1 I . J..._ IHI), A:llA; J. ..._ ... , CM81, ..... .., l·ntlt. -1, Oul-1 IHll, 111 ... t. Oline IHI), M:n ; I MtllMy IHI), 1•· a ltt HM -I, YtlllMt•IM t CHiii -O•rclt IN81 ..... IJ.11 I HKr·•-(Ill .... tll'llt. »t 1.H I YM l>trMIH r CHiii -TMmlt.., IMa) tied el tO.OJ I Oerci. (Mii, 41.0. uo relay no••-ldl~1111ec11 .,,. ,. •• , -1 Mwlt~ h«h. a ,. ,.., -1 Mllltr la >. 1H, t Mc:C-(Hll. 1M,l .M....._ HJ -1. "8111Nllar (a l. ~: t , McCM>n IHI), 1t.O; t. M ttll ... OT t l<eNfl<k tHa) ,_..., t Heffl- IMlll, t~M; J. lllN . SP t Moert (Niii _, J &MMl1 IHlll, ~> ~: >. 1"..,._111 !Ma l 44,.f II. 1.J -1, Mlhl .......... r !Hiii »S; ) lrlm IMll. 1H; a. 1"-IHI). IW, fM -1. $Mtarflild (Ma l, 4H .... J t lry .. fHll, a~S°"': t. ll'**ut Ull. )4.10. ..... ~, .... _It» 100 -1 . .,_., (5). 10.e; t Wllllt t'f'lt ISi, nou,.,...a ~11111 4 f9 -I WINI-• IS), 1410 J. -...w.her- lll, U.6; J.-.. ($). "° tll'llt. 440 -I, 9-y-111IS>,»1, 2 Sllvt fll. f'IO llmt;J ~rdt lS),f'IOllme --I. Y-CS), ,:OU . I BtMy_,h ISi. f'IO tlnw, >. lltta IE I, >'to 6 Milt -I. McCM1tl, 11!1, • '4.J; 1 VerclO ISl, llO ti....,> 0.LaTorre ISi. no time 1·mll• -1. McCtr1hy IE), 10 00 '· t 0.Lt Torr• (SI. 10:11.0, > Gallardo CS). IO:S2.0. l20H~ -I. C-(5). 1U, t 511'11,_ IS). f'IO 11,,,.: > tloMf'I (El, 1' 1 IJOlH -I kf'lllYWor'lh fSJ, •O 0, s1m,,,....ts1,no11,,,. > B_.,. IEl ,420 440 rtley -1. ~k. 4 ,S MJlt -.1ey -I ~k, J: 44.>. .PV -1. Mtl'lwell (SJ. 10.0, t . Alli.en• tEl, ~} "'i°":ac~'fsl,·.~. J Ve>quet ISi. M~} ~ttt<.E~!t~herat f E I. tl.JY>. 1 M<Alllll .. tS), 1MIV., J Simmons (S), no dl1tanco • TJ 1.-.. ($1. l1 S, t JO!lntof'I ISi, >M: 3. M<Alllsl•r ISi, -· SP 1. Czenneu,l IS), 4~1V.; J. Moncrltf (SI, Mdlstance; 3 Lee (5). nodl"t no OT -I $mftll !El, 1Jj,.I J Armsl•- ISI, 1J>-); >. Mofte•ltf ISi. "° d l11ence ....,..,t.o.r-o .... v 100 -I, G...SutSDrl (M), 11.0; 2-Rl,ch (Ml, tt.1; 3 Fr-. (Ml, 111 220 -1. Risch IM), U 4; t Co;stutlDrl I Ml, u .s; > I(.,.._ tM>. u • 440 -1. eo.I....,. IM). Sl•; 2 We(INt (GG), SS ... 3 eo.llti tMI, S4 1 --1, Smltll fGGl, 2 03.>S; l. Hett1s (M), t ·l1,4; 3. Perktr IM), 1.11.6. Miio -1. Smith (OG), 4:41,7; J, CIHIOI\ (M), S·Ot,14; ). V .. ,,. IMI, S·03 0 J•mlle -1, Smith IGGI, IO;OI S; 1 Ptrlitr IO:+t 0, >.Git-IMI. IO:S0.6 UOHH -1. Lui IMl, ISIS; 1 Mt(IOlo IGGI, 16 4; J. Otvll !Ml. 111 330lH 1. H-IGGI, 41.1; 1 Btown !Ml, 41.7; J. L-ll•tr CCCI,"° lime lJ I MtQolo IGCl, 1._40,,; 2 Htl .. (Ml, 1 .. 7'/•; J Ot•IS (Ml. lk TJ I ...iw IMl, .o-4, 1 0 .. 11 IMI ,..., l Ooud (Ml. -.OV. SP 1 Root< CCCI. J<l.t, J Brown CMI lJ.10, J ~fMl,171¥.. 440 ..... -1. ,..,, .... , 0 1 Mii• ,..,.v -t Mtrlna, l' O. t WOl'IMn HIONKMOC>t. M----llMcll 114, a.ttfle-1 100 -M<Gov•rn IHBl, IJ.4, JOO McGovern (HB). 11.6, uo -SP•ncor (HBl, t•O. I; MO Turner !HB). J 37 Mii• Vondley CHBl, •·OI 1; 1 rnllo M<C•"" (H8). ,,.,,, 120 LH Beu IH8l 11.6; DO lH -8-1 (H81. S4 t . 440 rttoy - Hunllf'lll10n B•tth, S> 7, Mlle r•ltY Huntlf191<1ft S..Ch, 4 • •. LJ B•11••ton ~~~~ 11~~1H~M.~~t~~ :~::-:.t. SP w_...,. n , La ""'19M u too PNlll~ 1w 1. u >•. 100 5orlnoo• llAI, 11.7, 440 ~lft9er !LAI. I OS) llO -1(•11 (WI, 1.37 •. Miit Vertt.tll (W), •:•.•: t-ml .. -Bl"OWft (LAI, 13.Sl, 110 HH -H-!WI, IS•>. l30 lH -Sorl- (l.AI, S0.6; ..0 rtltV Woodtlflcl9e, S.1, Mlle r•lt y --tlrlOgt, • Sl.l ; HJ 1(1,...,ln IWI. ~. LJ -l(in ln (W). 1i,.s; SP -WllSDrl (WI, n-4; OT WlllDrl IWl, 11 S M-D.i '6, (.eptttr-Y tlle, Sl 100-1. O•bws• ecv 1, 11.3. no 1 Pon•llo (MOI, ... ,, ...,.__, PelrOM CMOI, l :OS 2. H0-1. Sweeny CCVI. l H •. 1111 .. -1 ,-_.. (Mt)), S •o. l ·ml-1 Foll 1¥0 ). 12:0U ; J30Ll4-1 Heu ((II). 419, tttLH-1 Heu (CV), "I; "° .... ,. 1 Mater Ott, 4',1, Mii• rtlt' I CAptstr- Vt H•;. ··~.o: u I Heu CCVI, ·~~; TJ-1 ,.._ (MO),,._., SP I l>unlltl !M DI, »-7VJ t . llfl ... EN<Klt et 100 -I WNte ISi. IJ O. no I Vtft E-4 (Sl.U.3,440-1 LumC>fEl,1000,"° 1 Fo y1 IEI,1·1s.a; Mlle -1. Foy\ \El •• °' t , l·rnlle -t. Dutrtt ISi, 12:S1.I. llOlH I 001 t9ue1 IE I. O .>.-allll.H -l, .. _...._, (El, Sl •; 440 retey -1. StOOt•bt<I<, SJ I. Miit relt ' -I ~119<11, •·•··· HJ I Lt aorell. IEI, 4"4, LJ 1 Bl"OWn (SI, 1~l. SP -1 -ltl ISi, 31·1~. DT 1 Wllllt ms ISi, 18.o -Del et, L-llvllle Sl 10C>-I. Wool.., Ill, 12.1, l:i. 1 Mihm, (Ml, lit; ...,_I Mll••OI ILi I OS I, Ml>-1 "'1.-CM). J 360, Mii• I l'ei1 (M), S.40 3; t...,llt 1 Fell !Ml, 12 JI 6, 110lH I. Nay (l ), 11,J, DOl..H-1 E,,._td !Ml, St ... 440 relay I loulnlll•. SJ s. """• rtley-1 Ma4er 0.1, • 21.•; HJ I MltVIWI< IMI, 4·10; U -1. Erht nl CM), 14"4, TJ 1 Ney fl), )1-tY>; SP 1 Ounkel IHI. JM llAl. no time; l. 8oncl fl.Al."° 11 ..... -----......-~"Yllfti'lllK-rr&T;"UIJ;Y~(WJ:' -- 14 I . l F~ro. IWI, U .OS Vintage International (ti llHlltf' Wo">l ANIOld PelMl!r Otn$1~H Biiiy Ctt"9'r Gene Ll111er l(tl Ht91I S.mSnMCI Jeck But'kt MllltrBtrbtf Tom HI_.,. A11 Wtll Al Bttolno Tommy llclt Ooft Ft lr11eld Aotoer1o OtVICenio Ht rvleWtnl llttl lllGM>ur11 MIUSoucMll Ooft Jtnutl'i' l -I H9ber1 Jeny8- Cltrlll' o·c-Peu• H•rnev 11«> T~kl )S-)A •• ).4-Jl>-10 ~lS-71 ~ll> n l~J> n l~• n • ,,.» n J~J'I 1c ]).)) ,. ~-" 37·31-H )).J) 14 3' l S-14 31-ll IS l>·ll IS Jl..l7-7S .. ,. 16~ ,. :11--.. ,, 31 )9 ,. JI J'I ,. :i..~ ,. .. Jlr ,. HO 1 Sher,,,.rr>orf'I (WI. S3.1t; 2. RM•H fl.Al."° time, J, llr•ndof'I (LAI."° time. 110 1 Far•<• IW). 2·0e '1, 2 "rmSlronq IWl, 1 ll 0, l BerQtholcl (LA), 1.11.U Mii~ 1 Wiison IWI, S·01 IS, 2 Mldd..,lon fWl. S OS6'. J RoH lWI, S:12.IL t -mltt 1 WllMlll 1w >. 1o·•s to. 1. Ferece CWI, 10·47.•, l Mlddleton fWI. 10:!>1.lol, UO HH 1 Flynn IW), tt,S; 2 Mtl11f'IO IWl,nollme, nothlrdplect llO 1.H 1 si..rme<-., (WI. 41 ti; 2 Oob .. (W). '1 l . 3 I.Ai-IWI, 44.JI HO rtlty 1 WOOObr ..... 4t. Miii! relay 1 LOl Am!Qo\. J. U I, Pl/ 1 Ward CWI, Ml; J. Fl"'" CW). M . J. Huston (WI. 11-0. OT t Mlllliellow llA). 10 .... ; 2. HlchOISOft fWl, I IJ 11"4. 3 McHtll ll.Al, 111-1 SP -1 Mc...CI fLAI, 0 .0, l Wllllt~ (WI. 40-4. 3 ~r (lAI, •2 l J t Russell (LA I. 1'·1, J Sh•rmerhorn CWI, , .. ,.,,. J Lum fLAl, •8·3V, T J 1 Cl'ltr>O IWI, 40-1...,; 2 Mtrtlf'lt IW), ~S .... ) Bl"OWft (l.A). ~t Y, HJ I R-11 llAl, ~2. J Wllllemt (WI S.O, > Heyn"'I !W), 4·10 Loi Alemltoa THU .. OAY't lllESUL TS 11•• ........................... . PllllST lllACI. OM ml .. pece Windy A-N (TOdd) 4 00 J 10 J 00 Roye I S'-1 !Annis> s IO J IO Ster CN<l f Pfllltluryl 4 40 Also r"'8d: Poplar O•· .. m H, Oenclno B .. u• A, $--, 1..._, Rell AIOtt, Bret'• Boy H. Fltmlft\I A. Time: 1:09. U l .XACTA <•71 pelO U 4 40. SICCHID llACE. 0... m l .. pace. Hot H lloawrwd ITOdd Ill 11.IO 4 JO l JO Rhyltlm Aird 81wl ICamllMlll t IO 2.40 Andy'I Alie (Oltef'I) 3 40 AllO r•ceo: Almof'ICI Mttd, Ltpultn, Ftr•••• em . .....,.,., Afl(lel, Clovd""'le•, Mon Ami Majotlk Tim•· 2:0tt/i. TMlllO llACE. Ont mil• pace H H Cll-r (TOdd) • 60 4 20 J.00 My Olrecl l(l'li(llll l(Ampbell) 10.IO c,IO Aklly 011'9<1 H ICl'Oll*ll UO Also reced; Ashle y Lord. Anenles, Htl<YDrl HW1, Bert G-ai. Tl .... · 2:01 t /S. U IXACTA IW ) peld\57 JO LPGA tournament Me .... o.i ""-· c.,1etr-v .... , 17¥. POVllTM llACIL o... ,.,, .. INC•. ( .. Ctty et lf'lftnlryl 100-1. Penclle'«>n CCVI, 10,6; J MtloN Famlly Tredttlclf'I (OtMl1) U O t.40 U O J-tColn l-4·»-fO tCVl,10 1;>.Glll:Srnlffl(MO).tt.1. GltlFr'Olll fT-lefl •.OO iM M. Floy~OeAr....., 3~,.._'1 U0-1. P e ndleton ((II). U .I ; l Qoldtf'ICerdN (Ttdd ll) J.«I l!MrtN H-ll·»-11 Huf'ltlf'l!110ft (MOI, 24.4, 1 Gutvni.dl (1110), Alto r-: R 111'1 Cindy Beau, ....., (!Iris J-»-n-11 ,... Crowf'I, Rey's Girt .... SW Ad!K. Ori.- a.Jull lf'lntt• lHl ,, 00 1 Rovlr• (MDI. ~.1; t. Ge111..... Tl .... : t :•lt S. Petty S-'-ll U -17 fMOI, S4 1; S. Wllllt !CV), nol ...... ~H Wllllo ~)> 1J Ml>-1 MtrtlM r (MOl,2:04.J;J Gelllv., ""MllACl.OMl'lll .. pece. R-y 8"'1"'1 :i..n n (MO). )•CJl.O: ,, Aovlre IMO>. t : 11.7. Scorpio 0 (V .. ~I 1.00 •.OO >AO l(etfly y-J.4..Jt 13 Miit-i. Eddy (MDI, •:n.o; t . M<~ A...,., 0-. (~) ..... uo ,. .... -. A•l-111 ~)) n IMO), •. .,_,,, p.-. CMOl,•:n.J. Sltver'I SI ... 1"9<11 ... , , .... .,... ..... __ ,...,c..,_ --- -1-·m l19-t. Mc:Mwftln <MOl~.r.-r.----,r.. recM: ~so~. a.rNr• Bar.-)1.)1 >• Plt f'llt fMOI. 10:0 .0. I. l!ddy IMOI, Pl•lo'I Wer ~. Mn Joa 8, _ _, Mutflf'I ~·Oe¥11f'I 37 ,, 1C 10 •••. o ........ l(alfly ~ 11·31 U UOHH I ~ IMO), , .. ,; J $mitt\ Time: 1:11. J-lllalOC.. l<l l!>-IS (Cl/I. 17 l; I. y_,. IMO!, 1U . U I XACTA ( ... )paid .lO.tO. Sanlllrt Ptlll'Mf l,_>l>-1' J>OLH-1. Mllfttlntton (MDI. ti.I ; t . SMrOft 111¥-.tt *1 »->S Y-11 IMOI • .,,._ ), 8t-(MO), 41.S. llXTM 1lAC9, OM mllt trot. v 1e111s1....-~>i>->s "' relo-1 u .. > c.111r-v.11.,, ,. .... Tl'_...(~ uo 2• uo Vivi." 11""""9t • >> " Meter o.I, -.o Hat111e IWl!M tDIMlll >IO ~ A1alle ~ ~--IS Miio ,_..,-1, -Ott, l :G.S F .. y ........ ..,, IR!kllltl >• 4)all Mir•• ~s SP-I. L4"11!or IMOI, •).1; J. 5C!wtt9r ,. ... ,_,AC-"""""'· llr""'9 ...... A,,..,Atcett Jl 1' IMD),4MO;S.0wnt (M0),~ .._._.. Tatt4'11•~o :.:.:~: HJ -I ~ (MO), H ; t. O'LMtY Time: 1:11. L•I OtftlaO IMO), H ; I SuW1111 IMO), M. Vl<klT... »-Jt->S Pv -1. P\lrO'J (MO), IH ; t. R. o.111-.. v ..... aa.ca.o..m ... ..-e. .....,. ,._ JJ 1S (MDI. IH. a. J, Galtl~M (MDI, tK I.'--(CMMW) >.• ta t • MatWtlWll"M J1 IS LJ-1. l.e,..etll• (M DI, l l·t~; t . IU119't....,.IAWll!l t.• UI =~~ ::::::~ ~~~~Ir:.' ICYI, 1M1"; J. Jutf911M ~l=)o..rt left, T ...... fl.~ Ylc,lll'tf'l'll ~· TJ 1 Stwlro (CV), .. ,,. I. lA......... ,..___ .. ~ ........ , .. ~. =-Y!l~ltlO = (M01.~:i.J11t"""'fMOl • .-. ~~A(.6.ll ..,,,. .. . C...,Llflnln ,...._,. " .......... ,, ............. IC...,........... »a-.l't t• -1 ...,.,, CHI ) tt.J• 2. ....._ a ~tell ... 1»1~1 ,_ .. tsttA -ht .... _. ...._,,. (Ml). II t, t. 111''-Ott), II,;_ tt ....... _... <• Mnft), U ~kll ... #rCe IC......,_I ,..._1' 210 -l. ltim IHI ), 10; J. _,... ctiMe4at ...... flt." wt111 M ....... l-... --i~C!:::::.:ii~;;D'--------)1rr::.._,.lf0~---·.,H.,.llrl,t~~ ..... ...,r:::;:ic:.-ic:: ao• '9w • I 11 "'ell ti••••• ,__ .,..,._,. CHl),"M,;;J.'"'-IHl):M.:!'· iidiiW u -. .. latMft .......... wttlt et .WIMllle I I feffYMeMy ~ ... _ ,, Qvl,._a IHI), J: ... t ; t. tkll• ( ..... --. .... Krw!CllKJ ._, c..., ".. ,,..,._" Man•-tM•>. 2:••1 a. ,,...,.... caa. ..,.., -.,... • ,.._ _..... -. ==-11......,. t ttU. """' ...... ( t , 11eM'he •ACC. 0... mile lr ... Hlut wey (Oolldr .. u l 4,JO I.. t.• Tlclt llll...,.IP..-Mlfl •a 4 10 fl.lflt l 0111'111~1 uo Alto rt<td Omttk $uper MHU, "'•IOltro Pei, P'tlllt n, Swttl N•llle L.., Tim• 2 ... 12/l ., I XACTA IS.II i>akl Ut 60 NINTH ••ca. OM mtte H<• ~MC l•I 0...111¥ I AUOlf'l I 4 60 UO ) IO NOtO.I I ty .. (Vtl~rtH 4 tO 4 00 T vttf'l4tl<tt ISllHl ... I 4 00 Aho rk.o k tluff'I Oroem, lltn1U(ky (lf'lt. Slrljt~n. (ner11ttl< t(ICI Tim• 2.QI 11~ ••a JC ACTA fl r1 otlCI tit 40. TINTM llACI Ona mll• 1 .. 0 c-lll•nd ,.......... , '° couu .... '°"""°'' LOyel~ad lC,...,....I A 110 rt<ed Jer•mlth't 8oy, Atl(el, lltll AIQf>9, l>Hn'• $1- fllhe J·ot J/S U • ltACTA (._21 pakl i 10 40 A11•ncl-• >.~ Men'• 1 wtmmlng HIGH tcMOOL MltOlle• t•, -rl•a SS too m tOloY relay I Mlltlll•f'I, 1 4' .. JOO Ir.. I ~i>llll IMtN, 1'5' ... 7 WOOlllen IMI, I ~ .. I R Lynch fMM), 1 °',. 200 1M 1 Al9et fM), 2 11 0 , J l'IMO I Ml l tl.4J so lrH I P•r~IU IMar), tt '· t Y•m•wt<I (Ml, JJ ,,, ) Jolln~ IMI, ,.,,, 100 lly I ContOY IMI SIS l GllHOn II, I 00 II 3 Lawley !Ml 1 OO•I 100 lrte 1 Wool\1on (Ml. S2 l'J, l . Y•m•H•I IMI. )] 0, l HC>Pl\111' •Merl, H ., !oOO l•tt I Smtih IM•rl, SOI•. 1. Al{IOr (Ml,S 7309.1 A L¥n<hfmarl.S'30 H 100 0.C.. I Finney ( M), I 01 •; J Perton> IMfotl I 01 •1 J EnrlQlll (-1. 1 OS 3-4 100 t>rtai1 1 H•1troll I M >, I 1J .. l ...... (Ml, I u 70 3 Hoollln• IM•r), no llm .. 400 free r•••v 1 ... ,.",. no ume H-11...-....... ~ .... tlC ..... , .... ,... 100 m..iley teley I Mufttl Ion I Sl 0 JOO tru-1 EOmunO\ IRl 1 n ti, J Ptrmtnllet IHI, 1 SI II, J l(trkwy tHl , 11 •• JOO IM I Grllilhl IHI 2 11.10, , EnM IAI, 11 15 J Weo .... !Hl.1 l'l ts SO ltM-I L-r• (HI, '14 1 J Hor'lon IHI HI l -'11n IAI 1S 4 Ol•lno 1 Gr"'90 I Al no""''~ 1 IWlartln 1111 no 1nlrll 100 liY I F'Olll•r IHI I 00 S. 2 C.•ltllth IHI 1 Oc ., 3 f•ylor IRI I 1111 100 ,, .. 1 Edmond• I RI, SI SI 1 Berro CHI \4 S..3 l\t••W'•fHI \&JI SOO lln 1 E••M I RI S 11 l• l P•tmf'nt•~r IHI \ 1• 81 l WOOd (H ) • 11 41 100 D•O I Folk•• !HI I 01 31, l H•.,n (HI 1 1) n J Ht>n\On 1111 1 H 11 100 l>M k I ~011o,,, IH I 1 07 JJ, 2 Hantoft (HI I IS II J H•Y .. I HI, I IS Tl 100 Or••" 1 tterro tHI 1 10 SI 1 Grlt(IO IAI I 11 /0 3 "°'"''" 400 fr~,. • ,.,~., 1 HuntlnQton Bt•Cf\, J \1 IJ High school soccer Ml!N Ctl' Fln•h (ate:~•• Hit!\, S..w<Wyl 11 • ff'I LA 8 AP11•1 •• Ontario Cnr1"1"" 11 Al 1 pm Caj>i\lr•"'-V•llo •• L• OulnlA 11 Al J pm 5-tntll• v\ HOQ•lf\ l~AI 1 lO pm Culiwt' C•tY "'' Cl•r•mont 14 A I WOMEN Cll< 1'~11 1.tG_ H..,., today) S )0 Om ~ lCM'"'•t"I<• v' Mira (O\t• Exhibition ~-•.A-'>• (ft 'I'~. Arla.I C•lllornta 000 000 000 0 J 0 Sen O,.oo 000 000 10• 1 S 0 Wiil Ren~o tsl R"'muutn 11) and Ferou....,, Boont !fl Mo'lt~tusco, KuhaulWI (0 LucH 111, 0.Ll'Gn ....... cs K•MeOy w LuCtt'\ L Ra"'""\IM' Oodqen "'' Atl•nt• •• W~• P•lm 8•.Cf\ UllUIHI ....t oround• CwMt .G1tnt• J lalMeta,Arlr I San l'r•ncl\.Co 000 100 101 J ) t ChlCtQO CUC.. 031 003 lllll I II 0 Ga•• H•rV"\N'""'' to . '"''' 11) ...., May Bren10 Ill Jtn.,ln•, M•rh 141 Campbell 111 -Mor•lano. O••ls 161 w J•n,tM l Goll• HA• San Francisco. Clark Venabl•. Eva11• Chlc19<>, Flelther . ._.. ..•... , .... ~.Art .. ) 0 .. IMHI .,. -111 -J II 0 11111........ .. -101 -• 11 1 M<Cttt~. u-... ..-141, lur• OI, C:-l•ell Ill -Ten•-· I(_,<•>: HH t , ileloi> 141, ~ Ce), l'lfllfft Ill e no Yett w f 1.,,.,, 1.-c od l•ell H H MllwtMi&M. Hl\I• .~ ............ $ee l ( .. W -'t, P10.I 8 0ttOI\ 010 100 ,.,, • " 0 (Ill< ttO 000 000 110 , 1 • D•nme11. tw•ll (•I Pert.• 111 •"d AllOf'lton, \ulll•., Ill; • ..,......,..,, llW'1' <•>. I(_...,. (61. !:dwtrdl ,., 9f'ICI ..... y. Hiii UI W Otmtn l llt wl'lltt rlt f'I Hiit tuton, Jurell C"l<toe. Hin. Hordll...,, · CoNege ~ _, ,,__.1, UC'"''" J Crvlf'lt 000 OJ , , 1 Pomona OOJ 1)-7 I 0 SOM• Rutne• ,,, tf'ICI Btrf'lard, Wiiii.mt e f'ld Stewtr1 W Wllllemt L Sorn• )II Gllc t. l lnlf'ltl , Ya e rr• flt¥11\el, Cermlcl\HI (Pomona ) ae POtoy (POmof'1411 HA f'"°'tldo !PomoNI) Communltv ciolle ge 0-W"'4,LA.Ht,_I LA H•rbar 100 010 100-) I ) GolO.f'I W.•1 101 000 101 4 t l Conner end Pene,.on, DeRota end Schull JB Sth11lr IGolCl•ft Woll JB Cerv4.li J IGol_, WHO s...-11 r.111 .. fllde I Saddlobtct< -111 000 1 It I Al•tttlOt 002 000 000.-2 • 1 80f'lllla, IC.-•<•> eno 1rwl11; Oey, H- I ti en4 Cordew••. Wllm•un 111 W Bonlll• L Oay $-1(-1 18-H- IS•OOl-kl, Gre, tS.ddlt tt.ct<I, Htnlltl \ ~!~~1 e1~e<:Ji.::t:•1co~ RIS~d~I!:~~:~·, IStOOltbeckl High schoo l L• A ....... I, N---' Ha,_• Newport Ha1'11or 000 llO _. l O Lo• Amloos 10• 1 10 o Nuoen1, Pan.' t31ena1erty, Llnn•rd eno PollChelU W llnnard l Perkt 38 - ICollna I Newport H ef'l>Or I FllllST GAMIE w .. trn .... '9r4,F-lll > We'1rnlnstor 1JO 100 0 • I Foothlll 010 010 l>-l 4 I OU>ornt!. BAiiey C4) ano H•rt•m•n. W ool~•Y •nd Baum W O'Oorne. L Woolsey S 8tll•Y 18 llamo (Wt'1mln>terl SICIOND GAME w"""'tn•ter s. P-111 t Wulmln•ter 300 101 s 10 1 Foolhlll 000 OOJ 1 5 1 Belt, Mac:trt CS> tnO Htrnm .... HOIOtf'I, 8.0er 0 ) and 8tum W B•tl. L HOICl9n 28 Mt tllln IFoothllll, Plmmef'lttl (Wt\lmlnllttl. O~n. tWnlmln,torl Newpon OW•JttM 4, ar.u.r• I Brelhren 000 011 10-J • 1 H•wpot1 Ch<l•1la11 100 002 01 • 7 O Bolln, Wrl91\1 Ill •ncl 8•"9m• Howard •nO McCown W Howard (IOI L - lllrlont 1B Ptt1>1•~ tBr•lt>tronl l8 J C>M' • Brett\e<itf"ll Belglen Indoor l•t .... _ .. , ~111-S ....... John McEJ\10. Otl Berntrd 8oll•eu, .. ,. • 4 Jimmy c~ .,., Btmard Frll1, , s. H Mets Wll•no.1 Ott Ma•old Thel,..,, 6 l . •.J, VIit> Ctrul•IU• oet Ttm Wllkl-.: . , ... WCT tourn1ment ftl"'-i<kl s.c-111-s1,.. ... Torry MOor def 1om Gullt•WI. 1·•. / .. ; CorttOo IMrtuuUI <Ml Trev Wtllke, ._), • 4, Htlnr Guenth<lr01 <lt>f JOlln F111oer•ld, • 4,6 l Grand Prix to urna m e nt (el Ll<U, Afftrltl 0-..... IM I Sltlltiln Ole• Sloctcton Ofl Rod Frawley, S·I M • 4 0-rlefillMll Dall- Afldt1' J.vrvo H ...... Slmonl\On Ott Erl< Fromm·~ P•hn, k , ,_., •·l Women'• tournament talDt1i.1) _....,._, ....... M••Y l OU Pleltk Ot4. l(etfly Alnt ldl ... 1. • 3 M arllflt He•rtl llo•• de1 Petre Oolnees, 6-4, • 1. JoAnne Au1sell oel 111\d•u Jeeve<, .. ,, J.1 Crellre<ll , Mime JeuW>•K Off l!eltlv Jordtft, .. ,, • 1. w~ Turnl>ull Of! Y-Verm .. k, •• .. 1. W . Stotna Slmmoncb oel E•• Pfttt, .,,, M , l(ale l •thtm def c.tlht•lnt Tanvl•r. ,,., 1~.1 Community QOtlege ~S~,S-0 .... ¥, s ...... Sir-IStcl l lleOOll...,., .. ,. M , J.J, r ein. Scrlbntr (S.d l <let Tslcoutlt>. ..0. M , S1tphtn• IS•o I dtt, Upton, 6·1, •·I; 81ACll\10tW CStd l °'' Oertn ,. I. •.O: Miiier tS.tO I Ot4 Christle .... ..O; I.Miit (s.d.l, 0.( c .......... ,_ w ~ C•ncir•H b\' r•tn ~ • • " " Women'• eoftbell HIGH SCHOOL ,,_.,...,t11ey •,,. ..... u1• FromPageC1 CRESSE. • • vulnerable, and hll al1nature on t he notice landed him in the Army Re3erve. "That killed me. That killed my career as far as I'm concemt.'<I," Cresse says To make .. long story s hort, Creaise was told by • Cardinal.s scout th•t everything would be arranged for him . The scout's br other-In-l aw was a first sergeant of an Infantry unit In Garden a . Things wou ld be arranged, he was told, so that he could s pend his Ar my duty during the winter months. Two weeks later, lhe scout's brother-in-law retired from the Ar my. And Cresse re ti r ed as a professional ball player at a very tender age. Oh, he tried to get back in lhe swing of tbings, but there just wasn't a spot for him in the Card inals' organization. When Cresse returned from t he service, he had to settle for sin g.le-A ball, t hanks to Ted Simmons' presence with the big c l ub and M ark Hill's performance on the Cards' AAA team. Cresse was released by the Cardinals in 1973. He joined the Dodgers as a bullpen catcher, although he felt he still had a shot with the Angels. who had expressed an interest in him. It was while he was toiling far away from the real action in a tiny corner of Dodger Stad ium -t.h at he gained the res pect of (then coach> Lasorda ·'Tommy took me u nde r his wings. The day he became manager, he made me a coach." Cr esse says. "He's given me more and more responsibilities as the years have gone by .. He's priming him to be manager," interjects his wife, Jean Anne. ·' l learned a lot from Tom. I guess I am patterning myself after him," Cresse says. This week, Lasorda a nd Dodger trainer Bi ll Buhler arranged for the Cresses; son, Brad. to be baptized at· Vero Beach. "Tommy said he wanted lo be Brad 's godfather . He also gave Brad a nice savings bond for his future," Cresse says proudly. C resse has learned to accept his role. He doesn't mind the long hours and neither does Jean Anne, who is a constant lender of moral support. "The guys who will really remember Mark and respect him are t he guys who Mark works with after hours. T hey're the minor leaguers who ask him for help,·· J ean Anne says. "Mark says he wishes someone had done that for him when he was in that position." Cresse's performa nce as a coac h has. no dou bt, far overshadowed what might have been had he played in the major leagues. ' ~ot biUer_,be..--c_a_us_e_ I'm happy with what I'm doing I would never have been a star in the majors. Still, I can't help thinking I had the a bility to be a good back.up catcher," he says. "lf 1 had had a bad experience wi th the Dodgers. then I might be bitter," he adds. * OODOER NOTES l ho 0oo9tr1 t no S..tllo Plratnt,-7 fat Br-•, flle.I Htw Yortr-100" ooo-t«J.....-r'lJ 0 ~~y 102 ru_~ lLl.._ Mtrlners er• '1111 t•"'r>O about • oeal -N<ll could t>riflll ,~ --10 1ht Oocl9fn But 1wo n•"-vk t ""'-At C-,...... -·t dlscuu lf'I 1h• 1•1h Mt youn9,1•rs c _, M ......... enci Mitl.t ,...""'"· ea .... 111er, • .. ,, "S·POUncl 1.it·-. w.s ••• lor the Mt•l,,.rs. v••r ..., with • 4.46 E AA, He Utr11!d 10 ol ,, Cit"'" In '""k h 1w a-•l'ff. complellf'111 , The~· oeme wtlh"lht Alltnl• Btt-lf'I w~1rrr "9HC?rlnl n11ce1e01ll11~.-1tec•uw ol rain So ll'le C>c>dQ9rt plt \'H .., lf'llrtsquad Ot"W •1 Vero 8etch, tl\CI root<• 0.... llr.c• hemmtrecl • tower 1"11 home run oft 1"" ll(lht 1ttncNro. • OOUI>"' end •1"111• Brock ,_ lies 4 "°""' run< In hi' tprlf'lll •ppeart f'ICtt (lf'ltludln9 1href lntruqued O•mul Tiit 1'·Y•••-olo \luooer from th« University o4 Wyomln(l lecl the Texts l.-wllh » homt ""'' lu 1 seeson wllh S~n Antonio Stc~d o.wm en Ste .. Sn was tc-..led 10 return to the lineup Tllurldey alte r • ~r• k-stOollned him WeelntsdtV S.1urdty, 1ht OodOtrs tr....i up 11'1e coast 10 0-~ eno ,,,. Hou~°""''""'" IN llrJI of• 1-me -••"4 1tr>e1 P1tm1ur(lh ISSI OJO UI 00. -• 1) 1 All•n. Or-o 141. Puleo 111 end Sletms; Bll>Oy, Can""IArlt U). 0 Aoblnton 01, Burkt (11, Te~UIYe Ill ... d NIC~·· w -Blt>Oy L Alltll HA• How York, l(lnoman Pltbl>UrQfl. Rav. S1•r9111 C-.... lt ,, Attf'tl4 (•tC..C ... Pit.I SI Lout\ OJI 000 000 01 S 11 1 Hou11on 210 010 000 00 • I l Shltl•y, LtPotnt l•I -r11n Ill, s..ttar '"· Romo 1101 -Bl<>•llmen. B•umrner I'). J Hi..ro, R-roo 141, O Smtih 111, Stmbllo Ill 1(1111lon ( 111 and Atltt>', ltnkely C.I W Romo l 1(""1on HA -H~-. Sco11 Plr-U,Rtds 7 (t i Te-, fla.l P1t1•t1uron 1ss1 m 100 ooe>-13 11 o Cincinnati 100 001 100-1 I I A-. Solo..-CJI, Grliflf'I m. OelADrl (7) H•...,.,,,, ttl -PeM, HoUtncl (I). Sonr H•rris Il l. -.rm 1.,, Price Ill Oowle\l t" M>d '"'•lno, Holan U> HA• - Pllts1>ur9h, RN>Oon. P•n• Clnc1nn•ll. HouwhOkter -Mn'· ......... 1 (at T•-. Am .I s .. ttt• ooo 010 ooo ooo 1 • o C .. •elend 010 900 000 000-I 4 0 Moote, Youn11 10 , Munelmtrt l•I. Gt lH to 11>; Wtlll, Hulsmer 14), Mtr11 ... r 161 , GI•-!I). S.•rt9f 110> tnel II~ 111.., ..... 1 .... 1 ... ~1111 ............ 1 -f'lt•HI 001 000 000-1 11 1 l(enu s City 000 OOJ 01• -4 n 1 G11lllcuon, Gor,.,... IS>. Jem.t (1) - C•~•r. R-C.l ; 1.-nl, JKllton (4), Qulwntoetry (7) end Quirt<, W•lhtf'I 161 W-Jt<UOft.,l-<ri•m•n HAs-l(t nMt c11,, e-.it. ~ -----,,.......,,, ... ,.~IJ , .. .,... , ... , PhlleO.lpllta 110 0.,0 Ml -17 JO 4 T orOf'l10 220 160 05-li 1' 0 lllutll...,, 0-... 14), ProlY U>. l(tni..., (1) t f'IO Ot.l, Vitt i! ISi , ~ ... ..._, WIH'- 14), Sell....., m. 8-tfttUO' 111, R. Jec11- '" al\d W111U, ll!'ll11er <el. w -Pre1v. L-lettttMy. Mll..-1'1111 ........ t. Devit t. Stf'ICN t 2, SUlm ldt, 0..lller, M•t111-. TOf'Ollto,AOtms. Dnleet J, •...-n. 18' MIMI!, Pie.) ,.... .. 000 --· 4 • l •llHM." 000 OtO 10. -t I 0 a wtc...,, \<ltl'lllcrt l•I. Leuy· 171 -~ 111~ (61, "'°"' $-t t1 ()I, T Maru11n Ill a1"I ,Sl•ttro, lllevtord f11 , -w-s .. .., .... l.-SCl\1'111411 Tlltn6,T-.s <•~.Pit.I ....._..... 000 001 •-> 11 1 0.t...it ,.. 000 --· , • •w•-1«11-~1119-U~ .,. ... 1.-.a; ............. Ill~ c•I, llellty IOI, "991tclllld 11), .,t1Mlcll ttl Miii ... " ...... jlql•lll 111. w-Roiema . Crlu-14•-°*" ClllMI(, Foolhlll 010 003 Cl--4 6 0 RhyMrd, Va..,,ruel• (ti -Puc,..lolll, P•ro. Hou11hlon t II end Otar W - Ahynttd (1-11 L Ptr1u. JB -Aol- <Fount•ln V•lleyl 3B Ar~ 1Founttln v•lltY, Muckenthaler (F-hllll F-M Vtlley S, P..-iH I F-1tln ve11.., soo 000 o-s • 1 Foothlll 000 000 1-J 3 I v enlman •.-cl Puc:htllkl; H-1110ft eno Our 78 v ... tm•n (Founl•ln Veller> lB Ar lodge I F-lalfl Ve11e,1 Ck-Ytiw >. LM AltntltoK I LosAlt~ 000 000 0-0 0 l Octt n v-000 JOO • s 0 Shffls -ComM, Whit• end StltUor, HA-L.-i IOcMn l/C.w). K-.4, H_......., llMclll Hunlln(llon Bttcll 000 000 0-0 1 l I(·~~ ?JO 000 ._. • J h c ce. P111111~ m "'° c -r. Croes.. Oe 8tenl..,shlp Ill end Hlckm•f'I w - Crou . l -beet M-D.i 11,N--1H-1 Meler Oet J01 1S 11 I s H•wl>Of1 HtrbDr 010 DC»-I ) 10 B•hr -1(-. Mtcl(•l .. y, T,_ 141 a..o Rot. W 8tll.tr l -Macl(•l .. y. J8 -Ct .. ll«'o IMeter Dell, Welsh ,,...,.. Ott). Hll-a-1Mttw Dell. ~II 11, We1oM M .. t 1.~HMls no ooo o-> J • ~--W t• •-II 4 1 S•""lns aftd L•nefltld; L-• •IW ...... , Ill ...,_.,,(~II.I . Fans can't believe result By The Assodaled Press "No! No! No!" T he st unned fa n coulnd't believe what MiddJe Tennessee h a d don e to his belov e d K e ntuck y Wild ca t s i n an op e ning-round game or the N C AA M i d eas t R egio n basketball tourna ment. It was bad enough that Middle T e nnessee the third·place finisher in the lightly regarded 01rtl1V a J·tey-Conf ere n ce, e mbarrassed proud Kentucky 50"44. But even worse, the defe1t Thursday nitht robbed the sta~ ot Kentucky or a same it bad hunsered for s ince 1959 -• bloodbath between Kentucky and Louisville. "It wouldn't surprise me If (Kentuc:lcy Colc:b) Joe B. Hall blew lhia . . . so be woaldn't have to pl•y U of L," tald one llOOTMU. dlssuated Louisville fan. ~ ....... ~. ''They thre w lbe 11me!" MOffTRI Al AlOUUTP -..._. .. Ou ry,.....,., mana .. r. fw tllt ttll wi lled ano&Mr. -· ...._. ....... u.e-''I don't think UlC 11" UO t NOUSTC>ft Ot\.IRI -ltlflM o,.. ,, Mr•tkll Jll"WW'll ----·-4 -.Pa.tCAllDli..;::..ilGIMd.Jl.JtDlLllll--------i.,_-I HIJW OM.EAMIAINTt-~ M ...... , ......... «. tfl _, .. ,. .,_ .. =:...:-••· _,.,.. Cllflt ...... "Tbat11 the bla ... t let.dowa ol my enUre ltle," moaned aao\ber. ,, Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 12. 1982 C5't This message has Substance -, ,.ICTITIOUI IWal•aH N""'l I TAHMIN., l'IC'TnlOUI aUlllUH ,..._nAHMUIT l"IC"flTtout Bu11•au NAMatTATa .... tn United States ski team seeking· pu blic contributions fllO lotloWI~ P*f"Oll• a•• dolnv ............. MOllL.11 MIC:HAH I X, JO l'fK'-f, ••••• CAI• Mttw. Cellloml• '2t.2t file IOllt•lflt IMUOl\t ere dOlllO ll•nln•u•t I A ) ill.VER 1.I H I N G INTaltill>ltl\U Il l OltAGSCOOP, ~ICYITIOUI IUllHHJ NA""I UATIMINT T"I 101lowlft1i PtrtOnt •rt Oolng t><i••nan •~ IAI l'OOI If CH 181 POOL ,. flle followlflt •etfoft It t1a111e IMlllMU ff MYATT CU,TOM OltAPllt1es ..... l'•or the! nexl fe w moments )'OU'rct &oinll to have lo pr tend this column is a radio and thal you're hearlna . nol readlna . the followln1 public unnounc~ment: Announcer 'H voice : .. Old you ever wonder where the money comes rrom tosupp<>rt the U.S. ski tc1am? ''Unlike lhe situation that exists in other countric11, parll<'ulurly the highly successful European ones, the U.S. ski team receives no tangible governmental support even though many or ili mumbers go on to join the U.S Olympic ski h:am. .. Wha t lhe U S. l\k1 team r elies on ls contributions rrom public-spinted indlviduals, like yourselves, and American companies "The 1984 Wlnl er Games will be here before you know it. If you'd like to join in suppor ting the U.S. ski team, send your tax deductible contribution to the U.S. ski team, c/o Ski Educational F'oundatfon, Box 100, Park City, Utah, 84060 " The Star Spangled Banner can be heard in the background as the announcer continues : "The preceding announceme nt hu been b r o u g ht lo yo u by S uba ru , th e o nly American operat ed , publacly-o wne d import automobile company." l know, 1 hale listening to those public service messages, too, but l felt this one had some subs tance AND, 1984 isn't as far off as you think. Volleyball tea m ,, slate d for tour Dale Keough or Newport. Beach a nd Debbie Green of Westminster a re among the 12 members of the U.S. Women's National Volleyball team that. is currently training al Colo de Caza. The U.S. team will begin a tour with the China national squad al Cal State Fullerton on Friday. Ap ril 2 al 1· 30 In a recent series of m atches with Hungary. the U.S. squad posted three victories. The first was in Colorado Springs, 15·3, 14· 16, 15·8, 15·6. T he neic t cam e at Fort Collins by scores of 11· 15, 15·0. 15·9, 15 9 In DenVt·r the US won three straight, 15-10. 15-11. 15· 13. Green 1s one of four veterans who have been with the team for eight years Keough, a graduate of Corona del Mar High and a student at Orange Coast College where s he played on a st ate championship team, is in her second year. Other members of the t~am include · Carolyn Becker <Norwa lk . 8 years); Flo Hyman ( ln~lewood, 8 years), Sue Woodstra <Colton. 8 years): Julil' Vollcrtscn (Palmyra, Neb., 5 yearsJ; Rita Crockett (San Antonio, Tex., 4 years J. Laurie Flut·hme1er 1 Garland, Tex .. 4 years . 1 T hose with one year or less experience include: Paula We1shQ,ff <To.rrance >. Jo Ellen . Vrazel I Mobile, Ala. J; Rose Magers CBi~ Spring, · -'Tex >;and Sherryl Moore <Miami). Green, at 5-4. is the shortest player on the squad and Keough at 5·7, is the second s hortest Others range from 5·8 to 6 2~ tor Magers. Hockey play offs to ope n April 7 MONTREAL <AP> The Sta nley Cup playoffs will open on eight fronts on Wednesday, April 7, three days after the end of the 1981·82 regular season, the National Hockey League has announced. A total of $1 ,911.000 !n playoff award money will be up for grabs, with the eventual winners to receive 21 units or $20,000 each. The best·or-five divisional semifinals a mong the top four clubs in each of the Adams, Patrick, Norris and Smythe d ivis ions will match t he first-and fourth place clubs in each group as well as the second·and third-place teams The first two games in each series will be played at the home of the highe r-ranking team April 7 and 8, with the series switching to the opposite city Saturday, April 10, and, if necessary, Sunday, April 11 Deciding fifth games would be played at the higher-ranking club's home Tuesday, April 13. Best-of-seven divisional finals bet ween the survivors in each series. Best-of·seven conference finals -between the Adams and Patr ick divisional winne rs in the Prince of Wales Conference and tbe Norris and Sm y the winners in the Clare nce Campbell Conference are scheduled to open Tuesday, April 27, but could be advanced if earlie r series all SKIING JOHN SEVANO Undoubtedly, the U.S. ski team can use the contributions. especially since our government is still living in the dark ages as fa r as amateuris m. T he reason for the Subaru plue is that the company is one or the team's biggest s ponsors - und it was Subaru that sent the above mentioned aooounrement. * • • T HE U.S. •'OREST SERVICE has announred 1t will conduct an environmental impact study on the possible development or a major ski art>a in the Sequoia National Forest. The government decided to proceed with a study of the proposed Peppermint ski a rea on the basis of snow itnd economic studies done by an tndcpendent developer in Porterville. Seven alternatives proposed by developer Art Buckley would produce a ski area to ser ve 3,000 to 18,000 people a day . He concluded 10,000 would be necessary to turn a profit. The 6,000-acre sit e 40 miles east of Porterville 1s near 9,302-fool Slate Mountain. The area woul~ rost between $35-$50 million to develop, with an 01>11m1stic opening set ror 1985 • • * SATURDAV Ma rch 20. there will be a wine tasting benefit for t9-year·old Vic Mettler at Mt Hebu Ski Ar~a in Bear Valley M eltler is a student al the University ot Pac1fu: He had been named to lhe US Olympic T~a m but had both legs d1!>abled in an auto arr1dent. Despite the handicap, however. it didn't stop him from skiing, Jle learned to ski again with his disability and last April won all the events in his category at the Nation al Handicapped Ski Championships at Winter Park, Colorado He was selected lo represent the U.S along wi th 24 others in tht: World Disabled S ki Championships tn Switzerla nd next month. The money raised from the wine tasting benefit wi ll be used lo gel him there Ski conditions SOUTHEllN CAL.1"011NIA Go .. mlM 2 lllh ooor•l1nq 11 lo 1' ln<htt h•rO i>e<kto Me•ft~la Hi1111 1 to l (llA"> o~r•llnq S,..w SWN..it 4 lllH OC>er•llnq, I to)IOOll><OW s-V-• 4 ch•I" -raUnq, 11 10 14 •..en t>.tw SIEllltA NEYADA L.u.+roPMti Nor~ aonti l • to 8 lt1<,,..\ r>ew °" 11 10 u toot ww. q,_,,,_ ~<lo.ta -~· •f"liO wet sno. Ftv• <h•lr~ per d••· lwonlqhl S.... ~ !>tw In<~ nt ... 9 to U loot blW, Qroomecl, ) ch•lr\ ~r -I lo ,, lncltt now.• 10 .. I-WW, ~r •nd Qr_,.ecl PoWO.r. 1"11 ooor•Oon T•--) In<,..\ new ~lo I IOOI WW we! -kto, 1 cn•lr\ t ... 11•<• 1111 N-SIM Nor~! Al,1--t NOtftlQrt HM\....... l ln<.h Ot ,..,,,.. , 7 to I fool b.Jw, "'" 1M<lo.e<1, 1 ch•lrJ ) , .. 111ce 1111\ S4••• Y-y 8 l'OO tool lev•I 11 •n< "'•' new to• 1 toot boiiiit' oowOtr ano qr_,_, cob~ or QOnClcM•. 10 c tM•n • lOO foot'"""' 1 n~w •11) too1 ba>e, D«'ed •nd oroomea "'"'~ ..,., snow lcN10 Ta-Sid ... , I lo 10 In(,... ol n•w J lo I tool ti.•. Wt1 \Oft C>aOe<I. 1 c •t•lr1 t 'urt•ct> II" Ski lftCN• • lnthe\ new 2V, lo l '> loot 1141,. wt1 Pl<ked, S cn•lr\ Mt, .... • to • HK.he\ M W, • to 11 toot bKe, CJt)en oowder, oroomed POwder, full oe>tnllon E<N s-n.11 ' ln<l•n new Sin to 7 1001 t>a•. -r •no qroorneo 2 <h•tr• I \ .. r11<e 1111 s1.,.,.a si.1 ....... " inc.,., ...... 41'1 too• b•\e. "e•vy pow der, Qroorned,•cNln 1(1111-10 Inc""' new, • to 11 1001 bew, \Drlnq •l'O oroomeo. I Clll lt\, Ml. It-4 lo 12 ln<htt ""'*·I 10 I) fool bHe, hU•Y -Cler, l>aektd Po•Ot't. • cn.1r·\ DM91 •i.,e • lo ~ lrK.,., new J'1 lool IMw e>.c•td. • cll•lr> 7 iurtact tUh 1.--""' J •nche> ntw •tn 1001 baM, 'O<lnQ c-lUons, •°""bl• (llalr•, 1Wrfa<•1111 Cl!.NTllAL.CAL.ll'OllNIA AOm--11 NOrtDO<I J»tM~ -4110.\f'\CIW\NW, •' J foot t>•\e powder. Ot<,td powffr, • cM ir\ Clllfll ,,_ -No tt-1 Af•t ttCOd Morll•ll1111 htl1m,, In< 10.llfra l '•nnarl, a Htvaoa c.or-tll4fl, ISO) S...lh Col'I Ori ... "-•i. '"· ca.u Met.e. c.111«11•• .,~. Ylll' b11tlne•s It COlldu'1td by a llmll04 oen111nlllp. Adve nCt O Markt llnq Svtt•""• lllC Ch.,lt• S H•lllt• p,..,ldtllt Tlll1 t111e,.,....1 ..,_. fl!Od wlVI 11W (ouflly GI••• 01 Ora "O<I C.OUnty on FtbNary14, 1"3 .. , ... , P11bll'11tc1 Ofanvo C:oatl O•llv Piiot. l'ab. 2•. Mer<h S, ft It, t9«2 MO.a? ., Ila" , .... '""'· C.tt• Me.e. c..Jllotlll• .,.,, _......, C H.,,, )91 .. ,1 1•11 "·'*'· °"" ~. Ct•llOtllla "~' Miiia JOtWll KhlnQ, 92 I! a•I 1•11 5trwt c..i. Mew Cllllomte "~' Thi• o..tln.u Is cOft<klclld by • llfltrtf "'1-JhlD, ""-1111ewC. "an Ml ... J l(k1n9 Tlllt •.• litlntlll -lllld ,.Ill\ Ir. '°"nly Cltrk OI Ort nve (;.ounly on l'tor\oal't t4, 1• ~·­PUClll"'" Ora1191 C.0.SI Dally PllOI, Fob u, ~" t. 11. it, ,.., eu t'I ,.ICTITIOUS IUSINI U l'ICTITIOUI IUSINIU NAME JTATIMENT ·-· STATEMINT T~e IOllOWll\9 ~·son\ .,. oolnQ Th• 1011ow11111 "'"'"' art Ooinq '"'"lnt>t•• .,.. .. n.\\a\ STAR SOUNOS )1117 PawOA(-<I• SWEET SUCCESS 10221 Sl1l1t A•• San J .. en Ctc>l\lreno. CA 01ll\ s .. 11. 103 4'1 Founl•lll Yallt¥ C.4 Cllllord G Murray •nd W•n• MH 'l'/lot M11rr•Y S11n Pa\eO A<00<I• S•n J""" lt•thlHn M 8taennt•n Hll W C•Dl\11-.CA'1•75 Sunttow•r ~v~ Ea §.dot• An• CA Tht\ bU\lrte\\ h condut t-.d by •n '1104 IN!lvld ... I ttrt'• A 8ellt_,•tt• 1\0t w W~M Murtay Sunttowrtf'r AW' E 1, !.Mlt• AO• tA f hh 11t•tl!fl'~t w•~ Ulwd w llh ,,_ '11104 CounlY Clert;, or Or<inor> co .. n1v on MAtk 1 GerAfO, ")' M•tntrKtlh Dr , MAtfh J 1"1 ,,.,.., HunltnQlu<> e.ac~. Cll O'll>AI> P Thi\ bu\fntt\\ 1, u>nOu\.lod b• • Publh,f'Wd O'•noe Co.\t D•Hv 1tot. SPA llltl, MeQnolle 'lrHt, 1....,,111,. Valln C.,ltornla ttlOI Marvin o ... ,., Tll(ktl tll Allle rrou Lan• founl•ln Valley CflllO•"ll '11ot Slllrlty 'VIII h1oor 111 Ab<llrou Le nt, Founl•ln V•lloy c alllur nla '"°' llll• OU\lhltU II tCHIOU<l•d OY I """'"',,.,.,,,.,\Np -vlnO T11<hr Tiii• U• .. •""11 w•• llled wllh llW COUlllY Cl•tk of O••llOt t.011nly on M•rt;'1l, 1"2 ..... u • ""bllllltO °'""9' Coa•t Oe•I• fl11u1 M•r< II I, 12. lt, 7', I.., 9~ 0 l'ICTITIOUS BUSINUS NAMIE UATEMENT T't• toUowlftO 04't\6th •'• dotnQ Df.l\tneu ., SUNSltlNE'S FRUIT 8AIU 6 ro JIOO PlaM Or (f PHt?I wnl• An• ('A 92104 Br•d J .._, 3100 Pie•• U• IE P~llll Set\I• 4'1\a C.A '11104 Sun\hltw H M000tr 1100 J11•1• Or IE PHl21 S...11 .\na CA t1IOI T"lt bu,tn•·n I\ tonchJff .. 0 ov • Qt114tral Nri~\l\IP S""~hl"" I< l'OOOer t hi\ \taternent wa\ t 11~ *'"' 'he Coul\h C•tr~ or Or•nQ<O Coun1o; on Mdt<h 4 1'18°/ ''""''loft l>I•<•, N•wport t •Mll Calllo•lll•tMeO Or .. D HYell. nott "'-L..a,_, H11,.t1"9lon .... ,.. C•llfotllle •3- r11h ....i .... , I• ceneutlad Oy 1n llldlvlduaf 0 .... 0 Hyetl Tiii• t1.i-11 ,. .. fl-wllll tilt Covllly Clot-Of Ora"9t C..,l'IY on Meftll I0, 14't L.ll"f'O\.O, N•Noa•ION AND Dl•IMOOll A ..... , ... u ... .... , ,,.....,_, ..,...," ~-...c.mt1 .. ,_,. Publl"'"9 Or-c ... u D111v Pllol M4tr U, .. 14 AD< t. 1te'J 11....eJ rutUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINIJU NAME ST.UEMRNT f h• 1011aw1nu per.on• ••• aolne l>ll•lntH a\ B 6 8 ASSOCIATES. tl07J S-•Da '' Clr<I• \utle F2 lrvlnt Cal1lornl1t17I• Byron A Ba ltlwller. 11 H•rm11.., I ,,.. Nt"'1l0fl &..ch. C•lttMnt• t)440 Geqory L. llrlqht h••• Ytr• (tul L •rw M t\\lOn V•to (•IUOr"I• ., .. , l tu~ bu\INt\\ t\ condt..rt•O by • ~"4tral P<lflnet\NP B ~ 8 A~-l•tt .. llmlled IMrt""r.h1P ""'°"" ~. 17 1• a . 1"'2 '" f2 ler9'<1 A S-11•••11• Fl .. 01 C.r-y L. Briqf\I t ru~ ,,.,~• ,...,., t1h•d wlln ttw County Cler._ ot Ot•n~ (ovMY of\ P"blhllecl OrM>Qe Co.\! Oa•I• Polol G-••I Pa11ner Md'< h ) 17 1• 1• 1'91 ... 7 11 I Ill\ •t•l-1 w•> 111.0 wllll lllt M•r< II 4 1"2 1----~-IC_T_l_T_l_OU_l_B_U_S_IN_E_S_S __ F IM4M Publt\hed Clf•lll<lf' t.0.•1 Oallv PllOI, NAMl STATEMENT ----.-,ll-IC ___ TIC_E ____ C,:::'c'~ .~~;:, ot oun111 cw"•• on nil 1W HUl'STEOl.R• MILL.Ell CAltL.SON 6 ef.AllDSL.EY MM<h ~ 11 1,, ,0, l'lel 'l6e 81 Tiie lollowlnq per>on 1, dot no uslne\• ., JOA N AN N MA LO N E PUILIC NOTICE ONTRACT FURNIS>il N G~ ... 3, -------------1B•rr•nc• CIRCLE H..mtnoton 8H<ll. C.•lllornla t2MO Jo•n A nn Trtmm•r '''' 8•rr •n<• Huftttnvton 8••<h. f nf' to11ow1"q P4l"' \Un\ •Ht do1no C•Utornl• 'r'/;,... b\.l\tntt\ '' TP'tl\ CMJ\,lnt'\\ " tonch><:ted by an ,.CTITIOUS I USINESS NAMt: STAT EMENT THE GI.A!>\ ACT 111 116 N•varr•, lndlvld.,.I lrvlnt' CA'21t~ JoanAnnlrtm~r Merit E R•vton\, 86 N.t'll,,,. lrvjn" Tnt\ \Ut~t Wd\ Hied wUh the CA 97llS -Co"nty (fork ol Oranoo Counfy on lr:::qcu:~t;1S 81Vt1"n\. •• N•"•"' M•r<h 10 1.., ..... , Publt\hed Or-Cc>a>I 01lly Pllol, Merell n It, 741 A11<117, '"2 1114"'' fhl\ bu\H\f"\\ 1\ tOnduttt>d by •" ind 1v10u•I Merle E 81v .. n\ fhl\ \l•t~t Wd\ lllt'd .. Ill\ 1"8 County Cl•rk ot Or~nQf' <.-ounty o PUIUC NOTICE Mortn3 1987 1~------------Fl .. J1 Publf\hecl OrMICJ" Coo•t <>••Iv Pt101 Md•< 11 ~ 17 1' 26 1'1117 ••>-I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI! STATEMENT OU\t,,P\\ d\ N(W VOA!C ENTEqPRl!>E\ • l'ICTITIOUS IU~INUS NAMI STATEMt:NT T~ tollowinq per\on\ ''' do,no butl~S•l THE PROSPERI rv C.OMPANV 2l7)2 HlllllVrll lf61 L.•CIU"• N•Q~I CAmn R MICHAEL MARCHESl 1JIJ7 Hlllll""' •41. L•Quna NtQuel CA .,.,, OIANNA L MARCHESE 71111, Hllthut\I • 61 L•Qun• NtQu•• (A '1•17 Thi' bu\inH\ t\ conch..c i~ ov ..tn '""'""""'I R Ml<l\let Meru ... ..- Tnl\ sJ•l•"'*'t w•s t11eo w1tn ttw Counly Clerk ol Or•nve C.oun1 1 on Feb 17, 1"1 FllJUS PuOll•""' Or•noe c .... , OfllV Pllor l'eb 24 Merci\ s. 12. t9 t9t? ~ n "'IUC NOTICE "'IUC NOTICE Par1nu•n•o. ''"A Pal11<r Ro•d l'ICTITIOUS BUSINES~ Nrwporl 8 ... ch, C11tlorn1• •711113 NII.Ml!. STATl!MENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Rona•o Brun\wtC~. •ll•A P31fl(r Th• IOllOwtno Pt,.O•'> M~ Ou1nQ NAME STATEMENT Rona N•woorl 8~dCll C •lllor noa bu\lflt>S o l Ile IOllowlnQ D•r >on '' 001n9 '1741>3 KE 'fLIGHl PROOUC 1 ION\ •• bu\1nf\\•\ Edmond M Ptnon 3~\ "'''• Flrwood trvirw C•l1torn1d~)Ju M A Ft)( IT 17S~ Pomot'I• CO'\tA 9ev~ Neowporl Bt>acn (.1l lforn1a (nti,toph~r A Atl•" ~t &')Cl Me\.a CA 97'16 in..o Avenld• Rubto l• Qu1ntd C••••urn•• JOHN A MON fGOME RV 7H Th" Ou~•"~" " • o~Outl~d 11• • 92Hl Pomon• (O\t• Mew (A t1•lft O"'nflor(tt r;wrtnH\l\IP Amy M Allf'n 92" Vie l •CIO NU,CI Tht\ bu\1nn\ l\ tonduct•O n>; An A0"48td 8t~Wfttc Nt1wp0n BeoMn {4lf1tom1a •>b&O 1nd,11•du4I l PH\ bu\lnfll\\ " conovc tf.ld by t1 JoM R MontQGtTWry Tht\ )\~ttem4:nt w.t'\ fll("(J w1ttl ,,._.. +1m1tfCI C)ttrt~r\h•O l n1s '\tate-ment wa,,. f1l.O with tl'M Cout\IY' Ct~;" 01 Oran~ (ountv on (h,i\IOQnPr A O\tlu•O Counh C.lerk of Oran~ County on Matth J '°" C,~r•I P.,1ntor l'•b •& •'1112 ,. .. Jn li\I\ ,,.~,.,,..,,, was ltll'G w11n '"" FHl1t Publi\IW'd ()f'~ (~,, D•••'r PUOI County (l•rllt. ot Ord~ (wnh on Publt._ Or•r>Qe C.,.,, O•llY Pilot Maren S 17 .. U 1"81 '61 n Ftbru•tY II l'lt? i•b "1•.-rct•S t2 t'lt? ..... I FIU IM PUBLIC NOTICE MlJC MOTi( F.':,u~~~ ~~~. ~;wl-.;.~••••,~;'::· l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI! STjllTEMIENT NAME STATEMENT ' PIP 1011r w1ng ~r\On\ •r~ 001n9 Tht lot1ow1no Pt:r\on •'\ ao•nQ ou\ln•'\'"i OU\l,..H-9'\ OASIS CATERING llHS Mor9M1 L.1,,., Hununqton ~·ll<h c111rorn•• '2M7 Vl<kt Ann S11a1 D ?S• Colton NtWIJO'I 81.cn, ca111om11 '111117 Tll\1 b•lllM\S I\ Condu< led OV an lnc!MO ... I VIOi ""'1 Sharp Thi\ i1•11me<"1t Wal llltd wllh lhe CounlY Cl•'• of Or•nqe Countv on Fblniary 14 1"1 l'llM6l Publl\IWCI Oranqe Coast 0.1tv Pllol Feo n. M¥cn s. 11 " 1'1112 11s-11 Nit.JC llOTlCE FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT f "" tollow1ng p .. ,\or1 '" oo•no TqlPLE " qANCH 2••21 El C•mlno "'""".,.., O."" Po•n• CA 9'6l1 • l(IMBERLY A lt!IAT!>CH, 1•o11 El C.tmlnoCaDl•l•llnO, Dan• Polnl, CA 01u• KENNETH MAqVrN ltRATSCH 1.tUI El C•m•no C•Dl\lr•no O•n• Point, CA '2ol1 Th•' OU\•nen. I\ t onoutleO bw • ._.-Mr•I ~"lf\htO K1mbHty A K.r•l\.Cf\ rn., \t•'enwnt was t11.a w ith trw Counly Cterk 01 Or.lnqr Counly on -=•b ,., 1"1 1"11.JllO Publl\twd Oraf\91' C04\t D•••Y Pilot, F•b It, 1• -rtll S, 11 19"/ Ill 11 MUC MOYIE ·, PUil.iC NOTICE MN·'l1V .. I FICTITIOUS IUSINESS HA,..£ STATEMENT f hf' tot1ow1n9 Pt''~on\ .,, d O•nQ bu~1nen •\. CAPRI CLEANER'£ 1011 Norin M•Qnol1•, An•he•m, C•llforn14 C•t•n N '!tturw In<-a C•llforn1• corc>or•t.on. hi• Soulh tOth Avtitnut' A read•• Calltorn1• •1000 fhi\ Ou\1n4"\\ ·~ <.onducl•d DY • (:O,-por•t~ (tf".,n N St\1M tn<. Fthf'nP H Sule1m~n p,.,., fl'\1~ \l•tffl"lf't'\I w•' •ueo w1tn '"" Count'f Cler~ ot Or-ctnqe County Of"I F•bruarv II 1'19' • FllJl10 Pubh\hfd Or•nQf'-Co.Ht 0•11.-P1101. l'tb ... u. M;ircn s. 11. ,.., ,., n .... Ma<."'1-.... levertl, Ntw..,-t ... <'II. C. t7MO "''""" P"bll~lltO Or-C°">t Dally PtlOI M•• 11 1• 24 Ap< 1 1"1 114111 f'UlllC MOYIE NS..1111 NOTICE OF AV•"LAelL.rT\I 0 " ANNUAL. llEPOllT Purs .. •nl 10 *tion •104101 ol llw tntt rn•I Aevenu~ CoOe-notic• '' ""'eov QhrM Owl •M •nnu•t ,~,., '°"' lh• 11><.•I yur O<lo~r l l l"I ot HARRY G STEELE FOVNOATION .a prtv•t~ tourwU;Uon, t\ 1va1tat>tt At Ill• tound•I-' prln< •l>al oflttt IP• if\SOt!CHon durlno rtout4r bu\lf'•'' hOurs from • 00 am to • 00 pm by anv c ltuef'I who reQUrP"St\ It w1U'un 1ICI O•VS •f1trr UW0•1f'Of tP'lj\OubhC1t10'\ T~ touno.thOl'I ~ pt1n(~I offl(f' 1\ 1oc1ttod •t room 201 4140 C•mpu\ Or 1 -• ,_,.,..,p0rt 8f"•<f'I C•lltor nt• '2..0 t "" prltH 1p•I m4n•oer ot th• lound•hon I\ At< '1•r0 StMte Po1er l Gre<o, CPA 100 N~port Cent•• Or Suue JOI .. N ... port Btach CA •Z#O Publtshrd Ot4nQI" Co.t\I Oa1lv Ptk)t ...... ,,. ,, t"1 , ,.7.., "'lllC NOTICE STATEMENT OP: AlllNOOO.MENT 0" USE OF "ICTITIOOS I USINESS NAME Tn~ tonow 1f'Q O•''On\ h•v• •O•noonf'd t"C' ~ c:a• 1~ ••<•tt,ou\ lluStn•U,..,.,... HYATl oqAPEqlES ... Pr0<!uet1on Pl..:~ Ntwporl BH<h C.tlitornl• 'nMO Th~ fl<fitlOU' OU\1(1,.\\ n•m"' rttt~rr•O to wa!t Hlr-d 1n counlv Of1 • 12 II B•"• E H .. 11 Po Bo• """ Bonner> Ft<tY. l<MllO UIOS Greq 0 Hull 21001 \u..an LIM .-.unt1ngton 8f'4<f\ C•htorn•• ,,._.. Thi\ bu~JM-4.\ w•' c.onouctf'd o, two 1nOlvtOU•I\ S..11¥ E Hy•ll ll\ls SIAl"""°"I w.n l•lt'd w1111 ,.,. (.ounty (ltr• Of Or•n9f' County on Marth 10 111111 F•l111 Ltopoid Hender \Ot\ •'"' 01n•MOOr T-~W H--.Jr HOE lltllSt, S11llt Ill.' 0 . aox Ill CMI• -· Ca.''1U7 P .. bll•lltO °'.,,Ot Coa•I o., •• Pllol, Mr•ch 17 " n AD<tl 7, 1"7 114'·'1 "'IUC NOTICE -------------bU'ltn~\\ •\ "ICflTIOUS BUSINESS NAMIE STATf:Ml!NT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS F ICTITIOUS BUSINESS N•ME STATEMENT "'IUC NOTICE f'ICTITIOVS l'USINESS NAME STATEMENT t nf" touo ... 1nQ ~,,o,, 1'\ no1no OU\1r\f''\\ _. .. THE qEAL T'I' co •••• , v .. r C•rc•t-Hun11nqton Ri!Mh Ci11lltorn1a 016'8 HI C Moon t8181 l••I C1rc1~ ~unt•n"'on &Pach (<11htorm1t cn,.48 Tht\ ~''""~~ ·~ ronduClt'd bv an md1v1du1tl Ht ( Moofl Hu\ ''•'"'""fnt w.1' .. J1tfo(J with lhtt County C.lerk ot Or.tn~ (ounh tlf\ Mar er\ J 1Q8'2 Fl .. J10 Pubh\""' O.anoe C.O•\I O•tlv PUol Marc11 S 11. 19 10. 1'1111 9llO 81 l'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tottowlno per ion '' do,no t>~ntnf',,.,, MI MI P1EqRE BRIOALS & FORMALS, 11170 Broo«h"nl StrMtt, ill'Sl, Foun1a1nva11ty Callfornla9?708. l O uhl •l1mlan, 10t .. l(lnqblrd ""•nve. Fountain Vatl•V. C•llfornla '17708 Tiii~ ~lnf'n " t-IKltHI by •n lf'dovld.,.I la'uN •1am•1n Thts ~lal•me<'ll WI\ llltd wolh IM la l StLMARC CO lb l BON soqBE 1 co. >o9 E 111n s1,.r1. cs -------------6800 Su•I• A l•S Co>la MPH, CA FICTITIOUS IUSINt:~S '12•?1 Nit.IC NOTICE NAME STATEMENT JULIUS MAq( MUSHl<IN !02 ou!.-:.,::~lowtnQ Pft'\On I\ dolnq SOM>ll PtA1• 14(. Nf'wpott 8N<tt c • S I R A I G H I l I N E 01~~1\ °""""" ,, u1nau< 100 0¥ •n PERFORMANCE .. ~o N• .. DOtl 1nd1v1d .. •I QlvO (~la ~t.d, (A. "1•71 Jwltu\ Mu~Mun RCH'lt11d O Pettit Jr 440 Ham II ton T ht\. \14't•rtYnt wa\ MPd •Hh tN St Co\>IA Mt!~d. CA W&7& (ovntv (l(lfk ot OrtJriqr l our\t'f o" Thi\ bU\ln~~ '' condvr t,.O h'Y "'" ff'b 16 tQl8? 1nd1111du.tt ,..,lltt2 Rol'\dld 0 ~thf Jt Pubh\hf'd Qr•"O(' (Ckt\I Oitll'f Pilot fru\ \t•tf'N'ftt w d' l 1lf'O w ttr\ 1rw-J'.•t> I• )f) Mar<n ~ 11 tot? 13~11 CounlY Cler' of Or,.nQtt County on Mart h J t'l@7 ,. .. l1J Pubto\flfd Oranoo c ... ,1 DAii• PtlOI PUtuc NOTICE M•t<h S l7. I• 7&. 1~ •&•·l7 ---,,-.-C-T-IT_l_O_U_S_l_U_S_l_N_E_S_S __ "'lllC MOTICE flCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ln• to11owtno perwn\ ., .. dotno butlnOSH EASV STREET, 1111 Edlnoer. Hunllr19ton Bffcl\, C•lllornll OM7 Myron L Miiter. 1201 OlkOI•, CMI• Me>a, Calllornla '261• Franklin E Graw• llJS lowl, CMI• ~>a. c.nrornla t:i.14 f hh b~al"e1.s " conducttO by • qenuaf D¥fMtl>h•P NAME S1'ATEME•H T ~• tottow1nq pet-son 1~ dolnCJ l>U''""' ., POWER ENGINEERING ANO DEVELOPM ENT 700• T.thun.t Terr.ct, c,or.,,,. del Mar C.l1tom1a '2&2S JOlln Clerk Boolh. XlOli Tahul\a TerrK•, c.or ..... $1 M<lr C.tlllomi• 9U2S Tiils buslntt\ '' condu<ted by an lndlvld""I J Clark Boolll Thtl sui1emen1 wn ltled wtlh lhe Coun1y Cltrlo. or O'•~ Cou"tv "" fh,.. foltowlnQ Pf'rson I\ do•no bu'\ll'lttl AS' Q q ANGE CO BACl<SWt NG I TM I SOS S1qnal Roao. Newr>0rl B .. <h CA '21!63 FREO M KELL. SOS !>upwt qold Newpol1 S.Kh CA '1766.l TM\ buitnf"\'\ 1\ c.onducled o~ • Qf'f\f'r4'1 Oilf'tntr\.f'HO F'rl'llM l(ell TP\t\ \t11e""'nt wa\ hlf'd wltn .,,.,, Counly Cit•• ol Oran9f County on FPb t• 1'187 FIUt" Publt•""' Or•not c .... 1 Oaoly Ptlol F~b " II• M<trch ~ 11 1'97 171 82 ruauc NOTICE "ICTITIOUS BUSINl!.U NAME STATEMENT Tht loltow1n9 o•r\on I\ <101n9 biUitMIJ, I \ WHISKE y RIVEq SALOON SW? W•rnt-r Hunt1nf1'on 8f".C.I\, CA.,.,., RAYMOND kAAVEV SMIT H JOt)J VI•• Ctr<le Hunttnqton 8f'~'1 CA •1f>AI> Tftl\ btl\ln14\\ l\ t onducltCI by dn 1ndlvlOUdl Romono HArv~y Smllh Ttus \t•tttmf'f\t was, I ll~d wHh t~ Counh tier• 01 vr•n~ l ovntv on F'•b , •• .., P:IU lt1 ,,,_,..,, ,. ,,., Myron M1ll•r This '1•1-1 ... , flied Wtlll I .... Fll:JtlO Puollsl'e<I OrM>Qr Coa\I 0••'• P1101, PllOllVW<I °'"191! Coasl Dally Pilot. Feb "· 2•. M;ircn S, 12, 1'111 10., Co .. nly Clerk ot OranOI! C°"nly on HA.ME STATEMENT The fOllOWtnQ ~f\OM\ rH{" do•nQ T ht fo11ow1nQ Pf!'' !tons .art 001n9 bU\1nti\~ tt\ bustn•.so CINMAR (ONSUl T•NI!> ll&ol M ENA MANUFACTU RI NG V0a 0\0 PO Box 118 Trab .. co 1'7t.8 P•otcenha Av~uo CD\I~ -w Can.on CA'2•18 C•lllorniatt.71 RAYMONON BAGGAqlfY JR AllrtclO l -"" •o7S S !lo\\ llll<tt V•• 0"1 I ••OU<o Canton C • Santa Ana C•lllo•n1a •7101 "2•1B EldaV """""· t&7SS F>o>~ \4'nla Ol"INA M BAC.C."1111,.(Y JI .. , Ana Ca1trorn1• •HOI llta 0 \0 r,aOU<o t •nyon <.• •1ol9 l h" bu ... n,..'"' •< t-Of\dut h·O t>v rnti.,. Ov\tM''' " c-.onduCtfO C>'r • hu\b_,nd and.,,,,. qv,,t'tdl ri•rtf'W"rY\1p Allrpoo l Mtna Ro mono w 8•<1<1atltY J r l hi\ \f.IP,,...nl *•'-fll..CS w1lh If\• Jn,, +.IAl-f'N'nl Nil\ ftlPO w 11h ln.t County Cl,.,~ ot Or.itn°'" Cnut\h on l°"l'\h (ltr'-01 Or.itn~ (.ou"h on Ffbf\14)fy If) IQIJ r ~b 11\ 1Q87 Fl._ FIUIJI Publ1\hecJ 0rdnQIP' (04\I OttllY Pilot, Publl\twO °'""'Ot"' COii~· D••I• Pilot Ftb t• 76 Ml>r ~ t7 11/!12 IJl 87 F•O ,. 7o MMCll) 17 141@7 6'4 A1 PUIUC MOYIE PUIUC NOTICE 0 1'"1CIAL. 'llOCEEOINGS 01' THE aOAllOOI' SU,EltVISOllS OF O•ANGI COUNTY, CAL.IP'OltNIA S...t1AM ,Cal._ end auicklv County Cl•rk ol OranQ<' coun•v on -__ ::-11-JH_N_DT-IC-IS March to.,.., Fl-Z ,, .... Publl\,,.., Or•"90 eo.u Dally Pilot, PubllilW<I Or-Coa\I 01lly Piiot, Marci! t1. t•. u. Ap<ll 1. '"1 ll33.f2 March 11. 1'. 2•. Ap<ll 1. 1"1 1.,,...2 1------------- Marc I\ 10. t"7 Ftb 16, Maren S. 11. 19 1"7 'IOI 112 f'UIUC MOYIE NlllC MOYIE ltlCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT A r~"l•r ,,_11"9 ol the Boero ot S"pervl"'" of Or«iQlt COllnlY, C•lltOrf\11, •l.o tlltl119 HIM Gowrnin9 BOMO ol 1no Ol•lrkb qov .. ntd OV ""' loaro 01 S"O«rvl-s we• ,,..ICI on MJlrch 2 1"1 •I • JO 1 m The lollowlnq nemtHI members btl"'I ort...,I Br..ct Nnl•nde. Cl\ltnnan. ROQe< R Slanton, H•rrlt" M W'-r. R1ll)ll B Clark T~ F q1i.y and,,,_ Cltril Mtm blr> ol Ttcl'lnlc1I Advt\O<y Boaro •'t .tOC>Olnl.O N H<t""nclt' h •PC>Offll.O to ""' O.n111 H<ta•tn A"'1i_.y Boaro Easter ~·· _,,., .. -·w...._·, Hl\lorv Wu~" ar• D<O<l1lrnea, lllOU>lrial l •"llut ol Or-Counlf and J, Prunly •rt commended -Or Helman I\ 11>1nktO C.1111n (Oll~l<ucllon contrKU are comDltle<I, <flanVOd, >et tor bla. re1ecl.Oand awerdtd P<tnonnt l metl•r I\ •DPro•ld. Certain ••POr1S ••e •DPro'V•d. recelw<I •no lllOCI HCA vr•m awerd is •PDrOV9d Hf•llh Servkn IM> ••• llfldlle<I Annuallon• •r• a_..ove<I SB·ll4 Block Grants !or FY 1111 ore -ov<HI qtt<Mutlon r-rdtnq ll'lt manaqe""nl of a rchl•tSlll•llorlcal rKO«I> 1, •do\>N<I Aqr..,....,t •1111 Caltren' lor El Toro Area lr1Hlc Sl9nah I\--T1~ m"""91"'""1 audll for John WayM AlrDotl h reolv•d •no •mtf!Ot<I llt\l.,..,11•1-<ommorcl•I colle<llon r•ltt a,.. lncre .. eo Publl' par111nQ conctulon 11 Santa Ana Civic Cenlu Is "warded Agreement lor •UIJ1erK• In lht dtveloo,,..,.t 01 a com1>r•11tnslv• financing Dl'CJQram with B.G Becker II aulllOrlrt'd Conlra<I\ lor S.OCl•I Pn>Qrams tor IM EIOtrly are •lll>rO..,., AB I ~ermlnallon\ art aoi>rovoCI. J .... nlle Court Work ProQf'•m con1re<I> trt •ut~zO<I. Oef'k Oayt '°' tho 8oard Of SupervlM>n are Slat.a. Trec:t ma" .. ' ere •DP<O..., Traffk Commlllft Mlnuttt trt •DOrowo Olte"'\lon on an ...,....,.,.. MSlstlftCe iwoor•m tor County •mDIOY"' Is •utt>orlr..S """° r•kl119 1t1lnlnv tor Sot111 Proqr•ml 1, avlllo<l1oCI Proc .. reme<1I S..rvlCt\ tor F..ile~ Src-' O!slrlcl are aulhorlroCI A•~mallve rtcrultonal ,.,., ot El Toro •l'O Serrano Ct"' Comm .. lllly Part.\ •re •DOf'OWd Tr•"'•' rt<IUHI\ art •v"""''"' T., m etllf'• a re IDll<0..0 Pllrcl\l\H ... aDPrOved An ... .._. for lrM '1111dl1>9 bike rac•l In region.ti Dll•H Is aulllOrlre<I BuclQltl lr•n.t•n are a1>1>rovtc1 An aqr·nm•nl, UP tl·l•P. •or l>Ub(IC llretl lmorowmtnll wllh Rencifl Company I\ aDProV<ld T,.. lo .. rln' Tin Benefit •or Alb111 !>l"on Home '' •Pf"o¥9d, jllnn .. ar Emtr111trKY Operation~ Cenl•r E••~lw h --An_ .. ,,_, tor tnQlflttrlr19 wrvlce• IOr §jllVI Rench I• er>0rov.cl S.nlle90 M"nlcl~I Advl.orv Coun<ll ele<llon dal• ,, C"°"91d. Mor19-I\ ··-HICO conlracl wllll the City ol Slanlon I> -rovtd Soc:I .. Slrvltt• A91nty Olrt<IOf'\ aUlllorlly lo 'Jl""'* AFOC·FC •or-h It lnc ... •9"1 TM Con .. 111 IO Ani9n,.,....I Of LUM •t>O 1111 Sec-A..-,._,1 to Liaw. tor o ... e Point Harbor, •re _,,,..o T"' 8oaro aciiovn-a In m•''"''" Of Greco C rtHCf llOTHHS lfil llOADWAY MOITUAU 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 UL n IH~EIOH SMITH & TUTHILL wtSTCLIFF CHAP'El 4 :>7 F 171h ~1 C'O<;( a Mp•,.1 0411 q'\7' "HCfllOTHH S SMITHS' MOITU .. Y 627 Mam SI Hunt1ng1on Beach 536-6539 ,AC8'te..,ttw- MIMOllAL 'Al lC Cermlery Morluary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac111c View Ot1ve Newport Beach 1).44 2700 McCOIMtar MOITUAllH l.agvna Beach •9•·9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cep1strano •95 1776 ATl.l'S ~"' M U E I. AT I./\ . . a re:.1den1 of Or;in~e Ca Passe<! awa~ on Mareh 9. t 9t!2. lie is surv1 H•d b\' his wife fo'lorenrc. rlaughler Ro!>uhl' ~1ell1er son :.tiles /\Ila<, of Wh11t11•r Ca . bro1 ht•r i'l'tt•r of M tami. Jo'lurula .ind 6 i:ranckhildren c: I a \'t'Sldt• Sl'r\ Wt:~ "111 lw he-let "" 1-'rula\. M arrh 12. l!lK2 at 11 001\M al llarhnr I.awn Memt)r1al P ;irk Ser\'1res undl.'r the dln'rlfon of llurllOr l.;iwn Mount Oii\ e Mt)rtuary £11 ('osta Mr.;J 5411-555'1 GAF.TA L/\URENCF: E GAETA. a res1dcn1 or <.:oron11 dr l Mar. Ca Passed awa\ March 2. t 982 Beloved husband of l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT r he t olJowlno person ,, doino bu\ltl<lU.S TINl(HAM LIMITED J Purpl~ SaQt l"'IM , CA '271S ROHAL.0 B TI NltHAM > P\lrpl~ Saot l"'tne, CA '211S Th .. OU\lMS\ l' (Gndu<l•d by at1 lt>Olvkk>al RB Tln~nam Tllo\ 'illlmenl was lllto wlln '"" co .. nly Cler~ ol Or&no• Counl y Otl Feb 7•. 11192 l'llX>t Publl-0r.,. Co•"' Oallv Piiot, F•b 7• Mer<h S. 12. "· l'IG -..1 ,.ICTITIOVS BUSI NE SS NAMI! STjllTl!MEHT The lollowl119 Der\on h dolnq Duslnws' ,., llYRON MUSIC ..... L.•nal Clrcte. Munll1'Qlon lkKll, C•lllornl• .,_ R-11 O H•ll, "" una l Clrtci.. HunUnqton 8'1K~•lllorn11 •7M4 f'lll\ ""''""" I\ C:on<l\IClf!CI by a lndlvld .. AI. RObel1 0 l!ali I llh \l•l•f'Mllt Witt lllecl will\ I Cou111v Clerll ol Of'•"llf Count• ltllaf(ll ), 1'1111 "' PuOll'hod Ora"Of CN\I Oelly Ptlol Mft(~ t. 12 l'I 16. I.., "'-'1 NlllC MOYIE ruauc NOTICE "ICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MN•'1f1 .. A l'ICTITIOUS IUllNEH NAME STATEMENT l'ICTITIOUS BUSINl!SS Tiit follow.no per'°"' .,. do1no NAME STATEMENT l>Ulslnoso The IOllOwlnQ p~non It dOlnQ CAPRI CLEANERS, OJ !.O"'" bu•lneu H : Euclid. A..-lm, CalllMl'll• OISTRICT pqocESSING. Ill WHI Clean N 5111M. In< •• Calllomll 11111 SI., Cosio MM•. CA "1411 <c...-allon, U14 Solllh 10.11 •-. R-11 0 °"91". 11•t 8""•m• Pl • Arc.Ola, tallfomia tlOO. CMlt MeWI, CA 97'21> Thi• busln•u Is cond utltd by 1 Tiii\ t>uslnou ls con<h•'1t0 llY an corpoullon lnolvldu•I. c1un N SlllM, Int Rober'! 0 OuOlln F.hme H Sul•llNln, PrOl. This ll•lernenl Wa\ lllld with ,,,. Tiii\ •l•lllNnl WIS lllld Will! , ... Tht •011owfno o.rsOl'I~ •'~ do"'0 t>u•IMUa\ GONG BROS , lSll SOUlh !.l>ru<e. !><Inti Ana. C•lllorn•a •?104. Jolln Carl Al.,I, Bii Soulll Spruce, Santa Ane. Calllornle •270• Mltllael Arlh"r Prlltl'l.tro. 1111 Ame11<•n ·•&", Cosla ~\41, Celttorn•• mn Thi' buslnHs •\ tondu<htd oy • qenu11 Dlrltwr\lltD M4("4ift Ar-1hvr p, If< f\trd This s1.a1..._1 wa• llll'd wlln 11-. County Cl•r-01 Or•noe t o .. nh °" J.tnu••Y 70. 1W1 l'ICTITIOUS BUSI NUS NAME JTATE,,,.ENT T l'lt lol1owlno Dtnon I• <lolnq b<l\lntUH SU N L.A N O LANDSC AP E COMPANY. 2121 S. CrOddy Santa AM, C•lltornla '111W tlan L.. lllr<h, Jl4 Ruby Avon .... Bellloa ltlend. C.lllonlte ., .. , T"ls -· I\ c-11<1.cl bY an l...:tlVIOual 8on l Birch Tllll 11~-I wH lllecl wllh ,,,. Co""'" CIOrk ot Or•"" Coun1v on F-ry1' 1"7 CoulllY Cltrk of Of'•nOt CWnlY on COVfllY CIOrll ot Otanoe County on Maren J. tCI Ftbr\l•rr 11, 1"2. ~tUIQ l'l .. J74 l'tN:* Pvbll"'" OrWIOI COH I O•lly PllOt, Publl~ ()rM191 CM\I Dally Pllol, P .. bll"*I Or-COil! O•tly PllOI, ""· "·,.,Mar s. 12, '"2 7n.a Marc II S. 12, ''· 2•. 1"2 '1t·• r'tb. It, 21, March S, 12, 1"2 7tt.42 M tlr) Kay c:acta. son or Anna M. "'taetilund brother nf f,011is Gaet11 Graduate or USC. A member of The New York Academy or Sciences. Former mana.il"r of Hyland to boralories f'ormer president or Rio reagents Oi3Rnostics. Inc. Funeral i--------------1 ------------1-------------1 servlc•~s private Nil.IC llTU PllUC lll1C( ---------- RAY Eff?!':<;COTT "ct"IOVI 1us1111aas ,.CTITIOVI aus1111u~ l'ICTi::"'ou~tHUs . • • . ' ' a • HAMI STATSMINT NAMI STATtlMINT MAMC ITATtlMtlHT rt'sldent o( Costa Mesa, Ca I Tiit 1o11owlno ""on 1, •oino Tiit lollowlno PtrsOfl h oolnv "'' tollowlno ,.,..,..~ .,. ao1n11 Born M1ty 27. 1920. passed • Daily P lot llvti-as """,.....,. _.:"s~~"""'T c• "AHE1t•, n· _11 •way March 9 1980 ·•as.H&.1.-...&• MIC"O T£L, 192'1 CHntoll MA-IHE l'IHld!C I AI. •n• ... • ·~ • ~ • ... ~•flll!'U~ Circle , • c, H11nllno1011 ... ,11. """"' GE ''"''· H-........ IMKll, C•ll ..... le. urvived by Wire Toni ; 50n WOrk for (;all'°""a 9'M0, A Me NT' )UO A HtwMrt Cle1n N 911N, lllC., a Cafllonlfa • 11 ....... ,___, leetll, CA'*'· et•~ •ott: 2 daughters. Snndrn tall "*"" "· ScllUll, 1tt41 to.n"°" JOAN woooau RY..t u u ,. ~..--_,, 1414 '°""' Iott\ •-· M Cl t M r N tl • YOU. Clrcre . •C, Hun11n91on ltHll, ,....ll0'1 11\ld. .._. ... ch ~ Al'Odle.Catllo<ftl1'1oat. c ary ant 11r1or e o : 8 c:autorn1.,2...,, nt6a. • ._ .. ,.... • ·~ '"''' 11i1n1nns is coM11c1..i "' • MAUOa LAW.._..n. OUYI 2 8i3ler5. lle lm11 C1.1mpbell or • 642-567 Tiii• _._ I• CO!ICM1H .., .., TNt Ml-It C'enOllCtH .,, Ml :w-etlM Wlmor tSEAU JUHi AL.UCANU.11 Cllf't!Oftllea-.. efs-nt .... DPl'ICIAL l"eOC:ltlDINGS Ol'TMtlOllANOtlCOUHTY NOUSINO AUY'HCMUTY R-far nwtllllQ Of,,,_ Or-C-ly MoullftQ A~ltv wa' ""ICI Mertll 1, , .. ,. Tiie IOliowlnv 11•mld mtmOtrt belllQ """"''' Tllom•• F. RHt Y. ·c t.eirman. R090r R. Stanton, Harriett M. wi-r. l ruce N•tl-, llelf>ll B Cieri! •"" 1111 Clt•k. Ooc:umenlt tor con"rucllon loan nolfl tor m11llH.mlly llou•lnq D<'Ole<l, I' COMll\Ved (SE.ALI JUliltl AL.tlXAMMlt cien .. .. _ ........ _.. O~PICIAL. ,llOCH Ol-J 01' T'Htl ltOllltDOI' t.U?tlltYllOllSO~CMl ..... I COU•TY. c:ALIPCHt•IA ,....., ...... ~ A r .. ul., """1"9 91 tllt tloerd of~_.. 910t""91 Ot\IMy, C .. ifeml•, •IM 11111119 •i tflo Go,..rnlftQ tl<NI•• Of tM Dlstl'lcttt ..,...,_by -._..Of 5-n1lsol't WM NMI M1r<ll J, IWJ, al t · • • m Tiie -"'11 - momllett lltel"9 -•flt. llnKe Hotl-. CMI,.,.,...,; It~ It. SI-, H•,,t.n M. wi..r, llelf>ll ti Cle•ll. T,,.,,... I'. ltll•Y ... tlle C"'"'" ltftllllttent ,....,dlf\o -............ IN T ..... IW ftMl -._ -......,. Golt<_.. Is MfMd Davi. L. a-.._,.1 o.11 C.WW ,,.._ ... .,., ll '-'H. Tiit ... ,ti lfdlWfllN. tiUl.I J11•a ALa ..... 114111 c-... .. .. ............... A ,..,._ .. ....,_ _. .... ef ... Of-.~ .... Ille ,._.ff ... lleld MM'Cll J. l'lt, TM "*°"lflt NI-,,,_..,.. .... _, TMINt , ·~- I t j l • i I ! ~ I : i ! Mortuary . C.metery Delawn o. Vernu Miiiis of for quick 1..s1vldlll1. INflYkMr c, .. ,,,.. S111M.111< Cremetory Ma ryland; brother Ralph of 8 ca.sh salttS. Tiii• .-.!.:...""'!:.. iuw _.11 tM ™' :,..~,,:u11".:, •t1t1 "" ni~ ...=t.~::":.1~.,,. ..ei~8""'81r"'lll..,,.---11iMH)'fftd1 a ptuwfe+tlld • ...,: c.-., Clerll Of Of•• ColtMt' Oii c:-ty ~ ef Or•ntt Ctvftly °" c-ty CIOt\ .. Of•• C_t, Oft hrl3 and Kelley Private ~...,_,, u. ""-'Ml.,._"" ,....._,., "· 1• ervlC'es by lhe Nt'ptune "'*'""°0r'""c-t0eti:1: ll'lllllltllMOr""'9CMtttO..I~ . Pue11-0r-..c .... o.u~'=~ lety. ""· M. ~ s. •t "· ,.. ~ ""'-. 11iWc11 s, ''· ''· ,.. 11&1• ..... ''·,., ""'"11 s, 12, ,.., t~ "ney, oi.11-: ._.,..," liltMlfl, Henlttt M. w~ • .,_, .......,,,., "• .... LOft tMllWCtttll.O.-IW~-......... J "'llfll•t-41y '*""'e-llft•.,...,...... TN....,. .. ....,...., ISIAL.I JU•e •Lell.MMll c ........ .. ....... .-...... . ill> ... ll_Or' .... ~MMO.lly~lt«,._,.1t,,. • ......... ' . I i I • Orange Cont DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 12, 1982 • l'ICfY'Tl.,. eUIUIUI ....... "'A "'""'tT Tll• lell•Wlllt H "911 I• Hlllt IWllMMM IM-AHOCIATH NI C9tV9 ~. (•le~ CA.__. •o•••o "" llAVMOY•lt 1 .. 1 (ene l"t«• C•le Mtw CA ttttt Tlllt _.,_, " <ll'>dUClff bY .,, l~Me..., •-•""' r,.,-Y., , ... , ,, ... _,,, .... '""° "'"" thO CtulllY Cletk o! 0••"11" (';ounly on "''I• IW "'~"' li'l.obll-Or•net Coa•I O•llY ,,llol l'ett 1• ,. Merci> t., 1J 1"1 I JIM1 l'ICTITIOUS eu s tN•SS NAMl ITAtlMl!NT fl•• follow1110 ~,.on• .,., 001r10 bu•lneo" PAC"'IC I RE NOS F\IANI TUAE MANUFACTURING 1111 'lovlh AnM Slrffl S..llt A S.111• """ Calllo•nl• '1104 Otn1> .i .. ter & toml>MIY In< • C•llfornl• <O•OO••llon lHU Perrlwlnklt l AQ Un& Noo vtl C•ll10rrll•'1617 Thll bu\lfltU I• (OnOut.t•a 'l.!.) corpa<tllOn 0 Jr-\IPt Pre\lde-nt Thi\ iltlt<t-1 wt\ hit<! wotll In. Counly Clerk of Oran~ Countv on MtrUI) 1917 FllM)lf Pul>ll•lw!d °'""II" C04"1 D•llY Piiot MMt h S 12 1q 76 1'197 1074 11 PUIUC NOTICE su .. E•IOll COUllT 0 11' CALil<O•NIA COUNTY 011'0•.ANGE In ,,_ M.1-of l .. t AppllUllOft ol HETTIE LUCILLE FUNK JOH 1.IUC l'UHK •NI Jl!NNl,.Ell l YNN "UHi( l'Oll CHANGE OF NAME CASE HUM.Ell 4'112444 O•OI!• TO SHOW CAUSE FOil CHANGE OF NAME NETTIE lUCILlE FUNK JON ERIC FUNK -JENNIFER LV NN FUNK h•v• t lf'Ct a Of't•hon 1n th ' courl fOf" .,.. order allow nQ C>ftlf oner lo chanoe lltsthl'r nAm• from NET Tl E LUCll.1.E FUNK JON ERIC FUNK •nCI JENNIFER LYNN FUNK. to NETTIE LUCILLE OEA UGUSTINE JON ER•C OEAUGUSTINE .no JENNIFER L'l'NN OEAUGUSTtNE 11 I\ heteCJy °'*'eel lh•t all Pt>r'\On\ nterested 'n 11'\f' m•1ter dfOtf'\• d •PP ~ar b te for e tn1s covtt H\ O.oartment No l •I 100 C•• < Ctnltr Ortv• West S.nta Ana Ca fornld Ol'I ,t.prll 1• 1Qt2 •I 10 )() o < oo a m anCI tr.en and thtr• r.now cau,.... It any thf'• ,,..ve wf'w \afd Pttlhon tor lhnnC)t'!: of namf' shoukl Mt bP qran1e<1 tt I\ further cwoert'd tnat 11 copy ot ,,,,, orO•r 10 '\h()W '..tU\.f' °"' PUbt \t'lif(j c..-1u'1 NOT1cao,.,•un11 •••1.• Ta IH 11 .. 1~ Oft Aprll I I"' al t IS e ~IO<' 1 "' on t r1-.. 11 ow 111111 e n1tan(9 to '"' Old O•lllOt c°""'" t.utt1w1u .. 19Ctltf .,. i•tlll AM l lvd ll>fl- Srumtrt $t • lrM4!'*ey S.a/11• Aftl Call! f' "W •ECONVCVAN C& co• POMAT ION • C•lllOtflll cerpor1ti0fl •• lfu''" or •ut>slllul!M fru•IH ynot• lht d .. CI OI ''"" O tCul.cl by Ur .... nlf•l Int Mrtln olltO TrullOI rOl(Of-:Wpl .... , •• ln•1tun .. nl Ho .. ,, of OfflCl•I Rt<o•O• of Or-•-ly Ct llfo;1111 wlll ••II fl outlll< t u<llOll IO IM lllOht\I DtOO•r IOt u"1 HYeblt 111 t•wful mono ol 1t1t Unit911 Sl•I•• •• fM llm• 01 wl• tn. lnltr•~I conwy.o 10 •nCI '10 .. held l>v .. Id lru\I .. u-r Wlcl Oteel of lru\I In ll'lt Pf'OPtflY ,lt ... l•CI tn Hid County •ncJ Slal• d••crlhtO u P•rftl I Unit • •• •'-n •rio Otfitwl(l on lh•t <eflaln C-..lntum Pl•n recO•Oed Jun. IS "" In .,_ ''"' P1t9t l)U .. Otfl<l•I lt~oro~ Of OrAJ\Qe County C•lltor1111 P•rul7 "" UllOIV1dlld 11'1111 lnl••HI In -10 lot I Of lr&el NO 100~ n '"• c;11v Of Co\I• M41'6 ., ""' m.ap rt<OHleO In Boo~ 01 P•11•' 71 10 U 01 Mh<ellan~ou~ M•O\ record.\ of O••~ COU<llV (•lllorn •• ~ .. lier wHh ••1 •morovetn•nh th•rton t'AC•ptinq thitrftrom (OftOOtnlnu.im Vn '' t ttoOUQ!h • M 1u,1v., toc:•teo thereon PM(tl) An ew;CIU\i\ltt f'ttWtlittnt "ppurt•nfnt 10 each unit tor thir v\t ,ono occupant y of lhOtt> vort on' ot the tf'\tr•<ted t.ommon art • Ot\ Qn•t•d fn thf' 0•(1•r,ut0n ot qp\hlct1on' ,,.corchHJ on Boo~ 1)1.. P-IJ18 ol OttlClal Ret.ords of w;o (OVl\h •nd shown on tn.t Conoom1n1um Pt•n f0t ••<"unit t n• ,...,f'tt &Odrf''' •no o' 01htt <ommon Ott\IQn11 1 on t any Pu•POfled l<l "°' 120S, Paclflt ,t.v~ a 107 Coslt M eu1 Cahtorn•" S•HJ "•'• w•lt bt maoe without warr•nty tt) tu hUr 00\\~\sion Or t>n<umbr.tnCe.\ tot lf\e O\ffPo\.e Of P•V no,.,.. OOllQdltOn, ~(Uffd by \•fd OttCI nc1ue11n11 '"" 1..., "''" ••Pffl•• of tne tru\tf' .. df\d or trw tru'h c.r~ctlt"d bf \ii d d~ed -'Olf•'XP' 1'Wf4!U, der w 'n ,.,t~r~\t a' P'O" dt'O tnere n ond th• Urlt)(t 0 C>rtn<lp.JI Ana "'t,-f'S' o• tf\~ mot•(\} -...<url"d b'll \ad d~d tow t 1'1 t71 lo 0•1•0 Fel>r ... fY " 1"7 ~ & W Rl'Con••Y""ce CO'P 101 S tCr ""'"" Su I• t 7• Pt6ctnlla c A •1010 1110 ~l •631 i\\~ti Tru"i.1t• By Cllr •tine Oroo<1nov lru\IH So•e• OU <•• Pu1>1t>lw!d Or•~ Co.t.i Oa tv Pllol March n " 1• "" •U,.et PUIUC NOTICE 1n th• D••IV Plot • M'W\~per or 1---------------1 o~~r&I c•rcu•allO'l """"'""" " lh \ C,.,.., ... counly al tea•I ontt a we.• tor too NOTICE OF TllUSTliE S SALE consecutlw wff-• pr or 10 th• Cl•Y 01 T S No 11-016' JM •••Cl """''"9 On ,t.pnl 1 14t'I •• ' IS o c loc~ • m OATEO Maren 4 1"97 on Fr Clay al'"" fronl ontranc. to Ill• RONALD '1 PAE NN E ~ 010 Ora~ Counlv Court"°""' IO<•toCI JuciOP'of Uw-Suprr or Coun on S•nla ... ,.., 81vo b•twet'n Publlst>tO ()-~90 Coa\I D;i iv P 101 Svumore SI •nCI Bra.o .. n ~nt• M•rch S 12 1' 7• 1'197 10'1 17 Ana C•I I PUBLIC NOTICE C .... U7• NOTICE OF T•USTEE S SALE T S Nt 11 .. 11•01 On Al>f'U, ,.., •I' ISO cloO. m on Friday •I uw front entranct 10 the old O••• Counly Court ......... IO<tleel on S1nl• An• Bt'IO between Sycamore St & Broadway Santt Ana Cellf F & W RE CONVEVANCE :OAPOAATION • Ct lllorntt ori>or•tkwl •S Tru\tft' or substttut*<S Trustee under tht-Ottct of tru\l t~t<uteel by Urtwnllu Inc ,..rt n t lleel TN>IO< f~O-Cleel ~Pl 4 1 .. 1 u ln\lrument No MIO In Boo' ,.,,0 P•11• U:k of Olltt ., AecorCI• OI :>r•r111• County C•lllornla will "" •I oubllc auc11on lo the hl9he'1 Dlod<>r 1or ••$ti p.ay-In lawful mOMy ot ,,.. Unltf'd Sl•ltt <II Ille tlmt of Wit Ille Interest convey.a 10 ...a now MICI by ''"' trustff undt:r u.•d dffd of trust In ttwt pr-oc-rty \ltu.ated 1n sata Count'i' and Sia~ OH<rlbed"' PARCEL 1 Unll I County ol Orar19e Stale of Callfornl• .. •hown a nCI defined on 111 a1 <•rl• n Con<lomlfl1um Plan recorded Jun• IS 1'7' In boo1< 131 .. o-IJM ol 0 111< 1•1 Ae<ord• of 0 ••"91 COU<llY C•lllornt• PARCEL 2 An undlv CIM.I I •111 lnterul In .ond to 1.0! t of Tract No 1047J In lht Clh 01 Co•la Mn• c ... nly of 0r.-. Slat• of Calllornl• u ~r map record!HI In l>OOI( 0 1 P•oe• 11 lo 17 of Ml•ull•neou• MeP\ n th< olflct of tt>e Countv AKo.O.r ol uld c ounl y tooe11,., .. 11n •11 1morovtm1nh thereon e•ctotiriq' the rf from Condotnin•um U nlh t through• tnclu\l•o 10<•1~ lher..an PARCEL ) An esclu•I•• u~m•nl •s>OUrt•f\lf'I• to ••<h vntt tor the U\e ot occupancy of 111-oor11ons ol lh< re\lrltled common •rH C101Qna1eo rf t r.e Oec1•ratlon of AtstrfcUon\ recorO..O tn -1)19'1 089'! 1279 ol Olfl<l•I AKord• of .. ,o county ano '""°"'" on the Conoom•nh . .im Pl•" tor eKhUf\1t Tht 1trttt •cklrt\.\ •n<I or otntr common oe,ton•t•on 1t an., ~ purpor1ed l>O bt 110S P.c fl< a 10) Co•t• Mew Canori• S•ICI ult .. 111 be maCI• lhOut w•rr•nty ., to tltlt> PO\W>O on or encumbrence1 tor the puroo\t 0 1 p•ylno 1M otitlo•llon• ucureCI DY "'" O.ed lnchi<l"'9 INt ltt ano uo-•• ol the lruste. and ol lhe! I rust• <•Hied bY ••Id CIHd, ..clv.an<H lhe•euna.r with lnttresl n orovlo.d tNtr•ln and lhe u,..,..ld prlnclpel •"" 1n1trest 00 Ille Nole .. cured by H ICI Clttd to .. 11 SS2 279 1e Dated M•rch l 14t'I , 6 W •ECONVEYANCE CO•l"O•ATION 111$ Kr-•124 ~a Catu7e 111•1..,_...,, HlMCllTnnt.e e, oi-a""'" T""'" Se4" Oflk t< Publl>MCI OrM19t Co.,.I 01lly Piiot Mar n 1• 16 ,.., ttO..ll PVlllC NOTICE ,,. ,,,. NOTICE 0' T•USTliE S SALE TS.Ne 172" on Aprll 2 1..i at f IS o cloo • m on Friday at INt Iron\ "11renct 10 lht olCI Ora-County Cour1110uH touted on Sa nt• lln• Blvd btlween ,Sycamore St & a.o.aw•y S.nlA ,t.na C • W ESTE RN M U TUAi. CORPORATION a Ca lltornlt corpora llon I> Tru•I,_. or •uD•llluled Tru•I•• under th• OHO ol Tru\I n •<uled Ir( Mounlr Daoud Mtrellni tlld Ir-M M.trd nl 11u\lwnd ano Wife he!roln tailed Tru\10f' rttorCleCI March 17 , .. , H ln>lrumenl No 17J07 In Boo-I 3'64 P•11• USO of ornc111 Recor~ of Ora,_ Counly c11llornl• will Mii el public a ucllon to ll'oe hloflttt b!Od9r '"" c..,, O-Y•blt 1n ltw1u1 ,._., of tht United SI.tit> ti ll'lt time al WI• '"" ,,,..,..,, conveyed to and -llelCI by Hid TNJIM Uneltr H id O...S ol Trutl In ll'lt or..,.r1y 1llu•ttd fn u ld Counly and Slalt dUCfllMdat I.of 3t of Tr.cl No )711 •• per meci re<or-'" lloolr 11• P991• 11 to 1> ltl(l"'I,.. al Mltc•ll-M.al)l In tht Office of lf1t c.oun.y Recorder ol u ld C°""ty EXCEPT ... oll Oil hydrocerboll 1~t•nc• -ml111ra11 by .,...,,.,., name It-al more N fllcul•r ly Oltct llMCI In EXHIBIT A lttl<l'ltd ,,.,.,0 --• Pllr1 t'*-Tll• StrMt aodrtu •not0t otlHtr common dtt1t n•l1on II 1 11y 1, puf1Mrtecl lo lie '101 ~ Ori .. C9'lla ,._... CA. $elf S.lt wilt b9 m t<k •111\0ul Wlttlllly at 10 !Ille ~ .. talon •t e11c11mbf•11ces for IM OUl'90•• of ~'"'tr.*'-'~_......, bv tala 0..-of truu lllCI"'""' IM ... lilncl UHllM 11/f IN Trvtl• ..,. f f Ille '""" ct'Nll9d "' ulcl 0.... of TrUJI _.MICM -.....-r "'"" 11'11-ll .. 11revldff l1Mr•l11 encl Ill• 1111Nl4 llltln<'-' _. IMw•l .. IM NottCtl eKwM "'Mid o..d OI Trust, W.wll .. , .... o.tllll ~,,,.., WilllW'll ~· C«ll Jltle Tutlllftl4""1 Or ... CA9M1 Tl'I 111Al nMMI •-"T,,.._ ., ~ICe\'t Tt\llllle S.19 Offtc9' ~--Of-.. c:..e.c O.CIY "'"' l!AMCll ll, tt" 1• t .... F & W RE CONVE YANCE CO RPO RATION a Ca llfornla t O'PM•tion •~ Trustee or sub'Slltutttd Trustet undfH the dtttd of tru\t fAf:Cul•d by Ur~nlte\ Inc nettln UlltCI TnJ\IOr rK0-0..0 Sep! • '"' " lnstru_,,I No '411 In Booi.. U710 Pao• u~ ot Olllc •• <teco•CI• ol Or•r111• Counly C•lllornl• .. II ~II •I ouDllc •union lo the 111onest b-r lt>r < a\h pavab,. 1n llw!ul mon<ry of IM Un 1..0 Slat•• at 1M t m• 01 '"'e lhe lnltrP\I conveyed lo """ "'°"" ~•ICI by '$aict ffU"ff ut"OOr '-•Id de.a of trust 1,, tht' prOPl'rtY ' tu4Uf'O n i.at<S County anCI S11t• ~ro""2 "'' PARCELi Uno! 1 ln ·~ c •• OI Ca.I• Mew Counly of Ora~ S•••• o• Cat tornta •' \nown and <Wt nf'ld on th•t ctrt••n Condom n um P••n re<orOtod Junt U 1'1' In book 1318'1 p~ 1l8S of Olllt l•I Recor els ot Oranot County Cd! lorn " PARCEL? An uno v oe-o t 'hf't 1nter~1t •n ano to lot 1 of lra<:t No 100S tu \hown on• m •p rf'(Of'difid '" bOO« ·~· P~S 11 IO 21\iof M ISi(f'U-4tnfOU\ M•D\ re<ord\ Of Orano• County C•t torn• •-tr.er w ftn a ll •mprovf'mttnh tner•on ewc•pUno thtrtfrom Condotntnlum u~tl• 1 lhrouon 9 1nctu\ ·~ l0<eled IMret)I\ PAACEL3 An f'•dusave-••stmtnf dOOUr1f'"4tnt •o tacft un t lo tM uv •net o<<uoen<.Y ot '"Ost POr-1 °"' ot thf' re\tt1c1•0 common are-• Of>' on•t•d n lht Otct•r•tk>n of Rf'\ltlCUon\ recotO.<f '" 1100' tlt9'1 -1l11 of Ottlt •I Record\ oi ~10 County •no \hown on '"'Condom n um PIAn tor~•<" vnU Tht ~tr~tt ttddre\\ •no or o tntr common de-' onat on 1r any purpor1f'd to bt n 11s Pac II( ,..~ ~ 101 C<XI• Moll c .. S• 0 wll' wltl bf' m•O• ••t"Ot1t w•rr •ntv a' 10 t tlf' l>OS\e\\ton or tncumbr•nttt-\ tor th., e>urc>ose ot pay no ,,_. Ol>l Qllllon\ -.curtCI bV Hid D•..0 ln<luCI n11 INt '""end , • .,.,,,.f Of tne tru\ftt •nd ot Ow tru'\"I\ cr•ate-ct by \1Ud de@'d ..0¥4'ntt\ thiertuf'\der with nt•re\t ai PfOY Mel ,,....,..,,, •tta tn.t unp~ a Pf""" P-81 af"d 1nt•r•~• ot t~ Note('S) '!iift<.urf'O OW' W 0 OH'G to wit ue • ., l' Dai.Cl Maren) ,.., F & W AECON\/EVANCE CORPORA llON 101 S Kr.,.m•r Sullt 17• Plit<•nllll CA '»HO !1UI "3~1 a'\ \UC.h ttU\ft+ Bv Jt~t ~nu••a T ru.i-. S.14\ Off nr P.,bllslw!d OranQe C0.>1 Oa ty Pllol Ma rch 11 ,, 1' , .. , ,,,.._., PUil.iC NOTICE AMl410 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SAl.E T S Ho TS •t 11 :041 llJ 11 On March ,. 1'97 al • 00 a m l Tl.E INSURANCE ANO TRUST COMPANY "'duly "ooo•nleCI Tru\IH und~r ana our,.u~nt 'O DMd ot Tru\I Oal•CI Jun• H 1'90 '"°'""" Jutv I '"° "' "'' No '78 n bOOk ,,.,2 P•llt' •.16 of Off ( ., RKo•O\ n IM oft1c• of ltu Cou •v Recordtr 01 0••"9• County Ca!llornt• Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO '11GHEST BIDDER F OR CASl1 CAS'11ER SCHECK OR CERTIFIED C'1 ECK l1>0ablt 11 Um• of <alp In lawful n>onl'Y of '"' UnllfCI Stalul al tl'lt South tronl enlranc• to th@ Old O••not Covnh Couflnous• 1oca1ee1 In '"" 100 blO<k of Wt•I S.111• Ana Blvd ft'lrm•rly Wt'\I •111 !>t 1 S.nta l\M C .. lltorn a .all rlQlll I llt and lnl•rttt (OnVPVfld to "8nel t'IOW fW'IO by I unde# •••d Dttd 01 Trv\I tn tl'lt or~nv ' tualtO n \<t•c1 C:ountv and St•tt dP,,.C'f bro(J ~\ I ol 11 n 8to<I\ tO o• TrAt l No 7JA In 11\t C Iv Of N~wport Bu ch County 01 OrAnQt Stat~ ot C-"lltorn a •'-,,.., map rf'(.orOPcJ •n 8oofl I) P•~' »and )I of Ml>eella....U\ ~~ In ll'lt Oii Kt ot tnt Counly recoroer ot $aid County f ru\tc>t or rttoro owner DAVID T SMIT11 and PATRICK J SWEENEY Th~ '1•••1 addreH anCI ot ntr c:ommon M\ Qf'At1on 1t •nv of '"- rt•I P•004'•1Y ClucrlbtCI <tbOvt ,, ou•POrl..0 lo I» 100'9 w Bell!Ot 81vCI Nt .. OOrl Bffcn (Alllornle Tiit uneltrsl9'>ed Tru~lff CllKla lm1 •ny lltbmlv to-any ln<orrt<tneu of lllt llrff'I -r•n end olher '""""""' cte.ion•lloll If any 11\0wn herein S•ld .... Wiii t>t "'-but "'""""' cov•n1111 or wArr•nty •~oreu or 1mpll•d r-rOlnQ 1111• paue uton Of •ncumbr•n<o lo DI • lllO unpAld blt•11ct Of '"' not• tecurto Dv MICI Ottll Of Trull LO wit P07 Ut .. lnClucllno •t prQ<llOtd In .. 1e1 note •d••nc" II •"Y u•• lllO ltrml 01 .. 10 OftO of TruH '"' <N•te• •no ••09nsH ol 11\t Tnnt" ano 01 lllO lrull• er.a~ by uld 0...Sot Tryst Tnt 11enet1c11ry unotr "'" O..d 01 l r u •I llerotolor• •Ucult CI •nd O.ll•t rM I'll tl'lt -•IOn4'CI a wrltltfl 0.<lart1ton ot ~•ull t110 Otl'll41nd ler $.ale l lld • wrllttn Notl<t 01 O•l•1tll 1114 f!ltetltft lo S.11 The 11"4tn ...,.. c•u..O ulcl NOllce ot 0.ltYll lll'le ElffllOft 19 Sell to Dt rtto,.... 111 tilt <OUMy whotr• lht rtel 111,..,..,,Y I\ IOC•!Jtq TrwlM Ot "41r1Y <9MllCClllt .... TtTl.E INS\JllANC:E ANO TRU$T COM .. ANV too N M•l11 SI S!llMI A1'A C•lffWlllt '1102 Aftn J9Ytt 'Mii'-nw ~ o.i. Mer<h 1, IM Tlllt lll••>rt!'Ct -Tf\jlt Cffnl*\y IJo¥ .19\'Ce Wiiii.mt. H Mi.il""10t "-Olltfwel Ol'M\91 eoat1 0 .11, ~''°' Mf<Cll ) U " ,._, ti\ tt NM*l lllOTIC• Of' ...... OP' ••Al ""°"•HY ,., ... IVAH I.ALI .... lllJP In 1119 luolltltr Ctu1 I Of I ... Sltlt •f Ctllle•lll• ,.,, ... c-.iy .. ()f-'" lllt M•lltr el "'9 l•l•I• OI .AllTHUll •l•NA"D MOO•I! eu AUHU• I MOO•I o.c .. wo N•llct II NrtDy lflYtn 11111 Ille undtr\lljNO wlll Mii •I Ptivat• u lt IO lht llltllbt end ~I • ._., tullJl<I to conll•metlon ol Hid $-lo< Courl on 01 •lltt lht ••lh dO Of Merell 1ta2 ti Ille o"l<t Of Crock., N,11.,..1 811\k Nenc y A l(e&!ll"lf Tr u•I ()Hie•• •K Nt woort C•n1tr Ori•• Sull• no N••OO'I IM.ach c;ounly of O•Mtt Sla t• ot c..tlfOfnl• •II lht r IQftt llllt l'te"ITIOUI MllllllUI NAMll ITATIMl .. T • Tiit IOlltWlllt flll'Hlll t re Clt ltlQ ,,,., ....... CHAH N•Wf'O"T CAltlTAL ,,10 ()ertltM Allt-51111~ CA ..... -LC()Uoil 0 WltHL.. ..,j Viii.I t.fllle ..._, hK" CA tt..o OAltltlLL ICISllt 1101 Ft1toci. •1v.,tlflt CA Tlllt Dulin.-.• h <ondU<ltd OY • 11t...,a1 N rtft9t'tlllp Mll<Oltn 0 Mr-..i Thi• ttt19rntnl •• lllecl with lhot COliflly Clttli Of ~·· County on '•' 24 I'll ....... .. lolllllll'ltd Qt-l:N•I O.Uy .. llOI ,., .. March' 1t .. 1'11 "2-11 OltAlllOI COUNTY 111,.e•10A COUllT CWtft'9~Y~ 1tt Clvk OMW ~1 .. Well ""'' AM CA nm ......... ,, .......... ,,.. ·-Dl ,lllOAllT ~ ......... .._, O.w•' ~ -DOUl llll ...... JI '"' ........ IUMMl*UHI l'llllT .tlMaNOID COM" I.A INT CAlll lllUMe•• UOM NOTICll Ylll Mtt -lllef TM CMr1 ,,.., -.CIW •lfttt Ytlt wl- ¥ ... t Ml4't "9Md ....... , YW '"llfflf "'""'" ... y, It ...... , ............... --If you wfill IO -k the .ivlu oo .,. •ltomey '" thl• ,,.. .. ., you t11ould oo l'tCTlT~ IWlllilllt lllAMI SUTIM9MT Tftt 10110 .. 1110 .. no11 ll dOlllO 1111\l--.1 SIJ N•IH COMl'UT INO 111'l Sentt ,..._,,Sir ... tr-11111 V•llay CA'21GI. OONALO ILVIN COLl 1110 ltfll1 l ..... a ll'11t\. ll-'alt\ Vell9Y CAtt10I Tllh 0..•lnett ll CondYCl.0 D'I aft I nCI I vklllt I OC)N AL. 0 to\.l Tl\lt !Ce""'1'\llll -n1tc1 #Ill\ lhot County Cltt k ot Or•~ Olunty °" ~ff 1l I'll •O pt0mplly '° Illa! your wrlt1•n -------------- •OTIC•tlWITl ... 8 1M ••o •~•• "° •• NOTICI '' H••l8V OIVIN lllal Ml ... ,.._... tlltll W f"Ktilltoef i;y lN CllY f/f C.11 MttoW IO wll f lw C:lly Council t> 0 ... '* Cotll Mtw CMllt<...., ...,. en or i.•• IN i.ou1 Of 11 oe • 111 M t11ur...-r. Mer<h U lfe> II tlltll •• Ille rt~llllllly el .,. ~ to clllllver ftl• blel lo tlw City Cltrlo t Offkt bY tllt ClroCM• _.., llma Uldt wlll M PUDll<ly 009Mf I nd IH d ..... d •I 11 00 • "' °' oK .--real•• .. pr•cllcablt on T"""*y ~rth ti 1•2 Ill Ille C-11 Ctwrn0en City He ll /1 F•lt Orlve CO•l• Mau Ct llfornlt .,._ ,., ll'lt '"'"''"'flt 01 LcEA' EO PAGING UNITI lllCTI TIOU• •u1111au N ... STATIMINt ., ... IOH0111iltllll IMt\Unt .,. doln~ bu•lh#U ., \Ill INYll'fM NI~ lllt N Gla\\fll OrlnQO t A '"'~ O•vtll ~ "'11p t)•• l>unnono O. l 4t9Yn• &t«ll t A m" l •rry 0 Ritt 101 HullVllOU urw Plac "'"" l A n•to JAc~ M t<ldel 11m1 1 flO ce1111,. r 1 P1t0 I •a l">t I •rry A l'trlt llO nMl "uburn D•I• Or ltl Toro. CA t'.t.llO ''"' Ou\1r .. ,, 1' ro1utv<t•d by • O'fMr•I fMl't,.nn u 1.•rrv A r.i.ftttlo Thi\ '\t•t•nvnl ·~ rllf'O w th '"- C ountv Cl•'' 01 O••n<I" Cou~ty on M•rtll 4 "117 ~Cl lnttre\I of \alel Clt<H~ •I lM l1o.-------------,._ .. If ..,,Y ,,.., lie ti14'CI on time ruu 11ncc 1141\ ltlllt\.al vh 01-lfk•llOft\ m ay bt o-. .. lnt O •I l\t 0 111( t OI Ill• Pur<"•s.lllt "Otf\t ti '1 F t lr Ort .. Cotl• ~ .. Ct llfomle Gldl tlHl\ilO Dt return4'CI lo llw tll.,.lli>n ol fl'IO CllY 11M4tl Publl\l'IHI O<M<JOP (;OA\I Dall; Pllol llm• of CINtll and ell llW •'9111 lltlt •nd lnltr"I INI lllt t\ltl• ol telll OtCUHd nA\ l<Cllllr.0 by Ojltflllon 01 ltw or otl>trwlw ollltt lh•n or "' addllton to tl\lt Of ,.io O.C••~ t t tl'lt Um• 01 dMth In tnd lo •II IM certain rt•I pr-fly wl ... 14'CI In tht Cllv 01 Hunlln91on &e.a<ll Or-Sltlt of Calllornl• 1M'1l<ut•rly Cle•<rl-•• 10110 ... , 10 .. 11 Loi 7 Of fr41<1 )144 •• per mep •teorcMct In 0o(ll> !)I O•O .. 11 to " ifl<lu>l•e Of Mt-ce111,,.._ M.apo tn IN o•flct ot tho County R..:oroer of Wlel C.OWll't Sublecl to co..,.~h •nd c-lllon• "'' lorlll In C»tler&!llon ot C-11""1• •no AHlrltltOM rlKOf'cled Jun• ,. 1...0 on Boot\ Sl01 -111 of Ottl<ltt Records of ••Id Coun1v anCI any otl'ltr covenenll ccondlllon• rtstrlcllon' reHrv•l•ont rtQf\h rtonis of w.v •nO r•s•tnenh Of record\ more <Otnmonty l\nown •• 1012 Thame• 1.tnt Hunt1no1on 8"ac:n C.lltor nla hrrtt\ al,...,. C•\11 In •-tul monllY 01 IM Unit..O Sl•tt• OI\ Wit Ttn Pt• cenl 01 •mount 1110 10 be Clltoo>lted wl!hbtCI BIO• or ofter\ to bt tn wrlllr19 •nCI wtll 1>e recetveCI al '"" alore\tlO ottlU •I ony time l'tller '"" flr>I 1>Ul>llUI on nerrof anCI l)efore d<11t 01 Ult OottO In•\ hi <NY of Merell 1'81 CroOtr N&llONI B•nl\ By Nan<y A "••11"9 e \ecutor of ttw W111 ot '"'" Df<•Cltnt Bv Nancy A Ku• "9 l r u\I OllltlH (11•1 SS3-l460 PLUNl<ETT& .. LUNICETT At1«""Yl ta< E••<W'l..-By ~rian Pl...,htt ••20! ... ,. ... P O .. •H• "-1 .......... I< .. u flwt C1 u, si.. Jllll Publ Siied Or ""Ill' Coa~• 0• IY Pltol Morch S 6 11 1'1111 101111 NILIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TllUSTEE S SALE "' 5'S-41101 NOTICE IS '1ERE8Y GtVeN Tl1Af ON F; Clay IM7'1hClayofMarcn , .. , .tt the nOYr of 11 00 • m •t South tr°"t •ntr•nce to lhe! Oranqe CO<lnly OICI Counnous-t ,., thf city ot Santa An• <Ounly of OranQl' \l•lf ol C•lltornle SIA1t>• ck Fote<to\ure-~t'4'k_., IM I\ rru~tM Strv (e Company Will II ~II 11 out>I•< •u< 11on to the h19h••t bidcter tor <th" n l•wtul mCHWY ot tnt Unll4'CI Sl•I•• .tll o.tv•bte al the 1 mo ot \••• '"°'' crrt•in t t•I or-oprrty 'lu .. eCI n ,,,.. ( 1V OI Balboa l•l•nd counly ot Or•~ \1110 ot C•lllornta and de$CrlbPd •s tolto1Aos L.ot 10 In Otock t) ot Rt'\\lbdlVl\f()n Of Stclton, Balooa l•l.no •• s._n on• m •p U\toreot tt<Ofo.d 1n book • 0-69' )0 MIS<f'tl~i M'°' ,,, trw ott•f'e ot , .... Count• AKO.Clef of WICI COU<llY Slrffl ACIO•tn ,,.. TurQUOISt BalOOA t\IAnd Calllo•n • Ttir undtt''•Of'Wd Truslet: d•ula•m~ •nv llabll tv tor an, tn<orrf'<tne1s of '"" \tf'tt-f't MS<Jreu •r\O otMr <ommon Of''\ 9"•hon ti anv \~n n.trt n S4•0 s.al~ w1U bf" madf' wnnout <Ovpnant or ••"•"h ••Pre\\ or mol fO ttQMd1n9 1 Hf" PO\\e\\IOn Of ~nc umbranC•\ t o \att\fy th• obi Qat On4> \ol'<urf'd by and pursu•nt 10 lhe power ot .,,.,, (Mftneo 1n lt'l•t (f"rtd n Deed of Tru~t oetto January 1• 1q91 f •Kult'CI DelwMn GE~ALO F TULLIEonCI MAAIEM TULLY o Tru>lor5 to ROLLING '11LLS fSCROW COMPANY •> Tru>tff tor ROBERT G ~El.MS u B-••ttary lo wcurr ttw \vm Of ''6~ 00000 w ttf\ n tfff \t thereon a\ prov ot<t 1n \4'Hf no•• •Ovanc•i If any un<NJt ·~term\ of w lCI Offd ot Tru'I '"' cn••oe• ttn<f fKpetl~ of lhe Trui1t• •nd of tru\ll crtal~ l'Y WICI °"" of T •u•I •NJ rt<Or<lieiO °" Jtnu.trv 10 1911 fn !JOO' 1~19 "-0 of off•<••• r..:orCI• ot Ora~ Courily Slat.. ot Cat torn• Thf' brneitU•tV under w d ~ ot Trust ot W<ur ty O.-vl<f' t>v r••son of ~ Or~•Ct\ Of default in OW ObllQat10n\ \4'Cur•d tntrf1>v n"retotore e•Kuttd and dfltVfrf:li'd 10 t"f unOfn, Qt\e'd • wr1tt~n df'cl•ratlon ot O•tauu •nd Otm•no tor Wlf' •nd wrtrlUtn notlc• ot d•faul1 ano f'lf'<hon to sell uncMr tf\t lf"rmi of \6 a o,.~o ot tru\t •na rtcorO.CI ~t>ltrnMr lO l'ltt n !JOO'. 1•7)' ., oagp •OS•ot 0111<1•1•KO•O'01 \Aid county ThP total amount ot tn~ unP• d D41t•n<f of l~ oOllQ•lfon ~curf'd by lllt' pro.,..rly to I>"' WICI lntlu<1tn9 f\ltm a ted CO\I\ ,..:Ptn\f\ •nd """•n<t• \ '10'1 814 01 Oat• Ftbr"4lr• 71 1'197 St.1'wlele F_..,..,. S.nkft In< A• H l<I Trvsl• Strvlt• Comp.afty It A Joy Aul. Ykt P rttlcl.ftl Cyrpreu C• ~ 11141 na..neo SPS Mt• J'1.l Cerrrto' Ave Pullllll'ltd Or•-COHI D•llf Pl .. 1 ""••<ft s 12 " 1"2 '17 .. J "'IUC llOTlCC C"" 1H71 NOTICE OF TltUSTIE S SALii T ru\lor Wiii• N ICllO" B-l<luy EH•Y lnw•fmants TS No II )401 On Aprll 2 "•7~ IS t m E\trow E•C"""9o 1 • Ctllfornl• corporal Ion at duly inlfd T tu\IH under afMI ou~• to OetCI of Trull •Korelt!d November • 1te0 •• In\! No .OS. In -1)110 -'1• Of Oftlclal AKorcH In tnt office of lhe Counly AKor«Mr of Orange County Sttle of Callfa<nlt E•KUltd by Wiii• NltllolS Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (peyable al llme of Mlt In iawlul money of INt U<Mled SI.ties) 11 Front <>nlrence to Old 0•""9' County Courlllouw IO<.tl..S on Santa A,.. Blvd b<twe..n Sl'Cemore SI •n<I BroldWay !>•nta Ana CA •II rl911t !Ille anCI lftltrtst conveyed 10 and now lleld by it under u ld Ottd ot Tru11 In the prof>t!'1Y olfuated In .. 1e1 County and St•I• CleKrlbed H Leri ,. In 81o0 f ot lht Roubcll•"lon of S.cuon 1 01 Bel-1•1-"atr m.ao rt<Meltd In Boo' 6 P-:JO at Ml\Cel11nto1a MIDS In Int olfl<• of INt COU<lly Aecor«Mr 01 UICI County Tne stro•t •Cldreu a nCI other commo" O.\IQnallon II any of the rul pro"'"' dt>crlbtcl •!Jove 11 purported IO be 121 Ao-te Bal- C•lllornla TIW u_.,lQntd Tr\lllft Clltclalmt any llt bllltv IOt ~Y lncoffKlntU of lhe str•I -H• -other tommoft CIHlon•tlon If t nv •-Mrtln S..lcl .... wlll be made bul ,.llllOUt covtnt nl or w•1t 111ty HP•et• or lmpll.O.. ,_dlno Ill,. DotMstlOn o• tMumbtencft to pey ttw ,...,...,,,,. pr~lffl wm 04 11\t '*•ltl _.,,.., by Mid ~ of Tt11tl wlttl l"'°""I ,,..,_ .. pro.lcMd 111 "'"" ntlehl advt ntft II lflY ~ tllt tttfllt Of U ICI DffO of l rutl ,_ c"""9ff 11141 UPtnMS Of .... Tr--Of 1119 1"''" c"alitd bv '"kl~ of Trust Tll• , ... , •rnoulll Of Ill• llf'IP•ICI b<ll•nc• of IN ollfl ... lon --fly '"'~'to flt --.... _ ... ••tl m•lttl <•SIS •~P•llHS 1111 IOYlll(es el Ille llme tit tllt lftltltl pulllk•lloll ......... k . °' ...... Wl.oot• TM .,......lclary Y-Vkl Oee4 04 Trust lltrttotort •••<uteG •nd dotlttrW liO.,. """""*'" • wrllttn o.c1., .. 1o11 el Otftu11 -o.m-for S•lt ellf t wrlt .. 11 Hello Of Oettult -l lettl911 le S.11 TM unf•rtltf'M <'4it04 stkl HOiie• ot Oefaull """ E19cllon lit Sell M M rte.,.._ 111 .. c~-... tht ,.., 11rwenyi.1oe.-OATllO~t twi ··-lllCNllll '""' a..+lllrvttw .. ' .._., °"' ... .,....., e.-tv """CA •ta n•..,. • ., ..... llrr't ---t-~ .. ,..,,.. Or .. c.e.t u..Oy "''-' Marcll ll. 1t "-l1't ,.,,. AV .. 0 1 U-M ..... _..... El tr"""'•' ,..... flKlflt & ...... \Id ll" _____________ _, •Mlet><Y • --UI ~ (NA•Tt• NO t•Stt M•rcn ~ 11 It n ,..., 99) tl .. ..,,.,. ftfllrt .. • flti L .. la '"''"'11.tCltft C 0 M P T R 0 l LE R 0 f' l H E -tltw CU,.A£NCY TtMtU1Y 0.0.rlmenl ot Cltrll wllllln ••Id time 111"11 In •1--------------NOTtC• TOC•ICMTO.S OlleUUT• ..... a• tteu. tlel .. llf U CC I " U•lod .... \Oll(ll ... , (OllWIO .. the U11lltel St.In Wa\hl"91on 0 c un •bOtoMO .,. Hit ••unto dl>berl• Wllett.at "°'ltftKJ..Ory evld•nc• flt\ h•ttrlo lmmelllttt mel'tlt Cit ••I• bHn pre...,1111 IO fie Comptroller of tn•tlttl w ,_.. .... ,..,Ila 11 ,..y Ille Currtn(y lh•I I NTERIM al,unt ~Mrtefll•lt~a ll.,,,po CA .. ISTRANO NATIONAL BA .. lt Mt ltCI .,..,_ ln04tnllfltO °" lllt PUlllC NOTICE OUltlO• with Ille BIO Item NuMlltf .no , _____________ _ Nolk•ltllt ...... t "'911MC_t .. Ille wltllln NINICI ,,.,. ... ,or .,., • 111e 011911"'9 Oete M ~ 80863 I .. ,, blCI \Niii ·-"Y •e<h .no 0 E 0 ••er y 1101 u u l 1or111 1n tftt N TIC F DEATH OF 111;1~ """',., I• .-1 to be m• on o•'lonat p1optrty nere lll•fl•r cllltcr lb9d The flame -bualneu -'"' 01 the lnltnclld tfMINr« ••• 81<1 MANAGEMENT COMPANV HO) H arliof Blvd SullAo • El Cot I• 'MM Cllllotlll• f»» l O THE Ol:FENDANT A clvll loc .. t•d In s.n Ju.tn C:•Pl•l••no Sl•lt complt lnl nu oun ttleCI by Int 01 C•lltorn11 ha1 <onlPiltll will> •II plalr\1111 _1,,.1 vou 11 you wl•n lo provl•IOn• oi tilt> >l•lul•• ot !ht UnllH fflt'10 tnl• l•w•ult you mu<l within Sl•I•• ,_.Ired to bl COflll)ll•d 'With ll do• .. ,,, '"'' wmmoM I• ,.,..., btfO•• being ""'"°''llKI 10 comm•n<• on VOU fl .. With lllh tOUrl • written I,_ b•lllMSS ol ..... king 0 • NtllOf\fl ropan .. lo ,,... Co<'l\lll•lnl Unit>• YOU B..,,1\1"9 AUOCl.all<WI s0t<lttc111-Any -t 1t o ceo11ont WILLIAM F LEWIS aka to 111• -""•"on• mu\I 119 ••••••• BU D LEW I S ANO 0 F •i.t•O 111 '"" bid ano ••Hur• to ••t p E T I T t O N tortn tnY Item In lht "'9<lflo11ons T 0 •"•" ~ orouf1d\ "°' ,.~11on ot ""' ADMINISTER E S TATE bid NO A112S05 E•<n !Jjcl ""'" .. , 1or1~ •11• •u11 T o a I I h e 1 r s ftemff Mld rtHk9ftce\ ot •II ~'"°"' The ,._ •nd ~M"S •O!lttU ot IM lnte-trtfttttFMS er• BARAY l ELlEABAOEK 100> Aven ue Pruldlo St n Clement• Calllornl• t267? CIO Ml your defltUll wlll !It! •nltr"" on Now thtrtfore I f'ltr.i>y cerllty 11\al •DO•lOllOfl of tn. Pl•lnlll! •nd 1111\ 11\t •boo n•moo o'oC!al!on I\ court 1n1y •nit• • ludQmMI •o-ln•t eutho1IHC1 lo commence tllt bv>lnou YOU lor llW rellof dem6nOOO In 1119 OI b•n~ln9 •l a N•llonel B•n~ no compl•lf\1 wlll<h (OUICI '"ull In AUOCl•llon •ncl p•rti.• 1nlnMled 1n ,,._ propou1 benef1c 1aries c recl1tors 11 ,,,. blO l•l>YA corr<>-•llon \l•l• t"" a nd cont ingent c r t-d1tors o f n•mts Ol 1,.. o111on •llO can ••on an W 1II1 a rp F Lew 1 s and :~~··;.:;;:.' '::~' ~1:,: ~:,~:;:-; p e r son s who m a y be ANNETTA M £1.LEABAOEI( llt? Alm~tct. Orlvt TU\lln C•tllornl• t1teO Tll•I tho l>f'-rly perll"""I Mr•IO h llHcrlbf<I In Ot""''' •s 8UAGEA ICI NG ... -Is loc•l4'CI •I 2'1 N Tuslln Avenut Ort t'IO• C•Utornl• ., .. 7 l:he bu\lneu n•m• UMCI l>y ,,,. U ICI lr•nsleror •I u ld loc•llon 11 BURGEJI KING •Ml fhal wid bul• tr~\ltr ''It'll•-to be ton1ummattc1 •I the! offl<t of Al•mltos Escrow 4111 Kale llt Avenue Sulle 103 Lo• Al•mllo' C•lllornl• 'IOno on or •ttor April lf ... , The na""' •nd •CIO•Hs of lhot per.on w ltll wnom <lelm• may bt flled It Alamllo• Escrow 072 K•lell• Avt nue Sulle 10) lo• Altmlto• Ca 111ornl• •ono Alln Cheryl Slonenam Etc•-Ottl<tr and lhe! !H t Clay 101 ltlln9 clalm• by any creeltlor \NII be Ao<il It 1'18' which I• lh• bustnou d•Y bt fore 111• co11ttumrN1llon Cl•l• -!fled al>Ove So ... H ,, known IO S.ICI lnltncled transfert!ft w ld lnltnded Tr•Mfer0< u..o tllt loll-"'9 -ltlontl buslntu n•mH •nd IOCl•H-wllllln the '"'" Yttrtlast past NONE OaltdJtft....., I~ 1917 BMry L Eller'~oe~ Anneti.M Ellt<brOO lnt..-cl Tr.,.tterett ALA,..ITOS EIC•OW 47721C .. tlla4- S1tll• Ill ~ Lft Ala-CA M111 I K ,..w Nt UU Publlihed Or-c ... sl Oally Piiot Mar<ll U 1"'7 114~ NIUC llOTICE PUBLIC '1EAA INGS Will Be H El.D BY THE COST ,t. MESA PL,t.NNING COMMISSION AT THE CIT 'I' HALL 77 F•lt Orlvt Costa "'-M Callloml1 •I • lO p m or u soon •• -~bit 111tre1ntr on Monoav Marc11 n 1"2 At 9•r<11no Ille tollo w l n o •Pollution. 1 ZONE EXCEPTION PERMIT z E ., ,. '°' George Blan< •uUM>rl14'CI •Gent lor c .... 1 Communlly College Ot1lrlct 1310 A<Mlms ,.,,.,_ tor • Cof\CllllOflt l Ult Ptrmll lo tonelu<I .... ", !Wee> ,,_,. IOc:•ted u 2101 Fair.le .. Aotd In ... t .,.., A Zone Envlronmf'nt•t Oelermln•tlon E••m pt 2 ZONE EXCEPTION PE RMIT ZE ,, 34 ~no Redevtloomtnt Action AA .. 7.0. tor l)ennls tnll l<•lhe!rlne Youno tutf\orldng -"' lor Cllllon B Oun<•n 11' Cal>rlllo Slrttl for v••l•n<tt ln>m 1M•'4n11 lanCIK•o•no ano \etb•<• rrqulre m e n h In confuncllon ,.. .. ., tho construtllon of • ,..., com"""tt•I bullC1lr19 loc•led at 177J NewpOrl Bou .. varCI In • C1 Zone f nvlron m e nt•I Oe t•rmln•tlon Nto•llve Decl.trallon J ZONE ElCCEP TtON PERMIT ZE.., ll kw S...ld $111rvtftl •n<I Or Ha mid Slllrvtftl tut!>orlred -" for Jolln P Buller •.UO Von IC•rm•n Av.nu. •«20 l'ff-1 8-lor • C-llloNI U• PotrmH to eslebll•h • video Qtmt .,"_ W'ltl\ v1r1anc .. from par111r19 drlvtw•y wlcltn and l•nCl&uptno requlre..-u louted ti IW. A Superior Avenue In ~ ""'G Zone Environmental O.Wrmln&!llon Exempt • ZONE EXCEPTION PERMIT ZE 11 Jf for Vlnctnl F Lttt aulhorlred -nt lot JOl'ln P Butler 0 10 Von oCa rm•n Avenue # 0 0 Newpori Bt«n for • Condlllonal u v Perm it tor• retell e\labll•n,,,..,t wll11 v.trl•n,e\ from o•rilllflO Orlvew•y width •nCI llltlCIK•f>lno requl•trneflll •oc•l•CI at ,... B Superior Av<>nue In an MG Zo"e Etn,lronrnf'nt•I 0.lerml,..llon Eaempt For tur'ther 1ntor,,,.tlon on tM •bove •oollc•tlon• wleoh<W'lt 1S4 S7'5 or call Al Int office ol t ft• Pl•nnlno 0.0.r1""'"1 Room 100 77 Fair Ori.,.. Co•la M~ C•lltornl• Publl>hed OtllnOt c ... st Oally Piiot M•rcn 11 1"2 t 14+117 NOTICE OF TllUSTEE S SALE TS No e S,. Oornl1hmenl Of WtQU 10 no ol money or prooertv or oth~r rel et reQ;oMltO on lhe com1>1•1n1 Q,t.TEOOcloC>er 9 '"' LEE A 8RANt l1 Cter- NAllCY W"OQC>n11r OePUIY L• w Office• of Jtttmy H l>hn l Ptnll'IOYM SUiia sos Clly Parti .. n Wt" Ortn .. CA -2"J Cl I 0 fl1-41:SD A"erney tw l'l.i11111! ALAN WA'l'NE GllEEN Publhlled Or.nqr, Co.\! Dally Potol Maren S 12 " 1• t"7 102'·1? NIUC llTICE T-NOTICE OF TltUSTlil S SALE TS No TSS10l On Mt•Cll 7• ,., ., 10 00 • m SOUTHERN COUNTIES ESCROW H d"tv •C>PO nted T ru\ttt und•r and pur,u•nt to OMd of T ru\f re<orO.d Auou>I s 1qeo •• tn>t No 4678 n booi.. ll••O P•ll• )U or Oftl(l•I RtcorCI\ In '"" offlt• OI Ille County RetorCl•rs of Or•nQO County St•tt ot Ct1110rnt• ••KU1t0 by NORMAN SIONE't GE <tSIEIN a nCI LINDA OIANA MURPHY Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION lO '1tG'1EST BIOOER FOR CASH fO-Y•bte al ltmt of sale In lawful ,,,.,,..Y ot IM Unllf'd Sl•lttl •1 '"" No•lh lronl •nlranc• lo lh• County Courtnou\t 100 Civic Cent•r Or•ve W•'t S4nt• An• C•lltornla •II rlQl'll tttlt "'" 1nterttt <on•ty..O lo -now neld 1>v 11 ut11Mr W id OM<I ol Tru>I on '"" property •llu•leCI In ••ICI Counly and SIA10 d•,crlOtd dS. A tonoomln•um compruC!Cl of PARCEL I An unCllvlCl•CI 11 1 Int••••• In ano 10 Lot I ot Tr.act tCM>I ci1, ot 1rv1N '" oer m.., recoroeo 800~ '4' of MIKtll•ntOU\ M<ltp\ 61 Paoo1 n -t• 1n "'" "'' u ot lhe Counly AKorot< ot Or•noe County EllCEPTING t'1EREFROM Unlh I lllrouof\ 10 •• >llown uo th• ConCIOmlnlum Plan rKoro..o 1n Book USS. •1 P-166.3 011 <lal <tecorC11 ot 0 ••"9" Coun1y Al.SO EXCEPTING T'1EAEFROM tne rettn< ..a <ommon ., •• , •c. \f'IOwn \•Id conoom1ntum ol•n •ttOYf tnf'nhontd PAqCEL 1 Un11 S •I snown on lhe Condominium Pt•n rpfr-rred to n P•rce1 1 •bOvt PARCEL l An u clu.i•• .. lemtnt P•rk no Ind 11••• pu.,... .... OV•• 1~•1 oor11on of .. ,o Loi I oe11on•t•C1 u ~ c U\f• Condom n um Pl•n ret•rr•d to •bove Tf'te str••t •OOrf'~\ •nO other common Cll'SIOn•llon If • n v 01 IM real prOPf''1f Of'4Crtt>tid •l>OV• I\ ""'oorled to I» S111 W•lnul lrYln• Ca 'M Unct«'S'9n«f Trv\tM d1\Ct11m\ •nv tl•t>Hity tor •nv •ncouectneu ot the \lrffl -rt\\ and other common OHl9natlon If AllY "1oWn Ntrtln Sa1CI ..... wlll bt m-bul •11hout c.owien ant or ••rr•nly eApre\\ or 1mplleC1 f't9A'dlnQ title ooneu•on o• t"<.UtnbrMKe'\ ln<ludlnQ t•\ c hatQrtP\o •nd ••o-... s of Ille l rv•ttt •nd ot the lru\I' < r4'•1eel by t•ld 0ff0 OI T ru\I 10 PI Y '"' r4'malnlr19 ortnclptl sum• of the nol• -ur.o bY 1411<1 QffCI of Tru\I lo wll M.., 16 wllll lnlere\I lht•ton from July t 1911 •t 11 '> pert •nt ~r •nnum ., PfOVIOfO '" t.t10 nolf' ptu\ e\tlm•teo cosb •nd •nv 41Jd¥•n<.t \ ot ~I 1• •Ill\ lntor"'I Th• bf'netk arv unoer uKt 0..d of Tru\t Mr•tofore f'trtcutt d and Oe 41vered tothrtMtOH ilQned a Wfltf•n Otc ••••lion of Oet•u11 anCI Otm•nd fa< Sa lt ~no a wr 11..n Nol o 01 Oet•ull •nd EIKI on to~" The unoers 0""" < •U\td ~MS NoUt f' ot D•t•ult •no £ ltt llon to S..11 to Of ,.•<«Ofd 1n O\oe county whtrt ti\• r1ta 1 orocwr1Y n IOC •1f'O S.I• Wiii bot' tonduc t•G l)f New\paper S.rv!(t Bur~•u ., •oent for ltu\let D•lt Febr ... ry 11 , .. , SMtllenl C-IH E terow • C.11 ........ ..--.u ... es t*TnKI• •v SM<Se, ,r ... r AMt Se<ttUry Pul>ll\lleel pr-Co.t\1 Da ty Piiot Feb 1• Marci\ s 17 1"1 901-81 PllUC tlllE On March lit ttet at ' u • m TITLE SERVICES INC u Cluly aP9C)lnt~ Tr~IW unclltr •nel purwant to 0.ed of lru•l rtea<ded Ftbruary 77 l.------A-M-.,_------ 1"1 •• Inst No )7$1.4 In -,,.., NOTICE OF TltUSTEE s SALE o•o' 10 of Otfl<tal AKo•CI• In ..... Ts No TS ..... Ofh<e ot th• Counh R~cordtr ol •Oil1 ... 11 tJ OrtnQt Counly Calltorn a WILL SEl.L On Merell t• "" 11 9 00 • m Al PUBl.IC ,t.UCTION TO '1IG'1EST TITLE INSUAl\NCE ANO TRUST BIOOER FOR C,t.S'1 CAS111EA S C11ECK OR CERTIFl(D C'1ECK COMP,t.N'I' 0Cluly.pp01n1e0Tru~tee Ulldfr and pursuant lo OfeCI of Tru\I (DIUbl' at Umt OI •• t In lawful daltd April n l'lllO rr<orO..O ,t.prll 7• money ol '"" Unll..O SIAIU) •I ,,,. l'lto •• ,,,,, No lt201 In l>Ool\ 1lS90 front enlranu to lhe old Ora not o•~ 1711 of Otfltl•I Ateo•CI• In 1.,. Counh Cou'11louMI IOUled on S4nt• office ol th• County Aetoreler of Ana BtYCI be-SyUmort! Strttl Or•no•Counly Ctlllornla WILi.SELL t ncl B•o.tOw•y S.nl• Ana Ct llfornl• AT PU81.IC AUCTION TO HtG'1EST all rlQht 1111• Incl lnlertll conwyed 10 BIOOEA FOR CAS'1 CASHIER s t no M w Mid by 11 unclltr wkl O•d 01 Trust In,,.,. e>roPtrlY slluated In >fld C11ECK OR CERTIFIED CHECK Counly and Stat• d .. crllH'd 41 IP&y•ble al tlmt ot \llt In 11wtul Loi " oi TrKI NO m 2 In '"• City mo11ev ot tM un11ea ')1•1esl It Ille of Co>I• Mew County 01 OrlnQl' Sltl• \Oulh front f'11flnce to'"" OICI Or•n0t of Ctllfornia u per map re<orCltCI In County CourfhOUH loctl•CI In tho book 1 I• P•ots u 10 H 01 100 Bloc11 of WMI S.n11 Ana BIYCI MIK•ll•""°"' Me~ In Ille Offou of (formerly -" "" 51 1 S.nl• Ant tNt Counl'r Ateoreltr ot HICI Counlv C•llfornl• •II rlQlll lllle •nd lnl••ttl EXCEPTING THEREFROM all conveyed lo-n-l'ltlCI by 11 unel<tr MlntrAI\ Oii\ Mf•oltum •nd ~lnelr4'CI \fld 0~ ol TfUSI In ll'oe prooe'1y substanc's MCI n-'lu•tl o•• und•r \alO "lu11eo •n HICI Counly •nCI Slatt !Ind but wlfllOU!rlQlll ol tntrv lo lhe ClucrlbeCI •• wrface or sub•ur141<• tlltreol to • LOI "In Black ltt ol L•"• Traci doplll of S00 l•tl OI \Aid land 0 Newpori B"•<n In lhe! County Of tonveved lo t..lnd Investment Co a Oreno• Sl•tt of Calltornla •• per perl.,.rslllp In tNt deed rKo•Clf<I July m ap retorO..O In 8-• -1) of 10 1M In -•St p-118 0111(111 MISttll•MOUI ~P> tn In. o"k• ol Recor ell the County r«orOlr ot H ICI Counly Truitor or rt-corc:t o w ner Tru1t0forre<oroow,...r DAVfO T LAW RENCE EICHWALO • •lnol• SMIT11 -PATRICK J SWEENEY men SWEENEY Tiie Ureet 10dre o •nd Olhtr Tiit slretl •ddrtu •nd olhor common CleilONllon II anv ol the common lllSIQftlllon II tnv ol tnt rt •I pro0tr1y CltStrlbtd abovt ll •••I orooerty dHtrllMICI a bove I• ou•~r1ed lo be 1010 Vt ,.MW. Slr•t purported lo be lO' tflh Slroel Cotl• ""-M C.tllllo-nla .,.,. HtWllOrl 8Mdl Callfomle Tiie undff'JIOt'ltCI Truslff CllK lelm1 Tht undtnlQMCI Trull• CllKl•lms 111y ll1b4ll1y tor .-ny lncorre<tneu ot t ny llabllltv I« ~Y IMorrtctnes• ol Ille •lrtel ~u -other com moft lht tlrMt -••u end ottwr COll'lmoft OtslQnatlon II any shown htNln C11n,9n1tlon II ally •'-11 l'ltteln "Id Mlt wlll be m..ot but wl!llOUI hid ute wm be mlldt bul t11lt110ut covenent 01 warr•nly u prHl or covtne11t or w..,1111ty .. P•tn or lrnp11911 ,......a1no tltlt POtw1~1on or lmp1t.cs ,...,.,,"9 Ill,. -'lfftloft or t ftCYmbr•nc.. 10 o•Y 1119 YllP•lcl t ncYmbr•11<u to P•Y tll9 YnfHld bt19n<t OI \ht llOlt -u.W by Miki b<tlence of IN llMt tt<ut94 bV Mid Ottel ol Trull to wit '91 M1 u Otta ot t rull to wit .,,. >fl It lf'(h;dl119 '" ""'''""' 111 MIO llOI• ln<hldlllO H provlcled In Hid Mt• .Ovt n<tt II 91\f y-tn. ltt'tns ot lcllttflCel If MY _, ll>e ltm'll Of H ICI o.ec1 of Trvtl i.ti cll<tr9" 91111 MICI 0-Of Tnnt I"' <lllrOM ...0 .. .,.,. .. , of "" Tnlfl" •no of , .... ••PtllHS Of .... Tr ...... •no "' ,,,. lrutll created by uld Oted of Trust truth CrtllMd b'f H ICI DMcl of Trutt Tiit 119Mfleltry uncltlr Miki o-Of TIW .,..,..ICl¥Y 111*1 Mkl 0... Of \rust lltrtlofort ... coll\od '"' Tr1111 lltP•IOlor• •ucul•d a 110 Clellw r.O to lht ~ 1 wrl-llw .. lo IN 111\CMt'~ I wrllttft o.<tll'&!llOll o1 o.t .... lt 11141 CMft\-OtCllfMlon fff OefMlll -~ tor •••• """ • wrllltn Nollu or •• l t lt •1141 • wrlll•" Nollet of Otl111n e!MI t!ltcllon 10 "" Tiie O.ttun 1"41 t!ltttltNI 10 S.11 Tiie ulldt•ll9"ff ctllMCI nl• Hollo .i """''"" w-e H l4 Ntlkt ef Otte111t M1CI t!l~lon lo s.11 IO " ltult 11141 llt~tlon It kll to M •t <Ordtel 111 IN cOUMy ....,.,_ ,,,. ,..., roc•ro.f Ill IN c-~ ...... ,. .,,. ,..., ,,,°""''Is IOC•l'M. P,..,.,t, " ..... Trv•• ., .. ,.,, TrYllM Ot _,y (~ti"' Miit Oflfll<lllll.... TIT\.a INSl.IRAlllC& TtTl.a H•VtCl .. llllC. ANO T llVST C'OM"ANV .. N Melo\ -.._............. IC Seflte Ml. C.ilferlll1 t2* Aft~ S... --..c........ ~· WIM'-N fU.J --0.1 ........ " MllKll t ,._ TITLI INIUltA~I ....... ~ ""o TltUST COM~NYr ,, ~ ,.,.,....., Orlfltl C-0.lly "11'4 Wllllttnl 11t Mid'"*" Mef<ll i, tJ " t• tlMt ........... OrMtt e-t 0.Clr "'~· ' IMrtll t It " 1• ,,.. In te,tlrnol'+V Wntfeof wlhl•\\ my mu\t ~l9n It "" Old •) by • Otherwise 1nlereStf."d tn the ~11~::~~,:~1 01 001o tnl•llhd•Y oa.iMr\Np or •joint vonturt ll•tt w ill and o r esla te /\ CllAr••~E lO<d 11••n•mn•nC1-ftM>OfAll 11tner•I A pet ton h a• bee I I d P•r1M" -jOlnl Y"nlurt" II lh< I I :> n I e A<llno Comotroiier 111oe1er •• • •ote PrOPrt•I0'>1t10 •• b Y W 1 I I 1 am Gu 111 e rm o oll,...Curien<y another •nllly lhat oon bu\ln•H L e W I'> 1n the Superior F:bub:~·~ ~:'':.~:•i ",•;•Y,:11~! ~~~· ,~,~~:1::,..,..07';,.,:';;:0':', ·~~ Court o f OrangP County A_P_•_11_~_,_1_tt2 ________ 10.._•_.1 •Cl•SIQ~llontol!OwlnQ•"Owln9 08A r eQUt'Sling lha l Wtlllam llne t1ct111ou• n•m•I prov1oee1 Guillermo Lewi s b e ~::·•;";i:,~1e:~~ 7:"': ;:~~·.~appoint ed as p e r sonal -,.-o-T-IC_E._O_F_T_•_u_s_TE_E_S_S_A_L_E--1 reol\tr•t•on w41n '"" Or•~ Count• r P P r e s e n t a I 1 v e t o PUil.iC NO?tl LOANNO 1011~ AecorOt r In <41W ol <O•Po••llon> adm 1n1Sle r the esta t e 01 T s NO 1nu.1 1nc1ue1e tne ,,.,.... ot "" Pr .. o<1en1 W 1!11am F Lewis (under BENEFICl,t.L SERVICE CO .s> Se<rotary Tr,..,u..,r •nCI M•n-r duly •PPOlnttO I rulln under IM Tht Clly Couo<ll of 111• t Iv ot C0>!1 t h e I n d e P P n d e n t to11ow1noo...crtbf'delffdoftrvsl WILL Mew .... ~ .... , 9111 to r•1•c• an. Adm1n1strat1on o t Esta tes SELL ,t.T PUBLIC AUCTION lo'"" Or•llblCI> Act> Thepet1t 1on1s setfor n111no1 Dlddu lor U\11 payabl• ., OATEO MArcn, ,.,., hea ring 1n Dept N o 3 at ~';,~.~' ~:~.~~ •::~'.0':::'"':i11: ~::; M:~,b~·:~,:-coa" 0•11'"1~·:: 700 C 1v1c Center D rive nl•rt•1<onv•Y""'o•ndnowiw•e1 bvo1 W esl in the Cit y of Santa unCl•r ''"" Ouo ot f ru\I In ,,,~ rulUC NOTlCE Ana California o n April 7 P•~~·~~T~~"1"J·~·~~~~~·~LLows N S 92029 1qs2 at 9 JO a m •nd ,t.NGEL T FELLOW!> f\u•b•nd IF YOU OBJECT t o t h e •n:;~'EF•CtARv STAH MUlUAL C ~'lT~<i_EEO;' ~El~T~ g~ granting of the pe t1t1o n ~AVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOC•ATION w A L T E R S a k a you s hould eithe r appear uoroora11on l a l the hearing and <,la t e N:·~~;~"J:;:;':'i,11~ 1::011:•,,;1'1~, ~~~R o~S P~T~~c3~ E~6 y our ob1ec11on<, or fil e D1t•C1•• R..:o•ch n th• otflce ot ,,.. ADMINI STER ESTATE written ob1ec11ons w ith thl' Recorder 01 O•""lll' count• •• o ""'° NO A 110016 courl befo re the hearing ~~ud~;~~.;·~~o;~~o~~o::'..~,·J8~1 To a 11 h e ' rs Your appearancP may b< P•o•4ll benef1c.1~r1 es c reditors in nPrson or by your PARCEL I Un I 11 n "'"Cly ot d I I d t f a ttorney Newporl Buen Counh OI 0'd0Qt' an con ingen c re I ors 0 I F y 0 u A R E A s1 , 1 c , 1 no Charle"> Miiton Walters a..::.,a0on~n~.°;;.~ ... ·~;.oo:~n~~ aka C h arles M W alters CREDIT 0 R Or a Pl•n llh• Cone1om1n1um P••n a nd per sons WhO may be COntinqent creditor Of the nor• n1 •nacho<I '°' •n ••""'''to 1hdl decea<i('d you musl file ~:r~::~,0~.''!~!"~ne•~· .. ~~1·:::~'0', ~~f ~~~~~;~t:t~~~ted in the your c la1m Wtlh the c ourt Ntwoortlk-•<hTownnouto1• ua ,,...~ A pet itio n has been filed o r prPSPnt 1t t o the Dec1ara11on ""' n1 r<o•cw.d Mav per<,onal representative " ,q,, •• instrum<>n• No ,,.,z " by C harles M ark Walters appo1nled by the court ~:.~o~~n~ JIJ 0111<•~1 11"'0'0' :;rat~~e ~~:t'~rr~~~~Lno~ w 1th1n four month <; from PARCEL t An """'" oeo , 11th the date o f firs t 1<,suance •n•t•e>I n -io Loi ' o1 Tr""' No t h a t Charles Mark W alter .. of le tters a s provided in 1$>0 ••'"°""'on a mao recoro.d •n b e appointed as personal Sect ion 700 o t the Probate 11ook HI PllO•• n .ind H repre se ntat i v e t o Code 01 California The M scellM-u• ~P\ In tn& ofl ce ot h th• county r.corOl!r ot '"" counl; a dmin is ter I e est atP Of time for f iling c laims w ill •hown """ ~t ne<1 "common Ar .. Charles M illon W alters not expire prior lo four 11n.. common ,.,u ""'' n1 o" in. Costa M esa CA (under the monl h!i> from thP date of Conoom1n1um Pl~ I n d e p e n d e n 1 PARCEL ) Tl\4' u clu\ VP riqh! to thP ht'artnq nOllCed above oonu•on """ oc<uP•n<v ot 1no•e Adm1mslrat1on o f Esta tes YOU MAY EXAMINI: oo•loon•of-CommonA•u•o•Lo11 A cll Thepel1t1on1s setfor lhe fllf kept by the court 01 "o Tract No ISlO <1•• on•1•0 on hearing 1n Dept N o 3 a t If you ilrf' intereste d in the ~~;.~;~":c:: -~~,,:;!~:·" 700 C1v1c Cente r Drive P 'italc you may file a u1e1 Cone1om1n um Pl•n ., being W est Santa Ana C A 92701 request with thC> court lo "PourttNn11oParctllA1>ov.. on M arch 31 1982 a t 9 JC receive <,pec1al notice of P,t.RCEL • fh(' ••<lu\ vt r Ohl lo A M u~ •no o«.-nc• tor ,....,,,_!IP •no tht> inventory o f est a te 0001noov•~•ot•u<hoor1ono11h• IF YOU OBJECT to lhe asSPtS and of the pel 1!1o n s ~:"'~c;:;A;,::"00•~1~~..!:,'"0~'~ granting o f the petition accounls and rPpor l s conoomlnlumP•~••Bo.tSllo No 1 you s hould either appear described in Sectio n 1200 Boat Siio• wn en ho bun a l the hearing and stale of lhe ca11to rri1a Probate •oec•• <•"Y e1u1on•••d .. "'no your ob1ect1ons or l 1le Code :,:o:~r;.•;:n~~00 :~~·:~' 1a0";'v~n'n,•,:i: writte n ob1ecllons w ith thP La j d ley & L a w s on otc•••••oooi court before the hearing Atto rney a t L a w 2301 w h t3 W Co.t\1 11w• Newoor1 Bucn !Your appear ance may be Third Street Suit e 204 CA:~~! •l•ffl •CICl•e\\ or common 1n person or b.Y your Los Ange les CA 90 057 Cit\ 11n•t•on \ •ho .. n •DOH no attorney I (213) 487 7010 .. • "an'. t< 9 •• n •• '0 I" I F y 0 u A R E A Publ ,,_, o ... "Qo' c ...... O• ly p IOI <ompl•l•,,.. .. or tOrrf(1"""' Th• c R E 0 I T 0 R 0 r a Marth" ,, 18 •'1117 11 ... ., ~"::.'.!r~,,u;:~,::~d0,°;:~.~:1 T~~~ contingent creditor o f the fltllllC NOTICE ob110.llton• H<urtCI thueDy d ecea sed y ou must file ht•tiotore ur<uteo •no°'' •ere<! 10 your claim w 1lh the court '""u""''~•wr11tenl>Kt•••11onor presenl II t o the N O T ICEOFDEATHOF of Ot'l•ull """ o.mtt)CI tor S.1• and wr111ennot1c•otbreacnenoo1e1ec11on personal r e presenl at1ve1M A R Y E L L E N •o <•u~t ,,... ,..,.,..,.,_.,to ... 11 '""appointed by the courl C AVA N AUGH a k a MAR Y prootrty 1osa11,ty\tte1001toattons w it h in four monlh~ froml E L LE N SALL B E R GER anCI lf\trWI•• in. und<!r\!Qntd <aukCI .. e1no11co o11ir•o<ri an<1 01e1tt11on 10 th e date o f firs t 1ssu.-nc A NO OF P E TI TI ON T O M R•<a<ded No••mt>er 11 "', •• o f letters as provided 1n Ao M 1N1 STER Es T A T E :::.· 01":,.,//;;:!,,~~ A~rd:'"' °"""' Sec t1on 700 o f t he Probate N O A 112428 se1e1 ...... ".,.. ,,....,.. bu• .. 111ou1 Code of California The I r ,.. 1 1 1 n , , , .... <Ovfnanl or WArrdnl• f •P'O\' or time fOr f tling Claims W lll l t)1 n !!(t"llH '\ f(l'f1110r• lmOI tO rtQdrO 00 t tit po\W~\ On 0,. Ot e p re pr Or tO fO rncumbranc•' 10 oay '"• ,.m.1nor19 n X 1 1 ur ,1nrt ront 1no nl (r,..t11tnr<. o ! ortnc1p•I •um 01 '"" .,.,,,01 '"'"'"" monl h s from the date of M iH v E ll<'n Ci1vr1nauon bY '" o ~ 01 Tru•t w111> 1nloru 1 •\ t he h earing n o t jced above inc1 oPr<;on' who m,:iy t)o u"n~:~"1;:1~.';",:1~~0~•;,•~::,i YOU MAY EXAM INE o thPrw 1<.1 1nt.rP'>l"f11rt the teo charoe• ano up•nso ot int the f ile kept by the court will ,ind orrc;tat1 Tru''"" and o1 ,,,. ••ust~ c••tt•CI bv If yo u a re intereste d in lhe A OPli lioo hi\<. l)rl'n f o!Pd ~:~~~.:'..;':!,.~~~·,~;:·~:estate you may file a hv H<>rbr>ri Bord•n •n thP o m "' '"• C1>1 oman •••nu• reQuest w ith t he court to Suonr1or Court of Ori111QP •ntrano•o~C1•1ccen1erBu11e11no receive s pecial notice to (()itnlv rrriiin<,tinq ttiat 300 E•SI Chapman AvMut 1n 1n .. cit• the invento r y o f estate H ,.. r b " r 1 B 0 rd p n b ,,. ol~.-:~1,.,.,ottnt 1nl1a ouOllcallon a sset s andof lhepetitions rlODOtn l Pd ,:ic, Ol'r<;onal 01 this not <• ,.,.. 101a1 •moun1 ot 111e a c counts and r e Po r t s r P 0 r ,.. "' ,,. n t a t 1 v ,. I , una.111 b•••ncc 01 tnt obll9aflon described in Section 1200 S .:idmini<,t!'r lh1> P<;ldtP o f ~~t'~,!v,~:!':::!":::1~ ~:,.~.~· of the California Pro bate MMv EllPn Cavanauoh a nc1 aovan<•• " u " on J6 To Code I ltnctnr I he I ndPOPndenl ot1trm1,.,. ,,.. 000tnlftO bkl you mav PATTEN, FAIJH Admini<otriltion o f Ec;ta te<; Ull 11 1•"J7~ & SANDFORD DATEOF•bruary 13 •'197 Arfl Thp O!'l tl1on 1<, <.Pt for BENEFte1A1. SERv•cE co By W illiam E F a ith ti""' 1no 1n Deni N o 3 al •ss• d Truitt• Attorney at Law 700 Civic crontPr Drive !;.~,o sE•v•cE COMPANY 635 West Foothill Blvd Wf'c;t •n the City o f Santa voe•1J AnCl•KIOt Monrovia, CA 91016 An;i Cal1lorn1a on March AntstantSecr~•rv (213) 3599335 31 1q92;it q JO am o ne cuy &tvd """'' Published Orange Coast IF YOU OBJECT to lhe ~,':';:S.~.,,,.. Dady P ilot M a r c h 11 12 qran llnq of ,,,e ppt1l 1on Pubhsl'WCI Or•not co.>1 0111y Pl101 18 1982 you '>hould e 1thP r aoo Par Maren i 11 ,, ,,., •80'47 1115 82 .:it lhl' hearing and st a te Nit.IC llOTtE PVIUC NOTICE your ob1ec11on<; o r Ille w r 1ttPn ob1Pcl1ons w ith lhe ..... ~-7------------1 court t>efon> the ht-armo SYNO..SISOFTHli ANNUAL STATliMENT-Your CIOQf'arance mav b e YI A•ENDEODICEM•E•JI , .. , In ppr<;on or bv y our •f attorney 41111111< 1n11tr•11e• c_, I F y O U A R E A D•ll•• hH• Tole I •Clmltteel UWlt ... ,., lt'9 c R E 0 I T 0 R 0 r a T01•1111bl1111es 1 n11se cont 1naent crPd1tor o f the Soeclal Wf'Pfvsluncb 4 c..,11.1pa1c1..up1G"''"''ycao11e11 decpa<;Pd you must f ile s11tu1orV ~t t oooooo your c laim with the cour l Grou 11.a1<M11 andconlrltlvled1urolu\ m 411 o r o r es en t 1 t I o t h e UnnslQMCI lllnds Uul'Olull • m •1 t I suro1uuu191n1,P01lcvllOldtn t n••• perc;onal represen a 1ve 111come 10<11-y .. r ••o~ aopo1nte d by the court 0 11burMmtnt>1or1MyHr t:MS"O within four month s from we,,.,.""' ctt1llY1M1t1>t •lloY• •te-.,.. tn ecconi....1 w1111 tht Anno..1 the date of firs t Issuance St•ltmellC l'O< IN ~., ..,..,, Dtct mtl9f ll t•• -lo tllt lt>WrlllCt C1t11mlu 1oMro111>t s te1 .. 1c o11for't111 ......-n11o1..,. of letter-; as provided In '"" c F.tl'9rston Section 700 of the P r o b ate v10P"""*" Code of California T he 1s1• c F•fh9flton t ime fo r f1lmq c laim s will ... ,.,.,.. Put11•ll'ltdOrtn9tCoe11 oa11yP11ot1MMc,,12 u 1• u """ 10SMJ no t t!XPlre prio r to four ------.. ----__;.--t-..;;...;__;..;..-~.;...;;.; .,.._..;.;..;..E~__;.;~ months from the date of ,.._ ... 111K ~ .. 1,., t he hearlnq n otic ed a bove ...... STNO"'S 01' TM• AlllllUAL JTATaMallT 011 OU\.l' 11111UltAIK9 COM .. MIY 4111 ....... ltw ft-Clty,Me.Mtll Y_a....,o......n "'' YOU M AY EXAMINE the f ile kept by the court If vou are interested In the e<;t a te you mav file a r eQuest with the c ourt to 11• "'.M4 receive s pecial n otice of • '" ISi * the invent ory of est a te . ... assPt s and of the oetlllons account s and report s d e scribed In Sectlon 1200 of the Callfomla Prob&te C ode Wi flllm S Cucll, Attorn•v •• La•. 1900 Bank of Am..-ica T.w.r. • 1 City Boulevlrd W.est. Oranqe, CA '2'61; (114) tJM141 Pllbtlt,_, Of._ C:O.•t o.llY "'IOI IMMI Mt~ll t .. \? t• 101.e '"""tC'f-f"ttttl)f) CMl'lOYMCNT & ,_crAIATION Yf!Orb l~tn.tllOft J1•W•ttl4"1f• Ht4p V.•..Cl'CI ~ £ > MHCHANOIS£ .... _.. .,,.._ ... ....... ..., .... .. .--.~ .. f'f'1•J• c._," • J,,."".,.,.."" l'•l.t Doc> f'fttto '°" ·---CM•ttS..W -~(.OOd\ .... ,, U¥tW>rl ""'-' 'fliottU.&MOlll' M11f'ttJ.6MOW .. •l'lh.J \li;_w., l•'l'""'"nh Offttt J\.rn 6 l'l¥JP ..... ~::; ~~fia~', ""°"""Goo•h 5lott lll"l'"'"M B•r ~-•JI' f\ fC'Nto lhf I \l•rf'1 BOATS & MA.INC COUIPMCNT fAntTal tlo•h !ih1ftf ~t¥M'# b u M•r1n.t t q~p & .. u ~,,, 8oU, ••M ( !'lfrh~r IJllHl,~11 ftJ•U !iaiP'l t>u<\\ fto•h~'""' Bo.u.su. •• # TUNSPO ITATION A.rrnrt t •lhPtf'\ ~Mo ftul ll«trw-( •h =~"'s.-... · 'lotor 1f1r1\ ~" Arrw Tr••ien Trtui I:.~~~t4i'"' AUTOMOBILC .\111. ...... o •. u ... Sl«rt•lMllll \ ""•• tt• ... h AMt .. ,.,.. t Wttttt On',... Cr\lllU \-A-.1.H,.ftt \tAOt Wutf'd A8TOS, IMPORT£D ~ ... "tr•KNll'u '""' \1aLa lfultt I XW ... ,,. ~ o ..... .~ff,.,. ., .. , -· , .. ,l;liit ,.,, ... K.rnw.\rttif'I+• .... _ ...... )l .. 1c:1 .. Mffrfltn&!1" lllJ 1106 011tl p,.Mtt• f>fti.tNt PorKhrt R~n..1itll kollt Ko)t~ •h~ff S.•b ... Swa.rv ro,... ''NJ"" .. VClttt••rH ,_ •• h .. .......... . \ Orangt Cout DAILY PILOT/Frtdey, Mltdl 12, 1N2 J CT The marketplace on the. Orange Coast ... 642-5618 Orange Cooat re6Ulent1 bought 42% of all n1to cart aold in the count11 lalt Jltar even though they compriu only 30% of the county's populatfon. i.• 1• 1191 .... 1• ... -1111 ,........., Moffc•: :: AlT-rel\l estate a d- :: v e r t 1 s e,d 1 n th 1 s 1• newspaper 1s subJert to :: the Federal Fair Hous 1• ing Act or 1968 wh1rh {: rTWkes It illegal lo ad 1• vertise "any prefertnce. :t l1m1t at1on , or dis 1• cnminat1on based on "°' race. color. rehg1on. sex, or national origin, :: or an tnl enuon to make 1))0 any such prererrnt•e, :: II m 1 t a 11 on 1 o r d 1 s . i11o1 cnminat1on ' II Ttus newspaJlt'r \1111 not kno\l tn~I} accept any ad\'ert 1~1n~ fur real estate which 1s 111 \'tOla· lion of the la\I llOO IM :I\~ ll(• ;:JfJ) .:»i ZIW ;y;i 4)!11 = i--------· --ERRORS: Adnrtlsers 1,w should died• their ads ~ daily and report el"" ;: ron 1""'9tdiatety. The = DAILY PILOT asMl'"H = liability for the fi"t J:w i11cornct insertion JOr<l Oliy. ...., PINMSULA HOMU' Rermdeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 btth,, rmtr bdrm with ocean view $425.000. Owner wilJ coru;jder trade. West Bay bayfront. Slips tor 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,QOO. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room , 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq;ft. $1,385,000. UDo ISU HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayCro~. 5 bdrm. 5 .bath. Lge L. R. 2 boat slips $1,5-00,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. UNDA ISLI IAYFIONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm, den. $1,350,000 ! IA YSIDE COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath. 2 boat slips $1,900,000. TIES VIST As-MSSION VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pool. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3-li Bay\•<fr Or,, "< B f:J,", 6161 ~,_ ______ _ mo (':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ,._ !: HousH for Sale """ •.•••••........••..•... !~ GtMral I 002 ~ .....••...•..........•• •l.IO -- ' .•. , .. . .., MESA VERDE ~10,000 DOWN r-lo quafi fy1n g. qwet <'UI· de·sac st Add 2nd sty !las tx·ran 11e\I Carl M06en. 759·1221 ~ DOH'TMISS ~ Lo~~~ ;r?~P~ nd owner \I tll fmJnre at lo\\ .,., 111terest \I Ith 2<1·, do\I n :,:j 111 g hl~ up ttra d ed. ••• pn\·ate loc·a11on . t•om • ..., munll) pool. Jatu111. rec =: room and trnms courts .:;,, Won·1 la~I at St06.900 = Call 646·7171 -.,.,. .,. THE REAL ESTATERS .~; OCUM YIEW YJlll Beaut 1full) apf)o1111ed .,..,, Nwpl Crt·~t sp 1l len•I :::;:: twnholll(' ft•aturcs 3 Hr = + dt-n pilrCIUl't firs and ..,.., a rrmarkablc o<'eJn rn• till> •llll '"' • IUI "lil "'' ""' .. ~ \ 1e\I Sr lier~ \I tll bt• 1ery coo peral1\e w finant·m~ 1-'ull price m5000 C:. SElf:C T ~PROPERllE~ ;! PRIME E/SIDE «> LOCA ti ON! ~ Personality and beauty ':?.:, are round 10 this 3 Bdrm m 2 bath home .\ssume this great 12' •" loan '·•• and seller will carry a :;~ 2nd TD v.1th lov. n dov. n ,:,, payment Full p~1<'e :;:~ Sltl,500 Call for details. tTll ~-2313 '711 . ... flLI Vil! "'" 111-. "'"' THE REAL ESTATERS t1.ll ,,. SMAAT BUY ~! This one 1s really priced a~ t.!,~1 ·w~aM~m~~~iJ~ ~~ and b11t. big bonus room. '"" Owner will assist tn ~~ rinancing Full price ")' Sl3S 000 751-3191 C:. :.ft EC · ~ P~()P{ µ T If <, $7900DOWN TAKEOVER Loans orr101.100 at an : effective interest rate of :.~ t.n. 3 Bdrm 2 bath. dou· .. 1 ble garage, on a large -lot A must see for only = $115.000 Call $46·2313 .. -IG) ,.. -= --Ml -.. , --Q ""' THE REAL ESTATERS YllWTOWNHOMIS Master suites. View of Ocean & Night lights . Quiet Area. Parks. open apaces. Sl37,000. Xlnt Fin. lial or Pat Agts !Sl·tll05 73.7300 * WAll:RRlOMT HOME PIUVATI IUCH * Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring French doors. frplc . professionally decorated & SANDY BEA CH. Only $249,CXXJ • seller will carry tul loan at 13';'<. 2670 Sa n Miguel Drive. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373. *~CUFF* 12114% AHAHCIMG when you take over existing loans on this executive home featuring 4 Br. 21fz Ba & pool only sm.900. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newpo rt Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * TUITUllOCI( * SI 279 PB MOMTH. .• is all you pay when you take over existing tst T.D. Spacious 4 Br executive d etached ho me featuring formal dining, family room & frplc. Only $213.500 F EE. 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach. 75.9·1501or752.7373 NEWPORT IEACH OfffCE 2670 S. MMJuef Dri•t 17141759-1501 17141752-7373 l.fASE/OPTHlf OPPORTUNITY! Hew hmwy cOfldos, jut shps to Htwport loyfnwl .:t wall to kocll! Gnat locutiolt ....... qllllty .. tllfs 2 bed. to.,.w condo. OWW" offers ._.. lftw of SI 5,000. call dow•. $2000 per ..... itOR md u OM ,.,.,. optioe to prchase for Sl 19,000. Fow tdal condo ..wts cm1IW• wftt. ft.x.._ flRaRcMg plcm. lroc._.s & •tolls ..,.._.. °" .,_ ut 209-215 I ttti St. off ..... cl. 631 -1400. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTATE Sole•. !Wn1.i.. PlOCK't1V M..,.mtnt 24.36 W Co.ut H,.Y 31~ Mol11nc Awi Newport Beach Balboa 1""nd '31·14" '7Uf00 Dir SNCTACUW VIEW HOMI A magnificent home custom designed for the discriminating ~r. 200 degree views or ocean, Catalina, U>s Angeles. 8 baths, s BR, pool, gym, sauna. spa. &timated square footage 12,500. Offered in fee $4,300,000. Call Alan Beel for private showing. ~l-8700 (OU) •...,.. & STYU prevail In this IVM Well's CUltom·lush atrium 4 BR f am rm home. Beautifully dec<nted . Special u~, for f abuJous entertainin1. Good AIMn. 1om ree lad sm.ooo J-hquin 6G 88 (DU) • .. CAMYOM COUNTIY CUii Magnificent location o'looking 8th green of golf course. Majestic Colonial custom by o-.mer/builder. 5 bdrms, lge formal din rm. /am rm, billiard nn, refrigerated wine rm, & 6~ ba. Marble. finest wood paneling. air cond.. + many custom fe atures. $2,1.50,000 incl land. WESLEY M. TAYLOI CO •• REALTORS 2111 S. ..... Hihlood MIM'OIT CINTa. H.I. 644-49 I 0 ASK FOi IOMIT A CHOICIUDO location : 3BR, 3 car gar. Needs TLC. $399,500 SHAIP I COIY: 2BR house and 1 Br income unit. Price reduced. $235,000 ~CONDO: 3BR 2'h ba. Only 2 yrs old. Assume 1st at 13~3. $172,500. 675-1171 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES SOUTH LAGUNA $1,250,000 Stain glass windows carved, beam ce il ings em ph asize th e spaciousness of this outstanding 3 BR home nested in the hills . Expansive view from every room. DR. Fam. Room, guest quarters. • IN NEWPORTC.ENTER 644-9060 AISOUIT&YJ This Magnificent View Home In Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge, That \WJ Be Under Construction Very Soon, Will Be One Of The Finest ln The Area. The Style Is English 1\xlor. AJI The Blueprints Are In ()Jr Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect Them At Any Time. Ph~ase Call Us. ·--··-····· 759-9100 #2 C°'fMI' oft "-- H.wport Ctwhf' Y .J.. OI COMY&nlOMAL • PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS r (_'OXDOMINIC~IS ape. SatJS-11to5 2600 mock S... Alla An,. Co1ta M•so Truly elegant 2 Br 2'h baths for SllJ,500 and 2 Bdrm 2ba homes for ~.500 .. • ••••••••• • 10% Down w /payments as low as $811} per mo. VA Financing · int. at 151t'flo. Seller wilJ take back 2nd to lower payments. SocAlni Cdlfonlio R..tty 546-5605-6114194 c.ritsyto ....... '=~=' S~\\~~-"£~s· :: Hllo4.., N T I ~----- ·~~ ~ low to '°'"' ,_ ........ -· I. K R E A F I :I _I 1'11'.· T II U L A N l'l 1'11 IAIGAIN &J:f's~rp1,5lfrm 2 EASTSIDE bath home w Ith a R 2 btlutHul pool and spa. ' • •'antastlc flnancin&! 2 Bdrm 2 bath, room for 1.151000 down. Payments another unit. Only unoer $1,000 per mo. $137,500.C811645-9161 ~·1:: ~II '°' --~-· AISOWTI STEAL IMiad SIS0,000 HOW $525,000 SPYGLASS oJ.Iif>,~~~~NG 6br/4 .... ba. 4100sq n 25 Bodega Ba y canowner, 759.0737 COIONADO CAYS 0,..~1-5 vu~~~ !ner. Private boat slip. S325K. Try S125K d own w /balance at 6% for 2 yrs. David Epstein, Bkr ~Ila 1·~·1.fil_ /. OPEN ~must RlAl rY ia.-----1 NICE HDUC B> on thls super sharp 3 Bdrm home. Wet bar, marble frpk & mul'h rmre Is oHered by this owner who is most anx ious to move. Only $129,500. For additional informatio n call 979-5370. 'AtLSTA~TE , _ RE~L TOR.&.- CIBA Ill MAR DUPLEX • S..-.of Hwr • IJO/ofor 10 Y" • ... c....,. • MewO.W.W • tr/o"3• WJ • Ctrh"'9f An amazing 2 Bdrm, 3 ba owner's unit ph.15 2 Br l'h ba cottage with a spa no I~! Priced t.o sell immediately at $25.5,000. Call Quick or Lose out. .-,.. ..., & A11oclotu 6~7211 1002 ········~··,,····~···· RCTaylorCo START HERE 1 n this very al fordable ln·level condo loc11ted near So Coabl Plarn Compl e te with 3 bedroomb and owner financing. Only SI 12,900 RCTaylorCo rAO <N()() POI.IC All:TION MANSION See under 1009 __ JASMINE CREEK WOODIRIDGE TOWNHOUSE Immaculate 3 bdrm. 2•1 baths. Largest Parkside Model. Family room. Fabulous recreational ractlities. including lakes. pools. tennis As· --------sumable loans. Owner Gorgeous Plan 6. 3 bdrm. 2•-, ba, Luxury appointm e nt s throughout the home and grounds. View or ocean and Spyglass II.Ills Plus the secunly or a gated l'Ommunity, Fantastic rinanc1ng ll\a1lable Call today for rrore information. GORGEOUS &IAY YIEW Complete redecorated "Bayside Cove .. 2 BR. den. penthouse. Assn pool. spa. pn beach loolts like model. Great assumable · Try 20'4 down or 6 months option Greatly reduced for mot 1 vated buyer . 1484.000 Debbie Frati Macnab·lrvinc Realty 00-8235. rrotivated. Of~ JjJ) 6=!J/j; C.totn CoAclos Lo•tly Tudor styliw9, cathdral uilln91, fslcN kitchens. AH la So. of Hwy local•. frOflt 11nit l ldr'" SPECTACULAR OCEANFRONT Located on Bni:hton Hd in exclus ive Camt'o Shores Magn1hn:n1 4 bdrm home "'Ith l>Urf breakmi: on the bea<'h nght below ' Formal din tn!! rm . famtl} rm wme cellar and more S2.000.000 17141 673°4400 121>1 u1.2u1 HARBOR A U1v1,wn or ll Jrbor ln1·e~lmt>nl ('o $335,000. bar 111tff 2 1-------1 .. $295,000 or bvy botlt for $605,000. Harbor Vu Hills Allract1 re 3 Hdrm + family room. many 't523 CAMPU5Dl·IRV1tlE FOR SALE BEST BUY IN · CORONA DEL MAR Single Fami~ 2 Bedrto~~~th . tiv- OPEN SAT 1-5 1011 IAYSIDE COYE EAST MEWPOIT HACH COLEOFNEWPORT special deC'or a11ni: REALTORS I reatures. rnter com, cen 1ng room with fireplace, dining area. kitchen. servit'e porch. beam ce1hngs thru-oul 2 car garage Avocado, rig, frwl trees, rose garden New roof Home m ex· rellent cond1t1 o n PRICE S21S.000 assuma. ble Isl Trust Deed al 71 t', 25151. C-t" tral \·acuum. huge trel' , e.n-o.i..:•· , CO\~red 101 S379 .SOO Read the t'lassif1ed ads for the best deals 1n 675-5511 owe ~~ ..... a partmr nt rentals Havesomething to seii• ' 6'&2·5678 Class1r1ed ads do it well SHOW flUCI OF T .. TUI Owners extremely motivated & will ronsidfr any offer 606 Harbor Isle Dr Promatpru Ray, Custom craftsmans hip thruout Spacious Family Home with 50' slip for your yacht Lovely 4 Bdrm home. h!!ht & airv with lots of !!lass to capture view Formal Dinin2 room. Family room. 3 Fireplaces. 4 Baths, Private Office. Master Bdrm Suite with Lihrary & patio. 100 vear old Italian rabinet covl'ts 1 wall in livin2 room Must ~ee Call a1?ent Pally PerFelte or Mar!!ot MacKerrow for im mediate show101? 675·3738 or 67S·3733. ~-.naCGell'IWC110M STAR GA'ZEK~it~ t---'-'-r---11! CL\ Y ~ POLLIS---r----i ... _•,•,11110 M. lllU " -V .,...,, Oo·'r "',."''' ~,,,.._ ~ un 11 ......;-,. ,..>"" .. ,. ,. AUOfd+l'l9 'O fht )•o•• OC' 11wl ~ II~.. ff) dt'"f'I"'(') fl"if'\\O~t ,,,, ~Ctt..t1d1h, ,. _......... J • , 6 ( &f IS 1911 tf'OJ'#O'd\r -"'~··"' ~ •or.~''i '' '°"' ZO<J...c b·•"' •·9" 7 1!:a.,,0 - ::-~ oc, 11 »• ,. .. ....... ., ·-· ,, .. ""' ....... ... _ ..... ••Gr....-t.Jw.,, ., .. ....._.~ ... , .. _ .. .,~, .... "!t• ... .... ,.. ... u~ n...,....,. .. w~, ~is. ........ ...,, '°l"CM 10f0t !I,'-...• ,, •• """' \14"9 11 ....... "40tt..-.o Qll'I·• ~\'W .. ffO'\M ,,.. ...,,. """'~ .. ," .. ,,., ""I""' Mf~ atfoo ,..., .. , •o., '°~""""~ totoi.•io.M!y >JI };> \J\cr, t. !\(UIUI STARTING• A NEW BUSINESS? 714 lC>O o 3 H WYTOIUY Here·s your <'ham c to own your IJ\I n honw 111 Ontano A nin• 3 l!drm, l·'•ba. dbl J?ar + mu1'h rrore Onh• IS', do" n & OWC at low rate Al'a1l ror S8t.<XKJ C<1 II Thoma~ 1·524 1293 Aj,'1 lolboa Island 1006 .•........••........... Trade your T o·, or pro pert~ in am stall' for Ralboa Island PropNty ILOT ALONE WORTH $200,0001 OR fw"'"' for $695/JllO. ACT QUICICL Y Won't last '°"CJ at tllis price . Phone 602 991 7368 or 602 278-5954 & leave message for return rail Gardtn Showplace ()pn Hse Sunda)' I 4. 233 Pomsett1a 2' 2 yrs old. 2 sh Cap;.> Cod. 4 Br 31 2 Ba : $695.000 F.xcell f1nanc1ng Georgia 673 4Z71 Iii Harduty, Rltr. I 1 675·28'6 'Costa M.so • I 024 1 1 lSLANO CllAR M F:R 0000MES;YERDE0000 Light. cht>ery Pricl'd 1 1 Well maintained lool rtl?ht Xlnt term' home+ R\' access lrg 673-0188 farruly rm + $90,000 90K -Isl T 0 Only S138K Bill PUil.iC All:TION MAH SI OH • ~ adunder 1009 !SA LE OR TRADF: Balboa Island, 9 Bdrm. 5 Ba. tJ uni ts I 11 blo<'k to bay. large l ~t T O l2'<z'l MrNash Realty. days 642· 1334 . eves ~I·~ lcAooPMwlu I 007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PUii.iC All:TION MAH SI OH __ §ff ad under 1069 • CoroM .. Mw I 022 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean View. 4bdrm. must sell. S375.000 1'l', down or partnrrsh1p .fn...IIS Onl fij4·4682_ DUPLEX BY OWNER MUST SELL! •at C:.tlt Offer 61~1619·~1 WANT ACTION~ Class1fed Ads 642·5678 MtM IOZ• ....................... Kennedy, 631-1~. agt. MESAYEIDE 3000 Sq ft S Br + fam rm Re modeled w ga rden & cabana Owner very flexible. S?.57.500 Open house Sun 12·4 ~17 Shantar Real· tr World. Beachside: vrac~-1393 ___ _ 4 Ir T OWMouH lest lw-C.Mesa Move nilft tn to this freshly painted and carpeted townhouse, w dbl car garage too! 11r, dwn. l'IO qualifying. f}id unit Good l(){'ation Near schools & Fwy Payments are SllOO, pr mo Ownrtagt, Otana Cappel' 631-1266 R&'M~ ----.. .,. Get GREEN o sh •• for WHITF. dephan(s with a t:lassiC1l'd Ad Call f!42·5itl8 ------MBA WOODS IOHTULMI •· a...·SUN 1°5 4 Bdnn, 2'.1 blth, family room, bonus room, pool , 2 story, ,$184,900. Ask for Helen Yunker. ...... I "'-' .. Wt . ...Wt . . ........ Wt . . ........ Wt 1 0lilr......... o.t .. ~ ................. ~ -.................. ....................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ,..J, . .., 2510 ...................... -··············~·· -··············· ..................... ,. e....._ IOl4 MIN IOJ4 Ml ••rtlHdi 1069 Ml.,.rtlHclt I06' Mllllt,_.~• I IOO .... , .................. c..t.MIM U14 llutM ; __ .._. 3140 Ir* 124 Ml spertlNd U t ·~·••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••~•••••••••••••• 'NlNO~ aated ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• B .... ~!SIDE CJ1ean l B1r 68r8lb. u'°•~O(tUR.mE111tla0'!_t02. WOOD8.RJOO£NEW I .. COSTA llSA BARGAIN a..•s....c..t .... ....... 3 bedroollVi, 1 t.'a batM, custom carpet and drapes, enclosed patio, double earaee, RV access. newly painted, corner lot. Low down payment, asswne low interest rate tst TD. ...... llCHAU ca•HTOM 6Jl·7J70 •.AH Owta MOW! Slot,9H Your dream come true. The perfect opportwlity to own a nr new 2Br. 2'h ba condo. Earthtone cpt 'g, pvt patio. 2 car gar w/elec dr opnr. Great loc nr. O.C.C. shops, bike to beach. Open Sat 1().4. 229 W. Wilson U3 For fina'n. info: Call Lisa or Jack 675-1771 PIU•TION 48$4.FtMlllilt • S a •If• Mmdi 14, J:M P.M. 1700N-••Dr. comm. • r I~ .... de· """"''' coup e or snc "' 2 bdrm, den. corner unit, IAYNO:J! routed w /panache In -..1a .... iec. 157.2040 . •. ,.!'.;_~ ~b,1carp11u. ,· uzn~. •male tty, lullv shut· 2 , ........ 4 ... rm• ... Owner '73 12XIO, 2Br, Impeccable teate. The ~ 81 . ._..... • ' _, ~ ,. w/d , min aae 55, ultimlttln1raclousllv· Redec Two bdrm, ex deck . dbl car prv tertd,Crpc,atrlum.near balbl , f l rep,IHtJ 11• 1XM>1ntr. t-A1A:0132 Ina. Vitti rraaer, aat. celJent loc. Eu ts Ide. 11ra1e, Cully ma l nt. pool. tennis WIS/mo No P"~ view P1tr Illa c.o.taMtta1 by owner, '79 Wlodeme re RI ty. etfMl.1078 ard. No. _1a. lnqw1 re at ~/Bk: 5 2 O 8 6 }liJ;. r,oooper mo Avail Buddy •C ·•Ide, w /lt1 ' -.. ·1111111 Eut. (Br. custom bome. ...c:J:..=cl:.t:..la..!:960-a33=.:="'---paUo, all room to add on,....... 3 Crple, prlv1te str:eet. HOME.S PORRP.NT Tut11erock 3bdrm, 2ba, carport, atoraf• abed, •di Jiff R,ol or leaae option. I Bdrms . u~o.•100. lb&oclt fart/cl, $875. low .pl ..... r•n ,, 1 ml. I II •v>J • •·•'I•• •H 4 ~"' ... I •• $ll75/mo. (805)~·0322, Fen ced 'I a rd I ' ... aa • ..... • from Ot'ean. $21.500. ....................... f714)ff7·8'00 ask for 1anget. Kids ' rots * * l!!!M OWC. 548 ·7204 work WAN'l'tD; HoliteOll Lido t 67~ · lale f« ilicome proper· a · welcome . 545·2 oo Ell~lenl ato.11. Im· -~---------1 lY l'rinOftlv 8'2-08 VfEWPROM A note · nculate aid ready to -------• '79 Crownpol.nt 12 X 40, . . EVERY RM . DUPLEX -119 Hunt· m>ve loto--.SO/mo on 1 Laauna Beach. Oce1n .,.._., • ..,..... New Bluff Condo. 2 Br intlon Ave. Ocean vJew, yr lease. Ask Cor Ed associat ed ti ~ • 1 W I I t , .. "" '" 4f7.2(Q In 5 acres parcel smaU Ml-416S 175-178 '500/mo. 2 Br ~/mo · ~•rldtf View ,13,500. 873 7443 WW trade $4,llO ~ult)' 2~ Bl, micro, s a. $82S. volleyball cr1,.,.'f Br i1 .IG ~AMYO~ A.crff9t fw S. 1 JOO cabin. F\IU price il3.500. E'slde. L! 1 Br, uo~ue OI rent entire duplex Cor ...,_._. IO• Take over low pad. "a ... • II e/•atur-w pd $1100 /mo . Ca ll Bob Rcilel ......... ••••••••••••• G Ile ...... ••••••••••••••••• ----·. Tr-.a .. tor ---b e '" ""' "' '"' u u ... ~ c U.r "Ommun tv S DI a N Ct ..__ .u.., ...., utlllt1··1. •c:2s 1mo . ,..ever __,..._,.,, 0 c or 551 ,......,. Btaut.38r'2"'bahorT:e a!' e. 0 0· y, homl! C..mpertruclc.P/ ~ .. ·~ 661~7622home. ..,.,.,., Canal Front, Newport Shores. 4 Br + Lease or Olltiocl t.o buy $1500/mo Tennis, pool. walk to beach. Agent 646-1044 or ~ W.._to¥1ctoria beacl\1r0m -tllis ocea view dl.lllltlt. Ch1rmln1 and only sm.ooo. a..,-v11ep1.1 w/m.lrrored walls. lots Obvenhain 10 ac. La~e p CaJ\ Answer Ad 1 831, 4fttBarrHt"a Pkw)',lrvlnt ol .... .rble. 3 "•rJar. vudpond, oaks, seK:t1c, 64Ma002thn ~l~Df 0 11 3 BR 2~ ba upghraded. -• pa *"""' 000 l 729 JIU w-.. r. "i , .......... e in Beac walk. ---!OO.IXM>. Call §t4·04 4.16-0265"':. · · '"• ....... ... .. Ba ~;pool,jac. "'•mi to L.oti-•a 3241 2a". Calif. filn•s, W..tt4 2900 1475t1m. 556-6516· bch. No children, no ..................... .. llG CANYON LSI 28R McLain Co nao. Sll.25 per mo. Call Gerry 673-1761or1._60-.:.!_3!? UOO ISL• -'"'ma'"e of •r."' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'2 Br. Trailers. SUS & pets . I y r I s e 2Bd+la.rge loCt. Count ry 2 Br. 1 Ba Newport 11; r "' "' I•-------• up + $150 sec. No '14·857-1200 675·6892 . setting, yard, avail now Heights. Very pnvate. 9'11dtoWh IAYFIOMT 9tl0-4640aftSPM ' ch ildren or dogs . 5.16-8142 343CanyonAcres Aus ga rage, near Hoag Panoramic ocean view ·SI 000 000 ,..~&-.Loh/ CASH fOI 642-9193 SHHH•. "br, remodeled ~ + util S1400 start. 64.>0095. ~II ~fg:3e1~:.ch. Olarmin'1 2 tidrm plus -c;,;;,t: 1500 a 12.000 sq ft office build· 2 Br, encl yard, pels/kids gar, 1t.Jd.j>et, NOW UOO Chldm/pet ok 499-2286 Hcnor Ilda. Leo1t .......... den. 2 beth, pier and slip ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ing or land to build on in ok. Avail Mar 14, 2215 OC·RENTALS 750-3314 Large I bdrm dplex, 4Br 3ba. Crml 8ln1ng. Ur. M~fiRylee Dvlp. to accommodate 40' 1 Bu~1·u1 ~lot. Harbor p •550 1 · f ..,00 study beaut de" lge 114 2912 boa N _ _. .. 'd F ·-tbe Orange Co. airport omona . • mo •Br.Townhome, I''' Ba view. rpc •• permo. . " -~-:...===!:---I L ut UJ st e. or an La w n t 0 I 1 v e t1.MI. ...,.,Q '" .... """"'8 de"ks Cab v1·ew pvt · h'-area. !Fast response). .......__ -"lsd patio. security ,,_,.__,, ' · I awomtment to see l 04 Mem>rial Prk ~~., 4349 Call Ho d 1 c:.,.0500 ..... d guarded gate, poo /ten· PUllC AllTION exc.c:-1,~ile.property, call -.....;.."'('!._. --ext49 war a ,,..,.. , •IE.ASTSIDI HOMIS• 90/mo. lst. mo + e OCEAM VIEW rus. $2900/mo Agt Bob . ._._, DmitlltS/ Clean,ptttty,nodogs ..l!Q!it.m.&519. 2bdrm. 2ba. 2 car gar, orDovie Koo 759·1~.L MANSION lWts S. 1100 •l Br $.195 all utils paid, ............,._ washeridryer hkups See ad-under1069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Private Party seeking COf'quaetalngle. ~T" 324" A v a ' I n o "' For renl: Eastbluff. B ... h'ld ,_11a• ' '7141760-1041, 494·4802 beautJfully decorated 3 ""Ullll .... ,..., 181 CSa I bel ••••t•••••••••••••••••• al_t 5nm_. --. 2"'1 ome over· SI -........ ·~ Ow--• CDM D .. X 3br 2ba home . W side •2 r . ...,75onec 1 • Br Ba h Lease wtopll n. 5 yr old IY OW~ll C.M. Have S25K Cor nta sa · Waterfront Broad moor '-"= looking large greenbelt Jff.fEN 2·STORY 0... Poillt 1026 3Br, 21/2 ha. din111g rm, Two 2 bdrm units. so. of down payment. No near Elden. 960·3989 2bdrm, 2ba, frplc.', wet Vacant 5 rm sgl fam1lr ~5/mo 644·~ VE RDE Up Cam rm.2cargar,rned5 BR 3Ba,quletnbrhd, PCH . l'o rn er lot. Brokersor ,Realtors:.sricious 4Br,2Ba.Ea. bar,dbl 11ar.shpava1I. dwelhng,1815/mo inc 8 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Con•· ... Co Bllr " N~t Hts J Br 2 a graded 4Br + ram rm, yrd, ocean vu . $245,000, submit al offers. Ask single/story. divided by ....... nme or · M Frpl, 1g gar, great pa t Io . $ 9 7 S mo gardener. 442 Monterey · · • 2~ba. Super Cinancing PlJl.IC Alll'JIQN 497·1~1 mg, $250,000. 631-7215_ garages, assumable 11>.7 642-2533 arter Spm. Pref. IO<' Lease, $900/mo J.114J67S.Jlll"' Dr. 494·01!>4 -irro. lst. last t dep ~"'•· OWC 2nd. Open U., 1st TD or SI00,000, owner loan assum. --631-1054. Avail !lQ.~ ~..11400 Sat/Sun 12·4: 2763Tern .,_MAdMSIOM HIWCUSTOM Sl9,000 will assist finance. ree.11..WS lbdrm E. side. walk to 2brluxcondoonLagoon &.ag.aHigllel 3252 Bluffs 3 Br 2 Ba C r . R e a·1 t Y ~a wider1089 USID&fCE CONDO:-Bakonyorean immac. S290.000. 521 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Cp,gar&manyxtras •••••••••••••••••••••••Townhouse . 2 car World/Beachs1de ~-a.:.-a. 1040 AT~OWCOST Vlte,erwr,guaardedgatek.,sugb Carnation Ave . CdM . Hlwtf'wltllllH ~r~.~~l:· S295 1850/~!>"~~1831 le29ve3s2 ~heaneviewh3Br.den ... 2btae garage w1opener Avail G c:u1393 --,----. M •-ane n par '" , Call673-~IJ.§755142_ ....................... -. • ·--wknds....,.......,.,; . Sor s ome ua May 1st S90 0 mo race.....,. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• agn1 ic;ent canyon "' elegant clubhouse & .,, 3 brtwnhse. 2"" ha. frplc , --3-244 guard. Near pool;.. beach. 4f~y~~ P~HOMI ocean views 4 bdr m. gym . Mu llan Realty 634 Centl'f St. C.M. &..Jll-leecll Jl41 .,...... $800 /lease uwner 642·9599 WI* OL s*PA With so ar heater and ·den. ram. rm. wet bar. 540-2960askforLori Duplex. 3 Br & 1 Br.••••••••••••••••••••••• etc~~r963·3018 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~·3638or493·9268 BeautiCully upgraded j din. rm, 2 frplcs ll tn -------2600 sq. ft. 3 Cp. Great l:arge 1 Br. Curn . --Twnhome,new3br,3ba, ----Br 13,Ba Condo.frplc, Soacious 3 Bdrm, 2 ha slide. This 4 BR 2''1 ba l M1brl. 3 ear gar. & Low•ortt'.9de ! rental & tax shelter. BeautHulvlew onbeach Brand new dlx condo for patio, gar. Park. pool. Pvt comm. Sea Terrace. patio, electric garage lieautifol . area. Sl5.000 home with large den and more. Bank a ppr at Versailles studio Pen·• $185. 000 C ropper pool , _sec. gate. c all rent 2 master BR 's, 21-'J .1!!£, ~· 833·9057 Plan J 4 BR. 2 Ba. ram opener. pool. park , dn. Asking $240,000 Nutone Food Ctr is great ~.000. Below cost at ~rondo. Take ove r l -fi21S.l357J 981·0711:..A&t._ eves. 521-1910. ha, Cplc, back Cncd yd. 2 ---rm. Comm pool. Jar . Jacuzzi. sauna S725'mo Sl~/mo pymt. PP. Agt for entertaining or fam 1· $395,000 for immed sale him assumable loan al car gar Localed at 1932 llENT A.LS teM1s. walk lo pvt bch Lrnd_a TI2·7317. ~1~ I>' fun Save SS by purchasing 11I~'i<. Owner will con Dm~mG 3 hr. 2 ba. whitewater Merer See to apprec I hr. I ha $650 No pets I yr Is e •-------•' OPENSAT.Noon ·4PM directly Crom ow ners. sider lalemodel carasl Cd M D 1 viewhome.Crplc,Apr.I, Qll839-4322Cor_illh_ 2br+den2ba S975 714·857·l200, 675·6892 . J Br.11,Ba.2·storycon ' 17332CORONADO.HB 900-7106 d · s II up ex . No p6001mo 494·9655 -3hr.2ba S850 536-81_42 do V1s la Hogar CENTURY21 BERG own paym l. e ei negative with possible ----E.ASTSIQE 521 SHAIP EASTSIDE 9628891 OPBUUMDAY I 5 ~perate. Act rast !' ! 1 Courmcome .640·6175. Sharp & quaint 28r, ~ti;"2~6:ta Mesa mgg Mlasioll Vwio 3267 J750irro.G40. 4 6 PUX -. '163MW... . ly $89,900. Call Jim ----Hames u.fwwistMcl l"'•Ba. vaulted ceiling, Le R . Rlt 833 8600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Exec. 4 Br. 3 Ba. (pl. ONLYISO/o DOWN 4Br.2•2 Ba .nook.fam1lf NW EN VWn Agt.979-~0962·9591 _lac_.rro,.rty 2000,. ...................... rrplc,patiolblt-in range -~£~. HOMEFORRENT dshwsher. new decor. and' owner w'II 1i rm 3 car garage pro A IEW 3 H~ \U1l.L. View ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........__ ,_,_... 3206 & .,,1\/\ 4 Bdrm. $700. fenced gr d n r . Wes t cl 1 f r Ufi 1 tnance · landscaped 2 ·at os ' BR 2 "'2 b a h o m e """ -" --oven, poo ·_,.,mo. *•LEASES Sl.325 'mo 646·7250 . to qua ed buyer. Well I · P 1 1345 000 · $385. . Assume tst A..-,.--v AUEY -••••••••••••••••••••• 381 HamiltQ!l. yllTd & garage. Kids & IO<'ated good looking 6 w/covers. wallpaper & &tn' L . dbe & A T D. of $150.000 app rox Ta Slwlter Bayfronl, beach. 2 Br. 2 JBrcondo. Wdbg S900 pelS welcome 545·2000 7S2_.2SSO_. -- units + 0 4 cargarage + · cuslO!Y' paint thru-out. ac& :.g2894ssoc at IJY < Lrg Jbr. 2ba. Near new·4:plex 2 Ba. I gar sp. 123 E. ~Valley 3234 3BrHse.Wdbg $900 ~ru.._noree llGC" ... YO .... ample parking. Below II I secuntr. system . crown 4 · great potential Rerenl· bdrm. 2 bath earh unit BayCro nl. Ba I boa ••••••••••••••••••••••• othe h r "'" " ti~sgross. I moulding._ Mexican OCl:_j.lo.ISIDL. ~modeled kitchen W1lh fireplat'e. ent'losed Island. $1200 winter. HOMEFORRENT ll. rstoc oose rom Mnipor+•och 3249 CONDO ,._. T paver floonng, 2 used '::.":""'G . ru..rt 1 I H b d 3 Bdrm Condo $650 We re the ones to rail for ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br run· igolf course , '---, 644-7211 bnck Crplcs , bit-in TV .. potent1... reat views r must sell Call patio, garage .,..,. ' st. $1400 annua . er . ays · · leases · s t e re 0 c ab i De t & Crom this 2 bdrm & fa mi· agt for additional Info on Pos rash rlow. Now 213/418·3577 ~~ yard & glarage. . ~VIEW LIEASIE reew, ~~is.Apool· spa • • High assumable. Musi come unit. There is rick: 642·6173~6·5096. Rllr, 675-6161. ___ _ --· e no ee. ·p city + ocean vu. Guard -bookshelves in ram. rm. ly room home with iJI. rinancing, Mary Lar Sl.S9.500. Bill Grundy. ~ ,.._.. 3207 545-~ tsnt we ~ome . rgl\bodbrldu fBarm J Ba, F.R .. D.R.. Pn~ I~. s«.1:2. a":; • ~ · room on the R·3 street to . .--••••••••••••••••••••••• Del T'be C d DA-I t P I t ear ""ean and tennis 3 ~ see lo appreeiate. street lot l o build Custom Bayrrest home. L.AGUMAlliCH 1•2brhouse.yr.round.no uxe 1 ron on o ~ ly ga e. oo + enn1s bdr,; 2ba. S750 mo . $219,000. Open Sat1Sun ~not her unit as well Sal.e by Owner. rnr t Comm'f/lndu s 14 units pets. $550. I blk to beach. 3 hr, 2 ba. fam rm. $685. 551·3000 KSl~/~agt_.7BoS9·bl2o2rl Dovie Water h ome s I n c 714/963·6163. P rivate Den J 12Ba . pool & spa, 9.3 times gross Owner 675-2010 413.Appl now. -~ Part __ _ $50.~~0lrr.S all cabinets solid rm. Asking S.SS0.000 By ,..-_..&-.JM --21.3-J29-422ll21!·~~-9693 •mBarnnra !'k•y.lrv.u.i: The fastest dra"' in the 6.1!-l400 -Mesa Verde Assume 11.87°/o You'll appreciate the room ofCered by this 4 bedroom, 2'h bath re· sidence. f eaturing a master bedroom swte1 family room an a fi.replat'e Entry accent· ed by new ceramic tile, new rarpeting. Sharp condition Ample rear yard. Owner is very anx· 1ous -s ubmit orrer ! $1 66 .500 . Call now-979·2390 TARBELL Lea3e·Opt1on-Pu rchase or partnership. 3bdrm. 2ba. Sl.50.000. 421 E. 20th Sl. Prine. Only. 644-4682. Mwn er, it{.~r 2ba, r~ r~en . patlu a o. u . 15fa ya. · 1392 . SALE OR T RADE F.astside Costa Mesa un· its wllh large fen<'ed lot. room Cor RV. McNash Reall)', days 642-1334. evests1·9889. , OLDER 2Br. lBa. lg cor· ner lot. Cruit trees, sm 1arage. $130.000. owe. f PP, {714 l 338·3751 MISAYEIDE 3Br, :!Ba, assume loans. 754-Q36 art &PM. l'SIDI J UMITS R2. Pfoe walls. open beams. carved cabinets. New carpet. Below ap. praised value. have documents. Low dn w/S1 20K 1st. f /P $149,500. Ph 645·6266 OwnerA&l. I COUEGEPARK Spacious 3 Bd 2 Ba home w/hlgh assumable loan. low int. rate. Only $129 900. Submit terms. C11\ Rbt. Milliken, ·'' R&IM~ .,. s o •n.: 1: walnut Owner "'111 owner ~3471 ._.___.. Off 3222 3 BR 2 Ba. mo lo mo , West a Da I p 1 t d I r or a le By w ne r A lovely 2 rm condo in rinance ~-8798 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• $750 N1re loc. Kids OK f'\nd what you want m Class ified Ad 'c>a.11 Tl oo asphonease yGa1vsea'ara'"11g WY~~.,r, Franciscan Fountains. this oated private com -- -..... rlsbad II un1I bearh ~ I & Daily Pilot Classifieds I dav"·'"'-~8 _ ®t.he rest.-"•"'·S6?~ ' single stry home . Pt A t motel $329.000 Also acuar ocean r1t)' 960.:~ "-'"'"'°' """ -4bdrm, 2ba. nearby mum y. men1 ies '" ABSOLUTE ocean & lagoon vu gilts view rrom every schools.parks & library rlude privatebeach. ten· lri p l ex S 196 . 000 room. Lar~e 2 Br. frpk. • •• • •••• • • • • •. • •. • ••••••••••• $113.000. Open House nis & pool. An excellent STEALl. I. i.729_.0_104 ma n Y a me n • t •es Sat /Sun. 12·Sf m. 6572 opportunity 1230.000. --S1200tmo. Call Anthony • • J d. D I B N Ml"-l stakemyreputationon u.J...U-H-P-&. days 642·5757. eves & 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL ~~nnewes~··& Sl~t~r)r Prime indust°rial proper· lhe FACT that this IS th~ 8J"';es.nr D':lias. wknds631·6630. I • • . • n14l 842·9216 ty with heavy duly BES!' BUY an Newport $-400.000 with ,150.000 LEA.SE QJ\ OPTJON 4br • :..=.:='----~ l'OMI'. olCicta, separm Beadt:-lf -you -.rr • cash down l'f8 payment 2ba vu exe~ hm $1400 • -a Oaya • 3 lint.. .. t..Oqtlarl MO DOWM worttareas and house oo lqitimate buyer.CALL on debt service & In· ~_9wnrl~. 1~·-8906· I • • 1:11'/ 01 llMTHEST a large securely Cenced M~ DIRE<;fLY and you j terest Cor 1 yr. Will con· Its easy to place yo 8 Da W k Cl f d b I 2 Br JMOedite-rranuo lol. Great opportunity! WI 11 b~ Im pressed sider Orange Coast pro· 4 blks to ocean . 3 Br 2 Ba. ur -y ee ass1 1e y ma1 . and 1t • Valla Qualify to Seller. Owner will help with GREAT BUY! OCEAN 1 perty in trade. Call Uf.'· garage. $895. • COStS JUSt $8 -that's Only a dollar a d a y• To qualify for th1S Full price s1os.ooo. financing. •5.000. vu. LRG 4 BDR. PROF., 1w120-1036 or 152.2213 ---5290 ---e special offer. you must be a non-commercial user offering • A ent 556-651§_ · gFfk~R~J~?i· 'r:\~~ By_~ 2 Br. den1 1 Ba, 2 rrp lcs. e merc handise for s ale up to $800 per ad. and the price m ust e 3 bdrm l'I• ha .. lg lol ~'trtt&=r $376.500. A trade will be I Walle to beach, beautiful lrg palio, 2 car gar be T Sll0.000 GI to assume. '~\.<WW~~~ considered You won't tri·pleii. 2·2 Br. 13 Br. 19()().$1000. 511 Poinsel-• in your ad he COS! Stays the Same whether your ad • &.000 9.5"'r loan owe ...... . belie\'e It until YOU see tl Patio. frplc . $499.000. ~~ 6'M·I093 • needs eight days selling time o r JU St one • ~1043 Ca I I P fl t H I C K Owner win help r1nance 3 Br. J 83. front un1l A REAL BARGAIN Im· •tC11 11 ca....,._ TENORE D irecl l} ~l_!tj{edda 646-1044. S825 rro 719 J asmine. • ~ • ma c. 4 Br, nr t he .._._<H~t 759·1221 or 760·8702 91/2ASSUMAIU! GdM Call 615-6494 Use one wo rd 1n each box About 4 words make one Harbour. Shows like 17141494-l In Owner wllf carry 2nd. HURRY '3br.2ba all e classtfte d line of type Mintmum ad •S 3 lines Please pnnl • new. Only Sl28.900. Bkr QUALITY well kept appl puropt S495 • plainly • 848·0709 ----'l'riPlex near S.C Plaza. <X;,·RENTALS 750:.J.'.!14 ATRIUM ENTRY · Love LakeForftt 1055 ~r~t~~ITSli~~~ly1 0d~: Ea sts1de 3 Br. 2 Ba . • r------------------------------, • ly 3Br+ ram rm. F'inesl ••••••••••••••••••••••• S7S01mo . Isl, last & ser !oration. Sl29,900 Bkr Cenced yard & enclosed de • I I • 1118.()700 I 00/o CASH DOWM garages Prired belo"' posit Call 548·4388 Pill( rt.ACE Super view property on romparables at $249,500 _aft. 5 • I I • BEACH WALK 5 Br Largest Cir plan Pvt spa 20'1 dn and owe Asking $200.000. Bkr 848·0709 SUPER POOL HM. Outdoor bar and enter tamment area. 3 Bdrm. 2 ha . 2 car gar Professionally decorat ed thru-0ul. $129,500 675-1771 ESTATES large lot w existing ()penTHURS thruSUN $.515 mo 2 Br 2 Ba New I I • 4 Br. 2•, Ba dUPlex. Live in one rent 811 Jennifer Lanr. C M ra~ls. washer dryer • 2174Sq. Fl lhe other or bwld a new t!x_Owner hook.up. all built· ms, • I I • BETTER TH~N home + guest house COSTA MESA 4.PLEX rlose to shopping. small I $ 8 00 I HA.S E~i~~~HING Almos t lot v11lue 21'1 downlge unit,fine ~ard.CallforApptTSL • I • • Cul·dN acstreet. S4l5.IXM>. . cond. FUii price S225K. mt.542·1603 ---• I 10.e.ft 1 1 • Sun & Sail II Club -WATI RfRONT Call 972·9300, ask for Spar. 2 hr. 2"i ha. bit-ins. VV 20 min . to Newport HOMI a.c. '. WILLIAM LINDN ER. Jac. pool. quiet area • I I • Center REALESTATE IA .) ~2:_4912 ---• 13.20 I • 1210.000 with $160.000 _ 631-1400_ ~ 2 Covington 4·plx. xlnt Cost. Mesa 3224 at 12'"'2 fixed rate & fully terms. Ask S290K ea_ •••••••••••••••••••••• • 15 80 r • amortized. Prinonl A !149-1366 OC·RENTALS • ' Nopointsorquahfying. 2Brtownhouse.den. new· 1·5br's S200toS2000 • Ad S • no.0341 ly ca~ted. rooC sun· Deluxe Covington 4-plex. 7:;o.3314 1-da_ys d 2.60 for each addltlO!'ll llne for 8 times Owner/Agent deck. lSK to existing top F.V. loc. Great as· • • _______ _, loan. 230 Prospect. Do sumable loan. OWC. Only S400 rents this not disturb occupants. Prin. only. Bkr. 979·4383 2br w/ auatio kid • • · ~~~~ ... ~~.~~ 2u1001.1537 1 u..ns oc.n A 750·3314 • Publ ish my ad for 8 days starting e 1-------•LEASEIOPTION exec Newport Bch t ee land llOHEOF ~~~~~~~I MeWDOrt u-laMs condo. NB. Orean & bay Excellent Appreciation TUI: LUCKY FEW e Classifi cation e ..: EW LisTI nw "ti\ vtN>. I BR + den. ror Owner /Bkr9SS·3454 ReDtln -costa Mesa's • 2BR 2BA Mariner's N NG' 0 ex·, rmre mfo call 673-4899 Huntin"'"'n8each 9units. NEWEST gated 20 • Name • Cove Condo. Pool. Ten rel lent area on one 0 evs. 6"' Id 1 R Town home VlLLAG E • nls. Security. 12500 ON. nicest streets Bright. 1o yrs 0 · A 1 2 B · COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. e Address lyr . lease op ti o n sunny 3 Bdrm home withi--------$4&5.ooo. Prine only. 2"'1Bll.1600-1800sq. Ct. of $1250/mo. $)?.SIC. 96K 15 large yard. Good financ· 12'1'•°t'olnt·Slf5,000 Bkr.SJ6.0l23 pure luxury. Garages. • C't _________ _;____________ • sum. owe. Prtn only ing.Sl98.SOO. itA.a..,.W.&.oa.s Lotsfws.le 2200 hydro.tubs in ma ster e I Y Zip Phone e ·986-7758 432,.lerto.A••· onthisbeautlturf8ifrm ....................... sul leL dining rooms. C ()pea~ l·S Portofino model in HARBOR RIDGE woodwmingflreplaces, • heck or M.O. en closed D • tt.fW• 642-52 0 Harbor View. Separate Willt.ra.de/jointveoture. micro-wive ove ns. Hlli*r 1042 -h l I Iii 644-0377 sr:·vate patios & yards. • Cha e d t • mot er·in· aw qrtrs. ITU on. ardener prov1·ded. rg my a Q: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' almost new carpeting. FJ • • EST ATE SM.E a<»e to poot. S319.500 1y1LDERS mfu~ant.! ~;01nmg ~nasly 101ns ~ rr.-1 S Comm' fot on Beach Bl., ..... ih • O # Exp • .._ IYOWHll -• near Kn oll's Berry lsland,7 mlnutestoS.C. I ·----Cstm waterfront on II orf Cltartft Farm. ll,600 sq rt lot. ?laza or O.C.Airport. • • LEASE OPTION JOit dn. Sl ,000 mo. 3 BR . 2 I be Eastside 548.5338, 173·2'SZ. leesideof Davenrrt Isl. Owner will fin . s150,000 Just eaat of New(>ort • 11 O • # Exp. • 4 Br 3 Ban, 42.:,.d22oc8a, 2-sty. So. c:.lf. ·~· 631-7370. !_vd. ~~.:.~San ~go 2SIO sq . 1.,.. runa. 1 Fr N . l .,,. ... R.LAS 194 n wy . .,....ma at_,,, a $750,000 . 548 ·7698, Cana ont. ewpor _.. month. 631-5439, 2473 • •L------------------------------• M6-!M611 Shor es, 4 Br. Den. Oran1e Ave .. Costa W szs.<XM>ctown. ownerwm lies. e r·--······ E'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·············i e ar.w I044 carry. Must sell! Mike Ollll"IHl 11.... • 11 '• • ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• otter! Ter.ulll. pool, •alk --••••••••••••••••• 3 Bt. 1 Bl. enclscl garage, wo!itet?! •••. :~~~gent 641-!" ·~,.:··· 1100 :Wi£.~~ge• yc~~or: ••• ki 111111 NNIOFEICNPM~Ti,s~T~EAROGYE ~:: ·: '4e 2500 sq ft nee. 4 br. OP1M .. T /SUN 11-6 •••!•••••••••••••• • ••• ::... ;::1' J.'~~~e ~ .. ",; Price alaahtd 110,000. Newhtory'be1chhou1e a.. rm. 1 bath, new c--"CTOIS/ :t(epo1lt. 541 -54_ 42 • • 12!N,j00.551·1W 8ay6oceanvlew1 ••pet It d rapu . _.,..,. ~ R ONITEOSTAHS WOODBRIDOIN!W Orlltualat!'1e~~~.~d ~autltul adu}'~lr2k. Lea t~ or OM l4Mty .... Verde a BR • ! l) • 2 ~~and-dt:D.~~ -~or Ml.aw · -'PIC!rnt·~ 50, kit. IOMd R·• ~u tam rm. 2 t1a. te00 mo. e BUSINESS REPLY LABEL ,.> e M._, .,.,ce ,,_ --•-ar -Beach De ADU ~ ....... ~:,__...of Kida&/ ti Del. Julie, l . cln ~ '" nw w ,.......,._. -v.J vw11n11--a ,,,_Sf(UIU~lltMITltO I) COSTAMllA.(AllfOtlfllA ~ · .. 1.,. •v ba1froot Pull. Mint ~ laaet. Malt• of· •• • • ii • lhlbered, • atrittm. eo•d. ''78 dbl wide. ""-' .. -· -Nr ... ~ Pl .,. Dr poo I. tea.... ..... I n.W,t.ce, brlell patio. ~ ••••. vr.-r-: .. ~m3.rt.fo1 • ~ ~fAOE WU. PAD,, AIX>'l(SSl[ • Q!Mr/tnr•• FJNOSPn'AL 111.-. 'II double w1c1t1 ...._ ......___. CXJYS'"ar, na, frpte, I < Or1n91 Coaat Dilly Piiot • ~..-. ... 2 t-tilli eOI~. eor'IW lat sa1ooo. 811 --. ........-.1411 wabrtC::1r. levolora, 11 llliily "•lat ;;AH;............... Pado. ble •ar•c•., QnPlrm..tlt . Dclwa'9, I car £:! : : I : AW _. Callllae ol tilt mol>Ut1-••• ........ , ....... •/Ofaf, f!!i· Jae. lft. u -;:'·~'fJ .,_... ... _, 111 ...... ""· i:.1o1...::.<T ... -::: r.. .• t.rr,:~·mr; ,. ........ '°a HAW..... e ~-----• IJ. a ·i .. .;., 1ar. e COiia Miu, CA 11111 t _... ,,._....._, Mrftnlt. • 1 IOI 1• • -.,..... . . ... ..... , . .......... fd.l·. ·;;!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~liiTi~· ~·,...-.; ... ; ······~············ m1 . ' .. ' • --~- • 1425 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 (714) 545-3334 • \ 1 ' .. ;· • I • t 1 1 ~ I \ Ir-is.me. " ...... ,_.._,.. '• O!t •• ....................... 1;;;-.-;;;................ . ......••.......••.•.• ••········•··•········· •..•.. ~~;;: ........•........•................ •·'"'l·•··········~······· ...................... . ..awlCa I ION ,Shampoo 6 lteam clean. GARDENING WANTED DUMP JOBS .MD. 6 wile avail for hie STARVING COl LEGE •BRYANT'S • BUDC£1 RATES/Lk'd ""Jij\dlriSlfttiiM1 Co&or bri1ht,ntr1, wht M~lnJ. edtln1. raktna. &Stnall M~vJ:l.f»ba alttin& for I yr be1lnnln1 STUDENT MOVING Walltoverin1 Removal Low min. Sml Job• Ok. Addltm . Rtmodelln1 c~ 10 min. bltach. aw• e p I n 1 . f re e 11{ l f.82. 5Peelallty ttalllll\1 co Lie. 111'!24-438 All 642·1341 • ., I· l Doora.w1Adow1,patlo H&U. Uvtdln. rma sis: estlmatn 645-5737 or HAUlJNO •DUMi-=t•d Ha. Call l~red 641 ·84%'7 "-lMtw y,..L-1 •• covert. Frttffl. Rtaa 1v1 room SUO: couch 2 JOb<!.ukforRan "• 'TV'ffUSGROW! _......, 1! •a no SlO· chr SS. Guar ellm ..... •••••••••••••00••• °" ~ "" •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . FIN HOME rr'odor. Crpt repair. . El.tt'l'RICIA~1 priced =:bfe~R&e~~~~~ ..._Ta ISTARVJNG A~ORS ~AMO LISSOHi •Expert Tree Pruning• IMPl\~VF.MENTS JJe~ ::&· J.001~1ork ~~~~':atrJo'b:.te . on Trlmmln1. Tom 83M~t ~YP l.OPfa ACT •EXPER .• PREP.AR.Ek00 r:'f~11t:~r~?ut. Pt:!~st ~! J=· ~~'ben :: Com,merclat LanAj~li ~ltiocufrRenpdelln&, NoSt"a. m/N_o. Sha. mpoo lJC.fM6?1 §13·9*? Mowln1 $10. $1$, $20. ~-~ etc. ~~on·r::c\~ Enrolled tCLJ>UCtlu Rates Law Allows. M/C ~ CompleleTrHSfrvlce SUI~ Specialist. Faat TOP i UALlTY Ha~,.od~J.Lnl $IS ' ~i.JW tu hrtJ ~=-~t~~:llty Visa, YrJ.lns. 673-08S3 ....... ,,..,..r 1..ao:;1c~~~6 Jrri . · 4 ~~~ ~s ·1582 -=~~AL~Y~~ . 1 • ' SS.009S Otm>Utloo·Gradln1 F~T ·ACCURATE ,.... ..................... .. Setvlce Directory ,._ Trwpott. Alphalt. con· llloome ln aervice-your ·~··•••• .. ••••••••••••• Neal palche:i & texluru Trwt .,_.. • Sl'Prtstntallvt • I' ••m•w. _.... RaJD/COMM'L/l~D ._.Stnk" crtte •tree removal. ho«mbx@ppt 9H•f82I F~paintlngbyRichard ~at. U·ltlt ................ , .... .. U . I ....................... 20yra. Do my own work ........................ Soll prtp & plantln~. · Sinor. Llc, 1n1. 1J yr1 ot OELINQU.ENT' ••6il41iiJ,illlii6ii7111ilill' iitdiiliiliiJliJ-I ~-~ Cfte.tl'TI. hi.Id Care 20 mo's to 5 Uc, 278041. Al 8448128 RototllllrHI . cteuup, Ope~ecr tciuitpComm I rtr.nal It Business In happy local customers. PLASTER PATCHING Judicial Foreclosum •• • vn ffl. 5:30•m·5:30pm. R~JO/COMM'L haulln~eneral re· ~'!.142-cd'me Ta x R e turn '.D.!!tl!..X.01~, _U\:..4.tlQ Restuccos. lntlext 30 llaroldF.McGrath&q Ullom ornea, ram· Preschool actlvlUes & ...... ,.._ d od .. 1 ,,.., .. , 1 -~ration Avail for x_ra Neat. Paul 545 2911 ac1.1711 Acu•Hlet Ing, remodel. French outln11. Nutrltlou• Jell.· "1ean, epe ave. ~ ' · HAUIJNG-.tudent hu Evenln1$&W~end ()(. c:.eo.P.... MR. t:O'SPLAS'n.:HtNG -""---- ,...................... doora. skyll tJ ai paUo nail. Reuonable. re· ~lA,lif°"a\';i 2315 tt..t-ltt tnick. Lowttl rate. fke or-Home Appoint· 25 yra exp. c:riniln!Ml ~T Int or Ext TypilNJ W.k t P1RQtrlles·Fin Stmu rovers.Ml. fe re ncea, Adams. · ..... : ................. Prompt.Call 7~·1t76. menu. James L. Zlm· Hoftded.lns.Rela Color ~·reeesl ..................... .. Comp!. Set-up &c Serv. ROBT SfEINBRON ER. lltookhurst. P§l:.2993 Fw L'liii t ltfW1•ilt Carpentry · Masonry nk ou. John r:man. Cf, . 645-421.L eJpttt. ~..ll..D..ill --Typing. res u mu. term asonab · ~0-sa:M OEN'LCONTRACJOR Olild care, full or Ptr In ....................... ROofing . Ph1mbln1 HAWMG/Cll.AHUP FEDERATED PAINTER NEEDS .... Ilg pipers, dissertations. Have calculator, will Uc. t 645-6456 our home. Bilker Ii Hand •ltlfa':lng, refialr· Drywatr-Stucco · Tile · COO.t.-'Tre.etl·Ya:Oar* Income Tax sUvlt-1· WORK! 30yrs exp int/ ....................... word processing. Reas. travel! All acctg serv. • Harbor 1re1. S46·M20 Ina. 1nt quea. ra tan. Rem>del · 9990 •Rental repair 631·~ 63 7 ext. Acoustic ceilings, Drains clearedfrom SIO rat es L P . 0 rr ice Call for !PP\. 760·1122. ... .. S..Ca.ht new urnlture. Chair General Maintenance -• vts Pa ntln&..J47· Plumbu1_g ~ep1irs Services S48·7fil. --Cua tom cliJ)enfrr. Cutuwden,a1w.e eanln&. ru ahln~. Repalra&cDecoratinf ..._ConW.lct l••u pll9 eou f)-~est M.~ .. M§P-9033 ~c&a--.. ...... decks & patios. J .s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SPECIAL-any cba1r1 • lit •Ra 640·5""4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• e&e tst/ tent 7r/rDs ex ... _... ~ ....................... Const. Co. Top quality ADD'NS/REMODEUNG W color. hind strlppee> ~-HOMEKEALTHCARE VANDENBERG pe!.ln ex • re•· ana Property M•o9t1Mllt ...................... . Orivewaysi..ParkingLot work Lie. no. 380801. Plana. Llc 'd. George or reglued, $.19.7~. A HOMEIMPROVEMENT Avail. by cert. nurse's LANDSCAPING·Lndscp §4tl8!!9 (ke~t~ ...................... ""LettheSunshineln" Repairs" ::iealcoallng. Fr t. S59·5Sl 1 Pilmer & Sons. 5SHl932. Touch of Class lntenors. REPAJR-PLUM BING '.!jde. Ex 'd. 559·819{_ m11Jnl. ~mm/res1d. tree Bishop & S0n Pauiung PIOPEITY Call Sunshine Window S&.:>Asphalt COMM.'L/RESID 711W.17lh St. A2. C.M. Heatln&. carpentry, trhrunldg, clean-up. 30 yrs exp. in Beac·h MANAGEMENT Cleaning, Ltd. 548·8M3 LI 63 .4 Carplllf• d' · . W.7712 eJec. tile. Free est. No ~ lns'd/bonded/hc'd ain,. f)-ee est.S48·1029 Or Co 20'"1. Monlhh: DlscoY.nL ---=......,,"""""'~'----1••••••••••••••••••••••• Ren»d.·Ad Dl·Repatrs ---~small 645·2811 ....................... 979 "146 . -ange o. Carela. IS Yr'~ • RIC'(.'IDENTIAL• lobpltff.g CHAR REN OVATING Very reu. Lie. 390250. .... •• , ---Wanta REALLY CLEAN -·"-=----mta'SPAIHTIHG expenence a I for'" u I:.;> ••••••••••••••••••••• •• Compl. int/ext & boat J aclt H. Bennett, Jr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Q:inr1. Hm [\'rs( drwl. HOUSE• Call Gin11ham Lawn serv Ice. mow . 10 yrs ex per. mt or ext anC:t rates. "'g I sty SJO. ave 2 aty Lic'd Childcare. loving dock.s. 2S rs. 645-3749 Gen. Q>!\tr. ~2-9142 Landscap'?,·Yd Clnun. pnd n g · r n Jx u P • Girl Fr · est 645·5123 tdee. trimming, clean· ~ ...t.6.l..a.lll.. ~ Chns 957· •. --. r-yrcwrlt. reas erry . · --~ plantina des· - -G care "' companionship. L"'NE FINISHWORK All construction, la~e & .. ~tn,m· xpert ma.lilt. 955-3395 ROBIN'SCLE•IVJNr, • ign p I . II P~Sft· ~GMT WINDOWCLEANrn renced yard. S56·3098 r I u D' l C'·-a It Jim 851·0129 ----. '¥' " -~Bob anting. wa covcnng, 7 yrs in arei.. Excellent ----Rermdeling/Doors hung sma · isc o..... u 11• ---, ea t d I Serv1ce-athoroughly wood refinishing by By ( range Co. Babysitting m our C.M. Rand 720·1260CdM WaYT1e539·7112 • _ Res.id I comm I i n du s P!rr0 p~tio"semgarnti~e· clean house. 540 0851 Mm-v • German·trainep., flit her lny. Prop ) Ed 534·0040 642-54(9, 645·7912 homes. 1 Yr & up . An§" Custom s pa de c It s. REMODEL/ADD'NS Maint'Frclean·ups, tree windows. drs. qualify Quality . Dependable ••••••••••••••••••••••• & son. 40 yrs e;j.; R!!rs ~"""9 time. 642· 2t646 575 patios. f)-, doors. Llc'd. All & any types. We orfer trlm. ee est. 641·1096 work. 54S-I -Call Pam & Bob Dwight, ~R~CK:'ORK i SCmatll Uc. 3$(256. 831· 8 ...................... . The!NcPtt~ on the~ COllt Lovin g Mother will JolvlorRick9'79·321!.__. ~mplete s~rvlce: de· JACKOF ALLTRADES 673-70!1 JO 1 • ewpor · oa a p~ J 0 llornRorin--hinu babysit Ftr Custa Mesa sign. bluepnnt. carpen· Clean-ups, Tree Trim Mesa, Irvine. Refs .,....._, , .,, .. Area. Nr. Fairview and Bob's Carpentry-re mod. 1 try. eler . plumb .. con· Maint. Resid./Comm'I. Call day or night, WE MAID YOUR DAY ' li7~3J75 .. ........................ Ant1quei.. kit c·abmel!o. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS Baker.~__ repair. No job Loo small. crete. masonry. tile. Amie 548·8414 _ •ll!.c!_fl5-~J4.! Honest & r~liable clean CUstom Brick, Stone. Farthlllg lnteno~ Dl!segn Hnepa1n11ng 64:>~ J!er. f)-eeest 839·62!7 cabinetry . Lil· 337169. -' Home Maintenance 'n & servec e · AP ls• Block Concrete Sturco HA!"CIN<;;sio H~LL ~~itti~,approx .610 BOB'SCARPENTRY We know how lo do it ~T::~~~~[~~nti~fn Yardwork&treetrim homes, condos . Reas Rers.rt Est.549·9492 ° Quahly 1:-1l',ms. Stnp ~••••••••••••••• ~·.M: M·hr.~~~~l_a_rd_ All types. No job too right!Q..wck.631·2345 ~mainl.serv. :>40-S<W_ a>yrs. Gene5S2·0458 !J!le.S. -~eggyL --ping. ~1s(o.,1cn15 ."7 REPAIRSF'ORLESS le mlRefs.839· RAFT GSER E ~ Ex"dH eclea, MW.... paper. 1sa·1• tot CHILDCARE 0 IN VIC ~ ~~ L~l TO WQl11 xp o&usR 1. bn1er ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645-9325 Shmfles flat 30 yrs CUSTOM CARPENTRY 20 S e Per ~om :n• .. " Mature e 1a e ----"" t 111127"" You C4'I W ll, F'lllCI It, 1 rod. ll With o Wont Ad MyC.M homew yard. yr x ' . ~ C t u"·"""•/669""16 Prof deaned in our LIC.PAPERllANtiER ~p._,eees ._..., I hour. 642-0162 BY u JAY u ml /resid. 673·6047 ri · en ~ t::fs n~ryg'rS~!~ 1~fn '"'&, m"" plant All types. Free Bonded & guar No Job HuberRooftng·alllypes (642·5878 ] 642-8809 an. S da eves GARDENING ma int. It hauling. F'ree pkup/del 645·8616 for tDosmall or too large. Ne~' rttover-decks ..... tcy . r-a W.k Woodworl'-& LANDSCAPING est. HOUSECLEAN!NG est. t .. ---~ Tony_89112728 _kr !1411802.. 5411.9734 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -,.... • ..., J~ese. Geo. 54~·7072 • E 'd refs & rehable For all you need to know ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----Pr f SS on I xri . . MoYilg Expert wallcuvrring in· ROOF LEAK" ???'?9 OM Coll S-o fo•i C1tdil Approval about bankruptc call WeCareCrpt Cleaners CUSI'OM HARDWOOD MOWING · CLEAN UPS 0 8 I 3 Ca I llfil'.!1me, 95S·24lB_ •••••••••,••••••••••••• stJllJation Reas pm·es. Coortnghl & Son 7141835.91/i Steam clean & uphols 1!1terior:s. bars. mantles. Hauhnf · Landscap~n_g T I. S . C Mature Live·in n.~ckecper. -.\IC MOVING-Consultant A~~1gnmcnt Roorinl( ----fi\l(k rmuntunit libraries. cabinets, f)-DI-'-= ,§4lm!. ... erv1ce 0. separat.eqtrs. xlnl rers. Ql!!ck-carerul. SS2·0410 581-8500 I ~r~f:~t 58652'Ji! loah.M ..... •ce/ Wortguar. 6453716 bookcases, skylltes. F\tllmaint.&cleanune I t213l ,592·3537 or t7141 646-49'15 11AM·9PM --Orun•"·''uJstRoofm" Senice rust. molding Rers. Spec. tn <.'<>mm & shop·: __ 840.!!§18 ---•A-I MOVING• WALLPAPERING Re ~fml( Repair;' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Have _you read today's 646-0092 -tn ct.rs. TOI!)' 646·7S56 JOHN THE '·IANl>YM/\N Tum to toduy'srla~s1fied Top Quality Special Exp'd, bonded l.1 l" Ht!_as rate~ 541! 17:13 f.ager buyers read the C:lass1f1ed ads every ti:!) Jr you have )Qnlfthmg for sale. re ach them fasl and tnl.'X· pcns1\"ely. call 642·S678. YACHT Cl~1f1ed ~ds• IC not. Have somethmg to sell? • for the best buys eare in handling. 25 yrs C-6/366843 Oisrounl~ on MAINTENANCE you r~ m!ssing the best Cl Ted d d .t 11 f1nd what you want in Plumbing·clec.-odd jobs 642.5678 exp. Competitive rates walkoverings l"n•c c~l. 12yrsexp. !)40.6822 , bar ams tn town! _ ~ 8 5 01 we · Daily Pilot Class1f1eds. f)-eeesllmales. 638·4.Q!>S ------Noovertt!!'f,_730-13:>3__ 13Q9j~~ Want Ad lftolp ? 642 ~711 ------ 3 b=~u~e~\pec· tacular view. tennis. pool. SHSO mo. 760·8708 and 67S-2144 HOME FOR RENT 3 Bdrm. S6SO Fenced yard & garage. Kids & pets weirome. 545·2000. Agent, no fee. Jbr. 2ba, pool. din rm tfm ..._..,..,,..tltedor rm. 1100 Clay, NB u.fwWsMd 3100 $1050 rm. Agt ~-5032 ........... •••••••••••• DE.51GNERS TWNHSE 3BR 2BA house. Garden E. Bluff Newly decor Grove. quiet location lhruout, spac. 2 br. 2 ba, 50 rm. 714·846·9Z46 formal din. Pool, view. Avail. immed. to Sept. l, •,,_1.L..1 '82. Rers. SllOO /mo. r.f'19~ 3400 Hurn. avail extra ) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Appl, IMMED OCCPY 213.271.3939 714-760-3667 S39~ ino . Semi lurn studio, wtbackyard. nr DUPLEX W /DOCK SC PLAZA. Tennis. Wai.enronl. ~ Br 2 Ba pools, jac & much more. dplx w/spa m mstr Ba. ~7-7838. Bll·in kit, rrpl. dbl car gar, -t 2 off-st spaces CCl4dalRilii-sm> U..fw llislwd 3425 J.R. PROP. MGR •••••••••••••••!••••••• H..tillafe111ld1 675-6670 675-6173 2 bdrm roll&. s,550. 3 mi Walk to beach. 3 Br. 2 Ba. from HB. 556·0363 or garage w /hook-ups, 549-3481 rrplc, dshwshr. Savage 2 BR 2 t I D/W Wtlde&Co. 67S-6606. · stov'e. ~~. ~o·o mo" PllVATEPilK: 3 Br. 2'11ba, kids ok. Pets ma ybe. 631·2242 John A WES TC LIFF &POOL Avail 1m1DPd. 842·0269 USTIL.UFF 3Jxlnn, 21h ba. (,.Pc. $975 [11). 64(). VERSAILLES I bdrm Penthouse, xlnt toe. ~90 r rm Vac 714·968·5133 LEASE /OPTION exec SpiCiout studios one and two bedroom apart· ments, FURNISHED Ind UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also offers • All Utllitiel Plld 'lmmedllte Occupancy • $1 Ml•ion In Rect•llon And Muell More• For a monlll or a l•le· bme Models open daily 9am 106om ·No pels Oakwood Garden Apartments Newport Beech/No. 880 Irvine (•• 16111) (7t4) &45-1104 Newport BNch/So. 1700 16th St (Dove• ai 16th) (714) &42-5113 t;:1 -llb for a ramily I not too large for one. 1 Elegant decor. exec. 4 Bd gardener & pool svc inc\. Avail wash/dryer/· refrig. $1600/mo. Agt. Lols63H266 condo. NB. Ocean & bay view. I BR + den. for s.Al.acJllMI 1716 rmre info call 613-48911 ••••••••••••••• • • • • •• • • evs Laguna Beach, beaut rum .. suite 2 BR. spa. ..£.. tL.-t..1.-...i sauna. satellite TV . 4br, 12"'ba· ram rm/din .__._,"",.....__... maid ser v. $300 wk. rm. rncd pool. Avail. ••••••••0 ••••••••••••• 114-499-2227 now. Agt 95S·<MI09 lallo9 l.a-t 3706 ....:..:..:.-==-='------ ••••••••••••••••••,•••• IAl-1,_ Lrg 3bdrm. available 3/15106/1.5. f700/mo . 951·3243. , ..... 3107 2 br. Iba, yrly. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• No gara~e. SSSO/mo. Nu 2 & 3BR. 2BA. yearly. __ 67=-6287=.:.---fi:Pk. bit-Ins. gar, park· .._.,....,. 3707 Ing. Close to bay & ••••••••••••••• •••• •••• ocean. Brkr 615-4912. Dlx rum. 3 br. ~ ba apt. Oceanfront. prime area. ocean &c bay vtew from 3Br.2Ba.frp lc.Nopets. sundeck. avail. lmmtd. l ye a rs I ease al Winter $600/mo. yrly $1350/m>. 675-8904 aft 5. @IO/mo. 675-5204 337·3'14 days. C... .. Mw 3722 Yearly blchelor. ~ blk to .......... ~·~· .... ::t~i.f~~.rr mo. 2 J&-t0 litadf. 11.ear .. Mer JIU •••••••••••••••••• Ape IMCllh Ulufww. '+* lw•tt u.fw1L ~ .......... u.tw.. Ape lw•b u.fww. Hohts, Mohk . 41 00 lftlhlh to~ 4300 ..•.••..••..•.•....... ······················! ..•...••.••....•... r. •••••••••••••••••••.•.•.•••••••••.•.•••.••••..••.••....•..•••••.•.•••. CodoMeso 1124 ~a.leac• 114 Mo portleacll ll6t t6ewpcwtleodl 3169 Onthebeachhotelroom~. Will share my 2 bdrm. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••• kitchen &. ba l h, $300 ba town home. n r bch 2B 2b d r 1 l Ste"" 10 beach 2 Br 111oz +PX> deposit 2306 W S250 mo + 12 elet'I non· 2 ~a/I(~~~ ~r bf ti P"i~t MARINERS WALK au'"' frpll-lmmac~late Octa11 View Condo Ckeanfront. Ne" port ~mo k er Av a 1 I 4 1 I Paul6758l20 ~r:a2r~~~~tJ0"'~~~~~~e t~ J650.6732:>07Aj(I Tius 3 br. 2 ba un11 1~ Beal·h 673 1154 641i531]6e\'e~ 2 Br l'2ba. t~nhse. pool, rndsd gar. patio ):trd \'ILLABALBO/\ perfect for enterta1ninJ(. RHt Homu 4175 ~· C:ute&an').2br Iba blltns. S500 ~I .:r 'ear Hunl llarbuur 2 br 2 ba. frplc. milTO. Beaut upl(r.tdl'dthruout •••••••••••••••••••••••! CdM aJ:l w ~le S290 &l2·l602or:>40 36fi6 Children OK S,,75 $6:>0 a<'. ocean & bay \ll'\\. w dry har. frpk . mir Pri at .. de-+ Cm y760-8 3 Beautiful z Br 2 Ha $.S50 roo Carpets. db hwasher /\\ail 3 15 675-6006 2 br. I ba duple~ apl " s~I c·ar gar. SSOO Pel!> <:'OIJS 1dere<1 559.5001 mo840-Gtm ~642·6149 rored ~ard robl'S . Re~p~ns~~r:1 ca"t~~l1t· NEWPORTSllORES 2 br. 2 ba. ,1 ti ll ar. Waterfront d Ix 2 Br washer dryer t. trashj party ~:111 t akt' lo\'lng M F'. 4 BR house. Nr SS75 mo.2br.2ba,30' qwet.pnvate S79Smo ~~P·pool !"lubhouse t e ndl·r ort• and tx·h.pool.tennis.W1D. ~1.ar . c:er till' firs. Dock a\ail 673.6336 & billiard "rm & full). personal as.~1~1anl'l' of I ~rpk. piano. gar S3SO + ~75 rm 84y·9501 tll51 642.9666 equspped g)m are onl\ ·t'lderl} per~on. X,ln t JUlJl.545-4356 __ Br ~ orthe extrJs m this food ~le:.a Verdt' C '1 Prof male to share qwet I patio. car port. pool. Newport Heights condo. 3 sec. bldg. Ref 2 Br I Ba holl!e. 2 blks spa. sttunty. $495. Uhl bd townhouse. 2 bath 556 6033 incl Avail4 7.892-6745 powder rm . rrptc: $1200tmonth from heh. CdM SJOO. NEWPORT _ __ _ r<>mm. pool. $900 mo Furinformation.l·all, SwnmerRtfttols 4200 Call~ott£v~sfil~·8836. APARTMENTS I Deluxe garden apt. 3 Call 645-495S or64!>·4834 641·6666 ext. 2063 M F ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roommate wanted. Dana 2 Br S320/mo' lnf··nls bdrmh2 ba. p11l10. near -.-_ ___ Pn~ Oceanfront Lur 3 Potnt 2br 2ba $250 tsl I 1 u Bear & Main S600 $700 yearly. steps rrom Br + fam rm Wl'ekl> or & last+ ·~ ut1ls Ap~ 1. 646-9813 on r,·50norre;ts rt RI •d 968-9332 841 1296 beach 2br. 2ba Call for I Brkapt Stove. refri~ & monthh A\ ail ~ I 112 493-0987 I "' ewpo ' , -app't • 675·0124 ask ror par mg on P1•nm $400 I Pl J{ It 6 .. 3 -_Costa Mesa I'"'-3144 Kate or Jackie · rall 675-0612 alt 5 a~ a ea ) ' l!IOO ~1ostly absent seeks, rem JWomy 3 Br Townhouse Small I Br I person only .••••••••••••••••••••••• I Br JJrd St 2 bloc·ks I San ca.-.... 3871 Vocation Rtfttols 4250 rmmate. part rum Park apt m qwet adult com I no pets S32S mo lier + lort rondo f be h N ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nwptapt Pool.spa.sec. plell. Newly d<'l'orated. 67~4,527·74M. Orangetree. Plan 4. Ten· "''!1 ac· · iiarage. 0 ••••••••,••••••••••••••• OC't::ANFRONT 2 & I Ur $575 You pay $395. Lve !treplare. enclsd patio & 8 h , -f 1 ms, pool. adults. no pets pets 5450• Sierra Mgmt 2 Br. 1 1 Ba , garagr. A\·a1I no\\ Wl'ekh thru msA.S!l.!y644-4276 _ garage Sorry. no pets 2 r twn ou~e. rp c, $540 Will consider lse Q>_ 641 1324 I lawidry, blk to hea1·h summer 673 7873 . Prof rem to sh.a.. same S575 Mo 645 3381 or swidttk. gar. new paint OJll 7J0.12SO ~-7609 Adult s. 2 Br 2 Ba I ~lrm.p4.7225 · . -,_ 675 5949 & new carpet ~25 mo -::i _ Versailles. crpt. drapes. L......M. L 3886 Palm SP,~ng~ area 1~ton 2Br 2ba apt at Park --646-3420 N-leach 3169 gar pool ..,50 mo vrl" -lllJlllNI tert•\((l mndo3 BR 2 :\ewport $350 mo . I Br E side. small hut ~-rn· · · •• · ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba · furn ~ atrium Wkdys 7310776. wknds cozy ~ lots of neat Deluxe 2 RR. ram rm . •••••••••••••••••••••••1 ~,9J4l,&462848 So. Lag Ocean Vic~ P\I Golf tcnn1:s Dail} 2q i89·34.:15Alhson wood $360. Adults only palu>, bltns S490. Isl. pan1 NEWPORT Large 3 Br. 2 Ba duplex . beach l bdrm t h\'ln wc't'klv & rnonthl\ ralt'$ 8.Sl-9522. / last +ser.Refs 645-11\92 M frplr, l(arage. Quiel grm,f~c ~4995304 a\ ail i l4 55R KOOi Share 4 Br 3 Ba. prof APIDJMENTS m r. 28-38. non-smoker STUNNING large 2 Br 2 I & 2 BR garden apts. M '!.f!a Brolter675·4912 WntunMster 3898 9 :>PM, a~k for ~1 ;1rk Pool. tennis. spa S3SO Ba garden apt Pool w160J>OOw1• qwetl well kc~f1t Villa Balboa Penthouse 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lrg H1i.t Hear l'alnn pool Back Ba\'. 548 0669 __ ~ 7JOW 18th 1 son. · • Br 2Ba Cam rm .lr;.>k . ~!bdrm tbl t•olor ''· 2 fph a.io rm 2 Br 1·12 Ra ~ 7373645 4278 COUNTRY CLUB skfylb1ghlsr. m1c:r1o 1 \1e~ Nr shope.. et<· slce~ t4 >is 0016 f~.~~r Iu~t~P\~j1 r~r: townhouse . .,3 r;iae. Spacious I Br Garden LIVING IN o ay rom >a rony I Tosce 84i·3660 Sk p k W \ 1 6 30 R f ' "' " Apt Pool & rec· All ut1I Pool spa, see'. hldg & . · 1 ar ~st in 'pn pm e s req laundry room . small paid.Nopets. NEWPORT parking. 1 blo<'k to •ROOllll 4000J New 1 Br Condo, 2 min 64.5·47!0_ ~rd. Call for appt TSL El Puerta Mesa beach S950 675-8865 or 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••~·· f.rom hrt . ~·3773 F to shr 3 br house. N.B. mt 642·l603. -_l95!1 M_aple Ave. A..e.t 5 BEACH SS0.1190 _ _ NB Lge room & full bath. Hawa11 Big Island. 3br S250 rm + 1• utils, Isl & FIREPLACE. Pool , bd A luxury communtt) on Small 2 Br 2 bath near i Sep. & pvt entrance 2baS350wk Pool.Qcean. last. avail Apr 1. private patio & dis 2 rm. I ba. pallo. the Back Bay Spec l.be beach ~nor mo V10 or ba) & open Konas1de 714 964 9226 6i3!!.3'1_9,673·2308 __ hwashers m XTRA LG I f45Qage. near F'edro _,., r ocean. Non·smoker S3SO --. & 2 Br. garden apts onl . ~I 6tJO tacular Spa. 7 swim-U'....'!.'"ll'l 673·5370:... 646-lk>SS · Rftlhlh to Share 4300 New Condo 1n Irvine Eastside S460 S560. NICE 2 BR. 2 ba up""r rrung pools. 8 lighted ten Orean view yrly 2 Br I n.. -ho--k ••••••••••••••••••••••• F nl oAn·sr:oo1 ker. S325 + ... ~ n1s courts, bike trails. be 2 t' · d ~u. r v1 me . no smo mg or ult . va1 now 9SS·2418 i57·~J.,__ -Mesa Verde 1100 sq fl p u t t i n g g r e e n . · l pa 10s, yar · """" drinking quiet M over -- 1 Br. garage. yard No Fplc. ln~ry dishwasher Bachelors. I and 2 ~64±.67_80or646-3189 ~J??~'mo SSS-0637 ROOMMATE ~CeomndNowp. tfuBcrhnt!. Bndorn~ pets. Kids OK. S4SO 'mo Gar Avail 4'1. No pets bedrooms apartments.I•-------• 641-0763 Call645:.3144 and townhouses from 2 Furn Is he d rm s. Fl..,.DERS srroker. S2SO + ~1 ulll. ~UJ\ $1000 h ON TH[ JAY w bathroom prn Nr I "" A' at I • m med Don Nice 2 Br I Ba Cottage 2 Br I Ba upper. dis· ...... to permont So Cst Plaza & 4051 Oldest& larges! agenc) 631 llllSS S9·6 $450. 679 Center U 01 hwasher. pool. patio. On Jamboree Al l.Avturious 2 bedroom, 1 Fwy Non-smkr ~S wk All clients srreened with F' • --~ .. S40-44S4 aft 6._ ~.~ r0362po rt s Ad u Its San Joaq1nn Hills Road balh apartment located ~ 1737 photos & rcrerenC'es em rmmle shr lrg plush 2 br $355/mo 352 Vt<' ~--. ---{714lS44·l9Q9 directly across from the Working person. pvl Credits Cosmopolitan rm pr~ bath CM ocean tona Adults , no pets 2 Br 2 Ba pool. ca rpets. NO FEE! .API. & Condo Reuben E . Lee home , close to bus & Good P.lorn;ng Ame ma view ome w m 1160 64.5-8!61 · · drapes. No pets. Busi· rentals. Villa Rentals. Overlooks Newport Bay shopping center non· The Tormrrow Show ' 548·8872.!-an:r ness & [>rof people $450 67S-4912 Brok r _ $1800 month. For ap· smkr no alcohol ·chns· • 1'l orr • to a 11 new Gcr-.s 548 ·4821 or 7 3 I ·6829 Large IBR. Ulil pd Spot· pointment. please call uan family 5225 '& rers t'l1ents who need a place fw l..t 4350 ~tfield ent less. Quiet $425 zc21 E f7 l4)720·2413 M·F s.s 548-336.5~ I MEWPOIT 641-1199 ..................... .. APARTMENTS Costa Mesa's finest rami 16th St.645-4718 pm. Bayfront Master bdrm -SIHGU~AIAfH Beautiful garden apts. ly com P 1 ex · 2 b r · Soac. 1 or 2 br apts, I mi w11.h bath, Pool and ten· 2500 sq rt condo to shr. lg Costa Mesa O. 968-1452 Patios/decks. Spa. heat =~ll~e:~~l~~n'ie': fro~~Aeh. No pets. WantAdResults 642·S678 nlsl,15()840-8067 rms on beautiful OfflceR..W 4400 paid. No pets. no pets. Corner 0 1 --Nice la rge furn refrtge, Greenblt & view or the ....... •••••••••••••••• 2BR.2BA. SS2$ Fairview & Adams. 9·5 ....... Ollleocil 3140 IW ... oa•ocll 3140 hot-plate.TV. Employed bay.wlpools.5S7·7883or 1617 Westcllff. N.8. Want 3118 W. Wibon 631·5583 Moo.·Sal 557-4785 ••••••••••n••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Male. Pvt enl Nr beac:h. ~6339 financial Inst. 70005.r. F.a~lde 2 Br. 1 811 . Cot· EA.5T SIDE-ZBr. garag;, ~536-851!:_ Roommate M F' H 8 J?d J~t. floor. A ent 541-5032. tage. $(95/mo. 2625 Dltf S400rm. Isl+ last. Kennebunkport?. Yrly house on Balboa Isl toe EXECUTIVE Eliien. a:n.1755 645-<1200 has r m r o r r e n t. S225 + '" 2 B I Ba 1981 M I ----Isn't that the horse that won szso1mi. F\111 kltch & __M.7-4781 Dian~ SUfJIS r. · ape Studio Apt. for rent Ave. Upstairs. quiet. no Private entrance, bath ' The Triple Crown in 72? Uving priv. Call morn Large 3 Br. Condo on The ri!.2persoas.$42S/mo. refri ge . Kit c hen before 9am' eves Blllrs. ba{vview. to shr tBITA61 64 rra Mgmt. Co . privileges. $250/mo. ~fD~ 5l78. ~~~~~!: S::Utn r:r~o , PUli l· lnclds utils. 2 blks from II )Ol.l're no1 ue ~ lor whol) K-~-1...-Room w /kit c h .. n r New lwlury Ol'fftt apace Near s.c . Plan . O.C.C. and 3 mi. from don' f--'L....J ..... ., ....... ,....... beach/bay, Fem. Sl50. mo.760-8056. in lrvine'a busiest Beautiful park-Uke aet-beach. Lge yard. quiet was. 1 "'"~ -)"Oll 10ol alone. 67NOt3 : 634-4441. Non· 4 BR home nr OCC and <'tllWr! Easy P'rwy ac· Ung.jM)Ol,spa~rport. neiJhborhood. Call K~pottKoneofl4 ditinctively 1111>ker. SC Pina. Non-smkr, ttsa. Av1ll. now ! Call l Bi'. lfil. 646·!!!!!· wkdap at 759·8812. dffnrt opa1men1 f1oorpons at s.owind Villoqt Lee bdrm. busi. person or • • utll IM·0809 rot debils. 1tet°:m~~. ~~ ;:~: lga~ie~r~~/~~ci~: Wiol~~~::;,~~:' at~nli ~ llMUI 6.4MUI "'°.t.%· Meaa Pines. ror Belly 845·91U or Thtkirdofa1tenlion)'Olldtwve. Room for ttllt,~ mo. ~J.m~~ lmO , 549·3«7 644-2270 A p.fett bl.rd of'nOllre and Winq-Ind. lllll Call hristina aq. ft. From 11.1• a.,!2. 1 Nlf2Rf~.t.~m .... ,.. HJ ~lnofcre&twithbobbinqboobondqi.iet '574111 ~AINo~ltaM rr• ri _, ...................... pore*. cooled by~ octan liiirwrM. Add to I or I Rn . F\imlshfd. ~0 1 w •· 21 ..... ,.c. rtt rooin, 2 Br o-an i .i.... • • • -..i. • '-' .:~_on:, Call All pool, Jacuul. Oaa t · """ v e •' ~ lerw'd <Cllt\. ~ ,...,...... o fOCG gng "*'paid. No peta. m ~A P~,~le~. o <OMMnt loc.Qlioft "'°'~and llll!@on, C.M. 145-4411 zut•IRl Ccol!td> · •~••• ond yol'4 ip o ~ wcdd 1 BR IHO, ulll pd. f' I ••INd ••O ~CQ1 hame,(MlllC ~I t~· No pet.a. 3U W. • Ont aid two~ one and i-o be.It Iii. M·•lC'. ..-......... ,........ L---~ ...... A.N apo111• vgm$4CJO,(X) Newlr 2 Br. wltll 1ara1t. ~.Tlicliai lf(. All ..,,..,Mwm· l Id K AU ••miljej, 1--· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Frldly, March 12, 1982 •• °''' """"r soi1 ,. ..... UH MtlpW..tM' 7J~ ~w.i.w 7100 MlllW..tM 710 ~w..w 1100 ...e,w..... 7IOO ....... IOIO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ... .-.. ~;;r••••••••••••••••••• ~~~T••••••••••••••••••• -.---;r ............................. ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oflcit...... 4400 OHlet...... 440 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• O»ta Mna. 250 aq n C M 30 ft + b11h &lilt Sl1S1mo Uhl 1n Slonse 1v11I 12$0tmo rid 179 W 19th St 541·~ 494,*3 ·····'······· ·····•··· Wl~~t'];?tln -:•k>rfront property at dilrount to raise cHh fut. 7SZ.:.ri4.7 t.Lom sou ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~t'::~~ ~dnl~ I WtC!k OA B YSITTt;R Mon/Wed It f'-1 evt.s + eve.ry ot.hv Sat. for 2 Jtrls lllil'll J41.0119 IAIYSITTll Dtqt 1l Auillanl LIG4LSIC'Y Rat.urant tel)lltrtd Are you look· Sm!WtwPorf "Ctr liw 81.11 Boy1 needed for uia for rew1rdln& ureer fl rin du i r u u P lunch or ,dinner, Apply opportunities with ex nwlure pel'IOn for civil AT Leo s Restaurant rellent potential for lit1iatlon Generou11 7S$.18S4 __ person11 &rowlh & re I f 11 b r o-< COIJl)Uon We seek your 51 'fjo u ene 11• ~--auranl WAMT~D! earln& cht1raldt' ox 75-t Jot. avail for llnr rook" Part time dutl'ng th~ pertiao lo compliment ~·· ~·r·•y & kitchen prtp11 Cull Student Jobi da M d h L' --759 IU4 A T l.f'o ·~ HIYI y or1 on uy t ru r ri our lu&)lly skilled team cwport ac Oover Raltauran 191~ Pvt n¥>ney SI0.000 It up. Call Jeannfl or Tom $00 IQ n or otrice spare & .. 6'12-_________ _ --------•I recpt 1rt11. Securtty r 6i Oorieou1 &lrl• to pamper you. J1runi. saun1. I.Malt Ill well .. 1our la t 1 Rank Americard, M ute.r Charp. Anvrkan Ex· p ros, D1nu11 all welcome 7t4/84S 3433 2tl2 Harbor Bl t'M day Would llkr r t Modern pleuunt en aru Attorney, nerd) u-.~~!~d {GolulU. to ferences pleue Cull \•1ronmenl. excellent Le111J Serret11ry Sonw SALES nuw """ DIC. Oan&at benefit p11rk1.111r up. requlrt>d C:nod eamasmuc as$SOOOQ O>tdswould lovetoputy C48 7827 New po r I Be II r h typlll uarng dletaJ)hon1· Vnhmltedpotcnlllll. xlnl Wl't'k' Do you lake dttv(' HIWPOIT CIHTH bc ..... Off•ct $00 to ~1t. Av1ul11· ble for 1..,use C'all Wm F Cott• for mor\• 1nformati11n S,Yllem.s Wet b1r Op· Uonal warehoun spare. ~/rm. Ultl incl. 0 .C. Al.!11011 nea MS·0636 972 sq ft{ rerepllon111 t art'11, 4 o fil't's & supply rm1 nr Newport/17th St. ~~ 11(; per sq ft. .Afa ... lft; with _you Leslir or -'1 • &31 ~90 l.'Quipment net>ded Siii working rondit1ons. we tn movies. plcnl<'S. p1n11 ....._., Sy lvia . anylime BEAUTYt~SIS'l'. not requlrt1d. Sulary willtr111n No exp partie1, bea<'h parlle•. Office '411&.M.-76l:~ • Ll<' required. Some vxpr DENTIST rol'{lmcn1urate with ex nect'llllllry 770·20211. aljk I>.!us many othtr thllll(S'' I-"~.. nee. 4 day Wl'tk. Wed wanted, l>l!Sy practl<·e, prriencc CorJ11tk. Then you "'ould 11r0Jrnby --thtuSu _645.Q2_t2__ Newport Beach Area J42·1448 Sules probably enjoy "'ork1n2 Offlc!Jliilclitcn Ii...&.. & y· k'' -Excellent pay with forl.l8 Loans fo-~o-;ooo:'nlrmJ UHM IC I $ 81'11uly, licensed & ex per benefits Male or fenwle for f118l ,.._" 1111 Group QUALi l<'ICA"l"ION S to 3 years. Call to 11ee if PHoro MODllS make-up artist wanted 646·4868 foods Thi> Holis~t>rit'. I. Over 12 year:. of t.111e *Cote Realty & ln vesl!fle.nt 640-5777 we have the twst rules HCOITS ror f' /l 1 me pos in I ~ linsLOI, <.: M Call u.~ ahout the out 2 Neat. honest and de avatlableforyourloan BACR &DE'M'1':R NewportSalon.Cull DISHWASHER/ Mtdtcal st11nd1n~ t•arel.'r op (l('ndablc ~Hmou.Offiu Cull Mr Nelson trnl 'l'ltANEVER! :!4 llRS 213:~!_-857S Pl!TAITAID ladloffictAullt•t ri o1tu 11 1t11.'s ab un 3 Workart<'rsc·hooluod 830 s -lif ~wpt .l!each. 966·0755. Cambridge ltlatSalcsPirm seckang • Kale1gfllHis lospltulm f\llflimt.sului·yoven 1l!iura11c:c•Ai;rnt Tnnn Saturdayi Phonei;. Xerox . Jo'o rn& Capit al Group 11 669-0207 f ( Newport Beach hai. un Sendr~urooto l'O Bea lnjl will nut 111trrferc CALLTOUAY • Rtfrt& ff 1.. lrema ker, x.lnl l250 MOvt fft ·low ove.n, cltan. x.lnt Sl6S ~ Admir1I upneht rree1.et xlnt cond 1200 6"-3349 Kenmore stove. rtean, works well. Sl50 Drneltr set~. &U-8378 Sears '81 sl~ Ref. Almd. ~. gs rnae 1235. dryr 111.5-!--~~. Refngerat.or clean. late imdel, auw defrost Sl5S !1}3~ - Kefnjl, llotpoint, 19 1•u rt iclnt t·ond SwnR out shelvei. & drwr St2S 545·5174 & More Low overhead Caltforn1a real e•tat~ <OutclllJ per~on or ult time. immed111te ornm" for with your prc·H nl !13'7·S936or~l 52S7 th t I $ 0 g • comm1ssionin11 work 1 d.r ,d " 2932, Mi11s1on Va•Jo, Ca 1 _ ---------1 !'! Ct grea oc I 4 per broker. also act mg as a _ Must be expenenced 10 af'n,.,. n 11v1 ,uah ,10 1w1 ork 92.&ll l'mp oymcnl 'llAM lo IOPM ~1 fender all arcu._ r '•ader•h'lp • '1 , re IC S I l OUf!> 0 Q t.• $ ~!_W611 hrsoMil Senlct1 5360 ...., "" ., "' wtll van•. L>utl l'~ 1n ..,1 UC:LS l11tt>rv1e" 963 4518 Rerr1~erator. i''r1~rda1re f f . xlnt t•ond $200 8SHl761 KOUCEMTEI ~ NEWPORT Elegant Exer suites m pres11grous loc Incl secretarial. rece p UOOISI. telephone ans & rmre Oftos from S436 roo On-call ofrs Sl6S mo THE HEAD QUARTF.RS C OM PANIES A proleS)IOnal en\ironment 17141 8.51 ~I IUSINESS ADDRESS Ans~ering & motl serv1ce1 1•onferenl.'e room AoJ. OC A1rvor1 _w rm 714 851 1342 HEWPORT IUCH -=.---••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-~tllude a must dude· dishwashing & Wednt>sday M:m·h 17, Pnme busrness location ~s. Tnttt ass1~t1ng cook Com 6 00 .. M. 3rd rloo1 ut on busy Pac Cst Hwy Dftd$ 5035 Prof wonwn with AAA IOOIUCHPH pematlon package com TiffJn.Y s N U Ideal retail & or ofc ••••••••••••••••••••••• refs. exper in <'leaning, Sell motivati!d; F' C bk· mensurale with back Modtli t4~ tfow SP3te for busrn s need· Satlttt-Mta. Co s hopping . It rooking, kpr needed by Carden ground f'or mt en 11'" C1nmed rstc Openin~~ mg high vis1b1hty 1.000 All types of r~al esl&te hses1tt1ng. boats11t1ng, Gro'e ro Expr in all rail Barbara Ou run. M Jo' All T)pe~ toJ.000 sq ft avail (714 > investmenls sinre 1949 apt managing seeking areas of bkkp11 thru trial 7J4 645-5707 EOE M t' Must Ha\·e flead Shot:. 6457100 <-..i'ol•l--1.. 1oom&bathtnexchange balanre Mustbcublc to Fas t Food Clerk at THIJOISOUR~E £ 1 ff .....-... .._.... for ame Call & let us type 60 wpm Non Orange County's most C<ID"""7llAM 71, • xeru ive 0 it•e space 2edTDs distusi. )Oor .s1tua11on, srmkerpref d d """''v•i ·'' li\01lable. 11rebt1g100:0. 1 unique hol OJI. st an Uj-Appo1ntlllt'nt Ont) Ncwpon Beach area 2 .642°2171 ...i45.·.06J L on Y sincere ralb • 714/1191 ~3 Part ume n1ghth & lrg prl\·ate offices •F1XEDRATE 2ndTO please Sandra642·6149 IOOtUCEIEl'H wknds 645-4007 NURSERY ~ALES JMiH:DIATI-: OP~ INGS For P T rl'Jde1 :.id rcpresent1111' es lor 1n side llJfe,. Po~•tinn App I) 111 per~on l'rn nyi.u,er1 1600 Plul't'ntw Air . l' ,,1 TnlillH,NHCIH: l.t>am a skrll ancf get e). penenre m the Army HE.'!>enr After tramini.t !>t'ne one "et.'kend t•ach rronth µlus t"o wt"eki. cuch )ear Jo:a rn extra nllOI!). PX. n•trrt'rncnt bt!nt•f1L~ Call tcida) for crore 1nformt.1 tlo11 llunllllgton lkh 962 K821 Sant;u\na 552 317:1 w Sl't'n11· views 234 sq Cl •FUiiy Amortized t\Jll ctaar~e l' f . gen FOOD SERVICE SPECIALIST SALES & 275 Stf ft Incl rerep •FUiiy Assumu hie SWEDISH !'If ASSA GE 11.'dger. fmanrral state· EL Greenhouse 01>1>1~tJnt TYPIST J.GEH. OFC tionis19• t ele phone •N<1 Pre Payme nt For men & "Omen, n-.ents exp'cl Ma y lead Sub;tatut~1o!t :.crvwc nt'f.'dt'tl to fill lull t1ml' Look111gfort•XJJCMl'fl1·t•d for SllUlll C: M firm sbker.k•tce S, ~ct·retarial. Penalty l\s('t'lllls Hobert ~I 7820 to full tr me In Lido ... 1p """d"d by llunt pos, at Publlt· Garden!> :.ales lac1> Golr ljhoJ) Prefer termite i'~ll . but pg sen1t·es, & l'OPY AskforS_ktn 546-0""3 (_9 8J Mann Viii Pl "'' ''"" mCoronudel Mur Mu~t sal·~ •so""" knc"·lr•'fu•· notn_e<• 75223.S7 ...... IOIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• PUBLIC l"URNITL'R~ •AOCTION• fvtrt Fridn 7:30ftM Nice ,,ew &-U!ed bedrm. living rm. d1n1nii rm furniture . l'h1nas rradfe)l rhests. bunk beds, am_ps Pl.lJS l.DTS MOR~ h -::.:.ci! "' u iaj?e. ease mgloo (leu"h i•1t~ S"h'"'I h ·~"' '"' '" ',.., ma c me Jv111lable_ For 2nd 3 d h T i.end r~sume 10 po ... " , ' vv ave expl•r workrnl( "or golf Salar. + l'o mm i---------Ne wpurt Beal'h neur rmre information l'all : r ,4t D's nrYtf 5450 Box 1974,NB,_CA 92663 D1stn<'1 $4.24 per hour with plant:\' 1nt·ludini: a Nl•wporl lli!Hh golf Jloag Hosp lOOO sq ft . 645-6501 Jud1cuil Forec:losures ••••••••••••••••••••••• Apply 73S 14th St. II £1 know led I(~ M ~ull~. l'our~e l'onl:il'I ,John Upjc*it HeoftttCart liVE SAVE SAVE Wehonor BofA . MC C'ash1er 's Che<'ks & Cash NO PERSONAL CH Jo~C:K S PLEASE • Food av111lable llems ~UbJe<1 to pres11le 4serond noor offices. am H.a.rold. F MrCrath. Rl..a........ to "la•lca r-rtdv Rttoil Sto-Sl?-8851 fc111l11.l0rs, tl'st c·nn trol & I ""nim1 r.-I 1 k II W 2X40' space, llarbor At~at La\\ 8511 771 _... "' "' K'"'°heft h 11 .... "'" .-.ct'(CU re ~rblidng. ~ck m11ln Blvd, nr Baker St . -· -I.ate Mar 63115!1~ .,.•_t,1· e .t' I> needed Fo rrman Mal·h1n1i.t , PNPai:alwlf ('ufl i\lrx. 7~H653 llMK"S. CNA'S, I.IV~; MASTERS AUCTION 2CY7S12 Newport Blvd CM 833·962.'i 646 8686 am g H' y days , f'L'DCO A I L""-D ? I rul or p t1nw Appllt:i lalhl'. mill & tooling ex· 1M111ol~•11f,·7~! ... ~.u301\M 41'M S·\f,L~Sl'L'.l'S()'." I•' 1' IN S Wurk do~l' lo 714 ~5-41100 Jl'TOSS "' \' -Ye I&~& 11011.!i Mon thru Fri. 9 to l'H ni'c Es ti matinl( J .,u;.,., ' .... r \ ·' hom • Pll'nty IJf J)allenl 930 sq ft. rrptd, new I) ch• now Agt 549 1366 ~Cash? flreparatiOft I lam Is I a ncl Sw el.'t helpful Min 8 years ex · Nw-sani: Ma nm• h1m1.,. .•n· l'~I• c·ontat:l l'om111•1 ll I\ l' l'Or a I II t I ~sRtfttaf 4450 Real state money 1••••••••••••••••••••••• Shop.C M. 440 E 17th perieni·e 11231 Young 11ref Nwpt lll'h li15 111:1 µa) Coll bl'fun• 3 19 Ii clH 8020 Ample ~rk~l' ·,~cal f;r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:~b~~ 2r~~1~~~~~ITo~ Jobs Wanted, 7 075 St . .S M 64!"> 21111:1 R1v1•r Ave, F'ntn Vly 1 LVN SALES . p /Ti• 752 0992 EOE M f •• ~!••••••••••••••••••• law, a1·1:tg, en111neer. Prin Location income properties We •:••••••••••••••••••••• C AS 111 E It P T s.s7-J:110 ask for Mark Cun' llosµ N1°.,.1wrt Mature womAn needed Sc·hwtnn v.,rs1ty 10 spd ett· Nr405Fwy&Beach Rcta1lorofflcespace.on handle a full ranl(t' ol \oun3 marri~d man Marrn l' hard.,. arc• FIYCOOK 1-lt-arh I'~ altitude & :.itPhotom;11 ~icx1lJ1lit\ WAITRESS full llmt• r~'<I $100 OBO Call aft 81\'d.8477727M-F,8~ the "aterfront in rmrtgage Coverage at l woul hkeoddJobse\'e3 Wkndi.nrt l::xµ µn•f l'artorfulltrme Open 'milt•' nt'l'llt•d Xlnt a mui.t Call t'1nd)· e\l.'mnii.min1mum3}r' 4PM,760IOSO \\1lnds 7i4 644 62411 Newport Bcat·h 111.:h WI)' rompet111ve rate~ & wkends Can do a f.&5-1713 22hrs Newport Gnnder bl·nl'f1t3 Call Gt:! KOl4 49936.50 dmner exper rl'f:. req 25' 10 spd Motoberane Custqm exct'Ull\C office 'r's~bc1hty 11'ocat11oooon on c7·o, ur7t6eOS} 5150 Brokke,r~ ;:~c:J2 ~2.\h~~!':~:: CASHIER & 642 8881 :'-.UNO)! !'ie<'retar. Int I ti ading ,\pplv 3 5PM No phone Mira ge" ne .... l'Ond. 400 sq ft p,1 bath With al st \\Y • to ~, -I I i:JS ur for Bill llOl'SEWAR~:SALES General (){flee Career C'O !nine \Im ;i )f' I ran~·plt':l'l' Joli) Ho~t·r e<Jwpped Sl6S 675 Sl!M shower Balboa Pemn 3.000 sq rt 1 Ste eorDuant' I J\ppl} rn Pt•rsun t'rnwnj 0 portumty for an in NURSES AIDE eAµ JU'urate l\P''' Rt•s t.1uran1 400 So 3 W t;l@roo 6424623 714 &15 7100 J6K 2nd T D . 5 H note at ~1dt urt-pt'r,on St'eki. ICardwarl'. 161~ San J\1dual \\Ith good a • d1tl 'orm• T1.x· l'\P C-OJ,t llw), l..1guna 11th heel h1qrle. used o rr1 ce spa re a\•31) Storeforlea>l' 15:<60' 696 JS', ml W1ll 'd1'l'UUOI ~'"fo rn nwdit•hl of I \11_guel,Nt•"por1Heat•h rounttni: bal'kground & r~~~, Jl'.'\~1i1~ ~·~n~ Full llOh' II Jfl I HI ~st !;,l$j'25°~~~~9l'e $225 Include:. del>k , phont-W l!lth St .r:'lt lnqu1r .. 1 2if, Call 63173iO Ask d~ '•n~J(;0~.~~ 'v.~:.~~ rhaldl'aretran3 porlalion typan~ ~kills Prefer' l'ht't'rful dl•d11all'd to Simo nv+ Norrn.i ••••••••••••••••••••••• w _rm &U 0763 686 w 19th St. on· all 8111 for Jim Dall) Pilot. 1\d 11941. BoA needed Mon w l' d .... ord )Jrot·e)SIOg ex i:ood ll\1 l •irt.' Xlnt '"' 8:13 89ill Alltiques 8005 l'l~n~ ~r.!/'~~~~~~~r;r HUNTING TOH 645-3250 • \\111 d1Seount S21U>OO T D 1560. C M 92626 2 l) 5 JO Aft 6, 556 0636 penent·e Will t·onsrder µrogram Call 642 80-!4 SECRET A.RY /Port timr •••••••••••••••• • •• • •• • 1150 832 4224 IEA.CH IC°"""'rciaf se<.-by CM unit~~ Y,'rld l'u mp an 1 o n nu r :.c I t:lern·a I t:en orr IC't" ~~:';,'~# i:~~Yr!>" '~or~ 1 OfflCE MANAGER/ -3-0"' daih Gen ·i ofr "'EST.'ll"'ST"'.R EX Jo: RC.:\' CLE RIK E 650. 785or2.lll s rsu1tes I Rtfttals 44751 22_"• Due 6 ~ 615 2500 maturt> lad~ w t•xp & Mu)t l.Jt> ~ood with nom I smoker pr(l(nr l'd A.CCOUMT T (~~·n~tf,~; ~J~~~t~.~~1• " " '' r. tM W1 IJkl' nl'" m for rmmed ore Full •••••••••••••••••••••••! Dan localrers .... 1llgl\cTL<.'5 bers.plea)anto!fit·l•en Satar) co mcn)ur<it~ Ex <•rTh·nt c·Jr~r,. op S49 <~ i'BBF:Y 5362684 Sen1ce i:ross lea~e rrom Prime Toslln & San dysprwk 8389766 \iron~nl.)}p1n~ 011 "''h exr>er1ent•c l'o11un1t) fo1 the H1~ht 117~1~!3~~~n~'t~~;~\l' 95' Mam & Florida nr ' l'lementeretatl or offrre jAnnowtcHlllPltfs/ ~k mstnlC'tor pos111on. twnal Call i71 4750 Be nef 11 s ;\ 1> ll h • n 'eN111 m J l'rngrcss1\'e SKrriatY,/Chvreh CARDt:N <: RO\'E luiklllg Mat.rials 1025 PaC'1f1ca Hosp OY>nr I Sj?are 730·!:170,8311!69!!_ 1 Pet"SOftOk/ extcnSl\'l.'backl{roundin Companion ma lure per~on 621 \\' 19th St Comp,Jll\ Tht• 10 1·-1'-c•"'p i~µpl\ \11111 5546103 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• &bJarrard ltdatrial R..,tat 4500 Lost & FoUnd all I) pes of exer<'rl>!' pen.on for rldt•rly lad)' Cost a Me~ a ~1 od t' I d1\'1duol ,fioulrt l)(ll>'''"' ~)'1, 14:1 L nilc·fl Mt•lh MOW 25< /FT IJH)H8·l133 'i ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• W1lhng hJ tram to your Rm . bourd sillur 1• ttwltk:r MagatlOl' ~·or ~lronl( At•c•tg & Ad l'h lllOI M11rgul'rr1t· Red"ood 2x6 Oerking. N.B., 3975 Birch 8860 sq Lost & Fomd 5300 netods 9r sub Jn. emt ' ti36 1609 · ~-P,lllAstk·a,101r64D5aw88Jn O lit" n rrlt rt 1'' ra l n" s k II b t'dM 644 lr.45 G1veawa\' µn('t••.' Oak 11f 4 20' long. alsn redwood 144 sf prof offl('C + ft. or less MIA zonl'. S()t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11fil:m 1ma,8.'l3 0423 l • l'leu:.ant "urktnl! l'n f1t't' ~"hel C'h<11r S95 lenrml( Lo.,. est price serretary spa1·e Avail Comoanion /Aid~ \'ironrlll.'nl SN1llrl')t1ml' , SECRETARY Gun t a)c, $1'!5 f:mpare guar Jim or Ken f>.15.S325tSl75 Or:ange ~er sq fl Agen t Companron1nurses .mle Ni>t.'<l ~malel'Cfmpanion GEHERALOFCi C .M. to l't•rfu r piant't' Nauon-aTrompan)nrcd~ Ufl':.~cr. ~Oak trml' anyllme~7751491 Coast F'inanc1al C'enll'r I 5032. POS1t1on dl•s1red b} t>x1>'cl f 0 r c I cl c r I y a ti u 1 t Must type ~O "pm Sail1•rafl Corµ 711!°1 W cxpl'rier\l'c<I ~l't'l l'I C!r) l'fork, $5()(1 Old pint• Ii =_6,SM957·1414 M~a lndcJstnalPark,711 FOUND ADS man Lt C'ookrn8.h~kpj!. S200 mo +-room _, Call5'1!1-3942 lilh St ,=~· CM t'i\ to .... ork 1n a one· Jt'llyrabrnct.S(iO!) Coon Gia~:. build1111( hrir ks W 17th St · Par 1f1t· etr Pll'asc ph 957 3063 hoard Must "t• cxpr a~. GE:HE:RAL OFFICE !Y~ S('('rdarv uffin• lfl llont Ir) 'tore t•ounlt'r 14 ' $1 i•tl'a LOW COST Bluff X225 540 6822 '' p rnl(lon licac·h l~cH)(f pa' 548 8063 1620 ft d 1 r s tndustnal Park, IDE FREE · ~ nurses aule or s1m1lar urt II me . J PIHO\ I' " 1 1 1 1 111 t• .,.11h l'Xn•lll'nl hl·ndll~ ~KJ Ouk rolltup clt•sk . desi:~ers~ a~i~~~ 1835 Whittler A\•e 1500. M Respons1bll.' woman will <.:all art 6,857-1057 ~r 5 Da(i· Wet•k Sat'"' I Warl.'hnu:.t>ma r1. 11011 11 8 30 1 SISOo Oak rnlllop ftlt• Cots 8035 engineers Avatl 00.,. ft900. 3700sq ft units Of. . call.· be COMPANION t'\'e!>. COl'Ul'S "SSIST Sun 1fn<'11 lrs1 f11t·~h tyv I l>lrnkt•r for ~mall l'nstJ .,.~f'cattl!\l:i J,132a>~ '1 l1·1ubmkl't 24 d"cL~ SltiOOh ••••••••••••••••••••••• lOOI w 17th. c~1 11·e warehouse space 7pm to 7am Best re "" "' • mg 1 '"~· l' ep ont• \1t>:><t dothini: t•o Whr~ 0 0 r a :.•·· r r •' n' Per:.1:.ins • 2 adult ft'm S50 w rarpets, drapes. wet ferences Nonsmoker F' time F:xp·d pref $3504 ho~rs dept•nd~ni: IX'r .,.t't'k. nc\lblt• ('Jll SecretorvP/T ".alnut JI! >:la~:. door~ & S75 Pni.onaiit\ -.919-8533 bar 6!_2·44~U6<>4__ 642·5671 l'IQ!!drinker 642 3153 Soups sand"1<'hcs App 00 ~xr ~all Mon "" I Kim at !15i llJOI bt"n Ex('1· Set· "1th ~troni; 9 tall S2700 llr" ti 5 •male $150 546-9965 · Campus Dr olfrt•e 90< SQ BEAT JU GH RENT -~ W..ted ly '" person, 3 5pm. forl},~ ~Ii 74~1 . • . !IAM 4PM I typrnl(. Sil skills m•_1·dt••l j f.t2 iii<! • ft Lse or Mo mo free move-in time • ..,. 7100 M ~ Go w er ~t 1 DSNCRS~.R\ .i.fternoon~ lnkre~t1111: i\JllluUl'l>ura:inl'h,\fe DoCJS 8040 MuUa_!l Rea It) 5-llJ 2960 Plent)' of park 'g, fncd ••••••••••••••• •••••••• Restaurant. ·~ uri~101 GB .. , "ork. xlnl N .... Jll (.'entt'r I 411.., m JI tJhh-$295 ••••••••••••••••••••••• REW.AID FOi INFO Ace~ t' Cl.rt! I St North Nt·wport """ HIC ARTIST PilTTIME loc Non ,..mo kcr prl'I '".• ·,u..-1 ~EESllOND Pu~ AKC WANTED BY Ne" Bos• yard. nr rails & frwys leadlng to the ret'overy cxper'd-:ri\1 exrellent Reuch .. £1'penence r equ1 red Ii !llim f:,p:1nrlmi: \O\lth I Call l;:trn 6.i-1 1192 ""'" ""' l'hamp i.irc M f Pet & ness oh. rea:.. " 12 .-XI lo 800 amp. lrur k o< Powcrhte racing bike typt11g skills for :rn F:let T\JX>SCttin~ hrlJJrul t.'Jll • uun~elrn.: firm h.1i. FRF::"\Cll IJ \YB1-:u , h o " p \ 1 pl, phones Wi ll assumt> lsc drs Ne". 13.SOO & 6750 taken from rond~ near lnral Const firm F:x C.-Shoo/F-Ti• aft ipm, 975 Oi33 I opcninie' for 3 5 :.hJrl' jSe<Tt'taf:' l With m1n1·atr iron dt 213 w; 1345 a(t 6 pm · S36-lm9 l'aul 120 to 2JL gross) Rancho England & Memphis. cellcnt benefits. Contal'l ~fi~fl ' v-ollf~ X HO' Hair Cutler & \lanitura't ootl(omt: m.ttun• l>l'OJJh• I EXECUTIVE tailing $750 !163 1932 •Poodl .. R .. p 1 704 sq ft professional ~1 ~~~9;5~8°10° ~'al' .. llB Chromeframe,red V1r1?m1a 9~lfu1r~~dg950~P~~ri~~ ",'L~ fo1llu.,.1n i: ll.11r \f,1~~\:1~t·t~'n~';1o~s SECRETARY ,~)'em h to\e:.t'at mo TCupr To~ s~gg~: bldg Costa Mesa Nr ~5822 t~~:.babl~·rt~~0e115sen &t S4-0 9S70 t-opiers Call Greg at. ~f't.86~l'"pt>rt ix .. 1rh "'2 4:i2t l'\t J..IJ ,\,.if'ror 1.ar~ 1ru.urance agem·~ \'1rtori.1.n plant ,land, $.500 Pets flo.irded & ~1:~~{97& Baker Fenced Indus I lot. Pleaseca.llS36-!!SJ2 .. ACCTS,.AYAIU I 7M 640·8100 I 41 LAlWSe Andrt•a . ~as:~~h~~odt~~·~';~~~~ rmrble.top,~S 9631932 1 GroolTll.'d546·2848 R7xt23. ideal for contrar ClERK COSMETOLOGIST Mu~t HAIR DESIGNER or resilOnsihihllr~ \lust I Di11I <.01h1r ~t_vlt• m l'r \ ello" Lab Rh r ma le WESTMINSTER tor or stora'e ssoo mo -------I Sll50 to SOOO. at lebt 1 ) r ha't' kno.,. ledl(c• of ~tyl Mature t•xt·el rnlln 1 be.• on:anllt•d .inti haH' m;i n~ll' " ,3 m rr ror, 1.Water Dos:' ~ mo' 1200 SO.FT. See at 205 Placentra Lowslutte maBlarckktnaCoonrkrahpoto exper natan1·e report~. rn11. blo" rni;:. 'ullini;:.I ~:~ !J,,,., SEh t' a9r~ '9 S{lf·. \I • ·a-·'ra~l~la1't:4rG n i?ncxl •lf":il and "rilll'n $550 963 1!132 I ~~.l~hols S30 o!r 1428.5 Beach Bl vd Bt"n A\' ,c M Call55J.1 149. ,.. es hatrh & c.·ode for 1om I lnmmin~ & perming or """"'""' ,\l'~ I H , ..... ~ fr ~ 00 1 ;.i, tommunH•J(Hlll 'ktlb Platform H<X·kl·r ., lk·cl ~~· ...... 2 F'rw)s. Cl\'lr Crnter S Herbie. fem i\ft G puter. 10 kt•y hy 1ou1•h I h,a 1 r K no" ll'd lit' or HARDWARE SALES ~·~tant ~on Tui·:.. r n & I Exn•llt•nt fnrtj(l' ht·nc'f1t:. Dr.ifting T Jl>lt>. Lo\'e 2 Yello" Labrador Rt, rs. Shoprmg Ct•nter Priml' l.OOO • .F S32S mo I JOO 54&-2IS9 Re" ard ' Arhrat1ons now hem.: h1rs1 Lani:ua~e " re4 Fu 11 11 me (' r 0 .,. 11 I ~~~~r;l'~~1{\~~ ~~:.a;·~cl tn\lud1n1: vard d<•nt .. 1 Sl'a1. O R Tabh:. u e)ok 9 "ks shots AK c loca 100 979 8889 or ~~~tl~6~6zTic_whsc. foltnd Mesa del Mar. ta en 851'M at L'S Hen Sl.@~rmo .fosthn\'C ll;miwarc.• 3107 E t'nast Knowledi:t• or PMT iiro 1 ~·111 11w1•intmc.•nt l':lll Chair.. l.<irnµ Tahlt· & c.·hamp ltnl'~ S2!'>0 o!r 645-1260 bm poodle & blk "ht tals Corp oHl('t• 17871 Cahr osmctolol(rsl hr llw}.l'clM , c.·t·~'lwliirul Xhltf••r""i , IJnda 5-1!111909 rmre &127138 496045.'I a...__. ... W-"-...1 .. 600 l c.057rv) M1t chell. In 17 14 1 Take ad to lht• Stale ' "' Low tostof!u:esu1le Ap _, .... ~ ,. ernerpu_p,,,..._.,. 556 .• a.. L• I t ()f ll't!t''luclf'nli..,.11hrt•l.Jt •.....: Sho (SI Fa11tas11c GermanShcp Prox IOOOsq rt P\l bath. •tt•••••••••••••••••••• f oltnd Retriever. Mesa '""'"1 r.mp o_vmcn c· an HOST /HOSTESS l'<I 1'1.1,~t'' 1\11111\ 111 """'que w a~ ~u~ Al\,., )ot•e parents. Ulll In .. M11 Ill mo ~·35. Room wanted by studPnt dal '1ar area. on 3 8 \I' RT M f" NT ~ Garden t: ro\'e. n:1~ F:xp1mr1frt>d fnqu1 ,.,. in ••·r~nn lflllll I l;11•t•1111a SECRETARY Tod;i) l hrouj!h ;\ ar 14th ,.... ~ ' "" "" ', ,\ ' · ,\. (;artlcn (;ro,·l' Bl\·rl person lkal'h ll ou,t·' \·,t· ('M ~'rt•t• admt~'lteln lfunt Int lemperamenl We)l 11th Plarcnt1a . In exthange to rlo your 557.3529 SIST1\NT l\l ,\:'\,\GEH DOT 332 2il Olfl. r\cl R"•. t ··urarit '' 1 •.1 ' f.:\11(1. wnrd r>rr111···''"'' ini..'11111 l't•ntcr ~ta ll 105 Beaut $1 25 S250Pa (.'M ~15 2937 housetlean1111?. baby~tt Couple fnr li5 11n1t !\pt d f b I '" " ·' ' .. •· d I" h '163 559? ' .,. · or office "'Ori< llonci.t Pound I male I femalt• nimµll'x in 11 ll pai or yernpO)er Sll'r p~hollo" J..1n1• RKeptlonist 1\1)1~1. pn•ft·r· (J~x =t r\\\ an ,.·ac• Hl\d • ~ <Xlacespace 750sqft.nr Ref's997722l Gnl den Retrievers, 2135921573 DetivtrvPenon LagunaBch l'.111 t11r1(1 aftc•rno11n, tht11·r pron·s~ing & rm· . l>t>BF:HM ,\~P l'l'S llarhur & l\akl'r (',\I taken to 0 C Dog APT MANMa:R j ~ull or Pa'rt-Ttme over <>vtumr lra1't' nffat·i• 1JhC1n1·' ln111<• Furn 1'1111•&F'.nl(hi.hllJk 1\KC,Xwks black rust $5.5() im f>l I 8200 Rusmt'SS lady seeks up-Pound <.:all 540-0583 IS. ailOC1 drr•"nu rei·iiriJ llOL'SECLEi\ NF HS lo 1 F 11 u n l J 1 n \ .I) I "' M f !.: l' a 11 E JI llutt·h. 1lro11 lid ta hit'. Sl51J per I hdrm apt Scm1·re11rcd <·oupll' f(lr " .. .. ~hr l' T C"ar G'.15 5123 \I ._ 540-8894 I •·-d •1 k 964·J6S.I Des1antosu1teexecutl\e 6429398 64671186 found Bluepo int 18umt Adult s mN .... pt l'liSl'nt1al. n1•a1 ap I Jlurt• r ·rM)rt r:~1Jer . mante.,,..-"'lOO tJ\l' offi~es with serrrtartal . "'-" Siamese Cat. \IC Sanlu Mamtenant·eexp req pc:irance Pleasant llQ!..'SEl\EEPEI< t·ool\ f1r~~:,r1r9t'< but.,.illti,un $50$l500 &1288611 Yorkshire Tt-rnt>r Puµ service, poostble living Resp F college student Ana l_!gts,_516.:_3206 64G·l80l workrng cond11lons. La ve 1n . for olrlrr ''""' St•nrre ~tatwn \ltc·n l\.\'TIQL'l::S oak rlinmg r.>· Male. AK(' C:hamµ area Good !oration tn looltmg for room to rent, ~tcady work woman Mubt drn •' re I ltlf:.l'OWilO ... IST d:1n1 3 I ll'M \µKl.\ t;1hlr S225. lht•atrt' seat~ rnesshot~. $400546-862.i canpayuptoSl50 Paula found. ,, German Shep.I .. aCHITECTUR ... L Cflt\STOFflCF. ad & \\nte N"JJI Rr h ......, " Sh 11 s .... f 4 sis• 2 k h Canncl)•V1llage Brok~r •2 Huskv.approx2-3wks N~ ~ S R f Yf>IST · 1' • tat111n. lit &J ~· 11 "· oa t' rs Gorgeoui. fem Husk\ 6754912 Peters979·1291 at Beacn & lndianpohs . o" h1rrng Arch11cr . l'PPLY area e s rcq Top (ioorl phont.' 1wr:.ondhl\ Irvine, N~ ' ~-S~lhple '""''" bunk pup. purebred "' c1 I 7tfl St, C.M. 1 & 2 room ofoces A C plenty of prkfl lJtll rncl ,\\•ail now Call ..__:.._ HB <'''"'''~· • tu r a I Dr a fl s ma n 2121 Harbor Blvd C M salary 644 6686 I ti 11.1m ~) 1101 ofr .tppea rani·i.· I """' 2Q b d k ~sf111vtst/ ~~-Knowlcd0 eofm1llwork ore\'SJ SERYICEST"TIO... cc."86111 papers. an itmas .SSS ll!L.-.: " !Rntal A~s ·1. Ort ho exp S800 rm ~.,..r1·ut1' c tlo..... "' " ,..,,. or offer 64G 5102 ~• Found Small male kll cabinet work Bark & RDA req 4 d~ "'k JcMitorial :n>I MarArlhur Ste 211 I Aftfttdaitt Oak Table 111 fear S250 4 1 ; ••••••••••••••••••••••• ten. blark & "h1te ground in restaurants Newport Beac h ROUTE W O HK No 152 7170 P 11nll' e\e:.. 4pm lo Oak Chairs $120 ~CIX'kerpopp1e'> M F.6 lllMRtss Newland Slater. HB desirable Call for pre "'2·...,..., E REC"'.t··rr•l.'"ls'T 9pm 32-.~h.r"Pek ~tu'l l A~n<·anRA"kcrSl511 1 "ks. Buflmlor SIOO ea OppariwWty 5005 &Ii 11>18 inlen 1e" & appt """' ronomy vehit'ft• re r. ' ' ,, f nr be t''tpr d (d\t arra E""" ~ if k &w 0481 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' -d S I RAYGAI. DESIGN quired Ba} front 'r'.11·h1 Sdles 675-22'1i ,,,.~r.~ '" or er $115 ,, s·pnn.,nr s'pan'inl ~·ip MEl>ICA.L SUITE r oun · m gray mix ASSOCIATES "-tal 213-439-5675 I OHice Wl't0k1•nds onh "°"'"""1 , .,, ' ' 2<&5 ft f t d IAKERY dog Brown collar w red I · C ""'" T d pie~ SIOO Arlora It• noor~qgard~~n s~fr,~nR Sll\1Ck 1n the middle of yarn Broo khurst rvme. A FRONT OFFICE KeMel person nec~t·d for 67~K.11~.: rl'•t 111 rl' SELL idle items .. 011h a .Appieces 8010 good " kids. 5 "k-. f!~loi:!Q..mlt'S 675-6700 professional bldg in top Balboa 41 yrs same Hamilton area . 11 B 1714164 1'8700 Established pleasant Tues & Thurs . 1 3pm Da1h· Pilot Class1fr ed 1••••••••••••••••••••••• 548 7062 ( N n -h locatton Good lease 963-7139 _ _ _ _ A.'iSemblv F'abnrat1on """'•ppra··1ie"eont es _G.11?68)313 1Want Ad~ Callh12 ~78 1\d · • HARBOR ARl::1\ :f~~ 0an·~~r!, 'ii~~g Great foot traffrc :ind an f ound BasenJ-. Club Supervisor for hrgh tovgro .... No: nct>d"~x------APPLIANCESER\'ICE 'M:~,t~P~ir/J'~ ;:,a~~ llosp SI 2.5 sq ft LonR excellent prire for m-volume mf8 of popular pencnel'<I person for at· We bu) used apphanl'es nualily_ o:o:M 968 3753 term lease avarl Also formallon rall WlShes to place yg, bark· leisure ttme produC'tS rounts control & Dental We sell rcrond . )lu:.ir ... ~ 3115 sq. ft presltgious MEL FUCHS ~s~g that yodels. Must have a m tn of ll1S Excellent opportuni· a_pplian_£es. 549·3077 l.ab pups. AKC. field & Weslch ffarea $1.00sq. PAVILIONREALTOR 3'yrs rn a supcn1sory tr for the right in · 1 llUYA,,ll.ANCES ~~lh1~:1~~ts.S200 !.LM5:.~I 675·8120 Found 3 10. orange wht t'apac1ty in mfg & a d1vidual.Call 640-1122. l CO ) .es 9•7.8133 ,-------------------.. M rat, rerent surger}. mcchan1cal bock groun d ( ) ., ~ ~Bch.830-41_4_1 __ in mfg processes. • Ga;st0\'1.',ScursJO"drnp toYou 1045 Use AllsWlf M service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day · ... you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only ss .oo week. For more informa· Uon and to place your ad call l>42·S678. Proven ablhly to or. Dental R D.A. 2 yrs exp. llNT tn. Avocado. Sl5-0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• foWld; Fem Golden Lab ganiie & direct 11 work req'd, hack office order-I 1 557 2674 F'ti'l' to good holTI<'. 6 year type, wht chest spot Vic force of 20·30 ~oplc 1r 1 n I!, ex<' e 11 . pa y old Great Dane. female Indianapolis & Bushard necessary Bi lingual wibenefits. pra1·tice REF'RIGF:RATOR 848·3396ennmgs H.B. 963·5736 communication skills onenled. 646-24j I_ I.ate model. dean, auto Orange Persian Cal Lost Wht Cat" bfu.grcy desirable Company in defrost, $155 1193 9060 Needl> Tl.C eyes. "Charmin". "'" 1 b1L~1ness over 30 yrs or. DENT AL A.S SIST. Washrr $95 Dryer, l!a~ Ca II 5411 8273 HB.840-3862e\·es. fcrs stability & long NtWl-'ORTB"tArH { S8S both clean. work -----term benefits Location If YOU ) good !">48 4485 Australran Sh<'Ph!'rd SCRIU{[JS I 's m Huntington Bearh. • Arc an experteneed ( CO ) mix. fem . 1 •,'rs. needs ""' Call Paul ror an 10 dentalass1slant. Gas Range & Oven Gar goodhome 5499008 ANSWERS l e r v i e w a p p • t · •Are eager to work in a fers 3 brand new. st 111 in Spnnger Spaniel. M . 10, ft Qt4}894·72t5. _ fast·paced progressive c r a le 30.. w h 1 t c able. needs good home ~ olfire • ' Builder's hqu1dat1cn 548 7~ inx -Mange -•Have a fnendly outgo-N $225 ea Costa Mesa ker -Walnut e T Ourloralservirestat1on Am b1t1ous boys and •Rave a mature at-Have someth1n1t to self• Bassett. 6 yrs. xlnt PARKING ATTINTIOH: mgpersonallty wspaper ~2937 o Rood home Male · · I t b ..-1rts 10.13 e Id 1 tttude Cl w rh1ldren ~ds loH lS at east rying to e ., Y ars o . o •Ha~e good verbal ass1Cicdad~c101t,.ell 700.8189 fair While you're fillin~ work one or two even· skills. c • A&Ko..- the tank. they don t ings a week gelling •Area non-smoker a r r1 ers f IO IS Alleffo. IO 15 c h arge you for newspaper subscrap-•Woul d enjoy a or Joutes ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• PARKJNG tloos. Transportation I 1 r--------------..;.;.~~ · and const ant a dult challenging career H h Hart><>< Key Child Guidance Center Found : Lab/Shepherd supervision provided. Pleasecall 644-0595. 1•n unt1•ngton Beat 1 mix J>ups . Siberian cau 3 1os·30PM,ask for ~ ..... a..Jr.'! ofOrange County Husky, Dobie, Great And a "•2 •321 t .,..... ,._. f II ·· · _.UC =ti ~~~0~~~r1~j:; 343 re ·"".. • ex ~~rur:!~hr:ii tT~liY; ountain Va ey & Newport Beach ~ TION 8 l- m1x.1rv1ne An1ma1 c are nereuary Carma n Center, 754-1734. AlTJ'OMOTlVE ..... 86=1-_2290......._ ____ _ Found in CdM : Male D•YR Dental/Secy Are you Shtp type tri.color. tail· Mat ure, dependable searching for a pro· lets.673-5733 ~rson needed full time . &reu ive, qua lity Of( Mu at ha vet v ta 11 d where your outgoing To Place your California dirt ve r s pel'IOnallty 'dental ex· G license ' oullt1ndln1 I pertlse In handlina • ood Earnina1 CALL "Fut Result" = mord. S.lary' 1 let~. •rzointmenf ··op, Service Dlrtctory • Servt~~.rn ~non I =~":PP~li::~~ Super Trips g~P~~Lf J~i~ Id .... Call Now IOY CAIYll IMW rewarded. We are • G af p..1---111• ---llt- MI~"S .M. ;1sr~ Donation 92" l. 642-1671 1'.~~1~ ~m":~~~,,~·[.; • re nm llJ ,,. . ... -U NEffOAT llACH t...r': ~ ll!fd:!:f -· UL.."-.... -· ........ '"-· .... .. ...... Cllcllltla.d 6 ... 2 ... 321 ----MM"' _____ _ -. ._ --•na 1 -. -~ ,.,.,. 1 prot .. 101111. SltoO If ~ ~ Oanmd to OWld Guldlnol Cenllr ~UJJ Pilot Cl111med ~ Pilot Cl111lfled ~'~~··,•rt b&dui.,Ditealfbeda.MdrM ~===-==:z:=====~~,--==-".==;:====z!!;!!!~~======e=::;::==::~===t=~~:;;;S=::~E~, ,. .. IOIO .................... -.. **I IUY * * GCIOd '*Ci' llamlt u rt • ANUaasttt OR I wlll M1J or IU. ror You MAIMS AUCTIOt4 64' IHL_UJ.tUL I> IOfu. N•w. 188 Lov tstall 181. ~l eepera , llet f A.M'QRY ~~7-5708 KINO INNE RSPRING EXTRA FIRM m•Ureu aft, ne\ltt llSed worth ~1 llt 1248 del Never II.HO queen u , worth m. cuh only, $2 18 del 1ual'1._~me..._IB·7~ Maho~~T /o~~e bed with mattress. Moon sha~ mirror on head board. SSOOOBO 631·7797 aft 6 I IUY FUIMITUIE Les ___ 917~8133 •• capt bed1 cedar d" rs. S200 Wooo din. set, 4 <:hrs. $50 Dinette. 6 : chrs, S7S Sofabed. HUGESFAMILY yellow plaid , S95 ~ARAGER 661·7341 _ Fri, Sat 9·4 ul 1976 New6prCharltonsofa.lt ~e li ca n Pi (Mt•s a greens ret:ui Sl800 &ell \erdel CM Lwn m"rs. SllXl or"trade for pia) l)t!n i dm set. rar seat halJ) set 661 7341 I furn. drapes. ~n :.011:.. K.tng Size Bed, W Sim rrons custom made ma 1 tress. \er)' dean $100 64.S-2300 T"1n Floatation waterbcd. like ne", wa> $800. selling $300 ~7 9S.S4 Chest of dra'4ers. din rm game table " 4 chairs. bumper pool ta bl~ & lamJ!\t 759.0754 Kmg Size H20 Bed. hJ?hl ed book case headboard. wood base with l"UP· boards. $400. 7x8" Sofa Set Brlf3eige Herculon. ill!r ~ 675..:._9677 Butcher blk table. 42° md Sl50 4 entry ladder back rhairs. S200 f.ngl oak buffet. S400 X Int N.B 213 -27 1·3939. .111.1.GQ-3667 46R, shirts & pant ~ I books. toys. paint tnk1•<, I & man) misc Sat·~J~~E ~LJ'~~~ .ir \·umulat1on of i:d~. abo t!n8 Cadillac 2J Ihm bo" Fall :., I r\' 1TURTLEROCh I ca~h Only GARAGE SALE llousehold and work items. ref rig, t w 10 beds, 1V. Alum extension l:1d der. pc>wer tools l·:irpen try and plumbing ~up 11hes Etc. Etc 43612 Goldenrod COM Sat Sun 1.9 "l.11419___ - ;)t<Lt'e'>"1U1 '>t'l'·nq ·:-. 642-S678 -' r "' h W~1Pn yl)U .. .1d11>r! '>t' •rl the 0.i ly Pi101 --. ~~ -"! PRICES GOOD THROUGH MARCH 17th 1982 SOUTH COAST HONDA htwHft MocArthur & Dytr on Main St. ST. PADDY'S DAY SPEC IALS! ALFA ROM l::O l'i\KTS All parts to c·onYer t IOI 1600 to Velore. e.H pistons Sl400 Uenn1s. 979 2748 artN 6pm or wknds Pon.c·he 9J4 t4 I l en1Unl' Rbh. 0 miles SKOO or ufr 645·5476 '112 \/'A' Rabbit Nu 4 stk rim~. 13x511. $10~ 644 ll'>S4. 830-f!.600 Mag wheel:. & lire~ fu1 Datsun Pick up SIOO 646.3349 NO( a repllcar Orll( l~ Packard Ila wk Dui tress sale $21.MlO!OllO Sincere in<1 only 11.'17 l!OOI. llJ fl'lrt'bmt1 l!it'un. ong ownr. 6 cy. Oii. (Jm rare~ S36 8079 '37 Chevy 4 dr xlnl oni: 1'00d $2950 (1rm 642 0452 ·s_s wht Cum T i11rd. hlk top, $13,500. ti7S 1300 645 0621 ·29 Ford Ruud)lt:r P l ' ~ ·30 Ford CahrioM flSOO 67S 3175 062 Pl800 Voll u CIU))I\" lie.stored Rt."~a I\• Salt) 4 4 3 W Ba 1 <' ~1 G45 21!!!3 - ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 ford EZ50. window vun. low miles. m11 ny xtriu $4iOO Call b'7S 1211 '62COIVAll Wu1oow van. 1·omplctel) rt'bit, custom seat~. llilk 111g '2500. 543 0003 .WOSW_..d ...••...••...•••....... WEMHDYOUR GOOD USED Cil! Aoythfng c:ons1<fer~d 1977 lhl"u 1980 "I la Or_,. C_.ty 2925 Harbor Bii d COSTA MESA -979-.1500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS AUNMAGNON PONTIAC/SUIARU 248l Harllor llh J COSTA Mt:SA 54'·U O_O 549·1457 WE BUY CLEAMCARS AND TRUCKS COMNB.L CHEVIOLET :x:2! llarb11r Hh <I '·u..r \ .., ~~' ' 546-1200 Premium prices pajd for any used car !rorelgn or domestk l in 1ood coaditlon See Us First' MODB.S IN STOCk MOW! Cheli ;~;· tH4 ttlecHoe of DIM01 ••4 QUALITY l'U.OWHID IMWt • well H otlttr flH .,__., 1U11. Cdl °' COIM ht TODAY! SALIS• SBVICI . WSIHG . SADC)LEBACK IMW 21401 MAnWlfTI PIWY. MISSfOff V1IJO Avery Pkwy. off 1·5 131-IMO 495-4949 Open Sundays For Classified Ad ACTION Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 64.2-5678 ~--... . .,,.~. . • 1 I •l,·, •• •1 ,, ,,., .,'~ .... ;...,;"~ t ~~ IJ~: ',/f ,, I COMNEll CHEVROLET '\.';'-I ,•r•' /, ' ' ' "I \ \1 I ' I ~46-1200 ant Ads Call 642-5678 Orengt Cotlt OAJLY PILOT/Fridey, Mltdl 12, 1112 .. 1. Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT LFrlday. March 12, 1982 ... f..250 (W86095-4960T) 5206?!. '82 ISO VAM 12A 14344-5058T) 5227~ LOOK AT THESE LOW LO 71PINJO 1613WCN) (281XWP-4665) 52999 54599 (HP07~1207) 5136'.!. PRICES Ill 7SRITI (816KYU·5067) • a 24 Month Ext..md Umited WOITfllfty and24 Month Freeful . MainlenclltCe Service 7'PINTO 1941WOY-0419) 5 171~ (1BGCn1-.4891) a .... ·-· ··-·--··· ....... ·-· ......... --....... -...... ~ .......... . Karen.Valentine and 'Skeezer,' the dog with a mfuion ~Night of 100 Stars~ talk See lmide TV. on P91e 33 .. ......................... -. --___ ..._ ...... -·--· ..... --..... . •March 12 -March 18• Disturbed children's be st friend, too "Skeezer," the story of a dog that helps boost the l,ives of emotionally disturbed children, will be presented in a two-part program March 14 and 21 · at 7 p.m. on NBC <Channel 4). Karen Valentine stars as a young nurse-therapist who finds Skeeur and takes the dog to her place of work, a home for emotionally disturbed children. The drama is based on the true experiences of Alice Williams, who was one of the head nurses at the University of Michigan's Children's Psychiatric Hospital. She was Instrumental in using animal therapy with the disturbed children .. Skeezer was acquired from the university's Animal Research Lab and worked with youngsters from 1966 to 1973. The experiences were developed into a book, "Skeezer, Dog with a Mission," and the television spec;ial seeks to capture the spirit of that early experiment in animal therapy. • • • WILLIAM SllATNER of "Star Trek" fame is T .J . Hooker, a streetwise police sergeant who returns to the field with a rookie partner in a 00-minute pilot Saturday on ABC (Channel 7). The series will air on Saturdays from 8 to 9 p.m., replacing "King's Crossing." Adrian Zmed stars as Tony Romano, a handsome, woman-chasing y0ung rookie in "T.J . Hooker." The new series also stars Richard Lawson as David McNeil, Bnan Patrick Clarke as Jess Canfield, John Gladstein aa Mike Grainger, Kelly Harmon as Jennifer Blake, Jo McDonnell as Kelly Saunders and Debbie Shelton as Nancy Canfield. • • • DEAN JONES is reunited with Herbie the Volkswagen when Walt Disney Productions premieres its new hour-long series updating the antics of "Herbie, The Love Bug," at 8 p.m. Wednesday on CBS (Channel 2). Based on the popular series of Walt Disney movies chronicling the whimsical adventures of the four-wheeled friend, the new series of five episodes also stars Patricia Harty, Richard Paul, Claudia Wells, Nicky Katt and Douglas Emerson. Larry Unville guest stars ln the role of Randy Bigelow. Dean Jones reprises the role of Jim Dou1lu, owner ol Herbie. He appeared ln all four Herbie, See Skean, Page 32 Cast named for 'Capitol' t ' \ . ,1 ' I -... -----.... .:~w.··=··~····· .. -::--· ·-~ ______ ......... -........ ••'-•• ............. ··-· -·--· .....,............._. -· --·-·· -· .. ·:··:-· ................. . FOUR DAYS ONLY~ "1ARCH 13, 14. -15, 16 COME 10 ATLA•TIC FOR I•· STORE ''IREE• TAI'' SALE REMS • \I' ON YAMAHA, IEF, IENWOOD, INFINITY, DEMON AND MORE! SPECIAL SALE PRICING ON ALL "GREEN TAG" ITEM$!! TDK T-120 MOBILE RDEUTY llStWAStER SUPER AVI. YN THI MMISftY ST AMDAID Oftlllllll ......... 1.25-. D4 RUID VHS ... VW.T.-IM Mll•tt•AS ti AMYSl•UM•_. UCIU.IMJ COLoa AND OltCASmft .. ~~s1s9 SHAIP lll'AIL flOlt ALL MIMU11 CASSITTI STOCll flOll OML Y · YHSMCGmmS ~~s13• ~u.t s219 l::'. 5139!! wt,.u.t s29!! •J.IO ,.. SS.I t S7.H ,,,... .... ' ...... _,J .... c..--2wffllc..- MAICH 13 & 14 ONLY!! YOUR CHOICE OF EITHER ROCI_(, JAZZ OR CLASSICAL SAMPLER ALBUM FROM MAXELL TO THE FIRST , TEN CUSTOMERS WITH ANY PURCHASE OVER $1.00! . FREE! FREE! ·················································~···································· AKMo SAU :MXR: ·s10914 :sENNIEISER: YPs-2 hou port bl VHS • 132 oYnamic Expander (0) Pot • H6"400 s3440 r a e s9g5 • . Lightweight stereo video r~der. 7 day ' : YAMAHA: . :headphones. Great Sound (N) .... programming (N) ........ $14'5 • CA2010 s35454 ·TDK: : 120w8tt perch. :, 120 s13•• ~ • integrated amp (0 ) ........ $100 It V.HS v ·d t (N) s•o tlJC .. It I eoape ........ ~ Belt Drive "A•. $ 19900: :O':n per ch. $16514 : JBL: $ 42 ~~~':~iS•!:(o) .... q2t : lnt8oratedamp (N) ........ $2IO . :~~T~~~~Y · 159 . . : ORTOFOH; SOIL ff : walnut wood veneer CDJ .. sz10 'JVC: • Alf cartridges in stock ... 10 0 • KENWOOD: 3 plece portable VHS 5999 : UST ntel : D ·70IO s2 95 video recorder. heavy • l(EF: : 80 watt per ch. AM-FM & 99 ~utyconstruction (0) .... $1774 : 111.2.state-of-sg9048 • Receiver, hi~ • the-ert floor standing • bultt~n equalizer (0) ..... $660 DIX: : speaker system (0 . each) Sl4H : IA·70I · 1....... $6924• , •80~channel s~9414 unit (N) .................. s10t :ADCOM; ! h ...ua-icnto)egrated ... , :~ s21948;:am......... . ............. ... [mat~~· :Mr:.:.:<i~~.......... :~ 10 wan per channel s24994 : MANY MO• YALUllAT :integrated amp (N) ........ Ptt Metal capable ~tte $IOI ! A'IUMTICI STOP IY TODA,_~~ ... ..._:. KT-411 s15954 deck with aotenoid 15AU. lalll'I COt• WITH ML w...,...,-. Auto emn. ~ operation (0) .•.......••. $161 10t• M1W &Ml tot• •tOl IDI ~ AM·FM tuner (OJ •.... : .••• $111 -· ..... _ .... ,. ............. ········-··· ....... ··-------------·-· .............. ····-·· ····----· -------------·-······· ·····--··-·-· .. Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mail address: Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642-021 By PIHL SNEIDER MAN Ol 1 ... D .. IY ~IMl 5- Now it can be told . For a time last year, I was a full-fledged, four -star M·A·S·H-a-holic. Al one point I needed three and sometimes fo ur episodes a day to gel by . Oran e Coast TV Antenna 3 "Tl ~ a. I» :< '--------------------~ When I missed my daily doses or the Korean ~ ID Index Orange Coast TV A11tennn Sports Highlights . Daytime Schedule Evening Schedule Letters ...... Word Game Inside TV .. TV Puzzle .. Daytime Drama . . ..•... Channels 8 KNXT 1CBS1 6121 W. Sunset Blvd • Los Angeles, Ca Q K NBC (NBCI 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. 0 KTLA <Ind I 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca D KABC I ABCl 4151 Prospect Ave . Los Angeles. Ca <81 KFMB ICBSI 7677 Engineer Rd . San Diego, Ca. · CJ KllJ-TV llnd I 5515 Melrose Ave , Los Angeles, Ca. 1101 KCST<ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca ti) KTTV ((nd. I 5746 W. Sunset Blvd • Los Angeles. C'a G) K COP-TV <Ind I 915 N La Brea Ave . Los t\niceles, Ca I 24 1 CBS Cable 1t KCET I PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd . Los Angeles. Ca. 9 KOCE 1PBS1 . , ... Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 8 Page 29 Page 29 . . Page 33 Page 33 . Page 34 15744 Golden West St . Huntington Beach 101 On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave .. Glendale. Ca IZl Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave. Santa Monica. Ca <HI HBO Time-Lire Bldg .. Rockefeller Center, N V • NV 1C1 Cinemax Time-Life Bldg .. llockcfellcr Center. N.Y., N.Y IJ!WOR> NV .N Y. I 111 1\YTBS> Atlanta. Ga. I Ei ESPN (L I Select !S l Showtime IS I SpotJi~hl IC 1 I Ca tile News Net work 1 /".. War comedy, I started shaking and broke out 10 a cold sweat. Al night, the series beean creeping into my dreams, where I'd find myself in green fatigues behind the mess tent chow line or worse. on the mobile hospital unit's operating table. I became obsessed with M·A·S-H trivia. I wa,tcbed the excessively reverent PBS documentary "Making M·A-S-H" on Channel 50, then flipped the selector to watch it again on Channel 28. Does this sound like the behavior or a rallonal man? Now that I've returned to a more stable frame of mind, l can understand the cause of my addiction. I never had any problem until M·A·S·H was sold into syndication, and one broadcast a week suddenly blossomed into 18. I doubt if I was watching when the first episode of M-A·S·H was telecast in the ran of 1972. Tho ugh I remember watching the show on occasion in its once-a-week format, I certainly dido 't build my S<'hedule around it. Then, a bout two years ago, syndication began Locally, KTTV Channel 11 bought the series and wasted no time in getting its money's worth. The station started running two episodes each weekday in the early evening and another at 11 p.m . For good measure, a few more episodes were broadcast on the weekend. And consider the te mptation facing a M-A·S·H-a-holic on Mondays? At. that time, a person could watch three older episodes on Cha nnel 11, plus a new M·A·S·H in prime lime on Channel 2 -an overdose by any standards. It's not difficult to see how a person could become a M·A·S·H·a -holic. The show's virtues - its skillful blend of comedy and drama, its excellent writing and peerless ensemble acting - have been stated time and again. Syndication provided an opportunity to observe the s ubtle changes the series has undergone during its 10-year run. Some of the earliest episodes, for example, were blatantly sexist. In the very first episode, current ERA supporter Alan Alda raffles off a nurse! Or one could watch the metamorphosis of ''Ho t Lips" f rom a one -dimensional discipline-obsessed head nurse to a more sympathetically drawn military careerist using toughness to hide her insecurities. In early episodes, it seemed as if Margaret had slept with every general around. But in a program rilmed during a later season, she actually turned down a promotion because it bad romantic strings attached. (:; ~ A loyal M·A·S·H·a·holic can analyie bow the ~ entrance and departure of important cast members .... affected the chemistry of the M-A-S·H ensemble. ~ Or compare bumbling Frank Burns to pompous ·- Major Winchester as a comic foil for Hawkeye. Or weigh Trapper versus B.J ., Colonel Blake versus Colonel Potter, etc. I can take comfort in the knowledge that my case of M-A·S·H addiction was no rare malady. Twentieth Century-Fox, which produces the series. c laims M-A-S-H today is the most successful show in syndication, in terms of the numbe~ of stations carrying it and the ratings it pulls in. Aside from its network showings, M·A·S·H reruns are now broadcast on 154 stations across the United States. It is also seen in S8 other nations, a Fox spokesman said. More than 200 episodes have been filmed. The studio spokesman said Fox simply sells the series lo various stations. Each station chooses how often to broadcast it. When a station r uns three episodes a day plus a few more on weekends, it isn't long before a dedicated M-A-S-H-a -bolic has seen every one. lsn 't there a danger of reaching a syndication saturation point? Will an overdose or M·A·S·H destroy the series· popularity -and its ratings? It hasn't happened yet, according to Sally Van Slyke, a spokeswoman for Channel 11 . The station has, however, cut back from three to two weekday reruns of M·A·S·H. "It's still performing so well," Ms. Van Slyke said. "It seems like people are not getting tired of it. I think they regard it as a classic." The station spokeswoman said some programs can be shown in endless reruns without losing their popularity. "We have this joke around the station," she said. "We s ay that in the year 2020, we'll still be running episodes of 'I Love Lucy.' " One might think CBS is concerned that the widespread syndication of M·A·S·H could t-0rpedo the ratings of the new episodes it broadcasts each Monday. CBS spokesman Kevin McDonald said the network initially had this concern when M·A·S-H was sold into syndication. But he admitted the network's fears have proved groundless. Network M-A-S-H episodes continue to park themselves among the Top 10 in the weekly Nielsen ratings. lo fact, the producers of the series think See M•1t•S-H-a.hoUc, Page 32 VIDEO MOVIES ·SPOKEN HERE • FOR YOUR EYES ONLY • FINAL CONFLICT THUNDERBOLT & LIGHTFOOT • EYE OF THE NEEDLE • TAnOO •ROCKY • CARBON COPY · • PURSUIT OF D.I. COOPER I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent Sff th_e Video Experts at ••• v111eo .c ............ 1. 1 a4-1 HARiol 1tv1:·-• ..-COSTA MISA • 646.;etzl • GAWPOU • HOUSE CALLS • ....... -········-·~··---·· .... ····················· -----'"---··-···~·-·••"-••••tr ••••····· .............. ·-___ .... ___ .. ___ ·················-···· ........ ..., • AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC.-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP~ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1 540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 BOB McLARENS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 ALLEN CADILLAC-OLDS GMC-DeLOREAN 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -831-0800 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 ca: 1;H19 a;'; 52:t .1•i': • ATLAS CHRYSLIR-PL YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 --540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAIDA 601 S. Anah eim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 · MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855!: VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., · Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO BEACH IMPORTS EARLE IKE VOLVO 848 Dove Street 1966 Harbor Blvd. Newport Beach -·752-0900 . Costa Mesa -646-9303 -----· .. l Sports Highlights Friday MARCH 12, 1H2 EV£HtNO 11:30 8 ()) NCAA BASKETBAll First-round 1ourn•men1 covermoe (trom Pullman. Waall ). Saturday MARCH ta, 1M2 MOAHINO 11:<I08 ()) NCAA 8AIKET8AU. Second-round 1oum.rnen1 8Ctlon 8 8AIHGSIOE 10-round mlddlewelght bout Mtweer. Must•I• Hamsho end Cur1is p.,. k•; 1~ound MeyYW9ight bout bet-EllJeh T1lllW'y Ind Alfoneo Ratliff (live lrom Atlentlc City, M.J.). • WCTTENNll "$320,000 World Cup Challenge" Pet• Fleming YI. H.,old Solomon Af'Tu.HOON 1:00 e (J) NCAA Mlt<ETMl.L Second-round tourn-t 9Ctlon 1:30 a a IHVEMAln' ClA881C Third-round covermoe of this tourn-t. f .. turlng -of !tie top '*-In Pf'OfMelonel golf (11\19 from IM lnverr ery Golf Md CounltY Club In LauderhMI, Aa.). 2:30 8 SUGAR RAY LEONAR0'8 GOlot.H GLOVES Florida va. T ennea ... 9 PAOFE.88IONAl 80Wl.EA8 TOVA S 110.000 Fair Lanee Open (from Falr Linea Capital Plau In Walhlngton. D.C.) 3:00 8 NCAA BA8l<ET8AU Second-round tourn•ment K1ion S;30 8 PAOfE88IOHAl. BOWLERS TOUR $110,000 Fair l.8net Open (from Fllr Lana Capital Plau In WUhlng1on, D C I Cll DRAG RACING ON TWO WHEELS 5:00 8 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS World Figure Skating Cllwnp!Or.ahlpa •• Men's and IQ8 Dancing Compell· llon (from ~-oen. DenlNwtt). G IOOCEA MADE IH OEAMAHY Peru vs. Uruguay 5-.IO 9 WIDI W0NJ> OF SPORT8 World Figure Skating Clwnpiolllfllp9 -Men'• end IQ8 Owlclno ~ tlon (from Copenflagen, DerwMtll). IEVENN) t:clO. IPORT8 AMINCA 7:00 CD> NHl HOCKEY LOI Angelee l<lngl YI. New Yorll ltlandere 11:30 8 IO>ONO "Agllt Of The Month" Dino Dennil YI. JI,_ "Qulcll" TllUs Sunday t:OO • Cll Ne.A BA&KnlAU Phoenix Suns 11 Boston Celllct 10:00 G QI 8PORT8WORLD 10-round funlor m1ddleweigh1 bout wilh Tony Ayala vs. Steve Gt• OOtY (IW. lrom Atlantk: City, N.J.); Wh11ller Moun- lain Downhlll Siding (from British COiumbia): All-Ir• land Hur11ng Ctwnplonl/'llp (from Dublin). I DODGER DUGOUT 10:10 DODGER PAE..QAME 10-.25 PAE.aEASON BA8E8All GAME Houa1on A1lro1 YI. LOI Angelee Dodgers 11: 15 8 ()) NCAA IA8KET8AU. Second-round tournament ectlon Af'Tu.HOON 12:00 8 8 INVEAAARY ClAl8IC Anal-round _.. of thll toumemenl, ,..turlng -of the top Nll'l'l88 In Pf'OfeMional golf (live lrom the lnveNary Golf and Country Club In lAudet11111, Aa.)~ 1:00 I aJ IPORTlef.AT t:IO NCAA M8KET9AU Second-round tournament llCllon e ltl THE IUPEMTAAS Coverage of the 1Upet19Mll f001bell Pf• llmlnety. with the S111 Francllco 49era vs. lh8 Qncinn•ll 8eng811 (trom Honolulu, H-ali). (J) PAE.aEASOH 8ASE8All (Joined In Pro0<"9~ fornla Angels ..... Sen Diego Pedr• See Sports. Page 32' Af/;~l/i'/ Aeu~A ,ft/uiJ (!Utf 1912 · WINTER AVAILABLE* * * *LIMITED NUMBER CORPORATE A~D REGULAR MEMBEISHtn COIPOIATI MIMlllSHtf'S have lull club privileges Including a lax advantage. Members lrequently use our attractive fac111t1e1 for banquet11, board meetings, client luncheons and social activities (minimum 2 families). u.ULAl t • llUHIPS for families and single people are offered In a variety of membership programs including extensive Jr progrems 12 yrs. and up. Wedding receptions and private parties are a specialty at N.B.T.C .. for members only. "MEW .. **** AllOltC MIMIHSHIP Taught In oor Aerobic Teaching Center by Phil Johnson with 12 yeara experience in phvafcal fitness. '150 Initiation fee includes 2 months free or 24 ctesaes Pt.US 6 montha of enfoylng a fAMOUS SOCIAL Ufll. 1100 Initiation fee will b9 as>c>lied to any at'*' type membet'lhip at M.LT.C. ~ for 6 momths only. J• ••w and experience the "OOod Hfe." Find out why the N.B.T.C. has been successfully sa11afytng ita members for the paat 17 yee1s, For membership application and lnfonnatlon, pteMe eall our S.. '"'"'-· ~S.IM.H4Nll. 2601 EASTllUFF DRIVE, NEWPORT B~H. CALIF ......................... ,. ..... ~-.....--·-·· -·········-·-······ ................. \;. Automatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley -- LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTY "We Are Never Undersold" FREE extra transmitter with garage door opener Stanley Digital "High Security" __ -D.,...__--= ~ Radio controls -three signals -=====---=----~-.... :1 ~ : I . I STANLEY ·rOay or Night Prompt, courteous - . conscientious service . •age Doon • Repairs "Leedlng lnafall•r of Automeilc . ·Door Openers In Ontng• County" IRVINE DOOR COMP ANY Sales & Service Insured. Bonded & ~!~ ~o~r1N! 312361 ~ What has been a better investment than BUILDING? '~ NOTHING! Let your investment make money for you ... build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one you have. Phone (714) 739-8632 I (213) 80'2·2588 21•& CENTURY OONSTRUCTION CO l~ FlDal\Cin1 We pan.ntee our work and oompletion da&.t 5 . . ~ '· ... -· -' .. -, ........ , . t •I •I ---.rr.-•t • 6 ~Daytime ~ ' e Ill ~ \I< >ll'.\ I:\(; ~ 4:55® MOVIE (1 HR.,~ MIN.) (TUE) -o t.. )()fl SUNRISE SEMESTER U: WOMAN'S DIGEST (WED. THU) g MAYBERRY R.F.0. (t=AI) -' MOVIE (FRI) ~ COLLEGE BASKETBALL (FRI) AUTO RACING '82 (MON) o POWER BOAT RACING (TUE) ti: GOLF (WED) PROFESSIONAL RODEO (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 28 MIN.) (FRI) SPORTS ILLUSTRATED: THE FIRST 25 YEARS 1! HR.) (WED) rn MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 41 MIN.) (FRI) 5:05 trn I DREAM OF JEANNIE 5: 15 0 HISTORY OF MEXICO (MON, WED. FRI) D AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (TUE. THU) 5:30 8 JUNTOS (MON, WED, FRI) • YOU ANO THE LAW (TUE. THU) JIMMY SWAGGART LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON. WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JEASEY (THU) UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR (TUE-FRI) CINEMAX SHORT FEATURE (TUE) WHAT'S UP AMERICA! (1 HR.) (THU) 5:351MY THREE SONS 5:45 HEALTH FIELD 9 A.M. WEA THEA • 5:50 NEWS 5:55 REAL EST ATE PRINCIPLES (MON, WED, FRI) ®l HOME GARDENER (TUE, THU) 6:001J LA. MORNING WOMAN'S DIGEST (FRI) HOT FUDGE (MON-THU) PEOPLE 7 (FRI) FOCUS ON SOCIETY (MON, WED) OCEANUS (TUE. THU) MORNING WITH CHARLES KURALT (FRI) MORNING NEWS (MON· THU) COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FRI) 1rs EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS (MON. WED) HUMANITIES THROUGH TH~ ARTS (TlJE. THU) G) 81) PROJECT UNIVERSE (MON, WE_D. FRI) • MATHEMATICS FOR MOOERN LMNG (TUE, THU) • • WRITING FOR A REASON (TUE, THU) MOVIE (MON, THU) OVERTURE (TUE) PINOCCHIO (WED) ALL-STAR SOCCER (TUE) SPORTSWOMAN (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE {2 HRS.) (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS., 2 MIN.I ~TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 57 MIN. THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 34 MIN. TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 19 MIN.) (THU) 6:05 a1J MOVIE (HJ LEFTY. THE OINGALING LYNX (MON) CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 50 MIN.) (WEO) 6:16D ARTS OF ASIA • FILMS THAT TEACH 8:26 Ill ED ALLEN 6:308 CAPTAIN KANGAROO 80'8 WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY (MON-1'HU) DA YBAEAK L.A. IT CAH BE DONE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEE08ACK (MON) YOUTH ANO THE t88UE8 (TUE) ~~=a1(THU) OAEAT SPACE COA8TEA FEUXntECAT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) N IEACAN IKYLltE (MON) -=:.t.~A~MONEYMAH~E- ree~euOQYt·f~..-.U · , • .. H lltd norr.i.v II. ( 12 r ........ --... ..... .,,..... ~"""·',,., ... ,.._ ,.. .. ,. AMERICAN STORY (TUE. THU) CHILDREN OF FIRE MOUNTAIN (FRI) SHOESHINE GIRL (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR.. 14 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (MON, WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (2 HRS.} (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 31 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 34 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR. 25 MIN.) (MON) 6:45 CH) THE UTILE MERMAID (FRI) (H) LEFTY. THE OINGALING LYNX (TUE) 7:0011 MORNING WITH CHARLES KURALT (FRI) MORNING NEWS (MON· THU) f.m TOOAY 700CLUB ®) GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS BUSINESS REPORT PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MENT (FRI) • AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (MON, WED) • OF EARTH AND MAN (TUE. THU) CHILDREN OF FIRE MOUNTAIN (WED. FRI) MOVIE (TUE) COLLEGE BASKETBALL (FRI) SPORTS CENTER (MON-THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 59 MIN.) (MON) 7: 15 (8) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 37 MIN.) (FRI) 7:30 8 THERE IS A WAY THE FLINTSTONES KROFFT SUPERST AAS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE (MON, WED, FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 65 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HA., 45 MIN.) (MON) 7:35 ~MOVIE ( 1 HR., 42 MIN.) (TUE) 7:45 CINEMASCORE (WED) 8:00 SUNUP SAN OIEQO JIM BAKKER JOHN DAVIDSON FLIPPER CARTOONS BIG BLUE MARBLE (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (A) (MON-THU) • • BODY BUDOIES MOVIE (THU) WCT TENNIS (MON, TUE) NHL HOCKEY (WED) SKIING (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 37 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (TUE, THU) EUBIEI (1HR.,30 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. 45 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 41 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 14 MIN.~ (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 38 MIN. (THU) MOVIE (1 HR .. 62 MIN. (WED) 8:05@ MOVIE CI) MOVIE (1 HR., 25 MIN.) (FRI) 8:16(Z)MOVIE (1 HR .. 31 MIN.) (MON) 8:30 8 HOT FUDGE (FRI) LEAVE IT TO BEA VER (MON-THU) GENTLE BEN VILLA ALEGRE (R) (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) VILLA ALEGRE O (WED) - MISTER ROGERS (R) MOVIE (1 HR., 67 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HAS .. 3 MIN.) (THU) 9:0011 Cl) ONE DAY AT A l'IME (R) REGIS PHILBIN RICHARD SIMMONS (FRI) OZZIE ANO HARRIET (MON-THU) A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD FILES lLOVELUCY ROMPER ROOM SESAME STREET 0 DONAHUE 3-2·1 CONTACT (R) 0 MOVIE <TUE. WEO) COLLEGE BASKETBALL (FRI) FLASHBACK: THE GREAT PLAGUE (1 HR.) TIME WAS (1 HR.} (MON) f l) SPORTS llLUSTAA 'fEO: 'tHE AAST 25 YEARS e:£~'61~~ (TUE) t:30t~=Jm LEAVE IT TO THE WOMEN (ml) Tl4E fWUiMAN (MON-THU) a.mMOrllttG L.A. IEWITOHED MCMI ELICTNC COMPANY R) ~ ~MONEY MATIERS (1 HR.) (WED) AEROBICISE (MON, WED. FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 25 MIN.) (WED) 9:35 ~MOVIE (2 HRS., 3 MIN.) (TUE) 9:50 CINEMASCORE (MON, FRI) 10:00 (I) TME PRICE IS RIGHT WHEEL OF FORTUNE BIG VALLEY ®) LOVE BOAT (R) TIC TAC DOUGH I DREAM OF JEANNIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING RICHARD SIMMONS • GETTIN' TO KNOW ME (FRI) • EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON-THU) TOP RANK BOXING (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 36 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HAS .. 2 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 45 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE {2 HRS.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS., 30 MfN.) (MON, THU) MOVIE ~1 HR., 50 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 25 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR .. 33 MIN.) (MON) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TUE) 0 MOVIE ( 1 HR., 55 MIN.) (THU) (%)MOVIE (1 HR .. 48 MIN.) (WED) 10:05@ MOVIE CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., 47 MIN.) (FRI) CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., SO MIN.) (MON) 10:300 G) BATILESTARS TREASURE HUNT (FRI) PITFALL (MON-THU) GHOST ANO MRS. MUIR (TUE-FRI) TWICE A WOMAN (MON) INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS • EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) AUTO RACING '82 (WF.0) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 42 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 25 MIN ) (THU) 11 :00 IT A TILET ALES PASSWORD PLUS BONANZA ®)FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS TREASURE HUNT BULLSEYE SUPER PAY CARDS LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE WHY IN THE WORLD (THU, FRI) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (MON-WED) MOVIE (TUE-FRI) COLLEGE BASKETBALL (FRI) POCKET BILLIARDS (MON) PROFESSIONAL RODEO (1UE) MOVIE (1 HR., 57 MIN.) (WED) 11:30 I THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS THE DOCTORS RYAN'S HOPE • (!)MATCH GAME G)NEWS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT • BIG BLUE MARBLE (WED) MOVIE (MON) HOLLYWOOD (WED) ANTHONY NEWLEY (1 HR.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR .. 45 MIN.) (TUE) 11:35(%) MOVIE (1HR.,47 MIN.) (TUE) . \l·" l 'l·~ll~( )( )~ 12:000 f.m DAYS OF OUR LIVES TWILIGHT ZONE 9 ALL MY CHILDREN NEWS em MOVIE BONANZA DIOKCAvm • EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) GEO (MON) NEW VOICE (R) O (TUE) GETI"IN' TO KNOW ME (WED) FAST FORWARD (THU) WATER SKIING (MON) ·BEAUTIFUL. BABY, BEAUTIFUL! (1 HR.) ~INTERNATIONAL FtGURE SKA TING FROM PEKING (1 HR .• 30 MIN.) (MON) f OV1£ ~! ~·~ 10 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE~~ fNERl :v MANIL~~ CONCERT (2 HRS.) ~ii' HR.. 3t MIN.I i!UE) MOYIE 1 HR., 51 MIN. ) MOYIE 1 HR., 50 MIN. U) MOVIE t HR., 34 ..-.. ) MOVE 1 HR.. 47 .... WB>) ~. ' c M!'47-*fl,~.~ :) ·-··-·····-·············--·· ........ ---·--·-· ... _ ......... ·-·-·········-·-••1'-•• _ _...,..__ __ ................. -..................... • ~ 12:308 Cl) A8 THE WORLD TURNS TWIJQHT ZONE OVER EASY . FROM JlMPSTAEET (R) c;J (FRI) UP AND COMING (R) Q (MON) WHY IN THE WOALO (TUE. THU) ~~AN(THU) MOVIE (1 HA., 36 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HA.,~ MIN.) ~ON) MOvtE ~HA., ._. MIN.) U) MOVIE 2 HRS., 2 MIN.) MON) 12:36 till THE INTSTONES 1:00 D. ANOTHER WORLD I HOUR MAGAZINE 9 ONE LIFE TO LIVE MOVIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) ONCE UPON A CLASSIC (WED) MOVIE (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) COLLEGE BASKETBALL (FRI) SKIING (TUE) POWER BOAT RACING (THU) MOVIE (2 HRS.) {FRI) REMEMaeRWHEN (1 HR) (WED) 1:05 ITHE MUNSTERS 1:20 CtNEMASCOAE (TUE) 1:30 Cl) SEARCH FOR TC>MoARoW NEWS SIGNA TlH (TUE-FRI) TINV REVOLUTIONS (MoN) BIG BLUE MARBLE {MON) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (WED) ~=XJNG (MON) ~ (1 HR., n .) (MON) THE DOOA8 (1 HR.) (FRI) THE OLD TANGO ( 1 HR) (TUE) 1:36 (IZ) LEAVE fT TO BEAVER (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 23 MIN.) (TUE. FRI) 1:451 MOVIE (1 HR., 3"' MIN.) (WED) 2:00 Cl) GUtOING LIGHT TEXAS JOHN DAVIDSON 9 GENERAL HOSPrT AL IRONSIDE OPEN LINE SUPERMAN BOTANIC MAN: AMAZING AMAZON (FRI) MIXED BAG: INSIDE. OUTSIDE (TUE) QUIZ KIDS (WED) STYLE (THU) GUTEN TAG; WIE GEHT'S? (FRI) GUTEN TAG IN DEUTSCHLAND (MON) LES GAMMAS (TUE) TOMORROW'S FAMILIES, TOMORROW'S FRIENDS (WED) HABLAMOS ESPANOL (THU) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS (THU) TIME WAS (1 HR.) (WED) R.E.O. SPEEDWAGON IN CONCERT (FRI) MOVIE (MON-THU) AEAOBICISE (WEO, FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS., 9 MIN.l (TUE) MOVIE ~HA .• 26 MIN. (WED) MOVIE 1 HR .. 55 MIN. (THU) MOVIE 1HR,26 MIN. (MON) 2:06 OJ THE DY BUNCH 2:16Cl)A~ (MOH) (%)MOVIE (2 HAS., ~ .-..) (THU) 2:130~0N8 = ~J wooo (TUE) DANCE ANO DANCERS: KIROV BAUET I WED) ONE OF A KlNO: HOPPER'S SILENCE (THU) MISTER ROGERS (R) SPORTSWOMAN (TI.IE) VIDEO JUKEBOX (T~ MOVIE (2 HRS .• 2 MIN. (THU) EUBIEI ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN. (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR:, 45 MIN.) (MON) A CELEBRATION (1 HA .. 30 MIN.) (WED) BARRY 'MANILOW IN CONCERt ( 1 HR.. 25 MIN.) (THU) Ct MOVIE (2 HRS.) (FRI) Cl THE GOLDEN AGE Qt TELEVISION ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (MON) 0 MOVIE (1HR .. 50 MIN.) (TUE) 2:35@ THE BEVERLY HILU31LUE$ (FRI) @ BEVERLY HILLBILLIES (MON-THU) 3:00 8 THE ROCKFORD ALES DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS (MON-THU) EDGE OF NIGHT (MON, TUE. THU. FRI) AFTERSCHOOL SPEC.AL (WED) JOHN DAVIDSON MOVIE HAWAII RVE--0 PEOPLE'S COURT POPEYE StGHATUAE (MON) YOU ANO TH£ LAW (FAt) HOME GARDENER (MON, WED) AMSICAH OCWEANMENT (TUE. THU) HOUR MAGAZIE SESAME STN£ t c;J CHILDREN Of FlffE MOUNTAIN (MON, WED, FRI) OVERTURE (TUE) MOVIE (THU) COLLEGE BASKETBALL HIGHLIGHTS (FRI) F.A. SOCCER (TUE) NFL ALMS (THU) MOVIE ~1 H~. 61!JIN. (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 40 MIN. (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS.) MOVIE ~1 HR.,~ MIN.~ (WED) MOVIE 1 HR, 52 MIN. (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR, •2 MIN. (TUE) 3:05 (IZ) ANDY GRIFFITH 3:30 e RICHARD SIMMONS PEOPLE"S COURT (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) CHARLIE"S ANGELS (MON, TUE. THU. FRI) AfTEASCHOOL SPECIAL (WED) B~ITCHED WOODY WOODPECKER STRUMPET CITY (MON) A PLAY FOR LOVE (WED) KRAFT MUSIC HALL (THU) YOU ANO THE LAW (f:'RI) FAST FORWARD (MON, WED) OCEANUS (TUE, THU) CHILORelOF FIRE MOUNTAIN (FRI) REACHING OUT (MON) MOVIE (TUE) . PfNOCCHIO (WED) SPORTS CENTER (FRO Costa Mesa's Only Complete F~neral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" I COllEGE 8A8KETBALL RE.PORT (THU) MOVIE (1HA.,65 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. •1 Mk) (WED) 3: ljGOMER PVLE 3:45 CNMASCORe (MON) •:OO BARNEY MtU.ER NEWHART EMERGENCY (FRI) COUPLES (MON-1HU) NEWS YOU ASKED FOR IT THE BRADY BUNCH MIGHTY MOUSE CA.BERET: SINGIN' (TUE) MISTER ROGERS {R) (MON, WED-FRI) 3-2-1 CONT ACT (A) O (TUE) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE VICTORY GARDEN (FRI) • CALLIGRAPHY (MON, WED) • HOME GARDENER (TUE. THU ) MOVIE (MON, FRI) COLLEGE BASKETBALL (FRI) ALL-ST AA SPORTS CHALLENGE (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (TUE) SPORTS FORUM (WED) THIS WEEK IN TH£ NHL (THU) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (FRI) MEETING HALAVAY (WED) (%)MOVIE (1HR,34 MIN.) (MON) MOYIE (1 HR, 39 MIN.) (1'HU) •:06(1Z) WIN~) (Jl)CAAOL ANO FRIENDS (MON-THU) •: 15 i MOVIE (2 HRS .. 19 MIN.) (THU) •:30 NEWS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MQN-THU) w·A·s·H LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THE BAAOY BUNCH SIGNATURE PLEDGE BREAK MACNEIL I LaiREA REPORT MOVIE (WED, THU) SPORTS CENTER (MON-THU) • STANDING ROOM ONLY (1 HR .• 30 MIN.) WED) MOVIE (1 HR., ,, MIN.) (THU) TO BE ANNOUNCED (MON) MOVIE MON, WED) MOVIE" 1 HR., 30 MIN.I ~E) MOVIE 1HR.,35 MIN. U') MOVIE 1 HR., 45 MIN. FRI MOVIE 1 HR .. • 1 MIN. U~) •:36 al) SAN ANO SON (MON, TUE. FRI) al) NBA BASKETBALL (WED, THU) •:40 =SESAME STREET c;J •:45 MOVIE11 HR,~ MIN.) (TUE) 6:00 D 8 (I) 9 NEWS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE KOJAK NEW YORK REPORT (FRI) HOLL YWOOO: THE SILENT YEARS (MON) MOVIE (TUE. THU) BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE (WED) INCREDIBLE HULK FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIENDS MIXED BAG: INSIDE. OUTSIDE (MON, FRI) QUIZ KJOS (TUE) STYLE (WED) BOTANtC MAN: LAmuoe ZERO ANO THE SOUTH AMERICAN ANDES (THU) =-flarbor LaW11 ·Mount Olive Men1orial Park· Mortuary· Mausoleums Burial In Any Cemetery -Shipment -Cremation, Plans Available 1825 Gtsler Ave. Costa Mesa (Glaler Ave. at HarbOr Blvd.)' 7 ' . 8 !Friday s= u ~ ., ~ ~ 8:ooeeeNews :g I CHARLIE'S ANGELS u. C88NEWS O> WHITE SHADOW .3 MISL SOCCER' New York Arrows vs. St. Louis ~ Stea~s ~rs.) ~ ,~~ a HAWAII AVE-0 NBC NEWS CREATMTY WrTH BtLL MOYERS Painter and welder Gerald Sheck Is Interviewed. Q Cl) MOVIE "Bronco Biiiy" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood Sondra Locke. A former shoe salesman from New' Jersey realizes his dream of performing Ii a Wild West show. 'PG' (1 hr .. 57 min.) 8: 15. PLEDGE BREAK Regularty scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 8:20 e Loe ANGELES WEEK tN REVEW 8:130~~ WELCOME BACK. KOTTER NBC Magazine Channel 4 -8 p. m. t8 STRuMPET CITY Peter O'T~ stars In an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better living conditions amid the poverty and social lntustlce of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 4) (1 hr.) _ • BUSfNESS REPORT -(I) COUEGE BASKETBAU. National Collegiate ChamplonstVp (Anlt Round, Game 9) (2 hrs.) e THE GOlD£N AGE OF TB..EV1SION "Requiem For A Heavyweight" Originally produced as part ol CBS's Playhouse 90 serles. this teledrama starring • Jack Palance gives a gUmpse Into the shabby world of ~efiQhtlng. (1 hr., 30 min.) 8:45 i CiNEMASCORE 8:56 OVER EASY "Living Together" (R) Q 7:100NBC~~ HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE How the Lake Tahoe ski patrol defuses potential avalanches; a champion wheel- chalr athlete competes In a swimming race. I YOU ASKED FOR IT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Buddy Hackett dlacusses the future of Las Vegas entertaln_ment. I M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD THEMUPPETS VOTER'S PfPEUNE "Sacramento Dateline" Jim Cooper Interviews Assemblyman Nolan Frlzzelle, Assemblywoman Marian Befgesoo. State Senator John Schmitz. CID F\.ASHBACK: THE GREAT PLAGUE Eric Sevareld hosts this documentary loo!< at the Span- ish Influenza epidemic of 1918. which claimed 20 mlttlon victims worldwide. (1 hr.) ([)MOVIE "Urban Cowboy" (1980. Drama) JOOn Travolta. Debra Winger. A blue-collar worker who fancie. hlmtelf a modem-day cowboy fels In Jove With a girl he meett In a popular country-and-west- em bar. 'PG' (2 tn .. 12 min.) CD) MOVIE "Hard Country" Jan-Michael Virant. A man Is dllllulloned With the modem Tua PG' (2tn. CJ) "Buatln' looee" (1981. Comedy) Rich-ard Pryor, Cio.ty Tyt0n. A bumbling burgl9r, a con- cerned IChoofteec:her and 8'ght Chllc:rin mike • frtahtenlng croee-oountry trip In • broken-down echoot bul. 'R' (1hr .. 34 mi\,) 7:0llNEW8 7:.30 2 ON THE TOWN Feehnd: a prollle of the ~ Dick Ctll1c. holt of "Arnlricall a.ndltand"; i.m what ~to unclelmed bOdlal: .,, lnW- Ww wlltl Al ...... ~ Ind publlher of • " the contl'CMfllal lkln trede rnegutne. •FN&.YNUD ~Yl!RNE & 1t411.EY & COMPANY PIOflLE'8 COURT IP.l}C~ DOUQH ~AMoR>ArT M•A .. •H \ PAYING THE FULL PRICE -Capt. Frank Murphy (Robert Stack> ~nvestig~te~ a string of kidnappings in which the v1cta !11s are killed after the ransom is paid. ·'Strike Force" is seen Friday at 10 'J>:m: on ABC (Ch. 7>. I SIGNATURE Guest: Gloria Steinem (Part 2). MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT WAU. STREET WEEK "New Prophets From Harry Browne?" Guest: Investment advisor Harry Browne. Doc CC) MOVIE "The Hellstrom Chronicle" (1971) - umentary. Narrated by Lawrence Pressman. The varied survival techniques of Insects. which may eventually put them Into direct and succeasful com- petition with man, are revealed. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 8:00 8 Cl) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Boss Hogg aocepts a $10.000 bribe to assure Miss Hatchlpee of winning a beauty and talent contest. ( 1 hr.) 8 • NBC MAGAZINE Scheduled: a profile of author Robert Ludlum; a report on how businesses are being misled Into buying video games. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "The Streets Of San Francisco" ( 1972. Mystery) Karl Malden, Michael Douglas. A young lawyer is framed for the murdef of a gf rt whose body was found floating In San Francisco Bay. (2 hrs.) 8 9 BENSON An unscrupulous Investor demands Denise's favors before his family will approve plans tor a state Industrial park. Q 1J RETROSPECT NEWS MORNING MOVIES 8:06Q1) "Song Of Scheherazade" (1947, Adven- ture) Yvonne De C8rlo, Brian Doniew. (%) "Eyewitness'' ( 1970, Mystery) Mark Lester. Susan George. A young boy known for having an overactive Imagination can't convince anyone that he has witnessed the murdef of a prominent black man. 8:30• "Bedknobl And Broomsticks" (1971, Fan- tatVT Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson e:aoe "Randy Rides Alone" c 193'. Western) ·John Wayrte, Alberta Vaughn. A cowboy lnflhrates an outlaw gang to gather ~ against thieves wno raided an expr .. eompeny offloe. (1 hr.) CC) "The Helletrom Chronlde'' (1971) Documenta- ry. Narrated by Lawrn» Preeeman. 10:00® "Oh God!" (1977, Comedy) Geotgl Bumi. John DlnYer. ,_.._ Cl) "The Tunnel ot LCM~=· eorn.dy) uuw,. ~d-A _ _.,_ wtto haw no trouble having ohldren. 10:0& ''ROiie" (1987. Dfwna) Rol9llnd Aullell. Dee. Ni eocentrtc otd woman ftgtU her =.rt• In. court bettle oonc>en*ig her llnlly. (2. (J) ... The ~IQ" (1980, Hom>r) George c. iOoet. Trllh VM 0.V... A wtdowd """'° ~ IOt ... .,, -~ .... .,.,.,.. to be hlUnled 'a,...._ IS*" wtlh a 5().y9ar-Old ICON to ..nll. flt•• ''Tiiie" EMI" (1•1. Blaalmphy) Ooownen-my Flm footllOt Ind dremetfC r.-Clf Mtiol • .,. &..it to ... the 11ory of EM1 Preeley'a W. Ind 11a..n.M911WOr9"9d'' 11•. Orwml A• .a...... . -------- (!) BENNY Hill G) P.M. MAGAZINE How the Lake Tah~ ski patrol defuses potential avalanches: a champion wheel- chair athlete competes in a swimming race. m MOVIE "Man With The Icy Eyes" ( 1971. Mys- tery) Keenan Wynn, Faith Domergue. A young reporter covering the murder of an eminent senator discovers the identity of the assassin. (2 hrs.) Cit MIXED BAG: INSIDE. OUTSIDE Both sides of the celluloid curtain are examined In this two-part series that deals with making films in a closed mar- ket. {Part"1) e GD WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW <Ji) MOVIE "Oh God!" ( 1977. Comedy) George Burns. John Denver. God selects an unsuspecting young supermarket manager to deliver a message of hope and good will to the skeptical people of the modern-day world. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Big Red One" (1980, Adventure) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. A tough A~y sergeant leads tour young, Inexperienced recruits into.the vio- lence-filled fray of World War II combat. 'PG ( 1 hr., 53min.) g MOVIE "caveman" (t981, Comedy) RJngo Starr, Dennis Quaid. The clownish. member of a barely human prehistoric tribe begins to discover that brains and not brawn wiU be the key to his peoi 'ssorvlval. 'PG' (1 hr .• 31 min.) 8·06 All IN THE FAMILY 8;30 0 MOVIE. "Hot Stuff" ( 1979, Comedy) Dom Deluise, Suzanne Pleshette. Th1ee Miami cops Tube Topper "Hot Stuff" Channel 7 -8:30 p.m . get in over their heads with the mob when their undefcove< fencing operation becomes conspicu- ously successful. (1 hr., 30 min.) I ERtC SEVAREID'S CHRONICLE MAUDE HEALTHBEAT DVORAK'S "SYMPHONY FROM T'HE NEW WORLD" Karl Boehm conducts the Vienna Philhar- monic In Dvorak's "Symphony No. 9." ( 1 hr.) ID PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program- ~,=~ due to pledge breal<s. 8:35 Q1) MOVIE "My Sister Eileen" ( 1955, Musical) Janet Leigh, Jack Lemmon. Tw<? sisters, one an aspiring actress and the other a writer, struggle for a break in Greenwich VIiiage. (2 hrs .. 6 min.) e WALL STREET WEEK "New Prophets From Harry Browne?" Guest: Investment advisor Harry Browne. (%) MOVIE "The Changeling'' ( 1980. Horror) George C. Scott. Trish Van Devere. A widowed music professor rents an old house that appears to be haunted by a restless spirit with a 50-year-otd score to settle. 'R' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 8:45tlD MOV!E "Auntie Mame" (1958, Comedy) Rosalind Russell, Forrest Tucker. Alter the death of his parents. a young boy becomes the ward of his flambo~nt and eccentric aunt. (2 hrs., 50 min.) 9:008 W DALLAS Cliff falls Into J.R.'s trap, Af1on 'tells J.R. that ClaY1on Farlow ls his real rival and Bob~ Is blackmalled by Jeff Farraday. ( 1 hr.) 8 • MOVIE "The Great American Traffic Jam" (1980, Comedy) John Beck, Shelley Fabares. The Los Angeles freeway system Is paralyzed by a series of freak aocldents occurring et the same time In dtf- ferent locations. (R) (2 hrs.) . • ALL GOO'S CHILDREN Millions of the world s Cf'llldren live In a dellcate balance between life and dNth, hope and delpelr. ( 1 hr.) Cl> MOYIE "The Rghtlng O'Aynn" ( 1949, Advert- ~ Ha1ana Cart•. Ooogtn Fairbanks Jr. In the 1 a pair of trllh swltlhbUckltn find themlelvee c:omp«Jtors In ronwnoe as wall • In pollt6cal ad\oen-nnwiv ~ ! MOYE "Bantegn)und" (1949. A<Mlntunt) Van Jotwiilon, John Hodak. American IOklera of the 1011t Airborne ~ ~ In the ffencti cam-m~ the BUgt. (2tn.) 1: THE KINQITON TflO ANO FNEND8: . Thi origlnll ~on Trto are lc*'9d by Tommy 8nl0lt\9la. Mery T,..,.. Lhtley ~ ham Md ourrent Ttto mtmblll when tt.r pertorin ::r.:-for the llrOt lime In 20 ~ ( 1 tw .. «) t:•~ ITNWET Q'TY ,_ O'TOOle .... In an ._... of Jlmll PlurNtt'a nCMt about one men' a. atrugg11 to er.le bltW Mna oonclllol• .,... .. SMMrtY n aoc111 .... ,._,.fl°'*"' tram r~·~1~ Let nwno. i . ~----------------------------------­ Friday (continued) Jack Lemon vs. Fuzzy Zoeller and Sean Connery 0 hr.) CL) MOVIE "Hard Country" ( 1981, Orama) Jan- Mlchael Vincent, Kim Basinger. A Texas lactory worker is tom between his desire to continue in the "good old boy" lifestyle and his hancee·s show business ambitions. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) II MOVIE "Foxes" ( 1980, Orama) Jodie Foster, Sally Kellerman. The victims of broken homes and uncaring parents, lour teen-age girls try to soothe their emotional wounds through drugs and sex. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 10:0011 CJ) FALCON CREST Lance learns that Angie has ctiosen a bride for him and runs away, and Chase uses hts new influence to find the real cause or his father's death. ( 1 hr.) I GIDll)NEWS (JI) STRIKE FORCE Murphy Investigates a string of kidnappings 1n which the victims were killed alter the ransom was paid. (R) ( 1 hr.) ® MOVIE .. Altered States" ( 1980, Sclence·Fic· lion) William Hurt, Blalr Brown. A Harvard sclen· tlst's genetic structure is altered when he conducts mind-expanding experiments with Isolation tanks and powerful halluclnogens. 'R' ( t hr . 43 min.) (I) BARAY MANILOW IN CONCERT This multl- award winning artist performs his greatest hits ( t hr .• 45 min.) 10:30 .. NEWS QI SIGNATURE Guest· Gloria Steinem (Part 2) . ([) COLLEGE BASKETBALL National Collegiate Championship (First Round, Game 10) (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Big Bad Mama" ( 1974. Adventure) Angie Dickinson. William Shatner. A woman cuts a path of ,violence and romance through the South- wist of the 1930s. 'A' ( 1 hr , 23 min.) 10:401Jl) MOVIE "The Frozen Dead" (1967. Horror) Dana Andrews. Anna Polk. A German scientist attempts 10 bring back the Hitler regime by thawing out Nazi deep-freeze volunteers. (2 hrs.) 10:55. ROSEMARY CLOONEY ... WITH LOVE The versatile singer presents an evening of old and new standards including "Hey There" and "As Time Goes B_i'..:." J. 1 hr.. 5 min ) 11:00 8 U 8 CJ) aJ G1) NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN THE JEFFERSON$ SANFORD ANO SON MIXED BAG: INSIDE. OUTSIDE Both sides of the cellulold curtain are examined in this 1wo-part series that deals with making films In a closed mar- ket. (Part 1) ~ aAOVIE "Jlml Hendrix" ( 1973, Biography) Ooc- umen1ary. A montage of concert footage and Inter- views with associates, admirers. friends and lovers of tl)e '60s rock star whose death in 1970 signaled the end of a musical era. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Any Which Wey You Can" ( 1980. Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before settllng down with his girl and pet orangutan, a bare-fisted fighter signs up for one last. lucrative match. 'PG' ( 1 hr ... 45 min.) 11:308 (I) NCAA BASKETBALL First-round tourna· ment coverage (from Pullman. Wash.). (2 hrs.) D • TONIGHt Guest host: George Carlln. Guest: James Gamer. ( 1 hr.) I 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE All IN THE FAMILY LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE OVOAAK'S ''SY¥PHONY FROM THE NEW WORLD" Karl·Boehm conducts the Vienna Philhar- monic in Ovorak's "Symphony No. 9." (1 hr.) (1J MOVIE "The Great Texas Dynamite Chase" (1976, Adventure) Claudia Jennings. Jocelyn Jones. Two female bank robbers outwit police as 1hey ravage the male populace with blazlng shoo- touts. dynamite blasts and oulrageous dlsgulse11. 'R' U hr., 29 min.) • MOVIE "Roadie" (1980, Comedy) M~at Loaf. KaJ<I Hunter. A rock music roadie le1s nothing get In f'll$ way in his pursuit of lhe gltt of his dreams. 'PG' ( t hr .. 45 min.) 11:-'5 ® STANOtNG ROOM ONLY "Simon And Gar- 1\Jnkel: The Concert In The Park" Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel perlofm many Old tavotltes In their first joint concen In 11 years, tal)ed durlr1g 1he eum· mer of '81 In New York City's Centm Panc-{1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) BIZARRE "Elephant Man Sinai" 12:00 'VIDEO WEST: BACt<STAGE PASS • FM>AYS Guest: Gregory Hines. (1 hr •• 30 min.) e MOVIE "Bunny O'Hare" (1971, eom.dy) Bette Davis. Ernett Borgnlne. An aged male-female team of bank robbers OISgUlee themsetves aa hlpplee with a getaway motorcycle and are puriued by a red· neck pollotman. (2 hrs.) (!) MOVIE "The Amazing Colosaal Men" (1957. Sclenc•Flcllon) Glenn Langan. Cethy ()Qwnt-An ~:~(1~-Jf-01. ~-~ l'Y~1~1 ................ ·-.. -· ---.... ·-_____ ..,,, .. --·-· ... ~-··············-·······-· \: WANTS NO BRIDE When Lance I Lorenzo Lamas1 discovers that his grandmother. Angie Channing <.Ja ne Wy man ,. h as chosen a bride for him, he runs away from .. Falcon Crest ... Friday at 10 p.m. on CBS <C h. 2). I SONNY ANO CHER LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Marty" Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand star 1n a 1955 production of Paddy Chayefsky's teleplay about a homely butcher who falls in love with a plain girl. ( 1 hr.) CZ> MOVIE "Between The Lines" ( 1977. Comedy) Lindsay Crouse. Jeff Goldblum. The staff members of an "underground" Boston newspaper have vari- ous romantic and journalistic encounters with each other and the subjects of their stories. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 50 mlnJ_ 12: 15 (I) MOVIE "Bronco Biity" ( 1980. Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Loeke. A former shoe salesman from New Jersey realizes his dream of per1orming in a Wild West show. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 12:308 • SCTV COMEDY NETWORK Guest: James Ingram. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I VIDEO WEST: BACKSTAGE PASS NEWS STRUMPET CITY1 Peter O'Toole stars 1n an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better living conditions . AFTERNOON l\10VIES 12:00G "Bronk" (1975. Drama) Jack Palanoe. David Birney. e "Pal Joey" ( 1957. Musical) frank Sinatra, Rita Hayworth. e "I Could Go On Singing" ( 1963. Musical) Judy Garland. Dirk Bogarde. A singer visits the &on she gave up for adoption. creating problems for mo1her. father and child. (2 hrs.) (%) "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Richard ~ryOf, Cicely Tyson. ·1:00 (!) "Land Of The Pharaohs" ( 1955, Drama) Jack Hawkins, Joan Colllns. The construotlon of mammoth mystical pyramids Is carried out In ancient Egypt, (2 hrs.) ~ "The Kld From Left fleld'' ( 1979, Drama) Gary Coleman •• Robert Gulltaume. (8) "Trlbott" (1980, Drama) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benson. An Irresponsible Broadway prees agent begins to regret hie waattd llfe and hit tentlOUS rela- tlon&hlp with his grown eon. 'PG' 1:36(%) "Big Bad Mama" (1974, Ad'llenture) Angie 04ci<lnson, WIRlam Shltner. A woman cuts a path of vlolence and romance 1hrough the Sou1hwest of the 1930s. 'R' 2:309 "Oodes'Ka·Oen" JapantM director Aklre Kurosawa weaYel together the INM of • group of Tokyo slum dwellers with the concept or OV*com- i_ng adversities with hopes and dfeems. (2 hrs.) • ''Tht Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" (1978. Orama) Marltyn HalMtt. Tlmothy Bottoms. 3:ooe "Bunny O'Hare" (1971, ComtdY) Bette Devit. Etnett 8orgnlne. ® "Bronco Bllly" (1980, Comedy) Cllnt Eat· wood. Sondra Locke. CJ) "Billy Jack" f1Ql1. Drm:nltl tan..u...hlln, • Oelof .. Tavlor. W~llJ NUR011t 0.~ . \ amrd the poverty and social Injustice of Dublin lrom g 1907 to 1914. (Part 4) ( 1 hr.) 3' ([) SPORTS CENTER 2 12:"40@ MOVIE "In Our Time" (1944, Drama) Ida Lupino. Paul Henre1d. A Polish man and his British ~ bride join resistance efforts against the Nazis (2 ,.- hrs .. 25 min.) ~ 12:-45 ~ MOVJE "Girl Friends" ( 1978. Orama) Melan---~ ie Mayron. Eli Wallach. A young woman learns the • cardinal rules of romance by watching the "flings·' ~ of her closest friend and deciding to have one her--:c self. ( 1 hr .. 30 mtn.) ~ 1:008 MOVIE "The Mummy" (1932, Horror) Boris 111 Karloff, David Manners. The men of an archaeologi· g. cal expedition stumble upon an ancient Egyptian _. mummy which comes to life. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) !'J ID MOVIE "Since You Went Away" ( 1944. Orama) _. Claudette Colbert. Shirley Temple. An American ~ family struggle to remain sane despite the problems they must face during World War II. (3 hrs.) II) MOVIE "The Curse Of Bigfoot" ( 1972, Horror) William Simonsen. Robert Clymire. A Yeti-like beast holds a small California town in a grip of anxiety and fear ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8 DICK CAVETT Guest: Lowell Thomas. (Pan 2) {B) ([) COLLEGE BASKETBALL National Collegiate Championship (First Round. Game 11) (2 hrs.) ©) MOVIE "The Octagon" ( 1980, Adventure) Chuck Norris. Lee Van Cleef. A wealthy young wom- an hires a retired martlal arts champion to protect her from terrorists trained by the mysterious Ninja cult. 'R' ( 1 hr . 43 min.) 1: 15® MOVIE "Bronco Billy" (1980, Comedy) Cllnt Eastwood, Sondra Locke. A former shoe salesman from New Jersey realizes his dream of performing In a Wild West show. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 1:308 NEWS I EVENING AT THE IMPROV LET'S MAKE A DEAL MOVIE "Little Darlings" ( 1980, Comedy) Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNichol. At summer camp, two teen-age girls compete l o see who win be the first to lose her virginity. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 1 :46 (Z) CINEMASCORE Tube 1bpper Kinstron Trio Channel 28-9· 15 p.m. 2:00 D ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Buddy Hackett discusses the future of Las Vegas entertainment. a NEWS (%) MOVIE "Apocalypse Now" ( 1979, Orama) Marlon Brando. Martin Sheen. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. An Intelligence agent embarks on a mission up river Into the Vietnamese jungle to find and kill a mysterious. AWOL Army officer who has lolled all previous anempts at his capture. 'R' (2 hrs,, 19 min.) 2:058 MOVIE "The Champion" (1949, Orama) Kl11< Douglas, Ruth Roman. An unscrupulous young b011er hear11essty pushes loved ones aside to ge1 to the top. (2 hrs.) (!)NEWS 2:16~ MOVIE "Stay Hungry" (1976, Drama) Jeff Bridges, Sally Aeld. The offbeat scion of an old Southern famlly tries to save a.seamy gym from the hands of real es1ate spe<:Ylators. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) (I) MOVIE "One-Trick Pony" (1980, Orama) Paul Simon. Blair Brown. A once--popular per1ormer Is pressured by everyone around him to drop his style of music and wri1e songs that can bring him back to the top 40. 'R' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 2:25. MOV1E "The Mummy s Hand" (1940. Hor- ror) Dick Foran, George Zucco. An ancient mummy rises to klll the members of an archaeologlcal expe- dttlonw1 hr .. 35 min.) 2;30 8 NEWS (!) "The Cat People" (1942. Horror) Simone Simon. Kent Smltt\. A glt1 It cursed with the ablllty to convert herNlf Into • vletoua panther at wlll. (l hr .. 30 min.) • MOVIE "Tomb Of The Living Deed" ( 1970. Hor- ror) John A9htey. Angellque l>enllohn. A remo1e Island ls rumottd to bt the dwefllng place of a ghastly green creature, tht bralnchMd of a def•nged scientist. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 3;00 Cl) COLLEGE BASm'BALL National COlleglate Chamolonshlo (Am RouM. Game 12) (2 hrs.) 3:06 a:i· rrs YOUR BU81NE88 3:15® MOYIE "I Stnt A Lttttf To My Love" (1981, Romance} Simone Slanottt, Jean Rochefort. A middle-aged woman wno ,_ spent '"°'' of hef adult fffe caring for her lnvllld brottler dtcldel 10 write • letter to • ntWlf)eptf lonely heertl column. 'PG~ hf1., 2 min.) ~30=wio\WJj~---· ITW ..,,, ~) ~ ·t<elman. Lori Hellef. ---- ~---------------------------~----~--·-...... -......... -........... --· ...... -----·· ---·----· -· ....... ._ ·-· .......... ·-. -·-.. , .. ....,...,. __ ...... -·-.. --. ·-.. --... ·-·-. -·--.... . ~ 10 ~Saturday ~ 5:00 CJ) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 'O (!) COLLEGE BASKETBALL National Collegiate ;f Championship (First Round, Game 13) (2 hrs.) -0 ii CID ST ANDING ROOM ONLY "Simon And Garfunk- el: The Concert In The Park" Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel taped during the summer ot '81 In New Y0<k City's Central Park. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (198_1. Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross-country trip in a broken-down school bus. 'R' (1 hr .. 34 min.) 5:06@ THE COMMANDERS 5:158 MOVIE "The Mummy's Ghost" (1943. Hor· ror) Lon Chaney. John Garradlne. Due to an ancient curse. a mummy Is kept alive for 3.000 years In order to protect the soul of an Egyptian princess which has been reincarnated In an American girl. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 5:30(!) NEWARK AND REALITY • VIEWPOINT ON NUTRITION 5:50,NEWS 6:00 SUNRISE SEMESTER SERENDIPITY PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS NEWS MAKERS BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MORNING MOVIE "The Young Lovers" ( 1964. Drama) Peter Fonda, Deborah Walley. A young collegian's romantic Interest in his co-ed girlfriend wanes when he alscovers that she's pregnant (2 hrs.) CS) EUBIEI A spirited tribute to the genius of com- poser Eubie Blake. featuring 24 of his best songs Including "In Honeysuckle Time" and "I'm Just Wild About Harry." (1 hr., 30 min.) 6:05 (JZ) AGAINST THE WINO "The Spirit 01 Enterprise" Jonathan tries to save his harvest and Mary_can do nothing to help him, (Part 11) ( 1 hr ) 6: 16CZJ MOVIE "The Chinese Connection" ( 1973. Adventure) Bruce Lee, Robert Baker A martial arts student sets out to avenge the murder of his teacher In which a rival school was Involved. 'A' ( 1 hr., 47 mln.l 6:30 8 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THArSCAT PACESETTERS VOICE Of AGAtCUL TURE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MUSIC WORLD IT'S YOUR BUSINESS SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS Tube Topper Chicago Story Channel 4 -8:30 p.m NEW COP ON BEAT -William Shatner stars as "T .J . Hooker." a s treetwise former detective who returns to police department to pound a beat. The show premieres Saturday at 8 p.m. on ABC (Ch. 7) CS) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Barbara Feldon. 9:50 (%) CINEMASCORE 10:000 fm SPACE STARS I SHA NANA 0 THUNOARR I GOLDIE GOLD TARZAN I LONE RANGER MOVIE ··0eath Rage" ( 1977) Yul Brynner. Mar- tin Balsam.A hllman·s brother is murd~red, bringing him out of retirement and into a Malia trap as he seeks the killer. ( 1 hr , 30 min.) I CAR CARE CENTRAL • BOBJONES THIS OLD HOUSE Norm Abram shows how 10 dry wall a new room and discusses tools with Bob Vita. (R) Q · , . ~ VOTER'S PIPELINE "Sacramento Dateline' Jim Cooper Interviews Assemblyman Nolan Friuelle. Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, State Senator John Schmitz CS) MOVIE ''Smokey And The Bandit II" ( 1980. Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Jackie Gleason. Sherill Buford T. Jus11ce calls in his two lawman brothets to stop a retired bootlegger, the Bandit. from tran· !!£Orting a baby elephant. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min.) g MOVIE "Thunder And Lightning" ( 1977. Adven- ture) David Carradine, Kate Jackso':'· A moonshiner and his girlfriend try to stop the delivery of a batch of deadly brew accidentally concocted by her lather 'PG' (1hr .. 35 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Apocalypse Now" (1 979, Drama) Marton Brando. Martin Sheen. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. An intelligence agent embarks on a mlSS1on up river Into the Vietnamese jungle to find and kill a mysterious. AWOL Army officer who has foiled all previous attempts at his capture. 'R' (2 hrs .. 19 min.) .. 10:05 (JZ) MOVIE "The Man With The Golden Arm ( 1956, Orama) Frank Sinatra, Kim Novak. A drug addict struggles to kick his habit. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:30 8 AMERICA'S TOP TEN I WE'RE MOVIN' NASHVILLE MUSIC PHOTO SHOW PORTRAITS IN PASTELS MOVIE "The Rollicking Adventures Of Eliza Fraser" ( 1976) Susannah York. John Waters. The lusty wile ot a 19th-century sea captain falls tor a lecherous rogue aboard her husband's ship. (2 hrs . 10 min.) 11:008 (I) NCAA BASKETBALL Second-round tournament action (2 hrs.) D GD RINGSIDE 1()-round middleweight bout between Mustafa Hamsho and Curtis Parker; 10· round t-eavyweight boot between Eli1ah Tillery and Alfonso Ratliff (live lrom Atlantic City, N J.) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) .. g WCT TENNIS "$320,000 World Cup Challenge Peter Fleming vs. Harold Solomon (2 hrs.) D 0 WEEKEND SPECIAL "Zack And The Magic Factory" Two young people combine their talents to E up a magic shop. (Part 1) (R) SOUL TRAIN THE ROOKIES COOKING MEXICAN CALLIGRAPHY 11:308 (II AMERICAN BANDSTAND I WILD, WILD WEST MUSIC WORLD JULIA CHILD AND MORE COMPANY CALLIGRAPHY MOVIE "Flareup" ( 1969, Suspense) Raquel Welch, James Stacy. A beautiful young go-go dancer Is pursued to Los Angeles by a deranged. paranoiac killer who believes that she Is the cause of the failure of his marriage. (2 hrs.) ([) GOLF "Pro-Celebrlty Serles" Lee Trevino and Jack Lemmon vs. Fuzzy Zoeller and Sean Connery {_I hr.) g THE OLD TANGO Katerina Maxlmova and the Kirov Ballet Company are featured In the story of a young woman who falls In love with her rleh employ- er when she enters his aervlce as a maid. ( 1 hr.) 11:46 ()) MOVIE "The Competition" ~980, Orama) Richard (){eyfus&, Amy lrvlng. TWo nlsts at a San Francisco music competition find t t their loYe f0< each other confllctt with their professional ambi- tions. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) .\I 11 I\'\<><>'\ ~------------------------........... ......... ··-····. ... ·-......... ····-···-· ........... ···---·--------· .... ·· . _ ...... ., .............. ··----·-·· .~__.......... .... --··--····-·--········ ·-··-· ... . Sinurday (continued) I KIDSWOALO AOAM·12 COLLEGE FOR CANINES Bruce Sessions tells how to correct a dog who digs holes and also discusses dog grooming. (R) ID NEEDLECRAFT (!) TENNIS "The WCT Munich Cup Seml-Flnats" from Munich, Germany (time period extended to accomodate Sports Center Plus) (3 hrs .. 30 min.) II MOVlE "A Thunder Ot Drums" (1961, Western) Richard Boone, George Hamilton. A seasoned cap- tain of the U.S. Cavalry rides hard on a green. young lieutenant Just out of West Point. ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 12:35(Jl) MOVIE "The Corsican 13rothers" ( 1941, Adventure) Douglas Fairbanks Jr.. Ruth Warrick. Two Siamese twTns separated at birth fall in love with the same woman while avenging the murder of their parents. (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Hester Street" ( 1975. Orama) Carol Kane. Steven Keats. A Jewish immigrant couple have problems when the wile Is unable to Amencan- ize herself fast enough to suit her Yankee-worship- pinQ.!lusband. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) l:OO B NCAA BASKETBALL Second-round tourna- ment action (2 hrs.) I THE MUNSTERS MOVIE "Harum-Scarum" (1965. Muslcal) Elvis Presley. Mary Ann Mobley. A movie star becomes involved with Intrigue and a beautiful princess while travelling In the Middle East. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) ()) NCAA BASKETBALL Second-round tourna· ment action (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 9 MOVIE "The Girl Most Likely To ... " (1973. Comedy) Stockard Channing, Edward Asner. An ugly co-ed undergoes cosmetic surgery. transform- ing her into an appealing and much sought-after beauty whose only desire is to avenge past humllia· tlons. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • MOVIE "The Man Who Talks To Whales" ( 1977. Adventure) Victor Jory. An old man and his nephew embark on a search for a rare Callfornla QI._ey whale. (2 hrs.) • A SENSE OF DISCOVERY The inner workings of the National Museum of American Art In Washing· ton are seen in this award-winning film. G) GROWING YEARS 00 VIDEO JUKEBOX 1:308 ID INVEAAAAY CLASSIC Third-round cov- erage of this tournament. featuring some of the top names in professional golf (live from the lnverrary Golt and Country Club in Lauderhill. Fla.). ( 1 hr.) I F·TROOP NOVA "Palace Of Delights" A behlnd-the- scenes look Is taken at San Francisco's Exploratori- um, a unique science museum featuring close to 500 exhibits. Q ( 1 hr.) ID GROWING YEARS ' ~ MOVIE "North By Northwest" ( 1959, Suspense) Cary Grant. Eva Marie Saint. An adver- tising man's life Is changed drastically when he Is mistaken for a CIA agent. (2 hrs .. 30 min.). 00 MOVlE "When Hell Was In Session" ( 1979, Dra- ma) Hal Holbrook, Eva Marie Saint. Captured by the Vietnamese. an American naval commander summons his will powe< to men1ally combat his tor· ture<s and organize other J>rlsoners of war Into form- ing a resistance alliance. (2 hrs.) 2:00. GIUIGAN'S ISLAND D MOVIE "First Men In The Moon" (1964. Sci· ence-flctlon) Edward Judd. Llonel Jeffries. Three astronauts track down an elderly adventurer who f a Ins a previous lunar landing. (2 hrs.) OUTER LIMITS MOVIE "The Laughing Pollceman" ( 1973. Adventure) Walter Matthau. Bruce Dern. A police-- man attempts to avenge the death of his partner. who was killed In a violent mass murder on a San Francisco bus. (2 hrs.) ~SIGNATURE Guest: Glorla Steinem (Part 2). UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "The Black Hole" ( 1979, Sclence-Flc- tlon) Maximilien Schell, Robert Forster, Yvette Mim· leux.. The crf!IW of a futUflstlc spaceship dlacovers another vessel perched on the edge of a formation which pulls anythlnQ nearby Into e Qlant void where MOVES TO NEW NIGHT -··McClain's Law." whic h s tars James A m ess as Detective Jim McClain, moves to·Saturday night at 10 p.m . on NBC <Ch. 4). In this episode the only witness who can identify a pair of robbers is a 10-year-old boy whose fearful mother refuses to allow him to testify. time and space cease to exist. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) CS) MOVIE "Home From The Hill" ( 1960. Orama) Robert Mitchum, George Peppard. A man's lllegili· mate son saves his life. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 2: 10(%) MOVIE "Between The Lines" ( 1977. Come- dy) Lindsay Crouse, Jeff Goldblum. The staff mem- bers of an "underground" Boston newspaper have various romantic and journalistic encounters with each other and the subjects of their storieS. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 2:30 D AGAICUL TURE U.S.A. I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND SUGAR AA Y LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Aorlda vs. Tennessee (1 hr.) 9 PROFESSK>NAL BOWLERS TOUR $110,000 Fair Lanes Open (from Fair Lanes Capita! Plaza In Washington, b.C.). (1 hr., 30 min.) I MIXED BAG: INSIDE. OUTSIDE MOVl.E "Auntie Mame" (1958. Comedy) Rosal- ind Russell, Forre5t Tucker. After the death of his parents, a young boy becomes the ward of his flam- boyanJ and eccentric aunt. (2 hrs., 50 min.) I CHICO AND THE MAN UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Caveman" (198 1, Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid. The clownish membef of a barely human prehistoric tribe begins to dlscove< that brains and not brawn will be the key to his 's survival. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 3 t min.) 2: MOTOAWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3: NCAA BASKETBALL Second-round touma· ment action (2 hrs., 30 min.) 8 ON CAMPUS Featured: a Journey back to lhe Chumash lndlan culture with anthropology students and faculty members of Pepperdlne University. e MOVIE "Mad Monster Party" ( 1967. Fantasy) Animated. Voices of Phyllis Diiier, Boris Karloff. Frankenstein and Dracula are reunited with Or. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at a special, rather bizarre cele- bration. (2 hrs.) • (I) RACINO FROM AQUEDUCT.·· • MOVIE "Boeing. Boeing" ( 1965, Comedy) Tony Curtis, Jerry Lewis. A London playboy thlnka he hat devised a foolproof plan for Juggling the Visits of his three stewardess glrlirlendl untJ( unexpectecj. It 11:._ their planes all land on the same day. (2 hrs.) • Qt DVORAK'S "SYMPHONY FROM THE NEW -o WORLD" Karl Boehm conducts the Vienna Phllher-g: monic In Ovorak's "Symphony No. 9." ( 1 hr.) - • MUSIC CITY NEWS TOP COUNTRY HITS Of °<! THE YEAR Hosts Tanya Tucker and Kris KristoHer· ,... son honor the 15 top songs of 1981 as selected by ~ the readers of the natlOn's oldest country music publication. "Music City News." Featured-perform· ~ ers Include Barbara Mandrell, The Oak Ridge Boys 0: and The Statler Brothers. (2 hrs.) ~ tm HOME GAAOENEA 3;05 al) WRESTLING E 3:30 D EVERYWHERE Location: live lrom St. n Patrick's Day Celebration. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ::r II PROFESSIONAL BOWL.ERS TOUR $110.000 ~ Fair Lanes Open (from Fair Lanes Capital Plaza in - Washington. D.C.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) le ; DRAG RACING ON TWO WHEELS N W1LD KINGDOM HOME GARDENER MOVIE "The Electric Horseman" ( t979, Dra- ma) Robert Redford, Jane Fonda. A Las Vegas cowboy steals a $12 mllllon thoroughbred horse to save him from his exploitative owners. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 4:00 ()) ST AA TREK ERIC SEVAREJO'S CHRONICLE I GRIZZLY ADAMS ENTEAT AINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews with Gene Hackman, Robert Urich. Jamie Farr, Buddy Hackett, Isabel Sanford. ( 1 hr.) CD MOVlE "Return From The Ashes" ( 1965, Suspense) Maximilian Schell, Ingrid Thulin. A wom- an returns to her money-hungry family aher years In a concentration camp. (2 hrs.) @ STRUMPET CITY Peter O'T oOle stars In an adaplatlon of James Plunkett's novel abou1 one man's struggle to create better living conditions amid the poverty and soclal inlustice of Oublln from 1907 to 1914. (Part 4) (1 hr.) fl) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY ~ MOVlE "From Noon Tiii Three" ( 1977. Orama) Cha,rles Bronson, Jiii Ireland. A driller is recruited Into a rag-tag robbery gang. (2 hrs.) (!)SPORTS CENTER D MOVIE "The Fiendish Plot Of Dr. Fu Manchu" (1980. Comedy) Peter Sellers, Sid Caesar. The FBI and Scotland Yard's Oet. Neyland Smith pursue the Tube Topper "The Champ" Channel 2 -9 p.m " . - ' .: • 168-year-old arch villain as he searches for the ingredients. lncludlng the Crown Jewels. used to make his life-prolonging elixir. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) (%)~EM~ 4:30(1) AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY • INTROOUCtNG BIOLOGY Cl) HOU YWOOO 8111 Hanis presents up-<:lose reports on the people and events which are making news In the production and glamour capetal of the movie Industry. (%) MOVIE ''Eyewitness" ( 1970, Mystery) Mark Le5t8f, Susan George. A young boy known f0t hav· Ing an overactive Imagination can't convince any· one that he has witnessed the murder of a promi- nent black man. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 6:00 8 FREE' ALL I ATARTREK WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS World FigUre Skat- ing Championships -Men's and IOe Dancing Com- petition (from Copenhagen, Denmark). (1 hr .. 30 min.) I M•A•S•H KOJAK Ml8l. SOCCER Denver Avalanche vs. New Jer· i Rockets (2 hrs.) NEWS 80t.IO GOLD MAC8ETH The Royal Shekeepeare COmpeny's ~~~~y NATIONALLY l<NOWN, AWARD wtNNING JEWELRY DESIGNER Creative Jewelers, Inc. IJJ,,tfatn dr~ ~--·~ •(714)7604766 • REMOUNT SPECIALIST ORIGINAL OISIGNINQ • CUSTOM MSTVUNO a AESEntNQ A DESIGNER CO~CTION OF OOLD a PLATINUM JEWELRY #~~ .. ·~~· • F~~ GEMSTONES • ~t \ M~n~~· v . • ·;~~~;~· ~{~@·· ·~!$.~t~ IAUSt:H & LOMI SOFT CONT ACT LENSES . s79ts .INCLUDES: Chemical Core Kit, Instruction, Follow Up Visit. Examination and lens Deter"!"ination $65.00. All Profenional Services Performed By The Ooc:tor. Some OGy Service On Most Prescriptions. EYEGLASSES s49ts INCLUDES: Your prescription In Quality Clear Glau Single Vision, Biofocals or Trifocals In Frame of Your Choice From Our Consumer Selection. Examination If Desired Not Included. ADDED CONVENIENCE· EXAMINATION AND FITTING AT SAME LOCATION Monthly Special Blended Bif6cals -Mo U..s Ptastic Regular Size Lenses RecJ. '99" NOW '6995 OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 THE BROADWAY Huntington Center Or. Ronald Jenson 891-7354 Anaheim Plaza Dr. Kevin McGrath 635-3281 Newport Fashion Center Or. John Connole 644-0165 USE YOUR BROADWAY CHARGE - YOUR DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED £EES 136'" BIRTHDAY Sul'E SAVE NOW!! During our birthday celebration, you'll find a wide selection of Lees Carpets on sale. Hundreds of colors, textures and patterns. The selection includes Lees Carpets with exclusive B1ofresh. Biofresh is the patented process that fights odor-end odor· causing bacteria and keeps your carpet fibers hygienically fresh for life. You'll find Lees Carpets made from soil and crush-resistant Dupont Antron. Our 136th Birthday Celebration lasts o nly until the 25th. so hurry! Come to the party ... and save! TONE-ON· TONE. Richly styled twist created IOI' your elegant htestyle. Deep sumptuous pile texture and natural tone· on-tone shading are the hallmarks of this fine s219s Lees Carpet. CARVED TEXTURE. A luxunous carved texture that reflects the finest of traditional carpet S1yhng. A wide range of decorator colors. Designed to perform anywhere 1n 22x29.3 $ l L ~ busy homes. U"- MULTI· TONE. Multi-tone saxony plush. the ultimate for luxurious hving. Designed for years of good looks. Antron • nylon face fibers give this carpet soil hiding and easy cleaning $ 1 C ~ features you'll love ~- SAXONY PWSH A luxurious saxony plush made with Antroo nylon-today's most durable long·weanng carpet fiber. More fashion colors make 11 easy to coordinate with your $ 1 ~ particular decor. J' ., DU PONT ANTRON • UYE THE UFE OF YD Made better by Burlington 00 eEnds'fhurs.,March2.___.... I , .. -'- Saturday (continued) Interpretation of this timeless tale. (2 hrs., 30 min.) CD LAWRENCE WELK Cl) SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Peru vs. Uruguay l 1 hr.) (() NHL HOCKEY Colorado Rockies vs. Pittsburgh Penguins (2 hrs., 30 min.) cm MOVIE "The Black Hole" ( 1979, Science-Fic- tion) Maximilian Schell, Robert Forster, Yvette M1m- 1eux. The crew of a futuristic spaceship discovers another vessel perched on the edge of a formation which pulls anything nearby into a giant void where time and space cease to exist. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) (]) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and fot.ir comic contestants who compete against one another are featured In this uncensored comedy game show. 5:05 (1l) NASHVILLE ALIVE Guest: Jim Ed Brown. ( 1 ~) - 5:20 9 PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 5:308 INTERFACE I NEWS WELCOME BACK. KOTIER WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS World Figure Skat- ing Championships -Men's and Ice Dancing Com- petition (from Copenhagen, Denmark) ( 1 hr , 30 min.) f& THE KINGSTON TRIO AND FRIENDS: REUNION The original Kingston Tno are joined by Tommy Smothers, Mary Travers, Lindsey Bucking· ham and current T rlo members when ther perform together for the first t:me in 20 years. 1 hr , 30 min.) CID MOVIE "Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" ( 1981) Peter Ustinov. Richard Hatch.Charlie Chan Is aided by his bumbling grand- son in soMng a string of murders. 'PG' (1 hr., 32 min.) (]) WACt<:f WOALD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Barbara Feldon. MONKEY BUSINESS? -Clint Eastwood ··monkeys around" with his pal Clyde in "Any Which Way You Can ." the hit box-office seque l to .. Every Which Way But Loose.·· in t he film 's pre miere Saturday on Showtime. ([) MOVIE "Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown" (1979, Comedy) Animated. Directed by Biii Melende:i. Snoopy and Woodstock follow exchange students Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Linus and Marcie 6:00 I (I) CBS NEWS on an adventure-Oiied tour of England and France. I NBC NEWS 'G' (1 hr .. 16 niln.) MOVIE "Godzilla On Monster Island" (19n, cm NHL HOCKEY Los Angeles Kmgs vs New York Science-Fiction) Godzilla battles enemy aliens In a Islanders-(3 hrs.) war that could prove to be the final blow for Earth. 7:05@ NEWS i hrs.) 7: 10• LIFE ON EARTH "The Rise Of The Mam- WHITE SHADOW mals" David Attenborough looks at platypuses. THE MUPPETS Tasmanian devils. kangaroos and other odd crea- MOVIE "UFO's: It Has Begun" ( 1976. Docu-tures in his account of the development of mam· mentary) Rod Serling, Burgess Meredith. Interviews mals. o ( 1 hr., 10 min.) ot scientists and Government agents about UFO's. 7:30 8 OANCE FEVER' Also a look at the reported sightings. (2 hrs.) I LOOK AT US ID SPORTS AMERICA OMNI: THE NEW FRONTIER CC) MOVIE "Animal Crackers" (1930, Comedy) NEWARK ANO REALITY Mane Brolhers, Margaret Dumont. Captain Spauld-SATUROA Y EDITION ing. the African explorer. returns from a recent ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY ON TOUR expedition to wreak havoc at a society matron's A profile of one of the most famous theatre compa- weekend party. 'G' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) nles in the world. (]) MOVIE "Smokey And The Bandit II" (1980, CD THE MUPPETS Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason. Sheriff {()NFL SYMFUNNY A humorous took at pro loot- Buford T Justice calls in his two lawman brothers to ball is set to claSSical music. stop a retired bootlegger, the Bandit, from Iran-8:008 (I) WALT otSNEY "The Moon-Spinners" A ~rting a baby elephant. 'PG' ~2 hrs.) i ng vacationer in Crete becomes involved with a U MOVIE "Hone)'Sl.lckle Rose· ( 1980, Romance) w!!!)' smuggling ring. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) Willie Nelson, Oyen Cannon. While on tour. a Te>tas •ONE Of THE BOYS Gramps Is snubbed bye country-western singer becomes Involved with the celebrity whom he claims to have known·durfng his seductive daughter of his sidekick even though he World War II USO dar,s. still loves his stay-at-home wife. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 59 8 MOVIE "Dragnet ' ( 1969, Mystery) Jack Webb, mlnJ_ Harry Morgan. Sergeant Joe Friday and Officer 8:05 (IZ) UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS. Gannon Investigate the murders of two pretty mod- TEAU els and the disappearance of a third. (2 hrs.) 6:308 e (I) e NEWS 8 III T.J. HOOKER (Premiere) Wllllem Shatner 8 EN'.fERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews with stars as T.J. Hooker, a streetwise former detective Gene Hackman, ROberl Urich. Jamie Farr, Buddy who returns to the beat of a street .cop. ( 1 hr .. 30 Hackett, Isabel Sanford. ( 1 hr.) m n.) • THE MUPPETS 1J MOVIE "Psychic Killer" ( 1975, Horror) Jim Hut· 7:00 8 (I) IN SEARCH OF... ton, Julie Adams. Police track down a men who e SWEET 8tXTEEN ANO PREGNANT This speclal apparently has the power to murder others merely documents the experiences of flve young teenage I the power of concentration. (2 hrs.) girls as they wrestle with the problem of pregnancy. PAUl HOGAN ( 1 hr,) AMERICA'S BM'TLE AQAINST CRIME e THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY OREW MYSTER· THEY RUN FOR THEIR tJVeS Johnny Menn nar· IE8 rates the plight of Ethiopian refugees In Somalla. ( 1 1.-.e ON NEW JERSEY ht.) PEOPLF8 COURT 8 MACBETH The Royal Shakespeare Company's LAWRENCE WELK interpretation of this tlmelesa tale. (2 hrs., 30 min.) Pt.EOOE 8AEAK Regultlrty tcheduled program-CC> MOVIE "North By Northwest" ( 1969. m1y be detaYed due to pledge breaks. Suspente) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint. An aovtf· I MUPPET8 tlelng man's life Is changed drastlcally When he la AJNIAY PLAYS WASHINGTON! KENNe. mistaken for a C::IA egent. (2 hrs., 90 min.) CENTER TONIOHT A hOet of stirs from Broad-(I) 8PORT8 ceNTEA way turn the Kenntd)' Center stage Into a oelebra-Cl) MOW: "Any Whlctl Way Yoo Can" ~~e tlon of the American lheattr: the peJformera lnelUde Comedy) Cltnt Entwood, Sondra Locke. Ott>b'e Reynoldl. PMt1 8alley, Barry Bostwlek. Mtt1lng down wllh his gin wld pet OJMgUtan. a Aobef1 Mcnt and f'l'lfftY other&. (3 tn.) blfe-,.t.cS ~ter 11grw up for one last, b:fatlve (JI) MOVE "a.dknobl And Broomltlckl" (1971, match. 'PG' (1tv.,45 min.) Flnt81Y) Allglll ~. o.vtd Tontlnaon. Our· •MOVE ··~ How" (1979, = ~ Wc:irtd -... ncMDI ---Ind .. .... iiirton 8rMda, ......... a..n. 06rtcted 'by ~....,. • al IDr a tMglo llllnd-.. n ford coppca. Alt II 11&a1 IOI tgent emblfb on • ...... IO....._"'°""' Mall ....__,. to wt II fNlllon •Mr lnlo lht VllmMleM ~ _l! ~ ~·~--'~·-'*''" ...... ,.Atm.. -AnrPIU.W.attte • \'.' \fr .,-... • .• I 13 foiled all previous attempts at his capture. 'R' (2 • hrs .. 19 min.) "'O 8:05@WOALDAT WAR 5 8:15(%) MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) - Richard Pryor, Cicely Tyson. A bumbflng burglar, a ~ concerned schoolteacher and el9ht children make a r frightening cross-country trip m a broken-down c8 school bus, 'A' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) 6:20• BROADWAY PLAYS WASHINGTON! KEN-~ NEOY CENTER TONIGHT A host of stars from g: Broadway turn the Kennedy Center stage into a eel-':< ebratlon ol the American theater: the performers ~ include Debbie Reynolds. Pearl Balley. Barry ~ Bostwick. Robert Morse and many others. (3 hrs., o 10 min.) : 8:30 D G> CHICAGO STORY Megan Investigates a .!'> gangland-style slaying with a surprising twist. and .... Joe breaks up an argument between two old friends :i over a woman. ( 1 hr . 30 mm ) N Cf) RACING FROM YONKERS 9:00 II (I) MOVIE "The Chamo" ( 1979. Drama) Jon Voighl. Faye Dunaway A dfvorced former prizefighter attempts a comeback to retain custody ol his young son (R) (2 hrs.) Cf) WRESTLING GI BA TILE FOR AFRICA Brother Andrew shares his feelings about Africa and what is being done to help the Christians there. ( 1 hr ) ti) CHILDREN ON THE AUN Johnny Mann hosts a documentary about the millions of child refugees m the world. ( 1 hr , 30 min.) ((} COLLEGE BASKETBALL National Collegiate Championship (Best Game C) (2 hrs.) ® MOVIE "Hopscotch" ( 1980, Comedy) Walter Matthau. Glenda Jackson. A former intelligence • agent Is aided by an old flame in dodging the KGB and the CIA, who are trying to P<event him from f>Ubllshing his memoirs. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 mm.) ([) MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1981. Drama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus- band. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 9:05 Q1) MOVIE "The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Krav- itz" ( 1974, Comedy) Richard Dreyfuss, Randy Quaid. A young Jewish teen-ager comes of age In Montreal while hustling In various schemes which he hopes wlll become ftnanc1al windfalls. (2 hrs., 25 9:~· 0 LOVE BOAT A widow Is set up for mar- riage. a pretty girl is plagued by weird phone calls. and Doc swears ott girls. (R) O ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:00 D ID MCCLAIN'S LAW the only witness who can Identify a pair of robbers 1s a 10-year-old boy whose fearful mother refuses to let him testify. ( 1 hr.) I NEWS MOVIE "Flight Of The Phoenix" (1986. Adven- turA) James Stewart. Peter Finch. When contact with rescuers becomes Impossible. crash survivors begin repairing an old airplane forced down In the desert. (3 hrs., 35 min.) (!) MOVIE "In The Devil's Garden" ( 1972, Mys· tery) Suzy Kendall. Frank Finlay. A girls' school is caught In the grip of a series of grisly murders (2 hrs.) • PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND fllD PlEOGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program- ming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. <:m MOVIE "A Change Of Seasons" (1980, Come- dy) Shlr1ey Maclalne, Anthony Hopkins. A mlddte- aged couple try out younger partners during a mountain vacation. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Squeeze Play" ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVlE "Scanners" ( 1981, Horror) Jennifer O'Neill, Patrick McGoohan. A lethal conflict arises between two small groups of people whose extraor- dinary psychic ~ers Include the eblllly to kill teleQ!lthlcally. 'R ( 1 hr., ~2 min.) 10: 15 • DOWN HOME COUNTRY MUSIC Charley Pride. Hoyt A)(ton and Tammy Wynette are the hosts for a country music extravaganza featuring the many stylet of country music; scheduled enter- talnefs Include Roy Clark, Mickey Giiiey, Larry Gat- lln and Lacy J, Dalton. (3 hra.) 10:soeeNEWS • ROYAL SHAKESPEAAE COMPANY ON TOUR A Pfoflle of one of tM l'nOlt famous theatre compa- nies In the work1 CC> MOVIE "FrOn'I Noon Tiii Thfee" (1977, Orama) Chal'lel Bronson. Jin Ireland. A drifter Is recruited Into a rag.tag robbery Ol!'Q: ( 1 hf., 45 min.) • MNmN MU.1. "It Seemed Funny At ~ Tlme" 8eYs.i up-anckOmlng comlce jOtl'I Martin Mull In Pf8Mtltlng their nightclub routlnM which feetute meglc, stand-up comedy and song perodlee. ( 1 tw.) 11:0011.!Jf T~t.. NEWS IM•A•1•H PflllONBt CELL 8LOQ( H MAmlTH The Aoyll ·~· Oon1>1nV'• tton ot u. ttm•••= &:;-eo "*'-> ..eTAA ~11 1910l loa ~ ~ &.!'_frWflaO Giel* • ·~u\-.Dnlml> ..... ---.. _-_--------~-----~ M i Saturday (continued) _ O'Toole, Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police. a N disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on -a movie set where a WOl'ld War I epic Is being, -5 tnmed. 'R' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) m (() MOVIE "Emmanuelle" ( 1975) SyMa Kristel, ~ Alain Cuny.A French diplomat In Thailand ,:. encoura~ his sheltered wile to explore the sensual ~ 11:~d·o~~:l ?.~~t~uf~ (~~th~~&'~~) Dennis u. vs. James "Quick" flllls (1 hr .. 30 min.) g D. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host: Biii Murray. ..J Guests: The Spinners. the Wtiiffenpools. (R) ( 1 hr .. ~ 30mln.) e MOVIE "Crosscurrent" (1971, Mystery) Robert :§ Hooks. Jeremy_S~e. Two San Francisco detectives ii: Investigate the murder of a youth aboard a cable car. (2 hrs.) 8ABCNEWS Cl) MOVIE "King Of The Pecos" (1936, Weetern) John Wayne. Muriel Evans. A young lawyer,'whose parents were murdered by a ruthless cattle baron, prepares himself carefully for an open conlrontatk..1 with the killer. ( 1 ht.) 9 MOVIE "Detour To Nowhere" ( 1972, Adven- ture) George Peppard, Christine Belford. An Insur· ance Investigator finds both police and business Involvement In four murders and an armored truck robbery. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) • MOVIE "Return From The Ashes" (1965. Suspense) Maximilian Schell, Ingrid Thulin. A wom- an returns to her money-hOngry lemlty after years In a concentration camp. (2 hrs.) Gl) MOVIE "Gypsy" ( 1963, MuslCal) Rosalind Ru&- sell, Natalie Wood. A stage mother promo1es her two daughters, one of whom becomes a renowned stripper. (3 hrs.) •. ORE.AT ~ANCES ''Brldeshe8d Revisit· ed: Brtdeshead Deserted" After spending two years In Central Amer1ca. Charles joins his wife Cella In i~jork for an unsuccessful reunion. (Part 8) Q 8POR'T8 CENTER BIZARRE "Roasters Famlty" MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981. Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor, Cicely T)'900. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross-country trip In a broken·down school bus. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 11:"58 MOVIE "OB VII" (Part 1) (1974. Orama) Ben Gazzara. Anthony Hopkins. An Ameocan author accuses a Pol~·bOrn doctor of being a war criminal. (3 hrs .. 15 min.) CD) MOVIE "Sex With The Stars" (1979, Comedy) Thick Wiison. Martin Burrows. The writer of a sexual advice column embarks on a major research project -a study of the relationship between a woman's sex drive and her birth sign. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) (%) CINEMASCORE 12:00(1) MOVIE "The Blazing Forest" (1952. Adven- ture) John Payne. Susan Morrow. A widow's timberland Is engulfed by a forest fire. (2 hrs.) • ONE STEP BEYOND (I) TENNIS "The WCT Munich Cup Semi-Flnals" from Munich, Germany Tube Topper Country Music Channel 5() -IO: 15 p.m. Cl) MOVIE "Hopscotch" (1980, Comedy) Walter Matthau, Glenda Jackson. A formef Intelligence agent Is aided by an old flame In dodging the KGB and the CIA. who are trying to prevent him from ~blishlng his memoirs. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 44 min.) CZ) MOVIE "10 Rlll1ng1on Place" (1971, Mystery) Richard Attenborougfl, John Hurt. A young BrltlSh couple fall victim to a kindly neighbor who otters to help them out of a serious predicament. ( 1 hr .. 51 mlnJ_ 12:15(C) MOVIE "The Arst Deadly Sin" (1980, Mys. tery) Frank Sinatra. Faye Dunaway. A veteran New York City police detective. whose wife Is suffering from a serious Illness, tries to catch a brutal killer terrorizing Manhattan. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) 12:30(1) MOVIE "Lawless Range" (1935. Western) John Wayne. Sheila Mannors. An undercover agent Investigates the cause of seemingly senseless raids occurring in a remote mining region. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "Torture Chamber Of Or. Sadism" (1969, Horror) Christopher Lee. Lex Barker. A wealthy woman is kidnapped by a wicked count who holds her captive In a dungeon of horrors. (2 hrs.)_ · 1:00 8 MOVIE "This Property Is Condemned" ( 1966. Orama) Natalie Wood. Robert Redford. A young woman marries her mother's lover. but becomes disheartened and follows her true love to New Orleans where he learns of her past. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) I ROCK CONCERT EVENING AT THE IMPROV 1:1500 MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" ( 1981. Orama) Jack Nicholson, J8Ssica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus- band. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 37 min.) 1:309 MOVIE "Beauty And The Robot" (1960. Comedy) Mamie Van Doren. Tuesday Weld. An electronic brain chooses a bright stripteaser to run the science department of a college. (2 hrs.) G) MOVIE "Mutiny On The Bounty" ( 1935, Adven- ture) Clark Gable. Charles Laughton. The crew ol the H.M.S. Bounty. rebelling against the cruel treat- ment Inflicted by their captain, decides to mutiny (_2 hrs .. 30 min.) @ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY ON TOUR A profile ol one of the most famous theatre compa· nles In the world. II MOVIE "Enter The Dragon" (1973. Adventure) Bruce Lee. John Saxon. A kung tu expert Is assigned to penetrate an Island fortress In order to destroy an opium and white slavery empire 'R' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) . 1:450 ABC NEWS Cl) MOVIE "Smokey And The Bandit II" ( 1980. Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Jackie Gleason. Sherltt Buford T. Justice calls In his two lawman brothers to stop a retired bootlegger, the Bandit, from tran- sporting a baby elephant. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 2:00eNEWS (%) MOVIE "Saboteur" ( 1942, Suspense) Priscilla Lane. Robert Cummings. Accused of sabotage and the murder of his best friend. a man sets out to find the real Nazi saboteurs. ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) 2.:05 (J) NEWS 2: 10(C) MOVIE "Flareup" ( 1969, Suspense) Raquel Welch. James Stacy. A beautiful young g<)-90 dancer Is pursued to Los Angeles by a deranged. paranoiac killer who believes that she Is the cause of the failure ol his marriage. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 2:30DNEWS (!)NEW AGE 2:35 all CATHOLIC MASS 3:00 (J) STRAIGHT TALK CI) GOLF "Pra.Celebrlty Series" Lee Trevino and Chris Lee vs. Fuzzy Zoeller and Glen Campbell ( 1 hr.) Announcing The r----~-------------------·····-• I $ 5 Gitt Certificate · $ 51 Marriott Tennis Oub I &God Towarcli Pwcha1• of '2500 or More I I Mef .... 0........ ~l/Jt I ·------------------------------· -I & .D Athletic Wear 9594 HAMILTON AV~. HUNTINGTON llACH . •1251· • Limited Membership Available • No lnitiatioo Fee • I 0 Champiomhip Courts. • Full Club House Facilities ·~Ray - Direct« d Tennis Sunday \ I< >IC\ I :\' < ; •:ssm MAYBERRY R.F.D. 5:00 (!) NINE ON NEW JERSEY {[) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley .. (Match SJ (1 hr.) , Cl) BIZARRE "Roastt~r's Family" 5:051 THREE STOOGES I UTILE RASCALS 5:25 GENE AUTRY 5:30 DAY OF DISCOVERY Cl) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint East wood, Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girl and pet orangutan, a bare-fisted lighter signs up for one last. lucrative match. 'PG' (1hr.,45 min.) 5:35 ICARTOONS 5:45 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 TODA Y'S RELIGION SERENDIPITY MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD DAYBREAK LA. SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH AND THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTIONS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM MOVIE "The Girl And The General" ( 1967, Dra- ma) Rod Steiger. V1rna L1s1. During World War II, an Italian village girl develops a strange relationship with a Bavarian general being held captive by an Italian soldier. (1 hr. 45 min.) {[) WCT TENNIS "Munich Cup Fmals.. from Munich, Germany. (3 hrs.) 0 MOVIE .. Thunderbirds In Outer Space" ( 1981, Adventure) Puppets. The Thunderbirds race against time to stop a rocket from colliding with the sun. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CZl MOVIE "Big Bad Mama" ( 1974. Adventure) Angie Dickinson. William Shatner A woman cuts a path of violence and romance through the South- west of the 1930s. 'R' ( 1 hr., 23 mm.) 6:05@LOST IN SPACE 6:30 II COMMITMENT O THArS CAT ' . '\ ... RGBERT SCHULLER PEOPLE7 AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY POINT OF VIEW ' PUBLIC PULSE NEWS AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt. A kidnapped diplomat discov- ers the Hlmalayan kingdom of Shangri-La. a place of eternal peace and immor1ality. ( 1 hr , 55 min.) 7:00 8 LOUIS RUKEYSER I WHITNEY AND THE ROBOT TOP CAT IT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND Tube 'Tbpper Fight Back Channel 4 -630 p m I G) SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF DISCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOA HEAL TH 7:05@ LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:30 II SUNDAY MOANING RAINBOW PATCH UTILE RASCALS CAMPUS PROFILE TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THA rs THE SPIRIT SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (A) THE WORLD TOMORROW FRACTURED FUCKERS MOVIE "Little Miss Marker" ( 1980. Comedy) Walter Matthau, Julie Andrews Based on the Damon Runyon story. A gruff, stingy 1930s bookie's hie 1s turned around when he accepts a 6-year-old moppet as a marker for a racing bet. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) CZl MOVIE "The Battle Of Algiers" (1967, Adven- . ,~ ~/~,': 0 HOMEOWNERS ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS $96°0 A MOHTH* THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER ;- TIME TO ADD ON THAT EXTRA BEDROOM I ~ ~RTEH,A~~A~~tc1~~f~r~A~IL~1fc?~E~ \r_;j AND BATH REMODELING. 1~ CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE O R :;;mt\ VI SIT OUR St-OWROOMS AT iJ a 1J::.~:= =~I iJ ~ 100% PERFORMANCE B OND -a ~COMPLETI ON DATE GUARANTEE -LIEN~ ~FREE CONSTRUCTION . . ~ :rlJ 714-lt4-t17'-71 .... tl-4917 ~ 15 ture) Yacef Saadl. Jean Martin. Algeria wages a desperate struggle for Independence from 1954 to :Y. 1962. (2 hrs .. 3 min.) §' 7:35@ MOVIE "Spartacus" (1960, Drama) Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier. A gladiator escapes from ~ slavery to challenge the strength of Imperial Rome r and becomes a symbol of freedom. (4 hrs.) c8 8:000 THIS IS THE LIFE POPEYE ANO FRIENDS PERSQNAL DIMENSIONS ORAL ROBERTS LLOYD OGILVIE ~ DAVEY AND GOLIATH 111 JERRY FALWELL g OYE WILLIE "The Magic Junkman" WJllte and _ Papo experience bizarre adventures with a neigh-!" borhood junkman (Robert Earl Jones) . Q ..... GD REX HUMBARD li: ~ MOVIE "The Wild Child" ( 1970, Drama) Jean-"' Pierre Cargol, Francois Truffaut. An 18th-century physician attempts to c1vlllze a 12-year-old boy found living wild in the forests of France. 'G' ( 1 hr . 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Force Five· Starvengers" ( 198 1, Sci- ence-Fiction) Animated. An army of little robots band together 10 defend Earth against a force of alien invaders. 'G' ( 1 hr., 40 min) 8:30 D ODYSSEY Guests: John Naber, winner of lour gold medals at the 1976 Olympic Games: Car- dinal Timothy Manning, Archbishop of the Catholic Archdlosse, Los Angeles; Rabbi Marc H Tanen- baum, National lnterrefigious Atta1rs Director of the American Jewish Committee. I TODAY'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD • FREDERICK K PRICE NATURAL HISTORY OF A SUNBEAM "Making Light Work" Sir George Porter looks at the science of thermodynamics -turning heat Into work. (Part ~ KNOW YOUR BIBLE (ft5 MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" ( 1981. Suspense) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. A young American girl tries to free her blind sister from her island c~tivily. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 9:00 II C1J NBA BASKETBALL Phoern>. Suns at Boston Celtics (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 67S.t8' I NEWS CONFERENCE VILLA ALEGRE ORAL ROBERTS MEN'S TRADITIONAL Wt:AR For lhosl' who :.hop for qualil~ . Pat Marley's unparalleled traditionals wear on forever! We have the correct fit ... handsomely detailed, successful look that sets you out front in the best-dressed realm. Come see. Ladies traditionals too. ~.'... LAMO ; ~ CONSTRUCTION _ m •BASED ON SALES PRICE OF ee.boo ' 1ft A.P A. 0 .A.C. • ~ East Coast tlil(bwa~ Corona ~ Mar ------------!!!!"Ill------~ - 16 N Sunday (continued) I -i ROBERT SCHULLER ITISWRITIEN SESAME STREET (R) Q s:. ALL-ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE All-Time ~ ,rs vs. NBA All· Time Alt-Stars ~ 9:130 ~A~O;~:cT::;;ess . ,, KENNETH COPELAND U: THE WORLD TOMORROW g MOVIE "Caddie" (198t, Drama) Helen Morse. -' Jack Thompson. A young woman leaves her com· ~ fortable suburban home and her cruel husband, determined to take full responsibility for supporting her children by doing whatever odd jobs she can ~t (1 hr .. 47 min.) (.£) NHL HOCKEY Colorado Rockies vs. Pittsburgh Penguins (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "The Fiendish Plot Of Dr. Fu Manchu" ( 1980. Comedy) Peter Sellers, Sid Caesar The FBI and Scotland Yard's Oet. Nayland Smith pursue the 168-year-old arch villain as he searches tor to1e ingredients, including the Crown Jewels, used to make his life-prolonging ehxlr. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) (%)MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor, Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross-country trip In a broken-down school bus. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 10:000 GI) SPORTSWORLO 10-round junior middleweight bout with Tony Ayala vs. Steve Gre· gory (live from Atlantic City. N.J.); Whistler Moun- tain Downhill Skiing (from British Columbia); All· Ireland Hurling Championship (from Dublin) . (2 hrs.) 8 MOVIE "Mad Monster Party" (1967. Fantasy) Animated. Voices of Phyllis Diiier. Boris Karloff_ Frankenstein and Dracula are reunited with Or. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at a special. rather bizarre cele- lbra~Ew ~dOs~EVUE HERALD OF TRUTH MUSIC WORLD DODGER DUGOUT THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cok1e Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-mfnute summary of Congressional activities. • MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING Cl) MOVIE "Rockshow" (1980, Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings. This record of the band's U.S. tour Includes performances of "Jet." "Band On The Run," "Silly love Songs" and some old Beatie ballads. 'PG' (1 hr .. 45 min.) 10:101 DODGER PRE-GAME 10:26 PRE-SEASON BASEBALL GAME Houston Astros vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (3 hrs .. 5 min.) 10:30• O Kl06 ARE PEOPl.E TOO Guests: actress Danielle Brisebols. actor Douglas Sheehan, gadget expert Stan Kann. (A) ( 1 hr.) 8 ROBERT SCHULLER (!) PRE-SEASON BASEBALL New Y e<k Mets vs. St. Louis CardinalS (2 hrs., 30 min.) I OPENMINO MAGIC OF OfL PAINTING MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980, Drama) Jack Lem- mon. Robby Benson. An irresponsible Broadway press agent begins to regret his wasted life and his tenuous relationship with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs.L 11:00• MOV\E "Boeing, Boeing" (1965, COmedy) Tony Curtis, Jerry lewis. A London playboy thinks he has devised a foolproof plan for JoQQling the visits of his three stewardess glrlfrlends untTC unexpected· lt.i.. their planes all land on the same day. (2 hrs.) • MASTERPtECE THEATRE "I Remember Nelson: Duty" Although he greatly admires the Admlral. Captain Hardy views Nelson's infatuation with Emma Hamilton as a sign of weakness. (Part 3) Q ~ ~ls..INGTON WEEK IN REVlEW (A) 11:'gg(Z) MOVIE "Biiiy Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom Laughlin, Delore& Taylor. An eA-Green Bert1 half· bre«1 champions the cause of e freedom IChool fe< runaways on en Arizona lndlen retefVetlon. ( 1 hr., 62 mlr\.) - 11:11e (I) NCAA 8A8KET8AU. Secon<Hound - t ect~~. 16 min.) ''I n. WfTH OAVIO BAINt<l.EY COLE-wtm'At<EA • WAU. STN:Ei WEEK "New PrOPhett From ry Browne?" Guest: lnwetment e<Meot Harry Bt<>Wne. (A) ~MOVIE "Qi Godt 8°'* II" (1980. Comedy) cJeor9I aun.. euz.w. Plelhtthl. Qod returnt to Earth and chootel the young daughter of an advef'· '!!!'P ex.ecuttve to 9P'l9d hit munge to tl')e wortd. 'PG' ( 1 hr •• 36 mtn.) • MOY'IE "Honeyauct<te ROM" (1980, Romance) Wille Ntleof\ Oyw1 ~ wt* on tour. a Te.a• ~em .i., becomel lnvotwd with tt'9 MduC1M dl&AghW °' ,. ~ ~ though ht ...... t ..... TOO MANY COMAS Genevieve Bujold can 't understand why perfectly healthy people keep going into irreversible com as 1n the hospital where she works. and when she discovers the terrifying reason no on< believes her in "Coma," Sunday at 9 p.m_ on ABC <Ch 7J . 11 :35 OZ) MOVIE "Indiscreet" ( 1958. Comedy) Cary Grant. Ingrid Bergman. A rich American and a Euro- pean actress fall In love although he claims 10 be married. (2 hrs.) . \l· 1 lJl:\< )( ):\ 12:008 ID INVERRARY CLASSIC Final-round cover- age of this tournament, featuring some of the top names in professional golf (live from the lnverrary Golf and Country Club In Lauderhill. Fla ) . (2 hrs.) I SEARCH THE FIRST CHURCHILLS "The Lion And The Unicom" King Charles exiles James and dlSSOlves Parliament; Princess Anne chooses Sarah to be one of her ladies. ( 1 hr.) D PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT Cl) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Match ~ (1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Touched By Love" (1980. Orama) Deborah Ratfin, Diane Lane. A nursing trainee tries to bring a handicapped girl out ol a deep depression by encouraging her to correspond with her Idol. Elvis Presley. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 12:30. DIRECTIONS • I THE BAXTERS NEWSMAKERS PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MENT CB> MOVIE "Wholly Mosesl" ( 1980. Comedy) Dud- ley M00<e, Laraine Newman. In biblical Egypt, a false prophet named Herschel eavesdrops on a dMne conversation with Moses and decides he must be the one to lead his people out of slavery. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) t OO 8 THE MUNSTERS Ill SPORTSBEA T TEEN TALK THE PERSUADERS AOAM-12 WHEN THE BOAT COMES IN AMEAICAN STORY POCKET BtLLIAROS "Legendary Stars Ser)es" Irving Crane vs.. Joe Balsis ( 1 hr.) CZ) MOVIE "The Ba Ille Of Algiers" ( 1967, AdVen· ture) Yacef Saadl, Jeer. Manin. Algeria wages a despefate struggle fe< Independence from 1954 to 1962. (2 hrs .. 3 min.) 1:30• NCAA BASKmALL Second-round touma· ment actlon (2 hrs.) I F·TROOP 0 THE -6UPER8T AAS Coverage of the Mlperteama football _preliminary, with the San Fran· olseo 49ers vs. the Clncfnnatl Bengals (from Hono- tulu, Hawall). (1 hr.) PAE·SEASON BASEBALL (J..oln•d In i5M~•) Cellforl'lte Angell w. San Diego Padt .. (2 twa. WEIT Ci) AMERICAN STORY ct) MOVIE "The Girl And The General" ( 1967. Ora- ma) Rod Steiger. Vlrna Lisi. During World War II, an Italian village girl develops a strange relat1onsh1p with a Bavarian general being held captive by an Italian soldier. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 0 EDDIE RABBITI Country star Eaclle Rabbitt per- forms at The Roxy 1n Los Angeles (1 hr . 30 min ) 1 :35 OZ) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2:000 tm SPORTSWORLD 10-round hghtwe1ght bout between Curtis Harris and Ruben Munoz (live lrom Allanttc City. N.J.). World Belly Flop and Can- nonball Diving Championships (time permitting) ( I hr ) 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND (!) THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES Q) MOVIE "No Time For Sergeants" ( 1958. Come- dy) Andy Gr11f11h. Nick Adams. A Georgia farm boy inducted into the service sets the m1111ary on 11s ear ~his refusal to conform to standards. (2 hrs ) W MOVIE "They Call Me Hallelu1ah" (Drama) George Hilton, Charles Southwood A man named Hatlelu1ah comes to the aid ol a band ol Mexicans condemned to the firing squad (2 hrs.) • @ ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY ON TOUR A profile of one ot the most famous theatre compa- nies in the world I PRESENTE WRITING FOR A REASON SKIING "1982 Women's World Cup" lrom Waterville Valley. Ney.t Hampshire (time period extended for Sports Center Plus) (2 hrs.) CS) MOVIE "The Tender Trap" { 1955. Comedy) Debbie Reynolds. Frank Sinatra. A sophisticated bachelor down on marriage meets a girl who traps him. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 2:30 U GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 8 @) U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD IN OLYMPIC SPORTS The U.S. natlonal boxing team vs. the Yugoslavian national team (from Rapid City. S.D.). (1 hr.) 1J MOVIE "Sherlock Holmes In Terror By Night" ( 1946. Mystery) Basil Rathbone. Nigel Bruce Aid- ed by Dr Watson. Sherlock Holmes sets out to trap a clever 1ewel thief. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ID MACBETH The Royal Shakespeare Compan)"s Interpretation of this timeless tale. ( 1 hr .. 30 miri.) fD BROADWAY PLAYS WASHINGTON! KENNE- DY CENTER TONIGHT A host of stars from Broad- way turn the Kennedy Center stage into a celebra- tion of the American theater; the performers Include Debbie Reynolds. Pe.arl Balley, Barry Bostwick. Robert Morse and many others. (3 hrs.) ID WRmNG FOR A REASON (8) ST ANDING ROOM ONLY "Simon And Garfunk- el: The Concert In The Park" Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel perfe<m old fave<ites in their first Joint concert in 11 years, taped during the summer o '81 In New York City's Central Park. ( t hr .. 30 mln.i 2:35 al) WRESTLING 3:00 8 SPORTS AFIELD 8 MOVIE "From The Earth To The Moon" { 1958. Science-Fiction) Joseph Cotten. George Sanders. Three men and a woman embark on a perilous jour- ney to the moon aboard a rocket ship. (2 hrs.) Cf) POWER PINCH Ken Howard hosts this show which takes a look at sex discrimination in the work- ~ce. ( 1 hr.; • SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "Highlights" (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) I OF EARTH AND MAN MOVIE "Bitty Jack" (1971. Orama) Tom Laughlin. Delores Taylor. An ex-Green Beret half· breed champions the cause of a freedom school for runaways on an Arizona Indian reservation. ( 1 hr .. SO min.) (%) MOVIE "The Changeling" ( 1980. Horror) George C Scott, Trish Van Devere. A widowed music professor rents an old house that appears 10 be haunted by a restless spirit with a 50-year-old score to settle. 'R' (1hr.,47 min.) 3:30. GOLF "LPGA Olympia Gold ClaSSlc" (2 hrs.) l lNSIGHT Ill WIDE WQRLO OF SPORTS World Ladles Figure Skating Cha~onahlp (from Copenhagen, Denmark): The Superblkers, featuring top racers competing on a speclany prepared track (from Cerltbad, Callf.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) i FACE THE NA l10N Of EARTH ANO MAN MOVIE "The Wiid Child" (1970, Orama) Jean· Pi.rre Cargo!. Ffanools Trvtfaut. An 18th-<:entury phyalclan attemptS to cMlize a 12-year-old boy found llvlng wild In tht toreets of France. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 3:36 all NtCe PEOPLE 4:008 SUNDAY Location: Rent-A-Pony In Reseda. i hr .. 30 min.) - VK:TOAY AT SEA . MOVIE "Psychlo Klier' ( 1975. Horror) Jtm Hut-ton. Jule Adamt. Pollclt t~ doW1'I a m1n whO tipperentfY hll the pcJW9' to murder othtfl ~ Sunday (continued) Gene Hackman. Robert Urich, Jamie Farr. Buddy Hackett, Isabel SanfOl'd. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "The Laughing Policeman" ( 1973, Adventure) Walter Matthau, Bruce Dern. A police- man attempts to avenge the death of his partner, who was killed In a violent mass murder on a San Francisco bus. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Run For The Sun" ( 1956, Drama) Richard Widmark, Jane Greer. A female journalist's search for a missing American writer takes her to an Isolated village In Mexico. where she discovers that Nazis have taken up quarters. (2 hrs.) a ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY ON TOUR A profile of one of the most famous theatre compa- nies In the world. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "The Destructors" ( 1974. Adventure) Anthony Quinn, Michael Caine. A debonair hit man Is hired by the American government to assassinate the leader of an international drug smuggling ring. i hrs.) PROJECT UNIVERSE SPORTS CENTER MOVlE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" ( 1981, Suspense) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. A young American girl tries to free her blind Sister from her Island captTvlty. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) Cl) FRACTURED FUCKERS 4:06al) MOVIE "World Without Sun" ( 1965) Docu- mentary. An undefwater research crf1W headed by Jacques Yves Cousteau explores the watery depths of the Red Sea (2 hrs.) •:30 Cl) LOUIS RUKEYSER e PROJECT UNIVERSE (I) A CELEBRATION Some of~ biggest stars of pop-coontry music perform their greatest hits at The Forum in Los Angeles; Included are Maureen McGo- vern ("The Morning After"). Kris Kristofferson ("Bobby Magee"), Rocky Burnette ("Tear It Up"). Glen Campbell ("Rhinestone Cowboy") and Tanya Tucker ("Lay Back In The Arms Of Love") ( 1 ht .• 30 min.) 5:00. STAR TREK e GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Brooks Robin-son" I M•A•s•H STIWOKT TAU< ~UTIONS A drama based on the true story of a Czechoslovakian professor who was jailed PRE-PAID DENTAL PLAN NO DEDUCTIBLE NO WAITING PERIOD ON PAE-EXISTING CONDITIONS FREE -OFFICE VISITS FREE-EXAMINATIONS FREE-cLEANtNo a X-RAYS Our Special Yearly Rates For Dental Services Include : Surgery. Othtodontics and Optometry Benefits. ln~lvldual ... : ........ $48 year ~o.uple .............. $71 ye•r F•mlty : ............. $96 year Concepts 36 Dental Plans (71~) 545-7370 when he attempted to publish his collectloo of polltl- cal ~ tv~J ! MOVIE "Oh God! Book II" ( 1980. Comedy) George Burns, Suzanne Pleshette. God returns to Earth and chooses the young daughter of an ad'ler· tlslng ell8CUflve to spreed his message to the world. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) (I) WCT TENNIS "Munich Cup Anals" from Munich, Germany. (3 hrs.) ([)MOVIE "Lt. Robin Crusoe. U.S.N." ( 1966, ~ edy) Dick Van Dyke. Nancy Kwan. A Navy pilot runs Into a band of native gl1tS when he Is foreed to parachute from his burning plane Into the Pacific. (2 ~~) . Tube Topper Cousteau Odyssey Channel 50-9: 15 p.m. Ca) MOVIE "A Challenge For Robin Hood" (1966, Adventure) James Hayter. Leon Greene. Robin Hood and his bend of Merry Men help the poor by relieving the rich of some of their wealth. 'G' (2 hrs.) ' e THE POINTER a.8TERS Anita. Ruth and June perform In a concert featuring "Are." "Yes We Can Can" and "He's So Shy." ( 1 hr.) (%)MOVIE "Saboteur" (1~2. Suspense) Priscilla Lane. Robert Cummlnp. Accused of sabotage and the murder of his best friend, a man sets out to find the real Nazi saboteurs. ( 1 hr .. 48 min,) al ABC NEWS 5:130sg~EWS WB.COME BACK. KOTIER PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program- ming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. e FROM JUMPSTREET "tarly Jazz" Jazz pioneers Alvin Alcorn and Roy Eldridge perform sev· era! numbers and talk wtth Oscar Brown Jr. about the origins of their music. (R) Q 5:..0. THE MARX BRO'fHERS IN A NUTSHELL Alm clips and Interviews are featured In a salute to the most celebrated comedy team In the history of • Leasing ASK~l.OUT VALET~- ' . too So. Coa1t Hwy., Loci-• a..c11 494-1131 ., 546-996 7 H-.: W...-M. t .1. s.t. t -1, S-. I 0-4 .... 50°/o OFF W.Ct.d Merchandlst .,. ..... r-..ar:-,-M•. 11 fl motion pictures -Groucho, Harpo. Chico. Zeppo • and Gummo Marx. (2 hrs.) ::!! L\ · 1 ·.:\I:\(; ~ r-6:00 8 8 e NEWS c8 e MOVIE "King Koog Vs. Godzilla" ( 1963, Sci-· ence-Flctloo) Michael Keith. Harry Holcomb. Koog ~ and Godzilla battle It out for supremacy. destroying o. ev~~~helr paths. (2 hrs.) ~ i MUSIC CITY NEWS TOP COUNTRY HITS OF E THE YEAR Hosts Tanya Tucker and Krts Kristoffer· 0 son honor the 15 top songs of 1981 as selected by : the readers of the nation's oldest country music !" publlcatlon. "Music City News." Featured perform-_. ers Include Barbara Mandrell, The Oak Ridge Boys ~ and The Statler Brothers. (2 hrs.) I IT IS WRITTEN CHARLIE'S ANGELS M•A*S*H MOV1E "Red Alert" (1977, Suspense) Wiiiiam Devane. Michael Brandon. When a master computer detects a radiation leak, it seals off a nuclear power i:>lant trapping 14 technicians Inside. (2 hrs.) I NBC NEWS EVENING AT SYMPHONY SelJI Ozawa conducts the Boston Symphony Orchestra In Acts II and Ill of Tchaikovsky's immortal ''Swan Lake." (R) (1 hr.) Cii) MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt. A kidnapped diplomat discov- ers the Himalayan kingdom of Shangri-La. a place of eternal peace and Immortality. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) (I) MOVIE ''Touched By love" (1980. Drama) Deborah Raffln. Diane Lane. A nursing trainee tries to bring a handicapped girl out of a deep depression by encouraging her to correspond with hef Idol, EMs Presley. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 33 min.) ti MOVIE "Little Miss Marker" ( 1980, Comedy) Walter Matthau, Julie Andrews. Based on the Damon Runyon story. A gruff. stingy 1930s bookie's life is turned around when he accepts a S.year-<>ld moppet as a marker for a racing bet. 'PG' (1 hr .• 39 mini 6:06 WEEK IN REVIEW 8:30 FIGHT BACK e INSIGHT "The Sixth Day" Keenan Wynn and Marty Feldman star In a comedy about the Garden of Eden. ~~~TOMORROW -• r .~---------------~,~-------~-~--~ t8 i Sunday (continued) I THE JEFFERSONS c-.i SIGMA TURE Guest: Jack Lemmon. ~ 6:50~CINEMASCORE ~ 7:00 (I) 60 MINUTES ai 8 FATHER MURPHY The Gold Hill School ~ holds an open house to Introduce the orphans to ~o~tlve adoptive parents. Q ( 1 hr.) a.. U O COOE RED Danny's photo essay assignment becomes Instrumental In the apprehension of a fire bOmb arsonist. ( 1 hr.) i JIMMY SWAGGART SONNY ANO CHER STRUMPET CITY Pete< O'Toole stars in an adaptaflon of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better llvinp conditions amid the poverty and soclal Injustice o Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 4) ( 1 hr.) 81) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Polar Bear Alert" The great white polar bear and a Mani- toba town's efforts to co-exist with them are the subjects of a documentary hosted by E.G. Marst-'lll and narrated by Jason Robards. Q ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Caddle" (1981, Orama) Helen Morse, Jack Thompson. A young woman leaves her com- fortable suburban home and her cruel husband, determined to take full responsibility for supporting her children by doing whatever odd jobs she can Q!I. (1 hr., 47 min.) C1J MOVIE "Bronco Billy" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. A farmer shoe salesman from New Jersey reallzes his dream of performing In . a Wild West show. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) cm MOVIE "Caddyshack" ( 1980, Comedy) Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield. The demented grounds-keeper of a swanky country club wages war against the gophers Inhabiting his turf. 'R' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 7:06Gl)NEWS CZ) MOVIE "The Changeling" ( 1980, Horror) George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere. A widowed music professor rents an old house that appears t" be haunted by a restless spirit with a 50-year-old score to settle. 'R' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 7:40e PLEDGE BREAK Regularty scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due •~ pledge breaks. 7:50• tiKJVA "Animal Impostors" The remarkable forms of deception used by both predators and their Intended vict!ms -to eat or avoid being eaten -are examined. O ( 1 hf., 10 min.) 8:00 'Cl) AACHIE BUNKER'S PLACE e CHIPS A group of four-wtleel-dtMI prank- sten create a disturbance to CCMlf up the attempt- ed eecape of a fek>n. ( 1 hr.) • ENTERTAINMENT JOHIGHT I COUPLES PRE- vtEW Ohde Whately takes a look at these two pro-~ wNc:t'I ~ KtLA this week. (1 hf.) , •ti TOOAY'&ffM Ben and his agents go under- OCNer to pursue a member of <>fganlzed crime Who Is lnvolVed In murder, drugs, prostitution and police corruption. ( 1 hf.) I IT 18 WAITTEN MORECAMBE & WISE MOVIE "Return From The Ashes" (1965, Suepense) ~Schell, lngrld Thutln. A wom- an r9'Uml to her money-hungry famly after .,_,.. 11'1 (213) 947 ·2121 littier Dmnestic EmploJ1111nt All Live-in housekeepers, companions, babysitters, gardeners. Brought to your home for interviews. &..w.tf I f' JIO ... ILL-TEMPERED TURTLE -The alligator s n a pping turtle i s one o f man y extraordinary creatures that use deceit and camouflage in order to evad~ capture or entice lunch in "NOVA's" Animal Jmpos~ors Sunday at 7:50 p.m. on PH~. a concentration camp. (2 hrs.) I SOLIOGOLO TINY REVOLUTIONS A drama based on the true story of a Czechoslovakian professor who was jailed when he attempted to pubHsh his collection of polltl- cal Jokes. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ~ • MASTERPfECE THEATRE ''I Remember Nelson: Battle" Wiiiiam Blackie, a lower-deck gunner. sees action with~ at Trafalgar -a battle that wins Britain command of the seas fOf a century to come. ~·~(1hf.) ~ MOVIE '~(1981 . Orama) James Caan, Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his Independence for a big score that he hopes will secure his family's future. 'R' (2 hrs.) {)) MOVIE "Dressed To Kiii" ( 1980, Suspense) Michael Caine, Angle Dickinson. Police search for the psychotic murcJerer Who butchered a suburban housewife. 'R' (1 hr., 45 min.) • MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( 1981, Mystef')') Sigour- ney Weaver, William Hurt. A televlek>n reporter becomes Involved with a Janitor Who may know more about a murder that he witnessed than he is aayti . 'R' ( 1 hr •• 43 min.) 8:06 t CARl88EAH NIGHTS 8:30 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME The men get stuck •James L. Zimmerman• Certified Public Accountant Full l'ange of personalized * professional services for Jt small businesses & Individuals • INCOME TAX PREPARATION a Pl.ANNINO • SYSTEMS DESIGN a INSTALLATION ' • COMPUTERIZED FINANCIAL "EPORTING ., .... lnttlal ConsuftaUon W,ho to see this weekend? In a snowstorm and the women are lett waiting at home. IJ THEWORLOTOMORROW (!) EVENING AT THE IMPROV 8:35@ OPEN UP 9:00 B (I) ALICE Jolene comes up with a plan t.o prevent her former trucking partner from having his rJg r8_£<)5Sessed. U Ill MOVIE "The Wild Geese" ( 1978. Adven- ture) Richard Burion. Roger Moore. A daring group of mercenaries travels to South Africa in order to save a deposed ruler from the new dictatorship. Q I hrs .. 30 min.) WILD KINGDOM O MOVIE "Coma" ( 1978. Science-Fiction) Genevieve Bujold. Michael Douglas. A female intern becomes suspicious of fatal "accidents" which are occurring with alarming frequency at a Boston hos- Qital. (A) Q (2 hrs . 20 min.) I DR.CHO HEEHAW MASTERPIECE THEATRE ''I Remember Nelson. Battle" Wiiiiam Blackie. a lower-deck gunner. sees action with Nelson at Trafalgar -a battle that wins Britain command of the seas tor a century to come (part 4) Q ( 1 hf., 10 min.) G!) PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program- ming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. CC) MOVIE "Flrst Family" (1980, Comedy) Giida Aadner, Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential fami- ly complicates her father's attempts to conduct the affairs of state. 'R' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) (() WINTERWORLO "Professionals" ([)MOVIE "Zero To Sixty" (1978. ~y) Dar- ren McGavin, Denise Nickerson. A middle-aged divorced man. ~g money for alimony pay- ments is faced with repossessing a Mafia car con- talnlnQ a dead body as part of his new partnership with a 16-year-old girt 'PG' ( 1 hr., 36 min.) cm MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" ( 1981, Orama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus- band. 'R" ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) (%) MOVIE "Apocalypse Now" (1979, Orama) Marlon Brando. Martin Sheen. Dtrected by Franc~ Ford Coppola. An Intelligence agent embarks on a mission up fiver Into the Vietnamese jungfe to find and kill a mysterious, AWOL Army officer who has folled all previous attempt$ at his capture. 'R' (2 hrs .• 19 min.) 9:16. THE COUSTEAU ODYSSEY "The Warm- 081ooded Sea: Mammals Of The Deep" Captain Cousteau traces the evolution of sea fife, the warm-• b6ooded "revolution" and the retU<n of mammals llke whales, seals and dolphins to the sea. (1 hr .. 15 mln-1 9;30 e Cll THE JEFFERSON$ Flofence gets the wrong Idea when the Jettersons and the Willises try to keep a secret from her. I WORLD OF SUfMVAL BREA TH OF LIFE MOYIE "Sands' Of The Kalahari" ( 1965, Adven- ture) Stuart Whitman. Stanley Baker. Six survivors of a plane crash lrf a dangerous African desert fight for survival. (2 hrs.) ta 8IGNA TUAE Guest: Jack Lemmon. (I) PROFESSIONAL ROOEO Rom Mesquite, Tex- as. 2 hrs.) ----·--- Sunday (continued) 9:35@ MOVIE "Carry On Admiral" (1956, Come- dy) Peggy Cummins, David Tomlinson. The pretty granddaughter of an admiral tries to sort out the mistaken ldentities of a naval officer and a states- man. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 10:009 TRAPPER JOHN. M.D. Ernie's engagement brln~ Trapper less than unbridled joy. ( 1 hr.) •••NEWS CJ) THE SINGING COWBOYS RIDE AGAIN Film clips featuring some of the great singing cowboys include footage of Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Tex Ritter. Jimmy Wakely, Rex Allen, Dale Evans and Dorothy Fay Ritter. ( 1 hr.) 0 ERNEST ANGLEY Q§ STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better living conditions amid the poverty and social Injustice ol Dubtln from 1907 to 1914. (Part 4) (1 hr.) ' 00 MOVIE "American Pop" ( 1981. Musical) Ani- mated. The history of American pop music. from vaudeville to rock 'n' roll, is traced through several genera lions of a family of musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) (I) MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981. Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross--country trip in a broken-down school bus. 'R' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) II MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a bartt-flsted fighter signs up tor one last, lucrative match. ·~G' (1 hr .• 45 min.) 10:1oe MEETING OF MINDS Steve Allen talks about love with English playwright William Shakespeare (Harris Yulin) and a character who wishes to be known only as Woman (Jayne Meadows). (Part 2) (R)_J1 hr., 5 min.) 10:30• JERRY FALWELL I .JIM'( SWAGGART RIVER OF SANO Cameras capture the extraordt- nary animal behavior exhibited When a four-year drought strikes the Tiva River In Kenya. ( 1 hr,) 11:00ft~ l ~~OWOON 1 NY F:F.VOlUTIONS A drama baaed on the true story of a C2echoslovaklan profes50f who was jailed when he attampted to publish his collection of politi- cal JOkes. (1t)r .. 30 min) CC) MOYE ·H.O.T.S.I' (1979. Comedy) Susan Klgef, Lisa London. A SOforlty retect decides to form her own club of co-eds who concentrate on gratlfy- l!!g sex-starved collegians. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) UJ MOVIE "The Stud" (1978, Drama) Joan Col- "'-C»Yer Tobias. A waiter advanoes his career by sleeping with his boss's wife. 'R' (1 hf .• 35 min.) CD)~ "2001: A Space Odyssey'' (1968, Scl- enoe-flction) Keir Dullea. Gary Lockwood. Astro- nauts sent to find the alien Intelligence responsible for a puzzling lunar monolith must contend with an oo-boerd com~ter that Is trying to take control of their Y88Sel. 'G (2 hrs .. 18 min.) 11: 15. C8S NEWS e TOP OF THE WORLD Contestants from the United States. Greet Britain and Australia compete In a quiz program that tests their expertise In a wide va(14ID' of eubjects. 11:20•0.NEWS ~ MOVIE "Son Of Siibad" (1954, Adventure) Dale Robertson, Saly Forrest. A young man Is forced to work a miracle In order to win his freedom flOOl the Caliph of Beghdad. ( 1 hr .• 65 min.} 11:30. ~PORTS ANAL I~~ Numismatic expert Greg Holloway on Investing Jn rare. coins; a rehabllltatlon program tor' unwed mothers. (1 hf .• 35 min.) I THE THRILLERS LIFE OF RILEY STILL GOING STRONG -CBS News ' acclaimed we~kly m agazine series, "60 Minutes,'' is among top rated shows on ne twork te le vision. It reatures Morley Sarer. Harry Reasone r , Ed Bradley and Mike Wallace Sundays at 7 p.m . on CBS (Ch . 2>. el review "Richard Pryor. Live On Sunset Strip" and "Missing." (R) 11:60• ABC NEWS 0 MOVIE "Evil Roy Slade" (1971. Comedy) John Astin, Edie Adams. A mean, UO<em<>raefut outlaw tries to reform when he falls for an Innocent bUt ~moroos schoolteacher. ( 1 hr., Ml min.) 12: Cl) MOVIE "Capt.in Apache" ( 1972. Western) ee Van Cleef. Carroll Baker. When an Indian com- missioner Is kHled, a full-blooded Apache Is ten! to -'~= I MOYIE "Power" (Part 1) ( 1980, Drama) Joe Don Baker, Ralph Bellamy. A strong-willed CNcago dockworker battles his way out of the Depression to become head of a p<>werful union. (R) (2 hrl.) (I.) WCT TEHNIS •;Munich Cup Anale'' from Munich. Germany. (3 tvs.) e MOVIE "The Doge Of War" ( 1980, Adventure) Christopher Walken, Tom Berenger. After being tor- tured and deported by an African dictator, a merce- n&"t..!etums to lead a revolUtlon. 'R' ( 1 hr., 4'5 min.) 12:06• MOVIE "F. Scott Fitzgerald In Hollywood" ( 1976. Drama) Jason Millet', Tuesday Weld. The rise. fall and return of the brilliant jazz age novelltt Is portrayed. (2 tvs.) 12: 16 e THE AOCKFORO ALES D MOVIE "Power" (Part 1) (1980, Drama) Joe Don Baker. Ralph Bellamy. A strong-Willed Chicago dockworkM battles his way out of the Depression to become head of a powerful union. (R) (~ hra.) Tube Topper '"Coma" Channel 7 -9 p. m. MOVIE "The Laughing Policeman" (1973, AdventUt9) Watter Matthai, 6'uce Dem. A police--e THE FIA8T CHllQ4IU8 ··r~ Lion And The man •Uemot• to avenge the de9tti of hit partner, Unleom" Klrlg Char1ea exAel James and dll80lve9 who wea killed In • 'f'lotent man murder on a San Parliament; Ptlnc:ese Anrie choo9es Sarah to be one Francttc:o bUs. (2 tva.) of her laclel. ( 1 hf,) I TALEB OF THE UNEXPECTED 12:308 SIQNAtuRE Gueet: Jade Lemmon. IPORT8 cene. 12:.-0(C) MOVIE "The Howtlng" (1981, Horror) Dee MOVE "Big Bad Mama" (1974', Adv9nture) Welace, Pltrk:k w.cn.. A woman ~ Is A~ Dickinson. Wiiiiam Shatn«. A woman cuts a meneoed by a Idler who -.ems to be a werewolf, 'R' pa of vk>lence and romance thr<>wtt the South-(1tv .• 3 1 min.) wesc ot "" 1930I. 'R' ( 1 tv., 23 "*'· r 1:00 Cf.~ AUKEY8EA 11:35(1) MOYIE "She'• 19 And Ready" (1980, Ori-8 art ,_., O'Too6e stars tn an mefi young glr1 longa to expetilla total fulN.. edaptatlon of ~ Plunkett'• n<W9I about one "*Jt.. 'A' (' ht .. 30 min.) ,.,.. ....... to er-. '** llW"1 C9f'ClllOf • 11:40(1) MCWIE ''T'** .. (1-DrwN) Jeck Lem-*n10 the~ end IOClll In~ of Dubin tom a.r.:..:z:·==== HB;::rii·· ~ ~l i:;u......, PM ... • , • ...., ... .,... eon. 'PO' (2 -,,,. """'m---~ ...... ll•n•m . . ,~, .q;~ mre;u~~"~ ·~j~-~ I ..........,.,,.,~,-'p'f' • -l9 McCartney and Wings. This record of the band's U.S. tour Includes performances of "Jet." "Band :Y. On The Run," "Siiiy love Songs" and some old 0 Beatie ballads. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) =i 1: 15 9 NAME OF THE GAME < @ MOVIE "Sherlock Holmes In Washington" h ( 1943, Mystery) Basil Rathbone. Nigel Bruce. .p Holmes recovers missing microfilm and a Secret ...,, Service agent. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) ~ 1:300 ABC NEWS a. e TURNABOUT ~ 1:"5 00 MOVIE "Dressed To Kilr' ( 1980, Suspense) ~ Michael Caine, Angle Dickinson. Pollce search tor m the psychotic murderer who butchered a suburban ~ housewife. 'R' (1hr.,45 min.) 2:00eNEWS II MOVIE "Billy Jack" (1971. Drama) Tom ... Laughlin, Delores Taylor. An ex-Green Beret hall-~ breed champions the cause of a freedom school for "' runaways on an Arizona Indian reservation. ( 1 hr .. 50min.) 2:05 (!) NEWS 2: 15 D AT ONE Guest: lllm-maker and photographer Lou Stoumen. (1 hr.) 2:20 CC) MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980. Comedy) Gil- da Radner, Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential fami- ly complic;ates her father's attempts to conduct the affairs of state. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 44 min ) 2:30 (!) MORNING STRETCH 2:35(%) MOVIE "Bustin' loose" (1981, Comedy) Richard" Pryor, Cleely Tysoo. A bumbling burglar, a concerned schoolteacher and eight chHdren make a frightening cross~country trip In a broken-down school bus. 'R' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) 2:4'6 8 LOUIS RUKEYSER 2:50(1) MOVIE "Dressed To Kiii" (1980, Suspense) Michael Caine. Angle Dickinson. Pollee search for the psychotic murderer who butchered a suburban housewife. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 3:00(1) JOE FRANKLIN @NEWS (I.) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Match 8) l hr.) 3:15 8NEWS 3:30 TOOAY'S RELIGION 00 CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS "The Smart B\Jy Show'' Shopping tor quality, safety and savings is emphasized In this episode which examines food processors and walkaround tape players among other products. · 4:00. INTERFACE ~./MIY SWAOOART SPORTS CENTER MOV1E "Thief" (1981. Drama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gN8S up his Independence for a big score that he hopes will MCUfe his family's Mure. 'R' (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Soldier Of Orange" (1979, Drama) Edward Fox, Susan Penhallgon. Six classmates at a Dutch university go their separt1te ways when war breaks out In Europe. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 4':06@ RJNTIME CC> MOVIE "Caddie" (1981, Drama) Heten Moree, Jacic Thompson. A young woman leaves her com- foc1able suburban home and her cruel husband, dete<mlned to take full reeponslblllty for supporting her children by doing whatever odd jobs she can ~1~1rw .. 417 min.) 4: ,, C9ilEMA8CORE 4:30 ... BAIO<£R (%) MOYE .. The Changeling" ( 1980. Horror) George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere. A wtdowed music prof...ot rents an old house that appears to be haunted. by a restless spirit with a 50-year-old 9COfe to settle. 'A' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 4:M>(I) MOVIE "She's 19 And Ready" (1980, Dra- ma) A yoong girl longs to experience total fulfill- ment. 'R' (1 hr .• 30min.) Uu-10~ Lemmon lao1t •how HOLLYWOOD (AP> -Johnny Carson and J aclt Lemmon have 1l1ned as tbe tint of HveraJ tau ol tbe ABC special "Hollywood: The 8tft ol Laupter'' ... Clbl&. Howard and Pat Corley have alped for eo-1tarriq role• ln "Ni1bt Sbtft" , . , Pamela Muon will be holte11 OD a dally commentary aad an entertainment aewa repon.r for the Penoaallty News Nt&wortr •.. Anste Dicldnlon ud Ro1u llool'e ril be 1MJN of "The American Movie A..,. .. OD NBC on Su.ad• , March 14. · - -Two speetall of "The N.U... ers .. .i.d Viole.Dee 'fest" Jaave beeome tile ftnl ......_ pro1ram1 to reeel•• UM NaUeaal PTA ~-.~\WOOUA •H• ... • G.. la y_. Wt~ ... IM J:L• ----------------~---~,-------.. ~ ~--·------------ tO !Monday s: ~ 2 ~ 8:008 9 8 NEWS . ~ I CHARLIE'S ANGELS u. C8SNEWS -WHITE SHADOW g MOVIE "A Hole In The Head" (1959, Comedy) -' Frank Sinatra. Edward G. Robinson. A widower with ~ a 12-year-old son has a variety of problems with his l••i~:•nees. (2 hO!., 30 min.) NEEDLECRAFT MOVIE "Smuggler's Cove" (1979, Adventure) Greg Rowe. Four teen-agers flnd adventure while surfl,!!g off an Australian beach. ( t hr., 14 min.) (I) (Q) TO BE ANNOUNCED D MOVIE "The Electric Horseman" ( 1979. Ora- ma) Robert Redford. Jane Fonda, A Las Vegas cowboy steals a $12 million thoroughbred horse to save him from his exploitative owners. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 6: 16. PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduJed pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 8:25 • NORMAN ROCKWELL'S WORLD: AN AMERICAN DREAM A nostalgic look Is taken at the late artist's life, work and hometown of Stockbridge, Maa6achusetts. 8:30(1) e NEWS I BARNEY MILLS:. WEl..COME BACK. KOTTER 8U8INE88 REPORT 8:66 e OVER EASY Guest: actress Janet Gaynor. (R)J;J . 7:00 a C8S NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZlNE Looking to be number one again; a new school program that helps overweight kids lose pounds. I YOU ASKED FOR fT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Jane Fonda Inter- views Bonnie Raitt. Chef Tseng Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 16482 Boa .. Chica. Huntington Beach, CA ~2649 714AMl~2rlllll Johnson. John Hodiak. Amerlean soldiers of the 10tst Airborne Division engage In the French cam- . e!_lgn and the Battle of the Bulge. ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) Cl) POWER BOAT RACING From Miami, Florida. {§how8) (1 hr.) (Q) MOVIE "Private Benjamin" (1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, 81een Brennan. A well-to-do young woman mistakenly Joins the Army following the death of her new husband on their wedding night. 'A' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: the newest way to lose weight electronically; a journey to a remote town In Kansas where Hollywood treasures are stored; meet Gordon Castillo. who was falsely i risoned for three years. • FAMILY FEUD • LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY 6VE ON L A. Featured: part one of a report on X-rated video cassettes; a look at popular Los An~les night spots: a reJX>ft on marriage today. eTICTACOOUGH BULLSEYE YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•S0 H SIONA TURE Guest: Jerzy Kosinski. MACNBL /LEHRERREPORT GREAT PERFORMANCES "Brldeshead Revisit- ed: Orphans Of The Storm" Char1es and Julia. both married. begin a clandestine affair aboard a trans- Atlantic liner during a raging storm. (Part 9) Q ( 1 hr.) EYES FOR EUNICE -Comedy writer, Dick Clair, gives an admiring glance at Carol Burnett during taping of "Eunice," which airs Monday at 9:30 p.m. on CBS <Ch. 21. Clair created the character, Eunice. The 00-minute special a lso features Harvey Korman, Ken Berry a nd Vicki Lawrence. CH) MONEY MA TIERS Special acMoe on personal money management on topics ranging from Income tax savings to Investment Ideas In the stock market and !!lOlleY mart<et funds is offered. ( 1 hr.) 7:36 (%) MOVIE "Distance" ( 1975, Drama) Paul Benjamin. James Woods. An Army sergeant soffer- lng a mid-life crisis finds his Hfe complicated by an unh!f>py marriage. 'A' (1 hr .. 31 min.) 8:00 • MR. MEAL.IN Merlin comes to the aid of the owner ot his favorite hot dog stand. 8 • LITTLE HOUSE ~ THE PRAlRIE A black physician's arrival upsets the citizens of Walnut Grove. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) I M"A"S"H JOKER'S WILD NEWS CASERET: SINGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing songs from the stage. I THE MUPPET'S e MOVIE "Murph The Surf" ( 1974, Adventure) Robert Conrad. Donna Mills. Two light-fingered beach bums and a female accomplice leave behind a trait of empty jewel boxes and broken dreams as they successfully snatch the ''Star Of India" gem. (?hrs.) DICK CAVETT Guest: Lowell Thomas. (Part 2) ill) CC) MOVIE "Battleground" ( t949, Adventure) Van • 111 THA rs INCREOtBLE Featul'ed: an attempt to eat a 26-pound bicycle In ten days; a stray dog --------C COUPON J-------._ f SOMl1'HHl.4H01'HIN•1 I During our somethin' 4 nothin' sale. you can 1 1 take advantage of our low. low prices and also ~ get a free gift for absolutely nothin'. I •, NOW I ONLY 1 $3C9.00 I I Rea I I s6oo~oo I I I I I I I I Ah twds r,ome complf'te I I w1tn m11ftre'<l'i ht>Alllr. ,.. I ""' peoestat ancJ 1111 kit I DRAWERS OPTIONAL I I You can have your choice of any one of these g;eat items bet~w I I for absolutely nothln' with any bed purcl'iase of at least I $250.00. ~'-;u;-1--nu--r--niY-.... ~ I 1 Sheet Set & I 1 6-Drawer : DOLLA•I I \ Comforter I Pedestal 1 CAIH I ~------~-------------~ WATll IEDMAIT OPEN:Tues-Frl.4:30-aPM. •Sat ,o-tP.M, 548-5241 ---------=-=----l!m!!~P~-------......- --------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------ti Monday (continued) 9: 10 ID BERNSTEIN I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bern· stein and the Vienna Philharmonic perform Beetho· 3! ven's Symphony No. 7 in A Major. Opus 92 ( 1 hr. - 1om1n.) 2 that saved the lives of the family that took him 1n ( 1 hr l Cl) GRAMPS A man and his granddaughter wrestle with the problems of their ages D MOVIE "The Mark" (1961, Drama) Stuart Whit- man. Maria Schell. A reformed sex deviant finds that, although he is cured, society is not quite ready to forgive and forget (2 hrs.) m P.M. MAGAZINE A new school pr~ram that helps overweight kids lose pounds: a prohle of con- sumer actMst David Horowitz.. g) MOVIE "Cry Of The Wild" ( 1974) Documenta· ry The behavioral patterns of wolves are studied, dispelling false beliefs concerning their Innate sav- ~ery. (2 hrs.) ® MIXED BAG: INSIDE. OUTSIDE Both sides of the celluloid curtain are examined 1n this two-part series that deals with making films in a closed mar- ket (Part 2) tD GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Brideshead Revisit· ed: Orphans 01 The Storm" Charles and Julia, both married. begin a clandestine affair aboard a trans· Atlantic liner during a raging storm. (Parr 9) Q ( 1 hr, 10 mm.) CE) SPORTS CENTER CID MOVIE "I Sent A Lefler To My Love" ( 1981, Romance) Simone Signore!, Jean Rochefort. A middl&-aged woman who has spent most of her adult life caring for her Invalid brother decides 10 Tube Topper "The Enforcer " Channel 7 -9 p m. write a letter ro a newspaper lonely hearts column. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 2 min.) (I) SCRAMBLED FEET Comedienne Madeline Kahn stars In a musical comedy revue that satirizes show business including punk rock, theatre critics. British eiays and performers ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) D MOVIE "Cardiac Arrest" ( 1978, Mystery) Garry Goodrow. Mike Chan. A black market operation that sells disembodied hearts for transplants is dis· covered by an offbeat homicide cop. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 8:05 ALL IN THE FAMILY mini 8:30 Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Captain Lewis goes undercover as a cocktail waitress at a bar where soldiers are being ripped off. I IRONSIDE All IN THE FAMILY UNDER MILK WOOD Elizabeth Taylor and Rich- ard Burton star In this film of Dylan Thomas· wry Welsh narrative poem on the people of Llareggub ("bugger all" backwards) and their longings. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • BEANSTEJN I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bernstein and the Vienna Philharmonic perform Beethoven's Sym_.Ehony No. 7 In A Major, Opus 92. ( 1 hr.) 8:36(Jl) MOVIE "Saul And David" (1968, Drema) N0<man Wooland. Gianni Garko. King David battleS ru security you can count on, energy savings you can count with Saul and the Philistines over the fate or Israel. (2 hrs., 25 min.) 9:008 Cl) M"A"S"H A former heavyweight boxing champion, followed by newsreel crews. pays a QQOdwlll visit to the 4077t~. U AMERICAN MOVIE AWARDS Films end artists chosen by direct vote of theatergoers are honored in this annual awards ceremony, to be telecast from the Palace Theater in Hollywood: Angle Dickinson and Roger Moore host. (2 hrs.) G 9 MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1976, Suspense) Cllnt Eastwood. Tyne Daly "Dirty Harry" Callahan is joined by a female rookie in !racking down a band ol revolutionaries who are terrorizing San Francisco i arental discretion advised) (R) (2 hrs.) MERV GRIFFIN AMERICAN MOVIE AWARDS Films and artists chosen by direct vore of theatergoers are honored in this annual awards ceremony, to be telecaS1 hve from the Palace Theater In Hollywood; Angie Dickin· son and Roger Moore host. (2 hrs.) CC) MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jer· ry Lee Lewis, Susan Oltver. Alter the circus closes down, a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs. falling miserably at them all 'PG' ( 1 hr . 31 min.) (()TOP RANK BOXING From Fort Worth. Texas. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ([)CO) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before settling down with hrs girt and pet orangutan. a bare-fisted fighter signs up for one last, lucrative match. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min. l MORNING .MOVIES 8:00D "Any Which Way You Can" (1980. Come- dy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girt and pet orangutan, a bare-listed fighter signs up for one last. lucrative match. 'PG' 8:~@ "Valley Of Mystery" ( 1967, Adventure) Richard Egan. Peter Graves. 8: 15 CI> "Distance" ( 1975, Drama) Paul Benjamin, James Woods An Army sergeant suffering a mid· Ille criSls finds his life complicated by an unhappy marriage. 'R' 9:30., "Lawless Range" ( 1935, Western) John Wavne. Sheila Mannors. CC) "Battleground" ( 1949, Adventure) Van JOhn· son, John Hodiak. American soldiers of the 101 st Airborne Division engage In the French campaign and the Batlle of the Bulge. ( 1 hr.. 55 min.) 10:00CID "I Sent A Letter To My Love" ( 1981, Romance) Simone Signoret, Jean Rochefort. Cll "The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse" ( 1962, Orama) Glenn Ford, Lee J. Cobb. World War II produces differing loyalties among the mem- bers of a German famlly, Ct "Cardiac Arrest" (1978. Mystery) Garry Goe>- drow, Mike Chan. A black market operation that sells disembodied hearts for transplants is dlscov· ered by an offbeat homicide cop. 'PG' 10:05@ "The Eternal Sea" (1954, Orama) Sterling Hayden, Alexis Smith. A devoted Navy officer strug- gles to remain In active duty after losing a llmb In World War It. (2 hrs.) CZ) "Between The Lines" ( 1977. Comedy) Lindsay Crouse. Jeff GOldblum. 11:30(C) ''Hardly Working" ( 198 l. Comedy) Jerry Lee Lewis. Susan Oliver. William E. Smeltzer, M.D. Wishes to Announce the opening of his Office for General & Family Practice At Newport Peninsula Center Wells Fargo Bank Building. 2727 Newport Blvd. #102 NB 92663. Hours by appt. 675-6114 9:15CZl MOVIE "Berween The Lines" (1977, Come-~ dy) Lindsay Crouse. Jett Goldblum. The statf mem· ,- bers of an "underground" Boston newspaper have c8 various romantic and journalislic encounters with each or her and the subjects of their stories. 'R' ( 1 ~ hr. 50 min.) a. 9:30 IJ Cl) EUNICE Carol Burnell, Harvey Korman ~ and Vicki Lawrence reprise their roles as members ~ of 1he fictional Higgins family; Ken Berry and Betty ~ White also star. ( 1 hr , 30 min ) n (!) MOVIE "Manfish" ( 1956. Adventure) John : Bromfield. Lon Chaney. A Jamaican treasure hunt !" turns into an expedition of deceit a1d terror. ( 1 hr . ... 30 min) ~ ~PORTRAIT OF GRANDPA DOC Melvyn Douglas stars in the story of a young boy's warm relationship with his grandlather. 0 MOVIE "Agatha" (1979, Mystery) Dustin Hott- man. Vanessa Redgrave. In London in 1926. an American newspaper reporter meets and becomes involved with famed mystery writer Agatha Christle, who has left her unfaithful husband. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 38 min.} 10:00 U 0 m G) NEWS @ CABERET: SJNGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing songs from the stage. QID THE KINGSTON TRIO AND FRIENDS: REUNION The original Kingston Trio are joined by lube Tbpper Private Benjamin Channel 2-8·30 p.m Tommy Smothers. Mary Travers. Lindsey Bucking· ham and current Trio members when they per1orm together for the first time In 20 years. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) CID MOVIE "Hopscotch"' ( 1980, Comedy) Waller Matthau, Glenda Jackson. A former intelligence agent is aided by an old flame In dodging the KGB and the CIA, who are trying to prevent him from Qllbllshlng his memoirs. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) (I) MOVIE "Carny" ( 1980. Drama) Jodie Foster, Gary Busey. An adventU<ous young woman joins a carnival troupe and learns about the hidden emo- tions and frustrations behind the sur1aoe happiness of the performers. 'R' (1 hr., 46 min.) 10:20. I REGRET NOTHING A poignant film b1ogra· phy of French singer Edith Piaf Is presented. ( 1 hr . 25 min.) • 10:30., NEWS t8 SIGNATURE Guest: Jerzy Kosinski. CC) MOVIE "Two English Girls" ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 11:00888Cl)111 e NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD AND SON MOVIE "Ca_l.!f0<nla Conquest" ( 1952, Western) ARE YOUR UTLITY BILLS INCREASING? Our 9"ergy lftan..-!Mftt tylllelM can reduce your utMr co•I Cell ue tor FREE Information Clas::'li:.s @ 642-56Z8 charge It~-by phone From South Laguna a North County 1220-llHl~te .. It STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY· 'IUESDAY 7:00 PM .. Newport :'-low·· 7::.10 PM Li\'e Newport Beach C'ity Council coveragt• or ··catazens F'orum·· t alternate Mondays 1 7: 00 PM "Sound Off' WEDNESDAY 7 : 00 PM ··Newport Now· THURSDAY 7:00 PM ''A Better Way " FRIDAY 7:00 PM .. Newport Now·· 111NE IN TO CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K Our local programming lancu11 an eludes the discussion series ··Sound Off·. our inter view show hosted h~· Mayor Heather ··cit11.ens Forum:· and lave cover age of Newport Beach Cit.' Council meetings. Plus. we continue to cablecast our popular ma~a7.ane format show ··Newport Now.·· Our focus 1s on the issues that care happening around you. and we feature people and places that you know Your neighborhood and its l'esidents Hre our stars. PROORAIOIING - '"IR 111.E PVBUC l1'fl'ERE8T" FOR PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL (714) e.2-&797 Monday (rontinued) Comet Wilde, I e<esa Wright. Russians atlempt to seize power over Spanish-controlled California. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) @ MIXED BAG: INSIDE, OUTSIDE Both sides of the celluloid curtain are examined In this two-part series that deals with making films in a closed mar- ket. (Part 2) (1J MOVIE "What The Swedish Butler Saw" (1976) Sue Longhurst.Ollie Soltoft.A wealthy English aristo- crat buys a lormer madhouse and turns It into hts vision of a love nest. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (1D MOVIE "Galaxlna" ( 1980. Comedy) Dorothy Straiten. Avery Schreiber A robot is made in the image of a beautiful woman who doesn'I have any human feelings. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981 , Comedy) Rich· ard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A buml"lling burglar. a con· cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross-country trip in a broken-down school bus. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 11:30 8 (() QUINCY Quincy tries to find out who has murdered four tenants ot a boarding house. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) 0 ID THE BEST OF CARSON Guests: Bob Hope, Marsha Mason, Nell Carter. Merie Earle (R)-( 1 hr.) I ~ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE ALL IN THE FAMILY LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE UNDER MILK WOOD 8izabeth Taylor and Rich- ard Burton star in this film ol Dylan Thomas' wry Welsh narrative poem on the people of Llareggub ("bugger all" backwards) and their longings. ( 1 hr .. 3 min.) I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Soldier Of Orange" ( 1979, Drama) Edward Fox. Susan Penhallgon. Six classmates al a Dutch university go their separate ways when war breaks out In Europe 'PG' (2 hrs.) 11:4511) DICK CAVffi Guest· Gwen Verdon. (Part !l (A) CS) MOVIE "The Outsider" ( 1978. Orama) Sterling Hayden. Craig Wasson. A young Idealist travels to Northern Ireland to 1oin the struggle for Independ- ence. 'A' (2 hrs .. 8 min.) 11:50® MOVIE "The Final Conflict" (1981. Drama) Sam Neill. Rossano Brazzi In the third part ol "The Omen" lnlogy, young Damien. the embodiment of the Antichrist. is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 12:00 G ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Jane Fonda interviews Bonnie Raitt D MOVIE "The White Dawn" (1974, Adventure) Timothy Botloms. Warren Oates. Three whalers become lost In lhe Arctic In t896. (R) (2 hrs .. 35 min.) tJ MOVIE "The Private Navy Of Sergeant O'Far- rell" ( 1968. Comedy) Bob Hope. Phyllis Diiier A Navy officer attempts to raise the spirits of his men after they are left dry by the sinking of a beer boat. (2 hrs.) Cf) MOVIE "The Violent Enemy" ( 1968. Suspense) Ed Begley, Susan Hampshire. A band of Irish terror· AFT'ERNOON MOVIES 12:00 tJ "Race Street" (1948. Mystery) George Raft. William Bendix. aJ "Giida" ( 1946, Orama) Rita Hayworth. Glenn FC>fd. m "Ten Seconds To Hell" (1959. Mystery) Jett Chandler. Jack Palanoe. (%) "The Changeling" ( 1980. Horror) George C. Scott. Trish Van Devere. 12:30(1) "Carny" ( 1980, Drama) Jodie Foster. Gary Busev. 11 "I Sent A Letter To My love" ( 1981. Romance) Simone Signore!, Jean Rochefort. 1:00 Cf) "Mr. Jericho" ( 1969, Comedy) Patrick Macnee, Connie Stevena. CC) "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Pan II" C t978, Drama) Marllyn Hassett, Timothy Botloms. 1:3000 "The cat And The canary" (1978. Mystery) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. 2:00(1J ''Raging Bull" ( 1980, Biography) Robert De Niro. Cathy MC>flarty, (%) "Eyewitness" ( 1970. Mystery) Mark Lester, Susan George. 2:30(1) "Somewhefe In Time" (1980. Fantasy) Christopher Reeve. Jane Seymour. 3:00G "The Private Navy Of Sergeant O'Farrell" ( 1968, Comedy) Bob Hope. PtlytllS Diiier. · ® "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" (1979. Comedy) Richard Jordan. David Niven. '=OOCCl "The Last Snow Of Spring" (1977. Dfama) e "Hawk The Slayer" (1981. Adventure) Jack Palance, John Terry. . (%) "Bustin' loote" ( 198 1, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Clcely Tyson. 4:90(1) "Tht Man WhO Loved Beett" (1978, Adveno-: ·;;~~, .1 •. " SAVE THE HOTDOG "Mr Merlan " (Bernard Hughes 1 co mes to the aid of the owner of his fa vorite hotdog stand Monday <11 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 21. lsts plots to sabotage a British factory (2 hrs ) 9 MOVIE "The White Dawn" ( 1974, Adventure) Timothy Bottoms. Warren Oates Three whalers become lost in the Arctic in 1896. (R) (2 hrs .. 20 min.) tD MOVIE "Go West" ( 1940. Comedy) Marx Brothers. Diana lewis. Several zany men turn their sights westward, where they get involved with trains and railroads. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 41J LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE ([) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite, Tex- as.! hrs.) 12: 10 AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY 12: 15 MOVIE "Stay Hungry" ( 1976, Drama) Jett Bridges. Sally Field. The offbeat scion ol an old Southern family tries to save a seamy gym from the hands of real estate speculate>fs. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 12:30 0 GD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: video journalist Jon Alpert, actor Jack Lar- son. ( 1 hr.) · G COUPLES (Part 1) A wife's extra marital-affairs are posing a problem to her marriage. Or. Walter Brackelmanns hosts this series. 41JNEWS @ MOVIE "Allackl" (1956. Orama) Jack Palance. Eddie Albert. Weak and dishonest Army officers tak~art in World War II action (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 12:35CZJ MOVIE "The Chinese Connection" ( 1973, Adventure) Bruce Lee. Robert Baker. A martial arts student sets out to avenge the murder of his teacher In which a rlval school was Involved. 'R' ( 1 hr , 47 min.) 12:408 (()COLUMBO An art critic kills his uncle in hopes of Inheriting the man's valuable collection of palntinas. (A) ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 1:008 GENE AUTRY m MOVIE "Lisbon" ( 1956. Adventure) Ray Mii· land, Claude Rains. A ship's captain is hired to res· cue a woman's husband from Communist captors. (1 hr .. 30 min.~ Qt CABERET: SINGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing songs from the stage. 1:so DeNews I GENEAUTRY SPEAK OUT MOVIE "Thief" (1981, Drama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his Independence for a big score that he hopes will secure his family's future. 'R' (2 hrs.) 1:40 CID MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In Befkeley Square" ( 1979, Comedy) Richard Jordan. David Niven. The night watchman at a British Bank Is teft1£!ed to return to a fife of crime. ( 1 hr., 4Q mtn.) 2:00 ~ MOVIE "The Other Side Of The Mountain - Part II" ( 1978. Orarna) Marilyn Hassett. Tlmothy Bottoms. Forll'lef champion skier. Jiii Klnmont, ren- dered a quad,lpleglC by a tragic accident, wrestles wfth self·doubt when a new love enters hel' Ille ( 1 hr., "5 min.) (J) POCKET BILLIAROS "L.agendary Stars Ser'-" I~ Crane vs. Joe Belsls ( 1 hr.) ()) MOVIE "Phoblt' ( 1980, Suspense) Paul Michael Glllaer, Solan Hogln. A group of mentel petlentl art murdered &OCOfding to t1"41f lndMdual t•rt. ·~:_ l!_ hr .• 3<4 min.) 2:Qf(I) ..... t.'-l I ••I l.t1-.J lo\'-1. _,II 1C, .. ,._,1, C. ~ ...... *" '(d ~ .,. IOOf1llll '~ . . Tuesday F\. L '\I:\(; 6:00 8 D 8 NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS WHrTE SHADOW ABC NEWS THEJEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE--0 NBC NEWS NEEDLECRAFT NHL HOCKEY St. Louls Blues vs. Winnipeg Jets (g hrs., 30 min.) CH) IN SHAPE WITH VON DRAKE Animated. Prof. Ludwig von Drake uses Goofy's experiences 10 Illus- trate the proper way to exercise and participate In ~rts. (.S) MOVIE "Escape From Alcatraz" ( 1979, Adven- ture) Clint Eastwood, Patrick McGoohan, A hard· ened convict makes elaborate plans to break out of the escape-proof prison. 'PG' (1 hr .. 52 min.) 6: 10 • PLEOOE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 8:15. PORTRAIT OF GRANDPA DOC Melvyn Douglas stars in the story of a young boy's warm relatlonshlp with his grandfather. 6:30 Cl). NEWS I BARNEY MILLER WELCOME BACK. KOTTER A PLAY FOR LOVE "A Rod Of Iron" David Me<· ce<'s study of the summing up of three lives when two sons of en elderly couple return to arrange for their father's final years after their mother's death. ~ ~JslNESS REPORT 15 CHILDREN Of THEATRE STREET Princess Grace gives us a look behind the walls of the Vaga- nova Choreographic Institute -also known as the Kirov ballet school -to explore the dreams of two Russian dancers who hope to follow In the footsteps of Baryshnikov. Nureyev and Makarova. ( 1 hr.) 6:"5 (%) ONEMASCORE 6:55 e OVER EASY "Gay issues" The special prob- lems facing gay Americans over 50 are examined. (A)_9 7:00 8 CBS NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE The leader of New York's Guardian Angels marries his sec,ond-ln-command; some successful animal stars and their owners. BIU Y GRAHAM CRUSADES I LYNN SHACKELFORD ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Albert Finney. I M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD THE MUPPET'S DICK CAVETT Guest: Gwen Verdon. (Part 1) {8) CH) SPORTS IUUSTAA TED: THE RRST 25 YEARS James Caan hosts a trlt:>ute to Sports lllustrated's first quarter-century ol sterling sports coverage. ( 1 hr.) CI> MOVIE "Meetings With Remarkable Men" ( 1979, Biography) Dragan Makslmovlc. Terence Stamp. tnsplratlonal teacher G.I. GurdJlett Journeys among the people of the Third World. ( 1 hr., 48 min.) cm MOVIE "A Change Of Seasons" ( 1980, Com&- dy) Shirley Maolalne, Anthony Hopkins. A mlddle- aged couple try out younger partners during a mountain vacation. 'R' (1 hr .. 42 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Battle Of Algiers" ( 1967. Adven- ture) Yacef Saadi, Jean Martin. Algeria wages a deepe<ate struggle for lndependenee from 19&4 to 1962. (2 hrs., 3 min.) 7:20 e NBA BASKETBALL lot Angele$ LaketS va. Portland Trailblazers (2 hrs .. 40 min.) 7:90 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: e day In the llfe of a member of the Los Angeles Police oepartrrient Bomb Squad; a took at skyWritlng by computer; 1 new~: alngle acfults who adopt children. I . FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured: a look at soap operas; part two of 1 report on X-rated video calSettee; a look at sports medicine. •TIC TAC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOA JT w•A·s·H 8IONATUAE Guett: JOCt Theleman. MACNEJl I l.EHAER REPORT HEW8 MOVIE "81119 Of 81. Trtnlln't'' (1964, Come- dy) Alattelr srn. Joyce ~-The ,.eauma IOf ~ runnrw .... IClhool .. 11a1111 d by ....... Of ._ THE LAST ROUNDUP Jeannie Wilson stars as a beautiful law student who agrees to assist Rick and A.J. Simon of "Simon and Simon" in rounding up some missing classmates for their upcoming high school class reunion Tuesday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2>. the headmistress's bookmaker brother. ( 1 hr., 20 mini 7:..0 NEWS 8:00 Cl) SIMON & SIMON A.J. and Rick agree to round up some missing classmates for their upcom- 1~ ~h school reunion. ( 1 hr.) U •BRET MAVERtCK Maverick asks Philo San- dine for help In finding those responsible tor his sweetheart's staying. ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "The Naked Prey" ( 1966, Adventure) Cornet Wiide. Gert Van Der Berg. After his fellow hunters are killed by a primitive tribe, a man Is set free to be hunted down by fierce warriors. (2 hrs.) 8 0 HAPPY DAYS Fonzie Is furious when Jenny Plccalo spreads rumors about a new glr1 In school. ~BENNYHILL Ii) P.M. MAGAZINE The leader of New York's Guardian Angels marries his second-In-command; some successful animal stars and their owners. • MOVIE "The Vanishing Land" ( 1973, Adven- ture) Documentary. The people of Alaska display their tenacity and strength of wlll In the battle to MORNING MOVIES 8:00(1) "Any Which Way You can" (1980, Come- dy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. e "The Shogun Warriors: Grandlz.er" (1981, Fan- tasy) Animated. A powerful robot defends Earth when It Is Invaded b~an Invaders. 8:06G1) "The WHd ' (1965, Drama) Michael Parka, Cella Kaye. A teen·ager and a drifter search for ~lness together. (2 hrs.) 9:00(C) "Sunday In New York" (1964, Comedy) CUtt Robertson. Jane Fonda. 0:30·· "Th8 Man From Utah" (1934, Western) John Wayne, Gabby Hayes, A tough lawman nabs a gang of outlaws who are uelng a rodeo as their base of ~atlons. ( 1 hr.) 9:36{1) "The Battle Of Algiers" (1967, Adventure) Y.cef Saldi. Jea,1 Martin. Algetla Wtge8 a deepef- ate struggle for lndependenee from 1954 to HMS2. 10:00® ,.'the Eleotrlo HOl'Mman" (1979, Orama) Robert Redford. Jane Fonda. A Las Vegas oowbOy SIMia a $12 mtlllon thoroughbred horse fO M\4 him from hie eJtP!otta!lw. own.a. 'PG' Cl> "The Aephen Junale'' (1950. Suepenee) Ster· Ung Hayden, Jamee Whitmore. The police are baf- fled by a criminal mestermlnd' s haH-mllllon-doller rob~. 10:06Gl) "The Fighting O'Avnn" (le.9. Actv.nture) ~Carter. Dougtu FaVbenk• Jr. 11:00~ "Loving Couplet" (t980, Comedy) Shirley ~IOI. Jamn Coburn· . • 11:30• "Aoed'e" lieeo; Comedy) MMt Loaf, Kekl Hunter. A rock muelo roedle lett nothing get In his Wl't lo hit ~ of tnt girl of hll dreeme. 'PG' 11:$5(1) "The. Chineee CorillCtlon'' (1973, A<Mn-s ~ Lee. Aoblf1 Biker. ""! Int a» ---;zmr ":!'~· . . .. carve out a fife for themsetves In the bitter wlldef- ness of the North. (2 hrs.) ~ I QUlZKJ06 UfE ON EARTH "Theme And Variation" David ~ Attenborough looks at the wide variety of animals -~ from anteaters to Whales -that seem to be des- cended from a tiny shrew-like mammal. Q ( 1 hr.. ~ 10 min.) . IJD NOVA "Animal lrT)postors" The remarkable ~ forms of de<:eptlon used by both predators and their o. Intended victims -to eat or avoid being eaten -are ~ examined. 9. ( 1 hr.) ~ CH> MOVIE 'The Stunt Man" ( 1980, Drama) Peter 111 O'Toole. Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police. a n disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on ~ a movie set where a World War I epic is being ~ filmed. 'R' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) - Cl) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, le Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before t.l settling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a bar&-fisted fighter signs up for one last, lucrative match. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. •5 min.) II MOVIE "Roadie" ( 1980, Comedy) Meat Loaf, Kakl Hunter. A rock music roadie lets nothing get In his way In his pursuit of the glrl of his dreams. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 8:30• (II LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Carmine becomes famous after surviving a direct hit by a lhtnlng bolt. Q MAUDE ALL IN THE FA.MIL Y DANCE AND DANCERS: KJROV BALLET I Taped performances at the Marylnsky Theater In Leningrad present the works of several historic choreographers Who have left their mark on ballet. £~Jams CENTER 8:..0aJ MOV1E "The Bamboo Prison" (1955, Ora· ma) Robert Francis, Brian Ketth. A U.S. lntelllgence officer goes undercover as an Informer during the Korean War. (1 hr .. 60 min.) 9:00 8 Cl) MOVIE ''The Gift Of life" (Premiere, Dra- ma) Susan Dey, Paul LeMat. A young mother of Tube Topper Bret Maverick Channel 4 -8 p. m . two undertakes a contractual surrogate pregnancy for another woman. (2 hrs.) D e FLAMINGO ROAO Field learns how his late tattier was manipulated by Sheriff Semple, and Con· stance vows to destroy her husband. (1 hr.) • 9 THREFS COMPANY Furley and Larry scheme to keep Jack. Janet and Terri from moving after the three are ottered a dream house. Q i RACING FROM YONKERS MERV QRtfFIN LIFE ON EARTH "Theme And Variation" David Attenborough looks at the Wide variety of animals - ftom anteetef'8 to whales -that seem to be de&- oended from a tiny ahrew41ke mammal. Q (1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Sunday In New Yen" ( 1964, Comedy) alff Robertson, Jane Fonda. After being Jiited by her boyfriend and traveling to New York to visit her brother, a young woman consider• her ~Ion on ~lnlty. (1 hr .. •s min.) C1J MOVIE "Tees" ( 1979, Drama) N88taS8Ul Klnakl, Peter Arth. The daughter of a poor English farmer becomes the victim of her family's aspfratlons and her own beauty. 'A' (2 hrs .. 50 min.) (Q) BARRY MANILOW: IN THE AOUND Manllow nArforms a selection of his hits, Including "Mandy." r.1·w r1te The Songs," "Can't Smite Without You" and "Copacabana." Taped at Pllttburgh's CMc Arena. (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Scanners" ( 1981, Horror) JennHer O' Nelll. Patrick McGoohan. A lethal conflict arises between two tmatl groupt of people whoee extraor- dinary ptychlc pow9('8 hdJde the ablllty to klll t~thlcally. 'A' (1 hr .. •2 min.) 9:10. AMEAICAN PLAYHOUSE "The Great Ameri- can Fourth Of July And Other otseetere" Jean Shepherd'• or1glnal t~oanlert around the bit- tersweet pangs of gr up In the ~ dur1ng the late 19308 and eertv ' Q (1 hf., 10 min.) 9:30. 9 TOO OL08E FOR COMFORT Jlotcle and Sera exchange epartmente With Europ.-n vtaltors -wheee. luggege 11 •MM<f With flntenne. (!) MOVIE ''Where~ LNW" < 1950, Mystery) Robert Mitchum. Feith Oomergue. A oootor talle In love with a women hoYtflng on the t?rlnk of mad-nea. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 11 A PLAY FOR l.OVE "A Rod Of Iron" Oevtd Mef- e«'t atudy of the eummlng up of thr• llwe ~ two eone of en tldeftV ooUPI return to errenoe tot lhllt ttthlr'• flnel Y'M't a1'9r their mothet'• death. llhr, r.) (I) ... ··1112 ..... WOftd . Q.lp" 4 " I ' --------------!ml!..----------24 ~ T=al~~H~=~ (1hc ,30mln.J "' 10:00 D • BARBARA MANDRELL ANO THE MAN- nessman hnds hrmsell with a lot of money and a gorQ!Ous blonde on hrs hands. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 12:30U fJD LATE NIGHT WlTH DAVID LffiEflMAN Guest: dinosaur expert Jim Jensen. ( 1 hr ) '"" DAELL SISTERS Guests: Phyllis Diiier, Mel Tillis. ~ 1>~1~·~ ID NEWS ~ 0 HART TO HART A forgotten fortune in stocks and bonds stashed in a hidden chamber In the Hart mansion makes Jonathan and Jennifer tar- Q!IS for murder (R) Q ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Bronco Billy" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. A former shoe salesman from New Jersey realizes his dream of per1orm1ng In a Wild West show. 'PG' (1 hr .. 57 min.) U REMEMBER WHEN John Byner 1s joined by Henny Youngman and others as they bring the gold· en <1!)'s of TV variety shows back to life. ( 1 hr ) t0:15(J:t) FLASHBACK: THE GREAT PLAGUE E11c Sevareid hosts this documentary look at the Span· ish influenza epidemic of 1918, which claimed 20 million victims worldwide. ( 1 hr ) 10:20 f1D PETE! The career of clarfnetlst Pete Fountain Is traced from his roots 1n Dixieland 10 his present status as top tourist allraction of the Crescent City (1hr .. 10min) 10:j() g) NEWS @ MOVIE "Gun Fury" (1953. Western) Rock Hud· son. Donna Reed A gunslinger sets out In search of his kidnapped f1ancee. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) @SIGNATURE Guest Joe Theisman. ID AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "The Great American Fourth Of July And Other Disasters" Jean Shep- herd's onginal teleplay centers around the bi!· tersweet pangs of growing up In the Midwest during the late 1930s and early '40s. Q ( 1 hr.) • 10:"5 (%) MOVIE "The Chinese Connection" ( 1973. Adventure) Bruce Lee. Robert Baker. A martial arts student sets out to avenge !he murder of his teacher in wtlich a rrval school was Involved. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 47 minJ_ 11:00 8 D 8 Cl) 9 fJD NEWS I SATUROAY NIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN Tube Topper Barbara Mandrell Channel 4 -JO p.m TARGETS FOR A KILLER -A forgotten fortune in stocks and bonds stashed in a hidden chamber in the Hart mansion m ak es Jon athan and Jennifer <Robert Wagner and Stefanie PowersJ t argets for murder on ABC I Ch. 7> Tuesday at 10 p.m . Cf) MOVIE "Deathdream" ( 1972. Horror) John Marley. Richard Backus. The parents of a man sup-" posedly killed In Vietnam are shocked when tie !!Epears at their doorstep. (2 hrs.) ID MOVIE "The Culpepper Cattle Co." ( 1972, Western) Gary Grimes. Luke Askew. A teen-ager becomes a mature cowboy during a tong. drf1icult cattle drive to Colorado. (2 hrs.) I LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE FOCUS ON SOCIETY NHL HOCKEY St. Louis Blues vs Winnipeg Jets (2 hrs .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Competition" ( 1980. Drama) Richard Dreyfuss. Amy Irving. Two pianists at a San Francisco music competition find that their tove for each other conflicts with their professional ambi- tions. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) 9 COUPLES (Part 2) A wife's extra mar11a1-attairs are posing a problem to her marriage. Dr. Walter Brackelmanns hosts this series. «!)NEWS @A PLAY FOR LOVE "A Rod Of Iron" David Mer- cer's study ot lhe summing up of three lives when two sons ot an elderly couple return 10 arrange for their father's final years alter their mother's death (1 hr ) 0 MOVIE "The Filth Floor" ( 1980. Drama) Bo Hopkins. Dianne Hull. An sane young woman Is incarcerated 1n a bizarre mental hospital where vio- lence and drug abuse are the order of lhe day 'R' U hr., 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Changeling" ( 1980, Horror) George C. Scott. Trish Van Devere. A widowed music professor rents an old house 1ha1 appears 10 be haunted by a restless spmt with a 50·year-old score to sel!le. 'R' ( 1 hr , 47 min.) 12:4'5(C) MOVIE "The Angel Wore Red" ( 1960, Ora- ma) Ava Gardner. Dirk Bogarde A pries! leaves his order 10 return 10 a world rocked by a violent war ( 1 hr , 40 mm.) 1:00 U MOVIE "Caribbean" ( t952. Adventure) John Payne. Arlene Dahl. Pirates In !he 1700s attempt to take over a Caribbean island. (2 hrs.) a> MOVIE "The Amerlcano" ( 1955, Ofama) Glenn Ford. Frank Lovejoy. A Texas cowboy finds romance and adventure when he attempts 10 deliver prize Brahma bulls to Brazil. ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 1: 10 8 MOVIE "Don'! Make Waves" ( 1967, Come- dy) Tony Curtis. Claudia Cardinale. When his car IS hit. a 1ourls1 in Southern California winds up falling In love with the cute lltfle Italian fender-bender who is responsible. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) dlNEWS 1:300 fl) NEWS CID MOVIE "The Electrlc Horseman" ( 1979, Ora· ma) Roben Redford. Jane Fonda. A Las Vegas · cowboy steals a $12 mlllion thoroughbred horse to save him from his exploitative owners. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 2:oom MOVIE "The Lady vanishes" ( 1938, Mys- Tube T<>pJ>er "Gift of Lifeu Channel 2 -9 p m I THEJEFFERSONS 12:058 MCCLOUD McClood tries to break in a new tery) Michael Redgrave, Paul Lukas. An elder1y SANFORD ANO SON partner while investigating a nattonal car thell ring. Englishwoman disappears from a European express QUIZ KIDS (Al (2 hrs .. 16 min.) train. ( 1 hr . 50 min.) MOVIE "From Noon Till Three" ( 1977. Ofama) Cl) MCCLOUD McCloud tries lo break In a new g ACADEMY SHORTS Charles Bronson. Jill Ireland. A drifter Is recruited partner while Investigating a national car theft ring 2:05 Cf) NEWS Into a rag-tag robbery gang. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) (A) (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 2: 10a1) RAT PATROL (!)THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 12:16@ MOVIE "Value For Money" ( t955. Comedy) Cl) MOVIE "One-Trick Pony" ( 1980. Drama) Paul (DMOVIE "Taking Ott" (1971. Drama) Buck Hen~ John Gregson. Diana Dors. A miserly youna busl-Simon. Blair Brown. A once-popular per1ormer ts ry, Lynn Carlin. A fastidious middle-aged couple pressured by everyone around him 10 drop his style take a second look at !heir own values and mOl'als Af:v-T"ERN()()N MO;\ 'JES of music and write songs that can bring him back to when !hey set out to find their runaway teen-age ' 1. r v the top 40. 'A' ( 1 hr . 39 min.) daugf'lter. (1hr.,40 min,) 2:2oe NEWS CO} MOVIE "GOOdbye. Emmanuelle" ( 1977. Ora-12:0011 "Man On A String" ( 1971, Adventure) 2:30(f) MOANING STRETCH ma) Sylvla Kristel. A beautiful woman's search tor CMstopher George, Wiiiiam Schallert. CC) MOVIE "Belles Of St. Trinlan's" (1954, Come- lhe ultimate erotic experience brings her 10 a star-e "Bonjour Tristesse" ( 1959. Orama) David dy) Alastair Sim. Joyce Grenfell. The problems ot tlhig realization. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) Niven. Deborah Kerr. running a girls' school are Increased by the arrive I of e WOMEN'S MUO WRESTllNG "World Light· • "Casanova Brown" ( 1944, Comedy) Gary the headmistress's bookmaker brother. ( 1 hr .. 20 welgl'lt Championship" (1 hr .. 30 min.) Cooper, Teresa Wright. min.) 11:308 Cl) ALICE Allee and Flo discover that the CJD "The Rollicking Adventures Of Eliza Fraser" Cl) SPORTSWOMAN same man has made dates with both of them. (A) ( 1976. Adventure) Susannah York. John Waters. It MOVIE "Little Darlings" ( 1980, Comedy) D •TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest; Rich-Cl) "One-Trick Pony" ( 1980, Drama) Paul Simon. Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNlchol. At summer camp. ard Pryor. (1 hr.) Blair Brown. two teen-age girls compete to see who will be the 19 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE 1:00 Cf) "Koroshl" ( 1967. Adventure) Patrick first to lose her virginity. 'A' ( 1 hr., 32 min.) ALL IN THE FAMILY McGoohan. Yoko Tani. (%)MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" ( 1981, Comedy) Rich· LOVE, AMERtCAN STYLE CC) "From Noon Tiii Three" ( 1977, D<ama) Charles ard PryOI', Cioely Tyson. A bUmbllng burglar. a oon- OANCE ANO DANCERS: KIROV BALLET I Bronton, Jiii Ireland. cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a Taped pertormanoes at the Maryfnsky Theater in 1:36(Z) "Big Bad Mama" (1974. Adventure) AnQle frightening cross-eountry trip In a broken-down Leningrad p<esent the wens of aeveral historic Dickinson. Wiiiiam Shatner. school bua. 'R' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) choreographers Who have left their mark on bellet. 2:00(I) "The Terrorists" (1976. Ofama) Sean Con-2:40e NEWS i hr.) ~. Ian MoShane. al) ~QAU) AT LAAGE ~>~~~-v .. don. <••" 21 "~~~~<::. °::7s'. :::: "='.r.~=.t.:,:.5.~~ ~ MOVIE Rachel Roberts, Dominic Guard. blOod type Is sought as a heart donor. (1 hr .. SO "'~·) c i'1n'Atny Whlcoodh w:t."!...00 L~~.. <ee19f80• S:ooe "M~ FaVOtlte BNMtte" (1947, ComedY) mln~ """''"""1 EUtw • ~""a ..,....e. Ol'e Bob Hooe. Dorothy La'1lQUf. 3:00 I SPY settling down wtth his girl and pet orangutan, a CB) "When Hell Was In SeMion" ( 1979, Orama) Hal i FRANKLIN blre-f!Sl~.'~!" ~ ~ for oroe last. IUCfatl'Ve Holbrook. Ev• Met1e Saint. N£W8 12:00;· ~~t.~· TONtGHT An lnt8Mew CJ) "Scanners" (1981. Horror) Jennlt•r O'Nefft, All.STAR SOCCER lpswleh vs. West Bromwich wtth Albert Rnney. Patrick McGoohan. Albion ( 1 hr.) eD FANTASY 18lANDTwoglrttgoona 4e.hoUr 8:30(C) "The Kid From Left Fletd'' (1.979• Orama) 3:30 00 MOVIE "Charlle Chan And The CUr9e Of The soendlna epree Ind a hunter t>eoomea the hunted. ~~~=u=~Cl980, ~c:Mtnture) Oregon OuMn" (1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov. (R) ( 1 fir .. 10 min.) Animated. Richard Hatch. Charlie Chen la aided by his bum-•~"My Favorite BNnttte" (1M 7, Come-• "Tht Shogun Wen1orl: ~;.~~ F bllng grandlon In IOlvlng. string Of m4.Wdetl. 'PG' <ty) Bob Hope, Ootothy t..lmour. A mytttrioul *"'..,) A_._,,...,. • ~ ~ ·~~ (1hr.,30m.) woman~1bebyl)halogr9P1Wtobec:ome _, , ........ "'Vta1ntri ,......,. ...,"' 3:50• MOVIE "I Cowt Tht lJncMrworld" (1964. •r--t/11Uth·49lal ••••""' ~Dlf~llW8dn. => Stet'IMoelotY.JowlJ t, ,. ..... ~~~3.~L-aft!!!J'~''l!'lt8~r~49;1!1!t~!Y~l--.;'fi::MiO~i~=iiil.._ .. ~~:;:~~==~-~ .. ~·~·~·~Y~,.~· .. ~·!~~~~.,..:::~·'*!5~·.1~r~~r;-·u~.:r·~~4 ... ------~~----~---------.........-\. Wednesday 6:00 II D G NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS LYNN SHACKELFORD MUSIC WORLO ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSON$ HAWAII FIVE-0 NBC NEWS 1 NEEDLECRAFT MOVIE "Olly. Olly Oxen Free" ( 1978. Adven- ture) Katharine Hepburn. Dennis Olmster A high- spirited woman takes oft 1n a balloon with two young boys en route to <1n exciting adventure. 'G' t! hr .. 31 min.) CS) MOVIE "Rockshow" (1980, Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings. This record of the band's U S. tour includes per1ormances of "Je1," "Band On The Run." "Silly Love Songs" and some old Beatie ballads. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 6: 15 e PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 6:200 LOS ANGELES VS. UTAH JAl.Z e WHAT ABOUT TOMORROW? Dick Cavett nar- rates this documentary which e>lplores the world of basic research and the people who are looking for answers that may add to our knowledge and the benefit of mankind. 6:30()). NEWS (!) NHL HOCKEY Colorado Rockies vs. New York Islanders (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I BARNEY MtLLER WELCOME BACK, KOTIER KRAFT MUSIC HALL "Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra" The Philadelphia Orchestra presents "Scheherazade" and other clas- SICS from the Russian repertoire. ( 1 hr.) ID BUSINESS REPORT ~ MOVIE "Girl Friends" ( 1978. Drama) Melanie Mayron, Ell Wallach. A young woman learns the car- dinal rules of romance by watching the "fhngs" of her closest friend and deciding to have one herself ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 6:50(1Z)NEWS e OVER EASY "Age Discrimination" Guest· Lucine Amara of the New York Metropolitan Opera. 7:~/ti CBS NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A suburban housewife and mother who became a Penthouse center1old; a heli- ce>pter trapeze daredevil. 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Peter Ustinov. I M•A•S•H JOKER'S WllD THEMUPPETS SHAPE Sail In and Shape Try on our and Jecketa Look trin Skort All the looks lor ship ) t' AHOY up with PeNChe SailOf Pants. Tops In a Mini. Zou-ave or you need or shore al PAN"ACHE 1 5:30 221 MARINE BALBOA ISLAND 673·1810 SHOW PREMIERES Ron Silver and Cindy Weintr aub star as undercover cops who are r omantically involved in ··Baker 's Dozen:· a new half-hour comedy series premiering Wednesday at 9· 30 p.m. on CRS 1Ch. 2 1 - '9 DICK CAVETI Guest: Gwen Verdon. (Part 2) (B) CD MOVIE ··Funhouse" ( 1981, Horror) Elizabeth Bemdge. Sylvia Miles. Four teen-agers spend a frlghlful night In a carnival funhouse inhabited by a demented barker and his monstrous son. 'R' ( 1 hr . 35min.) cm THE WAY IT WAS ''The Triple Crown" Jockeys Eddie Arcaro and Ron Turcotte compare the achievements of Triple Crown legends Citation ( 1948) and Secretariat ( 1973). 7: 16 CZ) MOVIE "Hester Street" ( 1975, Orama) Carol Kane. Steven Keats. A Jewish immigrant cou- ple have problems when the wife Is unable to Ameri- canize herself last enough to suit her Yankee-wor- ship£ing husband. ( 1 hr., 32 min.) 7:SO 9 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a St. Patrick's Day look at the Irish in Los Angeles; a visit to Gentle Jungle. where animals are trained for the movies; an unusual tour of burial places of some famous Holly- wood celebrities. LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY I . FAMILY FEUO EYE ON L A. Featured: a report on gaSoline pric- es; a look at dome homes, (I). TIC TAC DOUGH di YOU ASKED FOR IT ·Piee•-- 011111 Sllop ;1.o.-_~ • HANDMADE QUll.TS • GIFTS .-..J • ANTIQVES • F'ABRICS • BEGINNING TO ADVANCED CL.ASSES • DOU.MAKING SUPPl...IES 2101 ...... &VD. (Neat ToAlletlOft't, • ,,...._, 141·1112 I M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: Connie Francis. JI MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT THE COUSTEAU ODYSSEY "The Warm-Blood-2. ed Sea: Mammals Of The Deep" Captain Cousteau ~ traces the evolution of sea Ille. the warm-blooded r "revolu11on·· and the return of mammals like whales. ~ seals and dolphins to the sea. ( 1 hr.) CID WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS "1982 Caesars Pal-~ ace Invitational'· Olymp1c-<:lass gymnasts compete a. tor all-around and individual titles in floor exercise, ~ the horse vault. 1he balance beam and the uneven ~ bars. ( 1 hr.) 111 cm NHL HOCKEY Calgary Flames vs. Los Angeles n Kin~ (3 hrs.) =r 8:00 B ()) HERBIE. THE LOVE BUG (Premiere) ~ Herbie the Volkswagen and hlS owner Jim (Dean - Jones) stumble on an attempted bank robbery and ~ rescue a hostage. ( 1 hr ) D OD REAL PEOPLE Featured: a 75-year old vol- unteer fireman: a restaurant where the menus are written on the waitresses, the preppy vs. an11-prep-. ey controversy. ( 1 hr.) U MOVIE "The WaJ LOfd" (1965, Drama) Charl- ton Heston. "'Richard Boone. A knight moves to the North Sea shore and establishes a town. (2 hrs.) 8 @) THE GAEA TEST AMERICAN HERO Ralph Inadvertently Inspires three of his lellow teachers to take wild chances. ( 1 hr ) GJ P.M. MAGAZINE A suburban housewife and mother who became a Penthouse centerfold: a heh-• copter trapeze daredevil. e MOVIE "Wilderness Journey" ( 1970. Adven- ture) Adventure. A young Alaskan Indian boy risks danger 1n order to locate his father and destroy the demons ot ancle<lt legends. (2 hrs.) Qt STYLE Featured: chic half mal<80\lef from Cinandre's; dress for success clothes: the bath- room. • THE COUSTEAU ODYSSEY "The Warm-Blood- ed Sea· Mammals Of The Deep" Captain Cousteau traces the evolution of sea life. the warm-blooded "revolution" and the return of mammals like whales. seals and dolphins to the sea. ( 1 hr .. tO min.) ~MOVIE "It's Allve" (1974. Horror) John Ryan, Sharon Farrell. A bouncing baby comes into the world with fangs. claws and a strong destre to kill i hr., 30 min.) SPORTS CENTER BIZARRE "Roaster's Family" MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1939. Comedy) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard In order to collect their inheritance. a family mu&t spend the night In a haunted house. ( 1 hr .. 14 min.) 8:06@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30. ALL IN THE FAMILY @ ONE OF A KIND: HOPPER'S SILENCE Brian O'Doherty's documentary of his friend and painter Edward Hopper. one of the mafor 20th Century American Reallsts. ( 1 hr.) 8i) THE VANtSHING GIANTS Loretta Swtt narrates a documentary on the dangers facing the world's whale population and steps being taken to aid In their survival. CID MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt. A kidnapped diplomat discov- ers the Himalayan kingdom of Shangri-La. a place of eternal peace and immortality. (1 hr .. 55 min.) Cl) EU81EI A soirited tribute to the genius of com- I 1 I 16 ~ ~y {continued) ! poser Eubie Blake. featuring 24 of his best songs N Including "In Honeysuckle Time" and "I'm Just Wiid ... About Harry." ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) £ 8:36 an MOVIE "The Seven Llllle Foys" ( 1955, Musl-iV cal) Bob Hope, Miiiy Vitale. Eddie Foy's lltelong ~ ambilion to play the top vaudeville house. The Pal- >. aoe. Is thwarted when he discovers that his wife is m pr~nt. (2 hrs.) & 9:00 B Cl) WKAP IN CINCINNATI Herb and Jennifer are trapped man elevator when the bUlldlng catches fire. D THE FACTS OF LIFE Natalie vows revenge when Blair embarrasses her in front ol everyone. 8 0 THE FALL GUY Colt sends Howle and Jodie off to Nevada to pick up a check forger tor Big Jack. ~~Ju ASKED FOR IT ~ MOVIE "The Baby And The Ballleshlp" ( 1956, Comedy) John Mills, Richard Allenborough. A ship's crew temporarily adopts a baby who has been smuggled on board. (2 hrs.) I MERV GRIFFIN LOOK ALIVE MOVIE "Auntie Mame" (1958, Comedy) Rosal- ind Russell. Forres! Tucker After the death of his parents. a young boy beeomes the ward of his llam- boyanl and eccentric aunt. (3 hrs.) (() POCKET BILLIARDS "Legendary Stars Series" Luther Lassiter vs. Cowboy Jimmy Moore ( 1 hr.) CO MOVIE "The Man Who Fell To Earth" ( 1976. Science-Fiction) David Bowie, Candy Clark. A rock star from an alien planet. on an Interplanetary search tor water for his people, becomes an exploll· ed millionaire on Earth. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) (Z) MOVIE "Billy Jack" (1971, Drama) Tom Laughlin. Delores TaylOr An ex-Green Beret h<'ll· breed champions the cause ol a freedom school tor runaways on an Arizona lhdlan reservation. ( 1 hr., 52 min.) - 9:10. LIGHTS! CAMERA! ANNIE! "The Ma.king Of A Major Hollywood Musical" In three entertaining Tube 1bpper Real People Channel 4 -8 p.m. acts, songs, Interviews and special production num- bers highlight an Inside look at life on the set of a big Hot~ood musical. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) 9:30 9 Cl) BAKER'S DOZEN (Premiere) A pair of undercover cops pose as swingers to nab a suspect at a singles' bar In lower Manhattan. B e LOVE. SIDNEY Sidney and Laurie discover 1hat the fire that destroyed their living room was set ~Patti. Ill BULLSEYE QI KRAFT MUSIC HALL "Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra" The Phlladelphla Orchestra presents "Scheherazade" and other clag. sics from the Russian repertoire. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "North By Northwest" ( 1959, Suspense) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint. An adver- tising man's life Is changed drastically when he Is mistaken for a CIA agent. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) e MOVIE "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. The clownish member of a barelY human prehistoric tribe begins to discover that brains and not brawn wlll be the key 10 his ~!e's survival. 'PG' (\hr .. 31 min.) 10:00 9 Cl) SHANNON Shannon discovers that the arsonist he Is looking for Is his formef boyhood adversary. ( 1 hr.) B e QUINCY Quincy works with a "retired" Nazi hunter to track dOwn the klllet of a holocaust survi- •• NEWS vor., hr.) .... I DYNASTY Blake awa.ils the results of a blood tesl 10 see If Fallon Is Ns daughter, and Jef1 catches Claudia stealing Denver Cartlngton's secret oil file. ( 1 hr.) Cl) COLLEGE BASKETBALL REPORT "National Collegiate Regional Cl'llmplonthlp'' Cl) M'OVIE '1'he Big Red One'' ( 1980. AdventUte) Lee Marvin. Mari( Hamlll. A tough Army aergeent leads four young, lnexperlenQed recruits Into the vlo- lence-fllled fray of World War II combat. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 63 min.) 10:20. A OAEAM CAUED PUBLIC TElEVISK>N The hletory and growth of poblle televl9'on over nearly 30 years Is chrOf'llcled: Orton Welles narrates. 10:ac> NEWS {1h=. . ~t:CoMleFt~ ~~ .. ·-· ..... --.. ·-· ·;--. -· ....... -·. --· --·----·· THE FALL GUY -Stuntwoman Jodie (Heather Thomas> is sent to Nevada by Colt Severs (Lee Maj orsi .to pick up a c heck forger for -Big J ack on ··The Fall Guy " Wednesday at 9 p.m. on ABC 1Ch 7 1 tax savings to Investment ideas 1n the stock marker and money market funds Is offered. ( 1 hr ) CO) MOVIE "The Octagon" ( 1980, Adventure) Chuck Norris, Lee Van Cleef. A wealthy young wom- an hires a retired martial arts champion to protecr her from terrorists trained by the myslefious Ninja cult. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 10:35@ MOVIE "The Great O'Malley" ( 1937. Dra- ma) Pat O'Brien, Humphrey Bogart. An unbending policeman sees no reason to altet the rules as he sees them. even !of a poor man who turns to crime as a means to support his crippled daughter. ( 1 hr .. 30mlng · 11:008 e Cl) O e NEWS ISA AYNtGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN THE JEFFERSON$ SANFORO ANO SON STYLE Featured: chic hair makeover from Clnandre's: dress for success clothes; the bath- room. Cl) SPORTSWOMAN 00 M~VIE "Tribute" ( 1980. Drama) Jack Lem· MORNING MOVI ES 8:00• "The Cat And The Canary" (1939, Come- dy) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard. In order to col- leet their Inheritance. a family must spend the night In a haunted house. (Z) "Biiiy Jack" (1971, Drama) Tom Laughlin, Delores Taylor. An ex-Green Beret half-breed cham- plOns the cause of a freedom school for runaways on an Arizona Indian reservation. 8:06 an "Three Cheers For The Irish" ( 1940) Irene Harvey, Dennis Morgan. A retired policeman Is per- suaded by his daughters to run for offioe. (2 hrs.) 9:00(C) "Caddle" (1981, Drama) Helen M0<98, Jack Thompson. 9:30• "New Frontier" ( 1939. Western) John Wayne. Ray Corrigan. e "Allegro Non Troppo" ( 1976, Fantasy) Animat- ed. Life In the machine age Is satirized. 'PG' 10:00® "A Nightingale Seng In Berkeley Square" ( 1979, Comedy) Richard Jordan, David 'Niven. The night watchman at a Br1tlah Bank It tempted to return to a life of crime. (I) "A Global Atfa.lr" ( 198.4, COmedy) Bob Hope, Qlo Pulver. Cl) "Saboteur" ( 1942. ~) Prlacltla Lane, Robert Cummlnge. Accueed of sabotage and the murder of hit best friend, a man seta OU1 10 find the real Nazi saboteurs. 10:06@ "The Oeughtlf Of Rolle O'Grady" (1950. Muelcal) June Haver. G0tdon MecAae. 11:00CC> "North ey Nort:hwett'' (1959. Suspense} Cery Grant, Eva Merle Saint. ~ ~-W7l • I ~ mon. Hobby Benson. An 1rrespons1ble Broadway press agenr begins 10· regret his wasled Ille and his renuous relatlonsh1p with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "Manhattan" ( 1979, Comedy) WOOdy Allen. Diane Keaton. A New York City comedy writ· er breaks up with his long-time girlfriend to squire around an 1ntellec1ually vapid teen-ager. 'A' (1 hr .. 36 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( 1970, Mystery) Mark Lester. Susan George. A young boy known tor hav- ing an overactive lmaginauon can't convince any- one that he has witnessed the murder of a promi- nent black man. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 11:201 DICK CAVITT Guest: Julian Bond. (R) 11:30 MOVIE "The Last Tycoon" ( 1976, Drama) Robert DeNlro. Jeanne Moreau. Based on lhe novel by F Scott Fitzgerald A young genius becomes head of production at a major Hollywood studio. IB> J.2 hrs .. 15 min ) D GD TONIGHT Hosr: Johnny Gatson. Guest: Carl Reiner. (1 hr ) I @)ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE THE WHITE ESCAPE .ALL IN THE FAMILY . LOV~. AMERICAN STYLE ONE OF A K.INO: HOPPER'S SILENCE Brian O'Doherty's documentary of his friend and painter Edward Hopper, one of the ma1or 20th Century American Realists. ( 1 hr ) CE) SPORTS CENTER CO MOVIE "The Divine Nymph" ( 1976, Romance) Laura Antonelli, Marcello Mastroianni. A young nobleman and his cousin fall In love with a beautiful young woman who Is not what she appears to be. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 11:4'5. THE GIFT OF BLACK FOLK An account of three black leaders: Denmark Vesey. Harriet Tub- man and Frederick Douglas m the light against slav- ~· lkJ MOVIE "H.O.T.S.I" ( 1979, Comedy) Susan Kiger. Lisa London. A sorority reiect decides to form her own club of co-eds who concentrate on gratify- ing sex-starved collegians. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Tube lhpper .. Auntie Mame'' Channel 5'J -9 p m t2:00e ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Peter Ustinov. 8 0 LOVE BOAT Four people share I heir marital problems. a man cheats at cards to pay for the trip, and Doc Is assigned to protect a woman's virtue. i ) (1 hr .. 10 min.) WONDER WOMAN MOVIE "Call Me Bwana" ( 1963, Comedy) Bob Hope. Anita Ekbetg. An author-explOref finds romance and danger when he is sent to Africa on a secret government mlsslon to find a space capsule. {?hrs.) Cf) MOVIE "Rogue Cop" !Part t ) (1955, Drama) Robert Taylor, Janet Leigh. A policeman plans to avenge the death of his brother despite the posslblll- ty that he will be Incriminated for accepting btlbes. {?hrs.) • MOVIE "The Neptune Disaster" ( 1973, Adven- ture) Ben Gazzara. Yvette Mlmleux. A rescue telm races to save three men trapped underwater near 1Nov~5~t~M~~N STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORT'S FORUM WHATS UP AMERICA! This month's edition features a well-known tattoo artist, a look at the world of transexuallty and a group of Orange Coun- ty residents whO rellve the 50s. ( f hr.) 12:06 an MOVIE "Chuba900'' ( t 968, Drama) Richard Egan, Christopher Jones. A youth resolves some Inner conflicts when he joins a tuna fishing fleet. (2 hrah!O min.) 12:16u,v M<ME "Happy Birthday, Gemini" (1980. ~) Madeline Kahn, Rita Moreno. A Harvard student s birthday pany at his family's South Phi• delphla home be()omes an eye-opening experience for his visiting classmates. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 52 min.) 12:30 •• LATE NIGHT WfTH DAW> LETT'£RMAN Quests: Ted Turner. courtroom ar11sl Ida Dengrove. u ht.) • OOUPLE'8 Todays episode features an alcohollC hulband who beats his wife. I=-MU8tC HALL "Eugene Ormandv And The Phlladalphla OrchMtre" The Phlledelphla Orchestra ptl9ef'ltl "Scheherazade" and other clas- stcs from the Austlen repertoire. ( 1 hr.) (I) TOP RAM< IOXINO From M•nllc Clly. ~ Jnty. (2 tn .. 30 min) Wednesday (continued) 12:45(%) MOVIE "Saboteur" ( 1942, Suspense) Pris- cilla Lene, Robert Cummings. Accused of sabotage and the murder of his bes! friend, a man sets out lo find the real Nazi saboteurs. ( 1 hr .. 48 min.) 1:008 MOVIE "Far Horizons" ( 1955, Adventure) Charlton Heston. Fred MacMurray. Two lrontiers- men survey the Louisiana Territory after Its pur- chase. (2 hrs.) ti) MOVIE "The Last Days Of Pompeii" (1960. Adventure) Steve Reeves. Christine Kaufmann. A courageous Roman battles gladiators to rescue a beautiful Christian girl ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CJ) MO'-E "Humanoids From The Deep" (1980. Horror) Doug McClure. Ann Turkel. Loathsome creatures from the ocean's depths attack a Calllor- nia coastal town. killing the men and raping the women. 'R' ( 1 hr . 20 min.) 0 MOVIE "The Competition" ( 1980, Drama) Richard Dreyfuss. Amy Irving. Two pianists at a San Francisco music competition find that their love for each other conflicts with their professional ambi- tions. 'PG' (2 hrs . 9 min.) 1:05 ® MOVIJ: "American Pop" (1981. Musical) Animated. The history of American pop music, from vaudeville 10 rock 'n' roll, Is traced through several generations of a family of musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.} 1: 10D MOVIE "The Ruthless Four" ( 1970, West- ern) Van Heflin, Gilbert Roland. A quartet of eager prospectors ballles each other and the elements to locate gold ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Q:t NEWS 1:20 CC) MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980. Comedy) Gii- da Radner. Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential faml- ly complicates h8f father's attempts to conduct the affairs of state. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) 1:30llDNEWS 1:45 NEWS 2:00 MOVIE "Barabbas" ( 1962, Adventure) Anthony Quinn. Silvana Mangano. The thief released in lieu of Jesus wrestles with the quirks of fate that follow him ever after. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 2:05iNEWS 2:15 RAT PATROL 2:20 MOVIE "Cry Danger" (195t, Mystery) Dick Powell. Rhonda Fleming. An ex-con returns to ave~e his wrongful imprisonment ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 2:30 (!) MOANING STRETCH R Denis Russell O.P.M . F'OOt Specialist *15.Clildren-Seniors CXMPLETE FOOT CARE: t IHl'TIAL ~ FREE & CONSULT. TION 979-0313 11100 Waner #D Fountain Valley Adjacent To Fountain Valley Hospital ' • classified ads phone 642-5678 I ~- CJ) MOVIE "The Ex1erminator" ( 1980, Drama) Christopher George, Samantha Eggar. After his war buddy 1s left paralyzed by a New York yooth gang. a Vietnam vet decides to take his revenge by murder- ing street criminals through gruesome. tortuous means. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 4 1 min.) 2:40DNEWS 2:45«l)WOALO AT LARGE (H) STANDING ROOM ONLY "Slmoo And Garfunk- el: The Concert In The Park" Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel perform old favorites In their first joint concert in 11 years, taped during the summer of '81 In New York City's Central Park. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Big Bad Mama'' (1974, Adventure) AFTERNOON MOVIES 12:008 "The Cat Creature" (1973. Mystery) Mere- dith Baxter. Stuart Whitman. G) "Top Secre1 Affair" I 1957. Comedy) Susan Hayward. Kirk Douglas. ti) "The Rising Of The Moon" {1957, Drama) Cyril Cusack, Noel Purcell Introduced by Tyrone Power. A trilogy of different stories examines Ireland and Its people. (2 hrs.) CH> "Tribute" (1980, Orama) Jack Lemmon, Robby Benson. An Irresponsible Broadway press agent begins to regret his wasted Ille and his tenuous rela- tionship with his grown son. 'PG' CJ) "The Big Red One" (1980. Adventure) Lee Marvin. Mark Hamill. A toogh Army sergeant leads foor young. inexperienced recruits Into lhe vlolence- fllled fray of World War II combat. 'PG' CZ) "The Chinese Connection" (1973, Adventure) Bruce Lee, Robert Baker. 1:00(!) "MisSlon Monte Carlo" (1981, Adventure) Roger Moore, Tony Curtis. Two high-living adventur- ers become involved in gold smuggling and murder. (2 hrs.) 1:30CC) "The Attic" ( 1979, Horror) Carrie Snodgress, Ray Milland. A librarian lives in the past with her memories of a love who disappeared. 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 1:45(%) "Bustln' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Richard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. 2:00(l) "Dressed To Kill" (1980. Suspense) Michael Caine, AnQie Dickinson. II "The Man Who ~aw lomorrow" (1981, Biogra- phy) Documentary. Narrated by Orson Welles. HEARING AID BAnERIES S 1 OFF! wmtlMISAD Campbell Hearing Aids In Montgomery Ward Bldg Huntinc)ton C...ter 16")trcrt1Hclt 898-4833 6 Hearing Aid Batteries • Enjoy Teriyaki • Tempura • Sushi bar prepared by our ramous J apanese Chef • Beer • Wine • Saki • Open 7 Days 5 pin 'tU Midnight 3840 E. Coest Hwy• COrona dei Mer, Ca (714) 673-3933 s; i!. C-' ""'Y .. l!J. P'llle . • Crownt Angie Dickinson, Wiiham Shatner. A woman cuts a path of violence and romance through the South-~ west ot the 1930s 'R' ( 1 hr., 23 min.) 3:00 8 ISPY i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS r MOVIE "It's Alive" ( 1974, Horror) John Ryan, S Sharon Farrell. A bouncing baby comes Into the · world with fangs, claws and a strong desire to kill. ~ L! hr .. 30 min.) g. CE) POCKET BILLIARDS "Legendary Stars Toorna-"!' ment" Luther Lassiter vs. Cowboy Jimmy Moore ( 1 ~ hr.) ~ 3:30g MOVIE "Apocalypse Now" (1979, Drama) n Marlon Brando. Martin Sheen. Directed by Francis : Ford Coppola. An Intelligence agent embarks on a !'> mission up river Into the Vietnamese jungle to find iD and kin a mysterious, AWOL Army offloer who has a> foiled all previous attempts at his capture 'R' (2 N hrs .. 19 min.) 4:00 8 THE AMERICANS Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART ([)SPORTS CENTER •:05 Q?) FUNTIME Tube Topper Shannon Channel 2 -10 p.m 4: 10(.Z) MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( 1970, Mystery) Mark Lester, Susan George. A young bOy known for hav- ing an overactive Imagination can't convince any- one that he has witnessed the murder of a promi- nent black man. ( 1 hr .. 25 min ) 4: 15® MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Cotman. Jane Wyatt. A kidnapped dipiomat discovers the Himalayan kln9dom of Shangri-La, a place of eternal peace and immortality. ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) (S) A CELEBRATION Some of the biggest stars ot pop-country music perform their greatest hits at The Forum In Los Angeles; Included are Maureen McGo- vern ("The Morning After"), Kris Kristofferson ("Bobby Magee"), Rocky Burnette ("Tear II Up"). Glen Campbell ("Rhinestone Cowboy"). HAVE YOU BEEM INJURED? •AUTO ACCIDENTS •CONSTRUCTION AOOOENTS •PERSONAL. ACCIDENTS The Law Offices of R. Steven Peters Emphasizes in the Handling· of Personal Injury Claims that may be the Result of Accid~nts. We will Make Sure That you. Obtain all That you are Legally Entitled. . . _ Call for a FREE Consultation and Determine What Rights you Have against all Parties. Including Insurance Companies . • Housecalls or hospital visits can be arranged. Law OHie•• 134-0133 et Z4HIS . R. STEVEN PEIERS, INC. ... M. ---:.~ •• = t8 ~Thursday s: u ... IO ~ 1-~\.L\:I\:(; ~ ~ 6:008 DD NEWS iE CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSON$ HAWAII AVE-0 NBC NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Baltleground" (1949, Adventure) Van Johnson, John Hodlak. American soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division engage in the French cam- paign and the Battle of the Bulge. (2 hrs.) CHl THOSE FABULOUS CLOWNS Richard Kiiey hosts this documentary saluting the world's greatest clowns. from the circus ring. to the silver screen. using film footage. dramatic re-enactments end still eb_otos. ( 1 hr.) lSJ MOVIE ''Why Would I Lie?" ( 1980, Comedy) Treat Williams. Lisa Eichhorn. A compulsive liar upsets the status quo with his refusal to conform. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) Cl ACADEMY SHORTS 6: 16. PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 6:20. THE HUMMINGBIRD MAN A profile ot Rus- sell Ogg. a ~ommerclal photographer who lost near- ly all his vision through a bout with diabetes 6:30 (I) a NEWS I BARNEY MILLEA WELCOME BACK, KOTTER BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "Thunderbirds In Outer Space" ( 1981, Adventure) Puppets. The Thunderbirds race against time 10 stop a rocket from colliding with the sun._J 1 hr .. 30 min.) 6:-45 CZ) MOVIE "Saboteur" ( 1942. Suspense) Pris- cilla Lane. Rober1 Cummings. Accused of sabotage and the murder of his best friend. a man sets out to find the real Nazi saboteurs. ( 1 hr .. 48 min.) 6:50@NEWS e OVER EASY "Cancer" Guest: Amanda Blake. (R)_Q 7:00 9 CBS NEWS HAPPY DAYS ~GAIN ABC NEWS I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A man who Is waiting for the proper donor for a much-needed hear1 transplant: a disc jockey who acts as an on-the-air matchmaker. I YOU ASKED FOR rT MEET THE MAYORS ENJERT AINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Bo Derek. IM•A*S•H JOKER'S WILD THEMUPPETS DICK CAVETT Guest: Julian Bond. (A) COLLEGE BASKETBALL "National Collegiate sssssssssssssssssss ~ . ~ ~ ~ FAST CASH ....... ~ ~ ~·1st 2nd 3rd TD's ~ ~ ,.,_.. •• t•aNCI to,_.__. ~ • Short Tenn ~ • !_.Ol)g Term ~ • Swmg Loans ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE . . . The teachers plan a show for the students and Doris (Valerie La ndsburg> attempts to tell noth ing but the truth fo r a day on .. Fa me .. Thursday al 8 p m. on NBC <C h. 4 I. Championship" Regional Semi-Finals (Game 2) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ® THE LlnLEST MERMAID Animated. Richard Chamberlain narrates Hans Christian Andersen's story about a mermaid who wants to become a human being. (I) MOVIE "Wings" ( 1927) Clara Bow. Charles "Buddy" Rogers.Two friends are rivals in all they do. from romance to outdoing each other as lighter RllOIS in WW I. (2 hrs., 30 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Dot And The Kangaroo" ( 1978. Adventure) Animated. Directed by Yoram Gross. A yr')Ung girt becomes lost in the Australian bush and is befriended by a kangaroo who gives her a lift in Ifs ~h. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: the celebrity studded ski resort of Aspen, Colorado; a special clinic: a party at the house of actor George Hamil- ton; a look at the famous Aspen I Los Angeles "connection." LAVERNE & St:tlRLEY & COMPANY I .FAMILY FEUD EYE ON LA. Featur~: a search for Los Ange- les" best margarita: a report on what women expect from men In a relationship. I. TIC TAC DOUGH BULLSEYE APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOA IT RIAL.ISTATI LOANS l 1t • 2nd•3rd T.D. LOANS INCOME PROPERTY COMMERCIAL ••• INDUSTRIAL ••• APARTMENT ILDGS. o•k for 1teve or duon• Personalized service in your home or office ....,.. ....,.. ...... l~======~========::=:::::====::::..i ..... .. ....,.. .... .._.. ~ ~ ~ OPEN~tl . LYON'S fiaancial Senices ~ 731-1734 ~ Secured by • combln•lioo or rul and penon•I ._.. ~ property. ._.. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$ IM0 A"S"H SIGNATURE Guest: Larry Rivers. . MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT NEWS REAL DETECTIVES: THE SPECK CASE This documentary follows the Chicago Police Depart- ment's step-by-srep mvest1gat1on of the murder ot eight student nurses In their dormitory on July 14, 1966. ( 1 hr.) 8:00 II (I) MAGNUM. P.I. Magnum attempts to solve a 35-year-old crime. (R) ( 1 hr.) D GD FAME The teachers plan a show for the stu- dents and Dons and Montgomery attempt to lell nothing but the truth for a day. ( 1 hr ) 8 THE GREATEST JOURNEY Wilham Shatner looks at man's exploits into space. from the first satellites~ to the Space Shullle. (2 hrs.) D ®) P LICE SQUAOI A foghorn in the back- ground o a rape 1s Frank Oreb1n's only clue 10 the whereabouts of a kidnapped heiress. 0 MOVIE "The Swtss Conspiracy" ( 1977, Mys- tery) David Janssen. Elke Sommer. Secret bank accounts lead to a ma1or blackmail scheme in which murder becomes a part of the game plan (2 hrs.) (!) BENNY HILL G) P.M. MAGAZINE A man who is waiting for the proper donor for a much-needed hean transplant. a disc jockey who acts as an on-the-air matchmaker e MOVIE "Search For Survival" ( 1972) Docu- mentary. Camera crews follow jungle and pralne creatures of Nor1h America and Australia In their relentless quest for water. (2 hrs.) @ BOTANIC MAN: LATITUDE ZERO ANO THE SOUTH AMERICAN ANDES fa DOWN HOME COUNTRY MUSIC Charley Prtde. Hoyt Axton and Tammy Wynette are the hosts for a country music extravaganza featuring the many styles of country music: scheduled entertainers Tube Topper Magnum, P .I. Channel 2 -8 p.m Include Roy Clark. Mickey Gilley. Larry Gatlin and Lacy J. Dalton. (3 hrs .. 10 min.) Ci> SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! review "Death Trap" and "Oas Boot." CC) MOVIE "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye" ( 1977. Biography) Paul Rudd, Wiiiiam Prince. An ambi- tious young Irish Bostonian, John F. Kennedy, shows early signs ot a gift for greatness as he begins his political journey toward the presidency ( 1 hr . 40 min.) Cl) BARAY MANILOW IN CONCERT Manllow per· forms a selection of his hits. (1 hr .. 25 min.) 0 MOVI E "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978, Drama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bot- toms. Former champion skier. Jiii Kinmont. rendered ·a quadriplegic by a tragic accident. wrestles with self-doubt when a new love enters her life. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer ... CALL 64~5JOO ,_ c ..... , • .., C1 nlwllw WISTCUPf C .. IOPIACTIC OHICI tr ........ ~ ... 204l Wfttclff Dr. Wle 101 Mewpert ..... ·-C.C•'• -,,. .. .,.... Mott tn1ur1ne. Acoeclted L etters Topol has afirst name TALENTED TOPOL -Can you tell me lf the Israeli actor Topol baa a first name? What ls It? Chaim is the -first name of the actor who starred in the film version of "Fiddler on the Roof." ANDREWS ANSWER -I'm wrl&lDg yoa to settle u arpmn& we laave beea llaavtag abotl•Tllle AIMlrews Slaten. ftley did the 80•1 ..... ud Cola," am•s muy ~n. Cu ,_ tell aa U they are 1Wl Uvlag! IN 1967, Laverne Andrews, tbe oldest. passed away at the age of 54. Maxine and Patty are still living, at ages 65 and 63, respectively. AWAY WE GO -So•eGM Wd •e Utat .Jadle Gaea-II retllnial .. ••...._ .. •''TM S&Jmi o.·· .. Utat tne? lie II OM of •Y fa...ue.. G leasoo bas taken over the Paul Newman role as the elder statesman or Chicago COD men, while Mac Davia will sub for Robert Redford in the upcoming sequel to the Oscar winner ror best mm or 1973. BARBRA'S BEGINNINGS - Co•ld you tell me wlae• Barbra Strelaaad made llaer first TV appe.,.....! AM cu Y• llft •ea U1t ol llaer ftlm perf•r•uees ud how mucll moeey site •akes! In 1963, the young Barbra Streisand belted out ·'Soon It's Gonna Rain" (from the musical "Tbe Fantastiks"> on the musical variety series "The Keefe Brasselle Show." The series was a sum mer replacement for "The Garry Moore Show." Two years later, Miss Streisand won an Emmy Award for her own s pecial, "My Name is Barbra." She has since starred in "Funny Girl," "Hello Dolly!'', "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever," "The Owl and the Pussycat," "Up the Sandbox," ''The Way We Were," "What's Up, Doc?", "For Pete's Sake," "A Star is Born" and "All Night Long." Her estimated income is $4..5 million. 'COUPLE' COUPLE -On '1'be Odd Couple," dJda't Brett Somera play Oscar's ex-wife OD some eplaodes? And can you al90 &eU me lf sbe and .Jack IU•1maa are still married? Miss Somers did play Blanche JACKIE GLEASON ... Returns to show business in ·'The Sting II ... Madison on occasional "Odd Couple" outings. They were married at the time, but soon followed the lead of the Madisons and split up. EXPRESS-WAY -Wllo 11 tbe voice OD tbe Federal Expreu com me rclals? It •o•nd s very famlUar. That's the voice of characte r actor Simon Oakland barking at you. You may remember him as Gen. Moore on "Black Sheep Squadron," Kolchak's editor . on "The Night Stalker" or Inspector Spooner on "Toma." As an actor, Oakland obviousJy has specialized in telling people what to do, which makes his voice-overs very effective. Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien. United F'eature S11ndicate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N.Y . IOJMJ. Casting around \\Ord Game HOLLYWOOD <AP) -"Hopscotch," the 1980 movie starring Walter Matthau as a disaffected CIA agent on. the run from the CIA and the KGB for telling all in a book, is being developed a1 a television aeries. . . . Peabody and Emmy award-wtnnina producer Jacqueline Babbin will produce the ABC soap opera ''All Ky Child r e n ." ... Journalist Marilyb Beraer join• "Eric Sevareid'a Chronicle" ••a special correspondent. ... Marvin Ham.U1cb wlll score Nell Simon'• •·1 Ouaht To Be i n Pictures.'' FILL I~ nie Ml~SING LE'T'fEl<S ltJ I H£ ,, rv WORDS" BELOW. I ITI INIEIVI IBIUIRIKI I IMIAl91 IUI I ISIAI I IT! H'llYI !LI j f;l'l~ ~ ~ fl£AllrN.l6£ 1"HE. ) ~-A • L.E1TE'l~ VotJ Ftt.£.eD I~ ~~ r. fl/I. 11?> 9Et.l. ~E NAME ~ A · • ' I WfttT&ft ' ~ -0 II I I I I I rr ) I J I 'r'IOlllS -,laN -$111hH.4 !J.f'I~ ~ ·~ 1~~1~:t't ~ ................................. " Hurry darllngsl This Is absOlutely your last weekend to Join the fUn on .§ptlnf~!t W2 The Al.tnce 10 SilYe Efltlfgy ti.s prepared a brodlurf! ltlat conr.ns '2 S#?¥IM ~ mNS""5 to la/Ce wt'ltCll CM! CIJf oown )"Otlf llal'Mf energy vse by 25'-r11a1"' 1vm CMI cut <*>Wrl lhe .-nounf ot f1IOM'/ you ptly IOI flOfrlfl "'*PY (For e11¥rtpl& Ota )"?II 11.nOw 11'1111 tlleCmcM OUflllfS .. ,.. .• ,_,,,The~ Wtl ,,,, )Oii hOwfO prevMI ,, and .saY9 ) • Tl'le broctHxe Wiii a.tso tel )'OCJ about NSy • FRIDAY 8:45PM Auntie Mame Live It up! Laugh along ~jth Rosalind Russett as the Irrepressible Auntie Mame Jn this ZIPPY. zanv. zinger of a film. You'll love this high-living took at the high life! PLUS: Broadway Plays Washington I saturclay, 7PM National Geographic: POiar Bear Alert SUnday, 7PM cori}ains iJCCurafe <Ngrams end NS)" IO lofl)w dt'eChonS T a«e OUf f/ldvrCe Send for our ,,... txoctMf! .. ,,,. 25,. ~ .. " CMl .saYlt )'OCJ p/fJfl(y otrnoney ---·--------------- ~to dO IO~and "-.IO pipes 8l'IC1 dUcfS. to shoWIKJWdS. 10 eieelncal 001· lltS IO ~ rnM:IWWIS. IO dOofS and 'lm-ds IO ..... neetet5 Do them al and out yeur l'Mf'1Y ~ 0y 25,. rt1e 1JtOC/'lvle Cl" s r.or A,.,. AWANCE TO SAW ElttltGY I I ' ON THE GO WITH SONY so y BETAPAK• PORTABLE BETAMAX~ VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER Announcing the eeoond gener•tion in horM videocusette recorders: Sony's incredible BetaPakl It's smaller. lighter. more compact )h•n any w· reoon:ter in hlstOtY . et brings you an astounding range of new video features and capabilities . . and best of •II it's fully portable -so you can use 11 with ease. indoors or outdoors. to record off the air or to create Y'OUf' own home video programs! YOUR CHOICE! " SCOTCH VIDEO- CASSETTES T-l~ $13.45 .... SJ.SO,...• s I 0. 95 LIMIT: 6 PEA CUSTOMER VIDEO FROM RECORDERS 5569 WE HAVE-A COMPLETE CHOOSE FROM THESE SELECTION OF: FAMOUS BRANDS: • VTRS •TAPES• CCTV• • AcMnt •Akal• TOK MOVIES• VIDEO CAMER· Mlanawx •RCA• Httachl AS. WIDE SCREEN TV'S. • Panasonic . JVC • Sony ACCESSOftlES • RENTALS • MGA • G.E. •Quasar CffN MON. ~ OORS. 10-6 •FRI 10-8 •SAT 10-6 • ·~ 12-5 YOU'LL LIK~ OUR PRIC~S AT ••• IDE 1421 WEST MacARTHUR BLVD. (JUST WEST OF BRISTOL) • SllTI IU • .... 141-1122 MOYIE RENTALS ONLY 'l.t ( t ' ' .• , • : • -., . \ . l •. !r! . l Thursday (cootinued) 8:06 a!) AU IN THE FAMILY 9:30 e t!I 8080M BUDDIES Kip eccuses Henry of making lmp<oper edVanoes toward Kip's sister c;i i MAUOE All IN THE FAMll Y MOVIE "Spider's Stratagem" Giv~o Brogl. Alida Valli. Bernardo Bertoluccl directs this film about a young man uncovering the myth of his murdered "hero" father. (2 hrs.) ~PORTRAITS IN PASTELS SPORTS CENTER MOV1E "Oh God!" ( 1977, Comedy) George Burns, John Denver. God selects an unsuspecting young supermarket manager to deMver a message of hope and good wlll to the skep•lcal people of the modem-day world. 'PG' ( 1 tu .. 36 min.) cm WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK Avery Schreiber and Christina Ferrare host a lool< at TV's most memora· ble commercials from the birth of the medium to the present day. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:35 (Jl) MOV1E "Beyond Mombasa" (1957. Adven- ture} Come! Wilde, Donna Reed. While searching for a uranium mine In Africa. a man is attacked by the same "Leopard Men" who killed his brother. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) (%)MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981. Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor, Clcety Tyson. A bUmbllng burglar, a con- cerned schoolteechef end eight chlldren make a frightening croea-<x>unt=t In a broken-down school bus. 'R' ( 1 tv., 34 min. e:oo e (I) PEOPLFS AWARDS America's favorite perlormers, tele'Mlon programs. movies end muak: will be named at tNs eighth annual 8W8tds ceremony, to be telecast from the Senta Monica CMc Audkorlum. (2 tn.) •• OFPRENTSTAOt<ES Wltlis lands In the ho9--. c:i~ he goes to the defense of Arnold, who Is tetrortzed by two bullies. (Pert 2) Q e BARNEY Ml.~ Dietrich's portable stress analyzer stops woncing while he's out on a call. leav· Ing the other detectives convinced he's dead. (R) i RACING FROM YONKERS MERVGRtFAN MASTERPIECE THEATRE "I Remember Nelson: Batlle" Wltllam Btackle. a lower-deci< gunner, sees action with Nelson at Trafalgar -a battle that wins Britain command of the seas for a century to come. (Part 4LQ (1 hr.) 9:~D. GIMME A BREAK Samantha thinks that she Is pregnant after she is kissed for the first lime ~a boy. • 9 TAXI Jim Is given two concert tickets by a fare and asks Elaine to accompany him. c;i Cf) MOVlE "The Luck Of The Irish" (1947, Fanta- sy) Tyrone Powef, Anne Baxter. A reporter gets Involved with an Irish girl and her leprechaun friend. ~hr., 30 min.) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL MOvtE "Blue Collar" (1978. Drama) Richard Pryor, Harvey Keitel. Three frustrated Detroit auto factory workers tum to crime. bringing them into MORNING MOVIES 8:00(C) "The Hellstrom Chronicle" (1971) Docu· mentary. Narrated by Lawrence Pressman. ® "Simon" ( 1980, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Austin Pendleton. Scientltts et a bizarrely misdirected think tank convince a bumbling college professor that he II an alien from outer ~ace. 'P<l' (I) "Why Would I Lie?.' ( 1980, Comedy) Treat Wll· Iiams, Lisa Eichhorn. A compulsive liar upsets the status quo with NI refusal to conform. 'PG' D "The Fiendish Plot Of Or. Fu Manchu" (1980, Comedy) Peter Seltfn, Sid Caesar. The FBI and Scotland Yard's Det. 8:06@ "The Stranger" (1946, Suspense) Edward G. Robinson, Orson Welles,;. small-town college prQfeeeot and pl .. r of his community tums out to be a hl.lnted Nazi war criminal. (2 hrs.) 8:80CZ) "The Battle Of Alglera'' ( 1967, Adventure) Yaeef Saadl. Jean Martin. Algerla wages a desper· ate struggle for Independence from 1954 to 1962. 9:30• "The TraH Beyond" (1~4. Western) John Wayne, Verna Hiiiie. A cowboy journeys to the Nortf'lwest tenlory In seerch of a gold mine and a mlaal~ girl. ( 1 hr.) CC> "Hardly Wor1<1ng" (1981, Comedy) Jerry Lee Lewis, Susan OllVer. After the circus closes down. a veteran clown tri. ~hand at various JObS, falling mlt«ably atthem all. 'PG' (1 hr .. 31 m1n.) . 10:00(1) "The Seem Of Seagu• leland" (1981. Suspenae) Jefemy Britt. N6cicy Hen.on. ()) "l-iome From The HNI" (1960, O..ama) Robert Mitchum, Georg9 Peppard. A men'• lllegltlmatt son lltV9I hll llfe. • "The Lov.d One'' (1965, Comedy) Robert Martt. ~ Comer. HAS HANDS FULL -Dolph Sweet. tough police captain. Carl Kanisky, has his hands full with his young daughter. S3,111antha. who thinks she is pregnant after she is kissed for the first time by a boy on "Gimme a Break" Thursday at 9:30 p.m. on NBC I Ch. 41. . more conflict and potential danger than they ever counted on. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 54 min.) 10:00 D e HILL STREET BLUES Betker and Wash· lf'\gton meet up with LaRue. who is driving a police tow truck, and Joyce's disillusionment with the crlm· lnali'uslice _!YStem becomes acute. ( 1 hr.) I . mmeNews 20 / 20 MOV1E "Stay Hungry" ( 1976. Drama) Jeff Bridges. Sally Field. The offbeat scion of an old Southern family tries to save a seamy gym from the hands of real estate speculators. ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) ([)SPORTS FORUM (m MOV1E "Caddyshack" ( 1980, Comedy) Bill Murray. Rodney Dangerfield. The demented grounds·keeper of a swanky country club wages war against the gophers lnhabiltng his turl. 'A' ( t hr .. 47 min.) (I) BIZARRE "The Ultimate Movie·· 0 MOVIE "Boys' Night Out" ( 1962. Comedy) Kim Novak, James Garner. When a shapely young co-ed undertakes a sex research project, she finds four businessmen more than wiHing to lease an apar1- ment to std her in her study. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 10: 16 (Ii) THE BEST OF 'ON LOCATION' Robert Klein hosts a selection of routines performed by the varl· ous comedians -including Robin Wiiiiams. Billy Crystal and David Brenner ·-who have appeared on Home Box Office's stand-up comedy series. ( 1 hr . 30mln.) Tube Topper People's Choice Awards Channel 2-9 p.m. (%) MOVIE "Eyewltl'less" ( 1970, Mystery) Mark Lester, Susan George. A young boY, known for hav· Ing an overactive lmaglnatlon can t convlnc& any- one that he has witnessed the murder of a promi- nent black man. (1 hr., 25 min.) 10:30.NEWS a7) MOV1E "Ave Million Years To Earth" ( 1968. Sci· ence-Flction) James Oooald. Andrew Keir. An unearthed time capsule contains clues to a prehis- toric Martian visit to Earth. (2 hrs.) I SIGNATURE Guest: Larry Rivers. THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cokle Roberts Join Paul Dvke for an up- to-the-minute summery of Congressional activities. Cl) COLLEGE aASKETBALL "National Coll~late Championship" Regional Seml·Anals (Game 3) (2 hrt ) Cl) LAFf-A-THON A comedian host and fOIJt com4c conteatants who compete egalnit one another art featurtct In. this uncent0red COMedy game show. I ~. . . t ., ~, ......... , ..... Tl l l) 0 MOVIE .. Apocalypse Now.. ( 1979, Orama) this planet began with the arrival ot "ancient astro-lUl"S< ay ( COnti OUe< Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen Directed by Francis nauts .. who seltled in the Peruvian Andes and the 'l1 Ford Coppola An intelligence agent embarks on a Bermuda Triangle. (2 hrs.) ~ 11:001J D 0 Cl.) ®l fl) NEWS mission up river into the Vietnamese Jungle to find a> MOVIE "First Spaceship On Venus" ( 1962, Set--1 I SATURDAY NIGHT and kill a mysterious. AWOL Army olltcer who has ence-Fiction) Yoko Tani. Oldrlck Lukes. In 1980. < KOJAK toiled all previous attempts at his capture. 'R' (2 eight sc1ent1srs discover a progressive clv1fiza11on on I)' JOE FRANKLIN hrs .. 19 min.) the planet Venus. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) IO THE JEFFERSONS CZ) MOVIE "Dressed To K1ir· ( 1980. Suspense) CEJ COLLEGE BASKETBALL "National Colleg1a1e "" SBAONTFAONRICD ~~AON~. OLNATITUDE ZERO AND THE Michael Caine, Angie Dickinson Police search lor Chrhsahmp1onsh1p" Regional Sem1-F1nals (Game 1) (2 ~ M the psychotic murderer who butchered a suburban -SOUTH AMERICAN ANDES housewife. ·ff (2 hrs) 1: 10 MOVIE "Vampire Circus.. ( 1972, Horror) '< 6i) INSIDE WASHINGTON 12:30 D G) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Laurence Payne, Adrienne Com A small village is ~ CS) MOVIE ··squeeze Play.. (Comedy) A team ol Guests: author Hunter Thompson. Jimmy the Greek thrown 1n10 helpless terror when a vampire's curse ~ ball-playing beauties score more than home runs on l1 hr l placed on 11 years before begins to rake ellect. ( 1 :r the field ·A" ( 1 hr. 30 min.) Iii COUPLES Todays episode deals with a husband hr , 30 min l 11: 101 DICK CAVETT Guest: Barbara Car tland (A) wants 10 save their marriage but his wife wants 10 @)NEWS !'-> 11:30 (I) NCAA BASKETBALL Western regional end ii. 1:15('C) MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981. Comedy) i semi-flnal game (from Provo. Utah) (2 hrs-) m NEWS Jerry Lee Lewis Susan Oliver Allee the CllCUS "' II llD TONIGHT Host Johnny Carson Guests @ MOVIE "Hell Drivers'' (1958. Orama) Stanley closes down. a veteran clown tries his hand at van· Jack Lemmon. Maureen Murphy ( 1 hr ) Baker, Herbert Lorn Truckers transporting explo-ous 1obs, failing miserably at them all 'PG' ( 1 hr I@) ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE s1ves over rugged terrain encounter many obstacles 31 min) ALL IN THE FAMILY along the way (2 hrs ) 1:30 1J D ti) NEWS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CEJ SPORTS CENTER 1 :50 ® MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( t 98 1. Mystery) MOVIE "Spider's Stratagem" Giulio Brog1, A11oa (!)MOVIE "Death Race 2000" ( 1975. Sc1ence-F1c-Sigourney Weaver. w1111am Hurt A telev1s1on report· Valli Bernardo Bertolucc1 directs this ltlm about d 1t0n) David Carradine. Simone Gnllith tn the year 'er becomes involved with a janitor who may know young man uncovering the myth ol his ·murdered 2000 A o . hit-and-run dnv1ng 1s a national sport in more about a murder that he witnessed than he is "hero" father (2 hrs.) which lemale v1ct1ms are worth 10 points. 'R' ( 1 hr . say~ 'A' ( 1 hr . 43 min) G!) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 19 mtn ) 2:00 W MOVIE "The Goddess" ( 1958. Orama) Kim CO MOVIE "Can I Do It 'T1I I Need Glasses?" 1:008 MOVIE "The Outer Space Connectton" Stanley, Lloyd B11dges. Based on a story by Paddy ( 1977, Comedy) Roger And Roger Conrad ( 1975) Documentary Narrated by Rod Serltng. Chayefsky. A lonely woman struggles for Hollywood Brooks A bawdy collection of w1te-swapp1ng and New evidence appears to suggest that human life on stardom (2 hrs l farmer's daughter 1okes. bedroom sketches and CID MOVIE "Hopscotch .. ( t980. Comedy) Walter courtroom scenes 1s presented 1n this rtbald revue. "'allhau. Glenda Jackson A former intelligence 'A' l1 hr .. 20 min l 1.\ L~,..f l"i]~ (X)N MOV J ES agent is aided by an old flame 1n dodging 1he KGB 11:35 fm THE HUMMINGBIRD MAN A profile of Aus· -u· 1.: and. the CIA. who are trying to prevent him from sell Ogg, a commercial phorographer who lost near· 12:00 0 "The Devil's Disciple · ( 1!:1!>\:I, Drama) Bun ~ubhshing his memo11s 'A' ( 1 hr . 44 min.) ly all his v1s1on rhrough a bout with diabetes Lancaster. Kirk Douglas Based on the play by CZ) MOVIE "Return Of The Otagon" ( 1972, Adven- 11 :45 CC) MOVIE "The Howling" ( 1981. Horror) Dee George Bernard Shaw ture) Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris. A martial ans expert Wallace Pat11ck Macnee. A woman reporter rs G) "A Damsel In Distress" ( t937. Musical) Fred journeys from Hong Kong to Roma to help a friend menaced by a killer who seems to be a werewolf 'R' Astaire. Joan Fontaine who is 1n trouble with the mob. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) i_!hr, 31 min) Cl) "Shake Hands With The Devil" (1959. Orama) 2:0511 MOVIE "Ra~e" (1966. Orama) Glenn Ford, CID MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981. Orama) James Caan. James Cagney. Don Murray Stella Stevens. A disillusioned physician In a remote Tuesday Weld A professional crook gives up his 0 "Billy Jack" ( 197 1. Drama) Tom Laughhn. Mexican village is bitten by a rabid dog and has only independence tor a big score that he hopes will Delores Taylor An ex-Green Beret hall-breed cham-48 hours to reach a medical center. (2 hrs .. 10 secure his family's future 'R' (2 hrs.) f min) 12:0011 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview p1ons the cause of a freedom school or runaways (!)NEWS with Bo Derek. on an Arizona Indian reservation 2:30 (!) MOANING STRETCH 0 @) VEGAS Dan falls 1n love with a woman who IS 12: l5 CZ) "The Changeling" ( 1980· Horror) George c m MOVIE "Beast Of The Dead" ( 1970. Horror) planning a mu111-m:ll1on dollar 1ewel heist (A) ( 1 Scott. Tnsh Van Devere. John Ashley. Celeste Yarnall. A mad doctor abducts hr .. 10 min ) 12:30 "Oh God'" ( 1977, Comedy) George Burns, a young reporter 1n order to experiment on her O MOVIE "How To Commit Marriage" ( 1969. John Denver . God selects an unsuspecting young body ( 1 hr , 30 min.) Comedy) Bob Hope. Jackie Gleason An unmarried supermarket manager to deliver a message of hope @WORLD AT LARGE couple give their baby up for adoption, and the girl's and good will to the skeptical people of the modern-C) MOVIE "The Aendlsh Plot Of Or. Fu Manchu" divorced parents decide to rear the child under a ~world ·pG· (1980. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Sid Caesar. The FBI fake name (2 hrs.) lSJ "Hopscotch" ( 1980. Comedy) Walter Matthau. and Scotland Yard's Det. Nayland Smith pursue the Cf) MOVIE ''B1llle" (Part 1) ( 1965. Comedy) Patry Glenda Jackson 168-year -old arch villain as he searches for the Duke, Warren Berlinger. A stubborn male chauvinist 1:00(!) "The Saint And The Brave Goose" ( 1981. ingredients. including the Crown Jewels. used to discovers hls daughter lo be a better athlete than Suspense) Ian Ogilvy, Gayle Hunnicutt. When a make his Ille-prolonging ellxlr. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) any boy around. (2 hrs ) man otters help to a young widow he finds himself 2:-40 D NEWS G) MOVIE "Cinderella liberty" ( 1973, Comedy) on a perilous search for sunken treasure. (2 hrs. l 2:45 CC) MOVIE "The Apple" ( 1980, Musical) Cathe- James Caan. Marsha Mason A sailor falls in love CC) "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ve" ( t977. Blogra· rlne Mary Stewart, George Gilmour In 1994, a Stng· with a Seattle prostitute he won tor a night in a pool phy) Paul Rudd, William Pnnce fng duo tails Into the hands ot a diabolical impresar- i me (2 hrs.) 2:00 CL) "Providence" ( 1977. Orama) Ellen Burstyn. lo. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 34 min. l LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE John Gielgud A lilettme of recollec!IOns flashes by 3:00 Iii I SPY MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980 In the dreams of an elderly, dying man. 'A' ( 1 hr . 44 i JOE FRANKLIN Comedy) Chnl Eastwood. Sondra Locke Before min ) NEWS setrling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a g "Boys· Night Out" ( 1962, Comedy) Kim Novak, COLLEGE BASKETBALL "Nallonal Colleglare bare-hsted ltghter signs up for one rast, lucrative James Garner. Championship" Regional Semi-Finals (Game 2) (2 match 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min J hrs ~~~~~~--~~--~-=======================~_!!~~~~~~~~~~ Cooking School '-cro't Jntemationll Cookware w.·,.. .... ,..111 '.\I .\RCll Schedule 2919 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, CA 92825 673-2343 f Nut to cJw Porl TlwotreJ HARBOR VIEW CENTER 1 t,21 San Miguel Driye Newport Beach, Ca. 644-7733 I • 0Pa. 7 DAYS • • MON. Tin ... t fe 6 • SAT. t :JO te l iJO PM • SUMDA YI IJ .. 4 'M MONDAY SAVE ~ OU!llNO MAAC>1 00< SCALES Wl)o(S Sl'EAAIERS CoPPCR "'°'" O!I Cl.AM ()()()'>(RS 1:; ., .. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY tfi I i 2 1 1PM 90MIHUT£S lASY OOUAU[f MENUS TAAi.A fALL.a...ltEllll .,-_,, 1 PM MIL£$ OM£I. Of LA COSTA 11CAlflf Sl'A I:! 2fi 2i , Thia top.qt-the-tine c:me Juicer fwtu"'9 t~ 01tenttd "gyro bu• and clutch" wi1h the "ftoauno action" atatnleal 1'981 cuttnno blllde The tap bOW1 Ind basket are,.,_,. from ...int .. steel 1i hn • "self adlust"*" fMtufe" "'" comi>ensat9' for eventull wes end .....,. t"8 tuicerwot1cino '; t 183 MODEL 8001 '22t I' 31 ~ C>i A KITCHEN s:: u ... CCI ~ >. CCI SO BEAUTIFUL 't> ·c: lL ~ ~ ~ our friends will hate i ~ inspired kitchens since 1870 OPEN THUR. TILL 9 PM • • • M*A *S*H-~lwlic From Page 3 syndication may actually huve helped the show's network ratings by stirring wider interest in the show and creating a stronger appetite for fresh episodes. One can comfortably predict that M "A •s•H will occupy a seat right behind "Lucy" in the perpetual rerun parade. But how many more new M•A•S•H episodes can we expect? There have been well-publicized rumblings th is year a mong cast m embers who are itching to move on to new projects. Several s tretched t heir skills in r ecent TV movies. Loretta Swit played a woman cop in "Cagney and Lacey," whi le M ike F a rrell portrayed an innocent man whose reputation was rui ned by careless news reporting in "Prime Suspect." Series star Alan Alda, of course, has a thriving movie career. Ve teran M*A*S•H-a -bolics, too, may have noticed a slight dip in the quality of the c urrent season's episodes. We might also detect that the cast members know thei.r roles so well now that they're acting sir.ills sometimes seem to be on automatic pilot. The series already has lasted three times as long as the Korean War in which it is set. Maybe it's finally time for the war to end. At this writing, negotiations were still under way regarding whether M•A•s •H will be back on CBS next fall. CBS spokesman McDonald said at the end of filming this spring, four to six new Ma•s•H episodes will be ten over, thereby guaranteeing at least a partial season next year. In fact, most reports do point to an abbreviated M•A•S•H season next year . perhaps concluding with a two-hour TV movie focusing on the end of the war. T hen the series will live on only in those endless syndicated reruns. My own bout with M• A •s•H addiction has now pretty well run its course. Punch lines s tart sounding less runny an er you've heard them four or fi ve times. And how many times can you hear that Colonel Blake's plane has been shot down before the emotional impact begins to wane'' So I'm a free man again. I can actually switch to another program or better yet turn off the set and read a book. or go out, or do anything else without feeling guilty. Oh . there are certain favorite reruns that I'll mrobably watch till my eyes turn purple : the one where Ha wkeye is mistakenly listed as dead ; the one where B.J . goes on a drunken binge a fter receiving a letter from home ; the surrealistic "Dreams" episode, and others. But l think I'm cured now. I've reached a point where I can say, yes, I will survive quite well thank you if I never again see the episode in which Hawkeye and B.J . refuse to shower until Major Winchester stops playing his French horn . . . SPEAKING OF TV ADDICTIONS, even the ranks of M• A •s•H-a-holics must pale beside the legions of "Trekkies," those people who by now mus t know every epBode of "Star Trek" by heart. The popular 1960s science fiction series is still broadcast each Saturday and Sunday afternoon on KTLA Channel 5. But fans who are anxio us to see a new adventure featuring the crew of the Enterprise will have to wait until June 4, when "Star Trek II" is scheduled to open in local movie theaters. Co-starring with the original TV cast members will be Ricardo Montalban, the mas ter of "Fantasy Island." (Montalban appeared as a villain in one of the original Star Trek episodes, and it is speculated he is reprising that role for the movie.) Trekkies who can't wait for June m a y want to settle for William "Captain Kirk" Shatner alone in a new police series, "T.J . Hooker ," getting a tryout on KABC Channel 7 beginning Saturday night • • .Sports hig hlights From Page 5 2.1IO D QI IPORTSWOALD 1G-round llghtw91ght bout ~ Cuftll H1rr1e Md Ruben Munoz (llYe lrom Atlentk: City, N.J.): Wrwld Belly Flop lfld Cennor .ball Diving Ch1mplon1hlp1 (t!IM _permltUng). ~•a u.1.A. vs. THE WON.DIN Ol YMPIC ~ The lJ.S. n1tlonel bolling tewn VI. the V·~ netJoMI tewn (lrom RllPld City, 8.0,). ... 9"0fl'T'I Af1ll.O IUGMRAY LIONAN>'I GOlDIN Ck.OVll "Hlghllghll" {Pert 11 ..,... GOt.I "LPOA Olympl1 Gold a..ic·· e &wmWOM.DM lllOM9 WOftd Lldl9I Agur9 ~-­ Int CMmcllol.... (from " c..-......... DeMer11k The ... .,....,.,"'*""" . ,... ....... -. ......._ ........ ... ~c..M. c.lt.t. .... eRIATmf "°"'9 LHSml ·:1roo1c1~·· .,,_ I ,, •• "°"'8~ MAACH 115. 1"2 AFmN>OH t2:00 <Ji) INTIANA TIOHAL FIGUM 8KATIHG FROM '9<IHO Dot01hy HMllQ per1orm1 er\d eo-h0tt1 with Qrtg Lewie In 111 1111-•tlr eKhlbl<- llon IMtUflng Jo Jo Stir· buck, Toiler Cr en•ton end JOlln Curry, .. ..... .. 1m1wur ••tera hoping to ,.._. Chine In the 'a.4 Winter Otymple9. Tuesday t.W041t.,.. t:OO CH)"'°"" IU.UITM TID: THE FIAIT 21YIAM "-Caan hoell 1 trll>-uw to Spott1 lll111tr11ecrt llral qu.n«-oentury of ll«ling IPC>rt• ~·· EVINNI 7:001:.. 8HAa<W'OAO IU.UITMTm: THE FlRST 21Yl!AM J-Caan host• • trib- ute to Sport1 lllua1rlled'• flrtl qu8Flet·otnNr)t Of ••tettno IP0'1'I cowreoe. 7:20 NBA MMETIAU Loe Ange!M lM"9 w. Ponletld Tr..._,. 11:00. W01mr1 MUD WMITUNCI "WOfld ~1 CNm- lllanlMP" ' ... S k eezer' From Page l movies lrom 1969 to ltlO . In the premiere TV episode, Jim and Herbie stumble ()l'I an attempted t;ank bold\.lp with the little car takin1 complete char ... 11MJ nan down tbe robbers and re1cu. a lOY.-, holtace, Susan Macl.a.ne (Patricia Harty). A ~ develope between Jim and Saean, wilb 8Mdy IM1elow alao vylnc for S-aa'• affectlona. Bat Herbie tum• matdmaaker wilb • e • (be8dlllM> to dobac .. 'wtt.h .llm'• . Inside TV Overheard at the night of stars By JEFF PARKER Of tlle O.lly l"llet Staff During r ehears als for the Monday night "Night of 100 Stars," some interesting things have been overheard. Some of the highlights include Hal Ljnden looking at all the talent around him and asking "Whal am I doing here?" Another is a talc by Ed Asner: "I remember coming to New York from Chicago for the first time and looking for work as a n actor. I was so broke I couldn't afford a pair of shoes. Somebody suggested I go see the Actor·s Fund. They gave me $8 and that got me a brand new pair of Thom McAn's" Unless Actor's Fund relief has kept pace with inflation. starving actors may be only able to afford a new pair of tube socks, or perhaps thongs . ABC News has received 47 nomin ations lo lead all networks in the running for the 1980·81 National News and Documentary Emmy Awards to be presented April 12 Among t he nominated programs and segme nts a re "Moment of Crisis llyatt Disaster," ··Near Armageddon · The Spread of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East." "The Gene Merchants." ··f ormula for Disaste r,'" the "Sirhcin Sirhcin" inter view. "The War on Opium" and "The Cheapest Way to Go ... " ""T.J . Hooker ." a new cop show s tarring William Shatner as u seasoned police sergeant and Adrian Zmed as his rookie partner, debuts on ABC March 13. The theme of the s how is that older, fa mily man !looke r both teaches and learns from his hip, woman-chasing partner Danny Kaye will receive the prestigious Jean He rsholt Humanitarian Award at the 54lh Annual Academy Awards Presentation Monday. March 29. The award is given to Kaye because he is, in the words of Academy president Fay Kanin, ·•A citizen of the world, and through his contributions to world peace and enlightment he bas brought global respect and honor to the profession he represents. In tum, the motion picture industry is honored by his gifted presence among us . . " Combined reporters from the "CBS Evening News," "60 Minutes," "CBS Special Events" and ··CBS Reports " will join efforts in "Central Am erica in Revolt." examining the causes of the turbulence that is so close to the United States. Bill Moyers. Mike Wa ll ace and Ed Rabel will be among journalists contributing to this special. set for March 20 .. The perpetual favorite "The Wizard of Oz" is set for its 24th visit to network television Mar ch 'Z7 on CBS . Soeakin2 of repeats, "Gideon's Trumpet," the 1980 Peabody Award winner s tarring Henry Fonda,.. Sam Jaffe and Fay Wray, wiU be seen again on CBS March 30. This dr ama tells the story of Clarence Earl Gideon, a semi-literate drifter TV Puzzle PRODUCTION RESUMES Production has resumed o n ··The Powers of Matthl'\.\ StC1r ... C1fte1· inj uries to its st ar . Pe tt•r Ua rt o n . f orte d rt s s hutdown l as t November Barton suffered third degree burns over parts of his body during an accident who is arrested and convicted for burglary, but convinces lhe Supreme Court that all people have a right to legal counsel. The landmark decision on his argument set into law that all arrested persons have the right to justice. even if they can't afford it. ' Filming started this week on "Not in Front of the Children." a CBS television movie set for broadcast later this year. The movie stars Linda Gray as a divorced mother who must right for the right to keep custody or her two daughters after she decides to li ve w,ith a younger man. John Getz, Geor~e Grizzard and J ennifer Horton also star Legendary movie producer Hal B. Wallis will be honored at the American Movie Awards AC ROS$ 1.5 Shown, sta• on Lewi!> 32 M1 Kostollersor ano Clan 3.C Played Grandpa Wallor. 11 Playa Nero Wolle 37 Allison or Tarkenlor. 13 Strltch or Mav 38 Aclor Torn 1( Mr. Linden's stgn off 41 Loretta -or M·A'S"H 15 You -There 43 Putctown 16 A Johnson 44 Arneu or Bona 17 US soldier 46 A GaDOI 18 -McGowan of 47 Odd Couple member Another World (ab.) 20 Plays Ahce 48 Gary Coteman. e.g 22 Tayback'a role 49 -Many crookS 2.3 Miss Mecrlll 51 Mr" Rc:ilte a handbag 2!'\ Tanner or Dalley LO 26 -Whelan on LOVP Boat 52 Jact.. Soo role 27 Rim 54 Barbare Rush rol 29 -Lisa 56 Dry gOOds dealer 30 Mad Ave prOduct 57 l!nterlalner Home 31 Mt Nugent's lnsfOne DOWN , Awerd winner Hawn 38 M·A·s·H· role 2 Mr t(hlUtvA.MQn.otr 3 3 Bikini 100 40 .Foun111n or Rose 33 presentation set for March 15 on NBC. Wallis, who had a hand in such films as "Casablanca." "The Maltese Falcon" and "Knute Rockne," has been ~ nominated 126 times for Oscars and won 32 ~ Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson is the < scheduled March 18 guest on "Late t"ight With r David Letterman" . . . ~ Production resumed this week on •'The ~ Powers of Matthew Star ,'' after injuries to star ~ Peter Barton forced production to halt last -< November. Magnesium e xploded in the star's ~ face . ~ ;:; ··Fathe r Murphy," the popular series starring =r Merli n Olsen and Katherine Cannon, will be ~ moved to a Sunday slot, as recently announced by NBC president of e ntert ainment Brandon ~ Tartikoff. Also shufned are "Flamingto Road'" "' and "Bret Maverick"' which will occupy new slots on their usual nights , Tuesdays . NBC is looking for anyone who has early tapes of the Johnny Carson Show when it originated in New York City. They're interested in big-name performers who debuted on the show before they were big-name. such as Flip Wilson, Joan Rivers or Bill Cosby. Anyone possessing tapes of Carson from 1962 to 1972, should call <213> 840-3670. Frank Capra , the talented director of s uch film classics as "Mr Smith Goes to Washington ," "It ·s a Wonderful Life." and "You Can't Take It With You."' will ~ honored on the CBS s pecial, "Ame rican f'ilm Institute SaJute to Frank Capra·· set for broadcast April 4. The show will be hosted by Jimmy Stewart, whose career blossomed afte r he was s een in two Capra films. Linda Gray stars m the CBS movie "Not in Front of the Children" as a divorced mother who must fi ght to keep the custody of her children when she decides to live with a younger man. Miss Cray. who plays as Sue Ellen Ewing on "Dallas ." stars with J ohn Getz, George Grizzard, Jennifer llorton and Brittany Wilson. Joseph Hardy is dire cti n g fro m a s creenplay by Cy nthia Mandelberg Lindsay Wagne r has signed an agreement with /\BC to develop and star in movies and series ... . George Hamill~n has entered into agreement with MGM to star m theatrical movies television movies and a series . . Lorimar Prod~ctions will make a six-hour ABC mini series fr.om ''Lace " the first novel by Britis h journalist Shirley Conr~n Producer Meta Ros enberg has bought the TV and movie rights to "The Book of Laughter arrd Forgetting," written by exiled Czech dissident Milan Kundera. British actress Joanna Lumley will star as a French television reporter seeking to unravel the mystery of the m issing Inspector Clouseau in "Trail of the Pink Panther." The late Peter Sellers will appear in footage from five previous "Pink Panther" movies as the bumbling inspector. Herbert Lorn returns as Inspector Dreyfuss and Burt Kwouk as the wily Cato. 4 -Holliman 42 -Buckman olavs 5 -Dobson plays Brandy Shannon 44 Wyman or Fonda 6 Bates or K•no 45 Plays Hutch 7 Peter -or tjc11on 48 Relay unit 8 Ovid's 51 50 Poetic work 9 Aotress Lansbury 5G One or the K&tlles 10 Jennifer o·-55 -the Town 11 -Everett 12 -as a doornail SOLUTION 19 Sanford -Son 21 Wayno Newton's home SI 22 -and Blll 24 Happy Daya - 26 Detective Barneby 28 Sullivan and Asner 29 -Mundy °" Tt\e Oootc:irs 32 8er1 -01'1 TQJIH 33 Rene Enriquez rote 3' t..mb'a d•m 31 Chit• - 0 Dayti1ne ,.. ~ Donna regrets gi ~ loan ·to Benny ALL MY CHILDREN: After Estelle questions Benny about Em.Hy's missing silver porringer, Benny admits he pawned it. Devas tated, he goes to Donna for a loan. Sbe gives it to him, thinking it is for his business expenses. Donna later regrets her actions when Estelle tells her of Benny's gambling. When Erica traps Sara into admitting that she slept with Brandon, Erica breaks engagement and plans long trip. Learning that a drunken Tom accused Mark of still caring for Brooke with Brooke feeling the same, Brooke walks out on Tom and moves into Phoebe's. Unable to get money back lo Brooke, Benny heads for a gambling venture. Tom sinks further into depression after Daisy returns from prison visit to Sean and says Sean no longer wants to see Tom. Palmer is delighted that Nina was able to handle business crisis, but Cliff is clearly antagonistic. While Betsy is all anutter with marriage plans. Rkk .seems not to care. Opal determined to learn what power Myrtle has over Langley. ANOTHER WORLD: Upset because Sandy s till believes she caused Anne's breakdown, Cecille prepares to leave for France. Just before the plane departs. Sandy stops her and agrees to try and rework the marriage. Returning home, Rachel is stunned to find Matthew and Tom gone and realizes Mitch is behind the disappearance. Rachel learns that s he has little legal recourse. since Mitch is Matthew's father Anne returns to Bay City to help Mac, who is devastated by the seeming disintegration or his Camily. R.J is upset by his father's relationship wtih Quinn. AS THE WORLD TURNS: With Margo and Tom still feeling awkward about their interest in one another, Maggie harbors deep hatred for Margo. feeling she has taken Tom from her. Ellen learns that someone has bid on her house, unaware that that person is Annie. David tells Cynthia he cannot s leep with her until his divorce from Ellen Is rlnal. Steve despises Maggie since she is Carol's divorce lawyer. John Is receiving stacks or mail about hjs book and hjres Karen to help answer it. Barbara continues to have flashbacks to another life. James and Barbara are growing closer. DA VS OF OUR LIVES: Fearing that police are closing in on him, Jake plans to pin incriminating evidence on Josh. Jessica refuses to believe that Josh had anything to do with the murders. Ste phano upset when he rmds Tony in Renee·s room. Lee asks Stephano to send Tony out of town on business. With Nell considering departing ttw hospital staff. Stephano tries to change his mind. Doug and Julie find aerial pictures in Robert's belongings and begin to wonder about his connection with the Demearas. After a long conversation with Alice, Mickey goes to Mike and suggests that he consider a medical career , assuring ltlm that he wouJd not reel upset II Mike chose the same profession as his biological father Bill. DOCroRS: Lee Ann is about to sing for Greta but stops when Billy walks in. Greta decides to have a restraining order to keep Billy from visiting Lee Ann. Billy is blackmailing NataUe about her hooker past. Natalie insists that Barney be relieved of his interes t in lhe Medicine Man. and Like sadly buys his father out o( the business. Mona beginning lo wonder where Nola is M.J. devastated when Matt decides he only wanted to marry her as replacement for Maggie. M.J . resigns from the hospital EDGE OF NIGHT: Spencer learns Crom Libby that ·'Sky" has ten Switzerland. Val is startled when she blows up picture and notices "Slry" in the pbot.o which was taken a week after Sky's supposed murder. J im realizes Val is starting lo care ror him. While Mlke and Derek are at the morgue, an ex·con comet In a nd shoots Derek. Jinx rushes to Derek's sll:le and reaU1es tbat she needs him. GENEllAL HOSltrl'AL: Luke, Scorpio and Jackie cue antique s tore. Luke discovers a baolt or sophbUcated eJectronic equipment. When the trio later storms a back room, all the ~uipment lJ 1one and they me~ly rand the elder)¥ mana1er. Scorpio continues to puraue Jackie. Cynthia offera to help Heather preu char1es aaainsl Cy Kata. Heather parpoaely bath Cy with comments about his past sexual experiences with patleou, and obviously strikes a nerve. Alan and Edward •lbaft when they are fiv• IO day•' notice to leave tbe ~ alDce Monlea .._ laid It. A-e·1 coon~ ln Dr. BHdahaw ii lb8tt.end wtlen a paUent on tbe roecl '° reecnery suddeal1 diel. Blaetilt la considered the chief culprit In the 1porta center money THE YOUNGEST FATHER -Rob Lowe portrays a teen-ager who grew up without a father. When he discovers he is the rather of a baby boy. he is determined to raise his illegitimate son in ··schoolboy Father " Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. on ABC <Ch. 7>. theft, but swears he didn't do it, and Rick believes liim Blackle's gang agrees to help rind the thier despite misgivings about Blackie's being innocent GUIDING LJGJrr: Morgan is a hit in her New York photo session and J osh attends the session. Hope 1s relieved when she manages to retrieve an unravorable article she wrote about Amanda. but Vanessa makes sure the article appears Amanda receives her divorce fro m Ue n Tony purchases a coral heart Hillary admired Nola overhears Mrs Renfield discuss Quant meeting a high society patron an London and daydreams about being snubbed Finding a letter. Nola realizes the person Quint 1s to meet 1s his former fiancee. Nola and Gracie see Renfield take Kelly Louise into a mysterious room an the mansion On their honeymoon, Carne and Ross find a charred picture of her son in the fireplace Returning home, Carne and Ross are start.Jed when they open the door to their apartment and find their wedding girts s trewn about. A neighbor says that Vanessa came lo the door that morning. Against Mike's advice Alan turns all his Spaulding stock over to Amanda ONE LIFE TO LIVE: As Jenny returns home she notices a shadowy figure o utside the house and sends Peter , who ls attacked by Ivan. Ivan uses the ether meant for Karen on Peter Police come and revive Peter. discovering keys and an expensive scarf on the ground. Iva n informs Astrid he's decided not to hypnotize Karen. but lo truJy win her love. With Larry having fl ashbacks or I van's operation on him an San Carlo!>, l van decides he must take care or Larry and heads for the hospital. When Kalrma decides to tell Jenny Mary is her child and she wants her back. Peter speeds on the icy road to head Katrina orr. T!1e car skids orr the road and he is killed Feeling guilty and realizing Jenny cannot stand any more heartbreaking news, Katrina decides to wait before telhng her about the baby. Vicki upset when she le!lrns Clint and Edwina are lovers With Herb"s decision to adopt Cassie. he must get permission from her natural rather. Dorian overhears Georgine and Tony discussing the solaramite project, which Georgine wants to get at before anyone else does. RYAN'S HOPE: On the plane unable to land, Pat ans wers a call for help for baby Arley He suspects meningitis. but has no antibiotics to give the infant. who goes into a coma and st.ops breathing while a hysterical Kim looks on. Wi th the plane low on fuel. the story is broadcast over the TV and a stunned Seneca rushes lo the hospital. Ox feigns a trip to the Dominican Republic for a divorce from E.J .. and even goes so far as putting a bronzing gel on his face to show a suntan. Charlie gives Ox the pearls. whk h he prepa res to hock. HalJt' a question about your /aoonle soop or !OOp star:• Write ro l.ynda Hirsch. cto Field Newspaper Syndicate. P 0 Box 196'1iJ. lrvrne. Calaf 927H She 1lllll a!Ln«T as many quest1oru as she can tn her column. /Jul Ille oolume of mail makes perwnal repl1e1 1mpon1ble ' Earlet and James Mitchell await drama at Switzerland 1ave Alpine 1cene!)' to the ski reeort. Bottom left, and right helicopter ABC daytirve drama "All My Children.'' lifts equipment to location. whtle bottom Top left, lttOn and technical crew begln center, Van Vleet and Ilia Earley are in rumt111 cm ed1e of clill near Grindelwakt. shadow of the tamed Etier. Top J'lti'f, Rlcll•te Van Ylfft. t!lftdtc~--.. --· ~ • • • ·--.... " •I l 0 I>aytirne 'Capitol' series • names its stars By LYNDA masce The casting has started for "Capitol," the new CBS soaper s lated to premiere March 29. Constance Towers has been signed to play one of the matriarchs, with Carolyn Jones to portray the other. Miss Towers was la.st seen in Broadway in "The King and I" and baa numerous movie and TV credits. She is marrieCI to John Gavin actor-turned-ambassador to Mexico. ' Miss Jones, whose movies include "Marjorie Morningstar," wu seen for years as Morticla on "The Adda ma Family." At one time she waa married to producer Aaron Spelling, whose efforts include "Charlie's Ancels." &UJIOas ABOUND that when "Search for Tomorrow" moves over to NBC on March 29, that this show, "The Doctors" and "Texas" are going to be given six more weeks to prove themselves, and after that the weakest link will go. We don't · think it will be "Search," since the transition and the time it took to seal the deal would make it seem a premature move. "The Doctors" is owned · by NBC and we can't imagine NBC wants to give up all the money it gets for being sole owner of the show. That leaves "Texas," a P&G production We also hear that no matter wh~t show is dropped, there will be a schedule-shuffling over at NBC, with the possibility or "Days of Our Lives" moving into the 3 o'clock spot. This would mean that "General Hospital" would be opposite two shows being scripted by former GH beadwriters - Doug Marland on "Guiding Light" and Pat The ·E. S. Carpenter Co. Certified Public Accountant Call or write today for a RH --w'Ax Oll6AMIZB'" I to help minimize your 1981 Taxes Full .-vice .ccountlng, tax plenning and retum pre- paration tor lndhllduals and t>wl,,...... . · ·noo w. c .... Hwy .. _Wje n1 • ......,..1eec., c• ·M.e. CMAI._ ...a squd11 VISA 752-561 s , ..... & ..... .., .,.u CHILD-SNATCHING -Baby Matthew cMaurice Christian> is not appeased by an ice-cream cone offered by the man who stole him from his mother in an episode of NBC's daytime series. "Another World.'. ··Another World'' is televised weekdays on NBC <Ch . 4> at 1 p.m. Falken-Smith on "Days." We think that Ms. Falken-Smith and Mr. Marland would love the chance for the competition. Marland has already proven his strength on "Guiding Light" by winning an Emmy last year and contributing to the ratings improvement for GL. We think Falken·Smlth would like that head-on combat as well. DMMTAL WATCH PIM = sa = s7 _RANCIC>- ROBIN THOMAS, who can be seen u Dr. 35 Matt Butler on "As the World Tums," ll.kes to do .,, carpentry work in between acting gigs. One of his ~ most cherished memories was the day he was - doing work for John Lennon and Yoko Ono. ~ Recalls Thomas, "Lennon was an amazing figure. r He seemed to be quite interested in what I was $ doing, my ability to work with my hands, and at ..,, one point look out his guitar and ~layed a song for ~ me. I was also intrigued by the relationship he bad ~ with his son; it was warm and caring and almost ~ seemed unique." 111 . ~ n THE DAYTIME EMMYS are slated for June ., 11 and will be done on CBS this year. No word on ~ "the nominations; we tiear a few new categories - may be included. We hope so. This is a bit later ! than usual for the daytime Emmys, which usually take place at the end of May. FRANCESCA JAMES, seen on .. AU Ky Children" as Kitty and later Kelly, bu tumed her sighta to clirecli.ng. Saya one ol the AMC cut members Francesca directs, "She's marvelous. She's so tiny that you don't expect her to be forceful but she is. And the crew, which can be very bard on a director -or on anyone, for that matter -i.s wonderful with Francesca, because they know she 1a doing a wonderful job and wm take oo guff. Also, aa an actreaa, abe knows bow to work with her performers and bow to set what she wants from the scene ; she's not merely a director who's interested in the right shots. She also wants the right emotions." Q: I ...ad like &o U.. wl.o played •Ill• CaaaadlM • "Gelteral Hoapl&al." la It likely tlaat tbe cllander will ret•ra! -K.C., &kllmeed, Va. A: John CoUcos played the evil patriarch or the Cassadine family. Colicos is a well-known veteran of stage and screen and was last seen on TV in "BatUestar Gaiactica." It ls doubtful that the character of Mikkos wjl) return, since be was frozen to death on the isld8. As someone pointed out, perhaps he can be thawed out. We don't think it's likely, but anything is possible. Q: Wllat beca~e ~I Ute ~ctreu •Ito replaced MINI BLINDS 50°/o Off DISCOUNTS ON CAIPETIN& Dll~llES Walter 's D~aperles & . Carpeting 714-67).6743 2823 east coast highway 675-10 I 0 .- fine staticrery . caaia del mar .J .·• • ,.,.., telll; MJ blt'DC)l•oo~ • • 36. I -C\i - • Labcntortee for~ 111'Yioe at MCh branch • Same dq eerv10e tn ~ oues • Btlooale only ais addJUOn&l • Baullob "Lomb IOft oonwet •~ onJ.J •se pr. • IODI-OAL aooept.ed Fullelton soo N. Harbor Bf.id. {at Char:>man) 870-7441 AnaMlm 1205 N. fudld,.,,.. 7""3300 ............ .-...... .-... .---......... --------------------------------------..---------------,----~--------....--------...,.,.--------\ -ee R011JaJJCe ... It's bringing in big bucks now r ----------------------------------------------------------------._._... ... ..__..~~_,.--.... ______ ....,..._. __ """"'=-'--..-~ ........ -__ -..-----~-~._..-~ Music Opera buffs to see 'Cosi fan Tutte' By MARY JANE SCARCELLO Of tlle D91ty P'I ... SWH Orange County will see a full -scale production of professional opera when the Los Angeles Opera f.le pertory Theater brings Mozart's "Cosi fan Tutte" to the Santa Ana High School auditorium later this month. The performan ces will mark the three-year·old company's first venture into the area. although it has received financial support from county sources, according to Johanna Oordick, LAORT's artistic director. "The James Irvine Foundation has given us a three.year grant, and Carl Karcher Enterprises supports us, in addition to our other government and corporate grants," she said. "Opera is costly , even when done sensibly, because it involves a full orchestra plus all the trappings of a play. such as costumes, sets, lighting and even dancers . Developing a regional company makes economic sense." The Opera Society of Orange County will welcome the first or LAORT's two county productions with a receptiotl, according to Dordick, and the Santa Ana North Rotary will sponsor a free performance for high school students throu&h the Orange County Board of Education. ··Both · Cosi fan Tulle' and our later production , ·Madam a Butterfly,' will be sung in English, which makes it more meaningful for audiences," she said. "Last year when we held a student show ol 'La Boheme' in Loa Angeles, the teen-aeers were causht up in the st.ory and stayed to aeplaud aad cheer when it ended. They identified with tbe young artiltl on atqe." . She is an avid supporter ot operas SWll in English because lt helps audiences follow the story. "Opera must be theater as well as~singing," she said. .. American artists are very talented actors, too, so the audience really relates to what's happening onstage." Dordick ls proud that the young company N.ancy Zelf Pamela Porter-Arnold Jeanine Baumann already has helped develop youn1 American singers, several or whom have been signed to sing in major opera houses around the world in roles first performed with LAO RT. The artistic director always loved opera but began her career singing musical comedy because America lacked 011portunity for young overa singers in the 1950s, she said. "Creating the production in the first place is much more expensive than takin& it to other theaters in the same region," she said. "For instance, it costs about $125,000 t.o put together and rehearse ·La Traviata.' But It costs only another $30,000 to $40,000 to add 2 performances in another theater. "I had a career selllna advertising in my 30s," she continued, "•d by the time I betao •intina opera in Europe, it was too late to dev~op the kind of career I wanted. But I've drawn on all my experiences to put lotether the LAORT.'' Her long-range plans are to present a fall opera season with major intematimal stan and a spring season showcasing young American artists. "Art is first a business, and all performing arts have to watch their pennies these days.'' Describing LAO RT as "visionary with our feet on the ground," ahe said, "We're not a Utile touring company -we're seeking quality. Wbat we do is nothing like Oranee County ever has seen before." More immediate plans call for taking productions to other Southland areas without professional opera companies, such as Santa Barbara. Ticket prices for the operas ranae in price from $10 to $22.50 for each performance, with "Cosi fan Tulle" scheduled March 19 and 3>, and "Madama Butterfly" on May 28 and 29. Tickets are available through mutual agencies or by calling (213) 937-2491. ' • Final philharmonic concert rwt what doctor ordered ByMARYJANESCABCEUA> °' .... DellY ...... St9ft Giuseppe Sinopoli was auest conductor for the Los Angeles Phllharmonic's Cinal B Series concert Saturday night at the Santa Ana High School auditorium. but the evening was not what the doctor ordered. Sinopoli , who also bas a degree ln medicine, put together an evening or music ranging in condition rrom duty in solos and duets this year, fared better against the noise level than Ohyama. The viola's mellow tones were often lost, especially during the first movement. Th e prog ram ended with Stravinsky's Symphony in Three Mo ve m e n ts . The music i s interesting, but the performance was uninspired. ' Next week Carlo Maria Giullni will Even miracle wonder drugs couldn't have breathed Zif e into the ~rformance . stable to critical. Like any Sood sur1eon, be took care ol tbe wont ftnl -in lbia cue, a moribund version of ~bubert'a "Unflnlahed" Symphony. Even miracle dru1s couldn't have br,atbed life into the perfOl'llMIDCe. llourt's SympboDia Coneertante fared better. Concert.muter SldMJ Wel11 waa joined b1 HelleMn Oh1ama, co-priaeloal ¥tole, M .... wu a .ace duet whea Ute 61 J .. ltar allowed U.m to be __. ..., 11111 retum for~ protram includbal music ,by Salvlucci, "Haydn, Rawel and Slrav~. In view of Saturday'• le11-lhan-perfeet performance, It's lnterestlq to note tbe annoueed season for 1•.aa. Of tM 10 CGllC*U. five in each Mf1el, ..., two will be conduded bJ Ghaltal. 9ecb .mes will bear bbD cmb OMe, wltll atber perfOl'IDUHI ta• ., ...... vi ....... t .... ~ Ill ... 0 ;r I ,., l .. ' ' s Dance C'<i .r; u .... Cll ~ >.. Cll 'O ·.:: LL TAPPING TUTOR -Lisa Kyne, a 19-year-old dance ins tructor in Laguna Beach. keeps her young charges on their toes. DANCERS ON TAP Lisa Kyne leads one of her 12 dance classes in a tap dancing routine on the hardwood floor at the Community Center in Laguna Beach. She teaches 175 youngsters each week. Laguna dance teacher has tap on success By SftVE MITCHELL OI ti.. 0...,. ,. .... IUH How successful is Lisa Kyne's dance program in Laguna Beach? This su ccessful : She started out last year with 10 clumsy kids in leotards. Today she teaches tap, ballet and jazz dancing to 175 eager youngsters, and sbe bad to offer three new classes this semester just to handle the overflow. Now, teaching novice youngsters how to dance Is no easy task. You just try getting 3S> feet to move in the right direction five days a week. But the 19-year-old dance instructor couldn't be happier. Lisa has been dancinc since she was 4 years old. Wby, she was · praclically raised on a hardwood noor. And she bad the best teacher in , ... the world, she says. Her mother, J>auline. Pauline Kyne was a successful choreographer. for Canadian television for many years. Her husband, Terry, was a television director: ~n Canada and the couple produced variety shows m that country such as Night Cap, The Doug Henning Special and Hit Parade. Lisa's mother taught dance classes for the Laguna Beach recreation department for five years before turning the project over to her daughter last year. Lisa has obviously filled her mother's ballet shoes. Her dozen classes meet in the Veteran's Mem orial Community Center u d .the city's recreation room adjacent to Cit,y Hall. And while her tap dancinc claarges leam how to shume ~to Buffalo to phanocr1ph music, she says the emphasis in her classes is havin1 fua. Laguna dance students Charis Lee. r l.eft J and Kristin Thorn, both 12. use the bar for balance while they tap out a routine in · Lisa Kyne's class . She requires all her tap dancing students to also take jazz dancing because the latter develops coordination throughout the body while tap dancing "is pretty much in your feet." And the enjoyment experienced by her tutored tappers is spread to the parents, who are invited at the end of each 12-week session to a demonstration of their youngster's newly-learned abilities. When she's not In the classroom, Lisa is at the Saddleback Dance Center, Ballet Pacifica in Laguna Beach or the Capistrano Dance Center, polishing her own dancing skills. That t.altes up a dozen hours a week, and then there's rehearsals for an upcoming television dance show on the Publit Broadcasting System, to air the finl week of April. Her future goal? "I want to perform prolessionally like my mother did," she said. She's obviously off on the ri1ht foot. 11 'Oscar Fever' deadline near How often have you read a film review in this or other newspapers and responded, "Thal idiot doesn't know what he's talking about. I loved that movie!" Come on now, you know you've said it . . Well, here's yo1.:r chance to prove you know more about movies than the Weekender's own astute, and sometimes caustic, film expert J eff Parker. And to win a free night at a top dinner theater, to boot. Parker has already made his predictions regarding who will win an Oscar in seven categories during the Academy Awards on March 29. His selections have been put in a hermetically sealed envelope and placed on the editor's desk under all that other junk. Now, we're asking you to make your own picks and enter our first "Oscar Fever" contest . The reader who comes closest to naming the winners will receive a certificate good for a dinner and show at the Grand Dinner Theater in the Grand Hotel in Anaheim . The categories are Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Suppor ting Actor. Best Supporting Actress , Best Director and Best See Official Ballot, Page 11 Original Song. We won't ask you to guess at some of the more contests like Best Day-for-Night Sequence Shot in the Southern Hemisphere or Best Nude Stand-in for Brooke Shields. If you win (and why shouldn't you?), you have un til December to use your certificate, giving you a wide range of outstanding-shows to choose from. ("Gypsy" is at the Grand now through May 16, followed by "Music Man" until Aug. 22.) Winners will be selected by the Weekender editorial staff. In case of a tie, the prize will go to the entry with the earliest postmark. There are three simple rules to follow : -You must pick a winner in all seven categories; -You must use an official Weekender entry blank (no photocopies or band-drawn forms), though you can enter as many times as you like; -Your entry must be postmarked no later than midnight, March 27. Send your entries to: "Oscar Fever," c/o Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626. Those nominees are: BEST PICTURE: "Atlantic City," "Chariots of Fire," "On Golden Pond," "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Reds." BEST ACTOR: Warren Beatty, "Reds"; Henry Fonda, "On Golden Pond"; Burt Lancaster, .. Atlantic City" ; Dudley Moore, "Arthur" and Paul Newman, "Absence of Malice." BEST ACTRESS: Katharine Hepburn, "On Golden Pond"; Diane Keaton, "Reds''; Marsha Mason, "Only When I Laugh"; Susan Sarandon, ·•Atlantic City" and Meryl Streep, "The French Lieutenant's Woman." BEST SUPPORTING ACl'O&: James Coco, "Only When I Laugh": John Gielaud, "Arthur"; Ian Holm. "Chariots of Flre''; Jack Nicholson, "Reds'' and Howard E. Rollins Jr .• "Ra.rtlme." BEST SUPPORTING ACl'&ESS: Melinda Dillon, "Absence of Malice"; Jane Fonda, "On Golden Pond"; Joan HackeU, "Only When I Laugh"; Elizabeth McGove rn, "Raglime"; Maureen Stapleton, "Reds.'' BEST DlaECl'Oa: Wa_rren Beatty, "Reds"; Hugh Hudson, ''Chariots ol Fire"; Louis Malle, "Atlantic Ci\y": Mar~ Rydell, "On Golden Pond" and Steven Spielberg, "Raiders of the Lost Ark." 9£91' OUGINAL SONG: "AltbUr'I Theme, Best. That You Ce Do'' from "Arthur " "EncQen Love" from "l:Dd1eu Love," '1'be n...t Thu It Happeu" frem ''Th,e Great llllPPft Ca_per," ""- Your Eyea ODIJ'' from ".From-Your g,_ 0aJ1•• and "One llon Hoar" from " •· -----__,.,--~ --.......... "'-- Polo at the Garage ... Here we teol\.Jre Rolph Louren·s 100% cotton Polo Shirts 1n an array of coloo. complemented by Colvin Klein 1eons and o great wool surcingle belt from Dooney & Bounce ---~ .. _ _......._-- s 8~~@~ 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPoRT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 ... , .. -~~~••mnt0:>~V. ~-----~-'----~ - THE ENTERTAINERS \'Between Rock ... and a Soft place:' ---~ 6 : Intermission i::. ~ 'Ring Round the Moon' tasty, but not filling ~ ·;::: LI.. By-!f'-0~ TITUS Of Ule Dally Hee 5 ... ft 4> , Cotton can.dy ~ay, indeed, be quite tasty. but ~ if you consum,e it for the better part of three hours fi you probably will yearn for something a bit more t substantial. The problem in staging Anouilh <it's pro- nounced, significantly, like "ennui") lies in rendering his predominantly philosophical characters human, with identifiable qualities. While director John Williams performs this task better than most practitioners of the art on the community level, his production cannot overcome the lukewarm nature of the script itself. ~ This, essentially, is the dilemma faced by g viewers of "Ring Round the Moon," the latest a: production at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. While it's attractive and quite well done, Jean Anouilh's featherwei~ht comedy isn't really fillin g. The play, set in 1912 France. centers on a Jek y ll-Hyde pair of twin brothers with contrasting views on romance -the manipulator 1922 A Tradition for 60 Years 1982 Serving Nightly Tll 1 A.M. for our Reservations Suggested &4s-1on St. Patriek's Oa'\· . . Ct.•ll•bratio11 Featuring: •Comed Beef A Caggage •Fre8h lrieh Lamb Stew •Complimentary Hor• 0'0euVl'fl9 durin~ =ij~~~fi Cocktail Hour and the manipulatee, so to speak. The focus shifts among the various guests at a spring ball where Cupid's arrows take some circuitous routes. Tim Ottman, playing both brothers alternately, is quite su~cessful in keeping them at physical variance with little more than an alteration of countenance. Beverly Turner gives a sincere performance as a working class ballet dancer recruited for a prank but caught in the romantic web. See Intermisswn. Page 7 Join March 17 at S~Anderson's Airporter Inn Hotel 18700 MacArthur &Wevard, Irvine, Cakfomia At ~ County's John Wf¥te Airport Come celebrat~ wtth us over a tra<ittfonal lunch of comed beef and cabbage, and hearty drtnks. The fun lasts all St. Patrick's Day long. So plan to come on in and enjoy the fun. FOUNTAIN VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN GROVE, TORRANCE, CERRITOS, LAKEWOOD, ANAHEIM • ... Intermission From Page6 The invalid dowager wbo rules jadedly over the household is played with authority by Pauline Hague, Woody Jones is effective as the inexplicably sullen zillionaire whose daughter (coquettishly enacted by Laurie Sondag) is out to snare one or the twins, while Robb Fahey supplies some needed comic relief as an eccentric butterfly chaser with designs on Miss Turner. Carol Bassett is properly exasperating as the dancer's tagaJong mother who nearly upsets the elaborate applecart, while Sharon Reichelderfer and Peter Stone neatly form a secretive subplot. F ranis James as Miss Hague's elderly companion and Rex Day as an ancient butler complete die Real Canfonese Flld Ht here or take hom. & leni Mion S.l1dion"Y" MACOll VII I HES • S~~· d.ri£te 1Jil~~ r l)i~tinctive Waterfront Dining Oyster Bar· Cocktails ~ll33 W l'acthc Coai.t H1~way, N.R.• 642·2295 WI 'IOMISI fOl IOOO C#lllSI 1000 WNCMn • DN•IS • llOfllCAl COCITW . ~ IAllUIT FACIUllU ... dTlllNG * FOOD YO GO l .,.,Mn ........ "== Kl-ti II , ...... company. "Ring Round the Moon" is a fagile bit of theatncaJ shrubbery in need or some judicious pruning. It continues Fridays and Saturdays through April 3 at the playhouse, in Huntington Beach's Seacliff Village, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, with an 8:30 curtain. • CAU.BOAJlD -The Mission Viejo Playhouse is looking for a director to stage its season-closing play, "Happy Birthday, Wanda June," which is scheduled to audition March 29 and 30 ... those interested sh6ula · eontact playhouse president Betsy Southworth at 830-9252. . . . Male dancers are needed fo r the Costa Mes.a Civic Playhouse musical "Where's Charley," which opens April 15 .... contact Pali Tambellini at 754-5159 for further details .... -7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ .. ..... •CM.1•D TM• MD0r: A pl•y .., ,,..,. -It", .....,.._by~ Fry,~ W,,... Wllll•ms. pr..-.c.cl.., ,...,, Su»lv..,..,. O..C. .,_, .-..-... it.,_ ,,,,..,.,, -..... '""''"' .., ...... ~ .......... .NM SNw. PNMft-Fri49Yl -S.hl<cNYI .. I :• tMwtill 1'.lril I .., tM H111111,,..... 9NC" l"Mly-, M9M SWMC .. Y-A-lfl Su<lltfVMI-. Hunll ..... 8Mcll. R_.,..._..147....S. TMlf CAST r.:{:~.'-~.::: .... : .. : ... :::·: .. ··:::::.:::::::::::·~~ Maos.me Oemor1ft . • ............. •• .......................... ....,._ --l'K-. . ................ ' ................ w..y ,,_. 'Tl Rom•lflvMle . • • • • ................ ., ..................... Fallrt ~- 0141M ,,.._,,..........., ••• ., .. .. • • • • .. .. • .. • ... • • • . . '--1 S..-~ ........... , ,,_ .. ... . . ........................... c......... Ill IAdyl .......................................... ~R.......-':< P•lrlce ...,,_.'" . . ..................................... ,.._ S- C-let ........................................ P'r ..... J-~ JOlll.... • ·'. .. •• .. • ..................................... Ort Ill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a ~ -The non-Equity actors, ooe middle-aged and r» the other in his early 20s, are being sought brthe _. Harlequin Dinner Playhouse to complete the cast ! of the comedy "Forty Carats" .... those interested should contact Barbara Hampton at lbe Harlequin, 979-7550. . . . A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment C£nter Albertson 's • Bank of America • Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel Mione's • Music Market • Piecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern Californla Optical Spa Lady • Swensen's 8 ! Table to Table· -----J:. ~ ! Cmch w eating fresh fish Ill ~at McFadden's: Find fork ,, c: QI x ~ By CAllOL MOORE Of IM O.ily Heit ltaff McFadden's Baysi<U Restaurant, 333 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, 673-2733. E Lunch snved Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m. cl: to 3 pm. Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dinner from 5 to 10 p.m. weekdays, 11 p.m weekends Dinners priced from $1 to $16. Fish -from bouillabaisse through salmon, shark, s napper. sole and swordfish to trout -are priced from $7 to $16 until they are wiped off the "fresh daily" blackboard menus. Printed menus describe seafood combinations with Mornay sauce or casseroles prepared with wine, and a glossary details what to expect when fis h is orde re d "c h a r -broiled, deep-fried, pan-broiled, poached or s auteed ." Plus each e ntree comes with forks" and intermittent servi ce. Twice we've bad to ask for the missing implements . The y apparently congregate at the oyster bar which is popular and will likely rate h.igb in an upcoming review of that genre. Until a fork arrives, sample those crunchy vegetable s t icks -and flowerets that come in a chilled crock with tangy <lip, s ip a glass of wine and enjoy the tranquil view. Du cks paddle among these s lips far removed from the boat traffic seen at window tables al r estaurants s urrounding the turning basin. In the course of several visits, we've found the s napper and salmon to be properly flaky and succulent. both casseroles were balanced with a fine hand for seasoning; scall ops were a tad skimpy and the swordf1Sb was chewier than we prefer but not dry enough to send back. Anyone who finds fish too bland ca n doctor it with the horseradish power of the third topping that comes with lartar a nd cocktail sauces. And anyone who l"ationalizes that any fi sh dinner. is low-calorie might indulge in mud pie or macadamia s undae or tangerine sherbet or a s lice of cheesecake that serves one teen-age b oy, two love rs. three dieters or four seniors. On our last visit , the ~urrounding foursomes a ll contained countians unwinding from hectic jet flights which speaks well for the comforting s atisfaction of McFadden's. Blue and white crispness that's synonymous with boating accents tbe freshness of decor and entrees at Mc Fadden's Bays ide Restaurant, nestled next to Upper Newport Bay bridge French bread and herbed butter , ~---------------------------~ The dining area 1s pl~tformed off with brass railing , '°A nd you'll definitely s ink into the director 's chairs or upholstered highbacks if you manage to polish off one of these bette r v~lues at waterfront prices. crudites, soup or salad (minus the token tomato but garnished with grated ca rrot s, radis hes and c ucumberJ a nd your choice of cauliflower or potato au gratin or rice pilaf. If ther e's a c atch to all this wonderfulness. it's "disappearing J azz.pop concert schedule d Jazz musicians Mark Davidson and Marshall Otwell will be joined by the Is rael Baker String Quartet during a j azz-pop concert March 14 at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. Bak e r i s a violinist and concertmaster with Orange County's Pacific Symphony. Davidson will offer piano selections of favorite Beatie tunes. Otwell , pianis t for jazz singer Carmen MacRae, will perform jazz favorites by Chick Corea. Horace Silver and the late Bill Evans. Tickets are $8.SO to $12.50. For more information about the 7 p.m. concert, call 548-2081. Straw berry Festival g e ts ready The Stra wberry Fes tival, a fo ur-day celebration of parades, games , a ca r nival, crafts , tournaments and the "world's largest strawberry shortcake," is set for Me mo rial Day weekend in Garden Grove. · Now in i t s 24th year . the Strawberry Festival will be given a country-western theme, "Strawberry Roundup" for this year. Some 100,000 persons are expected to see the event that c limaxes the festival, the 130-unit parade, set for Saturday, May 29. INTRODUCE USTO A FRIEND 2FORJ12. We've cooked up a number of new dishes with the same special care we put into our famous crepes. But what makes the ones you see here truly irresistible is the special price. Choose any two and you can enjoy a delicious feast for just $12 . Bue this price won't be around CtX) long. So drop by soon . We can't wait to have you over for dinner. LONOON BROIL Slices of mann~tt.'\.l ,1e,1~ f\ippcJ with hurgunJ) wine sauce. BREAST OF CHICKEN CACCIATORE SauteeJ m .1 savory t11m;H11,<1ucc wirh nn111ns, bdl rl·ppers anJ \\'lnl'. ~l'f\'1..•J 1wcr ,, beJ nf linguint. BEEF BOURGUIGNON CREPE AND RATATOUILLE CREPE One filled with tcnJ er hecf and pearl onions in a frc~h mu~hmum sauce. 111..: other wnh a European hlenJ ~)f vegctahlcs. ' South Coast Plata, becween Bulludc'5 anJ Nurdstrom's (714) 556·1225 Open Ja1ly from JI AM Btta Mall (714) 990-4343 Offer good after 5 PM --·· .. &·· ..... Music Last philharmonic concert of season For the final concert of the Orange County Philharmonic Society's current Subscription Series, Maestro Carlo Maria Giulini will be back conducting the Los Angeles Philhar monic Orchestra. The concert Saturday will have as a bonus four virtuoso artists from the orchestra as soloists, at 8 ~30 p.m. in the Santa Ana High School Auditorium, 520 W. Walnut . Santa Ana. "'11onial HOME ~~t ~ COOKING ~ (~tn ~~~ ~la.tan/ ' *·*OPEN 1 DAYS I. 0 ** ... lrl fri. I .. Pl. Sit. & Sia 1111-3 Pl IElfAST • •Y &m & ... SftaaS Food To T• o.t I s48-o36(] 512 W •. 19th. Costa Mna C:0.....9'1 .. , ..... .,. Tuna DeHght Sandwich Huntington Beach P«lfic Co11st l'iwy So of P1v1 $3.25 I" •. Newport BeKh 1400 Poc~lc Coast Hwv Now Serving Beer & Wine . 15 Convenient locations .. Heading the list of outstanding musicians is Ronald Leonard, principal cello since 1975 and r ecipient o f enthus ias tic acclaim for his performance of the Elgar Concerto when he s ubstituted for the late Gregor Piatigorsky. Alexander Treger, second concertmaster, Russian born violinist , is a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory where, for six years, be was a student of David Oistrakh. David Weiss, principal oboe since 1973, has been first oboe of the National Symphony in Washington, D.C., Pitts burgh Symphony, and Metropolitan Oper'a National Company, in addition to s91'0 performances at Philharmonic Hall, New York and the Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C. Alan Goodman, principal bassoon since 1970, a ,. 9 l 71: native of New York, has been featured as a soloist ~ with the orchestra and has recorded with the Los ~ Angeles Philharmonic woodwind Quintet. ;:'" The program for this unusual concert includes =!' Introduction, Passacaglia and Finale, by Giovanni 0.: Salviucci, written in Italy in 1934, just three years ~ before his death. Although not widely known, on ~ the basis of the s mall number or works he 111 n prod~ he was looked upon by those who knew :z him a~mposer of considerable attainment and - even larger promise. !'l Tbe Haydn Sinfonia Concertante in B fiat for i Violin, Cello, Oboe, Bassoon ·and Orchestra, N written in 1792, will feature Treger, Leonard, Weiss and Goodman. SeeLast,Page13 KOISIDY SATURDAY &SUNDAY, MARCH13&14 On exhibition from 12-5 Saturday • 9-3 Sunday AWARD CEREMONY 3 p.m. Sundlly Competition open to the publlc. You must register before 10:00 A.M. Saturdlly . • 10------------------------------- ~ YOUR MOt•Y MOW IUYS MOM -Ala MEXICO ....... /ScMYI •m mla•91lll.-..sa.ratD11 ~ v~ April 22-26 $350. a-.... -- GOING PLACES TRAVEL Falllh•l.a-d 64o.Gl21 <:;;;f olden ~~~~ -~~ Z;;ragon ·--- r.erutNE CHINESE MAHDMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo C.Orte Dishes Lunch Dinner Da\ly • Food To Take Out 4715 c-.-• OUMel 750.7171 • 71/l.A IL-• .JOUH.tler ... • --YW COSTA MISA ...... ,..... ,,42_71,2. '11-ttl I Great Dnnks Delightful Lunches Glorious Dinners 37 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644·2030 • iscover 500 N. Euclid St. Anaheim Plaza 772·2130 t.Blackbeard's • 1 ,. • New Look \ s:-.;;:· t .. e 've changed and have a newly remodeled lounge, oyster bar & dinner menu. ENTERTAINllENT SNIGBTS Complimentary Hon D'oeanee 4-7 weekcla71 Monday Nip }ma --. _.. .. • • .Romaiice selling well From Page I the formula down by hard work. But there has to consumer dollar spent on fiction goes to buying be that certain quality that sets the book apart. romances. The author has to bring something to the book that Estrada, who works in a Houston branch or 8 . takes it above just formula writing. It's hard to Dalton Bookseller, says that the average romance describe. I guess it might have something to do reader is bf>tween 32 and 4.5 years old, has two with enjoying the work. You can tell when an kids, two years of college and reads about "10 author had fun writing the book. JC she did, there's books a week." She claims that ''heavy" readers a spark that brings the book alive. tackle up to 15 books a wee'< and sometimes more. "1 have a regular customer who is a savings "The kind or person who can't write a and loan vice president, .. Estrada said. "She is a romance is the one who denigrates the genre. A lot t f if c ~ c or writers want the money but don't like the style. grea an ° ar os asteneda and a great reader I'll get cover letters that say 'I've written better or romance too. I called her Crom work the th d II h th than this, but I need money, so here's romance.' 0 er ay to le er at the new Carlos Casetneda They're consistently terrible. You can feel the book was in and the new Ecstasy romances bad arrived. She told me to put the romances aside for negative vibrations in them," Teal said. her and that she'd take a took at the Castenada. J According to Estrada, advances depend on the said what? Put the Castenada on hoJd and take the kind or book written. Shorter genre romances· may romances? She said, 'Hey, I have to think as hard earn their authors between $1,500 and $4 ,000 in as Casteneda all day. At night I want a little advance against royalties, while longer books, ecstasy.' I think that speaks for a lot of our s uch as sagas, historicals or gothics, will earn readers... between "$10,000 and $30,000." After the writer's Closer to home, Crown Books of Costa Mesa royalty advance is paid back, are romance authors reports tripling orders for Harlequin Romances in still making a good profit? • one year, and a doubling of other mass market "Oh yeah," said Estrada. "Romances, some romance books . "It's incredible," said manager of them, are sold all over the world. The print- Cathy McKnight. "Eight is the average amouqt of ings are huge and the market is good. When romances a woman will buy here. They stock up at you 've got t housands of women across the the beginning of the month. Some will buy ten. and country buying 10 or 12 books a week, it adds up.'· I've seen people walk out with flflee.n. Even with Why the sudden boom! the discounts we offer, they're still dropping S20 or "Tbe obvious answer is that when limes are $25 each time." troubled, people need escape literature," said And what turns a lukewarm romance into a Holliday. "l think it 's safe to make that red-bot commodity? assumption here. People want a few hours respite Pat Teal, an Oranse COUftty literary agent from their problems." who handles some 23 romance writers, says that Teal says that economics has a lot to do with there's an "intangible ln.Jredient" m I~ romance the sudden rise in rom ance sales. "This is writing. With the scores of manuscripts she's read, inexpensive entertainment," she said. "When you Teal can't define the ingredient, but she says she compare the cost of hiring a babysitter and going can recognize it in a good manuscript. to the movies to buying and reading a romance. "Speaking generally, romance writing is a lot it's no wonder people are·buying the books. You harder than it looks," she said. "Anyone can get See Romo.nee. Page 11 ~~~~~~~~"'---~~~~~~~~~~~ DIVORCED? f me Able OOes not heal all lhe wounds. DIVllCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Help, Support 81ld Guidance for any divo~ced Of separated person SkT•1.., .. , .... U• di 16-Aprl 2-7:JO-t:JO St An*8ws Presbyta1ln C~urch Newport Beadl St Andrews Road iat 15th St. Across From Newport Harbor High $15.00 Registration For_.. ... ...._.._ call: '31·2111 t :00.1:00 MoL..fri. THE FIRST&. ONLY SZECHWAN STY.LE CHINESE CUISINE IN NEWPORT BEACH SPlCIALIZING IN SUCHWAN, SHANGHAI &.. MANDARIN CUISINE __ "_ ..... Committee for Arts Presents: MOOMCOfH -,,....._ lr4tll M.k fw St.~ hJ, Wednestjay. Marcil 17. 1982 • 8 PM · Village Theatre Performing on over 16 rare musical instruments combines dance music. song. ooetry. stories and ancient lore of Ireland. General-SS. UCI Fae/staff/Alumni. Sr. Cit 44. 00 Stud.-S3 Ht•HLAHD SHOWTIMI -Mllllc. D•H ...t SOM of Scollmd A ......... FrldtiY. March 19. 1982 • 8 f>M -Crawford ~I. A ""'*-' extravaganza of Accordions. Fiddles. Bagoipet. Songs and Dances from across the Atlantic. General • S7 50. ss. S3 Students. children & Sr Citizens SS TAMMAHIU. WIAYll5 -llell M.1k _, Scoee.ct Sunday. March 21. 1982 • 3 PM • Village Theatre Combines traditional folk music with Innovative rock beat General-SS. UCI Fae/staff/Alumni. Sr Cit ·S4. UCI Stud ·S3 Tickets available In the ASUCI Box Office. Mon -Fri 9'30 AM to 4 PM. 833-5549. For further orogram into call 833«179 --..-...·---·. Currently screenlnt ----... ,.- Aas:,t:NCE Of' MALICE: Rated PG, Paul Newman and Sally Field A carerul study of lht> power or the press and 1ls consequences, neatly executed b) Sidney Pollack The PG rating is ror adult language T HE AMATEUR: Hated R. star~ John Savage and Marthe Keller in a tale or CIA intrigue and betrayal The R rating 1s for violence ATLANTIC CITY: Rated R. stars Burt Lancaster as an uging, bottom-rung ex-gangster who gets one last chance to make a big buck when he happens upon a large amount of coca me. and one last chance al romance when he meets Susan Sarandon. a card dealer. Louts Malle directed this bit of whimsy. written br J ohn Guare. H's fresh, funny. and ahve. The R rating 1s for violence and adult situations BODY HEAT: Rated R. stamng William Hurt as a bungling, lovestruck atorney and Kathleen Turner as the femme fatale. This sexy, devious mystery takes place in a fictitious Florida town so hot that people in cares order iced teas two al a time. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan as an homage lo film noir. the R rating comes from brier nudity. salty language and a general air of steaminess. • • .Romance From Page 10 can read them in two or three hours a day. They're portable. Romance is a great value. Readers like to know what they're getting, too. When you pick up a genre romance you know you'll be getting certain things -some sensuality, some conflict, a happy ending." . Holliday said that boom or no, romance as , and always has been a viable literary subject. "I s uppose the whole tradition goes back to ·wuthering Heights,' " she said. "So really, we're just carrying on a certain manner or storytelling. Romance never goes oat of style." .• NOW YOUR'S FOR PREVIEW OR PURCHASE NEW RELEASES CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG TREASURE ISLAND APPLE DUMPLING GANG RIDES AGAIN PETE'S DRAGON MUPPET MOVIE THE LOVE BUG A HUGE SELECTION OF MOVIE HITS INClUOING NOSfAlGIA • llllGIOUS • CHllDHNS • AOU\J TANS vCa) • ltlG SC.HNS • COlOtl CAMHAS • COlOtl TV'S •VIOIO GAMIS •ACCISSOlllS ONE STOP FOR AU YOUR VIDEO NEEDS (OPEN: M -F, 10·9-SAT.10-6 -SUN.12·6 I ~:~,::~::·;:;,~::: ~;~~7 u1n~o11 > (714/ 631-STOP or 631 7867 rl~I ACRQSS FROM RALPH'S MOVIE RATINGS FOR MREJl1S MD YOtJNQ PEOPLE ,_..__ .,,__,,. alO-· __ ,..__,, . ..., ... _ ... .......,.,,_a-... ORANGB COAST COLL-AUDITORIUM @ NO~ UNOl.ll 1r AOWmD Cllfo1t...,._,_,,. ... --..... 2701 , .. ,.. Roed, c.. ...... Ce. - 8 P.M. -SUNDAY, MARCH 18 RESERVED SEA TS: 18.50,. $7.50, H .50 nCKllTS/V .... MC -(714) 88e.8817. ALI. a 111 NllO • 'LMI 1111~Nt TMl MAL Cl '"'MOTQI 'Cl\1911 000€ Cl M.V M0\11.-'TO. --_----~ ~ - II r-----------------------------------.. ~ §: There's more to love than ... Oscar Fever .rules I 1 All entries must be on an official blank clipped from the Daily Pilot No photocopies or hand.drawn t>nlry blanks will be accepted 21 lnd1\'lduals ma' enter as man,· times as the\' lrke 31 Enlncs must he postmarked no later th<tn ·March 27. 1982 41 Datl~ Pilot employees ;.md members of their immediate ramilies are not elrg1ble to enter 5 1 Selections must be made rn each categor~ Incomplete entries will not be accepted Oscar Feve r OFFICfAL BALLOT BEST PHT l'RI-; O Allanll< City O Chariots of Fire O On Golden Pond O Raiders of the Lost Ark O R•ds BEST .\M'OR O Warren Beatty O Henry Fonda 0 8urt L.enuster 0 Dudley Moore O Paul Newman Sl'PPORTIS(i .\(TOR OJamesCoco 0 John GletQUd Olan Holm 0 Jack NlchOlson O Howard E. Rollins Jr 1u:sT DIRF:("J'OR O w arren Beatty 0 Hugh Hudson O LoulsMalle 0 Mark Rydell O Steven Spielberg REST AM'Rt:ss O Katharine Hepburn 0 Olane Ke.loo 0 M1rst11 Ma50n O Susan Sarenoon O Mtryl SIF'ffe> Sl'PPORTl:"llG A<TRF:ss O~llnda Dllloo 0 Jane Fonda O Joan H9Ckett O Ellzabetll McGovern 0 Maureen Stap .. too OlllGISAL SOSG 0 8est That You Can Do 0 Endltss LOVI! O Th• First Time In Haooens O For Your Eyes Only O Ont More Hour Deadlllle Mldnlgbt March 27, 198% OSCAR ,EV&R JSSPONSOll!D 8Y THE ..., .... PRIZES PRESE~TED RY The Grind Dinner Tbeater ~A~~---------------~ AOORf.:l;S _______________ _ CIT'Y-----------1'110!'18----- r---.-... -... --- tt ~Movie& <"I • .&:. j 'Making Love' ~ ~has been sanitized .. : «J ~ "Making Love" i8 rated R and ia now . ai playing at Edwards Briatol Cinema in J Costa Me!O and Woodbridge Cinema in > lrvilae. -0 By JEFF PARKER Of Ille o.ily ~ .... S'9ff 0: In "Making. Love" great care bas been taken lo make the characters sympathetic and the story credible. Zack (Michael Ontkean) Is a young doctor who appears to be m love and happy with Claire (Kate Jackson), his wife of eight years. She's a network executive trying to bring quality drama to prime time. But Zack, we come to see, is repressing homosexual desires, and when he meets novelist Bart Mc Guire <Harry Hamlin). the doctor's instincts are whipped into a mild frenzy: he falls in love with Bart and wants lo move into his house. Zack and Claire divorce after a reasonably emotional skirmish; he finds happiness with a gay man In New York and she remarries to have the child she's always .wanted. Bart returns to the L .A . gay bars where he 's comfortable and popular. 'Neat, but I didn't believe a scene in it. Barry Sandler who wrote it, and Arthur Hiller ("Love Story") who directed it, couldn't have either. You can feeJ the material burning -' through their kid gloves. This movie tells us that ii we're not comfortable with its homosexual themes, then we're just not up to date, but there's a n unmis takable self-loathing running through it. So the movie makers have sanitized ·•Making Love." It is scrubbed so clean no characters survive, only types -a "wife," a "gay lover" and a "homosexual coming out." Surfaces, shiny and false, are a ll that's left. This movie doesn't just take place in a vacuum, it is a vacuum. The movie opens with a mug shot of Kate Jackson standing in front of a blank white backdrop. She looks pale and brittle as she recollects her life with Zack. By the way she talks about ,,him, we think at first that he has died. Next, Hamlin's viperish face appears over the white backdrop. He too remembers Zack's influence on his own life. Throughout the rest of the filr.,, we return to these two characters as they re member Zack and his battle with sexual identity. There's a factual, ne wsreel feel to these narrative breaks and they're meant to enrich what we know about the characters . By the time the film is half way over, we start to look forward to these "fl ashforwards" because they're the only part of the whole production that seems believable. These snippets are props for the story -the ultimate film gimmkk, analyzing itself - but in the end they're all that's left. The rest of the movie becomes filler. Structurally, the device spoils the drama of Zack's coming out: he's given away a head of time. The opening scenes with Claire take on a kind of obligatory hurry -we watch Zack and Claire buy a new home, go to a bar, get looped and come home See Making, Page 13 "IRRESISTABLE ... not only trut but dttply affrctinc ... affirms onr's faith in individual coodnas." 7 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS "Dennis Christopher is noc unlike Sidiwy Poitltt in 'Ultes of the Field.' Don't miss it!" ".,... ............. L. M._.... 't'~ . v1T'S ONIX TllUNDER Suggested by A TRUE STORY Including BEST PICTURE -8EST DIRECTOR BEST SUP-CTOR ==:¥:== CHARIOTS OF FIRE ' missing ... " 'Missing' has just those wuaUties that audiences have been craving from the movies-a sense of passion and a bell of a good story to tell. "-David Ansen, NEWSWEEK missing ... "• • • • 'Missing' is a truly riveting movie . . . executed with Costa-Gavras' usual brisk intenslty ... -Kathleen Carroll, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS \ missing_ "ELECTRIFYING ... 'Missing' ta a magnificent acblevement tbat towen over most films one sees in the course of a )'.ear, and I recommend It strongly."-Rex Jleed, GO MAGAZINE missin~ .. " 'Missing' is a fascinating and powerful drama . . . the climax of the film ls shattering, and Spacek and Lemmon are beartbreaklng . . . Riveting from start to finish I recommend It without reaenatlon."-&ewart Klein, WNEW-TV ~!.~g. • • .Making Love' ' F rom Page 12 to make love. As we rollow Zack through his work day we see his curiosity about other men: he eyes two gay men clumped together on a motorcycle, wondering if that's for him. He starts hanging out in gay bars and cruising the gay strip of town, but can't bring himself lo act out his feelings. By the time Bart arrives on the scene, the film has digressed long enough to show us that he's a gay prince. When he a r rives at Zack's office for a check-up, there's no doubt what's going to happen. Finally. it does: Zack asks Bart to dinner and they wind up in B art's bed. Co me midnight. Bart asks him lo leave and Zack is heartbroken that he can't spend the night. From that night on , he angles to get Bart to let him move in with him. The fil m's big scene -where Zack has to tell his wife what's going on - plays out with all the drama of a school board meeting. He tells her, she's shocked and he moves out. It's over with in a few tidy minutes, then Zack, Bart and Cl"ire are free to purs ue their own lives. She briefly tries to reconcile the marriage but Zack won't have a ny part of it. Still, the movie plods onward. Zack takes a job in New York and moves in with a nameless man who makes him happy. Claire ma rries an architect and has a son The film ends with a runeral for a mutual friend , at which they see each other for the first time in several years . MELVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS/ASTRAL BELLEVUE PATHE INC. Prm BOB CLARK'S "PORKY'S" KIM CATIRALL SCOTI COLOMBY·KAKI HUNTER·ALEX KARRAS as Ttie!ilri SUSAN ClARKa~FM ~~HAROLD GREENBERG 1111 MELVIN SIMON Pi.."' DON CARMODY t1111 BOB CLARK...., ..s ~by BOB CLARK ll 's hard lo imagine more inert performances than those turned in by Ontkean and Jackson. There isn't a calorie or energy between them; they look and act like brother and sister. Jackson doesn't seem to have any se n se of grod i ence in h er expressions: she's either flashing a full smile or ready to crumble with depression. There's something manic in her performance here ; she doesn't see m capable of tbe s hadi ng necessary to bring Claire out of stereotype and into life. Ont.kean is a black hole of an actor; if not for the credits you could never prove he was there. Hamlin brings what liUle life there is to "Making Love," with his convi n c in g portra y al o f t he n a r cissistic Bart. Wi th tht exception of one scene in which the two men embrace, "Making Love" would be a movie for television, and not a very good one at that. • 9 13 .Last concert ~ ~ From Page 9 :g 'K Following intermission Ravel's ai Suite, Ma Mere l'Oye (Mother .~ ... Goose> will include Pavane of the Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb, Little ~ Ugly One, Empress of the Pagodas, ii onversations between Beauty and the ~ Beast, nd Fairy Garden. ~ , QI And finally, The Firebird Suite n from the Ballet by Igor Stravinsky, ~ written from 1910 to 1919, and will !'l include Introduction: Dance of the Fire bird; The Khorovod ; Round ~ Da nce of the Princesses) Infernal N Dan ce of the ·King Kas thei ; Berceuse, and Finale. Ticket information at Orange County Philharmonic Society, 234 East 17th St .. Suite 112, Costa Mesa, phone: 646-6411. The funniest movie about growing up ever made! You '11 be glad ___ !'!»'!camel STARTS FRIDAY • u !Art ..... s; ---------------e ! New art exhibit 'tJ ~ opens a1 Laguna i A look at Northern California artwork in the ea rly 1970s -"California Connections : ~ Sacramento" -will open today at the Laguna § Beach Museum of Art. O: Some 3S artists, including Joseph Raffael, William Allen, Joan Brown, Jim Nutt and Carlos Villa, are represented in the exhibit. The show covers several media and takes a look al a crucial -l-----· WIS FRANCISCUS VIC ll()RR(JN. -----·--·lMl_•_l_•_ldl ....... -_,._.,_IWWlll·-.. --•-•t• '-""'""-"--·-·-*-'-·-·:-.. ,-..... <••·. ....,,_.~--.. .. ""'' ..... _...__ ..... 1:r=:-:..-w;:1 ------NOW PLAYING -------- MO BIU Plan 529 S339 COSTAMl.U UACIMf!W ~.O OS9• JOWTAll HlUY Foun111n vaney 839 1~00 FVlUllTOI fol 525 4141 .... UA C.ty CIMlllA 63• 3911 WllTMIUTlll UA~ 893 OS46 ll f.0 Eclw110s ~It ~81 SHO .. __ .. __ ,...., ... ------DRIVE-INS CA1s. Soulll Bly Or•ft In S32 8811 INIA"8f SI~ Orwe In 8398170 developmental period in modern California art. Dr. William Otten, LB MA director, was himself a ~udent at Cal State Sacramento during the lime much of the work was being done, bringing a first-band knowledge of the attitudes and trends that helped shape bis generation of artists. In conjunction with the opening of the exhibit the museum will present a talk by John Fitz Gibbon on Tuesday, Ma rch 16. Fili Gibbon, a noted art scholar and cr itic for KPFA FM Berkeley. will speak on the sigrificance of the Cal State Sacramento artists represented in the show. "What's Natural about Nature in Northern California Art" is the title of his illustrated 8ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS A~I fl;Tllf l~I hi """"'•4~li.t •&H tiOilU&I ,, . .,..,..,_ - NOW PLAYING *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monct1y tllru Saturday All Perform1ncH before 5:00 PM (bcepe Spedll fn9191111t11t1 end Holldeys) 1.4 U '1.Ar A .... -. l LA MIRADA WALl<·IN "ll'l"IONAL Sf.ST'· 1111 ,...,.,l:M,I -.1-.n..1.!11,. .. "THn ALL LAUGHED" '"' ........ , ~, ...... ..,,...... ,...,. ~ ..... "THE BEAST WITHIN" "'! ....... ~---,_. __ .. CHARIOTS OF FIRE" -tl:JI. IM1l:M.1::9, ~ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN ---... --·-.. ON GOLDEN PONO .. -tL•."1·11.a..-.r-.a,ttttt "THEY ALL LAUGHED .. -.................. LAKEWOOD CEHTEQ SOUTH WAL~ IH · faculty At o.t Al'rto 211/6U-t211 "EVIL UNOI!." THE IUN" .... "" J ... .,, .. l•:o U tte t A(,1.J ~A. so COAST WAll<·IN "MC:fWm ""'°" L.M °",....,....., """'" 4111 ... ,~ .. '::..:.:- t.111000 01 llo1ec•o11• 994·2•00 CMAllUI .-ON90tf 1• "0£ATH WISH u·· 1111 1t: .................. ,~ "THE AMATE\M" t111 ·-··---·- "RICHARD '°"YOR LIV£ ON n.E SUNSET STRIP" focull'f ol Conotewooa 213/531·9180 'MISSING .. l"OI u. )flt,.•. 1111. 11;.JI 'MAKING LOVI! .. "'1 tt·-••4'•..M.••.••.n• ... o..r~ ,,,, '-"•.::• ..... 1&0..,..Pi9••eia. HWCllOtlA•--- "CHARIOTS Of FIRE" !NI ,, . ., ................. .. Soulll COOll Hlwoy ot .,ooawoy 494-1514 "EVIL UNOE" TltE IUN" "9 ....._, ..... ............. , •• t11 -----:--1 lecture, which is set for 8 p.m. Admission is $3.SO at the door for non-members of the museum. During the last 12 years, Mr. Fitz Gibbon has lectured at the San Francisco Art Institute, Columbia University, Yale, Stanford and Rutgers. He will trace the split between Joseph Raffael and the Chicago lmagists led by Jim Nutt. 642-5678 Put a Jew words to work Jar you in the Daily Pilat PACIFIC THlATll(S OlllV( IN SWAP MEnS Sf It TC .. tOUI •uC•l VtlrtO l•f OAT at HAll8011 BLVD DRIVE·IN •ORANG( DRIVE IN I •• ,, ) "'SAfUIOU. iv•ou U ft P.tH~•' SU .. 0.U S t~ U Al"(IM SIAOtU• IMPORTAIH NOTIC£1 CHll ORlN UNDER 12 FRH' H4fDf· ""Wat .. , M tri Ou1o1 .,. 5 30 • S11 Swn Motl4 30 ,. Cfllf.f1 S0U..0 «CUA AM CAA llAOIO IS VD\111 51'1.M!~ 1lf NO AH CAii MD10 W!Tll ICNlllON ACClSSOlll l'IJS/TlQlj -MllG Ul IQlllMlll•AU QllE--A OllM-INS 1311 OH AM WllO ANA .. !lt.! ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN ft•••oy 91 ot temot1 S1 179-9150 ~ ........ ~, .. DEATH WISH 11 -"1 f'lUI THE BURNING "' CU<f II 50U~O ----...--oON"'f cR"Y. ---1rs OHL'( THUNDER .. - .. HALLO W£E N u·· ..., -.. AN AME"ICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON .. Cl'll CllOl <t SOUllO 8U!NA PAJIK BUENA PARK ORIVE·IH l1nco111 A•• W•ll OI Cno" 121·4070 BUI NA PAQ• LINCOLN DRl\IE·IN l 1ftcOtr'\ A•e We .. Of llr\Ott l l2l·4070 ! e1.Mt11iNii' Son Ot9i10 fiwy of -llunl (So) 962·2411 NI S!t.!1NS'IP Hl·WAY 39 DRIVE IN "HALLOWHN II" .. -"AH A•RICAN WE"EWOL.F INLOHOON""t111 Cllll ff ----·--··CHf111STIAN€ , ... fl! -··OEATHSH~" 1111 Cllll ,._ l,t. MA&VA LA HABRA DRIVE IN ,_ ... OflW • ho<• -6 l40t00t lli'tO 171-1162 illr.At.,jl_,.• ORANGE DRIVE IN '"CHltlmANE ,,.. 1111 -"VICI IOUAD'" 4111 . ... ·~ ... .. ...... MISSION OlllVl IN • ..._,.... •,Iii a , WARNER OlllVf IN ·-· ......... Of e..KI' • ..., U7·Htl -MY BODYGUARD .. - Clllt It loO\llOO "RICHARD PAYOR LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP'" 1111 -.. THINK DIRTY .. !RI "VICE SOUAO'" 1111 -0THE BORDER .. 1111 "THE BEAST WITHIN .. 1111 .... "DEAOl. Y BLESSING .. 1111 C•NI "SOUHO &t ocn 11,0 So 01 Go•dtn Glo"' f•ttwoy 891·3693 "MISSING""'"' -"BOflOE"LINr CNt :llll ffSOUllO ---- DEATH WISH II"' 1111 -··THE BURNING'"'"' Clllf "SOUOIO "'"ICHARD PRY<>ft LIVE ON THE SUNSET SllltP .. 1t11 -"'THI!. DIRTY .. 1•1 l onto ""° llW'f' • ltOI• COH•9• 551·7022 "DON'T c"v IT'S ONl.Y THU~·· I"' f':OO PU CAl\OAD 1-- 15 Currently screenilli Lee as two )Oung Austra lian soldiers whu fight in lhe tragic battle of Gallipoli in World War I. The R rattnR 1s "'O Cor language and violence 2 G REAT WHITE· Rated PG, stars Vic Morrow. ~ James f'rilnc1:.c•u:. and a grc:it while shark The PG 3 rating Ill for violence ~ THt: BORDt:R: Rall'd R. !>tars Jack Nicholson ai. a d1s11lu:.wncd border guard and \'all'rie Perrine as h1~ credit-mud "lfl• Nu:holson 1s bnlhant al! the d1sgu:.ll'd Charht• Smith. Harvt·~ Kl•1tel 1~ laul as his corrupl friend and partnt•r Thl• H rating 11> for nolence. some nudit) anti language C'A~Nt:RY RO\\: llall'd PG. star:. :'111ck ~olll' and Oebrn \\'mgl•r in a free ll" lllRlll)( film adartalion of John Sle1nhl•ck '~ stori{·~ C;innt>r~ Ro" and Swel't Thur~da) · Shot on MC;M :.ound lllages, this movil' ha:. a SIH'l'l. l'lll'hantcd look and fine JJ('rformanccs bv Nolte. W1ngl·r and ,\udra Lindll'' ~1~ thl• madame ~a rrated b1 John llu.,ton Thl• pc; rn11ng 1s for 'l''<Ual adult llitualion., CHARIOTS Of-' FIRE: H.itl·c.l PG and -.tarrinR Hen Cross und l<rn ('hurli·ll1tll a-. runnN~ rn thl• 1924 01~ mp1ad. 11 ho run r.it·c~ fur cliffNent rrilsOn:. but manag(' to win JUSt thl' ~amr Thl• PG rnting must be for 1b loft) thc•mt·' tht•rt• 1~ no nud1t~ no 11ole1H'l' and 1 t'n little offtm-.11·t· IJnguJgt• Fascinating DEATH \\ISH II : Ratl•d H. stars Charles Bronson and J ill lrl'land This :.tor) continues the saga of a man "ho set-; out to <11·enRe tht· dl'uth of his w1ft• :it the hands of muggerll The R rilling Ill for violence E \'IL L'NDER THE SL'N: Rilled PG. stars Peter Lsllno1. June Btrkin, S~l11:i Miles. Jame:. Mason and Diana Rigg 1n Agath.i <:hn~lw:. tale of murder and mtrii;:uc• Thl• re; r:iting 1~ for adult s1tuat1on' T llE •'Rt:NC'H Llt:l'TENANT'S WOMAN : Rated fl . stars Meryl Strl'ep in the role of lhc heartbroken :ind hl·artbrl'ak1n~ Frcnth L1l'utcnant':. woman and Jcrcm' lronll all the· \'1C'lonan gcnllcm.in 11>ho ~ambles h1:. Im·(. Jnd reputation on her Tht• \'1c·11>nan 101 I.' stoQ fable 1!> 1nll'r<:ut 111th anothl'r plot the· mudt•n day film crt'" making :i n101 ll' of The• Fn•nl'h Lieutenant'-, Woman ha:. 11-. own romantic· an.1ni;,1., and downfall~ which art• meant tu c·ompan: und c·ontrasl with thl' Vic·tonan sl'quenc-t• The• H rating 1s for .1clult st·xu:.il .,1tuat1um. GALl.IPOl.I: Ralt·cl R .,tJr-. ~1el G1b'>1Jn .ind )lark HOUSE 0 1-' WAX: Rated PG. 1s a re-rele ase·. an 3-D. uf tllC' horror classic starring Vincent Price and Phyllis Kirk. Thl~ PG rating 1~ for violence :> a. CD .... "Tl :! MAKING WVE: Rated R. stars Michael OnUcean. ~ Kate Jack'>on and Harry lla mhn in a story about a '< "oman. a man and his homosexual lover The R rilling 1s ~ fur adult :.1tu:it1ons and homos<'xuality ~ n =r MISSING: Ra ted PG. s t:irs Jack Lemmon and S1ssv .. Spacek as :i man und hi s daughter in law who search ro'r !'l his missing son Thr e1·cnt!> are based on a true story in _. 11 h1ch a youn~ American wa!> apparently allowed to be ~ killed tn a Lalin American c·ountry b~ forces fr1 endh "' "'11 h the l ' S Guvc•rnmcnl The PG ratang 1s for aduft '1tuat1ons NIGtIT (.'ROSSING: Rated PG. stars Beau Bridges . .luhn Hurl :ind J ane Alexander as oppressed East c;ermam. who attempt to flee their country to the west in See Cu rre11t/11. Page 16 "A unique uchieH:mcnt ... u touchin11t. fun II\ unJ su~pcnscful Jrurn11 ."-Ja11 et .\/<1sli11 , .\'flf' l'ORA' Tl.HHS ( Daring "This daring film will give you a nc" respect for those crcalun:s who bccume u s." -PEOPU: .llAGAZl.\'E Exciting '". .. an expansion of the primitiH:-man sequence in '2001' ... It's a true o rigi nal.'' David Denln•, NF.W 't'ORK MAGAZl.VI:· '"'· 1:00, 1:15, 10:15 SATllUN. 1:JO, J:45, 1:00, 1:15, 10:15 It'• bappenjn' agatnlF· Last week's sneak ! · -prevtew of "Potky"s" was so overwh~lming, we decided to do it again tomorrow nilJit. --· --~ ~------ Many who saw it last week may be back for a second look, so we.urge you to come early. You11 be _..d you camel ' .. ! Currently screenint ~ . SHOOT THE MOON: Rated R. stars Albert Finney us Georg_e Dunlap, whose marriage lo Fa1th 1 Diane Keaton) is on the rocks. They become involved with ~1frerent people. and for the first time in years. seem to involve themselves again. It's an accurate, moving account of a break-up, more intuitive and pr~1se than must ~vies ~n divorce As their daughter. Sherry. Diana Hill is bnlliant. Keaton gives the performance of a lifetime The R rating 1s for adult situations u Cii From Page 15 latest boyfriend. Billy I played bnlhantly by Dabney ColemanJ and his 13-year-0ld boy The PG ratmg is for language. ~ a homemade hot-air balloon The PG rating 1s for ~ violence. i:J ·.: LI... ONE FROM THE HEART: Rated R. takes place in a .: sound stage re·creatfon of Las Vegas and telJs the story cii of 24 hours 10 the lives of .two lovers The film was "g directed by Francis Coppola. written by Armyan e> Bernstein and Copp_ola , and stars Fredenc Forrest. Teri J Garr , Raul Julia and Nastassia Kinski. The R rating 1s > for adult situations. PENNIES FROM HEAVEN: Rated R. stars Steve Martin and Bem~detle Peters in a throwback to 1930s musicals. Set against the depression. the story 1s serious. even a !JUie black The R rating 1s ror adult situations and sex. PERSONAL BEST : Rated R. stars Mariel Hemingwar and Pat_nc.e Donnelly in the story of two at.hlcles vying for a bid in the 1980 Olympic Pentathalon It s a celebration of competition. fri ,ndship, good health and good bodies. written. directed and produced by Robert Towne. 'f he R rating is for nudity. homosexuality and adult s1tuat1ons TAPS: Haled PG, 1s the tale of a group of military school cadets who arm themselves and occupv the campus. to keep 1t from being sold and turned into ,·ondonun1ums. starnng Timothy Hutton and George C Scott The PG rating 1s for violence VICE SQUAD: Rated R. stars Season Hubley and Gary Swanson IO a talc or !>Urv1val on lhc street The R rating 1s for violence and adult s1tuat10ns ~ ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, stars Henry Fonda ii and Katharine Hepburn as an aging couple returning to llve on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxielles about death: she's intermmably cheerful. They bicker politely until the arrival of their daughter I Jane Fonda,. her [--HOUSE OF - TAJLORJNG ALTERATIONS FOR MEN & WOMEN ~o coAS r PLA.ZA )~u arn Lowl't' Le•~I b~ C orou,.•I MARK 7PM SUNDAY MARCH 14 ALL SEAT~ RESERVED DAVIDSON g)~~2~1 MARSHALL OTWELL I Jf-Z.Z/PU" CONCERT I I SRAEL BAKER STRING OUAATET Use Answer"" service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number wi 11 appear in your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you cal I in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service i s only $5.00 week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad ca II 642-5678 . Daily Pilat ( ~INOWALJ<l-:R : Hated PG, stars Trevor lloward and ~1ck Hamu!t The PG rating 1s for adult s1tuat1M-. This motion picture contains scenes of graphic and violent horror. 1be shocking nature of the subject matter prohibits revealing the~tening • that occurs in the film. BREA Brea Plaza 529.5339 COITA MHA Etlwards Bristol 540 74H STAATS TODAY EL TORO GARDEN GllOYE Edwards Saddleback Westbrook 581 ·5880 530·4401 FOUNTAIN IALlEY OllAllOE Fountain Valley Orive·ln Orange Mall 962·2481 837·0340 I NO, ....... ACCPTID "°" TMll IMOAGIMINT I OllAIOE Sta<llum Drive·ln 639·8770 OAAlllE UA City Cinema 634·3~11 \ Diversions -PLAYS------ "LADIES IN RETIREMENT," a drama about murder. is the current production at the San Clemente Community Theater, 202 Ave Cabrillo, San Clemente The play runs Fndays and Saturdays al 8 p m , Sundays at 2 30. through April 3 with reser vations being taken al 492·0465 "ALPIDE IS A FRIEND OF MINE," a children's fantasy, opens to night al the Costa Mesa Civic Playhou!>e on lht' Orange County Fairgrounds Performuncel> are at 8 p m tonight and March 19, 4 p m . Saturday and March 20, with reservations at 754 ·5159. "UNC'OMMON WOMEN AND OTHERS," an all-woman play about reunited soronty s isters. opens tonight at Saddlebatk College in Mission VieJO, with f)errormances Fridays and Saturdays at 8, Saturday!> .it 3, through March 21 Reservations are taken at 831-4530. "T HE BLOOD KNOT," a drama about apartheid m South /\fnca, 1s playing through Mart h 28 on the Second Stage of South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Curtain is 8·30 Tuel>day!> through Saturdays, 8 pm. Sundays. with weekend mal1net!S at 3 µ m. <.:a ll 957-4033 for tickets 'TllE PAJAMA GAME," a mus ical com e dy, conllnues al the Westminster Community Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster. with performances given Fridays and Saturdays at 8 JO through March 27 Call 995-4113 for reservations. "RING ROUND THE MOON," a Fre nch com edy. is on stage at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Mam Street at YorktoWTI AvE:nue in the Seachff Village sho1>ping center Pe rformances arc Fridays and Saturdays at 8.30 through Apnl 3 with ticket information available at 847 .. t46S "HENRY IV, PART I," a S hakespearean tragedy. is being presented on the mainstage or South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa , through April 4 Performances will be given Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m ., Sundays at 7:30 with matinees Satur day and S unday al 2.30 and reservations taken at 9S7·'4033. "I OUGm' TO BE IN PICTURES," the latest Neil Simon comedy, is on stage at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse . 3S03 S. Ha rbor Blvd., Santa Ana, playing Ch.pman Ave Ir Santa Ana P'r"way OflEN5 OflllN5 WITH M™ eoxC>f'1'1CZ eoxonrica h '1 FUNI lt'1 EXCITING! lt'1 CHALLENGtHGt ....... , ... LM•'-'~M1z~s'J'T(R) 6:161:00 9:46 Siuy Specek Jack Lemmo" -Mii(PGJAt 12:30 2:50 6:10 7:4010:08 Mariel H1mintw1Y PEUIMl.IESJ (R) 12:38 3:00 6:301:0011:21 ......... "-" .......... Clltilll 11 W Flm('6) 12:38 2:50 5:15 7:45 10:10 lpthl Christie's EVlla.oERTHE •• (P<:) At 1:00 3:15 5:3~ 7;H 1P;Jp CINl Fl IOUllH>1 0"«1 t• Y-• 49' ••19r ll•!JIJIL * ..,..,, INtt.,y -•ted -•ali4• , .. ,., TUN 10 In T-HCHTor Hila .... ~mn.1"1 OEADL V 9U•NO fl Mlrr.t He~ NF ID 'IL rtflll URBAN COWllOV(lllCJI n ~ :I 1t;" nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times through March 28. Call 979-5511 for ticket information "BLEACllJo:R BUMS," a new comedy about baseball fans, is on stage at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport 8(?ach. Show times are Fridays and Saturday~ at 8 p.m , Sundays al 2 p m . through March 20, with reservations taken at 675-3143. AN ART EXHIBITION AND AUCTION 1s set for 7 ~ tonjght at Irvine Coast Country Club. 1600 E . Coast -~ Highway, Newport Beach. Event is sponsored by the Orange County Council or Camp Fire. Adm1ssion IS $1 "Tl ., Information, call 838·9991. Ci Ill -ART------ ART C LAS ES FOR CHI LD R EN , age 6 '< through 10. are held Saturdays al Newport Harbor Art ~ Museum. 850 San Clemente Dnve, Newport Beach A Ill new eight-week series begins Saturday Information. o call 759·1122. Series fee is $50 for members and $00 for :: non-memb<.'rs. N "t'Al'E TO FAC'E." an exhib1t1on or port.ra1ts of the working artis ts or Southern Cahrornia by Al Belson. Is at Laguna Bcuch Museum or Art through April 22. Museum hour~ arC' ll:JO am to 4 JO µ m dail> except Monday~ DRAWING ON T HE l\IGHT S IDE OF T HE <D BRAIN" will be discussed at 7·30 pm Friday, Ma rch ~ 19, by artist Arlene Cartoz1an who has worked with Dr. Belly Edwards. author or a book by the same title Dwerswns. Page 18 ROLLING STONE: "PERSONAL BEST is the most penetrating, heartlelt and thrilling movie yet made 'about the American woman's rite ol passage. Robert Towne may be the first popular artist in any art form and ol any sex to pictur.e the wild beauty ol young women with the mythic gusto usually reserved lor young men. The result - PERSONAL SEST -{s one sweet explosion:' -Mlc ... •I ~•e•w, M>UlNG STOHi With a competitor ... how close can you get? PERSONAL 8ES1 "PERSONAL BEST" Starring tv\ARIEL HEMINGWAY scon GLENN. PATRICE [X)NNELLY. KENNY~ Music by JACK NITZSCHE and JIU FRASER Ocecvtive Producer DAV1D GEFFEN Written, ProdJced and Directed by ROBERT TOWNE IRl.;.E-&-1 ~~~~ , ___ ,,___ <.'.:9) . .,, ~ -.,.._ . ~~~-------~------------.......... .......-t8 · ~ Diversions N .,.. s:; ~ From Page 17 ~ · as the talk. D1scuss1on is set ror Republic federal ?-Savings. Crown Valley Parkway. Laguna Niguel i5 lnrormallon, call 830·7362. ·;:: IL. OIL PAINTING WORKSHOPS at the studio or Q; artist Jean Spiry are to begin Saturday at 350 Oak St • ~ Laguna Beach lnrormation. caU 494·4433. Q) ~ ~ -ETC.------ -0 WlLD WEST STUNT SHOW, Celebration Time a..-a nd Rene 's Marionettes entl'rtain daily at Knoll's • Berry Farm. Buena Park. THE KOi f'lSH COMPETmON AND SHOW IS on Saturday and Sunday in South Coast Plaza Village at Sunrlower and Bear streets. Santa Ana fish will be displayed rrom nuou lo 5 p m. Sa!l.lrday and 9 a m to 3 pm. Sunday "HOLD ME," Jules Fe1Hcr·s comedy revue, opens Wednesday for five days at Chapman College's Waltmar Theater, Pa lm and Grand streets. O ran&l' Curtain 1s 8 p.m Admission is S.'! lnrormahon, call 997·6856. TRAVEL DOCUMENTARY FILM PRODUCER ALLEN HUBBARD will provide a 2,500·mile lour of France's most colorful provinces al 4 p.m . Sunday in the Orange Coast College Auditorium in Costa Mesa Program is part of OCC's Armchair Adventures travelogue series. Tickets are S3 Information, call 556·5880. CHESS MASTER ROBERT N. SNYDER is to present an analysis or recent world championship m at ches during a four.hour seminar at 10 a.m Saturday in Room t03A or Orange Coast College's Business Educ ation Build ing in Costa Mesa Information. call 556·5880. -MUSIC----- A VOCAL llECITAL futurin& wO('ka by Bach, Brahms, Poulene, Mozart. Rorem ud 11aomu ii at a p m. Saturda} at Chapman College, 333 N Glassell , Orange Admission 1s free THE BURGUNDIAN QUA RTET I!> to perrorm at 8 p m. Sunday in Bcrtea Hall, Chapman College, 333 N Glas!>l'll, Orangt-Work!> by Dohnany1. Mozart aod Hl•elhoven are to be included Adm1~Mon 111 rrec lnformat1on. cull 997 6871 lJC IR\'INE'S WINO ENSEMBLE 1>r<'!>cnt-. concern tit 8 lon1Rhl and Saturday in t:Cl's fine Arts Village Theater T1c kcl!> ;ire SJ Information. call 833 6617 "SALUTE TO AMERICAN l'OMPQSER ," l~o all cl8!>51cal concerts by Amencan composers. are tu be held al 9 and 11 a m. Tuesday, March 23. in Santa Ana lligh School Auditorium. 520 W Walnut, Santa Ana Concerts .are s ponsored b~ Orange County Philharmonic Society L 0 S A N G F. I, E S W I N 0 Q l ' I N T E T . quintet·in·res1denct" at UC Irvine, is to perform at 4 p m Saturday in UCI's Fine Arts Concert Hall Tickets are S6 Information, call 833-6617 "THE EVOLUTION OF MUSIC'' 1s to be examined in a concert at 8 pm. Saturday by keyboard master Mark Seamons in Orange Coast College's Fine Arts Hall 119 Tickets are SB Inrorroation, call 556-~. RECORDING ARTISTS MARK DAVIDSON, MARSHALL OTWELL, THEIR JAZZ TRIOS and the Israel Baker String Quartet will be featured in a jazz/pop concert al 7 p.m. Sunday in South Coast Plaza Hotel. Tickets are S8.50 to Sl2.50 each Information, call 548-2081. TWELVE ORGAN STUDENTS from Orange Coast College will present a concert on the works of Johaon Sebastian Bach at First Untted Methodist Church, Co5ta Mesa, on Sunday. The church is on 19th Street between Newport and Rarbor. TICKETS TO THE 14TH ANNUAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE FESTIVAL at Orange Coast College. slated for March 25 through !7, are on sale in the OCC Cum munity Ser\'1Ce OHtce Ticket 10formal1on. call 556 5880 ·-SINGLES----- l'ARt:NTS WITHOL'T PARTNERS plans an adult house party rrum 9 p m lo I a m tonight Information, l·all 847 1000 Also.a children'!> b1rthda' p:.ir\\' 1!> !.el for Saturda~ Information. call 751 5919 NEGATIVE ANO POSITIVE ASP ECTS OF Single Adult Life 111 focu:. or a seminar from 9 a m to 3 pm Saturday 1n Room I 13 or Orange Coast College's <.:ouru.ehng and Admission Ru1lding fo'ee for ··successrully Single . IS S8 ror ind1v1duals an.cl $10 for couples. lnformat1011, call 556·5880. M ETAPllVSll'AL SINGLES plan auni readingl> with Gre.: Gn·gory in Santa Ana at 7 30 toniJ?bl Information. call 1132 5820 Junior Philharmonic auditions extended Auditions for California's Junior Philharmonic Orchestra have been extended until March 17 to accommodate all those wishing to apply. Dr. Ernst Katz, founder and conductor, invites all yOWtg people between the ages of 12 and 30 playing violins, violas, cellos. buses, woodwinds. brasses and percussion instruments to call fo r an audition appointment. The number to call is (213) 272-*7. The Junior Philharmonic ls a non-commercial civic youth symphony with no audition fees or membership cbar&es. In a world of profa•lonalmaulnsf • llase ls no room for•mnatel& c--... a·-···· ---·--- ~ . ... . ·' ~~ In the G.r"k lalc1, fomou• dctcc.ttve Mere.vie Poirot 'POttcd a beautiful woman on the bcoc.h. ~llzlnq thot 6hc W06 dead, he did not o6k her to dinner. U fVIL MDf R Ttlt. sun ""''--"~-~~-" 0.-~/lllC~c;OCl()Wf4 C.00..C-11~ L(lMAJO• "*" ~Q u<.illrQ/ · JANb' BIQKIN · COUN ~LY· NICJ.OlAS Clm ~ ~ . RCIXJ{ McCXJ~,~:u . 6V~VIA Ml~ . ObN~ ou1w;v DIQNQ ~ · ~b 6.V4Tl-I ~~ Ul'«A fl.I;~ ~ bv C.0.' ~"A l'.lrf()l'l()t.d bv JOI-IN L~RV ~bv QNTl-O'IY ~FCA ~ by ONTl-Om IJO,<JCll ~ bv .Q.lN ~f)QU~!;; ond Qlel.40AO c:cx::x>wlN Olrc.c..W bv OJ'( ~lroti ---===·== ~· ~• li(if .-;:o (~ ••' • .'I ~ "NUMBER ONE PICTURE OF 11IE YEAR ... ':,..-.-." Nominated for 10 Academy Awards ............ BEST PICTURE -ORAMA BFST DIRECTOR Marie Rydell On~ of th~ Y~ar·s 10 Best. """"""" ,-,,.,.,.,,,~ll'llh• ___ .. _,... "ONE FROM THE HEART'' fftl. t :SO, 1:41, 10:41 UT,..,... 2:00, 4:11, t:a, 1:45, 10:45 , .. , _.,,.._.. "EVIL UNDER THE SUN'".,. ""· 1!11) 1:•. 1t:46 UTllUN. 1:41, 4:00, t :11. 1:11, 10:• A -----"RICHARD PRYOR LIVEONTME SUNSET STRIP" FRI. 7: 15. t:OI, 10:*5 SAT/SUN 2:00, 1:41, Ot 'l-"""T Fl ~l< }·~l Ht. .. c, .. "PERSdNAL BEST" FRI. 7:05, 1:30 FRI. t :45, t :OO SAT.llUN. 1:00, 3:15 T/IUN. 1:0l. l:SO 1:46, 1:15, 10:31 (ft) l :IO · l :SO 10:U "RICHARD PRYOR UVEONTHE SUNRT STRIP" SH<l>T ~ M<l>N -FRr.J:W SAT/SUN S:40, 1:00 MAKING I ()V~ 11 FRI. t;W,"10: 1'S SATllUN 1:S5, t:OO 1t:15 'RICHARD PAYOR LIVEON THE SUNSET STRIP" FRI. 7:15, t:OO, 1C>:35 IAT/IUN 2:00, 3:45, 5:30. 7:15, t:OO, 10:H{f') ""· •:•. l !ft, 10:00 ,_., 7:t0, t:to UTl9UN. 1 :40, I:•. IUN. t:to, 4:ot l :IO, 7:00, 1:41, 11:11 1:11, 1111, 10:• ,,., f P'G) "EVIL UNDER TH!8UN" ... Mt.a• .. , ... ,.Ml. ........ , ... 19 JI 0 -~ ii 11: Cll :> 0. Cll ~ "" ~. 0. QI '< ~ Al "' 0 ':T ... !" ... ~ ... • > OUR IEST S&UNG' yy•51 SHOP AND COMPAU!! From ... s ..... to ... Lcrgest BIG SCR!EM Al Wltla DELUXE REMOTE C•lrol .. i llmlllll IUCl /flllllll llllD FRIDAY . MA RCH 1". 1982 OR ANGE COUN TY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENT S FDR son labels family revelation 'poppycock' 81 IEFF ADLER °' ... .,...., ........... Franklin tnd Eleanor Roosevelt's eldest son James, a Newport Beach resident, said today the latest details or his parents' private lives are "petty and unproveq'' and will have little effect on hlstory. Roosevelt said he didn 'l know anything about reports that Army counter-intelllfen. ce agents tiled s urvei'l ance reports, opened mail and oace . buued his rnother's hotel room during World War II. Also, the a1ents claimed that Pulitier· Priae -winning Roosevelt blo1rapher Joqp'b Lash had an affair witb uie president's wife in UM!. Lash, in his latest book entitled "Love, Eleanor ," details th e surveWance, but denies bavtne the affair. ROOHvelt, asked to comment about the account, sald, ''He's (Laab) said it's all a lot of poppycock. Ita too bad people's lives have to be dredged up alJ the time." Roosevelt aaid reading the d~tails or bia parents' private lives in the newspapers doesn't make him "happy," but he· understands that people in public lite have to be resigned to s urrenderin1 their private lins. He added such accounts do not make any difference at all to history, especially when they are "petty and unproven." Roosevelt sug1ested that the current spate ol revelation1, such as the one concerning FDR's White Htuse recording system, were inspired by the recent lOOth anniversary of his lather's birth. Although Roosevelt said he r e ads many or the books published concerni ng b is fatb~r·s presidency. be doesn 't i nte nd to r ead Lash's new release. ·•1 doubt whether I shall re~ It, it's in Lhe gossip area al\d doesn't i nte r est me," he remarked. Lash, 72, authored the l!nJ Pulitzer-winning biograpby, "Eleanor and Franklin " • Workers • endorse 3 in race Trash plan oppose~ .HB candidates don 't like incinerator By PIDL SNEIDERMAN °' .. ~ ...... , .... A political action committee representing Fountain Valley's four city employee associations bas endorsed three candidates in the April 13 City Council election. Receiving the backing are Charles "Mike" Michaelis, the city's first police chief who now operates a security business; Betty Mi gnanelli, a former Fountain Valley School District trustee, and Dan Morton, a local gem businessman. The endorsements are said to represent the first time the city 's employee groups collectively have s upported council candidates. The selections were made by lbe Fountain Valley City Employees Political Action Committee. DMty ........... "'•11t11ef'lll " ..... A proposed trash incinerating powe r plant iri Huntington Beach doesn't appear to have any support from candidates for City Council. None of the 11 candidates at a public forum Wednesday night gave e ndorsement to the proposed i ncinerator at Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue. Develope r Da n Ryan of Newport Beach says bis proposed tras h incinerator would burn up to 2,400 tons of rubbish and sewage sludge daily and generate electricity for 250,000 homes. It would be located on a 38·acre mud dump across the street from Edison High School and a tract of homes. * * * Council hopefuls spend big By PATRICK K ENNEDY Of_.,...,,_...., C hairman Lee Pepka, a Fountain VaJley police officer, said the lour employee associations, representing police, firefighters, municipal emp lo yees and professio nal /t ec hnical employees , had formed individual political action comm.i.ttees to evaluate council candidates. Early this year, the four groups decided to pool their efforts and form a single committee . The f o ur associations represent about 215 employees for collective bargaining purposes. FINISHING WITH A FLUSH -Bill ValoU uses hQse to clean some grime off fell ow Huntington Beach firefighter Don Spreeman. The splashdown occurred after a $400,000 blaze at Huntington Landm ark condominiums recently. Huntington Beach Councilman John T.lomas bas spent $10,761, all his own money. on his re·election campaign and is the biggest spender among City Council candidates, according to recent financial statements. The council candidates each were given one hour to answer questions from the committee during a Feb. 20 forum. Qu estions focused on management, city finances and goals, Pepka said. All candidates appeared before the committee. WarIDer Saturday, maybe rain Sunday Councilman Don MacAllister and City Attorney Gail Hutton, each running for re-election, also have war chests of more than $9,000 each, according to the candidate statements filed with the city for the period ending Feb. 27. Campaign finances of these three in c umbent s are s ubstantially more than other city candidates running in the April 13 elections for four City Council seats and the City Attorney job. H e s aid the endorsed candidates have been promised no money from the city employees. But the associations will provide manpower for s ign-making, dis tribution of fliers, telephone work and other tasks, he said. Huntington library sells. used books The Friends of the Huntington Beach Library group is holding its annual Used Book Sale on Saturday at the library;, branch al 525 Main St. Reading material for tJl ages, includ i ng hardba c ks , paperbacks and magazines will be sold between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Copter disabled? SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -Leftist guerrillas claimed today that they disabled a governm ent helicopter bringing troop reinforcements to an offensive in northeastern Morazan Province. WORLD Warmer weather and clearer skies with some high cloudiness were expected along lhe Orange Coast for Satu rday after intermittent rain fell early this morning and Thursday night. But another low-pressure system is expected to move in off the ocean Sw1day and there's a chance of more rain then. Three people were injured in a Costa Mesa accident Thursday night on a wet str eet. A car· driven by Dawn Marie Ras mussen, 16, of Laguna Hills crossed over the center divider on Mesa Verde Drive East and collided head-on with a car driven southwest by Charles Richard Brown. 49, of Fountain Valley, night press foreman at the Daily Pilot, poUce said. Miss R asmussen and pas:enger Victor Joseph Valles, 16~ or Costa Mesa were taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital following the 9: 15 p.m. crash. Valles was reported in serious condition this morning, Miss Rasmussen i n gooo condition. Brown was listed in fair condition today at the same hospital. Gold/alls again f I ' LONDON <AP> -Gold's price fell up to $10 a .troy ounce to a 2th-year low in European tradinl(· ~oday. Gol~ traded in New York as low as $319. NATION Womed reaidena may jufalc town Residents of a tiny Orelob community are so worried about a guru's sect taking over. they may vote to dissolve the co~mun.ity. Pace A8. Stock market off NEW YORK CAP > -Stock prices declined broadly today. The Dow Jones 1vera1e of 30 industrial stocks was down 10.47 Points to 795.09 after three hours of trading. Huntington Beach received 17 of an inch of rain between 5 p.m. Thursday and 8 a .m . today. according lo J . Sherman Denny, weatherman. He said the rainfall total for this year 1s 7.36 compared to 9.74 total on March 12, 1981. The rainfall total for 1981 was 10.62, Denny said. Costa Mesa had .11 of rain, Santa Ana .12, Santiago Peak .60 and .19 was recorded at Villa Park Da m. according to a s pokesman for the Orange County Flood Control District. Charles Ware, a coordinator for the St. Patrick's Day Parade iu Mission Viejo scheduled to step off at noon. said the parade would go regardless of the weather. Snow was reported down to 7 ,()()().foot level in the Big Bear area or the San Bernardino Mountains and a spokeswoman for one ski spot reported three feet of new snow fell overnight. The high Saturday at the beaches is expected to be in the upper 60s. A high of 72 is forecast for inland Orange County. STATE Six City Council candidates - incumbent Ruth Bailey, Jay Stout, Bud F e lsito, John Va l entino, incumbent Bob Mandie and Dan Mahaffey - have colJected between $1,600 and $4,812 each. Candidates Dean Albright, Ste ve Sc huma cher , Ed Zsc ho che and Frank Mirjahangir list campaign money of less than $1,000. Mrs . Hutton 's singl e c hallenge r is former City Attorney Don Bonla, ·who lbts cam paign funds of $1 ,177. Co uncilman Thomas, owner of a crane and trucking company, says he'IJ use his own money to fund his re-election bid. Included in Thomas ' expenditures of $10,761 are bills for fliers, campaign signs and campaign workers . He also includes several donations lo local a nd s tate politicians, including $1 ,000 to State Sen. (See THOMAS, Page A2) Death penalty for Bonin ,. LOS ANGELES <AP> -Twice-paroled sex ot.t ender William ,Bonin, the convicted Freeway Killer, was .sentenced today to death in the gas chamber for · \() homosexual torture-murders. UC Wants toU1Jher requirement• A University of Calirornia commiUee has recommended requiring more academic classes of college-bound high scheol students. Page AS. I COUNTY A.irUne accea u1ue ai f or_e Tbe county Board OI Superviloft will 1rapple aaaln next week wtth Cbe touchy luue of airline' acceu to John Wayne Airport. Pat• 81. Here's what the candidates had to say about the proposaJ : -Frank Mirjahangir, a city en&ineer on leave, said ther-e a.re possibly toxic chemicals buried at the mud dump and the proposal might be a way to re move them . "We have to spend more time studying this," he said. "It's not a yes-or-no answer." -Ruth Bailey, incumbent, said the concept is good but that it shouldn't be located in the city. "But as far as putting it on the mud dump near a residential area, absolutely not!," Mrs. Bailey said. "It should be put in an industrial area." -Jay Stout, a financial adviser, agreed. "It's not feasible in a residential area." John Thomas, incumbent, said he was totally against t.hj! plan. "It's the biggest ripo(r anybody ever thought to pull in Huntington Beach." -Dea n Albright , an e lectric ian lor the Navy Shipyard in Long Beach, said: ·'This proposal should be studied more and considered." Dan Mahaffey, a city planning commissioner, says he believes the Coastal Commission would veto the pr-0posal if it was approved by the city. "It's too close to schools and parks to be considered compatible with the area." -Steve Schumacher, ownu of a data processing firm , said, "Great project, wrong plac~. (See TRASH, Page AZ) A new, new Pilot T V Log 0 0 The Daily Pilot's easier·to-read television · log for the week starts today, featuring a new standard hour and channels listing in large, easy to read type. Daytime shows, morning and afternoon movies. sports highlights and special television features are included in the revamped Pilot TV Log. Look for the newly designed Pilot TV Log today inside the Pilot Weekender section. 000 Controllers missed altitude· warning? LOS ANGELES <AP> -Two air traffic controllers apparenUy failed to notice a low.altitude alarm recorded by a computer at Ontario -International Airport for an Air California flight that subsequently struck a cable and s kidded olf a runway, an investigator says. Keith McGuire of the National Transportation Safety Board s aid Thurs day further investigation will be conducted lo determine why the alarm was not conveyed to the pilot and copilot of the Boeing 737. who have been suspended from flight duty over questions as to whether they followed proper procedure in maintaining altitude. On Feb. 15, the plane, inbound from Seattle and Oakland, clipped two 250-fool-high power pole cables four miles from the runway, then changed course for Los Angeles International Airport, 60 miles away. Unknown to the pilots, the hydraulic lines that operate the plane's brakes and reverse thrusters had been broken. The aircraft was unable to stop on INDEX the LAX runway and skidded off the end into an embankment. No injuries were reported among the 117 passengers and five crew members. Investigators s aid they were unable to learn definitively from Capt. Thomas Hall, 41, and First Officer Jose Heriberto Mat.a., 47 , wh y the plane was apparently n ying at 1,250 feet above sea level, 250 feet lower than the mandatory minimum altitude and slightly less than 250 above ground al that point. McGuire said they were ··somewhat vague" in their explanation. As for the alarm, he said that among the possibilities to be explored are that the equipment may have malfunctioned and failed to activate a buzzer and flas hing light, a nd that a low-altitude alarm triggered for another plane only moments before the accident may have masked the subsequent wamine on the AirCaJ flight.· The earlier United Airlines flight was given the warning, and its flight path was corrected, McGuire said. At Your Service Business California Cavalc·ade Classified Comics Crossword A4 Ann Landers 82 Weekender B4 A3 B4,C5-6 Weekender C1·5 ~ TVLoc Weekender A2. A3 Stan Delaplane Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoaeope lnlermllaioo B4·5 Movies As Mutual Funds B2 National News C'1 1 Public Notices B3 Restaurants B3 Sports B2 Stock Marketa C5 Television A6 Theaters Weekender. Weather B2 World News Weeke~der . SPORTS Ri.rnU to aip Jone1t l>aUy Pilot writer Joba Sevano reports lbe Jlam• are close to 1l1nJn1 ft)rmer · BalUmore Cotti quarterback Bert Jones, Pap Cl. QOUD S •.. t .Vountaln Valley Communlty Ho1pltal followin& the 9: 15 p.m. ..:. ~ra1b. Valt.s wH reported in r "· &eriou.s condition thi• morning, .. M lu Rasmussen in good E lcondltlon. Brown was listed in fair ., 'Condition today at the same • llospltal. !., 1 Huntington Beach received .17 ~ 'Of an inch of raJn between s p.m. \;':"Thursday a nd 8 a.m . today, 0 · according to J. Sherman Denny, weatherman. He said the ralnfall total for ~is year Is 7.36 compared to 9.74 tal on March 12, 1981. lfbe infall total for 1981 was 10.62, nny said . • Costa Mesa had .11 of rain. nta Ana .12. Santiago Peak .60 * * * stories and .19 was recorded at VUla ' Park Dam, accordin1 to a s pokesman for the Oran ge County Flood Control Olltrict. Charlee Ware. a coordinator for the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Mi ssion Viejo scheduled to step oft at noon, sald the parade would go regardless or the weather. Snow was reported down to 7 ,000.foot level in the Bi& Be"° area of the San Bernardino Mountains and a spokeswoman for one ski spot reported three feet of new snow fell overnight. The high Saturday at the beaches is expected to be ln the uppe r 60s. A high of 72 is forecast for inland Orange County. * * * lizz_ard, flooding avage part'S of West Tbe Associated Preas 14. blizzard with winds gusting 129 mph dumped heavy snow oss southeas t Wyoming and tllwest Colorado today while 'ng forced about 50 families ·e vacuate their homes in tral Arizona. ore than 2 inches or rain fell Flagstaff, Ariz., during the bt, s welling creeks a nd • vers. The evacuations were d ered in the Williams and ona areas. ~.:a'he National Weather Service ~-d a blizzard left up to half a -~t of snow in . parts of the :31p ckies and a wind gust of 1.29 ~Ph was clocked at the Rawhide ~ower Plant 20 miles southwest oJ Cheyenne. Wyo. • A slushy storm in Colorado on T hursday was blamed for a ¢rash in which a bus slid into a r\ver, injuring 45 people, while a blast of cold air brought 77·mph eusts to Oregon a nd plunged Idaho temperatu res by 23 degrees in a matter of minutes. The cold front that hit Idaho and Oregon ca u s ed powe r failures as utility poles were knocked down by high winds. But witb.in an hour after the front arrived, skies were blue again. A spe>Jtesman al the city golf course at Onta rio, Ore., said wind gusts were meas ured att..?7 mph about 1 p.m .• and later"lin t he day t he Boise Airport reported a gust of 48 mph. Officials at the Bogus Basin ski resort near Boise said they shut down a chair Urt alter it was struck by lightning. Idaho Power Co. said several power pe>les were knocked down, causing intermittent power failures. Hundreds of customers in Payette, Weiser , Cambridge, Parma and FruillJlnd in western Idaho and Nyssa, Ore., were without po we r for varying periods, the utility said. Idaho power said about 2.500 customers in the southern part of Ada County were without power for a short period. The National Weather Service at Boise said tempe r atures dropped from 60 to 37 in a matter of minutes when the cold front swept through. It started snowing and raining in some areas. Mitterrand · Wit slated WASHINGTO N (AP> - President Reagan is preparing ~ deliver some "tough talk" to vhiling French Preside nt rrancois Mitterrand over French arms sales to Nicaragua a.ild diplomatic backing for leftist guerrillas in El Salvador. ofricials say. The Reagan administration is angry over France's recent decision to sell $20 million in a rm s. in c luding s houlder·mounted rockets, to Nicarag u a , which the administration contends is the main arms s upplier for the Salvadoran rebels. "Nicaragua's r ole in El Salvador is being abetted by France. one of our a.llies, and that is a bit scandalous," a While House orfical said T hursday. He did not want to be identified. Officials nmmon oil bids By STgVE MARBLE oe•~,......._.. 00 company exec11Uvea are keeplfll their cardl covertd on whether they intend to bid for oil drillina rtghu oft the Newport Beach and Laguna Beach shorelines. Unless the federal government • takes steps to eliminate ,tracts off the coastlines of both towns. oil firms can begin bidding in June. Barry Lane, a spokesman for Union Oil, said his company doesn't want it known whether it will enter into the blddln1. Union Oil previoualy bid for all drilling rights three miles off Newport but the government r e jected the company's $1 million offer. "This is a competitive thing," Lane explain e d , "and we certainly don't want o ther com panies knowing what we're going to do." City officials in Newport and Laguna are concern ed that offshore drilling or exploration could dent tourism. open the door for an oil spill and pose navigational hazards. Both c ities h ave taken positions that, in effect, oppose offshore dl"'illing. Huntington Beach. which has established drilling platforms off its shoreline, hasn't. A spokesma n from one oil firm said the word is that petroleum compa nies are lukewarm to bidding on the tracts off Newport and Laguna and are skeptical that there is a large amount of oil out there. In a lease sale, oil firms are asked to put "risk" money up Cront for a tract. In other words, firms gamble. on whether there is a large oil pool below t h e t r act. A successful bidder also must pay· the federal or state government an annual rent as well as a royalty on profits. Royalty fees range from 12 to 16 percent. K e n De lino , Newport's executive assistant to ·the city manager , s aid i t is his i;nderstanding that a minimum bid for a tract off Newport could be as high as $864,000. But oil executives said government officials can rejed any bid they want. "If the highest bidder turns out to be $5 million, .. explained U nion Oil 's Lane , "the government can still tum it down if it feels it's not high enough." Lane added. though, that bis colleagues in the oil business are encouraged by Secretary of the Interior J ames Watt's position on offshore oil drilling. "He's made no bon1 s about the fact that he wants 1 o go for it." said Lane. Clouds hang around , Co astal 4t lo SI. Soutllem .-..rt nl9M .. to 74, low1 S2 to S1 Northern •nd Centr•I Calllornla •111 be <IH rlnv toeley uupt for Sle rr a Cloud• movlno 1outh Saturday wllh cn.nce of rein In mott of Nortllem C•lllornl•. Much cooler. P•rlly cloudy thh .. lernoOft with -----------1 t'henu of l•ettd ,....._ __ n . E de 11Koml119 lelr ton19f\t and S.tunlay xten d wllh ln<•tHlng Cloud• SeturdaY. HIQlll lh mid to Ulll)er .0.. I.OWi In f SOS. Hunllngton·Nt wport •r U o recast Wlnoeret~,.,,..from S.toU • El-..,., from Pl>lnl Concot1Uon Sund•Y-TuH4•y: Mo•tlY c1_., ~ Ille Me~lcen IMtrder -Giit 60 s.-.... with a ch-.ct of rein In tltt Mli.tr W•I to 90Ul""'"1winch12 to <o•llal •rtH tnd 1now In lllt tt ltnoh wllll -tttly s-ls of J.J mountalM. Pertly clovd'f MonClty fttl. Occa&lonal rein turning to •lld mostly fair Tut1day. Local jl•Ull>I• lltundlnho-n . Oe<reHlnv str11n9 gusty wlllds In Ille moum.lns f l-S thlstft.,.,_n. Sunday and Monday dtcrtu lno ~ ···----------Tuttday. Hip In Ille ~oastal arH I c::::::::; --• - _ _ ., • • . . . " mid-to -60s and motlly In IN ~=;.... ___________ ....;._;..; ___ , • W T s tOs In tlle mounlelM. OvtrnlQnt ~ tV • • Summary 0 to U In tr.. <,,_st.I area• artd 15 to ~ lS In Ille ll'Olftlalni.. S.llnes 62 S7 It ans City fl A cold 1.-In Ille WHttrn Unltt<J S.11 Btr.-cllno u S7 I.fl Vf9M ~ta tts s<alltrtd rain showers s· • Sen G•tlrltl 7• • Llttlt flock f"Yflwncla'( ecrou uw Pecllk CO.HI ~"'g SM oi.oo ., .. LOUISVIiie f tlalfl and Plate., rovlon. • • .,._, S.... Fr-.clKo ., SJ 1 ~plllS '• At lllgller tltvallons, travtll"' SenJOM w S) Ml 1 ~''°""' for wind --wttt Tiit Air Ouellh Managemt11t Sent. A am •posted a cross the Cas<•d• Olstrlctpreolcti9"0dalr4.,.lltyfor s.n1aa=...r 15 " Mllw•ukte imountalM, Sltrre Ntve4a ·-In everyone In IN Soutll CoeSl •Ir 1>11111 Sent• Crut • !: ~ ::,~:i~~ PM1t ornla and uw Wik• Ta-bestn. tllrougll Friday. S.t1ta ~ o Inter tlorm warning w•s Tiit A.OMO aulgned Pollutlon lllftte Mofll< :~ :! ::: vr::- pected leter lft IN MOUftt.lns Of Staner.rd lnCllH IPSll raf"'91 Of 41 Stockton a M H O.le CMV radii and -•rfl Wy0ml119o wttll for ell'~ T.,_ Vet..., 4S M Omal\a km-· _._.., In tff«1 for Tiltrmal 11 <.o P!tll•dPllla ~':!. .. ,,. _,,., co•d •ron• Tempera tures ~~;,~c· ~! : ~:;:-: ... eel ~ -thunotntorms .,... ~om ArkallSH tllrougll lll• 01110 CAU~llNIA ----------Ptlatld, IM olley. ~, .. hall w .. report.cl A.POie Valley u " lll•TION Pttanct, Ore 11 ce11tra1 Ark•n•as. wh ite llelttrJfltl<I U CIO Albu<fue " • flapld C.llY u.unoerstomll dumped ,_ lnclle• ol lla,,tow '1 U A"'4tvllle '3 JI ~-le~ ~•In on wut Petm llt•Cll In &....-'1 '° Alla111e 71 " " •m~ ..,.. .. Florlde --'. m •nCI ... Btar SS J1 Atletttc Cl'f St ,. ~~=k• ,\.~.m. 81SMP S1 'l Baltlrner. '1 'ST .. 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Cl-. , .......... ~.;I:~ IURf RIPIRT ==-.. :~fll~: _...... ,.,,..,... •:••·"" ... ~~!!!........... ... ... ... ............ """""" tt: ........... """_,, ---._. ... -.... ""' -... IKMll • ""••· , .. i.,;, ...... --:. to Jr.'1!"':t 1.-J I tl t I WM ...__. 1':1' .. M. U Tick1 mlt lM 19,_!!.!.! .. ' .!!·,. ......... t • It t I WM' llllt ..._ e-.. •ts:• llL"11, rt-,,._... .... • -::... ' • • -..... ., ... ! •• , .... to ................. """ a;" ,_ J 4 !!, •, J w-:; .._ f1-. ...., • t • M., ... -. ..... "' ...,.., .._.... . .. .. ---... ................. OW....•._..,:U..~ __ _,, ..... .a.:::==~~~~....-.p-:----~~~~~~~--~~-:--'~ ' ' __. -~-------- ...,, ................. " ..... FINISHING WITH A FLUSH -Bill Valoff uses hose to clean some grime off fellow Huntington Beach firefighter Don Spreeman. The s'plashdown occurred after a $400.000 blaze at Huntington Landmark condominiums Sunday. Schmitz suggests 'isolating Cub a ' By .J EFF ADLER Of -Oell'I' ...... Matt State Sen. J ohn Schmitz's aides enticingly said the Corona del Mar Republican would be discussing "El Salvallor, the Military Coup and the J ews" before the Los Angeles World Affairs Council Wednesday evening. The World Affairs Council bad billed it as Schmitz discussing "What's wrong with our foreign policy." As it turned out, what's wrong with the nation's foreign pe>licy is the Jewis h community's influence in tilting U.S. foreign policy toward Israel as well as the Soviet Union and Cuba, 1according to Schmitz. The candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate fau lted U.S. foreign policy "for being for Israel and not for America." Schmitz s aid foreign policy has been influenced by the news m edia through Soviet misinformation and ·'overeager, very ambitious politicians who succumb too much to the Jewish com munit y in this country. which has been bulldozed and bedazzled by the Zionists so that almost th e e nti r e J ewish com munity in the United States now reels obligated to support the Zionist mo vement and support Israel." To unde rscore his point , Sc h mitz sa id so man y pro·ls r ae li resolutions come before the state Senate that .. you'd think we were the Israeli Knesset." Schmitz charged that the news media and educators in this country, especially those in highe r educ ation , are the "s tronghold of the lert." Re added the "media is running foreign policy.:· Turning his attention to the Soviet Union, Schmitz said the ·problem is not in El Salvador, it 's i n Cuba , Ang o la , Mozambique and the other Sovie1'client states which export revolution. "My answer to El Salvador and Poland is Cuba," said Schmitz. "My answer is to sever C11ba and Nicarauga from the Soviet orbit." . He advocated going on the offen sive and undertaking "whatever is necessary " to free C uba and o ther Soviet-dominated countries. · "They talk a bout de.stabilizing Nicaragua. They ought to be talking about de-s tabilizing Cuba,.. Schmitz said. "U you sever Cuba from 'the Soviet Union there will be no more problems. It's intolerable to ha ve a Soviet satellite 90 miles from our shores." Questioned more closely about the situation in El Salvador, Schmitz fired back, "Wh at if we j u st c lobbe r e d the m right away?" Pope's visit sparks unrest LIVERPOOL, England <AP> -A hundred Pro t est a nt militants shouting "Trailor !" and "Judas!" drove the Archbishop of Canterbury out of a church pulpit and halted his religious service to protect the upcoming visit of Pope John Paul II. Outside. the most Rev. Robert Runcie, 60·year·old head of the Protestant state Church of England and t he worldwide Arrglican Communion, was jostled Thursday by an angry crowd as he neared his car. Police moved in to enable him to drive a way . lllOre cuts in budget WASHINGTON (AP) -'Ibe NatJonal Aaaoclatlon ot Manufacturers Joined a growtne chorus of business groups today urging c uts In President Reagan's defense budget and ln Social Security to reduce ruture deficits and bring down Interest rates. However . the NAM stood firmly again.st lowering deficits by raising business taxes, and did not advocate elimination of upcoming individual income tax cuts, as other business groups have proposed. "Given s uU1cient lime to work, the tax stimulus and other measures proposed by the Reagan administration could go quite far in achie v ing' a sustained recovery" from the recession this year , NAM chief economist J e rry Jasinowski said. The "cruc ial danget , .. J asl nows ki said , is that ex~essive federal spending will drive up government borrowing and consequently "raise interest rates to levels that will push the economy back into recession in 1983." He added that congressional or administration attempts to cut deficits by raising business taxes "will substantially deepen the current downturn." ·'In order to re4uce the risk of these developm e nts taking place, further cuts in federal s p e nding -particularly in Social Security. entitlements (individual benefit programs) and defen se -will be necessary," he said. J asinowski said the only tax inc reases he would favor to c l ose t h e d efic its are consumption taxes, such as an oil import fee or excise taxes . H e said the NAM 's policy-making board will not adopt a formal position on taxes until next week, but predicted th e board would continue supporting the individual t ax cuts Reagan won from Congress last year. Wholesale Prices -- ' 1r< 11 1111 • ·r I 'r ".1 • l11d1 ·x I or r Ull~,tu •ti (,. X>d '. 280• 275• 1 ~fi/:1 UO 270• 26 5• 260• 255• MAMJ JASONO·J F 1981 82 Socirc:•· 0.•pl o l Ltb()r llln.1dp1'.l1•d r IWll•"•I AP PRICE CHAR T -Th e Producer Price Index for finished goods remained at 277 .4 in F e bruary. This means goods and services costing $10 wholesale in 1967 wou ld e ave cost $27.74 last month. Dtf:U.~c;.....o ~#"' ~~ /?&~~ See the 1983 Nordica Trident with its special Air Fit System Today. Also SALE in PROGRESS on cl.1981-82 SKI GEAR in stodd Save 20 to 50% OPEMALL WEEllOGBTS mJ.IPll Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday. March 12, 1982 H/F Inflation rate decreases first time in • six years WAStUNOTON (AP> For the fir. t Ume to six )'ears. lnnauon at the wholesaJe level fell la11t month, dropping at an annual rate of l. 7 percent, the aovernment said today. T)le s lide was driven by decllo!ng car, truck and energy prices, which recorded their largest monthJy decrease since J anuary 1976. Food prices, which analysts had ex pected t o s urge cons iderably, rose only 0.5 perc4Snt, well under th• double dl&U. pact of J.nuary, the Labor Department said. ll.S new Produc.r Prlc• lAdea said energy prices fell 1.8 percent in February, double the decline in January and the largest monthly drop since the 2.9 percent of J1anuary 1976. The overall index for finished goods fell 0.1 percent last month, the first decline since the 0.2 percent decrease of February 1976 , w h en f ood prices plummeted and the effects of the 1975 recession were sUU belnJ felt. Last month 's Increase reversed recent moderate ups wings In the m easure, Including the 0.4 percent gain of January and the 0.3 percent of December. Deputy White House press secrelary Larry Speakes called today's report "good news , indeed.'' "We find the February results satl~fylng and a clear indlcat.Soo that inOatlon la comln1 down," he sald, a ddln1 th a t the admtnlatration waa not clalm1n11 credit for the drop. If prices fell for 12 straight m onths at February's 0 .1 percent, the yearly d ecline would be l. 7 pe r cent a fte r sea sonal adjustment. The annual rate reported by the Labor Department ls based on a more precise calculation of monthly changes than the figure lhe depitrtment makes public. lnnatlon for all of last year rose '7 percent at the wholesale level, the sm1tllest yearly-rise ln the index since 1917. T he moder1atlng r1ate woas attributed to the recession, the worldwide oll glut and abund1ant food s upplies. This year's rate is expected by anal)'sts to be in the range of 6 percent to 1 percent. As for energy costs, today's report sald, "Gasoline prices fell more sharply than ln January. ind home heatin1 oil prtcea turned down alter edCinl up a month e ulie r." P rlces for natural gas, however, rose 2 percent after declining J .3 percent in January. Passenger car prices were down 1.3 percent after a 0.4 ptircent fall In January. Prices tor light truc ks tumbled 1 9 percent a fter virtually no chan ge in the previous two months. Von Bulow jury back w iooighing verdict Resumes deliberation of two charges suspe ct t r ied t o murde r his wife • NEWPORT, R.I. (AP> -The jury weighing accusations that Claus von Bulow injected his heiress wife with ins ulin - hoping to inherit $14 million and marry his lover -resumed deliberations today after a •'sh akedown cruise'· a nd a night's rest. The seven men and rive women on the jury arrived at the courthouse at 9:30 a.m. and w e nt straight to th eir deli berating room to continue discussion of two attempted murder charges . T h ey de liberated for five hours on Thursday so they could board a bus to a motel. From noon to 5 p.m . they r eviewed five we e k s of testimony on the comas suffered by Martha "Sunny" von Bulow during Christmas visits to the couple's Newport mansion in 1979 and 1~. .. You have at least scratched the surface as to how each of you reels and to know your job is a difficuJt one," Needha m said before excus ing the panel for the da y . "Th i s ha s been a shakedown cruise on how you think." shirts . Spotting the Inscription, von Bulow waved and smiled a nd his l a wye r gave the thumbs-up sign. His SO-year-old wife, heir to a utilities fortune, is in a New York City hospital in a coma, which the prosecution contends was brought ori by an insulin i n jectio n vo n Bulow adm ini ste r e d during a Christmas visit to the couple's Ne wport m a ns ion in 1980. Prosecutors allege a brief coma Mrs. von Bulow suffered in late 1979 also was the result of a murder attempt. "'You do not have to solve any m ystery," Needham Instructed the jury before deliberations began. "You do not bave to decide, really, a nything except ... whether this defendant did what he's accused of," the judge said, standing with bis a rms crossed at the Superior Court bench. "It is necessary for the state lo prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defe ndant injected his wife and, at the time he did it, he intended by means of that injection to take her life," Needham said. Von Bulow m eanwhile sat impassively with his hands folded on the defense table. Judge Thomas H. Needham said he wouid not bring jurors into the courtroom except to dismiss them for the day or ror a verdict. After the jury was excused Thursday, sheriffs had to clear a path through a pressing crowd of photographers and spectators O uts ide the courtroom, hawkers quickly sold out two dozen T -s h ir t s a nd five handbags emblazoned with von Bulow's face and the inscription, "Inn ocent. Marc h 1982 , Newport, R.I." From a second-floor window of the courthouse. von Bulow watched a throng gather around a woman wearing one of the Resigned senator gets big pension A"WI ...... FLOWERS FOR LIZ Elizabeth T aylor reac hes out to accept a flower from a fan. following her official de but on the London s tage Thurs day eve ning. The first -night audience gave Mi ss Taylor three minutes of applause and four curtain calls after her three-hour performance in "The Little Foxes." WASHINGTON <AP) -For the firs t day in 23 years , Harrison A . Williams J r. is not a United States senator. The 62·year-old New Jersey Democrat ended his protracted and emotionally draining fight against expulsion by, resigning Thur s da y , avo iding a near-certain vote to oust him. ··I did not wish to see the Senate bring dishonor to itself by expelling me,•' Williams said. Later, he added: "I feel as if a burden has been lifted." Williams said he decided to r es ign about 11 :30 a .m . Thursday after being assured by two Democratic colleagues that they would push for a Senate investigation o f the government's conduc t in the Abscam case that led to his conviction on bribery a nd conspiracy charges. He had argued that Abscam was an "unprecedented assault" on Congress by the executive branch. Senate rules give Williams' staff 30 days with pay to close out business, transfer casework to the state's other senator and answer correspondence. Williams retains his right to a pension of about $45,000 a year, as well as federal health benefits and life insurance. He a lso has access to the Senate floor , and can make use o f m a ny o the r pe rquis ites a vailable to senators s uch as the Nicaragua non-Reds boosted U.S . providi ng $7 . 4 mi llion to preserve democracy WASHINGTON <AP> -The United St a t es is q ui e tly providing $7 .4 million in assistance to non·Marxist business. labor and other groups in Nicaragua to ensure the s ur viva l of Democratic pluralism In that country, the State Department says. The assistance has continued with t h e knowledge o f Nicaraguan a uthorities even though all -government aid was suspended last April because of Nicaragua's alleged support of leftist rebels in El Salvador. In a WTitlen statement made public Thursday night, .the department said $8.5 million was provided to the private sector in Nicar agua last year in addition to $1.9 million in development assistance. Ant~crime bill Olf d f o r ballot SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -An a nti·crime measure known as Proposition 8 wlU go before California voters ln June, and its constitutionality can be decided late r , a split state Supreme Court has ruled. In a 4-3 vote Thunday, tbe c ourt de clde<l to put the ambitious meuure. born ol a crime victims · r i1 bts movement. OD tbe June I ballot. Stale budge t bill le1d to governor SACRAMENTO (AP> -A NEIS BRIEfS $500 million patchwork bundle bearing the marks of both political parties is on the governo r 's d es k -th e governor 's and the Legislature's g r eat hope for avoiding bankruptcy. The $500 million bill went through both houses Thursday, 27·9 in the Senate -the bare two-thirds majority -and 55-16 in tbe Assembly. one ove r two-thirds. Deprogram mer /,oses court bid SAN FRANCISCO (AP> Theodore Patrick, known for "d e programming " cull members at their rel atives' request, has failed to convince the California Supreme Court that he sbouJd be spared servtnc a one.year prison sentence for a kidnapping. Without formal comment Thursday, the h11b court said Patrick's conviction in tbe ~ kidnappi_ng ol a cult member was without error and denled hit request to have ll reconaldered. GOP loaea appeal on reapponioru SAN FRANCISCO (A P) There•a double trouble for CaUtomla'1 RepubUcau, who ·are tryin« to bloc~ th• reapportionment plans adopted by the De mocrat-controlled Legislature: T he state Supreme Court, and a U.S. Supreme Co\lrt justice, both refused Thursday to block the use of the Democrat-drawn districts. Without dissent or comment, t he state court refused to change f its Jan. 28 decision ordering the new districts to be used in 1982. legislative and congresslonall e lections despite Republican referendums on the June ballot1 challenging the plans. Surinam force• regain control PARAMARIBO, Sur in am (AP > -T h e lefl·leantna military command of t.hil South 1 American nation claimed it· retook control of the capital, today after an bour·loo• au.ck I on rl_..tilt rebel• holed up ln I Panmarlbo'a main barracb. One of tn ri1ht.l1t leaden{' was wounded and arrested, and be appeared on t.elevialol) urlinC the other to surrender. • Khada/y comparw' V.S. to Nasum I VJENNA, Au1trta (AP> -I · L i byan leader Moa mmar. Kbadafy, accused bJ the• Rea1an admln latratlon of f01teriq tet"l'Oriam, compared. U.S. fonUn policy to N.-. and Nld bl.a c:oantry·wtn ...,.. "Co cm lla kneea" to tbe Ulllted , Stalell. Senate barbershop, gymnasium and federally subsidized supply and equipment stores. The choice of a successor has been left to the son of the man Williams defeated in bis first bill for the Senate in 1958. New Jersey Gov. Thomas H. Kean, a · Republican. said in Trenton he has not yet decided who he will appoint to serve the remaining nine months of WiUia ms' term. The appointee is expected to ex pand the 53 -m e mber Republican majority in t he Senate. And the departure of Williams, a libe ral stalwart, also open slots on Senate Rules, Banking and Labor and Human Resources committees. The resignation capped a 6-day expulsion debate in which Williams said he was the innocent victim of too-zealous law enforcers. But h e was un ab le to ove r come the Senate Ethics Committee's arguments that h.is conduct, as depicted o n government-made videotapes. was "ethically repugnant" and had dishonored the Senate. Williams was found guilty of agreeing to use his office in exchange for a hidden s hare in a titanium mine that was to have been financed by a $100 million loan from an undercover FBI agent posing as an Arab sheik. He has been sentenced to three years in prison and ordered to pay a $50,000 fine. ............. ESCORTED TO CAR Cla us von Bulow is escor ted by Newport, R.I.. police from Superior Court where bis case was turned over to the jury Von Bulow has been cha rged with· two coonr~ ·or alfemptcd murde r of his wife . Martha "Sunny" von Bulow --------------- Bipartisans plan state restructure SACRAMENTO (AP> After a year 's study, a bipa rtisan Assembly group found that the only merit of the executive branch of state government is that "itis fair .. Translation "Everyone is presumed t o be equally inco mpe tent. stupid a nd avaricious. The requirements are enforced across the board with stuJtifying effects " Therefore the group proposed Thursday that the five cabinet agencies be abolished, and that it be made easier to hire outside managers . T he group is the little-known Assembly Committee on Policy Research Management At a news co n fer e nce T hursday accompanied by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, D-San Francisco. the group proposed a 20-bill package to r eorgan ize the exec uti ve branc h . backe d by th e six volume study. Committee chairman Howard Berman, D-Los Angeles. said changes are needed "in the face of declining public contidence and shrinking resources." But the changes would affect civil service in ways that couJd a r o u se opposition from employee groups. The Liberal Berman presented the plan with conservative Assemblyman P atrick Nolan, R-Glend ale, the vice chairman. The centerpiece of the plan is t he elimination of the five agencies· Health and Welfare, Resources, State and Consumer Services. Youth a nd Adul t Correctional, a nd Business, Transportation and Housing. T heir functions wou ld be a ss umed i n part by the d epa rtment s th ey now s upervise. and in par t by a .. kitchen cabinet" of advisers that the governor could appoint. You've All Been Asking. WELL IT'S HERE I NEWPORT SKI COMPANY'S SUPER 631·3210 Sale Starts March 5th Clothing & Equipment / • Rentals 2100 W. c .. t Hwy. N.wporflHc .. CA 631-3144 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Ftlday. March 12, 1982 ~ APW ..... COMPENUTED -Toni Parsons, 19, smiles after a Cook County circuit court awarded her $1.25 million after a pothole -related accideni-caused her to lose her left le2. An auto hit a 9-foot-square pothole on a Chicago street, hit Miss Parsons and dragged her 35 feet. SPECIAL ~ PURCHASE!! ~ / . ~-a~ 1981~ ' ~ FAIRMONT FUTURA WAGONS THEY ARE REALLY LOADED' Including factory air cond111oning. automatic transm1ss1on. power bral<es, electric windows. door locl<s. till wheel, cruise control. allVfm stereo. deluxe wheels & MORE. MORE. MORE (1BOF815) 0 575950 WILSON FOR 18255 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Be_ach 842-6611. 556-1070 SOUTH COAST HONDA (7141 957-1966 300 I So. Main, Santa Ana, CA. 1982 V-45 Sabre D 1982 V-45 MOCJlla WHERE OUR REPUTATION IS EVERYTHING -YOU'RE #I WITH US! Contest Rules: 1. Correctly complete the secret phrase by finding and using letters appearing 1n deale• ads on this page. See "How to Play" for instructions. 2 All entries must be completed on coupons clipped from the Daily Pilot or on hand·drawn facsimiles. Machine duplicated entries will not be eligible Entries must be legible. completely filled out and signed by entrant. 3 One winner of SO gallons of gas will be randomly drawn each weel< for 6 weeks from correctly completed entries. A grand prize winner will be drawn April 15. t982 from all weekly entries received during the 6 weeks. including weel<ly winners. lor 100 gallons of gas Decision of the judges is final. 4 You may submit only one entry per week No pef&On may win more than one weekly contest Entries must be received at the Daily Pilot by 5·30 p.m. the Wednesday lollow1ng pubhcatton. 5. As consideration lor winning any prize. winners will authorize publication of their names and/or photographs by Orange Coast Publishing Co. wlthOut further compensatioo. 6. Gasollne shall be leaded regular. unleaded regular. premium or diesel Winners must redeem winning COJJpon within 2 months of notiflcat1on they have won their prize. 7. COnt•t Is open to anyone 18 ye11s of age or older. Employees of Orange Coast Publlshlng Co. and tnelr immediate lamllies are not eligible to win. Town may be dissolved ANTELOPE, Ore. <AP> -An, Indian 1uru'1 red-aarbed rollowers, who have taken over the general store and are serving veeetarian meals at the local care. have residents here 50 worried they are considering doing away with this tiny town altogether. · The City Council, In an emergency meeting, voted unanimously to bold aA election April 15 to decide whether to abandon its 1901 charter. The council said it feared a recent surge of land acquisition tn the town would lead to the guru's disciples outnumbering the 40 residents counted in the last census. "The present and historic character of the Antelope community will be lost if the city of Antelope becomes a city peopled only by followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Information from various media of this area and the world provide evidence that a city of followers . . . will be one in whi ch no non-disciple could comfortably reside," read the resolution adopted by the council. Longtime residents apparenUy feel that abollablna the town would dUute the power or Ute RaJneesh 1roup by placing what ls now Antelope into the hands of the Wasco County iovemment. Town attorney Keith Mobley said hls 10terpretaUon ol the law wu that the council had no choice but to accept a petition slcned by at least 5 percent - or two -or the 31 Antelope re1ident.s who voted In the last general election. Mobley expects Rajneesh followers with American cltiaenship to move to town, establish residence and vote. Oregon law requires that a prospective voter live in the state 20 days and those who want to vote can register as late as election day. But Mayor Margaret Hill said the city may challenge (he residency or some followers who a r e livine in commercial-zoned property. Councll member Don Smith noted the Rajneesh group has bouaht stx houses in town and the aeneral store.care. which hat been dubbed "Zorba the Buddha" and serves the vegetarian rare offered on the ranch where the 1roup llves. Portland attorn ey Ed S ulllvan. representine 12 commune members who live in Antelope, argued that the council was not required to set an election. Sullivan said the law requires a city to have a comprehensive plan and Antelope cannot fulfill lls comprehensive plan if it does away with itself. Sullivan noted that the commune, now at 280 members, has tried to form a city on a 100-squar e mile ranch the commune bought last summer, 18 miles from Antelope. Three local ranchers and 1000 Friends or Oregon, a land-use activis t group, have Ued up the proposed incorporation on appeal, saying that Antelope is sufficlenlly close to provide city services. SUIT OUT -The Rev . B er nard Pagano, the Catholic prie s t fa l se l y accused of being the "Gentleman Bandit," cannot sue the state of Delaware over his arrest. a federal judge has ruled. • THE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT'S New Chevys CHEAP! s7 50 GM Relaatel Mew and demonstrator '81 and '82 Cltatiofts, Ccrvalien, I 0.30 Trucks! •soo GM Rella••• Mew and demoftstrator '81 mtd '82 ChevettH, Cflebritys. S-1 0 ond LUV pick.s! LIMITED TIME OMLY ! Get a terrific. discounted HOWARD deal PLUS REBATE MOW! ~-~~ @Meister PORSCHE AUDI Cl ... in the tnidition of excelle nce SALES •SERVICE • LEASING B 13631 Harbor Blvd • Garden Grove 636·2333 (where Harbor meel$ th~ Ga1den Grove Freeway) ~~~~~PORSCHE~ AUDI NOTHING EVEN COMES CLOSE UP TO 400 Gallons OF GAS Just solve the secret phrase with letters from this page and mail this coupon. I have read and agree to the rules for this contest. and am 18 years old or older. Here is my solution to the secret phrase. Name: -Secret Phrase - ~CIIJD DOD C!JDDD Address ...... , ................................................ . City ...............•........................... ZIP ............. . Telephone: ...................................................... . Signature ...................................................... . lAST La Verne de 1a Cierva, Newport Beach WINS 50 WEEK'S GALLONS WINNER •• Week #2 Answer: SAFETY COUNTS of GAS Picked from 555 entries GAS MILEAGE IF YOU'VE BEEN WAITING TO PUT YOURSELF BEHIND • I. THE WHEEL OF A NEW CADILLAC • ACT NOW THE COST MAY NEVER BE LOWER! GM and Nooers Coc1o11oc lhe lo19es1 5elet11oos of moke ti easy 10 on0td vour oeov1~u1 new C oa111ocs new Coo.noc wtln reoo1es vov 11 hncl 1nclv01ng ine otvo10S2000ooselecled 91eo1 new HI 4100 oowe1 mooeb' lhat11tg111 S20001 s~tem mooels An<> vou lh1s meons lnol lhe cos1 at 1ece• ,e all the service 0"0 o new Nooer s Codllloc customer core "'ors mov ne-.e• oe 1owe1 oeen o Nooers 11oai11on Anc1 1vs1 oecouse 'IOU re 101 ove1 14 veo•s en10"11n9 nvge so.,,ngs ooesn t mean vov hO-<> 10 I Come 1n lo Nooe1s 91ve up select•on 01 Cod1lloc while lhe N"'ABER"s 01'2~ Ho:::~~~~"''I good.., CostoMeso ... C ADILLAC (714J 540 9100•12131587 a266 SEE OUR FULL PAGE COLOR AD IN TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL Bl m GLAD YOU DIDI Ho• to Play: A Winner Every Week for 6 Weeks • 50 Gallons One GRAND PRIZE WINNER of I 00 Gallons It's easy! In each of the advertisements on this page there are one or more letters for a total of 12 that makes a secret phrase when unscrambled. Use each letter only once and use all the letters provided. including the two letters that have been solved for you on the entry blank. Simply find the letters. unscramble them to make the secret phrase. and bring or mail your couPon to: • GREAT GAS GIVEAWAY The Daily Pilot 330 West Bay St. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY MARCH 17, 1982 If ~u haven't checked out the gas mileage of todar·s new cars, you'll be surprised and lmpreeeed at hOw far your favorite new car wll travel on a single tank of gasoline. And the 1~ will go farther than ever before. thank• to new technology that will aave you money at the pump. Be sure to etop by and visit the new car dealer of your choice. I Orange Coat DAILY PIL01"/Frld1y, Match '12, '1982 H/F ... PD 6 . _ •· VB CompaDJe1 or Oranae has been placed undel' court ordered receivership, according to the state attorney general's office. Daniel Foley. president of Foley Accountancy In TuaUn. has been appointed u receiver ... Alfred I. Pucuer wlll take over as prealdtol of Newport Beach-based Far West Savl.Dga Ii Loa• Aaaoclatlon April 1. He tiucceeds Willlam Popejoy, who left Far West Dec. l for a positloo with Financial Federation Inc. of Los Angeles ... Stang Hydroalc• lac. of San Clemente sald it has purchased GST lnduatrles Inc. of Westminster. GST manufactures parts for the de fense. oil and aerospace industries 111111 h::ft._ ___ _ Mauthon OU Co. has merged with U.S. Steel, making the combination the 12th largest U.S. industrial company . More than two-thirds of Marathon's common stock voted Thursday In favor of . merging the nation's 17th·largest oil company wltb U.S . Stiel in a $6.2 billion dollar deal. . U.S. bul.ness Inventories fell 0.4 percent to a seasonally adjusted $509.68 billion, the Commerce Department reported. T~e decrease of_ ~.08 billion followed a revised decline of 93.41 b1lhon, or 0.7 percent in December to an adjusted $511 .76 bUlion General Motors Corp. and UaUed Auto Wo.rken re presentatives have resumed talks on contract concessions the No. 1 domestic automaker says it needs to become more competitive. Meanwhile. the number of autoworkers on opeo·eoded layoff at the five major do mestic carmakers rose to 253 ,540 lhis week, while production plans for the week were up 49.5 percent from last week, according to industry reports. The automakers said indefinite layoffs were up from 249,710 last week. Te mporary layoffs rose to 16,375 from 16,225 last week. The companies scheduled to build 120,753 cars this week, up from last week's 80,772 but down 13.8 percent from last year's 140,039 in the same week, according to the Automotive News. American consumers won't be affected by the U.S. ban on Libyan oil imports, but the current worldwide glut of oil will complicate Libya's efforts to find new customers. analysts say . STAii ES~----..... Financial Federation Inc. said it has decided to merge its 11 separate savings and loan associations into one unit and will adopt a new name for tile combined operating entity -United Savings & Loa• Aa~latloa. Fin Fed has assets of more than $2.4 billion . . . . . · h Monroe M. Rifkin, cable telev1s1on pioneer, as joined with Marvin Davis, Denver oilman, to form .a partnersihp, Rifkln·Fox Communications. Davis owns ZQUf'Century·Fox ... System Development Corp. of Los Angeles bas the recommen4ation of a state committee to receive a mulllmillfon·dollar contract to computerize Massachusetts' $1 billion·a-year in Medicaid claims .. · -·Frederick Mielke, chairman of PacifJc Gas ud Electrtc Co., said that if the troubled Dlablo CHY.• nuclear power plant has lo be scrapped, the utllity building it would try to pass along the $2.4 billion loss to its ratepayers, as well as its stockholders STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES ' NEW YORKIAP) Fi"<ll Oow..J-. • .._ 10< T~y, _, 11 UOCICS 0... NIM 1.-Cle• Cllll lO Ind ...... Ill• IOO SI IOS.S.+ o.Q 10 Trn Jlt'> nuo 111111 mo:J+ >.,. IS Ull 101 JI 107, .. IC» 1' 10..~ 0.7' 4S St!! JIS. U ]11.1111 ll? 67 )IS ... + 0.61 lndul S,472,G Tr en J,226, tOO UUIS 1,1u ,a '5 51• •• ett.400 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORK (AP) M•• 11 Prw lhun NY Advenucs MO .. ~llneel , .. $18 AMERICAN LEADERS ¥~.~·= Q'I 4U' ... s 1«114 Ht w l'llqM IJ 11 IOl.ICIMS ' ,.IWYOM IA~ .......... ~ ...... ~~--·· lh .nc .. ......... ,.,., ......... rat ........ , ....... -. ... ......... u ...... ~---~.--.... ---- Hew to_, 11 l '3 W'4"l"lol£ll'DO H EW 'YORK IAPI M4• II p,_ l""" .,.J, AdY•nuCI 2•1 O.cll...CS ,,. 2J7 Unch•r'llfCI 111 210 Tot•• llwn '" 1'a .. _ l'll!IM t J Htw lo,... J9 • METALS Tllur1day C••~' u -..11 cent' • pound, u.s <te•ll,..tlons ....,. ~c...cs • POUnO lllK 41 c-s • peiund. <ltll.,.,..O. T111 '6.135'9 Me!Atll Week comPMltt lb Al•m'-' 1._17 Ctftll t POUnd. H Y. Mere..., Sl'0.00 per flH~ f'Mti-uzo.001roro1. N Y. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 12, 1982 cs This message has substance ._..,..._.._.~~-lnout..,...~-.-.;., ...... -a-.. ~~~1 11W111141 1TA1'8 .... WT I I 'tCTIT1CIUI a Ulllfllt "'AMa ITATe M•lllT ,te'nnous M#IUIHI •AMII H ATC•MT United States ski team seeking public contributions , ... MllOWl"f --· ere dOlnt ...,_ ... MOiile M8CHAHIJC , to I'll< hW' ..... c:.t.e ,.,..., Qll llerlll• f'KH The IOllowtne .,.rwnt ••• dolno ............ CAI fl'OOI. TICH, Il l POOl 'N' IPA/ l"ta MaQnoll• ltrttt, roun1eln V•llev. C .. ltorllia t210t lite lelle•l11t ,., .. ., It t•l"t ... ........ H'l'ATT CUITOM OllANlltS.'-... fl'red11CINHI ....... ...,__, -...Cll C.llto•nla...,. "'or lhe nexl few momenta you're colna lO have lO pretend lhi• column la a radio and lhal you're beartn1. not readln•. the rouowlnJ publl~ announcement. · Announcer'I' vo~ce · "Dld you eve,r wonder where the money comes from lo support thti u .S. ski leam? ··Unlike the s ituation that exists in olher countries, particularly the hl1hly &llccessrul Europe~m ones. the U.S. sk1 team receives no tangible governmental support even though many of its members ~ on to join the U.S. Olympic ski team. "What the U.S . s ki team relies on Is contribullons from public-spirited ind1viduals. llke yourselves, and American companies. •'The 1984 Winter Games will be here before you know it. If you'd like lo join In s upporting the U.S. ski team. send your lax deductible contribution lo the U S. ski team, c/o Ski Educational Foundation. Box 100, Park City. Utah. 84060." The Star Spangled Banner can be heard in the background as the announcer continues: ·'The precedi11g announcement has been broug h t to you by S u baru , th e on l y A merican·operated, publicly-owned import automobile company." I know, I hale listening to lhose public service messages, too, but I felt this one had some substance AND, 1984 isn't as far off as you think. Volleyball team slated for tour Dale Keough of Newport Beach and Debbie Green of Westminster are among the 12 members of the U.S. Women;s National Volleyball team that is currently training at Coto de Caza. The U.S. team will begin a tour with the China national squad at Cal State FuJlerton on Friday. April 2 at 7:30. In a recent series of matches with Hungary, the U.S. squad posted three victories The first was in Colorado Springs. 15·3, 14·16, 15·8, 15·6. The next ca m e at Fort Collins by scores of 11-15, 15-0, 15·9, 15-9. In Denver the U S. won three straight, 15-10. 15-11 , 15·13. Green is one of four veterans who have been with the team for eight years. Keough, a graduate of Corona del Mar High and a student at Orange Coast College where s he played on a s tate championship team, is in her second year. Other members of the team include; Carolyn Becker (Norwalk. 8 year s>; Flo Hyman (Inglewood, 8 years>, Sue Woodstra (Collon. 8 years>; Julie Vollertsen (Palmyra, Neb., 5 years>; Rita Crockett <San Antonio, Tex .. 4 years>; Laurie Flachmeier (Garland, Tex .. 4 years. Those with one year or less experience include: Paula Weishoff (Torrance), Jo Ellen Vrazel <Mobile, Ala.); Rose Magers (8iR Spring, 'Tex.), and Sherryl Moore (Miami). Green. at 5·4, is the shortest player on the squad and Keough at 5-7, is the second s hortest. Others range from 5-8 to 6-2"'2 for Magers. Hockey playoffs to open April 7 MONTREAL <A P > The Slanley Cup playoffs will open on eight fronts on Wednesday. April 7, three days after the end of the 1981-82 regular season, the National Hockey League has announced. A total of $1.911 ,000 in playoff award money will be up for grabs. with the eventual winners to receive 21 units of $20,000 each. The best-of-fi ve divisional semifinals ~mong the top rour clubs in each of the Adams. Patrick, Norris and Smythe d ivisions will match the first·and fourth·place clubs in each group as well as the second·and third-place teams. DIATH NOTICES WILi.Err E UG E N IE MARIE WILLETT. age 94, a former resident or llunt1nglon Beach. Ca Passed away on March 9. 1982 In San Diego. Ca Mrs Willett was an active member of St Marys By the Sea Pansh when her health permitted Beloved mother of Ltlhan D Ehman of Corona del Mar. Ca . Roland L Wtlll'll. ur San Diego Ca , W11frt:d E Wtllelt of ()ranRe {'a .• and Geo rge Wlllcll or Los Angeles. C.:a Also ~urv1v1ng are 8 grandchildren and 5 great l'(randch1ldren, a sister Amelia Ouellt•t of Montreal. Canada and a brother All>honse Ouellet or l.cw1ston. Maine Mass of Christwn llur1al v. ill he cclcbrated on Saturday, ------------.March 13, 1982 at 10 OOAM at rtHCl H OTHl.S llli llOADWA Y MOaTUAlT 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IAL TZ IHGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCUH CHA,ll 421 E 17th St Cos111 Mesa 646-9371 NlCf UOTHHS s...mw MOITUAI' 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 ,ACIAC VllW MIMOllAL PAH Ceiretery Mor1uary Chai:>eloCrematory 3500 Pac1f1c l/lew Drive Newport Beach 6"-2700 S t Marys By the Sea Catholic Church with Father Daniel Johnson as celebrant Interment will be in Good Shepherd Cemetery Pierce Brnthers Smiths" Mortuary directors 536·6539 ATLAS SAMUEL ATLAS, ii res ident or Oran~l' Ca Passed awav on March 9. 1982. He 1s survived bv his wife Florence. daughter Rosalie Meltzer. son Mtl<'s Atlas of Wh1ttit•r, Ca , brother Peter o r M1am1. Florida and 6 grandchildren. Graveside services were held on Friday, March 12. 1982 at t I 'OOAM at Harbor Lawn Memorial Park Services under the direction or Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary• or Costa Mesa . 540·SM4 SLATER • MAU RICE KENNETH SLATER. a resident or Cost:s Mesa, Ca. Passed away on Moren ll, 1982. He has been a resident or the area ror the past 4 years. He is survived SKIING JOHN SEVANO Undoubtedly, the U.S 11kl team can use the conlributions, especially since our government ls stlll livlng in the dark ages as far as amat.euriam. Mve1104 AMrt.ellnt tntemt, lllC (o.Nf81 P•,,tMrl. a Nev.ct.a '°""" •'*'· I ICll $elllll oi.ot 0r1 .... ~ .. '"· c.t\I .._.., Otlllllltnl• .,.,, •. Tltlt '"''llMSt It cOl\Clvt'i.tl llY e llml ... ~• 4ova11c•t Markell"Q SvttetM. Inc. Chu i•• I H•I"•'· Marvin 01oat1e lw,<kar lit ..... ., ... L•M, Fo11nt•ln V•ll•Y. C:.lltornle 92/0I Sl>lr1•y Ann TYOef'. tll Al>Alrou l-•n•. 1'-taln V•llo. C•lllornl• t2IOI. f hh blltlneu II COIHlulled by a v-ner•I oartrwnlllp ~1<10 '"'' ... Thlt R*"-' W•\ lllecl with I,. County C•.,N .01 Or•nQI! CounlY on M•r<hl 1"'1 .. , .. )16 Pwbll-Or.not Co<l•l O.al1v Piiot, Maren>. 11. tt u. ,.., ..... n G,.. 0 HY.n, 191 S-~. H11t1llfttl!M a-c:ll. ~ ..... T"lt Ml_. I• ~-1111' an IMlvl<lvel C>N90 HYll!I T"lt __. w• II'-! •11,, tlle Cou"ty Clertl Of OfMtte C:O-ty .,. Marc" tO, l..Z LIP~,Ma•HltlOtt AN 0 OllttMOOll ·--.. •w. ..... ,.,., ....... .-.111 c..i ........ ee..., "-1'111111-Or-C:O.•l O•llY ,..~. Mer It, It, 1' ~ J, HG 11....i The reason for the Subaru plug ls that the con1pany is one of the team's biueat sponsors - and it was Subaru that sent the above mentioned announcement. ---------.......,,..--...-,-l l'ICTITIOUS BUSINISJ ,ICffflOUS BUStN•U NAMa tTAT•MINT 'lc;TITIOUS BUSI NIU .. ""'.,,.,.MINT Th• loll-1"9 "'''°"' e•• tlol,.g NAM• STAT!E ... INT Tn1 IOllOwlnQ penon. •re Ooln9 l>U>ltl•O•a: '"* lollow1119 persons ••• doln9 l'ICTITIOUS•UttN!EH builneu _, ST AR S()llNOS. Jttll P•"'° Ar~la, l>U•lno\\ •• NAMa ITATe-NT • • • SWEET SUCCESS 10111 Sl•ltt .,.. S.n J...,. Cec>tslreno. CA '2•1) SUNSHINE'S FRUIT BARS A CO. Tllo IOllOwln9 penon\ •re dol"Q S\lllt 10~ .. , FO\lnlaln V•llo, CA CllllOf'd G ,,.,,,,.,. •ncl w .... ""'" J100 Pi ... Or !E PHltl ~n•• Ane bu .. ,.. .... '11ot M11rr•t. attn Pawo Auel•, San Juan CA tt704 8 ~ 8 ASSOCIA TES, !IOU THE U.S. FOR EST SERVICE has announced lt•llllHll M 81Aen"'an, l\tl w ("l)lalr-.CA'167S B••O J "-'· 3100 Pla1a Or ((; Si.yparll. Clrclt , Sult• Ft. lhlM, it wiU conduct an environmental impact study on the possible development or a major ski area in the Sequoia National Forest. Sunltow•r Ave E •. S.nt• M•. CA Tiii• blnlne•t. .. <oncNCll'CI Dy •n Ptil21. Saftta ..... CA'1704 C_,llO<t\1•92114 .,704 lncllvldual Sun•N,.. H ti-r >100 Plata O• 8yron A 8eld..,lltt. IS Hermll89f ferau A Belleville, JSOI W WaNM Murrev (E PHl21,S...l•An•,CA'7104 L•"-,NewllO<f &..Kh,C•lllornli•tMO SU"tlOWtr 4've E J, SM!la Ana, CA Thlt flet-1 w•\ flll'd wllh IN Thll bu\IMU I\ <On011<l.cl 0., • Go90ry L BrlQM, 264 .. Vtr• .,704 County Cl•r" of Or•nQe County Oft Qene••l CMl1t•enl"P Cr111 L•,... Ml••-Vltlo. C•lllornl• The government decided to proceed with a sludy of the proposed Peppermint ski area on the basis or snow and economic studies done by an independent developer in Porterville. -•It. 1 C.ra•O "SI Memmoln Or , M•r<h l , 1"'1 SunsNne H ti-• tl•" Huntington 8"<1<n. CA.,.,.. ,., .... , Tnl• •tale,,.,...t "'" flied w11n 11111 T Ills out1neu " cono..cteo llY • TllH t>vllM•• h condu<l•ll by • Publl..-Clr•"CIO' CO.SI D•llV Pllol County Clerk of Or3n119 County on Qenerel pert,.nhlp 11 ... 11 • ., p,trf!'ftSl>ID Merell) 12, ,, ,. "" .... ., M•rt ft •. ,.., B AB ••toel•IH. Seven alternalives proposed by developer Art Buckley would produce a ski area to serve 3,000 to 18,000 people a day. He concluded 10,000 would be necessary to turn a profit. Ter•U. S.lle•lllt ... -------------"IM4H G~~ •• B;~~!..., l hi• stalem.,nl we• Ill~ wltll lht -II' •TICE Put>ll"..., Or.tnoe C.O.•I O•ily Piiot. T ~I• •l•.....,.I ••• 111.;.-..,11,, ,,.. Co11t1ty Clt•ll. ol Oren90 Cou"IY on """"° Mu ell) 11, It h 1'112 '61.a? March •. ,.., l't ... lt---.. -,CTl--TI-OU_S_B_U_S_IN_E_S_S__ ----.-•• -,IC---T'lf'-(----~1 c,:~;<1~ 1f~;, ol Oranoe CO\l"IY on Or C \I OallY Pllol NAM• SfATIMENT f"VIK. l'IUlllllo MUl"STEOt.lfll MILLElt ~~Cb~'~.~";~..:-_.; The lollowln9 P•r>ot) I• doln9 -------------•,I CAii~& BUllDtLl:Y buslnn• H ._ MacA,,__ ._van. The 6,000-acre site 40 miles east or Porterville 1s near 9,302-foot Slale Mountain. The area would cost between $35-SSO million lo develop, with an optimistic opening set for 1985 ----.-.... -ec---""-E----r J 0 A N ANN M. L 0 If E "~~T~~!:~!·:::s N••-1-.C•tt.-,.,_. rv l'IUlllllo CONTRACT FUANl~HINGS. "" The lollowln9 l>"r$OM ••• e101n9 -------------1••rr•n<• CIACLE. Hllf\llngton BH<lt, IMJ••-., P11bll>....., Or~ Cool 0.11, Piiot, F'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT C•lltornla.,... THE PAOSPERITY COMPANY. M•r 11• 1', 1', API 1• t'll1 ttO.c? Jo• n Ann Tr Imm• r . • •31 13732 Hlll,,..rsl, 061. L•ouna NIQutl B•rr•nc•, Huntln910" B••<h, CAnan • • * SATURDAY March 20 there will be a wine tasting benefit for 19·year-old Vic Mtttler at Mt. Reba Ski Area in Bear Valley Th• lollowlnci P<PtWn\ ••• 00tn9 C•lll01nle92-R MICHAEL MARCHESE. UIJl °"i1":''C-:~ss ACT tit .. N lhh buslftt'\' h <onduct"9 by an Hlllhurst, ••t. L•oun• NfQuet. CA PUBLIC MOTKl H •varre, lncllvldu.tl. •1•11 lr•IN, CA '77tS .Joan AM Trim~ DIANNA L MARCHESE 131)1 NMU•7 NOTICe 01" AVAILABILITY 01' ANNUAL aEll'OllT Mettler is a student at lhe Universily of Pacific. He had been named to the U.S. Olympic Team but had both legs disabled in an auto accident. Merle E Bl~n• ... N•vorro. lr•lnt, Thi• ~...._I .... 1111!<1 wllh ,,. Hiii""'"· #61 UQUne N19uet CA CA.,,,) County Cit•• of 0 r•ll9f CO\lnly on '1t71 p.,,..,.n1 lo Sect-61041<11 of the lntern•I P•ven~ Cod•. notice It ll«rtbY QI...., IN! '"" a,,.....l rtllO<f tor ltlt II.eel yHt October JI, '"t ot HARRY G STEELE FOUNDATION, • prlv•le """'°"tlOn, " •••ll•Dlt •I Int 10\lncMtlon'• prln<tl>"I office to< 1n,pe< uon durlno revvier bu\lneu no11r> from • 00 • m to • 00 p m by any cllllen wtto rtJquHI\ II wllhln l lO <IO• •lttr lht O•le ol lhl> l)UOllcel- MerQutfllt Bivens, h N•••rre, M ell tO 1"2 This D<nlnen I\ conduclecl bV dn Irvin•. CA 97/tS ., • . 1'1MtW ln<ll•klutl lhl\ bu>I~• Is COn<lucltd by •n Publl•-Or-CoHl O•lly Piiot, R MICI\• .. Marc-ln<llvlekl~rt• E Bl-n• M•r<ll 12, H, 16) Aprll 2, t"1 I,,.., Thll S1•1t..-1 we• Ille<! wtlh lht' Despite the handicap, however, it didn't stop him from skiing. He learned to ski again with his disability and last April won all the events in his category at the National Handicapped Ski Championships at Winter Park, Colorado. ..... • H County Cltr• ol OrAnQe Couniv on Thi• .... ~nt w•• lllecl wllt> I... -"' •""E Feb n. 1"2 Coun1v Cluk ol Or•nqr County o• r-•-lllllo Fll:)6.]S Maret>). • .., PubllM>ecl 0r•"91 CO.•I D•llV Pl tot, Ft94171 l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS Fob. 7•. ~rch ), 11, t', 1"1 -17 fie was selected to represenl the U.S. along with 24 others in the World Disabled Ski Championships in Switzerland nexl month. The money raised from the wine tasling benefit will be used to get him there. Ski conditions SOUTHEllN CALIP'OllNIA c;.-....... 7 lllh o~••llnq, 11 lo 14 Inches.,.,., e>a<"" M•¥11U ltl Hi." 1 lo 3 <h•lr\ Ol)er•ll"9 Sll•w s...-6 lilt\ O!)erellr19, I lolloot~ S-.w v..._, 4 ch•lr5 oper•ll"O, ll to l4 Inch l>A~ )llEllllANEVAOA Lo..-.. _ Nor- B• .. •I •to• lnctw• MW on 17 lo t4 lool t>ew. 9,_,,.., PotOl!d powdtr •nO wet ..ow FIYe <h•ln. prr Ny two nl9h1 Sedo ~ SI•'"'"*" new,• lo 14 loot D•M Q,,_,,_ > c"'111rs s..,r -I to 1' 1,.ou new. • 10 1• ,_ !NM. powdtr •n<I 9room.ci oowcs.r, fufl oc-r•tlon T•llM~ J tnc11Hnew. Sto f loot -· -pack~. 1 ch•tr•. t ... ,,.o lltl NonllS .. r Norepot1 Al•"'-~ No rtS>Ort "--I Inch or M•, I lo 9 loot t>ei... IOfl i>«lt.ocl. 1 <h•I"· l $Urf•O lilt\ b •M , Pl<ked and oroomtKI som• we• \now, 9 <heirs. T•-Sill Bawl I lo 10 Inc,.. ol new l to I f001 ~-. wfl t.Of1 p.ec:ked, 1 cnalr>. 1 surface lltt S~I lncW... • lnctws new. 711> lo l._.. fool baw. wet !>«It.eel, s ,.,.,,, Mt. 11-4 lo e. tn<lle. new, • 10 It fool -· -n powdtr, groom.O POW<lttr tull -ration Ee ... s--.11 • ln<IW> ,_.,, S"' to 7 1001 i..•, powder •n<I 9roome<1, 2 Cll•lr>. I lurftc• 1111 S .. rro Sill llMCll It lnche> M•. ''h toot b•te-, "••vv oowder. Qroomed, • c~.,, k lrti-10 lncf'M>• new,' lo 11 1001 b•~. •Prl"9 •no 9roomeo, I ,,,.,,. Mt. It-•to tt •n<IW• new. a lo n fool t>eM. lle•vv powCler, P<tO.cl pOWdtr, 6 Ct\a~tS o-.e 11 .... -• to s Inches MW, 311 toot b41M. e>«ked1 • '"'lr1., l surlect 1111• • .._ ,.... J 1ncMS new. •In fool Dew, -1119 <_,I~. 4 OOUbl• chair>. t wrtec:e lltt CENTllALCALll"OllNIA Publlshe<I 0rMOf COHl O•llY PllOl NAME STATE ME HT M•r< I> S •t H l•. 1"1 '6>-e: PUllJC MOJlCE -~~----------- Ttif IOllOWlnQ P*'\On\. iJrl> Oo1n9 b<Jsln•n as NEW YOAlt ENTEAPAISES. a Par•n•r \hip • t UA P•trtce Ro•d Newport Bea<:h, Caltlornta "71M>l l"ICTITIOUS BUSINEU Ron•lll Brun\wl<k, 41UA Pal•I<• NAME STATEMENT Road N"woorl Buen C•ltlor"la T hf followln9 oer $On I\ dolnQ "1 .. J b'-111nes\ .&\. Eomond M Perron. J\~ V 1\t• MR Fil! IT, 21S'I Pornon•. Co.t• Bava. Newport 8to<h {•lllornla M•W. CA'76'6 "7~ JOHN A MONTGOMER't nn lhtS b11 .. n0>\ .. <onauct•d by • Pomona, {e&la Mtw. CA '1•>• qen•••I ""'1Nl<>ll•P lhlS bU~lnf'U .. COMllCl•O Dy •n Ronald B•Un\wlc~ ln<ll•l<lual J_, A Monl-ry Thi\ .ia1-n1 w•• Ill.cl Wllh Ille CounlY Clrrk ol 0 .. 111~ county on Ftb 1•. 1'187 Tf\i\ sut~t wes fife-a •hhi tht County Cler~ 01 Oran(!<! Counly on Marth l t'l87 F1'4J71 l"IUltl Publl\ht<I Ot-, .... ,. O•llY Pllol Publl.-Or•ftQIO Co .. 1 D•ll• Pllol, M•rcn s 12." 10, 1'197 '61.a? Fob " 1i.. ,,,,.rcll s, 11 tm 6'1f>.I-: l'UllJC NOTICE ~----------~I l"ICTITIOUS BUSINESS l"ICTITIOUS BUSINl!SS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Ttlt IOllowl"O P<P•M>n> •rt CIO•n9 The foUow •no oerson •to dotno ou.slri•i'•' DYSlntUff TRIPLE It AAHCH. 1•Ut El 0.t.SIS CATERING. llSIS MorQen Camino c.ot>I•-. O.ne Polnl, CA l •M Hunllnqton B .. <h C..lltornl• 9261' 92 .. 7 ICIMBEALY A ltRAHCH, 14611 Vicki Ann Sll••P. 1S4 Collon El CamlnoC~•••-. O•na Point, CA H•wport S.ech, Clll ltoml• 92"1 '1•2' Thi\ t>utlnK> I\ <onoutl.cl DI' _, kENNETH MAAVIN ICA.,TSCH, lncllv._I 1'611 El C.amlno C&Phlr•no, Oan• \/IOI Ann Sharp PcMnl, CA 92•2' Tiii' sta .. ,_,I •as Iii.cl wllh ltw H•I\ bu•in<Ks I\ tonclu<l•d by • Counly Cler• ot Oranqe County on ~Mt•l ""'1nen111p Fbenury l4 1"2. ltimbttly A ltr•llCh l"ll>Ml T1111 ru>t""9nl was lite<! with ,,. PUOll-OranQtt CoaP D•llv PllOI CO\lnly Cler• 01 O••"CIO' County on F•b 211 ,,,,.rcn s. 11, " 1'19:2 87S.-J fob t•. 1"2 l"IU111 Publl"'"' Or-Co.os1 D•llY Piiot, Fotb t•.1•. M<ln:h S. U t<itl 7».t1 PUIUC MOOCC l"ICTr TIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Th• tollow1no per,on\ •rr do1no bu\tn•ss ., ICEYLIGHT PAOOVCTIONS 4<i FlrwOOCI. Irvine, C•hlornia <i?IU Cht1SIOphtt A Alltn. $1 00 Aven•o• R~o La Quint• C•lltorn1a 921SJ ""'Y M Allen,.,,. V•• l•OO Nord Nttwpo,, Beach. C•lllOtnld '1t.60 This bU\lne\)i 1\ t.onouc ltd bv tt hm1ted ~r1Nr\tUp Chr•SIODllH A O\ll•nd, Gfofwr•t P•rtner TM\ , ••• .,...,,. -~ fllf!'d With '"• Countv C"'r'll ot 0r•"9r County on Februery 17. 1"1 l'IUUO P11bll"""" 0r•"9P Co•l\I Dally Polol, FtD 19, ?6 ,,,,.rch $ ll. t"1 161.tl I MUC MOOCE MN·t2t7 .. B l"ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne-101tow1nv ~r\on\ ., .. dotnQ bus1ne\.)it1\ CAPRI CLEANEAS. 1011 Nonn Meqnoh•, • ...,,.""· C•lllor-nla Cle•n N 9'1~. ll'C • • CaUtorn•• corpo,.tllon. 1414 S....tn •Olh Avenue Arcecll•, C•lllor-nle "00. Tn~' bu>t('HS I\ conouct•d by • torpor•tton. Clt'Ml N SIW~. Inc Flhnw H Sul•lm.tn Prr\ Tht\ st..t~t wa\ fllf'd wtth '"" Counlv Cler' of Oran9" County on FtDrU•ry ti. IW? 1"11>?70 Publl>,_., Or-C ... it 0•11~ Pllol The tounciattOt1's 1>1•nc:l1><tl omu 11 IO<ol•d •I room 101, 000 Campus Orlvt Nttwpo•t Buch, c a111ornl• '1MO The P' tnc lp•t m•n~oer of '"" """ld•llon" Rt<"'11rd ~l .. ~ Peter L Greco CPA 200 N"'-1 Ctnt•r Or Su1le 301. Newport B.ach. CA.,~ Publl-Or-Coa•l D•llV Piiot, M•r<ll 11 1"2 tlO_., PUlltC MOOCE STATEMENT 01' AUHOONMENT OF USE 01" l"ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Thf' tollow1no per'tions "••f' at>an<k>n<lcl lM 11w of llW II< llllous bvsontu -HYATT OAAPEAIES, etA Prodll(11on Pl«• Newport llea<h, C•lllotnla '7()61) T hf flttlhOu\ bu\lne\~ n•mt: r•t•rred to w•s filed '" t.oun•'f on .. 12.n Betty E Hyall, p 0 Bo• ...... BonM" Ferry l!Mho IJIOS Grev 0 tiyall noot S..wn L•ne HunUnQlon 8-<h, C•htornla •264t This lki>ln<K• wa• <onclllelocl by t- 1nc11v1c1.,.1s Betty E Hvell Tnls 11.i..,_,1 "'"' llltd with llw Co11nly Cltrk ot O••nQt County on M•rcn 10. t"2 l'"lt17U L 1ppo10 Hendor•on •~0 01namoor T-WM ...... _,Jr JM E t7tt> SI , s"* 111 .... o .... 111 cesu-.c• nw Publl•IM!CI Or-c ... 11 Oally Piiot. Mr•ch 17, 1•. :i.. APt'll 1 1"7 11~ ,.... V .... y -• 100 ,_ 1&"91 ., 1n<.hn ne-w. 10•.., toot ~~. powder •n<l 9roomo<1, <•Dt. <er. QOnOcMa, 10 <h•lr\ 6.100 IDOi .. vel. 7 MW, •'n loot M ..... -~.. NortOMI J•M~ 41o61n<hHnew, 6.,. tool ba ... powder P•C,ed OOwder, 4 cN lr' --------------' F•b .... I•. M.of<h S 11, l<it1 1'S 87 PVIUC ll~E FICTITIOUS BUSI HESS NAME STATEMENT fh4t foflow1n9 01'.'t\On 1~ dolnQ t>u\tnl'~\ .,, THE AElll lY CO , 18tlS Lui Cir< It H""tlnqton 9" .. < h, Call lorn•• '17&4e Ht C Moon llt IS LU' C "<I• Hunt1nqton Sti>•cn Cahfornit.t •1f>A.8 tn1\ bu\in~\ •~ C'ondu(I~ by an 1nd1vldua1 H1{..._, Tn1\ \1attf"ne-nt ,..,.,, tiled witn '""' County (ltr_. of Or•n~ County on Muehl lotl FtM)IO PuDI!•~ Ordn~ Co.ts• OA•lv P1to1 , MMC h S ll. IQ 16 t"7 Q60 82. NllJC ll~E l"ICTITIOUS BU SINUS NAME STATEMENT l~• lollowlnv por•on Is 001'19 bus•n•U·•' M IMI PIEAAE BAIOALS A. FOAMALS, 11120 Brooll"""I S1r .. 1, •SJ. FOU'1t•ln Valley, CAlltornl• 977Ge T okuhl Afamltn, IOt... ltlnQblrO A•tn11•. Foumaln V•ll•Y. Calllomla t170I This buslnn• •• conducltO Dy .,. 1nc11vld11al T ... uNAl41mlan Thi$ flat-I w•> Ill.cl wl\,, , .... County Cltr-ot Oran911 CO\lnly on Clll11a ,,_ Ho'•"°" l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEAo!ENT Tf'te 1011ow1no per\on I\ oo•tto -------------t>us1neu . .,, Miil.i( -""( !al SILMAAC CO , lbl BON ----'"'-' __ ...,_11_• ____ SORBET CO ~ E tlll• Street. CS •eoo Suite A .. }. CO>I• Me•• C• .,.,, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT JULIUS MAR{ MUSHICIN, 101 Tnt lollowlnO otr<on °' aolnci Scholl Pl•t• 141 Nttwoorl BH<h. CA DU\IAO\ •• "7~ s 1 A A I G ti T L I N E Thi• bu\1MSS •• tonducteo b• .,. PE AFORMANCE IHO Nr wPOrl tn<llvtduat. Blvd C0>t• ""'"' CA '17671 Jull~ Mu\1111,on Aon•ld O """" Jr u o Ham•lton Tiils \l•t~I wos tole<! ""th ,,_. St . Co\la Ml'W CA '17616 Co11nly Cieri< of Or•nllt' County on Thi\ bu\ln .. ~~ •S conductrd by 6n Feb •• 191:1 tndl•odual 1'1UtU AONIO 0 Pell•I Jr Pubh\hed 0t•'9 COo'lSI Dally P•lol, l h" '1.11-t wA> 11100 wllh Int F•O U, 16. ,,,,.r<h S, 11, 1m /)~fl Countv Clttr~ ot Oran~ Counly an MarcnJ t'lt7 -------------Flt07J Publl•ho!d Oran~ COo'lSI Delly P1lal, PUil.iC MO~E Maren s. •1. "· 16• t'lt7 " .. ., ---.. -.c-T_l_T_IO_U_S_B_U_Sl_N_E_SS __ _ l"ICTITIOUS BUSINISS NAME STATIMENT Tn• lollowlno r>e•>Onl are doing bu5lneu •• EASY STREET 7111 EOln ... r. H11nlln<;11on IM«h. C•lllornla •M7 MY"'n L. Mlllu, llOI Onota, C°'le MHe, C.alllornla '2'76 Fr•nklln E. G••~>. ins Iowa, Cotl• Mase, C.alllorNa '262t This bu>lnttn I• cono11cled by • 9eneral par'lnerV.lp NAMI STATIMENT The 1011owln9 per>on h <1ol<1v busl,,.nu POWER ENGINEERING AND OEVELOPMENT. 1006 Tahuna Tttrr«t. c.or-.., Mltr. (.ellfoml• '7•1S JOhn Cieri< Booth, loo. Ton.,,.. r .. rec.e, c:or--... ,,,,.,, (AlllOm4• 92.ZS This bu\lnns Is conc1..cttd by en ln<llvldutl J CJ•rll &oolh Tllll mtt,.,.nl wa• 111ec1 wl!h tile CourttY Clt rlt. ot 0r•'9 County on l'ICTITIOUS BUSl .. ESS NAME STATEMENT The tollo•ln9 pt:r\on ., 001n9 bu\fneuos ORANGE CO B4CltSWING !TM I. SOS S19na1 Aoeo. Newport &ucll •. CA926'3 FAEO M ICELl. SO$ s10,..1 Aoaa. Newoor1 Beech, CA '17~ Thi\ buslncu I\ conau<l•O by • Otnf'r•I ~t1fttr\l\lp Freel M l(ell Th" \late,.,.nl •ta> 11 tt<J .. 1111 ttM. Co""'Y Clerk of Or•n91' CO\lnly on Ftb t• 1'1112 F tUI" Publl\IWCI 0r•"91 Co<nl Oally Piiot, Feb " l•. ,,,,.,ch S, 17 1"1 111.-, Piil.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tl•t lollowln9 oerson Is <1olnQ 11o .. 1neua1. WHISKEY AIVEA !>ALOON, S'IO'I w ........ HunUn91on But.II, CA., ..... AAYMOND HARVEY SMITH, 70lll VI•• Clrcl•, HunllnQlon Beec:n. CA'1 .... Thi\ bu\lni.u Is <onouc1eo by an ln<liVIOu•I R•ymond Harvey Smllll This 1l•temenl wes tlleel with the County Cltttk ot oran911 CO\lnty on Feb. 16, 11182 1'1Utt1 Fel>Na<y 2'. t"2 Myron Miiier Thi• flatemef!t wH fill'd with I,,. l"I-Publl\hecl Or-CoaSI O•lly Pllol. Publllhed Of•nqe Coast Dally Pllol, F~b "· u . Mltrcll S, 11, 1"2 74H2 County Clerk of Or•-County on M•rcll 10, t"2 F•b 2•. Man:ll S, 12. It t'IC .01-«2 M•r<h 10. 1"2 ,.,~. 1'1 ..... PUBLIC MOltE P11bll""" Oraf>9e Co<osl O•llY Piiot, PUOll•....., Or-C ... >I Delly Piiot, M.,<h U, 1', 76, April 'I. t91? 1133-t'I, M.,Ch U, tt, 16, Aprll l, t .. 1 l~l. t--------------~ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NIUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS BUSI NEU NAME STATEMENT Tiie lollowln9 person I• oolnv DY\IMSS ... TINKHAM LIMITED, J P\lrplf S"9f lrvlno, CA 92115 AONALO B TINICHAM, J Pl.tr·ole SeQt Irvine, CA '1115 This buslneu Is cOnducll!d bY •n lncllv-1 RB. Tlnlc,...m This sl•le..-1 was llll'd with tho CO\lnlY Clerk 01 Oro-County on Ftb 14, 1'112 1'11XM PUOllShed Or•nQe to.fl Dally Pllol, Feb 1'. March s, 12. 19, 1'19:2 ~ PIU .. E l"ICTITIOUS BUSI NISS NAME STATEMENT The lollowln9 otrson I> Ooln9 bu ......... IYR()N MUSIC, ... ti 1.artal Clrclt, Huntlt\Olon BH<ll, C•llfornle 91.- ltolla,, O Hall, 'Mil I.Anal C1rc1e, Munl11191on tleech. C..llfornl• .,_ T hit bu\lnou I\ conOU<ltcl by ~n lt\Cllvldu•I Ao0trt 0 H•ll Thi\ '1•1enwnl we> lllecl •1111 11141 County Cltrlt ol Oran .. County on Marc11 a. 1t12. " .... P11lllltl>eel Ct-CDa\I D•lly PllO\ M•r<h S. It It, 2•, 1"2 "4 .. 2. NIUC .. E f'ICTITIOUS IUSINl:SS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Tht lollowlnQ P<Pr\OM are doin9 Tiit lollowln9 person I\ <101n9 bu>intn•1: FICTITIOUS eus1.;fss • bu\lnen ., GONG BROS. 1511 S....tt> Sc>ruc•, MINT BABU ME)( & co ttOI ltlwr S.nl• Ane.C.alltomle.-J/04. NAME STATI! Ortve Huntlnglon S.e<h C•llfornl• JOfln C•l Ale11, is•• Soulh Sc>ruc•, The lollowlng Ptr•on Is doln9 9'lM7 • • ~ant•AN,CalllornleU704. bu\lnen e\' P•lrlO S n "OI ICl\tr Ori • Ml<llMI A,,hur PrllclWlrd, 1111 l A OONNA"S, 40I Fora Aoao, C"''• HllnllnQton ~~. C•lllornle •'1"47 " • American "B", Costa Mes., C•lltornl• Mes.t ·CA '1•77 Tllh busl~• I• conouct..i by •n ttU7 l@•I< Emon.,, 40IA Ford Aoed, lncllvldual Thi• business is conouctto by a C01la Mt~ CA '17677 Pflrk • S...n cienerel per\nenhlp Thi\ bu•I~• is conouc1e<1 by •n Thi\ , .. 1.....,..1 .,~, 111~ wllh IN Mlcllatl Ar'lhvr PrllclWl•d lndtvlCluol Counly Cltrk of Or•nQe Counly on This ll.ltlemenl wa< flll!d with ltw Ltw•t E"'°"° March l t~ counh Cltrk of OranQ<' County on Thll statement wa• 111.0 with ,,. FIMJJI J•nuary 20, 1"1 County Clerk of OranQf' County 0<1 Publl$htd 0r•"91! Co.nl Dally Pllol, 111etat1 Publl•""" Or-Coa>I Dally Piiot, MAr<h 4, 1'187 l'l-I M.,<h S, t'I 1', 14, 1.., '61•t l , Ftb 1', J•, Mltrcll S, ll. 1'19:2 75-4.f2 P11bll5ho!d Or-COiUl O•lly Piiot. M••<ll S, 11 19 16 IW? 1014 n NIUC •TICE l'ICTt~:n~~INHS "'TITIOUS•USINUS NAME STATSMINT NAMI STATaMINT l'ICTITIOUS I USINllS T,,t lollowln9 oert0nt ere Going T,,• lollo•ln9 pt,.on I• doln9 NAME STATIMI NT bllltlMt\ ... bu•lnns H . The lollowlnv P•"on I> doln9 CAPRI CLEANE"S tU South SUH LANO LANDSCAPE bu\l ... u•• E11<1lo,.........im,c.11~i. COMPANY, t711 s. CroOdy, S•"te DISTRICT PROCESSING. ltt WHI CIHtl N Shine, Inc .. a C..lltOf'ftl• Ana. Calllcrn14192704 l!lh SI., C051• Mtu, CA "617 C01'110t'atlon, t41• Soutlt IOlh ·-· .... I... awe,,, 314 Auby ...... we. Roti.r1 0 °"9a/I, 11•• B-ma Pl . Ar<actla, Calllomle "'* llalllM Ill-. Calltomla 92t61 COlt• Mt!v, CA"'" TM• lllltl,..u h conducted llY a Tltlt .........,. 1' <onclucteo !Iv an Thi• buslnKs Is conclucltd llY •t1 COf'o>o,.•llOtl. llltllvlduat. lnolvlClu•I Cltlfl N Sltlne, Inc ... L. ''"" Roti.n o. O..n Flhme H Sui.t,.,..., ,.,., T1'1t 1....-1 w .. llltCI wlttl 11'9 This sw1-1 ••s llltCI with 111a r111, swi.ment wet Ille-cl •II,, .,. Cour1ty Clttl! ot Ore11tt County on C.Ou11tv Clark 01 Oranoe Countv Oii Co1111ty Cltrlt ot Or•noe County iMI Fu r.,.ry "" l"1. ,.,..._. March 3. 1412 PIM17• ,...,..,.rv II, t•. l'tllllB Pv41111Md Or-. C:OIHI Oally fl'ltol, • ~ubll......, Or ..... coast O•I•• PllOt Plll>ll-Oran91 C:Ntt 0.lly Pllel, l'etl. It,,., MM._S. 11. ltl2 ,., .. , Mere,, s. 11, It, 16, ,.., •n•1 rflfl. "· 16. """"" i, n. 1..a 1....i. , l"ICTITIOUS BUSINESS N-E STA'l'EMUIT f"f' toflow1no Ooer\ont .,~ do,no builntts .,. MENA MANVFACTUPING 1611·11 Piec.nh• Av..,ue Cosl• -W ca11tornl• .,.,, Alfreclo z ""'""· IUS s Aon. Santa Ana, C•lllorn•• '1101 EIOo V ~na, tUS S Ao", S.nl• A,.., C•lll<>rnt• "7101 Th•~ tu111n•\\ '" conouc t!'d by hw\b•nd •nd w1tt 411.-1 ,.,.,,,,.. TM~ it•tf'mittnl wai ftlt<J w1lh I~ C oun I y CI erk of O• an(I" { ounl v on Fob•u•rv 16, t'll7 PUil.iC MOOCE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT T nf' tollnw1no C>f' \Oni • r~ do1no tkn•n~o •~ CINMAR CONSULTANTS )1 .. 1 Via Oso P 0 Bo> 118 Tr•b11<0 C•nyon, CA '17611 AAYMONO N BAGGARLEY JR . llkl v,~ Oso T•tll«o C•nyoo, CA '11.,. DIANA M BAGGAALEY )t ... I Vta Oso l rabueo C•nvon {A 9a/I Thi~ bu11nf''\\ 1\ condut ted by 1 Qtne-ral O.frtrwr\.hlp A•ymond w B"QQ.trl••. J• U·Hs u1te~n1 •4\ t1lf"'d -Nlfh uw County (ftr' of Orane)ft' (ount'f on F'b 16 1'47 Ft.._ FIUUI Publl>he<I Or•"9P c ... \I Dally Potol, P11bl"....., Or•nqo Coait Oatly Piiot, Feb "· l•. Mar S, t'I. •'111 731·12 Ftb 14 7'. M<l•cll S, 11. l'lt7 •••-t? PUIUC MO~E PUIUC MO~E Ol"l"ICIAL .. llOCIEOINGS 01' TME I OAllDOI" SU .. E llYISOllS 01" OllANGE COUNTY, CALlflOllNIA s..Me A .... ~ A r~uler mtttl"O ot the Boa•<! of Suptrvl-. of OnnQt Coun1v, Ca11torn1a, •IM> •llllnq u the Go.,.mlnq Boer<! of I,.. Olslrl<ts ~,.., by ,,,. Board of Suottvl-• ••• twld on Merell >. 1"'1 al 9·Jll • m The tollowlnQ nemtcl members twlnQ 1>1•..nl Bruce N••••-· CIWllrman. R09tt R. S1anton, Harriett M. Wl-r, R•IDll B Clerk, Thom•$ F Alley ....,, .... Clerk. M4tm1-•• of Technl<., Advl--,. _,., •rt _.nit<! N Ht,.......,., I\ e-'<11.c! to Ille Dental HNllt> Advl~ Boerd "E .. ler S.at -h" -"W-'\ Hlil°"' Wfflt" are pro<lalmtcl, lncluslrlal L•-of OfllnQI C-'Y ...0 J Prunty •rt commendtcl Mid Or. Helm•" Is lllanke<I Cff\aln comtrucllon conlrM:I• •re compltiecl, <~. Mt tor bid, •t lecl!t<l...o .... --....-1 m""tr I\ •1>9rovecl. can.in'"'°"' •re e111>ro~o. re«lvect •na lltea HCA Qt•nt ewer<! I• •1>Pt0.....,. Health S.rvlctl '"' are ue>0a1.a Anneutlon• art apor-ov.cl. SB·174 Block Grants tor FY et.f'I •rtt _.o"9CI Rnolullon ._n11r19 Ille mana~rnent of •r<hlv .. /hlstorlc•I _or.,. " ._..., Aor""''"' wllll C•ltrans tor El Toro Are• Trettlc Sl9nels 11 epor-The m~"""" ...... tor John W•yne Alrpor1 I• •ec•l••<I •nd • ........., Ae-tlal -com,....ci.1 colle<llon retn •re ln<rtatea Publl< P"1111<1Q con<tMlon •I S...te AM Civic C.nt•• It -•rdtd. AQrttmtnl for •ul•lan<t In -.,.,..._, ot • '°"'-'*""',... tlnanc1n9 proor...,., with B G. a.cw '' .,_,,.., Cofttrects IOt' Social ,,.. ...... , for Ille Elct.rly ... ._,.....,, AB I o.t.rmltMllont era •PO•ovact. Ju,,...llt Court Worlt. Prooram contlracu an ... ~ • ..a. D•k Oeyt !or tllt Boera of s..p.rv1_.. ere •Utlecl Traci men .. , ••• ._.....,_ Tr.ttl< Commltl" Mlttutn are •Pl>"O~<I. Ol1<11Hlon on en _._ nsln1ano PtOQr•m for County emPIOY"' I> •ut110rl1ad. Funt! ra~h" l••lnlftQ for Socia! Proqtam\ It Mlthorlrtcl Procurement S.rvlcn tor Fulltr1an S<_, Oltclrlct •re ellthorlrt!CI. A11e,.,..11 ... r.creetlon•I .,.. of El Toro -S.n-Cr- Community Pertu art _ro.,..d. Trevel •-" ••• .u~recl ta• matttn art •PPl'O-PurclWl•K •r• •pprov.cl Al> ... .._. tor ,,... \1-lno blh rec:U In ,.Qlet\al 119rh Is aulhorlatcl BYdQtl .,.,.,." ... -·-An eqretm-. UP et.J4P, for public ttr"I lmpto.,_ts with Awln C-y 1, •Pl>•Oved. Tile TO\ltln' Tin B•nellt for Al .. ,, Sitton Home Is •POrOvecl. Annual Emer-y ()ptrellon• Center Enrtlta ls--· An __ ,,_, for tft(llnetrlftQ ...-vie•• for SAVI Ranch l.s a...,.o..a. S."llaQO Muntc1.,.1 Ad•lsory C-11 tlt<tlon !Mlt Is <IWlftOt<I, ,.,..., .... IS rtleMoacl. HICO <Ofllte<t wllt. ,,.,. City ol St•nlon ts 11110ro"'9. Socla1 Sanrl<.ff A .. ll<r Olr•clOI''' .... -Uy 10 elCKUte AFOC·FC ..,...,,_,, ,, 111c .... ..-TIM ConMflt lo A.Mionr->1 of Leew --S.C-·-le LNM, for 0... =~ H-..... ~-· T,.. eo.ro act'°""'" "' ,.,....._., of Gra<• ' ISEALI • J UME ALUtMM• Cltt1lot .. ._.. ot .... M18ia O,l'ICtAL fl'1tOC•e D1 ... s 01' TM a O•A .... COUNTY NOUllMO AU'htOlllTY R-ou .. , ,,_11119 ol Ille Or-C_,.., ......... A'*'°'lty ••• ... Id MM'cll 2. lte2 Tiie fe•-•nv named memllert ltellll IW•Wftt' Tltoftl• F. 1tti.y, 'Chalrm.,.; R~ R. st..W., Ha<rlett M. 'IMMtf'. •-~ •• ..., I C .. rtl •NI ... Cltfil. O.C-1• i. ~len --fer....,..._._ .. , _,.,.. ~ ••• <OflllttUM. CHALi .IUMa ALIXMMll C-..ot .. ....... ~, ...... McCORMtCK MOlTUAltt5 L-auna Beach 494·!M15 by his wlfe Barbara. brolher 1-------------l Robert E., sisters Eleanore NUlllll 01' .. ICIAL Plt0Ca80t .... 01' nt• llOAllDCMI I UH•YtlOttl Of' CMlAlletl C:OVMT'f, CAl.ll'OlttlllA .... A ... ~ • ,...,.., ........ -................ •9'0f' .. c;~. ~. L41guna Hills 76&-0933 San Ju&n Capistrano 495-1776 Mteeoe LA~MT. oun M«tuaty • Cemetery Crenw tort I 62$ Otslef A¥9 Colt.a Me .. ~~ I) Tarantino of F lorida. and DI\ r ot hy Stout o r New Jersey. niece Claudia Slater of Co~ta Mesa, Ca. Services will be held on Monday, March LS, 1982 Al JO'(>OA M at Harbelr Lawn Mcmorlal Chapel with Rev. Bruce Kurrie, pastor ot lhe PrabY· terUn Church o f th .. Coven·~~~-olflclallna . Services ~r the dJrectlon of Ball& lkr•eron·Smllh & Tulhlll Wt1lcllf( Chapel Mortuary. S4$.93'7l. . I • • • • • • • Dally Pilot classifieds work for you.can 642-5671 forqukk cash sates. .... tlttlftl M tlle ~ ... ,. ot"" OlllWk'• _,...., h ._...of """"''-" -..... Marclt '· t• ... •1• .. Ill. ,..,. ........ _.... -·" lletftt tlf'ft8lltl .. _ ........... ~; • ..., •• ~ Hetrl.ct M. W....,, Ital"' a. (I•""· TlllfMa "· lllley .. t1i1 Ciw' • R~ .......... W... A.Mlln•" ... T--... Tret.I .... 1W -....... Gett-. k ~ O.YN L. ._..._.al Oetlf C-W. T'lteflMa ... wrlt ......... T,_.._. ............ CH .AU .IUM•ALSUMMI• C....•• ..... .......... A.......,...,_,... --et .. °"'llB C:.-. ~ ,_......, -""' Merdl i, "9 Tiie ....... _..,. __,. ............ , ,..._ .. . "''"· Olelr'IMll • ....., .. ~ ........... ....,, .... ......... ......... Qef1t ..... ~. ---.., .............. - nMlltt.f...ely ....... _.., -....,..,. ""'~ ........ IH4U '""'~..-0 c....... . ....... _ ..... .............0-.C...o.My ...... ,,,._. "· tt9 , ...... -. . i .) ~., . .. ce HI F Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Friday, March 121 1082 PtCTit"IOUt euttNHJ ..._tTATtlMaMT Tll• 11U1wl"t H rttt'I h CIOlnt "'"' ... "" 1 11o1r AUOCIAT •• ,.., Cor¥D P'lao, C•i. MilN C• ,,.,. IOWARO M. l'llll'l'MOY•R. t .. 1 Ctno Plec;t C•\t Mew, CA IQ69' Tiii• ...,..,_, I• <..-.C-by en llldl•kll.lel ........ M , rvmoYtf' Tiii' >t•t......,t ••• II""' wltll llW Cov"tv Clt<ll 01 Ot•nQe Cov,,ty on f'1111 "·nm "'~"' Pullllthtcl Or•• CCMlll D•llY Piiot. fl'•b tt tt. Morelli, 12. ,.., ttCMJ "CTITIOUI IUSIMIU MAM I STATl!Ml!NT Tl!• 1011owln9 e><t••o"• "r• doln11 .,.. ..... " ., PACIFIC TRENDS l'UANITUllE MANUFACTUltlNG, 1111 South An,.. Strttl, ~ltt A S..nt• "11• C•ltlo•nl• t2104 0.t'll' .Jnl .. A COmP<l'\Y In< a Celltornl• <O •PO••llon, ll••l P1,,lwl11klt, L•11una N1ou•I C•ll IOrt'lll '767 / TllJ> bu\lneu " <Onducl•O ny • corp0<atloft D .Ho1ter Ptf'l~'11 Tlll5 stalM-1 w•lo 1111<1 Wllh lht Counly Cler~ 01 O••n9f County on Marchl 1"7 l'l•OU PuDll\hecl OranQt c .. " O•lly Pllol March S, 12, 1', 16, 1981 •01• 11 PUil.iC NOTICE SUP'ERIOll COURT Of CALll'ORlflA, COUNTY OfORAlfGE In I ... ~., ... Of 11\t ~P41UllOn 01 lfETTIE LUCILl,.E fUNIC,JON ERIC FUNK alld JENNIFER LYNN FUNK FOA CHANGE OF NAME CASE lfUMIEA AllH .. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE fOll CHANGE Of NAME NETTIE LUCILLE FUNK JON ERIC FUNK -JENNIFES! LYNN FUN~ N~ t1lf'Q f e>e\1t1on 10 \ht\ court tOt an ordt-f aUow1nq peHt1o~r to U••nll" ""''""'Nm•'"'"' NETTIE LUCILLE FUNll. JON ERIC FUNK 1nd JENNIFE R LYNN FUNK. 10 NETTIE LUCILLE OEAUGUSllNE JON ES!IC DEAUGUST•NE .ano JENNIFER LYNN OEAUGUSTINE II llo Nrtl>v or~red '""' all ""''°"' lntere\t..cl 1n trw m~tl~' ••ort~•10 •PPecu C>e t o rt thl\. cour t 1n 0.PMl-nt NO 3 " 100 C1••l Cenlfr Ortve West, Santa Ana. Cal1torn•• on AP<ll I•. t'8? al 10 30 0'<100 • "' ind then and there \ho.__ cau\e. 1t """ tnt-Y h••• why H IO C>ellllon IOt rh•nCI" of name should not be orantfld 11 '' further orO.red that a copy ot thl\ orO.r to 1ohe>W C.tu~ ~ Publl~hfO I CPf' Utll NOTIC• OP TlllUftl l 't SAL« fS.-t\•t~D 011 Aptll t. 1..i, el • '' o'c10<11 • rt\,. on l'rlN Y. •1 1111 lro11t •11tre11te lo Illa old O•M\09 c;ounlr Courlhovi.., lcwetOHI on $ant• Al ... 81ve1., betw- h t amor• t & l•Melway, IMll• Ano, Calll " 'W ltl:<;O NVIY4NCI COllP'Olt4TION • C•lflor11I• (Of'OOUllOft •• lry•ltt QI Wl>\lllUttCI T 'utt ... 1111otr 111• dt•O of trust eucuted bY Urbtnlttl, 11'1< , ""'•'" calltO Ttu\lm, '"'Of-.. Pl 4, ''" 0 ln,lr11l'Yltnl NO 1411, Of 0 111<1•1 RetOrd• Of Or-county, (•JllOrnl•, w111 '•II •l-1< eucllon lo'"" htot>e•I llllddfr IOJ <•Ml. oa .. J>le IA llwlul money Of tlw unueo St•lft •I Ille tltne of w te ttw lnltre>I conveytKI to tncl now ""Id by \OiQ lflitl .. unotr Hid QttQ Of lfUY In'"" pr-rtv llllMtttd In ••Id Countv -"°St••• <l••<•llled •• P11<•11 Vnll-4 •• •llOwn •nd o.plln<HJ Oii 111•1 <•rlfln c~ntn•um Pl•n f'e<OfOfO Jun• u "" 1n 800!< 131" P•oe 1 ~ 01 0111<1'1 11.tonn of Oronoo Counev '•lllornl" PtHtl J An unOllrilk'<J 1 'flh 1nl•r0\t 111 ano 10 IOI 1 ol 1r(ll(I NO •042) In lh~ C.••v ol Ce>t•• Molw, •• P11r m•o ·~ordaCI In flook 4S1 f'•v•\ '1 lo H ol M l \t t I len•n\" M~p,, re< urd' of Orenqe Covnh t al1lorn1•. IOQ•tnet wfth ell tmorovttr'l•nts ther•on "'CtCHlt\O th•r•from Conoomuuurn Unit~ 1 thtOUQO ' m<lus.1ve, *•'.0 1"4-r~un P•r(•I l An •U IU\11;1,. f"fi\ith'lt•nt •e>purt~nent 10 e4( t'I Uftlt tot the U'\1! AnO ()(( UDflr1l y of tho\'-' PO(flun' ot the re,trl< 11<1 c Ort" ...,on •re• Ot\IQn•ted "' the Oet ••r•ttO., ot ~•~tnc t1on\ rf'(O'<k"<I in Book 111". P~ •m of 0111<1•• Recoros of "''o County .ino >ilown on tM Conootntrnurn Pl•n tor tt•f" "'"' Th.-\ltte• •odrt\\ 111nd or otnf!I< C'Ontmon de\1Qn•11on 1f any I\ puroort•d 10 Do- 7iO~ P•clll( A•t • 107 Co\!• Me,.,, Calllornl• Said ,.,It will tw m•d• wlt"oul • .,,, •nh ~\ 10 1111ti OO'U'\SIOI'\ or t"cumbranc•\ tor '"" ovrpoie ot o•vlno the-obllq,.unn' "tCU'f'O Dy ,.atd Oe-ed '"' IUO•nQ t"«" ''"" •no t •Pt'f'U• ot the tru'Stef" •no o• lf\f' trusts "'~••ea o., sajo d•..o .av•n< r, tt'W!'•f'unc:ter-with inttrP\t ,., p1ov1t1Mt 'htff'•I" or~ th., unp1Uct Orll"K.IOdl ttnd tnter~s,' Of thtt mott'f'>) .. <ur .. <J by '"•d d~d to w it ~· 011 lh Datto F~f>#ua•v 19 1<191 ~ & w q«'"1vPv•n<tt Coro 101 S o!rffmpr Su11e 114 Pt.K•nloe CA 97610 171•1 q<i3 ~JI I) \Wh ftU\lt'P Bv Chtl\llPW or.,Qano• TrnS1t-t S,,ltf Olllcer Pubh\lw<f 0,.~ Ca.~t Oaol• Pilot Maren 11, 1q )o t"'1 9SS-t) PUBLIC NOTICE In IM Dally PllOI • ,,..,.,paper ot , _____________ _ o~nerat clr<ule11on. Oubl•'tht'O 1n ttw~ CfllftUMO counly al IHSI onu a w~~k tor tour NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE con\f'Cutlv~ wH'\ or1or to lt'" d,H ut TS No 8t-OU•• J~ ••Id hurlnQ ~ On Aprll 1 1'l97 at q 1) o'"oc~ am OATEO Mlrch~ 1'1117 on Friday "''""''on' ent••nc• to th• RONA LD H PAENNER 010 Orengo (O<#llY Courth0<>~4' IOC.led JudQe ot the-Supf!r•Of Court on S4' n I" • n• 81 "'0 be-t••~ n Pu1>11,ned O-•n~ CM\\ Od•IY Ptlot Sv<•more St •"d &r0ttowav S..nta M•rch s 17 19 2o ,.., 1011 ~7 An.1. Calif PUBLIC NOTICE CP'P'·IS7'e lfOTICE 0" TRUSTEES SALE T .S. Ille 11.0l~Da On April ?, 1"2. 119 1So"clo<k a m on Frid•Y. •1 Iha front •fttrance lo llMI OICI Or•nqe COUftty CourlhO<>ff 10< .. ed on S•nt• •n• Blvd betw •tn Syc•more SI I. Bro.ow11 Santa ""• C•lll f & W ~ECONVEYAN CE CORPORATION ,• Ca lilornoo :orPOr•Uon, ., Tru~tw or sub~ll•u1.a fruste• u"Oer thf' a• .. o ot 1ru11 taeculect bY Ur-blnltt'\,, Inc hfort1n :•11.0 T~tor, recorded S..pt •. •'4• u ln•tru"""'1 No a.10 in Boot! 10 10 Pao~ 10•, of Offlc ••• RecorO\ 01 Or•nQe Courtt'f, C•llforn111 will \tit •• oubllc •uctlOn to the hiqr101 DIOdl>r tor t oll, ~yeble In l•wlul montv Of "'" Unit.a SlllH 11 the tome ol '"'e. '"" 1nterut con.,.veo 10 ""° now h•ld llY wkS trustH ~' ,.,o OHd of lru\t 1n the property suu.tM m W td Counly Incl St••. 0.K•ll>PO •• PARCEL t· Unll 1, County 01 Or•nOt' St•l• ot Cahfornla, a~ ~nown 1nd Clttlntd on 111•1 c.-er ta ln Conoom1"1um Plaft rtcoroeo Juno t~ 1979 In -Ill .. , p-tle5 of Ortlclal Rtcord\ ot o,.,. COUftty, Calltornl• PARCEL 1 An un01v1ded 11q1,, 1nterHI 1" -10 LOI 1 ot Tract No IOOS, In ,,,. City of (OJll M• .. C-fY ol Or-, St•t• of C•lllornie H ~· m-ii rWGoroed tn boolc 0 1 Pl<lt• 71 lo 21 Of MIKtll•,_• Mal>\, In ,,,.. otllu of lhe County Recor~' of 'Hlod county , 1011e l her w il l\ all •mprov@menti thereon exceptlno Uttretrom Conoomlnh1m Un1h t tllr01J9119 lnclu\lve louted tl>f'r.an PA~CEL 3 An U Clusln H W!m,nl •PC>Urte,....,t to eMf\ Uf\•t tor IM use ot O<CuP•ncy of lh0\4 Po•llOn\ m llMI res1<lctte1 CommOft uea MSIQnattd 1rl tht Dect•r•tlon 01 AHlrict1on• recordf'd 1" Doolt 1lt8'1 ...,...,. •m ot Olfl<••I Aecoroi. m .. 10 covnty •nd 'hoown on t'nrt Conoom1n1um Plan fo' ucllunll T n~ '''"' a6dr•\\ anator oth~r common Oe\t9n•••on It d ny '' ourPOr1«1 bo bt nos P..:•11< " IOl C0<t• --... Clllor1• S•ld •••• .. 111 D• m•de 11r.ou1 w arrenty a\ to tltte. DOSteS\lon or encumb,aft<.•'· tor the ourpo'~ of P•ylng ,,,. Obfl9allOM MKUrtO Dy ••lo 0.ed lncludlnQ the lw •ncl .. .,.,,.., Of the lruslM •..0 ol the tru\I~ <ruled Dv i.alo ""°' 10vanC.\ lhertu..-r wllh Interest H P"'Wklecl IMr•ln •nd flw unp•ld prlncl1><1I encl tnterot ol ll>o N ote secured by ~•Id dffd 10 w lf U 2,27' ti D•lect Morch 3 1"2 I<. & W RECONVEYANCE COltP'ORATIOlf tl'IS.Kr-,•114 PlllcttotU.Co.'167' 17141 ..,...,,, •ttctlT~ ay:O&MMl.-n T ....... ~Otfkff Publtshed Or-Co .. t D•lly Pilot Mar 17. 1•.16, 1911'1 11~1 PVIUC NOTICE F & W RECONVEYANCE CORPORA TION • C1lttornl• <Off>Orat1on as TrustH or \ub~tuut•O f ru\tet under th~ de~d ot trutit ttxr q .tlttd ov Ur~"'''' Inc herein <•ltf'O TtY\IOr r&<OtoeG Sept 4 f911 ~n lnst,um.nt No 1471 1n Boo' 14710 P•G• U)9 o• Otf1< ••I R•<ord~ Of Or•nq~ Counh. C•tttorn1.-wtll Mii •• oublt< •1.Kt1on to t"f n1Q¥jf btOO.r tor f 6"' payat>W 1n l•wfut mont., ot '""" Un•led !.telH •1 I"" time m ..... the 1nter1t1Jot co.ivf'yrd to '""° r\OW r.e~ by \•Id truSlf't' undiiltr StUO dMd ot trust In ·~ orooet1v ii1tua1~ In '\aid County •nd S tatit Ofo''\.C.rlo.d tU P•ACEl 1 Untt 1 '" tf'wt tuv of (O\ld M•w Covnh Of OfanQe' St.tit• of Cahforn••. as '\ha#n ttno Clf'••n.f'd on th.at c:er1•1n Conoom1n1um Pt~ rt<orOPO Jun~ u 1q)q •n book 111119 P"9" tl8S of Otlltl•I R"COfdS.ot Or-lrwr-Count¥ Cal1iorn1., PARCEL? 'n ut'\dt-.ldf<t I ~n •ntf'rt-\t •n •nd lo lot tot Tr.ct Nu IOOS &\ \n.Gwn ol\ • m~p tf'corCWoO It'! bOOt> 4S1 O~\ 1t to 11 o• M 1\C.rtfdnf'ftV\ M•CK reco,di ot Or•nQf' County t •l•torn1a t~tt\f>r witft •It 1morov•m~"'' therro" ••cept1nq tn•retrom Conoom,n1um U"tlh 1 lhrouott q Inc IU\IV~ •oc-•tf'O tner•on PARCELJ •n ••clu~lvr ••~m"°"t •E>OU'tf',....nt to ••<" unit to tn.,. u\e' •nd occ.,cw"<' ot those-ooruons or 0\« rtts.tric.ted f. ommon •r•• o,.,.qn4'1fld 1n tl'Hr 0f'flartthO'l of Rt'-\tr1cUon\ rf>(.or~(I In boo' 1318'1 -U?I m Otflti•I lhcords of ..a•d Coun1y <tnd loho•n on tn• Cort0om1n1um P•an tor ~ach unit Thf' str,..t't dddr~'' and ,or other common Of'\•Qn•non 11 any t\ our1><>'1.0 to boo' 110\ P<!( ol•t Aw :; 101 COS1• Moe ,. S••O '-a l_. w ill bf' maOf without w•rra n10, a\ to t•tl" PO\\f \\IOn or tncumbrancr\ for thf> DU,POSt of paytno thf Ob4,QaOOn\ \e<urPO by \•IO Otf'd 1n<:lud1no ttw '"•no t'<t>tnsf' o• tnt tru\ttt and u• H\11!! hu\t\ cre4tftd by \aid d•f'G .owi•l'tCe'\,. tnitreunou with 1nter•st •S orovi°""° rn.-re•n. end the unp•10 or1nc1sw1 •no inter•'' ot thrf Not•h• Y"(ur..o f)y Wtd ~ 10 WU \JI 4•1 .IA 0&1t0 M1rch J 1'i87 F & W RE CONVEYANCE CORPORATION 101 S Kr.wmcr Suite 12• Pl<Kentla, CA '11•70 11u 1 m 'Holl en w<" fru,tff Bv Ju n1 Mlnu\ .. T r~ltt S..l<r\ OlllUt P~Oll~hod Or-COi\I Oa•lv Piiot March 11, 1', 7•, t'WI ...... , PUlllC NOTICE AM&-410 NOTICE 01' TRUSTEE'S SALE T S No TS let 11 1r04) UI 11 On Mart" 2b 1"87 .&I ~ 00 • m T TLE IN~URANCl ANO TRUSl COMPANY '" dulv ~ppolnl•O Tru\1"" un<Jf!'r and PUr\U.,nl to Deed of l ru1t dl!eO Jun(' 7S l<lllC) rt<ordf-O July 1 1"90 a\ 1n\f No oll, In book lltS? P<tQt •14 ol Olllc oat Rt<ordJ In '"" 0 U 1t• of 1"t Cou ,., Rf'<order of Cp>.IJ7JI Ora nqf' Countv Cat•lor n1• WILL MOTICf!OfTRUSTEE'SSALE SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO T.S. .... Mm Hlv HEST BIOO[S! FOR CA!.H On AP<ll 7, 1'12, •I 9 IS o'Cloc-• m CASHIERS CHECK OR CEATI Fl ED Oft Frfd.ty •• , '"" lranl tnlr...C• to,..., CHECK IPllV<tl>lf' "' tlmt Of Ult In old Or•noie Co-y C»urlhouff, toc•led l•wlul monn m '"" UnU"' St&tf'~I lit on Sa nta Ana Blvd . Dttwe•n ""' So<.o11\ fr ont entroncf' to the Old ,Syumora St & Broedwo , S..n1t Ana OranQ• Countv COUtll\Oujf' IO<•t"" In C a , W E S T E R N M U T U A L tM 100 blo<I< ol We\1 Sotnt• An& Blvd COA PORAT ION, a C•lllornla ftnrmtrly Wt\1 •Ill SI I S..nl• A1111. cor-pof'atlelft. a Tru1teie "" IUl»U1ulld Callforn•a •II ''<»"' lftle IK\d 1nt•rftt Tru,tee. vndcr the D@ea of Trutt convryPd to~ now ""'10 by tt uf\O.r uecuted Illy MOunlr Oeovd M•rdln1 •••O OP..0 01 l ru\1 In '"" P'OO-"• encl tr-M. ~rdnl Hu\band •ncl •1tua1Po in •~•<I Counlv ano s1 .. 11 Wll•. ,,..,.in ,.11ec1 Tru•lor reconMCI M\trl~ A\ M•rcll 17, 1''1 H l•Ulrumtnl Ho I 01 '11n Block 10m TrKI No ?34, In 21347, In Bool! 13.._ P•!I<! 13'4> of 11\t C•h ol N•wll0r1 Buth County of Dtllclal Records of OranQe County, Oran9~ Stalt ol C.i11ornla •• pet C•llloml•, wlll ..i1 111 oubflc •uc llO'I 10 m1p rttordtO In Soot. IJ P"9tlo 3' •ncl Ille 11i..,.st bldOtr tor c.V., ~Y•bf• In l7 of Ml\Ctll•-~. 111 lht ollkt 1•.tul ,.,_ o1 Iha United Statu al m Ille County record•" m S<lld CO<lnly ,,,. tlmt tll MM,,,. lnlerttl (0flVtV9d Tru•lor o• rt<orO _,.., DAVID T to a11C1 ,_ "81CI Illy uld Trutt .. u..Otr SMITH olr>d PATRICK J SWEENEY. n lel o..o ol Trvn In IN l>'..,.r1, T nt JI rut add••n and 01,..., sllu•l•CI In ielel Co11nty •no Stele <ommo" 0t~l11nat1on, II •n~. of tne OtKrlbed •· rul properlJ Ot\CrlDed •Dove h Lot Jt ol TrflCt No S7'1, ••per m.ci Purported lo bt 100' 'W 8altle>41 Blvd , re<oro.d In lloOll t 14, P~~ 11 to u Nt WPOr1 8Ncll, C~lllornla lflCIUSlve ol NUIQll-..US ~ 111 tht lht _,IQMO T•u•IH dlKi.lmJ Office of ... C-y Recorci. of MIG •nv lltbllifY IO< eny lllCO<tKIM\\ of Ctullty. tflt "'"' ~'' -01111r common E ltCEP'T 011 o11, w•. ~oc.,llOn clnl9na11o11. II ""Y· ''-" ,..,..,,, """'-.,.. mlMratt by Wllale.,,.r S•ICI ,..,. whl be m-. bUt wltllOut 11am. •-· H mort llolftltulerly covenant or warr•nty, e•prtu or dlK rllled Ill l!ltHlllT "A" anecr.d lmplltd, f~lnQ 1111•. DOHtH,011, or llereto•inodta-1""""' tncumt>ranct1, to PO tlla UllPtlel Tiie Slrwl -rn\ antf/M ot.... D<ll•Mt of 11\e nott H(urad Illy Mid c•mmoll •••lt11at1011, If at'ly. I• Otte! 01 Tru•t to wit P07,142 .... ---.. .. '"' Cal1¥Y Dfl¥t, lncl11Gl1'19 ., orovl-In MIO nolt, c .. 10 Mone. CA Hv•flCU. If ....... lillOer '"" ,.""' of Sold Sol• wlll IM m-wllllo;lt Ml Cl OMd of Tn11t, 19", Cl\artff •llCI ••rr.ilf't H to 1111t, -'""°" cw tru>tt'IMt ol Int Tru''" encl Of tilt tllCUITl~lll1<". for tl1e Pll•POM al tr 11th cr..WO by sold Ote0 01 Trutl ptyl119 1tte ...... loM .__..., 'Y Wd T,,_ -iklery under MllCI 0.0 of o...i .. Tl'Wll, IM~ "" "" •t'ld Trull 11trttOfOft •O(ul•CI •"Cl ••"91199 .. tM Trvtttt -of tllt Otllvttwcl to IM llftlltr•l9MO • wtltttn -......................... n ... 1 Ot<larelloft of Oefevll ....-OelTl-=:cc.;.-~ ,..";int_, at tor S.lt, t 1'CI a wrltlt t'I Nolk t of ••nl .. tfltf'tlll, .... ,._ """'4, OtfHll tnCI l!IKllOft to Sell. TM .. ~ .,,. -•t tf tM ..... b U"4tri'9t'IM toll\td N ICI NOtkt Of tt<wM _, .... o...i .. TniM • .._,, 0.111111 -.£1t<tklll to 5111 1!t N .. J ... ,tL t'tc.t ..... ill !tit COlllll'I' ..... N '"I ,._ -.-~ t• ...-rf'r k lttettcl, Tr\1\1 .. Of .,.,,, -•.;;;;;M...10trw. <-...Ctlftt~.~ltl.1! INSVRAHCI ,_ ... Tllllltlltrwt AMO TAU$T Q1MP'.<IHY,..., ,., Mt111 ~.CA-' St , $oMe-, C;ellfOnllo ttJOt, Alllft! ftf 1'111 rtM• Jr,ct WIM'-M VUI ~-oe.o• ...... T,_. Mlf'Cll t, 1'1W Tltlt h'91,,_t _.,, .,.Vlrllllle"-Tn11tC-y,..,~tWllllMftt,n T~ If• Offle# uld T,,.,.,.. ~ ..... 0-.... Cte11 DellY P1191, P..W,.,. Or ..... C..tt 0.lly Pl..C. ~ell ti. "·a.• ,... M¥cll s, 12, "• 1• .. \.el (' MMtln •tCTtnoutauttNHt OltAfl•• tOUlnY "''llltOR ~ITIOUleUMNlll MOTIUINVrTl .... I .. MOllUO,IALI MMMtTAfhMINf COVU UMatTATIM .. tT atOtTIMNO. .. I O.RIAL P'll0"9•TY Tiie ..,,_,,.. --· ... •ot"9 ~ ..... c:-ty~ Tht lolltwl119 ptrttfl ,, Clolr19 lfOTICI IS Hl!Rll Y 01\lllf IMI AT P•IVATISALI Mitl-.. 1 ltl(r.!c QMWOtlw.W"' butl-et MtlM,,.,..... ... 11 llt , .. ,., .. II)' .... A,ttt•l Crit.H •NI Wl"OllT CAPITAL. Nlltl A•, C4trNI IVNltllf! COMP'VTIHO, 111'1 IN City fl ~ Mtte, IO wit, TN Ill '"" ~rlor '°'1r1 ol !"-Stet• of 1)10 Cl"llot Avt-, itentlft, CA P'LAIMT.,,I AMo1Wa-0'"41 Stnle l..W• $1rttl. ll'ouM•ln V•ll9y, City e.....cll, p,O, lt.e '*· CO.ta Calltornla,1orthtCOuntyotO<-.l11 "°"° OC,.INDANT1 Molly Liit .... '-'• CAttrGI. MaN, Callfotftle tM», Oil w ~ Ille M•l"r 01 Ille lll•t• t1I AllllHUR MALCOLM D MCRiii... •U Vl•IA O.~• J c.tt.M. _,DO•• 11....... OONALO ILVIN COLI!'., 11UI 1M '*" tf tt • am ... TllllrtNY, llllNAllO MOORI. ·--""THUlt . lorllle. Nt-1 IM<ll. CA n..O. •. IMi.IW.. &aMll 1 ....... !llr.e\ ,~ .. ,, V•••Y. M•rcll H . "" II ........ Ill• MOOltE 0-M-OAltltl!LL ICISfR, tl01 '•UoO IUMMDMJO.. ,llllT CAtml. re ...... lellll\' .. t11t ...._,It •Hllff Notice ,, ""rtllly Ol••ll 111•1 lh• .... "'°9. CA AMINMO eoMP'\AtMT Tllh -·-I• c-tte 01 .,, .... -14' .. Ille c"' C•rll't Oflk• lty"" und•1t\'9Mcl wlll Mii at ~Ivett Ml• Tith .... llllAU It t OMu<.IOd lly a C:AU MVMlllR· »11• lt'lcllv ... I _, _.. lfl'M. Dlch wlll .. 10 tl\e lllOlll'lt ........ , l>lddt<. sllllllt<I ..,,.,91 ~DI~ IW ... 1 lfOTtC•I 'lM ....,. ..... -. ,,,. OONALO COi.i! pultllCly ...,,.ci •lld (Nd •IOUCI ., to conllrmetlon of wlo S-lor Cour1 Tiii' ;:.,-;.,,, ••• llltd wlln lht '"" ,,.., -We ... lfl•t YM wltlllltt Tll" ••itment -ff led wllh ,._ 11.00 • m °' as -!MreMtitr H :-' 1':;. ~'~r::: i~:k:y N~I=~~= COllt'lly Cltfk Of Ounoe COllnly Oii ~f'.:i.~"'..':':':..:".:. ~:.,.r::::: ?.:~a. ~:II of Ora1'19t COUMY on ::t•:..--:. ~~~;"c:t~ N•ncY .<I l(tallllQ, Trutl 0111-. 610 '•b 14• l'8:1 ,.,.... lie... ,.,.,_, Hell, II felr O<lo , C .. tt a.ta••, N••PO•' C•l\ltr Ori••· Sult• J>O, "'*llllad Or,tftft Cotti Delly Pll04. II YOu •• .., • ,...,._ '"" eO•IC• ol ... ,~=;'.'\';. ~. r.a Dally= COlllOI'~ .... tor ,,.,. '"'"''"' ... Of Ntwl)O(l ea.th c;:ovnlv Of O•al!Ot 1'1111. -Ma "s. u .. .. ..,.., lllO<MY l1Uf1h """·'· , ... "'°""'.. ... t..IA'•O P'401NGUNITS $1•1• 01 Calltornla, •II Ille rlQlll, 1111• • re • ' ' 10 promplly M 111 .. your writ!•" --------------AO, ltton.1-ot -'Hk •llOl'I• M•Y _,,Cl Intent\! of MIO OtCHMO ti Ille ft1')0l\Ml, 11 Mty, mol>t flltCIOll llmt Piil.iC •ra tit obt•ln.0 ti Ille Olfl<e OI IPll time OI -tll ""cl ell Iha rlGlll. 1111• -II' .'111'1' AVlfOI UMM Ill .... .,,......._ l!I I p.,rUletlflo AOlfll al n Fair Drive, t nQ lnltre\t 111411 lflt U t•t• of .. Id ~ IRK • lf'l-M ,_.. deel4'ir ctfllrA U4' 1111 -------------' Corot• MtM , C:.lltornl• 1110. Uool.ild tit l'ICTITIOUI aulllfUI lfAliole STATIM•HT flla IOllOWlt'IV pe•'41nt .,. d01119 11111ln•Hn Sli t. INVIUMf'Hll, Ill• H 01eu .. 11. 0.llflOll c• t764~ 01¥ICI l SlllO, 1'14 Dullftlnci Dr L .. ulla 8eac:ll, CA .,.ii Leny 0 Ill<.•, 101 HOll'fflOO LIAt ltlec.,.llt CA '1•JO Ja" M Ktdcl. I 1'01 l .. (Olllll• EI P'e~. H • ,..,. l •rrv A PtrltllO UH1 A111>urn 01lt Or , El toro. CA YlUO '"" OU"'"'" " tOnllu<l•d l>r • 0-Mt•f parttwr'\hlO Lin y A ,..rtellO lhh ~ ... _.., .,. .. llltd wllh Ille Counly r i.r• of 0•1noe <.ounly on M1r<h 4 1.., ,.,...,, P~blhwd o-......,. '°"" D•Hy 1'1101 M•r< h S. 12 It 2• l'lt) 'IOI) &7 dof<Uttld hes .C:Qlllf•O bv Optr•Uon of ·~ltll(la • - -UCI ,_.. CHAltTf!R NO. !Utt .. 1urt'IOCI IO Ille OllentiO<I Of ,,,. City l•w or othllrwlM otl\er 111111 Or In M...._. ............. ,Wt 181,,....mecl .. CO M PTROLLER OF THE Clar,, wllllln \Oki tlmt llmll. I" .1-------------- ffCllllOI\ 1otllal04 .,11oci.< .. MCl,el tl\e NOTIC• TOC•aotTOH •tot Mo-CU II A ENCY TrMwry Deper1mtnt 01 M•l•CI enve!Otle, 1no.,.t1•1t• on ,._ PVIUC NOTIC( llm• OI OMlll 111 -10 •1111\e certain 0" auuc••MK•IR $1 VU.OOHM >41k lt.r •I conMIO ...... Unlt.4Slalft, W•tlll"OIOl1, D c °""""'with, ... l lCI '""" Nllmbtf • ..., ·--------------... , pr-rtv slllltltd In lht Crtv 01 It.ft. 6tet .. _, U,C.C.I llf\ •t>ooMe 11'1 ttlt •\Ullto OtOttle Wl\e1 ... "'"'lstoclory tvlOtnce ha> Ille O~ll\t Dale Hut'lt111oton Beech Or-. Sl•lt Of NOCk t lt,.,.,ftytl¥eft locreOlto"qt ht UrlO IMM.Ol•lamenlt, Cl• UI• Mtll Prttanl.cl '6 the Camp4roller Of r.cll lllCI tlloll -lly aoch ono C•llfornl• e»rtk.ularty oeurtbad •• Illa wllllln -...0 tf.ittltror ltlal a mantra, w r~• tt<rlll, •I llo\I lh• Curr•n<Y 111•1 'I NTERIM •vuy Item ••"' forth In Ill• tollow• to wll bulk ltMW• I\ .-.,1 to bt ..,_,. 011 •IO..,,•.~Wrn19l•lr ... •ll-p0 CAPISTRANO NATIO~•L 8ANK" t fle(lfl<"'IOM My -•II t•Oli'llOftl 101 1 m Trt<t n u . 0 ,,., meo perunel ptoperty lie rel"•"•' 1 TO HU! DEFENOANT A clvll l«•ltO 111 s.n J,..n "'91••rano, St••• 10 tlla -lfkatlont ..,11,1 "'cl .. rty r•coroeo In 8ooll "'· ~°'' 11, 10 u CltKrlbtd complalnl ho betn llltO Dy th• of C•lllorftf• Ila> <omplleo with all ,._,.., In Ille l>ICI, •t'ICI !allure .., "'' lllCluslve 01 Ml•c•ll•neou• M•P" In Tile ,,.,.. -bu\ll>t" _,.,, ol olwl'1tlll ~IMI you 11 vou wl\I\ 10 orovl•lons of Illa Jletu1n Of In• Ul\1111<1 forth eny Item '" 1,,_ '99t lll<•tlonJ the olllct 01 ,...., co..mv Ae<o•der 01 tlw lnte-tranwror are· CHleno this l10wwll. YOu Mu>I, wllllln Slate• rtqull'llCI to be comptlw "''"' lll•ll bt ~ IO' •tltCllOfl of ,,,. wlO County BICI MANAGEMENT COMPANY, M O•Y\ "'''' lhh wmmons Is wrwd Defore btlnQ euthOrll.O to tomm-"<• blct SuDIKI 10 towtt•nh •nd c-ltlOfll JJOJ He.-Blvo. S..llt •El, Co.ta on YOU, Ille will\ l!lh COU•I • wrlllan llw b<o•I~• of bMl~lnQ" • N•llOl>•I E•Cll bid \l\all .. , fortll Ille lull .. , forth In "o.tl•r•llon ot ~"'°"' ,.,... .. , Cellfoml• '-3' roPOnH lo Ille "'">Dl•int Unl•n you BA'!hl1'19 Ai-i.tton namtt -r~n Of •II lie,_ •no Rts1•1<tlont' recor-Jllftt u , The --bullneu -rtt• ot do w. YOU< Otiaull will be enter.o on N-. tht•tf-, I ller•bv c•r111y ,,,., •ncl P•,., .. • 1,,.ereolltlf 111 tflt .,,_.1 1960 tn Book S3IOI O<l9t 127 Of Dtfl<l•I tlle lnt...O.Otre<111tr"' ere •Pf)llull.-. ol 11'4' Dftlnllfl, at'IO 1111• tht a1>ov1 n•m•d enoCl•llon 11 II Illa blct Is Dy• corrorellon, state the Record• of selO County, •ncl •nY ot,,.r BARAY L. ELLEABAOEIC. ll»l (OUft fft•V toftl•r • fUCIQmanl •Q.tln'1 euthorlttel to commence Ille D<oslnfl\ n•mn ol lhe otfker' ,.,.., <•n •ton an to•tnino, conoltlon,, rulrlctlOllJ A•et'lue Pruld lo, S•n Clemtftlt. YOU tor 11Ml rt lltf Otm•ncted In the of b•nklng ••a N•tlon•I ll•nklnQ •QrHfftflnlOllbtllOllOftt>ecorporttlon roerva11nns, •IQhlS, rla111s ot wo •no Cotllornlattan comPl•lnt. whl<h fOUIO ru111t In AslOClaUon and wllttt>er more 11\an -officer utem•nhm rnord., more commonly ANNETTA M lil.LERBROEIC, ll"'lllshmtnl of w•o ... U k Ina Of In IUll"-V wttereof wlln•n mv mut t •IQn If the bid " Oy • know n H ,011 Tll•mo 1..ant 1't2 Almsldl Orlve, TuJlln, C•lllor111• mono or property or othtr relief \lonalur•anoMalol ottlcelhllllhday part1>t•\111p or• IOlnl ve11I"'•· •late Hunllnqlon 8e1<h CtlllOrllf• tMe() re~':~~eg ~11':i!,~l~nl llf Oto~,::_. E Lora ti.. na,.,,.. •no -ffJaS ol •II 0ttwral Term• of .. ,. ca\tl In l•wlul ....,...Y Tll•I ,._ .,,_rty ""111>t"I N r•to 1• LEE A BAAN~H P•"""" -join! Wfllur•" II IM ~:~1,..01uz~,t·~~: ~ :,1e ~.:; :~~~·o;o~n.,:'';:'.:!.:C, !u~ENR ~'::.:vw_, :i',t::9c':::!r:11•r =~do~~~,''.:11::•~,,:;o:::;~o~~\~.~; w•lh Did. TuUlft Aveflue, O•onQe, C•lllornle °"""'" PuD1lshtCI OrM>Qe Co'"' Delly Piiot, under • ll<Utio<ll namt. "" DIO ,,...11 Blos or oll~f\ lo bl In w•lllnQ and ., .. 1 L•"' Olllct1efJe .. my H P'lu•t Ftb 11, 1' ,. M.trch S, IJ, 1' ~· IM In lht rHI Nme ot the bl-r with ... 11 b• •t<tMtO a11h4' ••oruald Ollie• The ~lr>H• ne~ u-llY , ... ':'d "•""'"""' S..11• "Prll '· '· l'WI 1qMl1 • OHIQr .. llon followlno ..... wlnQ 'OBA M •nv "'"" >tlltr "" 11"1 PuD•lullon ::•;• ·~':[ N•c: •:.Cl loG•llon s tlS City P-••1 Welt maat 11' .'lll'tr 1111• ll<lltlouJ n•Mt )" • provided, llereol ..... o ""'or• datP ol i.ale U 0 E 1 • 0 ,.,,. •• CA '1 .... Ha ... .,_ l-.t however no 11e1111ou1 n•ma sn•ll .,. D•ltdlho\IUO.ymM•rcll,1'81 Tl1•U•lctbll1k lran1ferltlntencltdto C1141U7..u3 uuo unlo• there h •current Crocker Natlonel B4111' ~~ co~sum-;•1•0 •I ·~,0·~0 of An•rMy for P'l•l11t1tt, ALAN WAYlfE NOTICIEOf TllUSTEE'JSALE rtol•lt•llOll wllll"" Or•noe County Bv N•ncvA lteatlno .... '0's H•ti~· 4 ....... GREEN LOAN HO'"""•·• Atco•d•• In Cl .. Of corpar•llont, E \fCutor ot '"" ~"~nuej ulte . Lo' Alam 10\, Publl\NO Or-CCMl\1 D•ily Piiot T .S. lfO 1SU~1 in<luele the nonws Of -Presldltnl, Wiii of •••O Dec•oent •I lorn. '°no on "' •Iler Aprll ••. "" ~' I) "7' ,.., 102 .. 11 BE NEF IClollL SERVICE co .. Se<••t•ry. T-w~r. •n0 Man-• Bv Nancy A lteallno "" .,, ' duly 1ppolnted Trustet unoer the The Cffy Councll m t1w1 CllV of C°'11 lru\I OHlctr Tilt n.,.. -_, .. lo of llW "''°" 1 ••1t1C MAN'( tollowlng dt•crobolO <teedollrust Will MIMI '"''""' llWt rlQhl lo ••IHI anv 11141 SS&.3"1>Cl with WllOm Cl•lms ,,. • .,. be 111•0 1• TV ""'"' SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION lo ""' or •II D•d• PLUNKETT & Pl.UNKETT Al•mllo• Escrow, HT? KaHlle h1QhU1 Dld<k'r lor U•h pavobl* al DATED Ml•Ch,, 1"1 AnfffWVl lor EXKlllOf' Avenue, Suite tO), Lo• Al•mltos, T.,_. lime of Wit In l•wtul mo11ey m the Publl\lleO 0rlnQll Coa\I D•llv Piiot, l y Mlrl•n Plwthtt C•llfornl• •ono Alln Cheryl lfOTICE Of Unlltd Sl•lt•I all tlQnl 1111e •nd Merch 1' 1"'1 11•1 ••J ~I•• AV9 9toneh•m EKrow Offktr, ano the TRUST•e•s 5 p 0 ... ,.. ••st O•Y for llllnq <l•lm• bV •ny .. ALE lnttrot COll••Yed lo ""° now IWIO Oy II credllor Jllall be April 1•, t'IJ, wllk ll T !. NO TS5102 under ••Id Duo 01 Trust In 1ne Nil.IC NOTICE HUlltlllften --·Cott... I Ill b I d b I II On Marci\ ?•, 1'11, •I 10 00 • m pr09uly hl!re1n•l1tr otterlbe<I 1.-------------- Publishe<I g:::~c=. Dallv 01101 c!Sonwl;,•r,,....•u•~l'n~• .. ~n·loyf!~llCl:lbonrle•v~: SOUTHERN COUNTIES ESCROW,., TAUSfOR JERRY W FELLOWS NS·92029 .., ~·-_ ·~ auty •Pl>Olnl•d rru,10 under •no •.n"°a!IN1.GEL T FELLOWS llu•Dand NOTICE OF DEATH OF M.rch S •. 11, 1'l97 tOtt-8' Tr•nslerlNS Yid Int-Tr.,,Sleror purtu•nt to Deed of Trutl recordeO -• uMO lilt foflowlnv ..ictlllonol D<o\lnH' A1>9u•I S, '*·••Inst No '628 In BENEFICIARY STAT E MUlUAl CH AR LES MI LT 0 N • nam .. •ncl ... rellH wllllln ,,,. lhrM book llHO, P•Qt )14, 01 Olllclal .sAcoVrlpoNc.,.s,lonAND LOAN ASSOCIATION w A L T E R s . a k a YH rlleSl.,.st NONE Records'"'"" oltlu ot ,,,. C011nty C HARLES M WALTERS PUIUC NOTICE D•ltd J e<1.,.rv u , 1"2 Recor.,.,, of Or•nvt County, Stitt ol Recoroeo JM.,.rv 74 19IO •• •n•lr · NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 8MryL EllHb<ot• C1111ornl• uecultd Dy NORMAN No JIS" 1n -tl411. PIOt 11J1 o ANO OF PETI TION TO Ho SfW1J411 AnnottaM Elltf'bnle~ SIDNEY GERSTEIN and LINDA Olllc111 RK0tdlo 1n '"" olllce of trw ADMINISTER ESTATE o~~:.~~~ ·.~:.~ .. ~~;.:;~;.~hr~.,:; AUMl~~~:;,:•ler«fl ~~ABNL~CM~~~~ldNW~'oL ~.~i..~·e~~ :,e,~a.:.'!";.:: :';::c_-:~:!.YO:~~:e':"; NO. A ·t t0016 •11~thourol1100am ••Southtronl 4112K-•A-. B•DDERFOR CASH (p&y•ble•lltmo 1910olnstr No 4SHJtnBook1ll1 T 0 a 11 h e Ir s. entrance 10 Int Or•n!I<! Counly Old hit• Ill m i.alo In 14wful money of U.. Unllwcl P•Qe ~I beneficiaries, Cr e ditors Coorthou"' '" IPW CllV of Santa An•, LM Al•-. CA .. ,. St•IH) •t the North front tnlr•~t lo PARCEL I Unll 11, In lhe Cit~ Of and contingent C r edttOrS Of ~~~'!.: 0;::::;°'~:~· s!',;,~~~o·~~~ 1':~~s:O 'ci!!no. c oai.t 0 •11.,. Piiot. ~":n1~~ur;;;,v~ou~!':.~ .. s.~~ ~':!~ ~.·.~:c;: ~:~.~~.n~:un~~ ::.O~~·:~o Ch a r les M1 lton W a lie r s, •• Tru,1tt S..rvKr Comp&ny will lotll Muell 11, 1"2 114J.t1 C•llfornl• •II rt0111, llllP ... o Int•'"'' Ot l•nto on 11\al cer1•111 tonoom1n1um aka Charles M w a I te r s ~:d:.~0:;,: c~~·,·:::iw:~1 ~:.,.~·:~~~; , !.°:'o"';;:.;00~;:;" :'~,!" ~~=~; ~::ini'~~~IK,..:0°~~~';;';.':.:, ~~~~ and persons who may be United St•lt> •II l)<lyablt ....... time Nil.IC NOTICE ~llu•led '" i.ald Co11nly .. nc1 5t•lt cert•ln Qecfarat1on 01 Covtftants o therwise interested in the Of \alt lh•I <•rtain rtal prop•tly duc r lbed as A condominium Con011ions •nd Rutrlc11on• fer Wiii and/Or estate. ;~~::on:"o:i:..;:•Y\1:· •• s::o;::11:!1:n':: H;~~L~CYHTE::·~g~;-:·i;;E~~ co;r~~~ I Ap Undl•IO•d 1/1 ~;;~~.~.;ch,;:,~~n7~'!~~ ~':: b A Cphetitl1onMhas kbeWen lftlled '"°LoOlt?><O ,'n'-blOc1_'1 10llololwA'_, .. ~1u1•10n 01 PLANNING COMMISSION AT THE lnltrHI In encl lo Lot 1 01 Traci 104J1, 11, 1'17 •lo lnSlru"'-nl No 11411 1n Y ar eS ar a erS ~ • ~., Clly 01 ,,.,,.., •• per mop •Koroed boo' 101n -31l 0111c111 Re<o•O• in the Superior Courl of ~cllon I BalbOI l\lanG ......... non • CITY HALL, n Fair Drive, C~t• 8 M I I Id C 1 Q C t t n)lp ln<'reol ••corded In book •• p-AMw, C.Ufoml• .••• 30 pm or .. P::s 4;;::.., 2~":.1:~1c~1.: 0 ~~AC~;~ An undl•ld.O 1111111 I rancge oun y reques mg JO Ml\c•llan.oulo M1P\,1ntheofflc.01 MIOllHPOUibl•lllereefteronMonooy, County Recor0trmOra,_c oun1y lnt••t\I in ""° to Loi tot Trac1 No hat harles M ark Walters IM County Rtco•°"' o1 .. id county M•rcll t7 ,.., EXCEPTING THES!EFAOM un1111 7SJO •• \llOWn on• m•o rt<oro.o 1n be appointed a s personal Slrte1 AOO"'" 119Turquoru B••l>OA Regarding lh• lollow l nQ throu9n 10 •• tllown up the boo ',., c\aQr\ 3S and H rep resent at i ve I 0 I •l•nO, C•lllOtnl• •DPllUllons c do I I p Ml 11 ... th Ill " 1 ZONE EvCEP 0 on m n um l•n ro<or-in Boo' •o aMOU~ -PS. tn 1 o ce o admln·1ster the e s tate Of an:n~1 .. ~~;·;~~n:'.~1:,.~1,~:~":.~ ZE-tl·tt tor ~'II' B~!,:. .:,~~~ ;;,s.~~'(C::v'i..J Olll<l•I Rec:orO• 01 !~!wcn°"..".!J ;:.~':~,°'c0~1!o~"';..:~. Charles M 1 I ton W alters, lh• strut .,.,., ... lo, .ind Other common •Otnl IOr Coast Community Coll-ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM 1111•. Common Art• llertlnl on ,,,. Cos ta Mesa. CA (under the C1•\lt1na11on 11 •n• •llOWn 11trr1n Dl\lrlct 1310 AO.ms Aw...,., for • Iha r .. lrlci..d Gommon lrHs •s shown Conoom1n1um Plan I d d I Sa•O •••• Wiii D• maa• Wllhoul CoftCllllon•I u .. Permit lo cond uct U td conoomlnlum o••n •bov• PARCEL ) ""' UCIU\I .. rlQhl to n e p e n e n tO•tnan1 or w .. rronlv ~·o•e\\ or ~!:'.~'~.:R-:.0 ~·~·re::: A··z~' m•nllorwo pontu•on •nd occuo•ncv of lhou Adm1n1strat1on o f E s tates •mPllOO rtQ••OU\Q hllf OOSW!S\IOf\ or Pl'RCEL 1 u .. 11 ~ ., \l'IOwn on ..... Po•llOn\ m -Common ArH\ ol LOI I Ac ti . The petition IS set for ~ncumbr•nt"\ t o '\lfe\.fy the Envl ronmenl•I Oelermln•11on Condom I Pt f f d T t N 1UO h · De ODl•O•llon• wcurt'<I DV •nd l>u•lo• .. •nl 10 Eaempl P•rcel 1 ~';..".;; •n •• errtd lo 1" ~nts~~inou~ Pia~ a::·::~::::.: earing in pt N o. ) al lhr """'~'of "'" cont•rreo in th•t 1 ZONE EXCEPTION PERMIT PARCEL J An ••clufl•t .... menl pallo• anct1or -er.ti.. •no shewn on 700 Civic Center Drive <Prt•1n o..d ot Tru\t OAleO Jenuary ZE .. l·:k anct Rt0tvel011fft*'ll Action P••kln9 Ind oar-ourPoW!• over 111111 u10 Condom1n•um Pian 11• or1r19 W est , Santa Ana, CA 92701 t& 1911 Ut<ul.O bflw~n GES!ALD AA·U-0• for De11ni. end IC•llltrln• porllon of Hid lot' oes1on•••C1 .. s.c aopurt•Nnl lo Parcel I •bo•e on M arch 31, 1982 a t 9 JC ~ lULLIE •nGMAAIE M TULLY, .. Young, •""-111"11 ~ntlor Cllflon B th• Condominium Pl•n rel•rreO to PARCEL 1 Tl>t t •<lu\lv• "9ht 10 Trv~tO•>. lo ROLLING 1-<ILLS Dunc•n, 11' C•brlllo Street, 10' •bove u-. ano occ.-ncv lor wnMl•<I" and AM. ESCROW COMPANY •> Trustee tor v••l•ncf'\ 1'°"' D<l•kln9, l•ncHc:M>lllQ, T ht ••••et •OO••n •nd other 000ln9 ourposei. of such por11on 01111• IF YOU OBJEC T to the ROBERT c. NELMS •• Be,,..to<•••Y and setD•ck ••qulr emenh 1" common r»11Qnoflon 11 •ny of 11w Common A•••• of Lot 1 m •••O Tract granting of the petition, to ' .. cu·-,~ \Um ~ •toSOOO OO wilh COfl(unctlon wllh lht conSln.ctlon of • 1 N ISJO 1 I ,. •~ ~ • new <-<l•I bulldlnQ, IOUt.0 11 'fl Dto~rty d .. <tlbtd •OO•e I\ C:..oomlnlum'"°"'Pn1.!"°., ~·~IMOSllOONnoht7 YOU Should e ither appear nttr.-1 ,,,..,_, •> orov•dt'O In Wld HI) Newpor'1 Boule•a•cl. In • Cf Zone purported to tie S1tl W•lnut Ir vine -· -· ,,_ not• aOV<l<\Ct\ •••nv unO•,,IMl•rmJ Envlronmt nl•I Delermln•llon Ca ' ' Boat Slips which ha\ been at the hearing and State Of Yid°""" OI Trulol 1tts t harget OK Tl'le undenl9M<f Trustee dlsctalm• •PtclllCallr OUl9n•UO a• Dt1n9 your ObfeCtlOn S Or f ile ·~rnuosi:x:,e;;,~.!, ~ ... ~d +~~0, ''?':u:,' N;9'1~~·NE :~~r,,T ION PERMIT ::;: :,1:!:'Z.:,;,:n:..C:"!~.:;:C:;:~ ~:"..':.";':n'P~00:~~c:~ 1 1•0"':"~ n'" 1 1,:': written Objections with the 41no rt corO..O on J""u.ry ?0. 1'81 in ~~:io:JISll~~~~;=~I ~;, dts1Qn•11on 11.-,,, ShOwn Nr•ln OKl.,•llon CO Uri before the h earing. book ·~•9 ~•)of olflClll record~ Jolln p B111 .. r, •>SO Von IC••m•n S•ld Wle will ... m-• .,.., wrthovl • .., w Coast Hwv Newpof1 B••<h Your appear ance may be ot Ora,,....Counh .!>t11tmC•lllorn1• "•tn~ •«211. ~ llMdl. for • coven•nl or w•rr•nty, upren or C~.,lll .. ! ,,,_, aoor•s• or tom-on 1n person or by your Trwo -•oc•••Y vnoer •••O OeoO ol COf>ClllloNll UM """"" 10 ... ,-1,11 • 1mo1i.d. rf9M'0111Q lllle, 00\WHlon, or ~ n , , ... I 1 •u•t ot wcur•h ot•'<• Dy rtoon 04 •ldeo ~ .. ~. with v•rlon<H encuml>r""'" 1ncllldinQ l .. i. <h•r9es d•'1<1n•t1on '' '"own •Do•• no a torney. a broach or otfaull tn lht obll9•11ons from D•rllif19 drh••w•y width, -•no upenses m Ille Tr11stM •net of the ,. • r r an 1 v 1 s QI v t n • i. to 1 I lo •I F Y 0 lJ A R E A '"'"'•" lhereoy ft('•elotore ..... uled l•ndt<•f)lftQ .._ ... .._ ... IO<•ltld ., 1•US1S cruted Dy Slid 0..0 Ofl•u•I, lo cornoltlf ... lo• or (OHKIM\SI T .... c R E 0 I T 0 R 0 r a ano 0~11.e,.,o lo lh• unaor\iqned a , ... "A.'' Sltperlor A-.ue, lt'I.,, MG P•Y 11\e -.,,..inlllQ orlntlo411 s..m• of !Mnellclarv unotr >•IO ONO of Trust COntinn1>nt creditor Of the '"""•" OKlnrahon of Cletaull ind z-En•l•Oftrnelll•I Oetermlnollon· Ille note wcured by Hid D"d ol Trui.t Dv 1enon of a b•H<h or ~l•ull 1n '"" ,.~ dtmano for Wle •nO wrlltt'n notlct OI E•tmpt 10 wll .... ..,,.with lnteresl lh•"'"" Ob 191tlons setuteO lnu•bv deceased, you must fil e MN-80863 NOTICE OF DEATH OF WILLIAM F . LEWIS aka BUD LEWI S ANO OF P ETIT ION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A 112SOS. To all heir s, b enef iciaries, c reditors and c ont ingent c red itors of W illiam F . L e wis and p e r son s who mav be o therwise Interested In t he w 1 II and/or estate A petition has been filed by W illiam Guille rmo Lewis 1n the S uperior Court o f O r ange County r equest ing t l'lat W illiam Guillermo Le w is b e appoi nte d a s persona l r e pre se ntative to adm1n1ster the estate of W illiam F L e wis (under th e Independent Admin1straf1on o l E states A c t) The pet1t1on Is set fo r hearing in Dept. N o . 3 at 700 C1v1c Center Drive, We~t . in the City o f Santa Ana. California o n April 7 , 1982 at 9 ·30a.m . IF YOU OBJECT to the g r anting or the petition . you s hould e ither appear at the hea r ing a nd s tate y o ur o bjections or Ille written ob1ectJons with the court before th e h earing. Your appearance may bE i n p e r son or by your a ttorney IF YOU AR E A CREDI TOR or a contingent creditor of the d eceased. you must file your c laim w ith the court or pr esent it t o the pers onal representative appoint ed by the court w1th10 lour months from the date of first issuance of lette r s a s provided m Sect ion 700 o f the Probate Code of California The time for filing c laims w ill n o t e xpire prior to lour months from the date or thP hearing noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the f lie kept by t he court. If you a r P interested in the esta te, you may f ile a r equest w ith t he court to receive s p ecial notice of I h e inventory of estate assets and of the pet1t1ons, accounts and r e pol't s described in Section 1200 of the Callforn1a P r obate Code L aidl ey & Lawson, Atto rney a t L a w , 2301 W . Third S treet, S uite 204, Los Ange les, CA 900S7; (213) 487-7010 PubllS""<t O<•nQ>e COi\1 O••IV Pilot M•rcll 11 11 ti 1'81 11,._.? PUIUC NOTICE ~:~~~ ::"',~'~:",:.~o ~",~::;"'.'~ z~ .~~~E1::~~:cr~~1N :E~:.~~ ~~,:::~u!~ ~~~·;1~:~;·,:::~ ;:·~~~':'.~u;~,~.7!'n~v1~r,~1: your c laim ~itht t~ c~~rt rt (j)rO('O ~l•ml>or JO "" In booO; •ulhOrlled -"' tor JoNI p Butler ... um•t.-1 CO\llo •ncl •nv ad••nce• of Ol D•l•Ul1 -Dem-lor S..lt, •nO 0 r pre sen I D e N O T ICE OF DEATH O F l•ll'I a1-1os•o101t1<1•1•ttoro•o• oso Von Kuman AVeftut •OO, M07 7•#11hln1tf'HI .. ,llttnnotlceolbnacll•nclolt lectlOn personal representative M A R y E L L E N .... 10county N•WPo'18e«ll,lor •Condl11onalUW Tlltl>t ... IKlary undol!r .. 10 0..0 01 lo c•u\e1hl!UNlt•\•QMOIOW!llUld appointed by the court CAVAN AUGH aka MARY lne 101a1 amoun1 ot lht unP••d Per mu tor a r.t•ll Hl•bflsn.....,t, wltb Trust Mretotore rwecuteo •no ~ oroperly 10 ••ll•tv .ala 01>ll<11tlons within four mont h s fro m EL L EN S ALL BERGER balance OI the ol>llQtthon ""'ur•d DY ••tlanco from P••~lnQ, Orbt•woy llveroOIOlht..-,.IQnedawrltlenDec ~nd lhtr~af1tr t .... uno..r\lQrl<!d causeo lhf property 10 t>t so10 on<lvdtnu width, •ncl ••llds<•f)lnqrequlrerrients. 11r•t1on Of Del•ull -Oem•nd for ••ldnollco:ot1>ruc11anao1tlecUonto the date o f firs t ISSU(ln c·,A ND OF PETITION TO -.11mateo (0\1' t •Ptn\ .. and loc•lld •t .... "B" S..oerlor Avenue. S•le, ano. wrlUen Notice ol Del•ull "" Recorded No••mber n ..... '"of le tte r s a s provide d 1n ADM INISTE R ESTATE ""~:~;·~~:',!';,0~ .. 1 :;.,:;: .. i:.~1~o~~ ... ~;v•ronm•nt•I ~~,:~~;~c;: '~!r~', :": ~~;~10= :~r 0,N!101~c•~~ :;::,.;:,., Pl<ie Sec lion 700 of the Probatr j NO A 112428 Siii••--~ur•Slnl<n, Inc For furlhtr lnlor .... tlonon '"" •bon Electlon to Sell to l>t •t<or-In tile S•ld wit will ~,,,_, bu! WllhO<> Code o f Cal1forn1a The T D "' I I h p I r .. AHald Trv .. _.S.rvl<eCMnpany IOPllC•tioM,ltt-IS4·SJ•Sor U ll county wMre lh• ro•I proper1y IS CO•tnan1 or w•tr•nly nprH\ or t ime for flltng Cla1mS Wtll b PnPft(lilrtP<. creditor< A A Joy.Ant. 1'k tPrnlWfll •t Ille olllce ol Ille Pl•nnlno IOCaltO Slit wlll I>« conclutled bV lmpll.O r~rdonQ 1111• 00\WU!on or not expire prior to four and COnlinqef'll cred1 tOrS Of S'U Cerl"ltfl Ave 0.1><1r1...-, Room 100 17 F•lr Orlvt , New•P•-S..rvoct Buruu •• -nl encuml>r&n<H, to Pl!~ lM rtma•n•nQ th f th d I f Cost•Meu C.allloml• 1or1tust" 11••nc111a1 sum m tht no••••I •-cur"° mon S rom e a e o M a rv Ellen Cavanaugh Cyrpreu C• ~ 11141 U•nto SPS S41W p.,1111.-Or..,.,.. Coost Oally Piiot, MU<h S, IJ, 1•, 1911 U7.0J PUlllC MOTICE CP'P'·tfflt NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE Trustor Wiiia Nf<holt B-ll<lery Eswv lnv.,stmenl\ T.S. No l l·l«n On April ? 1"1 •1 • 1S • m , E>trow Eac~. Inc . • Clllfornl• corpar•tlOn, u Ouly •PPOlnted Tr11•lee 11noer •ncl """"°"' to OeoO ot Tru•I <KOrc>eCI Nowmber •. 1'90, .. ln•I No 40S., In Doolt 1.-?G, -•14, ol 0111<1•1 Records 11'1 the Office ol the County RtcorGtr ~ Dr•1191 County, St•I• ol Calltorn•• E ~tcuteo Dy Wiii• NICllOIS WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FDR CASH (O<IVatllt ., time m Yle In ••wful moMY of llMI United St•ltsl •I Front tfllrN><• to 010 Dr-County Courlllouse localed on 5.tnta AN Blvd. MIWHn Syc•l'nOf'e SI -Bl"OOdw•Y. S•nt1 Ana, CA •II rlQht, 1111• ""d Interest cMveYed 10 ano now rwld Illy II unotr ••Id DHd of Trust In tllt protMrly •ltualtd In Wld County - Sl1te deKrlbOCI •> LIM 26 In Block t of Ill• R .. ubdlvlllon of Section I of Ball>OA '"-· .. oer ,...P recoreltO In Boole ' P-JO o4 Mkoll•MOUI ~~. In Ille office of lht County Aec:oroer of ttld County Tiit sirttt adareu •nCI ollltr common deolgnetlon II •ny, of t1'I r u l properly dturlbed above It Purr>Orttd lo be 127 AQotta, 11.iooa. C•lllornla T~ -·IQNd Tnntft CllKl•lmt t "Y llablllty lot ...., IM-.Ct-of llW street ~ftJ Mid otMr CommOll O.•l11n•llon, II.,,.,.,"-" lltrelft. S.kl tai. wlll be m-. bolt wltl\olll coven•11t or w•rr•nlt, upreu or lmplltKI, reorel'"9 lltlt, POtMHltn, Of tflCumllrencft. to pay Ille r.,.,.in1,,. prlnclN• wm ot tllt -<•> 00<.,,ed by wlcl a.ct of Trvtl, •lttl lfttefftt INftOll, at .,.. .... Ill talcl ..... h i. '""'•MH, If ..,.,., ..... 11\e •trlftt Of ••kl Dffd ol , ...... '"'· ,...,.... • ..- upenws of 9W Tnnlllt -Of ""' lr'lltts Cf'_ II\' Mid 0. qt Tnltl. Tiit , ... 1 emounl Of the unpaid .... _ flA Ille .......... ll<wM .. llle~tolllt __ ,..._. •ttlmottel cotll. ••,•llltt 111• ael•allCe el -llmt ot t1W l!lttlal "*k•llOO' tf ... -k • ol 5ai. It ........ Tiit ..... ktery ...., wW Dee4' tf Trlltt lltftltlOrt •H<ut•• •lld ...... ,.... llO ... llftdlrt ........ ,,...,, t>ocllf91foon " Oefllllt -.,..,._ ltr l•I•, 11111 • wrftt.11 Nttk t ot 0.1 ... 11 11111 •i.ct•ffl te Sett. r11a ...... ,...,... CMtH telcl Motl<t .. o.tovlt 111e1 •1tet1e11 .. 1111 M "' ~ In .. WllOltY '""'"'9 .. ,.., ,,_.fty 11-..-. OAT•OMWC.'11, ,_, .. -·~·'"'· -~tf'llllle ., .._,, Drt'fe. ,.,.,... __,, Mlltt. CA '911 ,.. ... .., ...... ..... ........ -.. ........ . ~ ..... Ot~_c... UMW ....... MoKtttt.tt ... ,. ..... PuDllsneo Or~ CCM1st 0•11.,. Piiot. D•t• F•iwu.ry 11 '"'7 ov •aid o....i of Tru\I with •n•••e.• •• the hearing noticed a bOve a nd p ersons who may be M•r<h IJ, 1911'1 11.u.11 S......,.C_lff IEKrew, In salo not• provided. &d\l&l'ICI\ II any YOU MA y EX AM IN E o therw ic;e tnt(lr P.St Pd in the • Colltentla <~•lien unotr 1~ l•rrns m .. 1d Dff<I ot Tru•t t h Iii kept by the 0 t .. .-T...-, 1en char<l"s •nCI to~n, .. 01 '"• e e c u r will ;ind or esta t<" ly5'11rWyfr•-. Tru11tt..,.., m uw 1ruJh cr .. tto D• If you a r e interested in the A pPt ilion has bet>n ffled Allt 1«....ury said o...o of Trust S.ld H I• w111 1>t estate, y~u may file a bv H e rbPrt BordPn in the NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE TS Nt a."19 Publl•rwo 0r...9. Coe•• Dally Pilot, ""1d"" Friday, March n , .. , ., 7 00 r equest with .t h e c ourt lo SuoPrior Court o f Orang P Feb 1• March~ 17 1911 901_., I P m . <II 11\e Chapman Avtnu• I • • • enlr1nceto1M CMcCenttrBullOlnQ, rece1.v e spec1a notice t o Counlv reque<;l1nq t hat On Merell a ,,., . at ' IS a m TITLE SERVICES 1"4C .u Ouly •Pl>OlnteG Trust" under •nd ourw•nt to De~ m TrUJt rt'Corded February JI •1 ~--..... --A-M-...... ------ 1'11 a\ IMI No l?Uoi. In boo ... ,,,.J lfOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE PIQ• 10 of Olh<l•I AKO•d• In lne T .s. ... T~ ., .. , oll1<t ot tht County Rtcorder 011 a141.on u Dr•ncie County C•lllornla WILL SELL I Oft M•rcll 1• 1991 1 1 9 oo a m Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHESTlflTLE INSURANCE AND TRUST BIDOER FOR '"SH, CASHIER'S COMPANY •sdUIY•PPGlnt.aTruslH CHECK OR CERTIFIED CHECK, unoer •no;,.,,.,,,, .. , 10 oeeo 01 Trust lP•Y•ble •• llm• of .... In lawlul O•teO Aptll 11, '"° fKOl'Oed Aprll 1q money of , .... Unllwcl States) •I IM l'90 •• ini,t No :k70l, In book US'°. front entrant • to the 01111 Or•n11e .,.~ 1111 ol Olll<lal Recoros In 1,,. County C.ourthO<>M loc•leG on S.nt• office Of tne County A•cordtr of Ana Blvd , bet-n Svc.more Sl!eel O••llQ•County, C•lllornlt. 'WILL SELL •no B•-•Y. Sant• Ana, Clllforftl•, AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST tll rlgllt, lllle ancl Interest convned lo BIDDER FOR CASH CASHIER'S eno now held bv It unc>tr wk! DMCI of • Trull In IN prQPerty slt ... led In H id CHECI( OR CERTIFIED CHECI(, county anO St•t• Ofl<rlbed as IP•¥•blt 11 time m ule In l•wlul LOI 41 ol T act NO 3'111, In IM City money m me unotto ~,., ... •t ,,,. of Costa Mtsa, County 01 OranQ>e, St•te ~111 tront enl••nce to lhe Old Oran11t ol C•lllornle. " 11tr mao recorded In Coun1y CourtllOuu loceled In lht boo• 174 , P•Qt\ l• \0 ., Of ?00 Block Of Wei.I Sant• All• BIVCI MIK•ll•ntollS MIPS In '"" otflct ol trormerly West "" SI l . Sorll• An• the County Rt<orOtr ol H id County C•lllor11I•. ell tlQlll title •nd lnttrei.t EXCEPTING THEREF'ROM •II CO•W•Ytd 10 -now htld by It unci.r Mln•r•fs. olh, 11tlroi.um •nd ~lftOred Hid Deed ot Tr11\I In 1M P•-rtv \Ublll ntf'S ""° n•tur•I o•• un<Mr Hid Silu•l•d '" H id Countv •no St••• ••nd bl.II wllhoulrlQlll of •ntrv 10 Ille dttcrlbeO H 1url~u or JUD\Urface tMreol to 4 Loi 1q In Block 11' 01 "L•h Tr11<:1. dtplh of soo fnt ol HICI land, •• Newport Bf'•ch' In IM County of convotd to LAncl 1nvtt\lmtn1 Co , a Oreno•, Sl•lt m Colllornla, as per partNrSl1fp In IN dttMI rec<HcH<I July map rec..-In 8ool! •. ~ 13 of 10, , ... In -IU•. P-oe ,.. Otfl<l•I Mltc•ll-l'MA lft ,,,. office Of Rt<.ords ,._ c_, rll«>f'Otr ot s.lo County Tru•lor or rtcord ownu Tr11t10t,..re<oro-r DAVIDT LAWRENCE E ICHWAL.D, • \lllQlt MITH llNI PAT RICI( J SWEENEY m•n SWEENE'/' Tiie st re•t tddren ano other Tiie •lreet •CIOrtu •nd olh•• common 0ttlone11on. 11 a11v. Of tnt commot'I Cltsl9fl'lllon, II •nY. 01 ,,,. •••I prooerty e1 .. cflbt0 •bo"• 11 re•I or-rw dH<tlbeCI ebov• 11 ourpOrtwcl lo be 1010 V.itftclo SlrMI, purportttel 10 be 20t tttll Stru t. C°'ta Mota, Cotllornle "61' HtwPOr1 8eacll, Calllomle Tiie ~!OfWCI Trllltee Cll.cl•lms Tiit unelentoMO T~ OIKlalmJ •"Y llablllty for ""Y •-~tntt• of •t'ly lf•lllllllY for .,,y tncor-tt'ltU 01 111t sll'ftt tdllrtu -olher ~-tM tll'Mt _..., -o~ <OlftlTIOt'I llttlonallon, II •nY, lllOWn lltrelft. detl9"•''°"-If .iiy, _,, ...,..,n, $<1kl Mle wlll bt mode. boll without S.ICI ~ will Ill mtelt. but Wltllout <onnenl or warraftty, •KPf•U or covtntt'll or w1,,•11ty, ••Prt n or IMPlltCI, "'91'dlnt lltlt, Pt>91tUlon, or l~llact, ....,_,,. tlllt , POt-tlon, 01 tt'ICUMlllr•nc••· to POY the ""PllO t nCulT!Df•t'l(•J, to P•Y , ... IH\pald ii-1_, of tflt "°'" -wrw .,., ulCI Nlllf\Ce t1I lllt ,,... •tcur'ff "1 YlO o .. d of Tr~t. to wit. ttt,"7.S., C>etel of Trutl. t•wlt: tU•,ltt ll, 111Cllodl1'19 11t IWOl''*d 111 u lel llO\t, fl\Clllellt'IO ts .,...,,..,_ lft Mid -· •aMH. If .,..,, -tl1t larfM of edlltl1Ctl, If .,,.,, -tflt t ...... t tf .. Id ~ f//I Trutl, '-"• Cl\«9" -lcl Ottd ol T'Nlt, ltOt, CfltrttJ ot'ld tat>enton of lllt TNllM Mid f1f tt1e Kfltlltat Of lllt Tt'lltM eM Of "'9 truftt <-•by Mid Otto of Trutl, tru•h c....-LllY Miki 0.... ol Trutl, rllo lltfttfltllrt ~Mid Otto 01 Tiit """llclefy lllldlf .. kl Otto 9' Trvtt lltret•tore •UCll1t4' l t'ld rutt lleretolort t•t(llltel tt'ICI 41tfl.,_,.. •lilt--.,..... t wrlntll 11 ....... IN llMfr ..... I •rllttll 0.Cllf'Mloll .. OefMI -DtfNflll Otcl•ot"" "' ~ 11114' Ot"*14' fOf Sale, .,.. 1 wr1Ut11 ,...kt ef " t.04•, -• -111a11 ,..lk a Of Dtlawll 011C1 EIKllOll ti Soll. T... IHll IM elKtl• It lell. TIM 11 ... rtltMct ta119" tal4' HOik a o1 .... ,...,_ <elltM ltlcl Notkt 9' O.ta1111 .... llKttell te $itll i. 111 !•vii .._ e11«1t11 te tell tt lie ('t(.,... Ill ... , ...... , Wfltf'9 .. ,..., Ill .. ~. Wl!ef'e tllt ..... ,,.....,,, ........ .. l«etN. ,,,.,.... ., _,, lrut'"er.....,~1f11M6t· llMllCllftt ..... TITUI INSUllANC:e "n.a ...-.ncat. tNC, MD TROIT ~ANY, -N, MM11 ................. .. ........... ~ .... ;"""' ... -.-..ce...., .,. ....... f"'I ---0..: ....,. Merell t, W ; TIT\.I IN1U .. ANCI ......_....,._ AND TMIST alM~NY, 9y _,.,. ..... .. Or ... ~o.11¥ ....... ~ .... T"='• ~ S. Q. It,,. ftML II t.. U.:.: Dliftr JOOE.s1c1w1pm.,nAvenU4l l~t,,.cl1y the inventory o f est ate H P rbP rl BordPn be m~.':~1,.,.,01 .,..1"'"" P..Ollc•llon assets and o f the petitions, aoooint ed ac; oPrsonal 01 1111i. notoc•, ,,,. 101•1 •mount of 1n• a c C O ~ n I s. and . re Port s r P p r p s e n t a t 1 11 e t C' unp•ld D•l•nct 01 lh• Obl19•tlon d eSCrlbed 1.n Se~ttOn 1200 5 ildmin1sl e r l he esta te Of :~~1'";',!•~!.'::C::,~1":!:,"!~ of the Cal1forn1a Probate M arv EllPn cavanauqh •nd .o .. nctJ is n1' 073 J6 To Code ( une1Pr the I ndPpPndent e1e1trm1,.. tnt oi»nlnq Did you mev PATTEN, FAITH Adminic;tration o t Estates u11 11 1•1 m~ & SANDFORD DA fED FtbrU&rV ?3 1'111 . . Ac I) The oel 1t1on ir, 5el for BENEF•C•AL SERv1cE co By: Wilham E . Faith h earinq 1n DPot No 3 at auald Trv•ttt, Attorney at Law 700 Civic CPnter Dnve Bv To SERv1cE COMPANY 635 W est Foothill Blvd. W est in the Citv of Santa ~11J Anclrldllf Monrovia, CA 91016 Ana California on Marc h AutstM>tSeuet••Y (213) 3~9·9335 31 1qs2 at 9 .30 a.m o ... c11y B••o .. west Publtsh ed O range Coast 1 F YOU OBJECT to lhe ~ ... ~..,.., Daily P ilot, M arch 11, 12, qrantlng o f thP petition . Publl•lltl<I era,. Coast Dally P1101. 18 , 1982 you s hould either appear M•rcll s 11 19 ,.,., 990 .. 1 1115-82 at the h e arinq a nd s tate PVIUC llTICE rtlllJC flOTJ;( . ..,., 1YltOP'SIS 01' THE AlflfUAL STATI MElfT - 'l'EAa llfDED DECliMal!R l1, 1"1 tf Ali.Ml( l"-..ct C-•Y Dello, Tnn your ob1ect1ons or Ille written o b 1ect1onr, w ith the court betore the h earinq Y our aopearance mav be 1n p e r son o r bv vour atto rney IF YOU ARE A Toe•• •C1mltt••hnt11 t 1• 112,on C R E O I T O R o r a To1e111a11111111es 1.557 •Je continqen t c reditor o f the Sc>e<lol~t-.0 c ... 1t.1.,.io-vo1Guare<11y C<OPl••11 d eceased v ou mus t Ille Stetutorv~t .... .• 1,000.• vour c laim w ith the court Gron polcMft-cOf'lllrlll<Mcl s11rp1u, "5,411 O r p res en t 1 I I o t h e U11•u1vnec11UMt ltw'Plusl .. · '·*"·•1 p e r s ona I r epresentative Surplut •l ~ POll<Vlltlt,.o . •.»• .... 1ncomatwtftt....,... .. • ............... •.llS.0!6 appointed by the c ourt 01111vr--a1or111t.,. .. r ... . . 6,S4.S,"D within four months from We ........... <tnlfY tlltnM allOvt ll!tmUrt Ill .CC-• wltll tl1e A,,_I the date Of first iSSUance 51••m<lfll ..,.,. -tl10td O.C•...W Jt, '"'·,,.... 10 IN lnwr-• o f letters as provided in Comm lulot'lef of "'9 Stat. ot C•llftt11l•. our..-to 1- /t/lt. C. "-*"· Section 700 of the Probate Vk• Prttldeftl Code of Callfornla. The N R,C:.FetMolOft time for filing claim s w ill llc~etary l"lltlll...,0r-.c-oa11y POO!t MM<ll It 11 ••. 1s, "· ,.., t*1f n o t ~xpire p r ior t o four -----------..;._-f,--------..;._--.;.;..;.• months from the date o f ~ l9llC( PlklC .net t he hearing noticed above • YOU MAY EXAM IN E the Ille ker:>t b v the court. If you are ln,eres ted In the est a t e , you may f llct a r e quest w ith t h e court to ""·111~ r eceive special n otice of , + tn.ui..-thf' Inventory of est a te assets and of the petitions. account s and r eports described In · Section 1200 of th Collfornlfl Prot>att Code. Wllll•m S . Cucll, Attorney at Law, 1tff aan' ot Amert<• T~, *' City lloultVarel West, Onn ... CA tHM; tn•> ·~~er..(-' OeUy ,. .... .... Mef<clll, .. .,.,.. ,.... feflWt ......... Wt . "-ttllerW. Oller...... o...i~ , ................ " ........... d••·~ ............... i~ ........... h••~ ................. ;..... ...................... ....................... ....................... "•..tr 2110 ......................................... ~·· ....................... ;·· .. ;;·~···jj ... M.M IOl4 t .. ,.,..... '°" Ha:.,.rtlaedl 1069 ~"-• I IOO ••••••·~•••nnueuu•• C..MIM l2J4 lkd at-ltecll J240 ~ ............ ?~~ .... ~~ ............... . ....................... ·······•·············· .......... ~ ......•..............•............ ,......... . ...................................... .:,······· ----------------••• .. •••••••••••••••••• WINO ·a 11ted WTSJD£ Clun 1 Br ~Bib to~an. r. egaqt 2 WOODRRIOOt Nt:W comm 4 Br 3~ Ba. de· cottaae. couple or anal. Br. F1mllY Rm ' Oen. 2bdrm, deo. cotner unit. IAYNOMT Mnl urt'I ....... N Pll IC •nON ' rorated w/panacbe In •• + &(!(, 867 icwo mo aro. Pluah crpU, 2~ •ln&le 1ty, fully shut· 2 1tory, 4 + bdrlN. 2 .MNU• ._.. mt 9N Owner 73 12x80, 2Br • Impeccable lule. The --Bl. Cedar ' JlaH, sun tered (rpc atrium nta bat b1 t Ire p I at• a..t.S...c:..tPI...-.-.. wt d , mth age SS , ulllmaleln&raclouillv· Redec .Two bdrm, ex· deck, dbl ra. r prv pool tennlst97S/nlo No (or~vlew Pier and .. nnn Sq. Fl 11...La. ~J2fr_,J• 0 in,. Vicki FrHer, •ll· cellent loc. Eutalde. tara&I!. rully m•lnt. p e i •. s 5 2 . 0 6 8 0 iUp. S300Qpu ino Avail. , -~ "NUU ....._, ColtaMesa byowner,'79 W nde mere Rily, etfl4e.10TI l:{d.NoC,ta.ln ulre at fhmer/ kr feb.1. 3 bedroo111i, 1 \ti, batru;, custom carpet Buddy sal.wlde. w/lr1 1 · 121 Exec. 4 Br. cu.stom home, ~ · 9llO · T\utltte)(k Jbdrm Zba and drapes enclosed patio double c.-a.. patio, all room to add Of\, ~ •t11tt 3 f~lt, private street. HOMES FOR RENT tblock ark/ 1 • $87S. garage, RV. access. newly 'painted. --,:• ..... 14• J:OOP.M. ~~~c!t~~~f.~ fh~1'. •-. ZIOO ~~~51:.1~~e1Jf~~~: }eB:~~~· :~s:;N°~ ~1asf 6"·~' · associated h" ~ ' .. ... . "" ' . ' ,,. ' ' corn er lot. Low down payment 1700NaNmdDr. from ocean. sz1,soo ........................ (714 199'1·8800 ask fo r 11ra1ts. Kids' pets ** llDIM assumelowinterestratelstTD. I owe. S48·'1204 work ,~1:'1EDfu~=onLld~ P11 . welcome . 545·2000 Exl'elJtnt IOCaffon. Im· ~ -••-•aa. 11U S7s.cs&'1_ -n1' I ..... r~ r VIEW FROM ent no fee_,_ ' t d d t .......-. -HARD CHtGHTOH -·--...... '79 Crownpoint 12 x 40, JLrn on . ,,_ EVERY RM. DUPLEX ll" H11nt· :::fn~o-~r: ~n ~ 631·7370 llPWUC.UALTOIS La&11na Beach, Ocean ....,., • ...._ New Bluff Coodo. 2 Br lruilonAve.Oceanview. yrleut.Alk forEd l'lrcllti.ll 14f-4NfJ View Sl3,SOO. 673-7443 Will trade $4,(b) e4uity 2'-'l Ba. micro, spa $825. vOlleyball crt. t Br iJ Canal ~ront . Newport Shores, 4 Br +. LfaSt or OlltlOl'I to buy S lSOO I mo. Tennis, pool. walk to beach. Agent 646·1044 or ~2e. ~-mi__ In 5 acrea parcel. small 541-4165,6'15-178_1_ ~/mo: 2. Br '600/mo: ~br1dte ... ,_..___ e_._ I JOO cabin. Full price $13,SOO. E'slde. Le 1 Br, unique or rent entire duflex for Yf-ltodl 1041 llG ~ANYO~ ..._.......,..""" -Take over low pay-bin Ilk f /pd SllOO/mo . Ca I Bob 5 ·Re 51 ·a*81tt •...... o--MOW! SIOt,tOO •••• ... ••••••••••••••••• Guar:;· commun ty. •••••••••••••••••••: .. • rnents. Trade for mobile ca e eatures w Meyer 586-3500, ofr or _.. ...,.._ ue Sa~ D1e110 No Cty, home.campertruck,P/ utlhliea. SS2S /mo G6l-71i22horne Your dream come true. The perfect W•te Vldori• Beaut. 3 Br 2~ ba home Ol1vet1hlilll JO IC. Lake p Call Answer Ad • 631 . ~ --4ntlllrr111u Pkw), lrvlnP beach~ from this ocea w/mlr~rtd walls, lots vu. pond, oaks, septic, 642-U>OZ4 hrs 3 BR 21/J ba upgraded, opportunity to own a nr new 2Br. 21h viewd1.1pln. Charmin& of marble, 3 car gar. pad. $295,000 1.729.0104. ---"1SllDS OIC twnshse in Beachwalk - --ba condo. Earthtone cpt'g, pvt patio. 2 and only 1225,000. J!@MlQ!l. C111M4·04-48 43&-0265 ~lshlh Westsufe 2 Br. 1 Ba c.A>mm pool, Jae, .i, m1 to L..J-e •ec:~ 3241 llG CA.HYON LSI 2BR Mr Lain Condo. Sll.25 per mo. Call Gerry __fl~7761 or760-IJ~ •--VI._ l.E --\Al-.L.~ 2tOO Ji7Sfmo. SS6:§5_!!._ bcb No children, no ...................... . car gar w/elec dr opnr Great loc nr. ....,.... .....,.. 2ac caur ~1nes ...,._... t 1 1 2Bd 1 1 rt c 4,7 17, I · · • ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• I & 2 Br. Trailers. $185 & p e s y r s e + arge o . ountry 0.C.C. shops , bike to beach. Ope n Sat• UDO ISlE -· make of er. up + s 1 so sec. No 714 ·857· 1200 675-6892 , sett111g. yard, avail now 2 Br. I Ba . Newport Heights. Very private. garage near Hoag 645-9095_ I(}.4. 229 W. Wilson # 13 Wld to S.Ue IAYNOMT !l!i0-4649. aft ~PM ch ii d re n or dogs 536-8142 3CI Canyon Acres As is Panotamlc orean view SJ 000 000 ,._._,Loh/ C"H fOR M2·9193 SHHH' 2br, remodeled S600 + Uhl $1400 start. For finan . info: Call Lisa or Jack 675-1771 lot if) Laguna Beach, CbarmUl'g 2 hdrm plus --·~ 1 I 500 IW 2 Br, encl yard. pets/kids gar, ~1d-pet. NOW $400 Ch!.4rnL!>el ok ~·~ Call teone for details. den, 2 bath. pier and shp •• ~r.!............... a l2.000sq fl office build· ok. Avail Mar 14, 221s OC·R~LS 7_§Q:.3314 Large I bdrm dplex, Molseed&RyleeDvlp. to accommodate 40' l Burial plot. Harbor mgorlandtobllildonip Pomona $550/mo 4Br Townhome. l'"l Ba Vlew frpcf100permo --11~~11._ boat North side For an Lawn Mt . o 1 iv e ~a~f~~t c:iespoai~ 646-6238_ en"lsd patio. secunt" ~·5698 appointment to see th1s _M~rmnal ~rk 552 4349 Call Howard at ~osoo. ---~/mo. ,"· mo .. de PUii.ie Allf'flQN exct11S1\·e property. r ail ext 49 •USTSIDIHOMES• _,, ..,, "" ~1151 o.lexes/ Cfean. pretty! no dogs· posit. 9794>5!9 MANSION CJ.its Sale 1800 •t Br. SJ95 al utils paid, ~- See ad un_.!te!_l069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pn vale Party \Seeking for quiet single. tt.ti 324 2 SIOIO..·lyOwHr CDMDPlX 3br 2ba home . W. side •2Br.SS7S onech1ld .:.=.1.~ ............ . OCEAN VIEW 2bdrm. 2ba, 2 car gar, washer1dryer hkups Avail n o w (714 )760 1041. 494 ·4802 aft5jffil _ Hlnol-lldat ~ .... 48r 36a. frml 1!iJung. fir. study, beaut. dee, lge decks. fab view, pvt guarded gate. pool/ten· nis. $2900/mo Agt. Bob or Dovie Koo . 759·1221._ Leasew loptiOn Syrold IYOWNEJt C.M. Have $25K for 18ICSantalsabel. Waterfront Broadmoor tlDDBU-STORY IDcNroW 1026 3Br. 212 ba. dining rm. --Two2bdrmunlts.so of down payment. No near~den. _960·3989 2bdrm, 2ba. frplc. wet MESA V~RDE u I ram rm. 2 car gar. med 5 BR 3 Ba. qwet nbrhd. PCll . corner lot . Brokers or Realtors . Spacious 4 Br. 2 Ba. F:a bar, dbl gar. shp avail. Vacant 5 rm sgl familr dwelling, $815 mo mr gardener 442 Monterey For rent Eas tbluff. beauuflllly decorated 3 Br. 2t,., Ba home over- looking large greenbelt 1?7_51mo 644-6848. graded •Br + fa~ r~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• yrd. orean vu. 5245.000, submit all offers A~k singll' story. d1v1dt>d by Contact Connie or Bill CM Frpl. lg gar, great pat 1 o . $ 9 7 5 1 mo 2~ b PUii.iC All"TIQN 4lr!_·l~I-~..AX!~63!·7215 garages, assumable \0 7 642·2533 after Spm PreL loc Lease, $900/mo J '.114)675·7171. l>!.:J.!!!·01~ --- Nwpt Ht.s 3 Br. 2 Ba . $825/rm. tst, last + dep Avail~. 64~7400 _ ~r/· gu,rcr 2~~aicp·~~ "" tst TD of $100.000, owner IQJ!.n assum. _ 631-tOM,__ ~~o... HEW CUSTOM 589,000 will assist fin:an l'e, fee. .WS 2br tux condo on Lagoon ~....... 3252 Sat/Sun 12·4· 2763 Tern " " COND<FBalcony ocean ..,90 000 521 !bdrm E. side. walk to 2 fp, gar & many xtras. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bluffs 3 Br 2 Ba C r R e a· I t y Stta erl069 USIDEHCE ... d b imma c . .., · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• stores no pets S295 S8S01mo. Call eves / Ckeanview3Br.den,2ba. W Id B h d "'T •aow COST View, guarue gate. su Carnation Ave . CdM Ho.es Fwlllllted 548.3683. 646·8695 , S G or I eac si e ..... oeleocll 1040 "' -. terranean parking, Call6'13·0241,!75·Sl42 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _, __ . wknds84o.6309.;.831-2932 hores ho me . at e Townhous e , 2 c 11r garage w /opener Ava ii May lsl $900 mo 642-9599 Graces.56·l39 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• !!::~~if~~~~/~n~~~m~ ~~e~~"~~111uabnhoR;~lt~ 6l4-Center St.-C.M a..g..•ecll 3141 3:~1~~21'1 ba. frplr, '"'----3244 f~i~d;f!e:~r°~~~~h~ •MESA.VERDE* POOL HOME den. fam rm, wet bar, 540-2960askforLon 1 Duple'IC. 3 Br & I Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• !)48.5128or963.3018 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~or493·9268 Beautifully upgraded 3 Br 1-'• Ba Condo. frplc. patio. electric garage opener. pool. park. Jatuni, sauna. $725 mo Ll.ndjl 772· 7317 WJtffP<.>OLANDSPA With solar heater and din. rm. 2 frplrs 11 m -I 2liOO o;q rt 3 fp Great La rge l Br. furn --Twnhome.new3br,3ba. Pvt Se T Spac1ous3 Bdrm, 2 ba slide. This 4 BR 211 ba l M brl. 3 car gar & Low•Of'tr~ rental & tax s heller Beautifulvlewonbearh Brandnewdlx condo for patio. gar. Park. pool. comm. a errac·e. Beautiful area. $15.000 homew1thlargedenand more Bank appr at Versailles studio Pt>n ' $185.000 . Croppn pool. ser. gate Cati rent.2masterBR's,2'z .1!£.,_P.1S/mo 8339057 PlanJ 4BR.2Ba.fam dn Asking $240 ,000 Nutonef'oodCtrisgreat SS20.000 Below c·ost at lhoust>condo.Takt>over l 626-7357,981-0711 Agt eves.528-l910. ba,fplc.barklncdyd 2 rm .. Comm pool, Jac . SJ&a;/m>pymt PP. Agt for entertaining or fam1· Sl%.OOOfor1mmed sale high assumable loan at OISSOL\'ING -------car gar. Located at 1932 lEMTALS tenms. walk to pvt brh 7~7181 _ ly fun Save ss by purc·ha~ing 11~.', Owner will c·on 1 ,,,..NRSllP 3 br. 2 ba. whitewater Meyer. See to apprec. t br. \bit $650 No pets I yr I se ________ , OPENSAT.Noon·4PM directly rrom owners. siderlatl'mo~t'l ~aras CdM .... Duplex No v1ewhome.frplc ,Apr I. Qtllti;!9-~forl!l>l>L 2br+den2ba S915 M:.:57-1200: tl7~tl892 ; eu ... •rwTSIDE ' t~~~iRJ>:2~ii·in,8 96(t7100 down paym t Seller nel(allve with possible 116()(}1roo.494·~5S I WT SIDE ~~~·~~~ba $~M-i -:-'42v·. 3 Br. 11'2 Ba. 2 story con· do Vis ta Hogar pSO_IJF ~O 5274 --962 8891 OPEN SUNDAY I 5 desperate Art fast '"' four income 64~6175. Sharp & qualnt 2Br 3brZba Costa Mesa $1150 lSIOll lefO 3267 6 PlU · . • Only S89.900 Call Jun --......., Ulrfwwithed l'l•Ba. vaulted re1h n": Le R · Rlt 833 8600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OHL y 15% DOWN 4 Br 2•~ Ra nook. family 2~35 ~ WllY Agt _979-5370962·9597 lncomt Propetiy 2000 ,.•••••••••••••••••••••• frplc. patio bit-in range _ _!!!O~.L )'. . llOM E FOR RENT Exer 4 Br. 3 Ba , fp l. dshwsher. new decor, gr dnr , Wesl c ldf Sl.325 mo 646-7250 752.2550_ and owner win finance ' rm. 3 car garage. p~oL NE OCi::.AN VIEW 3 H.;dtt \UU.L. Vi.aw ••••••••••••••••••••••• lolboo I.a.ct 3206 &oven, pool $600 mo 4 Bdrm. $700 fenred to qualified t>uyer .. Well ,. lands(·aped. I~ patio&s ' ~ ~·~ b a ho m c S38S.WO. A~ume Ii.I APPLE VALLEY ••••••••••••••••••••••• 381 Hamilton *•LEASES ~~ & !garage .~1d2sooo& lorated, good looking 6 w rovers. wa paper L ... _· Lu d'-~ & A TI) of SlS0.000 appro'IC Tu Slaetter Bayfront. bearh. 2 Br 2 Fe.........& • Vaffey 3214 JBrrondo. Wdba $900 .... ~ Wt' come . ...,,,. WU.,. + 4 rar garage t . cllSlO!tl paint thru-out. ll.<1J1a n ...-rl! ssor N I 2 3 F. --" Agent, no fee "' I 1 1 CALL494 2894 at l3 5', Lrg 3br. 2ba. ear new 4 P ex Ba I gar sp. 12 .. JBrH.•e. Wd bg S900 _ ·-ample park mg. Below 11 serum)', sys em. crown --· great potenti al Recl'nt bdrm. 2 bath ea th unit Bay r r on t . Ba Ibo a ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 oth to choose r om •-3269 llGCANYON limesgross. I moulding ._ Mexic an oc:EAHSIDL ly remodeled kitchen with fireplace. enclosed Island. $1200 winter. HOMEF'OR RENT WA'eelhrs ones torallfo Hewpon-ach CGIT...._. 64 .... 7211 pa.ver Ooonng, ~ used .. patentfaC Great views Owner must sell. Call patio. garage 9,,,., Isl $1400annual. Herb. days 3, Bdrm Condo, S650 1 "r e r ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. fu~~~ course \lew, tennis. pool. spa Lease $1200. Avail. no11. Prime loe &y:..7424 Bkr ._., bnck frplcs. blt·m TV from this 2 bdrm & fa mi· agt for add II ion al info on Pos cash flow No~ 2l3 47S.35n. F~red yard & garage eases. 5E.A VIEW LEASE '&lm ~~~e~vers~nb;:~.tr: ly room home w11h in-f1nanC'ing. Mary Lar Sl59.500. Bill Grundy .• ~::,--1.... .. ~-3207 ~~~ pels twetc,·oe~e [Ui]\\bodbrldg· .. 4-&Irm 3&. F.R . D.R .. • '& u·gh assumable .. •1u•t rome unit. There is _rjck ~6173~ 646·~. BJtr,67>6161. --,,.,,. ~en 1 no_· "' city + orean vu Guard -ru " ~ room th R 3 t l t , .. GU ..... l""'CH •••••••••••••••••••d•••• DeluxeT1beron Condo Re"'lllJ ~ate Pool + tennis ' see to apprec1at l'. 1 eeotn loet ·1 s rbee ldo C\L<stom Baynest homt' ""' "" "" l'1 brhouse. yr roun . no 3br.2ba. fam rm *""• • 1001mo Bob or Dovie Near orean and tenms 3 bdrm. 2ba. $750 mo Wate rho me s Int 631·1400 "· -~.-1t11;,1~oOM11&;1;;1 $219,000 Open Sat Sun ~ r 0 UI Sal0 bv 0"n•>r 4Rr t Co 'I d 14 1t• ec.rn t blk b h ..,.,., 55 1 3000 the t II • " • . mm in us un ... pets,..,.,.,, to eac . 413, Appl. now · K_nnn agt 7_59_·12.21 __ 71• 963·6163. Pr1\'att' ano r uni as we ""11 3'.·Ba. """I & sr.a· 9 3 t 0 "r ""•2010 =ri Mesa Verde Assume 11.87°/o You'll appreciate the room offered by tt11s 4 bedroom. 21,, bath re· sidence. Featuring a master bedroom suite. family room and frreplare. F.ntry accent ed by new ceramir tile. new carpeting Sharp condition. Ample rear yard. Owner is very anx 1ous submit offer• $166 .500 . C all oow --919-2390 TARBELL Lease· Option· Purchase or partnership. Jbdrm. 2ba. Sl.50.000. 421 E 20th St. Prine. Only. 644-4682 Mwner. ~~r 2ba, f\ r~1~ei\'f,_i\.~ ~allo isfan3ya ~-1392 SALE OR TRADE East.side Costa Mesa un ~ts with large fenced lot, room for RV. Mc:Nash Realty. days 642-1334. eve.s 851-9689. OLDER 2Br. I Ba. lg ror- ner lot. frui t trees. s m garage. $130.000. owe PP. (714)3J8.37S_I __ WESAVHDI 3Br: 283, assume loans. 754-6236 aft 6PM E'SIDE 3 UHnS R2 . Plne walls. open be~ms. carved cabinets. New carpet Below ap- praised value, have doruments. Low dn w/Sl20K Is l F 1P $149,500. Ph 645·6266 OwnerAgt. ' COUEGErARIC Spacious 3 Bd 2 Ba home w/high assumable loan. low Int. rate. Only $129,MIO. Submit terms. Call Rbt. M llliken. -L~EOPTION lOlt dn. StOOO mo. 3 BR. 2 ba F.aslside 548·53311, 673·2482 COUIGEPARI 3Brr.mllibome on lrg lot. Priced for qui ck 11 le at onl 1111.000. Bill l I a 1.1216 • ..,.,, 000 "" • rv~ . 1mes gross wn" u•.r 2~~422312 13·438·9693 ~t29 81rranu P. k•).lrv.intt, Paru" _ """"· · a 11 c ab 1 nets so 1 cl fin. Asking ssso.ooo Liv --The fastest draw m the THE SHORES walnut Ov.ner "'111 owner 645-3477 · Cot'OMdtlMor 3222 3 BR 2 Ba. mo to mo . F\nd what you want in West. a 0;111> Pilot as easy as dialing )our f'or Sale By Owner Alovely2bdrmcondo in fmance 548·8798 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S7SO.Nn:eloc KidsOK Class1f1ed Ad Ca ll To· phone G1veacall We'll Franc1sran f'ountains. llus gated pnvate c·om-Carlsbad II un11 bea1·h Si>edacular ocean & l'ity 960-380S Daily Pilot Class1r1eds I da.}'S42·S678. do the rest 642.~78 single s try home , muntly. Amen1t1cs 111 ABSOLUTE motel $329.000 Abo fights view from {·very ---------- 4bdrm . 2ba. nearby cludeprivatebeach.tcn· ocean & lagoon \U room.Large2Br frplc, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• srhools.parks &hbrary nis&pool AnexC'ellent STEALll triplex $196.0oo many amen1t 1es $173.000 Open House rt 5230 ()()() I I 729-0104 Sl200 c 11 \ th • Sat Sun. 12-Spm 6572 oppo unit> · '· . -mo a 1 n oni • 8 D Jardine Dr .. HB (Nr M14 l stakemy n•putat1onon MobileH~Parlt days 64257S7, l'\C~ AY WEEK SPECIAL • Goldenwest & Slater) Prime mdustnal prqper-the Jo'All,t~at this 1s th~ 183 s piH·cs. nr Dallas wlm~-~I 66¥'· I • • ty with heavy duty BEST Bt;'t 111 Newport $400,000 with SIS0.000 LEASE OR OPTION 4br • .!.7~4 >842·9~ power, oft.res. separate Bea~h. If you are a I cash down No payment I 2ba \'U rxer hm s1400 • 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars HO DOWM work areas and house on l~umate buyer-CALL on debt serv1re & m mo. Ownr1tl£1. 759·8006. I • • lll!J°lolNTHEST a large securely fenr~ M. DIRE<;rLYand you I terest for 1 yr. Will con· --· -Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Cla ssified by mall and 1t 2 Br Mediterranean lot. Great opporlunity! will be 1 ~res,s ed. sider Orange Coast pro-4blkstoocean,3 Br 28ti· • COSIS JUSt S8 -thal Sonly a dollar a day1 To Qualify for th1S • ViJla. Qualify lo Seller. Owner will help "'ith GREAT BU . OCEAN • 1 perty in trade. Call frpl. garage. S 5 • Full prir e s108.ooo financing f815.ooo vu. LRG 4 BDR. PROF 714 mO-t036 or 752-2213 ~5290 ----e spect~I o ffer. you musl be a non-commercial user offering A~nt55&65t6 :'l~.-.r 2~k~R~J~?i· ~l.05rfi~ Jaowner -2 Br. den. I Ba. 2 frplrs. e merchandise fo r sale up to $800 per ad and the pnc e mus t e 3 bdrm t''< ba .. lg lot '\ :... S376.SOO A trade will be I W~lk to beach. beautiful ~ft~0• si1 r~r 11.at' be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e $110.000 GI to assume ; ~K!~~~ t·ons1dered \'ou 1o1on'1 I tn·plex, 2-2 Br 1·3 Br &44 093 omse • ~.000 9 5', loan OWC .... ' beheH' It until )OU see 11 Patio, frplc. $499,000. Ua. -.. ·I needs eight days Selling time Or JUSI One • !!!ill-1~3 Ca I I PA T It I C I\ Owner win help fmanre 3 Br. 3 Ha. front unit • tl05occ:-~ T ENO RE !)1rectly ~Qt He<!d.!!646·1044. S825'mo 719 Jasmine. • • Am~~L4 u~~~;;~I~ t'~e ....,.......,~ -.. 759 1221 or 760 8702 91/J AS$.UMAILE! CdM Call 67_5-649~ Use one word 1n each bOx About 4 w ords make one Harbour Sho11.s like 17141494-1177 Owner Wiii carry 2nd CoitoMHa 1224 • classified hn~ o f type Minimum ad IS 3 lines Please print • 8.':.cn&:'I~ St28.900 Ak r ~ti~~~:Sr st!! P~aez~~ ··;~~·;~~·;b·r~;~·a··a·I~.. • plainly • ATRl-UM ENTRY Love &.*forest 1055 TWO UNITS newl) de-·fllt.~url1t $495 • r-----------------------------, • ••• coratt'd Bui It ins. ~· N A 7c .. 331' I> 3Br + fam rm Fm est _.••;•.;;.••;•.;;.•;.;••;;•.;;.••;..;•.;;.••;.;•;_;•.;.• 0;_;·~~--------1 ""' .. • lora11on Sl29.900 Bkr • fenced yard & cni·losed Easts1d" 3 Br. 2 Ba . 1 • I I I-C SH DOW... 1?arages PnC'cd bt>low • , ~-<1709 PARK PLACE vJ/o A " c'Omparables at 5249.500. S7501rm .. Isl. last & ser • I I • BEACHW ALK 5 Br ESTATES Super view pro~rty on OpenTll RS thruSUN deposit. Call 548 4388 I I • B large lot "' cx 1st1n1t 817 Jennifer Lane. l' M a.rt 5 • Largest fir pl an P\'I 4 Br 211 a duplex Ll\'C m one rent I spa 20'; dn and owe 2174Sq. Ft the other or bwld a nl'W fu'_Owner_ SSIS/rm. 2 Br. 2 Ba . New • r-------t-----t-----+----~i====~ I • ~~iW~ _szo_o_.ooo Bkr BE1J5~lrAN home + guest house COSTA MESA 4.PUX ch·arpets. wa11shbert1dtr>'er • I S 1.00 I • SUPER POOL HM. OUtdoor bar and enter lainment area. 3 Bdrm, 2 ba , 2 rar g'ar Professionally decoral· ed thru-0ut. $129,500 675-1771 Al most lot valut' 2l'"'r down.lgeunit.fine ook·up. a u1 ·ins, I I HAS EVERYTHING SUS.OOO. _ .. C\,11 n"A S23SK close to shopp111g, small 60 • Col-de sacstret!l -'VII"' ru pr'" f yard. Call for Appl TSL • I 10 I Sun & Sa ill I Club WAH RFRONT , Call 972·9300. ask or Ml!!!L 6"2· !603 ' • 20 min to Newport uOM~!:i 1-. WILLIAM LINDNER. -· --• I 13 20 I Center REAL ESTATE · (~.J _ Spac. 2 br. 21'1 b_a. bit ms. ~ , • S2tO,OOOw1thSt60,000 631-1400_ ~ 2 Q>\•111gton 4·plx. xlnt ~cr ~12qu1et area. • I at 1212 fixed rale & fully -terms. Ask S290K. ea. -=--· --• I 15.80 t • Nopoi;~rrtd~~1ifylng Prinonly~.549·1366 OC·RENTALS I r-------------...._ ____ _._ ____ _..1-.. ___ ~ • 771>-0347 21~~~~:~· ~!1· ~~~ Deluxe Covington 4-plex, 7~~~~·s S200to S27<><:a s e I Add $2.60 for each additional line for 8 tlmt1 Ovn1er Agent deck \SK 10 existing top F V lor. Great as --~-• I • I•-------~ loan 230 Prospect. Do sumable loan OWC. OnlyS400rent.sth1s ----not di sturb OC'l'upants ~n. onl.t: ~Iii:: 979·4-~ 2br ~arJatio kid • I • ~~~.~~....... 2J3 {l!JJ537 1 UHrTS OC·R A 750·~14 • I Publish my ad for 8 day$ starting e 1-------~LEASE OPTION exer NewportBrh -Fee land IEOHEOF I ~~~~~~~I . rondo.NB Oc:ean&bay ExcellentAppreciat1on ~LUCIYNW e I C lassification e .: MewD9rt tw1alth \•iew. 1 BR + den. for Owner/Bkr 95S·3454 Rent 111 -costa Mesa's • • 2BR 2BA Mariner's NEW L1STING! '111 ex-rrore mfo <'all 673·4899 -----NEWEST gated 20 e I Name Cove Q>ndo. Pool. Ten cellent area on one of evs Huntington8each9 units. Townhome VILLAGE I ------------------------• rus' Se"un'ty ...... 00 ON, nicest streets. Bnah1. -. ----10 yrs old. All 2 BR. COMMUNITY 2 & 3 B • A ... -.. $465.000. Print' only. . r. • I ddress • \y r . leas e option s11nny38drmhomew1lh Bk •"""23 2•t11 8a.l600-l800sq.ft.of $1250/rn>. $125K. 96K as· large yard. Good (inane· 12>/4%1..t . s 195.000 r . ......-vi pW'e luxury Garages. I c· sum. owe. Prtn onl y ing.$198.500. '-~~L 1 -"'-forS. 2200 hyd ro.tubs in ma ster e lty Zip Phone e 32 L..-.............. " .. .,_. Min s00iteb d1'ninfi rooms. I !)Q}.1158 4 rw~ A•t . on IS au ul 4 Bdrm •"•••••••••••••••••••• .. Ch k M Q I • n.-c.-.1... 1·5 Portofino model in HARBOR RIDGE wood 1tming ireplaces, • I ec Or . . enc OSed 0 ~H~ _..,..... _, Harbor View. Separate Will trade/joint venture. micro.wave ovens. • ~ 1042 642-5200 mother-io·law qrtrs. 1mimon.644 .. om __ t>rivate patios' yards. •. ~, Charge my ad t o : e ••••••••••••••••••••••• I t ra""'t' g Gardener provided. 8 rn>s new • .. ~ m IUILDERS Elegant living only 15 ESTATE SALE Close lopool 1319·500 c.A>mm'TlotonBeach Bl .. minutes from Fashion • 1 1 O ~ # Exp • IY OWNER Open S.111 ·5 near Knott 's Berry lslllld, 7 minutes lo S.C. L ... ' · ----Cstm waterCront on 1144,ortCNrtes Farm. 11\600 sq ft lot. Plaza or O.C.Airport. • • ~e:ig~~~~~r.~;:~: So.Calf.•""'· ~no~1 r1n.1150•000 iaU:~1a:!.:ls~~r,f:;~ e l 0 • # Exp. • 2800sq It. us22 Baruna, F 546-5'0S ll4l '4 f)-wy, Start.ins at S900 a • $750 ,000. 548·7698, Canal ront.BNewport month. 631·5439, 24'13 • L------------------------------~....-Shores. 4 r, Den. 2~~ge Ave .• Costa • WE 'LL PAY THE PQS AG • ....,..,_ $25,000down.Ownerwlll .. _ r---·-----T E -------------i ..... " 1044 :r~·T~::~.5~1.1!..':i~ Olllr ... fstah 38r.1Ba.enclsd&arlgt, • I r------I • .... o~sniATi ..... :::cb. Agent IMf-1044 ·;.·-;t=•;.:.;;......... =:i::.~~1t yca":Jo': • ! 111111 NN~~~;;:;vE ! • Woodlirid&t Landing. · ,_. 1100 patio with playh0use1~f!~ • t 1 • , IF MAil rn 1 1 • t.ge25001qrteuc:.4br. OflNSAT/SUNll·6 ......... •••••••••••n• ptll.Nowaterbtd. ~ _. I INTHE ;~!o:.l~~0,000. ~';:y't>~~:~~e':'ae 2c~~~t ~ itrhip"ees~ COMTIACTOIS/ t;J:r•lt. 548·5442. • ~ I UNITED SUT(S ~ • WOODBRJDGENEW ~~~~~.~~~ :_ml~l,.:.~~~.'2"' LcQ, t~ or ont toYely .... Verdt 3 BR • j BUSINESS REPLY LABEL 1;. • 2 bdrm and cltn, hlJhlY 11$-Zlll or 1411.313.1 h ...... A ~-~zoned. n.......~2tl, ~aofn ft::.~/"'·t! ':ei~ uW:: • ! -~ • uP(rl dn~·.fri~ctaty11."ru·000,,.. rldn& ID rnr ~ Beat U'C f!ll ~ ... , vw-·· I"-11 , •• ,, ClAU ...... IT HO u CC)SfA MUA CALl,OtlNIA 171--.,.. , bayfront Park. Mint payina taxes. Malit ol· •· D • i ii • lllluttered. c. atri~m. ...... toiMI '78 dbl ~ldt , ftr. Cll'Ol. •at. m.1•: Nr So. O>alt Pl•&&, new • IC POSTAGE W\L llE PAI() a~ AIV'IMS&£ r • ~i~.:@,_~u . efi:or~!=.~•=-:.e~,~:i ~~~~~.r:;i~ ~ or1n .. eo11to111v'Piiot g ~ c1ou:. 1ara1e: w ~·~· BU 0 ~4~411 ~~· .,••(v,~IF.}or:r ·: lllily Pilat 11 :. ....... a.lltt ol tbt mobilt .... -................ •/flflAr. llDOl, Jae . ..,~_..... -.... .._., .. 1-rnt Cot·'• ilt. la CUltOftl ••· •· + llOO He tJ. ___ ,_.. -i.;'J'i.j." wet Mr I Laba"°""· lllow ap· TSl·tlU dJt, IUJ) &ll'm:''s:~-r1 ... Jlllil __ .,.il.,,.., .. -.~~ ~ w}fnlt tntt: P'lliledv.-.Nrfortlt. ••,... • loa 1• ! • .,....o...r. :U-~:0= ~"7,~ e DOW.laylt. 1 e a, • 11r. ·1" ... ..,. e COiia Miu, CA nae I e • I • ... FRI DAY . MAHC H I :>. 1982 ORANG E COUNT Y CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS FDR son labels fami]y revelation 'poppycock' Byl£FFADL£a °' .. .....,""..... l Franklin ind Eleanor Roosevelt's eldest son James, a Newport Beach resident, said today the latest details of bis parents' private lives are "petty and unj)roven" and will have little effect on history. Roosevelt said he dldn 't know anyt.~ing about reports that Army counter-intellifeoce agents file d s urvei'l ance reports, opened mail and once bugged his mother's hotel room durlng World War II. Also, the a1enta claimed that Pulitzer· Pri1e -winnln1 Roosevelt bioerapber Josepla Lash had an affair wltb tile president's wile in UM3. Lash, in his lat~t bOok entitled "Love, Eleanor .•· details the surveillance, but denies havtne the affair. Roosevelt. asked to comment about the account, said, "He's (Lash) s aid It's all a lot of poppycock. Its too bad people's lives have to be dredged up all the time." Roosevelt s aid reading the details or rus parents' private lives in the newspapers doesn't make him "happy,'' but be understands that people In public U/e have to be resigned to surrendering their private lives. He added such accounts do not make any difference at all to history, especially when they are ''petty and unproven." Roosevelt suggested that the current spate or revelatl~ns. s uch as the one concerning FDR's White House recording system, were in.~pired by the recent lOOt.h anniversary or his father's birth. Although Roosevelt said be reads many of the books publlahed conc erning his father's presidency, he doesn't inte nd to read Lash's new release. "I doubt whether I shall read it, it's in the gossip area and doe sn't intere st me." be remarked. Lash, 72, authored the 1971 Pulitzer-winning biography, ''Eleanor and Franklin " Candidates hac·ked Minkin, .. Kenney ; Gentry win endorsement By JOHN NEEDHAM Of .. Deity ...... ·-Laguna Beach City Council candidates Bobbie Minkin, Dan Kenney and Bob Gentry are being. endorsed in their June 8 election bid by the Temple Hills Community Association. The decision to endorse the three as a slate came after an association-sponsored forum at the home of Ron and Fran Chilcote Thursday night. All nine council candidates were invited to atte nd the forum. Council incumbefl!' Kelly Boyd and candidate Ricky Slater didn't attend. Te mple Hills member Estelle Warner said today the decision -to endorse the three came with little disagreement among the association's membership. The group cl!lims a membership or 700. "We evaluated their answers to the questions during t he forum. as well as their records and backgrounds," she said. Oalty_ .... _ A $1 ,128 SMILE -John Lara of Laguna Beach was only doing his job at Laguna Chevron, but visiting customer E. Don Rott of Texas found his work and attitude excellent. Rott tipped Lara two first class round-trip tickets to Dallas and a bottle of wine . then drove awav into the sunset. · Cheer's the.ticket Gas station smile wins Dallas trip ·A smile and a little politeness can go a long way all the way to Dallas and back. if you're John Lara of Laguna Beach. Lara. a syndicated political cartoonist who works part time as an attendant at Laguna Chevron. offered his usual grin. happy hello. windshield wipe and oil check when he filled up Texas bus inessman E. Don Rott's car last week. Rott1 so impressed with young Lara's conviviality, tipped him a bottle of wine and two round-trip first class tickets to Dallas -valued at $1 ,128. "I didn't really do anything ciifferent than I usually do." Lara mused ... He jus t said I was a nice guy afld left me the wine and tickets. "The wine is gone. but the tickets aren't. Any attractive, single women interested in seeing Dallas should apply at Laguna Chevron," he said. Has the generous tip brightened Lara ·s attitudes about the gas station profession? "Oh yeah," he said. 'Tm angling for a trip to Rio." WORLD Go~d/alls again LONDON <AP> -Gold's price Cell up to $10 a troy ounce to a 2'h-year low in European tra~in•· today. Gold traded in New York as low as $318. NATION Worried re8ident. may junk town Residents di a tiny Ore1on community are so worried about a guru's sect taking over, they may vote lo dissolve the co~munity. Page Al. Stock tnaf"lcet off NEW YORK <AP> -Stock prices declined broadly today. The Dow Jones avera1e of 30 lndu.1iial atock:a was dawn lCf.47.potnts~tO 195.09 aftir · ttaree houri of tracttn,. . · "We found that these three candidates most agreed with the principle s on which our association was rounded." A major point or questioning at Thursday's forum was the candidates' opinion of the city's hillside density formula for undeveloped areas under the state Coastal Commission mandated Local Coastal Plan. The three candidates endorsed by the Temple Hills group all took issue with the plan, saying it would allow up to 600 new h omes in Laguna Beach . bringing papulation pressures and traffic congestion. G e ntry , a U C Irvine a dm i nis trator , s aid s uc h development would add about 6,000 car trips a day throughout Laguna. "This would require road e xte ns ions and a furthe r reduction of the open space in and around the city.·· he said. "As residents we simply cannot tolerate this gradual erosion of our quality or life." -..:. -- PAPER POSEIDON Laguna Beach Hi gh School ph ysics student Lynn Caverly deftl y handles paddle as she scoots across t he high school pool in her paper boat. A race. in boats constructed totally of paper products. was the final exam for the 27 s tudents in Karol Kunysz' class Candidates Pat Barry a nd Ron Williams said the figure or 600 a l l owable new homes was misleading in that many lots could not be approved for construction because or geologic considerations. ·'The 600 figure isn't accurate," Barry said. "There possibly could be an increase of about 200 houses at most under Laguna High launches navy Physics students build paper boats as project .. <See CANDIDATES, Page A2> Police check 'blue bugs' theft clues Laguna Be ach police are following up several clues in the myst e r y theft s of fi v e Volkswagen sedans -all blue - from homes in the north part of the town earlier this week. Officers originally believed nine or the 1966 model sedans had b e en s to l e n , but a compilation of complaints from victims late Thursday showed only five of the old model sedans missing. And four of those had been recovered by today. police s aid. Most had parts missing, which le'd police to believe the thieves were interested in sellinJt scarce and valuable standard equipment, such as seats and engme parts. "We've got all but one car accounted for," detective Alex Jimenez said this morning. Police beli eve the cars were taken by thieves with a great - deal or knowledge about 1966 Volkswagens. Vessel released SAN DI EGO (AP> -A California tuna boat, seized by a South Pacific nation, has been released after a $280,000 fine was imposed on the vessel, By STEVE MITCHELL Of ... o.ltyl"li.Swt The sign hanging on the chain-link fence 'outside the Laguna Beach High School swimmlng pool reads "No foreign objects in the pool." But that stern admonition did little to stop the 27 physics students in Karol Kunysz' class from launching a mini-armada of paper boats at the shallow end of the 25-meter pool. ll was final exam day Thursday at the high school, and the senior students. in teams of one to four participants. showed up with vessels of all types and colors. THE ONLY CRITERIA for the physics exam: the boats must be made entirely or paper products. And they must successfull y contain one paddling student from one end of the pool to the other. Take John Le vin's team entry , for example. A 10 pound triangular vessel made of milk cartons framing a refrigerator box , held together with $23 worth of tape and three bottles of rubber cement. It's called "Quad Ergon" wruch means "work of four." "The triangle s hape makes it very strong," said team member Charles Wagner. '\It's actually a lot stronger than it needs to be." Thal strength was apparent in all but one of the JO entries. each paddled furiously a cross the smooth pool surface by the lightest of the team members. And what beauties they were. THERE WAS THE "Paper Poseidon," captained by Lynn Caverly, sporting a tall white bow and traditional shape. · And '·Victory,·' more a surfboard than a boat, with 3-4 milk cartons supporting race winner Justin MiUer who spanned the Jen~ of the pool in 18.5 seconds in the four-pound vessel. Only the ill-fated "S.S. Aga," an ugly looking sloop from the Alli-Goldstein-Albert team failed to reach the concrete side at the deep end of the pool. "We 're not being graded on beauty," said pilot Eliot Alfi prior to hls unsuccessful try. Arter the race, the wet sailor was at a loss to explain design deficiencies. PERHAPS THE MOST impressive craft was a pontoon-laden canoe styled by Roy Fielding. The brown boat. complete with "We 're not being graded on beauty.'' c a rdboard tu.bes for balance, moved gracefully through the water to the finish, where Fielding calmly turned the totally dry paper boat around and paddled back to the start to the cheers of his fellow physics students. Teacher Kunysz, a physics teacher at Laguna Beach since 1957, took great pains to weigh each boat, the paddler, and used a stop watch to judge winners of the event. And while admitting the final class project was more entertaining than educational, Kunysz said fundamentals of physics were used in construction of the assorted craft. "It's a matter or design, a matter of bouyancy," he mused. "Some. obviously, were more successful than others.·· STATE INDEX Death penalty for Bonin LOS ANGELES CAP> -Twice-peroled sex ofCender William Bonin, t~e convicted Freeway Killer, wa' .sentenced today lo death in the gas chamber for 'l() homosexual torture·murders . Millaap for Amtrak 'Spinf SAN LUIS OBISPO CAP> -The locomotive and two can ol Amtrak's Spirit of California derailed today,~ the carma remained ui>rt1ht. · · COUNTY I Airline ~ce•• iaue relianu ne counly Board al Supemion ·will sraPDle a1aln ... week with the touchy laaue of aifllne· aece11 to lohn Wayne Airport. Pase Bl. • \ ' At Your Service Busine5s Califorpia Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Stan Delaplane Death Notices Editorial Satertabunent HOl"C>HOpe Jntennlak>ll A.f Ann Landers 84·5 Movies AS Mutual Funds B2 National News C7 Public NCJtlces B3 Restaurants 83 Sports 82 Stock Markets C5 TeleviliGn AS Tbeaten Weekender Weather BZ World News ·-·~ . SPORTS Ranu eo •i6n Jorui•P B2 Weekender .84 A3 84,CU Weekender Cl ·5 85 TVLot Weekender A2 AJ bally PUot writer John Snano feporta the Jtam are close to 1l1nln1 former 81lUmore Colt.a quart.back Bert Jones .. Pap Cl. CANDIDATES ENDORSED .. the Local Ooaatal Plan." Williama saJd many of the eoo ~opoeed loU are DOl bulldable. 'Any new property that requires 'a variance on these lot.a ln order ·• for construction to proceed ~ should not be approved,'' he said. •Laguna taxpayen to meet Saddleback College in Mission Viejo will sponsor a stress management course beginning Wednesday .from noon lo 2 p.m. in room 105B of the library. be taught by guidance .counselor Bob FroeUcla. For more information call 831-4570. Regi5tration may be made in person al the Admission and Records Office on the ground floor of The eight-week class will the library. ·· •Book• sought for sale Old books, used books, unloved or leftover books. The Dana Niguel Friends of the Library want them alJ for a book sale May 1. Proceeds will benefit the library and its patrons. Books should be dropped off at the library any Tuesday through Saturday at 33M1 Niguel fy>ad . · •'Vncommon Women' at college The play "Uncommon television's "Theater in Women and Others·· by America" series. • Wendy Wasserstein opens at Tickets are $4.50 general Saddleback College's South admission and $3.50 for ASU Campus Studio Theater in a nd Gold Card holders. Mission Viejo tonight for a Contact the theater box office two-week run. at 831-4656 or 495-2790 The play was presented in between 9 a.m. and noon, or 1 New York's Phoenix Theater p.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays for and went on to be showcased r e s e r v a t i o n s a n d o n n a t i o n a I P u b 1 i c performance schedulPc:: •Stress course offered Members of the Laguna Beach Taxpayers' As - sociation will meet Wednes- day to hear the nine candidates for the April 13 City Council election Following the 7:30 p.m. forum, the orl!anization will hold its annual meeting for election of officers. The public is invited to attend the forum in the community room of Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 260 Ocean Ave. Four ousted in drug raffle NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (AP) -Four high school seniors have been suspended for five days in .a scheme to raffle hashish and beer for a class party. school officials say. Northhampton High School principal Gordon Noseworthy said the $121 in proceeds from the raffle were to be used for the seniors' graduation party, an annual event held on the isolated grounds of Smith College to discourage students from drinking and driving on graduation night. The principal said one of the suspended students won a gram of hashish and two others each won a case of beer in the raffle. The fourth student was behind the scheme, he said. Firms silent on oil bids By STEVE MAaBLE O(_o.lty ........ Oil company executives are keeplnc their carda covered on wbe\Mr they lo~nd to bld for oil drillln1 rlchta ott the Newport Beach and Laguna Beach shoreline~. Unless the federal 1ovemment takes stepe to eliminate tracts off the coasWnes of both towns. oll firms can begin blddlnl in June. Barry Lane, a spokesman for Union Oil, said bill company doesn't want it lcnown whether It will enter into the bidding. Union Oil previously bid for all drilling rilhts three miles off Newj)ort but the government rejected the company's $1 million offer. "This is a competitive thing," Lane explained , "and we certainly don't want other companies knowing what we're going to do." City officials in Newport. and Laguna are concerned that offshore drilling or exploration could dent tourism. open the door for an oil spill and pose navigational hazards. Both cities have tafen positions that, in effect, oppose Oiemical spilled LOS ANGELES CAP) -The police station in suburban Van· Nuys was partially evacuated when tw o b ottles of a "suspicious" chemical, brought in by an unidentified passerby, spilled onto the lobby floor, authorities said. offshore drillln1. Huntln1ton Beach, which baa eatabU1hed drilling platform s off it1 aborell{le, h.,n•t. A spokesman from one oil rtrm sald the word la that petroleum companies are lukewarm to bidding on the tract.a off Newport and Laruna and are skeptical that there ls a large amount of oil out there. In a lease sale. oil firm1 are asked to put "risk" money up front for a tract. In other words, firms gamble on whether there is a large oil pool below the tract. A successful bidder also must pay the federal or state government an annual rent as well as a royalty on profits. Royalty fees range from 12 to 16 percent. Ken Delino, Newport 's executive assistant to the city manager , said it is his understanding that a minimum bid for a tract off Newport could be as hlgh as $864,000. But oil executives said government officials can reject any bid they want. "If the hlgbest bidder turns out to be SS million," explained Union Oil 's Lane , "lhe government can still t urn it down if it feels it's not hiah enough:" · Lane added. though, that his colleagues in the oil business are encouraged by Secretary of the 'Interior James Watt's position on offshore oil drilling. "He's made no bon• s about the fact that he wants 1 o go for it.'• said Lane. A.ppealof lavend,er ruling expected Laguna Beach city officials probably will be in court again over lavender, an attorney involve d in the lavender litigation suggested today .. Los Angeles attorney William Price said he expects client Druscilla Tysen, operator of the Strawberry Shortcake Boutique, 1145 South Coast Highway, to appeaJ a court decision against the lavender color of her Laguna Beach boutique. Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert Green entered a summary judgment in favor of the city in its lawsuit against Ms. Tysen Monday. The city had s ued the bu siness woman after s h e painted her store a pale purple color despite the rejection of the color change by the city's Design Review Board. Price said he spoke with his client, on a business trip in Louisiana, by telephone and she had indicated she intends to pursue the case. "From all the indications I've had, I expect to pursue it," Price said. ·'She has always indicated she wants to go all the way on this." The attorney said he expects to file both an appeal and a motion fot a new trial sometime during the next 10 days. The color controversy began more than one year ago when about 30 r esidents and merchants near the boutique objected lo the sort lavender trim that framed the s hop's doors and windows. Monday's ruling permits the city panel to order Mrs. Tysen to change the color or for her to seek its approval of the lavender paint job. City officials had hailed the decision as a "victory." Dolly PINI,... lly Olortft Mott NIGUEL OIAL ASSISTED -Orange County paramedics help Jodi Lounes, 16, of Laguna Niguel from her car after a mid-afternoon two-car collision in South Laguna Thursday The teen-ager's car was hit by a vehicle driven by Kathleen Locke, 40, also of Laguna Niguel, at the corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Niguel Road. Both were taken to South Coast Medical Center with minor to mode rate injuries. Warmer Saturday, maybe rain Sunday Warmer weather and clearer skies with some high cloudiness were expected along the Orange Coast for Saturday after intermittent rain fell early this morning and Thursday night. But another low-pressure system is expected to move in off the ocean Sunday and there's a chance of more rain then. Three people were injured in a Costa Mesa accident Thursday night on a wet street. A car driven by Dawn Marie Rasmussen, 16, of Laguna Hills crossed over the center divider on Mesa Verde Drive East and collided head ·on with a car driven southwest by Charles Richard Brown. 49. of Fountain Valley, night press foreman at the Daily Pilot, police said. Mi ss R as mu ssen and passenger Victor Joseph Valles, 16 .. of Costa Mesa were taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital following the 9: 15 p.m. crash. Valles was reported in serious condition this morning, Mi ss Rasmussen in good condition. Brown was listed in fair condition today at the same hospital. Huntington Beach received .17 of an inch or rain between 5 p.m. Thursday and 8 a .m. today Driver sought in Laguna hit-run case t Laguna Beach police are seeking assistance in finding the driver of a s tation wagon believed to have s truck a pedestrian Wednesday evening on South Coast Highway. Michael S . Dodg e , 28 , Capistrano Beach, was parked ori the highway in front of the Surf and Sand Hotel al about 6: 25 p.m. when the a ccident occurred. He stepped out of his car and was struck by a light colored, full -s ize station wagon that was traveling south on the highway. The only witness to the isccident was a passenger in Dodge's car. Clouds hang around A new, new Pilot TV Log 0 0 Police said a sid eview mi rrorwas recovered at the scene. Officers believe it to be from the hit and run vehicle The mirror is from the right side. and is of a type that can be purchased in any auto parts store, police said. co•U•I area1 a nd '"ow Jn the mounteln1. Portly cloudy -•Y end mostly lolr Tuudoy Locol •lro1>9 gusty w~ In Ille mountains Sunday and Mondoy dee re as Ing ~ C l T-ay Hight In Ille coottal orMt OllS ta mid-10 -'°' -"""'"' In llw 40I In IM mountains. OWrnloM ..,.., Soutll to toutlleHI wlneb t to u •s lo SS In Ille <oo1'•1 0,..91 -tl to ,kllOls becoming w.$1 to toulllwest 12 31 In IM ..-.ins. lo 11 knob. WHterly swells 2 lo , __________ _ feet. 0•< reo slng c loudlneu s after.._... f1Wg Tiie Air Ouollly Me11•11emenl V S summary Ohlrl<I PAdkb 900d olr QUOtlly for • • nery-In llw Soulfl Coo1' olr -•n 1 lllroutll Friday. T,,u-.11orm1 oec~nled l>Y Tiie AOMD assigned Pollutlon rein fell In .,..u .,. Wtomlng -Stofldord ,,.. CPSll roll"91 .,. O ~tflern ---.. •ltll _.. for ell r99i0nl . .., _.,."-,,..,... ....... kins. -----------A few 1,,.,,.ntorm1 sped o¥er • ---\11•11. wllll winds llP to so mpll Temneratures 1"9 ec:"'" Ille llol9. SfloWI 'I:" -11Mdl1Ao1111111111,,. mid-end ~·Al~ C-tal llolH. Tiie Nellonol '#Hiiier Service ~lcled rain from Ille ~II-I to 111• UPHr Mlsthslppl Volley. n eltO _.. .. pac:led o..., 1,,. Pac:"k ~ -mud! of -._,,.._ .... El...,_,., lllle1 -Id be y, l!w-91er wrvke uld. A lllett .. 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Dodge was taken to South Coast Medical Center following the crash where he was treated for his injuries and later sent home. ~~ ~&~~ ' • See the 1983 Nordico Trident with its special Air Fit System Today. Also ·SALE in PROGRESS on di 1981-82 SKI GEAR in stockl Sav, 20 to 50% OPERALL WEMNIGllT8 TILLIPll • .. lnlll lllTill ' FRIDAY. MARCH 12 . 1982 OR ANGE COUN I Y LALIFOR N IA 25 CENTS FDR son labels fami1y · revelation 'poppycock' By JEFF i\DLEa °' .. ...., ......... Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's eldest son James, a Newport Beach resident, said today the latest details of his parents' private lives are "petty and unproven" and will have little effect-on history. Roosevelt said he didn't kDow anything about re ports that Arm)J counter·lnt e lllfence a1ents filed s urvel'l ance reporu, opened mall and ooce . bugged hi.a mother's hotel room · durln1 World War II. . · Also, the agents clalmed that Pulitze r Prize·w i nnt n1 Roosevelt bio1rapher Joaepb Lash bad an affair wltb the president's wile in UM3. Lash, in his latest book entitled "Love, Deity .............. A $1 ,128 SMILE -John Lara of Laguna Beach was only doing hi s job at Laguna Chevron, but visiting customer E . Don Rott of Texas found his work and attitude e.xcellent. Rott tipped Lara two first class round-trip tickets to Dallas and a bottle or wine. then drove away into the sunset. Cheer' s the ticket Gas station smile wins Dallas trip A smile and a little politeness can go a long way -all the way to Dallas and back, if you're John Lara of Laguna Beach. Lara, a syndicated political cartoonist who works part time as an attendant at Laguna Chevron. offered his us ual grin, h appy hello. windshield wipe and oil check when he filled up Texas businessman E. Don Rott's car last week. Rott, so impressed with young Lara's conviviality. tipped him a bottle of wine and two round-trip first class tickets to Dallas -valued at $1,128. "I didn't really do anything different th an I usually do." Lara mused . "He jus t said I was a nice guy and left me the wine and tickets. "The wine is gone. but the tickets a ren't. Any attractive. single women interested in seeing Dallas should apply at Laguna Chevron,'' he said . Has the generous tip brightened Lara's attitudes about the gas station profession ? "Oh yeah," he said. "I'm angling for a trip to Rio." Computers favored but money lacking The Irvine Unified School District Board is thinking about computers but won't allocate any money for them. Nol yet, anyway. That doesn't seem lo deter School Supe rintendent A . Stanley Corey, though. •'We'r e gonna go straight ahead," be told a r eporte r during a break In Wednesday· night 's board meeting a t Lakeside Middle Scpool. "We 'll rob, pillage, burn, plunder, whatever. to get the WORLD money we need," he joked as he e xplained tha t his staff is particularly expert al finding money for essential projects. Corey's comments came after the board approved the concept of n "Master Plan and Guide for Computer Utilization" which c alls for in c reased use of computers in instrucUon and administration. The board specified, however , in a separate motion that no money be allocated at this time to carry out the plan. Go~/a,h again WNDON (AP> -Gold's price fell up to $10 a troy ounce to a 2~-year low in European tra!fin«i today. Gold traded in New York as low as $318. NATION Worried reaident8 may junlC town Reaidenls of a tiny Oreeoft ·c0mmunit)' are IO worried about a guru's sect taklftl over. they may vote to dissolve the comm\.Bllty. Pqe Al. . Sloclc marlcei off · -NEW YORK <AP> -Stock price. declined brqiftly toda7. The Dow Jones avera1e of 30 Industrial 1tocb was down 1lS polntt to 198.21 after fl•• ..... ol ~~·- ,, , E l e a n o r , • ' d e t a i 1 s t"h e aurvelllance, but denies having the affair. Rooeevelt, aaked lo comment about the account, said, "He's (Lash) said it's all a lot of poppycock. Its too bad people's lives have to be dredged up au the time." Roosevelt said reading the details of his parents' private lives in the newspapers doesn't make him "happy ," but he· understands that people in public life have to be resltned to surrendering their private lives. He added such accounts do not make any difference al all to histor y, especially when they are "petty and unproven." Roosevelt suggested that the c urrent spate of revelations, such as the one concerning FDR's White House recording system, were Inspired by the recent lOOth anniversary of hls father's birth. Although Roosevelt said he reads many o f the books published c oncerning his father's presidency, he doesn't Intend lo read Lash's new release. ''I doubt whd,her I shall ~ad it, it's in the gossip area and does n · t i nte r es l me , " h.e remarked. Lash, 72. authored the 1971 Pulitzer-winning biograph)', "Eleanor and Franklin " Low-altitude alarm missed. Air9al probes reason pilot, copilot not notified-of trouble LOS ANGELES (AP> -Two air traffic controllers apparently railed to notice a low-altitude alarm recor.ded by a computer al Ontario International Airport for an Air California flight that subsequently struck a cable and s kidded off a runway , an investigator says. Keith McGuire of the National Trans portation Safety Board sa id Thur s da y further investigation will be conducted to determine why the alarm was not conveyed to the pilot and copilot of the Boeing 737, who Four to vie in council elections By S ANJ)IE JOY Of Hie Dally ...... S'9ff Two City Council seats are up for grabs in Irvine and, so far, fo ur people have officially declared they want them. Another person bas decided be doesn't want to be a councilman, after all, and two more still are thinking about it. Seats up for eledion are those held by Larry Agran and Art Anthony. Agran's running for a second fo ur-year term but Anthony, who was put on probation for three years last s ummer fo r assaulting his wife , bas said he won't run. Bes ides Agran, o ffi cial candidates for the two seats to be filled in a June 8 election are William Pozzi, John Nakaoka and Barbara Wiener. Nakaoka, a marketing specialist with Xerox CoQ> .. is a member of the Irvine Unified School District Board. He lives in R*icho San Joaquin. P ozzi, wh o l ives in Woodbridge, is general manager of Apollo Moving Co., Costa Mesa. Ms . Wiener, who has been president of the Irvine Historical Society, kicks off her campaign ton ight with a reception for friends and volunteers at the Irvine Senior Center. Nakaoka , Pozzi and Ms . Wiener all are making their first bids for a City Council seat. Barry O'Neil , who earlier this week, filed offi cial papers to run for the C ity Coun cil, has changed his mind about wanting a seat. O'Neil. who is vice president a nd manager of the trust d e partment at a Bank of California office in Newport Beach, cited career and family commitments as the reason he's pulling out or the race. Two others, North wood r esid ent Barry Kidd a nd U nive r s ity Park r esident Jacques Wars hauer, still are deciding whether to run. STATE have been suspended from flight duty over questions as to whether they followed proper procedure in maintaining altitude. On Feb. 15, the plane, inbound from Seattle and Oakland, clipped two 250-foot-high power pole cables four miles from the runway, then changed course for Los Ange les International Airport, 60 miles away. Unknown to the pilots, the hyd raulic lines that oper ate the plane's brakes and reverse thrusters had been broken. The aircraft was unable to stop on the LAX runway and skidded off ··somewhat vague '' in their the end into an embankment. No explanation. . injuries were reported among ' As for the alarm, he said that the 117 passengers and five crew among the possibilities to be me mbers. explored are that the equipment Investigators said they were may have malfunctioned and unable to learn definitively from failed to activate a buzzer and Capt. Thomas Hall, 41, and First flas hing light, and that a Officer Jose Heribe rto Matos, low-altitude alarm triggered for 4 7 , why t h e p I an e wa s another plane only moments apparently nying at 1,250 feet before the accident may have above sea level, 250 feet lower masked the subsequent warning than the mandatory minimum . on the AirCal flight. altitude and slightly less than The earlier United Airlines 250 above ground at that point. flight was given the warning, and its flight path was McGuire said they were corrected, McGuire said. A new, new Pilot TJ/ Log 0 0 Townhouse building The Daily Pilot's easier ·to-read television log for the week starts today. featuring a new standard hour a nd channels listing in large, easy to read t ype, Daytime shows, morning and afternoon movies, sports highlights and special te levision features are included in the revamped Pilot TV Log . Look for the newly designed Pilot TV Log today inside the Pilot Weekender section. 000 New political role urged for business By JOEL C. DON Of .... o.lly ...... ''-" Throwing full support behind the Reagan administration's new feder alis m progr am, the head of a major Newport Beach firm urged fellow bus iness leade rs Thursday to become more active in local and state government. Walter Gerken, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., said businessmen must embr ace the political m ac hine t o solve Orange County's major problems in housing, transportation, water and energy. "We h ave to m ove government out of the areas where it doesn't belong," be told more than 600 people al the a nnual dinner meeting of the Industrial League of Oranee County, formerly the Greater Irvine Industrial League. T he dinner wa.s held at the South Coast Plasa Hotel in Costa Mes a . "Al the same time," Gerken continued, "We have to work cooperatively with government in those areas where it does have an i mporta nt role and responsibility to serve society.": The 59-year-old Corona del Ma r resident said government SUPPORT -Insurance firm chief Walter Gerken urged business m e n t o become more active in government. procedures on building permits must be replaced to encourage more housing construction in the county . He s aid zonin g <See GERKEN, Page A!) INDEX to begin Construction is planned to begin in Irvine in early April on a 60-un.it townhouse apartment' complex offer i ng fe de r ally sponsored rent subsidies. Known as Orchard Park, U.- lrv i ne Company development will be on 3.5 acres of land at the southeast corner of Orange Blossom and Tarocco, just east of the Saddleback College North Campus. A $3.2 million construction loan · for the complex waa approved last wee k by the Ora n ge County Housine Authority. T he complex is expected to be completed by April 1983, said Irvine Company spokesman Jerry Collins. The develo pment will be geared toward families by offering 43 two-bedroom units a nd six each of three and four-bedroom units. Another five one-story apartments will be d es i gned for handicappe d persons. The units are designed to s urround a large landscaped area that will include a tot lot, gam e courts and recreation facilities . There will be no external stairways. Fair market rents will range from $550 lo $700 per month, althoug h s ubsidies will be available to qualified families through the federal Housing and U rb a n D eve lopment D epart m e nt's Section 8 Program, Collins said. To qualify, families should have an annual income from $17 ,400 to $20,000, he s aid. Ap p l ications to rent the a partments won 't be available until next J anuary. Construction of the complex was part of a settlement of a lawsuit filed several years aio by the Orange County Fair Housing Council against the city a nd Irvine Company . This complex is one of s ix sites identified to offer the required 725 rental units in Irvine, Collins said. Death penalty for Bonin At Your Service Business California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Stan Delaplane Death Notices Editorial E.atertainmeftt Jlo,... lntermilaioo A4 Ann Landen IW..S Movies .U Mutual Funds 82 National News C7 Public Notices 83 'Re1tauranta B2 Weekender 84 A3 B4,C5-e Weekender Cl..S 85 TVLoc Weekender A2 A3 · LOS ANGELES <AP) -Twice·paroled sex of.fender William Bonin, the convicted Freeway Killer, wu .sentenced today to death in the gas chamber for 'lC> homosexual torture·murders. Mitlaap for Amtrak 'Spiiif SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP> -The locomotive and two cars of Amtrak's Spirit of California derailed today, ~ the c~rs remained uprtiht. ~ ' COUNTY Airline aeceaa iNue relunu -The eounty Board of Supervtion °wlll srapple aaaln nut week with the touchy laaue ol airline' accea to John Wayne A.lr1Mlrt. Pase Bl. . ~ 83 Sport.a . 82 Stock Marketa CS Televialsm Al Tbeaten Weekender. Weatber Ba World News Weeuqcler - SPORTS Rama to aip Joruiat bauy Pilot writer John S..aoo reporU the Jlamt are close to 1l1nin1 former Baltimore Cotti quarterbffk Bert JODa, Pap Cl. ~' ~ Continued Bfor.les I GERKEN ON BUSINESS. • • . ordinances and buildin1 codes t._hould be modified to help rtduce the houatn1 crunch. • ''Building code· and 1onin1 chanies do not necessarily lead to a lower standard or houalni." he aald, "But rather (to) a ··different, more appropriate standard, considering land values , need for energy conservation and easy access to · •transportation." Gerken suggested Industrial League members join with the Oran1e County Transportation ., CoaUUon, a private lobby group, to fight for more state funding .. ~r the county's beleaguered ~.Jllghway system. He also said ~'"tbe group might consider ~(.or ming a · political action S:~mmittee to "protect the rights !-of Orange County in the ... legislative area." ,:: ·'Because of the lead time ecessary for a highway or ~ther transportation project to "~· .. • . come on llne, the efficiency and adequacy of Oran1e County transportation not only will not lmprove, but wlU decline within the next 10 years," he sald. Tbe group must lobby for funds for the Corona del Mar freeway, the San Joaquin Hilla and the Foothill transportation corridors, be said. Gerken added that a recent trip to Waablnlton. D.C., revealed little financial assistance from the federal government should be expected to help solve the county's transportation woes. "We must be prepared in Orange County to bite the bullet as far as providing the · necessary financing,'' he said. ''A self-imposed gasoline tax which would stay here, a sales tax earmarked for transportation (and) toll roads have been items that have been suggested." '<· rvine may oppose fo il drilling leas~s • Irvine may be landlocked, but maJonty of the members: Mary .~embers of the city council Ann Gaido, David Sills and ~em prepared to oppose efforts • Larry Agran, said they plan to allow offshore oil drilling go on record against such ,._.along the Orange CoasL drilling. .; Council members said they'll They said the projected supply pend the next two weeks of oil isn't worth the threat or ~reviewing materiaJ on proposed harm that the drilling could ~~ffshore oil leases. But a ca u se along the coast. ~· · Councilman Art Anthony asked ~ for the two-week review period I ~~ • so me mbers could study the :-1 rvme man issue before issuing a statement. OfficiaJs from the Department 1 ~ l h •1 of Interior aren't expected to •JH>S 8 81 take action in the matter until June. 'in drug rap City councils in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach already have taken positions on tht" drilling. A 24-year-old Irvine man, who police allege has been selling drugs to high school-age students since late January, has posted $7 ,000 bail following his arrest Wednesday. The suspect, Scott Michael Crowe of 21 Streamwood, was booked into Orange County Jail by police narcotics investigators on suspicion or sale of drugs, possession of marijuana for sale and possession of controlled s ub s tances identified as ·melhamphelamine. Crowe, who was arrested at •the Streamwood residence, was l'n possession of an AE-15 semi-automatic rifle when he was apprehended, police said. Seized during Crowe's arrest were drugs vaJued at $1,810 plus scales and drug packaging material, drug paraphernaUa and drug sales ledgers, police said. Irvine has long-range plans .. for the annexation of unincorporated porQons or the Irvine Coast. · f.olumbia launch set for March 22 CA PE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP ) -Most launc h site workers will be given the weekend off as preparations for the space shuttle's liftoff. now less than 10 days away , continued to proceed smoothly, offitials said. The countdown for Columbia• will begain at 4 a.m. EST on March 18, four days prior to the scheduled 10 a .m . March 22 launch for the third missiou or' the world's first reusable spacecraft. mum on oil bids By STEVE MA&•LE Of•~"-..... OU company execuUvea are keepln1 their card.a covered on whether they intend to bid for oU drilling rights off the Newport Beach and Laguna Beach shorelines. Unless the federal 1overnment takes steps to eliminate tracts o!f the coaaWnes of both towns. oil firm! can begin bidding in June. Barry Lane, a spokesman for Union Oil, said his company doesn't want it known whether it will enter into the biddln1. Union Oil previously bid for &il drilling rights three miles off Newport but the government rejected the company's $1 million offer. "This is a competitive thini:· Lane explained, "and we certainly don't want other companies knowing what we're going to do." City officials in Newport and Laguna are concerned that offshore drilling or exploration could dent tourism, open the door for an oil spill and pose navigational hazards. Both cities have taken positio.ns that, in effect, oppose offshore drilling. Huntington Beach , which has established drilling platforms off its shoreline, hasn't. A spokes man from one oil firm said the word is that petroleum compal\ies are lukewarm to bidding on the tracts off Newport and Laguna and are skeptical that there is a large amount of oil out there. In a lease sale, oil firms are asked to put ''risk" money up front for a ltacl. In other words, firms gamble on whether there is a large oil pool below the tract. A s uccessful bidder also must pay the federal or state government an annual rent as well as a royally on profits. RoyaJty fees range from 12 to 16 percent. K e n Delino, Newport 's executive assistant to the city manager, sai d It is his understanding that a minimum bid for a tract off Newport could be as high as $864,000. B ul oil exec utives s aid government officials can reject any bid they want. "lf the highest bidder turns out to be $5 million," explained U n ion Oil's Lane, "the government can still turn it down i.f it feels it's not hiJ(h enough.'' Lane added, though, that his colleagues in the oil business are encouraged by Secretary or the Interior James Watt's position on offshore oil drilling. "He's made no bones about the fact that he wants to go for it." said Lane Clouds hang around ~ coastal ar••• and snow li>-tM mou11lal11s. Partly cloudY -•Y and mon1, l•lr TuHd•J. LO<al stro119 9USfY •lncb Ill Ille -talns Sunday and Mond•J detreHl119 C l Tuetd•f· Hl9ftl In the <-•I ..... s O<lS t a mid· to -... -mostly In "" 40I In tlle "'°"""I'"-Oftm19ttt tows Sevttl ID IOUflleHt •Inds I to IS 4S to SJ In Ille c,-.1 areas -"to Mob becoml119 west to -.lllwftl 12 U In Ille mountal'"- so to II knoft. W..ff'ly swells 2 to 1----------• lee t. Decreasing cioudlneu Smog after,,_., The Air QualltJ Management . U.S. summary Ol1trlct P<.Okb 900d air 4uallly tor everJone In tlle Soult! Coetl air ~Siii .i T. through Friday. hu,....ntorms 1<compa11led l>J Th• AQMO asilgned Pollutlon ••In fell In peru of Wyoml119 •rid s tandard lndt• (PSI) rail~ of 42 MOllMrn Mone.,.. -,., with snow tor all r99tons. 111 -of tlle highw • levatlons. A few lllundent°""s 1ped over ------------ Utall, wltll winch up to so mpfl T emp e ratures .....,,"" actON ,,. sute. SflO~ elld 11111o•1-m1 hit Ille mid-arid nortfl.Attanttc c-tal statH. Tiie Hatlonal Weatller Service llf'edkled rein "°"' tlle __._ to 1111 u•P•• Mlulsslppl Valley. ..... rs •ISO_.. expected OWf' tt. Pec"k Nor1tlMilC -much of H-l!:f191anc9. 1:1..-. ....... WOllld ... -y. tM WMtllef servke Mid. A blast Gf ~ air hit Ote90ft and Cl•h• 011 ThurtCla y , plu119l119 t•mtNrtturea and cau1l119 _., ........ Nld a st«m rnovf119 Into ca+arado -keel Ille Rockies wltll s .... wet-. Tamperetur• •-the nation ••rly toclay ranged from 10 111 ,...._Ml. kll., to 75 In Key West, Fla. California A tternl tllet laft -,..... CIHCI and a t ••••t tll .. e otllers llurt lft t 1 t11·reta teCI car craslles •••. 1111119<tM • yield ta tatr .,.. .. , •hirday, fallowed by • 1tarftl "'"""' lft SllNIY """"· twwe-.n · Tti. IMll...,.. WNtlltr Sef'lrlc;.a Miii "'"""" *"" left • °""'"' of .. ... .. ........ Oft"" ..... ••••• L•• A111ete t , 11ortller11 ~~,,__ ..................... .......... "'•11 .. r11ft. "L ... t 11111 lttftdaJ tllare•a • ....... 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S7 41 ff n M """'..,.. • • S1 ,. ... It ... Mer'tt 11 , SJ$0 ... T-1156 M ... TlllU n '1 .. 44 .......... .. .. 44 JI Wlelltt. -l1 ,JI -.... ·"·-------------· n " " ,. ,. .. ., . ,, 1' n • . .. ..... ~ ................. .., ,.,,,, ~ "''" ...... ., .... ............... , ...... ,, ~ .................... .... lllf llPllT ..................... . ~--r ..... lltlft'--~----...-_,, ..... u .............. ... .,..... "-" """" ..... ...,.. ...... .., ....... . '119~---nw..., .... r etfl< •••'""'"' '" Ill• ,. ...... ., ...... , Ille (1 Ufor 11lo ........, ...... ..... Exientlsd Schmitz files for Senate ~late Sen. John Scbmtt& officially became a RepubU~an ,candidate for nomination to the U.S. Senate Thuradu. The 51-year-old Corona del Mar resident, who has represented the Oran1e Coast's 36th state Senate District slnce 1978, submitted his nomination papers and paid a flllni ree shortly before noon, accordine to a s pokeswoman for the Orange County Registrar of Voters Office. The papers were submitted by Sch~itz ' daughter, Mary Sch~1tz, because the senator was m Sacramento accordini to Schmitz aide Brad Evans. o.ltf ............ .., 9MY ...,_ BUMPER TO BUMPER -Traffic backs up during the Thursday afternoon rush hour on the San Diego Freeway in Costa Mesa as light rain falls. This photo. taken at 4:30 p .m .. shows northbound traffic from the Corona del Mar Freeway (left) reeding into the San Diego route near the Fairview Road interchange. Scouts plant redwoo<h in UCI project Boy Scouts from Tfoop 330 in Newport Beach will plant 300 "test-lube " r edwood trees Saturday in the Ernest A. Ball Redwood Grove at UC Irvine. Warmer Saturday, maybe rain Sunday The tree planting is a service project of Seott Shackleton to obtain the rank of Eagle Scout. Shackleton is a freshman at Corona del Mar High School. UCI's trees are the result of the first successful technique for growing cloned redwoods from a .s ingle piece of tissue. The method was developed by Dr. Ball, emeritus professor of biological sciences. The trees were donated to the campus by Simpson Timber Co., sponsor of the research. Warmer weather and clearer skies with some high cloudiness were expected along the Orange Coast for Saturday after intermittent rain fell early this morning and Thursday night. But another low-pressure system is expected to move in off the ocean Sunday and there's a chance of more rain then. Three people were injured in a . Costa Mesa accident Thursday night on a wet street. A car driven by Dawn Marie Ras mussen, 16, of Laguna Hills crossed over the center divider on Mesa Verde Drive East and collided head-on with a car driven southwest by Charles Richard 'Brown. 49. of Fountain Valley, night press foreman at the Daily Pilot,. police said. Mi ss Ra s musse n and passenger Victor Joseph VaJles, 16 .. of Costa Mesa were taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital following the 9: 15 p.m. crash. Valles was reported in serious condition this morning, Mi ss Ras musse n in good condition. Brown was listed in fair Mayor said 'progressing' at hospital Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather is reportedly in fair condition today and i s ·•progressing very well,'· according to her doctor. Officials al Hoag Memorial Hospital declined to name the physician who has been treating the 52-year-old mayor since she was hospitalized after suffering a s troke al her home last Sunday. Speaking through a hospital spokeswoman, the mayor's physician sajd Mrs. Heather is "alert and orientated." "She is in very · good spirits and s he enjoyed a good breakfast this morning," the spokeswoman said. condition today at the same hospitaJ. H1,1ntineton Beach received .17 of an inch of rain between 5 p.m. Thursday and .8 a.m. today. • Kiwanis g arage sale pla nne d The Irvine Kiwanis Club until 3 p.m .. when all unsold will hold its fourth annuaJ items, plus various antique garage sale and auction and other art objects will be beginning at 8 a.m. Sunday, auctioned, he said. March ~1, at ~e parking lot People wishing to donate or Merit Savings & Loan items to the sale can make Assoc., 5392 WaJnut Ave. -arra agements for them to be The sale is the c lub's picked up by calling 559-4974. largest fund-raising activity Proceeds of the s ale and of the year, said spokesman auction will go to local William Ackman. It will run charities, Ackman said. • lroine candidate~' nig hts set Irvine Quorum , a non-partisan political group, has scheduled two separate candidates' night discussions for people seeking local elected offices in the June 8 elections. Candidates for Irvine City Council's two openings wilJ be il)Vited to attend a session al 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 22 at t h e stu dio of Community Cablevision. No live audience Will be allowed because of the tight space . On Tuesday, March 30, candidates.for three openings on the Board of Directors of the Irvine Ranch Water District will be invited to a 7:30 p.m. discussion at Irvine City Hall. The public will be invited to that session. Both meetings will be televised on the local cable TV channel. • Ski club set s slave auction The ski clu~ at Sa<Jdleback College's North Campus in Irvine will bold a s tudent "slave auction" Saturday at 8: 30 a. m. to raise qioney for the club. Students sold during the auction will be available for s uch tasks as window washing, car washing, yard work, house cleaning, tutoring , babysitting, painting and moving. Students will be available to work from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. the same day ~ the auction. The minimum mid rate is $5 per hour. The Irvine campus is located at 5500 Irvine Center D r i v e . F o r m ·o re information, call 559-9300, extension 228. ~~~....,de~.,. ~~ /f'&~~ See the 1983 Nordica Trident with its special Air Fit System Today. Also ·SA• f in PROGRESS 011°.al 1981-82 SKI GEAR in Stocki Saw, 20 to 50% - ' • -... ClllA -111111 FRIDAY. MARCH 12. 1982 ORANGE COUN l V. CA LIFOR N IA 25 C ENTS FDR son labels family revelation 'poppycock' By .J £FF ADLE& Of .. 0-. ........... Franklin And Eleanor Roosevelt's eldest son James. a Newport Beach resident, sa.ld today the latest deta.lla of his parents' private lives are "petty and unproven" and will have little effect on blstory. Roosevelt said be didn't know anything about reports that Army counter·intelllfence · agent' flied s urvei'I ance reports, opened mail and once . bugged his mQlher's hotel room during World War II. Also, the agents claimed that Pulilter Prize.w i nn i ng Roosevelt biographer Josepb Lash had an affair with the president's wife ln UM3. Lash, in his latest book entitled "Love, .,...., ......... "-- A ~1 ,12~ s .MILE -J ohn Lara of Laguna Beach w as only domg his Job at Lag una Chevron. but vis iting custome r E . Don Rott o f T exas found his work and attitude e_xcellent. Rott tipped Lara two first class round-trip t ickets to Dalla s a nd a bottle of wine. then drove away into the sunset. Cheer' s the ticket Gqs station smile wins Dallas trip A s mile a nd a little politeness can go a long way -all the way to Dallas a nd back. if you 're John Lara of La guna Beac h. Lara. a syndicated political cartoonist who works pa rt time as an attendant at Laguna Chevron, offered his us ual grin. happy hello, windshield wipe and oil check when he filled up Te xas businessman E. Don Rott·~ car last week. Rott, so impressed with young Lara's conviviality. tipped him a bottle of wine and two round-trip first class tickets to Da llas -valued at $1 ,128. "I didn't really do anything dirf e rent than r us ually do," Lara mused . ·;He j ust said I was a nice guy and left me the wine a nd tickets. "The wine is gone, but the tickets aren't. Any attractive, s ingle women interested in seeing Dalla s should apply at Laguna Chevron," he said. Has the generous tip brightened Lara's attitudes about the gas station p rofession '.' "Oh yeah," he said. "I'm angling for a trip to Rio." Warmer Saturday, maybe rain Sunday W-4rmer weather and clearer skies with some high cloudiness were expected along the Orange Coast for Saturday after intermittent rain fell early this morning and Thursday night. But another low-pressure system is expected to move in off the ocean Sunday and there's a chance or more rain then. Three people were injured in a Costa Mesa accident Thursday night on a wet street. A car driven by Dawn Marie Rasmussen. 16, of Laguna Hills WORLD crossed over the center divider on Mesa Verde Drive East and collided head-on with a car driven southwest by Charles Richard Brown. 49, of Fountain Vahey, night press 'foreman at the Daily Pilot, police said. Mi ss Ra sm u sse n a nd passenger Victor Joseph Valles, 16., of Costa Mesa were taken to Fountain Valley' Community Hospital following the 9: 15 p.m. crash. Valles was reported in serious condition this morning, <See WEATHER, Page A!) Goldfalla again LONDON (AP> -Gold's price fell up to $10 a troy ounce to a 2~·year low in European tra~ini· today. Gold traded in New York as low as $318. . NATION WOITied reaidenta may junk iown ftesjden ts of a tiny Oregon community are so worried about a guru's sect taklnl over, th~y may vote to dissolve the co!Dmunity. Pa.ge A8. Stock market off NEW YORK <AP> -Stock prices declined bro~clly toda)'. Th' Do~ Jonea av~ra1e of 30 lndUltrlal lk>Cks was c1own '113 points to 798.23 after five hours of trading. .. - Eleanor ," details the surveillance, but denies having the affair. Roosevelt, asked to comment about the account, said, "He's <Lash) said it's all a lot of poppycock. Its too bad people's Ii ves have to be dredged up all the time." Roosevelt said reading the details of bis parents' private llveJ in the newispapers doesn't make him "happy," but be· understands that people in public life have to be resigned to surrendering their private lives. He added such accounts do not make any difference at all to hi story, especially when they are "petty and unproven." Roosevelt suggested that the current spate or revelations, s uch as the on e concerning FDR's White House recording system, were ln1pired by the recent lOOlh annlyersary of bJs father's birth. Although Roosevelt said he r e ads many or th e boo ks publi s h e d ~ con ce rning his father's presidency, he doesn't inte nd lo .read Lash's new release. ·'I doubt whether I shall read it, it's in the gossip area and doesn't intere s t me ," he remarked. Lash, 72, authored the 1971 Pulitzer-winning biography, "Eleanor and Franklin " Low-·altitude alarm :missed: Air~al probes reason pilot, copilot not notified-of trouble LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two air traffic controllers apparently failed to notice a low-altitude alarm recorded by a computer at Ontario International Airport for an Air California flight that subsequently struck a cable and s kidded off a runway , an investigator says. Keith McGuire of the National Transportation Safe t y Board sa id Thur s da y further investigation will be conducted to determine why the alarm was not conveyed to the pilot and copilot of the Boeing 737 , who 83 teachers • receive layoff news By JODI CADENHEAD Of ti. o.lly ~ ... St.ff The mood was blac k on c ampuses throughout the Newport-Mesa Unified District Thursday as some teachers learned they might be out of a job next year. The names or 83 full-time teac hers who will r e ceive notices or intent for dismissal . were delivered by district offic ials to principals at 22 schools Thursday morning. Another 30 teachers on temporary status are scheduled for possible layoffs too. In the past few years the approach of March 15 bas meant heartache and the end or a career for many teachers in the financially strapped district that has lost about 1,000 students ever y year since 1976. By law the district must mail notices of intent for layoffs by that date. Last yoar 100 teachers received notices and 79 were laid orr. Until a hearing April 26, the names of those scheduled for termination mus t r e main confide ntial , sai d district officials. With 10 teachers named , Corona del Mar High School led the list of those who may lose their jobs next year. It was not a high mark of dis tinction for principal Dennis Evans . "We win most of the events we participate in against other schools," s aid Evans . "But that's not one we're proud of." Evans sajd that most of the teachers at the school were resigned to the fact that the bad news was coming. "It's nothing new," he added. "We've had close to that numbeq in previous years. There was] some sense of resignation that it was going to occur:• Georgiana McLeod, principal at Lincoln Middle School lnl Newport Beach, said three of the school's best teachers are on the list. <See TEACHER, Page A.%) STATE have been suspended from flight duty over questions as to whether they followed proper procedure in m aintaining altitude. On Feb. 15, the plane, inbound from Seatt le and Oakland. clipped two 250-foot-high power pole cables four miles from the runway, then changed course for Los Angeles International Airport, 60 miles away. Unknown lo the pilots , the hydraulic lines that operate the plane's brakes and reve rse thrusters had been broken. The aircraft was unable to stop on the LAX runway and skidded 9ff the end into an e mbankment. No injuries were reported among the 117 passengers and fiv e crew members Investigators said they were una ble to learn definitively from Ca pt. Thomas Hall, 41 , and First Officer Jose Heriberto Matos, 47 , wh y th e pl ane wa s apparently flying at 1,250 feet above sea level, 250 feet lower than the mandatory minimum altitude and slightly less than 250 above ground at that point. M cGu i r e said they were A net.t', new Pilot TV Log 0 0 , The Dail y P i lot's easier-to·reAd television log for the week starts today, featuring a ne w standard hour and channels listing in large. easy to read type. Daytime shows. morning and afternoon movies, sports highlights and special television features are included in the revamped Pilot TV Log. Look· for the newly designed Pilot TV Log today inside the Pilot Weekender section. 000 New political role urged for business By JOEL C. DON Of tM D .. ly ~-St.ff Throwing full support behind the Reagan administration's ne w federalis m program, the head or a major Newport Beach firm urged fellow bus iness leaders Thursday to become more active in local and slate government. Walter Gerken, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Pacific Mutual Life Ins urance Co., said businessmen mus t embrace the· political m ac h ine to solve Orange County's major problems in housing, transportation, water and energy. "W e hav e to mo ve government out of the areas where it doesn't belong," he told more than 600 people at the annual dinner meeting of the Indus trial League of Orange Couniy, formerly the Greater Irvine Industrial League. The dinner was held at the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa. "At the same time," Gerken continued, "We have to work cooperatively with government ·i n those areas where it does ha ve an important role and responsibility to serve society." . The 59-year-old Corona del Mar resident said government SUPPORT -Insurance firm chief Walter Gerken urged bus inessmen to be come more active in government. procedures on building permits must be replaced to encourage more housing construction in the county . He sa id zoning (See GERKEN, Page AZ) INDEX "somewhat vague" in their. expla nation. . As for the alarm, be said that among the possibilities to be explored are that the equipment may have malfunctioned and raiJed to activate a buzzer and fl ashing light , a nd that a low-altitude alarm triggered for a nother plane only moments before the accident may have masked the subsequent warning on the AirCal flight. The earlier United Airlines rtight was given the wanting, a nd i t s fl ight path was corrected, McGuire said. Offshore oil bids kept mum By STEVE MARBLE Of tlle o.ily ~-Staff Oil company executives are keeping their cards covered on whether they intend to bid for oir drilling rights off the Newport Beach and Lag una Beach shorelines. Unless the federal government takes steps to eliminate tracts off the coastlines of both towns, oil firms can begin bidding in June. Barry Lane, a spokesman for Union Oil, said his company doesn't want It known whether it· will enter into the bidding. Union Oil previously bid for all drilling rights three miles off Newport but the government r ejected the company's $1 million offer. "This is a competitive thing," Lane explained , "a nd we c e rtai nly don't w ant other companies knowing what we're going to do.'' City officials in Newport and Laguna are concerned that offshore drilling or exploration could dent tourism, open the door for an oil s pill and pose navigational hazards. Both cities have taken positions that. in errecl. oppose offs hore drilling . Huntington Beach, which has establis hed drilling pla tforms off its shoreline, hasn't. A spokesman from one oil firm said the word is that petroleum companies are lukewarm to bidding on the tracts off Newport and Laguna and are skeptical that there is a large amount or oil out there. In a lease sale, oil firms are as ked to put "risk" money up front for a tract. In other words, firms gamble on whether there is a large oil pool below the tract. A successful bidder also must pay the federal or state government an annual rent a s well as a royalty on profits. Royalty fees range from l2 t.o 16 r,ercent. <see OFFSHORE, Page A.%) Death penall.y /or Bonin Al Yo.JI' Service Business California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Stan Delaplane Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoeeope lntermluiOft A4 Ann Landers 84·5 Movies A5 Mutual Funds B2 NationalNews C7 Public Notices B3 Restaurants 83 Sports 82 Weekender 84 A3 B4,C5-6 Weekender Cl..S B5 TVLo1 Weekender A2 .u LOS A~qELES <~P> -Twice-paroled s ex of.fender Wtlham Bomn, the convicted Freeway Killer, was .sentenced today to death in the gas chamber for ·10 homosexual torture·murders. Muhap /or Amtrak 'Spiiif SAN LUIS OBISPO <AP> -The locomotive and two cars of Amtrak's Spirit of California derailed. today. ~ the cars remained upright. COUNTY Airline acce•• iuue retunu The county Board ol SUpervtiors wlU arappl,e again next week with the touchy issue of airline access to John Wayne Airport. Page Bl. 82 Stock Markets C5 Television Ae Theaters Weekender Weather BZ World News WeekeJ!der SPORTS Ram; W •ign /OM .. 1 bally Pilot writer Jobn Sevano reports lhe Jtam1 are close to sl1nin1 former Baltimore Colts quarterback Bert Jones .. Pqe Cl. .. .. . .. GERKEN ON BUSINESS •.. ordinances and bulldln1 codes abould be modified lo h~p rechace tbe houaln1 crunch. ,. ''Bulld!n1 code and 1onln1 chances do not necessarily lead fo a lower standard of housing," he aald, "But rather (to) a d'IUerent, more appropriate I ftandard, •considering land • •aluea. need for energy tonservation and easy access to ' transportation." r /1 Gerken suggested Industrial League members join with the Orange County Transportation Coalitloo, a private lobby group, fight for more state funding the county's beleaguered bway system. He also said e group might consider rming a political action mmittee to "protect the rights .Orange Count y in the istative area." ~·"Because of the lead time cessary for a highway or er transportation project to come on line, the efficiency imd adequacy of Oranae County transportation not only will not improve, but will decline within the next 10 years," he said. The group mu1 t lobby for funds for the Corona del Mar Freeway. the San Joaquin Hilla and the Foothill transportation corridors, he said . Gerken added that a recent trip to Washington, D.C .. revealed little financial assistance from the federal government should be expected to help solve tbe coul1ty's transportation woes. "We must be prepared In Orange County to bite the bullet as far as providing the necessary financing," he said. ''A self-imposed gasoline tax which would stay here, a sales tax earmarke d for trans portation (and) toll roads have been items that have been suggested." ACHER DISMISSALS ... . "It was three of my top afC, "said Ms. McLeod. "It will very difficurt to replace em." Les Ferguson a principal at llybrooke elementarv school, s confident that the two cbers on the list from the sta Mesa school wouldn't lose " ir ]obs. ft;:, "They both received notices • t year," said Ferguson. The • st time they receive it It's a l ock to the nervous system. It's ~ 11 a bummer, though.·' ~ . The list released Thursday included: · High Schools : Costa Mesa, 9; Corona del Mar, 10; Estancia, 9, and Newport Harbor, 8. Middle Schools: Davis, 3; Ensign, 2; Kaiser, 1; Lincoln, 3, and TeWinkle, 6. E l eme ntary Sc hools : AntJersen, 2; Bear Street, l ; College Park, 3; Harbor View, 5; Killybrooke, 2; Lindbergh, 1; Mariners, 1; Newport, ~; Newport Heights, 4; Paularlno, l ; Pomona , l ; Whittier , 3; Wilson, 2, and Woodlands, 2. fbFFSHORE OIL BIDS .•• ~ .. · • K e n Delino , Newport's executive assistant to the city manag er , said it is his µnderstanding that a minimum 'bid for a tract off Newport could be as high as $864,000. But oil executives said government officials can reject any b_id they want. "If the highest bidder turns out to be $5 million." explained U n ion O il 's Lane, "the government can still turn it down i.f it feels it's not high enough." Lane added, though, that his colleagues in the oil business are encouraged by Secretary of the 'Interior James Watt's position on offshore oil drilling. · "He's made no bones about the fact that he wants to go for it.'' said Lane. Democrats hit ·rhetoric' WASHINGTON CAP > - President Reagan s hows no .15igns of abandoning what .c;ongressional Democrats say is partisan rhetoric that can only s talemate the search for a bipartisan alternative to his embattled budget. "To level a blanket blame on one party as being the originator and cause of all ills does not give ihat party a great deal of desire to bend over backwards to try to find a solution ," said Rep. James R. Jones, D·Okla., chairman of the House Budget Committee. In a letter to Ho us e Republican leader Robert H. Michel of llllnois, Reagan said Thursday, "We can't let political rhetoric and the us ual 'quick fixes' take the place of our balanced program which is designed to bring us out or our economic doldrums .'• Schmitz files for Senate State Sen. John Schmitz otftclaUy became a Republican candidate for nomlnatioo to the U.S. Senate Thursday. The 51-year·old Corona del Mar resident , wh o baa represented the Oranae Cout's 36th state Senate District since 1978, submitted bis nomination papers and paid a lilln1 fee shortly before noon, according to a spokeswoman ror t he .Orange County Registrar of Voters Office. • The papers were submitted by Sc hmitz' daughter, Mary Schmitz, because the senator was in Sacramento, according to Schmitz alde Brad Evans. Besides running in the GOP primary, Schmitz stilJ intends to run as a write-in candidate for the Democratic U .S. Senate nomination as well, Evans confirmed. Schmitz is seeking the seat being vacated by the retiring Republican incumbent, Sen. S.I. Hayakawa. Candidates in the crowded Republican fielq for the seat include R ep. Barry Goldwater, R-Woodland Hills; Rep . Paul Mccloskey Jr., R -Me nlo Park ; Maureen Reagan , da'ughter of the president; and San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. The front-runner for the Democratic nomination is Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr .. who formally announced his candidacy Wednesday in Los Angeles. Scouts plant redwoods in UC/ project Boy Scouts from Troop 330 in Newport Beach will plant 300 ·'test-tube'· redwood trees Saturday in the Ernest A. Ball Redwood Grove at UC Irvine. The tree planting is a service project of Scott Shackleton to obtain the rank of Eagle Scout. Shackleton is a freshman at Corona del Mar High School. UCI's trees are the result or the first successful technique for growing cloned redwoods from a .single piece o f tissue. The method was developed by Dr. Ball, emeritus professor of biological sciences. The trees were donated to the campus by Simpson Timber Co., sponsor of the research. The firs t six trees of the redwood grove, located next to the new Biological Sciences Research Facility, were planted in dedication ceremonies last January. <;louds hang around cou1e1 •••u a nd snow In Ill• mounlelns. Par1ty <1-Y -nd•y •nd moslly fair Tuesday. Local stronQ gusty wlftdt In Ille -IM Sunday and Monday dacreasln9 C l Tundey, HIQl'd '" Ille <o•sl•I ...... oa,s ta m id· 10 -'°' -mostly In Ille 40s In Ille mountelns. OverntqM lows Soutfl to toliltleHI winds I lo IS 0 to SS In the ~•I e rees -JS to ~llOls llecoml119 wes1 to M1Utflwest n JS In Ille mountelns. to It knots. ~•r1y •-ts 2 to, __________ _ ~~•<•••••no cloudtneu Srrwg Tiit Air Oueltty M•negement I u s summary District precltctl 900cf elr q11e0ty ~ • • • everyone In Ille Soutll CMlt elr llalll • tllrouqll Friday. " Tllunclentorms accompenl•d by Tiie AOMO esslqned Potlutton Ill felt Ill peru of WVOmlnt -Standard lndlta (PSI) retl119S of 0 -U..rn ---Y. wltll snow for alt·~ tit -of the II..,_ eleveti<IM. ,~ so , A few tllulldentorms sped over ------------ 1,ltell, wltll winds llP to JO mpll T emperatures 9fewl.,. Kross Ille state. Sllowffs --- atlCI tMw.., -mt 1111 ,,. mid· and -11\·Allantk <-t.I states. ~ 'tll• Netlo11al Weetller Servi<• 1~kted ralll from the tout~I lo lll• UPP•• Mlulsslppl Vettey, ~•ho_,. •uected owr ti. ~lfk Nof1'-tl -mudl of New ......... f.1.-.e, .... _.., ... .u.~w"'keulcl. lllelt of cold •Ir 1111 Or...., -• 011 Tllursde y, p1un9ln9 ~'9r•turwll' alld <•uslno pewer .......... Alld • slonll "'°"'"' 11110 :C•lerMo aoc:hct tlle Aocltles wltll hid .... -. TeM_.ture • .._. Ille MtlOll terry IOCl•y ran09d from 10 In tel\, kll .. to 7S 111 Key West, Fie. :California , A "°"" "'9t left -m., .,._, end •• lee1t tllr•• otllers llurt In ,.111-rereted <•• cre sll•• wes. =._. to yte.-t• felr .... -rdey, fellewd by • tterM .... Ill SurWJ ................... ~M NMleMI W...-Serilce Yid • ...,,.... 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" RESCUE WORK -Costa Mesa firem~n and paramedics work to free Dawn Rasmussen, 16, of Laguna Hills, from wreckage of her car Deity ..... ""-"·~ •.-.r after accident Thursday night. Three people were injured in head-on crash. From PageA1 Blizzard, flooding ravage parts of West WEATHER .. Miss Ras mussen in good condition. Brown was listed in fair condition today at the same hos pital. By Tbe Associated Presa A blizzard with winds gusting lo 129 mph dumped heavy snow across southeast Wyoming and northwest Colorado today while flooding forced about 50 families to evacuate their homes in centr al Arizona. More than 2 inches of rain feU at Flagstaff. Ariz .. during the night, swelling c reeks and rivers. The evacuations were ordered in the Williams and Sedona areas. The National Weather Service said a blizzard left up to hall a foot of snow in parts of the Rockies and a wind gust of 129 mph was clocked at the Rawhide Power Plant 20 miles southwest of Cheyenne, Wyo. A slushy storm in Colorado on Thursday was blamed for a crash in which a bus slid into a river , injuring 45 people, while a. blast of cold air brought 77-mph eusts to Oregon and plunged I daho temperatures by 23 degrees in a matter of manutes. The cold front that hit Idaho and Oregon caused power fa ilures as utility poles were knocked down by high winds. Mayor said 'progressing' at hospital Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather Is reportedly in fair co nd ition today and is ''progressing ·very well ,·· according to her doctor . Officials at Hoag Me morial Hospital decLined to name the physician who has been treating the 52-year-old mayor since she was hospitalized after suffering a s troke at her home last Sunday. Speaking through a hospital spokeswoman, the mayor's physician s aid Mrs. Heather is "alert and orientated." "She is in very good spirits and s he e njoyed a good breakfast this morning," the spokeswoman said . Mrs. Heather remains in the Newport Beach hospital's intensive care unit. ' . But within an hour after the front arrived, skies were blue again. A spokesman al the city golf course al Ontario, Ore., said wind gusts were measured at 77 mph about 1 p.m .. and later in the day the Boise Airport reported a gust of 48 mph. Officials at the Bogus Basin ski resort near Boise said they shut down a chair lift after it was struck by lightning. Idaho Power Co. said several power poles were knocked down, causing intermittent power failures. Huntington Beach received .17 of an inch of rain between 5 p.m. Thursday and 8 a .m . today. according to J. Sherman Denny, weatherman. He said the rainfall total for this year is 7 .36 compared to 9. 74 total on March 12, 1981. The rainfall total for 1981 was 10.62, Denny said. Costa Mesa had .11 of rain; Santa Ana .12, Santiago Peak .60 and .19 was recorded at V1.Jla Park Dam, accordin g to a s pokesman for the Orange County Flood Control District. •Mesa High,'62 grads to meet The first graduating class <>f Costa Mesa High School is looking for 1962 graduates to plan their 20-year reunion in June. The celebration will include a dinner dance and a family picnic . For more information, call 751·8939 or 897·5049. ·~'s play opens in Me8a T he junior division of the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse will present the children's musical fantasy "Alphje is a Friend of M ine " this weekend and next. Dina Fayer plays the title role with J ennifer Mooslln, Ai m ee Schulman, Beth Psonas, Susan Waters, Tim Titus, Laurie Connally, Wendy Fenneman, Hugh and J ennifer Marshall, Julie Ferguson, J ennifer Brody and Erin Case completing the cast. Performances will given. Fridays at 8 p .m . and Saturdays at 4 p.m. in the playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Tickets are $1.50 and advance reser vations may be made by calLing the playhouse at 754-5159. • Plnoornenl, test.s signups set ( Registration for the required English Placement tests at Orange Coast College begins Monday. Students interested in enrolling in English classes at the Costa Mesa college next fall are required to take the test, offered next month. Regis tration will be available in the Testing Office from l to 4 p.m .. beginning March 15. Cost is St.ZS. For more information call 556-5789. • See the 1983 Nordica Trident with its special Air fit System Today. Also • ·SAi F in PRoGREss on .ci 1981-82 SKI GEAR in stodd Sav, 20 to 50% •oPERALL WEF.*110818 nu.1• • • I HIOAY M l\IH H 1 .· 1'111.' OHAN(,t < OUN I Y l Al II OH NIA 7'1 Cf NT ~ . FDR son labels .family revelation 'poppycock' BY I EFI' ADUR .................. ·Franklin And Eleanor Rooaevelt'a eldest son James, a Newport Beach resident, aald today the lat.eat details of bla parents' private Uves are "petty ·and unproven'' and will have Uttle effect· on blatory. Roosevelt said be didn't know anything about reports that A rl!ly counter-lntetllftnce agents filed survei'l anee reports, opened mall and once bugeed his mo~er'a hotel room durin1 World War II. Also, the a1enta claimed that Pulitzer Prize -wlnnin1 Roosevelt bioarapber Josepb Lash bad an affair with the president's wife in 1943. Lub, in bis latest book entitled "Love, Deity,... .......... A ~1 ,12~ S~ILE -John Lara of Laguna Beach was only domg his JOb at Laguna Chevron, but visiting customer E. Don Rott or Texas found his work and attitude e.xcellent. Rott tipped Lara two first class round-trip ~1ckets to Dallas and a bottle of wine, then drove away mto the sunset. Cheer' s the ticket Gas station smile· wins ballas trip A smile and a little politeness can go a long way -a ll the way to 'Dallas and back. if you're John Lara or Laguna Beach .. Lara, a syndicated political cartoonist who works part time as an attendant at Laguna Chevron, offered his usual grin, happy hello, windshield wipe and oil ch~ck when he filled up Texas businessman E. Don Rott'::: car last week. Rott1 so impressed with young Lara's conviviality. tipped him a bottle of wine and two round-trip first class tickets to Dallas -valued at Sl,128. "I didn't really do anything different than 1 usually do," Lara mused. "He just said I was a nice guy and left me the wine and tickets. "The wine is gone. but the tickets aren't. Any attractive. single women interested in seeing Dallas should apply at Laguna Chevron." he said. Has the generous tip brightened Lara's attitudes a bout the gas station profession ? "Oh yeah." he said. "I'm angling for a trip to Rio." Warmer Saturday, maybe ·rain Sunday Warmer weather and clearer skies with some high cloudiness were expected along the Orange Coast fo r Saturday a fter intermittent rain fell early this morning and Thursday night. But another low-pressure system is expected to move in off the ocean Sunday and there's a chance of more rain then. Three people were injured in a Costa Mesa accident Thursday night on a wet street. A car driven by Dawn Marie Rasmussen, 16, of Laguna Hills WORLD crossed over the center divider on Mesa Verde Drive East and collided bead-on with a car driven southwest by Charles Richard Brown. 49. of Fountain Valley, night press foreman at the Dally Pilot, police said. Mi ss Rasmussen and passenger Viet.Qr Jo,epb Valles, 16. of Costa Mesa were taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospit.al following the 9: 15 p.m. crash. Valles was reported in serious condition this morning, <See WEATHER, Pa1e A%) Go.Id fall• as a in ! • LONDON CAP) -Gold's price fell up to $10 a· troy ounce to a 2'h-year low in European tra~na· today. Gold traded in New Yofk as low as $318. · NATION . Wonied re•identa may junlc town Residents of a tiny Ore1on community are so worried about a guru's sect taking over, they may vote to dissolve the co!Dmunity. Pqe A8. Money •upply •U11Je• The Federal Reserve reported thla afternoon that the nation'• mcmey supply 01·1) waa up $3.4 billion for the week, about what analysts feared. • r Eleanor ," details the aurveUJance, but denies bavin1 the affair. Roosevelt, asked to comment about the account, said, "He's <Lash) said it's all a lot of poppycock. Its too bad people's lives have to be dredged up all the time." . Roosevelt said readin1 the .details of his parents' private lives in the newspapers doesn't make him "ha ppy," but be· understands that people in public Ufe have to be reai1ned to surrenderinl tbelr private lives. He added such accounts do not make any difference at all to history, especially when they are ''petty and unproven." Roosevelt suggested that the current spate of revelations, s uch as the one concernina FDR's White House recording system, were inspired by the recent lOOth anniversary of his father's birth. Although Roosevelt said he Intend lo read Lash 's new release. ·'I doubt whether I shall read It, it's in the gossip area and doesn't inter est me," he remarked. reads many of the book~ash, 72, authored the urn published concer nina his P itzer-winning biography, rather's presidency. he doesn't "E eanor and Franklin " Low-altitude alarm missed Air9al probes reason pilot, copilot not notified-of trouble LOS ANGELES CAP) -Two air traffic controllers apparently failed to notice a low-altitude alarm recorded by a computer at Ontario International Airport for an Air California flight that subsequently struck a cable and s kidded off a runway, an investigator says. Keith McGuire of the National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday further investigation will be conducted to determine why the alarm was not conveyed to the pilot and copilot of the Boeing 737. who 83 teachers • receive layoff news By JODI CADENHEAD Of Hie Daily PttM s- T he mood was black on campuses throughout the Newport-Mesa Unified District Thursday as some teachers learned they might be out ot a job next year. The names of R3 full-time teachers who will receive notices or intent for dismissal were delivered by district officials to principals at 22 schools Thursday morning. Another 30 teachers on temporary status are scheduled for possible layoffs too. In the past few years the approach of March 15 has meant heartache and the e nd of a career for many teachers in the financially strapped district that has lost about 1,000 students every year since 1976. By law the district must mail notices of intent for layoffs by that date. Last yoar 100 teachers receiyed notices and 79 were laid ofr. Until a hearing April 26, the names of those scheduled for termination must r e main confidential, said district officials. With 10 teachers named, Corona del Mar High School led the list of those who may lose their jobs next year. It was not a high mark of distinction for principal Dennis Evans. "We win most of the events we participate in against other schools," said Evans. "But that's not one we're proud of." Evans said that most of the teachers at the school were resigned to the fact that the bad news was corning. "It's nothing new," be added. "We've had close to that number in previous years. There wa!- some sense of resignation that it was going to occur." Georgiana McLeod, principal at Lincoln Middle School in Newport Beach, said three of the school's best teachers are on the list. (~TEACHER, Pa1e A%) STATE have been suspended from flight duty over questions as ta whether they followed proper pro cedure in maintaining altitude. On Feb. 15, the plane, inbound from Seattle and Oakland; clipped two 250-foot-bigh power pole cables four miles from the runway, then changed course for Los Angeles International Airport, 60 miles away. Unknown to the pilots, the hydraulic lines that operate the plane's brakes and reverse thrusters had been broken. The aircraft was unable to stop on the LAX runway and skidded off the end into an embankment. No injuries were reported among the 117 passengers and five crew members. Investigators said they were unable to learn definitively from Capt. Thomas HaU, 41 , and First Officer Jose Heriberto Matos, 47 , why t h e plane was apparently Oying at 1,250. feet above sea level, 250 feet lower than the mandatory minimum altitude and slightly less than 250 above ground at that point. McGuire said they were A new, 1U!W Pilot TV Log 0 0 . The Daily Pilot's easier-to-read television log for the week starts today, featuring a new standard hour and channels listing in large, easy to read type. Daytime shows, morning and afternoon movies, sports highlights and special television features are included in the revamped Pilot TV Log. Look for the newly designed Pilot TV Loi today inside the Pilot Weekender aection. 000 New political role urged for business By JOEL C. DON Of .. D.tty ..... ,_ Throwing full support behind the Reagan administration's new federalism program, the head of a major Newport Beach firm urged fellow business leaders Thursday to become more active in local and state government. Walter Gerken, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Pacific Mutual We Insurance Co., said businessmen must embrace the political m achine to solve Orange County's major problems in housing, transportation, water and energy. "We hav e to mov e government out of the areas where it doesn't belong," be told more than 600 people at the annual dinner meeting of the Industrial League of Orange County, formerly the .Greater Irvine Industrial League. The dinner was held at the South Coast Plaza Hotel In Costa Mesa. "Al the same time," Gerken continued, "We have to work cooperatively with aovernment fo t hose areas where lt does have an Important role and responsibility to serve society." The 59-year-old Corona del Mar resident said government SUPPORT -Insurance fi~m chief Walter Gerken urged businessmen to become more active in government. procedures on building permits must be replaced to encourage more housing construction In the county . He said zoning (See GERKEN, Pa1e A2> INDEX "somewhat vague" in their explanation. . A's for the alarm, he said that among the possibilities to be explored are that the equipment may have malrunctloned and failed to activate a buzzer and flas hing light, and that a low-altitude alarm triggered for another plane only moments before the accident may have masked the subsequent warning . on the AirCal flight. The earlier United Airlines flight was given the warning, and its fl ight path was corrected, McGuire said. Offshore oil bids .kept mum By STEVE MARBLE Of tM o.lly l'tMe SUff Oil company executives are keeping their cards covered on whether they intend to bid for oil drilling rights off the Newport Beach and Laguna Beach shorelines. Unless the federal government takes steps to eliminate tracts off the coastlines of both towns, oil firms can begin bidding in June. Barry Lane, a spokesman for Union Oil , said bis company doesn't want it known whether it will enter into the bidding. Union Oil previously bid for <iii drilling rights three miles off Newport but the government r e jected the company's $1 million offer. ~ "This is a competitive thing," Lane explain ed, "and we certainly don 't want other companies knowing what we're going to do." City offi cials in Newport and Laguna are concerned that offs hore drilling or exploration could dent touris m . open the door for an oil spill and pose navigational hazards. Both cities have taken positions that, in effect, oppose offshore drilling. Huntington Beach, which has established drilling platforms off its shoreline, hasn't. A spokesman from one oil firm said the word is that petrole um companies are lukewarm to bidding on the tracts off Newport and Laguna and are skeptical that there is a large amount of oil out there. In a lease sale, oil firms are asked lo put "risk" money up front for a tract. In other words, firms gamble on whether there is a large oil pool below the tract. A s uccessful bidder also must pay the federal or state government an annual rent as well as a royalty on profits. Royalty fees range from 12 to 16 P.ercent. <see OFFSHORE, Pa1e AZ> Death penalty for Bonin Al Your Service Business California Cavalcade Claaalfted Comics Croa1word Stan Delaplane Death Notices Editorial htertabunetll HOl'OllCOPe InwmdMJon A4 Ann Landers 84·5 lllovlea AS Mutual F\mda BZ National News C'1 Public Notices 83 ' Restaurants 8a Sports 82 Weekender B4 A3 B4,C5-6 Weekender Cl-5 BS TVLo1 Weekender AZ A3 · LOS ANGELES (AP> -Twice-paroled sex of_f ender William Bonin, the convicted Freeway· Killer, we .sentenced today to death in the gas chamber for 'l<> homosexual torture·murders. MulaaP. for Amtrolc 'Spiiif SAN LUIS OBISPO CAP> -The locomotive and two can of Amtrak'• Splrtt of California derailed. today, but tbe ca.rs remained uPf'ilht. .. ' COUNTY Airline acce11 iaue relllnu The eounty Board ~ Supervlaon wtll 1rapple aaaln next week with tbe touchy lnue of alrllne' accea to John Wa)'lle Alrfort. P11e Bl. 8Z Stock Marketa CS Television Ae Theaters Weekender. Weat.ber B2 World News Weekellder ~ SPORTS llmrU lo •iBn Jons11 baily Pilot writer John SeYao fepe>rta the J\ams are cloae to sl1nln1 foriner Baltimore Colts quart.a'Mclt Bert J~ P.,. Cl. ' . • 1 ~--------~~---~~-------.............. ___..._ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Frld.y, M9tch 12, 1912 H ... --~--llll[lllm-------.· Daw JOnes Final OFF 8.18 , CLOSING 797 .37 f" ~ .... u.1 ..... ~~· ----------~·~ VB Compulea or Orange bas been placed under court-ordered receivership, according to the state attorney general's off\ce. Daniel Foley, president of Foley Accountancy in TusUn, bas been appointed as . receiver ... Alfttcl I. heber wiU take c:wer as president of Newport Beach·based Far West Savine• &c Loaa Aaaoclatlon April 1. He succeeds William Popejoy, who left Far West Dec. 1 for a position with Financial Federation.Inc. of Los Angeles . . . Stang Hydrollles lac. of San Clemente said it bas purchased GST IDdutrlea lac. or Westminster. GST manufactures parts for the defe nse, oil and aerospace Industries . llllli <:::z Maratboll OU Co. bas merged with U.S. Steel, making the combination the 12th largest U.S. indus trial company. More than two·tbirds of Marathon's common stock voted Thursday in favor.or merging the naUon's 17th-largest oil company w1th U.S. Steel in a $6.2 billion dollar deal ... U.S. bu.alaesa laveflortea fell 0.4 percent to a seasonally adjusted $509.88 billion, the Commerce Department reported. The decrease of $2.08 billion followed a revised decline or 93.41 billion,· or o. 7 percent in December to an adjusted SSl 1.76 billion General Moton Corp. and Unit~ Auto Workers representatives have resumed talks on contract concessions the No. 1 domestic a utomaker says it needs to become more competitive. Meanwhile, the number of autoworkers on open·ended layoff at the five major domestic carmakers rose J.o 253,540 this week, while production plans for the week were up 49.5 percent from last week, according to industry reports. The automakers said indefinite layoffs were up from 249,710 last week. Temporary layoffs rose to 16,375 from 16,225 last week. The companies scheduled to°"'build l20,753 cars this week, up from last week's 80,772 but down l3.8 percent from last year's 140,039 in the same week, according to the Automotive News. . . American cooaumers won 't be affected by the U.S. ban on Libyan oil imports, but the current worldwide glut or oil will complicate Ljbya's efforts to find new customers, analysts say . llATE B •. ----... Financial FederatJon lac. ·said it has decided to merge its 11 separate savings and loan associations into one unit and will adopt a new na me for the combined operating entity -United Savings & Loan AssoclaUoa. Fin Fed has assets or more than $2.4 billion ... Frederick Mielke, chairman of Pacific Gas and Electric Co., said that if the troubled Diablo Caayoa nuclear power plant has to be scrapped, the utility building it would try to pass along the $2.4 billion loss to its ratepayers, as well as its stockholders . ~TOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ~ ~°= ~-..!:\-:ci:':' ...:~-"""sec: e-.,. -""°"'9 ntl'°'*ly el ....,.. .,_ " IBM ,.,,)W ~ Sii,., ""·'°° EJOO\ s '6ol,lllll ~Oii 4n,JOO Halldly Inn 452,71111 T...oy s 4'0,lllO OlllAAlrt s '32.tOD INCOL"' 412.-0 WllmrQlm ,,.,. MrwNI< ::: ~.~, m:: Otlcorp HantyMll 331,11111 UPS AND DOWNS H'llo -.,, l2 -1-17\lt -"' " -v. ""° -v. 1~ -I'll> ~ -'l'I .,._ _.,. 11~ -\It SI"--"' 5014 -~ 11 .. -\'-'"' _,,._ ts--'l'I .., -lll'o Pct. Up 12.t Up 10.3 Up I.• Up 1.7 Up 7.4 Up 7.J Uo 1.0 Up '-7 Up •. J Up 6.J Up 6.l Up " Up S.• Up s.• Up S.4 H: u Up S.2 ~ 5.2 l"a-12.S IU '·' ~2 1.1 L 7 '·~· l:r '·' t.s 1.1 u ... u. NEW Y()fll( VIPI -S.IM ""°" "'""....., -.,,.... cJ h IM mo.t Kio .. ~ S-0. ~ -1r11<1.no no,_ally et ....,...,_ " =~nll J'I0,60) ~ -\lo 13$,JCO 22\.~ -"' OornePtrl • 112.«lO 7•\ -"' -..1nc1s 86,000 ,,.,. +2 ~~ '?6~ .... -1-1' ""' -~ •'*GE.no n 6'.100 2'\ -Alts 66,200 • . ;I) Gollfeall II ... §00 • HIMOllTr .o.a 11'"' METALS NEW YOIU( (API Spot nonfe"°"' metal pric.tt-y: c., .. , 1•-..11 Ol\lt • pound , u S wstlftatloM. UM~ c-s a pound ZJIK 41 c-• !>0Uf10. cMllvered , .. $6_639t l!Mt.lls Week COMPOllt• lb ,.,_._.. , ... 71 c ... ,,. pound ... '( Man:.-, 11'11 00 ... , "•"· ,......_SDl.OOtroy or .. ff.V'. SILVER H•IMIY & Harman, 17 11211 per troy-•· GOLD QUOTATIONS ay TIM "-laM ~1 S.le<ted -1<1 votc1 prk es tc>oay: ~: "*1\lfto tlldfl9 Utt·'°· off ... u. ~: ~11•1"9UD.U,off $LSO. ,....._, SDU4, off 110. 1'. ... _.._, P2•.00.offll2,01. Zllrtc•: ~ 11•"'9 UZI 00. off 110.00 bid, PU.•ftkOCI, Mea•y & MerM••: only tl•llY ·-· PIUS,offaJL ........ , ~ lltlly ci.-. .an.ts .... .... a.....-1 t11ly .,.lly auotlt '~'"' $DUI, off•"- SYMBOLS ,